■lilt i ■; ill. C.TL2. U5 G549 US" CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Cornell University Library HE2712.U5 C549 ^*'®iiHi'!iiJ,?S,.,§!!3,tP* °* America, complalnan oljn 3 1924 030 124 436 h-^°[l%Z UNITED STATES CIRCUIT CODRT, DISTRICT OF UTAH. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Complainant, THE UNION PACIFIC EAILEOAD COMPANY, THE ORE- GON SHORT -LINE RAILROAD COMPANY, THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY, THE SAN PE- DRO, LOS ANGELES & SALT LAKE RAILROAD COM- PANY, THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAIL- WAY COMPANY, THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, FARMERS' LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, EDWARD H. HARRIMAN, JACOB H. SCHIFF, OTTO H. KAHN, JAMES STILLMAN, HENRY H. ROGERS, HENRY C. FRICK, AND WILLIAM A. CLARK, Defendants. IN EftTIITY. PETITION. To the judges of the Circuit Oourt of the United States for the dis- trict of Utah. Now comes the United States of America, by Hiram E. Booth, the United States attorney for the district of Utah, acting under direction of the Attorney-General of the United States, and brings this its proceeding by way of petition against the Union Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Utah ; The Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laWs of the State of Utah ; The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, a corporation organ- ized and existing under the laws of the State of Oregon ; 21479—07 1 The San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Eailroad Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Utah; The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Eailway Company, a corpora- tion organized and existing under the laws of the State of Kansas; The Southern Pacific Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Kentucky ; The Northern Pacific Kailway Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin ; The Great Northern Railway Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota ; The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York ; Edward H. Harriman, Jacob H. Schiff, Otto H. Kahn, James Stillman, Henry H. Rogers, citizens of the State of New York and residents of New York City; Henry C. Frick, a citizen of the State of Pennsylvania and resi- dent at Pittsburg, in said State ; and William A. Clark, a citizen of the State of Montana and resident at Butte, in said State, and complains and says : I. The defendants Union Pacific Railroad Company, Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, Southern Pacific Company, Northern Pacific Railway Company, and Great Northern Railway Company were, at the times hereinafter mentioned, and now are, common carriers employed in the transportation of freight and passengers among the several States of the United States and between such States and foreign nations, and as such carriers so employed were and are engaged in trade and commerce among the several States and with foreign nations. II. That from and after January 1, 1901, the defendants, Edward H. Harriman, Jacob H. Schiff, Otto H. Kahn, and James Stillman, with certain other persons who have joined with them from time to time, including the defendants, Henry H. Rogers and Henry C. Frick, have owned or controlled a majority of the capital stock of the de- fendant Union Pacific Railroad Company ; That during all of said time the said defendant, Edward H. Harri- man, has been, and still is, the chairman of the executive committee of the board of directors of said company, and since October, 1903, he has likewise been, and still is, the president of said corporation ; That the said Jacob H. Schiff, Otto H. Kahn, and James Stillman were, from a time prior to said January 1, 1901, and until the year 1906, directors of said corporation ; That said James Stillman has continued to be a director thereof, and that during all of said period, and until the year 1906, the said Otto H. Kahn and said Stillman were members of the said executive committee of said corporation, and said Stillman is still a member thereof ; That during all of said time the said Jacob H. Schiff and Otto H. Kahn were, and still are, members of a banking firm of the city of ' New York, doing business under the firm name and style of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., which said banking house is, and during all the times above stated has been, the fiscal agent of said Union Pacific Railroad Company, through which agent substantially all the purchases and sales of stocks and bonds hereinafter mentioned have been made ; That said defendant, Henry H. Rogers, has been a director of said corporation since the year 1902, and that said defendant, Henry C. Frick, has been a director of said corporation since the year 1904, and both said parties are still members of said board of directors ; That during all the times above mentioned, by by-laws of said company to that end enacted, the directors of said corporation have delegated their power to manage and direct the business and affairs of the said company to an executive committee of five members to act in such manner as such committee should deem best for the com- pany's interest in all cases in which specific directions shall not have been given by the board ; and it is and has been also provided by said by-laws that the chairman of said executive committee is authorized to represent that committee when it is not in session ; That pursuant to such by-laws the said defendant Harriman has, with the concurrence and assistance of said individual defendants, other than defendant Clark, who were members of the executive committee or directors of said company, dominated the affairs and controlled the management of said defendant Union Pacific Railroad Company. III. The defendant Union Pacific Railroad Company is, and during all of said times has been, the owner of lines of railway extending from Council Bluffs, Iowa, to Ogden, Utah ; from Julesburg, a point on said line, to Denver, Colo. ; from Denver to Cheyenne, Wyo., and a line from Kansas City, Mo., to Denver; That the predecessor of the said Union Pacific Railroad Company was organized under the act of Congress approved July 2, 1862 (12 Stat., 489) . Its charter was thereafter amended by the acts of July 2, 1864 (13 Stat., 356), February 24, 1871 (16 Stat., 430), and other acts. It constructed a line of railway from a point in Council Bluffs, Iowa, through Cheyenne, Wyo., to Ogden, Utah, with a branch from Julesburg to Denver, Colo.; That the Kansas Pacific Railway Company was previously incor- porated by special act of Congress as the Leavenworth, Pawnee & Western Eailroad Company (subsequently the Union Pacific Rail- road Company, eastern division), and constructed a line of railway from Kansas City, Mo., to Denver; That the Denver Pacific Railway & Telegraph Company was incor- porated under the laws of Colorado, and constructed the line of railroad from Denver to Cheyenne; That these railways were consolidated under the said act of Con- gress of 1862 into the Union Pacific Railway Company ; That the Central Pacific Railroad Company was organized under the laws of California, and constructed a line of railroad from Sacra- mento, Cal., to Ogden, Utah; That the Western Pacific Railroad Company was organized also under the laws of California, and constructed a line of railroad from San Francisco to Sacramento, Cal., and that these two latter corpo- rations were afterwards consolidated into and became the Central Pacific Railroad Company, which was for many years engaged in the operation of said line of railroad from San Francisco to Ogden, at which point it connected with the main line of said Union Pacific Railroad Company; That these lines of railroad were constructed by Government aid, consisting of land grants of 10 sections per mile of road, and Govern- ment bonds secured by a second mortgage upon the railways in the sum of $16,000 per mile in open country, $48,000 per mile for 300 miles of the railroad most mountainous and difficult of construction, and $32,000 per mile for the balance of the moimtainous railroad ; That by the act of Congress approved July 2, 1864, the said lines of railway receiving said aid, to wit, the Central Pacific Railroad Company, the Western Pacific Railroad Company, the Union Pacific Railway Company, the Kansas Pacific Railway Company, and the Denver Pacific Railway & Telegraph Company, constituting all of the said lines from Council Bluffs and from Kansas City, through Denver, Cheyenme, Ogden, and Sacramento, to San Francisco, were required to operate their lines as one continuous line, without dis- crimination against or in favor of any or either of said companies ; That in and by section 15 of said act of Congress approved July 2 1864, it was, among other things, provided " That the several compa- nies authorized to construct the aforesaid roads are hereby required to operate and use said roads and telegraph for all purposes of commu- nication, travel, and transportation, so far as the public and the Gov- ernment are concerned, as one continuous line, and in such operation and use to afford and secure to each equal advantages and facilities as to rates, time, and transportation, without any discrimination of any kind in favor of the road or business of any or either of said com- panies, or adverse to the road or business of any or either of the others." That by the act of Congress approved June 20, 1874 (18 Stat., Ill) , this provision was in substance reenacted, and any officer or agent of the companies refusing to operate and use the said railroads for all purposes of communication, travel, and transportation, so far as the public and the Government are concerned, as one continuous line, without discrimination as aforesaid, was declared to be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by fine and imprisonment; and any party injured was authorized to sue for damages or to procure an injunction to enforce its provisions. That the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company is, and during all of said times has been, the owner of a line of railway extending from a junction with said main line of the Union Pacific at Granger, Wyo., to Huntington, Oreg. ; also a line from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Butte, Mont.; That the defendant Oregon Eailroad & Navigation Company is, and during all of said times has been, the owner of a line of railroad from said Huntington, Oreg., to Portland, Oreg.; That all three of said lines of railway are the owners of important branch lines in various States; that substantially all the stock of said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company is, and during all said times has been, owned by said Union Pacific Railroad Company, and that substantially all the stock of said Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company is, and during all of said times has been, owned by said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company and said Union Pacific Rail- road Company, and that by means of such stock ownership said Union Pacific Railroad Company has at all times controlled and managed the said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company and said Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, and the lines of said three corporations have composed and still compose through main lines of track from Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Kansas City, Mo., upon the Missouri River, to said city of Portland, Oreg. ; That in the year 1901 said Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com- pany was the owner of a line of steamships plying between said Port- land, Oreg., and San Francisco, Cal., by way of the Willamette and Columbia rivers and the Pacific Ocean ; and through the ownership of the stock of a corporation to which said steamship line has been conveyed still owns the same ; and also was and still is the owner of the stock of a corporation known as the Portland & Asiatic Steam- 6 ship Company, which was running and still runs a line of steamships from said Portland to Japan, China, and other points of the Orient, and the said lines of steamships constitute, with said railway lines, through routes for the transportation of property and persons, both among the several States and with foreign nations ; That the Southern Pacific Company was on said January 1, 1901, and still is the owner and in control by and through its ownership of the stock of various connecting lines of a line of railway extending from New Orleans in the State of Louisiana, through said State and the State of Texas, the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona, and the States of California and Oregon, to said Portland ; That said Southern Pacific Company also owned and still owns a line connecting with said through lines ending at Galveston, Tex., upon the Gulf of Mexico, and in connection with its lines of railroad so reaching New Orleans and Galveston it owned and operated and still owns and operates a line of steamships running from said ports to Habana, Cuba, and to the City of New York ; That then and now the said Southern Pacific Company was and is also the owner of all the capital stock of the Central Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of California, which succeeded to the ownership of the line of railway from Ogden to San Francisco theretofore owned by the corporation of the same name, to wit. Central Pacific Railroad Company, herein- before particularly described ; and by virtue of such ownership of all said capital stock said Southern Pacific Company then and now in all respects controls the operation and management of the affairs and business of said Central Pacific Railroad Company ; And was and still is also the owner of a majority of the stock of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, which latter company operates a line of steamships from San Francisco to the Hawaiian and Philip- pine Islands, China, Japan, and other oriental ports, and also a line of steamers from San Francisco to Panama, which, with the lines of the Panama Railroad Company crossing the Isthmus, and ships running in connection therewith, constitutes a through line from New York to San Francisco; That the said rail lines of the said Southern Pacific Company from the Mississippi River to Portland, Oreg., by way of San Francisco and Los Angeles, were in active competition with said lines of railroad of the Union Pacific Railroad Company for the transportation of vast quantities of freight from points in the Mississippi Valley and in the , Eastei'n States, both to and from the Pacific coast and points in Colorado and other interior States; and said steamship line of said Southern Pacific Company from New York to New Orleans and Galveston, together with its rail lines run in connection therewith was in active competition with the lines of said Union Pacific Rail- road Company for a large amount of traffic originating in the Atlantic coast and Central States ; That the rail line of said Southern Pacific Company from San Francisco to Portland was in active competition with the ships ply- ing between San Francisco and Portland and owned by said Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, as hereinbefore alleged ; That the said ships of the Portland and Asiatic Steamship Com- pany, in connection with the rail lines of said Union Pacific Eailroad Company and its subsidiary companies, as hereinbefore alleged, run- ning from Portland, Oreg., to the east, were in active competition with the ships of said Pacific Mail Steamship Company and the rails of said Southern Pacific Company running to the east from San Francisco ; That the line of railroad composed of the tracks of said Oregon Short Line Eailroad Company and said Oregon Railroad & Navi- gation Company between Ogden, Utah, and Portland, Oreg., were in active competition with the lines of said Southern Pacific Company between said points; That the competition hereinbefore alleged between the system of railroads and steamships owned and controlled by said Union Pacific Eailroad Company and the system of railroads and steamships owned and controlled by said Southern Pacific Company was substantial and included a large volume of traffic, both freight and passenger. That the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company has been for a period of more than eight years last past the owner and in con- trol, by direct ownership and by the ownership of the stock of railway companies owning a portion of said lines and by lease, of a line of railway reaching from Chicago, in the State of Illinois, through the States of Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, the Ter- ritories of New Mexico, Arizona, and Ihe State of California to the city of San Francisco and to tide water at San Diego, Cal. ; that said line of railway touches the Union Pacific at Kansas City, Mo., and is and during all said times has been competitive with said Union Pa- cific Railroad Company and said Southern Pacific Company for a large traffic to and from the Pacific coast and the Orient, to and from various points in the east and the Mississippi valley and in the State of Colorado and other interior States ; That the tracks of said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company cross the continent between those of the Southern Pacific Company and the Union Pacific Railroad Company, and until the construction of the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, hereinafter referred to, constituted the only outlet to the East by rail from all the territory along the Pacific coast south of Portland, Oreg., to the Mexican border, other than the lines of said Union Pacific Railway Company and said Southern Pacific Company. 8 That the said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Kailway Company was for a number of years engaged in operating a line of steam- ships to oriental ports from said port of San Diego, Cal., and said line of ships, with its rail connections by way of the tracks of said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Eailway Company, was in active com- petition with the steamship and rail lines of said Union Pacific Eailroad Company and the Southern Pacific Company hereinbefore described ; That the traffic that was so competitive between said Southern Pacific and Union Pacific and said Atchison, Topelta & Santa Fe was and is of great volume, both passenger and freight ; That the Northern Pacific Eailway Company and the Great Northern Eailway Company are each the owners of linos of railway extending from ports upon Lake Superior in the States of Wis- consin and Minnesota, and from the city of St. Paul in the State of Minnesota, through and across the States of Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon, and said rail- road corporations are the joint owners of substantially all the stock and are in control of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Eailroad Company, a corporation which is the owner of a vast system of rail lines connecting with the lines of the Northern Pacific Eailway Com- pany at Billings, Mont., and at St. Paulj and with the lines of the Great Northern Eailway Company at St. Paul, running thence to the cities of Chicago, St. Louis, Mo., Kansas City, Denver, and Omaha, Nebr., and crossing portions of the States of Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Colo- rado, and Wyoming, and the lines of said Northern Pacific Eailway Company and said Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Eailroad Company are and have by the Supreme Court of the United States been held to be competitive with the lines of the said Union Pacific Eailroad Company for a large amount of traffic, both passenger and freight. That as to an extensive traffic between various points in the Eastern and Central States and the Pacific coast and the Orient the said Northern Pacific and Great Northern Eailway Companies, together with their connections and the steamship lines controlled by them, are and at all times have been competitors for business with said Union Pacific Eailroad Company and its connections so own(>d by it. That the said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Eailroad Com- pany is the owner of a line of railroad extending from San Pedro, a port on the Pacific Ocean in the State of California, thence by way of Los Angeles through the States of California, Ne\ada, and Utah, to the city of Salt Lake in said State of Utah. That a large part of said line is controlled by said corporation by direct ownership and a small portion thereof in southern California by lease, but the same constitutes a continuous line between said points, and the same would have been, but for the suppression of competition hereinafter alleged, at all times since its construction, by reason of its location and its connection with said Oregon Short Line Eailroad Company at Salt Lake City and its connection with the lines of the Denver & Eio Grande Kailway Company at the same place, which latter company owns a line of railway from Salt Lake City to Denver, a competitor with said Southern Pacific Company and said Union Pacific Eailroad Company. IV. That in the spring of 1901 the said defendants Edward H. Harri- man, Jacob H. Schiff, Otto H. Kahn, James Stillman, and the defend- ant Union Pacific Eailroad Company, contriving and intending un- lawfully to restrain the trade and commerce among the several States and between said States and foreign countries carried on by said Union Pacific Eailroad Company, said Southern Pacific Company, and said other competing lines of railway and steamships, as hereinbefore alleged, and contriving and intending unlawfully to monopolize and attempt to monopolize such trade and commerce, and contriving and intending unlawfully to restrain and prevent competition among said railway systems and steamship lines in respect to such interstate and foreign trade and commerce, and contriving and intending unlaw- fully to deprive -the public of the facilities and advantages in the carrying on of such interstate and foreign trade and commerce there- tofore enjoyed through the independent competition of said railway systems and steamship lines, unlawfully entered into a combination or conspiracy to effect a virtual or substantial consolidation of said Union Pacific Eailroad Company and said other transcontinental railway companies and said steamship lines, and to place restraint upon all competitive interstate and foreign trade and commerce car- ried on by them, and to monopolize and attempt to monopolize the same, and to suppress the competition theretofore existing between the same in said interstate and foreign trade and commerce through their instrumentality and by the means following, to-wit : That said firm of Kuhn,Loeb & Co., acting through said defendants Schiff and Kahn, and with the assistance of said defendant Harri- man, acquired 750,000 shares of the stock of said Southern Pacific Company, of the par value of $75,000,000, out of a total issue then outstanding of $197,847,788, which said stock was acquired for the purpose of turning the same over to said Union Pacific Eailroad Company, so that the same might be held in the treasury of said com- pany and voted by it, for the purpose and with the intention of con- trolling the election of the board of directors and officers of the said Southern Pacific Company and eliminating the competition that had 10 theretofore existed between said Union Pacific system and said Southern Pacific system; That said stock was, on or about March 4, 1901, duly delivered to said Union Pacific Company, pursuant to said conspiracy, and said company either by itself or by its subsidiary company, the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, has since been in possession and own- ership thereof, and has voted the said shares of stock at all the stock- holders' meetings of said Southern Pacific Company; That thereafter, with the like purpose of suppressing competition and placing restraint upon all competitive interstate and foreign trade and commerce, and monopolizing and attempting to monopolize the same, and for the purpose of rendering more certain and secure the efforts theretofore made, as above stated, by the acquisition of the said 760,000 shares of said stock, said conspirators further ac- quired for, and said Union Pacific Railroad Company obtained, an additional 150,000 shares of stock of said Southern Pacific Company, which were likewise placed in the treasury of said company, making an aggregate of 900,000 shares of stock of said Southern Pacific Com- pany so acquired for the purpose and in the manner above stated ; That all of the said stock has since been voted by said Union Pa- cific Railroad Company, or under its direction, at all meetings of stockholders of said Southern Pacific Company, with the end and for the purpose of restraining trade and commerce, and eliminating competition and monopolizing and attempting to monopolize such interstate and foreign commerce, as hereinbefore averred; That thereafter the said defendants Harriman, Schiff, Kahn, and Stillman, and said Union Pacific Railroad Company caused to be is- sued by said Sovithern Pacific Company $39,563,300 par value of pre- ferred capital stock of said Southern Pacific Company, which was subscribed for by the various stockholders of said Southern Pacific Company in proportion to their holdings of common stock ; That said Union Pacific Railroad Company, for the purpose above stated, and with intent to insure the success of said attempt to restrain interstate and foreign commerce and monopolize the same, subscribed for, took, and now has in its possession, the proportion or percentage of such preferred stock to which the said 900,000 shares of common stock was entitled under said plan, to-wit: $18,000,000 par value thereof, and has since its said issue at all times voted the same at all meetings of said Southern Pacific Company. That the said 750,000 shares of Southern Pacific common stock was, in the first instance, acquired directly by said Union Pacific Railroad Company, but for convenience in financing, or other reasons unknown to complainant, the said stock was in form turned over to the said defendant Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, and the said addi- tional common stock and the said eighteen millions of preferred stock 11 are now in form in the treasury of said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, but, as hereinbefore averred, are controlled and voted as directed by said Union Pacific Railroad Company, which owns the stock of said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, and controls the management, operation, and business affairs thereof, and the said stock and all of the same is now in form so voted by said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, but at the dictation and instance of said Union Pacific Railroad Company, the said Harriman, Stillman, Schiff, and Kahn, for the purpose of choosing boards of directors who will act in subservience to the management of said Union Pacific Railroad Company, to the end that competition in interstate and foreign commerce may be restrained and such business be monopo- lized and attempted to be monopolized, as hereinbefore set forth ; That the balance of the stock of said Southern Pacific Company is scattered among a large number of stockholders, the exact number being unknown to complainant, but that by reason of the fact that such stock is so scattered in small blocks the full amount of such stock is not and never has been at any meeting, and, according to ordinary business usage and experience, never will be, voted at any such meeting, for which reason the said stock so controlled by said Union Pacific Railroad Company has constituted a majority of the stock present at each and every meeting of the stockholders of said Southern Pacific Company since the year 1902, and will continue to constitute such majority if said stock remains the property of said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, and the said Union Pacific Railroad Company by and through said Oregon Short Line Rail- road Com;pany has controlled the said meetings and has elected such boards of directors as have been selected by said railroad company and said Harriman, Stillman, Kahn, and Schiff; That said conspirators, after the acquisition of such , control of said Southern Pacific Company, at all times caused to be elected successive boards of directors of said company, a majority of whom were also directors of said Union Pacific Railroad Company; that said Harriman was made the chairman of the executive committee of said Southern Pacific Company and still fills such ofSce; That said Southern Pacific Company has conferred upon such ex- ecutive committee and upon the chairman thereof the same powers as the like committee and the like officer enjoy in the case of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, as hereinbefore set forth; that the said Harriman was by said conspirators caused to be elected, and he still is, the prasident of said Southern Pacific Company ; That the said Union Pacific Railroad Company and Southern Pa- cific Company have and for several years last past have had common traffic officials, operating officials, purchasing agents, and commercial agents, and in all respects the said lines of railway controlled by said 12 corporations respectively, as hereinbefore set forth, are operated and have since the year 1901 been operated as one single entire system; That the management of the said steamship lines has be«n amalga- mated, and that the competition formerly existing between the said two railway systems, with their steamships, as hereinbefore set forth, has been destroyed, and the said interstate and foreign commerce which was originally and prior to the acts herein complained of the subject of competition has been monopolized in the hands and under the control of the said Union Pacific Eailroad Company and its subsidiary corporations and its officials; That each and every of the acts hereinbefore complained of were done and performed by the said Harriman, Schiff, Kahn, Stillman, and Union Pacific Railroad Company for the purpose and with the intent and result of monopolizing trade and commerce both among the States and with foreign nations and with the intent and result of suppressing and eliminating all competition between said com- panies. V. Complainant further avers that pursuant to the said conspiracy so formed to restrain trade and commerce among the several States and with foreign nations, and of monopolizing and attempting to monopolize the same, and to suppress the competition theretofore existing between the various railway systems and water lines herein- before described, and for the purpose of further effectuating such restraint and creating such monopoly, the said defendants, Harriman, Schiff, Kahn, Stillman, the Union Pacific Railroad Company, and other parties to complainant unknown, did, in the spring of 1901, also cause the said Union Pacific Railroad Company to acquire a majority of the stock of said Northern Pacific Railway Company, meaning and intending thereby to destroy the competition thereto- fore existing between said Northern Pacific Railway system and said Union Pacific Railroad system, and also between the latter and the lines of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company here- inbefore described; That the said purchase of stock was made in form by said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, but said company acted at the instance of said Union Pacific Railroad Company and said other parties, and the money employed in said purchase was furnished by the said Union Pacific Railroad Company, and said purchase was made solely for the purpose of suppressing competition, restraining trade, and creating monopoly pursuant to the conspiracy hereinbefore alleged* That after the acquisition of said stock of the said Northern Pacific Railway Company there was formed under the laws of the State of New Jersey a corporation called the Northern Securities 13 Company, which latter corporation was organized for the purpose, among other things, of taking over as a holding company, a majority or all the stock of said Northern Pacific Railway Company and said Great Northern Railway Company; That, acting in unison and harmony with the parties promoting said Northern Securities Company, the defendants Harriman, Schiff, Kahn, Stillman, and the Union Pacific Railroad Company, and their associates, caused said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company to sell to said Northern Securities Company all of the stock in said Northern Pacific Railway Company so acquired, amounting to $37,023,000 par value of the common stock and $41,085,000 par value of the pre- ferred stock out of a total issue of $155,000,000 par value, and said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company received from said Northern Securities Company for said stock so transferred to it, in addition to a certain amount of cash, shares of said Northern Securities Com- pany aggregating $82,491,871 par value, which said shares were is- sued in the name of the defendant Harriman and one Winslow S. Pierce, who was the counsel for the said Union Pacific Railroad Company, who, however, had no personal interest in the said shares, but held the same for the benefit and on account of the said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company and pursuant to the conspiracy above averred ; That the said preferred stock of the Northern Pacific Railway Company was, pursuant to the charter and terms upon which said stock was issued, duly retired and an additional issue of common stock in the same amount was made, so that the par value of the stock of said Northern Pacific Railway Company remained at $155,- 000,000, but the same was all in one class, to wit, common stock ; That thereafter an action was duly brought by the complainant, United States of America, against the said Northern Securities Com- pany and others in the United States Circuit Court for the District of Minnesota, in which said cause a decree was duly entered, adjudg- ing that the said holding of the stocks of the Northern Pacific Rail- way Company and the Great Northern Railway Company was illegal, as in restraint of trade and in violation of the act of Congress ap- proved July 2, 1890, entitled, "An act to protect trade and com- merce against unlawful restraints and monopolies," which said de- cree was affirmed by the Supreme Court of the United States (193 U. S., 197) ; That thereafter the board of directors of said Northern Securities Company adopted resolutions for the distribution of the shares of the capital stock of the Northern Pacific Railway Company and of the Great Northern Railway Company among the shareholders of it, the said Northern Securities Company, pro rata, but that the said defendants and their associates who had so caused the shares of said 14 Northern Pacific Eailway Company to be acquired for the purposes above stated, opposed and protested against the said proposed distri- bution among the shareholders of said Northern Securities Company, and the said defendants Harriman and Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, and the said Winslow S. Pierce, in whose name jointly with said Harriman the said shares had been registered, together with the Equitable Trust Company, a corporation of New York, with whom said shares had been deposited as trustee to secure obligations of said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, exhibited a bill of complaint against said Northern Securities Company in the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of New Jersey, praying for an injunction to restrain the said pro rata distribution and a decree that they were entitled to the return and transfer to them by said Northern Securities Company of the shares of common stock of said Northern Pacific Railway Company which were so delivered to said securities company by said Harriman and Pierce, and the shares of common stock into which the preferred stock of the Northern Pa- cific Railway Company delivered by them, were converted in ex- change for the certificates of stock of the Northern Securities Com- pany so issued to and held by the complainants in such suit ; That in said action a decree was entered by the said circuit court granting the injunction prayed (132 Fed. Rep., 464) ; from this order an appeal was prosecuted to the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, which in all things reversed the decree of the court below (134 Fed. Rep., 331) ; thereupon the said cause was removed to the Supreme Court of the United States by certiorari, and the de- cree of the circuit court of appeals was affirmed and the cause was remanded to the circuit court with directions to dismiss the bill of complaint ; That the decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that the said parties were not entitled to relief was in part placed upon the ground that the said Northern Pacific system, in connection with the system of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company, above referred to, was competitive with the Union Pacific Railroad system, and the delivery to the complainants in said cause of a ma- jority of the total Northern Pacific Railway Company stock would be in violation of said act of July 2, 1890 (197 U. S., 244, 297) ; That the said defendants Harriman, Schiff, Kahn, Stillman, Union Pacific Railroad Company, and their associates, caused the said action last above described to be prosecuted for the sole purpose of effectuating the said conspiracy so originally entered into to restrain trade and commerce, smother competition, and monopolize such trade and commerce among the several States, and with foreign nations, as hereinbefore more fully set forth; 15 That after the said decision of the Supreme Court of the United States the said Northern Securities Company proceeded with the distribution of the shares of said Northern Pacific Railway Company and said Great Northern Eailway Company, as proposed, and said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company received many million dollars par value of the shares of said Northern Pacific Railway Company and said Great Northern Railway Company ; That a certain amount of the said stocks have been since disposed of by said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, but that it is still the owner of large amounts of the same, as complainant is informed and believes, which said shares, and each and all of them, are illegally held by said Oregon Short Line Railroad Com;pany as the agent and representative of said conspirators, and are held pur- suant to the said conspiracy and not otherwise. VI. Complainant further avers that prior to the year 1902 the defendant, William A. Clark, together with certain associates, caused to be incorporated the said defendant San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company for the purpose of acquiring and constructing an independent competing line of railway from tide water at San Pedro, Cal., through Los Angeles, and across the States of California and Nevada and a portion of Utah to the city of Salt Lake ; That the said corporation acquired a line of railway from San Pedro to Los Angeles, and was engaged in the construction of the balance of its line, when the said defendants Harriman, Schiff, Kahn, Stillman, the Union Pacific Railroad Company, and Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, for the sole purpose of restraining trade and commerce among the States and with foreign nations and mo- nopolizing the same as hereinbefore more particularly set forth, and of preventing competition between said railway so in the process of construction, and said Union Pacific Railroad system, including the said Southern Pacific system, brought suits of various kinds in the courts for the purpose of harassing and injuring the said railway company and preventing the acquisition of the necessary right of way for the same, put large gangs of men at work to interfere with and prevent construction of the said line, and threatened said Clark, his associates, and said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad, that if said line was completed, the same would be paralleled by said Oregon Short Line, its value would be destroyed and its ability to secure business or operate at a profit would be taken away, which said threats, litigations, and other interference were continued for a 16 period of many months, as the result of which the said defendant Clark, and his associates, were induced to desist from and abandon their proposed independent competing line, and said Harriman and his associates hereinbefore named and said Oregon Short Line Eail- road Company on the one part, and the said Clark and his associates upon the other part, combined and confederated together to suppress such proposed competition ; and to maintain, continue, and extend the restraint of trade and monopoly theretofore built up and attempted to be built up by said Harriman and his associates, as hereinbefore averred, said Clark joined in said conspiracy to suppress competition in all said territory as hereinbefore set forth, and pursuant to such alliance with said conspirators, the said Clark entered into a certain agreement with the defendant Harriman, under date of July 9, 1902, a true and correct copy of which is hereto annexed marked " Exhibit A " and made a part of this bill as fully as though set forth herein at length; That pursuant to the said contract made between said defendants Clark and Harriman certain supplemental deeds, contracts, and agreements in writing were made between the defendant Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, the defendant Union Pacific Railroad Company, the defendant Southern Pacific Company, and said de- fendant San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, in and by which contracts and agreements certain lines of railroad con- trolled by said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company in southern Utah and the eastern part of Nevada were conveyed to the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, and said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company desisted from its work of constructing a line of railway parallel with the said proposed line of the said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, and withdrew all opposition to the construction of the latter ; That said defendant Harriman secured to said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company the use of certain of the tracks owned or controlled by said defendant Southern Pacific Com- pany and said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company in southern California, and the balance of the said line of the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company between Los Angeles and the tracks of the Southern Pacific Company near River- side, Cal., between the terminus of and the tracks of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company so leased to it near the Cajon Pass, in eastern California, and the terminus of the said line so acquired from the said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company in eastern Nevada were at once constructed by said San Pedro Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, which, by means of said tracks so constructed, leased, and acquired is now engaged in operat- ing a through line from said San Pedro to Salt Lake ; 17 That as provided by said contract Exhibit A, and for the purpose of maintaining, extending, and preserving the restraint of trade and commerce among the States and with foreign nations, and monop- olizing the same and destroying competition with relation thereto, pursuant to the conspiracy hereinbefore alleged, certain traffic ar- rangements and contracts were caused by said conspirators Harriman, Schiff, Kahn, Stillman, Union Pacific Railroad Company, Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, William A. Clark, and their asso- ciates, to be made between said San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company, and said Southern Pacific Company, by which it was agreed that upon all local competitive business the said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company should adopt the tariffs and schedules of said Southern Pacific Company, and that the same should not be at any time changed without the consent of both parties to said agreement during the period of ninety-nine years thereafter; and certain other contracts were made by which said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company and said San Pedro, Los An- geles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, respectively, bound themselves for a like period of ninety-nine years that they would not build or assist in building any lines of railway into the respective territories served by said companies ; that is to say, that the San Pedro, Los An- geles & Salt Lake Railroad Company would not construct any lines of railway north of the parallel of Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Oregon Short Line Railway Company Avould not construct any lines south of the parallel of Salt Lake City, Utah, except by common consent; it was further agreed between said Union Pacific Railroad Company and said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company that the said Union Pacific Railroad Company should have the right to make and establish through rates on all joint business between points reached over the lines of said Union Pacific Railroad Company and points in Utah on the said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company; and in many and divers other ways the said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company surrendered the control of said company and the manage- ment of its affairs to the said Harriman and his associates, including said Union Pacific Railroad Company and said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company. That the said conspirators caused a total issue of $25,000,000 par value of stock of said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company to be made, and the same was divided in equal parts be- tween the said Clark, representing himself and his associates, and the said Harriman, representing said Oregon Short Line Railroad Company; and said stock was, with the exception of the shares necessary to qualify the directors of said San Pedro, lios Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, placed in the names of said defend- 21479—07 2 18 ants Harriman and Clark, respectively, and by them transferred to and deposited with the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, a cor- poration of the State of New York, as trustee, under an agreement by which said trust company should hold and vote the same at all stockholders' meetings for a long term of years, in such manner as said company might be directed by said Clark and Harriman; a true and correct copy of which agreement is hereto attached, marked " Exhibit B," and made a part hereof, as fully as though herein set forth at length ; That each and all of the acts hereinbefore last described were done pursuant to said original conspiracy to suppress competition and pro- cure a monopoly of the transportation business throughout the ter- ritory hereinbefore described, in which conspiracy the said Clark joined, and to which he united himself as above set forth ; That in pursuance of the said combination, confederation, and con- spiracy the said lines of railroad so owned and operated by said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Eailroad Company are in all re- spects managed, operated, and controlled by the said conspirators; and there is not, and can not be, while such control continues, any competition whatsoever between the said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Eailroad Company and said Sputhern Pacific Company, or the other lines of railway owned or controlled by said Union Pacific Railroad Company and said Harriman and his associates, as here- inbefore alleged. VII. Complainant further avers that pursuant to the said conspiracy to restrain trade and commerce among the several States and with foreign nations, and to monopolize and attempt to monopolize such trade and commerce, and to unlawfully restrain and prevent com- petition among said railway systems, the said defendants Harriman, Schiff, Kahn, Stillman, Rogers, and Frick did, in or about the early part of the year 1904, make large purchases of stock of the said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, aggregating, as complainant is informed and believes, at least $30,000,000 par value of said stock, and after making said purchases the said defendants Schiff, Harriman, and Frick demanded of the officials of the said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, who held the proxies of the holders of a majority of the stock of said company, that certain of said parties so engaged in said conspiracy should be chosen and elected as directors of said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company ; that pursuant to said demand, and by reason of the fact that under the cumulative system of voting which was pro- vided for in the charter of said railway company, the holders of the amount of stock so controlled by said defendants Schiff, Harriman Kahn, Stillman, Rogers, and Frick would have been able to elect 19 two directors of said company, the said officials consented and agreed that said defendants Rogers and Frick, who had united themselves with the said conspiracy so originally made by said Harriman, Schiff, Kahn, and Stillman, and the various railway companies hereinbefore mentioned, might be elected as directors of said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, and during the said year 1904 the said defendants Frick and Rogers were so elected as directors of said Atch- ison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, and have since served and are still serving as such directors, and that by means thereof the said Union Pacific Railroad Company, of which said Rogers and Frick are, and during all of said times have been, directors, and in which they are largely interested, has had knowledge of the affairs and business of said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company. That in the summer of 1906, for the purpose of making more cer- tain and effective the restraint of trade and elimination of competi- tion and the monopolization of commerce hereinbefore referred to, the said Harriman and his coconspirators, including said Union Pacific Railroad Company, caused to be purchased by said Union Pacific Railroad Company $10,000,000 par value of the stock of said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, and said Union Pacific Railroad Company is still the owner and holder thereof, as complainant is informed and believes ; That pursuant to said partial control of said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Raibvay Company so obtained by said Harriman and his associates, including said Union Pacific Railroad Company, competi- tion between the system of railways so controlled by said Union Pacific Railroad Company and said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, has to a large extent been eliminated; that the said conspirators have caused the said Southern Pacific Company to abandon certain extensions, improvements, and additions to their said interstate railway in the State of California, and the said Atchi- son, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company has been in the same manner caused and induced to abandon extensions and additions to its said interstate railway lines in said State of California, and said extensions so projected and partially completed have been amalgam- ated, and the title to the said property placed in the name of a new corporation known as the " Northwestern Pacific Railway Company," the stock of which is owned in equal parts by said Southern Pacific Company and said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company under a contract by which the control of said lines, additions, and extensions is to be in alternate years exercised by said two companies, respectively, but for the common benefit of said two corporations; and the lines of railway of said Union Pacific Railroad Company, said Southern Pacific Company, and said Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company are operated in harmony with each other 20 under agreements and understandings as to rates and divisions of business. That all of the said acts hereinbefore ennumerated have been done pursuant to the said conspiracy so originally formed by certain of the defendants, as fully set forth in this bill, and in which said con- spiracy and confederation said other defendants joined from time to time, as above alleged. VIII. In consideration whereof, and inasmuch as adequate relief in the premises can only be obtained in this court, the United States of America prays your honors to order, adjudge, and decree that the combination and conspiracy hereinbefore described is unlawful, and that all acts done or to be done to carry it out are in derogation of the common rights of all the people of the United States and in viola- tion of the act of Congress of July 2, 1890, entitled "An act to pro- tect trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies ;" and that the defendants and each and every one of them and their officers, directors, stockholders, agents, and servants, and each and every one of them, be perpetually enjoined from doing any action in pursuance of, or for the purpose of carrying out the same ; and , in addition, that the several defendants be respectively enjoined as follows : 1. That the defendants, the Union Pacific Railroad Company, the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, the Oregon Railroad & Nav- igation Company, and their respective officers, directors, executive committees, and their respective agents and servants, and each and every one of them, be perpetually enjoined from purchasing, acquir- ing, receiving, holding, voting (whether by proxy or otherwise), or in any manner acting as the owner of any of the shares of the capital stock of either the Northern Pacific Railway Company, the Great Northern Railway Company, the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Company, and the Southern Pacific Company ; 2. That the defendant Northern Pacific Railway Company, its stockholders, officers, directors, agents, and servants, and each and every one of them, be perpetually enjoined from in any manner recog- niziing or accepting the said Union Pacific Railroad Company, the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, the Oregon Railroad & Navi- gation Company, or any person or corporation whatsoever, in their interest or in the interest of any one of them, as the owner or holder of any shares of its capital stock, and from permitting said com- panies, or any person or corporation in their interest or acting for them, to vote such stock, whether by proxy or otherwise, and be fur- ther enjoined from paying any dividends upon such stock to either 21 of said companies, or any person or corporation acting for them, or any assigns of said companies, or any person or corporation acting for them, unless authorized by this court, and from recognizing as valid any transfer, mortgage, pledge, or assignment by said com- panies, or any of them, or any person or corporation in their interest, of such stock, unless authorized by this court. 3. That the defendant Great Northern Railway Company, its stockholders, officers, directors, agents, and servants, and each and every one of them, be perpetually enjoined from in any manner rec- ognizing or accepting the said Union Pacific Railroad Company, Ore- gon Short Line Railroad Company, the Oregon Railroad & Nav- igation Company, or any person or corporation whatsoever, in their interest or in the interest of any one of them, as the owner or holder of any shares of its capital stock, and from permit- ting said companies or any person or corporation in their in- terest or acting for them, to vote such stock, whether by proxy or otherwise, and be further enjoined from paying any dividends upon such stock to either .of said companies, or any person or corporation acting for them, or any assigns of said companies, or any person or corporation acting for them, unless authorized by this court, and from recognizing as valid any transfer, mortgage, pledge, or assignment by said companies, or any of them, or any person or corporation in their interest, of such stock, unless authorized by this court. 4. That the defendant Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Com- pany, its stockholders, officers, directors, agents, and servants, and each and every one of them, be perpetually enjoined from in any manner recognizing or accepting the said Union Pacific Railroad Company, the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, or any person or corporation whatsoever, in their interest or in the interest of any one of them, as the owner or holder of any shares of its capital stock, and from permitting said companies or any person or corporation in their interest or acting for them, to vote such stock, whether by proxy or otherwise, and be further enjoined from paying dividends upon such stock to either of said companies, or any person or corporation acting for them, or any assigns of said companies, or any person or corpora- tion acting for them, unless authorized by this court, and from recog- nizing as valid any transfer, mortgage, pledge, or assignment by said companies, or any of them, or any person or corporation in their interest, of such stock, unless authorized by this court. 5. That the defendant Southern Pacific Company, its stockhold- ers, officers, directors, agents, and servants, and each and every one of them, be perpetually enjoined from in any manner recognizing or accepting the said Union Pacific Railroad Company, the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, the Oregon Railroad & Navigation 22 Company, or any person or corporation whatsoever, in their interest or in the interest of any one of them, as the owner or holder of any shares of its capital stock, and from permitting said companies, or any person or corporation in their interest or acting for them, to vote such stock, whether by proxy or otherwise, and be further enjoined from paying any dividends upon such stock to either of said companies, or any person or corporation acting for them, or any assigns of said companies, or any person or corporation acting for them, unless authorized by this court, and from recognizing as valid any transfer, mortgage, pledge, or assignment by said companies, or any of them, or any person or corporation in their interest, of such stock, unless authorized by this court. 6. That the said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Eailroad Company, its stockholders, officers, directors, agents, and servants, and each and every one of them, be perpetually enjoined from in any manner recognizing or accepting the said Oregon Short Line Eailroad Company or said Harriman as the nominal holder of the stock in said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Eailroad Company, issued for the benefit of said Oregon Short Line Eailroad Company, or said Farmers' Loan & Trust Company as the depository of said one-half of the capital stock of said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Eailroad Company, as the owner or holder of any shares of the capital stock of said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Eailroad Company; and be further enjoined from permitting such parties, or any of them, or any person or corporation in their interest, to vote such stock, whether by proxy or otherwise, and from paying any dividends upon such stock to any of said parties, or their assigns, unless authorized bj^ this court; and from recognizing as valid any transfer, mortgage, pledge, or assignment by said Oregon Short Line Eailroad Company or said Harriman or said Farmers' Loan & Trust Company unless authorized by this court. 7. That the defendant Farmers' Loan & Trust Company, its trustees, officers, agents, servants, and all persons acting under its authority, be perpetually enjoined from voting the said stock, or any stock of the said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Eailroad Company held by it under the said agreement Exhibit B, at any meeting of the stockholders of said railroad corporation; and that said Farmers' Loan & Trust Company be perpetually enjoined from transferring or assigning the said stock, or any of the same, unless authorized by this court. 8. That said defendant W. A. Clark, his agents, servants, and all persons acting by, through, or under him, be perpetually enjoined from in any manner carrying out the said contract Exhibit B, and from voting, either personally or through any proxy or representa- tive, any of the stock of said San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake 23 Railroad Company for the purpose of carrying out the said unlawful combination in restraint of trade and commerce. 9. That the individual defendants named, and their associate stock- holders, and each and everj^ person combining or conspiring with them and their trustees, agents, and assigns, present or future, and each and every one of them, be perpetually enjoined from doing any and every act or thing in furtherance of the combination or con- spiracy or tending to carry out the conspiracy described in this bill of complaint, or intended or tending to complete control or partial control of said competing lines of railway by the said Union Pacific Railroad Company, the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, or the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, or their officers, di- rectors, and executive committees, or in the control, legal or practical, of any person or persons, association or corporations, acting for or in lieu of said Union Pacific Railroad Company, or the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, or the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com- pany, in the carrying out of the unlawful combination or conspiracy hereinbefore alleged. 10. That each and all of the acts and doings of said defendants in pursuance of said conspiracy be decreed to be in violation of said act of Congress approved July 2, 1890, entitled "An act to protect trade and commerce against unlawful restraint and monopolies," and the acts amendatory thereof, and that a writ of injunction, manda- tory or otherwise, as may be necessary, issue out of this court enjoin- ing the said defendants, and each and every one of them, and com- manding the said defendants and each and every one of them, their officers, directors, servants, and agents to desist from the said unlaw- ful acts, and that they and each of them, and all and each of their respective directors, officers, agents, servants, employees, and all per- sons acting under or through them or either of them, or in their be- half, or claiming so to act, be enjoined, restrained, and prohibited from entering into, taking part in, or performing any contract, com- bination, or conspiracy, the purpose or effect of which will be as to said trade and commerce among the several States and Territories and with foreign nations, to restrain trade or to- monopolize and at- tempt to monopolize said trade and commerce in violation of the pro- visions of the said acts of Congress. 11. And the complainant, the United States of America, prays for such other and further relief as the nature of the case may require and the court may deem proper in the premises; to the end, there- fore, that the United States of America may obtain the relief to which it is justly entitled in the premises, may it please your honors to grant unto it writs of subpoena directed to the said defendants. Union Pacific Railroad Company, Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, San Pedro, Los Angeles 24 & Salt Lake Railroad Company, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail- way Company, Southern Pacific Company, Northern Pacific Rail- way Company, Great Northern Railway Company, Farmers' Loan & Trust Company, Edward H. Harriman, Jacob H. Schiff, Otto H. Kahn, James Stillman, Henry H. Rogers, Henry C. Frick, and "Wil- liam A. Clark, and their coconspirators whose names are unknown to the complainant, as such names may become known to complainant and the court be advised thereof, and to each of them, commanding them and each of them to appear herein and answer (but not under oath) the allegations contained in the foregoing petition and abide by and perform such order or decree as the court may make in the premises; and that pending the final hearing of this case a tempo- rary restraining order and temporary writ of injunction may issue enjoining the defendants and their associates, and each of them, and their stockholders, directors, officers, agents, and servants, as here- inbefore prayed. HiEAM E. Booth, Attorney for the United States for the District of Utah. Charles J. Bonapaete, Attorney-General of the United States,. Milton D. Puedt, Assistant to the Attorney-General. Frank B. Kellogg, C. A. Severance, Special Assistants to the Attorney-General of the United States. EXHIBIT A. ClarkSarriman Agreement, July 9, 1902. This Agreement made and entered into this ninth day of July, 1902, by and between "VYilliam A. Clark, hereinafter designated as Clark, Trustee, for his own account and upon account of his associates, who are, with himself, owners of approximately seventy per cent of the capital stock of the California Improvement Company here- inafter called the California company, and of the capital stock of the Empire Construction Company, hereinafter called the Empire company, and who own or control, through stock or otherwise, the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Eailroad Company, herein- after called the San Pedro company, and Los Angeles Terminal Land Company and Los Angeles Terminal Railway Company, as part}' of the first part, and Edward H. Harriman, herein- after designated as Harriman, Trustee, as trustee for the Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, hereinafter called the Short Line company, or such company or companies as he may declare parties to said trust, joarty of the second part, Witnesseth : Whereas, said California company is a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Illinois having an issued capital stock of $2,599,000, but no funded or other debt, and is the owner of all the capital stock of the said Los Angeles Terminal Land Company in the amount of $300,000, and is also the owner of all the capital stock of the said Los Angeles Terminal Railway Company in the amount of $3,000,000, all of which caj)ital stock of said two last named com- panies is now in the treasury of said California company; and the said California company also owns 25,000 shares of the capital stock of the San Pedro company in the aggregate amount of $2,500,000 par value, which stock of said San Pedro company is now issued to and held by William A. Clark and R. C. Kerens in trust for the stockholders of said California company, as their interests may ap- pear; said capital stock of all said companies being divided into shares of $100 each ; and also owns and claims the right to receive and obtain from said San Pedro company, to be delivered to W. A. Clark and R. C. Kerens as Trustees for its stockholders as their in- terests may appear, $2,500,000 par value, of the first mortgage bonds (25) 26 of said San Pedro company when the same shall be hereafter issued ; and Whereas, all of the railroad, franchises, rights of way, terminal facilities and railroad property, and all other property, real, per- sonal and mixed, acquired by the Los Angeles Terminal Kailway Company, has been by said company sold and conveyed to the San Pedro company: and. Whereas, the Empire Construction Company is a corporation of the State of Utah organized for the purpose of providing for the financing, construction and equipment of the railroad of said San Pedro company, with a capital stock of $1,000,000 divided into shares of $100 each, par value, all of which capital stock has been subscribed for and has been fully paid up and issued ; and Whereas, said William A. Clark, for himself and his said associ- ates in whose behalf he now owns or directly controls approximately seventy per cent of the capital stock of the California company, the Empire Construction Company and the San Pedro company, and the remainder of said capital stock, being approximately thirty per cent of said capital stock of said companies, is owned, held or controlled by others not directly represented by said Clark ; and Whereas, the assets of said Empire company consist of its claims against, and contracts with, the said San Pedro company for money advanced, work done and material furnished on account of the im- provement and acquirement of railroad property for said San Pedro company; and Whereas, the San Pedro company is the OAvner of the railroad, equipment, rolling stock, terminal properties, station grounds, and all real, personal and mixed property formerly owned by the Los Angeles Terminal Railway Company, and also owns certain other railroads, railroad properties, franchises, rights of way, road beds, stations, station grounds, water stations, equipment, rolling stock, tools, machines, machinery, supplies and other property pro- cured for and intended to be used as a part of the railroad property of the said San Pedro company, and situated in the States of Cali- fornia, Utah and Nevada, all of which property is free and clear of any debts, incumbrance or charges except the indebtedness to the said Empire company, and its promise to execute and deliver, Avhen is- sued, its said first mortgage bonds in the aggregate par amount of $2,500,000 to William A. Clark and R. C. Kerens, Trustees for said stockholders of said California company, as aforesaid ; and Whereas, the said Los Angeles Terminal Land Company is the owner of certain real estate situated in Los Angeles County, Califor- nia, including a tract of real estate situated on or near the harbor of San Pedro in said county and state, all of which property of said Los 27 Angeles Terminal Land Company is free and clear of all incum- brances, liens and claims of every kind ; and Whereas, said Short Line company is the owner of and controls and operates a system of railroads generally described as follows : A line of railroad extending from Granger, Wyoming, to the west- ern boundary of said state, thence across the State of Idaho and to a terminus at the town of Huntington, Oregon, with branch lines con- necting therewith; Also a line of railroad extending from Salt Lake City, Utah, north- erly through Ogden, Utah, to the northern boundary of the state of Utah, and thence North across the State of Idaho to a terminus at Silver Bow, Butte and Garrison, in the State of Montana, with branch lines connecting therewith ; the line between McCammon and Pocatello being common to both said lines ; Also a line of railroad extending from Salt Lake City, Utah, south- erly through Juab to Milford and Frisco, Utah, together with a branch line extending from Lehi Junction into the Tintic Mining District, and the branch lines conecting therewith, and also a branch line known as the Terminus line, together with various controlled, owned and auxiliary lines of railroad in the above named states, and the States of Nevada and California. The Short Line company, through ownership of capital stock, also owns and controls the railroads of the Utah & Pacific Railway Com- pany, the Utah, Nevada & California Railroad Company (in Ne- vada), and the Utah, Nevada & California Railroad Company in California, and the new East Tintic Railway Company ; and ^Whereas, the said railroads of the Short Line company are oper- ated in harmony with and as connections of the railroads of the Union Pacific Railroad Company extending from its terminus near Ogden, Utah, easterly through the States of Utah, Wyoming, Colo- rada and Nebraska to a terminus at Council Bluffs, Iowa, and extend- ing from Cheyenne, Wyoming, to Denver, Colorado, and thence east- erly through the State of Kansas to a terminus at Kansas City, Mis- souri, with branch and auxiliary lines in the States of Utah, Colo- rado, Kansas and Nebraska ; and said lines of railroad of the Short Line company are also operated in connection with a certain line of railroad of the Southern Pacific Company commencing at Ogden, Utah, and extending westwardly through Utah and Nevada, and into California and beyond; and Whereas, the San Pedro company and the Short Line company, a-nd its auxiliary companies, under their respective charters each have power to construct a line of railroad between Salt Lake City and San Pedro Harbor in Southern California, via Los Angeles; and 28 Whereas, the parties hereto desire to provide for the establishment, construction, ownership and operation of a line and system of rail- road between said terminii by using therefor a part of the lines of railroad now owned or controlled by the Short Line company, and all the railroads and properties of the San Pedro company now owned by it or owned in its interest or for its use, and by connecting said several lines either by the construction of a new line or by secur- ing leasehold or trackage rights over other lines of railroad to so con- nect said lines, and by means thereof to make one connected through line of railroad between said terminii, to the end that the same may constitute a new through transportation line for the use of the busi- ness of said San Pedro company and said Short Line company and their connections, and for the carriage of business which may origi- nate on or be destined to points on or beyond their respective lines, or which may be delivered to them, or either of them by connecting rail- roads, and for the carriage of business between stations on their re- spective lines, and between all points on or beyond their respective lines, as well as to all points on or beyond the lines of railroad owned or operated by the connections of said Short Line Company or said San Pedro company, as aforesaid, upon through tariffs to be jointly made and lawfully published and upon just and fair divisions of through rates and charges upon interchanged business. Now THEEEEGEE, for the purposes aforesaid and to accomplish the same the parties hereto have covenanted and do hereby mutually covenant and agree to and with each other as follows: Article First. Section 1. The said William A. Clark, for himself and as Trustee for his said associates, in consideration of the premises and of the undertakings of said Edward H. Plarriman, as Trustee as aforesaid, hereby covenants and agrees to and with the said Edward H. Harri- man, as Trustee as aforesaid, as follows: That he will sell at the prices defined in section 2 hereof, and within six months after the date hereof cause to be assigned and delivered to said Harriman as such Trustee, or otherwise as provided by Section 4 of this article, an equal undivided half interest in approximately seventy per cent, of the capital stock of each of the companies below named, that is to say : (a) An undivided half interest in said approximately seventy per cent of the capital stock of the California Improvement Company held by said Clark and his associates as aforesaid, and throuo-h the medium of said stock an undivided half interest in said ap'proxi- mately seventy per cent of $2,500,000 par value of the first morto-ace bonds of the said San Pedro Company by it agreed to be issued lind 29 delivered to said William A. Clark and K. C. Kerens, Trustees as aforesaid. (&) An equal undivided half interest in said approximately seventy per cent of the outstanding capital stock of said San Pedro company owned by said Clark and his associates but held in the names of Clark and Kerens, Trustees, and one-half of the outstanding qualifying shares issued to the names of the present stockholders of said com- pany, about sixteen in number. (c) An equal undivided half interest in said approximately seventy per cent of the said capital stock of the Empire Construction Com- pany. (d) An undivided half interest in said approximately seventy per cent of the capital stock of the Los Angeles Terminal Railway Company. (e) An equal undivided half interest in said approximately seventy per cent of the said capital stock of the Los Angeles Terminal Land Company ; And that he will endeavor to secure all of the remainder of the stock of said several companies to and for himself and his associates as to one undivided half thereof and to and for said Harriman, Trustee, as to the other undivided half thereof, and at prices satis- factory to the parties hereto as hereinafter provided. Section 2. In consideration of the foregoing the said Harriman as Trustee as aforesaid undertakes to buy an undivided half of said approximately seventy per cent of said outstanding capital stock of each said California company and said Empire company, and to pay therefor amounts to be determined as follows: For such of said stock as is sold to him by said Clark individually he shall pay, and said Clark shall receive payment at the amount and rate which the same cost the said Clark, with four per cent interest thereon from the time he acquired the same, less any amounts which the said Clark shall have received directly or indirectly as dividends or profits from said companies or in connection with said stock; provided, however, that if no dividends or profits have been so received the entire earn- ings of said properties since the purchase of the stocks thereof by said Clark shall have been applied or used in the operation, betterments or extensions of the said properties, or shall now be in the treasury of the said companies ; and that as to the stock the undivided half of which is so purchased by said Harriman, as Trustee, from the asso- ciates of said Clark, the prices and conditions of sale shall be the same as above provided for the purchase of the said Clark's indi- vidual stock as above provided, unless the parties hereto shall here- after otherwise agree. Section 3. The said Harriman, as Trustee, further covenants and agrees that he will join with said Clark, Trustee, in the purchase at 30 prices satisfactory to both parties hereto, of the remaining outstand- ing approximately thirty per cent of said stocks, and that the same when so purchased for joint account of said Clark and himself as such Trustees shall be transferred and assigned to and held jointly in the names of himself and said Clark as hereinafter provided, or to and held in the name of a trust company as trustee as in Section 4 hereof provided, it being the intention of this agreement that the said Clark and his associates, and the said Harriman, as Trustee as aforesaid, as such Trustees, shall own each an equal undivided half of all of the capital stocks of all of the above named companies. Section 4. It is hereby agreed that all of said capital stock in which an undivided half interest as aforesaid shall be purchased by said Harriman, Trustee, under the provision of said Sections 1, 2, and 3, hereof shall be transferred upon the books of said several companies either to "William A. Clark, Trustee for himself and his associates, and Edward H. Harriman, as Trustee," and that all of the capital stock of the San Pedro Company now outstanding, so to be held by joint title as above provided, shall, unless the parties hereto otherwise agree, be in like manner transferred to and stand upon the books of said companies in the names of said Clark and Harriman, Trustees, together with all of the stock of the San Pedro company which shall be hereafter issued, and as the same shall be issued, and shall be represented by certificates in the joint names of " William A. Clark, as Trustee for himself and his associates, and Edward H. Harriman, as Trustee,, and each of the parties hereto shall have the possession and custody of certificates representing one-half in number and par value of said stock when so transferred to the parties hereto as aforesaid, and neither party hereto shall in any manner dispose of said holdings of the said capital stock of the said California company, or said Empire Company, or of said San Pedro company, or any part thereof, or any interest therein, for the full period of ten years after the opening for business of said through line of said San Pedro company as in this agreement provided, without first obtaining the consent of the other party hereto, nor at any time without giving said other party hereto the right to pur- chase such holdings, or interest therein, so offered for sale, on as favorable terms as the same are offered for sale or agreed to be sold to any other person or company. At the end of said period of ten years the said then jointly held stock and the certificates thereof may be, and shall be, at the request of either party hereto, divided between said Harriman and Clark as Trustees according to their respective interests; frovided, however, that if the parties hereto shall agree upon a trust company to be the holder of said certificate of stock, as trustee for the said " William A. Clark, Trustee, for him- self and his associates, and Edward H. Harriman, as Trustee " all 31 of the said several shares of stock and certificates representing the same referred to in this section shall be transferred upon the books of the said several corporations to said trust company as trustee, and certificates duly issued to it therefor as trustee, to be held by it in trust for the parties hereto, in accordance with and subject to the terms of an agreement to be executed between the parties hereto and the said trust company concerning the holding of said shares. The said last named agreement shall, among other things, provide first, that said trust company shall issue to the parties hereto certifi- cates of interest running to the said " William A. Clark, Trustee, for himself and his associates, and Edward H. Harriman, Trustee," jointly, each party hereto to have possession of certificates represent- ing one-half in number of the shares and one-half in par value thereof, which may be deposited with the said trustee, and second, that said trust company will, from time to time, when jointly re- quested by the said " William A. Clark, Trustee, for himself and his associates, and Edward H. Harriman, Trustee " give and issue to such person or persons as said parties hereto may direct, a proxy or proxies authorizing the person or persons named in said proxy or proxies to vote any and all of said stock at any meeting of the stockholders of said several companies; and, third, that said trust company shall pay over to the parties hereto, or such persons as they shall jointly direct, any and all dividends, whether of stocks, bonds, moneys or property of any sort belonging to any of said several corporations, and which may be paid to or received by said trust company in any manner by reason of its holdings of any of said capital stock as aforesaid, together with such other provisions as may be hereafter agreed upon touching in- structions which may, from time to time, be given to said trustees jointly by the parties hereto, said certificates of interest above named to be held and possessed by the parties hereto, but neither party shall in any manner dispose of said certificates of interest, or any part thereof, or of any interest therein, before the full jperiod of ten years after the opening for business of said through line of said San Pedro Company, as in this agreement provided, without first obtuining the consent of the other party hereto to such transfer, nor at any time without giving such other party hereto the right to purchase such holdings or certificates offered for sale on as favorable terms as the same are offered for sale or agreed to be sold to any other person or company. At the end of said period of ten years said certificates of interest may be surrendered by the parties hereto, or by the holders thereof to said trust comijany, which shall thereupon assign and de- . liver the said stock certificates so held by it, to the said holders of said certificates of interest, in number and par value of shares named in such surrendered certificates of interest, and said shares of stock may then be transferred upon the corporate books of said several 32 companies accordingly. At any time thereafter said certificates of stock issued jointly to said " Clark, Trustee and Harriman, Trustee " may upon demand of either party hereto be divided between them according to their respective interest, yet subject, however, to the right of either party hereto to purchase said stock from the other party hereto at the price and on the terms in this section hereinbefore provided. Section 5. It is agreed by the parties hereto that pending the car- rying out of this agreement no further stock of the California com- pany or of the San Pedro company shall be issued. Section 6. Upon the completion of the sale and purchase of the said one undivided one-half of the capital stock of said companies, now owned by said Clark, Trustee, will whenever requested by said Harriman, Trustee, cause one-half of the membership of the direc- torate of each of the several companies to be vacated, and will cause directors to be nominated and named by the said Harriman, Trustee, to be elected to the directorate to fill such vacancies in each and every of said several companies, but said Harriman, Trustee, appreciating the advantage to be obtained by preserving the independent charac- ter of the San Pedro Company, and to that end disturbing as little as may be the present organization of said company until the through line of said San Pedro Company in this agreement mentioned is com- pleted and in operation, will not exercise the right herein given him to name one-half of the said boards of directors unless he shall deem the exercise of such right necessary to the protection of the interests which he represents. Section 7. The contract relations between the said Empire Con- struction Company and the San Pedro company not having been definitelj'^ agreed to, it is mutually covenanted and agreed between the parties hereto that within six months from the dat« hereof a contract shall be entered into between the said Empire company and the said San Pedro company which shall be in terms satisfactory to the parties hereto. Section 8. It is mutually agreed that in all matters pertaining to the construction, opening for business and operation of the railroad of the San Pedro Company, including the purchase of equipment, the making of contracts for construction and the purchase of material therefor, and any and all contracts establishing relations of trackage or traffic with other railway companies, the parties shall act jointly, and no such contracts or arrangements, or any of them, shall be made, nor any corporate action taken by said San Pedro company, the California company or the Empire company without the ap- proval of both parties hereto, and that in all such matters each of the parties hereto may be represented by an agent or agents to be ap- pointed by them respectively with power to act for and in the names 33 of their respective principals, and the said parties shall also act jointly in naming and prescribing the accounting and other officers and agents to be engaged in the operation of said companies, and each of them, and the auditor of said Empire company shall be a person selected by the said Harriman, Trustee, and upon the request of either party hereto any of said officers or agents shall be removed. Section 9. It is understood that pending the carrying out of the terms of this agreement said Harriman, Trustee, may by his agent or agents inspect and examine the corporate records, books, accounts, rights and franchises of each of said several companies. Article Second. Section 1. In consideration of the covenants of the said Clark, Trustee, for himself and his associates, and also on behalf of the San Pedro company, in this agreement written, the said Harriman, Trustee as aforesaid, covenants and agrees with said Clark, as Trustee, that he will in the time hereinafter stated, negotiate with said Short Line company, and obtain from said Short Line company the sale and lease to said San Pedro company of the property herein- after mentioned as follows: (Paecel 1.) A conveyance from said Short Line company to said San Pedro company, by good and sufficient deed, free and clear of incumbrance, of all of the following described property : The line of railroad known as the Terminus branch of the Short Line railroad from a point or points beginning at the connection of said branch with the yards of the Short Line company to be agreed upon when said yards are defined as hereinafter provided, in Salt Lake City, County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, and extending in a generally westwardly and southerly direction to a point near Terminus in the County of Tooele, State of Utah, together with a branch line of railroad extending from Saltair Junction to the salt works, in Salt Lake County, State of Utah, except that part of said line the right of way for which is to be surrendered to the United States, and also the partially completed railroad and right of way, surveys and maps thereof, and railroad property, other than equipment, acquired by the Short Line company for or used in connection with the construc- tion of its proposed new line of railroad now under construction ex- tending from a point of junction with said Terminus line above named southerly to a point known as Leamington Junction, upon payment therefor by said San Pedro company as hereinafter pro- vided. (Parcel 2.) A conveyance from said Short Line company to said San Pedro company by a good and sufficient deed containing a cove- nant to save and protect that said San Pedro company harmless from 21479—07 3 34 the lien or charge of the Consolidated Mortgage of the Oregon Short Line Kailroad Company, dated March 1, 1897, and from the liens of the Income A and Income B mortgages of said company, for all and singular the following described property : All the line of rail- road extending from a point near Sandy and about ten miles south of Salt Lake City, Utah, to be hereafter definitely fixed by a descrip- tion and agreement between the parties hereto, and running from said point southerly through Provo, Juab and Leamington to Mil- ford, Utah, and thence a further distance of about 17 miles to a terminus of said line of railroad at Frisco, Utah, and also all those certain other branch lines of railroad owned by said Short Line com- pany which extend into what is known as the Tintic district, and which are generally described as follows : A line extending from Lehi Junction to the Tintic district, together with all branches and inter- est in joint tracks connecting therewith. (Parcel 3.) A lease from the said Short Line company for the term of ninety-nine years granting to said San Pedro company the general and common use for its sole and separate business in com- mon with the Short Line company of that part of the main line or lines of the said Short Line company's railroad extending from the northerly yard limit point thereon Southerly through the City of Salt Lake for a distance of about ten miles south from the southern limits of said Salt Lake City to a point on said main line to be here- after definitely fixed but which is to be so fixed as to admit the Short Line company and the San Pedro company to the unobstructed use of the side tracks and switches necessary or convenient for use of and access to the side tracks, switches and properties of either of said companies, or to any or all of the smelters or other industrial institutions now existing or that may be hereafter established upon or near to said main tracks, together with all side tracks, stubs, spurs, switches, crossovers, standing places for cars, stations, signals, build- ings, coal chutes, shops, roundhouses, turntables, and every other fa- cility or property used in connection with or appurtenant to the property or business of the Short Line Company between said north- erly yard limit and said point near Sandy about ten miles south of the southerly boundary of said Salt Lake City, as above indicated. It is agreed that the lease to be executed by the Short Line com- pany to the San Pedro company, providing for the said use of the properties of the said Short Line company from the north yard limit in Salt Lake City to the said point near Sandy, including the termi- nal facilities of the Short Line company in Salt Lake City, Utah, shall be upon the consideration that the San Pedro company shall pay, in monthly instalments a rental based upon a four per cent, interest charge upon an agreed valuation of said property, and the cost of any capital additions thereto hereafter made, apportioned 35 between said Short Line companj^ and said San Pedro company upon the basis of use, but with a fixed minimum proportion to be paid by said San Pedro company, and also a proportionate amount of the expense of maintenance, improvement and operation of said property, including taxes, special assessments and insurance, the amounts of which rental and other payments, and the rules for ascertaining the same, together Avith rules for governing extensions and betterments, and the cost, rental and use thereof, and rules governing the opera- tion of said yard, shall be agreed to by the operating officials of said Short Line company and said San Pedro company subject to the approval of the parties hereto, and which shall then be incorporated in said contract of lease, together with all formal provisions usual to such contracts. The said property, the use of which for its own separate business is let to the San Pedro company, shall be managed and controlled by the Short Line company, provided, however, that for cause upon demand of the San Pedro company, after thirty days written notice to be given to the general manager of the Short Line company by the San Pedro company, a competent superintendent for the same shall be jointly chosen by the respective presidents of the San Pedro com- pany and the Short Line company, who shall be charged with the care, management and operation of said property, to the end that the rights and privileges of the said parties thereto under this agreement shall be fully secured and preserved. Said superintendent shall be removed or discharged upon reasonable notice upon the written de- mand of either party to said lease given to the other party. (Parcel 4.) The Short Line company is the owner of all of the capital stock and first mortgage bonds of the Utah & Pacific Railway Company which owns a line of railroad extending from Milford, Utah, to the Nevada-Utah state line at a point known as Uvada, and said Short Line company owns all of the capital stock of the Utah, Nevada and California Railroad Company, a corporation of the State of Nevada which owns a railroad extending from the Utah-Nevada State line, at the point aforesaid, southerly to Calientes in Lincoln County, Nevada, and a right of way and partially constructed road bed for a line of railroad extending from said Calientes to a point near Pioche in said Lincoln County, and also a right of way and partially constructed road bed for a line of road extending from said Calientes southwesterly across the State of Nevada to the Nevada- California state line ; and said Short Line company also owns all of the capital stock of the Utah, Nevada & California Railroad Com- pany in California a corporation of the State of California which claims or owns a right of way extending from the Nevada-California state line to a point on the railroad of the Santa Fe company near Ludlow, Cal., and other railroad properties; said Short Line com- 36 pany also owns all of the capital stock of the New East Tintic Rail- way Company, which last named company owns a line of railroad in the Tintic district. The said Harriman, Trustee, undertakes and agrees to procure from the Short Line company an agreement to sell to the San Pedro company, upon pa3ntnent of prices to be fixed as hereinafter provided, all of the capital stock and first mortgage bonds of each of the fol- lowing named companies: The said Utah & Pacific Railway com- pany; the said Utah, Nevada & California Railroad Company, the said Utah, Nevada & California Railroad Company in California, and the said New East Tintic Railway Company; and an agree- ment from the Short Line company that it will, upon the request of the San Pedro company, if necessary, act with the said San Pedro company in procuring from each of the said several companies lastly above named, a cancellation of the first mortgage bonds and the re- lease and satisfaction of the said first mortgages, and also in procur- ing conveyances to said San Pedro company from each of said four companies above named, of all the railroad, franchises and other property owned by said companies, respectively, so as to vest the said San Pedro company with the full title to and ownership in all of said railroads, franchises and other property in this paragraph mentioned. (Parcel 5.) The said Harriman, Trustee as aforesaid, undertakes and agrees that said Short Line Company will sell and convey to the San Pedro Company such a proportion of its equipment appropriate and proper for use upon and heretofore assigned to use upon its lines of railroad south of Salt Lake City above referred to, as may deter- mine between the chief operating officers of said companies, upon be- ing paid therefor the value of said equipment as the same shall be found and determined by the joint action of the superintendent of motive power of the parties hereto, and said Clark as Trustee under- takes that said San Pedro Company will buy said equipment and pay for the same on the delivery thereof at the price so foimd and determined. Section 2. The said Clark, Trustee as aforesaid, in consideration of the covenants and agreements of the said Harriman, as Trustee as aforesaid, as written in this article, hereby undertakes and agrees that he will negotiate with and obtain from said San Pedro company a covenant and agreement on its part that it will buy. from the said Short Line company and pay for all of the properties referred to and described in this article as Parcels 1, 2, 4, 5, and that the value of the said railroads and properties to be conveyed by the Short Line com- pany described in said parcels shall be ascertained and determined, except as to said equipment, in the following manner: By a fair estimate of the value thereof to be agreed upon by the parties hereto, 37 based upon the cost, which is to be the minimum factor and upon the earning power of the said railroads, franchises and properties, capi- talized at four per cent per annum, respectively described in said several parcels in this article, and that the aggregate value of all of said several properties referred to in said several parcels shall consti- tute the purchase price thereof to be paid by the San Pedro company to the Short Line company upon making the conveyance, transfers and assignments as aforesaid. Said agreement shall provide that said San Pedro company will and shall assume all the obligations of the Short Line Company to contractors and others in respect to the location, relocation, construc- tion and reconstruction upon the premises described in Parcel 1 hereof, and will carry out, fulfill and perform all of the said Short Line company's obligations in respect to said work, and will use the said new work when completed as part of the San Pedro company's main line of railroad, and that said San Pedro company will accept said lease for the property described in Parcel 3 on the terms above written. All said conveyances, assignments and transfers and said lease to be made and delivered, and considerations therefor paid, contempo- raneously with the exchange of stock, and the execution of the agree- ment hereinafter mentioned, are to be accomplished within six months from the date hereof. Article Third. Section 1. The said Harriman, as trustee, further covenants and agrees that he will negotiate with the Southern Pacific Company and if possible obtain from said company the right for the San Pedro company to use the tracks of the Southern Pacific company from the point of its junction with the tracks of the Southern California com- pany at or near Colton, to the point of junction with the tracks of the San Pedro company at or near Eiverside, at a rental that will not exceed four per cent, per annum on one-half the valuation of the property of the Southern Pacific company so used, and a share of the cost of maintenance thereof, including taxes, in proportion to the use of said tracks and property on a wheelage basis. Sectiox 2. The said Harriman, as Truestee, further covenants and agrees that he will negotiate with the Southern California Eailroad Company, and if possible obtain from said company the right for the San Pedro company to use the tracks of the Southern California company from the point of its junction with the tracks of the South- ern Pacific company at or near Colton, to the point of junction of its tracks with the tracks of the Sante Fe Pacific company at or near Barstow, at a rental not exceeding four per cent per annum on one- half the valuation of the property of the Southern California com- 38 pany so used, and a share of the cost of maintenance thereof, includ- ing the taxes, in proportion to the use of said tracks and property on a wheelage basis. Section 3. Said Harriman, as Trustee, further covenants and agrees that he will negotiate with the Sante Fe Pacific Railway com- pany, and if possible obtain from said company the right for the San Pedro company to use the tracks of the said Santa Fe Pacific com- pany between Barstow and Ludlow, California, or other point of con- nection of junction with the proposed line of railroad of the San Pedro company, at a rental which shall not exceed four per cent per annum on one half the valuation of the property of the said Santa Fe Pacific company so used, and a share of the cost of maintenance thereof, including taxes, apportioned upon the use of said tracks and property upon a wheelage basis. Section 4. Each of the several trackage contracts referred to in this article may also contain provisions requiring the San Pedro com- pany to pay to each of said lessors for water, fuel and other supplies, labor or material furnished to and for the sole use of the San Pedro company while upon the tracks of said several companies, and also the usual conditions and agreements for payment by the San Pedro company to said several lessors for losses and damages to persons or property arising from the negligence or wrong doing of its sole employees. Article Foukth. The parties hereto, as Trustees aforesaid, hereby covenant and agree to and with each other that the said San Pedro company and the said Short Line company shall and will, on or before the date named in Section 2 of Article second hereof, enter into an agreement and agreement for a term of ninety-nine years with each other con- cerning the new line of transportation and traffic substantially to the effect following: (a) The said new transportation line shall consist of the line of railroad to be created, secured, constructed and operated under the charter and franchises of the San Pedro company. Its main line shall' commence at the City of Salt Lake, Utah and run southerly via Gar- field, Leamington, Milford, Calientes, and thence through the States of Nevada and California to a junction with the line of railroad of the Santa Fe Pacific company, and thence by trackage arrangements over the lines of the Santa Fe Pacific Company, the Southern Cali- fornia company and the Southern Pacific Company to a connection with the San Pedro company's line in California at Riverside, and thence via Los Angeles to San Pedro Harbor. 39 (h) But if for any reason any of said trackage arrangements i| ferred to in Article Fourth cannot be obtained, then upon and along! line of railroad to be otherwise acquired or to be constructed by tn San Pedro company in lieu thereof, making and constituting 1 through line of railroad from the City of Salt Lake to San Pedrl Harbor via Los Angeles in California. 1 (c) The branch lines of said new through transportation line shall be the lines of railroad heretofore operated by the Short Line com-l pany and described in Parcel 2 aboA^e mentioned and the branch lines! of the San Pedro company in southern California, and such other!^ branch lines as may be constructed or acquired hereafter by said San Pedro company, it being understood that the San Pedro company shall not hereafter extend its main line of railroad as herein defined, or any branch lines of railroad, or construct or build any line of rail- road, or aid any other company or companies in the construction or building of any line or lines of railroad, nor assist or advise in build- ing or constructing any other line of railroad northward or into the territorj' northward of the parallel of Salt Lake City, Utah. (d) Said agreement shall further provide that should conditions develop hereafter which require the construction of branch lines con- necting with the said San Pedro company's road south of Salt Lake City the construction of such lines shall be subject to agreement be- fore the commencement thereof; providing, however, that if either party objects to the construction the other may build said branches and connect the same with the main line of said San Pedro company and be entitled to an interchange of traffic with it upon reasonable terms, it being understood that said branch lines shall not directly or indirectly invade the territory of the Short Line company north of Salt Lake City, nor be built for the purpose of diverting business naturally tributary to the Short Line company's road north of Salt Lake City. On the other hand it is agreed and understood that the Short Line company shall not build branch lines which will invade the territory of the San Pedro company south of Salt Lake City or divert business which would be naturally tributary to the San Pedro company's road south of Salt Lake City. Section 2. The San Pedro company will, in said contract, agree to construct the railroad from a junction on the line of the Santa Fe Pacific company's road above mentioned, near Ludlow, or some other agreed point on said line in California, to a connection with the Short Line company's present road at Calientes, Nevada, and that all of the line of railroad constructed, reconstructed or to be constructed by the San Pedro company, and which is to become a portion of the main line thereof, shall be constructed with not less than seventy-five pound rail, and shall be completed and equipped as first class in every respect, the construction and equipment to be of a standard equal at 40 least to that already adopted by the San Pedro company upon that portion of its road heretofore constructed in southern California. Section 3. The Short Line company will in said contract under- take for itself and its connections, the Union Pacific Eailroad Com- pany, and the roads of the Southern Pacific company, to join with the San Pedro company in forming through lines of service necessary for the interchange of any and all business which can be "carried over said Short Line and its connections in conjunction with said San Pedro company's road to and from all points which may be reached via Salt Lake City on as favorable terms and conditions as are offered by any carriers competing for the same business. Section 4. In said contract provision shall be made by the parties thereto for the adoption of classifications governing through or inter- changed traffic, for the making of through and joint tariffs and rates, and the maintenance thereof, and the publication thereof as required by law, and provision shall also be made for just and equitable divi- sions of all such agreed through rates and charges respecting all in- terchanged business. Section 5. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " It is agreed that the interchange of traffic by and between the San Pedro road on the one hand, and the Short Line company and the Union Pacific company on the other hand, as against any com- petitor of said Short Line company or said Union Pacific company, shall be preferential, but not exclusive, except as hereinafter pro- vided, in favor of said Union Pacific company ; and, in like manner, that the interchange of traffic by and between said Short Line com- pany and said Union Pacific company on the other hand, and the San Pedro company on the other hand, as against any competitor of the said San Pedro company, shall be preferential, but not exclusive, except as hereinafter provided, in favor of the San Pedro company ; " That is to say, " AVhereas, the value of the Short Line company of its lines in Utah south of Salt Lake City, the transfer of which to the San Pedro com- pany is hereinbefore provided, consists largely of their relation as feeders of said Short Line company and said Union Pacific company, and, whereas, it is not practicable to capitalize the value to said Short Line and said Union Pacific company of said lines south of Salt Lake City as feeders of traffic, or in any other manner to compensate said Short Line company and said Union Pacific company for the loss which would result from the diversion to other carriers of the traffic moving to and from points on said lines in Utah south of Salt Lake City. " Now therefore, it is mutually agreed and understood that all traffic which is either taken up or laid down on the lines of the San Pedro 41 company in Utah for transportation to or from any and all points which can be reached with reasonable expedition by way of the lines of said Short Line and said Union Pacific company, and their respective connections, shall be forwarded exclusively, in so far as that may lawfully be done, by way of and over the lines of said Short Line and said Union Pacific company. In consideration whereof said Short Line and said Union Pacific company undertake and are bound hereby to solicit the transportation of traffic to or from points in Utah reached by the roads of said San Pedro company, exclusively in connection with said San Pedro company against any and all said San Pedro company's competitors. " "Whereas, the owners of said Short Line and said Union Pacific company had projected and proposed to build a railroad from Calientes, Nevada, to Los Angeles, Cal., or to a connection with a railroad already constructed which would give entrance to Los Angeles and other points in Southern California; and, whereas, the value to said Short Line and said Union Pacific company of said projected line from Calientes to southern California consisted largely in the profit to be derived from the carriage over the line or lines of road north of Calientes, Nevada, and east of Ogden, Utah, now owned and controlled by said Short Line and said Union Pacific company, or by persons or companies friendly to said Short Line and said Union Pacific company, of the traffic interchanged by points on the line of, or to be reached by way of, the line of said projected line be- tween Calientes, Nevada, and Los Angeles, California, with points north of Calientes, Nevada, and Ogden, Utah, reached by or by way of the roads owned or controlled by said Short Line and said Union Pacific company, or by companies friendly to them ; and, whereas, by the sale of, or by the transfer by lease or purchase, to the said San Pedro company, of the lines of said Short Line company south of Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Utah, Nevada & California Railroad be- tween Calientes, Nevada, and LTvada, and the Utah & Pacific Railway between Uvada and Milford, Utah, and the abandonment of its pro- jected line between Calientes, Nevada, and Los Angeles, California, in favor of ,the line proposed to be built by the San Pedro company, the said Short* Line and said Union Pacific company are deprived of the profit to be derived from the ownership and control of a railroad line from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Los Angeles, California, which might be lawfully conducted in the interest of said Short Line and said Union Pacific company. " Now, therefore, it is covenanted and agreed, in part consideration of the transfer to said San Pedro company of the ownership or control of the lines of the Short Line company south of Salt Lake City, in Utah, and of said Utah, Nevada & California Railroad between 42 Calientes, Nevada, and Uvada, and the Utah and Pacific Railway- between IJvada and Milford, Utah, and the abandonment of its pur- pose to build said projected line from Calientes, Nevada, to Los Angeles, California, or to said point of connection with a railroad which would give it entrance to Los Angeles, Cal., as follows : " To unite the roads now owned by said San Pedro company, or transferred to it by this instrument, or hereafter constructed by it, to form a connected line of railroad between Salt Lake City, Utah, and Los Angeles, California, and other points in California and the roads of the Short Line and Union Pacific company so as to form a through line of transportation service between points in California on the said San Pedro company's roads and points east of Ogden, Utah, on or to be reached by way of the Union Pacific company's lines and its con- necting railroad lines. It is further understood and agreed that in so far as it may lawfully be done and profitably, that said through line shall be operated and worked as a unit with respect to all traffic which is, in whole or in part, the subject of competition by other carriers. To this end it is understood and agreed that each of the parties hereto will work, in so far as they lawfully may, to promote the interests of said through line against any other line competing in whole or in part for the same traffic, and each party to said through line is bound in good faith in every lawful way to preferentially pro- mote the interest of said through line in the conduct of all traffic which may be lawfully, reasonably and profitably conducted by said through line against any and all competitors of said through line. " But this obligation of preference is not to be understood or to be construed as requiring either party hereto to refuse or neglect to re- ceive and properly forward any of the traffic referred to in this sub- division which shall be offered for transportation by other connecting carriers nor so as to require either party hereto to refuse or neglect to receive and duly forward in accordance with shipper's instructions any traffic for which the shipper thereof shall have given or tendered written instructions directing that said traffic be delivered for for- warding to destination to a connecting carrier other than a party hereto; provided, however, that the through rates and the subdivi- sions of said through rates for traffic thus provided to be interchanged with carriers other than parties hereto shall not be less than those which at the same time are offered and in effect by or by way of the said through line, and each of the parties hereto is bound to the other party and agrees not to join any connection in through rates which are lower than those which are at the same time in effect or obtainable by the use of said through line, nor to engage with any carrier in any device or practice whatsoever designed to, or which shall have the effect of giving said connection an advantage or preference over said 43 through line or any part thereof in soliciting or carrying the business properly subject to carriage by said through line." Section 6. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " No arrangement, contract, covenant or agreement for shipment or carriage of persons or property shall be made, permitted or sulBfered by either party hereto with any other transportation company or car- rier by means whereof any such carrier or transportation company shall have or enjoy directly or indirectly any better rates or have any better divisions of through rates, or better transportation facilities or service than are had or enjoyed by either of the parties hereto with the other party." Section 7. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " Nothing contained hereia shall be construed as limiting the rights or privileges of the Union Pacific Eailroad Company or of the South- ern Pacific Company or of the Short Line company in respect to in- terchange of traific each with the other." Section 8. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " Said Short Line company is bound for itself, and undertakes to secure a like obligation upon the part of the Union Pacific company and the roads of said Southern Pacific company to deal with said San Pedro company in the matter of interchange of traffic in respect to rates of charge for all traffic and the divisions of said rates and in respect to class and quality of service as they, respectively deal with each other or with the most favored connection, and not to discrim- inate in any respect in favor of each other or of any connecting line to the prejudice and disadvantage of said San Pedro company." Section 9. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " It is covenanted and agreed that said Short Line company and its connection, the Union Pacific Eailroad Company, and each of them, shall have the right to name and make the through rates be- tween points (that is, in both directions) on or reached via their re- spective lines, and points on the line of said San Pedro company in Utah, for business which said Short Line company or said Union Pacific company might give to or receive from said San Pedro com- pany, in competition with any and all other connections of said San Pedro company ; provided, however, that on demand said Short Line company and said Union Pacific company shall join said San Pedro company in any through rates necessary to meet the rates offered by any competing through line for such business." 44 Section 10. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " Each party hereto hereby covenants and agrees with the other party that it will not discrimate in any manner whatever against the other party hereto, or any of said other party's connections, in favor of any of the competitors of either of said parties, or in favor of any other connecting carrier in respect of the class or quality of its serv- ice, or in any other respect whatever affecting rates or service." Section 11. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " Neither party hereto shall or will agree with, or make any con- vention- with a competitor of the other party hereto in any respect designed to, or which shall have the effect of excluding such other party from the full and free opportunity to meet any rate or grant any facility offered by such competitor for any and all traffic of every sort, and that the rates and facilities necessary to meet the offers of such competitor shall be held to be common to both parties hereto, subject to established divisions." Section 12. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " Said San Pedro company hereby covenants and agrees that it will not now or hereafter interchange traffic with any carrier con- necting with it at a point in Utah south of Salt Lake City, or in Nevada, upon more favorable terms as to character or quality of serv- ice, nor at any lower rate of charge or lower divisions of rates, nor in any respect whatever than those governing the interchange of the same or similar traffic with the Short Line company at Salt Lake City." Section 13. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " Said Short Line company hereby further undertakes and agrees to negotiate with, and secure if possible, from said Southern Pacific Company, an undertaking and agreement on its part for the inter- change of traffic in southern California with said San Pedro Com- pany in like manner and upon as favorable terms and conditions as said Southern Pacific Company has for the interchange of traffic with the Southern California Railroad Company. " The San Pedro company covenants and agrees that it will make a covenant or agreement with the Southern Pacific Company for its, (said San Pedro company's) performance of an undertaking that it will in the first instance adopt all lawful rates, tariffs and charges used by said Southern Pacific Company for the handling of local traffic by said San Pedro company which is or may be subject to com- petition between said Southern Pacific Company and said San Pedro 45 company, and that thereafter neither party shall change said rates without the consent of the other party, unless it may be made neces- sary so to do to meet the rates, charges or tariffs of another competing line of railroad." Section 14. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " The parties hereto mutually covenant and agree to establish a daily through passenger train service, consisting of not less than one train each way, over their respective lines, and over the lines of rail- road of the Union Pacific company to its terminus at Council Bluffs, Iowa, and thence via its connections, if it can accomplish the same, between Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Chicago, Illinois, through to Los Angeles, California. Such joint through passenger service -shall be so established and put in operation whenever either party hereto shall give to the other written notice of its desire so to do. When so established the trains necessary therefor shall be made up of such cars as the managing officials of the parties hereto shall determine. The equipment of such trains shall be of the latest modern design, and in all respects the equal or superior of that of competing lines. Each party shall furnish its just quota in proportion to length of haul, of such equipment. The time schedules for such joint passenger train shall be no greater in point of time than the shortest time of the trains of competing lines between the same points, and the time estab- lished shall be divided pro rata per mile, reasonable allowance to be made for difference in physical conditions, unless otherwise spe- cifically agreed. Either party hereto shall receive the through pas- senger trains of the other party upon delivery and dispatch the same regularly without any delay other than the ordinary station service required by through trains of like class, to their respective destina- tions. Each party hereto shall maintain all equipment used in such joint passenger service upon its own line, and car mileage at usual rates shall be paid for all cars of either party used upon the lines of the other in the joint business." Section 15. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " It is further covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto that for the performance of the joint through freight service over said through line each of the parties hereto shall furnish its proportion of the cars necessary or convenient for use in the trans- portation of through freight, and that each party shall pay to the other the usual rates allowed for car service; that all joint through freight rates for competitive business shall be divided between the parties hereto and their respective connections, the Union Pacific Kailroad Company and the Oregon Eailroad & Navigation Company, 46 pro rata per mile in proportion to the length of the haul performed by each, but all arbitrary rates, including the customary Missouri River bridge arbitraries, shall be first deducted and the remainder of the joint or through revenue then divided upon said basis; pro- vided, that neither party shall be required to perform any service other than switching service in connection with the other party for less than one dollar per ton, except as may be mutually agreed upon from time to time. Joint through rates for business other than that which is subject to the competition of rival carriers, shall be divided fro rata per rate, that is to say, each party shall receive of such through rate a share equal to the proportion its separate local rate for identical service separately performed bears to the sum of said local rates of both parties." Section 16. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " Each party shall be liable for all damages to persons or property in its possession or under its charge for the purpose of transportation or storage. When the injury for which damages are claimed cannot be located or arises from concealed or unknown causes the damages shall be jointly paid by the parties hereto in the proportion in which the through rates are divided, as hereinafter provided. Cars of each of the parties hereto received on the lines ot the other shall be promptly returned, preference being always given to loaded cars. All carload freight shall be sent over the lines of the parties hereto without transfer, when the cars so loaded are in good condition." Section 17. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : " It is further mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto that all joint through passenger rates shall be divided in the following proportions : " 1. When the joint passenger rate is made of the sum of the pub- lished local rates of the parties, each party shall receive its local rate. " 2. If the through passenger rate shall be less than the sum of the two or more local rates, made less to meet competition, or to promote the public interest, each party shall receive its local rate reduced in the precise proportion that the through rate is less than the rate made by the sum of the locals, and neither party shall in any division receive more than its published local tariffs." Section 18. Said agreement shall also contain the following pro- vision : "Any difference that shall hereafter arise as to the meaning or the proper construction of this agreement, or any part thereof, or as to the performance of any of the covenants and agreements herein contained by either party, shall first be referred to the two presi- dents of the said parties for settlement, and to that end the party 47 complaining shall deliver to the said presidents a concise written statement of the matter regarding which complaint is made. If the two presidents within thirty days after receiving such com^plaint, are unable to settle such differences so submitted, then the same shall, within thirty days thereafter be referred to a committee of the two boards of directors to be created as provided in this article. Notice of the time and place of hearing thereof by said committee shall be given by them to the parties hereto at least ten days before the same shall be heard. Each party may submit such evidence and state- ments as it may think proper for the consideration of such commit- tee at such hearing, and the decision of such committee, when re- duced to writing and signed by them or a majority of them, shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and such written decision shall thereafter be taken and held to be a part of this agreement." Aeticle Fefth. It is further agreed between the parties hereto that all contracts necessary to carry out the provisions of this agreement shall be formulated and entered into by the parties appropriate to such contracts, whether hereinabove expressly provided for or not. It is understood and agreed that the execution of this agreement by the party of the second part is subject to ratification and approval by the Executive Committee of the Short Line Company, and that the party of the first part shall be furnished with evidence of such approval when the same shall have been given. In witness WHEEEor the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. William A. Clark, In Trust for himself and his Associates. Edwaed H. Haeeiman, As Trustee, as in above instrument recited. EXHIBIT B. William A. Claek, individually and as trustee, Edward H. Haeeiman, as Trustee, and The Faemees' Loan and Teust Company. Stock Trust Agreement. This Agreement, made and entered into this Tth day of June A. D. 1903, by and between William A. Clark, of the City of Butte, in the State of Montana, contracting for himself and as trustee for his associates, as party of the first part, Edward H. Harriman, of Arden, New York, as trustee, as party of the second part, and The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, a corporation created under the laws of the State of New York, hereinafter called the Trustee, as party of the third part, Witnesseth : Aeticle I. Section 1. The parties of the first and second parts, in considera- tion of the sum of one dollar to each of them in hand paid, the re- ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the acceptance by the Trustee of the trust hereby created, do jointly and severally sell, assign, deliver and set over unto said Trustee under the terms of this instrument, and to the successor in trust, if any, of said Trustee, all and singular the following certifi- cates of capital stock and the stock interest therein or thereby repre- sented, viz: 1. 25,990 shares of the capital stock of the California Improve- ment Company ; 2. 10,000 shares of the capital stock of the Empire Construction Company ; 3. 3,000 shares of the capital stock of the Los Angeles Terminal Land Company; 4. 250,000 shares of the capital stock of the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company (including those held by the direct- ors of said Railroad Company) , subject to the pledge and deposit of all the foregoing shares with Kuhn, Loeb & Co., duly assigned in blank, as part of the collateral for a loan of $25,000,000 made by said Kuhn, Loeb & Co. to said Railroad Company, and in order to secure (48) 49 the transfer of which hereunder the said parties of the first and second parts have executed an order to said Kuhn, Loeb & Co. as follows : New York , 1903. To Messrs. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. : There have heretofore been deposited and pledged with you under the terms of a certain Agreement dated June 3, 1903, between your- selves and the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Com- pany, as part of the collateral security for the loan therein provided for, two hundred and fifty thousand shares of the capital stock of the said San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Eailroad Company ; all except directors' shares being owned by William A. Clark and Ed- ward H. Harriman. This is to authorize and direct you, upon the payment of the loan described in said Agreement with the interest thereon, and upon the satisfaction of the obligations therein contained, to deliver all of the said shares of stock to The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, of the City of New York, to be held by said Trust Company under the terms of a certain Stock Trust Agreement dated June 7, 1903. If hereafter you decline to make the additional loan described in said first mentioned Agreement, and are called upon to surrender the two-sevenths in par amount of said shares of stock as provided in said Agreement, this directs you to deliver the stock so to be surren- dered to or upon the joint order of William A. Clark and Edward H. Harriman, their Executors and Administrators. San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company, by President, and Secretary. William A. Clark. Edward H. Harriman. Notice of above direction accepted : Kuhn, Loeb & Co. So soon as the said shares of stock so transferred hereunder shall be received by the Trustee, the same shall at once be transferred upon the books of said respective corporations into the name of the Trustee, and all of the terms and conditions of this instrument shall at once attach thereto and all property in the said stock shall be deemed vested in the Trustee as fully and to the same extent, and with the same force and effect, as if actual transfer and delivery of said shares of stock had been, at the time of the execution of this instrument, duly made to the Trustee hereunder. In case Kuhn, Loeb & Co. shall hereafter decline to make the ad- ditional loan of $10,000,000 provided for in their Agreement with said San Pedro Company, dated June 3, 1903, and shall surrender to the parties of the first and second parts two-sevenths in par amount of the capital stock of the San Pedro Company, the said parties of the first and second parts hereby covenant with each other that they use the same or so much thereof as may be necessary as part of the collateral security to be given to some other lender who shall make a loan of not exceeding $10,000,000 to said San Pedro Company, and 9.1470 — 07 4 50 that, upon making said loan by said other lender, the parties of the first and second parts, will execute and' deliver to said lender an order for the delivery of said shares of stock by said lender to the Trustee, in like form as said order hereinbefore set forth, requiring said lender, upon the payment or other satisfaction of the loan and lien under which said shares may be pledged to him, to deliver said stock to said Trustee for said account of said parties of the first and second parts as such Trustees; and that in all other respects any shares of stock so surrendered to them by said Kuhn, Loeb & Co. shall be deemed sold, transferred and delivered to the Trustee, and shall be subject to and bound by all of the terms of this Agreement. Section 2. The parties of the first and second parts further cove- nant and agree to and with each other, and to and with the Trustee, that from time to time, and when, individually or as Trustee, they shall or may hereafter jointly secure by purchase or otherwise any additional shares of the capital stock of either or any of said several Companies named in Section 1 of this Article, whether such stock be now issued or hereafter may be issued, they will immediately sell, assign, deliver and set over to the Trustee any and all such shares of stock, subject to all the terms and trusts of this Agreement. Section 3. The parties of the first and second parts further sever- ally covenant and agree to and with each other, and to and with the Trustee, that in case either of the parties of the first or second parts or their respective cestuis que trust shall hereafter secure, by purchase or otherwise, any further or additional shares of capital stock of any of the said Companies mentioned in Section 1 hereof, and not theretofore deposited with the Trustee, whether such capital stock be now issued or at any time hereafter be issued by any of said Companies, such acquisition, however made, shall be for and upon their joint account, at joint cost, and for the equal benefit and owner- ship of the parties of the first and second parts and their respective cestui que trust, and that the same shall be, whether it be stock now issued or stock which may be at any time hereafter issued by any of the said companies, if and when the cost thereof shall be borne or paid jointly by the parties of the first and second parts hereto, in like manner immediately assigned, transferred and delivered to the Trustee, and shall be and become subject to the terms hereof. But if the other of said first party or said second party shall not, on de- mand of the party who made such acquisition, or for whom such acquisition was made, pay one-half of the cost thereof to the party acquiring the same, then such party who has acquired the same, may, but not otherwise, hold and own such additional shares as his own, and free from the terms of this agreement, and free from any claim of interest therein by any other party hereto. 51 Section 4. The parties of the first and second parts further cove- nant to and with each other, and to and with the Trustee, that in case they or either of them shall in any manner or at any time here- after secure or acquire any of said additional shares of said capital stock in any of said Companies, which is now issued or may hereafter be issued by any of said Companies, he or they will immediately in- form and advise each of the other parties hereto of the time, manner, terms and price at which such stock was secured or acquired, with an oflFer to subject the same to the terms of this agreement, and also that they will at once cause the Trustee to be fully informed of any increase in capital stock of any of said Companies which may at any time hereafter be authorized or made, and of the terms and conditions upon which the same is provided to be issued or is issued. Section 5. The Trustee shall have and hold all of the said shares of said capital stock of each of the companies mentioned in Section 1 of this Article, and the certificates representing the same, and which are, on the execution hereof, delivered to said Trustee, as well also as any and all such shares of capital stock mentioned in Sections 2 and 3 of this Article, which may hereafter be delivered to the Trustee, its successors or assigns, upon the trusts hereinafter specified, from and after the execution hereof and for the term of ten years from the day when the railroad of the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Eailroad Company, or its successor, shall be opened for business from Salt Lake City, Utah, to San Pedro, California. Article II. directors' qualifying shares. Enough shares of capital stock in each of the said Companies men- tioned in Article I. hereof, to qualify the directorate in each of them, shall be reserved from the disposition of said shares of capital stock hereinafter provided, and the same shall be assigned and transferred by the Trustee to the names of the persons selected to be or who shall be from time to time elected to such directorate. Such directors' qual- ifying certificates of shares, however, shall be at once assigned in blank by said directors and be delivered to and held in the custody of the Trustee, to be used for said purpose, but subject to the terms of this instrument. Article III. The Trustee, its successors and assigns, shall cause all of the said shares of capital stock, (except those necessary to qualify the di- rectors as aforesaid,) and all the certificates thereof mentioned in Ar- ticle I. hereof, as well as all other shares of capital stock which may 52 at any time hereafter be delivered to the Trustee under this instru- ment, to be immediately and from time to time transferred to it as Trustee, upon the respective transfer books of the said several Com- panies, and thereafter the Trustee shall be possessed of and hold all of the said stock and certificates as Trustee under this instrument, with full power to hold the same as the owner of the legal title thereto, but subject, as between the parties to this instrument and their assigns, to all the trusts in this instrument declared. Article IV. Section 1. The Trustee shall issue " Certificates of Interest " against all of said shares of capital stock and the certificates of capital stock which may now be, or which may hereafter be at any time, issued by any of said several Companies, and by or for the parties of the first and second parts deposited with, and assigned to the Trustee, to be and to become subject to the terms of this instrument, which said Cer- tificates of Interest shall be issued by it to and in the names of "William A. Clark, Trustee, and Edward H. Harriman, Trustee," duly certified and issued under the hand of its proper officers, and entered upon correct books of record which shall be kept by the Trus- tee, showing the details of the issuance and transfers of such Certifi- cates, in the usual manner and form of well organized corporations dealing with such matters. Section 2. Said Certificates may be in substantially the following form: The Farmers Loan and Trust Company, certificate of interest in (Insert name of proper company). No. . shares. This Certificate of Interest is issued to pursuant to the provisions of a certain Stock Trust Agreement dated June 7, 1903, made by and between William A. Clark, contracting for himself and as trustee for his associates, as party of the first part, Edward H. Har- riman, as trustee, as party of the second part, and the undersigned, as party of the third part, and reference to said Agreement, an original of which has been lodged with the undersigned, is hereby made. This Certificate of Interest is based upon shares of the capital stock of the of the par value of one hun- dred dollars each, which have been sold, assigned, delivered and trans- ferred to the undersigned as Trustee under said Agreement. This Certificate is not negotiable and not transferable, except upon the written consent of William A. Clark, Trustee, and Edward H. Harriman, Trustee, in the form of transfer and consent endorsed on this Certificate, nor until this certificate shall be surrendered to the undersigned for cancellation, as provided by said agreement. The holder or holders of this Certificate of Interest is and are en- titled to receive the net proceeds (after paying the cost of collecting 53 and disbursing the same, including the Trustee's fees) of any divi- dend or dividends declared or to be declared, and of any funds which may come into the possession of the undersigned as the holder or owner of any of the shares of capital stock of the said Company in respect of which this Certificate is issued. At the end of the full term of ten years from the day, on which the railroad of the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Eailroad Com- pany shall be opened for business from Salt Lake City, 'Utah, to San Pedro, California, the registered holder of this Certificate may sur- render the same to the undersigned ; and, upon payment of any sums due or to become due to the Trustee under the terms of said Agree- ment, shall be entitled to receive from the Trustee, Certificates in the name of such holder for the shares of capital stock in respect of which this Certificate was issued. By the acceptance of this Certificate, the holder thereof shall be bound by all the terms and provisions of said agreement, dated June T, 1903, as fully and to the same extent as if such holder were a party thereto and had duly executed an agreeiment to abide thereby ; and no holder thereof, other than " William A. Clark, Trustee, and Edward H. Harriman, Trustee," whether the cestui que trust of said Clark, or of said Harriman, nor any other persons, shall have any interest, legal or equitable, in this Certificate, or in the shares of capital stock upon which the same is issued, unless or until the said Clark, Trustee, and said Harriman, Trustee, shall have each in writing consented thereto. When so assigned, this Certificate shall be transferred only upon surrender thereof to the Trustee and upon the execution by the trans- feree of an agreement in the form prescribed by the said Stock Trust Agreement. The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, Tru&tee. by Attest : 5 Secretary. There shall be endorsed upon said Certificates of Interest a form of assignment substantially in the following form : Assignm,ent. For value received hereby sell, assign and transfer unto the within Certificate of Interest based upon shares of the capital stock of the , and all of interest therein, and do hereby irrevocably appoint attorney to transfer said Certificate upon the books of the Farmers Loan and Trust Company, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated . No such assignment shall become effectual to pass any title to, or right or interest in the said Certificate, or in the shares of capital stock upon which the same is based, until there shall have been en- 54 dorsed in writing thereon, a consent substantially in the following form: " Consent is hereby given to the above assignment of this Certifi- cate, and to the transfer thereof, to " William A. Clark, Trustee. " Edward H. Harriman, Trustee. " In presence of : ." Nor shall such assignment or consent be received from any intended transferee by the Trustee for any purpose, until such intended trans- feree shall have executed and delivered to the Trustee, by endorsing the same upon such certificate so to be transferred, an undertaking in the following form: " The undersigned accept this Certificate, subject to all the terms and conditions of the agreement dated June 3, 1903, therein men- tioned, by which the undersigned agree to be fully bound as if a party thereto, and agree to hold all interest acquired thereby, and by any new Certificate of Interest, if any, issued in respect there- of under and subject to the terms of said Agreement." Upon the due execution of all of which and the presentation thereof to the Trustee, it may, but not otherwise, cause such transfers to be made and entered of record. Section 3. Said Certificates of Interest as to the shares of stock in each of said several Companies shall be issued and delivered to the parties of the first and second parts in their joint names, in equal amounts, so that each of the parties of the first and second parts shall respectively receive from the Trustee, each one-half in number and one- half in par value of the capital stock in each of said Companies now, or from time to time, transferred or delivered to the Trustee, and in respect of which said Certificates of Interest may be issued. Section 4. No transfer of any of such Certificates of Interest shall be made by the Trustee upon its boks or otherwise, unless such Certifi- cates shall be first surrendered and returned to the Trustee for cancella- tion, and shall have been by it canceled ; nor unless the same shall each bear endorsed thereon the written consent to such transfer signed by each of said parties of the first and second parts, nor until such pro- posed transferee shall in writing consent to all the terms of this instrument, and agree to be bound thereby as if a party thereto, and to be bound and limited by the terms and conditions written in and endorsed upon said Certificates of Interest. Section 5. The Trustee may from time to time make such reasonable rules respecting the making and issuance of Certificates of Interest, and the transfer thereof, as it may find necessary ; and, upon the written request of all the holders of outstanding Certificates of Interest, it shall make, adopt and enforce any rule or regulation concerning the assign- 55 ment or transfer of such Certificates of Interest, which all of said holders of outstanding Certificates of Interest may so request. Article V. Section 1. The Trustee may collect any dividends paid or payable, declared or to be declared, by any of said Companies, and any funds due to any of them from any source whatever, in respect of the said shares of capital stock so held by the Trustee, and shall immediately, upon such receipt and collection of any such dividends or funds, pay over any such dividends or funds to the parties of the first and sec- ond parts, or their successors or assigns, ratably and according to their respective holdings of said Certificates of Interests represent- ing the stock upon which such dividends or funds has been paid as appears by the records of the Trustee, and may also pay over the like ratable proportion of any such dividends or funds to any registered holder of such Certificates of Interest, whose holding thereof was acquired by any assignment of such Certificates of Interest, with and upon the written consent of the parties of the first and second parts, and upon the said transfers, consent and undertaking, as provided by Section 4 of Article IV of this Agreement. Section 2. The Trustee will at any time, upon the written request of the parties of the first and second parts, or the successor in trust of either of them, issue to the persons jointly named by said parties of the first and second parts, or said successor, its proxy or proxies upon all of the shares of capital stock of each of said several Com- panies then held by it and registered in its name, to be voted at any annual, special, adjourned or called meeting, of the stockholders of any of the said Companies. Section 3. At least sixty days before the day of the annual meeting of the stockholders of any of the said Companies, the parties of the first and second parts shall, in writing, either jointly or separately, notify the Trustee of the names of the persons to whom the Trustee shall issue the proxy or proxies mentioned in Section 2 of this Article. If the names so notified to the Trustee are not identical, the Trustee shall transmit to each of the parties a copy of the said notice of the other party, and unless thirty days before the day of such annual meeting the parties of the first and second parts shall have lodged with the Trustee an agreement or consent to the names of the same persons to whom such proxies shall issue, it shall then be the duty of the Trustee, not less than twenty days before the day of such meeting of th^ stockholders, to call, in writing, upon each of the parties of the first and second parts to each nominate a number of persons, not more than one-half of the number of persons to be elected as directors at such meeting, and thereupon the Trustee shall issue its proxy or 56 proxies to such person or attorney as it may select to appear at such annual meeting, and there to vote all the shares of capital stock in such Company so held by said Trustee, for directors thereof, one-half of the number of directors to be the persons so nominated to it for such purpose by each of the said parties of the first and second parts, respectively. Any communication provided to be made hereby may be made between the parties or their duly appointed attorney by letter or by telegrams sent at the expense of the trust. In case the number of directors to be chosen for any such Company shall be an odd number, then the President of the Trustee shall be elected as one of said directors, unless said parties of the first and second parts shall jointly nominate another person to be so elected, and the remain- ing directors shall be elected, one-half from the persons nominated for such office by the party of the first part, and one-half from the persons nominated for such office by the party of the second part. Section 4. If the said parties shall include in their said nomina- tions of persons to be voted for as directors by the Trustee, as pro- vided for in Section 3 of this Article, the names of the same person or persons, the Trustee shall, by letter or by telegram, notify each of said parties of the first and second parts, of the fact of such double nomination, and in such case either of said parties may withdraw the name of the person so twice nominated and substitute the name of another person to be voted for by the Trustee or its attorney in fact; but in case either of said parties of the first or second parts shall fail to nominate some person in lieu of the person so nominated by both parties, then the President of the Trustee shall select some managing officer of the Trustee to be voted for as such director in lieu of one of said double nominations by one of said parties. Section 5. In case it shall happen at any time while the capital stock of the said several Companies, or any of them, remains de- posited with the Trustee, that the stockholders in any of said Com- panies shall be called at any regular or special meeting to act upon any question other than the election of directors, the Trustee shall issue its proxy upon said capital stock to the person or persons whom the said parties of the first and second parts may jointly request. In case the said parties shall not agree as to the person so to be ap- pointed, the Trustee shall select some discreet and proper person to vote upon such question in such meeting in the manner and as the parties hereto may in writing request; and in case no such request shall be jointly made by said parties, then the Trustee shall vote upon such question upon the stock so held by it, in the manner and as the President of the Trustee shall determine. Section 6. The initiative in all matters in this Article provided shall be taken by the parties of the first and second parts hereto, 57 and the Trustee shall not be charged with any duty except as in this Article provided, in case of a failure of the said parties of the first and second parts to agree in direction to the Trustee as in this instrument provided. Article VI. Section 1. None of the stock held by the Trustee under the terms of this Agreement, and none of the Certificates of Interest issued thereunder, shall, until the end of the full term of the ten years hereinafter created, be in any manner or for any purpose sold, assigned or transferred, or otherwise disposed of, nor shall any interest therein, or right thereto, legal or equitable, be sold, trans- ferred or assigned or otherwise disposed of by either the party of the first or the party of the second part hereto, except upon the consent in writing of the other of said parties, first had and obtained and lodged with the Trustee; nor unless the party hereto desiring to effect such sale, assignment or transfer or other disposition shall have first offered the other of said parties hereto the right and opportunity to purchase the same stock certificates, interest, legal or equitable, or right, on as favorable terms, and such party shall neglect to avail himself of such opportunity for the space of thirty days. Section 2. Nothing in this Article, however, shall be construed to prohibit either of the said parties of the first and second parts, re- spectively, from making and delivering to himself or to his cestuis que trust, or associates, receipts, or other instruments, in form nego- tiable or otherwise, hereinafter termed " Certificates of Interest," in respect of the number of shares of stock in each of said Companies which he has or which such associates or cestuis que trust have depos- ited under said trust, or with their said respective personal trustees under some agreement satisfactory to such personal trustee and to the owners of such capital stock so deposited with the said personal trustee; but such agreement or arrangement shall be so made as to provide that none of the owners of such Certificates of Interest so issued by either one of the said personal trustees shall, by virtue of such ownership, or otherwise, in any manner interfere with the con- trol, ownership, use, custody and possession of said third party of the capital stock so deposited by said personal trustee with the Trustee under this Agreement, nor shall any such arrangement or agreement charge the Trustee under this Agreement with any duty to any holder of any such personal trustee Certificate, nor shall the party of the third part be required to recognize any such personal trustee Certificate in any manner, or for any purpose whatever. 58 Section 3. At the end of the term hereby created, the parties of the first and second parts convenant to and with each other and to and with the Trustee to surrender to the said Trustee any and all Certificates of Interest issued by the Trustee and respectively held by them, or either of them, and thereupon the Trustee may, and it hereby convenants and agrees to and with each of the other parties hereto that it will, upon the request of either of said other parties, assign the capital stock, or capital stock certificates represented by said surrendered Certificates of Interest, jointly to and in the names of the parties of the first and second parts, and shall deliver to each of the said parties of the first and second parts the certificates of capital stock in any of said several Companies which are represented by the Certificates of Interest issued against the said capital stock by the Trustee, and which shall be surrendered to the Trustee by said respective parties, or it may, upon a like surrender by the holders thereof, assign into the names of such holders of its Certificates of Interest and deliver to such holder or holders of its said Certificates of Interest the number of shares of capital stock in any of said Com- panies and in the par value in respect of which the Trustee had is- sued its said Certificates of Interest, provided that such holder or holders of said Certificates took and held the same under the terms and upon the written consents of the said parties of the first and second parts, and upon the other- conditions provided for by this instrument ; and upon such assignment and delivery, the said capital stock may be transferred upon the books of the said several Com- panies into the names of such assignees. Upon any such assignment and delivery of said shares of capital stock by the Trustee to the holders of any Certificate of Interest issued by the Trustee, the Trus- tee shall not thereafter be charged with any duty of liability in re- spect of any of said capital stock or Certificate of Interest. Section 4. Each of the parties of the first and second parts cove- nants with the other, that any and all shares of stock and stock cer- tificates received by him, under the terms of Section 3 of this Article, will not be sold or offered for sale at any time after receiving the same, until the other of said parties shall have been given the right to purchase such shares of capital stock on as favorable terms as the same or any part thereof are offered for sale or agreed to be sold, or sold, to any other person, firm or company ; it being the intention of each of the parties hereto to give to the other a preferential right to purchase any of said shares of capital stock upon any sale or other disposition thereof. 59 Abticlb VII. Section 1, In case the parties of the first and second parts, re- spectively, may desire to wind up the business, distribute the assets or otherwise bring about a dissolution of the said California Improve- ment Company, the Empire Construction Company and the Los Angeles Terminal Land Company, or some of them, or for any other purpose to withdraw the shares of stock of any of said Companies from the trust hereby created, then upon the surrender of the Cer- tificates of Interest issued by the Trustee in respect of the shares of the capital stock of any such Company, the Trustee may, and upon the joint request of the parties of the first and second parts, shall assign the said stock certificate and deliver the same to such person or persons as may be named in such request; and thereupon the Trustee shall not be further charged in respect to any stock in, or business of such Company, and this Agreement shall no longer affect the same. Article VIII. Section 1. The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding and in full force and effect from the date hereof, and for the further full term of ten years from the day on which the railroad of the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad Company shall be opened for business between Salt Lake City, Utah, and San Pedro, Califor- nia ; and the parties of the first and second parts covenant and agree that they will cause the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Rail- road Company to certify to the Trustee the date at which it is so open for business, and that the said Certificate shall be conclusive as to the fact so stated. Section 2. It is nevertheless agreed by all the parties hereto that this Agreement may at any time be modified, changed or abrogated, in whole or in part, upon the consent of all of the holders of record of the said Certificates of Interest issued by the Trustee, if and when the same is approved in writing by the Trustee. Ajrticle IX. Section 1. The parties of the first and second parts jointly and sev- erally covenant and agree to and with each other and with the Trus- tee, to indemnify it and to save and keep it harmless from any loss, charges or damages which the Trustee may incur by reason of its holding the legal title to or the ownership in and custody of the said several shares of capital stock in any of said several Companies. Section 2. They also covenant and agree to pay each one-half of the reasonable compensation to be paid to the Trustee for itself and 60 for its agents, servants or attorneys, for anything done or to be done by them or any of them in the performance of the duties of the Trus- tee under the terms of this instrument, and any costs, damages or ex- penses incurred by the Trustee in any suit or action which may be brought or conducted by any person having or claiming to have an interest in the subject matter of the trust estate and in which the Trustee may be sued or if it elect in which it may voluntarily appear. Article X. Section 1. In case the said William A. Clark shall at any time die or resign as Trustee for his said cestui que trust, or if he shall for any reason be unable to discharge the duties of his trust, then the holder or holders of Certificates of Interest, issued by said "William A. Clark to himself and to the persons who deposited any of said capital stock with said Clark, may, by a majority vote of all shares represented in said Certificates, select some other person to be Trustee in lieu and in place of said William A. Clark ; and, upon said selection being cer- tified to said Trustee by the written certificate of the said holders of said Certificates, the cestuis que trust making such selection, the said person so selected in place of said Clark may execute the copy of said Agreement in the custody of the party of the third part, and there- after shall in all respects, rights, duties, privileges, conditions and matters be substituted for said Clark to all intents and purposes as if such person had been originally the party to this instrument instead of said Clark. Section 2. In case the said Edward H. Harriman shall at any time die or resign as Trustee for his said cestuis que trust, or if he shall for any reason be unable to discharge the duties of his trust, then the holder or holders of Certificates of Interest issued by said Edward H. Harriman in respect of said capital stock, may, by a majority vote of all of said certificates of interest, select some other person to be Trustee in lieu and in place of said Edward H. Harriman ; and upon said selection being certified to said Trustee by the written certificate of the said holders of said Certificates, the cestuis que trust making such selection, the said person so selected in place of said Harriman may execute the copy of said Agreement in the custody of the party of the third part, and thereafter shall in all respects, rights, duties, privileges, conditions and matters be substituted for said Harriman to all intents and purposes as if such person had been originally the party to this instrument instead of said Harriman. In Testimony Whereof, the said party of the first part and the said party of the second part have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed their seals; and the said party of the third part, for the 61 purpose of signifying its acceptance of the trust herein and hereby created, has caused these presents to be signed by its President, sealed with its corporate seal, and attested by its Secretary, the day and year first above written. Signed in triplicate. W. A. Cl^EK. (l. s.) W. A. Clark as Trustee. (l. s.) Edward H. BLarriman as Trustee. (l. s.) The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, Trustee, By E. S. Marston, President. (Seal.) Attest : Sam Sloan, Jr., Sed'y. O DATE DUE ''^^Jr'^^S^ ^^ -=^ **■"" GAYLdRO PRINTCOIN U.S.A. ii :ft :ii;!iiiS