tss^j I Cornell University i Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029842865 THE GENEALOGY OF THE MICKLEY FAMILY OF AMERICA TOGETHER WITH A BRIEF GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF THE MICHELET FAMILY OF METZ, AND SOME INTERESTING AND VALUABLE CORRESPONDENCE, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, OBITUARIES AND HISTORICAL MEMORABILIA COMPILE]! BY Minnie FRVIickley Mickleys, Pennsylvania 1893 ;; Ix Uk I I UWt.VL;'f*&hY .LH-'CAKY <5> Copyright, 1893 BOUND BY PRINTED BY c SCHELLERj ADVERTISER PRINTING HOUSE, ^^ r _ } NEWARK, N. J. Y't ■ v, iy .'/1 Y )1 to my honored friend and relative, the philosopher, Dr. Charles Louis Michelet, and to the memory of John Jacob Mickley, and his descendants, these pages are respectfully dedicated by his great, great, great granddaughter, The Compiler. THE COAT OF ARMS OF THE FAMILY MICHELET. MOTTO— WAR, THE CHASE AND LIBERTY. Contents. PAGE Preface 9 Introduction 13 European Ancestry 19 The Michelet Family 26 The American Branch.. 36 Genealogy. _ 39 Summary — American Family 74 "War Record 78 European Genealogy 83 Summary — European Family _ 92 Joseph J. Mickley — Biographical Sketch 95 Obituaries _ 123 Historical Memorabilia — The Liberty Bell Episode. 149 Extracts Pennsylvania Archives 154 Index — First _ 157 Second 174 PREFACE. IT HAS taken a long time to present the Genealogy of the Mickley Family of America to the descend- ants of John Jacob and Elizabeth Barbara Burkhalter. Thanks are due to many members of the family who have rendered invaluable assistance, and to the Rev. J. D. Schindel, Mrs. E. P. Allbrecht and Mile. Julia M. Beerstacher for translations from the French and Ger- man. The Rev. J. Marion Mickley, Mrs. Maria and Mrs. Kate Mickley Comfort and Daniel W. Micklejr, all of Adams County, Pennsylvania, have given me interesting data concerning their ancestor, John Martin Mickley, and the family of Mrs. Hannah Mickley Fackenthall gave me valuable information concerning their ancestor, John Peter Mickley, of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The family Bibles of the different families have been the chief source of information, and the work has been put in order in the same style as the Loomis Genealogy compiled by Professor Elias Loomis, Yale College. Enough data has been gathered of the Deshler family io PREFACE. to compile a Deshler Genealogy, which, it is our hope, to furnish at a future time. The amount of labor involved in such a compilation can be estimated only by those who have attempted similar work. It would have been disheartening but for the great pleasure it has afforded me to endeavor to pre- serve the records of our family and give them a per- manent form. Minnie Fogel Mickley. Mickleys, 1893. Note — It will be observed in the genealogical record that, in many in- stances, the date is wanting. Any one who may be able to supply this missing information or any other touching the family record, will confer a favor by forwarding the same to the compiler, addressed to Mickleys, Pa. INTRODUCTION. JOSEPH J. MICKLEY, in the preface of his "Brief Account of Murders by the Indians and the Causes Thereof, in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, Octo- ber 8th, 1763," read by him at a reunion of the family, has the following : " A large number of the descendants of John Jacob Mickley (the first of that name in America) assembled on the farm, formerly his property, in North Whitehall Township, Lehigh County, where the Indians murdered two of his children, and also the family of John Schneider, on the adjoining farm, the 8th of October, 1763. In commemoration of that event, the following paper was prepared and read, October 8th, 1863. At that time I had no intention of publishing the same, but having been repeatedly urged by some of my relations and several esteemed friends, finally concluded to have it printed ; it may, however, be of little or no interest, except, perhaps, to some of the numerous descendants of our ancestor, John Jacob Mickley. " In connection with this, it may not be out of place, and acceptable to some, to give such information of our ancestors as has been handed]" down to us, partly from documents, and partly by tradition. Traditional accounts, however, though generally based on some truths, become, in course of time, very much distorted and .augmented, so that not much reliance can be placed on them unless supported by documentary evidence ; therefore some part of my statement about our ancestors may require correction. Bancroft 12 INTRODUCTION.. says, very justly : ' Memory is an easy dupe, and tradition a care- less story-teller.' " From what I have been able to gather, it appears that our family is descended from French Huguenots, the name having originally been written Michelet, but corrupted, and variously written Miquelet, Miickli, etc., and finally anglicised into the present form, Mickley ; that during the persecution of the Huguenots in France, they emigrated to the bordering Dukedom of Deux Ponts (Zweibriicken), then a part of the German Empire ; where they were unmolested in the exercise of their religion. " I have not been able to ascertain whether our ancestor, John Jacob, or any other of them, was born in Deux Ponts. When, dur- ing my visit there in the year 1869, the records were examined at my request, I felt very much disappointed in being told that nothing could be found to show that such a family had ever resided in that country ; and, if ever existed there, it must have been recorded in that office, but that record is now lost. " It may not be surprising that the records are missing, after the enactment of such stringent laws against the Huguenots during the reign of the French King Louis XIV. For instance, the edict of 1681, which, deprived them of nearly all their civil rights ; the imperious order given to burn all their books ; and the revocation of the Edicts of Nantes, October 22d, 1685. In the burning of their churches and books, probably all their church records shared the same fate with the general destruction, excepting such as may have been carried out of the country by the refugees. To this may be added that, through the devastation of the Palatinate and other German provinces by the French in the reign of the same King Louis XIV, many valuable documents were irretriev- ably lost. "We have, however, authentic information that our ancestor, John Jacob Mickley, was born in Europe, in the year 1697 ; that he came to America in the ship Hope, of London, from Rotterdam, Holland, arriving in Philadelphia, August 28th, 1733. He was married in this country to Elizabeth Barbara, daughter of Ulrich Burkhalter, and settled in Whitehall Township, Northampton, INTRODUCTION. I3 'County, now North Whitehall, Lehigh County, and died in August, 1769. He left three sons and two daughters, viz. : " John Jacob, the eldest, my grandfather, who settled on a tract of land bordering on the village of Hokendauqua, in South White- hall, Lehigh County ; he had six sons and four daughters. A number of his descendants still reside in that county. " John Martin, the second son, who was in the battle of German- town, sold the old homestead, and moved to and settled in Adams County, near Gettysburg, in the year 1794. He had four sons and five daughters. Many of his descendants are living in different parts of that county. " John Peter, the third and youngest son, of whose escape from the Indians, an account is given on the following pages, was in the military service against the Indians, and in the War of the Revolu- tion, during the whole time of its continuance, in the capacity of fifer. He was in the battle of Germantown. At the close of the war he married, and settled in Bedminster Township, Bucks County, about the year 1784. He had two sons and eight daughters. Some of his descendants are still living in Bucks County, and one daugh- ter, Mrs. Statzell, eighty-eight years of age (yet very active), besides other descendants, are living in Philadelphia. " One daughter of John Jacob Mickley, the first, became the wife of Andrew Miller, who resided in Linn Township, Lehigh County. She had no children. " The other daughter was married to Peter Deshler, of White- hall Township. By him she had three sons and one daughter. After the death of Deshler, she married Michael Bieber, of Allen Township, in Northampton County. She had no children by Bieber. " In preparing this account about the Indians, I have drawn from the most reliable authorities, and rejected many incredible verbal stories about Indian affairs which had been added in course of time, so that the statements may be tolerably correct. I cannot omit to express my great satisfaction in having visited John Peter Mickley, in Bucks, and his sister, Mrs. Bieber, in Northampton County, in the year 1819, and obtained many facts from them in re- lation to this matter ; whatever the one related to me, was corrob- i 4 INTRODUCTION. orated by the other. From them I also learned that the 8th of October, 1763, was one of those clear, pleasant days which have fre- quently been experienced at that time of the year. Owing to the occurrence of the Indian murders, that day has always been men- tioned by our family as the beginning of Indian Summer." In closing the account, he says : " When the condition of this part of the country is considered, in which, one hundred years ago, a few families were living, with- out protection, in a wilderness, deprived of almost every comfort, exposed to attacks from wild beasts and reptiles, and the danger of being murdered, and have their property destroyed by hostile Indians, who kept them constantly in such fear that the members of the families bade each other farewell in the evening before retiring, being under the impression that they might not meet again on the next morning ; when such a melancholy state of affairs is compared with the present nourishing condition, where now the people are living in peace, themselves and property protected, and where are seen numerous finely cultivated farms, with convenient habitations, furnaces, manufactories, canals, railroads, improvements in every branch of industry, and the comforts of a numerous population; when all this is considered, we are impelled to profound gratitude. If any person exists who is unable to appreciate these advantages and blessings, he must be a heartless and ungrateful being, un- worthy of living in this community. " In the above I have presented such matter as I considered suitable on this occasion, and as might be agreeable to, at least, some of the descendants of our forefather, John Jacob Mickley. I shall be much pleased if by the facts here presented, sufficient inter- est has been excited in any one (more capable than myself) to pursue the subject further, and produce a more complete history of the Indian troubles at that time in this part of the country." It is not within the limits of the present work to enter at any length upon the trials and hardships of our an- INTRODUCTION. 15 cestors in their early frontier life; but the massacre of the Mickley children, October 8th, 1763, is of such deep interest to every member of the family that I quote in full the account as given by the late Joseph J. Mickley on the occasion of the One Hundreth Anniversary of the sad event: " The approach of the Indians was seen by Ulrich Showalter, who was working on the roof of a building. The site being consider- ably elevated above the river Lehigh, he had a good opportunity to see and count the Indians. Twelve in all were seen wading across the river, a short distance above Siegfried's Bridge, to this day known as the " Indian Fall" or Rapids. The Indians crossed the river and landed near Leisenring's Mountain (now " Laurel Hill "). It is to be observed, that the greater part of this township was at that time still covered with dense forests, so that the Indians could go from one place to another almost in a straight line, through the woods, with- out being seen. It is not known that they were seen by any one but Showalter until they reached the farm of John Jacob Mickley (No. 1), where they encountered three of his children, two boys and a girl, in a field under a, chestnut tree gathering chestnuts. The children's ages were : — Peter, eleven ; Henry, nine ; and Barbary, seven ; who, on seeing the Indians, began'to run away. The little girl was overtaken not far from the tree by an Indian, who knocked her down with a toma- hawk. Henry had reached the fence, and, while in the act of climb- ing it, an Indian threw a tomahawk at his back, which, it is supposed, instantly killed him. Both of these children were scalped. The little girl, in an insensible state, lived until the following morning. Peter, having reached the woods, hid himself between two large trees which were standing near together, and, surrounded by brush- wood, he remained quietly concealed there, not daring to move for fear of being discovered, until he was sure that the Indians had left. He was, however, not long confined there ; for, when he heard the screams of the Schneider family, he knew that the Indians were at that place, and that his way was clear. He escaped unhurt, and 16 INTRODUCTION. ran with all his might, by way of Adam Deshler's, to his brother, John Jacob Mickley, to whom he communicated the melancholy in- telligence. From this time Peter lived a number of years with his brother John Jacob, after which he settled in Bucks County, where he died in the year 1827, at the age of seventy-five. One of his daughters, widow of the late Henry Statzel, informed me, among other matters, of a remarkable fact related by her father, namely : that the Mickley family owned at that time a very large and ferocious dog, which had a particular antipathy to Indians ; and it was believed by the family, that it was owing' to the dog the Indians did not make an attack on their house, and thus the destruction of their lives was prevented. John Jacob Mickley and Ulrich Flickinger, then on their way to Stenton's, being attracted by the screams of the Schneiders, hastened to the place where, a short time before, was peace and quietness, and saw the horribly mangled bodies of the dead and wounded, and the houses of Marks and Schneider in flames. The dead were buried on Schneider's farm." The pamphlet of Joseph J. Mickley, (my great uncle), interested me very much, and led me to endeavor to gain more facts concerning our family history, in which I am pleased to say, I have been singularly successful. I gained a great deal of knowledge from my Uncle Joseph, my grand-father, Jacob Mickley, and my great aunt, Mrs. Andrew Sheldon, also from Prof. Dr. Charles Louis Michelet, the German Philosopher, who gave me inter- esting documents and authentic data. My friendship and correspondence with Prof. Dr. Charles Louis Michelet, of Berlin, has been a great help to me in the preparation of this work. His interest in the family of America was such as to request of me a list of all the Mickleys of Pennsylvania, (descendants of John Jacob Mickley, 1697-1769). INTRODUCTION. 17 In following the history of our family I am led to Tegard the influence* of Suzane Mangeot, a Huguenot, as one of our greatest inheritances. It was through her influence Louis Michelet of Metz, became a Protestant, and as Huguenot Refugees, they were married in Zwei- briicken, and their descendants in Berlin speak of them- selves — not as " Berliners," but " Refugees." The diary of Suzane Mangeot Michelet, is in the posses- sion of Dr. C. L. Michelet of Berlin, and it was a great sat- isfaction to me to look through it, and I wish I could have read it through — as it would have given her descendants many interesting accounts of those troublous times after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, during the times of the persecution of the Huguenots. Her eldest son, Jean Jacques, came to Pennsylvania in 1733, and was a worthy son of Huguenot Refugees. He was one of the sturdy settlers of Whitehall Township, Pennsylvania, where, in- stead of religious persecution, he was tormented by wild beasts and Indians, and two of his children were massa- cred, as above narrated by J. J. Mickley, his great- grandson. As a family, the Mickleys of America have led honest and upright lives — patriotic and useful, energetic and thrifty, not ambitious for office ; no person of the name, to my knowlege, being a lawyer. Although some are physi- cians and ministers of the Gospel, the professions are not largely represented. Some are in the iron industry, and nearly all land owners and in comfortable circumstances. I have become acquainted, through my work, with a great 1 8 INTR OD UCTJON. many, and always found them ready to give me all the in- formation I desired. As a rule they are very hospitable and trustworthy. During the Revolutionary War, John Jacob (No. i) was entrusted with the removal of the bells, of Philadelphia, bringing eleven of the bells, including Christ Church chimes and the State House bell, on his wagons and with his horses to Allentown, Pennsylvania, where they were concealed beneath the floors of Zion's Reformed Church. He was assisted by the Rev. Abra- ham Blumer, then Pastor of the church, whose son mar- ried Sarah, a daughter of John Jacob (No. i). They have always been active workers in the church,, as the early records in Whitehall Township will show. Egypt, Mickleys, Allentown and Hokendauqua have in their first records the names of different members of the family. They belong mostly to the Reformed Church (which is the original Refugee Church of our forefathers)- and the Presbyterian Church. The family is not so widely scattered as would be sup- posed — although the name is represented in many of the States. California, New Mexico, Iowa, Minnesota, Kan- sas, Illinois, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Colorado and Pennsylvania are the homes of the Mickleys of America. Prof. Dr. Charles Louis Michelet, berlin, germany. OF THE EUROPEAN ANCESTRY OF THE MICKLEYS. FROM the following letters of Dr. C. L. Michelet, of Berlin, it appears that the descent of the American Mickleys from the Michelet, of Metz, is fully authenti- cated; but that prior to that date (1444), it is more or less conjectural. I insert, however, Dr. Michelet's observations upon the history of the family as of the greatest interest, and value: "Berlin, April, 21st, 1883, Buelow Street, 28, S. W. "Miss Minnie F. Mickley, "Esteemed Miss : You will allow me to answer your English letter of the 9th of this month, in German, as I do not consider myself sufficiently competent to write a~ strictly correct letter in English, without some effort. You also, as the daughter of a German, no doubt under- stand this language. " All the Michelets with whom I have any acquaintance 30 EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. come from Metz, and I have in my possession now a com- plete genealogical table of the family, dated from the year 1444 up to the present day. This table is based for its truthfulness, partly, on the researches of the clergyman living there ; partly, on the certificates of baptism belong- ing to the city, and partly on private papers belonging to my own immediate family. " According to these researches, my great, great grand- father, Louis Michelet, was married in 1697 to Susanne Mangeot, whose diary, kept by herself, we have yet in good preservation, and in it she states she was married to her husband in Zwei-Briicken. " I can now easily imagine why this betrothed couple was not married in Metz, because, on account of the revo- cation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685, no marriage was allowed to be solemnized, in the then French city, in ac- cordance with the principles of the Protestant religion, and yet they were both secretly attached thereto. They went, consequently, to the neighboring Zwei-Briicken, in the Bavarian Palatinate, to celebrate their marriage, for since the peace of Westphalia, 1648, Germany had become friendly and co-equal. " In the Statistical Archives of Metz is found, however, the information that Louis Michelet and his wife Susanne, in 1699, openly declared their adherence to the new reli- gion, and that in 17 15, Louis, now having become a widower, also declared his five children, Jean (John), Barbe, Marie, Louis (my great grandfather), and Pierre, as Protestants. EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. 21 " What, however, I could not explain to myself in this- connection was this : That, although the certificates of bap- tism of the last four children are jointly found in Metz, Barbe being born November 16, 1702; Marie, December 11, 1703; Louis (who emigrated to Berlin in 1720), December 8, 1705; Pierre, December 21, 1710; yet the cer- tificate of Jean, the eldest, is entirely wanting, so that I even attached a mark of interrogation to his name in the genealogical table. "Now, after what you communicate to me concerning your ancester, John Jacob, this omission plainly explains itself. The married couple evidently remained yet awhile in Zwei-Briicken to await the birth of their first born. " Should you desire to ascertain the exact date of birth of your ancestor, you would have to apply to the Protestant or Municipal Congregation of Zwei-Briicken, and request of it the authentic certificate of baptism of your Jean Jacques or Johann Jacob Michelet, stating such date of year as may be known to you. "From all this, I believe that we may consider ourselves distant relatives, descending from two brothers, in about the fifth generation, and remain, with great respect, Your devoted. Prof. Dr. Michelet." "Berlin, July 3d, 1883, 28 Buelow Street, S. W. " Miss Minnie F. Mickley, "Esteemed Miss : The pamphlet of your great-uncle, as well as your letter of June 4th, I have just received. From the first I perceive that it would be almost hopeless to write to Zwei-Briicken for the purpose of obtaining transcripts of records concerning your ancestor, as during the plundering of the Palatinate, under Louis XIV, the French, no doubt, destroyed the Protestant documents there. Still, I would advise you to make the attempt. "Nevertheless, it remains in the highest degree probable that your ancestor, John Jacob, was born and baptized as Jean, the son of Louis Michelet and Susanne Mangeot, in Zwei-Briicken. For I find in the whole Genealogical Tree, accompanying this letter, no other Jean who could have been born in 1697 or near that time. If I am correct in my opinion, then, according to the short genealogical table prepared by your great-uncle, my great grand- father, Louis, who was born in 1705 and went to Berlin in 1720, is the younger brother of John Jacob, the great grandfather of your grandfather and his brother, and I would then have, with both, the same great, great grand- father, Louis Michelet-Mangeot. " It would also be quite natural that your grandfather, would be eight years older than myself, inasmuch as he is EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. 23 the descendent of the oldest son of this Louis Michelet. You yourself, Miss, however, belong to the same genera- tion as my grand-children, the oldest of whom is also six years younger than yourself. "After the information from your great-uncle, I at once attached the Genealogical Table of your American family, as far as it could be ascertained from it. You would place me under many obligations if, in accordance with your promise, you would send me a copy of the obituary notice of your great-uncle, as well as the names and births of all the American Michelets, for only then would I be able to perfect the so far only superficially prepared Genealogical Tree of your family. " The photographs of your grandfather and father, I shall receive with many thanks, and that of myself shall not fail for you. I am exceedingly anxious to see whether the very decided family character of the Michelets has preserved itself in America as it has in the Michelet of Paris, whom I visited in 1849, and, as in a certain Norwe- gian, Adele Michelet, who introduced herself and her husband to us. '•'These family features are so unmistakable that when, at a yearly festival of the French Huguenots here, my wife, Jenny, (a Swiss lady), saw the fur-dealer, Louis Michelet, without having known him previously, she turned to me and said, " That is evidently a Michelet !" In a remarkable manner is also yet familiar to my wife the say- ing of her great grandmother, " They were perfect Michelets /" My son, George, resembles me so strikingly in features and 24 EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. manners, that she is accustomed to say, " This is a genuine Michelet!" Eugene, the last, the apple of my eye, who followed his footsteps, has, alas, been taken away from me by a sudden death. What hopes had I built on him ! How I reckoned on him once to continue my labors, as the oldest two have become physicians ! He was a delicately framed, early matured boy, with beautiful large, animated blue eyes, with which he observed everything. "With intelligent speech, he already realized the serious- ness of life, and yet combined therewith a child-like cheer- fulness and roguishness. With all my philosophy, I cannot realize nor get over the infinite loss. "The visit of your mother's relative I await with pleas- ure, but would remark, in the meanwhile, that from July 7th to August 15th, we. all expect to make a visit to the home of my wife. My visit to Hokendauqua I cannot, however, place in prospect before me, unless I should fare worse in Europe than is the case at present, for I soon will have to reckon eighty-two years. Your wishes for my health in coming years is heartily appreciated. With the request to be remembered to your relatives, though un- known to me, I remain your, Most humble, Michelet." " Enclosed, herewith, you will receive the family Coat of Arms. So we brought it along from Metz, and so it is EUROPEAN- ANCESTRY. 25 found in the " Book of Heraldry" in Vienna, as the Coat of Arms of the Family Michelet, in the free city of Metz, of the German Empire. Mottoe : War, the Chase and Liberty. " Upon a silver base there arises the pinnacle of a Fortress surrounded by a ditch. A deer, in its course, leaps over the same. The dome is adorned by a Cap of liberty. A tradition says that the Michelet family de- scends from the Spanish Miqueletos, hunters in the Pyre- nees, who also served as soldiers in the armies of the Spanish Kings. Some of the members of the Berlin family and many of the Norwegian family have been officers or are as such yet." THE MICHELET FAMILY. Translation from Prof. Dr. C. L. Michelet's Auto- biography or " Wahrheit aus Meinem Leben." " I first saw the light of day in Berlin, on the 4th day of December, 1801, a child of the new century, and received in baptism the name of Charles Louis. Without wishing to inquire into the mysteries of astrology concerning my birth, at three o'clock on that winter's morning, I will only state that the day is consecrated to St. Barbara, the patroness of artillery-men, and that, in consequence of this coincidence, my life was destined to be a hard struggle with myself and others, for truth's sake. When the poet says, " Man errs, as long as he strives," he expresses but an equivocal aphorism. For to strive is to seek ; and he who seeks has not yet found. Therefore, he who strives after truth, does not yet possess it, and still dwells in error. I would preface this autobiography, with the axiom thus revised : " Man struggles as long as he lives," and especially the philosopher — for the higher the object EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. 27 of the struggle, and with philosophers it is the highest, namely, truth, the hotter will the contest he — I might also add the motto : "Miserrina est fortuna, quae inimico caret.'' "Accordingto the records, I belong on my father's as well as my mother's side to the French Calvinists, who, after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, emigrated to Ger- many. My forefathers, and also the pioneers of this colony, were particularly bent upon contracting alliances for their children with members of their religious faith exclusively. Thus, if the purest French blood flows in my veins, my spiritual education, owing to circumstances, is thoroughly German. I once proposed to Victor Cousin, in a letter dated July 28, 1837, to become the mediator be- tween the two nations, feeling myself almost providenti- ally prepared for the undertaking, and as my French an- cestors had been weavers of silk in their adopted home, so did I propose to introduce the web of German culture in my ancestral country. Cousin, however, in a most learned reply, dissuaded me from returning to Paris. " I cannot fully decide whether, on my father's side, I am really of French extraction, the ancestral home of the Michelets being the old German Imperial City and Bishop- ric of Metz, but my mother's family, the Girards, were unquestionably from Dauphine. " That part of Lorraine in which Metz is situated, and which was dishonestly appropriated by Henri II in 1552, was called by the French L'Allemagne, more particularly, 28 EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. although it belonged to the Middle Kingdom situated be- tween the two countries, and which had belonged to Lothair, together with the Roman Empire. If from this point of view we grant that these people, before the seizure by the French, were of German stock, we readily understand that after the entrance of the French con- querors, the original German population was by degrees obliged to adopt the French language and manners, par- ticularly in the cities. There is every probability that my name was of pure German origin, Michelchcn or Klein- michel, and that later it was written Michel, with the addition of the French diminutive particle let, making it Michellet or Little Michel, as in the original. The name was later written with one /, but from the year 1444 to 1745, appears, with but one exception, with the double letter. "When my son Paul, now a practising physician in Dresden, visited Metz, with the object of studying the family genealogy, he fortunately met a Protestant minis- ter who had made a special study of the history of the families of Huguenot emigrants, and who was able to furnish us with the following interesting data, i. e., that, from Jehan Michelet, he who wrote his name with one /, down to myself, we are twelve generations, allowing 33^ years to each. This data is perfectly reliable, as our in- formant had in his possession the complete records of the city of Metz and free access to the archives. "Tradition points to a far more remote origin for the Michelets, than the middle of the 15th century — and to far EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. 29 more distant climes as its cradle, than the French province of Lorraine — namely, to Spain and the Pyrenees, far away in the dark ages, when a tribe of " Miquelettos," Mountain Robbers or Free-Booters, carried on their de- predations on the frontier passes, whence they naturally penetrated into France. The very coat-of-arms of the Michelets would substantiate this myth, it represents on an argent field a fortress surrounded by a moat, a stag leaping over the parapet, and a liberty-cap crowning the helmet — War, the Chase and Liberty is therefore the motto of the Michelets, not to say the Miquelettos. "Two missing branches of our genealogical tree have lately come to light, one coming from Norway from Captain Michelet of Drautheim, a direct descendant of Paul Michelet, an officer in the Danish army, who was present at the siege Drautheim in 1658. My other cor- respondent is Miss Minnie F. Mickley of Pennsylvania, a descendant of my great great-uncle, Jean Jacques Miche- let, who emigrated to America in 1733 — with which the line is unbroken and complete." The autobiography of Dr. Michelet is most interesting and learned through its seven hundred pages, and gives a complete picture of the life of a great German thinker and philosopher for nearly a century. Dr. Michelet is a hearty old man, retaining well his faculties, and still xesides in the city of his birth. The volume closes with 3 o EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. this characteristic epitaph, composed by the philosopher,, and which is to be engraved on his stone, ' ' Sur la terre ici-bas il a trotive le ciel ; Laiszy-lin saus la terre un repos eternal." The following is the translation from the German of a paper found among the effects of the late Joseph J. Mickley, of Philadelphia, relating to the Mickley family: INFORMATION Relating to the Mickly Family, to its Origin and: Further Extension from Authentic Sources, Vienna. "The family 'Mickly' is an ancient French race of knightly and noble origin, that flourished already in the time of the Frank King Chlodwig, and was acknowledged as worthy consideration of importance. "The first of this name (name father) is, according to the Chronicle of Gregor of Tours,, a certain Dionysius Micheletus, who originally came from Greece, where such a name conveys the meaning of 'illustrious,' of 'renown.' The Franconian Major-domo of the name Odeard brought such a Mickletus from Constantinople to Paris, where the latter became treasurer of King Chlod- wig, and died A. D. 536. His descendants flourished yet EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. 31 till the times of the Emperor Carl the Great (Charle- magne), and called themselves Micklet, also Michelet, as the son, Edwin de Michelet, accompanied the aforesaid Emperor on his journeys to Spain, and in the combats in the Pyrenees and Basque Mountains, accomplished won- ders of bravery. "This Erwin had as consort an Isabella de Corsini, of Italian family, and dwelt upon the estate Chateau du Michelet, which lay in Provence. There, in extreme old age, he died, in the year 842, and left behind three sons, who were called Charles, Frederique and Denys de Miche- let. The last two died as Abbots in French cloisters. Charles, however, had a Beatrice de Anjou, of royal blood, as wife, and dwelt in the castle of his race and name. He was Major-domo of the Franconian King Charles the Bold, and was so strong, that, in the neighbor- hood of Aries, he once cut in twain with one blow, a Nor- man knight, in full armor and coat of mail, so that the Upper and lower parts of the body were completely separ- ated. From his time on, one hears nothing again for a long time, and not until the time of Louis the Pious or Holy (probably St. Louis), one finds again news of this family. There was, namely, an Odarique de Michelet, who accompanied the said French King, A. D. 1249, upon his journeys to Egypt, and who lost his right hand during the siege of Damiette. He was happily cured, however, by the King's physician — called Harmanique de Salys. On his return, he married Eulalia Leontaras, who was the daughter of a Grecian prince, and who came from the 32 EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. Island of Cypress. From this time one finds this family living in peace upon their estate, but nothing specially noteworthy can one remark. Again, with the French King Francis I., is mention made of them. There was, namely, a Quentin de Michelet, the Colonel of a French Cuiras- sier Regiment, and who fought in the many battles of this King in France, Italy and Germany with great honor. He had as wife Louison de Armaguacke, and left at his death, A. D. 1563, a son, who was called Bertrand de Michelet. He, also, was a distinguished soldier, and be- came artillery colonel. His usual residence he had at Dijon, where his artillery regiment was garrisoned. He found his death in the battle in the Netherlands, 1602. With his descendants one finds that they call themselves partly Mickly, partly Michelet. A scholar of this family, named Armand de Mickly, gave the inducement thereto, and he found out, collected and arranged the information regarding his family. He had his old and honorable coat- of-arms, the letters patent of his armoral bearings revived, made known, chartered and confirmed by King Louis XIV, and also by the German Emperor Leopold, and the ancient copy (deed) of such letters patent lays even yet in the archives of Paris and Vienna. His children, of whom he left five, lived yet at the end of the past century. But since the storm of the French Revolution, one finds no news of his family." [Louis I of France was known as Louis the Pious, but EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. 33 Louis IV, commonly called St. Louis, mUst be the one meant here, as the first Louis lived about the sixth cen- tury, and made no journey to Egypt. Seculi is probably intended for Saculum, a century, a cycle — and e has been used instead of a. "So" is fre- quently used in the chronicle with the weight of "who" apparently— also once as "which."] Prof. Dr. Michel et wrote the following letter after reading the " Information Relating to the Mickley Family:" "Berlin, August 10th, 1889. "Miss Minnie F. Mickley : "Dear Relative — We were all very glad to have your dear father in our midst. Alas, the joy was a very brief one, for at the end of three days he left us again. Time was, indeed, very precious, and we made as much of it as we possibly could. At the end we were yet able to ven- ture out, something which we could not do during your visit the previous year. We ended our joyful meeting with a visit to Tagel Castle, in order to see the burial place of the Humboldt family. In the midst of a woods, surrounded by the most luxuriant array of flowers, bedded around a high column, rest the departed members of the family, especially the two brothers, William, the minister and learned linguist, and Alexander, the great naturalist and universally acquainted traveller. The column is crowned with a statue of Hope, looking down upon the 34 EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. sleeping ones, executed by the Danish sculptor Thor- waldsen. "Although both of my daughters, living in Charlotten- berg, and their husbands were missing, having been on a sea voyage on the Baltic, nevertheless, I could count, with great satisfaction, at the supper on the shady summit of the park, nine Michelets, the number of the Muses, all of common birth, such as becomes the new world. "As regards the family of nobility which Uncle Joseph has traced, there is no doubt but that such a family existed. Not only have I reliable information concerning such from Metz, but the Norwegian family Michelet has also discovered the same, and even sent me the coat-of-arms. "You no doubt have again received the packet which you had sent me with your father. It gave me no new in- formation, inasmuch as it was simply the original of the copy which you had sent me already. I am sorry that you cannot give me any further reliable data, since the authenticated papers were stolen from your uncle. I, consequently, find myself limited to my own researches, as the matter interests me very much. In fact, I have already begun the work, and have examined the Chroni- cles of Gregory, Bishop of Tours. I find, however, that he makes no mention of a Dionysius Mickletus, neither in the index nor in the text. Mickletus is to mean, in Greek, "renowned." But that should be Megakletos.. Should I even make Meckletus out of this, the derivation would still not be beyond all my doubts. Heretofore, we EUROPEAN ANCESTRY. 35 have derived the name from the mountain hunters in the Pyrenees, the Miqueletos. " I expect now to write to Vienna, in order to inquire into and get information concerning the coat-of-arms and the revival of nobility under Louis XIV and Emperor Leopold. It seems somewhat strange that the learned author of the narratives should already have called him- self de Mickly in the seventeenth century, while your ancestor, Jean Jacques, is said to have assumed this name first, in the eighteenth century. "Much of a mythical character is also connected with all, as for example, when a Michelet Knight is represented as slaying his enemy, in full armour, by cutting him from right to left, whereas Ariostos, " Raging Roland," is said to have done so by cutting from head to foot, so that the two parts of the body fell on either side of the war-horse. Still, that does not weaken the remaining part of the narrative. "With many greetings to yours, I am, Your, Michelet.'' THE AMERICAN BRANCH OF THE MICKLEY FAMILY. IN a collection of upwards of thirty thousand names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French, and other immigrants ■ in Pennsylvania, from 1727-1776, by Prof. I. Daniel Rupp, under date of August 28th, 1733, are noted the names of persons arriving : Palatine, ship Hope of London, Dan Ried master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes : Males, eighty -three, above sixteen ; females, eighty-one ; males and females, 225 under sixteen ; in all 389. We find the names of Johan Jacob Miickli, also Johan David Deschler, Hans Jacob Schreiber, Hans Georg Kohler, Abraham Miller, and others, who settled in this region at the same time that John Jacob Mickley came. Members of these families afterward inter-married into the Mickley family. Among the early settlers of Alsace or Elsace Town- ship, Bucks County, were many French Reformed or Huguenots, also Swedes, who were Lutherans, Germans and French, who located on the fertile lands of Wablink (encompassed by hills). Here an opening was made for •other persecuted Huguenots. Amongst the prominent families in Oley were the Levans, Yoders, Schneiders, De la Plaines, De Lurcks, and others. THE AMERICAN BRANCH. 37 John Jacob Mickley came to this country a single man, and lived several years with Jacob Levan, in Oley, who was a relation of his. His daughter, Mrs. Bieber, told Joseph J. Mickley he was a "Veter" of her father's. John Jacob Mickley bought land of Adam Deshler, a, deed of which is in possession of the family from Adaim Deshler to John Jacob Mickley, date December 14, 1761. A synopsis of the deed shows that the land was first deeded by William Penn to William and Margaret Lowther, 5,000 acres, date 23rd October, 1681. Amongst other deeds of John Jacob Mickley, first, second and third, are tracts of land known as "Oczakow," June 5th, 1789; an Indian name, meaning " at the Yellow Lands." The land is now known as " Mickleys," residence of Edwin Mickley ; "Springfield," 1785 ; "Pond Brook," November 16, 1785 ; "Mount Pleasant," November 25, 1785. Other deeds of tracts of land from John Jacob Sr. to John Jacob Jr., date November nth, 1801 ; June 22, 1804; June 3, 1820; two deeds dated December 19, 1826 ; August 4th, 1829. Four hundred and fifty acres of the original tract of land, are now owned by descendants of John Jacob Mick- ley. It is to be hoped that more of the family will make Mickleys their future home ; that village being entirely on the original tract. In 1864, the undersigned, members of the Mickley family agreed to pay the sum set opposite their respective names; for the purpose of erecting a monument over the graves of John Jacob Mickley and his wife, who are buried in the Lehigh Valley, Lehigh County, Pa. The 38 THE AMERICAN BRANCH. original stones were of slate, and the inscriptions were almost obliterated at the time. The following list was subscribed, but not being sufficient, Edwin Mickley added the required amount, and erected a neat tomb and inscrip- tion to the memory of John Jacob and his wife, Elizabeth Barbara Burkhalter, after the bodies were re-interred in Mickleys' Church Cemetery, Mickleys, Pa. The following is the list of subscribers, 1864: Abraham, William J., Hiram, Edwin, Annie B., Joseph J., Sallie M., William B., John, Ephram, Frank P., Henry, Peter, Abraham T., James, Daniel, Peter, Catherine, James W., Jacob and Henry J. Mickley ; Mrs. Snively, Hannah Benkert, Mrs. Sarah Rau, Mrs. John Johnson, Henrietta Rau, Mary Jenkins, John Sheldon, Eliza Kuntz, Mrs. Christian Pretz, Joseph Swartz, Mrs. Samuel Glace, Mrs. Anna Sheldon, Mrs. V. W. Weaver. A copy of the will of John Jacob Mickley No. 8, and all the papers relating to the settlement of his estate are -carefully preserved. GENEALOGY OF THE MICKLEY FAMILY In the archives of Metz, Germany, we find the follow- ing record: 3674-1675—" Suzanne Mangeot was born June 26th, 1674, and was married 1697 to Louis Michelet, born December 17th, 1675, «• merchant. He was blessed in his marriage with Suzanne Man- geot. He became a Protestant pastor at Zweibriicken, died February 27th, 1750. The diary of Susanne Mangeot Michelet, now in possession of Prof. Dr. Charles L. Michelet of Berlin, Germany, states that ' ' They remained at Zweibriicken until their son Jean Jacques was born and baptized." 1699 — Louis Michelet and his wife, Suzanne, born Mangeot, new converts to this Huguenot way. Converted to God, not acknow- ledging Roman Catholicism. 1715 — Louis Michelet, a widower, and his five]children, Jean Jacques, Louis, Pierre, Barbe, Marie, new converts to the self-styled "Reformed Church." — {Extract from the Archives of Metz, .] 1697 — John Jacob Mickley, or Jean Jacques Michelet, born . 1697 ; died August 18th, 1769. -1733 — Eldest son of Louis Michelet and [Suzanne Mangeot; came to America August 28th, 1733, and settled near what is now known as Mickleys, Lehigh County, and married Elizabeth Barbara Burkhalter, born , died August, 1769. THE DESCENDANTS OF JOHN JACOB MICKLEY. One of the First Settlers of Lehigh (then North- ampton) County. FIRST GENERATION. Children of John Jacob — Whitehall. Married Eliza- beth Barbara Burkhalter. i — John Jacob, born December 17th, 1737; died December 12th, 1808.. Married Susanne Miller, born November 6th, 1743; died De- cember 16th, 1807; Whitehall Township, Lehigh County, Pa. He brought the Liberty Bell from Philadelphia to Allentown, arriving in Bethlehem, Pa., September 23d, 1777. He was a Revolutionary patriot, giving the use of his horses and wagons to the Continental Army, and helping in every way the cause of liberty. He was killed by a tree falling upon him, near his home, near Mickleys, Pa. 2 — John Martin, born March 3d, 1745; died March nth, 1828. Mar- ried Catherine Steckel, born April 8th, 1749; died April 8th, 1830. Settled in Adams County, Pa., 1794. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War; was in the battle of Germantown. 3 — John Peter, born, 1752; died, 1828. Married Eva Keck, born, ; died . He had a narrow escape from the Indians, October 8th, 1763. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 41 He was in the military service against the Indians, and in the War of the Revolution, during the whole time of its continu- ance, in the capacity of fifer. He was in the battle of German- town. Settled in Bedminster Township, Bucks County, Pa., about the year 1784. 4 — Henry, born, 1754; died, October 8th, 1763. Killed by Indians while chestnutting near Mickleys, Whitehall Township, Pa. S — Barbara, born, 1756; died October 8th, 1763. Killed by Indians, Whitehall, Pa. • 6 — Magdalena, born March 30th, 1745; died 1827. Married first, Peter Deshler, born March iSth, 1743; Irish Settlement, North- ampton County, Pa. Married second, Michael Bierber (no heirs.) 7 — Susanne (?), born, ; died, . Married Andrew Miller; (no heirs). Note — For others of sixth generation in Europe see appendix. Louis of Berlin, 1720 ; Christian Frederick and Simon Themstrop, of Norway. SECOND GENERATION. Children of John Jacob, i — Lehigh County, Pa. 8 — John Jacob, born April 13, 1766; died April 1, 1857. Married Eva Catherine Schrieber, born May 7, 1761 ; died September 16th, 1846. He rode on the wagon bearing the Liberty Bell from Phila- delphia to Allentown in 1777, and served as soldier in the Whiskey Rebellion of Pennsylvania in 1794. Died in the homestead at Mickleys, Pa. 9 — Christian, born, 1767; died, 1812. Married first, Elizabeth Desh- ler, born, 1773; died, 1840. She married second, Paul Balliet; born March 24, 1776; died, jji 849; (no heirs of Balliet); Balliets- ville, Pa., and Mickleys, Pa. 10 — Peter, born January 18th, 1772; died, 1S61. Married Salome Biery, born, 1773; died 18 — ; Peter Mickley's place, near Hoken- dauqua, Pa. 11 — Henry, born July 10th, 1782; died May 27, 1S27. Married Mary Magdalena Burkhalter, born, ; died 1867; Mickleys, Pa., and Waterloo, N. Y. 12 — Joseph, born (about) 1783; died, . Married Eliza Hartman, born, ; died, ; Franklin County, Pa. 13 — Daniel, born (about) 1784; died, . Married (?) Tamer . a Quakeress supposed to have settled in G-reensburg, Westmore- land County, Pa. 14 — Sarah, born November 27th, 1786; died January 25th, 1859. Married first, Henry Blumer, born, ; died, . Married second, Jacob Stein, born October 17, 1778; died August 6, 1842. 15— Anna, born, ; died, . Married Joseph (?) Deshler, born, ; died ; Danville, Pa. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 43 16 — Catherine M., torn March 28th, 1764; died Janury 2d, 1835. Married John Balliet, born November 31st, 1761; died November 2d, 1837; Limestone ville, Montour County, Pa. 17 — Magdalena. Married Woodring; Shamokin(?). Children of John Martin, 2 — Adams County, Pa. 18 — John, born, 1769; died March, 1855. Married Margaret Biery, bom, 1779; died February, 1852; Adams County, Pa. 19 — Peter, born, 1771; died February, i860. Married Rebecca Dorothy Biery, born, 1775; died, 1857; Adams County, Pa. 20 — Margaret, born November, 9th, 1775; died July 6th, 1846. Married Jacob Saeger, born ; died ; Allentown, Pa. 21 — Catherine, born, 1778; died, 1875. Married Jacob Biesecker, Adams County, Pa. 22 — Susan, born, 1773; died, 1872. Married Frederick Biery, Allen- town, Pa. 23 — Julia, born, 1776; died, 1864 (twin). Married John Piper, born, ; died, ; Huntington County, Pa. 24. — Daniel, born, 1776; died January, 1864 (twin). Married Salome Flohr, born, ; died, ; Adams County, Pa. 25 — Jacob, born, 1780; died, 1868. Married Earbara Hahn, born, ; died, ; Adams County, Pa. 26 — Maria Magdalena, born, 1778; died, . Married Jonas Hecker, born, 1771; died, 1842; Allentown, Pa. Children of John Peter, 3 — Bucks County, Pa. 27 — Mary, born, ; died, . Married George Snyder, Ohio. 28— Catherine, born December, 1785; died April 20th, 1864. Married Jacob Beisher, born, ; died, i860; Bedminster Township, Bucks County, Pa. . 2 g — Maria, born, ; died, . Married Andrew Snyder, born, ; died, ; Philadelphia, Pa. 30 — Susanna, born, 1788; died, 1878. Married George Henry Statzel; Philadelphia, Pa. 44 GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 31 — Jacob, born, ; died, . Died unmarried; Bedminster Bucks County, Pa. 32 — Peter, born February 20th, 1787; died December 23d, 1854. Married Mary Ott, born June 5th, 1796; died October 24th, 1869; Bedminster County, Pa. Served in the war of 181 2. 33 — Hannah, born February gth, 1795; died October 10th, 1884. Mar- ried Daniel Dieterly, born October 8th, 1796; died February 4th, 1863 ; Bedminster, Bucks County, Pa. 34 — Elizabeth, born November, 1791; died May 31st, 1871. Married Samuel Ott, born March 20th, 1791; died March 21st, 1857; Bed- minster, Bucks County, Pa. 35 — Sarah, born April 5th, 1793; died February 1st, 1874. Married Samuel Kramer, born September, 1794; died December 5th, 1870, Rockhill, Bucks County, Pa. 36 — Barbara, born November 12th, 1792; died July 17th, 1884. Mar- ried George Dieterly, born June 21st, 1788; died, 1861; Bedmin- ster, Bucks County, Pa. THIRD GENERATION. Children of John Jacob, 8 — Lehigh County, Pa. 37 — Mary Magdalena, born, 1789; died, . Married Daniel Moyer, born, ; died, ; Mercer County, Pa. (Major Moyer.) .38 — Jacob, born March 27th, 1794; died June 2d, 1888. Married Anna Kern, born July 19th, 1795; died April 27th, 1879; Mickleys, Pa. Served in war of 1812-14. 39 — Sarah, born December 5th, 1790; died May 20th, 1817. Married John Schwartz, born, ; died, ; married second wife; Schwartz's, Northampton County, Pa. 40 — Anna, born March 4th, 1797; died September 28th, 1890. Mar- ried, first, John Youndt; second, Andrew Sheldon; Mickleys, Pa. 41 — Joseph, born March 24th, 1799; died February 15th, 1878. Mar- ried, first, Cordelia Hopfeldt; second, Diana Blumer; 903 Market Street, Philadelphia. Children of Christian, 9 — Lehigh County, Pa. 42 — Peter, born July 17th, 1797; died February 20th, 1877. Married Anna Butz, born March 26th, 1800; died November 29th, 1880; Mickleys, Pa. 43 — Catherine, born, ; died, . Married Daniel Seigfried; Lehigh County, Pa. 44— Elizabeth, born, ; died, . Married Peter Troxell, born, ; died, ; Allentown, Pa. .45 — Anna, born, ; died, . Married Wasser, Lehigh County, Pa. 46 GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 46 — Magdalena, born, ; died, . Married Charles Burk- halter; Lower Milford, Lehigh County, Pa. 47 — Sarah, born, ; died, . Married Hass; Mercer County- Pa. Children of Peter, 10 — Lehigh County, Pa. 48 — Mary Magdalena, born April 8th, 1792; died, 18B9. Married Daniel Snyder; Bloomsburg Pa. 49 — Catherine, born March, 1795; died, . Married Daniel Burk- halter, born, ; died, ; Clinton County, Indiana. 50 — John, born April, 1796; died, 1796, near Hokendauqua. 51 — Salome, bom September, 1798; died, 1867. Married John Troxell; Mechanicsville, Lehigh County, Pa. 52 — Hannah, born October, 1800; died, 1881. Married, first, Joseph Kern; second, George Ludwig; Allentown, Pa. 53 — Joseph, born January, 1802; died, 1852, Married Catherine Miller, born, ; died, ; Trexlertown, Lehigh County, Pa. 54 — Charles, born October, 1802; died, 1878. Married Henrietta Fegley.born, ;died, ; Mechanicsville, Lehigh County, Pa. 55 — Elizabeth, born October, 1805; died, 1845. Married George Fahler, born, ; died, ; Allentown, Pa. 56 — Christina, born, 1808; died, 1885. Married John Peter Byle, born, ; died, ; Seigfried's Bridge, Pa. 57 — Susanna, born March, 1811; living in 1892. Married Thomas Moyer; Tamaqua, Pa. 58 — Esther, born September, 1815; died, . Married Stephen Troxell; Clinton County, Indiana. Children of Henry, ii — Lehigh County, Pa. 59 — Magdalena, born, 1804; died June 21st, 1875. Married Joseph Seigfried, born, ; died September 26th, 1879; Waterloo,. N. Y. 60 — Anna, born, 1806; died December 14th, 1882. Married John Deshler, born, ; died, ; Waterloo, N. Y. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 47 61— Edward B.,born, 1808; died, 1885. Married Catherine Troxell; Waterloo, N. Y. 62 — Deborah, born, 1811; died December 10th, 1869. Married David Fegley, born, ; died January 14th, 1862; "Waterloo, N. Y. 63 — William B. , born June 30th, 1813. Married Sarah Alleman, born May 12th, 1818; Waterloo, N. Y. 64 — Charles, born, 1815; died, 1878. Married Margaret Frantz; Waverly, Iowa. 65 — Stephen, born, 1818. Married Sarah Frantz; Le Mars, Iowa. 66 — Thomas, born April 5th, 1820. Married Margaret Miller, born, ; died, ; Waverly, Iowa. 67 — James, born, 1826; died, . Unmarried; Allentown', Pa. Served in Mexican War, 1847. Children of Joseph, 13 — Lehigh County, Pa. 68 — Mary Anna, born, ; died, . Married George Bell, born, ; died, ; Adams County. 69 — Sarah, born, ; died, . Married John Beisecker; Delphi, Indiana. 70 — Catherine, born December nth, 1820; died September 1st, 1873. Married Martin L. Miller, born December 29th, 1818; died December 22d, 1891, near Castletown, Adams County, Pa. 71 — Eliza, born, ; died, . Married John Barkdsell, born, ; died, ; Illinois. 72 — Anna, born, ; died, . Married Benjamin Lutz, born, ; died, ; Indiana. Children of John, 18 — Adams County, Pa. 73 — John, born, 1796; died, 1882. Married Harriet Hantzleman, born, ; died, ; Fairfield, Pa. 74 — Elizabeth, born, 1797; died, . Married George Diehl, born, ; died, ; New Oxford, Adams County, Pa. 75 — Sarah, born, 1799; died, . Married George Plank; Gettys- burg, Pa. 48 GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 76— Daniel, born, 1801; died, 1867. Married Eliza Walter, born, ; died, ; Fairfield, Pa. 77 — Hester, born, 1804; died, . Married George Plank, (second wife); Gettysburg, Pa. 78— Margaret, born, 1807; died, . Married Christian Musseli- man, born, ; died, ; Fairfield, Pa. 79 — David, born, 1816. Unmarried; Ortanna, Pa. 80 — Martin, born, 1822. Married Anna Crook; Fairfield, Pa. 81 — Harriet, born, 1828; died, 1861. Married Levi Pitzer; Ortanna, Pa. Children of Peter, 19 — Adams County, Pa. 82 — Daniel, born December 8th, 1795; living in 1892. Married Eliza- beth Settle, born January 13th, 1796; died March 19th, 1873. Served in the war of 1812. Company A, Riflemen, at the bombardment of Fort McHenry, Waynesboro, Adams County, Penna. 83 — Peter, born, 1797; living in 1892. Married (first) Rebecca Pitzer, (second) Anna Heretor, died, — — ; Cashtown, Pa. 84 — Henry, born, 1799; died, 1890. Married (first) Rebecca Rey- nolds, (second) Elizabeth Rebert, (third) Elizabeth Settle, living; Seven Stars, Pa. 85 — James, born, ; died, . Married Harriet Hershy, born, ; died, ; Adams County, Pa. 86 — Abraham, born, ; died, . Unmarried; Martin Mickley Homestead, Adams County, Pa. 87 — Rebecca, born, ; died, . Married Henry Bushy; Wyatts- ville, Pa. 88 — Hester, born, 1804; died, 1887. Married Nicholas Bushy, born, ; died, . Married second, Conrad Lower, born, ; Hornstown, Pa. 89 — Margaret, born, ; died, . Married Peter Hake, born, ; died, ; York County, Pa. 90 — Susan, born, ; died, . Married Israel Arendt, Arendts- ville, Pa. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 49 -gi — Sarah, bom, ; died, . Married Jacob Heretor; Gettys- burg, Pa. Children of Daniel, 25 — Adams County, Pa. 92 — Elizabeth, born, 1798; died, 1889. Married Henry Walter; Virginia. 93 — Sarah, born, 1802; living in 1892 (twin). Married Abraham Plank; near Gettysburg, Pa. 94 — Daniel, born, 1802; died, 1876 (twin). Married Catherine Shull, born, ; Cashtown, Pa. 95 — Peter, born, 1804; died, 1862. Married Sarah Myers; Florhs, Pa. ■96 — Jacob, born November 15th, 1806; died December gth, 1884. Married Mary Knause; Florhs, Pa. 97 — John, born July 24th, 1808; died March 13th, 1S72. Married Elizabeth Boyer; Voltaire, York County, Pa. 98 — Rebecca, born, 1810; died, 1889. Married John Hinman, Lan- caster, Pa. 99 — Maria, born, 1812; living in 1892. Married Henry Comfort, bprn, ; died, ; Gettysburg, Pa. 100 — Joseph, born April 18th, 1814; died December 5th, 1883. Mar- ried (first) Harriet Polley, born, ; died, ; (second) Re- becca Biesecker, born, ; died, ; Fairfield, Pa. 101 — Abraham, born, 1814. Married Lydia Myers, born, ; died, ; New Salem, Ohio. 102 — Kate, born, 1817. Married Peter Comfort, born, ; died, ; Gettysburg, Pa. 103 — Charles, born, 1815. Married Jane Green; Orrglen, Pa. 104 — Eli, born, 1822; died, i860. Married Elizabeth Shull; Fred- erick, Md. 105 — Augustus, born, 1825. Married Elizabeth Stover , born, ; Cashtown, Pa. Children of Jacob, 25 — Adams County. .1:06— -Susanna, born, 1807; died, . Unmarried, near Cashtown, Penna. 5° GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 107 — Mary Magdalena, born 1808; died November 24th, 1891. Mar- ried Daniel Hantzleman; Cashtown, Pa. 108 — Hannah, born, 1811; died, . Unmarried; Cashtown, Pa. iog — Rebecca, born, 1808; died, . Married Samuel Bercaw. near Cashtown, Pa. no — Sarah, born, 1822; died, . Married Samuel Pettis; near Cashtown, Pa. in — Elizabeth, born, 1818; died, . Married John Trostle; near Cashtown, Pa. 112 — Charlotte, born, 1815; died, . Married John Donalson; near Cashtown, Pa. 113 — Ephraim, born, 1827; died, 1878. Unmarried; Adams Coun- ty, Pa. 114 — Jeremiah, born, 1829; died, 1875. Unmarried; Adams Coun- ty, Pa. 115 — George, born, 1824; died, 1824; Cashtown, Pa. 116 — Julia, born, 1813; died, . Married (first) White, (second) Miller, (third) Wilson; Gettysburg, Pa. 117— Daniel, born, 1816; died, 1867. Married Martha Bucher; near Cashtown, Pa. Children of Peter, 32— Bucks County, Pa. 118 — Aaron, born, 1817; died, 1818; Bedminster, Pa. 119 — Levi Ott, born August 7th, 1819; died, 1862. Married Lucy Ann Worman; Pipersville, Bucks County, Pa. 120 — Hannah, born, 1821. Married Jacob Fackenthall, born, ; died, ; Doylestown, Pa. 121 — Josiah, born, 1824. Married Elizabeth Dieterley; Bedmin- ster, Pa. 122 — Amanda, born August 10th, 1827. Married William White, born, ; died, ; Doylestown, Pa. 123 — Peter Ott, born, 1832. Married Lydia Ann Eckert; Margaret,. Kansas. FOURTH GENERATION. Children of Jacob, 38 — Mickleys, Pa. 124 — Mary, born, 1824. Married Valentine Weaver, born, ; Macungie, Pa. 125 — Rebecca, born, 1825; died November 16th, 1891. Married Samuel Thomas, born, ; Catasauqua, Pa. 126 — Ephraim, born August 18th, 1826; died October gth, 1887. Mar ried Elizabeth A. Deshler, born, ; died, ; (no heirs.) 127 — James W., born September 27th, 1828; died October 16th, 1880. Married Annie Leisnering Cooper; Catasauqua, Pa. Served during the Civil War, 1861-65. 128 — Edwin, bom April 20th, 1830. Married Matilda E. Fogel, born October 6th, 1834; homestead, Mickleys, Pa. First Lieutenant, Company B, Thirty-eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia; Com. -Gens. Zeigel and War- ren. 129 — Catherine A., born, 1832; Allentown, Pa. 130 — Eliza, born, 1834. Married Rev. David Kuntz; Lutheran pastor; Nazareth, Pa. 131 — William Jacob, born September 18th, 1836; died May 16th,. 1891. Married Lucy Keck, born, ; Alburtis, Pa. 132 — Jane, born, 1838. Married Enoch Phillips; Pulaski City, Va. 133 — Anna Lovina, born, September 12th 1818; died April 14th. 1823; Mickleys, Pa. 134 — Francisca, born December 19th, 1824; died March 1st, 1839; Mickleys, Pa. ^2 GENEALOGICAL RECORD. Children of Joseph, 41 — Philadelphia, Pa. 135 — Henry Joseph, born July 10th, 1828. Married Mary Ann Ma- jilton, born, ; died, ; 1329 South. Fifteenth street, Phila- delphia, Pa. 136— Josephine C. A., born September 25th, 1830; died August 9th, 1887. Married John J. Johnson, born, ; Thirty-eighth and Sansom streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 137 — Hannah C, born July 4th, 1835. Married George Benkert, born, ; died, 1885; London, England. 138 — John Jacob, born November 23d, 1836; died December 6th, 1892. Married Emma Lois Luther; (no heirs); Visalia, California. i 3 g — Sarah Julia, born July 2d, 1839. Married William C. Wilson, born, ; Laramie City, Wyoming. 140 — Joseph Phillip, born May 26th, 1842; Mickleys, Pa. Past Assistant Engineer of the United States Navy. Served in Federal Navy during the Civil War, 1861-65. Children of Peter, 42 — Mickleys, Pa. 141— Eliza A., born, 1818; died, 1818; Mickleys, Pa. 142 — Thomas, born, 1819; died, 1842. Unmarried; Mickleys, Pa. 143 — Abraham, born November 2d, 1826. Married Maria Erdman, born, ; Mickleys, Pa. 144 — Franklin Peter, born March 1st, 1832. Married Sarah Butz, born, ; Ballietsville, Pa. 145 — Caroline Susanna, born August 12th, 1836. Married Francis Levan, born, ; died, ; Coplay, Pa. 146 — Maria A. E., born, 1839; died, 1842; Mickleys, Pa. 147 — Alfred Thomas, born, 1842. Married Sarah Smith, born, ; (no heirs); Mickleys, Pa. Children of Joseph, 53 — Lehigh County, Pa. 148 — David, born September 1st, 1826. Married Maria Frantz, born, ; died, ; Ironton, Pa. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 53 149 — Charles, born January 27th, 1832; died October 22d, 1862. Married Eliza Heimbach, bom, ; died, ; Allentown, Pa. Captain, Company G, Forty-seventh Regiment, killed in action, October 22d, 1862; Franklin, South Carolina, 150 — Amanda, born December, 1825. Married Henry Schadt, born, ; Ruchsville, Pa. 151 — Hannah, born January 27th, 1821. Married Ludwig Wolf, born, ; Allentown, Pa. 152— Catherine, born 1832. Married John Zeigler; Mechanics- ville, Pa. Children of Charles, 56 — Trexlertown, Pa. 153 — Anna C, born August, 1830. Married John Sieger, born, ; died, 1890; Seigersville, Pa. 154 — Isabella, born, 1828; died, 1830; Trexlertown, Pa. 155 — Matthias C, born November 1st, 1832; died March 3d, 1888.. Married Augusta Dorr, 1873; St. Cloud, Minn. 156 — Henry Louis, born, 1834. Married ; Hamburg, Pa. 157 — Mary Anna, born, 1837. Married Moses Guth, born, ;. Guths, Pa. Children of Edward B., 61 — Waterloo, N. Y. 158 — Franklin, born, 1833. Married Anna Callorn, born, ; Waterloo, N. Y. 159 — Henry Clay, born, 1836. Married Mary Mountain; Mansfield, Ohio. Fiftieth Regiment, Engineers, Civil War 1861-65, New York. 160 — Erastus, born, 1848. Married Margaret Clement, born,. ;, Senaca Falls, N. Y. 161 — Delancy, born, i860; Senaca Falls, N. Y. 162 — Catherine B., born, ; Waterloo, N. Y. 163 — Edson L., born, 1859; died, 1889; Waterloo, N. Y. 164 — Edwin, born, 1839; died, 1839; Waterloo, N. Y. 5 4 GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 165 — Adeline, born, 1842; Waterloo, N. Y. j66— Frances E., born, 1856. Married William A. Mosher, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Children of William B., 62 — Waterloo, N. Y. 167 — Bayard Taylor, born October 1st, 1850; died December 17th, 1855; Waterloo, N. Y. 168 — Dewitt, born June 14th, 1859; Waterloo, N. Y. 169 — Susan J., born January 23d, 1858; Waterloo, N. Y. 170 — Elsie Lee, born February 12th, 1852. Married Oliver Perry Loveridge; Waterloo, N. Y. ,171 — Alice R., born November 12th, 1855. Married Hon. J. Erastus Richardson; Waterloo, N. Y. ■172 — Georgianna, born Nov. 17th, 1857. Married Isaac Westbrook; Fayette County, N. Y. 173 — Clara Belle, born October 4th, 1861; Waterloo, N. Y. 174 — Helena, born November 26th, 1864; Waterloo, N. Y. Child of Charles, 64 — Iowa. 175 — Joseph, died at five years of age. Children of Stephen, 65 — Iowa. 176 — Henry, born, . Unmarried; LeMars, Iowa. Served in the New York Third Light Artillery, Civil War, 1861-64. 177 — Hudson, born November 25th, 1846. Married Mary Frink, born, ; Auburn, N. Y. Served in New York Third Light Artillery during the Civil War, 1861-64. '178— Emma, born November 26th, 1849. Married Joseph Comine, born, ; Janesville, Iowa. J79 — Cora, born, .; LeMars, Iowa. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. Children of Thomas, 66 — Iowa. 55 180 — Stephen, born November 28th, 1841. Married Sarah Miller, born, ; Buffalo, N. Y. 181 — William, born September 22d, 1845. Married Kate Hatfield; 262^ Union street, Jersey City, N. J. 182— Francis, born February 13th, 1851. Married A. Van Nord- strand; Waverly, Iowa. 184 — Jane, born May 1st, i860. Married Homer Healy; Janesville, Iowa. Children of John, 73 — Adams County, Pa. '183 — Mary M. J., born, 1858. Married Samuel Bomgardner; Fair- field, Pa. 186 — Harriet Rebecca, born, i860. Married Latimer Myers; Fair- field, Pa. 187 — Sarah, born, 1861. Married William Culp; near Fairfield, Pa.' 188 — John, born, 1864. Married C. C. Scott, born, ; Philadel- phia, Pa. 189— Emma F. S., born, 1868. Married John Trostle; Fairfield, Pa. Children of Daniel, 76 — Fairfield, Pa. 190 — Daniel born, ; Fairfield. 191— Abraham, born, ; Fairfield. 192 — William, born, ; Fairfield. 193 — Elizaeth, born, ; Fairfield. Children of Martin, 79 — Fairfield, Pa. 194— Annie, born, . Married George Gordon, born, ; Frank- lin County, Pa. 195— Ida, born, . Married Jacob Cleek; Adams County, Pa. 1196 — Robert, born, ; Waynesboro, Pa. 56 GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 197 — Margaret, born, ; "Waynesboro, Pa. 198 — Blanch, born, ; Waynesboro, Pa. Children of Daniel, 82 — Waynesboro, Pa. 199 — Catherine, born February 20th, 1821. Married Jonas Bell,, born, ; Waynesboro, Pa. 200 — Mary, born February 21st, 1825. Married Daniel Bell; Waynes- boro, Pa. 201 — Sarah, born October 10th, 1824; died September 30th, 1890. Married George Summers; Waynesboro, Pa. 202 — Susan, born March 26th, 1826. Married Daniel Good; Waynes- boro, Pa. 203 — Peter, born January 23d, 1828; died September 4th, 1854. Mar- ried Margaret Gilbert, born, . Killed by lightning near Green Castle, Pa. 204 — Henry, born October 10th, 1829. Married Sarah Summers; Franklin, County, Pa. 205 — Elizabeth, born April 25th, 1831; died, 1863. Married George Stephy; Waynesboro, Pa. 206 — Daniel, born June 18th, 1833. Unmarried; Waynesboro, Pa. 207 — Abraham, born September 26th, 1834; died December 24th, 1890. Married Sarah Stephy; Waynesboro, Pa. 208 — Mary Ann, born June 30th, 1836; died, 1859. Unmarried; Waynesboro, Pa. 209— John, born March 1st, 1838; died, 1863; Waynesboro, Pa. Killed in battle near Charlestown, Va., Seventeenth Penn- sylvania Cavalry. 210 — Simon, born October 9th, 1841. Married ; Waynes- boro, Pa. Children of Peter, 83 — Cashtown, Pa. 211— Esther, born, 1822. Married George Hagerman, born, ;. Cashtown, Pa. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 57 212 — Dorothy Rebecca, born, 1825; died, . Married Joseph Rebert; Cashtown, Pa. 213 — Magdalena, born, 1827; died, . Married James Rebert; Cashtown, Pa. Children of Henry, 84 — Seven Stars, Pa. 214 — James, born, 1828. Married Mary Hershy; near Gettysburg, Penna. Captain Company C, i82d Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun- teers. Served throughout the war, 1861-65. 215 — Harriet, born, 1830. Married George Hershy; Gettysburg, Pa. Children of Daniel, 94 — Cashtown, Pa. 216 — Jacob, born October nth, 1824. Married Eliza Pitzer, born, ; McKnightstown, Pa. 217 — Israel, born June 22d, 1828; died February 23d, 1862. Married Elizabeth Rife, Cashtown, Pa. Children of Peter, 95 — Florhs, Pa. 218 — Jeremiah Marion (Rev.), born, 1836. Married Emily C. Fraine. Chaplain of Company — , Regiment, 1861-65, in General Crook's command, against the Apache Indians. Pastor of the German Reformed Church, McKnightstown, Pa. 219 — Hiram, born, 1837; died, 1869. Married Charlotte Mundorff; Gettysburg, Pa. Soldier in Civil War, 1861-65. 220 — Melinda, born, 1839. Married Thomas Cover; Gettysburg, Pa. 58 GENEALOGICAL RECORD. Children of Jacob, 96 — Florhs, Pa. 221— Eli, born, 1843; died, 1863. Married Mary Rook; Ftmkstown, Franklin County, Pa. Soldier in Civil War, 1861-65. 222 — William, born, . Married (first) Sarah Fritz; (second) Miss Lily; Columbus, Ohio. Served in Civil War. Six months in Libby Prison. 223 — James, born, . Married Elizabeth Singley, born, ; Fair- field, Pa. 224 — Hannah Mary, born, . Married Jessie Metz; Fairfield, Pa. 225 — Salome, born, ; Fairfield, Pa. 226 — Peter, born, ; died, 1862; Fairfield, Pa. Killed in battle, Civil War, 1861-65. 227 — Jane, born, . Married George Hershy, born, ; Cash- town, Pa. 228 — Emma, born, . Married George Shellman; Cashtown, Pa. 229 — Rebecca, born, . Married Grant Funt; Cashtown, Pa. 230— Minnie, born, ; died; ; Waynesboro, Pa. 231— Lillie, born, ; Waynesboro, Pa. 232 — Bertie, born, : Waynesboro, Pa. 233 — Ella, born, ; Waynesboro, Pa. 234 — Harriet, bom, . Married Joseph Bennett; Waynesboro, Pa. 235 — Margaret, born, . Married Charles Pitzer; Waynes- boro, Pa. 236 — Annie, born, ; Waynesboro, Pa. 237 — Matilda, born, . Married George Little; Waynesboro, Pa. 238 — George, born, ; Waynesboro, Pa. Children of John, 97 — Voltaire, York County, Pa. 239 — Lavina, born November 3d, 1836. Married Joseph Reeser; Hale, York County, Pa. 240 — Adam, born December 27th, 1838. Married Hannah Laird; Voltaire, York County, Pa. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 59 241 — Sarah, born February 1st, 1841; died November 4th, 1843; York County, Pa. •242 — Edward, born March 1st, 1843. Married Catherine Doll, York County, Pa. 243 — Solomon, born February 27th, 1845. Married Elizabeth Baker; Roanoke, Huntington County, Indiana. 244 — Anna M., born March 27th, 1847; died March 1st, 1854; York County, Pa. 245 — Aaron, born April 25th, 1847. Married (second) Rose Gladfelter; Baltimore, Md. 246 — Charlotte, born February 27th, 1852. Married Peter Salter- ham; Mt. Royal, York County, Pa. 247 — Lucinda, born May 26th, 1854. Married Peter Baublitz, Strines- town, Pa. 248 — Rebecca, born June 24th, 1857. Married Peter Braum, York, Pa. 249 — John, born April 1st, 1864; died July 3d, 1865; York, Pa. Children of Joseph, 100 — Fairfield, Pa. 250 — Anna S., born July 27th 1845; died February 27th, 1846; Fair- field, Pa. 251 — Urias A., born September 2d, 1839. Married Margaret Biesecker, born, ; Denver, Colorado. Served in Civil War. Six months in Libby Prison. 252 — Elias Franklin, born March 24th, 1849. Married Mary Her- bert; Perth, Sumner County, Kansas. 253 — Amos Wesley, born October nth, 1850; died October nth, 1867; Fairfield, Pa. 254 — Sarah Salome, born June 22d, 1852. Married Ezra Fuss, Kansas. 255 — Charles, born, . Married Miss Forney; Belle Plain, Kansas. 256 — Henry, born, ; died, . Unmarried; Fairfield, Pa. 257 — Naomi Elizabeth, born July 5th, 1854; died October 7, 1877. Married Robert Ogden; Fairfield, Pa. 60 GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 258— David Augustus, born May 29th, 1856. Married Sarah Mussle- man, born, ; died, ; Fairfield, Pa. 259 — Rebecca Jane, born February 13th, 1858. Married John D. Brown; Fairfield, Pa. 260 — Charles Edward, born July 10th, i860; Fairfield, Pa. 261 — Margaret A., born August 10th, 1862. Married John A. Don- alson, Fairfield, Pa. 262 — Maria Sherman, born January 8th, 1865. Married Daniel Stoops; Fairfield, Pa. 263 — Anna M. C, born June 13th, 1867. Married John Wetzel; Fair- field, Pa. 264 — Joseph H., born April 24th, 1875; died April 9th, 1888; Fair- field, Pa. Children of Abraham, ioi — New Salem, O. Nine children; all died in childhood. Children of Charles, 103 — Orrglen, Pa. 265 — Samuel, born, 1843; died, 1847; Orrglen, Pa. 266 — Lemuel, born February 1st, 1849. Married (first) Margaret A. Grimers; (second) Ida F. Ford; Syracuse, N. Y. 267 — Americus Green, born January 20th, 1850. Married Henrietta Mickley; Cash town, Pa. 268 — Avilla, born January 6th, 1847. Married Rev. David W. Wolff, born, ; died, ; Orrglen, Pa. Child of Eli, 104 — Frederick City, Md. 269 — Sarah, born, ; Frederick City, Md. Children of Augustus, 105 — Cashtown, Pa. 270 — Emmaline Alice, born, 1845; died, 1862; Cashtown, Pa. 271 — John Augustus, born, 1848. Unmarried; Cashtown, Pa. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 61 272 — Elliot Parker, born, 1849. Married Millicent Gorden; near Cashtown, Pa. 273 — Mervin O., born, 1854. Married Catherine Adams; near Cash- town, Pa. 274 — Sarah, born, 1850. Married William Cover; McKnightstown, Pa. 275— Charlotte, born, 1856. Married Charles Thorn, born, ; died, ; Gettysburg, Pa. 276 — Mary E., born, 1862; Cashtown, Pa. 277— Sherry Frederick, born, 1849; died, 1862; Cashtown, Pa. Child of Daniel, 117 — Cashtown, Pa. 278 — John Alfred, born, . Married Clara Blocher; Cashtown, Pa. Children of Levi Ott, 118 — Bucks County, Pa. 279 — Lucinda, born January 16th, 1817; died October 27th, 1872; Bedminster, Pa. 280 — Pearson W., born November 25th, 1848. Married Mary Ever- hart; No. 210 Green Street, Philadelphia. 281 — Mary E., born July 10th, 1851. Married William Sheetz, Phila- delphia, Pa. 282 — Helena, born May 14th, 1854, Philadelphia, Pa. Children of Josiah, 121 — Bedminster, Pa. 283 — Reed, born March 29th, 1857; died October, 1877; Bedminster, Pa. 284 — Euphemia, born May 9th, 1864; died March 7th, 1886. Married William S. Nicholas; Bedminster, Pa. 62 • GENEALOGICAL RECORD. Children of Peter Ott, 123 — Margaret, Kansas. 285 — Ida E., born December 22d, 1861. Married Edwin Saundersr La Joya, New Mexico. 286 — Harvey, born July 27th, 1863; died January 26th, 1867; Mar- garet, Kansas. 287 — Lycurgus, born May 25th, 1865; died January 12th, 1867; Mar- garet, Kansas. 288 — Granville, born July 4th, 1867; died July nth, 1871; Margaret, Kansas. 289 — Mary, born April 17th, 1869; Margaret, Kansas. 290 — Eleanor a, born April 1st, 1871. Married John M. Saunders, La Joya, New Mexico. 291 — Cora, born September 27th, 1875; Margaret, Kansas. 292 — John Jacob, born March 8th, 1876; Margaret, Lincoln County, Kansas. FIFTH GENERATION. Children of James W., 120 — Catasauqua, Pa. 293 — Edith Righter, born, 1863; died, 1869; Catasauqua, Pa. 294 — Harry Thomas, born, 1865; died, 1865; Catasauqua, Pa. 295 — Edgar Cooper, born, 1866; died, 1869; Catasauqua, Pa. 296 — Anna Edith, born, 1869; died, 1871; Catasauqua, Pa. 297 — Carrie Euphemia, born, 1870; died, 1876; Catasauqua, Pa. 298 — John Cooper, born, 1872; died, 1872; Catasauqua, Pa. 299 — Bessie Cooper, born, 1874; died, 1877; Catasauqua, Pa. 300 — James William, born, 1877; died, 1877; Catasauqua, Pa. 301 — Frederick Wilhelm, Catasauqua, Pa. 302 — Mabel Cooper, Catasauqua, Pa. 303 — Ralph Cooper, Catasauqua, Pa. Children of Edwin, 128 — Mickleys, Pa. 304 — Anna Ophelia Desdemona, Mickleys, Pa. 305 — Lillie Ellen Eva. Married Dr. Henry Martyn Chance, Wayne, Pa. 306 — Minnie Fogel, Mickleys, Pa. 307 — John Jacob, Mickleys, Pa. Children of William, 131 — Alburtis, Pa. 308 — Stella, Alburtis, Pa. 309 — Elma Carrie, born November 16th, 1869; died May 12th, 1878; Alburtis, Pa. 64 GENEALOGICAL RECORD. Children of Henry J., 136 — Philadelphia, Pa. 310 — Albert Joseph. Married ; Newport News, Va. 311 — Henry Jacob, Philadelphia, Pa. 312 — Edgar Majilton, Philadelphia, Pa. Children of Abraham, 142 — Mickleys, Pa. 313 — Alice M. A. Married M. Newhard; near Allentown, Pa. 314 — Oscar Franklin. Married Jemima Schadt; Ruchsville, Pa. 315 — Preston T. Erdman. Married Susan Long; Mickleys, Pa. 316 — Amanda M., born, 1858; died, 1889. Married Frank J. Hen- ninger; near Ironton, Pa. 317 — Joseph Benjamin. Married Laura Kohler; Coplay, Pa. 318 — Ida Hannah. Married Oliver B. F. Breinig; near Mickleys. 319— Franklin Peter, born September, 1S64; died, 1878; Mickleys. 320 — Sarah Jane, born, 1866; died, 1872; Mickleys, Pa. 321 — Edwin Abraham, born, 1868; died, 1872; Mickleys, Pa. 322 — William John, born, 1871; died, 1872; Mickleys, Pa. Children of Franklin Peter, 143 — Ballietsville, Pa. 323 — EllaC. Married Walter Bieber; Kutztown, Pa. 324 — Annie S. Married James B. Albright; Washington, D. C. 325 — Laura. Married AlvinHauck; Easton, Pa. 326 — Howard, M. D. Married Margaret Koch; Ballietsville, Pa. 327 — Charles Franklin; Allentown, Pa. Children of David, 147 — Ironton, Pa. 328 — Albert Joseph. Married Emma Brader; Easton, Pa. 329 — Frances Peter, born May 5th, 1857; died, 1857; Ironton, Pa. 330 — Heinrich Jacob; Brainard, Minn. 331 — Amanda Caroline. Married Frank Lucas; Catasauqua, Pa. 332 — Urias David, born, 1855; died, 1855; Ironton, Pa. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 65 333 — Mary Ann E. Married John Biery; Ironton, Pa. 334 — Crisse Drusilla, born, 1859; died, 1864; Ironton, Pa. 335 — Ellen Jane. Married Mr. Kugler; Easton, Pa. Children of Charles, 148 — All en town, Pa. 336 — Sarah Ann. Married James B. Hammersly, South Sixth Street; Allentown, Pa. 337 — Winfield Scott, born June, 1848; died, 1871; Allentown, Pa. 338 — William Deshler. Allentown, Pa. Captain Company , Pennsylvania Militia. 339 — Charles Henry. Married Sarah Bohler; Allentown, Pa. 340 — Thomas Franklin; Allentown, Pa. 341 — Caroline. Married Nicholas Paul; Allentown, Pa. 342 — John Heimbach, born, 1859; died, 1866; Allentown, Pa. Children of H. Lewis, 156 — Hamburg, Pa. 343 — Lewis. Married Barbara Burkhalter; Hamburg, Pa. 344 — Henrietta. Married , Nyce; Hamburg, Pa. Child of Franklin, 158 — Waterloo, N. Y. 345 — Francis Wright, Lincoln, Nebraska. Children of Henry Clay, 159 — Mansfield, Ohio. 346 — Franklin B., Seneca Falls, N. Y. 347 — Frederick M., Cleveland, Ohio. 348 — Irene E. Married Rufus A. Kern, Mansfield, Ohio. 349 — Edward B. , Mansfield, Ohio. 350 — Clarence H., Mansfield, Ohio. Child of Erastus, 160 — Senaca Falls, N. Y. 351 — Annie E., Senaca Falls, N. Y. 66 GENEALOGICAL RECORD. Child of Stephen D., 161 — Senaca Falls, N. Y. 352 — Henry L., Seneca Falls, N. Y. Children of Hudson, 177 — Auburn, N. Y. 353 — Maud Aileen. Married D. Edward Poulein; Washington, D. C. 354— Eva, Auburn, N. Y. 355 — Le Roy, Auburn, N. Y. 356 — Jessie Fay, Auburn, N. Y. Children of Stephen, 180 — Buffalo, N. Y. Children of William H., 181 — Jersey City, N. J. 357 — Lida, Jersey City, N. J. 358 — Lena M., Jersey City, N. J. 359 — Herbert W., Jersey City, N. J. 360 — Zillah L. , Jersey City, N. J. Child of Peter, 203 — Greencastle, Pa. 361 — Clara, Greencastle, Pa. Children of Henry, 204 — Franklin County, Pa. 362 — Daniel, Harrisburg, Pa. Cumberland Valley Railroad. 363 — Lavina. Married Thomas Smith; Waynesboro, Pa. Children of Abraham, 207 — Waynesboro, Pa. 364 — J. Harvey, (Rev.) Scottsdale, Pa. Pastor of Scottsdale Reformed Church. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 67 365— Daniel, Waynesboro, Pa. 366 — Nora, Waynesboro, Pa. 367 — Emma, Waynesboro, Pa. Children of Simon 210 — Waynesboro, Pa. 368 — John, Philadelphia, Pa. 369 — Mary, Waynesboro, Pa. 370 — Marshall, Waynesboro, Pa. 371 — Adelaide, Waynesboro, Pa. 372 — Grace, Waynesboro, Pa. 373 — Edna, Waynesboro, Pa. 374 — Annie, Waynesboro, Pa. Children of James, 214 — Near Gettysburg, Pa. 375 — Savilla. Married Jacob Sheely; Cashtown, Pa. 376 — Lucy Ann. Married Daniel H. Deardorffi; Cashtown, Pa. 377 — Henrietta. Married Americus G. Mickley; Cashtown, Pa. 378 — Marietta. Married Dill Henry; Cashtown, Pa. Children of Jacob, 216 — McKnightstown, Pa. 379 — Frank. Married Sarah Lohr; New Salem, Ohio. 380 — Morgan. Married Mary Erb ; McKnightstown, Pa. 381 — Catherine. Married John Hartman; Mumasburg, Pa. 382 — Annie, born March nth 1857; died March 17th, 1892. Married Robert Myers, Table Rock, Pa. 383 — Virginia. Married' Harvey Plank; McKnightstown, Pa. 384 — Lydia. Married Abram Warren; McKnightstown, Pa. Children of Israel, 217 — Cashtown, Pa. 385 — David. Married Mary Jane Winter; Cashtown, Pa. 386 — Isaac. Married Ida Trostle; Cashtown, Pa. 387 — Clara. Married William M. Rebert; Cashtown, Pa. 68 GENEALOGICAL RECORD. Children of Rev. J. Marion, 218 — McKnightstown, Pa. 388— Edgar Lee. Married Hannah F. Karn; McKnightstown, Pa. 389 — Lillie Alice. Married Dr. Ephraim Shellenberger; Carlisle, Penna. Children of Hiram, 219 — Gettysburg, Pa. 390 — Anna Belle. Married Rev. Reichard. 391 — Sallie Myers, Gettysburg, Pa. 392 — Mary Lincoln, born March 15th 1866; died, 1867; Gettysburg, Penna. Children of Eli, 221 — Franklin County, Pa. 393 — Emma, born, ; died, ; Funkstown, Pa. 394 — George, Funkstown, Pa. 395 — Alice, Funkstown, Pa. Children of William, 222 — Columbus, Ohio. 396 — Harry, Columbus, Ohio. 397 — Cora, Columbus, Ohio. 398 — Daniel, Columbus, Ohio. 399 — Franklin Monroe, Columbus, Ohio. 400 — Marietta, Columbus, Ohio. Children of James, 223 — Fairfield, Pa. 401 — George Oliver, Fairfield, Pa. 402 — Daisy Bell, Fairfield, Pa. 403 — Effie May, Fairfield, Pa. 404 — Margaret Kate, Fairfield, Pa. 405 — Jane, Fairfield, Pa. 406 — James Roy, Fairfield, Pa. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 69 Children of Adam, 239 — Voltaire, York County, Pa. 407 — Mary Elizabeth. Married John Lowers; Voltaire, Pa. 408 — Emma Jane. Married B. F. Hinkle; Voltaire, Pa. 409 — Annie Maria. Married H. G. Miller; Voltaire, Pa. 410 — John. Married Kate Aldinger; Voltaire, Pa. 411 — Charles, Voltaire, Pa. 412 — Adam, Voltaire, Pa. 413 — Silas, Voltaire, Pa. Children of Edward, 240 — York, Pa. 414 — Avilla, born July 15th, 1862; died, 1872; York, Pa. 415 — Sarah Jane, born May 15th, 1875; died, 1872; York, Pa. 416 — Laura. Married Paul W. Stine; York, Pa. 417 — Savilla, York, Pa. 418 — Israel Rush, York, Pa. Children of Soloman, 241 — Roanoke, Ind. 419 — Sarah Ellen. Married Jacob Dubbs, Roanoke, Ind. 420 — John A., bom August 31st, 1866; died, 1866; Roanoke, Ind. 421 — Jacob C. Married Cora A. Zent; Roanoke, Ind. 422 — Joseph E. Married Claudia Hubley; Roanoke, Ind. 423 — Thomas F., Roanoke, Ind. 424— Anis R., born June 1st, 1876; died, 1877; Roanoke, Ind. Children of Aaron, 242 — Baltimore, Md. 425— Louise Jane. Married Fred Althen; York County, Pa. 426 — Harry, York County, Pa. 427— Cora, York County, Pa. 428 — Harvey, York County, Pa. 429 — Carrie, York County, Pa. 430 — Daisy, York County, Pa. 7 o GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 431 — Alberta, Baltimore, Md. 432 — Charles, Baltimore, Md. 433 — Anna, Baltimore, Md. Children of Urias, 250 — Denver, Colo. 434— Melvin, Denver, Col. 435 — Grant, Denver, Col. Children of Elias, 251 — Perth, Kansas. 436 — Wesley Alexander, Perth, Sumner County, Kan. 437 — Elmer Elsworth, Perth, Kan. 438 — John Joseph, Perth, Kan. 439 — Frank Ferdinand, Perth, Kan. Children of David A., 257 — Fairfield, Pa. 440 — Cora May, Seven Stars, Pa. 441 — Mary Alberta, Seven Stars, Pa. 442 — Bertha Bell, Seven Stars, Pa. 443 — Eva Grace, Seven Stars, Pa. 444 — Fannie Delta, Seven Stars, Pa. Children of Lemuel, 265, Adams County, Pa. 445 — Golden Mildred, Syracuse, N. Y. 446 — Roland Earle, Syracuse, N. Y. Children of Americus G., 266 — Cashtown, Pa. 447 — Clarence, Cashtown, Pa. 448 — Arthur, Cashtown, Pa. 449 — Clarice, Cashtown, Pa. 450 — Sallie, Cashtown, Pa. 451 — Stella, Cashtown, Pa. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. 7l Child of Elliot P., 271— Cashtown, Pa. 452— Mitchell Stover, Cashtown, Pa. Children of Mervin O., 272 — Cashtown, Pa. 453 — Anna May, near Cashtown, Pa. 454— Cora E., Cashtown, Pa. 455 — Bertha K., Cashtown, Pa. 456 — Robert Eugene, Cashtown, Pa. 457 — Millie Irene, Cashtown, Pa. 458— Mary Edith, Cashtown, Pa. 459 — Roy Augustus, Cashtown, Pa. 460 — John Oscar, Cashtown, Pa. Children of John A., 277 — Cashtown, Pa. 461 — Maud, Cashtown, Pa. 462 — Guy, Cashtown, Pa. 463 — Nora, Cashtown, Pa. Children of Pearson N., 279 — Philadelphia, Pa. 464 — Charles Levi, born March 13th, 1877; died, 1879; Philadelphia, Penna. 465 — Samuel Augustus, born February 13th, 1879; died, 1884; Phila- delphia, Pa. 466 — Annie E., born, 1885; died, 1886; Philadelphia, Pa. 467 — Katie E., born, 1887; died, 1887; Philadelphia, Pa. 468 — Pearson, born, 1890; died, 1890; Philadelphia, Pa. 469 — Thomas Edward, Philadelphia, Pa. 470 — Elizabeth Grace, Philadelphia, Pa. SIXTH GENERATION. Children of Oscar F., 314 — Ruchsville, Pa. 471 — Eva H. , Ruchsville, Pa. 472 — Thomas B., Ruchsville, Pa. 473 — Edwin A., Ruchsville, Pa. 474 — Ida May, Ruchsville, Pa. 475 — Helen Margaret, Ruchsville, Pa. 476 — L. Annie M., Ruchsville, Pa. 477 — Daniel R. , Ruchsville, Pa. Children of Preston T., 315 — Mickleys, Pa. 478 — Ella M., Mickleys, Pa. 479— Marcus W., Mickleys, Pa. 480 — Howard Lev an, Mickleys, Pa. Child of Joseph B., 317 — Coplay, Pa. 481 — Irene, Coplay, Pa. Children of Albert Joseph, 328 — Easton, Pa. 482 — James Garfield, Easton, Pa. 483 — Irwin, Easton, Pa. 484 — Edward, Easton, Pa. 485 — Mary E. , Easton, Pa. GENEALOGICAL RECORD. Child of Franklin B., 346 — Seneca Falls, N. Y. 486— Harold, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Children of Franklin, 379 — New Salem, O. 487 — Henry William, New Salem, O. 488 — Samuel Jacob, New Salem, O. 489 — Calvin, New Salem, O. Children of Morgan, 380 — McKnightstown, Pa. 490 — Virginia, McKnightstown, Pa. 491 — Daisy, McKnightstown, Pa. Children of David, 384 — Cashtown, Pa. 492 — Blanch Elizabeth, Cashtown, Pa. 493 — Maud Catherine, Cashtown, Pa. Children of Isaac, 385 — Cashtown, Pa. 494 — Edna, Cashtown, Pa. 495 — Elizabeth Grace, Cashtown, Pa. Child of Edgar, 387 — McKnightstown, Pa. 496 — William Lee, McKnightstown, Pa. Child of John, 411 — York, Pa. 497 — Gertrude, York, Pa. 73 Additional Names too late for Classification : FIFTH GENERATION. Children of C. Matthias, 154 — St. Cloud, Minn. 498 — Edward G., born June 18th, 1872; died, July 16th, 1875; St. Cloud, Minn. 499— Lewis J., St. Cloud, Minn. 500— Clara G., St. Cloud, Minn. 501 — Arthur P. J., St. Cloud, Minn. 502 — Matthias F., St. Cloud, Minn. GENERAL SUMMARY. The following is a summary of the number of descend- ants of John Jacob, in the different generations, as given in the preceding catalogue : First Generation 7 names. Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth 28 87 169 185 27 Total 503 WAR RECORD. WAR RECORD. The following is a list of the descendants of John Jacob Mickley in the different generations, who served in the wars of the United States, as patriots, officers and privates. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. John Jacob (No. i). A patriot. He conveyed the State House bell (the old Liberty'Bell) from Philadelphia to Allentown, and gave the use of his horses and wagons to the Continental Army. John Martin (No. 2). A soldier. Was in the battle of German- town, October 4th, 1777. John Peter (No. 3). A fifer. Was in the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777. He Served throughout the whole of the Revolutionary War. WHISKEY REBELLION OF 1794. (PENNSYLVANIA.) John Jacob (No. 8). A soldier. Went with State militia to the western part of the State in June, 1794. Washington disbanded the army. WAR OF 1812. Peter (No. 32). A soldier. Jacob (No. 38). A soldier. Served in Captain Ruhe's Company, Marcus Hook. He was also commissioned Second Lieutenant 7 8 WAR RECORD. of a troop of cavalry within the bounds of the Sixty-eighth Regi- ment of the Militia of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Second Brigade, Seventh Division of the Militia, composed of Counties of Northampton, Pike and Lehigh; by Governor Joseph Hiester, August 20th, 1821, until August 3d, 1828. Daniel (No. 82). A soldier. Company A Riflemen, at bombard- ment of Fort McHenry, September 13, 1814. MEXICAN WAR, 1846-47. James (No. 67). A soldier. THE CIVIL WAR, 1861-65. James W. (No. 127). Union Army. Company D, Eighth Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia, 1862. Edwin (No. 128). Union Army. First Lieutenant, Company B, Thirty-eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia, 1863. Charles (No. 149). Union Army. Captain Company G, Forty- seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Killed in battle of Pocotaligo bridge, near Franklin, South Carolina, 1862. Joseph Philip (No. 140). United States Navy. Appointed Acting Third Assistant Engineer (cadet), March 28th, 1864, by Gideon Welles, Secretary of the United States Navy, under President Abraham Lincoln. During the war he did duty on the U. S. S. "Coeur-de-Lion," Potomac Flotilla, on the Potomac, Rappahannock, James, York and other rivers, with base of supplies at Belle Plain, during the battle of the Wilderness. July 14th, 1865, U. S. S. " Mus- coota,'' Gulf Squadron. On U. S. S. "Yucca" for purpose of wrecking U. S. S. " Jacinto" during the yellow fever epidemic on board ship. There were only two officers on duty for three days — Messrs. Mickley and Durand. October 13th, 1866, U. S. S. " Resaca," from Portsmouth, N. H., on a trip around South America via Strait of Magellan to join the North Pacific Squad- ron, and thence from San Francisco to Russian America (now WAR RECORD. 7g Alaska) to freeze out yellow fever, and assist in receiving the country from Russia, which was purchased March 20th, 1871. Commissioned Second Assistant Engineer (master), by Presi- dent U. S. Grant, December 30th, 1871. Ordered to U. S. S. Monitor " Terror " Gulf Squadron. January 25th, 1873, ordered North in charge of prisoners sentenced by General Court Mar- tial, and delivered them to the Commandant of the Navy Yard, New York. April 8, 1873, U. S. S. "Lackawanna" Asiatic Squadron; joined her at Shanghai, China. On December 24th, U. S. S. "Ashuelot" visited Japan, China, Cochin China, Singapore and Siam, 1,300 miles up the Yang-Tse River, China, being the first American vessel to visit the port of Ichang, 350 miles beyond the treaty port of Hankow. February 24th, 1874, commissioned Assistant Engineer (junior lieutenant) by Presi- dent U. S. Grant. April 29th, 1877, Iron clad "Wyandotte" Navy Yard, "Wash- ington, D. C, ordered with the Monitors "Passaic" and " Montauk," to protect the Treasury Department during the railroad riots of 1877. He passed through epidemics of yellow fever, cholera, smallpox on four cruises and escaped from the fatal disease in each instance. Commissioned as Passed As- sistant Engineer (lieutenant) by President R. B. Hayes. October 18th, 1878, ordered to U. S. S. " Ticonderoga " on a special cruise around the world in the interest of commerce. Re- newed treaties with Zanzibar, Arabia and Birmah, and at- tempted to open Corea. Commodore Shufeldt, returning to Corea for that purpose. September 20th, 1884, U. S. S. "Pow- hatan" on special coast service. November 6th, 1886, U. S. S. " Yantic " with Home Squadron. January 7th, 1891, on Dyna- mite Cruiser "Vesuvius." On March 20th, 1891, ordered to the Dispatch vessel ' ' Fern " on special duty. Henry Clay (No. 151). Union Army. Fiftieth Regiment, En- gineers, New York Volunteers, 1861-65. Henry (No. 176). Union Army. Third Light Artillery, New York, 1861-65. Hudson (No. 177). Union Army. New York Third Artillery Vol- unteers, 1861-65. 80 WAR RECORD. James (No. 214.) Union Army. Captain Company C, i82d Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65. J. Marion (No. 218). Chaplain and staff officer. Under special orders and in different commands. In the Army of the Potomac (except the battle of Gettysburg); was at that time with a de- tachment in North Carolina. His last service was in connection with General Sheridan's expedition through the South. He helped to man the regular forts along the Rio Grande River. Stationed at Fort Brown, Texas; lost two horses in battle dur- ing the war. In 1873-74 was under General Crook against the Apache Indians, in lower California and Arizona. Hiram (No. 219). Union Army. Two Hundred and Ninth Penn- sylvania Regiment of Infantry; joined Ninth Army Corps. He participated in the retaking of " Fort Hell" before Petersburg, Va. , in the last year of the war, 1861-65. John (No. 209). Union Army. Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. Killed in battle near Charlestown, Va. Eli (No. 221). Union Army. Soldier, 1861-65. William (No. 222). Union Army. Soldier. Six months in Libby Prison. Peter (No. 226). Union Army. Killed before having been in battle. STATE MILITIA. William Deshler (No. 338). Captain Company B, Pennsylvania Militia. Served duty at Homestead, Pa., August, 1892. European Genealogy. FIRST GENERATION. LA FAMILLE MICHELET DE METZ. (D'ftrJs des documents authentiques.) Les Enfants de Jehan Michelet — Le Masson, 1444. 1 — Jean Michelet, le boucher invests de l'order de Saint- Michel par Louis XI, 1471, Seigneur de Beauval, Departement de la Somme. 2 — Antoine Jacques Michelet. Seigneur d'lnterville, President an Parlement de Rouen, 1596, portant les memes armories que les Seigneurs de Beauval. 3 — Anne Michelet de Beauval, epousa en 1615, Charles de la Ville Auffrai, Baron de Paynel-Mercy. 4 — Claude, hoste a la Rochelle daus la rue Princerie a Metz, 1482. 5 — Etienne, le Bolangier, 1542. 6 — Claude, l'escripvain, 1565. 7 — Jacques on Jacquemin, escripvain, 1576; clerc, 1579; receveur, 1587; commis du tresorier du Roy, 1593, morte, 1610; premiere femme, Suzanne Joly, morte, 1584, seconde femme Suzanne Wiriot. 8 — La Soeur Marguerite, femme de Claude Estienne, 1572. 84 EUROPEAN GENEALOGY. SECOND GENERATION. Les Enfants de Jacques, No. 7 — De sa premiere femme Suzanne Joly. 9 — Jacques, baptized 14th October, 1576; ancien, morte, 30th of October, 165 1. 10 — Susanne, baptized 18th of January, 1579, ep. Michel Persode de Savoie. 11 — Pierre, baptized 20th of Juin, 1582; pasteur, morte, 6th of Mars, 1632. De son epousa Marie, fille de Daniel Lenoir, Seigneur de Meis, morte le 19th of Juin, 1626, el ent un fils. 12 — Paul, baptized 16th of December, 1584, diacre, fermier des moulins de la ville, epousa Anne, fille de Josue Pillon, receveur des deniers de la bullette. De sa seconde femme, Suzanne Wiriot. 13 — Daniel, baptized 20th of September, 1592; epousa Marie fille de Daniel Collin, pratician du palais. 14 — Samuel, baptized 22d of Juillet, 1598. 15 — Esther, baptized 23d of Mars, 1603, morte venue de David de la Cloche, 8th of Avril, 1661. THIRD GENERATION. Le Fils de Pierre, No. ii. 16 — Gedeon, Marchand, Seigneur. Les Enfants de Paul, No. 12. 17 — Paul, baptized the 5th of September, 1617. Emigres en Nor- vege, 1644; Lieutenant, 1644; Major, 1658; Starb. 1659. 18— Jacques, baptized the 7th Avril, 1619. Emigres en Norvege, 1644. EUROPEAN GENEALOGY. 85 Les Enfants de Daniel, No. 13. 19 — Daniel, baptized the 18th of December, 1615; morte, 21st of Juin, 1659, or firve; epousa Judith fille de David de la Cloche, or firve. 20 — Esther, baptized the 20th of January, 1619; morte fille, 12th of Mai, 1684. 21 — Jacques, baptized the 29th of December, 1623; morte, 8th of October, 1685, teinturier, diacre. 22 — Suzanne, baptized the gth of Mai, 1627; morte, Fevr. 20th, 1668. FOURTH GENERATION. Le Fils de Gedeon, No. 16. 23 — Pierre, baptized the 21st of December, 1657; morte, 1699. Colonel des milices, emigre a Berlin, 1685. Les Enfants de Daniel, No. 19. 24 — Daniel, baptized the 21st of November; 1649; morte, 29th of November, 1670. 25 — Suzanne, nee the 24th of December, 1653; morte, 1711. Refugee avec son Mari Quien a Berlin. Les Enfants de Jacques, No. 21. 26— Anne, nee the 19th of Fevr., 1619; morte, 1681. Veuve Dubois. 27 — Pierre, 1652. Mercier, diacre. 28— Jacques, baptized the 16th of- Fevr., 1661. Teinturier. 29— Louis, nee the 17th of December 1675. Marchand. apres pas- teur a Zweebrucken, epousa Suzanne Mangeot a Zweebriicken. 86 EUROPEAN GENEALOGY. FIFTH GENERATION. La Fille de Pierre. 30 — Judith, morte, 1702, a Berlin. La Fille de Pierre, No. 23. 31 — Anne, nee the 28th of January, 1682, epousa de David Girard. Les Enfants de Louis, No. 24. 32 — Jean Jacques, nee 1697; morte Aout. 18th, 1769, a Zweebrucken, emigre, 1733, de Zweebrucken en Amerique. Epousa Elizabeth Barbara Burkbalter, morte, August, 1769. Whitehall, Pa. 33 — Jeanne, nee the 15th of November, 1699, a quitte Metz, 1708, avec la Comtesse de Nassau. 34 — Barbe, 16th of November, 1702. 35 — Marie, nth of December, 1703. Refugee de Metz, a Berlin, ou elle epousa Pierre Perrin. 36 — Louis, 8th of December, 1705: morte, 1766. Emigre de Metz a Berlin 1720. 37 — Pierre, 21st of December, 1710. Les enfants de Louis, No. 24 — Jean, Louis, Pierre, Barbe, Marie passent a Metz, en 1715, an protestantisme, comme leurs parents l'avient fait en 1699. SIXTH GENERATION. FAMILLE MICHELET DE BERLIN. Louis Michelet, No. 36. Arrive k Berlin avec David Girard le neveu de son pere, pour •Stre apprenti dans la Societe pour la fabrication des Soireries Girard, Michelet et Companie, y entra plus tard comme associe. La raisoa de commerce estrestee pendant trois generations dans la famille: Les Enfants de Louis, No. 36. 38 — Louis, nee nth of Juin, 1736; morte, 17th of Juillet, 1800. 39 — Marie Francoise, nee 15th of Aout., 1738; morte, 10th Fevre., 1796. F-pousa Baudouin. 40— Pierre, nee 24th October, 1741; morte, 9th Fevre., 1787. Officer de hussards sous Frederic II. 41 — Robert David, nee 22d Juin, 1744; morte, 20th November, 1802. Associe de la fabrique de soirie. SEVENTH GENERATION. Les Enfants de Louis, No. 38. 42— Madelaine, nee 24th Mai, 1764; morte, 18th Janvier, 1839. 43— Marie Susanne, nee 15th Mai, 1765; morte, 13th October, 1780. 44— Louis, nee 1st Mars, 1775; morte, 6th F6vre., 1841. £pousa Girard. 45— Henrietta, nee 17th Mars, 1776; morte, 18th Fevre, 1844. Veuve de Ed. Jordan. 88 EUROPEAN GENEALOGY. Les Enfants de Robert David, No. 41. 46 — Louis, nee 5th October, 1773; morte, 23d September, 1808. 47 — Henri, nee 1778; morte, nth Avr., 1803. Jurisconsulte. 48 — Auguste, nee 1780; morte, 24th Juin, 1858. Rentier. 49 — Edoward, nee 14th September, 1788. Capitaine pendant la guerre de 1813-15. 50 — Manon. 51 — Jenny. Epousa Mr. Bock. 52 — Pauline. EIGHTH GENERATION. Les Enfants de Louis, No. 44. 53 — Charles Louis, nee 4th December, 1801. Professeur de Philo- sophic & l'Universite. Premiere epousa, Marie Scholz, nee 18th December, 1813 ; morte, Mai 14th, 1864. Deuxieme epousa, Jenny Vallon nee 3d Julliet, 1839; morte, 1886. No. 16 Bur- graffen Strasse, Berlin, Germany. 54 — Carline, nee 4th Janvr, 1803. Epousa Poppe. 55 — Victoire, nee 18th Mai, 1813; morte, 18th Mars, 1872. Epousa Dunnwald. Les Enfants de Louis, No. 46. 56— Emilie, nee 28th December, 1800. IJpousa legraveur Thieme. 57 — Anne, nee 1st October, 1802. Epousa Platz. 58 — Elizabeth, n6e 21st December, 1803. Epousa le Confiseur d'Heureuse. 59 — Louis, nee 3d Fevr. , 1805 morte, environ 1876. Pelletier. EUROPEAN GENEALOGY. 89 NINTH GENERATION. Les Enfants de Charles Louis, No. 53. 60 — Paul, ne 18th Decembre, 1835. Medicin a Dresden. 61 — Jenny, nee 3d Novembre, 1850. Epousa le Dr. Diinwald, fils. 62 — Charles, ne 24th Avr. , 1854. Epousa Anna Michelet veuve. Medecin &, Berlin. 63 — Louisa, ne'e 14th Octobre, 1868. Epousa Adolph Gertz. 64 — George, ne 14th Octobre, 1870; Berlin. 65 — Helene, nee 16th September, 1873. 66 — Eugene, ne 25th Mai, 1878; morte, 16th Mai, 1883. Les Enfants de Louis, No. 58. 67 — Louis, ne 24th Juin, 1833; morte, 24th Septembre, 1879. Courtier, agent de change. 68— Paul, ne 26th Octobre, 1835. Pelletier. 6g — Richard, ne 28th Mars, 1810. Banquier. 70 — Marianne, nee 5th Decembre, 1841. Epousa le conseiller munici- pal Haalk. ills ont tous famille. TENTH GENERATION. Les Enfants de Paul, No. 59. 71— Paul, ne 10th Juin, 1866. Dresden 72— Marie, nee 7th Fevr., 1870. Dresden. 73 — Ilse, nee 13th Avril, 1872. Dresden. FOURTH GENERATION. NORWEGISCHER ZWEIG DER FAMILLIE Paul Michelet, No. 17. 74 — Johann, 1650; bis gth Marz, 1716. Hauptmann. 75 — Christian Frederick, 5th Marz, 1697; bis 30th Jarmn., 1769. Oberst Lieutenant. FIFTH GENERATION. Children of Christian, No. 74. 76 — Jorgen, 1st Juni, 1742; bis 26th February, 1818. General. 77 — Militar. 78 — Militar. 79 — Militar. 80 — Geislicher. 81 — Johann Wilhelm Geislicher, 13th November, 1753; bis 27th December, 1805. SIXTH GENERATION. Children of Johann W., No. 79. 82 — Christian Frederick, 7th December, 1792; bis 13th Mai, 1874. General in Fredericks Stadt. EUROPEAN GENEALOGY. 9 1 '83 — Simon Themstrop, 6th December, 1793; bis gth November, 1879. Officier, dann General-Einnehmer. 84— Kaufmann. 85 — Land-EigenthOmer. 86 — Johann Wilhelm, geboren 2d November, 1805. Hauptmann, dann Steuer-Beamter. SEVENTH GENERATION. Children of Christian, No. 80. 87 — Rechts-gelehrter. 88 — Rechts-gelehrter. 8g — George V., Ramel-Michelet. Oberst Lieutenant. -90— Adelheid, Ehemann, Saxlund, Ryfoged in Friedrich's Halle. Zwei Enkel des Generals sind Krieger. Child of Simon Themstrup, No. 81. ■91 — Hauptmann, in Drontheim. GENERAL SUMMARY. The following is a summary of the number of descendants of Jean Michelet of Metz, in the different generations as given in the preceeding catalogue: First Generation --- 8 names. Second " 7 " Third " -- 6 " Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth 4 II 6 ii 3 7i NORWEGIAN BRANCH. Fourth Generation _ -. 2 names. Fifth " _ 6 " Sixth " 5 Seventh " 5 " Norwegein branch _ _ _ 18 " German " 73 " American 9i -503 594 Ar\ The Late Joseph J. Mickley, OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. JOSEPH J. MICKLEY A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH BY HIS FRIEND J. Bunting AS PUBLISHED IN LlPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE OF JULY, 1885, AND NOW REPRODUCED BY KIND PERMISSION OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. Joseph J. Mickley. NOT many years ago there were several substantial old houses standing on the north side of Market street, east of Tenth, in the city of Philadelphia. These structures, which then wore an air of respectable old age, have been in recent years either totally destroyed or so extensively altered that the serene atmosphere of anti- quated gentility no longer lingers about their busy ex- teriors. On a morning in April, 1869, the present writer had occasion to call at one of these buildings — No. 927. Sev- eral broad and weather-stained marble steps led up to an old-fashioned doorway, where the modern bell-pull and the antique brass knocker contended for recognition. Alike rusty as these were, it became a problem as to which would best secure communication with the interior. While the matter still seemed indefinite, it was set at rest by the advice of an obliging street urchin, who volun- teered his information with appropriate brevity and directness: " Try the door. If it's loose, Daddy Mickley's home, sure. If it's locked, 'taint no use of knockin', for he's out." Thus instructed, I tried the door. It happened to be 9 6 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH " loose," and ushered me into a long dark entry, at the farther end of which a wide flight of heavy oak stairs led to the upper rooms in the rear of the building. Among these rooms, one of the first to be reached was evidently a workshop; and here was encountered the only living being as yet visible in the spacious old mansion. Upon entering, I was met by a dignified and placid old gentle- man, whose appearance was very much in keeping with the house in which he dwelt. He was quite evidently of the old school, and his pleasant voice gave me an old- school welcome. A fine broad forehead rested above a pair of the most kindly eyes that can be imagined, and belonged to a splendidly-shaped head, which was totally bald, save for a slight fringe of white hairs about either temple. The mouth was, in its expression, even more prepossessing than the eyes, and the whole bearing of the old gentleman — who had evidently reached his three- score and ten, but who, as was equally apparent, carried the warmth and vigor of youth still with him — was calcu- lated to please and impress the least observant visitor. The late Joseph J. Mickley comprised qualities at once more attractive and more unusual than are often met with in one person. He was distinguished through- out the world, during more than a generation, for the diligence and success of his numismatic researches, and his collection of rare coins was for a long time the most valuable in this country. As a collector of scarce books and autographs he was hardly less noted or less successful. But in Philadelphia he was most of all admired for his OF JOSEPH J. MICKLE Y. 97 delightful social qualities and his extensive information on a surprising variety of topics. During forty years his house was a rendezvous for a numerous group of special- ists — not alone in his own favorite pursuits, which, indeed, were both many and diverse, but in any and every de- partment of art or learning. Coin-hunters, autograph dealers, historical students, philosophers, musical instru- ment-makers, noted performers, and performers of less note, all the way down to " scratch-clubs," were his con- stant visitors for years. It is probable that no private house in Philadelphia has entertained a greater number of intellectually distinguished people than the old mansion just referred to, where Mickley resided from 1842 to 1869. Musical celebrities from every country hastened to make his acquaintance, and such was the magnetism of his per- sonality that acquaintances thus formed seem never to have been lost sight of by either host or guest. During his European tour, which lasted from 1869 to 1872, the then venerable traveler was continually meeting friends among persons who had called upon him at various times, dating back in one case as long before as 1820. They always appeared to have known beforehand of his coming, and he always remembered them and the circumstances under which he had first met them. The social reunions at Mickley's were informal to the last degree, and the accommodations correspondingly primitive. They usually took place in his workshop. Crazy stools or empty piano boxes generally served for seats. The surrounding furniture comprised barrels, g 8 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH cases and chests, filled to overflowing with the host's ever- increasing antiquarian treasures. If a quartette were assembled — and many times the musical party was en- larged to a quintette or a septette — an adjournment was necessary to a room less crowded, but equally sparse of conventional furniture. Mr. Mickley was always happy to join in these im- promtu musical assemblies, when occasion offered, al- though performing music was one of the few things which he never succeeded in doing well. He invariably played the viola on these occasions — perhaps, as Schindler hints about Beethoven, because indifferent playing on the viola is not so noticeable as on other instruments. As was to have been expected from so pronounced an anti- quarian, he had small sympathy for modern music. He even rebelled against the gentle innovations of Men- delssohn, contending, not without an approach to accurate judgment, that Haydn and Mozart had completely covered the field of chamber music. While in the midst of nu- merous and always congenial pursuits during his long life,, quartette playing remained a favorite pastime of very many days in very many years. Mr. Mickley's intellect was so many-sided and so evenly balanced that it is difficult to name his predominant bias. It is very nearly safe, however, to say that this was his historic faculty. In the writings, still chiefly unprinted, which were left behind him, he was at once the most minute and the most compact of historians. Emerson never condensed his rare thoughts into smaller compass, OF JOSEPH J. MICKLE Y. 99 not even in his " English Traits," than Mr. Mickley has condensed his facts and observations. There is a small pamphlet extant, the manuscript of which was read by him in 1863, on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of a noted Indian massacre in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, where several of his ancestors perished. It contains historic material enough for a volume. To indi- cate his early passion for amassing reliable data, the same sketch shows that a portion of its facts had been obtained while he was still a boy, from then aged eye witnesses ot the affair, nearly fifty years before its story was thus put into permanent shape. He mastered the Swedish language, after having passed his seventieth year, chiefly that he might write a correct history of the first settlement of Swedes on the Delaware River below Philadelphia. At the age of seventy-two he spent several months in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, and while there placed himself in communication with every prominent librarian of the country, besides scholars in Denmark, Holland, and Ger- many. He personally inspected a great mass of docu- ments and ancient volumes. Yet the result of all this is contained in a manuscript of less than thirty large folio pages, literally crowded with invaluable data. This was read before the Historical Society of the State of Dela- ware in 1874. It has never been put in type, and is almost wholly made up of material which has no existence elsewhere in the English language. A single instance will serve to show the minuteness ioo A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH and persistence of his investigations. In one of the public libraries of Stockholm Mickley discovered an ancient Dutch manuscript signed by Peter Minuit. No scholar within reach could master its contents. The private secretary of the Ambassador from Holland, who was appealed to, asserted beforehand that he " could read anything that ever was written in Dutch." Yet, after a long inspection, he frankly owned his inability to de- cipher a single word of it. Mr. Mickley was determined to ascertain the contents. As the document could not be bought at any price, and could not even be removed over night from its place of keeping, he caused photographs to be taken of it. One such copy was sent to a very learned acquaintance in Amsterdam, and another to a noted scholar at Leipsic. In the course of subsequent travels he found accurate translations awaiting him from both sources. The importance of the manuscript in this con- nection will be the more appreciated when it is remem- bered that Peter Minuit commanded the first expedition ever sent to the shores of the Delaware River. Being thus by nature an historian, it is but natural that Mr. Mickley should have left behind him ample materials for telling the story of his own life. From these we learn that the family name was originally Mich- elet. It dates back to the French Huguenots who, after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, settled in Zwei- briicken, a German province. The first foothold of the family in this country was established in that portion of Pennsylvania which has for more than a century been OF JOSEPH J. MICKLE Y. I0I thickly peopled by that enlightened and art-fostering sect, the Moravians. It was from the Moravian influence that Joseph J. Mickley first experienced a fondness for music and its appropriate artistic surroundings. He was born March 24th, 1799, at South Whitehall, a township then in Lehigh County, but originally comprised in Northampton. At the age of seventeen he went to Philadelphia as apprentice to a piano-maker. At that time the method of building a piano-forte was as different from the advanced art of these days as was the instru- ment itself. The piano-maker had then to work from the legs upward. His necessary duties demanded knowledge which is now distributed among several entirely distinct sets of artificers. That young Mickley satisfactorily completed his apprenticeship may be inferred from two facts: he started in business for himself in August, 1822, and in October, 1831, the Franklin Institute awarded him a prize for skill in the manufacture of pianos. From this time on, his business life, though of long duration, was uneventful, and may be summed up in very few words. From his original starting place at No. 67 North Third street, he removed, four years later, to a store on the site now occupied by a portion of the pub- lishing house of J. B. Lippincott Company. Here he re- mained until 1842, and then established himself in the building mentioned at the beginning of this article, where he continued to live until the final closing up of his business in 1869. It does not appear that Mr. Mickley was' ever actively 102 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH engaged in the manufacture of piano-fortes. He con- tinued, however, to tune pianos to the end of his life; and it is reported that he could never be induced to alter his terms from the original fee of one dollar, which was customary forty years ago. He also became noted far and wide as a repairer of violins and other stringed in- struments. At one time, a violin which had belonged to George Washington, was sent to him for this purpose. Ole Bull, who happened to be in town at the time, hearing of the circumstance, hastened to the shop for the pur- pose of examining and playing upon the historic instru- ment. Mickley also became an authority in regard to the value and authenticity of these instruments, although he never indulged in the passion of making collections in this field. His minuteness of observation was frequently manifested. While stopping at Venice in 1870 he notes down in his diary, "A man came to the hotel with some violins for sale. Among them was a Hieronymus Amati. It was a good one, but the head and neck were not genuine." At another time, a violin was sent to his place from a distant locality for repairs. The instrument was preceded by a lengthy letter beseeching his special care for its welfare, and setting forth in extravagant terms its great intrinsic value and its peculiarly interesting "be- longings." Anticipating a treasure, Mr. Mickley sent for some violin connoisseurs to enjoy with him a first sight of the precious instrument. On opening the express pack- age a very worthless "fiddle" was revealed. After the OF JOSEPH J. MICKLEY. 103 laugh had gone round, he said drily, " I think the value of this must be in its ' belongings.' " In the old house on Market Street, Mr. Mickley was not alone popular among prominent people from afar. He was equally loved by his neighbors on all sides. Many of the more unconventional of these knew him best by the familiar title of " Daddy." To the better educated class of young musicians he was almost as much a father as a friend. Nor were his close friendships confined to the young. Among his most steadfast admirers was an old bachelor German musician by the name of Plich. Herr Plich was a piano teacher, and it was under his tuition that the afterward favorite prima-donna, Caroline Richings made her first public appearance as a pianist in 1847. This old teacher induced Mickley to take him as a boarder, and he lived for a number of years in one of the upper back rooms of No. 927. One night a fire broke out in a building directly contiguous with the rear of the Mick- ley mansion. There was great consternation, of course, and busy efforts on the owner's part to gather together the manifold contents of his treasure-house. When all had been at length secured in a place of safety, he be- thought himself of Herr Plich. Hastening to the upper room, he discovered the old man in a state of semi-in- sanity, marching up and down the apartment, and carry- ing in his hands only a valuable viola. So confused was he with fright that main force was required to get him out of the room. After seeing him safely out of the front door, Mickley went back and secured a considerable sum io4 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH of paper money which had been totally overlooked for the sake of the beloved viola. Plich at his death bequeathed the viola to Mickley, and it was the only instrument which the latter always refused to part with during his lifetime. The entire savings of Plich were also left in trust to Mickley, to be distributed for such charitable objects as he should consider most worthy, and for about twenty- seven years Mr. Mickley carefully administered this trust. Mr. Mickley's most remarkable success in life was ob- tained as a numismatist. His habit of collecting coins be- gan almost in childhood. It has been stated that at the age of seventeen he first became interested in coin hunt- ing, owing to his difficulty in finding a copper cent coined in 1799, the year of his birth. Every student of numis- matism knows that this piece is exceedingly rare. The one sold in Mr. Mickley's collection after his decease brought no less than forty dollars. The taste thus formed continued a prevailing one for sixty years. It is sur- prising to find how speedily he became a leading and recognized authority. Although as guileless as a child and the easy victim of numerous thefts throughout his life, he was scarcely ever deceived in the value of a coin, token, or medal. Once, at Stockholm, in 187 1, he visited a museum where rare coins were exhibited. " The collec- tion," says his diary, "is very, very rich in Greek and Roman, but particularly in Scandinavian and Anglo- Saxon. There are not many United States coins, but among them I was astonished to find a very fine half- eagle of 1815." The known rarity of this coin thus on ex- OF JOSEPH J. MICKLEY. J0 ^ hibition in a far country very naturally attracted the keen eyes of the aged collector. These researches, continuing year after year, grew to be more and more valuable, until they became widely celebrated. By the time he had reached middle age he was as well known among the guild of antiquarians as a Quaker is known by his costume. Before his death he had been elected a member of all the prominent societies in numismatics, history, and archaeology throughout the world. The last honor of this kind, which reached him in his eightieth year, was a notice of his election to member- ship in the Societe Frangaise de Numismatique et d'Arch- eologie. His great collections in this department of knowledge were not confined to coins, but extended also to the literature of the subject. This was splendidly illustrated in his famous library, which comprised many works of the utmost value and scarcity. A taste thus developed in early youth naturally be- came in the course of years a habit, a sentiment, a leading passion of Mickley's nature. By the year 1867, his coin collection had become the most extensive in the country. By this time also the entertainment of curious visitors ab- sorbed a good share of the collector's daily duties. He was naturally proud of his treasures, and took a great delight in showing them to all who came. Utterly devoid of sus- picion, he was a ready victim to designing persons. The following memorandum, which was found among his later papers, will show how he suffered from this source : io6 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH " I have become rather indifferent about numismatics, or, at least, about collecting coins. It was a great source of amusement for a period of over fifty years. But having been so unfortunate at different times with my coins, it is, as it were, a warning to desist from collecting any more. In the year 1827, the United States dollars from 1794 to 1803, all good specimens, together with some foreign coins, were stolen. In 1848 about twenty half-dollars were taken. In 1854, after showing my collection to three Southern gentlemen (as they called themselves), I missed three very scarce half -eagles. The great robbery was in 1867. In Jaffa, Palestine, a small lot, worth about one thousand francs, with a collection of Egyptian curiosi- ties, was stolen at the hotel ; and, finally, last winter, at Seville, Spain, some old Spanish coins were missing while I was showing them to some persons." The " great robbery " above alluded to, occurred on the evening of April 13, 1867. It was of such magnitude as to cause a wide sensation at the time, and enlisted the sympathies of his coin hunting brethren the world over. Mr. Mickley's chief precautions, notwithstanding his pre- vious warnings of danger from another source, had been against fire. In a third story room was his cabinet. This had long since been filled, chiefly with an unbroken and historic list of American coins. The additional accumu- lations of years, nearly all foreign, and many of great rarity, had been stored in an old piano case in his bed- room, where, as he said, in the event of fire they would be close at hand. On the evening in question Mickley OF JOSEPH J. MICKLE Y, 107 was alone in his workshop, engaged in repairing a musical instrument. He had then been living entirely alone for a. number of years. A single servant, who provided his meals, had gone home. About nine o'clock the loud bark- ing of his dog in the yard below called him to the window. It was afterward found that a pair of old shoes thrown from an upper room by the burglars had thus called away the attention both of dog and master from what was go- ing on inside. An hour later a caller discovered several pieces of money lying in the hall. An investigation dis- -closed the startling loss which he had sustained. The entire contents of the piano-box had been carried off. A private desk had also been broken open and despoiled of a few medals, although its chief contents were intact. A gold pencil, the gift of Ole Bull, and other keepsakes, re- mained undisturbed. But the larger portion of a collec- tion of foreign coins, one of the most complete in the world, and the product of a lifetime's intelligent research, was gone ! It was a heavy calamity, and one from which the old ■collector never fully recovered. Sir Isaac Newton's his- toric Fido did not do nearly the amount of irremediable damage when he overturned the lamp upon his master's papers. The actual pecuniary loss, reckoning at cost prices, was in the neighborhood of nineteen thousand dol- lars. The market value of such a collection was of course vastly greater, and increasing all the time at a good deal faster rate than compound interest. It was somewhat of a coincidence that Mr. Mickley had received and refused 108 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH what he records as a " tempting offer " for the entire col- lection only a short time before the robbery. The ardent passion of a lifetime was now chilled, and his one desire seemed to be to get rid of his remaining coins and of the responsibility which keeping them en- tailed. Such, however, was the completeness of Mick- ley's literary methods of condensing, that an entry of three or four lines made in his diary on the night of the robbery is all that he had to write about the appalling loss. A week or two afterward he records in the same volume the disposal of all the remaining coins, with an air of great relief, as he adds, " I do not doubt I should be robbed again if I kept them." A large box full of the most valuable had been taken for safe-keeping, to the Mint just after the robbery ; but these were sold with the rest. It is understood that this remnant of the original lot was disposed of for about sixteen thousand dollars, the largest purchaser being Mr. Woodward, of Roxbury, Massachusetts. The dollar of 1804 went to a New York collector for the enormous sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars. Efforts to restore the lost treasure were not wanting. It might be supposed that the possession of such rare tokens of value would have speedily led to the discovery of their whereabouts. Mr. Mickley himself intimated that he suspected the quarter from which the depredation had come. Yet from that day until the present the secret has been as securely kept as that of the rifling of Lord Byron's letter from a vase at Abbotsford, or of the Duch- OF JOSEPH J. MICKLE Y. 1Q g •ess of Devonshire's portrait from the London Art Gallery. In fact, the same mild generosity which had always char- acterized Mr. Mickley still came uppermost in the face of this trying disaster. He frequently sought to overlook the misdoings of petty theives. A London pickpocket who had successfully practiced upon him Oliver Twist's little game was only prosecuted hecause his testimony was insisted upon by the authorities. At the foot of the Pyramids he deplored the chastisement inflicted by an Arab sheik upon one of his native servants who had com- mitted a similar depredation. His life-long friend the late William E. Dubois, of the United States Mint, has stated that " eight or nine years after the robbery a few very fine gold pieces of English coinage were offered for .sale at the Mint cabinet rooms. I was so well convinced that the labels were in his handwriting that I sent for him to come and see them. He could not deny the likeness, but seemed reluctant to entertain the sub- ject at all." During these years of study and research, Mr. Mick- ley must not be thought of as a strict specialist. Side by side with his fascinating collection of coins, there was an ever-growing library, the extent and value of which were never appreciated until his death. This accumulation was in itself an example of his cosmopolitan tastes. It was copious in local history, in biography, in music, in general literature, in costly and well-preserved black- letter editions, in illuminated missals dating back to the thirteenth century, and, above all else, in autographs. Of no A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH the latter, space cannot be spared here for anything ap- proaching a full description. As some indication of their value, it may be mentioned that a letter of George Wash- ington (the last he was known to write), dated six days- before his death, was bought by George W. Childs, Esq., for one hundred and fifteen dollars. A letter of Abraham Lincoln to General McClellan fetched nearly one hundred dollars. There were also signed autograph letters of all the governors of Pennsylvania, of all the Presidents, and of all the signers of the Declaration of Independence, The latter group is rarely met with complete ; and three of the scarcest names alone sold for as much as all the others put together. There were signatures also of about forty generals of the Revolutionary war, of both the British and American armies, and including Lafayette and Kosciusko. Both Napoleon and Josephine were rep- resented ; and the lovers of poetic justice will be glad to know that the latter name brought double that of the great emperor. In autographs of literary and musical celebrities the collection was extraordinarily rich, those- of Goethe and Schiller, Beethoven and Mozart, being con- spicuous. But the chief rarety was a large album former- ly owned by Babet von Ployer. This contained, among other treasures, a manuscript of Haydn, believed to be the only one ever offered for sale in this country. It also- contained an India-ink sketch of Mozart, drawn by his wife Constance. At the sale in 1878 this album was knocked down for one hundred and twenty-six dollars, although three hundred dollars had been previously re- OF JOSEPH J. MICKLE Y. m fused for it. The Mozart letter, a particularly interesting specimen, was sold for fifty-two dollars to M. H. Cross, Esq. Turning from the autographs to the books, we find still greater value and variety. The historical portion, especially where it referred to local subjects, was almost phenomenal. One precious lot comprised a complete set of the first daily newspaper of the United States, begin- ning with the " Pennsylvania Packet " in 1771, and con- tinuing unbroken, through several changes of title and proprietorship, for one hundred and seven years. An amusing incident is related in connection with Mr. Mick- ley's purchase of the larger portion of this series, — " Poul- son's Advertiser" from 1800 to 1840. When the wagon was driven to his door, loaded with the purchase, the housekeeper exclaimed, " What ever is to be done with all this truck ? " Yet this " truck," a mine of wealth to the future historian, was sold after Mickley's death for eight hundred dollars. There were city directories of several editions for ninety-three years. The black-letter list was quite large, and there were more than thirty editions of the Bible, some of great rarity, and nearly all in a fine state of preservation. From the time of the coin robbery the older acquaint- ances of Mr. Mickley noticed a decided change in him. On the subject of coins, once so voluble, he grew very reticent. His business, which had for many years appear- ed rather a pastime than a task to him, grew irksome. After a period of uncertainty, he finally decided to close II2 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH up his affairs and spend some years in foreign travel. In spite of advanced age, he was both physically and men- tally well equipped for such a journey. His health had always been good. His temper seemed never to be ruffled. Of the French and German languages he was a master, and he had some knowledge of the Spanish, Ital- ian, and Swedish. His previous extensive acquaintance with men of many nations and habits was kept fresh in mind by a remarkable memory. With all these advan- tages, the period of his travels was the most interesting of his life. Mr. Mickley set sail on the 5th of June, 1869, being at that time a few months past his seventieth year. He re- mained abroad for three years, visiting every country in Europe, ascending the Nile to the first cataract, passing through the Suez Canal, and across a portion of Asia Minor and Palestine. He made two trips to Northern Sweden to behold the spectacle of the midnight sun. Be- ing a week too late on the first season, he tried it again the following year. Passing through the entire length of the Gulf of Bothnia, and ascending the Tornea River, he entered Lapland, crossing the Arctic circle and penetrating the Arctic zone in a sledge-journey of seventy miles. The indomitable old traveler pushed on until he reached a small lumber-village named Pajala. On the night of June 23, 1 87 1, crossing the river with a small party of Swedes and Finns, he ascended Mount Avasaxa. in Finland. At this altitude, he says, " the sky happened to be clear in OF JOSEPH J. MICKLEY. 113 -the direction of the sun, and he shone in all his glory as the clock struck twelve." During this prolonged absence he visited almost every ■considerable town in Germany, Holland, Italy, and Eng- land. The instant he arrived at a town, he seemed to know the shortest cut to its museum. If there was an antiquarian in the place, he knew of it beforehand, and hastened either to make or renew an acquaintance. In the larger cities he was surrounded by these people, and he expressed unaffected surprise and pleasure at their attentions. He made visits of inspection to nearly every mint in Europe, having been commissioned by the Phila- delphia Mint to make purchases of rare coins for its cabi- net. Here the old passion appears to have blazed up again for a little while. It was an entire surprise to his family to discover among his posessions at his death the nucleus of a new collection, which was sold for about two thousand dollars. Mr. Mickley made at this period some valued acquaint- ances. Among these was the Italian composer, Merca- dante. At the time of Mickley's visit, in April, 1870, the composer, who was also president of the Conservatoire in Naples, had been blind for eight years. " The old gentle- man," says Mickley (who, by the way, was only two years his junior), " held out his hand and bade me welcome. I told him it would be. a lasting pleasure to have shaken hands with so highly distinguished a man, whose name had long since been favorably known in America. At this his face brightened ; he arose from the sofa, shook 114 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH my hand cordially, wishing me health, happiness, and a, safe voyage." Later, at Brussels, he called on M. Fetis,. the famous French musical critic and biographer. At that time, in his eighty-eighth year, Fetis was a fugitive from Paris, owing to the troubles of the Franco-Prussian war. Mr. Mickley's picture of the veteran litdrateur and critic is an engaging one, He says, "Considering his great age, Mr. Fetis is very active. He climbed up the step-ladder to get books and to show me such as he con- sidered the most rare and interesting. He is not only active in body, but he retains all the faculties of his mind. He appears to have a very happy disposition. While I was with him a continual smile was on his face, and it seemed to give him great pleasure to show me his books. He has been engaged in collecting them for over fifty years, and they have cost him a sum equal to three hun- dred thousand dollars, exclusive of a great many presents. The first book on music was printed in 1480." At Trieste he spent some time with the United States Consul there, Mr. Thayer, of Boston, best known to musical and literary people as the author of an exhaustive Life of Beethoven, which has been under way for nearly thirty years and is not yet finished. Mr. Thayer showed his visitor all the historic data and personal relics which he had collected for the book, of which at that date only one volume had been published. Since then Mercadante and Fetis have been gathered to their fathers. Their genial guest is also gone. The industrious Mr. Thayer lives, with three vol- umes of the Life completed, and every American, either OF JOSEPH J. MICKLE Y. 115 literary or musical, will wish him well on to the con- clusion of his magnum opus. Mr. Mickley's plain personal habits remained almost unchanged by the many unforeseen exigencies of foreign travel. Once, at Rouen, six months after leaving home, he says, " Tasted wine for the first time in Europe, as the water here did not agree with me." A little later, at Munich, he remarks, " Drank beer for the first time." His pockets remained as accessible as heretofore to the nimble fingered gentry. Upon his first visit to Naples, he records very naively, " Three silk handkerchiefs have been stolen from me here, — which is one more than in London." At Jaffa, on his way from Egypt to Palestine, besides the robbery of coins alluded to some time back, he lost a choice autograph manuscript of Mozart which had cost him two hundred and fifty francs at Salzburg. If careless in these particulars, he was very watchful and jealous of opportunities to uphold America's position in the world. He took special pains to inform the mint-masters at various points concerning the superior appliances and machinery of the Philadelphia Mint. On the way back from Lapland, while steaming southward along the upper waters of the Gulf of Bothnia, he writes, under date of July 4, 1871, "This being our national holiday, I put up my flag on the door of my berth, but was obliged to explain the meaning of the holiday to nearly all the pas- sengers." While in England, he met at Manchester a barrister who had formerly been his guest in Phila- delphia. This gentleman proposed to introduce him to n6 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH an American lawyer then practising there. " I asked the name. He said it was Judah P. Benjamin. I declined the invitation." Wherever Mr. Mickley journeyed, so long as any fresh acquisition of knowledge was to be gained the old traveler appeared insensible to fatigue. When half-wa}' up the Great Pyramid an English group who were in his com- pany stopped and insisted upon going no farther. He resolutely continued, and they, unwilling to see so aged a man out-distance them, followed reluctantly, until all reached the summit and congratulated each other on the famous view. In St. Petersburg, Moscow, and other Rus- sian cities, which he visited in the winter season, he was equally untiring and undaunted. As a specimen of his accuracy of observation, he writes during his first journey in Italy, " I counted forty-six tunnels between Pisa and Bologna." Several severe accidents fell to his lot. In Rome, while exploring a dark arched passage, he fell into " Cicero's Well," receiving severe bruises. In a street in Constantinople, where there are no sidewalks, he was knocked down by a runaway horse and taken up for dead, remaining insensible for several hours. The former of these mishaps occupies three lines in his diary; the latter, twelve lines. On his third visit to Leipsic he was con- fined in his room for several weeks with an attack of the smallpox. But in regard to none of these accidents, although an aged man, thousands of miles from home, and entirely alone, does he betray any symptoms of ap- prehension. He merely adds, on the date of his recovery OF JOSEPH J. M ICICLE Y. n 7 from the attack at Leipsic, " This sickness has detained me much longer than I had expected to stay." In one of Mickley's trips he made a not unimportant contribution to musical history. Almost every student of instrumental music is acquainted with the name of Jacob Steiner or Stainer, the most successful of violin makers outside of the Cremonese school of workmen. Of Stein- er's life but little is known, and no biography of him ex- tant in either French, German, or English contains either the date or place of his death. The account commonly given is that he separated from his wife and died in a convent. Mr. Mickley, with his accustomed perseverance, started out to see if this matter might not be cleared up. At Innspruck he inquired in vain for information. As Fetis and Foster both fixed his birthplace at Absom, a small village some twelve miles from Innspruck, Mickley repaired thither. For some time his errand was fruitless. He stopped in at a little shop where an old woman sold photographs, etc. " I asked her, ' Did you never hear of Jacob Steiner, the violin maker ? ' She replied, ' There is no Steiner nor violin maker living in this town.' I then said that a celebrated violin maker of that name, of whom I desired some information, had lived there two hundred years before. She replied, quite seriously, ' I am not two hundred years old.' " A few minutes later, in the course of his walk, his eye fell upon an old church, the outer wall of which contained a number of stone tablets with in- scriptions. A search of five minutes revealed the desired information. On a plain tablet Steiner 's name was Ii8 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH found, together with the information, given in very old- fashioned German, that he had died there in 1683, " at the rising of the sun." The closing field of Mr. Mickley's travels covered Southern France and Spain, Lisbon, where he passed the winter of 1871-72, and Madrid. The weather being very severe, he was detained two months at Lisbon, where he engaged a teacher and took daily lessons in Portuguese. He had done the same at Stockholm the previous winter with the Swedish language, which he mastered pretty thoroughly. At Madrid he examined what he emphati- cally pronounced the finest collection of coins in the world, numbering one hundred and fifty thousand speci- mens. He adds, " This is the only place in Europe where the subject is properly understood. Alfonzo V., King of Aragon, in the fifteenth century, was the first person known to have collected coins for study or amusement, and Augustin, Archbishop of Tarragona, was the first writer on the subject. The science of numismatics is, therefore, of Spanish origin." Mr. Mickley left Madrid in March, crossing the Pyre- nees and arriving in Paris on the 24th of that month, his seventy- third birthday. He "made the tour of three hundred add sixty-three miles in twelve hours, without being in the least fatigued." After a few weeks passed in Paris and in revisiting friends in England, he sailed for home, arriving in Philadelphia June 5, 1872, exactly three years from the date of his departure. It was surprising to his friends how little change the OF JOSEPH J. MICKLEY. II9 lapse of years and the somewhat rugged incidents of travel had made in Mr. Mickley. He quickly settled down, and, as nearly as possible, resumed his old habits. He bought himself a residence, but followed the Paris ■custom of taking his meals elsewhere. In the house he was entirely alone, even without a servant. After a time he showed some disposition to concede to " luxuries " which he had previously ignored. Carpets he had never used in his life, but he now admitted that they were very pleasant and comfortable, and ordered his house carpeted throughout. The arrangement of his library in the new •quarters was a great pleasure, and took some time. Mr. Mickley was in no sense of the word a politician, but he voted pretty regularly. An incident connected with his iast visit to the polls was amusing. Having been three years absent, a patriotic Hibernian, who kept the window- book and knew nothing of him, demanded to see his tax receipt. The old gentleman went quietly home and brought back the desired document. He was next asked if he could read and write, which question, however, was not pressed. The last scene in Mr. Mickley's life was as quiet and peaceful as its whole tenor had been. On the afternoon of February 15, 1878, Mr. Carl Plagemann, the well-known musician and friend of many years' standing, called at his house. While he waited, Mr. Mickley wrap- ped for him some violin strings, the last work of his hands. He requested Mr. Plagemann to go with him that ■evening to visit another old friend, — Oliver Hopkinson, 120 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Esq., at whose house there were to be some quartettes.. " I have a letter," he said, "from the Russian Ambassador, a part of which I am unable to translate. A Russian lady is to play the piano there this evening, and I shall ask her to help me out." Mr. Plagemann could not go, and, as so often before, Mr. Mickley started out alone. Just before reaching the house of Mr. Hopkinson he was taken suddenly ill, and, chancing to be close by the resi- dence of his physician, Dr. Meigs, he stopped there and rang the bell. As the door opened, he said in husky tones, " I am suffocating." He walked in and ascended the stairs without assistance. Then he said, " Take me to a window." As this was being done, he fell back in- sensible into the arms of the attendants, and, a few min- utes later, breathed his last. Thus, on the very western edge of fourscore years, ended this long and industrious, this peaceful and beauti- ful life. In our land of busy and constant action there have been few like it — surely none happier. Serene at the close as it was placid in its course, its lot had been cast ever between quiet shores, which it enriched on either hand with its accumulated gifts of knowledge and taste. And at the close of it all there could be no happier eulogy than the one modestly yet comprehensively de- livered by his old and congenial friend William E. Dubois, himself since summoned to take the same mysterious journey. "In fine," says he, "Mr. Mickley seemed su- perior to any meanness ; free from vulgar passions and OF JOSEPH J. MICKLEY. I2 i habits, from pride and vanity, from evil speaking and harsh judging. He was eminently sincere, affable, kind, and gentle ; in the best sense of the word he was a gentleman." OBITUARIES OF A FEW OF THE MEMBERS OF THE MICKLEY FAMILY OF WHOM A RECORD HAS BEEN COMPILED These obituaries, which are mainly newspaper sketches, were in the possession of the compiler, and it was thought that they might prove of interest to the family. THE LATE JACOB MICKLEY, OF MTCKLEYS, PA. JACOB MICKLEY, 38. DEATH OF JACOB MICKLEY, THE LAST SURVIVOR IN LEHIGH COUNTY, OF THE WAR OF l8l2. JACOB MICKLEY, commonly regarded as the oldest , hall Township, near Mickleys, January 27th, 1823. He began his business career as clerk for the Trexlers of Long-swamp. Later as Superintendent of the " Para- dise furnace," Huntington, Pa., and later Superintendent of the " Rough and Ready " furnace. During the year 1857 he came to Allentown and was in the milling business until the outbreak of the Civil war. He was Captain of Company G, Forty-seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was killed in the battle of Pocotaligo, South Carolina, October 22, 1862. Mr. Wolf, the sutler of the regiment, contrived to send his body with his personal effects through the Southern lines to New York, and had it sent to his family, to whom he telegraphed the news. Charles Mickley was married to Eliza Heinbach, who with five sons and one daughter survive him. 144 OBITUARY NOTICES OF MATHIAS MICKLEY, 155. THE death of Mathias Mickley, which occurred on Saturday morning, although sudden was not unex- pected. For several months he had been confined to his room by a complication of kidney and dropsical diseases which almost from the first threatened to be serious. During his sickness he was cheerful and hopeful, although realizing that the end might not be far off. He failed rapidly during Friday night, and in the early morning of Saturday suddenly throwing his hands above his head, breathed his last. The funeral took place Monday at two o'clock from the court room adjoining the rooms occupied by the family of the deceased. The ceremonies were in charge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, of which the late Sheriff had been a member, the lodge attending in a body, with a large representation of the Sauk Rapids lodge, and also the J. M. McKelvy Post, G. A. R. The county officers attended in a body, and the local bar was largely represented. The services were conducted by the Rev. E. V. Campbell, pastor of the Presbyterian church — the singing being by a male quartette, Messrs. Smith, Waller, Mills and Hargrave — after which the remains were taken to the Masonic burial grounds, the procession being a large one. The pall bearers were : P. R. Grieb- ler and B. Rensken, St. Cloud Lodge, A. O.U. W.; J. L. Kniskern and Jos. Hoffman, Sauk Rapids Lodge A. O. U. W.; M. C. Moran and J. L. Uptagrove, G. A. R. THE MICK LEY FAMILY. 145 Sheriff Mickley was one of the most popular men both -personally and politically in Stearns county. His big body contained a big heart, and he numbered his friends by the score in every town and precinct. He leaves a wife and five children, four boys and one girl, the eldest a boy of eleven years and the youngest an infant. The fol- lowing sketch of his life, the data for which was furnished by himself, is republished from The Journal-Press of January 6, 1S87, where it first appeared : " Mathias Mickley is a Pennslylvanian, and was born in Lehigh county in November, 1833. His father was in the iron ore and furnace business, and after the usual siege at the village school he sent his son to the college at Easton. Young Mat., however, did not take kindly to quiet student life, he wanted something more stirring, and in 1853 he came west, to St. Paul. He worked his own way, taking care of himself, and later he took a trip through the Indian country, being curious to see the aborigines in their own houses. In 1856 he came to St. Cloud and took charge of Col. Lowry's lumber yard for a year, and for the following two years ran it on his own account. In the fall of 1856 he was appointed Deputy Sheriff and was Sheriff when, at the Indian outbreak, he joined the Minnesota Mounted Rangers and went west with Gen. Sibley's expedition. Returning from that trip with a whole skin and his scalp in the place where the scalp ought to be, he enlisted in the Minnesota First and got South in time to see a good deal of stiff fighting and .served until the close of the war, when he returned home 146 OBITUARY NOTICES. and was again made Deputy Sheriff, and at the next election was made Sheriff, which office he has retained since with the exception of two years, when he retired to private life and another term as Deputy. In all he has been Sheriff and Deputy about twenty-five years. In August, 1873, he married Miss Augusta Dorr, and they have several children. Sheriff Mickleyis a great favorite in Stearns county, and there are a good many voters of both parties whose support he can always count on against any competitor." COMPILER'S NOTICE. T HOPE the record will be kept by the -members of the family. It may have been noticed that the date of birth has been omitted in the Fifth and Sixth Generations; it was impossible to get the dates of the last generation., because they are living. It is only the dead whose dates are recorded in the Fifth and Sixth Generations, which idea I hope will be faithfully carried out, and in this way we will have a full record. The space has been left for the insertion of dates. I know this is not the general rule for genealogies, but I have tried to make the rec- ord in every way acceptable to all the members of the Mickley family. It is hoped that as many as possible will be present at the reunion of the family upon the anniversary of our ances- tor's arrival in America, August 27th, 1733, which we hope to- celebrate at Mickley s, August 27th, iSg4. HISTORICAL MEMORABILIA. THE LIBERTY BELL EPISODE. '"THE Liberty Bell of Philadelphia, famous as having proclaimed the adoption of the Declaration of Inde- pendence on July 4th, 1776, has made two remarkable journeys which are in striking contrast — before the tri- umphal one to Chicago which has just occurred. The latter one of the two referred to was in January, 1885, to the World's Fair in New Orleans which is oftener re- called as the great Cotton Exposition. On that journey as on the one of the present year, 1893, it was honored in every possible way until its return to Philadelphia in June of the same year. Its first journey, made in September, 1777, one hun- dred and eight years earlier, was of a different character. And but few persons were entrusted with the important secret of its removal from the State House or of its des- tination. A panel of a large stained glass window adorning the facade of Zion's Reformed Church of Allentown, Penn- sylvania, has a representation of the old bell with the following inscription : " In commemoration of the safe- keeping of the Liberty Bell in Zion's Reformed Church, A. D., 1777. It will be remembered that when the British troops invaded Philadelphia the bell was secretly removed for HISTORICAL MEMORABILIA. ^i safe-keeping, and that it was loaded on a wagon and car- ried off, ostensibly with the baggage train of the Contin- ental Army. The impression was given that its sacred and patriotic tongue had forever been drowned in the Delaware river. Some historians say it was taken to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where Congress repaired in 1777, the same month removing to York, Pennsylvania, where it remained in session until June 27, 1778. The fact was that in September, 1777, by order of the Executive Council, the State House bell, the bells of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church, eleven bells, were removed to Allentown by way of Bethlehem. This action was taken, it is said, because it was recognized as one of the rights of the captors of a town to seize upon the church bells as spoils of war and transmute them into cannon. After the evacuation of Philadelphia by the British, the bells were brought back and put in their res- pective places, in the latter part of the year 1778. The diary of the Moravian Church of Bethlehem, kept by the presiding Bishop, has the following entry under date of September 23, 1777 : "The bells from Philadel- phia brought in wagons. The wagon with the State House Bell broke down here, so it had to be unloaded ; the other bells went on." They were all taken to Allen- town and the State House bell and the chimes of Christ Church were buried beneath the floor of Zion's Reformed Church. The Church was built in 1762, of logs, rebuilt of stone in 1770, and again rebuilt later. The Rev. Abraham Blummer was pastor of the Church at the 152 HISTORICAL MEMORABILIA. time the bells arrived and assisted in the work of con- cealing them. His son Henry was married to Sarah, a daughter of John Jacob Mickley, (my great-great- grand- father), who had charge of the bells from Philadelphia to Allentown. He brought them on his wagon, drawn by his own horses. His son, John Jacob, (my great-grand- father), then a boy of eleven years, rode on the wagon which carried the State House bell, and was occasionally allowed to drive. The description, as he gave it, of his first visit and ride to and from Philadelphia, as told to his grandchildren (of whom my father is one), would be an interesting story. The bells were taken from Philadelphia during the night and had the appearance of farmers' wagons, loaded with manure, the strategy used to conceal them and to insure their safety. The breaking down of the wagon at Bethlehem was a most aggravating delay just six miles from home and four miles from the place where the bells were to be concealed. John Jacob Mickley, who had charge of the bell, was the son of John Jacques Michelet, a Huguenot refugee of the Michelet family, of Metz, Lorraine, France. The family fled to Deux Ponts, then a German Province, whence the son left for Rotterdam and came to America on the ship Hope, to Philadelphia. On this ship his name was registered Johan Jacob Mueckli. Arriving in Philadelphia he took the oath of allegiance, August 27, 1733, and settled in White Hall, Lehigh County, Pennsyl- vania, where many of his descendants reside. The name HISTORICAL MEMORABILIA. 153 has undergone many changes. In various deeds and other documents in my possession the name is written Michelet, Miquelet, Mueckli, Michley, and finally fell into the present form of Mickley, used during the past four generations. Jean Jacques had three sons, the eld- est, John Jacob, who with his large means aided in every way he could the cause of the Continental Army. He gave his teams for its use and his personal assistance in secreting the hells of Philadelphia. John Martin, his brother, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and was in the battle of Germantown. John Peter, the third brother, served in the capacity of fif er, was in the battle of Germantown and served during the entire Revolution- ary war. — Written for the "American Monthly Magazine" by Minnie F. Mickley. Note— Frederick Leiser's wagon was used to convey the State House Bell from Bethlehem to Allentown; when the hreakdown occurred his wagon was pressed into service, but whether he accompanied the "bell or not, I do not know. His great-grandson furnished me with this interesting item. EXTRACTS FROM PENNSYLVANIA ARCHIVES. '"THE following names of members of the Mickley Family and those whose wives or daughters were Mickleys, are found in the Pennsylvania Archives, Vol. XI-XIV, Second Series. Many of the names of those who fought in the Revolution from Whitehall Township and Northampton County are not given — none but the officers of the Whitehall Company are given. Jacob Mickley or John Jacob Mickley, i. — Jacob Mickley's name appears in Vols. X and XIV of the Penn- sylvania Archives. Vol. X, page 765, in the roll of Captain Benjamin Weiser's Company. Commanded by Colonel Nicholas Houseaker, Esq., in the service in the United Colonies. In barracks, Philadelphia, October 3d, 1776. Jacob Mickley, September 1st, 1776. In Vol. XIV, Pennsylvania Archives, page 630 : "At a meeting of the General Committee of this County, held at Easton, the nth of November, A. D., 1776, the following returns were delivered for new members: "The new members for Whitehall were Peter Kohler and Jacob Mickley." In Vol. XIV, page 596, in a drafted Company, 1781. List of members of Upper Milford township, Northamp- ton County Militia, for the Eighth Class of Colonel Bal- liet's Battalion (being the First Battalion), 22nd of July, HISTORICAL MEMORABILIA. 155 1781. From Captain Zerfass' (First) Company. Out of the eight Companies, twenty-nine had substitutes, three moved away, three marched in other Companies and twenty-one marched with one of the eight Companies. Jacob Mickley's substitute was Ulrich Arner. During the summer of 1777, Jacob Mickley gave the use of his horses and wagons, in Conrad Kreider's Wagon Brigade. Vol. XIV, page 565. — In the Whitehall Company, the Captain was Peter Burkhalter, May 22d, 1775. Total rank and file, 100 men. Peter Burkhalter was the brother of Elizabeth Barbara Burkhalter-Mickley, wife of John Jacob Mickley, who settled in Northampton County in 1733. If the muster roll of this Company could be found, most of the names of those on the assessment roll of White hall Township of 1781 could be found in that Company. Captain Nicholas Kern's Company, July 9th, 1776, composed part of the flying camp of ten thousand men, commanded by Colonel Hart. In 1784, Colonel Nicholas Kern commanded an expedition to Wyoming, Pennsyl- vania, from Northampton County. Anna Kern-Mickley, wife of Jacob Mickley, 38, was the daughter of Nicholas Kern, of Northampton County, now Lehigh County. Vol. XIV, page 601. Jacob Schrieber, September 22, 1781, a private in Cap- tain Adam Serfoo's Company, consisting of the First Class of Northampton County Militia, now in the service of the United States, commanded by Col. Christian Shaus. Jacob Schrieber was the father of Eva Catherine Schrieber— Mickley, 8. Vol. XIV. 156 HISTORICAL MEMORABILIA. In the Muster Roll of the Sixth Class of the First Battalion of Northampton County Militia, under com- mand of Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Geiger, November 15th, 1781, is found the name of John Balliet, November 15th, 1781 (Clerk). John Balliet was the husband of Catherine Mickley-Balliet, 16. Vol. XIV, page 598. In the Committee of Observation, chosen December 2 1 st, 1774, appears David Deshler's name, also Nicholas Zern and Abraham Miller. Vol. XIV, page 563. At a meeting of the General Committee of the County of Northampton, held at Easton, the 30th of May, A. D., 1776, there were present the following members, being newly elected — For Salisbury, David Deshler and John Gerhart; for Macongie, John Wetzel, George Brenning and John Fogle (Fogel). David Deshler was the father of Elizabeth Deshler-Mickley, who was the wife of Chris- tian Mickley, 9. Abraham Miller was the father of Susanne Miller- Mickley, wife of John Jacob Mickley, 1. John Fogel was the great-grandfather of Matilda Fo- gel, wife of Edwin Mickley, 128. It is to be hoped that the muster roll of the Whitehall Company of the Revolution can yet be found and placed in the hands of William H. Egle, M. D., of Harrisburg, for the next volume of Pennsylvania Archives. INDEXES. INDEX FIRST. The following index contains the names of all the Mickleys in the preceding catalogue, arranged in alpha- betical order. The names of the husbands of married females are enclosed in brackets: No. Names. Married Names. Residence. 245. Aaron ■___ Baltimore, Md. 118. Aaron Bedminster, Pa. 207. Abraham Waynesboro, Pa. 86. Abraham Adams County, Pa. 101. Abraham New Salem, Ohio 143. Abraham Mickleys, Pa. 191. Abraham . Fairfield, Pa. 240. Adam. Voltaire, Pa. 165. Adeline Waterloo, N. Y. 412. Adam Voltaire, Pa. 371. Adelaide Waynesboro, Pa. 310. Albert Joseph Newport News, Va. 328. Albert Joseph __Easton, Pa. 147. Alfred Thomas. Mickleys, Pa. 395. Alice Funkstown, Pa. 171. Alice R [Richardson] Waterloo, N. Y. 313. Alice M [Newhard] Near Allentown, Pa. 431. Alberta. - - Baltimore, Md. 316. Amanda M [Henninger] Near Ironton, Pa. 331. Amanda C [Hammersley]. Allentown, Pa. 150. Amanda.. ..[Schadt] Ruchsville, Pa. 122. Amanda [White] Doylestown, Pa. 267. Americus Green. Cashtown, Pa. 253. Amos Wesley Fairfield, Pa. 160 INDEX FIRST. 424. Anis R Roanoke, Ind. 40. Anna [Sheldon] Mickleys, Pa. 45. Anna [Wasser] Mickleys, Pa. 60. Anna [Deshler] Waterloo, N. Y. 72. Anna [Lutz].. , Indiana 409. Anna M ..[Miller] .Voltaire, Pa. 390. Anna Belle Gettysburg, Pa. 382. Annie [Myers]... Table Rock, Pa. 374. Annie Waynesboro, Pa. 133. Anna Lovina .Mickleys, Pa. 351. Annie E_ Seneca Falls, N.Y. 324. Annie S ..[Albright] Washington, D. C. 304. Annie D Mickleys, Pa. 296. Anna E _ Catasauqua, Pa. 263. AnnaM... [Wetzel].. Fairfield, Pa. 250. Anna S Fairfield, Pa. 244. Anna M YorkCounty, Pa, 236. Annie .Waynesboro, Pa. 194. Annie __ [Gordon] Franklin County, Pa. 153. Anna C ..[Sieger] Siegersville, Pa. 433. Anna.. _ Baltimore, Md. 453. AnnaM _ Near Cashtown, Pa. 466. Annie E 210 Green street, Philadelphia, Pa. 477. AnnaM _ Ruchsville, Pa. 448. Arthur.. ..Cashtown, Pa. 105. Augustus Cashtown, Pa. 268. Avilla. [Wolff] ...Orrglen, Pa. 414. Avilla _ York, Pa. 501. Arthur, P. J .St. Cloud, Minn. 5. Barbara.. Mickleys, Pa. 35. Barbara [Dieterly] Bedminster, Pa. 232. Bertie Waynesboro, Pa. 167. Bayard T Waterloo, N. Y. 442. Bertha B Sevens Stars, Pa. 455. Bertha K Cashtown, Pa. THE MICK LEY FAMILY. 161 -299. Bessie C Catasauqua, Pa. 492. Blanch E __ Cashtown, Pa. Tg8. Blanch Waynesboro, Pa. 429. Carrie _ _ York, Pa. ■297. Carrie E.._ _ Catasauqua, Pa. 145. Carolines [Levan] .Coplay, Pa. 341. Caroline.. [Paul] .. Allentown, Pa. 16. Catherine [Balliet] Shamokin, Pa. 2 1 . Catherine [Biesecker] Adams County, Pa. 28. Catherine [Beisher] . Bedminster, Pa. 43. Catherine [Seigfried] Lehigh County, Pa. 49. Catherine [Burkhalter] Clinton County, Ind. 70. Catherine [Miller].. Cashtown, Pa. 129. Catherine A Allentown, Pa. 362. Catherine B Waterloo, N. Y. 199. Catherine ..[Bell] Waynesboro, Pa. 381. Catherine.. [Hartman] Mumasburg, Pa. 152. Catherine [Zeigler] Mechanics ville, Pa. 489. Calvin Seven Stars, Pa. 154. CarlM St. Cloud, Minn. in. Charlotte [Donalson] Cashtown, Pa. 275. Charlotte [Thorn] Gettysburg, Pa. 246. Charlotte [Salterham] Mt. Royal, Pa. 56. Christina [Byle] Seigfrieds, Pa. 54. Charles Trexlertown, Pa. 64. Charles Waverly, Iowa 103. Charles Ortanna, Pa. 149. Charles Allentown, Pa. 255. Charles ._ .Belle Plain, Kansas 327. Charles F Allentown, Pa. 339. Charles H Allentown, Pa. 464. Charles L Philadelphia, Pa. 411. Charles Voltaire, Pa. 432. Charles... .Baltimore, Md. 360. Charles E Fairfield, Pa. 9. Christian Mickleys, Pa. 162 INDEX FIRST. 500. Clara G St. Cloud, Minn. 387. Clara [Rebert] Cashtown, Pa.. 173. Clara B.__ Waterloo, N. Y. 361. Clara Greencastle, Pa. 449. Clarice Cashtown, Pa. 447. Clarence Cashtown, Pa. 350. Clarence H _ Mansfield, Ohio 179. Cora LeMars, Iowa 291. Cora Margaret, Kansas 397. Cora A Columbus, Ohio 440. Cora M Seven Stars, Pa. 454. Cora E___ Cashtown, Pa. 427. Cora Baltimore, Md. 334. Crisse D fronton, Pa. 402. Daisy B ..Fairfield, Pa. 430. Daisy Baltimore, Md. 491. Daisy McKnightstown, Pa. 13. Daniel Greensboro, Pa. 24. Daniel Adams County, Pa. 76. Daniel Fairfield, Pa. 82. Daniel _ Waynesboro, Pa. 94. Daniel Cashtown, Pa. 117. Daniel ._ Cashtown, Pa. 190. Daniel ___Fairfield, Pa. 206. Daniel Waynesboro, Pa. 362. Daniel Harrisburg, Pa. 365. Daniel Waynesboro, Pa. 398. Daniel Columbus, Ohio 477. Daniel R_._ Ruchsville, Pa. 78. David Ortanna, Pa. 148. David _ Ironton, Pa. 258. David A... Fairfield, Pa. 385. David A Cashtown, Pa. 161. Delancy : Seneca Falls, N. Y. 168. Dewitt Waterloo, N. Y. 212. Dorothy R [Rebert] Cashtown, Pa. THE MICKLEY FAMILY. 163 62. Deborah [Fegley] Waterloo, N. Y. 295. Edgar C Catasauqua, Pa. 312. Edgar, M Philadelphia, Pa. 388. Edgar L Burkittsville, Md. 293. Edith R__ Catasauqua, Pa. 373. Edna Waynesboro, Pa., 494. Edna _ Cashtown, Pa. 163. Edson L _ Waterloo, N. Y. 61. Edward B ...Waterloo, N. Y. 242.' Edward York, Pa. 349. Edward B Mansfield, Ohio 128. Edwin Mickleys, Pa. 321. Edwin A _ Mickleys, Pa. 473. Edwin A _ .Ruchsville, Pa. 164. Edwin __ Waterloo, N. Y. 104. Eli ___ Frederick, Md. 221. Eli Funkstown, Pa. 252. Elias F Perth, Kansas. 272. Elliot P Cashtown, Pa. 438. Elmer E Perth, Kansas 437. Elma C Alburtis, Pa. 233. Ella Waynesboro, Pa. 478. Ella M. Mickleys, Pa. 323. Ella C. [Bieber]. Kutztown, Pa. 335. Ellen J. .. [Kugler]... Easton, Pa. 290. Eleanora [Saunders] La Joya, New Mexico 470. Elizabeth G Philadelphia, Pa. 55. Elizabeth [Fahler] Allentown, Pa. 44.' Elizabeth [Troxell] .Allentown, Pa. 74. Elizabeth [Diehl]. New Oxford, Pa. 92. Elizabeth. ..[Walter] Virginia no. Elizabeth .[Trostle].. Adams County, Pa. 205. Elizabeth [Stephy] Waynesboro, Pa. 193. Elizabeth Fairfield, Pa. 495. Elizabeth G Cashtown, Pa. 471. Elizabeth G Philadelphia, Pa. 164 INDEX FIRST. 170. Elsie L [Loveridge] Waterloo, N. Y. 141. Eliza A . Mickleys, Pa. 130. Eliza _ [Kuntz] .Nazareth, Pa. 403. Effie M _ Fairfield, Pa. 484. Edward Eastern, Pa. 71. Eliza _ ___ , Illinois 498. Edward G.. St. Cloud, Minn. 228. Emma [Shellrhan[_ ..Cashtown, Pa. 367. Emma . Waynesboro, Pa. 393 Emma .Funkstown, Pa. 178. Emma [Comine]... Janesville, Iowa 408. Emma [Hinkle] Voltaire, Pa. 270. Emmaline A Cashtown, Pa. 189. Emma F [Trostle] Fairfield, Pa. 113. Ephraim Adams County, Pa. 126. Ephraim . . _' Mickleys, Pa. 160. Erastus Seneca Falls, N. Y. 58. Esther [Troxell] Clinton County, Ind. "an. Esther [Hagerman] Cashtown, Pa. 284. Euphemia. [Nicholas] - Bedminster, Pa. 354. Eva ..Auburn, N. Y. 471. Eva H Ruchsville, Pa. 443. Eva G Seven Stars, Pa. 444. Fannie D .Seven Stars, Pa. 182. Frances _ ..[Van Ordstrand]. Waverly, Iowa 166. FrancesE.. ..[Mosher] Seneca Falls, N. Y. 134. Francisca Mickleys, Pa. 345. Francis W. : Lincoln, Neb. 379. Frank New Salem, Ohio 439. Frank F Perth, Kansas 158. Franklin. Waterloo, N. Y. 144. Franklin P. Ballietsville, Pa. 346. Franklin B.._ .Seneca Falls, N. Y. 319. Franklin P Mickleys, Pa. 399. Franklin M. Columbus, Ohio 347. Frederick _ Cleveland, Ohio 301. Frederick W Philadelphia, Pa. THE MICKLEY FAMILY. 165 172. Georgianna [Westbrook] Fayette, N. Y. 115. George... Cashtown, Pa. 238. George Waynesboro, Pa. 401. George O. Fairfield, Pa. 394. George Funkstown, Pa. 288. Granville.. Margaret, Kansas 435'. Grant Denver, Col. 497. Gertrude York, Pa. 372. Grace _ Waynesboro, Pa. 445. Goldie M _ _ Syracuse, N. Y. 462. Guy Cashtown, Pa. 52. Hannah . [Lugwig] Allentown, Pa. 108. Hannah .Cashtown, Pa. 120. Hannah .[Fackenthal] Doylestown, Pa. 151. Hannah [Wolf] Allentown, Pa. 137. Hannah .[Benkert] London, England 224. Hannah M [Metz] Fairfield, Pa. 33. Hannah [Deiterly] Bedminister, Pa. 486. Harold Seneca Falls, N. Y. 234. Harriet .[Bennett] Waynesboro, Pa. 215. Harriet [Hershy] Gettysburg, Pa. 81. Harriet _ [Pitzer] _..Ortanna, Pa. 186. Harriet R... [Myers] Fairfield, Pa. 427. Harry ...York, Pa. 293. Harry T. Catasauqua, Pa. 487. Harry W New Salern, Ohio 364. Harvey J.. Scottsdale, Pa. 426. Harry York, Pa. 286. Harvey.. - Margaret, Kansas 174. Helena -Waterloo, N. Y. 282. Helena ._ '. - Philadelphia, Pa. 475. Helen M Ruchsville, Pa. 330. HeinrichJ. --. - Brainard, Minn. Henry - - Whitehall, Pa. Henry Mickleys, Pa. 84. Henry - Seven Stars, Pa. 4- 11. !(,6 INDEX FIRST. 256. Henry .Fairfield, Pa. 176. Henry --- Le Mars, Iowa 204. Henry .. Waynesboro, Pa. 135. Henry J - Philadelphia, Pa. 311. Henry J Philadelphia, Pa. 159. Henry C. . Mansfield, Ohio 156. Henry L Hamburg, Pa. 352. Henry L Seneca Falls, N. Y. 359. Herbert W Jersey City, N. J. 77. Hester [Plank] .Gettysburg, Pa. 88. Hester [Bushy] Hornstown, Pa. 219. Hiram Gettysburg, Pa. 326. Howard Ballietsville, Pa. 480. Howard L Mickleys, Pa. 177. Hudson Auburn, N. Y. 377. Henrietta [Mickley] Cashtown, Pa. 344. Henrietta [Nyce] Hamburg, Pa. 285. Ida E [Saunders] La Joya, New Mexico 318. Ida H [Breinig] .Near Mickleys, Pa. 475. IdaM _._ Ruchsville, Pa. 195. Ida ...[Cleek]. ..Adams County, Pa. 483. Irwin Easton, Pa. 154. Isabella _ _ Trexlertown, Pa. 386. IssAC. _ _ Cashtown, Pa. 217. Israel _ Cashtown, Pa. 418. Israel R York, Pa. 481. Irene _ Coplay, Pa. 348. Irene E [Kern] Mansfield, Ohio 25. Jacob Adams County, Pa. 31. Jacob Bedminster, Pa. 38. Jacob. _ Mickleys, Pa. 96. Jacob _ __ Florhs, Pa. 216. Jacob McKnightstown, Pa. 421. Jacob C _ Roanoke, Ind. 67. James ..Allentown, Pa. THE MICKLEY FAMILY. x ^ 85. James Adams County, Pa. 21*4. James Near Gettysburg, Pa. 223. James Fairfield, Pa. 482. James G Easton, Pa. 407. James R 1 Fairfield, Pa. 127. James W Catasauqua, Pa. 300. James W Catasauqua, Pa. 132. Jane [Phillips] Pulaski City, Va. 184. Jane [Healy] Janesville, Iowa 405. Jane _ Fairfield, Pa. 227. Jane... [Henry] _ Cashtown, Pa. 114. Jeremiah Adams County, Pa. 218. Jeremiah M__ Burkittsville, Md. 356. Jessie Fay Auburn, N. Y. 410. John Voltaire, Pa. 368. John _ __ ...Philadelphia, Pa. 73. John. Fairfield, Pa. 18. John___ Adams County, Pa. 97. John _ Voltaire, Pa. 50. John _ Near Hokendauqua, Pa. 188. John _ _ . _ Philadelphia, Pa. 209. John ..Waynesboro, Pa. 249. John _ _ _ York, Pa. -270. John A Cashtown, Pa. 420. John A Roanoke, Ind. 1271. John A Cashtown, Pa. .-298. John C Catasauqua, Pa. 438. John Joseph. Perth, Kansas 1. John Jacob Mickleys, Pa. 8. John Jacob , Mickleys, Pa. .138. John Jacob Visalia, Cal. .•292. John Jacob Margaret, Kansas 307. John Jacob Mickleys, Pa. 342. John Heinbach Allentown, Pa. 460. John Oscar __ Cashtown, Pa. 2. John Martin.. Adams County, Pa. 3. John Peter ___ Bedminster, Pa. 1 68 FIRST INDEX. 12. Joseph Franklin County, Pa„ 41. Joseph Philadelphia, Pa.. 53. Joseph Lehigh County, Pa. 140. Joseph P., U. S. N Mickleys, Pa.. 317. Joseph B Xoplay, Pa. 422. Joseph E_ Roanoke, Ind. 120. Josiah _ Bedminster, Pa.. 136. Josephine _ _ [Johnson] Philadelphia, Pa. 116. Julia__ [Wilson] .__ Gettysburg, Pa. 23. Julia . [Piper]. Huntington County, Pa.. 102. Kate , [Comfort] Gettysburg, Pa. 467. Katie E Philadelphia, Pa. 363. Lavina [Smith]. ..Waynesboro, Pa. 239. Lavina [Reiser] Hall, Pa. 266. Lemuel Syracuse, N. Y. 343. Lewis.. Hamburg, Pa. 500. Lewis J. St. Cloud, Minn. 355. Le Roy ..Auburn, N. Y.. 119. Levi O Pipersville, Pa. 358. Lena M... ...Jersey City, N. J. 357. Lida _ Jersey City, N. J. 231. Lillie - _ Waynesboro, Pa. 305. Lillie E _ [Chance] Wayne, Pa.. 389. Lillie A.. ..[Shellenburger] ..Carlisle, Pa. 416. Laura .[Stine] York County, Pa. 325. Laura [Hauck] Easton, Pa. 425. Louisa _. [Althen] , YorkCounty, Pa. 279. Lucinda Bedminster, Pa. 376. Lucy A [Deardorff] ..Cashtown, Pa. 384. Lydia _ . . [Warren] McKnightstown, Pa. 287. Lycurgus Margaret, Kansas . 247. Lucinda [Baublitz] Strinestown, Pa. 6. Magdalena [Dsshler] Irish Settlement, Pa. 302. Mabel C Catasauqua, Pa.. THE MICKLEY FAMILY. 169 213. Magdalena [Rebert] Cashtown, Pa. 59. Magdalena [Siegfried] Waterloo, N. Y. 46. Magdalena [Burkhalter] Lower Milford, Pa. 404. Maggie K Fairfield, Pa. 197. Margaret Waynesboro, Pa. 78. Margaret [Musseliman] Fairfield, Pa. 89. Margaret [Hake] York County, Pa. 235. Margaret [Pitzer] Waynesboro, Pa. 261. Margaret A [Donalson]... Fairfield, Pa. 20. Margaret [Saeger] ..Allentown, Pa. 26. Maria M .[Hecker] Allentown, Pa. 27. Maria [Snyder] Philadelphia, Pa. 262. Maria S [Stoops] Fairfield, Pa. 99. Maria [Comfort] Gettysburg, Pa. 146. Maria A ..Mickleys, Pa. 400. Marietta Columbus, Ohio 378. Marietta [Henry]. Cashtown, Pa. 289. Mary ..Margaret, Kansas 369. Mary ..Waynesboro, Pa. 479. Marcus W Mickleys, Pa. 370. Marshall Waynesboro, Pa. 80. Martin ^ Fairfield, Pa. 441. Mary A Seven Stars, Pa. 458. Mary E * Cashtown, Pa. 200. Mary [Bell] Waynesboro, Pa. 124. Mary [Weaver]. Macungie, Pa. 407. Mary E__ [Lowers] .Voltaire, Pa. 276. Mary E._ _ Cashtown, Pa. 183. Mary E._ [Newell] Janesville, Iowa 208. Mary A.. ...Waynesboro, Pa. 157. Mary A [Guth] Guths, Pa. 333. Mary A [Biery] Ironton, Pa. 393. Mary L. Gettysburg, Pa. 48. Mary M [Snyder] Bloomsburg, Pa. 185. Mary M. [Bomgarden]. Fairfield, Pa. 27. Mary [Snyder] , Ohio 170 INDEX FIRST. 68. Mary A .[Bell] Adams County, Pa. 37. Mary M [Moyer] Mercer County, Pa. 107. Mary M , [Hentzleman] Cashtown, Pa. 281. Mary E .[Sheetz] ..Philadelphia, Pa. 502. MathiasF St. Cloud, Minn. 237. Matilda [Little] ..Waynesboro, Pa. 461. Maud.. Cashtown, Pa. 353. Maud A [Poulein] Washington, D. C. 493. MaudC. Cashtown, Pa. 220. Melinda [Cover] Gettysburg, Pa. 434. Melvin Denver, Col. 273. Mervin O. Cashtown, Pa. 457. Millie I Cashtown, Pa. 306. Minnie F ..Mickleys, Pa. 230. Minnie .Waynesboro, Pa. 452. MitchellS Cashtown, Pa. 380. Morgan McKnightstown, Pa. 257. Naomi E _._[Ogden]_ Fairfield, Pa. 364. Nora Cashtown, Pa. 366. Nora .Waynesboro, Pa. 314. Oscar F Ruchsville, Pa. 280. Pearson ..Philadelphia, Pa. 468. Pearson Philadelphia, Pa. 10. Peter Mickleys, Pa. ig. Peter Mickleys, Pa. 32. Peter. Bedminster, Pa. 42. Peter Mickleys, Pa. 83. Peter Cashtown, Pa. 95. Peter Florhs, Pa. 123. Peter O Margaret, Kansas 203. Peter Green Castle, Pa. 226. Peter Fairfield, Pa. 315. Prestcn Mickleys, Pa. THE MICK LEY FAMILY. 171 ■■303. Ralph C Catasauqua, Pa. -283. Reed Bedminster, Pa. .456. Robert E Cashtown, Pa. 446. Ronald E__ Syracuse, N. Y. 459. Roy A Cashtown, Pa. •259. Rebecca [Brown].. Fairfield, Pa. 248. Rebecca .[Braum] York, Pa. -229. Rebecca [Funt] Cashtown, Pa. 125. Rebecca [Thomas] Catasauqua, Pa. 109. Rebecca [Bercaw] Near Cashtown , Pa. 98. Rebecca [Hinman] Lancaster, Pa. 87. Rebecca [Bushy] .Wyattsville, Pa. 196. Robert Waynesboro, Pa. 14. Sarah.. [Blumer] Allentown, Pa. :3g. Sarah [Schwartz] Northampton County, Pa. 47. Sarah.. [Hass] Mercer County, Pa. 69. Sarah [Beisecker] Delphi, Ind. 75. Sarah [Plank]... Gettysburg, Pa. 91. Sarah [Hereter] Gettysburg, Pa. 93. Sarah [Plank] Near Gettysburg, Pa. 110. Sarah [Pettis] Near Cashtown, Pa. 139. Sarah J [Wilson] ..Laramie, Wyoming 187. Sarah. [Culp] Near Fairfield, Pa. :2oi. Sarah ...[Summers] Waynesboro, Pa. 241. Sarah York County, Pa. -254. Sarah S [Fuss] , Kansas 269. Sarah Frederick City, Md. 274. Sarah [Cover] McKnightstown, Pa. 320. Sarah J Mickleys, Pa. 336. Sarah A [Hammersly] Allentown, Pa. .415. Sarah J York, Pa. .419. Sarah E. [Dubbs] Roanoke, Ind. 391. Sallie M Gettysburg, Pa. 450. Sallie Cashtown, Pa. .488. Samuel J New Salem, Ohio 265. Samuel Orrglen, Pa. 172 INDEX FIRST. 465. Samuel A Philadelphia, Pa^ 51. Salome [Troxell].. Mechanicsville, Pa. 417. Savilla York, Pa. 375. Savilla [Sheely] Cashtown, Pa. 277. Sherry F Cashtown, Pa. 413. Silas... Voltaire, Pa. 210. Simon. .. Waynesboro, Pa. 243. Solomon Roanoke, Ind. 451. Stella Cashtown, Pa. 308. Stella _ Alburtis, Pa.. 65. Stephen.. Le Mars, Iowa. 180. Stephen Buffalo, N. Y. 161. Stephen D Seneca Falls, N. Y. 90. Susan [Arendt] Arendtsville, Pa. 7. Susanna [Miller] Whitehall, Pa. 106. Susanna ...Near Cashtown, Pa.. 169. Susan J. Waterloo, N. Y. 202. Susan [Good]... Waynesboro, Pa.. 30. Susanna [Statzel].. Philadelphia, Pa. 57. Susanna [Moyer]... Lehigh County, Pa. 22. Susanna. [Biery] Allentown, Pa. 66. Thomas.. Waverly, Iowa 142. Thomas _ Mickleys , Pa. 340. Thomas F Allentown, Pa. 423. Thomas E. _ Roanoke, Ind. 469. Thomas E__ Philadelphia, Pa. 472. Thomas B Ruchsville, Pa.. 250. Urias Denver, Col.. 332. Urias D Ironton, Pa_ 490. Virginia McKnightstown, Pa.. 383. Virginia [Plank] McKnightstown, Pa.. THE MICKLE Y FAMIL Y. 173 -436 322 192 63 338 222 181 131 -496. 337 Wesley A Perth, Kansas William J. Mickleys, Pa. William Fairfield, Pa. William B Waterloo, N. Y. William D. Allentown, Pa. William Columbus, Ohio William Jersey City, N. J. William J__ Altmrtis, Pa. Wilbur L Berkittsville, Va. Winfield S Allentown, Pa. .360. Zillah Jersey City, N. J. INDEX SECOND. The following index contains the names of those who* have been united by marriage with the descendants of John Jacob Mickley, as far as they are recorded in the preceding catalogue. The place of residence is indi- cated as accurately as could be determined : No. Names. Residence. 273. Adams, Catherine Cashtown, Pa. 324. Albright, James Washington, D. C. 63. Alleman, Sarah Waterloo, N. Y.. 410. Aldinger, Kate Voltaire, Pa. 425. Althen, Fred York County, Pa. go. Arendt, Israel Arendtsville, Pa.. 9. Balliet, Paul Ballietsville, Pa. 16. Balliet, John Shamokin, Pa. 243. Baker, Elizabeth Roanoke, Ind. 71. Barkdsell, John .Illinois. 247. Baublitz, Peter .. Strinestown, Pa. 28. Beisher, Jacob Bedminster, Pa. 68. Bell, George Adams County, Pa. 199. Bell, Jonas.. Waynesboro, Pa.. 200. Bell, Daniel.. -Waynesboro, Pa. 137. Benkert, George London, England 234. Bennett, Joseph Waynesboro, Pa. 109. Bercaw, Samuel.. Cashtown, Pa.. 323. Bieber, Walter.. Kutztown, Pa. 6. Bieber, Michael Whitehall, Pa. 19. Biery, Rebecca D Mickleys, Pa_ THE MICKLEY FAMILY. I7S 18. Biery, Margaret Adams County, Pa. 333- Biery, John Ironton, Pa. 10. Biery, Salome Mickleys, Pa. 22. Biery, Frederick Allentown, Pa. ioo. Biesecker, Rebecca Fairfield, Pa. 21. Biesecker, Jacob Adams County, Pa, 69. Biesecker, John Delphi, Ind. 251. Biesecker, Margaret Denver, Col. 278. Blocher, Clara.. Cashtown, Pa. 14. Blumer, Henry _ Allentown, Pa. 41. Blumer, Diana Allentown, Pa. 339. Bohler, Sarah Allentown, Pa. 185. Bomgarden, Samuel Fairfield, Pa. 97. Boyer, Elizabeth.. Voltaire, Pa. 328. Brader, Emma Easton, Pa. 248. Braum, Peter... York, Pa. 318. Breinig, Oliver B. F_ Mickleys, Pa. 259. Brown, John D. 117. Bucher, Martha Cashtown, Pa. — . Burkhalter, Elizabeth B._ Mickleys, Pa. 11. Burkhalter, Mary M Mickleys, Pa. 343. Burkhalter, Barbara Hamburg, Pa. 46. Burkhalter, Charles Lower Milford, Pa. 49. Burkhalter, Daniel Clinton County, Ind. 87. Bushy, Henry Wyattsville, Pa. 88. Bushy, Nicholas Hornestown, Pa. 42. Butz, Anna Mickleys, Pa. 144. Butz, Sarah Ballietsville, Pa. 56. Byle, Peter Seigfrieds, Pa. 158. Callorn, Anna. Waterloo, N. Y. 305. Chance, Dr. Henry M.. Wayne, Pa. 160. Clement, Margaret Seneca Falls, N. Y. 195. Cleek, Jacob Franklin County, Pa. 102. Comfort, Peter. Gettysburg, Pa. 99. Comfort, Henry.. ..Gettysburg, Pa. 178. Comine, Joseph Janesville, Iowa I7 6 INDEX SECOND. 127. Cooper, Anna L Catasauqua, Pa. 220. Cover, Thomas.. Gettysburg, Pa. 274. Cover, William. - Gettysburg, Pa. 80. Crook, Anna Fairfield, Pa. 187. Culp, William.. Fairfield, Pa. 376. Deardorff, Daniel H Cashtown, Pa. 6. Deshler, Peter.. Whitehall, Pa. 15. Deshler, Joseph (?) - Whitehall, Pa. 60. Deshler, John.. Waterloo, N. Y. 9. Deshler, Elizabeth Whitehall, Pa. 126. Deshler, Eliza Ann. Mickleys, Pa. 120. Dieterly, Elizabeth Bedminster, Pa. 36. Dieterly, George Bedminster, Pa. 33. Dierterly, Daniel.- Bedminster, Pa. 74. Diehl, George New Oxford, Pa. 261. Donaldson, John A Fairfield, Pa. 112. Donaldson, John Cashtown, Pa. 241. Doll, Catherine York, Pa. 154. Dorr, Augusta St. Cloud, Minn. 419. Dubbs, Jacob ..Roanoke, Ind. 280. Everhart, Mary.. Philadelphia, Pa. 123. Eckert, Lydia Ann... .Margaret, Kansas 143. Erdman, Maria... Mickleys, Pa. 380. Ere, Mary. McKnightstown, Pa. 120. Fackenthal, Jacob Doylestown, Pa, 55. Fahler, George Allentown, Pa. 62. Fegley, David Waterloo, N. Y. 54. Fegley, Henrietta Near Mechanicsviile, Pa. 128. Fogel, Matilda E. Mickleys, Pa. 266. Ford, Ida F__ Syracuse, N. Y. 255. Forney, M Bell Plain, Kansas 24. Florh, Salome.. Adams County, Pa. 218. Fraine, Emily Burkittsville, Md. 222. Fritz, Sarah Columbus, Ohio THE MICK LEY FAMILY. 177 '64. Frantz, Sarah.. _;__Le Mars, Iowa "148. Frantz, Maria. Ironton, Pa. 64. Frantz, Margaret Waverly, Iowa 177. Frink, Mary. Auburn, F. Y. 229. Funt, Grant ..Cashtown, Pa. 254. Fuss, Ezra Kansas 161. Garlick, Harriet Seneca Falls, N. Y. : 203. Gilbert, Margaret Green Castle, Pa. ■202. Good, Daniel Waynesboro, Pa. 194. Gorden, George Franklin County, Pa. 272. Gorden, Millicent ._ Cashtown, Pa. 245. Gladfelter, Rose Baltimore, Md. 266. Grimes, Margaret.. Adams County, Pa. 157. Guth, Moses... Guths, Pa. 103. Green, Jane Ortanna, Pa. 211. Hagerman, George Cashtown, Pa. 25. Hahn, Barbara. Adams County, Pa. 89. Hake, Peter ...York County, Pa. ;336. Hammersley, James B ...Allentown, Pa. 73. H antzleman, Harriet Fairchild, Pa. .107. Hantzleman, Daniel. Cashtown, Pa. 12. Hartman, Eliza... Franklin County, Pa. .381. Hartman, John. Mumasburg, Pa. 47. Hass, John. Lehigh County, Pa. .181. Hatfield, Kate Jersey City, N. J. 325. Hauck, Alvin. ...Easton, Pa. 184. Healy, Homer Janesville, Iowa 26. Hecker, Jonas Allentown, Pa. 149. Heimbach, Eliza .Allentown, Pa. 316. Hknninger, Frank Ironton, Pa. 378. Henry, Dill Cashtown, Pa. :227. Henry, George.. Cashtown, Pa. ■252. Herbert, Mary. Perth, Kansas 91. Heretor, Jacob Adams County, Pa. 83. Heretor, Anna ...Cashtown, Pa. I7 8 INDEX SECOND. 85. Hershy, Harriet Adams County, Pa: 214. Hershy, Mary.. Gettysburg, Pa.. 215. Hershy, George -- Gettysburg, Pa. 408. Hinkle, B. F... Voltaire, Pa.. 98. Hinman, John Lancaster, Pa.. 41 . Hopfeldt, Cordelia - Philadelphia, Pa. . 423. Hubley, Claudia. Roanoke, Kansas- 136. Johnson, John J... Philadelphia, Pa.. 388. Karn, Hannah Waynesboro, Pa.. 3. Keck, Eva.. Bedminster, Pa. 131. Keck, Lucy Alburtis, Pa.. 38. Kern, Anna... Mickleys, Pa.. 52. Kern, Joseph. 348. Kern, Rufus A Mansfield, Ohio-- 96. Knause, Mary... Florhs, Pa. 326. Koch, Margaret Ballietsville, Pa.. 317. Kohler, Laura. Coplay, Pa.. 130. Kuntz, Rev. D. M Nazareth, Pa. 335. Kugler, John Easton, Pa. 35. Kramer, Samuel .Bedminster, Pa. 240. Laird, Hannah Voltaire, Pa. 145. Levan, Frances.. Coplay, Pa. 88. Lower, Conrad ..Hornestown, Pa. 379. Lohr, Sarah ...New Salem, Ohio 315. Long, Susan Mickleys, Pa.. 170. Loveridge, Oliver P Waterloo, N. Y.. 331. Lucas, Frank. ...Catasauqua, Pa.. 52. Ludwig, George. Allentown, Pa.. 138. Luther, Emma Lois Visalia, Cal.. 71. Lutz, Benjamin , Ind. 222. Lilly, M .Columbus, Ohio. 224. Metz, Jesse... Fairfield, Pa.. 135. Majilton, Mary J. Philadelphia, Pa_ THE MICKLEY FAMILY. 179 267. Mickley, Henrietta.. Cashtown, Pa. 377- Mickley, Americus G Cashtown, Pa. 7. Miller, Andrew Whitehall, Pa. 1. Miller, Susane Mickleys, Pa. 53. Miller, Catherine Lehigh County, Pa. 66. Miller, Margaret... Waverly, Iowa 180. Miller, Sarah Buffalo, N. Y. 70. Miller, Martin L ..Cashtown, Pa. 116. Miller, Jacob Gettysburg, Pa. 385. Minter, Sarah J Cashtown, Pa. 37. Moyer, Daniel Mercer County, Pa. 57- Moyer, Thomas Lehigh County, Pa. 158. Mountain, Mary Mansfield, Ohio 166. Mosher, William A Seneca Falls, N. Y. 219. Mundorff, Charlotte Gettysburg, Pa. 78. Mussleman, Christian Fairfield, Pa. 258. Mussleman, Sarah , Fairfield, Pa. 95. Myers, Sarah... Florhs, Pa. 103. Myers, Lydia.. New Salem, Ohio 186. Myers, Latimer... _ Fairfield, Pa. 382. Myers, Robert Table Rock, Pa. 183. Newell, Daniel _ Janesville, Ohio 313. Newhard, M Near Allentown, Pa. 284. Nicholas, William S Bedminster, Pa. 34. Ott, Samuel Bedminster, Pa. 32. Ott, Mary Bedminster, Pa. 257. Ogden, Robert Fairfield, Pa. 341. Paul, Nicholas Allentown, Pa. no. Pettis, Samuel Cashtown, Pa. 132. Phillips, Enoch... Pulaski City, Va. 23. Piper, John Huntington County, Pa. 81. Pitzer, Levi Ortanna, Pa. 235. Pitzer, Charles Waynesboro, Pa. 83. Pitzer, Rebecca Cashtown, Pa. 180 INDEX SECOND. 216. Pitzer, Eliza. ..McKnightstown, Pa. 77. Plank, George ...Gettysburg, Pa. 75. Plank, George Gettysburg, Pa. 93. Plank, Abraham Gettysburg, Pa. 383. Plank, Harvey .McKnightstown, Pa. 100. Polley, Harriet _ .Fairfield, Pa. 353. Poullin, D. Edward Washington, D. C. 213. Rebert, James Cashtown, Pa. 387. Rebert, William M Cashtown, Pa. 212. Rebert, Joseph.. Cashtown, Pa. 84. Rebert, Elizabeth Seven Stars, Pa. 239. Reeser, Joseph Hall, Pa. 171. Richardson, Erastus J Waterloo, N. Y. 217. Rife, Elizabeth Cashtown, Pa. 84. Reynolds, Rebecca. Fairfield, Pa. 221. Rook, Mary Funkstown, Pa. 20. Saeger, Jacob _ Allentown, Pa. 290. Saunders, John M La Joya, New Mexico 285. Saunders, Edwin .La Joya, New Mexico 246. Satterham, Peter Mt. Royal, Pa. 314. Schadt, Jemima Ruchsville, Pa. 39. Schwartz, John ..Northampton County, Pa. 150. Shadt, Henry Ruchsville, Pa. 40. Sheldon, Andrew Mickleys, Pa. 188. Scott, Clara... Philadelphia, Pa. 228. Shellman, George. Cashtown, Pa. 375. Sheely, Jacob Cashtown, Pa. 281. Sheetz, William. ..Philadelphia, Pa. 389. Shellenberger, Dr. Eph Carlisle, Pa. 94. Shull, Catherine Cashtown, Pa. 104. Shull, Elizabeth Frederick City, Md. 237. Settle (or Little), George Waynesboro, Pa. 84. Settle, Elizabeth Seven Stars, Pa. 152. Sieger, John Siegersville, Pa. THE MICK LEY FAMILY. x 8i 43. Siegfried, Daniel Lehigh County, Pa. 59. Siegfried, Joseph Waterloo, N. Y. 363. Smith, Thomas Waynesboro, Pa. 147. Smith, Sarah ..Mickleys, Pa.. 27. Snyder, George , Ohio- 29. Snyder, Andrew Philadelphia, Pa... 48. Snyder, Daniel Bloomsburg, Pa. 30. Statzel, G. Henry Philadelphia, Pa.. 14. Stein, Jacob _ Allentown, Pa. 2. Steckel, Catherine .Adams County, Pa. 416. Steine, Paul W York, Pa. 205. Stephy, George Waynesboro, Pa. 207. Stephy, Sarah Waynesboro, Pa. 223. Singley, Elizabeth Fairfield, Pa. 262. Stoops, Daniel... Fairfield, Pa. 407. Sowers, John ..Voltaire, Pa.. 201. Summers, George ..Waynesboro, Pa.. 204. Summers, Sarah .Waynesboro, Pa.. 105. Stover, Elizabeth .Cashtown, Pa.. 125. Thomas, Samuel.. Catasauqua, Pa. . 275. Thorn, Charles.. Gettysburg, Pa. . hi. Trostle, Peter.. Cashtown, Pa. . 189. Trostle, John Fairfield, Pa. 386. Trostle, Ida Cashtown, Pa.. 51. Troxell, John.. Mechanicsville, Pa... 58. Troxell, Stephen Clinton County, Ind. 44. Troxell, Peter .Allentown, Pa... 61. Troxell, Catherine ...Waterloo, N. Y. 182. Van Nordstrand, A Waverly, Iowa 92. Walter, Henry , Virginia 76. Walter, Elizabeth Fairfield, Pa. . 384. Warren, Abraham McKnightstown, Pa. 45. Wasser, John Lehigh County, Pa.. 3 82 INDEX SECOND. 124. Weaver, Valentine .Macungie, Pa. 172. Westbrook, Isaac Fayette, N. Y. ^263. Wetzel, John Fairfield, Pa. 116. White, James Gettysburg, Pa. 122. White, William Doylestown, Pa. 119. Worman, Lucy Ann Pipersville, Pa. 116. Wilson, John _. Gettysburg, Pa. 139. Wilson, William W Laramie City, Wyoming 151. Wolf, Ludwig Allentown, Pa. 268. Wolff, Rev. D. W Orrglen, Pa. 40. Youndt, John Mickleys, Pa. 152. Zeigler, John Mechanicsville, Pa. .421. Zent, Cora Roanoke, Ind. ADDENDA. Insert on page 55, after No. 182: 183. Mary E., born May 4th, 1857; married Daniel Newell, Janes- ville, Iowa. Insert on page 53, after Erastus, 160: 161. Stephen Decator, born,, 1850; married Harriet Garlick, Sen. eca Falls, N. Y. u.