TN i 403 i 129 1 1921 , CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ITHACA, N. Y. 14833 Bfudntiring Library ClrfitnMr H«ll Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FRANK W. De WOLF, Chief DIRECTORY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS To Accompany Mineral Industries Map September 1, 1920 Compiled By H. P. CHRISTENSEN PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OP ILLINOIS DRBANA, ILLINOIS 1921 STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FRANK W. DeWOLF, Chief Committee of the Board of Natural Resources and Conservation W. H. H. MiiXEE, Chairman Director of Registration and Education Kbndbic C. Babcock Repreaenting the President of the Uni- versity of Illinois ROLLIN D. Salisbtjky Geologist TN 1921 ScHNEPp & Barnes, Printers Springfield, I1,l. 1921 47070—2000 CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 5 Lost of abbreviations of railroad names 6 Alphabetical lists of mineral operators 7 Abrasives 7 Blast furnaces 7 Cement 8 Clay mines 8 Clay products 9 Common brick 9 Drain tile 13 Fire brick 16 Other brick and tile 17 Pottery 20 Coal 21 Coke, by-product 44 Eluorspar 45 Gas plants 47 Glass sand , 50 Lead and zinc mines : 50 Lead and zinc as by-products of fluorspar mines. 50 Lead smelters 51 Lime and limestone 51 Limestone 51 Mineral water 55 Peat 55 Pyrite ". 55 Refineries *. 56 Sand and gravel 57 Sandstone 64 Zinc smelters 64 Geographical lists of producers by counties 66 DIRECTORY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL INDUSTRIES, SEPTEMBER 1, 1920 INTRODUCTION This directory, supplementing the Mineral Industries Map, contains two complete lists of mineral producers, one arranged alphabetically under the class of commodity produced, and another arranged numerically under counties. The alphabetical list comprises the main office addtess of the companies; the address of plants, pits, mines, quarries, etc.; the means of transportation; and the county and reference numbers corresponding to numbered locations given on the map. The geographical list serves as a cross index when the location, but not the name, is known. A specific example may be taken to illustrate the use of the directory and map in conjunction. For Instance, if information Is desired regarding the sand and gravel pit indicated' by the green triangle numbered 18 in Madison County, reference to the geographical list (page 71) shows the operator to be the Stocker Gravel and Construction Company; then by referring to that name In the alphabetical list of sand and gravel pro- ducers (page 63) the remainder of the data on this company and pit may be obtained. If on the other hand the location of the Stocker Gravel and Construction Company is desired, reference to that name In the alpha- betical list under sand and gravel reveals the county and the reference number, and the symbol having the corresponding number In Madison County on the map Indicates the location of the pit. Changes in ownership of the mineral Industries are so numerous and frectuent that new editions will be necessitated from time to time In order to keep the information up to date. Revisions, corrections of possible errors, and suggestions for Improvement, will be greatly appreciated and, so far as possible, Incorporated in later editions of both map and directory. To all of those companies and individuals who lent their cooperation by complying with requests for information, the Survey extends Its thanks. JLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF RAILROAD NAMES A. & S Alton and Southern Railroad. A. B. & C Aurora, Elgin and Chicago Eailroad. A. T. & S. F Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway. B. & O. C. T Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad. B. & O. S. W Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railroad. C. & A Chicago and Alton Railroad. C. & E. I Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad. C. & I. M , . . . .Chicago and Illinois Midland 'Railway. C. & I. W Chicago and Illinois 'Western Railroad. C. & N. W Chicago and North "Western Railway. C. & W. I.. .V Chicago and "Western Indiana Railroad. C. B Coal Belt Railway. C. B. &Q Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway. C. C. C. & St. L Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway. C. G. "W Chicago Great Western Railway. C. H. T Chicago Heights Terminal Transfer 'Railroad. C. I. & W Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Western Railroad. C. J Chicago Junction Railroad. C. M. & G .Chicago, Milwaukee and Gary Railway. C. M. & St. P Chicago, Milwaukee and S't. Paul Railway. C. O. & P Chicago, Ottawa and Peoria Railway. C. P. & St. L Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis Railway. C. R. I. & P Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific 'Railway. C. T. H. & S E Chicago, Terre Haute and South Eastern Railway. C. W. P. & S Chicago, West Pullman and Southern Railroad Company. D. R. I. & N. W Davenport, Rock Island and Northwestern Railway. B. J. & B Elgin, Joliet and Eastern 'Railway. E. St. L. & B East St. Louis and Belleville Electric Railroad. E. St.. L. & C East St. Louis and Carondelet Railroad. B. St. L. & S East St. Louis and Suburban Railway. E. St. L. T Bast St. Louis Terminal Railroad. I. C Illinois Central Railroad. I. H. B Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad. I. N Illinois Northern Railway. I. T Illinois Terminal 'Railroad. I. T. S Illinois Traction System. L. & B. Co La Salle and Bureau County Railroad. L. & M Litchfield and Madison Railway. L. & N Louisville and Nashville Railroad. L. E. & W Lake Erie and W"estern Railroad. M. & E Marion and Eastern Railroad. M. & O Mobile and Ohio Railroad. M. & St. L Minneapolis and St. Louis Railroad. M. C Michigan Central Railroad. Mo. P Missouri Pacific 'Railroad. N. T. C New York Central Railroad. P. & P. V Peoria and Pekin Union Railway. P. C. C. & St. L Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway. P. H. C. & W Peoria, Hanna City & Western Railroad. P. R. T Peoria Railway Terminal Company. Pa. Co Pennsylvania Company. Q. O. & K. C Quincy, Omaha and Kansas City Railroad. R- & I Rockf ord and Interurban 'Railway. R- I- S Rock Island and Southern Railway. " Southern Railway. S. I. R. & p. Co Southern Illinois Railway and Power Company. S- T Springfield Terminal Railway. St L. & B. Elec St. Louis and Belleville Electric St.-L. & O St. Louis and O'Fallon Railway. ir V" ■'a*'-' * ^ ^*- I^O"is Iron Mountain and Southern Railway. Sr T S- *.•'-' ^t- Louis, O'Fallon and Lebanon Electric Railroad. St. L. S. W St. Louis South Western Railway. °,t- L. T. &B St. Louis Troy and Eastern Railroad. i,- & ^.^ Toledo, Peoria and Western Railway. JL- JY' r ?'■ J-' Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis. 1. bt. L. & W Toledo, St. Louis, and Western Railroad. w. Wabash Railroad. W. C. & W Wabash, Chester and Western 'Railroad. ALPHABETICAL LISTS OF MINERAL OPERATORS ABRASIVES P. O. Address Operator and main address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportatlont County and reference No. Alexander Silica Co 113 Commercial Ave.. Cairo, 111. Tamras C. E. & I., M. & O. Alexander 4 Federal Silica Mines Utica C R. I & P. , La Salle 32 Utica, 111. Frost & Karraker Jonesboro M & O Union 6 Jonesboro, 111. Henry Grieb Jonesboro Union 11 Jonesboro, 111. Frank Hess Jonesboro! 20th and South- ern 'R. R., E. St. Louis I. C, St. U, I. M. & S .- Jonesboro, 111. Union 10 Illinois Mineral Milling Co.. 20th and Southern H. E., East St. Louis, 111. S., T. R. A. St. L. . . . St. Clair 13 International Silica Co Cairo, 111. Elco M.&. O Alexander 2 Isco-Bautz Co Wolf Lake I C Mo P Murphysboro, 111. National Silica Co Oregon C. B.&Q Ogle 5 Oregon, 111. Star Silica Co Tamms C. &B. I., M. &0.... 614 Commercial Ave., Cairo. 111. Ed. M. Tripp Jonesboro M. &0 Union 7 Jonesboro, 111. "Wedron Silica Co. Wedron C. B. &Q La Salle 7 Ottawa, 111. BI.AST rUBNACES By-Products Coke Corpora- tion 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Illinois Steel Co 208 S. La Salle St.. Chicago, 111. Inland Steel Co 38 S. Bearborn St., Chicago, 111. 108th St. and Calumet R., So. Chicago . . South Chicago. Joliet South Chicago . t See p. 6 for names of railroads. 1 ReynoldsvlUe, shipping address. Cook 46 Cook 42 Wilis Cook 43 niKECTOEY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS BIiAST FUBITACIiS— Concluded. Operator and main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportationt County and reference No. Iroquois Iron Co Cook 44 3267 E. 95th St.. South Chicago, 111. Wisconsin Steel Co Cook 47 606 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. CSIUCEITT La Salle Cement Co 140 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. La Salle C. R. L&P., I. C... La Salle 14 Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Allentown, Pa. Oglesby C. B. &Q., C. M. &■ St. P. I. C La Salle 22 Marquette Cement Mfg. Co. 1331 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. La Salle C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. R. I. & P., I. C La Salle 23 Sandusky Cement Co Cleveland, Ohio. Dixon C. & N. "W., I. C Dee 2 TJtica Hydraulic Cement Co. Utica, 111. Utica C.'R. L&P La Salle 34 CKAV MINES. Geo. B. Aldridge Cobdeni M & O Union 1 Cobden, 111. AteiUo Works Carbon Cliff . . . . Avon C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. R. I. & P 203 Robinson Bldg., Rock Island, 111. Rock Island 8 Avon Milling & Mfg. Co Avon, 111. C. B. &Q Fulton 16 Baird Bros Colchester C. B. &Q McDonough 6 Colchester, 111. Frederick B. Bausch Cobden^ M & O 1105 Chemical Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Chicago Retort & Fire Brick Co Ottawa C. B. & Q., C. 'R. I. &P 208 S La Salle St., La Salle 56 Chicago, 111. Egyptian Mineral Co Olive Branch, III. Olive Branch. . . C. & K I., I. C Alexander 6 Colchester C B &Q McDonough 8 Colchester, 111. Thos. B. Goodman Cobden' M. & O Cobden, 111. t See p. 6 for names of railroads, ' Mountain Glen, shipping address. 2 Kaolin, shipping address. ' Kaolin, shipping address. DIBECTOET OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPEatATOBS CI.AY MINES— Comcluded. Operator and main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine. etc. Transportationt County and reference No. Grafton Clay Products Co... 220 Central National Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Hamilton Clay Mfg. Co.... Hamilton, 111. Haeger Brick & Tile Co.... Grafton Hamilton Coal City* Ottawa Hillview Oglesby C. P. & St. L T. P. &W., W E. J. & E Jersey 3 Hancock 4 Grundy 1 La Salle 43 Greene 6 La Salle 36 Union 2 Aurora, 111. Herrick Clay Mfg. Co C. R. I. &P Ottawa, 111. Hillview Clay Co C &A Jacksonville, 111. Illinois Clay Products Co. . . Oglesby, 111. Illinois Kaolin Co C. B. & Q., C. R. I. &P., I. C M &0 Anna, 111. McLaughlin Mining Co Alsey Route 3, Jones- C. B. & Q Alsey, 111. Maddox & Nixon M &0 Route 3, Jonesboro, 111. Union 4 McDonough 10 Greene 5 Vermilion 3 Sangamon 29 Livingston 3 McDonough 11 C. H. Myers Colchester Drake Colchester, 111. Roodhouse Clay Products Co C. &. A W Drake, 111. Sheldon Brick Co Tilton Urbana, 111. Springfield Clay Products Co. Springfield Streator Colchester" White Hall White Hall I. C, I.T. S w Springfield, 111. Streator Clay Mfg. Co Streator, 111. Wm. "Whalen C B & Q .... Colchester, 111. White Hall Sewer Pipe & Stoneware Co C. &A., C.B. &Q... C. &A., C. B. &Q.. . White Hall, 111. John V. Wyatt Greeno 4 White H^ll, 111. CI^AT FROSTTCTS Commou Brick Acme Brick Co 2320 S. Crawford Ave., Chicago, 111. Albion Brick Co. Albion, III. Chicago Heights . Albion . B. & O. C. T. , 9 Cook 66 Edwards 3 T See p. 6 for names of railroads. * Divine, shipping address. ' Kaolin, shipping address. « Tennessee, shipping address. ' DIRECTORY OP IIXINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS OI^V PBODUCTS (COUMOIT BBICK) — Continnecl. Operator and main address P. O. Address .of quarry, " plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportationt County and reference No. Alton Brick Co.. Alton, III. Samuel Anderson & Sons... Taylorville, 111. Assumption Clay Products Co Assumption, 111. Alton. .IC. &A., Taylorville . Bach Brick Co 2647 Montrose Ave., Chicago, 111. Henry M. Baldridge. . Illiopolis, 111. Barr Clay Co. . . Streator, 111. The Barron Co.. . Tribune Bldg., Chicago, 111. J. M. Beale & Co., Paw Paw, 111. Belleville Brick Co. Belleville, 111. Buda Brick & Tile Co.. Buda, 111. Builders Brick Co 118 N. La Salle St., Chicagro, 111. Calumet Brick Co m W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Carey Brick Co 133 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Chicago Brick Co 1304 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. City of Chicago House of Correction 26th and California Ave., Chicago, 111. Collinsville Press Brick Co. CoUinsville, 111. Assumption. 2647 Montrose Ave., Chicago Wm. S. Damhorst. 1400 Spruce St., Quinoy, 111. Danville Brick Co.. Danville, 111. Decatur Brick Mfg. Co. Decatur, 111. Illiopolis. Streator. . Roanoke . . Paw Paw . Belleville. Buda Chicago Heights . Blue Island. . Grand & Nash- ville A v e s., Chicago ...... Riverdale . 26th & Califor- nia Ave., Chi- cago Collinsville. . . . Quincy Danville . . . Decatur B. & O. S. W., C. & I. M., W I.e.. I. T. S., W.. A. T. & S. F., C. & A., C. B. & Q., N. Y. C, W A. T. &S. F.. C. H. T., C. T. H. & S. B B. & O. C. T., I. H. B C. M. &St. P. B. &0. C. T.. C. &I. W., I. N.... P. C. C. & St. L. . . . C. B. &Q., W.... C. C. C. & St. L. . I. C, I. T. S., P. C. C. &St. L, C. B. &Q I. C, U&N..S C. B. & Q., C. & N. W Madison 6 Christian 6 Christian 9 Cook 14 S'angamon 22 Livingston 5 Woodford 2 Lee S St. Clair 39 Bureau 17 Cook 63 Cook 57 Cook 17 Cook 55 Cook 22 Madison 40 Adams 2 Vermilion 10 Macon 1 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. DIBECTORY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPEaLATOBS 11 d^A-S- FBODXrCTS (COHMON BRICK) — Conttnned. Operator and main address P. O. Address of duarry, plant, pit, mine. etc. Transportation! County and reference No. C. Erikson Virginia B. & O. S. W., C. P. & St. L Virginia, 111. Cass 3 W. O. Fisher Basco C B & Q . . ■ Hancock 6 ■ Basco, 111. P. H. Fleigle Morrisonville. .. "TO' MorrlsonvUle, 111. Ford Brick & Tile Co 402 N. Granger St.. Harrisburg. 111. Harrisburg .... C. C. C. & St. L, Saline 14 H. P. Frlsch Mt. Pulaski I.C Logan 10 Mt. Pulaski, 111. Grem City Press Brick Co. . . Quincy C B &Q 18th St. & C. B. & Q. E. R., Qulncy, 111. General Clay Products Cor- poration 721 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. R. F. D. No. 3, Belleville, 111. L.&N..I.C., S..... St. Clair 31 Princeton Canton Carmi R. F.D. No. 6, ■Aledo, 111 C. B. & Q., C. O. & P Princeton, 111. Bureau 12 M. Heckard & Sons Canton, 111. C. B. & Q., T. P. & "VST Fulton 24 C. C. C. & St. L.. L. &N Carmi, 111. White 3 Hydraulic Press Brick Co.. . 409 Putnam Bldg., Davenport, la. C. B. &Q., R. I. S... Mercer 3 Hydraulic Press Brick Co.. . Central Nat'l. Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. OoUinsville P. C. C. & St. L Madison 35 Illinois Brick Co Bernice Cook 59, 60 Ill W. Wiashlngton St., Blue Island .... Cook 51, 52 Chicago, 111. Cook 5 6 Grant Park C & E. I Kankakee 1 Cook 61 Manteno Rogers Park . . . I.C Kankakee 2 Cook 7 Shermerville. . . Cookl Weber Station, Bvanston. . . . Cook 5 Jacksonville Tile Co Jacksonville, 111. Jacksonville. . . C. & A., C. B. & Q., C. P. & St. L., -W. . MorgaA 3 Vernon I.C Marion 1 Vernon, HI. Jersey Clay Products Co. . . . 888 Arcade BIdg., St. Louis, Mo. Dow 1 C. P. & St. L Jersey 1 Colchester C. B. &Q McDonough 7 Colchester, 111. Kloess Brick Co " Hellevine.-Iir.- " Belleville I. C, L. &N., S St. Clair 36 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. 12 DIBECTOET OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS CI.AV PRODUCTS (COIOIOIT BRICK)— Continued. Operator and main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportationt County and reference No. La Bahn Bros 925 "Wesley Ave., Evanston, 111. Lacon Clay & Coal Co. Lacon, 111. Lake View Brick Co 2758 Irving Park Blvd., Chioagro, 111. Lincoln Park Coal & Brick Co 308 S. Fifth St.. Springfield, 111. Oakton St. & C. & N. W. R. R. Evans toni. . . Lacotf Irving Park Blvd. & River, Chicago C. &N. "W.. C. R. I. & P. . . ,1 iJ il Tates & Walnut Sts., String- field, 111 Lombard Brick & Tile Co.. Lombard, 111. Lutter Br^ck Co 1445 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, 111. M'arion Pressed Tile Coi Marion, 111. Brick & Meersman Bros R. R. No. 1, Moline, 111. Louis Miller Highland, lU. Murphysboro Paving Brick Co Murphysboro, 111. Nashville Press Brick Co., Nashville, 111. National Brick Co . . . . 118 N. La S'alle St., Chicago, 111. H. G. Oberschelp Princeton, 111. L. H. H. Oberschelp. New Bedford, 111. Onarga Brick & Tile Works Onarga, 111. Hans Paulsen 2345 Twelfth St., Rock Island, III. Lombard . . . Glen view. . Marion Moline Highland Murphysboro . Nashville Chicago Heights . Deerfleld. ... 3150Kenil- worth Ave., Chicago' . . . Princeton. . . . New Bedford . Onarga 2345 Twelfth St., Rock Island, 111.. B. & O. S. W., C. & A., C. I. & W., C. P. & St. L., I. C, W A. B. & C, C. G. W., C. &N. W.. C. & B. I., I.e., Mo. P C. B. & Q., C. R. I. &P P. C. C. &St. L. I. C, M. & O., Mo. P L. &N. B. & Q. C. T., C. & E. L, E. J. &E., M. C C. M. &S. P C. &N. W. C. B. &Q., C. O. ^ P LC. C. B. & Q., CM. & St. P., C. R. I. & P Cook 8 Marshall 2 Cook 15 Sangamon 11 Dupage 2 Cook 2 Williamson 36 Rock Island 11 Madison 42 Jackson 4 Washington 3 Cook 65 Lake 7 Cook 6 Bureau 13 Bureau 1 Iroquois 2 Rock Island 9 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. ' Weber Station, Evanston, shipping address. 2 Sparlarid, shipping address. ' Weber Station, Evanston, shipping address. DIRECTORY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS CKAT FBODTTCTS (COMHSOM' BBICK) — Concluded. 13 Operator and main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportation! County and reference No. Peoria Brick & Tile Co. 119 Bridge St., Peoria, 111. Poston Brick Co Springfield, 111. Joseph Remley & Son. Enfield, 111. Hichards Brick Co. Edwardsville, 111. Geo. B. Roller. Canton, 111. Thomas Salveson , Petersburg, 111. John Sehy . . . . Ashland, 111. Sheldon Brick Co. Urbana, 111. Caleb Smith Mcl/eansboro, III. Southern Illinois Peniten- tiary Menard, 111. Streator Brick Co ... . .S23 B. Main St., Streator, 111. Mrs. Chas. A. Stukee. Geneseo, 111. Tuthill BIdg. Material Co. 131 W. 63d St., Chicago, 111. 119 Bridge St., Peoria, 111. . Tile Co . . . Geo. J. Walter Chatsworth, 111. Waverly Brick c "Waverly, 111. West Salem Hollow Brick & Tile Co West Salem, 111. Western Brick Co. Danville, 111. Witt & Churchill . Frederick, III. Springfield. . . Enfield Edwardsville . Canton Petersburg. . . Ashland Urbana McLeansboro . Menard . 323 B. Main St., Streator .... Geneseo. 138th & Racine Ave., Blue Island Chatsworth . . . Waverly West Salem. . . Danville Frederick I. T. S B. & O. S. W., L. & N , T. St. Li. &W. C. B. & Q., T. P. & W C. & A., C. P. & St. L B. &0. S. W W L. &N M'o. P., W. C. &W.. A. T. & S. F., C. & A., C. B. & Q., N. T. C, W C. R. I. &P. B. &0., C. T I. C, T. P. &W C. B. & Q., C. P. & St. L. I. C. C. C. C. & St. L,., G & E. I., I. T. S. W C. B. &Q. Tazewell 2 Sangamon 26 White 4 Madison 23 Pulton 20 Menard 1 Cass 2 Champaign 1 Hamilton 1 Randolph 11 L,a Salle 66 Henry 1 Cook 54 Livingston 8 Morgan 4 Edwards 1 Vermilion 9 Schuyler 2 Srain Tile Argillo Works 203 Robinson BIdg., Rock Island, 111. Arthur Tile Works. Arthur, 111. Carbon Cliff. . . Arthur . C . B. &Q. St. P., C p CM . R. I & & C & E. I., &St.L,. P. C. C. Rock Island 7 Douglas 1 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. 14 DIEECTOKT OF ILLINOIS M1NERA.L OPEBATOBS CUt.V FBODVCTS (DBAIIT TOSt) — Continued. Operator and main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportationt ■County and reference No. Assumption Clay Products Co Assumption. . . . Avon Hampshire Illiopolis Roanoke Paw Paw Beavervllle. . . . Broughton Buda Campus St. Anne Morrisonville. . Harrisburg .... Mt. Pulaski McLean Coal City Gilberts Hamilton Harvel LC CB&Q Christian 9 Assumption, 111. Avon Milling & Mfg. Co Avon, 111. Fulton 15 C.M.&St. P ITS W Kane 6 Hampshire, 111. Henry M. B^ldridge Illiopolis, 111. Sangamon 22 Woodford 2 A. T. &S. F C B. &Q Tribune Bldg., Chicago, 111. J. M. Beale & Co Lee 8 Paw Paw, 111. Beavervllle Brick & Tile Co. BeavervlUe, 111. Broughton Brick cS: Tile Co. Broughton, 111. Buda Brick & Tile Co Buda 111. C. C. C. &St.L L &N Iroquois 1 C. B. & Q., C. & N. "VV Bureau 17 Campus Brick & Tile Works Campus, 111. Eastern Illinois Clay Co W Livingston 1 Kankakee 9 Christian 16 Saline 14 Logan 10 McPean 4 Grundy 2 C. C. C. & St. L., C. &E. I W Morrisonville, 111. Ford Brick & Tile Co 402 N. Granger St., Harrisburg, 111. H. P. Frisch C. C.C. &St.L LC C. &A Mt, Pulaski, 111. Funks Grove Brick & Tile Co McLean, 111. Haeger Brick & Tile Co Aurora, 111. A. T. & S. te'., C. & A., E. J. &B C. &N. W Hamilton Clay Mfg. Co Hamilton, 111. Harvel Tile & Cement Co. . T. P. &"W.,W W Hancock 5 Montgomery 1 Harvel, 111. Carmi Ullin C. O. C. & St. L.. L. &N Carmi, 111. White 3 Illinois Charcoal-Chemical Co C. &B. I.,LC C. & A., C. B. & Q., C. P. &St. L., W. Ullin, 111. Jacksonville Tile Co Jacksonville, 111. Jacksonville. . . Morgan 3 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. DIKECTOBY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPEBATOBS CI^AY FKODUCTS (DBAIN TH^E) — CoatJuued. 15 Operator and -main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. . Transportation! County and reference No. Fred Jarrett Vernon Kankakee Colchester Lombard Macomb I>wight Springerton'. . . Metcalf Monmouth Morton I.C C. C.C.&St. L P -R BL n Marion 1 Kankakee 5 McDonough 7 Dupage 2 McDonough 2 Livingston 2 Vernon, 111. Kankakee Tile & Brick Co . . N. -Wlldwood Ave., Kankakee, 111. J. H. King Colchester, 111. Lombard Brick & Tile Co . . Lombard, 111. Macomb Sewer Pipe Works A. E. & C, C. G-. W.,C. &N.W... C B & Q Macomb, 111. The L. H. Martin Tile Co. . . C. & A 210 N. Prairie Ave., Dwight, 111. S. R. Mead & Son B. &0. S.W C. L&W., T. St. L, & W White 2 Edgar 1 Springerton, 111. Metcalf Drain Tile Works . . Metcalf, 111. Monmouth Clay Mfg. Co... Monmouth, 111. Morton Brick & Tile Works Morton, 111. Munson Bros. & Co C. B. &Q., R. LS... A. T. & S. F., P. C. C. &St. L C & N W Mercer i Tazewell 9 Capron, 111. Natural Products Co Naperville Ray Aledo C. B &Q Dupage 3 Naperville, 111. Nicholson Clay Mfg. Co C B & Q 1742 Monadnock Block, Chicago, 111. Northwestern Clay Mfg. Co. Mercer 5 Aledo, 111. H. G. Oberschelp *. . . Princeton New Bedford. . C. B. & Q., C. O. & P Princeton, 111. L. H. H. Oberschelp New Bedford, 111. Onarga Brick & Tile Works Onarga, 111. Peoria Brick & Tile Co Onarga Peoria Earlville Mendota 6-01 Cole S't., East Peoria. . LC LEW Iroquois 2 Tazewell 2 119 Bridge St., Peoria, 111. Walter M. Pratt C. B..& Q., C. & N. w Earlville, 111. La Salle 1 Rapp Clay Products Co.. . . . 1102 Lehmann Bldg., Peoria, 111. C. B. & Q„ C. M. & St. P., I.C C. & A. , C. B. & Q., I. C, T. P. & S't. L., T. P. & W La Salle 2 Tazewell 1 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. * Springer, shipping address. 16 DIRECTORY OP ILLINOIS MINERAI, OPERATORS CI-A.Tr FSOSVCTS (SBAIir TIXiE) — Concluded. Operator and main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportationt County and reference No. Joseph Remley & Son Enfield, 111. St. Anne Brick & Tile Co., St. Arine, 111. John Sehy Ashland, 111. Sheffield Shale Tile Co. Sheffield, 111. Springfield Clay Products Co Springfield, 111. The Stoneware Pipe Co., East Alton, 111. Streator Brain Tile Co., Streator, 111. Mrs. Chas. A. Stukee. Geneseo, 111. Geo. J. Walter Chatsworth, 111. Waverly Brick & Tile Co. . . "Waverly, 111. The Whitacre Greer Fire- proofing Co 108 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. White Hall Sewer Pipe & Stoneware Co White Hall, 111. Witt & Churchill. . , Frederick, 111. Woodland Clay Co., ■R. J. Perry, Rec, Woodland, 111. Enfield St. Anne. . . . . Ashland . : . . . Sheffield. .. . . Springfield . i . East Alton . . . Streator Geneseo Chatsworth . . Waverly Chicago Heights . White Hall . Frederick. Woodland. B. & O. S. W., L. N C. C. C. & St. L,., C. &E. I B. & O. S. W. . C. R. I. &P... I. C, I. T.S C. B. & Q., C. C. C. &St. L, A. T.&S. F., C. & A., C. B. & Q., N. T. C, W C. R. I. & P I. C, T. P. &W.. C. B. & Q., C. P. & St. L. C. H. T C. &. A., C. B. & Q. C. B. & Q ". . . C. & E. I White i Kankakee 8 Cass 2 Bureau 16 Sangamon 30 Madison 12 La Salle 65 Henry 1 Livingston 8 Morgan 4 Cook 64 Greene 2 Schuyler 2 Iroquois ,3 Fire Brick Alsey Brick & Tile CJo Alsey, 111. Alsey C. B. & Q Scott 1 Chicago Retort & Fire Brick Co Ottawa C. B. & Q., C. R. I. &p 208 S. La Salle St., La Salle 55 Chicago, 111. Illinois Clay Products Co. . . Oglesby, 111. Oglesbyi C. B. & Q., C. R. I. &P., I. C La Salle 35 Mineral Point Zinc Co 1111 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. Depue C. M.& St. P., C. R. I. &P., N. T. C... Bureau 9 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. 1 La Salle, shlpp.lng address. DIEECTOBT OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPEBATORS X7 CIiAY FBOSUCTS — Continued. Other Brick suid Tile Operator and main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportationt County and reference No. Advance Terra Cotta Co.. 115 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Albion Brick Co. Albion, 111. Albion Shale Brick Co. Albion, 111. Alton Brick Co Alton, 111. American Terra Cotta & Ceramic Co 1808 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. Argillo "Works 203 Robinson Bldg., Rock Island, 111. Henry M. Baldridge. lUiopolls, 111. Barr Clay Co.. Streator, 111. The Barron Co Tribune Bldg., Chicago, 111. Campus Brick & Tile Works Campus, 111. The Clay Products Co., Brazil, Ind. Danville Brick Co. , Danville, 111. Decatur Brick Mfg. Co Decatur, 111. Eastern Illinois Clay Co. . . . St. Am^e, 111. , Ford Brick & Tile Co 402 N. Granger St., Harrisburg, 111. Funks Grove Brick & Tile Co McL«an, 111. Gates Fire Clay Co Colchester, 111. General Clay Products Cor- poration 721 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. General Refractories Co. . , 1512 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. M. J. Gorman & Co. Utica, 111. Chicago Heights. Albion . Albion. Alton. . Terra Cotta. Carbon Cliff . Illiopolis . . . . Streator. ... Roanoke . Campus ...... Abingdon. . . . Danville . .\. . . Decatur St. Anne Harrisburg. . . McLean Colchester. . . R. F. D. No. 3, Belleville . . Joliet . . Utica C. T. H.,&S. B. S C. &A. C. & N. W. C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. R. I. & I. A A T. T A. T. T S., W. . . . & g. F., C. C. B. & Q. C , W & N. &S. F.... w. C. B. &Q., M. &St. L C. C. C. &St. L. 1. C, I. T. S., P. C. c. &st:L C. C. C. & St. L., C. & B. I C. C. C. & St. L. . C. &A.,.. C. B. & Q. I.e., L. &N., S'.... B. J. & E C. R. I. & P. , Cook 62 Edwards 3 Edwards 2 Madison 6 McHenry 3 Rock Island 7 Sangamon 22 Livingston 5 Woodford 2 Livingston 1 Knox 3 Vermilion 10 Macon 1 Kankakee 9 Saline 14 McLean 4 McDonough 9 St. Clair 31 Will 6 La Salle 33 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. 18 DIRECTOKY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS CIiAY FBODVCTS (OTHER BKECK AND TII^E) — Contlnned. Operator and main address P. O^ Address of quarry, plant, pit. mine, etc. County and reference No. Hamilton Clay Mfg. Co Hamilton, 111. Hamilton T. P. &W., W Hancock 5 Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. . . 409 Putnam Bldg., Davenport, Iowa. R. P. D. No. 6, Aledo C. B. & Q., R. L S. . . Mercer 3 Peru Dow C. B. & Q., C. 'R. I. & p Peru, 111. La Salle IS Jersey Clay Products Co. . . 8,88 Arcade Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. C. P. & St. L Jersey 1 Kankakee Tile & Brick Co.. N. Wil'dwood Ave., Kankakee, 111. Kankakee C. C C. &St. L Kankakee 5 J. H. King Colchester McDonough 7 Colchester, 111. Lacon Clay & Coal Co Laconi C. R. I. & P Lacon, 111. La Salle Pressed Brick Co.. La Salle, 111. La Salle C. B. & Q., C. R. I. &P La Salle 16 McEwiner & Thomas Clay St. Elmo 1. C. & B. I., P. C. C. & St. L 1217 Fiillerton Bldg., Fayette 1 S't. Louis, Mo. Macomb Sewer Pipe Works. Macomb C. B. & Q McDonough 2 Macomb, 111. Matthiessen & Hegeler Zinc Co Peru I. C, L. & B. Co La Salle 13 La Salle, 111. Midland Terra Cotta Co. . . . 1014 Chamber of Com- merce Bld<7., Chicago, 111. W. 16th St. & 54th Ave., Ci-' cero* B.&0. C. T Cook 21 Mineral Point Zinc Co 1111 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. Depue C. M. & St. P., C. R. L & P., N. T. C. . . Bureau 9 Missouri Zinc Co Beckemeyer .... B. & O. S. W Clintoii 6 620 W. 41st St., Chicago, 111. Monmouth Clay Mfg. Oo. . . . Monmouth, 111. Monmouth C.B. &Q., R. I. S.. . Mercer 4 Murphysboro Paving Brick Co Murphysboro . . . I. C, M. &0., Mo. P Murphysboro, 111. Jackson 4 Cook 50 La Salle 50 La Salle 42 National Fireprooflng Co. . . . 2600 Shields Ave.. Chicago, 111. Pullman Ottawa Twin Bluffs. . . . I. C C. R. I. & P C. R. I. & P Nicholson Clay Mfg. Co., . . 1742 Monadnock Block, Chicago, 111. Ray C. B. &Q Schuyler 1 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. ' Sparland, shipping address. ^ Siemens, shipning address. DIBECTOKY OF HilNOIS MINEKAI, OPEatATOKS 19 CI.AV FBODUCTS (OTHER BHICK AND TII.E) — Continued. Operator £incl main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportationt County and reference No. Northwestern Clay Mfg. Co. Aledo, 111. Northwestern Terra Cotta Co 2525 Clybourn Ave., Chicago, 111. L. H. H. Oberschelp New Bedford, 111. Peoria Brick & Tile Co 119 Bridge St., Peoria, 111. Poston Brick Co Springfield, 111. Walter M. Pratt Earlville, 111. Purington Paving Brick Co, Galesburg, lU. Rapp Clay Products Co. . . . 1102 Lehmann Bldg., Peoria, 111. Richards Brick Co Edwardsville, 111. St. Louis Refractories Co. 620 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo. Seneca Tile Works Seneca, 111. Sheldon Brick Co Urbana, 111. Southern Acid & Sulphur Co. Boatmens Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Springfield Clay Products Co Springfield, 111. Springfield Paving Brick Co. Box 403, Springfield, 111. The Stoneware Pipe Co ' East Alton, 111. Streator Brick Co 323 B. Main St., Streator, 111. Streator Clay Mfg. Co Streator, 111. .\ledo. New Bedford. 2525 Clybourn Ave., Chicago 119 Bridge St.. Peoria Springfield. Earlville. . . Mendota. . . Randall'... 601 Cole St., East Peoria . Edwardsville . . R. P. D., Colum- bia Seneca Urbana Edwardsville . Springfield Box 403, Spring- field East Alton. . . . 323 E. Main St., Streator. . . . Streator. I. T. S. . C B. & Q., C. & N. W C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., LC A. T. & S. F., C. B. &Q C. & A., C. B & Q., C. R. I. & P., I. C, T. P. & St. L.. T. P. &W T. St. L. & W. , M. & O C. R. I. &P.. W I. T., W I. C, I. T. S B. & O. S. W., I. T. S C. B. & Q., C. C. C. &St. L A. T. & S. P., C. & A.. C. B. & Q.,N. T. C, W W Mercer 6 Cook 24 Bureau 1 Tazewell 2 Sangamon 26 La Salle 1 La Salle 2 Knoxl Tazewell 1 Madison 23 Monroe 2 La Salle 60 Champaign 1 Madison 21 Sangamon 30 Sangamon 24 Madison 12 La Salle 66 Livingston 4 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. » Galesburg, shipping address. 20 DIEECTOKT OP ILLINOIS MINERAL OPEEATOKS CI.AV FSODtrCTS (OTHER BRICK AND TI£E)— Concluded. Operator and main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. County and reference No. Tiffany Enameled Brick Co. . Momence West Salem Danville C. & B. I Kankakee 4 Momence, 111. "West Salem Hollow Brick & Tile Co I. C C. C. C. & St. L,., C. &B. I., I. T. S., ' W Edwards 1 West Salem, 111. Western Brick Co Danville, 111. Vermilion 9 Western Fire Brick Co Granite City, 111. The AVhitacre Greer Fire- prooflng Go Chicago Heights , White Hall C. H. T C.&A., C. B. &Q... 108 N. State St., Chicago, 111. White Hall Sewer Pipe & S'toneware Co^ Cook 64 White Hall, 111. Pottery Abingdon Sanitary Mfg. Co. Abingdon C B. &Q Knox 4 Abingdon, 111. American Terra Cotta & Terra Cotta; . . . C & N W 1808 Prairie Ave.. Chicago, 111. Chicago Pottery Co 1924-40 Clybourn Ave., Chicago, 111. 1924-40 Cly- bourn A V e.. Chicago Cook 12 Haeger Potteries, Inc Dundee, 111. Dundee C. & N. W Kane 4 The Hercules Porcelain Co. Belvidere C. & N. W Boonp 2 Belvidere, 111. Illinois China Co Lincoln C. & A., L C, I. T. S Lincoln, 111. Logan 6 Illinois Electric Porcelain Co 512 N. Randolpl St., Macomb. C. B. & Q Macomb, 111. McDonough 3 W. J. Pech & Son Macomb C. B. & Q McDonough 1 Macomb, 111. Morton A. T. & S. F., P. C. C. & St. L Morton, 111. Tazewell 10 Onton K. Truka 5046 Lawrence Ave., Chicago C. & N. W 5046 Lawrence Ave., Chicago, 111. / Western Stoneware Co 724 S. 5th St., Monmouth, 111. Colchester C. B. &Q McDonough 5 White Hall Sewer Pipe & Stoneware Co White Hall C. & A., C. B. & Q White Hall. 111. t See p. 6 for names of railroads. DIEECTOKY OF ILLINOIS MINEKAL OPEEATOBS 21 ii cd "o 0} Oi c eo rH t-t CD '»2 CO Oi" CD ■* 1 m »H rH •S '^' r- : C C H p: L p; L &^K d !: Pid 1- »- IB J; »- 01 s Is b" : « ^ d Is (■ So 2 p,-r-l +J+J £ EQ O U 1 j c i a > > a c c c 5 > a t a > a c J! t o .s „ h B 1^ I a PC c e E < a a PC C 1 -1- K < B o 3 Q (D c >^ o 1 re ID ;^ s a> S s rH T-KMC- U3 «>t-00 3 . rH & O s a d d 6 c 6 d dp' b « d fq o cS fe < <:! iz;^:z fe ^&fe rt ^ pq H 5 c ■a O ■§ bD o a s u a d S d 5 * be B ^ 9 O bo r c § O 0) Pi O go 6 ■E ^ 0-4J c-oa •US •S'g o U 1 c o IH 1 ■■H S3 3H ll 1 ■3^3 PPo'i; 1 (OlH n PC C 1-1 1 o ■3 i-t °s mo < << > ■o J !3 1* I m CO n ^ M 1^ M ,^ d d ^Kffi^ 43 b S fifi PiC ^1 u 3 3 o o IM-^C. ■a ■o 3 ^r^: s= o o N -In n is 3 B O E ■u (U W •^ P. . oO • M gd : 2" ■ 5Pj^ : a Q o a "2 (O t> U CD mm B C3 P^ P4 % % w w O T* iQ •"^ 1^ ^ a s c o s § s ^ O Cif O c 5 ill) 3 •a J cr < (£ p c ^ 12; a a M B O 6 o ^ ^ B SO Oifn ^1 ^1 ^^1 Bfe mSS Jt-O m n B . mf i>.g go ri "O ||S ' ffl ffl m !» • lO • o • a • i> ! p< : a • "■5 A t. »." as5 PI o a> g so" ^O-hO m ^1 d o so ^o .O o« ■■I CO ogSg -M bo mg BiicoU .5Jj - o . OH oH ^a Sa t. s c3 O U !>. ■a ■s 3 m- 6.- ;2 u o S B O m O h o O iSM o« ^fi d 0-3 =a!d 1 24 DIKECTOBY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPEBATOBS 1»° US Fh O <" O o a a SB o o ss gad O O r; MM .5 S S o £ ^^ a J3 O Qd Od4^" O O HD U O d :d d«3 wd^ fei _'««8", d do M EiotiO JJ ^ o •a o i i o u 1/3 CD o O > > o o '013 a a bo C a m O Eh a o o PC B .01 (1) B B £•■0 W «!> s CD O MM B C an mm (D B o a O o o IS I? ^ 1? M B Iz; „ B SoS S m Fd m W > oB So Oh c c ° pora Q o o 5 p. E o o ! u . 3 ■,Q o ^ o o o o C3 3 PM Id 6^ ■ S-Sg O 5s o o bo . BUi a o d oo" ££2 II 116 o o o 3 3 "i +J o £ o,« J ■3 H > to 13 H y i > a "a s S > c ^ to ■o ■ M tHiMM-^ Id 0) iH CO ^ d 02 CD dodo ■3 6 d s S5 fi ^tXt. H H fe iz; s _H_ : d QQ in ■a Li 6 -d till 0) > -d ■o d 4-) u d s s a a si r t c d ? u 6 be 'Sri §:■ -^ H d S 1^ d o i 0) p, O to 0^ S56 •as, 'd IS &3 h m U bo . as ■3-' OM F-H o3 fd rt " Q p ■fi Q s P£ E4 1 s DEBECTORY OF ILLINOIS MINEKAl OPERATORS 27 T-trHtHrHrH dCSCTPT sllss F^ ^ ;^ ^ ;^ Q O a O >»» O CO 3 X a h fe odudu ddudu" J o d d a S d d d u n d 6 £ *0 ^3 'C t) ^J o o o o o o o o o o ^^^^^ GO CO CD ^ A ooooo 3 a 3 o o A o 3 Hi 3 rf3 CIS fa o o T-f .3 fa 3 h fa o _3 d gH gi-i ^3 la <^t; jih '3-- >.3 OS S Se 5 5 •O CD m cj OH o boO OCo„- f^ a)_j-r-l j3 rO o US' faffl! = 1 •ala! d o 0*uj'~' 7: w" gmO fa taD S "Id CO tj d £00 28 DIBECTORT OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPEBATOES OJ •gc Ut(H a' J In CP cd y ■4-1 +J U u gg w M fi w Hi ^ 4) o u a-" 00 i:i< I? o aa mm do .a 3 Pirn =803 ft ft h lU o o 3 dm 1?^ fe o o PL|CL< to 3 o Q ,2 ^ 3 o fe 'Z 3 .w" I- 3 o eg 6g| o 3 ■2 iiB ■a <^ O" o U a> 0) " ^ £ fe fe h Id Id o 3 a 3 cS cd * m ta m CO aa 3 Q s S O s a ^ :g ^ ^ si u Hi Id 3 3 o o 12^ Id '3 •a O .3 '»» (D'd "o i>.d .t!cS J30 . o U .3>, .s ° So—' MOB •32 d O im Id Id Clo o Idea's c ■ d«5 Uaw Id . idS-S o o a Sa:^ l-H ^ Id o ^^ c2 o — o o . o . or ■3^- O ^4 to S a .idS bo a c a ^.1 ID 3 ^0 Sr'^fe'SO SU^cd >>Sd^ ud M ^Ud 1" W.2 o o ►^ 1^ "b is Cd3 -a S §a DIBECTOKY OF HXINOIS MINEItAL OPERATORS 31 o aim UQU ^ B USt-H C>< 0) dp 5 Saf^s « s d d 53 rf o3 cd ri JJOJ C S r. a m U d e s si ■is; si J o 5|g a 'S (1. c s 3 6^ Sr-lOl ■3 - o m in) 6 c o ^ (D ti o bo c ■3- Up 3 -i^ OPQ iS|SJ A Od =3«M ox" 0S.2" c 2 '^o ■ •-KfL, X!rHm ^ -Ml cm c Ooo'n CtcO! O . 32 DIRECTORY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS O d) u 3 o MM o ■COS Clin , CO > - c a o S S3 E o oo^ ° ■S S ,:±;-M d) ■=■ ,o3 3^3 cd o So o gHCQ 3 . o t^ O 3 S % ■ 60 013 at o U \% gB.a sg- if o U SB ■°^- ■5>? "2 to .„ „ „ iJ '^ fS M +j "Sp^ a-^ g<= .2-0 DIBECTORT OP ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS 33 CO CO oo U3 , ■o jr § i o m '3 n o ■a c 1 3 ■3 o 1 3 c c: o o en en >. ■rf OJ O X +J w w u o 8a d o o as 3 O a a w 3 3 3 a cj o 3 ,0 3 Hi 5 S^ o o o O O O -=«d P O IS -p (B o ^ ■JsK cd . up So -S 3 '2 1^" 3" ^So Do Hx-'C bo > {»frt •d^ >. do s6 !3P=.S Ma s w M-- n. aw o . II .SS au.2 °is 3 4->0 OS IB is s w On' go 5§ o s n w rff S^. o o . ^w ,3 '^to c6 O ^o 3§ Co >>3 g Is ■siS S-S 34 DIBECTOBY OP ILilNOIS MINEKAL OPERATORS ■a 6 3 be I ca ••3* h rt o m (U o 1 : bi '. '. in 3d u . . t^ CO • o ■ *_ . . s ■ •>& ■FH a> . . ff P'fw •— i . ..!i aS •a 3 ■a ■ • ci m S : IB m to V c C bo bo tj) - sg a ■4-> fQ ! - EO 3 S Q 3 a •iH s W ;^ . o cs ,Q,Q1 ■Q'O > 1 > « bo > B iz S o m to 1 J m to ■ill 11 a) C:'B s y w ^ ^1 a o ■2^ 9 O a o 1? +J fi ^ o ^ & rH ■^ua rH 4J N 1 tH iHMOC OStH z w '+i t. s d d cu d d d d o 1 d doc d d ^_ Z ^ Iz felz g Iz z _c iz felZiZ ^15 s c 6 O U ■0 bo 1 bo a .S B bb ■a '3 6 O 's c c i •iH 3 . S d Em So a 5d u o . U 6 if B O «8 . lod c r bo o ■S*"* 11" Oio C p o fj P^M s2S w . o>-« •3,9'-' <^ d :i osCQ ow^ ■M (D a O 3 M zs gi II ^2d: So 2 lis O . OcnC 1 f Iz :z Iz Iz |z ^ iz ^ ^ C )' C > C ) DIRECTOEY OF IlilNOIS MINERAL OPEEATOKS 35 V O 0} (0 R ti S S ^ ri ri ^ mmmm ' .0 .5.S.S.H.S SB 3 33S33 33 s sncsa ec o o mm ii gg g T-liH ^ rid g' .2.2 m h h Ci CQ 66 I3C o o SB UlUl S S rid mm v5 :jjJ «8 :=«^'« =8 :«8 : :h Hwd wddo c?d od oooaod Ch" d d ddddd ^^ d d 1 Oft 0„3 t^d id ^m d<«ji-i M OOOfflP ; a . o fern m C in .a 0) o to 1-5 U a ri ? 3 a o d'O S ri OiHoa-^wa set- oo o ood o o ooooo OO fH bo 0*0 S o d) o d •ego O : M o'd OS 6s rt t*M D ^"g; dH t^t o .1=12 rid g«o is^^ o Ph Oo ».S .a E d m ^ ri P 36 DIRECTOEY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPEEATORS ■o 6 ' ^r^ §^ t- Mcq U3 tH CO CO tHCO ^S c cc 1 1 C! ■cH 00 cot- O) a CO n 1-4 ss .2 ■S.S J u "-* CO -H 'i-j n \a U ss %* 3 ti ■i-) d =5 i>,=*^r 'rt ri cd ci 5£ yi % 6 a a ja« ^ !« ,a +i OJ +J +i +j +j 11 o uo > 03 U J^- tohmMiQ w 03 CQ O ■i-i d <^d Oh H 03 : d«8 : o ^^.« i': ': Hi : ^.aJ^ ^'i ^ <« : . . ;ii-i dd m m eg mS : ^ p. "^:^"; % '■ ■ <« Hi i^ImM ="» OJ =8 ?j: oj c rt <<«3 a c ^ Si M.7 ■ C > o a '3 a C5 > ill In r or ooc c c I > _5 5 1 a 9 6 1— I ■1-1 c £ ■rH 0) W d c 3 0) £- o ID cx c a (^ V I 1, S i: c 1 in § e 1 c f 5. 'A d c 6 C ;z;|z s *J CD oi c« * tnci C ) fee c ) Cli M S -»-j^ mcD tomO CD n o o I I i o u ^ s t1 > > > (U e .^ 0) B p 5d U -3 ID O -• y So I CO si a .t; ts on ■3 fi 8« »iSo S IDS " 18.2 m bo g a 0) bi) c 5 o fio • DIRECTORY OF IIJ.INOIS MINERAL OPERATORS 39 S — i^ _ •«■«>. -g C ^ h 4^ d cj t4 " tl tH 0) s C o £ B H CO-- §.sg ■ Ota 9 in c ^ mS J s "3 c bo C !>> fi 3 J-'S t.t,5t.t3l5(l) tj ►.-aSap, .. Ht- c c c c eo\a (MiH cq w r- o ° S 03 EO ^ 00 1H Ca gg -H M ft S3 u ^tn anaQ ii £ £ s ■3 s 3 ^ o '3 'c3 3 3 3b c3 c3 a .0 ^ g A 6^ 6 8888 oi cj cd ce OO mm ^ .2 i i •I— ■« ■a c« d ■« : O g a a c d '^ : a; pi; m «■■ M hJ 1— H fcV fe' : o mm =3 P^^^^ =g J J J d '"a aj • S ri ^ -O fl 4) be 3:1 ; • a^ 1- 2!2!3'^ - £ C 2 ccce _ > o'S'Se n tn n V ■< ■?■> -S B d c g c fi i Pi 9 Ctj CD 0) dJ (U 0> (U c OJ Q) I ■t-1 +1 3 3, o ^-iX! <0 © 'S'S o. ! s w £ ■qj ^ M s rHcv p- ^ iH (M CO T-(CV ^ HJ iH ^ to J d 6 s 3 CO 6 6 d c §■■3 d d d Q^ ' °^ i § _5^ _5^;^^ m> ^ ■12: ^ :z; fe|2 H ^ m 1 1 S b« ■a J) bt u S '3 .s u ^ o O 3 S c s g '3 CO = 1 : bi O i n O 65 .U pi © > W 6g on . O m 6 m "Sop + 5 . ) 5 m a EG K tr cr H t H i H t H DIRECTORY OP ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS 41 c « ^ fj S <13 M ci S O Eh W .500 S cj ^ S* s fl lis d m d c c c'-' " 0000 c (J slip ? t4 ^ ;^ frn (g cj CD 01 0) > I ;3 4j«i.a •Sfi O a a- o 1> 42 DIRECTORY OF nilNOIS MINERAL OPERATORS o ■S.S 6? s ID ta .S.S 'cj'3 mm £ o a m a 3 ilO c to « 3 s ^ o m U M d mai U M d do dd m d m * OJca to cd 4 O 0) .^ St: H ^& 3 S S o & s s m O 5 d o A! ■of o l|d 5» as a% Si ^j a^i |S^ gl «| gg ;S> 1^ g«5 • o'a HJ.£ w3 oo) +j't; +jJj hJCD. "rtO tSW tsW »iS ^1 ^. s^ ^1 1^ m |l w ■■ w & ■"3 So WW ID d) mm o o (0 a m m o o .S'S c8 O pa! " o '3 c3 . mM t. tf 46 DIEECTOBY OP ILLINOIS MINERAL OPEKATOBS %z Ij ^s •* C . No. 2, Lagrange'. . . , B. & O. C. T., 1. H. B Cook 33 Win 13 Swan, Medin & Co Joliet M. C 711 Florence Ave., Joliet, 111. United States Crushed Stone Co 625 Conway Bldg- Chicago, 111. R. F. D. No. 2, Lagrange'. . . . A. T. & S. F„ B. & O. C. T., C. &I. W., I. H. B Cook 36 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. ' Bellewood. Hillside, shipping addresses. • B. Ft. Madison, shipping address. 'McCook, shipping address. DIRECTORY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS l^nyiliSTONE — Concluded. 55 Operator and main address. P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportatlont County and reference No. Western Quarries Co 104 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Western Stone Co Lemont Lemont Joliet Drainage Canal .... A. T. & S. F., C. & A Cook 40 133 W. Washington St., Cook 3^1 Chicago. 111. C. & A.. A. T. & S. F., M. C, C. R. I. & P., E. J. & EL . . . C. P. &St. L Western Whiting & Mfg. Co. Elsah, 111. ■Elsah Will 12 Jersey 2 MINEBAI^ WATEB Abana Mineral Spring Liberty ville. 111. Libertyville. . . . C. M. & St. P Lake 6 Sulphur Lick Springs Co., Wedron C. B. &Q Wedron. 111. Phil. Becker Peoria 12 2101 Jefferson St., Peoria. 111. Slater Burgesser R. F. D. No. 1. Cooperstown, 111. R. F. D. No. 1, Coopers- town>^ Dixon Springs. . w Dixon Springs Hotel Co.... Dixon Springs, 111. ^•^ Pope 2 Gravel Springs Co Jacksonville, 111. Jacksonville. . . . C. & A., C. B. & Q., C. P. St. L., W. . . . Morgan 1 Minerva Mineral Springs Co Cary C &N W McHenry 5 467 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, 111. Montgomery Magnesia River St., Mont- gomery C. B & Q River St., Kane 21 Montgomery, 111. ^ Mt. Sterling, shipping address. FEAT American Peat Products Co Morrison, 111. Wiedmer Chemical Co 320 Pierce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Morrison^. Manito. C. B. &Q C. P. &St. L. Whiteside 1 Mason 1 FYBITE Contract Mining Co. Danville, 111. Electric Coal Co. , Danville, 111. Danville . Oakwood . Vermilion 7 Vermilion 13, 15 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. 1 Sellers, shipping address. 56 DIBECTOBT OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATOKS PTBITE — Concluded. Operator and main address. P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportationt County and reference No. Illinois Pyrite Co Gillespie Glen Carbon . . C. C. C. & St. L., C. & N W PlattevlUe, "Wis. Macoupin 11 Madison Coal Corporation. . I. c Madison 27 1111 Karpen Bldg., ~ Chicago, 111. Joseph H. Mauck R. F. D. No. 1, R. P. D. No. 1, S Danville, 111. BEFHrEBIES Central Refining Co. . , Lawrenceville, 111. Indiahoma Refining Co... 609 Federal 'Reserve Bank Bldg., St. Ijouis, Mo. Indian Refining Co.. Crude Oil Dept., Lawrenceville, 111. Inter Ocean Refining Co. Riverside, 111. Leader Oil Co Casey, 111. , Lubrite Refining Co 1S12 Arcade Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Roxana Petroleum Corpora- tion Lawrenceville. East St. Louis. Crude Oil Dept. Lawrenceville Riverside^. Casey . . . . B. &0. S. W., C. C. C. & St. L A. & S., I. C, St. L. I. M. & S., St. L. S. W., T. R. A. St. L B. & O. S. W. C. & St. L. C. C. A. T. & S. F., B. & O.C.T..C.&il. W., I. H. B P. C. C. & St. L. . . . Arcado Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) 910 S. Michigan Ave.,. Chicago, 111. The Texas Co Refining Dept., Lockport, 111. Wabash Refining Co. Ill N. Market St., Chicago, 111. White Star Refining Co. 1420 Boatmeh's Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. R. P. D. No. 1, East St. Louis Wood River^. . Wood River. Lockport . . Robinson. Wood River . A. &S. C. C. C. & St. L., T C. &A., C. C. C. St. L., I. T.. . A. T. & S. F., C. & A C. C. C. & St. L. C I. T. Lawrence 3 St. Clair 20 Lawrence 2, 4 Oook 18 Clark2 St. Clair 19 Madison 17 Madison 15 Win 2 Crawford 1 Madison 16 t See«p. 6 for names of railroads. ^ McCook, shipping address. 2 Roxana, shipping address. DIBECTOBY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS SAND AND GBAVEI. 5T Operator and main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit. mine, etc. Transportation! County and reference No. Acme Silica Co Glen Park, Sheridan. . . . Sheffield Algonquin Carpentersville Utica R P. D. No. 5, Rockford. . . . C B. &Q 405 Maloney Bldg., La Salle 4 Ottawa, 111. ■ Chas Adams C. & N. W., 111. and Miss. Canal C. & N. W Sheffield, 111. Aetna Sand & Gravel Co. . . Bureau 15 H S. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. American Sand & Gravel Co C & N W Kane 2* 133 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. American Silica Sand Co C R I & P La Salle 26, 27 Utica, 111. C. Otto Anderson R. P. D. No. 5, W^innebago 15 Rockford. 111. Anderson-Theobold Co Vincennes. Irid. W. H. Ashelford R. P. D. No. 6, Vincennes, Indianai Byron Wedron Beloit, Wis Millington R. P. D. No. 1, Batavia Dixon B. & O. S. W C G W . . . . Lawrence 1 Oglel La Salle 5 Esmond, 111. Atlas Silica Works C B & Q ■ ■ - ■ Wedron, 111. Atwood-Davis Sand Co C &N W H2 W. Adams St.. Chicago, 111. Ballou White Sand Co C B &Q Kendall 3 Millington, 111. H. Banbury „ C B &Q Kane 17 Lee 7 Pike 1 Henry V. Bardwell Dixon, 111. C. & N. W., I. C. . . , . w Lincoln. 111. Beder Wood's Sons Co Mollne, 111. Moline Ottawa 3ttawa C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. R. I. & P., D.'R. 1. &N. w Rock Island 6 Bellrose Sand Co C. B. & Q., C. O. & P., C. R I. & P. . . . :3. R. I. & P ] 1101 Illinois Ave., Ottawa, 111. Benson Bros. Sand Co Ottawa, 111. Andy Biehl La Salle 28, 29 La Salle 44 1011 Third St., Peoria, 111. 'ekin < :;. P. &st. L ' Pekin, 111. t See p. 6 for names of railroads. ^ Allison, shipping address. 58 DIEECTOBY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATOKS SAND ANB GBAVEI^ CO. — Continued. Operator and main address. P. O. Address of quarry, ■ plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportationt County and reference No. Builders Sand & Gravel Co Davenport, Iowa. Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co 226 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Chicago Gravel Go 1109 Fisher Bldg., Chicago, III. ■Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul Railway Co , 80 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Albany. Cary. Commonweath Silica Co. Ottawa, 111. H. D. Conkey & Co. Mendota, 111. Consumers Co Consumers Bldg., Chicago, 111. T. B. and S. S. Davis. 114% W. 17th St., Rock Island, 111. Sand & John Dipper Decatur, 111. R. H. Elastwood Gravel "Works . Grayville, 111. Federal Sand & Gravel 29 S. La Salle St., Chicago, III. Co Ifox River Sand & Gravel Co 17 N. La Salle St., Chicago, 111. T". H. Fricke Park Ridge, 111. Galesburg Sand & Gravel Co 424 Bank of Galesburg Bldg., Galesburg, 111. R. P. D. No. 3, Joliet Plainfield Box 193, Elgin^ A-lbany Beloit, Wis. . Ottawa Oregon . . . . Oswego' . . . Hennepin*. Pox Lake . Rock Island . . Decatur . Grayville .... Beloit, Wis. . . Spring Grove. Cary Park Ridge. Buda» C. M. &St. P., C. & N. W. A. T. & S. P., C. & A., C. M. & G., C. R. I. & P., B. J. & B., M. C B. J.&E rc. M. &St. P.... 1 < B. J.&E } Ia. B. &C J C. M. & St. P C. M. & St. P C. R. I. &P C. B. &Q C. B. &Q C. M. & St. P., N. T. C C. M. &St. P C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. R. I. & P., D. R. I & N. W., R. L S... W. C. C. C. & St. L., I. c M N. &st. w... P. c & c M N. &st. w... P. c. & C. & N. W. . C. & N. W. , C. B. & Q. Rock Island 2 McHenry 12 Will 19 Will 1 Kane 8 Rock Island 1 Winnebago 1 La Salle 51 Ogle 6 Kendall 1 Putnam 3 Lake 1 Rock Island 13 Macon 5 White 1 Winnebago 2 McHenry 1 McHenry 11 Cook 3 Bureau 18 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. ^Hammonds Station, Spauldlng Station, Renwick Station, shipping address. 'Torkville, shipping address. ■•Moronts, shipping address. = Burnett, shipping address. DIKECTOKY OP ILLINOIS MINEEAL OPEBATOBS SAND AND QBAVEi; CO^— Continued. 59 P. O. Address Operator and main address. of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportationt County and reference No. T. L. Galpin Elmwood C B & Q Peoria o Blmwood, 111. WVanet C. B. & Q., C. 'R. I. &p Wyanet, 111. Bureau 14 Winnebago 3 Wm. F. Guetschow Beloit Wis S. Bluff St., Beloit, Wis. H. H. Halllday Sand Co.... 224-230 Tenth St., Cairo, 111. Cairo C. C. C. & St. L., I. C, M. &0., Mo. P., St. US. W.... Alexander 7 Batavia C. B. &Q Kane 15 Batavia, 111. Box 207, North R. P D No 1 Kane 18 Batavia, 111. Higby Canyon Sand Co Columbus, Ohio. Ottawa" Ottawa Geneva C. R.I. &P C. B. & Q., C. R. I. & P L,a Salle 30 La Salle 49 C. &N. W Kane 14 1645 First S't., Geneva, 111. Ideal Moulding Sand Co.... 306 Central Life Bldg., Ottawa, 111. Ottawa C. R. I. & P La Salle 54 Illinois Moulding Sand & Joliet E. J. & E Will H 201 Union St., Joliet, 111. Ritchie ■W Will 24 ■Ritchie, 111. Illinois Valley Silica Co - Ottawa, 111. Interstate Sand & Gravel Co. , Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Chicago, 111. Ottawa C. B. & Q., C. R. I. & P La Salle 53 Libertyville C. M. & St. P., C. & N W C H Ives . . Dixon C. &N. W.. I. C Lee 6 102 Galena Ave., Dixon, 111. tt> Peoria 9 1003 jColumbia Terrace, Peoria, 111. Vandalia I. C, P. C. C. & St. L Vandalia. 111. .Tohn B .Johnson Fayette 2 Carthage C. B. & Q Hancock 3 Carthage, 111. Box 976, '^ Joliet' C & A . . . .■ 703 Booth Bldg., -Springfield, IlL Will 20 t See p. 6 for names of railroads. 'tJtica, shipping address. 'Millsdale, shipping address. ■60 DIRECTORY OP nXlNOIS MINERAL OPERATORS SAND AND as.A.'VSI, CO.— Continuea. Operator and main address. P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc Transportationt County and reference No. Lacy H. Jones Lewistown, 111. J. H. and A. G. Kinder... R. P. D. No. 2, La Salle, 111. Lake Shore Sand Co. 23 S. La Salle St., Chicago, III. C. B. Lenox Dixon, 111. The Lincoln Sand & Gravel Co ■ Scully Bldg., Lincoln, 111. Lewistown. . . La Salle. Algonquin . Dixon. C. B. & Q. I. C C. &N. W.. John C. Lind & Son Maple Road, Jollet, 111. Logan County Supt. of Highways Lincoln, 111. Peter C. Madsen R. F. D. No. 1, Sheffield, 111. McCraney Sand & Gravel Co. 305 Hlckey Bldg., Davenport, Iowa. Thos. McCue .' Sterling, 111. McGrath Sand & Gravel Co. Lincoln, 111. Lincoln . Lincoln'. Cass St., Joliet. Lincoln. Sheffield. Coal Valley. Sterling. Forreston. . . Mackinaw . . , C. & N. W., I. C. . C. &A., I. C, I. T. C. & A., C. P. & St. L I.e., I. T. S C. R. I. & P. . Chillicothe .... Pekin. . John Mettel, Jr North Aurora. North Aurora, 111. J. M. Miller 202 E. Main Ave., Greenville, 111. Greenville . C. B. & Q., W C. &N. C. M. & St. P., t. C. . C. C. C. & St. L., I. T. S., P. C. C. & St. L A. T. & S. F., C. & A., C. B. & Q., C. C. C. & St. L. C. R. I. & P., M. & St. L., W A. T. & S. F., C. & A., C. B. & Q., C. C. C. & St. L., C. & N. W., C. P. & St. L., C. R. I. & P., I. a, L. E. & ■W., M. & St. L., T. P. & W., P. C. C. &St. L C. B. &Q., C. B. & Q., P. C. C & St. L t See p. 6 for names of railroads. ' Petersburg, shipping address. Fulton 30 La Salle 11 McHenry 6 Lee 5 Logan 9 Menard 2 Will 9 Logan 1, 2, 4, 8 Bureau 2 Rock Island 10 Whiteside 3 Ogle 3 Tazewell 11 Peoria 1 Tazewell 3 Kane 19 Bond 3 DIBECTORY OP ILLINOIS MINERAL OPEEATOBS SAND AND GBAVEI^ CO. — Contlnned. 61 Operator and ftiain address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportationt County and reference No. Mississippi Lime & ial Co Mater- Alton C. & A., C. is. & Q., C. C. C. & St. L., C. P. & St. L., I. T Bootla Bldg., Alton, 111. Madison 9 Mississippi Sand cS- Co Burlington, la. Missouri Portland Co Gravel Keithsburg. . . C. B. &Q., M. &St. L Mercer 6 Cement Bast St. Louis . . T. R.A.St. L St. Clair 17 Post Dispatch Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. St. Charles C. G.^V., C. &N.W. Kane 13 St. Charles, 111. Moline Consumers Co Ottawa, 111. Ottawa C. B. & Q., C. O. & P., C. R. I. & P. . . . La Salle 52 Mt. Carmel Elevator Co.... Mt. Carmel, 111. Mt. Carmel -J C. C. C. & St. L.. S. . . Wabash 2 Mt. Carmel Sand & Co Gravel Mt. Carmel C. C. C. & St. L., S. . . Wabash 3 Mt. Carmel, 111. Conrad Miinz, Jr. . . Fair bury T. P. & W., W Livingston 10 Fairbury, 111. N"ationfl1 Hillnn On Oregon C. B. & Q Oglo4 Oregon, 111. I. C Crawford 2 Mat toon. 111. Gustav Nicol Greenville Collinsville' P. C. C. & St. L., C. C. B.&Q Bond 4 817 W. Clay St., Collinsville, 111. Cass 4 Olaf Olson Kishwaukee St. and Harrison Ave., Rock- ford 1201 8th St., Rockford, 111. Winnebago 14 Ottawa Silica Co. . . . Ottawa C. B. & Q., C. R. I. &p Ottawa, 111. Ottawa Washed S s La Salle 39 md & Ottawa C. B. & Q., C. O. & P., C. R. I. & P. . . . Ottawa, 111. La Salle 57 Genoa C. M. &St P., LC... DeKalb 1 Genoa, 111. Hans Paulsen Rock Island. . . . C. M. & St. P., C. R. I. & P 2345 12th St., Rock Island, 111. Rock Island 12 Peoria Washed Sand & Peoria T. P. &W Peoria 2 Peoria, 111. Ritchie W Will 23 Custer Park, 111. t See p. 6 for names of railroads. ' Arenzville, shipping address. 62 DIRECTOBY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS SAND AND GRAVEi; CO. — Continued. P. O. Address 3 J ' of Quarry, Operator and mam address plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportationt County and reference No. Prairie Concrete Construc- tion Co ' Peoria, 111. Pyott Gravel & Sand Co... 1401 W. North -Ave., Chicago, 111. Quincy Sand Co 133-135 N. 3d St., Quincy,' 111. A. T Reed Gravel Co.. 16 S. State St., ' Chicago, 111. Peoria Algonquin. Quincy Reinert Bros 1832 Conway Bldg., Chicago, 111. Reinert Gravel Co. , Algonauin, 111. E. J. Reynolds Sand Co.- Utlca, 111. W B. Rice North Crystal Lake, 111. Richardson Sand Co 133 W. Washington St. Chicago, 111. C. & N. "W. . Elgin. C. & N. W. , Algonquin . Algonquin . Utica North Crystal Lake . C. &.N. W. . C. & N. W. Carpentersville . Elgin'" Rock Island Sand & Gravel Co 118 20th St., Rock Island, 111. Rockford Sand & Gravel Co. 609 Trust Bldg., Rockford, 111. Rockton Moulding Sand Co. Rockton, 111. Schneider Sand & Gravel Co. Clinton, Iowa. Blinn Smith Dixon, 111. South Elgin Sand & Gravel • Co , 1675-77 Elston Ave., Chicago, 111. W. H. Spicer Marseilles, 111. Ed E. Squier Co Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Charles Stenstrom , 607 Fishgate St., Peoria, 111. 118 20th St., 'Rock Island. Rockford Rockton Clinton, Iowa . Dixon C. B. & Q., Q. O. cS: K. C, W C. O. & P., C. R. I. & P C. & N. W. C. & N. W. . I. C C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. R. I. & P. C. B. &Q., C. M. & G„I. C C. M. &St. P.. c. &Nrw LC South Elgin. Marseilles. Collinsville . . Greenville. . . East Alton. Peoria. . . . . C. & N. W. , C. R. I. &P. C. C. C. &St. L. St. L. T. &E P. C. C. & St. L Peoria 13 McHenry 10 Adams 4 Kane 7 McHenry 9 McHenry 8 La Salle 25 McHenry 4 Kane 3 Kane 11 Rock Island 4 Winnebago 11 Winnebago 5 Rock Island 3 Lee 4 Kana 10 La Salle 58 Madison 3 8 Bond 1 Madison 13 Peoria 15 + See p. 6 for names of railroads. " Coleman, shipping address. DIKECTOET OF ILLINOIS MINEBAL OPERA.TOBS SAND AND QBAVEI^ CO.— Continnea. 63 Operator and main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportatlont County and reference No. . R. Stever R. P. D. No. 1, Peoria, 111. C. A. Steward. Piano, IlL B. B. Stewart.... Algonquin, 111. Stocker Gravel & Construc- tion Co Highland, 111. Charles Strong . Belvldere, 111. H. E. Stuckey. . . Pekin, 111. Terry & I^ewis . . Galesburg, 111. United States Silica Co. J22 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Utica Fire Sand Co. . . 503 Central Life Ottawa, 111. Bldg., Chas. C. Vahrenhold and C. D. Lutz Greenville, 111. J. G. Van Wicklin South Elgin. Elgin, 111. Peoria. Piano . Algonquin . Highland. . Belvidere. . Pekin. Gladstone . Ottawa . Ottawa. Utica . Mulberry Grovei'. Virginia Timber Co. . . . 528.-532 Reisch Bldg., Springfield, 111. Wabash. Railroad Co.. St. Louis, Mo. Fred Wallin & Son 1012 N. Horseman St., . Rockford, 111. Waukegan Sand & Gravel Co "Waukegan, 111. Wedron Silica Co. Ottawa, 111. A. F. Welty 1824 S. Main St., Rockford, 111. Western Sand & Gravel Oo. Spring Valley, 111. K. Wilgen Sand Co., Wedron, 111. Pekin»2. Ritchie. Auburn St., near Kilbourn Ave Waukegan. C. &N.W., P. C. C. & St. L. . C. & N. W C. B^&Q. C.B.&Q....-.-.. C. B. &Q., CH. I. &P C. R.I. &!"• P. C. C. & St. L. . C.P. &St. L.. W.. Wedron. . . Ottawa. . . Seneca. . . Rockford. Spring Valley. . Wedron !j U ! C. &N.W., C. B. & Q C. R. I. & P C. C. C. &St. L.. C.B.&Q.. C.B.&Q.. t See p. 6 for names of railroads. " Greenville, shipping address. "Crescent, shipping address. Peoria 16 Kendall 2 Kanel Madison 18 Boone 3 Tazewell 17 Henderson 1 La Salle 45 La Salle 47 La Salle 31 Bond 2 Kane 9 Tazewell 16 Will 22 Winnebago 8 Lake 2 La Salle 6 La Salle 37 La Salle 61 Winnebago 12 Bureau 8 La Salle 8 64 DIEECTOBY OP IIXINOIS MINERAL OPBEATOBS SAND AND GBAVEI^ CO. — Concluded. Operator and main address P. O. Address of quarry, plant, pit, mine, etc. Transportatlont County and reference No. C. Wilkinson 511 Maloney Bldg., Ottawa, 111. Beder Wood's Sons Co. Moline, 111. Worth Sand & Gravel Co. . . Blue Island, 111. G. S. Wright St. Charles, 111. Tourtee Roberts Sand Co., Chester, 111. Wedron. . . . Moline. . Worth St. Charles . Chester. . . . C. B. & Q. , C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. R. I. & P., D. R. I. & N. W. W., C. G. W., C. & N. W. C. B. & Q., C. & E. I., I. C, L. & N., Mo. P., W. C. & W La Salle 9 Rock Island 6 Cook 41 Kane 12 Randolph 13 SANDSTONE John Arnold R. F. D, No. 5, Belleville, 111. G. W. Hartline. Blco, 111. The Novaculite Paving Co. Tamms, 111. R. P. D. No. 5, Belleville!. ' u ,:!i . Elco Tamms . M. &0...., M. &0 C. & B. I., M. & O. . . St. Clair 25 Alexander 1 Alexander 5 ZINC snrEi.Ti:BS American Zinc Co. of Illi- nois Pierce Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Collinsville Zinc Corpora- tion , 1000 Times Bldg., Collinsville, 111. Eagle Picher Lead Co. Hillsboro, 111. The Hegeler Zinc Co., Danville, 111. Illinois Zinc Co Peru, 111. Matthiessen & Hegeler Zinc Co La Salle, 111. Mineral Point Zinc Co 1111 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. East St. Louis. . Hillsboro , h, i! BOONE COUNTY 1. Munson Brothers and Co. 4. Belvidere Stone Co. 2. The Hercules Porcelain Co. 5. Illinois Northern Utilities Co. 3. Chas. Strong. BBOWN COUNTY 1. Slater Burgesser BTJBEAU COUNTY 1. L. H. H. Oberschelp 11. Princeton Gas Co. 2. Peter C. Madsen 12. Hansen Brothers 3. St. Paul Coal Co., (No. 2 [Cherry]) 13. H. G. Oberschelp 4. Illinois Third Vein Coal Co., (No. 1) 14. Goldlng and Larson 5. Spring Valley Coal Co., (No. 5) 15. Chas. Adams 6. Spring Valley Coal Co., (No. 3) 16. Sheffield Shale Tile Co. 7. Spring Valley Coal Co., (No. 1) 17. Buda Brick and Tile Co. 8. Western Sand and Gravel Co. 18. Galesburg Sand ajad Gravel Co. 9. Mineral Point Zinc Co. 19. Tiskilwa Gas Works 10. Mineral Point Zinc Co. CABBOi;!^ COUNTY 1. The Peoples Gas and Electric Co. CASS COUNTY 1. Central Illinois Public Service Co. 3. C. Erickson 2. John Sehy 4. Gustav Nicol CHASIFAIGN COUNTY 1. Sheldon Brick Co. 2. Urbana and Champaign Railway Gas and' Electric Co. CHRISTIAN COUNTY 1. Christian County Mining Co., 10. Assumption Coal and Mining Co., (Greenwood) (No. 1) 2. Peabody Coal Co., (No. 21) 11. Pana Coal Co., (No. 2) 3. Peabody Coal Co., (No. 9) 12. Smith-Lohr Coal Mining Co., 4. Central Illinois Public Service Co. (Smlth-Lohr) 5. Springfield District Coal Mining 13. Central Illinois Public Service Co. Co., (No. 58) 14. Pana Coal Co., (No. 1) 6. Samuel Anderson and Sons 15. Penwell Coal Mining Co., (Pen- 7. Peabody Coal Co., (No. 8) well) 8. Peabody Coal Co., (No. 7) 16. F. B. Fleigle 9. Assumption Clay Products Co. DIRECTORY OP ILLINQIS MINERAL OPERATORS 67 CI^ARK COTTXTT'E' 1. John L. Hawker 2. Leader Oil Co. 3. Casey Stone Co. 4. Illinois Limestone Co. CI-INTOir 001X1717 5. Missouri Zinc Co. 6. Missouri Zinc Co. 7. Southern Coal, Coke and Mining Co., (No. 9 [New Baden]) 1. Consolidated Coal Co. of St. Louis, (Breese) 2. Breese-Trenton Mining Co., (East) 3. North Breese Coal and Mining Co., (North) 4. Breese-Trenton Mining Co., (Becke- meyer) COI^ES COniTT'Z' 1. Central Illinois Public Service Co. 2. Mattoon Gas Light and Coke Co. COOK COUNTV 1. Illinois Brick Co. 32. 2. Lutter Brick Co. 33. 3. F. H. Fticke 34. 4. Public Service Co. of Illinois 35. 5. Illinois Brick Co. 36. 6. National Brick Co. 37. 7. Illinois Brick Co. 38. 8. La Bahn Brothers 39. 9. The Peoples Gas Light and Coke 40. Co. 41. 10. The Peoples Gas Light and Coke 42. Co. 43. 11. The Peoples Gas Light and Coke 44. Co. 45. 12. Chicago Pottery Co. 13. Ix)renz and Co. 46. 14. Bach Brick Co. 47. 15. Lake View Brick Co. 48. 16. Onton K. Truka 49. 17. Carey Brick Co. 50. IS. Inter Ocean Refining Co. 51. 19. A. C. O'Laughlln Co. 52. 20.. Producers Material Co. 53. 21. Midland Terra Cotta Co. 54. 22. City of Chicago House of Correc- 55. tion 56. 23. City of Chicago House of Correc- 67. tion 58. 24. Northwestern Terra Cotta Co. 59. 25. The Peoples Gas Light- and Coke 60. Co. Gl. 26. The Peoples Gas Light and Coke 62. Co. 63. 27. The Peoples Gas Light and Coke 64. Co. 28. Chicago Union Lime Works 65. 29. Stearns Lime and Stone Co. 66. 30. Great "Western Smelting and Refln- 67. ing Co. 31. Goldsmith Brothers Smelting and 'Refining Co. Riverside Lime and Stone Co. Superior Stone Co. Federal Stone Co. Producers Material Co. United States Crushed Stone Co. Dolese and Shepard Co. Producers Material Co. Western Stone Co. Western Quarries Co. Worth Sand and Gravel Co. Illinois Steel Co. Inland Steel Co. Iroquois Iron Co. The Peoples Gas Light and Coke -Co. By-Products Coke Corporation Wisconsin Steel Co. By-Products Coke Corporation International Harvester Co. National Fire Proofing Co. Illinois Brick Co. Illinois Brick Co. Public Service Company of Illinois TuthlU Building Material Co. Chicago Brick Co. Illinois Brick Co. Calumet Brick Co. Brownell Improvement Co. Illinois Brick Co. Illinois Brick Co. Illinois Brick Co. Advance Terra Cotta Co. Builders Brick Co. The Whitacre Greer Fireprooflng Co. National Brick Co. Acme Brick Co. Chicago Heights Gas Plant 1. Wabash 'Refining Co. 1. Joe Patterson CRAWrORS COUNT'S' 2. Neal Gravel Co. DEKALB COUNTV 2. Illinois Northern Utilities Co. DB'WTTT COTJH'T'S' 1. Clinton Gas and Electric Co. SOUCrliAS COniTTT 1. Arthur Tile Works DUPAGE COUXTTir 1. Elmhurst Chicago Stone Oo. 2. Lombard Brick and Tile Co. 3. Natural Products Co. 6S DIKECTORY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS ESCrAK COUNTY Metcalf Drain Tile Works Mogan Quarry Co. 3. Central Illinois Public Service Co, ESWABDS COTTITTY "West Salem Hollow Brick and Tile Co. 2. Albion Shale Brick Co. 3. Albion Brick Co. PAYETTE COUWTY 1. McBwing and Thomas Clay Pro- ducts Co. > 2. E. Li. Johnson PBANKUN COUNTY 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. S'outhern Gem Coal Corporation, 16. (No. 2) 17. Old Ben Coal Corporation. (No. 16) Valier Coal Co., (No. 1) 18. Old Ben Coal Corporation (No. 11) Old Ben Coal Corporation (No. 10) 19. Wm. P. 'Rend Collieries Co.^ (No. 1) 20. Old Ben Coal Corporation (No. 14) Old Ben Coal Corporation, (No. 12) 21. ITranklin County Mining- Co., 22. (Franklin) 23. Benton Coal Mining Co., (No. 1) 24. United S'tates Fuel Co., (Middle Fork) 25. Benton Coal Mining Co., (No. 2) Black Star Coal Co., -(Logan) 26. By-Products Coke Corporation, (No. 18) By-Products Coke Corporation, (No. 19) Old Ben Coal Corporation, (No. 9) Chicago, Wilmington and Franklin Coal Co., (Orient) Southern Gem Coal Corporation, (No. 1) Old Ben Coal Corporation, (No. 8) Taylor Coal Co,, (No. 5 [Franklin- Energy] ) Old Ben Coal Corporation, (No. 15) Bell and Zoller Mining Co., (No. 1) Bell and Zoller Mining Co., (No. 2) Franklin Coal and Coke Co., (No. 1 [North]) Western Coal and Mining Co., (No. 2) Franklin Coal and Coke Co., (No. 2 [South]) rUI.TOIT COUNTY Alden Coal Co., (No. 5) 16. Alden Coal ' Co., (No. 8) Binzel Coal Co., (No. 1 [Binzel]) .17. SiJver Creek Colliery Co., (No. 1) 18. National Coal Mining Co., (Na- 19. tional) 20. Maplewood Coal Co., (No. 1) 21. Maplewood Colliery Co.. (No. 2) 22. Alden Coal Co., (No. 6) 23. Genuine Norris Coal Mining Co., 24. (No. 2) 25. Canton Coal Co., (No. 1) 26. Genuine Norris Coal Mining Co., 27. (No. 1 [Genuine Norris]) 28. Coal Creek Mining Co., (Parrville) 29. Shuler and Long, (Parrville) 30. Spoon River Coal Co.. (Elllsville) 31. Avon Milling and Manufacturing Co. Avon Milling and Manufacturing Co. Star Coal Co., (No. 1 [Fiatt]) Monmouth Coal Co., (No. 1) Simmons Coal Co., (Simmons) George B. Roller Canton Gas and Electric Co. Eagle Mining Co., (Eagle) Middleton Coal Co., (Middleton) M. Heckard and Sons Big Creek Coals, Inc., (No. 2) Big Creek Coals, Inc.. (No. 4) Star Coal Co., (No. 3) Cripple Creek Coal Co., (No. 1) Cripple Creek Coal Co.. (No. 2) Lacy H. Jones E. G. Bader, (Eclipse) Gallatin Coal and Coke Co., (West Side) Turns Coal Co., (E^st Side) CtAIiI^ATIN COUNTY 3. Hickory Hill Coal Co., Hill) (Hickory GBEENE COUNTY 1. White Hall Sewer Pipe and Stone- ware Co. 2. White Hall Sewer Pipe and Stone- ware CJo. 3. White Hall Sewer Pipe and Stone- ware Ck). 4. John V. Wyatt 5. EoodBouse Clay Products Co. 6. Hillview Clay Co. 7. Eldred Stone Go. QBUNDY COUNTY 1. Haeger Brick and Tile Co. 2. Haeger Brick and Tile Co. 3. Wilmington Star Mining Co., 7) (No. 4. Chicago Wilmington and Franklin Coal Co.. (No. 3) I. Caleb Smith HA9III;tON COUNTY 2. Broughton Brick and Tile Co. DIKECTOKY OP ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERA.T0BS 69 HANCOCK COUKT'Z' 1. Fort Madison and Appanoose Stone Co. 2. Schafer Contracting Co. 3. John B. Johnson HARSIIT 1. Lee Development Co. 2. Hamp Mining Co. 3. Diamond Fluorspar Co. 4. Spar Mountain Mining Co. 5. The Basic Mineral Co. 6. Eichorn Flour Spar Co. 7. Pierce Flour Spar Co. 8. U. G. Gullett 9. Indiana Fluorspar and Lead Co. 4. Hamilton Clay Manufacturing Co. 5. Hamilton Clay Manufacturing Co. 6. W. O. Fisher coTJimr 10. The Basic Mineral Co. 11. G. H. Jones 12. Rosiclare Lead and Fluorspar Min- ing Co. 13. Rosiclare Lead and Fluorspar Min- ing Co. 14. Hillside Fluorspar Mines Co. 15. Fairview Fluor-Spar and Lead Co. 16. Fairview Fluor-Spar and Lead Co. HENDERSON COUNT? 1, Terry and Lewis 1. Mrs. Chas. A. Stukee 2. Illinois Northern Utilities Co. HENRV COUNTV 3. Consolidated Light and Power Co. IROQUOIS COUNTY 1. Beaverville Brick and Tile Co. 3. Woodland Clay Co. 2. Onarga Brick and Tile Works JACKSON COUNTT 1. Union Colliery Co., (Kathleen) 2. Jackson Coal Co., (No. 1) 3. Gartside Coal Co., (No. 4) 4. Murphysboro Paving Brick Co. 5. Western United Gas Coal Co., (Blair) 6. Big Muddy Coal and Iron Co., (No. 10) 7. Big Muddy, Coal & Iron Co., (No. 9) 8. Midway Coal Mining Co., (Ward) 9. Benton Big Muddy Coal Co., (No. 1) 10. DeSoto Coal and Mining Co., (De- Soto) 11. Murphysboro Water Works and Electric and Gas Light Co. 12. Montgomery Brothers (Black Dia- mond) JEFFERSON COUNTY 1. Southern Illinois Light and Power Co. JERSEY COUNTY Jersey Clay Products Co. Western Whiting and Manufactur- ing Co. JOHNSON COUNTY Charles Stone Co. JO DAVIESS COUNTY 3. Grafton Clay Products Co. 4. Columbia Quarry Co. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Vinegar Hill Zinc Co. Vinegar Hill Zinc Co. Osborne Mines Co. Big Indian iiines Co. 5. Blewett Mining Co. 6. E. E. Lloyd 7. Eadie Mining Co. S. Mineral Point Zinc Co. KANB COUNTY B. B. Stewart American Sand and Gravel Co. Richardson Sand Co. Haeger Potteries. Inc. Haeger Brick and Tile Co. Backus and Sholes A. T. Reed Gravel Co. Chicago Gravel (3o. J. G. Van Wicklin South Elgin Sand and Gravel Co. 'Richardson Sand Co. G. S. Wlright 13. B. T. Moore 14. Fred Hillquist 15. John Hendrickson 16. W. P. Barker 17. H. Banbury 18. Peter Hettinger 19. John Mettel, Jr. 20. Western United Gas and Electric Co. 21. Montgomery Magnesia Spring Water Co. KANKAKEE COUNTY Illinois Brick Co. Illinois Brick Co. Public Service Co. of Northern Illi- nois Tiffany Enameled Brick Co. 5. Kankakee Tile and Brick Co. 6. C. Ruhle 7. Lehigh Stone Co. 8. St Anne Brick and Tile Co. 9. Eastern Illinois Clay Co. 70 DIRECTORY OF ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS KEITDAI^Ii COUNTY 1. H. D. Conkey and Co. 3. Ballou White Sand Co. 2. C. A. Steward 4. Ballou White S'and Co. KNOX COVHTY 1. Purlngton Paving Brick Co. 3. The Clay Products Co. 2. Galesburg Railway Lighting and 4. Abingdon Sanitary Manufacturing Power Co. Co. I^AKE COUITTY 1. Consumers Co. 5. Interstate Sand and Gravel Co. 2. Waukegan Sand and Gravel Co. . 6.- Abana Mineral Spring 3. North Shore Gas Co. 7. National Brick Co. 4. North Shore Gas Co. I^A SAI^I^E COXTNTY 1. Walter M. Pratt 35. Illinois Clay Products Co. 2. Walter M. Pratt 36. Illinois Clay Products Co. 3. Illinois Northern Utilities Co. 37. Wedron Silica Co. 4. Acme Silica Co. 38. Wedron Silica Co. 5. Atlas Silica Co. 39. Ottawa Silica Co. 6. Wedron Silica Co. 40. Ottawa Silica Co. 7. Wedron Silica Co. 41. Public Service Co. of Northern Illi- 8. K. Wilgen Sand Co. nois 9. C. Wilkinson 42. National Fire Proofing Co. 10. Sulphur Lick Springs Co. 43. Herriok Clay Manufacturing Co. 11. J. H. and A. G. Kinder 44. Benson Brothers Sand Co. 12. Matthiessen and Hegeler Zinc Co. 45. United States Silica Co. 13. Matthiessen and Hegeler Zinc Co. 46. United States Silica Co. 14. La Salle Cement Co. 47. United States Silica Co. 15. La Salle County Carbon Coal Co., 48. United States Silica Co. (La Salle) 49. Higby Canyon Sand Co. 16. La Salle Pressed Brick Co. 50. National Fire Proofing Co. 17. Illinois Zinc Co. 51. Commonwealth Silica Co. 18. Illinois Zinc Co. 52. Moline Consumers Co. 19. La Salle County Carbon Coal Co., 53. Illinois "Valley Silica Co. (Union) 54. Ideal Moulding Sand Co. 20. Citizens Lighting Co. 55. Chicago Retort and Fire Brick Co. 21. La Salle County Carbon Coal Co., 56. (Chicago Retort and Fire Brick Co. (No. 1) 57. Ottawa Washed Sand and Gravel 22. Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Co. 23. Marquette Cement Manufacturing 58. W. H. Sploer Co. 59. G. and J. Coal Co., (No. 1) 24. E. J. Reynolds Sand Co. 60. Seneca Tile Works 25. E. J. Reynolds Sand Co. 61. Wedron Silica Co. 26. American Silica Sand Co. 62. La Salle County Carbon Coal Co., 27. American Silica Sand Co. (No. 5) 28. Bellrose Sand Co. 63. Acme Coal Co., (Acme) 29. Bellrose Sand Co. 64. Public Service Co. of Northern Illi- 30. Higby Canyon Sand Co. nois 31. Utica Fire Sand Co. 65. Streator Drain Tile Co. 32. Federal Silica Mines 66. Streator Brick Co. 33. M. J. Gorman and Co. 67. U. S. Coal and Coke Corporation, 34. Utica Hydraulic Cement Co. (Rutland) I^AWBENCi: COUNTY 1. Anderson-Theobald Co. 3. Central Refining Co. 2. Indian Refining Co. 4. Indian Refining Co. I.EE COUNTY 1. Commissioners of Highways 5. C. E. Lenox 2. Sandusky Cement Co. 6. C. H. Ives 3. Illinois Northern Utilities Co. 7. Henry U. Bardwell 4. Blinn Smith 8. J. M. Beale and Co. IiITINCrSTON COUNTY 1. Campus Brick and Tile Works 7. Public Service Company of North- 2. The L. H. Martin Tile Co. ern Illinois 3. Streator Clay Manufacturing Co. 8. George J. Walter 4. Streator Clay Manufacturing Co. 9. Fairbury Coal Co., (West) 5. Barr Clay Co. 10. Conrad Munz, Jr. 6. Murphy, Linsky and Kasher Coal 11. Fairbury Miners Co-operative Coal Co., (No. 1) Co. ~ DIRECTORY OP ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS 71 I.OGAIT COVITTT 1. Logan County Superintendent of 6. Illinois China Co Highways . 7. Citizens Coal Mining Co.. (Citizens) 2. LiO&an County Superintendent of 8. Logan .County Superintendent of Highways Highways 3. Logan County Gas Co. 9. The Lincoln Sand and Gravel Co. 4. Logan County Superintendent of 10. H. P. Frisch Highways 5. Latham-Lincoln Mining Co., (La- tham) McSONOTTGH COTTITTY 1. W. J. Pech and Son 7. j. H. King 2. Macomb Sewer Pipe Works 8. Gates Fire Clay Co 3. Illinois Electric Porcelain Co. 9. Gates Fire Clay Co. 4. Central Illinois Public Service Co. 10. C. H. Myers 5. Western Stoneware Co. 11. ■William Whalen 6. Baird Brothers KcHENK'Sr COUNTY 1. Federal S'and and Gravel Co. 7. Aetna Sand and Gravel Co. 2. American Terra Cotta and Ceramic 8. 'Keinert Gravel Co. „ . Co. 9. Reinert Brothers 3. American Terra Cotta and fjeramic 10. Pyott Gravel and Sand Co. . _,C?: _,. 11. Fox River Sand and Gravel Co. *• i;.- ■**■ ^f"oe 12. Chicago and Northwestern Railway 5. Minerva Mineral Spring Co. (3o. 6. Lake Shore Sand Co. nCcIiEAN COTJITTY 1. C. H. H. Fischer, Receiver, (No. 1 3. McLean County Coal Co., (McLean) [Colfax]) 4. Funks Grove Brick and Tile Co. 2. Union Gas and Electric Co. MACON COUNTT 1. Decatur Brick Manufacturing Co. 4. Decatur Railway Light Co. 2. Decatur Coal Co., (No. 2) 5. John Dipper 3. Macon County Coal Co., (No. 1) 6. Niantlc Carbon Coal Co., (Niantic) KACOUFIN COTJITTY 1. Royal Colliery Coal Co., (Royal) 10. Madison County Light & Power Co. 2. Illinois Coal and Coke Corporation, 11. Illinois Pyrite Co. (No. 402) 12. Superior Coal Co., (No. 1) 3. Illinois Coal and Coke Corporation, 13. Superior Coal Co., (No. 3) (No. 403) 14. Superior Coal Co., (No. 4) 4. Union Fuel Co., (No. 6) 15. Mt. Olive Coal Co., (No. 5) 5. Union Fuel Co., (No. 1) 16. Superior Coal Co., (No. 2) 6. Standard Oil Co., [Coal Mining 17. Consolidated Coal Co. of St. Louis, Dept.] (No. 1-B) (No. 15) 7. Standard Oil Co., [Coal Mining 18. Consolidated Coal Co. of St. Louis, Dept.] (No. 2-A) (No. 7) 9. Standard Oil Co., [Coal Mining 19. Consolidated Coal Co. of St. Louis, Dept] (No. 1-A) (No. 14) DIAIIISOIT COTllirTY 1. Thomas 'R. Harris, (New Douglas) 23. Richards Brick Co. 2. Mt. Olive and Staunton Coal Co., 24. East Side Coal Co., (No. 1) (No. 1) . 25. Donk Brothers Coal and Coke Co., 3. Mt. Olive and Staunton Coal Co., (No. 4) (No. 2) 26. Madison Coal Corporation, (No. 2) 4. New Staunton Coal Co., (No. 1) 27. Madison Coal Corporation 6. Kerens-Donnewald Coal Co., (Wor- 28. Western Fire Brick Co. den) 29. Granite City Gas Light and Fuel 6. Alton Brick Co. Co. 7. Mississippi Lime and Material Co. 30. St. Louis Coke and Chemical Co. 8. Mississippi Lime and Material Co. 31. Donk Brothers Coal and Coke Co., 9. Mississippi Lime and Material Co. (No. 2) 10. Alton Gas and Electric Co. 32. Donk Brothers Coal and Coke Co., 11. Reliance Whiting Co. (No. 1) 12. The Stoneware Pipe Co. 33. St. Louis Smelting and Refining Co. 13. Ed. B. Squier Co. 34. Lumaghi Coal Co.. (No. 2) 14. Federal Lead Co. 35. Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. 15. Standard Oil Co., (Indiana) 36. Lumaghi Coal Co., (No. 3) 16. White Star Refining Co. 37. Collinsville Zinc Corporation 17. Roxana Petroleum Corporation 38. Ed. E. Sguier Co. 18. Stocker Gravel and Construction . 39. Abbey Coal Corporation, (No. 1 Co [Abbey] ) 19. I. X. L. Mining Co., (No. 1) 40. Collinsville Press Brick Co. 20. Madison County Mining CJo., (No. 1) 41. Donk Brothers Coal and Coke Co., 21. Southern Acid and Sulphur Co. (No. 3) 22. Edwardsville Coal Co., (No. 3) 42. Louis Miller 72 DIRECTORY OF ILLIKOIS MINERAL OPERATORS MABIOIT COUNTY 1. Fred Jarrett 5. Chicago-Sandoval Coal Co., 2. Odin Coal Co., (No. 1, [Odin]) 6. Marion County Coal Co., 3. Chicago-Sandoval Coal Co., (No. 1) [Glenridge]) 4. Sandoval Zinc Co. IffiARSHAI^Ii COXriTTV (No. 2) (No. 1 1. Wenona Coal Co., (No. 1) 2. Liacon Clay and Coal Co. 1. "Wiedmer Chemical Co. 1. Thomas Salveson 2. The Lincoln Sand and Gravel Co 3. Toluca Coal Co., (No. 1) MASOIT COTTITTV mENAXD COVITTV 3. Union Fuel Co., (No. 4) BIERCEB COUNTY 1. Coal Valley Mining: Co., (No. 3) 2. Alden Coal Co., (No. 7) 3. Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. 4. Monmouth Clay Manufacturing Co. 5. Northwestern Clay Manufacturing Co. 6. Mississippi Sand and Gravel Co. MONSOE COUNTY 1. Columbia Quarry Co. 2. St. Jjouis Refractories Co. 3. Columhia Quarry Co. SHONTGOmSS-Z COUNTY. 1. Harvel Tile and Cement Co. 2. Indiana and Illinois Coal Corpora- tion, (No. 10) 3. Nokomis Coal Co., (No. 1) 4. Indiana and Illinois Coal Corpora- tion, (No. 14) 5. Southern Illinois Light and Power Co. 6. Indiana and Illinois Coal Corpora- tion, (No. 12) 7. Indiana and Illinois Coal Corpora- tion, (No. 11) 8. Southern Illinois Light and Power Co. 9. Eagle Picher Lead Co. 10. Hillsboro Coal Co., (Hillsboro) 11. American Zinc Co. of Illinois 12. Indiana and Illinois Coal Corpora- tion, (No. 15) 13. Kiggins Crushed Stone Co. 14. Shoal Creek Coal Co., (No. 1) 15. Coffeen Coal Mining Co., (No. 2) ISOBG-AN COUNTY 1. Gravel Springs Co. 2. Jacksonville 'Railway and Light Co. 3. Jacksonville Tile Co. 4. "Wlaverly Brick and Tile Co. MOULTRIE COUNTY 1. Lovington Coal Mining Co., (NO. 1) OCrl^E COUNTY 1. W. H. Ashelford 2. John Meyers 3. McGrath Sand and Gravel Co. 4. National Silica Co. 5. National Silica Co. 6. H. D. Conkey and Co. FEOBIA COUNTY 1. McGrath Sand and Gravel Co. 2. Peoria Washed Sand and Gravel Co. 3. John A. Hoffman, (Blue Fly) 4. "Warsaw Coal Co.. (No. 4 [War- saw]) 5. T. L. Galpin 6. Logan Coal Co., (No. 1) 7. Clark Coal and Coke Co., (No. 2 [Empire]) 8. Crescent Coal Co., (No. 1) 9. Henry Jaeger 10. Collier Cooperative Coal Co., (No. 1) 11. Wolschlag Cooperative Coal Co., (Wolschlag) 12. Phil Becker 13. Prairie Concrete Construction Co. 14. Central Illinois Light Co. 15. Chas. Stenstrom 16. S. R. Stever 17. Andy Biehl 18. M. E. Case Coal Co., (No. 1 [La Marsh] ) 19. News am Brothers, (No. 5 [La Marsh] ) 20. Leitner Coal Co., (Leitner) 21. East Mapleton Coal Co., (East) 22. Lancaster Coal Co., (No. 1) 23. Newsam Brothers, (No. 4 [Glas- f ord] ) MKECTORY OP ILLINOIS MINBKAL OPERATORS 73 PEKBY COUNTY 1. "Victory Collieries Co., (No. 1) 2. Aladdin Coal and Mining Co., (No. 3) 3. Perry County Coal Corporation, (Perry County) 4. Columbia Collieries Co., (Winkle) 5. Illinois Sixth Vein Coal Co. 6. The Louden Coal Mines Company of Southern Illinois, (No. 1) 7. Southern Gem Coal Corporation, (No. 5) 8. Bailey Brothers Coal Co., (Dia- mond) 9. Kanawha EMel Co., (No. 2 [Old Abe]) PIKB 1. Barry Sand and Gravel Co. 10. Duquoin Light Heat and Power Co. 11. Paradise Coal Co., (Paradise) 12. Jewel Coal Co., (No. 1) 13. Equitable Coal and Coke Co., (Ma- jestic) 14. Security Coal and Mining Co., (No. 1) 15. Aladdin Coal and Mining Co., (No. 2) 16. Aladdin Coal and Mining Co., (No. 1) 17. 'Willis Coal and Mining Co., (No. 1) 18. "Willis Coal and Mining Co., (No. 8) COTTITTV 2. Chicago and Alton Railroad Co. FOPS The Southern Illinois Fluorspar Co COUNTY 2. Dixon Springs Hotel Co. FUIVASEE COUNTY Illinois Charcoal-Chemical Co. PUTNAM COUNTY St. Paul Coal Co., (No. 1) B. F. Berry Coal Co., (No. 1) 3. H. D. Conkey and Co. RANSOIiPE COUNTY Madison Coal Corporation, (Crystal) Jones Brothers Coal and Mining Co., (No. 2 [Eureka]) St. Louis Coal Co., (West) Randolph County Coal Co., (No. 1) G. A Wilson, (Boyd) Willis Coal and Mining Co., (No. 7) 7. Moffat Coal Co., (No. 1) 8. Illinois B^iel Co., (No, 4) 9. Willis Coal and Mining Co., (No. 9) 10. Willis Coal and Mining Co., (No. 6) 11. Southern Illinois Penitentiary 12. Southern Illinois Penitentiary 13. Tourtee-Roberts Sand Co. BOCK ISI^AND COUNS^ 1. Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. 2. Builders Sand, and Gravel Co. 3. Schneider Sand and Gravel Co. 4. Bock Island Sand and Gravel Co. 5. Peoples Power Co. 6. Beder Wood's Sons Co. 7. Arglllo Works 8. Argilla Works 9. Hans Paulsen 10. McCraney Sand and Gravel Co. 11. Meersman Brothers 12. Hans Paulsen 13. T. B. and S. S. Davis ST. CI.AIB COUNTY 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Premier Coal and Mining Co., (Lebanon) Fallon Coal Mines Co., (No. 1 [Fal- lon]) Consolidated Coal Co., (No. 17) Peoples Coal Co., (No. 1 [Peoples]) Howard E. Miller Coal Co., (Ruby) Perry CJounty Coal Corporation, Coal Corporation, Co., (Taylor) Perry County (Carbon) Perry County Coal Corporation, (St. Ellen) Prairie Coal Co., (Prairie) St. Louis and O'Fallon Coal (No. 1) St. Louis and O'Fallon Coal (No. 2) American Zinc Co. of Illinois Illinois Mineral Milling Co. Suburban Coal and Mining (Suburban) Superior Mining Co., (Valley) B-B Coal and Mining Co., (B-B) Missouri Portland Cement Co. Co., Co., 18. St. Clair County Gas and Electric Co. 19. Lubrit© Refining Co. 20. Indiahoma Refining Co. 21. Bast St. Louis Stone Co. 22. Casper Stolle Quarry and Contrac- ting Co. 23. Superior Mining Co., (Superior) 24. Southern Coal. Coke and Mining Co., (No. 1 [Avery]) 25. John Arnold 26. Columbia Collieries Co., (Columbia) 27. Summit Coal and Mining Co., (Sum- mit) 28. Bldnar Coal Co., (Eldnar) 29. Southern Coal, Coke and Mining Co.. (No. 6 [Muren]) 30. Abend Coal Co., (Abend) 31. General Clay Products Corporation 32. Fullerton Coal Co., (Fullerton) 33. Perry County Coal Corporation, (Pittsburg) 34. Guest Coal Co;, (Oak Hill) 35. West Belleville Coal Co., (No. 5 [Glendale]) 74 DIKECTOKT OP IIXINOIS MINERAL OPEKATOES ST. CI^AIR COUKTV— Concluded. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 60. 51. Kloess Brlpk Co. 52. Highland Coal Co., (Highland) 53. EU-Rich Mining Co., (Ell-Rlch) Belleville Brick Co. 54. Victoria Coal Co., (Victoria) Aluminum Ore Co., fRadium) 55. New National Coal and Mining Co., 56. (New National) 57. South Belleville Coal Co., (Latt- 58. man) 59. Southern Coal, Coke and Mining 60. Co., (No. 8 [Shlloh]) 61. Southern Coal, Coke and Mining Co., (No. 7 [Little Oak]) 62. White-Sergent Coal Co., (Rentch- ler) 63. Liou-Nash Coal and Mining Co., (No. 1) 64. Liberty Coal and Mining Co., (Lib- erty) 65. Kolb Coal Co., (No. 2 [Mascoutah]) 66. Kolb Coal Co., (No. 1 [Mascoutah.]) Mulberry Hill Coal Co., (No. 1 [Mulberry Hill]) Jack Run Coal Co.,. (St. Clair) Glendale Coal and Mining Co., (Glendale) Columbia Collieries Co., (New Free- burg) Star Coal Co., (Star) Scott Coal Co., (Wilderman) Groom Coal Co., (Richland) Columbia Quarry Co. Columbia Collieries Co., (Lenzburg) O. K. Coal Co., (O. K.) Jones Brothers Coal and Mining Co., (N^o. 1 [Eureka]) Dozaw Valley Coal Co., (Dozaw Valley) Egyptian Coal and Mining Co., (Meek) Golden Rule Coal Co., (Golden Rule) Kolb Coal Co.. (No. 3 [Fairbanks]! Kolb Coal Co., (No. 4 [Vinegar Hill]) SAXrlUE COUNTV 10. 11. 12. Big Creek Coals, Inc., (No. 5) 13. Harrisburg Colliery Co., (Harco) 14. J. K. Dering Coal Co., (No. 2) 15. Wasson Coal Co., (No. 1) 16. Dering Mines Co., (No. 3) G'Gara Coal Co., (No. 10) 17. O'Gara Coal Co., (No. 11) 18. G'Gara Coal Co., (No. 8) 19. Big Creek Coals, Inc., (No. 6) 20. O'Gara Coal Co., (No. 1) 21. O'Gara Coal Co., (No. 12) 22. Big Creek Coals, Inc., (No. 3) 23. O'Gara Coal Co., (No. 3) Ford Brick and Tile Co. O'Gara Coal Co., (No. 9) Harrisburg Fuel Co., (Harrisburg Fuel) Eteato Coal Co., (Heato No. 1) O'Gara Coal Co., (No. 14) Saline Gas Coal Co., (No. 1) Big Creek Coals, Inc., (No. 4) Wasson Coal Co., (No. 2) O'Gara Coal Co., (No. 15) Big Creek Coals, Inc., (No. 2) SAITGAMOIT COUITTV 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Union Fuel Co., (.No. 5) 19. Sangamon Coal Co., (No. 3 [Can- 20. trail]) Springfield District Coal Mining 21. Co., (No. 51) Peabody Coal Co., (No. 6) 22. National Zinc Co. 23. Chicago-Springfield Coal Co., (C-S) 24. Peerless Coal Co., (Peerless) 25. Illinois Coal and Coke Corporation, (No. 400) 26. Spring Creek Coal Co., (Spring 27. Creek) Lincoln Park Coal and Brick Co., 28. (Lincoln Park) Lincoln Park Coal and Brick Co. 29. Springfield Co-Operative Coal Mln- 30. ing Co., (Co-Operative) 31. Sangamon Coal Co., (No. 2 [San- gamon]) 32. West End Coal Co., (West) 33. Citizens Coal Mining Co., (B) 34. Citizens Coal Mining Co., (A) 3.5. Springfield Gas and Electric Co. Springfield District Coal Mining 36. Co., (No. 57) Bissel Coal Co., (Bissell) Springfield District Coal Mining Co., (No. 52) Dawson Coal Mining Co., (No. 1 [Dawson]) Henry M. Baldridge Union Fuel Co., (No. 2) Springfield Paving Brick Co. Sangamon County Mining CJo., (Jef- ferson) Boston Brick Co. Springfield .District Coal Mining Co., (No. 53) Springfield District Coal Mining Co., (No. 55) Springfield -Clay Products Co. Springfield Clay Products Co. Panther Creek Mines, Inc., (Pan- ther Creek) Peabody Goal Co., (No. 6) Madison Coal Corporation, (No. 6) Union Fuel Co., (No. 3) Springfield District Coal Mining. Co., (No. 54) Chicago, Wilmington and Frank- lin Coal Co., (Thayer) SCSUVXEB COUNTY 1. Nicholson Clay Manufacturing Co. 2. Witt and Churchill SCOTT COVITTY 1. Alsey Brick and Tile Co. 2. McLaughlin Mining Co. SEEISV COUNTY 1. Moweaqua Coal Mining and Manu- 2. Queen City Gas Co. facturing Co. (No. 1) DIBECTOKT OP ILLINOIS MINERAL OPERATORS 75 STASK COUNTY 1. Hlgbee Coal Co., (No. 2 [Wyoming]) 1. Freeport Gas Co. STEPHEITSON COTTirTT TAZSWEImTm COniTTY' 1. 'Rapp Clay Products Co. 2. Peoria Brick and Tile Co. 3. McGrath Sand and Gravel Co. 4. J. Brooking 5. Bast Peoria Mining Co. 6. Lake Erie Mining Co., (Lake Erie) 7. Groveland Coal Mining Co., (No. 1) 8. Groveland Coal Mining Co., (No. 2) 9. Morton Brick and Tile Works 10. M. Rapp and Sons H. McGrath Sand and Gravel Co. 12. Johnston City Big Muddy Coal and Mining Co., (No. 3) 13. Tazewell Coal Co., (Tazewell) 14. TJbben Coal Co., (Uhben) 15. Central Illinois Light Co. 16. Virginia Timber Co. 17. H. E. Stuckey TTmOIT COUNTY Geo. B. Aldrldge Illinois Kaolin Co. Isco-aButz Co.' Maddox and Nixon. Thomas B. Goodman Frederick E. Rausch 7. Ed. M. Tripp 8. Central Illinois Public Service Co. 9. Frost and KarraJcer 10. Frank Hess 11. Henry Grieb • TEXiaXJJLOVI COUNTY Central Illinois Public Service Co. Danville Street Railway and Light Co. Sheldon Brick and Tile Co. Vein Six Coal Co., (Vein Six) The Hegeler Zinc Co. Joseph H. Mauck Contract Mining Co. Brady Branch Coal Co., (Brady Branch) Western Brick Co. Danville Brick Co. Electric Coal Co., Electric Coal Co., 1) 10 11 12 13. Electric Coal Co., (No. 2) (No 1) (No. 2) 14. Electric Coal Co., (No. 5) 15. Electric Coal Co., (No. 5) 16. Electric Coal Co., (No. 4) 17. Electric Coal Co., (No. 3) 18. Taylor-English Coal Co., (No. 19. Chicago Collieries Co., (Palrmount) 20. Casparls Stone Co. 21. Taylor-English Coal Co., (No. 2) 22. Peabody Coal Co., (No. 24) 23. United States Fuel Co., (Bunsen) 24. United States Fuel Co., (No. 4) 25. United States Fuel Co., (No. 3) 26. United States Fuel Co., (Vermilion) 27. Sharon Coal and Brick Co., (Sharon) 1. Mt. Carmel Public Utility Co. 2. Mt. Carmel Elevator Co. WABASH COUNTY 3. Mt. Carmel Sand and Gravel Co. WASHINCrTON COUNTY 1. Centralia Coal Co.. (No. 5) 2. Nashville Mining Co., (Nashville) 3. Nashville Press Brick Co. 4: Kuhn Coalery Co., (Bois) 1. R. H. Eastwood Sand and Gravel Works 2. S. R Mead and Son WHITE COUNTY 3. Oscar N'. Hughes 4. Joseph Bemley and Son 5. White County Mining Co., (No. 1) WHITESISE COUNTY 1. American Peat Products Co. 2. Illinois Northern Utilities Co. 3. Thomas McCue 4. Illinois Northern Utilities Co. Willi COUNTY 9. 10. 11. 12. Chicago Gravel Co. The Texas Company Coal Products Manufacturing Co. Coal Products Manufacturmg Co. The Commercial Stone Co. General 'Refractories Co. Illinois Steel Co. Illinois Steel Co. Jno. C. Lind and Son Illinois State Penitentiary Illinois Molding Sand and Material Co. Western Stone Co. 13. Swan, Medin and Co. 14. Thomas H. Pattersons Estate 15. Markgraf Stone Co. 16. Lincoln Crushed Stone Co. 17. Inland Crushed Stone Co. 18. National Stone Co. 19. Chicago Gravel Co. 20. Jollet Gravel Co. 21. Wm. McFarlin 22. Wabash Railroad Co. 23. F. O. Peterson 24. Illinois Sand Co. 76 DIBECTOBY OP ILLINOIS MINBajAL OPEBATOKS WIi;i^IAMSON COXTNTV 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Consolidated Coal Co. of St. Louis, 20. (Lake Creek) 21. Searls Coal Co., (McClintock) 22. Johnston City Washed Coal Co., 23. (White Ash) Lumaghi Coal Co., (Slogo) 24. Scranton and Big Muddy Coal Min- ing Co., (Scranton) 25. Marion and Pittsburg Coal Co., 26. (No 2 [Franco]) 27. Cameron Coal Co., (Keystone) Freeman Coal Mining Co., (Frank- 28. lin) 29. Ernest Coal Co., (Franco No. 1) 30. Old Ben Coal Corporation, (No. 18) 31. C. W. F. Mining Co., (B) 32. C. W. F. Mining Co., (A) 33. Big Muddy Coal and Iron Co., (No. 34. 7) Pratt Brothers, (No. 1 [Jeffrey]) 35. Old Ben Coal Corporation, (No. 17) 36. Williamson County Coal Co., 37. (Black Briar), 38. Big Muddy Fuel Co., (No. 26) 39. Duncan Coal Co., (Dale) 40. Taylor Coal Co., (No. 3 [Hemlock]) Taylor Coal Co., (Energy No. 2) Taylor Coal Co., (Energy No. 1) Hidge Coal Mining Co., (Watson) Wm. P. Rend Coal and Coke Co., ■(No. 2). Big Muddy Coal and Iron Co., (No. 8) "^ Madison Coal Corporation, (No. 9) T. G. Warden, (Sunnyside) Carterville and Big Muddy Coal Co., (John) Federal Coal Co., (No. 25) Madison Coal borporation, (No. 8) Hafer Washed Coal Co., (No. 3) Pi'att Brothers, (No. 2 [Crainville] ) Vulcan Coal Co. Peabody Coal Co., (No. 3) Chicago Big Muddy Coal Co., (No. 1) Matson Coal Co., (No. 1) Marion Pressed Brick and Tile Co. Orchard Coal Co., (Orchard) West Virginia Coal Co., (No. 1) Blackburne Coal Co., (Blackburne) Henderson-Wallace Coal Co., (No. 1) WIirmiBAG'O COUNT'S' Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Co. Federal Sand and Gravel Co. Wm. F. Guetschow Atwood-Davis Sand Co. Rockton Moulding Sand Co. Hart and Page Carrico Stone Co. 8. Fred Wallin and Son 9. Hart and Page 10. Rockford Gas Light and Coke Co. 11. Rockford Sand and Gravel Co. 12. A. F. Welty 13. Jonas Johnson 14. Olaf Olson 15. C. Otto Anderson Minonk Coal Co, The Barron Co. 'WOOSPOBI) COUNTY (No. 2) 3. Roanoke Coal Co., (Roanoke) ■ ii