THE TALE OB' THE TWO BMOTHEMS A FAIRY TALE OF ANCIENT EGYPT mmi I ^1 -<,. ~: EJtir ' E.As; .v«k.Q:t.e. .Vr.c^ss. W* — .« (w 3n this vohtnjo was tal m. , To iL w thi. ^y the call No. arid give to ,■ , _^ ^,;^ I i. librariati. .,{,■'• "0 .. mnl2W3.. m, :So. HOME USE RULES All books subject to recall All borrowers must regis- terjfljthe library to borrow home use. liJ books must be re- tutned at end of college year for inspection and repairs. Limited books must be returned within the four week limit and not renewed. Students must return all books before leaving town. Officers should arrange for the return of books wanted during their absence from town. Volumes of periodicals and of pamphlets are held in the library as much as possible. For special pur- poses they are given out for a 'limited time. Borrowers should not use their library privileges for the bene£t of other persons.' Books of special valued and gift books, when giver i Cornell University Library PJ 1735.P21 Tale of the two brothers 1924 026 909 618 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. 92402690961 8 THE TALE OF THE TWO BROTHERS A FAIRY TALE OF ANCIENT EGYPT The d'Obbiney Papyrus in Hieratic Characters IN THE British Museum Tlifi Hieratic Text, the Hieroglyphic Transcription, a Translation, Notes, and a Glossary BY Charles E. Moldenke THE ELSINORE PRESS WATCHUNG.N.J. ( 1898 c./ V-'' T^- .q^6?'i^f Pkefatort. The following pages were originally prepared in 1883 for the use of the students of the post-graduate department in the author's Alma Mater, Columbia College, New York City. Unfortunately his hopes of introducing the study of Egyptology at that time into our American universities were not realized. In the firm belief, however, that this most fas- cinating study would not always be ignored by our institu- tions of learning, the author obtained the necessary oriental type fromCrermany, Holland, and Austria and after several years completed his task. He trusts that the book may be of some little help to such as are interested in Egyptology and in the study of the world's oldest written language. In transliterating the Egyptian words the author follows the old system of the grandmasters of Egyptology, Lepsius and Brugsch, in preference to that of the so-called "new German school" with its curious signs and unpronounce- able wordsi. The Authoe. Table of Contents The Hieratic Text 13-64 The Hieroglyphic Transcription 67-92 The Translation 95-104 Notes .- 107-116 Glossary 119-177 List of Hieroglyphic Characters 178 - 185 Explanatory In Part I will be found the Hieratic text of the entire papyrus. Unfortunately, time has either damaged or com- pletely destroyed portions of pages I to VII and XVIII to XX. All these mutilated or destroyed passages have been filled, except in line 168, where a facsimile of the original is given. In order to distinguish these lacunce from the re- mainder of the text, the characters of the former have been marked in a peculiar manner; thus: .••»»«^' ^-j ^^. Wherever a portion of the characters was still visible this peculiar marking was not employed. The words printed in red ink (a custom of the Egyptian poets and scribes) follow the original. In the Hieroglyphic transcription these passages are underlined, and in the translation they are printed in italics. The marginal numbers refer to the page and line of the original, while the numbers in the text are consecutive, to facilitate reference. All palpable mistakes on the part of the Egyptian scribe are scrupulously retained in the Hieratic aud Hiero- glyphic texts. Reference, however, is made to them in the notes. mm ,*/&■ ^f ® ,-A.f ... ■:■' ^■ ■J-:?^i^<^5^r-i": ililiMitiiilniiiia;iiaiiii!iniiiii!iiiiiiitiS ;iiikiittiiiiniiiiiiiii^^ 1^- THE Hieratic text. 18 t^^^^'^JV'^d 14 k; . ..« ^jii^^j 17 -j.:qi .Z2Z t e) A/ ''f-^^^ 18 L^^ ' A. :' ''^t" M, ^ r-1 '"!• 19 h 20 21 22 23 24 25 tn)yzf]VV2.n\^v%^«^^S^^1^<^3 29 30 31 32 4X^ 83 vm. 34 77 IX. .3n^3^Li J22fi I ^/l J>r<3 — 7kj l^-y/^^Oi^iUilX^,'^ 35 ^^)y'fiiiU'^mH^'f 3(5 37 Et¥£2L^^1ILli ^.s, 8() t=lX. ^z:fX^)KU%\i^\trt 38 5^^ t III ^ n ^^IS — '^ t ^fl ^ 39 40 XI. 2 98 41 42 XI. 43 ^1^ lt\\ ■^- 44 'P 45 XIII. 46 C4^ _ ^^^ XIV. 2-r 47 -^ 48 49 50 lSQ^4K1:::::c:lf^;^ 51 XVL t L^ 143 CJZ T ^ jXo ^-7|^ XV. 52 — ^ ,;^2;^<^-t- ::^^|f11tlnn^"'l{r^ 53 M^:H':rilH'^f;Hltlnn 54 f;L2LP2L^nt^iiu/x XVII. 55 1111 -,^^f AaPaaaTT fl-llllr?>3-^rl^m « kPxl^^ « I III ^H (E c=a^i^ ^MJ^~^^Z^Ir;'i «^!lki!PSfl 1AA/SAAA ^jC I AAAAAA ^/\ I L!i <^flAi m I.e. © qI gA Q { /vww,!!! (?■ o'l W g i'^^.^ ci I I llll D Lak:!Hrr,kZ^M^l; 9 <\ © (3 33 SI Q. ra I j] e 10 ll./WNAAA .P: I I 12 A © A i\\ .^^X'Alfl. PiJ :?.^^-Mkii^M~ 1 aI 1 ni A- 14 ^ ffl \^ ^ I I q< PU\':^Gk% 69 31 * 70 24 l\ '^^I'^'^^fl ® ^ iS ^ ^^ fl'''^ -^-/l 4 .Mil I 11 V\l I lH«i^=_<=:> -/i «=>c:±i=.l I I I aaaa«a"-h^ !_S >== V ' <~ 1 U MHi. J2e8> . ' • ^ . Q W <:=> (WAAA <:a I '^-— -* www 1 /www "^-s^ www n l|[Ci'^S=0 „_ _ =^^ _ /^ -fl- AWWA 52^ ^(__r<:.T\\( I I 2^ frm, I I ft II mill I io W "§" i^^''""^ ? n ^ ~''>~*^ §■ I ''^ ~*''^ n .^a A^*'^ n 6 ^ ■ " ♦f- ■■ I AAfWyV U I I I I Jj *t«=ata_ -AAAAAA 1 V . I Ca <2 I I I A^AAA^ 1 M/t/\AA. wA-idI III 0 I I I A^AW^ 1 •W/WWWn AWWAfj^n nwWW e_^l Z],^® .^„/]^AWW n q JCi ,(s 30 III. 10 '11. ^1 ^ VJg V^ZIi^i IV. (2' ■^1 32^11 III Ci 1 3 " iiv; d; vs/yWA (01 H A fl.p III I J A- q c. g rjme I i I /\A/WSA I AAA/VA/* (i:^ e L'i^^MM 34 n ^^^M^M^V^i I I I ;1im D S!!' g~ Ji^^ I I I /WWA A_D I I AAAftAA I I 1 w C^ I AAAAAA 72 IV. A I 1 I Ci ^^^> V*y ^ # I £^ W /SAAA/V\ t^N^/^h^ S -fl U 1 AAA/SAft Si) r=iD i5 Xl ^S^ I ^J! A\ftAAA AAA/WV V^^_i] 1 ^^^ 2 AAw^ o I ri D k' e ©, 1 '°=tD e iUe ra. 1^ u) 1^ I "'-^^ /www n AAAA^^ w ^f ^ e Dl Uq \ 1 1 1 &.IaK^\1 e^kHZ^T ^j32_ fl © I Sil Jr^ 1 VJ lli .^23- 11111 /www Q O I <:=> <=, 1 I I /www 73 IM~k^kP. 'Ill AftAMA i 43 ^iir VS/SAftA AAA^A^ ■ ^^n=ii A_fl Q -- O AAftAAA fl-a^S.^i°^fl[ 44 -^ m A^ ' V ,k^&?^M. 13 S a ;-. ?^ _B^ 2^^ /VAWW i^^wvA //W _^^ li 2 ^^*~. ^1 ^T^ A_fl .n; <2 O I lo W As .M%m'.^\^^M-^ 74 A J © VI. 1 Q I p ^^«, 53 '^ AftAAAft 1 AAAAAA ^^l«^I' 54 il I I 7i Jg^o^. o ^ I A_DI ^ 55 .^^ , I I (2 AAAAftA AAAAAA I /NAAftAA AAAAAA C a 7i w 75 rTA\2€\'^MM7r.i.'^rX'n AA^'VNA 1 ^p-TT ,i:^ C-'^^ J W=^2Cc=^ 1 ^' ^^^ VWWV l/WWVN //S^ _^^ 1 1 2 S^^ AWVNA 76 VII. < 4 I -^^§v "V^IJv (?«^<=>'CZ7 o A ® ^ 1 R ^^ 67 n^^- ® Oil] ® ^1 *^ '^ I ^^i^-^^ ■0' 1],^.®!]^ ^il — °^i 77 VIII. ni AAAAAA AA/SAAA ic2 A _, fl "tk „ -€^- '^-SSi ■^„ ^ AAAAAA r-"^ ^ ^ 71 > ^© ^ ■^^--" e -^3:^ Vrf^ i -^^ Jm <:3:>=.l /www. o Xi i i W 4 ® tsi& -Ol^S tsa JUr^ /wiaaa -nru^ m I 1^1 .fl^^^X^^^^^o^ 7:\. ^ 72 O I I I 7^. 4\a^^ llllf (2 I I I I I I AAAAAA 7\= ^^Ull'^ U^ e ,ffl .zv 78 U I AAAAAA A £i I * g^ - " "* ^^ftAA^ 79 "^ J Ji'^ii I i^r^oa <;3> '^^ — ^ AAAAAA 1 AAAAA^ _^* (^ I I I i I I <^:> f"""^ \ AAAA^A j^— I 1 _Cr^ I IX. 81 :^iri^i™^MM^If -■ ~° AAwvw U _a^ nJ 1 . ' • ^ . Lrj Ji ' — «^ di ^AA^AA ci sil c^S-l www ^' u n Hen— ^I'^^r-ss ♦-"ll^sn 80 IX. 9 1 3S 87 A iq, AAftAAA kl^^ke^\±?i3!Mflinll •q \\0\ da jDtS (£3) ® I 88 ^^\=^«^ ^U^WJ^¥i1^; 0^ :fl; AAA/WA ==> D iS X sD — «— 1 Ci Q W »^^=^ 89 .1 X I S AA/\/W\ O t -^ -. I 1 ■ I I la W D ^^ D ©J III <=z>c=i^ AAA/\/NA ^ ■ ID ttP^PXi 7^ III -=S^ © q.p, 7\ .ni ^^ L^^i«» AAAAA/* I AA/WVA ' AAA/VAA 81 III "¥>ii.A -^ o 8 ntk ^5 o ^^Sfciq^rt^lfi 97 XI. 4 82 i^ Ui Ci J 83 (2 K n /WWNA .«^32- ~ww n(2lllP/l lft(2 #1. -SSi If— „oo^ ^ ^_^is=Js^ — x^sn^_^=>'^^ =^! Ill n5 ^SX'VS«^™„1??5l^ilS W.. 84 (2.^1 3SZ1 ^^ A ' ' ' S .1. ]i^^^Ol' 117 AAAA^^ until J AA/V\AA n 1^ © .M^p^?=i^ "» Ji "O^ ,M^f'^?i^AAk^^i rn m.0 I 120 (3 .\ll|8 -^O 1 AAAA^A I AAftAAA 86 XIV. ■J^fl^; (!l 130 I I I "" *Tii— "x^li ^\roA^^^lTi¥7r,%^}^\r. :\MZM%.: zv 131 ^C3oJ X21' I (? .§. ^ • " AAAAAA AAAA'y' <:::i Xi I I Q J^^(|©r 132 '<2 ^ >V7'^ ,-w- 9(3 (3 i33i?\k^i,^41k^\ri^ © (f. ^m^ Ci AAAAAA P:'©^^ XV. 1 . .J^ I s 134 ,rD@ q' (2 I AAAAAA I /W\AAA e, , J fl © ^ 7\ © JS^ iOT^ J^ W (5 IJIi I I ^h5 ^ I ^ J ^ i-^X-'^ .>«« z> \%.\^ M^m%^ flk^ i .^A S # 1° "^(If^l] e oi I I 87 '^^B_^ 140 ^(j ^ X I® Q I I I Q W A«wv. — «wv«6s„-«g, '=^ Ol" A ^ ^ j-WAwwvn A O \A if";*Tik^1^ik^±L.i^'PNs 88 .JMZ;PJ^P»^| "«lll'™L1i^^fiP^S IJ^k^P^fl^t^tLi'SM .^fiPflk%^::!Li^ki!U ^«^ .klfli^P.T1k^1iViiiTP,ri ,1irP^fl^sfl^:1oi"»^^fiPf S^'^^^^^;\\^= >S<=>m, ® I gl 0I — rag o' (2 1-(2. XVII. 89 ^1 si .m Q '! W>AAA *>- eJ=fa I-<:L-J> ■ I I y^A^^AA awvna I aaaaaa A 111 ' ^^-■^ 1 sal <^ ^ ^ -Ssfi I ^l^>^\\Liimt^^'<=:^'4^i'^. — ^l^r^ fiP<^iZi^^JLSiH^^^J--^i' XVII. L-a 90 'f — £a ra ffi I I I 160 'S^M^f Q. U=vie I ©21<==>' 3 ^L=^/vwwvnn ,j 1^ STk^M ■^ I A—j L=fl©; ,i lio^lll 162 ^.~v^A^"l] > T T A/^AAA^ AA/SA/VN 1 t a I ^ 1.^^ d ^^ — ' I I I £^ .1. Oil ^ ^ 1 .^« 1 O ^ i=i=iz3 1 AAAAAA AAAA'W .LM^fiPJ ^ 166 ■3^:^ Til© e III H. . I n^e 4L JLJlli 1 lUi 91 ^VNAV* a a qIo I XIX. lo ^t: 175 M>2J\. □ Q O JH /ww« ^Ow .^ I g<::=> i-Bi^ ^ ^fD a Jin -B'^i s <=> H^=w AAftA~> 1 wvw I vlg ; — I &\ X I ce^l .Mst n ci O 92 XIX. <^ . a ^ -^3- t ^r^flra^ ^ 178 ^e^ ^ li^^ fl^Si'l (2 ^ Q e Ti^^'k^M *u=^ 1 r: ,^ Ji"i!?fTWl.s3^i '«»1^^i "^f^fl^3^^«. t:^ i ^^ -^ AA/VW\ 1 r= " yi W AAA/V\A ^Si 182 10 XX. xM"B^7,i kxxfi^r;^ "« AftAAAA I 121 A' aaaaaaP <0 1 W D ^ . The hori- zontal line below the first sign is an <:::>, which is some- times written in fiill as /^ (cf. 1. 40 and 100 of our papy- rus and Pap. Berlin 1425 1. 23, 44, 51, 56, 59, 64; Pap. Bulak XVII 1. 8, 9, 31) or else abbreviated into a « (cf. Pap. Berlin 1425 1. DC; Pap. BuKik XVII 1. 16). With reference to the vertical line after this sign, see Lemm, "Studien zum Z Ritualbuche des Ammondienstes" pg. 15. — ^ is a liga- ture for g, ut (cf. 1. 5, 34, 46, 76, 86, 107, 115, 136, 173, 180). 109 The _^ before ,^^ s I is supplied from 1.3. — ^r is a ligature for § or the ustial Hieroglyphic ^ . Line 3. <;:> ^ ^- S il) "^ . Traces of the <=> can still be seen in the original. The other missing signs are sup- plied from 1. 2. — We always transcribe the determina- tive £ji_, by J and ^-^ or ^y^ by ^ — n , although the latter is the more usual equivalent for both Hieratic forms. — 1 l/m ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ■ The missing si^ns are supplied from the context. Line 4. ^ is supplied from 1. 33. — ^i^ APTo^— 1> is only a conjecture. Griffith, in the "Proceedings of the So- ciety of Biblical Archaeology," 1889, pg. 163 and 164, thinks he can distinguish in the originr.l ^i aw>aa I ^ i .B^^ ' i~ , and translates: "Behold the [essence? strength?] of a god was in him." — The other missing signs are supplied from the context. Line 5. m'^'\')- Supplied from 1. 2, 9, 34. — The ^ in the first [^^ _^ Si =;.- either was on~.ittcd by the scribe or else it is worn away on the papyrus. — VS/ is a lig- g ature forf^; cf. 1. 30. Th^ signs are written separately in 1. 2, 38, 39, 42, 47, 63, 79, 89, 108. — The O is supplied from 1. 38,47,89,124. — <=>'!d-1^y\ is supplied from the context; cf. 1. 13, 106, 120. Line 6. ^ v\ <:=> I . The signs are distinctly visible al- though some portions of them are worn away; cf. 1. 164 and Pap. Bullk XVII 1.72. — a,=±^ i m is supplied from the context; cf 1. 33, 37, 122, 123. Into this place a fragment of the papyrus has been incorrectly fitted. It should have been moved up one line, and then furnishes one ^ for ;j ^H J\ in 1. 5 and the ^^ before MkJ in 1. 6. — ^ m^-| ; ;_ I ^ c=^^ S is supplied from the context and portions of 110 the Hieratic signs still legible. — There is only a slight di£Eerence between c? ( Jn ) and t^siD ( a* ), the former be- ing the determinative after words denoting "sitting, rest- ing" (cf. 1. 20, 41, 75, 83, 85, 114, 124, 130, 135, 138, 145, 159, 172), while the latter is the determinative after words de- noting "weakness, illness" (cf. 1. 68, 126). Line 7. "k sl . From the context. — The | after | H X!^ sD is supplied a,fter the analogy of ir.Msr 21 1 in this same line. — a^ \ \=? "" I .M^ • A conjectural reading. — T hD ^^ '^^ is supplied from 1. 107. Line 8. ^^^. From the context and 1. 26, 95, 97. — ^n^ Q ^ ^'©i I I . A conjectural reading. Line 9. H^^^ and m.SH«^ - From the context. — ^r is a ligature for m. , otherwise written in the usual way. Line 10. ^ ^ . From the context. — _Msr ^ • From the context; compare the end of the line. — (5/ is a ligature iJ (cf. 1. 17, 19, 38). — M;^ is a ligature for, , ,(cf. 1. 11 & 26 twice, 16 three times, 17, 18). — l^^ is a ligature for ^ u , which sign occurs throughout the entire papyrus. — ^ is a ligiture for \ (cf. 1. 7, 13, 16, 19, 22, 35, 38). i Line 11. The % is here a ligature for , w , (not as above in 1. 2, &c.). — [ill ®, r*i. Compare Pap. Sallier 11, 5, 1. 1. Line 12. <=> either was omitted by the scribe or else it is worn away in the papyrus. — Mi , w , . From the con- text. — ^^■^ . Supplied from 1. 16. Possibly there may have been more signs in this place originally. Ill Line 13. In the lacuna near the middle of this line a frag- ment of papyrus has been added in the lithographed copy which, however, does not belong here, as the lower portion of it contains some Hieratic characters in red ink. — The o in I Q is supplied from the con text. — The i in o «=.-r> I' i is supplied after the analogy of J\ 1 in this line. — The 1 Hy^ in ilSi 7^ is worn away on the papyrus Line 14. _^ ^m I . From the context and portions of the signs still visible. — i/yk _^lH*u=_ . Worn away on the papyrus and supplied from the context. Line 15. <=> <=> . From the context: of. 1. 139. — The 0( www is worn away on the papyrus. Line 16. a <=> ^\ V. . From the context. — For the <=> c-=,<^ A n — A. supplied after rft=, see 1. 12/13 and 32. — i 'O'll i i i. A conjectural reading. Line 17. In the word (5/ / the first sign, /, although an , in form, must be transcribed by the Hieroglyphic sign , nezem or nem. The other Hieratic sign is the ligature a. n A n ^ ^^ ^ for -)^U ; cf. note on 1. 10. — ^ I 1 1 i/wwsa <=> . From the context. — ^,=5=^.^. Cf. 1. 33. — ^ ^T^rpg o'! . Sup- plied from the usual phrase. Line 18. /vww\liV«^ 69 and 82. — /wwv- ci i ^^z^ >.«»>« ^x.^ . The Hieratic signs are quite illegible; cf. 1. 25. The last signs are supplied from the context. Line 25. i i i . From the context. — ^ <=r> ^ \ Hi' i >wsi;^ . S applied after the analogy of line 29. Line 26. .^^ . From the context. — m ^o . Cf. 1. 95 and 97. — I /www i i i i j\ ^^=_ . From the context. Line 21.1 J\ . Cf. 1. 20, &c. — ;;;:;^ ^o'. Cf. 1. 41, 64, 112 and 173. — I cz\ is frequently written without the lower £>^; thus in 1. 39, 64, 117, 118 and 119^ In this passage and in 1. 35, 41 and 76 there is only a dot or a dash instead, while in line 38 there is a very distinct . A conjectural reading. A portion of the last two signs can still be seen. — o <=> i"^r1 . Cf . line 164. —Mo 4^. From the context; cf. 1.44/45. — Ci^ is the Hieratic equivalent of the Hieroglyphic ^¥^ , qemS,; 113 cf. Pap. Btilak XVII 1. 4 and 18, also Pap. Berlin I 1. 72. This sign is somewhat similar to K which, however, cor- responds to the Hieroglyphic ^, ^38. — A^ or A . A conjectural reading; cf. the Bakhtan Stela 1. 14, 15 and 19, and the Rituale di Leyda. — ^^-^ . From the context, Line 29. c> \ 2i) I . The sci of this word; cf. 1. 25 and 128 Line 29. o \ si) i . The scribe omitted the sign in front Line 31. Traces of the ^^ can still be seen. From the context. _ [|e Line 33. <=>(/>h ^Hi=o^ . From the context. A ® ^ , Line 34. i!^.=_ . From the context. Line 35, ^ 2I) f a m Hi n I ^ w . From the context; cf . 1. 7, 23 and 46. Line 36. The D6C is somewhat obliterated in the origi- nal, but the a in c^ ''T^ S is quite distinct. I ^ D^ Line 38. A m> "U -ti . Cf 1. 36 and 54. Line 39. I D m^'4 . Cf. Pap. Sallier II pg. 5 1.1 and 8, also Zeitschrift fur Aegyptische Sprache, 1882, pg. 164. Line 41. <=> \\ . Cf. 1. 142. The original has a horizontal line above the ^, just as in 1. 63. — J\J\ is quite dis- tinct; cf. 1. 76. — <=>^ © m^ — ^ . Cf. 1. 23. Line 42. X Jl I Hi . From the context and 1. 28. Line 43. I c^:=^^^^ I . Cf. 1. 29 and 144. Line 44. ® c>7^fl<=>X^^s9 . A conjectural read- ing. — The I in I 0'' ought perhaps to be a i , hez. 114 Line 45. *^ is omitted between lA)y^ miHH.=^ and c:^^ by a mistake on the part of the scribe. Line 51. //w ^^iik^^s^I. The original has in this passage been tampered with by some meddlesome person who supplied wrong signs in modern ink. — ^ — y\ £) -^ . Here the same person tried his hand again, but with as poor success as before. Line 52. The first sign in <=> Jill is somewhat dam- aged in the original. It can hnrdly be ^^ © 1 III which occurs together with the preceding word in Damichen, ITis- torische InscTiriften, I, 4. AA/\A/V\ ^r Line 53. In the word r^J S ^.^ the last sign should have been a X) instead of iu=_. A^AAAA Line 54. We follow Ermen and read J\ . Others read ^ and even A (!). Cf. line 142. Line 55. x 21 is omitted by the scribe between v.^ and r=d=,. Line 59. a "ii . In modern ink, but incorrectly spelled. Line 60. . Also written incorrectly in modern ink. 'l transcribed Mp*-, not simply V. Line 71. -^ _m ^s^ . A mistake of the scribe for ^ , -^3- . — r^"- , I I ^ . Usually written .-^-^ I 1 ^ in Hieroglyphic inscriptions. Line 72. ^ 21/ . Brugsch {Diet. pg. 537) reads W sl) . Cf. also Ch-^bas Voyage pg. 245 and ZeitscJiri/t, 1875, pg. 168. 115 M ^o""^ Line 73. ^2^ f 1 1 1 . Cf. Brugsch Diet. pg. 1343 and al- so Chabas Melanges II, pg. 226. Line 76. J i ® U=J . A mistake for J X I UJ . Cf . 1. 86, 89. Line 93. ^^ is the Hieroglyphic ^ , reha. Cf. Pap. Sallier I, 8 1. 1, Pap. Anastasi III, 4 1. 2, Pap. feallier II, 8 1. 2 and Pap. Anastasi IV, 10 1. 5. ^i. Line 113_. The 1 is omitted before n (2 111 by a mistake of the scribe. Line 124. The Z5 in <=>y^Q \ is here written somewhat differently than usual; cf. 1. 155. ^ Line 125. i ^^=_ . Written incorrectly and in modern ink. Line 127. The Hieratic sign for looks more like a O . Line 128. _^^l i i i. A mistake of the scribe for ^ ^ n AAAAAA I I I I . A transposition of letters. Line 138. — »_ Jn so=^ . Written partly and incorrectly in modern ink. Line 143. ■»s-° , written in small characters above the line, is a correction of the scribe. Line 146. La <=> • The I c. is supplied from the context, while the <=> is written in modern ink. — m . The orig- inal reads ^ , perhaps by a mistake on the part of the scribe. — /wwvv . A wrong sign is added here in modern ink. Line 147. A portion of the / — i is added in modern ink. Line 149. JIj It is difficult to tell what Hieroglyphic ligature this sign is intended to represent. It looks very much like a S\, though it may be meant for a JH . This word seems to be a ana$\Ey6)XEvov, or else the scribe has made a mistake somewhere in this passage. 116 Line 151. <=>'A_Dfor <==>' ^ ; cf. the end of the line. ,»p Line 152. 1 1 1 1 for ^T^ I 1 1 1 ; cf. Pap. Harris 1, 77, 3. Line 154. a ^^^i'=f^. A mistake for o mllrf^!. Line 158. The ^ is omitted after n n. Line 161. rD^®'i . A mistake for fQ (2 o I ; cf. 1. 174. /i X I Line -165. <: r>^<=>-M^® q^' i 8^=;=!=. i X!^ . Careless- ly written and a number of signs omitted; cf. 1. 174. (J vtw.. :«i ^ * ■ i^'^'^ ' ''-'^'VVAA A ^(| A^^^'v^ Line 167. A j(\ is omitted after ^* . — /wva^v H , is supplied from the context. Line 168. ^ / ^ The original is given here as it is impossible to read this passage. K|& is a ligature f or I X "" Line 175. The |jfe$ is a ligature for I J or JH ; cf. line 167. Here it serves as a determinative; cf. 1. 176 and 179. — fn g, o I . From the context. — i I in . From the context. A X I '=^^=== Hj Line 176. o^c.^ i and J_^s<=>_. From the context. A(3^ @ I Line 178. ^ © <=::> . From the context. — A portion of dI q is written in modern ink. Line 180. ^ i m fl . Mistake f or ^ i m fl'l — A^_ Carelessly written for A \ (2. Cf. Pap. Sallier 11, pg. 14 1. 11. I P (^ Line 181. | . Carelessly written for C^ (M). Lines 184 to 188. The lacunas, in 1. 184 and 185 are sup- plied from the usual princely titles. Lines 186, 187 and 188 are memoranda of another scribe or priest and have noth- ing whatever to do with the story or the papyrus. PORT V. GLOSSARY. GLOSSARY. The superior numerals {" &e.) indicate how often the word occurs in that form in the line. The other numbers refer to'the lines of the papyrus. An * before a number denotes that the word, or one or more of its Hieratic characters, has been here ef- faced in the papyrus; a -f- that it is written in red ink by the Egyptian scribe. The definitions of the Coptic words are given, as is customary, in Latin. Whenever there is n) translation given after a Hieroglyphic word the preceding translation must be supplied, 'ibe glossary is arranged according to the Hieroglyphic alphabet; viz. ma, la, a k, \v i, 'Hi, © or ^ u, M ft, J b; Dp, .,_ f, m, m, ^ n, § n <=. r, .g^ 1, ni h, Ah, ® kh, i or .. s. I t&. Ji, A q, ^:::^ k, B g, ^ t, s=3 or D t& c:^ d, 1 z. The Coptic alphabet is: «>.fn«'^e'^H«^iR\jM.«^onpcTTr\lli aaar(u). IS outo.-. fruit, kernel 123. Grroflf: cone de cMre. epi fructus, cibns, alimeutum. aa. Verb: towasTi, clean 114. eico : eidw : lo) : i&. : iioi : ciivA. lavare, mttndare, lotio. ^^^ airum^u. Preposition: with 107. In com- bination with .B^, em: together with *7. au. Auxiliary verb: to he 1, *2, *3, *4, 12, *16, 19, 23, 26, 34, 37, '39, 40, 51, 52, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 74, 75, 80, 81, 92, 100, 104, 112, 113, 125, =126, 127, 163, 173. With personal pronoun suffixes: 2, 5, *6, *8, *9, 9, *10, 13, 14, 16, *17, '18, ^^3, 24, '^27, 29, =31, >32, *34, 36, '38, 39, '41, 42, =43, 44, =46, =47, 48, 50, SI, =52, 65, 58, 59, =60, 66, "67, =68, =70, 73, =74, '76, -78, 79, 83, 84, 86, 86, 87, 88, =91, 93, 96, 97, =98, 101, 105, 109, 110, .111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, =117, ^118, 120, =121, '122, '123, =124, *125, =127, =129, 130, 132, 135, "136, 138, =140, =141, 142, 144, 145, =147, 148, =151, 153, 158, =161, 162, =163, 167, 168, 178, =179, 180, 182. H^l au(u): {they) were 48. 1 (? autu: they were 20, 95, 98, 102, 107, 109, 114, 115, =131, 136, 137, 149, 151, 155, 166, 170, 171, 172, *178, 178, 179. \^ en: hy 181. e>.n num, si; ene si, an, num. AA~vvA 1 AAA^AA WO. SkO. '. tTi&ii wos, weTC tl4, t22, ^28, t33, t44, t46, t53, t57, t61, t69, t79, t83, t84, t91, t92, t93, t97, tl05, tl06, tl07, tl27, tl28, ^134, tl44, 156, tl58, tl59, tl62, 166, tl67, tl69, 169, 174, 176. With per- sonal pronouns suffixed: tl8, t20, +21, ''*+24, +25, +26, +29, +32, +36, +49, +64, +65, +73, +77, +85, +88, +99, +115, 121, +145, +146, *+167. a«^wH<= fS un antu: they were, (7us majesty) was +99, +108, +137, +154, +165, +171, +176. an. Verb: to bring, fetch 19, 22, 23, 34, 36, 63, 66, 86, 92, 93, 98, 99, 123, 178, 179. Jl (5 antu : to he hrmight 102, 105, 171, 177. k«i adduc; €«: c\«c:ini : i«€: emi ducere, ferre, afferre, adducere, transferre, offerre. I In <2Sll Anpu. Proper name; masc: Anuhis; the name of the older brother in the papyrus 1, *1, 80, 126, 134. a (S."!! [A]npu (by an oversiglit on the part of the scriba): 113. Ano-y^i Anubis. ©^ Anana. Proper name; masc: Anana; {Ennay, the author or copyist of this papyrus and Pap. Anas- tasi IV, chief librarian under Merenptah I., and liv- ing at the time of the kings Ramses II., Merenptah I., and Seti II. (about 1200 B. C.) 182. He is mentioned also in Pap. Sallier II pg. 3 line 8; Pap. Anastasi IV pg. 1 1. 1 ; pu: 7 1. 9; pg. 9 vorso 1. 3; VI pg. 1 1. 7; pg. 5 1. 6; VII pg. 2 verso 1. 8; ;;nd pg. 7 1. 5. 124 / 4 -ww^ (2 Ul annu. Noun: color 129. *>.ira».H : koird^n : *w-txn-.', : is. TO II color. 'i~vwv\i!2ii ant. Noun, fem.: valley, mountain 60, 70, 74, T.*"), 77, 101, 104, 117. « ar. Conjunctive j)iirticle: now, when, well *tl. 41, (53, 65, 69, 70, 72, 99, 146, 163, 182. # A <:^.1<:3> khorar: void it happened that 1, t4, 18, tl2, tlR, ti;, t^:!, 43 (nmc if), *47, tfiO, 70,71,72, f75, t76, 88, t89, 101, tl02, tll2, 120, tl2l, tl24, tl3;{, tl40, tl49, 1.50, 1.^)1, tlW), 1161, tlO.', 1174, 117.5. ar. Verb: to make, do, woiTc 74, 78, 90, 183; to copy 182. ^: ar: 21, 37, 57, 70, 73, 114, 115, 120, 168, 178. ^ aru : 69. "^ I aru(u): 6, 164 \ ari: 27, *27, 41, 43, 64, 69, 72. ^u:i^i=>^ er aqer aqer : eery ■much 12, 29, 68, 85, 97, 107, 136, 139, 144, 146, 148, 149, 173. After adjectives to express the su- perlative: very 11, 17, 82, 98, 102. I I I kt. Noun: barley 24. 25. citoT : iot : iojT hordeum. I pa Aten. Proper name, masc. : Atev., the god of the gf atef. Noun, masc. : father 1, 30, 42, 63. ckot : iujt patei. 126 morning sun. 58. This name intercliauges with R;l and Rti-Hor-khuti. but denotes especially the disJc of the sun. - aza. Verb: to carry off, seize, take away 2'). *41, 87, 98, 115, 126, 131, 132. H © m^ :^ I azau: 10. [The last two signs may be a third pers. pi. suffix, i ■jtiotrc : «ioiri : (S\OTf\ furari, rapere; fur, latro. _j A ^^ 4a. Adjective: I. large, great, grand 23, *26, *28, 81, 55, 129, 132, 153, 155, and 186. ,^4at: feiii.: "137, 149, 155. ^'1 \\fl=^ Shepesi at: (jneen 108. fl mflrrn aaiu: pL: 154 (thefirt^t), 177. __ii ^l^^li'^^ by a mistake of the scribe for aaiu: 154 (the second). [See also under Per-^a.] II. old, older 1, *6, 8, *12, 15, 20, 30, 32, 33, 35, 42, 44, 45, 48, 51, 53, 55, 57, 61, 68, lA, 81, 113, 125, 126, 129, 134, 135, 138, 179, 180. *kiiki ; dwijs.ei : !s!\^e\ magnificari, crescere, senescere. (3 ( _^lic^-=, h auuaiu: Verb: to carry off, gather in the harvest, thresh {?) 3. Compare oiroeie agricola. %^^|i ^ I I au(u). Noun, pL: dogs 75. III auiHru. Noun, pi.: conception 168. 9 J\ aud. Noun: side. <=> a J\ er aud: between "55. OTOT : OTTW^ separate; divisio; otttc inter. a AAAw 3 audent. Noun, masc. : floor, ground, dust 52, 71/72, 74. »TeH:€iTR stercus, fimus. 127 n ! J vvAwv n abt. Noun, fern, : women's apartment, harem 140, 14i5. oire^^ : OTP2k.jv^ : oTreefc : OTon purum esse, sanctus, purus, sanctitas. iim. abuu. Noun, masc, pi.: workmen, artisans 166. J \ O I 4btu. Noun, fem., pi.: sacrifices 137, 149. Com- pare oTH&:o-rHH& sacerdos; oif\'kk sanctus. ^^^^ ^^X? amam. Verb: to devour, eat, absorb 67. -^ ^ ^1^ X ? amamu : 125. - o-tiom : oitom i OTT^M : OTCJM. inanducare, consumere; cibus. a namu. Verb: ^ learn, know 65, 73, 142, ^ 160,168. _-^ m^ JT-^ 4mamu: i:«--. ^ ^ J^ "^ a namu : 177. ^ ^ -^ ama[in]u (by a mistake of the scribe) : 71. eui : cim€ : €\mi : imi scire, intelligere, cognoscere. A^AAAA A. an. Verb: to return. Adv. : again 31, 72, 81, 106, 122, 130. o« rursus, iterum, etiam. an. Noun, masc: scribe, writer "181, 182, 184, 185. the treasury 181. [See also under sekhaiu.] vf ^nUi. In the phrase 1 Ji I , ankh uza sneb life! strength! health! or may he live in, sti angth and healtft! — the constant and reverential expression after the name or the mention of a living Pharaoh. Noun: life 93, 94, "95, 96, 98, "99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 109, 132, 136, 139, 143, 146, "146, 149, 160, 152, 153, 154, "156, 166, "168, 159, 160, "162, 165, 166, 170, 173, 174, 176, 177, 181. 138 anUi. [Same as the preceding.] Noun: ?i/n^ vivere; vita. ^ (3 "^ arqu. Verb: to swear 65, 146, 163. lopn jurarc J\ aha. Verb: .ge stare; A.£^»k : a^g^e : &.£h ita, etiam, imo. T /vwv^. 4hS.n. Adv. : lo, then 90, 102. g^HHtie : £hhtc ecce. c3o2i 3.^. Verb: to call, sap 58, 69. r-m >0 asjiu: pi.: 92. irtig : oui : ciy clamare, invocare, legere. ,4. i-T^ ^Mp»- ag^. Noun, masc. : acacia 70, '71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 88, 90, -92, 101, 104, 109, 110, 111, 113, 117, 119, 122, 143. ^szi^Up-i I I ashutpl.: 60. 1111 4q. Noun: middle, centre. <=> A 111 er aq : in the midst of, opposite 97. Compare kui : ra. : kc ponere. J\ aq. Verb: to enter, penetrate 23, 46, 48, 50, 91, ll'J, 117, 140. ^^ aq (by a mistake of the scribe) : 167. ©III aqu. Noun, masc, pL: bread *8, 9, 186, 187, 188, (OIK : oeiK : a^iK panis. ciSi III lidu. Noun: grease, fat 36. iot : w^ pinguedo. ,^^ E "^^ azedu. Noun, masc. : yming mmi 28. ^^ ■^^ 4zedu (the Inst two signs are perhaps a 129 mistake of the scribe) : 22, 61. ^| / ' ffl azedu • fem. : young woman 90. Compare rx&.T€ : 'Xdw^.Tc cres- cere, adolescere, adultus fieri. --^ h ^zau. Noun, masc. : criminal^ scoundrel, villain *38, 54. i mtz^^^in kzaxL{\i): pi.: 36. o-jti deceptor, injustus. in <:i A iuit [? others read ait, nait]. Verb: to come *5, *13, 44, 46, 48, 62, 70, 72, 84, U03, 106, 120. AA iut [?] : 41, 76. AAin [?] : to beflnished *tl80. ci : i venire, ire. ll^B^;;;;^! s Ima: Noun, masc: river 91/92. iH^^S I s imdt : 86, 90, 93. m^m. : iom mare. Cf. Heb. D;. or (?. U I or 1 1 1 u, I. Sign of the plural. II. Perhaps third pers. pi. suffix they, them in 6(aru-u)i 6(uahu), 8(iu.u). 8 (ua]^u), 48 (au-u), I6u ^shaau), 164 ^aru-u), 177 (Am- es I amu). I u: lO(azau), 3j(setertu). In 27 it is un- doubtedly the first pers. pi. suffix; cf. seter[t ;nu in 41 and 64. Cf. the pronomial suffix ot "eos. ' [This sign must not be confounded with the numeral III, for which see under khamet.J ^^ . h —J I ua. Adj. (with genitive introduced by ^^~VA^ en or i am) : indefinite article a ; one % 23, 31, 40, flfl, 6 '>, 66, •69, 72, 73, 76, 77, 79, 82, 85, 92, 100, 104, 114, "123, 128, 150, 162, 169, 167, 170, 171. -_ji ^ ua: oneper- son 56, 129. _3i"%^ uk alone 83. _d;"^C1u4: 130 fern.: solitary , alone 41. oi — r: ^-ni u4 . . . ua: theone .... the other 61, 127/128. .^j i "^ \^ u4t&a : fem. (referring to Batau who calls himself a woman in 1. 87) : alone 80. ^j i o uS, nebt : ea^h one, ec- ery one 154. ovts. : 0-T&.&. : oirawi unus, aliqnis, qui- dam; oira».awCT : oirakCT solus. Hill u4aia. A mistake of the scribe for a ^^ (3 I I I 4aiu. See under .^^ 4a. Jf Jl O 5ll uben (with the determinative of the preceding word) : to shine 58. A o ill uben (with the deter- minative of the preceding wqrd) : 61, 130. Compiin^ OTToein : OTrtoini : oir&.in lux, lumen. ffl i(T> un. Auxiliary verb: to be '4, 25, 44, 127. ,www unu : 44, 71, 73. ;SXJX;; unen: 58. ~vw«1a«vaaa un an: Iheii. was, were 114, t22, t28, t33, +44, t45, t53, t57, t61, t69, t79, t83, 1-84, tDl, t9'^, t93, +97, 1105, +106, +107, +127, +128, '134, +144, 156, +158, +159, +162, 165, +167, +169, 174, 176. With* personal pronouns suffixed: +18. +20, +21,,+24, *+24, +25, +26, +29, +32, +36, +49, +64, +65, +78, +77, 185, +88, +99, +115, 121, +145, +146, *+167, 169. ~ww« 4 o 15 un 4ntu : they were, (his majesty) was +99, f +108, +137, +154, tl65, +171, +176. /?h^m~ww. pa un: for, became 13, 14, 21, 44, 59, 70, 87, 131, 132, 148. ottR : oTTon esse, habere. >. — . un. Verb: to open 22. oiron : OTum : oTen : othii : «kOTu>M aperire, aperiri, apertum esse. .-—a unem. Adi\.: .right (hand) *\SA, 185. Compare 07rndk.M : otiiu)>.m : iionekM dextra; Hebrew T^IT ; and 131 the Assyrian Et±A «'»»»*« "right hand." [The first Hi- eroglyphic sign is not read &inent(i) in this word.] ^~w« ^ O ' unnet. Noun, fern. : hour *27, 41, 64, 173. J"^ i\ -wwvA c O ^=!s= em ta unnet ^er^ut : instantly 112. oTTiton hora. gO r-^-^-^ unl^u. Verb: to put on, dress 42. AAAAftA ^im-A ukhakh. Verb: to see*, look for 119, 120, '122. 7i ukhakh: '72, 101. *I r ^ f"*^ usemu. Noun: goM-metal 157. Cf. Brugsch, Hieroglyphish-demotiscJies Worterbuch, V, pg. 336 flf. -P'^^^JxS/i ushebtu. Verb: to declare 81. 1:30 J ^J°-J; M 1130-3X2^1 ushebtu: to a«A 131. J J x 21) ub^ebt (mis- spelled ? ) : to answer 72. oTiaigS : oTTioigq respondere. i vl utu. Noun: crown, garland, wreath 157. 5 111 uthu. Noun: table 146, 162. sli- I I udennu. Noun, pl.i offerings, libation 149/150, 1.56. OTraiTiitoTUiTentoToe^ii libare; libatio. e ~l ^ -2=^1 I uzefau. Noun: delay 21. OTrtocq : ottocci vacare, otiosus esse, deficere. h uza. Noun: strength, prosperity. In the phrase . „, 4nl^ uza sneb life! strength! health! — the constant and reverential expression after the name or the men- tion of a liciug Ph^iLvOli 93, 94, '95, 96, 98, '99 102 103, 104, 105, 107, 109, 132, 136, 139, 143, 145, ''146,' 132 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, '155, 156, *158, 159, 160, '162, 165, 166, 170, 173, 174, 176, 177, 181. otto'X : o-ir«aw,i : OTTdw-xi sannm esse; sanus; salus. ^i m^l (by a mistake for ^i m (by a mistake for JI& .^ ii , the de- terminative having been taken from the preoedinq; line) uzai. Verb: to depart, start 180. fi tj T^i""n ftrirutu. Noun, pi.: clmriot 157. <=>'^0 I tlrus^ Noun: time 76, 122. <=>0 i tlrsj^. 85. pooTuj : AakOtriy ; pd^oTiy : piooTriy curare; cura. <=>A 6 I urhu. Verb: to strew, hesTnear 74. O 11 (l»hi. Verb: to place, put 6, 8, 52, 71, 74, 86. 87, 93; to spare 104. ortojroTikgtoTeg^ponere, addere. J V ba. Noun: soul, person 31. 3i I 1^ Btau. Proper name, masc: Batau; the name of the younger brother in the papyrus 1, 80, 82,89, 104.113,125, 128,134, 142, 160. JT S, i . Batau: 111. Jl H ^^ " ^ baat. Noun: wonder, asUmishment, prodigy an..J^flf^b4aiu,p,.:mJ^q^rr7: buaaitu: pi.: 137. Compare McrefeH ecstasis. Jl %^ ban. Adj.: had, wicked 29, 44, 69. &(on:&oni mains. 133 J ^ bu. Negative: not 69, 103. J^'g bupu. Negative: not 39, 40. "-, , , , y^ bunuru. J A^/w^A • III I yi er bunuru. Prep. : outside of 86. Compare pn&o\ egredi. J ben. Negative: not 31, 42, 63. Compare .un : Men nihil. ,=5!t^ beh. qaw£ prseputium. _^,^->-e= em beti. Prep.: in front of before 6, 8, 59, 86, 178. n ^--^ J behau. Verb: to return 122, 123. m behau: pi. form: *6, 33, 37. JaI ^-J belies. Verb: to hunt 86, 89. Jx'^i=3 behu(by a mistake of the scribe) : 76. Compare nA.oc prseda. J 0^ n bekhennu. Noun, masc. and fern. : citadel, home, abode 11, 78, 117. Compare the Heb. jna specula, turris. J r^ 1 I bp^u. Verb, pi. form: to besmear 40. ■S^ beku. AVrb: ii)Worl\ labor 3?. ^:=^^J^ beku. Noun: work: ^'•orl-man *4, *17. Compnre £kok servus I •5=1 ce-^ -'J ra beku : Jiandiwork, labor 33. '~i~' I rib-^ku: pi. form: 17. Jb\^ V "'fe^ betau. your, masc.: wickedness 31. Cf. fcoTC : fcsw'^ : feo^i" abominatio. TWi I 1 beti. Nonn: spelt, a species of grain ^24^. Cf. few'^- : fco-^ : fcioTC far. 1,-U D P pa. Definite article, masc. sing.: the '1, fc 10, 19, '22, '28. :5(», :ir), 36, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 5:;. '54, 55. %'")';. .-).>, %•)!), GO. 01, =65, 'Ql, 70, -71, 73, 74,' 75. 76, 77, 82, 84, 86, 88, '90, 91, '92, =93, 96. 98, 100, '10 1 . 104, 107, 10S. 109, 110, 111, ni3, '117, 119, 122, '126. 130, 133, i;U, 137, 139, 143, 144, 1.50, 152, 153, '1.55. 156,157,100, 172.175,182. nKn€:n:f^ art. def. pa \xn: for, if, because 13, 14, 21, 44, .59, 70, 87, 131, 132, 148. Z^ m^ upaenti: who, wlud'M, 54, 68, 70, 96, 130,131, 13.5, 147, 163. 169, 182. um. .m c^ w 1 _Mb pa enti . . . am : where 140. /'^- m^M5 pa a ; thai which, what 102, 148. ^^ ^m >=n: ^s pa tern : without 57. ^ pal. Demons, pronoun: this *27, 31, 44, 123, 147, 164, '182. paia. Poss. pron., I. masc. sing.: my 21, 54, 71. paik. Poss. pron., II. masc. sing.: your 37, 40, 42, 48, '62, '66, 68 (by mistake for paif), 69, 70, 80, 132, 133. pait. Poss. pron., II. fem. sing.: yorj/r 30, 43. ^^ !^i4>u=^ paif. Poss. pron.. III. masc. sing.: his *2, *3, *4, *5, 5, *6, 7, 8. 12, *14, 15, *18, 19, 20, 23, 32, 33, *33, 34, 35, '38, 39 (by mistake for paiset), 39, 44, '45, '46, 47, 49, 50, *51, 51, 52, '53, 55, '57, 61, 68, 69, '74, '75, 78, 85, 89, 113, 115, '117, 118. '119. 123, 124 5, 136, 127, '128, 129, 134, 135 "''38, 179. 180. 135 , paiset. Poss. pron., III. fern, sing.: Tier "37, 39 (where only iset), 40, 48, 90, 91, 108/109, 145; Us 79. I I I paisen. Poss. pron., III. pi.; their 17, 33, 35. ^ paut. Noun, fern. : cycle of nine gods 78, 79, 80. D pu. Auxiliary verb: to he 74, 78, 90. D pe: +180. Cl ne esse. J (2 bupu : not 39, 40. ©il^ pui. Verb: to fly 167, 176. 8 pen&. Verb: to turn around^ pervert, lie 64. Cf. n3B vertit se. nco(onc:noone:nu>ci>nt mutare. rHI per. Noun, masc: house 1,6,34,88,39,69, "74,78, 85,90, 91, 113. +^v.5llni:il sutenper: royal palace 158. Compare ne : t^ in names of cities. L JL jSii Per-4a. Noun, masc: Pharaoh (literally Great House): 93, 94, "95, 96, 98, "99, 132, 139, 143, 149, 153, 160, 166, 181. cnn Per-aa: 158. Cf. Hebrew njjns. i per-liez. Noun: treasury "181. j\ per. Verb: to com e mit, (jo forth, issue 24, 31, 78, 86, 90, 145, "158. J\ [ 1 pertj-a : participial form, fern. : 13. neipe : nipe : nppe : ^i^'P' oriri. \ I I I pert. Noun: grain 14, 19, 20, 23, 41, 63. efcp^s.: €&pe granum; nipe germinatio. Cf. ''•1$ fructus. 136 oow Ji ps^ti (the second c. is perhaps a mistake of the scribe). Jfoiiii: strength 25. «».Ma».jT€ : kM&.£i : €M«k^i : iwAie^i robiir, fortitxido, dominatio, potestas. U pesset. Verb: to bafce 8. nic€ : noce : tl^a^c : t^ec : t^ici : t^ocj coquere, ixrere. c^ ^ V — 1\ pessd. (the last two determinatives are added by a mistake of the scribe). Noun: hac7,- \H0, 135. pet. Noun, fern.: heaven 176. ne: nH ttlif cceluni. °^¥ .^rj-ptera. Verb: to see, riew 26, 51, 61, cS4, 90, US, 136, 158, KKI. Interj.: behold! 43 44, 64. cSl, ]2i), 14 i, 143/144. Cf. the Hebrew ~ins interpretari somuiuni. f. III. pers. ninsc. .'•iiig. suffix: I. Artor verbs: he, Jdm, it 2, 5, 6, 8, *9, 9, '93, 24, 26, '31, "32, *34, '38, "41, M3, '44, '45, "47, .5(1, '51, .52, .55, ■'57, '65, 66, '67, '08, 70, 71, '72, 73, '74, 75, 76, '78, 86, 93, 96, 97, '98, 101, 104, 109, 112, 113, 114, 11.5, 116, '117, '113, 120, 121, '122, '123, '124, 12.5, '127. 129, 134, 135, n3% '1.33, 139, '140, 141, 142, '147, 148, '151, 158, '163, 167, 173, 175, 178, '179, 180, 182. II. After substantives and compound prepositions: his; hivi 4, 11, 23, *26, '39, 43, 45, 49, 51, '.53, 5.5, 57, 59, 67, '68, '74, '76. 77, 79, 85, '88, 96, 102, 103, 104, 105, '107, 109, 114, 120, 121, 12.5, 126, 127, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139. 14.5, '140, 1.50, 151, 1,52, 154, '15.5, '156, 159, '162, 105, 170, 172, 173, 174, tl76, 176, 177, 179. III. After simple prepositions and particles: he; him 2, 3, 4, *4, 9, 10, 12, '14, 15, tl8, t20, 21, 24, *t24, 25, '27, 29, t29, 32, t32, 40, '42, 43. 44, 149, 58, 164. t65, 68, 69, 1-73, '74, 76, t77, 77, '78, 79, 81, 82, 83, t85, 137 88, t88, 97, 98, 114, 115, tll5, 119, 120, '121, 123, 124, '127, '136, 137, 138, 142, tl46, 148, 149, 152, 171, 173, 178, 179, 183. IV. In combination: /^ m']'j><^^ paif. Poss. pron.. III. masc. sing.: Ms *2, *3, *4, *5, 5, *6, 7, 8, 12, *14, 15, *18, 19, 20, 23, 32, 33, *83, 34, 35, "38, 39 (by mistake for paiset), 39, 44, '45, '46, 47, 49, 50, *51, 51, 52, 53, 65, "57, 61, 68, 69, '74, '75, 78, 85, 89, 113, 115, '117, 118, '119, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, '128, 129, 134, 135, '138, '179, 180. taif, Poss. pron., III. fem. sing.: Jier *7, 32, 38, 49, 52, 65, 75, 76, 81, 159, 178. -8^11^,=^ naif. Poss. pron.. III. pi.: Ms; its 2, *5, 7, *9, 9, '34, 46, 116. em entuf : Tie 2, *3, 3, *3, 30; it +1. ^ em tuf : 7Ce 5, 6, 7, *7, 8, 9, '10, 34, 71, 73, 157. em.d.uf: with reference to Jdn 2, *25, 65, 87. C=^ cm dutuf : icitJi reference to Mm 97. x^. tuf: Mm, Mmself his 34, 116, 138, 174, 179, 180; it, its 31, 45, 72, 91, 127, 171. This suffix is in Coptic q and in Hebrew l. W fi. Archaic form of the preceding suffix: Mm, his 35, 55. fa. Verb: to load, carry 32, 116, 132, 138. Also in the phrase: to take to one^s heels, run 52, 91. Coptic qsk! : £i«ki : feci : qi : &i : qiT : &it ferre, portare, tollere. fet. Verb: to despair 72. Cf . qo« repudiare. In his Worterhuch II, 537 Brugsch transcribes this word "\ 2i), fi, but corrects this in VI, 498. 138 em. Preposition: in, on *2, 3, 4, *6, *7, 9, *10, 18, 22, 26, 28, "30, 35, 37, '39, 42, 44, 45, '46, *51, 60, "63, 64, 65, 70, '75, 76, 77, 83, 84, 85, 88, 93, 94, 95, 98, lOO. 106, 107, 112, 119, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, 13:{. 134, 137, 138, 139, 140, 149, 151, 155, 156, 157, 169, 17^, '173, tl76, 177, 179, 181, 182; from, out of, of 19, 31, 78, 92, 158; to, into 129, 132, 144, 145, 153, 155, 161, 164, 167; according to 5, 38, 47, 89; with *6, 24, 34, 62, 66, 78, 132, 138; as 176, 179. i; Also in 37 (by mistake for em zed), 40 (before nima), 136 (added by mistake before &mef). In combination with prepositions. 1 25*^7^^^ em airumau: together with *7. :=i^ em beh : before, in front of 6, 8, 59, 86, 178. ® ^ 7i em 1^9t : after, when t4, tl5, tl7, t33, 44, teO, t75, t89, tl027tll2, tl21, tl33, tl40, tl61, tl74; ^^ emkhet: t8, t76, tl56, *tl65, tl69, tl75; j\ emUist: tl24; ^^.a emkhet: 6; ^ ® em Idiot : tl49. ^'o>l em sa: after, behind 2, *5, 9, 34, ,^3, 62, 91, 158; on account of 97. _Mi <=:^ em ter: on acco\mi em teru: since, when, because 63; _M^^-T emra: truly 62, 118, 141, 144. J3^ .^ I em d&au : in the morning, now *14, 121. 140 I mu. Noun: part, side. In composition: <=i=> i er mu. Prep„: at the side of, near 90, 155. / — er mu: 152. \=J\ maa. Verb: to Mil, sacrifice 150. .^_o^ w/lmaat: 1.51. y ..uiciV I I I maatu. Noun: rigM, truth 54, 59. m«>.i justi- ficari; m€ : mhi Veritas. V\ ma. Adj. and adv.: like, as *28, 36, 45, 127. In com- position: §lllo (?ll maqedenu: like 87. #ll <==> .MO-yf : kMH veni! <=> Hn makherat. yn:n, masc: store-house, bin, crib 22. flliii mashau. Verb: to march, journey 116. Cf. jr:-/>. Mou}' • Jw^ooiS' = Jwooiue ire, ambulare; via. ^ mak. Adv.: now 29. tM (5 ^ makua(?); see, now 48. 141 i=:. I in^ten(t) or^jer(t). Noun, masc: way, road, path 22. MioiT : MO£iT via. AWVNA mu. Noun, masc: water 39, 55, 67, 72, 98, 124, 125 (with plural article), 126; essence, matter 100. Cf. "tt , Is , I y. MOTT : MA.-T : juiooT : MOOT aqua. /w>/wv!^ ^n menaut. Noun: landing-place. In the <=> c=n(2 ^^ expression FD © © ' vw^A^ /w^A^^ H ,^^ ^ n haru en men- aut: day (^ lav ding i. e. death, resurrection 180. Cf. Moone : Moni :'r : ji^Moni in portum deducere, pervenire ad portum. r^u menat. Noun, fern.: nurse 171. Moone : Aidk^dwiti : Moni : MOHH nutrix. />~w«Hi\iis merit. Noun: lake, river, water; shore, bank 96. MHpe inundatio. si' merut. Verb: to love 107, 139, 173. McpetMcnpe amare; amor. in^ Merem&pt. Proper name; masc: Mer- 14^ e/napt; ii scribe 181. He is also mentioned in Pap. Auasta«i IV^ pg. 9 verso 1. 4 as Merapt. ^^ ^ mut (or mert). \er6: to Mil, die 43, 85, 112. M^ mer diad '118. .^U=fl mer Mlling 85. MOT mors; moottt occidere; MtooTTT mori. Cf. nifi in Hebrew, »-< vmtu in Assyrian, cj-o in Arabic; and the Indo-Germanic languages: Sanscrit mr, Persian ^.,vi./a, Greek ^oprof and /?/ooror, Latin mor*, Germnn SWorb, our murder. ^ d! mert or mut. Noun, fem. : mother 1, 30, 63. _i^ • sll mer 43. Mak-TiMCTrrjueoiriMakakT mater. Cf. Sanscrit mMr, Greek ^rffTTfi, Latin viater, German 3Riitte'", our motJier. ^c=i^ meh. Verb: to fill 78; to begin *12, 14, 16, 32; to be full of 56; to wear 157; to bejnamored of 27, 92. Mdw£:Me£^:MO£^:Moirj implere, plenum esse. \>er mes. Noun: child, son *59. Ill I mi mesu: th^ yowling (of animals) 11. m&.c iiifans. III mesiu. Verb: to bring forth, bear 170. e mesitu: to be brought forth 170. m*wc gignere. ^ I Mil mesu (or m4su). Noun, fem.: liver 147. Compare M€CT-e«-OHT pectus. Msfl X^i I I meshn. Xonn. uiasc, pi.: crocodiles 56, 68. MCd^^: cMCi^j^: .-.Aitoog crocodili.s. .1^^? em tu. Tn conibinntion with ■!>ronnuii>: M^t^, _F^ ? ]43 ''■^\ (B (B, Cf. page 139, under A D em du. with reference to, to. Also in combination with pronouns: m._ ^ , ^ sD , m, ^il, M^-^^-*, ^^1 o, ^^^1. . I. Cf. page 139, under L D em du. Negative: not. .M&A DHH,=^i= em duit: 21, *22, 72. v.«w, en. Prep.: /or, to, from 2, 3, 18, 21, 22, 27, *27, *28, 41, 43, 57, 64, 69, 70, 82, 83, 107, 123, 131, 133, '136, 137, 144, 147, 148, 149, 152, 156, 173, 177; as 79; by 14, 25, "36, 38, 42, 43, 65, 74, 90, 143, 144, *146, 448, 163, 182. Before iT^i" 12, ^® en ^a: behind 45, 51. jg 27 63 102. Sign of the genitive: % 2, 6, t8, 11, +12, 4l6,'20, 23, 26, 28, -30, 31, t33, 34, 35, *42, 47, 50, 51, 65, 56, 57, 59, +60, '63, =66, '69, 71, +72, ^72, "73, 74, 75, "76, 78, 79, '80, 82, 86, 87, 93, '94, 95, 96, 99, '100, 106, 108, 111, +112, 113, '114, 115, 117, 119, +120, +121, '123, 124, 126, 127, 129, +134, 146, 147, 149, +149, '150, '152, 153, '156, 157, 159, 160, 162, 166, -167, 170, 171, 174, 175, 177, 179, '180, '181, 182, *184, 18.5, 188. After verbs to introduce the subject: *4, 21, 29, 32, 44, 68, '74, 77, '78, 92, 97, 120, 121, 133, 148. , and 127. After verbs of speaking, giving, &c. to introduce the object: to 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, '20, 21, '24, 25, 27, 29, '31, 37, '40, 41, '42, '43, 48, 53, m, 64, 69, 72, 73, 79, 81, 82, 86, 88', 92, '98, 99, 102, 103, 104, 106, 109, 114, 116, 121, 128, 132, 134, 138, '142, '146, 147, 148, 164, 156, 162, '163, 170, '171, 178, 179, 183. By mistake in the word ^^T "^ ^ &zedu : 22, 61. 144 k na Definite article, masc. and fem., pi. : the 8, 11, 93, 97, 99, 108, 104, 125, 158. In combination with pio- nomia I suffixes: k.^"^ naia: my 177. ^tj^::^^ I I I naik: ymir 26, 70. ^^I^.^^ naif: his 2, *5, 7, *9, 9, '34. 46, '116. \M k i i naisen: tJteirUo. ni v.tX. pi-. nan. Definite article, masc. and fem., pi.: the 68,75, '94, 95, 149, 151, 166. mnen art. pi. '**^'lll n^ru. Noun, masc, pi.: ndr-fishes 67. A/WWA W -E*§ 2!i' nima. Inter, pron. ; who 40, 142. niM quis. rr^i nu. Pers. and poss. pron. suffix, I. pers. conim. i)l.: yWAAAA AAAAAA ^ we, us; m.T 14, 27, '41, '64, 130. TT\ en nu : to vs, 'for us, by us 12, 19, 27, 63, 102. en : n nos, noster. A nu. Particle: well/ come! 54, 142. Cf. Erman, Or. 54. O I nu. Prep, and sign of the genitive: of 116, 179. ® ci nut or nent. Noun: city, town. Tillage 80. \37 neb. Noun, masc: chief, lord 182. ^3:75^ neb: 54. 11H& dominus, herus. ^:=7 neb. Adj.: all, every 3, 6, 10, 15, 34, 47. 55, 78, 101, 139. ^ nebt:fem.: 32, 65, 81, 83, 89, 106, 12.5, 129, 131,147,157, 164,165, 169,177. uifieu : ni&i : ium omnis. ._jii o uanebt: everyone 154. ^:r7 vk nob: daily *5, 38, 47, 89, 124. m ^ nuter nebt : godhead, divine essence 84, 100. 145 C^ nsb. I?oun: pold 132, 1S8. Koirfc : no-rq aurum. in^i hez: silver (literally: white gold) 132, 138. Jl "tCt nebd. Nonn, fem. : tress of hair; toilet 20. J IC "tft, nebd: 92, 94, 97, 99. Cf. noT&T plectere. t<=> nefer. Adj.: good, heautiful 4, *4, 10, 11, 69, 78, 83, 102, 106, 129, 131, 145, 146, 180. (}<=>n nefer: (the deteiiuinative from the preceding or following word): 1, 162, 173. i<=>i'=r1 neferu: pi.: *28, 164. i<=> 64, l^W r-"^ nefert : fem. : 11. 6 <=> C i nefertja : fem. : *13. noTqpe : nofipe : noqpi : noTrqe : noTqi bonus. "I -| "T"*";^^ nen. Demons, pron.: this, these t4, tl8, +75, +77, +89, +103, +140, +156, +161 162, +169, +174, +175. 7;:;x::. (by mistake of the scribe) nen: +165. n&.i : tici illi. i::^ nen. Negative: not 4, *17, 31, 59, 60. 62, 68, 70, 76, 87, 96, 120, 129, 148. o^u hand. Cf. Heb. Xl3, Pers. ij and «j, Greek vr)-, Latin non and ne. /tAIVNAA O A — ,©0 nennu. Verb: to pass the tiTne. Noun, masc. : ^iwie 122. tii\T : iiev hora. ''^^(2-^s- nennu. Verb: to see 50, 125. n&.-ir:n€Tr videre. i". — .S iicr5±=> ^ III nennuitu. Verb: to see to, tend to 70. ^ — . <5 11 ^^-^ A nennuit : to hurt, harm 70. '— ^HHU nenui. Noun, masc: ^•wi/'e 45, 49, *51. 66. /WVSAW ^(fi. /^^-^ 11 ^^=^ nonuif (by mistake] : 63. rn ^S^^Si^^i nehamu Verb: fo rejoice 133,137, 146 172. ra mS^^^m nehamu: lOT, 155. s® en ha. Prep.: behind 45, 51. See page 14H. JfcSsxJ? ne^eb. Noun: neck 151. nawj^ : njk£&€ : iid^o^ti : negAe jugum, collum, humerus. 1\ ^ ^ ^ JS'^ .=?:£=) h neltemu. Verb: to ward off, rescue, Uhvrati^ 87. iiogCM : i\dw£M : itoTgM : ttcg.u salvare, liber; if. ^^A~w 15^ X %. neh h. Adv., preceded by <==> er: former r)i). /y^AAA^ . eng^: cneg^ banculuui, unquam. nesi. Adj.: helovgmq to 100. /^A^AAA i-t^ JP' III ne^u. Verb: to he benumbed, stupifled 125. Cf. u)nti| : ouiy ; eTroiiuj attonitus esse; stupor. r-n-i ^'to. nei^jtau. Noun: Jiair 2'i. See note page 112. crfinfTTn ne^u. Noun, masc, pi.: door-postn or gates (l) 152. X) I I nektU. Noun, masc, pi.: thinr/s 69, 71, 73, 131, 148. iiK*. : enKi>. : eiix*'' aliquid, res, negotium. ^\ enti. Relative: wJio *6, 36, 101, 139; which, what '11, 24, 25, *35, 76, 83, 90, 98, 111, 119, 126; what pertains or belongs to 3, 5, 38, 47, 89, 120, 124. iitc quod per- /a tlnet {id. lA^ mc w pa enti : wAo 54, 68, 70, 96, 147. 1f>?«. 169: ichMt 22, 182. /?>^ !^q vv --- 'j^ pa enti . . . am: where 130, 131. ^m, 141. ent and a e J\ er &ud : between '55. <=> /i 1 1 u er aq : opposite, /VAAAA^ in the mids/ ii/-' '.)~. «c=>j| i i i i Jl erbunuru: outside of 86. 'S ~ er mu : near, by the side of 90, 165. / — er mu : 152. <=> ^ i er hat : before, in front of 11, 35, 39, 48, 49, 91; on account of 80. <=> « 148 9i*hen&: together vyith 146. «=>'S=e^\\ er aqer aqer: »ery 11, "12, 17, 39, 68, 82, 85, 97, 98, 102, 107, 136, 139, 144, 146, 148, 149, 173. <=^^P, . . ermaatu: cor- rectly, TigUly 54. — .mX®i ernefteh: for- 150. <=>c=a er zed : saying; now; naviely 54, 71, 73, 137, 154; in order to say 103, 104, 170. I ra. Noun: work, pjv facere. In combination r i r4 baku : lahor, handiwork 33. ~T^ ^ ^-■^ n\ r^baku: 17. pi i i I i i i i khaunu r&u (the last determinative from the preceding word) : tools, implements 116. J^ i em rk : in truth, surely 62, 118, 141, 144. <==>"~7^ kher Tk: truly, in truth 73. enter 59. <=. A or n er ^ez ta : in the morning (lit.: when the earth was illumined) 58, 135. <^ — :. ?r~e n)!^ 1J I er tennu : each 5. <=> er ter (with pronomial suflaxes) : all (lit. : in . . totality) *15, 139. <=>'^ er dut: in order to 9, 35, 46, 108, ^Ui I ra. [But haru in 1. 165. 1 Noun, masc. : m,n, day. CI O I pH:pesol. In composition: ^z> i a neb : ^rLl!m'0 I ruha: 119. Compare the Coptic po-yge : poirg^i : Xoirgi vespera. D ^ o Jrf rerat. Noun, masc. • hereditary chief, prince 175, 17b, no, *184. >^ X')')^ remit. Verbal form: to cry, weep 68. ^ ^^\ remiu : 118. piMe : piMi : Aimi flere. ^^c. I? rement. Nouh: shoulder, hacJc ^M, 25. <=> ".^s. her remeni: hy the side of, next to 151. AAAAAA sS ren. Noun, masc. : name '1. II^ renen : 173 (the second /wwv> may possibly belong to the following K.=^-) pa».n : pen : Xen nomen. I I renpet. Noun: pear 179. I I i renpetu: pi.: years t72, tl20, *+175. pjiine : poMne : poAini J Xak.uni annus. 150 Q w-oa. yj III relitiu. Noun, masc, pi.: washermen 93, 94, 96. U re^. Verb: to Tcnow 26, 96; to fall in love with, he enamored of 26 (the first in the line); to be able, run i, 87. \ (s rekhtu: verbal form: to Jcnow l^i'i . \\ I I rel^iu: adj., pi.: skilled, wise 99, KHi. Cf . the Coptic piou{€ : puiuii videre. <=> q i^r^ res^utu. Verbal form: to be glad, rejoice IHQ. pd^iye : pjviyi : Xeuji gaudere, Isetari; gaudium. <=!=> vA a s — > ,11 ret^u (others read rometu). Noun, pi.: persons 31, 101, 103, 105, 110, 139, 151. » ill (by mistake of the scribe) re^u: 138. 11? redui. Noiin, dual: the two leffs ov feet 51. Cf. pa».T : XcT pes. "^11 red. Verb: to sproiit, grow, blossom 153, 155. Cf. ptrtT : po'^ : pHT germinare; planta. -g:a. L I l!m.-— a luaat. Noun, fern.: side, Ixunk of u rivei- 56, 58, 152, 153. ra H ra^^ ha. Interj.: oh! ah! 159. Hlm^S) hau: 80. ra ^^4c^^ hai. Noun and adj.: husband; male 30, '37, 40, 109, 145. g«wi : jci maritus. 151 ra m 41 ^ halt. Verb: to fall, d/rop 71, 112. m mfl A \\ haitt^a • participial form, fern. : to plunge into water 98. g^c invenire; £^e! cadere. ra ImJT^ hab. Verb: to go, walk 18, 63. Cf. pcjah^^ioft nuntius. (De ©' haru. Noun, masc: day tl6, t60, tll2, tl34, 145, tl49, 172, 180. ra o 'har:tl21. m ^2 o' I haru: pi.: t4, t8, *tl7, 175, t77, +89, +102, +140, +169, +174, *+175. ra\® I [hareml^u] by mistake for haru: +161. ra o 'l haru: +156. ®'l haru: +165. Cf. the Cop- tic gooT : giwOTT : egooT : g^ooTre dies. ® 'i^Si.'iiovin: hack of the head, bacJc. In composition A^A^ H .^® en ha: prep.: hehlnd 46, 51. I (2«,^ I hau: Noun, masc, pL: weapons, utensils 116. ^ i <^ i er hat : prep. : before, in front of 11, 35, 39, "49, 91; on account of 80. o wO h4ti. Noun, masc: heart 68, 72, 76, 81, 87, 88, 96, 120, 121, 126. ^ w'O! hatl: 125, 126, 127, 148. ^ wO El ^&ti (determinative is added by a mistake on the 152 pan of the scribe) : 71, 111, 119, 123. Cf. the Coptir gHT cor. . X (? W y\ hauti. Adj. : first, preceding, leading 48, 49. Cf . goTTiT : goTreiTc primus, princeps. li I I h&^au. Noun, masc, pL: bench {1) 118. ^u. Verb: to throw, strike 57. Vh^^ hu: *44. ^^rr: hut (the last determinative taken from tlie preceding word) : 91. g^i : g^ioir : g^ioire : gioTri jacere. wwwSS hunnu. Noun: vase, jar 2B. g^rtJs.J!>.-y:£^tio calix, vas. Compare the Hebrew measure \T\. X/w^C^J-A hunnu. Verb: ^6i t-wj/- 19; to duiuiss Ufi. X^^aa^a (3 III hunnu: verbal form: fo rww *21. gfH progredi. I I vl hululu. Noun, fern. : blossom, flower 88, 111. "^ ■.^^s&.gx. : §&co tegere; §qcto vestis, pallium. r^ hemt. Noun, fem.: wife 1, 7, *19, 35, 38, 63. 64, 65, 153 76, 80, 81, 130, 169, 178. £^iai€ : «^iMe mulier. In com- position: o ^ oH set j^emt: woman 82, S;!, 87, '106. V T AAAA-w ill Q fl III (the last determinntive is tnken from the preceding word) sutanhemt: royalwife. queenl67. '•a ]^9ms. Verb: to sit, recline, remain, G, 20, 41, 75, '83, 114, 124, 180, 135, 138, 145, 159, 172. _^^ jifl (with redundant determinative) hems: 85. Cf. the Coptic peMci : gAiooc : gMiwdwC sedere, manere, habitare. hen Noun: majesty, king (lit.: consecrated). In the phrase 7Us majesty 102, lo3, 104, ] 05,' 107, 109, ^^c^, 145, '146, 150, 152, l-H "1.55, 156, 159, '162, 165, 170, 173, 174, 176, 177. _j] hsna. l\e\\: loith 6, 59, 6/5, 76, 102, '116, 178. In composition: <=>X a erhenS,: together with 145. '^ AO ^N? ^lennu. Noun: phallus 67. ^ ' her. Prep. : at tl2, 17, 20, 97, 122 (1st), 149, 162, *184, *185; on account of 28, 132; for 39 (2nd); in order to 79 (2nd), 172 (Ist); with 57 (2nd), 73 (1st); under 100; on 22, 24 (2nd), 25 (1st), 56 (2nd), 56 (3rd), 58 (2nd), 71 (2nd), 74 (2nd), *76, 87 (2nd), 118 (Ist), 130 (1st), 135 (2nd), 153 (1st), 157 (2nd), 158 (3rd). Before verbs to introduce the firdte verb: *5, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, '25, '26, 28, 29, 32, 36, 42, 43, 44, 47, 49, ,53, '54, 55, '68, 69, 61, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69, 71, 72, '73, 77, '79, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97, '99, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 115, '121, 125, 128, 130, 131, 133, 135, 138, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 151, 164, 167, 158, '159, 160, 162, '166, 166, 167, 168, 170, 171, 174, 176, 177. To introduce the finite verb after 1 ^ au : 2, 16, *17, 154 19, 23, 24, *31, '32, *34, 36, 37, '38, 39, 46, 41, 42, '43, '45, 47, '48, "50, 51, =52, 53, 56, 57, 59, '61, 64, 66, "07. *68, 69, 73, '74, 75, 78, 79, 82, 84, 86, 89, '91, 92, 95, 96, 97, '98, 102, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, '114, '115, 116, '117, 118, 121, 122, '123, 124, '125, 126, 127, 128, 12'j. '132, 134, '135, '136, 138, 139, 140, '141, 142, '145, 147, 148, 150, '151, 152, 153, 158, '161, 162, 163, 166, 167, '168, 170, 171, '172, '173, *178, '178, '179, 182. Cf. tlu' Coptic gi : £ip£n : g^ipto : gp».i : eg^pa^i : cg\Hi super, versus, ad, in, inter, &o. In combination: <=> <:z^ ^ I Jiiiiiuit N\ herer: on^ on top of 111. <=>\rf^'T~^^ her re- meni : . hy the side of 1 51 . <=> ' "^ ' ^ler sa : aftei^ tl8, t75, t77, +89, +103, +14(), 151, +156, +161, +174 +175; <=J^ hersa: +169. S^®o7^ em Idiet her : after +33. ^er. Noun, masc: cJdef, h>rrl, 96. Q I tier(t), or inat9n(t). Noun, masc: way, road, path 22. giH via. See page 141. Hera. Proper name, masc: Hera\ n srrihe under Merenptali I. nnd Seti IT. 181. He is uunitioiied ulso in Pap. Sallier II pg 3 line 8; Piip. Anastnsi IV p,ii-. 9 verso 1. 2 and 0; IX 1. 1. <—> fcrf heru. Prep.: except, besides 40. go>\:gH\ abire. !^ vl Her-khuti. Epithet of Ri, lit.: the J/orns in the horizon, tilt- Greelv 'l4p/^«jz? 53, 61, 100. J^^own Her-khuti: 65, 82. See page 148 149. I A I o5l iieqt. Noun: beer 73, 114. 156 n het (or li&t?). Noun, fem. : house. In composition I ID n nuter liet : temple (lit. : divine Tiouse) 188. TT tiat^p. Noun: ineasure, bushel 25. i i i hetepu: pi: hushels *25. e^=, l^etep. Noun: hetep-bread, name of a loaf of bread in the shape of this sign 187. DSn ^letep, Verb: fo se< (of the sun) 47 (with the deter- minative of the preceding noun). jouTn : £OTn : o€Tn occidit sol; occidens. n,=>rfz=i hetepu. Noun: satis/action, pleasure 181. Cf. the Coptic g^uiTn : £OTn : gcTn reconciliare. .^ I H:'! heterau. Noun, pi.: horses *16. X^'il HtI tieterau. Noun, pi.: horses *16. A<:=>11 "^1 heterau : 12, 158. gTo : g^eo equus; ge^iop : g^rtoiop equi. This word is also found in the composite noun ]Tl^fll^i I ent thenthetsrau. [The first ent is perhaps du'^ to cnreles&ness on the part of the scribe. J Noun, collective form, fem.: cavalry 105. lDn<=>C)(tn,lll Hetliertu. Proper name, fem., pi.: the (seven) Hathors or fairies presiding at the birth of a child 84. f hez. Verb: to shine., illumine 8 (t first sign only), *+15, 160, tl21, tl49. If ]t3z: tl33. I ©fm liez: +112. In all the above passages the word occurs in the phrase when the earth was iUumined a second time i. e. on the following morning. Noun: morning 44, where the scribe has I o I sez for A O ^ ^ez. In the phrase <^ — ^ A g J s er IJez ta : wh^n it was morning 58, 135. Cf. grooire : g^TOve mane. 156 r*^ ^lez. Noun: silver (lit.: white gold) 132,138. See page 145. g«wT : jct argentum, nummus argeiiteiis. Kh J\ k^aa. Verb: to drop, let fall doton, throw 22, 67, 75, 124, 152; to leave, 'quit 80. i ^.^it, khaa : In leave, quit 17. ku> : 5(^01 : ^(i^ is. ponere, diiiiittere. ^= khas. Adj.: weaTc ^%. ^Sici : *oc> : g^icp : gxc* : ^ocfr- : g^ici laborare, pati, fatigatus ease. J. U=^ khadbu. Verb: to Mil 46, 57, 62, 66, 74, 81, 104, 161. <^i>^ J® 1=0 kliadubu^49. Cf. the (Coptic S U^ kh^. Verb: to appear in glory, shine; hr cro'imied 157 (With the determinative of the preceding noun). ujd^ : ujA.! nasci; oriri, splendere. S ^ Yx I khau. Noun, pi. : instrwm&nts, utensils 116. , w , khu. [Others read al^. ! Noun: favor, honor 27. lyo-T laudatus. khui. Noun: fan; shade. In composition: zai l^ui : fan-bearer, a high dignitary at the court of Pharaoh 184, "185. 511 Miuti. Noun, dual: horizon (lit.: th^ two horizons). In the epithet of Ra 58, 61, 100. ^vxSw^ 10uti: 65, 82. See pages 148 149 and 154. J 157 U-/l (2 Ic^ebatu. Verbal form: disapp(yintment, cTiagrin (?) 160. Compare the same curious spelling in Pap. Sallier II pg. 8 1. 9 (Anastasi VII pg. 4 1. 4) and II pg. 12 1. 1 (Anastasi VII pg, 8 1. 3). Cf. the Coptic igcoq : ujHq desolare; desolatio. (5 Igieperu. Verb: to he, remain tS, 11, tl6, 56, 59, 60, tbO, 94, 95, tll2, tl'21, tl24, 125, +134, 136, +149, 152; to becorrce, begin *28, 36, 44, 55, 68, 121, 127, 129, 132, 141, 161, 178; to Tiappen, come to pass 65, 71, 73; to maTce 134, 172. W © U Mieperu^a : Particip- (3 ge- ial form: wMcJi has happened 137. l^speru : Causative form: to support *30. In Coptic tyoon : ujA^d^n : [gu>ne : u](oni esse, existere, fieri. W (2 Hi'i I r I^iperu^u. Noun, masc, pi. : transforma- tions, form 134. Cf . ^([^cpefs : g^pE forma, simulacrum. Ill kheiut. i^umeral: three +26, +120. ujcmt : lyMT : ujomt: ujMitT : lyoMnT : lyoAvenT : ujak.MeT: lya^MeitT tres. All the other 111 are either signs of the, plural or else equivalents of the regular Hieroglyphic o°o. o JD liii khemt. Noun: iron, bronze; weapons 110. Compare g^OMCT : goMiiT : £U)MT aes. Sk^^ Khnuuiu. Proper name, masc: the god Khnwm, 82, 83. ^^^ III khsnemmu. Noun, pi., fern.: waiting- women, attendants 111. 26, Hier. Conjunction: for, and 3, 29, "30, '31, 42, '62, 63, ® •=" 64, "73, 81, '87, 100, 131. <=> f? khertu: there was ® II or were 1. S<=> l^erar: now it Jiappened 158 that 1, *t4, t8, tl2, tl5, tl7, t33, 43(»m)w if), 47, tfio, 70, 71, 7-2, "t75, t76, 8«, t89, 101, 1102, tll2, 120, tl2l, tl34, tl33, tl40, tl49, 150, 151, tl56, tl61, tl65, tl74, tl75. Cf. .**>. utique, reyera; sub, ab. Cb^m^ \QOievsk.YeTh: to fight, contend 88. CKim^W^ ]£h3rauti: 94, 95, 97; to punish 183. ^epi^cp ''x- terminare, expellere. ffi W «=>c=j:f=z. l^eri. Prep.: with, possessing "*1, 14, 16, 24, 49, 53, (56, 110, 123; at 50, 66, 76; und&r 90, '119, 122, 159. n /I\ W I <=>.=±^ 8eklieri(!): at 143, 161. (3 f\h \^'\h I 21/ kheru. Noun: word. In the expressioa <=>^ 21/ ar kheru: to pass sentence 178. ^pcoou- : gpooT vox. iwilli kheULUi(U). Noun, dual form: wee* 167. Coptic ^«k.« ooilum, cervix. IJ o o I l^esbedt. Noun: lapis-lazuli 157. , j^ khet. Prep. Cf. £is.9^oto juxta; ^«,e^o-!ru>q vici nus. In composition: _S<^® aj^ em khet : after t4, tl5, *tl7, t33, *44, t60, t75, t89, tl()2, tn2. tl21, tl33, tl40, tlfil, tl74. ^® A em khet: 1124 ^ A em khet : fi. JiJ^ ® ^ em khet : t8, t76, tl56, *tl65, tl69, 1175. -I>^ ® em khet : tl49. rri kh^tu. Nmm,- pi. : things 34, 78, 99, 139. x*^« t«*^- 159 S. III. pers. fem. sing, suffix she; her. V -s : Tier 105. This letter is also prefixed to tlie personal pronouns set and sen; of. -.»_l ^ -sset: she; \er 20, *t21, *t24, 24, ^f), *r26, 26, t26, 29, '36, 40, 86, 88, 106, 107, 111, {it), 142, *tl46, 147, '148, 163, *167/168. .&^ ^ I L em dusset : with reference to her 29, 108, 141, 146, kA aR "^"^ -^^ I I I I em dussen : with reference to thertb 95. Cf. page 139. I I. -s. Preformative letter before verbs to indicate the causative; cf. under sannu, sematu, semen, sel^e- peru, seqem. II. Abbreviation for sneb; which see. nnn sa (?) or khemt (?). Numeral: thirty 179. [In line 180 this sign is put, for .^Jv. by a mistake of the scribe. J -2 I '9« tk AA'^tB sa. Xoun, masc. : child, son. ^= ^^ ^^iHc^^fr zai: son, hoy (lit.: male child) 170, 171 . I sa I ^ sa. Noun: hacTt. In composition: J5%^ em sa:Prep.: suten sa shapes ; hereditary crown-prince 11 Ai Taaaa^a ^ ia suten sa ^epss : 184. 4/w>a« suten sa shapes: *1 85. uje filius. sm sa after, behind 2, *5, 9, 34, 53, 62, 91, 97, 158. <=>''^' her sa: Prep.: after tl8, 175, 177, 189, tl03, tl40, 151, ^ v- n56, tl61, 1174, tl75. <=>,'^ hersa: tl69. Inline H the <=> ' is omitted before ^ and both in line 165. I A saau. Noun: guardian, attendant 48. 160 ^^AA^Q.1J^ sannu. Verb, causative: to turn, hasten, send 21 (or else we might translate: "run/or me!" [said Jie\ to ftie). ¥ P (3 I 1 I sabu: Noun, pL: ornaments, trinl:ets 106. su. Reflexive pron., sing, and pi.: himself, herself, it- self, themselves. Instead of the pers. pron.: ?ie; lihnl, 68, 83, 151; it; them 64, 69, 88, 100, 127, 166. 8U. Pron. : it (referring to the cow) 48. I <:=.H r:;: ^ silra. \'erb: to drink 127. I ^ ^ ^T ^ 1 sftrau: Verbal form: *7. cio : coo : ce>.Tr-* bibere. I J* ^^lir^] sebai. Noun, masc: door 45.. I J* m seba: 50, 51. c£te:c£iH janua, porta, atrium. n ® Sep. Num. adv. : twice 57. con : cton : ceir : coon : ® en : cwton : cjs.n vices, iteruni. ^ after adjectives reduplicates and strengthens, them; cf. S f-^ W ^qer &qer (not aqer sep !) : to express the superlative very 11, 17, 82, 98, 102. See page 125 undt^r aqer. ■*^ sper. Verb: to go, arrive 32, 38, 74, lid, 135. (s 21' III speru. Noun, pi. : propers 55. ('f. the Coptic cncton : cencwn rogare; cuinc : cone : orare. ^>_=/l sefend. Noun: Tcnife 67. cHf>e: cnqe: CH:p gladius. I 1 ociiiili semSitu. Verbal form, causative: to invoice, call upon 53. Cf. the Coptic r.uH vox. 161 I tk^§^ semai: Noun: spisech, news 28, 36,'i03, 144. IE 2iM SSmaiu: pL: 44, 104. Cf. Tei>.Me : T^l>.MO : tj>.m*^ ; TJvMOOTC nunciare. I AAAAAA ^ semen. Verb, causative: to stand still 97. Coptic .viH« : MOTH : Moirne manere. II sen. Numeral: two 1, tS, *tl5, 25, 28, t60, tll2, tl21, tl34, tl49, n52, "154, 164. chj^tt duo. Heb. '?Tr. I I I I sen. III. pers. comm. pi. suffix: they; them; their *10, 10, 11, *11, l.f), 16, *16, *17, '18, 24, 32, 56, 60, 61, "79, 81, 84, ^9(i, hiJ, ^104, 106, 110, 111, '128, 153, 154, ='156, 169, II I I I I emdus- sen: with reference to them 95. In combination: I I I paisen: masc, sing.: their 17, 33, 35. .^"iil'i I I taisen: fem., sing.: their 16. m,^H I I I I naisen : coniui. jil. : their 110. 1^ s-^n. Noun, i.iasc: braiJter 1, 2, ■'■3, *4, 4, 6, 8, *12, "15, -19, 20, 21, .^2, m, 34, 35, 37, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, *51, "53, 57, 58, 61, 62, ^Ob, 6.1, 74, "75, 80, 113, "117, 118, "119, 123, 125, 126, 127, 129, 134, 135, 138, 179, 180. The word is omitted a Itogether in lines 45 and 55 by a mistake on the part of the scribe. con : ci^n frater. I sneb. Abbreviation for I Jl 11 sneb: Noun: health. In the phrase Til ankh. uza sneb life/ strength/ health/ — the constant «^nd reverential expression after the name or the mention of a living Pharaoh 93, 94, "95, 96, 98, "99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 109, 132, 136, 139, 143, 145, "146, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, "155, 156, "158, 159, 160, '162, 165, 166, 170, 173, 174, 176, 177, 181. 162 f : III sen by mistake for ^^i ill senf. Noun: ftfoorf 152. citoq : cno& : cn«w& : cn«wq sanguis. I c^si^S'aLt sendu. Wrb: to be a/raid 144. I csi^^ali sendu: Verbal form: 29, *43. i c^ra^^S-^f Ul sen- du^a: Verbal form, participle: 35. cn&.T timere. 0^ ser (or ur). Adj.: large 152; oldest 184, 185. l^^ m seru: Noun, masc, pi. : chieftains 177. Cf. the Cop- tic cioirp eunuchus. n\A ^( sekhai. Verb: to recollect, consider, think of •69. I I I sel^aiu (or anu; cf. page 127) . Noun, iiiiisc, pl.r hooTts 182. In composition: ,ww,a /^Sr^ ^^ \\ I I i i i neb en pai sekhaiu : cldef librarian (lit. : master of thebooJcs) 182. cx^ : c££ icH^tcgci : c£«wei :c2^^: c;4e : c^Awi : c.^h : cA\ scribere; scriba, epistol.i. I ?I? (s sekheperu. Verb, causative: to support *30. See under l^eperu, page 157. nil III seiyief or sefekh. Num.: seven t72, 84. cdwiyq : ceigq : c&.cu)q : cawigcq septem. TS^"^ sekjimer. [Others read semer and mer. j Adj.: distressed, wretched 81, 140. T^i:^"^ l1 sel^mer- t^a: participial or f em. form: 38. I fn^ seUieru. Noun, pi.: works, plans 15, 79, 108, sekheri: a^ 143, 161. See under Uieri, page 158. n 177; oovdition 30, 42, 63. !'i i i selgieru: 129/180. Also in the phrases: §il <=>! i i ma sekheru : in the condition of , as 2. .MsTrr-l «=>i i i em ... sel^e- ru: according to . . wont 5, 38, 39, 47, 89; the sekh- eru omitted in line 124. "' ! ^1 mi\\\ sekhsekhu. Verbal form, pL, causative: to run 52, 91. '^iiMs sel^et. Noun: field, pasture, meadow 6, 16, 18, 21, 32,34. ^4as sekh3t: 14. MSs'i sekhetu: pi.: fields 2, 3, 6, "9, 47. ccouje ager, campus. I c^^i^^ ses^ed. N^oun: niche, throne 157. igoirujT fe- nestra, foramen, loculus. >^| U^"^Wyi seqa. Verb: to plough 3. I Um*^ U=fl seqau: 12, '13, *14, 16. cKa^i : ckci : ex*-' arare. I ^ I Ms^ u seqem. Verb, causative: to spend, pass {time) 175. Cf. CKiM : cx'-M^ ' cyiHM. : cx.'J^*'' cani, canitas. I •^^', ssksek. Verb, redupl. form: to die 109. I XI S ssksek. Verb, redupl. form: to die 109. I "" - ^=pi ^ — sekssk : to cut down 143. Cf . cck : cojk : cok trahere, extra here. I 5 1 segeneu. J^'oun: oil, perfumery 95. cos'itrco-xn P: unguentum. I o set. III. pers. fem. sing, suffix: she; her 13, 20, 26, '27, 29, 36, 38, 39, 40, 50, 75, 'h'6, '84, =85, 86, 90, *91, '92, '93, 100, 101, 102, *105, 106, "107, "108, 109, 141, 144, '145, 147, 162, '164, 168, '169, 178; it 11, *13, 70, '98, 164 123. With prefixed —^ 8: -^_l q -sset: she; /ter 20, *t21, *t24, 24, 25, *t25, *26, t26, *23, 36, t36, 40, 86, 88, 10(i, 107, lU (//), 142, *tl46, 147, '148, 163, Ki.s. —^- 1 Q em dusset : with reference to loer 29, 108, 141, 146, 162. /?)T^ mHHI ^ paiset: Poss. pronoun, III. fern, sing.: 7i€r '37, 40, 48, 90, 91, 108 109, 145; its 79. In line 39 Hi I ^ iset by mistake for paiset. I III set. Pers. pron., they 11. By mis- take for I Q set s7ie in line 165. c n set. Xoun, fe:ii.: ^gJ J\ Seti-mer-Ptah. Proper name, masc: Set'merptnh [\\X.: Set', Uir bcloried of Ptah), n prinrp. son of >r rpnptah T. He became afterwards 165 king Seti II., of the XIX. dynasty 184. This name is totally effaced in line 185. III setef. l!{onn: fermentation 73, 114. c^HTe:ct^Hi'^ spuma. setem. Verb: to listen 42, '147, "163, 166: to hear 10, 49, 5i5. ^ -±1=, setemu by mistake for ^ setem : to hear 62. c«oTM:ctoTeM:cA.T€Jki:ccTA*.:co^jii audire, obedire. 4 SUten. Adj : ropal 184, 185. In composition: 4 n I W SUten per : palace (lit. : ropal home) 168. f suten sa ^epes : hereditary crown- prince 174; 4/wwv^ ^ M SUten sa ^epes: 184; 4 — ^ ^ ^ ^ ' SUten sa ^epes : *185. L 4 /ww« ^ ^ElJll suten ;^emt: queen {\itr. royal wife) 167. 4 /www Sll suten. Noun. masc. : king (of Upper Egypt) 179, 184, 186. / 4 ^^^AAA (5 U L sutennu. Noun: hutcher 160. I <:::=>1i seter. Verb: to recline, rest, lie, sleep 64. ■H^seter: 117,119. I <=>'w seter(t):4l. ^h seter(t): 76, 118. I C^^l seter(t)u: *7, 27, 36 (possibly the final u is the personal pronoun; see page 129, under u), I <=>?^1T seteri by mis- n jr p^^] take for I <=:> ri I I seter t^a : yiarticipial form: 39. P^ 8eter(t)t^a: participial form: 38. The in all these words is undoubtedly a mistake of 166 the scribe for n-^-, . Compare the Coptic lyTo dub .tv, decuiiibere. I o sez. Undoubtedly a- mistake f or i 0I biez in line 44; see page 155. CEzi Sh ^l.,^ Sliad. Verb: to cut off 67, 109, 110, 111, 112 1 ]H, rW~| . >,;;j^ 166. '^^ ^ U=3 1 1 1 sjiadu (the u is perhaps tlie dpis. r~n~i ^«:>^^ pron. ; see page 129) : 160. ^^^^_J1(2 sljadtu: Verbal form: 71, 164. igcT : ujjvt : igtuT : ujcct : ujojio • secare. r o SiJ Shu. Proper name, masc. : STiu, a name of the sun- god 47, 130. D h s^ep (others read se^ep). Verb: to finish 120; to receive (?) 168. lyoin : ujn : lyon : ujcn : igA>.n accipere. Sjiepes (others read asi. Noun and adj.: cMef, fore- most. In composition: 4 aa/>~v ^^ M^ SUten sa ^epes: hereditary crown-prince ^1A\ 4/ww>a ^' M SUten sa sjiepes: 184; ^ ;wwv> ^ il Jj' suten sa s^epes : *185. [This sign is a determinative in the word repSit; see page 149. | m\ "^fi s^epesl (others read asi). Noun, fem.: princess 141, 144, 158, 162, 163, 167. w\ wffl^l ^epesi(the last determinative bj^ mistake) : 167. AS I ' \\ ffl ^^ ^epesi at : qiteen, legitimate royal wife (lit} : great princess) 108. 167 ^ J^Vi ^emt. Verb: to go 2, 9, 16, 21, 32, 53, *60, 69, 70, 74, 79, 89, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 110, 118, 121, ^S^, 122, 133, 160, 164, 166, 170. '^JisJ^ 7i ^em: 73, 96. AWAAA D e^l) shennu. Verb: to disclose, divulge 44. L^ S ^ennu. Verb: to accuse 68. . W III, siienti. Noun: hair 92, 94, 97, 99. a \\ S sjienti. Verb: to pity, he griexied 148. Cf. tgn^^HT; ujcii^g^HT misereri, misericordia. no A (2 <=>i'%^ ^erau. Adj.: young 1, 2 (the first), 3. Noun: servant 2 (the second). <=> H Jr "'^ n i^erau (with fem. determinative): small 100. "^ ^-ivkxx: young 4, 15, 19, 34, 37, 41, 46, 53, 58, 62, 68, 69, =75, =117, 118, '119, 123, 127. In the phrase (where it is fem.) ,0'ci=i=t= em ta unnet ^eraut: in- N A/W*AA C^ ' -^^A, stantly (lit. : in the small hour) 112. [Only in this connection is the sign pronounced ^erau, otherwise it is a simple determinative; see under 4zedu, ua, ban, betau, khas, sekhmer, genen, and geru.] Cf. ^tvV*ujHpi : .^eA^^fpi juvenis, adolescens. 1' ^ed. Noun: transformation 71. Htl Sh -^■^ sj^au. Noun: number, amount 24. ^jLJ^O (^ J^Up- rijaftabu. Noun: persea-tree 163, 154, 158, 159, 164, 166. igo-Te : ig&e persea arbor. 168 Ad a5^ qa (also read aii and a^ when it signifies cow). Noun, masc: giiadraped, hull 144, 147, ^50, ](!]. iTT qau: pi.: cattle, cows, hulU 'O, 11. [Inl. 48it must beahu. | LJ *& qa : bull (really male quadruped) 80, 129. I — i qa. Noun: person (really soul) 181. ^ ^M^ A U qa. Verb: to raise. Adj.: high. Adv.: exceed- ingly 68. Cf. -sio altitude. qa&. Noun: form, state 88. (^*w forma externa. ,^Hffi'kJ.'4^.i Qagabu. Proper name, masc: Qagabu, a scribe 181. Mentioned also in Pap. Anastasi IV pg. 7 1. 9; pg. 9 verso 1. 1; pg. 16 verso 1. 1; VI pg. I 1. 7; VII pg. 7 1. 5; Pap. Sallier II pg. 3 1. 8; pg. II 1. 5; pg. 14 1. 11. ci \ uX qat. Noun: trick, cunning, artifice 66. J: =£=, qeb. Verb: to multiply 11. Kb>&:KH£i:KMe du- plicare; duplex esse; du plica tio. aJ>%\L'!^ ' qebeti. Adj.: ^wre, limpid, cold, 72. aJmZXC i! qebeh: 134,126. K&JkiKfieiK&o reMger.;re; cf. also u)(?efii : {xi(3ii : lo-xf & : wxeq : ui-xq frigere. ''''^mll qem. Verb: to find ^19, 38, 41, 72, 88, 98, 117, 120, 123. (S\jA\ : siMi : •se.vv : sJji invenire. O Qemt. Proper name: Egypt (\\t.: the black land) 93, 107, 120. ^^ Qemt: 179. kh.uc : khmh : khmi 3C^&.MH : 5Q^HMi Aegyptus. Cf . the Hebrew nn . 169 ¥ Q \ vT'i qem^tu. Adj.: southern 28. [The last three determinatives are taken from the preceding word. J ■y"^ ci \ V. I qematu : 45. f a«w>a1 vlLo qenau. Verb; to embrace I'i^ . Ken: kotth sinus. A X I 8^=-^ I qennu. Adj., pi.: many t4, tl8, 23, t75, +77, +89, 101, +103, 105, '139, +140, +156, +161, *+165, +174, +175, A XI *+176. D^ Q I qennutu (by a mistake of the scribe) : +169. s'Hioo-T acervus. /v«wA v>Awv< D qenqen. Verb, reauplicated: to overpower, A A X ^h assault, outrage 37, 43. /ww^^ ww, >; o C H qenqen^a : participial form, fern. : 36. s'ncis'no subjicere. /WAAA ci v*!^"^ qendt. Noun: rage, anger 28. [Cf. Ghdbas, Voyage pg. 295.] (^tonT : (JoitT : •xuiitT irasci; ira. Cf. the Hebrew nwp "anger." qed. Verb: tohuild, construct 11; to create, fashion 82. KtoT : KOT : kct aedificare, construere. (? il qedenu. Prep. : ^^■Ae, as 4. In composition: ^lilo (?ll ma qedenu : like 87. 11 D elm qedenu. Verb. 1 form: to walk, promenade 90. Cf . the Coptic kot : k&.t : ktc volvere, peragrare. A ^^ c^^ I 5 qediru: Noun: dirt, filth 36. k. II. pers. masc. sing, suffix: you; your 19, '22, *24, 26, 27, *28, 41, ^43, 49, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, '66, *69, '70, 72, =73, ''H), '81, "82, 100, 131, 133, 163, 171. In line 25 170 the ^;=:^ k {your) is a mistake for gi a {my). In coni- positioii: //>^^HS'::=^ paik: Poss. pron., II. imisc. sing.: your 37, 40, 42, 48, 62, '66, 68 (b}- mistake for paif /m), 69, 70, 80, 132, 133. kS4-:=^ talk: Puss. pron., II. fern, sing.: your 42, "63. \^H^;=^ naik: AAAA/V\ Poss. pron., II. comm. pi.: your 26, 70. .M^^S^s em entek : thou, you 54, 142. .bi^ ^::>i^ em tuk : you 13, 22, 69, "72, 130, 131, 133. Ji^ ^:^^ em duk : uyilh reference to you 42, 59, 73. ^^^i tuk : you; your 49, 63, 132; also in line 49, where by mistake ^=^(1 ktu for tuk. ka. Adv.: certainly, surely, then 27, 72, 163. Coptic, Kc : T : soTffeT : se.'x.eo's. caedere, concidere. % ket^4. Adj. (fem. of ki above): other, another 50, 56, '\m. ZS G S ^HHS gai. Noun: nessel, jar 124. ZS ^'iSS I gaiu: pi. (for the sing.): 72, 126. -xo)! : •sn*wiwir morari; (Jennc : (^intie remissus, piger. ffi f ZS <\K <=>^ ger. Verb: to take, seize 12. <=>.—= Sger: to be of 78. &i)i\ : s'oA. : &e.\ rapere, furari. <=.=;= I I I geru. Noun, fem., pL: wickedness 62. i^i"^ geru: 159. <=.^^lll geru: 66. Cf. 0o\: 0i>,\ mendacium. .© I gere]^. Noun: night f 124, 155 . Cf. the Coptic ^ !^^~lu pait: your (fem.) 49. [Also read a; see page 190.] ta. Definite article fem. sing. : tTie *10, 10, 13, *19, 35, 50, 58, 60, 66, 70, 71, 74, 75, 77, 78. 79, '80, 84, 88, 90, 93, 94, 97, 101, 104, 106, 111, 119, 117, 120, 140, 141, 144, 145, 147, '152, 153, 158, 159, 162, 163, '167, 173, 176. '^ : T def . art. fem. sing. ^ tai. Demons, pron. fem. sing.: t?i/s 99, 137. taia. Poss. pron., I. maso. sing.: my 130. taia. Poss. pron., I. fem. sing.: my 22. :3^ talk. Poss. pron., II. masc. sing.: your 42, *63. s.,=_ taif. Pers. pron., III. maso. sing.: Ms; Us *7, 32, 38, 49, 52, 65, 75, 76, 81, 159, 178. A/VA/SAA I I I taisen. Pers. pron., III. maso. pi.: t/ieir 16. I s ta. Noun, masc: la7id, earth, annilry 4, t8, tl5, 58, t60, 79, 84, 107, tll9, tl91, 1B:1 ti;i;3, r55, 137, 139, tl49, 156, 172, 175, *tl70, 179. eo : to orbis terrarum. @ tU. Auxilinry wrb: to he, espeoially in verbal forms After aiTimi 147. Partiole forming pers. pronouns; © ^ tua : I. masc. sing. : /; me 87, 141, 144, 160, 161. eCl tua: I. fem. sing.: / 26. '^in:^ tuk. II. masc sing. : you 49, 63, 139. (2 xl tut : II. fem. sing. : yon 29, 142, 160. 21=.-. tuf : III. masc. sing.: he; him; Ma, it 31, 34, 45, 72, 91, 116, 127, 138, 171, 174, 179, 180. 173 Taviaaa In composition: w>~v © klier- tu: there was oi: were \\. 1 (5 autu: they were 'io, 95, 98, ]U2, 107, 109, 114, 115, "131, 135, 137, 149, 151, 155, 166, 170, 171, 172, *178, 178, 179. \^ <^^ autU: his majesty was 94, 108, 138, 146, 148, 150, 156, 162, 168,171,172,173. (E (2 tVLtn: it shall he U. (2 (2 sil tutu : his majesty is or was 131, 135. .^ © ^ em , (2 tu4: / *59, 71. JB)^':;^^* emtuk: you 13,22,69, (S '72, 130, 131, 133. j!^^«.=_ em tuf : he 5, 6, '7, *7, 8, 9, no, 34, 71, 73, 157. m^@ © em tutu: there is, he is, they are 73, 109, 132, 164. .^ £=J em entuf : he 2, *3, 3, *3, 30; tY +1. ^^~ em dutuf: with reference to it 97. The ■^ii^ (2 ktu in line 49 is by a o C2 mistake of the scribe for 'v33t tuk; see above. D □ ,®o tept. Adj.: chief 150. ®ci\\ tepti: 154. : ^n-ir ^IJ tem. Negative: not; lest 43, 82, 143. Jjicar^ temi not 39, 42; lest 86. TJa non. In composition; ^!^ >-ir .!>i^ pa tem : without 57. 8^ H')^ ll I temiu. In composition with <=> er : each, ev- ery 5. ter. Noun and adj.: totality; all, whole 4, 79, 84, 107, 133, 137, 156, 172, 175, +176, 179. -rnp omnis. In 174 composition: <=r> erter: all (lit.:m . total- ity) *ir), 139.' M^<=> emter: on accotmtof 68. ■ .^Wi <=> em teru : since, because 63. .Mi <=> \\ emterti: wJien 118, 142. <=>\\ terti: when ^1. J III teru. Verbal form: to run 52. <=> il tera. Noun, niasc. : time tl2, t33. Adv.: t/ien. 142. Cf. the Coptic it TcXerS Tepe qiiando. (D ^1^1 III tehau. Noun, plural lorm: transgression 81. rO ^^Iq© tehatu: Veroal form, masc: transgns- sion 73. TOO transitus; Txg^o : T«»,g^c capere, appre- hendere. ro ^Mi h tehem. Verb: to drive 9. ( Th n t^airuaa. JNouu, umsc: stairca^'ie 15'S, lUi). ^fl \\W»a:I ^uiu. Noun, dual with pi. ending: the two sandals 116. Tooire:ooiOTr» calceus, culceamentum. J^ 5i t^ebu. Noun, masc, pi.: jugs, jars 73, 114. Oi I I I h t^muru. Noun: strength 26, *26. Cf. Coptic a'poi'spo vinci're. dnrus; -x pi'xcopiz-xioiopt'. fortis. I) ^ ]i<=>Hl \.\ ^3ntlieterau. Noun, fern., pi.: caval- ry 105. See also page 155. J\ t^ehen. Verb: tomeetlS. ^woztoho adtpovere. 175 D \v*t5 di. Noun: road, way 58. Verb: to remain 80. Of. TikikTe expandere; TtocTto age, adverte animum. du. Verb: to give, put, allow, let 20, 31, 43, 45, 72, 174, 177, 179. o dut: Verbal form: 8, 9, 39, 43, 45, 55, 59, 64, 73, 98, 102, 105, 106, 110, 114, 115, 135, 138, '143 (once as a correction of the Egyptian scribe), 160, "161 (once with the c either omitted by the scribe or else destroyed in the papyrus), 160, 161, 165, 171. ■^ : T*w«w : TCI : thi dare. Cf . Greek Soo-, Latin do, &c. In composition: <=> c. erdut: in order to 9,35, 46, 108, 150. .Mi U a em du : with reference to, to 61, 94, 128 (where by mistake _Mi A D -B% em du em), 159. [See also this word as negative, page 143.] ^ emdua: with reference to me (masc.) "30, '63, 178. ^!^ n em du& : with reference to me kA_D -^i:^ em duk : witJi reference to pou (masG.) 42, 59, 73. .^M^ s9 em dut: with refer- ence to you (tern.) 40 (fast). ^»^^^ em duf : wtY^ reference to him 2, *25, 65, 87. J^^ em dutuf: toith reference to it 97. ^Mi _h- I <= em dusset : with reference to her 29, 108, 141, 146, 162. Jj^ — I i i i em dussen : with reference to them 95. sil duS. : me *44. ® I diiau. Noun, masc: morning *14, 121. Cf. TooTi : TOTTi mane. Ill II dfila. NuTTiPr'?]: fire t5.5. 176 4 4n © demat. Noun, masc: city, milage 19, *35, 133, 138. '^.uei'^Mi pagus, vicus; Cf. Greek (Jo/ior, Latin domus. ^; — 0(3 deiuutu. Verbal form: to grind, .sharpen 45. TOJM : THM acuere; acui. h^ demd. Noun, adj., adv.: totality; total; altogether ii^:-. TtojM. conjungere. (n ^^,T-j» ^ dehan. Verb: to raise, elevate 108. In lin*^^ 173 by a mistake of the scribe fO ^^ .•'--a n dehad *rw^ De^iuti. Proper name, masc: 7'Ao^A, a god 18:.. o I det. Noun: Tiand 39, 45, *51, 57, 73, 74, 77, 106, 114. TOOT : T«w«wT : TOT manus. \ Hi) I detu. A mistake of the scribe for ^ \ sC i zedtn, which see. [In line 29. J :3 ^ zefi. Noun, duiil(?): drops 162. zed. Verb: to say, tell ^0, 12, 14, 15, 20, *21, 21, '84, 25, 27, 29, '31, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 64, "79, 82, 84, 86, 99, n02, 108, 121, 128, 134, ^42, 144, 146, 147, 148, 162, 163, n64, 165, 177. .=, ( ^ zed (bv mistake?) : 109. • { Ui zedtha: Pnrtc. form: 50. •s.o z ntM i 's.e dicere. Nonn: word 49. In composition: -Wi^^.' em zed: and said, namely, thus 19, 25, 29, 58, 61, 65, 69, 92, 95,141,146,163. <=>.= ( erzed: and said, say- ing 31, 54. 137, 147, 154; now 71, 73; in order to say 103, 104. 170. 177 £i \ mi zedt. Verb: to sap, speak 62, 108, 169; to have criminal intercourse with *40, 40. (1 ^^ \ 2i) I zedtu : pi. form: to say 25, 29 (where the first sign is omitted by a mistake of the scribe), 128, 141. © Hillzedu: ■ ■■ Verbal form: 61. \ 2i] i zedu : Verbal form: 182. u}d>.et.; see ^eperuau, qaa. Pron.'. aer or ftr. Del.; see aufiaiu, abuu, azau, be- ]^au. beku, pena, pe^ti, men&ut. nennultu, ne^emu, ralu, rehtiu, ^u, ^era, aa&u, sebal; sutennr , sbiep, qendt, qed, tehem, ^enu- ru, dehan. V- n Del.; see menlii. Pron.: qed. Det. ; see azedu. ^ Del.: see mert or mut. shennu. ahenti, ger, geru. Prim.: menfl or me^a. Pron.: a. Det.; see Anana, anek, arl, atef, abuut azedu, azau, ua, befyau, inak(?), mentu, menflu or me- ^au, Heremapt, mes, nennuilu, nehamu, rehtiu, re^u, ^ati, ^er- a, sen, aer or ti, s^epea, Qaga bu, kl, zed. Del.: see i, airumau, ibu, Aput, aputu, amu, ahaltu, as . . , &^, us^ebtu, fet, merut, Meremapt, nima, nehamu, ren, ha, kheru, ■dr&, aperu, sematu, semai, aen- du, aeUial, shennu, shed, ka, detu (for zedtu), zedt. Det. ; see genen. IM.\ see atep, fa. Del.; see page 120, 4m, Anpu, Aten, uben, Batau, Fer-aa, neb, nefer, Ba, ^emt, ^en, ^er-^uti, ^etep, k^a. ^ul, l^uti, Khnumu, sa, Seti-mei>Fta^, suten (twice; cf- page 165), Shu, s^epesi, tu, De- ^uti. ^ Pron.: sa. Det.: scehema. Pron.: shepes. Det.: seerepat. ^ Det.; see^u. 179 77. Figures of Women. Proii. : 4; of. pg. 120, t; cf. pg. 171. Det.; see &ri, auAru, azedu, u&, menat, mert or mut, meslu, ne- hamu, ret^u, ];emt, Jfems, ]^e- nemmu, set, ^epesS, qj^er&u. Pron.: 4r. Det. ; see auftru, mesln. 777. Figures of Deities, &c. "f Del. ; see gendt. IV. Parts of the Hv/man Body. W Pron.: tep. Det. ; see ^a, zaza. X Pron.: ^er. 1>U) Det.; .see Simu, nebd, nei^&u, ^enti, gat, gaaa. Pron.: ar. ■^^- Det.; see amamu, pterft, nennu. /TT Det.; see remit. Pron.: r. S DeJ.; see be^^u, aenff), setef. u Pron.: zed. ^ Det.; see pesed, stimu, ^&d. n u Pet.; see genftu. Pron.: qa (or k»). Pron.: nen. D^ Pron.: l^ei. Pron.: a. Pron.: nen. A D Pron.: du. ^ -'1 Det.; see Aza, un, be^es, pesed, maa, mut or mer, t)u, ^adbu, kjiebatu, sefend, sega> seksek, ^ad, genau, qenqeu, ketket, de- mutu, zal. c—"^ Pron.; d. r~~VS) Pron.: be^. Det.; see hal, gs, zaS. O Pron.: ^em. J\ Pron.: lu (?). Det.; see ftput, aud, a^a, aq, lutt, ukl^akl), bunuTu, per, ma&i, ma- ^au, nu, rua, halt, hab, ^aut:, ^unnu, khaa, ^et, sannu, sper, se^sel^u, ^emt, gedenu, terv, tebau, ^e^en. A. Det.; see an. 3 Pron.: red. Det.; see Aput, ma^au, ^unnu, sannu, se^sek^u, gedenu, teru. L tehau. Del.; see 68 . . Pron.: ger. A Pron.: q. J Pron.: b. N Del.; see amam, mesu, ne^jeb, re- ment, redui, ^at, ^ennu, ©e- ^ui(u), za^a. y. Figures of Animals. Oct Frm.: ga or ka. Det.; see Ofa. 180 ^^ Pron.: au (formerly i-end fu). -®a I'mii.: 1. .^^i) Pron.: un. J^ Prc«t.: set. VI. Partis of AnimaZs. S3 D^. '• ^''6 rs shutv , kbenemmu. Det.i see aznam, khekhui(u). — ^ P)-c/.: >*»'P &autu. ^ ['mil.: setem. — J^ Pron.: pe^^. Z:^ D(4.: see &autu, abu, au(u), lyeter- au, qematu, ^uiu, t^ent]hieter&u. >> Det. ; see mes. VII. Figures of Birds. Pron. Pron.: ti. ^ Pron.: neh. Pron.: ^er. ^ Prnv.: mer. Pron.: m. Pron.: ma. S. Pron.: m (in tern), mei (in mut or mert, se^mer). _Z_L Prmi.: qem. ^ 5? «*■ Pron.: de^uti. Pron,: ba. Pron.: bek. Pron.: khu. i>ron.: zef (in uzefiMl). Pron.: s«. Pron.: ftq. Pron.: pa. Det.; see ne^o. Pron.: ten. Pron.: flr. Pro»i.: i|^er&u. I>et.; see azedu, ui, b&n, betau, ^as, sekhmer, genen, gem. Pron.: u. Pron.: z%. ^^f Pron.: rel). ^-S* /)cf.; see sendu. FIZZ Parts of Birds. Del.; si'c pul. 181 P Pron.: maa; q^u. '■'^^ Det.; see unem, rement, lu&at. Qagabu. ^"^ Vet.; see &za, zal. vt Det.; see repat, ^etl^ertu. IX. Figures of Reptiles. Det.; see mes^u. Pron.: qem. Det.; see ^et^ertu. V Prim.; z. '^.-^ Pron.: f. X. Figures of Fishes. Dei.; see nam. XI. Figures of Insects. W Pron.: ^eper. XII. Figures of Trees and Plants. «J^ { \ \ Det.; see aqh, ^aftabu. Pron.: k^et. Det.; !(!t. ; see b&at. 31 Det.i see ahtu, audent, Imi, merit, ae]^et, ta, dem&t. i ^ Prori.: ^ef er maten. Det. ; see bunuru, ^eru, di. / Pron.: m; mu. Dnni Del.: see Ant. Det.; see aaa.(u<, l^emt. AA^^^^ P?*OH.: n. AAAA^ Pron.: mu. De^; see &a, abt, tma, aAra, qebe^. J JL Drt.; see kna. 1 \'i I Pron.: ^^. J J Pron.: ahem. g Pron.: khuti. XIV. Figures of Buildings. @ Pron.: nen or nu. Det .; see Qemt, demflt. lTA Pron.: per. Dei.: see ahaltu, &st, abt, bekjjec- nu, makherat, Ueremapt, ues^u, het or hat, Het^ertu, sebal. Be- aded, ^aira&a. f U Pron.: h. Q Pron.: }^e or \)jk. UUUllj Det.f see un. — « Pron.: a. XV. Figures of Ships, &c. C^a^ Det.; see menaut. >^ Del.; see oena. >^ 3 ^ . Det.; see zal. er. i^mr. Pron.: ^ep. XVI. Figures of House Furniture. !' mert, ^adtou, sefend, ^ad, demutu. ^ PrOH.: sa. Pron.: aa. Prort.: l|ha. XX. Figures of Tools and UtenMls. f^ — , Pruii.: nen. ^^ Vel.: see !jt. Pron.: ma. Proti.: maa. 'f Pj'ob.: mer. '"^JL. Det.; see seqa. ^;,..,seese,a. ^M ir Pron.: ten^. t Frore.: ^. >!i De(.; see udennu, aeirei:. & Prmi.: za; see uza. f t Proiu: ab. Pron.: nez. ^1-1? Pron.: ua. N Def.; see ^ennu, geqhfi. f^**l Prott.: neb. Det.\ see usemu, ^ez. XX/. Figures of Oordage. 7M*.; see unkhu, Ijebesu. ^ Det.; see arqu, unl^u, selgialu. seshed. Pron.: meh. e^=3^ Pron.: shed. >Z>C Pron.: ad. fl Proa.: ft. 0^ /')•()».: red. 184 Prmi.: If. Pron.i aek. I'roii.: iia^. 1 Dei.; see qeb. S=3 Proii.: tl(. ^ Vet.; see ash, adu, hut hftant, khe- batu, sctl. XXII. Figures of Vessels. Pron.: qe'oci^. Pron.: hen. Q Pron.: ^num. Del.; see Arpu, utf^u, dr^u, l^unnu, tieqt, segenen, qediru, gat, ^ebu. O Pron.: n. 1 Pnm.: 4n. "O" Pron.: *b. Det.; seelj^ati. n Pron.: ab. Pron.: mi. V7 Det.; see oaat. Del.; see pesset, setau. S Pron.: g. V '■ Pron.: neb. "v * Pron.: ki 's3C7 Det.; see ftbtu. ;D Prow.: t«. JgH Pron.: ter. J^ Vet.; see nenul, l^emt. XXIII. Figures of Temple Offerings. (t=3) De(.; see aqu, udennu, Bataa. O Pron.: ta. W Pron.: paut. ® Pron.: sep (page 160). Vet.: sign of reduplioation; see A- nana, &qer. w Pron.: kh. XXIV. Figures of Instru- menis for Writing, &c. Pron.: an or sekhat. 3 Vet.; see 4ri, 4^, iqer, aa, auCl- alu, abuu, aq, azau, unkhu, uze- fau, iialj, baalu, be^, behiau, be- ku, xnaatu, m&ti, mak, meh, em dul, neferu, nennultu, ne^emu, nesi, nektu. nez, nezem, ralu, ^u- lulu, ^etepr, ^a, Ijhu, kheperu- au, kheri, khetu, sabu, ae^erl, ■ekheru, seqem, setem, sutennu, 8^au, qa, qaa, Qagabu, qeb, qe- behi, qem, qennu, qedenu, ket- ^u, ger, geru, tern, tennu, zal. Proji.: nefer. i""*^ Pron.: men. XXV. Figures of Lines, &c. 1 Pron.: u (see alrumau, ftrirutu, bunu- ru, mu, nu, ru, rupu, lu&at, l^ulu- lu, qediru, ^&iruaa, ^enuru). Vet.; see &autu, Ab, abu, au(u), audent, Ima, ua, unnet, Aru^, ba, Batau, per, maten(t) or^ier(t), merit, mesu or masu, nut or nent, ra, ra, rement, renpet, haru, ^at, }t&t, hati, bien, ^er, ^eter&u, sa, sa,sabu, sel^et, set or ment, ^e- 1.S5 pes, ^epesi, qa, gematu, kekui. gass, gerei^, Ia, dftau, demat, det, zaza. 1 1 Proii.: sen. Det. after sep. I i 1 1 or 1 I I or I Pron : khemt (as ruim- eral); u (as si^'ii ot plural); not pronouni'cfl iifter tbe personal pronouns; cf. sen, set. Det. instead of 66t> or o o; see At, beti, pert, hut, tifiaut, ^eqt, k^emt, k^esbedt, sen(f), segen- en, seti, setef. 1 1 1 1 Pron.: 4fd. II Pron.: dfia. 1 1 1 1 Pron. sek^ef or sefekl). \ Det.; see abtu, buAaltu (cf . baat), pert, qat, qematu, qendt, zedt (in line 39 detu by mistake). ^ Pron.: i. X Det.; see aaaru, aput, &putu, u^eb- tu, betau, nektu ^auti. seissek. qennu, qenqen, ketiy^n, ketket, genen. Mil n III Pron.: ? nnn Pr