CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM Anon/iaous Gift in Memory of L.M. Miller D.D. Cornell University Library BX4881 .M68 Waldenses : sketches of the evangelical olin 3 1924 029 440 603 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. THE WALDENSES. THE WALDENSES: SKETCHES Ifye Jb^ogclic^i Gljirisfi^ifis VALLEYS OF PIEDMONT. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS ON WOOD, DRAWN BY DOEPLEB, AND ENGKATED BY LYONS, LOUDEEBAOK, ORB, AND EOBERTS. 2 1] i 1 9 3 e I p f) i f\ : PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, No. 265 CHESTNUT STREET. 1 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, By A. W. MITCHELL, M.D. Id the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Penn- sylvania. Slote & Mooney, Stereotypers. C. Sherman, Printer. Avenge, Lord, thy slaughtered saints, whose bones Lie scattered on the Alpine mountains cold; E'en them, who kept thy truth so pure of old, When all our fathers worshipped stocks and stones, Forget not : in thy book record their groans, Who were thy sheep, and in their ancient fold Slain by the bloody Piedmontese, that roll'd Mother with infant down the rocks. Their moans The vales redoubled to the hills, and they To heaven. Their martyred blood and ashes sow O'er all the Italian fields, where still doth sway The triple tyrant; that from these may grow An hundred-fold, who, having learnt thy way, Early may fly the Babylonian woe!" Milton. (v) $lref^ce. The Waldensian Church is the "Burning Bush" of Christendom. The history of that people presents to us little else than a series of ferocious persecutions, endured with the most heroic constancy. Planted in the valleys of Piedmont, almost within the shadow of the Papal throne, their scriptural faith and order have been a per- petual and most significant protest against the corruptions of that colossal Hierarchy. Everything pertaining to them has contributed to give point and pungency to this testimony. In age, they antedate the usurpations of the Roman See. Their uncontradicted traditions run back nearly to the Christian era, and warrant the presumption that their church was founded either by the apostles or their immediate successors. They have authentic docu- ments, dating many hundred years before the Reformation, from which it appears, that they never acknowledged the supremacy of the Popes — that they rejected from the be- ginning the monstrous dogmas and superstitious mummeries which Rome has baptized with the sacred name of Christi- anity — that they have steadfastly adhered to the Bible as the only rule of faith and practice — and that their doctrine and polity have, from the first, been precisely what they are now. Such a Church must needs have been persecuted. It was a standing memento of the great apostacy — a (Tii) v iii PREFACE. living testimony against its abominations, which Rome could not be expected to tolerate. Again and again, therefore, did her priests and her princes decree its ex- tirpation, and send forth their armies to carry havoc and carnage through all its mountain fastnesses. The records of these infamous crusades constitute some of the blackest chapters even in the history of that power, which an inspired pen has delineated as being " drunk with the blood of the saints." The narrative, therefore, is necessarily a sad one. But it has its alleviations. No other annals supply instances of more generous and sublime heroism, than are to be found here. It is something for the Christian to be able to point to a church, which has, from century to century, exemplified the power of the Gospel, as well to sustain individuals and communities in scenes of the deepest suffering, as to guard them against the common dangers and temptations of life. And the devout observer of Divine Providence, may find here new cause to admire and adore the sovereignty and the faith- fulness of Him who is " wonderful in council and excellent in working." It is not, therefore, surprising that enlight- ened Protestants of every name and country, have always taken the liveliest interest in the history of this most re- markable people. Let us, too, then say with Moses in Horeb, " I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt." I i i tj ^ f i 1 ^ i I o i\ g. The Protestant Church of Bobbi, Valley of Pelice. (Frontispiece.) VlLLAR IN THE VALLEY OF PeLICE, . (Vignette Title Tage.) Map of the Waldensian Territory, .... 17 La Torre (The Waldensian Capital), ... 27 Pomaret in the Valley of St. Martix, ... 48 Cluse in Savoy, ....... 102 Bridge over the Guill (High Alps) 173 Scene in the Valley of Isere, .... 198 Valley of Queyraz from the Entrance of Val-Arvieux, 224 St. Germain in the Valley of Clusone, . . . 251 Castle of Ivoire (Switzerland), .... 282 The Balsille during the Attack, .... 292 (ix) ant nib. PAGE CHAPTER 1. Description of the Country 17 " 2. Antiquity of the Waldenses 27 " 3. Condition before the Eeformation 39 " 4. Persecution by Yolande and Cataneo 48 " 5. The Waldenses of Val-Louise 55 " 6. The Waldenses of Barcelonette, Queyras, and Erays- sinieres 61 " 7. The Waldenses in Provence 66 " 8. The Waldenses in Calabria 79 " 9. Various Martyrs 87 " 10. The Waldenses in the Valley of the Po 92 " 11. The Waldenses in the Plain of Piedmont 95 " 12. The Second General Persecution of the Waldenses of Piedmont 102 " 13. Condition of the Valleys under Castrocaro 132 " 14. Condition during the Reign of Charles Emanuel Ill " 15. The Plague and other Calamities 154 " 16. More Martyrs 161 17. The Propaganda 173 " 18. The Massacres of 1655 183 19. Gianavel 198 " 20. Negotiations and Concessions 224 " 21. Infractions of the Treaty of Pignerol 233 22. The War of the Exiles 243 " 23. Conferences at Turin — Arbitration of Louis XIV 251 Ui) xii CONTENTS. PAGE CHAPTER 24. Commencement of the Fourth Persecution 259 " 25. Massacres and Expatriation 271 " 26. The Glorious Return of the Waldenses under Arnaud... 283 ,; 27. Fresh Edict of Expulsion 298 " 28. The Waldenses in Wurtemberg 303 " 29. The Waldenses in Hesse D'Armstadt 314 " 30. History of the Waldenses of Pragela and of the adja- cent Valleys 318 " 31. Modern History of the Waldenses 351 " 32. Present Condition of the Waldenses 365 tpjnnHx. PAGE I. Doctrines and Ecclesiastical Polity of the Waldenses 373 II. Extracts from " The Ancient Discipline cf the Evangelical Church of the Valleys." 375 III. A Confession of Faith of the Waldenses, bearing date A.D. 1120 376 IV. Catechism of the Ancient Waldenses for the Instruction of Youth, composed in the Thirteenth Century 378 V. Confession of Faith of the Evangelical Churches of Piedmont, in 1669 385 VI. Extracted from the "Noble Lesson," dated A.D. 1100 391 M Cfjaptn f\xB\ DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY. In the northern part of Italy is the beau- tiful plain of the Po. Beyond this region, and separating it from ancient Gaul and Germany, is the great natural barrier of the Alps. These mountains extend in the general form of a crescent, from the western side of the gulf of Genoa, to the eastern side of the gulf of Venice. They are known, in differ- ent parts of their course, by different names, as the Mari- time Alps, the Cottian Alps, the Rhetian Alps, the Noric B 2* (17) 18 THE WALDENSES. Alps. The Cottian Alps, in the times of the Romans, formed one of the most common routes in passing from northern Italy into Gaul. This route was also sometimes taken in going from Italy into Spain. The country at the foot of the Cottian Alps, on the Italian side, is called Piedmont, while on the side of Gaul it has received the names of Dauphiny and Savoy. High up in the mountain valleys of Piedmont, on the Italian side of the Cottian Alps, has lived from time immemorial the remarkable people whose history we are about to sketch. The Waldenses are at once mountaineers and dalesmen. The valleys in which they live are remote from the plain, closely hemmed in by mountains, and in many places ac- cessible only by narrow and precipitous ravines. Much of their time is spent upon the declivities of mountains topped with perpetual snow. Hardy and adventurous, exposed from childhood to a life of toil and danger, they have all that simplicity of character, and that sturdy inde- pendence, which seem in all climes to be the natural inher- itance of the mountaineer. It is, however, from their char- acter as dalesmen, or men of the valleys, that they have received their name. This name, derived primarily from the Latin vallis, a valley, is variously spelled. The French form of the word, which is vol, gives rise to a plu- ral vaux, and thence to the adjective Vaudois. The Italian form of the word gives the adjective Yallenses, strengthened into Valdenses, and thence corrupted in En- glish into Waldenses. The first of these names, Vaudob, is that which they call themselves, and by which they are almost universally known on the continent of Europe. The last, Waldenses, is that by which they are generally called in England and the United States. Politically, the Waldenses are hereditary subjects of DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY. 19 the house of Savoy. The princes of this house, origi- nally dukes, have gradually risen in dignity to the rank of kings. Their kingdom now includes Savoy, Piedmont, the territories of Nice and Genoa, and the island of Sar- dinia. From this last of its possessions is derived its name, the Kingdom of Sardinia. The Waldensian terri- tory lies wholly within the duchy of Piedmont, and its southern border is about thirty miles from Turin, which is the capital both of Piedmont, and of the whole kingdom. The Waldenses were formerly much more numerous than now, and their territory covered a much larger area. Persecution, through a long succession of centuries, has gradually reduced them to their present number of about twenty-three thousand, and at the same time hemmed them in within their present narrow limits, extending not more than eighteen miles in length by fourteen in width, and containing an area of less than three hundred square miles. This territory, as before stated, is within the province of Piedmont, lying in a southwesterly direction from Tu- rin, and about thirty miles distant. It is somewhat trian- gular in shape, the base of the triangle being the high dividing ridge of the Alps, which separates Piedmont from Dauphiny in France. From this high ridge, the mountains on the Italian side gradually slope down towards the valley of the Po, and several streams rising near the top of the ridge run an easterly course, converge as they descend, and finally unite and empty into the Po. It is the union of these streams that forms the apex of the triangle. These streams are the Po itself at the south, the Pelice in the centre, and the Clusone at the north. They lie between bold mountain spurs that shoot off from the high dividing ridge which has been named. Between each two of these 20 THE WALDESSES. mountain spurs is a valley, forming the natural bed of a river. Each valley and river become in turn the receptacle of numerous small lateral streams and valleys, and so the ■whole territory is a continued series of lofty mountains and deep valleys. The river Pelice drains the valley of Luserne, and has several important tributaries. At the entrance into the valley is the parish of St. Jean, 'with a village of the same name. Beyond St. Jean, and near the junction of the Pelice and the Angrogna, stands La Torre, the Waldensian capital. It has been the scene of many calamities, and is, of course, very celebrated in Waldensian history. The next village of importance in passing up this valley is Vil- lar, and beyond that still, high up among the mountains, is Bobbi. The valley of Luserne, in its lower portions, at St. Jean and La Torre, is of considerable width, and contains a good deal of alluvial, or bottom lands, on the banks of the Pelice. Farther up, however, this alluvial slip becomes gradually less, and cultivation is carried on chiefly by ter- races on the mountain sides. At Bobbi, the scene changes from the beautiful into the sublime, and even into the awful. The level alluvial land just about Bobbi expands into the shape of a basin, but higher up it contracts into a narrow strip of a quarter of a mile in width, and finally disappears altogether. Thence up to the mountain ridge which forms the French boundary, there is nothing but deep, and even apparently unfathomable ravines, in which lie the channels of the head stream of the Pelice and its highest confluents, overhung by stupendous masses of rocks. There is not in all the Alps any scenery which is more grand and imposing. Nor are these ravines without inhab- itants. Little hamlets are to be found at various points, in all directions, wherever it is possible to find a spot on DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY. 21 the sides of the mountains, in the shape of a basin or terrace, or little hollow, that is susceptible of cultiva- tion. The valley of Rora incloses the little stream called Lusernette, which falls into the Pelice below the town of Luserne. The village of Rora, though inconsiderable in size, has been rendered famous in history by the gallant exploits of its people. The scenery of this district, like its history, is full of romantic interest. Few portions of the valley contain so much that is bold, picturesque and beau- tiful in external nature, or so much that is truly marvellous in its heroic reminiscences. It is equally remarkable for the strong attachment of its inhabitants to their native soil. Bleak and barren as the soil is, particularly in the more elevated and rocky portions, yet few of its people have sought a home elsewhere. On the north side of the Pelice, is another and large tributary, called the Angrogna, which drains a valley of the same name. This stream takes its rise in a wild moun- tain region, among high Alps, in the very centre of the Waldensian territory. From its secluded position, ren- dering it almost inaccessible to a hostile force, the An- grogna has been in all ages the " Holy Valley" of the Waldenses. Though geographically and physically secon- dary in its character, and only a branch or tributary of the Luserne, yet in its moral and historical bearings, the valley of Angrogna ranks as first in importance. To this retired region have the people often withdrawn, as to an asylum that could not be invaded, when most sorely pressed by their foes. Within this region was the spot, the " Shi- loh" of the valleys, where in former ages the Waldensian Synod often met, and where, above all, was their " school of the prophets." In the Pra del Tor, very high up 22 THE WALDENSES. towards the head waters of the Angrogna, secure from interruption, their young men, from the earliest ages of which we have any account of them, were accustomed to assemble from the different valleys, to pursue under the direction of competent pastors such studies as would fit them to preach the gospel. It was perhaps a rude insti- tution, as compared with the well appointed theological Seminaries of this day. But it sent forth many noble bands of missionaries, to preach the pure gospel of Christ, long before the period of the Reformation, and when the rest of the Christian world was enveloped in thick dark- ness. Whilst, in the monasteries and the theological schools of the rest of Christendom, the Bible was a forbid- den or an unknown book, the simple minded young dales- men of the Pra del Tor prepared themselves for the work of the ministry mainly by committing thoroughly to mem- ory the entire gospels and the epistles. Leaving the region of the Pelice, and going northward, we come to the river Clusone. This river rises in the extreme northwestern part of the Waldensian territory, and runs in a southeasterly course till it unites, first with the Pelice, and a little further on with the Po. The union of these three streams forms the apex of the triangle of which the Cottian Alps are the base. The region drained by the Clusone has three different names. In the highest part of its course, is the valley of Pragela, lower down is the valley of Perouse, and farther still the valley of the Clu- sone. The first and the last of these valleys have ceased to belong to the Waldenses. That part of the valley of Perouse, which lies east of the Clusone, and which is by far the most extensive and fertile, has also been taken from them. The only part, therefore, of the region drained by the Clusone, that now remains to the Waldenses, is a DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY. 23 narrow strip on the western bank, in the middle part of its course, including the three parishes of Parustin, St. Germain, and Pramol. On the eastern side of the Clusone, are three important Roman Catholic towns, whose names occur but too often in Waldensian history. These are Pignerol, Perouse, and Fenestrelle. The first named of these has been for many ages the stronghold of those who have persecuted most bitterly the people of the valleys. Hundreds of unfortu- nate victims have here pined away in prison, or have been burnt at the stake, and within its walls have been concocted most of those schemes of mischief which have involved the adjoining valleys in slaughter. Napoleon, the imperial road-maker, constructed a noble highway through this valley across the Alps. This road begins at Pignerol, passes Perouse and Fenestrelle, and thence from the upper end of the valley of Pragela, it crosses Mont Genevre into France, descending through the valley of the Durance by Briangon and Embrun. It is the precise route supposed to have been taken by Ju- lius Ctesar on his way to Gaul, and by Hannibal on his invasion of Italy, as it was also by Irenseus and the other early Christian missionaries, who first carried the gospel into Gaul. Opposite Perouse, the Clusone receives an important tributary, the Germanesca, which drains the valley of St. Martin. Near the mouth of the Germanesca, and in the small triangular space between it and the Clusone, is the parish of Pomaret, containing a village of the same name. At the distance of a mile or two above Pomaret, the Germanesca passes through a narrow defile, which is there barely wide enough to allow the river to rush through. Stupendous rocks are piled up on each side of the stream, •24 IHE TVAIDESSES. and form a scene of surpassing grandeur. This is the natural gateway of the valley of St. Martin. This won- derful defile seems to have been cleft by the hand of God to form an outlet for the waters of the river. As a space, barely wide enough for a road, has been hewn out of the solid rock, nothing could be easier than to block it up, and effectually prevent the entrance of a hostile force — a mea- sure which the Waldenses have often actually adopted. The scenery in the valley of St. Martin frequently changes from the most wild and rugged aspect to the most attractive beauty. Throughout its entire length there is very little bottom land. Wherever there is a spot that is susceptible of cultivation, whether it consists of several acres, or is a mere nook, there the hand of man is at work to turn it to account. The first parish above Pomaret is that of Yille Se'che, so called from its chief village, which occupies an accli- vity on the left bank of the Germanesca. It was in this parish that Leger was born, the well known historian of the WalJenses. Higher up the valley the scenery becomes still more wild and savage. The bottom grows more and more narrow, and the sides consist of alternate projections of masses of naked rocks and deep intervening wooded ravines. In the ravines which have a northern exposure, and which are far up towards the summits of the moun- tains, masses of snow are seen in midsummer. Every- thing indicates a region belonging to the High Alps. In this Alpine region, however, is found a parish, Maneille, including a village of the same name and several hamlets, and containing several hundred inhabitants. Pursuing still a northwest course, and ascending yet higher the deep and gloomy valley, through which a moun- DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTRY. 25 tain torrent comes pitching down, we arrive at the parish of Macel. The valley, long before one reaches this point, becomes exceedingly picturesque. In several places, rocks surmounted with larches and pines, rise per- pendicularly, in awful grandeur, from almost the very edge of the water, so that it would seem impossible to make a road between them and the river. In the upper part of this parish, just beneath the Col-du-Pis, is the hamlet of Balsille, on the left bank of the torrent, and opposite to the famous, cone-shaped mass of rocks, called Balsi. This spot is known as the Thermopylae of the valleys. Here a few hundred dalesmen defended them- selves a long time successfully against twenty thousand French and Savoyard troops, and finally retreated to the mountain in the rear, with scarcely the loss of a man. The two parishes last described are not on the German- esca, but on a small branch that comes in from the north- west. The Germanesca itself, in the upper part of its course, comes from the south-east. Ascending this stream, one is struck with the increased wildness and barrenness of the country. The side of the mountain which bounds the river on the right bank has a considerable growth of timber in his ravines. But that on the left bank is com- posed, for the most part, of naked rocks. There is scarcely any bottom land throughout its entire course. What there is, is covered, in many places, with masses of rocks which have detached themselves from the mountain sides. In some cases, the river is almost bloeked up with them. At first sight, a stranger would suppose that no human being would ever think of taking up his abode in a region, abounding indeed in sublime and imposing sce- nery, but withal so utterly wild and dreary. Yet even 26 THEWALDENSES. here are two populous parishes. The first is Eodoret, the second and highest is Prali. This last is decidedly the wildest and most barren of all the parishes of the Wal- denses. The pines that grow on the sides of the moun- tains are few, scattered, and dwarfish. On the south the valley is completely shut in by the lofty range of mount Julien, whose elevated peaks and sides are covered with snow even in July. Not unfrequently the whole parish is covered with snow during eight and nine months of the year. Avalanches are frequent, and often very destructive. Among the heights south of Prali, are twelve little lakes or ponds, formed by the melting of the snows on mount Julien. They are nearly on the route from Prali over to Bobi, in the valley of Luserne. ANTIQUITY OF THE WALDENSES. The Waldenses are in all essential particulars Presby- terian in order, and Calvinistic in doctrine. But they are not, technically speaking, Protestants, nor are they to be counted among the Reformed churches. Though Italians, and living upon the very confines of the papacy, they have never had any connection with the church of Rome, and have had therefore none of its corruptions from which to reform. Their poverty and their inaccessible situation were their protection from encroachment, during the earlier centuries, whilst the papal power was gradually acquiring its colossal dimensions. When the reformed churches of Germany, France, and England threw off the yoke of the papacy, and began to restore Christianity within their borders to its original simplicity and purity, the Wal- densian Christians received the tidings with gladness, and had numerous conferences with the Reformers, to their mutual benefit; but they claimed, at that time, as for centuries previous they had claimed, before their temporal sovereigns, that the faith, the worship, and the ecclesiastical organization prevalent among them then, had been handed down among them by uninterrupted tradition from the very earliest ages of Christianity. Of the conversion of the Waldenses to Christianity, history gives us no authentic account. Romish historians as far back as the year A. D. 1250, represented them as the (27) 23 THE WALBIXSIS. oldest sect of heretics, though unable to tell when or how their heresv began. Their own account of the matter uniformly ha? been, that their religion has descended with them from father to son by uninterrupted succession from the time of the apostles. There certainly is no improb- ability in the conjecture that the gospel was preached to them by some of those early missionaries who carried Christianity into Gaul. The common passage from Rome to Gaul at that time lay directly through the Cottian Alps, and Gaul we know received the gospel early in the second century at the latest, probably before the close of the first century. If the apostle Paul ever made that "journey into Spain." (Rom. xv. 26.) which he speaks of in his epistle to the Romans, and in which he proposed to go by way of Rome, his natural route would have been in the same direction, and it is not impossible that his voice -""as actually heard among those retired valleys. The most common opinion among Protestant writers is, that the conversion of the TTaMenses was begun by some cf the very early Christian missionaries, perhaps by some of the apostles themselves, on their way to Gaul, and that it was completed and the churches more fully organized bv a large influx of Christians from Rome, after the first general persecution under Xero. The Christians of Rome, scat- tered by this terrible event, would naturally flee from the plain country to the mountains, carrying with them the gospel and its institutions. Such is the opinion of Henry Arnaud, one of the most intelligent of the Waldensian pastors. ' ; Neither has their church ever been reformed," says Arnaud,* •■ whence arises its title of evangelic. The Waldenses are in fact descended * Glorious Recovery by the Waldenses of their Valleys. Preface, page 14. ANTIQUITY OF THE WALDENSES. 29 from those refugees from Italy, who, after St. Paul had there preached the gospel, abandoned their beautiful coun- tn r , and fled, like the woman mentioned in the Apocalypse, to these wild mountains, where they have, to this day, handed down the gospel from father to son, in the same purity and simplicity as it was preached by St. Paul." This is not following fables, for there is nothing in the relation either improbable or absurd. When the Christians at Rome were bound to stakes, covered with pitch, and burnt in the evenings to illuminate the city, is it wonderful, if the glare of such fires should induce those yet at liberty, to betake themselves for shelter, to the almost inaccessible valleys of the Alps, and to the clefts of the rocks, trusting to that God in whose hands are the deep places of the earth, and considering that the strength of hills is his ? The words of Arnaud were written near the close of the seventeenth century ; but we have others of a much earlier date. The Waldenses complain, that it has been the cruel policy of their persecutors to destroy all the historical memorials of their antiquity. About the year 1559, the Roman Catholics, with a view to exterminate the protes- tants of the valleys, cruelly butchered them, and in order to obliterate every memorial of them, diligently searched for their records, which they committed to the flames. Though on this account the testimonies of their antiquity are not so ample as could be wished, yet we possess a variety of their own declarations on this point previous to the period just mentioned, which have been preserved in the wonderful providence of God. In the Noble Lesson, dated 1100,* are contained the following assertions : * This treatise, dated 1100, Leger tells us was found quite entire in a, book of parchment, written in manuscript in an old Gothic character In Leger's time two exemplars were preserved, one at 3* 30 THE WALBE5SI6. "Xow, after the Apostles, were certain teachers, Who taught the way of Jesus Christ our Saviour. And these are found even at the present day. If any man love those who are good, he must needs love God and Jesus Chris Such an one will neither curse, swear, nor lie. Now, such an one is called a Waldensian, and worthy to be punished. For, I dare say, and it is very true, That all the Popes, which have been from Silvester to this present, And all the Cardinals, Bishops, Abbots, and the like, Have no power to absolve or pardon." In 1530, the Waldenses thus addressed Ecolampadius and other reformers : " That you may at once understand the matter, we are a sort of teachers of a certain necessi- tous and small people, who already, for more than four hundred years — nay as those of our country frequently Cambridge, and one at Geneva. Only the latter is now to be found. Mr. Jackson saw it in 1S25. The Lesson is in verse, in their own ancient tongue, that it may be more agreeable to the reader, and that the youth may more easily imprint it upon their memory. The original begins thus : — frayre entende una nobla Leyeon. S event deven velhar e istar en oreson. C. nos veen aquest mont esser pres del chavon Mot curios deorian esser de bonas obras far C. nos veen mont de la fin apropriar, &c. Brethren give ear to a Noble Lesson. We ought always to watch and pray, For we see this world to be near a conclusion, AVe ought to strive to do good works, For we see the end of this world to approach, A thousand and one hundred years are fully THEIR ANTIQUITY. 31 relate — -from the time of the apostles, have sojourned among the most cruel thorns, yet, as all the pious have easily- judged, not without the great favour of Christ ; and having been stung and tormented by the same thorns, have been delivered by promised favour." Robert Olevitan, whom Leger* the historian describes as " one of the most excellent pastors of the valleys," in a preface to his French version of the Bible, dated from the Alps, Feb. 12, 1335, dedicates it to God, and not to the rich and pompous, but to the poor church: "No," adds he, "it is to thee alone I present this precious treasure, in the name of a certain poor people, thy friends and brethren in Jesus Christ, who, ever since they were blessed and enriched with it by the apostles and ambassadors of Christ, have still possessed and enjoyed the same." In presenting their Confession of Faith to Francis I. of France, 1544, the Waldenses protested that their belief is " entirely such as they have received from hand to hand * John Leger, one of the Waldensian pastors, in the seventeenth century, carefully collected a number of ancient documents of the AValdensian doctrine. In the persecution, 1655, the plunderers of the Waldenses deprived him of every leaf of M.S. in order to bury in oblivion all knowledge of their former existence, or long continued principles. With incredible diligence he commenced a new search in the Valleys on the French side of the Alps, where the destruction had not been so severe, and found authentic copies of the same treatises. A number of these he has published in his valuable history of the Waldenses. The Originals he delivered to Sir Samuel Mor- land, who presented them in 1658 to the library of the University of Cambridge. Twenty-one volumes were there deposited, but the first seven are now missing, though Allix quoted from one of these seven in 1690. Copies of some of these are preserved in Geneva. The remaining fourteen volumes, from II to W, are still to be seen at Cambridge. 32 THE WALDENSBS. from their ancestors, according as their predecessors, in all times and in all ages, had taught them it." These declarations were given by the Waldenses, while in full possession of their documents ; but after the most of these were destroyed in 1559, they still refer to the fact of their antiquity. Accordingly, in 1580, they of the valleys complained to their prince, that a mission of Jesuits and troops possessed themselves of their temples at the hour of public worship, preventing the ministers on the Sabbath from performing their duty, and that the Jesuits had along with them a judge, or lord, and sometimes the lords of the valleys, who were furnished with his Highness' letter. They then add ; "It is a thing true and notorious, most serene Duke, that his said subjects and their ancestors have been taught for a great many hundreds of years, in the true Christian religion, by their ministers, whom they call honourably Barbas, and that they have sometimes taught them in secret and nightly assemblies, in imitation of the primitive church, to avoid the persecution of the ecclesiastics: but afterwards, observing that they took from that quarter a pretext to calumniate them, the matter was reckoned of such consequence, that they have wished to preach publicly, the holy doctrine in which they have been instructed from all antiquity, and from hand to hand by their fathers." In one of the manuscripts, dated 1587, and deposited in the library of the University of Cambridge, the question is put : — " At what time have the religion and state (stata) been preached in the valleys ?" The answer is : — " About five hundred years, as can be collected from many his- tories ; but according to the belief of the inhabitants of the valleys, it has been from time immemorial, and from father to son, since the time of the apostles." THEIR ANTIQUITY. 33 During the dreadful persecutions of 1655, the churches of Piedmont, in a Confession of Faith, publicly declare their agreement, " in sound doctrine, with all the reformed churches of France, Great Britain, the Low Countries, Germany, Switzerland, Bohemia, Poland, Hungary, and other places, being ready to subscribe to that eternal truth of God with our own blood, even as our ancestors, since the days of the apostles." Let it be observed, then, that the Waldenses maintain, and have done so from the date of their earliest existing histories, that their ancestors inhabited the country which they now occupy, and held the faith which they hold, since the days of the apostles. They are of opinion, that the gospel was preached to their forefathers in those valleys by Christian missionaries from Rome, or other cities in Italy where it had gained extensive ground, or that it was introduced by those who fled from the plain country ; perhaps some of them from Rome itself, or the neighbourhood thereof, dur- ing the persecutions under the Roman emperors. It is probable, that the truth was introduced by both these means. In a petition, presented by the Waldenses to Philibert Emanuel, duke of Savoy and prince of Piedmont, in the year 1559, they use the following language : " We likewise beseech your Royal Highness to consider, that this religion which we profess is not only ours, nor hath it been invented by men of late years, as is falsely re- ported, but it was the religion of our fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers, and other yet more ancient pre- decessors of ours, and of the blessed martyrs, confessors, prophets, and apostles ; and if any can prove the contrary, we are ready to subscribe, and yield thereunto." Leger, their great historian, states, that all the petitions and addresses of these people to their sovereigns, from the C 34 THE WALDE5SES. earliest times, contained a sentence to the same effect, namely, that they had been in the enjoyment of liberty of conscience, "da ogni tempo, da tempo immemoriale," from all time, from time immemorial. " And is it not extraordinary," asks Leger, "that it has never once happened, that any of the dukes of Savoy, or their minis- ters, should have offered the least contradiction to the pretensions of their Waldensian subjects? Again and again it has been asserted by them, ' AVe are descendants of those, who from father to son have preserved entire the apostolical faith in the valleys which we now occupy.' Their pretensions have been passed over in silence. They have been suffered to repeat their demands from reign to reign, and to carry them to the feet of their sovereigns : — ' Per- mit us to enjoy that free exercise of our religion which we have enjoyed from time out of mind, and before the dukes of Savoy became princes of Piedmont.' I have still the copy of a remonstrance, in which I myself inserted these very words, and which the President Truchi, the ablest man in the state, has endeavoured to answer on every other point but this. He has, however, never dared to touch upon our antiquity. And formerly, in the year 1559," continues Leger, " when Emanuel Philibert was told, that his Waldensian petitioners professed the faith which had been handed down to them from their forefathers from the time of the martyrs and apostles, would that great prince and his court have endured to be told this by these poor people, if there had been one par- ticle of truth to be discovered to the contrary, by the ministers of his royal highness, or by his ecclesiastics, or if any of them could have maintained the opposite, and shown, that they did not descend from father to son from the times of the martyrs, and confessors, and holy apostles?" THEIR ANTIQUITY. 35 To the above-cited testimonies of the Waldenses them- selves in regard to their origin, it may not be amiss to add what they modestly say on this point, when address- ing the Reformers, in the sixteenth century : — " Our an- cestors," say they, "have often recounted to us, that we have existed from the time of the apostles. In all matters, nevertheless, we agree with you ; and, thinking as you think, from the very days of the apostles themselves, we have ever been concordant respecting the faith. In this particular only, we may be said to differ from you ; that, through our fault, and the slowness of our genius, we do not understand the sacred writers with such strict correct- ness as yourselves." Let us now see what their enemies have said on this point. And here there is an abundance of testimony, from which, however, we can extract only a single in- stance. Reinerius uses the following language respecting these people, whom he denominates Leonists. " Concern- ing the sects of ancient heretics, let it be observed, that they have been more than seventy in number ; all of which, save those of the Manicheans, the Arians, the Runcarians, and the Leonists, which have infected Ger- many, have, through God's favour, been extirpated. Among all these sects, which either still exist, or which have formerly existed, there is not one more pernicious to the Church [of Rome] than that of the Leonists ; and this for three reasons. First, because it has been of longer continuance ; for some say, that it has lasted from the time of Sylvester ; others, from the time of the apostles. Second, because it is more general ; for there is scarcely a country, in which it does not exist. Third, because, that whilst all other sects, through their monstrous blasphe- mies against God, strike horror into the hearers, this of 36 THE WALDENSES. the Leonists has a great appearance of piety, inasmuch as they live justly before men, and believe, not only, all the articles of the creed, but every sound doctrine respecting the Deity ; only they speak evil of the Roman Church and clergy, to which the multitude of the laity are quite ready to give credence." That Reinerius speaks of the Waldenses under the name of Leonists, is quite clear, from what he says in other places. In addition to this, Pilichdorf, a writer of the same century, expressly says, that the persons who claim to have existed from the time of Pope Sylvester, were the Waldenses. And Claude Scyssel, Archbishop of Turin, in the latter end of the fifteenth century, and in the beginning of the sixteenth, and who, from his vicinity to them, as well as from the fact that they were geogra- phically comprehended in his diocese, must have had good opportunities of knowing their origin and history, tells us, that the Waldenses of Piedmont took their origin from a person named Leo, who, in the time of the emperor Con- stantine, execrating the avarice of Pope Sylvester, and the immoderate endowment of the Roman Church, seceded from that communion, and drew after him all those who entertained right sentiments concerning the Christian religion. These statements prove, not that the Waldenses origi- nated as this writer suggests, but that they were incon- testably the people meant by the Roman Catholic writers, when treating of the ancient Leonists. On the subject of the antiquity of the Waldenses, M. Renouard, author of an elaborate work on the Pro- vengal language and literature, and who discusses this question not as an ecclesiastical historian, but simply as a philologist, says that " the dialect of the Waldenses is an THEIR ANTIQUITY. 37 idiom intermediate between the decomposition of the language of the Romans and the establishment of a new grammatical system ; a circumstance which attests the high antiquity of this dialect in the country which this people inhabit." In speaking of the Noble Lesson, the oldest work which the Waldenses have, and which was, as is conceded on all hands, written in the twelfth century, and consequently more ancient than the greater part of the songs and other writings of the Troubadours, this author says : — " The language seems to me to be of an epoch already far sepa- rated from its original formation; inasmuch as we may remark the suppression of some final consonants ; a pecu- liarity which announces, that the words of the long-spoken dialect had already lost some portion of their primitive terminations. The philogical fact, here stated, proves the high anti- quity of the Waldenses ; for they must have retired to those valleys at a remote period indeed, if they left the plains of Italy before the establishment of the new gram- matical system, of which M. Renouard speaks. " Hence," remarks Mr. Faber, " the primevally Latin Waldenses must have retired from the lowlands of Italy to the valleys of Piedmont, in the very days of primitive Christianity, and before the breaking up of the Roman empire by the persevering incursions of the Teutonic nations. But it is scarcely probable, that men would leave their homes in the fair, and warm, and fertile country of Italy, for the wildness of desolate mountains, and for the squalidity of neglected valleys — valleys, which would require all the severe labour of assiduous cultivation, and mountains, which no labour could make productive — unless some very paramount and overbearing cause had constrained them 4 38 THE WALDEXSES. to undertake such an emigration. Xow a cause, precisely of this description, we have in the persecutions, -which, during the second, third, and fourth centuries, occurred under the emperors Marcus Aurelius, Maximin, Decius, Valerian, and Diocletian." C Ij a p t ix € 1; i r b CONDITION BEFORE THE REFORMATION. The character of the early Wal- densian church is set forth with sing- ular truth and beauty in their an- cient insignia, a copy of which is here given. That church was indeed a " light sinning in darkness," and blessed be God its candlestick has not yet been removed from its place. The Waldenses of Piedmont are, in our view, primitive Christians, who have been preserved in these valleys from the alterations succes- sively introduced by the church of Rome into the evangelical worship. It is not they who separated from Romanism, but Romanism which separated from them, in modifying the primitive worship. Hence the impossibility of assigning a precise date to their origin. The church of Rome, which, (39) 40 THE WALDEXSES. in its commencement, also formed part of the primitive church, did not modify itself all at once ; but, as it became powerful, it assumed, together with the sceptre of rule, the display, the pride, and the spirit of domination which ordinarily accompany power ; whilst, amid the Waldensian valleys, this primitive church, existing in comparative obscurity, remained in its isolation, free, and without tendency to abandon the pure simplicity of its infancy. The independence of the diocese of Milan, and that asserted by the episcopal see of Turin, in its resistance, in the ninth century, to the worship of images, contributed to maintain them in this position.* e The following account of the opinions of Claudius, bishop of Turin, 817 — 839, is derived from Allix's "Remarks on the Ecclesias- tical History of the Ancient Churches of Piedmont :" — " AVe need only read his commentary upon the Epistle to the Gala- tians, to assure us, that he everywhere asserts the equality of all the apostles with St. Peter, though the occasions seemed naturally to engage him to establish the primacy of St Peter, and that of his pretended successors. This we find in ten several passages of that commentary ; he only declares the primacy of St. Peter to consist in the honour he had of founding the church both amongst the Jews and Gentiles, p. 810. And indeed everywhero throughout his writings he maintains, that Jesus Christ is the only Head of the Church. " He overthrows the doctrine of merits in such a manner, as overthows all the nice distinctions of the papists on that subject. " He pronounces anathemas against traditions in matters of religion : so far was he from giving occasion to others to suspect that he made them a part of the object of his faith, as the church of Home at present doth. " He maintains, that faith alone saves us, which is the point that so extremely provoked the church of Rome against Luther, who asserted the same thing. "He holds the church to be subject to error, opposite to what at this day the Romanists pretend in so unreasonable a manner. BEFORE THE REFORMATION. 41 The Waldensian valleys could not always preserve that obscure independence which constituted their security. Romanism, gradually invested with a new worship un- known to the apostles, daily rendered more and more conspicuous the contrast between its pompous innovations and the antique simplicity of the Waldenses. To reduce them within the despotic unity of Rome, there were sent against them the agents of a ministry equally unknown in the apostolic period : these were the inquisitors (1308). In consequence of the resistance which they encountered in these remote mountains, the valley ot Luserne was ultimately (1453) put under interdict. But this measure only established more manifestly the line of demarcation which was forming between the two churches ; for although the Waldenses were not separated schism ati- cally from the Bomish church, the external forms of which "He denies that prayers after death may be of any use to those that have demanded them. " He very smartly lashes the superstition and idolatry which then began to be renewed, being supported by the authority of the Roman see. " These things we find in his commentary upon the Epistle to the Galatians : but the other writings of this great man, manuscript and printed, show us yet more of his mind. Indeed, we find him giving very public marks of his zeal for the purity of religion in several points. First, he proposeth the doctrine of the church, in reference to the eucharist, in a manner altogether conformable to the judgment of antiquity, following therein the most illustrious doctors of the Christian church, and showing that he was, as to that matter, at the farthest distance from the opinions which Paschasius Radbertus advanced eighteen or nineteen years after that Claudius had writ his commentary upon St. Matthew." It was worth our while to take notice of these opinions of Claudius, because the papists have owned that the valleys of Pied- mont preserved the opinions of Claudius in the ninth and tenth century. 4* 42 THE WAIDENSES. still included them, they had their own clergy, their own worship, and their own parishes. Their pastors were named barbas, the Waldensian term for uncle. It was in the almost inaccessible solitude of the Pra-del-Tor, that their school was situated. There those who were preparing to be barbas learned by heart the gospels of St. Matthew and St. John, the catholic epistles, and a portion of those of St. Paul. They were instructed, further, in Latin, Eomane (old French), and Italian. After this they passed several years in retire- ment, and they were then consecrated ministers by the administration of the sacrament and the imposition of hands. They were supported by the voluntary contributions of the people, distributed among them annually in a general synod. A third of these contributions was given to the ministers, a third to the poor, and a third was reserved for the missionaries of the church. These missionaries always journeyed in pairs, a young man and an old man, the latter being designated regidor, the former coadjuteur. They traversed all Italy, where they had fixed stations at different points, and in almost all the towns adherents : at Venice, for example, no fewer than 6000, and at Genoa as many. Each pastor bein°-, in his turn, a missionary, the younger men thus became initiated in the delicate duties of evangelization, each being under the experienced conduct of an elder, whom discipline established as his superior, and whom he obeyed in all things, alike from duty and from deference. The old man, on his part, thus prepared himself for his repose, by forming for the church successors worthy of it and of him- self. His own task finished, he could die in peace, with BEFORE THE REFORMATION. 43 the consolatory assurance of having transmitted the sacred deposit of the gospel to prudent and zealous hands. Besides this, the barbas were instructed in some trade or profession by which they might provide, in whole or in part, for their own living. Some were hawkers, some artizans, the greater number surgeons or physicians ; and all were versed in the cultivation of the soil and the nur- ture of flocks. At the annual synod, held in the valleys, the past con- duct of the pastors was closely investigated, and their mutations of residence regulated. These mutations took place every third year among the younger pastors ; the old barbas were not removed. A director-general of the church was appointed at each synod, with the designation of President or Moderator ; the latter title ultimately pre- vailed, and subsists to this day. There was nothing more remarkable about the early Waldenses, than their missionary spirit. It was by sending out missionaries, two by two on foot, to visit their brethren dispersed in various lands, that they kept alive the little piety which existed in the world at that day. These missionaries knew where to find their brethren ; they went to their houses, held little meetings, administered the ordi- nances, ordained deacons, and sustained the faith and hopes of the tempted and persecuted ones. It is said that these missionaries could go, at one period, from Cologne to Florence, and stay every night at the houses of breth- ren. It is on account of the great number of missionaries which these little and poor churches in the valleys sus- tained, that we read of there being sometimes one hundred and forty or fifty ministers at the meetings of their synods. But few of these were needed at home ; the most were engaged in the foreign work. 44 THE WALDEXSES. It is also remarkable that almost all the men whom God raised up from time to time, in France, and other countries, for more than six hundred years before the Reformation, seem to have had more or less to do •with the Waldenses ; such as Peter Waldo, Peter Brnys, Henry of Lausanne, and Lollard. Not only did preachers go out from the valleys to proclaim the glorious gospel, but humble pious pedlars, or itinerating merchants, of 'whom there were many in the middle ages, scattered the truth by carrying some leaves of the Word of Life, or some manuscript tracts, beneath their merchandize, which they engaged those whom they found to be favourably disposed, to receive and read. The following beautiful verses, descriptive of this traffic of the Waldensian pedlers, were published in a valuable religious Journal, a few years ago.* THE TAUDOIS MISSIONARY. '• 0, lady fair, these silks of mine Are beautiful and rare — The richest web of the Indian loom Which beauty's self might wear. And these pearls are pure and mild to behold, And with radiant light they vie ; I have brought them with me a weary way : Will my gentle lady buy t" II. And the lady smiled on the worn old man, Through the dark and clustering curls Which vailed her brow as she bent to view His silk and glittering pearls; * The London Christian Observer. BEFORE THE REFORMATION. 45 And she placed their price in the old man's hand, And lightly turned away : But she paused at the wanderer's earnest call — " My gentle lady, stay 1" III. " 0, lady fair, I have yet a gem Which a purer lustre flings Than the diamond flash of the jewelled crown On the lofty brow of kings ; A wonderful pearl of exceeding price, AVhose virtue shall not decay ; Whose light shall be as a spell to thee, And a blessing on thy way !" IV. The lady glanced at the mirroring steel, Where her youthful form was seen, Whore her eyes shone clear and her dark looks waved Their clasping pearls between ; " Bring forth thy pearl of exceeding worth, Thou traveller gray and old ; And name the price of thy precious gem, And my pages shall count thy gold." V. The cloud went off from the pilgrim's brow, As a small and meagre book Unchased with gold or diamond gem, From his folding robe he took : " Here, lady fair, is the pearl of price — May it prove as such to thee 1 Nay, keep thy gold — I ask it not — For the Word of God is free." VI. The hoary traveller went his way — But the gift he left behind Hath had its pure and perfect work On that high-born maiden's mind ; 46 THEWALDENSES. And she hath turned from her pride of sin To the lowliness of truth, And given her human heart to God In its beautiful hour of youth. VII. And she hath left the old gray walls Where an evil faith hath power, The courtly nights of her father's train, And the maidens of her bower ; And she hath gone to the Yaudois vale, By lordly feet untrod, Where the poor and needy of earth are rich In the perfect love of God ! The first combined measures taken by the secular authority for the destruction of the Vaudois, do not appear to date before 1209. At that epoch, the emperor Otho IV. having, after the death of his rival, Philip of Suabia, been recognised by the Diet of Frankfort, repaired to Rome, for the purpose of being consecrated by pope Innocent III. who had always favoured him against Philip. On his way he passed through 'Piedmont. The then reigning count of Savoy, Maurice, had taken part against him in his disputes with Philip, and the latter had given him, as a reward, the towns of Quiers, Testona, and Modona. Otho, now triumphant, resolved to punish the partisan of his competitor, by enfeebling him in his own states ; and he accordingly conferred on the archbishop of Turin, who was a prince of the empire, authority to destroy the Waldenses by force of arms. Thus, the long train of persecution which this people had to undergo was not opened by the house of Savoy, but by its enemies ; and when, later, the house of Savoy itself entered on the path of cruelty and depopulation, it was not of its own BEFORE THE REFORMATION. 47 motion, but ever under foreign influences, the most vin- dictive of which was that of the court of Rome. Thus was the primitive church preserved in the Alps up to the epoch of the Reformation. The Waldenses are the chain by which the reformed churches are connected with the first disciples of our Saviour. In vain has popery, renegade from evangelical truths, sought, a thousand times, to break that chain ; it has resisted every shock ; empires have crumbled away, dynasties have fallen, but this chain of scriptural testimony has not been broken, for its strength came, not from men, but from God. Cjjapter jfaurtl;. PERSECUTION BY TOLAXDE AND CATANEO. It was a foreigner, the sister of Louis XI., who first commenced the systematic persecution of the Waldenses. This was Yolanrle, who, having married Amadeu3 IX., one of the best and most charitable dukes of Savoy that ever honoured his dynasty, became, in 1472, as his widow, the regent of his dominions. Her name, from Yolande, was converted into Violante, either from some alteration of orthography in the public documents, or in allusion to her violent and vindictive character. On the 23d of January, 1476, without putting forth any other complaint against the Waldenses, or alleging any other ground for her rigour than their creed, she ordered the seigneurs of Pignerol and Cavours to bring them, at whatever cost, within the bosom of the Romish church : the Waldenses, in their turn, demanded that the Romish church itself should be brought back to the gospel. The duche83 convoked her great vassals to deliberate on the means of reducing to silence these daring protestants — if we may employ the term a century before the Reformation. But she had not the opportunity of carrying her projects into effect, being herself made prisoner by order of the duke of Burgundy, who, being at war with Louis XL, desired to prevent her giving aid to that monarch. The "Waldenses, however, had pertinaciously refused to abjure their alleged YOLANDEANDCATANEO. 49 heresy, and Charles, Yolande's second son, accordingly directed an inquiry to be made into this contumacy (1485). This inquiry for the first time officially manifested the profound difference which time had established between the Waldenses, still faithful to the primitive faith, and the Romish church, more and more degenerate. The result was laid before the holy see in 1486. In the following year, Innocent VIII. fulminated against the Waldenses a bull of extermination, by which he enjoined all the temporal powers to arm for their destruc- tion. It invited all catholics to take up the cross against them, " absolving from all ecclesiastical pains and pen- alties, general and particular, those who should take up the cross ; releasing them from any oaths they might have taken ; legitimatizing their title to any property they might have illegally acquired ; and promising remission of all their sins to such as should kill any heretic. It annulled all contracts made in favour of the Waldenses ; ordered their domestics to abandon them, forbade all persons to give them any aid whatever, and empowered all persons to take possession of their property." Forthwith several thousands of volunteers — vagabond adventurers, ambitious fanatics, reckless pillagers, mer- ciless assassins — assembled from all parts of Italy to execute the behests of the pseudo-successor of St. Peter. This horde of brigands, suitable support of a profligate pontiff, marched against the valleys, in the train of another army of 18,000 regular troops, contributed in common by the king of France and the sovereign of Piedmont. Yet no crime was alleged against the unhappy Waldenses, even by the pope himself. His exterminating bull itself admitted that their chief means of seduction was their marked manifestation of sanctity. The destruction of this 50 THEWALDENSES. feeble folk seemed inevitable at the hands of so over- whelming a force of foes; but God undertook their defence, breathing a spirit of confusion into the ranks of their enemies, of steady courage into their own. The papal legate who was charged with the execution of these sanguinary orders, was an archdeacon of Cremona, named Albert Cataneo, or de Cataneis. He took up his abode first at Pignerol, in the convent of San Larenzo, whence he despatched preaching monks to essay the conversion of the Waldenses, ere he assailed them with arms. These missionaries obtaining no success, he himself advanced into the valleys. The inhabitants sent to him as delegates, John Campo and John Desiderio, who thus addressed him : — " Do not condemn us without hearing us, for we are Christians and faithful subjects ; and our barbas are prepared to prove, in public or in private, that our doctrines are conformable with the word of God. True, we have not followed the transgressors of the evangelical law, who have so long departed from the tradition of the apostles ; we have rejected their corrupt precepts, and refused to recognise any other authority than that of the Bible ; but we find our happiness in a pure and simple life, wherein alone the Christian faith takes root and flourishes. We despise the love of riches and the thirst of dominion, wherewith our persecutors are devoured. Our hope in God is, however, greater than our desire to please men : beware how you draw down upon yourselves his anger by per- secuting us ; for remember, that if God so wills it, all the forces you have assembled against us will nothing avail." This noble confidence was not deceived. At the will of God this army of invaders vanished from the Waldensian mountains as rain in the sands of the desert. The inhabitants concentrated themselves on the most YOLANDEANDCATANEO. 51 inaccessible points ; the enemy, on the contrary, spread themselves over the plains. From strategetic incapacity, or from an ostentatious desire to make a great display of military force, Cataneo resolved to make an attack simul- taneously on all the leading points, to that from the village of Biolet, in the marquisate of Saluzzo, to that of Sezanne, in Dauphiny, his shallow lines occupied the whole country. It was his idea to stifle with one blow the hydra of heresy : with one blow his own power was shattered, his lines broken, and his battalions assailed, in their precipitate flight, by those whom they had come to crush. The only weapons employed were pikes, swords, and arrows. The Waldenses constructed shields and cuirasses of skins, covered with the thick bark of the chestnut-tree, and these arrested the enemy's arrows, which, shot from below, penetrated without piercing these defences ; while the Waldenses, vigorous and skilful, full of confidence in God, and better posted, discharged their weapons from above with triumphant advantage. There was one post, however, which, despite the energy of the defence, seemed about to be forced by the enemy — the central point of this great line of operations, on the heights of San Giovanni, near the Angrogna mountains, at a place called Rocca- manante. The crusaders having by degrees ascended the mountain, had reached this natural bulwark, behind which the Waldenses had placed their families. These, seeing them draw back, fell on their knees, and exclaimed with fervour, " Lord God, help them ! Lord God, save us !" The enemy, who from a distance beheld their suppliant attitude, sent forth a contemptuous shout of laughter, and hastened their march. "You shall be saved with a vengeance," cried one of their chiefs, named, from his dark complexion, 52 THE WALDENSES. U Nero di Mondovi; and as he spoke he raised his visor, in scorn of the poor folk, whom he thought he could insult with impunity ; but at the very instant an arrow, shot by a young man of Angrogna, called Peter Revelli, pierced the forehead of this modern Goliath between the eyes, and laid him dead on the spot. His men, struck with panic and fear, drew back in disorder; the Waldenses, taking advan- tage of their terror, sallied forth, and, rushing upon them, drove them down to the plain, where they dispersed in flight. A fresh endeavour was made next day to obtain posses- sion of the redoubtable post. The enemy, adopting a different route, proceeded along the valley of Angrogna, on their way to the Pra-del-Tor, whence, ascending by La Vachera, they would have rendered themselves masters of the whole country. But one of those thick fogs which, at times, suddenly arise in the Alps, came upon them, just as they were involved in the most dangerous and most difficult defiles. Ignorant of the locality, advancing in doubt, uncertain which way to turn, and unable to advance in a body over these rocks, bordered with precipices, they were checked by the first attack of the Waldenses, and speedily defeated. The first who were repulsed fell back on those who were behind them, these on the next, and in a few minutes utter disorder prevailed: retreat s'oon became flight, flight catastrophe, the fugitives falling over the humid rocks into the fatal abysses below. Few of the assailants escaped ; and this decisive rout, due to the will of God rather than to the arms of the Waldenses, completed the deliverance of this valley, which was not again visited by Cataneo's troops. On the mountain of Roderi, in the valley of Pragela, the Waldenses, favoured by the nature of the locality, put YOLANDE AND CATANEO. 53 to flight the crusaders, by rolling down upon them avalan- ches of rocks ; after this they descended, attacked them, man to man, and prolonged the fight till the evening. The legate then drew off to Dauphiny. There a battalion of his forces, 700 strong, entering the village of Pommiere, in the Val-Louise, which they designed to plunder, were suddenly attacked by the Waldenses ; and all those who escaped the fury of the first assault perished within a few days in the gorges of the mountains. The standard-bearer alone, after remaining concealed in a ravine for two days, came forth to avoid death by starvation and cold, and yielded himself up to the Waldenses, who afforded him sustenance and asylum, with that generous forgiveness of injuries which Christ has inculcated on his faithful. The prisoner's strength restored, he was permitted to depart ; and it was he who made known the total defeat of his companions. After these futile and inglorious expeditions, the duke of Savoy withdrew his troops, dismissed the legate, under pretext that his mission was completed, and sent a bishop to the Waldenses to induce them to make overtures for a peace, which, they were assured, would be granted them. The interview of this envoy with the evangelical Christians of the Alps took place in the hamlet of Prasuyt, on the borders of the parishes of Angrogna and San Giovanni. It was there agreed that the Waldenses should send a representative from each of their churches to wait upon the prince, who was to repair, for that purpose, to Pignerol. At this meeting it was that the prince required to see some of their children, in order to ascertain whether it was really true that they were born with black throats, hairy teeth, and goat's feet, as the Romanists asserted. " Is it possible," he exclaimed, when he saw several of 5* 51 THE WALDEXSES. these children, — " is it possible that these are the children of heretics ! What charming creatures ! They are the finest children I ever beheld !" The prejudice thus dis- sipated may appear ridiculous, but it was calculated to be of potent effect in an ignorant age. Superstition, which obscures the moral and religious sense, throws also its veil over all the other parts of the human intellect ; as, on the other hand, the light of the gospel, in illuminating the soul which has received it, elevates, aggrandizes, and puri- fies all the intellectual powers. Ctfaptu /ift{r. HISTORY OF THE VAL-LOUISE. In the general description of the country of the Wal- denses, which is given in the second chapter, we have confined ourselves to the present limits of that people. They extended, however, at one time, far beyond those limits, into similar mountain valleys on the other side of the Alps, into Savoy on the north, into Provence and Dau- phiny in France on the west, into the valley of the Po, and into the plain country between their present territory and Turin. In regard to some of these Waldensian settle- ments, it is difficult to say whether they were the original population, or whether they were early emigrants from the Piedmontese valleys. They were, however, all homo- geneous in character, and they all looked to the Piedmontese valleys as a sort of mother country, the recognized centre and starting point of their race and their religion. Some of the earliest records of the history of this people of God relate to those valleys from which they have been since expelled, and where few, if any, of their name or faith are now to be found. Among the French valleys, formerly occupied by a Waldensian population, the first to be named is the Val- Louise. This is a deep, cold gorge, which descends from Mont Pelvoux to the basin of the Durance. The earliest ascertained persecution of the people of this valley was (55) 56 THE WALDENSES. between 1238 and 1243. A century later, in 1335, we find, in the accounts-current of the bailli of Embrun, this singu- lar article ; Item, for persecuting the Waldensian, eight sols and thirty deniers, gold; as though the persecution of these Christians of the Alps had then become a regular department of the public service ! Chabert, one of the Waldensian brethren of the valley of Luserne, more than five hundred years before, had bought, from the dauphin John II., a large house in Val- Louise, which he had presented to the brethren of that district for the purpose of their religious assemblies. This edifice the archbishop of Embrun destroyed, in 1348, excommunicating beforehand any persons who should attempt to rebuild it, and burning, at the same time, twelve Waldenses who had been found in the house by the archbishop's satellites. These unfortunate captives, being taken to Embrun, and collected in the square facing the cathedral, amid a crowd of people, and more immediately surrounded by fanatic monks, were enveloped in a yellow robe, on which were painted flames, symbolizing those of the hell to which they were declared doomed ; their heads were shaved, and they were publicly anathematized ; then, with bare feet, and ropes round their necks, they were fastened to the stake and strangled ; fire was then applied ; their bodies returned to dust, their souls ascended to their God. A young inquisitor, Francesco Borelli, obtained from pope Gregory XI. pressing letters to the king of France, the duke of Savoy, and the governor of Dauphiny, enjoin- ing them to unite their forces for the purpose of extirpating from the Alps this inveterate heresy. The inquisitor undertook the charge of the temporal arms that were confided to him ; and his persecutions left not a single THE VAL- LOUISE. 57 village unassailed. Like the fabulous robe of the centaur, •which destroyed whatever it touched, it seized whole families, whole populations, so that the prisons were soon inadequate to receive the multitude of prisoners. New dungeons were constructed for them, of mere bare walls, designed only to secure and inflict suffering on the captives. Borelli began with summoning before him all the inhabitants of these valleys : they did not appear, and he condemned them for not appearing. Thencefoward, exposed to be surprised by his satellites, they suffered the double anguish of their own perils and the anguish of their families. One was seized on the highway, another in his field, another by his fireside ; for fifteen years did this work of extermination proceed. At length, on 22d May, 1393, all the churches of Embrun were decked as for a grand solemnity, and the cathedral especially, where the mass of the local clergy, covered with their theatrical decorations, were grouped in the choir, while, near them, a double line of soldiers served at once to keep back the people in the nave, and to guard a troop of prisoners, soldiers of Christ, condemned, for their vindication of his word, to be burned alive. Pres- ently the list of these martyrs was read out to the people. There wtre eighty from the valleys of Frayssinie"res and Argentiere, and one hundred and fifty from the Val- Louise — a large proportion of the population of that valley ; and after each name was pronounced the fatal formula that condemned the living bodies of these two hundred and thirty victims to the stake ! The solitude of the desert now reigned in these depopulated mountains ; and as the wolves abandon the exhausted charnel-house, the inquisi- tors withdrew from these impoverished valleys. For a while France had enough to do in saving herself 58 THE WALDENSES. from utter destruction at the hands of the English, owing her final safety only to the enthusiasm of a young girl, Joan of Arc. Meantime, the Waldensian churches grad- ually raised up their heads once more, as violets from amid the rocks, the breath of persecution propagating their evangelical faith, as the wind bears afar the fragrance of the flower. But the haughty and brutal animosity of the papacy grew also ; and towards the close of the fifteenth century, Innocent VIII. proclaimed against the Waldenses that war of extermination, the conduct of which, as we have seen in a former chapter, he committed to Albert Cataneo. It was in the month of June, 1488, that this worthy legate of the pope, having fruitlessly essayed to subjugate the valleys of Piedmont, passed into France by Mont Genevre, where he caused to be strangled eighteen of these poor folk whom he had made prisoners. Thence he made an onslaught upon Briangon, a town which had been indicated to him as a nest of heresy ; and from this marched upon Frayssinieres, whose few and poorly armed inhabitants retired to a rock overlooking the church, where they were surrounded by the troops, and made prisoners. Cataneo's ferocious fanatics thence entered the deep gorge of Val-Louise. The Waldenses, feeling that they could not resist a force twenty times greater than their own, abandoned their poor habitations, placed their old people and children in their rustic carts, with their domestic utensils and such provisions as they could collect, and, driving their herds before them, and singing canticles, retired to the rugged slopes of Mont Pelvoux. This part of the Alps rises more than six thousand feet above the level of the valley. A third of the way up there is an immense cavern, called Aigue-Froide or Ailfrede, from the cold THE VAL-LOUISE. 59 springs, nourished by the snows, which are found there. A sort of platform, accessible only over fearful precipices, extends at the mouth of the cavern, the majestic vault of which, after subsiding into a narrow passage, expands once more into an immense hall, of irregular form. Such was the asylum which the Waldenses had selected. They placed at the extremity of the grotto, the women, children, and old men ; the cattle and sheep occupied the lateral cavities of the rock, and the able-bodied men posted them- selves towards the mouth of the cavern, which, after having first barricaded with large rocks the path that led to the grotto, they had walled up with similar materials. Cataneo states, in his Memoirs, that they had with them provisions for more than two years. All their precautions thus taken, they deemed they had nothing to fear ; but in reality they had to fear this very confidence in mere human precautions. Cataneo had with him a daring and experienced leader, named La Palud. This captain, seeing the impossibility of forcing the entrenchments of the grotto on the side by which the Waldenses had reached it, led his own men back into the valley ; then, with all the ropes he could collect, he ascended Mont Pelvoux, and, making his way to the precipice overhanging the (entrance to the cavern, descended, by means of the ropes, to the platform. Nothing could have been more easy than for the Waldenses either to cut the ropes, or to slay each soldier before he reached the ground, and then hurl him into the abyss ; but a panic terror seized the unhappy besieged. Some who rushed out from the cavern precipitated themselves down the rocks. Those who essayed resistance were slaughtered by La Palud, who then, not venturing to involve his men in the depths of the cavern, piled up all the wood he could 60 TIIEWALDEXSES. collect at the entrance, and set fire to it. Those who attempted to issue forth were either destroyed by the flames, or by the sword of the enemy, while those who remained within were stifled by the smoke. When the cavern was afterwards examined, there were found in it four hundred infants suffocated in their cradles, or in the arms of their dead mothers. Altogether there perished in this cavern more than three thousand Waldenses — including the entire population of Val-Louise. Cataneo distributed the property of these unfortunates among the vagabonds who accompanied him, and never again did the Waldensian church raise its head in these blood-stained valleys. Chapter liittr. HISTORY OF BARCELONNETTE, QUEYRAS, AND EEAYSSISIEKES. The valley of Barcelonnette in Savoy is a hollow closed in on all sides by almost inaccessible mountains. The period of the first advent hither of the Waldenses is unknown ; but we find that when Farel came to preach here in 1519, at Josiers, the population rejoiced to hear, by the voice of the reformer, the doctrines of their fore- fathers proclaimed aloud in all their evangelical purity. In 1366, a rigorous order enjoined all the Waldenses of Barcelonette either to embrace Romanism, or to quit the territory of Savoy ■within a month, under penalty of death and confiscation of their property. Most of them resolved to retire to the valley of Frayssinieres, which be- longed to France ; but it was now deep winter ; the roads were covered with snow and ice ; the women, children, and old men could advance but slowly, so that wearied and cold, they were fain to lie down for the night on the snow, and numbers were frozen into the sleep of death. The survivors reached with difficulty the paternal asylum that had been opened to them. When, however, the gov- ernor of Barcelonnette proposed to distribute the property of the proscribed amongst the catholic population of the -valley, these noble men refused to accept the gift, and the exiles were thereupon permitted to return and resume their possessions, the authorities perceiving that otherwise 6 (Gl) 62 THE WALDENSES. the land would remain uncultivated, and the valley in a large degree uninhabited. Still the Waldenses were not allowed openly to exercise their religion, but were fain several times in the year to traverse the glaciers to Vars, in the territory of France, to receive the communion and the benediction of a pastor. Half a century later (in 1623) persecution recom- menced. A Dominican monk, named Bouvetti, obtained from the duke of Savoy authority to proceed against the "Waldenses of Barcelonnette, to whom he brought once more the alternative of abjuration or exile. The execu- tion of this alternative was pitilessly prosecuted by the gov- ernor of the valley, Francis Dreux ; so that after many fruitless endeavours to effect a modification of their fate, the Waldenses, unshaken in the faith of their fathers, had once more, and now without return, to abandon their native valley, and to seek an asylum in lands less afflicted. Some withdrew to Queyras and Gapencois, others to Orange and Lyon, others to Geneva, others still to the valleys of Piedmont, which seemed their mother-country. The inhabitants of Frayssinieres in France, whose laborious habits and pure life the illustrious De Thou has depicted in the most vivid colours, were also in their turn the victims of persecution ; between 1056 and 1290 no fewer than five papal bulls demanded their extirpation, and so early as 1238 the Inquisition preyed upon them. In 1344, most of the inhabitants of Frayssinieres, being persecuted, took refuge in the valleys of Piedmo-nt ; but they afterwards returned thence with their barbas, resisted the inquisitors, and were soon stronger than before. After the extermination of the Waldenses of Val-Louise, the bloody Cataneo, undertook to deal with those of BARCELONNETTE, FE AYSSINIERE S, ET C. 68 Frayssinieres, and summoned them to appear before him at Embrun. Knowing that the object was to obtain their abjuration, they did not attend ; hereupon they were con- demned, as contumacious rebels and heretics, to be burned, and their property to be confiscated to the Romish church. Such of them as were seized were accordingly sent to the stake without any further formality ; and any one who interceded for them, though it were a son for a mother, a father for his child, was immediately impris- oned, and, in many cases, condemned also to the flames as abetting heresy. Upon the death of Charles VIII., in 1498, delegates from almost all the provinces of the kingdom repaired to Paris to take part in the coronation of Louis XII. ; and the inhabitants of Frayssinieres took the occasion to depute one of their number to attend, and to lay their complaints before the new sovereign. Louis XII. referred the matter to his council, and after consultation with the pope, papal and royal commissioners were appointed to investigate the subject on the spot. Upon arriving at Embrun, these commissioners had all the documents of the processes against the Waldenses on the part of the in- quisitors laid before them, and having investigated them, censured the bishop, and annulled all the condemnations pronounced against the inhabitants of Frayssinieres. After this, the Waldensian Christians in Dauphiny expe- rienced various turns of fortune, some of them memorable indeed, but we have not space to dwell upon them more particularly. During the 17th century, they were per- mitted freely to exercise their religion, and had regular pastors at Restolas, Abries, Chateau-Queyros, Arvieux, Moline, and St. Veran. The revocation of the edict of Nantes destroyed their 04 THBWALDEN6ES. temples and proscribed themselves. Thousands of them went into exile. Those of Queyras -withdrew into the valleys of Piedmont. Under Lewis XV. their faith being still interdicted, these poor people exercised their worship in the desert, like those of Le Gard and of the Cevennes. When a religious assembly was to take place, the villagers descended separately, by different paths, with spade on shoulder, as if repairing to their work, and all would meet in some solitary nook, where, taking their psalm-books from their bosoms, they would unite in prayer. Whole families were wont to traverse long distances to attend these meetings. Departing in the evening, they would travel all night, and at the entrance of villages the men would take off their shoes and walk barefoot, so that the sound of their steps might not betray them : the feet of the mules or horses, on which the women and children rode, were covered with linen, for *he same purpose, and thus the pious procession would reach the secret place of prayer. Sometimes the gendarmerie, then called the mar£chaussee, would suddenly come upon the assembled worshippers, and in the name of the king, arrest the pastor ; but the assemblies of the desert, dispersed at one point, would rally at another. Where copies of the Bible had, by incessant seizures, become too few to supply the wants of each, societies of young persons were formed, for the purpose of learning the Scriptures by heart, and thus preserving it, in their memory at least, from the menaced confiscation. Each member of these societies was entrusted to retain exactly in his memory a certain number of chapters ; and when the assembly of the desert assembled, these new Levites, standing beside the minister, in face of the faithful, would supply the reading of the interdicted volume, by successively reciting, each in BARCELONNETTE, FR A YS S INIE RE S, E T C . 65 his turn, all the chapters of the book indicated by the pastor, for the common edification. Descendants of these glorious men, who thus aided to preserve the protestant church in France through periods of storm, still subsist at Frayssinieres, at Vars, at Dormilhouse, Arvieux, Molines, and St. Veran. A recent apostolate, worthy of represent- ing the ancient Waldensian fervour, has connected with these districts the name of Felix Neff. 6* Cljiijibr ieuentjr. THE WALDENSES IN PROVENCE. Several colonies of the Waldenses established them- selves in Provence towards the close of the thirteenth century. For awhile adhering to a close reserve in their religious worship, and punctually paying all taxes, tithes, and siegneurial dues, they were not interfered with by the Romanists ; but the German reformers having reproached them with cowardice and dissimulation in not more openly manifesting their faith, they ceased to practice their worship in private only. Forthwith the inquisitors were let loose upon them, and one of these, John di Roma, was so excessive in his cruelties and spoliations, during the ten years he acted in these valleys, that the king had him imprisoned. The persecutions, which he had commenced, were, however, none the less continued. In 1534, the bishops of Sisteron, Apt, Cavaillon, and other sees, each in his diocese, sought out the Waldensians, and filled the prisons with them. Having ascertained that these heretics were natives of Piedmont, information was transmitted of their apprehension to the archbishop of Turin; and a commissioner, appointed by him, wrote to the authorities in Provence, directing that proceedings should be sus- pended until full inquiry had been made by him. The bishop of Cavaillon, however, on the 29th of March, 1535, informed him that thirteen of these prisoners had been I GO) IN PROVENCE. 67 already burned to death. Others, he said, had died in prison. Thus the intervention of the commissioner was futile against the vehement zeal of these persecuting prelates. Clement VIII., a year before his death, promised plenary indulgence to every Waldensian in the French territories who would enter within the pale of popery : not one of them accepted the offer. Thereupon the pope complained to the king of France, who wrote to the par- liament of Aix ; and the parliament ordered the seigneurs of the lands occupied by the Waldensians, to compel their vassals either to abjure or to quit the country. Upon their refusal, an attempt was made to conquer them by intimidation. Some of them were cited to appear before the court of Aix, to explain the causes of their disobedi- ence : they did not attend, and, in default, the court con- demned them to be burned alive. Their brethren there- upon took up arms, and delivered the prisoners. The authorities took up arms, and a civil war seemed inevitable. The case was laid before the king, Francis I. ; and he, thinking to pacify all parties, published in July, 1535, a general amnesty, on the condition that the heretics should abjure within the space of six months. The six months passed away, and there was no abjura- tion : thereupon every seigneur and magistrate of these districts assumed the right of exacting abjuration, or of inflicting punishment on the recusant, by means of con- fiscation and imprisonment. Many of the siegneurs used largely this new mode of enriching themselves. Menier d'Oppede grievously abused it. The descendant of a Jewish family, poor, of evil reputation, and remorseless in soul, he took advantage of this crusade against the faithful : collecting a force of armed men, he would issue forth, seize 0,S THE WALDENSES upon some Waldensian farmer, and command him to in- voke the saints. " There is but one Mediator between God and man," would the Waldensian reply; "and that is he who is himself both God and man, even Christ." The heretic would then be dragged to the caverns beneath the chateau d'Oppede, and there remain until he paid a heavy ransom, or till death released him, in which case his captor confiscated all his property to his own use. These revolting depredations especially disgraced the year 1536. In the following year, the attorney-general of the parliament of Provence, at the instance of the fanatic clergy, and of greedy spoliators, drew up a report, setting forth that the Waldensians were daily increasing. Upon this report the king commanded the court to suppress the rebels ; in June, 1539, he further enjoined it to take cognizance of heresy, and in the following October the court ordered the seizure of one hundred and fifty-four persons, denounced as heretics by two apostates. In the excessive fermentation to which such measures naturally gave rise, a mere spark would light up a flame ; and this happened in the following manner. The Judge of Apt, taking a fancy to a mill there, denounced the miller, Pellenc, as a heretic ; Pellenc was burned alive, and his mill confiscated to the profit of the denouncer. Some young people of Merindol, whose Pro- vengal veins still boiled with Italian blood, could not restrain their indignation at such iniquity, and in their ignorance or their despair of legal forms, they executed justice for themselves ; they went by night, and destroyed the mill, so unrighteously possessed, at the price of their brother's blood, by his murderer. The judge made his complaint to the court of Aix, and named the persons whom he suspected to have taken part in this violence. IN PROVENCE. (59 The court, though it was vacation time (July, 1540), held an extraordinary sitting, and decreed the arrest of eighteen persons. The officer appointed to effect the arrest proceeded to Merindol ; he found the houses all empty. " Where are the inhabitants of this village?" he asked, of a mendicant whom he met on the way. " They have fled to the woods, for they heard that the troops of the count de Teuda were going to kill them." " Go seek them," said the officer, "and tell them they shall receive no harm." A few Waldensians made their appearance, and the officer served the summons upon these, ordering them to appear before the court in two months. On the 2d of September they assembled together, and addressed to the court a memorial protesting their submis- siveness to its orders, and their fidelity to the king ; and supplicating the court not to be influenced by their enemies, who had already misled it, since, in the summons which they were directed to obey, there were the names of some persons who were dead, of others who had never existed at all, and of infants who could not yet walk. The court, irritated at having its blunders pointed out by these simple mountaineers, replied that the living should appear before it without troubling their heads about the dead. The Waldensians consulted an advocate as to what course they should pursue. " If you desire to be burned alive," was the answer, "you will go before the court." They did not go before it, and, accordingly, upon the 18th of November, 1540, the court of Aix pronounced against them an incon- ceivable judgment, condemning to the stake twenty-three persons, seventeen out of whom were named, delivering up their wives and children to any one who could seize them, forbidding all persons to aid them in any way, and order- 70 THE WALDENSES ing Merindol, as a place notorious for heresy, to be burned to the ground, and utterly destroyed. This decree aroused general indignation, not only in the populace, but in the generous hearts among the nobility and the advocates. The young count d'Allenc, one of the most distinguished members of the Arlesian nobility, waited upon the president Chassanee, made an appeal to his justice and humanity, and obtained a respite, during which tbe court, itself alarmed at the decree it had pronounced, referred the matter to the king, who directed Dubellay, to proceed to Provence, and inquire into the conduct of the Waldenses. Upon the report of this nobleman that the Waldenses were retired and quiet people, reserved in their manners, chaste and sober in their lives, and laborious in their habits, but that they did not attend the mass, the monarch, by a letter dated the 18th of February, 1541, proclaimed a general amnesty, pardoning all the condemned on condition of their abjuring their errors of doctrine within three months. This amnesty was not published by the court of Aix till the middle of May, when there only remained two weeks of the stipulated time unexpired ; but had there been but one moment, they would never have sought to save their mortal life, at the expense of their immortal soul, by abjuring the truth. On the contrary, they proclaimed more emphatically than ever their persecuted doctrines, in a confession of faith, dated 6 th of April, 1541, which they transmitted to Francis I., and which the sire de Castelnau read to him. Each point of doctrine was supported by texts of scripture. " Well, what have our people got to say in reply to that?" asked the monarch, from time to time. But his fickle and superficial mind soon forgot the impression thus made upon him. IN PROVENCE. 71 The illustrious and learned Sadolet, whose features Raffaelle has transmitted to us in a celebrated picture, heard of this confession of faith, and requested to be furnished with a copy of it. He was at this time bishop of Carpentras, and it was with him the Waldenses of Cabrieres first appeared on the stage ; for, being inhabi- tants of his diocese, it was they who laid before him a copy of the common confession. " We consent," said they, " not only to abjure, but to submit to the severest penalties, if it can be shown to us, out of the holy scrip- tures, that our doctrines are erroneous." The cardinal replied to them with kindness, admitted that they had been the victims of black calumnies and false criminations, requested them to come and confer with him, and sought to make them perceive that, without departing from the spirit of their confession, they might modify its letter. He took no pains, indeed, to prevent their perceiving that he himself desired a reform in Catholicism. Had the Waldenses encountered only such examiners as he, blood would not have flown ! He wrote to the pope to express his surprise that the Waldenses were persecuted, while the Jews were spared ; but the poor folk soon lost his protection, for he was recalled to Rome, and thus, removed from his observation, the Wal- denses remained alone in face of their persecutors. The term of the amnesty indicated by the royal letter having arrived, the court of Aix ordered the Waldenses to send ten representatives, to declare whether they intended to avail themselves of it, and to conform. One representative alone appeared, named Estene. " We consent to abjure," he repeated, "if our errors can be demonstrated." The cardinal de Tournon, excited against the Wal- 72 THE WALDENSES denses by the legate of the papal see, sent word to the king that the clergy had rejected the confession of faith •which the sectaries had laid before him, whereupon the governor of the province was ordered to clear it of heresy. The bishop of Cavailln, deputed by the court of Aix, visited Merindol to inquire into the religious views of the Waldenses. On reaching the village, he summoned the principal inhabitants before him, and rejecting all question between them of doctrine, required them at once " to abjure their errors ;" intimating that all he desired was a mere formality on their part, after which they would be left at peace, and at full liberty to place what interpreta- tion they pleased on their abjuration. But the Waldenses were not Jesuits ; they frankly refused compliance, and the bishop withdrew. On the 4th April, 1542, he returned, and was equally unsuccessful. Two years then passed away, in suspense on the one hand, in hesitation to act on the other, and then Francis I., on 14th June, 1544, on the plaint of the Waldenses of Cabrieres, issued an edict suspending all proceedings against the Waldenses, restoring them to their social privileges, and releasing such of them as were in prison. The court of Aix, before publishing this edict, sent one of its officers to Paris, to procure, if possible, its revocation. On the 1st January, 1545, letters of revoca- tion were, in the privy council, placed before the king for signature, and he signed them without reading them, or being at all aware of their purport. They were, however, effective for the purpose, and that purpose was the execu- tion of the decree of the 18th November, 1540, and the destruction by fire and sword, not simply of the twenty inhabitants of Merindol, contemplated by the decree, but of the entire population of seventeen villages. The instant IN PROVENCE. 73 that this sanguinary order had been thus fraudulently obtained, it was despatched by especial courier to Oppede, the president of the court of Aix, who, as instantly upon its receipt, sent instructions to the governor of Provence, to assemble troops for its prompt execution. No notice was given to the doomed people, lest they should make their plaint before their sovereign, and thus lay bare the fraud of which he was the dupe and they were to be the victims. The soldiers were quietly collected, and they only awaited the arrival of captain Poulain, who was shortly expected from Piedmont. He came on the 7th April. Between the 7th and the 11th all the preparations were completed for carrying into effect this retroactive sentence. The 12th was a Sunday, but nevertheless the court assembled at the summons of Oppede. The inhabitants of Lourmarin were ordered to prepare billets for a thousand foot and three hundred horse. The inhabitants replied by taking up arms. The order was repeated; they required a delay of twelve hours for reflection. " Subjects do not make terms with their sovereign," was the rejoinder. The chatelaine of Lour- marin, Blanche de Levis, came herself to intercede for her people, but she was not listened to. All in tears, she then addressed her vassals, and entreated them to avoid certain destruction, by laying down their arms. " Our destruction would only be the more certain and the more prompt, were we to lay them down," was the reply. "But let us depart quietly, and we will abandon our goods to those who seek them by our death." The poor chatelaine, however, could do nothing. The dame de Cental also wrote to Oppede, entreating him to 7 74 TIIEWALDEXSES spare her vassals. But already the troops, spread over the country, had begun to pillage and destroy. Oppede began by setting fire to the houses in La Roque, Ville-Laure, and Trezemines, which had been aban- doned by the Waldenses ; he did the same at Lourmarin, where a hundred and fourteen houses were destroyed. On the 18th of April, the combined troops appeared before Merindol ; the inhabitants had retired, but a young man, named Maurice Blanc, who had been late in the fields, was seized by the pillagers. They tied him to an olive tree, and the soldiers, converting him into a mark for their arquebuses, fired at him from a distance. The fifth bullet terminated his sufferings. They then set fire to the village, which was entirely consumed. Some women having been surprised in the church, they were stripped naked, subjected to indescrib- able outrages, and then compelled to hold each other by the hand, as in a dance, were urged, at the pike's point, up the castle-rock, whence, already severely wounded and suffering, they were precipitated, one after the other, into the abyss beneath. Elsewhere many were taken and sold. One father had to travel to Marseilles to ransom his daughter. A young mother, endeavouring to escape across the fields, with her infant in her arms, was overtaken and outraged by these ruffians, pressing all the while her nursling to her bosom. An aged woman at Lauris, between Cabrieres and Avignon, whose years saved her from this particular brutality, became in their hands an object of insult to humanity and to their own religion. They cut her hair in the shape of a cross, and having covered this tonsure with some tinsel, they led her through the streets, sincinc psalms derisively, in imitation of a procession of priests. IN PROVENCE. 75 Coming, at length, to a large oven, which was heated to bake a quantity of bread for themselves, the soldiers pushed their victim to the opening with their pikes, crying, " Enter there, you old devil !" The poor creature, exhausted with her sufferings, was about to enter without resistance, but the soldiers who had prepared the oven would not permit this use to be made of it. Signalizing its march by a thousand similar brutalities, under the most various and most revolting forms, the army reached Cabrieres. This fortified town, being within the pope's territory, could not have been touched without the consent of the pontiff, but the vice-legate Mormoiran had furnished Oppede with full power to act as he should think fit. The army came to the town on the 19th of April, and though this was the Sabbath, at once commenced batter- ing the walls. The Waldenses within, occupied in prayer, gave no indication of submission, and the firing continued all day and all night. On Monday morning it was stayed, and Oppede wrote to the besieged, that if they would open the gates of the town, they should receive no harm. The first troops which entered were those from Piedmont, trained and hardy warriors, who were to have begun the carnage ; but, knowing the stipulations of the surrender, the soldiers declared that their honour was concerned in its observance. Meantime, Oppede sent for the principal men of the place, who came without distrust. They were eighteen in number ; their hands were tied, and they were passed among the troops, to which they made no objection, thinking they were merely there as hostages for the tran- quillity of the rest of the population. But as they were traversing the ranks of the Provengal troops, commanded by Oppede, the son-in-law of this man, named de Pour- rieres, cut with his sabre, the bald head of an old man, whose 76 THEWALDENSES faltering steps had accidentally approached too near the officer's feet. " Kill them all," cried Oppede, when he saw the old man fall ; and instantly the cowardly and frantic troops whom he so fitly commanded, butchered the unhappy hostages, whose quivering limbs, as they lay in recent death, the same de Pourrieres and the sire de Faulcon savagely muti- lated. The heads of the murdered men were raised on pikes, and the soldiers being thus excited, the signal for general massacre was given. A number of women, shut up in a barn, to which fire was applied, sought to save them- selves from the flames by leaping from the walls ; they were received on the points of pikes and swords. Others had retired to the castle. "Death! blood!" exclaimed Oppede, as he pointed out to his soldiers the path to the asylum of the victims. But the most horrible scene took place in the church. Hither the great majority of the women had repaired for refuge : the soldiers seized them, stripped them naked, outraged them in the most brutal manner, and then threw some of them from the tower to the ground, while others, after being dragged forth to glut the ruffianism of other soldiers who came up, were finally despatched by being eventerated. The horrors perpetrated on this, and on many similar occasions, were such as it is impossible to describe. The abbe 1 Guerin, who was present at this massacre, states in his deposition that in the church alone "four or five hundred poor women and girls were outraged and slain." The prisoners who were not put to death, were sold by the soldiers as galley-slaves. The vice-legate, indeed, acting in the true spirit of popery, refused to grant any quarter whatever. Having ascertained that twenty-five IN PROVENCE. 77 women, most of them mothers of families, had concealed themselves in a grotto near Mys, he ordered a party of soldiers thither to exterminate them, though the place was not within the papal territory. On reaching the mouth of the grotto, a discharge of musketry was directed within ; no one came forth, fuel was piled up inside, and a large fire lighted, and all these living creatures of God perished in the flames and the smoke. In this extermination, there were burned seven hundred and sixty-three houses, ninty- nine stables, and thirty -one barns. The number of persons slaughtered was upwards of three thousand. While still at Cabrieres, Oppede received a message from the lord of the town of La Costa, entreating him to spare his vassals. This was on the Monday evening. " Let them make four breaches in their walls," replied Oppede, " and we will see." On the Tuesday morning these breaches were commenced, but when the inhabitants saw Oppede's troops advancing as to an assault, they hastily filled up the breaches they had made, and closed the gates. The troops were fain to content themselves that day with destroying the gardens of the castle, which stood outside the town ; the next morning, 22d of April, Oppede wrote to the syndics of La Costa, undertaking that if the gates were thrown open, the inhabitants should receive full pro- tection and justice ; the gates were opened on the faith of this promise, and the furious soldiers rushing in, at once proceeded to the work of massacre, outrage, and destruc- tion. There was a small warren behind the castle ; hither the soldiers dragged their female captives to dishonour, before they slew them. One mother, after in vain seeking to defend her daughter from the brutal ravisher, stabbed herself, and then drawing the ensanguined knife from her 78 THE WALDENSES. wound, gave it to her child, as the last resource from dishonour. An inquiry into these atrocities was instituted in Sep- tember, 1551, by order of Henry II., who desired to free his father's memory from this stain of blood ; the fraud by which the revocation of the king's pardon had been effected was laid bare, but though the advocate, Guerin, was punished with death, the great criminal, Oppede, not only escaped, but returned triumphant to Provence, where he was welcomed by the clergy, who had blasphemously offered up public prayers and Te Deums in the churches, " for the safety and speedy return of this illustrious defender of the faith." The few Waldenses who had escaped death, retired for a while to the valleys of Piedmont. Cfrapttr «tg[rt[r. THE WALDENSES IN CALABEIA. The first migration of the Waldenses of Piedmont from their own valleys, to the richer land of Calabria, took place in 1340. By a convention with the local seigneurs, ratified later by the king of Naples, Ferdinand of Aragon, they were permitted to govern their own affairs, civil and spiritual, by their own magistrates and their own pastors. Their first colony was near the town of Montalto. A half century later, rose the town of San Xisto, which afterwards became the capital of the colony ; other towns and villages of theirs were named Vacaresso, LArguelena, San Vincenzo, Le Rosse, contributing to create prosperity in a district that was previously well nigh desolate. The marquis di Spinello, struck with the ameliorations effected by these industrious and upright men in the terri- tories which had been ceded to them, invited a number of their body into his own states, gave them lands, aided them to build a town, and authorized them to surround this town with a wall, whence it derived the name of La Guardia. Towards the close of the fourteenth century, another migration of Waldenses took place, from Provence into Italy ; these new colonists settling in Apulia, not far from their Calabrian brethren, built their several walled towns, which they named after those whence they had come : La Cellare, Fae't, La Motte. Again, in 1500, other Waldenses from Frayssini^res and Pragela, established (79) 80 THEWALDENSES themselves in Calabria, on the small river Vollurate, which runs from the Apennines into the Bay of Tarento, whence they, and new comers, spread over other portions of the kingdom of Naples, even to Sicily. Agriculture and the sciences flourished among them. Baarlam of Calabria, of ■whom Petrarch was a disciple, was himself a disciple of the "Waldenses. The missionary pastors, whom the synod at home sent amongst these colonists, remained with them, two at a time, for the space of two years, and were then replaced by others, themselves visiting on their return to their villages all the chief towns of Italy, in each of which they had brethren, more or less numerous. The Wal- densian historian, Gilles, relates that his grandfather, on one of these pastoral visitations to Venice, was assured by the faithful, when he conversed with them, that the city contained no fewer than six thousand members of that body. Until 1558, the Waldenses of Calabria remained unmo- lested in their modest and tranquil retirement. In that year, having applied to the synod for the appointment amongst them of a permanent pastor, the application was granted, and there was nominated to the honourable, but perilous post, a young Piedmontese, a native of Conio, named John Louis Paschale, who, having quitted the career of arms to become a soldier of Christ, had prepared himself for the ministry by studies recently completed at Lausanne. Paschale departed, accompanied by another pastor, Jacob Boveto, also a Piedmontese, and who suffered mar- tyrdom at Messina, in 1560. Upon his arrival in Calabria, Paschale began zealously to preach the gospel as publicly as it was preached at Geneva. Thereupon, there arose a report that a Lutheran IN CALABRIA. 81 had come, who was about to destroy everything with his doctrines ; the ignorant murmured, and the fanatics voci- ferated that he must be exterminated with all his adherents. The marquis Salvator-Spinello, suzerain of the Waldenses, who was then at Foscalda, a small town near La Guardia, sent word that some of their body must appear before him and explain their new proceedings ; and, accordingly, a body of them, headed by Paschale, waited upon the marquis. This was in July, 1559. But the zealous young pastor had not to combat, as he had expected, honest errors, in a fair controversy, with evangelical texts and arguments. His enemies sought, not the truth, but silence ; and, accordingly, after listening to Paschale for a few moments, the marquis, finding that submission was not to be expected from the Waldenses, dismissed the flock with a menace, and placed Paschale, and a fellow pastor, Marco Ascegli, who had accompanied him, in the dungeons of Foscalda. Hence, after an imprisonment of eight months, they were, on the 7th of February, 1560, transferred to the dungeons of Cosenza, where Ascegli, after being subjected to the torture, was burned to death. On the 14th of April, Paschale was removed from the castle of Cosenza, and in company with twenty -two prisoners, condemned to the galleys, conveyed, under circumstances of great cruelty, to Naples, which they reached on the 23d of April. On the 16th of May, he was taken in chains to Rome, and imprisoned in the Torre di Nona, in a deep, dark, damp dungeon, without the least furniture, br even straw to lie on, and where his arms were bound so tightly with small cords that they entered the flesh. For three days several members of the holy office were engaged during four hours each day, in argument with 82 TIIEWALDBNSES Paschale, endeavouring to bring him to retract, but in vain ; and on the 8th of September, 1560, he was con- ducted to the Convent della Minerva, to hear his condem- nation pronounced. On the following morning he was taken to the square in front of the castle of St. Angelo, and there, in the presence of pope Pius IV., was strangled, his body burned, and his ashes thrown into the Tiber. The attention of the holy office having been thus called to the Waldenses of Calabria, cardinal Alexandrini was despatched to San Xisto, in company with two Dominican monks. These wolves in sheeps' clothing, assuming extreme mildness of demeanour, assembled the inhabitants, assured them that no harm was designed against them, and that if they would merely consent to hear no other preachers than those sent them by the Romish bishop, and dismiss the Lutheran pastors who were misleading them, they had nothing to fear. They then, in order to ascertain how many persons observed the practices of the Romish church, had the bell rung for mass, and invited the people to attend. Not one attended ; on the contrary, the entire population of the town, with the exception of a few young children and aged persons, quitted the place, and withdrew to an adjacent wood. The popish commissioners, repressing their anger, performed mass, and then proceeded to La Guardia. Here, having had the gates closed, they assem- bled the people : "Dear and faithful friends," said they, " your brethren of San Xisto have abjured their errors and attended mass ; we invite you to follow this prudent example, or we shall be compelled, much to our regret, to condemn you to death." The alarmed population, after some hesitation, consented to hear mass ; and after the performance of this ceremony the gates were opened. Wheir, however, some of the people of San Xisto came and IN CALABRIA. 83 revealed the truth, the population of La Guardia, indignant at the deceit which had heen practised upon them, and ashamed of their own culpable weakness, assembled in the market-place, resolved to join their brethren in the wood, and were only dissuaded from doing so by the repre- sentations of the marquis of Spinello. The grand inquisitor now demanded that the public force should aid him in the complete execution of his mission ; and two companies of soldiers were accordingly placed at his disposal. These he despatched to the wood of San Xisto, to seize the fugitives, but, instead of taking them prisoners, the fanatic troops no sooner discovered the unhappy Waldenses than they fell upon them, killed a great number, put to flight the rest, and pursued these like wild beasts. The fugitives at length attained some high rocks, where they entrenched themselves, and, as the soldiers came up, hurled upon them great stones, with such effect that many were slain, and more wounded, so that the officers deemed it expedient to retreat, and to commu- nicate the result to cardinal Alexandrini. The legate thereupon applied to the viceroy of Naples for greater force, wherewith to suppress this rebellion, as he called it, of the Waldenses ; the viceroy himself marched to San Xisto, at the head of his troops, and there denounced fire and sword against all who should not abjure their heresy. The Waldenses, on their part, fortified themselves on the mountain tops ; and their position became at length so formidable, that the viceroy, not venturing to attack them with the troops he had brought, put forth a proclamation by which he offered a free pardon to all exiles, outlaws, and other criminals, who would aid to exterminate the Waldenses. This proclamation, so characteristic of popery, had the 84 THE WALDEXSES effect of collecting together a multitude of reprobates, marauders and bandits, many of whom were intimately acquainted with all the by-paths of the Apennines ; and by these the Waldenses in the mountains were hunted down and slaughtered, some dying by the sword, some by fire, some by famine. Meanwhile the inquisitor and the monks were not idle. By a foul stratagem, they induced the surviving population of La Guardia, in number seventy souls, to assemble together, and, so assembled, they were seized by soldiers, concealed for the purpose, loaded with chains, and taken as prisoners to Montalto, where they were all subjected to the most cruel tortures by the inquisitor Panza, for the purpose of forcing them, not only to forswear their faith, but to forswear themselves, by admitting against their brethren and their pastors the pretended abominations which the corrupt imaginings of popery had conceived and laid to their charge. To effect a confession of these crimes from the agony of the Waldenses, was a grand object with the inquisitors ; and one unhappy man, Stephano Carlini, was, to this purpose, tortured in so horrible a manner, that his bowels gushed forth. Another prisoner, Verminello, having, in excess of pain on the rack, promised to attend mass, the inquisitor deemed him a likely person, under aggravated torture, to confess also to the crimes which the church of Rome so earnestly desired to bring home to the Waldenses ; and the miserable man was accordingly kept for eight consecutive h-ours upon an instrument of suffering, aptly called hell; but he could not be brought to sanction the atrocious calumnies, an admission of which would have released him from torture. Bernardino Conto was covered with pitch, and burned alive in the market- place of Cosenza. Another martyr, Mazzone, was stripped IN CALABRIA. 85 Raked, his body shredded with iron whips, and the mangled frame then beaten to death with lighted brands. Of this victim's two sons, one was flayed alive, and the other hurled from the summit of a tower. From the same tower was precipitated another young man, who, for his prodi- gious strength, was surnamed Samson. As his mangled frame lay, still breathing, on the flag-stones below, the viceroy passed. " What carrion is this ?" he asked. " It is a heretic, who will not die." The viceroy kicked the wretched man's head aside. " Let the pigs come, then, and eat him," said he ; and the barbarous order was executed, the prostrate body of the martyr palpitating with life for some hours, beneath the tearing teeth of the unclean brutes, which a human brute far more unclean and foul than they had set to the work. Sixty women of San Xisto had ropes bound round their bodies and limbs so tightly that wounds were made, and these festering, engendered corruption tha.t was removed with hot lime. Afterwards, some of them were burned alive, others starved to death in their dungeons, while the handsomer among them were sold to satisfy the passions of the highest bidder. At Montalto, eighty-eight Waldensian prisoners were crowded in a low, damp dungeon. By order of th-e marquis Buccianici, the executioner came, took the nearest prisoner, led him outside, bound a strip of linen round his head, made him kneel, and cut his throat. Then, placing his knife between his teeth, and holding the ensanguined linen in his hand, the executioner returned to the dungeon, withdrew the next prisoner, and in like manner dispatched him ; and so with the rest, until on that blood-stained ground there lay the headless trunks of eighty-eight martyrs, gentle as lambs, and as lambs slaugh- tered. Other persons were sawed asunder. Others, eighty- 86 THE WALDENSES. six in number, having been first flayed alive, had their bodies cleft in two, and the ghastly portions were stuck on pikes along the high road, for the length of thirty-six miles. The preachers and elders of the Waldenses were burned alive, their bodies being covered with resin and Bulphur. For two whole years did the fire and sword of antichrist devour this unhappy district, and sixteen hundred victims gratified with their blood the sanguinary thirst of Rome. A few of the Waldenses effected their escape, and regained, with infinite toil, the valleys of their ancestors. CtrapUr liintfr. HISTORY OF VARIOUS MARTYRS. There is no town in Piedmont, under a Waldensian pastor, where some of the brethren have not been put to death. Jordan Terbano was burned alive at Suza ; Hip- polyte Rossiero at Turin ; Michael Goneto, an octogena- rian, at Sarcena ; Villermin Ambrosio hanged on the Col diMeano ; Hugo Chiamps, of Fenestrelle, had his entrails torn from his living body, at Turin ; Peter Geymarali, of Bobbio, in like manner, had his entrails taken out at Luserne, and a fierce cat thrust in their place to torture him further ; Maria Romano was buried alive at Rocca- patia ; Magdalen Foulano underwent the same fate at San Giovanni ; Susan Michelini was bound hand and foot, and left to perish of cold and hunger on the snow at Sarcena. Bartholomew Fache, gashed with sabres, had the wounds filled up with quick-lime, and perished thus in agony at Fenile ; Daniel Michelini had his tongue torn out at Bobbio, for having praised God ; James Baridari perished, covered with sulphureous matches, which had been forced into his flesh under the nails, between the fingers, in the nostrils, in the lips, and over all his body, and then lighted. Daniel Revelli had his mouth filled with gun- powder, which, being lighted, blew his head to pieces. Maria Monnen, taken at Liousa, had the flesh cut from her cheek and chin bones, so that her jaw was left bare, (87) SS THE WALliENSES, and she was thus left to perish. Paul Gamier was slowly sliced to pieces at Rora ; Thomas Margueti was mutilated in an indescribable manner at Miraboco, and Susan Jaquin cut in bits at La Torre. Sara Rostagnol was slit open from the legs to the bosom, and left so to perish on the road between Eyral and Luzerna ; Anne Charbonnier was impaled, and carried thus on a pike, as a standard, from San Giovanni to La Torre. Daniel Rambaud, at Paesano, had his nails torn off, then his fingers chopped off, then his feet and his hands, and then his arms and his legs, 'with each successive refusal on his part to abjure the gospel. In March, 1536, Martin Gonin, pastor of Angrogna, was seized on his return from Geneva, at Grenoble, and, after a mock trial, taken from his prison at night, and drowned in the Isere. In June, 1550, Barthelemi Hector, of Poi- tiers, was burned at Turin, for having sold copies of the Bible to the shepherds of the Alps. In 1555, a pastor of Geneva, Jean Vernoux, one of the earliest fellow-labourers with Calvin, Antoine Laborie Quercy, who had quitted the magistracy in order to devote himself more actively to the cause of the gospel, and three friends of theirs, Ba- tailles, Tauran, and Tringalet, were on their way to the Waldensian valleys, seized by the mare'ehaussee, in the gorges of the Col Tamis, and, after a lengthened interrog- atory before the court of Chambery, were all burned in one fire. Among the leaders who had signalized themselves by excessive ferocity in the crusade against the Yaudois, under Innocent YIIL, was Captain Varagle, or Yaraille. A son of this man, endowed with remarkable capacity, en- tered into holy orders in 1522, and took up his abode not far from the Waldensian valleys, in the little town of Busque, one of the most retired in Piedmont. Here his HISTORY OF VARIOUS MARTYRS. 89 rapid progress in literature and theology, and his eloquence in the pulpit, attracted the attention of his superiors. The influence of the Eeformation was now making itself everywhere felt ; and the Romish church comprehended the essential importance of strengthening its power, which the synod of Angrogna had just aided to weaken. Young Geoffrey Varaille, selected to operate as a counterpoise to the impulse of reformation, received the difficult mission to visit the principal towns of Italy, and raise up the credit of the Romish church by his eloquent preaching. He was to be accompanied by an Observantine monk of the convent of Monte Fiascone, named Matteo Baschi, the founder of the Capuchin order, and by ten members of the secular clergy. These twelve being assembled together, proceeded, with a view to tne accomplishment of their mission, to examine for themselves the arguments of the reformers against Catholicism. It was not long ere their enlightened minds recognized the force of these arguments so fully, that, becoming themselves objects of suspicion to the popish authorities, they were all imprisoned at Rome, where they remained captives for five years. At the expiration of this period,, Varaille, released from his dungeon, entered the service of the papal legate at the court of France, and abode with him at Paris for a considerable time. Here the rays of the Reformation fell upon his soul with still greater power than in Piedmont; and the massacre of the Waldenses of Merindol and Cabriere's, which became the subject of inquiry before the court of peers, so filled up the measure of his indignation and disgust against a church imbrued in the blood of the just, that he resigned the high position he occupied at Paris, and repaired to Geneva, to investigate, at the fountain-head, the new doctrines, as 90 THE WALDENSES, they were called, but which he, to his delighted surprise, soon learned to recognize, on the contrary, as the ancient, the primitive doctrines. Yaraille was now nearly fifty years old, but faith makes a man young again ; and full of an ardour he had never known before, he unhesitatingly cast off his past life, to commence a new one, with more of moral force than he had ever yet possessed, and was received among the ranks of those evangelical pastors whom, theretofore, he had approached as an adversary. The Waldensian churches required at this epoch a pastor who could preach in Italian. Geoffrey Yaraille was selected for the duty, and was installed in the parish of San Giovanni, amid those very valleys against which his father had led a crusade. In 1557, on his return from a visit to his birthplace, Busque, he was denounced at the foot of Monte Viso, by the prior of Starffade, and apprehended by the nephew of the archdeacon of Saluzzo. He was treated with respect ; handsome apartments were assigned him as a prison, and he was even permitted to go at large on parole. How many ordinary prisoners would have profited by this liberty to escape ! But the Christian is not one, with whom it is lawful to break faith with an enemy. Xay, having learned that the reformers of Bubiana, a portion of his flock, were about to rescue him by main force, he desired them to abstain, and to leave him in the hands of God. After various interrogatories he was conducted in chains to Turin. His replies to his judges, and the written propo- sitions which he laid before them in support of his faith,, are a monument of his talents, learning, and piety. During his detention, Calvin wrote thus to him from Geneva : — " Very dear and beloved brother ; Though the news of your imprisonment has deeply grieved us, yet the Lcrd, who can HISTORY OF VARIOUS MARTYRS. 91 shed light from darkness, has furnished us with joyful consolation, in the fruits already produced by your trials. Let the glory which sustained St. Paul also inspire you with courage ; for though you are captive, the word of God is not captive, and you can render testimony of it to many who will spread abroad the seed of life they have received from your lips. Jesus Christ requires this testimony from all ; but especially from such as you, under the seal of the ministry you received to preach the doctrine of salva- tion, which is now assailed in your person. Hesitate not; then, to confirm with your blood, if need be, the words which you have taught with your lips. Our Lord has told us that the death of the righteous is precious to him: let this reward suffice for you. I will not dwell on this point, persuaded that you repose firmly on him in whom, whether we live or die abides our eternal happiness. My compan- ions and brethren salute you. — Geneva, 17th Sept. 1557." When the sentence of death was announced to the heroic pastor, he replied calmly to his judges, — "Be assured, you will sooner want wood wherewith to burn us, than we ministers ready to burn in seal of their faith : from day to day they multiply ; and the word of God endureth for ever." Geoffrey Varaille, having been previously strangled by the humanity of the executioner, was burned at Turin, on 29th March, 1558. (Sliajjhr ~SE.~. states of Savoy, under penalty of the galleys, if they were ever found within its limits. The poor young men withdrew into the mountains, where, having provided themselves with arms, they wandered about from place to place, and lived upon the contributions, voluntary or enforced, of the population. Here these banditti (banished then) lived for some years, their number constantly increasing. Prohibition was proclaimed, by sound of trumpet, from affording them aid, food, or shelter ; but they became all the more formidable, imposing black-mail not merely on individuals, but on whole towns. The podesta of La Torre marched against them with some troops, but he was so thoroughly defeated, that, ashamed to show his face again in La Torre, he abandoned his charge there, and retired to Luzerna. In the commencement of February, 1602, the arch- bishop of Turin, the governor of Pignerol, and the count of Luzerna, came into the valleys, attended by a troop of Jesuits and Capuchins, and caused infinite disquietude to the protestants, who daily expected to see the Waldensian valleys become the theatre of some catastrophe. The catholics charged all the excesses committed by the ban- ditti on the Waldenses as a body, and loudly demanded of the duke of Savoy to destroy, once for all, this focus of heresy and den of brigands. The Waldenses appointed special ministers to seek out, censure, and exhort the ban- bitti ; and a universal fast was observed throughout the valleys, on the 11th and 12th of August, to conciliate the divine pardon and mercy. The women and children once more sought their mountain retreats ; the men once more, preparing their weapons, assiduously watched and prayed, knowing that the only secure defence is that of our Lord. Meanwhile the governor Ponte repaired to La Torre, TIIE REIGN OF CHARLES EMANUEL. 145 whither he convoked the syndics of all the Waldensian communes, and ordered them to deliver up the banditti. Protesting earnestly their entire fidelity to the sovereign, the syndics replied by attributing the recent calamities to unjust proscriptions, and admitting that some of these wretched outlaws had been guilty of excesses, pointed out the difficulty of separating the guilty from the innocent, and the injustice of punishing all alike, and concluded with an emphatic appeal for amnesty and peace. The governor rejected this proposition, and renewed the order that the banditti should be delivered up, dead or alive ; but a few days afterwards, the governor was himself arrested and deprived of his office, on the charge of having maintained secret relations with the French generals. Thereupon count Charles of Luzerna, who enjoyed great influence at court, offered to mediate in favour of the val- leys with the duke, pursuant to a promise he had recently made to that effect, to the elector of Saxony, at Dresden. On the 19th of November, 1602, Vignaux and Gillis, deputies, the one for the valley of Luzerna, the other for that of San Martin, waited on the count in his palace at Luzerna. Every one was anxious to have the matter set- tled, for the force of the banditti had been lately aug- mented by a great number of protestants who had been driven from the marquisate of Saluzzo, and the plain of Piedmont. The result of the conference was the appoint- ment of a Waldensian deputation to the duke, at Turin, the count promising the support of his utmost influence. The duke, however, while disposed to make some conces- sions, would not grant an amnesty, and the Waldenses would not accept the former without the latter. At length, after protracted negotiations, the duke issued, from Cunio, on the 9th of April, 1603, a decree granting substantially 13 K 14«3 THE WALDESSZS. what the Waldenses had asked, including an amnesty for the banditti, so called. There still remained, however, the banditti belonging to Saluzzo, Fenile, Bubiana, Yillafranca, and other districts of Piedmont. For the extirpation of these, the duke organized a body of special troops, who were to be main- tained by the Waldenses, and whom he placed under the command of one captain Galline. This officer, however, under pretext of pursuing the outlaws, committed various outrages upon the persons and property of the peaceful inhabitants. One day in July, when the people of Bobbi were all engaged in the fields, he entered the village with or" ' o his bravoes, killed a young man who, for some reason, had been unable to quit his home, drove out the pastor, and was about to pillage the place, when the villagers, having received an alarm, rushed home. Galline, finding himself surrounded by superior numbers, pusillanimously threw down the sword yet reeking with murder, and entreated for mercy. It was granted, and the Waldenses, taught to observe the great lesson of good for evil, even proffered to escort the band of marauders back to Luzerna, in order to save them from the indignation of the other hardy moun- taineers, who, on hearing of Galline's outrage, were has- tening down to aid their brethren. When the affair reached the ears of the duke, he sent the grand provost to Luzerna, to inquire into the circumstances, and take measures accordingly. The provost announced to the other Waldensian communes that, whatever the result, they would not be affected, on the understanding that they should take no part with the people of Bobbi; but. all without hesitation not only declared that they entirely took part with the people of Bobbi, but that henceforward they would not contribute, in any shape or THE REIGN OP CHARLES E M A N U E u . 147 degree, to the support of Galline and his men. The pro- vost returned to Turin, having effected nothing. Count Charles of Luzerna then interposed, and the result of his mediation was an edict, dated 29th of September, 1603, which on the one hand, required the valleys to pay a fine of fifteeen hundred ducatoons, but, on the other, granted a general amnesty for the past, permitted all outlaws to return home without being liable to prosecution, authorized the Waldenses to retain any property they possessed beyond the limits of their valleys, and even to make open profession of their faith in presence of catholics, when desired so to do, (whereas hitherto they had been prohibited from avowing it,) and merely forbade them to defend it by polemical discussions, a prohibition manifestly recognizing its force. These concessions were especially favourable to a great many of the people of Saluzzo, who had taken refuge in the valleys, and who were thus permitted to abide there. Large collections made for them at about this time in France and Switzerland, enabled them to recover somewhat from the effect of the confiscations to which they had been subjected. During the few years of tranquillity which the Waldenses now enjoyed, their numbers daily increased; and the church of Copiere was, in 1608, enlarged to its present dimensions. Towards the commencement of 1611, how- ever, the court of Rome, which had succeeded in establish- ing fresh persecutions against the reformed churches of France, and had procured a regiment to be sent into the valley of Barcelonette, for the conversion, in the manner of Rome, of the Waldenses in that locality, sought to effect the employment of similar means of conversion in the Piedmontese valleys. In all great emergencies, the Wal- denses have ever been accustomed, before and above all 148 T II E W A L D E K S E S . things, to recur to fasting and prayer, to penitence and supplication : in the present emergency, a public fast was ordered,. 20th of January, 1611. On the morning of that day, a violent earthquake shook all the Waldensian mountains : it seemed an omen ; for, eight days afterwards, the regiment of the baron de la Roche arrived, from Bar- celonnette, in the valley of Luzerna, and immediately pro- ceeded to ravage the district, and put the men and cattle and goods they seized to arbitrary ransom, notwithstand- ing every effort was made to appease their insolence. The exactions and oppression of these troops continued for nearly a month ; they were then removed to new canton- ments, where, attempting to renew the excesses they had perpetrated in the valley of Luzerna, they were all slain by the peasants. In 1613, a large portion of the Waldensian militia took part in the war of Montferrat, under the command of the count of Luzerna, and upon the special condition that they should be at full liberty to assemble every night and morning for the celebration of their own religious services, wherever they might be. Their conduct in this campaign obtained for them the grateful praises of their sovereign. In the following year, they were again levied, to take part in the war against Spain, and on this occasion marched in the direction of Vercelli, accompanied, as before, by their pastors. These expeditions gave them opportunities of destroying many prejudices which had been spread abroad against them, and of comforting and strengthening many secret friends of their doctrine who made themselves known to them in various places. In 1620, various troubles befell the churches of Saluzzo and other districts contiguous to the Waldensian valleys. Deputies from the latter, who put themselves forward as THE REIGN OF CHARLES EMANUEL. 149 mediators, were seized and imprisoned, and the sum of six thousand ducatoons was imposed, as the price of their release, and of the cessation of the vexations by which the protes- tants were persecuted. The six thousand ducatoons were, by the numerous exactions of the courts of justice, swollen to nearly eighteen thousand this heavy amount the valley of Lu- zerna advanced, in the expectation that, being a payment for the common interest, the other valleys (Perosa and San Martin) would afterwards contribute their proportion of it. When, however, the 'application for these quotas was made, the two valleys, under the influence of evil counsel- lors, refused to comply with it, disavowing all share in the arrangement. This disavowal was precisely what the popish plotters wanted. " If you have no share in the arrangement," said the magistrates, "you do not partici- pate in its advantages, and you do not come within the amnesty. Let justice take its course." Justice — popish justice — did take its course. The richest inhabitants of Pinache, Clots, and Prali, were immediately arrested, under the pretext of their having taken part in the late troubles, and made to pay for their release ransoms amounting to a much larger sum than the two valleys would have had to contribute as their share of the money paid by the valley of Luzerna for the tutelary edict which they had so imprudently disavowed. Nor was this all : the persecution of these two valleys still went on ; and to effects their cessation, the inhabitants had to pay, in addition to the sums paid by individuals for individual ransom, a fine of three thousand ducatoons to the duke. Nor was this all : they were ordered to demolish six of their churches. This they absolutely refused to do, and there- upon seven regiments of infantry were sent to treat them in all respects as a conquered country ; these troops 13 * 150 THE WALDENSES. demolished the churches, and ravaged the whole district in its length and breadth. Various attempts were made, in like manner, between 1620 and 1624, to persecute the valley of Luzerna ; but the privileges which this valley had so highly purchased were not wholly without effect in mitigating oppression. In 1625, the presence of Lesdiguieres in Piedmont, whither he had been invited by the duke of Savoy to act against the Genoese, interposed in favour of his co-religionists, gave respite to the valleys. In 1626-7, one father Buona- ventura, a monk of great note among his own people, was employed as missionary among the Waldenses. When he prayed, he was sometimes, his admirers said, raised from the ground by a mysterious force. Some took him for a saint ; others for a sorcerer. During his progress, several boys of from ten to twelve years old disappeared ; these, it was afterwards ascertained, had been carried off by bravoes in the employment of the worthy monk, and shut up, with a view to their conversion, in the monastery of Pignerol. On the 9th of June, 1627 , several heads of protestant families were arrested simultaneously at Lu- zerna, Bubiana, Champiglone, and Fenile, and taken prisoners to Cavour, with the result which has been already related in this work. In 1628, a French army, under the marquis d'Uxel, presented itself at the entrance to the Alps, on its way to Montferrat to serve against the troops of Charles Emanuel. The Waldenses were called upon to defend their moun- tains, and acquitted themselves valiantly of this charge. The duke himself twice visited them, at this time, and paid due homage to their patriotism ; for they received no pay, but only bread. This, indeed was a great point; for the harvest had failed in Piedmont in 1626, and in THE REIGN OF CHARLES EMANUEL. 151 the spring of 1628 the poor folk had been compelled to sell everything they possessed, in order to purchase food at Queyras. The presence of the French army on the frontiers aggravated their misery by impeding this barter : and, by and bye, the people of Queyras, growing alarmed at the quantity of provisions that were leaving their district, prohibited any further exportations, and even imprisoned the famished wretches who came in search of supplies. The monks of Pignerol and their acolytes availed them- selves of these circumstances to seek to purchase, from the starving Waldenses, abjuration at the price of a loaf of bread. In this good work especially signalized himself Marc Aurelio Rorengo, the son of a gentleman of La Torre, who, having quitted the magistracy for the popish church, had been appointed prior of Luzerna on his under- taking to employ his utmost efforts in the suppression of heresy. Having procured a religious corporation to pur- chase his father's house, he immediately converted it into a monastery of reformed Franciscans ; and the brethren, on being installed (23rd June, 1628), at once proceeded to distribute food amongst the famished population, with bril- liant promises to the protestants who would consent to abjure. But, faithful to the example of the primitive church, the Waldenses, rejecting these insidious proffers, made a common store of all their possessions, and dis- tributed daily bread to all who asked for it. The monks, frustrated in this direction, applied their efforts at conver- sion by famine to the Waldensian communes, but with as little success. At Bobbi, the Waldenses would not even permit the monks to perform mass, and they accordingly proceeded to Villar, where they fitted up an old ruined palace, which has since become the catholic church of the 152 THE WALDENSES. place. At Rora, two monks were located in a deserted house. The language of these ecclesiastics was at first exceedingly mild and conciliating ; but on the 29th De- cember they showed the scorpion's tail, in the shape of an edict, published by count Bighem, which "forbade all per- sons to trouble or vex, in any way or degree, the very reverend Observantine fathers, whatever they were pleased to do, under penalty of death to the offender, and of a fine of ten thousand gold crowns upon the commune in which the offence should be committed; every informer receiving two hundred gold crowns, and his name being kept secret." Next, count Philip of Luzerna denounced the most terrible menaces against the people of Bobbi and those of Angrogna, who had absolutely refused to permit under any pretext, any Observantines to settle in their districts. The governor of Pignerol, count Capri, then proceeded into the valleys, assembled all the syndics and pastors, and informed them that the pope and the duke were resolved that the monks should be established in the mountains ; and that if the Waldenses would not admit them volunta- rily, force would be employed. " To-morrow," he said, " I will have mass performed at Bobbi." On the morrow, accordingly, he proceeded with the Romish ecclesiastics to Bobbi ; but every door and window was closed, and not a single person was visible. He sum- moned the syndic, and ordered him to have a stable, at all events, opened for his service ; but the syndic replied, that his authority ceased at the threshold of private houses. " Well, then," exclaimed the count, " I will force open your own house." — "Your Lordship will reflect before you act thus," returned the syndic, with respectful calmness. The count did reflect, that the defenders of the village, though not visible, were none the less near, and THE REIGN OF CHARLES EMANUEL. 153 he accordingly contented himself with performing mass on the high road, after which he withdrew. Two days after- wards he proceeded to Angrogna on a similar mission, and had precisely the same reception, with the same result. Towards the close of January, 1629, he went to La Tone, in company with a French gentleman, M. de Serres, con- voked the syndics, and attempted to intimidate them into receiving the monks, but to no purpose. On the contrary the Waldenses shortly afterwards assembled in arms, sur- rounded the habitations in which the monks had established themselves, and called upon them to withdraw. They refused ; whereupon, it being prohibited to the men to lay hands upon them, the women approached, forced open the doors, and some of these robust mountaineers, accustomed to carry heavy burdens, shouldering the poor ecclesiastics like so many bundles of wood, carried them oiF. Then- furniture, goods, copes, reliques, &c, were then packed in carts, and transported beyond the limits of the commune after the owners. The clergy complained to the court, and the Waldenses sent deputies to defend them. The result was an edict, dated 22d February, 1629, by which the former concessions to the Waldenses were confirmed, and the vexations practised on them ordered to be discon- tinued. On the 16th July, 1630, Charles Emanuel died, aged sixty-eight years and a half, after a reign of half a cen- tury ; and at his death, France took possession of Savoy and part of Piedmont. Cjjaptn /iftnntij. THE PLAGUE AND OTHER CALAMITIES. In 1629, the year after the famine, the poor inhabitants of the Waldensian valleys, who, having no harvests of their own, were in the habit of repairing to the rich domains of Piedmont, and giving their services in exchange for a cer- tain quantity of corn, were deprived of this resource, by the popish priests, who, from the pulpits, forbade their congregations to employ a single protestant labourer, and even themselves threatened to kill any follower of the " re- ligion" whom they should find in their fields. On the 23d of August, of the same year, at eight in the morning, a formidable storm of rain, suddenly fell upon the Col Julien, and created an inundation on both sides of the mountain. The villages of Prali and Bobbi were so sud- denly invaded by the torrent, that the inhabitants had scarcely time to escape, and many houses were utterly destroyed. In September, there came a wind of intense coldness, accompanied by a dry cloud or mist, and the chestnut crop was utterly annihilated; then there came a second inundation of rain, which destroyed all the grapes. On the 12th of that month, the Waldensian ministers assembled in solemn synod, in testimony of their fraternal union, little deeming that they would never again meet in (154) THE PLAQUE AND OTHER CALAMITIES. 155 this world, and that of those fifteen pastors two only would, ere a few months elapsed, survive their brethren. In 1G30, a French army, placed, by cardinal Richelieu, under the command of three marshals of France, Dc Schomberg, De la Force, and De Crequi, to oppose the projects of Savoy on Montferrat, made its appearance in the Waldensian valleys. The Waldenses, having in vain appealed to the duke for succours, sent deputies to the marshal de la Force, who was encamped with a detach- ment at Briqueras. "Yield yourselves to the king," replied he, "and we will protect you; otherwise, we will kill, burn, exterminate you." Left without resource, the Waldenses capitulated (5th April), on the assurance that all their privileges should be respected, and that they should not be required to serve against their sovereign. Towards the close of April, the king of France set out from Lyon, with all his court, to march upon Savoy. A deputation of Waldenses waited upon him at Moutiers, and obtained the confirmation of their privileges. By the treaty of Ratisbon, which terminated this war, the valleys of Luzerna and San Martin were restored to Piedmont, but those of Perosa and Pragela, with Pignerol, remained in the dominion of France. In this same deplorable year, 1630, a scourge still more terrible than war deprived the Waldensian valleys of nearly two-thirds of their population. The heat was excessive at the time when the army of Richelieu entered the valleys ; in that army were many volunteers, who had fled from France to escape the plague, which then raged in that country ; but, in their flight, they had still brought the seeds of the pestilence with them. In the first week of May, this terrible malady manifested itself in the village of Porte, near Perosa. Next it appeared at San Ger- 156 THE WALDENSES. mano, then at Prali, and soon it spread throughout all the valleys. The pastors immediately, pursuant to the custom of their church, assembled together to consult the Lord, to seek inspiration from prayer and meditation, and to discuss, one with the other, the course they should pur- sue in this alarming conjuncture. This meeting took place at Pramol. In a few days afterwards, the pestilence broke out at Pramol also, and the pastors began to hold their preachings in the open fields. In June, the com- mune of Angrogna was invaded by the pestilence, and on the 11th of July, there fell beneath its stroke the pas- tor of San Giovanni, and the pastor of Meano ; on the 12th the pastor of Prali ; on the 24th, the pastor of Angrogna. Before the 1st of August, seven other Wal- densian ministers died. On the 2d of August, the six surviving ministers met on Mont Saumette, an isolated eminence in the centre of the three valleys, near La Va- chera. Here, after weeping and praying, they distributed among themselves the care of the vacant churches ; but, in a little while, three of the six followed their brethren ; and the three survivors then held a conference on the heights of Angrogna, with deputies from all the parishes of the valleys, to determine upon the means of providing for the celebration of worship. Letters were despatched to Con- stantinople, recalling Antony Leger ; to Geneva, for a sup- ply of protestant clergy ; to Grenoble, imploring the pastors of Dauphiny to come and console and strengthen the Wal- densian church, thus cruelly tried. There remained but one pastor for each of the three valleys ; Peter Gilles in that of Luzerna ; Valerius Gros, in that of St. Martin; and John Barthelemy, in that of Perosa. But on the 22d of April, 1631, the plague seized upon John Barthelemy also, and on the 25th he died ; PLAGUE AND OTHER CALAMITIES. 157 so that upon the venerable ministers Gilles and Gros, already worn down by years and infirmities, devolved the care of all the churches of the Waldenses. The mysterious and terrible scourge, which had subsided during the winter, rose up again, with renewed force, in the spring of 1631, and extended its ravages to the hills of Angrogna and Bobbi, which it had before spared. More than 12,000 persons died in the valleys; in La Torre alone, upwards of fifty families became completely extinct. The crops rotted in the fields, for there was no one to reap them ; the fruits fell from the trees, for there was no one to gather them. During the summer heats, horsemen were seen to fall from their saddles to the ground, seized with sudden death. " The highways," says Gilles, " were so encumbered with the dead bodies of men and animals, that they were almost impassable. Many estates were abandoned, for want, not merely of cultivators, but of proprietors. Towns and villages, lately full of life and occupation, of merchants, artisans, labourers, became silent and desert. Whole families, in numberless instances, disappeared ; there was no family which did not lose some of its members. The venerable minister, Gilles, lost his four elder sons, and being, with the exception of Valerius Gros, the sole surviving pastor of the valleys, found his duties augment with his afflictions ; but God gave him strength to bear his double burden of calamity and labour. He went through all the parishes, preached twice every Sunday, and once at least, every other day ; visited the sick, and consoled the afflicted, calm and serene amid his dying flock, to whom he communi- cated his own unshakable confidence in Him who raises up the fallen and heals those whom he had wounded. His indefatigable devotedness carried him through every U 158 THE WALDENSES. danger ; and he was preserved to the Waldensian church, and with him that most complete monument of the ancient Waldensian history, which he has transmitted to us in his chronicle, so rich in details respecting an epoch otherwise but little known. The pastor Brunet was the first who hastened from Geneva to succor the valleys ; he arrived in December, 1630, the month before the cessation of the plague. Other ministers of the gospel followed ; but none of them could administer divine service in the Italian tongue, which had hitherto been the language of Waldensian preaching and spiritual instruction. It was necessary, therefore, to have the service performed in French ; and as the ancient language of the Waldenses is a dialect between French and Italian, the people soon became accustomed to the new formulary. From this period date the regular relations which have ever since been main- tained between the Waldensian church and that of Geneva. The most urgent functions which the new pastors had first to accomplish in the valleys was the re-organization of their churches, so cruelly decimated. "It was a marvel unprecendented in these countries," says Gilles, " to see the multitude of marriages that took place at this time. Everywhere the plague had taken from parents their children, from children their parents, from the husband his wife, from the wife her husband ; so that all being desolate, each sought out a brother or a sister with whom to raise up the fallen habitations and to create a new home." War, the other scourge from which the valleys had suffered so grievously, disappeared shortly after the plague. On the 6th of April, 1631, Victor Amadeus signed, at Queyras, a treaty of peace, by which he resumed TIIE PLAGUE AND OTHER CALAMITIES. 159 possession of all his states, and obtained some towns in Montferrat, as an equivalent for Pignerol and the valley of Perosa, which remained in the hands of France. On the eve of his return to Turin, he received, at Carignano, a deputation from the Waldenses, whom he received with much kindness, saying to them; "Be good subjects to me, and I will be a good prince to you." The prior of Luzerna, Korengo, and the superior of the monas- tery of La Torre, Fra Paolo, no sooner heard of this favourable reception, than they applied themselves to counteract it, and all sorts of offences were alleged at court against the Waldenses; so that, when another deputation of these waited on the prince (8th September, 1632), to solicit from him the formal ratification of their privileges, he informed them that an officer of state was about to proceed to the valleys to inquire into the offences which had been laid to their charge, and that to this officer they might state their grievances. Soon after- wards, accordingly, a commissioner, accompanied by Rorengo, visited all the valleys, collected information, and received complaints. The nature of his report is unknown • but, in the following year, another commissioner, Christo- pher Fauzon, summoned a meeting of Waldensian delegates at La Torre, and proceeded first to harangue and then to question them. He told them they were charged with having recently established themselves at Luzerna and Btibiana ; they proved that they had been established in both places from time immemorial. He contested the right of the parishioners of San Giovanni to ring a bell for the purpose of summoning the faithful to church : they showed that this custom had been also immemorial. Ulti- mately, he demanded from the Waldenses a written statement of the proofs by which they assumed to establish their 160 THE VALDENSES. right to celebrate the protestant -worship, in each of their parishes. After some hesitation, for the Waldenses feared a new snare, the document was furnished, and the commissioner quitted the valleys. jSTo communication was made with reference to the -written statement supplied by the Waldenses, and things remained in their previous condition. Cljaptn iulntitli. MORE MARTYRS. In the time of the Reformation, the Christians of Pro- vence and of the valleys placed themselves in communica- tion with the reformers. The consequent animadversion of the church first assailed the Provencals, about Avignon. The Rome of the west found it necessary to combat the religious awakening which menaced her predominance, and the inquisitor Giovanni de Roma raised the first martyr- pyres on the slopes of Leberon. The proceedings against these victims made known the presence, among the heretics of Provence, of many persons who had come from the val- leys of Piedmont. Hereupon the count of Aix wrote to the senate of Turin, and the senate appointed a commis- sioner, Pantaleone Bersori, to proceed to Provence, and inquire further into the matter. Bersori returned from Provence with numerous and precise data as to the leading Waldensian families in Piedmont, and the high antiquity and extensive ramifications of the ministry of the barbas, accomplishing its work in silence and obscurity, that it might bear more fruit. Bersori, furnished with the information he had collected in Provence, proceeded to the valleys, and continued there the inquisitorial proceedings begun in Provence by the court of Aix. There was no want of witnesses ready to H* L (id) l(i£ THE WALDENSES. testify to the evangelical faith. One of these, Bernardino Fea, of San Segonzo, upon being interrogated by the judge as to the communications he had had with the heretics, replied : " When I was at Briqueras, in 1529, I met Louis Turin, of San Giovanni, who took me with him to his house. There, another inhabitant of San Giovanni, Catalan Girardet, who came in, invited us to go to La Torre, where, he said, we should hear good things ; Louis Turin also requested me to go, and we went. " On arriving at La Torre, Catalan conducted us to the house of Chabert Ughet, where, in a large room, we found a number of persons assembled. A barba, named Philip, was preaching, and, after his sermon, he questioned me, and then instructed me in various points of their religion." " What did he say ?" " That there is no salvation except in Jesus Christ, and that we ought to do good works, not in order that we may be saved, but because we have been saved." As this witness had not ceased to attend mass, he was not prosecuted ; but Catalan Girardet was arrested, and, on his refusing to apostatize, was condemned to be burned alive. He died firm and serene, his forehead radiant, amid the flames that were devouring him, with the blessed assurance of the salvation he had received, and of the eternal happiness he was about to receive. Shortly after the count de la Trinite* had put the Wal- densian valleys to fire and sword, the pastor of Prali, Martin, was visited by two men who had been in the ser- vice of the seigneurs du Perrier, those malignant foes of the Waldenses, the cruel and treacherous Truchets. The pastor of Prali was a Frenchman ; his • two visitors announced themselves as also Frenchmen ; and Martin MORE MARTYRS. \Q$ received them as countrymen. They expressed a desire to enter the reformed church, and the good pastor invited them to remain his guests, till he had shown them the way of salvation. The parishioners, who distrusted these two men, partly from instinct, partly from the fact that they were recognized as having not long before borne arms against the Waldenses, entreated Martin to be on his guard ; but the simple and excellent man believed in the sincerity of his guests' conversion, and appealed to the Christian sentiments of his flock for a more charitable con- struction. The population of Prali, however, remained full of anxiety, and saw with regret and apprehension the two men still abiding with their beloved pastor, who had no family, and lived in a retired spot. At length, the pastor did not make his wonted appearance at the church for the celebration of divine service. The people, in a state of fearful suspense, hastened to his house. The door was closed ; they knocked ; no one replied. Some of the parishioners forced their way into the cottage through a window, and in an instant their cries of anguish announced a deplorable catastrophe. The pastor Martin lay lifeless, bathed in his own blood. The monsters, whom he had treated as children, had cut his throat, stripped the house, and fled. The Waldenses hastened in pursuit of the assas- sins, but could discover no traces of them. Some time afterwards, however, they audaciously returned to the val- leys in the service of the seigneurs du Perrier, who thus manifested themselves the accomplices, and who had pro- bably been the instigators of this odious murder. So fierce was the hostility of the persecutors, that Bar- beri, the duke's commissioner, absolutely arrested and imprisoned the secretary of an embassy sent by the elector palatine to Emanuel Philibert, for the purpose of inter- 164 THE WALDENSES. ceding with him in favour of the "Waldenses. The only pretext for seizing the secretary was, that he was a pro- testant pastor; he was, of course, immediately released. In a letter which this official addressed to the Waldenses, he states — " The chancellor Stropiano, in reply to our intercession for you, accuses you of being disturbers of the public peace ; says that the Waldenses are conspiring against the state ; and cites, in support of this accusation, the case of nine Waldenses who lately assembled in a fron- tier town, and whom he arrested as conspirators." Now the simple fact, as to this pretended conspiracy, is, that a a few Christians having met for worship in a private house at Bourg, in Bresse, were engaged in prayer, when a number of archers surrounded the house, and took them prisoners. As it was necessary to devise some charge to justify this gross violation of private right, the Waldenses were accused of being suspected of meeting to conspire against the state ; and as they could not disprove that they were suspected, they were sent to the galleys. The Waldenses of Dauphiny and Provence paid at this time, in like manner, their tribute of martyrs to the con- stant testimony of the Christian church against antichrist. The valley of La Grave, which slopes from Mont Pel- voux in direction opposite to Val Louise, had been enlight- ened by some wandering rays of the evangelical light, the focus of which was in the centre of the Waldensian valleys. A pedlar of Villar, a remote village of this valley, after having taken his family to Geneva, to be there in- structed and led in the ways of the Lord, himself returned to France in pursuit of his trade. Being a skilful worker in coral, Romeyer proceeded towards Marseilles, for the purpose of purchasing a supply of that article, and on his MORE MARTYRS. 165 road endeavoured to dispose of the coral ornaments he had with him. At Draguignan, he showed them to a goldsmith of the town, named Lanteaume, who greatly admired them, and was desirous of purchasing them ; but the parties, not being able to agree about the price, separated. There was at this time at Draguignan, the baron de Lauris, son-in-law of Menier d'Oppede, whose name is written in letters of blood in the history of the Waldenses. Lanteaume, loath to see the property quit the place, insidiously counselled Romeyer to show it to the baron de Lauris, who, being a rich seig- neur, might be disposed to purchase it. The cupidity of the baron having been aroused by a sight of the ornaments, Lanteaume went and informed him that the owner was a Lutheran ; and as confiscation of goods always accompanied a sentence of death, the two accomplices came at once to an understanding. Romeyer was arrested by order of De Lauris, in April, 1558. After various private interroga- tories, in which he made no secret whatever of his religious faith, the tribunal of Draguignan assembled for his trial. An Observantine monk, on the preceding day, celebrated a mass to the Holy Ghost, "in order," as he said, "that the Holy Ghost might inspire the judges to condemn the cursed Lutheran to the flames." But his mass did not produce the eifect he desired ; for a young advocate, ad- dressing the tribunal, pointed out that Romeyer had been guilty of no legal offence ; that he had neither preached nor dogmatized in France ; that he was a foreigner ; was only occupied in Provence with his trade ; and that justice, instead of condemning, ought to protect him. The whole bar supported this argument. The judges were half of them for an acquittal, half for condemnation, and the pris- oner was relegated to his dungeon. One of the judges, 160 THE WALDENSES. who had voted for condemnation, had previously been with the prisoner in his cell, seeking to intimidate him, and fail- ing therein, had pronounced against him from the bench. Upon the decision of the judges being made known, the Observantine monk, who had made a sort of personal mat- ter of the case, and who saw the credit of his masses and his prayers singularly compromised in public opinion by this result of the trial, had the bells of his monastery rung, harangued the mob who assembled at the sound, and insisted that good catholics should not permit an infamous heretic, a Lutheran, an accursed soul, to pollute, with im- punity, the devout town of Draguignan with his presence. Having thus excited the populace, the worthy monk pro- ceeded to the official and consuls of the town, representing that their honour was concerned in preserving intact the excellent reputation of their dear city ; and then, all together, followed by the infuriated mob, went to the ma- gistrates, vociferating that unless they condemned the heretic to be burned alive, they themselves would denounce them to the parliament, the king, the pope, and to all the powers of the earth, to procure their destruction. Such is the religious fervour of popery ! The lieutenant of the king, who, at this time, was the representative, in each district, of the administration, invoked the respect due to judicial forms, which ought not to be set aside, even against a heretic. " Kill him ! kill him !" cried the people. " Burn him ! burn him !" cried the people. The magistrate, unable to appease the tumult, promised to proceed to Aix, and lay the matter before the parlia- ment. The populace was, thereupon, about to disperse; but the monk, not satisfied, required that four persons should go to MORE MA11TYRS. 167 Aix, at the expense of the town, and urge the condemna- tion of Romeyer. As these four deputies were on their way, they met one of the presidents of the court of Aix, who said to them : " Surely you need not so many formalities to burn a heretic !" The deputation, upon this hint, turned back, and proceeded to expedite the sentence of death. The lieutenant, who pursued his way to Aix, laid the matter before the court, and the court issued an order that the court at Draguignan should not try the pris- oner; but fanaticism was not to be baulked of its prey; Barberi, the attorney-general, repairing to Aix, procured the withdrawal of the prohibition, and permission for the judges at Draguignan to try the prisoner, or in other, words, judicially to assassinate him. He was condemned to be first racked, then broken on the wheel, and, lastly, burned to death by a slow fire. He might have relieved himself from all these tortures, by abjuration ; but the monk, who was sent to make this pro- position to him, returned with the announcement that he had found him pertinax, infallibly accursed. Forthwith, from all the pulpits round about, it was announced that, on the 16th of May, there would take place the public exe- cution of an atrocious Lutheran ; and in the town of Dra- guignan itself, proclamation was made by sound of trumpet, that every good catholic should bring a billet of wood to form the funeral pyre. On the appointed morning, the deputy-lieutenant, several judges, lay and ecclesiastic, and the consuls of the town, proceeded to the dungeon of the prisoner, to apply the torture. They displayed before him the rack, the cords, the wedges, the iron bars, all the instruments of torture invented by the successors of the martyr-apostle. 1G8 THE WALDENSES. "Denounce your accomplices, abjure your errors, and save yourself these torments," said the deputy-lieutenant. "I have no accomplices," replied Komeyer; "and I have nothing to abjure, for I profess only the law of Christ. You call my profession perverse and erroneous ; but, in the day of judgment, God will proclaim it, against its transgressors, just and holy." Thereupon, relates Crispin, he was put on the rack, and cruelly stretched by the cords: in his anguish, he called unto God to have pity on him, for the love of Jesus. " Implore the Virgin," cried the idolaters. " There is but one mediator," replied the sufferer, "even Jesus: oh, God, mercy!" and he fainted ; for, upon his refusal to invoke the Virgin, the tormentors had wrested his limbs more cruelly than before. Fearing that he might die before he was burned, the monks and priests disengaged his mangled frame from the wheel ; the bones of his legs and arms were broken, and their frac- tured points came through his flesh. Some cordial was given to him to restore animation, and he was then carried to the place of final execution, and fastened by a chain to the post which rose amid the pyre. " Invoke the Virgin and the saints," thundered a monk. The poor pedlar could only reply by a faint movement of the head, in the negative. The executioner, thereupon set fire to the pile. At first, being chiefly composed of branches and brushwood, it flamed furiously ; but soon sub- siding into a mass, the martyr hung suspended from the stake over the devouring heap ; his lower limbs were scorched, his entrails came forth, and his poor frame was already consumed below, when his lips were still seen moving, emitting, indeed, no sound, but testifying, within, a last invocation of the martyr to his God, a last appeal to that Christ who had died for him. MORE MARTYRS. \QQ I may here give an illustration of the arrogant opposi- tion which the Inquisition, from time to time, manifested towards even the crowned heads who sought to save its victims. According to the convention at Cavour, in 1561, be- tween Emanuel Philibert and the Waldenses, the latter were in no sort to be proceeded against for any acts which had taken place during the war of 1560. A man of San Giovanni, named Gaspar Orselli, having been taken pris- oner at that epoch, had, to save his life, promised to cathol- icize ; but, upon peace being concluded, he had returned to the open profession of the faith which, at heart, he had never abandoned. The inquisitors thereupon had him seized, and confined him in the dungeons of the holy office at Turin. The Waldenses claimed him, in the name of the amnesty, and the duke ordered the inquisitors to release him ; but they refused to obey. The edict of Cavour was recalled to them. " Our order is not subject to the secu- lar power," replied the worthy Dominicans, who yet were ever ready to make use of the power they refused to recog- nize. Philibert, indignant at this insolent rebellion, sent them word that all the frocked legions in the world should not make him break his word, and that, unless they forth- with released the captive, he would batter their house down upon their heads. At this unexpected menace, the holy office forthwith gave way. Orselli was released, and the duke, to whom all honour is due for his firmness on this occasion, wrote (20th of November, 1570) to the Waldenses, assuring them of his continued protection. When liberty of conscience was suppressed in Piedmont, the noble family of Bazana, among others retired to the valley of Luzerna, where the evangelical worship was still 15 170 THE WALDEXSES. permitted. A member of this family, Sebastian Bazana, who had received his spiritual training from the lips of the pastor Gilles, destined afterwards to become the narrator of his martyrdom, had, after the death of his father, set- tled with his aged mother, his two brothers, and their families, at La Torre. There his zeal for the Christian faith drew upon him the animosity of the monks, who, watching for the occasion, had him seized at Carmagnola, 26th of April, 1622, and threw him into the dungeons of the castle there, whence, after an imprisonment of four months, he was transferred to those of the senate at Turin. The courageous captive was not without intercessors to solicit his pardon, nor Christian brethren to console him. The latter alone were successful. " Greatly doth God favour me by your letters and your prayers," he wrote to Gilles on the 14th of July, "for all good comes to us from him, even friendship itself." From the dungeons of the senate he was transferred to those of the Inquisition, at whose gates, as at those of the lower hell, those who enter may leave all hope behind. At first his reception was of the most flattering description, so far as honied words and professions of intense interest in his welfare might go ; but the adopted son of the valleys knew these wolves in sheep's clothing too thoroughly to heed their allurements, and the firm calmness with which he adhered to his convictions soon aroused the wrath of the persecutors. The wolves showed their teeth. Menaces of the most cruel character were soon followed up by still more cruel execution : after threat came torture ; but the victim yielded not. Many powerful intercessions were made in favour of poor Bazana. Among others, Lesdi- guieres himself, though he had, some time before, become a papist, wrote thus (l-5th February, 1623) to the duke MORE MARTYRS. 171 of Savoy : " I solicit from your highness the life and lib- erty of one Sebastian Bazana, a prisoner in your city of Turin. He is a man against whom there is no reproach, save his religion ; and if all who profess that religion are to be punished with death, the great Christian princes, with your highness yourself, would have some difficulty in repop- ulating their states. The king of France has taken all his subjects professing that religion into his peace, and I would counsel your highness to do the same. It will be the surest way of firmly establishing tranquillity throughout your dominions." Lesdiguie"res followed up this letter by two others to the same purpose, and the duke of Savoy called upon the Inquisition to comply with their benevolent re- quest ; but the inquisitors answered, with unctuous humil- ity, that the matter was no longer in their hands, having been submitted to the decision of Rome. Several months passed away ; for a year and a half Sebastian Bazana protested, by his earnest and energetic resignation, against the violence with which the Christian faith was struck in his person. On the 22d of November, 1623, his sentence was announced to him : he was con- demned to be burned alive. " I welcome my death," he answered, with courageous gentleness, "since it is the will of God, and will, I trust, be for his glory. But as to men, they have pronounced an unjust sentence, and they will soon have to render their account for it." I know not whether by fortuitous coincidence, or by the judgment of God, but certain it is, that he who had pronounced the iniquitous judgment, was, that very night, struck with death in his own house. His victim followed him the next morning, 23d of November, 1623. As Bazana was quitting the gates of his prison, on his way to execution, they fastened a bandage over his mouth, 172 THE WALDENSES, in order to stifle his evangelical voice even at the pyre. But as the executioner was tying him to the stake, the bandage fell off, and the martyr thus proclaimed the cause of his death: — "People," he said, "it is for no crime I die, but for seeking to act in conformity with the word of God ; to sustain truth against error ; to — — ." Here the inquisitors stayed him, by putting light to the pile : Bazana set up the song of Simeon, as versified by Theodore Beza, that touching canticle, sung by the faithful of his church after the sacrament : — " Laisse-raoi d&sormais, Seigneur, aller en paix, Car selon ta promesse, Tu fais voir a rnes yeux Le salut glorieux Que j'attendais sans cessc!'' But his voice was soon silenced by the flames. DGE 0V1DK THE GDILL -I Hif C jj a p t n $ t n t n 1 ? ni 1 1; . THE PROPAGANDA. Charles Emanuel II. acceded to the throne of Savoy on the 4th of October, 1638, being at that time but four years and some months old. It was under his reign that the most terrible persecutions that ever ensanguined the Waldensian valleys took place, yet we cannot justly make him alone responsible for the crime, since, up to his majority, it was his mother who governed in character of regent. This was Christine of France, daughter of Henry IV. and of Mary de' Medici, who inherited all the hard and haughty attributes of her, grandmother, so that it was the spirit of the Medicis, rather than that of the house of Savoy, which presided over the carnage of 1655. From 1637 to 1642, Thomas and Maurice of Savoy, brothers of the late king, disputed, with his widow, the regency of his states, a struggle which occasioned the most disastrous troubles to Piedmont. Then, from 1642 to 1659, there was the war with the Spaniards, to eject whom from her dominions Christine found herself necessitated to call in the troops of France. All this while, the fomenters of Rome were pursuing their work against the Waldensian valleys ; and in these pious labours they were now materi- ally aided by the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide, a society composed of both priests and laymen, established 13* ( ] '3) 174 THE WALDENSES. at Rome in 1622, by pope Gregory XV., for the purpose of propagating the catholic faith. This association soon overawed by its influence the secular clergy, who had imprudently admitted it as an ally ; and, ere long, the torch of conflagration in one hand, the sword of death in the other, and its feet in blood, it proceeded to the savage extermination of all doctrines not accordant with its own. Nothing was forgotten in its work, except the gospel : and what has it gained ? that which persecution ever gains — the burden of crimes committed, the responsibility of blood poured forth, the execration of mankind. It was the prior of Luzerna, Marc' Aurelio Rorengo, who planted in the Walden- sian valleys the first shoot of this powerful tree, the branches of which were soon to overspread Piedmont, and cover it with the ensanguined fruits of the most odious fanaticism. A member of the Roman propaganda, a preaching monk, named Placido Corso, noted for his polemical talent, was despatched to the valleys to labour at the conversion of the Waldenses. On arriving, 10th of November, 1637, at La Torre, his first proceeding was to invite the pastor of the place, Gilles, the historian, to a discussion, which was at once accepted. The monk committed to paper all the arguments and data upon which the Roman catholic church arrogates for itself the titles of apostolical and sacred ; Gilles refuted these ; numerous letters were exchanged in continuation of the controversy, until, at length, Placido Corso left his antagonist's last response unanswered. Hoping to be more successful in a conference viva voce, where his adversary would not have time for selecting and weighing his arguments, the popish propagandist next applied to Antony Leger, who, recently returned from Constantinople, where he had filled the oflBce of chaplain to the embassy, was now performing the modest duties of THE PROPAGANDA. 175 pastor in the ancient parish of San Giovanni ; and it was agreed that a public conference should take place at La Torre, on the 4th of December, 1637 ; Rorengo, at his own desire, acting as president, Scipio Bastia, the younger, as secretary for the protestants, and the Capuchin, Fra Lo- renzo, as secretary for the catholics. The first conference was occupied entirely with one of the most difficult questions of canonical theology, that of the apocryphal books. The second conference, which took place on 1st January, 1638, at San Giovanni, lasted till nightfall ; after this the propagandist refused to have anything further to say to a set of dogmatists who he affirmed, made a pope of the bible. The bible was to the Waldenses far more than a pope ; but the servile slave of the holy see could conceive no similitude more effective. The next controversialists who undertook to combat the Waldensian pastors was a Minorite, brother Hilarion ; but after a few letters exchanged with the pastor of Bobbi, Francis Guerin, he also gave up the contest. The victor', however, had subsequently to pay the penalty of his vic- tory, in being (1651) driven from his country by the Inqui- sition. The weapon of dialectics failing them, the papists had recourse to assassination and abduction. A young man, the servant of an English protestant, Mr. Moreton, was assassinated at La Torre ; a girl of Bubiana was carried off by the monks ; her brother, who hastened to her assistance, was slain, and the girl herself taken off to Turin, was never afterwards heard of by her friends. In the contest for the regency, the Waldenses armed in support of the duchess Christine, and, opening a way through the Alps to the French succors under Turenne and D'Harcourt, were the means of restoring to the regent one of the most valuable provinces of her realm. The 176 THE WALDENSES. return for this eminent service was the cruellest ingrati- tude. Antony Leger, who had taken the lead in assert- ing the claims of Christine, was driven from his parish by- persecution, under the most frivolous pretext, and com- pelled to take refuge at Geneva, where he long lived an honoured professor of the Academy. The next act of arbitrary rule on the part of the regent, in her anxiety to win over the popish clergy from her competitor, the cardi- nal Maurice, of Savoy, was to issue an order (3d Novem- ber, 1637) for all the Waldenses who had settled out of the precise limits of their valleys, to return within those limits in three days. At about the same time, instruc- tions were communicated to the magistrates in favour of the Capuchin missionaries, upon whose denunciation the magistrates were commanded forthwith to arrest all sus- pected persons. In the following year (9th November, 1638), another royal decree was published against any territorial extension on the part of the Waldenses, who were prohibited from purchasing or even farming lands beyond their own narrow limits, on pain of confiscation and death. This prohibtion was renewed in April, 1640 ; and with it came orders to the prefect of the province, Rossano, to interdict the protestant worship at San Giovanni, and to close the Waldensian church there. To superintend the execution of this edict, there was sent from Turin a special delegate, a doctor of laws of Moncaliere, and auditor of state, noted for his Romish zeal, one Gastaldo. The first proceeding of this official, after having established him- self at Luzerna, was to cite before him (14th January, 1641) all such Waldenses as had property beyond the limits that were assigned to them, which limits had just previously been still further narrowed, by interdicting to the Waldenses the right bank of the Pelice. The persons THE PROPAGANDA. 177 so cited having refused to appear, their property of every description was forthwith confiscated to the public exche- quer. Next, in January, 1642, came an edict ordering among other matters, that the Castellans in the Waldensian valleys should lend gratuitous aid to the Capuchin mis- sionaries in all cases where so required by them, should attend all meetings held by the Waldenses, and, were they thought fit, dissolve them. The Waldenses on their part, were prohibited from meeting, except in the presence of the said Castellans, under penalty of fifty golden crowns for each offence and each offender; the edict winding up with promise of exemption from all public charges whatsoever, during the space of five years, to every protestant who would consent to catholicize. On February 17th, 1644, was proclaimed a prohibtion to the Waldenses to quit their limits at all, even for a few hours, except on fair days. On the 18th of September, 1645, the magistrates of the surrounding districts were enjoined to seize all Waldenses found in their localities ; the official celebration of the catholic worship was ordered in all the protestant parishes ; an establishment, which proved an utter failure, was formed at Luzerna, to receive and en- dow young Waldensian girls who would consent to abjure. On the 20th of February, 1650, the propagandists obtained an edict suspending all the privileges which had been granted to the Waldenses, until they should have demol- ished the eleven churches they possessed beyond their own special limits, had dismissed all their foreign pastors, had closed all their numerous trans-territorial schools, and consented to the universal celebration of the catholic wor- ship throughout the valleys. On the 15th of May, in the same year, Gastaldo was directed to restrict the limits of the Waldenses, above San Giovanni and La Torre, and M 178 THE WALDENSES. to compel all such as were settled in those communes, and in those of Luzernella, Bubiana, Fenile, and San Segonzo, to quit them within three days, under pain of death, and to sell their properties therein within fifteen days, under penalty of confiscation. The wholly protestant communes of Bobbi, Villar, Angrogna, and Rora, were ordered to maintain each a mission of Capuchins ; and foreign protes- tants were prohibited from settling in the valleys, under pain of death themselves, and a penalty of one thousand golden crowns upon the commune that should receive them. Gastaldo, however, little sympathy as he had with the Waldenses, saw the utter monstrosity of this Draconian decree, and by bis intervention it was, after a while, withdrawn. Meanwhile, the propaganda had acquired large de- velopment, by the jubilee, which, in 1550, brought to Rome the rich tribute of the superstitious of universal Eu- rope ; a sort of popular enthusiasm arose for this work, access to which was open to all catholics, of whatsoever rank, and which procured plenary indulgence for all, princes and peasants alike, who there met, for once, on a common level. Hence, the propaganda made rapid pro- gress, not only in Italy, but in France, having special councils in all the towns of those countries ; and it was at this time that it added to its original title, de propaganda, fide, the further designation, et extirpandis hereticis. The councils were composed of both laymen and ecclesi- astics, and there being plenary indulgence for all propa- gandists, women also took part in the proceedings, so that there were councils of men and councils of women. At Tu- rin, where the institution became established (31st of May, 1650) under the distinguished sanction of a royal ordinance, the male council was presided over by the archbishop of THE PR OP AG AX DA. I79 the city and by the marquis di San Tommaso, and the female by the marchioness di Pianeza, who thus sought, in a mistaken religious zeal, to expiate the sins of a dissipated youth. Every means Was resorted to by the propagandists to achieve the aim of their society. " The lady propagan- dists," writes Leger, "distributed the towns into districts, and each visited the district assigned to her twice a week ; suborning simple girls, servant-maids, and young children, by their nattering allurements and fair promises ; and doing evil turns to such as would not listen to them. They had their spies everywhere, who, among other infor- mation, ascertained in what protestant families domestic disagreements existed ; and hither would the propagandists repair, stirring up the flame of dissension in order to sep- arate the husband from the wife, the wife from the husband, the children from the parents ; promising them, and, indeed, giving them great advantages, if they would con- sent to attend mass. Did they hear of a tradesman, whose business was falling off, or of a gentleman who from gambling or otherwise was in want of money, these ladies were ever at hand with their dabo tibi, on the condition of apostacy ; and the prisoner was, in like manner, released from his dungeon, who would give himself up to them. To meet the very heavy expenses of this proselytizing, to keep the machinery at work, to purchase the souls who sold themselves for bread, regular collections were made in the chapels and in private families, in the shops, in the inns, in the gambling-houses, in the streets — everywhere was alms-seeking in operation, for the extirpation of her- esy. The marchioness of Pianeza herself, great lady as she was, used every second or third day to make a circuit in search of subscriptions, even going into the taverns for 180 THE WALDENSES. that purpose. Twice a week the councils assembled to receive an account of what the members had respectively done, to consult what measures should next be taken, and to arrange for securing the aid, where necessary, of the secular arm — an aid, for that matter, never refused to them. The councils in the market towns were in subordi- nation to those of the metropolitan towns ; these to those of the capital, and these to that of Rome, the great spider that held the threads of all this mighty web." All the Waldensian children whom they could abstract from their parents' houses, were considered by these mis- guided zealots as so many innocents rescued from the jaws of perdition ; the greatest sacrifices were incurred, the vengeance of man and the decrees of the laws alike braved, in the abduction of these children, who were then placed with rich catholic families, who undertook their mainte- nance, or in convents, which undertook to wean them gradually from the world, from their country, from the pure affections of the heart, and from the biblical faith, natural and revealed law being alike scorned by the bar- barous spirit of Catholicism. Another modus operandi adopted was the establishment at Luzerna, Pignerol, and Perrier, of Monts de Piete,* to which the distressed Waldenses eagerly resorted. Confis- cations, the continuous billeting of troops upon them, for the last few years, deficient harvests, and several tremend- ous conflagrations, had gradually reduced the Waldenses to the last stage of penury. These establishments sup- plied the wretched population with corn, clothing, money, on the security of their houses, furniture, land : when a "Waldensian was known to have in this way pledged his last resource, to save his family from famine, the propagan- - Pawn-broker shops. THE PROPAGANDA. 181 dists would come to him, offering full and free restitution of all he had pledged, and quittance for the amount bor- rowed, on condition of his entering the Romish church ; or they would have him first thrown into prison for the debt, :ind then assail him with their treacherous proposals. These means were effective with a few, but the work was found to proceed too slowly. The marchioness di Pianeza died : when she had given up all hopes of this world, she bethought herself of her husband, whom she had -not seen for many years : she sent for him, and said — " I have much to expiate, as towards man and towards yourself; my soul is in danger; aid me to save it, by labouring for the conversion of the Wal- denses." The husband gave the promise required : and, as a soldier, sought to fulfil it by soldierly means — by fire and sword. He had a further reason for obeying : his wife left him considerable sums, to be received by him only on the condition of obedience. It only remained to create a pretext for violence, and this was not difficult to devise. The monastery of Villar had been destroyed by fire in 1563, and the Waldenses had been charged as the incendiaries. At all events, they had been compelled, in the following year, to rebuild the edifice, so that this matter had nothing to do, as has been alleged, with the persecutions of 1655. Some other ground had to be sought. The cure of Fenile had been assassin- ated ; the assassin being arrested, the propagandists pro- mised him a free pardon, if he would make a public con- fession that he had killed the priest at the instigation of the "Waldenses, and, in especial, of Leger, then pastor of San Giovanni. Berru, who had not shrunk from crime involving capital punishment — he had committed two other murders beside that of the cure — did not shrink from a 16 182 THE WALDENSES. perjury that was to save his life ; and upon the denuncia- tion of this reprobate, the pastor of San Giovanni was, with- out trial, without even citation, condemned to death as instigator of the assassination, while the real murderer was set at liberty. Just at this time, the troops of Louis XIV., which had been succouring the duke of Modena, were on their return home through the valleys, and it was at once resolved to canton them among the Waldenses, so that they might be ready at hand to aid the persecution. CI;iifitn dMgl;tmitIj. THE MASSACRES OF 1655. The various provincial councils de extirpandig hckretiois addressed to the metropolitan council at Turin incessant complaints against the Waldcnscs, and these complaints were as incessantly laid before the duke by the archbishop of Turin and the ministers of state; all. of whom were mem- bers of the propaganda. It was not until January, 1655, however, that Charles Emanuel, a prince of clement and amiable character, would take any measures in the matter, and he then merely consented to order Gastaldo to carry into effect the edict of May, 1650, for restricting the limits of his Waldensian subjects. The military operations which ensued are not chargeable against the memory of this prince, who, alike with the Waldenses themselves, was made the dupe of -the insidious machinations of the propa- gandists. The Waldenses fell in thousands, victims of sys- tematic and cruel carnage, and the duke found himself put under the ban of the civilized princes of Europe by reason of that carnage. On 25th January, 1655, Gastaldo issued an order that all the protestant families domiciled in the communes of Luzerna and Luzernella, Fenile, Campiglone, Bubiana, Bricherasio, San Segonza, San Giovanni, and La Torre, (183) 1&4 THE WALDEXSES. should transport themselves into the valley and confines of Bobbi, Villar, Angrogna, and Rorata, the only places in the valley in which his highness would tolerate their religion, and this in the space of three days, under pain of death and of confiscation of goods. They were, besides, directed to sell their lands in the said districts within twenty days. All those who would consent to catholicize were exempted from the decree. Further, it was ordered that the catholic worship should be celebrated in all the protestant communes, the Waldenses being prohibited, under heavy penalties, from in any way impeding or dis- turbing such celebration ; and the pain of death was denounced against any person who should dissuade a pro- testant from turning catholic. This order directed that all the members of the families indicated should remove ; but Gastaldo, at first, contented himself with requiring the removal of the heads of these families. They obeyed, and retired to the upper portions of the valley, whence they addressed an earnest remonstrance to their prince, who, on his part, seemed well disposed to clemency, saying to count Christopher of Luzerna, who interceded for the remon- strants — " I am willing they should remain at San Gio- vanni and La Torre, provided they will withdraw from the other localities nearer the plain ; for their adversaries will not let me have any peace till they have got some such concession." The propogandists, meanwhile, were not idle ; they sent a statement to the duke that the Wal- denses were in a state of revolt, and had already caused the cur£ of Fenile to be assassinated. In consequence, when the deputies from the Waldenses again presented themselves at the palace, they were not received, but were ordered to settle the matter with the council of the pro- paganda. The council, in their turn, refused to receive THE MASSACRES OF 1655. 185 them, on the ground of their being protestants, and inti- mated that -what they had to say, they must say by the mouth of a popish attorney. The popish attorney was sent ; and then the council ordered that deputies must be appointed, competent to subscribe engagements in the name of the whole people. These deputies were sent ; but their instructions bearing that they were to sign nothing in diminution of the privileges from time to time conceded to their constituents, the council refused to receive them, until they had procured unlimited powers. The month of March was occupied with the transmission of protocols, memorials, and supplications from the Waldenses to the duke and to the marquis di Pianeza, and with replies on the part of the latter, full of that tone of moderation which is so easily assumed by men of his cold, hard, calculating temperament. At length, in the beginning of April, 1655, a third Waldensian deputation, consisting of two delegates only, repaired to Turin, furnished with full powers, ena- bling them to accept whatever conditions his highness might be pleased to impose, provided only that their liberty of conscience was not assailed ; in which case they were to request from the duke permission for the Waldenses to withdraw altogether from his states. This was putting the question courageously and unam- biguously, so that any answer given could not well be oth- erwise than also unambiguous. The marquis di Pianeza announced that he would give his answer on the 17th April. The deputies repaired to the palace at the appointed hour ; they were told to come at a later period of the day ; they returned — his excellency was still not visible ; they returned a third time, and were then directed to come next day but one. " What does this mean ?" 16* 186 THE WALDENSES. asked the deputies, the one of the other, filled with impa- tience and anxiety. They soon learned what it meant. On the 16th April, the day preceding that on which they had been directed to appear before the marquis, the marquis had quitted Turin, at nightfall, to join the troops who had been directed to await him on the road to the val- leys ; and on the 17th, while the deputies, full of good faith and confidingness, were repairing to his palace at Turin, Pianeza, in whom Jesuitism had annihilated at once nobility of blood and soldierly honour, was on the thres- hold of their valleys, at the head of troops about to subject those valleys to devastation and death. These troops were numerous. Besides those already quartered in the valleys, there were the regiment of Grancey, commanded by Du Petit Bourg, which was quartered at Pignerol ; the city regiment, commanded by Galeazzo ; the regiment of Chablais, commanded by the prince de Montafon ; and that of Saint Damian, commanded by captain Saint Damian ; the marquis de Pianeza acting as general-in-chief. On the 17th April, he sent a messenger to La Torre, to order the Waldenses to provide for the entertainment of eight hundred foot and three hundred horse, whom his royal highness had ordered to be quartered in their commune. "How can his royal highness require us to lodge his soldiers in a place where his last edict has forbidden us ourselves to live ?" asked the Waldenses. " Then why are you here ?" retorted the messenger. " We are here for our affairs ; but we have removed our permanent habitation within the limits that have been prescribed to us." The messenger returned. Towards evening, the mar- quis, after having passed, without resistance, the line of Bricherasio, Fenile, Campiglone, Bubiana, and San Gio- THE MASSACRES OF 1655. 187 vanni, whence the Waldenses had withdrawn, arrived under the walls of La Torre, with the city and Damian regiments. It is readily conceivable that this concentration of troops in the valleys, the avowed designs of the propaganda, the high rank of its supporters, the general excitation of pop- ular fanaticism, the warnings of their friends, the menaces of their enemies, had by this time clearly opened the eyes of the Waldenses to the hostile intentions of the popish party, though they knew not to what extent they had to keep off their guard, or how far they were to trust their sovereign, for the deputies whom they had sent to Turin had not returned. What were they to do? They had prayed to God for counsel, they had advised with their pastors, they had written to Geneva for instruction ; the general voice told them to defend themselves; but the un- certainty of their position precluded them from concerting any definite plan. They saw clouds gathering, but they could not imagine the malignity of the tempest that was about to pour down upon them. Had they done so, all hesitation would have disappeared, and the energy of their combined resistance would have been co-equal with their violated rights. In this state of ignorance and indecision, wishing to obey their sovereign and quarter his troops, yet uneasy at seeing in command of those troops one of the chiefs of that propaganda which had vowed their destruc- tion, not venturing either upon confiding compliance or upon determined resistance, they resorted merely to half measures, futile in this case as in all others. Gianavel alone, so early as February, foreseeing the terrible perse- cution about to befall his co-religionists, had collected together a small body of resolute men, with whom he was prepared to act energetically ; but the rest of his country- 188 THE WALDENSES. men then regarded his proceedings as too distrustful — too violent ! The marquis di Pianeza had arrived under' the walls of La Torre at ten o'clock on the night of Saturday, 17th April ; his whole army encamped on the plain which ex- tends from Les Appiots to Pra-la-Fera and Les Eyrals. The general-in-chief called upon the Waldenses to enter- tain his troops ; the people in the town, in number not more than three or four hundred, replied that it was impossi- ble for them to provide entertainment for such an army ; that there was nothing prepared, and that they must be per- mitted time for considering the matter. All delay was refused; and the townspeople were ordered forthwith to receive the troops, who would otherwise take forcible pos- session of the place. Thereupon the Waldenses entrenched themselves behind the barricade which they had hastily constructed at the entrance to their town, opposite the bridge of Angrogna. The marquis di Pianeza attacked this bastion ; but the besieged resisted so valiantly, that after three hours' fighting, the enemy had made no pro- gress. But about one in the morning, count Amadeus of Luzerna, who was acquainted with the locality, put him- self at the head of the city regiment, and while the other popish troops continued to engage the attention of the besieged, turned the town by the Pelice, advanced silently through the meadows and orchards, and then, entering La Torre by the Strada del Bruni, attacked the Waldenses in the rear. The latter at once faced about, pierced the ranks of the new-comers, and made good their retreat to the hills, having, in the whole engagement, lost only three men. It was now two o'clock in the morning : the Roman- ist, masters of the town, repaired in a body to the church of the mission, where they chanted a Te Deum, amid vehe- THE MASSACRES OF 1655. 189 ment vociferations of Long live the holy Roman church ! Hurrah for the holy faith! Down with the Barletti! At five o'clock in the morning, the marquis di Pianeza en- tered the town, " with all his nobility," and took up his quarters in the house of the mission. It was now Sunday morning — the morning of Palm Sunday, the opening of Holy Week, and the spirit of an- tichrist burned to signalize this Christian festival by a grand massacre of Christians. That very Sunday, accord- ingly, immediately after mass, a body of soldiers, under the command of Mario di Bagnolo, departed, by way of diversion, or appropriate preparation for the com- ing festival, on a "heretic hunt," that is to say, to shoot all the Waldeneses they could find, and burn their houses. In the evening, fresh troops arrived at La Torre, and by Monday, 19th April, the army consisted of not fewer than fifteen thousand men. There was no longer any room for doubt : that ancient project, the extermination of the Wal- desens, so maturely prepared and so unhesitatingly avowed by the more zealous partisans of tho Romish church, was now, at length, to be effectually executed, and thus did popery design to celebrate the Easter of 1655. The Waldenses, beholding, from the heights between Angrogna and Tagliarette, devastation and conflagration extending over the plain, put themselves on the defensive, placing sentinels at the advanced points, and small bodies of their militia in the more important passes. But they were poorly armed and inadequately organized, for they had formed no conception of the extent of the perfidy to which they were to be subjected. On the 19th, the troops of the marquis attacked these poor mountaineers simulta- neously on the heights of San Giovanni, of La Torre, of Angrogna, and of Bricherasio. The Waldenses contented 190 THE WALDENSBS. themselves with defending their posts. They were one against a hundred, but a powerful support sustained them — confidence in God. All the attacks upon them failed : the enemy could not drive them from any one of their entrenchments. The campaign, ultimately so disas- trous to them, opened with a victory in their favour. On the 20th (Tuesday), two attacks only were essayed, one upon the Waldenses of San Giovanni, entrenched at Castello, the other upon the protestants of Tagliarette. Both resulted in favour of the assailed. The former was repulsed with marked success by Captain Grayero ; the latter was equally fatal to the assailants, for the Walden- ses lost only two men, while of the enemy fifty were killed. Leger, who relates these details, took part in this engage- ment. The marquis di Pianeza, finding the large army he com- manded thus unavailing against determined resistance occupying advantageous positions, had recourse to a means which, but too often successful against the Waldenses, be- cause they were ignorant of its use, has ever been successful with the Romish church, much of whose power is based on its exercise : he had recourse to perfidy. On the morning of the 21st, two hours before daybreak, he announced, by sound of trumpet, at each of the Waldenses entrench- ments, that he was ready to receive deputies, with whom to treat for an accommodation, in the name of the duke of Savoy. Deputies from all the communes of the valley waited upon him accordingly; he received them with infinite urbanity, entertained them at dinner, and conversed with them for a considerable time. He assured them of the most friendly views towards them, said that the order issued by Gastaldo, on the 25th of January, referred only to the THE MASSACRES OF 1655. 191 inhabitants of the lower valleys, whom it was deemed ex- pedient to remove into the mountains, but that the com- munes of the upper valley had absolutely nothing whatever to apprehend. He expressed the utmost regret for the excesses which had been committed by his soldiers, and, imputing them to the difficulty of enforcing discipline upon so large a body of troops, insidiously took the occasion to say that it was for the very purpose of effecting a better command over them that he had wished to distribute them ; then, representing to the deputies the personal favour they would confer upon their sovereign by receiving, for a while, each commune a single regiment, he expressed his conviction that the duke, touched with so great a mark of confidence, would be induced to recall the decree which affected the Waldenses of the plain. The deluded deputies promised their best assistance, and accordingly, despite the energetic opposition of Gianavel and Leger, the communes consented to receive the troops of the marquis di Pianeza. That very evening they took possession of all the roads, installed themselves in the vil- lages and houses, and, regardless of the order given them to behave with caution, did not even await the morning to massacre several of the heretics. Their impatience betrayed them. In their eagerness to secure the strong positions in the mountains, while two regiments took the ordinary road to Villar and Bobbi, and a third that of Angrogna, a special detachment began the ascent of Campo La Rama and of Costa Rossina, in order to arrive the more speedily at Pra-del-Tor. This detach- ment, on its way, set fire to the scattered village of Tag- liarette ; the smoke of the burning houses was seen, tho cries of the fugitives and the shouts of their pursuers were heard, on the hill of Rorata, where a signal of distress was 192 THE WALDENSES. immediately lighted, and almost as immediately perceived from the heights of Angrogna, whither most of the inhab- itants of the plains, expelled from Bubiana, Campiglone, &c, by the order of Gastaldo, had taken refuge. The inhabitants of Angrogna, thus aroused, saw in their turn, the approach towards them of the invading detachment, which, on its way to Pra-del-Tor, was triumphantly de- scending the opposite hill. On the other side, towards Le Porte dAngrogna was seen advancing the regiment of Grancey. Thereupon the people of Angrogna lighted also their signal fires; and cries of — To Perosa! To Perosa ■' To La Vachara ! Treachery I and so on spread, like electric flames, along the mountain slopes, whence all the men capable of bearing arms hastily with- drew to the heights of La Vachera, and thence by the val- ley of Pramol, to those of Perosa and Pragela, which at that period belonged to France. At Bobbi the alarm was raised less promptly, for the regiments of Bagnolo and of Petit Bourg, the former of which was to be quartered at Bobbi, and the other at Vil- lar, arrived quietly by the ordinary road. Some appre- hensions were, indeed awakened when it was found that the soldiers, instead of confining themselves to Bobbi, ex- tended their occupation to Sarcena and Villanova ; but still the officers declared their resolution to maintain the strictest discipline, and the isolated murders which had been perpetrated by the soldiers on the way had not, as yet, reached the knowledge of the Waldenses. At Angrogna even, where they found only a few women, children, and old men, feeble guardians of the deserted village, the soldiers abstained, at first, from any excess. Di Pianeza contented himself apparently, with taking up merely his temporary abode there, in order to refresh him- THE MASSACRES OF 1655. 193 self and his men for a few days ; and meanwhile sought to gain the confidence of the Waldensian children and women, whom he urged to recall their fathers and hushands, on the assurance that no evil was designed them. Some few returned accordingly: woe to them ! Non servanda fides hceretics, said the council of Constance : Ad extirpandos hcereticos, cried the propaganda. In a day or two, the length and breadth of the valley, its villages, its houses, its roads, and its rocks, were occupied by the assassins in the pay of the propaganda ; and now these assassins were called upon to do their work. On Saturday, 24th April, 1655, at four o'clock in the morning, the signal for a gen- eral massacre of the Waldenses was given to the traitorous troops, from the tower of the castle of La Torre. The soldiers, forewarned, had risen early, fresh with the sleep they had enjoyed under the roofs of those they were about to slaughter. The men whom, under the solemn engage- ment of security and protection, the Waldenses had fed and housed, were now on foot, throughout the valley, con- verted, by the arts of Rome, from brave soldiers into cow- ardly assassins. To give an adequate idea of the horrors that ensued, one's eye must, at a single glance, comprehend the entire valley, take in each house, each room, view every act of death and torment, distinguish, amid the immense voice of aggregate anguish and desolation, each particular cry of destroyed honour, of parting existence. Literally, indeed, did the unhappy Waldenses suffer the things of which the apostle speaks : " They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword : they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being desti- tute, afflicted, tormented ; (of whom the world was not worthy :) they wandered in deserts and in mountains, and 17 N 194 THE WALDENSES. in dens and caves of the earth." Young children, writes Leger, were torn from their mothers' arms, dashed against the rocks, and their mangled remains cast on the road. Sick persons and old people, men and women, were burned alive in their houses, or hacked in pieces, or mutilated in horrible ways, or flayed alive, or exposed bound and dying to. the sun's noontide heat, or to ferocious animals ; some were stripped naked, bound in the form of a ball, the head forced down between the legs, and then rolled over preci- pices ; some of these poor creatures, torn and mangled by the rocks, but stayed in their downward progress by the branch of a tree, or other prominence, were seen, forty- eight hours after, still lingering in all the torments of pain and famine. Women and girls, after being fearfully outraged, were impaled on pikes, and so left to die, planted at angles of the road ; or they were buried alive ; or, impaled as above, they were roasted before a slow fire, and their burning bodies cut in slices, by these soldiers of the faiih as by cannibals. After the massacre, such children as survived, and could be seized, were carried off, and cast, like lambs into a slaughter-house, into the monasteries and convents and private abodes of the propagandists. Next, after massacre and abduction, came incendiarism : monks and priests, and other zealous propagandists, went about with lighted torches and projectiles, burning down the houses, previously ensanguined by the soldiers with the blood of their owners and their families. The terrible narrative given by Leger of these atrocities, was prepared by him from the testimony of eye-witnesse3, who gave their depo- sitions before two notaries, who accompanied him from commune to commune for that purpose. The pen, he says, well-nigh fell from his hand, as he transcribed the horrible TUB MASSACRES OF 1655. 195 details. Here, a father had seen his children cut in pieces by the sword, or absolutely torn limb from limb by four soldiers ; there the mother had seen her only daughter cruelly massacred before her face, after having been as cruelly outraged ; there the sister had seen her brother's mouth filled with gunpowder, and the head then blown to atoms; there the husband had seen his wife, about to become a mother, treated in a manner which it would out- rage humanity to describe. Of these, the eyes were torn from the head; of those, the nails from the fingers; some were tied to trees, their heart and lungs were cut from them, and they were thus left to die in anguish. The universal conflagration of the Waldensian houses succeeded the massacre of their inhabitants. In several communes not a single cottage was left standing ; so that this fan- valley of* Luzerna, as Leger expresses it, resembled a burning furnace, whence cries, fewer and fainter, attested that a people had lived. All these victims might have lived, had they consented to abjure their faith. Some who were saved from imme- diate death, were thrown into prison, and there subjected to continuous torturings to compel them to apostacy. James and David Prins, of Baudena, near Villar, were taken to the prison of Luzerna, and there, having resisted the ut- most solicitations of the priests, their arms, from the shoulder to the elbow were first flayed in strips, which, the upper end remaining uncut floated on the living flesh beneath ; then, the arms, from the elbow to the hand, were flayed in like manner ; then the thighs to the knee, and then the legs, from the knees to the soles of the feet ; and in this condition they were left to die. These Prins were two of a family of six brothers, who, having married six sisters, lived with their families altogether on one farm, having no separation of 196 THEWALDENSES. goods, but each having his particular task ; some in the vineyards, some in the cattle-yard; and all the forty persons of whom this combined family consisted, living together without the least discord, the eldest brother and sister, being as it were, father and mother to the rest. Yet these scenes, so patriarchal, so pure, so touching, so simple, so Christian, were made a prey to the demon of popery, cruel in its superstition beyond the cruelty of the most barbarous savages. A farm servant of Bobbi, refusing to apostatize, had the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet pierced with dagger thrusts ; he was then barbarously mutilated, and suspended over a fire, in order that the flame might stay the effusion of blood. Next, his nails were torn from his fingers with pincers ; and as he still adhered to his reli- gion, he was then tied by the feet to the tail of a mule, and so dragged through the streets of Luzerna. Seeing him now at the point of death, his executioners tied a cord so tight round his head that the eyes and the brain were forced out; and the mangled carcass was then thrown into the river. From the bell-tower of the catholic church of St. Germain l'Auxerrois issued the signal of the massacre of St. Bartholomew ! From the cathedral of Palermo was announced the Sicilian vespers ! From the tower of St. Mary, in the castle of La Torre, glared the fire that lit up the Piedmontese Easter. Oh, Mary ! mother of the Saviour ! if any sword pierce thy breast, it is that of the church which pretends to honour thee the most ; the church which, calling thee queen of the angels, represents thee to the world as queen of the demons ! So monstrous were the cruelties with which the work of extermination was accompanied, that several, even of the THE MASSACRES OF 1G55. 197 officers who had been appointed to execute it, were struck with horror, and resigned their commands, rather than fulfil their orders. In consequence of the general indig- nation expressed by the protestant states of Europe, upon receiving intelligence of the massacre, the duke of Savoy thought it expedient to publish a statement of the transac- tion. This narrative, printed in Italian, French, and Latin, under the title of The Factum of the Court of Savoy, though it endeavoured to make out a favourable case for the duke's government, and charged the Waldenses with bringing all the mischief upon themselves, yet acknow- ledged quite enough to show that the atrocities complained of had really been perpetrated. 17* C[nij.iU£ Mtintmiti;. GIANAVEL. We have mentioned that the Waldenses of Angrogna and the fugitives from the plain of Piedmont had, for the most part, retired to the valley of Perosa. Those of San Martin, forewarned by a benevolent catholic of the approach of the marquis Galeazzo, with orders to put everything to fire and sword, had hastened to the valley of Pragela, while such of the inhabitants of Bobbi as had escaped the massacre had made their way to Queyras, over the rocks and snows, all these places of refuge being then under the rule of the king of France. In the hope of excluding the Waldenses from this hos- pitable country, the duchess of Savoy, who seems to have taken a far more active share than her son in these calam- itous events, wrote to the court of France in order that the Waldenses might be restricted within their own valleys and there massacred ; but Mazarin replied that humanity prescribed to him the duty of affording an asylum to the fugitives. This concession enabled the latter to rally, to arm, and to organize themselves, with every prospect of returning to their native country more numerous than they had left it, for in these retreats many of their co-religionists from Queyras and Pragela joined them. Meantime, an ener- (198) GIANAVEL. 199 getic and able man, sustained, doubtless, by the hand of God (in whom none had ever a more absolute and unques- tioning confidence than had this intrepid warrior), Captain Joshua Gianavel, who alone had foreseen the contemplated treachery, kept the hostile army in check, and by degrees drove it from the valleys. It will be remembered that the 24th of April was the day fixed for the general massacre of the Waldenses ; troops had accordingly been quartered in all the larger villages and towns, excepting Rora, which, however, it was by no means designed to spare. On the morning of the day of extermination, the marquis of Saint-Damian had despatched from Villar, to surprise Rora, a battalion of five or six hundred soldiers, under the command of count Christopher of Luzerna, who was called count of Rora, that village being his appanage. These soldiers had crossed the river, and were ascending the little hill of Rumer, when Gianavel, who lived at the foot of an exten- sion of the mountain towards Luzerna, saw the soldiers approaching the menaced village. He at once hastened to ascend the hill by a different route, and collecting on his way six men, determined as himself, and excellent marks- men, posted them advantageously, and long before the troops expected, if at all, to be received by an armed force, and even before they deemed it requisite to form in any regular order, they were received by a fire of musketry from front, and right and left, so surely directed that seven soldiers fell dead ; their comrades retrograded, and those in the rear, imagining there was a numerous ambush at hand, turned round, so that the vanguard were separated from the main body. The Waldenses concealed amid the rocks, which rendered it impracticable for the enemy to ascertain their real number, fired discharge after discharge, 200 THE WALDENSES. until the vanguard, in utter confusion, and with half their number slain, also turned and hastened up the hill they had just turned. The rear, which had scarcely attained the summit, seeing the van returning, themselves hastened back at utmost speed, without even waiting to see the assailants, and all fled together towards Villar ; on their way, they had to traverse a w r ood, which lies between the mountains and the Pelice. Gianavel and his men pursued, but in such a manner as still to keep out of sight ; and, concealed, as they advanced, by the trees and shrubs, poured a murderous fire upon the fugitives. On his return to Rora, Gianavel informed the inhabi- tants of the peril which had menaced them. Ignorant of the massacres which, during the same day, had been per- petrated in the valley of Luzerna, the Rorans went to the marquis di Pianeza to complain of the aggression which had been essayed against them. He affected to disclaim the whole proceeding. "If any attempted to attack you," said he, "it was not by my orders; the troops under my command would never commit such an outrage. It must have been some party of brigands or Piedmontese vaga- bonds, and I only wish you had cut them all in pieces. However, I will take care that no such thing shall occur again." Non servanda fides hareticis ! On the very next morn- ing, five hundred soldiers were despatched to accomplish what the other detachment had failed in doing. Gianavel was again on foot ; he had at this time sixteen men with him, a small force, numerically, but, under his command, and in such a cause, equivalent to an army. Of these seventeen men, eleven were fully armed, the rest had only slings. Gianavel disposed them in three parties, two slingers with each ; the post he had selected was a defile, GIANAVEL. ,201 in which scarcely ten men could manoeuvre. No sooner was the van of the popish detachment engaged in this de- file, than the Waldenses fired ; an officer and ten men fell beneath the discharge, which was immediately followed up by a vigorous volley of stones from the slings ; disorder at once arose in the enemy's ranks, and, at the cry, All is lost .' save yourselves ! the entire troop turned round, and commenced a precipitate flight. Gianavel and his men pursued them, leaping from rock to rock like panthers, by their agility, their vigour, and their intrepidity, so multi- plying their numbers, that the enemy had no idea but that they were a large force, while their position behind the brushwood and the rocks enabled them to take that deadly aim, which, with the enemy, was quite impracticable ; so that no fewer than fifty-two of the soldiers were slain ere they made good their retreat to the plains of Luzerna. The marquis di Pianeza, thus again frustrated in his projects, sent count Christopher to Rora, to assure the inhabitants of his friendly intentions towards them, and that the advance of the troops against their valley had been the result of a misunderstanding. Certain represen- tations, he said, had been made against them, the falsity of which had been since fully ascertained ; and they had now nothing further to fear. He then proceeded to assemble a battalion more numerous than either of the previous, fully resolved at length to accomplish his pur- pose. It would seem as surprising that the Waldenses should permit themselves to be deceived by such assu- rances, as that a gentleman should make them, were it not that the former, as protestants, regarded lying a sin, whereas the latter, as a propagandist, deemed it a virtue. Next day, the 27th of April, a whole regiment made a rapid march upon Rora, occupied the approaches, and then 202 THE W A L DENSE S. finding the inhabitants fled, plundered and burned the houses, and set out on their return -with their booty, driving before tbem all the herds of the Rorans, who had themselves taken refuge in Monte Friolante. Gianavel, with his men, had seen the advance of the enemy, but their numbers had rendered it futile for him to assail them on their way. When, however, he perceived them returning, laden with booty and encumbered with the herds they were driving before them, he encouraged his sixteen companions, and, after an earnest supplication to Almighty God, hastened to occupy an advantageous posi- tion at a place called Damassero. Hence, as the first ranks of the enemy appeared, they were assailed with a fatal discharge. Unknowing what might be the numbers of the assailing force, and unwilling to abandon their booty, the soldiers, upon witnessing the fall of their comrades, turned about, and drew off towards Villar. The Wal- denses, better acquainted with the locality than were the foreigners, took a bye-path, which led them past the en- emy, to a place called Pian-Pra, a commanding post near the summit of the mountain that separates Rora from Vil- lar. Presently the hostile army made its appearance, advancing slowly with its booty, and in complete disorder, for its adversaries had disappeared, and it fancied that it would meet with no further obstruction. Suddenly, a discharge, point blank, prostrated fourteen or fifteen of its numbers. The soldiers, instead of seekinc to defend themselves, hurried on their march with their booty. They were now on the slope of the mountain, and, availing themselves of this circumstance, Gianavel's party rolled down an avalanche of great stones upon them. As they were hurrying aside to avoid this storm, the Walden- ees with fierce shouts dashed down upon them ; this com- GIANAVEL. 203 pleted their confusion, and, leaving their booty behind them, they fled, each man for himself. The great bulk of the regiment reached Villar, but many remained behind, slain on the ascent, or hurled from the precipices. On regaining the Pian-Pra, Gianavel called upon his men to halt. " Let us," he said, "return thanks." The whole party knelt. " Lord God," exclaimed their intrepid leader, " we bless thee for having preserved us ! Protect our people in these calamities, and increase in us thy faith !" This brief address was followed by the Lord's Prayer, and the Apostle's Creed, and the Waldenses then rising, sought their families in their mountain retreat. The marquis di Pianeza, frantic with rage and shame at hearing of this new check, commanded that a simulta- neous attack should be made upon the Waldenses by all the royal forces from Bagnolo, Cavour, Barges, Bubiana, and Villar. All these were to assemble on a given day and hour at Luzerna ; but the ardent slaughterer of Bobbi, Mario di Bagnolo, resolved to appropriate the entire glory of destroying the "miserable handful of adventurers," as the heroic mountaineers who so valiantly defended their faith and their families were designated, marched to the attack two hours in advance of the other troops. He had with him three companies of regulars, one of Piedmontese volunteeers, and a brigade of Irish, who, banished by Cromwell from their own country for the cruelties exer- cised by them on their protestant countrymen, had been welcomed as brothers by the massacrers of the Waldenses. These worthies, to encourage their zeal, had been promised the gratuitous cession of the lands depopulated of the Waldenses whom they should kill, so that fanaticism and self-interest, the two most potent incentives to courage> urged them on. 204 THE WALDEXSES. Bagnolo arranged his troops in two squadrons, one of which took the right side, the other the left, of the valley of Rora. He reached, without resistance, the rocks of Rumer, signalized, four days previously, by the first victory of Gianavel, and in which that chieftain had again entrenched himself, his little troop being now augmented to the number of thirty or forty men. But the right wing of the count di Bagnolo, having advanced along the heights, were above the rocks of Rumer, and, suddenly showing themselves, menaced the Waldenses with an attack in the rear, while the other wing of the enemy as- sailed them in the van. Gianavel, with that promptitude of decision and that energy of action which characterize military genius, at once saw what course to adopt, and at once adopted it. To the summit ! he cried ; and, turning about, he left the troops below to pursue their slow and toil- some ascent, while himself and his men, taking steady aim at the troops above, who were just turning the point of the hill, and had not yet had time to form, fired a deadly volley, and then instantly throwing themselves flat on their faces, avoided the discharge which the enemy returned. Amid the smoke of that discharge, the Waldenses then turned suddenly to the right, and, sword in hand, cut their way through the left wing of the assailants, weakened in num- ber by the concentration which the fire of the Waldenses had just attracted in the opposite direction. In a few moments, they were on the summit which Gianavel had indicated to them, and there, posting themselves amongst the rocks, and, strong in the triple energy of a just cause, confidence in their God, and recent success, they intrepidly faced the foe. It was to no purpose that the two de- tachments, now combined, advanced to assail them : they could not get beyond a certain point ; for there the semi- GIANAVEL. 205 circle which they formed, with each surging movement on- ward, found its first ranks prostrated by the unerring fire of the practised marksmen above themselves, protected from harm by their position. As the snow melts away from the hill-side under the fire of the sun, so did these troops melt away under the fire of the Waldenses, till at length, their heads growing confused at this so unexpected result, a panic seized them, they turned, and fled, leaving sixty-five of their number dead on the spot, besides the wounded and the dead whom they carried off with them. The Waldenses wished to pursue them along the valley, but Gianavel, with sounder judgment, hastening along the heights, passed the fugitives below, and awaited them, with his invincible fusileers, at a narrow pass called Pierro Oapillo. By and bye, the soldiers came slowly on, taking breath after their flight, and observing no order, in the supposition that their foes had departed. All at once, a fresh discharge of fatal musketry assailed them ; heavy rocks rolled down upon them ; and then, with vehement shouts, a body of men, whose numbers, amid the rocks and brushwood, they could not count, precipitated themselves, sword and pistol in hand, upon them. Resistance was not even attempted : a panic terror, or rather the fear of the God of Jacob, seized upon these utterly amazed troops, so that, instead of fleeing, as best they might, along the road before them, they threw themselves over the rocks and precipices, or essayed to let themselves down by ropes and roots, so that most' of their number perished, either drowned in the torrent below, or dashed against the rocks, or slain by the lead and the steel of their adversaries. Their leader himself, with difficulty extricated from a deep pool, was convej'ed, wounded, bruised, and half- naked, to Luzerna, where he died a few days afterwards. 18 206 THE WALDENSES. So great was the exasperation of the marquis di Pian- eza, that he assembled all the disposable troops under his command, and actually marched ten thousand men against the little commune of Rora, defended with such perseve- rance by a handful of mountaineers. This was in the commencement of May, 1655. Three thousand soldiers advanced from Bagnolo, three thousand from Villar, and six thousand from Luzerna, to assail, with a combined effort, a little village of fifty houses, already half burned down. The battalion coming from Villar arrived first. Gian- avel attacked it from the heights; but meanwhile the other troops occupied the lower portion of the valley, pillaged the village, burned the buildings, committed the most mon- strous outrages, and carried off as prisoners such of the wretched inhabitants as had not perished in the attack. The position had become untenable ; Gianavel had nothing now to defend ; Rora was destroyed, its inhabitants killed or captives. He retired with his heroic cohort to the valley of Luzerna. The next day he received from the marquis di Pianeza, a letter in the following terms: "To captain Gianavel. Your wife and daughters are in my hands, having been made prisoners at Rora. I exhort you, for the last time, to abjure your heresy, as the only means of securing from his royal highness pardon for your rebellion, and of saving your wife and daughters, who will be burned alive if you do not surrender. As to yourself, if you persist in your obstinacy, I shall not trouble myself to send any more troops after you, but simply put such a price upon your head, as, had you the devil himself in you, would ensure your being taken, dead or alive ; and if you fall alive into GIANAVBL. 207 my hands, be sure there arc no torments so cruel but that you shall undergo them. This letter is for your guidance : I advise you to profit by it." This was Gianavel's reply : " There is no torment so cruel that I should not prefer it to the abjuration of my faith ; and your menaces instead of deterring me from, fortify me still more firmly in, that faith. As to my wife and children, they well know how dear they are to me ; but God alone is master of their lives, and if you make their bodies perish, he will save their souls. May he receive them into his grace ; them and me, if it befal me to come into your hands." A price was immediately set upon the head of the heroic mountaineer. A son was left to him, a young boy, who had been en- trusted to the charge of a relative at Villar. Fearing that he too might be made a prisoner, the intrepid father con- veyed the child across the Alps into Dauphiny, where he left him in the care of a friend. Then, after giving a few days' rest to his devoted band, and recruiting its numbers from among the Waldenses of Dauphiny, he returned to the valleys, and, stronger, more formidable, and more feared than ever, resumed hostilities against the enemies of hi3 faith and of his people. Meanwhile the moderator of the Waldensian churches, Leger, had repaired to Paris, where he had printed a man- ifesto, addressed to all the protestant powers of Europe, in reply to which, expressions of the most vivid sympathy and the most active interest came from all directions. No foreign power took so energetic and spirited a part in be- half of the Waldenses at this fatal crisis, as England. Cromwell, as soon as he was informed of what was going on in the valleys, addressed a Latin letter, the composition 208 THE WALDENSES. of Milton,* and of which the following is a translation, to the duke of Savoy: — " Most serene Prince, " We are informed by letters received from several places in the vicinity of your dominions, that the subjects of your royal highness, professing the reformed religion, have been commanded by an edict, published by your authority, to quit their habitations and lands, within three days after the promulgation of the said edict, under pain of death, and the confiscation of their property, unless they shall enter into an engagement to abjure their own, and to em- brace the Roman catholic faith, before the end of twenty days. "We have learnt also, that, regardless of their hum- ble petitions to your highness, praying that you would be pleased to revoke the said edict, and to grant the same privileges which were anciently conceded by your serene ancestors, your army fell upon them, cruelly slaughtered great numbers, imprisoned others, and drove the rest to fly for refuge to desolate places, and to mountains covered with snow, where hundreds of families are reduced to such extremity, that, it is to be feared, they will all shortly perish with cold and hunger. Upon receiving intelligence of the melancholy condition of this most oppressed people, it was impossible not to feel the greatest commiseration and grief; for we not only consider ourselves united to them by common ties of humanity, but by those of the same religion. Feeling, therefore, that we are invoked by the sacred voice of brotherly love, we declare that we should fail in our duty to ourselves, to God, to our breth- ren, and to the religion we profess, if we were not deeply *The original, in the handwriting of the poet's second daughter, Mary, is preserved in the State Paper Office. GIANAVEL. 200 moved by a sense of their calamities, and if we did not employ every means in our power to obtain an alleviation of their unparalleled sufferings. It is on this account that we most earnestly entreat, and conjure your highness, in the first place, to call to mind the enactments of your serene ancestors, and the concessions which they made and confirmed from time to time in favour of the Waldenses: which concessions were granted, no doubt, in obedience to the will of God, who desires that liberty of conscience should be the inviolable right of every man, and in con- sideration of the merits of these their subjects, who have ever been found valiant and faithful in war and obedient in time of peace. And as your serene highness has gra- ciously and nobly trodden in the steps of your predecessors in all other things, we again and again beseech you, that you will not depart from them in this instance, but that you will revoke this edict, and any other that is oppressive to your subjects, in consequence of their professing the reformed religion ; that you will restore them to their pa- ternal habitations and property; that you will confirm their ancient rights and privileges ; that you will cause repar- ation to be made for their injuries ; and order an end to be put to all vexatious proceedings against them. If your highness will comply -with this request, you will do what is most acceptable to God ; you will comfort and support the minds of those unhappy sufferers, and you will be con- ferring a favour upon the neighbouring protestant states, and especially upon us, who will ever consider such clem- ency as the effect of our intercession; which will constrain us to do every kind office in return, and will be the means not only of strengthening, but of renewing and increasing the relations and friendship which have subsisted between this commonwealth and your dominions. Promising our- 18* 210 THE WALDENSES. selves much from your justice and moderation, we heartily pray God to, direct your minds and thoughts, and so to grant you and your people the blessings of peace and truth, and to prosper all your undertakings. " Given at our court at Westminster, the 25th day of May, 1655. " Oliver, Protector." On the other hand, the court of Savoy, or rather the duchess, under the influence of the propaganda and of the pontificial nuncio, pursued with vigour the great aim of the papists, the expulsion or extermination of the evangelical worshippers of the valleys. From Mazarin, who had refused to deny the Waldenses a refuge in France, a pro- mise was obtained, that, at all events, no Frenchmen should aid the Waldenses in their valleys. The captain of the Swiss guards of the duke of Savoy, a native of Glaris, in which canton there were a number of catholic families dissatisfied with living in a protestant country, proposed to Charles Emanuel to exchange these families for an equal number of protestant families from the valleys. Cromwell, on his part, offered to settle the Waldenses in Ireland, in place of the natives whom he had found it expedient to expel. But the reply of the mode- rator was more conformable with the interests of his own country. He supplicated the Protector rather to send a plenipotentiary to Turin, to negotiate the re-establishment of the Waldenses in their valleys, than to remove them. The plenipotentiary sent in accordance with this request was Sir Samuel Morland, who performed a leading part in the pacification of this unhappy country, and who after- wards wrote a remarkable history of the events which had occurred there. OIANAVEL. 211 Most of the protcstant powers added their representa- tions to those of England in favour of the Waldenses, and celebrated fasts and made pecuniary collections in their interest, Cromwell taking the lead also in this matter. He had a narrative printed and dispersed through Britain, set- ting forth the distress of the Waldensian church, and recom- mending a general subscription. He himself set the exam- ple of liberality, by contributing two thousand pounds from the privy purse ; and a sum was shortly raised amounting to not less than thirty-eight thousand two hundred and forty- one pounds, of which, however, only about twenty-two thou- sand reached the Waldenses. Charles II. at the Eestora- tion, to his everlasting disgrace, appropriated the rest of this sum to the gratification of his mistresses, saying, when interrogated about it, that he was under no obligation to pay the debts of a usurper !* Another measure of the Protector was to address letters of urgent recommendation to the protestant sovereigns and * The subsequent history of this matter is curious. The sixteen thousand three hundred and thirty-three pounds, -which Charles so infamously squandered, had been reserved by the Protector as a permanent fund for the assistance of the Waldenses in time to come. In the reign of William III., the queen consort, Mary, desirous of effacing the national disgrace, gave to the Waldenses, during her life, an annual pension of four hundred and twenty-five pounds. This ceased with her death. It was afterwards renewed by queen Anne, and the sum increased to five hundred pounds. This sum continued to be issued from the royal exchequer, until the year 1797, under the name of royal bounty. The valleys coming for a time under the dominion of France, the pension was then dis- continued, and the subject was soon lost sight of by those in power. At length, Dr. Gilly and other British Christians succeeded, in 1827, in calling the attention of the government to the subject, and in having the annuity restored. It was, however, reduced to two hun- dred and seventy-seven pounds. 212 THE WALDENSES. 6tates, that they should come forward in support of the protestant interest. To the king of Sweden he represented the noble conduct which his royal progenitors had pursued, when the reformed religion was menaced in Germany. In a strain of equal eloquence he explained to the king of Denmark the motives of policy which should induce all protestant princes to make a common cause with those who were defending such as were persecuted for the reformed faith. " AYe proclaim," said he, in a tone which was likely to fix the resolution of the wavering, " that we are pre- pared, in conjunction with your majesty, and our other allies of the reformed religion, to use every means in our power to relieve the wants, and secure the safety and liberty of the unhappy sufferers." In a letter to the States General, he reminded their High Mightinesses of the effectual struggles which they them- selves had happily made in the adverse times of the protestant church in their own country, and declared his readiness to take any measures, in conjunction with them, for the preservation of the same faith in the valleys of Piedmont. The Protector's negotiation with the king; of France was still more honourable to his character, because he had the difficult undertaking of persuading one Roman catholic prince to act against another. His first letter to his Most Christian Majesty boldly touched upon a very delicate topic, and intimated that the troops of France had been concerned in the cruelties in Piedmont. " Most Serene King, "The groans of those wretched men, the protestant inhabitants of Luzerna and Angrogna, and other Alpine valleys, within the dominions of the duke of Savoy, who were lately most cruelly murdered, and the lamentable GIANAVEL. 213 tidings of the despoliation and the banishment of the sur- vivors of this massacre, which have reached our ears, have constrained us to write this letter to your majesty : more particularly as it has been reported to us (with what truth has not yet been ascertained), that this carnage has been committed by some of your own troops, conjointly with those of the duke of Savoy. It is scarcely possible to believe that such proceedings have been resorted to, for they are neither consistent with the principles of good government, nor with those of your majesty's wise ances- tors, who judged that they were best consulting their own interests, and the peace not only of their own kingdom, but of all Christendom, by permitting their subjects of the reformed religion to live securely and quietly under their protecting sceptre : in return for which indulgence, those grateful men did often perform the most eminent services for their sovereigns, both in peace and war. The dukes of Savoy, in like manner, were wont to treat their subjects of the Alpine valleys with the same benignity ; who, on their side, also displayed the most devoted loyalty, and never spared either their lives or their fortunes in the service of their princes. We feel confident, that your majesty's influence and authority with the duke of Savoy are such, that if you would only employ your mediation, and express your good wishes, you would obtain indemnity for these poor people, and their restoration to their country and former privileges. Such an act would not only be worthy of your majesty, and of the wise example of your ancestors, but would re-assure your own subjects, who would then feel that they need entertain no fears on their own account ; and it would conciliate your protestant con- federates and allies, and bind them to your majesty by the strongest ties of respect and affection. With regard to 214 THE WALDEXSES. ourselves, whatever indulgence shall be conceded to your own subjects of the reformed religion, or obtained by your intercession for the subjects of others, will be received not only with the same, but even with greater gratitude than we could express for any personal favour that we hope to derive from your majesty's friendship. " Given at our court at Westminster, the 25th of May, 1655. " Oliver, Protector." In a second letter, Cromwell gave the king of France to understand, that he expected him, not only to employ his mediation with the duke of Savoy, in behalf of the Waldenses, but to afford shelter and protection to such as should fly for refuge into the French dominions. " Most Serene and most Potent King, " I am happy to understand, from your majesty's letter in answer to mine of the 25th of May last, that I was not wrong in the opinion, that those most cruel murders, and barbarous massacres, committed by certain troops of yours upon the professors of the reformed religion in Savoy, had neither your command nor authority. I am also ex- tremely rejoiced to find that your majesty has signified your strong disapprobation to your military commanders, who took upon themselves to perpetrate such atrocities without your orders ; and that you have remonstrated with the duke of Savoy upon the subject of such monstrous cruelty, and have interposed your influence and good offices with so much humanity and earnestness, for the re- storation of those unhappy exiles. I did hope that that prince would have conceded something to the intercession of your majesty ; but since neither your mediation, nor that GIA NAVEL. 215 of the other sovereigns and states, has been of any avail in their favour, I have thought it my imperative duty to send an ambassador extraordinary to the duke, to give a full explanation of my sentiments, in regard to his excessive cruelty towards the professors of the same religion with ourselves, on no other account but their religion. And in order to promote the success of this mission, I trust your majesty will be pleased to renew your remonstrances, and to give them greater weight than before : and as your majesty has already declared yourself responsible for the fidelity of these poor people to their prince, so you will now take upon yourself to guarantee their security and protection, that repetition of such inhuman cruelty may not be inflicted upon them again. We cannot but expect this from your majesty, as being nothing but a just and royal proceeding, and perfectly consistent with the benignity and clemency with which you have watched over the safety and welfare of so many of your subjects who profess the same religion. By such an act you will conciliate the affec- tions of all the protestants throughout your kingdom, who have given you so many proofs of their loyalty and attach- ment ; and you will satisfy those of foreign nations, that you are not implicated in this iniquity, however much your ministers of state and commanders may be : more especially if your majesty will punish those ministers and commanders who have presumed, upon their own authority and out of their own malignity, to commit such monstrous atrocities. In the mean time, since your majesty disavows this most inhuman and detestable policy, I am confident you will give shelter and protection to such of the dis- tressed refugees as shall fly into your dominions for an asylum, and will not suffer any of your own subjects to assist the duke of Savoy against them. It remains for 216 TIIE WALDENSES. me to assure your majesty of the value I set upon your friendship, and of my readiness, at all times to give proof of the sincerity of my respect. " Given at our court at Westminster, July, 31, 1655." In pursuance of this interposition, Louis XIV. ordered Lesdiguie"rcs to give a favourable reception to all fugitive Waldenses, and to assure them of his royal protection. In the valleys of Queyras and Pragela, belonging to France, men took up arms in support of their persecuted brethren. Many men deserted from the regular army for the same purpose ; and at about this time Gianavel returned to the valleys with his reinvigorated and reinforced troop. Captain Giaheri, a native of Pramol, had retired to the valley of Perosa, in the confines of France, with the in- habitants of Bubiana and Angrogna, fugitives under the decree of 22d April. A month afterwards, he returned at the head of these exiles, supported by their co-religion- ists of Pragela, and re-established them in the valleys of Angrogna and Pramol. He then wrote to Gianavel to join him. The latter had, at first, taken a position on a lofty mountain, called la Pelaya di Geymeto, whence he had essayed an attack upon Luzernella, a catholic village, half a league from Luzerna. Repulsed by numbers, he had effected a masterly retreat, in the course of which he received in the leg a bullet, which was never extracted. The wound, however, did not prevent him from pursuing his expeditions; and this attempt upon Luzernella, though in itself frustrated, had important results, for it gave a new aspect to that war of extermination in which, hitherto, the "Waldenses had only acted on the defensive. Inex- pressible terror now began to agitate the Piedmontese towns that lay nearest to the mountains; and each insisted GIANAVEL. 217 upon having its entrenchments and its garrison. Some Irish troops, for example, were garrisoned at Bubiana, but they committed such excesses there, that the inhabi- tants were necessitated to expel them ; and thus the per- secutors began to destroy one another. Giaheri effected his junction with Gianavel on the 27th May on the banks of the Angrogna, and by this combina- tion the two warriors became infinitely more formidable than ever. The first enterprise which they essayed in common was directed against Garsigliano, which they attempted to surprise that same evening ; but troops has- tening, at the sound of the tocsin, from all the adjacent villages, they were obliged to retire, carrying off with them only some cattle, and six yoke of oxen. Next morning, at day-break, having strengthened themselves by prayer, and feeling the urgency of some energetic demonstration, in order to save their country, they attacked the town of San Segonzo, and took it. To protect themselves, in the assault, from the fire of the enemy, the Waldenses rolled before them great bags full of hay, in which the bullets showered upon them from the walls buried themselves, without touching one of the besiegers. On reaching the foot of the entrenchments, they set fire to the hay, the smoke of which hid them from the townspeople while they were battering in the gates : these once thrown down, they rushed in impetuously, and, after effecting great slaughter, retired with considerable booty. An entire Irish regiment, numbering from seven to eight hundred men, was cut to pieces, with six hundred and fifty Piedmontese troops : all such of the inhabitants as presented themselves unarmed were spared, and only a portion of them taken away pris- oners. The town was then burned. It was a terrible execution; but terrible as it was, it was 19 21S THE 1VA1DEXSE?. expedient, in the essential necessity which the Walden- sians felt, of making their strength appreciated by foes who had hitherto acted towards them as towards, sheep, who were to permit themselves to be slaughtered unresist- ingly. Besides, the Waldensian valleys had been so cru- elly devasted, the blood that had been shed cried out so loud, the irritation had become so profound, that, without attributing such reprisals to the mere spirit of vengeance, one may fairly regard them as a consequence — a necessity. They were useful, moreover, as forcibly impressing on the persecutors the fact that the persecuted were a people not altogether so despicable as had been supposed. Men heed, it is said, only those they love, or those they fear ; the Waldenses, sure of not being loved, were fain to make themselves feared. They effectually attained this object. Already the taking of San Segonzo was worth the gain of a battle to them. They had made fourteen hundred enemies bite the dust, while the loss on their own side had been but seven men ; a fact which, incredible as it may seem, was not only a fact, but became immediately known as such, and diffused a panic terror of Gianavel and Gia- heri through all the surrounding towns, which thereupon formed a league for their common defence, and arranged telegraphic signals, which, from the bell-towers, were to give warning of the approach, in any direction, of the Wal- denses, and to indicate their position. The population, who suffered at once from the inter- ruption of trade, the maintenance of the troops, and the incursions of the Waldenses, were loud in their demands for peace. The marquis de Pianeza endeavoured to get rid of his antagonists by setting a price upon the heads of their leaders ; but their numbers, so far from diminishing were GIANAVEL. 219 augmented daily by new recruits from Queyras and Pra- gela. By the 2d June, they consisted of four companies, commanded respectively by Gianavel, Giaheri, Laurens, and Benet. In a council of war, these four captains re- solved to attack Bricherasio. In order to execute this design, the four companies were to take different routes, so as not only to surprise the town, but also to check any succours that might advance towards it. Accordingly, Gianavel occupied the slopes of San Giovanni and La Tay- area, in order to oppose the troops from La Torre and Luzerna; Laurens posted himself near Rocappiatta, to cut off the succours from San Segonzo, which had been par- tially rebuilt ; while Giaheri, descending into the plains of Bricherasio, proceeded to devastate it on his way to the town itself : but the tocsin sounding, the garrisons of the adjacent towns hastened out in such numbers, as to cover Bricherasio, and to compel Giaheri to retrograde to the hills of San Giovanni, where Gianavel had kept in check the troops who had advanced in that direction, and who were now attacked with such impetuosity by the combined Waldensian forces, that they fled after a short resistance, leaving one hundred and fifty of their number dead on the field, while the Waldenses had but one man slain. Gianavel next repaired to the mountain Palaya di Gey- meto. Opposite this hill was the town of Villar, which had hitherto escaped destruction at the hands of the enemy, by reason of the number of its inhabitants who had catholicized. Gianavel sent word to these men of Villar, that they must forthwith, by joining him, augment the number of the defenders of their common country, or, on refusal, be treated as apostates, traitors, and enemies. Upon this energetic appeal, the Villarons, from fear or from patriotism, joined the rough warrior who had ad- 220 THE WALDENSES. dressed it to them ; and who, his forces thus increased to more than six hundred men, now resolved upon recovering the protestant capital of the valleys — the town of La Torre. The attempt was made, and failed ; but more than three hundred of the enemy's troops fell in the defence of the place. Gianavel and Giaheri having established their head quarters on one of the heights of Angrogna, called Le Verne, found it necessary to take energetic measures for the support of their troops, and, accordingly, the inhabi- tants of Crussol, a village situated in the valley of the Po, having inflicted much injury on the Waldenses during the recent massacres, Giaheri resolved to put them under con- tribution. He accordingly departed in the night, at the head of four hundred fifty men, and next morning, at day- break, before the Crusolians could adopt any defensive measures, their village was taken possession of ; they them- selves fled unimpeded to a large cavern in the vicinity, and the "Waldenses drove off more than four hundred cattle and six hundred sheep, which were transported to the mountain Lionza, and there portioned among the victors. Meanwhile, the catholics of San Segonzo and the neigh- bouring villages had marched to attack the one hundred and fifty men left at Angrogna ; but were vigorously repulsed by Laurens and Benet. In their retreat they came upon an unhappy Waldensian, Pietro Reggio, solitary and un- armed, whom they seized, and put to a cruel death. Two day afterwards, 15th of June, 1655, the marquis di Pianeza, having set on foot all the troops under his command, sustained by a regiment which had just arrived under the orders of M. de Marolles, advanced to attack Gianavel in Angrogna. The troops, who were in four GIA NAVEL. 221 divisions, were to strike all at once ; but this simultaneity of operations could not be effected, by reason of the different routes which the army had followed, and the points, remote from each other, which it had occupied. The detachment arriving by Iioccapiatta, gave the signal for attack prema- turely, so that Gianavel, who had with him only three hundred men, had obtained an advantage over the first assailants, before he was assailed, in his rear, by the troops arriving from Pramol. In order to keep them separate, he at once made his way to the heights of Roccamanante ; but there he found him- self fronted by the troops arriving from San Giovanni, and at the same moment he perceived the detachment from La Torre advancing. In this critical position, assailed from every direction, and having only half of his men with him, the hero of Rora, quick of eye and prompt in execution, retrograded before the battalion from Roccapiatta had time to form, dashed through the centre of that from Pramol, and then, as he had so successfully done at Rora, took up a position on the brow of a hill, the formation of which, on the other side, was a succession of gentle slopes, but, on the other, a sharp and precipitous descent. The four hostile battalions were drawn up at the foot of the slope. Thus hemmed in between a rugged precipice, and an army ten times more numerous than his own force, Gianavel main- tained unbroken a defensive attitude for nearly five hours : then, perceiving some indications of lassitude and hesita- tion in the opposing ranks, Gianavel, having first raised his hands to heaven, and exclaimed, " Oh God ! it is in thy cause ! aid and preserve us !" gave the word to his men, "Forward!" and, like an avalanche of pikes, swords, and bullets, the Waldenses dashed down the 19* 222 THE WALDENSES. slopes with all the impetuosity of long pent-up valour. Without awaiting their shock, the enemy fell back, for the purpose of deploying in the plain. By this manoeuvre they weakened their line : the impetus of the Waldenses broke it. Utter disorder ensued, and those three thou- sand men fled in panic fear, pursued by the Waldenses, who killed more than five hundred of their number, themselves having but one man killed and two wounded. But, unhappily, the work did not end here. Having cleared the basin of Angrogna from these invaders, Gian- avel returned to his entrenchments, at the same moment that Giaheri arrived from Pragela. The troops of both leaders were fatigued, the one with fighting, the other with marching ; those of Gianavel had eaten nothing since the morning. While they were hastily refreshing themselves, their leader went to reconnoitre the position of the enemy, and found that they were rallying in the plain of San Giovanni, but that the various corps were still dispersed, and evidently without the least idea of another attack. The indefatigable Waldensian general at once called his men together, and having descended unperceived, fell like lightning upon the heedless foe, who were a second time put to the rout, leaving one hundred of their number dead on the field. The triumph, however, threatened to be a calamity far worse than a defeat, for in the rapid engage- ment, Gianavel, that leader whom the Waldenses could not have replaced, was hit by a ball, which, entering the chest, passed completely through his body. The mouth was at once filled with blood ; he fainted, and for a mo- ment his soldiers thought him dead : reviving, he entrusted the command to Giaheri, to whom he gave his instructions, amid the tears and prayers of his loved and loving soldiers. GIANAVEL. 223 He was conveyed on a litter to Pinache, where, after six weeks' suffering, his wound healed. His last direction, on quitting Giaheri, had been to un- dertake nothing further that day, on account of the fatigued condition of their troops ; but an emissary coming with information that the town of Osasco could be easily taken, Giaheri, in whom intrepidity ever got the better of pru- dence, and who was eager to signalize himself by some effective stroke, took with him a hundred and fifty soldiers, and marched towards Osasco, under the guidance of the emissary. That emissary was a traitor: he led Giaheri into an ambush, where a squadron of cavalry fell furiously upon the Waldenses, and absolutely overpowered them. In this last struggle Giaheri surported himself in valour : seeing he had been betrayed, he first slew the traitor, and then, having invoked the aid of God, threw himself with his men, sword in hand, upon the Savoy cavalry, and made terrible slaughter of them ; and it was not until he was absolutely covered with wounds, that he fell. His son died by his side, and of all his men, but one survived, who, having concealed himself for some hours in a marsh, swam the Clusone at night, and conveyed the intelligence of their deplorable loss to his countrymen. Giaheri was a man zealous alike in the service of God, and in the cause of his country ; brave as a lion, humble as a lamb, and ever assigning the praise of his victories to the Lord ; a master of the scriptures, and well versed in controversy; a man of great intellect, and whose only fault was the incapacity to moderate his valour. (C tj n \) t tt <£ ra ni t i i t I] NEGOTIATIONS AND CONCESSIONS. The death of Giaheri, and the supposed mortal wound of Gianavel, raised the courage of the papists, and perse- cution seemed to acquire, so far, a new impulse. But, on the other hand, public opinion pronounced itself, more and more energetically, in favour of the Waldenses. The ad- mirers of military skill and soldierly daring were interested by the exploits of the fallen leaders and their heroic fol- lowers ; the sufferings of the Waldensian martyrs exalted the Waldensian cause in the eyes of the pious. Soldiers from almost all countries came and offered their services to the persecuted folk. In the number, were the French lieutenant-general Descombies, and the Swiss colonel, Andrion ; the latter of whom had already distinguished himself in Sweden, France and Germany. The Waldenses themselves possessed leaders of considerable skill. Ber- tino and Podio, of Bobbi ; Albarea, of Villar ; Laurens, of San Martin; with Revel and Gortabella, the lieutenants of Gianavel and Giaheri. The moderator Leger himself had arrived in the valleys on the 11th July, 1(J55, and at once proceeded, accompanied by colonel Andrion, to the valley of Angrogna, where the Waldenses were encamped on La Vachera. In the night, scouts were despatched towards La Torre to reconnoitre the enemy. On reaching (224) NEGOTIATIONS AND CONCESSIONS. 225 the hamlet of San Lorenzo, those messengers discerned a detachment of Piedmontese troops, who were awaiting the daylight in order to advance and attack the Waldenses. The two scouts mingling with these soldiers, conversed with them in their own language, and so learned the de- signs of their general, M. de Marolles. At daybreak the Waldenses quitted the enemy's camp, and made their way to their own barricades, which they reached just in time to give the alarm. The Piedmontese troops, arranged in four battallions, were occupied from five in the morning till three in the afternoon, in an ineffectual attack upon the Waldensian barricades, though these were defended by only a few hundred men. At length, the lower barricade being taken, the Waldenses retreated to a barricade called the Donjon, higher up, followed by the Piedmontese, who, deeming themselves triumphant, insolently called out : " Advance, wreck of Gianavel !" But down the steep descent the Waldenses rolled stones, or rather rocks, which leaping with thundering roar upon the enemy's ranks dis- persed, broke, and crushed them, as though it had been a massive discharge of grape-shot. "Advance, wreck of San Segonza!" cried the Walden- ses in their turn, as, sword in hand, they poured down their serried ranks upon the amazed and discomfitted foe. The result was almost instantaneous ; after a brief show of resistance, the Piedmontese troops, their ranks broken by the avalanche of rocks, and driven in by the avalanche of pikes and swords, turned and fled, leaving two hundred dead behind them, and carrying off with them twice that number of wounded. Some days afterwards, the garrison of La Torre made another incursion into the valley of Angrogna, for the pur- pose of burning the remnant of the crops, but they were P 22G THE WALDENSES. repulsed by captain Bellino, who pursued them to the very gates of the town. The Waldenses themselves, under the command of Des- combies, and aided by a small body of cavalry under another French refugee, Charles Feautrier, made, in their turn, an attempt upon La Torre ; their numbers had now reached eighteen hundred armed men, and Gianavel, restored to health, was once more with them. The com- bined forces marched during the night to Monte Chiabasso, distant scarcely a mile from La Torre, and the Waldenses were eager instantly to assault the town ; but the fatal prudence of Descombies interposed. This officer had never yet seen the Waldenses fight, and was ignorant of the locality, so that when some of his French followers, whom he had sent to reconnoitre the citadel of La Torre, reported that it was impregnable, he sounded a retreat, being desir- ous, as he said, of not compromising, in his first engage- ment, the men who had been entrusted to his command. The march of the Waldenses, however, had, meantime, become known, and M. de Marolles at once hastened from Luzerna, towards La Torre, at the head of his regiment, to attack them. The van of the Waldensian army, fol- lowing Descombies, had already withdrawn towards La Vachera, but two of the Waldensian leaders, Bellino and Peronello, resolved to attack the town, and precipitated themselves towards it, with the other moiety of the Wal- densian forces, Gianavel himself, as yet not strong enough to take part in the actual engagement, remaining on an eminence which commanded a view of the town, in order to sound a retreat, should circumstances so dictate. The Waldenses, well acquainted with the locality, made their way into the town, took and burned the Capuchin monas- tery, occupied all the leading streets, and then advanced NEGOTIATIONS AND CONCESSIONS. 227 to assault the citadel. The garrison, after a brief resist- ance, were about to surrender, when the regiment of M. de Marolles appeared in sight, and Gianavel at once sounded a retreat, which the Waldenses effected, avoiding the supe- rior force of the enemy by their closer knowledge of the locality. Meanwhile the remonstrances of protestant Europe were assuming a still more and more emphatic form. Crom- well, especially, displayed in favour of the Waldenses extraordinary zeal and activity. In reply to his letter of the 25th of May, already given, Louis XIV. had said : " To show you that I entirely disapprove of the employ- ment of my troops for such a purpose as attacking the Waldenses, I have already sent several messages to the duke of Savoy, to prevent the further pursuit of that peo- ple, and I have ordered the duke de Lesdiguieres, governor of Dauphiny, to receive, foster, and protect them. I -will assuredly continue my good offices with the duke in their behalf." The French ambassador in Piedmont also received orders to act in the sense of this letter ; similar instructions were given by Holland and Switzerland to their representatives at Turin ; and the Protector of Eng- land sent Sir Samuel Morland upon a special mission to the court of Turin, to present letters of strong remon- strance to the duke of Savoy himself, and to demand an audience, for the purpose of making a public declaration of the indignation which the proceedings against the Wal- denses had excited in England. Cromwell could not have chosen a man better qualified to discharge the duties of such an embassy than Morland. Young, ardent, full of courage, and conscious of the dignity of the character which he had to sustain, as the representative of the com- monwealth of England, he procured an audience at Rivoli, 228 THE WALDENSES. ■where the royal family of Savoy were then residing, and in the presence of Madame Royale, and the whole court, he addressed the duke in a Latin oration, which, after a few customary expressions of courtesy, contained truths that none but a stern republican could think of sounding in royal ears. It was the pride, and perhaps the policy, of Cromwell, to transact all his negotiations with foreign powers in the language of ancient Rome. lie would not condescend to hold intercourse in any but his own, or a learned tongue, and he considered that by this means neither himself nor his ministers could be made the dupes of equivocal and ambiguous phrases. Milton was the sec- retary whom he employed to put his own expressions into a correct and classical form. The oration, as given by Morland himself, in his quaint translation, ran thus : — " May it please your Most Serene and Royal Highness, " I am sent by the most serene prince Oliver, lord Protector of the commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, unto your royal highness, whom he heartily saluteth, and with a very high and singular affection of mind towards the person of your serene highness, wishing you life, a long reign, and prosperous success in all your affairs, together with the love and affections of your peo- ple. And this respect doubtless is due to your merit, whether a man consider the most noble inclination, and royal extraction of your highness, together with the high expectation which the world hath from so many eminent virtues, or whether, from perusing the monuments of time past, he call to mind the ancient alliance of our kings with the royal family of Savoy. As for myself, though I be a young man, I confess, and have not much experience in NEGOTIATIONS AND CONCESSIONS. 229 affairs, yet it pleased my most serene and most gracious master, to send me, being one that is much devoted to your royal highness, and a great lover of all the people of Italy, to negotiate matters of great importance, for so those affairs are to be called, wherein the safety of many poor distressed people and all their hope is comprehended, which indeed consisteth wholly in this, if so be that by all their loyalty, obedience, and most humble petitions, they may be able to mollify and appease the mind of your royal highness, which hath been provoked against them. " In behalf of these poor people whose cause truly even commiseration itself may seem to make the more excusable, the most serene Protector of England is also become an intercessor ; and he most earnestly entreateth and be- seecheth your royal highness, that you would be pleased to extend your mercy to these your very poor subjects, and most disconsolate outcasts ; I mean those, who inhab- iting beneath the Alps, and certain valleys under your dominion, are professors of the protestant religion. For he hath been informed, (which no man can say was done by the will of your royal highness,) that part of these most miserable people have been cruelly massacred by your forces, part driven out by violence, and forced to leave their native habitations ; and so, without house or shelter, poor and destitute of all relief, do wander up and down, with their wives and children, in craggy and uninhabited places, and mountains covered with snow. Oh ! the fired houses which are yet smoking, the torn limbs, and ground defiled with blood !* ***** * Fumantia passim tecta, et laceri artus, et cruenta humus. Vir- gines post stupra, differto lapillis ao ruderibus utero, misere efflarunt animas. 20 230 THE WALDENSES. " Some men, an hundred years old, decrepit with age and bed-rid, have been burnt in their beds. Some infants have been dashed against the rocks, others have had their throats cut, •whose brains have, with more than Cyclopean cruelty, been boiled and eaten by the murderers ! What need I mention more, although I could reckon up very many cru- elties of the same kind, if I were not astonished at the very thought of them. If all the tyrants of all times and ages were alive again, (which I would speak without any offence to your highness, seeing we believe none of these things were done through any default of yours,) certainly they would be ashamed when they should find that they had contrived nothing, in comparison with these things, that might be reputed barbarous and inhuman. " In the meantime, the angels are surprised with horror ; men are amazed ; heaven itself seems to be astonished with the cries of dying men ; and the very earth to blush, being discoloured with the gore blood of so many innocent per- sons ! Do not thou, thou most high God, do not thou take that revenge, which is due to so great wickedness, and horrible villanies ! Let thy blood, Christ, wash away this blood !* " But it is not my business to make a narrative of these things, in order as they were done, or to insist any longer upon them ; and that which my most serene master desireth of your royal highness, you will better understand by his own letters, which letters I am commanded, with all observance and due respect, to deliver unto your royal highness ; to which, if your royal highness shall, as we very much hope, be pleased to vouchsafe a speedy answer, you will thereby very highly oblige my lord Pro- * It was in reference to these same atrocities that Milton wrote his memorable sonnet, which we have prefixed to the present volume. NEGOTIATIONS AND CONCESSIONS. 231 tector, who hath laid this thing deeply to heart, and the whole commonwealth of England. You will also, by an act of compassion, most worthy of your royal highness, re- store life, safety, and spirit, country and estates, to many thousands of afflicted people, who depend upon your plea- sure ; and me you will dismiss back to my native country with exceeding joy, and with a report of your eminent virtues, the most happy proclaimer of your princely clemency, and one for ever most obliged to your royal highness." This oration, stamped with the energetic unction of the puritan, pronounced with the manly confidence of youth and courage, produced a deep sensation. Charles Eman- uel made no reply ; but the duchess, instructed beforehand by her Jesuit advisers, said: "We are deeply sensible of the interest your master takes in our subjects, but; sur- prised that he should listen to such inaccurate statements as those upon which he has evidently acted. Were he better informed of the facts, he would know that what have been represented to him as barbarities, were nothing more than mild and paternal chastisement, inflicted on re- bellious subjects, whose revolt no sovereign could over- look. Nevertheless, in manifestation of our desire to be agreeable to his serene highness, we will not only pardon them, but restore them to our favour, and to the privileges which their ill-conduct has forfeited." Morland thrown off his guard by this promise, quitted Turin, on the 19th of July, promising to return and take part, on behalf of the Waldenses, in the negotiations which were to take place respecting them. But care was taken to precipitate those negotiations in his absence, in order that less might be granted ; and accordingly, on the 18th of August, 1655, in presence of the Swiss envoys, 232 THE WALDENSES. who had arrived after the departure of Morland, and under the influence of the French ambassador, Servient, was concluded, at Pignerol, the treaty of peace, designated the Patent of Grace, which left the poor Waldenses more com- pletely than ever at the mercy of their oppressors, under the mask of establishing their security. This shameful treaty, by which the protestant states were duped, and the Waldensian churches left in the unprotected situation as ever, was very appositely compared to a leper, arrayed in rich clothing and gay attire ; and to Ezekiel's roll, " written within and without, in the mouth as honey for sweetness, but within there were written lamentations, and mourning and woe." The Swiss plenipoteniaries had endeavoured to secure more solid guarantees for the security of the Waldenses, such, for example, as the demolition of the fortress of La Torre ; but these were all either refused or eluded. Ci;n j.itf t €mt\\\\]-i\vi\. INFRACTIONS OF THE TREATY OF PIGNEROL. The baneful effects of this Jesuitical affair were soon felt by the deluded Waldenscs, who, in their pathetic ap- peals for redress, used some of the most affecting expressions in Scripture to signify their distress. " We have no grapes in the vineyard," they said ; "no cattle in the fields; no herds in the stalls ; no corn in the garners ; no meal in the barrel ; no oil in the cruse. The tongue of the suck- ling cleaves to the roof of his mouth, and the young children ask bread, and no man gives it to them." In the translation of a letter, written by the ministers and elders of the valleys to their brethren of Geneva, dated Pinaches, 14th February, 1657, and preserved, among many other Waldcnsian records, in the State Paper Office at London, there occur these touching passages : — " Our people are in extreme necessities, the greatest part of our families being destitute of houses, moveables, cattel, or any thing else whereby to subsist. — If you did but know, sirs, the greatness of our miseries, you would certainly have compassion on us, and pitie our sad condi- tion. God is now in good earnest chastizing us for our sins and iniquities, to which wee most willingllie submitt, kissing the rod, and confessing that hee is still just and righteous." 20 • ( 233 ) 234 THE WALDEXSES. To the French king, whom they justly considered the main author of their grievances, since it was he who had patched up the perfidious treaty, they addressed an humble petition, imploring his interposition, and urging to see justice done to them. But their only answers were some angry letters, written by the French ambassador (Ser- vient), who had himself assisted in framing the treaty ; and who had sharply rebuked them for their presumption and discontent. One of these letters even reproached them for accepting supplies and moneys from foreigners. These moneys were the contributions received from Eng- land. " Alas ! said the poor sufferers, " was it ever known before that miserable men, after losing the whole of their estates, after having had their houses burnt, and their goods plundered, should have it objected to them, that they received the charity of those who had pity on them, to prevent their perishing of hunger !" One of the Swiss ambassadors was so dissatisfied with the terms of the treaty, in the first instance, even before it was concluded, that he strongly remonstrated with his colleagues, and urged them not to consent to it; and afterwards subscribed to a protest, the original attestation of which is among the manuscripts in the university library at Cambridge. Cromwell was furious upon finding how completely the protestant states had been overreached, in their negotia- tion with the duke of Savoy, and in the faith they placed in the mediation of the king of France. He wrote to Louis XIV. in a high tone of indignant remonstrance : " Most Serene and Potent King, " Tour majesty may remember, that at the time when the negotiation began between us, for the renewal of the INFRACTIONS OF TUB TREATY 235 alliance, which has proved so beneficial to the twj nations, and so detrimental to our common enemies, the cruel mas- sacre of the Waldenses took place ; and that we earnestly and pathetically commended the cause of that unhappy people, who appeared to be oppressed and abandoned by all, to your pity and protection. We cannot believe that your majesty neglected to make use of your authority and influence with the duke of Savoy, when it was so incum- bent upon you to exert yourself in the pious and humane character of a mediator ; as for ourselves, and many other princes and states, we interposed all that we could, by em- bassies, letters, and entreaties. The result was, that after a most barbarous slaughter of persons of both sexes, and of all ages, a treaty of peace was concluded, or rather secret acts of hostility were committed, the more securely under the name of a pacification. The conditions of the treaty were determined in your town of Pignerol ; hard conditions enough, but such as these poor people would gladly have agreed to, after the horrible outrages to which they had been exposed, provided that they had been faith- fully observed. But they were not observed : the meaning of the treaty is evaded and violated, by putting a false interpretation upon some of the articles, and by straining others : many of the complainants have been deprived of their patrimonies ; and many have been forbidden the ex- ercise of their religion : new payments have been exacted ; and a new fort has been built, to keep them in check ; from whence a disorderly soldiery make frequent sallies, and plunder or murder all they meet. In addition to these things, fresh levies of troops are clandestinely preparing to march against them ; and those among them who pro- fess the Roman catholic religion have been advised to retire in time; so that everything threatens the speedy destruc- 236 THE WALDENSES. tion of such as escaped the former massacre. I do there- fore beseech and conjure your majesty not to suffer such enormities, and not to permit (I will not say any prince, for surely such barbarity never could enter into the heart of a prince, much less one of the duke's tender age, or into the mind of his mother) those accursed murderers to indulge in such savage ferocity, who, while they profess to be the servants and followers of Christ, who came into the world to save sinners, do blaspheme his name, and transgress his mild precepts, by the slaughter of innocent men. Oh that your majesty, who has the power, and who ought to be inclined to use it, may deliver so many supplicants from the hands of murderers, who are already drunk with blood, and thirst for it again, and who take pleasure in throwing the odium of their cruelty upon princes. I implore your majesty not to suffer the borders of your kingdom to be polluted by such monstrous wickedness. Remember that this very race of people threw themselves upon the protec- tion of your grandfather, king Henry IV., who was most friendly disposed towards the protestants, when the duke of Lesdiguieres passed victoriously through their country, as affording the most commodious passage into Italy, at the time he pursued the duke of Savoyin his retreat across the Alps. The act or instrument of that submission is still extant among the public records of your kingdom, in which it is provided that the Waldenses shall not be transferred to any other government, but upon the same condition that they were received under the protection of your invincible grandfather. As supplicants of his grandson, they now implore the fulfillment of this compact : they would rather be your subjects than the duke's, and hope that it may be effected by some mode of exchange, if possible, and if not, that at least they may be taken under your patronage and INFRACTIONS OF THE TREATY. 237 protection. There are other reasons of state which might induce your majesty not to neglect the Waldenses ; but I would not wish so great a king to be influenced by any- thing but his regard to the faith pledged by his ancestors, and by his own piety, and royal benevolence and magna- nimity. Thus the honour and praise of so glorious an act will be entirely your own, and your majesty will propitiate the grace and favour of the Father of Mercies, and our Lord Jesus Christ, whose name and doctrine you will vin- dicate against such nefarious and inhuman proceedings. " Given at our court at Westminster, this 26th of May, 1658." Cromwell also despatched a letter to the Swiss cantons, plainly signifying his own readiness to go all lengths, in conjunction with them, for the benefit of the Waldenses, and warning them that they were bound, by every consid- eration of interest, as well as feeling, to see that the most ancient stock of the reformed religion be not destroyed, in the remains of its old faithful professors, lest the next blow should fall upon themselves. It had been, during the negotiation of the treaty, agreed, on the part of Savoy, that, though the duke could not "so far humiliate himself before his subjects" as to have a clause inserted formally decreeing the demolition of the fortress of La Torre, an object very material with the Waldenses, by reason of past sufferings and future fears, yet that, so soon as the treaty should be signed, his high- ness, "requiring no other fortress than the hearts of his grateful people," would have the castle of La Torre rased. The treaty was signed ; and then, in the space between the text and the signatures, the ducal counsellors interpo- lated this paragraph : " His royal highness grants to the Waldenses the right of addressing to him supplications 238 THE WALDENSE8. that the citadel of La Torre may be demolished absolutely, or removed elsewhere." This implication of the right to reject such supplications, rendered that an open question which had been distinctly settled and conceded : this was pointed out by the Waldenses ; the answer was, that the interpolation had been made from some negligence of the copyist. The Waldenses, omitting to insist upon the point, addressed the supplication which the forged clause deri- sively suggested. The duke replied, with an affectation of extreme amenity, that he was happy to grant them a fresh proof of his benevolence, and that he would, accord- ingly, destroy all that portion of the fortress of La Torre " which was not necessary for the defence of his states." He did, in fact, pull down a small detached tower, in the plain of La Torre ; but, at the same time, he added largely both to the size and to the strength of the citadel, and, upon the completion of these new works, increased the number of the garrison. The French authorities, however, became uneasy at this augmented strength of a fortress so near their own fron- tiers ; and both Lesdiguieres, the governor of Dauphiny, and La Bretonniere commandant of Pignerol, loudly declaring their dissatisfaction, Louis XIV. himself volun- teered to guarantee the full execution of the treaty which had been concluded under his auspices. A synod was held at La Torre to deliberate upon this offer, and the Wal- denses thence forwarded to the monarch a memorial, in which they set forth the various respects in which the patents of grace had been altogther violated : the "Walden- sian prisoners, they said, were not restored to them : their children were still forced or stolen from them ; and the soldiers of the Piedmontese garrison perpetrated, with utter impunity, the gravest outrages upon their persons INFRACTIONS OF THE TREATY. 239 and properties. JPillage and assassination, violence and violation, continued, then, to be the catholic work of faith ; the propaganda proceeded with its " holy mission." One labour of this mission was to sow division among the Waldenses, by the medium of Jesuits, who, under the guise of protestant refugees from Languedoc, introduced themselves into the valleys, and applied all their talents to the perfidious task. Among other vile insinuations, they spread rumours of malversation against those pastors who had been entrusted with the distribution of the collec- tions made abroad for the use of the Waldenses ; and mis- ery being ever mistrustful, these calumnies served, for a while, the treacherous purpose of those who propagated them. New trials, however, soon united all against a common danger. The auditor Gastaldo, who, still a member of the pro- paganda, had become governor of the valleys, issued, 15th June, 1657, a decree prohibiting the Waldenses from pub- licly celebrating their worship at San Giovanni, under a a penalty of one thousand crowns of gold against the pie- siding minister, and of two hundred against each person present. New papist missions were established in the val- leys ; the Jesuits got a footing in every direction ; exemp- tions from taxes, and other privileges were granted to all catholic converts, while the protestants were treated with systematic rigour ; the Dauphinese pastors who had come to minister sympathy and consolation, religious and fra- ternal, to the Waldenses of the valleys, were expelled, on the pretext of their being foreigners. The persecuted people complained of the oppressions to which they were subjected, in a memorial to the Swiss ambassadors who had negotiated the treaty of Pignerol, and the latter, in their turn, addressed a memorial to the 240 THE WALDENSES. Piedmontese government, complaining of the infraction of the treaty to which they were parties. The president, Truchsi, in his reply, threw the whole blame upon the Waldenses, who, he absurdly said, were the real infractors of the treaty. The synod of the Waldensian valleys then drew up a detailed statement of their grievances, which was printed at Haarlem, in 1662, and again in 1663 ; but the Piedmontese authorities, so far from remedying the evil, seemed more and more bent upon aggravating it. The treaty of Pignerol had exempted the protestants from the payment of the arrears of the public charges for the deplorable year 1655, on the distinct ground of their total inability, by reason of their losses and privations, to pay them. Despite the deep misery from which foreign subscriptions had but partially relieved them, the Walden- ses were now imperatively required to discharge these very arrears ; and, to render the exaction more oppressive and more insulting, the catholics of the valley of San Martin were, at the same time, exempted from the payment of these charges, " as a compensation for the damage done to them by the protestants." It was, however, less these money-wounds, than the wounds which affect the spiritual life, that aroused the Waldenses to renewed exertions. The prohibition to per- form their worship in the commune of San Giovanni, was not only a grievous evil in itself, but a menace to all their churches. The edict of Cavour had guaranteed the free exercise of their worship in all places where it was then already established, and San Giovanni was one of these places. The treaty of Pignerol had in no way restricted this guarantee. If one of their parishes were effectually assailed, the rest would soon succumb beneath similar strokes. Public preaching had, indeed, been forbidden to INFRACTIONS OF TIIE TREATY. 241 the Waldenses at San Giovanni, so long back as 1620, but the other functions of the protestant ministry had been maintained. A general synod was assembled in March, 1658, to dis- cuss this grave question. It was resolved that a memorial should be addressed to the sovereign in person, and that, meanwhile, the pastor of San Giovanni (Leger, the histo- rian) should continue to exercise his ministry there, until the question, so submitted to the duke himself, had been definitely decided. This determination on the part of the synod created great indignation at the court of Turin. " The first duty of subjects," it was insisted, "is to obey their prince. In resisting his orders, the Waldenses have rendered them- selves guilty of revolt, and must be treated as rebels, as traitors ;" and the protestant powers whom the synod had entreated to intercede in the matter, were met with the haughty declaration, that the persons in whom they inter- ested themselves, without understanding the real state of the question, were rebels, who must be treated accord- ingly- The object of especial irritation, on the part of the propaganda and the popish clergy, was Leger, that coura- geous pastor, who remained at his post, despite menaces and peril. Already twice condemned to death, he now braved it for the third, and, as his enemies hoped, last time. He was cited to appear at Turin ; the citation set forth no cause, and Leger did not obey it. A second citation was equally ineffectual. The count of Saluzzo, who took a deep inter- est in the Waldenses — an interest which appears hered- itary in the family — then went to the minister, and, in a friendly manner, remonstrated with him upon the practical 21 Q 242 THE WALDENSES. inexpediency of his resistance to authority ; but the pastor persisted, and, on the 3d of May, 1658, he received another citation, ordering him to appear, under pain of banishment, and of the confiscation of his property. The pastor hereupon assembled his colleagues at Pinache, then a French town, in order to consult with them what course he should take ; and the result of their deliberations was, that a solicitation should be addressed to the authorities to maintain Leger in his church. This proceeding, which should have been resorted to in the first instance, came too late. The request was rejected by the court; and after three years of sterile negotiations, Leger was, on the 12th January, 1661, condemned, by the senate of Turin, to death, and his co-accused, the deacons and elders of the church of San Giovanni, to ten years labour in the galleys. Leger, thus compelled to withdraw from his native land, retired first to England, then to Geneva, and lastly to Leyden, where he published his General History of the Waldensian Churches, and where he died, about 1G84. Ctjnjitn (Kranifij-iucoiib TUB WAR OF THE EXILES San Giovanni's pastor, Leger, and Gianavel, had been condemned to death, twenty other persons to the galleys, and many more were still under prosecution, for having resisted the orders of their sovereign in exercising the pro- testant worship at that town. The condemned men having fled, a price was put upon their heads, and meanwhile troops were sent to demolish their houses and devastate their little farms. The command of the fortress of La Torre was confided to the count di Bagnolo, one of the massacrers of 1655, the zealous servant of the propaganda. His soldiers, with corresponding zeal, committed all sorts of excesses — pillage, conflagration, murder, violation. Many of the poor villagers fleeing from their cottages to escape these outrages, di Bagnolo issued a proclamation forbidding any person to receive these unhappy creatures, under penalty of having his own property destroyed. Every conceivable and inconceivable mode of injuring and irritating the Waldenses was had recourse to. Di Bagnolo, who afterwards died on the scaffold, convicted of one hun- dred and twenty odious murders, was ably aided in this work by the commandant of the fortress of Miraboco, him- self a man who, having been prosecuted for more than (243) ■2i4 THE WALDENSES. sixty murders committed prior to the marriage of the duke of Savoy, had, on that occasion, received a pardon for his crimes. The only mortal help of the Waldenses, under these cruel persecutions, was Gianavel, whose_ troop of exiles was daily augmented by Waldenses expelled from their homes. Daily, also, did some daring exploit signalize the valour of Gianavel and his banditi, as the patriots were designated, who, deprived of their own legitimate means of subsistence, were necessitated to levy contributions for the support of themselves and the distressed mountaineers, on the catholic towns and villages. Not a day passed in which some action, more or less effective, did not take place between the Waldenses and their adversaries; the 25th May, 1663, and the following 17th June, were especially marked by triumphs on the part of the protestants. On the 25th of the latter month, the duke of Savoy issued an edict, which, under the pretext of pacifying the Waldenses, commanded them all to take arms against the banditi, who were coolly described as persons assembled together for mere purposes of pillage, having no sort of connexion with the real question at issue. Two hundred and sixty men, drafted from the different communes, were to collect at Chiabasso, over against La Torre, and there await the orders of the commandant of Bricherasio. Each commune was to give a hostage for its fidelity; and, on his part, the duke promised to institute an inquiry at Turin into the conduct of the count di Bagnolo, and, to crown these wondrous benefits, to pardon all the fugitive protest- ants, on condition of their returning home — that is to say, of their placing themselves within his power — in the space of fifteen days. By the same beneficent and friendly edict, Gianavel, was condemned to be torn with pincers, to be THE WAR OF THE EXILES. 245 quartered, and then to have his head cut off and stuck at the end of a pike on some elevated point. The condemna- tion of Leger to death was reiterated, and Artus, Bastia, Rivorio, the brothers Muston, Revel, and others, in all thirty-five persons, the prominent leaders of the little Wal- densian army, were condemned to death, and the confisca- tion of their property. Six other persons were condemned to the galleys, and four to ten years' imprisonment. Such was the clemency of the propaganda ! What its rigours were, may be readily imagined. The governor of La Torre and the ducal treasurer- general urgently solicited the Waldcnses to accept these conditions ; but the Waldenses left the duke's ultimatum without reply. The commune of Prarustin alone declined to undergo the responsibility of refusal, with the valley of Luzerna ; and the neighbouring seigneurs at once essayed their utmost efforts to augment this dissension. Unable to effect their object, they insisted that, at least, the inhabi- tants of the valley of Luzerna should give a proof of their peaceful spirit, and of their fidelity, by escorting a con- voy of provisions and ammunition to the fortress of Mira- boco. This fortress commanded the narrowest part of the valley of Luzerna, and closed the passage into Dauphiny, whither, as has been seen, the Waldenses had frequently withdrawn in times of persecution. It was not, then, without much distrust that, in conveying war munitions to this fortress, the protestants contributed to close this retreat, in case of need, against themselves. But the governor of La Torre and the treasurer-general solemnly assured them, that, in acknowledgment of this act of submission, the most com- plete peace would be accorded them ; and they and their 21* 246 THE WALDENSES. families might return home without the smallest fears for the future. The Waldenses were conforming to these counsels, when they heard that troops, secretly despatched from Turin, were marching against them. Six regiments of the royal guard had, in fact, quitted the capital on the 29th June, under the command of the marquis de Fleury, eleven days before the expiration of the delay which had been granted to the Waldenses, within which they might return home, and four days before the expiration of that within which they were to give their answer on the conditions proposed to them. Indeed, as was afterwards ascertained, fresh troops had been secretly directed towards La Torre and Luzerna, even before those conditions were propounded. It is, therefore, futile to excuse the aggression of which the Waldenses were now the object, on the plea that they had not obeyed the edict of 25th June, since the aggres- sion commenced, not merely before they had replied to the conditions of that edict, but even before the edict was com- municated to them. The marquis de Fleury marched directly towards An- grogna, by the San Giovanni road. The marquis d'An- grogna, at the head of the cavalry of San Segonzo, proceeded towards the same point by the heights of Roc- capiatta, while the infantry advanced thither by the ascents of Bricherasio. These various corps formed, at daybreak of 6th July, a junction on the higher plateau, where all these roads met, their object being to occupy La Vachera, which, rising above that plateau, commands, as from a central point, the divergence of the three valleys. But already a Waldensian corps of observation defended this important post. The main body of the Waldensian army, commanded by THE WAR OF THE EXILES. 247 Gianavel in person, had taken up a position lower down, on the slopes of San Giovanni ; but when the chief wit- nessed the junction, in his front, of the corps of De Fleury and of Di Bagnolo, he despatched a body of sixty picked men to occupy Le Porte d'Angrogna, a defile opening upon the plateau, and covering at once La Vachera and Rocca- manante, and himself, by the mountain paths so intimately known to him, led the rest of his little army, now number- ing not more than six hundred men, to the heights of Roc- camanante, natural escarpments, almost inaccessible by the enemy. "Here," cried he to his men, "here is our Tabor ! Let us pray to the Almighty for aid and encour- agement." The Waldenses had scarcely risen from their devotion, when the enemy were heard approaching. Instantly the besieged spread themselves amongst the rocks, occupying every access, and from every opening pouring down a de- structive fire upon the assailants. Di Bagnolo, directing a halt, examined the position as closely as he could, and then essayed to carry it by assault; but he was signally repulsed. After taking breath, the soldiers attempted another assult, but they were again repulsed. The count had already lost three hundred men : he ordered his soldiers to scale the rocks ; but they had no sooner reached the summit than they were hurled back, one upon the other. Hereupon, a superstitious terror came over them ; they called to mind all the tales that had been forged by the priests, of the Waldenses having made a compact with the devil, in order to secure invulnerability ; of their receiving in their shirts the bullets that, with ordinary mm, would have riddled their bodies ; they hesitated and drew back ; the quick eye of Gianavel perceived the advantage thus afforded him : " Let us sweep these cowards from the hill !" 248 THE WALDENSES. he cried to his men ; and those hardy warriors rushed from their entrenchments upon the wavering foe, who, con- firmed in their panic by this daring and impetuous move- ment turned, and, carrying the count di Bagnolo with them in their flight, precipitated themselves tumultuously down the ascent, nor stayed until they had got far into the plain, after losing, on their way, a considerable number of their body. Gianavel, rallyinghis heroic army, returned to the plateau, and thence, after a thanksgiving to God for the victory thus vouchsafed, proceeded to rejoin the sixty warriors whom he had sent the Porte d'Angrogna to protect his rear. As he had foreseen, these sixty men so placed had sufficed to keep in check, hitherto, the entire force of the marquis de Fleury. But the latter, having gradually advanced from rock to rock, were about to hem the Waldenses in, when Gianavel, coming up with his six hundred victors, took the enemy in flank ; and the sixty besieged, becoming im- mediately assailants, and dashing from their defile upon the advanced ranks of the foe, the latter, who, on seeing Gianavel's army approach, at once understood that Di Bagnolo had been defeated, also gave way, and, after a short struggle, turned and fled, hotly pursued by the "Wal- denses. Not fewer than six hundred of the enemy fell dead in this engagement, and several hundreds more died afterwards of their wounds, while the Waldenses, favoured by their position, and their knowledge of the ground, lost in all not more than six men. Various minor skirmishes took place in the course of the following days ; by each of these the numbers of the enemy were more or less diminished, while those of the Waldenses, so far from lessening, were augmented by THE WAR OP THE K X I L E S . 249 fresh accessions, not only of Waldenses, but of French protestants, who came to aid their persecuted brethren. The court of Savoy, incredulous that " a handful of rebels" could thus defeat so powerful an army, under com- petent command, imputed the blame to the marquis de Fleury, and accordingly superseded him, appointing the count di San Damiano in his place. , The latter resolved to signalize himself, marched, the day after his arrival, from Luzerna, at the head of one thousand five hundred troops, to attack the village of Rora, defended by fifteen Waldenses and eight Frenchmen. These heroic men did their utmost against the overwhelming force that assailed them, but, as a matter of course, were defeated, and cut in pieces, one of them excepted, who was taken prisoner. Intoxicated with this glorious victory, the marquis, next day, made an irruption into the valley of Luzerna, and had reached and set fire to the village of Santa Margarita, when the Waldenses, two hundred in number, descending by the defile of Copiere, attacked them on the sudden, dispersed them, put them to flight, and killed several hundred of them. Charles Emanuel, finding that unskillfulness in his gen- erals was not the only cause of the disastrous turn for him which this intestine war was assuming, resolved to try the effect of one comprehensive stroke of intimidation, and ac- cordingly published, 10th of August, 1663, a decree by which all the inhabitants of all the valleys were declared guilty of high treason, and, as such, condemned to death, and the confiscation of their goods. The decree, as a matter of course, produced no effect whatever ; and the Waldenses, suffering as they were from bitter privations, still kept the field, and still defeated the ducal troops, wherever these presented themselves. Next peace was 250 THE WALDENSES. offered to the persecuted folk, on condition that they ■would lay down their arms, that they would not raise the question of religion, and that each commune of the valleys having any representation to make should make it separa- tely. In other words, the Waldenses were to place them- selves defenceless in the hands of their relentless foes, were to surrender the very point for which they were con- tending, and were to dissolve the very union which constituted their strength. The offer was at once rejected. Next, the propaganda published a declaration, purporting to be a repudiation, on the part of the Waldenses of Prarustin, of the proceedings of their co-religionists; an appeal to the clemency of the duke ; an entire submission to his will ; and a full acceptance of the edict of 10th August. It was ascertained, upon investigation, first, that this declaration was that of only six persons, five of whom could not even sign their names ; and, secondly, that even these six persons had only contemplated a solicitation for a truce of a few weeks in order that they might gather in the vintage, then ripe. Such was the pitiable policy of the propaganda ! At length, upon the mediation of Holland, Germany, and the protestant Swiss cantons, the duke, wearied and, disgusted with a contest in itself revolting to his naturally good sense and good heart, consented to a conference. Ambassadors from the mediating powers reached Turin, in November, 1663, and, an insidious attempt on the part of the priests to compromise the Waldenses in the eyes of their foreign allies having failed, eight deputies from the valleys soon afterwards joined them there, and the confer- ences commenced. C[mphr <£nmitq-tl;irb CONFEKENCES AT T U R IN . — A R B I T R A TI N OF LOUIS XIV. On the 17th of December, 1663, the conference between the representatives of the six protestant cantons of Swit- zerland and the representatives of Charles Emanuel, on the subject of the complaints of the Waldenses against the governor of La Torre, opened at the H6tel-de-Ville of Turin. The ducal representatives commenced the proceed- ings by narrating their view of the events which had led to the war, and which, according to them, resolved them- selves into repeated rebellions of the Waldenses. The deputies of the latter replied that the real cause of the con- flicts they so much deplored, was the aggressions and vio- lence of the governor of La Torre. They cited, in proof of their allegations, infinite murders, robberies, tortures, and other violences that had been committed by the count. The count replied that the murders of which he was accused had not been committed by him, but had been the result of private vengeance ; that the only persons who had been killed by his orders were outlaws, who were in rebel- lion against the state, or their friends and relatives. He admitted that private houses might have been broken into ; but this, he said, had only been for the purpose of domi- ciliary visits, necessary for the discovery of persons de- (251) 252 THE WALDENSES. nounced by the law. He added that, after the 25th of June, he could not be responsible for any excesses which might have been committed, because troops had then come into the valleys over -whom he had no effectual control. He distinctly denied the insults and menaces which had been imputed to him ; but he admitted that he h;id retained a band of devastators, in order to oppose the men of the valleys. The memorial which set forth this defence con- cluded with the assurance "that the sieur di Bagnolo had endeavoured, with every sort of mildness and especial care, to keep the valleys in peace, and to separate them from all intercourse with the bandits, who had precipitated them into so inexcusable a rebellion." The Waldenses were then formally charged with a series of contraventions of the obedience due to their sovereign. And it was said that if they had to complain of violence, they should have appealed to the laws. The answer was, that they had appealed to the laws, and had obtained no redress. With regard to public worship, the Waldenses contended that the right to celebrate their religion had been granted to them by repeated edicts. Upon this point, as upon the preceding, there was a long discussion between the repre- sentatives on both sides, originating in the most futile objections on the part of the popish councillors. The heaviest charge against the Waldenses was, that they had given aid and asylum to the exiles. The simple answer to this was, that the exiles in question were the brothers fathers, or other near relatives of those who had given them assistance, and that to make the assistance so ren- dered matter of criminality, even against the individuals was altogether unreasonable and inhuman; still more un- reasonable was it to make the whole people responsible. These first conferences terminated on the 81st of De- CONFERENCES AT TURIN. 253 ccmber ; and, as their result, the ducal commissioners decided that the Waldcnses had no cause of complaint ; and that their taking up arms had been merely for the purpose of exciting sympathy in their favour abroad, with a view to the obtaining pecuniary assistance. The alle- gation was simply ridiculous. The collateral conduct of the propaganda was odious: Ntdla fides servanda haretiuis. While these conferences were proceeding, while the poor mountaineers, hoping a favourable issue, observed on their part the suspension of hostilities, the natural pendant of the state of negotiation, the propaganda were plotting their complete extermination by an act of treachery. The second sitting of tho commissioners was on the 21st of December; on the 20th of December an order was drawn up, regulating " the distribution of the troops for four attacks on the rebels of the valleys of Luzerna and St. Martin, to be made to-morrow." On the morrow accord- ingly, 21st of December, 16G3, the count di San Damiano marched upon Prarustin, by San Segonzo, at the head of sixteen hundred and fifty-five foot and fifty horse ; the marquis de Parelli advanced towards Angrogna by La Garsincra, with fifteen hundred and seventy-six foot and fifty horse, and the count Genegli towards tho same point, but by Le Porte and San German, with a battalion of seven hundred and eighty-six men. Captain Cagnolo occupied the plain of San Giovanni with one hundred horse, ready to proceed wherever circumstances should call him ; while the governor of La Torre, the same count di Bagnolo who was so solicitous for the peace of the Wal- dcnses, was to march against the protestants, at the head of eleven hundred and eighteen men, by Lc Gopiere and Santa Margarita. It was in this latter direction that the attack began. The Waldcnses were driven from Santa •254 THE WALDENSES. Margarita upon Le Copiere, and from Le Copiere upon Tagliarette. Here, however, they made a stand, en- trenched among the rocks, until they saw a troop of their brethren marching up from Angrogna. Thus enforced, from assailed they became assailants, and while making an impetuous sortie upon the front of the enemy, while the Angrognese attacked them in the flank, the superstitious terror which the Waldenses had so often before excited in the minds of their adversaries again manifested itself. The papist troops, once vacillating, were speedily put to the rout by the combined Waldenses, who drove them down into the plain of La Torre. At Angrogna itself, defended by captain Prionello, the marquis de Parelli was especially unsuccessful. At San Germano, on the other hand, the count de Genegli completely defeated the "Waldenses, de- vastated their fields and their vineyards, and burned their houses. At Roccapiatta, a poor woman, nearly a hundred years old, and bed-ridden, was burned alive; at San Ger- mano, a young woman, after being monstrously outraged, had the flesh cut from her bones in long shreds, and was then left to die in their torture. Several men, in the same place, were mutilated in a manner that cannot be described. Such are the tender mercies of popery ! But the Wal- denses, though themselves vanquished, made the victory very bitter to their enemies : more than a hundred of the popish soldiery were slain, and there fell, besides, the count de la Trinite, a descendant of him who so cruelly perse- cuted the Waldenses in the preceding century; the young count de Saint-Frons, a descendant of the old persecutors of the Waldenses in the valley of Praviglelino ; captain Biala, and M. de Grand-Maison. When the Swiss ambassadors were made acquainted with these aggressions, they loudly complained to the duke's MEDIATION OF SWITZERLAND. 255 ministers of so outrageous a violation of the armistice. It was replied, that the troops of his royal highness, heing in want of provisions, had merely taken measures for extend- ing their quarters. "But how do you account for these burnings, these massacres, that have taken place !" — " The Waldenses resisted the movements of our troops, and some slight collisions occurred, in which a few men were killed, and a few houses burned, ly inadvertence ! Was the distribution of the troops, on the 20th of De- cember, "for the four attacks on the rebels," an inadver- tence ? The Swiss deputies, fain to be content with these manifest falsehoods, resumed the negotiations; and at last it was agreed that the basis of an arrangement should be preserved to the Waldenses, under the title of patents of grace ; for the duke of Savoy could not consent, from the height of his sovereign dignity, to treat these " miserable heretics" on equal terms. Whatever was granted therefore was to be granted as wholly matter of grace : and, being so accepted by the Waldenses, necessarily involved an acknow- ledgment that there had been rebellion on their part, which neither they nor the Swiss ambassadors at all ad- mitted. The Waldenses, accordingly, hesitated whether they should accept the propositions on such terms; but their Swiss protectors urging them not to compromise the question by insisting upon mere points of language, they assented, and it was agreed that a general amnesty should be granted to the Waldenses with the exception of such as had been condemned by the edict of the 25th of June, 1663 ; and, secondly, that Charles Emanuel, should ratify the patents of grace granted at Pignerol, the 18th of August, 1655 ; reserving to himself power to require from the Waldenses guarantees for the future, and fitting 25C THE WALDENSES. satisfaction for recent occurrences, under the arbitration of the king of France. This arbitratidn, as a matter of course, became the source of a thousand difficulties. The next clause of the patents of grace of 1664 related to religious exercises at San Giovanni. Public worship was forbidden there to the protestants. A pastor might repair thither, twice a year, to visit the faithful, but he was not to reside there, nor even to pass a night there, except in case of absolute neces- sity. He might visit the sick, but he was not to hold any religious meeting, nor even instruct any catechumens with- in the limits of the parish. This clause, also, became the source of infinite vexations to the Waldenses, of charges easily made, but with difficulty refuted. A narration of the annoyances and op- pressions which the Waldenses endured under this clause would alone occupy a volume. Article sixth enacted that the pastors of the Waldensian churches must thenceforward be natives of the valleys. This condition was beneficial to them, in fortifying their evangelical individuality, which was in danger of becoming enfeebled under the too protracted direction of foreign pastors. Article seventh declared that the catholic churches and chapels which had been destroyed in the last war should be rebuilt at the cost of the Waldenses. Article eighth provided that the prisoners on both sides should be released. An agreement to disarm was respectively adopted upon the promulgation of this document, and the duke of Savoy wrote to the Swiss cantons, by their delegates, that ho would in every respect adhere to the terms of the settle- ment. ARBITRATION OF LOUIS XIV. 257 After their infinite troubles, the Waldenses now began to hope that they should enjoy some repose ; when all at once they received orders to send to Turin delegates em- powered, in the name of the entire people, to recognise the guarantees and indemnities required by Charles Eman- uel in virtue of Article second of the treaty. On assembling at the appointed place and time, the duke of Savoy informed the Waldenses that they must pay him five hundred and eighty-one thousand francs, as the expense of the war, and a further sum of three hundred and thirty thousand three hundred and sixty-seven francs to indemnify the catholic towns for damages undergone during the war ; fifty thousand francs for rebuilding the walls of Luzerna ; forty thousand for customs' duties omitted ; twenty-five thousand for other taxes omitted ; the sum necessary for repairing the fortifications of La Torre and Miraboco ; &c. &c. In other words, the perse- cuted were required to sacrifice the last wreck of their fortune, and to indebt themselves for the future, in order to defray the expenses occasioned by the barbarities of their persecutors. Such were the indemnities demanded by Charles Emanuel; the guarantees he required were, that at the entrance of each valley, the Waldenses should, at their own cost, erect a fortress, to be garrisoned by ducal troops, who were to be maintained at the expense of the Waldenses ; that they should hold no synod without the presence of one of his officers ; that the Waldensian communes should not thenceforward hold any political union, but each manage its own affairs, without consulting the others: in other words, that they should hand them- selves over to the enemy, to be destroyed in detail. The Waldenses rejecting these preposterous terms, Louis XIV. was appealed to, by common consent, as an arbitrator. •>■> # R 258 THE WALDENSES. The award of his most Christian majesty was far more moderate than might have been expected. He decided that the Waldenses should contribute fifty thousand francs towards the expenses of the war, and cede to the duke the vineyards of Luzerna, in compensation for the losses he had incurred by " the rebellion" of the protes- tants. Various intercessions for more favourable terms, on the part of different foreign powers, protracted the settlement of the matter, from month to month, from year to year, and at last, in 1670, the duke modifying his de- mands and granting new privileges, he and his Waldensian subjects came to a good understanding ; and the latter, both at the siege of Genoa and at the revolt of Mondovi, did such good service to their sovereign, as to merit, on both occasions, the emphatic thanks proclaimed in the manifest form of orders of the day. On the former occasion, the duke wrote to the apostolic nuncio : " Were I to heed only the dictates of sound policy, I should wish the Waldenses to multiply instead of diminish- ing, for they are faithful, laborious, well-disposed, useful to the country," &c. Victor Amadeus, with whom the ducal was destined to become a regal crown, succeeded his father in 1675 ; and being at that time only nine years of age, the affairs of the state were administered under the regency of his mother, who, in his name, fully ratified all the rights and privileges which had been granted to the Waldenses. The independence and repose of this people seemed now estab- lished on a permanent basis ; but the ways of God are not our ways, and the poor churches of the valleys, already so sorely tried, were now, in reality, more than ever in danger of annihilation. Cfjajitn d been taking steps in Wurtemberg to obtain for their co-religionists a fixed establishment in that country. Arnaud, as chief spokesman, showed to the ducal commis- sioners that the Waldensian church admitted the confession of faith of the Bohemian brethren, as well as that of St. Cyril ; and declared that the Waldenses, if received into Wurtemberg, would be faithful to the government of the country, in peace as in war. Pressing solicitations in favour of the Waldenses were 20 * U 306 THE WALDENSES made at the same time to the duke of Wurtemberg, by the courts of Holland and England, from both of which coun- tries large pecuniary aid was also transmitted to facilitate the -establishment of the exiles in the duchy ; and even- tually, despite much opposition, the duke permitted them to take up their abode in his states, on very favourable terms, negotiated chiefly by the Dutch envoy, Walknaer. They were to have full and free exercise of their religion ; to have in each of their churches a consistory, formed of the pastor, deacons, and elders ; to hold synods when occasion required, at which deputies from all the Walden- sian colonies around might attend, a government commis- sioner being present ; one half of the property of those who should die, intestate, during the first twenty years of their residence in AVurtemberg, was to be distributed among the poor brethren of the commune ; they were to be exempt from certain imposts for ten years after their establish- ment ; all the lands in the bailiwicks of Maulbronn and Leonberg, that had remained waste since the Thirty Years War, were assigned to them in full gift, and all the villages they should build were to enjoy the same privileges with the other towns of the duchy ; for the exercise of justice and municipal administration among themselves, they were to establish, in each community, a secular council, consist- ing of a mayor, sheriff, and such other persons as they might judge fittest for the purpose, and which was to have jurisdiction in all civil matters, up to the value of twenty florins ; no foreigner might settle in the colonies they should establish without their consent, and that of the duke : they were permitted to trade throughout the duchy, and to export and import all sorts of merchandise, on payment of the regular dues ; and they might establish such fairs and markets as they deemed necessary. IN WURTEMBERG. 307 These privileges were, for the most part, the same with those which the Landgrave of Hesse Darmstadt had just granted to the Waldenses, at the solicitation of Walkuaer, and they served as the model of all similar concessions which were granted to the faithful in the contiguous states. To aid in the support of the Waldensian pastors in these foreign settlements, Arnaud, during his residence in Lon- don, obtained the consent of the British government that the sum of 555Z., which was assigned from the civil list to the pastors of the valleys, should be divided, in fair pro- portions, between them and the pastors of the colonies. With respect to the Waldensian colonies in Wurtemberg, six months before the completion of the patent authorizing their establishment in that country, most of their number had arrived (April, 1699) at Maulbronn, where they were lodged, temporarily, in the stockades which had been con- structed at the time of the invasion of Louvois, in 1688. The establishment here of the unhappy exiles was materi- ally aided by pecuniary succours, to the extent of ten thousand crowns, furnished by the States-general of Hol- land ; and already, in August, 1699, the bailiff of Maul- bronn reports, that in the commune of Pinache, the Wal- densian, men, women and children, had made an excellent beginning ; had brought into cultivation lands which had been waste for more than half a century ; and that the happiest results to the land of their adoption were to be expected from their skill and industry in agriculture, and from their admirable conduct. The autumn and winter of the first year were, however, a sore trial for the poor colonists. Most of them were without adequate shelter against the inclemency of the weather, and they had neither corn, nor cattle, nor many other articles of first necessity. Thanks, however, to the 308 THE WALDENSES kindness of the Dutch ambassador and of the Wurtemberg government, their wants were gradually remedied, and there arose among them the following villages, all bearing names derived from the Waldensian valleys. First, in the bailiwick of Leonberg, where, near Heim 1 sheim, there had been nearly a thousand acres of waste land, was established the colony of Pinache, in a modest hamlet, whose cottages were each surrounded with a little garden and orchard. The church was built on the hill of Halberg, overlooking on the one side rising ground covered with forest, on the other the verdant and undulating plain of Eltingen. Next, in the bailiwick of Mermsheim, rose Pinache, composed, in the first instance, of one hundred and seventeen families, divided into three groups ; one near Durmentz, another near Grossen-Glappach, and the third near Iptingen. This was one of the most energetic, and consequently one of the most flourishing, of the colonies, and its houses were altogether of a superior construction. South of this, in the bailiwick of Dietlingen, was the colony of Luzerna, in German, Wurmberg : between which and Pinache was the hamlet of Serres, the wretched huts of which were scattered over a gentle eminence. Beyond Pinache, towards the valley of Eintz, from which it is separated by a magnificent forest, is the bailiwick of Durmentz. Here a hundred and fifteen Waldensian fam- ilies, who were subsequently joined by ninety-six other persons, established themselves on the two banks of the Eintz ; the one colony about the imposing ruins of the castle of Loeffelstelz, or Mugensturn, the other towards Lommer- sheim and Ortisheim ; the village built by the former receiving the name of Chorres, that by the latter, of Sen- gach. The artisans among them were permitted to take up their abode in Durmentz itself, where they occupied a IN W U R T E AI B E R O . 309 street still called after them WelaJistrass (French street.) On the opposite bank of the Eintz is Mulacre, where some of the Waldenses settled, Arnaud being one, the house built by whom still stands there, the last but one in the tillage, on the left, as you leave towards Durlach. Sev- eral of the companions of Arnaud took up their abode at Schbnberg, further on towards the mountains of Maulbron. Arnaud himself lived at Schb'nberg, as pastor, for twenty years, and, dying in 1721, aged eighty, his remains rest in its humble church, which so often re-echoed his evangel- ical voice. His place of sepulture is marked by a flat, plain stone, in front of the pulpit, under the communion table. Between Schonberg and Maulbronn is the bailiwick of Knittlingen, wherein the Waldenses, on their way to Maul- bronn, took possession of the soil, by depositing therein the remains of one of their pastors, M. Dumas, who had died immediately after reaching the land of refuge. The district of Maulbronn received more than three hundred families, who distributed themselves into three groups ; the first of which, towards Dertingen, built the villages of Lit- tle Villar and Pausselot ; the second, towards the lake of Breitheim ; the third, towards Knittlingen, founded the town of Great Villar, which became the largest of these colonies, numbering, after a while, more than a thousand inhabitants. A suburb of Great Villar forms the hamlet of Diefenbach, where, at present, there remains only one family of Waldensian origin. Two years after their expulsion, and when the expa- triated families had founded the colonies of which we have spoken, there still remained a great number of the exiles wandering about without a fixed domicil, which, indeed, many of them had not sought, in the hope of soon return- 310 THE WALDENSES ing to their valleys, as after the expulsion in 1686. Some, indeed, had, even retraced their steps, and consented to apostatize, in order to be allowed to remain in the val- leys. To check these evils, Walknaer issued a circular, pointing out the impossibility, under the existing circum- stance, of a return to the valleys, compatibly with an adherence to the true faith, and calling upon the authori- ties in each colony to take measures for the maintenance of regular order. In consequence of this remonstrance, the emigrants who were still wandering about, collected together, and formed a colony in the bailiwick of Calw, in an open space of the Black Forest. The village they built here, at first called Borseto, from a village in the valley of Pragela, is now known as Nieu Engstedt. The Waldenses at first employed themselves upon the manufactures of Calw, but afterwards they established a stocking manufactory of their own, now nearly extinct. The administration of these little communities was man- aged by a syndic, a deacon, who was also an elder, and by two other elders, all of whom bore the general designation of justiciaries. Four years after the foundation of these various colo- nies, fresh events compelled a thousand persons to quit the valley of Pragela, who were all, in like manner, received in Wurtemberg, and settled in the district of Heilbronn, near Brackenheim, a position far more favourable than that of the other colonies, the vine and the mulberry-tree growing there, and the forests being less near. Money contributions from Holland enabled these exiles to build a church and a school, and aided the erection of their towns, which they variously denominated, after their native seats, Usseaux, Mentola, or Fenestrelles, the district, as being IN AVURTEMBERG. 311 between Nordheim and Hausen, receiving the appellation of Nordhausen. In this settlement, the most purely Wal- densian of all — for most of the exiles of 1698 were French refugees — the Waldensian type has remained in its great- est purity, in manners, in costume, and in accent. There, as in the valleys themselves, is observed the custom of giv- ing to each guest at a wedding, a piece of ribband, called livree. The faces of the population still retain the Italian character. One circumstance which contributed to pre- serve their homogeneity was that, for a long time, they married, for the most part, only among themselves ; ano- ther was, the practice among them of assembling together, from time to time, and interchanging reminiscences of their native land, its history, its aspect, its manners. The potato was introduced into Germany by these colo- nists, who also did much to extend and improve the growth of the mulberry and the grape. It was, from the first, a great object with the Grand Consistory of Stuttgard to annex the Waldensian exiles to the Lutheran church. Promises and menaces were alter, nately employed to induce the consistories of the Walden- sian colonies to recognize the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Lutheran consistory, but with very little success, for so long as Wurtemberg was governed by catholic princes (till 1797), the administration of that country had no inte- rest in favouring the one protestant body over the other. Under the reign of the first Lutheran prince, Frederick I., the Stuttgard consistory induced some of the French pastors, serving Waldensian cures, to lay a petition before the government that the German language might be sub- stituted for the French, in Waldensian preaching and instruction. The king replied that he would permit the introduction of the German language into the colonies, 312 THE WALDENSES provided that none of the Waldenses objected. This pro- viso was suppressed by the Lutheran consistory, who, merely announcing the authorization to use the German language, issued an order that thenceforth the Waldensian religious service should be celebrated in German. This order, however, was at once protested against by the Wal- denses, who waited upon the king, for that purpose, at Ludwigsburg, and his majesty not only quashed it, but expressly directed that no such innovations should be attempted, except upon the proposition of the Waldenses themselves. On the accession of William I., however, fresh attempts were made to Germanize the Waldensian churches, by favouring mixed alliances between Waldenses and Luthe- rans, by inviting the school-masters to teach in German as well as in French, and lastly, by promising to undertake the support of both pastors and school masters, on the con- dition that these should be Germans. In an assembly of the states, held at Stuttgard, in 1S21, it was resolved, that a sum of twelve thousand florins per annum should be allotted to such Waldensian churches as should place in the eccle- siastical administration of the country .the selection of their pastors and school-masters. At length, in 1822, the last general synod of the Waldensian churches in Wurtemberg took place at Stuttgard. There was much talk of a fusion between the two protestant churches, under the common name of evangelical, such as had already been effected in Baden. There was very little discussion on the part of the dissentients, for they were not heard, and, ultimately, the great object with the Lutheran consistory, of substituting German for French pastors and school- masters in the Waldensian colonies was effected. Next the German Bible replaced the French version, but not IN WURTEMBERG. 313 until, at assiduous conferences of competent men, it had been clearly ascertained by the Waldensian pastors, by the close comparison of line with line, that the contents of the German translation were in conformity with the primitive text. This union of the Waldensian colonies with the national church, though at the time deeply painful to the large proportion of the exiles, put an end to many abuses, to many divisions and intrigues, and introduced greater care and regularity into the selection of pastors and schoolmasters. It had the further advan- tage of gradually effacing the separation which had previ- ously existed between the Waldenses and the people of the country. So long as the former spoke among themselves a language of their own, they inspired more or less distrust in all who heard but did not understand them. Moreover, the independence of their church had previously excited a certain degree of jealousy on the part of the national church, which was now removed. C [rapt n <&tnniti]-uint[F. THE WALDENSIAN COLONIES IN HESSE D'ARMS- TADT, AND ELSEWHERE. At the period of their first expulsion in 1686, the Wal- denses had already applied to the landgrave of Hesse d'Armstadt, for an asylum in his territories, and the fac- ulty of theology at Giessen, having been consulted on the point, had decided that they might be admitted, on condi- tion of their avoiding all polemics, and of their regarding the prince as chief of the church (Summits Episcopus,) without, however, their being required to modify, in any manner or degree, their confession of faith. We have seen these poor exiles returning to their coun- try in 1689, re-established there in 1692, and the influ- ence upon their position of the special peace made by the duke of Savoy with the king of France. In 1698, a body of the unhappy "Waldenses, once more expelled from their native homes, sought a refuge in the hospitable territories of Ernest Louis, landgrave of Hesse dArmstadt, whose concessions, signed 2d May, 1699, served as a model for those afterwards granted to them by Eberhard Louis grand- duke of Wurtemberg. These letters patent open thus : " His Brittannic majesty and their High Mightinesses the States-general of the united provinces of the low countries, having specially recommended to us the Waldenses, who (314) COLONIES IN GERMANY. 315 left the valleys of Piedmont, in the month of September last, by the express order of his royal highness the duke of Savoy: several protestant electors and princes of the empire having formally written to us in their favour, and the sieur Peter Walknaer, in his quality of envoy-extraor- dinary of their High Mightinesses, having urged us to the same purpose : " We, touched with lively compassion at seeing this peo- ple again wandering about, despoiled of everything, and seeking a retreat and an asylum in Germany, have resolved to receive a portion of them into our states, and to estab- lish them there under our protection, so that no one shall molest or annoy them in any way, provided they consci- entiously observe our orders, and submit to our laws." The letters-patent then proceed to set forth a list of thirty-nine privileges conceded to the Waldensian colonists in Hesse d'Armstadt, and which permitted them the free exercise of their religion, in their own language, in their own churches, and by the medium of their own pastors and school-masters, elected by themselves, and who were only to take an oath of fidelity to the landgrave. They were to have their own consistories, their own synods, general and special, their own ecclesiastical government, and their pastors were to have free access to any people of their communion who might be in prison or ill, in any part of the ducal states. In secular affairs, they were permitted to administer justice among themselves, by their own sheriffs, and other officers, and without appeal, up to the sum of fifty florins ; even in criminal matters, they were allowed to try and to sentence, execution only being stayed, until the sentence had received the ratification of the duke, who reserved to himself the prerogative of pardon. They were to have authority to wear arms, and to exercise them- 316 THE WALDEXSES. selves in their use, and, in case of war, were to form a body apart, commanded by their own officers, and not liable to serve beyond the ducal territories. They were declared admissible to all public offices, civil, political, and ecclesi- astical, and their children to all the colleges and univer- sities. Their ministers and their secular officers were placed on an equality, in all respects, with the correspond- ing functionaries of the ducal states. They were to be permitted to dispose of their property as they thought fit ; the property of any one dying intestate was to be distrib- uted among his next heirs ; if there were no heirs, then it was to be divided between the state and the poor of his commune. The Waldensian colonists were to owe service to no one but the sovereign ; and for fifteen years they were to be exempted from the payment of various public taxes. They were to be allowed to trade in any part of the ducal dominions, without license, and to carry on what- ever industry they should think fit. Whenever it should please God to visit them with the plague, they were not to be expelled from their villages. They were to be per- mitted, in common with the other protestant settlers, to build a town near Keltersbach, where lands were to be gratuitously assigned to them, to be distributed among themselves, and cultivated a3 they should think fit. They were, lastly, to be considered as upon an entire equality, in all respects, with the other inhabitants of the country. The result of all this grand display of generosity and liberality, was a few miserable villages built in wretched localities, the access to which, from Darmstadt, is through a dismal forest, whose few roads, rugged with mud and stones, are almost everywhere impenetrable by conveyances of any sort. There are five Waldensian communities in Hesse Darmstadt : Rohrbach, Wembach, Heim, Waldorf, COLONIES IN GERMANY. 317 and Welch Neureth. Rohrbach, the residence of the pas- tor, Jacob Montoux, was the capital of these Waldensian colonies. Wembach is not far distant, and near this is the hamlet of Heim ; Waldorf, like Rohrbach, a pastoral resi- dence, lies amid the woods, on the left banks of the Maine, some leagues from Frankfort. The exiles in these parishes remained in close union with their brethren who had settled in Wurtemberg, giving each other mutual aid and consolation, holding their syn- ods in common, their pastors participating in the same sub- sidies, and interchanging, from time to time, their pastoral cares. The Waldenses in Hesse Darmstadt were, however always poorer than their brethren in Wurtemberg, and their privations became excessively aggravated by the French revolution of 1792, and the consequent wars on the continent. Many of their families have already emigrated to America, and many others only await the means to fol- low their brethren, artisans, robust labourers, accustomed to hard work, and knowing of the world only its necessities. In 1801, a colony of sixty-five or seventy families, among whom were four Waldensian families, emigrated to America, under the direction of one Replet, at that time a weaver, afterwards a communist preacher, who is since dead, leav- ing behind him, it is said, a fortune of £240,000. They purchased lands near Philadelphia, which, after having in seven years, brought them to a high state of cultivation, they sold at a large profit, and purchased, with the pro- ceeds, a vast and fertile tract of land on the Mississippi, on which they have since prospered in a very eminent degree. 27* CJniptn (Cinrtirtlj. HISTORY OF THE WALDENSES OF PR A GEL A, AXD OF THE ADJACENT VALLEYS. The history of the Waldenses of Pragela is quite dis- tinct from that of the other valleys, these being often per- secuted, while those were tranquil, and vice versa ; the reason of this being, that Pragela belonged to the king of France, while the others, up to 1713, belonged to Pied- mont. The valley of Pragela extends along the banks of two parallel rivers, the Clusone and the Dora, between the crest of the Alps to Pignerol, on the one side, and on the other to Bussolino, near Susa. The adjacent valleys that terminate in, or prolong, the basin of the Dora, are those of Mathias and Meano, on the right bank ; of Chaumont, Exili, and Bardoneche, on the left bank ; and of Thures and Sauzet towards the bottom. The Col de Sestrieres separates this district from, the basin of Pragela, where flows the Clusone, on whose banks are the lateral valleys of Traversa, Puy, Pourrieres, and Yillaret, the latter com- municating with the narrow valley of Meano. Prior to the revocation of the edict of Nantes, the Waldenses of these valleys possessed eleven parishes, eighteen churches, and sixty-four centres of religious assembling, where wor- (318) THE WALDENSES OF PRAGELA, ETC. 319 ship was celebrated, morning and evening, in as many hamlets. It was at Laus, in Pragela, that was held the famous synod where, two hundred years before the protestant reformation, one hundred and forty protestant pastors assembled ; each accompanied by two or three lay deputies ; and it was from the valley of Pragela that the Gospel of God made its way into France, prior to the fifteenth century. Before the dominion of the king of France, the Wal- denses of Pragela had been subject to the sway of the Dau- phins. In the accounts of the Chatelain Delphinal, dated 6th of November, 1315, under the head of the valley of the Clusone, we find the item: "ninety-three livres tour- nois, three deniers, paid to the inquisitors for the exercise of their functions in the valley ; and again, in the accounts for the year 1345, we find the inquisitors of the valley of Pragela in full operation "against the heretics," there being a regular balance-sheet of receipts and expenditure under this head, the expenditure being the money paid to the inquisitors for pursuing, torturing, and burning the heretics ; the receipts being the amounts realized from the confiscated property of the heretics so burned. In the per- secution of the evangelicals which took place in 1556, the Waldensian churches of Larche, Merona, Meano and Suza, were fiercely assailed, and the minister of Meano was cruelly put to death. Under the reign of Charles IX. the protestants of the valley of Pragela had to undergo all the animosity of the Guise, of the marshal de Retz, and of Mary de Medici, being defended, on the other hand, by the princes de Conde, the admiral Coligny, and the king of Navarre. The chiefs of the Huguenot party in Dauphiny were the 320 THE WALDENSES intrepid Montbrun and the ferocious Des Adrets, the latter of whom dishonoured the cause by bootless brutali- ties. He invaded Pragela in the spring of 1562, and committed infinite violence upon the catholics, the only result of which was that, when he withdrew, the catholics made the protestants responsible for outrages with which they had had nothing to do. At Briancon, the Waldenses. who had just taken the town, were themselves hemmed in by fresh troops of the enemy, and pitilessly massacred. Another company of the evangelical soldiers were sur- rounded in like manner, in a ruined temple, between Rouilleres and Pragela, and all slaughtered. The wars of religion were for a moment calmed in France by the edict of pacification, which Charles IX. signed at Amboise, 19th of March, 1563, an edict con- taining provisions more favourable to the reformers than any they had hitherto obtained ; but it was modified by a royal ordonnance given at Lyon, 9th of August, 1564. The haughty and artful Catherine de Medici, however, while affecting a desire to reconcile the two parties, was all the time levying troops wherewith to assail the Hugue- nots. This was in 1567, and at that juncture the duke of Cleves, traversing Piedmont with a Spanish army, on his way to Flanders, had reached Pignerol. Immediately upon his arrival there, he ordered all the Waldenses, native or foreigners, to register themselves individually with the governor of the province in which they dwelt. The same course was adopted towards the reformers of France, the object being to ascertain the exact strength of the party. Birague, governor of Pignerol, prohibited all persons in his district from receiving protestants into their houses, on pain of death, and from every side and every form, danger menaced the unhappy Waldenses. OF PRAGELA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 321 Under these circumstances, the Waldensian churches held a synod in the valley of Clusone (May, 1567), and decreed a general fast, in order to avert God's chastisements by humiliation and prayer. The cloud passed on ; but it was only for a while. The St. Bartholomew ensanguined France, and fear once more spread itself over the valleys. " The catholics," says Gilles, " rejoiced, and rallied the reformists as though God had been abolished." The pro- testant worship was forbidden on French ground, and the protestant churches were shut up ; the protestants con- tinued to celebrate their religious services in the fields or in private houses ; at length, in 1573, the governor of Pignerol ordered the protestants to cease their religion altogether ; they refused, and Birague, marching out his troops by night, surprised the town of St. German before daybreak. Five men belonging to the place were seized as they came out to their work, and hanged ; but the alarm thus given, the rest of the inhabitants defended themselves valiantly, and captain Frache, hastening from the heights of Angrogna with his band of warriors, chased the assailants back to Pignerol, subjecting them on the way to heavy losses. Wearied of the fruitless struggle, both parties desired an accommodation, and the Waldenses, in August, 1573, consented to waive, for a month, the public celebration of their worship, and to dismiss their pastor, on the condition that both sides should lay down their arms, that all pri- soners should be mutually surrendered, without ransom, and that there should be no prosecutions of individuals by reason of the late events. But in the following year, Charles IX. died a horrible death at Vincennes, and his brother, Henry III., ascending the throne, at once declared against religious liberty ; and a great council, held at V 322 THE WALDENSES Lyon, 6th of September, 1574, decreed the rigorous pro- secution of the intestine and cruel war by which it was hoped to destroy the Huguenots. The latter, however, with three princes of the blood at their head, assumed so bold a front, that the papists deemed it expedient to make peace ; and by the edict of the 14th of May, 1576, the protestants obtained the free exercise of their religion, admission to the parliaments, and the possession, by their troops, of a certain number of fortresses, to be held as hostages. These guarantees excited intense indignation among the Roman catholics ; the more ardent among them leagued together ; the crowd followed them, the ambitious placed themselves at their head, the indecision of the king enable'! them to acquire strength, and thus arose the League. To repress the League, the menaced party demanded the assembling of the States-general, which were accord- ingly opened by the king at Blois, 6th December, 1576. But the Calvinists did not derive thence the advantages they had hoped. The assembly, all the members of which were Roman catholics, revoked their privileges, and decreed a formal authorization of the League, which they compelled the kino- himself to sign. Civil war was thus lighted up once more with greater fury than ever ; but soon, in the fear lest the reformers might call in foreign troops to their aid, Henry III. granted them (5th of October, 1577) a new edict of paci- fication. It was the sixth, and was as little durable as the rest. The war proceeded, and the agitations which it occa- sioned throughout France had their echo in the Waldensian valleys belonging to France, where, under the shield of the League, the enemies of the protestants acquired fresh dar- ing. It was said that a coalition had been formed between OF PRAGELA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 323 Henry III., Philip II., and the duke of Savoy, to annihi- late the church of the valleys ; and to this cruel menace the Israel of the Alps responded by a public fast (15th, 16th, 22d, and 23d May, 1585), consecrated to humiliation and prayer. The duke of Savoy, so far from joining the League, strongly denounced its excesses, and the valleys under his rule were consequently tranquil ; but the val- leys of the Dora and the Clusone underwent much suf- fering. The edict by which, in February, 1602, after the con- clusion of peace, Charles Emanuel accorded religious lib- erty to the Waldensian valleys, restricting the exercise of the protestant worship to the churches comprehended within the precise limits of those valleys, the churches of Saluzzo and Pragela found themselves excluded from its operation. The members of these churches thereupon assembled together by representatives, at Pragela, and drew up a protest against the machinations and violence to which they were subjected. One effect of this spiritual declaration was to augment the ardour of proselytism in the zealous missionaries whom popery had distributed through the valleys, and whose labours were now aided by the archbishop of Turin in person, who, reaching Perosa on the 25th May, 1602, availed himself of the state of well-nigh famine under which the district was suffering, to offer corn, bread, and money to all who would catholicize, and, on the other hand, to withhold from the reapers per- mission to seek work in the, plain of Piedmont, until they had promised to apostatize ; but his pious labours found scarcely any success. In 1623, by the exertions of the catholics, an order was obtained from the duke, requiring the Waldenses of the valley of Perosa to demolish six of their churches. The order was disregarded; the ducal 324 THE WALDENSES troops were ordered into the valley to enforce it, but the Waldenses at once collected in arms, and, aided by the sudden and severe setting-in of winter, expelled the sol- diery, and once more amnesty was proclaimed, and the privileges of the Waldenses confirmed. In 1629 and 1630, Louis XIII. invaded Piedmont by Susa and the valley of Pragcla, and his presence amongst the Waldenses had a great influence on their destinies. The last of the wars of religion of which France was the theatre was now at its height. The protestant party, defeated by arms, only raised its head once more by force of discussion. In 1627, the dukes of Rohan and Soubise, the chiefs of the Huguenots, had demanded aid from Eng- land, who had thereupon despatched one hundred and fifty ships to Rochelle. The cardinal de Richelieu constructed a celebrated dike to prevent them from throwing any suc- cours into the town ; but the siege of the place still lasted from 10th August, 1627, to 28th October, 1628, and it then only surrendered in the last extremity, and after twelve thousand of its inhabitants had died of famine. The fortifications of the town were destroyed, the munici- pality abolished, and the exercise of Catholicism established. Louis XIII., who had entered the town on the 1st of November, received a sort of triumph on his return to Paris, which took place on the 23d December. In the interval, several towns of the second class, had been taken from the protestants in the Vivarais and in Languedoc, but many others still held out. In the commencement of the year, Charles de Gonzaga, duke de Nevers, had inherited the duchy of Mantua, to which Spain and Savoy disputed his title. The king of France, in his support, marched in person upon Piedmont, the marquis d'Azel commanding his vanguard. In the OF PR AG EL A, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 325 spring of 1628, he sought to force the Alps, in order to make his way into the valleys of Italy. All the Piedmontese troops were immediately assembled. On his part, colonel Porporato, commander of the Waldensian militia, convoked a meeting of the Waldensian pastors and syndics at Roccapiatta, for the purpose of applying their interest over their people to the setting on foot the great- est possible number of Waldensian soldiers. The Wal- denses readily promised their co-operation, on the simple condition they should themselves be left to guard the passes of their mountains, a condition which was at once granted. The posts so established were inspected by superior offi- cers of the ducal army, and Charles Emanuel himself inspected the entrenchments formed in the valley of Pe- rosa (August 1628). The count de Verrua, one of the duke's most distinguished generals, renewed to the pastors the solicitations for earnest aid made by colonel Porporato, and promised, in his sovereign's name, the most ample religious liberty in return. On the 16th of January, 1629, Louis XIII. quitted Paris, for the purpose of crossing the Alps at the head of his army. When he had reached Briangon (end of Feb- ruary) the governor of Pignerol ordered all the male inhab- itants of the valleys capable of carrying arms to hold themselves in readiness to march. Count Philip of Lu- zerna placed himself at their head, and led them into the valley of Perosa. Charles Emanuel himself had advanced into the valley of the Dora. On the 4th of March, Louis XIII. crossed Mont Ge- nevre, and on the 6th, forced, in person, the three barri- cades of Susa, defended by the duke of Savoy, who was 28 326 TIIE 1YALDENSES fain to give way before superiority alike in numbers and in courage. On the 11th of March he concluded peace with the king ; and, having just before been the ally of the Spaniards, now undertook to fight against them, and to assist France in compelling them to raise the siege of Casale, in favour of the duke de Nevers. After the victory he had thus achieved, Louis XIII. received felicitations and addresses of various kinds, among which we may signalize that of the provost of Ouxl. — "Sire,'' said this functionary, "Providence has blessed your arms, because you have consecrated them to the ser- vice of the faith. The numerous triumphs which your majesty has effected in France, over heresy, fill all true catholic hearts with joy ; everywhere do they offer up their prayers to Heaven for your majesty's preservation and glory, assured that Heaven, in conducting you to our land, wills to complete its work in augmenting your glory and our consolation, by raising up the catholic worship, which acquires strength wherever your majesty proceeds, and which vehemently needs such succour in these unhappy valleys, where, bitter truth to say, it has been completely prostrated." To this address was annexed a petition signed by several catholics of the neighbourhood, calling upon the king to restore their religion in all the communes of the upper Dora, where, at that moment, not a single cure existed. Accordingly, by a decree of 1st April, 1629 ; Louis XIII. ordered that the exercise of the Romish reli- gion should be re-established throughout the valleys of Exili, Bardoneche, Cesuna, and Pragela ; and that the popish clergy should immediately resume possession of all the property which had theretofore belonged to them, into whose hands soever it might have passed, and whatsoever OF PRALEGA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 327 prescription might be made out in favour of the actual proprietors. M. de Verthamont, judiciary of the army of Italy, was directed to superintend the execution of these orders, and, accompanied by Henry d'Escoubleau, archbishop of Bor- deaux, he the next day proceeded to the scene of his labours. The church of Rome, however, had but very few adherents in the upper valleys ; and royal power, though it might give it official access to the villages, could not give it access to men*s hearts. Its priests had parishes without parishioners; and their efforts would have probably re- mained unsuccessful, but for an unexpected circumstance which communicated to them a fresh impulse, and opened to them a wider field of operations. The duke of Savoy, who had not conformed to the treaty of Susa, was again menaced by France. In the spring of 1630, cardinal de Richelieu marched a considerable army against him. It entered Piedmont by the valley of the Dora, and for a while took the direction of Montferrat, but, suddenly turning to the south, it advanced upon Pig- nerol, and this city, assailed on the 20th March, 1630, surrendered two days afterwards. The citadel, however, held out till the 29th. The marshal de Crequi next, on the 21st March, took possession of the valley and castle of Perosa, whence he summoned the valleys of St. Martin and Luzerna to sur- render at discretion. They refused, and sent to the duke of Savoy for succours, which he was unable to furnish. The French army advanced, and encamped at Bricherasio. Charles Emanuel, on the contrary, retreated beyond the Po. Seeing that further resistance was impracticable, the Waldenses surrendered, on condition that they should not be required to bear arms against the duke of Savoy, and 328 THE WALDENSES that the free exercise of the protestant religion should be guarranteed to them. Marshal Schomberg accepted these conditions; and thereupon deputies from each of the Wal- densian communes repaired to Pignerol to take the oath of fidelity to the king of France. Fresh detachments of French troops arrived every day. The country was utterly exhausted ; plague, famine, and war desolating it all at once. Louis XIIL, who had returned to Lyon in May, passed thence into Savoy, which he rapidly subjected. In July, the duke de Montino readily obtained possession of the marquisate of Saluzzo ; nearly the whole of Piedmont then passed under French dominion, and the siege of Casale, the original cause of all these troubles, was raised by the Spaniards on the 20th October, before the victorious arms of France. Charles Emanuel died of grief on the 26th July, 1630, and his son, Victor Ainadeus I., negotiated the peace of Ratisbon in the following October. By this treaty, he recovered all his states, and obtained a few unimportant places in Montferrat. The valleys of the Clusone and of the Upper Dora, and the town of Pignerol, remained in the possession of France. The Waldensian population of these districts were entitled to avail themselves, for the celebration of their worship, of the edicts regulating the reformed church of France ; an edict of April, 1630, indeed, especially author- ized them to do so ; but the town of Pignerol demanded that the protestant worship should be interdicted through- out its territory, and this prohibition was granted. Mean- while, the priests who had been established in the valley of Pragela in 1629, and the Capuchin missionaries who had proceeded thither to labour at the conversion of the heretics, had all died, or fled, during the plague of 1630. OF PRAGELA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 329 The prior of Mentola alone remained. Fresh attempts at conversion were made, hut without success. The numbers of the Waldenses, so far from diminishing, increased daily. Louis XIII. had granted them the confirmation of their ancient privileges. By their agricultural operations, their various trades, and their acquisitions thence derived, they were occupying greater and greater space in the country. This very progress drew invidious attention upon them. Their enemies made an outcry against their encroachments. The clergy set the magistracy to work, and the attorney- general laid an information before the sovereign council at PigneTol, that many of the protestants of the valley of Perosa 'were forming establishments beyond the limits within which alone they were permitted to exercise their worship. In consequence, the council, by a decree of 17th July, 1645, renewed the prohibition to the Waldenses to open schools or churches, to preach, and even to teach, beyond the ancient limits assigned them. It also forbad any foreign protestant to settle in the country, under penalty of the confiscation of his goods, and a fine of one thousand livres upon the commune which had permitted the settle- ment to take place, without giving notice to the registrar of Pignerol ; lastly, the protestants were forbidden to hold any public ofiice, or to purchase or lease any land, beyond their own limits ; to work on catholic festivals ; to dissuade any persons from catholicizing; to buy or sell any pro- testant religious book ; and to hold any municipal meet- ings among themselves without the presence of the local judge, under penalty of a fine of two hundred livres from each of the persons present at such meetings. The edict contained one prohibition addressed to the catholics : the prohibition, namely, to contribute, in any form or degree, 3S0 THE WALDEXSES to support of protestant pastors or churches, under penalty of fifty livres fine for each offence. It may be readily imagined that this last prohibition was one of those most exactly observed. Its enactment, however, proves that 'the manners of the country had been imbued with that spirit of brotherhood which one observes wherever the Waldenses have lived, and of which even the followers of an opposing faith could not help undergoing the influence. The Waldenses, aggrieved by these numerous restric- tions, asserted the rights they had enjoyed under the dukes of Savoy, all whose edicts were preserved by the decree of 17th July ; and upon their remonstrance, the sovereign council declared that " it had not intended to make any innovation upon, nor any change in, the rights, state, and condition wherein the petitioners were, under the rule of the dukes of Savoy, in 1630." But the edict of Nantes had granted to the protestants the free exercise of their worship, and full right to hold any office whatever in judicature or finance. The Wal- denses of Pragela now formed a portion of France ; they claimed, therefore, that the benefits of the edict should be extended to them, and this demand was granted by deci- sions of the council, on 10th March, and 19th August, 1648. Under the influence of this milder legislation, the num- bers and the prosperity of the Waldenses of Pragela rapidly increased. The attempts of Louis XIII. to re-es- tablish Catholicism in their country, had produced only a momentary effect. The churches which he had founded in 1622 remained empty and closed ; the vicarages themselves, in which a solitary shepherd had been placed to tend a non-existent flock, were soon deserted ; the plague of 1630 killed or dispersed their useless inhabitants, who were not OF PRAGELA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. JJ31 replaced. In many localities the municipality applied the vacated edifices to other purposes. At Traversa, the catholic chapel having gone to decay, the Waldenses used its materials in the construction of a church for themselves. This proceeding was denounced by the Romish clergy as a crime, as robbery, sacrilege, rebellion ; and there was extreme excitement aroused on the subject. At length Lesdiguieres interposed, in his character as governor of Dauphiny, and decided that the Waldenses should contribute, towards the erection of a new popish cbapel, the value of the materials which they had taken from the ruins of the old edifice. The catholics, whose faith old Lesdiguieres had adopted, were not peculiarly satisfied with his intervention in this matter, for, a few years afterwards, the town of Pignerol, seeking to keep the Waldenses from its territory, to which rising prosperity was enabling them to approximate, addressed a petition to Louis XIV., in which, after pro- testing against the religious liberty which the protestants of Perosa and Pragela vindicated for themselves, the peti- tioners said : " The treaty which gave them this liberty was obtained in January, 1598, by Lesdiguieres, sword in hand. True, it was afterwards confirmed, in general terms ; but considering that this general professed, at the time, the reformed religion, and the king, Henry IV., had been obliged to bring back his subjects by all possible means ; that, moreover, the treaty had been tacitly revoked by the edict of Nantes, which only authorizes the celebra- tion of the protestant worship in those places where it was previously celebrated ; and that the Waldenses of Perosa cannot prove that they enjoyed the free exercise of their worship under the dukes of Savoy, — we request your majesty formally to interdict this worship throughout the :-!3'2 THE WALDENSES territory of Pignerol." This petition was dated in April, 1654 ; o.n the 24th of the same month, Louis XIV., then scarcely seventeen years old, and who had not yet been crowned, but who had already begun to serve the exclusive pretensions of the Romish church, from that instinct of despotism common to both, granted its prayer ; and on the 4th August was published the royal decree, prohibiting to the Waldenses the public exercise of their religion within the territory of Pignerol. The proselytizing ambition of the monks and Jesuits ac- quired fresh strength from this sun of tyranny, " unequalled in the world." as the motto of the great king declares. These attempts at conversion, however, were at first rather troublesome than formidable to the Waldenses, and to themselves rather embarrassing than productive. But more active means were in preparation. The propaganda had established itself, and the Piedmontese Easter was at hand. After that terrible explosion of rampant and pitiless fanaticism, that festival of blood, the massacre of 1655, the fugitives who had escaped sought refuge with their brethren in the valleys of the Clusone and Pragela, who took up arms to defend them. In his capacity of mode- rator of the Waldensian churches, Leger now convoked a synod at the hamlet of Capella, between the valley of Dora and that of Pragela, where all the surviving pastors and elders of the devastated districts assembled. It was here that, in two days, this zealous defender of the valleys drew up hi3 first manifesto, publishing to the world the inconceivable cruelties with which the Waldenses had been assailed. The world heard the appeal, and Louis XIV. himself dared not withhold combining his entreaties with those of almost all the other potentates of Europe, to OF PRAGELA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 333 induce the duke of Savoy to efface, as effectually as pos- sible, the traces of this atrocious desolation. The governor of Dauphiny was ordered to receive the exiles with humanity, and to provide for their more press- ing wants. But it was most especially from their brethren of Pragela, that they received aid, asylum, and protection. The latter, themselve3, were subjected to heavy trials. The council of Pignerol, not content with having procured the prohibition of their worship throughout its territory, sought to impede their industry, and obtained an order (22d November, 1657) that they should never dwell for more than three days together in the town. In April, 1658, a further royal order was published, forbidding all merchants, traders, and innkeepers in Pignerol, from receiving, lodging, or associating with any person of the protestant religion. In the same year the votaries of Pig- nerol and of all the French possessions beyond the moun- tains, were forbidden to recognize in any way, any sale or bequest by a catholic in favour of a protestant. In 1659, the syndics of Pignerol ordered all the reformers settled in the town to remove from it, within eight days, and en- joined all catholics who had relations with them, forthwith to discontinue them. A Jesuit mission was established at Fenestrelle, in September, 1659, and the king prohibited, under the severest penalties, the least attempt to interfere with their projects of conversion. The task of the Chris- tians of Pragela thus became more difficult ; but they were not wanting to their great cause, and the efforts of their adversaries only served to augment the fervour and union of these persecuted churches. The valley of Pragela, at the period of the arrival of the Jesuits, was inhabited, from one end to the other, by zeal- ous protestants. "These heretics," wrote their adversa- 334 THE WALDENSES ries, " have ten or twelve great churches for Sunday, and more than sixty small ones, where they assemble every other day of the week ; whereas the catholics have only one church, and a few chapels, far remote from one an- other." By such a population the Jesuits were naturally very ill-received. They could scarcely procure lodging for themselves, and 'indeed, as one of them relates, "had it not been for the prior of Mentola, and captain Guyot, they would have had no place wherein to abide, throughout the valley." They persevered, however, energetic in reso- lution, unscrupulous in means : how unscrupulous, may be estimated by the following extracts from a memoir, ad- dressed by the Jesuits to the propaganda, and still pre- served among the royal archives at Turin (No. 425). "It is essential to obtain a pariatis* to arrest three ministers of Pragela, whom the parliament of Grenoble has con- demned to imprisonment (for having presided over their religious meetings) and who have taken refuge in the valley of Luzerna with two other criminals. The marquis de Pianeza must command the governors of Luzerna and St. Martin to seize them, wherever they are found. The peo- ple of Luzerna must be forbidden to lodge the merchants of Pragela, who trade in these parts. There are three heretics gone to trade at Turin, and who are lodging at the Red Horse : it is expedient to seize their merchandize, for as they cannot exist without it, the probabilities are, that they will be converted, if you promise they shall have their goods back. The governor of Suza, Meano, and Jalasso, must prevent the heretics of Pragela from living within his jurisdiction, for they preach their errors there in secret. You must expel from the valley of Luzerna, a person named Martino, a native of Balboutel in Pragela. *An order to imprison at sight. OF PBALESA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 335 This young minister has succeeded the pastor Leger, whose house has been demolished ; he is quite as seditious as Le- ger, and capable of doing still more harm than he. . . . The king of France must have notice sent him that the secretary to the governor, and a captain in the citadel of Pignerol, celebrate the protestant religion in their rooms, where they collect together for that purpose a number of Huguenot soldiers; a proceeding that may pervert the catholics. . . . The Waldenses of Pragela must be forbidden to trade with or to sojourn in Piedmont." Another means of conversion, bribery, was also had large recourse to, and had some effect upon the more impoverished among the Waldenses. " By the distribution of not more than two thousand crowns," writes Pelisson Fontanier, one of the proselyters, " we have converted from seven to eight hundred persons to the Romish faith. ... I have sent word that no occasion is to be lost of converting families, and I have authorized their going as high as one hundred francs !" It is well known that a great proportion of these " con- verts" were foreign vagabonds, who passed themselves off as protestants in order to secure these wages of proselytism. Another influence to aid the catholic faith, was that of the dragoons, who were billeted, with full license of every kind, upon the peasantry who professed the evangelical faith, and not withdrawn until a conversion was operated. The governorship of the valley of the Clusone becoming vacant, the prince de Conti purchased the office, for a sum of eight thousand three hundred livres, and conferred it upon a zealous supporter of the missionaries, M. Bertrand, who applied himself fervently to his work. In order to aug- ment the number of the propagandists, Alexander VII. granted (27th July, 1661) plenary indulgence to all breth- ren and sisters who should join the sacred congregation ; 336 TIIE WALDEXSES while, on the other hand, the prohibition to the AYaldensiun pastors to preach or teach beyond the strict limits of their assigned residence was rigorously renewed. This was not enough ; the members of the Waldensian church had established daily prayer meetings, even in the smallest hamlets, the elder, or the chief elder of the locality acting as pastor. There were sixty of these chapels, and each morning and evening the village bell summoned thither the faithful to prayer and thanksgiving. The ringing of these bells was prohibited : the people then made use of the horns with which they collected their herds together ; upon this, severe penalties were denounced against all persons who should preside over these meetings : the Christians assembled none the less ; each, in his turn, read passages of the Bible, in under tones, and offered up a prayer ; no one of them, in special, had the direction of these pious and modest exercises ; the spirit of God alone presided over them. " This race is incorrigible," cried the missionaries ; " we cannot bend it ; we must look to the rising generation." And to this effect, they began by forbidding protectants to keep schools ; next, they forbade them to bring up their own children. " We have gained a great victory in the valley of Perosa," wrote one of the Jesuits, in October, 1677 ; " we have obtained a decree that all the children hereafter born of Huguenot mothers and catholic fathers, shall be baptized and brought up catholics." In 1678, six new popish cures were established in the valley of Pragela, under the direction and superintendence of the prior of Mentola. In all these new parishes, the deputy-bailiff read the royal proclamation which placed the cures under the especial protection of his most Chris- tian majesty, and prohibited any one from insulting them, OF PR AG EL A, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 337 in any way, under severe penalties ; and the popish narra- tive of the proceedings sets forth, with great unction, a list of sacred banners, sacramental plate, chandeliers, copes, crucifixes, pictures, money, &c, the result of public and private subscriptions throughout France, which were bestowed, with infinite formalities, on the installed clergy. The population of the valleys stood far more in need of subscriptions, for their poverty was greater than ever : " so great," writes one of the missionaries, " that we should be sure to convert a large number of them, in their dis- tress, if we had only money enough." The unhappy Waldenses aided each other to the utmost of their power, establishing, for awhile, a sort of community of goods, and distributing supplies of food and other necessaries at the doors of the churches ; but all their efforts, with such limited means, were inadequate to the purpose of preventing distress of the most overpowering degree. All this while, the greatest favours were lavished on the catholics, and, especially, on the recent converts ; they were exempted from various taxes, they were received into the hospitals when ill, they had distributions of money, clothes, and food, regularly administered to them, they were relieved from penalties that they might have incurred, their daughters were promised dowries. Yet, despite all these disadvantages, the evangelical faith not merely remained unsubdued, but actually effected fresh triumphs over popery. This is manifest from a decree of the 11th of July, 1680, forbidding catholics, under rigorous penalties, to embrace protestantism, and protestants to receive catholics in their churches. In July, 1682, there was sent forth an edict prohibiting the Waldensian ministers from holding religious meetings anywhere except at the place of their own actual residence, under penalty of a fine of 29 W 838 THE WALDENSES three thousand livres, and dismissal from their office. In the following August, a decree forbade laymen to assemble together, under pretext of prayer, reading the Bible, or singing of psalms, seeing that such assemblies might become tumultuous. The very means of temporal exist- ence were taken away from the Waldenses, as an effectual mode of striking at their spiritual existence : in this same year, 1682, the Waldenses, by a succession of prohibitions, were forbidden to exercise any profession or trade, from that of lawyer or physician down to that of shoemaker or washerwoman. The Waldensian church of Pragela, which had preceded the reformed church of France in the path of evangelical worship, was destined also to precede it to the Calvary of persecution and death. Five months before the revocation of the edict of Nantes, by an act of extreme and excep- tional severity, the exercise of the protestant religion was expressly forbidden throughout Pragela, and all its churches were ordered to be demolished. Special edicts applied these revoltingly arbitrary orders to the valleys of Sezana, Oulx, and Exili. The churches of Fenile, Chaumont, and Salabertrans, in the valley of the Dora, were hereupon demolished, as were those of La Rua, Suchiere, Fenes- trelle, and Usseaux, in the valley of the Clusone. Others were left standing, in order to be converted into catholic churches, and were used as such for four years, when they also were demolished to make way for new edifices. Among these were the churches of Villaret and Traversa, the house and garden of which became the glebe of the cure*. The materials of the demolished edifices were applied to the construction of popish chapels ; a portion of the con- sistorial lands, lately enjoyed by the "Waldensian pastors, was applied to the endowment of the popish livings, and OP PKAGELA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 339 the remainder to the establishment of two hospitals, one at Sestrieres, and the other at Fenestrelle. It is easy to conceive the desolation which now over- whelmed these ancient churches of Pragela, which had so long enjoyed the privilege of evangelical worship. The Waldenses were plunged in inexpressible depression and anguish. The Bible, which had been transmitted from father to son among them, for so many ages, was about to be taken from them ; the pastors whom they had cherished were already proscribed, and no man could give them refuge under the severest penalties. These worthy descendants of the Barbas, quitted, in bitter sorrow, their despairing flocks ; their eyes, filled with tears, still turned on the path of exile, towards the summits, more and more remote, of their native hills, where they had preached the word of God. A great portion of their people soon followed them, and even many who had been deemed converts to the Romish church. On reaching Switzerland, these exiles sent deputies to the elector of Bradenberg, to request an asylum in his states : " There are already," they said, " six hundred of us, and in the spring of next year (1686), as many more of our countrymen will expatriate them- selves." The account of the Waldensian colonies in Germany has already been given. We will now inquire into the condi- tion of the protestants who remained in the valleys. Le Tellier, who had been intendant in Piedmont in 1640, recalled the Waldenses to mind, half a century after- wards, when, on his death-bed, he included them in. the monstrous provisions of the decree revoking the edict of Nantes, which, with his dying hand, he signed, on the 22d October, 1685. By that revocation, the protestant wor- ship was prohibited throughout the dominions of Louis 340 THE WALDENSES XIV. ; its churches were ordered to be demolished, its schools to be closed. Its ministers, who refused to embrace Catholicism, were to quit the kingdom within fifteen days, while those who consented to abjure, were to receive pen- sions one-third larger in amount than the salaries which had been paid them as pastors, half of which pension was to revert to their widows. Every child, thereafter born within the states of his most christian majesty, of whatever parents, was to be baptized a catholic. All protestant emigrants were to return under the paternal and most christian dominion of the French monarch, within four months, under penalty of the entire confiscation of their goods ; and all protestants who should hereafter attempt to emigrate were to be condemned, the men to the galleys, and confiscation of goods, the women to imprisonment and confiscation of goods ; confiscation being, in all cases, a leading feature in the proceedings. The " religionists," as the reformers were designated, were, by the last clause of the edict, permitted to remain in the royal dominions, without practisiny any exercise of religion, until it should please God to enlighten them. But what, to the Christian, is physical existence deprived of all the action of spiritual life? The protestants, as Christians, prefered exile to the absence of religious life, and multitudes of them expatriated themselves at this epoch, only the very poorest remaining behind. Two thousand inhabitants of Pragela preceded or followed the expulsion of their brethren from the Piedmontese valleys ; in 1686 and 1687, most of these also returned to their country, and were installed there, pursuant to the decree of Victor Amadeus in 1692. What, meantime, had become of those who remained on the banks of the Clusone ? Deprived not only of pastors, but of the right to hold OF PRAGELA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 341 any religious meeting among themselves, they did not hesi- tate regularly to cross the lofty mountains and deep val- leys which separated them from their co-religionists in Piedmont, in order to share with these the service of the Sabbath. From Upper Pragela they repaired to Macel by the Col de Pis, and from the lower part of the valley of Clusone to Pomaret, at the entrance of the valley of St. Martin. In order to accomplish these pious pilgrim- ages of edification and brotherhood, they had to depart on the Saturday evening, returning early on the Monday morning, happy, amid all the difficulties and privations of the journey, that it afforded them at least one opportunity in the week, of meeting together in common supplication and thanksgiving to God. Even prayers and exhortations offered up beside the bed of the sick and the dying, became matter of denunciation against the protestants. " The other day,'' wrote a popish missionary of the time, " the vicar-general of the provostry of Oulx gave information against John Challier, of Pour- rieres, who was surprised, praying, after the manner of the protestants, at the bed-side of one Petre Pastre, labouring under a dangerous malady. This is an offence calling for severe punishment.'' But even the arduous privilege of traversing the moun- tains to join in prayer with their less restricted brethren, was soon taken from the Waldenses of Pragela. The tyrant of Versailles wrote to his ambassador at the court of Turin : " The presence of the Waldenses of Piedmont on the frontiers of my dominions, occasions desertion on the part of my subjects, and you must represent to their prince that I am resolved no longer to endure this." The result of this haughty assumption has been already nar- rated. The Waldenses of Piedmont, were driven, en masse, 29* 342 THE WALDENSES from their native land ; and these valleys, the last sanc- tuary wherein, amid the Alps, the word of God was heard, became silent as the tomb. Under such terrible and reit- erated blows, felling, with each stroke, a branch of the ancient tree, utter destruction seemed inevitable. And such, indeed, befell the valley of Pragela, whose church subsided and became extinct, as a lamp without oil. This poor persecuted church, this spouse of Christ, had been deprived of her temples and her ministers, of her prayers, of her prayer-men ; by-and-by, the Romish church claimed the secular possessions, also, of the fugitive Waldenses, and Louis XIV. readily granted the demand. The glebe-lands remained ; these, too, in 1688, were seized by the spoiler- monarch, and transferred to various catholic establish- ments. In 1684, and 1686, two new catholic cures were estab- lished in Pragela ; in 1687, five doctors of the Sorbonne were sent thither from Pragela, to aid the missionaries in effacing, as closely as possible, the still vivid traces of the Reformed church. In 1688, several new popish chapels were built ; and, in the words of a contemporary publica- tion, " the catholic religion was making manifest progress, when, in 1690, war having been declared between France and Savoy, a great diminution of piety was observed." The fact of the matter was, that the Waldenses of Pied- mont had returned to their valleys, and during the terrible winter of 1689, which they passed at Balsille, their breth- ren of Pragela frequently supplied them with provisions, themselves indulging the hope that, by the chances of war, the valley of Clusone would remain in the possession of Victor Amadeus, and be incorporated with the other Wal- densian valleys. This prince invaded Dauphiny in 1692. As the result OF PRAGELA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 343 of an incursion of his troops into Pragela, all that portion of the valley which lies between Fenestrelle and Perosa was given up to the flames, on the 25th of July, 1693, and four parishes were thus rendered uninhabitable. Their population withdrew, some to Savoy, others to the Brian- connais, but most into the Waldensian valleys of Luzerna and St. Martin. The latter there resumed the exercise of the reformed religion, and despite every impediment, con- tinued its exercises, favoured by the war, which endured till 1696. By-and-by, in virtue of the treaty of Turin, (18th Au- gust, 1696,) Louis XIV. required that Victor Amadeus should cease to give asylum and protection to protestants of French origin. The duke, in consequence, issued, 1st July, 1698, the decree by which all such protestants were ordered to quit the states of Savoy within two months. The Waldensian pastors were, in like manner, forbidden to enter the territories of France, under pain of ten years labour in the galleys. We have seen what vast misery, and what vast migrations, were the result of these severities. In the countries rendered desolate by those migrations, the number of catholic churches multiplied in proportion to the decrease of the population. Towards the close of 1698, Louis XIV. had two new Romish chapels built in Pragela, and established eight new cure's, in addition to those which he had already endowed there. Next, the ardent and unscrupulous zeal of the promoters of apostacy was applied to the work of furnishing these new parishes with parishioners ; and, for several years, popish mission- aries, clerical and secular, high and low, male and female, spread themselves over the district, seeking to gain pro- selytes by promises and menaces of every description and degree. In 1703, however, war once more broke out 34 [ THE WALDENSES between Piedmont and France, and Victor Amadeus II. forthwith issued a proclamation in which he proffered pro- tection and privilege to the Waldenses of the valleys, if they would take up arms against Louis XIV., and to the Waldenses of Pragela, if they would join their co-reli- gionists in the struggle. The people, whom he had so persecuted, still came forward to defend him, and, ere long, to give him an asylum. They wrested Upper Pra- gela from the dominion of France and from the oppression of the Eomish church. They raised up their prostrated ultars, and, beneath the protection of their victorious arms, the protestant worship was once more re-established. In 1708, Victor Amadeus having got possession of Fenestrelle, acquired dominion over the whole valley of Pragela, of which, theretofore, he had only possessed the upper portion. This valley was hereupon subjected to the same administration which already governed the other portions of the Waldensian territory, and the same governor was assigned to them. The courts of England and Hol- land at once applied themselves to the procuring for the protestants of Pragela the same privileges that were enjoyed by their brethren in the other Waldensian valleys. Queen Anne wrote, with her own hand, a letter on the subject to Victor Amadeus. This prince's reply, dated 3d of March, 1709, was of the most favourable character ; but he represented that, for various political reasons, it was expedient to delay any public proceeding to the desired effect, until peace should be concluded. Mean- while, in proof of the sincerity of his good-will towards the protestants, he enjoined the popish ecclesiastics of Pragela not to disturb the Waldenses in any way or degree, by reason of their doctrines, and even to permit those who had abjured protestantism to resume it if they so desired. OP PRALESA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 345 Four months afterwards, the archbishop of Turin directed his subordinates never to put forward the name or the authority of Victor Amadeus, when they had to do with the heretics. There seemed, then, no obstacle now to the re-establish- ment of the Waldensian church at Pragela. The pastors of the adjacent valleys repaired thither for the celebration of divine service. Schools were re-opened, religious meet- ings resumed, family worship once more rendered happy the domestic hearth, and many of the emigrants returned to their homes. At the Waldensian synod, held at Angrogna, 11th [November, 1709, the deputies of Pragela presented them- selves, furnished with a commission, signed by the consuls, councillors, and more than a hundred heads of families, in the name of all the protestants of the valley. They demanded admission within the body of the Waldensian churches, which was at once and gladly accorded ; unity of body was with them only a visible manifestation of that unity of faith, which had never ceased to exist, and it was a joyful thing for the various representatives of the Wal- densian church thus to render testimony to the spiritual union which had been maintained among all the members of that church, despite political divisions, despite all the cruel vicissitudes which had agitated their country. Though separated, for more than a century, by the sword and the sceptre of two dynasties, they now met together such as they had been in ages long past, for the descent of the evangelical christians dates further back than the descent of kings. Without possessing organized parishes, the inhabitants of Pragela had now the privilege of meeting together for the celebration of their worship ; and, as a strong plant, 346 THE WALDENSES whose branches are permitted to grow for awhile without being cut, their church made rapid progress. "We see with sensible grief," said the popish cures of Pragela in an urgent memorial to the duke, " inhabitants of this valley, who had been converted, reverting furiously to heresy, and we pray your lordship to put an end to such abomina- tions." The royal council which had been established at Pignerol, and which had recently assumed the title of senate, applied itself to the restriction of a liberty so fatal to popery. To this purpose, it proceeded to impede the paternal relations which were being effected among the various Waldensian valleys ; the ministers of the valley of Luzerna were requested not to visit the valley of Pragela, and the Pragelans and other French refugees, who had settled in the valley of Luzerna, were ordered to quit that valley. The pastors, however, who had nothing to do with the political considerations which regulated the con- duct of Victor Amadeus, and who rightly considered the evangelical Christians of Pragela as one of the most inter- esting portions of their flock, continued to visit them when- ever they were required so to do, and the duties of their own special charge permitted. " On the 27th February, 1709," wrote the Romish missionaries, " there came to Pragela a heretic minister who perverted all the people. . . . On the 23d March, M. Bastia (pastor of La Torre), came here and baptized three children ; almost all the popula- tion were present." The senate"of Pignerol, though not vested with authority to take any repressive measure against the exercise of a liberty sanctioned by the sovereign, renewed, by way of manifesting its displeasure, the interdiction of the reformed worship in the valleys of Perosa and Pragela. The pro- testants, strong in their right, in their convictions, and in OF PRAGELA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 347 the necessity to protest against the tyranny from which they had so long and so severely suffered, replied to the manifesto of the senate by the most solemn act of their worship, and on the 7th April, 1710, for the first time in the past twenty-six years, they proclaimed at Usseaux the union of their beloved churches, the communion of all Waldensian hearts, by the celebration of the Lord's Sup- per, in which participated the inhabitants of all the valleys, fused in one sole family, with those of the Dora and the Clusone. The catholic clergy of the latter valleys addressed to the senate of Pignerol (28th May, 1710) a manifesto concern- ing the disobedience of the Waldenses to the interdiction which had been directed against them, accompanied with an opinion, drawn up by some lawyers of the party, that the Waldenses of Pragela were not legally entitled to lib- erty of conscience. " His royal highness," said the law- yers, " promised, in the treaty of 21st January, 1704, and by the preceding convention of Utrecht, that the protest- ants who had emigrated from Pragela, might return thither and exercise their religion as freely as they had done be- fore they quitted the valley ; the same privilege being granted to all other persons of the religion who might settle there, on the condition that none of them, should attempt, in any manner to divert the catholics from their religion, or to do them any harm. " Now these protestants of Pra- gela quitted that valley, precisely because their worship was interdicted there. They had not, then, liberty of con- science before they quitted it ; in the terms of the treaty, liberty of conscience should therefore be withdrawn from them." In consequence of these proceedings, the duke of Savoy, by way of arriving at an estimate of the importance the protestants of Pragela, required from them a state- 348 THE TVALDENSES ment, ia detail, of their numbers, and of the amount of their property. The return made to this requisition show- ing that their numbers and property were not such as to make them formidable, the vexations recommenced. The Dutch ambassador complaining of this, the marquis di San Tommaso, minister of foreign affairs, replied that the Wal- denses were turbulent rebels, who were treated with far more consideration than they deserved. Soon after this, they were commanded to observe the catholic festivals, and in every way the propagandists resumed their work of oppression. All assemblages of more than twelve persons were prohibited, and next, the public exercise of the pro- testant religion was interdicted throughout Pragela. The English ministry, who had been favourable to the Wal- denses, had meanwhile gone out of office, and, amidst more absorbing political events, the interests of the Waldenses were set aside by the protestant powers. By an arrange- ment with Louis XIV., Victor Amadeus, at the same time, succeeded in acquiring the valley of Pragela, on condition of extirpating protestantism from the district, while by the further exchange of the valley of Barcelonnette for the county of Nice, he deprived England of the sole ground upon which she should claim a right to intervene on the frontiers of Italy. Thus was the religious future of a whole people sac- rificed, by political machinations, to the ambition of po- pery. The treaty of Utrecht was signed on the 11th April, 1713. Towards the close of the preceding month, Victor Amadeus had manifested towards the Waldenses the most favourable disposition ; but, the treaty concluded, the monarch assumed towards the unhappy protestants an altogether changed aspect, and repairing, for the purpose of being crowned, to Sicily, where he remained till the OF PRAGBLA, AND ADJACENT VALLEYS. 349 middle of 1714, he left the enemies of the Waldenses full time and opportunity to destroy the church of Pragela. First, the intendant Pavia ordered that, for the future, no Waldensian schoolmaster should be instituted without the consent and approbation of the catholic clergy; next, several schoolmasters, already instituted, were summarily expelled ; then, the protestant councils, syndics, and other magistrates of the Valley, were replaced by catholic mag- istrates ; and by-and-by, in May, 1714, the commandant of Perosa entered Pragela at the head of a body of troops, forced open, in the middle of the night, the houses of the leading Waldenses, and seizing the heads of these families in their beds, loaded them with chains, and carried them off as prisoners to Fenestrelle. The English ambassador at the court of Turin made hereupon strong representa- tions, in the name of his own sovereign, and in that of Frederick William of Prussia, and these representations had, for awhile, the effect of modifying the tyranny prac- tised upon the unfortunate Pragelans ; but it was only for awhile ; in all directions the pastors, the elders of the Wal- densian communes, were seized, imprisoned, fined, com- pelled to pay the expenses of the arbitrary persecutions conducted against them, or, in default of payment, stripped of all their little possessions. The schools were closed ; all private meetings for prayer, of more than ten persons, interdicted, under a penalty of ten gold crowns for each offence ; they were forbidden to work on catholic festivals ; and finally, on the 6th of February, 1719, came a decree prohibiting the celebration of the reformed worship in any shape whatever, and commanding that all future children, born of Waldensian parents, should within six hours after their birth, be baptized as catholics. To avoid this intol- erable injustice, recourse was had to emigration, a fresh 30 350 THE WALDENSES. band departing after each fresh act of depression, until the Waldenses of Pragela disappeared from their valley, as snow from the mountain. The great blow of all was the edict of the 20th of June, 1730, promulgated under the designation of Instructions with respect to the Waldenses. Under this edict, all per- sons born in the Romish church, or who had abjured protest- antism, for whatever motive, and who had since returned to the reformed church, were condemned to death, unless they again reverted to Catholicism, within six months, or quitted the country. The inhabitants of Pragela, Sala- bertrans, Bardoneche, and Chateau Dauphin, were all to be taken as being catholics, without reference to their own opinions, and no other religion than the Romish was to be permitted in any shape or degree, in these valleys. All French protestants who, since 1698, had settled in the Waldensian valleys, were to quit them within six months, never again to re-enter them, under pain of a public whip- ping for the first offence, and of five years' labour in the galleys for the second. After the promulgation of this edict, the number of the Waldenses who expatriated them- selves became so great, that the government grew alarmed, and endeavoured to take measures for retaining the popu- lation ; but it was to no purpose ; before the end of the year, more than eight hundred protestants had quitted the Waldensian valleys for Holland, Switzerland, and Ger- many ; the few who remained in Piedmont were compelled to accept the public profession of Catholicism. CjnijiUc <£I;irtt]-fu0t. MODERN HISTORY OF THE WALDENSES. From 1730 to the end of the eighteenth century, the Waldenses experienced various changes of fortune, which our limits do not allow us to dwell upon. Near the close of the century, they are found mixed up in the general con- flict of the European powers, consequent upon the French revolution. One of the incidents connected with this part of their history is worthy of notice, for the atrocious con- spiracy that was plotted against them, and the memorable deliverance which they experienced. In 1793, Victor Amadeus III., now king of Sardinia, ' having joined Austria in the war against France, armed the Waldenses, and entrusted to them the guardianship of their own frontier, under general Gaudin. Papal fanati- cism conceived the idea of a second St. Bartholomew against the protestant families thus deprived of their natural protectors, who were occupied, at a distance from home, in the defence of their country. The plan contem- plated no less than the massacre of the entire protestant population. The execution of this plot was fixed for the night of the 14th May, 1793. The list of conspirators contained more than seven hundred names. A column of assassins, assembled at Luzerna, was, at a preconcerted signal, to spread themselves over the communes of San ( 351 ) 352 THE WALDENSBS. Giovanni and La Torre, and put all to fire and sword. The house of the cure of La Torre, his church, the convent of the Recollets, and some other catholic houses in the place, were filled with cut-throats, alike ready for pillage and murder. But there were also generous catholics, who had refused to join this odious conspiracy. Signor Odetti was a captain of the Piedtnontese militia, then embodied, and acting against the French invaders, and a little before the fatal blow was to have been struck, he had been invited to join the conspirators in the mas- sacre of the AValdenses. Signor Odetti was a rigid Roman- ist, and it was expected that the well-known severity of his principles would induce him to sanction any measure for the destruction of heresy. The cure of Luzerna, M. Brianza, was also admitted into the secret ; but these two worthy men had too much of the real spirit of Christianity even to conceal, and much less to join in the plot. Bri- anza sent a private messenger to La Torre, to apprise the inhabitants of their danger, but did not succeed in putting them sufficiently upon their guard. Odetti, knowing that the hour of action was so near that nothing but very prompt measures could frustrate the sanguinary design, set out from Cavour himself, which is on the other side of the Pelice, and at some distance from La Torre, and has- tened to his friend, to give him the alarming information. "I am afraid," said he, "that I am too late to prevent bloodshed. There is a conspiracy against you. The assassins are even now on foot ; but if I cannot save you, I will perish with you. The honour of my religion is at stake ; I must justify it by sharing your danger." The consternation in La Torre was beyond all descrip- tion at the horrible intelligence, which was now spread from house to house, and every habitation soon assumed TIIEIR MODERN HISTORY. 353 the appearance of hopeless terror. The windows were closed and barred, and piles of stones were collected to hurl down upon the heads of the assailants ; but aged men, and women, and children, were the only persons left to use them. The strength and flower of the population were eight or nine miles off, and occupied in defending the mountain passes against the French. Scarcely a man who could bear arms was away from this loyal duty ; and yet this was the moment at which no less than seven hun- dred bigoted monsters had sworn to exterminate all the protestants of the valley of Luzerna, and to spread mur- der and devastation from San Giovanni to Bobbi. Not an instant was to be lost ; the day was already arrived when captain Odetti gave the information, and at sunset the murderers were to begin to assemble. The only chance of safety consisted in sending notice of the plot to General Gaudin, a Swiss Officer, who com- manded the Piedmontese troops on the nearest frontier. That brave man turned a deaf ear to the messenger, be- cause he could not believe in the existence of so base a conspiracy. Another and another messenger arrived, but with no better success. At length several fugitives made their appearance from La Torre ; the dreadful news reached the Waldensian soldiers themselves, and, in a state of the utmost apprehension for the lives of their families, they insisted upon being despatched to their succour. The general became sensible of his error, but not in time to give him hopes of being able to preserve the innocent vic- tims. The day was wearing away, the fatal hour was named in which the work of blood was to commence, and nothing but extraordinary speed could possibly enable a detachment to reach the spot before it began. To repair his unfortunate error, the general commanded the brigade 30* X 354 THE WALDENSES. of Waldenses to march instantly, and followed himself with another division. The wretched husbands and fathers pursued their way in almost frantic desperation. The imminent danger of their wives and children rendered any regularity of march out of the question ; they precipitated themselves down steeps which they would have shuddered to encounter upon any other occasion, urged each other on with wild shouts, and prayed aloud to Heaven to give them additional speed. As they advanced on the road, they were repeatedly met by parties of distracted women and frightened children, sent forward from La Torre to hasten their pace. Many of these, in their terror and despair assured them, tbat they were too late : that the business of death was even then proceeding. With breathless haste, and in a state of excruciating suspense, they hurried on. The shades of evening fell with increasing darkness, and with them a storm of rain that brought the torrents down the mountains, and threat- ened to impede their further advance. They began to ac- cuse Providence of being leagued against them. The waters poured down from the heights in such accumulated violence, that it was almost madness to prosecute their inarch ; nothing but desperation could have prompted them to go on. The last torrent that they had to pass was rushing with unusual impetuosity, but they dashed through it in safety, and in a few minutes after arrived within sight. of La Torre. At the same moment they heard the tolling of the vesper bell of the convent of the Recollets ; this, they had been told, was to be the fatal signal for the assas- sins to sally forth. The unhappy men felt that they were too late. " We will revenge," they cried, "if we cannot prevent!" — and THEIR MODERN HISTORY. 355 their speed was not abated. They rushed into the street of the village ; the tramp of their feet, and the clangour of their arms, were heard within the houses ; and, to the unutterable joy of these gallant deliverers, hundreds of voices were raised to welcome and bless their appearance. The arm of God had done that which man's could not do. The time was not enough to allow of the arrival of the Waldenses, before the signal was to have been given for the conspirators to put themselves in action ; but the rain-storm, and the violence of the torrents, which had no terrors for men advancing in a good cause, had alarmed and stopped the murderers. Many of those who should have arrived at the rendezvous had not reached it, and those who were there dared not move forward upon this san- guinary enterprise until their numbers were increased. Considering the violent state of excitement to which the passions of the Waldensian soldiery were raised, it is na- tural to suppose that, surrendering themselves up to the feelings of the moment, they wreaked their vengeance upon the most criminal, at least, of their enemies. But no; not a drop of blood was spilt. Satisfied with the preservation of their friends, they were guilty of no vio- lence upon the persons or property of any of the papists who were accomplices in the plot. The assassins escaped in the darkness of the night, and the Waldenses took no other steps towards their chastisement, than to forward a list of the conspirators to the government, who made no inquiry into the matter, and suffered them to go unpun- ished. In 1799, Suwarrow invaded Piedmont at the head of a Russian army. In a threatening proclamation, addressed to the Waldenses, he reproached them with fostering the French, the enemies of public tranquillity. " The old 356 THE WALDENSES. attachment of your ancestors to Christian tenets," he said, " has procured for you the protection of England. The French declare themselves hostile to that power ; and that power, your benefactress, is it not now our ally ?" Already the Russian troops had arrived at Pignerol. " On the 3d of June, 1799," says Appia, in his memoirs, "fore- seeing that the enemy would appear in great numbers towards Luzerna, I rose at the break of day ; but before I was dressed, the Cossacks were already dashing about the streets of La Torre, uttering fearful hurrahs. " My colleagues were absent; the invaders had already begun to pillage the houses ; Pierre Vole defended his against them. I shuddered at the idea of presenting my- self to three or four hundred furious men, who, perhaps, could not comprehend what I had to say. ' M. Appia, take care,' said a catholic who met me; 'you have your tricoloured cockade still on.' I thanked bim for his sug- gestion, and substituted a piece of white paper for the dangerous cockade ; I then, praying God to aid me, and hoping to be useful to my country, directed my steps towards the Cossacks. They had just massacred eight of Zimmerman's hussars. My heart trembled, as if it were hanging by a thread ; I advanced towards the officer who seemed to be the chief in rank. ' What do you want, and who are you ?' said he to me, in German. " ' I am a magistrate here,' replied I, ' and my name is Appia. What do you require of the inhabitants of La Torre ?' " ' That they lay down their arms, and surrender all the French they have in their hands.' " ' No one is armed. The French are gone.' " ' Do you answer for the truth of your words?' " ' Yes, sir.' THEIR MODERN HISTORY. 357 " ' In that case, I 'will sound a retreat.' " He did so, and I then began to search for my col- leagues. The first two I saw had been afraid to come out, because they had heard that they were going to put the town to fire and sword. I re-assured them, and we set out together for San Giovanni. Arrived there, we met three patrols of troops, whom we could not make to under- stand us. At this moment an officer appeared on the bridge. We waved a white handkerchief to him ; he an- swered in the same manner, and we advanced towards him. He told us to join him at Luzerna, at the house of colonel Worsach. We went there ; he received us very courteously. After I had put some requests, which he immediately granted, he said to us : — ' Gentlemen, return to your houses, tell the inhabitants to be tranquil, and to resume their labours without fear.' " I begged him to give me this order in writing. " ' Go and write it, and I will affix my signature.' " We entered the house of the cure, where we wrote the order ; but the colonel was already on horseback ; we hastened to carry it to him, and he signed it on the pom- mel of his saddle. I asked him for authority to establish patrols, to protect us from pillage. "' Go,' replied he, 'all that you will do will be done well.' And he added this authorization to the note he had signed. " He had spoken to us partly in Latin, and partly in German. " We set out, very much gratified with the results of our mission, and immediately established a special guard in each Waldensian commune." On the arrival of prince Bagration at Pignerol, a depu- tation of the Waldenses waited upon him, with the sub- 358 THE WALDENSES. mission of their valleys. They were most kindly received by him, and, the next day, presented to Suwarrow. " At the appointed hour," writes Appia, one of the deputation, " we were introduced in the dining-room ; we saw a little old man enter in a white jacket, a la Neyserlitz, white breeches, a little leathern cap on his head, and with short, soft boots that fell down over his heels ; ... it was the marshal. The count took me by the hand, and presented me. I was about to repeat the act of submission, but he said to me, ' That is not neces- sary ; I know it all :' he then embraced me, pronouncing these words — Pace, amicizia, e fratellanza. " A servant then brought him a large glass full of raw brandy, which he drank off at once. The same servant then brought in a dish, on which were a dozen great rad- ishes, with salt and oil. He crunched half a dozen of these between his hard gums, as though he had young teeth, and then coming up to me, put three into my hand, and had a glass of brandy brought for me. When we had eaten our radishes, he asked us — ' Gentlemen, of what religion are you ? Do you say thou or you to God ?' We gave him an outline of our faith, and he then turned to an old Danish general, and said, ' Pray for these gentlemen.' The general clasped his hands, and began a prayer with infinite unction ; but he did not please the marshal, who stopped him, and himself recited one, which the Danish general repeated after him, word for word. This singular scene at an end, we all went to breakfast, and after it the marshal sent count Zuccati with us to the president of the council, and by this intervention we procured the guarantee for the safety of our valley which we had sought." When Napoleon, in 1805, went to Milan, to place on THEIR MODERN HISTORY. 359 his brow the iron crown, he received at Turin a depu- tation from the Waldensian Table. Buonaparte noticed M. Peyrani, the head of the depu- tation, immediately, and accosted him in a style of unusual condescension, and even respect. iV. You are one of the protestant clergy ? P Yes, sire, and the moderator of the Waldensian church. N. You are schismatics from the Roman church ? P. Not schismatics, I hope, but separatists from scru- ples of conscience, on grounds that we consider to be scriptural. N. You have had some brave men among you. But your mountains are the best ramparts you can have. Csesar found some trouble in passing your defiles with five legions. Is Arnaud's " La Bentre'e Glorieuse" cor- rect? P. Yes, sire, believing our people to have been assisted by Providence. N. How long have you formed an independent church ? P Since the time of Claude, bishop of Turin, about the year 820. N. What stipends have your clergy ? P- We cannot be said to have any fixed stipends at present. N. You used to have a pension from England ? P. Yes, sire, the kings of Great Britain were always our benefactors and protectors till lately. The royal pension is now withheld, because we are your majesty's subjects. N. Are you organized ? P. No, sire. 360 THE WALDENSES. JV. Draw out a memorial, and send it to Paris. You shall be organized immediately. The memorial was sent, but it was only after long delays, on Napoleon's return to Paris, that without wait- ing for the inquiry into the national property with which the Waldenses had been endowed by the executive com- mission, he confirmed for the Waldensian pastors the dota- tion they had received, without prejudice to the salary allowed them by the state. At the same time he signed the imperial decree of the sixth of Thermidor, year XIII. (25th July, 1805), by which their churches were formed into three consistories : one at La Torre, another at Pa- rustin, and a third at Villa Secca. There is nothing further to call for comment in the his- tory of the Waldenses under the sway of Napoleen. The regular march of the government and the impartial obser- vance of the laws pursued their course, without any remark- able incident. In April, 1814, Victor Emanuel IV. regained the scep- tre of Piedmont ; he had been king since 1802, but had not yet reigned. An English fleet had gone to Sardinia to convey him from exile to the throne of his ancestors. The Waldenses thought it expedient to send a deputation to Genoa to receive him on his landing. Accordingly, the pastors and mayors of all the communes assembled at Roc- capiatta on the 4th May, 1814. The deputies, Messrs. Appia and Peyrani, went to Genoa, and sought to obtain an interview with general Bentinck, commander of the British forces ; but, not being successful, they referred their request to his banker and to the reverend Mr. Wennock, chaplain of the British forces, who took a warm interest in their case. The request was simply that the king would treat the "Walden- THEIR MODERN HISTORY. 361 ses as favourably as his other subjects ; but Victor Ema- nuel, so far from complying with a request recommended by the representative of the great and generous nation which had just restored him to his throne, on his return to Turin issued an edict which revived all the ancient intoler- ant and exclusive measures against the Waldenses. By this edict, the injunction to lay aside all work on catholic festival days ; the prohibition to acquire property beyond the valleys ; the interdiction of all civil public employ- ments ; the obligation to have in their communal councils a catholic majority ; and many other vexatious measures, were renewed. The Waldenses sent a deputation to Turin, to endeavour to procure the revocation of the decree. The deputation was received on the 28th May, 1814. " I will grant the "Waldenses all I can," replied the king. His intentions were very good, but the catholic clergy prevailed. The lands granted to the Waldensian pastors by Napoleon were resumed by the masters of its sovereign and foes of the Waldenses. The church which the Waldenses had built at San Giovanni was closed, and they were obliged to celebrate their religious services in the ruined church of Chiabasso, built on the confines of Angrogna. The sole result of this second deputation was a royal •patent, which confirmed the indulgences they had enjoyed before 1794. The deprivation of the resources on which the salary of their pastors depended, and the new impe- diments in the way of their worship, obliged them to have recourse once more to their sovereign. The principal object of this third deputation was to claim the use of the church of San Giovanni. The king declined giving an immediate answer, but manifested favourable intentions. 31 362 THE WALDENSES. The deputation then obtained an interview with the British ambassador, who promised to interest himself in their behalf. Meantime, the congress of Vienna had com- menced its sittings. The Waldensian Board drew up a memorial, but, fearing to annoy a monarch whom they believed to be generous, forbore to issue it. This monarch had less consideration for them. A manifesto was pub- lished on the 4th January, 1815, to put in force all the ancient laws against them. It was in vain that the Wal- denses renewed their representations : they were more severely oppressed. The ancient edicts, however, which were now again in force, were still more rigid; and it was considered an indulgence on the part of the government to limit itself to the edicts it had issued. Napoleon, returned from Elba to Paris, with the daring resolve to regain the throne by his sole presence, had, in two months, levied more than four hundred thousand men. It was thought that the Waldenses, considering the lib- erties they had acquired from the emperor, and the oppres- sions they had suffered from Victor Emanuel IV. would take part with Napoleon. The moderator of the valleys sent a despatch to them, advising them how to act : he prayed them to show that they were descended from those ancient Waldenses who, though sometimes ill-treated, did not allow the faults of their superiors to make them forget to rush to their suc- cour in time of need ; and expressed the hope, that the king, in consideration of the wisdom of their conduct and of their attachment to his royal person, would give the Waldenses unequivocal proofs of his attachment and pater- nal care. This hope was far from being realized ; but the fidelity of the Waldenses was not shaken, and their good THEIR MODERN HISTORY. 363 conduct was a permanent protest against the perfidious insinuations that were made against them. The govern- ment had announced their intention to take from the Wal- denses all the property which they had held under the French administration, in order to restore it to the catholic parishes, which were now once more estahlished. But the cure's wanted them, besides, to make the Waldenses pay a sum equivalent to the revenues of this property, during the whole time they had enjoyed it. Shortly afterwards, they sent a memorial to their sove- reign, in which they set forth the sufferings and misery of their pastors. They reminded him that they used to receive two supplies from England, one of them termed royal, the other national, which, together,- raised the in- come of each pastor to about four hundred livres Piedmon- tese. The British ambassador supported the prayer of the Waldenses; and in February, 1816, Victor Emanuel issued an edict, to this purport: — First. That the pastors shall receive a fixed salary, the amount to be hereafter fixed. Secondly. That the property acquired by the Waldenses without their ancient limits may be retained by the pro- prietors. Thirdly. That the protestants shall be allowed to exer- cise civil occupations, such as those of engineer, architect, surgeon, &c. Soon afterwards, the king consented to allow the Wal- denses to resume their religious services in the church of San Giovanni. At this time a census was made of the Waldensian population, and there were found to be — Protestants .... 16,975 Catholics .... 4,075 Total . . 21,050 3C4 THE WALDEXSE3 The Waldenses took no part in the political events of 1821, which led to the abdication of Victor Emanuel IV., in favour of his brother, Charles Felix ; but they suffered the displeasure and opposition of the new government, ■which seemed disposed to revive many of the former re- strictive and oppressive edicts against them. Cfrnptn (Bl;irtq-0nonit. PRESENT CONDITION OP THE WALDENSES. The Waldensian churches shared in the decline of vital piety which prevailed so generally in the protestant churches in the latter part of the last century. But there has been a blessed resuscitation of true piety and zeal, both among ministers and people, and there is now everywhere active among them the same undaunted, self-denying, Christian spirit that characterized them through so many long centuries of oppression. The first impulse of this awakened life has been traced to one remarkable individual. A young officer of the artillery had exclaimed, in a mo- ment of sorrow: " God, give me to know the truth, and deign to manifest thyself to my heart." He then recom- menced his studies, and devoted himself to the evangelical ministry. That young man was Felix Neff, led by Providence to that part of the French Alps where the Waldensian church had been established. He triumphed over all obstacles ; he taught the inhabitants to irrigate their meadows, to improve their lands ; but he more particularly lent himself to the task of vivifying their souls. The next year he went to the Waldensian valleys of Piedmont, and was forcibly struck with the richness of the vegetation, so strongly contrasting with the aridity of the 31* (365) 366 THE WAIDEJfSES. French valleys. But he was still more struck with the spiritual degeneracy of the Waldenses. Prayer meetings were formed by him without the official circle of the church. These were denounced to the intend- ant of Pignerol, and by him to the moderator ; but the latter pronounced them within evangelical legitimacy, and refused to allow any interference. Thus was religious zeal revived in the valleys, and with it came enlarged solicitude for the temporal wants of the church. The idea of building a hospital in the valleys occurred to a few generous persons ; the king authorized its founda- tion, and the representatives of the protestant powers, at Turin, gave, in every direction, facilities for the attainment of this important object. Count de Waldburg Truchsess the representative of Frederick William III. of Prussia, was especially prominent in promoting the undertaking. On learning that they were authorized to purchase a site for the purpose, he remitted to them the sum necessary for the purchase. This sum was part of a gift of twelve thou- sand francs, which had been made to the Waldenses by the emperor Alexander of Russia, at the instance of the count. It was next determined to appoint a delegate, to'collect the contributions which had been promised in foreign coun- tries. The delegate departed in May, 1824; and after visiting Switzerland, Berlin, Paris, and England, returned in 1826. The protestant colonies in Genoa, Turin, and Rome, likewise contributed their charity and their sym- pathies. In Geneva, and other towns of Switzerland, as well as in other countries, committees were formed in aid of the funds, and considerable sums were collected. M. Paul Appia, pastor of the French protestant church at Frankfort on the Maine, visited the Netherlands, and after- wards Paris, and raised important contributions, by his THEIR PRESENT CONDITION. 867 eloquent sermons ; the kings of Great Britain, Prussia, and the Netherlands, added their names to the list of subscri- bers, and at length a sufficient capital was raised, not merely to build the hospital, but, by the aid of subsequent collections, to endow it with a revenue of fourteen thou- sand francs. This first establishment was erected in the valley of Lu- zerna ; a few years afterwards, a branch institution was erected in the valley of St. Martin. At the same period, the reverend Dr. Gilly, having drawn the attention of the English public to the Waldensian valleys, by the narrative of his journey thither in 1823, became, so to speak, the founder of the college of the Holy Trinity, which was established at La Torre. A branch of this institution was soon afterwards, by the exertions of Major Beckwith and others, formed in the valley of St. Martin. It is to Major Beckwith that is owing especially the erection or enlargement of a hundred schools in the valleys, with adequate endowments ; but it is to Dr. Gilly that the valleys are indebted for the interest aroused by his works, in favour of the Waldenses, not only in Majbr Beckwith, but in the committee which, formed in London in 1825, has so materially promoted the ameliora- tions which have since taken place. The more complete organization of the public services and of spiritual instruction, became next a leading object with the ecclesiastical staff of the valleys. The articles of discipline were scattered through a hundred synodical acts. M. George Muston, pastor of Bobbi, and assistant moderator, undertook to collect and classify them ; he con- secrated two years to the task, and the result of his labours was then submitted, first to the members of the Waldensian Board separately, and next to the aggregate synod, which, 368 THE WALDEXSES. on the 5th December, 1833, adopted and enacted it. It is divided into seven chapters, and comprehends two hun- dred and sixty-nine articles. The number of parishes was about the same time augmented in the valleys. There had been but thirteen of these from 1686 to 1829, but in the latter year Macel was detached from the parish of Ma- nilla, and Rodoret from that of Prali, thus forming two additional cures. The introduction of lay members into the administration of the Waldensian church was made in 1823, and from that period the union has been closer between the pastors and their flocks, and the management of affairs far more satisfactory to all parties. Brotherly conferences are held, twice a year, by all the assembled pastors, and fre- quently by the pastors of each valley among themselves. A special school for the training of young men destined to the ministry was established in 1828 ; and, since 1848, all these candidates for the pastorship are instructed in Italian, with the view to the gradual restoration, in the valleys, of this their true national tongue, which became superseded by the French language, owing to the intro- duction, after the plague of 1630, of fifteen pastors from Geneva. The library of the college of La Trinite has of late years greatly increased, and therein are now deposited all the attainable archives of the Waldenses. The Waldenses were visited by the Rev. Dr. Baird, of the United States, first in 1837, and again in 1843. Dr. Baird has done much, by his printed publications, and by lectures, to make known in this country the present con- dition of this interesting people. In the spring of 1853, the Rev. Mr. Revel, the Moderator of the Waldensian Synod, visited the United States, and was present at the TIIEIR PRESENT CONDITION. 369 meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church, and of several other important ecclesiastical bodies, whom he addressed in reference to the present wants and condition of his people. The special object of his mission was to obtain the means of endowing their theological Seminary. It is not surprising, after the great political movements of 1848, that tottering thrones should have extended to more than one people the tardy fruits of their liberties ; and, thus considered, the civil and political emancipation of the Waldenses would be no extraordinary event : but the king of Sardinia had of his own free will engaged in a liberal course of policy, long before the revolutionary ex- plosion of 1848. He had emancipated the Waldenses, and given a constitution to his people, without any pres- sure from without, and simply from the impulse of his own noble heart and lofty intelligence. It may have been seen that the rigour of the ancient edicts had been weak- ened by the individual act of the sovereign. These edicts, although still existing in form, had fallen into desuetude. The Roman clergy had also changed its system of attack on the "VValdensian church. Violence and oppres- sion being no longer in vogue, they had recourse to a weapon already employed in former ages — discussion; which, however, now assumed the milder form of pastoral letters. Bigex, bishop of Pignerol, commenced this task ; and on. the appearance of the first of his pastorals, the Waldensian public was very much excited, whether from the novelty of the thing, or from the fear of possible con- sequences. Several pastors thought themselves bound to reply, and they did so by manuscript refutations, which, reproduced in many copies, circulated from family to family. This paper warfare soon ceased, producing no Y 370 THE WALDEXSES. result to those who opened it. It was resumed by several of the successors of M. Bigex, but the only effect was, that public opinion inclined more than ever towards the Waldenses. Charles Albert himself felt the influence. In his quality of grand master of the order of St. Maurice and St. Laza- rus, he consented, in 1844, to be present at the dedication of the temple, of the new church of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, established at La Torre. Previous to the cere- mony, orders had been given at La Torre to prepare lodg- ings for the troops of the line who were to come as his majesty's guard, and dark recollections clouded the thoughts of most of the people ; when suddenly they heard that the king had dismissed the guard, saying, "I need no guard among the Waldenses." Before quitting the valleys, the king placed in the hands of the syndic of La Torre, large alms for the poor of both communions ; and when he resumed the road to Turin, he could see, like a sparkling diadem, a girdle of bonfires, which testified the joy and gratitude he had left behind him. Shortly afterwards, in memory of the good and loyal reception he had received from the Waldenses, he caused a small monumental fountain to be erected at the gates of La Torre, with this inscription : — IL RE CARLO ALBERTO AL POPOLO CHE L'ACCOGLIEVA CON" TAN'TO AFFETTO.* MDOCCXLV. The decoration of the order of St. Maurice and St. Laza- rus was afterwards given to General Beckwith, as to the benefactor of the Waldenses. * " The king, Charles Albert, to the people who received him with bo much affection." THEIR PRESENT CONDITION. 371 Towards the close of 1847, the social and political reforms, long meditated by the Piedmontese government, began to be developed, in the amendment of legal proce- dure, the introduction of trial by jury, &c. On the 22d November, 1847, was promulgated the organic law of the communal and provincial councils, whereby all restrictions were removed from the election of Waldenses. This mea- sure was soon followed by the institution of the national guard.. A petition to the sovereign, at the head of which ap- peared the name of the marquis d'Azeglio, was next drawn up, seeking the civil emancipation of the Waldenses and the Jews. The generous marquis himself presented this address to the sovereign, which was supported a few days afterwards by another petition from the Waldenses. Pub- lic opinion sustained the movement ; and on the 17th of February, 1848, there appeared an edict, granting to the Waldenses a full participation in all the civil and political rights enjoyed by the other subjects of the king, including the privilege of frequenting the public schools, and of obtaining degrees at the university. No sooner was this decree known in the valleys than it excited an enthusiasm there, in which catholics alike with protestants took part. It was amidst the rejoicings occasioned by this edict, and by the constitution which had been granted to the Sardi- nian states by their beloved sovereign, that the revolution broke out in France, which, among its other effects, induced the abdication of that monarch in favour of his eldest son, Charles. Emanuel V. The Waldenses were, in especial, mourners at the abdi- cation and subsequent death of him to whom they owed so much, by whom their political existence was changed, and under whom a new era commenced for them. 372 THE WALDENSES. They are at this time enjoying a degree of civil and religious liberty to 'which for long centuries they had been strangers. The Sardinian government is now almost the only government, even professing to be liberal, that remains on the continent of Europe, and it continues to manifest every disposition to accord to the Waldenses the uninterrupted enjoyment of that freedom in which they are so abundantly prospering. Si |i j ni i) i x . I. Doctrines and Ecclesiastical Polity of the Waldenses. The Waldenses disclaim the name of " Protestant." They say they never eame out from Koine, inasmuch as they were never in Home. They are simply an Evangelical Church, and their proper title is " The Evangelical Church of the Valleys." In the present work, they are sometimes called " Protestants," and their opponents " Catholics," for convenience, though the latter are more commonly designated " Roman Catholics," and " Papists." In the matter of church order, the Waldenses are more closely allied to the Presbyterian Church than to any other. They are, in truth, in all essential particulars, Presbyterians. They have in each congregation a consistory, equivalent to the Church ses- sion. The consistory is composed of the pastor, the elders, and the deacons. The deacons have the care of the poor. The elders are first nominated by the congregation, and then elected by the consistory. They are regularly installed, after sermon, in the church, and have a charge to watch over the spiritual interests of the flock, to aid the pastor, to reprove the erring, to exhort to the performance of duty ; and two of them are appointed to represent the congregation in the higher ecclesiastical tribunal. The Waldenses believe in the parity of the ministry, their pastors or " barbas" being all equal. They have ecclesiastical supervision by a court of review and control. They have but one superior ecclesiastical court, viz : the synod, which includes the functions of both presbytery and synod. The Waldensian synod anciently met every year, in the month of September. In times of persecu- tion its meetings were, of course, liable to frequent interruptions. Later in their history, it met once in three years. It now meets once in five years. The synod is composed of all the ministers, who are actual pastors or professors in their college, and of two elders from each parish. The two elders from each parish have, however, 32 (373) 371 APPENDIX. but one rote. The synod elect one of their own ministers as mod- erator, whose office continues till the time of the next meeting. His office, however, gives him no power beyond that of any presiding officer, and it expires with the appointment of his successor. He has no inherent right of ordination. When that rite takes place, the ordainers are the ministers as such, the presiding officer simply taking the lead. The ceremony of ordination is precisely similar to the corresponding rite as it is practised in the Presbyterian Church of the United States. As there is considerable expense in getting from government the necessary permit to hold a synod, and sometimes this permit is withheld entirely for a time, the Waldenses have delegated the ex- ecutive powers of the synod to a sort of committee ad interim, called the Board or Table. This committee consists of the moderator, the assistant-moderator, the secretary, and two elders elected by the synod. They carry into effect the decisions of the synod in the intervals of its meetings ; superintend the churches and schools, including the conduct of both pastors and teachers ; carry on the foreign and domestic correspondence ; choose the deputations to foreign countries ; suspend unworthy pastors and school-masters ; examine and ordain candidates for the ministry ; superintend the young men who are studying for the ministry ; settle difficulties be- tween ministers and their congregations, &c. They are in fact the executive of the synod, whenever the latter is not in session. Among the ancient documents of the Waldenses, is one dating as far back as A. D. 1120, called " The Ancient Discipline of the Evangelical Churches in the Valleys of Piedmont." In this docu- ment, are two articles relating to the ministry. The education of ministers is described as consisting mainly in committing to memory a large part of the scriptures. They " get by heart all the chapters of St. Matthew and St. John, with all the Epistles called canonical, and a good part of the writings of Solomon, David, and the Proph- ets." They are represented as asking a call from the people, and being ordained by the imposition of hands. They are under the inspection of one another, and are provided with food and clothing by the persons whom they teach. Ministers committing gross sins are to be deposed. The church has the right to choose its own leaders. The pastors are to assemble statedly in general council or synod. But not a word is said of prelatical bishops, nor of superior and infe- APPENDIX. 375 rior orders in tho ministry. They had no such distinctions among them, at the time -when they first became known to the Reformers, nor have thoy had any such since ; and they have uniformly main- tained, as they maintain now, that from time immemorial thoy have had but the ono order of ministers, the barbas, or pastors of individ- ual congregations, with elders and deacons in each congregation. In doctrine, the Waldensian formularies are thoroughly C'alvinistic. Thoy hold the doctrine of sovereign unconditional election to eternal life ; the doctrine that Christ died in a special sense for his elect people; the doctrine of justification by the imputed righteousness of Christ alone ; of sanctification by the special power of the Holy Spirit, and of the final perseverance of the saints in holiness. They reject at the same time tho doctrine of the mass, of purgatory, the worship of the Virgin, and, generally, thoy " account, as an unspeak- able abomination before God, all these inventions of men, namely, the feasts, and the vigils of saints, the water which thoy call holy as lifewise to abstain from flesh upon certain days, and the like." II. Extracts from the " Ancient Discipline of the Evangelical Churches, of the vallet/s of Piedmont," dated A. D. 1120. ART. II. CONCERNING PASTORS. " All those who are to be received as pastors among us, while they remain with their relations, entreat us to receive them into the min- istry, as likewise that they would be pleased to pray God that they may be made worthy of so great a charge ; but the said petitioners present such supplications to give a proof of their humility. " We also appoint them their lessons and set them to get by heart all the chapters of St. Matthew and St. John, with all the Epistles called canonical, and a good part of the writings of Solomon, David, and the prophets. " And afterwards having good testimonials, they are by tho impo- sition of hands admitted to the office of preaching. " He that is last received ought to do nothing without the license of him that was received before him ; and in like manner the former ought to do nothing without the license of his associate, to the end that all things among us may be done in good order. " Our food and clothing are administered unto us, and given gra- tuitously, and by way of alms by the good people whom we instruct. 370 APPENDIX. " Among the other powers which God hath given to his servants, he hath given them authority to elect the leaders who govern the people, and to constitute the elders in their charges, according to the diversity of the work in the unity of Christ, which is proved by the saying of the Apostle in the epistle to Titus, in chap. i. " For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldst set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee." " When any of us, the aforesaid pastors, fall into any gross sin, he is both excommunicated and prohibited from preaching. ART. IV. CONCERNING ELDERS, THE COLLECTIONS, AN'D COUNCILS. " Rulers and elders are chosen out of the people, according to the diversity of the work, in the unity of Christ. And the Apostlo proveth it to Titus, chap. i. "For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldst set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee." " The money which is given us by the people, is by us carried to the aforesaid general council, and there delivered publicly in the presence of all ; and afterwards the same is taken and distributed by our stewards ; part of the money being given to such as are sent upon journeys for the occasion, and part of it given to the poor. " Wo that are pastors assemble once a-year to treat of our affairs in a general council." III. A Confession of Faith of ihe Waldenses, bearing date A. V. 1120, taken from ilie Cambridge MSS. "Article I. — We believe and firmly hold all that which is con- tained in the twelve articles of the symbol, which is called the Apostle's Creed, accounting for heresy whatsoever is disagreeing, and not consonant to the said twelve articles. " Article II. — We do believe that there is one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. " Article III. — We acknowledge for the holy canonical Scriptures, the books of the Holy Bible, viz : — " The Books of Moses, called Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy ; Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Kehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, the Proverbs of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher, the APPENDIX. 377 Song of Solomon, the Prophecies of Isaiah and Jeromiah, the Lamen- tations of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonas, Micah, Nahum, Habbakuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zaohariah, Malaehi. " Here follow the books Apocryphal, which are not received of the Hebrews. But we read them (as saith St. Jerome in his Prologue to the Proverbs) for the instruction of the people, not to confirm the authority of the doctrine of the church, viz ■ — "Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch with the Epistle of Jeremiah, Esther from the tenth chapter to the end, the Song of the Three Children in the Furnace, the History of Susanna, the History of the Dragon, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees. "Here follow the books of the New Testament: — " The Gospel according to Sts. Mathew/Mark, Luke, John, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans, 1 Cor- inthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colos- sians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, the Epistle to the Hebrews, the Epistle of St. James, the first Epistle of St. Peter, the second Epistle of St. Peter, the first Epistle of St. John, the second Epistle of St. John, the third Epistle of St. John, The Epistle of St. Jude, the Revelation of St. John. " Article IV. — The books above said teach this, that there is one God, Almighty, all-wise, and all-good, who has made all things by his goodness ; for he formed Adam in his own image and likeness, but that by the envy of the devil, and the disobedience of the said Adam, sin has entered into the world, and that we are sinners in Adam and by Adam. " Article V. — That Christ was promised to our fathers who received the law, that so knowing by the law their sin, unrighteousness and insufficiency, they might desire the coming of Christ, to satisfy for their sins, and accomplish the law by himself. "Article VI. — That Christ was born in the time appointed by God the Father. That is to say, in the time when all iniquity abounded, and not for the cause of good works, for all were sin- ners ; but that he might show us grace and mercy, as being faithful. "Article VII. — That Christ is our life, truth, peace, and right- eousness, also our pastor, advocate, sacrifice, and priest, who died 32* 378 APPENDIX. for the salvation of all those that believe, and is risen for our justi- fication. " Article VIII. — In like manner, we firmly hold, that there is no other mediator and advocate with God the Father, save only Jesus Christ. And as for the Virgin Mary, that she was holy, humble, and full of grace ; and in like manner do we believe concerning all the other saints, viz : that being in heaven, they wait for the resur- rection of their bodies at the day of judgment. " Article IX. — Item, we believe that after this life, there are only two places, the one for the saved, and the other for the damned, the which two places we call paradise and hell, absolutely denying that purgatory invented by antichrist, and forged contrary to the truth. " Article X. — Item, we have always accounted as an unspeakable abomination before God, all those inventions of men, namely, the feasts and the vigils of saints, the water which they call holy. As likewise to abstain from flesh upon certain days, and the like ; but especially their masses. " Article XL — We esteem for an abomination and as antichris- tian, all those human inventions which are a trouble or prejudice to the liberty of the spirit. " Article XII. — "We do believe that the sacraments are signs of the holy thing, or visible forms of the invisible grace, accounting it good that the faithful sometimes use the said signs or visible forms, if it may be done. However, we believe and hold, that the above said faithful may be saved without receiving the signs aforesaid, in case they have no place nor any means to use them. " Article XIII. — We acknowledge no other sacrament but Baptism and the Lord's Supper. " Article XIV. — We ought to honour the secular powers by sub- mission, ready obedience, and paying of tributes." IV. Catechism of the Ancient Waldenses for the instruction of their Youth, composed in the Viih century. Minister. If one should demand of you, who are you, what would you answer ? Child. A creature of God, reasonable and mortal. Min. Why has God created you ? Ans. To the end that I might know him and servo him, and be saved by his grace. APPENDIX. 379 Min. "Wherein consists your salvation ? Ans. In three substantial virtues, which necessarily belong to salvation. Min. Which are they? Ans. Faith, hope, and charity. Min. How can you prove that ? Ans. The apostle writes, 1 Cor. xiii., " Now abideth faith, hope and charity, these three." Min. "What is faith ? Ans. According to the apostle, Heb. xi., "It is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen." Min. How many sorts of faith are there ? Ans. There are two sorts, viz., a living and a dead faith. Min. "What is a living faith ? Ans. It is that which works by charity. Min. What is a dead faith ? Ans. According to St. James, it is that which without works is dead. Again, faith is null without works ; or a dead faith is to be- lieve that there is a God, and not to believe in him. Min. What is your faith ? Ans. The true catholic and apostolic faith. Min. What is that ? Ans. It is that which in the result (or symbol) of the apostles, is divided into twelve articles. Min. What is that ? Ans. I believe in God the Father Almighty, &c. Min. By what way can you know that you believe in God ? Ans. By this, that I know and I observe the commandments of God. Min. How many commandments of God are there ? Ans. Ten, as is manifest in Exodus and Deuteronomy. Min. Which be they ? Ans. " Hear, Israel, I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have none other gods before me. Thou shalt not make any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven," &c. Min. What is the sum or drift of these commandments ? Ans. It consists in these two great commandments, viz., Thou shalt love God above all things, and thy neighbour as thyself. Min. What is that foundation of these commandments, by the 380 APPENDIX. which every one may enter into life, and without the which founda- tion none can do anything worthily, or fulfil the commandments ? Ans. The Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the apostle speaks in the 1 Cor., " Other foundation can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." Min. By what means may a man come to this foundation ? Ans. By faith, as saith St. Peter, 1 Pet. ii. 6, " Behold, I lay in Sion a chief-corner stone, elect, precious, and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded." And the Lord saith, " He that be- lieveth hath eternal life." Min. "Whereby canst thou know that thou believest? Ans. By this, that I know him to be true God, and true man, who was born, and who hath suffered, &c, for my redemption, justifica- tion, and that I love him, and desire to fulfil his commandments. Min. By what means may one attain to those essential virtues, faith, hope, and charity ? Am: By the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Min. Dost thou believe in the Holy Spirit? Ans. Yes, I do believe. For the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son ; and is one person of the Trinity ; and according to the Dirinity, is equal to the Father and the Son. Min. Thou believest God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit ; thou hast therefore three Gods. Ans. I have not three. Min. Tea, but thou hast named three. Ans. That is by reason of the difference of the persons, not by reason of the essence of the divinity. For although there are three persons, yet notwithstanding there is but one essence. Min. In what manner dost thou adore and worship that God on whom thou believest ? Ans. I adore him with the adoration of an inward and an outward worship. Outwardly, by the bending of the knee, and lifting up the hands, by bowing the body, by hymns and spiritual songs, by fasting and prayer ; but inwardly, by an holy affection : by a will conform- able unto all things that are well pleasing unto him. And I serve him by faith, hope and charity, according to his commandments. Min. Dost thou adore and worship any other thing as God? , Ans. No. Min. Why? APPENDIX. 381 « Ans. Because of his commandment, whereby it is strictly com- manded, saying, " Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." And again, "I will not give my glory to another." Again, " As I live saith the Lord, every knee shall how before me." And Jesus Christ saith, " There shall come the true worshippers, which shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth." And the angel would not be worshipped by St. John, nor St. Peter, by Cornelius. Min. After what manner prayest thou ? Ans. I pray, rehearsing the prayer given me by the Son of God, saying, " Our Father which art in heaven," &c. Min. What is the other substantial virtue appertaining to salva- tion? Ans. It is charity. Min. What is charity ? Ans. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit by which the soul is reformed in the will, being enlightened by faith, whereby I believe all that ought to be believed, and hope all that ought to be hoped. Min. Dost thou believe in the holy church ? Ans. No, for it is a creature ; but I believe that there is one. Min. What is that which thou believest concerning the holy church ? Ans. I say, that the church is considered two manner of ways, the one substantially, and the other ministerially. As it is con- sidered substantially, by the holy catholic church is meant all the elect of God, from the beginning of the world to the end, by the grace of God through the merit of Christ, gathered together by the Holy Spirit, and fore-ordained to eternal life ; the number and names of whom are known to him alone who has elected them, and in this church remains none who is reprobate; but the church, as it is considered according to the truth of the ministry, is the company of the ministers of Christ, together with the people committed to their charge, using the ministry by faith, hope, and charity. Min. Whereby dost thou know the church of Christ ? Ans. By the ministers lawfully called, and by the people partici- pating in truth of the ministry. Min. But by what marks knowest thou the ministers ? Ans. By the true sense of faith ; by sound doctrine ; by a life of 382 APPENDIX. good example ; by the preaching of the gospel, and a due adminis- tration of the sacraments. Min. By -what mark knowest thou the false ministers ? Ans. By their fruits ; by their blindness ; by their evil -works ; by their perverse doctrine, and by their undue administration of the sacraments. Min. Whereby knowest thou their blindness ? Ans. When not knowing the truth, which necessarily appertains to salvation, they observe human inventions as ordinances of God. Of whom is verified what Isaiah says, and which is alleged by our Lord Jesus Christ, Matt, sv., " This people honour me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Min. By what marks knowest thou evil works ? Ans. By those manifest sins of which the apostle speaks, Gal. v., saying, " That they which do such things, shall not inherit the kingdom of God." Min. By what mark knowest thou perverse doctrine ? Ans. When it teacheth contrary to faith and hope ; such is idolatry of several sorts, viz., towards a reasonable, sensible, visible or invisible creature. For it is the Father alone, with his Son and the Holy Spirit, who ought to be worshipped, and not any creature whatsoever, when the}- attribute to man and to the work of his hands, or to his words, or to his authority, in such a manner, that men ignorantly believe that they have satisfied God by a false religion, and by satisfying the covetous simony of the priests. Min. By what marks is the undue administration of the sacra- ment known ? Ans. When the priests, not knowing the intention of Christ in the sacraments, say, that the grace and the truth are included in the external ceremonies, and persuade men to the participation of the sacrament without the truth, and without faith. But the Lord chargeth those that are his to take heed of such false prophets, saying, " beware of the pharisees," that is to say, " of the leaven of their doctrine." Again, "Believe them not, neither go after them." And David hates the church or the congregation of such persons, saying, " I hate the church of evil men." And the Lord commands to come out from the midst of such people, Num. xvi., " Depart from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of APPENDIX. 383 theirs, lest ye be consumed in their sins." And the apostle, 2 Cor. vi. 14, " Be yo not unequally yoked -with unbelievers. For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness, and what com- munion hath light with darkness, and what concord hath Christ with Belial, or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel ? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols ? Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you." Again, 2 Thess. "Now we command you, brethren, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly." Again, Rev. sviii., " Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.'' Min. By what marks are those people known who are not in truth within the church ? Ans. By public sins, and erroneous faith. For we ought to fly from such persons, lest we should be defiled by them. Min. By what ways oughtest thou to communicate with the holy church ? Ans. I ought to communicate with the church in regard of its substance, by faith and charity, as also by observing the command- ments, and by a final perseverance in well-doing. Min. How many things are there which are ministerial ? Ans. Two. The word and the sacraments. Min. How many sacraments are there ? Ans. Two ; namely, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. Min. What is the third virtue necessary to salvation? Ans. Hope. Min. What is hope ? Ans. It is a waiting for grace and glory to come. Min. How does a man wait (or hope) for grace ? Ans. By the mediator Jesus Christ, of whom St. John saith, "Grace comes by Jesus Christ." Again, "We have seen his glory, who is full of grace and truth, and we all have received of his fulness." Min. What is that grace ? Ans. It is redemption, remission of sins, justification, adoption, and sanctification. Min. Upon what account is this grace hoped for in Christ ? 384 APPENDIX. Ans. By a living faith, and true repentance, saying, " Repent yo» and believe the gospel," Min. Whence proceedeth this hope ? Ans. From the gift of God, and the promises of which the apostle mentioneth, 'He is powerful to perform whatsoever he promiseth." For he hath promised himself, that whosoever shall know him, and repent, and shall hope in him, he will have mercy upon, pardon, and justify, &c. Min. What are the things that put us beside this hope? Ans. A dead faith, the seduction of antichrist to believe in other things besides Christ, that is to say, in saints, in the power of that antichrist, in his authority, words, and benedictions, in sacraments, reliques of the dead, in purgatory, which is but forged and con- trived, in teaching that faith is obtained by those ways which oppose themselves to the truth, and are against the commandments of God. As is idolatry in divers respects. As also by wickedness and simony, &c. Forsaking the fountain of living water given by grace, and running to broken cisterns, worshipping, honouring, and serving the creature by prayers, by fastings, by sacrifices, by donations, by offerings, by pilgrimages, by invocations, &c. Relying upon them- selves for the acquiring of grace, which none can give save only God in Christ. In vain do they labour, and lose their money and their lives, and the truth is, they do not only lose their present life, but also that which is to come ; wherefore it is said, that " the hope of fools shall perish." Min. And what dost thou say of the blessed Tirgin Mary ? For she is full of grace, as the angel testifies — " I salute thee full of grace." Ans. The blessed Virgin was and is full of grace, as much as is necessary for her own particular salvation, but not to communicate to others, for her Son alone is full of grace, and can communicate the same as he pleaseth, and " we have all received of his fulness, grace for grace." Min. Believest thou not the communion of saints ? Ans. I believe that there are two sorts of things wherein the saints communicate — the first substantial, the other ministerial. As to the substantials, they communicate by the Holy Spirit, in God, through the merit of Jesus Christ ; as to the ministerials or ecclesiastics, they communicate by the ministry duly performed, APPENDIX. 385 namely, by the word, by the sacraments, and by prayer ; I believe both the one and the other of these communions of saints. The first only in God, and in Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost by the Holy Spirit. The other in the church of Christ. Min. "Wherein consists eternal life ? Ans. In a living and operating faith, and in perseverance in the same. Our Saviour says, John xvii., " This is life eternal, to know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent." And " he that endures to the end shall be saved." V. A Confession of Faith published by Hie Evangelical Churches of Piedmont, in 1669. " Having understood that our adversaries, not contented to have most cruelly persecuted us, and robbed us of all our goods and estates, have yet an intention to render us odious to the world, by spreading abroad many false reports, and so not only to defame our persons, but likewise to asperse with most shameful calumnies that holy and wholesome doctrine which we profess, we look upon our- selves as obliged, for the better information of those whose minds may perhaps be preoccupied by sinister opinions, to make a short declaration of our faith, such as we have heretofore professed and held, and do at this day profess and hold as conformable to the word of God ; and so overy one may see the falsity of those their calum- nies, and also how unjustly we are hated and persecuted upon the account of our profession. " We believe, " 1. First, that there is one only God, who is a spiritual essence, eternal, infinite, all-wise, merciful, just, and, in sum, all-perfect; and that there are three persons in that one only and simple essence, viz : the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. "2. That the same God has manifested himself unto us by the works of Creation and Providence, as also in his word revealed unto us, first by oracles in several manners, and afterwards by those written books which are called the Holy Scriptures. " 3. That we ought to receive those Holy Scriptures (as we do) for sacred and canonical, that is to say, for the constant rule of our faith and life : as also to believe that the same is fully contained in the Old and New Testament ; and that by the Old Testament we 33 Z 386 APPENDIX. must understand only such books as God did intrust the Judaical shurch with, and which that church always approved and acknow- ledged to be from God : namely, the five books of Moses, Joshua, the Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 of Samuel, 1 and 2 of the Kings, 1 and 2 of the Chronicles, the 1 of Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, the Psalms, the Proverbs of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs, the four great, and the twelve minor Prophets : the New Testament contains only the four Evangelists, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles of St. Paul — 1 to the Romans, 2 to the Corinthians, 1 to the Galatians, 1 to the Ephesians, 1 to the Philippians, 1 to the Colos- sians, 2 to the Thessalonians, 2 to Timothy, 1 to Titus, 1 to Phile- mon, and his Epistle to the Hebrews ; 1 of St. James, 2 of St. Peter, 3 of St. John, 1 of St. Jude ; and lastly, the Revelation. " 4. We acknowledge the divinity of these books, not only from the testimony of the church, but more especially because of the eter- nal and undoubted truth of the doctrine therein contained, and of that most divine excellency, sublimity, and majesty, which appears therein ; besides the testimony of the Holy Spirit, who gives us to receive with reverence the testimony of the church in that point, and opens the eyes of our understanding to discover the beams of that celestial light, which shines in the Scripture, and prepares our taste to discern the divine favour of that spiritual food. " 5. That God made all things of nothing by his own free will, and by the infinite power of his word. " 6. That he governs and rules all by his providence, ordaining and appointing whatsoever happens in this world, without being author or cause of any evil committed by the creatures, so that the defect thereof neither can nor ought to be any ways imputed unto him. '' 7. That the angels were all in the beginning created pure and holy, but that some of them are fallen into irreparable corruption and perdition ; and that the rest have persevered in their first purity by an effect of divine goodness, which has upheld and confirmed them. " 8. That man was created clean and holy, after the image of God, and that through his own fault he deprived himself of that happy condition, by giving credit to the deceitful words of the devil. "9. That man by his transgression lost that righteousness and APPENDIX. 387 holiness -which he received, and is thereby obnoxious to the wrath of God, death, and captivity, under the jurisdiction of him who has the power of death, that is, the devil; insomuch that our free will has become a servant and a slave to sin ; and thus all men, both Jews and Gentiles, are by nature the children of wrath, being all dead in their trespasses and sins, and consequently incapable of the least good motion, or inclination to any thing which concerns their salvation : yea, incapable to think one good thought without God's special grace, all their imaginations being wholly evil, and that continually. " 10. That all the posterity of Adam is guilty of his disobedience, and infected by his corruption, and fallen into the same calamity with him, even the very infants from their mothers' womb, whence _ is derived the word of original sin. " 11. That God saves from that corruption and condemnation those whom he has chosen from the foundation of the world, not for any disposition, faith, or holiness that he foresaw in them, but of his mere mercy in Jesus Christ his Son ; passing by all the rest, according to the irreprehensible reason of his free will and justice. " 12. That Jesus Christ having been ordained by the eternal decree of God to be the only Saviour, and head of that body which is the church, he redeemed it with his own blood in the fulness of time, and communicates unto the same all his benefits, together with the gospel. " 13. That there are two natures in Jesus Christ, viz., divine and human, truly united in one and the same person, without either confusion, separation, division, or alteration ; each nature keeping its own distinct proprieties ; and that Jesus Christ is both true God and true man. " 14. That God so loved the world, that is to say, those whom he has chosen out of the world, that he gave his own Son to save us by his most perfect obedience (especially that obedience which he expressed in his suffering the cursed death of the cross), and also by his victory over the devil, sin, and death. " 15. That Jesus Christ having fully expiated our sins by his most perfect sacrifice once offered on the cross, it neither can nor ought to be reiterated upon any account whatsoever, as they pre- tend to do in the mass. " 16. That the Lord having fully and absolutely reconciled us 388 APPENDIX. unto God, through the blood of his cross, by virtue of his merit only, and not of our works, ■we are thereby absolved and justified in his sight, neither is there any other purgatory besides his blood, which cleanses us from all sin. " 17. That we are united with Christ, and made partakers of all his benefits by faith, trusting and confiding wholly to those promises of life which are given us in the gospel. " 18. That that faith is the gracious and efficacious work of the Holy Spirit, which enlightens our souls, and persuades them to lean and rest upon the mercy of God, and so thereby to apply unto themselves the merits of Jesus Christ. " 19. That Jesus Christ is our true and only mediator, not only redeeming us, but also interceding for us, and that by virtue of his merits and intercession we have access unto the Father, for to make Our supplications unto him, with a holy confidence and assurance that he will grant us our requests, it being needless to have recourse to any other intercessor besides himself. "20. That as God has promised us that we shall be regenerated in Christ, so those that are united unto him by a true faith ought to apply, and do really apply themselves unto good works. " 21. That good works are so necessary to the faithful, that they cannot attain the kingdom of heaven without the same, seeing that God hath prepared them that we should walk therein ; and there- fore we ought to avoid vice, and to apply ourselves to Christian virtues, making use of fasting, and all other means which may con- duce to so holy a thing. " 22. That although our good works cannot merit anything, yet the Lord will reward or recompense them with eternal life, through the merciful continuation of his grace, and by virtue of the un- changeable constancy of his promises made unto us. " 23. That those who are already in the possession of eternal life by their faith and good works ought to be considered as saints, and as glorified persons, and to be praised for their virtue, and imitated in all good actions of their life,, but neither worshipped nor prayed unto, for God only is to be prayed unto, and that through Jesus Christ. " 24. That God has chosen unto himself one church in the world for the salvation of mankind, and that same church to have one only head and foundation, which is Christ. APPENDIX. 389 "25. That that church is the company of the faithful, who hav- ing been elected before the foundation of the world, and called with an holy calling, come to unite themselves to follow the word of God, believing whatsoever he teaches them, and living in his fear. " 26. That that church cannot err, nor be annihilated, but must endure for ever, and that all the elect arc upheld and preserved by the power of God in such sort, that they all persevere in the faith unto the end, and remain united in the holy church, as so many living members thereof. " 27. That all men ought to join with that church, and to con- tinue in the communion thereof. " 28. That God does not only instruct and teach us by his word, but has also ordained certain sacraments to be joined with it, as a means to unite us unto Christ, and to make us partakers of his benefits ; and that there are only two of them belonging in common to all the members of the church under the New Testament — to wit, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. " 29. That God has ordained the sacrament of Baptism to be a testimony of our adoption, and of our being cleansed from our sins, by the blood of Jesus Christ, and renewed in holiness of life. " 30. That the Holy Supper was instituted for the nourishment of our souls, to the end that eating effectually the flesh of Christ, and drinking effectually his blood, by the incomprehensible virtue and power of the Holy Spirit, and through a true and living faith, and so uniting ourselves most closely and inseparably to Christ, we come to enjoy in him and by him spiritual and eternal life. Now to the end that every one may clearly see what our belief is as to this point, we have here inserted the very expressions of that prayer which we make use of before the Communion, as they are written in our Liturgy or form of celebrating the Holy Supper, and likewise in our public Catechism, which are to be seen at the end of our Psalms ; these are the words of the prayer, — " Seeing our Lord has not only once offered his body and blood for the remission of our sins, but is willing also to communicate the same unto us as the food of eternal life, we humbly beseech him so to give us of his grace, that in true sincerity of heart and with an ardent zeal we may receive of him so great a benefit ; that is, that we may be made partakers of his body and blood, or rather of his whole self, by a sure and certain faith. 390 APPENDIX. " The words of the Liturgy are these — Let ns then believe first the promises which Christ (who is the infallible truth), has pro- nounced with his own mouth, viz., that he will make us truly par- takers of his body and blood, that so we may possess him entirely, and in such sort that he may live in us, and we in him. The words of our Catechism are the same, Nella Dominica 53. "31. That it is necessary the church should have ministers known by those who are employed for that purpose, to be learned, and of a good life, as well to preach the word of God as to administer the sacraments, and wait upon the flock of Christ (according to the rules of a good and holy discipline), together with the elders and deacons, after the manner of the primitive church. "32. That God hath established kings and magistrates to govern the people, and that the people ought to be obedient and subject unto them, by virtue of that ordination, not only.for fear, but also for conscience-sake, in all things that are conformable to the word of God, who is the King of Kings, and the Lord of lords. "33. Finally, that we ought to receive the symbol of the apostlesi the Lord's Prayer, and the Decalogue, as fundamentals of our faith and of our devotion. " And for a more ample declaration of our faith, we do here reit- erate the same protestation which we caused to be printed in 1603, that is to say, that we do agree in sound doctrine with all the re- formed churches of France, Great Britain, the Low Countries, Ger- many, Switzerland, Bohemia, Poland, Hungary, and others, as it is represented by them in their confessions ; as also we receive the Confession of Augsburg, and as it was published by the authors, promising to persevere constantly therein with the help of God, both in life and death, and being ready to subscribe to that eternal truth of God, with our own blood, even as our ancestors have done from the days of the apostles, and especially in these latter ages. " Therefore we humbly entreat all the evangelical and protestant churches to look upon us as true members of the mystical body of Christ, suffering for his name sake, notwithstanding our poverty and lowness ; and to continue unto us the help of their prayers to God, and all other effects of their charity, as we have heretofore abund- antly found and felt, for the which we return them our most humble thanks, entreating the Lord with all our heart to be their rewarder, and to pour upon them the most precious blessings of grace and glory, both in this life and that which is to come. Amen." APPENDIX. 391 VI. Extract from the " Noble Lesson," dated A. D., 1100. But in this ia clearly manifested tho malioo of those men, That they who will curse, lie, and swear, He that -will frequently put his money to usury, kill, And avenge himself on those who hurt him ; This they say is a good man, and to be accounted faithful. But lot him take heed he be not deceived at the end ; When ho has received the stroke of death, and when death seizes him, and ho becomes almost speechless, Then ho desires the priest to confess him : But according to the Scriptures he has delayed to long, for that commands us To repent whilo we have time, and not to put it off till the last: The priest as'koth him if he hath any sin, He answers two or throe words and- so hath done ; Tho priest tells him ho cannot be forgiven, If he do not restore, and examine well his faults : When he hoars this, he is very much troubled, , And thinks with himself, if he restore entirely, What shall he leave his children, and what will the world say 1 Then ho commandeth his children to examine their faults, And buyoth of the priest his absolution ; Though he hath a hundred livres of another and better penny, yet The priest acquits him for a hundred pence, And sometimes for less when ho can get no more, Telling him a large story, and promising him pardon, That he will say mass for him, and for his ancestors ; And thus ho pardons them, be they righteous or wicked, Laying his hands upon their heads, (But when he leaves them ho makoth the better cheer) And telling him that he is very well absolved. But, alas ! they arc but sadly confessed who are thus faulty, And will certainly be deceived in such an absolution, And ho that maketh him believe it sinneth mortally. For I dare say, and it is very true, That all tho popes which have been from Sylvester to this present, 392 APPENDIX. And all Cardinals, Bishops, Abbots, and the like, Have no power to absolve or pardon, Any creature so much as one mortal sin, It is God alone who pardons, and no other. But this ought they to do who are pastors, They ought to preach to the people, and pray with them, And feed them often with divine doctrine ; And chastise the sinners with discipline, Namely, by declaring that they ought to repent. First that they confess their sins freely and fully, And that repent in this present life, That they fast and give alms, and pray with a fervent heart, For by these things the soul finds salvation : Wherefore we Christians which have sinned And forsaken the law of Jesus Christ, Having neither fear, faith, nor love, We must confess our sins without any delay, We must amend with weeping and repentance, The offences which we have committed, and for those three mortal sins, To wit, for the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, through which we have done evil ; We must keep this way. If we will lovo and follow Jesus Christ, We must have spiritual poverty of heart, And love chastity, and serve God humbly, For so we may follow the way of Jesus Christ, And thus we may overcome our enemies,