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A TBEATISE ON SOME NEW GEOMETRICAL METHODS, CONTAININO ESSAYS ON TANGENTIAL COORDINATES, PEDAL COORDINATES, RECIPROCAL POLARS, THE TRIGONOMETRY OF THE PARABOLA, THE GEOMETRICAL ORIGIN OF LOGARITHMS, THE GEOMETRICAL PROPERTIES OF ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS, AND OTHER KINDRED SUBJECTS. Kova methoduB, nova eegee. IN TWO VOLUMES.— VOL. I. BY JAMES BOOTH, LL.D., r.E.S., r.R.A.S., &c. &c., ~ VICAB OF 8T0KB, BrCKINOHAUSHIBE. MTHEMATICS LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN, READER, AND DYER, PATEHN03TEB BOW. UDCCCLXXIU. [All rights reserved.] PniNTKD BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, SED LION COURT, FLEET STREET, ttmifoii TO THE PRESIDENT AND COUNCIL EOYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. INTEODUCTION. The discoveries and inventions which have enriched and systema- tized every department of Natural knowledge within the last half century, are justly looked upon as the great intellectual conquests of our time. Indeed the rapid succession of brilliant discoveries, and their important applications, would seem at first sight to jus- tify the opinion of many that it is only in the regions of physical inquiry, in the extension of man's dominion over nature, that our knowledge can receive much accession. They believe that mere intellectual speculation, in which the mind is as well the instrument as the subject, is barren of useful results, and that but little remains to reward the labours of inquirers in that field of investi- gation. Now, the reality of this distinction cannot justly be admitted. Man's triumphs in the sphere of intellect are as important in our own age as at any former period of this world's history. Let us limit our view to the progress of mathematical science alone ; and it will suffice merely to mention the names of Euler, Lagrange, Laplace, Legendre, Jacobi, Abel, and a host of others to show the advance which this department of human knowledge has made in modem times, depending, as it does, neither on experiment nor observation, neither on the use of ingenious machinery nor of instruments of precision. But it may be replied, those discoveries are only to be found in the higher analysis, a comparatively modern invention, while geo- metry remains much as it was when it left the hands of Euclid, Archimedes, and ApoUonius*. But surely there will occur to us * " Quelle est la cause de cette direction exclusive dans lea etudes math^ma- tiques ? Quelle sera son influence sur le caractere et lea progres de la science ? Nous n'essayerons pas de r^pondre a ces questions, sur lesquelles on serait peut- etre diificilenient d'accord. Mais quelles que soient les opinions a leur €gard, on ne disconviendra pas du moins, qu'il serait utUe que la m^thode ancienne, suivie jusqn'au siecle dernier, continuat d'etre encourag^e et cultivate concurrem- ment avec la nouvelle." — Cuasles, Aper<^ HMortque, p. 551. b VI INTRODUCTION. the names of Descartes and Pascal, and Leibnitz, but above all that of Newton, as original inquirers, and as inventors of methods of investigation of the utmost value and importance. It has well been observed by an English mathematician of some celebrity, that " He who invents a new method, or who renders a mode of investigation intelligible with whatever paucity of mere illustration, does more for the interests of science than he who collects all the illustrative examples of such methods that could be given." The addition of a new method of investigation to those already in use, the development of its principles, with illustrations of the mode of its application, are surely not of less value to a philoso- phical appreciation of what that is in which mathematical know- ledge truly consists, than the invention of problems, which, while they embody no general principle, are yet often difficult to solve ; and when solved, frequently afford no clue by which the solution may be rendered available in other cases. Again, it often happens that an investigation which, if pursued by one method, would prove barren of results or altogether imprac- ticable, when followed out from a different point of view and by the help of another method, not unfrequently leads by a few easy steps to the discovery of important truths, or to the consideration of others under a novel aspect. Hence the multiplication of methods of investigation tends widely to enlarge the boundaries of science. It must, however, be acknowledged that for more than a century and a half geometry made but little progress, especially in this country. The new geometry originated with Monge and his dis- ciples. It may safely be asserted, there is scarcely any branch of knowledge, certainly none of abstract speculation, that has put forth a more vigorous growth, and received a wider cultivation, than the science which, once alone called learning, was the subject matter of contemplation of the exalted genius of a Plato or an Archimedes. To hold that no discoveries are to be made in a field which has been repeatedly searched, is an opinion than which there are few more erroneous. To have stumbled upon a new theorem or two was once looked upon as a proof of rare mathematical genius. In the geometry of the ancients the discovery of a new theorem sug- gested no correlative ; it terminated in itself and continued sterile ; while in the modem geometry a new theorem often becomes the prolific source of others that may be derived &om it either by the method of reciprocal polars or central projection, or pedal coordi- nates or other modes of transformation. The discovery of new theorems is reduced to a mere mechanical operation. We have only to take any property of a sphere, suppose. By a 'single reci- procating or polar transformation, as shown by M. Chasles, we may obtain the correlative property of a surface of revolution of the INTRODUCTION. Vll second orderj and then by a second polarization we may derive the corresponding property for a surface having three unequal axes. We have only to make a judicious selection of the pole, and then new theorems may be evolved in a continuous stream so long as we can supply theorems derived from the original figure. A man of some celebrity in his day, as a geometer and natural philosopher. Sir John Leslie, could write some fifty years ago, before the date, or at least before the development of the modern geometry, in the preface to his very elegant work on Geometrical Analysis, published at Edinburgh in 1821*, "The multifarious labours of former writers have left scarcely any room for invention. I have therefore occupied myself in improving the simplicity, clearness, and elegance of the demonstrations." What would be his surprise if it had been given to him to forecast the wonderful progress which the science of pure geometry has made in the interval between that time and the present ? Geometry is stationary no Ion ger . The modem methods of investigation are the most powerful solvents of problems the most complicated and abstruse. Crowds of theorems spring up and pour in upon us. The names of those men of original minds who have shed the light of their genius, within the present century, on this the oldest and most certain of all the sciences, constitute a bright galaxy on the sphere of human intelligence. In proof of tliis assertion do we need to say more than to mention the names of Monge and Dupin, of Poncelet and Chasles, of Gergonne and Steiner, and a host of others scarcely less eminent who have en- riched the Transactions of Continental Societies and the pages of foreign periodicals with their contributions ? They will be found in the twenty volumes of the ' Annales Mathematiques ' of Ger- gonne, a work unrivalled for the originality of matter it contains. Its continuation will be found in the pages of Liouville and Crelle. Among the most important methods of the modern geometry are the theory of transversals, the various kinds of projection, parti- cularly that of central projection, the theory of reciprocal polars, that of anharmonic ratio, the elliptic coordinates of Lame, the method of " inverse curves," and, if one might be permitted to add, the theory of tangential coordinates developed in the following pages. There is a method called by its inventors " tnlinear coor- dinates," as also another named " tangential coordinates." These methods have been extensively used by Mr. Whitworth, Mr. Ferrers, Mr. Routh, and other English mathematicians. Though not fami- liar with these methods, I understand them sufficiently to know that they have nothing in common with the method to which more than thirty years ago I gave the name " tangential coordinates." To Carnot, a Member of the French Directory, is due the deve- lopment of the theory of transversals ; and it may not be out of • Lkslie, ' Geometrical AnalvsiB,' p. vii. 62 Till INTRODUCTION. place to state here, as an instance, if any ^rere wanted, that mathe- matical genius is not incompatible with the possession of practical common sense, business habits, and untiring energy, how the same Camot was proverbially known as the organizer of victory for the armies of the Republic. To Poncelet, an officer of Engineers of the French army which invaded Russia in 1812, and who was made a prisoner in that cam- paign, so disastrous to the arms of France, we must assign the high distinction of being the inventor of the methods of "reciprocal polars " and " central projection." While detained a prisoner at Saratoff, without the use of books and depressed by captivity, he thought out those methods which in the history of the progress of mathematical science will ever render his name illustrious. To the student who has a true taste for excellence and elegance combined in mathematical investigation, and who is tired of the endless mani- pulation of quadratic equations, there is no book I can more ear- nestly recommend than the great work of Poncelet, published at Paris in 1822, on the projective properties of figures. Tt is only in such works that the student will obtain a broad view and com- prehensive grasp of the principles and methods of the science. Nimble dexterity in the management of algebraical symbols in accordance with prescribed mechanical rules is too often taken (mistaken one should say, in this country at least) for a knowledge of the science. In pursuing mathematical investigations we must guard against any bias that would lead us to prefer geometrical to algebraical methods, or reciprocally. They have each their proper sphere of action, so that an investigation which is both elegant and simple by the one method may be operose and complicated by the other. Thus to attempt to discuss the theory of Elliptic Integrals by the aid of pure geometry would result in nothing but labour lost and ingenuity thrown away. This is a very instructive illus- tration ; for elliptic integrals of the three orders are nothing but formulae of rectification for those curves of double curvature in which cones of the second degree are intersected by concentric spheres or paraboloids. Thus it often happens that we cannot treat a question of pure geometry by methodb purely geometrical. The essential difference between the two appears to consist in this : that metrical properties are best treated by algebraical methods, and graphical properties by geometrical constructions. A wide induction would, I believe, show that all algebraical equations do in fact represent geometrical truths. Thus trigono- metry treats of the relations of circular arcs, parabolic trigono- metry of the arcs of a parabola ; logarithms are nothing more than the relations between the arcs of a parabola, and the corresponding vectors of a logocyclic curve ; elliptic integrals are the algebraical INTKOSUCTION. IX expressions for the arcs of those symmetrical curves in which spheres and paraboloids are intersected by concentric cones, of which arcs the circle and the parabola a£Ford the extreme cases. It is in geo- metry alone that we can find any intelligible explanation of imagi- nary quantities ; and I doubt not that most definite integrals might be shown to be the representatives of certain geometrical magni- tudes. The system of coordinates invented by Descartes may be desig- nated as prqj active coordinates, since they are the projections of a point in a plane on two right lines drawn in the same plane, or the projections of a poiat in space on three coordinate planes. This system is primarily applicable to the investigation of the locus of a point*, whether it be constrained to move along a straight line or a curve ; it is only indirectly, and by the help of principles borrowed from a higher calculus, that the system can be applied to a moving straight line or a moving plane. Hence in many cases simple solutions may be found for whole classes of questions, which present almost insuperable difficidties when treated by projective coordi- nates. The great advantage which the tangential system of coordinates exhibits over the Cartesian consists in this, that in the transforma- tion of coordinates, whether by rotation or translation, the absolute term continues unchanged in the tangential system, while in the projective system the absolute term changes with every transfor- mation. One other advantage this method possesses, the facility which it aflbrds for the graphic description of cirrves. We have only to assume a set of values along one of the axes of coordinates ; the equation of the curve will enable us to set oflF a series of cor- responding values on the other axis of coordinates. A straight line may be drawn from one of those points to the other. This will be a limiting tangent to the curve. Many years ago, after I had taken my Degree, I was much inter- ested in the study of the original memoirs on reciprocal curves and curved surfaces, published in the ' Annales Mathematiques ' of Ger- gonne, and in the works of such accomplished geometers as Monge, Dupin, Poncelet, and Chasles. In the course of my own researches, it occurred to me that there ought to be some way of expressing by common algebra the properties of such reciprocal curves and sur- faces, some method which wotdd, on inspection, show the relations existing between the original and derived surfaces. I was then led * " En effet I'^l^ment primitif des corps auquel on applique d'aboid les premiers piincipes de cette science est couune dans la gSom^trie ancienne, le point niath^- matique. Ne sommes-nous pas autoris^s a penser maintenant, qu'en ^renant le plan pour I'^l^ment de I'Stenaue, et non plus le point, on sera conduit a d'autres doctrmes, &isant pour ainsi dire une nouvelle science." — Chasles, Aper^u His- torique, p. 408. I INTRODUCTION. to the discovery of a simple method and compact notation from the following considerations. When two figures in the same plane, or more generally in space, are so related that one is the reciprocal polar of the other, then to every point in the one corresponds a plane in the other j to every straight line in the one a straight line also in the other ; to any num- ber of points in the same straight line in the one, as many planes all intersecting in the same straight line in the other ; to any number of points in the same plane in the one, as many planes all meeting in the same point in the other. They may be called correlative figures. Now we know that in the application of algebra to geometry by the method of coordinates, a point is determined in position by ite projections on three coordinate planes, or by three equations — that is, by three conditions. A straight line may in like manner be deter- mined when we are given the positions of two points in it ; and a plane is determined by one condition, which is called its equation. But in the inverse method, a point should be determined by one condition, a straight line by two, and a plane by three. Again, a straight line maybe determined by considering it as joining two fixed points, or as the common intersection of two fixed planes. Now all these conditions may be expressed by taking as a new system of coordinates the segments of the common axes of coordinates between the origin and the 'points in which they are met by a movable plane. Thus, if these segments be designated by the symbols X, Y, Z, the three equations which determine a plane are X= constant, Y = constant, Z = constant. Again, the equation in (x, y, z) of a plane passing through a point of which the coordinates are x, y, z, and which cuts ofiT from the axes of coordinates the segments X, Y, Z, is =5r+^4-^=:l. Now this is the •projective, or common equation of the plane, if we make x, y, and z vary, and consider X, Y, Z constant. But we may invert these conditions, and consider x, y, z constant, while X, Y, and Z vary. The equation now, instead of being the pro- jective equation of a fixed plane, becomes the tangential equa- tion of a fixed point. In this latter case let a, y9, and y be put 111 for X, y, z, and ^, -, y for X, Y, Z ; then the equation may be written a|+/8.;+yr=l, which may be called the tangential equation of a point. Moreover, as the continuous motion of a point, in a plane suppose, subjected to move in accordance with certain fixed con- ditions expressed by a certain relation between x and y may be conceived to describe a curve, so the successive positions of a INTKODUCTION. XI straight line cutting off segments from the axes of coordinates having a certain relation to each other may be imagined to wrap round or envelop a certain curve, just as we may see a curve described on paper by the successive intersections of a series of straight lines. Hence there are two distinct modes according to which we may conceive all curves to be generated, namely by the motion of a tracing point, or the successive intersections of straight lines — by a pencil or straight edge, as a joiner would say. These conceptions are the logical basis of the methods by which the prin- ciples and notation of common algebra are generalized from the discussion of the properties of abstract number to those of pure space. The former view gave rise to the method of projective coor- dinates ; the latter suggests the method of tangential coordinates. It is sometimes very easy to express both the projection and tan- gential equations of the same curve or curved surface ; it is fre- quently a matter of extreme difficulty. Thus, if the projective equation of an ellipsoid be its tangential equation will be a, b, c being, as in the preceding equation, the semiaxes. The chief object kept in view in the following pages is to develop the principle of Geometrical Duality, a principle apparently one of the most obvious, and singularly fruitful in results, beyond any other geometrical method hitherto discovered. That the principle of Duality should not have been discovered by the great geometers of Ancient Greece is the more remarkable, as the five regular solids, the Platonic* bodies as they were called, Were with them a favourite subject of speculation. In a later age Kepler believed them to be the archetypes of the planetary motions f. * " II n'est pas ^tonnont qu' Aristae ait €ciit sur leg cinq corps i^guliers ; car cette th^oiie a €\j6 fort cultiy^e, et en grand honneur des la plus haute antiquity des sciences chez les GiecB. Fythagore en avait fait le principe de sa cosmo- gonie, dans laquelle les cinq corps r^guliers r^pondaient aux quatre ^l^mens et a rimiyers, ce qui a fait qu'on les appelait les cinq figures mondianes {Jiguree mun- dante) Platon adoptait ces id^es, et avait aussi cultivd cette thiSorie, sur laquelle Theatete, I'un de ses disciples, passe pour avoir ^crit le premier. Ensuite, on trouve done Aristae, puis Kuclide, ApoUonius et Hypsicle. Ces cinq corps r€gu- liers ont jou^ un si grand role dans I'antiquit^, par suite des id^es pythagonciennes et platoniciennes, qu'on les regardait comme 4tant le but final auquel ^taient destinies et I'^tude et la science des g€ometres." — Chasles, Aper^a Hiatorique, p. 514. t " Repetat lector ex Mysterio meo Cosmographico, quod edidi ante 22 annos : numerum planetarum seu cuniculoruni cii-casolemdesumptiunesse a i-apientissimo Conditore ex quinque iiguris rogularibus solidis.'' — Kefleii, JIarmvnkes Mutuli, lib. v. p. 276. Xll INTRODUCTION. But the five regular solids afford a prominent iUustration of this principle of geometrical duality. The cube and the octahedron have each the same number of edges, while they interchange their faces and solid angles. Their edges are conjugate polars, and are consequently the same in number. In the same way the dodeca- hedron and icosahedron are correlative solids ; they have the same number of edges, while they interchange their faces and solid angles ; and, finally, the tetrahedron is its own correlative solid. When Euler, after many bootless efforts, had succeeded at last in establishing by elaborate proof* the singularly simple relation which connects the number of faces, comers, and edges of any polyhedron, he did not perceive how by the application of this principle of duality the number of his conclusions might have been doubled. Had Euler known this universal relation, he would have seen that, whatever be the formula connecting the solid angles, faces, and edges of any polyhedron, it must be satisfied by the interchange of the solid angles and faces, while the number of edges continues the same. Had Legendre been acquainted with this principle he would have known that when any polyhedron, regu- lar or irregular, has any given number of edges, there must be pos- sible another polyhedron having the same number of edges, but interchanging the numbers of its faces and solid angles with those of the correlative polyhedron. To restrict the application of this principle to geometrical curves, surfaces, or solids would be to mask the exceptionless universality of this ail-pervading principle. It not only holds good as regards curve lines and surfaces, whether they be algebraical or transcen- dental, whether they be continuous or discontinuous, whether they be described in accordance with some geometrical law or capri- ciously {libera manu, so to speak), but is true for every form of bounded space. The rounded pebble on the beach, the angular fragment in the quarry, each has its own strictly defined correlative polar figure, just as well as the most symmetrical solid of the ancient geometry. So universal is the principle of duality that to some it appears as a general law of nature f- In Physics we find it in * " On a vu daus le III"n« volume du present recueil (p. 169) que ce n'est qu'apres des tentatives r^it^r^s qu'Euler est parvenu a ^tablir d'une maniSre a la foiB complete et g^n^rale, son curieux th^oreme but la relation constonte entre le nombre des faces, celui des sommet8,et celui des aretes d'un polyedie quelconq ue. " On salt que, dans ces demiers temps M. Cauchy a d^montr^ d'une mamere beaucoup plus simple un autre th^oreme dont celui d'Euler n'est qu'un cas par- ticulier."— Gergonnb, Annates Mathimatiqties, vol. xii. p. 333. A very elegant and simple demonstration of this curious theorem which had so long baffled that illustrious geometer Euler, will be found at page 333 of the XIX.tu volume of the ' Annales Math^matiques ' of Gergonne, based on the rela- tions of a group of reticulated polygons. t " On peut croire pourtant qu'une unit6 absolue n'est pas le principe de la nature. Les dualismes nombreuz qui se remarquent dans les ph^nom^nes natu- INTRODUCTION. XUl attraction and repulsion^ in the motions of rotation and translation j in the emotions of the mind, good and evil, virtue and vice ; in the double origin of our ideas ; in the sensations of the body, pleasure and pain. The principle of duality meets us everywhere. But this is not the place to follow out such a train of inquiry. The idea or conception of duality or correlation had long been admitted into and developed in spherical trigonometry, and the properties of polar triangles investigated by geometers with abundant labour and much acuteness. But it would seem never to have oc- curred to those accomplished mathematicians that the correlation which may be developed in spherical triangles and polygons was only a particular case of a general principle which binds together, so to speak, all the properties of space without exception. For those who have not yet mastered the great principle of duality and the results which flow from it, one or two simple illus- trations of it may not be here out of place. The well-known the- orem of Pascal on the hexagon inscribed in a conic section, and its dual the hardly less celebrated theorem of Brianchon, are subjoined side by side. This latter is otherwise remarkable, as being the first result of the application of the principle of duality. See XILI. Cahier du Journal de I'Ecole Poly technique, p. 301. PuscdCa Theorem. Brianchon's TTteorem. The opposite sides of a hexagon m- The opposite angles of a hexagon scribed in a conic section being pi-o- ctVcumecribed to a conic section being duved to meet, two by two, in three Joined two by two by three straight points; these three points range along lines, these tlu:ee lines meet in the same the same straight line. point. Maclaurin's Theorem for the organic Its Seciprocal Polar. description of conic sections. The three angles of a triangle rest The three sides of a triangle pass on thiee fixed lines; two ot its sides pass through three ^ed jjoiiUs ; and two of through ^ed points; the third nV2e will its angles move along fixed straight envelop a conic section, lines; the third angle will describe a conic section. No reader, who is capable of understanding the subject, will imagine that this new system of coordinates is proposed with a view to supersede the old. The Cartesian system cannot be snper- rels, comme dans les differentes parties des connsissances humaines, tendent au contraire & nous faire supposer qu'une dualiti constante, ou double unit^ est le vrai principe de la nature. Cette dualitiS, nous la trouyous dans I'objet meme de la g^om^trie, ainsi que nous venons de le dire ; dans la nature des propri^t^s de r^tendue ; dans le double mouvement des corps celestes, ou sa Constance reconnue la fait admettre comme principe ; et dans miUe autres ph^nomenes ; et I'on sera conduit, je crois, a regarder qu un duaUsme universd est la grande loi de la nature, et regno dans toutes les pai'ties des connaissances de I'esprit humain." — Chasleb, Aperpi Hittoriqite, p. 290. XIV INTRODUCTION. seded. As the properties of space are dual^ so must the systems of investigation be dual also. The one method supplements the other^. " Ita utrumque, per se indigens, alterum alterius auxilio eget." Where the one may with ease be applied the other will be found to failt. ThuS; while in the solution of problems of rectification the tangential method holds out many advantages on the score of faci- lity and simplicity, in quadratures it will afford but little help, and recourse must be had to the familiar integral \ydx. It would be a very inadequate conception of the power of this method to suppose that the systems of tangential and projective coordinates are merely supplemental one to the other. IVom their combination whole classes of problems may be evolved and deter- mined without dif&culty. For example, it will be shown that, the projective and tangential equations of the same curve being given, we may at once write down the equation of the locus of the vertex of a given angle, one of whose sides passes through a fixed point while the other side envelops the given curve, as also the equation of the locus of the foot of the perpendicular let fall from the origin on the tangent. As an instance, if Aw^+Aff^+2Bxij +2Cx+2Cff=l, .... (a) a^ + a,v^ + 2^^v + 2y^+2y,v = l, (b) * " On se tromperait en croyant que la g^om^trie dans ses moyens de pioc^der a la lecherclie de la v^rit^, doit avoii des bomes pos^s seulement par la nature de cette science, et non pai la nature meme des choses. On se tromperait ^gale- ment en croyant ces bomes moins recul^es que celles on I'analyse pent atteindre en marchant vers le meme but. Ces deux m^thodes sous des formes diif^rentes, Bont les d^veloppements identiques d'une seule et meme science qui soumet a la fois toutea les grandeurs i ses combinaisons, a ses rapprochements. L'une, sans jamais perdre de vue les choses memes qu'elle doit considerer, porte partout I'^vidence avec elle ; elle rend sensibles toutes ses conceptions, toutes ses opera- tions, et les grandeurs graphiques sont pour elle un moyen de peindie dans I'espace, et sa marche et ses r^sultats. L'autre substitue aux quantity dont elle s'occupe des signes purement abstraites, elle d^pouille les grandeurs de tout ce qui n'est pas inherent aux relations qu'elle envisage ; elle ramSne tout a des lois g^n^rales ; tivement & la parole. .... En consid^rant ainsi I'analyse et la g^om^trie dans leurs rapports, ces deux sciences s'^laireront mutuellement, et chacune d'ellea s'acroitrai de tous les progres et l'autre. Ne rejetons done aucun de ces moyens pour proc^der a la lecherdie de la y6nt6," &c. — ^Ditfin, Oiw^ofpementt de Gio- mStrie,ji. 236. t " The exercise of the mind in understanding a series of propositions, where the last concluMon is geometrically in close connexion with the first cause, is very different from that which it receives from putting in play the long train of machinery in a profound analytical process. The degrees of conviction in the two cases are very different.^ To the greater number of students, therefore, I conceive a popular geometrical explanation is more useful than an algebraical investigation.' —Sir G. B. Aiby, the Astronomer Royal, On Gravitation, p. 7. INTRODUCTION. XV be the projective and tangential equations of a curve of the second ' A?* + A,w« + 2B^w + 2 (Cf + C,v) [^ + v^) = (J^ + „2)2 will be the tangential equation of the curve enveloped by one side of a right angle which moves along the curve (a) while the other side always passes through a fixed point, and aw* + agf* + 2^xy + 2 {yx+yg/) {a^ + y*) = (a:« + y*)* will be the projective equation of the point in which a perpendicular from the origin meets a tangent to the curve whose tangential equation is (b) . It may appear to some that examples are needlessly multiplied in the following pages ; but it may be replied that in the treatment of a very abstract subject, especially if it be a novel theory, exam- ples, if judiciously selected, may throw light u])on the obscurities of imperfect explanations and defective discussions. It is granted but to few to grasp a theory as its development proceeds, even in the hands of a master. Examples are required pour fixer les idees. They assist us to incorporate new truths with that older knowledge which we have made our own. In many cases the author has been satisfied with laying down the principles of the method as applied to a few particular instances, without following up the investigations into all their details. To have done this would have swelled the bulk of the volume without any equivalent advantage. Something must be left to the ingenuity and industry of the reader to develop and to amplify. The book is intended to be suggestive, not ex- haustive. Where the claims of so many new and important theo- rems to recognition are so continuous and pressing, one cannot stop to draw out the deductions that follow from each into a cluster of corollaries. So far from any exercise of ingenuity being necessary, the discovery of new theorems by the help of this and other kindred methods does not call for the exercise of much patient thinking. They spring up so spontaneously, as it were, that the difSculty is to keep under restraint the imagination as it courses along those trains of thought sure to end in the discovery of some new, and it may be unexpected, geometrical truth. It would have been an easy task, a fascinating labour, to have swelled the pages of this volume with diversified researches; but I have kept within the limits which at the outset I prescribed to myself, and have been satisfied to point out the way to others. A somewhat detailed account of the subjects investigated in this volume win be expected by the reader. In the first place I have endeavoured as far as practicable to adopt a uniform and consistent notation. I have striven to use the same symbols in the same sense. Wherever possible I have made the absolute terms of the equations equal to unity. In this way the constants are reduced XVI INTKODUCTION. to the smallest number, and the orders of the constants, whether they be lines, surfaces, or solids, may be inferred from inspection, being always of the same or the inverse order of the variables of which they are the coefficients. Hence the projective equation of the surface of the second order will be written in which A, A,, A,„ B, B„ B„ are inverse rectangles, and C, C,, C„ inverse straight lines. In like manner the tangential equation of the surface of the second order may be written in which a, a,, a,,, /3, /3„ jS^, are rectangles, and 7, j,, y,, straight lines. The first twenty-four Chapters of this volume treat of the trans- formations of tangential coordinates, and of the application of this system, by one uniform method* to the discussion of theorems and problems. The ever-recurring analogies between the Cartesian and the tangential system of coordinates are continuously indicated as the work proceeds. The method is first applied to develop the properties of curves and curved surfaces of the second order, next to the genesis and rectification of curves of higher orders, their evolutes and involutes, &c. In Chapter XXI. another system of coordinates is established, which I have ventured to call pedal tangential coordinates, and their properties developed. In Chapter XXV. the peculiar notation of tangential coordinates is laid aside, and the principles of geometrical duality are esta- blished on the simplest elementary conceptions of pure geometry, and then applied to the investigation of the properties of surfaces of the second order having three unequal axes. It is shown that every such surface, with two exceptions, has four directrix planes parallel to the circular sections of the surface, and four correspond- ing foci, which directrix planes and foci coalesce when the surface becomes one of revolution. It is moreover shown that for every property of a sphere there exists its correlative on a surface having three unequal axes. These theorems will be found in Chapter XXVI. In Chapter XXIX. metrical methods are applied to the theory of reciprocal polars, and new classes of properties of the conic sections established, more particularly those which are connected vrith the lines called the minor directrices of these curves. * " Le vrai secret d'un systeme est dans sa m^thode. Mettez une m^thode dans le monde, vousy mettez un syst^iue que I'aTenir se chargeraded^velopper." — Victor Cousin, Court de thuHaire de la philosophie, voL i. p. 84. INTEODCCTION. XVll In Chapter XXX. the properties of the curve which I have named the Logocyclic Carre are discussed, a curve which has singular analogies with the circle. If the vectors of this curve be drawn from the origin and be taken to represent all the natural numbers from to CO , the corresponding arcs of a conjugate parabola will represent the logarithms of the numbers. In the same Chapter the geometrical origin of logarithms is established ; and it is shown that every system of logarithms may be represented by the arcs of a corresponding parabola, the pecu- liarity of the Napierian parabola being that the distance from its focus to its vertex must be assumed as equal to unity. In Chapter XXXI. the principles of the trigonometry of the parabola are investigated. It is universally true to state that there is and can be no relation established between the arcs of a circle for which we cannot find a correlative for the arcs of a para- bola. The transition may easily be made by changing cos 6 into sec ■&, ■*/ — 1 sin 6 into tan ■&, + into J- , and — into -r . It is not a little remarkable that while these mysterious imaginary expressions connected with the circle have been thoroughly inves- tigated, the corresponding reciprocal theorem has entirely eluded discovery. Volumes have been written on the development of the imaginary theorem {cos6-\- V — lain ^)"= cos m^-f- V — Isinn^, while nothing has been known of the real theorem (sec ^+ tan 5)»=sec(^-L^-i-e&c.) 4- tan (5-^0-1-0 &c.). In the same Chapter the principles of parabolic trigonometry are applied to the investigation of the properties of the Catenary and the Tractrix. Curious relations are established between the arcs of a catenary whose abscissae are in arithmetical progression. It is also shown by the same method that the catenary is the evolute of the tractrix. The last Chapter is devoted to the investigation of the projective equation of a cone whose vertex is at the intersection of three con- focal surfaces, and which touches a fourth confocal surface. I propose, if declining years and failing strength permit me, to complete this work, and to embody in a second volume my researches on the geometrical origin and properties of Elliptic Integrals, and te-^ply them to the investigation of the free motion of a rigid body round a fixed point, together with other collateral inquiries. The tone of thought demanded by subjects such as these falls dull upon the public ear, and excites no responsive sympathy. It may therefore be proper to say that this volume is sent forth to the world with the anticipation of a very limited circulation, because it must be admitted that a cultivator of abstract science, without any view to practical results or profitable returns, has no reason- XVlll INTRODUCTION. able ground of expectation that his labours will be recognized or appreciated in this country. With us the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake or indulgence in scientific research, unless it may be made to minister to some practical result (that is, to some paying result), is looked upon as little better than intellectual trifling*. WiU it pay ? is th? test of all mental labour. It was very Afferent in the schools and agorae of that nation we are so prone to hold up for admiration as exhibiting models of intel- lectual greatness hitherto unequalled. Nor is this exclusive devo- tion to the adaptation of science to money-making so universal in other countries as amongst ourselves. Yet it was not always so. One might appeal to the age of Newton and Locke, the age of deep thinking and profound learning, in proof of this position. ' The causes of this degradation in the objects of intellectual pursuit are many, and some of them deeply seated. Not the least of these is the influence which the philosophy of Bacon has exerted on the tone and tendency of public opinion in this country. No doubt the author of the ' Novum Organon ' conferred great benefits on mankind by laying down so clearly the true principles of physical investigation. He has marred his philosophy, however, by the motives he presents to us for its cultivation. He who could pro- pound the maxim, worthy of Epicurus, that the true object of science isf to make men comfortable, had no very exalted con- ception of the dignity of man's understanding. It is plain firom his tone of thought that the philosophical Chan- cellor had a very clear prsenotion, to use his own phraseology, of that emphatically English idea, comfort. There is little doubt that he would have valued more the invention of an efiicient kitchen- range, or an ingenious corkscrew, than the Ideas of Plato or the discoveries of Archimedes j;. This may to some appear a philosophical heresy ; but yet it is qtdte certain that Lord Bacon's powerful influence, based on the soundness of his notions as to the true mode of procedure in con- ducting experimental inquiries, has had a depressing effect on the views of his countrymen, whose highest intellects are now devoted to the production of sensation novels, or to the discovery of inge- nious contrivances to subserve the unbounded luxury and promote the material enjoyments of a self-indulgent people. And if we turn aside from the paths of commerce and the busy haunts of men to the quiet cloisters of academical retirement, we shall find the same motives equally powerful and all but universal. • "In primis, hominis est propria veri inquisitio atque investigatio." — Cicero ' de Officiis, lib. i. c. 13. t " Meta autem Bcientiarum vera et leg^tima non alia est quam ut dotetur vita humana novia inventis et copiis." — ^Bacon, Novum Organon, lib. i. aph. 81. % Lord Bacon, like Hobbes, knew but little even of the elements of Mathematics.' INTEODUCTION. XIX Mathematical studies, and indeed one might say all studies, are pursued not for their own intrinsic worth, but with reference to the universal competitive examination. The inquiry is not, is it true ? but will it teU ? not, is it important as a principle ? but is it likely to be asked as a question ? In what profession but the law are profound research and extensive learning valued ? and these are so because they pay. Our universities are admirable institutions for the development of the intellect and the formation of habits j but they are not equally adapted to enlarge the boundaries of knowledge*. It is with regret that one is compelled to admit the fact that the great discoveries of modem times have been made by men who con- ducted their researches and worked out their discoveries far away from the theatres and libraries of our great centres of learning. There is no reason in the nature of things why it should be so. Is the water that is drawn from the stagnant pool or spreading lake fresher or purer than that which rises from the gushing spring ? Who ought to be so ready to draw from his stores of knowledge as he who spends his life in acquiring them? The commimication of knowledge to youth is an important function of a university ; but it is only one, an important or most important one if you will; but there are others hardly less important. Were Eton and Harrow and Rugby and the other great public schools of this country to be translated in all their integrity to Oxford or Cambridge, they would not constitute a university, in the highest and best sense of the word, because while teaching is the exclusive province of the public schools, our imiversities have, or ought to have, a higher function to discharge't. We ought to have not only the standing army but the pioneers of knowledge. Our universities do not encourage the Livingstones of science. Here, too, the same blighting influences prevail |. It is useless to * " Rursus in Moribus et institutis Scholarum Academiarum, Collegiorain et similium Conventuum, quae doctonim hominiun sedibua et eraditioms cultuiae destinatse sunt, omnia piogreasui scientiaruiii adversa inyeniuntuT. Studia enim hominum in ejusmodi locis in quomndam auctorum scripta, veluti in caiceres, conclusa simt ; a quibus ai quia dissentiat, continuo ut homo turbidus et rerum novarum cupidus corripitur. — Bacon, Novum. Organon, lib. i. aph. 90. t "... Sit denique alia scientias colendi, alia inveniendi ratio. Atque quibus prima potior et acceptior est, ob festinationem, yel vitse civilis rationes, vel quod illam alteram ob mentis infirmitatem ctmere et complecti non possint, optamus ut quod sequuntur teneant." — ^Bacon, Preface to the Naiium Organon. \ The decline of science in England was long ago commented upon by one who was himself a brilliant luminaiy in his day. . . . "Here whole branches of con- tinental discovery are unstudied, and indeed almost unknown even by name. It is vain to conceal the melancholy truth. We are fast dropping behind. In Mathematics we have long since drawn the rein, and given over a hopeless race ; in Chemistry the case is not much better. Nor need we stop here. There XX INTRODUCTION. deny it. In this country profound acquirements in literature or science are not held in the same estimation they once commanded even amongst ourselves. In times gone by, for those denied the are indeed few sciences which would not furnish matter for similar remark." — Sir J. F. W. Heuschel, Article on Sound, Eiusyclopadia Metropolitana, p. 810. And to the same effect, another high and still moi-e recent authority : — "Now, as to this important subject, the spirit in which we pursue education, the degree in which we turn our advantages to account, I must say of us here in England that we do not stand well. Our old Universities, and the schools above the rank of primary, have as a class the most magnificent endowments in the world. It may, however, be doubted whether the amount of these endow- ments, in England alone, is not equal to their amount on the whole continent of Europe taken together. Matters have metaded, and are, I hope, mending. We have good and thorough workers, but not enough of them. The resulte may be good as far as tbey go ; but they do not go far. But in truth this ' beggarly return,' not of emptf but of ill-filled boxes, is but one among many indications of a wide-spread vice — a scepticism in the public mind, of old as well as young, respecting the value of learning and of culture, and a consequent slack- ness in seeking their attainment. We seem to be spoiled by the very facility and abundance of the opportunities around us. We do not in this matter stand well, as compared with men of the middle ages, on whom we are too ready to look down. For then, when scholarships and exhibitions, and fellowships and headships, were few, and even before they were known, and long centuries before triposes and classes had been invented, the beauty and the power of Knowledge filled the hearts of men with love, and they went in quest of her, even from distant lands, with ardent devotion, like pilgnms to a favoured shrine. " Again, we do not stand well as compared with Scotland, where, at least, the advantages of education are well understood, and, though its honours and rewards are much fewer, yet self-denying labour, and unsparing energy in pursuit of knowledge, are &r more common than with us. And once more, we do not stand well as compared with Germany, where, with means so much more slender as to be quite out of comparison with ours, the results are so much more abundant, that, in the ulterior prosecution of almost every branch of inquiry, it is to Germany, and the works of the Germans, that the British student must look for assistance. Yet I doubt if it can be said with truth that the German is superior to the Englishman in natural gifts, or that he has greater or even equal perseverance, provided only the Englishman had his heart in the matter. But Germany has two marked advantages : a far greater number of her educated class are really in earnest about their education ; and they have not yet learned, as we, I fear, have learned, to undervalue, or even in a great measure to despise, simplicity of life. "Our honours, and our prizes, and our competitive examinations, what for the most part are they, but palliatives applied to neutralize a degenerate indifiference, to the existence of which they have been the most conclusive witness ? Far be it from me to decry them, or to seek to do away with them. In my own sphere, I have laboured to extend them. They are, however, the medidnes of our infir- mity, not the ornaments of our health. They supply from without inducements to seek knowled^, which ought to be its own reward. They do something to expel the corroding pest of idleness, that special temptation to a wealthy country, that deadly enemy in all countries to the Dody and the soul of man. They get us over the first and most difficult stages in the formation of habits, which, in a proportion of cases, at least, we may hope will endure, and become in course of time self-acting. " One other claim I must make on behalf of examinations. It is easy to point INTRODUCTION. XXI gifts of fortune, the only access to the Temple of Fame was through the portals of the learned professions, as they were called, or the services of their country, whether military or naval. The essential elements of success in these were high intellectual and moral en- dowments, unflagging labour and enduring perseverance. Qui studet optatain cursu contingere metam Multa tulit fecitque puer, sudavit et alsit. But all this is changed. There are so many ways now, and some of them very questionable, of attaining to high social position, and to the possession of enormous wealth with a very attenuated garb of shreds and patches of trite information picked up anyhow, inaccu- rate and vague, that men do not care to undergo the study and the toil required to "plate themselves in the habiliments" of knowledge. With many, the maxim, to sell in the dearest and to buy in the cheapest market, would seem to comprise the whole duty of man. It is no satisfactory answer to these remarks to say that there are exceptions to be found. No doubt there are, and brilliant exceptions. It might seem invidious to particularize, where varied excellence is so abundant. But this only adds strength to the argument ; for it might with truth be said, what development of genius might we not witness were not its genial current frozen by the cold and chiUing maxims of a spurious political economy ? It would be blame misplaced to find fault with the Government for not encoujaging profound learning or scientific research. Did the country desire (which it does not) that such should be honoured and rewarded, there is little doubt that the Government of the day, consisting mostly of men of high attainments themselves, would be glad to foster and advance the cultivators of that learn- ing which is popularly considered no better than pedantry, and of science which is held to be of scant utility. It would not be hard to prove that views such as these are short- out tlieir inherent imperfectiuna. Plenty of critics are ready to do this ; for in the case of first employment under the State, they are the only tolerably efficient safeguard against gross abuses, and such abuses are never -without friends. But from really searching and strong examinations, such as the best of those in our Universities and schools, there arises at least one great mental benefit, difficult of attainment by any other means. In early youth, while the mind is still natu- rally supple and elastic, they teach the practice, and they give the power, of con- centrating all its tbrce, all its resources, at a ^ven time, upon a given point. What a pitched battle is to the commander of an army, a strong examination is to an earnest student. All his faculties, all his attainments must be on the alert, and wait the word of command ; method is tested at the same time with strength ; and over the whole movement presence of mind must preside. If, in the course of his after life, he chances to be called to great and concentrated efforts, he will look back with gratitude to those examinations, which more perhaps than any other instrument may have taught him how to make them." — Address delivered at the Liverpool College by the Might Hon. W. E. Gladstone, Dec. 21, 1872. c XXa INTRODUCTION. sighted and low. It has been somewhere observed that had not the ancient Greek geometers investigated the properties of the plane sections of a cone, Kepler would have had no curve to fall back upon when he was obliged to abandon the circle as an accurate type of the orbits of the planets, and Newton would have lacked the profound and laborious arithmetical calculations of Kepler, the work almost of a lifetime*, on which to base the connexion of the three great laws of planetary motion with the principle of universal gravitation. The true mechanism of the heavens would still be to us an inscrutable problem, and navigation would even now be guided by the stars, as in the time of Palinurus. But for the wonderful discoveries of Newton in the science of Astronomy, and the consequent improvements in the art of Navi- gation, with the influence of this latter on the extension of com- merce,, it might have been that these transcendent truths would in our time have come to be looked upon as no better than Verba otiosorum senum, as Dionysius the tyrant of Syracuse sneeringly said of the speculations of Plato. No man can forecast the consequences that may follow from any discovery in abstract science or physical research. What important results in aerial locomotion were at one time anticipated from the invention of the balloon ! How little was once thought of the experiments on steam by the Marquis of Worcester ! or who attached any importance to the investigation of the nature of those feeble forces elicited by the attrition of a bit of sealing- wax or a lump of amber ? The consequences of any truth so dis- covered may well be held, using the language of Bacon, to be " partus temporis, non partus ingenii." * Kepler, who lived in advauce of his a^, who appealed to the verdict of posterity, and not in vain, in a striking passage of the Jfarmomce Mundi which breathes a tone of saddened enthusiasm, thus records the grand discovery of his life, after seventeen long yeais of unremitting labour, the prerequisite of a still grander discovery, the law of Universal Gravitation. " Rursum igitur hie aliqua pars mei Mysterii Cosmogiaphici suspensa ante 22 annos quia nondum liquebat, absolvenda et hue inferenda est. Inventis enim veris orbium intervallis per observationes Brahei plurimi temporis labore con- tinue, tandem, tandem, genuina proportio temporum periodicorum ad propor- tionem orbium — Sera qmdem respexit tnertem, Respexit tamen et longo post tempore ventt ; eaque, si temporis articulos petis, 8. Mart, huius anni millesimi sexcentesimi decimi octavi animo concepta, sed infeliciter ad calculos vocata eoque pro falsa rejecta, denique 15. Maji reversa, novo capto impetu expugnavit mentis meae tenebras tanta comprobatione et laboris mei septendecennalis in observationibus Brabeanis et meditationis huius in unum conspirantium, ut somniare me et prte- sumere qussitum inter principia primo crederem, sed res est certissima exactis- aimaque, quod IVoportio qua est inter binorum quorumcungue planetarum tempora periodica, sit prmcise sesquialtera proportionis mediarum dikantiarum, id est orbium ipsorum." — Keplrb, Harmoniees Mundi lib. v. cap. iii. p. 279. INTEODUCTION. XXUl I know not that apologies disarm criticism ; it is said they more frequently provoke it. But still it may be proper to say that this book is the result of the meditations of the better part of a life- time. Desultory and rare they have been, intermitted for years, drawn away to other subjects, taken up again at different times and lengthened intervals. It has been to me a heavy drawback and deep discouragement, that I have had no fellow-workers to share in these researches. Neither have I entered into the labours of any. Without sympathy and without help I have worked upon those monographs now presented to the public. Nor let any one imagine that this isolation of the understanding is but a little loss or trivial hindrance. From the sympathetic contact of mind with mind truth is elicited. The electric spark of thought in its passage often flashes light on that which was clouded or obscure before. That which to one intelligence may appear clear as crystal, to another intelligence, nowise inferior, may seem distorted or con- fused by the media through which it is transmitted. Thus the concentrated and patient thinking of many intellects, some of a high order perhaps, combined and cooperating to one end, develops and expands a principle or a theory which the silent efforts and unaided labours of the solitary worker would have failed to accom- plish. Nor have I had the help of those who have gone before me; for these researches, as here presented to the reader, are entirely original. I may add, that this work was not written to improve the text-books in use ; nor is it published now to lighten the labours of tuition, or to supply the requirements of official com- petitive examinations. While this renunciation of scholastic uti- lity may contract its circulation, on the other hand it has left me at liberty to follow out any train of thought to whatsoever conclu- sions it might carry me. I have waited long in the expectation (at shall I say hope ?) that some of the many accomplish^ mathe- maticians of the present day would take up those subjects and expand them (for they admit of great development), and so produce a treatise from which any student of moderate ability might have gleaned enough to enable him to extend those researches still further. But I have waited in vain. Had I seen any likelihood that those results, of which from time to time I have given abstracts in the proceedings of learned Soci- eties, would be developed and published in a connected form, I should have shrunk from the toil of compilation, and left it to fresher and more elastic minds to expand and deliver to the world those discoveries which I would not willingly leave to dull forget- fulness or " to lie in cold obstruction." J. B. Stone Vicarage, June 10, 1873. c2 ADVERTISEMENT TO THE FIRST EDITION OF THE ESSAY ON TANGENTIAL COORDINATES. I FEAK that brevity and compression hare been but too much stndied in the following essay ; but the necessity of comprising the whole matter in a small compass, and the pressure of other avocations, will plead, I hope, a sufficient apology. From the same cause I have been obliged to omit altogether subjects which might have been with propriety introduced, for example the general theory of shadows, and have only touched upon others which would require perhaps further development. Among other applications of the method, that to the theory of reciprocal polars will, I trust, be found simple and satisfactory. My attention has just been directed by a friend to a letter from M. Chasles, dated December 10, 1829, published in the ' Correspondence MathSmatique ' of M. Quetelet, torn. vi. p. 81, in which the writer asserts his claim to the invention of a system of coordinates, noticed by M. Plucker in one of the livraisons of Crelle's Journal, to which work I have never had an opportunity of referring. After some preliminary observations, he states his system as follows : — " Pour cela, par trois points fixes a, b, c, je m^ne trois axes parall&les entre eux, un plan quelconque rencontre ces axes en trois points dont les distances aux points a, b, c, respectivement, sont les coordonnSes x, y, i, du plan," &c. ; and then goes on to apply his system to a few examples, using the principles and notation of the differential calculus. To any one consulting the letter from which the above extract is taken, it will be apparent that the method there proposed, however excellent and ingenious it may be, bears not the least resemblance to the one developed in the following pages. It must have often appeared an anomalous fact in the application of algebraic analy^s to geometrical investigations, that while the locus of a point could be found from the simplest and most elementary considerations, the envelope of a right line or plane could be determined only by the aid of principles, artificial and obscure, derived from a higher department of analysis. But this is not the only or the greatest objection to the method at present XXV universally followed ; it is in most cases operose, and in some impracticable, to dV reduce the equation V=0 to the form -=- =0, and then eliminate the auxiliary variable a between these equations — a difficulty which becomes far more for- midable in problems of three dimensions, where we are obliged to eliminate the auxiliary variables a and /3 between the three equations -* £-». %-"■ As it follows A priori from the principle of duality*, that for every locus of a point there exists a corresponding envelope of a right line or plane, it would seem that the comparative paucity of theorems of the latter species generally known can be owing to nothing but the want of a simple and direct mode of investi- gation. From these considerations I have been led to the discovery of a method simple in principle, and easy of application, analogous to, but different from, that of rec- tilinear or projective coordinates — as for distinction they may be called — in which the reciprocals of the distances of the origin from the points where the axes of coordinates are met by a right line, or plane, touching a curve or curved surface, are denoted by the letters i,v,(; an equation established between them may be called the tangential equation of the curve or curved surface. By the help of this equation we may elude the necessity of differentiating the equation.y=0, and discover the envelopes of right lines and planes with the same facility as the locus of a point by projective coordinates. But it is not alone in inquiries of this nature that the method is chiefly valuable ; there is a large class of theorems relating to curves touching given right lines, and surfaces in contact with given planes, which may be treated by the method proposed with the greatest facility, whose solution by projective coor- dinates woidd lead to exceedingly complicated and unmanageable expressions. J. B. Tkinity College, March 2oth, 1840. * See various memoirs on this subject by MM. Ger^onne, Poncelet, and others, dispersed through the volumes of the ' Annales de Math^matiques.' TABLE OF CONTENTS. [The numben on the left hand denote the sectionB, the numbers on the right hand the pages.] CHAPTER I. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF A POINT AND A STRAIGHT LINE IN A PLANE. 1.] Tangential equations of a point and a plane 1 2.] On the transfonnation of coordinates 2 3.] On the translation of coordinates 2 4.] When the angle of ordination is changed 3 6.] Length of perpendicular from a siren point on a given line in terms of its tangential coordinatefi and the prcg ective cooidinates of the point . . 3 6.] Expression for the value of the angle between two given straight lines whose tangential coordinates are given 3 7.] The tangential coordinates of a straight line passing through two fixed points whose projective coordinates (o/S) and (a,fi,) are given 4 8.] to 10.] Discussion of the forms which the expressions for the perpen- dicular assume in projective and tangential cooidinates 4 CHAPTER II. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OP THE CONIC SECTIONS. 12.] Tangential equations of the central conic sectiona referred to centre and axes 7 Formulse of transformation when the rectangular axes pass through an; point in the plane of the section, when the section is an ellipse . . 8 13.] "When it is an hyperbola 9 14.] When the origin is at a focus 9 1.5.] When the ori^n of coordinates is on the curve 9 16.] Expression for the angle which the asymptote of the hyperbola makes with the axis of X 10 17.] Relation between the constants when the tangential equation of the curve breaks up into two linear equations 11 18.] Values of the constants when the curve touches the axes of X or Y . . 11 19.] To find the values of | and w when they are tangents to the curve 12 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXvii 20.] Tangential equations of the polea of the axes of X and Y 12 21.] To find the species of the conic section when the reciprocal of the per-' pendicular from the origin on the tangent is a rational function of the tangential variables 13 22.] General expressions for the values of | and v in terms of x and y and conversely 14 23.] Relations between the partial difFarentials of the projective and tan- gential equations of a given curve 14 24.] Application of these formulae 15 2t5.] On Asymptotes 16 2*3.] On the tangential equation of the curve referred to oblique axes of coor- dinates 17 27.] General expression for the distance between the point of contact of a tangent and the foot of the perpendicular let fall on that tangent from the origin 17 28.] Value of a semidiameter in terms of the tangential coordinates of the tangent through the extremity of the diameter 18 CHAPTER III. THE PRINCIPLES ESTABLISHED IN THE PRECEDING SECTIONS APPLIED TO EXAMPLES. 29.] The product of pairs of perpendiculars let fall from two points on a straight line is constant ; the line envelopes a conic section 19 30.] The vertex of a right angle moves along the circumference of a circle ; one side passes through a fixed point ; the other envelopes a conic section 19 31.] Tangents are drawn to an ellipse from any point of a concentric circle whose radius isVa^+6^; the line joining the points of contact enve- lopes a confocal conic 20 32.] The sum of the perpendiculars let fall from n given points in a plane to a straight line in the same plane is constant. The straight line enve- lopes a circle 21 33.] Perpendiculars are drawn to the extremities of the diameters of an ellipse. They envelope a curve ; to determine its tangential equation 22 34.] Two semidiameters of a conic section and the chord joining their extre- mities contain a given area. The curve enveloped by this chord is a similar conic section 22 K a polygon of n sides be inscribed in a conic section, the sides being inversely as the perpendiculars let fall upon them from the centre, the polygon wUl circumscribe a conic section similar to the given one . . 23 35.] Envelope of the chord joining the extremities of two focal chords of a conic section 23 36.] A straight line revolves in a conic section, having always a constant ratio to the parallel diameter ; it will envelope a similar conic section 25 37.] The product of the sides of a right-angled triangle diminished by fixed quantities, is constant; thehypotenuse will envelope a conic section. . 26 38.] Let the sides of a rectangle be produced, and cut by a transversal ; to find the tangential equation of the curve to which this line is always a tangent, under certain conditions 2G XXVin TABLE OF CONTENTS. 39.] The vertex of an angle of constant magnitude moves along the circum- feience of a circle ; one side passes through a fixed point ; to deter- mine the curve that will be enveloped by the other 28 40.] An angle of given magnitude revolves roiind a fixed point, intersecting by its sides two given straight lines ; the line which joins the points of intersection envelopes a conic section 29 41.] An angle of ^ven magnitude 6 revolves round a point in the plane of a conic section, cutting the curve in two points ; the line joining these points will envelope a curve whose tangential equation is of the fourth order 30 42.] A right-angled triangle has its right angle at a focus of a conic section, while the hypotenuse envelopes the curve ; one acute angle of the triangle moves along a given straight line, the other vrill describe a conic section 32 43.] Form of the tangential equation of a conic section when the origin is anywhere in a concentnc circle passing through the foci_ 33 44.] A triangle is inscribed in a conic section ; two of its sides always pass through two fixed points, the third side envelopes a conic section . . 34 45.] A series of central conic sections have the same centre, and their axes in the same direction, but such that the difierence of the reciprocals of the squares of their axes is constant ; the tangents drawn to a point on each, their intersection with a common diameter, envelope a con- centric hyperbola, if the intersected curves be a series of elbpses, and an ellipse if the intersected curves be hyperbolas 37 On Polygons inscribed and circumscribed to Conic Sections. 46.] Conic sections are inscribed in the same quadrilateral, the polar of any point in their plane envelopes a conic section 38 47.] A series of conic sections are inscribed in the same quadrilateral, their centres range on the same straight line 39 48.] The centres of conic sections inscribed in the same quadrilateral all range on the straight line which joins the points of bisection of the two dia- gonals of the quadrilateral. (Newton's theorem) 40 CHAPTER IV. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLA. 49.] Tangential equation of the parabola derived from its projective equa- tion 41 50.] Relation between the constants when the curve touches the axes of coordinates 43 This theory applied to examples 43 51.] The sum of the sides of a right angle is constant. The hypotenuse en- velopes a parabola 43 52.] An angle of given magnitude moves along a fixed straight line, one side always passes through a fixed point, the other side will envelope a parabola _ _ 44 53.] Parabolas are inscribed in a triangle ; the locus of their foci is the cir- cumscribing circle 44 54.] An angle of given magnitude revolves round the focus of a parabola ; to determine the curve enveloped by the chord which joins the points in which the parabola is intersected by the sides of the angle 45 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXIX CHAPTER V. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE POINT, THE PLANE, AND THE STRAIGHT LINE IN SPACE. 56.] On the tangential equations of a point and a plane in space 49 On the transformationa of tangential coordinates in space 51 57.] Expression for the perpendicular from the origin on a plane whose tan- gential coordinates are given 51 53.] On the translation of the axes of coordinates in parallel directions .... 52 69.] On the tangential equations of a plane passing through the origin of coordinates 53 CHAPTER VI. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE STRAIGHT LINE IN SPACE. CO.] Two methods of defining the position of a straight line in apace 54 Gl.] Tangential method 5-3 62.] To express the cosines of the angles which a straight line makes with the axes of coordinates in terms of the constants /i, v, a, /3 of the tan- gential equations of the given straight line 56 63.] To determine the conditions that two straight lines may meet in space 56 65.] To investigate the conditions that a given line may be found in a given plane 57 60.] To find the tangential coordinates of a plane which shall pass through a given point and a given straight line 57 67.] To determine the angle between two given planes 58 (i8.] A straight line is perpendicular to a given plane, to determine the rela- tions t>etween the coefficients of the given straight line and the given plane 58 09.] To determine the angles which the straight line, in which two given planes intersect, ma£es with the axes of coordinates 59 70.] To determine the conditions in order that a given strught line and a given plane may be parallel 60 71.] A straight line is parallel to a given straight line, to determine the rela- tion between the constants 60 72.] To investigate an expression for the angle between two g^ven straight lines whose equations are given 60 73.] To find an expression for the angle between a given plane and a given straight line 61 CHAPTER VII. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 74.] On the tangential equations of surfaces of the second order referred to their centres and axes, as axes of coordinates 62 75.] Translation of the ori^n to any other point in space, the axes of coordi- nates continuing parallel 63 XXX TABLE OF CONTENTS. 76.] Values of the tangential ordinates |, v, ( in terms of the partial differ- ential coefficients of the projective equation of the given surface 64 77.] Tangential equations of the poles of the three coordinate planes 66 Tangential equations of the polar plane of the origin 66 Condition in order that the origin of coordinates may he on the given surface 67 78.] Vivlues of certain coefficients when the surface touches one or more of the coordinate planes 67 79.] Determination of the point of contact 67 80.] Formula of transition from the projective to the tangential equation of any sur&ce, and reciprocally 68 CHAPTER VIII. ON THE UAONITUDE AND POSITION OF THE AXES OF A SURFACE OF THE SECOND ORDER. 81.] Transformation of the tangential equation of a surface of the second order 69 82.] A general expresdon for the distance hetween the point of contact of a tangent plane to a surface, and the foot of the perpendicular let fall from the origin on this tangent plane 70 83.] Definition of axis of central surface 71 Tangential ctdnc equation of axes 71 84.] To determine the angles which one of the axes of the surface makes with the axes of coordinates 72 85.] On the particular case when the surface is one of revolution 73 CHAPTER IX. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLOIDS. 86.] The tangential equation derived from the projective equation of the paraholoids 75 87.] On the transformation of the axes of coordinates in the case of the para- holoids 76 88.] Given the general equation of the paraholoid to any set of rectangular axes passing through the vertex, to determine the magnitude and position of the parameters of the principal sections 77 89.] On the hyperholic paraholoid 78 90.] Limits of the surface 80 91.] Tangential equation of this surface derived from its projective equation 80 92.] To ascertain whether in a tangent plane to this surface there can exist any linear generatrices 80 93.] No two successive generatrices of this surfsuse can meet, or be in the same plane 82 94.] To determine the sections of this surface made by tangent planes in certain positions 82 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXXI CHAPTER X. ON THB APPLICATION OF ALOSBBA TO THE THEORY OF KECIFROCAL FOLARS. 95.J Line of contact of a cone touching a surface of the Recond order is a plane curve 83 96.] Case when the surface is a central ellipsoid 84 97. j Pciar equations of surfaces of the second order 84 Illustrations and instances of the principle of Duality 85 98.] Application of the principles established in the foregoing sections to the investigation of certain theorems 85 The sum of the perpendiculars let fall from » given points on a plane is constant. To determine the envelope of the plane 89 99.] The sum of the squares of the perpendiculars let fall from n given points on a plane whose tangential coordinates are f , v, ^ is con- stant, and equal to nl^ ; the plane envelopes a surface of the second order 89 100.] A series of surfaces of the second order touch seven fixed planes ; the poles of any given plane relative to these surfaces ore also on a fixed plane 90 101.] A surface of the second order touches seven given planes, to find the locus of its centre 91 102.] If two surfaces of the second order are enveloped by a cone, they may also be enveloped by a second cone 91 103.] Let a plane cut off from three fixed rectangular axes, segments the sum of which, multiplied by a constant area, shall be equal to the tetrahedron whose faces are the three coordinate planes and the limiting tangent plane ; to determine the surface enveloped by this latter plane 92 104.] If a series of planes retrench from a cone of the second degree a con- stant volume, they will envelope a discontinuous hyperbofoid, or one of two sheets 94 105.] On the cubic equation of axes, when the surface is one of revolution, and the origin at a focus 96 106.] Three straight lines, constituting a right-angled trihedral angle, revolve round a fixed point in space,meetmg asut&ce of the second order (S]| in three points. The plane which passes through these three points envelopes a surface of revolution (2) of the second order, whose focus is at the given point, and whose directrix plane relative to this focus is the polar plane of the fixed point relative to the given surface (S) 97 107.] To show that the continuous hjrperboloid admits of linear gene- ratrices 99 108.] A Biuface of the second order is cut by a given secant plane ; to deter- mine the tangential equation of the section of the surface made by this plane 100 109.] The reciprocal polar of any surface of the second order, the centre of the directrix surface being on the given surface, is a paraboloid . . 101 XXxii TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XI. ON CONCYCLIC iURrACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 110.] Concyclic surfaces are the reciprocal polars of confocal surfaces .... 102 111.] Examples of the analogies between concjclic and confocal surfaces — dual relations 103 112.] Through a given point three central confocal surfaces may be de- scribed — an ellipsoid, a continuous and discontinuous hyperboloid 104 113.] A series of concyclic surfaces of the second order touch a riven. plane whose tangential coordinates are |, v, f. To determine the equation of the axes of these surfaces 105 114.] A common tangent plane is drawn to three concyclic surfaces of the second order, the three points of contact two by two subtend right angles at the centre 105 lis.] Let there be two concyclic ellipsoids, and any point on the external one be assumed as the vertex of a cone enveloping the other, the plane of contact will meet the tangent plane to the first surface through the vertex of the cone in a straight line, such that the dia- metral plane passing through this line will be at right angles to the diameter which passes through the vertex of the cone 106 116.] Let a cone envelope an ellipsoid, so that the plane of contact shall touch a second surface confocal with the former. The line drawn from the vertex of the cone to the point of contact of this tangent plane vdll be at right angles to it 107 117.] Parallel planes are drawn to a series of confocal ellipsoids; to deter- mine the locus of the points of contact 109 118.] To a series of concyclic surfaces tangent planes are drawn touching the surfaces in the points where they are pierced by a common dia- meter ; to find the surface enveloped by these tangent planes .... 110 CHAPTER XII. ON THE SURFACE OF THE CENTRES OF CURVATDRE OF AN ELLIPSOID. 119.] Tangential equation otthe surface of centres of an ellipsoid 112 120.] Investigation of the shape of this surface 113 Any two parallel tangents being drawn to the surface of centres and to the ellipsoid, the difiference of the squares of the coincident per- pendiculars let fall upon them from the centre is always equal to the square of the coinciding semidiameter of the ellipsoid 114 121.] On the umbilical lines of curvature of an ellipsoid 116 123.] The areas of the umbilical parallelogram, of the ellipse, and of the evolute circumscribed by and inscribed in the four umbilical nor- mals, have certain reciprocal relations wMch are independent of the axes of the ellipsoid 118 124.] On the projective equation of the surface of centres of an ellipsoid . . 120 125.] Three concyclic surfaces of the second order are touched by a com- mon tangent plane in three points; these points, two by 'two, will subtend right angles at the centre, and the locus of all the points of contact with the two variable hyperboloids will be a surface which may be called the " surface of contacts " 1J2 TABLE or CONTENTS. XXXIII CHAPTER XIII. ON THE APPLICATION OF THE METHOD OF TANGENTIAL COORDINATES TO THE INVESTIGATION OP THE PROPERTIES OF TRANSCENDENTAL AND OTHER CURVES OF A HIGHER ORDER THAN THE SECOND. 12G.] On the tangential equation of the caustic by reflection of the circle . . 124 127.] Two cases of the general theoiem which may repay discussion .... 127 128.] Determination of the points in which the limiting tangent, when vertical, cuts the axis of X 128 CHAPTER XIV. ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOIDS. 129.] The theory of tangential coordinates applied to investigate the pro- perties of epicycloids and hypocycloids generally 129 130.] to 132.] The theory applied to selected cases 130 133.] On hypocycloids 133 To determine the equation of the hypocycloid, when the radius of the rolling circle is one half that of the base circle 133 134.J On the hypocycloid whose radius is one fourth that of the base circle 133 135.] To determine the involute of the quadrantal hypocycloid 134 136.J On the projective eqviation of the involute of the quadrantal hypo- cycloid 135 137.] On the tangential equation of the trigonal hypocycloid 137 138.] On the tangential equation of the hexagonal hypocycloid 138 139.] On the tangential equation of the cycloid 139 141.] On the tangential equation of the logarithmic curve 140 142.] On the tangential equation of the cissoid 141 143.] On the tangential equation of the lemniscate 141 144.] On the tangential equation of the cardioid 142 145.] On the projective equation of the curve whose tangential equation is oV+6=|'=fl''6"(|'^+«»)* 143 146.] On the tangential equation of the curve inverse to the central ellipse, or the curve whose equation is o'ar'+6^i/°=(.i'^+y")' 1J4 147.] On the reciprocal polar of the evolute of an ellipse 145 148.] On the tangential equation of the semicubical parabola 147 149.] On the tangential equation of the cubical parabola 147 150.] On the involute of the cycloid 147 CHAPTER XV. ON PARALLEL CURVES. 151. J Definition of parallel curves 149 152.] Tangential equation of the curve parallel to the ellipse 150 153.] The normals of a parabola are increased by the constant line A; to iind the tangential equation of the curve 151 XXxiv TABLE OP CONTENTS. Tangential equation of the curve parallel to the evolute of an ellipse 152 To find the parallel curve of the quadrantal hjrpocycloid 152 154.] To find the equations of the parallel curves of the involute of the quadrantal hypocycloid 152 Tangential equation of the curve parallel to the semicubical parabola 152 Tangential equation of the curve parallel to the cycloid 153 CHAPTER XVI. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OP EVOLTJTES. 155.1 Values of the variables in the tangential equation of the evolute in terms of the partial differential coefficients of the projective equa- tion of the curve whose evolute is required 153 156.] To determine the tangential equation of the evolute of the ellipse . . 153 157.] Tangential equation of the evolute of the parabola 154 158.] On the evolute of the semicubical parabola 154 159.] On the evolute of the cubical parabola 154 160.] On the evolute of the quadrantal hypocycloid 155 161.] On the tangential equation of the evolute of the lemniscate 156 162.] On the evolute of the curve whose equation is e^3f'+Vy'=(x'+y'y 167 CHAPTER XVII. ON REVOLTING ANGLES, PROJECTIVE AND TANGENTIAL. 163.] Definitions of the curves termed tangential and projective pedals . . 158 164.] A-f^lication of this theory to examples 169 (a) Tangential pedal of a straight line. (/3) Tangential pedal of a point. M Projective pedal of a conic section. (d) Becomes a cardioid, when the origin is on the curve. 165.] Tangential pedal of a circle is a conic section 160 166.] Projective and tangential pedals of the semicubical parabola 161 167.] Projective pedal of the cycloid 161 Simple geometrical proof of this theorem 161 168.] A light angle moves along a cycloid; one side passes through the centre of the base, the other side will envelope a curve whose tan- gential equation may be found 161 169.] Projective pedal of the cardioid. 162 170.] Projective pedal of the quadrantal h3rpocycloid 162 171.] Tangential pedal of the logocyclic curve 163 172.] Tangential pedal of the evolute of an ellipse 163 Projective pedal of the evolute of an ellipse 163 Tangential pedal of a cissoid is a parabok 163 Projective pedal of a cissoid 163 173.] Projective pedal of the curve parallel to an ellipse 163 174.] Projective pedal of the curve parallel to a parabola is a conchoid 164 TABLE OP CONTENTS. XXXV CHAPTER XVIII. ON RIGHT ANGLES REVOLVING ROUND FIXED POINTS IN THE PLANE OP A CURVE. 175.] General projective equation of the locus in terms of the partial dif- ferential coefficients of the tangential equation of the given curve. . 165 176.] Projective equation of the locus when the g:iven curve is an ellipse. . 166 177.] When the given curve is a cuhical parabola 166 178.] When the given curve is a semicubical parabola 166 179.] When the given curve is a parabola 167 180.] When the revolving angle is no longer a right angle. General for- mulae in this case for the locus 168 CHAPTER XIX. TO INVESTIGATE THE LOCI WHEN THE REVOLVING ANGLES IN THE TWO PRECEDING CHAPTERS ARE OTHER THAN RIGHT ANGLES. 181.] Transformation of formulae on this hypothesis 169 182.] Application of modified formulae to the ellipse 170 183.] To the trigonal hypocycloid 171 CHAPTER XX, ON THE LOCI OP RIGHT ANGLES REVOLVING AROUND GIVEN CURVES. 184.] A right angle revolves so as to touch with its sides a given curve, to determine the projective equation of the vertex of the right angle 171 185.] Application of this method to examples 172 When the ^ven curve is an ellipse 172 186.] When the curve is a parabola 172 187.] To investigate the equation of the vertex of the right angle which envelopes the involute of the quadrantal hypocycloid 173 188.] A right angle revolves, touching with its sides the curve parallel to the paraM)la ; to determine the locus of the vertex 173 189.] A right angle revolves, touching with its sides a cycloid ; to determine the locus of the vertex 174 190.] A right angle revolves round a fixed point, whose sides meet a curve in certain points ; to determine the tangential equation of the curve which is enveloped by the line joining these points 175 191.] Illustration of this method 175 192.] Another illustration 176 193.1 Recapitulation of the principles established in Chapters XV., XVI., XVn., XVIII., XIX., and XX : 177 XXXvi TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXI. ON PEDAL TANGENTIAL COORDINATES. 194.J Definition of this system of coordinates 178 195.] Illustrationa of this method 179 Pedal tangential of a straight line 179 Pedal tangential of a circle 179 Pedal tangential of an ellipse 179 196. J, 197.] Properties of the evolute of an ellipse analogous to those of an ellipse 18" 198.] On the pedal tangential cmre of a semicubical parabola 181 199.] The pedal tangential of the curve whose equation is o'y"+6'.r'=;tV is an ellipse 181 CHAPTER XXII. ON THE RADIUS OF CURVATCRE AND THE RECTIFICATION OP PLANE CURVES. 200.] Definitions of the rectification of plane curves and of the radius of curvature, 181 Primary expression for the radius of curvature 182 201.] Primary expression for the arc of a plane curve 183 How the ambiguity of sign is to be determined 184 202.] Explanation of the critical point in Fagnani's theorem on the arcs of an ellipse 184 203.] Expression for the radius of curvature in terms of the partial differ- ential coefficients of the tangential equation of a plane curve .... 185 Expression for the arc of curve in terms of the same coefficients .... 185 204.] On the rectification of the circle by the method of tangential coordi- nates, the origin being taken any where in the plane of the circle . . 185 205.] On the radius of curvature of the ellipse 186 206.] On the radius of curvature of the parabola 186 207.] On the rectification of the ellipse 187 208.] On the rectification of the parabola 187 209.] On the radius of curvature and the rectification of the cycloid 187 The square of the radius of curvature at any point of a cycloid, toge- ther with the square of the arc measured from that point to the vertex,, are equal to the square of the diameter of the generating circle 188 210.] On the re«tification of the evolute of the ellipse 188 211 .] On the rectification of the semicubical parabola, and its radius of cur- vature 189 212.] On the rectification of parallel curves 190 213.] On the radius of curvature, and the rectification of epicycloids and hvpocycloids 190 TABLE OP CONTENTS. XXXVll 214.] Application of these formulge to examples 193 (a) The cardioid. (P) The semiciTcalar epicycloid. (y) The quadrantal epicycloid. (h) The trigonal epicycloid. 216,] On the cuTrature and rectification of hypocycloids 193 216.] Relation between the radius of curvature and the arc of any epicy- cloid 194 217.] On the radius of curvature of the cubical parabola 194 218.] On the rectification of the involute of the quadrantal hypocycloid . . 195 219.] On the rectification of the curve whose tangential equation is 6»|»+aV=«»6»(f+w»/ 196 220.] On the rectification of the inverse curve of the central ellipse 196 CHAPTEE XXIII. ON THE RELATION BETWEEN TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS, AND THE SINGULAB SOLUTIONS OV THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF PLANE CURVES. 221.] Relation between the tangential and projective equations of the same curve 200 (a), (j3) Illustrations of this principle 201 CHAPTER XXIV. ON THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS. 222.] Elementary principles on which the geometrical theory of redprocal polars is established 202 223.-] Definition of polarizing sphere 202 224.] If any point n-, be assumed in a plane (n), the polar plane (n,) of tiiis point vrill pass through v the pole of (n) 204 When any number of straight lines are parallel to one another, their conjugate polars will all he in the same plane 204 The polar plane of any point assumed in a straight line will pass through the conjugate polar of this straight line ; and the polar plane of any point assumed in a plane will pass through the pole of this plane . . 204 225.] The reciprocal polar of any plane curve is a cone whose vertex is in the pole of the plane of the curve 204 6.] From the centre a of the polarizing circle (Q) a perpendicular a>P is (S)at^ - '• ~ let Ml on a tangent drawn to the ciirve (S) at T. The radius oiT produced will be perpendicular to the corresponding tangent drawn to the reciprocal polfur curve (T) ; and the perpendicular oiP on the tangent to the curve (S) at T will pass through the point of contact r of the corresponding tangent to the reciprocal polar (2) 205 227.] To find the conjugate polar of the normal to a tangent plane applied to the primitive surrace (S) 206 d XXXviii TABLE OP CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXV. THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS APPLIED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW METHOD OF DERIVING THE PROPERTIES OF SURFACES OP THE SECOND ORDER WITH THREE UNEQUAL AXES FROM THOSE OF THE SPHERE. 231.] Fundamental theorem.— If a point talien in the plane of a ciide (S) he made the centre of a polarizing circle ^Q), the reciprocal polar (S) of the circle (S) will be a conic section having a focus at the . centre of (O) 208 232.] The polar of the centre of the circle (S) is the directrix of the conic section (2) 209 233.] If in the transyerse axis of a surface of revolution (S) we assume a point V as tiie common vertex of two cones of revolution circum- scribing the sphere (8) and the polarizing sphere (O) whose centre ■ is at ID the focus of (S), if the base of the former cone pass through the focus of (2), iJie base of the latter wiU pass through the centre of (2) 209 234.] The properties of surfaces of the secraid order having three unequal axes &rived from those of surfaces of revolution of the second order 211 235.1 The properties of two surfaces of the second order mav not be so de- rived . 212 236.] Relations established between a^ b, and e the semiaxes of the reciprocal surface (2), A and C the semiaxes of the primitive surface (S), and R and D, the former being the radius of the polarizing sphere (Q), while D is the distance between the centres of (S) and (b) 212 237.] Conversely, the semiaxes of the primitive sui&ce (S) and D may be expressed in terms of a, b, and c,the semiaxes of (2). Eccentricities of the three principal sections of (2), expressed in terms of A, C, and D 216 238.] Definition of the polar focut 215 239.] Definition of the conjugate umbilical directrix planes 216 240.] Portion 'and inclination of the conjugate umbilical directrix planes . . 216 241.] Angle between an umbilical diameter and an umbilical directrix plane 217 242.] In every central surface of the second order having three unequal axes, there are /our foci. Position of these umbiliciu foci defined 218 243.] Definition of the Principal Parameter of a surface of the second order ' having three unequal axes 219 244.] The umbilical focus is the pole of the corresponding umbilical direc- trix plane with respect to the redprocal siir&ce (2) 220 245.] In the axis of the surface (S) there are seven remarkable points. Positions of their correlative seven polar planes 220 246.] The principal semiparameter of the surface (2) expressed in terms of A, C, D and R, found to be independent of A and D. Remarkable results which foUow from the independence of L the principal semi- parameter of (2), a surface having three unequid axes on A, the radius of the principal circular section of the primitive surfiuM (S) and D the distance between the centre of (S) and the polar focus of (S) 221 Principal parameter of the elliptic paraboloid 222 247.] Position of the polar plane of the extremity of the major axis of (S) 222 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XXXIX 248.] A Table of the valnes of the magnitudea and poutiona of the several planes, lines, and points connected with a central surface (S) of the second order haying three unequal axes 223 249.] On the hyperboloid of two sheets and its asymptotic cone 22o 250.] The polar plane of a the centre of (O) with resjiect to (S) is the polar plane of C, the centre of (S) with respect to (Q) 226 251,] The reciprocal polar of a continuous hyperboloid is also a continuous hyperboloid 226 252.] On the oblate spheroid 227 CHAPTER XXVI. ON THE APPLICATION OF THE THEORY DEVELOPED IN THE PRECEDING CHAPTER TO THE DISCUSSION OF SOME THEOREMS AND PROBLEMS. 253.] Lemma L — To express the base A B of a triangle A B C in terms of the perpendiculars on the polars of the points A, B, and the distance of the pole of A B from C. Poncelet's theorem 228 Lemma II. — ^From a given point R let a perpendicular R P be let fall on the given straight line C V, and let the point O be assumed as the cenbe of the polarizing circle whose radius is R ; let S be the pole of V, and B T the polar of the point R. The peipendiculars from the points R and 8 on the straight lines C V and B T will have the same Talio to each other as the hnes OR and OS 228 254.]*If from any point on an umbilical surface of the second order perpen- diculars be let &11 on the two conjugate umbilical directrix planes, the rectangle under these perpencuculai's will have to the square of the distance of this point from the polar focus a constant ratio .... 229 (a), (i8), (y), (8), («). Particular cases of this theorem 231 Algebraical proof of this theorem (note) 231 2.55.] When the surface becomes an oblate spheroid 232 256.] The sum of the products, taken two by two, of the perpendiculars let Ml from the four umbilical foci on a tangent plane to (S) is equal to2J»Mn»i»+^cos»i' 233 257.] Through the polar focus of (S), a surface of the second order, a plane and a straight line being drawn at right angles to each other, the line meeting the sur&ce in the point r, and the umbilical directrix plane (A) in the straight line (0), the plane which passes through the pomt r and the straight line (d) will envelop a surface of revo- lution (2,) whose focus will coincide with the polar focus of (2), and whose directrix plane will pass through the polar directrix of the polu focus a in tne principal section in the plane of X Y .... 234 * This theorem, founded on Lemma IL, was published in the Philosophical Magazine for the year 1840, p. 432. " n est une preprints principale des coniques, qui se retrouve dans les cdnes, et dont nous n'avons point encore fait mention relativement aux surfaces du second degr£ ; c'est que : ' la somme ou la difference des r^ons vecteurs men^s d'un point d'une conique aux deux foyers est constante.' Nous avons fait, pendant long- temps, des tentatives pour trouver quelque chose d'amdogue dans les surfaces; mais sans obtenir aucun succes." — CShasles, Aper<;u Historique, p. 391. d2 Xl TABLE OF CONTENTS. 258.] Algebraical proof of this theorem 236 259.] If in any Burface (S) haying three unequal axes a straight line be drawn meeting the surface in two points r and t, and the umbilical direc- trix planes (A) and (A,) in two points also, t and d„ the angles which these pairs of points subtend respectiTely at the polar focus a will be equal to each o^er, or the angle rufi will be equal to the angle r^caS, 237 A straight line touches the surface (2) and meets the umbilical direc- trix planes (A) and (A,) in two pomts S and i, ; the se^ents of this line between the point of contact r and the umbilical directrix planes will subtend equal angles at the polar focus 238 261.] Let the principal parameter C C, of a surface of the second order (Z) . having three unequal axes be the base of a triangle whose vertex is the point Gt anywhere on the surface. If the sides of this triangle be produced to meet the umbilical directrix plane (A) in two points i and i,, the points 8 and 8, will subtend a right angle at the polar focus a 240 If the shorter axis of an oblate spheroid be iaken as the fixed base of a triangle C C, G inscribed in the spheroid, whose sides are produced to meet one of the directrix planes (A) in two points Q and Q„ these pointe, Q and Q,„ wiU subtend a r%ht angle at the centre of the oblate spheroid (2) 240 If the parameter of a surface of revolution (S) be the base of a triangle inscribed in it, and the sides be produced to meet the directrix plane (D) in d and <2,, the points d, d, will subtend a right angle at the focus F of (S) 240 If a fixed chord be taken in a surfEuse (2), and this fixed chord e c, be made the base of a triangle whose vertex G is anywhere on this surface, the sides of this triangle Gc, Gc, being produced to meet the umbilical directrix plane (A) in two points 8 and 8„ the points 8 and 8, wiU subtend a constant angle at the polar focus m 241 263.] If through a straight line (d) in the umbilical directrix plane (A) of a surface (2) of the second order, two tangent planes (6) and (6,) be drawn meeting a third tangent plane (e„) in the straight lines (3,) and (d„), the planes through these two lines and the umbilical focus V will cut the umbilical directrix plane (A) in two straight lines, through which and the polar focus a if two planes be drawn, they will be at right angles to each other 242 264.] If two tangent planes (6) and (e,) are drawn to a surface of the second order (2), having three unequal axes, meeting in the straight line (d), and if r and r, be the pomts of contact of these tangent planes, let the chord r r, meet the umlnlical directrix plane (^ in v; and let the plane drawn through v, the umbilical focus v, and (&) the intersection of the tangent planes (e) and (ei,) meet the umbuical directrix plane (A) in the straight line (8) ; the line the polar focus and (8) 242 205.] Let two tangent planes (e) and (e,) be drawn to an oblate spheroid, and their chord of contact be produced to meet the directrtt plane in v; and if a plane be drawn through the umbilical focus v and the line (S), in which these two tangent planes intersect, and meeting the directrix plane in the line (8), the diametral plane C(8) will be at right angles to the diameter Ck 243 TABL£ OF COMTDNTS. xli 266.] If a tingent plane (e) be diawn to (2), touching it in the point t, and cutting the umbilical diiectriz pume in the line (3), and if through the umbiliod focus v and we point r a stiaight line be drawn meeting the directrix (A) in the point 8, the line ad drawn from the polar focus <» to d will be at right angles to the plane drawn from a through the straight line (ft) 243 If a tangent plane be drawn to an oblate spheroid cutting one of the direcliix planes (A) in a straight line (d), the diametral plane drawn through (5) will be at right angles to the diameter Or drawn throvigh the point of contact r 243 267.] Two tangent planes, (e) and (e,), are drawn to a surface (2) haying three unequal axes, cutting the umbiUcal planes in two straight lines (d) and (d,). A stra^ht line drawn through the points of contact meets the directrix plane (A) in X. The line drawn from the polar focus oi to X is equallT mclined to the planes uCd) and <»(8,r 244 Two tangent planes are drawn to an oblate spheroid, cutting the directrix plane (A) in two straight lines (8) and (8,), while the chord through the points of contact meets it in X, the diametral planes 0(8) and 0(8,) are equally inclined to the diameter OX 244 268.] Two tangent planes, (e) and (S,), are drawn to a surface (S) meeting the directrix plane (A) in two straight lines (8) and (8,) ; and if through the intersection of these tangent planes (3) and tiie umbi- lical focus V a plane (U) be drawn cutting the directrix plane (A) in a straight line (x)t ^^ planes a>(8) and a(8,) will be equally m- dined to the plane a>(x) 244 269.] If two tangent planes, (e) and (6,), to a surface of the second order be cut by another plane (n) passing through the points of contact TT„ and cutting the tangent planes in two straight lines rn- and T,ir, if the three sides of the triangle rr,, rn-, and r,ir be produced to meet the directrix plane in the points X, 8, and 8„ the angles XoS and Xa>8, will be equal 245 270.] Two tangent planes, (6) and (e,), are drawn to a surface having three unequal axes. A third plane (n) is drawn through the chord of contect cutting the tangent planes in the lines (v) and (w/). These lines and the line' (Si), in which the tangent planes intersect, are produced to meet the directrix plane (A) in the three points n-, n-,, and 8. The angle «raidss7r,8 246 271.] Two tangent planes, and a secant plane through the chord of contact, are drawn to an oblate spheroid ; the diameter drawn through the point in which the common intersection of the two tangent planes meets the directrix plane (A) is equally inclined to the diameters which pass through the points in which the common intersections of the secant plane with uie tangent planes meet the directrix plane 246 If through a surface (2) with three unequal axes a chord be drawn meeting this surface in the points r and t, and the umbilical direc- trix plane (A), and if through a the polar focus planes be drawn at right angles to or and wt, cutting the second directrix plane (A,) in («r) and (w,), and planes be drawn through r(i!r) and T,(vr,) inter- secting in the strai^t line (X), the plane «(X) will be at right angles to the straight line wiU be equally inclined to the focal lines o8 and uS, 247 Xlii TABLE OF CONTENTS. 273.] Any pwi of conjugate tangents to the surface (2) being pxoduced to meet the umbilical directrix plane (A) in two points a and 0, the lines drawn from the polar focus a to these pomts will be at right angles 248 274.1 Conjugate tangents are parallel to a pair of conjugate diameters of the central {done of the surface (S) parallel to the tangent plane con- taining the conjugate tangents 248 276.] If a cone, whose vertex k is on the umbilical directrix plane ^A), be circumscribed to a sur&ce (2), the plane of contact (Gq of this cone with (2) will pass through v-, the umbilical focus, and will cut (A) in a straight line (y). The line drawn from the polar focus » to the vertex k of the cone will be at light angles to the plane drawn from a through the line (y) in which (G), the plane of contact of the cone circumscribing (2), meets the umbilical directrix plane (A) 261 277.] If a tangent plane (e) be drawn to (2) touching it in the point r, and cutting the conjugate umbilical directrix planes (A) and (A,^ in the lines (d) and (fi,), the planes drawn througn these strtught lines and the polar focus a will be eq^nally inclined to the line or, drawn from the polar focus a to the pomt of contact r 252 When the surface becomes an oUate spheroid it will hence follow that, If a tangent plane be drawn to an oblate spheroid cutting the pivallel directrix planes (A) and (A,) in the straight lines (JS) and (8,), the diameter through the point of contact wul be equally in- clmed to the diametral planes 0(8) and 0(8,) 262 278.] K a secant plane be drawn cutting the sur&ce (2) in a plane section (K), and the conjugate umbilical directrix planes (A) and (A,) in the stnught lines (8) and (8,), the planes drawn through tiie polar focus a> and these straight lines (8) and (8,) will be parallel to the circular sections of the cone whose' vertex is at a> and whose base is (K) 252 The circular sections of a cone whose vertex is at the centre of an oblate spheroid, and whose base is any plane section of this snrfiice, ore parallel to the two diametral planes which pass through the straight lines in which this base intersects the minor direcctrix planes (A) and (A,) of the oblate spheroid (2) 263 The cone whose vertex is at the polar focus a> of a sur&ce (2) having three unequal axes, and whose base is a plane section of uus suiibce passing through the polar directrix, is a right cone whose circular section is parallel to the plane of XY •. 253 279.] Algebraical proof of this theorem 263 280.] If through any straight line on the umbilical directrix plane (A) two tan^nt planes be dravm to (2), and if through the thr«e perpen- diculars let &U from a on these tiiree planes a secant plane (Q) be drawn cutting the tangent planes in lines which produced meet the plane drawn through a> parallel to the umbilical directrix plane (A) m the points t and t,, and if an-=A, ayT,=h, and utK=r in the tri- angle TUT,, the base tot, will have to the line uk a constant ratio, or When the sur&ce (2) becomes a sm&ce of revolution (8) round the transverse axis, c=.h and »=«, hence ^=2e. (g) 265 Hence also this other theorem in the conic sections. TABLE OF CONTENTS. xliii If from Any point in the directrix a pair of tangents l)e dravs to the curre, they will cut off equal segments from the ordinate passing throufih the focus , 265 281.] The reciprocal polar of the theorem, that in a sui&ce of revolution the sum of the focal vectors is constant, is as follows. To a surface (S), having three unequal axes, let a tangent plane (e) tte drawn cutting the umbilical planes (A) and (A,) m tiie straight .lines (A) and (8,),and the line joining the polar focus and the polar direcmx into the segments A and h,. Let the planes that are drawn from CD through the straight lines (A) and (8,) make the angles <(>, 1 348 372.] On parabolic trigonometry as applied to the investigation of the cate- nary and the tatctriz 349 373.] On some properties of the catenary 360 376.] On the tractrix 352 CHAPTER XXXin. ON SOME PROFEKTIES OF CONFOCAL SURFACES. 379.] Three confocal sur&ces of the second order intersect in a common point Q, the vertex of a cone which envelops a fourth confocal sur- iBce ; to determine the projective equation of this cone referred to the normals of the tiuee Bor&cee, at the common point Q, as axes of coordinates 35g 382.] Two cones having their common vertex on a sui&ce of the second order, an ellipsoid sumKwe, (a/>/!,) envelop two confocal surfiwee. The diametral plane of the surface conjugate to the diameter pass- ing through the common vertex of the two cones will cut off from their common side a constant length, independent of the position of the common vertex of the two cones on the surface (afi/i ) 363 383.] A cone whose vertex is on a saxbee of the second order envelops a confocal sur&ce. To determine the length of the axis of the cone between the vertex and the plane of contact 364 385.] Along a line of curvature tangent planes are drawn to a sur&ce of the second order. The perpen^culars from the centre on these planes generate a cone of the second order, whose focal lines coindde with the optic axes of the sur&ce or with the perpendiculars to its rar- cular sections 3Qg BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Examination the Province of the State. Being an attempt to show the proper function of the State in Education. 8vo. " . . . . The first suggestion of this system seems to have been in an able pamphlet, published 07 the Rev. Dr. Booth, addressed to the Marquis of Lansdowne " — Thoaghtt on National Education, Inf Lord Lyttetton, p. 10. " Dr. Booth, in his pamphlet, ' Examination the Province of the State,' pub- lished some years ago, laid down the general outlines of the system of promoting education by means of examinations, which now meets with such genenu acceptance." — DaUy News. How to Learn and What to Learn. Two Lectures advocating the System of Examinations established by the Society of Arts, and delivered, the former at Lewes on the 24th of September, and the latter at Hitchin, on the 16th of October, 1856. Published by the Society of Arts. " Among the many pamphlets, speeches, and addresses, with which the press has this year teemed, on the all-engrossing subject of education, these lectures by Dr. Booth are far the best in our estimation. They are more liberal and more comprehensive ; they are marked by sounder sense ; and, what will weigh still more with most men, they are evidently the production of a man who has thought much and deeply on the subject of which he speaks, and who brings to the aid of a mind at once vigorous and capacious the benefit of an extensive experience. Dr. Booth is the Treasurer of the Society of Arts, which has done more than any other body of men to promote the general improvement and extend education among the yeoman classes of this country, or rather among those who hold a position in society akin to the ancient yeomanry, whether found in town or country. We have no better name by which we can distinguish them : they are not the very poor ; they are not strictly the mid^e classes ; but they range indefinitely between these two pales of society. • « • " In the success of so good a cause we feel the deepest sympathy. We believe that these two lectures cannot fiul in exciting that sympathy where it is not now felt ; and in that persuasion we recommend them to those who are deeply inter- ested in the cause of education, and who believe, as we do, that it is the great and absorbing question of the day." — Morning HerM. " Worthy of the high reputation of the author." — DaHy News. « We should be glad to see these lectures of Dr. Booth very extensively circu- lated among the clergy and laity. We agree with much that he says; but what we especisjSy desire to commend as an example is, the very lucid and spirited style in which his lectures are written." — English Churchman. "We recommend to general notice two lectures by Dr. James Booth, entitled How to Learn and What to Learn, in which the subject here slightly touched on is folly and ably treated." — Chambers^ Journal. In one Volume, 8vo, price 7s. 6d. The Theory of Elliptic Integrals and the Properties of Surfaces of the Second Order applied to the investigation of the Motion of a Body round a Fixed Point. LONGMANS, GEEEN, READER, AND DYER. In One Yolume, crown 8to, price 5s. cloth. The Lord's Supper, A Feast after Sacrifice. With Inquiries into the Doctrine of Transubstantiation^ and the Principles of Development as applied to the Interpretation of the Bible. By James Booth, LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., &c., Vicar of Stone, Buckinghamshire. " This is a csrefiil and scholarly attempt at a vuz mtAia between the merely comme- moratiTe theory of the Eucharist and the doctrines of Transubstantiation and Con- substantiation. Dr. Booth evidently regards the former as bald and defective, and both of the latter as eztntTsgant and superstitioiis. The nature of the Holy Bite preferred by the author is the BSpniimn Saeryieiale of Made and Cudworth, answering to the meal of the Jews after, and upon parts of, their sacrifices. We commend the treatise as a valuable contribution to this discussion, which never vras more rife amongst polemical divines than at present, and which may grow in heat and range within a few years." — Englisi Churchman, June 9, 1870. " This volume will well repay perusaL It is the work of a clear thinker and well- informed man. Dr. Booth is weU known to mathematicians as one who is at home in the most abstruse problems. When we state that, our readers will know they are in the bands of a man with powers of continuous thought, who is able to trace his way throngb ■11 intricacies and obsoureness, if a route be possible to human powers. But the orm- nary reader (we mean non-nuUbematical reader) will observe nothing of the mathema- tician in our author's manner of handling his present subject. His style and method are distinguished solely by their cUamess, simplicity, and orderliness. And the book consists mainly of quotations from Mb divines of the past. Quotations from such acute and learned tmnkers as Cudworth, and Waterlond, and Mede, with other divines of lesser note, form the staple of a large portion of the volume. This remark, however, does not apply to the latter half of tlM volume, which consists of two chapters, the one entitled ' On the Principle of Development as applied to the Interpretation of Qm Bible,' and the other ' On Transubstantiation.' Token as a whole, the volume brings together much that is valuable and suggestive, and in the main thoroughly sound, on the sacraments, and specially on the Lord's Supper ; and the doctrine of Transubstantiation is handled OS might have been expected by so able and profound a mathematician. The history of the rise and progress and final result of the doctrine is given briefly, yet truly. It is traced to a false philosophy long since buried out of sight and forgotten. It would be profitable work for some of the author's co-religionists to read, mark, and inwardly digest the chapter on Transubstantiation, that not cunningly but chmvriltf devised fikUe. —WeeJcly Seviea, June 18, 1870. " This is a learned and well-written attempt to establish, in a logical manner, the true nature of the Lard's Sapper, reliance being mainly placed on the brief narratives of the Gtispels and of St. Paul, further elucidated oy a reference to the ancient Jewish language, histoiy, and customs. Dr. Booth's position embraces the view once (he says) ^rnost univerrally held in the Church of England, ' That the Lord's Supper is a Feast upon a Sacrifice ;" and to set it forth he has combined and expounded the views of snob men as Joseph Mede, CudwortJi, Potter, Worbuiton, Waterlond, Hampden, and others. This gives to the treatise a somewhat fragmentary air ; but, taken as a whole, it is clearly, intelligently, and devoutly written, and will doubtless be sooeptoble to some disciples of those mmous men. On a subject of such subtlety — ^where the widest diversity of opinion still fiercely prevails — it cannot hope to please the many, though it is wdl woitiiy of careful examination. Dr. Bootli has studied his sulgect with care, and brought to his difficult task the fruits of extensive reading." — Standard, Junt 23, 1870. " Dr. Booth's modest volume is avowemy not so much an original production as on attempt to recall by selected citations what he thinks tlie too much nwlected learning of the fathers of the Church of England. The volume is divided into nur chapters, in the first of which he adduces authorities to prove that the Lord's Supper is not a mere service of commemoration ; in the second he adduces authorities to prove that it ought to be regarded as a fesst of thanksgiving, implying a preceding sacrifice ; in the tSid he treats of the principle of development as appUed to the interpretation of the Bible ; and in the fourta he discusses and dismisses the doctrine of transubstantiation, ind- dentolly^ treating at some length of the influence of tlie philosophy of Aristotle. GPhe most original thoughts and iUustrationB occur in the third chapter, and the reasoning seems to us most conclusive in the fourth. The quobitions have evidently been selected with thought and core, and evince much reseoroh ; and the author's own writing is finished and good. The volume is the careful ^production of a thoughtful scholar, though it conveys the impression to us that the mind of the writer has been somewhat over^d bv scholastic learning, so as to be in on artificial state, and partiallr disabled from receiving in their freshness and simplicity the truths which we conceive to be really revealed in the scriptures to the human heart." — Theoloffioal Review, October 1870, p. 591. LONGlllNS, GBEEIT, I^ADEB, AND DYEK. TANGENTIAL COORDINATES. CHAPTER I. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF A POINT AND A STBAIGHT LINE IN A PLANE. The projective equation of a straight line in a plane^ referred to two intersecting lines in the same plane, is -+^=1. In this equation a and h denote the intercepts of the axes cut off by the straight line, while x and y are the variable current coordinates of any point moving along this line. Now if we fix this point, thus making w and y constant, and sup- pose a and i to vary instead, we shall have the means of defining the position of this point by the help of a second equation, — (-^= 1, a, "/ where a is changed into a^ and h into 6j. As a and h are henceforward to be assumed as variables, we must adopt some appropriate notation to designate their variable cha- racter. It will improve the symmetry of the notation if we put 0=^, h=~; and thus the preceding equation becomes a?| + yw=l; (1) and this is the tangential equation of a point. As this expression is of constant occurrence, being the link which unites the tangential and projective systems of coordinates, it may with propriety be called the dual equation. The position of a straight line will evidently be determined, if we make f= constant, ti= constant. It must be borne in mind that, as f , v, f are the reciprocals of straight lines, such quantities as a^, yv, or P? are abstract numbers ; a, y, and P being straight lines. As X and y are the projective coordinates of a current point in a plane, so f and v are the tangential coordinates of a line which may be termed the limiting tangent. THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF A Fig. 1. ON THE TRANSrOKMATION OF COORDINATES. 2.] Assuming the ordinary rectangulax axes of coordinates, we shall imagine them first turned round through an angle 6, retaining the same origin, and afterwards suppose them displaced in parallel directions to another origin. Let ^ and - denote the intercepts of two rectangular axes, OX, OY, hy a fixed straight line; =■ and — the intercepts of the axes OX,, OY, made by the same straight line, and let P, the perpendicular firom the origin on the straight line, make the angles \ and X, with the axes OX and OX,, and let 6 be the angle XOX,. Hence X=\,+^, and cos\=cos X, cos 0— sinX, sin 6 ; but Pf = cos X, Pf , = cos X„ Pu = sin X, Pw, = sin X, ; substituting and dividing by P, we find f =cos 6 .^,—sm.a .Vi; and a like expression may be found for v. Hence, when the axes of coordinates are turned round through the angle 6, we may pass from the old system to the new, firom f , v to f „ w„ by the equations f = cos d . ^,— sin . Vp v=sia0 .^i+coa0 .f,.J" (2) ON THE TRANSLATION OF COORDINATES. 3.] Let the axes 0,X, and 0,Y, be drawn through the point O, parallel to OX and OY. Let 0,X,=i, 0,Y,=-, OX=i, OY=-. Let jB and q be the projective coordinates of the point O on the new axes O.Y, and 0,X,; join O and X„ O and Y„ also O and O,. Now the whole triangle 0,X,Y, is the sum of the three component tnangles 0,0X„ 0,OY„ and OY,X,; or, sub- stituting their equivalent expressions. Fig. 2. we obtain f POINT AND A STRAIGHT LINE IN A PLANI In like manner i;=r Fig. 3. l-p^-qv,' Hence the expressions for the old coordinates^ in terms of the new, translated in parallel directions, are when the axes are first turned romid through the angle 6 and then translated in parallel directions, f._ cos0.^,—wa.0.v, + cos0,w, . . ^~ \-pi,-qv, ' "" l-p^i-qv 4.] If we wish to change the inclination of the axes of coordinates &om a right angle to an angle to, we may easily effect this, the axis of X remaining the same, by substituting w,— cosw.f ■ -^ — = 2- for V. smcu Let the new axis of Y, make the angle m with the former axis of X. Then half the area of the triangle XOY=t:-: and half the area of the same triangle is OZ=— , multiplied by the sum of the perpendiculars let fall on it &om X and Y, that is, 1 l/sino costB\ /u,— cosa>.f\ ,_. 5.] The perpendicular from the origin on the straight line whose tangential coordinates are f and v, is manifestly , « . a - To determine the length of a perpendicular on the straight line whose tangential coordinates are f and v,from the point whose pro- jective coordinates are p and q. Let O, be the point whose projective coordinates are 0,k.^q, Ofisap; let 0,Q=P. Then the area of the whole triangle OCD = OpC + 0,OD + DO,C, or ing by ^v, and reducing, t_ ^-p^-qv 6.] To find an expression far the value of the angle between two given straight lines whose tangential coordinates are given. B 2 P=- (6) 4 THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF A Let be the angle between the two given straight lines whose tangential coordinates are f , v and ^„ v,. Let these lines make the angles ^ and <^, with the axis of X ; then t e tand)=-, tanrf>,= -', and 0=—^,; , , -, tanrf)— tan<^, gt;,— g,f ,-x hence tang= ., . ,^ ■ . — ^= 1^ . ; . ■ ■ ■ v) 1 + tan 9 tan y)=0, and will denote the anharmonic ratio of the four straight lines F {x, y) =0, F, (a?, y) =0, F (ar, y) ±i F, (a?, y) =0. POINT AND A STRAIGHT LINE IN A PLANE. 5 When i= — 1, the anharmonic ratio becomes the harmonic ratio. 9.] Now let l—x^—yv=0=Y (f, v) be the t^igential equation of the point (xy), and 1— as'jf— y,w=0=V( (f, u) be the tangential equation of the point (jr^y^) ; hence it follows that V (f, v) + jYi (f, w)=0 will be the equation of another point on the line passing through the points {xy) and (a^^y,) , On the given straight line whose tangential coordinates are f^ and Vf let faE the perpendicular z from the point (xy) ; the length of this perpendicular e will be P (I —x^,—yv^, where P is the perpendicular from the origin on the given line f, and w^; see (6) . Hence it follows that if in the tangential equation of the point [xy) , namely, V (f , v) = 0, we substitute f , and v^ for ^ and v, and then multiply the expression by the perpendicular from the origin on the Hue ^ju,, we shall obtain the length of the perpendicular upon it, so that if V(f,t;) =0 be the tangential equation of the point (xy), P.V (f^u,) will be the lenffth of the perpendicular letfall on the line (^,1;,) from the point (xy). In the same way, if the perpendicular let fall from the point {xffi) on the straight line whose tangential coordinates are ^, and v, he z„ then r;=P(l— a?,f,— y;V,) ; hence z^ l-x^,-yv, If, now, iu the tangential equation of a third point which lies on the straight line passing through the two points {xy) and {x^,), namely (1 -x^-yv) ±j (1 -x,^-yiu)=0, we substitute f, and u, for ^ and u, and multiply by P, we get, Zn being the length of this perpendicular, s„=:z±jzr It is obvious that the perpendicular from the third point is z +jzi, and from a, fourth point in the same straight line is z—jz,. , "When the perpendiculars z and z, are equal, it may easily be shown that the line whose tangential coordinates are f , and v^ is parallel to that whose coordinates are ^ and v; for iu this case ^ii+yvt=a!^f-^yf)„ or y-Vi^ Si. x—x, u/ hence the line which passes through the points {xy) and {x,y^ is parallel to that whose coordinates are f / and v,. When this third perpendicular z,, is 0, or when the third point is on the intersection of the lines whose tangential coordinates are f and V, ^, and v,, we get 0=z±jz„ oTJ=-, or j is the ratio of the two perpendiculars let fall from the points {xy) and {x^y,) on the straight line whose tangential coordinates are ^, and v,. 10.] We shall more clearly exhibit the duality of the relations 6 EQUATIONS OP A POINT AND A STRAIGHT LINE IN A PLANE. between projective and tangential coordinates if we write down the foregoing propositions, side by side, as follows : — Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Projective Coordinates. Let F(x,y)=0, F, (x,y)=0 be the projective equations of two straight lines. lietathirdsiraight {tn«ABbe assumed passing through their intersection, and let the prqi'ecttve equation of this line he T(x,y)±iF,Cx,y)=0; from a point in this straight line, whose coordinates are x, and y,, let two perpendiculars he let fall on the given straight lines ; the ratio of these perpendiciuars will be t^ and the four lines F(a:,y)=0, F.(x,y)=0, F(:r,y) +iF, (x,y)=0 will form an anhax- monic pencil. Let F(a;,y,)=z, and F,(x,y,)=z„ and F (x,y.) ±i F, (x,y,) = 0. Seeing that it is the expression for the perpendicular from the point xj/,, which IS on the line, F(xy)+iF,(xy-) = 0. Hence z+iz,=0, Tangential Coordinates. Let Y (I, v) =0, V, (& «) =0 be the tangemticd equations of two points. Let a third point be assumed on the line passing through them whose tan- gentud equation shall be V(|,v)+jV,«,«)=0; this point will be on the straight line passing throu^ the given points whose equations are v (f , «) =0, v, (f ,«) =0 ; from these two points letperpendiculars be let &11 to a line whose tangential coordinates are ^, and «„ then P. V(£,w,) and P. V, (!,«,) wiU be the length of these perpendiculars. Let them be put z and z,. Let the third point be as- sumed as not only on the line passing through the two given points, but also on the line whose tangential coordinates are (, and i;,. Hence the tangential equation of this point becomesv (|u) i/V, (|w)=0; but as this point is on the line whose coordinates are |, and v„ the perpendicular from it on this line must be 0. Hence V(&w,)±iV,tf,«)=0; but it has been shown that V(«,v,)=p z+jz,=Q, hence ■■-J- As the principles involved in the preceding theory may appear THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE CONIC SECTIONS. 7 somewhat obscure to be^nners, especially how the form of an equation between two variables, when equated to 0, may by a sub- stitution of like quantities become a line of given length, it would seem better to err rather in fiilness of explanation than to assume as easy that which to some minds may at first sight be difficult of comprehension. CHAPTER II. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE CONIC SECTIONS. 11.] We shall include the tangential equations of the circle in those of the central conic sections, as nothing is gained in facility of investigation by taking them separately ; and we shall commence with the simplest forms of the equations of those curves, taking the central sections apart &om the parabola, as their tangential equations are essentially distinct. We shall assume the projective equation of the ellipse, referred to its centre and axes, as the basis of investiga- tion, and proceed thence to the more general forms of the equations of these curves. We shall commence with the equation of the ellipse, as we can always pass &om it to that of the hyperbola, by changing b into V — 1^- 12.] The projective equation of a tangent to an ellipse passing through the point (a?^,) on the ellipse, whose equation is -^ + Tf = 1, may be written -^■\--^ = i- In this equation x and y are the current coordinates, and the limiting tangent meets the axis of x at the point where y=0; at g2 1 this point a? =—; let this distance be x, hence Xf=a^^. In like Xf ff manner y,=b'^v; hence a^f + 6V=1 (10) is the tangential equation of the ellipse referred to its centre and axes. Let the axes of coordinates now be conceived to revolve, through the angle 6, round the origin, and be then translated, parallel to themselves, to a point whose coordinates are —p and —q. The formulae of transformation are, see (4), .. cos ^. ^,— sing, v/ ._ Bva.6 .^) + CQ% 6 .V, ,,,. '}• (14) 8 THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS If we substitute these values of f and v in equation (10), omit- ting the traits as no longer necessary, we shall find [aScos2^ + 6«sin«5-i>«]P+ [6«co8«5 + a«sin*0-g*]w«l .^^. + 2[{a«-6*)sin0cos5-j9g]|w+2p?+2gu=l. J Hence, the tangential equation of a conic section being in its most general form aP+a^„2+2y8fu+27f+27^u=l, (13) and equating the coefficients of this equation, term by term, with those of the preceding one, we shall have {a^—b^)siadcoa6—pq=^;p=y, q="i,- In the first place, we may observe that the halves of the linear coefficients of the general equation represent the projective coordi- nates of the centre ; for p and q, the projective coordinates of the centre, are equal to 7 and 7^ which are the halves of the coefficients of the linear terms in f and v. Comparing the three remaining coefficients, and introducing the values of ^ and q, we shall have O«COs20 + *2siii20 = O + 72,O« sin* 0+62 008^5=0^ + ^2^ and (a2-4«) sine cos 5=/3+y7;,- .... (15) hence (ai* — b^) cos 20 = (a + rf) — {a, + 7 «),^ and (a*-**) sin 20=2(/3+77,) ; and also tan 20=^-^1^0^. («+7*)-(«i+7/*) J Since a2 + 62=(o + 7*) + (a,+7,2), (a« + J*)«=(a+7*)«+2(a + 7«) (o,+7«) + (a,+7«)«, and (a«-42)'=(a+7«)«-2(a+72) (a,+7;) + («<+7,T408 + 77,)«: subtracting, we obtain the result, a2A«=(a+7«)(a,+iy;)-(^ + 7y,)« (18) Again, since a* + 6«= (a+7*) + (a,+7/), and «'-6^=\/[(o + 7')-(«/+7/*)T+408+77,)«, adding these equations together, we obtain the result, 2a«=(a+7«) + {a, + r^^) +v/L(a+7«) -(a,+7«)/+4(/3 + 77)«, (19) the upper sign being taken for the major axis, the lower when we require the value of the minor axis. > • • (16) (17) OF THE CENTRAL CONIC SECTIONS. 9 13.] When the section is an hyperbola, i* must be negative, or in (18) we must have (/3+ry/)">(«+7*) K+7,') (20) When the conic section becomes a circle, the two semiaxes in (19) become equal ; hence the quantity under the radical must vanish ; and as this quantity is the sum of two squares, we must have each square separately equal to 0, or a+7*=a,+7«, and/3+77,=0 (21) When these two relations hold, the conic section becomes a circle. "Hie corresponding property in projective coordinates shows that the origin of projective coordinates must be at a focus. Hence the relations between the coefficients of the general tan- gential equation of the conic section which indicate that the curve is a circle, namely a+y«=a,+y« and ^+yy,=0, when translated into the projective equations of a conic, namely A+C2=A,+C« and B + CC;=0, show that the origin must be at a focus. 14.J Let c*=a«— A«, then from (19) c4= (fl«-6S)'=[(a+7*) - (a,+y,2)]='+4(/S+yy,)2. Let D be the distance of the origin from the centre, then D*=yHyA Now let a=ai and /8=0, then we shall have c*= (y^+ y,*)*; hence c=D, or the orig^ is at a focus of the curve ; and as \.aD.20=-^^ or tan ^=5^', thus the axis of the curve passes also through the new origin. When the two conditions a+y'=o,+y^* and /8+yy,=0 are satisfied, the curve is a circle ; and the origin is at a focus when a = ap and /3=0. 15.] The origin of coordinates is on the curve when oo,-/3*=0 (22) When the origin of coordinates is on the curve, through this point there can be drawn only one tangent to it, and at this point f = 00, v= 00. Let i'=wf ; then' the general tangential equation of the curve, o|* + o,w* + 2/8f w + Zy^-\- 2y,v= 1, may be changed into (a + K«a;)f + 2/3wf + 2(7+ny,)f =1, or, dividing by |«, (a + »'«,+ 2yS«) + 2(5:^/^ = ^, or a + n^a, + 2ffn=0, since ^= x. 10 THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS _A-4- V'iS* cut Solving this equation for n, n = — tii — C /. a. Now, in order that n may have only one value, we must have ^=aa,, OTn=\/—; V Uf when ^y^=^; hence P=a+y^ Q,—ai+y^, R=/3+yy,. Substituting in the expression (b) for the angle which the asymptote makes with the axis of X, we obtain _-(^ + 77/)± V(^+y7/)"-(a + y^)(a,+y/') T = ffl + y ,2 (23) OF THE CENTRAL CONIC SECTIONS. 11 In'ordCT that this value of t may be real, we must have .G8+yy/>(a+7')(a,+ y«) (24) 17.] It is not difficult to show that when we have the relation 03+77/= (a + y^)(«,+y«), the tangential equation breaks up into two linear equations^ the tangential equations of two points. Let the assumed linear equations "^ m^ + nv—l=iO, aaimJS + n,v + l=0. ... (a) Multiplying them together, the resulting equation becomes mnii^+min^v— mf + mnf v+ 7171/1^— niV+m^ + nv=l. . (b) Comparing this equation with the normal equation of the conic section, of«+a,i;«+2/3£i;+27f+2y,i;=l, and equating like coefficients, we get mm,=a,nn,= ai,min+mn,=2fi,m—m,=2fy,n—n,=2y,; . (c) hence m,+m=2 Va+y', n;+w=2 \/a,+y^, and (»!,+»»)*(«,+»)*= 16(a+7*){o^+y«). Now m—m,=:2y, n—n,=2Y, ; hence (»»—»»,)(«— »()=4yy„ and 4^8 = 2 (»»,w + mn,) ; hence 4(j8 + 77,) = (m + m,) (ra + n,). Consequently, equating these values, we find Since »»+»», =2 V^+y'^ and jm— in;=2y, we find jM=y+ V^+yS m,= —y+ Va + yS and «=y,+ Va/+y/S »/=—%+ Vo/+yf- Hence the equation of the curve is broken up into and VaT7f+ s/ a,+y^ -f^-ltV-\=0, \ ..(e) 18.] When a=0, the axis of Y touches the curve, and when Oy=0 the axis of X touches the curve. When ■= is a tangent, the ciirve coincides with the axis of X ; then - =0, since this tangent meets the axis of Y at the origin. The general tangential equation of the curve may be written «/+ ^{«f + 2yf-l} + ^{2^f + 2y }=0; hence, when - =0, a. must be =0. 12 THE TAKOENTIAL EQUATIONS In like maimer it may be shown that nrhen the axis of Y touches the curve we must have a=0, 19.] To find the values of ^ and v when they are tangents to the curve. When the limiting tangent coincides with the axis of X, then (as in the preceding article) a,=0, and the tangential equation becomes^ when divided by v (wmch in this case is infinite), -{a^+2yf— l} + 2/3^ + 2y,=0. Hence, when the axes of co- ordinates are tangents, ve find $S + Y,=0, /3t; + y=0 (25) 20.] Besuming the general tangential equation of the conic section (13), let it be solved for v. \ a, J a, ---'■-^— "'-^-^ OP Now let Om- V a, )^ a, ' OP~ \ a, ) and Fig. 7. r 111 ''^ Oin' OF On "^ "^ anthmetical progression j therefore OF THK CENTRAI, CONIC SECTIONS. 13 Om, OP, On are in harmonical progression ; hence QO being = ^, QO, Qm, QP, Qra constitute an harmonic pencil ; and as Qm, Qn are tangents to the curve, QO, QP pass respectively through the poles, one of the other ; hence QP passes through the pole of QO, which is the axis of X ; hence is the equation of the pole of QO which is the axis of X. In the same way it may be shown that a^+fiv + y=0 is the equation of the pole of the axis of Y, and the two simultaneous equations a^ + ^v+y=0, a,v+^^ + Yi=0 .... (27) determine the polar of the origin. If we solve these equations, we find for J and v ^^7,-^ ,=^y=^/ (28) These are the coordinates of the polar of the origin *. 21.] To find the species of the conic section when the reciprocal of the perpendicular on the tangent from the origin shall be a rational function of the tangential variables. Let the equation be a|« + a,v« + 2/3fw + 27? + 2y^v=lj (a) then ta being the reciprocal of the perpendicular, and \ the angle it makes with the axis of x, we shall have cos \=^, 'srsin\= v, hence acos*\ + a(Sin*\+2jysin\ cos\+2{ycos\+7ysin\)— =— 5, or „ l-Yg-7,» ^(0 + 7*) cos*\+(a,+7,') sin*\+2(/8+77j) sin\ cosX Now, in order that this may be a rational function of f and v independently of \, we must have a + 7'=aj+7' and/9 + 77^=0; hence ^^^-^=^p^, (29) * Let Ax'+A,y''+2REy+2Ca;+2C,y=l be the projective equation of a central conic section, "x and y lieing the coordinates of the centre ; then, as is shown in all works on the subject, - BC,-AC - BC-AC, *= AA -B" ' J'= AA,-B=' which expressions for the ordinates of the centre are analogous to those for the tangential coordinates of the polar of the origin. 14 THE TANGBNTIAL EQUATIONS or the curve must be a cirde, in order that «r may be a rational function of f and v*. 22.] We shall showforther on that if F(a7, y) =0 andV (f, w) =0 be the projective and tangential equations of the same curve, we may pass from the one system to the other by the help of the following relations, taking the partial differentials as follows : — 1= dP d/r dP , dF da? dy* 37= dF dy "dF . dF dx dy' dV dv ^ (30) ■dV.dV dV d|^ 'di;' 23.] Let Y(x, y)=0 and V(f, w)=0 be the projective and tan- gential equations of the same curve, then dV dVj. dF dF dV ^ . dV df^'^dj^" =0. For brevity put TT— dV.^dV ^=dr^+di7''' dF dF di'^'^dy^ w dF ^dF da? dy* (31) • Let Ait»+A,ys+2Ba:y+2Cx+2C,y=l (a) be the proiecfiye equation of a conic section. Let x=r cos 0, ^=r sin a. Sub- stituting these values and reducing, we find Acos'tt-f A, nn^ a)-|-2B sin a cos (a-|-2(C cos oi+C, an e>) -=-j, or, solving, - = C cos a+C, edn a }■ 0>) + V[A+(Xl-^-[(A,-^C,») -(A4-C»)]sin» q,-|-2(B+CC,) sin a cos a.^ Multiply this equation by r, putting x for r cos 0, and y for r sin a, there finally results l-Car-Cy V(A+C»)+[(A+C,»)-(A,+C,»)]8in»a.+2(B+CC,)Mn«>co8«' (c) Now in order that r maj be a rational function of x and y, the coefficients of the trigonometrical quantities under the radical sign must vanish, or we must have A-hC»=A,+C,', and B+CC,=0, and „_ l-Oj:-C.y VA-I-C* ■ But when r is a rational function of .t and y, it may easily be shown that the ori^ is at a focus. OF THE CENTRAL CONIC SECTIONS. 15 dV dV Then, as shown in (30), x=-fr> V—'TT > dV^_dV^ hence aiv—y^= „ .... (32) In like manner we may show that dF _dF ^•^-y?=^Sr^' ^^^ hence the truth of the proposition. In fact each expression is the value of tan 0, the angle between the perpendicular and the vector line. Of this formula an elementary proof may be easily given. Since e=\-a, v_y n tan \— tana f x xv—yJE tan^=:j-—: — ^— =-2 = ^ , '' ; l+tan\tana yv x^ + yv but x^+yv = l; hence taii0=xv—y^ (34) 24.] To apply these formulse. Let us assume the general pro- jective equation of a central conic section, Aa^+Aff^-i-2Ba!y-l=Y{x,y)=0 (a) Now ^=2A^+2By, |=2Ay+2B., and g-+f ^=2- • (b) Hence f=Aa7+By, and v=Ay+Bx (c) From these equations, finding the values of ^ and y, and substituting them in the preceding equation, the result becomes A^f+Aw«-2Bfu=AA,-B«- (d) Comparii^ this formula with the general tangential equation of a conic section, its centre at the origin, namely af« + o,u« + 2/3?i; = l, ^efind a=^^^-J_,;« -__-^, ^=_^_^^, . . (35) so that we may at once pass &om the projective to the tangential equation of the curve. The coefficients of the projective equation appear with some slight alterations : thus A,, the coefficient of y®, becomes the mmie- rator of the coefficient of J*; and + 2B is changed into — 2B, while the absolute term becomes AA'— B*- 16 THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS On Asymptotes. 25.J An asymptote may be defined as a tangent to a curve, one of the projective coordinates a? or y of the point of contact being at an infinite distance. Let a? =00; then in the dual equation x^+yv = l, if ar be infinite, we shall have -= — ^. dV dv This is the general equation of an asymptote to a curve. To apply this theory. Assume the general tangential equation of a curve of the second order, dV dV then ^f+J^w=0=2oP+2a,w*+4j8|w + 27^+27,v; . (a) and the equation of the curve, multiplied by 3, gives 2a^+2aii^+4,^^v+4y^+4ff,v=2 (b) Subtracting the preceding expression from this equation, thereresults 7f + y/''=l, (c) the tangential equation of the centre of the curve, since y and y, are the projective coordinates of the centre. From this we may infer that whether the asymptotes be real or imaginary, they must pass through the centre of the curve. To determine the angle which the asymptote makes with the axis of X, let r be the e tangent of this angle, then t=-. Substituting this value of f, and dividing by i^, we get o7^ + »,+ 2/8t+(7t+7,) i=0; but (c) gives -=yT+'y,. Introducing this value of -in the pre- ceding expression, we find («+7V+203+ry,)T+a,+78=O. Now, as this is a quadratic in t, there must be two asymptotes, each of which passes through the centre ; and if we solve tlus equation for T, we get ..- - 0+7Y/) ± ^(^ +77/)^- (a+7^) (a/+7,") a + 7* which is real only when (a+7®)(o/+7,*) is less than (fi+yy,)^. OP THE CENTRAL CONIC SECTIONS. 17 This expression is identical with that found by a very different method in sec. 16. 26.] Let UB resume the consideration of the central conic referred to rectangular axes passing through the centre, namely Af2 + A,w* + 2Bfi;=l. Retaining the axis of X, let us assume a new axis of Y' passing through the centre and making the angle a> with the axis of X. Hence, by (5 ),«=-* — : —; and substituting in the preceding equation the value here assigned to v, we get (A sin* Q) H- A, cos* w — 2B sin cd cos a>)^+ A,v^ + 2(B sinw— A, cos as will cause the coefficient of the A rectangle ^v to vanish; then tan a)=r^, and substituting this value of tanm in the preceding equation, the equation of the curve referred to oblique axes becomes [AA,-B*]f+(A* + B*)u*=A, (37) If we draw the limiting tangent parallel to the axis of X, f is=0, 1 A*+B* and -^=— i-j =b^ the semidiameter conjugate to the axis of ^. If we draw the limiting tangent parallel to the axis of Y, or make AA;-B« g , 2^., AA^-B* A2+B* — 'j^ =af; hence a^+b,^= — ^ + '^ > or a,^ + b^=A + A,; but A + A^is the sum of the squares of the semiaxes o* and A*, hence ai^ + b^=a^ + b^, a well-known theorem. The same formidae for the parallel translation of axes will hold whether the systems of coordinates be right-angled or oblique, the coordinates of the centre of the first system being drawn parallel to those of the second. 27.] To determine a general expression in any plane curve for the distance between the point of contact of a tangent and the foot of the perpendicular let fall firom the origin upon it. As this line is the projection of the radius vector upon the tan- gent, it may with propriety be called the protangent, and may be written t. Let V(f, i;)=0 be the tangential equation of the curve, then ^=a?*-|-y*— />* (a), and write V instead of V (f, v). dV dV Now ^=_iL_^, andy = ^y^'^^^ . . . . (b) 18 THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE CENTRAL CONIC SECTIONS. Squaring these values of x and y, and subtracting from them hT~9» the square of the perpendicular, we obtain this remarkable and useful formula, dV dV. /= (dVj.^dV ) Idr^+di;^ (r+«*)^ (38) If we apply this formula to the tangential equation A^ + A,i;^+2Bgi;=l, of a conic section, where t is the distance measured from the point of contact along the tangent to the foot of the perpendicular, we shall find this expression, , (A-A,)gu + B(.,«-P) Now,ifthe limiting tangenthe drawn parallel to the axis of X, f=0, and t='Rv; but - is the perpendicular on this tangent from the centre ; therefore P^ = B . Hence, in the general tan gential equation of the conic section, B denotes the area of the triangle between the axis of Y, the perpendicular tangent to it, and the diameter drawn through the point of contact. When the tangent is parallel to the axis of X, the general equa- tion becomes A,u^=l, or P*=Ay; hence 1" A; P . ^^=^=-=tana,; or to, the coordinate argle, is the angle between the conjugate dia- meters of the curve. Hence by the use of oblique tangential coor- dinates we may derive the properties of the conjugate diameters, as we may those of the axes, by the help of rectangular coordinates*. 28.] Let \ be the angle which a perpendicular P, let fall on a tangent to an ellipse which touches at a point whose radius vector is r, makes with the axis of X, we shall have o*cos*\-f-6'*sin2\=P«r«; (39) * We may obtain a similar expression (in projective cooTdinates) for the tan- gent of the angle between the perpendicular on the tangent and the radius vector of the point of contact. For tan'fl=p5=-^^; hence -^p5-=p.,-j5- Now ;'- ^^'' .,='= W_ Or THE THEORY OF TANGENTIAL COORDINATES. 19 for Pf =coa \, and Pu=sin \, we have also a^^=x, bh}=y. Hence, substituting, a* cos* \ + J^ sin* \ = P^r*. In like manner we may show that if to be the angle which the diameter of an ellipse makes with the axis X, we shall have cos* ft) sin* ft) 1 ,.-, ~1^+-F-=PV (*°^ To express the value of a semidiameter drawn to the point of contact of the limiting tangent in terms of f and v : — Since cos\,=Pf, sinA,= Pu, substituting these values in (39), r*=a*f« + 6V (41) CHAPTER III. We may now illustrate this theory by its application to a few examples. 29.] The prodtict of pairs of perpendiculars let fall from two points on a straight line is constant ; the line envelopes a conic section. In the expression given for the perpendicular in (6) , where p and q are the projective coordinates of the point, while f and V are the tangential coordinates of the Une, let^ = + c and g' = ; that is, let c be the distance between the points and the middle point of this line, taken as origin ; then and let PP,=6*, the resulting equation becomes (6* + c*)|* + 6V = l, the tangential equation of a conic section, of which (i* + c*) and 6* are the squares of the semiaxes. 30.] The vertex of a right angle moves along the circumference of adding these expressions, and subtracting: . . , and taking the square root, we find dF _AV tanfl=.iLL3L!. df , iF di;''+d^y If we apply this expression to the equation .\.x'-+ X!/-+2Kvi/=l, we shall find tantf=(A-A,)a:y+B(.r=-J/S). c 2 20 THE THEORY OP TANGENTIAL COORDINATES a circle; one side passes through a fixed point; the other envelopes a conic section. Let the line joining the fixed point with the centre of the circle be taken as the axis of X, let this distance be c, the equation of the circle being a7'+y*=a*; then the tangent of the angle "which the line that passes through the fiscd point makes with the axis of X is —S- — , and the tangent of the angle which the limiting tangent makes with the same axis is — -; and these angles are complements one of the other ; hence J' > = 1 • The dual equation (1) gives finding the values of y and x, substituting them in the equation of the circle a?'+y*=a', we find when c-=a, a^=l, or ^=-, the tangential equation of a point m the axis of x, at the distance a &om the origin ; when c:^a the curve becomes an hyperbola. 31.] Tangents are drawn to an ellip se from any point of a con- centric circle whose radius is sja* + 6* ; the line joining the points of contact envelopes a confocal conic. Let t and u be the projective coordinates of the given point on the circumference of the _. circle, then fi + u^=a^-\-b^ ■'^^S- 8. is the equation of the circle ; and the polar of this point with reference to the ellipse is -j + Tg = l; andthis gives t=a%u=b^v. Substituting these values of t and u in the equation of the circle, we find the tangential equation of an ellipse whose semiaxes a and i are given by the equations ««=. «' r» b* A«=- and these sections are confocal for The line drawn from the point (t u) to the point of contact of the APPLIED TO EXAMPLES. 21 polar of (t, u) with the interior confocal curve is a normal to the latter. The tangent of the angle which the polar of (/ u), the tangent to the interior confocal curve, makes with the axis of X is — -: hut V the tangent of the angle which the line joining the point (t u) with (^; Vi)) the point of contact of the polar of (/ u) with the confocal curve, is _ /6* *!_x u — y, b^v—b^v I a^-\-b^ !''_" ^- a^ + b^ Hence these lines are at right angles, the one to the other. 32.] The sum of the perpendiculars let fall from n given points in a plane to a straight line in the same plane is constant. The straight line envelopes a circle. Let the projective coordinates of the n given points on the axes of coordinates, their origin and direction being arbitrary, be pq, Pill) Pifilw ^^- Then the length of one of the perpendiculars on the given line is — , ^ ; for the next point it will be VP + K* ^£l=£^&c. Let the sum of the perpendiculars be nc, then n—{p+p,+p„&c.)^—{q-iirq,-\-qn%i,c.)v=ncV^ + v^. . (a) Let P and Q be the coordinates of the centre of gravity of all the points ; then p +p, +p„ &c. = «P, q + q, + qi, - nO,. Substituting these values in (a), and dividing by n, we get l_p^_Q„=c V?+Ii^. Reducing, (c«-P*)f«+(c2-Q«)w«-2PQfi; + 2Pf+2Qu = l, . (b) comparing this expression with the normal form, of + o,i;2 + 2/3^1; + 2yS + 2y,v=l, which becomes the equation of a circle when a + y^=ai+y,% and fi + yyi=0, see (21), relations which hold between the coefficients of the preceding equation. When the sum of the perpendiculars is 0, c =0, and the tangen- tial equation of the locus becomes P^+ 011 = 1, the tangential equation of a point of which the projective coordinates are P and Q, the projective coordinates of the centre of gravity of the system of n points. 22 THE THEORY OF TANGENTIAL COORDINATES 33.] Perpendiculars are drawn to the extremities of the diameters of an ellipse. They envelope a curve ; to determine its tangential equation. Let the equation of the ellipse be a^ + b^-^' ^^^ and as the diameter of the ellipse r is perpendicular to the line whose coordinates are ? and v, we get r'^=x^ + y'^=-=2^^; and as 1 t r is a mean proportional between x and ^, ^=^^?= £237-2* ™ the same way y = zg— — 2- Hence, substituting, i^+vr=^,+^, (b) The rectification of this curve gives one of the best illustrations of the geometrical interpretation of the first elliptic integral. 34.] Tioo semidiameters of a conic section and the chord joining their extremities contain a given area. The curve enveloped by this chord is a similar conic section. Let -9 + ^=1 (a) be the equation of the conic section; x,yi and Xfi yii the coordinates of the extremities of the semidiameters ; then ,,=!=£!, y„^l^. . . . . (b) Substituting these values of y, and y,, successively in the equation (a), we shall have [a2|2 + 6V]a?2_2a2fa.^ + a2(l_AV)=0; . . . (c) the substitution of y„ would give an equation of precisely the same form. Hence '+^"-«2f« + 6V' ' "~ a^^ + bV ' • • W combining these expressions, we get V^' ^«) (a^^+AV)a •••(e) Let the area of the given triangle be -5- ; it may be shown that it is also equal to 5d£j/. Hence _=a^', or »«=i.x_^. APPLIED TO EXAMPLES. 23 Substituting the preceding value of {x—Xi^, wo obtain Leta2^2^6V = M. Then m2M2=4.(M-1), or a'^J2+6V=Jn± Vn^n (f) Since the area of a triangle generally is 7r^> ^ being the contained angle, and since it has been assumed equal to — -, n=sin^; hence Z r-, ,- -, 2(l+cosd)) 1 1 -5[l+ \/\-n^\= ^ • 2^ = 1 or J,' ^ sin^ ^ ''o® o consequently the equation of the sought curve becomes sin'liflS'f + 6V}=1, or cos2|[a2|2 + 6V] = l, . (g) accordingly as we take the upper or lower sign. Thus there are two concentric ellipses enveloped by the revolving chord, such that the sum of the squares of the coincident axes will be equal to the squares of the axes of the original ellipse ; for o2 sin* I + a* cos^ | = a^, and b^ sin^ | + 6* cos* | = 6*. Hence if a polygon of n sides be inscribed in a conic section, the sides being inversely as the perpendiculars let fall upon them from the centre, this polygon will circumscribe a conic section similar to the given one. 35.] The straight line which joins the points of intersection of two focal vectors, containing a given angle 6, with a conic section, envelopes two conic sections having their foci coincident with the focus of the given section ; and if e and e, be the eccentricities of the loci, e that of the given section, p and p, the parameters of the loci, P that of the given section, we shall have the following rela- tions between the eccentricities and parameters of the three conic sections, ^+e^=e\ p^+p,^= Pa- llet the equation of the given section be x^ y^ 2ex_b^ -« a* 0* a a* the origin being placed at a focus, and the axes drawn parallel to the principal axes of the section. 24 THE THEORY OF TANGENTIAL COORDINATES Let (^,x,), {y„ii!,^ be the coordinates of the points in which the sides of the given angle 6 intersect the cnrve : the equation of the line passing through those points is y-y,=|^" (^-^,) ; (b) or if y,=mx„ . . (c) y„=m/c„ .... (c,) be the equations of the sides of the angle, we shall find, eliminating y„ y„ between (b), (c), and (c,), y— mar,= '"^'~"''^" {x—x^ (d) Xf—Xf, Let ^ and v denote the reciprocals of the intercepts of the axes of X and Y by the limiting tangent (d) ; then -=»ii; + ?, . . (e) — =OT,i/+f. . . . (f) Now, eliminating {x„ y^ from the three equations (a), (c), (e), we shall find the quadratic equation (a«-fr'u2)m«-2(*«oev+6*?w)m + A9-2oc6«f-i''£«=0. . (g) But this is precisely the equation we should have found for m, ; hence m and m, are the roots of (g), or hence n.-n.,=^^tmi+l^\^p±:l}l. Let the quantity under the radical sign be written M ; then l+mmi a'— A'M ' or, solving this quadratic equation, we shall find ^_ a^(l±cosg)^ or, replacing for M its value, reducing and taking the lower sign, we find b\^+x^) . 26'gc.g ^ ... 7 37+ 4 =1- . . . (h) (A« + a«tan«|j *9+o«tan«| Had we taken the upper sign, we should have found for the tan- gential equation of the locus ne + v") . ib^ae.S . ^+ ^=1 W 6«+a«cot«| 6« + o«cot«| APPLIED TO EXAMPLES. 25 Now in these equations, as the coefficients of f and v are equal, .he foci of these sections are at the origin, or coincide with the focus of the given section. To determine the axes &c. of these loci. The tangential equa- tion of a conic section whose semiaxes and eccentricity are A, B, and e, the origin of coordinates being at a focus and parallel to the axes of the section, is B«(S2 + y')+2A6.f = l (m) Comparing this equation (m) with (h), we get b* h^ae B*= a, Ae= ft2 + fl«tan*|' J^ + o^tan^l hence e=ccos-, and -r-=— cos -, or^=PcoB-. Had we taken the upper sign, we should hare found hence e2+e,2=c«, p^+pi^=V'': when ^ is a right angle, the two loci coincide. Had any other point except one of the foci beeu chosen, we should have found for the locus a curve whose tangential equation would be of the fourth degree — ^the curve in this particular case separating into two distinct curves, each of which is a conic section. Had the given section been an equilateral hyperbola, and a right angle, a parabola would have been the locus. When the given angle revolves round the centre instead of the focus, the tangential equation of the locus is 36.] A straight line revolves in a conic section, having always a constant ratio to the parallel diameter ; it will envelope a similar conic section. Let c be the chord, 2r the parallel diameter, n the ratio. Let the tangential equation of the conic section be a%^ + b\^=l (a) Let c, the limiting tangent, cut the axes of coordinates at the dis- tances •= and - from the centre. Let 2a, be the diameter conjugate to 2r„ and x the distance between c and r measured along a,. Then _2 «.2_/.9 c .r . . a, a? . o, , or J— „ • 26 THE THEORY OF TANGENTIAL COORDINATES Let the tangent to the curve be parallel to the chord c, then p : I : : a, : a7„ at ^f -.^ :: xf : af, In the same way v^ = v^ i — g— 1. Hence, substituting in (a), a2S« + 6V==- j;but-5=n^; hence are a^{l-n^)^ + l^{\-n')v^ = \; (b) when the line is indefinitely small n^O, and we get the original equation of the curve. When the revolving chord is equal to the parallel diameter, n = \, and the equation becomes . f + . i;= 1. In order that this relation may hold, we must have ?=oo , v=cc , or ^=0, -=0, or the chord c must pass through the centre. 37.] The product of the sides of a right-angled triangle diminished by fixed quantities, is constant ; the hypotenuse will envelope a conic section. Let the sides of the triangle be taken as the axes of coordinates, and let the subtracted lines be a and b. Then by the terms of the question (t—o)! b\=c^. Since the sides of the triangle ^ and -, reducing, {c^-ab)liv + a^+bv=\, (a) the tangential equation of a conic section. Hence |a and \b ai'e the coordinates of the centre. Since a and a,, the coeflBcients of the squares of the variables, do not appear in this equation [sec. 18.], the sides of the triangle are tangents to the curve. When (?=ab, the equation becomes af+6w=l, the tangential equation of a point. 38.] Let the sides of the rectangle OPQR be produced, and cut by the trans- versal ABCD ; to find the tangential equa- tion of the curve to which this line is always a tangent, under certain conditions. Let OP=fl, PQ=6, 0A=^, OB=i; then we shall have Fig. 9. APPLIED TO EXAMPLES. 27 ? ? w RB=l:i*^, PA=l-=^^, PD=1^^, w g V AB^=^+^, CD^ = (^.^-^.)(l-«f-H^ . (a) , , . ADxBC (**) ^^^^""^ ab3^cd="- Let ^ + u*=cr^. Now, if we substitute the values of these lines as given above in J and v, we shall find (l-a^-bv) -"' or rSt) + a£ + bv=l (b) n—1 ^ ' If we submit this equation to the test in (20) , we shall find that it is an hyperbola, since re+l>m—l, and the curve touches the axes of coordinates, since the coefScients of the squares of the vari- ables are wanting. AC X BD (/8) Let -pg — p=:=M. Substituting the values of these lines above given, we find — ^v + a^+bv=il. It may easily be shown that this is the tangential equation of the hyperbola. For, assuming the form of the general equation - ab r, a b we find a=0, a,=0, ^=^P> 2~'^' 2~'*''' and as the curve will be an hyperbola when (/3+yy/>{«+7')(«i+y/'), we shall find on substituting, 2 + w>»' AD^ + CB* (y) To find the curve when — ==- — = m*. Substituting the AB values of these lines, the resulting equation becomes a5'|2^.jv-2af-26u=««-2, the tangential equation of an ellipse, parabola or hyperbola, accord- ingly as »2>2, m2 = 2, or w«<2. 28 THE THEORY OP TANGENTIAL COORDINATES /S-, T ■ CB' + AD'_^a Substituting the values of these straight lines, we get by reduction the equation of an hyperbola, since ^g^ is greater than 1. 39.] The vertex of an angle of constant magnitude moves along the circumference of a circle ; one side passes through a fixed point ; to determine the curve that will be enveloped by the other. Let C B D=^, then while one side of the given angle passes through C, the other side B D touches j,. jq the locus. Let the given point C, whose distance from the centre O of the circle is c, be taken as the origin ; then the equation of the circle, whose radius is a, will be (a?-c)2 + y«=a«- . . (a) Let the constant angle be 6, whose tangent is m, and let ^, ^, be the angles which the moving lines make with the aris of X. Then 0=+i. V B How ta,n0=m, tan^=-, tan<^(=-. Hence »»= =, or m=- r^ (b) But x^ + yv= 1, hence m= — —y-. Eliminating y and x succes- sively, we get m{e+v^)' " m(5«+i;«) ^' Substituting these values in the equation of the circle, putting for m its value tan 0, we shall obtain (a2-c«) sin25(|«+w«) + 2c8in0(sine.|+cos^.i;) = l. . (d) This is the equation of a conic section whose focus is at the origin. If we compare this equation term by term with the general tan- gential equation of a conic section, a£2 + a^„s + 2/8fw + 2y5 + 2yi/=l, (e) APPLIED TO EXAMPLES. 29 we shall have o=a,= (fl«-c')8m«^, )8=0, y=csiii*^, yi=camdcoa0. (f) To detenuine the semiaxes and eccentricity of this curve. In (19), the general equation of the axes of a conic section, we find 2A?=a + y^+a, + y,±{[{a + y^)-{a, + Y^)Y + 4>{^ + yy,nK If we substitute the preceding values, we shall have ,^, , 2 A^-B* c f- • • (g) and therefore e^= — r-s — , or c=-. \ Hence, as e is independent of 0, all the enveloped curves will be similar and unifocal. The coordinates of the centre are manifestly y=csin*0 and y,=csin^cos5. Hence the distance of the centre of the curve firom the origin is D=csin^. When c=a, or the origin is on the circle, equation (d) becomes 2a sin* ^. f + 2a sin ^ cos . v= 1, the tangential equation of a point on the circumference of the circle. It is manifest that the line joining this point with the origin is the chord of the segment of the circle which contains the angle 0. 40.] An angle of given magnitude revolves round a fixed point, intersecting by its sides two given straight lines ; the line which Joins the point of intersection envelopes a conic section. Let the fixed point be taken as origin of coordinates, the axes of coordinates being rectangular. Let \x + liy=\, ... (a) and \fe-\riiy=\ . . . (a,) be the projective equations of the two fixed straight lines. Let y=mx, . . . . (b) and y=mfc (b,) be the equations of the sides of the moving angle, and let a?f + yi»=l ........ (c) be the dual equation. Eliminating x and y between (a), (b), and (c), we get m=- , and also m,=- ' (d) fl — V ' /*/— w Let the revolving angle be 0; then tan^=.i '-; or, substituting the preceding values of m and »w„ we obtain t-.n ff - (/^/-M)g+ (X-\,)i;4- y-X/^; 30 THE THEORY OF TANGENTIAL COOHDINATES Should the two revolving lines coincide, 0=0, and the numerator becomes ; or it becomes the tangential equation of a point, and the point is the intersection of the two given lines. Or it becomes when the denominator of (e) is infinite, or f = oo , i;= go , and the limiting tangent passes through the origin. "When the angle is a right angle, the denominator becomes ; but this expression is the tangential equation of a conic section whose focus is at the origin ; and the projective coordinates of the centre, y and 7,, are given by the equations, ' Wi + fifii " Wi + fifif When the two fixed lines are parallel, and equidistant from the origin, \,= — \, fj.i=—fi, and the denominator of (e) becomes ^ + v^=\^+fi^, or the locus becomes a circle. When the lines are at right angles, the constant term in the denominator vanishes and the curve becomes a parabola, as we shall show further on. If in the equation (e) we substitute X or X, for J, and fj. or ^, for V, we shall find the equation satisfied independently of ; hence it follows that the fixed lines themselves are tangents to the locus. Taking the polar of the above, we get the elementary proposition, that if two lines, each passing through a fixed point, contain a con- stant angle the locus vrill be a circle, since the primitive has its focus at the origin. This theorem gives, perhaps, the simplest method of describing a conic section by means of a ruler. Let any point be assumed in a plane, iu which let two straight lines be drawn. If a right angle with sides of indefinite length be made to revolve round this point, cutting the fixed lines always in two points, the line which always joins these points vriU envelope a conic section, of which a focus is at the origin. 41.] An angle of given magnitude revolves round a point in the plane of a conic section, cutting the curve in two points ; the line joining these points will envelope a curve whose tangential equation is of the fourth order. Let the projective equation of the conic section be Aa;2^.A^2 + 2BiBy-|-2Car+2C,y=l, .... (a) the vertex of the angle being taken as origin. Let y,=mx, (b) be the equation of one of the sides of the angle ; substituting and dividing by x^, A + A,»i2 + 2Bi» + 2(C + C,»w) 1 = ig ; APPLIED TO EXAMPLES. 31 but a.s x^+yv=l, —=^ + mv; eliminating x, we shall obtain the resulting equation, arranging according to powers of m, [A, + 2C,u-w2]m2 + 2[B + Ci;+C,^-fi;]m + A + 2Cf-r=0. (c) Now the tangents of the angles which the revolving lines make with the axes of X are the roots of this quadratic equation ; hence ^ ,^ _ -2[B + C,g + Cv-gv] and A + 2 C g-g^ , , ""'"""= A, + 2C,v-v^ (") Tt is obvious that tane=.'"'-'"" 1 + M^TM,^ To obtain the value of m,—m,i, we must square (d) and subtract 4 (e) from it. Hence, after some reductions, we shall find + 2(BC,-CA,)0 + 2(BC-C,A)t;+B*-AAJ^ divided by the coefficient of nu^, and 1 +m,m„= - [?5' + w2-2C?-2C,u-A-AJ divided by the same coefficient of m^. Hence tan e[r'+u2_2Cf-2C,u-A-A,] = [(C,« + A,)?«+ (C2 + A)i;«) -2(B + CC,)fu + 2(BC^-CA,)f + 2(BC-C,A)u + B2-AAJi.J^ ' If we now square both sides of this equation, the resulting for- mula will be of the fourth degree of the tangential coordinates f and V. Without proceeding to this expansion, we may make two suppo- sitions, which will lead to remarkable results If we suppose the two sides of the revolving angle to approximate and finally to coalesce, the line which joins their extremities will ultimately become a tangent to the curve itself, and therefore exhibit its tan- gential equation; but if tan 6=0, the second member of the pre- ceding equation (f) becomes 0. So that if kJ!'^ + k,y'^ + 2Bxy-\■2Cx + 2C^y = \, be the projective equation of a conic section, the tangential equation of the same section, referred to the same axes, wUl be (A,-|-C,^)r + (A+C^)i'''-2(B+CC,)?v+2(BC,-A,C)?| -)-2(BC-AC> + B2-AA;=0. j ^^' Hence also, as in the general tangential equation of a conic section, the halves of the coefficients of the linear terms are the projective 32 THE THEORY OF TANGENTIAL COORDINATES J- X .r .u ^ ^X. f BC,-A,C , BC-AC coordinates of the centre ; thereiore . ' _'^ and . . _^^ are the projective coordinates of the centre of the conic section, whose projective equation is (a) — a result obtained by a very different method in the theory of projective coordinates. When 5 is a right angle, tan becomes infinite, the second side of the equation vanishes by division, and the first member becomes r , v^ 2Cg 2C,y _ A+A, A+A, A + A, A+A,~ ' * * ^ > the tangential equation of a conic section whose focus is at the Q Q origin, the coordinates of whose centre are . . and -j — j-. When the angle is a right angle, the two branches of the curve whose tangential equation is of the fourth degree coalesce, so to speak, into one conic section. 42.] A right-angled triangle has its right angle at a focus of a conic section, while the hypotenuse envelopes the curve ; one acute angle of the triangle moves along a given straight line, the other will describe a conic section. Let the origin be at the focus. Then the tangential equation of the given conic section will be a[^+i^) + ihS+Zy,v=l (a) Let px + gi/=l (b) be the projective equation of the given straight line, and let y=ma; (c) be the equation of one of the sides of the right angle ; and as the hypotenuse meets the straight line in the point {xy), we shall have from the dual equation x^+yv=l; (d) eliminating w and y between (c), (b), and (d), we shall have m=^P^ (e) Now as the other side of the right-angled triangle is separated by a right angle firom the former, we shall have y,= — -' (f) aiid xi£ + y,v==li (g) eliminating m between (e) and (f), we obtain the resulting equation, y,^-xiu=py,-gxi; APPLIED TO EXAMPLES. 33 combining this with the dual equation, x^ + yf)—!, we obtain *~ */"+y," ' ^t+i/!' • • • • w Now, if the hypotenuse were a fixed line, ^ and v would be con- stant quantities, and from the last equation we might determine the corresponding values of le, and y,. Let us assume that f and v are connected by a linear equation such as Pf+Qu=l. Substituting in this equation the preceding values of ^ and u, the resulting projective equation becomes 'Px + Q.y-i-(Py-Qia;)(py-qa!)=x^+y^, . . . (i) the equation of a conic section passing through the origin ; hence, if a right-angled triangle revolve round a given point, and one angle move along a given straight line while the hypotenuse passes through a fixed point, the other angle will describe a conic section passing through the origin. Again, let us assume that and v are the tangential coordinates of the limiting tangent to the curve. Substituting in (a) the values off and V given in (h), we shall find, after some reductions, [l + 2y,p— aq^] ai^+[l + 2yq - a/>«] y'^ + 2 [apq -yp— y,q'\ xy —2yx—2y!y=a, the projective equation of a conic section. 43.] Assume the tangential equation of a conic section referred to its axes as axes of coordinates, namely c202 + JV=l (a) Let the axes of coordinates be conceived tobe^r*^ turned round through an angle 6, and then translated, in parallel directions, to a point whose projective coordinates are —p and —q. The formulse by which this double translation is made are given in (4), and are 1 -/?/-?"/ ' "~ l-K;-?"/ ■ • • • n Substituting these values in the original equation, we get [o2 cos2 e + b^ siv? -p^] ^ + [o2 sin* d+b^ cos* 9 - g*] v«) + 2[{a^-b^)sm0cos0-pq'\^v + 2pS + 2qv = l. ) ^'^' This is the tangential equation of the conic section referred to a new origin and other rectangular axes. Hitherto no relation has been assumed as existing between p, q, and ; but if wc assume tan 0=?-, and p^ + q^ = a^-b^, . . . . (d) 34 THE THEORY OF TANGENTIAL COORDINATES (e) and substitute these expressions in the preceding equation, we shall obtain a* cos^ e + b^ sin^ 6 -p^= 6% a^ sin^ d + b^ cos^ e-q^= b^, and 2[(a2-6«) sin 6 cos O-pg] =0. Heuce the preceding equation is reduced to b^^ + v^)+2p^ + 2qv=l (f) Now this is exactly the form of the tangential equation of the conic section when the focus is the origin of coordinates. We may hence infer that if a concentric circle be described passing through the foci of the ellipse, and any point on this circle be taken as that round which the right angle revolves, we shall have the same results as if the focus had been selected. Let 6 be the angle through which the first system of rectangular coordinates is turned, the radius of the circle being y/a^—b^, then p= tja^—b^ cos 6, and q=: Va^—b* . sin 0. There is no difficulty in making this construction. Construct the Fig. 11. focal circle. Let the coordinates be turned through the angle 0, make the angle O, O Y,=X O Y„ and draw O, X„ parallel with O X, ; 0/X„, OiY„ will be the new system of coordinates, and O^T=jb, 01 =q. A point taken anywhere in this circle will enjoy the tangential properties of the focus. 44.] A triangle is inscribed in a conic section; two of its sides always pass through two fixed points, the third side envelopes a conic section. APPLIED TO EXAMPLES. 35 Let the line joining the fixed points be taken as the axis of Y, Fig. 12. and the diameter conjugate to it as the axis of X. Let the distances of the fixed points to the origin be h and h,. Let the projective equation of the conic section be Aa^ + K,y^ + 2Cx=\; (a) and as the line [xy) {x,yi) passes through the point {x, y), we shall have the dual equation a;f + yw=l (b) Eliminating x and y successively between these two equations, and putting M=(A + C*)v«+A^-2CA^-AA„ . . . (c) we shall have _A|-Cy^--WM '^~ A^+Aw* ' _A^f--Ci^+jM/M "'' A^ + Aw* ' y- Av + C ug + g VM ' A^ + Aw* ' Au + Cug-g V M ^'~ A^ + Au* ■ (d) The signs of the radical VM must be so assumed as to fulfil the conditions {x,-x)i+[y,—y)v=0, and x^-\-yv = l. . . . (e) We have also and ,,„_ ./(g-C)-f V M. ,.^_ ./(g-C)- VM y ' — A,r+Au«"""' y^ A,r+Aw« ■ (f) D 2 36 THE THEORY OF TANGENTIAL COOKDINATES Now, as the point [u, t) is on the conic section, we shall have A^*+A,M« + 2C<=1, and also Aa!^ + Aff^ + 2Cx=l. . (g) Subtracting the latter from the former, and dividing by {t—x), we shall have A{t+a;) +A,{u+y)(j=^) +2C = 0; and as this line passes through the fixed points of which the coor- dinates are y=h, w=0, we shall have \ X / t—ai Eliminating u from the preceding equations, we shall have for the value of t, x{Ap-\) „> l-2Ca?-'2A,%-|-A,&2 v; In the same way we shall obtain for the other side of the triangle, passing through the points («, () and (y, a?;), a^,(A,V-l) . l-2C^,-2A^y< + A,A« ^' Comparing these two values of t, we shall have, all necessary reduc- tions made, the following equation : A,(A«-V) [x + a:^-2Ca?j?J +(A,*A«A«-l)(a7-a^,)l , .. = 2k}l^[kf^^-\)y^x-2Afl{A}lf-Y)yx,. J" ' ^"'' Substituting the values of x, y, x,, and y^ given in the preceding formulae (d), we shall obtain the resulting condition A,{h^-h^ (f-C) - {A,^h%'-l)v y/M + A,h{Afi^-l)v{^-C)^ -1-A^A(A,V-1) s/M + Afi,{A,h'-l) VM li^) -AA(A,A'-l)«(f-C)=0; J or reducing, A,{h-h,)lA,{h + h,)-{Afih,+ l)v-]{^-C) = {Afih,-l)lA,(h + h;)-{A/ik,+ l)v-]^/M, or, eliminating the common factor between the brackets, A,{h-hi){^-C) = {Afih,-l) VM. Now, substituting for M its value given in (c), namely M = (A -1- C«) i;« -H A,?«-2CA,?- AA;, we shall have v« (A^«-1)(AA'-1) .> p.,_, a/(A,M-1)*(A+C«) ^«~^^ -^' • • • (1) the tangential equation of a conic section. Now, if we invert the preceding demonstration step by step, APPLIED TO EXAMPLES. 37 substituting tangential coordinates for projective coordinates, and reciprocaUy, we shall establish the reciprocal theorem, that if a triangle be circumscribed to a conic section, two of its angles always resting on fixed straight lines, the third angle will describe a conic section. 45.] A series of central conic sections having the same centre, and their axes in the same direction, but such that the differences of the reciprocals of the squares of their axes is constant, the tangents drawn to a point on each, their intersection ivith a common diameter, envelope a concentric hyperbola, if the intersected curves be a series of ellipses, and an ellipse if the intersected curves be hyperbolas. Let a«f9 + 6V=l (a) be the tangential equation of one of the curves ; let y=nx . (b) be the equation of one of the diameters; and let ^=-3 + p (c) be the relation of the semiaxes. Then a^^=x, . . . (d) b%=y (d,) Between the five equations (a), (b), (c), (d), and (d^) elimiuating a, b, X, and y, we get for the equation of the envelope hHv^-^+h^(l=^^v = l (e) When the angle which the common diameter makes with the axis of X is half a right angle, m = 1, and the equation becomes A* (u*— P) = 1, the equation of an equilateral hyperbola referred to its axes. In any series of concentric conic sections, in which 70 =-5 + 70. we ■^ 0* o* A* shall have h^=-^—r~=-~, or all the conic sections will have the a*— 6' e* same Minor Directrices. Curves and curved surfaces having the same minor directrices, or minor directrix planes possess properties reciprocal to those of confocal curves and confocal sui'faces, as shall be shown further on*. * It may be instructive to compare, with the brevity and simplicity of the pre- ceding solution, the ordinary method by which questions of this kind are solved. The equation of the tangent through the point x, y, is '^i . y, -I 11.1 -,.^+^,, = 1, oraSj-,=-,+p; X fix fix it becomes, since y,=nx,, ^^+"^''J'+ ^a y=l' Eliminating x, between this equation and that of the curve, we find Vx+ny i L a' for the equation of the tangent. Eliminating a between the two equations V=0, and jt=0, we obtain, after 38 THE THEORY OK TANGENTIAL COORDINATES On Polygons inscribed and circumscribed to Conic Sections. 46.] There is a large class of questions haying reference to poly- gons inscribed and circwOTScribed to curves and also to curved sur- faces, which in many cases may be very simply treated. Questions relating to polygons inscribed in conic sections must be solved by the ordinary procedure of projective coordinates j while those which have reference to circumscribed polygons must be investigated by the help of the methods and formu^ of tangential coordinates^ as explained in the preceding pages. As the properties of space are dual, so must the methods of investigation be dual also. It would be bootless to apply tangential coordinates to the investigation of the properties of inscribed polygons, and equally futile to use pro- jective coordinates in the discussion of circwmscribed polygons. It. is further to be observed that in this class of questions the variables, such as as and ^ or ^ and v, become given constants, while the usual coeflBcients A, A„ &c. or a, «,, &c. become unknown but determi- nate quantities of the first order. Thus if it were required to show that a conic section may be determined by five given points through which it is to pass, or by five given straight lines which it is required to touch, the variables x and y or f and v in the formal equations of the curve A^+Aff^+2Ba!y+2Cx+2Ciy—l, or «l* + a,i'*4-2(8fu + 2yf + 2y,u=l, become given constants, while the coefficients become the unknown quantities ; and as there are five of them, there must be five equations to determine them, and therefore there must be five sets of values of x, y or f, v. And as all the unknown coefficients, such as A, B, C or a, P, y, are linear, the equations by which their values will be ultimately determined are linear also. Hence they are always real, though their values may sometimes be or oc, as the given values of x and y or | and v may turn out. We shall apply the method to one or two examples. Conic sections are inscribed in the same qvadrilateral, the polar of any point in their plane envelopes a conic section. The fixed point being assumed as origin of coordinates, let the tangential equation of one of the sections be a|« + o,w«+2/3|i; + 27|:-|-2y,u=l (a) The equations of the polar of the origin are, see (27), af+j8u-|-7=0 . . (b) and a,v+^^+y,=^0. . . (b,) some consideiable reductions, /-..^(lz=.>.?(^ (O the projective equation of the locus. The elimination of a between V= 0, and ^=0, is frequently a matter of great complexity, and is often quite impracticable. APPLIED TO EXAMPLES. 39 Now there are four linear equations under the form (a) to deter- mine the five unknown quantities a, a,, /8, y, y,; we may then eliminate any three, and connect the fourth and fifth by a linear equation. Eliminating then a, a^ y, y,, three by three successively, we shaU have a = K;8+L, a,=K,0 + l,„ 1 ,. 7=M/3 + N, y,=M,/8-|-N,, J • ■ ■ ■ ^ > where K, L, M, N, K,, li„ M„ N, are known fdnctions of the constant tangential coordinates of the four given straight lines. Substituting these values in (b), (b^), we shall have (Kr+« + M)/3+(Lf+N)=0, 1 ,^. (K,i; + |+M,)/S+(V + N,)=0;J' ' ■ ' ^' eliminating /8 from those equations, we obtain the tangential equa- tion of a conic section . When the point chosen is at one of the angles of the quadrilateral, the section becomes a point. The origin being placed at this point, as two of the sides of the quadrilateral which are tangents to the curve pass through it, we shall have at the origin for one of the lines ^ = 0, - = 0. Let ^s=nv, n being the tangent which one of these lines makes with the axis of X. In the general equation, substituting nv for ^, we find a»2-l-a,42/8« + 2(yre+y,)-=-2, oras -=0, an^ + a,+2fin=0. In like manner for the other tangent, we shall find ani^ + a, + 2^ni=0. Eliminating successively a^ and a between these equations, we shaUfind a = K/3, a,=Kfi. Substituting these values of a and a, in (a), the result becomes a=Kl3. a,=Kfi, 7=M/3-t-N, y,=M,0+-S,; hence eliminating ;8, having substituted the preceding values of a and a„ y and y, in the equations of the polar of the origin, (b) and the tangential equation of a point. 47.] A series of conic sections are inscribed in the same quadri- lateral, their centres range on the same straight line. From the four tangential equations of the sides of the quadri- lateral we may eliminate three of the five unknown constants a, a,, 40 THEORY OF TANGENTIAL COOKDINATES APPLIED TO EXAMPLES. /3, y, and 7^ ; eliminating the three former, we shall obtain a linear resulting equation in 7 and y^ namely L7+M7^+N=0, (a) the projective equation of a straight line, the coeflBcients 7 and y^ being, as shown in (14), the projective coordinates of the centre ; therefore the centres of all these inscribed curves will be found on the same straight line. 48.] The method of tangential coordinates supplies a short and simple demonstration of a theorem of some difBculty and much celebrity, due to Newton, that, Tke centres of conic sections in- scribed in the same quadrilateral all range on the straight line which joins the points of bisection of the two diagonals of the quadrilateral. Let O A Q. B be the quadrila- teral in which a conic section is inscribed. Let A B and O Q be the diagonals, the line which joins their middle points will pass through the centre of the curve. Let the tangential equation of the conic section be af«+a,w« + 2)8|i;+2y| + 27,u=l (a) Now if O be taken as origin, and O A, O B as oblique axes, then as the curve touches the axis of X, a^=0, and as the curve touches the axis of y, o=0, and thus the tangential equation of the curve is reduced to 2/3^1/ +2y?+2y,u=l (b) Let OA=a, 0B=&, OC=c, OD =d; then, as B C is a tangent to the curve, O B=A=-, OC=c=j; hence, substituting in the equation (b). ^ + V+^-1' °^ 2/3 + 267 + 2c7,=cA, cb (c) in the same way, as AD is a tangent to the curve, rf=-, a=-^; hence substituting, 2$+2dy + 2ay,= ad (d) Subtracting (d) from (c), 2{b—d)y + 2(c—a)y,=cb—ad. . . . (e) Now y and y, in the general tangential equation always denote the projective coordinates of the centre. (f) ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLA. 41 Again, the coordinates of the middle point of O Q axe y,=a, _a The equation of the line C B is — h^=l, j and the equation of the line AD is - + ^=1, a a \ and therefore the coordinates of the point Q, their intersection, are -_ac{b—d) -_bd(a — c) ~ ab—cd' ^~ ab — cd' while the coordinates of the middle point of Q are -, ^. Now the equation of a straight line passing through two given -^', we s bd{a — c) points heing -f- — ^=^ — ^, we shall have or or b 2{ab — cd) 2 / _a\ y 2~ ac{b-d) a^ V' 2{ab-cd) 2 b d—bf a\ 2(b—d)x-{-2{c—a)y = cb—ad, which is identically the same as (e). The above proof, it will be seen, rests on the simplest elementary principles. CHAPTER IV. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLA. 49.] Let the focus and axis of the parabola be taken as the origin and axis of X. The projective equation of the parabola, referred to its focus, is x^ + y^={2k + xf (a) Now the tangent to the curve drawn through the point x^, on the curve being - — — = — , we shall have x=-z when «=0, and v=- whena;=0; hence a?, = ^- — , y, — — -y-- Making these substitutions in the projective equation (a), we 42 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE FAKABOLA. shall have for the tangential equation of the parabola, one fourth of the parameter being equal to k, and the origin at the focus, k^ + k^+^=0; (b) in this equation there is no absolute term. The tangential equation is satisfied by f =0, i;=0 ; for the para- bola admits a tangent at infinity. Let the axes of coordinates now be conceived to turn round the origin through the angle 0, and then translated, in parallel direc- tions, to a point of which the coordinates are —p and —q; then using the formulae given in (4) for the transformation of coordinates, namely (._ cos— sin 0.V, _ain 6.^1+ cos 0.Vi ^-Pl-gv, ' " i-p^-qv, Substituting these values in (b), the general tangential equation of the parabola becomes {k -p cos 0)^+[k-g sin d)v^ \ — {psm0+gcos0)^v + cos0.^+sm0.v=O.)' ' Assuming the most general form of the tangential equation of the parabola, let us suppose fS^+fiV^+ffSv + hUh,v=0 (d) Now, as the absolute term no longer afibrds a guide in comparing the general form of the tangential equation of the parabola with that derived by the transformation of coordinates, and as in this latter form the coefficients of f and v are cos and sin 0, we must reduce the co efficient s of f and v to the same form as in (c) ; hence dividing by >^h^-{-h^, the general form becomes s/h^+h^^ s/h^+hy y/h^+k,^^ v/r*+v+ vfhFv^"' ^^^ hence k-pcoa0= / k-qs\a0= , ^^ Bsin ^ + ff cos^= — ■ 3 cos0=—-J=, sm0=—^k=. or, reducing, p_ {f,-f)h-ffh, {f-f,)h,-gh (f) 1 (g) ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLA. 43 Let D be the distance of the focus from the origin. Hence, -when f=fi and ^'=0, D=0, or the origin is at the focus. When the origin is at the vertex of the parabola, and its axis coincides with the axis of X, the tangential equation becomes kv^+^=0 (i) We may also express h and A, in terms of ^ and q. Solving (g), t,. ^{fi-f)-ff9 f, _ 9{f-f,) -ffP ^•^ p^-hq^ ' '" p^ + q^ ■ • ■ ■ ^i> In the projective equation of a conic section, when the absolute term is 0, the origin of coordinates is on the curve j while in tan- gential coordinates, when the absolute term is 0, the curve is the parabola. Again,in projective coordinates the condition AAj—B^=0 indicates that the curve is a parabola ; so in tangential coordinates the condition aa,—^=0 indicates that the origin is on the curve, as shown in (22). 50.] In the tangential equation of the parabola /, is =0 when the curve touches the axis of X, and /is =0 when the curve touches the axis of Y. To determine the distance of the point of contact on the axis of X from the origin. Let the equation of the curve divided by v be ■^+ffS+^+'',^o OT ijr+h^l+ff^+h^o. . (k) Now, as -=0, the preceding equation is reduced to g^ + ki=0; in the same way, ffv + h=0, gives the distance when the axis Y touches the curve. Hence the distances from the origin of the points at which the axes of X and Y touch the parabola are given by the equations g^ + h,=0, wad gv+h=0 (1) 51.] We shall apply this theory to a few examples. The sum of the sides of a right angle is constant. The hypotenuse envelopes a parabola. By the terms of the proposition ^-|--=c, or— c.^u + ^+i;=0, the equation of a parabola, since the absolute term is =0. Comparing this equation with the general tangential equation of the parabola, wc get _ f=0,f,=0, g=-c, k=l, //(=1, and^=^^=-j-. 44 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OP THE PARABOLA. The locus is a parabola whose parameter is V2c, which touches both sides of the right angle^ and whose axis bisects the right augle. 52.] An angle of given magnitude moves along a fixed straight line, one side always passes throvgh a fi^ed point, the other side will envelope a parabola. Let the fixed line O B and the perpendicular a from the fixed point C be taken as axes of coor- dinates, let the tangent of the *^'S- •'•^• constant angle at B be m ; then, by the conditions of the question, b V _m' av or, reducing, mav^ — af u + m^ + u = 0, the equation of a parabola, as the absolute term is 0. Comparing the terms of this equation with those of the general form (c) in [49], we shall have /=0, f,=ma, g= —a, h=m, A,=l; hence ^ n ^ I '"^o, a n tan0=— , k= — -===aco%a, p=a, o=0. m' Vl + n*^ 53.] Parabolas are inscribed in a triangle; the locus of their foci is the circumscribing circle. Let the base of the triangle be taken as the axis of X, the origin being placed at an angle of the triangle, n being the tangent of the angle which the second side, passing through the origin, makes with the axis of X. Let the base of the triangle be a, and let the two other sides make, with the base, angles whose tangents are n and m, the former line passing through the origin. As the base a measured along the axis of X is a tangent to the curve, /,=0; and as ^=nv, the general equation (d) becomes {fn^ +gn}v^ + hnv + hf) =0 ; and as at the origin, -=0, fn-\-g=0, or g= —fn. Hence the general equation now becomes f^^-fn^v + h^ + h,v=0 (a) Again, the tangential coordinates of the third side of the tri- angle are ?=-, v= — . Substituting these values in the last equa- tion, we shall have fm—fn + ham + hfl=0 (b) ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLA. 45 Substituting in this latter equation the values of h and h, given in (j), first making /,=0, g= —fn, ,_ fnq-pf ,_ qf+fnp ,. "-p^ + q^' ^'-^^TF" ^' Substituting these values in the preceding equation, we get f^_j^ + ''«'f^-'^rnpf+aqf+afnp ^^ . . . . (d) or dividing by / and {m—n), we obtain the final resultj ^2 + g2-flp + fl^(i±^=0 (e) ■* ^ ^ ^ m — n ^ ' Now, as p and q are the projective coordinates of the focus in the general equation of the parabola, and as they are in this equation the variables of the projective equation of a circle, it follows that the locus of the foci of the inscribed parabolas is the circle circum- scribing the triangle. 54.] An angle of given magnitude revolves round the focus of a parabola, to determine the curve enveloped by the cord which joins the points in which the parabola is intersected by the sides of the angle. Let y*+jj?'=(2o+a?)* be the projective equation of the parabola referred to its focus as origin, and having the axes of coordinates parallel with those of the curve. Let y=na! be the equation of one of the lines, then v'l + re*=lH ,and -=^+nv; eliminating x, (4flV— l)w2+4ai;(H-2af)M + 4of(l + af)=0. . . (a) Now the roots of this equation are 4av(l + 2flf) 4flf(l+«f) „, "' + "" 4aV-l ' '''''"= 4aV-l ' ' " ^^> hence and Hence and 64a3|i;g + 64a''|^i;g- 16ag- \Qa^^ '*'"" (4aV-l)« ni-n„- 4aV-l ' 4oV+4a*5«+4af-l 1 +«/»«= 4aV-l ' 46 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLA. consequently n-n„ _ 4{a«r+«V+agH ,^s l+«,M„~4(a2f + aV+a^-l ^> Let the expression under the radical be put M, and as ^r — ~ is equal to the tangent of the revolving angle 6, we shall have tan^=l^; 4M-1 reducing and solving for M, we shall find, taking the upper sign, M=cot2jr; taking the lower sign, M=tan*5j, or, substituting for M its value, o2f' + aV + ffle=cot2|, or a«r + flV + a|=tan«|. a a When is a right angle, tan-=cot h=1j and the two curves // fit coincide. Its equation then becomes b*|^ + a*!/* + f = 0. Since the coefficients of f* and u* are equal, and the rectangle disappears, the origin must be at the focus of the curve. Hence the loci and the parabola have the same foci. We may determine the axis and eccentricity of the two loci as follows. While the tangential equation of one section is a a^^+a^i^ + a^=cot^^, that of the other is fit a Let tan*s=^*- Multiplying the first equation by ^, we get Now let A and B be the semiaxes of this curve, and, comparing the coefficients of this equation with the general equation a^ + af? + %^%v + 2y| + ^p = 1, we shall have a=a't\ a,=a'i^, 7=^, /8=0, y,=0. Substituting these values in (19), the formula for finding the axes, we shall have 2A?=2a^t^+^±\/^ or 2A«=2a«<«+?^, or 4A«=4a2^« + fl2/4 and 4B«=4a«<2; ON THE TANGKNTIAL EQUATIONS OP THB PARABOLA. 47 hence — ^ — "IXT*"^'^' ^ *^^ same way we may find, for the eccentricity of the other ellipse, or cos*^ sin* ^ When the two curves coincide, or when 5 is a right angle, the eccentricity of the two coinciding loci will be found to be — -= ; V 5 hence, naming the eccentricity c, we shall have 1_^ sin^ tS /.a "•" /.a ■ 55.] It is almost needless to observe that, as in the case of pro- jective coordinates, analogous formuUe may be established when the axes of coordinates are oblique, by reasonings precisely similar. A single application of such formtdse may suffice. A series of parabolas are inscribed in the same triangle, the line joining the points of contact of each parabola loith the opposite ver- tices of the triangle meet in a point. The locus of this point is the minimum ellipse circumscribing the triangle. Let the sides a, b of the triangle be tfdcen as axes of coordinates, then, in the general equation of the parabola f^+f,v^+9Sv+h^+h,v=0, (a) as the curve touches the axis of X, /,=0 ; and as it touches the axis of Y, /=0. Hence this equation becomes gSv + h^ + h,v=Oi (b) and as the third side of the triangle is a tangent also to the para- bola, its coordinates being f =-, v=-t, the preceding equation be- G O comes g + hb + h,a=0 (c) The parabola touches the axis of X, see (1) in [50] , at a distance from the origin =^^, and the axis of Y at the distance -^. The projective equations of the straight lines joining these points with 48 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLA. the opposite vertices, namely y=0, and x=-^, and a;=0, y=6, are % — -'^=1, and w=l (d) h g a g" Taking these as simultaneous equations, the values of w and y determined on this supposition are the coordinates of the common point. Substituting the values of h and h, derived from these equations in the formula g-\-hA + hfl,=0, we get aY + b^i«'^ + aba!y-aHy-ab^x=0, . . . . (e) the projective equation of an ellipse circumscribing the given tri- angle ; for this equation is satisfied by the three sets of values y=0, y=b, y=0, x=0, a?=0, x-=a, the coordinates of the three vertices of the triangle. Let the origin be translated to the centre of gravity of the tri- angle, then iT = a?, + 5, y = y ( -I- K> and the resulting equation becomes o o Now, that the ellipse circumscribing the triangle is a minimum when its centre coincides with the centre of gravity of the triangle may be thus simply shown. Let a circle be circumscribed to an eqmlateral triangle, it will have its centre in the centre of gravity of this triangle. On the circle and inscribed equilateral triangle let a right cylinder and right prism be erected, and let them be cut by any inclined plane; this plane will cut the cylinder in an ellipse and the inscribed prism in a triangle, which will be inscribed in the ellipse, and every line that is bisected or dirided in any given ratio in the equilateral triangle or circle will have its projection similarly divided in the triangle and its circumscribing ellipse, and as the circle is the orthogonal projection of the ellipse, while the equilateral triangle is the projection of the triangle inscribed in the ellipse, and which has its centre of gravity in the axis of the cylinder and therefore in the centre of the ellipse, it follows that the minimum ellipse circumscribing a triangle has its centre in the centre of gravity of the triangle. THE POINT, PLANE, AND STRAIGHT LINE. 49 CHAPTER V. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OP THE POINT, THE PLANE, AND THE STRAIGHT LINE IN SPACE. Throttghoitt the preceding Chapters, the point and the straight line have been considered as pole and polar. This is but a partial and inadequate conception, because, in the complete duality of the properties of space, the point, the straight line, and the plane are the polars of the plane, the straight line, and the point. When a curve or a rectilinear figure is given in the same plane with the centre of the polarizing sphere, the reciprocal polar is neither a curve nor a rectilinear figure, but a cylinder or prism standing at right angles to the plane ; and when the centre of the polarizing sphere is not in the plane of the given curve or other figure, the reciprocal polar is a cone or pyramid whose vertex is the pole of the given plane. When discussing the properties of figures in piano or in the geometry of two dimensions as it is called, we leave out of consideration the cylindrical surfaces, the polars of the curves described on the given plane, and deal only with their bases in that plane. As a point and a plane may be pole and polar one to the other, so may a straight line be a reciprocal polar to a straight line. Such a line may easily be found ; for, assume any two points in the given straight line, the polar planes of these two points will intersect in a straight line which is the reciprocal polar of the former, and the planes drawn &om the centre of the polarizing sphere through these straight lines will be at right angles, one to the other, and the polar plane of any point assumed on one of the straight lines will pass through the other, as we shall show further on. On the Tangential Equations of a Point and Plane in Space. 56.] Let^, q, r be the projective coordinates of a point on three rectangular planes. The tangential equation of the point is p^+qv + r^=l (a) The tangential equations of a fixed plane are f= constant, ii= constant, f= constant. . . (b) On the Transformations of Tangential Coordinates in Space. Let three rectangular axes, O X, O Y, O Z, be drawn through a fixed point O meeting a given plane in three points j let the reci- procals of the distances of these points from the origin be denoted by f, V, f J let the reciprocals of the distances of the corresponding points for three other rectangular axes passing through the same 50 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE POINT, Eg. 15. origin and meeting the same plane be denoted by f „ v„ g. Let the axis of X, make with the ori- ginal axes the angles X, /it, v; and let the axes of Y, and Z, make with the same axes the angles \„ fi„ v,; X,,, /i«, "«. re- spectively. We are reqmred to express f , v, ? in terms of f/'ii' ft- „ . 1 . We shall previously give an expression for the cosine of the angle contained between two lines drawn from the origin. Let r and r, be the lines, ij) the angle between them, D the distance between their extre- mities, X, fi, V, X„ ft,, V, the angles they make with the axes of coordinates. Then and or but D'=r* +r^—2rr, cosf , Equating the values of D, ^ rr, yy ZZ, ^^-1 ' =■ cosXcosXj + cos/icos/i, -H cosvcosi',. (c) When ^ is a right angle, cosX cosX^+cos/A cos /i^+cos V cosv^=0; and when «^=0, cos* X + cos' yu -I- cos' c = 1. Let P be the perpendicular let fall from the origin on the given limiting plane, then the angles which the axis of X makes with the three new axes are X, X,, X^,, and the cosines of the angles which the perpendicular P makes with the same three axes are Pf,, Pw^ Pf„ while P^ is the cosine of the angle between P and X ; hence from (c) Pf =Pf ; cos X + Pwj cos X^ -I- P^ cos X„, or, dividing by the common factor P, = f , cos X + u, cos X^ + %^ cos \^. By the help of the following formulae we may express the values of the original coordinates in terms of those derived from them ; thus THE PLANE, AND THE STKAIGHT LINE IN SPACE. 51 f =coe \.f ( + COS Xf-Vf + COS Xy/.i!"/, ) w=cos/*.f( + cos/i,.Vj + cos/i^^.5,>- . . . . (d) f=C0S V.f, + COS V,.W( + COS V/y.5).) Square these equations and add them, bearing in mind that |' + w* + 5'=0,* + w,* + 5'S, since each is the value of the square of the reciprocal of the same perpendicular P, let fall from the origin on the plane whose tangential coordinates are ^, v, ^, and also £,, t/,, ^f. Hence cos* X+cos* /* + cos* v=l, cos* \, + cos* /i,+cos^ v,= l, cos* \„ + cos* fill + cos* v„ = 1, and cos X, cos \i + cos fi cos fif + cos V cos v, =0, ) cos X cos X„ + cos /I cos n„ + cos V cos v„= 0, I" . . (e) cos X, cos \i, + cos ^;Cos fifi + cos V, cos v„=0. ) Again, since X, /i, v are the angles which the axis of X, makes with the origiaal axes, and since P makes with the same axes angles whose cosiaes are Pf , Pw, Pf, we shall have for the cosine of the angle between P and X^ the expression Pf , ; hence Pfj=Pf cosX + Pwcos/*+Pf cos V ; or, dividing by P, fj=cosX.f +cos/t.t; + cosv.f, 1 i;,=cosX,.f +co8/it,.t; + cos»',.5', >-.... (f) f<= cos X„.f + cos Hii-v + cos v„.f. ) Here we must also necessarily have cos*X+cos*Xj + cos*Xyj=l, cos* fi + cos* fi, + cos* /*„= 1 , cos* V + cos* v^ 4- cos* v„ = 1 , and cos X cos fi + cos X, cos fi, + cos X„ cos fi/i =0, \ cos X cos l' + COSX(COS V, + COSX(, cos Vii = 0, > . . (g) cos /t cos v+cos/t, cos Vf + cosfiiiCoa v,;=0. ) Several demonstrations have been given of the preceding relations between the nine direction cosines ; but nothing can weU be simpler or more elementary than the above. 57.] To find an expression for the perpendicular from the origin on the plane of which the tangential coordinates are S> v, ^. Let P make the angles X, /«, v with the axes, then cos* X + cos* fi + cos* 1'= 1 ; but cosX=Pf, C08/a = Pu, cosv=P5'; hence P*{|*+w* + ?*) = l, or f + u*+r=p- • • (a) To determine the area of the triangle whose vertices are the three points in which a plane is pierced by the axes O X, O Y, O Z. Let S be twice the area of this triangle, P the perpendicular on E 2 52 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE POINT, it from the origin. Then the solid contents of the pyramid of which 1111 SP the three rectangular edges are -p, -, -^ is ^-pj hut it is also -^ ; II6ILC6 To determine an expression for the perpendicular let fall on a plane from a point of which the projective coordinates are p, q, r. Let ^, V, ^ be the tangential coordinates of the given plane ; let a point be assumed of which the projective coordinates are p, q,r; then the volume of the pyramid of which the faces are the three coordinate planes and the limiting tangential plane is manifestly = pp-p Let P be the perpendicular on the tangential plane from the point O ; then the volume of the pyramid is also equal to the sum of the four pyramids of which the altitudes are p, q, r, and P, while the bases are the triangles made by the axes of coordinates and the limiting plane; and it has been shown that the area of the triangle of which the vertices are X, Y, Z is J -7^-^ + pp^ + -^-^ I . Equating the volume of the whole pyramid with the sum of the volumes of the four component pyramids. Multiply by 6fv5', and the resulting equation becomes 1 =K + ?!/ + r?+ P{P + w* + S*}*. Hence, finally, {r+i^'+n*' When the perpendicular is let fall from the origin O„^=0, q=0, r=0, and ^"{r+i^+H' ■••(d) 58.] We may use the preceding formulae obtained for the per- pendiculars let fall from the points O and O. to determine the translation of the coordinate planes in parallel directions. Let the coordinates, through O, of the given plane be f, v, f; and let the coordinates of the same plane passing through the point O, be ^„ v,, 5) ; and let the projective coordinates of the point O on these planes be p, q, r. THE PLANE, AND THE STRAIGHT LINE IN SPACE. Fig. 16. 53 ^- Now the perpendicular P from the point O on the given limiting plane is and the perpendicular P, from the new origin O^ is 1 hence \i'+v,^+^n^' ^ = l-p?,—g,v-r^; but it is manifest that these perpendiculars on the limiting plane from the points O and O, are proportional to the segments of the parallel axes of coordinates, through the same points, or |-5-j=p or f=p'|^,. Hence ' ^1 f=i ^,?=n s; (a) " 1 -p^-qv,-r^; 1 -p^-qv,-r^; * 1 -p^-qv-r^, In like manner, by the help of (d) and (f) in sec. [56] we can always turn the axes of coordinates through certain given angles, and then translate them in parallel directions to another origin. 59.] On the taru/ential equations of a plane passing through the origin of coordinates. When the plane, whose position is to be determined, passes through the origin of coordinates, its tangential coordinates become | = », u=x, §'=00, values which are illusory. Yet the plane 54 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF must have a determinate position in space ; how is this position to be ascertained ? Let Pj a perpendicular to the plane^ drawn through the origin, make the angles \, /t, v with the axes of coordinates ; and let the intersections or traces of this plane with two of the coordinate planes (ZX and ZY) suppose make the angles x and -^ with the axes of X and Y. Then the angles which this trace on the plane of ZX makes with the axes of coordinates OX, OY, OZ are x, \j and (^— x)- But as this trace is also in the plane whose position is to be deter- mined, P and this trace must be at right angles. Hence cosX cos;^ + cos/i cos g + cosFCOsf q— xl=0, or COS \ COS X + COS f sin x= 0. But ^2L- = I . hence | + tan y = 0. In like manner, -c + tan •Jr = 0. COS 1' 6 6 b Consequently, when the plane whose position is to be determined passes through the origin, the ratios of the tangential coordinates f -^f and w-f-f denote the tangents of the angles which the traces of the plane make with the axes of X and Y. Hence the position of the plane passing through the origin may be determined by the equations H-tanx.?=0, w + tanV^.?=0 (a) CHAPTER VI. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE STRAIGHT LINE IN SPACE. 60.] In defining the position of a straight line given in space, there are two methods we may follow. We may conceive of any two planes out of three passing through the given line and perpen- dicular to two of the coordinate planes ; and the traces on these coordinate planes made by the perpendiciilar planes let fall through the given line enable us, by conceiving planes to be erected on these traces, to determiue the position of the straight line in space. But there is another method we may follow. Instead of passing planes through the straight line, perpendicular to the coordinate planes, we may determine the points in which the straight line pierces the coordinate planes ; and if we can ascertain any two of these three points on the coordinate planes, we can fix the position of the straight line. The former is the projective, the latter is the tangential method. Thus the three points which are on the straight line, and also on the coordinate planes, are analogous to the three THE STRAIGHT LINE IN SPACE. 55 pkmei all passing through the straight line and perpendicular to the three coordinate planes. 61.] Let p, q, p,, r, q,, r, denote the projective coordinates of the three points z, y, w in the three coordinate planes XY, XZ, and YZ through which the straight line passes. Then the tangential equa- tions of these points in the straight line will be i>f+gv=l, />;f + rg"=l, and y^w+r,?=l. ... (a) We may deduce any one of these from the other two. Thus, eli- minating P firom the first two, we get for the third ^-^ /!ii_= i . P,-P Pi-P This formula may be shown very simply by a diagram. Fig. 17. It will simplify the notation if, instead of writing the tangential equations in the normal form, we put them under the forms ?=/xf+o, v=v^+^ (b) If we compare these forms with those given above. f=--?+- and «=-^?+l. Pi Pi 9i ii (c) we shall see that /*= :=tangent of the angle which the line . . Pi drawn to the origin from the point in which the straight line pierces the plane of XZ makes with the axis of X, while a is the reciprocal of the projective coordinate of the same point on the axis of X ; and like values may be found for the constants in the planes of the tangential equations of the points in YZ and XY. It is obvious that to determine the position of the straight line two equations are required, namely the tangential equations of two of the three points in which the coordinate planes are pierced by the given straight line. While one tangential equation determines the point, three are necessary to fix the tangential plane. 56 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OP 62.] To express the cosines of the angles which a straight line makes with t^ awes of coordinates in terms of the constants ft, v, a, /8 of the tangential equations of the given straight line, ^=liK+a, v=v^+fi (a) Assume the general tangential equations of the points in which the straight line pierces the planes of XY, XZ, and ZY, namely ^? + ff«=l,i,,0+r?=l, afadv=g?+^, . . (b) derived from the two preceding. Comparing the coefficients of these equations with those of (a), we shall have pI ' pa pa. or fip,+r=0, ap,= 'l, pfi + qv=0, ap + ^g=:l. . (c) Hence ^=^iJ=:^y' P^^Ji^v' ^'=a'J. . . . . (d) If we now trn-n to the diagram in page 55^ a short inspection will show (denoting the angles which a parallel line through the origin makes with the axes of coordinates by the letters lOZi, lOY, /OX) that cosZOZ= , e.g., Ton, cosZOY= {r^+q^ + {p,-p)^i' '-"°' {r*+j«+(/,,-^ni' (e) cos /0X= ■ - , f' ,P ran- HencCj substituting the values of p, q, r, p^ as given in the pre- ceding equations (d), we shall have, putting {a« + /3« + (/3/*-ai')«ii= A, cos/OZ=^^^^=^, co8/OY=^, cos/OX=|. . (f) A A A ^ ' 63.] To determine the conditions that two straight lines may meet in space. When two straight lines meet, a plane can always be drawn through them. Let ^=fj.^+a, u=vf+/3; 0=/t,?+o, and i/=v,?+/8, . . (a) be the tangential equations of the two given straight lines, and let 0, V, ^ be the tangential coordinates of the plane which passes through both straight lines. Then, from the four preceding equa- THE StKAIOHT LINE IN SPACE. 57 tions, eliminating the three quantities ^, v, ^, we shall have the fol- lowing equation of condition between the eight constants of the two given lines, a—ai_fi—ijti 64.] We may also define a straight line as the locus of the points in which two given planes intersect. As the straight line is wholly in one of the planes, this plane will pass through the three points in which the straight line pierces the coordinate planes, and the tangential equations of these points will be satisfied by the tangential coordinates of the two given planes. Hence, the equations of two of these points being ^=(i^+a and v=v^+fi, (a) let the tangential coordinates of the two given planes be ^^ v,, ^^ and *«' "/<> sii" Now, as the former plane intersects the plane of XZ in the point where it is pierced by the common line of intersection of the two ' planes, the equation (a) will be satisfied by the coordinates of the given planes. Consequently ^/=/iS)+a, and also f/i =/*$)/+ a; t _fc hence it=\i — Ir'i but we have also |— ?;=/*(§"— §",). f/~ 5// Hence the tangential equation (a) becomes |=|/=|Z|«. In Uke manner ^'=^« * . (b) 65 .J To investigate the conditions that a given line may be found in a given plane. Let the tangential equations of the straight line be f=K+«, v=v^+^ (a) Let ^p v„ $) be the required coordinates to determine the position of the plane. Then, substituting the coordinates of this plane in the equations of the straight line. But there are only two equations to determine the three un- known quantities f,, v,, ^,. Hence the problem is indeterminate, as is antecedently manifest. 66.] To find the tangential coordinates of a plane which shall pass through a given point and a given straight line. Let p, q, r be the projective coordinates of the given point ; * It is obvious that these equations of a line, the inteisection of ttco givenplanes, are analogous to the projective equatdons of a line joining two given points, namely x-x,_x,-x„ , y-y' _ y,-y„ z—z, z,—z„ z—z, z, — : 58 ON THE TANOENTIAI. EQUATIONS OF then the tangential eqoation of the given point may be written Let ^=fi,^+a, w=yf+/3be the tangential equations of the points in the planes of XZ and YZ where they are pierced by the straight line ; then the plane must of necessity pass through these points, if the given line is to be in the plane ; hence, substituting the values of f and V, we get {p/i, + qv+r)^=l—pa—q0: (a) this equation will determine the value of 2^; hence those of f and v may be obtained. When the point is in the straight line, 2^ must be indeterminate, or pii+qy+r=0, l—pa—q^=0 (b) 67.] To determine the angle between two given planes. Let ^,, Vf, ^1 and ^y, v„, and ^i, be the tangential coordinates of the two given planes. Let fall two perpendiculars P and P^ from the origin, making the angles \, fi, v and \„ fi„ v, with the axes. Then, tf> being the angle between the planes or between the per- pendiculars to them, cos ^=cos X cos X, + cos fi cos fii + cos V cos V,. . (a) Now, as Pf,=cos \, VJ^„=coB X,, and making like substitutions for the other angles, we tind PP, cos 4"=S£ll+Vfl'u+ U, m cos A U„-^vfu+iL .y. 68.] A straight line is perpendicular to a given plane, to determine the relations between the co^cients of the given straight line and the given plane. Let £=fi,^+a, and w=v5'+/8, be the equations of the straight line, and let f „ w, {■; be the tangential coordinates of the given plane. Then, as a perpendicular to this plane through the origin is parallel to the straight line, the angle between them is =0. Now the cosines of the angles which P makes with the axes of coordinates are f^, v„ ij divided severally by {?* + «*+?*}*; and the cosines of the angles which the straight line makes with the same axes are /8, —a, — y, divided severally by {a*+/8' + 7*}t=A, putting —7 for yS/*— av. Hence the direction cosines may be written ^, :ze, and:^, or l=--=^fr:f^lT:^=_. U) A' A' A' Va«+^ + 7«i/f,*+y,«+&*' ^' or, reducing this expression, we shall have THE 8TIUIGHT LINE IN SPACE. 59 Hence, as this expression is the sum of three squares, we must have each term separately equal to 0, or a^,+^v,=0, ai,-yv,=0, ^^,+^^,=0. . . . (c) These are the relations that exist between the coefficients in order that a given line may be perpendicular to a given plane. "We may obtain a much shorter solution of this problem, but one neither so simple nor so elegant. Let ^1, Vi, 5| be the coordinates of the given plane, and ^=fi^+a, v=v^+fi the tangential equations of the given straight line. Then as any plane which passes through this straight line will be at right angles to the given plane, we must have f ^, + ww, + S?)= 0, but f=/if+a, v=v^+0} substituting, but as the plane through the given straight line is manifestly in- determinate, we must have S,^^ + v,v + ^r=0, al+^v,=0, (d) or two equations between the four constants of the equations of the given straight line. 69.] To determine the angles which the straight line, in which two given planes intersect, makes with the axes of coordinates. Let the tangential coordinates of the two given planes be ^p v,, ^i and ^11, Vii, ^11 ; then the tangential equations of the straight line in which they intersect are, as shown in (b), sec. [64], f-^<=|^'(?-S) and v-v,=^(^-^,). Now, if we compare these equations with the general tangential equations of a straight line, we shall have n — y y > " — y y > "' — y y > ^ — y y' >l and -7=(^/t-av)= ^""'~^'> ) It is easy to show that perpendiculars to the two intersecting planes are perpendiculars to their intersection ; for as cosZOX=^, cosZOY=^, cosZOZ=^. Substituting the values of /S, a, 7 given in (a), we shall have co8/OX= ''"^'T'''^" , cosIOyMlzM', cos lOZ= ^'^~J'''" . A A A 60 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF Now the perpendicular to one of the planes makes angles with the axes of coordinates, whose cosines are ==', =^, ^^ where 11 is the reciprocal of P. Hence m being the angle between this perpendicular and the straight line in the two planes, we shall have cos w - -^ , the numerator of which is identically =0; hence o> is a right angle. We should have found a like result had we multiplied by f „, v,,, Jjj the tangential coordinates of the second intersecting plane. 70.] To determine the conditions in order that a given straight line and a given plane may be parallel. Let ^„ v„ ^1 be the tangential coordinates of the given plane, ^=fji,^+a, t;=vf+y3 the equations of the given straight line. Now a plane which is perpendicular to this straight line will also be per- pendicular to the given plane. Let the coordinates of the second plane which is to be perpen- dicular to the given straight line be |„, w,,, J)/. This plane and the given straight line wiU be perpendicular, see (d), sec. [68], where hence S„=--v„ and 5/=( '^a'^^ )^ii' but as these two planes must be at right angles one to the other, we must have ?if« + "/"« + %=0- Substituting the values of f„ and f,„ we get fiS-av,-{^fi-av)^,=0 (a) 71.] A straight line is parallel to a given straight line, to deter- mine the relation between the constants. Let f =/if+a, v=v^-\rP be the equations of one of these lines, a,nd ^=/ii^+ai, v=v£+fi, those of the other; then, as these straight lines are perpendicular to the same plane, we must have or a_a,_ fi—/j,, fi-^.-y-y ^^^ 72.] To investigate an expression for the angle between two given straight lines whose equations are i=fi^+a, w=v2:+/3j ^=(i,i;+a„ v=v^+^,. THE 8TBAI6HT LINE IN SPACE. 61 Now the angle between two straight lines in space is equal to that between two planes at right angles to them ; and as this angle is equal to that between the perpendiculars let fall from the origin upon these planes^ we shall haye „.„,..- a. + "/"« + S5, ... (a) We have now to determine the tangential coordinates of these two planes ; and as these planes are given only in direction but not in position, we can only obtain the ratios of the tangential coordi- nates, but not the coordinates themselves. Let ^,^=^„ iit'=4>i^u> Vi=-^^p W/(='^/5|, and the preceding equation becomes But it was shown in (d), sec. [68], that when a straight line is per- pendicular to a plane, we must have or ^ \ (c) Hence fifi-av' ^ 0/i-av' ^' fi,fi-a,v; ^' fi^,-a,v, Substituting, 73.] To find an expression for the angle between a given plane and a given straight line. Let ^=ti^+a, v=v^+^he the tangential equations of the given straight line, and ^„ v,, §) the coordinates of the given plane. Let a plane be drawn perpendicular to the given line, then the angle between these planes will be the complement of the angle between the given plane and the given line. But since this last drawn plane is perpendicular to the given line, we must have /*? + vw+?=0, a^+fiv=0, orf==^u, g== ^^^"""^ v. a a Substituting these expressions in the general formula for the angle between two planes, we get sma)= '/a''+^+ {fi(i-avf k/^^ + v^+I^ 62 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF CHAPTER VII. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OP SURPACES OP THE SECOND ORDER. 74.] When the surface is referred to its centre and axes, as origin and axes of coordinates, the transformation of projective into tan- gential coordinates exhibits no difficulty. Thus, let the projective equation of an ellipsoid be a^^ b^^ (?■ ' the equation of the tangent plane passing through the point (^ y z) is the current coordinates being Xf, y,, and 2,. Let yi=0, r,=0, then X(=-z, and — ,^=1. Hence -^— =flf. In like manner r=bv, and -^c^, and by substitution a«r + 6V + c«?«=l, (a) which is the tangential equation of an ellipsoid referred to its axes. Let us now refer the surface of the second order to any rectan- gular axes passing through the centre. Let its equation, in projective coordinates, be A^«+A^« + A,^+2Biry-|-2B>xr+2B,^=l. . . (b) Then the equation of the tangent plane passing through the point {x y z) on the surface, is [Aa? + B^ + B„y]a:,+ [A;y + B,fr-|-Bir]y,-f- [A,^-l-By-f-B^]z=l,(c) in which equation {xy z) is the point of contact on the surface, and x,y,Zi are the current coordinates. Assume Ar + B^+B„y=|, A,y + B,^+B^=v, A,^ + By + B^=?; (d) solving these linear equations for x, y, and z, putting D =AB«+ A,B«+ A„B„«- AA,A„-2BB,Bfl, we shall obtain the resulting equations, Da?=(B«-A,A„)f + (A„B„-BB>-h (A,B,-BB„)&) Dy = (B/-A„A)f+(AB-B,B„)?+(AA-B.B)f, \ . (e) Dz=(B,»-A,A)?+ (A,B,-B„B)f+ (AB-B,B„)i;; ) 8VKFACSS OF THE SECOND ORDER. 63 or dividing by D, and substituting single symbols for the foregoing expressions^ we shall have y=a^+^?+/3,,f, C (f) Multiply these equations respectively by the three following ex- pressionSj namely and adding them, we thus obtain These are the relations which exist between the projective and tan- gential equations of the same surface of the second order. 75.] Let the surface of the second order be now referred to an origin of tangential coordinates other than the centre O. Let the point Q, be so assumed, and through this jmint Q let three rectan- gular planes be drawn, parallel to the original rectangular planes, through the centre O. Let p, q, r be the projective coordinates of the centre O let fall on the new coordinate planes. Let the tan- gential equation of the surface, the origin being at the centre, be as in (g) in the preceding section, and, assuming the values of the old tangential coordinates in terms of the new as given in (a), sec. [58], namely . f_ ^1 „= Yx y- S * \-p}i,-qv,-r^; l-p^-qv-r^i' l-p^-qv,-rZ' making these substitutions in the preceding equation, we obtain for the tangential equation of a surface of the second order referred to Q, any point in space, (a-p^)^+ {a-q^W+ ia„-r^^ + 2{fi-qr)^v+2{fi,-pr)m ,. + 2{^„-pq)^v + 2pi + 2qv+2ri^l. ) ^ ' It is hence obvious that in the general tangential equation of a central surface of the second order, referred to any coordinate planes in space, the coefficients of the linear terms j^, v, ^ will be twice the projective coordinates of the centre on the new coordi- nate planes. This is a matter of much importance, as without any calculation at all we can discern the position of the centre. Hence, if the 64 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF tangential eqiiation of a central surface of the second order referred to any system of rectangular coordinates in space be L^^+L,i/'+L,^ + 2M^v+ZM,^^+2M„^v + 2^^+2qv+2ri;=l.{h) then, comparing this equation with the preceding (a) and equating like terms, we shall have h=a—p^, L,=o,— g', L|,=o„— r', U=p-qr, M,=fi,-pr, M„=^„-pq. Hence we may return to the system of coordinates passing through the centre of the surface, if we substitute for the coeffi- cients of that equation, namely a, a„ a,,, /3, jS^, fin, their values just given — ^that is to say, o=L+^«, a,=L,+ff9, a„=L„+r*, ) /3=M+ffr, ft=M,+iw, S„=M„+i>j.J So that, passing from the equation of the surface referred to any system of axes to another parallel system passing through the centre, the general equation (b) will become (L+/'')«'+ (L,+ ««)«'+ {L„+r«)?«+2(M+ gr)rw) ,,. 76.] Let^(^-*,)+g(y-y,)+^(^-r,)=0, ... (a) be the equation of a tangent plane to a surface of the second order, f{x, y,z) =0, in which a!,y,z, are the current coordinates and P is written for brevity instead of/(jp, y, z). Since x, y, z, are the current coordiuates, let y,=0, z,=0, there- fore x, is the distance from the origin of the point where the axis of X is cut by the tangent plane. Hence a?,=^, and we thus get dF dF ^=dF ^dP dF'*"^^°''=dF W—dF'- ^^ d^^+d^J' + dJ^ di*+^y+dJ^ and a like expression for f may be found. Combining these equations with the dual equation x^+yv+z^^l, we may obtain the tangential equation of the same surface. Thus, let the projective equation of the surface of the second degree/(a?, y, z) =0, referred to three rectangular coordinate planes, be Aa?« + A,ys + A,^« + 2Byz + 2B/cz + 23,^^,) + 2Ca;-f2C,y + 2C,^=l; f " * ^""^ SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDEK. 65 taking the partial differential coefficients, we get dF dF d^=2[Aa? + B^ + B„y + C], ^=2[A,y + B,^ + B^ + C,], d^ dF Ay ^=2[A,^ + By + B/B + CJ, and therefore dF ^dF . dF „r, r. Ay^^Az (■(d) > (e) Ax hence fc_ Aj;+B;g + B„y + C -^ * 1-Ca7-C^-C,^' ,— A,y + B,ja?+Bg + C, 1-Ca;-C,y-C,fr' ^_ A,^ + By + B^+CH If now from these equations we derive the values of x, y, z in terms of ^, v, and i„ and substitute their values in the dual equation a^+yu+2rf=l, we shall obtain as the result the tangential equa- tion of the same surface — that is to say, «^X?> ^> ?) ~^' If we divide, one by the other, the equations (b), we shall obtain dF dF u dy f_dz f~dF' |~dF' da? Ax Square these equations, and add, /dFY /dFV /dF\« C dFy Ax) Now P2(f« + w^ + ?«) = 1, and P2^=cos* \ ; hence cos'A,= \Ax) /dry /dpy /dFy W/ Uy/ \^z) (f) and like expressions may be found foi cos /i, cos v. Hence the angles which the perpendicular on the tangent plane makes with the axes of coordinates derive their expressions from the partial differentiation of the projective equation, and not from that of the tatigential equation of the surface as we might have anticipated. We shall find that like expressions for tlio angles 66 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OP which the diameter passing through the point of contact mth the tangent plane makes with the axes of coordinates are derived from the tangential equation of the surface. 77] . Resuming the general tangential equation of a surface of the second order, let us solve this equation for one of the variables, ? suppose, and the resulting equation becomes ^^Jl!i±M±li+ VM, (b) "■11 writing M for the sum of the terms under the radical sign. 5 has evidently two values, because for the same values of f and v there must be two tangent planes to the surface. Now, using the figure in sec. [20], and the reasoning of that article, let Om a„ 1 _ (fa+ftg+y //) V .... (c) OP~ a„ ' ' Hence ^r— , T=rp, and j=r- are in arithmetical progression, and therefore Om, OP, and 0» are in harmonical progression. Conse- quently the plane of XY, the two tangent planes to the surface intersecting in the plane of XY, and the plane which passes through the point P in the axis of Z, and the common intersection of the two tangent planes, in the plane of XY, are four harmonic planes all intersecting in the same straight line in the plane of XY ; there- fore the plane of XY and the secant plane through the point P pass respectively through the pole, one of the other ; hence the plane whose equation is passes through the pole of the plane of XY. Consequently the following equations, «," +^//f +/3? +y,=oi (d) a,^ + /3i; +^^+y„=0,) are the tangential equations of the poles of the coordinate planes of ZY, ZX, and XY respectively ; and the combination of the three equations determines the three tangential coordinates of the polai' plane of the origin. SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 67 From the preceding equations, eliminating v and J^, we may find the value of f the tangential coordinate, along the axis of X, of the polar plane of the origin, or fc ^ (^"-«/°//)7+(«A-Wy/+(a,^,-<3^«)Y,, M Like expressions may be found for v, and ?,. When o«,«« + 2/3^//3«-a/3'-«A*-«A'=0> . - • (f) the origin of coordinates is on the surface ; for then the intercepts of the axes of coordinates cut off by the tangent plane to the surface, nam.ely ■=, — , y, are each equal to 0. When 7=0, 7|=0, 7^=0, it follows that ^,=0, 11,= 0, ?,=0. But when 7=0, y,=0, 7<(=0, the origin is at the centre, and there- fore the coordinates p, — , y of the polar plane of the centre are infinite. 78.] To show that when the surface touches a coordinate plane, the coefficient of the square of the corresponding variable becomes =0. When the tangent plane to the surface becomes indefinitely near to the plane, suppose of XY, it cuts the axis of Z indefinitely near to the origin. Hence, when ultimately the plane of XY becomes a tangent plane to the surface, -= becomes 0. The general equation of the surface may be written ««+ («l* + a,w^ + a^i'?+ 2/3,?? + 2/3,,fi; + 2yJ + 27,u + 27„?- 1)^=0. (a) But as the second member is =0, since -==0, we must have a,f=0. In like manner, when the surface touches the coordinate planes of ZX or ZY, a,=0, or a=0. Hence, when the surface touches the three coordinate planes, the general equation of the surface becomes 2^i;?-|-2^;S; + 2^,^i; + 2y? + 27," + 27„?=l. • . (b) 79.] When the surface touches one of the coordinate planes, to determine the equation of the point of contact. Let the plane of XY be the tangent plane, thena„=0, as shown in the preceding section, and the general equation may be written. (a|« + o,i;2 + 2/3fu + 27?+2y,t;-l)i + 2(/3y + ^,f + 7„)=0. (a) But since 7=0, the first member of this equation is=0. Hence F 2 68 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF /3i/ + (3,f +7,;=0 is the tangential equation of the point of contact of the plane of XY. Consequently the tangential equations of the points of contact of the surface with the planes of XY, YZ, and XZ are ^v+^,S+y,i=0, ^,? + ^„i; + y=0, and ^„f+|3? + 7,=0. (b) 80.] On the equation of the tangent plane to a curved surface whose tangential equation is {^, v, ^)=0, Let the tangential coordinates of the tangent plane be conceived as receiving minute increments, consistently with the permanence of the projective coordinates of the point of contact. Let f, u, f be assumed as having received infinitesimal augments, and thus to be changed into f +df, v + dv, f+df. Then, on the ordinary principles of differentiation, ^(f. v„ S) =<^(f, V, r) +^J^ df +^^^ 6v+^-^^ d5. But . But as arf +yw + «?=l, we shall have, finally, A d*e,cl d*^ ^=dFf+d^''+-dr^- Hence d* '""d^TTd* "Wji ^^ Hl^+diJ-^+dfO Like expressions may be found for y and z. These very general and beautiful formula of transition, as they may be called, reduce the passage from the projective to the tan- gential equation of a curve or curved surface, or reciprocally, to a SURFACES OF THE SECOND OBDER. 69 mere mechanical operation as it were ; and the problem is thus reduced in all cases to one of elimination. The formulae which exhibit the relations between the projective and tangential coordinates of the same curve or curved surface are simple and symmetrical. Let «J>=^(f, V, f)=0 be the tangential equation of a curved surface. The projective coordi- nates x, y, z of the point of contact of the tangent plane may be found from the following ex- pressions : — d* dg Let F=/(a?, y, z) =0 be the projective equation of a curved surface. The tangential coor- dinates f, V, f of the tangent plane drawn through the point [xyz) may be found from the following expressions : — x= dF^+di7''+df^ y= d^ dt^ d4>^ d* d4> ' df^+diT^+d?^ 1= dF Ax dF dF dF ■AZ''-^^.y + Ase Ay dF Ay Az' ar= d^ d*^ . d* d4> ■ dr^+dir^+dr^ ?= 'dF^ dF , dF^' Ax Ay^ Az dF Az > («5) dF . dF d^^+%2'+^^ dF dF^ By the help of these groups of equations and the original equa- tions =^(f, V, ?)=0> or/(<^j y> ^)=0> we may eliminate ?, v, f, or X, y, z, and obtain the final eqiiations in x, y, z, or in ^, v, ^. CHAPTER VIII. ON THE MAGNITUDE AND POSITION OF THE AXES OF A SURFACE OF THE SECOND ORDER. 81.J If we assume the tangential equation of a central surface of the second order, as given in (a), [74], a2f+6V+c«f' = l, (a) and refer this surface to another system of rectangular coordinates, also passing through the centre, by the help of the formula of 70 ON THE MAGNITUDE AND POSITION OF THE transformation given in sec. [56], the transformed equation will assume the following form, TiS^+R,v^+-H.„^+2Kv^+2K^^+2K„^v=l, . . (b) H, H(, H„, K, K/, K,( being explicit functions of the nine angles discussed in sec. [56], and of the semiaxes a, b, c. Hence the general equation of the surface of the second order, referred to three rectangular axes passing through the centre, being a^ + aiu^+a,P + 2^v^+2^;^^+2^„^v=l, . . . (c) we shall have to determine the twelve unknown quantities, namely the nine direction cosines, as they are called, and the squares of the three semiaxes of the surface — ^twelve equations, six of which are given by the known relations between the nine angles, and six may be obtained by equating, term by term, the six coeflScients of (c) with the six coeflScients of (b) ; and in this way the problem might be solved. It may, however, be justly surmised that the solution of these twelve equations would lead to very complicated and unmanageable expressions. With the help of other principles, derived irom the following important theorem, we may elude the difficulty. 82.] To find a general earpresswa for the distance between the point of contact of a tangent plane to a surface, and the foot of the perpendicular let fall from the origin on this tangent plane. Let X, y, z be the projective coordinates of the point of contact, and let ^, v, X be the tangential coordinates of the tangent plane to the surface ; and if T be the required distance, we shall evidently have T'=^^+y^+z«-;p-pl^, (a) We must now eliminate x, y, and z. It has been shown in sec. [80] that if ^(f, v, 1^=^=0 be the tangential equation of a surface, d* d* dg dg d4>. i^ . d^ ~ A ' ^' di^+dir''+d?f and like expressions for y and z may be found. If we now square these expressions, and substitute in (a), we shall have, after some reductions, ^ \M^-^^ +Ldi;^-d?'^J +U^-dF^J ,, To apply this expression to the ellipsoid. AXES OF A SURFACE OF THE SECOND ORDER. 71 The tangential equation of the ellipsoid is a^S' + b^i^ + c^P=l. d4> Hence -T^=2a'J, and A = 2. Like expressions for the other variables v and f may be found. Hence rr2_ («'-^')"g""'+ {l>^-c^)^v^^+ {a^-c^)^P^ .,. By the help of this formula we may determine the magnitude and position of the axes of a surface. 83.] We may define the axis of a central surface as a line which, drawn from the origin at the centre, to the point of contact of a tangent plane, coincides with the perpendicular let fall from the origin on the same plane. In this case T=0 ; but as the numerator of the value of 'P is the sum of three squares, in order that this expression may be =0, they must severally be equal to 0, or d* dip d*^ d4> - d Now we have shown in [80] that -rp=2a;, and 2a;=2P cos \, since in this supposed case P is equal to and coincides with r. But d^ cosX=Pf; hence =|-=2F'f; (b) and like expressions for the other two variables may be found. Let of2+a,«2+a„?2 + 2/St.?+2)8,?? + 2/8„ft;=l . . (c) be the tangential equation of a surface of the second order referred to its centre, then d<[> d^ -^ =2ai + 2^^ + 20,iVi but -^ is also equal to 2P'f . Hence a^+/Sy$+/8uW=P'f ; consequently the three resulting equa- tions are (a-P»)f+^,?+;S„i;=0,| {a,-T^)v + ^„^+fiK=0,\ (d) K-P«)?-|-;8y +/8,? = 0.) Eliminating f, v, $ from these three equations, which the absence of an absolute term enables us to do, we obtain an equation analogous to the well-known cubic equation for determining the three axes of the surface. If we could by any means ascertain that particular position of the tangent plane which would make the perpendicular coincide with the diameter passing through the point of contact, it would follow that f, V, ? would become known quantities, and we could 72 ON THE MAGNITUDE AND POSITION OP THE thus calculate the value of P ; but if instead of so doing we elimi- nate f, V, $, we shall ascertain in how many ways P may become a semiaxis of the surface. Eliminating £, v, ? from equations (d), we obtain -^/(a„-P*)+2^^A=0. J • '' a cubic equation which gives us when solved the values of the squares of the three semiaxes. Reducing the preceding equation, and arranging by powers of P, we get +/3«a+y3«a,+^>„-aa^„-2/3y3^„=0. J Hence we may at once infer that the sum of the squares of the semi- axes is equal to the sum of the coefficients of the squares of the variables. We shall recur to this equation, which may be termed the " tangential cubic equation of axes." It may have been observed, by those conversant with the subject, that the concentric sphere, which has generally been made use of to determine the magnitude of the axes of the surface, has been dis- pensed with. The principle adopted in the text, that of defining the axes as those perpendiculars on a tangent plane which coincide with the diameters drawn through the points of contact of the tangent planes, possesses the advantage of determining those mag- nitudes from a consideration of the properties of the figure itself. 81]. To determine the angles which one of the aares of the surface makes with the axes of coordinates. The cosine of the angle \ which the axis P makes with the axis of X is Pf ; and a:=P*f . But, as we have shown in [80] , we shall have P^£=/r=ac+/8,^+/8jji/; and finding like expressions for the other variables, (a-P«)f+/3^+/8„t;=0,^ K-P«)«+/8,^+y3? =0,5> (a) (a„-P*)?+/3y +/3^ =0.J Let the three roots of the cubic equation resulting from the eli- mination of 0, V, ^ between these equations, and which determines the axes, be t^, t,*, t/, and let a— 1^=8, o,— T'=Sp a„— T*=8„; . . . (b) also let lf=mi, v=n^; and the preceding equations become S;i + )8„+j9ot=0, (■ (c) AXES OF A SURFACE OF THE SECOND OBDER. 73 from these equations we get squaring these expressions, and adding. We may combine this result with the cubic equation (e) in the preceding section, and which may be written in the form SB,S,-^S-p,^S-fi/S,+2^^fi,=0. . . (e) Let this expression be successively multiplied by 8, and S^^. The resulting expressions become SS,A'-^*SS,-^«V-^/8,S„+2/3^M =0,) (f. Adding these two expressions (f ) to (e) and eliminating, we shall obtain a result that will allow of the dividing out of the common factor (j3^— S^„). Hence (».H.«4-i)= (^'-^'^"^-^;gqy^^"'-^^'^ . . (g) Now, as ?=»»f, v=n^, £2 — £4 P^^ Consequently cos M- (^*_8,s^) + (|3;_8S„) + (^/-8S/ /3„«-88, (t) '^" "- (^^-8^) + (^-8SJ + (/3/-SS,)- We may thus find similar expressions for the other two semiaxes. Hence the problem is completely solved, as we can express the squares of the three semiaxes and the cosines of the nine angles in terms of the coefficients of the given tangential equation. On the particular case when the surface is one of revolution. 85.] In this case two of the axes are equal; and therefore two of the roots of the cubic equation of axes (f ) in [83] become equal. But it is a well known property of algebraical equations that when two of the roots of an equation are equal, one of these wiU be found in the limiting or derived equation. Writing p for P* in the equa- tion of axes, and differentiating, we find 3p'-2{a + a, + a,;}p- [(fi^-afl,) + (/3,«-ao„) + (^„«-oa,)]; (a) 74 ON THE MAGNITUDE AND POSITION OV THE or writing R for a+a^+a,,, and Q for i^-afl,,) + {^,^-aa,;j + {^,,^-aa,), the limiting equation becomes 3p^-2Iip-Q=0, or p=^± VR'+SQ. . . (b) o One of these values of p is the square of one of the equal semiaxes. We may obtain the value of the equal semiaxes from other con- siderations. If we refer to the formulae which determine the inclinations of the axes of the surface to the axes of coordinates, as given in (h), sec. [84] , it is evident that, when they become unlimited in numb^r^ the values of the cosines of the angles which these equal axes make with the axes of coordinates must be indeterminate also. If we refer to the expressions for these cosines as given in (h), they will become indeterminate^ or of the form t-, if we put ^«-8^=0, ^,^-8B„=0, ^/-8S,=0. . . . (c) Now reverting to sec. [84] (b), it has been shown that, if t* be one of the roots of the cubic equation of axes, a,-T^=S„ a„—T^=S„, or a;0„-(o,+a„)7^+T*=S^=/8« . . . . (d) on the assumption in (c) . Consequently t^ — (o, + a,i)i^ = B?—ap,„. Finding similar expressions for the two other axes of coordinates, and adding the resulting equations, we shall have 3T*-2{a+a, + a„)T«=^«-a/i„+/32-aa„+j3„2-aa,), or 3t'«-2Rt2-Q=0, (e) precisely the same equation as (b) derived from the discussion of the limiting equation. It may easily be shown that, when two of the roots of the cubic equation of axes are equal, the three roots are R- VR^+SQ R- VR'+3Q ,„. R + 2 \/R«+3Q ,.. 3 > 3 , and _ (f ) We know that if r, r,, r„ be the three roots of a cubic equation, the sum of the products of the roots, taken two by two, is equal to the coefficient of the third term, or rr, + r,r„ + n-„=-Q (g) AXES or A SURFACE OF THE SECOND ORDER. 75 Now,ifweinakey=?±?_V^?L±?^, r, and r„ each equal to o -, , and substitute these values in the preceding ex- o pressiou, the resulting equation becomes identical*. CHAPTER IX. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLOIDS. 86.] Let the axis of the surface be taken as the axis of z, the tangents to the vertices of the principal sections as the axes of X and y. Now we may conceive the elliptic paraboloid as gene- rated by the parallel motion of the plane of a variable ellipse whose centre moves along the axis of Z, and whose vertices always rest on two guiding parabolas in the planes of ZX and ZY, having a common axis Z. Let 4k and 4^^ be the parameters of the principal sections passing through the axis of ;;. Let the paraboloid be cut by a plane parallel to the plane of xy at the distance 2. Then, if * If we take the cubic equation of axei given in most books on surfaces of the second order, as treated by the method of projective coordinates (see Leroy, ' Analyse appliqu^e & la 04om€trie des trois dimensions/ p. 198), we shall find (s-A)(s-A,)(«-A„)-BX*-A)-B,=(«-A)-B„X«-AJ-2BB,B„=0. (a) Now, if R be a root of this equation, and we put A-R=D, A,-R=D„ A„-R=D,„ and if we follow the course indicated in the text, we shall find for the cosines of the angles a, j3, y, which the semiaxis R makes with the three axes, (B»-D,D„)+(B,=-D„D)+(B„'-BD,)'" " " ' W and like expressions for cos*/3, C0B*y. We do not remember to have seen these formulae in any treatise on this subject. "When the surface is one of revolution, two of the axes must be equal, hence two of the roots of the cubic equation of axes must be equal, hence the limiting equation to (a) must contain at least one of the equal roots. Differentiating this equation, we shall find the following for the limiting equation [(»-A,)(*-A„)-B"]+[(«-A„)(»-A)-B,=]+[(»-A)(s-A)-B„=]=0,(c) and this derivative, as also the original equation, are satisfied by putting D,D„-B^=0, I>„D-B,==0, DD,-B„»=0, and the expressions for the direction cosines become „ =6' as evidently should be the case cosa=Q, cos^=^, C08y=j^, 76 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOIOIDS. X and Y be the semiaxes of the ellipse in which the paraboloid is cut by the parallel plane, we shall have x'=4Az, y'=4A,?; hence m+U^=^' ""^ *^' + %'=****^' ■ . • (a) is the projective equation of the elliptic paraboloid. Now ^=2k^, ^=2%, ^ 4M„ and Hence dF ^dP .dF .,. S^+di^^+d^^=^**'^- (b) ^ 2kk^ Uz" 2k/ ^ z Substituting these values oijf,y, and 2 in the dual equation we shall obtain for the tangential equation of the paraboloid, Af+*,w^ + ?=0 (c) 87.] On the transformation of the axes of coordinates in the case of the paraboloids. Assuming the equations given in sec. [56], namely ^=^1 cos \ + w, cos \ + ?, cos \„, v=^i cos fi + v, cos fj-i + 5( cos fill, ?=f, cos v+V/ cos v,+ $y cos Vi,, or writing Imn, I, m, n,, Z„ »i^, n,/ for the cosines, i=l^i +l,v, +1,^1, v=m^,+ m,v, + m,ff, 5=raf^ ^n,v^ +n,X„ hence k^=k [P^^ + ;, V + W + 2«M + 2««?A + 2%vA] , V'=*,Kf,* + »w,V + »»„%*+2wM»^,w,+ 2OT»»„?,?,+2»»,»M„wA], Arranging according to powers of f , w, and ?, and omitting traits to ^, V, (I' as no longer necessary, and adding, [kP+k,m^]^+ \kl^ + A,TO *] u« + [«„* + A,»i/j ?* + 2[Jfc//„ + kfnpi,;\ ?w + 2 [M„ + ftjmjw„] f $ + 2 [AZ/, + *„«i»i;] fw + «? + n,i; + w„? = 0. (d) When the paraboloid is a surface of revolution and the origin placed at the focus of the surface, its equation becomes *(l«+i'* + ?^)+?=0 (e) ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLOIDS. It We may now translate the origin to another point, the direction of the coordinate planes continuing the same. Let p, q, r be the projective coordinates of the vertex of the surface on the new coordinate planes ; then, assimiing like expressions may be found for v and ?• It is plain that the only terms that will be aflfected by the trans- lation of the coordinates wiU be the linear terms j and these will become B? —pn^ —qn^v — mf^, n,v —qn/u^ —pn^v —mju^, Hence the general equation of the paraboloid referred to any rectangular axes in space is + \2klln + Zkimm,, + n,r + w„g] ?i» + \%kll„ + 'Hkmm,, + nr + n„p'] f ? + \%kll, + 2kimmi + nq + n,p'] f w + nf + n^w + «„? =0, omitting the traits as no longer necessary. 88.] Given the general equation of the paraboloid to any set of rectangular axes passing through the vertex, to determine the magni- tude and position of the parameters. We have shown in the preceding section that the equation of the paraboloid, referred to its vertex as origin, will be \kP-{-k,m^-]^+ \kl^ + kim^-]v'+ {kl,f' + k,m,^}^\ + 2[kl,1^, + kjm,m,^t,v■^%\kll^, + k^mm^^Jf^ f • • (a) Let the general equation of the paraboloid be yr +/y +///?" +2^''?+2^/f? + 2i7«?" + Af + V + ^«?=0- ■ (b) Comparing the coefficients of these equations, term by term, we shall have kP^k,m^=f, kl,^ + k,m,^=f„ kl„^ + k,m„^=rf„ | (f) hence k\mf->rlfl,f^l,fV^ +k/'[m^m^ + m,^m„^ + m„^m^] » + kk,[l,^m'^ + l^m^ + l,i'm,^ + l,^m„^ + l/m^ + PmA . (d) 78 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLOIDS. and ■\-k^\mha^+m^,^+m,^m^] V . (e) + 2ltk, [lliinmi + l^^pijin^f + ll^im,^fn\ . ) If we now subtract this equation from the preceding, we shall have =kk,[{l,m—lmi)^+(l„m,—l,m,i)^+ {lm,i—l„m)'].) ' Assume l/m — Irrii =cos(f>, lumi — /^wi^, = cos j^ and Imn — /„wi = cos ■^. (g) Multiply' the first by »j,,, the second by m, and the third by »w^; then we shall have litnmii — lmin,i = »m„ cos 0, ) l,imim—ljmijm=mcios')(^ > (h) /»»„»», — lijmnif = m, cos -^ ; J adding, we shall have 0=»»„ cos ^ + »i cos x + ^^i cos y^. But as m, m^ m,, are the cosines of the angles which a certain straight line makes with a system of rectangular axes, ^, ^, '^ must be the angles which a straight line at right angles to the former makes with the same axes ; hence (Z,JM— /»»,)* + (/,/»«, — /^OT„)'+(/>n,,— /„OT)* = COS*^ + COS*J^ + COS*^ = l, and the preceding equation now becomes m+f>f„+fJ-(a^+9?+9,?)=i^K • • - (i) If we add the expressions in (c), we get * + */=/+//+/«. Hence, if p be put for one fourth of one of the principal parameters of the paraboloid, we shall obtain its value from the quadratic equation p'- [/+//+/JP+ [ff,+f,f„+f„f-i^+ff!'+ff,n'\ =0. ( j) On the Hyperbolic Paraboloid. 89.] Of all the surfaces of the second order this is the most dif- ficult to form clear conceptions about as to its configuration and limits. Its sheets extending to infinity in different duections, the application of the usual methods of algebraical investigation becomes somewhat vague and indistinct. This surface admits of no circular sections, nor can it be cut by a plane in a closed curve. It is its own reciprocal polar, and is one of those surfaces called gauche by the French mathematicians. ON THE TANGBNTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLOIDS. 79 Its genesis and form may best be conceived by the help of the following mode of generation. Let three rectangular axes be assumed. In the plane of XZ, suppose^ let a parabola be described, having its vertex at the origin, and its axis of figure coinciding with the axis of Z. Let its equa- tion be a?* = 'ikz. Through the axis of Z let two planes be conceived to pass, equally inclined by the common angle 6 to the plane of XZ, the plane of the above mentioned parabola. These planes may be called the asymptotic planes of the surface. Now let the plane of a variable hyperbola, having its centre always on the axis of Z, be conceived to move parallel to the plane of XY, and let this moving horizontal plane — assuming the plane of XY to be horizontal — cut the vertical asymptotic planes in two straight lines meeting in the axis of Z. Let these lines be the asymptotes of the moving hyper- bola, which shall have its vertex on a point of the guiding parabola. Then the ordinate A of this parabola wiU be half the transverse axis of the hyperbola, and the other semiaxis B will be A tan 0, 20 being the angle between the asymptotic planes. Let OVV, be the guiding parabola in the plane of ZX. Let OAZA( and OBZB, be the two asymptotic planes cutting the plane Fig. 18. of XOY in the lines OA, OB. Let HVP, H,V,P, be the moving hyperbola in two successive positions ha^dng its vertex always on the parabola OVV^. It is to be observed that while the elliptic paraboloid may be 80 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLOIDS. generated by the parallel motion of the plane of a variable ellipse guided by two parabolas whose planes are at right angles, and having a common axis, that of Z, the hyperbolic paraboloid is generated by the parallel motion of the plane of a variable hyper- bola guided by one parabola and by a pair of asymptotic planes. 90.] From the foregoing construction it will be evident that the entire of this surface, while its sheets extend to infinity in opposite directions, will be TrhoUy confined between the asymptotic planes, AOZA, and BOZB; inclined one to the other by the angle 29. As the surface approaches the plane of the guiding parabola or the plane of XZ,it will thin down to an edge; and this edge will be the guiding parabola. It will also be shown further on, that while above the plane of XY the surface is confined between the two asymptotic planes whose angle of intersection is 26, below the horizontal plane the surface will be developed between the same asymptotic planes, but in the supplemental angle ir—20. 91.] The equation of the guiding parabola being a;'=4Axr, let the equation of the moving hyperbola be ^—^=1. Now, A being an ordinate of the parabola, A'=4A:r; and as B=Atan 0, B'=A^/*=4^A;2r, if tan 6 be put equal to t. Hence the projective equation of the paraboloid becomes t^j;'^-y^-4fikz=0 (a) To obtain the tangential equation of this surface. Putting F for this expression, and taking its partial difiierentials, dF_2<2^ dF dF \ Ax-'^^^' Ay- ^y' d^- *^*' and L . . . (b) dF ^dF ^dF .,., dS^ + %y + d^^=*^*^' hence, as in sec. [80], (c). Substituting these values of w, y, and z in the projective equation (a), we obtain for the required tangential equation of the surface, k}?-kfiv^Jr%=0 (c) It will be found that the system of tangential coordinates affords peculiar facilities for the investigation of the properties of this surface. 92.] To ascertain whether in a tangent plane to this surface there can exist any linear generatrices. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OP THE PARABOLOIDS. 81 Let the tangential equation of the straight line which we shall assume as in a tangent plane, and a generatrix of the surface, be f=K+a; (a) and as this line is to be in a tangent plane, it must satisfy the tan- gential equation of the surface, kP—kt^v + ^=0. Eliminating 5 between these equations, we get ^'^h-jiT''^ (^) Now in order that this equation may break up into factors repre- senting straight lines on the surface, we must have :^=;i^°V*=-*" (''^ Making these substitutions, and taking the square roots, we shall have as the resulting equation, i=z±tv+2a (d) This is a very remarkable result. As t the coefficient of v is independent of ft and a the constants in the given tangential equa- tion of the straight line, it will follow that no matter where the point on the plane XZ may be, through which the assumed line passes, the projection of this line on the plane of XY will always be parallel to one of the asymptotic planes ; and as this projecting plane is also a tangent plane to the surface, it will follow that all vertical planes drawn parallel to the asymptotic planes are not only tangent planes to the surface, but they also cut it in linear gene- ratrices. 93.] To ascertain whether any other tangent planes can be drawn through these linear generatrices besides the vertical planes parallel to the asymptotic planes. . The equation of the paraboloid being k^^-k^v'^-{-^=0, (a) let £=\i/4-7, (b) be the tangential equation of the straight line in the plane of XY. If we eliminate v from these equations, the result becomes A{<«-\*)|«-2A7/«f-|-A/V-'^*?=0 (c) Now this equation cannot be made to represent the equation of a straight line unless \=^, and the preceding equation (b) thus becomes j= tv -f- 7, or, in other words, the line in the plane of XY must be parallel to the asymptotic planes as before. On this supposition the equation (c) becomes f^^r^+i, which is identical with (a), sec. [92], if we make 7=3o, for then ^t-=A'- 6 --^■'i c^) 8.2 0\ THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE PARABOLOIDS. No two successive generatrices of this surface can meet, or be in the same plane. They cannot meet, for they lie all in planes which are parallel to one of the asymptotic planes ; nor can they be ever in the same plane, for the projection of these generatrices intersect when they are projected on any plane but that of XY. If we do not impose on a rectilinear generatrix the condition that a tangent plane shall pass through it, its equations in the three coordinate planes may easily be found. The equation in the plane of XY being S=+tv + 2a, the equa- — K tion in the plane of XZ will be 5=Tt^ + ''j while the equation m the plane of ZY will become 4kat 94.] If we draw a series of tangent planes to the surface, all parallel to the axis of Y, we shall have u=0, and the equation of the surface becomes A;f^ + ?=0, the tangential equation of the guiding parabola, or, in other words, a cylinder whose axis is parallel to the axis of Y circumscribes the surface along the guiding para- bola. If we make f=0, the general equation becomes Ai't/*— $=0, which is the equation of a parabola in the plane of ZY and situated below the horizontal plane. When ?=0, k^—kt^v'^^0, or f= +tv, or the tangent plane that coincides with the axis of Z cuts the surface in the plane of XY along the sections of the asymptotic planes with the plane of XY. Had we assumed the point in the plane of YZ and taken the tangential equation of the right line in that plane i;=v^+/3, and eliminated ^ from this equation and from that of the surface, we should have found ^=tv—2^t. Or, in other words, the projection of this line on the plane of XY must be parallel to one of the asymptotic planes. In the general equation, if we make t=l, or the moving hyper- bola an equilateral hyperbola, and take the asymptotic planes as the coordinate planes of ZX and Z Y, the tangential equation of the hyperbolic paraboloid assumes the very simple form 2Afi; + ?=0 (e) APPLICATION OF ALGKBRA TO RECIPROCAL POLAES. 83 CHAPTER X. ON THE APPLICATION OF ALGEBRA TO THE THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS. 95.] Let a cone, the projective coordinates of whose vertex are p, q, r, envelope a surface of the second order ; the curve of contact is a plane curve. The general tangential equation of a central surface of the second order, referred to rectangular axes passing through the centre, is ar + a,v' + a«?H2^y?+2^,f$ + 2/3,^u-l = 0= Now iF=-^ = i-^j hence, as shown in (b), sec. [80], y=a,u + /3„?+^?,[ (c) X, y, and z being the projective coordinates of the point on the surface touched by the limiting tangent plane. Now as these expressions are linear, we may find the values of f, V, ? in terms of x, y, z, and the resulting equations will also be linear. Hence |=La? +Mjr +Nr, ) w=L;a:+M,y +NfS-,t (d) and as the tangent planes to the surface must all pass through the verteK of the circumscribing cone, of which the projective coordi- nates are p, q, r, these tangential coordinates f , v, \ must satisfy the equation pi+qv+r^=.\. Introducing the values of f, v, and 5 given above, we obtain the resulting equation, (Lp-|-L^ + L„»-)a7+ (MjB + M^ + M„r)y + (Nj9 + N^y + N„r)2'= 1, (e) the projective equation of a plane, whose projective coordinates are jr, y, z, and whose coeflBcients L, M, N, &c. are functions of the coefficients of the given tangential equation of the surface (a) . Now let fj. Up and ^, be the three tangential coordinates of this plane, we shall have f, = Ljo+L,g'-|-V, 1 i;,= MjB + M,y + M„r,^ (f) ?,=NjB-|-N,9-|-N„r. ) g2 84 ON THE APPLICATION OP ALGEBRA TO These are the remarkable relations that exist between j?, g, r, the projective coordinates of the vertex of the circumscribing cone, and the tangential coordinates J,, v, J^, of its plane of contact ; or, in other words, if p, q, r are the projective coordinates of the pole, fp Vp ^, are the tangential coordinates of the polar plane. 96.] We may illustrate this theory. Let the surface of the second order be an ellipsoid, referred to its axes as axes of coordinates ; its tangential equation is as in sec. [74], a*|«+4V + cT=l (a) Now referring to the group of formulae (e) in the preceding sec- tion, we shall have L=^,. M,=i N„=i and L,, L„, M, M„, N, N, each =0. Hence p = a^^„ q=b^v„ r=c'$;, (b) Substituting these values of p, q, r, in the dual equation ^f +g'w + r?=l, we shall have a%'^+b''v,v + c%K=l (c) We may therefore conclude that if an ellipsoid referred to its axes, and whose tangential equation is o^f' + 6'ii* + c'5^=l,'be cut by a plane whose taugeatial coordinates are f,, u,, ?/> the equation a^U+b\^ + '^%K=^ (d) will be the tangential equation of the pole of this plane. 97.] Instead of p, q, r, which for the sake of clearness we have hitherto used as the projective coordinates of the vertex of the cone, we may write the more common symbols x, y, and g for p, q, r. These equations now become v,= '\Lv + Mff + M,^X , or i/,=Y, |- . ... (a) From these equations, which on the ground of their importance we shall call The Polar Equations of surfaces of the second order, may the whole theory of reciprocal polars be derived by the appli- cation of the elementary principles of common algebra. Thus if the polar plane be fixed, fj, v,, and ?, are constants, hence X, y, and z are constants, or the pole is fixed. When J., Vp and 5, are connected by two linear equations, so also are X, Y, Z ; or if the polar plane pass through a fixed straight line, the pole will also traverse a fixed straight line. When 0y, Vp ?, are connected by one linear equation, so also are X, Y, Z ; or when the polar plane passes through a fixed point, the pole traverses a fixed plane. THE THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS. 85 When f^, Vf, 5, are connected by an equation of the second degree, so also are X, Y, Z ; or if the polar plane envelopes a surface of the second order, the pole traverses a surface of the second degree. Generally, if the tangential equation of a surface be (^, v, ?) =0, the projective equation of its reciprocal polar will be {S> "j ?) =0, its reciprocal polar will be {x, y, z) =0, and con- versely. By the aid of this very remarkable theorem, and of the properties of tangential equations already discussed, we may reduce the whole theory of reciprocal polars under the dominion of common algebra, with the utmost simplicity. The following are a few of the most obvious subordinate relations that may be derived from this cardi- nal theorem. Given the projective equation of a surface /(a;, y, z) =0, or the tangential equation of the same surface ^(f, v, $) =0, we may write down the tangential or the projective equations of its reciprocal polar by simply interchanging the letters x, y, z with f, v, ?• Let us conceive a figure composed of points, straight lines, planes, curves of single or double curvature, and curved surfaces, a surface of the second order being taken as the auxiliary or polarizing surface. "We may imagine another figure constructed, whose points, straight lines, and planes shall be the poles, conjugate polars, and polar planes of the planes, straight lines, and points of the original figure. These two figures may be called reciprocal polars*, one of the other. From the reciprocal relations between the two equations <^(?,v, ?)=0, [x,y,z)=0, we may infer the following conclusions : — 1. A plane is the reciprocal of a point. 2. A straight line is the reciprocal of a straight line. • Let a point be assumed on a surface (S), and the polar plane of this point taken relative to a surface of the second order (C) ; as the assumed point varies on the surface (S), the polar plane envelopes a surface (2), which is called the reciprocal polar of the given surface (S). — Anuales de MathiSmatiques, par Gergonne, torn. viii. p. 201. Curt-es and curved surfaces, so related, may with propriety be called reciprocal polars, because it is obviously a matter of indifference -whether the polar plane of the pole on (S) envelopes ihe surface (2), or the pole of the plane enveloping (2) describes (S). [Note to tirst edition.] 86 ON THE APPLICATION OP ALGEBKA TO 3. n planes are the reciprocals of n points. 4. n planes passing through a Are the reiprocals of n points straight line in a straight Ime. 5. n straight lines in a plane. n straight lines meeting in a point. 6. The point in which a plane is The plane which passes pierced by a given straight line, through a point and a given straight line. 7. A cone whose vertex is at a A curve lying in a given plane, given point. 8. A polygon of n sides in a A pyramid of n sides passing plane. through a given point. 9. A point on a curved surface. A tangent plane to a curved surface. 10. The point of contact of a tan- The tangent plane drawn gent plane. through a given point. 11. A cone circumscribing a given A plane section of the reci- surface. procal surface. 12. A number of surfaces inscribed As many reciprocal surfaces in the same cone. intersecting each other in the same plane. 13. A chord joining two points of The intersections of two tan- a surface. gent planes to the reciprocal surface. THE IHEOKY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS. 87 14. A polyhedron of n faces in- A polyhedron of n solid angles scribed in a surface. circumscribed to the reciprocal surface. 15. A polyhedron of re edges in- A polyhedron of n edges cir- scribed in a surface. cumscribed to the reciprocal surface. 16. A number of surfaces meeting The same number of reci- in a point. procal surfaces touching the same tangent plane. 17. A surface passing through n The reciprocal surface touch- given points. ing n given planes. 18. A number of parallel straight The same number of straight lines. lines all lying in a plane passing through the origin. 19. A curve in a plane passing A cylinder whose axis is per- through the centre of polarizing pendicular to the plane of the sphere. given curve. 20. A number of straight lines in As many straight lines per- a plane passing through the pendicular to the plane passing centre of the polarizing sphere. through the centre of the polar- izing sphere. 21. A polygon of n sides inscribed A polygon of n sides circum- in a curve. scribed to the reciprocal curve. 22. The sides of a polygon in- The lines which join the cor- scribed in a curve meet two by responding angles of the reci- two on a straight line. procal curve meet two by two in a point. 88 ON THE APPLICATION OF ALGEBRA TO 23. The vertices of a triangle move The sides of the reciprocal along three fixed lines. triangle will pass through three fixed points. 24. A conic section. A conic section. 25. A plane at infinity. The centre of the polarizing sphere. 26. A straight line through the A straight line at infinity, centre of the polarizing sphere. 27. A plane through the centre of A point at infinity in the per- the polarizing sphere. pendicular to the plane. 28. n points given on a curve of n tangent planes to the same double curvature. developable surface. 29. A plane intersects a curve of n tangent planes through a double curvature in n points. point to the same developable surface. 30. n points common to two or n tangent planes common to more curves of double curvatiire. two or more developable sur- faces. 31. A series of tangent planes As many points of contact of drawn to a curved surface a curved suiface with a tangent through a point on it. plane. 32. A cusp on the surface of the A curve of contact with a one. tangent plane to the other. 33. A surface is generated by Its reciprocal polar is gene- straight lines. rated by straight lines. THE THEORY OF RECIPKOCAL POLARS. 89 As the reciprocal polar of a surface of the second order is also a surface of the same degree, a great variety of the properties of these surfaces may be derived in this manner, and thus a duality exists between the properties of curves and surfaces of the second degree, which in the general case is found only between curves and surfaces, and their reciprocal polars. 98.] We shall proceed to illustrate the foregoing principles by their application to a few examples. The sum of the perpendiculars let fall from n given points on a plane is constant. To determine the envelope of the plane. Let the sum of the perpendiculars be nk ; and let p, q, r be the projective coordinates of one of the points, P the perpendicular from this point on the plane whose tangential coordinates are |, v, and ^. Now P=l^=2^, p -k^^^qj?, &c., see (c), sec. [57]. _ Taking the sum of all the perpendiculars, we shall have n+—{p+p, +p„ + Pu, ka.)i-[q + g j + g»+g„< & c.) v -{r-{-r,+r„-^r,„ &c.)?=»A Vr + i'' + ?^ Let a, b, c be the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the n points, then p+Pi+Pi, kc.=na, q + q, + qiikc.=nb, r+»*, + r„ &c.=nc, and the equation of the locus now becomes or, squaring and adding, (A« - a«)£2 + (A«-6*)i;«+ (F -c*) f'-2aAf u-2ac|? -2Aci;n + 2af + 2Ji; + 2c? = l./ ^^' The tangential equation of a sphere whose centre is at the centre of gravity of the n given points, as may be inferred from (d) [75] . When the sum of the perpendiculars is = 0, or k=0, the equation becomes af + 6u + c?=l, the tangential equation of a point. 99.] The sum of the squares of the perpendiculars let fall from n given points on a plane whose tangential coordinates are ^, v, ^ is constant, and equal to nk^ ; the plane envelopes a surface of the second order. Let the projective coordinates of the given points on the coordi- nate planes be p, q, r, p,, q,, r„ &c., then, as l-^f-gi^? _ \-p,^-q,v-r,^kc. ^^ 90 ON THE APPLICATION OF ALGEBRA TO we shall hare + {r^ + r s + r/ &c.) ?^ + 2 (/»,/•„ kc.)^t;+2{qr + qir,+g,pr„ &c.)u? |. (a) -2{r + 7-, + r„&c.)?+»=n**(r' + ''' + ?')-' Now let the centre of gravity of the n points be taken as the origin of coordinates, and let a, b, c be the radii of gyration round the three principal axes of the system of n points, taken as axes of coordinates, then p^ +pf +p,f + &c. = ««*, j* + qf + q,f + &c. = wi«, r*+r/+r„2+&c.=nc«. We shall have also p-\-pf-\-p„ + kc.—0, q-\-q, + q„-\-&c.=0, r+r,-\-r,i+kc.=0,pq+piij,+p,ff„+Sx.=0,pr+p,r,+p,rii+&cc.=0, qr + q,ri+q,f,i+&x;.=0; hence the equation (a) now becomes (A«-a')P+{A*-&«)w* + (A*-c2)?*=l, . . . (b) the tangential equation of an ellipsoid. The distances of the foci of the principal sections of this surface from the centre are independent of k. Now k depends on the magnitude of the sum of the squares of the perpendiculars, while a, b, c depend on the relative positions of the n given points. Hence we may infer that if from the same n given points there be let fall different groups of perpendiculars on different planes, the sums of whose squares shall be mA*, nk^, &c., the several tangent planes will envelope as many confocal ellipsoids. 100.] A series of surfaces of the second order touch seven fixed planes ; the poles of any given plane relative to these surfaces are also on a fixed plane. Let the given plane be taken as that of xy, and let the equation of one of the surfaces be a^ + a,i^ + a„^ + Ufivi;+5fi^ii+2fi,j£v + 2y^+2y,v+2y,^=li (a) the tangential equation of the pole of the plane of xy relative to this surface is a„K + Pv + fi^ + y„=0, see (d), sec. [77]. . . (b) Now as there are seven linear equations to determine the nine unknown coeflBcients of (a), we may eliminate any six, and connect the three remaining by an equation which also will be linear. Eli- minating then a, a,, ^,,,7, y„ y„, and a, a,, a,,, jS„, y, y,, successively, we shall obtain a„=-Lfi +M^, +N, 7„=L,^ + M,/3,+N, :i (c) L, M, N, L„ M,, N, being determinate functions of the twenty-one constant tangential coordinates of the seven fixed planes. THE THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS. 91 Substituting these values in (b) we get the equation (L? + u+L,)/3+(M?+?+M,)/3,+(N;+N,)=0. . (d) Now this equation is satisfied, leaving /3 and /3j indeterminate, by putting each of the three factors in (d)=0; solving these equa- tions, we find ^=constant, v=coustant, ^=constant; the three tangential coordinates of a fixed plane. When there are eight fixed planes, it maybe shown, in like manner, that the locus of the poles of any given plane relative to those surfaces is a right line. 101.] A surface of the second order touches seven givenplanes, to find the locus of its centre. Let the tangential equation of the given surface be ap + a,v^ + a,}? + 2/8v? + 2/9^? + 2/3„f ? + 27? + 2y,v + 27„? = 1, and let the twenty-one coordinates of the seven given planes be fi. Vp %,; %,„ v,„ $„; ^1,1, y,i„ ^,,1, &c. Substituting these values suc- cessively in the preceding equation, we shall have seven linear equations by which we may eliminate the six quantities a, a,, a^ ; |3, /3p ^1,. The resulting equation will also be linear, and of the form Ly-|-M7,-f-Ny„=l, (a) which is the projective equation of a plane. Now y, y„ 7^, as has been shown, are the projective coordinates of the centre of the surface. Hence the centre of the surface moves along a plane. When there are eight planes, we may then eliminate y or y,, and the two resulting equations will become Ly-fM7,-l = 0, %-hN7«-l=0, or the centre will move along a right line. 102.] If two surfaces of the second order are enveloped by a cone, they may also be enveloped by a second cone. Let the vertex of the cone be taken as the origin of coordinates, and let the tangential equations of the surfaces be ar-l-a,v«-l-a„?*-|-2;Si;?-|-2yS,f?-|-2/S,^«-|-27?-|-27,v-|-27„?=l,"l ,. a^ + af^ + a,!^ + 2bv^-\-2b^% + 2b,^v-^2t^-^2c,v-\-2c,i;,= \; J and as the common tangent planes must pass through the origin, f , V, ?, are the same in the equations of the two surfaces ; but at the origin ^=0, -=0, -^=0. At this point let f =^?, v=^^. Sub- stituting these values in the preceding equations and dividing by ?=oo, a^« + a,f^ + a, + 2fiyjr + •2^, + 20,ff>f=O, 1 a^^ + a,y^^ + a„+2bylr + 2bi^ + 2biffif=0; j ' ' ^ > 92 ON THE APPLICATION OP ALGEBRA TO and as these equations represent the same tangent plane, they must be identical. Hence we shall have, introducing an equalizing factor \, a=\a, af=Xa,, aii=\aii, 6=X/3, bf=-\^f, bi,-=.\^fi. Making these substitutions in the preceding equations, they become Xa£* + Xa,u« + Xxi„?2 + 2X/3?i; + 2X^^? + 2X^„f v + 2cf + 2C;V + 2c„?= 1 . Multiplying the former equation by X, and subtracting from it the latter, we get 2(Xy-c)? + 2(Xy,-c,)i/ + 2(X7„-c„)?=X-l, . . (c) the tangential equation of a point which is the vertex of the second enveloping cone. » The projective coordinates of this point are 2(X7-c) 2(Xy-c,) 2(X7,-c„) "^ \=V' ^~ X-1 ' ^- X-1 103.] het a plane cut off from three fixed rectangular axes seg- ments, the sum of which, multiplied by a constant area, shall be equal to the tetrahedron whose faces are the three coordinate planes and the limiting tangent plane ; to determine the surface enveloped by this latter plane. Let the three coordinates of the variable plane be f , v, ? ; then . . 1 e* the volume of the pyramid is = Tr=-i- Let the constant area be rr, 6gi/? 3 consequently is the equation of the envelope of the tangent plane, the tangential equation of a surface of the second order. To find the axes of this surface. Comparing the above with the general tangential equation of a surface of the second order, af2 + a,v«+a„?«4 2^i/? + 2^,|?+2a,^u + 2y£ + 2y,v + 27,^=l, we shall have «=«/=«//=0, 7=7/=yH=0, ^=^,=/3^^a*. . (b) Substituting these values in the cubic equation which determines the magnitude of the axes, sec. [83], (f ), we get T6_3flV-2a6=0 (c) Taking its first derivative, we shall have t*— a*=0. THE THEORY OF KECIPROCAL POLARS. 93 Now putting (c) in the form T«(T*-a*) -2a*{T^ + a^) =0, we find that this equation and its first derivative are satisfied by the root t*=— a*. Hence two of the roots are each equal to — o*, and the remaining root is =2a*. This we might antecedently have inferred from the absence of the second term in (c) . Consequently as two of the roots are negative and one positive, the surface is a discontinuous hyperboloid or one of two sheets. Since the linear terms do not appear in (a), the centre of the surface is at the origin. To determine the position of the axes. In equations (h), sec. [84] , substituting for 8(8„— /3* its value 3o*, and finding the same values for the other like expressions, we obtain cos*\=5, cos'/x=5, cos*v=-j . . . (d) o o o hence the positive axis of the surface is equally inclined to the axes of coordinates. If we were to make in the same formula the necessary substitu- tions to obtain the position of the two other axes, we should find cos\,=^, and so for the other angles also. This evidently should be the case, as the two equal axes have no definite position. To transform this equation into one that shall contain the squares of the variables. Let the cosines of the angles which the new axes of coordinates OX, OY, OZ make with the original axes be as shown in (d) sec. [56] . Then Substitute these values in (a), and we shall find 2o*f ^« + 2o* [ml+nl + mti] u,« + 2a* [m/, + «// + »»;'«;] ?/* + 2a* [mil +m^+ nl, + Ufl + mp, + w,to] v^^ ^2a*M^f,^, + 2a« (i±^f,„ -1. (e) As the two systems of axes are rectangular, we must consequently have, as shown in sec. [56], Z+jra+«=0, /,+m( + «,=0, and mil + r«/ + «/; + n,l + mp, + w,»n=0. 94 ON THE APPLICATION OF ALQEBRA TO But this last expression may be written m (l+n) +ni{l+m) +l,{m + n)=0, but l+n^—m, l+m=—n, m-\-n= — l, hence W,+»»»i, + «W(=0. Now as l+m+n==0, the square of this expression must be =0, or 2lm + 2ln + 2mn= — (P + m^ + n^)=—l; and as li+m, + ni=0, 2l,mi+2lin, + 2m,ni= — (lp + m,^+n^)= —1. The equation (e) from these substitutions, now becomes c«[2f«-w«-r«]=i, (f) the equation of the discontinuous hyperboloid referred to its axes as axes of coordinates. 104.] If a series of planes retrench from a cone of the second degree a constant volume, they will envelope a discontinuous hyperboloid, or one of two sheets. In the first place, it may be shown, that if the projective equa- tion of a conic section be Air«+A,y*-l-2Bary + 2Ca: + 2C^=l, ... (a) its area S will be ^[(A+C')(A,+C«)-(B + CC,)«] ^ (AA,-B*)t . . . . (b) * This proposition may he proved as follows : — Let Ajr'+A,y'+2firy=l, (a) be the equation of a conic section ; any rectangular axes passing through the centre being taken as axes of coordinates, we may determme the axes of the section by the following method, _. , ,, , dF dF . dF dF . ,„„^ ,„„, We shall have ^j,-g_^=0, or ^^=j^, win (33), sec. [22]. ,.T dF cosX , dF eosX PcosX 1 . x, . ., °'^ dx~ 'F~' "°® xAx~ Tx'~ Vx ~W """^ coincides with r. But ^=P=2A.+2B|, by differentiation ; or p=A+Bi^. We have also p=A,+B£; hence (^^_a)(^- A,)=B», or p-(A-)-A,)p-|-AA,-B»=0 (b) This equation determines the axes of the section. Hence the product of the squares of the reciprocals of the semiaxes is AA.-E', (c) THE THEOKY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS. 95 X' « yS ?« Ijet ^+ T2"~^=0j ^ t^e equation of the cone, c being its real, a and i its imaginary axes, and let a?f +yii + 2$ = l,be the equation of the secant plane. Eliminating z between these equations, we get the equation, on the plane of xy, of the projection of the section made by the secant plane cutting the cone. This equation is (?~^y + (^-"')^'-2^''*y + 2f''+2.;y=l. . (c) Substituting in the preceding expression for the area, the coeffi- cients of this equation, we get for S, the area of the projection of the section on the plane of XY, S being the area of this section, then S sec will bs the area of the section of the cone made by the secant plane, and if P be the per- pendicular from the origin on this plane, the volume of the cone COS Q ^ wiU be equal to Ssec^.P, but P = — — , hence the volume =^. and consequently the area ^= vri^s w Now let Aj<»+A,y'+2Ba!y+2Cj:+2C,y=l (e) be the general equation of a conic section, and let the origin of coordinates be translated to a point x=x, + a, y=j/,+b, and make the resulting coefficients of X, and y, severally =0; the equation of the curve referred to its centre will be A.r2-|-A^»+2aiy= l-Ca-C,J, «• * A i^x. ■ 1 BC,-A,C . UC-AC, ,. , , or putting for a and b their values, o= . a- - R8 ' "aXTTW' ^I"**'^'"' («) 0GC0II16S A;r»-HA.y»+2B^= (A+C»)CA.+C.°)-(B+CC,)' Dividing by the absolute term, and writing A, A, and B for the new coeffi- cients of 3?, y', and xy, in order to reduce the absolute term to 1, - A(AA,-B') A,(AA,-B') '^-(A+C»)(A,-|-C,»)-(B-|-CC,)" ^'-(A+C=')(A,+C,»; - (B+CC,)"' ^ B(AA,-BO ^- (A+C^XA-,+C,'')-(B+CC,)»' Gonsequentlv as the area is =—7=^====, the area of any conic section in terms of its general coefficients is ^_ ir[(A+C')(A.+C,') - (B+CC.)'] ,j. [(AA,-B»)]* 96 ON THE APPLICATION OF ALQEBRA TO Let this volume be also =iTabc, suppose, hence substituting in the preceding expression this value of S, the resulting expression becomes c95S-a«f*_fi*,;2=l^ (e) the tangential equation of a discontinuous hyperboloid. In nearly the same way it may be shown, that if a series of planes retrench from any surface of the second order a constant volume, the enveloped surface is a surface concentric similar and similarly situated. 105.] On the cubic equation of axes, when the surface is one of revolution, and the origin at a focus. In the general tangential equation, of a surface of the second order, aP+a,u«+a„^ + 2^i;?+2/3^?+2^„e»' + 2rf + 2r,i;+2y,^=l. (a) Let a=a,=aii, and /3=/3y=/3„=0, then the preceding equation Dccomcs * a^ + a^ + a};^ + Zy^+2y,v+'ly,/; = l. . . . (b) If we now translate the origin of coordinates to the centre of the surface, in parallel directions, using the formula given in sec. [75], (d), the equation, referred to the central axes of coordinates, becomes ^, ., . +Hfy^K+2y,ySv=i.j • • Now if we write {a+y^=a, {a+y^)=a, (a+V)=a, yiyu=^> y,!Y=^i> fyi=^u" the cubic equation of axes, see sec. [83], (f), will become (C) (d) + ^*a + ^fa,+^,fau-aaflu- 2/3/3^,^=0.) (e) Or substitutmg for these coefficients their values as given in the preceding equations (d), and putting t for P*, the cubic equation now becomes -[a8 + a«(7«+7,'+7„«)]=0./ " ^' ^ Let a + y* + y,«+y„*=A, (g) and the preceding equation may now be written 7«-(2a + A)T*+(a«+2aA)T-a«A=0, . . . (h) of which equation the three roots are manifestly a, a, and *. Let a and b be the semiaxes of this surface, then as «'=«+7'+7/'+7«', and 4«=o, a'-*«=7«+7«+7„», • (i) THE THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS. 97 or the eccentric distance is equal to the distance of the origin from the centre. If we now turn to the formulae in sec. [84], (h), by which the positions of the axes are determined, bearing in mind that (a-T«)=S, (a,-T*)=S„ or m this case and putting for t* the value k, the square of the greater semiaxis of the surface, since we shall have 8S,-/3„'=7/(7' + r;'+7«'). \ (J) and (8S -^„«) + (8A-/3«) + (8«S-/3/) = (y'+y/+7/,*)^) Consequently the formulae for the determination of the inclination of the major axis to the axes of coordinates are cos \ = — , „ ' „ , cos u = — , „ *' ==,, Vy'+yf+y/ '^ V/+y;«+y/ cos v= -^ (k) Vv'+Y'+y/ equations which determine the position of the semiaxis V^- But the line drawn from the origin to the centre of the surface makes the same angles with the axes of coordinates, therefore this line coincides with the semiaxis ^k; hence its origin is on this axis, and k—a= + 2B„/w» + 2(C/2^ + Cin^v + CX5) + %Ql{mv + m?) + 2C,TO(/f + M?) + 2C„M(/f + mv) =/2j2 + ;„ V + n^S* + 2m«i;? + 2Z«f?+ 2/w»fu . * Let the projective equation of a surface of the second order be Ar'+A,y='+A„z»+2B5ra+2Bas+2B„ay+2Car+2C,y+2C„z=l. Then it may be shown that the locus of the middle points of all the chords of this suifiice passing through the origin of coordinates is the sur&ce whose equa- tion is Aj?+Ay+A,^»+2Byz+2B^+2B,^+Cx+C,y-l-Cz =0; and if we subtract this latter equation from the former, we shall find the locus of the intersection of these two surfaces. Subtracting the latter from the former, the equation of the locus is Ci+C,y+C„z=l, the projective equation of a plane. (e) THE THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLAR8. 99 If we now find similar expressions for the other two revolving lines r, and r„, adding all three equations together, and introducing the six relations of the nine direction cosines given in (e), sec. [56] , we shall obtain for the tangential equation of the enveloped surface (S), £8 + „9 + 52_2Cf-2C,v-2C„?=A + A,+A„. . . (f) If we substitute -forA4-A,+A„ (g) the preceding equation will be transformed into a(f^ + i^' + ?')-2aCf-2aC,w-2oC,^=l. . . . (h) Now as the coeflBcients of the squares of the variables are equal, and the rectangles vanish, (h) is the tangential equation of a surface of revolution whose focus is at the origin, as has been already shown in sec. [105] . The projective coordinates of the centre of (2) are aC, aC,, and aCi,. The cosines of the angles which the major axis of (2) makes with the axes of coordinates are ^1 and ^" • but these are the cosines of the angles which a perpendicular P from the fixed point the origin, on the polar plane of this point relative to (S) makes with the axes of coordinates ; hence the major axis of (2) coincides with this perpendicular. This plane is a directrix plane of (2); for if a and b be the semi- axis of this surface, b^=a and a^=a + a^C^ + C'' + C,^), see sec. [105], (i) ; hence ^^=(^ + C^ + C,^=^^ or P=~ae, or P is the dis- tance between the focus and the directrix plane. 107.] To show that the Continuous Hyperboloid admits of linear generatrices. The tangential equation of the continuous hyperbejloid a^^ + b%^—c^^=l may be written {a^+cK){a^-cK) = {l + bv){\-bv); ... (a) and if we assume the equation of a straight line in the plane of XY, p^^-qv = \; (b) eliminating v between these equations, the resulting expression becomes (aY+*V)^-2*'i'f+*'-s'=cV?'-- • • (c) H 2 100 ON THE APPICATION OF ALGEBRA TO Now this is the tangential equation of the curve in which the tangent plane through the point {p, q) on the plane of XY cuts the plane of ZX ; and in order that this intersection may be a straight line each side of the preceding equation must be a complete square, or or aY + l>Y=a^b^ (d) or p and q must be ordinates of the principal section of the surface in the plane of XY. If we introduce this value of a^q^ + b^p^mto the preceding equa- tion, the result becomes or taking the square root. It is obvious that if either c^ were negative, or A' negative, the square root would be imaginary. Hence no surface, the squares of whose axes are all positive, or one positive and two negative, can admit of rectilinear generatrices. The preceding equation may be written in the usual form, p — op Asp and q are always ordinates of the principal ellipse in the plane of XY, it follows that every rectilinear generatrix to the continuous hyperboloid must always pass through a point on the principal elliptic section of the surface. 108.] Let a surface of the second order be cut by a given secant plane ; to determine the tangential equation of the section of the sur- face made by this plane. Let the tangential equation of the surface be a^^+bhJ' + c^^=l (a) Let the coordinates of the fixed plane which cuts the surface in the section whose equation is required be ^„ v„ ^„ and let 0=»n?+ o, v^n^+fi be the equations of a straight line in space. Let this straight line be in the plane whose coordinates are ^„ v,, t,., then these variables must satisfy the given equations, and we shall have if-f,=»i(?-5), and v-Vf=nlX-Q. Substituting these values of ^ and v in the equation ot the curved surface, we shall have two resulting values of f, which are the reci- procals of the intercepts of the axis of Z made by two tangent planes passing through the straight line in the plane whose coor- dinates are J„ v„ ^,. THE THHORY OP RECIFROCAL FOLAKS. 101 When this line becomes a tangent to the section of the surface the two tangent planes coincide ; hence the two values of ? become equal, and they are given by a quadratic equation whose roots must be equal. Now ««=v,«+2«v,(?-g+«»(?-S;)S K . . . (b) Multiply the first by a^, the second by b^, the last by c*, and add together these expressions. The result becomes 0=a«f,* + A V + c%^ -1+2 [a*™?/ + b^v, + €%-] (?- Q + Ka« + n^^ + c*) (f- f/. Now as this equation must have two equal roots, we shall have (a«f « + b^v^ + c%2 _ 1)(otV + nH^ + c*)= [a^m^, + b^nv, + c«5;]^ (c) and this may be reduced to the form and if we substitute in this equation for m and n their values | — gj _ V — Vj the preceding expression becomes } . . (d) This expression may still further be reduced to the form The projective equation of a cone circumscribing a given surface pf the second order is [aV + *'y/' + cV- 1] [«'^* + *V + c*^* - 1] ) «x = [a*^^+**M + cV-l]S I • • I J a?„ y^, and ar, being the coordinates of the vertex of the cone. The duality of the two equations (e) and (f) is manifest. 109.] The reciprocal polar of any surface of the second order, the centre of the directrix surface being on the given surface, is a para- boloid. The directrix surface being for simplicity a sphere whose radius is unity, at whose centre the origin ojf coordinates is placed, let the projective equation of the given surface be Aa^+Aff^+A,fi^+2Byz+2B^z+2BifVy + 2Civ+2C,y+2C,^=0, the tangential equation of its reciprocal polar is (see {d),sec. [87]) A|« + A,w« + A„?* + 2Bi;? + 2B^? + 2B„?u + 2Cf + 2C(W + 2C„? =0, the tangential equation of a paraboloid. 102 ON CONCYCLIC SURFACES OF THE SECOND OKDEK. CHAPTER XI. ON CONCYCLIC SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER*. 110.] The properties of confocal surfaces of the second order, or surfaces whose principal sections have the same foci, are discussed at considerable length in various publications, especially on the Continent, devoted to the cultivation of mathematical science; while the dual properties of their reciprocal surfaces have not been at all noticed, so far as I am aware. It is true that M. Chasles and other geometers who followed him have discussed the proper- ties of cyclic cones ; but the theory admits of much wider applica- tion. It is known, and is very easily proved, that every umbilical sur- face of the second order may be described by the parallel motion of a variable circle whose centre moves along a fixed line. Concyclic surfaces may therefore be defined as concentric sur- faces of the second order, having their axes coincident, and the planes of their circular sections parallel. Concyclic surfaces are the reciprocal polars of confocal surfaces. Let a, b, c be the semiaxes of the original confocal surfaces in the order of magnitude. Let a* - b^=h^, a® — c^= k^. In confocal surfaces a, b, and c are supposed to vary, while h and k are constant. Let c„ b„ a, be the semiaxes, in the order of magnitude, of the derived surface. The radius of the circular section of the derived ellipsoid which passes through the centre is b, ; b, will be a semidiameter of the prin- cipal section which contains the greatest and least axis, hence 6, is a semidiameter of the principal section whose equation is ^+-s=l. Let be the angle which b/ makes with the greatest axis, then 1 cos2 e sin* e , , and hence a,^ tan^,=kf=£{i£^ (a) 1 1_ b^(c^-a^) ,2 ^2 J, C, * It is Btiange how the properties of systems of concentric surfaces of the second order having coincident circular sections or, as they may be more briefly termed, concyclic mr faces, have hitherto almost wholly, at least so far as the author is aware, escaped the observation of geometers ; it is the more remarkable as the theorems connected with the subject are numerous, and many of great elegance. So far indeed as the properties of such cones are concerned, and of spherical conies thence derived, M. Chasles has discussed them in two memoirs of singular simplicity and beauty, published in the 'Brussels Transactions,' tome v. 1829. [Note to first edition.] ON CONCYCUC SURFACES OP THE SECOND ORDER. 103 This is the angle which the plane of the circular section makes with the plane of the greatest and mean axis of the derived surface. Now in confocal surfaces let b'^—c^=h^, a^—c^ssk^; hence Jl_JL W_}^-c^_ hf cf _ a,{cf-hf) Comparing this with the preceding expression, we get tan^=Tj but h and k are constant, hence tan 6 is constant, or all reciprocal polars of confocal surfaces have their circular sections parallel. In confocal ellipsoids b^ = c^-\- h^, a^=c^ + k^.) In concychc eUipsoids p=^+j2, ^=p+p-) 111.] We shall give a few examples of the analogies between these surfaces. If parallel tangent planes be drawn to a series of confocal surfaces, and perpendiculars from the centre be let fall upon them, the differences of the squares of these perpendiculars will be inde- pendent of their direction. Thus, let one of the perpendiculars be P* = a« cos* \+b cos* /i + c* cos* v; now 6* = c* + A*, a*= c* + A*, hence pa = c* + A2 cos V + A:* cos* \ ; for any other perpendicular on a parallel plane P 2= c,* + A* cos* /* + A* cos* \ ;| , . hence P*-P*=c*-c,*. j In like manner, if there be any number of concyclic ellipsoids iaving coincident diameters, the differences of the reciprocals of the squares of these diameters are independent of their position. Let cos*o cos*)8 cos*7_ 1 but hence 1_1.A 1=1+1. 1 1 cos*a cos*/S , T 1 1 , cos*a cos*^ ^=^* + -^ + -7^' -d also _=-,+ _^+-^. Consequently 1_1-1_1 (b) p* p*-c* c*- • ^ > 104 ON CONCYCLIC SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. These are simple theorems, but they serve to illustrate the com- plete identity that exists in the analytical investigation of the prin- ciples of duality in all their diversified forms. 112.] Through a given point three central confocal surfaces may be described : an ellipsoid, a continuous and a discontinuous hyper- boloid, or as they are named by French writers, I'hyperboldide a une nappe and I' hyperboloide a deux nappes. Let a, /8, y be the projective coordinates of the point. Let fl2=c2 + F, 62=c2^-A^ a^=cl + k^, b,^ = c,^+h'; a„^=c„^ + k^ b/=Ci^ + h^, then the equation of the surface becomes ¥+¥^c^+h^^7^-^' ^^' or reducing. Now as there are two permanencies and but one variation of sign in this equation, we shall have, by the theory of equations, two of the roots negative and one positive. The product of the squares of the three coincident axes is y' A* k^. Let c', c^, C/i^ be the three roots of this equation, then or as a^=c^ + k^, bf=cf^-h^, we find that or the sum of the square of the major axis of the first surface + the square of the mean axis of the second surface + the square of the least semiaxis of the third surface is equal to four times the square of the distance of the given point from the origin. Had the equation been solved for J', we should have found two of the values of 6* positive and one negative ; while if the equation had been solved for o^, the three values of a' would have been found positive. Thus the three confocal surfaces passing through a point are an ellipsoid, a discontinuous hyperboloid, and a continuous hyperboloid. If the two hyperboloids be assumed as constant and the ellipsoid as variable, the successive points in which the variable ellipsoids meet the curve in which the hyperboloids intersect are " corre- sponding points " in the theory of the attraction of ellipsoids j for since c' c^ Ci^=h^ A' 7', while c^ and c/ are constant, c varies as 7. Had the equation (a) been solved for a^, we should have (fi—a* [a« -I- /3« + y2 + A* + **] 4- a« [a«A« + a«A« + AV + jS*** + h^k^ -a^h^k^=0, ON CONCYCLIC SXTRFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 105 in which there are three variations and no permanence of sign. Hence the three values of a' are positive. Since a« + a« + V=a2 + /32+y« + AHAS «2+{a^S-A«) + (a„*-A*) or a^ + bl' + c,^=a^+^ + y''. 113.] A series of coney die surfaces of the second order touch a given plane whose coordinates are f , v, f- To determine the equation of the axes of these surfaces. Let ««=! 6*=^, c« = i A'=i A« = i then ^2=a«-\^ 'f^a^-K^, and the tangential equation of a surface touching the fixed plane is (a) Reducing this equation, and arranging by powers of a, a? -a* [w* + «« + x2] .|. flS [XV + (X^ + ««) |« + \2^ + k%^'] ] Hence, as there are three variations of sign and no permanence in this equation, the roots are all positive. It may be shown that as the three confocal surfaces which pass through a given point are each one of the three central surfaces of the second order, so of the three concyclic surfaces which touch a given plane one is an ellipsoid, the second a continuous hyper- boloid, and the third a discontinuous hyperboloid. 114.] A common tangent plane is dravm to three concyclic surfaces of the second order, the three points of contact two by two subtend right angles at the centre. Let a«^+AV + c«?2 = l, and a^^-^by + c^^=\, . (a) be the tangential equations of two concyclic surfaces of the second order. Subtracting these equations one from the other, there results (fl*-fl,*)f'+(J*-i,V+(c«-c;)?«=0. . . . (b) But as the surfaces are concyclic, 1-1-1-1 1-1-1-1 1-1-1.1 M a^~a^^k^' b,^~b^'^k^' c^~d'^k^' ■ ' " ^ a*a* hence a'— a,' =-73^, and like expressions for the other axes. The preceding equation (b) may be transformed into aVf*+**V''' + cV?*=0 W Now it has been shown (sec. [96]) that if {x, y, z) be a point of contact of a tangent plane, x=a^Ji, y=b^v, z=c^^; (e) 106 ON CONCYCLIC STTKFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. and if «^j X' V' *^^ **^® angles which the diameter 2r through the point of contact makes with the axes^ cos^=-=-^, cosx=— , cos-^=— ; in like manner for the second point of contact^ cos<^,= -^^, cosx,=-^. cosV^,=-^. ~j '« '/ Making the substitutions suggested by these transformations, the preceding equation (d) becomes /r,(cos^cos^, + cos;^cosxj+cos'^cos'^,)=0, . . (f) or r and r^ are at right angles. 115.] Let there be two coney die ellipsoids, and any point on the external one be assumed as the vertex of a cone enveloping the other, the plane of contact will meet the tangent plane to the first surface through the vertex of the cone in a straight line, such that the diametral plane passing through this line loill be at right angles to the diameter which passes through the vertex of the cone. Let A, B, C be the semiaxes of the external ellipsoid, a, b, c those of the internal ellipsoid. ^^* A«~o* A** B'~62 A*' C*~c2 A*' •••(*) and let p, q, r be the projective coordinates of the vertex of the cone. Now Bsp, q,r are the projective coordinates of the point on the external surface through which the tangent plane is drawn, we shall p=K%, q=-B,\, r=C%, (b) f,, v„ and {) being the tangential coordinates of the tangent plane to the external surface through the vertex of the cone. Again, as p, q, r are the projective coordinates of the vertex of the cone circumscribing the interior surface, the tangential coor- dinates of ^e polar plane of this point will be given by the equations p = a%„ q=l^„, r=c%„ (c) f//' "«» ?« being the tangential coordinates of the polar plane of the vertex of the cone with respect to the interior surface. Now the equations of the right line which is the intersection of the two planes whose coordinates are f„ v„ ^, and f„, v„, ^,„ are f-f/=fef" (?-?/), and v-v,='^' (?-?;) : see sec. [64]. ON CONCYCLIC SURFACES OP THE SECOND ORDER. 107 manner ?„-?,= p, and v„-v,-^. Consequently the equations of the right line now become ^ A2~ »-V^ CV' or 1=1 f+/>(-p-g-,); also v=2f+ r—z,=f^^,. j • • ' K ) Now the cosines of the angles which the line drawn from the vertex of the circumscribing cone to the point of contact of the tangent plane being X,, /x,, v,, we shall have cos V, r—z, f/ cos V, r—z, ^' ' ' ' ^ ' But if we let fall on this tangent plane to the interior surface a perpendicular P from the centre m idling the angles \, fi, v with the axes, we shall have COS\_Pf,_f^ cos fJ,_Vi cos v"? ~^i' cos v"?/ or \=\, n=ii„ v=v„ or the line from the vertex of the cone to the point of contact of the interior tangent plane is parallel to the perpendicular from the centre on the same tangent plane, and is therefore perpendicular to this latter. To determine the length P, of the line from the vertex of the cone to the point of contact of the tangent plane to the interior surface. Since P«= (i»-a?,)«+ {q-y,)^+ {^r-z^\ V=m?-^y?Hr) = ^ or ?,?=/*. . . . (f) Hence the product of the perpendiculars from the centre and from the vertex of the cone on the interior tangent plane is con- stant. ON CONCYCLIC SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 109 P, is the normal passing through the point of contact of the tangent plane to the interior surface ; to determine the coordinates of the point in which it will meet the plane of XY, suppose. The projective equations of this normal are To determine the point where this normal meets the plane of XY, we must put 2=0, and the preceding equations hecome Xi=a%, yi=b\, z,=c%. but Hence Now ^1 and v, are the reciprocals of the segments cut off the axes of X and Y by the trace on the plane of XY made by the tangent plane, and x and y are the coordinates of the foot of the normal. Hence this curious but well-known relation, that if we construct the ellipse the squares of whose semiaxes are a*— c* and a^—d^, the foot of the normal and the trace of the tangent plane on the plane of XY will be pole and polar with respect to this section. To determine the length of the normal N from the vertex of the cone to the plane of XY, W=(p-x)^+{q-y)^ + r''. But we have shown that x= («^— c')f, and y=(6*— c*)i/,. Hence N« = (A« - a« + c*) %« + (B* - A* + c«) V + C"?,'. It may easily be shown that A*— a* + c* = C*, and that B'— 6* -f- c* is also equal to C*. Hence N«=C''(?/-l-v/+S;*)=p, or NP=C«- But we have shown that V,V=P, subtracting, P(N-P,) =C*-/'=c«. 117.] Parallel planes are drawn to a series ofeonfocal ellipsoids ; to determine the locus of the points of contact. Let S+P+S=i (^) be the equation of one of the ellipsoids ; and as they are confocal, let a^=(^+k^, *2=c« + A* (b) Let f , V, f be the tangential coordinates of one of the parallel planes, then x=a% y=b%, z = c^^; (c) and as these planes must be parallel, let ?=»»?, v=w?. (d) 110 ON CONCYCLIC SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. From these eight equations we must eliminate a, h, c, f, v, ?, and this elimination will afford ns a double locus for the point W V z 'Now a?=fl«|=(c« + F)OT?, y={c^ + h^)n^, and ^=c*?; from these three equations, eliminating c and f, we get nh^x—mk^y + mnfjc^ — h^)z=0, . . . . (e) the equation of a diametral plane of the surface. Now as a«=|=— =— and c^=a^-k^, we find ««= J^, J«=-*^, and <^=a--k^=J^^. x—mz y—nz x—mz Substituting these values of a*, 6', c* in (a), we get, after some reductions, a?" y* xr^ wyz (\—m^xz _ ... k^^h^ F A« "^ »bA« ~ ^ > This is the equation of a one sheet or continuous hyperboloid whose centre is at the centre of the confocal ellipsoids. Hence the locus of the points of contact of the parallel tangent planes with the confocal ellipsoids is a curve, the intersection of the diametral plane (e) with the discontinuous hyperboloid (f ). 118.] To a series of concyclic surfaces talent planes are drawn touching the surfaces in the points where they are pierced by a common diameter ; to find the surface enveloped by these tangent planes. Let a«p + AV+c«?«=l (a) be the tangential equation of one of the surfaces, c being the greatest axis, and as they are concyclic, we shall have Let ^,v,^he the tangential coordinates of one of the tangent planes, and let x, y, z be the projective coordinates of the point of contact of one of these planes ; then let x=mz, y=^m; . (c) also let x=a^^, y=b''v, z=c^^; . . . . (d) now between the eight equations (a), (b), (c), (d), we have to elimi- nate the six quantities x, y, z, a, b, c. Since x==a% f=5= J='»^(|+p) = '»c«?(i + i). Hence ON CONCYCLIC SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. Ill but ^= .g. o. J equating these values of -^, we get {k^-h^)mn^+mh^v-nk^^=0, (e) the tangential equation of a point at infinity. ,.J2iS^, also 6-*!(i^z±«^ c-*!(iz;^). . (f) Substituting these values of a^, 6% c' in the tangential equation of the surface, we get A«f' + AV-A«?2-«AH+^^-^^f?=l, . . (g) the tangential equation of a continuous hyperboloid. Hence, as the plane envelopes a hyperboloid and passes through a point situated at infinity, the locus is an hyperbolic cylinder. The reader wDl doubtless have remarked the duality that exists between several of the foregoing problems. In the two latter espe- cially, the diametral plane in the confocal surfaces is the polar plane of the point at infinity, the common direction of the axes of all the cylinders which envelope the concyclic siurfaces ; while these cylinders are themselves the polars of the several curves in which the diametral plane cuts the confocal surfaces. It wUl be shown, as we proceed with these investigations, that every surface of the second order that admits of circular sections has four directrix planes parallel to the planes of the circular sec- tions, two by two. In the case of the elliptic paraboloid two of the directrix planes are at infinity. These planes may be called the umbilical directrix planes. It will also be shown that in every such surface there are four foci, the poles of the umbilical directrix planes, and distinct from the foci of the principal sections of the surface. By the help of these umbilical directrix planes and corresponding foci may all the properties of spheres and surfaces of revolution of the second order be transformed and transferred to surfaces with three unequal axes. 112 ON THE SURFACE OF THE CENTHES OF CHAPTER XII. ON THE SURFACE OF THE CENTRES OF CURVATURE OF AN ELLIPSOID*. 119.] It is well known to geometers that the lines of greatest and least curvature at any point on the surface of an ellipsoid are at right angles to each other, and that they may be constructed by the intersections of two confocal hyperbolas, one continuous, the other discontinuous, or as they are usually called, a single-sheet one and a double-sheet one. It is also known that these three surfaces are reciprocally orthogonal, or that any two of them cut the third along its lines of curvature where the three intersect in a point. If we fix on the ellipsoid as the surface whose lines of curvature are in question, and normals be drawn to the surface of the ellipsoid along any given line of curvature, the radii of curva- ture will not only lie on these normals at the successive points, but they will all, taken indefinitely near to each other, constitute a developable surface, and the line of centres of curvature will con- stitute its edge of regression. Hence if we draw tangent planes to the two hyperboloids at this point, they will intersect in the normal to the ellipsoid, and will also be tangent planes to the above deve- lopable surface. Let the equation of the ellipsoid referred to its axes and passing through the point (a?, y, z,) be a« + ^ + ^-l> (a) then the equation of the tangent plane passing through the point {x, y, zj) will be a* ^ A« ^ c« ' ^°> and the tangential coordinates of this tangent plane will be P=^ v=^' t—^ r„\ Let the equation of the tangent plane to one of the hyperboloids passing through the point {x,y,z^ be * The con^deration of this surface, first imagined by Monge, but not discussed by him, will be found to throw some light on the nature of the vmbilici, and of the lines of curvature passing through them, relative to which there has been CUKVATURE OF AN ELLIPSOID. 113 or, as the surfaces are confocalj we may put Hence b^=a^+b^-a^, cf=a^ + c^-a^, J • • • W and the preceding equation may be written The tangential equation of the hyperboloid passing through the point {x, y, z^ is therefore fl,T+«+A«-a*)w^+K« + c2-a2)^=l. . . (g) Hence we have x,=a^^, yi=b^v, z,=zc^^. (h) But as the tangent planes are at right angles^ one to the other, we must have S^ + v,v+^=0; (i) or, substituting for f „ v„ 5) their values as given in (c), the preceding equation becomes 3?+|v+S?=0; (j) substituting for x,, y,, z, their values given in (h), we obtain p+v'+!:'=(«'-««)|g+^+gJ (1) If we now refer to the tangential equation of the hyperboloid (g) we shall find or [^+i^+}^){a^-a^)-a^^ + b^i^+(^^-l. . . (m) Comparing this equation with the preceding, we may eliminate (o*— a *)., and obtain as the tangential equation of the " surface of centres " (f8 + „2 + 5*)s=||+^' + |J(a8f' + 6V + c«r-l). • (n) This is the tangential equation of the " surface of centres of cur- vature," or, as it may for brevity be called, the surface of centres. 120.] This surface consists of two sheets — one generated by the successive normals to the surface along one line of curvature, the second by the successive normals along the corresponding line of curvature. Let a perpendicular F on a tangent plane to the surface of centres make the angles X, /it, v with the axes of coordinates, then as Pf s=cos X, Pi;=cos/t, Pf=cosj', the last equation may I 114 ON THE SUBFACB OF THE CENTBES OF be written [?^+S=PQR-»-l=0 (b) Let the partial differentials of this expression be taken succes- sively with respect to f, v, and f; hence dP . QR + dQ . PR -2PQ . dB d4>=- R» (c) But consequently ^-2f dQ_ dR_ d^ -=2[^ + PRa«-2PQ]fR-»; . . or, since PQ=R', we obtain f =2f[§+P«^-2R]R-. .... We have now to find the value of the expression d^ ^ , d^ . d^ ^ . dF^+dir*'+d?f=^- Making the necessary substitutions. (d) (e) or hence or A=2[QP+PQ+P-2R]-2,or A=^; d$ df.A" ^-|-Pa«-2R^ =x. x=- 6' ^+?'''+^?'-^«+^+F"'+7.i:'-2?'-2«'-2?' CtTRVATURE OF AN ELLIPSOID. 121 and reducing; y— \Q-'i)'^<-t)'^-h\ T -_ ^ aS + ^2 + c2 >, ^=-'= SS 3 C3 (f) ^ U2 ?2" 2-4- — 0.5- as-t-ja + ca having found like expressions for ^ and z. If we introduce the relations established in the second form of the equation of the surface of centres, see (c), sec. [120], we may easUy show, though not at first sight apparent, that the preceding equations satisfy the criterion of duality, x^+yv+z^=l. By the help of these three equations and the tangential equation of the surface of centres, we may eliminate f, w, 5> and express the projective equation of the surface of centres in terms of x, y, and z. The projective equation of the surface of the centres of curvature has been given by Dr. Salmon, Professor of Divinity in the Uni- versity of Dublin, and published in the Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics of Feb. X858. Although this surface has been familiarly known to the conti- nental mathematicians since the time of Monge, none of them has ventured to grapple with the enormous difficulties which stand in the way of exhibiting its projective equation, or its equation in aiyz. These difficulties have been surmounted by Dr. Salmon ; and the resulting equation, which is of the twelfth degree, contains no fewer than eighty-three terms. 125.] To show the power and exemplify the reach of the combi- nation of the methods of projective and tangential coordinates, it will be an apposite illustration to discuss the reciprocal polar of the " surface of centres." This investigation will afford a further instance of the great law which pervades all geometrical truths, that if one method of investigation be more easily applied to the discussion of the properties of curves or curved surfaces, their reciprocal polars will be best investigated by the other. The reciprocal theorem to that of the surface of centres is the following : — 122 ON THE 8X7BFACE OF THE CENTRES OF Let there be three concyclic surfaces cf the second order touched by a common tangent plane in three points; these points, two by two, will subtend right angles at the centre, and the locus of all the points of contact with the two variable hyperboloids will be a sutface which may be called the " surface of contacts." Its projective equation may be found as follows. Let the tangential equations of two of the surfaces^ having a common tangent plane, be a«f +*2i;S + c«g«=l, and 0;«|*+J,V+c«?»=l. . . (a) Subtracting one of these equations from the other, we shall have (a«-o;)r'+(6«-J,«)t;« + (c«-c;)r«=0; . . (b) and as these sur&ces are concyclic, we shall have fl« a*~6« 6«~c« c«~A« ^^' Making these substitutions in the preceding equation, there results flVP +*'*/*«* +c%T=0 (d) Let the projective equation of one of the hyperboloids be X? . y? . z? ZLj-ei-o-il-— I i^\ a^^bf^c*~^' ^^> and the equation of the tangent plane to this surface passing through the point x,, y„ z, be *i Vi z, ^,^+^y+-4^=i; ...... (f) and as this must coincide with the second of (a), we shall have afl^=Xp bfv=y„ c«f=ar„ \ Substituting these values in (d), we shall obtain aV2^ + i^*,V + cVC«=^+%V^'=0,. . (h) J . "i "i f^i or, reducing, (i-^)(''V+4^,*+c«r,«)=(:r«+y*+z,'). . . (i) Equation (e) may be written in the form or CURVATUBE OF AN ELLIPSOID. 123 Eliminating the quantity (—^ , j between this and the preceding expression, we find for the resulting equation omitting the traits as no longer necessary. This is the equation of the " surface of contacts." This equation may be written = (ft«-c«)«flV^'+ (a'-c')'A'*'^'+ (o'-*'')'c«a?V- (m) If, instead of taking the concyclic surfaces with independent axes, and thus investigating the equation of the " surface of con- tacts " directly, we had derived the concyclic surfaces from the confocal surfaces of which they are the reciprocal polars, we should have obtained a projective equation for the surface of contacts more nearly in accord with the tangential equation of the surface of centres than the one above given. To show this, let the radius of the polarizing sphere be r, the radius of the polarizing sphere being quite arbitrary ; and let a, b, c, be the semiaxes of the concyclic ellipsoid; then, writing ;r, y, z tor h v> K, r^ , r^ r« a=-, o=-r, c= — ; a, b, c, making these substitutions in (n), sec. [119], and omitting the traits as no longer necessary, we shall find (^*+y«+r«)«=[g+g+^(aV+AV <^ + c^z^-r*), . (n) which is identically the same in form as the tangential equation of the surface of centres. This equation may also be reduced to the form = (i9_c«)«a«yV+ (a'-c*)**'^'-^^+ (a*- A')*cVy«.J ^°' It should be observed that while the axes in the confocal sur- faces are in the order of magnitude a > 6 > c, in the concyclic surfaces they are in the order of magnitude c>b>a. We may show that this surface of contacts has four edges of contact perpendicular to the plane o{xz. To show this, let a?* =7-3 — =77-3 — n7» ^—ts eww — «• Substitute these values of x and z in (o), and we shall have ^=-, or any point taken on the axis of Y wiU be on the surface. 124 THE METHOD OF TANGENTIAL COOBDINATES The sections of the surface of contacts in the plane of xz will be the curves and or (ffl«-A*)«cV+ (A«-cS)«aV=r*a«c«, (o*_j.)sf_ + (ft3_c8)»f._^. (P) of which the former is the reciprocal polar of the evolute of an ellipse^ while the latter is an ellipse. We shall find that these two curves have four common points of contact. For if we make the variables x and z in each equal, the resulting value of z will be given by the expression {a^-(?)\b^-^fz*-2{a^-(?) (4«-cV'^-2'+c*»*=0 J but as this is a perfect square the two values of z^ merge into one, and the resulting value becomes (ffl*-c*)(6«-c*) ' in like manner r«=- (q) ■(a«-c*)(a«-6«)' and these are precisely the values of x^ and z'^, which, substituted in the equation of the surface of contacts, give the value of y under the indefinite form ^=7^- CHAPTER XIII. ON THE APPLICATION OF THE METHOD OF TANGENTIAL COORDINATES TO THE INVESTIGATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF TRANSCENDENTAL AND OTHER CURVES OF A HIGHER ORDER THAN THE SECOND. On the tangential equation of the Caustic by reflection of the Circle*. 126.] Let the projective equation of the circle be a;*+y*s=4a' (a) * The general solution of this problem long baffled the skill of the most expert analysts; at length M. Gergonne announced, 'Amudes de Math^matiques,' tom. XV. p. 346, " J'^tais, depuis quelque temps, en possession de I'^quation de Ia caustique par inflexion sur le ceicle, qui n'avait encore 6\i& donn^e par personne ; mais je I'avais obtenu par des calculs trop prolizes, et sous ime forme trop peu ^Iggante pour songer a la publier," &c. Some tuie after, the complete solution was given in the seventeenth volume of the same work bv M. de St. liauient, but in a most complicated and un- manageable form. — [Tfote to first edition.] APPLIED TO TRANSCENDENTAL CURVES. 125 Let the axis of X pass through the radiating point, or " radiant," as for shortness it may be called. Let p be the reciprocal of RO, Fig. 21. >ai the distance of the radiant firom the centre ; then, as the lines RF, PC make equal angles with the radius FO, we shall have RF:FC::RO:OC; but OC=^, OD=a7, FD=y, hence y'+(*+^) = y'+(^-|) • = ^« =p or reducing, and putting 4a* for y*+a?*, we get, dividing by the factor (f— p), (b) ^-''=2^«- If we draw a tangent to the circle at F, meeting the axis X in t, then Ot:= — and jt-s^tj— ; hence yr-, P, and— p are in arith- X 2a* Ot Ot '^ metical progression, and therefore Or, ^ and are in harmonical progression, which should be the case, seeing that FR, FO, FC, FT constitute an harmonic pencil. 1— jrf Since the dual equation gives y^ — — , combining this with (b) and the projective equation of the circle a*+y*^4ffl^ we may eli. minate y and x, so that the resulting equation becomes 4o«(f«+w*)[l-o*(?-p)«]=H-4a«p?, . . . (c) the tangential equation of the caustic of the circle by reflection. 126 THE METHOD OF TANGENTIAL COORDINATES This equation may also be written 4««(f + i;*)[l-o{?-p)][l+a(f-p)]=l+4flVf. • (d) When the radiant is at infinity^ or p=0, the equation becomes 4ffl«(P + i/«)(l-fl«?«)=l (e) We shall show further on that this is the tangential equation of an epicycloid, the radius of the base circle being twice that of the rolling circle*. If we solve (c) for v we obtain .= l-2a-g(g-p) . ...... (f) 2aV'l-a*{f-p)« ^ ' Hence, if we assign a series of values to ^, we shall obtain corre- sponding values for v, so that the caustic may be defined or set out by the successive positions of the limiting tangent. * The learned and accompliahed editor of the Mathematical Papers in the ' Educational Times,' Mr. W. J. Miller of Huddersfield, derives the projective equations of the bicusped hvpocycloid and cardioid from the general tangential equation of the caustic as follows. " As an example of the method of finding theprq/ective equation from the tan- gential equation, let us take the catacanstic of the circle for parallel rays ; then, by putting p=0 in equation (c), the tangential equation is found to be ♦ = 4o»(l -a»f )(f +1/') - 1 =0. "Now assume dn'^=2 ; for as the arcs of the circles which have been in contact are equals putting for the moment this angle as -^j r^=2nr^ or '^=2«^. Hence the angle OBC=Mi^, OC=i and the angle BCD = (n+l)^. Conse- quently in the triangle OBC, OB : OC : : sin OCB : sin OBC, or 2{n + l)r : ^ : : sin (m-|-1)^ : sinn^, or fr_ 8in(w-H)<^ , . *^~2r(«+l)sinM^ ^' It is manifest that the limiting tangent meets the axis of Y at a distance - from the origin, which wiU be equal to OC x tan OCY, or -=^tan (m + 1)^ ; or substituting the value of f found above, _ cos(w-H)0 „ ''~2r(» + l)sinn«^" '' ' Eliminating the trigonometrical functions of ^ between these two equations, we shall obtain an equation between ^ and v, the tangential equation of the epicycloid. When the circle rolls on the inside of the fixed circle, we must take its radius with the negative sign, so that the formulae .._ sin(« + l)^ _ cos(m + l)^ ^~2r(» + l) sinra^' " ~2r (re ±1) sin m^ • • ■ W will answer for hypocycloids as well as epicycloids. Squaring these expressions and adding, we find 4r«(« + l)*(|«-|-i;*)sin*«0=l, . . . . (d) which enables us in all cases to find the value of sin n^, and also of cos n in terms of ^ and v. 130.] We shall now proceed to apply this theory to the following selected cases — namely, when r=-^ or »=1, when r=B, or »=i, B, whenr=-i- or re=2: we shall also consider the case when the radius of the circle rolling inwardly is one half that of the base circle. (a) In the general formulae for epicycloids, let n=l, and the expressions (a) and (b) in the last section become 2rf= ^^ . ^ . and 2 sm ^ 2rv= ^^?-?| also 16r«(5« -|- w«) sin^ ,/,= ]. ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOIDS. 131 Now 2rg= "°jJ'°^'P = COS <(,, or sin« ^ = 1 - 4r«^. Eliminating sin* , tte equation of the epicycloid becomes 16r«(£2 + w*)(l-4r«|«) = l (a) But this is the equation that we found for the caustic by reflexion, see sec. [126] (e), when the radiant is at infinity. If we put 2r=a,the equation becomes 4a'(g' + w*)(l — a'|*) = l, which is iden- tical with (e) in sec [126] . (/3) To determine the epicycloid when n=|. The general formulae become sinOj^ 2,,^ cos(l-,j)^ . . . (b) f sin|^ f smi^ Let =20. The equations now become „ , sin 3d _ cos 3d 3rg= ■ „ , 3rv= . „ ■ sm e sm d Hence 9r«(P + 1^) sin» 6=1. Now 3r^sind=sin30cosd + cos2d8ind. Dividing by sind, 3>^=2cos«d + (cos«d— sin«d)=3— 4sin«d, or 4sin«d=3{l-rf), hence 27r'(f* + w*)(l— rf)=4j or if we put r=|a, this equation becomes «*(P + «'*)(3-2flf) = l (b) This is the tangential equation of the cardioid, and is identical with the equation for the caustic by reflexion, when the radiant is at the extremity of the horizontal diameter of the reflecting circle, see (a), sec. [127]. (y) Let ra=2, or let the base circle receive four undulations of the epicycloid. The general equations become - fc sin 36 „ cos3(f>) * sm 2(f> "" ^'*' ' or 6V«(f2 + ««)8in' sin20' sin2<^C (<^) L«.2^=l. ) Let sin 20 =c, cos 2^ = V 1 — c*- Then sin0 + cos0= ^1+c, sin(/) — cos0= v'l — c, 2sin0= Vl+cH- Vl — c, 2cos0= -/l+c— sin , and Grv . c= cos 3^= cos 20 cos 6 — sin 20 sin 0. Multiplying these expressions together, we shall have 6V«^w*=sin 20 cos 20 cos* 0— sin 20 cos 20 sin« + cos* 20 sin cos 0— sin* 20 cos sin 0. k2 w 132 ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOtDS. Hence 6V'Ji;c'=sin2(^cos'2^ + (cos'2^— sin*2^) sin^cos^. Substituting the values for these sines and cosines as given in (d), we shall have 6*r*fi/c*=3c— 4c* ; or dividing by t? and squaring, 6V^t;« 9 24 —^9 ^-c^ + 16; (e) and if we substitute for -5 its value as given in (c), namely 6V(^ + t;'), on making the necessary reductions we shall find 27r2[432»^fw«-27r2(^ + u2)+2](f' + t;9) = l. . . (f) This is the tangential equation of the quadrantal epicycloid. Another solution of this question may be given. 131.] Since R=4r, ra=2, and the general equations become Gr^ sin 2^= sin 3<^ and 6rv sin 2^=cos 30, consequently 36r«(^ + t;«)sin220=l, and sin3<^=-;=L=^. . . (a) Let 36r2(f2 + i;«)8in«2(^=a2iir*sin«.2(/.=l. . . . (b) hence 2^ = 2sin*20cos'0 + 2cos220sin*0 + 4sin20cos 2<^8in0cos<^. (c) Now 8m'2<^=;^, cos«20=— .-^ =-5-,, writing M for a^w*— 1 ; 2cos^0=°^+ >^^, 2sin«0=?^:iLlH. A'sr Making these substitutions in the preceding value for sin 3^, we shall have 2^«a8«r=a3««+ v'M(4-a2«r9). Putting a=f R, we shall obtain for the tangential equation of the quadrantal epicycloid : — (3R)«(|2 + i;2)|V=[16-27R2(^ + i;*)]«. . . (e) On the Epicycloid whose base is a Semicircle. 132.] In this case R=2r, and, as generally R=:2Mr, n=\, and the general formulae in sec. [129] become f._ sin 20 _ cos 20 ^~4rsin0' ""iTsm^ ^^' Eliminating the trigonometrical functions, which presents no ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOIDS. 133 difficulty, we shall finally obtain as the tangential equation of the semicircular epicycloid : — 16r«{l-r«f)(^+„«)=l (b) When the limiting tangent is parallel to the axis of X, f =0, and v=-T-, as we might have anticipated. When rf = 1 , the equation becomes 16r*(f* + u*) xO = l,ori/=Qo, hence the limiting tangent at the cusp passes through the centre of the base circle. On Hypoeyelmds. The general formulae, as given in sec. [129], which hitherto have been used to obtain the tangential equations of epicycloids may with the same facility be applied to the investigation of the pro- perties of hypocycloids, by taking the radius of the rolling circle as negative. 133.] To determine the equation of the hypocycloid, when the radius of the rolling circle is one half that of the base circle. In the general formulae, sec. [129] , ^ jinjre-l)^ „^.^_ cos(m-l)^ ^ (w— l)sinM^' (w — l)sinn^' let «=1, and they become 2rS='p^^=M, 2n,=52i(lfl)i. . . . (f) * (1 — l)sm<^ (1 — l)sm^ How are these expressions to be interpreted ? Since (1 — 1)^ is an indefinitely small angle, we may write (1 — 1)^ instead of sin (1 — 1)0, and then dividing by (1 — 1), ^=-^-T ^ finite quantity ; but since cos (1-1)0=1, «'=-(riny^i^=5=*' •••(g) hence, as f is finite and v is infinite, the limiting tangent always coincides with the axis of X, as we might have anticipated ; for the locus of the tracing point on the hypocycloid is the diameter of the base circle. 134.] On the hypocycloid whose radius is one fourth that of the base circle. In this case ra=5, and the general equations (c) in sec. [129] become 134 ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOIDS. hence TEpih-'^h^ ^"^ If we put R for the radius of the base circle, R=4r, and the equation of the hypocycloid becomes f' + i;«=R«f2„2 (b) Since ^ and - denote the intercepts of the axes made by the limiting tangent, and since the sum of the squares of these inter- cepts is constant, we may infer that if a line of constant length revolves between the sides of a right angle, it will envelope a qna- drantal hypocycloid. 135.] To determine the involute of the guadrantal Hypocycloid. The projective equation of this curve is a?*+yi==a* (a) Let / be the length of the string or elastic radius measured from the extremity A of the horizontal axis of the hypocycloid at the com- mencement of the motion at G ; then at any point P on the hypocy- cloid, the varying radius PT of the involute at this point will be the line I, plus s the arc of the hypocycloid AP ; and as this line is per- pendicular to the limiting tangent QT, it is also a tangent to the hypocycloid. Now in sec. [5] we have shown that the length of a perpendicular let fall from a given point P on a limiting tangent is = — ^ ; or as /+ s is the length of the perpendicular, and the VP + ir projective coordinates of P are ar and — y, we get /4-,=i5^^ (b) but ~ derived from (a) is the tangent of the angle that the varying radius (which is a tangent to the hypocycloid) makes with the axis of X, and this line is at right angles to the limiting tangent QTj hence t;^dy_yi f da: ar* or consequently - x=- * (f^+u^)^' (e-^v^)y (c) ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HVPOCYCLOIDS. 135 ti G Now the are s, measured from A to P, is = f a*y*, or » = ^a -^ ^. Substituting these values of s, x, and y in the expression for the perpendicular (b)^ we obtain on reduction [(?+«)f^+(/+iy]'=r+»'S • . (d) the tangential equation of the involute of the quadrantal hypocycloid. It is obvious that when I, the length of the strings the continuation of the elastic radius *, is very large as compared with a, the equa- tion approximates to the tangential equation of a circle ; and when i=0, or when the tracing point begins with A, the vertex of the hypocycloid, the equation becomes {a^ + ^-ff=^+v^ (^) 136.] On the projective equation of the involute of the quadrantal Hypocycloid. The projective equation of the quadrantal hypocycloid is a?»+y*=a* (a) The tangential equation of its involute, as shown in the preceding section, is ^ + v^=l[k + a)^+{k-a)v^Y, . . . (b) hence ^=[4^(A + a)-2]?, ^=li^(k-a)-2]v, . (c) 136 ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOIDS. and A=Sf+^«'=2«S putting f +i;*=tiT'; Qf av consequently ^^x=:l2is[k + a)-l'\i; ^^y=[2,s[k-a)-l]v. . (d) The equation of the curve (b) may be written It may also be put under the forms ■er=kv'^-avr^ + 2a^, or ■a=kia^ + a'B^-2av^,) or • . (e) 2a^=isf-{k-a)is^, 2av^={k+a)vr^—a. ) K we square the expressions in (d) we shall have Adding these expressions, bearing in mind that 0« + i;2=CT«, and that i^-v^=' ^^~^'°'\ from (e), dividing by u*, and putting U for [a;« + jr* + 4(A«-o«)], we shall have Ui!r2=8Ai!r-3 (g) If we subtract the equations in (f ) one from the other, we shall find or putting V for a(a?«-y«) ^A^kljc^-a^), the resulting equation becomes ViBr»=8A«iir«-5AtJ + l (h) If we multiply this equation by 3, and add (g) to it, the resulting equation becomes 3V«r«=(24A«-U)i!r-7A (i) Eliminating ir from the two quadratic equations U«r*=8A«r-8, 1 3Vt!r«=(24A«-U)«r-7*,J ^^ we shall obtain the resulting expression in terms of ar*, y*, k, and a, the projective equation of the involute of the quadiantal hypo- cycloid. The elunination of vt gives the final result, U iW- 13A«U + 128/t«] =V[18*U + 128A»-27V], . (k) where U=a?« + y«4-4{F-o'), and Y=a{x'^-y^) + 4,k{k^~a% ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOIDS. 137 137.] On the tangential equation of the trigonal Hypocycloid. In this case R=s3r j hence, as B,=2nr, w=f j and if we substi- tute this value of n in the general equations, f._ 8in(w — 1)<^ _ cos(ra— 1)<^ , . ^~2r(n—l)smn4>' *'~2r{n-l) sinn^' ' • ' ^^> putting =s20, we shall have f._ sing _ cosd ... ^~rsin3^ ""r sin 30 ^^' Hence rS({9 + u«)sin«3g=l (c) Dividing the expressions in (b) one by the other, we shall have said= — 7===, cos 5= — ,, . sin 20= i COS 20=^2-^2. But sin 30 = sin 20 cos + cos 20 sing (d) Substituting the preceding values of these expressions, sin3g=M!d±iH!r:m But (c) gives sin 30= />a ■ au - Hence, equating these values of sin 30, rf[3i;«-f2]=f*+i;« (e) We shall arrive at a more symmetrical equation of this curve if we choose the inclination of the axes at such an angle as will enable us to place two successive cusps of the curve on the axes of coordi- nates. Let the coordinate angle be 120°. Then, by the help of the formula given in sec. [4], which enables us to pass from a rec- tangular system to an oblique one, that is to say, V, — ^COS(k> w=-* — r , sinci) as m^ 120°, we shall have v = — '-r=- • V3 Substituting this value of v in the preceding equation, we shall have, putting B for the radius of the base circle, Rfy(?+w)=r' + w*+ff, (f) a symmetrical equation in ^ and v. 138 ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOIDS. This equation may be written in the form Now i and - are the segments of the axes of coordinates cut off by the tangent to the hypocycloid. Let I be the length of this tangent between the axes, and s, s, the segments of the axes cut off by it ; then, as ^—m+-;^+t^> ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ R(« + «j=Z*, (h) or S + 8, or the sum of the squares of the sides is to the sum of the sides in a constant ratio, while in the quadrantal hypocycloid the sum of the squares is constant. Let P be the perpendicular from the centre on the limiting tan- gent to the trigonal hypocycloid. It may be shown that 138.} On the tangential equation of the hexagonal Hypocycloid. Let the radius of the revolving circle be one sixth of the radius of the base circle, or R=2nr=6r or «=3. Hence the general expressions now become sin 2.^ cos 2^ *^* sin3^' * sin 3^ Consequently 16r«(f*+w«)sin«3^=l (a) We shall also have sm 2A= — ,J . cos 2d> = — -==r-, 2cos«<^= ^* , 28in^^= ^' . (b) * It is beside the purpose of this work further to develope the numerous and beautiful properties of this curve, which in accordance with analogy I have named the trigonal hypocycloid. The ol^ect of this work is rather to develope new methods of investigation than to discuss at length properties of particular curves or surfaces. There is the less need to do so in the present case, as the properties of the tricusp hypocycloid have been made the subject of profound investigations by MM. Chaales, Cremona, and Steiner on the continent, and amongst ourselves by Messrs. Clifford, Laverty, Townsend, and others. The subject will be found treated with much elegance and research in the mathematical portion of the ' Educational Times ' and other like publications. ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOIDS. 139 Now 2 sin* 3^= 2 sin* 2^ cos* ^ + 2 cos* 2^ sin* cos 2^ sin ^ cos ^. j (c) Substituting the preceding values of these expressions, and equating the two values of sin S, we finally obtain [l-8r*($* + w*)]*(|* + u2) = 64r*i;2(3p-i;*)*. (d) the tangential equation of the hexagonal hypocycloid. To exhibit the tangential equations of epicycloids and hypo- cycloids of more numerous convolutions than those above inves- tigated, would require the solution of cubic and still higher equa- tions. 139.] On the tangential equation of the Cycloid. The cycloid may be considered as an epicycloid, the radius of the fixed circle being infinite. Let A, the initial position of the moving point in contact with the horizontal straight line, be taken at the origin of coordinates, and let the circle be conceived as having rolled forward so as to bring the point A into the position P. Then, as in the case of epicycloids, the limiting tangent is at right angles to the momentary radius PQ of the circle whose centre is the point of contact Q of the rolling circle with the horizontal line or axis of X, the other extremity being the tracing- point P. Hence the limiting tangent always passes through B, the extremity of the vertical diameter of the rolling circle. Let and u be the tangential coor- dinates of the limiting tangent, and let r.2<^ be the arc which the circle has rolled over, ^ being =QBX ; then manifestly, since QX = arc QA, plus the tangential coordinate AX, we shall have 2rtan^=2r<^-l-g (a) Pig. 24. (b) Now tan^=^, and «^=tan-'(^jj consequently we shall have 2rf [|-tan-(|)]=l, or 2r [v-ftan-'(p]=l, the tangential equation of the cycloid. If, instead of taking the origin at the extremity of the curve, we take' it at the centre. of the base, or at the distance nr from the first then using the formulae given in sec. [3] for the trans- origin. 140 ON EFICYCLOIDS AND HYFOCYCLOIDS. »>=; formation of coordinates^ namely . g, „_ l-p^^-qv/ " 1-p^^-qv/ by which the translation of the origin and axes of coordinates in parallel directions may be effected. In this case we shall have p^nr, and 5=0. Hence the fonnulje now become V f= ^1 v=- " I-tttB; l-nrf/ (c) Substituting these values in (b), we shall have 2^/ + 2r?,[|-tan-0] = l. Now it may easily be shown that the tangent of f^— tan- ■ (^') 1 - f is — . Hence the tangential equation of the cycloid, when the origin is translated to the middle of the base, is 2rrt; + ftan-«(|)]=l (d) 140.] The vertex V and the hypotenuse AB of a right-angled triangle are given in posi- p. „_ tion. The sides are VA **^" ''^^ and VB, while VP is the perpendicular on the hypo- tenuse. The line AB is taken always equal to the circular arc PQ. The line drawn through D parallel to VA will envelope a cy- cloid. Let VP=2r, and the angle PVQ=<^. Then we shall have PQ=2r^=AD, and PA=2rcot^, and cot^=|. ButPD=PA+AD, or 2r[v+ftan-'(^] = l, an equation which exactly coincides with (d), the tangential equation of a cycloid, the origin bemg at the middle point of the base. 141.] On the tangential equation of the Logarithmic curve. Let the projective equation of the logarithmic curve be y=aJi, and, without detracting from the generality of the expression, we may take a as the base of the system of logarithms whose modulus ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOIDS. 141 is m; then ^ = -^; but -/=-£; hence— ^=- A and ax m dx v a v y=i—m-; substituting this value of y in the dual equation yv=l— «£, we shall find £=^1+1) (^) and the tangential equation of the logarithmic curve becomes r™5^ +e'+'»f=0 (b) I) \a v/ In any curve the subtangent s=lx—^j ; but in the logarithmic a?=g+»», as in (a) ; substituting this value of a?, 8=m, or the subtangent is constant. When f =sw, or when the tangent is inclined at half a right angle to the axis of X, y= — m. When a?=0, »»0=— 1, and the general equation (b) becomes I 1 +l,or-=a. \ av J V 142.] On the tangential eqitation of the Cissoid. Let the projective equation of the cissoid be a?(a;«+y«)-o/=F=0 (a dF dF dP dF Then finding the values of -j— , -j— , and of j— ^ + ;i— i we shall have ^ 3b— 2a? , 4(o-a;)s ax a^sr Eliminating x, we shall obtain for the tangential equation of the cissoid, the expression 2raV=4(flf-l)3 (b) 143.] On the tangential equation of the Lemniscate. Let the projective equation of the lemniscate be (a;« + y«)«-4a«(a?2-yS)=0=F (a) Let a7®+y*=r', then we shall have r«=4a*(a?«-y*), 8aV=r«(4a«+r*), 8ay=r«{4a2-r2). (b) Hence, using the formulae of transition, and substituting in them the values of x and y in terms of r, we shall obtain 2a^j^v^ = (4a* - r*) (r^ + 20*) * = 16a« + 12a V (c) 142 ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYFOCYCLOIDS. Consequently, r6(f«+tys)=16a*, and a^{P-v^)=zr*-12a*. . . (d) Eliminating r from these equations, we obtain finally the tangential equation of the lemniscate 27a*(|« + i;*)'=4[l-a«(02-i;«)]« (e) 144.] On the tangential equation of the Cardioid. The projective equation of the cardioid is (af«+y«-a«)«-4a«{(a?-a)«+y«}s=0=F. . . (a) Hence and dF dF ^^+^y=l2amx-aY-y-]; consequently (b) ^~ 3a8{(a7-fl)*-jr*} ' ^~^^\{x-a)^-y^]' ' ^^' Eliminating x and y between these equations and that of the curve (a), the resulting tangential equation of the cardioid is 27a«(|* + i;«)(l-af)=4* (d) * Mr. W. Spotiiswoode, F.B.S., has ^ven a veiy elegant solution of this ?Tohlem in the mathematical papers published in the ' Educational Times ' for 865. It is as follows. " To eliminate x and i/ between the three equations J(a ^+y'-3a')+2a' y(pfl+y''-Sa' ) (x'+y'-a')' _ "3g{(r-o)Hy'} ~Sv{ix-ay+y'}-4.l(x-a)''+tf^^-"- ' ' W "Let ifl+if — a'=r', then the given equations become x(r»-2aS)+2a'=3a»g(r5+2n»-2)~ So" "' " But multiplying out, and dividing throughout by r*, (6) and (7) become 9(f+v»)r*-16r'+48fl'(l-a|)=0, (8) r«-6o'(l-a|)=0; (9) also {(8)+8(9)}H-r= g^ves 9i^+v'y~8=0, whence finally 27«Xf+t^)(l-nf)=4, ^b) the tangential equation of the cardioid." ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOIDS. 143 On the projective equation of the curve whose tangential equation is oV + Z.«P=a«6*(f2 + w*)S (a) or the curve touched by one side of a right angle which moves along an ellipse, the other side passing through the centre. 145.] Let f*+w*=«r*, then the equation of the curve may be If we diflferentiate the equation aW{j^ + v'^f—a^v^—b'^^=^=0, we shall have ^=4a«A«(f« + v«)5-26*f, and ^=Aa^b^{^ + i^)v-2a'^v,] af dw ( (pj andA=^f+^w=2a*6«(r' + v«). ) He.« ."_(52^i)l,„a,=^*^^. . . (a, If we square these equations separately, and introduce the values of f and V given in (b), we shall have a^'nfia^ia^-b^) =4a*w^-4a«w2 + l-4a*6«««+4a«6««*-62OTS (e) l^fo^y^a^-b^) =4i*a^'Bfi-4M^^vi* + a^vr^-4!b*'B* + 4b^is^-l ; (e,) adding these expressions, and dividing by a^—h^, we shall have [a«a?« + JV + 4a'*']«^=4(a* + 6V-3; . . . (f) or writing Q* for a'a:* + i*y'+4a*6*, the equation becomes Q4«*=4(aH*«)i!r8-3 (g) If we multiply (e) by 6' and (e,) by o*, and then add the results, w'e shall have, dividing by (o*— 6'), Let a;'+y*=R% and this equation multiplied by 3 becomes 3fl«*«R«««=3(a*+i«)iir«-3. If we subtract (g) &om this expression, and divide by w', we shall have 3fl«62R«iii^-Q*w2=-(a«+i«) (i) We have now to eliminate «* and ia^ between the equations 3ffl«6«R*«^-QV*+ (a« + A«)=0, and Q,'»i!K«-4{a2 + i')w8+3=0. ( j) Eliminating tar* and w', we get finally for the projective equation of this curve the following expression, Qi2_ (a2 + i2)2Q8-18a5!iS(a2 + 6^)R*Q'') ,j.. + 16(a2 + «2)3a262R2 + 27«*6«R'*=0. \ ' ' ' ^ ' 144 ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOIDS. Substituting for Q* its value [a«jr« + AV +"*«**']» ^^ obtain the projective equation of the curve, which is of the sixth degree. When the curve is an equilateral hyperbola, a' + i'^O, and the general equation becomes [(a,9_yS)_4o!]8==27a«(a?« + y«)«- 146.] On the tangential equation of the curve inverse to the central ellipse. The projective equation of this curve is a«a?« + 6V=(a''+y')* (a) Let a?9+2,9=r«, (b) then the preceding equation becomes a^x^+b^y^=r*. . . (c) Hence but and Consequently (e) s=i^^-, „=(Hr!^; . . . . (f) or, substituting the values of x and y given in (d), (a*-J«)r«J«=4r«-4aV + flV*-46V+4a«iV-a*Z-2, . (g) (a'-4«)r6i;«= -4r«+4aV-6V+46V-4a2A«r« + ffl2Zi* ; (h) add together (g) and (h), divide by (a*— 6*), and the resulting ex- pression will become r''{^ + v^)={a^ + b^)r^—aW. ... (i) Multiply (g) by b^ and (h) by a*, and the resulting expression, dividing by (a*— i*), becomes {6«f*+aV)r6=-4r6+4(o2-|-62)r4_3a«6V; . . (j). or if we put U = 6*|*-|-ffl*t;'+4, (k) we shall have, dividing by r', Ur* = 4 (a* + i*) r« — 3fl*4* ; . (1) and if we write w^ for (J* 4- w*), (i) becomes r^ia^={a^ + b'^)r^—aW (m) Multiply this expression by 3, subtract (1) from it, and divide by r^ we get 3r4i!r«-Ur2+(a2 + i*)=0 (n) ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCLOIDS. 145 Multiply (1) by (a* + 6«) and (n) by 30*6^ the resulting expres- sions will become 9»^a262«r2=3Ua*iV-3o«i2(a9 + fi2). | • • ■ ^^ Subtract one from the other and divide by r^ ; consequently or ,_ 4(a' + &^)«-3Ua^&» , « U(o« + 6*)-9o262w« ^'^^ (1) may be written ._4(oM2*V-3a*6^ U ' and (n) may be written !■ (q) ~ 3«* ■ Equating these values of r*, we get another expression for r^ — that is to say, „a_ U(a« + &«)-9a«6V^ U«-12(a« + 6V* If we now eliminate r* from this and the preceding equation (p), we shall have the equation flSisU'- (a* + 6«)«U« - 18a*6«(a«+ *«) w'U +27a*4*i!i^ + 16{a«-|-*«)Sw2=0j and if we substitute for TJ and cr their values, the tangential equa- tion of the inverse curve of the central ellipse becomes ^9^2j-i2j2 + aV + 4]8- (a« + *«)«[6*|«-|-aV + 4]2 | -18a«A*(a«-|-i')(f* + i^)[*'f* + aV + 4] +16(a2-l-6«)S(f« + i;«) [ (s) If in this equation we make 4*= —a', the original curve becomes an equilateral hyperbola, and the preceding equation is reduced to 27o«{£« + w*)*=4[l -a«(£«-u«)]s, which is identical with (e) in sec. [143], writing 2a for a, and is therefore the tange;ntial equation of the lemniscate. 147.] On the reciprocal polar of the evolute of an ellipse. The equation of this curve is aV + 6*a?«=a?V, and it may be generated as follows. Let a tangent to an ellipse be drawn meeting the major and minor axes produced in the points C and D. If ordinates to the 146 ON EPICYCLOIDS AND HYPOCYCtOIDS. axes be erected at these points, the locus of their points of inter- section will be the curve whose equation is given above. Fig. 26. The tangents to the ellipse at A and B will be asymptotes to the curve. Let F=a?V-oV-6'a;2=0; (a) then and Hence dx (b) consequently ^=-g. In like manner f =-3 Let 'aa=l, bfi=l, *«=^, y^=^. Substituting these values in (a). or, as b^a* . o«** a*bi i» a» 1 1 A 1 ON THE INVOLUTE OP THE CYCLOID. 147 the tangential equation of the reciprocal polar of the evolute be- comes (D'Hi)*- («' precisely the form of the projective equation of the evolute of the ellipse. On the tangential equation of the semicubical parabola. 14S.1 The projective equation of the semicubical parabola may be written in the form 27ay«-4rS=0=P (a) Taking the partial differentials, dF ^^ dF dF dF ^=54ay, ^ Ua,^, and D=^j,+-^^=54«y«-12^. Consequently a?=p y = . Making these substitutions in (a), we shall have a^-ws=0, (b) the tangential equation of the semicubical parabola. On the tangential equation of the OuMcal parabola. 149.] The projective equation of the cubical parabola may be written under the form 3a'y-«»=0=F. „ dP o c- dF „ , , dF dF T. „ , Hence -5-=— 3ar, -5-=3a*, and -3— w + ^-ir=D= — 2a^. da? 'Ay ' Ay" Ax 3- 1 Consequently a? =^, y=— — . Substituting these values of x and y in the projective equation, we obtain for the tangential equation of the cubical parabola 9i;+ 40*^=0. On the Involute of the Cycloid. 150.] Let the cycloid be conceived as placed in the position O V C (fig. 27), O being the centre, V the vertex, and C the cusp ; and let the unwinding of the curve be conceived to commence at the point V, and let P Q be the position of the elastic radius. Now P Q is a perpendicular to the limiting tangent LT at P, and P Q=the arc Q V = 2Q B=4r cos <^. l2 148 ON THE INVOLUTE OF THE CYCLOID. Fig. 27. I O A^ DO But we have shown in sec. [5] that the expression for a perpen- dicular on a limiting tangent let fall &om a point Q, whose pro- jective coordinates are x and y, is 1—^—^ Vr + w*' The angle ABQ=LTO=^, OT= — « and 0U=-. Hence Vr + w But in this case as F=4r cos ^, 4rv=\-\-x^—yv, since |^ is negative. (a) Now y=QLD=2rsm^=^-^ or yv=^^, and a7=OC— AC-I-AD, or a;=:2r^(-^— ^j-f-sin^cos^i, since the angle which the limiting tangent at P makes with the vertical is the complement of the angle which the elastic radius makes with the same vertical ; hence Consequently ^-^(i-*)«+^- x^-yv=2rsQ-y and therefore 4rw=H-2rf(|-^). Now tan g-<^j=cot^=^ ; ON PARM.LEL CVRVES. 149 consequently' 4rv-2r^ tan- '0^=1 (b) If we now translate in parallel directions the axes of coordinates to the vertex V of the curve, which we may effect by the help of the formulae in sec. [3] , 2r 'l+2rv; l + 2rv; the preceding expression becomes |«-ftan->(|)| = l (c) But this is exactly the expression we have found for the tangen- tial equation of a cycloid when the origin is at a cusp ; see (b), sec. [139] . Hence the involute of a cycloid is a cycloid having its axis parallel to the axis of the former, at the distance 2r from it, and having its cusp at the vertex Y of the original cycloid. Since FQ=4rcos<^, and BQ=2rcos^, it is evident that the flexible radius is always bisected by the horizontal tangent to the original cycloid at V, When the axes of coordinates are translated in parallel directions to the vertex Y of the cycloid, the tangential equation of the cycloid assumes the very simple form 2r?tan-'(|) = l (d) CHAPTER XY. ON PARALLEL CURVES. 151. J Two straight lines in a plane are said to be parallel when a perpendicular to the one is also perpendicular to the other j whence it follows that these perpendicular distances, wherever taken, are equal. So also two concentric circles may be said to be paralle], since the differences of their radii are equd, and they are at right angles to their respective circles. We may widen this definition and say that two or more curves are parallel when the differences of their coincident normals are constant. In general the parallel curves will be of different orders. Thus while the tangential equation of the ellipse is of the second degree, the tangential equation of its parallel curve will be of the fourth degree. 150 ON PABAUiEL CUKVES. LetNQ, N,Q be two coincident normals to the curves AB and A,B,. Let the constant diflPerence of these normals be h. Let OP=P, aad OP,=P,. Fig. 28. Now as OX:OX,::P V,<^\.l::-^: {=¥-^=^> '"4,= V£,'+»,'=-,. Hence f=l i^ ..=. and also ■«■=- l-Aw/ ""l-Aw/ """ """ 1-A«r/ ■ • (*^ Making these substitutions for and v in the original tangential equation of the curve, we shall obtain the tangential equation of the parallel curve. We shall now proceed to apply this theory to a few examples. 152.] To determine the tangential equation of the curve parallel to the ellipse. The tangential equation of the ellipse referred to its centre and axis is o*P + b^t^ = 1 . Substituting the values above given for ^ and v, we shall have [(o«-A«)f«+(A«-A«)w«-l]«=4A9(£«+w'). . . (a) Hence it follows that if a series of elastic radii or strings be applied to the evolute of an ellipse, of all the curves that may be thus traced out by a tracing point at the extremity of the radius, there is only one that will be an ellipse; all the rest will be curves of a higher order than the second. The length of a quadrant of the evolute of an dlipse is manifestly the difference between the normals to the ellipse at the extremities of the minor and major axes. Let a be the arc of the quadrant of the evolute, then _9 1.9 _s in (b) Let a and /3 be the semiaxes of the evolute. These semiaxes are ON PARAIXBL CURVES. 151 evidently the differences between the semiaxes of the ellipse and the coincident normals^ or a=a = =ae*, and p=-7 — b= — = — =— i— ; a a '^ b b consequently a b . -r~a (''^ Now the length of the elastic radius or string that may describe the ellipse by a tracing point at its extremity is the quadrant of the evolute, plus the difference between the coincident semiaxes of the ellipse and evolute ; hence, the length of this radius being I, l=s+{a—a), or 1= — r — ha— ae'=-T-. This is the length of elastic radius or string that will describe the conjugate ellipse. To express the length of this elastic radius in terms of the semi- axes of the evolute. Now i=-r, and a=ae^, /8=— r- ; eliminating a and b, we find Hence, if the semiaxes of the evolute of an ellipse be a and /3, all Q3 other lengths of flexible radii or strings greater or less than -5^- — -j will describe curves whose tangential equations are of the fourth order. Hence also, if we assume the surface of the earth to be an oblate spheroid, and to be covered by a sea or atmosphere of uniform depth, the outer surface of this enveloping shell w^ not be a surface of the second order, but one whose tangential equation is of the fourth order ; and if we imagined successive shells or strata of uni- form thickness to be applied, the equations of the outer surfaces would all be of the same order. This is a curious illustration of a breach of the law of continuity. However small the thickness of the shell may be, while the interior surface is that of an ellipsoid the tangential equation of the outer surface will be of the fourth degree. 153.] The normals of a parabola are increased by the constant line h ; to find the tangential equation of the curve. The tangential equation of the parabola referred to its focus as origin, the axis of the parabola being the axis of X, is, as shown in sec. [49] (b). 152 ON PARALLEL CORVES. If we now substitute for f and v their values given in the pre- ceding section, we shall have the tangential of the curve which is always at the distance A from the parabola, or the c\irve whose normals differ from the coin- cident normals of the parabola by the constant quantity A. The parallel curve of the evolute of the ellipse whose tangential equation is a«|«-|-JV=(ffl*-6«)«P«'S (^) will have for its tangential equation the following expression : — [a«|«(l+A'n + *^»^(l+AV) +{A«(a» + 6«)-(a«-i«)*}r«'']'K . To find the parallel curve of the quadrantal hypocyclmd. Its equation is f-J-i;'=a'j*w'. Hence the equation of its parallel curve is [l-2aAfw](^« + i;«)=A*(^ + i/')«+a«f«i/'. . , . (d) To find the equations of the parallel curves of the involute of the quadrantal hypocyclmd. 154.] The tangential equation of the involute of the quadrantal hypocycloid is, as in sec. [136], [(*+«)?«+ (A-a)i^]*=r + w' (a) To obtain the equation of the curve parallel to this curve, we have only to substitute in this equation the values of and v indi- cated in [151], and the equation of the parallel curve, or of one whose normals differ from those of the former by the constant A, is [(A + A-t-o)|«+(A + A-o)i;«]«=£«-|-i;«, . . . (b) a form exactly the same as the preceding, only having k+h instead of k. Whence it follows that whatever the lengths may be of the successive elastic radii, the difference between the axes of any one of the involutes is constant, and independent of the length of the elastic radius. Hence these successive curves constitute bands of equal width, like concentric circles. We may easily find the tangential equation of the curve that is parallel to the semicubical parabola. We have only to substitute for £ and v the values -r-^ — and .; — t— in the equation of the 1— Aw, 1— Aw, ^ curve 0^= v^, as given in sec. [148] . The equation will become on reduction ««f-AV+(AV-2fl^)fi;« + i;4 = 4. . . . (c) ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF EVOtUTES. 153 In like maimer we may find the equation of the curve parallel to the cycloid, whose tangential equation is to be 2n.[l+|tan-.(r)] = l, (d) CHAPTER XVI. ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF EVOLUTES. 155.] The system of tangential coordinates supplies a general method of determining the tangential equation of the evolute of any curve whose projective equation is given. To determine the equa- tion of the evolute of a curve by the ordinary methods often requires eliminations that are wholly impracticable. Let A B be an arc of a given curve, whose equation is F(a7,y)=0. Let Qt be a normal and Q,T a tangent to the curve AB. Let 0T=|, Ot=J^, OD=a:,QD=y; andasTQr is a right angle, Q D*=D T x D t, 1^ Fig. 29. ■"1 K-. . / '^>^ ^ or y^=(t-xjU-^j, or [a;-(y«-l-a?«)|]f,= l-*f. (a) But, as we have shown in sec. [22], f =tt! dP dx dF If we substitute this value of J in the preceding equation, we shall have dF _dF Ay , , Ax r,= dF dF -, and also i;(=- (b) dv * da?^ dF _dF ■ • • Ay Aae^ 156.] We may apply this method to a few examples. To determine the tangential equation of the evolute of the ellipse 154 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OV EVOLUTES. The equation of the ellipse is a*y* + **■*'*—<'***= ^=0; hence Substituting these values in the preceding formuke^ we find Introducing these values of x and y in the equation of the ellipse, we obtain, omitting the accents, fl2g« + *V=(a«-6«)*|«i/», (a) the tangential equation of the evolute of the ellipse. 157.] To find the tangential equation of the evolute of the pai'a- bola. Let the projective equation of the parabola be y' = 4A {2k + a?), the origin being taken on the axis at the distance 2k, or the semi- dF dF parameter, &om the vertex. Hence -j— =2y, -^ =4Ar; making these substitutions in the general formulae, we find for the tangential equation of the evolute Ag^=w*, the tangential equation of the semicubical parabola. 158.] On the evolute of the semicubical parabola. Let the projective equation of the semicubical parabola be written in the form 3ay*-2a^=0=F. Then ^=6ay, ^=-6^- consequently t— "■ Hence w{a+x)' y{a+x)' ^ ay flw* V ,s» and or *=f IT' y-va~^~^' Substituting these values of x and y in the dual equation, we shall have for the tangential equation of the evolute of the semi- cubical parabola the expression 4at/«=3J«(3f-2aw«). 159.] On the evolute of the cubical parabola. The projective equation of the cubical parabola is r-a?3=0 (a) ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OP EVOLUTES. 155 Consequently, f and v being the tangential coordinates of the evolute, >_ 3a» 3ar^ '^~3a:(a*+a^)' ""S^Ca'+a^) ' • • • • W dividing one by the other, a?=flA/^ (c) Substituting this value of j? in the equation of the curve (a), we find and if we substitute these values of x and y in the dual equation w^-\-yv=\, we shall obtain as a final result the following equation for the evolute of the cubical parabola, 9?'=a«y(3p + t/')9 (d) On the evolute of the quadrantal Hypoeycloid. 160.] The tangential and projective equations of the quadrantal hypoeycloid are J3 + u3=o«Pu2, and ^+y»=a*j ... (a) differentiating this latter, and applying the usual formula of trans- ition, we obtain dF . _. dF . _. d^=^^ *' d^=^^ '' and dF dF ,, , . Consequently tS _g, hence ^= , or yj* +xi/*=0 j combining this expression with the dual equation x^ + yv=\, we get _ g8 _ -ifi Substituting these values of x and y in the projective equation of the curve, we obtain ^ + v«=o2(J«-w«)2, (b) the tangential equation of a quadrantal hypoeycloid, which we may reduce to the usual form by turning the axes of coordinates 156 ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OF EVOLTTTES. through an angle of 45°. In sec. [2] it has been shown that this transformation may he effected by putting f=fyCOS^+w, sin^. v=^, sin 6—v, COS 6, or in this case. ^=4' *^2?=f/+''i' i\/2v=^,—v,; hence £*—w*=2^,W|; consequently equation (b) may now be written f2 + „9={2a)«Pi;«- . (c) Fig^SO. Hence it follows that the evolute of the qnadrantal hy- pocycloid is also a quadrantal hypocycloid whose parameter is twice that of the original hypocycloid, and whose axes make angles of 45° with the original axes. If we take the evolute of this hypocycloid, its parameter will be four times that of the original hypocy- cloid, and its cusps will lie in the same direction. On the tangential equation of the evolute of the Lemniscate. 161.J Let the projective equation of the lemniscate be (a?'+y«)'=4a«(ar«-y«) (a) Putting r* for x^+y^, we may write this equation under the forms r2= »^+4aV« 4aV«— r* 8o« 8as (b) Hence dF dF — =4r'a;— 8a'a:, ^^4r*y + 8o*y. Substituting these values in the general formulae for determining the tangential equations of evolutes, we shall have ?= 2a« + r» 4a** ' i/=- 2o«-r* -, or jf=- 2a^+r^ 2a^—i^ 4a^u (c) Between (b) and (c) we may eliminate x and y. The elimination of x gives [1 - 2fl«S2j ^ + 4a8 [1 _ 2a8js-] r* + 4a« =0. The elimination of y gives [l+2a«u^r*-4a*[l + 2flV]r«+4a*=0. If we subtract these equations, one from the other, we shall have (?^+w')r2=4-4a2(S«-w*) (d) ON THE TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS OP EVOLUTES. 157 Adding these equations together, we shall have [l-a«(f-u*)]r«-4a*(f«+wV+4a*=0. . . (e) Eliminating r between these equations, we get the tangential equation of the evolute of the lemniscate. The preceding equation may be written also under the form 8[1 -o*(f«-w«)]2_4[l _a«(52_„2)] (1 +4fl*^V) +a*(f* + w*)«=0.(g) We shall now apply this method to a more difficult example. 162.] To find the evolute of the curve a^a!'' + b^y^={a^+y^f (a) This is the equation of the locus of the foot of a perpendicular from the centre to a tangent to an ellipse. Let a7*+ys=r', (b) and the equation of the curve may now be written in either of the forms r*-6V , oV-r* "^=1^1^ ""^ y=i^z^ (*') If we differentiate (a), and substitute in the general formulae for determining the tangential coordinates of the evolute the values thus found for -t- and t-, we shall find, after some simple reduc- tions, 2r«-4« , o«-2r« ,,, If we now eliminate x between the first of (c) and the first of (d), and y between the second equations of the same groups, we shall h^ve two equations by which we may eliminate r. Hence [a«^_Asp_4]r«+ [b*^ -a%T +4i«]r«-i'»=0,l [«V-fflV-4]»-*+[flV-fl*6V+4ffl*]r-«-fl*=0.J ' ^^^ If we multiply the first of (e) by a* and the second by b*, we shall have [«6fs_a«i9p-4a*]r*+ [a*b*S^-€fib^^+4^b^r^-t^b*=0A llfiv'^-a^b*v^-4A*]r*+[efib*v^-a^^v^+4a^*]r^-M*=0.\ ^ ' Subtract one from the other, divide by (a*— 6*)r*, and the result- ing equation will become [ffl*f*+ft*w*-4(a«+A«)]r«+ [4a«A«-a*6«J«-fl«i«+4]'l ...^ = [a*P + *V-4 (a« + *«)] *. J • ^' If in this equation we make —b^=a^, it will coincide with (g), sec. [161], the tangential equation of the evolute of the lemniscate. CHAPTER XVII. ON REVOLVING ANGLES, PROJECTIVE AND TANGENTIAL. 163.] These constitute a large class of problems. It is an obvious question to ask what may be the locus of the point in which a per- pendicular &om a fixed point meets a tangent to a given curve ; and it is equally pertinent to inquire if a right angle move along a given curve, one side passing through a fixed point, what will be the curve enveloped by the other side of the angle. To these questions answers have hitherto been obtained by inde- pendent methods, each adapted to the particular case under inquiry. But they may all be solved by one uniform method, as simple as it is universal, and one that requires neither skill nor ingenuity in its application. It is proper to give distinct definitions of these curves. When a right angle moves along a curve whose projective equation is given, one side of the right angle passing through the origin, the other side will envelope a curve which maybe called the tangential pedal of the given curve. When a right angle moves so that one side shall touch a curve whose tangential equation is given, while the other side passes through the origin, the vertex of the right angle will describe a curve which may be called \h.B projective pedal of the given curve. Nothing can be more simple tluin the proof of these important propositions. Let XY be a tangent to a curve afi, and OF a peipendicnlar on * Frofeasor Price, in his able treatise on the Infiniterimal Calculus, toL j. p. 383, well oheerves, "TheoieticaU}r,the equations to the evolutes of all curves niay be found by means of the g^ren equations ; but the difficulty of elimination is in all cases, save in two or three besides the above, so great as to be beyond the present powera of analysis." ON REVOLVING ANGLES, PROJECTIVE AND TANGENTIAL. 159 this tangent. LetPD=y,OD=ar,OX=i OY=i and let the angle which O P makes with the axis of X be ^. Now tan «-9«)(5« + v«)+2pf-H2gw=l. . . . (b) Now, as the coefficients of the squares of the variables are equal, and as the rectangle vanishes, this is the tangential equation of a conic section whose focus is at the origin and whose centre coincides with the centre of the circle, seeing that p and q are the projective coordinates both of the circle and the conic section. When the point is within the circle the locus is an ellipse, when on the circle it is an infinitesimal parabola degenerating to a straight line passing through the centre ; and when the point is outside, the locus is an hyperbola. Let the tangential equation of the parabola be, see (d) sec. [49] , and if we substitute in this equation the values of ^ and v, we shall have fa^+fff^+ff^ + ihx+hjy) {a^+y^) =0, a curve of the third d^ree which passes through the origin. Let the tangential equation of the ellipse referred to its centre ON KEVOLVING ANGLES, PKOJECTIVE AND TANGENTIAL. 161 aud axes be a*£* + 6*1;* = 1, then the equation of the projective pedal of this curve will be a*ir* + 6'y*= (a;*+y*)*, a well-known curve. 166.] Let the projective and tangential equations of the semi- cubical parabola be ay* =0?, and u* — a^=Q. If a right angle move along this curve while one side passes through a cusp, the other side will envelope the curve whose equation is ai;*(£^+ii^) =S^; and the locus of the foot of the perpendicular on a tangent to this curve wUl be y*(y*-l-a;*) = aa:^. 167.] The tangential equation of a cycloid, the middle of the base being the origin, is 2r-|u -1-0 tan~'(-H = l (a) Consequently the locus of the foot of the perpendicular on a tan- gent to the curve is 2r J y -J-a; tan-' / - H =i»*-l-y' (b) An independent geometrical proof of this theorem may be given. Let O C be a perpendicular on the tangent PB to the cycloid at P. Let OD=a?, C D = y, and the angle PBQ=^. In the adjoining figure, since CD and OD are the coordi- nates of C, the foot of the per- pendicular OC on the tangent PB to the cycloid, we shall have 0Q=0A-QA=2r Fig. 32. 1-*} and 0Q=0D-QD=ir-(2r-y)tan<^. Equating these two values of OQ, we shall have the above expres- sion for the locus. 168.] A right angle moves along a cycloid; one side passes through the centre of the base, the other side will envelope a curve whose tan- gential equation may be thus found. When the cycloid is referred to projective coordinates, the origin being at the centre of the base, we know that its equation is •cos-M^^ \=x— i^2ry—y^ If we make the necessary substitutions, the equation of the en- veloped curve will become \2r{e M 162 ON BEVOLYINa ANGLES^ PROJECTIVE AND TANGENTIAL. 169.] Let the tangential equation of the cardioid be o«(P+w')(3-2af)=l; and if we put a=3c, the equation will become 27c8(P + w«)(l-2c^)=l. Substituting for f and v their values, we get 27c' / a;g + yg-2ca; > , or 27c*(a;2+ys-2car) = (a?«+y«)« .... (a) is the projective pedal of the cardioid. The projective pedal of the evolute of the cubical parabola whose tangential equation is 9 J® = a'u (3f* + u') ^ see sec. [159] , will become, on making the indicated substitutions, 9a^(^«+jr')*=a'y(ar*+y*)* (b) 170.] Let the curve be the quadrantal hypocycloid whose tan- gential equation may be written SB 1i For f and v substitute their values -5 5 and -5-^^ — = i the re- suiting equation becomes And the polar equation of this curve, putting a;=r cos 0, y =r sin 0, becomes 2r=/sin2&. Hence the locus of the foot of the perpendicular on a tangent to ON KEVOLVING ANGLES, PROJECTIVE AND TANGENTIAI.. 163 the qaadrantal hypocycloid becomes the looped curve, as shown in figure 33. 171.] The equation of the logocyclic curve is y^{^a—x)^w{a—xY, as we shall show further on. The equation of its tangential pedal is therefore 2a(f + w«)=f[l + a«(r' + v*)3; or if a right angle move along the logocyclic curve so that one side shall pass through the cusp, the other side will envelope the curve of which the preceding is the tangential equation. 169.] The projective equation of the lemniscate is (a;« + y«)«=a2(a?2_j,9). The tangential equation of its tangential pedal is therefore a^{]^—v^)=\, the tangential equation of an equilateral hyperbola. Hence, if a right angle moves along a lemniscate, one side passing through the centre, the other side will envelope an equilateral hy- perbola. 172.] The projective equation of the evolute of an ellipse is ©•^l)'-. (") the equation of the tangential pedal is (!)'Hi)'='P+"'*' <"' The tangential equation of the evolute of an ellipse is 62g9 + aV=(«*-6«)9f9u^ (c) the- projective equation of the projective pedal is The projective equation of the cissoid is y^{2r—x) =«* ; (e) the tangential equation of its tangential pedal is 2ri^—^=0, the equation of a parabola with its axis in a reverse position. Hence, if a right angle move along a cissoid so that one side shall always pass through the cusp, the other side will envelope a parabola. The tangential equation of the cissoid is 3rJi;*=l-3rf; the projective equation of the projective pedal is therefore 3ri{y^ + xyyi=x^ + y^-2ra! (f) 173.] The tangential equation of the curve generated bv the cx- M 3 164 ON REVOLVING ANGLES, PROJECTIVE AND TANGENTIAli. tremity of a line of constant length h added to the normals of an ellipse, as shown in sec. [152], (a), is [(a«-A«)fa + (6«-A*)i;«-l]2=4A«(f«+w«). . . (a) If now in this equation we substitute for and v the values a^+y« and ««+y* we shall have for the resulting equation of the locus a curve of the eighth degree. When A=0, we get the equation of the foot of the perpendicular, a«a?«+AV=(ar« + y')*, (c) as may be otherwise investigated. Hence, if a right angle so move that one of its sides shall pass through the centre of an ellipse while the other side envelopes the cui've parallel to the ellipse, the vertex of the right angle will move along the curve whose projective equation is (b), a curve of the eighth order. 174. J When we take the parallel curve to the parabola whose equation is given in sec. [153], (a), that is to say, [A:(r + i;*) + fl2=A^r(fHu«), (a) it becomes (a^ + y^)[k+xY=h^a^, ....... (b) the projective equation of a con- choid. Indeed we might have antici- pated this — because, if we let fall a focal perpendicular to a tangent to a parabola, the locus of the foot of the perpendicular is the straight line perpendicular to the axis touching the parabola at its vertex; and if we produce all these perpendiculars by the constantline h, their extremities will describe a conchoid of which the modulus is h, the rule the vertical tangent to the parabola, and the pole the focus of the parabola. Let F A d Q, be the parabola, F the focus, A the vertex, and P Q, P, Q, tangents to it. P moves along the line A P P,. Let PC = P,C,=A, then CT, C^T, parallel to P Q, P, Q., are tangents ON EIGHT ANGLES REVOLVING BOUND FIXED POINTS. 165 to the parallel curve, and CC, are evidently points in the conchoid B C C/. Hence, if a right angle move along a conchoid, one side passing through the pole, the other side will envelope the curve parallel to the parabola, which has its focus at the pole of the conchoid. When A=0, the conchoid degenerates into the vertical tangent to the parabola, and the curve parallel to the parabola becomes the para- bola itself. CHAPTER XVIII. ON RIGHT ANGLES REVOLVING ROCTND FIXED POINTS IN THE PLANE OF A CURVE. 175.] Let the tangential equation of the given curve be ^(f , u) = 0, the fixed point being taken as origin. Let a right angle revolve round this point, one side meeting a tangent to the curve in its point of contact ; to determine the projective equation of the locus of the point in which this tangent meets the other side of the right angle. The equations of the locus are d^ _d* ___Jv__ , dg "^"d^. d* ' ^-A^ d^ ' di7^~df'' dv^ df" This theorem may be established as follows : — Let {x„ Pi) be the projective coordinates of the point of contact, and (w, y) the projective coordinates of the required locus. As the tangent to the given curve passes through the points (x,, y,) and (x, y), we shall have the equations ^i?-l-yi''=l (a), and a;f+yw=l J . . (a^) and as the sides of the revolving angle are at right angles, we shall also have yiy+iCfV=0 (b) We have also bv the formulae of transition, see sec. [23] , d^ df j?,= '~d^^ d ■ (c) Eliminating x„ y„ and y from the four equations (a), (a,), (b), and (c), we shall have ^ '' d,_d0 • • • • (^) AtJ^-dS" Av^ dg" 166 ON RIGHT ANGLES EEVOLVING ROUND 176.] To apply these general formulae to some particular exam- ples. The tangential equation of an ellipse, referred to its axes, is a2^+iV-l=0=4>. d4> d Hence -5— =3A^w, -jp=3a*f ; substituting these values in the gene- ral formula (d), the resulting equation becomes aW{a^x^-ifbY)=ifl^-b^fxY (a) Comparing this equation with the one given in sec. [147], we shall see that the locus is the, reciprocal polar of the evolute of a certain ellipse. 177.] A right angle revolves round the point of inflexion of a cubical parabola ; one side meets a tangent at its point of contact with the curve, the other side will meet the same tangent in a point, of which the projective equation is required. Let the projective equation of the cubical parabola, asshown in sec. [149], be 3a2y-^=0 (a) The tangential equation of the same curve is 4a2£3_9y (b) d4> dO Hence g^ = 9' ^=-12aT, d4> d4> and A,=^f-^w=3|(3-t-4a«fu). Consequently a?= e-„ o^ . and y— ^- (c) "f(3+4a2|i/) *~(3 + 4a«fv)* Therefore |=^, or ^=a^W Introducing this value of ^ into the equation of the curve (b), we find for the value of v : — ^r— \ / — = v. Qax V X Substituting these values of ^ and v in the dual equation, the resulting equation becomes [y*+ar«]^=12aV, (d) the projective equation of the required locus. 178.] A right angle revolves round the cusp of a sendcubical para- bola ; one of its sides meets a tangent to the curve at its point of contact ; the other side will meet the same tangent in a point, of which the locus is required. FIXED POINTS IN THE PLANE OF A CURVE. 167 Let 3l»«-flP=0=:* be the tangential equation of the semicubical parabola, then d „, d* , - . d^j. d* oi t L ^=2kv, ^=-1, and ^,= -^-^v=2kv^ + v. Hence x= d^ dv 2kv A,~2k^v + v' " 2k^v + v' Consequently -=2kv or «= 2%' and f= 2k— X 2kx ' Substituting these values of f and v in the original equation, we shall find on reduction the equation of the locus 2y^{2k-x)=x^ (a) If now we substitute y^ for 2y*, we shall have y'^{2k—x)=sfi, the projective equation of the cissoid. Hence, the abscissae remain- ing the same, if we shorten the ordinates of the cissoid Q B in the ratio of 1 : sj2, we shall obtain the curve C B C,, the required locus; or if the ordinate of the cissoid be represented by the diagonal of a square, the ordinate of the required locus wiU be its side. 180.] If the revolving angle, instead of being a right angle, should be one whose tangent is t, we must transform (b), sec. [175] into xxi+yy,' (a) and eliminating x^, y,, and y between this expression and (a), (a^) , with (c) in the same section, we shall have «= d3> d* dv and [%^-T] , ,d4> d„l ' [df di;' d^ d^ dv "^ df ^ (b) y~ f d4> ^ , d4> I Td^ A^A |df ^+cU7''| + |dF''-d^^r We may apply these formulae to one or two examples. An angle whose tangent is t, revolves round the centre ojF an ellipse, one side passes through the point of contact of a tangent, while the other side of this angle meets the tangent to the ellipse in a point of which the locus is required. LOCI OF REVOLVING ANGLES OTHER THAN RIGHT ANGLES. 169 Let a'f + 6*w* = 1 be the tangential equation of the ellipse ; then d^ d* Substituting these values in the preceding formulae, we shall have dividing one by the other, we shall have y_ b^v + a^ST v_ a^{y-Tx) ,,. a!~a'^-b^vT ^~b^{x+Ty) ^ ' v' 1 But the equation of the curve gives 0^ + 6^ «=«' and the dual equation gives a? +yg=^. From these equations, eliminating ■=, we shall have «' + *'^=^' + 2^|+2''p . ■ . . (e) or Introducing into this equation the value of ■= as given in (d), the resulting equation will be {a^-a!^)b*{x+ry)*+{b^-y^)a*{i/-Tx)^=2xya*b^x + Ty){y-rx). (e) If we assume the revolving angle to be half a right angle, t=1, and the preceding equation becomes r^'+?'-(«'+**)](^+y')=2(«^-6*)^[j;+i5-i]. (f) Analogous expressions may be found for the parabola and other curves. The application of the method presents but little difficulty. CHAPTER XIX. TO INVESTIGATE THE LOCI WHEN THE REVOLVING ANGLES IN THE TWO PRECEDING CHAPTERS ABE OTHER THAN RIGHT ANGLES. 181 .J We may, with very slight modifications, apply this method to determine the equations of curves generated by the motion of an angle a, whether the angle a move along a given curve, or be the intersection of a tangent with a line drawn from the centre at the angle o>. 170 LOCI OF REVOLVING ANGLES OTHER THAN RIGHT ANGLES. We can show that the lines x, y, f, v may be transformed into a?= ?= X V (a) x^-\-y^-\-Kxy' s^+y^-'trKxy' Let O X and O Y be the axes of coordinates meeting at the angle Fig. 36. o>. Let X Y be the limiting tangent. Let the revolving angle be O P X. Let P D be drawn parallel to the axis O Y. Let P D=y, O D =a;. Then, as the supplement of the angle YOX = PDO= OPX, the triangles X O P and P O D are similar. Hence x=r^i; but r*= «-; — =- — =-, putting k for 2 cos e>. Consequently ^ = p^J^^g„ - In like manner we may show that f =— 5- — 5— ' ^ x'^+y'^+Kxy When we shall have obtained the equation of the locus of the moving angle a> by the help of oblique coordinates, we may pass back again to rectangular coordinates and exhibit the equation of the required locus referred to rectangular coordinates. 182.] To apply this method to an example or two may suffice. To find the projective equation of the point in which a tangent to an ellipse is met by a diameter which makes with it an angle of 60°. The tangential equation of an ellipse, referred to its centre and axes, is o9^ + 6V=l; (a) and if we alter the angle of ordination from a right angle to 60° by the help of the formula in sec. [4], we shall have (3o« + 6«)^ + 46V-46«fi/=3; . . . . (b) LOCI OF REVOLVINQ RIGHT ANGLES. 171 and if we now substitute for ^ and v their values as given in (a), since 2 cos o)=/ii:= 1, we shall have (3a« + 6*)a?* + 4iV-4**a?y=3(a72+y9 + a!y)2, . . (c) the projective equation of the curve along which an angle of 60° moves, one side touching the ellipse while the other passes through the centre. 183.] The tangential equation of the trigonal hjrpocycloid, the axes of coordinates being inclined at an angle of 60°, is R(f +i;)?w=P + u* + ^u, see sec. [137]. If we now draw a tangent to this curve and a radius meeting this tangent at an angle of 60°, the projective equation of the locus of this point will be R{x+y)ay=[a^+y^+a!y)^- (a) Let O X, O Y be the axes of coordinates, inclined at an angle of Fig. 37. 1'20°, so that YOX may be equal to 120°. Let the angle OPQ== 60°; then the above equation will be the locus of the point P, the inter- section at an angle of 60° of the line O P with P Q, a tangent to the trigonal hypocycloid, having two out of three of its cusps at the points X and Y. CHAPTER XX. ON THE LOCI OF RIGHT ANGLES REVOLVING AROUND GIVEN CURVES. 184.] A right angle revolves so as to touch with its sides a given curve, to determine the projective equation of the vertex of the right angle. Let P and P, be the perpendiculars let fall from the origin on the sides of the revolving right angle ; and let x and y be the projective 172 ON THE LOCI OF RIGHT ANGLES coordinates of the vertex of the right angle. Let the tangential equation of the given curve ^(f, i») =0 be transformed into ^[P, sin\, cos\]=0, by Trnting sin\ for Pf and cos\ for Pu. It is manifest that a^+y^^T^ + F^. Since the limiting tangent passes through the point {xy), we shall have x^+yv=l or y cos \+a7 sin \=P j and for the perpen- dictdar P, at right angles to the former, y sin \—x cos X=P,. Making these substitutions in the given equation of the curve, we shall have ^[(y cosX+a?sin\) sin\, cosX]=0; ... (a) and for the perpendicular P, at right angles to the former, ^[(y sinX— a?cos\)sin\, cos\]=0. . . . (b) Between these equations, eliminating the trigonometrical quantities, we shall obtain the projective equation of the locus in terms of x, y, and the constants of the given tangential equation of the curve. To apply this method of investigation to some examples. 185.] Let the tangential equation of the ellipse referred to its centre and axes be a'P + 6^i;'=l. Multiply by P*, and the result- ing expression becomes a* cos^ \ + 4« sin^ X= P« = (y cos \ + a? sin \)«, or a*cos*X+ J' sin*X=y' cos' X+2a7y sin X cos X + ^r' sin' X j for the perpendicular P,, at right angles to P, we shall have a' sin' X + 6' cos' X=y' sin' X— 3a?y sin X cos X + a?' cos' X ; adding these equations, a' + i«=j?« + y', or the locus is a concentric circle whose radius =*/«* + 6', a well- known theorem. Let the curve be the parabola. 186.] The tangential equation of the parabola, see sec. [49], (i), the origin being at the vertex, is kv^ + ^=0 (a) Mtiltiply by P*, and we shall have k cos*X + P8inX=0, or, sub- stituting for P its value, we shall have Acos'X+jrsin'X+y sinXcosX; . . . . (b) for the other side at right angles to the former, we shall have Asin'X-|-a:cos*X— y sinXcosX; . . . . (c) adding these expressions, k+SB=0, or the locus is the directrix. To investigate the equation of the vertex of the right angle which envelopes the involute of the quadrantal hypocycloid. REVOLVING AROUND GIVEN CURVES. 173 187.] The equation of this involutCj see see. [136], is {l+a)e+{l-a)v^= VFh?, (a) or, multiplying by P*, (f+a) sin'\+(/— a) C08*X=P=y cos\ + a?sin\. . (b) For the other side^ at right angles to the former, we shall have (/+o)cos*X+(^— a) sin*X,=y sin\ — ^cos\; . . (c) writing cos 2\ for cos* \— sin* X, squaring these expressions, and adding, 2P+2a^cos^2\=::x^+y% (d) or cos2\ and ~\_ 2a* J' ^^^ sin2X=p°^ + ^^;;r+y')J. . . . . (f) If we multiply (b) and (c) together, the resulting expression becomes 2/*-2a*cos*2X={y*-a7*)sin2\-2a^cos2\; . . (g) or if we write for brevity M and N for the values of cos 2X and sin 2\ given in (e) and (f ), we shall have 4i2_(a;2+y*) = (y*_ar9)N-2a;yM, . . . (h) the projective equation of the locus of the vertex of a right angle rolling round the involute of the quadrantal hypocycloid. A right angle revolves, touching with its sides the curve parallel to the parabola; to determine the locus of the vertex. 188. J The tangential equation of the curve parallel to the para- bola is [A(f^ + i/*)+?]^=A*f(r' + i^*), .... (a) the focus being the origin, see sec. [153] . Multiply by P*, first taking the square root, and we shall have ^ + P sin \=:A sin \, or A+a?sin*\4-y sin\cos\— AsinX=0; . . . (b) for the perpendicular at right angles to the former we shall have A + a7Cos*\— y sin\cos\+Acos\=0 ; . . . (c) adding these expressions, 2A + a;=A (sinX— cosX) (d) Consequently sin2X= !^2 '- (e) 174 ON THE LOCI OF EIGHT ANGLES Subtracting (c) from (b), A(cosX + 8in\)=y sin2X— J^co8 2\; . . . (f) and h[am\—cos\)=2k+x, from (d). Consequently A* cos 2\= (2k + x)x cos 2\—{2k-\-x)y sin 2X, or {2h+w)y\a.n2\={2k-k-w)x-h^; (g) and substituting for tan 2\ its value derived from (e), \h^-{2k+x)]Y={{2k+x)x-h^Y\2h^-{2kJrx)^, . (h) the projective equation of the required curve. When A=0, the equation is satisfied by putting 2k-\-x=0 or x=—2k, and y indefinite, or the locus is the directrix when the curve is a parabola. A right angle revolves, touching with its sides a cycloid ; to deter- mine the locus of the vertex. 189.] Let the tangential equation of the cycloid be 2rr«+?tan-'(D the origin being taken at the centre of the base. Multiply this expression by F the perpendicular from the origin on the limiting tangent, the resulting expression is 2r [cos X + X sin \] =P ; and as P=y cos X +a: sin X, we shall have [y— 2r]cosX+[a7— 2rX]8inX=0 (b) If we take the perpendicular at right angles to the former, we shall have I>-2r] sinX-rj:-2»Yx+|)~jcosX=0. . . (c) Eliminating sinX, cosX from these expressions, we obtain = 1, (a) [2rX-(.-r|)J=(r|;-(2r-y)^ . . But if we eliminate X between (b) and (c), we shall have (d) 8in2X=2^^— 2, (e) '2 or 2\=siu"' / ^\; substituting this value of 2\ in the pre- REVOLVING ABOUND GIVEN CURVES. 175 ceding equation, the resulting expression becomes rsin-/?!:^\-(.-,-|)T=(r|y-(2r-,)S . (f) 2 J the projective equation of the vertex of a right angle revolving round a cycloid. A right angle revolves round a fixed point, whose sides meet a curve in certain points, to determine the tangential equation of the curve which is enveloped by the line joining these points. 190.] Let f{^.y)=0 (a) be the equation of the curve, the origin being taken at the fixed point. Let y=mx (b) be the equation of one of the vectors, and let x^+yv=l (c) be the equation of the limiting tangent. Now (a) and (c) may be written /(a?, m) anda.'=j— — ; eliminating x between these two equations, the resulting expression will become /(f,v,m)=0 (d) The other side of the right angle will give f(S,v,m,)=0; (e) and as the angle is assumed to be a right angle, we shall have the additional equation mm,+ l=0 (f) Eliminating m and m, between these three equations, the resulting equation in f and v will be the tangential equation of the sought curve. An illustration of this method may suflSce. A right angle revolves meeting two given straight lines in the points A and B ; the line which joins the points A and B will envelope a conic section whose focus is at the origin, andvnll also touch the two given lines. 19L] Let f+|=l, (a), and J + f = 1 (a,) be the projective equations of the two given straight lines ; let y=nx (b) be the projective equation of one of the sides of the right angle, and let x^-\-yv = \ (c) 176 ON THE LOCI OF RIGHT ANGLES be the dual equation ; eliminating x and y between these three eqna- tionsj ve shall have «=-.(J^) (-' For the other straight line we shall have -4;(!^f) w But as the revolving angle is a right angle^ w»,+ l=0; eonse- quently, substituting for n and n^ their values, we shall have as the resulting expression P + v^-(i + i)?-fi+^V+ — + i=0' • • («) * \a a^l^ \b bj aa, bo, the tangential equation of a conic section. Since the coefficients of the squares of the variables are equal, and the rectangle f u does not appear, the focus of the conic section is at the origin. The given straight lines are tangents to the curve ; for the equation (e) is satisfied by putting |=-, and v=j-, or f=-, and i'=T- The curve is a parabola when aa,+ i6(=0; for then the absolute term vanishes. But when aa, + 66^=0, the given lines are at right angles. 192.] A right angle revolves round a point in the plane of a conic section meeting the curve in two points; the linejoining these points will envelope a conic section, one of whose foci is at the given point. Let the origin of coordinates be taken at the given point, and let the equation of the curve be Aa?«+A,y« + 2Ba?y + 2Ca>+2C,y=l (a) Let y=nx {^) and ar^+yv=l (c) ; eliminating x and y between (a), (b), and (c), the resulting equation may be written 2[B+C^+C..-g..] A+2Cg-p If now we take the other side of the right angle, bearing in mind that mm, + 1=0, we shall have 2[B + C^+ Cv-|u] A, + 2C,v-.,« " A+2Cf-r ''+A + 2Cf-{«=^' • • («) Now, as n must have the same roots in each equation, the coeffi- cients must be identical. Equating the absolute term in each we shaU have (A -f-2Cf-S«)2= (A, + 2Ciu-v^)^. ' ' And taking the square root on each side, (A + 2Cf-J«) = + (A,+ 2C,u-./'). REVOLVING AROUND GIVEN CURVES. 177 We cannot, a priori, say which of these signs we should select; but on comparing the second terms, and dividing out the common numerator (B + C^ + Cv— fu), we find Consequently the resulting equation becomes P + t/«-2Cf-2C,u=A + A, (f) Now, as the squares of the variables have the same coefficients, and the term in ^v does not appear, this conic section has its focus at the origin. Recapitulation. 193.J It may be well to recapitulate the propositions that have been established in the preceding Chapters, on the description of curves by the motion of straight lines and angles constrained to move under certain conditions. In Chapter XV. it has been shown that a curve may be drawn parallel to another curve at the distance h from it, by substituting , and .' for f and v, in the tangential equation of the curve «^(0, i»)=0. In Chapter XVI. it has been established that if a right angle revolves touching at its vertex a curve whose projective equation is f(x, y) =0=F, the other side of the right angle will envelope a curve (the evolute) whose tangential equation may be found by eliminating X and y between the expressions dF _dP (17/ Q^ ^= dF^_dF ' "^ AF^_dF ' ^°d/{x,j,)=0. dy da; dy dar^ In Chapter XVII. it has been proved that if a right angle revolves so that its vertex shall move along a curve whose equation iaf{x, y) =0, while one side of the angle passes through the origin, the other side will envelope a curve whose tangential equation may be foimd by substituting, for x and y in the preceding equation, f and V ^ + w« ^ + v^ It has been moreover established in the same Chapter that if a right angle revolves, one side passing through a fixed point, while the other side envelopes a curve whose tangential equation is ^(li v)=0, the projective equation of the vertex of the right angle wiU be found by substituting -rr~i ^^^ ~2X~s ^°^ ? ^*^ ^ ^ *^^ X -\-y X -\-y given tangential equation of the curve. 178 ON PEDAL TANGENTIAL COOEDINATES. In Chapter XVIII. it has been shown that if round a fixed point in the plane of a curve a right angle revolves so that one side shall pass through the point of contact of a tangent drawn to the curve, the locus of the point in which the other side of the right angle meets the same tangent will be found by||eliminating f and v between ^(£, v) =0, the tangential equation of the curve, and the equations d^ _d^ dw , df ^=d*— d*-' ^°^ y= dg, d^ • du ^ df " di/ ^ df " In Chapter XIX. it is shown how the preceding methods of de- scribing curves by the motion of right angles constrained to move under certain conditions may be extended to the description of curves by the motion of any angle whatever. In Chapter XX. it has been established that if a right angle revolves touching with its sides a curve whose tangential equation, ^{£, v) =0, is given, the coordinates of the vertex x and y are found by eliminating f and v between the equations ^(f, t;)=0, a?f + yv=l, xSi+yvi=l, and, as the lines are supposed to be at right angles, ^S,+ VV,=:0. Finally, if a right angle revolves round a point, meeting in points a curve whose equation is f{x, y), the line joining these points en- velopes a curve whose tangential equation may be found by elimi- nating x, y, and n between the equations /(a?,y)=0, xS+yv=l, a;^+y,v=l. y=nx, yi=nfe, and w«^-|- y,v=l,\ 1=0. ] CHAPTER XXI. ON PEDAL TANGENTIAL COOEDINATES. 194.J Besides the system of tangential coordinates which has had its principles developed in the foregoing pages, there is another, which for distinction may be called pedal tangential coordinates. The object of the former method is to develope the duality of the properties of space in an analytical form ; while the scope of the latter is to derive new curves from others already known, by the mechanical action, as it were, of a very simple law. Let F(a?, y)^0 be the projective equation of any plane curve or other locus. In this equation for x and y let their reciprocals g and V be substituted, x^ and yv being each ^1, and the new equa- tion, Ff|, -j=0, becomes the tangential equation of a curve, in ON PEDAL TANGENTIAL COORDINATES. 179 general of a different species, but derived from the projective equation F(a?, y) =0 by a very simple law. A few illustrations will render this method of pedal tangential coordinates very obvious and plain. Let the projective equation of a straight line be - + |= 1. For X and y substitute ^ and -, and the equation becomes ^ + ^=1, or b6?w-o0-6u=O, the tangential equation of a parabola, see sec. [49] . 195.] Let us take the common projective equation of the circle *''+y*=a*. Substitute for x and y their reciprocals, and the equa- tion becomes E« + w*=a*r'v«, (a) the tangential equation of the quadrantal hypocycloid. It is obvious that as p + -j = a^, the portion of the limiting tan- gent which revolves between the axes is of constant length and equal to a. Let us assume the central projective equation of the ellipse, x^ ifi 11 -j + Tg=l ; for X and y put their equivalents ^ and -. The result- ing equation becomes oT + 6«i;^ = o'6Ti'S (b) the tangential equation of the evolute of an ellipse. Hence the line joining the feet of the projective coordinates x, y of an ellipse referred to its axes envelopes the evolute of another ellipse. Now the semiaxes of this evolute along the axes of X and Y are b and a. We may satisfy ourselves that this is so, by putting - and ^ successively equal to 0. Now if A and B are the semiaxes of the ellipse of whose evolute A^c* b and a are the semiaxes, we shall have a=— rjr- and A = Ac', hence ^=g aaid A=^,-^„ B=^^-^, (c) It is evident that the portion of the limiting tangent which revolves between the axes of coordinates is equal to the semidia- meter of the ellipse which makes an equal angle with the axis of X ; and as the sum of the reciprocals of the squares of any two semi- diameters of the ellipse at right angles to each other is constant, n2 180 ON PEDAL TANGENTIAL COORDINATES. SO must the reciprocals of the squares of any two tangents drawn to the evolute at right angles to each other be constant. 196.] In the base of the evolute AB, let two points M and N be taken so that AN x NB = OM^ ; and if from M and N two tangents be drawn to the curve, of which the intercepted parts are / and ?, we shall have P + l^=a^ + b^. Fig. 38. It is evident that P+Z*=OM^ + ON' + 0»j* + Ora' But OM'+ON*=a2. We also have ON . On h^-. + -p-=l, or 0» =A' — jON ; and in like .=:-« ,o &'; manner Om =6^ — s OM ; hence or /'+/,''=a* + 6*. 197.] Let two tangents at right angles, one to the other, be drawn to two concentric and coaxial evolutes whose axes are con- nected by the relations 111111 *« a^~W hf "A*" Let the segments of the tangents be / and l^, we shall have 1+1-1+1 Let ^ip+38[;=l> or putting -=A, t=B, the result becomes A* . B^ A* . B* js + „s -1> or jaja + ^Sj^j-^jJ (a) ON THE RECTIFICATION OF PLANE CURVES. 181 but it may be shown that if m be the angle which I makes with the axis of X, ff= , and /i;=-: : consequently A* cos* =-j^, or, as B* — A*= p, substituting. A* + .^ = -s. For /„ we shall have A ,* H — p— = p, consequently A* + A* + i,= ^+l; or, as A* + i = B,*, we shall have A' + B^=j,+~. or i, + ^,= l+^,. . . . (b) On the tangential pedal of the Semicubical Parabola. 198.] The equation of the semicubical parabola is ay'^=a^, its tangential equation is v^=a^^, and the tangential equation of its pedal is also v^=a^. Hence the pedal curve of the semicubical parabola is the semicubical parabola itself. Consequently if we join the feet of the ordinates of one branch of the curve by a straight line, this straight line will be the envelope or limiting tangent of the other branch. Thus while one of the branches may be traced out by a point, the other may be enveloped by a straight line. 199.] Let us assume the equation of the fourth degree, a*y2 + 6V=a;V (a) Substituting for x and y their values j and -, we get a«g«+6V=l, the tangential equation of an ellipse referred to its centre and axes. Hence the line which joins the feet of the ordinates a? and y in the equation (a) envelopes the ellipse whose semiaxes are a and b ; and if we erect perpendiculars to the axes of coordinates from the points in which they are met by the limiting tangent, these lines will meet on the curve (a), see sec. [147]. CHAPTER XXII. ON THE RADIUS OF CURVATURE AND THE RECTIFICATION OF PLANE CURVES. 300.] The method of tangential coordinates is peculiarly appli- cable to the rectification of plane curves. In the common formulae for rectification derived from the methods 182 ON THE RADIUS OF CURVATUEE AND of projective or polar coordinates, the element ds of the arc is as- sumed to be the hypotenuse of an infinitesimal right-angled tri- angle, of which the sides are the infinitesimals Ax and Ay ; while in polar coordinates, the element As is the hypotenuse of the right- angled triangle of which the sides are Ar and rA0. We must then take the square roots of these expressions to adapt them for inte- gration. Thus As= s/Ax^ + Ay^, and As= \/Ar^+r^Ad*. Now a little consideration will show that these expressions are arbitrary. They have nothing to do directly with the curvature of the curve itself. They depend on the previous establishment of a particular system of coordinates. Had the system not been in- vented, such a method of rectification would have been any thing, but obvious. In the following method, the primary element on which the length and curvature of a given curve depend, is the radius of cur- vature at the extremity of the element ; and it is easy to show that the arc of any given curve may be exhibited as made up of two distinct elements, the one depending on the curvature of a circle whose radius varies from point to point, while the other element, which is arbitrary, is the differential of a straight line. As the centres of ciu-vature move along the evolute of the given curve, it would seem that the coordinates of the centre of curvature which isfound on the evolute, must be necessary ele- ments in the rectification of a curve ; but we may elude the difficulty in the following way. Let C A, C A^ be the radii of cur- vature at the extremities of the ele- ment of the arc of the curve A G. From an arbitrarily assumed, but fixed point O, let perpendiculars OB, O B, be let fall on the tangents to the curve at the points A and A,. A B and A^ B, may be called pro- tangents of the curve, seeing that they are the projections of the radius vector OA on the tangents of the curve. Let A B = /, and A,B, = t,. From the point O let fall the perpendiculars O U, O U^ on the radii of curvature A C, A, C. These are equal to A B Fig. 39. A-ioo THE KECTIFICATION OF PLANE CURVES. 183 and A, B,, and therefore equal to t aud t, respectively- Through U draw the line U a parallel to O B^ or to V^ A,. Now, though we cannot determine the increment of t, or the value oitf—t from a consideration of the lines A B and A^ B„ seeing that they have no point in common, yet by comparing their equals O U and O U^, the opposite sides of the rectangles A B O U and A, B, OU,, we may see that ^— ^,= UV, ultimately. Let A, be the angle which the perpendicular O B or P makes with the axis O X ; then, putting A C=R the radius of curvature, let A U=0 B=P. Also dX, being the element of the angle between A C and A, C the radii of curvature, and also between the perpen- diculars P and V,, which are parallel to them, we shall evidently have, when the radii of curvature are indefinitely near, (R-P)dX=UV,=^-/,=d/ (a) Als V,U( is ultimately = P — P^ = dP, and V^U^ = tSX, we shall have ultimately i='- M or d«P_df 'd^^-~A\ ^°^ Introducing this value of -jr- in the preceding equation, we shall have d^P B=P + ^, ... .(d) an elegant and simple expression for the radius of curvature. , [I find this formula entered in an old note-book of mine aa having been dis- covered on the 17th August, 1837.] 201.] Since the elementary arc of the curve As is manifestly equal to Aa + aB and Aa=Pd\, while ah., is equal to UV^, the opposite side of the rectangle aA,V;U, and UV^=d/, ultimately, we shall consequently have d«=Pd\+d/ (a) Since df=(R— P)dX, the sign of d^ will depend on the sign of (K-P,). _^ We have shown in (b), sec. [200], that ^=^; and if we inte- grate the expression (a), we shall haves=JPd\-h^; or putting for dP t its value -5^, we shall finally obtain the following simple formula 184 ON THE RADIUS OP CURVATURE AND for the rectification of a plane curvCj H^^^+w. (^) From the preceding demonstration it follows that d/ wiU be posi- tive so long as R>P, that it wiU be =0 when R^P, and that it will be negative when RP, the lower when R< P. When the point O, and C the centre of curvature, are on oppo- site sides of the tangent to the curve, the formula becomes dP dX *=JPdX±^ (d) '=^-1^^'^ («) Hence, having obtained the value of P, we may obtain the value of f, the protangent, by simple differentiation; for '=!• (0 202.] These observations may throw some light on a well-known theorem in the rectification of the elliptic quadrant. In Fagnani's theorem there is a critical point at which the quadrant of the ellipse is divided into two sections, whose difference is equal to the differ- ence of the semiaxes a and b; at this point -j-=a— A, and therefore d*P gr-|=0, or R=P. That is to say, the radius of curvature is equal to the perpendicular from the centre on the tangent at the critical point, in Fagnani's theorem. It is easy to show this. In the ellipse the radius of curvature at any point is equal to the product of the squares of the semiaxes divided by the cube of the perpendicular from the centre on the tangent at that point, or R=p3-- But R=P in this case. Hence P* = a6. 1 x^ ?/* 1 In the ellipse ^^ p=^+^=^. and the equation of the curve THE BECTIFICATION OP PLANE CURVES. 185 or IT .. . gives rs+T2=li elimmatmg y and x successively, we shall have ^_ a* A* \/a + 6' i/a + b These are the coordinates of the critical point in Fagnani's theorem. For the angles which this perpendicular makes with the axes, we get b .3 a a+b a+b The tangent of the angle between the perpendicular on the tan- gent and the radius vector of the critical point is = — ;=, since t=a—b, and P= i/ab. \ab 203.] Let the tangential equation of a plane curve he tj) {!£, v) =0, and, assuming the value found for t in sec. [27] , we may transform the expression for the radius of curvature, namely R=P + -j:r,into dV R=- + - y'|2 + „a-dX d* _d*^" dg " di; ^ d^ ^ d4> L-dl ^+ diT^J V^ + v (a) While the quadrature of curves may be most easily effected by the use of the integral J yd^ derived from the projective equation of the curves, so their rectification by the aid of formulee derived from their tangential equations may with the greatest facility be obtained. Since «= J PdX-l--iT-, we shall have *=JPd\+ fd* d^- dT^-dui Id* ^ d^ vr'+w* (b) Thus the rectification of a curve, whose tangential equation is given, may in general be very simply effected by the use of these simple and general formulae. 204.] On the rectification of the circle by the method of tangential coordinates, the origin being taken any where in the plane of the circle. Let the general equation of the circle be a|'^ + a,uH3/8fu + 2yf-|-27,i; = l; .... (a) 186 ON THE RADIUS OF CCRVATUEE AND this equation becomes, writing cos \ for Pf, and sin \ for Pw, P*— Ji(y cos \+ y, sin X)P=a cos* X+ 2/3 cos \ sin X, + a, sin* \. Solving this equation for P, we obtain the result, P=7 cos \ + y, sin X + V (a + r*) COS* X + (o, + y,*) sin* X + 2 (/3 + 77,) cos X, sin X. Now in sec. [14] it has been shown that, when the section is a circle, a + 7*=a, + y,*, and fi + yy^ =0. Hence P=ycosX+7ySinX+ v'(a + 7*), and fPdX=yBinX— 7,cosX+ \/a + y^.X, ;, dP , . . and A\~ +7/ ^°^ X— 7 sin X. Hence j"PdX+^= >^a + y^.\. In sec. [ 12], (19), it is shown that the radius of the circle is = ^/a + yK 205.] On the radius of curvature of the ellipse. We have shown in sec. [200] that the radius of curvature of any curve may be expressed in terms of the perpendicular on the tan- gent from the origin, and the angle which tlus perpendicular makes with one of the axes of coordinates ; or d*P ^=l' + d^- In the ellipse P*=a*co8*X+4*sin*X, consequently p d^ _ g*^* sin-* X- a" cos" X - &* sin'* X + g *6* cos^ X dx* e* — ■ 206.] On the radius of curvature of the parabola. Since P= — -, the origin being at the focus, d^_, a±sin*X) dX*~* cos«X • Hence T> , d*P 2k ^+-Tri= — sT> or asNcosX=2*, dX** cos^ X ' eliminating cosX, we obtain B— 12*)*- THE KECTI?ICATION OF PLANE CURVES. 187 0« the rectification of the ellipse. 207.] The tangential equation of the ellipse referred to its centre and axes is a*f* + 6*1;* = 1 . Multiply by P*, for Pf put cos X, and for Pw put sin X, and then the equation will become P =a v^l — e* siu^ X; _j _ . dP . ae*sinXcos\ dX' Vl -e* sins' X Hence ae* sin X cos X «=aJdX v^l— e*sin*X- •/l — e^sin^X' • • (a) JL — e- siu- A. an elliptic function of the second order. t is taken with a negative sign as the perpendicular continues to diminish. At the critical point, substituting for sin* X and cos* X their values — 37? and —7-7, the expression for the curve as far as this point from the extremity of the major axis becomes «=aJdX Vl— e*sin*X— (a— i), the limits of integration being X=0, and X=sin~' a / — —. V a+b On the rectification of the parabola. 208.] The tangential equation of the parabola is ^r + «'') = ?, where k is one fgurth of the parameter. Multiply by P*, and the equation becomes P= — and COS Ai dP i=3-j— =Atan sec 6; the positive sign of / to be taken, since the dX radius of curvature is always greater than the focal perpendicular. Hence s=k\ -+AtanXsecX (a) J cos X ^ ' This expression for the arc of a parabola is the foundation of parabolic trigonometry. On the radius of curvature and the rectification of the cycloid. 209.] It has been shown in sec. [139] , (d), that if the origin of coordinates be taken at the centre of the cycloid, its tangential equation will be l=2r[t; + ftan-(|)] (a) 188 ON THE BADirS OF CURVATCBE AND If we multiply this expression by P, it becomes P=2r[co8\ + \..sin\]; (b) taking its first differential, ^=2r\cosX; (c) taking the second differential of F, Consequently We have also d*P ^--^=2rcos\— 2r\sin\ (d) d*P R=P+^=4rcos\ (e) j'Pd\=4rsin\— 2r\.cos\; . . . . (f) and adding the value of -i^=2rX, cos X, as given in (c), we shall have finally »=j'PdX + ^=4rsin\ (g) If we square the expressions in (e) and (g), we shall have R«+«2=4r«j (h) or the square of the radius of curvature at any point of a cycloid, together with the square of the arc measured from that point to the vertex, are equal to the square of the diameter of the generating circle. This property holds also in the case of epicycloids and hypocy- cloids, with some slight modification. Simple as the theorem is, we do not recollect to have met with it. The perpendicular from the centre on a tangent to the cycloid is equal to the radius of curvature at the same point, when XtanX=l. For P=2r{cosX+XsinX}=4rcosX=R; consequently X tan X=l, or X=cot X (i) On the rectification of the evolute of the ellipse. 210.] Let the tangential equation of the evolute of the ellipse be aV + 6«J«=(o*-i«)*f*t;« (a) Then the perpendicular from the origin on the centre will be p _ (a* — A*) sin X cos X ~ Vo'sin^x + J^cossx' ^' and JPdX= Vo^siu*X + Z»*co8^X (c) THE KECTIPICATION OP PLANE CUKVES. 189 Now dP_ (a'-ftg) (ftg co8*\-fl« sin" \) and as dP dX' we shall have, making these substitutions, H^^+^' (e) {a*8in*\ + 62cos*X}i ,, andwhenX=90°, s^(= ,^t <.,— oj,-a-j- O -TO ab „<2 i2 9 ig When\=0,*,=-^; andwhenX=90°, s^(=— ; hence *,—»„= ^ or = — Y— J a result already obtained in a different way. On the rectification of the semiciMcal parabola, and its radius of curvature. 211. J The tangential equation of the semicubical parabola is \^=k^, see sec. [148], Multiplying this equation by P, the perpendicular from the ori- gin, and referring the angle X to the normal passing through the cusp of the curve as the axis of X, we shall have ^ , sin® X V=k — 5^ (a) cos*X ^ ' Hence Jk PdX=AcosXH -, (b) cos X ^ I and dP 2A , ^ * jT= s^— ACOSX -: . . . . (c) dX cos^X cosX ^' consequently dP_ 2k dX~cos®X But at the cusp «=0 and X=0, hence «=2*(sec»X-l) (e) This is a very simple and elegant expression for the arc of the semicubical parabola as compared with that usually given in pro- jective coor^ates — that is to say, ,_ (9a?+4a)t-(4a)t 27ai See Gregory's examples, p. 416. ,=JPdX-H°^=-^+C (d) 190 ON THE KADirS OP CXTKVATrRE AND ,ve • (f) If we differentiate the expression (c), we shall have d»P _ 6Asin\ _ Asin^ dX«~ cos*\ cos'X > ' • ■ sin^X butP=* — s^- cos*\ „ ^ d^P 6isin\ , . Hence ^ = ^ + i\^=-^S^ ' ^S) a simple expression for the radius of curvature of the semicubical parabola. It may easily be shown that the following relation exists between the arc, radius of curvature, and the perpendicular, on the tangent, fh)m the cusp of the semicubical parabola 6P 2k ( 2k \i „. R~s + 2k \s + 2kj ^ ' On the rectification of parallel curves. 212] . Let s, be the arc of the parallel curve, and s that of the primitive. Applying formula (b), sec. [201], we get cr.-, dP, , , T, T> . 1 J dP, dP «/=J^'d^+ dX ' ^^* ^'=^ + *' ^^-^ ^=dX' hence «,=JPd\ + A\+^ (a) But the arc of the primitive curve is H^'^^+^I- (^) consequently Si—s=h\; (c) or the difference of the corresponding arcs of any two parallel curves is equal to a circular arc whose radius is h, the constant difference of the normals of the two curves. On the radius of curvature, and the rectification of epicycloids and hypocycloids*. 213.] Assuming the general expressions given in sec. [129] for the tangential coordinates of these curves, namely sin (« + 1) ^ _ cos (re + 1) ^~"2r{M+l)sin«^' '''~2r(M + l)sinw<^* • In the 49th proposition of the first book of the ' Principia,' Newton shows, by apuiely geometncal method, that all epicycloids and hypocycloids are rectifiable. He does not, however, discuss the relations which exist between the arcs and radii of curvature of these curves. THE RECTIFICATION OP PLANE CURVES. 191 squaring these expressions, adding- them, multiplying by F', and taking Qie square root, we shall have P=2r(w + 1) sinn<^ (a) Let X be the angle which P makes with the axis of X ; then an inspection of figure 40 will show that (n + 1)^=-+X, 3^= — -rr. For BXC=OZX + ZOX or (b + 1)<^=^+\. . . (b) Hence and JPdX= -2r^^^tiI%osra0 + C, consequently , = rpdx + g=-2ri?^+licos«,^ + C. J d\ n ^ At the cusp, the arc is ^0, consequently 0= —2r- + C. Hence, by subtraction, s=2r (I — cosn^) ; or, as this lat- ter factor is =2 sin*(-^ j, we shall have finally . (2«+l) . ^M\ , . s=.^r- ^sin*(-^l (c) n This is a general formula for all epicycloids, and also for hypo- cycloids when we write 2n— 1 instead of 2n + l. d'P Since R, the radius of curvature, is =1'+ j^i* *°^ ^^e .^— =2n» cos n^, we shall have C1A« ■VdX/~d.^ or d^ dX« and as P=2r(n+ !•) sin n^. d /dP\_ d /dP\ d^_ cixAdx/-d.^-Vdxjdx-"'f*' „ . , d<& %rv? . . = — 2r»sinnffl. 37 = — =-sm«A; ^ dX n + 1 ^ „ „ d'P 2r(2re+l) . , ,,. 192 ON THE KADIUS OV CtjaVATURE AND This is a general form for the radius of curvature of aU epicy- '^ °Siiice, when n=0, R=0, we may infer that in this class of curves the radius of curvature is =0 at the cusp. , The radius of curvature will be a maximum when sm. n^^. Let us apply these two general formulae — „ „ /2n + l\ . . (e) We may first give a simple geometrical illustration of these for- mula. Let B P Q be the rolling circle, and A Q the fixed circle ; Fig. 40. bisect the angle P B Q by the line B D, and join Q, D, then evi- dently it)- PQ=2rBin^, and DQ^=4r*sin«l consequently R=(?!^)PQ, and ,=^^±11dq'. . . . (f) \re+l / nr ^ Hence, while the radius of curvature of an epicycloid or hypopy- cloid, at any point P of the curve, is proportional to the line PQ (the instantaneons radius, the chord of the arc QP which has rolled THE RECTIFICATION OF PLANE CURVES. 193 along the fixed arc AQ), so the arc of the curve up to that point from the cusp is proportional to the square of the chord of half the arc QDP. 214.] We may now apply these formulae to determine the lengths of the arcs and the radii of curvature of several of these curves. (o) In the cardioid whose equation is given in sec. [1 30] , we have E,= 2Mr=r or 2n=l ; substituting this value of n in the general formulae, we shall have « = 16rsin«(^), (a), and R=|^ 8in(|), . . (b) when 0=7r, s=8r, R=|^ (c) (/3) In the semicircular epicycloid whose equation is given iu sec. [130], a, we have ^=2nr=2r, or m=1 ; hence s = 12rsin*|, R=3rsin^ (d) (y) In the quadrantal epicycloid as R=2»r=4r, «=2, and s = 10rsin*^, R=— rsin2(^ (e) o (S) In the trigonal epicycloid, as the base circle is three times the rolling circle, 2w=3, 16 ?= — rsin- o '&)■ "-T-'-e*)- ■ ('» 215.] On the curvature and rectification of hypocycloids. The formulae in this case are, s=4r( jsin^f-^j and IU=2r ( _, J sin w^. (a) Let the rolling circle be one half the base circle, then 2«=2, or« = l. Hence as the hypocycloid is in this case the diameter of the base curve, we must evidently have R= 00, and s =4r. (/3) Let the curve be the quadrantal hypocycloid whose equation is given in sec. [134] . As, in this case, the base circle is four times the rolling circle, we must have «=2, and the resulting expressions become s= 6r sin^ 0, R=6r sin 2<^. 194 ON THE RADIUS OF CURVATURE AND (y) In the trigonal hypocycloid, as 2»=3, m=|, we shall have 16r . o/SM _ _ . 3(^ s = — sm^f^j, R = 8rsin-^; sin-? is a maximum when d)= 120°. 4 Hence the length of one of the arcs of the trigonal hypocycloid is =—^, and the sum of lengths of the three arcs is ^16r. o It is needless to pursue these illustrations further ; what is very remarkable is this, that though we may not be able to give the equation of an epicycloid or hypocycloid either in tangential or projective coordinates, we may notwithstanding find finite and exact expressions for their arcs and radii of curvature. Thus, if the base circle be 100 times the rolling circle, we shall have for s, » = (8^)r sin^ (50^) , R=2r.^sin(100^). 216.] If we eliminate the angle between the two equations, sec. [213] , (e) , we shall have the following relation between any arc of an epicycloid and the radius of curvature at its extremity, (« + l)m2 + »V=4ra(2»+l)* (a) There are several important consequences which may be drawn from this equation. (a) When *=0, R=0, or at a cusp the radius of curvature =0. When R=0, s=0, or ws=4r-(2n+l). We may write the preceding equation in the form (« + l)m2 + w2(4r-s)«=16«*/-«+4«ra. . . (b) If we now assume » = ao , or the base circle a straight line, dividing by »*= (»+ 1)^, we shall have R2 + (4r-»)2=16r2, (c) a property of the cycloid established in sec. [209], (h). On the radius of curvature of the cubical parabola. 217.] If we measure the angle \ from the normal to the curve passing through the point of inflexion at the origin, the equation of the curve ^=a^i^, when multiplied by P*, will become P«cos\=o«sin3\; (a) difiPerentiating this expression, ^U)=^3?x(3''°^'^ + --'^)' ••••(b) THE RECTIFICATION OF PLANE CURVES. 195 or ^(^)=l-2cos''\+-J^; (c) a' \d\/ cos' A, ^ ' diflperentiating again, 4/dP\« 4P/d«P\ „ . , , 4 8m\ F^dx) +^VdA?j=^''"''''°^'^+^^^- • ^^^ If now we square (b) and divide by P', we shall have 4/dP\* _ . ^ ^ , 6siu3X , ain^X , , a'XaKJ cos\ cos^X. and if we subtract this expression from (d), the result will be 4P/d'P\ sin\,- , . ,^ ,^, ... The equation of the curve gives 4 P* _ 4 sin^ X cos' X o' ~ cos'*X adding these expressions. 4Pf„ d'P) SsinX , „ „ d«P we shall have finally R=f a{sin\cos^X)~2 (g) Since the radius of curvature is oo when X=0 and when X=90', there must be an intermediate value for R when it becomes a mini- mum. For this minimum value, tan X= — ^. On the rectification of the involute of the quadrantal hypocydoid, 218.] The projective equation of this curve being a* + y*=r*, the tangential equation of its involute, see sec. [136], (b), is [(/+a)P+(/-a)u«]= VF+^'. Multiplying by P', the preceding expression becomes / + a (sin* X — cos' X) = P, and -jT-=2asin2X; we have also f PdX=iX— 5 8in2X; consequently dX "^ A s=JPdX + ^=^ + ^sin2\ (a) It may be remarked that r=4a. IQQ ON THE EECTIPICATION OF THE 219.] On the rectification of the curve whose tangential equation is (0^ + «T=|+^' ^^) This is the equation of the curve enveloped by one side of a right angle, which moves along an ellipse, while the other side passes through the centre. Let the angle \ be measured from the minor axis of the elupse, and, multiplying by P*, we shall have , „ fsin'X , cos'Xl -r, b ,, . and dP Ae^ sin \ cos \ (c) d\ {l-c9sin*\}3 consequently r-oj^ dP iC dX , Ae'sinXcosX ,,. J dX Jvi— c*sm'X [1— c*sm*X]ir This curve gives the simplest geometrical illustration of the first elliptic integral. On the surface of the sphere its true geometrical exponent is the spherical parabola, as will be shown in the second volume of this work. *0n the rectification of the inverse curve of the central ellipse. 220.] Ce probleme merite d'etre discute & cause de Inelegance remarquable de sa solution, qui depend de devaluation d'une inte- grale elliptique de troisieme espece h, parametre circulaire. On dit que deux courbes sont inverses I'une de I'autre lorsque le produit de leurs rayons vecteurs superposes est constant, c'est-^ dire que : Rr=c«, Soit: I'equation de Pellipse,le centre etant au pdle, et soit 'Rr=kab : on aiu-a, pour la courbe inverse, I'equation : k^(aY + 6 V) = (x^ + y2)«. On peut simplifier la discussion, sans restreindre la generalite, en prenant A=l. L'equation de la courbe inverse h, I'ellipse, le centre etant au p61e, est alors : aV + 6'a;2=(^^+J'*)' (1) • This demonstration is transcribed from an article in the ' Annali di Mate- matica piira ed applicata," serie 2, tomo ii. fasc. 1, p. 84. INVERSE CURVE OF THE CENTRAL ELLIPSE. 197 Si I'on pose : x=rcos^j y=rsin<^, (2) cette Equation devient : a« sin^ ^ + 62 cos« ^=rS (3) d'ou I'on tire, apres quelques reductions simples, ds^ _ g^sin^^ + &*co3*^ . . d4>^~ a^sas? J ^ cos*<^_ o^ ,_, d\~^ toPIi' "^^ ™®™® I''® ^^^X - 0* cos* \ + 6* sin* \' ^ ' substituant et simplifiant on obtient : ds^ «W dX~{a*cos^\+b*sin^X) Va*co?X+Fsin^' ou: *-^ ' . . (8) Faisant : a»- 62 , , a*-b* d\ a* „. 0' etr_^=m, (9j on a: m= — 5 — c*, m>c^, et par suite, integrant : d\ -m siu* \] Vl — c* sin' \' integrale elliptique de troisieme espece h, parametre circulaire, car Imaginons le cylindre droit dont la base est Tellipse aux demi- axes a et b, et la sphere decrite du centre avec un rayon= \/ffl* + 6'. Cette sphere coupe le cylindre suivant une ellipse spherique. Soient a et /3 les demi-angles principaux de cette ellipse spherique, alors : ^'^^"^IF+b'^' ^^^^ ^'"'ifi + b^' ^""^^ " = i^' ta°'^=^2- (11) 198 ON THE RECTIFICATION OP THE D'ici on tire : a''-^" tan»a-tan^/3 a^-b^ ^ sm^a-sm^ ^ a* ~ tan^a ' a^ sin^a ' ffl2 tan a Eflfectuant ces substitutions dans Tequation (8) 11 vient : _ — _ — tan/3 . r* dX .j^. Or dans les Philosophical Transactions pour 1852^ Part II. p. 319, j'ai montre que I'expression d'un arc d'ellipse spherique qui resulte de ^intersection d'un c6ne aux demi-angles a et /3 avec une sphere concentrique est donnee par la formule : o-= tan^ . „f d^ .,„» tana Soit e I'excentricite de la base plane du c6ne, savoir e'^ = — , 2e I'angle des deux lignes focales, et 2?; 1' angle des deux axes cy- cliques, c'est-li-dire des deux droites normales aux sections circu- laires du cone ; d'apres le meme Memoire on aura : 5 tan'o— tan^/3 • , sin^a— sin^/S ,, .. e^= 7—5 -> sin297= ^-5 tL . (14) tan^a sin*o ^ ' et: tan^6=""''^-/'^'^, cos^a et la precedente expression de I'arc de 1' ellipse sphferique deviendra : .=*-^8in^f ^^ . (15) tana J[l-e2sin20] \/l-8in*i;.sin««^ Designant par m et m deux parametres conjugues, on a : (l-m)(H-M) = l + c2, (16) ainsi qu'on pent le voir dans tout ouvrage elementaire sur les inte- grales elliptiques; done si I'on fait m = e* et c«=8in*»i, on a sin^a— sin^fl n= 5 -. ou cos^a w=tan^ e. INVERSE CURVE OF THE CENTRAL ELLIPSE. 199 Les trois quaatites : e excentricite de la base du cone, 26 angle des ligues focales et 2ij angle des lignes cycliques, sont liees par I'equation simple : l—e^=cos^rj.cos^e (17) Le coeflacient de I'integrale (12), c'est-li-dire -^^sin/3, est ce tana qu'on nomme quelquefois le criterium de circularite, car : tan^^ / c«\ tl,^^^^'^=(l-'»)(l-J' par svtite on pent ecrire : i il vient : a*sin2<^— fi'cos^^rrr^, (19) d'ou: ds^ _ ce* sin^ ^ + b* cos^ ^ d(fi^~a^am^^-b^cQs^ Prenant : a^tau^ = b^sec^\, (21) et faisant les substitutions necessaires, on trouvera : e?s _ «i V«* + 6* cos* \ -ooN d\~ b^ + a^cos^\ ' ^ ' ou: ds__ a6[flV6'-6*sin'X] rf\~[a2 + 62_a2sin*\] VaVfi*-6«sin«\' " ^ ' ou encore : b^ a,f>_;,2r.r.c2A (^^) ab [^-^W^^ dX -/a* + 6* ly^^w^^l^T^-^^"^ (24) 200 ON THE RELATION BETWEEN TANGENTIAL AND ou enfin : ds _ b^ En faisant : (35) =»». :Ar2=c^ (26) flS + j* ' a' + 6* la demiere equation devient : ds b(a^-b^) 1 b^ d\ as/a^ + b^ll-maia^X] y/l-c^ain'X a\/a^ + b^' V'l-c'sin'x' ou, intrant : ^_b a^-b^ C dX, b^ r d\ Si la coTirbe est la lemniscate, on a a=6, et cette expression devient : CHAPTER XXIII. ON THE RELATION BETWEEN TANGENTIAL EQUATIONS, AND THE SINGULAR SOLUTIONS OP THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF PLANE CURVES. 221.J The equation ¥{x,y) =0 is the integral known as the sin- gular solution of the equation ^(f, v)==0. For if between the three equations *(f, v) =0,a;f +yu=l, and 3^=— 5 we eliminate aa; v f and V, we shall find the resulting differential equation *('.., |)=o/ or using the usual notation ■A=P, we shall have the differential equation of the same curve, *^{x, y, /?) =0. Since x^+yv=l, andj9=^, we shall find for f and v, ?^ — — — , and 1;= fa) (27) DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF PLANE CCKVES. 201 To illustrate this theory. (a) Let us assume the tangential equation of the evolute of the ellipse aV+6«fS'=c*^i;*. For f and v substitute their values as given in (a), and the resulting equation wiU become '^;^''p'-i^^ (^) DiflFerentiating this expression (b), we find ?!=_y_ or „^ g%*-«V (c) Hence {y-pxY= ^j but the equation of the curve (b) gives Comparing these two values, substituting the value of ^ derived from (c), we finally obtain or, taking the cube root, a%* + JM = c*, (d) the projective equation of the evolute of an ellipse. (/3) As another example let us take the tangential equation of the ellipse a«r'+6V=l (a) Substituting the values of x and y, a^p^ + b^={y —pxy. Differentiating this expression, we get Hence ^-S w ^-^^=^« (') Substituting these values in the preceding equation, or reducing, oV+52^*=ffl«6^ (d) the projective equation of an ellipse. It is beside the object of this work to pursue the subject further. 202 ON THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS. CHAPTER XXIV. ON THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS. 222.] To this simple but very beautiful theory is due the widest development of pure geometry that has been effected in modem times. Nothing can be simpler than the elementary principles on which this theory rests, nothing more beautiful than the results to which it leads. Let a point to and a straight line AB be assumed in a plane. Fig. 41. (ft) let fall a perpendicular mP on the line AB. With a> as centre, let a circle (H) be described, r being the radius. In the line » P let a point ir be assumed such that airXaV shall be equal to r*. tt is called the pole of the line A B with reference to (II) ; and they are termed reciprocal pole and polar. The circle whose centre is to and radius r may be called the polarizing circle, as being the instrument by which the polars of given points and lines may be exhibited. The polarizing circle or sphere, a dotted line, will be denoted by the symbol (fi). It is obvious that any conic section might be used as a polarizing curve instead of a circle ; but no advantage would be gained by com- plicating this instrument of geometrical discovery. 223.] If we now pass to space of three dimensions, let there be assumed a point and a plane in space. Let a sphere (H) be de- scribed, having its centre at the given point at, and from this point let fall a perpendicular a P upon the plane A B, and let a point nr be assumed on this perpendicular, so that oiirx w P shall be equal to -B?. -IT is the pole of the given /^/ane AB with reference to the sphere (12). ON THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS. 203 Through the point a>, and touching the given plane at P, let another sphere (11^) be described. Let w P P, be a great circle of Fig. 42. this sphere, and through P let a line J J, be drawn at right angles to this plane. Let the common secant plane of the two spheres be drawn, C D being the intersection of this secant plane with the plane of the great circle w P P,. Through the line J J^ let any plane (n,) be drawn cutting the great circle of the sphere (O,) in the straight line P Py. Join w P^ meeting the common cord of the two great circles of the two spheres (fl) and (fl,) in the point tt,. It is manifest that tt^ is the pole of the plane P P^ J Jp since O) TTy X tU Pj= O) TT X O) P=:R*. Hence it follows that the poles of all the planes drawn through the straight line J P J^ perpendicular to the plane of the great circle » P P( wUl range along the common cord of the great circles of the two spheres (f2) and (fl,). It is manifest that the angle between the planes (11) and (ITj) is equal to the angle between the perpendiculars let fall upon them from the centre o of the polarizing sphere (H). The common chord of the two great circles along which the poles of the planes range is in a plane at right angles to the line J P J^ through which all the planes pass ; and these two straight lines are called coryugate polars, one of the other, with reference to the polar- izing sphere (H). 204 ON THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECU'ROCAL FOLARS. Indefinite planes and straight lines, or planes and straight lines given only in position, will be denoted by letters enclosed in brackets. Thus (11) and (/) will denote a plane aud a straight line given in position only, and otherwise indeterminate. 224.] We shall now proceed to develope some of the results which follow from these elementary and obvious principles. If any point ir, be assumed in a plane (11), the polar plane (II ,) of this point will pass through ir the pole of (II), Fig. 43. Join CO and ir,. Let the polar plane (11,) of tt, cut the line a ir, in Q., and the line Q,=«» Qxo>Ps=R'=o)ffXo»P, or TT coincides with Q. When any number of straight lines are parallel to one another, their conjugate polar s will all lie in the same plane. For the conjugate polar of any one of them will be in a plane passing through the polarizing centre w, and at right angles to the given straight line. Hence all these planes will be parallel ; and as they all pass through the point w they will be identical. It will much facilitate the study of this theory if these two prin- ciples are firmly grasped, and rendered familiar ; that is to say, the polar plane cf any point assumed in a straight line will pass through the conjugate polar of this straight line, and the polar plane of any point assumed in a plane will pass through the pole of this plane. 225.] The reciprocal polar of any plane curve is a cone whose vertex is in the pole of the plane of the curve. For if we inscribe a polygon in the given curve, the polar plane of every vertex of the polygon will pass through the pole of the plane of the polygon, as we have just now shown, and the conjugate polar of any side of the polygon will be the line in which two con- ON THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS. 205 secutive polar planes of two consecutive vertices of the polygon in- tersect. Let the sides of the polygon now be indefinitely multiplied and diminished in magnitude, the polygon will ultimately coincide with the plane curve, its limit ; and the polygonal pyramid will become a cone. Throughout the following pages the polarizing circle or sphere will be denoted by the symbol (11) ; the primitive or normal surface, which is to be transformed, by (S) ; and the reciprocal polar of this surface by (S) ; and if {I) or (m) or (n) be any straight lines, their conjugate polars will be denoted by the symbols (X), (fi), (v). 236.] Fi'om the centre to of the polarizing circle (fl) a perpen- diular mVis let fall on a tangent drawn to the curve (S) at T. 7%e radius eoT produced iviU be perpendicular to the corresponding tangent drawn to the reciprocal polar curve (2) ; and the perpendicular T X 6) ■eT=(o P X a> t=r2, T «r P T is therefore a quadri- lateral that may be inscribed in a circle. Hence the angle CD T P=a) T w^o) T/ -a, since at the limit the angle t co t, va- nishes. Consequently a circle may also pass through P t t^ P^ and therefore «»Px<»T=ft>P^X 0>T,= R*; and therefore r^ must also be a point on the curve (2), or t t an indefinitely small portion of the line «r t t, erected perpendicular to the line w «t at the point w is a tangent to the reciprocal polar (2) of the original curve. Hence when two curves (S) and (2) are reciprocal polars, one of the other, the radius vector through the point of contact of the one will be perpendicular to the corresponding tangent of the other ; or if through a point assumed on (S) we draw a tangent, the polar of this point of contact will be a tangent to (2), and the pole of the 206 ON THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS. tangent to (S) will be the corresponding point of contact on (2) ; or in other words, the radius vector drawn to a point of the one (S) will coincide with the perpendicular let fall on the corresponding tangent to the other (2). If r and P, be these quantities, we shall always have rP,=R^, a constant quantity. 227.] To find the conjugate polar of the normal to a tangent plane applied to the primitive surface (S). As the normal passes through the point of contact of the tangent plane to (S), its conjugate polar will lie in the tangent plane to (S) ; and as the normal and tangent plane to (S) are at right angles, one to the other, the vector line from the origin to the point of contact of the tangent plane to (2) will be perpendicular to the vector plane drawn from the origin through the conjugate polar of the normal^ which lies, as we have shown, in the tangent plane to (2) . Hence the conjugate polar of the normal to a curved surface (S) is the straight line in the tangent plane to (2), through which and the origin if a plane be drawn, it wUl be perpendicular to the radius vector drawn from the origin to the point of contact of the tangent plane to (2). 228.] (ffl) A plane (II) passes through a given point ir, and a given straight line (I) . The pole ir of this plane (11) is the point in which the polar plane (IT,) of tt, is pierced by the conjugate polar (X) of the given straight line. See fig. in sec. [224] . For as this latter point is in the straight line (\), its polar plane wUl pass through (Z) j and as it is in the plane (II,), its polar plane will pass through tt,. Hence, conversely, the plane passing through TT, and (l) must have for its pole the intersection of (11,) with (\). 08) A straight line (/) -and a plane (H) are at right angles one to the other. The plane drawn through the pole tt of (11) and (\), the conjugate polar of (/), will be perpendicular to the line drawn from CO, the centre of the polarizing sphere, to «r,, the foot of the perpen- dicular (/). Let the given plane (II) be the plane of the paper, suppose ; then (I) will be vertical, and therefore (X) wiU be horizontal. Let the line (1) pierce the plane (H) in sr,. Then, as «•, is a point in (H), the polar plane of vr, will pass through v the pole of (H) j and as tj, is a point in the straight line (I), the polar plane of vr, will pass through (X). Hence the line drawn from to to vr, will be at right angles to the plane which passes through ir and (X) . (y) Or this proposition may be proved more simply thus : join the point w„ assumed as the intersection of the line [1) with the plane (O), to to, the centre of the polarizing sphere. Hence (11,), the polar plane of la-,, wiU be at right angles to the line vr, co ; and as is, is in the plane (U) its polar plane (H,) will pass thi-ough ir, the pole of (H) ; and as w, is a point in the straight line (/), its polar plane (O,) will pass through (X), the conjugate polar of (Z). ON THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS. 207 If a straight line (/) be perpendicular to a given plane (11), the conjugate polar (\) of this straight line will lie in a plane parallel to (11) passing through w the centre of (fl), which therefore may be called the central plane. It will also lie in the polar plane of the point in which (/) intersects (11), therefore (\) will be the inter- section of these two planes. When the line (/) makes an acute angle with the plane (IT), the central plane will cut {I) still at right angles, and (\) will be the intersection of this central plane with the polar plane of the inter- section of [1) with (11). (S) A straight line (/) lies in a plane (11), the conjugate polar (\) of (/) will pass through the pole tt of (11), and lie in a plane at right angles to (/) , passing through a the centre of (fl) . For if through (/) we draw two tangent planes to the polarizing sphere (fl), the line (X) which joins the points of contact with the sphere will be the conjugate polar of (/) and will be in a plane at right angles to it, and as the line {I) lies in the plane (11) its conjugate polar (\) will pass through tt the pole of (11). 229.] When points are assumed along a straight line (/) passing through o) the centre of the polarizing sphere (O), the polar planes of all these points will be parallel, seeing that they must all pass through the conjugate polar (\) of (Z), which is at infinity, since (/) its polar passes through to the centre of (XI) . CHAPTER XXV. THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS APPLIED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW METHOD OF DERIVING THE PROPERTIES OF SURFACES OP THE SECOND ORDER WITH THREE UNEQUAL AXES FROM THOSE OF THE SPHERE. 230.] M. Chasles and other geometers have shown how the pro- perties of surfaces of revolution of the second order may be derived from those of the sphere, by the method of reciprocal polars. But they have not extended their researches so as to include the case of surfaces with three unequal axes. In a memoir entitled " Recherches de geometric pure sur les lignes at les surfaces du second degre," published in 1829, M. Chasles has shown how the properties of surfaces of revolution may be de- rived with singular simplicity from those of the sphere. But this great geometer has omitted to apply the method to obtain the cor- responding properties of surfaces with three unequal axes*. This omission may be supplied from the following considerations. * " Quand on emploie une sphere pour surface auxiliadre, s'il se trouve une autre sphere dan? la fi of the polarizing cir- cle (fl), the reciprocal polar of the circle (S) wiU be a conic section having one of its foci at the centre cd of the polarizing circle (A), and its axis in the line joining the centres of (S) and (Xl) . Of the several proofs that may be given of this cardinal theorem, the following is perhaps the most elegant, as it is certainly the most simple. Since the product of the segments of a chord of a circle passing through a fixed point is constant, the product of the reciprocals of these segments will be constant also ; and as these reciprocals are coinciding perpendiculars let fall from the polarizing centre to on two tangents to the reciprocal curve (2), these tangents will be parallel, because the extremities of the cord of the circle (S) and the polarizing centre a, are in the same straight line. Conse- quently we obtain this property of the reciprocal curve (2), that the product of two perpendiculars let fall from a point on parallel tangents to the curve is constant. But this we know to be a pro- perty of the conic sections, that the product of perpendiculars let fall horn, a focus on parallel tangents is constant. Hence the truth of the propoeition. When the point of intersection of the chords is on the circum- ference of the circle, a chord of the circle passing through this point is =2a cos ^, ^ being the angle which this chord makes with the dia- R* meter 2a passing through this point; hence =- sec ^ is the length of the perpendicular let fall from this point on the corresponding tangent of the reciprocal curve; but this we know to be the expres- sion for a focal perpendicular on a tangent to a parabola. nouvelle figure une surface du second degr£ de rfivolution.; on n'aura done point les propri^t^s g^Sn^iales d'un surface du second degr^ qnelconque." — Chaslcp, ' ApeT9u Historique,' p. 233. APPLIED TO SURFACES OP THE SECOND ORDER. 209 232.] The polar of the centre O of (S) w D D„ the directrix of the conic section (2) . Let 01 be the centre of the polarizing circle (il) , and O the centre of (S) . Let the diameter Q, Q, be drawn and the parallel tangents Pig. 45. Q P and Q^ P^. Let the polars of the points Q and Q, be taken, vrhich will be tangents «r T, isf, T, to the curve (S) : also let the poles of the tangents P Q and P, Q., to the circle be taken ; these will be the points T and T, of contact of the tangents w T and -a, T, to the reciprocal curve (2) . These points T and T, will be on the same straight line passing through a>, since the tangents P Q, P, Q, to the circle are parallel. Take D D, the polar of the centre O ; and as Tw, T,tT-j, and DD, are the polars of the three poles Q, Q„ and O respectively, which all lie in the same straight line, the dia- meter of the circle, these three lines must meet in a point, or the point Y in which the tangents meet must be on the polar of O the centre of the circle. But it has been shown in [231] that X/^ tt. V. J--.^ / / ^ CO V,. y \ J<^ ^ XjsN-,., Q ' \ r and (2). Let parallel tangents be drawn to the principal section of (2) at the points T and T^ ; the diameter T T, will of course pass through C the centre of (2). Let the reciprocal polars Qw, Qyor, of the points T and*T, be taken ; they will touch the circle in the points Q, and CL, ; and as by supposition the line Q Q,, passes through ta, the centre of the polarizing circle (H), the two tangents Q^sr, Qf'sr, wiU meet in a point Y. And as the point C the centre of (2) lies in the diameter TT,, the polars of the three points T, T„ and C will meet in V. Hence V o) : R : : R : C ai. But as V t and V t, are by hypothesis tangents to the polarizing circle {Q), we shall have also V(u : R :: R : Cm. Consequently the base of the triangle Y t r^ passes through C the centre of (2). As the force of the preceding demonstration may not be at once obvious to every reader, it may be observed that the point Y is the pole of the line T C T, by the method of reciprocal polars, and there- fore Y «» : R : : R : C o), R being the radius of the polarizing circle. But in the circle t a> t, whose radius is R^, we have by common geometry Y «» : R, : : Ry : C w ; but when R = R^ the two proportions become identical. We may give another demonstration of this important proposi- tion. Let a and b be the semiaxes of (2), and c the eccentricity. Then Y ; (c) V6j:= ^j -': and Qw — v^-; . . . . (d) consequently Vo,=^a(l-c«) = — (e) But Vo) X wC =R* ; hence a>C=ae, the distance between the centre and the focus. Therefore, while the base of the cone VQQ^ determines the focus of (2), the base of the convertical cone wUl determine the centre of{S). 234.] Let a sphere be assumed as the polarizing surface (11) , and a prolate spheroid or ellipsoid as the primitive or normal surface (S) , from which the properties of the reciprocal surface (2) are to be derived. We have therefore three surfaces to consider : — the primi- tive or normal surface (S), which is to supply the properties that are to be transformed ; the auxiliary or polarizing sphere (H), the instrument of transformation ; and the derived or polar surface (2) . Let A and C be the semiaxes of the primitive surface (S), the prolate spheroid or elongated ellipsoid of revolution having its prin- cipal circular section whose radius is A in the horizontal plane or plane of XY, and its third semiaxis C, greater than A, vertical. Let D be the distance between O the centre of the prolate spheroid (S) and (o the centre of the polarizing sphere (fl) . Let a, b, c, in the order of magnitude be the semiaxes of the derived surface (2) . We shall now establish the following relations between a, b, c and A, C, D, R — R being the radius of the polarizing sphere (fl), which is represented by the circle whose centre is » : — R«A . R' J R'A , , °=A^:iD^' ^= VA^D' ' ""^"^ C VA^-D' ' • ^*^ Thus we shall be enabled to express the semiaxes a, b, c of the reciprocal polar (2) in terms of the semiaxes A, C of the primitive surface (S), and the distance D between its centre O and the centre 01 of (12) the polarizing sphere. We may observe that when a the centre of (fl) is on the surface of (S), D = A, and the above values of a, b, and c become infinite, or the surface becomes a paraboloid, of which the semiparameters • • , X- ** c* R* , R'A , . , „ .. of the principal sections — , — are -r- ana -pg-, which are nnite quantities. p2 212 GEOMETKICAI, THEORY OF RECIPKOCAL FOLAKS When D>A, the values of b and c hecome imaginary, -while a Fig. 47. continues real. Hence the reciprocal polar (S) is in this case a discontinuous hyperholoid, or one of two sheets. 235.] It is obvious that there are two surfaces of the second order which cannot be derived from the sphere — ^those whose generatrices are straight lines, the continuous hyperholoid and the hyperbolic paraboloid. Hence surfaces of the second order may be divided into two classes — ^iuto those which have umbilici or points of drcular contact with tangent planes, and those which admit of contact only along straight lines. 236.] Let AB QQ, (fig. 48) be the circular section of the ellip- soid whose radius is A, and which for clearness we assume to be in the plane of XY. Let a point let the perpendicular Q Q, be drawn, and at these points Q Q, let tangents drawn to the circle meet in V. From V let two tangents Vt, Vt, be drawn to o>tt„ the great Fig. 48. t T ^ r X 4 O u) / \ . sV \\ \ * ^ ^ -:ii^ c^ r. circle of the polarizing sphere (fl) in the plane of X Y. Through T, T, let a straight line be drawn meeting the diameter O a> in C j C will be the centre of the surface (2) by [233] . Through T and T, let parallel tangents be drawn to the reciprocal polar of the circle j this will be a conic section whose focus will be at (0 by the proposition in sec. [231] . Take the reciprocal polar s of the points A and Bj the extremities of the diameter of the base circle ; let one of them pass through a, it will be a tangent to the conic section at a the extremity of the major axis. Let a and b be the semiaxes of this conic section in the plane of XY, then o)V=CT=&; and as Q, is the pole of the tangent 'it, we shall have Q>Qxo>^=R'; or as at=b, and 0)0= VA' — D', the result becomes *=-v^^' ^'^ The distances of the polar focus to from the vertices of the trans- verse axis of the principal section of (S) in the plane of XY are manifestly aTd^°^a:id ^^ Half the sum of these expressions will be equal to a the transverse axis of (2), or a= A«-D«' (c) 214 GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS Kg. 49. t T 237.] To determine the third semiaxis c. On the base AHH^E let us conceive one half of the prolate sphe- roid to be erected, and an ordinate toz drawn through a> in the prin- cipal plane of the spheroid (S) whose semiaxes axe A and C ; then 0)^ : OB : : VA^-D^ : A, or o>z= ^ VA'-D« ^^^ ^^ ^^ A. tremity r of r is the pole of the tangent plane to (2) parallel to the plane of XY ; consequently c x a)2=B,* ; or, putting for az its value. APPLIED TO StJaPACES OP THE SECOND ORDEA. 215 Hence the values of the three semiaxes of the polar surface (2) in terms of the semiaxes A and C of the primitive surface (S), the radius R of the polarizing sphere (XI), and the distance D between the centres of (S and (fl) are, as we have shown, „_ R'A R^ , R^^A * = T9 — tS9> "= — , . „ ^ . and c= ==. . (b) Conversely, we may express the constants of (S) in terms of a, b, c, the semiaxes of (2) — ^ b^'^- cb' b* ^*^^ Hence C b A=? ^^) or the ratio of the axes of the primitive (S) is equal to the ratio of the axes of the reciprocal polar (2) in the plane at right angles to the transverse axis 2a. Let -^=e^-^=eSand-35-=,^ . . 'e) then e, e, and ij are the eccentricities of the three principal sections of (2) in the planes of XY, XZ, and YZ. C*— A^ b^—c^ Since — ^ — = — p— =»?*, it follows that the eccentricity of the primitive surface (S) is equal to that of the principal section of (2) in the plane of YZ. We find also c = -^ (f) • Accordingly, therefore, as DA, the prin- cipal section of (2), in the plane of XY, will be an ellipse, parabola, or hyperbola. We may express the eccentricities of the three principal sections of the reciprocal polar (2) in terms of the semiaxes A and C of (S) and of D the distance between the centre O of (S) and a> the centre of the polarizing sphere (il), , D« „ C«-A« , C^+DSi-A* ft* 7j* ^~ — — _. ^* ^ _ __i_^^^^— , C — J^i> 'I — QS > ^ — Qi We have also the simple relation between the three eccentricities l-e«=(l-e«)(l-^») (g) 238.] We shall now proceed to develope some very beautiful and general properties of umbilical surfaces of the second order having three unequal axes. 216 GBOMETaiCAL THEORY OF EECIPROCAL POLAKS The point w, the centre of the polarizing sphere (II), has been shown to be a focus of the principal section of (S) in the plane of XY. This point w may be called Xhe polar focus. Let us take the polar planes of the two foci F and F, of (S), see fig. 47. The distance of one of the foci of (S) from the polar focus (o is Fo>= VD* + C*— -A.*; and the length of the perpendicular «r let fall from a> on the polar plane of F, will be computing the value of this expression from (c) in the preceding section, zT=— (a) ae We should find the same value for ■sr,, the perpendicular on the polar plane of F,, the other focus of (S) . 239.] Now, as the two foci F, F,, and O the centre of (S) are on the same straight line (the major axis of (S) perpendicular to the plane of XY), the polar planes of these three points will all meet in the same straight line ; and as the polar of O, the centre of (S) , has been shown, see [232] , to be the directrix of the conic section in the plane of XY, whose focus is a, and which is a principal plane of (2), the two polar planes of the foci F and F, of (S) wiU intersect in the directrix of the principal section of (S) in the plane of XY. As these planes are of the primest importance in this theory of surfaces of the second order, and as we shall show that they are parallel to the circular sections of the surface (S) in eveiy case, we shall denote them by the symbols (A), (A^), and call them the con- jugate umbilical directrix planes of a surface of the second order. It is obvious that as the point ca, the centre of the polarizing sphere {€1), may be taken at the distance D on the other side of O the centre of (S), there will be in general /o«r umbilical planes passing two by two through the directrices of the principal section of (2) in the plane of XY. The lines in which the umbilical direc- trix planes intersect two by two on the plane of XY may be called the polar directrices. 240.] The inclination i of the umbilical directrix plane may be thus found, sini= ~~p"' ^^* "' ^ ^** been shown above, — ae e be is = — ae APPLIED TO SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 217 Consequently smt=—, . (a) or tan«i=i^j >--. . (b) and cos i=-, a simple expression for the cosine of i. Now it is shown in every elementary work on this subject, that the inclination of the planes of the circular sections of an ellip- soid to the trifocal plane is given by the same formula, tan«e=y «'^ w by Since the sum of the squares of any three conjugate diameters is equal to the sum of the squares of the axes, if we put m for the umbilical semidiameter, b and b being the two other conjugate diameters, we shall have ««-l-2i«=a« + J2 + c2, or M* = a« + c«-J«. . . (c) 241 .J The angle which a diameter of (2) passing through an um- bilicus makes with an umbilical tangent plane is thus found. From the centre let fall a perpendicular on the umbilical tangent plane which is parallel to a circular section. Hence, as generally, afilP=abc; but in this case a,= bf=b, we shall have P=-r- ; but <^ being the angle which the diameter 2u makes with the umbilical tangent plane, . , ac , . si°9=j^. (^^ or *^^'^= (aa-&°)(&8_c«) (b) There are therefore two cases in which the umbilical diameter is perpendicular to the umbilical directrix plane (A) — ^when a = b, or b=c. In the former case the derived surface (2) is an oblate spheroid ; in the latter it is an ellipsoid of revolution round the transverse or major axis. It may easily be shown that this umbilical angle ^ is a minimum when the umbilical semidiameter u=6, or when the sphere which passes through the central circular sections of the surface passes also through the umbilicus. 218 GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS ac In this case sin 9 = tj- Let M be prolonged to meet the umbilical directrix plane (A) ; u its length U measured from the centre C is=- ; for - :U : : sin A : sini. Butsini=i-, and sinA=-j— ; e ^ be ^ bu therefore U=^ (c) 242.] In every umbilical surface of the second order there are fourfod, independently of the foci of the principal sections. They are, two by two, on the umbilical diameters of the surface, and are also to be found on the vertical which passes through the polar focus CO at right angles to the plane of XY. In fig. 47 V and v, on the vertical axis cd Q Q^ and on the umbi- lical semidiameters C U and C U, are the umbilical foci of the surface (2). Let 6 be the angle which the umbilical semidiameter u makes with the plane of XY ; then, as cos* ^ sin* ^_ 1 we shall have ,03. g_ aV-c*) ^ «*(a*-6*) _a*.« Hence Cv=ue (a) Consequently the point v is the pole of (A) with respect to the surface (S). The distance of the umbilical focus v from the plane of XY is thus found. Let this distance be z, then z=ae tan 6. But tan^=^j consequently XT =^ (b) The segment of this axis z passing through the polar focus, and cut oflF by the umbilical directrix plane (A), is r.=— ; for cosi=-; consequently tani=:T-, and -_/a \^ • be .,_^-_«ejtanz=- (c) APPLIED TO SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 219 243.] The ordinate through w in the plane of XY is =— ; but be the ordinate through a> in the plane of XZ is = — . This follows at once by putting ae for x in the equation -5 + -2= 1- 26c This line — , passing through the polar focus and the two umbi- lical foci, may be called the principal parameter of the polar reci- procal surface (2). The segment of the axis of Z cut off by the umbilical plane (A) is a ^ . ace ac , , =- tan*=-^— = 1— (a) e ebi) bri ^ ' The distance between the points on the axes of X and Z (passing through the centre) in which they are cut by the umbilical plane may be thus found: putting H for this distance, CX=-j but cos i = -; hence 6 H=^, (b) a simple expression, in which the three eccentricities of the prin- cipal sections are involved. The length of the perpendicular from the centre on the umbilical directrix plane (A) is P;=- sin i, or ^.=E- («) The perpendicular P^^ from the polar focus <» on the umbilical dttectrix plane (A) is=-(l— e*) ami; or, putting for sin t its value 7-, -^""^ (^) In like manner we may find an expression for the perpendicular let fall from the umbilicalfocus v on the umbilical directrix plane (A) . Let this perpendicular be P,j, ; then it may easily be shown that ^"'=k (^) The perpendicular P„„ let fall from the polar focus a on the tan- p 220 GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAI. POLARS gent plane through the polar directrix touching the surface (S) at the extremity of the principal parameter is given by the formula The distance of B, the extremity of C, the major axis of (S) from Q> is VC«+D«; but P„„ y/C^+W=W (see fig. 47). Now C^=^, and D«=»V^. Substituting these values of C and D in the preceding equation, we get If we add together these three perpendiculars on the umbilical plane (A), P, from the centre C, P^from the polar focus co, and P„, from V, the umbilical focus, we shall have ^'{P,+P„+P„,}=fl«+6«+c* (g) 244.] Let (D) be the directrix plane of the primitive surface (S) whose major axis is C, and eccentricity 17. Hence the distance of the pole B of (D) (which is parallel to the plane of X Y) from it is «8=^. ButC = ^j see (c), [237]: consequently «bS=^ j or the extremity B, the pole of (D), coincides with v, the umbilical focus. The radius of the circular section of (S) whose plane passes through the umbilical focus is equal to the semiparameter — of the surface (2). For we manifestly have m' : A' : : «*(!— e*) : r*, or .-A^(l-e^)=^; (,) when e=b, the radius is, as we know, =— in the ellipsoid of revo- lution. The radius of the circular section of the surface (2) which passes through the polar focus o> is "^ aA~^) (^) 245 .] In the major axis of (S) there are seven remarkable points— APPLIED TO SURFACES OP THE SECOND ORDER. 221 the centre O, the two foci F and F„ the extremities B and B, of the major axis of (S), the points D, D^ in which this major axis meets the directrix planes (D) and (D,). Now these seven points, O, F, F,, B, B;, Dj and D,, all range along the major axis of (S) ; hence the seven reciprocal polar planes will all intersect in the same straight line, the polar directrix of the surface (S), or the directrix of its principal section in the plane of X, Y (see fig. 47) . The polar planes of F and F, are the umbilical directrix planes (A) and (A,), passing through the same polar directrix ; the polar planes of the points B and B,, the extremities of the major axis of (S), will touch the reciprocal surface (2) at the extremities Q Q, of its principal parameter, while the polar planes of the points D and D, will pass through the umbilical foci v and v. of the surface A tangent plane is drawn to the vertex of (S) cutting the umbi- lical directrix plane (A) in a straight line (t). The plane drawn through this line (/) and the polar focus at will make with the plane of XY an angle whose sine is =t- The principal parameter of the surface (S) is a mean proportional between the parameters of the principal sections in the planes of XY and XZ. be . . b^ c* For — is a mean proportional between — and — a a a be 246.] Let L = — be the principal semiparameter of the surface (S) ; and if we substitute for a, b, c their values as given in terms of A, C, D, and R, see [237], (c), we shall find li^-^. This is a very remarkable result. The value of L is independent of A and D. Consequently, if we assume the minor axis A of the surface (S) to vary, while the major axis C remains constant, the reciprocal polar surfaces (S), thus generated, will all touch in the same point; and if we further assume A=C, (S) will become a sphere, and (2) will be an ellipsoid of revolution round the transverse axis, so that the series of reciprocal polar surfaces (2) derived from the variation of A in (S) will all touch the ellipsoid of revolution the reciprocal polar of the sphere whose radius is C, and also the tangent plane to all these surfaces which passes through the polar directrix in the plane of XY and touches all the reciprocal surfaces at the extre- mity of their common semiparameter L. This plane may be called the parametral tangent plane. If we assume the polar focus &>, whose distance from the centre of (S) is D, to range along the 222 GEOMETEICIL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS transverse axis, while the semiaxes of (S) continue unchanged, then, as the distance of the vertex of the principal semiparameter from the plane of XY is constant, the vertices of the semiparameters of all the reciprocal polars (S) derived from the variation of D will range along a straight line parallel to the plane of XY, and at the distance -^ from it; and the distance of the umbilical focus v J. IDS / f^S K 9 from the plane of XY is — or r-c'y (f ) Bistonce of polar focus a from the centre = ae. Distance of polar directrix from the centre = be (tl) The ordinate pasdng through the polar focus ) The radius of circular section of (S) whose plane passes through the umbilical focus is = — > a and is therefore equal to the principal semiparameter L. (it) The radius of circular section of (S) whose plane passes through the polar focus &> is *"'— ~il — a 1" (r) The squared reciprocal of perpendicular from the polar focus u on the tangent plane at the extremity of the principal parameter L is jjl ■-^+j- — 5 I. (v) Distance between the points on the axes of X and Z in which they are cut by the umbilical plane (A) = . ■ — eri (0) A plane being drawn through the umbilical focus v parallel to the plane of XY, the principal axes of this section will be u and — a (^) The distance of the foot of the umbilical normal fi«m the centre of (2) is aee. (a) The distances of the feet of the principal normals to the vertices of the principal sections of (S) passing; through the axis of X are at* and oe* respectively. Therefore the distance of the feet of the three normals from the centre are in geometrical progression, or the distance of the foot of the umbilical normal from the centre is a mean proportion between the distances from the centre of the feet of the normals of the vertices of the principal sections. APPLIED TO. SUBPACES OP THE SECOND OEDER. 225 249.] On the hyfeeboloid op two sheets and its asymptotic CONE. Fig. 50. When to, the centre of the polarizing sphere {€)), is outside the primitiTe surface (S), D is greater than A, and the reciprocal polar (S) becomes a discontinuous hyperboloid, while the reciprocal of the plane curre of contact of the cone whose vertex is a, with 226 GEOMETRICAL THEOKY OP KECI7K0CAL FOLAKS the snrface (S) becomes the asymptotic cone of the reciprocal polar (2). The cone -whose vertex is at w, and whose base is the common section of (S) with it, is manifestly supplen^ntal to the cone the reciprocal polaa- of this section, whose vertex is at C. The former may be called the ^oZar cone, the latter the asymptotic cone. When a cone envelopes a surface of revolution (S), the lines drawn from the vertex of this ctme to the foci of the siuface (S) are called ttie focal lilies* of this cone ; therefore the planes of the circular sec- tions of the supplemental cone are at right angles to these focals ; hence the planes of the circular sections of the asymptotic cone are at right ai^es to these focals : but the umbilical directrix planes (A) and (A,) are also at right angles to these focal lines ; and there- fore the planes of the circular sections of (2) which are parallel to the umbilical directrix planes are also perpendicular to the focal lines of (S) ; consequently the planes of the circular sections of the asymptotic cone are parallel to the circular sections of (S). 250.] The centre C of the surface (2) may be thus found. Gene- rally, the polar plane of w, the centre of (fl) urith respect to (S), is the polar plane o/C, the centre of'x^) with reject to (il). For the plane t r,, fig. 50, is the polar plane of » with respect to (S), while it is the polu: plane of C with respect to (11) . The plane of contact of the polar cone with the surface (S) divides it into two segments, the remoter one of which is the reci- procal polar of the sheet of (2), of which to is the focus, while the nearer segment of (S) is the reciprocal polar of the remoter sheet of (2). It is worthy also of remark that when to, the polar focus, is within the surface (S), see fig. 48, the point V is the common vertex of two cones circumscribing (S) and (XI). The plane of contact of the former will determine the polar focus to; and the plane of con- tact of the latter with (11) will determine C, the centre of (2). But when to is without the surface (S), the two cones will have a common base, and their vertices will be at the centre and focus of (2). 251.] The reciprocal polar of the continuous hyperboloid is also a continuous hyperboloid. * That the lines drawn from the yeitex of a cone to the foci of a surface of reTolution which it ciicumscrihes are the /ocab of the cone may be thus simply shown. Let/ and/, be the lines drawn from the vertex of the cone to these foci ; let p and p, be the perpendicularg let fall from these foci on the tangent plane to the cone. Let and *~X' ^^^ c^>r : and also e=0, e^^rj'= = — Since cos i =-= 1, i = Oj in this case therefore the umbilical planes are parallel to the plane of XY, the plane of the princijpal circular c section, at the distance - from the origin; the polar directrix in which the two umbilical directrix planes intersect vanishes to infi- nity, and the two umbilical foci are on the axis of Z, at the distance ce iram. the plane of XY. q2 238 THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS CHAPTER XXVI. ON THE APPLICATION OF THE THEORY DEVELOPED IN THE PRECEDING CHAPTER TO THE DISCUSSION OF SOME THEOREMS AND PROBLEMS. ' 253.] It will be well to premise the following lemmas before we proceed to apply the principles established in the foregoing pages. Lemma I. To express the base A B of the triangle A B C in terms of the perpendiculars on the polars of the points A^ B, and the distance ofthe pole ofAB from C, Let the angle AC Bbe =9; letCbethe polarizing centre. Then ■ T, CA.CB.sLnd , ,„, R« Rs r« AB= j^ ; but CA=— , CB=— , and CD=— ; Ui» P P, r consequently AB= R'rsin^ m Lemma II. From a given point R let a perpendicular R P be let fall on the given siraight line CV, and let the point O be assumed as the centre of the polarizing circle whose radius is R. Let B Q be the polar of the point R, and S the pole of the given APPLIED TO THEOREMS AND PROBLEMS. 229 straight line C V. From S let fall a perpendicular S T on the polar of B.. It may easily be shown that the ratio of the lines drawn to the poles R, S from the centre O of the polarizing circle will be the same as the ratio of the perpendiculars let fall from these points on the polar straight lines ; for OR_R^ . R^OC OV OR-OV RV RP OR_OS OS OB • OC~OB~OQ~OS-OQ~SQ~ST °^ B,T~ ST Pig. 52. The proposition is equally true when C V P and T Q B are planes. For through O R P draw a plane, and through C Y and Q B planes perpendicular to the plane O R P, the above demonstration will still hold. ' 254.] If from any point on an umbilical surface of the second order perpendiculars be let fall on two conjugate umbilical directrix planes, the rectangle under these perpendiculars will have to the square of the distance of this point from, the polar focus a constant ratio. It has been shown by M. Chasles and other geometers — ^indeed it follows obviously from the corresponding property in piano — ^that if from the foci of an ellipsoid of revolution perpendiculars be let fall on a tangent plane, their product will be equal to the square of the semi- minor axis of the ellipsoid. Let the reciprocal polar of this property be taken. The pole of the tangent plane (T) to (S) will be a point Q on (2) ; the polar planes of the two foci F, F, of (S) will be the conjugate umbilical directrix planes (A), (A^) to (S) ; hence the perpendiculars are let fall from one point Q on the surface (S) to its two directrix planes (A) and (A,). But the distance of the focus of (S) from the polar centre w is 230 THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIFROCAI. POLAR8 VC+D*— A', see sec. [238]; and the product of the perpen- diculars is^ as we have assumed, equal tb A^. Fig. 53. Consequently the ratio of the product of the two perpendiculars from the foci of (S) on a tangent plane to it, to the product of the distances of the two foci of (S) from the polar centre, is _ A« C«+ D«-A«" But from the preceding Lemma II. it follows that this must also he the ratio of the product of two perpendiculars let fall froia the point Q on the directrix planes (A), (A,) to the square of the radius r drawn from Q, to the polar focus oi. Putting/? and ^, for these perpendiculars, we shall have ^_. A« (a) C«+D«-A« We may determine the value of this expression in terms of a, 4, c by the help of the formulae in sec. [237], (c) ; hence A* fl'C' ,9-9 a'c Now it has been shown in sec. [243], (c), that the perpendicular from the centre on one of the conjugate umbilical directrix planes is ac be Let this perpendicular be P. Then we shall have, finally, ^=i ps (b) AFPLIEB TO THEOKEMS AND PROBLEMS. 231 (o) Restuning the equation ^= .,°/ ,. , let the surface be the elliptic paraboloid; let the semiparameters of the principal sections be 2k and 2k„ then A* =2ak, c^=2ak,. Substituting these values in the preceding expression, we shall have since a in this case is infinite. Therefore in the elliptic paraboloid ^=-t (c) (/8) When b=c the surface (2) becomes an ellipsoid of revolution t^c^ a* 1 round the transverse axis, and rsi-o « becomes -, — ro=-5, a o*(o*— c*) a^—b^ c* well-known property of the ellipsoid of revolution. (y) From the polar focus en let a sphere be described with a constant radius r, it will cut the ellipsoid (2) in a curve of double curvature ; so that if from any point on this curve perpendiculars be let fall on the conjugate umbilical directrix planes, thieir product will be constant, since r is constant. (S) Ifwe assume the theorem as established, ^'=797-5 — sr, and make this latter expression =1, we shall have c= — • Hence it follows that if the three semiaxes of an ellipsoid be a, b, and — , the product of the pair of perpendiculars let fall from any point on the surface to the two umbilical directrix planes will be equal to the square of the distance of this point from the polar focus. (e) The above relation is equivalent to -j + yg — j=0. When b is also =c, -5=0, or ffl=QO ; or in order that this property may hold in a surface of revolution, it must be a paraboloid*. * A rample algebmcal proof may be ^ven of this very general and important theorem. It has been shown in eec. [S7], (e), that the length of a perpendicular let fall on ft plane whose tangential coordmates are £, v,- i, from a g^ven point (x, y^), is Now the tangential coordinates of one of the conjugate directrix planes (A) are 232 THE GEOUETBICAL THEOKT OF SXCIFROCAL FOLA.BS 5,4 255.] When a=b, D=0, since D* =-75- (a*— 6*) ; therefore the polar focus w becomes the centre of (S), which becomes an oblate spheroid having its principal circular sections coincident and in the plane of XY. Consequently the four umbilical directrix planes coalesce, two by two, parallel to the plane of XY, and therefore parallel to one another. These planes may be called the minor directrice planes, seeing that they are perpendicular to the minor axis of the oblate spheroid. The perpendiculars let fall &om any Fig. 54. 6 / -\ y^ / ]B V CO ^ U> point on this surface on the minor directrix planes are evidently in the same straight line. Assuming the genial equation j>p,_ a^(? pp,_ c« or--v= D8xD8,_A* Substituting these values in the preceding expression, In the same way we shall find for the perpendicular let fall on the other con- jugate directrix plane, _ Vc-\racex-\-dbifs Hence The equation of the surface, the origin being at the focus in the plane of XY, or at the polar focus, when multiplied by rfj^c*, is i»e»a«r-6V=0 ; adding this expression to the preceding, we get PP, _ oV x'+y'+z' V(a'-c'y APFLIEI) TO THEOBEHS AND FBOBLEHS. 233 Now - is the distance of the minor directrix plane &om the centre =/^ suppose; consequently ^'=-j. When c^==a^—c'^, or 2<^=a*, we shall have^,=r'. 256.] The sum of the products, taken two by two, of the perpen- diculars let fall from the fow umbilical foci on a tangent plane to (S) is equal to 2fi* sin* vH =- cos* v. We have shown in sec. [57], (c), that if P be the perpendicular let fall firom a point whose projective coordinates are x, y, z on ti plane whose tangential coordinates are i, v, ^, we shall have P= _ 1— a?g— yw— .gg Now the projective coordinates of the four umbilical foci are x=—ae, y= 0. bcT) T' z= x= ae, " y= 0, Zss- bet) a'} x=—ae, y= 0, ben z— — —^. x=ae, y=o, bcq z=- a I Consequently the perpendiculars are _ a + a*eg— &c<7 a—cP^e^-Yboi) Vr + v« + P' " *" Vf' + w'+f' a + a^e^ + b'^CT) a—a^e^— bctji;, "TP- V£* + «* + ?'' ''^'- -v/f* + „* + ?^ • (a) (b) 234 THE QEOHETBICAI. THEORY OP RECTFBOCAL POLARS Therefore a<'¥T?,+a^pp,=: p+J' + ^ ' ' " ^^^ and if we add to the numerator of this fraction the tangential equation of the surface multiplied by 2a^, 2a*P + 2a*A V + 2a V5« - 2a« = 0, we shall finally, on reducing, have PP,+i»p,=2[*«Bin«i'+^cos«K] (d) In this formula u is the umbilical semidiameter, and v is the angle which the parallel perpendiculars make with the axis of Z. When i=:c, u=a, P=/>, ^^p„ and the formula becomes PP,=d*, a well-known expression for the product of the perpendiculars from the foci of a sur&ce of revolution on a tai^ent plane. It is remark- able that the sum of the products of these perpendiculars varies only with the value of v, and is entirely independent of the values of \ and fi; X, it, and v being the angles which the perpendicular from the centre on the tasogent plane makes with the axis of coor- dinates. Consequently, if round the axis of Z passing through the centre of (S) we describe a right cone whose vertical angle is 2v, and the four perpendiculars from the umbilical foci on a tangent plane be all drawn parallel to a side of this central cone, the sum of their products, two by two, will be constant, since v is constant. See (d). 257.] The locus of the feet of perpendiculars let fall from the foci of (S), a surface of revolution, on a tangent pluie to this sur- face is a sphere. Taking the reciprocal polar of this property, we may infer that if through the polar focus of (S), a surface of the second order, a plane and a straight line be drawn at right angles to each other, the line meeting the surface in the point r, and the umbilical directrix plane (A) in the straight line (S), the plane which passes through the point r and the straight line (S) will envelop a surface of revo- lution (2^) whose focus will coincide with the polar focus of (S), and whose directrix plane will pass through the polar directrix of tiie polar focus a> in the principal section in the plane of XY. Let (T) be the tangent plane to (S) ; and let cr, v, be the feet of the perpendiculars let fall from the foci F, F, on the tangent plane (T), and let (11), the polar plane of «r, cut the umbilical directrix plane in the sliraight line (8). Now the pole t of (T) the tangent plane to (S), will be a point on the surfiace (2) ; and as «r is a point on the tangent plane (T), its polar plane (11) will pass through t, the pole of (T) ; and as «r is a point on one of the focal perpendioilars, the polar plane (11) of «- will pass through the conjugate polar of this perpendicular, which is APPLIED TO THEOREMS AND PROBLEMS. 235 the intersection of the planes (11) and (A), the polar planes of ■sr and F. But as the point vr is always found on the surface of a sphere, its polar plane (S)t must envelop a surface of revolution (S() whose focus coincides with a, the polar focus. Since w^, the foot of the other perpendicular, is also on the tangent plane (T) to (S), its polar plane (11^) will also pass through r and intersect the conjugate umbilical directrix plane (A,) in (S,) ; and as the plane which passes through (8^) and a> is also perpendicular to the line coincides with its centre. Therefore, if a straight line be drawn touching an oblate spheroid, the segments of this line between the point of contact and the directrix planes (A) and (A^) will subtend equal angles at the centre of (X). 260.] Should the secant line be drawn parallel to one of the umbilical directrix planes, (A) suppose, and meeting the other um- bilical directrix plane (A,) in S, and the surface in the points t and t,, the rectangle Stx8t,=So»*, (a) being the polar focus. See 6g. 57. Hence this theorem : — If through any point S assumed on one of the directrix planes (A^) a secant be drawn parallel to the other directrix plane (A), and meeting the surface in the points t and r,, the rectangle under these segments will be equal to the square of the distance of h from, the polar focus t= angle St/uj or the triangles Sa>T and Stor, are similar, or St : Sta : : So) : 8t,, or STxSTy=So>* (b) When the secant tt^SS^ is drawn in the umbilical tangent plane uSfl, then 8t x Stj evidently becomes nu^ ; but it is also equal to n«i) ; hence nu=na) (c) We may also from this theorem conclude that when any point S is taken on one of the umbilical directrix planes of a cone, i. e. the planes drawn through the vertex parallel to the circular sections of the cone, and from this point a line be drawn parallel to the other circular section, and meeting the cone in the points t and t„ the rectangle St x St^ will be equal to SV*, V being the vertex of the cone. 261.J Tangent planes (T) and (T,) are drawn at the extremities of the major axis of (S). They are cut by a third tangent plane (T„) in two straight lines (/) and (Z,). The planes (V) and (V,) passing through the focus F and the lines (/) , (/,) are at right angles, as is very generally known. We may thus polarize this theorem. The poles of the tangent planes (T), (T,) to the extremities of the major axis of (S) are the extremities t, T; of the principal parameter L of (2). The pole of the third tangent plane (TJ is a point T^jOn the surface of (2) ; and S, the pole of (V) , is a point on the umbilical directrix plane (A). But as the three planes (T), {T„), and (V) all pass through the same straight line {I), their poles t, t,,, and 8 will all range on the same straight line t„ t S, the conjugate polar of (Z) . In the same way the poles t,,, t,, and S, of the three planes (T,), (T„), and (Vy) will all range on the same straight line r,,, r,, and o„ the conjugate polar of [l,) . But as the focal planes are at right angles, their poles B and S, on the umbilical plane (A) wiU sub- tend right angles at the polar focus to. Hence we obtain this very general theorem : — 240 THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS (a) Let the principal parameter CC, of a surface of the second order (S) having three unequal axes be the base of a triangle whose vertex is the point G anywise on the surface ; and if the sides of this triangle be produced to meet the umbilical directrix plane (A) in two points S and S,, the points S and S, will subtend a right angle at the polar focus a. Fig. 58. (/3) When the surface (S) becomes an oblate spheroid, the um- bilical directrix planes (A) and (A,) become paridlel to the plane of XY, which contains the principal circular section of the oblate spheroid, and the polar focus coincides with the centre. Hence this theorem, see fig. 54 : — If the shorter axis of an oblate spheroid be taken as the fixed base of a triangle C CjP inscribed in the spheroid, whose sides are pro- duced to meet one of the directrix planes (A) in two points Q and Q,, these points, Q, and Q,, loiU subtend a right angle at the centre of the oblate spheroid {%). (7) When the surface (S) becomes a surface of revolution (S) round the transverse axis, the polar focus becomes ihe focus of (S), the umbilical directrix plane becomes the directrix plane (D), whence we may derive this theorem : — If the parameter of a surface of revolution (S) be the beue of a triangle inscribed in it, and the sides be produced to meet the direc- trix plane (D) in d and d,, the points d, d, will subtend a right angle at the focus F of (S). (S) We maj extend this theorem to any angle. If two fixed tangent planes (T) and (T,) be drawn to a surface of revolution (S), and a third tangent plane (T,,) movable and which intersects the two fixed tangent planes in the straight lines (Q and (/,), the vector planes (Y) and (Y,) drawn through the focus F and the straight APPLIED TO THEOREMS AND PROBLEMS. 241 lines in which the tangent planes intersect are inclined at a constant angle to each other. This is a known theorem. The poles of the vector planes (V) and (V,), since they pass through F, are on the umbilical directrix plane (A); and as the planes (V), (T), and (TJ aU intersect in the same straight line (Q, their poles will be on the conjugate polar of this straight line — that is, on the chord which joins the poles t and t,^ on the surface (S) ; and as the pole of (Y) is on this straight line, it must be the point S where this line tt„ pierces the umbilical directrix plane (A). The same may be said of the other chord t„ t^ S,. Therefore the angle Sq>S,, the angle between the plane (V) and (V,), is constant. We may therefore infer that. If a fixed chard be taken in a surface (S), and this fixed chord c c, be made the base of a triangle whose vertex G (see fig. 58,' is any- where on this surface, the sides of this triangle Gc, Gc, being produced to meet the umbilical plane (A) in two points S and S^, the points 8 and Si will subtend a constant angle at the polar focus a. 262.] If we take the reciprocal polar of (7) in the preceding section, we may derive another theorem equally new. 263.] Since the two points t and t,, the extremities of the para- meter of (S), and the focus F w; kq of (S) in fig. 59 are aU three on *^S- »«• the same straight line, their polar planes (0), (©,), and (A) wiU all meet in the same straight line (S) ; but the two former planes are tangent planes to (2), while the latter is the umbilical plane (A). Since d is in the directrix plane (D) of (S), the polar plane of d will pass through the umbilical focus v, the pole of (D), in (2) ; and as toB will be at right angles to the plane draionfrom ta through the straight line (d). When the surface becomes an oblate spheroid, the resulting theorem is as follows : — If a tangent plane be drawn to an oblate spheroid cutting one of the directrix planes (A) in a straight line (d), the diametral plane drawn through (3) will be at right angles to the diameter Or drawn through the point of contact t. 267.] Two tangent planes, (T) and (T,), are drawn to the primitive surface (S). The focal vectors (/) and (/,) drawn from F to the points of contact t and t, are equally inclined to the vector plane (V) drawn through the focus F and the intersection (/) of the tan- gent planes (T) and (T). Now, since the vector plane (V) passes through F, its pole will R 2 244 THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS be on fhe directrix plane (A) ; and as it passes through the straight line {[), its pole will be on the polar of (/)— that is, the chord t t, ■which joins the points of contact of the tangent planes (0) and {&,) to (2), which are the polar planes of the points t and tj — and there- fore is the poiut \ in which the directrix plane (A) is pierced by the line t t,. The conjugate polar of the line F^ is the straight line in which the tangent plane (©) cuts the directrix plane (A) . So also for Ft,. The resulting theorem is therefore as follows : — Let two tangent planes, (€)) and {&,), be drawn to a surface (2) of three unequal axes, cutting the umbilical planes in two straight lines (8) and (SJ. Let a straight line be drawn through the points of con- tact meeting the directrix plane (A) in X. !/%e line drawn from the polar focus a to X is equally inclined to the planes a{S) and <»(8j).' When the surface becomes an oblate spheroid, the foregoing theorem is thus modified: — If two tangent planes are drawn to an oblate spheroid, and cutting the directrix plane (A) in two straight lines (8) and{S,), while the chord through the points of contact meets it in \, the diametral planes 0(8) and 0(8,) are equally inclined to the diameter OX. 268.] Two tangent planes, (T) and (T,), being drawn to the pri- mitive surface (S), the focal vector lines (/) and (/,) drawn to the points of contact t and t, are equally inclined to the focal vector/^, drawn to the point d where the chord of contact 1 1, meets the direc- trix plane (D) of (S) . The conjugate polars of the focal vectors (/) and (/,) are the straight lines (j) and (j^, in which two tangent planes (€)) and (@,) to the polar surface (2) intersect the umbilical directrix plane (A) ; and as the point d in which the chord of contact 1 1, pierces the directrix plane (D) is on this plane (D), its polar plane (U) will pass through v ; and as this point d is on the chord 1 1„ its polar plane (U) will pass through (d), the intersection of the tangent planes (ft) and {&,). Hence the conjugate polar of (/„) is the straight line in which this plane (U) intersects (A) . Hence the following theorem : — If two tangent planes, (©) and {&,), are drawn to a surface (2) meeting the directrix plane (A) in two straight lines (8) and {S,), and if through the intersection of these tangent planes {d) and the umbi- lical focus V a plane (U) be drawn cutting the directrix plane (A) in a straight line {x)> the planes 0(8) and to{Si) will be equally inclined to the plane a)(x). When the surface becomes an oblate spheroid, the theorem is thus modified : — When two tangent planes to an oblate spheroid are drawn meeting in the line (A) , and the directrix plane (A) in the straight lines (8) and (8() — and if a plane be drawn through the umbilical foctis v and the intersection (3) of the tangent planes, and cutting the directrix plane APPLIED TO THEOREMS AND PKOBLEMS. 245 (A) in the straight line (x), the diametral planes 0(S) and 0(8,) will make equal angles with the diametral plane «i>(x)> 269.] Two tangent planes, (T) and (T,), are drawn touching the primitive surface (S). From any point p in the line [l) of their intersection two tangents to (S) are drawn touching the surface (S) in the points of contact t and t,. The vector planes (V), (V,) through the focus F and these tangents^ / and p t, will be equally inclined to the vector plane (V,,) which pssses through F and {I), the inter- s3ction of the tangent planes (T) and (T,). Let us take the dual of this property. The polar plane (11) of the point/*, since it is in the intersection (/) of the tangent planes (T) and (T,), will pass through its con- jugate polar T and t„ the chord which joins the points of contact of the tangent planes (@) and (©,) drawn to (2) ; and as ^ is a point in the line p t, its conjugate polar will he the intersection of the plane (11) with the tangent plane (@). Hence the pole of the plane (V) will be the point on the umbilical directrix plane (A) where it is pierced by the intersection of the planes (11) and (0). In the same way the pole of the plane (Vy) is the point in which (A) is pierced by the intersection of the planes (11) and (©,), and the pole of the plane (V J is the point in which the directrix plane (A) is pierced by the chord of contact t t, ; but these poles subtend equal angles at the polar focus w. Hence the following theorem : — If two tangent planes, (0) and (@,), to a surface of the second order be cut by another plane (H) passing through the points of contact T r„ and cutting the tangent planes in two straight lines r ir and t, it, if the three sides of the triangle r t,, t ir, and t, tt be produced to meet the directrix plane in the points \, S, andS/, the angles XwB and XtuBj will be equal. 270.] If two tangents are drawn from any point j» to two points / and t, on the primitive surface (S), the focal vector planes (V) and (V,) drawn through the tangents pt and pt, are equally inclined to the vector plane (V„) drawn through the chord of contact 1 1,. Since the three vector planes (V), (V,), and (V,,) all pass through the focus F of (S), the poles of these three planes will lie on the um- bilical directrix plane (A) . Draw the plane (11)^ the polar plane of p. Now the conjugate polar of the line p t will be the inter- section of the planes (H) and (@), namely (vr), and the conjugate polar of the line p t, will be the intersection (isr,) of the planes (H) and (©,), while the conjugate polar of the line 1 1, will be the line (■5) in which the tangent planes (0) and (©,) intersect; therefore the poles of the three vector planes (V), (V,), and (V,,) will be the three points in which the lines (w), (w,), and (S) meet the directrix plane (A) . From these relations we may obtain the following theorem : — Two tangent planes, (0) and (0,), are drawn to a surface having 24!6 THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS three unequal axes. A third plane (11) is drawn through the chord of contact cutting the tangent plattes in the lines («r) and (wy) . These lines and the line {^), in which the tangent planes intersect, are pro- duced to meet the directrix plane (A) in the three points ir, ir,, andS. The angle ira>S=-7rfii>S. When the surface is an oblate spheroid, we obtain the following theorem : — Two tangent planes, and a secant plane through the chord of contact, are drawn to an oblate spheroid, the diameter drawn through the point in which the common intersection of the two tangent planes meets the directrix plane (A) is equally inclined to the diameters which pass through the points in which the common intersections of the secant plane with the tangent planes meet the directrix plane. 271.] Through the same straight line (Z) two tangent planes (T), (T,) and a plane (V) are drawn to the surface and focus F of (S). From the other focus F, perpendiculars P, P; are let fall on the tangent planes (T) and (T,) ; the line joining the feet of these perpenficulars will be at right angles to the plane (V) . This may easily be shown, as the tangent planes make equal angles with the focal planes passing through the same straight line. Let us now take the polar of this theorem. Since the two tangent planes (T), (T,), and the focal plane (V), all three pass through the same straight line {I), and (V) also through the focus F, their poles t, t,, and v will range along the same chord of (2), T and T, being points on the surface, and v the point of inter- section of this chord with the umbilical directrix plane (A) ; and as P, P, are perpendiculars to the tangent planes (T) and (T,), their conjugate polars wiU lie in the planes drawn through to at right angles to on- and wt,, sec. [257] ; and as these perpendiculars P and Pypass through the second focus F^ of (S), the conjugate polars of P and Fj will dso lie in the second umbilical plane (A,). Consequently the lines in which the planes through m at right angles to tar and mr^ meet the second umbilical directrix plane (A^) are the conjugate polars («r) and (w^) of the perpendiculars P and Py. Therefore the polar planes of the feet of the perpendiculars P and P, on the tangent planes (T) and (T,) are the planes r{ia) and t/w,) ; therefore the line which joins the feet of these perpen- diculars P and P, must be the line in which the two planes intersect. Let this line be (\) ; hence the plane a){X) wiU be at right angles to the line /3 are right angles, a sphere described on a/3 as diameter would pass through the points Q and o>, since the angles in a hemi- sphere are right angles. Hence if we draw a tangent plane to (S) at Q meeting the umbilical plane (A) in the straight line (S), and if we join Q the point of contact, and o> the polar focus, and bisect this line Qa in the point ir, and through ir conceive a plane to be drawn at right angles to the line oQ, and meeting the line (S) in the point 7, the sphere described with this point as centre and through the point a will cut the line (S) in the points a and /3 equally remote from y, and wiU also pass through Q by the con- struction. Now as ao>j3 is a right angle, being the angle in a semicircle, a and j3 must be points in which a pair of conjugate tangents to (2) at Q meet the umbilical plane in the line (S) on (A) . Therefore the lines oQ, j3Q are a pair of conjugate tangents to (2) at Q. But as Q is a point on the surface of the sphere, the angle aOfi is a right angle ; therefore the conjugate tangents at Q are at • This very elegant construction is due to M. Chasles : see • Recherches de Geometrie pure,' p. 78. APPLIED TO THEOREMS AND PROBLEMS. 251 right angles, and are therefore tangents along the lines of greatest and least curvature. There is a remarkahle case in which this construction fails. When the point Q is an umhilicus, the tangent plane through Q is parallel to the umhilical directrix plane (A) . The line (8) there- fore in which they intersect recedes to infinity; so also do the points a and /3 in which the conjugate tangents at Q are supposed to meet it. How is this to be interpreted? The solution is as follows. Let a pair of conjugate tangents Qa, Q^ be drawn in the tangent plane at the umbilicus Q tending to meet the lines ma, ci>/3 drawn from the polar focus a> in a focal plane parallel to the tangent plane and umbilical directrix plane in the points a and |3 ; but as these points have receded to infinity, the lines Qa and ma wUl be parallel, so also will the lines Q/S and and 6>/3. Hence the angles aQ/3 and aa>/3 will be equal. But the lines Qa and Q^ were assumed as conjugate tangents. Hence the angle a&i/S is a right angle. But aa>/3=aQj3. Hence aQ/3 is a right angle. Consequently any pair of conjugate tangents at the umbilicus will be at right angles. 276.] The vertex A of a cone circumscribing (S), a surface of revolution, is on the directrix plane (D) of this surface. The plane of contact (K) will pass through the focus F, and the line drawn iirom A to F will be perpendicular to the plaue of contact (K). Consequently, as the plane of contact (K) passes through F, its pole K will be on the umbilical directrix plane (A) ; and as the vertex k of the circumscribing cone to (S) is on the directrix plane (D) of (S), its polar plane (G) will pass through v, the umbilical focus. Therefore the conjugate polar of the line k¥ is the straight line in which (G), the plane of contact of the cone circumscribing (2), meets the umbilical plane (A) . This theorem consequently follows : — . If a cone whose vertex k is on the umbilical directrix plane (A) be circumscribed to a surface (2), the plane of contact (G) of this cone with (S) will pass through v, the umbilical focus, and will cut (A) in a straight line (7) . The line drawn from the polar focus o> to the vertex k of the cone will be at r^ht angles to the plane drawn from a through the line (T) in which (G), the plane of contact of the cone circumscribing {2), m£ets the umbilical directrix plane (A). 277.] The lines (/), (/() drawn from the foci of a surface of revo- lution (S) to a point t on its surface make equal angles with the tangent plane (T) at that point. Taking the dual of this theorem. The pole t of the tangent plane (T) to (S) is a point on the sur- face (2), and the polar plane of the point t is the tangent plane (0) through T ; and the conjugate polars of the focal lines (/) and (/,) in (S) are the lines in which the tangent plane (©) to (2), the polar plane of the point t, intersects the umbilical planes (A) and (A,). We may therefore infer that 252 THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS If a tangent plane (0) be drawn to (2) touching it in the point t, and cutting the conjugate umbilical directrix planes (A) and (A,) in the lines (8) and (S,), the planes drawn through these straight lines and the polar focus a> will be equally inclined to the line an; drawn from the polar focus m to the point of contact t. When the surface becomes an oblate spheroid it will hence follow that, If a tangent plane be drawn to an oblate spheroid cutting the parallel directrix planes (A) and (A^) in the straight lines (S) and {Sf), the diameter through the point of contact will be equally inclined to the diametral planes 0(S) and 0(8,). When one of the secant planes is drawn parallel to one of the umbilical directrix planes (A), the line in which it meets this umbilical plane wiU recede to infinity. Hence the tangent plane drawn through the umbilicus will meet the other directrix plane (A() in the straight line (S^), so that any point in this straight line will be equally distant from the umbilicus and the polar focus to — a result already obtained by a different method in sec. [260] . When T coincides with the extremity of the principal parameter L of the surface (2), the tangent plane at t will cut the umbilical planes (A), (A^) in their common intersection, the polar directrix which lies in the plane of XY ; or the principal parameter of the surface (S) is at right angles to the plane of XY — ^a result long since obtained. 278.] It has been shown, in note to sec. [249] , That if a cone be circumscribed to (S), a surface of revolution round the major or transverse axis, the lines drawn from the vertex of the circumscribing cone to the foci F, F^ of (S) will be (/), (/,), the focals of the cone. Taking the reciprocal polar of this theorem, the polar plane of k, the vertex of the cone circumscribing (S), will be a plane section (K) of (2), and the conjugate umbilical directrix planes (A) and (A,) of (2) are the polar planes of the foci of (S), namely F and F, ; and the straight lines in which the plane (K) cuts the umbilical directrix planes (A) and (A,) will be the conjugate polars of (/) and (/,), the focals of (S) . And if through the polar focus a> and these two lines we draw planes, these planes will be perpendicular to the focals of (S), and therefore parallel to the circular sections of the cone whose vertex is at o>, and whose base is the plane sec- tion (K) of (2). Therefore we may infer that If a secant plane be draum cutting the surface (2) in a plane section (K), ami the conjugate umbilical directrix planes (A) and (A,) in the straight lines (S) and (S,), the planes drawn through the polar focus a and these straight lines (S) and {S,) will be parallel to the circular sections of the cone whose vertex is at to and whose base is{K). (a) When the surface is one of revolution round the transverse APPLIED TO THEOREMS AND PROBLEMS. 253 axis, the two umbilical directrix planes (A) and (Ay) coalesce into (D), and therefore the lines in which the secant plane cuts the directrix planes coalesce into one ; therefore the circular sections of the cone coalesce into one, or the cone is a right cone. Conse- quently it follows that the cone whose vertex is at the focus of a surface of revolution (S), and whose base is any plane section of this surface, is a right cone ; and its circular section is parallel to the plane drawn through the focus F and the straight line in which the base of the cone cuts the directrix plane (D) of (S) . (fi) When (S) becomes an oblate spheroid, to coincides with C, the centre of (S); the umbilical directrix planes (A) and (A^) become parallel to the plane of XY. Hence we derive this very elegant theorem : — The circular sections of a cone whose vertex is at the centre of an oblate spheroid, and whose base is any plane section of this surface, are parallel to the two diametral planes which pass through the straight lines in which this base intersects the minor directrix planes (A) and {A,) of the oblate spheroid (S) . (7) If in a surface (S) having three unequal axes a secant plane be drawn which shall pass through the line in which the umbilical planes (A) and (A|) intersect, i. e. the directrix of the principal section in the plane of XY; then, as the secant plane cuts the directrix planes (A) and (A^) in the same straight line, there can be but one plane drawn from the polar focus o parallel to the cir- cular sections of the cone, or, in other words, this cone is a right cone. Hence we obtain this other remarkable theorem : — The cone, whose vertex is at the polar focus a of a surface (S) having three unequal axes, and whose base is a plane section of this surface which passes through the polar directrix, is a right cone whose circular section is parallel to the plane of XY. 279.] A simple algebraical proof of this theorem may be given. The equation of the ellipsoid when the origin is at the focus cu and the axes of coordinates are parallel to the axes of the figure, is i9c«a:«-|-a*cV-ho«iV-26*c«aeiJ7-6V=0. ... (a) The equation of the secant plane passing through the directrix is kx-{-^z=\; (b) but A=— ^, and B=t, h being the distance measured along the axis of z, at which it is cut by the secant plane. Hence the equation of the secant plane becomes -r-=6* + aca;; (c) A or, squaring this equation and multiplying it by c*, M„S-S AV-«-2iVaea?+aVc*a?«-^-^=0 (d) 254 THE OEOMETBICAL THEORY OF RECIPBOCAL FOLABS If we add this expression to the preceding equation, we shall The equation of a right cone of which the axis of Z is the axis. be WhenA=— , the equation becomes x^+y^=0, the equation of a vertical straight line. This we might have anticipated ; for when A=— , A=L, the seraiparameter of the surface (S) ; and we have shown in sec. [246] that a tangent plane to (S) which passes through the polar directrix touches the surface at the extremity of the semiparameter. be When h>— or greater than L, the secant plane falls outside the surface, or the cone becomes imaginary. 280.] In a surface of revolution (S), the sum of the reciprocals of the segments of any focal chord is constant. This is a well- known theorem. Let C and A be the semiaxes of (S), C being greater than A ; and if/ and f, be the focal chords, we shall have i+^=?^ (a) Now as /+/( is a line drawn through the focus F of (S), and meeting the surface (S) in the points t and t/, the polar planes of F; t, and t/ will be the umbilical directrix plane (A) and the two tangent planes (S) and (0^) to (Z), all meeting in the same straight line (S) on (A). But by the lemma established in sec. [253], RVsing ^ P^— (^) Now P is the perpendicular on the umbilical plane (A) let fall from (0, -as, and «r^, the perpendiculars from the same point on the tangent planes (@) and (0^) ; B and B^ are the angles between the umbilical plane (A), and the tangent planes (@) and (€>,) to (S). Through &> and the perpendiculars P, •a, and ts^ on the umbilical and tangent planes let a focal plane (IT) be drawn cutting the line (8) in the point k. From k let a straight line be drawn to a> ; this wUl be r, and the preceding expression, adding to it that for the other segment/,, becomes / V,~R«r jsin ^"^^ sin 6^ ~ A«" (c) From sees. [238] and [237] we find that P=-, and ?-,=J^. ^ ■> ^ ■> ae A* R*oc APPLIED TO THEOREMS AND PROBLEMS. 255 Consequently rlsm.e^ si.ue,J~ c^ ^ ^> Now, if through the polar focus o) we draw a plane parallel to the umbilical directrix, plane (A), this plane will cut (S) in a circular section, and the line in which the secant plane (11) and the tangent plane (€)) intersect will meet the plane of this circular section in a point ; and if h be the distance of this point from to, we shall have h sin 6='B!. Making the same substitution for the other tangent plane, we shall have *±*'=??e (e) re* ^ ' Hence we may derive this theorem. If through any straight line on the umbilical directrix plane (A) two tangent planes be drawn to (2), and if through the three per- pendiculars let fall from ea on these three planes a secant plane (11) be drawn cutting the tangent planes in lines which produced meet the plane drawn through w parallel to the umbilical directrix plane (A) in the points r and t,, and if ojT=h, o>T^=hi, and u>K=r in the tri- angle Tier I, the base tcot, will have to the line eoie a constant ratio, or h+h, _2b^e r c^ (f) When the surface (S) becomes a surface of revolution (S) round the transverse axis, c=b and e=e, hence ^'=2« (g) We may also derive this other theorem in the conic sections. If from any point in the directrix a pair of tangents be drawn to the curve, they will cut off equal segments from the ordinate passing through the focus. Let the equation of the tangent to the curve in rectangular coor- dinates be — r+^'^l* ^^^ ^ *^® tangent passes through a point b (CL -J- CtT 1 whose coordinates are Y and —ae, Y= '-; and as the tangent passes also through a point whose coordinates are U and a ^_ b^{ae+x,) ^^^ if d i,e the distance from the focus to the e' aey, ft* directrix, D=— • Squaring, adding, and taking the square root, r= ^W+D^=^^^^^; consequently -=e. * aey, r 256 THE GEOMETRICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS. Y Y+Y So also for the negative side, —'=e, or -'=2e. 281. J In a surface of revolution (S) the sum of any two focal vectors /and/; drawn to any point < on the surface is constant and equal to the major axis of (S) ; or /+/,=2C. (a) Now the polar planes of the two foci F and F, of (S) are the umbilical directrix planes (A) and (A,) of the surface (S) ; and the polar plane of the point / on (S), to which the focal vectors are drawn, is a tangent plane (@) to (S), cutting the umbilical direc- trix planes (A) and (A^) in the straight lines (S) and (£,), which are the conjugate polars of (/) and (/,) . Let d and d, be the angles which the tangent plane ((R>) makes with the umbilical planes (A) and (Aj) . Let F and nr be the per- pendiculars let fall firom the polar focus &> on the planes (A) and (@). Let (11) be a secant plane passing through a, the polar focus, and through P and «-, cutting (S) the line of intersection of the planes (A) and (0) in the point r. Join t and o>, and let r be equal to ra. Now, assuming the proposition established in lemma I. p. 228, , ,1 , , Wr sin 6 we shall have/= — =5 . Pw Let fft be the angle which the plane drawn through to and (S), the conjugate polar of (/), makes with the vertical ordinate through to the polar focus, and let I be the distance from the polar directrix to the foot of r; then r : / : : sin t : cos A, or r= r, and /sind= o',. cos q> ' Therefore r sin 0= ' Now sin »=t-, see (a), sec. [240], and P=— , see (a), sec. [238] ; consequently -^=^. Making these substitutions in (a), we shall have /=— Tg -'sec^j and for/, we shall find /,= -r^ —' sec ^;. But /-|-/,=2C = -T— , see sec. [237] ; consequently 5[sec0 + 8ec^J=- (b) Let h and h, be the segments into which the tangent plane (0) divides the distance between the polar focus and the polar directrix, then -7-= — . Consequently -T- (sec ^ -I- sec <^,)= — (c) */ C€ * APPLIES TO THEOREMS AND PROBLEMS. 257 Therefore the reciprocal polar of the theorem that in a surface of revolution the sum of the focal vectors is constant, is as follows. To a surface (2) having three unequal axes let a tangent plane (0) be drawn, cutting the umbilical planes (A) and (A,) in the straight lines {S) and (8^), and the line joining the polar focus and the polar directriw in the segments h and h,. Let the planes that are drawn from, to through the straight lines (S) and {S,) make the angles , with the vertical ordinate passing through the polar focus to v the pole of (Y), We may hence infer that ^ through the umbilical focus v two straight lines be drawn meeting the surface (S) in the points r and t,, and the umbilical directrix plane (A) in the points S and S,, while the line t t, meets the same plane in v, the lines drawn from, to to the two points S, S, on the umbi- lical plane will be equally inclined to the third line tov. (7) Le plan mene par le centre d'un sphere et par la droite d'intersection de deux plans tangens est perpendiculaire k la corde qui joint les deux points de contact, et passe par son milieu ; done Le plan vecteur mene d'un foyer d'une surface de revolution k la droite d'intersection de deux plans tangens est perpendiculaire au rayon vecteur mene de ce foyer au point ou la droite qui joint les deux points de contact des plans tangens rencontre le plan directeur. APPLIED TO THEOREMS AND PROBLEMS. 259 Let US now take the reciprocal polar of this theorem. The pole of the vector plane which passes through the focus of (S) and the intersection of the tangent planes (T) and (T,) to (S) is the point in which the umhilical plane (A) is pierced by the chord of contact of two tangent planes (0) and (&,) drawn to (2). Let d be the point on the directrix plane (D) to (S) in which the chord of contact of the two tangent planes (T) and (T,) meets this plane; then, as d is a point on (D), its polar plane will pass through V the umbihcal focus ; and as d is a point in the chord of contact of the tangent planes (T) and (T,) to (S), its polar plane will pass through (*) the intersection of (0) and (0,) ; and as d is also a point in the line passing through (F), the conjugate polar of this straight line dF will be the line in which the polar plane of d meets the umbilical plane (A) ; and as the point d and the intersection of (T) and (T,) subtend a right angle at the focus F of (S), their reciprocals will subtend a right angle at the polar focus a. Hence this theorem : — If two tangent planes (0) and (0^) be drawn to a surface (2) with three unequal axes, and if through the umbilical focus and their line of intersection a plane be drawn meeting the umbilical directrix plan£ (A) in a straight line, the plane drawn through this straight line and the polar focus will be perpendicular to the line drawn from the polar focus to the point in which the chord of contact of the tangent planes (0) and (0|) pierces the corresponding umbilical plane (A). (S) La droite qui va du centre d'une sphere au sommet d'un cdne circonscrit, est perpendiculaire au plan du cercle de contact du cdne et de la sphere ; done Le rayon vecteur mene d'un foyer d'une surface de revolution au sommet d'un c6ne circonsciit k la surface est perpendiculaire au plan vecteur mene par la droite d'intersection du plan de la courbe de contact et du plan directeur. Now taking the reciprocal polars of the preceding lines and surfaces. The conjugate polar of the line joining v the vertex of the cone with the focus F of (S), is the line (k) in which the base (K) of the cone circumscribing (2) cuts (A) the umbilical directrix plane; and as the straight line in which the plane of contact (C) of the cone circumscribing (S) cuts its directrix plane (D) is the conjugate polar of the Ime which joins the umbilical focus with the vertex k of the cone circumscribing (2), and as the pole of a plane which pa^sses through a given point and a given straight line is the point in which the polar plane of the given point is pierced by the con- jugate polar of the given straight line ; hence the pole of the vector plane which passes through the focus of (S) and the intersection of the plane of contact with its directrix plane (D) will be the point in the umbilical directrix plane (A) where it is pierced by the line s2 260 THE GEOMETEICAL THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS passing through the vertex k of the cone circumscribing (2) and the umbilical focus v of the surface. Hence this theorem : — If a cone circumscribe a surface (2)j the line drawn through the umbilical focus of the surface and the vertex of the cone will piarce the umbilical directrix plane (A) in a point from which, if a straight line be drawn to the polar focus, this line will be perpendicular to the plane drawn through the polar focus and the intersection of the plane of contact (K) with the corresponding umbilical plane (A). (e) Un cylindre circonscrit k une sphere la touche suivant im grand cercle, dont le plan est perpendiculaire aux aretes du cylindre ; done Tout cone circonscrit h. une surface de revolution, suivant une courbe dont le plan passe par un foyer, a son sommet sur le plan directeur, et la droite menee du foyer i ce sommet est perpendicu- laire au plan de la courbe. The line which joins the vertex of the cone (C) circumscribing (S) with its focus P is the conjugate polar of the line in which the plane of contact of the cone (K) circumscribing (2) meets the um- bilical directrix plane (A). The pole of the plane which passes through the focus of (S), and the line in which the base of (C) Wts the directrix plane (D), is the point in which the line joining the vertex K of the cone (K) and the umbilical focus u of (2) meets the umbilical directrix plane (A). As the plane of contact of the cone (C) circum- scribing (S) passes through its focus, the vertex of the cone (K) cir- cumscribing (2) will be on the umbilical directrix plane (A) of (2) . Hence this theorem : — The plane of contact of a cone circumscribing a surface (2), and having its vertex on the umbilical directrix plane (A), will pass through the umbilical focus v, and will cut the umbilical directrix plane in a straight line. The vector plane drawn through this line and the polar focus will be at right angles to the line drawn from the polar focus to the vertex of the cone. (^) Tous les plans tangens k un cone circonscrit k une sphere, sont egalement inclines sur le plan du cercle de contact ; done Le cone qui a pour sommet un foyer d'un surface de revolution, et pour base une section plane quelconque de la surface, est de revolution, et a pour axe, le rayon vecteur mene au sommet du c6ne circonscrit k la surface suivant sa section plane. Let V be the vertex of the circumscribing cone, F that of the inscribed, and Q. a point on the two cones and the surface of (S). Since the cones whose vertices are v and F have one common plane of intersection with the surface (S), the polar cone will have one vertex and two bases, one the plane of contact of the cone (K) enveloping (2) , the other the section of this cone made by the umbi- lical directrix plane (A) ; and as F is the focus of (S), its polar plane APPLIED TO TBEOHEMS AND PROBLEMS. 261 will be the umbilical plane (A) ; and as Q is a point on the plane of contact of the cone circumscribing (S), its polar plane will pass through the vertex k of the cone circumscribing (S) ; and as Q is also a point on the surface (S), its polar plane will be a tangent j)lane to (2); and as Q is a point on the line FQ, its polar plane will cut the umbilical plane (A) in the line (Z). Hence the conjugate polar of the line FQ will be the line (I) in which the tangent plane (0) to the cone circumscribing (2) cuts the umbilical plane (A), and the plane which passes through this line and the polar focus will be perpendicular to the line FQ : hence this plane will envelope a cone (supplemental to that of which FQ is the side) whose vertex is at the polar focus and whose base is the section in the umbilical plane (A) made by the cone circumscribing (2} ; and as the former is a right cone, so must also be the latter. The conjugate polar of the line joining F, the focus of (S) with V the vertex of the cone circumscribing (S) , is the line in which the umbilical plane (A) and the plane of contact of the cone (K) cir- cumscribing (2) intersect ; hence the plane through the polar focus c0 and this straight line is parallel to the circular section of the cone. When the section of the cone (K) circumscribing (2) is parallel to the directrix plane (A), the line in which they intersect is at infi- nity, the plane of contact of the cone circumscribing (2) is parallel to the umbilical directrix (A), and is therefore a circular section of the surface ; the section of the cone circumscribing (2) on the umbilical directrix plane is also a circle. (ij) Tous les plans tangens au c6ne qui a pour base un cercle trace sur une sphere, et pour sommet le centre de la sphere, sout egalement inclines sur le plan du cercle ; done Le cone qui a pour sommet un foyer d'une surface de revolution, et pour base la courbe d'intersection d'un cone circonscrit k la sur- face par le plan directeur est de revolution, et a pour axe la droite menee du foyer au sommet du cone circonscrit. Let Q be a point on the directrix plane (D) of (S) through which passes a side (s) of the cone (C) whose vertex is c, and which cir- cumscribes (S). Join Q with F the focus of (S). Now, as Q is a point on the directrix plane (D), its polar plane (IT) will pass through V, the umbilical focus of (2) ; and as Q is a point on the cone (C) which circumscribes (S),its polar plane will pass through a tangent (\) to the curve which lies in the plane (K), the polar plane of c, and is the reciprocal of the cone (C), sec. [225] ; and as this point Q is on (s), a side of the cone which is a tangent to (S), the conjugate polar (\) will touch the plane section of (2) made by (K), therefore the curve touched by (\) is a plane section of (2) ; and again, as Q is in the line FQ, the conjugate polar of FQ will be the line in which (11), the polar plane of Q, cuts the umbilical directrix plane (A) in the straight line (8) . 262 THE GEOMETRICAL THEOBY OF BECIPKOCAL FOLABS Hence the polar plane (II) passes throngli v, the umbilical focua of (2), and through (\), the tangent to the plane section of (2) made by the plane (K), and through the straight line (S) in the umbilical directrix plane (A) ; and the cone whose vertex is v and base the plane section (K) of (2), will cut the umbilical directrix plane (A) in a conic section to which (S) is always a tangent; but as (S) is the conjugate polar of FQ, the plane through the polar focus fi> and the straight line (S) will be at right angles to the line FQ ; and as FQ is a side of a right cone, the p^e through to and (8) will envelope the supplemental cone to that of which FQ is a side ; and as the conjugate polar of the line which joins the vertex of the cone (C) with F is the straight line in which the secant plane (K) meets (A), this plane will be perpendicular to the line Fc, the axis of the cone circumscribing (S), and will therefonre be parallel to the circular section of the cone whose vertex is at the polar focus a, and whose base is the conic section on the umbilical directrix plane (A). This is equivalent to the following theorem : — Let a plane section (K) of a surface of the second order (2) having three unequal axes cut the umbilical directrix plane (A) in a straight line {k) . T%e cone whose vertex is at v, and whose base is the section (K) of (2), toill cut the umbilical plane (A) in another conic section, which will be the base of a right cone having its vertex at the polar focus Q), and its circular section parallel to the plane drawn through to, and through the straight line in which the plane section (K) cuts the umbi- lical directrix plane (A). {0) Tons les plans tangens au c6ne qui a pour base un cercle de la sphere et pour sommet un point du diametre perpendiculaire au plan de ce cercle sont egalement inclin& sur ce plan ; done Un cone etant circonscrit ^ une surface de revolution, tons les plans menes par la droite d'intersection du plan de la courbe de contact et du plan directeur de la surface, couperont ce c6ne suivant des coniques qui, etant vues du foyer correspondant au plan directeur, sembleront £tre des cercles concentriqnes ; le centre commun de ces cercles sera sur le rayon visuel mene au sommet du cone circonscrit. Let {d) be the line in which the base of the cone (C) drcom- scribing (S) cuts the directrix plane (D). Let c be the vertex of this cone. The conjugate polar of this line (d), since it lies on the plane (D), will pass through the umbilical focus v; and as this line is also in the plane section (C) of the cone enveloping (S), it will pass through k, the vertex of the cone (K) enveloping (2). Hence VK is the conjugate polar of the line ( i u> Again, let Q be a point on one of the plane sections of the cone (C) which passes through {d). Then as Q is a point in this plane, its polar plane (11) will pass through k; and as Q is a point in the side of the cone (C), its polar plane (11) will pass through the tan- gent to the section of (2) in the base (K) whose vertex is « ; and as Q is a point on the tangent to the plane section of (C,), its polar plane will pass through a side of the cone whose base is (K). Hence (11), the polar plane of Q, is a tangent to the cone whose vertex is k, or «„, and whose base is (K) . Consequently the conju- gate polar of FQ, the side of the cone whose vertex is at F, and whose side is FQ, is the straight line (S) in which the tangent plane (II) to the cone whose vertex is k, and plane section (K) meets the umbilical directrix plane (A) ; and as the former is a right cone, so is the latter ; and as the axis of the cone whose vertex is F and base (C) is the line Fc, so the plane passing through 3 on the umbilical directrix plane (A) is «r= — The value of this expression is not altered by chaneing C® and A* into C«±A«, and A«±A«. Consequently, if we have a series of canfocal primitive surfaces (S), (S,), (SJ, &c., their reciprocal surfaces (2), (2,), (2„), &c. will be concyclic. They will have a common polar focus : they will have the same umbilical directrix planes ; and the graphical properties of one set of surfaces may easily be transformed into their reciprocals on the polarized surfaces. The portion of the vertical axis passing through the polar focus (o and cut off by the umbilical directrix plaue (A) continues un- changed, when C' and A* are augmented by a constant quantity ; for if (oz be this distance, the polar focus and the straight lines (S) and (r), are inclined at the same angle as the planes <»(8,) and a>(T,). 266 ON METRICAL METHODS AS APPLIED TO "We may consequently infer That if a cone circumscribe (2), a surface having three unequal axes, and if the plane of contact be produced to meet the umbilical planes in two straight lines and cut the tangent planes to the circum- scribing cone, the planes through the polar focus and these straight lines in the directrix planes will be equally inclined to the planes through the polar focus and the straight lines, the intersections of the tangent planes with the secant plane. Now, if we take any niunber of surfaces (S), (S,) whose semiaxes squared are C.A?; C^ + k^, A?+k^ ; C^H-**, A« + *«, &c., their reciprocal polars (2), (2,), &c. will all have the same polar focus tt> and the same umbilical planes (A) and (A|) ; and if we cut all these surfaces by a common secant plane, this plane will cut the umbilical planes in two lines (5) and (S|), and tangent planes to the circum- scribing cones in two sets of tangents (t), (t;), (t„) and (t'), (t^), (t"); the angles between one set of planes (S)o>(T|), [h)m{T^, (S)o)(t^), &c. wiU be equal to the angles {8,)o»(t'), (S>{t"), {S,)«(t"'), &c. between the corresponding set of planes. CHAPTER XXIX. ON METKICAL METHODS AS APPLIED TO THE THEOBY OF RECIPROCAL POLABS. 286.] Throughout the investigations of the methods developed in the foregoing pages, lines and planes, surfaces and curves have been treated graphically, so to speak. Abstract numbers or their representatives have been rarely admitted. The distinction between graphical and metrical properties is sufficiently obvious. That the opposite sides of a hexagon inscribed in a conic section will meet iu three points which range on a straight line is a graphical pro- perty ; while the theorem that in any conic section the sum of the squares of any pair of conjugate diameters is constant, is evidently a metrical relation. We shall find that, by the application of these methods, entirely new classes of properties of curves have been brought to light, the existence of which had hitherto been imsuspected and unknown. We give a simple illustration of this method. In section [32] it has been shown that if perpendiculars be let fall bam a series of fixed points A, A^ &c. in a plane on a straight line in the same plane, and if the sum of the perpendiculars be constant, the line will envelop a circle. We may take the reciprocal polar of this theorem and say, That if a fixed point O be taken, and a number of fixed straight lines BT, B,T^, Ifc. be drawn, and another current point S be assumed from THE THEORY OF RECIFBOCAL POLARS. 267 which and from the point O perpendiculars are let fall in pairs on these fixed lines, if the reciprocal of the vector OS, multiplied by the sum of the ratios of each pair of perpendiculars on the fixed lines, be constant, the point S will describe a conic section having its focus at O. For the ratios of each pair of perpendiculars we may sub- stitute the ratio of the segments OQ, QS of the line OS. Let O be the fixed point, and let A be s Fig. 61. one of the fixed points referred to in the pre- ceding theorem, from which perpendiculars AP=P are let fall on the line CP, In the preceding theorem, of which we require the polar, P + P, + P„ -I- &c. equal to a constant, let R be the radius of the polar- izing circle, and let the line SQ be the polar of the point A, and let S be the pole of CP. Let fall the perpendicular ST =11 on this line. Now, as the point A and the line £Q are pole and polar, and also the point S and the line CP, we shall have R«=OAx OB=OS X OC, or OA_OC_OV_OA-OV AV P or OS~OB OQ~OS-OQ~SQ' OAP OA„_ OAxOB OS ~n' °^ OS OS X OB R«n 'OS. OB" p n Let OS=:r, then ^5-,= — ;^^. R* r.OB Now, the projective coordinates of the point S being x and y, and the tangential coordinates of the straight line BQ being f and V, we shall have 11= — " ; and the length of OB being VP- V^ + v =, the resulting equation will become n = l—x^—yv or P _ 1— J?f— yi; (a) 0B~' ■** ^^ "' R«- r Now, as the sum of the perpendiculars, divided by the square of 268 ON METRICAL METHODS AS APPLIED TO the constant radius of the polarizing circle, is constant by supposi- P + P +P P tion, we shall have ' Rg" " ' " ="^» °^ substituting for P, P,, P,,, &c. their values, since OS=r= sjx'^ + i^, the resulting expression will become Let the tangential coordinates f, u,'f,, w,, f,„ Wj/Of the fixed lines BQ, B,Q,, B„Q,,&c. be added together, and let |+f^ + ^„&c. = MV, t; + u,+v^^&c.=»U, and the preceding equation will become l+Va; + Uy=C V^^+F, (b) dividing out by re. Squaring this equation, and reducing, (C2-V*)a?2 + (C'-U«)y2-2VUa:y-2Var-2Uj/=l. . (c) But it has been shown that if in the general equation of a conic section Aa;« +A on the corresponding he . . directrix plane is — ; but as in this case i = a, the expression becomes ae - or — ; and as i=a, e=0, or the polar focus a coincides with the centre C of the surface (2) . 270 ON METRICAL METHODS AS APPLIED TO We may vrrite h for the distance between the minor directrix and the axis of X. As the distance of the umbilical focus v from the plane of XY is — -, see sec. [242], (b), and as i=aj and 17'= — p — = — g — =e*, we shall have for the distance of v from the plane of XY ce; or as h=-, we shall have for that distance Ae*. 289.] In the hyperbola, as the minor axis is imaginary, the new directrices must be drawn in a somewhat different manner. Let ^ be the angle between the asymptotes of the hyperbola, and on the transverse axis let two points be assumed at the distance a sin ^ from the centre ; through these points let perpendiculars to the transverse axis be drawn, these lines are the minor directrices of the hyperbola ; and if two other points be assumed at the distance -: — from the centre, these points are the minor foci. It is almost smv needless to mention that the distances of the common directrices and foci from the centre of the hyperbola are a cos v and ""^ '^ cos X respectively; hence, in the equilateral hyperbola, where y=-t, the 4 ordinary and minor directrices coincide, as do also the common and minor foci ; whence we may deduce the very general and re- markable conclusion that. The common directrices and fod of the equilateral hyperbola possess two distinct classes of properties — those which belong to them as being the common or ordinary directrices and fod, as also that other new and equally extensive class, to which they are in like manner related, as being the minor directrices and foci of a central conic section. In the circle the minor directrices are infinitely distant, and the minor foci coincide with the centre, as is also the case with the ordinary directrices and foci. 290.] We may, however, derive the properties of the minor directrices and their corresponding foci in a much simpler and less arbitrary way by the help of the method of reciprocal polars, from the well-known properties of the common focus and directrix. Thus, let A and B be the semiaxes of the primitive ellipse or hyperbola. On 2A let a circle be described, and let this circle, whose radius is A, be taken as the polarizing circle (II) in the appli- cation of the method of reciprocsd polars. Let (2), a new ellipse or hyperbola, be derived, the reciprocal polar of the former. Let a and b be the semiaxes of this derived section (2) . Then mani- A* festly i=A, and «=^> since A is the radius of the polarizing THE THEORY OF RECIPBOCAX FOLARS. 271 circle (il). It is clear that the reciprocal polar (S) will have its minor semiaxis A or A coincident with the major axis of (S), while its major semiaxis will be coincident with the minor axis of (S). The primitive and reciprocal sections (S) and (2) will be similar ; for A* F a« ~^' '-^' or the eccentricity e is the same for (S) and (S) . B is the semi- parameter of (S), since B = — (b) When the given section is an hyperbola, the reciprocal polar is also an hyperbola, having the same centre and transverse axis, and the angle between the asymptotes of the one equal to the supplement of the angle between the asymptotes of the other. In the hyperbola the focal distance to the centre is s/a^ + b^, or a sec "x^ while the distance of the directrix is a cos x. The distance of the minor focus from the centre is a cosec ;^, while the distance of the minor directrix is a sin ^. When the hyperbola is equilateral, ai ')(^=-, the major and minor foci coincide, as do also the major and minor directrices ; so also do the asymptotes. The parabola has neither minor focus nor minor directrix. 291.] Let us assume the theorem established in lemma I., p. 228, R*rsin0 PP ' ^*^ a simple but most important formula due to Poncelet. ' We shall now proceed to make some applications of this theorem. In any central conic section the sum or difference of the distances of any point on the curve from the foci is constant, or FC + F,C=2A=24, since the major axis of the primitive (S) becomes the minor axis of (2) in this transformation. Now, by the preceding lemma, rC= pp — ; but R=A=i, r=OM, OD=P=-, and P,=OP. Making these substitutions, FC=Jesin^.|=rp. In like manner F,C=Jesin^. jyp'; adding these two expressions, FC + F,C = 2i=»^M^6esin^. 272 ON METRICAL METHODS AS APPLIED TO Now OP=OX sin and 20X = DM + DM^; consequently (b) TTierefore, if a tangent be drawn to a conic section meeting the minor directrices in p. -„ two points M and M„ ^^' thesum of the distances of these points from the minor axis is to the sum. of their distances from the centre in a constant ratio e, the eccentricity of the sec- tion. In the hyper- bola the differences must be taken. It is to be observed that while F and ¥, are the major foci of the pri- mitive conic (S),they are the minor foci of the reciprocal conic (2) . The same is true also of the directrices; the major directrices of the one are the minor directrices of the other. 292.] The product of the focal perpendicvlars let fall from the minor foci P and P, on a tangent to the curve is to the square of the perpendicular from the centre on the same tangent as the square of the semidiameter a, passing through the point of contact Q, is to the square of the semi- major axis a. Let IS and ct^ be these perpendiculars. Then «-=P— iecos^, vtf=V-\-becosd (see fig. 63). Therefore ori!r,= P«- JV cos^ 0=a^ sin* + A* cos* S— *V cos* 0, a*sin*d + 6*co8*^ . „ . j x- xi. • or «rsr^= J , smce o is measured from the mmor axis. But it has been shown in sec. [28] that a* sin* 5 + A* cos* 6>=P*(af* -i- y*) = Fa «, consequently ■sroTy a* pT-;^- 293.] Prom any point Q (see fig. 63) on the curve, perpendiculars QT, QT( are let fall on the minor directrices ; the product of these * — „2«2— „2' (^) THE THEOKT OF KECIFROCAL POLARS. 273 perpendiculars is to the square of OQ, the semidiameterj in a con- stant ratio, or QT X QT, _ b^ _h^ 2A being the distance between the minor directrices. This follows at once from the analogous theorem established in sec. [254] for surfaces of the second order. The proof by the ordinary methods is very simple : QT=^-y,, QT,=^ + y,or QTxQT,=^-^ 3 (b) ¥c 29-l.j III the ellipse or hyperbola the ratio of ix-^^i ■ • (a) see fig. 63. Now FC, as we have shown in sec. [290], is equal to ^sin^.OM; andDT=*-^cos6>=-^^(P-6ccos6l), or T)t=^. Consequently, by substitution in {a.),vr=e sin 6 OM. In like man- ner tr, = e sin 6 . OM, ; consequently « OM ,, , ^roM/ ("^^ or, the ratio of the focal perpendiculars on the tangent is the same as that of the distances from the centre of the points in which the tangent cuts the minor directrices. 295.] Since, as we have shown in sec. [294] , i!r = c sin d . OM, and i!r,=c sin 5. 0M„ w«j,=e2 sin^ 9 OM . OM,; bat «^,= -^, and sm0=^j;j=Q^, or ^^'^'&=q^^q^i- Now putting for QT x QT, its value as given in section [293] , , AV 1 11 V. OMxOM, V* namely ^, we shall have q^^qm ,= Z^; or, if a tangent be drawn to a central conic section meeting the curve in the point Q, and the minor directrices in the points M and M,, the rectangle under the distances of these points from the centre will be to the rectangle under the segments of this tangent as the sqtiare of the perpendicular from the centre upon it is to the square of the semi- minor axis. , „. w OM QM QT , . 296.] Smce ^ = OM,= QM,=-QT,' ^"^ it will follow that tlie ratios of the focal perpendiculars on a tangent, of the distances to the centre O of the points M and M, in which 274 UN METRICAL METHODS AS APPLIED TO this tangent meets the minor directrices, of the segments into which this tangent is divided between the point of contact Ql and the minor directrices, as also of the perpendiculars from this point Q, vpon them, are the same for all. It will also follow that since OM : OM^ : : QM : QM„ the angle MOM, is bisected by the line OQ. 297.] The sum of the reciprocals of the segments of any focal chord in a conic section is constant and equal to twice the reci- procal of the semiparameter, or ±+±—^ U) FC'*'P,C~B« ^ ' be OM ■ Now, if we refer to sec. [290], we shall find FC= q„ ; in like manner FC,= ^J ; and as A=b and B=— , we shall have, by substitution, 0X + 0X, _2a%_ 2ae . , OM ~> ~/6*\ ^ ^ Consequently we may enunciate the following theorem : — If from any point M in the minor directrix of a conic section we draw two tangents to it meeting the transverse axis in the points X and Xj, the distance between these points iviU be to the distance of the point 'M. from the centre as the distance between the foci is to the semiparameter. 298.] It is a characteristic property of the focal distances of any point on a conic section that they may be expressed in rational functions of the projective coordinates of that point. A like pro- perty will be found to hold with respect to the distances from the centre of the points in which the minor directrices are cut by a tangent to the curve. Let the equation of the tangent to the curve be t?yi^-\-b'^xfe=c?b^, (a) X, and y, being the projective coordinates of the point of contact. Let the coordinates of the point in which this tangent meets the minor directrix be - and ^. Substituting these values in the equa- tion (a) of the tangent, we shall have x or DM = —^ — ^ . In like manner D,M,=?^^^^'^. THE THEORY OF RECIPROCAL FOLARS. 275 Now OM'=Do' + DM*=^+?^^^^; reducing, we shall find In like manner 0M;= — ^ — -^, or OM and OM, may be ex- pressed as rational functions otxi and y,. 299.] The following investigation is deserving of attention, as it supplies an example of the method of deriving new theorems by means of a double reciprocation. Prom any point G in the line DD,let two tangents, GC andGC,, Fig. 64. be drawn to a circle. The product of the tangents of half the angles which the lines GC and GC, make with the line DD, is constant. Let Q be the pole of DD,. Then as the angle D,GC=COD, since the angles at D and C are right angles, the angle D,GC =2CAB, and the angle DGC, is equal to 2C,A.B ; but the tangent of the angle CAB= yt" ^^ ^^^ tangent of the angle C,AB = ^'. ,' BC X BC, Consequently the product of the tangents is equal to a q v A C But ?r^ ^rr' is equal to the ratio of the perpendiculars let fall AC X ACi r—k from B and A on the chord CC, — that is, as -—7, putting r for the radius of the circle and k for OQ. 276 ON MKTRICAL METHODS AS APPLIED TO 300.] Now, if we assume any point F in the plane of this circle, and take its reciprocal polar, which will be a conic section having its focus at F, the pole of the line DDy will be a fixed point S within the curve, and the poles of the tangents GC and GC, will be points T T, on the reciprocal polar; and as the three straight lines DD„ GC, and GC, meet in the point G, the three poles S, r, and T, will range along the straight line tSti ; and the angle between the lines DD, and GC will be equal to the angle between the lines FS and Ft. Hence we may infer that if a chord be drawn through a fixed point 8 in the plane of a conic section meeting the curve in the points t and t„ the product of the tangents of half the angles 8Ft and £Ft, will be constant. 301.] If, now, we take the centre of this conic section as the centre of the polarizing circle, the polar of the focus F will be the minor directrix (A) ; the polars of the two points of contact t, t, wiU be tangents {t), {t,) to the reciprocal polar (S) ; and as the three points r, t„ and S range on the same straight line, their polars {t), (/,), and PQ will all meet on the same straight line. Hence we may derive this other theorem by a second polarization. If a straight line PQ be drawn in the plane of a conic section, and from any point P in it two tangents be drawn to the curve meeting Fig. 66. _T (A) \a_ the minor directrix in two points T and 1,, while the given straight line meets it in Q, the product of the tangents of half the angles TOQ and TpQ will be constant. THE THEORY OF EECIPROCAL POLABS. 277 We may diversify this theorem by taking other centres of polari- zation. Thus we may show that if the diameter of an ellipse be the base of a triangle whose vertex is at a focus, the product of the taiigents of half the angles which the sides of the triangle make with the major axis is constant. 302.] If from any point E in the plane of a conic section two tangents be drawn, and the chord of contact produced to meet the major directrix in the point y, the lines /E and/7 drawn through the focus /are at right angles. Fig. 07. Fig. 68. Hence, in the reciprocal polar, if a chord ab he drawn meeting the minor directrix in G, and a line be drawn from the minor focus F to meet in Q the intersection of the tangents drawn at a and 6, and cutting the minor directrix in C, the lines OC and OG are at right angles. For as Q, fig. 68, is the pole of a/3, and F is the pole of 7M, QF is the polar of the point y ; and as / is the pole of GN, therefore C is the pole oify. Again, as ab is the polar of E and GN the polar of/, G is the pole of/E ; but/E and/y are at right angles ; consequently GOC is a right angle. 303.] The locus of the feet of focal perpendiculars on a tangent to a conic section is the circle described on the majjor axis. From any point C of the circle described on 20A, the major axis of (S), draw a tangent CP to the curve (S) and the chord CF through the focus of (S) ; these lines we know are at right angles. Taking the polar reciprocal of this theorem, the pole of the tan- gent CP will be a point Q, on (2) ; and as the polar of F is the minor directrix DG, while the tangent to the circle through C is the polar of the point C, as the circle whose radius is OA is the polarizing circle, the point G where this tangent to C intersects the minor directrix will be the pole of FC ; hence the points G and Q subtend a right angle at the centre ; and as Q, G, C are the poles of the 278 ON METRICAL METHODS AS APPLIED TO three lines CP, CF, and CG which all meet in the point C, these three points Q, C, and G- will all range on the same straight line, the polar of C — that is, the tangent at C to the polarizing circle. Hence the points Q, G are on the tangent which touches the circle at C; and as OQ is perpendicular to CP, Q, is the pole of CP ; but CP is at right angles to FC j therefore OQ is at right angles to OG. Hence, if two diameters are drawn at right angles in a conic section, one meeting the curve in Q, the other meeting the minor directrix in G, the line QG envelops the circle whose diameter is the minor axis. 304.] (a) The lines drawn from the foci of a conic section to the point V, in which two tangents to the curve intersect, make equal angles with them. Let the angle FVF^=-^, FVQ=(?, F,YQ.,=0,; let/and/^bethe Fig. 70. focal chords, P and p the perpendiculars from F on the tangents. THE THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS. 279 Pj and^, the perpendiculars from F, on the same tangents. Then P =/sin 0, T,=f, sin (i^ + ^), ;>=/sin (^ + 0^) , p, =f, sin 0, ; but PP,=j(/;8in08in{^ + ^)=JS 1 and |. .... (a) i'i'/=^i sin ^, sin {yjr + 0,)=b^,j or sin^sin(i^+0)=sin0^sin(i/r + 0,). . . . (1)) But 2 sin sin {^lr + 0) =co8 1^— cos (1^ + 2^) 1 and . . . (c) 2 sin 0, sin (yjr + d,) =cos i^— cos {■^ + 20,) . j Consequently cos (■\|r+20)=cos (■^ + 2^,), or 0=0, (d) (/3) The line drawn from a focus F to the point V, the intersec- tion of two tangents which touch the conic section in the points Q and Q„ makes equal angles with the lines FQ, FQ,. This is evidently the reciprocal polar of the simple property of the circle, that any pair of tangents make equal angles with the chord of contact. (7) Twice the angle between the focal lines drawn to the point V in which two tangents meet, and touch the conic section at the points Q and Q,, is equal to the sum of the angles which the foci subtend at the points Q and Q,. Let the normals to the curve at the points Q, and Q^be QN and QN,. Let the angle FQN=F,QN = a, and Fp,N,=FQ,N,= a,. Let QFV=VFQ^=^, and Q,F,V=Vr,Q=iS,. But the angle FXF^=2a-|- 2/3, andFXF,=2o, + 2^(; consequently But FXF,= FVF, + /3-|-y3(; consequently 2FVr,=2a-|-2a,, or 2FVF,=FQF,-|-FQ,F, (e) 305.J If we now take the reciprocal polars of these three theorems (o), (/3), and (y) , we shall find, for (a), that as the two focal vectors PV and F,V, and the two tangents QV and Q^V (fig. 70), all four meet in the same point V, the polar of V (namely QQj, fig. 71) will contain the four poles of these four lines ; and as two of them pass through the foci (fig. 70), their poles Q, Q, will be on the minor directrices (fig. 71) ; and as two of them are tangents to the given curve, their poles P, P, will be on the polar curve ; and as the angles FVQ and F^VQ^ are equal (fig. 70), the segments PQ and VQ, will subtend equal angles at the centre O (fig. 71) ; and as the segments of the tangent which passes through P, namely PM and PMp also subtend equal angles at the centre, the angle POM will be equal to the angle POMy, and therefore the angle QOM will be equal to the angle Q^OM,. And as NN, is a tangent at P,, the 280 ON METRICAL METHODS AS APPLIED TO angle PpN will be equal to the angle PpN,, and the angle QON: the angle Q,ON,. Fig. 71. 11 M _Q 306.] It has been shown in (e), in the preceding section, that 2FVr,=rQF,+FQ,P', (fig. 70). If we now take the reciprocal polar of this property, the poles of the lines FV and F^V in fig. 70 will be the points Q and Q, in fig. 71, and the poles of the lines FQ, and F,Q in fig. 70 wiU be the points M and M, on the minor directrices, and the poles of the lines FQ, and F^, will be the points N and N, on the minor directrices. Hence the following theorem : — If a secant be drawn to a central conic section cutting the carve in the points P and P,, and the minor directrices in the points Q. and Q,, and if through the points P and P, tangents be drawn meeting the minor directrices in the points MM^ and NN^, the sum of the angks which the straight lines MM^ and NN. subtend at the centre will be equal to twice the angle which QQ, subtends at the same centre. 307.] If from any point Y in the plane of a central conic section, of which the projective coordinates are ^ and q, lines/,/, be drawn to the foci F, F„ and tangents to the curve touching it in the points Q and Q,, the perpendiculars let fall from the point V on the four focal chords FQ, F,Q, ¥0,,, and F,Q, are all equal. This may briefly be shown by the method of tangential coordi- nates. Let ^, and v, be the tangential coordinates of the focal chord FQ, then the length of the perpendicular VP let fall upon it will be THE THEORY OF RECIPROCAL POLAKS. 281 "/f-fr^' ' ^^ sec. [5]. Now l=- and t/, = ^fc^, f and v Fig. 72. being the tangential coordinates of the tangent YQ which passes through Q. Consequently , act— 1 , . We must bear in mind that ^, and v, are the tangential coordinates of the focal chord, while f and u are the tangential coordinates of the tangent to the curve passing through the point Q. If now we substitute these vjdues of ^, and v, in the value of the perpendicular, we shall have „ VP^ {ae-p)b^v+a^gS-age 1— aef > ■ • ■ • \ > from this equation we must eliminate ^ and v. The equation of the curve and the dual equation give a^^ + b^i^=l, a,ni pS + qv= I (c) Eliminating v, ^~ flY+*V writing M for a^q^+b'^p^—a^^, we shall have also aV + 4V Substituting these values of f and t; in (b), we finally obtain 282 ON METRICAL METHODS AS APPLIED TO Now, this expression for the perpendicular being a function of the projective coordinates p and q of the point V only and the constants of the tangential equation of the curve, it will hold for any one of the four focal chords. Consequently the four perpendiculars will be equal. Hence we may obtain the following theorem (fig. 71) : — If through any two points P and P, on a central conic section a secant be drawn, and two tangents through the points P and "P, meeting the minor directrices in the four points M, M,, N, and N,, and perpendiculars be let fall from, these four points on the secant, namely MP, M,P,, NP„, N,P,„, the ratios MP M^, NP,, N^, MO' up' NO' Np' ^«'' will all be equal. 308.] A simple algebraical proof of this very elegant theorem may be given. Let X, yi and a?,^ y,, be the coordinates of the points P and P,. Then the equation of the straight line passing through these points will be (y-yi)(^/-a^//)-(y,-y//)(a?-a?/)=0; ... (a) or as Xf y, and a;„ y,, are points on the curve, a^yf-^b*xf=a^b^; . . (b) a^y,^ + b^x,?=a%^, . . (c) or «'(y<-yi/)(y;+yH)+**(^/-'»«)(-»^i+a?„)=o. . . (d) Consequently the equation of the secant becomes, by substitution, o'(y-y/)(s'/+yfl)+*V-'^/)(«/+^«)=o. . . (e) But this line meets the minor directrix in a point of which the coordinates are x and -• c Substituting these values in the preceding equation, we shall have ^ a%^e + e{ahf,y „ + &'a?,y J - a%{x, + x,) A*c(a;,+a?„) • • • U) Now the tangent through P meets the minor directrix in a point of which the abscissa 2° is given by the equation ^^ a\be-y;i hex, ^^' Subtracting aP from Is, we shall have b'ex,{x,+x„) ^°J Here i—a!" denotes the distance between the points in which the THE THEORY OP RECIPROCAL POLARS. 283 secant and tangent cut the minor directrix, or a!—x°=QlM, see fig. 71 ; but OM= — ." - , see sec. [298] ; consequently QM_ (y,fg,-y/g J ... 0M~ b{x,+x,ii ^' But this is a symmetrical expression^ independent of the particular position of any one of the four points M, M^ N, N, on the minor directrices. Let MP be the perpendicular from the point M on the secant QQ, ; let ,; hence sin ^ =sin (u cos », -|- sin w, cos at. Let the tangential coordinates of the tangent passing through V be f , v, and f „ v,„ then smQ)= — ; ' cos&> = ■ ' , SlU «», = — -=^t=r, COS &>,= " • THE THEORY OF RECIPROCAL F0LAR8. 287 consequently 8inrf>= , ^fii-^^ii"! (b) We have now to calculate the value of this expression for sin . In sec. [307] it has been shown that fc—J^ + gV'M „_a'ff— pVM t _6'u— o VM 5, ^ > «'/- £ * f/, j^ ' and v„=^9±Pj{^, writing L for 0*5" + A V- L Consequently ^i^ii'^^u^i~ — t-—> i^) Tj and as we shall have, by substitution, Now, as the focal lines /and/, are drawn from the point V, /2=g«+(ae_^)*, and/2=y«+(ae+p)«; . . . (e) or fVi' = Up + ?)' + 2(o«-6=')?«-2(«^-6V + {a^-bT] ■ (0 Consequently (?,* + v,^) (f, « + V) =-^ ; and therefore • . Iy"« + ?/;"/ _ 2^/M _2aP Hence, finally, j5f,sin^=2aP, (g) where P is the perpendicular from V, the intersection of thejan- gents, and whose value we found in sec. [307] to be flP= VM. 313.] Hence we may readily obtain a very simple method of finding the curvature of a conic section. Let AB be an arc of a conic section, on which two points, P, Q, indefinitely near to each other, are assumed. At these points let tangents to the curve be drawn meeting in s, and intersecting in the angle ^. Let P* = Q» = c ; and let R, R, the radii of curvature at the points P and Q, meet in O. Hence R sin <^=PT= 2c ultimately; for ultimately the two sides of the triangle P»Q coincide with the side PQ, which is ultimately 2c equal to PT. Hence sin = ^• . , ■ 1 .1. X .1 2aP But in the preceding article it was shown that sin 9= -sr-- 288 ON METRICAL METHODS AS APPLIED TO Hence, eliminating sin ^, But when ultimately the point s coincides with the conic section, ■'•" ' V b Fig. 77. Hence R=-t, a well-known expression for the radius of curva- ture of a conic section. On groups of conic sections having the same minor directrices. 314.] We shall find that peculiar relations exist between conic sections having the same minor directrices. Let h be the distance between the common centre and oue of the directrices ; then the axes of the curve are connected by the relation 1 1.1 6«~a2'^A*" (a) A few examples of these properties are given. Let a series of concentric conic sections, all having the same minor directrices, be cut by a transversal, the portions of this line intercepted by any pair of these curves will subtend equal angles at the centre ; and if, through every pair of points in which this trans- versal intersects the sections, tangents are drawn intercepted both ways by the directrices, the sum of the angles which any pair of these tangents subtend at the centre is constant, being equal to twice the angle which the common transversal intercepted both ways by the directrices subtends at the centre. Let "3 + ^2 = 1 and x^ + yv=\ b^ (b) be the projective equation of the curve and the dual equation of the point [x, y). Let y = mx be the equation of the diameter passing THE THEORY OP RECIPEOCAL POLARS. 289 through the point {x, y) . Eliminating x and y between these three equations, we shall have a'(l-6V)w«-2aa62fu.M + 62(l-a2f2)=0. . . (e) Let n, and n„ be the roots of this quadratic equation, we shall Let ^ be the sum of the angles whose tangents are m, and n„. Then Now, as the sections are assumed to have the same minor direc- trices, p i~A«' consequently a value independent of a and b. Let n=tana>, then »,=tan {27r— «b,)= — tan w, ; therefore ^==o» + 27r— «B,=a)— Wy ; or^is the geometrical difference of the angles a> and «b,; consequently tan0=tan(Q)-ia,)=^-j-p^^^. . . . (g) Now, when the diflTerence between two variable quantitiesis constant, these variable quantities must receive equal increments ; but these increments are the angles between each successive pair of dia- meters. 315.] If two diameters at right angles revolve round the centre of two conic sections having the same minor directrices, each dia- meter meeting one of the curves, the line joining these points will envelop a circle. Assuming the equation (c) established in the preceding section we shall have But when the curves have the same minor directrices the equation of a circle. When the connected points are on different curves, let r and r, be the two semidiameters ; then cos*<^ sin*0_l 1.1 1 _1 V 290 ON METRICAL METHODS AS AFFILED TO consequently 1 sin^<6 1 ,,, a* A* r* For the diameter at right angles adding. 1 cos^^ _ 1 , . or the sum of the squares of the reciprocals of the semidiameters, . drawn one to each curve, is constant ; and as P the perpendicular on the line joining the feet of r and r, is con- stant, and therefore the locus is a circle. The difference of the squares of the reciprocals of any two coin- cident semidiameters of two conic sections having the same minor directrices is constant. „ 1 cos* sin* e 1 sin* d , 1 1 . sin* , For;:,=^^ + -p-=^4^^,and^=-,-h-p-> hence 316.] Let a series of concerdric conic sections, having the same minor directrices, he cut by a common diameter, the tangents dravm through the points where this diameter intersects the curves enve- lop a concentric conic section. The solution of this question is simply ohtained hy the method of tangential coordinates. Let 6V + a*f*=l (a) be the tangential equation of one of the series of ellipses or hyper- bolas, and, as they all have the same minor directrices, a^'^k^~b^' ^ ' let y=nx be the projective equation of the diameter, then a^ Eliminating o and b between the equations (a), (b), and (c), we find the equation of a concentric equilateral hyperbola or ellipse. se=» (°) THE THKORY OF RECIPROCAL POLARS. 291 On certain properties of the Equilateral Hyperbola. 317.] A8 the equilateral hyperbola is its own reciprocal, the centre of the curve being the centre of the polarizing circle, the major and minor foci will coincide ; so also will the major and mmor directrices, as shown in sec. [289]. Hence all the focal properties of this curve possess analogous central properties also. For example, we may instance the following : — (a) If a tangent to an equilateral hyperbola meet the directrices in the points M and M„ the difference of the distances of these points from the transverse axis will be to the difference of the distances of the same points from the centre in the ratio o/ V2 : 1. _ (^) V a, we shall have Jydar=2- versin-' (~2~) ^(^'J^— «*) +C 302 ON THE LOGOCYCLIC CURVE. As the area of the infinite branch of the curve begins with x = a, we shall have = — a^ + C, or C = a* r- ; 4 4 hence ^^yAx = -^ + C = a^-\-— ; (g) consequently the whole area of the logocyclic curve, i. e. the area of the loop and of the curve between the ir finite branches and the asymptote, is equal to 4 a*, or to the square of the distance between the focus and the asymptote, while the difference between these areas is equal to aV. Thus, while the sum of the two areas is equal to the square of 2a, the difference of the two areas is equal to th^ area of the circle inscribed in the same square. 331 .] The area may be found very easily by a simple transforma- tion. For the loop assume a— ir=a cos 0. Then, substituting and reducing, Jyda:=a«cos ^(1 -cos^)d^. Hence area of the loopsso*/ sin^ + sin^ cos^— ^1, taking the integral between the limits B={) and 6=—. The area of loop = a* — —• When the area between the infinite branch and the asymptote is required, we must assume x—a=as\\\ 6, and Jydx= — a' f sin 5(1 +sin 6)di6 ; hence jyda7=— a*cos5 + -^ -^ sin^cos^ + C. Since the area begins when 6-^0, 0=-a2 + C, or C = a«, or Jyda:=a*(l —cos &) + — — sin 5 cos 5; therefore f2«da!=a'+— :-. Jo '^ 4 332.] If we take the cissoid whose cusp is at F, and whose asymptote is the line DS (see figure 78), its equation may be written y^^x/vo^ZT^)'' and if we take the curve (known as the witch or the curve of Agnesi) whose vertex is at F, and whose ON THE LOGOCYCLIC CURVE. 303 asymptote is also the lineDS, its equation maybe written, F being tlie origin, y = 2a a/I—-—-)- and the equation of the logocyclic curve referred to the same axes being y=(a— a?) a /(n-^ — ), we shall have, putting Y^, ¥„, and Yx for any coincident ordinates of the cissoid, the curve of Agnesi, and the logocyclic iY„-Y,= +Y, (a) Hence the respective areas of these curves must be in the same ratio as these coincident ordinates; or if -we draw a pair of ordi- nates common to the three curves, the area of the logocyclic curve between these parallel ordinates will be equal to the difference be- tween the corresponding areas of the cissoid and half the area of the curve of Agnesi. Hence, taking the whole of the areas between these three curves and their common asymptote DS, as the area of the cissoid is three times that of the base-circle, and half the area of the curve of Agnesi equal to twice that of the base-circle, the area of the logocyclic, which is the difference between the areas of these curves, must be equal to the area of the base-circle OAT, as is otherwise shown in sec. [319]. 333] . Through any two reciprocal points of the logocyclic curve R and R^, let ordinates be drawn to the logocyclic, the cissoid, and the curve which bisects all the ordinates of the curve of Agnesi, and let these ordinates be Y^, Ya', Yc, Y^', and Ya, Yo', and as Xi + a!ii=2a, Xi and Xn being the ordinates of the reciprocal points as shown in [10], we shall have, omitting the traits. Hence obviously Y,YJ=Y,YJ + Y Y,', (a) a curious relation between the six ordinates of the three curves drawn three by three through any two reciprocal points of the logocyclic curve. 334] . The logocyclic curve is " inverse to itself." A curve is said to be "inverse to itself" when the product of any two coincident vectors drawn from the pole to two points, one on each branch, is constant. 304 ON THE LOGOCYCLIC CURVE. In the case of the logocyclic this is evident ; for, its vectors being the roots of the quadratic equation r^-2asec0.r + a^=O, (a)* we shall have E.=a (see + tan 0) and r=a (sec ^— tan 0), or Rr^a*. This may be shown also in rectangular coordinates. Let w, y and x,, y, be the coordinates of any two reciprocal points. Then as — ^, ^=r^/= r-^'=^^^.- I° tb« ^^^^^ '"^^"e"' y= a "' ^ . Now, if we substitute these values of a? and y in the equation of the logocyclic curve given in sec. [319], namely (a?* + y*) (2rt — ar) = a^x, we shall have (57 2 + J, 2) {2a-xi = a^x,; (b) that is, we shall reproduce the original equation of the curve by this substitution. This property is peculiar to all curves that are inverse to themselves. On the rectification of the Logocyclic Curve. 335.] It may be shown, if 2 and ^- (b) * The polar equation of the circle is »-=-2ocosfl.r+o'=*», k bein? the radius of the circle. t This expression for the arc of an inverse curve suggests a very beautiful geometrical representation for the velocity of a body in any part of its orbit, subject to any law of central force whatever. For as the velocily in the orbit is inversely as the perpendicular from the centre of force on the tangent, or jn •' lis jfc2 " ' v^— , we shall have -t^^t^: «• Or the element of the curve inverse to the orbit between the vectors drawn through any two consecutive positions of the body will be a direct measure of the velocity with which the body describes that element of its orbit. ON THE LOGOCYCLIC CURVE. 305 Now it is easily shown that a//m* + — ) is the reciprocal of the perpendicular jB let fall from the pole on the tangent to the inverse curve drawn through the extremity of the vector, and which makes the angle with the axis. Hence 2= A' I — ; in like manner Adding (b) and (c), we shall have 2 + ^= ^(2) •« Jeos«g^(f-isin«g) +^(^) -"jTlT^t'-^T C no Now ^ (2) . a I — 3f)^n _i. • 3/a\ '^ *^® expression for an arc of an equilateral hyperbola whose semi- transverse axis is 2a, and whose central vector, drawn to the extremity of this arc, makes an angle o> with the axis, such that sin 6= V'(2) . sin a>. The second term is the expression for an arc of the lemniscate whose semi- transverse axis is 2a, and whose vector is inclined by the angle a> to the axis. 337.] The arc of the logocyclic curve may be exhibited as a function of a hyperbolic arc, an elliptic arc, and a right line, as follows. In a paper published in the Philosophical Transactions * the two following expressions for the arc of an hyperbola have been given, which become when the hyperbola is equilateral (T being the arc) r Ad IcosS'gV'll-isinSg) (d) y'(2)J{;ir,=2fl*/n —l,^ir,9ft\ .... (a) * "Researcheson tlie Geometrical properties of Elliptic Integrals," Philosophical Transactions for 1852, p. 373, (292) (c) and (k). X 306 ON THE LOGOCYCLIC CURVE. and also T = a i^ (2) tan e v/' (1 - i sin^ e) - a ^ (2) Jv/ll - i sin« 5)d5 '^V{2)}VJX^^J^^'' ^^ resuming (d), sec. [336], S + o- _ a r d^ a r d0 2 ~ ♦/ (2) J cos2 dV[l-i sin* 0) "^ v'(2) J */ (1 - i sin* 5) ' and subtracting the two former equations &om this latter, ^±^-2T=a*/(2)J' v^(l-4 sin*^)d^ -aV'(2)tan^i^(l-isin«5) fe) ?tow the integral represents an arc of an ellipse whose semiaxes are \^{2).a and a; and 2T is the arc of an equilateral hyperbola whose semi- transverse axis is 2a. Hence the sum of two such arcs of a logocyclic curve may be represented as the sum of the arcs of an equilateral hyperbola and of an ellipse together with a right line. 338.] If we take the diflference of the arcs, we shall find, sub- tracting (c) from (b), sec. [336], that 2-o- _ C sin ddd r sin 0dd 2 ~°Jcos20*/(H-cos2d)''"*'j V'(H-cos8^)" • ^^^ Let cos ^=tan yfr, tfr being, see (a), sec. [320], the angle between the vector and the tangent to the curve at one of the reciprocal points. Then, introducing the necessary transformations. 2 — a_ a C i-^lr 2 sin '^ J cos •^' Hence, integrating, —2^=^:^-''^°S{Bec-ilr + ta.n^fr) + C: . . (c) o —. — -—t is the distance between the extremity of the arc and the smy- ' asymptote, and measured along the tangent to the arc at this point, as has been already shown in (a), se<;. [326] . To determine the constant; when ^=0, ■^=^ir, S=0, This is identically the expression that was found in (b), sec. [338], for the diflference of two logocyclic arcs terminating in two reci- procal points on the same vector, or coradial, if one might use such a term. The constant may be found from the consideration that the arc S=0, when ^=0, or ^=60; hence x2 308 ON THE LOGOCYCLIC CURVE. and therefore S f 1 2 1 , , r 2 +i/(3) \ ... In (e)jsec. [338], a similar expression has heen given for the logo- cyclic residual — ^namely. Take the lengths of these curves between the limits ^=0 and cos~'ff= ,,„. , V(3) or between the limits 60 and 45, and ■^ between the limits 45 and 30, then and lz^=«{2-V(2)} + alog,/(3)-alog||±^|. Hence, adding these equations together. This is the relation which subsists between the arc of the cissoid and the residual arc of the logocyclic between the limits 0=0 and 340.] The logocyclic curve is the envelope of all the circles whose centres range along the parabola, and whose radii are successively equal to v'{/'— a*), /being the distance of the centre Q of the circle from the focus of the parabola. This follows from an inspec- tion of the figure ; but it may easily be proved as an independent theorem as follows : — Let the equation of one of the circles be Now o=ffl— atan'5, j8=2atan<^,° /=OBec'^. Making these substitutions in the preceding equation, and re- ducing, w^+y^ + 2a{ta.n^0~l)a;-Mta.n0y + a^=O=Y; . . (a) taking the differential of this expression with respect to 0, and reducing. ON THE LOGOCYCLIC CURVE. 309 dV_4fla?tanfl 4oy dd ~ 008*0 "coi^^^ or tan0=i. Introducing this value of tan in (a), we shall find the equation of the logocyclic curve. The vertical tangent OT bisects all the chords of the logocyclic curve passing through F. The angles VRT or VIl,T='^ and d or OFR are so connected that cos 0=ta,n-^. Hence the maximum ordinate of the loop is found by making ■^=0, or tan ^= cos d, or sin»= — ■^ If any point Q be taken on the parabola as centre, and through the two reciprocal points on the logocyclic curve a circle be drawn, it will always cut at right angles the fixed circle whose centre is F and radius =a. This is evident; for the radius of this circle is equal to (FQ)S-aa=(QT)«, QT being the tangent drawn from Q to the fixed circle. 341.] It is not difiicult to show that if we put A and A^ for the diameters of curvature of the logocyclic curve at any two reciprocal points of which the vectors are r and 11, we shall have ^+^=smir (a) If we put C and C, for the chords of curvature of the two reciprocal points and passing through the pole, we shall have c+cr' ^^^ These simple and remarkable expressions for the curvature of the logocylic curve at any two reciprocal points, are true of all inverse curves whatsoever, at any two reciprocal points. Thus, in the simple case of a circle, let a and b be the segments of any chord a + b, then evidently j H 7= 1 . a+o a+o This very general theorem may be proved as follows : — Let iA be the radius of curvature of a curve at any point, r the vector from the pole, and p the perpendicular from the pole on the tangent to the curve through this point. Then in most elementary 310 ON THE LOOOCYCLIC CURVE. works it is shown that A=2r-T- : and if C be the chord of curva- ap dp ture through the pole, C = A-=2/>^j and therefore ^=~^and, dP for any other curve, 7=r="5p j hence /dp dP^ dr^dR (c) Now, in all " inverse curves," as the tangents at any two reciprocal points are equally inclined to the common radius vector, if P, R, and C, are the corresponding quantities for the inverse curve, rP ;> : P : : r : R, or p=-^, (d) and Rr=A2 ^^^ Diflferentiating (d) and (e), di»=:dP^+pJ-rP^, andRdr+rdR=Oj R^ R R" hetice d/'^.JldP + ^^dr-^R. p Vip tip Wp Now¥=P, ^=r, g = l; therefore ^^=¥H-^-f; r ' P and therefore as Ap dP Pr R (f) dR j» P , R , dr dR ■3-=-j-+l— T— : and as — = — =-, dr dr or ' r R we shall have finally Ap dP dr+5K-^' r R ^+5^=1 (g) (10 ON THE LOGOCYCLIC CURVE. 311 342] . The preceding formula will enable usj by a simple trans- formation, to express the relation between the central forces, by which any curve and its inverse may be described, having the same centre of force. For the formula ^p dr + *P dR~^' may be written and we have also p=rsin-s^, and P=Rsin'^; ^-- ^^hH^)^^ (^) But in every elementary treatise on central forces it is shown that the expression for the centripetal force in any given orbit is as f n 3J )■ Putting F for this force, and for the force at the reci- procal point of the inverse curve, we shall have this general expres- sion for the relation which connects the laws of the central forces in the two orbits, [r»F-fR'*4>]sin2 4,= l (b) Thus, let one of the curves be the focal parabola, the inverse curve will be the cardioid, and sin*-Jr=-, while F = :: j. Hence, making these substitutions in (b) and putting ^r — k^, we shall have ^=i^^ ('=) or in the cardioid the force is inversely as the fourth power of the distance, the cusp being the centre of force. The polar equation of the curve which is inverse to the focal ellipse is R = «{l+ecose), if Rr = 6«- a b^ Now, in the focal ellipse, F = HlTa' ^^^ ^^^^ "^ — j.m _ \ • Hence ^=t|.-£, (d) or such an orbit might be described by a body attracted by a force varying inversely as the fourth power of the distance, and repelled by a force varying inversely as the fifth power of the distance. When the centre of force is the centre of an equilateral hyperbola, 312 ON THE LOOOCYCLIC CCEVE. the inverse curve is the lemniscate, and F=^ sint=^; hence R'*=^, or 4»=^x ^; (e) or the law of force in the lemniscate is inversely as the seventh power of the distance, the force being attractive to the centre. In the same way we might show that as the spiral of Archimedes is the inverse curve to the hyperbolic spiral, and as the law of cen- tral force in this latter is inversely as the cube of the vector, and (o being the vector angle in the former spiral whose equation is R =00, we shall have tan -^so), or san*'«fr=i =. ^ 1+ca' Now, in the hyperbolic spiral whose equation is r is such a function of and ^ as will render tan [, x\ =tan «f> sec j^ + tan ;^ sec ^. We must adopt some appropriate notation to represent this func- tion. Let the function [^, x] ^® written -'-Xt ^o tl^** tan (,'}>-^Xi =tan^ sec^ + tan^^sec^. This equation must be taken as the definition of the function ^-^x- In like manner we may represent by tan (^-rx) the expression tan sec x— tan x sec ^. From (a) we obtain sec(u = sec(^-^j^)=sec^secj^ + tan<^ tan^. . . (b) If we now diflferentiate the equation tan a = tan ^ sec ^ + tan x sec ^, we shall have . secc»= — ^.-.secd secvH 2L tanAtanvl cos a cos ip ^ '^ cos x I H ^ tan

sec y. C0S(|> ^ '^ cosx - Adding these expressions together, and introducing the relation established in (b), we shall find do) _ d<^ I ^X /jN cos o) cos ^ cos X This is the difiFerential equation which connects the amplitudes to, ^, and X- As to, J cos X I cos X or, in the more compact notation, fseco)d«a=Jsec^d^+Jsecxd;^. . . . (f)* * The relation between the conjugate amplitudes a, sinx Vl — t'ein'o) ; 314 ON THE TKIOONOMETKY OF THE PARABOLA. Hence, if m, , and x are connected by the relation assumed in (a) , we shall have the simple relation between the integrals expressed in (e). If in (a) we make the following imag mary substitutions — that is to say, put V — Isina for tan^, V — Isin^S for tan^, V — 1 sin y for tan w, cos a for sec (}>, cos /8 for sec Xi cos 7 for sec oi, and change ->- into + and -r into — , we shall have sin y=sin (a+ ^) =sin a cos /3 + sin /3 cos a, the well-known expression for the sine of the sum of two arcs of a circle. We shall show presently that an arc of a parabola measured from the vertex may be expressed by the integral J sec ^d^, being the angle which the normal to the arc at its other extremity makes with the axis, or the angle between the normals drawn to the arc at its extremities. ->- and -r may be called logarithmic plus and minus. As exam- ples of the analogy which exists between the trigonometry of the parabola and that of the circle, the following expressions in parallel columns are given — premising that the formulae marked by corre- sponding letters may be derived singly, one from the other, by the help of the preceding imaginary transformations. In applying the imaginary transformations, or while tan is changed into V — 1 sin^, sec ^ into cos^, cot ip into — V — 1 cosec , ->- must be changed into +, -r into — , and fsec^d^ into The reader who has not proceeded beyond the elements of trigo- nometry may assume the fundamental formula as proved. He will find little else that requires more than a knowledge of plane trigo- nometry. t is called the modulus. When we laake t=0, we get co8(i)=cos^ cos^ — sini^ sinx or =0-^x in the trigonometiy of the parabola. Whence, as above, tan a>=tan (^ sec x+tan x sec if). * The advanced reader hardly needs to be reminded that this is the imaginary transformation by which we are enabled, in elliptic functions of the third order, to pass from the circular form to the logariihrmc form, or to pass from the pro- perties of a curve described on the sur&ce of a sphere to its analogue described on the sur£Eu;e of a paraboloid of revolution. See the author's paper " On the Geometrical Properties of Elliptic Integrals," in the Philosophical Transactions for 1852, pp. 362, 308, and for 1864, p. 53. ON THE TRIGONOMETRY OF THE PARABOLA. 315 ^ S" ^ '? "oT ju] S' "S S^ S 'a" rt ; ; 17 -> ' s 1— I ■ ■ • 1 1 X • ^ 1 1 1 1 IT ^>. 1 -e- X 3 S m 1 S<8 .s .s .a 53 "So ■» X x g X? ■©- .9 tn' ■f + 1 1+ s 3 3 'aa ■©- (D S ^ ^ ^ Co + ■©- ■©• 1 -4^ ■e- ! •©- 1" /— ' ^ — , -° II m § 8 8" i 1 ■©- Q* "> + ■6.-8- -S >< -e--©. -0- .s .a s S S u II II II 1 r— ( 1 § +» ^ + 8 ■? -e- 11 04 § "■©- CM 1 1— 1 1 + 17 ■> (M -©- GO 8, II GO o u 1 l-H II + 1— 1 II a .9 1? + 1 +1 + 1 ■©■ 1 1 II w II Oi ■e- ■©- :§::©;:§: -©- -e- -K -e- -©- "6- II •s "a a 1^ .s 'qq S 2 o 1 ^ . 3 ■a :j -4^ 8 + 1— i '53 8 CO. ?. ^ - ^ X X x-i o u o " 0) (U SJ + 60 m 03 ^ ■©-•©--©-■? e a <^ ■" « 3 s " GQ ■F-l .9 ^ + ■§ I x'x X 'X r-r H I- HI- H CO c3 d Ci ^ --a ?s o •= X 9 09 ■©- 9 ■f =* 2>- g X I- -©- ■©- -e- o> » 5^' fl "Q- .9 Ol IB X li II II ^^ ■©- H H ■g ■©--©- -o- -©- H ■©- (M 1 X 1- X ! 1 13 c8 > • ^1 + x-l •©■ • H <». s ,~^ -©-s DQ 'V r* ^ "n II lis X ■©• H •©■ :§:5:"'p.V •4^ u o 9 § (Mi fMJ ^—.^ l-H 1 II II ^ >^ 1 ^■S- -t^ H > + i -4-> 316 ON THE TRIGONOMETRY OF THE PARABOLA. Since sec (^ -1- 4>) =860* ^ + tan* <^, and tan (^ J- <^) = 2 tan ^ sec ^, sec (^ -•- ^) + tan (<^ ->- ^) = (sec ^ + tan ) *. Again, as sec {-^^-*- ^)=sec {(^ -^ <^) sec ^ + tan { -^ ^) tan , and tan (^ -L (^ J- <^) =tan (^ -^ <^) sec + sec {«^ -^ 0) tan «^, it follows that sec (<^ -L -J- ^) 4- tan (<^ -L <^ -1- <^)= (sec ^ + tan ^ )^, and so on to any number of angles. Hence 8ec(<^-^<^-L^...tow^)+tan(<^J-<^-^<^«<^)=(sec^+tan<^)'. (|) Introduce into the last expression the imaginary transformation tan ^= V — 1 sin , and we get Demoivre's imaginary theorem for the circle, cosm^+ V"! sin«<^ = {cos<^+ x/ — 1 sin <^}-". This is a particular case of the more general theorem sec(a-L/3-L7J-S-i-&c.)+tan(aJ-/3J-7-i-S-i-&c.) ) ,„> = (seca + tano) (sec^ + tan/3) (8ec7 + tany) (secS + tan S) &c.*/ In the circle, l±tan|^ /l+sin2. ^ ^^^j l-tan<^ V 1— sin2^ ^ ' accordingly, in the parabola, 1+ V^sin<^ _. / l+ V^tan(^-L^) ,. 1- V^lsin Accordingly, in the trigonometry of the parabola, ^ Vsec(./,-^^) + l ^"^ sin ^ 8in( -f-tan'^sec^sec;;^ + tan^tanxtan'^, ....(■») sec (^ -"- X -•- ■^) = sec ^ sec ;^ sec •^ + sec ^ tan j^ tan -^ + secj^tan'^tan^+sec'^tan^tanx, . . . . {p) and sin (A ■ V ■ Tfr)^ sin^ + sinx+sinVr + sin^sinxsin-^ ^r A. T^ l + sin^siu'^ + sin'^sin^ + sin^sinx' whence, in the trigonometry of the circle, sin (^+x+'^) =8in ^ cos ^ cos -^-1- sin x cos-^ cos ^ + sin ^ cos (f> cos X— sin ^ sin ^ sin '^, . . . . (p) cos (^-f-x + V^) = cos ^ cos^ cos'^— cos^ sinxsiu'^ — cos^sin'^sin^— cos'^sin^sinxj . . . . (r) tan (A 1 V I ^w *an«^ + tanx+tan^-tan^tanxtanVr vr /^ T/ 1— tan^tan'^— tan'^tan^— tan^tanx 318 ON THE TRIGONOMETRY OF THE PARABOLA. We have here a remarkable illustration of that fertile principle of duality which may be developed to such aa extent in every depart- ment of pure mathematical science. The angle ^ -■--^+% and a + b indifferently, while in the parabola we must use the nota- tion ^ j-j^ or ^-r^^for angles, but a+b or a— 6 for lines, as in the circle. 345.] An expression for the length of a curve in terms of a per- pendicular p let fall from a fixed point on a tangent to it, and making the angle 6 with a line passing through the given point or pole, uaxaelj s=^pd0 + t, has been established in sec. [201]. In the following figure. p = ST, ^=VST, t=VT. Fig. 79. Let TI{m.0) denote the length of the arc of a parabola, whose parameter is 4m, measured from the vertex to a point at which the tangent to the arc is inclined to the ordinate of that point by the angle 0. When m = l, the symbol becomes Tl{0}. In the parabola whose equation is y'^=^mx, the focus S is taken as the pole, and therefore ^=m sec 0, while PT or /=»» sec^ tan 5. The arc of a parabola, measured from the vertex, may therefore be expressed by the formula n(m. d) =m sec d tan -frnj* seed d^. ... (a) The difference between the arc and its subtangent t has been named the residual arc. For brevity, and for a reason which will presently be shown, the distance between the focus and the vertex of a parabola will be called its modulus. Hence the parameter of a parabola is equal to four times its modulus. Let H {tn . io),'n.{m . ),'n(m . x) denote three parabolic arcsVD, VB, VC, measured firom the vertex V of the parabola. Let, more- over, a, (f>, and x ^ conjugate amplitudes. Then ON THE TRIGONOMETRY OP THE PARABOLA. 319 n(m. &>)=?» tan 6) sec. . . (b) n(»». j^)=jM tan x^^^ X"^"^ J '^^^ X ^X'l Whence, since J sec to dm =Jsec , and "X, are conjugate amplitudes, we get, after some reductions, Tl{m.w) — n(ni.^)— n(»».^)=2ni taniBtan tan;^. (c) It is not difficult to show that tan o> sec m — tan <^ sec <^— tan x sec x—'^ tan to tan tan x- (d) Put for tan to, sec to, their values given in (a) and (b), sec. [343], Write (sec* <^— tan* ^) and (sec* j^— tan^;^) for 1, the coefficient of tan sec tf) and tan x sec x ^^ the preceding expression, and we shall obtain the foregoing result. 346.] Let y, y,, y„ be the ordinates, to the axis of the parabola, of the extremities of the arcs n(»»., y„ = 2m tan x- Therefore 2ni tan o) tan ^ tan j^; =^-'^' (a) We have therefore the following theorem : — The algebraic sum of the three conjugate arcs of a parabola, mea- sured from the vertex, is equal to the product of the ordinates of their extremities divided by the square of the semiparameter. To exemplify the preceding theorem. Let 1 v'5 tan ft) = 2, tan ^ = ^, tan x= — ^> then _ /= .i V5 3 secft)=v5, sec 9 = — q-, secx=n> and these values satisfy the fundamental equation of condition, tan tB= tan tp sec j^+ tan x sec «^. Now _ _ n(m.w) = »w2 V'5 + mlog{2+ */5), n(m..^)=m^ + mlog(l±^), Uim.x)=m^-^ + mlog{^} Hence, since log (3+ V5)=log(?-t_V^)+log(^-±^),weshall 320 ON THE TRIGONOMETRY OF THE PARABOLA. have n(»».i»)— n(fn.^)— n(»».x)=»» V5; • • • (b) and m V5 = 2m tan w tan tan ^. 347.] If we call an arc measured from .the vertex of a parabola an aspidal arc, to distinguish it from an arc taken anywhere along the parabola, the preceding theorem will enable us to express an arc of a parabola, taken anywhere along the curve, as the sum or difference of an apsidal arc and a right line. Thus, let VCD be a parabola, S its focus, and V its vertex (fig. 80). Let VB = n{»i . ^), VC=n(»i . x), VD=n(m . o>), and let ^^'= A. Then(c),sec. [345] showsthat the parabolic arc (VC + VB) =arc VD— A, and the parabolic arc VD— VB=BD = VC + A, When the arcs n(m . ^) and 11 (m . ;^) together constitute a focal arc, or an arc whose chord passes through the focus, ^ + y=-5, and A is the ordinate of the arc VD. Accordingly we derive the fol- lowing theorem : — Any focal arc of a parabola is equal to the difference between the conjugate apsidal arc and its ordinate. Kg. 80. The relation between the amplitudes ^= ( «— X ) *^d «* ^^ tbis 2 cos( case is given by the equation sin2^s= J" t^jam Thus, when the 1 ^COS €0 focal chord makes an angle of 30° with the axis, we get cos to=\, or y=10iR. Here, therefore, the ordinate of the conjugate arc is ten times the modulus. ON THE TRIQONOMEXB.Y OV THE PARABOLA. 321 When ^=x> (*')' ^^^- P^S], is changed into n(»i.o)) — 2n(»».<^)=2ff»tan=2 tan (^ sec <}>, see (ij) of [344], n(»i.(o)— 2II(m.^)=4mtan^^sec<^. . . . (b) Let ^=45, then 11 fm.^ j is the arc of the parabola intercepted between the vertex and the focal ordinate ; and as sec « = sec (^ J- ^) = sec* ^ + tan* <^, we shall have, since tan ^=1 and sec ^ = ^2, sec o> =3 ; therefore n(7».8ec-'.3)-2n(»».j)=4m ^2. . . . (c) Now, as sec 10=3, tanik>=2 V^, and the ordinate Y=4m ^2, we may therefore conclude that the parabolic arc whose ordinate is 4m V2, diminished by this ordinate, is equal to the sum of the arcs of the parabola between the focal ordinate produced both ways, and the vertex. It is easy to give an independent proof of this particular case without the help of the preceding theory. The length of the parabolic arc whose amplitude is 45° will be foimd by the usual formula to be n(m.l)=, :»rai/2 + mlog(H- \/2) ; and twice this arc is 2n(m.'^=m2 '»/2 + »»log(3 + 2 '/2), since (1+ V'2)*=3 + 2 ^2. The parabolic arc whose amplitude is sec~' 3, is found in like manner to be n(m.sec-'3)=»»3.2^2+OTlog(3 + 2 \/2). Subtracting the former equation from the latter, n(»i . sec-' 3) -2U (»»-|) =4»M v'2. Now the ordinate Y of the parabolic arc whose amplitude is sec"' 3 is equal to _ _ 2b».2 V'2=4»» v/2; therefore n(m.8ec-'3)-2n(jre.|)=Y. . . . (d) It is easily shown that 4w V2 is the radius of curvature of the extremity of the arc whose amplitude is 45°. Y 322 ON THE TBIGONOMETEY OF THE PARABOLA. To find a parabolic arc which shall diflfer from twice another parabolic arc by an algebraical quantity, may be thus exemplified. Let tan ^=2, tana>=4v'5, sec^= VS, 8eco»=9; substituting these values in (a), sec. [345], we shall have n{»» . sec-' 9)=»n36 '/5+m log (9 + 4 \/5), and 2n(»» tan-' 2) =2m 2 \/5 + «» log (2+ V5)^. Consequently, since (2+ V'5)*=9+4'/5, n(m . sec-' 9)— 2n(»M . tan-' 2) =»i32 v 5 =2»» tan a tan««^. (e) 348.] We may in all cases represent by a simple geometrical construction the ordinates of the conjugate parabolic arcs whose amplitudes are , Xi ^^^d en. Let BC be a parabola whose focus is S and whose vertex is V. Fig. 81. Let YS=m; moreover let VB be the arc whose amplitude is ^, and VC the arc whose amplitude is j^. At the points V, B, C draw tangents to the parabola ; they will form a triangle circum- scribing the parabola, whose sides represent half the ordinates of the conjugate arcs VB, VC, VD. We know that the circle circumscribing this triangle passes through the focus of the parabola. Now VT=mtan<^,VT,=»Mtanx, T,A=mtan^ sec^, TA=»»tanxsec^j hence TA + TA=m(tan sec x + ^-ai X ^^^ «^) =»» tan at ; ON THE TBIGONOMETRY OF THE FABABOLA. 323 therefore VT, VT', and TA + AT' represent half the ordinates of the arcs whose amplitudes are ^, x> ^^^ '">• When VB, VC together constitute a focal arc, the angle TAT, is a right angle. The diameter of this circle is m sec ^ sec x- The demonstration of these properties follows obviously from the figure. 349.] It may be convenient, by a simple geometrical illustration, to show the magnitude of the frmctions sec (^-^x) and tan (<^-'-x). Let SV=»», ASV=x, BSV=<^, the line AB being at right angles to SV. Through the three points ABS describe a circle. Draw the diameter SC, and join the point C with A and B. Let fall the perpendicular CT. Fig. 82. Then m sec (<^ J-x)=SC+CT, and mtan (<^-'-x)=AC+CB. Moreover also it follows, since sec (<^ -^ x) + **^ (•/• -^ X) = i^'^ ^ + **^ )(sec ^ + tan x), as has been established in (?) of sec. [344] , that m(SC + CT+AC+CB)=(SB+BV)(AS+AV). . (a) Of this theorem it is easy to give an independent geometrical demonstration. We have manifestly also CT(SC + m+SA+SB) = (AC+AT){BC+BT). . . (b) 350.] Let m be the conjugate amplitude of a> and y^, while oi is the conjugate amplitude, as before, of (f> and x- Then, as j" sec w d«!>= Jsec w dta + J sec ■^ d'^, Y 2 324 ON THE TBIGONOMETRT OF THE PARABOLA. and f sec 0) do> = J sec d> d^ + J sec x ^X> we shall have j'sec»d5=jBec^d^+j'sec%d%+j8ec'^d'^; . (a) and if !!(»».«), II(»».<^), 11 (m.^), and n(»».'^) denote four conju- gate parabolic arcs, U(m.l^-U{m.-^X)tsa{-^ylr}tsa{x->-'^), . • (b) which gives a simple relation between four conjugate parabolic arcs*. To exemplify the foregoing formula. Let us assume the follow- ing arithmetical values for the angles 5, ^, %, ■^ : — tan5 = 12±^, tan0=l tanx=-:^, tan,^=| _ _ (c) sec5=i±l^, sec<^=-^, 8ecx=l, sec^=| Hence n (m.tan-' [l^±^^])=ro{20-|-9 Vl) +»»-^-l-mlog(6 + 3 y/5), n (»t.tan-l) = ». J^ + m log {^-^^)> n («».tan- J^)=«»iV5 + m log (3W5), (4\ 20 »i.tan-'^j=»»-n-+mlog3. * This latter theorem may he proved as follows : — Since a is conjugate to a and ^, we shall have, by (c), sec. [345], n(m . a) — Il(m .a)—Jl(m, ^)=2 m tan a tan d> tan ^ ; and since a> is conjugate to and %> n(m . <»)— n(>» . ^)— n(»n . x)=2 mtan » tan ^ tan x. Hence, adding these equations, n(m . o>) will disappear, and n(m . o) — n(m . f) — n(m . x)— n(ni . ^)=2>n tan a> [tana tan'^-|- tan ^ tan x]- Now tan a=tan (n-'-^). Therefore tan ms=tana> sec iff+tam^ seem. But tano>=tan0sec x+tanxsec^. Substituting this value in the preceding equation, and multiplying by tan ^, tan « tan iff = tan ^ sec X sec ^ tan ^ + tan X sec sec 4' tan ^ +8ec sec X tan' 4i+i«a ^ tan x tan' ^i, and tan0tanx=sec'^tan0tanx— tan'^tan^tanx- Consequently tan a tan iff+tan tan x=Csec i^ tan 0+sec tan ^)(8ec x tan ^+eee if/ tan x) =tan (0 -'-«'') tan (x -■- >!'), and «= ^■'- %• (d) ON THE TRIGONOMETRY OF THE PARABOLA. 325 Adding the latter three equations together, and subtracting the sum from the former, the logarithms will disappear ; for =log(6+3v^5); (e) consequently n(»ra.m)— n(m.^)— n(OT.x)— n(»i.i/r) ^^^1604-73 V5) = 2m.2.( 5 + 4 v^5 ^(l2±5^^ . (f) since tan(«^-X)=2,tan(<^-i-^) =^±1J^, and tan (v-'-^)=li±Li:^. 6 6 351.] Let, in the preceding formula (b), ^=;^='^, and we shall have n (»» . 5) — 311 (m . «^) = 2»i tan« (^ J- X) = 16ot tanS ^ sec^ <^. We are thus enabled to assign the difference between an arc of a parabola whose amplitude is ^ = (^ -■- (^ -^ ^) and three times another arc. If in (tr), [344], we make ^=;^='^, tan0=4tan^^ + 3tan^ (a) Introduce into this expression the imaginary transformation tan^= v^ — Isinfl, change J- into +, and we shall get sin3^ = — 48in*^+3 8in5, which is the known formula for the trisection of a circular arc. (a) may therefore be taken as the formula which gives the trisection of an arc of a parabola. The following illustration of the triplication of the arc of a para- bola may be given : — Take the arcs whose ordinates Y and y are 4m and m respectively. Let a and (]> be the amplitudes which correspond to these ordinates ; then, as _ Y=:2mtan0=:4m, tan^=2, secci>=V'5; and as 1 /K y=s2»ttan^=m, tan^=^> 8ec^= • Now these values of tan m and tan satisfy the equation of condi- tion (a), namely 4 tan^0+ 3 tan ^=tan w. 326 ON THE TRIGONOMETRY OF THE PARABOLA. But and n(»i.tan-'2)=»»2v'5+mlog(2+ \^5), and three times this arc is 3n(»».tan-'|)=TO|i/5+»nlog(2+ ^^5), since Subtracting tbis latter equation from the former, the logarithms disappear, and we get n(wi.tan-'2)-3n (m.tan-'|)=^5_^=16»»tanS./.8ec8^. (b) Now, as the radius of curvature B is equal to the cube of the normal divided by the square of the semiparameter, B=: Z— , 4 since N=2»» sec S. We have therefore the following theorem : — The arc of the parabola whose ordinate is equal to 4m, or to the abscissa, diminished by the radius of curvature of its extremity, is equal to three times the arc whose ordinate is m, or one fourth that of the former arc. It is evident that the chord of the greater arc is inclined by an angle of 45° to the axis, or the ordinate is equal to the abscissa, while in the lesser arc the ordinate is four times the abscissa. This is the point on the parabola up to which the ordinate is gi-eater than the abscissa; beyond this point it is less than the Another example of the triplication of the arc of a parabola, or of finding an arc which, diminished by an algebraical quantity, shall be equal to three times another arc, may be given. Let 3 — tan^=Q, tan&>=18, sec«i>=.X^^ secw=5Vi3. These values satisfy the equation of condition, 4 tan^^ +3 tan ^=tan 0. ON THE TRIOONOHETRY OF THE PARABOLA. 327 Hence n{OT.tan-'.18)=m90. Vr3+mlog(18+5 Vl3), and three times this arc is an (»».tan-'|) =^i|Q2 +^log(18 + 5 i/ 13), since ^3+J^y=184-5^13. Therefore, subtracting the latter equation from the former, n(«».tan-. 18) -sn (,».tan-|)=m351|^ = 16^(|)''( V^y. (c) When there are five parabolic arcs, whose amplitudes ^, x> V'j "> ^ "'^ related as above, namely we may proceed to obtain in like manner a formula which will connect fire parabolic arcs whose amplitudes are connected by the given law. 352.] To find the arc of a parabola which shall differ from n times a given arc by an algebraical quantity, may be thus investigated. Let be the amplitude of the given arc, then n(m.^) =m sec ^ tan ^ + m log (sec <^ + tan » log (sec ^ + tan ^) ". Let ^-i-(^-i-^-»-^ to n terms=^, then n(»».4>)=msec*tan4>+j»log(sec+tanO), sec. [344]. Now sec 4>+tan^= (sec tan ^—n sec (}> tan <^]. Let seC(^+tan^=:X, then sec^ + tan=:X", and . x+x-» . , \-x-> sec 9:= — n — > tan= — 5 , tan= 5 — . Hence iTf if.^ TT, ^^ r(\2«_\-!!»)-n(X«_X-i')-i n(»».)— ran(m.<^)=TOl i '-g — i -' . 338 ON THE GEOMETRICAL ORIGIN OF LOGARITHMS. 3 5 Let n=3, tan ^=3;, sec ^=t> ^•=3. Then n(m.4.)-3n{m..^)=5(5j5y. When »=:4j U{m.^)-4,U{m.^)=m-^-^ — ; and so may n be taken as any other integral number. 353.] The equation (a), sec. [351],afirords a very simple mode of expressing the real root of a cubic equation. Let the cubic equation under the ordinary form be a^+px=:q. . Let the parabolic equation tan^o) + 7 tan m= — ■^— be written tan^oi + — T- tan»=-r tanfl (a) 4 4 ^ ' by introducing the modulus m ; hence Now, since the value of x, found by the ordinary methods, is V2^V27^4^V2 V27+4' we shall have 2x=m *^8ecI2+tann— OT'v'secil— tanO, . . (b) while m =^vi. '«'»=i?\/i- When the sign of p is negative, the solution must be sought in the trigonometry of the circle. CHAPTER XXXII. ON THE OEOHETRICAL OKIQIN OE LOGARITHMS. 354.] In the trigonometry of the circle we find the formula to j hence, whUe the vectors or numbers range from « to 1, the parabolic arcs or logarithms range from oo to 0. When the number lies between 1 and 0, the vector representing it is drawn belmo the axis ; its extremity wiU be found on the loop, and the corresponding arc of the parabola will be negative : hence the logarithm of a positive number is equal to the logarithm of its reci- ^ocal, with the sign changed ; for the magnitude of the parabolic arc depends on 6, and 6 is the same in sec d+tan 9, as in its reci- procal sec d— tan 6. Hence, while the infinite branch of the logocyclic curve from 332 ON TH£ GEOMETRICAL OBIOIN OF LOGARITHMS. + 00 through H, O, pia F, may hy its vectors represent all positive numhers &om + co to +0, the two infinite branches of the parabola will be used up in representing the logarithms of positive numbers firom + oo to + 0; that is, the upper or positive branch of the parabola will be expended in representing the logarithms of positive numbers from + to +1, and the lower or negative branch of the parabola in representing the logarithms of positive fractional numbers from + 1 to +0. There is, therefore, no construction by which we can represent negative numbers or their logarithms ; consequently such numbers can have no logarithms. Let vectors be drawn from F to the logocyclic curve equal to e, c*, e*, c*. . . c", e being the Napierian base ; then these lines will meet the tangent to the vertex of the parabola in the points T, T,, Tg . . . T„; and tangents being drawn from these points, touching the parabola in Q, Q^, Q,,„ Q,„, On, the logarithms of these numbers will be 0Q-QT=1, OQ;-Q,T,=2, OQ„-Q„T„=3, . . . 0Q„-Q,T„ = (« + 1); (b) hence the logarithms of e, e^, e^, e" are 1, 2, 3, . . . n. In like manner we should find the logs of e, e^, e^, e^ . . . e« to be 357.] Let a series of vectors be drawn from the point F to the logocyclic curve in geometrical progression, and let them be (sec^+tan^), (sectf+tan^)«, (sec^+tan^)* . . . (see 6+ tan. 0); meeting the vertical tangent to the parabola in the points Tp T^„ T„; . . . T«, and let the tangents drawn from the points T,, T„, &c. touch the parabola in the points Q,, Q„, Q^^ . . . Ct,; let the d^er- ence between the first parabolic arc and its protangent be S, or let S be the residual arc, then we shall have OQ,-Q,T,=S, OQ„-Q„T„=28, 0Q„,-Q,„T„,=3S, 0Q"-Q,T„=n8. Or while numbers increase in geometrical progression, their loga- rithms increase in arithmetical progression. Assuming the common methods of logarithmic differentiation as known, it becomes evident that the residual arc of the parabola is the logarithm of the corresponding number ; for if the given num- ber r be put under the form r=a (secd+tan^, — = a, ^ ' r cosp integrating '^°S^=J^- ON THB GEOMETRICAL ORIGIN OF LOGARITHMS. 333 Now the parabolic residual arcs=OQ— QT=al- COB e' Hence logr= ^=^ (a) As every number whose logarithm is to be exhibited must be put under the form sec 5 + tan 0, which is of the form \-^x, since the limiting value of sec ^ is 1, we discover the reason why in deve- loping the logarithm of a number^ the number itself must be put under the form 1+a;, or some derivative &om it, and not simply under that of x. If we equate sec ^ + tan B with 1 -f-jr, we shall find ^= l-tanig - I'et«=taiii«, . . . . (b) 1 +M then N=sec 5+tan 6 = \ +a;=-r , which is another familiar form v—v under which a number is put whose logarithm is to be developed in a series. In such a form, u represents the tangent of half the angle that the vector of the logocyclic (which represents the num- ber) makes with the axis. 358.] Let us assume the relations established in sec. [344] : tan(a-i-/3)=tanasec/3-f tan/3 seca,| ,, sec (a -"t ^) = sec o sec ^ -J- tan a tan ^. j Therefore sec (a-'-|3)-f-tan{a-'-fl)=(seca-t-tana) (secjS+tan/S). In like manner it may be shown that sec (a-i-/3-Ly) -J- tan (o-i-/3-«-y) = (seco-|-tano)(secj3-Htan j3)(sec7-|-tan7), . . (b) and so on for any number of angles. Hence, if we draw vectors from F to the logocyclic, making the angles a, /3, y, S, &c. with the axis respectively, and another making the angle (a-i-/3-'-7-^S-'-&c.) with the same axis, this latter vector will be equal to the continued product of the former, or ra.rp.rY.r4=E(a4.pj.fco.)j (c) and the sum of the residual arcs of the parabola corresponding to the former will be equal to the residual arc of the parabola corre- sponding to the latter. If in (b) we put a^^^yszS, sec (a -•-a-'- a -"-to n places) -(-tan (o-'-o-'-a-'-to « places) = {seco-|-tana)" (d) Change sec into cos, tan into ^{ — 1) sin, and -*- into +, then {cos na+ ^(—1) sin na} = {cos o -I- ^( — 1) sin a}". 331 ON THE OBOHETBICAL ORIGIN OF LOOABITHHS. The values of the expressions sec {a-'-a-'- Sec.) and tan (a ->- a -■- &c.) are very easily found. Let sec a + tan a= n, ., N + N-' . N — N-* then seca= — „ — , tana= — - — , 8ec(o-'-o)= — - — , tan(oJ-a)= ^ — > £i At , , ^ , n8+n-» + ^ , , X N^-N-s Ke) sec(a-^a-^a)= 5 — , tan (a -1-0-^0)= 5 — sec(a-'-o-'-a-'-to»terms) = — ^ — , tan(fl.-^oJ-a-i-toiterms) = — ^ — . This gives a very beautiful and simple law for the magnitudes of the secants and tangents of multiple logocyclic or parabolic angles. But this theorem may be extended ; indeed it follows from (b) . Let sec a 4- tan a= n, sec |3 + tan /3=»i, sec 7 + tan y =p, sec 8 + tan 8=5', &c. (f) Then sec(a-^g-Lyu.8)^'^"^g + '"-'»"'^"'g"V and tan(a-L^-.-y^8)='""^g-'"^'""'^''g"'. Now, in circular trigonometry, let cosa+ V'(— 1) sino=m, co8/3+ V'( — 1) sin^ = «, co8y+i/(— l)siny=p, cos S+ ■/( — 1) 8in8=5, &c., then cos(a+j3+7 + e)= — ^-^^^ — 5 — *-— ^J and sm(a+^+y + 8)= "^ 2^(-i) -J These relations place in a striking point of view the analogies between circular and parabolic trigonometry. It is not a little curious that these imaginary expressions for the cosines and sines of multiple arcs in the circle should have been discovered so long before their real analogues were found for the secants and tangents of multiple angles in parabolic trigonometry. 359.] Since we have shown that negative numbers have no loga« rithms, at least no real ones, and imaginary ones can only be educed by the transformation so often referred to, this leads us to seek them among the properties of the circle. For as d always lies between ON THE GEOMBTRICAL ORIGIN OP LOGARITHMS. 335 and a right angle, or between and the half of ±ir, sec ^4; tan 6 is always positive ; therefore negative numbers can have no real or parabolic logarithms, but they may have imaginary or circular logarithms ; for if in the expression log{cos * + */-^^sin ■&} =S v'^^, wemaked=(2ra + l)7r, we shall get log( — l)=(2ra + l)9r ■>/ — 1. Hence also, as the length of the parabolic arc TP, without refer- ence to the sign, depends solely on the amplitude 0, it follows that the logarithm of sec 6 — tan ^ is equal to the logarithm of sec ^ + tan ^. We may accordingly infer that the logarithm of any number is equal to the logarithm of its reciprocal, with the sign changed, since (sec d+tan 0) (sec ^— tan 0)=\. When 6 is very large, sec tf +tan 6=2 tan 6 nearly. It follows, therefore, if we represent a large number by an ordinate of a para- bola whose focal distance to the vertex is 1, the difference between the corresponding arc and its subtangentwill represent its logarithm. 360.] Let f sec ^ A=p, ("sec ^ d^ =g ; then as f sec o) A<0 = f sec ^ d^ + J sec x ^X' J sec«ado)=/> + y, and to=^-^x- Hence if be the amplitude which gives the residual arc=;>, and X t^6 amplitude which gives the residual arc=g', ^-J-;^ is the amplitude which will give the residual aic=p + q. In the same way we might show that, if ■^ be the angle which gives this residual arc=r, (^-'-X-^V') ^^ *^^ angle which will give this residual arc =p + q+r. Let a be the amplitude of the number A, and p its logarithm ; /8 the amplitude of the number B, and q its logarithm ; y the am- plitude of the number C, and r its logarithm. Then A=seca+tano, B=sec^+tan/3, C=sec7 + tan7, and log A=^, logB=5', logC=r, or /»+? +r=log A-l-log B +log C. We have also ABC= (sec a + tan a) (sec j3 + tan /3) (sec 7 + tan 7) =sec(a--/3-i-7) +tan(a-L/3 J-7). Now, as ^ is the logarithm of sec a + tan a, q the logarithm of sec ^ + tan /3, r the logarithm of sec y + tan 7, p+q+r is the log of sec(a->-/3-i-y) + tan(o-L/3J-7), or of ABC, as shown above. We may therefore conclude that log (ABC) =log A +log B +log C. 361. J If e be the angle which gives the difference between the 336 ON THE OEOHETBICAL ORIQIN OF LOOARITHHS. parabolic arc and its Bubtangent equal to m, (e -^ e) is the angle vhich wiU give this difference equal to 2»», (e-i-e-^e) is the angle which will give this difference equal to 3m, and so on to any num- ber of angles. Hence, in the circle, if d be the angle which gives the circular arc equal to the radius, 2d is the angle which will give an arc equal to twice the radius, and so on for any number of angles. This is of course self-evident in the case of the circle ; but it is instructive to point out the complete analogy which holds in the trigonometries of the circle and of the parabola. Hence the amplitude which gives the difference between the parabolic arc and its subtangent equal to the semiparameter is given by the simple equation sece,+tan6,=e' (a) And more generally, if 6" be the amplitude which gives the difference between the parabolic arc and its subtangent equal to n times the modulus, we shall have sece' + tane''=c» (b) In the same way it may be shown that if e^ be the angle which gives the difference between the parabolic arc and its subtangent equal to -th part the modulus, we shall have 1 sece,+tan€„=c" (c) Let the difference be equal to one half the modulus, then n =2, and sec e, -1- tan e, = e*. This is easily shown. Let €,-^e,= e. Then sec (e, J- e,) = sec e = sec* e, + tan* e,, and tan {e, -^ e,) = tan e = 2 sec e, tan e,. Therefore sec (e,-J-ej)-f-tan(e,-Le,) = sece-|-tan€^e ^sec* e^+tan' e,-t-2 sec e, tan e,= (sec e,+tan e,)*. Hence sece,4-tane^= Vc (d) Since tane= — ^ — , sece = — = — ; tan(eJ-e)= — = — , sec (6-"-e)=- 2 ' gS g-3 gS 1 g-8 tan(6-Le-i-e) = — ^ — , aec{e-^e-^e)= — ^— j tan (eJ-eJ-to n terms) = — = — , sec(6-L€ to n tennB)=: — 5 — 2 Therefore 2 sec e tan e =■ tan (« + e) 28ec (e-'-e) tan (€-'-e)=tan (e-'-c-'-e-'-e). ON THE GEOMETRICAL ORIGIN OF LOGARITHMS. 337 and generally 2 sec (e-^e-Lto « terms) tan (e J-e-J-to w terms) = tan (e-J-e-'-e-i-e-^to 2» terms). Now 2 sec (e -L e -J- to w terms) tan (e J- e J- to m terms) is the portion of the tangent to the curve intercepted between the axis of the para- bola and the point of contact whose amplitude^ or the angle it makes with the ordinate^ is {e-^e-^to n terms), whUe tan [e-i-e-^e-^e-^to 2» terms) is half the ordinate of that point of the curve whose am- plitude is (e-i-e-Le-^e to 2w terms). Hence we derive this very general theorem : — Thai if two points be taken on a parabola such that the intercept of the tangent to the one between the point of contact and the aids shall be equal to one half the ordinate to the other, the amplitudes of the two points will be {e-^e-^ton terms) and (e-^e-Le-J-e to 2» terms) respectively. This theorem suggests a simple method of graphically finding a parabolic arc whose amplitude shall be the duplicate of the ampli- tude of a given arc. Let P be the point on the parabola whose amplitude is given. Draw the tangent PQ meeting the axis in Q. Erect VT at the vertex=PCl. Through T draw the tangent TP,; the amplitude of the arc VP^ will be the duplicate of the amplitude of the arc VP, or [6-^6-^Xon terms) and {^-^^J-to 2w terms) will be the amplitudes of VP and VP^ respectively. We may therefore conclude that in the circle 2 cos (^ + 0+to w terms) sin {6-t6 + ion terms) = sin [O + e + e + e to 2m terms). 362.] To represent the decimal or any other system of logarithms by a corresponding parabola. The parabola which is to give the Napierian system of logarithms being cLrawn, whose vertical focal distance m is assumed as the arith- metical unit, let another confocal parabola be described having its axis coincident with that of the former, and such that its vertical focal distance shall be m,. The numbers being represented as before by the vectors of the logarithmic curve whose asymptote coincides with the directrix of the parabola whose parameter is 4m, the differences between the similar parabolic arcs and their subtangents in the two parabolas will give the logarithms, in the two systems, of the same number represented by the vector of the logocyclic cm-ve ; for as all parabolas, like circles, are similar figures, and these are confocal and similarly placed, any line drawn through their common focus will cut the curves in the same angle, and cut off proportional seg- ments. Hence the two triangles FPT and Fwt are similar, and the tangential differences PV— PT and isv—tst are proportional to Im and 4m„ the parameters of the parabolas. 338 ON THE GEOMETRICAL ORIGIN OF LOGARITHMS. Fig. 83. Let log denote the Napierian logarithm, and Log the decimal logarithm of the same number. Draw the line FT, making the angle e with the axis such that 8ec€+tan e=e. Then as PV— PT : vrv—ar :: m: m^ and PV— PT=»»=1, since e is the base of the Napierian system, and ov— crT=Log e on the decimal parabola, therefore m I Loge :: m : m,, or m,='Loge. We may therefore conclude that the modulus of the decimal system is the decimal logarithm of the Napierian base e. Draw the line FT, making with the axis an angle S, such that sec S+tanS^lO. Now P,V— PT, : «r,v— w,T, :: m : nii; but P,V— PT,=»»log 10; hence «-,w— w,T,=»»,log 10. ON THE GEOMETRICAL ORIGIN OF LOGARITHMS. 839 Now in order that 10 may be a base, or, in other words, in order that its logarithm may be unity, we must have «■,»— Br^T,=OT^ log 10=»t ; or if m=l, we must have »»,log 10=1, or »»;=; — tj;; that is, the parameter of the Decimal parabola must be reduced compared with that of the Napierian parabola in the ratio of log 10 : 1 . Hence, as is well known, the modulus m, of the decimal system is the reciprocal of the Napierian logarithm of 10. It is therefore obvious that, as any number of systems of loga- rithms may be represented by the differences between the similar arcs and their subtangents of as many confocal parabolas, the loga- rithms of the Aame number in these different systems will be to one another simply as the magnitudes of the parabolas whose arcs repre- sent them, that is, as the parameters of these parabolas. Accord- ingly the moduli of these several systems are represented by the halves of the semiparameters of the several parabolas. The Napierian parabola differs from the decimal and other para- bolas in this, that the focal distance of its vertex is taken as the arithmetical unit, and that the logocyclic curve, whose vectors repre- sent the numbers, has the directrix of the Napierian parabola as its asymptote. Hence, if m, the vertical focal distance of the Napierian parabola, be taken as 1, the vertical focal distance m, of the decimal parabola is -4342 &c., or, if jw = l, »m,=-4342 &c. 363.] Since VT -J- TP> arc VP, therefore VT >aic VP-TP >log ¥t. Hence VT or tan 5 is always greater than the logarithm of (sec + tan d) in the Napierian system of logarithms. This may be shown on other principles : thus sec ^+ tan ^= 1+sing «in«2-^cos»2 + 2«^°-2C°«2 l+tan^ ' cos^ 7d ~ZS ' ' 5" cos*5— sm*n 1— tanjr a Lettang=M. Then log(secd-t-tan^)=log(^)=2(«-h^ + jV^'&c.). g 2tanH and tan5= ^=2{u+t?+i^+u' + Scc.) l-tan«2 Hence tan > log (sec + tan 0) , or ^~^ is always greater than the logarithm of n. 2 z2 340 ON THE OEOMETHICAL ORIGIN OF LOGAHITHMS. 364.J In every system of logarithms whatever, the logarithm of lisO. For when the point T coincides with V, the corresponding point T will coincide with v, whatever be the magnitude of its modulus m,. It is obvious that the circle whose radius is unity is analogous to the parabola whose vertical focal distance is unity, and that the Napierian logarithms have the same analogy to trigonometrical lines computed firom a radius equal to unity, which any other system of logarithms has to trigonometrical lines computed from a radius r. As we may represent difiFerent systems of trigonometry by a series of concentric circles whose radii are 1, r, r,, &c., so we may in like manner exhibit as many systems of logarithms by a series of con- focal parabolas whose focal distances or moduli are 1, m„ ran, &fc. The modulus in the trigonometry of the parabola corresponds with the radius in the trigonometry of the circle. But while in the trigonometry of the parabola the base is real, in the circle it is imaginary. In the parabola, the angle of the base is given by the equation sec + tan 6=e. In the circle, cos 6+ V — l8in^=c*V~i; and making 6=\, we get cos(l)+ V^sin(l)=e^^ (a) Hence, while c' is the parabolic base, c^~' is the circular base. Or as [sec e+tan e] is the Napierian base, [cos(l) + V — 1 8in(l)] is the circular or imaginary base. Thus [cos(l)+ v'^sin(l)]*=cosA+ V^sinS. . . (b) We may therefore infer, speaking more precisely, that imaginary numbers have real logarithms, but an imaginary base. We may always pass from the real logarithms of the parabola to the imaginary logarithms of the circle by changing tan into V — 1 sin d, sec into cos S, and e* into e ^-'. As in the parabola the angle ^is non-periodic, its limit being ^ir, while in the circle 5 has no limit, it follows that while a number can have only one real or parabolic logarithm, it may have innu- merable imaginary or circular logarithms. From P, the focus of the parabola, draw a series of vectors to the logocyclic curve in geometrical progression such as m{aec0 + ta,n0), m(8ec0 + ta.n0)^, .... TO(sec5 + tan^", meeting the tangent to the vertex of the parabola in the points T, T„ T„, T„. The line FT will be =m sec 0, the line FT, =»»sec {0-^0), the line FJ!,i=m see {0-^0-^0), &c.; and we shall likewise have VT=»»tane, YT,=mtaji{0->-0), \T:„=mt8Xi{0-^0J-0), &c. This follows immediately from (f ) of sec. [344] ; for any integral ON THE GEOMETRICAL ORIGIN OF LOGARITHMS. 3 J. I power of (sec^ + tan^) may be exhibited as a linear function of sec + tan e, writing ® for 6-^6-^0 .. . &c., since sec{0-i-e-^e-^0&c.tonO)+ta.n{d-^e-i-e-^0kc.ton0) = {sece+ta.n6)'' Hence the parabola enables us to give a graphical construction for the angle {0 -^ -^ Sec.) as the circle does for the angle {0+0 + &c.) . 365.] The analogous theorem in the circle may be developed as follows : — In the circle FBA take the arcs Pig. 84. AB^BB ^B^By^B((B^(j . Let the diameter be D ; then . . &c.=2d. and FB^Dcosd, FB,=Dcos2d, FB„=Dcos33 ,&c.. AB=D sind, AB,=D sin 2*, AB„=D sinSd . . . &c. Now, as the lines in the second group are always at right angles to those in the first, and as such a change is denoted by the symbol V— 1, we shall have FB + BA=D{cosS+ V^sind}, FB,+B(A=D{cos2d+ V^sin2d} = D{cos3+ V^sinS}'; FB„ + B„A=D{co833+ v'^sin33} = D{cosS+ V"-^sin3}3&c. FB„ + B„A=D[co8mS+ v'-lsiuwd]=D[cosd+ V-lsinS]". When the points B^, B„ fall below the line FA, the angle becomes negative, and we get 342 ON THE GGOHETBICAL ORIGIN OF LOGARITHMS. FB,-B,A=cos3- V^sind, FB„-B„A.=cos2d- V^ sin 25= [cos d- V^sinS]'. Therefore log (FB + BA) =log (cosd+ V^ Bind) =d V^- Let i=sl, then log [cos (1) + y/^i sin (1)] = V^. Hence generally d v' — 1 is the logarithm of the bent line whose extremities are at F and A, and which meets the circle in the point B. It is singular that the imaginary formulae in trigonometry have long been discovered, while the corresponding real expressions have escaped notice. Indeed it was long ago obsei-ved, by Bernoulli, Lambert, and by others (the remark has been repeated in almost every treatise on the subject since), that the ordinates of an equi- lateral hyperbola might be expressed by real exponentials whose exponents are sectors of the hyperbola; but the analogy being illusory, never led to any useful results. And the analogy was illusory from this — that it so happens the length and area of a circle are expressed by the same function, while the area of an equilateral hyperbola is a function of an arc of a parabola, as will be shown further on. The true analogue of the circle is the parabola. There are some curious analogies between the parabola and the circle, considered under this point of view. In the parabola, the points T, T,, T,,, which divide the lines m (sec 5+tan d), m[8ee {0-^0) + taa (0-^0)] into their component parts, are upon tangents to the parabola. The corresponding points B, B„ B„ in the circle are on the circum- ference of the circle. In the parabola, the extremities of the lines m (sec ^-}-tan 0) are on a logocyclic curve; in the circle, the extremities of the bent lines are all in the point A. The analogy between the expressions for parabolic and circular arcs will be seen by putting the expressions under the following forms : — Parabolic arc — log (sec + tan 0) — subtangent = 0, Circular arc + log (cos 0+ V— Isin^)^-'— subtangent = 0. The locus of the point T, the intersections of the tangents to the parabola with the perpendiculars from the focus, is a right line ■ or in other words, while one end of a subtangent rests on the para- bola, the other end rests on a right line. So in the circle ; while one end of the subtangent rests on the circle, the other end rests ON THE GEOMETRICAL ORIGIN OF LOGARITHMS. 343 on a cardioid whose diameter is equal to that of the circle, and whose cusp is at F. FPA is the cardioid. 366.] The quadrature of the hyperbola depends on the rectifica- tion of the parabola. Through a point P on the parabola draw a line PQ parallel to the axis and terminated in the vertical tangent to the parabola at R. Take the line B,Q always equal to the normal at P, the locus of Q is an equilateral hyperbola. For x=2m sec ^, since PM is equal to RQ, and as before y^2m tan <^; therefore a?*— y*^4i»', (a) the equation of an equilateral hyperbola whose centre is at V, the vertex of the parabola, and whose transverse axis is the parameter of the parabola. The area of this curve, the elements being taken parallel to the axis, or the area between the curve and the vertical axis passing through V, is found by integrating the value of xdy. Now d7=2msec^, and ^=2ffitan^; therefore Jjrdy =4in' Jsec^ =2m\jn sec (f> tan ^ + m Jsec <^dJ- But it has been shown in (a), sec. [345], that n {m.^)=m sec and be the angles in which the normals to the corre- sponding points of the parabola and the hyperbola cut the axis ; then it is easily shown, since VQ= normal at Q, that tand=sin^ (c) This relation will enable us to express the hyperbolic area in terms of the angle which the normal to the hyperbola makes with the axis instead of the parabolic amplitude ; for as the parabolic amplitude is related to the normal angle of the hyperbola d by the equation tan d=sin 0, 2tan respectively, but 26=4>-^ (h) 367.] Let Po, P„ Pj, Pg, P^ . . . P„_„ P„ be perpendiculars let fall from the focus on the n sides of a polygon circumscribing a parabola, and making with the axis the angles 0, 0, 0-^0, 0-1-0-1-0, 0.^0.^0^6, . . . to « terms respectively. Let sec^+tan^=a, then sec {0-^0) +tan {0-^0)=u^, ) sec[0-^0-^0)-\-taji(0-^0-i-0)=i^\ ' ••■(*) sec {0-^0-^ . . . to » terms)+tan (d-L^J-to M terms) = a". Hence, as 2Po=»»(m» + m-<») "I 2P, = ot(m1+m->) 2P2=ot(m«+m-*) 2P„ = »i(m» + m-"),; we shall have 2 . 2 . P„ . P, =»w2(M» + M-») (m> + M->) = m* [(m»+^ + M-(»+i)) + (w-i + M-(»-i))] , or 2P„.P,=»M(P„+i + P„_i). But P, =m8ec^; therefore <,<.»/iX> I*i»+1 + I*n-I secair„= jr , ..... (b) 2 ' ('') or any perpendicular multiplied by the secant of the first amplitude is an arithmetical mean between the perpendiculars immediately pre- ceding and following it. Thus, for example, Pq=»», P, =m sec 0, 'Ps=m see (0-^0), OT n n /w + msec(^-«-^ secpjnseco= ^ '-. But sec {0->-0) = sec^ + tan^ 0; hence the proposition is. manifest. 346 ON THE GEOMETRICAL ORIGIN OF LOGARITHMS. 368.] Again, as hence 2Po=m(a°+a»), 2.2. PoPi=»»*(«" +«"' +m' + m->). 2V,=m[u+u-'), 2.2.PiP2=OT«(tt8 + M-a+M'+M-»). 2P2=m(M« + M-*)» 2.2. P,P3=»»2(m5+m-5+„i + M-1). 2P3=ot{«?+«-3), 2.2. PsP4=»m8{m7 + W-7 + m1 + m-1). (a) 2P„=m («« + «-»), 2.2.P„_,P„=»»V*""' + «~'*""''+«'+«~')- We shall have, therefore, adding the preceding expressions, 2[PoP,+P,P, + P,P3 + P3P4 .... Pn-.P»J=) .. mC + Pi+Pg + Ps+Py . . . P.„_.+ {«-l)P,], j ■ V'' or tivice the sum of all the products of the perpendiojdars taken two by two up to the nth, is equal to the sum of all the odd perpendiculars up to the (2n—l)th-\-(n — l) times the first perpendicular. Thus, taking the first three perpendiculars, To=m, P,=msec^, Ti=mHec{d-^0)=m{8ec^0+ta,n^0), Vs=m sec {6-^ 9--- 0)=m (4sec8 0-3 sec 0). The truth of the proposition may be shown in this particular case ; for 2[PoP, + PiPs]=4m«sec8e=m(P, + Pg + 2P,). . . (c) Again, since 2Ps„=ot(m«» + m-«»), and 4P^=ot2(m2" + 2 + m-2"), we shall have 2I^-m8=»»P2» (d) Thus, for example, twice the square of the perpendicular on the fifth aide of the polygon, diminished by the square of the modulus, is equal to the tenth perpendicular multiplied by the modulus. In the same way we may show that 4P^-3ff»«P„=»»«P,„. fi n sn Let »=5 and m=\; then /our times the cube of the fifth perpen- dicular, diminished by three times the same perpendicular, is equal to the fifteenth perpendicular, or to the perpendicular on the fifteenth side of the polygon. 369.] Since logM=M— M-' — i(M« — M-*) +i(M8 — M-3) — J(tt« — M-4), &c,, and as «— tt-'=2tane, M«— M-«=2tan(^-L^), M«_M-»=2tau (5 J- ^ J- 0-1- ton terms), while u = sec5-|-tan0, ON TBS 8EOHETRICAL ORIGIN Of LOOABITHMS. 347 we shall have therefore PV — PT logu= 2 =tan5-itaii(0J-fl) + itaii(0J-^-re, &c.). (a) We may convert this into an exp ression for the arc of a circle by changing -i-into + , tan into V— Isin, and the parabolic arc into the circular arc multiplied by ^ — 1. Hence, since PT in the circle is equal to 0, Q ^=sin^-isin2^ + ^sin30-isin4^, . . . (b) a formula given in Lacroix, ' Traite du Calcul DiflFerentiel et du Calcnl Integral,'' torn. i. p. 94. 370.] In the trigonometry of the circle, the sines and cosines of multiple ai'cs may be expressed in terms of powers of the sines and cosines of the simple arcs. Thus cos 2d = 2cos*d-l, cos 30= 4cos^0— 3costf, cos4d= 8cos*rf- 8cos*0 + l, cos 55= 16 cos* e—%0 cos3 5 + 5 cos 0, cos 65=32 cos6 5-48 cos* + 18 cos^ 0- 1, (a) sin25=sin5(2cos5), sin35=sin 5(4cos2 5-l), sin 45 = sin 5 (8 cos^* 5 - 4 cos 5) , sin 55=siu 5(16 cos* 5-12 cos« 5 + 1), sin 65 = sin 5 (32 cos* 5 - 32 cos^ 5 + 6 cos 5) . Hence, in the trigonometry of the parabola, sec(5-^5)=2sec«5-l, sec(5-^5-L5)=4sec»5-3sec5, «ec(5-i-5-L5-i-5) = 8sec*5-8 8ec«5 + l, sec(5-'-5-»-5J-5J-5)=16sec*5— 20sec'5+5sec5, sec(5 -r 5 J- 5 J-5-L5-L 5) =32 sec«5-48 sec* 5 + 18 sec« 5-1, tan {e-^ff)= tan 5(2 sec 6) , tan(5J-5J-5)=tan5(4sec*5-l), tan(5-»-5-i-5-^5)=tan5(8sec35— 4sec5), tan(5J-5-J-5-L5+5)=tan5(16sec*5-12sec«5+l), tan (5 -L 5 + 5 -L 5 -^ 5 -L 5) = tan 5(32 sec* 5 - 32 sec8 5 + 6 sec 5) . .(b) 348 ON THE OEOHETKICAL ORIGIN OF LOGARITHMS. The preceding formulae may easily be verified. If we add in the above series any two corresponding secants and tangents, the sum will be an integral power of sec ^+ tan d. Thus sec(^--5) +tan{^-^^)={sec ^+tan Of. Again, since in the circle cos^=cos^ 2cos«0=cos25 + l 4 cos*5 =cos 35 + 3 cos ^ 8 co8*5=co8 4e+4cos 26+ 1 and y . . (c) sm6=sva.6 2 sin* 5= -cos 25+1 4 sinS 5= — sin 35+3 sin 6 8 sin* 5 = cos 45 —4 cos 25 + 3, hence in parabolic trigonometry 8ec5=Bec5 2sec*5=sec(5-«-5)+l 48ec8 5=sec(5-'-5-^5) +sec35 8sec*5=sec(5-L5-i-5--5)+4sec(5J-5)+l (d) taii5=tan5 2tan«5=sec(5-A-5)-l 4tan35=tan(5 J-5 J-5) — 3 tan 5 8tan*5=sec(5 J-5-i-5-»-5) -4sec(5-L5) +3. 371.] The roots of the expression r2»— 2aif" + l=0 (a) may be represented under the form cos A + V — 1 sin A, when a is less than 1. This has long been known. It is not difficult to show that, when a is greater than 1, the roots may be exhibited under the form secA+tanA (b) Since a is greater than 1, let a=8ec 0, and let 5 be divided into n angles ^, connected by the relation ,^ j.<^ j.^ A.^ &c.=5 (c) It has been shown in (f ), sec. [344] , that sec(^-i-^-'-^J-^ton^) +tan(^-i-^-'-^-'-^ton^) = (8ec«^+tan^)". Let sec (^+ tan ^su; then 2 8ec«^=M'+M~', and therefore 2 sec 5= 28ec(0-'-0-'-i^-'-to n^) = «" + u-". ON THE QGOMETRICAL ORIGIN OF LOGARITHMS. 349 Substitute this value of 2 sec d in (a), and we shall have r*"— («"+«-»)«» + 1=0, or, resolving into factors, (S-0('^""~^)^° ^^^ Hence, finding the roots of these binomial factors by the ordinary methods, we shaU have, since M=sec <^ + tan ^, z = (sec0 + tan^) (multiplied successively into the n roots of unity) i and I (e) (sec^ — tan^) (multiplied successively into the n roots of unity) . J We are thus enabled to exhibit the 2« roots when a>l. Thus, let M=3, then the equation becomes 2^-2 sec 62^ + 1=0, (f) and ^->- = d; (g) consequently the six roots are (sec.^+taii./,)(l,:zi±^^^), I and y ■ ■ ■ (h) (8ec.^-tan^)^l, ~^±^^~^ ). J By the same method we may exhibit the roots when a is less than 1, or a=cos 0. We might pursue this subject very much fiirther; but enough has been done to show the analogy which exists between the tri- gonometry of the circle and that of the parabola. As the calculus of angular magnitude has always been referred to the circle as its type, so the calculus of logarithms may in precisely the same way be referred to the parabola as its type. On parabolic trigonometry as applied to the investigation of the properties of the Catenary and the Tractrix. 372.] The application of the principles of parabolic trigonometry to the discussion of the properties of those kindred curves the catenary and the tractrix, elicits some singular properties and rela- tions of these curves, as also between the catenary and the para- bola, and affords a fiirther illustration how the invention of new methods enlarges the boundaries of science. Let us for brevity assume as known the equation of the catenary referred to the rectangular axes of coordinates OX, O Y ; and let O A=o, the modulus; then '=s(«" + «'')^ and«=^(c«— c"). (a) 350 PROPERTIES or THE CATENARY AND TKACTRIX INVESTIGATED By addition^ X —X i/+s=ae'; by subtraction, y—»^ae " . . . (b) Multiplying these expressions, y«_«2=a2, (c) or, the difference between the squares of an ordinate of a catenary and its corresponding arc is constant and equal to the square of the modulus. 373.] Assume the following relations. then 2sec^=e" + c", and 2 tan ^=c»—c'' (a) (b) y=asec0, and s=a ta,n0 ; . . . adding these expressions, we shall have y + »=o(8ec5+tan^), the form which so often occurs in parabolic trigonometry. Now, if we make x„ x,,, x„„ &c. successively equal to a, 2a, 8a, &c. in (a), we shall have y +s =a(aecd + ta.n0), yi +s, =a{8ec (^J-5) +tan (0-i- 0) }, y,,+s„=a{aec{e-^e-^e)+ia.n{e->-e->-d)}, " ^'^^ ytf/ + »*H=«{8ec (^J-^-i^^-J-d) +tan (5-«-5-i-ej-^ &c.) }. But it has been shown in sec. [344] that (sec0 + tan^)» = 8ec(dJ-^-i-0 ton terms) +tan(eJ-^-i-e tow terras); BY THE AID OP THE TRIGONOMETRY OP THE PARABOLA. 351 consequently (y+#)» = a— (jr„+«„)j (d) or, if two points be assumed on a catenary, the abscissa of the one being n times that of the other, the nth power of the mm of the first ordinate and its corresponding arc will be equal to the sum of the nth ordinate and its corresponding arc multiplied by a"~'. It will also follow froin the preceding expression that if a series of equidistant ordiimtes to the catenary be taken, and the corresponding arc be added to each ordinate, their sums will be in geometrical pro- gression. For y+s=y + s, {y+sY=a{y, + s)„ | (y + »)3=o«(y„+«„), (y+*)"=o»-'(y„-,+«,_,).j 374.J The catenary will enable us to represent graphically, with great simplicity, the sum of a series of angles, added together by the parabolic plus -^ . Let a set of equidistant ordinates whose intervals are a, 2a, 3a, 4a, &c. meet the catenary (fig. 86) in the points b, c, d, k, I; and then let the catenary be conceived as stretched along the horizontal tangent passing through the vertex A. Let the points b, c, d, k, I on the catenary in its free position be conceived to coincide with the points ^, y, i, k, \, when it is stretched along the horizontal tangent; we shall then have, since - is successively equal to 1, 2, 3, 4, &c., 2y=ei + c-', 2s=c'— e->, 2y,=e* + e-^, 2s,= e^-e-'^, 2y„=e> + e-^ 2s„=e>-e-^ ; consequently the angle AO/3 or e is such that secc+tane=c, AOy such that sec A07+tan A07=c*, or A07=e-'-6, AOS such that sec AOS+tan AOB=^ or AOS=€-^e-i-e &c. Consequently, if we draw lines from the pole O to the points /3, y, S, &c., the angles AOjS, AO7, AOS, &c. will represent the angles 6, €■>-€, e-^e, e-'-e-'-e, &c. Hence, as successive multiples of an arc of a circle give successive arithmetical multiples of the corresponding angle at the centre, so successive multiples of a given abscissa give successive arcs of the catenary which extended along the vertical tangent subtend at the pole O successive parabolic multiples of the original angle. 375.] Since ^=i{e'—e~'}, we shall have ^=twa.6; but ^ is the trigonometrical tangent of the angle which the linear tangent to a curve at the point Jxy) makes with the axis of X. Hence 352 FBOPERTIES OF THE CATENARY AND TBACTRIX INVESTIGATED this other theorem : — Let a set of equidistant ordinates meet the catenary in the points b, c, d, k, I, jfc, and at these points let tan- gents to the curve be drawn, they will be inclined to the axis of^by the angles d, 6-^-6, 0-t-0-^0, 0-i-6-^6-^0, &c., which is even a yet simpler geometrical representation than the preceding. Hence also it evidently follows that as the limit of the angle which a tangent to the catenary makes with the axis of X is a right angle, the limit of the angle 0->-0-^0 &c. ad infinitum must also be a right angle. On the Tractrix. 376.] Let the length of the constant tangent PD be a. Let OU^- and 0D=5 ; then by similar triangles y = PT=--^^, and^=OT=^ 7§=j,- ■ (a) since x^ + yv=i. " ^^~~^» Fig. 87. y c ^ 7 ^ 1 Assuming the projective eqnation of the tractrix, as given in the ordinary text-books— that is to say, a+ ija^—y^=ye^ ?) (b) BY THE AID OF THE TRIGONOMETRY OF THE PARABOLA. 353 we shall have x+ v^o*— w* 1 ^ ,- av ——-rt' ^^^ a+ va*— w*=o+— 7==== J substituting and reducing, we shall have {|.^^f= e (c) Let d be the angle which the tangent to the tractrix makes with the axis of Y ; then tand=^, sec-^= — ^-. > or the preceding equation becomes (sec Sh- tan :&)«*=« (d) If we now take -^^a, 2a, 3a successively, we shall have secS + tanS=e, (8ec3 + tan3)*=c*, (8ecd + tand)3=e3. But (secd + tan*)*=sec(d-i-d) + tan(S-u*), (8ec3 + tand)*=sec (S-Ld-«-S)4.tan (3-»-3-i-d). Consequently S is the base-angle in the system of the Napierian logarithms. In figure 87 let us take OD=AC=J?=^,and make these substi- tutions in the equations of the catenary and the tractrix, namely (sec^ + tan^)=c» and (secd+tanS)'*=e; or if we put x for j, we X shall have (sec ■& + tan •&)=£", consequently 6=^; but it has been dy dv shown in sec. [375] that 3^:=tan ^, therefore ^=tan^, or the da? da? angle QGC is equal to the angle DUO. Consequently tand= tand, or 0=d; and as QD=asecd, and DR=asecd^asecd, in the two triangles DCR and DPQ we shall have QD=DR and the angle QGC = the angle QDP; consequently the quadrilateral 6PDC may be inscribed in a circle^ and therefore the angles DPG and GCO are equal to two right angles. Sut the angle GCD is a right angle ; hence QPD is a right angle, and PD=:CD=a, and the tangent QG to the catenary meets the tangent to the tractrix at right angles to the tangent of the latter and at the point of contact P, since PD = a ; consequently the tangent PQ to the catenary, since it is at right angles to the tangent to the tractrix at P, its point of contact, will therefore envelop the catenary, or the catenary is the evolute of the tractrix. 2 A 334 PROPERTIES OF THE CATENARY AND TRACTRIX INVESTIGATED Since QP^a tan d, and the arc of the catenary is equal to a tan B, and »a0=^, QP is equa] to the arc of the catenary AQ; and as CB is equal to QP, CB is also equal to the arc of the catenary, and therefore AB is the difiference between the arc of the catenary AQ and its projection AC. We may also enunciate this other theorem (see fig. 86) : — If with the point O as focus and A a« vertex we describe a para- bola, and from the points /S, y, S, k, \ we draw tangents to the para- bola /9B, 7G, 8D, «cK, XL, the differences between these tangents and the corresponding parabolic arcs will be a, 2a, Sa, 4!a, jfc. AG-/8B=o, AG-7G=2a, AD-8D=3a, AK— «K=4a, &c. This is evident from the principles of Parabolic Trigonometry ; for the angles A0^ = 6, AOy=e-J-e, AOS=e-Le-i-e, A0«=e-«-6-»-e-i-c. 377.] We may further extend these properties of the catenary. To simplify the expressions, let Y^ denote the ordinate of a point on the catenary at which the tangent makes the angle with the axis of X. Let S^ denote the corresponding arc measured from the lowest point, and let H^ signify the corresponding abscissa. Then S<^ = a tan , Y^= a sec ^. Now let;r, x,, x,j be the abscissae of the three arcs whose tangents make the angles ^, x, &> with the axis of X, and let the equation of condition be simply then we shall have the following relations between the corre- sponding arcs and ordinates of the catenary : — aS«a=S<^Yx + SxY^, aYto = Y^ Yx + S^Sx ; when x^=x, 3S'«^ = (Ya)-a)o, 2Y«<^=(Ya> + a)a, o8Y«=Y>-s4, since Y,«-S,«=a«. Let there be four arcs of the catenary whose abscissse x, Xf, «.., x.^, shall be connected by the following relations, Xii — X + x^, ^///=^« + *« O'' X,ii=X + Xi + X„. Let a>t ^, x> '^ ^ ^^^ corresponding angles made by the tangents to the extremities of the arcs Sw, S^, 8%, S^. Then we shall have the following relations between the arcs and the ordinates, a«Si»= S^ Y^Yi^ + SxY^Y^ + S^Yi^Y^ + S^S^S^^, «» Yw= Y^YxY-f + Y^Sx^yfr + Y^S^Si^ + Yx^S^S^. BY THE AID OF THE TRIGONOMETRY OF THE PARABOLA. 355 Hence also YYx^yt^~\.Y^J \YxJ \Y'>p'r\YYxYylrJ ' or the ratio of the fourth arc nmltiplied by the square of the modulus a to the product of the ordinates of the three preceding arcs is equal to the sum of the ratios of each preceding arc to its ordinate 4- ratio of the product of the three arcs to the product of the three ordinates. We have also Let x-=x,=Xii, and a?„(=3a?; then we shall have an equation which gives the relation between two arcs of the cate- nary, the abscissa of the one being equal to three times that of the other. When one abscissa is double of the other, the arcs are related by the equation 2YS=aS,. o- . 8 . sec ( Pi> Pii respectively make with the axes of coordinates. Then, as ON CONFOCAL SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. each abscissa is equal to the projections of the three new ones upon it, X— a=af cos \ + y* cos X' + 2* cos X", -^ y—^=af cosfi+y' cosfi'+s' cos/i", >. . . . (a) z—'f=a!' cos v+^ cos i^ + z' cos v",J but C03X=^, cosX'=^, cos (b) Finding similar values for /i, fj, |t" and v, v', i^', then substituting the resulting values in (a), we shall have La,* fl„« a„^l' (o) Substituting these values in (h), sec. [379], the equation of the enveloping cone, and eliminating the equivalent terms, we shall have, after some reductions. \ca) U« + c„*+c„«JLv + V+^«J \ab) La«^V^VJU« + V *//.'-!' + 2 + 3 (d) omitting the traits over the xyz as no longer necessary. Now, as the surfaces are confocal, let C/i = c + A:, , - s_-.a 1 I 3. (e) and as o^ is a point on each of the three confocal surfaces, we ON CONFOCAL SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 359 shall have 1; whence ~ {a«-c«)(a«-6«) P - (A«-c*)(6«-a2) ^~ (c«-a«)(c«-62) (f) >. (g) If we now perform the operations of multiplication indicated in the equation (d) of the enveloping cone, we shall find that the coefficient of the term xy will be as follows : — 2«» r/ /9y(^'-c^) y J ya{c'-a') Y ,/ a)8(a^-&«) \'1 ' L\ be bfii bifii, } \ca cfl, c,flj \ab ap^ a,ftj J -^^-p'L-^ + ^ b%-b,^ +- e*c, — 1 (h) Now, if we eliminate firom this expression the quantities a, /3, 7, by the help of (g), the first term of the preceding expression will become r tf(6'-c')(y+V)(c'+A,,')+y(c'-a')(o'+fe,,')(c'+A:.,')+c'(B''-y)(a'+A,.')(6'+A;.,') - L o«6»(r'(6«-f^ conjugate to the diameter passing through the vertex of the cone, and we shall have, by a well-known relation, p.A.'B=afifii (q) Hence (p) may now be reduced to (*^-*,')(*'-V) ,,^ ft«A«B* ^ ^ From (g) it follows that ««+/3«+7«=ffl« + i* + c« + A*+*« + V; • • • W and by a common theorem a'+i3«+7«-|-A*+B*=o«+V+c,«=a' + 6« + c«+3*«. . (t) Hence, combining (t) and (u), A«-|-B«=(A»-V) + (A«-V). . . . . (u) Now the confocal surfaces {afifii) and ifliPuC,^ intersect in a line of curvature, and for the whole of this line A is constant, or when k and A, are constant A is constant ; hence A«=(A«-V), B«=(ft«-V), . . . . (v) 362 ON CONFOCAL SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. and the coefficient of x^ in the equation of the cone, namdjr becomes simplj F . . . (w) By a similar process we shall find the coefficients of y^ and z'^ to be T^ and r-j. Hence we derive the following very simple equation for the enveloping cone, «»9 AaS «2 If we turn to (g) we shall easily perceive that one of the factors in the numerator of the value of ^* must be negative. Let k^ therefore be taken with a negative sign, and let it be greater than Zi*. In order that the value of 7* may be real, since one of the factors of the numerator is negative, two must be negative; hence A/ must be taken with a negative sign ; and that there may not be two negative factors in the value of /8^, k,^ must be less than b^. Now, if a >6 >c, in the order of magnitude we shall have b,r=b^-k^, c„^=f-k,K Hence b,^ and c„* must be taken with negative signs. Since bf,f=b^—k^f, Cnf=c^—ki^, b,^ must be taken with a positive sign and c^f^ with a negative sign. Therefore the surface {a/tf^ is an ellipsoid, the surface {aifinc,!) is an hyperboloid of two sheets, and {"ii^iifiiii) '^ ^° hyperboloid of one sheet, (x) may now be written hi~ If 2 hi — i it It is remarkable that the constants in the equation of this cone are independent of a, b, c, the semiaxes of the sur&ce enveloped. Hence, so long as the enveloped surface remains confocal to the three others, it may change in any manner the ratio or magnitude of its axes without changing the species of the enveloping cone. When c=0, we get the equation of the cone which stands on the ellipse (a, b) as base, and whose vertex is at the point Q,. ^1.] If now with reference to the new system of coordinates as axes, and with the point Ql as centre, we conceive a second group of three surfaces confocal to each other, and a fourth confocal sur- face whose semiaxes shall be k, k„ k/,, the squares of the semiaxes of the intersecting group being k^+a% k,^+a% k,?-\-d'; kUb% k? + b\ V + A«,[ (a) k^ + c^, kj' + c^, V + c^'J ON CONFOCAI. StTRFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 363 respectively, these surfaces will intersect in the origin O of the first system of coordinates, and the fourth confocal surface (M,*,,) may be enveloped by a cone whose vertex is at O and whose equation referred to the original axes of coordinates is ^+S+5=« ^'') The original axes of coordinates Ox, Oy, Oz are normals to the second group of confocal surfaces, as Qa/, Qy*, Q^ are normals to the first, and the sums of the squares of the nine semiaxes in each group will obviously be equal to each other, as also an axis in each pair of corresponding surfaces. It is also obvious, from an inspec- tion of (g), sec. [380J, that o, yS, y, the coordinates of the point Q in the first system, become the perpendiculars from the point Q, the origin of the second system, on the tangent planes to the second group of surfaces having their common point of inter- section at O. 382.] Let two cones having their common vertex on a surface of the second order, an ellipsoid suppose, [ajbfii) envelop two confocal surfaces. The diametral plane of the surface conjugate to the dia- meter passing through the common vertex of the two cones will cut off from their common side a constant length, independent of the position of the common vertex of the two cones on the surface {afifii) . Let a, b, c; a, ^, The equations of the cones will be, as in (x), sec. [380], ■r* «s z^ 3? «' z^ J+|. + ^=0; 5+|. + ,-;.=0, . . . . (b) or, as these equations may manifestly be written. ^^ , y' I ^' -0 1 af-a^^ a^f-a^^ a^^f-a^ ' ' d^ y^ z^ (c) ««*-«* ««'-«' =0. Now the distance between the vertex and the diametral plane is p, and as p coincides with the new axis of x, we shall have x=p (d) Let D be the length of the common side of the cones ; then 364 ON CONFOCAL SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. And if we find the values of x, y, z from the equations (c) and (d), we shall have In (p) and (w), sec. [380] ^ it was shown that P - {k^-k?W-k,ry or, as k^—k^=-a,—a^, k^—k^=a^—a„, , («'-«/*)(«'-«/«*)■ Now the numerator of (e) may be resolved into the product .of the three factors -K'-V)K'-«i')«-0' and «,«-a«=A«, a«-a»=A*. Hence, making the substitutions indicated, "-^ V) Hence, as the value of D is independent of kp k,,, and of A,, h,/, it will therefore not depend on the two auxiliary confocal surfaces introduced, but the value will continue unchanged wherever the point be taken on the surface of the ellipsoid. Hence D' varies inversely as the product of the squares of the coincident semiaxes, for A«=a«-a«, A«=o«-o«. When the enveloped surfaces become plane sections, c=:0, /3=0, but J,*=/3* + A*, c,*=c' + A'; hence in this case ft,*=A*, c,*=A*, or 'D=a,. 388.] A cone whose vertex is on a surface of the second order envelopes a confocal surface. To determine the length of the axis of the cone between the vertex and the plane of contact. Let the equation of the locus of the vertex of the cone be a«+^9+^-i> (a) {xff^i) being the vertex of the cone. 1^ y^ z^ ^* 7^+F'^W+F'^'^+k'-'' <**) be the equation of the confocal surface. The equation of the polar plane of {xff^,} with reference to this last surface is ^^/ I yp, I ^^« _i (. ON CONFOCAL SURFACES QF THE SECOND ORDER. 365 The equations to the normal at the point {xg//:}) in (a) are cos\ , , cosu , V V . cos\ _ c'a?) co8/t_c*y^ cos V €?zl cos v~ b^zl Now A*=(j?-a?)«+(y-y/+(ir-2,)«, or, substituting in this expression the values derived from the pre- ceding equations^ -•=K-'#-a^' <=) We must now determine the value of z for the point in which the axis of the cone meets the polar plane. For this purpose, from the equation of the polar plane a« + A« ■*" A« + **■*■ c* + A« ~ ^' subtract the identity J^, + ^=-^, + ^ + ^ replacing 1 by its value, as + i« + c«' the result will be found ^i(j^-^i) ■ yi(y-y<) , g|(g-.g i)_^» r ^,* , y,' , ^i' T u o« + A« ^ *« + *« ^ c«+A« ~ Lfl«(a* + /t«)"^A«(i' + A*) c'(c'l-*')J' ^ or putting for (x—x^ and (y— y,) their values derived from the equations of the normal (d), we shall find ..(£Z£.).*.. Whence, cranbining this expression with (e), we shall find For any other confocal surface, the vertex of the cone remaining unchanged, A'=^, or A: A' ::*«:*« P 384.] To transform the equation of a surface of the second order, so that the axes of coordinates shall be the normal to the surface at a given point, and the two right lines in the tangent plane at this point which are tangents to the lines of greatest and least curvature. 366 ON CONFOCAL SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. Let the normal be the axis of x, then the axes of coordinates are the normals to three confocal surfaces passing through this point. Now if a, jS, 7 are the coordinates of this new origin on the surface, substituting the values of x, y, z in the equation of the surface a?' y* «•' - derived &om (c), sec. [380] , we shall find the following resulting expression : — I* ^ \ =1. (b) af af Vaf a,^ a^f] a^La^ «„* a„,*J ^ 2^ [>£, pgj pj^n ^« fpx, pg, pj£j\ ' o, o, 1.0, Ofi a, II J Oi Lo, Oil Oiiij Ci c, Lc^ Cii Cm J Cj LC| Cy Cm J / Adding these terms vertically, the sum of the first column is mani- 2ir festly =1. The sum of the terms in the second column is — '. The sum of the terms in the third column is Now the cosines of the angles X, fi, v, which the axes of coordi- nates make with the perpen£cular p (let fall on the tangent plane through the point (oySy) on the surface {afifilj), are ^> t^*"^; and the cosines of the angles X', fi', v' which p, makes with the perpen- dicular on the tangent plane through the point {a/Sy) on the surface {aifiifiii) are^*^, ^^> a J and as these planes are at right angles, "// "ii ^11 cos \ cos Xi+coa/i cos fii + cos v cos v,=0. Hence the third column in the coefiScient of ^^^=0. In like man- ner the fourth column in the coefficient of Zi=0. The fifth column is Now, as cos«X=^, cosV=TT, cos* 7=^4, n "i '^1 the coefficient of Xi^ may be written cos* X cos* fl .* + ** +- ON CONPOCAL SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 367 This expression is =-g, if we denote by r the semidiameter of the surface parallel to p. In like manner the coefficients of y^ and z,^ are - and respectively, r, and r„ being parallel top, and p„. The coefficient of jp^y, is 'I '■// „ r «* /3* V* "1 multiply the terms of this expression by the equivalent factors V-«i*=V-*/=c«*-C/'=V-A', dividing by this latter, and the expression will be transformed into 2^, ra« ^ 7« / a« ^' y« \-| Now the first of these groups is equal to -j ; and the second, as we have already shown, is = ; hence the coefficient of xff, is In the same manner it may be shown that the coefficient of x^, ia—^ii— Let r^ and r^i be the axes of the section parallel to the tangent plane at the point (a^y) ; then, as we have found in (u), sec. [380], rS J-2 1.2 «2 M 19 ' U — "■ "■!! ' 'I — " '^t ' Introducing into the equation (b) the resulting expressions thus found, the equation of the surface will at length become ^^+y!+4_EP/^y_2?k,,+2f=0. . . . (c) In this equation the coefficients are the perpendiculars p, pp p,, from the centre on the coordinate planes, and the three diameters of the surface which coincide with these perpendiculars. Let x=0; then the equation becomes y=V{-\)z^, (d) which can be real only when one of the semiaxes r, or r„ is imagi- nary, or, in other words, when the surface is a continuous hyper- boloid. Since y=/(-l).^, y=.^(^,).... These are the generatrices of the hyperboloid j and it may easily be 368 ON CON FOCAL SVBTACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. shown that they are also the focal lines of the cone whose equation is 385.] Along a line of curvature tangent planes are drawn to a twrface of the second order. The perpendiculars from the centre on these planes generate a cone of the second order, whose focal lines coincide with the optic axes of the surface or with the perpendiculars to its circular sections. Since a line of curvature is generated hy the intersection of twQ confocal surfaces, let the equations of these surfaces be Let \, fi, V be the angles which p makes with the axes ; then cos X= w, cos iL=. ?^', cos V = ^'. From these five equations, eliminating x„ y,, Zi,a.nip, and putting for , — — their values -, -, the resulting equation becomes cos y cos V IT z ° ^ Now the angles which the focals of this cone make with the internal axis are given by the equation a result independent of A; hence all the cones so generated are confocal. Hence the supplemental cones to these have their cir- cular sections parallel to these of the given surface, and therefore these supplemental cones are the intersections of spheres with the given surface. The angles which the optic axes make with the vertical axes are given by the same equation, ^ , c«(a«-A«) THE END OF THE FIRST VOLUME. 39 Paternoster Row, E.C. London, September 1882. GENERAL LISTS OF WORKS PUBLISHED BY Messrs. Longmans, Green & Co. 0><«0 HISTORY, POLITICS, HISTORICAL MEMOIRS, &c. History of England from the Conclusion of the Great War in;i8i5 to the year 1841. By Spencer Walpole. 3 vols. 8vo. £,2. 14J. History of England in the l8th Centuty. By W. E. H. Lecky, M.A. 4 vols. 8vo. 1700-1784, £%. 12s. The History of England from the Accession of James II. By the Right Hon. Lord Macaulay. Student's Edition, 2 vols. cr. 8vo. 12s. People's Edition, 4 vols. cr. 8vo. i6s. Cabinet Edition, 8 vols, post 8vo. 4&t. Library Edition, 5 vols. 8vo. £4. The Complete Works of Lord Macaulay. Edited by Lady Trevelyan. Cabinet Edition, 16 vols, crown 8vo. price £4. i6s. Library Edition, 8 vols. 8vo. Portrait, price £s. S-f- Lord Macaulay's Critical and Historical Essays. 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