ms-l m ymi Jhe ^opp Library. COLLECTED BY FRANZ EOPP, Froiessor of Comparative PWlology in the University of BerUn. rurchased by Cornell, University, 1868. PB 1295.S87" """"""" '■"'"'^ I Jimif;,^! „.',r.'®'' glossaries. 3 1924 026 508 238 The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. THKEE IRISH GLOSSARIES. COEMAC'8 GL088AEY COD EX A. (FROM A MANUSCRIPT IN THE LIBRARY OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY), O'DAYOREN'S GLOSSARY (FROM A MANUSCRIPT IN THE LIBRARY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM), A GLOSSARY TO THE CALENDAR OF OINGUS THE CULDEE (FROM A MANUSCRIPT IN THE LIBRARY OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN). WITH A PREFACE AND INDEX BY, w:'s.i^-^ WILLIAMS AND NORGATE. 14, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON; AND 20, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. 1862. *vv ^ ^ LIBRARY^ TO GEORGE PETRIE LL. D. ARCHAEOLOGIST, PAINTER, MUSICIAN, MAN OF LETTERS. •AS SUCH, AI^D FOR HIMSELF, * REVERED AND LOVED. PREFACE, The present volume contains three Irish glossaries, which are now printed for the first time. I purpose in this preface to describe the manuscripts from which they have been taken respectively, and to point out their value as contribu- tions to Celtic philology, mythology and history. The first and moat important of these glossaries is the so-called Sanas Cormaic*. The manuscript from which our text has been taken presents the oldest complete copy known to exist. It is preserved in the hbrary of the Royal Irish Academy, mark;ed H. and S. [Hodges and Smith] No. 224. S. 3/67. I call it Codex A. and the following is a descrip- tion of it. The codex isvePum, in large folio, and dates, I should say, from about the early part of the fifteenth century. There are eleven leaves , which are discoloured in some places : the margins are broken , and the left - hand lower corners of folios 5 and 6 have been cut away. The *) Sanas (of which a diminutive sanasdn is found) may here mean either a glossary or ah etymologicon. I am inclined to derive it from son (vox, vocabulum Z. 969), with the regressive assimilation found in ma- nach (monachus) and ethemlagas (etymologia). Compare however the Welsh hanes, Bret, hanez "history" (apxaioXoyta , SANA?) Cormac's derivation sdin-fis (infra p. 40.) "rare knowledge" is unworthy of attention. VI PREFACE. scribe's name does r;ot appear, but in the upper margin of p. 8 we find Ac so indara line donnu- rachadh acenelae fechin .i. in- legtoir ofathaig itus. ecus seaan iraibne iarsin. Here is the second line of the renewing in Cenel Fechin i. e. the Reader O'Fahy at first, and John O'Raibne after- wards. Hence it appears that the manuscript was retouched in that ancient district, in the County of Galway, of which, as Mr. Curry's catalogue informs me, the O'Fahys were chieftains. The handwriting closely resembles that of the latter part of the socalled Leabhar Breacc ("Speckled Book"). Mr. Curry, indeed, thinks that our codex originally formed part of that manuscript. I am inclined to agree with him , especially as the scribe's perverse ingenuity in disfiguring Latin words * can only be paralleled by the efforts in the same direction of the writer of the Speckled Book. The Sanas Cormaic begins at page 1 of our codex, and ends in the second column of page 10. It is followed by a life of St. Cellach, commencing Rig rogab forcondachtu .i. eogan bel mac cellaig maic oilleUa muUt. A king was over the Con- naughtmen, to wit, Eogan Bel, son of Cellach, son of Ailill Molt. p. 15, col. 1. Incipit coisecrad eclaisi indso on the consecration of a church. p. 16, col. 1. a tract beginning a tract Pais cristifir inchonchinn .vii. kl. mai aungreim mor forsna- cvistiiiAih inaimser deich in- himper Rogabadh dana infer noem cristoforus annsin coro- pianad cumxnn caich. The passion of Christopher the dog -head, the 7"' of the kalends of May; a great per- secution of the Christians in the time of Decius the empe- ror. Now the holy man Chri- stopherus was taken and pu- nished like every one [else]. * In the present edition the spelling of the Latin has generally been set right. CORMAC S GLOSSARY, CODEX B. VII p. 18, col. 1. The greater part of this column is obli- terated. Near the middle is written in a modern hand: 'Le Chev"-. O'Gorman.' p. 18, col. 2. Here begins a tract illegible to me. p. 19 contains the introduction to the hymn of S. Sech- nall (Secundinus) "Audite omnes. Locus huius hymni .i. domnach sechnaill. 7 ise insechnallsin dorigne hunc ymnum dopatraic" ('and it is this Sechnall that made hunc hymnum to Patrick'). p. 20. The hymn. At the bottom of the second column: In memoria eterna erit Justus. ab auditione mala non timebit patricii laudes semper dicamus* ut nos cum illo defendat deus. pp. 21, 22. Part of the Amra Choluim - ohille , com- posed by "DaUan mac forcaUl domasraige con[n]acht". The preface to this ancient composition begins here Locc donimonsa ara arem- focul druimm cetta tuaig {leg. tuaith] hiciannachtai glinde ge- min. The place of this hymn as to its preface [was] Druim Cetta in the north in Cian- nachtai of Glenn Gemin. The next complete copy of Cormac's glossary is contained in the so-called Leabhar Buidhe Lecain, a vellum manuscript in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, marked H. 2, 16. This copy, which I call Codex B, extends from col. 3 to col. 87 inclusive, and is written in three hands of (I should say) about the middle of the 16"^ century. Two of the scribes were lolland and Tornae, as appears from notes at the bottom of columns 43 and 44 respectively: '■'■ Misi ioUand''\ '■'■ Messi tornce qui scribsW'' . They were, according to Mr. Curry, sons of a Clare scholar named John O'Maelconaire. Codex B. contains at the end of each letter a great number of ar- ticles in addition to those in the older copy, and the part corresponding with such copy furnishes many various rea- dings and corrections, of which I have not failed to avail myself. * MS. dimcamus. YJII PRKFACE. C. D. and E. are three paper copies which resemble codex B. in giving the additional articles. The first is in a collection of manuscripts marked H. 2. 15, in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, which formerly belonged to the celebrated Edward Lhuyd and is paged throughout in his handwriting. About half the words beginning with A and B have been torn away. Each sentence comipaences with a ca- pital letter dashed with red, and though the spelling is much modernised this copy is valuable. The scribe's name , was Fland, as appears from the following note in the top margin of p. 114. A donnchad is mor an aire duit beth ag iarraid scripneoir- echta orm fein la ieil finnein misi fland. Ah Donnchad, great is the shame to thee to be seek- ing writing from myself on the feast of Finnian, I Fland. D., the second paper copy, is contained in the same manuscript, and is in the handwriting of Dubhaltach mac Firbisigh (Dudley Mac Firbis), who died in 1670, and of whose attainments in Irish and other languages Dr. O'Do- novan speaks highly in his Oenealogies , Tribes and Customs of Hy Fiachrach. The third paper copy, E. , is in the handwriting of the late Peter O'ConneU. It would be almost worthless, did it not contain some of the variovis readings of the Bodleian fragment hereinafter mentioned, which were added in the margin by Dr. O'Donovan. For a loan of this copy I am in- debted to Dr. Todd. Of the fragments of Cormac's glossary the oldest, F., is prin- ted in this volume (pp. 44, 45). This is found in the so-called Leabhar Laighneach (Book of Leinster), a large manuscript of the IS*!" century, preserved in the library of Trinity Col- lege, Dublin, and marked H. 2. 18. G. , the next in age and the greatest in extent, is contained in a manuscript in the Bodleian library (marked Laud 610) which has been described by Dr. Todd* and by Dr. O'Do- * Proceedings of the Koyal Irish Academy II, 33e. CORMAC MAC CUILENNAIN. IX novan.* This manuscript, which was transcribed in 1453, con- tains nearly the latter half of the glossary, beginning at fol. 79 a. col. 1, line 1 with the article Imhas forosnai, and ending with Tuirgen. It does not contain the additional articles given by Codex B. and the paper copies. Having thus described the known manuscripts of the Sanas Cormaic, I proceed to state who Cormac was, and to con- sider the arguments for and against his having been author of the glossary in question. Corma,c then, the son of Cuilennan, born A. D. 831, was a prince of Cashelf, who subsequently became its bishop, and was slain in battle A. D. 903. The following extracts relating to him are taken from the Annals of the Four Masters, edited by Dr. O'Donovan. At the year 885: — Sneidhghius egnaidh 6 Di- sert Diarmada, aidi Chorb- maic mic Cuilennain .... deg. At the year 896: Claomhchludh righ hi ccais- iol .i. corbmac mac cuilennain a nionadh chindhghegain .i. finnguine. At the year 902: — Sloigheadh fear mumhan la corbmac mac cuilennain 7 la flaithbertach go ma,igh lena. Tionoilset leth cuinn ina ndo- chom and sin im flann mac maoil[s]echlainn 7 fearthar earth etorra co ro mheabhaidh for leth chuinn 7 doro chair ann maolcraoibhe ua cathalain. Sloigheadh oile la corbmac 7 la flaithbheartach for uibh neill Sneidhghius, wise man of Disert Diarmada, tutor of Cor- mac son of Cuilennan, died. -A change of kings at Cashel .i. Cormac son of Cuilennan in place of Cennghegain i. e. Finnguine. A hosting of the men of Munster [was led] by Cormac son of Cuilennan and by Flaith- bhertach to Maghlena. Leth Cuinn [the northern half of Ira- land] gathered togetheir against them there around Fland son of Maelshechlainn and a battle is fought between them and Leth Chtiinn was defeated, and Maelcraibhe O'Cathalain fell therein. Another hosting was * Book of Rights, Dublin 1847. Pref. p. XXVIII— XXXIII. t Ir. caisel (gen. caisil, dat. caisiul), from the Latin castel/um. X PREFACE. led by Cdrmac and Flaithbher- tach against the O'Neills of the south and against the Con- naughtmen, and they carried off the hostages of Connaught in their great fleets on the Shan- non, and the islands of Loch Ree are plundered by them. The battle of BealachMugh- na by Fland son of Maoil- shechlainn king of Ireland and by CerbhaU son of Muirigen king of Leinster and by Cathal son of Conchobhar king of Connaught against Cormac son of Cuilennan king of Cashel. Cormac was defeated in the battle, and he himself fell there- in, though his fall was sad, for he was a king, a bishop, an anchorite, a scribe and a remarkable scholar in the Sco- tic language .... It was Fiach O'Ugfadhan of Denlis that be- headed Cormac. Cormac's death is thus described in a fragment preserved in the Burgundian Library* (7 c. n. 17). an deisceirt agus for connach- toibh CO ttuccsat giaUa con- nacht ina ccobhlaighibh mo- raibh iar [leg. ar?] sionainn 7 airccther innseadha locha rfbh leo. At the year 903: — Cath bhealaigh mughna ria fflann mac maoilsechlainn ri ereann 7 ria ccerbhall mac mui- reigein ri laighen 7 ria ccathal mac conchobhair ri connacht for corbmac mac cuilennain ri caisil. Romeabhaidh an cath for cormac 7 atrochair fein ann gerbo liach a thuitim uair ri, easpucc, angcoire, scribh- nidh 7 egnaidh derscaighthe isin mberla scoiteccdha esidhe .... Fiach ua ugfadhan 6 den- lis ase so rodichenn corbmac. Terna tra Cormac an ri a- ttosach an ced-chatha. Acht roling a each i cclais 7 ra- tuitsiomh don eoch. ro- ohoncattur drem d'a mhuinn- tir sin 7 siad a maidhm, tan- gattur d'ionnsoighidh an rf 7 rachuirettar ar a each e. As ann sin adchonnaircsiomh daltu [leg. dalta] dho fen saorclanda King Cormac, however, es- caped in the van of the first battalion , but his horse leaped into a trench and he fell from the horse. When a party of his people who were flying perceived this, they came to the king and put him up on his horse again. It was then he saw a fosterson of his own. Three Fragments etc. edited by Dr. O'Donovan, Dublin 1860. p. 208. CORMAC S DEATH. XI a noble of the Eoghanacht, named Aedh , a sage in wisdom and jurisprudence and history and Latin. The king said this to him: "O dear son", said he, "do not follow me, but escape as well as thou canst. I told thee before that I should be slain in this battle." A few remained with Cormac, and he came forward along the road, and abundant was the blood of men and horses along that road. The hind- feet of his horse slipt on the shppery road in the track of that blood, the horse fell back- wards, and broke his [Cor- mac's] back and his neck in twain, and he said when fall- ing "In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum ", and he gives up his spirit, and the impious sons of maledic- tion come and thrust spears into his body, and sever his head from his body. In the same volume, after an account of how the triumphant Fland took Cormac's head and kissed it, instead of placing it under his thigh, according to the usage of victorious Irish kings, we have a description of Cormac's burial, and then, at p. 215, occurs a passage which Dr. O'Donovan thus translates: Why should not the heart repine and the mind sicken at this enormous deed, the killing and the mangling with horrid arras, of this holy man, the most learned of all who came or will come of the men of Erin for ever? The complete master of Gaelic and Latin, the archbishop intpsi pious, most pure, miraculous in chastity and prayer, a proficient in law, in every wisdom, knowledge and science; a paragon in poetry and learning, head of charity and every virtue and head [leg. sage] d'Eoganacht e, Aodh a ainm, saoi eagna 7 breithemhnachta 7 senchasa e 7 laidne. As ed roraid an rf fris: "a mheic ionmhainn", ar se, "na len diomsa acht nodbeir as amhail as ferr cotniocfa. Roinnisiusa dhuitsi reme so go muirfidhe misi 'sin chath so". Rothairis uaithtedh (sic) i ffarradh Chor- maic 7 tainic remhe ar a fud na slighedh , 7 ba hiomdha fuil daoine 7 each ar fud na shghedh sin. Scitlit dno cossa deiredh a eichsiomh ar an slighidh slea- mhain i sliocht na fola sin, tui- tid an t-each arahais siar 7 brisedh a dhruim 7 a mhuinel ar dho 7 roraidh ag tuitim: "In manus tuas, Domine, com- mendo spiritum meum", 7 fa- oidhidh a spiorad 7 tegaid na meic mallachtan eccraidhbhe- cha 7 gabaid gaae da colainn 7 gadaid a cenn da cholainn. XII PREFACE. /■ of education, supreme king of the two provinces of Munster in his time. Lastly, I may remark that in a 15*'' century manuscript in the library of Trinity College, Dublin (H. 3. 18, p. 25, col. 1) Cormac mac Cuilennain is mentioned along with Cennfoedhladh mac Ailella, Dubhartach Berri, Fingin mac Flainn and Fingen mac Cormaic as having settled a moot point in Brehon law. The following are the reasons which lead Irish scholars to ascribe our glossary to Cormac: 1. It is expressly attributed to him in the title to the oldest copy known, that namely now printed. 2. It is called the sanasan saltrach cormaic^ the 'little glossary of Cormac's Psalter', by Seaan Buidhe O'Cleirigh, one of the transcribers of the Bodleian manuscript. The following is O'CIeirigh's note (Laud 610, 86 a. col. 3, line 34): Ishe annala intigerna inuai'r doscrib«ci insanasanso na sal- trach .i. mile bliac^aw 7 ceithri .c. h\\a,dan 7 tri hYi&dna dec 7 da .XX. incuiced la do mi febra 7 intochtmad la don esca. Misi seaan buidhi* ocleir*^ doscrib 7 demann bvillter mac risterd doscribttf^ sanasan saltrach cor- maic so. This is the year of the Lord when this little glossary of the Psalter was written, i. e. a thousand years and four hun- dred years and thirteen years, and twice twenty: the jSfth day of the month of February and the eighth day of the moon. I am Yellow John O'Cleirigh who wrote [this] and for Ed- mund Butler mac Eichard was written this little glossary of Cormac's Psalter. 3. A derivation to be found in the glossary (see below p. 42) is ascribed to Cormac mac Cuilennain by the scribe of the Book of Leinster (fo. 28 a. 1.) who writes Temuir, unde nominaturf not difficult. Temuir i. e. tea mur i. e. mur [wall] of Tea, daughter of Lugaid mac Itha, wife of Herimon son of Miled i. e. it is there that she was buried: unde poeta oecinit Temuir, unde nominatur. moHsd. Temuir .i. teamur .i. miir tea ingine lugdach maic itha ben herimoin maic mik'cZ .i. isand rohadnacht hi. Unde poeta cecinit: * Lat. bcidius, Fr. haie, Engl. /jay. CORMAC S AUTHORSHIP. XIII Inoetben luid inuaig liair donchiiain atur bregaia bain tea brega ben inrig dianid ainm temair fir fail. * The first wife that went into the cold grave Of the brood in the tower of Bregan the Fair Was Tea of Breg, wife of the king. To whom is the name true temair of Ireland. Aliter'Temwiv a verbo graeco femoro [^sopso?] i. e. con- spicio: for temair is a name for every place whence there is a pleasant and clear view: unde dicitur temair of the district and temair of the house. the derivation from "temoro", cmlenndin.'' Ahter temuir a uerbo greco temoro .i. conspicio. liair is- temair ainm do cech inad as- nidsoirb fegad radairc. unde dicitur temair natuathe 7 temair intige. In the margin, opposite the scribe writes 'cormac mac 4. Again in one of the vocabularies contained in the manuscript whence the gloss to the Calendar of Oingus has been taken, we find: Nes .i. aurnisi criadh . leighi [lege] sanais cormaic, which obviously refers to the passage at Nescoit, infra, p. 32. So much for what may be called the historical arguments in favour of Cormac's authorship. Let us now see what phil- ology can do for us in determining the question. At first sight all merely acquainted with the Old Irish glosses pubhshed by Zeuss, and with the Old Irish passages preserved in the Book of Armagh, would be apt to conclude from the comparatively modern orthography of our text, from the de- clensional mutilations of the article and nouns, and from the absence of pronominal infixations in the compound verbs, that it could not possibly lay claim to a greater antiquity than the 14* or IS"" century. But the spelling of the fragment in the Book of Leinster is tolerably pure, and there the de- clensional forms are quite Zeussian*. Even in the more modern copies we find many ancient forms. * Thus cridiu dat. sg. of cride 'heait', bnrgg dat. sg. of borgg 'a bnrgli' ioT-culu ind imdergtha 'after the satire'. XIV PEEFACE. Thus, of the article we have still the Old Irish nom. pi- masc. in bretain 'the Britons' s. v. Crulmther: ind filid, 'the poets' s. v. Emain, and the dat. pi. isnaib tuathaib 'in the districts' s. v. Brathchaei, isnaib canaib dluthib 'in the close laws', s. v. Ana (all of which examples are from Cod. B.) onaib ceihb, .donaib ceihb 'from the, to the fellows' s. v. Aigillne. So too in the noun we have ainm "a name" still making its nom. and ace. plur. anmann sub vv. Anair, Clock, Rout (Cod. B.) Adjectives retain their labial ending in the dat. pi., as in do dainib scithaib 'for weary men' s. v. Aria p. 46. CO tinchetlaib moraib 'with great incantations' s. v. Belltaine: p. 6: dona mellaib dracondaib 'to the draconic beads' s. v. Base Cod. B: iar reeib cianaib 'after long spaces' s. v. Mug- eime Cod. B. The numeral tri, too, has its old case -ending in dia trib nonbaruib , ' to his three cnneads (of persons) ' s. v. Ore treith Cod. B. The old comparatives in- ther (= -rspo-? Skr.-tara-s *) and the superlatives in -m (cf. Lat. infimus, mini- mus, pri-mus, bru-ma, summus from sup-mu-s, Goth, fru-ma Trpo- {JLO?; Skr.pan6a-ma-s) occur frequently. Thus buidither '■jello'weT\ cuirrifher 'rounder', luathither, luaithither swifter, librither all joccur in p. 36, and caisidir, glaisit[K\ir 'greener', dui- bidir 'blacker' occur in Cod. B. s. v. Prull, gelither 'whiter' is found in p. 18 s. v. Enbarr. Again -airegdam 'most excel- lent' s. V. Deach Cod. B., lugam, laigem 'least' s. vv. Clithar- set and Deach: gresgem 'most constant' s. v. Cana, p. 11: iram (leg. ireni) 'farthest' p. 4: islim 'lowest' p. 11: mencem 'most frequent' s. v. Fothrugud Cod. B. = mencib s. v. Ana. Cod. B. nessam, nesam 'nearest' (Oscan nesimo) s. vv. Airber, Boge Cod. B. Infixation of pronouns occurs: no-m-leicidse 'allow ye me', no-m-aicillse 'address me', atomglaidesa (ad-dbm-g.), ni-t-aioiUfe 'shall not address thee' s. v. Prull; laith ro-tn-ort 'ale slew him' s. v. Lathirt: cindus im-ond-ricfa son 'how shall this happen to us'? s. v. Gwire Cod. B., and although the mfixed relative is always dropt in Codex A., it occurs in the fragment F., at p. 45 (amail as-m-berar 'as is said'), and con- * Used in the Italic languages to form adjectives and adverbs from preposi- tions «i-fra, e. g. ex-teri, ex-tra , pos-terus , prae-ter, con-tra, re-tro. See Corssen Ztschr. f. vergl. Sprachforsch. Ill, 251. Compare, too , dex-ter, sinis-ter, al-ter DATE OF THE COMPILATION. XV stantly in Cod. B. (amail is-m-bert 'ut dixit' v. s. Lethech: amail ro-n-gab 'ut fuit' s. vv. An, Anart, Deach, Enech Ruice). Old verbal forms, too, occasionally occur: thus doimwrff, the 1 sing. pres. indie, act. of a verb of the a-conjugation, occurs s. V. Arco in Cod. B., though in A. this is modernised into timarchim. A third sing, of the same tense and conju- . gation is folaing 'supports' s. v. Folasai p. 22. and dichain 'chants' s. v. Imbas Forosnai Cod. B. The particle ro is in- fixed in do~r-intaiset ('they interpreted' s. v. Cruimther Cod. B.) which is modernised into rothintaiset in Cod. A. Redu- plicated preterites are do-l-luid 'went' (s. v. Gaire Cod. B.), do-l-leici 'flung' (s. v. Rincne Cod. B.*), ro-se-scaind 'sprang up' (s. V. Gaire, Cod. B.): and ticsaid dona conaib 'slip you the hounds', p. 35, is an example of the old s - conjunctive used as an imperative. The vocalic endings in rolassai 'flamed' (Cod.B.) tete, teite (s. vv. Audacht, Gumlachtaid Cod. B., theS"*. sg. conj. of the imperfect verb tet Z. 491), are also very old. The circumstance that the existence of a neuter gender is twice expressly recognised, viz. in the articles "Demi 'every thing neuter' with the Latinist is deme with the Irish poet", p. 17, and " Traeth [troech in the Bodleian MS.] .i. everything neutral and every neuter", p. 42), has also been regarded as indicating a date when the neuter gender existed in the Irish languagef. Another indication of the date at which parts at all events * This is, however, perhaps for do-sleici, root SLIGH, of. sling. f We may perhaps quote the following as instances of the neater article : nom. sing, an iumdha 'the bed' p. 3 : ala-n-or fri teg an aill fri sin 'the one to the house, the other to the weather' p. 3: an ell din is aill 'the ell then is aill ('rock') p. 8; an am din is donni as amoss 'the am then is from amoss', p. 2: amhnun, an and 'the buan the and', p. 6: ammonus 'the (xovo;', p. 17: ace. sing, alt fil iter an imda ocus u, maethan 'a joint which is between the imda and the maethan' p, 17. The transported n of the neuter nom. sing, appears frequently, for example in betra hairberta 'a word of poetry (?)' 9. deriud herd s. v. Diburtud 15. biad haill 'other food' 27. adae mbdis 'a pro- perty of death' 3. delg nuinge 'a pin (weighing) an ounce' 7. fotha hdeich 'form oidech'{?) 16. reim hdeda 'the course of two things' 24; indala nainmm dec ' the twelfth name ', 25; ddl uAraide 'Dalaradla'; diunnach wind 'washing of the head', 20, and constantly after each or cech: each hur, each riole 43; caeh mialtach, each nogla 41; each fidorchai 42; each mbec 26; cacli ndedenach 44; caoh ndub, 16, cech nderg 7 cech nolc 43. XVT PREFACE. of this glossary were composed is furnished by the Welsh words quoted. The forms of these are Old-Welsh, not Middle- Welsh. Thus braut .i. judex [rectis judicium] pp. 6, 28, Gaulish bratuf^. brace 'malt' now brag; braccat (leg. bracaut) now bragawd^ the well-known drink called in Enghsh bragget. cat 'battle' p. 8. Gaulish catu, Ir. cath. catell p. 8, a man's name, now Cadell. cenical p. 14. 'a name for wool of which they make' a blanket. coit p. 41 'wood'; now coed: Bret, coat, Com. cos, pi. cossow. cuisil, leg. cusil (from consilium) p. 14, now cysyl. dobar 'water' p. 13: CeLm-dubr Z. 160. doborci 'otter' lit. 'water-dog' p. 13, now dyfrgi 'otter'. gowr p. 22: perhaps gwawr 'dawn', 'hue'. grucG da 'a good woman' p. 17: gruc (leg. gurecT) is the Ir. fracc: da is the Ir. dag, Gaulish Dago-yassas. escand (leg. hescinT) gl. canna, p. 18.: now hesgyn. map 'son' (dind map lethain) p. 29: now mob. med 'mead' p. 28: now medd. muin doiu braut (leg. min duiu braut) 'per Deum judi- cii't p. 28. prem (p. 9.) 'worm' now pryf: Corn. prev. premier 'presbyter' p. 9. These , then , are the arguments that lead most Irish schol- ars to ascribe the authorship of our glossary to Cormac. Let us now see what may be said against their view. Passing over the extraordinary ignorance of Greek evidenced by the composer^, which, even at the beginning of the tenth century * This word occurs in tlie Gaulish inscription of Nismes: laprat... XXavoiTaxo; ScSe (xaTpEpo va,uaua[xapo pparouSe. Dr. Siegfried is inclined to consider this inscription imperfect, and that we should read pparouS e. and translate 'lartai . . . llanoitacis (iilius) dedit Matribus Nemansicis ex im- perio ipsarum. ' PpcrouS would then be an abl. sing, of an M-stem , pre- serving the rfas in Old -Latin. f Cormac explains muin as meaning meus. But the version in the text (which is due to Dr. Siegfried) is more likely to be right. See Zenss p. 641. The Old -Welsh form for meus must have been min: cf. vyn deudec prif veird, hep y brenhyn, "my twelve chief bards, said the king." Mas. Brit. Cleopatra B. 5. No. 138. (Bibl. Cotton.) fo. 60b. cited by Villemarque. ;|: See for instance the derivation of apftal (7!TCoaToXoi) , v. 5. gall for yaXa p. 23; the barbarous minio vel an'md p. 2; bitheumatur , p; 8; eadeis 'holv' ARGUMENTS AGAINST CORMAC S AUTHORSHIP. XVII would startle one in an episcopal countryman of Johannes Scotus Erigena, and attributing the misspelling of the Latin words to the ignorance of transcribers, it is easy to point out passages and articles of the glossary which could not pos- sibly have been written by Cormac or any of his contempo- raries. Thus '■screpul quasi scripuV p. 40. — the Old -Irish form being scripul, as we see from lethscripul Zeuss p. 286. Again ^Poc a kiss i. e. pac quasi pcux, i. e. a pace, for the kiss is the sign of peace' p. 36. The Old-Irish form is boc, Zeuss pp. 28, 117, 1102. Again merdrech from mer and drech could only have been put forward long after Cormac's time, for the Old-Irish form is mertrech Z. 587 from the Latin meretriw. Furthermore, at Cerhall p. 13 occurs a quatrain which, according to Mr. Curry, is taken from a poem by GiUa na naemh O'Duinn on the Christian kings of Leinster. Now this poem was composed during the lifetime of Diarmait mac Mur- chada*, and O'Duinn died A. D. 1160, i. e. 257 years after Cormac was slain. Little stress, however, can be laid on these passages, as the nature of the work is obviously favourable to the hypothesis that they were inserted subsequently to the date of its compilation. It may, however, be said that all through the glossary the spelling and the declensional and syntactical forms are quite Middle -Irish. All distinction is lost between e and i in auslaut. Even in the fragment contained in the Book of Leins- ter we find naem for the Old -Irish noeh "saint"; cend for cenn "head", an tres focculf "the third word" for in t. f., acZachoiss for adichois "his two feet". And the Middle- Irish period seems clearly indicated by the use of the accusative instead of the dative after the preposition do and elsewhere: don da re-sin, p. 31 "of those two seasons" for the Old-Irish dondib reib-sin, do dasliasat p. 14 "of two thighs" = O.-Ir. dondib sliastaib, do laechu 'to heroes' p. 2, dona^Ww "to the poets" p. 16; do innUbru '■'■io the sick persons ", p. 20; imbrethu nemed, "in the Bretha nemed'''' p. 20; in a chrichu, "in its boun- daries" p. 10; do gaedelu "to the Irishmen" do anmannu, "to p. 11 (the Syriac kadJsh, Hebrew kadosh); cinod lamentatio p. 9 (the Hebrew kinoth), reo 'gelu' 38, temoro 'oonspicio' etc. * Commonly called Dermot mac Murrough. f From the Latin voeula. b XVIII PBEFAOE. the names" p. 31; him bretnu "in Britain", lit. in Brittonibus, 30; do tri nonbaru* "to the three nine -persons", p. 35; m^tither dornu "bigger than fists", p. 36. Consonantal stems, too, make their a,ccusatives plural in -u instead of -a (fiad rigu "before kings" 11; biathas naidenu "who nourishes infants", 7; iter na filedu 'amongst the poets', 10). Note, too, the nom. pi. aspolu (= Old-Irish apstail) 12, the ace. pi. mec 'filios' (= Old- Irish maccu) 7. All these modernisms however weigh little with any one familiar with the liberty which mediaeval Irish scribes allow- ed themselves in making the grammatical forms of the ma- nuscripts from which they transcribed agree with those of their own time. In the present instance, too, many of these late forms are represented by Old-Irish forms in the corresponding passages in one or more of the other codices. On the whole we may safely say that the proofs adduced in the former part of this preface sufficiently shew that the greater part of what is commonly called Cormac's glossary was written, if not in the time of Cormac, at least within a century or so after his death. And if the Saltair Chormaic (supra, p. xii) is another name for the Saltair Chadsil, we may further say that ovu- glos- sary probably formed part of that great compilation, which is treated of by Dr. O'Doriovan in his Book of Rights, pref. p.xxu, and which seems to have been made by Cormac mac Cuilennain and added to by Brian Boruma. Satisfactory evidence that Cor- mac himself was the writer is, however, altogether wanting. Let us now consider the value of the glossary, first fi-om the philological, secondly from the mythological, and lastly from the historical point of view. Passing over the great number of words which (to me at least) are a7ca| Xeyoti-sva f, I would direct attention to articles such as Clithar-'set p. 8, where a series of names of kine are given |; to the article Colomna aisse p. 13, where the six * The i here is a u; nonbar = navanvara? t Such for instance as twrgen or turigein (pp. 42, 44), an agrippa, a child born feet foremost: blind (leg. Minn?), 'a dead man's spittle' = pXe'vva, P^^vvo;? maile 'evil': cf. Lat. mains, baire ' death.' : of. AS. bealu, Goth, bahjan. ±. "-set gabla then is the least i. c. a male dartaid and a female colpach, or a male colpach and a female daii-t. samaisc the second set, laulgach or dam timehill arathair ('a plough -ox') the third cow, and this is the king-se'<. WORDS OF GLOSSARIAL IMPORTANCE. XIX ages of man are named * ; to the article Range , where six kinds of baldness are thus named and distinguished: — Range i. e. the sixth kind of baldness. Range, now, the temples are high. Rack then, is a road of baldness from the brow to the crown. Romaile [lit. exceeding baldness, W. rhyfoeledd'] aU between the two ears. Sal-tri-asa ["heel through hose"] i. e. from its very top it [the head] is bald so that its yellow cassi 0) is in its top like a man's heel through his hose. Buide-reid ["yeUow-smooth"] i. e. baldness from the whole head there, or baldness so that it is quite bare. Imspelp i. e. [bald] in each of its two half- heads and a road from the forehead to its back. Six kinds of baldness here". Of much glossarial importance , too , are the articles where the different meanings of a word (or rather of the same com- bination of letters) are given. Take for instance Art (p. 2) 1. 'noble', 2. 'a god', 3. 'a stone'. Arg (p. 2) 1. 'a drop' 2. 'a hero', 3. 'conspicuous.' Dohv/r (p. 15) 1. 'water', 2. 'dark.' Flaith (p. 19) 1. 'milk', 2. 'ale'. Ferb (p. 19) 1. 'a cow', 2. 'a swelling that rises from a man's forehead after a satire or after a false judgment', 3. 'a word'. Gall (p. 23) 1. a 'bound- ary stone', 2. 'a Gaul', 3. 'a swan', 4. 'a cock.' Ga/rt (p. 23) 1. 'a head', 2. 'feile?' Ldthech (p. 26) 1. 'a kind of flatfish', 2. 'a trough in which bread is kneaded'. Ness (p. 32) 1. 'an animal (weasel)', 2. 'a spearshaft', 3. 'a smith's furnace?' (umise), 4. a swelling (raised by a blow). Ross (p. 38) 1. 'a grove', 2. 'flax', 3. 'water.' Triath'(p. 41), Triath, gen. treith 'a king'. Triath, gen. trethoMJ- 'the sea'. Triath, gen. tr^the 'a boar'. l^r (pp. 43, 44) 1. 'the earth', 2. 'fresh, new', 3. 'bad.' Very numerous and instructive are the Latin loan-words found in Cormac. The following hst is, I believe, complete. * noidendaeht 'infancy', macdaeht 'childhood', gillacht 'youth', ocla- chus 'manhood', sendacht age, diblidecht or dimligetu 'decrepitude'. f I am indebted to Dr. Siegfried for the following note : This word will"" be very interesting to those who know Roth's identification of the Vedic god Trita Aptya, i. e. Trita begotten from the water, with the Zend Thraetaona Athwya, out of which the later Persians made their national hero Feridun, son of Atbin. [See Journal of the Germ. Or. Soc. II, p. 216.] Although these names, as'well as Tphuv, 'AfAtpt-TpCrir), point to the meaning "sea", it is only Irish which actually supplies the vocable. b* XX PREFACE. and I have added the loan-words contained in O'Davoren's glossary and the gloss to the Calendar of Oingus. abbas ab (Cornish abhat, Welsh abad). abecedarium aibgiter p. 47 (W. egwyddor'). acceptus ur-aicecht, v. Deis 76 (accepturium .i. lectionem). acer aicher (W. egr). Is acher in gaith innocht 'Bitter is the wind to-night' Z. 928. actualis achtail. (?)adoratio adrad (cf. W. addreidyaw, O.-Ir. lasse hadraim-se, Milan, ad-r-orsat, adoraverunt, Z. 665). adulter adaltair, adaltrach. (?) aedificium aicde for aidce : aicdi v. Deimni 80. angelus aingel (Corn, ail, Bret, ael, el, W. angel, pi. engyl). apostolus apstal (Corn, and Bret, apostol; W. apostol, ebestol, ebestol). ars art p. 50. auctor augdar p. 124. O.-Ir. augtor (W. awdur). aurum or (Corn, eur, Welsh aur, Bret. aour). Augusti (mensis) Augaist gen. sing. 136. (W. Awst). auxilium Axail. baculum bachall (W. bagl, cf. Bret, baelek presbyter, Zeuss 113, 178 = Ir. bachlach). (?)balaena parn (cf. peist from bestia, and the modern Irish an dara 'the second' from the Old-Irish ind-ala). balbus bdlb. baptista bauptaist 126. barca bare (W. barg). basilica baislec bl. baislic 58. benedictio bendacht (W. bendith, Bret, bennoez). brace braich (W. and Corn. brag). bestia, beist, peist p. 37 (Welsh bwyst, in bwyst-fil). bos, bovis bobhdn, 'a calf 60. brachium, brace (W. braich, pi. breichiau. Corn, breh, brech Z. 97, 98. (?) bulla, boll (W. bwl, pi. bylion). caballus, capall (W. Cavall, Arthur's dog*: As to W. cefyl, 'eqaus vilis' see Z. 788 where Cabillonwm is compared, callidus, callaid, callait. Cod. B. col. 20 (the W. callaidd * 'The baying of the deep-mouthed hound Cavall'. Tennyson. LATIN LOAN-WORDS. XXI is perhaps not borrowed. Compare call cunning, calledd discretion, callu). camisia, caimmse (W. camse, 7i. 749, Corn, cams). candela, caindel (Corn, cantuil, Welsh canwyll). canon, canoin (W. canon, canonwr). candelabrum, caindelhra (W. canwyllyr , canwyllbren). capitilavium, capiat, caplait* B. col. 22 (W. dydd lou cablyd, Maunday Thursday: Corn, deyow hablys, duyow hamlos; Bret. lou gamblid), capitulus, caiptel gen. pi. 138. capta, cacht 62 (W. caeth). caritas cartoit (ct.'W.cardotta, cardotai, mendicus, cardawd alms). caro, cama gen. s. 56. Be charna 'femina carnis', 'meretrix'. carpentuni, carpat (n. pi. carpait p. 34 s. v. Ore treith), cairp- iheoir p. 13 s. v. Culmaire. W. cerbyd seems, as Dr. Sieg- fried suggests, immediately from this Irish carpat. carta, cairt. caseus, caise (W. and Corn. caws). castitas, castoit {cast also was borrowed from castus). castellum, Caisel (W. cast ell, Corn. kastaV). caucus cuach v. D&r 76 (W. cawg). catholicus, cathlac (W. cydolig, catholig). caveola gola (Fr. geole). celebratio, celebrad, ceilebrad, Cod. B. col. 21. W. celefrad, ce- lyfrad). census, ci« p. 12 s. v. cera , ceir (Cod. B.) W. cwyr (which is masculine like Homer's X'»]p6(;), Com. coir, Bret. coar. cervical, cerchaill. ; cervisia, cerbsire 'a brewer' (the b here, as often, stands for v). christianus, cresen, cresifi 66, 129 (W. cristawn, Bret, christen). circinus, cercenn. circulus, circul, cereal Z. (W. cyrchelT). classis, cla^s. clericus, cUrech (Com. cloireg, Bret, cloarec: Lhuyd has iden- tified W. cleiriach 'a decrepid old man'.), cliir 'clergy' 135. chma, climata 68. * Mael and Caplait, King Loiguire's two druids, are called Calvus and Capitolavium in the Book of Armagh lib. 1. XXII PREFACE. coelum, eel. columna, colowma nom. pi. (cf. colvmnat, gl. columella Z. p. 282. W. colofn.) confessiones coibsena, ace. pi. of coibse; coibsin^ the nom. pi., is the form in Cod. B. col. 22. (Bret, coffee, W. cyffes.) consUium, email (Corn, and Bret, cmul, W. cysyl.) coquina, cucenn (Welsh cegin, Com. keghin). coquus, Goic (Old-Welsh coc, now cog. Corn. kog). cornu, com (W. corn). The Celtic form would be ""earn or cf. *cern: xocpvov X'Jjv aakmy^a.., FaXairai, Hesych., Cernwnnos Inscr. Notre Dame), corpus, corp (W. and Corn, corff, Com. corlmi for cor ff -lam, 'burial-place'), dimin. corpan 138. corrupte, corpte (W. cyrrith 'sordid': for th ex pt compare caeth = captus; caetkiw = captivus; pregeth = praeceptum; y- sgrythyr = scriptura; nith = neptis). cratera, creither (male criathar) 62. creatura, creatra, cretir (W. creadur). credulus, cretal 66, credail gen. s. 132. crepusculum , crepscuil. (?)cribrum, ribar (Another instance of the loss of c in anlaut before a liquid is rdn 'phoca', W. moel-ron = AS. hron, perhaps ler 'sea', W. llyr, ON. Hler). crux, cross (Com. croiss, crows; W. croes, crucifix), crock 135. cubiculum, cubachail, Cod. B. col. 20- (W. cuddiglf assimila- ted to cuddiaw? Lhuyd). cucullus, cocul (W. cwcwll, Corn, cugol, Bret. cougouT). culcita, colcaid, n. pi. coilcthe (p. 34 s. v. Ore treith, O.W. cilchetou, gl. vela, cilcet, gl. stratorium Z. 808), culpait^ cuius, cM 67 (W. dl). cyclus, cicul (W. cylcM). December, decimbir. demon, deman v. (Coimdiu, 72) demna aco. pi. 140. deprecatio, diprecoit (p. 8., s. v. Edel) p. 140- diaconus, deochain 139 (W. diacon, Com. diagon). dies, die. discipulus, deiscipuil n. pi. p. 94 (W. dysgybl, Corn, discebel, Bret, desquebl). discretus, discreit. disertus, c^iseri! (W. diserth). LATIN LOAN-WORDS. XXIII (dies) dominica donmach v. Dlom 77. draco, drac, adj. dracondae p. 7. s. v. Base. (Welsh dreic, pi. dreigen, draig, pi. dreigiau). eleemosyna, almsan (W. alwysen, Bret. aUzon, Nhg. almosen). episcopus, epscop (O.-W. pi. esdp Z.684; Corn, escob, Br.eskop). epistola, epistil, p. 41 sub v. Sin (W. epistol). Eugenius, Eogan. exul esiul. fabae, seibi (W. ffa). Februarius , /eSrai gen. s. 129 (W. Chwefror). femininvim, femen (p. 42 s. v. Toth). fenestra sinister v. Dorncla 80 (W. ffenestr). figura, figuir Cod. B. col. 51. fur, fur p. 84. fustis, SMS* p. 84, W. ffust (so slechtaim from flecto, srj«« from frenum, surnn from furnus). gallus, gall. gelu, ^e^ (W. gel-oer). genmia, gem (W. ^em: rud-emeu, 'red gems', Lhuyd). gentes, geinte (p. 24 s. v. Hidoss). gradus, grad (W. gradd). gratias agimus, grazacham (W. gressaw salus Z. 646, Eng. greet., N. H. G. grOssen). hastula, astol (W. asdell, pi. es^Z? lath, stave). hedera, edeM, et^eww Cod. B. (W. eiddewf eiddiorwg.) humihs , humail gen. s. 138 (W. uffel, Corn, huvel, uvell). idolimi, idol (W. eiddawl). impetorium? impetoir 99. Ira, ir p. 98. (?)jejunium, aine diden, 'last fast' Friday, 54. cf. dardden Z. XXVin. (etar-da-o'ew, between two fasts) Thursday, cet-den 'first fast' Wednesday: aintech 'abstinent', 129 et v. Cresen, p. 66. Compare the Spanish ayunar. jugermn, iuger. Jesus, Isu. Johannes, Eoin gen. s. 132 (cris eoin 'John's girdle', Z. 935). JuHus, iuil 133. kalendae calann 129. laicus, laech, loech (W. lleyg, Corn, leic), laiches (= O. Welsh leeces, gl. maritae, Cod. Juvenci). XXIV PREFACE. latro, ladar, (W. lleidr, Corn, lader). lectus, lecht (W. lleithig is from lectica). Kber, lebor (Corn, liver, W. Ihjfr), lebran (libellus) 139. linea, line, (W. llim,?) linum, lin, (W. lliri.') littera, letir 108 (W. llythyr-en). (navis) longa, long (W. llong). major, maer 107, where the word is wrongly explained (W. maer. Corn, mair.) manducare, mandac (Cod. B. col. 20.) manica, momic. Cod. B. col. 20. (W. maneg. Corn, mcmalc). manna Tnann 105. manus, man (W. man^ mun). (dies) Martis, Mdirt (W. dyw Mawrth), mi martai M-arch. 130. martyr, martir (W. merihyr), martyrium, martra, O.-Ir. martre. matutinus, matin (Corn, metin, W. ys meitin, mane), maza, mas (mdis Cod. B,). medicus, midach? gen. midig v. Airdbe p. 55 (Corn, medhec, W. meddyg). membrana, (cin) membruim (W. memrwn). membrum, memiro (leg. mentbra?) ace. pi. 133. mensa, mias (p. 11 s. v. Cernine), W. mwys. Com. wmm, TO02/S P. 45, 1; Goth. mes. meretrix, merdrech (O.-lr. mertrech). metrum, metuir 104. W. meidr. molina, muilenn (W. melin, Corn, belin; cf. c«gim from coquina). monachus, manach (Corn, manach, W. monach,mynach, manach). mors, mart. mortalitas, mortlaith. murus mur s. v. Temair, p. 42 (W. mur'). morticinium , muirtchenn. natalicia, notlaicc p. 91 s. v. Fuirec, notlaic 138 (W. nadolic). neutrum, neutwr (p. 17 s. v. Demi)., neotur (p. 42 s. v. Traeth), W. neodr, Evans, nimbus, nimb. oceanus, oicean. offerenda, oifrend (Bret, oferen, W. off even). opera, opatV (W., Corn, and Bret. ober). oraculum ("aedes sacra in qua oratur"), airecal 98 (W. oracV). LAXIN LOAN-WORDS. XXV orate, oroit (O. -Welsh araut, Cod. Juvenci)*. In Ireland this word was early treated as a subst. from oratio: but orthain (= orationem) occurs in the Liber Hymnorum. ordo, ord (Bret, vrz, W. urdd), ordcm 110, ru-oirtned, 'or- dinatus est' Lib. Armach. orthographia, ordagraiffe, Cod. B. (W. orgraff, arddygraff.^ pallium, caille s. v. Coipe, p. 64 (W. pall from palla.). panis, pain (W. pain 'bloom, farina on flowers'), parochia, pairche (fairche in Middle -Irish), pars, pairt (W. and Corn, parth, Bret. parz). pascha, caisc (W. pasc). passio, pais 129 (Corn, pascon). Patricius, Patrice. Paulus, Pol. peccatum, peccad (W. pechawd, Corn, peghes, Bret, pechet). peUis, pell ("W. pil). penna, penn (W. pin). pensus, piss, pissire (W. pwys, Corn, pays, Ital. peso, Fr. poids). pertica, pertic (W. perc from pertAcf, Eng. perch). petit(see Diez E. W. 268) , pit 21 (W. ^se^A a httle , pethedic minutus, Z. 176). Petrus, Petair gen. s. 131. pluma, clum p. 34 s. v. Ore treifh, (W. pluf, Corn, pluven, plu/ooc. Old- Welsh plwmauc). poenitentia, pennait (W. penyt 7i. 961). porcus, ore, 109 (W. porchell. Corn, porchell from porcellus). portus, ^or* (W. and Corn. portK). praeceptum, precept p. 9 s. v. Cruimther (W. pregeth. Corn. pro^aiA). prandium, proind (W. prain, pi. preinion). TcpscPuTspoi;, presbyter, cruimther (O.-W. premter, if Cormac be right), primus, pHm, primkluag 131 , primchesad, primmartir 137, primda (W. prif). propositus, propost. psalmus, saZm 140 (W. and Bret. sate), purus, pwr (W. pitr). Where the colophon is Arat^ dinuadu. "Pray ye for Nuadu'- XXVI PREFACE. puteus, cuithe s. v. Gola 95 (W. pydevi). quaere cai/r 64, et v. Co^uan 69. quaestio cest v. Egin 22. quatuor (libri evangelii), catar. quinquagesima (dies), cingdges, cingices Cod. B. col. 20 (cf. corgais from quadragedma , Mid.-W. garauvys Z. 241, now grawys. reliqmae, relic. (via) rupta, rot (W. rhawd, 'way' heul-rawd 'ecliptic', Fr. route, Eng. road). sabbatum, saboit 114, n. pi. sapati Z. 1041. sacerdos, sacart. sacrificium, sacarbaic. saeculum, seclae (in gairseclae "short life'- p. 24 s. v. Gaire). saJicastrum, soilestar, v. Riasc 111 (W. elestr). saliva, saile v. Blind, 7 (W. afc). saltus, salt. sanctus, sand, sancht (W. sant, Bret, sannt. Corn. sanz). scrinium, serin, scrinib dat. pi. 126 (W. ysgriii). soripulus, screpul (O.-W. scribl). secundus abbas, secnab 'a prior', senior, seindser (W. henwr). September, septimbir gen. s. 136. sepultura, sahaltair (Bret, sebeliaf sepelire). serra, serr, O.-W. serr gl. falx Z. 130 (the native Irish word for 'saw' is tuireosg, the Welsh llif is from lima). sertum, seirt 130 s. v. Seimni. sexta (hora) seist (cf. O.-W. hestaur sextarius). siccus, secc (W. sych). signare, sen (W. swyno, Bret, sin, Nhg. segen, Eng. saine). situla, si f^^- ib 'drink' for pib with the usual loss of p in anlaut. cf. Vedic pibami, Lat. bibo, W. yfed 'to drink'. (In Old- Welsh iben occurs as the 1 plur. pres. indie, in the poem found in the Cambridge codex of Juvencus). * In loco qui sermone Pictorum Peanfahcl, lingua autem Anglorum Pen- neltun, appellatur. Bedae Hist. Ecc. lib. I. cap. 12, ed. Stevenson. ** Reg. Monach. Dunelm. Libellus. Surtees Society. London 1835, cap. 75, "De Scholastico quodam Pictorum temerario ". t The plural termination es of scollosthes may perhaps , as in Cornish, have arisen from -et. (As to the combination -fth- I say nothing). Another Pictish termination is -ice in Drust-icc, apparently = the Cornish diminutive -ic, W. -ig. ff Unde et ilium patema lingua Munghu quod latine dicitur Karus Ami- cus ex consuetudine appellavit (Vitae Antt. Sanctorum ed. Pinkerton. Londini 1789, p. 208). § "Cathedralem sedem suam in villa dicta Deschu, quod interpretatur cara familia quae nunc vocatur Glaschu". ibid. 223. (Glaschu, now Glas- gov\r, may mean 'platea cara'). XXX PREFACE. imb 'butter' (v. Ur p. 45), O.-W. emmeni. Com. amenen^ Bret. amann^ which Dr. Siegfried compares with Skr. anji, "oint- ment", ajya "butter", root arij, unguo, German anke, butter. ind (v. Fothrugud 20, Ldmind 26) = Eng. end, Goth, andeis, hardly Skr. anta. li (v. Fill) = W. lliw. compare the Gaulish name Livim, Lat. liveo, Ohg. pli, pliwes lead. ligur 'a tongue', compare Goth, hi-laigon, Xsi^o, li-n-guo, etc. lu (v. Lelap p. 26), in the Bodleian fragment lau "little" = lagu, l-Xaxuc, Skr. laghu, perhaps, as Dr. Siegfined thinks, the Old-Celtic lugu in Lugib-dcawxva. (Lyons), ivM^w-baUium (Carlisle) etc. Hence the O.-Ir. comparative laigiu, W. Uai = Skr. laghiydns , s-Xacffov for sXaxiov, levior. melg 'nulk' root Tnalg (do-omalgg gl. mulxi. Z. 71), cf. mul- gere, ajtsXysiv, Skr. mrj, oixopyvutJii, mttch (v. Mugsaine p. 30) = Welsh mwg: perhaps ON. mugga aer nubUus, Eng. muggy. niae 'a sister's son' p. 31. = W. nai. Com. noi (gl. nepos) AS. nefa, Lat. nepos. 6 'ear' (v. ^ire p. -3) = Lat. auris for ausis, oug, Goth. az ^^y collecting some Old-Ii-ish grammaticaJ terms. The foUowing occur in the present volume: bricht^ geoi. (>rvc/ita^ "an octosyllabic," p. 18, s. v. Dihw/i. cenc/al, s. v. Afcnhrch p. 29, seems to mean composition of one word with anotliei'. reHnfoeht'ua, "a mutation of the first letter of a word," s. vv. Fofmai, p. L'2; Tore', p. 43. clcndomum, ''a heptiisyllablc," p. 19. clacnrc, "a pentasyllable," ibid. . frestiil: is guath f do fresivl v consaine la goedelu, p. 21, "it is usual for f to take the place of the consonant v with the Gael." • In traid (leg. ti-aig) lasin laitneoir is dtack lasin fllid. Lib. Loo, 69 b. 1 XXXII PREFACE. iarnbilre, or iarmbilre, pp. 9, 22, sub vv. Clock 'stone,' and Fiern 'good,' appears to mean an obscure, hard word. "For this it is called so," says Cormac, p. 25, "on account of darkness of the word , and its obscurity , and its conciseness, so that it is not easy to express (aught) by it." At p. 9 he says that there are three names for 'stone'; hond is the iarm- Mlre, clock the common word (gndtk - belre) check the belre n-airberta ' word of . . . ■ ? ' for that it does (subdues ?) every thing." Dr. O'Donovan, however, in his Grammar p. 414, considers the word to be a general term for the article, pos- sessive pronoun, adverb, conjunction, and interjection. impud, impuud, which glosses anastropken in Zeuss 31, 985, seems rather synonymous with delidin: "by impud of the noun, aed is dea." Cf. impaidack versutus Z. 31. interieckt aidbligtke 'an interjection of intension', aidbligod, gen. aidbligtke, Z. 971. merugud 'dissonance': "to avoid dissonance the poets put muin (the letter to) into the middle of it (the word JS-m-ain), for pleasanter to them was emoen than e-oen." reim geri. remenn 'genitive'? v. Triath p. 41. In H. 3. 18, p. 14, col. 2, tellrach is said to be the reim of tellur. timorta 'short', applied to a vowel: '■'■bath, when (the vowel a) is short, signifies death," s. v. Baten p. 6. This timorta is the passive participle of timaircim, and signifies pro- perly ' coarctatus '. See Zeuss 996, O'Don. Gr. 441. ti'nntud 'change of sounds': "now prem in the Kymric is cruim in the Gaiehc: o'uimther is not a tinntud coir (a proper tiri^ntM') from presbyter, but it is a proper titmtud from premier." totk 'feminine', p. 42, and traetk 'neuter', p. 42. At Adba Otknoe the pronouns e and si 'he' and 'she', are also used respectively to denote the masc. and fem. genders; is hi in liath (leg. lia?), '■Hath is masculine" — m clock is si, 'clock 'stone' is feminine.' The glossary contains various notes on the mythology and legends of Ireland, some of which are perhaps of Old Celtic antiquity. Few, however, so far as etymological evi" CELTIC GODS. XXXIII dence goes, can be connected with the gods and goddesses whose names are found in such numbers on the inscriptions of Britain, France, Belgium, and Switzerland. Art, gen. Airt, p. 2, is glossed by dia, i. e. god. This would point to a Gaulish Artos, gen. Arti, whose feminine, Arta , -may be recognised , perhaps , in the name of the ' god- dess Andarta (Ande-arta) , Orell. 1958, Zeuss 837. Compare also Mercurio Artaio Orel]. 226, and Deae Artioni, De Wal XXni. Dr. Siegfried connects the root of these names with the Skr. rta 'just'. ■Ana, pp. 2, 5, Anu' (gen. Ancmn, Anmnne), is described as mater deorwm. Mbernensiuni: "well she used to nourish the gods: from whose name is said a«ae .i. abundance,* and from whose name are called the Two Paps of Ana , west of Luach- air" (in the County of Kerry). Her name occurs again under Buanann, p. 5, "nurse of the heroes", "a good mother in teaching championship (gaisced) to the heroes" . . . "as Anu was mother of the gods, so Buanann was mother of the fiannP So Etan is said to have been muime na filed 'nurse of the poets.' In Brigit, p. 8, Dr. Siegfried has recognised, with much probability, the Old -Celtic goddess Brigantia, whose name is doubtless radically connected with that of the Bpiyavxs? = Skr. brhantas, the root whereof is also found in the Vedic hrahman n. 'prayer' which the Hindus (according to Roth), in the later periods of their theology, deified as their supreme god Brahman. In Latin the root in question is perhaps found under the form preces. Compare, too, Bragi, \he name of the Norse god, to whom the gifts of poetry and eloquence were ascribed. The name of Brigantia occurs on an in- scription found at Middleby: BRIGANTIAE . ^{acrum] . AMANDVS . ARCITECTVS . EX . IMPERIO . IMP . I.f Cormac's gloss on Brigit is as follows, p. 8: '■^Brigit, i. e. * Compare the gen. pi. innan-aree, divitiarum Z. 1052, dnib divitiis Z. 1041. f Henzen 5881. "MP. I." appears hopeless. Dare we read IPSIVS? Orell. (No. 2036) has: DEAE NVMERIAE NVMINI BRIG: ET IAN. from Greatabridge in Riehmondshire. C XXXIV PREFACE. a female poet, daughter of the Dagda. This Brigit is a poetess, or a woman of poetry, i. e. Brigit a goddess whom poets worshipped, for very great and very noble was her superintendence. Therefore they call her goddess of poets by this name. Whose sisters were Brigit, woman of healing, Brigit, woman of smith- work, i. e. goddesses, from -whose names with all Irishmen Brigit was called a goddess^ Brigit then, i. e. breo-'saigit , a fiery arrow." The Dagda here men- tioned (he is called Ruad-rofessa at p. 39), son of Eladan son of Delbaeth, was a king of the Tuatha de Danann, a mythic tribe , mentioned at Nescoit. Of these Dian-cecht is said ^o have been the medicus (Irish Neinnius ed. Todd p. 46). Cormac, p. 16, calls him sdi legis na hErentij "sage oft the leechcraft, of Ire- land." His name also occurs aXEtdm, p. 19 and Tore pp.43, 44. It is also found in an incantation cited by Zeuss p. 926. admuinur in slanicid foracab dian cecht lia muntir 'I wish the salve that Dian-cecht left with his people'. As the manuscript of this incantation is, according to Zeuss, at least a thousand years old, we have here some evidence of the antiquity of these legends. The name of Goibnenn, the faber of the Tuatha de, occurs in the same manuscript. The only other Celtic deities alluded to by Cormac are Neit, p. 31, "the god of battle with (apud) the Gentiles of the Gaidil," and, probably, Neman, his wife. (cf. Marti et Nemetonae, Henzen 5904. De Wal 326.) The non- aspiration of the t in the former name points to the loss of a preceding m, and one may, accordingly, perhaps, con- nect it with the Gothic ana-nanpjan , ToX[jLav, ga-nanpjan, Tiausff^ai, the stem of which words also occurs in the Gothic name Nantho. Compare, too^ the name of Baldr's wife, Nanna, "die kiihne" (Grimm, D. M. 202). Compare, too, the ON. nenninn, impiger. For Mananndn mac lir (the Welsh Manawydan ah Llyr), another personage whom we may suppose to have been a god, Cormac accounts like a true Euhemerist. '■'■Mananndn mac lir, i. e. a renowned trader who dwelt in the Isle of Man. He was the best pilot in the west of Europe. Through acquaintance mth the sky he knew the quarter in which * Codex A aspirates it iucorrectly. SUPERSTITIONS. XXXV would be fair weather and foul weather, and when each of these two seasons would chgajge. Hence the Scots and Britons called him a god of the sea, and hence they said he was son of the sea, i. e. mac lir 'son of the sea". ,r This ex- planation is interesting as glossing the old word ler*, gen. lir, 'sea' (=W. llyr), perhaps connected with the name of the Norse seagod Hler, as to whom see Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie, 219, 220. So much for the gods and goddesses named in our glos- sary. Their images and altars are referred to at p. 25 sub vv. Hidoss, Hmdelba. Other spiritual beings are mentioned in the too brief entry: Quidemain .i. [/]uatha ocus morrigna, p. 24, "Forms (spectres) and great-queens." The singular of mor- rigan appears in the following gloss, which I take from H. 2, 16, col. 119: Machae .i. badb no asi an tres morrigan, mesrad machae .i. cendae doine iarnanairlech, "Machae .i. a scald-crow. Or it is the third mor-rigan. Hence 'Mesrad Machae', Machae's mast-feeding, i. e. the heads of men that have been slaughtered." The superstitions mentioned by Cormac are, first, the far extended belief in the preservative powers of fire. Thus Belt- aine, p. 6, better, perhaps, Beltene**, iMay-day', is ex- plained thus: '^bil-tene, i. e. a goodly fire, i, e. two fires which Druids used to make through incantations (or with great incantations) , and they used to bring the cattle to those fires [as a preservative] against the diseases of each year."f In the first part of this word some philologists have fancied the name oiBe- lenos, the Gaulish Apollo. The -tene has been usually regarded as tens, gen. tened, 'fire'. In modern Irish, however, the word is BeaUtaine, and declined like a fem. ia-stem (mi na bealltaine, la beaUtaine). Cormac's derivation here as elsewhere, accor- dingly, appears to be untrustworthy. The root of Belt-aine * Even at the present day the expression tar tear, lit. 'across the sea', Is used to denote great distance , and there 1$ ^ proverb: Is taidhbhseach 1^(} adharca na mbo tar lear, "showy are the horns of the cows beyond sea." ** The note "heltene indlu .1. for cetain ['May-day to-day, i. e. on a Wednesday] miserere nobis, domine, miserere nobis" occurs in a Psalter of the 12th century preserved in the library of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, and marked C. 9. i . , f See Kuhn's Herabkurift des Feuers, s, 4S.;i , XXXVr PREFACE. (as I divide the word) is perhaps the- same as that of the Lith. baltas, 'white', the -ame is a termination ->as in «ec/i magnus sanus, et dixit "Bene sit tibi, o Tir sancte, quod suscitasti me etiam una hora a doloribus multis," et flerit amarissime, et dixit "ambulaho vobiscum". Dixerunt "non possimus ut nobiscum tu ambulaveris, quia non possunt homines videre faciem tuam pre timore tuo ; sed crede dec coeli et habtismum domini raccipe , et non reverteris in locum in quo fiebas, et indica . nobis . cnj us es." "Ego sum mace maicc Gais maic Glais, qui fui subulcus ng Lugir rig Hirotas, jugu- STORY OF MUGH-EIME. XLIX In that part is the fort of Map Lethain, in the lands of the Cornish Britons i. e. fort of Mac Lethain , for mac is the same as map in British. Thus did each tribe of them (di suidiv) divide, for there was an equal proportion on the east, and they possessed that power long after the coming of Patrick. "Then was Coirpre Miisc paying a visit in the east to his family and his friends. At that time a lap-dog had never come into the land of Erin: the Britons forbade that one should be given to the Gael for asking, or through free will, or through gratitude or friendship for the Gael. At that time the Britons had a law, to wit, "Every criminal for his crime who shall break the law" (?). There was a beautiful lap- dog in the possession of a friend of Coirpre Muse's in Britain, and Coirpre got it from him [thus]. Once Coirpre went to his house, and great welcome was made to him, except concerning the lap-dog. Coirpre Miisc had a splendid dagger, with orna- mentation of silver and gold on its hilt. It was a marvellous treasure. Now Coirpre put a great deal of grease about it, and rubbed fat on its hilt, and then left it before the lap- dog. The lap-dog took to gnawing the hilt till morning. It wounded (loitid) the dagger then, so that it was not lovely. Next day Coirpre made great complaint of this, and was [seemingly] mournftd (or wrathful) about it, and de- manded justice for it from his friend. "That is fair," and he said "I will pay* for the crime" (cin), said he. Said Coirpre: " I will take nothing but what is in the Britons' law, namely, every criminal for his crime." So then the lap-dog was given to Coirpre, and the name clave to it, namely Mug-erne, 'slave of the hilt', mug [= Goth, magus], i. e. a slave that was given on account of the hilt. "The lap-dog, which was a bitch, was with young. Ailill Flann the Little was ruler of Munster at that time, and Cor- mac grandson of Conn was at Tara, and these three [Coirpre, Ailill and Cormac] began to quarrel, asking for and conten- lavit me Jian maicc maicc Con in regno Coirpri Nioth-fer anno .u. usque hodie", et babtitzatus est, et confessionem dei fecit, et resticuit (sic), et positus est iterum in sepulcro suo. * ic/a-t-sa, observe the old form of the agglutinaled pronoun, now always found iit the first pers. sing. fut. d L PREFACE. ding about the lap - dog. This is the way in which the matter was settled between the three, namely, the dog spent a certain time in the house of each of them. The dog thereafter littered, and each of them got a pup from the litter. In that way then descends every lap-dog still in Ireland. "After a long time the lap-dog died, and Connla, son of Tadg, son of Cian, son of Ailill Olum, found that lap-dog's bare skull, and brought it [home] to test a poet who had come with an di or airchetul to his father. Maen mac Edaini was the poet's name. Maen the bard then solved (?) it through teinm laeda, and said "-'Cain tonna etc. There is the head of Mug-eme, namely, the first lap-dog that ever was brought to Ireland.'" The words more or less illustrative of the non-political history of Ireland are numerous. Here shall be collected, first, some of those, such as the names of animals, which may, in the hands of philologers like Kuhn and Pictet, throw Hght on what has been called the pre-historic history of the Indo-Europeaq races; secondly, words that relate to the ma- terial civilization of Ireland; thirdly, those that relate to its literature and laws. First, then, the animals mentioned by Cormac are the following: Mammals: ag allaid 'stag'; banb, p. 6, W. banw 'pig'; baircne, p. 6, 'cat'; iZoacAf whale', s. v. Pam p. 35; brocc, s. v. Gaileng p. 23, 'badger' =W. broch; capall, p. 10, 'horse'; ca«, p. 10, 'cat' (the last two words are probably borrowed); cu, gen. con, 'a. dog' (= Skr. fvan, xuov, can-i-s, hun-d), whence cuaine 'a pup', p. 30; cumlachtaid 'a sucking-pig', p. 12 (the generic name of pig is mucc, gen. muicce, W. moch-yn, but O'Davoren, at p. 62, gives us eight names for this animal: comlachtaid, scuithi, foir, cro, cuineol, lupait, ceis and ^^7)*; dam 'ox', s. v. Clithar set p. 9, cf Skr. damya, Pictet: of., too, SatiaXi?. Eis, s. v. Essem p. 18, is glossed by dam 'ox', but I have not found the word elsewhere. It seems, as M. Pictet has re- marked {Origines Indoeuropeennes i. 334), = the W. ych, pi. y chain ^ Skr. ukshd, pi, ukshanas = Goth, auhsans. Fell * Comae gives another word for pig, mat, pi. mdta, at p. 29. Foir (v. supra) is perhaps cognate with Skr. varaha. NAMES OF ANIMALS. LI is glossed at p. 19 by ech 'horse' {=agva, equus, ittto?, Gaulish epos, in At - epo - maros , etc. W. e6-awl 'colt'). Is this a Middle -Irish corruption of pell (also glossed by ech s. V. Capall, p. 10)? Marc .i. ech p. 28 (the ace. [jtapxav for [j.apxov, occurs in Pausanias), W. march, is = Ohg. marah, Ferb is glossed by bd=^bos, Pou?, at p. 19; lochait 'a mouse'? (= W. logod), p. 36; gamnach 'a milch-cow, s. v. Gamuin, p. 23; gla- demairh and mMic thire ('filii terrae') 'wolves', p. 24; oircne, said to be a lap-dog, but strangely like a diminutive from ore = porcus; loig 'calf' (cf. Goth. Idikanf), O.-W. lo, s. v. Clithar-set; ner, p. 31, a itorc allaid, or 'wild boar'; mess 'a weasel', p. 32; di 'an ewe' = Skr. aisis, ovis, oIq; disc 'a dry ewe', p. 33', from oi and sesc 'dry' (Skr. fushka, O.Bactr. hmhka),. cf. W. hespin 'a yearling eve'; oss allaid '.a wild deer' (pi. ossa aUtai) is given as a gloss to sdg (ace. pi. segu") p. 41; patu.''Sk hare', p. 35 (gen. patan^ , cf. pat- nide gl. leporinus Z. 77.); tarb 'bull', p. 41, = W. tarw, Gaulish torvos,., Lat. taurus-, Taupoc; tore (^ W. twrcK) and triath, gen. trethe, 'a boar'. Compare with triath W. trwy- daw 'to burst' 'y tro a aeth i'r twrch trwyd\ 'the fortune that befel the bursting boar'. BiEDS: ^acA (Ohg. wihoT), bran 'crow', p. 6, Slav, vranii Lith. varnas; cailech 'cock', g. v. Gall p. 23 (cf. xaXeu, xoXoiOij); crii/'ecAto is glossed by bqdb or bodb 'a scaldcrow', [=W. bodda 'redshank'?] at p. 12; corr, gen. cuirre, p. 36, 'a crane'; cupar is glossed by senen 'a kite' at p. 13 ; it seems to stand for cut-bar, cf. W. barcud; Ion 'blackbird' (gen. luin Z. 918) whence lonach 'merulpsus'. essine 'a fledgeling', p. 18; f ela 'swan', dat. pi. elaib, occurs in Colman mac Lenini's quatrain, p. 5: "As blackbirds to swans, as an ounce to a mass (of gold), As the forms of peasant women to the forms of queens. As a king to Domnall, as dord to aidbse* As a taper to a candle, (so is) a sword to my sword." elta 'a flock of birds', p. 36; ged 'goose', p. 23 (W. gwydd. Corn, guid, Eng. ga-n-der); seig 'hawk', p. 36; senen 'kite' * These were two kinds of music, the latter of a higher order than the former: deroil each ceol ifarrad aidhse "insignificant in every (kind of) music as compared with aidbse", Lebar na huidre 8 a. 2. •j- From (p)eiinef cf. ires = Lat. iertius for tretius, Skr. tritiya: is, es 'and' = Ohg. inti, enti and filus 'sunt' = Lat. valent(i)? d* LII PREFACE. (explained by O'Davoren, p. 114, prechan no seabac = W. hebawg). Fishes: bratan 'salmon', v. Ore treith, p. 34; iasc 'fish' (gen. iisc), generally compared with piscis, but the stem of the Irish word is esco; leithech, p. 27, some kind of flat-fish probably a flounder = W. lleden; ore 'salmon', p. 34. Insects. The only ones mentioned in A. are legam 'moth' (now leoghan), and cruim 'worm', W. pryf = Lat. vermi», Lith. kirmin, kirmele). In B., however, the passage at p. 36, referring to the shirt of the youth who appeared to Senchan, stands thus: "dia talta de in cheirt bui uime ni bu decmaing techt di forimirgi ahaonar mana fuirmithe cloch fuirre ar imat a mil" i. e. "If the shirt upon him were taken off, it would not be hard for it to start on a journey alone (unless a stone were put upon it) , on account of the multitude of its lice." Here mil stands for mil n-etaig "bestiarum vestis". The W. lleu-en, Corn, lov-en, Bret, laouen, may be cognate with loiise, AS. lus: Ir. sned, W. nedd-en is certainly = Eng. nit^ xoviij, lens etc. Plants are aball p. 43. 'mains', uball 'pomum', cruith- necht 'wheat' p. 10. Of roads we find seven species named and described at p. 38: set (= W. hint, Goth, sinths, Ohg. sind), rot (a loan- word, via rupta), rdmut ("greater than a »'o<"), slige (gen. sliged), lamrotae, tuagrotae and bothar. A bridge is droehet. For chariots we have the words d p. 5, eul p. 12, eap, carr, Gaulish earrus, whence Ohg. karra, ON. kerra, and carpat (the last a loan-word) and/ew (ON. vagn, Eng. wain, O. -Celtic eovl- nus). For ship the glossary only gives the loan-word bare. Seol (in seolehrann sub v. Gaire B.) = OW. huil, ON. segl, Eng. sail. Names for buildings are represented by aurdam p. 2, aurduine p. 4, and adba othnoe p. 5. Muilenn 'a mill' at p. 29 is obviously borrowed from molina. Arad 'ladder', p. 1, seems pure Celtic: dreimire is the modern word now in use. Smaller articles of personal convenience are altdn 'razor' p. 4 (altain gl. rasorium, Milan codex col. 301*), * The whole gloss is i amal in scrissid .i. amal innalfain naith (gl. siciit rasorium acutura, fecisti dolum). WORDS ILLUSTRATNIG IRISH CIVILIZATION. LIII = W. ellyn^ demess 'a pair of shears' p., 16, Mail 'an axe', s. V. Brossnai,W. bwyell, Ohg.bigil; sceng, ivida 'couch'' p. 40; adart 'pillow', p. 3; adand 'a taper' p. 6, cadut 'a whetstone' p. 14, (cf. cos, cotisf); serr 'a saw' (from serra). Drinking vessels are called ana at pp. 3, 46. The version of the article Ana at the latter page is the oldest, and I therefore choose it for translation: "Mao da cherda ('filius duarum artium') sang in Gnoc Rafann*: (As to) the lowly fort whereon I am, In which is a little well, with a bright drinking-cup, ** Sweet is the voice of the wood of blackbirds f Around the fort of Fiacha mac Moinche. Ana, i. e. httle stoups which used to be at wells, that weary men might drink out of them. These vessels used to be left at the wells, and they were oftenest of silver, and they used to be put (there) by kings to test their laws." Boge, p. 7, appears to have been a kind of caldron. So coire (Welsh pair), with which Dr. Siegfried has compared the Vedic charu. Dabach, p. 15, and en (also ian) are words for 'vat', 'tub', 'vessel'. Here may be mentioned the '■'■epscop (leg. escop) of wine in the sea-laws, i. e. a vessel for measuring wine (used) by the traders of the Gauls and Franks." This reminds one of the Cornish gloss lefiste (i. e. lepistaj escop, and (as Mr. Norris points out) the Crimean Gothic kilem schkop ' ebibe calicem ' (Diefenbach, Goth. Worterbuch ii. 137), which seems the Gr. cu905; cernine and mias, p. 11, are names for a dish. Articles of dress &c. are braccille, p. 6, W. breichell 'sleeve' which seems a Med. Latin brdchiale; bratt 'a mantle', v. Foloman p. 22; caimmse p. 10 (from camisia); cocul p. 10 (from cucullus); cris 'a girdle'; = W. crys 'a shirt' culpait p. 10; ferend p. 20; id 'a garter' (=^ %£hi]?) ; folasai 'shoes'. A word which would speak highly for the civilization of the Irish, if its usual interpretation were certainly correct, is * "A parish and townland in the barony of Middlethird, County of Tipperary.'' O'Donovan. ** din, dat. sg. of an, is here glossed by stdib ari/it 'a stoup of silver' ■(• Literally, dulcis est vox silvae inerulosae, ist siiss ' die stimnie des amselreichen waldes. j^jy PREFACE. fidchell, gen. fidchMe, P- 21, commonly rendered 'chess . Variou Dassages from Irish MSS. bearing on this subject have been notfced by Dr. O'Donovan in his "Book of Rights," Pref. XIV, and the fidchell is mentioned in the text and comment of some Brehon laws preserved in H. 3, 17, cols. 402 d, 406. The following seem the only facts as yet established regarding fidchell: 1. That the word is etymologically identical with the Welsh gwyddhwyll (=- gwydd + pwyll*), the Irish c corres- ponding as usual with the Welsh p. 2. That it was played on a quadrangular board divided into rectilinear spaces. 3. That some of the pieces were white and the rest were black. 4. That they were caHed Jir JidcMUe 'men oi fidchell\ ov foi- renn {= W. gwerin), were kept when not in use in a man -bag (fer-bolg'), and were occasionally large enough to serve as the murderous missiles of infuriated players. All this is con- sistent with holding that the game was merely a kind of draughts, something like one or other of the games comprised under the term irsvrsia. I propose to derive fidchell from fid (= 'wood', W. gwydd, Gaulish vidu) and ceU = 'W. pell f 'a pell-eV, luaXXa. The weak point about this etymology is the necessity of assuming an Irish cell, which, with the re- quired meaning, is not producible. The entries in the glossary which relate to Irish literature are not numerous. The books cited are, with the exception of the Dialogue of the two Sages, f law-treatises. Thus the Senchas Mar, the great repertory of the so-called Brehon laws, is cited at Athgabdil p. 4, Ferh, Flaith, p. 19, Gno p. 24, and Ness p. 23. A mnemonic verse containing the names of its alleged compilers — "three kings, three saints, and three sages, a sage in poetry, a sage in history, * Gwydd-bwj,ll no doubt should be in Irish iid-cWoU. But iu the latter tW„\"Tat th ^Z\ I' ^'"^^^^ ^^-"^^'^^ °" ^'^-<='''"- This, then, leads one to a fancied d^rL^-^ "*^ ^^^^ sXt^t^i gwydd-6e« into gwydd-bwyll to suit •.e:r" rrrenTrfht::;? ■ "r^^' ^-^ ^«^« '=..5. 'sense-, connection with their verb cuZliotT \T° ""'*'^^'' ^■"°"' ^ «"PP°^«<* + r „ . . *° *° ^"^^- The spelling fiM.chell is wrong. t Jnmacalimm. %n da Thuarad, cited a^t r ,j. According to Mr. Curry, this waf the same ^sZ' f ^"^r. ^^^^ P" ^l- which will be mentioned infra. Immaoallatm %n da Suad, OGHAM INSCRIPTIONS. LV and a sage in the language of the Fene* - is given at Noes pp. 31, 32. The Brefha Nemed are also frequently cited.** The Duil Feda Mdir, 'Book of the Great Wood', is men- tioned at Clithar-set p. 8, Gart p. 23, and Seng p. 41. An- other Z)w7, or book, caUeduZ>Mt7 Roscaid or Duil Roscadach, is named at Leos p. 2,7, Miseaith p. 28, Roscad p. 39, and Tuirgin p. 42. The "Laws of Cae Cainbrethach" are re- ferred to at Clithar-sep- p. 9 as if there was a compilation bearing that name. Mui/r-bretha 'sea-laws' are mentioned at Escop Fina p. 18. These last, acpording to Dr. O'Donovan ('Hy-Many' 65 n), regulated the ownership of turchairthi mara^ 'treasure thrown on shore by the sea'. I ,know not whether the aisti, referred to at Ner p. 31, were a collection of laws. I As to the Cain Patrice ^ mentip.nfid;,at Clitharrset, see Dr,.Petrie's "Ta^a"f pp., 50, ,54,; 148, 149. Perhaps the most interesting notices relating ; to- Irish literature are those referring to.ihe ogham characters. The; circumstance, that genuine ogham inscriptions exist both in Ireland and Wales, which present grammatical forms agree- ing with those of the Gaulish linguistic monuments, § is enough to shew that some of the Celts of these islands wrote their language before the fifth century, the time at which Christi- anity is supposed to have been introduced into Ireland. With this conclusion Cormac's statements agree. Thus at p. 21 he explains fe as "a wooden rod uSed by the Gael for measuring corpses and graves, and this rod was always in the burial places of the heathen, and to take it in his hand was a hor- ror to every one, and wh.ateverv was abominable (adetche') to them, they used to put in ogham upon it. Inde dicitur * Cf. the Welsh Gwyned, Venedotia, etc. ** At Boge p. 7, Bri p. 8, dm p. 12, Deal p. 15, Dairfine p. 16, Ebron p. 19, Gilldae p. 23, Glusa p. 23, Mat p. 29, Nimb p. 31, Segamlae p. 40, Ur p. 45. ■j- Dublin, 1839; also in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. xviii. § Compare the Qghamjc genitives singular' Uddami, OarM, maqi (^Old- Irish Cuirc, maio) with the Gaaliah Segoman\Drutien%Ba'Anotml^. By far the miOSt interesting Ogham inscription yet published is that found at St. iDogmafei's, near Cardigan. Mr. Westwood's facsimile of ^is inscription, in the Archaeo- logia Cambrensis for April 1860, appears toi be accurate. The following is LVI PREFACE. Mournful is it for me to be alive After the king of the Gael and the Danes. Sad is mine eye, withered my clay, Since the fe measured Fland."' The marginal entry repeats the prose part of this passage and quotes the proverbial curse fi /Ws, "a fe to him." We have already found the ogham writing mentioned in the legend of Find mac CumaU , cited at Ore tr&ith. Furthermore, as I have shewn elsewhere, the presence of Q (KV) and Y in the ogham alphabet, and the absence therefrom of aspi- rated letters, tend to prove that it must have been invented or introduced long before the eighth century, when the oldest existing Irish MSS. were written; for the language of these abounds in aspirated tenues, but affords no instance of the employment of the compound letter or semi-vowel in question. It is with sincere pleasure that I put these notes together, as justifying the idea thrown out by Zeuss in his preface, where, a copy of this ancient monument of Celtic speech. Like that of Todi, it fortunately occurs as a version of a Latin inscription. r- These ogham characters, read from bottom upwards, give according the or- dinary key (O'Don. Gram. pref. xWii) Sagramni maqi Cunafami, Compare with the latter name Gunotamus Z. 109 = Goudaf^ Lib. Land. p. 132, Draw- ings of Irish Ogham inscriptions may be found in Mr. Wilde's Catalogue of the Museum of the Royal Irish Academy pp. 135, 136. NOTES ON POETS. l.VII referring to the oghams in the St. Gall codex of Priscian, he writes: Figurae ergo vel potius lineae ogamicae non diversae ab iis quae notantur a grammaticis hibernicis .... in usu jam in hoc vetusto codice, quidni etiam inde a longinquis tem- poribus ? That the bardic art had attained an early development among the Celts has long been admitted. The Irish lan- guage is rich in the technical terms of poetry, and of these Cormac gives a few. Thus airchetul, s. v. Arg p. 2, amrath p. 2, anomain p. 3, anamain cetharrech, s. v. Bot, anair p. 3, huas p. 8, etan p. 19, and trefoclae p. 44. Un- fortunately his explanations of these words are so ob- viously adapted to what he fancies their etymology to be, that they are not worth translating. Duar and rand (gen. raind') occur as names for a quatrain, s. v. Duarfine p. 16. Various names for different grades of poets (Jilid, ecsi^ are found. Thus anruth 'nomen secundi gradus poetarum' pp. 2, 3, cana p. 11, clii p. 11, cli^ s. v. Anair p. 3, fochlocon p. 20, who seems to have had two attendants (^dias do for tuaitfi), while the doss, p. 15, had four, and the oHam (gen. ollaman) twenty-four. Some curious notes about these poets occur in the Glos- sary. Thus at Bri, p. 8, Briamion smethraige is said to be the name of an operation which poets perform on any one who refuses (?) them. "He grinds the lobe of the person's ear between his fingers, and the person on whom he performs this operation dies." At Tugen p. 45 it is said that "the poet's tugen (dress?) is made of the skins of white and many- coloured birds; up to his girdle of the necks of mallards, and from his girdle up to his neck of their tufts." The flesc fled, or poet's wand, is mentioned at Coire Breccdin, p. 14, as possessing a divining power. Ucht nosnae p. 45 is said to be the place where the poet makes the scrutan (revision?) of his airchetul, which is, as we have seen, some kind of poetic composition. Another curious entry is that at Boge p. 7 "a name for a caldron of covetousness which was made by the artists. Thus it is. It has nine chains out of it, though it is not larger than the head of a large cingit (goblet?). There is a hole at the end of every chain, with nine artists standing round it, while the company sang, each with the point of his LVIII PREFACE. spear fixed in the hole of the chain that was next him. And whosoever gave [one of] them a gift, it was into the caldron he put it, whence it was called Caldron of Covetpusness. The proper contents of the caldron were a brethnasc of pure gold weighing twelve ourfces."* The entries referring to Celtic law contained in our glossary are rather numerous. I regret my inability to trans- late some, and elucidate any, of these entrieSi Light will doubtless be thrown upon them by the publication of the Brehon laws, with which our two best Irish scholars, Dr. O'Donovan and Mr. Curry, have been engaged for many years. Meanwhile I must content myself with referring the reader to the list of compilations mentioned supra p. Iv. , and with here setting down the articles relating to legal matters. These are: Abaria (dat. ahartain) p. 4, A%dacht'\ (spelt audacht') 'a testament' p. 4, Ailges p. 4, Aigillne p. 5, Athgabdil, literally 'a re- taking', Clithar-set p. 5, Cuisnit p. 13, Diburtud p. 15, Enech ruice p. 19, Enechland p. 19, Fasach p. 22, Fogal p. 20, Oall p. 23, Taurthait pp. 43, 44. * In H. 2, 16, col. 681 (a MS. in the library of Trinity College, Dub- lin), I find the following in the preface to the Amra Columcille: Ocus coiri acca .i. cori sainti a ainm side .i. cori cacha cleiri dibsidi 7 cori findairgid eside 7 .ix. slabrada creduma as each core dib 7 baean oir for each slabradh dib 7 as aire adberthea core sainti ris iarsanni do- berdis each ni nogebdis d'or 7 d'air- ged ind. no cori sanithi ris iarsani noibtis lind sainithi as 7 an nsenbar fa fearr don cleir beos a[c] cantain chiuil ime cen bithea ag gabail na duaine. And they had a caldron, coire sainte (Caldron of Covetousness) was its name. Each of their companies had a caldron, and it was a caldron of white (pure?) silver, and there , were nine chains of brass from each caldron, and there was a hook of gold on each chain, and the reason it was called Caldron of Covetous- ness is , that they used to put into it all the gold and silver they got- Or it was called Coire Sainithi (Cal- dron of Pleasantness?), because they used to drink pleasant (?) ale out of it, and the nine best of the company were playing melody around it, while the poem was being sung. f This word occurs in the Book of Armagh , fo. 18 b. 1 , spelt aidacht and edoct. E&ERTON 88. LIX In leaving the subject of Cormac's Glossary, I venture to hope that some competent scholar will print the Bodleian fragment and Codex B. The latter manuscript, as I have said, contains many additional words, and though as regards its vocaliamus it is more modernised than Codex A, on the other hand its consonantismus is less impaired, and its scribes were certainly more carefiil than the writer of the text now printed. The second glossary contained in this volume is printed from a small-folio vellum manuscript preserved in the library of the British Museum, and marked Egerton 88. It contains 93 folios. Folios 1 a to 8 b contain seventeen law-tracts. At fo. 2 b occurs the note: finim ar in ceissoic so o- chorbmac mac incosaaidi* do domna^Z hua dwidaboirinn. Finished at the Ceissoic by Cormac son of the cosnaide (?) for Donall O'Davoren. "This Donall O'Davoren," says Mr. Curry, "kept a law-school at Burren, in the County Clare, about the year 1590." The glossary, however, is dated 1569. At fo. 9 Adaig Conroi 'Ciiroi's Death', a tale. At fo. 9 b 2 Ferceirtne's Amra Conroi. At fo. 10 al, Incipit for fes fer falccai^, 'here begins the feast of the men of Falgach' — one of the names for the Isle of Man. At fo. 10 a 2, Incipit verbum scathaige fri coincxdainn og sc&r ad frie, 'here begins the speech of Scathach to Ciichu- lainn, when he was parting from her.' The same page contains the following glosses : , Ferr arfechtaib fer .i. ier aba no locha [in marg.] tulchdw. bri lomm luidh lomm tuilith .i. nin garmna ilceth roth .i. gran for seith- bair buif .i. certan for luamain reidh ngair .i. cos eascra coil cosniw .i. fithwa carpai^ f The name ocQurs written at full in the note at p. 49 infra, "This is for thee, O Donall, from Cormac mac in Chosnaidhi." LX PREFACE. broil fribrithdaim .i. codlw^^ glaisi d'ur gil- .i. tine airnisi [ur^Ku^l ail sceo innrath .i. inneoin an gabann tulch- mbf sued 7 nod lethach 7 nod. na. no del- At fo. 10, An article on contractions in writing beginning camet nod (nodoruni) iscoir annsa scribhneorucht ? At fo. 10 b 1, An account of a fairy's abduction of Condla the Red, son of Hundred-battled Conn. At ff. 10 b 2, 12 a 2, and 13 a 2, An account of the se- duction of Brinn mac Febhail by a fairy. At fo. 11 b 1, Boile chuinn cedcathaigh, 'The Madness of Hundred-battled Conn.' At fo. lib 2, The birth of Conor (Ginea.mhain concobhair). At fo. 11 b occurs a note by a pupil of O'Davoren's: Adaig fel muire moir sunn. 7 is doilig lem dormchadh o briain acontabairt bais o mac iarla urmughaw 7 is amra lem cairbri agsuirgi athasg ar con- chubhar. An pairc mo du [ ] magnus do domnall 7 e fen agahail erenn. anno domini 1567. This is the eve of the great festival of Mary, and it grieves me that Donnchadh O'Briain is in danger of death from the son of the Earl of Ormond, and it is a wonder to me that Cairbre is courting counsel from Conor. The Park is my residence .... Magnus for Donall, and he himself is travel- hngthrough Ireland, A.D. 1567. At fo. 12 b 1, Incipit - authacht morain mic muin, 'the testament of Moran son of Maen.' At fo. 13 a 2, Extracts from the Cin Droma Snechtai, 'Book of Druimm Snechta.' At fo. 13 b 1 , An account of St. Patrick's visit to King Loiguire, and of the raising of Ciichulainn from the dead, beginning: [L]uith patraicc co temraig, 'Patrick went to Tara.' At 14 b 1, A piece beginning: [B]aoi fiachm Imccnai athair moggam (note m the last word gg for ng). There is another copy in H. 3. 18, (T. C. D.) p. 555. Ff. 15 — 61 are filled with law-tracts. At the end of 24 b occurs the following note by O'Davoren : Tabradh anti leighfo so beannachtarmhanamhsa.i.dom- Let him who shall read this give a blessing on my soul, GLOSSES IN EGERTON 88. LXI nail 7 ar anum dabi 7 cormaic i. e. Domnall, and on the soul 7 uilliama 7 muna tugad mal- of David and Cormac and lacht dia doson. William ; and if he give it not, God's curse upon him. Ff. 62 — 75, fragments of a so-called treatise in five parts on Irish grammar, which appears to contain nothing of the least value but some notes on ogham characters, and the glosses which occur on the Latin words at fo. 70 a 2 and b, as explanations of the names of the letters in the Hebrew and Latin alphabets. For the Hebrew words I am indebted to Mr. William Wright. ^ aleph [jrjbs}] i. e. dochtrina .i. forcetal. beth [n-^.a] i. e. domus .i. tech. gemel [bns] i. e. plenum .i. Ian. deleth [n^'n, SsXto.;] i. e. tabularum .i. clair. • hee [nItt] i. e. ista .i. and so. uau i. e. prinnceps .i. tigerna. '\ zai [nr] hec i. e. ise. \ beth [-;n diTi] i. e. uita .i. beatha. \ teth [aits] i. e. bonam .i. maith. i ioth i. e. principium .i. tos[ach]. cap [c|ls] i. e. manus .i. lam. lamiach [leg. lamed] [ab nrab] sum cordis di[s]ciplina. mem [dnn] i. e. ex ipsis* .i. uaitib. I nun sempiternum .i. cosuthain. / samet [Trais] adiutoirium .i. fortacht. / aith [leg. ain] .i. rif ['king']- ' ain [■ji.y] fons sive oculus .i. topar no suU. / fe [iis] os:}; ab ore non ab o[s]se (on bel 7 ni on cnaim). j sade [pis] iusticia .i. coir, coph uocacio .i. gairm. res [iB"'! iBN"i] capites .i. cend. sin [■^ffl] dentium .i. fiaclai. tau [in] signa .i. comarda. MS. excipsis. f ■;-», says Mr. Wright, is used in Arabic in the sense of disiinytiished man. + MS. feosa. o LXII PREFACE. Fo. 70 b 1 : Aipcitir laitin indso .A. i. e. prinncipium .i. tosach .B, i. e. iusticia .1. innrucus .C. i. e. utili[t]as .i- tarb- dachtf .D. i. e. fortitude .i. nert .E. i. e. duailitas .i. cathu- gadh .F. i. e. ueneracio .i. oinoir .G. i. e. pietas .i. trocaire H. i. e. ilaritas .i. subhacus .1. i. e. regnumff .i. flaithemnus .K. i. e. religio .i. cvadhhadh .L. i. e. nobilitasftt •^- °^''*" muir[e]acbt .M. i. e. dignitas .i. diniti .N. i. e. recongnitio § .i. aithne .0. i. e. onora [leg. honor] .i. onoir .P. i. e. opse- quium .i. umla .Q. i. e. lux solis .i. grian solusta .R. i. e. peg. pluvia] .i. ferthain .S. i. e. dieis et nox .i. la 7 agaid .T. i. e. pax .i. sith cain .U. i. e. aqua et ingnis .i. usci 7 teiie .X. longa§§ uita .i. betha fota .Y. i. e. auram .i. or .Z. presiositas .i. loghmairecht. At fo. 75 a 2, A copy, of the Acallam in da suad, 'Dia- logue of the two Sages.' From fo. 79 a to the end of the volume is occupied by the glossary now printed as it stands in the MS. save only that con- tractions when extended are generally printed in italics. The glos- sary is in the handwritings of O'Davoren and his pupils, some of whose blunders will be found corrected at the end of this volume. There is another copy of this glossary on paper in H. 2. 15, a MS. in the library of Trinity College, Dublin (pp. 120 — 134 a). The scribe was, according to Mr. Curry, Dubh- altach mac Firbisigh.* Unfortunately the words beginning with A and B have been lost, and the rest is in several places illegible. Mac Firbisigh appears either to have transcribed from an older original than O'Davoren had before him, or to have modernised less than the latter scribe. Mac Firbisigh's MS. is certainly not copied from O'Davoren's. I should think that this glossary cannot be considered as very old. Doubt- fiil phrases, such as bi doigh, or darlw/rma, cum\b'\a ainm do f MS. tarbdass. ■j-j- MS- regnam. fW MS. robilitas. § Observe the phonetic phenomenon exemplified by this word and i-»-gnis, infra. §§ MS. longus. • At the bottom of col. 3, p. 120, occurs the note: a muire is olc Hum mailseclomn omadadain. "O Mary 'tis ill with me, Maelshechlainn O'Ma- dadain" (is dead). WORDS IN O DAVOREN S GLOSSARY. LXIII ('it seems to me that it is a word for') so and so, indicate a period when the meanings of the old words had become obscure even to glossographers. Considerytdo, the explanation of the loan-word figil by moladh 'praise', p. 86, instead of 'vigil'. So culms 'conscience' is explained anam 'soul' p. 70. And aidbse is glossed, p. 47, as if it was a poem, not a kind of music. Rorben .i. toirmeasc 'disturbance' is obviously coined by some one seeing the verbal form dororbenat (do-ro-for-benat), and ignorant of the practice of infixing the particle ro after the first preposition, when a compound verb is biprepositional, if I may coin a word (see Z. 414). So dith p. 79 (= diith gl. detrimentum, Z. 26) is explained by finis; minn p. 104 (= mind gl. diadema, Turin) is explained by uasal no sui; ingen p. 98, in the phrase ingen gdithe 'daughter of wind', i. e. 'breath', is explained by blog 'a portion'. However, O'Davoren's glossary may, I believe, be generally relied on, and will be welcome to all students of the Old-Irish language, if for nothing else, at least as giving quotations by which many of Cormac's words are what Germans call belegt. Some of the interesting words contained in this glossary have been already noticed. We may here set down the following : aill* p. 49, explained by uasal 'high', 'noble', p. 49. Dr. Siegfried has identified this word with the Skr. arya, drya. f bid p. 56 'yellow' = Lat. flavus (O.-H.-G. blao, blue, Lottner). So buide = Lat. badius. bil p. 56 'good, or goodly', as: bit secht mba Mi, 'there * Spelt all at p. 128, and there explained by uasal 'high', maith 'good', and Idn (W. llawn. Corn. leunT='Lat. plenus, Goth, fulls for fuln-s). ■f M. Pictet and other eminent philologists have connected with this word Eriu (s. v. Elg, gen. Erenn) 'Ireland', Erennach 'Irishman'. But the Old-Celtic form of Eriu seems to have been Everio or Iverio. Consider Ptolemy's 'lovcpvioi , 'louepvis, 'louepvta, and the form Evemilis ("in tua evernili patria," Vita Columbae iii. 21. cod. A). Consider, too, the forms Hiberione and Hyberionacum, which occurs in the following passage from the Book of Armagh, fo. 23 b 2. "Et ibi scilicet in sinu noctis virum venientem quasi ed Hiberione, cui nomen Victorious, cum sepistolis innumerabilibus vidi, et dedit mihi unam ex his , et legi principium epistolse oontinentem vox Hy- berionacum." Consider, lastly, the Welsh name for Ireland, Ywer-ddon, Eivyr- donie 'hibernicus' Z. 814,. Surely we have here the Skr. avara 'posterior', 'occidental', rather than arya. So in Irish we have also oir = Skr. puna oriental', des = Skr. dakshina 'southern'. LXIV PREFACE. are seven goodly cows'; boim bil con uball airgit:(p. 57, S. v. Boim), 'a goodly shield with a boss of silver'; tene W, v. Belltaine p. 6. I venture to compare (s^i\6<;^ though the de- clension of the Greek word differs, and Bopp identifies .cpiXo? with Q'kr. priy a. ceile A. gilla 'a gillie, or servant' p. 63 (cf. soir-chele gl. libertus, Zeuss 40, 108) has come into English in the word Ouldee, i. e. Ceile De, 'servus dei'. "Dr. Siegfried con- nects it with the Skr. c^ar, xs'Xw, ge-/ar-te. cru .i. 6m (= u[ji.6?, Skr. ama) 'raw' p. 64 = W. crai O.-N. hra-r, Skr. hrmeya 'raw flesh', Lat. cruor etc. car is explained by hnsc 'brittle' p. 64. But the example "gno car (3na[i]m marbda", 'a dead bone', leads one to sus- pect a connection with Lat. caries^ Skr. gr. ' coicc 'red' = W. cocA, Lat. coccum, Grr. xoicxoe. gert 'milk' p. 94. Dr. Siegfried compares Skr. ghrta 'melted butter'. gor 'fire' p. 95. W. gwres 'heat', Skr. ghar-ma. 'warm'. maoi, fj.ot, 'mihi, apud me'. This very interesting form does not occur in the glossary itself, but in the note, at p. 101.* In older Irish we find amai .i. lim 'apud me' (H. 3. 18. p. 3, lower margin), and the phrase fe amai, fe amae, 'vae mihi' (= Welsh gipae fi) is of very frequent occurrence in mediaeval Irish stories, f I would compare with maoi the Skr. mayi, locative of ahani. Amai (= sjxoi?) seems to repre- sent the locative of an Indo-European AMA, which may perhaps be recognised in the Greek s[i.ou, spioi, i^i. As in the case of Cormac, we may now collect some of the words in O'Davoren's glossary which illustrate what M. Pictet happily calls hnguistic palaeontology. The names of animals found in O'Davoren are the fol- * "This, O Donnell, for thyself, and full health to thee, O Magnus, and it is » maryel to me {is ing maoi) that James is spiritless, though the codh (cup?) is there. Evil is thy co-operation, O Cormac." Magnus, James and Cormac were pupils of O'Davoren's. f For example : Dosleci cuculainn cloich foraib : focairt Imroll : fe amae ol se. CSeirglige Conculainn, Lebar nahuidre). Fe amai, or seat, nitricfam (Death of Cuann mac Cailchinni, Book of Leinster). - Fe amai ol caier, is geis damsa. (H. 2. 16. col. 47, cited supra p. xxxvii.) o'davoeen's glossary. lxv lowing: — Horse: cullach i. e. 'a British steed' p. 68; lair ('gen. Idrach) 'mare', and lurchaire 'colt, foal', occur at p. 102, s. V. Lurchai/re, where the Senchas Mor is cited: ni etarscara lair fri lurchaire, ' the mare separates not from the foal.' Cow: soilbech bethach p. 115. buar 'kine ' (doria buar buara 'kine pay for kine' v. Doria 79); dinn 'cattle' p. 72. Calf: aidrinne p. 48, bendan (benndn?') p. 57, bobhdn p. 60. Sheep: cetnait p. 62, apparently a diminutive from cit (cit gl. ovis, H. 2. 16. col. 96, citen, leg. citen, gl. agnus, ibid.). Dog: milchu, gadar, p. 107; lamthargair p. 100, where oircne (misspelt oirci) and me- san also occur, cuib v. Cinnes p. 71 tretell p. 123. Eight words forcat: bai/rcne 'a white cat' (cat ban) p. 58, (cf. Ohg. barg ma- galis?) breoinneTp. 58, cruibne p. 56 (ut est cruibne sabaill ocus muiUnn, ' cat of the barn and of the mill'), folvm, v. Rac p. 113, glamenta p. 95 (and see Rac p. 113), iach p. 98 (and see Rac p. 113), meoinne p. 105 (is eissidhe cat cuile,* 'this is the kitchen-cat'), and rincne 'a kitten'. For Pig we have al- ready cited eight names from O'Davoren. To these may be added cribuis p. 71 (cribus mara, a porpoise?), deling 'a two-year-old pig' p. 78, ore = porcus p. 109 (its ace. pi. orcu occurs at Seig p. 137). Lupait above cited is explained at p. 103 as "the name of the pig that is killed on Martin's festival, and it seems to me that it is to the Lord it is offered." Wolf: sigach (leg. sidachf) p. 117. Wolf-cub: cana p. 70: cf. W. cenau. Fiadmuine 'wild beasts' v. Docoislet Whale: bleth p. 59 (bled gl. pistrix, gl. bellua marina Z. 100.) But few names for birds occur: cere 'hen' (ace. pi. cerca, s. V. Seig p. 107), rercerc 'plover'? p. 112, »eig 'hawk' p. 117, sebdg (= O.-W. hebauc Z. 816, now hebog), s. v. Seig p. 117.t Fishes are only represented by the salmon, for which I find fertuinn p. 94, mugna p. 107, and braddn{p.-l. bratdn) and the eel: esmong p. 80, or esmongu as Mac Firbis spells it. Insects are beich 'bees' v. Docoislet p. 74 (where the scribe has wrongly written beth), W. byg-egyr. Articles in O'Davoren's glossary connected with Irish literature are the words for Book: bare p. 58, and duil, ace. * Cuile, cuilae (gl. culina Z. 726) cul-teob Z. 931, are, so far as I know, the only Indo-European words cognate with the Latin culina. + O. -Ir. sebocc gl. capus Zeuss prsef. vii. O.-H.-G. habuh, now hahich-f. LX.VI PRKFACE. pi. duili p. 73 (roscribad in dul-so, Z. praef. XVI.); and for Poet: beoceall p. 70, caem p. 63, tadg dgen. taidg) p. 121, drisiuc p. 79 (= (itwic v. Dogrinn 72). Saird 'bards' are said (s. V. £^oZw p. 81) not to be bound to have a knowledge of the feda, or 'ogham -letters', and the dSacka, or 'poetical feet'. Alt p. 47 and awbert p. 49 are explained by aircetal, which is some kind of poetical composition. Dua/r p. 72 is explained by rann 'a stanza', and at p. 72 "what is fers (versus) with the Latiner" is said to be fuach vnth. the Jile (Gaelic poet). Ellach p. 81, seems to mean 'metre': esna p. 81, is glossed by abhran 'a song'; drechta p. 72, are said to be duana 'poems', or laidhe 'songs' and roscadha. Mescetlach p. 104 also seems to be a term for some kind of singer: its gloss mar each dwaine , literally 'rider of the d-iiainP or poem (dat. sg. duain p. 130, at March 7) is explained by O'Clery rea- caire ghabhas dan. The third and last document printed in the present volume is a gloss on the Felire,** or Festilogium of Oingus the Culdee. The source from which I have taken it is a collection of manuscripts preserved in the library of Tri- nity College, Dublin, and marked H. 3. 18. This collec- tion formerly belonged to Edward Lhuyd, author of the Archaeologia Britannica, Oxford 1707. The manuscripts are of various dates and sizes, and are now divided into two parts: part I. containing pp. 1 — 457, part II. containing pp. 458 — 875. The paging-numbers are in Lhuyd's handwriting, and the following notes by him occur at pp. 459 and 565 respectively: "Edw. Lhwyd a brynodh y Ihyvyr ymma gan Gornan o cornin yn Swydh Slego yn Honacht A" 1700"; f "Gan Eoin Agniv yn agos i Larn yn Swydh Antrim a pryn- wyd hwn. A" 1700."-j-t The collection contains a vast number In H. 3. 18, p. 81, col. 3, the seven grades of poets are thus named: 1. ol^^m, 2. anruth, 3. ch, 4. cana, 5. dos, 6. mac fuwmid, 1. foclach. ** Derived from fel 'a festival', Z. xiv. 956, 1096 = Welsh gwyl Fe- lire glosses codice in Z. 22. t "Edward Lhuyd bought this book from Cornan O'Cornin ... in the County of Sligo in Connaught in the year 1700 " tt "This was bought from John Agnew near L^rne in the County of Antrim in the year 1700." THE FELIRE OF OINGUS. LXVII of glosses, some wriiiten in the l^'", others in the 15*^ century. The pages about to be mentioned are occupied either with glossaries or with glossarial matter: pp. 61 — 83;* pp. 467, 468; pp. 533—541; pp. 603—616; pp. 616—622 (the glos- sary on the Fehre printed in the present volume); pp. 623 — 628; pp. 633^ — 640 (a collection of glosses headed "In ainm intrir intinscedul so dula droma cett[a] **; pp. 649 — 654; p. 661; p. 663, and, lastly, pp. 666^668. The poem (so-called), in explanation of which the glos- sary in question was compiled, is said to have been written by Oingus, son of Oengoba,f who is supposed to have flourished in the ninth century. I believe there are at least five copies of the Felire known to exist; one in the Leabhar Breacc, a manuscript in the hbrary of the Royal Irish Academy, an- other in a manuscript iii the same library, marked 48. 6, one in the Bodleian (Laud 610, S. 59 — 72), one m the Bur- gundian hbrary at Brussels (vol. xvii. Nos. 5101, 5102, 5103, 5104), and one in St. Isidore's College at Rome. The poem consists of three parts: a prologue containing 340 lines, the Calendar containing four lines for each day in the year, i. e. 1460, and an epilogue containing 564 hnes — 2364 lines in all. ff The poetical value of the compo- sition is small indeed,but it is a great repertory of the ancient language, and a good example of one of those extraordina- rily difficult forms of verse, in which the Celts , like the Norse- men, had such dehght. The aiste (metre) in which the Calendar is composed is, according to the writer of the pre- face, Rindard. * These glosses have been printed in the Transactions of the Philolo- gical Society for 1859, pp. 168 — 215. ** "In the name of the Three Persons (of the Trinity) the beginning, this, of the Book of Druim Cetta." t His pedigree is thus given in the prose preface to the Felire {Leabhar Breacc, fo. 38 in marg.) : Aengus imorra Mac sengoband M. oilbein M. fidrui M. diarmuta M. ainmireoh M. cellair M. oengasa M. natsluaig M. coelbuid M. cruind badrai M. echoed cobai. ff There is a copy of the prologue and epilogue in the Bodleian, Rawl. 505. LXVIII PREFACE. Caidhe em aichne (leg. aith- gne) rinnairde. nin«a .ui. sil- lieba incach' cethrumthain 7 xii. isinlethrand. .xx.iiii. imorro isinrand chomlan et si sit plus minusve error (is pudar) est. Recomarc imorro .i. desilla&ach inarennaib. isfuire side da- roine oengus infelire 7 fortri gneib din .i. for reid rindaird .i. for rinnaird danard 7 for rinnaird tri nard 7 for rinnaird ,iiii. nard. How [says he] is recognised? Not ' difficult. Six syllables in every fourth (of a stanza), and twelve m the half- stanza, but twenty^ four in the entire stanza, and if there be more or less there is a mistake. It is recomarc, i. e. dissyllabic in its termina- tions. Thus did Oengus com- pose the Felire , and in three kinds, i. e. in reid-rmnard ('smooth, easy rmnard'') i. e. in rinnard of two ard,8 (alli- terations?), and in rinnard of three ards., and in rinnard of four ards. One may quote as a specimen of the versification the first twenty lines of the prologue, though it seems likely that this was written after the Calendar itself.* (I have cor- rected the spelling, which, here and there, is very corrupt.) 1. Sen a christ mo labrad, a choimdiu secht nime! romberthar biiaid leire a ri greine gUe! 5. A gelgri'an forn-osna riched cu meit noibe! a rf conic aingliu! a choimdiu na ndoine! 9. A choimdiu na ndoine ! a ri flrian firmaith! ■ cbn[d]amraib each solad ar molad dot rlgraid. Bless, O Christ, my utterance O Lord of seven heavens! Be the reward of devotion given to me,' O King of the bright sun! O bright sun that enlightenest Heaven with much of holiness! O King that rulest the angels! O Lord of men (twv av^puTiov)! O Lord of men! O King, just, excellent! Let every profit be mine For praising thy kings. • Consider in the IGth line above cited the dat. sing, guide (rhymin^r with rmre, gen. -ech), which in Old-Irish would be guidiu Z. p. 246 »„v riqu Prol. 61 ' great kincs ' nom nl~AT ■ - ■ .. ,. ' ^°^' Prol. 237, where for na the O.-I. -would have had in THE FELIRE OF 0IN6US. LXIX 13. Do rigrad no-molar ol is ti\ mo ruire doralus ar maire . greschi oc do guide. 17. Guidiu itge doib — romain ar at rogbus cain-popul cu ligdath 20. in rigrad im-rordus. Thy kings I praise, For thou art my. sovran. I have passed my life(?) In praying to thee continually. I pray a prayer to them — May it save me from what I have contracted The fair folk with splendour, The kings whom I have com- memorated. Here it will be observed: 1, that every Hne contains six syllables, and ends with a dissyllable; 2, that alliteration is very frequent; 3, that theire is a female assonantal rhyme in the second and fourth Hnes of each quatrain; 4, that a word in the third line of a stanza often rhymes with a word in the middle of the fourth {lere — grene, solad — molad, ligdath — rigrad; 5, that the consonants in the rhyming words belong in each case to the same class, as to which see O'Donovan's Grammar p. 415; 6, that the commencement of every qua- train, save the first, resembles the close of the preceding stanza. The preface, after telling Place at which the poem was was composed, and the Time state the Cause of producing Is he infochund. fecht do- lluid oengus dochviil bennchmV amuig rechet conusfacca lige and 7 balan doainglib iter neam 7 lar uasinlige coroiar- faigsium dosacurt nacille cia roadnocht isinlige ucut., Se- noir truag robui isinbaile olin- sacurt. Cia maith dognid ol oengus. Nis faicinnse a maith sunnraid ol insacurt. Cia ret iter dognid ol oengus. Noeim indomain dothuirem ohnsacart doneoch bacumain lais dib fo- in the regular Irish fashion the made, the Person by whom it of its composition, proceeds to it: This is the Cause. Oengus went once to Cuil Bennchuir in Magh Rechet, and he saw a grave there, and all between heaven and the ground over the grave was full of angels. And he asked the priest of the church: "Who has been buried in that grave?" "A poor old man who was in the place," said the priest. "What good used he to do?" said Oengus. "I used not to see any especial good done by LXX PREFACE. lige 7 foerge a,mail ba bes do athloechaib indomain. Amo de nime ol oengus cipe dognethtria filidechttriligmol- tai dona noemaib ropu mor alog do intan is for inathloech tanic rath nameti ucut. Rothinscaia tra oengus afelire indsin. Da- roine din amedonr[a]ind icluain eidnech. Hi tamlachtu (.i. isinaith) imorro roforbad .i. inaimsir moelruain doronta he .xx.iiii. sillaJa incacA rand et si sit plus minusve sicut prae- dictus error est etc. him," said the priest. " What thing at all used he to do?" said Oengus. "He recounted the saints of the world," said the priest, "such of them as he remembered, on lying down and rising up, as is the custom of the veterans of the world." "Ah my God of heaven," saidOengus,"whosoever should make in poetry a trilech of praise for the saints, great would be his reward therefor, since grace of that greatness hath come upon this veteran." So Oengus began his Calen- dar there. He made the mid- dle part of it in Chiain Eidnech. In Tamlachta, how- ever it was completed. In the time of Maelruain it was made. There are twenty-four syl- lables in every quatrain, et si sit etc. After the preface comes the Prologue (jprolacK) which begins with the prayer above quoted. The poet then, ad- verting to the consolation which he in his penitential suffer- ings has derived from celebrating the saints, briefly describes /^ the modes of martyrdom (vv. 33 — 48) which the soldiers of Jesus suffered with cheerfiil heroism. They now (unlike the great pagan kings) enjoy their eternal reward with Mary's Son (mac il/air e = O.-W. mMp Meir), while their bodies are > shrined in sparkling gold (vv. 49 — 84). Herod and Pilate are then contrasted with Christ, Nebuchadnezzar with Old Paul the monk, John the Baptist with Herod and his queen, Peter and Paul with Nero, Pilate's queen with Mary the Virgin (vv. 85 — 132). Then, after some reflections on the nothingness of mundane power as compared with the lowly service (amsain) of Jesus (vv. 145 — 160), even in Ireland, THE FELIRE. LXXI says the poet, these truths have been forgotten — in Ireland, where the strong burgh of Tara has died, while Armagh lives filled with learned champions; where King Loiguire's glory has departed, but St. Patrick's name lives on (vv. 161 — 172). Various ruined strongholds and cities of the pagan Irish are then contrasted with the monasteries flourishing at the poet's time (vv. 173—217). The forgotten renown of pagan chieftains is contrasted with the abiding glory of Christ and various Irish saints (vv. 218 — 248). The poet then breaks out into a laudation of Jesus, prays for success in the work in hand, and concludes by describing its nature (vv. 2A9—34Q). Then comes the Calendar, which consists of 365 quatrains, commences with the feast of the Circumcision (Jan. 1), and ends with that of St. Sylvester (Dec. 31). With Sylvester, Lochan and Endae,'two Irish saints, are commemorated. The Epilogue contains 564 hnes. After referring gene- rally to the Calendar, and acknowledging Christ's help in composing it, the poet prays for eternal life along with the saints whom he has commemorated, and declares that they have blessed whomsoever shall sing the Felire. Doratsat a mbendacht for cechnoen not-geba doragat dia frestal in-amsir at-bela La bethaid a anmae hi flaith grerie gile iarna breith sech ingra for dingna secht nime. They have given their blessing On every one who shall sing it, They will come to attend him At the time he shall die. With life of his soul In the realm of the white sun Having been borne past perils On the hills of the seven heavens. The poet then mentions the sources of his compilation (vv. 133 — 144), and again refers to several of the beneficial results of reciting it (vv. 145 — 224), the last-mentioned being: A ainim cen cosnam hi riched co ngili diaeis iar richtain icfaid drucht a ligi. His soul without conflict In heaven with whiteness, Behind him, after reaching (it), The dew of his grave shall heal. LXXII PREFACE. The poet then classifies the persons commemorated (vv. 224 — 284), angels, prophets, apostles, martyrs, bishops, saints, priests, monks, and virgins of Ireland, who will all, he says, befriend him (vv. 285 — 300). After praying (w. 301 — 304) the saints to beseech Christ on his behalf, he adjures Jesus by the sufferings of saints and penitents, by the offerings of his body and blood, by his humanity and divinity, to grant him what he is contending for (vv. 305 — 360). The rest of the epilogue is occupied with longings to pass from the afflic- tions of the world, and prayers to be saved likeEhjah andEnoch, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Jonah, Isaac, Jacob, David, Susannah, the people of Nineveh, Daniel, Moses, Paul and Peter, Samson etc. (vv. 361— 544), like Martin from the priest of the idol (ar lacart ind idail), like Patrick from the poisoned drink at .Tara (di thonnud hi Temraig), like Coemgin from the falling of the mountain (de chutawn intsUhe). It ends thus: Romsoera a Isu at bithbuan do fertai a choimdiu non-aihu frisailiu do thechta Tan domm itecht hirguis cid hi caisc no corgus ronsnadat diar ndidnad inrigrad imrorduss. Save me, O Jesus! Eternal are thy miracles. Lord whom I beseech, 1 await thy coming! When I am praying. Whether in Easter or Lent, May they convoy us to our solace. The kings whom I have com- memorated. * The LeaJbhar Breacc copy of Oingus' Calendar is co- piously glossed. It contains, moreover, a great body of ancient notes, some of which are topographical, and others relate to the pedigrees and lives of the saints therein com- memorated. Others, again, are purely legendary. I have here only space to cite a pair of the latter, which, though told of ChriiStian saints, appear to me to have every trace of a pagan origin. The first is taken from a ipoem on the birth of Claran of Saigir, cited as a note at March 5. * The above was in type before the appearance of Mr. Curry's "Lec- tures on the MS. Materials of ancient Irish History" in which work the reader will iind a fuller and better account of the Felire. LEGENDS. LXXIII Bui liadaine ina cotlad fora dergud rad nat oil intan soes a gnais fri neam docer redlu ina gin.*| Is de genair in gein namra ciaran saigre sloinnter lat ocus is de rad cen uaille atbert luaigne nimba mac. The second legend occiirs of St. Sillan of Irolech Cassain Silan .i. oratio cech lobair 7 cech duine nobid hingalar throm. Arrobe amian uile finda malach silan dofaicsin coroep- litis focetoir. Arrobe aiste in- finda sin cech oen atchid artiis e isinmatain muich a ec foce- toir. Ecmaing din dolethglind. tic molaisi matain moch tim- cheU narelci. Tecmaid silan in finda jina ! agaid do. Nibia in- findusa ar molaisi oc marbud chaich ni bus mou oca thar- raing as arecia. Atbail din molaisi focetoir iarfaicsin in- finda. Liadaine [ his mother ] was asleep Onherbed (asayingnot wrong). When she turned her face to heaven A star fell into her mouth. Thence was born the marvel- lous child, Cfaran of Saigir who is pro- ■ claimed to thee. And thence (a saying without pride) Luaignef said he was not his son. at September 11, and is told in CiiaUnge. SUan, i. e. the oratio of every wretched man and of every one who was in heavy disease. For the desire of them all was to see a (certain) hair of Silan's eyebrow, so that they might die straightway. For the na- ture of that hair was (such), that whosoever saw it at first in the morning early, died straightway. Now he hap- pened (to come) to Lethglenn. Molaisi went early in the mor- ning round the grayeyard,. He met Silan of the Hair (coming) towards him. "This, hair," said Molaisi, "shall not be killing every one, it shall be no more" (said he), plucking it out by force. Then Molaisi died forthwith after seeing the hair. * Cf. t Liadaine's husband, I presume. LXXIV PREFACE. The publication of a good edition of the text of the Felire, with the glosses and notes thereon, is indeed greatly to be desired. Few contributions of equal worth could be made to the materials of Celtic philology; and its value to Irish topography, hagiology, and genealogy has been fully recognised by scholars far more competent than I to form an opinion on the subject. Having said thus much of the text on which our glosses were made, I may conclude with pointing out a few of the interesting words which they present. Thus: G&rait 'lively, vigorous', p. 127, seems = the Gaulish Oerontius (the W. Gereint points to a short antepenult). ro-slaigh^ the gloss oil ro-selaig, p. 126, 'percussit', is apparently cognate with the Gothic slahan, tutctsw. The Gaelic slachd 'flagella', 'tunde', has often been compared; cf. too imm-a-slech-t p. 129, 'round whom was slain' and sluag (Gaulish slogos in Gatu-slogi) properly 'a division'? cf. too, slige 'a road' properly 'a cutting'. The gloss on Laithi na mis mor-sa ('the days of these great months') i. e. na mis n-grene, 'of the months of the sun', is interesting as preserving the genitive plural with its trans- ported n; cf. mi = [j.7]v, Skr. mas (mis-n = Skr. mdsam). Loid 'song, poem', Zeuss p. 928, of which the dat. pi. Ididib (leg. loidib) occurs infra at p. 127, seems cognate with Goth, liuthon vJ'aXXstv, Uuthareis aSuv (for equating the Gothic iu with Ir. 6i, cf. niun = ndin). The root NIGH (Skr. nij, vi'tctu, vt'?G>) 'to wash' occurs at p. 127: hi feil (leg. fiiil) Crist docoemmcAter tlachtn, 'in Christ's blood they washed their garments'. Compare the gloss ro-nighset and the reduplicated form {o-ne-naig 'lavit' in the prayer following the so-called Ffacc's Hymn in the Liber Hymnorum. Lith, (ace. pi. lithu Z. 1041) glossed by sollomain 'a solemnity' p. 128, is the Breton lid 'a festival', pi. lidou: cf. Ldtu -ma,ra. (Siegfried). Cing 'a champion' p. 130, gen. cinged, a <-stem; cf. Gaulish Cingetorix, Ver-cinget-o-rix; Oinges (gen. Gingetosf) Gingetiiis, Cmgius, Gliick, Keltische Namen, 75, 76. Cf. also Cingenius (Klein, 14), and Ex-cingilla (Zeuss 58). CONCLUSION. LXXV Breo p. 131 'a flame' = Skr. bhrajas, 9X6^, fulg-eo, flamma (flag-ma) flag-ro. Gegnatar* p. 131 'vulneraverunt' is an interesting redu- plication. The 3rd pers. sing, geguin occurs in the Felire, at Oct. 23. The root gon seems the Skr. han (for ghan'i). Another reduplication is cachain (p. 138, Dec. 8) = cecinit. In leaving these glossaries I warn the reader that they are merely sxSoffsii; — the time for 8top5~wff£i<; of Celtic texts not having, I hold, as yet arrived. We must reap and thresh before we vsdnnow. Lastly, I desire to express my acknowledgments to Dr. Siegfried for his valuable help in writing this preface, and in collating some of the proofsheets of the text with the original manuscripts; to Dr. O'Donovan, who liberally allowed me to consult his version of Cor- mac's glossary; to Mr. Eugene Curry for some friendly aid; to the Kev. Dr. Todd for his loan of Codex E; to Mr. Clibbom, of the Royal Irish Academy, for facilities afford- ed me in consulting and transcribing from the MSS. in his care; but above all to the grammar of John Caspar Zeuss , of whom Celtic phUologers may well say , in the words of the Orphic poet: Zsu? oLpxri, Zsu? [xsffffa, Ai.o<; 8' sx Tzoivza. TSTuxTad Dublin, October 1861. W. S. * In the third line of the quatrain from which this word Is taken the Leabhar Breacc copy for atoebdin has ananmand, which is much better. The quatrain may then be rendered: "Urban's clergy are most pure; lusts did not wound them: their names are most bright, through shedding of their blood." . , READINGS OP OORMAC'S GLOSSARY, CODEX A., CORRECTED IN THE PRESENT EDITION. (It has been thought unnecessary to notice all the numerous corrections of Latin words.) p. 1. Adaltrach .i. ab adulterio. [in marg.] Adaltair .i. ab adultrum. Amfos holocc do loco, p. 2. Aed, 1, issedh deaa. 3, illam deam oenguis (1. esse ignis) fabalauerunt. Amnas -i. amnes dia. p. 3. Aiditiu, 1. 1, athdethiu iterum arnandi nachnom. nach naile prius. Anart , 1. 2 , anail m. mcus. 1. 4 , casmail. Anomain, 1. 1 , ansomain. Anruth, 1. 1, an. 1. 2, inacsen mholta . namuinead. Auair, 1. 5, nihaigned. Adart, 1. 1, agirt .i. agse mbais arisarbas adrimthar. (The words in brackets are from Codex B.) AirSB arei friho inair. Arathar . abb arat. p. 4. Aithches. Aitclies. Airber, 1. 5 , ara iarthar. Abarta, 1. 3, mararullad. Ailges, 1. 1, ghuides arail. 1. 2, no ni armolad. p. 5. 1. 2. mitharba. 1. 5 , hicrothaib. Aighne. Aidhne (no Aighne). AirndeL Aimel [in marg.] no airndel. Aithinne. The words in brackets are from B. Adba, 1. 3, Ishe inliath rolass. 1. 5, iarnaignead. 1. 6, inchloch issi iarrastair. Aigillne, 1. 7, mipropison im. proeatur agille. 1. 9, taurecrec. LXXVII p. 6. 1. 1. Buanand sic erat. Brathair quasi fruster eo quod fraruidit iter .i. patrem. (In B. the contraction which I have read tres is .t.) Bachall, 1. 2, dicitur. Baten adbaiU. Babloir don partaie. Bab , 1. 1 , .1. eeht aidblighthi. Boll, bullai . Bolg .i. usqe. p. 7. Baracht. Braracht. Buachail. in marg. oail 7 conetaigi. B6. Bo nomen de sono factum vocis. suse (factum est). Blind, blinnaeh. Blind auca each in linga. Benntraige. Benta patrem eorum. , Boge(n.),l. l,uiiga. '- Brathchsei, 1. 7, can rig isnatuathaib is bratha cae. Bruinecll, 1. 2, maceUis no mamellis. p. 8. Bri, 1. 4, am. asfer (no asfria) induine. 1. 5, isfriaduine. Brigit, 1. 3, deeam vocant poetarum hoc n. cujus sarores erant brigit be legis .i. bande .i. trihmgena. Brigit be goibnechta in dagdai (ingen inda.) insin. de qarum nominibns pene hoes iber- nenses. Brinda .1. a verba ferrndeo. ' ' Cormac a (coair) orth^raiph. Coirbre. eorbaire .i. cuirbperi no airai carpait. p. 9. Cruimther, Cruimthir 1. 8, bess islomm. Cretair Creatra. Cuma , 1. 2 , iscoimdess cipead cibe dib. Cich aratethas. p. 10. Cathasach fes foit in 6ic. Qatar .a catura liberis. Cocul, 1. 1, quasi cocul ab eo quod est cocula. 1. 2, coeula. Cicul, 1. 2 , dixiset is cuirdfell dunson. Cinglges, 1. 2, .i. 1. laa. Coim^it Coimiet. Cingit, 1. 2 , medi focerdais. p. 11. 1. 3. diem dana. Caid. Cath .i. cades isin gc. nisain isscinin lalatin .un. dr. cath cocan- nae eomuaim (eaith cachrsed cocanoine comhnaim). p. 12. Capiat, 1. 1, capitolamium. Cendla, 1. 2, est cenele. CerchaiU, 1. 2 , no in ceal. p. 13. Cendaid, 1. 1, imnatait (no imteit). Coinfodome, ,1. 1,'fa dobar- nai .i. fous. Caise, caisi. Cmmduiua cin chon crumdub. Cloind nindliged. Cerball, 1- 7, noe .xx. it .c. gubachoie. Cuisnit, Cuisnid . . . fofanairis. Lxxvin Coire Breccain, 1. 2, atuaig. 1. S, aniartuaig. 1. 4, immasech, ba- seaoh bacosmailius. 1. 6 , tairrecha. 1. 7, nosuidfed. p. 14. 1. 7. I am not sure that we should not read condechatar. The MS. has odechutar. 1. 7, indb- beci. p. 15. Dire, 1. 2, forauaisHetaid. Die, 1. 3 , die damh oe (over the e is written nine). Doss, 1. 2, duilli. p. 16. Deme, 1. 1, teim cauhdub. Dubach del. dul. dol. Dairfine, 1. 5, airrdaoram. Diancecht, 1. 7, ut perite (vel imperite). D^ach, 1. 3, nibirusasin. 1. 5 , imbrechta. 1. 6 , numerus. p. 17, 1. 1, Doberar naimerand anuas, no umeach rsed ele ifilled . FUlis imbe &c. 1. 4, indiaig. Doiduine Doe .i. duine doe. deoch doe .i. doe dea. duine dia dan each maith is combrisc druchta dea. (The text is taken from B. except in 1. 2 where the MS. has da dse duine.) p. 1 8. Eliugud. conabi luigde de. Edel, 1. 2, Moith (no tri) brain. £spa .i. niba nitriir quasi espa. Eirge Erige. Ebrdn , 1. 2 , imadimchalla. p. 19. Enech mice .i. enech cru cian. oinchaib. Etan. Edan .I. diancecht . . . edan .i. airoedul. Flaith, 1. 3, dellrad. ass. Fine, 1. 1 , Fin. Fithal .i. ns pse iudicis. p. 20. Fochlocon, 1. 3, dis don (the n in recent ink). Frecre, Fregra. Fo- loman, quasi folum £jid. Fochonnad, 1. 2, inchrinaidsin. Fddelmid , Fedlimid. p. 21.1. 1 . isacer. 1. 3 , doromalt. Femen, 1. 3, aeognam. Fliuchud, Flechad, Pe. 1. 17, huaire trau bade. Fidchell, 1. 3, dirge a tithead. 1. 5, pasca. p. 22. 6am. in marg. no gamo unde etiam . . . imgamo . . . quasi gaim . . . Gelistar, 11. 6, 7, coitehend da each chomuidiuch ehuige cenbothar beir. p. 23. Gaileng, 11. 9, 10, ut dicitur galenga nominatur. LXXIX Gall, 11. 1, 2, combrandaib gall. The passage from rohainiuui- ged to brain is in the margin. The text has gaill din. ainm dohelu. inde cochall ngall gaim bran. 1. 9, dinis gallus. .i. a (7 is) galia &c. Grasticum, 1. l, aJtngud. l. 2, Grasaigum n .i. gratias dec ^emus. (The words do duiu are from B.) Ged dessona. Gamuin, 1. 2, immi 7 in gaimrid. Grond, 1. 1, gsei 6ir. gre .i. aithinde. Gluss, 1. 2, intog conid dagrusc. Greth, greath. p. 24. Gruiten, 1. l, Gruiden is grot .i. is goirt. or grot each nguirt. Groma , 1. 2 , sluag nimai detchide hodeilb. 1. 3 , decnach gruaimm 7 duine caruslemo. Gaire. Throughout the satire Caier's name is written Cser. The third line (taken from B.) is represented by diba ro. The r in celtra is omitted. Hibar .i. eobarr .i. barr. iarsinni na(ta)sbar fo barr dogres. biad. Hitharna .i. ith 7 ornse. ornsB .i. glaise emu (no ar it glaine). lasc, 1. 2, ess din. unde essercca. , Hiam iaxt. p. 25. Himbath, 1. 2, a line is drawn through the letters inat and nad is written above. Himbas forosnai, 1. 10, arna roimpa or perhaps arnaromipa. p. 26. Lelap Lenamb. Legam , 1. 5 , minca. Laarg , Larag. Lamos , Lamos. Liae, 1. 1, grege (interpretatur) lapis. Langfiter , 1- 3 , non sic urcomul. urachomul. p. 27. Lott quasi lott. Lligbort. Lilbgort. melius .i. luib goirt, no gort luibe- (In marg. in a modem hand, lugbhairt .i. melius). Leithech, 1. 6 , over the ar of farolaid (farrolaig in B.) is written no. 1. 8, asgabull. 1. 12, mithid. 1. 14, ocamhaidem alan aile mngantu. 1. 17, tibrus. 1. 22, 7 fiis sed am. indlis. p. 28. Iffarc, marcaig din .i. eieh immda leis. Melg, imblegar. p. 29. Muilend, MuUeand. 1. 3, clooha broan. Mat, 1. 2, latitudine. Munnu, 11. 1,2, Munua. Mai, madnais. Mogheime, 1. 10, rodsaid. 1. 16, oombualaind (.i. casaid). 1. 16, comba bronach (1. ba bairnach). p. 30. Mug quasi muich. Much .i. diaid. ainm do much, diaid. (Text from B.) p. 31. Mear, 1. 3, merulus . grege. 1. 3, en eli di chenel- cid fein. Mortlaith, Mort. Manannan mac Lir, 1. 6, scoti britoines eum domini. 1. 7, after dictus est come the words 'nomen et de nomine manand insolse manand adietus est. ' LXXX p. 32. ITairne, 1- 4, inde dicitur. Nescoit, 11. 5, 6, scoite Goibne goba. facieabat astas. 1. 7, deginach. 1. 8, deginach. 1. 10, inandiaig. Ness, 1. 3. The words from araile to dicens inclusive are in the margin. The text contains these words which have been struck through: in goband amarbnat^ diafir "of the smith in (the) elegy for her husband." p. 33. Oi, 11. 1, 2, oimelg .i. imelg iarsinni blegar. p. 34. Osllicad, 1. 1 , nacomlad. 1. 2, lecan. Ore trdith. , 1. 11, doraraigh (cf. doruarthatar gl. remanserunt Z. 1014). 1. 19,laide. 1. 29 , deoglai. p. 35. Patu, 1. 1 , foruirme. Pinginn, Pinguin. p. 36. Priill, 1. 9, robui dig dothamtigib. 1. 11, adglasastar ... inan- diaig. 1. 13, na a leco leo. 1. 30, ni bud ecnaid di techt. 1. 32, Senchan baohu deit. p. 37. Priill, 1. 17, mnseraide. 1. 34, [Ijnsaidfe fort s5ch- mad ead co- nige. 1. 3 5 , olise. p. 38. 11. 4, 5, dubium itta quod est ille poemates erat xpos. Ross , 1. 3 , ross uisce tra rofeis. Rot, 1. 12, forchen fer trebar. 1. 13, no selbse. 1. 17, inan diaig. 1. 19, cochta. p. 39. Hop .i. rapeo quod rapit. rap tra. p. 40. Slabhradll, 1. 2, slab arcach cumang esslabra each fairsing. p. 42. Treab. ab eo quod est tribunus. Temair, 1. 2, .i. grec rotruaill. and tea mur din each loc. Tnirgin, 1. 12, deginach. 1. 13, nsena. 1. 14, tobreit. 1. 17, deoig tesemon. p. 43. Tigba, deginach. p. 44. 1. 22. nimnech. 1. 23. rad iar. SANAS CORMAIC INCIPIT. I. littera. [Codex A. Pag. 1. col. a.] Adam .i. homo vel terrigena. Adoinuau .i. homunculus. Ard ab arduo. Adradh ab adoratione. Asg^alt .i. eisgeilt no ascolt. colt .i. biad. Asglaud no asglang .i. huasglaind.' gland no glang [.i.] guala. Arad .i. rith no riad no arad fria [leg. rad fri a]. A .i. each nard no 'each nuasal. .i. a. ard. Adaltrach. .i. ab adulterio. Adaltair ab adultero. Acais .i. a causa. Altrom id est ab eo quod est alo. Aicher ab eo quod est acer .i. laind no tind no tren. Amibs no aufos .i. inti nabi foss [air] acht holocc dolocc (de loco ad locum). Ar ab eo quod est aro (airim). Atme .i. cuaird. veteres enim ponebant an pro circum unde dicitur annus. Airches .i. ab arceo .i. iarsinni dothimairges (no dothimairg) indi focherd innte. Andseirg .i. andsa (no anusa) aseirc. Airged .i. quasi airgeinnti ab argent[e]6. Arco .i. fitir. dom dia arco .i. postulo veniam. arco fuin .i. dom dia atlocor vel peto veniam a deo vel gratias ago vel tothlu- chur dilgud a deo post peccatum. aliter arco ab arceo finem deo .i. timarchim mocrich deo quamvis primo peccavi. Atlochar .i. dilgud dom dia. Arseo .i. fitirum. Asdol ab asdula [hastula] .i. slissean no gse liubair. Ascaid .i. scail unde asgsete (.i. laechda no scalta aruath- maire inlaich amail seal no amail scath). 1 2 SANAS CORMAIC. An [no] am .i. diultad gsedelgi amail rogab nath 7 annath em 7 aneim (nert 7 amnert). Adamra ab admiratione. Aurdam .i. aurdoim .i. aurtegdais (.i. frithtegdais). Almsan .i. quasi elimsan ab elimosyna. [in marg.] almsan quasi almusson [leg. aim a sson?] .i.- arisard fogur nahalmsaine. Art treide fordon gair [leg. fordingair]. art .i. uasal. unde di- citur fine airt (no art fine), art .i. dia unde dicitur (Eochaid find) fdath nairt .i. fuath dee .i. ar cseime (in fir sin). Item Cuchulainn (post mortem) dicere perhibetur domemaidh art uasal .i. dia uasal. ocus art .i. cloch (no lee lige cu- jus diminutivum) arteine .i. clocheni unde vel inde dixit Guaire Aidne dochelit mor namra indairtine bede forlige Marcain (no Maircini) maic JEda maic Marceine. Arg trede fordongair. arg .i. bainne. unde dicitur (argda) ruarc .i. robanna .i. snige mor dofleochud. arg din .i. loech. unde dicitur (argda .i. laechda) cuius uxor ar- geind. argeind din .i. isgein doarg .i. dolsech abeth aige (7 is maith do), vel argcuin (.i. isarg .i. laech) .i. cuiniu .i. bean. Arg din airdhairc unde dicitur airchedul (.i. arg- cetul) .i. cedid orrdhairc ara mence conchanair. isaire din nicedul loech atberar. arni doloechu (tantum) .i; nama dog- nithear. Ab ab 60 quod est papas vel a nomine hebraico quod est abba (id est pater). Athair hoc ater primitus dicebatur quasi pater. Alt ab altitudine. Ana .i. mater deorum hibernensium. robumaith din rosbia- thadsi na dee (deos. de cujus nomine anse dicitur .i. Imbed 7 de) cujus nomine da cich (n) Anainne iar Luachair nomi- nantur ut fabulaverunt (vel fertur). vel ana quod est an- nio vel aniud graece quod interpretatur dapes. Anruth. nomen secundi gradus poetarum. Amrath .i. nemrath .i. nitabar rath diahessi doridise uair is iarmbas duine dognither. Aliter bidomus [in marg. no bid- ammos] .i. ec. (anam din is donni as amoss). amrath din ecrath rath iarnecaib doberair omuinntir inti diandentar logairecht furri sed huius postremum non tam laudo. Aedh .i. tene. triaimpiid inanmma is aed dea .i. bandee (tened) quod ipsa est Vesta .i. bandee thenead et quod Vestam illam deam esse ignis fabulaverunt vel fertur VestU ipsa ignis dicitur .i. aed. Amnas quasi amnes. ab eo quod est amnestia .i. uli (no uile no ogh) dilgend. Aursa .i. airisiu (no arsisiu) iarsinni airises inteach furri A. 3 [in marg. j aliter aursa .i. or sin .i. alanor fri teg anaill fri sin. Aiditiu .i. aitdetiu .i. detiu iterum iarnaditiu lanech naile prius. * Auart .i. hinirt .i. hirt has. ut dixit Moran mac Main (.i. amal rogab isintig anail Morainn maic Main) dath don dig hirt (no die irt) .i. dondig bais. anart (din) .i. inbais arabainni. iscosmail friali bais arnisbi (ni do) dergiand. quasi exsanguis mortuus. Aud.ach.t .i. huathfecht .i. intan teit induine frifecht neca (no nuatha) .i. inbais. Anouiain .i. ainmm airchedail .i. ansomain (.i. nomen nanar- [chedul ar]asomaine) .i. formeit aluaige 7 agraid. 7 ise dan inollaman. unde dicitur inloing anoman ollam. Auruth. (.i. nomen secundi gradus poetarum) .i. sruth an innacainmolta uad la sruth namaine chuige diahessi. Anair .i. ainmm airchedail. ise (dan) doni cli .i. anair. nihair acht asmolad. cidsamlaid son din dicach C9murg molta isdilsiu don alt airchitail issiu ar isfuirmed nafileadh romi- dair nahanmannasa donahaircheatlaib diasloindead nanilalt 7 nihaigned romidir leosum. Anforbracht .i. ainm duine bis asirg 7 timairgeas galur conabi beoil nasiig and. bracht din enim nomen beoil vo- catur. Adart .i. (quasi) adirt .i. adse mbais arisarbas adrimther codlud. isainm dono irt do bas 7 is ainm bas dontsuan. [Is adje din] telcud frihadart [7 is airde codalta]. unde dicitur descaid chodulta freslige. Adart .i. athard arisairde oldas aniumdha olchena. Airae (.i. cind) .i. araui. friho anair arflias. Aire din da each ard isainm. Althle .i. athfhola. asmessa hi oldas fola. Axal no Axail ab auxilio quod angeli hominibus praebent. Arathar ab aratro. Ana .i. sdaba beca bidis forsnatibradaib isnacanaib dliithaib. unde dicitur damaid ana for lindib. 7 ba doargad badis mence ut Mac da Cherda dixit for Cnucc Rafand INraith morsa (no hisa) forsnamfil ambid tibran fo an gil bablnd gair choiUe loinche umraith Fiachach maic Moinche (.i. Muilaethan). Fri hoi dodhainib scftha estib nofacbatis imorro uasu forsna- tibratib 7 ba horigaib dobertis form dofromad acana. * There is here a marginal gloss which I cannot read. 1* 4 SANAS CORMAIC. Athgabail .i. nateora ba toisechu * [pag- 1- col. b.] rogab Assal ar Mog mac Nuadhat. Athgabail din iar[sinni] adgaib each aleass trethi. Athgabail din .i. na .vi. ba [ar]namairech. lege hiFenchus mar. Aithech. .i. aith 7 aech .i. nama aith. Aithech din nama aith. ni ainm acht do dheglsech. Aithches .i. uxor ejus quomodo laiches a laico. Auuasc (.i. nasc aue) .i. ornasc nobid umdoitib no agluas- saib mac nasaerohland. Aighean .i. hogfaen amail bid leathnuige. Aitteaud .i. aiththeand acht (no sech) is aith is teand. unde dixit mac Samain Ni hinmain fid furigin fil hitseban torigin romrain cobrath adhuille nim aincend a fidruinne. Aurduine .i. ar dorrsib nandiiine fogm'd lasin ajs cerde. Airber .i. fritt anair mxmabire (no nombere) iter do di laim ar is fort aniar dombere nahaire archena. Air din each nairther ut est Airmhuma .i. ir each ni ishire uat ut est Ir- ihuma .i. Muma isire asesside aslrmhuiha. 7 ut dicitur Ara airther ar attatt nateora hAirne and .i. Ara airther as nessa do Eirinn. Ara irther din esside isiram ho Eirinn siar. acht isesside inAra iarthair betha. Aine a nomine Aine ingeine Eogabail. Abarta .i. sechtmad furirid induine gabar isinabartain. isi abartain techta. isara aipert din nama atobair induine diaraile sin nlararullad chena acht epert do friacheile nodgebim inabartain. archobli (no ar eobele) din do- berair. Ailges din .i. geis guide, is arail din nama doberar inguidesin. 7 ni armolad. viimad loige enig inti cusacuindigar inailges (isi inailges) teehta. Athaubbse quasi bath .i. bas. Aimind ab eo quod est amoenum. Airchindecli .i. archennach. areos [ap^os] graece excelsus la- tine dicitur. Airchindech din .i. uasalcheand. Ambuse .i. ni bunadach. buse each bunadach din. Adse .i. ad dee .i. dir do dia. Altan .i. ail teind mad diatecma. Adand .i. senhitharna. ut poeta Hitharna [hitharna] maddiatecma hiththadba * Here there is a note in the margins of which I ban only read .... athgabail .i. ina .vi. ba tuisecha rogab Asal ar Mug mac Nuadad. A — B. 5 ar dia niradluathadna arluathlabra nitharba. ut dixit Colman mac Lenin[i]. Liiin hocelaib uinge hocdirnai crotba banaithech occrothaib rignai rig hocDomnall dord ocaibsi adand occainnill colg acmochoilgsi. A .i. fen no carr no carpat. item Fer Muman a quibusdam plebHibus [flebilibus] audivit in aquius [aquilonali?] parte ut dixenmt INnessar dam tha to mana mo mo a arataire mo a mo maini ma do a to. Altire .i. iter ade .i. iter dafechemain. Aingel .i. angelus .i. bonus nuntius .i. dagthechtaire. unde Scoti dicunt aingel solas .i. grianda .i. failid. Aigfrere .i. aige rere .i. breitheam. Aighne .i. fer aiges ai .i. airchedul no caingean. Aimdel .i. air indeal .i. indeal namra hi. Aithinne .i. [aithtene no aithle] thenead. Apstal .i. ab posdulo [postulo] .i. ad dominum posdulo .i. tochuirimm. Ainder .i. bean .i. ni deir ni hingen. der enim filia vel virgo vocatur. Auidan .i. an fo diultad. hidan imorro .i. hidon ab eo quod est idoneus .i. tairise. Adba othnoe .i. adba uath onse (no uinde). uath uir 7 ond cloch .i. adba liire 7 chloiche ut dixit IShe inli^^ lith rolass iarsrethaib suad issenchass issed bond iarnaignead ail inchloch issf iarrastair. Aigillne .i. augo gUlnse .i. hodhorand in fer set taurchlotha dia- raile .i. log a enig arairidin (no arairitin) set uad isaugo do iarom gillnse donfirsin 7 airitiu set uad arbes naircenda. Cid adlaic do din airitiu set oneoch aile nichumain'g acht anai- ritiu [d(3] ho[nd]fir ombeir seodu taurchlothu. cid iarnairitin tra set arbes naircenda onaib oeilib donaflathib isainm ai- gille donaib celib 7 isimproprie son imorro proprie autem aigille dicere donaferaib gabait seodu taurclotha ceniberat taurcrec arimfognam nairchendchaide. II. littera. Beudacht quasi benedicht a benedictione. Buauand muimme nafiann .i. be nAnand [ar] cosmaile diblinib. 6 SANAS CORMAIC. amail robu mathair dee indi Anu sic Buanand erat mathair nafian .i. dagmathair. [Aliter BuanandJ am buan .i. is bon .i. dendi is bonum. amail dicitur gemther buan o ambua,n .i. maith o ulc. an and fil isinni is Buanand (is mater) is [ed fil^ inni is Anu .i. mater deorum. Buanand din .i. dag- mathair ocforcedul gaiscid donafianaib. Bran .i. fiach. unde dicitur brandse .i. fiachda arduibe 7 sco- thim. 7 brandub .i. fiach dub. unde dicitur branorgain arinni (.i.) foirgges fiach indsin .i. branorgain. [pag. 2. col. a.] Beist .i. a bestia. Bare .i. a barca. Bes .i. ab eq quod est besus .i. bes. Breth .i. ftiigell. ar is fuigell neich ele inbreth ar roue nech ele inbreth remi. Brath A. combrec din donni isbraut .i. judex, is labrethemain din a senur inlaethesin inbratha .i. Jesu Christi. Brathair din quasi fratair ar irater rotruaillned ind. Frater . quasi frauter eo quod fraudat ter .i. patrem et matrem et fratrem. Bachall quasi bacul id est a baculo. no bachall ut poeta dicit lath ainm dochlug conafaeid nocochelad inglangaith bach buain inadhorus tall bricht ocus bacc isbachall. Badudh .i. ondi isbath .i. muir. Baten .i. bath aitin .i. ec oband .i. muirtchend adbail aaenur. arinni asbath intan [is] timorta ised indso has fordingair. Baircue .i. catt boineand ar (fobith) is ambairc dosfiicad. Babluan .i. nomen mulieris. quasi Babilon id est confiisio .i. dochumasc inaenberla amuig Shennair ocantur anUberlaib. Babloir .i. ainm doPatraic. Bab interiecht aidbligthe de nomine bainb Breiss maic Ela- than. arniboi anErinn muc budgratu. Babgither (no Bob- gither) din aainmside. Brossuai .i. brissni (insin dochrinach 7 do) minbach fedai iarsinni brister helaim [leg. olaim] 7 nibiail gabar do. Boll quasi bull de nomine bulla [.i.] bolg uisce. Biror .i. bir tipra no sruth. hor .i. mong. biror din mong thiprat no srothai. Belltaine .i. bil tene .i. tene soinmech .i. dathene dognftis druidhe triathaircedlu (no cotinchetlaib) moraib combertis nacethrai arthedmannaib cacha bliadna cusnatendtibsin [in left marg. : [IJeictis nacethra etarru]. Braccille brace (.i.) lam 7 cail coimet .i. lamand. Brocoit .i. combrec. braccat din ised la Bretnu. brace iarom B. 7 ainm do braich. braccat imorro sainlind .i. lind saeinihech brocoit .i. sainlind dognither dobraich. Binit .i. benait .i. benaidh inas conad tiug 7 conad techt. Braracht .i. breath .i. partus. Biail .i. bithail .i. bi faebar. Barad .i. bas. Bomlacht .i. bo 7 lacht. Buachail .i. cail [7] coimetaige nambo. Buarach .i. bo 7 arach .i. fosta. Buarach dana boergi .i. matan mooh. unde dicitur fescor imbuarach. Base .i. cechnderg. Base dana intan isdochuibrech (no isdo- cbuimriug) braiget isainmm 7 donamellaib dracondai isdileas. base .i. each nderg. Brisc .i. ab eo quod est priscus arisbrisc (each erin 7) each narsaid. B6 nomen de sono Tocis suae (factum est). Bobaith. .i. bo bath, (bath) .i. bas. essidein inboar. Bolg belchi .i. belcheo .i. ceo (do)th8ed asabeolu. Berit .i. berith .i. brithit. Blind .i. saile mairb unde dicitur bas (m) bhnnach. Bhndauga caech in lingua Galleorum dicitur. Benntraige .i. binitrige .i. (de) miUsen dliges ri Caissil dib indsin. no aBenta patre eorum. Boge .i. ainm dochoire sainnte dorigned lasinses cerda. ise din cruth ambld .i. noe slabraid ass. 7 niba moasom ol- das cend eingite moire, brefe din foreind cacha slabraid 7 nonbar sesa cerda inasessam uimme oceantain (no ocur) naeleri coriad gsei each (sen) fir triabrefe eaehslabraid ba nessa do. Ocus inti iarom doberead rath doib bahi- sincoiresia doberead. unde dicitur coire sainnte. Bahe din alan coir iachoire .i. bretnase banoir da uinge deg. Boge din ainm doballan bee ambidi's .v. ungi oir. issed (no sech) nobid frihol sainlenda ass. 7 nobid din frigell do- filid .i. do ollam. unde dicitur imBrethaib nemid ballan baisse boge (.v. nuinge banoir). Briar .i. delg nuinge (.i.) oir ut est imBrethaibh nemidh. briar delg nuinge. Bratlichaei .i. bretheheo sei. aliter quod est verius .i. Csei Csenbrethaeh dalta Feniusa F[arsad]. ise indescipulsin rosiacht mec Israheil frifoglaimm n^bhra. 7 ise babretheam laloinges mac Milid. isaire asberair Caei Csenbrethaeh de fobith it- bretha rechta nosberead. 7 isaire atimdha isinbelra. naeh- tan bither eanrig isnatuathaib isbrathchsei fogniad forru fri- hurradus. diambe imorro rig isrechtge son amail asmaith lais. Bruinecli .i. mathair. arinni biathas n^idenu forabruindib -i. suis mammillis. 8 SANAS COEMAIC. Balb ab eo quod est balbus. Bot .i. tene. unde dicitur isinanamain cetharreich bot ane huiLuigdech loisces. Buas .i. soas iiairchedail imais arindi doteit himais iarmbuas unde dicitur barr buaisse. Bri gaohnaccais (no cachnocus) ut est amBrethaib nemid .i. briamon smethraige .i. ainm [p. 2. col. b.] nemtheossa dogniat filid imnech ada toing. melid smitt induine [leg. ind aue?] iter a da riier 7 doecci induine imandeni nemthess. fir in- son amail asfria induine anechtair ata inballso [sic] isfria- doini anectair ata induineseo. amail astimme 7 istlathi in- ballso quam alia membra sic et hie homo. Brigit .i. banfile ingen inDagdai. iseiside Brigit baneceas (no be neicsi) .i. Brigit bandee noadradi's filid. arba romor 7 baroan afrithgnam. isairesin ideo eam (deam) vocant poe- tarum hoc nomine cujus sorores erant Brigit be legis Brigit be goibnechta .i. bande .i. trihingena inDagdai insin. de quarum nominibus pene omnes Hibernenses dea Brigit vo- cabatur. Brigit din .i. breoaigit no breosaigit. Bee quasi ecec ebredi. Bidba graece bitheumatur .i. bis mortuus. adroUi abas fodi. Bil .i. oBial .i. dia hidal. unde beltine .i. tene Bil. Baire graece [^apu?] baronntes fortes dicuntur. no baire .i. bilire. Bind .i. a pindro [cf. xwijpa?] .i. hochruitt. Briuda .i. a verbo frendo .i. arnilabra reil vel a bruto eloquio. III. littera. Cormac .i. corbmac .i. corb carput. Corbmac din mac car- pait. friaCormac geltai gaeth do Laignib cetna erbrad arba isincarput roghenair sidhen. issed iarom a coirorta- graiph inanmma sin .i. corbmac .i. coraib .b. isindialt (tui- sig) nominis Cormaic sin .i. b. scribitur ut Corbmac. Coirbre quasi coirbreo. no Coirbre quasi corbaire .i. cuirbperi no airai charpait. Cathal .i. combrec insin .i. catell .i. cat din isincombreic is- cath in scotica an ell din is ail. Cathal din .i. ail chatha. Cob .i. buaid. Cobthach .i. buadach. Clithar set. alii dicunt [combad ainm] do bhoin indlaeig arinni docel alaeg indi quod non verum est sed verius vel aliter Cli- thar set .i. rigshet. arisainm dorig isinDuil feda mair inni isclithar 7 is as (no ised dath) not reith. set gabla din ise is- lugam .i. dartaid fhirend 7 colpach boineand. no colpach fhirend 7 dairt boinend. samaisc in set tanaise. laulgach c. 9 no dam timchill arathair in tress set 7 isdsin in riiset. 7 ise oruth adrenaiter ambreith Chsei Chaenbrethaig each tri seoit [set] gablae [samaisc] alaile laulgach no dam timchill arathair araile. impiid foraib beos cori cend naherca. 7 hite sin naseoit acobair asberar hicain Patraic [in marg.] ar it leth uinge a seoit side. Cruimther .i. gsedelg indi as presbyter, premter din acom- breo side, prem iarum isincombreic as cruimm ingsedUg 7 ni tinntiid coir din donnl as presbyter inni as cruimthir. astinntud imorro coir din (donni as premter). NaBretain tra batar hicomitecht Patraic icon precept hite rothinn- taiset 7 isi anni isprimter rothinntaiset 7 is fiei iarom la- tharsat legnide namBretan innisin .i. amail islomm in- chruim sic debet [leg. decet] presbyterum bess 16mm ho- pheccad 7 (bes nimnocht) o doman 7 araile secundum eum qui dixit ego sum vermis 7 araile. Cercenn .i. cviairt namsire .i. a circino .i. ogabulrind. Cloch trihanmanna lee .i. bond ahiarmbelra. cloch a gnath- belra. cloech a belra nairberta .i. arinni chloes each set (no ret) 7 araile. Cross quasi crdx. Corp a corpore. Creatra a creatura. Caithig^ud .i. suidiugud friacaith. ashamail 7 achondelg in- duine friacaith ara faise 7 a etorthaige. Coech. .i. a caeco quasi coech. Cerbsire .i. scoaire .i. a cervisia. Cuma ab eo quod est communis, inde dicitur is cuma Hum .i. is coimdess linm cipe dib. Comla .i. comlud .i. cuma lues tfs 7 tuas. Cucenn a cucina. Coic ab eo quod est coquus. Cainte .i. canis. cii. ar iscend con forincainte ocamastraig. 7 isinand dan fogniit. Cicli .i. cichis [xixt] grec luib asa tet has. Cimas .i. a cimma .i. imechtur lignorum. Cin membruimiu .i. [a quinque] arata euig tuaga ata techta dobeith innte. Cimba quasi cymba. Comus .i. a compos potens. Cai 7 cainiud .i. cinod grec lamentatio. Couair .i. cai gen fer no cen ar. Crand .i. ere a fond. Comla .i. comluath .i. cuma a luas tuas 7 tis. Cuicend .i. a cucina. Coic ab eo quod est coquus. 10 SAN AS COEMAIC. Croicend .i. croc find .i. find gairit. ise insanigemen indsin cui contraria din gamen .i. ga[ni] find, issia afindsen quod hieme occiditur. ainmm coitchend doib seche .i. sicce quando fit in pariete. Caile .i. dochaillig choimeta tige isainmm .i. cail coimet. Capall .i. cap carr 7 pell ech. do chapall charr 7 ere as nomen. Catt ab eo quod est cattus. Cretir .i. creatura (.i. sola creatura). Cathasach .i. cath fessach. fes foit in oic inacathgreimim comatain. cathfeis iarum cath fes (no fer) isgnath and. Cathlac ab eo quod est catholicus id est universalis. Cruthnecht .i. cruth each croda 7 (cach)nderg. necht each glan .i. iarsinnf isderg 7 isglan incruithnecht. Catar a quatuor libris. Culpait .i. cailfuit .i. cail coimet 7 fiiit fiiacht. coimet airfuacht. '[p. 3. col. a.] Cosmail .i. cosamail (.i. comsamail). Coairt .i. coir a fhirt dochur. Caisel .i. a casula .i. [leg. no] cis aU .i. chisa dobertha ofheraib Erenn cusin luc sin. no ail chise .i. rocheis. caisel a casula. Clerech a clerico. Cocul quasi cucuU ab eo quod est cucuUa ut est Nunc reti- net summum sola cuculla locum, vel co cael ut dicunt '(ut Scotici dicunt) arislethan aichtar 7 achaile (asa caih) coa- uaehtar (vel corice a cend). sed melius hitoisech. Circul .i. a circulo. [Cicul .i.] ciclos graece [xuxXo?] orbis latine dicitur. is cicul diin ol in duine quasi dixisset is cuairdfell dun son. Caimmse .i. ainmm lenead i. e. a camisia bafileni. Cemeas .i. ban galeni. CallaidL ab eo quod est caUidus. Caisc quasi pasc .i. a pasca. Cride .i. crithde .i. don crith forambi. Cingciges i. e. quinquageis i. e. quinquagesimus dies a pascha .i. acoicetmad laa o chaise. Coiuieit .i. cuma a meit 7 inni dianad coimeit. Comain .i. cumma maine .i. mani cudrama diaroile. Ciugit .i. cuingit .i. comthrom acoss 7 acend amail bid im- chuing medi focherd a da eis. Clii .i. ar[a]ehosmaile fri elii thige atrubrad .i. (is) besem ina- cliad (no donclet). is bale oe lar is eoel oc clethe is direch doeim doemar. sic clii iter na filedu. isbalc a suire ina- chrichu fessin i[s] seim i crichu seetair. amail atcumaic in- ehh'i isintegdais olar coclethi sic din atcumaic airechus c. 11 ingraidse d[i]anad ainm clfi irnii bis isliu. dodoemar som honni busuaisliu. isdfrech ambesaib adhana (oanruth cofoclachoin do eim dana cli inni bes islim doemarsom onru bes uaisli). Cana din ainm graidh filed .i. cantaid iarsinnf chanas corus acherdi fiad rigu 7 tuatha ut ipse est admoU .i. admol- taig arise isgresgein fri hadmolad 7 fri scelugnd (cid) fiad gradaib filed. Corpte .i. corrupte (no corruptum) hoc est corruptum. Claire .i. cliu Arae .i. Aru no Are 7 mullach ell Cliach. Cniu .i. a cruore. Class .i. a classe. Caindelbra quasi chaindel forrse no can din la forrum. .i. candela fair. Caill crinmoii .i. crethmon. creth .i. hai 7 mon .i. cleass. caill crinmon .i. caUl as a toich cleas niiad. (no asamboingter cles nuad). Canoin .i. (quasi) cain on (ar) is cain (7 isfiri) notcan. Castoit a castitate. Cartoit a caritate. Ceal .i. neam. unde dicitur gar cian cotis forceal .i. forneam. Celebrad .i. honni is celebro .i. urdarcaigim. Celebrad din .i. urdarcaigimm luad anma de. Ctiis a causa quasi caus. unde dicitur ni archuis na miscuisne (no miscaisne) .i. niardenum chaingne fornech. Colba .i. coelfi .i. coelfithi no coelbthi .i. coelaefi. Coll ab eo quod est collus. Croutsaile .i. rontsaile^.i. rigentsaile. Crontsaile din .i. gran[t]- sele .i. grant each Ifath no findach. unde dicitur fesoc grennach findfad liath. .dr. [in marg.] .i. grantsaile .i. each hath no glas no rigin. Cetsoman .i. cetsamsin .i. cetliid sine samraid. Caid .i. cadeis isingrec nisain is sanctum lalatin. unde dicitur caid each ret co canoni eomuaim. * Coibsena .i. confessiones _(.i. comfsesaime). Cobais .i. comais .i. comfaisitiu. Corn (i. e.) .i. a cornu. Callaid ab eo quod est ealUdus. Cearn .i. buaid. unde dicitur Conall Cernach .i. buadach insin. Cemlne .i. miassa. ut dixit Coirpri mac Etnai infile .i. cen cholt for crip cemfne .i. nistanic biad formiassa (no for ar miasa) la mac Elathan (.i. Bress). Cermnas .i. brece 7 togais. quasi cermain feiss .i. fiss 7 dan cermain. unde dicitur asin (no isin) gaire Echaeh cen- nach cermnas. * This is corrupt and unintelligible in the Academy ms. 12 SAN AS CORMAIC. Ceithern .i. caire amide, unde dicitur cethernach. Ceithern .i. [ceth] cath 7 horn (.i. orn) orcain. Capiat .i. nomen dochendlo chase .i. quasi capitolavium cenddiunnach .i. iarsinnl berrthar each and 7 nigid (no 7 negthair) aoend oeairichill acosmata (no a chusmada) isin eaisc. Cendla din (.i. coena lae) non de capite sed de (coena) domini dicitur id est eoena-lae .i. lathi fledi Crist 7 a aspolu uimme. Cerchaill .i. eiarchaU. eiar coimet. vel ab eo quod est car-, vical. no in cer fil and is onni is eervus .i. ag allaid 7 is dia beindside (no bian side) dogniter coimet imonclum 7 is donehoimetsin isainmm cail [in marg. comet isainm dana do each] 7 da gach coimet olchena. aliter is a cervice rohainmniged. Ceudaid .i. cenfid .i. is cenfid roalt. no is cendais na imteit (no imtet) fofid na fp dithrub. cui .i. contrarius est aUaid .i. all fid .i. allair ifid 7 andithrub. CuU .i. a cuHce. loe [latine].^ Coic .i. riin. ut Nedi mac Adnai Ni chualai coic nuin olme (no olmoin) gaiar gair. Cartit .i. delg .i. beL-a cruithnech .i. delg for a curt[h]ar a choss. Coth .i. biad. cothud .i. coemna unde dicitur Maelcothaid .i. maeleoemna [in marg.] unde est isin Imacallaim inda Tuarad for rem cothaid 7 for rem csemna. Ciui .i. airged .i. don argad dobertha acis doFomorib atroUi a ainmniugud. Cim tra ainm do each cis osin hille cepad do argad ba hainm prius ar amenci 7 aramet dobertha dona- Fomorib unde [p. 3. col. b.] dicitur amBrethaib nemid Cimb uim olasnuim ipunacerni [leg. i puincerni] puinc. Coiceng: .i. comchuing.. cuma is comchuing for each leath (for ceacht[ar de]). Coing .i. comohing. Coimmess .i. comehomus foreach leath. Cumlachtaig^ .i. nomen do horc mhuiee intan teit acru de- teit (no conetet) a mathair frideol asinead (quasi) cum lacte ambulans. unde dicitur cumlachtach in duine .i. loig- thech aUgen ernes ni dochachj sic porca suum suo largi- tur lac. Clairiu .i. fodail. inde est leniud clairend .i. tairnise fodla 7 roinne. Crufhechta .i. badb no bodb. Cul .i. carpat. ut dixit Ciichulainn Cul carpait ba cruaid in mod hi tegind re Conchobor G. 13 oous Neit ba hainm donkath dobrisind ria mac Cathbad. Cul (.i. carpat) unde est culgaire. Cupar .i. senen. Ciiliau .i. cuilen .i. cii lenas each. Coinfodorne .i. dobarchoin .i. fodobarnai .i. fouiscidi. dobar ainm coitcend (berla) iter gffidilg 7 combrec. dobur .i. msce unde dicitur dobarcu 7 dobreth doborci (imorro isin) chombreic. Caise ab eo quod est caseus. inde Virgilius Pinguis et ingrate premeretur caseus urbi. Cairt a carta, carta enim in qua nondum scriptor quisquam scripsit inse. Carta din .i. memrum (.i. do memrum is nomen). Crumduma .i. ottrach. unde dicitur cin chon crumduma (.i. otraig). Cerball .i. cerrbel. a bel forachirr. Cerrball din .i. cer focher. fochuir ball, no bell, donni is bellum cath. Corrchathach din onni [leg. anni] is cerball. inde poeta Sithbe Cerball for a chuairt nibdar dermaill a di dhoit focher Cormac mor in bet noe fichit cet cufochoic. Ceal v-i. neam. Ceal .i. has 7 cachni homain. Oil .i. claen (no each clsen). unde lethchO. Casto[it] honni is castus. Cartoit .i. ulidhilside do serg (no do sere) is ainm. Cloind .i. honni cloides each nindliged. Cicht .i. gebiach. Cutmaire .i. cairptheoir. Cuisnit .i. cosnait .i. cosnam dala no cos na dala forsanairise- thair in dalaige. isaice 7 isuathi dochtair [in marg. no toocair] 7 is fnrri airises (no arsisedar. isde nibi utmaiU indai). Colomna air no ais no aisse .i. aimsera .i. naidendacht. mac- dacht. gillacht. hoclachus. sendacht. diblidecht (no dimhg- detu) [in marg. colomna ais . . amsera]. Coire .i. eoi liire. lir cachnom .i. feoil hom. Coire Brecain .i. saebchori mor fil iter Erinn 7 Alpain ileth atuaid hi comrag nanilmuire .i. in muir timchilles Erinn anlartiiaid 7 inmuir timchilles Alpu anairtiiaid 7 in muir an[d]ess iter Erinn 7 Alpain. (Foscerd iaram irmna- sech) focosmaUius luaithrinde docuirither cachse ituaimm aroli amail orceil (tairrechtae) co suidet siss ifiidomain combf incori hobela 7 nosuigfed cid Erinn uli inaginchraes. Seeid iterum inloimmsin suas cocluinter a thorannbriicht 14 SANAS COEMAIC. 7 abressim (.i. a brisgemnech 7 a esgal iter nellaib) ba cosmailius gaile (fichtne) cori bis for tenid. Brecan tra mac Maine maic Neill ix.giallaig indsin .1. curach do icom- chendach iter Erinn 7 Alpain cortuitsed insenfecht isincori lit conaterna discibal ass (no cid sceolu oircne as) [7] nifess anoi- dhead coranic Lugaid dalegeas [leg. dall eces] cuBennchor. codhechutar amiiinnter side itracht Indbir Beci coftiarutar cloicend 16mm becc and. tucsat leo coLtigdaig he et inter- rogaverunt eum cujus esset et Ule eis dixit (7 rocomairc- sead ciasa cend 7 atbertsom tabraid 7 araile) tabraid cend na flesci filed fair, daronad innisin et dixit Lugaid ecess dobur dithrethan ardatbath Brecan uisce no caire. cend orci Breoain inso 7 isbec dimor orse. [ar] robaidead Bre- can cona muinntir isincori lit. 7 araile. Cumal [.i. cum mola] .i. ben bis ocbleth bron arise dan nam- ban ndaer riasiu daronta namuUind. Cr[e]apscuil .i. crepuscuil ab eo quod est crepusculuni .i. du- bia lux .i. nomen do espartain. ut dixit Colman mac Lenine Robo tanaise triuin crepscuU cerd promad inti [peccad]-Pe- tair apstail. Cadut .i. each secda ab eo quod est cotis .i. lie .i. ameam frisimelatar erna. Ceinticul (.i. combrec rotruaillned and) i. cenical is do iaram is ainm innisin la Bretnaib .i. do olaind diandenat pell, unde dicitur daronais cennticul de 7 araile. Ceticol .i. ceit cocnam. ticol .i. taesnam [tses riom?]. Coicedul .i. comchetul indsin. Cuisil .i. combrec indsin 7 laiten rotruaillned and .i. quasi consil ab eo quod est consilium, inde dicitur is as no ar dochuisil daronad. IV. httera. Domuall .i. doman nuaU .i. nuaU indomain uime. no DomnaU .i. doman uaill (no nuall)_ .i. uaiU domain uime. Diairmait .i. di airmith. ni fil airmit (.i. geiss) fair. Duthcern .i. dishuithcern. ni suithcern .i. ni suith .i. ni sochla. Diss .i. (ab eo quod est) dispectus .i. deroil. Denmne .i. diainmne .i. di fodiultad .i. (cen anmne). Discreit .i. (i. e.) discretus locus. Dotchaid .i. dithacaid. Diumsach .i. diamusach. ni thabair amus forni acht atofl]- chaire a senur. Diuthach (no diutann) nomen doloris genes (no genit[h]er do imchoimelt do dasliasat ocimdecht. Dal .i. rand, inde dicitur Dal Riata (7 Dal iiAraide). D. 15 Dabach .i. dehoach .i. di 6e furri arnibltis hoe forenaib hitiis. Doman .i. deoman .i. uaman ecai 7 hifirn. Doman .i. dimain J p. 4. col. a.] ieman for a saint. Doman .i. demain. da main conagair trit neam 7 talum. Dire .i. diaire (no digalre .i. dierrithe donemtib aranuaislige- taid) do nemthib foranuaisligetaid. Digal .i. nemgal .1. anad gal caich diandentar digal a prainde. aliter Diagal .i. cainead lasindara foirind 7 gol on foirind ele. Diagal din .i. degul. Die .i. lathi, inde dicitur olc die .i. lathi olc. die din onni is dies, aris odheib roainmnigitis genti a[l]laithe. ut est dies Jovis. dies Veneris, die damh coine ut Colman mac hiii Cluasaig dixit Ni maith cride can chie marb teind coch be a die. mac roemdhatar iar CKu iarndie baChuiminiu (.i. fota). (no inadromdetar iar CUu conit fas iar Cuminiu). Dethbir .i. di aithbir. Dethbir din .i. diathbir .i. di dar- sindath forchath. bir for brethir .i. nisbe cathbriathrad uime. Dinim .i. disnim desin (.i. ni bi snim uime). Dasocht .i. disocht. nibi i socht. no dasocht .i. di osacht. nibi ifoisecbt acht o loc do loc iter utmaille 7 labra. Doss .i. ainm graid filead . .i. arachosmaile fridoss. as doss din in bliadain tanaise infochloc .i. cetheora duiUne fair. cethrar dodhoss fortuaith. Diburdud .i. dibru saitiid (.i. diubru aitiudh) .i. deriud nerei indsin .i. altram for chinadus natbe drochmenma iaram. Dobrith. .i. dobur 7 hith .i. usee 7 arbur. cuit sesa aithrige 7 pennaite indsin. [Dobtir .i.] deide fordingair. dobur cetamus .i. uisce unde dicitur dobarchu .i. dobran. dobur dana cachndoirche [.i. each ninjgle .i. do fodiultad 7 pur on[ni is purjus glan. dobur din [.i. dipur .i. inglan no injgle. Dedol .i. dedhual .i. dual do aidche 7 dual do lo .i. (conid) soiUse cumascda hodhorchacht 7 osoUsi. Dedol .i. dia dhual .i. da fhothadail. da dagthodail do dhia. actail 7 teoir. Droch. .i. each nolo, ut est drochbean no drochfer. Drac .i. a dracone quasi dracc .i. teine .i. ferg. Dreand .i. debaid unde dicitur drennach .i. debt[h]ach. Drend din .i. garb unde dicitur aindreand (.i. sHab). Deal .i. sine bo. unde dicitur imBrethaib nemid combo do di- lachta deal, [aliter dalta da deal] .i. mac dabo. 16 SANAS COKMAIC. Deliug^ud .i. slniugud. etarscarud 7 deliugud inraeda friaraile amail rodeligthea sine dianad anmand delai. deliugud .i. de- ailicad .i. da roind. Dithreb .i. beith cen treib no cen trebaide and. Disert .i. disertus locus .i. robadus (no roboth) and riam. Droichet .i. doroichet each taris on ur co araile (don uisce no nafedhe). droichset din .i. set direch. ar is droch each ndlrech .i. nithalla nemdirge do arnab tusledach. no droch- set ar a olcus. Deshmith .i. disruith .i. ni sruith. Deme .i. teime .i. teim each fidub. unde dicitur temen .i. doirohe. Deme din for dorchi naidche. Demess .i. meass dede and (it da scin lais). no demas .i. de emeass asa degsofn [in marg. no mes .i. faebur ut dici- tur Mesgegra]. Domma .i. dishomma. Dubach .i. disubach .i. di fo diultad. de no du no do fodiultad. Diiilbir .i. df fodiultad. Dulbair .i. dolabair .i. [in marg. disulbair. nisulbair .i. nisolabair.] Diuire .i. df ihaisse. Dotchaid .i. disaigid .i. ni sothaicdig. Dona .i. diana (.i. bith een ana). Dairfine (.i. Corcolaigde .i. fine Daire Doimthig) ainm dona filedu .i. duarfine. fine duar. duar din foeul. duarfine iaram .i. fine bis forordugud .i. foeul. duar din is ainm do rand, ut dicitur imBrethaib nemid .i. duar donesa nath .i. rand is airdereem (no is airigda) donmolad. Dianceclit ainm dosaid legis nahErenn .i. dia naeecht [.i.] na cumachta. cecht din ainm da each eumaehta. Diancecht .i. deus salutis (.i., slainte). Diancecht din dia nahicee ut (dixit) Nede mac Adna .i. cechtsom dereo aithsceinm ailcne .i. eumaehtaigsim. ailcne (imorro) .i. scillec beae e rome- baid don ailig corbean forasuilsium eonidcaech. amru- bhairt a ehumachtu fair, non ut imperiti dieunt cechtsom .i. caeehsom 7 araile. Deach .i. defuach .i. defocul. fuach foeul .i. eomrag fo- caU. .i. dialt fridialt. isdeach islugem. areiatberar deach don dlalt nihirasa sin acht (is) aire atberar deach fo bith is 'fondeaeh. no is fotha ndeich. isas forberad cofoircend mbrechta imbiat .i. vin. ridiailt amail asberr in laiten unus non est numerus' sed ab eo erescunt numeri. Ocht ndeich tra atrimet filid nanGaedel 7 is cos iniidialtson .i. iarsinni nafil alt and 7 na roinnter. Kecomarc indeach tanaise .i. reeomracud fri araill .i. dialt fri dialt ut Cormac. larco- marc in tress deach [.i.] iar eomracud .i. iarsincomrae toisech ut Cormac(an). Felis incethramad deach. iarsinni fiUes .i. cia D. E. 17 doberar a cethair Imcrand anuas no umcach raed ele ifilled fillis imbe incetherda .i. ado ille 7 ado anund. niba claen intaifesin arnibi dialt forcrith inechtair adoleath ut est Murchertachan. ni samlaid don deach fil inadhiaid .i; claenre incoiced deach. isaire atberar claenre de fobith is lettromm fodailter 7 ciadoberar umni ar it[t]ruma 7 it lia iaatri oldaite fp- 4. col. b.] ado. arit .v. dialta fil iclaenre amail rogab fianamail[echar]. Luibenchosach in sesed deach. luib .i. luibne mer nalaime 7 cossa na mer estib suas .i. inraig 7 indoit cusinalt nagualand 7 fri sodain samailter indeachsin icorp duine. se haisle din fil o chind in meoir CO halt na gualand .vi. dialt din fil Uuibenchossach ut est fiannamail[echarad]. Claidemnus .i. claidem manus [in] secht- mad deach i. e. claidem manus (.i. nalaime) .i. elaidem son uli ota hind ia meoir conice alt fil iter animda 7 amaethan. .VII. naisle din indsin vii. ridialt fil i claidemnus. ut est fiannamail[echaradard]i Bricht intochtmad ideach. forinni brigther. aids de dognither nath. ise din igairegda dib inte inneUegar nath darinni eUcither nadeUaing nath. ocht naisle din fil o ind inmeoir conathgabail maethan animdha .vni. ndialta din fil ambricht. ut est fiannamail[echaradardae]. Deliud .i. dehugud ho ind. ut est ref .i. fer. Delg^ .i. del for a dirge minbad ec. Demi .i. cech neutur lasin laitneoir is deme lasin fiJid ngjE- delachi Doidiiine .i. degduine. ut Nede mac Adna dixit indsa glam de doiduine. sed melius de daduine. Da din gach maith isinchombreic ut; dicitur gruc da .i. dagben. Drdclita dea .i. hith 7 blicht. ut Scoti dicunt [driichta dea Droma ceta]. , V. litterai. ' - Smaiu .i. eomain .i. eo rind 7 muin .i. braige. eomuin din .i. rind iar (no tar) muin .i. delg. isamlaid adrimther to- raind inUss donmnai. ombi inasuide (ic aisce abruit cororand uimpe imacuairt.) doben adealg asabrutt da thoraind impe bachuairt conadelg. issia iarom rosiacht indelg' uathi sair forabeolu qldas diahessi imacuairt. isaire. isclaen inliss.: _ SJcmacIit .i; ecumachta .i. amifil incumachta. Smuiu .i. e din fodiultad. Emuin din e hoen .i. ni hoen [in marg. acht inddalelap] acht a dho genit[er] and. corsuidigset (iaram) nafilid muin [scil. htteram m] amedon forimgabail meraigthe ar rob aille leo emoen no emon [oldas ehoen]. [in marg.] aliter emon .i. e 7 mon. ammon din isinni as mo- nus [[jLovo?] isingrec. ammonus is unus. emon din non uuus sed duo. 2 18 SANAS CORMAIC. Sliugud .i. elugud. conabi lugu de iter. Essirt .i. eis fodiultad [idem] quod noii et fert. eisfert din ni coir fert lais. Erball .i. iarball. ball derid inanmunda. Silgon .i. eolguin. is eol do ce gonta. Eden quasi heder ab eo quod est hedera. Elg .i. Eriu. Essiue .i. ess 7 en. ess din (fo diultad) quod non encadacht [in marg. esene din niencedacht] .i. ni rothectustar clura. Essine din ni hen cldmdaacht lumar. Emlide .i. finnta no dfecha (no deced). Edel .i. urnaigthe no diprecoit. ut dixit Cumine fota Mo tri Brain do dla doberat edel. Bran tri muige Bran Laigen. Bran find for aice Femean. Essera .i. eis .i. dam 7 semh .i. corait. amlaidsLa is corat ia- ram intessium octiiidme nacuinge donclniing ele no don- dam [in marg.l no dona hib [leg. dib] damaib. Esrecht .i. nithan-chilla recht. Etarce .i. ge [y-^] graece terra interpretatur latine. dicitur etarce din .i. talum isisle iter dathalum isairde iter di iumaire. Etarce .i. etrige fpthalum. Espa .i. eisbeo. nifil beo and. Espa .i. ni ba ni itir quasi espa. espa din .i. eis a ba. ess a maith. quasi espa. Edam .i. edo .i. domelim .i. oirberim bith. edam din don airbert bith 7 don menbugud each tuara (menbaigthe) cai- thes duine (ni aegam ut imperiti dicunt). Escand .i. esc .i. uisce. cann din ainm lestair bis oc dail uisce 7 a choss trianamedon. Escand din .i. sescand la Bretnu di et canna nominatur. Birge .i. comgabail .i. [aj verbo erego (no erigo). Essad .i. es'sid .i. nisid. arissed hissid and intslainte suthain. Enbret .i. en uisce 7 bret arbor .i. arbor broth [leg. brau*] ut nortmanica lingua est. Euglas .i. uisce glas. Eubruthi .i. en uisce .i. uisce bruithe. Eogan .i. eugen (.i. graece). eu (din) bonus (no bonum) latine dicitur. gen(imorro) donni is genesis, [genesis] autem ge- neratio est. eo.gen din bona generatio. Eoganacht .i. icht eland no cenel (.i. cinel) rochini oEoeran Ethuir .1. ethiir .i. e;thaid o ur co hor. , Etm)ort. quasi eterbert .i. iter dabeirt. Etarbad .i. nomen do seon lasnadraide; Enbaxr .i. en uisce. en[barr] din .i. uan bis forinuisce. inde dicitur geUther enbarr. E. F. 19 Suechlaud .i. arinni clandtar aninchaib duine doneoch bus dfleas dobeodil na marbdil na casnai alam friss. lanlog enig caich fomlad issed adroillither de. Enech. ruice .i. enech rd cian .i. cian 6 inchaib atcither a rii .i. a fmdergad. enech din .i. agad cro dergad (amail rongab mac do mathar mac do sethar) amail rogab mac doma- thar mac do shethar celi foissmad celi taistil. iii na bita diles sectmad logi a ^g ind. Enechgriss ininnaib anind- fodla iscubaid iarom ind inaraill. ind erca an indfodla [p. 5. col. a.] amail rogab set nach aUe gatair as do thir nach gabar fort do chomoirge na do[s]nadut. Ere .i. neam. Ercne .i. ba ahuad. .i. ba doberar do ill6[g] a uad. Ebron .i. iam. ut est amBrethib nemid. ebron ima muintear (.i. ima timchella) meirg 7 (i)ma[n]ith. Etan ingen Diancecht bannlicerd de cujus nomine dicitur etan .i. airchetul. Eceas .i. ecmachtceas a. ecmacht a ceis .i. doairec in[na] ce- theora ranna fis filidechta. Epscop fina isna Muirbrethaib .i. escra tomais flna le cen- naigib GaU 7 Frangc. aliter epscop .i. eipi forcai. abba .i. abba pater cai congramio. Epscop .i. onni is episcopus. VI. littera. Flaltli .i. [fojlaith. dede fordingair ..i. flaith .i. fochla. flaiti din dede fordingair .i. coirm 7 loimm. ut est isint[S]enchas mar .i. flaith laith find forteUraig .i. ass nambo for . tal- main.. > Fine ab eo quod est Arlnea ar is gnath ind .u. consain lasin- laitneoir isfern [soil, littera f.] lasingaeideilg ut est vir .i. fer. visio .i. fiss. vita .i. fit. virtus .i. firt quamvis hoc non per singula currat. Fin din ab eo quod est vi'num. Ferius .i. fiar[s]es .i. diferi inchraind. Fin .i. deog. Fell .i. each, unde capell nominatur. Felc .i. bunchar oirbead. unde dicitur foroUtar findoirbed felc fill. Flesc .i. fleochad. Fithal .i. nomen judicis. fithal din .i. laeg bo. Ferb .i. trede fordingair .i. ferb bo cetamus. ut est isint [S]enchas mar. teora ferba fira .i. tri ba [finda]. Ferb din .i. bolo docuirither foraigid duine iarnair no ianigiibreth. ut est geal fir natferba forbertatar forainchaib iarom. , Ferb' din .i. briathar. ut est rofeass itfas infenechas icon- delg ferb nde. 2* 20 SANASi CORMAIC. Fir (.i.) find, ut Fachtna mac Sencha dixit .i.. fordomdiur tri dirnu di argut airiu ar teora fera (no fira) ferba fonsenerc necoscc iter lathi Ldgfea ll siila sochar. bahead din ecosc nanerc (niiichna Echda'ch) echbel no nechbeoil ahAJpa toacht cuiru [leg. Ciirui for Ultaib] .i. bai fira .i. finda bo dergaind. Ferend .i. big [leg. id] bis umcbolpa fir in cujus vicem crecbtair ig (no id) crecbta imcholpa fer. amail nobid din ind(le) co- madms caicb isdi din dognitis naferinn verbi gratia .i. fe- rend (no ferrend) oir imcboiss rig. Ferend din ainm do- criss bis imonfer. unde dicitur tacbmaicc snechta ferna (no fairnniu) fer .i. doecmaio in snecbta. crissa fer. Fochlocon .i. nomen graid filead forachosmailius fri fochlo- cain asberar. di dullind fairsium in cetbliadain. dias do (don fochlocon) for tuaith. Frecre .i. fri each re fri each rsed fhaisneses. Fogal .i. fo hoi .i. fo folach. ni forard dognithersum infogal. Fola brith .i. foloe iabruit bai. Foloman no folmau .i. ainm don aitli bruit quasi folom find .i. cenfindfad forri. Fochonnad .i. fochonad lasamain doberar hi (no fo) tenid. [is] ainm do iarom geltine (inchrinaigsin). inde dicitur geltine gile fochonnad (noch isin) a lassarsium. et de eo dictum est grian in gairii geltine. Fedilnaid .i. fedil maith. maith secda (no suthain). Fescor quasi fescer i. e. vescer hoc est vesper id est vesper- um unde .i. feiss aidche dobiud. ab eo quod est vescor. Fis .i. a visione. Fual .i. bual uisce. inde dicitur dochotar arnasai hifiial (.i. imbual).. Fothrugud quasi fothrugud .i. doothrachaib .i. doinnlobru is- mence. sed melius fothraicit .i. intan atnaim duine a chossa 7 a lama indlot iadsin .i. indlot (.i. lotum diunnach .i. diunnach nind). fothrugud din fothrocit insin .i. trochit. (.i. corp) .i. corp uli foe. Foi .i. Cnamchaill. ut dixit Griiibne (fili) fi-iCorc mac Liigdhach. In fess foFoi .i. bafessach (no befennach) Cnamchoille. Item MogRuith (no Roth).peribit quod Roth Fail perveniet dicens cori Durluis find iarFoi .i. iarCnamchaiU. Felmac .i. mac ahiad no a huad. [fel] .i. hai. Fele .i. ecsi no eceis. inde dicitur filidecht .i. ecsi. Fill .i. fl anaeir 7 li amolad in fili. Fili din .i. fialsiii. sai feile. Fogamur .i. donmis derid is ainm isin fogamur .i. fogam .i. ^aeth 7 mur imbad ut est imBrethu nemid imbera fogamur .i. fogemur id est fo gemur .i. dag gemur. Dag .i. cruith- F. 21 necht. inde dicitur triar dag .i. triar sacarbaio .i. sacer 7 pit .i. proind. ut dicitur Pit proind doromult inne dearb is damna aithrige inglaii moctorp lir mogrus glan inti rochoimprius. [in marg. quasi fogamur .i. fota amir ngaim 7 araile.] Fot .i. faitpch. anbfot .i. anbfaitech ut dicitur Bid each ifaitces a foit iscian imthigit innoic isde ata fot faitech ocus anfot andfait«ch. Faa,th .i. foglaim. imde dicitur faitsine .i. faith. Femen .i. Fe 7 Men .i. da ridham damraige Erenn. isinmaigin- sin robatar (isde asberar). Cirbe nomen inbaile ambidis occocnam acire. Fliuchud .i. fliuchsuth. suth fliuch insin for a mine .i. suth sin. Fair .i. turgbail nagrene imatin ab eo quod est jubar. unde Colum cille dixit dia Um fii fuin dia lim fri fair (.i. fri turgbail). Fe ab eo quod est ve .i. vae. arisgnath .f. dofrestul .u. (no tarese na .u.) consaine la Gcedelu. ut prediximus. Fe din .i. flesc fhidaiti 7 fidad inni forfogen [pag. 5. col. 2.] la Gaedeki di tomus coland 7 adnocul. 7 nobid in flesc sin dogres irel- cib nangente. 7 bafuath la each agabail inalaim 7 each ni ba hadetchi leo dobertis [leg. nobentis?] tria ogam innti. inde dicitur Dirsan beith imbethaid dam deis rig Gsedel ocus Gall. toirsech morose crin mocre oratoimsead fe fri Fland. [in marg.] |aliter foruigena la Gaidelu flesc idaith donmite fiisnaeollna 7 fiisanadnacul inadnaictis 7 nobith inflescsin dogres isnarelgib inangente frisna hadnaclu. 7 bahuath la each agabail inalaim 7 each raed ba adetchede lasnadainib dobenta frise. unde proverbium venit fe fris .i. amail is- naidetchide indflesc cui nomen est fe sic et aha res cui comparatur. Huaire tra ba die edhad nobith inflesc 7 ba adetchide isaire isber Morand isinbriathar ogam sercaid fid edath .i. indaer rolil inflesc cui nomen est fe. Fidchell .i. fethciaU. fathciaU .i. ciaU 7 fath ocahinibirt. no ftiathcell .i. fuath cille .i. cetharcoir cetamus infidchell 7 dirge a tithe, dub 7 find forri 7 sainmuintir each la fecht beos bereas a cluithe. Sic et ecclesia per singula per .nil. terrae partes .mi. evangeliis pasta, isdirech am- 22 SANAS CORMAIC. besaib 7 hitithib nascreptra et nigri et albi .i. boni et mali habitant in ecclesia. Fraig .i. frihaig .i. fri hua,cht. Folasai .i. iarsinni foloing ooiss indnine. aliter .i. fol .i. quasi sol .i. bonnbach .i. bond bruach. iter bond 7 bruach bis. Fol din quasi sol ab eo quod est latine solum. Fol .i. cendfochrus (.i.) .f. pro .s. Fuithir .i. fothir .i. inti dosber (tir dondeoraid). Fasach .i. fesosech. dober inbretheam cosmaUes dacach cain- gin imafuiglither .i. caingen cosmail diaraile 7 atfet iarom inbreth r(on)ucsat brethemain gaetha furri. Fassach din .i. fothechaid or seinchaingen frecnairc. No sechaid din fo- [seinbreith] forsincaingin frecnairc. Fiern .iam- (no) iarmbelra indsin. [in marg.] Fiern .i. each maith .i. iamberla no iarmberla indsin. Vn. littera. Gloir .i. a gloria .i. gluair ar met na gloire. Galar quasi calor. Gam ab eo quod est gamos graece unde etiam graece mulier nominatur .i. bean, unde bigamus vel trigamus dicitur. G-aimred quasi gamrith et inde Colman mac hui Cluasaig dixit a marbnaid Chumlne fota maic Fiachna Ua Choirpri ocus hua Chuirc ba sai ba ban ba erdercc. dursan marban a mi gaim ni liach ni decaib iaram (.i. for neam rainic). Gelistar .i. ainm dath uisce ambit cethra for oibell. 7 do- epetar gulba da each ferand ambi uime 7 dognither cuairt nairbed uime mad iter chomaidchib beas (intath) arna he- that cethra na gurta. anniumain dognither isin ath (no animon sech sin iaram dogniad in a cethra isinnath) is do is ainm gelistar. 7 dlegar bothar coitchenn do each cho- maitiuch chuici ma cenbothar bes (no adochum cid cin beol). Gabur tre H"^ [aUm] quasi caper. ar issed rotruaillned and. Gobur tre H-K [ond] di eoch is nomen son 7 is combrec rotruaUned ind (dana isuidiu). Grour din each so- las, inde dicitur gabur (no gobur) don eoch geal 7 araile. Gabur din ainm da each each cipead dath bess laiss (aile dana ann .i. forsan ech) acht combe (no diambe) cid becc do gil and (is gobur a nomen ar ise airegdam ann no- miniitur bis), hondath isairegda nominatur. Gilldae .i. cosmail fri geal no fria gil .i. fria glan. ise a besside do sugud. ise din bes in gilldae dosugud forche- dal do thengad [leg. di thengaid] a fithera. ut dicitur im- Brethaib nemid toglen gil tengaid. G. 23 Gaileng .i. din fri Cormac mac Taidg maic Cein asriibrad .i. dorigne fleid dia athair .i. do Thadg hua Oilella oombf cet .da each cenel anmand aice acht bruicc nama. Teit Cormac don brooenaig 7 ba mall lais anad fria togail c6 tachartsat imach for flr nenig a athar .i. Taidg. Lotar tra nabruicc imach coromarb' Cormac cet dib 7 ro- thaispen iconfleid. rograin iarom cride Thaidg friha^ 7 I atbert an dorigned and coroainmnigestar a mac hoc no- mine .i. Cormac Gaelang (.i. cac enech) unde Galenga no- minantur. Gaileng .i. gsei lang .i. cen cennach. gaileng din .i. gaUseng iarsinnl sen[g]gailter indala naji. Gem .i. a gemma. Grad .i. a gradu. Glang .i. gualu. inde asglang. Gnid .i. guth. inde dicitur gnidgal. Geal ab eo quod est gelu. Giabiir .i. merdrech. Gol .i. der (unde golgaire). Gall .i. corthi oloiche .i. nis comathig combatar selba [co]cob- randaib gall. Gall din cetherda fordingair .i. gall corthi cloiche (cetamus) ut prediximus. adberar gall de ar it GaiU rosuidestar anErinn artiis. Gad din ainm do saerchlan- naib Frangc .i. tribus GaUiae 7 (is) candore corporis rohain- mniged. gall [yocXa] enim graece lac latine dicitur unde Galli .i. indasta[i] sic dana gall is nomen do elu. inde Fear Hu- man dixit cocholl chos ngaill gemin brain, gall din ainm do chaUech .i. gallus .i. dinni is galea capitis nominatur (disuidiu). Grasticum .i. graziacum .i. atlugud buide Patraic. quod Scoti corrupte dicunt. sic autem [dici] debet .i. grasagum do duiu ,i. gratias dec agimus. Ged .i. nomen de sono factum gag gag. Gamuin .i. imml ga[i]m .i. iarsaniuin. inde dicitur gimnach [gam-sinech] .i. iarsinnl is blicht[m]ur immi gaim .i. in gamrid. Grond .i. gae no gom .i. gai-om .i. gai oircne .i. aithinde; ut Gruibne dixit oc fdUte fri Core no fri Cormac .i. immicui- retar gruind (no guirn) gair 7 araile. Gluss .i. sollsi. ut [est] imBrethaib nemid .i. dofet 6e iarnglus .i. isairegda intog cona dagrusc oldas in scan condibell a ruisc. Gcreth. nomen do gUlai Aitherne. cui Amargein mac Ecul- saig gaband ho Buais dixit Inith greth gruth grinmuine granmuine glascrema cue uinn ubla grethi griith. Gart .i. dede fordingair. gart .i. ceand isinDiiil fheda mair. gart din .i. feile is cend for each ndaU amra dogni duine. 24 SANAS COEMAIC. Grruiten .i. groitsean seach is sean is grot .i. is goirt. or grot each nguirt. unde dicitur groitmess .i. goirtmess. Gno .i. cuidmide. unde dicitur ni recht nach gno .i. ni di- rech nach cuidmide .i. ni dir do recht minabmaith. ni [dir do] gno din .i. ni maith do chuidmidu no do gaire and. Grnoe imorro each segda. ut dicitur isintSenchus mar [p. 6. col. a.] eno gnoe .i. segdai. Groma .i. aer. unde dicitur gromfa .i. aerfa et unde dicitur griiaim each sluaig min aidetchide do deilb as auraissi do seir 7 decnach. gruaimm duine cassUerno [?] asberar de. Glam quasi clam, ab eo quod est clamor facit. Glademain .i. mec thire. (gluidite .i.) focerda uaUa mora. Guidemain .i. uatha 7 morrigna. Gaire .i. gairsecla .i., gar rae .i. ,rse gar. ut dicitur isinaeir dosgni Nedi mac Adnai maic Uithir do ,ri Connacht .i. do brathair a athar fessin. do Chser mac Uithir. issi indso in seir Maile baire gaire Caieur combeodutar celtra catha Caier Caier diba Caifer dira Caier foro fomara fochara Caier. maile din .i. olc honnl is malum, baire .i. bas. gaire .i. gairsechlai. Caieur (.i. do Caer). celtra catha .i. gae. unde dicitur diceltair .i. crand gae cen iam fair no cen arm. foro .i. imord feda .i. fo liir. fomara .i. fo miiraib liire imarda. fo chora .i. fo chlocha do Chser. 7 araile. Vni. littera. I H c. [IHS0Y2]. in hoc nomine est nomen nostri sal- vatoris. Hibar .i. eubarr .i. fobarr .i. iarsinni na tascara fobarr dogres. Hitharna .i. hith 7 feorna .i. semenn aritglaine 7 hith na cethra nolegdais (no noteged isna cainnlea) isna simnib apud veteres. lasc inesc .i. esc uisce. an uisce tra condic a bethamnus. no iasc quasi esc id est ab esca. es din biad unde esser. ca .i. onni is caput .i. ceand 7 clethi cacha bid int iasc ar dothomail Issu he. Hixtdmaiss .i. inamus. Hiseal .i. isallt ar ni habar intiseal anallt [man]ebe ard oca. (allt imorro) ab altitudine. Hiarn .i. iarn in nortmannica lingua. Himesorcam .i, imesorcain do chechtar don da leith bis. Himrimm .i. imreim .i. reimm in eich 7 reimm in duine. sic et dirim .i. direim reim ndeda. Himbliu quasi uimbliu ab umbilico. I. 25 Himbliuch. quasi imloch .i. loch uime imacuairt. Hiiiis .i. ab insula, inis tra anus hinsae .i. anusa. ni hussa .i. ni huiss. Hiiisamliaia .i. anesamain .i. ni hessamiain. [T]b quasi bib .i. bibe. Hin[d]rosc .i. indarosc .i. arose do ind (no da ind) brethre. Himortan .i. importan .i. imram (no imbreth) a purt [do purt]. Hia quasi ceneli forcill indsin. or issed indala nainnun dec fordingair (no ondingarar) Crist la Hebraib. Idol .i. ab idolo. Hidoss asin greig. [s^So?]. forma asin laitin. unde dicitur ido- lum .i. dealba 7 arrachta nanidal (no nandula) dognitis na geinte prius. Silidelba .i. anmunda altori nanidal sin arinni doforniti's inn- tib .i. delba in uile noadratis (no nandula odortais). unde verbi gratia forma (no figia [figura]) solis in altare ut Himbatli .i. oician. bath .i. muir ut [est] (muir) iter Erinn 7 Albain vel aliud quodcunque mare inatimGhell imacuairt ut mare terrenum. Himbath din .i. immuir (.i. muir) im- thimceUes imacuairt isdi is ainm ocian (no is h^ ind ocian son deitsiu). Hidan quasi idon. ab eo quod est idoneus. Hiambelra is de asberar friss for a dhuibe in belra 7 for a dhorchacht 7 for a dliithi conaoh urusa taiscelad tritsin (no ind). Himbas forosuai .i. dofiiarascaib seicib each rset bid maith lasin fihd 7 bud adla[i]c do do faillsiugud. isamlaid dogni- ther sin .i. cocnaid (no concna) infih mlr do charnna dherg- muice no chon no chaitt 7 dosber iaram isin lig foraehula na comlad 7 canaid dichedul fair 7 hidbraid sia do dheib hfdal. 7 gutagair do iaram a hfdalu. 7 nisfaghaib din iarnamarabh. 7 doeha[i]n brichta for a dhl baiss. contagair beos a dhee hidal chuige arna toirmesctha a chodJad immbe. 7 dosber a di boiss ima dib lecnib contuil isuan. 7 bfther oca fhaire ar na roimpra 7 narothairmesca nech cotaispentar do each 'ni immbambi cocend nomaide no a do no a tri no fot no mhessedh oc hfdbert. et ideo him- bas dicitur .i. di boiss uime .i. bass adiu 7 bas anaU ima leccnib. 7 atrogell no atrarpe tra (Patraicc) innlsin 7 an- teinm Isegda .i. roforgell na bud nime na talman nach sen dosgnf uair is diultad do baithis. Dichedul do chendaib din forfhacbad (son) a denum side hi corus cerdi ar issed (so as) fodera son ni hecean hidbairt demun uime aeht fais- nes do chendaib enaime focetoir. 26 SANAS OORMAIC. IX. littera. Loecli i. e. a loeco (vel a laioo). Laiches .i. loech 7 feiss .i. dind feiss foass in loech lea. liUgnasad .i. cluiche no oenach is do is ainjn nasad .i. aur- tach no cluiche Loga maic Ethne (no Ethlend) nofertha lais um thaide fogamair.; liigur .i. tenga. Lielap .i. lulekp. lil each mbec. no lenab .i. lenis abati .i. patri. no iarsinni lenas abatem 7 matrem., Lieasmac .i. lissmac .i. iarsinni is lis donfir no donmnai inti is lessmac do cechtar de. Sic lessmathair no lessa- thair. less din quasi liss .i. hss [leg. lis] debaid no imargal. LiOgam .i. don lige liges (no legess) intedach. no legam .i. li[g] aith .i. aith fria ligda innl (onni) na denandsom foss acht anetaigib ilib. acht is minca hitheas innedach hgda (no nihaire nad fossadsom fri cachnetach cemmb.etis [hga] imbl acht is menciu araciallathar 7 fosaimther in etach ligha) quam ahud vestimentum. Hieconn .i. lecend .i. lethcend. Liasamnai ab eo quod est laissim .i, each nan. Liemlacht .i. lacht teith. leam din each teith. (Loch .i. deide fordingair .i. loch dub. unde dicitur asoilgi laith) lochrtoa .i. diibriina .i. cid doirche samud caich 7 cid runda riam 7 iaram dochraide ariina (f)laith da 61. Loch .i. uile. unde dicitur lochdub .i. uiledub. Laarg .i. 16 arg no leo arg. leo ball 7 arg loech. leo ball no dige no cuibrend do dhaglaech indsin. Ijorg .i. lo airg. [no] loric unde dicitur [p. 6. col. 2.] Liazn. .i. luam. iarsinni luas imoncorp uH. Lamos .i. lamfoss .i. foss puss (no fos) coimet nalaime. liamiud .i. laimind .i. ind na laime edi[g]ther di. Liiida .i. ludugan .i. lii each mbec. uair ise mer isluga do laim he. liise ab eo quod est Hdos [Xfto?] graece lapis latiae di- citur. IJaith .i. dede fordingair .i. laith gaile (7) laith .i. med ut pre- diximus. eter laithe Liigba .i. amed Liigba (cerda dorui- midar Fachtna anargat ar na bii 7 araile). intan tra is forsail bis and no fair is and sluinnes hoc. (intan tra is forail foridmbi issand sluinnith hoc). Langflter .i. ainglaiss (no aingUs) indsin. lang fota. feitir •i. glas nanGall [.i.] urchomul. langfiter .i. glas fota bis iter chosa cinn 7 cosfaj tona. non sic urchomul .i. aur a cho- mul. iter di chois chind in eich bis. L. 27 Lecht .i. lige mhairb. ab eo quod est lectus. Long .i. ab eo quod est [longa .i.] lang (.i.) fota (.i.) bis for muir. Lebor quasi libor .i, a libro. . r. liOtt quasi lot unde^dicitur lotrad i. e. lothrad .i. lott aris lott do mnai in merdrechus. Liath. .i. liith .i. iarsinni liitbaS. ' Lonunand .i. lomm fand. sech is lomm isfand hi. Lathirt .i. laith lind 7 irt bas dontf nosroib (.i. 61 corma no laith rotnort). LiUgbort. melius {est] .i. luibgprt .i. gort luibe. Lilin a lino. Leine a k'nea dib aroile. Lanomain .i. lanshomain caich. ar Is lethsomain nechtar de sech aroile. ' Leithech. .i. dede fordingair .i. ainm cetamus docheneul eisc indsin .i. foralethe nech bis de 7 forathanacht. arismor lethe nech bis de in oceano. Xietbech din ainm do- lossait iarsinni letair bairgean furri. amail atbert Cruitirte fechtus luid dothig aroile ecis 7 ' a gilla lais .i. ecsi'ne essi- de comenmain afithirse. Farolaid din Crtiitine bodesin amuig 7 lecis a gilla doaigidecht dothig inecis. Dobreth tarr tuirc iscabull do 7 rbgab coleig inteces ocaacallaim inecsine 7 occur siila dar afrithgnam. Rorathaig inteces mor- menmain inecsine 7 laigeat afrithgnama.- Intan tra bha bruithe intarr atbert inteceas fiad inecsine .i. tofotha tarr tein .i. as mithig a thircail (no a tiscail) dothenid 7 ba cofessed som cia freccra doberad intecsin[e] do fobith rochualasoufi inteces ocgiimhaidim alanaile [iiairec] ninganta amail bid he bodessin ar dorissed no ara tiSead 7 ni rochredsium din inteces 7 ba aire atbert iut^ces dofrombd inecsine .i. tofotha tarr tein. et tribus vicibus dixit Dofotha tarr tein et non respondit ei vel ullum verbum. din iarom atracht intecsine 7 teit cusin maigin amboi Cruitine 7 atfet scela do .i. intaithesc roraid inteces .i. tofotha tarr tein. Maith ol Cruitine ' intan a.sbef a doridisi abair fris Toe lethaig foen friss .i. fon tarr 7 fris adaind indhs no frisinle adaind indlis .i. toe lossait foen fris .i. fon tarr: 7 frisindle eoindil dodecsi diis inbruithe in tarr. intan tra dessid istig thall dixit inteces in cetnai et dixit intecsine Toe lethaig 7 araile. Maith ol inteces ni bni ecsine rotoirne no rotorma. is focus rothoir- ned isfocus din Cruitine condogair amuig. Adagar iarom Cruitine ferthar failte fris 7 i doberar biad naiU isincoire iarom 7 ba bee amenma .inecsine fobith con[a]tib inteces uime cein coraoaiUestar Cruitine 7 araile. IJeos .i. imdergad imandergthar (no imdergthar) duine iar- naseir no eGn[d]aoh. leos din .i. soiUse ut est inDiiil roscaid grinniud leos .i. dibad soUlsi .i. coindle. Item aigead fir 28 SANAS COEMAIC. ima leos luinetber no imaleos luindetar .i. imatimchella soillse. Liocharu (no Luachaimd) quasi luchem .i. a lucerna 7 araile. X. littera. Mo debroth olPatraic quod Scotic[i] dicunt corrupte. sic hoc dici debet .i. muin dofu braut .i. muin din is mens, in diti is deus. in braut is judex .i. meus deus judex. Marc .i. ech. marcach din .i. eich immda lais. ut dicitur buasach infer lasmbit ba imda. airmnech tra in fer tech- tus arbor immda. sic airgdech.colgedach. Mathair quasi mater arissed rotruaill[n]ed and .i. mater. Mid .i. combrec rotruaillned and .i. med. Meithel quasi methel ab eo quod est metho no meto. Mucairbe .i. mac fuirmid .i. mac dofiiirmed adhana. Mallaud .i. feith bis darin mullacli anuas. quasi mulland. Millead .i. mi shiUead .i. silled olc. Mas a massa. Miscaitll .i. miscaith .i. mi innsce. scath (.i.) indsce. amail ata Diiil roscadach indsin. Milgitau .i. molchuiten .i. cuid Miiil .i. doirrseoir Temra. Mol din aaiam side deg in muil noferad fornadoinib .i. tait (S^ tait ind. unde dicitur molach. Melg .i. as. arindi mblegar. Melg^ din .i. bas. iade dicitur melgthemi .i. teime inbais. no melgtheinte .i. teine in bais. Moraud .i. mor find, ba he andsin a ainm dombert a ma- thair do 7 atbert robo bidba bais di nach eperad fris. Mac main din adbert a athair do .i. ba main maith inmacsa 7 bidba bais [do] nach epera[d] fris innainmsin. corolenustar tra indi ainm arson enanma. Mac som Coirpri Chindchaitt. Meuad .i. min 7 aith gonas. Menad din min a iadh .i. a thoU. Moth. .i. each ferrda .i. each ferinsce et nomen est virili membro. [p. 7. col. 1.] Man i. e. a manu. Mauach i. e. a monacho. Mouach .i. clessach. ab eo quod est mon .i. cleass. Methos .i. a meta .i. on crith no oncrich. Molad .i. mol soad .i. mol ara menci. soad for a gnaithce no for agaithe. Meumchosach .i. menma nach sasad lais. no menma cha- sach lais .i. caingnech. M. 29 Muirtchend ab eo quod est mortlcinium .i. martarchend [.i. ceim] taraais cuhoband .i. oirnf is marb cuhoband. Muileiid .i. liiol 7 bond (.i. ar issed deide as maillem im- muilend). bond .i. clbch. mo a oil .i. a cblocba quam clocba broon. Muiliad din .i. meil. 7 lind [ar is] for lind njeileas. Molo muilend .i. mola broo din. no muiliern. Merdrech .i. mear. [in marg. merdrecb ,i. inei-. drecb .i. mer 7 drech iarnacengal.] bean is mear dreach. no mear (.i. druth) 7 drech .i. boetb. Merdrecb din .i. driith baeth. inde poeta mear each drdth mianach each baeth. [no] Merdrech ab eo quod est meretrix i. e. a merendo stupri pretium. Mat .i. lam. inde indmat .i. I'hd na lam nigther and. indlat din ar is [fad] donchoiss a traig et a lotione dicitur. Mat .i. mucc. inde dicitur amBrethaib nemid foruachtatar mata mo thuinde targabaU. Mand .i. liinge. ut Sencha dixit Mou alib imdergad emna do- mider de .vn. cumala cichside crissu .vn.: mogu mogaigthi frimorgnima mogsaine .Yn. manna oir aithlegtha fri fial- gmiis mocharut moir mou. Mand din .i. geal .i. uinge bruinnte. Muunu .i. rnn finti n .i. ainm boid Finntain enim dictus est. unde Maedoc Ferna dixit ocaire no ocahoer Munnu maic Thulchain A Chilian De chumachtaig a maic Thulchain a bachlaigh , rue mac annsai (.i._. demon) do miiintir mathair rotfiicc a Finntain. Mai .i. ri 7 file, inde dicitur nadnais argat no or acht for mal (.i. for rig.). Miurend .i. dedi fordingair .i. ainm cetamus do mnai. Mui- rend .i. morfind. Muirend din ainm do gsei .i. mirind (.i. drochrind). droch ,.i. bas. drochrind .i. rfad dober has. Mogheime ainmsin in cetna orce boi anErinn. Coirpri Miisc mac C.onaire tuc anair he a Bretnu. [ar] intan bamor_ cumachta Gaedel for Bretnaib dorannsat, Alpain eturru iferannus 7 rofitir each durais ,diacarait leo 7,,nibaluga dothrebdais Gsedil , formiiir anair qiiam in Scotica 7 doronta anarusa 7 a[r]rigdiiinte ann. .inde: dicitur Dinn Tradiii .i. Diin'Tre- diii .i. tredhue Crimthain moir maic Fhidaig rig Erenn 7 Alpan 7 comuir nicht. 7 inde Glasimpere [nanGaidel .ii cell] forbni mara nIcht. isand sin roboi Glass macCaiss.mucaid rig Hiruatha ocamucaib for mesrad 7 ise rodersaig Patraic i cind .XXVI. bliadne iartain iarnaguin dfian[n]aib maic Con. 7 isfdjin- r[a]indsin ata dind map Letbain i ,tlrib Bretan Cornn .i. diin maic Liatha[i]n. ari's mac iniii is mabb isin bretnais. Sic ro- rand each cenel disuidiu arboi a cutrama aUathair 7 ba- 30 SANAS GORMAIC. tar foncumachtasin cocian iar tidhecht do Patraic. Desin tra boi Coirpre Miisc oc athig&sair co a muintir 7 coachairde. Nithanic tra an inbuidsin oircne hi tir nErenn 7 rofor- congrad laBretnu natarta oircne indail na inais na ico- main na icarutrad doGhsedelu. Is hi tra cain boi an in- buidsin laBretnu .i. each bidba inachinta do neoch hofoas- nabad ca:in. Boi tra oircne aimind for seilb charut do Choir- pri miisc himBretnu 7 contori Coirpre uad. Fectus do- Choirpri diathighsium coranic failte do acht imonoircne. Scian amra la Coirpre nnise conimdenum argait 7 oir imaheim. ba set adamra hi. Dombert tra in Coirpre beoU cumor impe 7 ooimlid saill diaheim corofacaib forbeolu inoircne iarom. Rogab intoircne forcnam nahemi comatain. loitid inscin iaram conab alaind. Dosgnl Coirpre iar- namairech ceist moir desin cumba bronach (no ba hair- nech) de tra 7 cuindchis cert uiniie c6 acharait. in- draic sen din _ conepert Icfatsa incin olse. Nigebsa ol Coirpre acht afil icain Bretan .i, each rob ina chin. Tucad innoircne do Choirpri desin '7 rolil ainm de .i. Mogemi. mog .i. dser dobreath diahessi na sceine. Torrach (.i. banchu) din intoircne. tanic andsin Oilill Flann bee for Mumain an inbuidsin 7 Cormac hiiaCuind 1 Temraig coro- gabsatside a triur foiche (.i. fuachtain) icuinched 7 iccos- nam in oircne aturru., ishe iaram cruth' rocoraiged etarru atriur .i. airasear cfnnte donchoin itig cachae dib. Doithid incii iaram coruc each omlen diacuaine. conad forslichtsin atathar anErinn beos. Marb tra innoircne iarcein 7 rosfiiair Connla macTaidg maic Cein maic OUeUa Auluim cloicend lomm in oircne sin combert icesta donfilid luidconai {no] airchetul dia athair. Msen mac Edaine ainm infilead. Tethna iarom Masn intec'ess tria theinm Isegda conepert Cain tonna tige haui Eogain. ith itig haui Chuind cacht adath toba- rand basacaem itig Choirpri miiisc. aMuig emi, Ceand Moga emi andso .i. in cedna oircne dobretha anErinn 7 araile. • ■'■ -[pag: 7. eol. 2.] ' ' ' Muma de nomine ahcujus regis!, e. Eochaid garb. '[Echaid] mumo .i. Eochaid mum6 .i. mo a greim' T a gerait ^7^ chumachta oldas each rig .i. dia anmaimm rohainmnigthea Mumain 7 Muimnig dicuntur. - Mumia' de nomine regis din dicitur. Mug quasi mi\ch - ar is fomhuich T' todernam fognuma dogres. ' Mugsaine .i. mugsine quasi mugsm'me .i. snim bfs formen- main inmhogad. Muc-h .i. ainm saindiles do diaid. unde dicitur muchad. Mills quasi mehs. mil .i. mel rotruaillned ^ and. milis (j. is- inand 7) mel. N. 31 Midach quasi medic ab eo quod est medicus .i. liaig. Mear .i. iarsinni bis a ajnur isinallt ' ambi .i. ina meracht 7 ina^nur teit. quasi merulus .i. Ion inde .... graece quod volat solus 7 nibi en aile cid dia cheniul fein ina coem- techt. Meracht quasi meiicht .i. icht mear. Meracht .i. acht (.i. gnim) mear. ab eo quod est actus. ' , - , , Mairt .i. morait .i. mor uaitt .i. c6 domnach o mairt. Mairt .i. a Marte o dia in catha la gentib. Mars tra ainm do. isdo din nochoisergdais mis Marta ut Januarius Fe- bruarius Martius. Mairt din uada congarar. ut diesSolis dies Limae dies Martis. Mart quasi -mort .i. a morte. Mortlaith a mortalitate. Mauaimaii mac lir .i, cennaige amra Ijoi aninis Manand. ise luam as deacb boi aniarthar Eorpa. nonndad tre nem- gnacht (.i. gnathugtid nime) inoiret nobld insoiniud 7 in do[i]mnd 7 intan nosclaechlobad cecbtar don da resin, inde Scoti et Brittones eum deum vocaverunt maris, et inde fi- lium maris esse dixerunt .i. mac lir mac mara. ' et de nomine Manandan Inis Manand dictus est. XI. littera. Nise mac sethur. ut Oiichulaind dixit propHetans (vel prse[di]- cans) de Christi adventu .i. ilise diiine ticfa ipaec moisi .i. mac'sethar diiine ticfa et ipse est Jesus, et alii dicunt co- roehret Ciichulaum osin. Nemuuall. ise ainm is mou doanmannu indomain _.i. nem- niiaU d^nma in oifrind andsin. nemnuaU. nuall fer nime (imbe). ' ' Ninus .i. nin foss 7 nin t6nd .i. tond tanic don [leg. dind] fairrge aniar condech- isind aiur cutoracht isintir lit'con- denia[d] tipra di. ' inde dicitur Corcinodruad Ninuis. Nemeth. .i. nemiath .i. anus dirge do eclais. Nemaith .i. anus dirge di ocaib. ITenLfuath. .i. anus dirge do filedaib. Neith. .i. dia catha la gentib Grsedel. Nemon .i. uxor illius. Nac quasi nie .i. nech oec. inde dicittu- nice occ no ningoc. Nith. .i. guin duine. ' Ner .i. torcc allaid. ut est isna haistib fail 'uer neit griphi gradaigthew ; . Noe .i. duinci inde dicitur diannama noe (.i. diandama duine) for tir. Xoes .i. no-fiss .i. fis nonba[i]r .i. tri rig 7 tri noib. 7 tri 32 SAN AS CORMAIC; said .i. said filidechta 7 said litre 7- said belra Feni. batar- sin uli ocd^nam intSenchusa mair. inde dicitur Laeguire Core Daire diir Patraic Beneoin Cairnecli coir Ross Dubthach Fergus cofheib .IX. saUge sin Sencnais moir. Nimb .i. broen. ab eo quod est nimbus, inde dicitur isna- Brethaib nemid Oengus foaiblib imais aricht roloisc leath foniroib nimb. Nairne (no naire) .i. glaine no nairne amaU bid naire nobeth and. senbelra din innlsin .i. in[n]airne (no i[n]naire) sin asi- nand 7 amail atbertba ecin isingnathbebra indiu la hUr- no la hIr-Mumain maxime. inde dixit in file nffil ni bus toich duit. fhU naire arinti dianimcbomaircther .i. fil ecin olse. Nith .i. guin duine ut est nibe inti dognl. Nethes din .i. guin duine ut est ni hidnae nethes nemthigetar. Nescoit .i. ise senchas nan Gsedel. intan tuccad cath Muige Tuired boi Groibniu goba isincerdcha oc denam nanarm do Tuathaib d. d. [De Domnann] 7 boi Luchtine saer oc denam nacrand isnagaib 7 boi Credni incerd oc denum semand isna gaib cetna. Dicunt autem Scoti Goibniu goba faciebat hastas fri teora gresa 7 bafeth in gres de- dinach. Dognid tra Luctine nacranna friteora snassa 7 ba feith insnass dedinach. Sic et Creidne faciebat na semanda. dobidgad Goibne asintenchar nagsei conglendais isinursaia. doleced Luchtine na crandu inandiaid 7 ba lor diarundsma. dobidgad Creidne ina semunda agobaib (na) tenchaire 7 ba lor, dianindsma. Cein tra boi Goibniu oconnisin litear bine for a mhnai sium. atchess dosom annsin comba saeth lais inscel 7 edaig imbe. issed dosgni iris .i. boi crand inalaim intan atciias do ascel .i. Neas aainm 7 is uime dognither an urnise oriad 7 dichan brichtu din fprsan- crandsin 7 each ,fejr dothiged chuige doberead ftiasma ind doncrandsin. Madellad iaram in duine [pag. 8. col. 1.] do thurgbad iaram cnocc Ian do lindchro 7 gur 7 foloiscead in ; d^ine amail tenid. arbahe iuath incraind dian[adj ainm Ness nobid forsincnucc. J is aire rpaiijmnigestar onainm- sin Nescoit. Ness tra .i. cnocc 7 scoit Und. Ness din cetharda fordingair .1. ness ainm in anmunda. ness (nomen) do crand. ness nomen do umisi. amail atbert bean araUe gobann dogeni marbnad dia fir dicens Ba dursan hum seUad fris forbir ifraig dercc anis o. 33 babinde nochantais dord friderc aneis adf bolg. et alius dixit Bean aentuma bis cenfer inteni cohurloscad nama guali bean naise is uaide ainmm urnaise. Ness din ainm dobeim 7 do chrecht ut est isintSen- chus mar A grainib each tomas a fenib each foras a mainib (no omnai) each mess * a dirib chuirp duine ciadat Ue aftule rohainmniged ness. Amail bis urgnacht inbaUl isinduine afiirmither iricrecht asfoi din biss aeraice .i. verbi gratia loddinagaid no an- edan tra no asmeich fiirmither inaithis ismoti in ericc amail rogab iSenchus mar mad foetach bess inainim is luga som 7 araUe. XII. littera. Ollamh .i. oil adhamh OUamh .i. oil aiiaim .i. amail is doiligh uaim bhis foaiH do thoghail. sic is doUig saighidh for dhan 7 ecsi inoUamhan. Ollam din .i. oil eimh .i. oil di eimh .i. oUamh do eimh .i. emhid 7 ernes na cesta. 01 .i. caera inde dicitur oisc .i. 6i seise .i. caera seise, oi- melc .i. oimelg .i. isi aimser andsin tic ass caerach. melg .i. as iarsinni blegar. Oen quasi un. ab eo quod est unus. Oenach. .i. line each. Oeth .i. luige no ethech. Oar .i. gath no gairm. Oech .i. nama. Orb nomen viri a quo Orbraige. Og quasi ob id est obuum (no ovum) .i. og. Ord i. e. ab ordine. Olchubar .i. 61 accobar .i. accobar lais 61. no 61 nomen liquoris normalica lingua vel normannica lingua est. Omd -i. creach no orguin. Om .i. inbid. grec rotruaill[n]ed and. omen [wfjiov] asingreic cruor [leg. crudum] latine dicitur. Opair .i. oper .i. ab operatione. ms. meas. 34 .SANAS CORMAIC. Ong .i. iochaid 7 cose, inde dicitur coscaig domac a l^i- thail consecait a oic (no a oiiig). ong .i. uch. ut est Ni hong aentige amach. Ong. oian on relic mothech toll nidamnia acht amgeilt ghand dia dorad icert mochond. Oroit .i. oroit [leg. orait] .i. oratio. , . . Oslucad .i. uaslecud [lecad] suas nacomlad. no oslucad .1. ais- lecud .i. lecad darahais di. 1. . v 1 ■ 1 Ochtach .i. ogtech .i. oguide a tech diabaith (no diabuith) fair (no foir). Or quasi aur .i. ab auro. Ore treith .i. nomen do mac rfg. triath enim rex vocatur unde dixit poeta iEnach [leg. oinach] tra uirc treith .i. biad 7 etach logmar. clum 7 coilcthe. cuirm 7 carna. bran- dub 7 fi[dlchell. eieh 7 carpait. milchoin 7 estrechta archena. aliter orcc din ainm dobratan. unde dixit ceand Lomna dnith iarnabein de .i. orcc brecc bronnfind briichtas demhagur fomuirib. ni labair nimtoe tuaithe tore natraic romsi rorannsat raind natcert Coirpri. is de tra boi andsin dosom .i. Find hua Baiscne isdo ba driith Lonma druth (.i. midlach). Teit din Find laa nand for- cuairt selga. doruaraid Lomna ifos. . boi bean do Liiiffliib la Find ar each roilbe 7 each rofid nognathaiged Find cona feinn nobid ben urdhalta forachind incachtir 7 batar banbrugadha (iatsen 7 batar maithi) dofulang na fiann. ar doleath andaine darna tire cona lamad neach [olc] friu. Ta- nic Find fecht i Tebtha cona feinn 7 luid foreuairt selga cumboi Lomna leo (no doroaraid Lonma ifos)_ no tarraid Lomna ifus. amboisium ocimdeeht amuig eonfaca Coirpre (.i. fennid do Liiignib) oelaige lamnai Find hitaide. Ro- gaid tra inbean doLomna a dfehleithsin. Ba saeth lai- sium beith imbrath Find. Tie Find iarom 7 benaid [Lomna] ogam_ ifleisc cetKercuir conadead boi innte .i. cuaiUe fer- nai ifelaim nargait athaba ifothlaeht ifolurg .i. forlurg. Fer mna druithe. dnithlach la feinn forcthi. fraech for- ualaind luimm Liiigne. Eofitir tra Find aseel 7 ba dog- nassach denmhnai. Rofitir inbean din is oLomna rofess 7 teit techta uathise coCoirpre ar cotisead domarbad indruad. Tanic tra codall achend de 7 dombert Coirpre lais. Tic iarom Find don fuarboith deodlai con&ca in choland cen cend. Coland sund cen cend ol Find. Finnta diinn ol mfiann coich hi. dosber tra Find a ordu inabeolu 7 do- chan triatheinm laegda conepert Niconruba arduene. nicon- riiba for LiUgne. contoboing nais. conepert. ni con ruba tore. ni contorgi. ni conarbert a lige Lomna. p. 35 Coland Lomna indso ol Find, rucsat namait a chend di. ticsaid (.i. benaid) donaconaib 7 toiscelad forinslicht. Teit Find forslicht nanog [pag, 8- col. 2.] cofuair Coirpri ifaistig oc fuine eisc forindeoin. combi c[endl Lomna for- bir icontenid. In cet lucht roberbad don indeoin doroind Coirpri do tri nonbharu 7 nituc drantmir imbeol in chind disodain. Bages [lasjna fianna ocus atbert iarom Ore brecc bronnfind .i. bradan dimagur. issed adhamna 7 araile. inlucht tanaise din rannais Coirpre iterum priori modo. conepert incend iterum Rorannais rand fofael athraind rand athbaig iarmuig medbae mosbatoich mir me- tail bidftiatni fianna lib Luagni. Cuirid amach in cend olCoirpre cid mifocul diinn. dixit incend demuich Rome- chutar clethi cuire rith rurthig ag« catha cetamba mesc- buit. ba comselib moaige ba cofarninda no nimda bid mor ag tein doallasfaid Liiigne la Find din. Xni. littera. Fatraic a patricio. patricius .i. pater civium. aliter patricius hie qui ad latus regis sedet (vel residet). Pell a pelle. Pennait a penitentia. no pennait .i. plan ait .i. ait ipian- aither. Pecad a peccato. Patu .i. poitho .i. poi .i. eos 7 to din forruibi inpatu (no pato) a chois ol niluga bis find fo foradernaind oldas fturi inniias. Propost .i. prepost .i. praepositus. Port a portu. Pairclie a parochia. Paru .i. nomen do bloaeh mara. ni each dialt tra rosegar inde. nfpmachtad la nech cenofiastar can doroig bloaeh donni isparn. et aha similia. Puingcne .i. screpul medhi innbiche indsin. screpall Gaedel din .i. opuingc. Pinginn salund imbe .i. seland cernae innsin (.i. offaing). Pain .i. bairgen. a pane, inde est hingaire Eehaeh maic Luehta .i. mo tri finde fommgellsat imailt Eehaeh ailche- dail gaire de loelig find forgoing scailter codi'pil promtir pain la pugin puincern laesial eenach cermnas comile eoie •bo bithbi codamuic midligen goss gessan cenosmessed conach inabethu baa. Puincern din .i. cern tomais sellae 7 meadh thomaiss indile .i. in mead indmeaeh. Pissire .i. pissaire .i. crand lethanehend bis oetomus aenpin- 3* 36 SANAS CORMAIC. I ginde tomais .i. comthrom vii. ngraine fircruithnechta 7 de- cheter ethoman 7 nali lina uisce 7 narosuid cruas (.i. de). Piss din ainm incraind no intoman. Piss din ainm do pen- gind. oenphengind din aire in chraindsin. Pend a penno. Pend i. e. a penna. Pairt a parte. Pertic i. e. a pertica .i. forrach tomais tire indsin. Poc .i. pac quasi pax .i. e. a pace, arisairidhe sida inphoc. Proind a prandio. , • r> i Prull .i. aidbliugud mor 7 medugud. ut dixit ingen hui Dul- saine inbannlicerd fri Senchan Torpeist. himum loscitino- dino pi-iill. frisgart intecsine do muintir Senchan .i. m cerd mac hui Dulsaine o Liaig doThairrsaig tuH. Is de tra hai do Senchan innisin docorustar fair techt a Manaind .i. fecht ainesa dochur -cuarta innte 7 1. eces a lin cinmothat ecsine. Ni roibe riam umnach araile eces samail inchum- daig boi umSenchan cinmotha a stuigen suad. issed on ro- buidech do thimtagib fer nGaedel inrucsat nahecis olchena vimpu. Intan tra docomlasat forfairrge 7 docorustar aur- lond fritir adgladastar gilla anecoisc dontfr inandiaid. Nom- lecidsi lib olse. Dfechsat uli fair, niba cain leo aecosc na alecad leo ar nirbo hen comadaiss dianelta he fora ecosc nadetig. intan tra dosberead amer foraedan nome- bdais srotha doghur bren triacluasaib achuil siar. dichroiss tar a mullach. ba cosmail friasnige tepersu a inchinde ar- roemuid darroeib do madcomuanna achind 7 achlocind. ni anad ic tola brenta imorro. Cuirrither hog luin adi- siiil. luathit[h]er leig muilind a fegad. comdhub frihec a drech. cuirre ina corr aurocbala adhagruad. sithiger ur- buinde gabond asron. marsigemnaig builg ocberbad mia- naig siigad 7 imlecad a anala. nibendais uird dpchaeir derg ambendais a beoil dothenid. luaithither fandh nofia- main he forlar. buidither or find afiacal. glassi cuileand ambun. dalurgain lomchaela lanbxeca fse. daserid birr- dhai buide brecduba. a lurga mar chiigil. a sliasat mar- samthaig. amas mar lethmsethail. abrii mar miachbolg. a brage mar braigit cuirre. meit mnilciud milead a chend. hbrither gabla a lama, metither dornu mogad a durna. Diatallta de in cheirt combrecc boi uime ni bu decmaing di- techt for imiree aaenur minafairmithea cloch iurri. Dorogart tra odiucaire moir 7 atbert fri Senchan biam torbachu deit olse oldas inecsi no inre foruallach forbaeth imchumachtach lit fil umat. indester lat ol Senchan tig tu iarsin laid isincu- rach. Proimfimit fris olse. cingid forsinlaid [pag. 9. col. i. isincurach 7 ba luathither lochait iar forgarmain no grib dia ned no seig do ail in side rue comboi isincurach 7 ba- p. 37 siiaill tra nach baite in curach iarsinni robroccsat remisiuni isindara leath in leath naill dosum 7 atbertsat a hsengin dotrorbai beist a Senchain 7 bud hisin do muintir acht co- roisium tir. Is desin rohainmniged Senchan Torpeist .i. Sencban dororpa peist: Recait iarom co Manairid 7 lacsat] * a Goblach hitir. Amail batar isintraig confacutar in feen- tviinne mongleifth mifrigh forsin carraic. [sentuinne] .i. cail- lech nt poeta dicit: Sentuind 7 senbachlach ropses raipus a crinfes acht noconfacnat mac de isni thabair a primles (.i. a primgin). Amlaid boi inchaillech forsintraig ocbuain femnaige 7 murthorad olcena. airechta grada a cossa 7 a lama, acht natbi edghud maith impe. boi anfeth nagorta lee. ba liach son din arbahi inbannlicerd _ ingen hui Dulsaine do Muscraige Liac thiiill a crich hua Fidgenti condechaid for- cuairt Erenn 7 Alpan comba marb a muintir uli. Boi tra incerd mac hui Dualsaine a brathair oc a hiarraid foErinn acht ni ftiair. Intan tra itconairc sentuinde na hecsi imus- comarc ceptar iat. Atbert araile dib Maith reimoomarc .i. Senchan eces Erenn indsin. Inmbia forumaloit aSen- chain olsi inat frimaithiiscsa. rotbia tra ol Senchan. ni- sam eolach imnid adbaig. ciasa femnach bolgach bug. Caide a lethcomracsin olsi. Sochtaid tra Senchan J inecis uli. DoUng tra iarom in gilla remeperta forbeolu Senchain et dixit achaiUech ni raga illeth Senchain. nicomadais deitt. acht nomaioiUse of nitaicillfe nechaile donmiiin- tirsi. Cest tra for [in] bannlicerd caide in lethrand. nin. olse. domhuin charrgi mori Manand doronad mor saland sund. ' 7 in lethrannsa tra caide a leath imumm loiscet mode no prull. ejnsaigfe fort Senchan mad ed connige ol, in giUa beos. est' tra caide latso olsi. nin. ol esium In cerd Mac hui Diilsine oLiac Thursige thull. Fir on ol Senchan istusa in- * This passage stands as follows in H. 2. 16: — isin curach luai- thidir lochaid iar forgarmajn combai isin curach ba suaill tra oorroibdithe incu- rach conalucht arindi rombrogsat roimesium isindara leth inlestair 7 inleth naill dosum 7 atbertatar amail bid ahaongiun dotrorbai peist a Senchain bid si domuinnter uile acht conernam no conerlam docum tire. Is desin tra robai dosum Senchan torpest .i. senchan dororba peist no paist. recait iarom iManaind fonacbat a coblach itir. The passage in the text enclosed in brackets is now illegible. My copy is taken (with a few slight corrections) from a transcript made some years ago by Mr. Curry. . 38 SANAS CORMAIC. gen Dualsine in bannlicerd ocadathar diarrad sechnon Erenn 7 Alpan. Isme em olsi. Ructharsom iarom laSenchan 7 doberar etacB amra impe [7 tainic la Senchan] dochum nErenn. Orancutar tra Erinn confacufer ingill[a] remepertaige fora- cind 7 bahoclaech rigda ruithenta esium indsin. rose im- lebur inachind. mong orbuide lais. ailliu doferaib domain do iter deilb 7 deceit. Teit iarsin dessiul Senchan cona muintir et nusquam apparuit ex illo tempore, dubium ita- que non est quod ille poematis erat spiritus. 7 araile. Xnil. littera. Rechtaire .i. rechtorairge [leg. rector a rege?]. Ross .i. tredi fordingair .i. ross fidbuide. ross lin. ross uisce. sain din ciiis [asa rohainmniged] cachse. ross fidbuide cetamus .i. roi oss. ross lin din .i. rofas. ross uisce tra rofoss [ar] ni hi acht formarbuisce. iReim .i. nomen dofuirseoir. fobith each riastarda dosber fo- raaigid cuchach. Rinntaid nomen dofir serad rindas each naigid noescaid. Rot .i. rout .i. roset .i. mo oldas set .i. semita unius anima- lis. Attat tra ilanmanna for conairib .i. set. rot. ramut. slige. lamrotse. tuagrotw. bothar. set cetamus ut predixi- mus. Rout .i. dacumat[?] no dachuat carpat [7] do a;n[e]ach dee imme doronad fri hecraite mendota formedon. Ramut .i. mo oldas rot .i. urscor bis for urdhiinib rig. each co- maigdech [asjatir doro chuige dlegar de a glanad. Slige din doscuchad charpat sech araile daronta frihimcomarc da charpat .i. carpat rig 7 carpat epscoip condechaid cachr ae dib sech araile. Lamrota .i. iter dasligid. slige dar tuaiscert mendota araile dar a descert. fria lessu fri cae do- ronad. Tuagrota fochren fertrebar conair doascnam roi- toi no slebe. isi iarom afochraic .i. aanim aneim atraet cachla bliadain [leg. anamin cacha dine immidret each ala bliadain]. Bothor tra .i. talla di boin. alana forfot araile for tarsna forataUut a Iseig no angamna inafail. mad ina- ndiaid bess iurtais inbo bes daessi. Attat teora glanta docach ae. tri haimsera inglantar .i. aimser echruathair. aimser chuse. aimser coctha. Ite a tri glanta .i. glanad afeda 7 auisce 7 achoclaid. Ite acsi foranglantar .i. ar- nellned, acharpat oc dul for coe. arnellned a echraide oc- techt doaenach. achoclaid ar[n]ahesaxlathar nech fair octecht fri no fothress 7 araile. Reo .i. grec. reo .i. enim graece gelu latine dicitur. Ringcne quasi quinque. inde dixit Ferches intan boi Find h. [haue] Baiscne ocrim each [coicir] iarnuair doslo- K. s. 39 gaib [maic] Con do chuinched nafiann do .i. do Ferches. lasin tra atracht [Ferc]hes triana fuachtname [?] seoch Find 7 doleic insleig forLugaid [combjomarb 7 atbert Ringcne ris rig. [dodernaijd Find fos onarrimead each coicer carincne arnuair. Ri[ngone din .i.] quasi qiiinque 7 araile. Robuth quasi remfuath. no robuth. din. .i. [remjbubtad. [pag. 9. col. 2.] Retglu .i. retgle .i. gle solas. Roth .i. a rota .i. a cuairt. Budrad .i. rodiirad. Bucht .i. inar. ut dixit Fercertne .i. hindeich ruchtaib derga. Buam quasi Rom .i. a Roma. Bangc .i. in sessed cenel namaile. range din .i. nahusine arda. Rach din ise raut "namaile otha edan_ eomuUaeh. Ro- maile iter daho uli. Saltriasa .i. as a firmhuUach mael tairside combi a chassi buide inamullaeh amail saU duine tre assa. Buide reid .i. maUe ocheand uli annsin no maile combi glelomm. Imspelp tra .i. folt cechtar ada leth- cend 7 rot otha intedan conice achiil. vi. cenela maile indsin. Bigan .i. rigbean no rigein. Baithnech ab eo quod est ratis latine .i. rait[h] no raithnech. Buam .i. roeim .i. luss dosber dath no cuclit in faciem cumbi derg. inde dicitur ruamnaig no ruanaid. Boscad .i. roindsce .i. dodhechaid in ord insce .i. scath. ind« dicitiu- Dull Roscadach. Belec .i. relic a reliquis sanctorum. Relec din .i. reiU ahec no a hicc no a hacc. Bop 7 rap. rop tra each nanmunda gonas. ut sunt vac- cae. rap din each nanmunna srengas ut sunt sues sed tamen vicissim commiiniter dicuntur. rap din ab eo quod est rapio. robb ab eo quod est robustus. Bibar .i. criathar. Biss .i. each seel 7 faisnes. Risse din .i. 'scela. inde dixit Coirpre mac Etnai isin cetna seir doronad anErinn prius .i. cendil daime rissi robsean Bressi .i. do Breass mac Elathain sin. Buadrofessa .i. nomen in Dagdha. Buamui ass [leg. ais] .i. liass 7 buidetu. XV. littera. Sanct Brigit .i. naemBrigit indsin. Suil quasi sol aristrithe ata soUsi doduine. Sollsi ab eo quod est siiil. 40 SANAS CORMAIC. Solas a sole. Sobraighit .i. a sobrio. Subaig a sobrietate. Seno[d] id est a synodo. Saloud .i. sal-ond. cloch sail, iade est saUe. i Sanas .i. sain fiss. • . '; Sroll .i. soUsi. unde apud Scoticos diu sroU .i. dies solis. San .i. rii frigrit [refrigerat ?] Segamlse .i. lacntmaire. seig din .i. blicht. inde dicitur imBrethaib nemid messtar bii forasegamlae .i. aralacht- maire. Smeroit .i. smer teine 7 ftiait (foit) fiiigell .i. foigell teine. Sirem a. iarsinni siress o luc do luc in capite et in toto corpore. Searr .i. a serra. Snuad .i. folt. Secc onni is siccus. Secnab .i. secundab id est secundus abbas vel secundus abbati. vel secnab sequens abbatem-. Secht quasi sept ab eo quod est septem. Se ab eo quod est sex. Sea ab eo quod est Snad .i. folt. [in marg. Snuadh.] Sponge id est a spongia, ' n Sabaltair .i. sepultur. id est a sepultura ii. relicc duinebaith .i. magh mor anadnactis genti. Seist .i. nomen do mhedon Isei .i. quasi sext a sexta hora. Spirut ab eo quod est spiritus. Spiracul ab eo quod est spiraculum. Screpul quasi scripul. ab eo quod est scripultis [scri- pulmn]. Snathad .i. snathset. set snaith. toll snathaite. . Saim ii. each corait cid iter dadhuine oid iter di eoch cid iter didham cid iter [di] bu bess. i Simin .i. seim a hinne. Sceng .i. iumdha. unde est.iimsoeng .i. [both becc] imatim- chella iumdha. inde dicitur ferr imscing adbai. Sacart .i. sacerd ab eo quod est sacerdos. no sacart .i. siiithe acca aord. Sorb .i. locht quasi sord id est a sordido. Slabhradh .i. slab ariadh [in marg. slabhar-iadh] .i. iadhad cumang .i. slabar each cumang. esslabar each fairsing. Samrad .i. sam quasi hebraice sol quasi latine. unde dicitur Samson sol eorum. samrad din .i. riad rithes grian. isand is raou doaitne asollsi 7 ahairde. Salt ab eo quod est saltus .i. leimm. T. 41 Sean .i. senex. Seiudser .i. senex 7 fer. Salcuait .i. salchoit .i. coit caill isin combrecc. salcuiit din .i. caill mor disailig hi and. Sadb .i. soadb. soadba. Sine id est quasi sine [snige?] Serb .i. ingen, Scath druad dia Connaehtaib. isi rosaid feda Atha Luain .i. Bron 7 Dub (7) dur 7 dibeoil [leg. 7 Di'ir- dibeoil] intan rodaile^na teora dala for Cormac Conlongas mac Concliobair oc Ath Luain. Sin .i. each cruind unde sin maic Main .i. epistil. boi ima bragait fri forgeall firinde .i. intan ba fir atberead ba fairsi[n]g dia bragait. intan ba go ba cumao. , ■ Seg .i. oss allaidh. inde dicitur seghuinech .i. fer ghonas segu .i. oss'a alltai indsin. ; Serrach. .i. serr each nuallach 7 each nogla. inde dicitur serrech. learn .i. -ogla leain. Serrech din .i. ser-ech. iar serid a mathar bis oc geilt. ScuLt .i. aSeota. ingen Foraind rig Egipte. Sath .i. biad. inde dicitur saithech. Sanb .i. mac Augaine. inde dicitur Mag Sainb. Seng .i. each segda isinDuil feda mair.i i r Sen .i. h'n angabar coin, inde dicitur senbretha 7 senai- recht. I 1 XVI. littera. [pag. 10. col. 1.] Triath. .i. rig .i. iarsinni tremethi ..... [Ti .i. b?at] .i. breo ar ftiit. ' Tort .i. bairgen .i. nomen de [sono factum est.] inde i dicitur tortine .i. bairgen[en]i. . ■■ . Toisc .i. voluntas hominis .i. inni islaind ladnihe. unde atber toisc dam.' Triath. din trede fordingair. triath rig .i. tir sldaigther. triath muir .i. tir uathathar. triath toree .i. tir soodathar. deHgther tra ina remennu. triath din [ri] .i. treith a reimm. triath muir .i. trethan a reimm. [triath tore .i. tre- the a reimm]. Tinne .i. iubar bais .i. tindiged .i. each ninde. tinde tra .i. tend eo. eo theinne-ss .i. seinmess .i. teinm 7 canam each cride atachi. Tech ab eo quod est tectum. Toreicc .i. reice tho. aisnes dognither hi toi (.i. . . . ais). Toirc quasi porci .i. cendfoehrus. Tarb quasi t[a]urb i. e. a tauro. 42 SANAS CORMAIC. Tethra .i. ri Fomoire. inde dicitur isin Imacallaim .i- * ^^ triuna Tethrach. Treab .i. trib ab eo quod est tribus. Tenlaeg .i. tene lige. Teirt .i. tertia hora din. Ted nomen de sono factum. _ r,T v, Temair .i. te mtir miir Tea ingine Liigdach maic hitha. no grec rotruaillned and teomora i. e. conspicio. temair din each loch ba hurgna decsiu iter mhag 7 tech ut dici- tur temair na duath .i. grianan no tulach. temair intige .i. grianan. Teim .i. each ndorchai. ut dicitur teimean dorchi no odar. Tenlam .i. spred .i. teni lama. Tailm .i. teUfuaim .i. tobeim naniall 7 anuarmanna. Trogein .i. gein 7 trog 7 [recte .i.] turgabail nagreine 7 aicsin aruthin resinngrein isinmatain. Torb quasi turba .i. buiden no numerus. Tipra quasi topra. tipra din .i. tepersain. Toth .i. cech banindsce 7 cech femen. quod est nomen mem- bri mulieris. Traseth .i. each nechtraige 7 each neotur. Tuilm .i. muliebre membrum. Taurgein .i. ri. Tuilgein .i. tulighein .i. gein toliu. tolin fir quasi aicned consenaiger fri fir nascreptra. Tuirgin .i. tur gina .i. tenga. aliter turfgein] quasi gein a tuir .i. amail bis tuir mar ocfulang thige 7 illamu esti sic issed atheag indoman cenntarach. assi tra intuir .i. firinde rechta aicnid. Ite a hillamu asinturid .i. ile chialla 7 ilchonaire imbrethemnais. tuirgin .i. rig amail atberar inDuU Roscadaig. Nitulaid fri turigen tuiged artuli [tuige- dar tuH?] mara muride 7 araile. Turagein .i. torachtghen .i. gein doracht .i. doraid aiccned in araiU .i. gein infi- raicned ut dicitur [dixit] Fachtna mac Senchada. Furim gein torachta doreit aicned noU o Adam conimtheit tria each naimsir nadamra code bratha. berid aicned enbethu da each diiil derb desin sen con se .i. cusin senduine ndedinach bess cobruinde brathai. Turgen .i. toasraghen .i. gein (nsera .1. gein) geiness 7 a di choiss roime. Tobreid din a ture .i. geinsin dochosmailius brethi .i. canaid fassach fir nai- cned. 7 roscad filed do chose nabrethe indsin achend ba- deoid .i. intestemon canoine. inde dicitur Nini nach cen brethemnus berair natbi iarlegind leir lerigther nach fri- oanoin caid cumustar nach fri haspuc nuasal nastaigther. conad caid each rset eocanoin comuaimm. Teist .i. a teste. T. u. 43 Tuarad .i. tuar each tirimm 7 suth sin. Tore nomen docride. ut dixit Edan ingen Diancecht .i.i im- foindaim mothuirc .i. imanimluad til forcride. Trefocal .i. trifoccail bite and .i. dafoccul domolad dobreith forcula animdergtha dofairee [intres focul .i. focul imderg- tha] 7 aBir[e]. Taurthait .i. tauracdither .i. arose friare docuire urehar uait dourmaise seeip naeh raeta doeuiritber opund anmundse fo- raeind 7 gonta no benta no. mar[b]ta de. is deritaireehtsin tra asberar taurthait no ttu-achur. Tigradus .i. tig auradrus -indsin. Tigba .i. each dedinach. ise tra is tirad .i. is tig auradrus inti scarus frisinsen badeoid. Tugen quasi togen id est a toga, toga enim est genus ve- stis pretiosi. aiiter tugen .i. tuige[e]n arisdooroicnib en find 7 illdathaeh dognither in tuigen filed eonacriss dobraigtib eoUech lachan 7 diaeurrcib hocriss suas coam- braigit. Top (.i. bidg). .i. opund. inde est Nisbeir top tigradus is aite foraciallathar taisie in opund. T^imlilaclita .i. taimhslechta. tamh roselaidh na daine isin- muigsin .i. induinebad mor hitegtis natuatha isnamuigib mora eombitis inasnmhaigin beo[s] frihec fobith anadnacuil, isnamugibsin onni natberat induinebad armad cacha huaire dib badmarb inamaighin act nibertis dochellaib arnichum- cad intuath nobid daranessi anMnacul et inde Tamlaehta nuneupatur. Tendal .i. tene dhal .i. dal tened. cotenid .i. cusininad infa- , 4aigtKer intendal. TJssarb .i. bas. inde dieitur isin amra Chonri .i. rig rodeat do ussarb an UUtaib .i. rodeat doUlltaib. abhas Chonri. ' Udmat .i. udamnad .i. crand forsincetra condamnaigter amuide a combolg indsin. Uidim .i. ainm don roid triasa teit incrand bis forsincleith intan bither oca diinad. _: .,_ [pag. 10. col. 2.]* XJr .i. treide fordingair .i. lir cetamus .i. talam 7 ur eech nua unde dieitur imm lir. Ur .i. cech nolc inde dieitvir Ian daorth* cachnur .i. cachnolc. Ueh. ab eo quod est aucha .i. aurgat feda. Uball quasi^ aball. aball autem o burg Etaile dianit ainm Abellanium isas tuead sil naball leo. no ubaU .i. eoball * From this down td hosnas is now almost; entirely illegible. My copy is made from codex B, (T. C. D.) H. 2. 16. col, 86 — 87. 44 SANAS CORMAIC. .i. eo crand 7 ball de. no uball .i. Eba eil .i^ iarsindi roel- lustar Eba fair isindimarbus. Uim .i- uma. Uinchi etha .i. uaite ethse. Ucht nosnse .i. ucht osmenta .i. smuaineth smuaines .i. scru- dan scrudas infile anaircetal. Inbaile din indit scruta[n] is do is nomen laicht nossnse. [Codex A ends thus: — . . hosnae 7 araile amen.] [The following fragment from the end of an ancient copy of the foregoing glossary is preserved in the socalled Book of Leinster (Leabhar Laighneach) in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. H. 2. 18, fo. 144. a.] Fuirim gein toracta tairet imorro aicned noil o Adam conimthet trecach namsir nadamrai oobetha brath. berid aicned en- betu dicech duil [der]b disin oen conie cosinoenduine nde- denaeh bias co brunni bratha. AliterTurigein .i. toersegeini .i. gein neras .i. gein ngainethar .i. adachoiss reime 7 achend fodeoid. Dobeir din athuri gein sin dochosmailius breithe .i. canaid inbrithem fasach fir aicnid 7 roscad filed dachossin innabreithe insin a cend fadeoid .i. intestimoin canone. inde dicitur Nininech breth berair nad iarlegund leir leraichther nad fricanoin caid cumtastar. nad friapstal nuasal nascaider. nad fri spirut nsem nertar conid cad cachret co canone comfi. Teist .i. a nomine testis. ■Taurad .i. taiir cechtirim 7 suth 7 [leg.' .i.] sin. taursuth .i. sin tirim. Tore .i. nomen dochridiu. ut Etan ingen Diancecht dixit Nifo indam dommo thuircc .i. mochridi imchliab cofil forcrith. Trefoclse .i. trifoccuil bite ind .i. dafoccul dimolud dobrith forculu indimdergtha dofarci antres foccul .i. foccul ind- imdergtha 7 aire. Taurthait .i. taurrachdath .i. arose reire .i. foceirrdi aur- chur niiait doermaisin nachret. Tocuirethar opund anan- mannse araohend 7 gonti no dentai [leg. bentai] no marb- thai irrec diitairHuchtsin [leg. dintairriuchtsin] iarom asru- brad taurthait. i ' Tigrathos .i. [tiugjaurradass .i. tigba cachndedenach .i. ishe din [is] tigradas [7] astiugaurrad[as] inti scaras frisinmmiiin fodeoid. T. u. 45 Tugeu quasi togen .i. a toga. Aliter tugen .i. tuge en aris- decrocnib 6n find 7 ildatbach dognither intugen filed coa- criss debraigtib cailech lochend 7 dacurrcib coacend.suas coabragit. 7 rl. Tap .i. opund .i. bidg. inde est nibeir tap tigradas isaitte di- chiallathar tasseo opunn. Tamlachta .i. tamslecta .i. tam roselaig diiini [ijsin magin sin .i. induineba mor. TotsBgtis natuatha immuige mora combitis inoenmagin beus rianec .i. fobith anadnacaU isnami4gibsin onafib nad beired induineba. Armad each arniiair bed- marb inamagin fessin nib^rtais diacellaib arnichunigitls intuaithed nobld imbethaid atarrud. inde Tamlachta nun- cupatur. Tendal .i. tene dal .i. dal coten[i]d .i. cosintenid innataither intendal. Ussarb .i. bas. inde dicitur isindamrath Chonriii. rig rodet roussarb nUltaib .i. rodet doUltaib abas. TJdmad .i. ud 7 damnad .i. crann arlias .i. gobenn gaibthir forsincethrae condamnaiter amideicumung. Udim .i. nomen dondroi tarsa tet acrand bis darsincleith ocon udmad. Ur treide fordingair. lir chet[a]mus .i. talam. 7 lir cech nuae amail asihberar imb lir. Ur dana cechnolc. inde dicitur isna br. n. [brethaib nemid] Ian dosiathach each niir .i. cech nolc. Uch. ab eo quod est ucha .i. clungatt. Ubull quasi abull. AbaU imorro oburgg Etale dianid ainm AbeUum .i. is as tucad sil nanabaU prius. Uinun .i. uma. Uinci etha .i. uaitni [leg. uaitiu?] etha. XJcht osnse .i. hucht osmenta .i. smuainiud smuaines .i. sorii- •tan scrutas infih anairchetul. inbaile din iscrutan is do is[ainm] ucht osnae. Finis. This note follows: Insatharn rianotlaicc indiu 7 arcomairci de 7 amathar dam 7 acluain fata atu conchubar qui scripsit. * * Today is the Saturday before Christmas, and in (lit. on) the pro- tection of God and his Mother (am) I, and in Cluain fata (now Clonfad, in the County of Westmeath) am I, Conchubar, qui scripsit. 46 SANAS CORMAIC. The Book of Leinster (fo. 158, a. 2) also contains Mac da Cherda's quatrain, and the note thereon, printed supra, Mac dacherdda cecinit forCnucc Raphann. Indrath hi forsdanfil Qeg. forsadamfil] imbid tipran fo ain gil (.i. fostaib argit) babind gair chaiUe louche imraith Fiachach maic Monche. Ana .i. staba beca bitis fortipraitib fri 61 dodainib scithaib estib. rafactafs nalestairse forsnatipraitib 7 ba harget anas mencu bitis. 7 ba origaib dobertis dophromad acana. O'DAYOREN'S GLOSSARY. Mei est incipere dei est infinire .i. domnall 6 dhubh dha boirenn in aine iar fell bri[gh]de 1569 ocus ar in pairc atu. [Egerton 88. fo. 79a. col. 1.] Aipgiter .i. tinscetal no bunaidh ut est .iiii. a aibgitre gaisi .i. cethre bunaidh na hamainnsi. Aircheudech. .i. er chend ogh .i. uasal cenn comlan. Aithrighe .i. ise in cedna heirgi dib fo baithis. 7 isi in ergi tanaise iar pennuid 7 ic. Achtail .i. oni is actualis vita betha gneitheach .i. ar 7 buain. Anuoue .i. eclais ut est fri annone iadhad .i. fri hiadad na hannone .i. annone a ebra ecclesia agreig convocatio alaitin comtogairm agaidhilg. Alt .i. aircetal arisalt iniiad ut est cid diren ansruith asa airmith alt. Ardracht i. e. solus ut est ardrocht each denta. Ard .i. mor no uasal ut est ard a frithfolad feine. Ail .i. abair no dliged no guide ut est ail daine dibse. Atnora .i. adhrad ut est atnora ugdair no ecna each ata or[r]a cech[?j reir .i. lasimbiat. Aeu each. .i. nech itir ut est ni aera aen each. Atmad .i. abradh ut est co x . nde dUghter dire la haithgin atmat gach aen. An .i. luath ut est airgiu ana .i. itluatha doairrechtain. Aill .i. cluinti ut est aill mo coirpri clii .i. farsan .i. faillsigh no cluinti. Ainsed .i. ainmhedh no imdergad ut est ni ainsid enech rui- rech na ollaman. no nirothainsid enech in ruirech na in oUaman. Aidbsi .i. aircetal .i. duan forbinnius ut est aidhbsi condliged in arduib arinchwJ. Anfeth. .i. baeth ut est ni arba breth imbeolu anfeth .i. nephuatfa no baeth. Aicetal .i. roscad ut est lecem ae naicitail. 48 o'davoren's glossary. Aighe reire .i. brethemh. Ain .i. luachair ut est narab scris forain .i. scris salainn for tuighe. Ard .i. mor no sochaidhe ut est ard in athlighi .i. sochaidhe ■facbhuit inalige. Air[i]u .i. tormach ut est cinairiu ciniarmo .i. cintormach cin- dighbhail. Aire .i. sf. iarino .i. iarmoracht. Alad .i. exsamail ut est cenmotha alathas eneclainni .i. ex- samlugud eneclainni .i. cid alath in caeru ni mo de adire. Afaing: .i. screpul 7 isastuigim sin bo conatimtMch. ise so timthuch bis laisin mboinsin .i. uinge no a logh .i. uli. scripuil ficMt no .iiii. afuingi [fol. 79 a. col. 2.] fichit no .iiii. puincni .xx. Adchuaidh .i. aisneis no indisin ut est eitne ingen amolghaid. 7rl. 7actuaid iarum asgela atemhair .i. ro aisneidestar. Abra .i. dorcha ut est ar concleith ecna in abraib imbais -i. diceilter in ecnae arinti bis indorchaidetu im aid a sofesa. Accras .i. acmucc ut est cend fir acrund ard acras. Arra .i. era luadh .i. luach bess mo. Aidhriuue .i. laogh .i. aodhrinne .i. aith fri rinne .i. sine nabo .i. inlaogh. Aritgair .i. dethber ut est aritgair ni cluass 7 aicsi .i. ata deochair eturru. Arsaidh .i. dighal ut est arsaid ni dicinn. Aicetal .i. cuidhb[i]us ut est aor aicetail .i. aor cocuidh- b[i]us. Ain .i. aonfecht. Torla .i. 2fecht ut est aill torla tres to- ckaired. Airginn .i. ben ut est cenmotha airginn cen ala cues *cotai. Ardmes (.i. doich) .i. tolmdiu ut est ni for treisi aeth aonur ardmes ilmile neirenn .i. ni treisi toimdin a sochaide oldas sluighe naonfir. Aithech. .i. ferbraith ut est taidhe gach aithech .i. 'is amail gataide in ferbraith no infer forinaiter feich. Anfeith .i. an ai .i. aos nachafiter ut est nierba breth ambeolw anfeith. Atguitigh .i era no etach ut est atguitig in scoaire co fatri. Accais .i. aor no mallacht ut est cia aithim eo acais im- dlige. no Accais .i. imnigh ut est crith cen chumsanugud comsanugud accais. Aurdairc .i. maith ut est urdairc asgoth .i. maith a briathar. Ai .i. ecraiti ut est cisKr mic alair cin ai cin ia,rraid. Arg .i. bainne. 7 arg .i. laoch. 7 arg .i. urduirc. Adella .i. notcuill ut est adrem adella. Airbitiu .i. failti ut est airbitiu menman tuarustal miad. A. 49 Anaun. (.i. imbith) .i. eire ut est brucht fri iath nanann .i. bruchtuigh fri iath nerenn .i. bandea .i. sofis frifileda [Ms. fil-.]. Arrath. .i. afarradh ut est amaU rogabh rith imarrath inechuir .i. isamhlaid atait na baird arrath na filed .i. isamlaid atait na baird cintomus acu ifarrad na filed. Ariu .i. aranni ut est cs cid in comrac comrac insin ariu con- >" dric SLCvhaid friaraiU. Airbert .i. aircetal ut est airbert cin ceill .i. do denum cen claon ceille. * [fo. 79 a. col. 3.] Acobhair .i. cuimrech ut est ni aoobair gell nabigell .geU-g. Airg .i. mnarbaidh ut est do airg so alaid. Andath .i. dub ut est M hoile ecnam andath doberar. Aithech. .i. laoch ut ariseccsi iarmofoioh (.i. iarmoracht) ni haithechus .i. ni laochdacht. Airberat .i. aitrebat no impoait ut est isin coire asa meo- dhon ar tairberat ina .iiii. airsi ciaso dianechtair foferthar* .i. cuirther. Ain. .i. troscad ut est fir bes athgabdil aine. Aidbriudh. .i. inndilsiugudh ut est aidbriudh molta .i. inn- dilsiugudh. Aisli .i. ,faobhar ut est rinnaighecht acomuaim da aish. Airitbe .i. deimin no follus ut est forsnach taid nach neithech nairithe .i. for nach fes gait na ethach gofollus no codeimin. Aire .i. escaine ut est bera ord naire .i. brethemnaighimsi ordughudh nahesgaine. Aire .i. ime no fal ut est aire eisci flatha .i. do denam arcinn eisc na flatha ocus adeir se Nitechta ni bes [mo] no trian ianuisce do aire (.i. do ime). Andarbus .i. merugudh ut est mac andarbais .i. mac bis in indeirbe fesa. Ailt .i. cin ut est arna tuca ailt forsaneclais .i. arnatuca cin forsaneclais inmac toimden no nocho gabann inmacsa ab- daine arnatuca altrannus cisa ar eicin forsineclais. Aici .i. ucht ut est conadragbad mac no no ingen de asa aici. Ail .i. imdergad ut est finnamar a daghdire ma roruici rua- dhaile .i. madiatwcthar ruice ruadh imdergtha fair. Ain .i. uassal ut est aill for breth breth for enech .i. is uasal inbrethemnus brethemhnus forsnaeneclannuibh. Agh .i. imain amach ut est ma imaga taga .i. imain amuigh. * Here is written, in four lines, Sin duit a domhnaill ocorbmac mac in chosnaidhe. 4 50 o'davoren's glossary. Aigh -i. eirigh ut est aigh, taig .i. tair doridhis .i. eirigh go- cormac 7 tair doridhisi uadn. Airitiugh .i. biatha ut est foratha airitiu oighedh do each inamoam. [A]iglie .i. calma ut est pol apstal ard aighe [in marg. Feilire]. Atgiallat .i. diafognat ut est in airdrigh atgiallat. Andach .i. ferg ut est namorsleibi annaigh. no annach .i. olc ut est arsgeith sgela annaigh demanda mar indel. Art .i. fis. Aill -i. molad ut est fil ann mor nairt naille. Aine .i. forbais ut est ni haine fodruire .i. fodera a denam. Ain .i- solas ut est ain espoc roraidhis. Airec .i. faghaU ut est airec cenn iohanniss. [fo. 79b. col. 1.] Alaib .i. ghg no coceill no alainn ut est longaraidh grian alaib. Aghait .i. aonaigit no subaigit .i. agait maic in macan. imvd- lach 7rl. Airlius .i oendais uair adeir a croch nirbo ceannais. Armuinnter .i. adamraighter no bendaighther ut est iulitur in mairtir armuinnter a feile. Arr« .i. eric ut est is arra secht naiffrenn. Atsluinniu -i- aitcim ut est atsluinne a cheusta. Anfot .i. bet no ecoir ut est Kasluagh ni frith* anfot adh- bhdon 7 sendis. Airnecht .i. fagaU no frith ut est inairneoht conaibhe corpan saor sdethfaine. Ardrosc rere .i. verbi gratia arda roscaire. aliter do reir roiscata. Asgnam .i. imthecht. Aibellteoir .i. inti istai foirithin amail aibell a fertaib. Adroerais .i. tairis ut est cocleir caoin atroeris. Arbur .i. slog ut est searc ard arbuir isu. Adbo (.i. urfocraim) .i. obaim no atboinn no atbois ut est atbois areir britheman. Aisil .i. rann ut est acht aisil dothir frisis suithither. noaisil .i. inatt ut est a comcisnib aisli i clanntar crecht .i. biaidh iarmbrithemnus ann iarcomdechsain ininaid in roglanatht [sic] no in roclannadh in crecht. Adrorastar .i. tarraither ut est armadh (cin) suide adrorastar a da trian do tir. Arareith .i. foirethin ut est aire coisring issesidhe arareith tus tuaithi. * The th is in a recent hand. A. 51 Arsiasaighther .i. innsaighi ut est arsiasaiter a braithair mu- gain .i. indsaighi ar amus a brathar ihti agata in menma moghadh no inmenma mor. Moga mor marsin. Al^agair .i. urgaire ut est at«rla amnus aragaif in brathair diaraile [Ms. diar .ii.] .i. urgaires in brathair imachele. Arsisither .i. tairisi ut est nkch mac soirche 7rl. ocus arsi- sither a cin. 7 a rathas .i. tairisi a cin forra^ Airceallad .i. timsugadh ut est carta eghair aifceallad .i. a frith teglama fof no a timsugadh do. [fo. 79b. col. 2.1 Adclaid .i. airechadh no itiothachadh ut est ben adclaidh a sleth .i. ben airighes a sleth. Aith.ecli tighe .i. fef tighe ut est liiighe inaithigh thighe 7 na haithaighe thighe .i. ben tighe. Araicht .i. rotecaisgedh ut est ocus airicht ocontsidh ar- femhuti .i. roteOaisgfidh acontsidh ar femiun na dall chuilein dotabairt dothofthailt intsidhga formidhair. Alrclioige .i. c\i marbtha aighe ut est os aircoige techta cidh asandirenar .i. os arogUs 7 in cii bis ar caoe foithe- dha nanaighe .i. in milchu marbtha aighe .i. in cu fastaighe. Autsa .i. aiti soidh ut est cidh forsasuighedh techta cana tafiiinn do aiitsudhaibh thuaithe .i. aite soidh. no aitibh nambritheman. Airmitt .i. geis no indlighe ut est ba airmit do ulltaib na raghdais tar uir nai .i. ba geis do ullta dul tarsi 7 ba g©is doib iarna denamh dul tar liir nui 7 ba geis tiachtain cucu tairsi. Agio. A. indsaighed ut est agh trom tfaigh foghlacA .i. inn- saighther in eiric arinti rofodeihgestar a traigh nuadh isincrich. Athrola .i. atchur ut est rii gaba ni adma ni uraoma oneoch forsna hathrola .i. manab tualuing tu aathchor fair. Aice .i. bidh doigh coma iniinll 7 ffu ut est s^t for aice uinge .i. is tiu uinge re firdeohsain. Arabi .i. is fert tit est afabi setuib .i. set is ferr fhir bis dona setuibh. Airilliudh .i. febas ut est ar omon no ar airilliudh agaisgidh .i. ar aithi no ar febhas. Aine .i. aibnes ut est inadh airiasacht ar aine oc nabi airia- sacht fircota .i. airechtaighe ar aoibneSs no airechtaighe done in fer anfine ar ainechus do fein im dul ar cend na set cin escail do on fhir besa ai aei. Arcastar .i. fechem ut est ar cia follaither no cia arcastar .i. uair cia follaither no cia firdechar occ ice fiach iflraith. [id. 79 b. col. 3.] Airdbidh no airdeibi .i. cinnedh ut est na teid a slan acht 52 o'davoren's glossary. for airdbidhe .i. na rachaidh inlan rohiocadh acht for air- deibe cmntech(?) Aidhbriudh .i. agra ut est eitiri rig ar ni each is tualaing a aidlibridh .i. a agra .i. im ap 7 im trosga no do gabail athgabala. Angbach .i. i[n]ni dobeir in ingen ambochta .i, intaon udamh no intaon capall no ini ima tidnaicther in ingen bochtae ut est cornice uais no angbocht .i. ise intuais ni na raibe aice fein. 7 doigh cofiiigbed 6 nach aile. Ise intangbocht ni na raibe aice fein 7 cinnti leis na iaighhed o nech aile. Aclad [Ms. acl-] .i. ioc fiach ut est arnaclacZ imchin aslan A. arnahiocad eneclann 7 diablad. Adrodhmadh 7 atroat .i. aititnighit ut est coneta .i. cofagha tinol 7 tincur aditroat lanamhnus .i. co aitinighther in dli^e lanamhnais. Ardslechta .i. ardfollus ut est madh orgain ardslechta ro oir nech .i. dianoirgi co hard follus fora adhaigh aonar nech. no mad orgain ardfollus oirgis se nech. Al .i. eccail no tlaith ut est al gach hongtha .i. is tlaith inti dia tabair olc .i. ecail no ocal gach athguinech no gach benta. Actus .i. tomus no imaire ut est actus is lugha a .iiii. do troighaib lethat alair .i. imaire is lugha na intactus aderam namdeghaid. no actus .i. la air. Athorgaib .i. forgaibaith ut est indilsi athforgaib .i. • isin- dilas donamnaib forgaibaith do na harmaib do tabairt. An .i. sithal no soithech asan ebhar uisce na srothan ut est Anana for sruamannaib i sidh socomed sernar flatha .i. is- fir Hum conad corned sida dona flathaib icasrethnaighther sithla for na sruthanaib. [fo. 80 a. col. 1.] Adreis .i. aiterrach ut est madnai do tes adres anai adgnai in gach aon bliadain. adres .i. aitherrach in aithne. Adaltrach .i. uathmar ut est is do adhaltrachaib in betha brighaibh sensenbrethaib .i. is do adheitchibh in betha. Aracae .i. cemniugudh ut est aracae osar sinnser .i. madi cemnig inti sis 6 riasinti isinw. AdidracachacA .i. fir carthanach ut est .vii. cumala gacha laime do neoch adidrachachacA .i. risin fircarthanachsin dodenum .i. in seaUach lanfiachach. Airgenn .i. guin ut est cococrarm do triur na tri cet air- genn .i. lais bud ucca na tri cet gona do breith. A\irleng .i. ainni do cleith crai muice ut est atatt .vn. nairlenga airiadhat dUg- .i. atatt a sechta uas lingitt arbeoW5 neich conaroich tobach seacha. No airling ainm don cleith lid. Aith .i. luath ut est aith emh gaibes tuinidhe .i. is aithi no A. 63 is oibne gaibis tuinide ma don teallach medhonaoh. no aith .i. ger ut est aith amhail altain. Aouan .i. aonur ut est is 6 athair aonan in coibchi sin. Adrogaxt .i. rourgair ut est adrogart patraic ina hinnsaso arna conrabait lafiru erenn. Airtem .1. feardom ut est airtem dia cru in iarthaire .i. airdide intairtem uasa .i. in feardorn. Adriastar .i. arach no cuibrech ut est acht rob do lias no airbe adriastar a laogh. no nach duine creacus gait dfo- riastar lais cona hinn- .i. airgither. Adnaigh. .i. tabairt no tidlacad ut est atnaigh uait cona cinta besa in druith .i. curub amhlaidh dobera dotarb uait cona chinta dioc do. Arcuirethar .i. fotbaighther ut est seancus. acht arcuirethar anadb for athgabail .i. ata acht lium ann chena go fothai- ghaud waadh na hathgabala fo uaisliatatt^i in caich is a faosam airbertnaighter ann. Ancta .i. bo anaicinta no in bo ofAaidh no do tuc ut est na boin ancta teit afiadh .i. annsa in feidlech. Airechtach .i. innraightlii ut est nibi airechtach ae munab faitach eola .i. nirbat innraigthi imanse manaroibh fath is dech acat imeolus. Angflonnus .i. bithbenche ut est teora haimsire atraille^ bas 7 anglonnus .i. cincomraiti do denum don dalta. [fo. 80 a. col. 2.] Adgairet .i. urgairet ut est dechmada 7 primiti 7 almsana argairet re cuaird duine bath .i. urgairit sin conabi bagh eibiltin forna dainib. Alee .i. aiti no altrum ut est urail coimperta iso aici sochrait .i. a clann co degh afte dethcairdach. ocus adeir fos trian nairir itres naici. Aire .i. tarcenn neith ut est atait .nil. fuUe ferda cethra noch- ni tiagaid fein inn ni heranar airib .i. nochanictar taracenn. Astoing .i. eitches ut est ri astoing gach richt .i. eitces gaoh richt duine im biadh. 7 ata to ^i. eitech marsin amaU ata arni heitech do nech mana daim techta cidh is too. AndomTiiu .i. ferann ainethaim ut est andomain tire .i. tir ambi inne doimne cuirr*^ 7 seiscenn no moin. Acobair .i. cuimrech ut est tagra imareir conid nacobuir .i. coro cuimrighi ai caich ina reir. Aghar .i. gaibter no innsaighter ut est athgabail agar afai[th]- che nevoid* is coir dia ditiu. Atach .i. radh ut est atach faosma .i. arad ata faosam form. * In the Ms. this word is represented by n with a curved stroke drawn through it. 64 o'davoren's glossary. Allobhair .i. folabra ut est arallobair naicsina. Athorgiiibh .i. bidoick lium gurub ainm don ga ut eat crann gill athforgaibh .i. in crann geaUas de ar na forgonaib. adh- bur crainn in ga no dono comadb ainm don gaiscedh^ Adgair .i. urgair ut est adgair atbair imbi ingen [Ms. .j.]. Anna ,1 gnathugb no fnrsunnugh ut est cia luigh im(?) in- dire geU 7rl. arna hanna nech dotuitim gill a tiagarna tar- aoenn .i. ar na gnathugha no arna comsoaiHedh nech tuitim gill a tiagharna taracenn no ar a fursunnugba. no ni hanna doibh dire dia neitsit esepnna. Airdbidh 7 airmeth dethbir eturru .i. tomus ima lin 7 jma met. airmeth .i. nieth tomu[i]s arbair no bracha -i. criathur. Athcomarc .i. aititin ut est seanchus doinntaithe incorsin diam ginatbcomare dia ceilw .i. gin aititin. Aine .i- bi doigh is ainm do tsithil ut est aiue tre innighi .i. sithla tre beannaigh. uma so 7 sithal crainn tuas, [fo. 80 a. col. 3.1 Aile .i. fann no saghail ut est gacn olc ar eich ar iadha a tuaith .i. gaoh fann no gach fagail bis ag urfetham tar a ceand. Araniastar .i. airgither ut est bera do bochta cein araniastar sealba .i. brethemhnaighsi cein airgither abeth ina tseilbh intanarra tareis in arra. , > Arafulustar .i. conimfuilngither. ut est tiscaither ni do citer ceachtar da lina araftdustar .i. conimfuilngither in eir[i]c. Atroat .i. roaititnigit ut est areir inap lit est secht cachta cichsa crisa. Ctiinnfi .i. cocubhaidh ut est direnar cuinnfi cuchta cerna dono. 7 adeir fos dorenar gach duil dia cuinnfi fadeisin. Coimgni .i. senchas ut est drechta comgni cataig ca. Coart .i. coir a feart do cor no is soma. Cuumbech .i. fas. ut est cuinnbech ni co cet cora .i. fas do chora ut est airth- seich- .i. faSaigh gach raoth acht ni robui cose. Claun .i. fodail ut est rochs aicme Hclannaigh. [fo. 81b. col. 3.] Oompert .i. combreith. itir diablad creich comperta. Coindealg^ .i. tacra no comdeilw^Aa no comradh. gle is fiu cosmaU condelg mberla. Criathar .i. airdhigh no tulchuba. do daile fim a criathar. Ciui .i. airget. cim uim olas nuim. Cocung .i. slabrad. cooung druine de con [leg. coin?] CoTcbad .i. truaiUed (no salcha). ar cothad arg in idhan. Cimbal .i. clog, suidhit giU fri cimbal guth .i. geall do sui- ghiud doib ar oman gotha an oluig aganesgaine. Ceobath A. muir inber mbeg .i. muir nerenn 7 alban ar as lethe lear ceobath corb-. Cetnait .i. caora. seicib cethnait euich. Comlachtaidh. ainm do ore muic« .i. leana dia lacht A. dia mathair .i. cumain lais a lacht. comlachtaid cimcidh .i. antan oinges ar is acht [leg. ooht] an anmanna ina muc comlachta[id.] scuithi foir cro cuineol lupait ceis deil. Comraithne .i. failti. robw do buaidh 7 comraithne sin a cii- culainn ol fergus. c- 63 Ciall .i. tionol. fociallnastar eochaid formna laith ngaile A. raaithi. Caom .i. fili. a caoma claircuinn. Comrac .i. tobhach. Cuma .i. inann no maith ut est cuma lium cid toll mo .lenn. Corrgubhul .i. craicann gabair. brog chaol do chorrgubal gabuis tis ima traigh mbic. Cichtse .i. geibiach .i. rannaigh. cicht script. Crumdub .i. otrach ut est forsin saigid cin con crumdub .i. dumha na cnimh. Cob J. caomh no buaidh. ut est diag agena ro da csemmeann coba. Caiti .i. cinnas ut est cindas meth i rath for tinnsa. Coimde^ .i. dabach ut est coimde tin .i. caemh dabach .i. comdin don braith i. Cem .i. mias. ut est cin colt for crib cernione .i. meisine. Coigli .i. comairli ut est nis nimraiti na coigli cride. CiJfir .i. sineoin. Cruechta .i. bodba. Camper .i. daghlaoch no fri ree cathaidhe ut est camper im- gona imconuaion. Ciabar .i. salach no merdrech. ut est fri coibligi ciabair. Cona tochmat .i. cona toibgit ut est cona tochmat a coir cirttt [sic]. Cerp .i. teascad. ut est gorm cloicZemh cinntech(?) orderg ima dorncur. Cechla .i. docuala ut est ar gach cechla coimaithmet ruice .i. uair in each atcual« comaithmet imdergtha. no cechla .i. canamhain. [fo. 82 a. col. 1.] Cong^bail .i. siiledh nachson aon congbalach. Cuguin .i. a foguin 7 dealbh criadh in fiadhnaise. Corrguinkcht .i. beth for leth cois 7 for leth laimh 7 for leth suil ag denam na glaime dicinn. Cara .i. clocha. fo cara caiar .i. {ooairrgibh. Cuindius no ctdimsi .i. cuingim. uindsi cuinnsi nis dring. Crodha .i. beodha no cruaidh ut est drenn each crodha. Ceile .i. gilla. ceile caich acomair achomhdedh. CamadhuLs .i. duthaigh. tainic a comadhus croichn-. ComraitL .i. duthracht. ni comraite do dian inniohigh .i. ni oomraiti dianinnnichi .i. diaichnldhe. Coig^ .i. nin no comairle. ni cuala coig, nduin no nuin. Crib .i. luath. crib conidhbiur bidh lamitein .i. isluath caoin- beirim no caoinbritheamnaigim. bid inann 7 lam itein 7 bera crib coir rath. 64 o'davoren's glossary. Ceird .i. ceimniugud no cing. mairg misceird .i. mairg dia ceimniter inceird sin, Cru .i. om. maineach neiin 7rl. comberbus ina craos cru . .i. omh. Cres..i. crithnugh. comeirgit fir 7rl. cresaighthi sleagha .i. crithnaighit sleagha. Clas .i. tochailt. dairt ma conclasat urclaidhe tarissin .i. ma- diatochlait fir claidhe tarissin. Cair .i. cinnas. cair cobertar bretha neime. Cliath .i. umat. ar bi mer fo cuacha cliath ferba .i. amaU bi mer fo cuachnaidm duitt iumad briathar in filed .i. bidh egcomluath taithmiuch in druing briat[h]ar 7 bedis tiugh nadhmann semen. Cleas .i. clisiudh. conclechtaither e ina bru. i Cumsanadh .i. tosach. cumsanudh accais .i. imnighe. Cocomamic .i. cotarlaic. cocomamaic cuculainn fris .i. go- tarlaic laoch calma do. Cil .i. bas. cotarrlaic faodb fir cU. Cam .i. re no comrac. midhach .iii. acam. Cunnail .i. sonair. coinnaU a meid. Ciunnegar .i. toibgither. cuinnegar dia gruaide gris. Cuairt .i. tiumargaiw. airbert icuairt gach slan. Car .i. brisc. gno car cnam marbda. Clith .i. tinol. sochla triar ara clith. Caomnacair .i. rainec. atfet menn doib a scela amail forca- omnacair. Ceas .i. gnathach. ainceas .i. ingnat[h]ach. di na bi ceas nain- ceas .i. cethteora [leg. cetheora] randa feasa na filiaighechta. Cuitriud .i. cutruma. acht cuitrid rosuidhe i feabaib lana .i. acht inni rosamaighi no rohordaig* do cutrumugud doib ifeb tochusa doreir in fenechas. [fo. 82 a. col. 2.] Congreinn .i. tionol. congrenn saoghlonn soch-. Couteduatar .i. coitcenn. sealb giU seoit loighi ^eoit loighi contednagatar mle e. Comrac .i. comairechta tobaigh ut est attatt secht comruic la fene isam ambeascna. Currach. .i. corriath iath na corr. Coipe .i. caille dub. mac cope .i. donither re mac caiUe. Comain .i. glanadh. dUsi gacha mna nadider comain fir fo- gerrtha .i. mana derbnighi in fir deigh gerras nech infir de. Contfe .i. comadhais no comait. ut est rosaig inmacso ic- coibne fri mac muine .i. roinnsaigi inmacso i cutrumus risin mac muine. Cos .i. tegusc. ut est mac conglaisi andsam do neoch dot oossaid biadh .i. teguscas biad do. c. 65 Carta .i. dorta. ut est carta h- ar aircealla .i. adorta ar egin. Caemda .i. lepa. ut est no caomda tairisig fri dorus tighi .i. no ilepaid a farrad tairsighi ileth re dorus tigi. Cairceth .i. ruibe erbaill. ut est bo in gach ruibe bis in gach caircech. Qeg. cairceth?] Cruibne .i. ainm caitt. ut est cruibne sabaill. 7 muik .i. nia tren trean o croibi. Comtirscaighi .i. comscugud. ut est noco comurscaith pa- traic anos fer nerenn iar tiachtain creidme .i. nocharcumh- sgaigestar patraic in turdarcughudh sin im fearaib erand [sic]. Conoiscet .i. rocumscaigedh no roincoisce no roinnsaighed ut est amail adeir bretha conslechta a senchas conroiscet dire dosuide. Crith. .i. ic no innsaighe no cendach. ut est ni ba rigi team- rach nocha dia crith sidhe diafine .i. seichim no innsaighiih coro comerne ria fine. Conruice .i. comtinol. ut est ar is leisgret [leisget?] conruice -i. is laisge no intarm no comteclamand. Cuipre .i. hnd. ut est mana tuca a cuipre .i. mana tucthar ara caradra do in ni ara mbi achuiiD in lind ni dlig ni bes mo no mene tucthar do ar cobol cair. Comrac .i. rand, ut est alt 7 dialt 7 recomarc a comreim is and is comrag mbair[d]ne .i. is and is comrac dlige b[aird- ne]. 7 ata dethbir itir rand 7 comrac. Candabar .i. cac. ut est cein bes tond a cind fo channabar. Confeth .i. conruici. ut est confeth findbend fri donnbend. Calad .i. criiaidh. ut est sroigle seol calad no coit. Ciatcois .i. cietius no indis. ut est imchiaran ciatcois. Cing^ .i. calma ut est cia ronbeth do cingtechta kath fri demon detla .i. dana. Conrtddrir .i. corarir. ut est assa conruidrir. [fo. 82 b. col. 1.] Conda .i. cairdes. ut est is fogus ar conda. Crinner .i. tuitim. ut est ar na be for crindur. Coliiithe .i. condeine. ut est gach caibdel go loithi no gen luithi .i. gen bailbe. Ceile .i. cara. ut est uasalathraig faide [leg. faithi] do crist cepdar ceile. Cobla .i. condalbu. ut est flatha crist iscobla. Caomnagair ".i. nighi no ceimniugudh. ut est rocaomnagair tlachta. Ciachair no tiachair .i. ghc. ut est soas co comet ciachra. Codul .i. seiche, ut est acurchan cen codul .i. gin lethur uime .i. gin tseichid. Cadla .i. catalga no bithi. ut est cadla an da ingin .i. di ingin aoililla mic dunking. 5 66 o'davoren s glossary. Coir .i. lam ut est geibe coir fria manmain .i. lam fria manmain. Ceiti -i. aonach. ut est rertha uan for ceiti .i. ructha for ao- nach uime. Creatal .i. creidmech no craibhtech .i. oni is credalus [cre- dulus]. Cresin .i. craibhtech .i. sen acre .i. senoir fuidit no cresinach .i. faisci .i. aintech. Credar .i. coisecrad. crist fri cruichi credair. Comol .i. nert no adhbul. ut est connach leir caoin cdmoil. Conruale .i. roela no rochuaidh ut est conruaili co aingle [leg. aingliu]. Coueitis .i. cocuinncis no roinnsaighi no coro innisidh no coro suidhe. ut est do crist ach coneitis. Cojtnarc .i. cuimniugudh ut est ardK^ comarc caomda. Clanntar .i. adhnaicter. ut est inachad cain clanntar .i. in achad conaire rohadhnaiced he. Crodha .i. calma. ut est is crodha do dia ructar breth for do deghlaithi. Coudaclit .i. cranncur. ut est condacht itir gradhaibh cutruma. Cumail .i. ancerd cumainn. ut est aos ciuil Trl. comail 7 daime. Corrguinacht .i. cerd cumainn. ut est danaib corrguine .i. in tidnacal dogniat tre corr tre corguinacht darlat doberar lam inn 7 ni tabair .i. do seon uaire sahmxed dognithi no ise gnim dogni in fer oga mbi in cerd chumainn athaibsin cends abeth and 7rl. CongiUne .i. fer gail no fialusa. Coibhnius .i. fer cotaigh naom 7 fireoin. ut est duil r[os- caidh] ni haisneis fer tar crich na coigillni na coibhn[i]us. [fo. 82 b. col. 2.] Ceachra .i. grad. ut est rodoouimne cechrait .i. ini caras do deith ina cuimne. Coltra .i. secda no slatrata. ut est is coltra fri imrisin .i. is secda no is slatrata ac ime fri son nafirinne. Cultail .i. forbas. ut est is cutail airechta is coitoU no forar isin airecht a gabail an ascairechta. Coman .i. idhan. ut est esccman .i. anidhan .i. iar nechtaib escomna. Comairb .i. cominnairbe .i. fer elgnais o cin cin comoirb a cein. Cutaim .i. tuitim. ut est cid iar coisi cuitim fri ailche ann- scuiche. Caidh. .i. uasal ut est be sliab escaidh. no caidh .i. uasal no farbas no nemtnighi. ut est caidh ni na bi fri fiadnaise forbair. Clu .i. urdairc. ut est clu conmider ar[?] a cil. Cil .i. claon no cutruma. ut est forgill fo cil mana ocmadh cirt. c. 67 CiflcoZLn .i. ath. cen coibhne .i. cobfinn tacas acht tethnais. 7 burba. Coitech.ta .i. cutruma no comdlige. ut est ata mac doranda orba fri mac cetmuintiri [Ms. .c. mti] a coitechta sealba la fene [Ms. la] .i. a cutruma cenmotha in cumal tsenorba. Conoiscet .i. innsaighit. ut est intan na taircet aith^m na cutar .ill. isann conoiscet dire .i. isann innsaigter in dire so dona hiibh sin. no cumsgugudh amaU ata conoiscet sreth anmcaide. ' Clothra .i. ni cluinter aca crotha amail ata ma cri foUmech bid fiirfogra cluic no clot[h]ra foabragait .i. cluigin ima- bragait no ni aile atcluinfither aca crotha intan tic do denam [Ms. denan-] fogla. Cuithech. .i. in fiada .i. clar toll no cepa. ut est fer clandas cuithigh a tir a ceili cen athcomarc. Coibne (.i. cuidbi) .i. cutrum. ut est ni bi slan caich araili acht roicait focoibne .i. coroicait fo cutruma iar lecon ineldithi. 7 coinnfi on ceill sin no oommaith. Cuclanna set [Ms. .s.] seoit lana no lainnacha. ut est is pennait ailes othras each fir eclaisi acht cuclanna set .i. .liii. ba. 7 samaisc 7 a pennait gach mic eclaisi doberar na feich sin do liagh. Cathiugud .i. tathair arrobatar a tuicsi an ilur lanamnasa conach urasa a cathiugud oldas a molad. [fo. 83 a. col. 1.] Ores .i. caol ut est .v. ba gach nath na dicres carmna .i. nocha caol iat uma corpaib. Couscara .i. comsgaile. ut est bare tar buaith conscara fri tir .i. rocomscailester no brisister re haighi in f'erinn. Coblatb. .i. curach no long beg forambi imram. ut est co- blat[h] for rot ramat .i. a ni for a comimluaiter na ramad .i. .V. sesach no .vn. sesach no curach. Cuire .i. umad. ut est cobodail .ix. ouire baiter .i. in coib- deiled so arniumad baiter isin noi. Cul .i. tareis. ut est aimergin rathach sidhe cia .tard rath iargcul dligi .i. doratustar baile artus tareis amic doreir dligi.- Coibne .i. comaith. ut est arath fo coibne fris amail bes .i. gurab oommaith in raith aithgina 7 in raith dire [ms. r. d.]. CuixLclelg^ .i. cuma no aonta brathar. ut est forsambia con- delg nach urfaoma [?] nech ina rathus .i. arambia cuma no aonta brathar . artiucfa a fer condeilge fo cora. Cro .i. bi doigh cuma ainm do uir. ut est cetmuintir cvoligi A. iarna tiumargain a lighi uire na mna aile. Caom .i. terc. ut est inti diambi caome in cethra .i. is terci cenel innil-i. ise is rire ni as. i» Caoptha .i. ainm do amadan. ut est in druth 7 an caoptha 68 o'davoeen's glossary. .i. inti doniter do caop^Aa no do giuba .i. in fer lethcuinn..i. gebtha no in tomtha .i. berra rinntach [in marg. dml]. Clethe .i. formna no in tart fine .i. inti is airdi don don fine. ut est cocleithi fine fosaighter cina .i. dul do co formna na fine aga fosaighther in cin iar nelo cintaigh. Cro .i. bas. ut est .vin. xjrui la fene [ms. la]. Comairser .i. fiaghfi-aighi. ut est diam fri tinfoba fo thuaith [ms. th-] comairser .i. dena athchomarc fona tuatlia. Cotreisin .i. cuimrech. ut est madh oinn conncotat comnart cotreisi .i ma cin codhnach calma aca cuibrech co secda. 7 ata sa corp cetna conres docuimne .i. do coin is cuim- nech um indliglii do denum. Cuimme .i. cumgach. ut est marba clot cuimme .i. is marba don enech in cupanacht amail doniatt cleire leasa moir. Cendadach .i. na cenela. ut est bui cuairt in domain i ranna. 7 ranna a cennadhacha .i. bethin sgethin no frang. 7 romhan 7 saxsain. Ceaun .i. magh no gort. ut est orb-a a cenn tuir .i. in gort is cian [? ms. qan] bither aca tur. [note: magnus sin.] [fo. 83 a. col. 2.] Climata .i. in damicht. ut est nola air iugera hi climata .i. orda no rand. Croich .i. uachtar bainne. ut est as croich no lemnacht do ughdur saoir. Cnarr .i. ga. ut est da dornn .x. etar a hiarann 7 a fochair .i. a hurlann. Coibne .i. comainm. ut est cofordailtei' a coibne teclita .i. cofirdailter anrocomainme do reir dlighz. Cealtair .i. ga. ut est combeodhastar cealtra catha cair .i. go ro gonastar caiar do gaiaibh catha ut dicitur diceltair .i. crami ga gin iarunn. Cara .i. carrac. ut est fo mara fo cara caiar. Conn .i. cenn. ut est atait .vn. ngella atat annsom dobeir conn gacha fine. Comci .i. combrisiugh. ut est fubta la feirg luinne dia com-. gither cnama. Cullacli .i. ech bretnach. ut est no cullach aHmuire .i. in cul- lach ech tar oil in mara. Cutail .i. caoch no fas. ut est ar na fargaba i cein cutail .i. ic£E tuUl no aoae for forbais cutail (.i. fas) .i. caoch. Cuairt .i. crich. ut est marofiastar aratha a mignima anaon cuairt urradu[i]s A. inaon crich urraduls sin. Crinne .i. ainm do baisti. ut est biatha crinne .i. logh na baisti intan is im hnn 7 im biadh doberar .i. oni is cre- dintibus bautisiium [sic] in baithis creidmedhe. c. 69 Ceis .i. guidhe. ut est dian ceissit airilten .i. amail guidhes a airiltiu. Cogra .i. gabaD. ut est na cogra cert .i. nagabann cert. Cuitir .i. cutruma no coibheis. ut est teclita fine inoighi. no cuitir tareisi .i. a coibeis. Cetf«tfZ A. comairle. ut est m udhbhair necli selb acht ma ni do ruacle fadheisin acht madh i cetfaid na fine .i. a comairle na fine. Cruth .i. gne. ut est cia cruth is bunadh cachnae .i. cia gne iarsna bunadh. Cotar .i. dogeibhter. ut est cein in cotar bescna deodha iar ndia .i. cein fogabhthar dibh nech aga roibe tochus graidh is lais. Caomdha .i. claonan. ut est fer for inded caomda. Cuille .i. urcuillti. ut est ata morseiser atuaith ar is cuille coir anurnaidm .i. rohurcuille<2/t anurnaidm doreir coir. Cethra .i. cae doib ithra. ut est aiw cethra asdo gort. Cechair .i. cecair a huachtar 7 uisce a hichtar [fo. 83 a. col. 3.] 7 lathach .i. lathach a hichtar. 7 uisce a huachtar isi an deithber. no cechair .i. tonda crithir 7 si'uth for a huachtar. 7 uisce 7 araile for a hichtar 7 laith .i. feith. 7 uisce for a huachtar. Crudh. .i. ini cruiter and indadh na cethra. Consniatt [cosniatt?] .i. cosnum. ut est ni direnar acht con- sniatt [cosniatt?] araile .i. achtaigim coraigit no conais- neigit araile ugdair. Condealg .i. comsgaoile. ut est gach cuirmtighi a conndelg. 7 is inann condealg. 7 comortas no cominnus no comaonta. Corrcreachda .i. ainm do cnoc bis an edan nanamatan. ut est caite druth diarinntar .i. ise aithni in druith in corr- crechda dobeith ina edan. Cutaim .i. tuitim. ut est bla crann ouitaim. Ceiti .i. faithi .i. bla ceiti rig tul comracc. Caomli .i. uasal. ut est caiti faill caom cin fiarfaiit('o about liiill' an iiu'li Icmg. 92 o'davoren's glossar-x. ocus ader aninat eile dofargaid arrofera .i. tairgidh inni roernistar taracend amaoh. Fual .i. salchur. ut est ar as ann ted fual for treabuire intan tathbongar cuir tar enech ratha .i. ar as and ted salcha no dorcha fon trebuiri intan tathbongar na cuir. Fo .i. becc. ut est tir fo mic do na tabiu^tar logh .i. ferand in mic bice 7 is dosiec nocha dtabarthar log da cind. Fo .i. becc no deroil. Furnaide .i. biadh naill itir da notlaic .i. fair innidnaide. Forcain no forgab itir da cair .i. biadh frithir itir domnach nede 7 cedain. no comadh he cairce ina eil .i. cairche in loinedha itir challaind 7 in ed. no itir dha cae foirithnecha itir kallainn 7 ined no iter caisc 7 [fo. 86b. col. 3.] beall- taine .i. marogo 7 cHathain in furnaide 7 in forgain. no go ma saill cheana. Frecmad .i. fircoimed no frescesin. ut est ara frecma gach gaire a flatha .i. ara fircoimedad no combeth each a fresce sin a flatha do gaire. Foma .i. coimgech. ut est cip duine lasanasa tairgille naire oldaiti na smachtaso is fomu do gach recht lasimbiat .i. is cuimgech .i. is fo a maith no is faomtha no is roga no is cuimcech do gach rieht duine ocambit beich. Fociallustar .i. rotinoil. ut est fociallustar eochaid formna laoch ar eagla midair. Freascathar .i. firdeaehar. ut est frescathar file dia tartat ratha rig rog maith .i. firdeachur no frithailter no urfoich- lithar na fiM umanni dlegait et rehqua. Fmsim .i. coimed. ut est cid do jfuisim guth .i. ered tuismis no coimedus in guth .i. ciaU .i. intan is ambela no ambe no intan na deacnraigenn. Fogleinn .i. fogloim. ut est foglenn foglenar doem doemar. Fareis .i. aislingi. ut est ai cobui et reliqua in suan fareis .i. ina cotlad fain aisHngiu. Feis .i. o menmuin. ut est in fes inaiccsi ia fes .i. o men- muin in aiccsi .i. o fiiil. is fis o menmhuin amh in as. Fethal couduala .i. fetal comdala. ut est ni nae fethal com- duala .i. no ni coimedus eceuse eomduala .i. in merge no in brat sida no in rinde. Fich .i. ftiachtain. ut est pecaid ata moam do fich dia for gach duine .i. ata tri pecaid is mo fuachtnaiges dia for duine do neoch donithar and dogres. Folmais .i. fobra no lamachtain. ut est ar folmais imban ban brethaib .i. rolamdais comdais bretha ban bain no beth and. [fo. 87 a. col. 1.] Fracc .i. ben no snathat. ut est inlochta fraic folach 7rl. F. 93 .i. foilgither ar in fraicc in bech 6 bftiaigend .i. ints- nathat. Frithir .i. aire fris. ut est frithir each diles daeras droch- gnim .i. aire frisi each daerus a drochgnima .i. deora frecair. Fuiche .i. fer mna ^ga roibe fer aile taracend. ut est gach fuich a mic conderb gealltar. ocus aderar gurab inand fuca 7 im 7 imderga andsin. Frecur .i. firathchur 7 fretech .i. aire conati doridhis isisin andethbir. Foil .i. tech. ut est gaibe foil faosum .i. inti acambi tech is fair facabar faosam. Foreis .i. forithin. ut est focra focra fores gach necill et reliqua .i. urfoicill a foirithin coheallam gach cin do dena tria droch cell. Freptha .i. leghas. ut est issed in aitgin trath 7rl. 7 log a freptha doib iarsin .i. logh a legais doib iarum asahaith- lesin. Fedha .i. targat. ut est cain fri feada 7 aes imitechta tar crich .i. riagail resinlucht dofairgithar do chenn is .i. ondi is fedo do airgi 7 isandsin athfegar coirpdiri nech dobreith do neoch gan a chin die. no is fricendaige &a]laig cana. 7 dar- hum is dona cendaib is ainm feda ansin. Fuil .i. pecad. ut est a riagail ailbe. denad adlaic gach duine fregrad fuile cech anam. Feth .i. slemain. ut est a trede domiter each ag. fetPh] cruth coitti. feth .i. imslemne. Cruth .i. imcaoime. Coitti .i. imcruas. Freislighi .i. firindeall. ut est ni nos na ifreisligi coimgne gach naosa .i. nocha nos dlighthech e mana bas fir ind- Hther he asin caemegna in ugdarais dligthig. Forsanellgur .i. forsatarrustar. ut est issed andso forus .r. doneoch for neaU .1. hliadain A. do neoch forsatarrustar. Fuairrech. .i. foirithm. ut est slan gach eisi et reliqua gach fiadh gach fuarrachus .i. gach foirithm uais ar dia. Forrigh .i. fuirech. ut est .v. seoit et in for each forrig ine- claiimi in metsin .i. .v. seoit do smacht for each [fo. 87 a. col. 2] aonfer fiiirges isin eneclainn resin re sin. Farr .i. colba leptha. ut est faobar tar farr .i. faobar na sgene no na tuaidhe [leg. tuaighe] tar farr in colba. Foir .i. bid doigh cuma ainm doil muice. ut est diam orca foir fosearbthar. Ferta .i. fasta. ut est ferr ferta firinde fiadan fresligi .i. is ferr dona fiadna a firinde dfastadh go nertmar na beth res ina lighi. Friscomarser .i. dina fiarfaidhe. ut est cot rirther frisco- marser andso uile a mic in cuala crich gaublach a fe[n]echus. 94 o'davoren s glossary. "FSiiixther .i. cuirm. ut est fil and farther do sruth glan .i. uisce. Fertuinn .i. brattan. ut est fil and cenn fertuind. Forcan .i. uball. ut est forcan dianinnort each det. ocus adeir aninatt eile .v. orcain cruindglasa. Fithrach .i. duilesc. Fuisitin .i. fc. ut est amail robiii muire 7 ieiseb ac fuisidin inchisa. Fal .i. fanaig isinmberla. ut est faltai. Fealmad .i. flegh. Frismbert .i. faill. ut est amail atbert cucalainn forsan [tain] totaet iarum for lorg intsloigh. ni ma lodamar dono ar cncvlainn. frismbertamar ula roleigim slogh forro cin airfis. Frisdudchaid .i. rodiult. ut est frisdudchaidh do. Furail .i. imurcra. ut est ni bia furail nach ooicid forra cein nobet doreir patruicc. G. [GJno .i. airdirc no aidbind. vit est gnoe imbuil cerdach .i. ro airdaircaidhe na dana ilardha sin. no rob aidbind do uair robatar dana imda aicci. » Glus .i. solus, amail ata dofed [dofet?] 6g iarglus .i. ar as dere dia suillsi do fuarthed lasin sen. Gin .i- ithe. ut est forbo gen ith nginsat .i. forgen nambo conduatar. Gle .i. tife no toingfe. vit est gle fo ere nebron .i. toingsa fo nem niba geall dam an iarand. b- barar brachtine bron- bru feisi geri laeht inen for tnu. Galeon .1. eruaidh no leogaite. ut est geall galeoin. Gno .i. cuidbedh. Car .i. brisc. ut est gnocar enaim .m. Gloun .i. guin duine. Glinn .i. filldeoht. ut est remteit glond glinne .i. nepguin duine acht gurub glan adan. [fo. 86 a. col. 3.] Gegarda .i. ger no serb no tiaehair. ut est congon gegarda itir diabhul gaibes .g. Garand .i. bidh doigh coma inann 7 garg no searbh no garg rind. Gert .i. lacht. ut est gin gert ferba. Gorm .1. urdaire. ut est anas gurma rudhradh righ rogor- mad gloir .i. rourdarcaighi a alnm. oeus a derid gorm .i. cumdach. rogormadh gloir .i. rocumdaighe[dli] a in[d]ogbail. Gen[e] .i. deisoipuil. ut est siieru mo gene maoi .i. mo dcis- oipuil. Gol .i. der. ut est glaimther gol gnosiun .s. Guirn .i. aithinne no gae oirgne. no gorn .i. ut est imangei- . nither guirn. G. 95 Gail .i. beodacht. ut est miser fiana iamangalaib. Guimh. .i. saothar .i. opus ambulandi. Gor .i. gairit. ut est in felere iarnasaothar ngorsum. Gerait .1. mac bee. no gerait beodha no glic no anrud. ut est ar gcoimde ar ngerait .i. ar mac beodlia. Gur .i. leir no calma. ut est ciarba gur a slighi .i. a marbadh. Glen .i. tuir no foghlainn. ut est corunaibh atg[l]endis .i. tuirdis no foglaindis gusians. Gealltar .i. cendaighter. ut est mac cumaile mani der[b]geU- tar dia mis .1. mene derbcendaigi. Gus .i. gaibhtech. iit est mac sanisi 7rl. conid gus la gach duine a tursughud .i. conad gaibthech no conid turbroidhe regach nduine toirsi intsenorach. no conid geis no conid doiHgh ri gach nduine a indisin. tursugud innisin marsin. Glasnenta .i. ainm do chat, ut est glasnenta dosli set ina dire, glasnenta .i. bis fonnglas nenaigh no gabar do nenaigh glais .i. don nenntoig. Grain catha .i. bera. ut est siol goirt focertar forcertar fri belatu chriche ada heislinne .i. bera no ni chuirther amail tsil ingort imbelaighibh uathaib na criche. ise sin uil ann .i. grain catha. Gaibes .i. gabadh. ut est mene conurnastar ni ar a finntar fil in gaisti gaibhes .i. uair na roeirnaidhestar co comainech innl rofitir dobeth in goisti gabaidh. Greis .i. coisceim no ceim. ut est imaire iforge hi pais in greis .i. deisceim da tfaigh coleth esidhe. Galar .i. gnathach 7 Aincis .i. ingnathach. Giartfhja -i. gaire inaiti ut est na seoit giartha no gare. * [fo. 87b. col. 1.] Giart[h.]a .i. gaire in aiti. ut est na seoit giarrtha no gaire. Gailliti .i. laire breathnacha no cno gae 7 cuirnd buabhaill. ut est gaiUiti tacair .i. na gaiUseoit 7rl. tar muir. Gailliti lair. Gaillire imorro in searrach firann gines on gaiUit. Gola .1. cuithe. ut est fuidir crai 7 gola .i. o cuithi done- sairg 7 dom doigh isesin in prisun. Goidh. .i. guide, ut est fer aroidh. no Goidh .i. guides les a gcath. Gor .i. tine, ut est caiti gor tine cuimsech .i. tine na loisgenn 7 nos goirenn. caiti ingor .i. tine oirgis. Giarrtha .i. gaire doni in dalta. ut est ila seoit giartha. no Giartha .i. in set dobeir intaiti dondalta aragaire. * Sin duifc adomilai)! 6 mac semuis mio firbisigh 7 ni tainic riamh clna- naire is ferr na thii. ' 96 o'davoren s glossary. Geibeich .i. doniat intedach gebechda .i. panga breca no na heanga breaca .i. rindhaighi. Gni .i. coccnam no ithe. ut est rogaet gair ni gniet det dre- teall .i. nocha duatar in treteall in tor[c]sin o fiacla. no nocha foghnann a dheda don torcsin dithe neich. Grian glirme hui .i. uighe cere, ut est fil ann grian glinne hui 7rl. Guin .i. sarughudh. ut est gach feathal dorogontar fn ter- mann anechtatr. Gleire .i. imat. ut est gleire dianaib derb daoinaib .i. imat nandaoinc agambi in dan demin. Glinne .i. breth. ut est acht madh angeal anglinnech .i. fir- brethech. Gressa .i. comairce. ut est for gruaidhaib fer follsat gresa .i. for gruaidhib na fer forroluiset a comairce no imderga. Gromhtha .i. gruamdacht. ut est gromtha gromhtha glamtha glamtha. Gem .i. gendadh. ut est rogemad glasaib slabradaib .i. ro- gennad glais 7 slabraidh air for eochaig mac fergusa .d. d. [i. e. dubdetaig]. Geuam .i. claidheamh. ut est mo gean[am] imduais (.i. im- laim). duais laim marsin. H. [Hjirem .i. is sia. ut est hirum inuidhibh aitiri uidhe itir rig .i. is donareib issia ata donahaitirib doreir in fenechuis in re ata donri tet aneterus. Huallach .i. bocasach no bocfasach. ut est espoc uallach eccraibthech. Hals .i. broga. amail adeir senchus hasaib haccrandaib .i. asa degarimoind ima cosaibh .i. asaite imtecht a tribuis 7 a cuarain ime. Haice .i. ecaidhe no deroil no eraise. ut est haice gach rath corath tire .i. is ecaidhe no is deroil each ni doberar isin rath cotir. do tabairt isin rath, no is urasa gach rath CO ferann. I. [fo. R7b. col. 2.] [IJsaetha .i. eimhluag. ut est soilbech betach[?] la logh nim- saotha .i. la logh eimhluagh. da sgribul .x. inimluadh 7rl. lachtadh. .i. estecht no subhaidhe. ut est iachta sluaigh suide nimbais .i. estidh in sluagh re saidhecht no do her subaidhe ar in sluagh intimat sofeasa bis aconsaidsin. Inloing .i. imfuilngi. ut est inloing ollam anamain .i. imi\jil_ giter eolus anamna aeon ollam. I. 97 Imresc .i. indemin no indirgi. ut est ard conn cana dicaine- main cen imresc nimraind .i. is ar in codnetu dono canuit canus inemain imrinn cen indirghi no cen indeimhni. no dula ni tasc nai ni tech toraighter .ix. nindrada .i. tar .ix. niumaire. Indra .i. iumaire. ut est tri indra cainne 7 in cet[h]rama in- dra imais. Imaire .i. tir. ut est tri himaire folongat eclais de cet rand. Imrechtatad .i. imain. ut est imrechtatar baoith baethu bran- duibh .i. roimaigetar no imainetar na baothu eochu baetha branduib. baotna .i. eochu. Imsuidhe .i. emtairisim. ut est ar asa himsuidhe fer firen berar in firindi. lude .i. dluith. ut est mesir etach asa inde .i. asa dliis. Iriu .i. ferann. ut est besa e iriu isa he diriu .i. inti isa he in ferann is les eneclann angait nech ass. Irraind .i. ferann. ut est na briichta ith oichne iraind .a. ina .m. m. .i. nocha bruchtand foichne in etha isin ferand. Inrech. .i. eric, ut est indrach naigthe uin[ge]. Imorcwr .i. breg. ut est imorcwr ban. Idhau .i. comlan. ut est idhan each fogl- con idhna. Ind .i. tenga. ut est imdeguil conind aithirne arm. Imechtar .i. forcend. ut est cia maratath iarum co imechtar naesa aeis. Irriab .i. rebad. ut est irriab gona duini. Intlem. .i. fagbail no reic no fuillem. ut est ni bi eric tar ■ on tar ainim tar einech nindtlem .i. dianderna indies don ni dobera tarcend a enigh. Ind .i. tenga. no Ind .i. urlabradh. ut est targud aurduirn fii athirne da ind .i. targud a duirn fri aithirne cona ind .i. cona urlabra nemhnig. lada .i. derrscugud. ut est flaith for idnaisc isi forid iada .i. de roisce. Irchaidh. .i. irchoid. ut est irchaid mo menma ma imtir ro .tt. [fo. 87 b. col. 3.] luasaigh .i. adcuinnig. ut est inasaigh cunnracZh cumataigh. laxdaid A. inathar. ut est dian airbera samuisci cona huilib iardaighaibh .i. mene esadar samuisc cona uilib inathraib. Innrosc .i. indeimin. no gom[b]o ainm do dire, ut est bei[r]- tisium iarsund aithgin cin innrosc (in marg. .i. cin ni bes mo) .i. biadh doibsium iarsang[n]imsa aithghin a seoit ci[n] dire no cin indeimne. Iinfoilng[i] .i. imnertad. ut est imfuilngi guth i folachtaibh taoibh. -s- • luneall .i. cleas. ut est inneall crot cuislennaigh .i. clesaigh- ther na crota 7 coraighter na cuisleanna. 7 gg o'davoren's glossary. Indich .i. aithne. ut est ni duthracht do dia nindiche .i- "^^^ naichni de .i. laithi ndighla die .i. cuine 7 laithi nindigni .i. nindithiladhisin. Inighen .i. blogh. ut est in[i]gen gaoithi .i. blogh don gaith .i. in anal. lardaighi .i. sidh. ut est nl dilsighter iardai^hi nenech. Imrordos .i. imraidhim. amail adeir an feliri imrordos m rigraidli. Is com[d]iuir .i. comdirech. ut est is comdiuir in coimdi. Is menann .i. is follus. ut est is menann ar uire. Ingar .i. dainiin no goirt no tiachair. ut est a bas ba sgel ningar .i. teinn. Ir .i. saithin no ferg. ut est cesfar inil piana inifemn ir .i. in ithfern hlr. Inmall .i. eolchaire. ut est suidhe dia neiri imnall .i. ilmaine fer nerenn Ime. Imfen .i. comed no imain. ise in cedna fleasgach rogab sriana 7 gairid .i. fidh no echlach 7 imfen eocha ala fir .i. comed no imanaigh na heochw dodar fir. Innrad .i. imaire. amail ircad [ms. Irk.J .i. cuiltech no aire- cal tech inmbidh. Inoisci .i. innscuchadh. ut est ar do dlegar do gach aireigh otha sin inoisci feib-i .i. innscuchtha feibe tochusa. Idlirn]a .i. treghat. ut est aras ised is mesa do mac cuid dogni idna .i. tregat 7 mac labrad .i. serg. lach .i. ainm cait. ut est iach dorenar leth dire .i. cat gabur .i. do iatacht. ladhach. .i. tiagh. ut est cait broinn finn a duba a seotaib iadhaighi a dire .i. fo na seotaib bis ina iaghaigh [.i.] ina theigh eirnithe/* ini is dir ind. Imdissin no imcisnech .i. eimdechsuin. ut est nibi aitiri imdisin icairdi ar as dallceim cairde ceim imdhisin. [fo. 88 a. col. 1.] Insci .i- luighi. ut est feraidh insci dina rochair arru .i. luighi an bade na romnsaighther arru fiach .i. insci da faight. Inlathar .i. mdeall no achtugud. ut est cair cotongar 7 co- tobongar. nm. amail mlathar .i. amail achtaighthlr Innracus .i. michus. ut est ata da ffor .i. caird/ i 7 naoill. oaiti innrucus na fiach .i. caiti 'inichus na fiach fiach ttacn .1. o.aiii ;»,;„i .i. dairt 7 colpach 7 samaisc Imchim .i. elodh. ut est cona de asberar tres cet cath r 1 1 ma hinnsisi bidh im imchim aitiri righ rofertha i h' niugud no inelodh aitms do lecan ar in ri roferad™ l, ' ™' Imcim .i. sarugh. ut est aras conaU ceta roimching ait^ ' la fene isin indsi so .i. rosaighi no rosaraighi. 7 '^ eir I. 99 lebm- .XXX. set. an imching aitiri .i. dia saraighther is tricha [ms. kick.] set gabla ina elo cidh beg cidh mor. Indorsa .i. inuairso. ut est is trian i trian frichnama do mnai indorse. Imramach .i. druth no mer 7 faonleadhach no miirchurtha. ut est conidedh tres dire imrumaoh indsin do chuisin la fene. luomblig^h .i. bluighi no toibgzcf. ut est ar urgair ulca di. no inombligh a maca forra .i. bluighidh no toibgidh se altrum a clainne for in lucht dorighne no for fine na bandruithi. Indair -i. an tar derg no ingort. ut est itir feur 7 itli 7 indair. luger .i. la ietainn no la air. ut est cenn tuir ingera [leg. iugera] .i. indam oraib no ilaib nair. Impetotr .i. altoir. ut est foir impetoir .iii'i. mis .i. impe thoi- rithnis each araUe iman althoir. ludesc .i. bleghnach. ut est Ian enne oil do trib indescaib .i. bleaghnachaib. Tmglaic .i. Ian duirn. ut est da imglaice do laim fir thoim- sighi techta do lus lubhghuirt. Imdich. .i. fuaidri. ut est imdich gach corp a iflemrM .i. fua- Avidh each coir apa. Inde .i. eachlaisc no bac. ut est ainach fria ninde. Indebar .i. aileach. ut est tech ambi inneabar .i. tech ambl inne an buair .i. tech .s. .s. luicim .i. bi doigh coma ainm do trosga. ut est ata .vii. iohaig ituaith nacondlegaid fiacha anelo nach animcim. Inurudh .i. olc. ut est ar is mo torba na corso oldas an- innrudh. " ocus ata tennruidhe mar sin. no innrudh .i. orgain. ut est buirech ninnrMtZ. Inlolaigh. .i. roheillged. ut est inlolaigh seithir selba .i. roi- nellgestar seithir ingin minn 7 gabur .i. carpait mind na ferainn rotechtastar codhaaic/h a cineoil. lugaib 'i. bearar as. ut est asingaibh firfithe .i. berar as na tighi fithe doronta [fo. 88 a. col. 2.] forsan(tir?). 7 darliumsa ata fer dono ciasingaibh asagradh on ceill sin. luardraiglither .i. ardfollus. ut est ata a tri an[a]rdraigh- ther do lucht an heaihadh uile .i. a tri is ardfollus. Imdearinn no imdemum .i. cengal. ut est ar isi raith in foruis la fene raith cin imderinn .i. cen imderbsnim flatha daorrath fair .i. cengal. ladhach .i. tiagh. ut est techta fuilltm gill iadhaigh mna righ .i. imbia tri seota .i. caille aondatha 7 minn oir 7 lann oir 7 rann airgid. 7 obet sin innti is iadhacA conecarthaidh i .i. cona tochus dhghigh. Twna.6. [leg. iarn] .i. iarunn. ut est ar is neime do iurnd im- 7* 100 o'davoren's glossary. faobair .i. ar as neimnech do neooh intiarann arambi anda faobhar do tharraing trena glaio 7rl. Imrolu .i. imradh. ut est ni hara nad imrola .i. ni roeirni ni do neoch coro imraidhe for do menmuin. Imriumther .i. iumurbus. ut est cislir muidh on iumruim- ther dmne .i. oia ler no cia lin ondeinann duine imurbhus. Ingntun .i. ini donither dhfinn foghnum ann. intarbar no in cainnann. Imid agat .i. imainet. ut est acht bidh mic bega imit agad. lunsorguiu .i. bidh doigh comadh inann 7 gluaisacht no im- luagh. ut est innsorguin teti no ni hinnsorgar o crich do cricn acht ait inaidhbrithar. Incosc .i. insillecZ no in fechain donither a focus, ut est cin sula do siWed 7 incos .i. a fogus 7 tairderc .i. insmede. Innrocht .i. nemfoUus. ut est innracht fir fonemaid fiadam .i. is nemfollus in firinne. no gach fer na denaid fiadhain. Inotcet .i. taighthi no ceimniugud. ut est ni eitged daill duairfis doman dala. Immanetar * .i. eturnt. ut est is cuma insin etar ecalsibh imanetar. lubleogau .i. escaire ut est asgnam a thighi docach iarnin- bleogaw cana. li, [Li]e6 .i. leatra no guin. ut est galeon .i. leo congse gonas no leatrus. no fiadh gae lethan .i. fiadha ga leothaigh no ledarthaigh. Lap .i. loth no oechair. ut est aras cend i lap lath- naig .i. tineol no teclumacZ. Ladar .i. trodach. no Ladar .i. laoch. ocus aderar fos duine trodach ris. ut est trenfer .fur. na firladar. [fo. 88a. col. 1.] Linbarr .i. caille geal- .i. riagh leine. ut est diunach linbarr. Liiun no len .i. toiscidh lesug^Aa no lepf/ia. ut est nabi meirg miliun .i. mitoiscidh no milesaighthi no mileptha no milen 7 faill. Ler .i. intoician .i. muir mor. ceobath .i. muir beg .i. inber mbeg .i. muir nerenn ocus alban. ut est ar is lethe lear ceobath corba. Lee .i. lethet. ut est cend a laime la lee leicter .i. leicter la lethad a laime cornice a cend. Lamthar gair .i. oirci beg no mesan. ut est lamthar gair brigad .i. trian neneclainni ann antrath dogni eoimitacht 7 coinid adhart. Zeuss G. C. 569. I. 101 Leos .i. imdergad. no leos .i. bolga. ut est asrenar a leos a tol a tola a serba .i. angaid. a saithiugh .i. sermonibus. a turtudh .i. per vim. a togaothrt .i. muneribus. ambrath .i. si quis dicat est hie. LiOrg .i. ben no slighi. ut est dorenar be loirge landire .i. ben conaire in filecL Leos .i. suillsi luinither .i. taithnem. ut est aighe fir ima les luinither. Lii .i. lainn no toil, ut est life a ainm 7 li on toil tuc don terann ut. liUis .i. lam. ut est luis fir forambrandubh decraiter. Lui .i. gega. no gesca. ut est fuil for a lui lam fuire .f. Lethiter .i. lethtaobh. ut est gamuin co lethiter africhnam. Iiabair .i. suilbir. ut est cerd labair laidhich. Lean .i. bacail. ut est lenaidh log nenech .i. baca logh ne- nech na flatha. Lus .i. ibhe. ut est Uisci slebi nimsasa coibche congeire ngunsa deogh daim duinn techtas plusa* bes lus ar genus lusa. .i. bes ibaidhsom e gin cohebursa. Luthbhus .i. sofia. ut est ni chuille luthbus leth nath. Lia .i. comarba. ut est lia anathgno aith- .i. roba comarba dathgno iar fir aith-. Lia .i. [fjliuchderc. suili fliucha dobi aici. no imad uisci ut est g[o]lia ina linn laithrec/i. Lis .i. ungi. ut est ni fuatais ni for lis .i. lingi fair dia imrim. Lann .i. ithlann no ferann. ut est amail comarba liag ima lanna Hg .i. amail hagh is comarba laighes isinnithlainn. no lann .i. saogal no _ ecna. ut est Comgall ocus marcill CO lethat a lainne. .i. a tsaoghail no ecna. Ligda .i. laitir. ut est KomUled in gentleacht ciarbo ligdha leth an. Loichet .i. cain[ne]all no sudrall no lasair. ut est loichet loinn- rech ligach. ** [fo. 88 b. col. 1.] Luam .i. ab. ut est luam lis moir mirbMiY. Lere .i. crahadh. ut est ba brigach a lere sluagh mor ima .r. Ligach. .i. cennais. ut est ab lethglinne Ugach .i. min. Leabh .i. lena. ut est fiadhnaise na laobhserc .i. na laobhann no na leanann a fiadhnaise ar scire neich [?] sech araile. * in marg. .i. nuall. ** Sin o domnall do biidhein 7 slaii imlan duit amaghnus 7 is ing maoi semus dobeth go tim cidh ta an codh ann. olc do cungnam acormaic. 102 o'davoren's glossary. Lieathanchar .i. laimthinech. ut est ni la lithach letanchar .i. cema laimthinech lais. Licet .i. glanadh no nighi. ut est ni hetach idhan do nach licet .i. nocha nedacn glan e no go ndemtar anighi 7 a ced .i. edach an mairb. liOinges* .i. indarba. ut est arise in tres foloing indleas. taidhe 7 loingsigh 7 aos faondil. liUa .i. istualaing. ut est 7 conail comaltar ma ro lua .i. ma luithech no masa tualaing i in taltrum. Lioing .i. leatradh no dluighi. ut est antan dotaot an cii tar sodhain conid loing. ones no etach .i. condluighi no co ledrana in cnes no congeil ina beolw. liUch no Liocli .i. imad. ut est a luch tair do feth gaoth itir .i. asin imad toirithnech dofairgenn gaoth a tir. Luaighne .i. loghmar. ut est acht luaighne long .i. acht na hii loghmara doberar isnalongaib. Luaes no Lseas .i. forcongra. ut est nach righ nad luidh pthrus druith .i. gach ri na liiienn no na forcongrann adh foirithin uais in druith no na tobhaigh doibh ini dlegaid. Loun .i. dimsach no ogal no egail. ut est lonn gach sochraid .i. is ogal no is egail in each agambit deghcaraid .i. is diumsach fri a agalfaim. Lainn .i. solus no taithnemach. ut est ann leasach gach lainn lochta gaissi .i. firleasach acata imad taithnemach no solus na gaoisi .i. in file. LiUisi .i. lasadh. ut est se ba inaon athghabaU ina thir diguin loiscter coluisi .i. a loscadh a ferann diguin gonus lais ann. no CO loisi do cur jfui. Liias .i. hath, ut est dofet laochdacht has .i. is reimtechtaigh Hum dobeth adlaoch no do beth liath uair manab laoch coliath niba laoch cobas. Lethbi .i. hngi. tit est imus lethbi laithirt leisci logh .i. laoch. ut est imor on logha .i. emforran for in laoch. Lurchaire .i. serrach. ut est a senchus ni hetarscara lair fri lurchaire .i. ni roetarscara in larai risinlughan iscartha- nach le no reisin luan no reis cor lara. XjanamuirL .i. Ian homo .i. plenus homo [.i.] duine comlan .i. fer 7 ben.** no lanomuin [fo. 88b. eol. 2.] -i. quasi lana- muin arni bhfil etarsgara doibh acht ar dia. Liianchar .i. ailgen. ut est aras senfasach la feine hanchar gach guide .i. is lincarthanach no is luthincharthanach uech 6 bithar asa s-uidhe. * for longis, Zeuss G. C. 1062, 1129. ** "The single pure and perfect animal." Tennyson. 1- 103 liObad .i. lenad no lieaid no leabaid. ut est ard \egad doib- sium na bed lobtaid cor .i. narbat liuntaig dob- iar fis coir. Lathar .i. indeall. ut est sewchus coibnius iusgi et reliqua. neoch ma rolathar .i. mad roindlit no maroouiredh. Liamcomairt .i. basgaire. iit est fri lamcomairt ban belguba .i. frisincomort donlat na mna o lamaibh no in comortugud doberat ara lamaib .i. in basgaire. Lupait .i. ainm in bainb marbthar imf'eil marta[i]n ocus dom doich is don tiagharna doberar. ut est lupait la fer ernis muca .i. hirrath. Lus .i. blais. ut est ma lus bit tuara 7 dig atlaiget iarsin .i. ma blaiset. Let .i. linge. ut est rolet le teanaib nithu ar maignib eccne .i. rolingead uirre colamtinach tre nith gur himre eccin uirre a maigin. Liig .i. dath. ut est mesir liga asa saoire 7 asa suthaine .i. mesemnacht in datha ar a m^d is saor do nech a beth 7 ara marthanaigi. no Hi .i. taithnem. ut est baile bel li cluaisi .i. is taithnemach re nech a heith ag estecht res (no ria) 6 chluais. Laisrein .i. lasamain no alaind no calma. ut est trena laogh laisrein. Liuascach. .i. ciabach. ut est ailiu laith et reliqua find luascach .i. is find he intan bis ingaoth aga luascad. luascach .i. ciabach. Luis[i] .i. gne. ut est fochen escra et rehqua derg a luisi .i. derg a gne no is derg luisi aighthi neich uadha .i. don lind bis and. Loud .i. occal. ut est luind um dib drisiuc .i. ise is occal dib in drisiuc uair is he oUam na bairdne. Lug .i. laoch. ut est reascaib logha longbard .i. ise is res- cacha dona laocha. Loug .i. dluighe. ut est tamon dian loing ban srotha bard mbind .i. intamon dluiges cohobond fir srotha na bairdne binde. Loulaiugeu .i. taob. ut est cofuirim lonlaingen fri lairgi lu- thain .i. a taeb fri toin na gaTala. M. [fo. 88 b. col. 3.1 [Mjaoth .i. bocc no tlaith no binn. ut est ate teora ranna ngotha met 7 sonairt 7 maotha .i. ima bhuga no ima tlas no ima binnes. Midhach .i. calma. ut est midhach teora cam. JQ4: o'davoken's glossary. Miadhach .i. uaUaoh. ut est miadhach mordha .i. is uaUach doneooh abeth aigi a. imdhaim. . Meidith- .i. cul. ut est oul fri mid meidith .1. fairec no to- mailt meth .i. ide .i. cainneall. j u u- v,v Mithid .i. teohtai. ut est mithigh dosum ce do bre birchli. Mucrecht .i. in£ bis a richt na muice .i. an caolan tona. Miscaid .i. mallacht. ut est miscaidh fri ceird cainte. Mathair .i. tosach. ut est maithir cochta coisicartha eccuinn .i. is tosach don cogad. Midbach .i. coma nanen ebar deogh dia su^h. no maetorna na ninnsi. ut est grainne midbaigh do aire ard no idh- baith. Monur .i. darlium. ut est is do monar is do cinel mo muc fein doibol .m. Mile .i. bainne. ut est etlo sen mUc .i. a mile a luim do etlo as i sinibh. focul gaU[da]. Mugraidhe .i. nech gabur do muir. vit est fine mugrai cisar selba somaine .i. in fine gabur don muir innsaighter donti arambiat (erann. Marc .i. ech no lair, ut est iuhail marc o dilsi ech ruadhain. Meild .i. mil no airbhitiu no failtiu. ut est aUe laith lam co meild maith .i.' guidhimsi in laith co mil uir re commaith no cofailte no airbitiu. Metuir .i. comardugh in dana. ut est amail rongab rithim arradh metuir .i. amail rogab rithim i fil binms cencertus. arradh metuir .i. binnis 7 certus uair bid binnis co certus isin metur 7 binnis cen certus isin rithim. Minn .i. uasal no suf. ut est midhit[h]er minn nemthesa nair .i. mesamnaighther nf don uasal sin ara nemhtenchus iar fir .i. sui ise minn gach graid. Manach .i. om' is monachus .i. bid ag denamh cais[e]al 7 clo- chan no tothchar. Meirbh .i. misoirb. Mata .i. muc. ut est foruachtatar mata. Maun .i. uingi. ut est .vn. manna oir forloisci fri fialgnuisi conadh curadhaibh concubhur. Mem .i. poc. ut est a mem a meblugud .1. ueste ele uatha .i. issed adeir crain fo edach do dechuir e a mebiu'l poff Ian eneclann inn '■ hog e. [fo. 89a. col. 1.] Mescetlach .1. in marcach duaine. ut est ar ding a fir mes- cetlaich .i. bis a cumas a chetuil. Mimasc .i. drochfasc. no nath ut est leth muriasc. ell- deine .c. c. .i. drochuscann coruigi a leth. 7 bidh doig comfbla ainm do trost comla e. » M. 105 Melg^ .i. as. ut est crin each ala methus melg teme. teme .i. has .i. as mbas .i. fuil. Mur .i. imad. Mar .i. uasal. ut est i cert cloidim cormaic mur mar bria- t[h]ar cormaic hiii cuinn cetcathaig .i. is ard uasal re tiachtain tairsi an hreth rue cormae. no issed so ata do- reir imaid briat[h]ar mor cormaic. Mas .i. maisech. ut est ro or mas machaidh .i. romnchadh an tor maisach .i. eochaidh. Mambrogaidh .i. dia ndechaidh no dia raiter. ut est mam- roghaidh each aon niarum dia munol sceo muine. Memra .1. serin no taisi. ut est i memraibh oir oibligh .i. alainn no solasta. Maun .i. imat. ut est mad mand eisc no tola mur mil .i. imat eisc no mur mil. Maun .i. cibus celestis. ut est cain glan mann. de duile. no mann .i. eruithnecht. no mann .i. imad. ut est uasal ara crean mann marmesa .i. imad mesa gumor. Muirenn .i. slegh. ut est tuile mar muirne. Malairl; .i. droehordugudh. ut est nis malarta maru .i. ni derna maile ordugudh orro comor. Mor .i. maith. ut est da diambe cen marca mara. Mathadh. .i. cunntabairt. ut est cin matha for marba marus .i. cin conntabairt. Madlia no mag^ha .i. nemglan. ut est nocha saothar madha dortiirmisim uile. no magha [.i.] druighacht [leg. druidhecht] ut est simon magus. Matulaidb. .i. mongenar no ba maith. ut est felix la matulaid. Main .i. leasugh. ut est cuich in mait romainighis .i. ouich in muc roleasaighis. Main .i. eealg. ut est cer mor inmain dobert brieni im eon- cubar dorad a da cobheis im eonall eernach. Mam .i. toehus. ut est a teasbann dia mamaibh teshann dia log enech. Mes .i. 6 tsuil 7 tomus 6 laim. no mes .i. eneelainne 7 to- mus .i. tochusa. no mes araigibh 7 tomus '.i. dferannaibh. ut est gach mes gach tomus olcena is a midbe miter .i. is ondi tarambi inteibe meodhanaeh .i. in grainne a mei- samnaighter e. eipe .i. grainne mas fior dhamhsa. Mothar .i. doreha [Ms. dork], ut est mac sula saighid seUbh ciasa mothar .i. innsaigid in f'erann cid doreha a hreth. Mothar naidhoi i comraicit airm anaithne. Meoinne .i. ainm eait. ut est meoinne iseissidhe oat euile .i. miu inainde no meo aninainde .i. meghel inainde. Macrae .i. toirsi no mifre. ut est ar gaibh macru macu daigh .i. geibe mifri .i. toirsi na macu bega fo daighin. 106 o'davoren's glossary. Milcu .i. gadhar. ut est da sdt indire milcon caich otha aire itir da aire co haire nard .i. ar sechtmadh neneclainni do each ina gadhar intan marbt[h]ar tri anfod. [fo. 89 a. CO]. 2.] Miforbba .i. forambi for coi. no in ml fir bis for a cheile a caithemh a bidh ceilsine .i. no calaind co hinit. ut est .iiii. ml .i. mi air .i. ml marta. mi aighi .i. isintsamracZA .i. ml iul 7 ml buana .i. mi medhon an foghmair 7 mi forbba. Mais .i. cruthughudh. ut est .1111. primdhuil ara tiumairg aon mais. Mughuirt .i. marbadh duine. ut est trian do fiachalb mughuirt .i. trian dona fiachaib doberar i marbad in duine .i. ba oga innlaogh. no mughuirt .i. mor oirgni. Mecon ciuadli cubus braith .i. bxma in cinadh in cubus braith. Murcranu .i. seol crann no cran gims. ut est madh tascur aon .s. i tir. no madh murcrann adhamra. Methus .i. crich no coige^Z. ut est cennadhcha immethus tuaithi .i. onni is methus crich no ferann. Mannar .i. sga.eledh. ut est nach suidhui mar mannartha an- feth .i. no cin coroibh saidhacht aice comor acht coro- comsgaileiiA iat tre anfeith. Maighin .i. focedoir. ut est manis nais naill maighne .i. fo- cedoir .i. madh naill dliged fonals focedoir. Meisi .i. cuimgech. ut est ar ni meisi flaith doniupra feisti de .i. nocha uair cuimgech in flaith na tiruairside re ni is gairde na sin feissti .i. tiruairsi. Modh .i. contabairt. ut est acht modh fortalla ind trl mer .i. isinbechtain dia dtalla inn tria mer isi neoch is lom din ar ain ngin ger furri. Mai .i. uasal. ut est ni nais uma na or na airget acht for mal .i. ni rofonaisci acht ar uasal uair is aigi bu doigh a faghbail. Mogh .i. mor. ut est ni mes na midhther mogh domaibh .i. nocha namail mesamnacht ar aicidhibh no ar ferannaibh manab amlaid mesamnaighter iat 6 dornaib moghaibh .i. 6 dornaib mora. Meit .i. uair. ut est conranaighsidhe findteda on met addaim- ther a fine .i. on uair aititnighter inunn isin fine, no mi- this .i. re. Meabhlugh .i. dul co mnai. ut est urgabail mna gin me- bludh .i. nocha nar daigin dul cuici acht ar daighin a fastaighthi. Meamar .i. mer. ut est dorenar comdire do gaoh mna im memur laime no coisi fri memar a cuirp .i. eirnither cutru- M. 107 ums ilii-o do oiu'h mnai im uior n ouisi no lainu' do tabairt onusii lima. 7 iiidul chuioi,. Meabhul .i. Imll lianuda iia luna. ut est oraiui fo iiiar <>;acha mna do doi'lisain a uioabla .i. a niiiro. Midhclals A. boltaaiuffudh. ut ost bla, uioiu midhdais .i. I'ia tois tiitli brnoba imbeiii toinr^/. Mllglina .i. bradiui. ut est ui'blaisi tuugbua niana fir fol- t(K'/i .f. .i. ui tuija bbis luogba in oua in iiisc;' do in b[r]ad!'m. |fo. SOn. col. 3. 1 Meisceill .i. moasc a oiall. ut ost mora moscill so<'/ .i. mease. a oinll ag indisiu sooal .i. in iVr letbcuinn. Modh .i. guim. ut est fliiith mod miolcon .i. is laisin i\iilf/i tiian giiimrad milcon adour i'oil<'. Meiridhin .i. mi aradba laoiian moit miridliin nuuais .i. foaon inonii moid morns duit in miarada. Mand .i. im;biat ill- tuatb.'i aeata 7 a toiobued t'ooataigb in ri ooambidli. Maor .i. mo a fir na in rigii. Meann .i. foroll. ut est k^tli seobt onmala uios [leg. mes] ei bos moanu au airm. bos meann .i. bes mo on ami no bus soderoi mm no bus t'tn-oll ann. Mam .i. onbus. ut est fomam an[a]mebarat. Matha .i. eunntabairt. Muinimar .i. adoimi. N. [Nlaco .i. non. no ond{ is ueo onn t'aeiro [o no faeoro?] Nel -i. sobis. lit est ootuidit nembe uinil tromi. Nodh no noudh .i. togbdliais no dtntaob. ut ost biadh nodb monglaob midhou.arta. Xar .i. uasab nt ost nar dilsi inr udoebmad. Nimb .1. noil no brauon. nt ost roloisoi'i/ letb tbnciue nimb. 108 o'davoren's glossaky. Nocht .i. aidche. ut est tabair mo miach cruithnechta gach nocht aichi sceo dee. Necht .i. ingin no glan. ut est nis nechta no aoht cenn a neacht .i. ingin isin duil fedha mar. Noudh .i. athnughudh no urdarcughudh. ut est noudh ainrahi .i. leasainm. Nin .i. letir no oghum no fren oghuim. ut est co laidhib CO ninaib nib co ceann fian ftiilget .i. co ceannaib ina lamaib. Ned. .i. dia catha. ut est ciaso do ninnaib ro net nar fine .i. robith no ro nadnairime. Nar .i. fial no Ian no noeb no idan. ut est gach nemhthus a nar. Nse no Nei .i. ben. ut est each cona ne .i. cona mnaoi. Nasadh .i. gnuthugudh. ut est nasad beo an .m. .i. no nasadh. ut est sceo nemnasad. Nocht .i. taithneamach. ut est for nochtaim anos brethaib .i. is firtaithneamachso ambretheamhnas nanos nail-. Neas .i. crecht. ut est cid ile fiiile roordaighis ini ata isin- creacht. [fo. 89 b. col. 1.] Niam .i. dath. ut est costadh neime .i. fasta iarcae. in da- tha .i. corcair no glaisin. Noenden .i. tinol. ut est ardnoendin sluaigh .i. tinol sluaigh mhoir. Namad .i. fanamad. ut est ecosc namat .i. fanamad ima ecosc. ut est ni suil ni. Nocht .i. nighi. ut est saighid de dia caomnocht .i. impo dhe dia caomnighi. Neuadmim .i. caolfathe. ut est deoch do nenadmim .i. deoch do sugh neimnech na nendta no do sugh caol na nubaU .f. no deoch doni fonaiscis nisei asan leastar do .i. im ea- nach. no caol faithi imenaisc fidhu. Ninne .i. inadh duith- no bac nsichad no eachlasa [ebchlasa] no imrim. ut est aineach fria ninne. Nardata .i. aititin. ut est conrannad comarba inorbaib iath naithre nardata .i. aro aititnighit anaithre comor. O. [OJrnidh .i. airmitiu no uaisle^Aa. ut est ornidh sin staruidhe .i. is uaisle in staruidh na an deiscipul. Odhar .i. eisci no aonta. ut est crenar odhar airlicthar. Oirrnidh .i. onorugh. ut est suighi enedann caich dohveith evrad nonoirnidhther sochaide sluag A. innsaigter ene- cJann do each amhreith uaidhi in erraid ronoraighann itir sochaidhi isin sluagh. 0. 109 Obunn .i. luath .i. luath. ut est ailter obomi imratter. Ortha .i. airithi. ut est ni ortha angnais aithni .i. nocha nai- rithi Hum aithne inti bis aningnais. On .i. ainim. ut est ni on anma dam a radh. Ore .i. muc. ut est ata dono ore comranna cinta fri tret. Ord .i. dliged. ut est a mic an cuala ord cobhruinne .i. do dligecZ na cuma rviinne. Ois .i. eisci no acuta, ut est mad ois do tharb do aon na comaightech. Osaic .i. uaisuca .i. i[n]ni is uca la gin. Oin .i. iasacht. ut est forderg doin aircin .i. is fir cinnti neoh do fir dergadh don iasacht sin. Ort .i. bas. ut est fir conort cet cinta .i. a marbadh inna ced cinta ileth. Oil .i. mor. ut est dar iath olla imrullacZ .i. roeim erluaidhe- star tar feranna mora. Ogh .i. comlan. ut est mana bet ogha a fola .i. mana bed comlan a fola trian meodhanach .d. sin. Onga .i. tadhall. ut est onguib coscuibh carad .i. caraid dia tadhaU fria mbualad 7 fria cose. [fo. 89 b. col. 2.] Orba .i. ferann. ut est cotascnat orba .i. cin[n]as uasal din- saidit in fearann. Os .i. ocus. ut est os re retine mac olcain imglim .i. os ar ocas 7 is lasair re b- neach amail tine. Oman .i. ecla. ut est frisl-i omna uainn .i. no frithbruth cona bidh imecla ocuinn. Oibid .i. umal. ut est bui oibidh .i. robui ourbumhal. Onn .i. ail no cloch. ut est cloth onn oc buadach .i. robui- sim gurbu hail buadach. Othna .i. uath uinne. ut est inadhba nothna .i. inadhba uath thuinne [leg. uath -uinne] .i. inadhba uire 7 cloiche quia fit uath uir 7 uinn cloch. Ot[h.]am .i. cainnel. ut est Othain 7 a ceann .i. itir in cain- nell 7 in tine. Ort .i. orgain. atat tri orta ata annsam a comaitheces. Osmeut .i. miina. ut est macsa dana dan mac osinenta .i. iarna uaismiina iamamuna dam cohiiais. Osgar .i. aneolach. ut est osgar each a cerd araile .i. aneo- lach each aneladhain a cele. no os gin 7 cerr balb. no aisc iarcae. 01 -i. ocas, ut est ol cele faosma .i. ocus in cele faoisnither ac neach. Oir .i. orguin. ut est cid rooir cid forgab- .i. cidbe oirgit onadarcaib. 110 o'davoken's glossary. Onme .i. imalle. ut est ar dianiarfastar onme bidh airde on eric .i. bid airdidi in eric dianacarthar imalle. Ocus .i. focus, ut est focus ft'r do bas britheam .i. is focus do bas peine madiambere gubreth. ocus dom dhoith is dethne. Onnar .i. aisneidhe. ut est onnar de dire .i. aisnether diba duine in dire is coir irieric in guirt. Ordan .i. uasal .i. sarugudh ordan .i. sarugudh in uasail. Ocmad. .i. tadhall. ut est daorthar neime inocmadh escoman .i. dobeir daora ar na neimthib a tadhall cosna hinglanaib. [The rest of this column is left vacant.] E. [fo. 89b. col. 3.] [R]oGOicIestar .i. roairlestar. ut est rocoicle[s]tar dilgadh grinde ingin. Rigbeauu .i.- is do beannaib cath roainmniger ardlegar do goroib righ cechtar a da gualand ac dul do cath. no rig- bendaib a thulach no do bendaib aireach. no do bean- naib a bo. E,US .i. aighidh no imdergad. ut est acht conothathar a riam rus. B.Tlice .i. comrac. ut est ar is baoth nech cona fri robaoth ruice .i. condric .i. comrac. Roach, .i. roseachffl fiadain. no roseacha briathar. ut est for mac 7 raith 7 roach. Seach .i. esb-. Richis .i. tine, ut est imrichis co cucht .i. imtine do tabairt imdergtha da gach duine amaU areth-. BiObtiue .i. garg no ailghin [leg. anailgen?]. ocus ademt curab ainm do patraic srabtine. Ribar .i. criathar. ut est co trib fitham [?] rihair. Rinu .i. cocuibdius ina aghaidh. Rus .i. aigid. ut est rusa ruirech righ treibe. Role .i. gugad. role fiadnaise fair fuirme .i. gufiadnaise.tiscaidh dire naire. Rurach .i. rodirech. ut est trefocal cin claon cin rurach .i. roimda cubaidh ann 7 ata rurach .i. breag. ut est inas gorma[?] rurach righ 7r]. Rm[d]becli .i. merlech. ut est cidh rathach madh ruidhbech .i. ma rodibech no ma merlech. Rigid .i. sinedh. ut est rorigidsam a lam dia cruid. Rubart .i. imluadh. ut est dom imidrubart .i. dornn rosim- luadh mac fachtna mac riidrai^e .i. gae amorgein ima ru- bart laoghaire for fir conad romarb de. Reacht .i. cuimsech. ut est uair is rechta each a teng .i. ar is comsi. R. Ill Ran .i. uallach. ut est insluinn gach ran gach racht .i. con- eolus. no ran .i. riin. R\ui .i. eolus. ut est cerd cen run .i. cen eolus .i. in cain- teacht. Einu .i. eolus. ut est aircital .i. in rind robui ao amirgin 7 ic roighne rinn aire 7 rinn molta. Keaug^ .i. rebadh. ut est roringte corinnib. Roscaith. .i. tairnic. ut est roscaitli ordan nerain. 7 adeir fos raith cruachdm roscaitlii. Ruradh .i. rodura .i. beth cofoda for ferann 7 comaidhtech. Rofearsom .i. doronsom no roguidhsim. ut est on calainn cofajraile rofersom a[r]niarair [Felire, Epil. 1, 2]. .i. doronsom iarraid na feile. Ran .i. uasal. ut est raith go a righ ran toghadh. Rann .i. tinnscna. ut est baithis patraicc primda adrannadh in ere. .i. rotinnscnadh. [fo. 90 a. col. 1.] Rand .i. retla. ut est ronsnaidhe don rindnim .i. do nim rin- dach no retlandach, Riagh.* .i. cesadh. ut est riag mar martini. Reith .i. aisneidh. ut est rethatar hi rigtigh .i. roreithestar .i. aisneid no raith .i. roreith .i. dochuaid. ut est raith con ilur sochlach. Rodet .i. rodam .i. rodet a cron iarsin do mend .i. rodam- asdar iarum asahathlesin a cur anurlaim choitchind. Riasc .i. inat ambi soilestar. ut est each riasc each sescend each currech .i. corriath .i. iath na gcorr. Riiilli .i. lenmuin. ut est mac claeime ni comail mathair ar nach ruUh aUlsi uaithi .i. ar na rolena loissi oil na claime uaithi. Rincne .i. cat. ut est rincne is eisside cat mac .i. iarsanf riachas na macaime becca. no rigait na macaim eissimh. Roba lin in fiada .i. cosa in lin .i. osairbhe .i. inni robi fon lin. ut est fer benas ruba Hn a tir a cele cin athcho- marc .i. cosa in lin .i. in airbe. Rub .i. tairisium. ut est ar ni recht righ na riaghan ruban in airlisibh airech .i. nochorbi ann no nocha rotairisind eneclann don righ no don righain. * Riag (gl. patibulum) Z. 21. ** Here and at the articles Riasc, Ruilli, Rincne, Roba etc., Ruadhan, and Raa, the initial R has been cut off. 112 o'dAVOREN S GLOSSARY. Ruib -i. tuiUe. ut est ni tore ruchtach ruiben a cru isil uirc .i. nocha tuillenn in tore roeohtaoh no romor a eru in uirisil. Ruadhan .i. eruithnecht ruadh .i. maol eruithneeht ut est grainde ruadhan do aire tuisi. E,aa .i. imrum. ut est each recht nadhrathar nadsnater .i. noohandentar a imram eodirech 7 noehanetar a snarah. Rot .i. darlium is inond 7 imrom. ut est cobluth for rot rama .i. na fir doniat comluth for im imrum na rama. Horais .i. tairtais. ut est ambui tuaithe et reliqua. is ann inat ro raisitar fair .i. is andsin mad dia tairtidhar air he. Koclrmaclh .i. eillnedh. ut e^t ein a rochmaithe neehtar da lina riam .i. gen roellnedh neehtar de in da lanamuin reime. no ein cor aidled neeh carde in da imat sin roime noeha moide is dlighteeh in lanamnas sin. Rath .i. foirithin. ut est ni dogres donither fri neeh acht is cet rath gacha sealba .i. ni dogress is slan na neehe sin do denamh [fo. 90 a. col. 2.] aeht is ced foirithm caeha sealba. Rercerc .i. eere reidh. ut est ogh rerceirce .liii. ordluighi a timcomac .i. eerea reidhe .i. eerea tri mbhadhan no cerca tri ndoth no tri nal. Rannadh .i. ruamnad no marbhadh. ut est ana roiranna- thar ferrga .i. isfir hum inti marbthar iroe tri feirg conid dilis. Rouiastar .i. innsaighter no tairgsin. ut est Roua .i. fonaidm. ut est naeh gUiu nach rona ardhgi .i. no- eha taitnemach hum nach aile dfonaidm a uasaU dligid aire. Ramart .i. brath. ut est nad rogad nad rotml nad ramart. Romua .i. dath. ut est romna righ gabail shtag A. dath for etaeh in righ .i. eorcair. Riagha .i. toUadh. ut est cotariagfaidheir amail ribar .i. co-, rotolltar tu amail eriathar. Roth. .i. tuitim no taraehtain. ut est a senehas ni acair naeh ein aeht do roth log a fiaeh atroUlither .i. nocha naearthar nach cintach aeht cotarraighther no eorotuiti o inbleo^ain loigecht na fiaeh roairlitnighthar. Rorba .i. toirmeasc. ut est goba briugaid britheamaiw ar dororbenat fuigeall 7 imasta 7rl. .i. doairmescat .i. fir ebi- ter iatt a fuigheall feehemnais .i. rofitir imdibed umpa sin fuighaU feehamhnais dodenam. Rogadh. ut est .i. sinedh .i. isaor do flaith cib cuin roncar rogadh a lamh dia setaib .i. is saor don flaith. cib cuin bus carthanaeh leis sined a lam tareeann a seoit. Ruibdither .i. biathar. ut est saor do comarbaib na flatha eidh ruibdither in flaith .xx. h]ia,dne .i. ee biatar. Ruaichle .i. cendaeh. ut est ni udhbair neeh sealb acht ma R. 113 do ruaichli fadesin .i. acht madh ni derbcheAdaighes se budhein. Haiti .1. rot. ut est frithe raiti .i. frithe dogabhar ar in rot no icuairt ingelta no itir faiche 7 dirinnu ofaithi imaoh isedh is raiti ann. [fo. 90 a. col. 3.] Boed .i. rofidh na caille. ut est frithe roedh no sleibe. BrOchall .i. rochiallaiged. ut est ise greth« cin tora dogni rachall hretk .i. ise ni donf rochiaHaiffed nambreath conid e a cosmai7esin in gre dogni in cnu caoch cin toradh innti. 7 darliumsa is inann 7 utmall andsa pennadoir. Ruidbe .i. biatha. ut est is tualaingg ronioc a cinta 7 a ruidbe .i. is cuimgech e a flaith do biatha. Roth .i. tuitim. ut est rosuidhi for seoit .vi. scripall a fuil- lem mane do roth, cia do roth nl theitt taranlso .i. cia tuitidse on flaith ni teit taranlso. ' Reng .i. caol. ut est cosmailis crotha no dotha no retha no reanga .i. do caoile no do roime. Rodeat .i. roaititnighe. ut est rodeat a cron iarsin .i. roai- titnige do menu iarum asahaithlesin a cur a cron. 7rl. Ronecam .i. gusaroichem. ut est comsaor each reacht ro- neacaim .i. is comsaor o gach richt duine gusaricfam siosana. Rac .i. aiream. ut est ar cia raoaither tri cait aile ann .i. ar cia airmither tri cait aile ann .i. iach fokim glas neannta. [fo. 90 b. col. 1.] Rola .i. cur. ut est taidhe in deora tinoil et reUqua. acht ni frith rolaither i,cairde .i. acht na firada rocurthar asin cairde. no mana curthar as hi go haes cairde. . Rubu .i. marbadh. ut est arcii anrad et reliqua. ishe comdire fri duine inso dia ruibaither .i. diamarbthar. Recam .i. riachtain. ut est ni fuasna dilsi do reb recam .i. ni foasnaidhe a dilsia dfer in fuaidreda iar richtain a ree. Roberta .i. imat. ut est coirdeis do righ roimsi roborta mblechta sceo aile etho .i. imat amblechta 7 araile ith. Reir .i. bid doig cumad inand 7 imad. amail adeir romiad rechtaire reir ngiall .i. laneneclann inimat a giall. Runaidh .i. duine calma treorach ar muir. ut est diles a muirbretha aire runadha. Ruitecli .i. rith. ut est bladh h'ag limadh no ruitech. ocus ata dethbtr itir ruiti 7 rith .i. rith in marcaid 7 ruiti na retha aile. Resiu * .i. inni is taisecha. ut est fogealla risiu imgona * Zeuss G. C. 351 n. J 2^ o'davoren's glossary. .i. gurub tusca dechar a ftiigeall in britheman ina dogne imguin. ,. , , ■ j Rocht i. roaithe. ut est ainfis Ian fiacha e nais cuma do- rocht forro 7 adharah dibUnaib ar ni roiarfacht dia ciond. [The rest of this column is vacant.] s. [fo. 90 b. col. 2.] [Sjondda .i. ualma. ut est slan don mogaidh in mugsaiue sondda. Sobhas .i. sobes. ut est sliiagh sobas insegur comdligerf co- core do flaith _.i. indsaigit slog lais do chuindgidh a sobesa iar cuma iar cai coir. Seichme sirit .i. in teallach lenus douine [sic] ginced do. ut est seimthi siriti ala crich .i. na sirthoraigh bid ag siredh aiti no aide taranincrich no asincrich. SgiU .i. obann. ut est cia conscara scille .i. cia scara rit e cohobann. Saboit .i. satharn no co dtainic niifiadnaise 7 saboit sabba- tura domini osin gusaniu .i. laithi comdheata no donmachta .i. la remteim adhaigh no cotainic niifiadnaise 7 adhaigL reimteit la osin Die. Slan .i. mathamh. ut est ni slanaighthar truagh triuna .i. nocha slanughud doberait na truaigh dona trenaibh acht nach eidir leo anagra umani berait uatha. Saingnwsta .i. sundradhach. ut est iar setaib saingnusta saigi each a fir iar conairibh sunnradachaibh ag innsaighi na firinne. Saoth .i. bregadh. ut est ar as gach sochann rofitzV a sai- thiud. 7 adeir bera ni bislan nach saithiudh .i. nach brega. Sgiath .i. ditin. ut est ata .vii. friberta indliged adannsa do ursgiathad. Senen .i. prechan no seabac. ut est smacht peta seneoin 7 sinne. Sabh .i. tren. ut est atait .iiii. sabaidh tuaithi .i. cethre triun. fl vv:'" ™t*^" "* ®^* ^® ^'^^s s™**i coctha forcula .i. ban- cruachna ™PO"8 imad coc[th]a forcula amail meidb ^"?n tcIitir^orTdh^"'^'^*- "* '''' ^«bi*l^ — dh in tire a ^. ^ [fo. 90b. col. 3.] oeactliat no seachad i mdh .i+ „oi . i amail no sedhait na cofSigh \-'tai?^"''^ forloiscthi. conid fer[r]di iad a cur amafh. ""^"^^^^^'^ na comithigh s. 115 Suaitrech .i. fer bis ar coixmmedh. ut est gach fer coinn- medh dogres ogambidh idhnaidh cinadh .i. suaitrech nrraid. Slaot .i. sleamain no tairisum. ut est slaot tar gach ngaid acht aithgin do each for gach laim go fiach aisnme. Seoladh .i. elodh no dermad. ut est nimticsin seoladh. no seoladh .i. dimelta . .i. ni fil ni do diroimnim. Sochla .i. maith. ut est sochla triar ar cleith. Scoth .i. eipir no cinn. ut est scoth na bl do drochduine drecht. Saoghlouu .i. seanoir no colomna. ut est eclaisi iar sunn saoghlonn. no saoglonn .i. brithem. ut est moraiget saoglonn. Serthoun .i. anrudh. ut est tanisi serthonn. Siul .i. imda. ut est fech sin ar .f. tuas. Sruaim. .i. sruth. Salach rus .i. seiscenn. ut est glam sruaim salach ruis. Sciiithid .i. auim do ore. ut est scuithidh sceo banb lom- tharr .i. ac ithe scoth. no tescaidh a oenn dona scothaibh. no otci na scotha scuichid. Stdn .i. cumdach. ut est suinither no suidhither timtachaibh. Sinn .i. cuitbuidh .i. triar cin cuibius. Rinn .i. oocuib[i]us ina agaid. Glam ger .i. ainmedh i tagaidh 7 ecnairc. Scath no scoth .i. laoch. ut est roscatha la tuatha trena .i. daghlaoch. Scol .i. bes no soailgis. ut est foseol na haimsire imbiat .i. fo cain no fo urradus. Sab .i. thaisech. ut est rosuidhister for sabaidh .Vil. dire dia dheis for bran, no sab .i. aire no taisech. no sabh .i. cahna. ut est sab duire dremna .i. rocalma eim teibaid cohobann. Script .i. scribnide. ut est ocht scrip. Scor .i. bidh doigh coma inann 7 magh. ut est faonan scor scothas .i. is cosmaU frim brechtra^A scoth for magh. no is faonan inann hum rocumaidh i 7 scoth for scor. [fo. 91a. col. 1.] Suirrn no suird .i. aisneis no soraidh. ut est .x. seoit suirn ma gabail gaileom. Semend .i. laoch. ut est cet tsemenn cotnoi .i. is de dlegar tobach for luighne donti cometos cet laoch no cet oeile no cet gaisgedhach. Sruaimnech. .i. sinech no sombleoghain no sirsruaimnech no sirsomainech no sruth sinach. Soilbech .i. sobleoghain. Soilbech. bethach. .i. bo. Sogeiu (.i. daggin) .i. bo maith. ut est oona seasga so- J 26 o'davoren's glossary. Segamail .i. lacht. ut est misir bu .i. ara segamlu .i. ar Soa^^ I'leaWh. ut est gach saor gach soadh. .i. lea- Sarnair .i. gabtair. ut est ailiu seinm searnair nimbais .i. laisingaibthair rami .i. srie^/maighther no gabtair imad sofis dun. ..,.., . . ... Sestigh. .i. tech. ut est ilor seistighi .1. domus .1. imat tighi occat conimatso sofis ann. Sail -i. salcad. ut est sail fall 7rl. .i. a tsalchad iina an- maim. 7 fall 7 fafall .i. salchar gach ni dib. Seindis .i. cus trathsa. Seafainn .i. anosa. Sifuis .i. sinnfither do o tsunn amach. ut est cumdagar dano aod slaine sendes. Seona. Sifais. Seinnes .i. praes[ens]. sepna .i. praeteritum sifais .i. futurum. Sciiitlie .i. innsaight'iiA. ut est ni findsgaoilecZA scuithe saire forcainte ceird. Sechraid .1. salchar. ut est seachrait each dana do dan a derg scailecZa. Sen .i. bennachad. xit est sen a crist mo labrad [Felire. Prol. V]- Sinda .i. caine. ut est na sloig oga siimad. Seala .i. teasgaid. ut est cidh rosealig cloideam eoin baubtais[t] brigach .i. craibthech. Slecht .i. marbadh. ut est ima sleacht sgeal doghar .i. toirrsich. Sobartan .i. soaraide .i. araide maith. ut est a sobartan uile lasinslogh cotigam. Soils no sobis .i. suabis .i. sobesach. Searn .i. oirnedh no buaidh no sreth no asneidh no searn ondi is sertum .i. is gnath seirt im ceand neich iar mbreith buaidha [sic]. Sotal .i. uallach no dimsach. ut est cearnach sotal. Soimle .i. indis. ut est madh rosealla soimle. Sostan .1. cumsanadh. ut es cuan marc mor sostan. i^^^^t '^' .^"^'^Jie"- "t est rue suas saithi snamach. SMtHbhe .1. sithbeo .i. fota a clu. ut est mochta mor maith sithbhe .1. saoghal mochta. no sithbhe .1. taisech. ut est tocen mac subaltai^ sithbe cruaidh catha ^srZnach.'™* "° ''°*^ ""'^^- ^* "^* ^^^^^ ^^^^ °o«^l Scor .i. ba no cioh. ut est ni scor rf .r. .r. .i. ba no eich in righ. " s. 117 Sruaim .i. imat. ut est sruaim salaoh set guidlie .i. isi eonair iai-sa nguidhendsom in breath tria imat saKlniir do radh do fi-is. no sruaim .i. srutli. iit est ana ana for sruaman- naib isidh so comet in fosemaither flatha. [to. 91a. col. 2.1 Searbadh .i. saoba. nt est dfcondirchle cin sorba .i. cin saoba firimie. Serbh .i. ^aidh. ut est fod sert serb. oeus adeir aninadh aile. ubnall no biiinne lossa no foserba bega .i. mingata. Suit[ll]nge .i. sotliengaidh .i. maith a erlabra. Sleacht .i. marbad. nt est bas ocht cet ein martia oo ce- thorchat saor slechta .i. romai-bhtha. Sas a. innsaighid. ut est dia sasar tir slauaigh hwit/w sean- ehaidh .i. madia ninnsaightlier doreir firinuedh na seuciiidh. Soertar .i. soraiter no soradh. ut est mac cor mbel berar i seilb saortba ucca A. soraiter in ferann rosoraidhedh do iarna togha .i. in ferann donti toghthar ami iar bfir. Saoth .i. galiir. ut est la haithgin doneoch besa ai-isa saotli leis a marbadh. Seiche .i. innsaigh. nt est cen conseichtbar coin isin innsisi .i. in cen cain innsaighter coin isin innsisi na herenn. Sighach .i. mac tire, ut est ni aile aithgm a fuiglieall for sidhaigh slicht. Sireclitach tulle .i. inti reisiu carthanach a thoil ni et cin comrac lia muai. Sesmacli pectha .i. duine nacb rnbenai" ai'aon nmai. deth- bir itir an sesmach pectha 7 in serechtach toile. in ses- mach pectha imorro re laimcartad dogeib a thoil. in se- rechtach toile ni etann cin comrac. Suillig'li .i. eorna. ut est graiime suilHgh do ri tuaithi .i. SouiUigh an eorna chethardruimmr/; i. forambi so alia no sordacn no sordlach no sordan. Sepe, no seibe .i. ponaii-e. ut est graiime sepe dhfir [leg. dfir] niiilhba. Szaeoh .i. smeget. ut est .v. setaib saighe smecli smit<' .i. ifiiil asa smeget. Slan .i. achtugudh. ut est is ar na t-oHjbet naslanasa is aiie rosuighidhe ait("/e imcomas la feine .i. os ar ogus 7 mana rabaid naslanaso .i. nahachthaighthi. Sen .i. lion ingabur [e]oiu. ut est hret/i forma. 7 deismei- racht air Sen ingeill gurinaim glenait geall eirann fotriath thendaid. Seig^ -i. seabag. ut est ata ti-i heoin cip aiiui ifoghbtdar ni aile fer tire cuit innta, mindta seig corr .i. sebag .i. foxla orcu 7 cerca. 118 o'davoren's glossary. Somnaidlie .i. somuintigM. ut est sui gach somnaighe thu 7 inodhar .i. domenma tsair 7 tsiar amoir isfm. [fo. 91a. col. 3.] Sirechta .i. geis no fuachtain. ut est teora sirechta flatha .i. teora sirfuachtana no tri suithingesa na flatha. Sunn .i. crann no sabh. ut est fomescaidh lam do sunn .i. lam do righi docum in sabaid no do crand og deabhaidh. Sallaun .i. ainm tomais .i. do mhil. ut est 7 salann iimraic gach fir .i. tomas irmraic. no ise so innracus fiiil ann. ut est ogh reir circe ceithri hor[d]lat^e a thiumcomag for tarrsna a .V. for fot. ceithri Ian na huighi sin Icerna. issed Ian na cerna sin a seallann. no sellann saiUe no tomus saille- .i. lam dia lethet osse cetharchuir. SithfL .i. taisech. ut est an gach slogh segar sithfi .i. is fir limn insaighidh do gach taoisech no maraon ria thaisech isin taisech. , Sren .i. tarraing no brisid. ut est bagh briathar 7 comeirge 7 srenta etaigh .i. brisidh no tarraing in edaigh. Segar .i. indsaight[h]er. ut est ata teora haimsera in segar etechta. Segar .i. tarrustar. ut est senchus. imsuidhfu imsegar fir fiadh- na .i. tarrustar fiadnaise ime iar bfir ait imbi ina eimsuigw e. Sco .i. linn, ut est leth fri suighi acht sceo sgcethach .i. linn sgcethach ni dligh saire aire. Scith .i. trom no olc. ut est ni dligh meth la biadh na asta ceUsiae na asta for comarba madh sgith lais .i. in foghnam doghenum .i. mad trom leis no madh olc. Srabtine .i. sribtine no sruaimtine no rethtine. ut est aithne atigh loisgis sraibtine do neim .i. an tine saighnein. Suaiuemh .i. teat [leg. tet] ut est cro fir saighes a suainemh- naib .i. in tallaighe no in roaighe iar teastughudh na teti do fein no da carait. Seola .i. meath. ut est dairt fair gin a tresidh na dim coir rinnedh roseola fair. [The rest of this column is vacant.] [fo. 91b. col. 1.] [T]einin .i. goirt no cnamh. amail adeir seanchus can for-* craidh fotenma. .i. cen iumarcrai deascad fai dia gortu- gudh no dia cnamh no dia foteinm. Timcomac .i. timceU. ut est bo cona fosair .xx. dorn a timcomac .i. ina timcell. Turcreic .i. tuarustal .i. dligi gach turcreic iar fognamh techta .i. rath co seta turclaidhi. T. 119 Toirne .i. cuit. ut est madh rodhma flaithi an .ii. is ina toirne tiagait .i. is ina cuit teit .i. ina trian. Toudh .i. aimsear amberann in bo in laogh. ut est fuil nu- athlighi iar toudh .i. in fuil feras inuithlech iar mhreith a laoigh sldn di an teasbach co Mthide .i. co tri bl- an- Toudh .i. hreith in laoigh. ut est sencus na boin iartou cohiar nomaide .i. armhreith a laoigh estig coforcinn no- niaidhi. iio iar soudh a laoigh. 7 ader nuithlech iar toudh CO iar nomaidhe. Timtach .i. edach. ut est tim[t]ach fir is gnath indail .i. edach in fir is gnath indail aonaigh .i. in brithem. Tascar .i. tecmaisin no tochur no tachar. ut est turcomrac tuaithe. no tascar righ no espuic. no tascar .i. damha uaisi. ut est nach nia doniasadh tascar .i. ma da tisait taoscair .i. da ma logenech gach tasoair a etrocaire. a trocaire trian logheneoh. Targraidhe .i. toisc no turns ar i ceand a leasa graidhe .i. a eich da thoirethin. ut est dosli set gacha targraidhe rometlia a leas. Turorgain .i. gait, ut est fear laisi fturegar set turoirgne .i. set gaita 7 nihe fein tall. Tellais .i. tallatar a leas, ut est tellais iarsuidhiu in dicinn deachmaidhe. Tlacht .i. edach. ut est ni nais etach for nocht mana tor- maidh tlacht .i. muna roib edach aige aga thoirithin. Tochra .i. triall. ut est cia tochrait comarba do .i. cia trial- lait comarba a tindtugudh cuimcet. Taircsin .i. tacmaing no foruaislighetu. ut est ciskV toircsin gacha fine .i. cia lear no cia lin tdirrcis no foruaishghis * ar each fine .i. dosnarcadar. Talmaigi .i. forambi epelinn sia .i. galar poil. ut est si no tedmaic/i no talmitiech cen imcomet .i. duine si cen comed ona codhnachaib. Tighba .i. aithir tareis a mic. amail adeir eiged. Ti .i. imteacht. ut est mana thi ta 1. ma da ti ta 1. is ce- throime erca inn .i. mana imthigi se ta 1. ,i. freagra do lethluith. Tuiduie .i. innsaiged no innsouohac^. ut est na tuidme do- nuidmenar ise is tuaslacadh uadha. Tlacht .i. diten. ut est itongat uLU tlachta .i. is eimtoingit na huasail for in lucht dithnit .i. cele ar atesim imdigi ina fl*t^^- [fo. 91b. col. 2.] Tuba .i. tochailt. ut est tuba tire .i. foid do bhuain as .1. inadh da cuaille .x. do tochailt dhe. * Ms. foruaislieteris. 120 o'davorkn's glossary. Tuarta no torta .i. tuargain .i. tuargain intsll ut est fortacht for torta no for tuarta. Tiscail (.1. isca marsi) .i. tarraing. ut est tisgail gaoe a ha- ladh .i. tairraing an gae asin crecht no isin naladh. Turrtim .i. bas. ut est cia dechrath sajr rath la feine ad- thuirrthime docum comarba .i. linadh na set iarnecaib na flatha cum na comarba. Terbadh .i. innnrbadh no delugudh. ut est caomtacht cin ter- badh .i. comaitciter a cin forinti i roibe coimitecht cin in- narhadh uadh. Tairim .i. taithir. ut est ni tairim cluas clothach nergna .i. nocha taithirim eisdecht na cluaisi cluines in etargna. Texsaidh .i. tecosc. ut est ni taisech texsaidh anfir .i. ni he ni thecosctar an cor tuisech anfirenan dfasta. Tathcria .i. in cunnrad doberar tarais. ut est ni tathcria maroria .i. ni tuca amuith e marorectts amach. Tatliliiit[h]i .i. taithmech. ut est tathluidhe tidhnacuil .i. taithmech in neich rothinnlaicM iarna eallach codeimin. Tuidhmithi .i. fastaighthi. ut est tuidhmithe each cor do- ninnlaic bel 7 lam 7 tenge. Tobaide .i. cmnti. ut est cain bera do dMged arbera do thur- haid tobaide .i. tepe .i. cinnti. Talmaide .i. obann. ut est agh thalmaidhe .i. tesbach no escor .i. agh obann .i. escor comestar no in galar -poil .i. duine cuitnigh. Tascrat .i. astat. ut est fer lobhas ria nadhmaim tascrat .i. laobhos ria tobach no cin tobhach co fastaid fiadnaise fair. Teinn .i. aisneid. ut est cair cidh is idren inti fodonagaibh fo inti nodoteinn .i. nonaisneidhann. To .i. eitech. ut est ni hi'vigaid mas to nach bertar enech. Teoir .i. oni is teoirca viibhta [leg. theoretica vita] .i. betha theoir imcisnech .i. nech isin neclais og urrnaithi no a me- mna an dia dogres. Tlethar .i. foxal. ut est arberna dia thlethar engus .i. dia netla asa nemurcoit conid urcoidach. Tlus .i. bi doigh is ainm dinnile no dhacbuing. amail ata gnithi manach beothlusach ffo. 91 b. col. 3.] buna .i. dogniad na manaigh les neclaisi cona thlusaib .i. cona ni losas acu. no na manaigh oga mbia innUe an athar fen. Tuinech. .i. cochall. ut est airceallach tlachta na dithle tuinech. Trom. .i. mor. ut est co tuidhet neime niul trom. Tinclior .i. timceallad no timchuairt. ut est maineach a thinchor. Tuaiiu .i. thimchuaii-t a thire. ut est dhg a .iiii. dia dil- ina thire tuaim. T. 121 Treb .i. cuimrech. ut ost a montinii a muighni a moclita cotrcbar cocaomAr ciincdha .i. tscthra. Turrachtaidh .i. inuc«. ut est ar it dilsi a turrachtaigh tav fer gnia A'. Tixtioomair .i. thnorgml/i no tiuol. ut est ua tonais timcomair. Tiiudibhen .i. impo. ut est thiuidibhon a leasa lathar gach neiiuc .i. ou teiutat audhbarta co tine. Tarn. .i. bas no tairisidh. ut est tiiiuiter coir coicetal .i. tairisidh. Tadhg .i. til/'. Tennal .i. maith. ut est anbretha thaidhg then- nal ulad .i. maith uladh. Toi .1. uiaistredh. ut est ar ^^ach .iii. na tairisidh dia toi toidhel. Teuu .i. ledradh. ut est teanuat aneslesa .i. ledraid gach aon doberait aillsedh fora leas. Tresc .i. treais cona trit escas no cona ti'it ginus prius 7 cona trit escas postae. Tore .i. enech no aighe no cridhe. ut est i fonnamh mo mo tuirc A. i fogluasaclit mo cridlie. Tubron .i. trosgadh. ut est tre cacht tre tubron. no tuath i treadlian tubron. Teamair .i. gruaidh. ut est niam temra rosa .i. isi temair thaightlii do gruaidh. Teann .i. losgadli. ut est tennad breo tc^angad ivlhretha .i. is losgadh don tengaidh beres na tulhretha. no Tennadh .i. cauaiuaiu. ut est isiu focul frithai^e luti fonacuib fo in ti nodteinn .i. canus fadheoidh. Torla .i. da feachtas. ut est aill torla tres toohuired. Tamall .i. tadhall. ut est taniall aire 7 tamall moltos .i. ta- dall dfaiced a molad. Tochma .i. tobach. ut est acht cidh tochmastar fri ferba filci/ .i. acht ani toibges an fih" asa briathraibh. Toerinn .i. tobach. ut est imtogrinn firenech .i. is em thoibhgis . m fir fir filt ini dobeir tarceann enigh iar fir. Tescomarr .i. teasargain. ut est co teamhrach tuaithc teas- comarr. Tlenamaiu .i. doetlo. ut est ar tlenamain do cetmuinntirc .i. ar tetio a i-^tmuinntire [dia ci]nn .i. dul co c^tmuinntir. [fo. 9'2u. ool. 1.] To .i. bas. ut est mad im tir rotemnadh t6. Ti .i. brat, ut est domicfa tl mo macain mi'ii. Telo .i. gataige. ut est didis im da banteolaigh moadhba .i. im da baneachl«t'(;h no im da bangatow/i no im da tlenam- naigh dobatar ag meidb. 7 ata dethbir sa corns tine itir thaidhe 7 teol. Tai -i. derb6g no taog no ian. ut est .f. t. tadbanar toi .i. 122 o'davoren's glossary. taisbentar na taoga no na derboga no in ian loma no corma. Timgart .i. rocuinne. ut est timgart in ben iarum [ ] don cormuim. Toxal .i. tinol. ut est oona toxala in sruth nimais isin mboinn. Tamaiu .i. borb. ut est nl tarn mac ni domfer thamain .i. ni dom ferr thamain ni dom borb. no ni tamain fir cin eolus. Treifet .i. seide. ut est um trefet a tona .i. sede iar fir trena toin. Tethrach. .i. traigh. ut est rofine tonn teachrach [sic] .i. rotraighi tonn taitneamach na fine amail e. Tocoiscit .i. taisce. ut est tocoisigh torac[Ti] minn oir .i. atd oca taisced hi toraigh eochaidh mac feargusa. Tiasc .i. tinuscna. ut est tiascai ananmaim de. Tothlaigim .i. altaighim. ut est tothlaighim tes i teagh CO righ. Timna .i. aithne. ut est timnaim daoib forseisidh. no timna .i. briathr. Torgaothadh .i. cen fis. ut est imsaiter firinne oeni tor- gaotha .i. cinip cin fis. Tothacht .i. foghluim. amaU ata in cainteacht .i. cerd cen tothacht .i. cin foghluim ndHic/hthigh. no toacht .i. toice. ut est caiti meas o thoacht .i. nambeo dile 7 miiin .i. in oir 7 in airgit. Tascar .i. tochar. ut est failti fri tascar nimuis .i. fri taoi scor no fri tochuire imad ba fis no imbus greine .i. bolg greine imfuilnges in grian for na luibhibh 7 cidh be caithis iat bidh dan aigi. Tolg;'[da] .i. dimsach. ut est ciarbo tolg[d]a rigan pelait 7rl. Tiamda .i. meata. ut est ol ni tiamda timsom. no tiamda .i. dorcha. ut est admat na bidh tiamda. Tiachair .i. doHiffh. ut est crist ba mor a tiachra. Talgad no tathlugud .i. ceannsughudh no crithnughudh. ut est la taimtine talgad .i. la taim ega doib. Tailc .i. daingin. ut est roscre co tailce .i. cotreisi no co calmatws no co teinne. Toirm .i. molad no gloir. ut est imbi toirm gach tempail. Treathan .i. anfen. ut est ardainm tar tuinn treathan .i. anfenaigh. Tairmrith .i. atharrach. ut est la tairmrith mairtine .i. a thaisi tugadh asin mainisteV anerbailt docum na cathrach. Toidhen .i. tidheacht no tiachtain no taithneamh. ut est parmeine trom taidhe. Tarca .i. derrscugudh. ut est nistarca deilm cath«. Taimthiudh .i. bas no sevccligJie. tamtai .i. eg aenar ut est taimtiu en tiu [?] cerpdm. T. 123 Toeden[?| .i. taithuojuu no Iniidhen no thmrum no sluagh no toolit no drcui. ut ost liipolilus niavtir bn niirbnil a to\iiillvoii |sio]. Taitllleoh .i. sidlmghudh. ut est co erist oiionula a thaitJiloch. Tonaoh .i. nij^lii. nt est I'err eo tora liaij;li lor toanaigh. Tairoeall .i. timeeall. ut est taireell touias. Tur .i. uwviud/i. amail at(( neainlega tighi do ihur. Tor .i. iuiat. ut est is doru uiu diagh tova aibriatlun'. [to. 92 a. ool. 2.J Torda .i. olninsin. ut est do ueoeh t'orsa torclaither donn no taidhe riandi 7vl. .i. t'ovsa elninter gait. To 7 Toing 7 Toisat 7 Tithsat .i. hiigv. nt est fortithsat doii- dinmsaigh 7rl. no dotoingtidis iia gat((/(/i diumaxaeli for eaeh 7 adeir fos ni titliis tbi-msa t'ornnia .f. f. 7 aid titsaiter hiighi' la sandtaehw. Tirda .i. borb no anei>laeli. ut est ni fortoiug eclais tirda for eraibteclia i. e. in eclais tanniteit a dlig<'(/. Tnu .i. eoieilt. ut est briatluu" techt tine a tnu .i. madh Isin briatlwTtV teelita bitt amail tiue a eoel- i tnn .i. ita na eoleelta. Toireo .i. timarguin. ut est taidhe for taidhe eidh fiachach dobera torco .i. doniuuiircl'e fri fiachrt aoht eo faghb(T(//( nonbar ina diagh. no toraie .i. aire a taoi no is tiniareain. Todlach .i. tuilli' nilo. no tadhall fliucli. no ainm do faseadh doberar for coehall eisg rofaisoi isti. ut est damadar mor todhlaeli .i. Ibrodniatar tuilltj uilo. Toichcf/ .i. eosnnui no ditin. ut est is diHs do neoeli frith- guin oe toiebci/ a einn .i. oc ditin no oc voswinn. Torla .i. bi doigh euniadh inann 7 cinurd/i. ainail atd ni gaib besa aireeh niunab .vii. saoi-ait do torbr toirbenat .i. niinia einuter aige iat da thoiretliin. no torl« .i. naidin. ut est torbf trebar mnc con calnia na curadh. Tlus .i. tuillc unis. Toimdi .i. evmntabairt. ut est mac toimden .i. doigh ni doigh. Tuimneall .i. tinol. nt est acht iiis tnillmell in eclais uvr foghail .i. n\una tinohr no muna teclumrf in eclais iarn- dennm na toglilrt. Tarrcosaig^h .i. tecosg. ut est nf fothugh«(/ duailsi I'cta tar- rachaill niorceathra. Treteall .i. mosan. ut est gach ti-etell dorenar t'o dire a milcon. Tuathginnti .i- aos an no sithcairc. ut est conepenar bidli (^ roerna dia imcomett ar thnatha//*. ginntib .i. araagindtib imjiadlias tnaitlibil na sidhaigbe. Tin .1. bog ut est ni bii fri coilcti tinea. 124 o'davoren's glossary. Tin .i. tosach no bunadh. Tinnremh .i. tinnsgital. Tathat .i. ata agat. Tathum -i. ata agam. ^ areicc. sol Mimsa laitin. Tital oni is titalus [TixavJ annsa grei gfian annsa gaodhailg. Tollsga .i. leahaidh. TsLSSur .i. muinntir. Tre comrorgaiii .i. tre seohran. (-The rest of this column is vac-antj u. [fo. 92 a. col. 3.] Urlaiti i umhaloid. ut est aos fognama urlaiti. Uim .i- umha. ut est cim uim olus nuim. Urfaom .i. firaom. ut est niurfaomha dana na claon. I7r .i. talum. onn .i. cloch .i. issedh deochair fil eatorra .i. is isle ur 7 is doimne arbiatha ith 7 meas 7 is ar dofongea- lait bai 7 beith. amail isbeir tabraidh don file ith 7 sail blicht 7 mil. Udar [leg. ugdar?] .i. eolach. ut est adnoire udair aonreir .i. udar in dana ise is coir dia freagra. no eolach in dana. Uithir .1. frislighi. TJn .i. sircaingnim. Udhma .i. uaim ar in fidh .i. isedh a crand bis air .i. in loirg no in sim .i. in idh bee bis a comat in cumain. no cona difein in sim 7 in loirg do crann araill. ut est na tabratar udhma orn. Oirn .i. loirg 7 sim .i. intidh bee bis a comat in cumain. Ui .i. caora ,i. ovis. ut est hui finn fofrith fedhidh a dire CO .V. seta .x. Urgais .i. claochlodh. ut est rath naiscid 7 urguise no er- guididh. Uinsi .i. annsa. ut est uinsi do dalta. A GLOSSARY TO THE CALENDAR OF OINGUS THE CULDEE. (H. 3. 18. p. 616. col. 2.) Imrordus (.i. roimraidis) * inrighraid umanrigh uasnelaibh aill (.i. fecht) uas laithibh lighaibh aill lias dianaibh deraib. [Prologue 21 — 24..]. Rorbai roui [leg. domrorbai] .i. toirne no thoirbire rom [leg. dom.]. Tete .i. aibnius 7 triamain .i. toirrsech 7 desimrecht air Domrorbhai domthete olumtriamain troghsa iartimna inrighsa ritroich insloghso. [Prol. 25 — 28.] Couambrigliaibli .i. cofoidhidin moir. brigh .i. foidhidin **. ut est Rosonnta fiadslogat'M ate conambrigbaibh robruithe indalaibh rohorta fiadrigazM. [Prol. 33 — 36.] Riug^he .i. reptha. ut est Roringthi corinnibh roteinnib iarrannaibh roloisc^Ai uasteinntibb forluachteitibh lannaibh. [Prol. 37—40.] A seunath .i. asinecht .i. aniartaigne. [leg. a martraighe ?] icasinnadh *** .i. ghacainedh [leg. ag a cained]. ut est Douctha ioarcraibh hicrochaibh isennath itsloigh hicasinnadh iarnafaebhraibh fennadh. [Prol. 45 — 48.] Bailci .i. bagha. [calma. bressa. i.] brasa .i. bailci .i. mora, ut est Milid roduscrochsat cebtar bailci breasa * Ms. roimraigis. ** Ms. foidhindin. *** Ms. icasiunadh. 126 A GLOSSARY TO THE CALENDAR hipiana itbrasa alighe ni[t]fe8a. [Prol. 73 — 76.] A memraibh .i. a sgrlnibh. ut est Nimtat milid isu rangadar treib thoidligh dianeis acuirp craibhdig imemraibh oir oibligh. [Prol. 77 — 80.] [pag. 617. col. 1.] Gerait .i. beodha ut arcoimgiud [leg. coimdiu] arngerat .i. armac beodha uairgerat artiis .i. mac ininu [leg. indiu] 7 isris atberar gerat indiu risinthi is beodha. ut est Isu cerocrochadh arcoimdiu arngerat forcachnduil dorosat is ogri asreracht. [Prol. 89 — 92.] Roselaig .i. roslaigh. brighach .i. craibdech. ut est Ceroselaigh claideb * iohen bauptaist brighach forbithche romorad! iMith de rorigad. [Prol. 101— 104.J Ninach .i. aibhinn no gablacA. ut est Hiruath conarighain lasort colin ilach (.i. subai) nirathgabh reim calad (.i. cruaidh) talam nanem ninach (.i. aibhinn). [Prol. 105 — 108.] Ciarbo tolgda (.i. dimsach) righain pilait amiir (.i. imad) chluime arrochiuir (.i. roherchran) ahaine oluid illocc liu-e. [Prol. 125 — 128.] Memra .i. adhnacul. ut est Donnch«c^ dric ruadh roghda nobran buadach berba nibeir dinnsnim lobra aithighid amemra .i. anadnacul. [Prol. 221 — 224.] Annaigh .i. feirgi. 7 donaghnnibh j. docheallaibh nanam 7 deisimrecht air. Namorslebe annaigh rotesctha corinnibh doronta coleci sleibhti donaglinnibh. [Prol. 237—240.] Arecnairc .i. arimpidhi. ut est Aisu notguidhe arecnairc na sloghsa Ms. olaidhem. OF OINGUS THE CULBEE. 127 dothol inmaith marsa arimmsi doronsa. [Prol. 265 — 268.] Asmenann .i. isfollus. 7 loithi .i. bailbhe. ut est Is menenn aruire arigh rimthar flaithi sloinnfemne cinloithi SEerchainnle cechlaithi. [Prol. 285 — 288.] Tiamda .i. dorcha. ut est Bide corp arnaicde admat naba tiamda comlin caipdel caemda folin laithi bliadhna. [Prol. 293—296.] Forcrinii..i. fortuitim. ut est Arnabe forcrinniter doinntliucht cosaichi cacb caibdel coUuithi (.i. deine) sloinnfeid feil cechlaithi. [Prol. 297—300.] Nibriiifem .i. nidermatfam brui .i. dermat. ut est Laithi namis morsa (.i. na mis ngrene) frisraith ingrian buansa varinsluaigedh nansa nibruifem anuallsa. [Prol. 301 — 304.] [pag. 617. col. 2.] Dlomh. .i. faillsiugud no innisin. ut est Mainetucai samlaid ord fil forarlaidib nondlomaim fiadalaib itall ceille doinibh. [Prol. 313 — 316.] [GLOSSES ON THE TEXT.] [January.] [pag. 618. col. 1.] Resil dalach daine 7rl. Feibh .i. saeghal. [feibh uaisle saeghul fota] no craibhdech ut est Mormartra rodanis conachleir cainesci finntan cofeibh uaisle finnlug derb dunblesci. [Jan. 3] Docoenmichtar .i. ronighset no rocheimnigset. ut est Bas caidh aquilini combudin babalcdu hifeil crist triachurpu dochoemhnichter tlachtu. [Jan. 4] 128 A GLOSSARY TO THE CALENDAR Greit nua .i. gerait .i. gairit oroboi. ut est Toghairm semeoin srotha cocrist cruth ronglea ba cain grian greit nua cfar ingin duibhrea. [Jan. 5] Ran .i. uasal 7 all .i. uasal 7 all .i. maith 7 all .i. Ian. ut est Raith coarigh ran togha iulian bahall nglaine nidligh sar slan subha bathes mar xaaiG rauire. [Jan. 6] Iulian all nglaini .i. bani maith no all .i. Ian doglanecna e no all .i. uasal a glaine. Badixu .i. bahairde nobadilsi. ut est Martra luciani cosluagh mar badixu imrordus isuaisliu tosaoh corghais isu. [Jan. 7] Fobith .i. uair. ut est Nosmolamar menic fobith nitat calaidh lucht chesais cincinaidh ifeil antoin manaigh. [Jan. 17] Ciudigna .i. cintairi no cintroighe no cindimicin. ut est Eitsecht ingin comghaiQ colman mac huibeona ualerius cindigna felix faair cuaird ceolda (.i. binn). [Jan. 22] ConancLuna[cl] .i. conasluaghad no conanirt. ut est Cesad semuniani [leg. cebriani] clemati consadu ronsnaidhet dondrigu conaduna[d] danu. * [Jan. 23] Nidedbul .i. nideroil. lith .i. soUomain. friscuirther greatha .i. friscuirter ceill no gaire [pag. 618. col. 2.]. saithi .i. buidhin 7 deisimrecht orro sin. Nidedbul allaithi lith friscurtar gretha cocrist cechaing (.i. rue leis) saithe pol imbaith isbreatha [Jan. 25] Brighach. .i. nertmar. allochet .i. insaignen no insuttrall no is set solusta ut est - -'~ Isbrigach allochet larigh dodonfairci Ms. dana. OF OINGUS THE CULDEE. 129 sluagh ortai iarngortai lapais policarpi. [Jan. 26] [February.] Morait "kalainn feabhradh 7rl. Credal cresen .i. crethmech [leg. cretmech] no craibdech .i. sen a chre .i. senior fuit. no cresinech .i. faiscte .i. amtech ut est Fronius ocus magnus gelassa rofeiser german martir huasal manna credhal cresen. [Feb. 4] Conalue .i. conairfitwd ut est Andrias ard [a ordan] [epscop moel] minn rigi lucia cain conaine nadcumsgaigset mili. [Feb. 6] Rortnuedh. .i. roriagha[dh] .i. rogonadh 7 cinge .i. calma 7 ciunghe .i. trenfer ut est EDroi ualentini marcellus rorinnedh hiflaith crist roclandadh oohtmoga cain cinged. [Feb. 14] ludel .i. cengal no cunirecA. ut est Dondoigh iulianae an ainm nel co imbel lasceith seel aannaigh demun damair indel. [Feb. 16] Immaslecht .i'. imme roslaightea .i. romharbtha. dogar .i. toirrsech ut est Gaius intepscob achesad nichelar immaslecht seel ndogur tricha trenfer trebar. [Feb. 20] Credlaigh .i. creidmig. tredhnaig .i. troiscigh. ut est Forrith cenn poU apstail indan cingedh credlaig hifeil indfir chumrigh teolis triuin tredhnaig. [Feb. 25] Delbdai .i. sochar. ut est Hifeil sillain bennchoir .X. noebuaga delbdai lacessadh sluag ferrdai forcennait crich febrai. [Feb. 28] [March.] Nitmordai .i. nitdiumsaigh. ut est 130 A GLOSSARY TO THE CALENDAR Fovkalainn [pag. 619. col. 1.] mis martai nitmordai friangudi senan moininn moissi dabid cliille muni. [March 1] RolebpLJaing .i. roling. nibalb[d]ae .i. nitastach no nihairderc. sluaghach .i. buidnnech. ut est Roleblaing nibalb[d]fle aclu darsal sairde carthach rigdae ruamach oiaran sluaghach saighre. [March 5] Suadug [leg. snadud] .i. ditm. 7 lere .i. crabud. ort .i. orgain. ut est E-osnaidet iarlere doflaith de fordirgi sluaigh ortai conani hifeil victorini. * [March 6] Cing .i. trenfer ut est Inmain dec^ng deoda (.i. diada) nadlig diarnduain digna .i. taire felicitas naebda perpetua primda. [March 7] Seirnni .i. sreth no aisneid. no seimi onni is sertum .i. isgnath seirt imchenn neich iencmhreith buadha. lir uastrilis .i. uas- moing inmara. ut est Seirnni iacoip orrdan lucas hr uastreHs [leg. trilis] fricrist carsat sanais mec nesain ondinis. [March 15] . Dardoe .i. dardo osmuir no darfairgi no darnert ut dixit Mocen Km dondartan dotaet cucum darindoa momac fein mac mo mic mobra[th]air mac moa. Dardoa no [leg. dar] crich nafairge no doa .i. clad, dardoa .i. [darj fairgi no dardos dar .i. nert. dardose .i. darclod no darcrich mara arbith doae .i. clod, ut dicitur meccon dose arabhith hiclaidibh. agso inrann dane»"genn sin uile. Ardchesadh secuindi caen imbriathraibh ,bia bale les lir dardoe faUbe ainli ia. [March 22] Atfet .i. roairim ut est Ingen dalach dermar feradaig asardam * Ms. uictorine. OP OINGUS THE CULDEE. 131 ocrist adfet orddan momedoc minn alban. [March 23] [April.] Gerait .i. glic. ut est Conaprimshiagli sona *^[pag- 619. col. 2.] arga beoil [leg. ar gobeoil] cechgena gerait crist cain deochaid pol dheochain donrema. [Ap. 13] Primda .i. ergna. breo .i. lasair. nadaithbi .i. naderchra- nann no' nadibdann. ut est Primda breo nadaithbi arfich tolai tothlai bacain lla luagmar ruadan locarn lothrai. [Ap. 15] Ruamlida -i. catharda no uasal. ut est Lacarisse rigdse asaruamda relec doreith duit forsidit feil indeochain filic. [Ap. 16] Drebraing .i. rodhring no rodirgestar. ut est Lafeil petair deochain drebhraing martra mbuadhe conacleir cain dine donnan ega uare. [Ap. 17] Cessais roi rinne .i. rocessad triarinne roaith nangse forco- nair no iroi .i. icath .i. romarbad conarmaibh bit icath 7 ailli .i. laudem .i. moladh. ut est Cirillus cain cim[b]id cessais roi rinne dochrist canaid ailli cosluagh adbul immi. [Ap. 26] Arcrist bamor tiachrai .i. bamor duilge amartra angortai. ut est Martra germain cruimthir arcrist bamor tiachrai (no gortai) coningen cain uaitne foroenlith lafiachna. [Ap. 29] [May.] Gegnatar .i. gonsat. ut est Cliar urbain itglana nisgegnatar tola atoebain itgela triabroenan afola. [May 19] 132 A GLOSSARY TO THE CALENDAR Cinladna .i. cinlethath no cinlaisce no cendolma no cengui i. ut est Airitiu cholmain stellain sluind cinladna becain carais figle icluain ard adba. [May 26J [June.] #> Oid menmain feU teclai 7 rl sotal .i. olc ut est Togairm po[i]l inmartir iarmorgnim cotalcai fail choluim censotlai inmormac hui arta. [Juue 7] Bannach .i- gnimach. ut est Feil incredhail coemain diansanct [pag. 620. col. 1.] lethan slondad * tarandan buan bandach darler lethan longach. [June 12] Fegi -i. feochair. 7 leri [leg. ligaig] '.i. alainn no min. ut est Labaithin finn fechtnach furudran cofegi (.i. cofeochru) meic maenain conuaige olainn ligaig leri. [June 18] Leu .i. sleman no laxa no sadail. ut est La iacop nalphei danocht cet cliar ngelda feil fir nadchar corplen cronan forthren ferna. [June 22] Rozifethis .i. rothaiscis no rocwmnigis no rochoimetais. ut est Riggen eoin baptaist masaleir ronfeithis latathchor cinaithis eoin meic do efis. [Jiuie 24] Ingaith targuairi mucais tairbir fidu donach airrged isfoimdin ** [leg. foidmin] frihathljechu indib trathaibh inaidchib. Foidmiti .i. fodered .i. ut dicitur fodeime no obund no solum no glic no fogher. Foidmin .i. obunn sicut est ciafirt fa- foibni fonim. ut est Buaid steoli istiamda taimthiu ioib inmain benait glass finn foidmin forsluaghiud iuin inmain. no il. [June 30] * Ms. longach. ** Gloss .i. isfoger in espartain 7 iniarineM-(,i ag teacht don eelais. OF OINGUS THE CULDEK.' 133 Saill tuirc (.i. piscis) frethain (.i. mara) toraigenn fitresc (.i. duilesc) faichi (.i. traig) maige trebad (.i. maris) monaig maigi inscail emig deachatar nandail [JCLY.] Ivdl ikalainn mirbhuil 7rl. Taimthiu .i. bas no tani no Serb, no taimthiu .i. tomhaithiu[m]. no taimthiu .i. tamhthai .i. eg aaenar no sercc. ut est Taimthiu eutaic epscop : damaisi conani pais processi righdai.(.i. ergna) riag mar martiani. [July 2} Niliatach mbille .i, nihatach bocht no midlaige no genaige. ut est da no bill .i. dano ngenaigi. no mbille .i. truagh no lobair. no mbille .i. onni ismbiEcis [imbecillis] .i. enirt. no bill .i. bee amail ata ballan .i. billian .i. ian beg ut est [pag. 620. col. 2.] Martra cirionis crist nihatach mbille tarmbreith tomas aiUi fail digrais dartinde. [July 3] Soimle .i. innis. ut est Degordan mor martain maroseUaibh soimle lacet martir namra finnbarr innsi toimle. [July 4] Sostau .i. gloir no gair no utmaiUe no imned no soisten. so- sadh tenn .i. cumsanadh amail atbert antalbanach nileic sosadh istenn dam .i. nileic cumsanadh damh. ut est Sloinn cessad secht mbrathar diambu croch crist carcair cuan mac mor sostan dase mile martair. [July 10] Sloighedh [leg. sloighdhe] .i. urdairc. bale .i. calma. ut est Lamartra narigna eufenia sloghde benedicht balcaghe mac craibdech conloice. [July 11] Membro .i. taisi. ut est aratait membro .i. taisi fianain lobair 7 onchon ansenmaighin acluain mor. 7 deismirecA* eile air Inmain dias fil cofois iconcrois conmembro thes onar natcar doman dis fianan lohu/r lamh naleas. 134 A GLOSSARY TO THE CALENDAR Doforcat .i. doroiscet no doderscaigit. ut est Inda apstal .x. doforcat gachnairemh iiisdail riasluagh dirim isii fosil nadaim. [July 15] Doticfa .i. doraga. conetis .i. coroinnsaige no corochuind- chitis. no coroinnisi. ut est Doticfa each dia docrist acht conetis itge cusluagh suabais inmacan mameitis. [July 16] Manafrescan .i. aohobair. eim .i. solum, bresta .i. brotla no beoda no suilbir. ut est Noebitge sisinni itmeirb manifrescai tair iceim fritoscai commorbiidin bresta.* [July 19] Ruamach .i. catharda. ut est Itbrestai inbanmeic sabina saer ainbech inromula ruamach lacurufin craib[d]ech. [July 20] Tuchtaigh. .i. cumtuchtaigh .1. csemda no cruthaig [pag. 621. col. i.] no toghaigh. ut est Croch ard hele martir mor moraid relic lechtaigh coningenraid tuchtaigh pais fraxidis fechtnaigh. . [July 21] Duuaid .i. sluagh no daingen no pupul. ut est Findgein maghdalen[ae] maire minn cachdunaid pais apolloin ** huasail lambiu innse cumscraid. [July 22] Ma[d]toich .i. madail. ut est Madtoich duit ahere dodchob aircinn [leg. dotchobair cing] baighe tathut cenn cet mile doclann ardamaire. [July 24] TarmchrutliMcZ .i. toirmdelbac^. ut est Hipais iouiani conacleir cain glanoir tarmchruthad iarndedoU Isu isleib taboir. [July 26] * Ms. commorbud inbresta. ** Ms. apol noir. 0¥ OINGUS THE CULDEE. 135 Isadbul .i. isathluin. ut est Isadbul acobair conasluagudh chainnleuh teophil tor oir ainglech pantaleo lainnrech. [July 28] [August.] HoksdainH induTigaist. 7rl. Anairnecht [leg. inairocht?] .i. afrith. ut est Metrapoil indeoin feil darbiledli baini inairnecht conoibi corpan [soer] srefaini [leg. stephainl]. [Aug. 3] Caemda [leg. comarc] .i. cuimniugudh. ut est Cesad an herenti ardligh comarc coemda la hosualt naem ualmi ardrigh saxsan saerda. [Aug. 5] Ronfeithis .i. rocuimnighes no rochometus. ut est Dlom coic ar tri caecaib bliadain brid ronfeithis morfeisir ginaithis contuilset in effeis. [Aug. 7] Athoidlieu .i. athaitnem no abuighen [leg. abuidhen] no athinn- rem no asluagh no atheacht. ut est HipoUtus mairtir bamirboil athoiden cosluagh adbul huasal mom[o]edoc minn ngoedel. [Aug. 13] Sithbe .i. line nanaem. ut est Croc[h] inmartir magni cocleir combuaigh blaithe mochta mormaitn [pag. 621. col. 2.] sithbe - enan dromma raithne. [Aug. 19] Drobeil .i. documul no drochirlabra caich ictaircmes[c] amai- thes[a] imme no iarcumga moir. ut est Buaid pais quinti martir diacelebradh comeir fornem cosluagh roleir roleblaing iarndrobeil. [Aug. 2G]. Leire -i. crabadh. ut est. Aisneid cesadh eoin babtaist. bith coleire lanai cet conuaighi forfresgabaD heili. [Aug. 29.] 136 A GLOSS AKY TO THE CALENDAE Eithre .i. deiredh no forbera no err. ut est Sernait eithre naugaist sedhan ingrian geldha insi medcoit molma lapaulin nafedba. [Aug. 31] [September.] For septimbir Ts.alainn. Foraithmenedar .i. docuimnighedhar. ut est Foraithmenar muire nitmaxbdai forter-cflt [leg. for tercphit] latiamda iarsetaib cotri cetaib martir. [Sept. 8] Baghe .i. catha. ut est Dlom diis ar fichit * martir commeit noebe lasin cingidh baghe dagan inbir daili. [Sept. 13] Tmrmigh. .i. aisneid. ut est Eufemia cendigna raid apais cinn bliadwa brocan ruis thuirc thuirmig lafeil romaith riagla. [Sept. 17] Taithlech. .i. sidh. ut est Raith conilur sochlacli cocrist csemdha taithlech conasluagh rig ran remain enair inmain aithmet. [Sep. 19] larsaithaib .i. iarshghedaib no iarsluaghaib. ut est Septimbir iarsaithaib atsaightis arsetir sui slan soithgne suthain cirini banbethil. [Sept. 30] [October.] Buaid prescer .k. [leg. prisci, cath] 7rl. Qand .i. cumanc/. ut est Lamatha marc nepscop asrort slogh congainni lacleir oain cofinde fell cellaigh collainne. [Oct. 7] TJ_/i^ • ., fP^S- 622. col. 1.1 XJmae .i. saegml no ecnai. ut est Comgan ecus mardll culleth[et] alliniie * Ms. arfithit. OF OINGUS THE CULDEE. 137 innocrighan glanna feil finsige finne. [Oct. 13] Tadlach .i. ammus 7 tadlach .i. fliuch .i. ainm doascadh do- berar forcochall iasgaigh sic rofaiscit[is] isti,-^ 7 tadhlach .i. documal. 7 deismerecht orro sin Primcesad madurorum [leg. Maurorum?] roclos fonmbith mbuidnecn damdatar* mor tadlech [leg. tadlach] iar searbcarcraib cumrech. [Oct. 15] Cobraid .i. cobaic no cobairait .i. glic. ut est Deimin lagin lucais primmarlir donformaigh trifonia dentrednaigh dobert crist cain cobraigh. [Oct. 18]. Nassad .i. gnuthugud. no nasad .i. clu. ut est nasadh beo[a]in .i. clu beoain. sic est ainm hiii nassadaigh neill .i. clu coluim cille 7 deismirecht orro sin Nassadh beoain meUain nachmod atachiam inmain cethxur coir feU ingin maic niar. [Oct. 26] Talgnd .i. crithnugud no cennsugud ut est Sluag [quinti] comorbrugh [leg. bruth] ronain (.i. rondlnne) argachngabugh [leg. gabudh] gabais buaidh iarndilgudh latamthena talgudh. [Oct. 29] [November.] Lonan colmhan 7rl. S a.Tna.-iTi .i. samfuin .i. fain iassnaiaid A. bas insamraid. sia- naigh .i. gloraigh .i. sian nagaithi no namacraighi. 7 deis- mirecht orro sin Lonan colman cronan conacleir gil grianaigh noaib indomain dalaigh soirait** samain sianaigh. [Nov. 1]. [pag. 622. col. 2.] Opxd .i. fearg. ut est Inmain grian cenopni conmior chleir ceneclai perpetua cendigna coniunx primda petrai. [Nov. 4] * Ms. tamdath. ** Ms. sarerait. 138 A GLOSSARY TO THE CALENDAR Gur .i. leir no calma. ut est Drong adbul eusebi ciabogur aslighi fofuair fortren togha tir mor formaigh nimi. [Nov. 7] Tiachrai -i- glicus[a]. ut est Dorighnacht lasaithi soais commet tiachraid domchumain cain milti mac finn fota fiachnai. [Nov. 12] [December.] Sluind decimbir Tssilainn. Druin .i. glic. ut est Martra ard eracU conacleir md[f]irdruin mac oighi conuagbail Mam lis moir mirbuil. [Dec. 3] Donarlaigh .i. donaraill .i. dorocht. cobail .i. seich-. ut est Buaidicht brichtain humail donarlaidh darromuir dochrist cachain figil hicurchan cenchobail. [Dec. 8] Dartretham .i. darfairrgi. ut est Damasus lamh senoc mugnai tuathmaigh lethain feil melteoc cain cathar lasluag tren dartretha[i]n. [Dec. 11] Cocrait -i. imraidit. 7 donecmaic .i. tic. ut est Frestal luciani * lamchua cain cocraait mac lonain donecmaic innadaigh renotlaic. [Dec. 24] [GLOSSES ON THE EPILOGUE.] [pag. 617. col. 2.] Onkalaiww coaraiU rofersam (.i. doronsam) arniarair aisu coflrbhail fortselba dobliadhain. [Epilogue 1 4.] ' Ms. luclanus. OF OINGUS THE CULDEE. 139 Bcmaing .i. buain. ut est Buidhen cachaenlaithi dosrimemar remain conecinaingsem (.i. robensam) anrain arcenn fricenn enair .i. kalainn. [Epil. 5 — 8.] Arbar .i. shiagh. ut est Baheneirt arcumang icorpan isisliu acht ronsert isuaisliu (.i. roesreith no ronnert) sere ard arhair (.i. sluag) isu. [Epil. 9 — 12.] Ceile .i. carait. ut est Huasalathraigr (.i. aithre uaisli) faithe dochrist ceptar ceile (.i. ciapdar carait) ladoine ilaine (.i. comlaine) nifes[sa] afele. [Epil. 13 — 16.] Conrualai .i. roelai. ut est Fomem anconrualai (.1. roelai) cachlaithi dindire (dontalmaim) nigo cerobaighe ismo milib mile (.i.ismonamilidomilib). [Epil. 25 — 28.] Fondruair .i. fodera. ut est Niaine fondru[a]ir (.i. ni forbas .i. fodera adenm) iscol duind diaforclem cachnoeban conidna dorigne achoibdell. [Epil. 97 — 100.] Foruasna .i. cumsgaighes. ut est Intord in[n]a caiptel mabeth necH foruasna (.i. cumscaiges nafeili aluc Ulocc) atbfur fiadinlinsa (.i. fiananaebaib) isdithir do[n]tsluagsa. [Epil. 101—104.] Reuetsecht .i. rianec. ut est Insluagh conid cocert inlebran coleire renetsecht conoige rocindset afeile. [Epil. 105—108.] Suirge .i. suairc. ut est Cesureidh arlebran coluithigi altae nisuirgi (.i. suairc) nasotlse (.i. nasothol) rocruidhe (.i. rocroid .i. tuc ni eisib) mor partse .i. lebur. -[Epil. 133—136.] Sloigedh .i. imad. ut est Sloiged (.i. imat) leabar nerenn asatrebar toiden (.i. toitnem) rotuirsem andirmand (.i. animad) feilire fer ngaedel. [Epil. 141—144.] 140 A GLOSSARY TO THE CALENDAR OP OIN6US. Cen merbai .i. cin mherball .i. cin breicc. ut est Is caithair docomet acetul oenmerbai ismuir tren cindolmae (.i. nidolm^ nanaim docho- bair each) » fridoeine fridemna. [Epil. 149 — 152.] ' Diubairt .i. diprecoit .i. adbulguidhe. ut est Fri dia isdubart (.i. isdiprecoit .i. adhbulguidhe) frideman is dinert (.i. isadbail nert no isnert de) issalm sloinnes mornert (.i. nert nanoeb) isfelere fircert. [Epil. 153 — 156.] [pag. 618. col. 1.] Arcunna .i. arcairdes. ut est Inrigraidh doruirmes isocos arcunnu iartuirium afele dorimiub andrungu. [Epil. 229 — 232.] INDEX. a 5. V. Arad 1. ab 2. aball V. Ubutl 43, 45. abarta 4. abra 48. abran v. Esna 81. acais 1. accais 48. Achad Conairi v. Clann- tar 56. aclad 52. acobair 49, 53. acras 48. acht V. Meraeht 31, 55. achtail 47. actus 52. adae 4. v. Adart 3. adaind v. Lethech 27. adaltair 1. adaltrach 1 , 52. Adam 1, 134. Adamnan 1. adamra 2. adann 4. adart 3. adba othnoe 5. adben 55. adbo 50. adbul 135. adolaid 51. adchuaid 48. adeitche v. Adaltrach 52. adella 48. adgair 54. adgairet 53. adgniatt 54. adidracachach (?) 52. admol V. Cana 11. adnaig 53. adrad 1. adrannad v. Rann 111. adres, adreis? 52. adriastar 53. adrodmad 52. adroerais 50. adrogart 53. adrorastar 50. aebil v. Boim 57. aech V. Aithech 4. v. Oech,. Aed 2. aen 55. aen each 47. aesclad 55. afaing 48. ag 49, 51. ag allaid v. Oerchaill 12. agaig fochoil forlethan 55^ agait 50. agar 53. ai 48. V. Aigne 5. v. Caill crinmon 11. aibellteoir 50. aiccde 82. aice 49 , 51 , 53. haice 9e. aicher 1. aicetal 47, 48. aicidib (dat. pi.) v. Mog 106. aidbriud 49, 52. aidbse v. Adann 5, 47. aiditiu 3. aidrinne 48. aig 50. v. Fraig 22.. aige 50. v. Aigrere 5. aige reire 48. aigen 4. aigillne 5. aigne 5. aigrere 5. ail V. Ailges 4. Altan 4. ail (.i. briathra) v. Dig- liunn etc. 74. ail 47, 49. . ail chise v. Caisel 10. ailc 54. ailone v. Diancecht 16. ailges 4. ailiu .i. gaidim v. Meild 104. aill 47, 125, 48, 49, 50. aille 131. ailt 49. ailtire v. Alt 54. aiminn 4. ain 48, 49, 50. ain (ro-nTi-a,in) 137. ainces v. Ces 64. aincis v. Galar 95. ainder 5. aindrend (-drenn ?) v. Drend 15. Aine 4. aine 50, 51, 54, 129. aine didin 54. aingel 5. aingel-solaa v. Aingel 5. ainigimm v. Main 105. ainm boid v. Munnu 29. ainmed v. Ainsid 47. ainmnet 56. ainnscle 55. ainsid 47. aipgiter 47. air V. Anair 3. airber 4. airberat 54. airberim (airbiur) biuth V. Edam 18. airbert 54. airbitia 48. v. Meild 104. airbrigach? v. Brig 58. aircellad 51. v. Cartad 65. airches 1. airchetul v, Arg 2. Aigne 5. 142 INDEX. airchinnech 4, 47. airchoige 51. airchomul v. Langfiter 26. airdarcaigimm v. Celebrad 11. airdbe, airdbenad 55. airdbid 51, 54. airdeibe v. Airdbid 51. airdluide v. Dluide 78. airdriu (-uch?) 55. aire 3, 48, 49, 53, 55. airec 50. airech v. Rigbenn 110. airechtach 53. airer 55. airesin v. Brigit 8. airg 49. airgenn 52. = airginnf airget 1. airginn 48. airilliud 51. airim v, Ar 1. airithe 49. airitiu 50. airiu 48. airling (aurleng) 52. airlius 50. alrm 54. airmet 55. airmeth 54. airmit 51. v. Diarmait 14. airmnech v. Mairc 28. Airmuma v. Airb&r 4. Nairne 32. airndel 5. airne toile 54. aimecht (airecht?) 50, 135. airsciathad v. Sciath 114. airtem 53. hais 96. nom. pi. asai v. Fiial 20. aisci (-cid?) 55. aisil 50. aisli 49. alth 52. aithem (aoutissimus) v. Eo 81. althbi 131. aithches 4. aite 55. aithe 55. aithech 4, 48, 49. aithech tige 51. Aitherne v. Greth 23. aitin v. Baten 6. aithinne 5. aitire 5. aithle 3. aithmess 55. aithrige 47. aittenn 4. al 52. alad 48. v. Tiscail 120. alaib 50. Alba, Alpa v. Coire Bree- cdin 13, 14. Fir W. Immbdth 25. Mugeime 29. Prull 37. aU 128. aUaid v. Gendaid 12. allobair 54. almsan 2. alt 2, 47, 54. v. hel 24. Fenamain 85. altain v. Alt 54. altan 4. altrom 1. am- 2. Amargein (Amorgine B.) V. Greth 23. Rinn 111. ambil v. Bil 60. ambuae 4. v. Bue 59. ambuan t. Buanand 6. ambuan (-buain ?) v. Buain 60.. ambiie 5. v. Bue 59. Amirgin v. Rinn 111, ammos v. Amrath 2. amnas 2. amos (male Amfos) 1. amrath 2. an- 2. an 3, 46, 52, 55. Ana, Auu 2 (gen. Anann 49) v. Buanand 5, 6. anae v. Anu 2. anair 3. anart 3. ancta bSi andacb (annach?) 50. andarbus 49. andath 49. andomuin 53. andseirg 1. anfeth 47. anfeith 48. anfovbracht 3. v. Bracht 56. anfot 50. v. Fot 21. angbocht 52. anglonnus 53. anidan 5. anna 54. annach 126. anne 1. annone 47. anomain 3. v. Bot 8. annith 2, 3. v. Glii 10. Anton 128. ApoUon 134. apstal 5. ar 1. Ara V. Airber 4. ara 55. arabi 51. arach 55. v. Boban 60. arach v. Buarach 7. aracae 52. araclith 55. arad 1. arafulustar 54. aragair 51. araicht (airicht) 61. araniastar 54. arareith 50. arathar 3. arbar 50, 139. arbor v. Enbret 18. arcastar 51. arco 1. arcuirethar 53. ard 1, 47, 48. ardarc 55. ardmes 48. ardracht 47. ardrosc rere 50. ardslechta 52. arfenat v. Fen 90. arg 2. V. Ldarg 26. argda v. Arg 2. argeind v. Arg 2. arinnus 55. aritgair 48. ariu 49. armuinnter 50. arnamela 55. arnem v. Cadut 14. arose T. Indrosc 25. arra 48 , 50. arracht v. Idoss 25. arrath 49. arrochiuir 126. arsaid 48. arsiasaigther 61. arsisither 61. art 2, 50. Arta (gen. s.) 132. INDEX. 143 arteine v. Art 2. as T. Otch 9. MeUj 105. asai (n. pi.) v. Fual 20. asoaete v. Ascaid 1. ascaid 1. ascnam 50.' asgalt 1. asgland 1 ^ ^.^ ^S, asglang j ' ^ Assal V. Athgabdil 4. astoing 53. astol 1 , 55. Ath Luain v. Serb 41. atach 53. athair 3. atharga 56. athaubae 4. atboinn, atbois v. Adbo 50. atcois (ci' atcois) 65. athchomarc 54. atella(?) 54. atfet 130. athforgaib 52, 54. atbgabail 4. atgiallat 50. atglentis v. Glen 95. atgniat 54. atguitig 48. atlochor v. Arco 1. atmat 47. atnora 47. atroat 52, 54. atroeris 50. athrola 51. atslainniu 50. andacht (aidacht) 3. Augaine (gen. s.) v. Sanb 41. aunasc 4. aurdam (airdam) 2. aurdiiine 4. aurfaem (urfaem) 124. aurleng 52. aursa 2. aurtach v. lAtgnasad 26, aurtegdais v. Aurdam 2. autsa 51. Axal, Axail 3. axal 56. ba 58, 61. ba 59. V. Espa 18. bab 6. Babgither v. Bab 6. Babloir 6. Babluan 6. bach 56, 60. robach 60. bacc (?) V. Bachall 6. bach(?) V. Bachall 6. bachall 6. badud 6. baegul '60. baeth 56. baetha (leg. baethu?) t. Imrechtatad 97. bag V. Barr 58. bage 136. bagi(?) 61. bail 60. bailc 58. bailci 125. baile 57. baircne 6, 58. baire 8 , 57. v. Oaire 24. bairgenene v. Tort 41 baiscil 58. Baiscne v. Rincne 38. baislec 57, 60. baislic 58. Baithin 132. baitsech 60. baitside 59. balb 8. balbdae 130, bale 59, 133. balla 58. ballan 133. bandee v. Aed 2. banleni v. Caimse 10. bannach 132. barad 7. barann 59. bare 58. bare 6. barr 58. base 7, 62. bath V. Athaubae 4. Baten 6. Bobaitk 7. bath V. Bddttd 6. v. /m- bdth 25. baten 6. be charna 56. bee 8. Beccan 132. bedgaeh 60. beim 61. beist 6. beitheeh 57. beltene 6. v. Bil 8. ben 60. ben forblai buire (buirig) 58, 61. benar 58. bendaoan v. Benddn 57. bendacht 5. bendan 57. Benedicht 133. Beneoin v. Noes 32. Bennchor v. Goire Brec- cdin 14. 129. Benntraige 7. Benta \. Benntraige 7. beo 57. Beoan 137. beoeeall (-eiall?) 60. Beona (gen. s.) 128. beraeh 60. Berba (gen. s.) 126. berg 58. berit 7. berrtha v. Dechrum 80. bert 59. bertus 58. bes 6. bes 58, 86. bescna 59. bi 57, 61. bia 58. biaa 60. biach 57. biadbach (-buch?) 57. biail 7, 61. ^ bian v. Cerdhail 12. bldg V. Top 43. Tap 45. bidbu 8. Bil 8. bil 56, 60. \. Beltene 6. Boim 57. biletus 59. bill 133. bille 133. bind 8. blnit 7. bindsian v. Benddn 57. Dobrith 79. bir y. Biror 6. Ba 58. biror 6. bith 61. bithfliuch 61. 144 INDEX. bla 56, 57, 60, 61. v. Biail 61. blaid 61. blaidre 60. blaith 61. bleth (leg., bled?) 59, blind 7, 62. blindach v. Blind 7. blor 57. blusair 61. bo 7. bo gabala 60. boar 60. v. Bobaith 7. bobaith 7. boban 60. ;i Bobgither v. Bah 6. bocmell 61. boge 7. boibr:: 61. boige 56. boim 57. boing 59. bolg belchi 7. bolg uisci V. Boll 6. . boll 6. - 1 bomlacht 7. bond V. Folasai 22. bonnbach v. Folasai 22. borrlus 60. bot 8, 59, 61. bothar v. Rot 38. brace v. Braccille 6. . bracoille 6. bracht 56. v. Anfor- bracht 3. braich v. Brocoit 7. bran 6, 60. Bran 126. (Find \ BranJLaigen \y.EdelXii. (tri maige] brandae 6. brandub 6. branorgain 6. braracht 7. bras 58, 59. braise v. Bras 59. brat 60. brath 6. brataig 59. brathair 6. brathohaei 7, 58. bre 61. Breccan mac Maine t. Coi>-e Breccdin, 13. brefe 59. breo 131. breoinne 58. bresim t. Coire Breccdin 14. Bress mac Elathain v. Bab 6. Gernine 11. bresta 59, 134. breth 6, 61. v. Braracht 7. Brdthchaei 58. Bretan v. Cruimther 9. Ceinticul 14. Mugeime 29. brethnais 61. bri 8, 57, 60. bri (bri?), briatar 61. bria 60. briamon smethraige Bri 8. briar 7, 56. briathar cen guth 60. brioht V. Bachall 6. Deaoh 16, 17. Brichtan (Dec. 8) 138. brig 58, 60, 125. v. Bri 57. brigach 56, 126, 128. v. Sela 116. Brigit 8. t. Sanot-Z'd. brigter 58 , 59.' brinda 8. brisc 7. briuga 61. briugua 56, 59. bro 61. Broccan (Sept. 17) 136. brocoit 6. broga 60. Bron T. Serb 41. bronnad 60, 61. brossnae 6. brothlucht 58. brothscuad 59. briiach v. Folasai 23. brucht 58. ■ brad, bruidfe 58. brui, bruifem 127. bruinne t. Bruinnech 7. bruinnech 7, 56, 61. bruis 58. bruth 56, 57. biiachail 7. biiae v. Ambuae 4. biiaibtech v. Buaignech 58. biiaid 56, 57. biiadach v. Btiaid 57. biiaignech cin 58. biiaile 57. biiain 60. !. Biiais (dat. s.) v. Gretk 23. biial 56. v. Fual 20. biialann 59. bualenn v. Bual 56. biiall 61. biian 57. v. Buanand 6. Buain 60. Buanand 5. biiar 61. biiarach 7, 57. biias 8, 56. biiasach v. Buas 56. v. Ma/rc 28. buasamail 56. bubta 56. biie 59. v. Ambuae 4. buicell 61. buicinn 58. bulden v. Torb 42. buide-reid v. Range 39. buidm 57. buiresc 61. buitelacli v. Bot 59. buitm (buidm?) 57. bun 57. bus 56. c. cacht 62. cadla 65. cadut 14. cae 71. caech v. Blind 7. Caei Cainbrethach Brdthchaei 7. Clitha/r- SeV 9. caem 63, 67, 69. caemda 65 , 69. caeme v. Cdem 67. Cciemnacair 64. caemnagair 65. caeptha 67. cai 9. caid 11, 66, 70, 72. Caier v. Gaire 24. cail V. Braccille 6. Caile 10. Culpait 10. Ce'r- chaill 12. INDEX. 145 caile 10. oaileoh 70. v. Oall 23. caill V. Salcuait -11. caill crinmon 11. caimmse 10. caln V. Mugeime 30. caindelbra 11, 70. caingen v. Aigne 5. cainiud 9, cainte 9. cair G4. cairceth (-ceoh?) 65. Cairnech v. Noes 32. cairt 13. caisc 10. caise 13. Caisel 10. caite 63. caithigud 9. calad 65. v. Ninach 126. oalgdet 72. callaid 11. cam 64, 71. camaduis 63. camper 63. cana 11, 70. cann v. Escanu 18. cannabar 65. canoin 11. cap V. Capall 10. capall 10, 72. capell V. Fell 19. capiat (caplait?) 12. car Gi. V. Gno 94. cara v. Guire 24 : 63, 68. carpatj j ^ carr ) cartad 65. Carthach 130. cartit 12. cartoit 11, 13. casach v. Menmchosach 28. Cass V. Mugeime 29. castoit 11, 13. cath V. Cathal 8, Cathal 8. catar 10. catharda v. Ruamda 131. Cathasach 10. Cathbu V. Cul 13. oathiugud 67. cathlac 10. catt 10. ce V. Etarce 18. eechaiug 128. ceehair 69. ceohla 63. cechra 66. oechrus 62. ciSoht V. Dianceoht 16. ceile (cille?) 63. ceile 65, 139. ceim 71. oeintioul 14. oeird 64. ceis 69. V. Comlachtaid 62. oeist (ace. sg.) v. Mug- eime 30. oeit ace. s. v. Ceticol 14. ceite 66, 69. ceithern 12. eel 11, 13. celebrad 11. Cell Muni 130. Cellach 136. celtair 68. celtair catha v. Gaire 24. cemes 10. cendaid 12. cendla 12. cenn 68. v. lasc^ii. ceunadach 68. cennas 70. cennais v. Ligach 101. cenndiunnaoh v. Caplait 12. cennfoohrus v. Folasai 22. Tore 41. ceobath 62. ceolda 128. Cera (Crich) v. Balla 58. cerbala 71. Cerball 13. cerbsire 9. oerchaill 12. cercenn 9. cermnas 11. eern 11, 63. eernach v. Gern 11. cernae v. Pinginn 35. cernine 11. v. Cern 63. cerp 63. cerr v. Oscar 109. cert 70. certfuine 69. ces 64. cessais rol rinne 131. oitfaid 69. ceticol 14. cetnait 62. cethra 69. cetsoman 11. oiabar 63. oiachair 65. ciall 62. V. Deihbir 80. Ciaii V. Gaileng 23. Mug- eime 30. Ciar 128. oiar V. Cerchaill 12. Ciaran 130. v. Ci-atcois 65. cich 9. cicht 13. cichtae(?) 63. cicul 10. cil 13, 64, 66. Cilian v. Munnu 29. cimas 9. cimb 12, 62. cimba 9. cimbal 62. ein membraimm 9. cinconn 67. oing 65, (male ciiige 129). oingciges 10. cingit 10. cingtecht v. Oing 65. cinnes 71. cirbe v. Femen 21. circul 10. claenrd i claidem claidemiius i Claire 11. clairiu 12. claim 62. clannad 70. clanntar 66. clas 64, 71. clasaigter v. Clas 71. class 11. cleoht (male Cleas) 64. olerech 10. cleth 70. clethe 68, 71. cletine 72. clii 10. cHath 64. cHmata 68. clith 62, 64, 71. clithar v. Glithar-iet 8. clithar-set 8. Cliu V. Die 15. cloch 9. cloech V. Cloch 9. cloind (cloinn?) 13. clothra 67. chl 66. 10 V. Deach 17. 146 INDEX. cluiohe V. Lugnasad 26. Cnamchaill v. Foi 20. cnarr 68. Cnocc Rafann t. Ana 3. 46. cnognae 70. coairt, coart 10, 62. cob 8, 63. cobail 138. oobais 11. cobla 65. coblath (cobluth?) 67. . cobraid 137. cobtbach 8. cocomarnic 64. cocra 69. cocrait 138. cocul 10. coding 62. codul (codal?) 65. coech 9. Goeman 132. cogar 70. coibche 71. coibne 67, 68. coibnius 66. coibse 11. coic 9, 12, 63. coiec (male coig) 70. colceng 12. coichetul 14. ro-coiclestar 110. coigle (coicle?) 63. coimde 63. coimdet(?) 72. coimdig (male Coimdi) Ti. coiradiu 72. coimeit 10. coimgni (-ne?) 62. coimmess 12. coimse 70. coindelg 62, 67. coinfodorne 13. coing 12. coingeltaid 71. coipe 64. coir 66. coire 13. Coire Breccain 13. Coirpre 8. v. Oaimred 22. Ore treith 34. Coirpre Cennchait v. Mo- rand 28. Coirpre mac Etnai (Etai- ne?) V. Cernine Hi Riss 39. Coirpre Milsc v. Muyeime 29. coisegar 62. coitechta 67. coitreb 70. coitte v. Feth 93. colba 11. coll 11. Colman 132, 137. Colman mac haul Beona 128. Colman mac haul Clua- saig V. Crepseuil 14. Die 15. G.aimred 22. Colman mac Lenini v. Adand 5. Colomb mac haul Arta 132. Colomb cille t. Fair 21. Duchonn 73. colomna aisse 13. colpach V. Clithar-set, 8. colt y. Asgalt 1. Cer- nine 11. coltra 66. comaduis 63. comaim 70. comain 10, comain 64. comalr 72. comairb 66. comairser 68. comais(?) v. Cobais 11. comaithches in ferainn 69. coman 66. comarc 66, 135. comarnic 64. combongat v. Boing 59. comci, oomcither 68. comfaesaime v. Goibsena 11. comfoisltiu v. Cobais 11. comgaball t. Eirge 18. Comgan 136. comiuir (oomdiuir?) 98. comla 9. comlachtaid 62, male Cum- lachtaig 12. comlan v. Lanamuin 102. comlecbta 70. oomlann 71. oomnadma 72. comol 66, 72. compert 62. comrac 63, 64, 65. oomraite 63. comraithne 62. comrorcon 124. oomthogairmv. Annonei-T. comurscaige 65. comus 9. conair 9. Conaire v. Mugeime 29. Conall Cernach v. Cern 1 1 . oonclasat v. Clas 64. eonclechtaither v. Glecht (male Cleas) 64. Conchobor v. Cid 12. v. Serb 41. conda 65. condacht 66. condelg 69. fiondla 62. conecmaicsemar t. Ecmuir 81. conecmaingsem 139. conetis 134. coneitis 66. conetset v. Etset 83. confeth 65. congbail, congbalach 63. congillne 66. congreinn 64. Coningen 131. Conloice (gen. s.) 133. conluan 69. conmill 71. Conn V. Mugeime 30. conn 67, 68. v.Dethbir 80. Connacht v. Gaire 24. V. Serb 41. connla, eonnlaither 62. Connla v. Mugeime 30., conoiscet 65, 67. conrala v. Dire 76. con- ruale 66. i ^ conrulce 65. i conruldiur 65. , , conscara 67. consiiidfi 71. contechtat 71. contednagatar 64. contfe 64. cora cara? (aec. pi.) v. Gaire 24. corb V. Cormac 8. corbad 62. Core V. Gaimred 22. Grond 23. Noes 32. Core mac Liigdach (Luig- dech) V. Foi 20. Corcmodruad v. Ninus 31. Corcolaigde v. Dairfine 16. Cormac 8. v. Cerball 13. Grond 23. INDEX. 147 Cormac haue Cuinn v. Mugeime 30. Cormac Conlongas v. Serb 41. Cormac Geltae Gaeth v. Cormac 8. Cormac mac Taidg v. Oaileng 23. corn 11. Corn V. Mugeime 29. corp 9. corplen (June 22.) 132. corpte H. corrchathach v. Cerball 13. corrcrechda (-ta?) 69. corrgubul 63. corrguinecht 63, 66. corthar 72. cos 64. V. Deach 16. cosmail 10. cosniat 69. coth 12. cotar 69. cotorair 72. cotreisin 68. cothud V. Coth 12. craibthech 62. crand 9. creatra 9. credar (cretar?) 66. credbad 71. credlach (creflach?) 129. Credne t. Neseoit 32. v. Dirna 76. creither (male crlathar) 62. crepscuil 14. cres 64, 67, 71. cresalgthe v. Ores 64. cresen, cresin 66, 129. creth V. Cail crinmon 11. cretal 66. cretir 10. oriascrad 70. criathar v. Airdbid 54. crib (crip?) 63. cribuis 71. crich V. Area 1. Methos 28. Dith 79. cride 10. Crimthan Mor v. Mugiime crinne (crinde) 68. crinner (crinderP) 65. crip V. Gernine 11. Crist V. Hia 25., 129, 131 etc. crith 65. cro 67, 68, 69. v. Com- lachtaid 62. croc V. Croioenn 10. croda 63, 66. croich 68. croicenn 10. croinntile 72. cron 62. Cronan 132, 137. crontsaile(?) 11. cross 9. crothla 70. crott V. Bind 8. crii 11, 64, 70. criiad 72. cnian 71. crud 69. crufechta 12, 63. cruibne (crulpne?) 65. ro-cruide 139. cruimm v. Cruimther 9. cruimther9, 131. (Ap.29.) Crnitine y. Leiiheoh '■ 27. cruithnecht 10. cramdub 63. cramduma 13. cruth 69. V. Cruithneoht 10. Cucht 62. Feth 93. cii T. Cainte 9. cuad 72. cuairt 64, 68. v. Roth. 39. cuairtfell v. Cicul 10. Ciian 133. Cuanna 129. cubns 70. onclanna (cuclunna?) set 67. cucht V. Ruam 39: 62. Cuchulainn v. Art 2. Gul 13. Niae 31. Buall 61. Comraithne 61. Go-co- marnicGi. Frismbertdi. cufar 63. (= cupar 13.) cuguin 63. cuib .i. cii V. Cinnes 71. cuibiter 71. ' cuicenn 9. cuil 12. cuiUe 69. cuimme 68. Cuimine Fota v. Die 15. Edel 18. Qaimred 22. cuindelg (coindelg) 67. cuineol v. Gomlachtdid 62. cuiniu V. Arg 2. cuinnbech 62. ouinnegar 64. cuinnius 63. cuinnfi 62. cuinnsiu 63. cuipre 65. cuire 67. ciiis 11. cuisil 14. cuisnet 71. cuisnit 13. cuithech 67. cuitim 66. cutaim 66, 69. cuitir 69. cuitriud 64. cul 12, 13. cul 67. culgaire v. Cul 13. culian 13. cuUach 68. culmaire 13. culpait 10. cultail (cutail?) 66. cuma 9, 63. cumail (comail?) 66. cumal 14. cumlachtaoh v. Cumlaeh- taid 12. 1 cumlachtaid 12. comlaeh- taid 62. : cumsanad 64. cunnail .i. sonaint 64. cnnnu 140. cupar 13. i> cur 69. curach 71. i Ciiroi r. Fir 20. .Ussarb 43, 45. currach 64. r currech v. Riasc lll.i Curufin 134. Curiii V. Fir 20. cutail 68. cutaim 66, 69. cutichta V. Dobur 73. D. " dabach 15. Dabid (March 1.) 130;- Da , chich nAnainne ' v. Ana 2. dae 79. dag y. Aingel 5. Fogamtur 20. Dagan (SepJ 13.) 136. Dagda v. Brigit 8. Ruad- rofessa 39. 10* 148 INDEX. dagthechtaire v. Aingel 5. daintech 80. Daire v. Noes 32. Daire Uoimtech v. Dair- fine 16. Dalrfine 16. dairt bolnenn v. Clithar- het 8. daithen {male daith) 77. dal 72. dal 14. dal {male dail) .i. airecht 75. Dal nAraidi v. Dal 14. Dal Riata v. Ddl 14. dam timchill arathair v. Glithar-^et 9. damnad v. Udmad 45. dan 77. Danann gen. s. v. Nescoit 32. dant 76. darba 74. darmna 79. dartald v. Clithar-set 8. dasooht 15. datan 73. de- V. Dubach 16. deach 16. deal (del?) 15. dee 77. debaid v. Lesmac 26. deblen 75. deohaid 75. decheng 130. decmalc 55, 75. v. Do bur 76. dechrum 80. dedbul 75, 128. dedoirnn 79. dedol 16. degail 76. deil 78. v. Comlaektaid 62. deilm 75. deimne 80. dein {male dem) 73. dels 73, 76. deistld 87. delai v. Deliugud 16. delb v. Idosa 25. delbdae 129. delenn (male delann) 73. delg 17. delgainecht 77. delind(?) (delidin, eod.B.) 17. deling 78. deliugud 16. dellach, dellset 77. dellui 76. deme 16. demess 16. demi 17. den 79. denma 80. denma 80. denmne 14. denn 74. deoorad v. Baeth 56. deoda 130. deoin 76. der V. Ainder 5. dera 74. derach 73. derbra 78. dercha suirnn 80. derchail 74. dergoin 72. derinn 78. derla 73, 76. derlatar 76. dermen 73, 79. dernum 78. deroil v. Diss 14. derusc 78. v. Dlom 77. deruscud 73. des 80. desebar greine 78. desruith 16, 74. dethbir 15, 80. detla T. Cing 65. diall 79. dialt V. Deaoh 16. diamuin 76. dian 73. Diancecht 16. v. Etan 19. Tore 43, 44. Diarmait 14. diastar 77. diblidecht v. Golomna 13. diburdud (diburtud?) 15. dicheltair y. Gaire 24. diohet (male dithet) 78. dichetul dochennaib v. Im- bas forosnai 25. die 15. difot 80. digal 15. digde 72. dige (digde?) 75. digluinn an ail ailib cai- nib 74. dignae 74, 75, 128, 130. dignad (male dingna) 78. digrus 75. dil 73. dilmuin 73, 79. dilucht 75. dime 77. dimligdetu v. Golomna 13. Din Tradiii v. Mugeime 29. dindba 76. dinert 140. dinim 15. dinn 72, 75, 79. Dinn map Lethain v. Mu- geime 29. dinnus (leg. dinnis?) 79. diprecoit 140. v. Edel 18. T. Diubairt 75. dirainn 79. dire 15, 75. direch 72. dirim 75. v. Immrimm 24. dirith 74. dirmand 139. dirna glasaig, d. nmaide, d. Patrice 76. disaigid(?) v. Dotchaid 16. disce 78. discreit 14. disert 16. diss 14. dith 79. dithet v. Feis 85. dithreb 16. dithrechtad 76. diu sroll v. Sroll 40. diubairt 75, 140. diuchlad 73. diuire 16. diultad V. An 2. Dubach 16. diumann 78. diumsach 14, 77. diunnach t. Capiat 12. Fothrugud 20. diurtha 77. diuthach 14. diutann (-thann?) v. Diu- thach 14. dixu 59, 75, 128. dlicht 74. dlom 75, 77, 136 (Sep. 13.) dlug, dluige 76. dluide 78. dluim 73. dlutar 73. INDEX. 149 do- V. Dubach 16. doairceohnatar 78. doalaig 74. dobar v. Coinfodorne 13. Dobrith 15. dobarchii v. Coinfodorne 13. Dobur 15. dobo 76. dobosat 76. dobre, dobria 74. dobrith 15, 79. dobur 15, 73, 76. v. Do- brith 79. docha 79. docaesat 79. doche 75. docliennaib (gl. continue) V. Fedair 84. Imbas forosnai 25. dociallathar 80. doehoi 76. docoisilet, docoislet 74, 78. docht, dochtair 76. dodamna 79. doe 130. doeisigther 78. doesistar v. Eses 81. doet 77. doetagar 78. dofarcat 75. dofedar v. Fedair 84. doforcat 75, 134. dogar V. Slecht 116, 129. dogliim 73. doglinn modig 73. dogrenar 76. dogrinn 73. doindedar {male donnedar) 73. doiduine 17. doisl V. Arnamela 55 doirche v. Dobur 15. doleice 78. domain 78. domairbera 75. doman 15. domelimm v. Edam 18. domma 16. domna 76. Domnall 14. v. Adand 5. domnatb 74. domonar v. Mortar 104. dona 16. donarlaid (-aig?) 138. donecmaic 138. donesa, tnale dones 74. donn 72, 75, 77, 78. Donnan 131. Donnchad 126. doralaid 75. doria 79. doriasaidig (?) 79. doringbad 80. dornchla 80. doroth V. Roth 113. dororbenat v. Rorben 112. doruaichle t. Ruaichle 112. dos 74. dosaircet(?) 75. doss 15. dotchaid 14, 16. doticfa 134. dotornidib 74. drac 15. dracondae v. Base 7. drebraing 131. drech v. Mertrech 29. drecht 74, 78. v. Duar 73. drechta 72. drem 77. dreman 73. drend (drenn?) 15. drenn 73. dretill 77. drlc 74. drisiuc 79. drobeil 75, 135. droch 15, 73. v. Droichet 16. Muirend 29. drochrind v. Muirend 29. drog 73. droichet 16. dron (dron?) 79. drong 73, 79. drucht 76. dnichta dea 17. Druimm Ceta v. Druchta dea 17. Draimm Raithne 135. drain 138. druth T. Mertrech 39 : 75 du V. Dubach 16. duabair 73. diiabur 73. duals T. Genam 96. dual 79. duar 72. v. Dairfine . 16. duarfine v. Dairfine 16- Dub Y. Serb 41. dub ocus dobur 73. dubach 16. Dubthaoh v. Noes 32. duchonn 73. duen v. Dim 77. duibell 73. Duibrea (gen. s.) 128. duil 73, 75. duilblr 16. duim (dluim?) 80. duine v. Lanamuin 102. duine-bath v. Argairet 53. duis 76. duithne dereoil 75. dulaige 74. dulbair 16. Dulsaine v. PruU 36. duma 80. diin 77. Diin Tredui v. Mugeime 29. diinad 75, 128, 134. Dunlang v. Cadla 65. durbaide 80. Durdibe6il v. Serb 41. durgnaide 74. Darius v. Foi 20. durnn 72. duthcern 14. E. e V. Emuin 17. Eba V. Uball 44. Hebraib (dat. pi.) Hia 25. ebron 19, 81. ec V. Audacht 3. ech 83. Echald v. Germnas 11. Ecbaid Echbel v. Fir 20. Echaid mac Lachtai \. Pain 35. ecceU 82. eccomnacht 82. eccomuais 82. eces 19. ecen 82. ecmacht 17. ecmaing 139. ecmuic 81. ecna (ecnach?) 81. ecnairc 81, 126. ecomnart 83. echtres 82. Eculsaig (gen. sg.) Ecet- salach B. v. Oreth 23. ed 80. 150 Edaine v. Mugeime 30. edam 18. edel 18. eden 18. Bffeis (abl. s.) 135. Egipt V. Scuit 41. eices v. Benddn 57. eim 134. eipe V. Escop fina 9. Met 105. eipert 82. eirge 18. eirise 81. eis V. Essem 18, ^ eisim 82. eisiul 82. eithre 136. Elg 18, 81. elgriais 81. elgon 18. eliugud 18. ellach (male Eallgha) 81, 82. ellaim 82. ellaing 82. Emain, Emuin 17. emde 18. en V. Enbret, Enylas, En- bruthe, Enbarr 18. v. Dun 77. Enan 135. (Aug. 19.) enbarr 18. enbret 18. enbruthe 18. encadacht v. Essine 18. enechgriss v. Enech ruice 19. enech ruice 19. enechland 19. englas 18. enirt 133. eo V. Emain 17. Uball 43, 44. Eochaid Find v. Art 2. Eochaid Garb v. Muma 30. eochra 83. Eogabal v. Aine 4. Eogan 18. v. Mugeime 30. Eoganacht 18. Eoln (gen. s.) 132 (June 24). eolus 81. Eoraip v. Mananndn mac Hi' 31. epistil f. Sin 41. INDEX. epscop V. Escop fina 19. er- 81. erail 81. erain 81. erball 18. ere 19, 81. ercailed 83. ercne 19. erderg v. Ejr- 81- Eriu (Elriu) v. Airber 4 Bab 6. Coire Brec- cdin 13, 14. Diancecht 16. Elg 18. Essem 18. Femen 21. Mugeime 29. PruU 37. errbu 82. erthrat 82. es V. Essirt, Essine 18. es, esser(?).v. /cpsc 24. esamain, esomain 81, 82, esargnoud 83. esc V. Escann 18. lase 24. Buiresc 61. Es- mong 80. escann 18. escmairr 81. escoman 66, 81, 83. escomla 83. escomna 83. escomrad 81, 82. escop fina 19, 82. eses 81. esgair (escair?) 81. esinl 82. e3m6ngu(?) 80. esna 81. esomain 81. esorgain 80. espa 18. espartain v. Crepscuil 14. esrecht 18, 82. essad 18. essem 18. essine 18. essirt 18. esslabar v. Sldbrad 40. etaim 81. Etan 19. v. Tore 43 , 44. etarbad v. Etarport 18. etaroe 18. etaroomla 81. etargnaid 82. etarport 18. Ethlenn (gen. s.) v. Lmg- ndsad 26. Ethne (gen. s.) v. hag- ndsad 26. etsecht 139. etset 83. ethur 18. eu (male eo) 81. Eutaic (gen. s.) 133. Fachtna v. Edith 26. PachtnamaoSenchai(Sen- chada) v. Fir 20. Tuir- gin 42. fae T. Fe 86. faer 87, 91. faesam 85. fag 91. faiche 133. Failbe 130. (March 22.) failid T. Aingel 5. fair 21. fairce 87. fairsing v. Sldbrad 40. fairther 94. faiscte 129. v. Gresen 60. faitsi V. Fochtu 84. faitsine v. Fdth 21. fal 85, 94. fareis 92. farr 93. fas 87. fasach 22. fath 21, 85, 88- fatha (fath) .i. edach 85. fe 21, 84, 86, 87. Fe V. Femen 21. fechair t. Fee 84. fecht T. Avdacht 3. fecht fine 89. fechtaine 89. fechtus (leg. -as ?) t. Dur- gnaide 74. feda 93. fedain 90. fedair 84. fedil V. Fedilmid 20. Fedilmid 20. fee (fe) 84. feg 84, 86. fege, feige 86, 132. feib 127. feircern 86. feis 85, 89, 90, 92. INDEX. 151 feiss aidche t. Fescor 20. feistid 87. fel V. Felmac 20, 86. felc 19. fele 20, 86. feles, felesach 87. Felic (gen. s.) 131. felis T. Deach 16. fell 19. felma 91. felmac 20, 86. felmad (.i. slegh) 94. Femen 21. v. Edel 18. Femnn v. Araicht 51. femmor 91. fen 84, ,89, 90. fen V. A 5. fenamain 85. Fene (gen. pi.) v. Noes 32. fenelach 86. Fenius Farsald v. Brdth- chaei 7. fer V. Fine 19. Fer Mumau v. A 5. v. Gall 23. fer-folo 91. fer-samla 91. fera 90. Feradach 130. (March 23.) ferb 19. v. Cliath 64. feraid 86. Fercertne v. Rucht 39. Perches v. Ringcne 38. ferend (ferenn?) 20. ferg 84. Fergus v. Noes 32. ferius 19. fern v. Fine 19. Ferna (gen. s.) 132. (June 22.) V. Munnu 29, ferngnia (fergnla?) 86. fersen 89. fert 90, 91. ferta 93. ferthar 91. fertainn 94. fescor 20. feth 84, 93. v. Nescoit 32. fethal 87. fethal conduala 92. fia 89. Fiacha mac Mpiijche v. Ana 3, 46. fiacail airisi (alriseP) 89. Fiachna 131, 138. v. Gaim- red 22. fiad 86. fiam 86. fich (male fiaich) 87. fich 89, 92. Fidach \. Mugeime 29. fidchell — W. gwyddbwyll 21. Fldgente v. PriiU 37. fiern 22. figil 86. file V. Forualatar 83. fill 20. filidecht V. Fele 20. fin 19. find V. Croicenn 10. Patu 35. Find haue Baiscni v. Ore treith 34. Ringcne 38. findfad v. Foloman 20. fine 19. fine V. Dairfine 16. Finnbarr 133. Finnlug 127. (Jan. 3.) Finntan v. Munnu 29. Finsige (gen.s.) 137. (Oct. 13.) fir 20. firrse 87. firt V. Fine 19. fis 20. V. Fine 19. fis 87. fit V. Fine 19. fithal 19. Fithal T. Ong 34. fithir(?) V. Gilldae 22. v. Leithech 27. fitirim (gl. arceo) 1. fitbnais 90^ fithrach 94. fitresc 133. fiu 84, 85. flalth 19. Fland v. Fe 21. fled V. Cendla 12. fled diadae 90. fled doendae 90. fled domundae 90. flesc 19, 84, 86, 87. fliuchud 21. fo V. Dedol 15. Fogamur 20. fo 84. fo 92. fobach 88, 91. fobairt 91. fobith 128. fochair (fochoir?) v. Cnarr 68. fochiallastar 92. v. Oiall 63. fochla V. Flaith 19. fochlocon (fochlac?)20. v. cm 10. Doss 15. focblu 84. fochmad 88. fochmen 85. fochonnad 20. fochreic 85. fod 86. I fodb V. Aesclad 55. fodobardae v. Coinfodor-i ne 13. fodocoisle 89. foen V. Leithech 27. foferthar 86. fogal 20, 89. fogamur 20. fogarrad (fogurrud?) 90. fogleinn 92. Foi 20. foiche V. Mugeime 30, line 23. foidmln 132. foil 93. foimdib 86. foir 93. V. Comlachtaid 62. foircither 86. foirgi (-e?) 89. foirrsi (foirse?) 91. foit Y. Smeroit 40. fola V. Aithle 3, 87. fpla brith 20. folasai 22. folmais 92. foloman | gn folman j folum 85, 88. v. Rac 113. foma 92. fomata 88. fomnas 84. , Fomori v. Oim- 12. Tetln ra 42. fondad 91. fondruair 139. fonn 83, 90, 91. fonnad (male fonn) 85. fonnam 85. founuige v. Fonn 90. foraimther (-ulmther ?) 84. 152 INDEX. foraithmenadar 136. Forann v. Scuit 41. forann 83. foroaemnacair v. Gdem- nacair 64. forcaln iter da cair 92. forchan, forcan 86, 90. forcan 94. forcan'ar v. Forcan 86. 90. forerinn, forcriunter 127. fordiastar 85. fordal 86. foreis 93. forfotha 89. foriasaiter 89. foriastar 87. forma 90. formna 83, 88. fornesa 85. forngabail 90. forngaire 86, 90. forngarar v. Forngaire 90. forosna 91. forrach v. Pertic 36. forraimther (forruimther?) 84. forrgid 91. forriastar 90. forrig (dat. s.) 93. forrusc 87, 89. forsanellgar 93. forslaiced 84. forthus 88. fonialatar 83. foriiasna 87, 139. foruillter 90. foruimther(?) 84. forairme filed 85. foserba becca v. iSerb 117, fosemair 84. foss T. Amos 1. Legam 26, Ninus 31. Ldmos 26. fosta V. Buaraeh 7. fot 31. foth (fod?) 86. foth 87. V. Forfotha 89. fota V. Langfiter 26. Long 27. fothrugud 20. foxla 84. fraec 92. fraig 22. Frangc v. Eacop fina 19, Gall 23. frecmad 92. frecomus 88. frecre 20. frecur 93. freislige 93. ffeitech 88. freptha 93. frescai 134. frescathar 92. fresce 84. frichnam (frichnum ?) 85. frisbruide 83. friscomarser 93. fricur 87. frisdadcbaid 94. frisisailither 86. frismbert 94. fristoing 86. frithbruth 83. frithchathugud 87. frithir 93. fuach 85. V. Deach 16. fuachacht v. Fuich 89. fualm V. Tailm 42. fuairrech 93-. fiiait, foit V. Smeroit 40. faal 20, 92. fuamann 84. fuarascaib 83. fuarcne 84. fuarraclius v. FuairrechdS. fuasnad 90. fdat 88. fuata 87. fubad (leg. faba?) 89. fubthad V. Fiibad 89; fuich 89. fuiche 93. fail 93. fuilget y. Fuilngenn 85. fuillned 90. fuilngenn 85. fain V. Arco 1. Fair 21. fuirec 91. fairech (fuirec?) 85. fuiregar (-ecar?) 85. fairim(?) 85. fuirmech 88. fuirmed 84, 89. fuirmid(?) v. Mucairbe 28. fuirmither 85. fuirestar 88. fuirseoir v. Reim 38. fuisceta 88. fuisim 92. fuisitin (dat. sg.) 94. fait V. Oulpait 10. fuithir 22. ara-fulastar 54. fur 84, 85. fur 89. furail 94. fumaide 92. fursmacht 87. fursmailt 88. fursmalt 87. Furudran 132. (June 18.) G. gabulrind v. Cercenn 9. bur 22. gai liubair v. Asdol 1. gaibes 95. Gaidel v. Deach 16. Fe 21. Mugeime 29. Neit 31. PuincneZb. PrullZQ. gail 95. gaileng 23. gaillire v. Oaillite 95. gaillite 95. gaimred 22. gainne v. Gann 136. gaire 24. gairseclae v. Gaire 24. galar 22, 95. galar Foil (gl. epilepsia) V. Talmaide 119, 120. Galenga v. Gaileng 23. galeon 94. gall 23. Gall 23. V. Escop fina 19. Fe 21. Langfiter 26. gall-dima v. Dirna 76. gam 22. gamen v. Croicenn 10. gamnach v. Gamuih 23. gamuin 23. gand (gann?) 136. garann 94. gart 23. ged 23. gegarda 94. gegnatar 131. geibiach v. Cichtae 63. geibeich 96. geis V. Ailges 4. gel 23. gelistar 22. gelltar 95. geltine y. Fochonnad 20. gem 23, 96. genam 96. gene 94. INDEX. 153 1. gerait 95, 126, 131. German 129. gert 94. giabur 23. giartha 95. gil V. Gilldae 22. gillacht V. Colomna 13. gilldae (leg. gillae?) 22. gin 94. glademain 24. glam 24. glam diceun v. Corrgui- necht 63. glam ger v. Sinn 115. glan V. Dobur 15. gland ) glangj *• glang 23. glas v. Langfiier 26. glas nenta 95. y.Rae 113. Glasimpere nanGaidel v. Mugeime 29. gle 94. V. Retglu 39. gleire 96. glen 95. glinne 96. v. Glonn 94. gloir 22. glonn 94. gluidimm v. Olademain 24. glus 23, 94. gnacht V. Mananndn mac lir 31. gni 96. gnid, gnidgal 23. gnim 95. v. Meracht 31. gno, gnoe 24. gno 94. Goibniu v. Nescoit 32. goid 95. gol 23, 94. gola 95. golgaire v. Gol 23. gor 95. gorm, rogormad 94. gorn V. Grand 23. grad 23. grain eatha 95. grant v. Grontsaite 11. grasticum 23. greis 95. grenn v. Des 80. grennach v. Orontsaile 11. gressa 96. Greth (Grith?) 23. Gretha 128. grian V. Tital 124. gn'an Glinne hui 96. griauan v. Temair 42. grianda v. Aingel 5. grinniud v. Leos 27. groitmess v. Gruiten 24, groma, gromaimm 24. groratha 96. grond 23. grot T. Gruiten 24. Gruibne v. Grond 23. Foi 2Q. gruiten 24. Guaire Aidne v. Art 2. gnid V. Dian-guid 73. guidemain (n. pi.) 24. guin 96. guirn 94. gur 95, 138. gus 95. Guthar(?) v. Gaire 24. Hi (March 22) 130. la 25. iach 98. v. Rac 113. laeop 130. (March 15.) iaehtad 96. iad V. Menad 28. iada 97. iadach 98, 99. iadad v. Sldhrad 40. iarcomarc v. Deach 16. iardaigi 97, 98. iarfine v. Dtutar 73. iarmo v. Airiu 48. hiarn 24, 99. larnbelre 25. iarmbelre v. Clock 9. iasc 24. iath V. Bachall 6. ib 25. ibar 24. icht V. Eoganacht 18. v. Meracht 31. Icht (muir nicht) v. Mug- eime 29. idan 25 , 97. v. Anidan 5. ide V. Meidith 104. idna 98. idol 25. idoss 25. leiseb v. Fuisitin 94. ilach 126. ilclannach v. Clann 62. imaire 97. v. Etaree 18. imbas forosnai 25. imbath 25. imbliu 24. imbliuch 25. imbus greine v. Tascar 122. imchim 98, 99. ro-imching v. Imchoim 98. imchisnech 98. imchosnam 56. imderinn 99. imdemainn v. Derinn 78. imdernam 99. imdich 99. imdisin 98. imglaic 99. imfen 98. imfoilngi 97. imitagat 100. iminaga v. Ag 49. immanetar 100. immargal v. Lesmac 26. immaslecht 129. immechtar 97. immesoroain 24. immorchur 97. immortan 25. impetoir"99. imramach 99. imrechtatar 97. imresc 97. imrimm 24. imrola 100. imrordos 98. imrordus 125. imruimther 100. imsaeth (?) 96. imsceng v. Sceng 40. imspelp V. Range 39. imsuide 97. inardraigther 99. inathar (= Corn, eneder- en) y. Duma 80. Inber Beci v. Coire Brecc- din 29. Inber Daili 136. (Sept. 13.) inbleogan 100. inchosc 100. ind V. Delidin 17. Indrosc 25. Ldmind 26. ind .i. tenga 97. indair 99. indastae v. Gall 23. inde (inne?) 97, 99. iudebar 99. indel 129. indelba (nom. pi.) 25. 154 INDEX. Indesc 99. indich 98. indlat, indlot v. Mat 29. V. Fothrugud 20. indmaiss 24. indmat v. Mat 29. ind6rsa(?) 99. indra 97. innra 98. indrosc 25., innrosc 97. innra 98. jngaib 99. ingar 98. ingen gaithe .i. anal 98. ingle V. Dohur 15. ingnum 100. inis 25. Inis Cumscraid (-aig?) 134. (July 22.) Inis Manann y. Manan- ndn mac liir 31. Inis Medcoit 136. ( A ag. 3 1 .) Inis Toimle 133. (July 4.) inlathar 98. inloing 96. inlolaig 99. inmall 98. innasaig 97. innell (indell?) 97. innige v. Aine 54. innracus (indracus?) 98. innra (indra?) 98. innrooht (indrocht?) 100. innrud (indrud?) 99. innsaigis .i. euinnige v.Oizi- mann 78. innsorguin 100. inoisci 98. inomblig 99. inotcet 100. inrecli (indrach?) 97. insamain 25. insce 98. intsliucht v. Dethbir 80. lob 132. (June 30.) lohen 126. ir 98. irchaid 97. hirem 96. iriu 97. Irmuma V. Airberi. Nairne 32. Hirota (gen. s.) v. Mug- eime 29. irrainn 97. irriab 97. hirt V. Anart 3. Adart 3. Lathirt 27. Hiriiath 126. isel 24. isu V. lasc 24: 126, 138, 139. ith V. Dobrith 15. Itharna 24, 79. itharna 24. iuger 99. lulian 128. (Jan. 6.) Inlitur V. Armuinnfer 50. L. laa V. Cingciges 10. laarg 26. labair (labuir?) 101. ladar (latar?) v. Fur 84. ladna 132. laeb (male leab?) 101. laiches 26. v. Aithohes 4. Laigen v. Cormac 8. Edel 18. laind (lainn?) v. Aicher 1. lainn 102. v. Toisc 41. laisrem {male laisrein) 103. laissim y. Ldsamnai 26. laitb 26. v. Lathirt 27. lam 26. gen. laime t. De- ach 17. lamcomairt 103. lamind 26. lamos 26. lamrotae v. Rot 38. lamthargair 100. lanamuln 102. lang T. Gaileng 23. langfiter 26. lann 101. lanomain 27. lap 100. lasamnai 26. lath 27. lathar 103. lathirt 27. laulgach v. Glithar-set 8. ro-leblaing 130. lebor 27. leconn 26. lecht 27. lee 100. legaiu 26. leimm v. Salt 40. leine v. Lin 27. leire(leire?)135. lerelOl. leithech 27. lelap 26. lem V. Lemlacht 26. lemlacht 26. len 100, lenaid 101. len 132. lenab v. Lelap 26. leniud clairenn ?. Clairiu 12. leo V. Laarg 26. . leo 100. leos 27, 101. ler 100. V. Mananndn mac lir 31. lere 101, 130. lesathair J lesmac \ 26. lesmathair \ Less mor 138. (Dee. 3.) let 103. Lethan, Liathan v. Mugr eime 29. lethanchar 102. lethbi 102. lethchil V. Gil 13. lethiter 101. li 101. lia 101. Liac Thursige v. Prill 36. liaig v. Midach 31. lianchar 102. lias 102. Liathan v. Mugeime 29. licet 102. lie 26. V. Cadut 14. Life V. Bid 56. Blaith 61. lig 103. ligach 101. ligda 101. ligur 26. Ifn 27. linbarr 100. linne (linde?) 136. lis 100. Lis Mor V. Guimme 68. liun(?) 101. lobad 103. loc V. Amos 1. loch 26, 102. lochdub V. Loch 26. lochriin y. Loch 26. locharn, luachairnn 28. lochet 128. (Jan. 26.) loi- chet 101. locht V. Sorb 40. loech (leg. laech?) 26. INDEX. 155 Loiguire v. Noes 32. loing 102. loinges 102. loithe 127. lommand (lommann?) 27. Lomna v. Ore treith 34. Ion V. Mer 31. Lonanl37,138, (Dec.24.) mac Louain v. Ecmuic 8 1 . long 27, 103. Ion laingen 103. lonn, lond 102, 103. lorg 26, 101. lossalt V. Leithech 27. lotrad V. Lott 27. lott 27. lu T. Mda 26. Lelap 26. lua 102. Luachair v. Ana 2. luachair v. Ain 48. luaes 102. luaigne 102. luam 101. luascach 103. lubgort 27. luch 102. Luchtae v. Pain 35. Luohtine t. Neacoit 32. Idda 26. lug 103. Lug V. Lugndsad 26. Lugald V. Bot 8. Foi 20. V. Ringcne 39. Lugaid Dall Eces v. Goire Breccdin 14. Lugaid mac Itha t. Te- mair 42. Lugba V. Fir 20. Laith 26. lugbort V. lubgort 27. Liignasad 26. lui 101. luib , luibenchosach v. Deach 17. Liiignib (dat. pi.) v. Ore treith 34. luinlther v. Leos 27, 101. luis 101. luisi 102, 103. luithe 127. lumar v. Easine 18. lupait 103. V. Comlachtaid 62. lurchaire 102. lus 101, 103. luthbus 101. M. mac V. Mugeime 29. Mac Con v. Mugeime 29. Ringcne 39. Mao da Cherda v.AnaS, 46. MacElathanv. Cernine 11. Mao Main v. Sin 41. Mao Samain v. Aittenn A. macdacht v. Colomna 13. maorae 105. mada (maga?) 105. Maedoo 131, 135. Maedoc Ferna v. Munnu 29. Maelcothaid t. Coth 12. Maen mac Edaiue (Etai- ne?) T. Mugeime 30. Maenan 132. (June 18.) maer 107. maeth 103. Mag Sainb v. Sanb 41. Mag Tuired v. Neacoit 32. maigin 106. maile v. Oaire 24. main 105. Maine (gen. eg.) v. Coire Breccdin 14. Maire 134. (July 22.). v. Fuisitin 94. maimed 107. Mairt 31. mais 106. mait (mat, pi. mata 29.) 104. V. Main 105. maithir 104. mal 29, 106. malairt 105. malland (-ann?) 28. mam 105. mam 107. mambrogaid 105. man 28. manach 28, 104. Manann gen. s. Manainn, dat. sg. V. Prull 36,37. Manannan mac lir 31. mand 29, 104. mann 105, 107. mannar 106. mar 105. mara (aco. pi.) v. Gmre 24. marc 28 , 104. marcach v. Marc 28. Marc 136. (Oct. 17.) Marcan (Maroine) mac Aeda V. Art 2. Maroill 136. (Oct. 13.) mart 31. Martan 133. (July 4.) v. Litpait 103. mas 105. mas 28. mat 29. Matha 136. (Oct. 7.) mathad (matha?) 105, 107. mathair 28. matulaid 105. meblugud (male mea- hlugh) 106. mebul 107. meoon cinad cubus braith 106. Medb T. Teol 121. meidith 104. meild 104. meirb 104. meirg v. Ebron 19. meiridin 107. meirlech v. Fur 84. meiscill 107. meise 106. meit (met?) 106. meithel 28. mela 55. melg28,105,107. V. 0(33. melgtheme, melgtheinte(?) V. Melg 28. Mellan 137. (Oct. 26.) Melteoc 138. (Dec. 11.) mem 104. memar 106. memra 105, 126, 133. memrum v. Cairt 13. Men V. Femen 21. menad 28. menann 98, 127. menmchosaph 28. menu 107. Menn ?. Caem/nap^ir 64. meoinne 105. mer v. Mertrech 29. mer 31. meraoht 31. merbae 140. mcrb^ll 140. mertrech 29. mes 105. mesoetlach 104. mess V. Demesa l6. Messgegra v. Demeas 16. methas 107. v. Muiredach 107. 156 INDEX. rnethos , luethus 28, 106. metnir 104. mi aigi, mi air, mi buana, mi forbba 106. mi- V. Milled 28. miadach 104. mid 28. midach 31. midach 103. midair v. Araicht 51. midbach 104. midclais 107. mile 104. milchii 106. Miled V. Brdthchaei 7. Bnal 56. milgitau 28. mills 30. milled 28. mimasc 104. minn 104. miscaisne v. Cuis 11. miscaith 28. miscaid 104. mithig 104. mithis v. Meit 106. Mobiu 134. (July 22.) Mochta 135. (Aug. 19.) Mochua 138. (Dec. 24.) V. Dechaid lb. mod 106, 107. modebrotli 28. Moel 129. (Feb. 6.) mog 106. moga V. Arsiasaigther 51. Mol V. Milgitan 28. molach v. Milgitan 28. molad 28, (gl.laudem) 131. mon, monacli 28. v. Caill crinmon 11. monar, domonar 104. mor (mor?) 105. Moran mac Main v. AnartZ. Morand 28. v. Fe 21. v. Cucht 62. mordae (.i. diumsach) 129. mortlaith 31. moth 28. mothar 105. muea(?) v. Eamongu 80. much, muchad 30. mucairbe 28. mucre.cht 104. mug 30. Mugeime 29. Mug mac Niladat v. Ath- gabdil 4. Mug Ruith V. Foi 20. Mugan V. Arsiasaigther 5 1. mugna 107. Mugnae 138. (Dec. 11.) mugraide 104. mugsaine 30. muguirt 106. Muilaethan v. Ana 3. muilenn 29. muimnech v. Muma 30. muin T. Emain 17. muinemar 107. ira-armuinter v. Ebrdn 19. mnir nicht v. Mugeime 29. muiredach 107. muirenn 29 , 105. muirtchenn 29. Muma 30. v. Airber 4. Mugeime 30. Munnu 29. mrir 105, 126. murchrann 106. Museraige v. Pritll 37. N. nac 31, 107. nae 108. nairne, naire 32. namat 108. namma (gl. tantum) t. Arg 2. nar 107, 108. nardata 108. nasad v. Lugnasad 26. nasad 108, 137. naso V. Aunaac 4. nath V. Deach 17. Dair- fine 16. necht 108. v. Oruithnecht 10. Nedi mac Adnai v. Goic 12. Diancecht 16. Doi- duine 17. Oaire 24. nei 108. Neit31.Netl08. v. Cm/13. nel 107. nemaith 31. nemeth 31. nemfuath 31. nemgnacht v. Mananndn mac lir 31. ncmnuall 31. Nemon v. Neit 31. nemthesv. SW8. iVar 108. nenadmim 108. iier 31. Nesan 130. nescoit 32. ness, nes 32, 108. Net 108. nethes v. Nith 32. niae 31. Niall Noigiallach v. Coire Breccdin 14. niam 108. Niar 137. (Oct. 26.) nihe v. Nith 32. nimb 32, 107. nin 108. v. Ninus 31. ninach 126. ninne 108. Ninus 31. nith 31, 32. nocht 108. nod 107. noe 31. noendin 108. noes 31. noidendacht v. Colomna 13. Biror 6. nos V. Comurscaigi 65. notlaic 138. (Dec. 24.) noud 107, 108. o. oar 33. oclachus V. Coldmna 13. ocmad 110. ochtaoh 34. ocus 110. odar 108. oech 33. V. Aithech 4. oen 33. oen (aen) 55. oen each 47. oenach 33. oenan, spelt aonan 53. oeth 33. offaing V. Pinginn 35. og 33. 6g 109. ogdilgend v. Amnas 2. 6gfaen(?) v. Aigen 4. 6i 33. ui 124. ' oibid 109. oiblech v Memra 105. Oilill (Ailill) V. GailenglZ. Oilill Aulum v. Mugeime 30. INDEX. 157 Oilill Fland Becc v. Mug- eime 30. Oilill mac Dunlaing v. Cadla 65. oimelc v. 6i 33. oin 109. Oingus V. Nimb 32. oir 109. oirnid 108. ois 109. oisc V. Oi 33. ol 109. olcairue v. Arinnus 55. Olehubar 33. oil 109. oUam 33. 6m 33. Oman 109. omus V. Amrath 2. on 109. end (onn?) 109. v. Adba 5. Clock 9. Muilenn 29. ong 34. onga 109. ongtha T. Al 52. onme 110. onnar 110. opair 33. opne 137. opuing V. Puincne 35. opunn 109. v. Top, Tap 43, 45. hor T. Biror 6. or 34. Orb, Orbraige 33. orba 109. ore 109. V. Ore treith 34. ore treith 34. ord 33, 109. ordan 110. orgnin v. Esorgain 80. ornn 33. v. Ceithem 12. oroit 34. ort 109, 130. ortha 109. OS 109. T. Archoige 52. osaic 109. osar V. Aracae 52. osear 109. v. Esgair 81. oslacad 34. osment 109. Osualt 135. othain 109. othna 109. othraeh v. Fothrugud 20. P. pain 35- pairche 35. pairt 36. parn 35. partae 139. Parthalon (= Bartbolo- maeus) v. Bresta 59. Patric 35. v. Adroyart 53. Ainmnet 56. Bahloir 6. Clithar-set 9. Cruimther 9. Comurscaigi 65. Dir- no 76. Imbasforosnai2b. Modebroth 28. Mugeime 29. Noes 32. Robime 110. pata 35. peccad 35. pell 35. T. Capall 10. penn 36. pennait 35. pertic 36. Petar 131. (Ap. 17.) v. Crepscuil 14. Pilat 126. pinginn 35. piss V. Pissire 36. pissire 35. pit V-. Fogamur 21. poc 36. poi v. Patu 35. Pol 128, 129, 131. V. Talmaide 121. port 35. primda 131. primles v. Prull 37. proind 36. propost 35. priill 36. puincern 35. puincne 35. piir T. Dobvxr 15. R. raa 112. rac, racaither 113. rach V. Range 39. ro-rais, rosaisiter 112. raith t. Reith 111. raithnech 39. raiti 113. ramart 112. ramut v. Rot 38. ran (ran?) 111. ran 128. range 39. rand t. Comrac 65. rand 111. rann 111. ad-rannad 112. rap 39. rath 112. v. Amrath 2. recam ro-n-ecam 113. recomarc v. Deaeh 16. recht, rechta(?) 110. rechtaire 38. reicc f. Toreicc 41. reil V. Brinda 8. reill V. Airm 54. reim 38. reir 113. reith 111. relec, relicc 39. v. Sa- baltair 40. reng 111. renga 113. reo (leg. reud) 38. rercherc 112. rere , gen. s. v. Aigrere 5. rertha v. Ceite 66. resin 113. retglu 39. rethatar v. Reith 111. riag 111. riagad 112. riasc 111. riastarda v. Reim 38. ribar 39, 110. v. Riagad 112. richis 110. rigan 39. rigbenn 110. rigid, rorigidsem 110. rindnem v. Rand 111. ringcne 38 ,111. rinn 111. rinn 110. v. Sinn 115. ro-ringthe 125. ro-rinned 129. rinntaid 38. riset V. Clithar-set 8. riss 39. ro f. Gaire 24. roach 110. roborta (robarta?) 113. robtine 110. robuth 39. rochall 113. rochmad 112. rocht 114. 158 INDEX. rodet 111, 113. roed 113. rofersam 111. rogad 112. rogrenn v. Des 80. roi 131. rola 113. role 110. romaile v. Ranyc 39. romna 112. romiiir v. Dorala 75. rona 112. ro-n-ecam 11 3-. ronfeithis 132, 135. roniastar 112. rop 39. roscad 39. roscadach r. Miscaith 28. roscaith 111. Ross V. Noes 32. ross 38. Eos Tuire 136. (Sep. 17.) rot 112. rot 38. roth 39, 112, 113. Roth Fail v. Foi 20. roussarb v. Ussarb 45. rii T. Enech mice 19. ruadan 112. Ruadrofessa 39. rnaichle 112. ruam 39. ruamach 134. ruamda 131. ruamnaid(?) v. Ruam. 39. ruamne ais 39. riianaid 113. v. Ruam 39. ruarc v. Arg 2. rub 111. ruba lin In fiada 111. rubart 110. ruba, rubaither 113. rucht 39. rudrach (male rwracA) 110. rudrad 39, 111. ruib 112. ruibdither 112. ruibe v. Cairceth 65. ruice 110. ruldbe 113. ruidbech 110. ruiteoh 113. ruille 111. riin 111. riis 110. s. sab 114, 115. sabaltair 40. saboit 114. saeart 40. saeglonn 115. Sadb 41. saeth 114, 117, 136. im-saetha 96. Saiger 130. saim 40. v. Essem 18. saincron v. Cron 62. saingnusta 114. sainlinn v. Brocoit 7 Boge 1. saithe 116, 128. saithech t. Sdth 41. saithiud t. Saeth 114. salach ruis 115. salchuait 41. sail 116. saloild (leg. salann?) 40. salt 40. sal-tri-asa v. Range 39. samain 137. samaisc t. Glithar-set 8. samrad 40. san 40. sanas 40. Sanb 41. sanct 39. sas 117. sath 41. Saxsan 135. (Aug. 5.) scath 115. V. Miscaith 28. Roscad 39. Scath (Sceithirne ?) v. Serb 41. sceng 40. sciath 114. selll 114. scith 118. scle V. Ainscle 55. SCO 118. scoaire v. Cerbsire 9. scoit T. Nescoit 32. scor 115, 116. scoth 115. soothe T. Fal 85. Scota V. Scuit 41. screpul 40. ■ script 115. Scuit 41. scuithe 116. scuithe V. Gom/achtaid 62 scuithid 115. se 40. sech V. Roach 110. sechat 114. secc 40. seche v. Oroicenn 10. secnab 40. sechrald 116. secht 40. sedat 114. sefainn 116. seg 41. segamail 116. segamlae 40. segar 118. seguinech v. Seg 41. seibe 117. seiche 117. seichme sirit 114. seig 117. seig V. Segamlae 40. seinnis 116. seinser 41. seirnue 130. seis T. Felmac 86. seist 40. selaig, roselig 116, rose- laig 126. sella V. Forann 83. sellann 118. semenn 115. Semeon 128. (Jan. 5.) '• sen 41, 117. ' '■ sen (= Nhg. segne) 116. senairecht, senbretha 41. Senan 130. (March 1.) Sencha v. Mand 29. Senchan Torpeist v. PrM 36. sendacht v. Colomna 13. senen 114. seng 41. sennath 125. Senoc 138, (Dec. 11.) senod 40. sentuinne v. Prull 37. seol (scol?) 115. seola 118. seolad 115. seona (sepna?) 116. sepe, seibe 117. Serb 117. Serb 41. serbad 117. serechtach toile v. Sesmach 117. INDEX. 159 serii 116. sernair 116. sen- 40. v. Seiracli 41. serraoh 41, sert, ronsert 139. serthonn 115. sesmach pectha 117. sestig 116. set V. Hot 38. set gabala v. Clithnr-ief S. s^ttaiirolotha v. Aigiltne 5. sianach 137. (Nov. 1.) sid V. Poc 36. sidach 117. sifuis 116. Sillan 129. (Feb. -28.) silled V. Milled 28. simin 40. sin 41. sine 41. sinn llf>. sinnad 116. v. Fal 85. sireehta 118. sireehtach tuile 117. sireiu 40. sires v. Bonn 75. sith \. Bretk 61. sithbe 116, 135. sithfi lis. siul 115. slabar v. Sldbrad 40. slabrad 40. slaet 115. slainte v. Diancecht 16. slan 117. slan, slanAigther 114. slecht 116, 117. slige V. Rot 38. sligi (slige?) v. (-fur 95. sliss^u V. Asdol 1. sloigde 133. sloiged 139. slnagach 130. (Marcli 5.) smech 117. smdr V. Smeroit 40. sm6r6it 40. smitt T. Bri 8. snadud 130. snathad 40. sndad 40. sniiad 114. soad 116. sobas 114. sobartau 116. sobis 116. sobraigit(?) 40. sochla 115. soertar 117. sogein 115. soilbeoh 115. soilbech bethaoh 115, soilse V. Leos 27. Suit 39. soimle 116, 133. solas 40. V. Aiiitie/ 5. solis(?) 116. somaine t. Anomain 3. somnaide 118. sondda 114. sorb 40. sostan 116, 133. sotal 116, 132. sotlae 132 (June 7), 139 spiraeul 40. spirut 40. sponge 40, spred (spret?) v. Tenlam 42. srabtine 118- v- Robtine 110. sren 118. sroU 40. sruaim 115, 116, 117. sruaimnecb 115. sruib (dat. pi.) v, Cailech 70. sruth 114. Stellan 132. (May 26). suainem 118. suaiti-ech 115. subaigC?) 40. suil 39 snillig 117. snin, suinither 115. suirge 139. snirrn 115. suith V, Duthcern 14- suithnge 117. sunn 118. suth V. Fliiiclnid 21. Ttta- rad 43, 44. T. Tabor 134. (July 26). tacmalc v. Ferend 20. tadg 121. Tadg mac Coin v. Gai- leng 23. Mugeime 30. tadlach 137. tai 121, taig V. Ai(i 50. tailc 122. tailm 42. taimter v. Tdm 121. taimthiu 122, 133. tairchell 123. taircsin (toirosin?) 119. tairim 120. tairise v. Anidan 5. tairmritb 122. taithlech 123, 136, tal V. Bidil 7. talam v. Etarce 18. talgad, talgud 122, 137. talmaide 120. talmaige(?) 119. tani 121, V, TdmlachtaiS, 45. tamain (tamon?) 122. tamall 121. Tamlaclita 43, 45. tap 45, top 43. tarb 41. taroa 122. targraide 119. tarmcbnitliud, (gen. tairm- ebrutto Z. 199.) 134. tarraohaill v, Tarehosaig 123. tarrchosaig 123, tascar 119, 122, taserat 120. tasgur (-cur?) 124. tathcria 120. tathlugud 122. tathluithe 120. tathum 124, tathut (male tathat) 124, taurci'eic 118. tanrgein(?) 42. taurthait 43, 44- Tea T. Temair 42, ticoomnaise 82, tech 41. techtaire v. Aingel 5. teim 42. t, Deme 16. teimen v, Teim 42, teium 118. teinm laegda (laido?) v. Mugeime 30; Ore treith 34. teinn 120. teirt 42. teisim t. Eisim 82. teist 42, 44. teU y. Tailm 42. tellaing v. Eltaing 82. 160 INDEX. tellais 119. tellur (dat. s. tellraig) v. Flaith 19. temair 121. v. Doglinn 73. Temair 42. v. Milgitan 28. Mugeime 30. teme v. Melg 105. temen v. Deme 16. tendal 43, 45. tene v. Aed 2. tenlaeg 42. teulam 42. tenn 121. v. Aittenn 4. tennal 121. tennat 121. teol (male tela) 121. v. Aeht 160. Teolis 129. (Feb. 25.) teoir 120. Teophil 135. (July 28.) tepe V. Tobaide 120. terbud 120. tesoomarr 121. tet 42. tete 125. Tethba v. Ore Treith 35. Tethra 42. tethrach 122. texsaid 120. ti 41, 121, 119. ti'achair 65, 122. ti'acbrae 138. Tiamda 136. (Sep. 8.) tiamda 122, 127. tiasc 122. tieol T. Ceticol 14. ticsaid v. Ore treith 35. tigba 43. v. Tigrathos 44, 119. tigradus 43 , tigrathos 44. timarchimm v. Airches 1. Arco 1. timchomac 118. timoomarr 121. tincur v. Cur 69. timdiben 121. timgart 122. timna 122. timtaoh 119. tin 124. V. Coimde 63. tinea 123. tinchor 120. tind (tinn?) v. Aicher 1. tinne 41. tinnrem 124. tipra 42. tirda 123. tisca V. Bri 57. tital 124. tithsat 123. tiscail 120. tlacht 119. tlenamain 121. tlethar 120. tlus 120, 123. tnu 123. to 120, 121, 123. tobaide 120. tochma, tochmastar 121. tochmat 63. tochra 119. tochuirimm v. Apstal 5. tocoiscit 122. todiaeh 123. toe T. Leithech 27. toeden 123, toideii 122, 135, 139. tofotha v. Leithech 27. togrinn 121. toi 121. toich 134. toiche 123. toilfeith V. Airne toile 54. toimdiu 123. toing 123. toirm 122. toirne 119. toisat 123. toisc 41. tolgdae 122, 126. toUsca 124. tonnach 123. top 43. tor 123. toraio (male toiree) 123. torb 42. tore 41, 43, 44, 121, 133. tore 'face' v. Fonnam 85. torchla, torchlaither 123. toreicc 41. torgaethad 122. torla 121, 123. tort, tortine 41. t6rta, hiarta 120. toth 42. tothaeht 122. tothluigim 122. totWuchur V. Arco 1. oud 119. toxal 122. traeth 42. treb 42, 121. trebad 133. trednach 129. trefocal 43. trefoclae 44. trefocul fogra v. Egin 82. trefet 122. tren v. Aicher 1. tresc 121. tretell 123. v. Fochmad 88. trethan 122, 133. triamain 125. triath 41. trethain (ace. s.) 138. V. Ore treith 34. trichem v. Desebar greine 78. Deling 78. trilis 130. trochit V. Fothrugud 20. trog V. Trogein 42. trogein 42. trom 120. tiiagrotae v. Rot 38. tiiaim 56, 120. tuar V. Tuarad 43. tiiarad 43. tuarta 120. Tiiatha de Danann v. Neseoit 32. tiiathgenti 123. tubae 119. tiibron 121. tuchtach 134. tiigen 43, 45. tuidme 119. taidmithe 120. tuilgein 42. tuilm 42. tuinech 120. tuinmell 123. tuirgin 42. tuirmi (2 sg. imper.) 136. tuirthim 120. tulach V. Temair 42. Tulchan y. Munnu 29. tur 123. turigein 44. turorgain 119. turrachtaig (n. pi.) 121. t.imch„r(P) V. Taurthait tursugud V. Gus 95. INDEX. 161 U. uad (geu. s.) v. Felmac 86. hiiallacb 96. uan V. Enbarr 18. liasal \. Airchinnech 4. taiiasalathair 139. uath V. Audacht 3. v. Adba 5. Othna 109. uball 43, ubull 45. uch 43,"'45. ucht nosnae 44, 45. lidar 124. udmath 43, udmad 45. udma 124. ui 124. uidim 43, udim 45. uiledilgend v. Amnas 2. uim 44, 124 ; uimm 45. uinohi etha 44, 45. ulnse 124. liire v. Diuire 16. ulthir 124. Ulaid V. Fir 20. v. Us- sarb 43. 45. un 124. , une V. Oenach 33. liry. Coire 13. 43, 45, 124. urgais 124. urlaiti(-e?) 124. ussarb 43, 45. 11 NOTES AND CORRIGENDA. p. 1. Amfos: we should read "[Amos .i.] Amfos" etc. Airged : the explanation should certainly be " quasi airgent ab argento". Arseo : should be Arceo, and fitirum, fitirim -the latter is derived from fiter (ON. fiotur, AS. feotur) see Langfiter p. 26. p. 3. Anruth: line 2: read in chdinmolta "of the fair praise", p. 5. 1. 6. read oc ai[d]bsi. Aithinne: read aithtene. p. 7. Buarach: "fescor imbuarach" should probably be fescor 7 buarach. Brdthchaei , 1. 2 : read F[arsada]. p. 8. Brigit: 1. 8 : read penes. p. 9. Cruimther: ego sum vermis et non homo. Ps. 52. p. 10. Cathasaeh, 1. 1: inoie should be ind oic. p. 13. Goinfodorne: fodobarnas should be fodobardai. p. 14. Cuisil: read 7 [is] laiten. p. 18. Escann, 1. 3: read di[n]. p. 19. Epscop (leg. Escop) fina. As eipe is explained by grainne at Mes p. 105, we should probably read cai cum grano. p. 48. Ardmes, read: ni treisi toimdi na sochaide oldass luighe n-aonfir ("not stronger is the opinion of the multitude than the oath of one man"), p. 49. Airbert: read: airbert cin [cil] ceill. Ain: read afbgabdla. Ail: read ruadh aile. p. 50. Ardrosc reire: read: roisc ata. p. 52. Aith: read aithemh gaibes. p. 54. Athcomarc: read diam[bi]. Ailc: for olc the scribe should have put ailc. Adgniatt: booith should be baoith. Airne toile: read faonan cuma. p. 55. Aithmess: the quotation should have been printed as a couplet: A corbmaic coisc domaicne na roib in aithmes t'aicme "O Cormac, check thy sons, That thy race be not in ebbing." All: should probably have been Alaib. p. 56. Baoth: fir should be /er (= vir). p. 57. Buaroeh: we should probably read crann imbuaroch. NOTES AND CORRIGENDA. 163 Blor: read blor con dombinne "the howl of hounds (is) un- sweetness ". Buaile: read oollarf. Boim conae bit should be conuball "with an apple", or boss. Bla: for ia read la. Bruth: read com[tharrang] fri tarbh. So magarll should surely be magarla. p. 58. Baircne: read oat ban. Bruis: read fath bruis. Brucht: bruchtaib should probably be bruchtaid or bruchtait. p. 59. Biletus: read disg ingalar. p. 60. Ben: for me^Aalgh read medhaigh. p. 61. Blaith: read adciadis ' videbautur '. p. 62. Cuinnhech: read airther seiche; and raoth should be raot.* p. 63. read cindas [caite] meth. Cern: cerninne should be cerm'ne. Ca^: read or derg. (Here as elsewhere, the word intended to be exemplified is omitted from the quotation). Cerp: read gorm - oloidemh [oerp] cinntech 6r derg ima dornour. Comraiti: read di[an]aichnidhe. Crib: read lam itein ('manus in igne'). p. 64. Cam: iii acam is to be read teora cam. Congreinn: read sochairfe. Contednatar: read sealb gill sealb loigbi contednagatar. p. 65. Oruibne: read cruibne sabalU 7 muilinra. Conruidrir: Mac Firbis has "Conruidiur .i. cororaidiur. ut est a isii conruidi[u]r" p. 66. Oresin: "senior fiiidit" is a blunder for senior fuit. Comol: oonnach leir should be cona chleir 'with his clergy'. Coneitis: suidhe should be guidhi. Ceachra: deith should be beith. Caidh: read bes lia bes caidh[e]. Cil: read o cina[i]dh. p. 67. Oinconn: read [cen] ath. Ouire: read 'in aoihAeiliugud so ar in umad' etc. Coibne: read in raith diabalta [MS. r. d], p. 68. Croich: read as[co]croich. Cnarr: read ut est [cnarr] da etc. p. 69. Ceis: read ceissit[h]. Ceiti: read faith[ch]i, tulcomracc. Conluan: each should be cacc 'dung'. Coig. This is Coic in Mac Firbis' copy. W. coch, cf. Lat. coccxts. p. 70. Cleath. Mac Firbis gives this obscure gloss as follows: Cleth .i. atarcud no nua no ardarcuguc^ no clisid no ceimniugud ut est besues srotha cocta forculu contailge r^fethaine amail donailge in duilem in muir mor conclethid fri tir .i. amat^ tulaighes in muir mor intan nuallas no eeisis no ceimnigis docum tire, ('as the great sea flows when it roars or (?) or advances to land'.) p. 72. Dal: Mac Firbis has Dal .i. caingen ammV ata dal diangetisr am- brugh ar gach muintir amac .i. is caingen diangetar ar ferann ar mac gacha mete orachus risinngallord. Dorm: cerg should be tenga. 11* 164 NOTES AND COERIGENDA. Dreehta. Mao Firbis has Drechta .i. duana no laide 7 rosoada. ut drechta .c. cataig each, p. 74. Dub: for dooha read do[r]oha. Dermen: the words 'ut est' are omitted before gacha. ^ Doglinn mo dig: Mao Firbis has: ut est doglinn modig danaib im- buis .i. condaigim mo dig do tinnluc«d ar imat mo sofis. Dobre, I. 2: read fair banna. Digna: read croohod, fuine[d]. Dend: denamain should be de anmain. Dera, 1. 4. read cin comanad no cin tairisim. Dlicht: read dilsi[g]the. p. 75. Deilm: for 'crith' Mac Firbis has 'grith'. Dignae, 1. 3: read felix fua[i]r [cuaird ceolda]. Dorala: read Doralaid Digras: Mac Firbis has Digrais. Dire: read conr[u]ala. Deemaic, 1. 4: for doile Mac Firbis has doilig. Drobel^ 1. 2 : read for nem cosldra. Dlom: read innps]. The quotation should be thus: dlom diis ar fichit martar oo met noibe 'proclaim two and twenty martyrs with much holiness'. Duithne : The ' .d. ' stands for duil roscadach. p. 76. Dogrenar: read toibgit[h]er. 1. 2: read ni tet aith^ira tar cend an Deis, 1. 2: Mac Firbis has uraicecht bee. Llegail, 1. 3: sem ditin should probably be aimditin. Dobo, 1. 2: read dligid. p. 77. Diumsach: Mac Firbis has claen bretach gach diumsach, "wrong- judging is every proud person. " Daith should be Daithen as Mao Firbis has it. Dun: Mac Firbis has Drin .i. da clad im uisci. Delgainecht. The quotation is a quatrain, p. 78. Doai/rcechnatar : Mac Firbis has the last clause thus : .i. rothairn- gestar din [leg. dib] na faide in firberla bias iartain .i. inlegenn. Docoislet: both should be belch 'bees', as Mac Firbis has it. Dithet should be Diohet. Dingna: Mac Firbis has Dignad. Donn, 1. 2: read trian in[n]eich a donn [.i.] a flaithius [tuilles] do .i. trian edala creichi 7 ruathair 'a third of what his donn i. e. his lordship, merits for him, i. e. a third of the spoils of raid and incursion', p. 79. Dilmuin, 1. 3: read aithrighe. Dual, 1. 2 : read is maith in dal dona britheamnaib na robaisit amail ginntib 'good is the lot(?) for the brehons that they were not like unto the gentiles'. Diall: read [diall] de daghmainibh .i. diultadh do gin daghmain do. Dodamna: read gataidhe no mac beg. Dinn, 1. 2: Mac Firbis has: .i. comaircim cadeat na maine maithi bis ar aibindib in domuin. Dacha: read cain'6. Doeoasat: read Docaosat (Docaesat Mac F.) p. 80. Duim: For derbdluim read derb duim? Des, 1. 2: read roordaither [a grinn] don feor (fiur). NOTES AND CORRIGENDA. 165 Esmong: Mao Firbis has Esmongu, and in 1. 3 for mugh he has muga. p. 81. Eallgha: should be EallacA. Mac Firbis has Ellach. Eacomrad: read ioc [ut est] mad etc. Escoman: Mac Firbis has imachomracht combiad nescoman. Esgair: Mac Firbis has Esgar .i. oscar .i. leim ('leap') ut est sloig ihu. an esgra. Ecmuie: Mac Firbis has mac lonain doneomaic in adhaig renodlaio ('on the night before Christmas'). Esomain, 1. 2: Mao Firbis has forneis flr iarmbag etc. p. 82. Eacomrad: read ic fiach 'paying of debts'. Eccell: for air ndil read airndil 'a trap' 'in every tigrad(t) where a trap is set animals are not to be put in danger'. Egin. Mac Firbis has 'forsin mbairdne' as conjectured in the text. "Query, is there metre in bawdne (bardic composition?). There is indeed". p. 83. Each., 1. 2: Mao Firbis has oonid dona hiib adhaib isin roraidestar ambrethaib glana aiue ingene iugaine, "so that of these adha mention was made in the pure judgments of Aine daughter of Iugaine." Forualatar: Mac Firbis has forualatar findairbid tile iill 'the horses leapt the brittle paling'. Friahruide: for teagis read teag[da]is 'house'. 1. 3: aru should be ara. p. 84, Fedair: Mac Firbis has dliged dofedar soer doer doohennaib .i. continuo. Feg: read neimed. Fresca: Mao Firbis has Fresce .i. frithail no feg ('attend or look') ut est fresci fir foclach. ■ Ferg: Mao Firbis has .i. laech. ut est oomad ferg faebwr no ferg fene do muinntir eocha fedhlig. Fochlu: see these glosses on Faitai and Fochlu in the preface, supra XXXIX. Foaemair: Mao Firbis has fosernair sirfocal [leg. sirfocul?] 'the con- stant word is famous'. p. 86. Fal, 1. 2 : Mac Firbis has Soothe .i. indsoi. sinnad .i. aerad. Form: Mao Firbis has Fonnad. Fonnam, 1. 2: read tor[c] aghaidh etc. Fath: Mao Firbis has Fatha. Fuach, 1. 2: read is fuaoh [a] ainm. Fuvrech: Mac Firbis has FvArec ('Aithirne's mother went into a house wherein ale was near her'). p. 86. Fearngnia: Mac Firbis has Fergnia.. Forcan: for forcend read forceda?. Mao Firbis has Forohan .i. forcetal. p. 87. FeisHd: Mao Firbis has 'no deistid'. 1. 2: read amail adeir [duil rosoadaoh] ar is etc. Felaa: for feleach read fele[s]aoh. Feathal: Mac Firbis has Fethal .i. cumdhach oomurtha no minna. Fiaich: Mao Firbis has Fich. Fda: read ieenfasaoh . . . isenoinne. p. 88 , 1. 1 : read fritho[h]aith[aigh]edhar. Folum , 1. 2 : Mac Firbis has cusna buaib ' with the cows '. 166 NOTES AND CORRIGENDA. Fitrsmailt, 1. 2 : for ferann sin read for annsin. Fomata: Mao Firbis has .x. mba. Fochmad, 1. 2; read tuisdede (Mac Firbis has thuisdide). p. 89. Fuich: Mac Firbis has Fuach, and in 1. 3. doercele elas redliged flatha. Fvhad. Mac Firbis has .i. fubtad. Fersen: for dir read dire: for samail read sammsc 'a heifer'. Fuirmed: Mac Firbis has Sen foruirmither dichmairc .i. lin indlither cin fiarfaighid. Fuich: Mac Firbis has fuichi. Fuich: for fnachtair read (with Mac Firbis) fuachtain. Forfoth: Mao Firbis has Forfotha. Foriasaiter, 1. 2: read fait[oh]i. 1. 3: read remni[gh]ther . . . ifaithcAi. p. 90. Feis, 1. 2 : Mao Firbis has tarrustar aicci. Fuasna: Mac Firbis has Fuasnad. Fogarradh: Mao Firbis has Fogurrud. Fuillmedh: Mac Firbis has Fuillnedh. p. 91. Fonda: Mao Firbis has Fondad. Faer: tiagerna should be tigerna as Mac Firbis has it ("a name of a food that is given to the Lord in the autumn"). Fuirec: riadh should be ria 'before', p. 94. Fealmad: flegh should be slegh 'a lance'. Gno: for gnocar etc. read gno oar cnaim marhdae. Olonn: for Glinn Mac Firbis has glinne. p. 95. Gailliti: for gae Mac Firbis has glinne. p. 96. Gni: for gair Mac Firbis has guaire. Gleire, 1. 2: for nandaoino read naudaoine ('hominum'). p. 97. Imresc, 1. 4* Mac Firbis has tascnai. lardaid: Mao Firbis has lardaigi mane esadar samuisc cona uile inathar. p. 98. Inighen: Mac Firbis has Inghen. The glossographer seems wrong in explaining this word 'bJogh a piece'. Inghen gaoithi literally means 'daughter of wind', i. e. in anal 'the breath', and accor- ding to the mythe cited supra Pref. p. XI, the breath was formed from the wind. Is com[d]iuir: Mae Firbis has comiuir. Tr: Mae Firbis has .i. suthain no ferg ut est cesfaid in ilphianuib inifem ir .i. inifern fergach no suthain ("i. e. eternal or wrath", ut est 'he will suffer in many pains in hell ir i. e. in wrathful or eternal hell'. Imfen, 1. 2: for eohlach Mae Firbis has a eohlaso. Innrad. Here O'Davoren has jumbled two articles. Mac Firbis has "Indra .i. imaire ('a furrow') amai7 ata tri hindra cainne cetharda imdar imuis", and then. "Ircha .i. ouiltech ('a kitchen') no airecul no tech in bidh" Inoisci, 1. 2: for innsouchtha Mao Firbis has indscuchad. p. 99. Imramaeh: for faonledhaoh Mac Firbis has foendledach. Indebar , 1. 2 : Mao Firbis has ' .i. tech salach seindellech '. Imcim: Mac Firbis has Imohim. Ingaib ,1.2: Mac Firbis has forsintir 7 darlimsa etc. p. 100. Incosc: Mao Firbis has Inohosc. 1. 2: read 7 inc[h]os[c] .i. etc. Inotcet: Mao Firbis has "Inotchet .i. taithigi no ceimniugud ut est ni eitget daill duairfis do doman dala. Ladar , 1. 2 : Mac Firbis has trenf er fur nad fir latar. Linbarr: read dinn[n]ach 'washing'. Lamthargair, 1. 3: Mac Firbis has comet adairt. NOTES AND CORRIGENDA. 167 p. 101. Leos: read Ima le[o]s luinither. Id: read 'ut est life [.i. fe] a ainm' etc. Lus, X. 2: Mac Firbis has oonngere ngnusa. Leabh: Mac Firbis has Laeb .i. lenad. p. 103. Lathar: for iusgi Mac Firbis has uisgi. Lus: Mac Firbis has malusait tuara 7 digh 'if they taste food and drink'. Let: Mac Firbis has letenaib nithiiarmaighnib. Laisrein: Mao Firbis has Laisrem. Lonlaingen: Mac Firbis has Lon laingen. p. 104, Mithid: Mac Firbis has Mithigh. Mathair: for cochta Mac Firbis has coctha. Midbach : read maet[he]orna. Monur, 1. 2: read doib ol menra. Mugraide: read fine mugrai[de] cis ar selba .... innsaighter [a cisa] donti etc. Meild: for aile Mac Firbis has ailiu. Mem 'a kiss': 'ueste ele uatha' shonld of course be veste elevata. Mimasc: read leth-mimasc. p. 105. Melg, 1. 2: read as mbapjs 'liquor of death' (blood). Matulaidh: Mac Firbis has felix ba matulaid. Main: read leasugh[udh]. Mes, 1. 2: Mac Firbis has "no mes ar aicidib". Mothar, 1. 3: Mac Firbis has 'icomraicit air manaichne'. Meoinne, 1. 2 : read ' no meoan inainde. p. 106. Mwrcrann: Mac Firbis has Murchrann. qy. Muir-chrann 'sea-tree' i. e. 'mast'? Meablugh: Mac Firbis has Meblughud. p. 107. Modh, 1. 2: for adcor ceile Mac Firbis has adaeircheile. Meiridhin: read mi-aradha [ut est] foanan etc. Menn: Mac Firbis has leth .uii. cuma^ ineisci bes menn .i. bes mo on etc. Nel: Mac Firbis has niuil truim. Nimb: for branen Mac Firbis has braen. p. 108. Nin, 1. 2: Mac Firbis has cocennaib fian inalamaib. Ned: Mac Firbis has Net i. robith no ronad nairine. p. 110. Rigbeann, 1. 3: read bendaib [a] aireach. Richis (gl. carbo Z. 281, 750): the last word is areithir according to Mac Firbis. Ribar: read cotriagfither a,mal ribar "Mayst thou be holed like a sieve!" See Riaghad p.- 112. Rurach: Mac Firbis has Rudrach. p. 111. Ran: for racht Mae Firbis has recht. Ruradh: Mac Firbis has Rudrad. Reith: for rigtigh Mac Firbis has richid. Roba lui etc.: Mac Firbis has Ruba lin in tiada. p. 112. Rochmadh, 1. 2: read gen[co]roellnedh. Roth, 1. 4: loigidecht na fiacA ro airiltnighter ann Mac Firbis. Rorba: Mac Firbis has Rorben. Rogadh: for roncar Mac Firbis has rocar. p. 113. Reng: Mac Firbis haS Renga. Runaidh: Mac Firbis has Ruanaid. p. 114. Seichme sirit, 1. 2; Mac Firbis has ut est annsom tighradws 7 rl. sechmp] sirite alacrich etc. p. 116. Sen: for bennachad Mac Firbis has bennach 'benedic'. 168 NOTES AND CORRIGENDA. Sobartan: Mac Firbis has lasinslog oostiagam 'with the host to which we go'. Soimle: Mao Firbis has marosellaib. Sostan: for es read est. p. 117. Sighach: Mac Firbis has Sidhech, and in the quotation sidaig. Svrechtach tuile: Mac Firbis has inti risi snthain charthanach etc. Smech: for smite Mao Firbis has smitir. p. 118. Sallann, I. 4: Mac Firbis has .nil. la fene inuighi etc Timaomac: Mac Firbis has Timchomac. p. 119. Timtach: 'raiment' Mac Firbis has Timthach. Targraidhe: Mac Firbis has Targraighe and for graidhe he has graig. Talmaigi: epelinn sia ('Paul's disease) = Mac Firbis' epelenncia. should certainly be epilepsia. Ti: for ta 1. in lines 1 and 2 read talam. p. 120. Tiscail, 1. 2; for isin naladh Mac Firbis has asin alad. Twrrtim: Mac Firbis has Tuirthim . . . saer-rath lanad tuirthime. Tohaide, 1. 2 : for tepie Mac Firbis has tepede. Trom: Mao Firbis lias niul truim. p. 121. Tresc, 1. 2: for postae read postea. Togrinn ,1.2: Mao Firbis has tarcenn a enigh. Tela: Mao Firbis has Teol. p. 122. Timgart: Mao Firbis has rochuinnig ('then the woman inquired for the ale'). Tamaint Mac Firbis has Tamon. Treifet: Mac Firbis has Trefeit. Tethrach: Mac Firbis has 'ut est rofine tonn tethrach .i. rotaighed tonn taitnemach na finemna. Tothlaigim: for tes Mao Firbis has techt. Tairmrith, 1. 2: read tugtha. Taimthiudh: Mac Firbis has Taimthiu. The quotation should be taimthiu eutaic espoic 'the death of Bishop Eutyohius'. p. 123. Toeden: sic in Mao Firbis' MS. Tonaeh: Mao Firbis has ferr cotaire liaigh lerthonnaig. Tur: Mao Firbis has Tiir .i. iarraidh ut est nemlech tighe do tur -i. do tsirthain. Torcla: Mao Firbis has Torohla. To, 1. 2: Mao Firbis has donnaig diumsaig. Tnu, 1. 2 : Mac Firbis has itnu .i. itana coicelta. Toirec: Mao Firbis has T:oi"aic .i. timorguin. ut est taid for taid oid fiad each dobera toraic fair In 1. 3 for aire he has airic. Todlach, 1. 2: Mao Firbis has for cochull eisc rofaiscitisti. . Toiched: Mao Firbis has Toichc . . . oc toichi. Torla, 1. 4: Mac Firbis has ut est ronenais torla etc. Tlus: Mao Firbis has Tluis .i. tuilled uais. TuinmeU: Mao Firbis has aoht nis tuinmell etc. Tarrcosaigh: Mac Firbis has Tarohossaigh. Tuathginnti: Mac Firbis has Tuathgenti ut est coneperar bid e roerpa dia imcomet ar tuathghentib. PRINTED BY F. A. BROCKHAUS, LEIPZIG. m