Wa CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT -WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY APPENDICES TO THATCHAM, BERKS, AND ITS MANORS. The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924088435122 THATCHAM, BERKS, AND ITS MANORS. BY THE LATE SAMUEL BARFIELD, ESQ. EDITED AND ARRANGED FOR PUBLICATION BY JAMES PARKER, M.A., F.G.S. VOL. II. APPENDICES. OXFORD AND LONDON: JAMES PARKER AND CO. M DCCCC I. p\ f'f'l;i',' i-u l-LifURV CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. \ THE APPENDICES. , BOOK I. THE PARISH. I. Table shewing the different modes of spelling Thatcham II. ^Elfeah's Will< f. 975 . , '. III. Thatcham Mpior in Domesday, c. 1086 IV. Greenham Manor in Domesday. 1 c. id86 •V. Midgham Manor in Domesday., c. 1086 '. VI. Crookham Manor in Domesday, c. 1086 VII. Colthorpe Manor in Domesday, c. 1086 VIII. Charter of Henry I. founding Reading Abbey. 1125 IX. Second Charter of Henry I. granting further liberties, c. n 28 X. Confirmation Charter of Henry II. c. 1160 XL, Xll., XIII. Grants respecting the Market at Thatcham. c. 1160 XIV., XV. Change of Day for the Market, 1 2 1 8, and a Two Days' Fair. 1222 XVI. Grant to Poughley of Right of Pasture in Thatcham. c. 1185 XVII. Abbot Hugh's Extension of Reading Abbey, f. 11 90 XVIII. Writ by Richard I. as to attendance at Market, c. 1198 . XIX. Greenham confirmed to Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. 1199 XX. Charters relating to Land of Eustace de Thatcham. ante 1226 XXI. Grant by Peter FitzHerbert of Lands at Thatcham. 1226 XXII. Ratification of Grants by Peter FitzHerbert. 1226 XXIII. Grant of Tadeslep Meadow in Thatcham to Reading, c. 1240 XXIV. Agreement between Roger de la Chambre and ^Reading Abbey. 1257 XXV. Indebtedness of the Abbey of Reading. 1305 . XXVI. Grant by John de la Felde to his daughter Matilda, c. 1300 XXVII. Grant by Margaret le Hert to Robert at Hume. c. 1300 . XXVIII. Grant by William de Brueria to John de la Felde. c. 1300 XXIX. Grant by William Nothac[h] to his daughter Alicia. 1304 XXX. The Will of John Rede. 1308 XXXI. Grant by Roger Atte Combe. 1309 . XXXII. Quitclaim by Alicia le Knyztis to Richard Berrerd. 1309 XXXIIL, XXXIV. Grants by Roger de la Combe to Jourdan Lovelynch. 1313 XXXV. Grant by Margaret de Smithes. 13 16 XXXVI. Grant by John Blaunchard. 1316 . XXXVII. Quitclaim by John Pynkeneye to Peter le Bel, Chaplain. 1318 XXXVIII. Quitclaim by Joanna, widow of William atte Hethe. 25 Oct., 132 1 XXXIX. Grant by William atte Hume to Richard Berrerd. 1323 XL. Grant by John Blaunchard to William of Blebury. 1330 XLL Grant by Richard Berard to William atte Hale. 1333 XLII. Grant by Richard Berard to Thomas atte Boure. 1336 XLIII. Grant by John atte Fortye to Thomas le Bour. 1340 XLIV. Quitclaim by Nicolas de Capella to Thomas atte Boure. 1342 vol. 11. b PAGE 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 8 9' 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 T 3 !3 13 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 l 9 20 21 22 22 2 3 23 24 24 25 25- CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. XLV. Grant by William, Vicar of Thatcham, to John Blaunchard. 1365 XLVI. Grant by Nicholas Barat to Richard Berd. 1366. XLVII. Grant by William Colchester, Vicar, and Nicholas Ostyler. 1381 XLVIII. Grant by William Colchester, Vicar. 1382 XLIX. Quitclaim by John Joye to John Prentys. 1387 . L. Will of John Prentys, junior. 1388 LI. Grant by Margaret Barel to John Grey. 1398 LII. Epitome in English of Thatcham Documents. 1300— 1395 LIII. Dispensation to John Edward, Clerk of Thatcham, &c. 1307 LIV. Dispensation to Simon of Greenham, Subdeacon. 131 1 LV. Dispensation to Jordan of Appleford. 1312 LVI. Licence for Ordination to William of Blewbury. 13 12 LVII. Licence for Ordination to John de la Pole, &c. 1312 LVIIL— LX. Letters dimissory to Peter de Farnham, Peter le Masson, &c. 1347 LXI. Letters Patent of Henry IV. for punishment of Purveyors. 1403 LXII. Quitclaim by Alicia, widow of Richard Bye. 1413 LXIII. Grant by Richard Twyhay to Roger Londyn. 1414 LXIV. Quitclaim by John Prentys to the Churchwardens of Thatcham. 1424 LXV. Grant by the Churchwardens of Thatcham. 1424 LXVI. Grant by Roger London and his wife. 1425 LXVII. Quitclaim by Churchwardens of St. Nicholas, Newbury. 1431 LXVIII. Grant by John Grey to John Hosyer and others. 1432 LXIX. Epitome in English of Thatcham Documents. 1401 — 1476 LXX. Injunction to the Townsmen of Newbury as to the Market. 1598 LXXI. Roger Knight's Letter to W. Lilley, the Astrologer. 1649 . LXXII. Epitome in English of Thatcham Documents. 1606 — 1633 LXXIII. Rioters at Thatcham dispersed by Volunteer Cavalry. 1800 LXXIV. Notice of Enrolment in the Berks Militia. 1808. BOOK II. THE CHURCH. I. Charter by Bp. Roger confirming the Manor to Reading. c. 1125 II. Charter by Bp. Roger (as Chancellor) confirming the same. c. 1125 . III. Charter of the Empress Matilda granting the Church to Reading, c. 1140 IV. Charter granting the Church for use of the Hospital ; at Reading, c. 1 190 V. Bond of the Abbot of Reading concerning the Hospital, c. 1190 VI. Charter of Archbishop Hubert as to the Hospital at Reading, c. 1195 VII. Bull of Pope Clement confirming the Grant to the Hospital. 1191 VIII. Abbot of Reading as to Bucklebury and Thatcham. c. 1228 IX., X. Charters of Bp. Herbert as to the two portions in Thatcham Church. 1201 XL Letter from Pope Innocent III. to Abbot Helias. 1207 XII. Agreement as to the Churches of Thatcham and Newbury, c. 12 18 XIII. Cyrograph of Abbot Symon as to Thatcham and Newbury, c. 1218 XIV. Composition with the Prior of Wallingford as to Estenge. c. 1220 XV. Bond of the Monks of Wallingford as to Tythes of Estenge. c. 1220 XVI. Charter of Bp. Robert as to appropriation of the Revenues, c. 1230 XVII. Charter of Bp. Robert as to award of payment of 20 marks. 1239 XVIII. Charter of the Chapter of Salisbury confirming the award. 1239 PAGE 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 3° 34 35 35 35 35 35 36 37 37 38 38 39 40 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 49 49 5° 50 5i 52 52 53 53' 54 56 57 57 58 59 59 60 CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. Vll The Will of Thomas Butler. The Will of David Maurice. The Will of William Marten The Will of William Beake. The Will of Ursula Butler. Bond of Gilbert of Byham as to the 20 marks, c. 1240 . Later Charter of Bp. Walter as to the agreements. 1263 Bishop's Licence to Sir Richard de Fokerham for his Chapel. 1304 The Bishop's Licence renewed for Divine Service in the Chapel. 1306 Letters of the Pope respecting Antony de Bradeneye. 1300 Licence to the Abbot of Reading to appropriate the Church. 1309 Letter of Pope Clement V. as to Thatcham Church. 1309 ' Inquisitio ad quod dampnum ' as to the appropriation. 1308 Charter of Edward II. respecting the appropriation. 1309 Resignation of Antony de Bradeney, Rector. 1315 Letter from Bp. Roger to hold an enquiry, post 13 15 Ordinance of Bp. Roger as to the appropriation of the 5 marks. 13 16 Confirmation by Abbot of Reading as to the 5 jsssks. 13 16 Institution of Jordan de Appelford as first Vicar. 131^6 . Confirmation of the appropriation by Ar/zndeacon of Be^ks. 131 7 Ordinance by Bp. Roger as to the Vicafage. 1317 Institution of William de Blewbury as Vicar. 1329 Presentation of Geoffrey Eles to the Bishop by the Abbot. 1487 The Will of Thomas Justice. 1544 . r S2 8 . 1529 . l S 2 9 1529 . 1529 The Will of Alice Stilman. 1530 The Will of Richard ' Tobbe.' 1544. Extracts from the Thatcham Church Registers . Churchwardens' Accounts Memorandum by Nicolas Fuller as to Mr. Tovey's debt. c. 1605 A Terrier dated 1608 .... Decree of Court of Chancery respecting Church Repairs 1631 The Pedigree of Sir Henry Winchcombe Presentment to the Archdeacon of Berks. Oct. 10, 1673 . A Terrier dated 1677 A Terrier of about 1703 .... Pedigrees of the Mount and Waring Families A Terrier dated 1783 .... Meeting House Certificates, 1799, 1803, 1804, and 1807 . Inventory of the Church and Parish Property. 1833 LVIII., LIX. Separation of Chapelries of Greenham and Midgham. 1857 LX. Extracts from Ashmole's Berkshire with List of Monuments. 1736 LXI. Order as to the district of St. John the Evangelist, Newbury. 1859 LXII. Assignment of a Chapelry to St. Mark, Cold Ash. 1865 . LXIII. Greenham declared to be a Vicarage. 1866 LXIV. Midgham declared to be a Vicarage. 1868 LXV. List of Bishops of Salisbury, 1078— 1836, and of Oxford . LXVI. List of Archdeacons of Berkshire, n 60 to 1900 . LXVII. List of Abbots of Reading. 1123 — 1520 b 2 XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. xxxi r. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXIX. XL. XLI. XLII. XLIII. XLIV. XLV. XLVI. XLVII. XLVIII. XLIX. L. LI. LII. LIII. LIV. LV. LVI. LVII. PAGE 60 6l 62 63. 64 64 65 65 66 66 67 68 70 7i 7i 72 75 76 77 77 78 78 79 79 80- 81 92. "5 "5 116 120 121 121 122 124 I2 5 ^33 i34 i37 141 144 146' i47 148 149 iS° 151 viii CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. BOOK III. CHARITIES AND ENDOWMENTS. PAGE I. General Summary of the Chief Charities . . • • i53 II. Robert Clark's two deeds respecting Thomas Loundyes' bequest. 1446 159 III. Grant of four Burgages by William Goldrich and John Bye, &c. 1424-72 161 IV. Grant of a Burgage in South Street. 1431 . . .163 V. Grant of Goods by John Pury. 1450 .... 163 VI. Grant by Thomas Colyns and Henry Pratt. 1476 . .164 VII. The Will of John Hunt. 1590 . . • • 164 VIII. The Will of the Rev. John Heardman. 1594 . • 166 IX. The Writ of Execution regarding John Heardman's Will. 1652 . 167 X. Endowment Deed by Lady Frances Winchcombe. 1707 . 168 XI. Summary of the preceding Endowment .... 172 XII. First Trust Deed of the Independent Chapel. 1804 . . 173 XIII. Trust Deed for the endowment of the Independent Minister. 1821 . 175 XIV. Endowment of a Residence for the Minister of the Chapel. 1825 . 176 XV Order by the Charity Commissioners as to' Trustees for the above. 1897 176 XVI., XVII. Applications to the National Society as to School for Girls. 1824 . 177 XVIII. The Thatcham National School Deed. 1844 . . .180 XIX. Regulations by Charity Commissioners as to the Trusts. 1896 to 1899 ^ 2 XX. Accounts of the several Charities of Thatcham as filed. 1893 — 1894 . 185 BOOK IV. THE FOUR MANORS. The Manor of Crookham. I. The FitzHerberts and descendants lords of Crookham. c. 1150 — 1321 193 II. Mandate respecting 15 marks due by Henry of Ferrars. 1225 . 193 III. Grant to Peter FitzHerbert of Free Warren. 1228 . . 194 IV. Terms for Reginald FitzPeter's Payment to the Exchequer. 12 61 . 194 V. Reginald FitzPeter exceeds his right of Free Warren. 1275. -194 VI. Grant by Reginald FitzPeter of Thornford Mill, ante 1286. 195 VII. Inquisition taken on death of Reginald FitzPeter. 1286 . . 195 VIII. The Abbot of Reading lays claim to Manor of Crookham. 1300 . 196 IX. Grant by John FitzReginald to John Chamberleyn. c. 1300 . . 196 X. Presentations of John de Bassbrigg (1300), and John Attewode (1306) . 197 XI., XII. Conveyance of the Manor to Piers Gaveston. 1308 . • 197 XIII. Institution of Simon atte Pette as Chaplain. 1310 . . 198 XIV., XV. John de Knokyn appointed Custodian. 131 1 . . .198 XVI. Grant to John de Knokyn of Free Warren. 131 2 . . -199 XVII. Grants of various lands to John de Knokyn. 131 7 . . 200 XVIII. Grant to the same of custody of the Royal Park of Fremantle. 131 7 . 200 XIX. Appointment of Richard de Rodeney as Custodian ; and Riot. 132 1 . 200 XX. Account of the Bailiffs rendered to the Crown. 1322-3 . . 201 XXI. Humphry de Walden and Richard de Ikene appointed BailifTs. 1324 . 211 XXII. Order issued by King Edward II. when at Crookham. 1326 . 212 XXIII. Inquisition respecting the Claim of Eleanor Fitzjohn. 1327 . 212 XXIV. Finding of the Jury in the Inquisition ordered above. 1327. . 213 XXV. Pedigree of the FitzHerberts . . . . .214 CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. IX XXVI. Payments by Inhabitants of Crookham. 1327,1332 XXVII. Supplementary Grant to William de Montacute. 1331 XXVIII. Grant to William de Montacute of Free Warren. 1331 XXIX. Licence to ditto to empark Crookham. 1337 . XXX. Licence to ditto to exchange lands with Abbot of Reading. 1337 XXXI. Inquisition taken on death of William de Montacute. 1344 XXXII. Inquisition taken on the death of Katherine, his widow. 1349 XXXIII. Conveyance by Roger Attepyle and his wife of certain lands. 1384 XXXIV. Grant by the second Earl of Salisbury to Richard Pavy. 1395 XXXV. Presentation of Eliseus Colyn to the Chapelry of Crookham. 1396 XXXVI. Presentation of Richard Oliver to the Chapelry of Crookham. 1403 XXXVII. Inquisition taken on death of third Earl of Salisbury (pb. 1400.) 1409 XXXVIII. Inquisition taken on death of fourth Earl of Salisbury. 1429 XXXIX. Inquisition taken on death of William, Duke of Suffolk. 1450 XL. Inquisition taken on death of William de Ferrars. 1450 . XLI. Charter of 1475 T*ith. ' Inspeximus ' of earlier Charters, viz., 1298 1395, 1404, and 1439 XLII. Grant of Crookham to the Earl of Southampton. 1542 XLIII. Pedigree of the Earls of Salisbury XLIV. Account rendered of the Revenue of the Chapel at Crookham. 1547-8 XLV. Chaplains of Crookham. 1299 to c. 1550 XLVI. Grant of Crookham to the Marquis of Worcester. 1668 . XLVII. Pedigree of the Peachy Family Manor of Chamberhouse. XLVIII. Conveyance to John Picard by Roger de la Chambre. 1250 XLIX. Conveyance to Abbot of Reading by Roger de la Chambre. 1257 L. Bishop's Licence to Richard Pavy for service in his Oratory. 1397 LI. Conveyance to John de Lisle by Richard Pavy. 1404 LII. Grant by Richard Pavy to John de Lisle. 1404 LIII. Inquisition on death of Sir John de Lysle. 1408 LIV. Pedigree of the Pury Family LV. Conveyance to John Pury by John de Lisle. 1445 LVI. Licence to John Pury to crenellate his house, &c. T447 LVII. Indenture by which John Pury lets his Fishing Weir. 1446 LVIII. Release to John Pury from John Henley. 1451 LIX. Pedigree of Family of Danvers of Chamberhouse LX. Will of Sir William Danvers. 1504 . LXI. Will of John Danvers. 1508 LXII. The MS. New Testament belonging to Lady Danvers. 15 17 LXIII. The Will of Lady Danvers. 1530 . LXIV. Pedigree of the Docwra Family LXV Will of Martin Docwra. 1534 LXVI. Will of Edward, son of Martin Docwra. 1546 LXVII. Proceedings in Chancery respecting Chamberhouse Manor. 1590 LXVIII. Funeral Certificate of Nicholas Fuller. 1619 . LXIX. The Case of Thomas Ladd and Richard Maunsell. 1607 PAGE 215 2I S 217 217 217 218 219 219 220 220 221 221 222 224 225 226 228 230 232 232 2 33 2 35 235 236 236 237 237 238 240 241 241 242 243 244 24S 245 246 248 250 250 25 1 252 256 256 CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. LXX., LXXI. Letters of Dudley Carleton and John Chamberlain. 1607 LXXII. Will of Nicholas Fuller. 1619 LXXIII. Inquisition on death of Sir Nicholas Fuller. 1620 LXXIV. Will of Daniel Fuller. 1626 LXXV. Pedigree of Fuller of Chamberhouse . LXXVI. Pedigree of the Amyand-Cornewall Family LXXXV. LXXXVI. LXXXVII. LXXXVIII. LXXXIX. XC. XCI. XCII. XCIII. XCIV. xcv. XCVI. XCVII. XCVIII. XCIX. c. CI. CII. cm. CIV. cv. CVI., CVII. CVIII. Pedigree of the Winchcombe Family Pedigree of the Waring and Croft Families Court Roll for Henwick Manor for 1736 Notice of Sale of Sir John Croft's Estate. 1798 The Details of Sale of the Manor of Henwick. i< 07 Manor of Colthrop. Charters granting Colthrop to the Achard Family. 11 15, 1318 Pedigree of the Achard Family Pedigree of the De la Mare Family . Conveyance of Manor to Sir Richard de Fokerham Conveyance to Hugh de Monyngton and others. 1349 . Estate conveyed to John Shilford. 1394 Grant of Manor to the Warden of Winchester College. 1402 Inquisition respecting the Grant to Winchester College. 1402 Indenture respecting Colthrop Mill. 142 1 Rebuilding of Colthrop Mill. 1472. Colthrop Ministers' Accounts from Michaelmas, 1484 to 1485 Extracts from a ' Rentale.' 1547 Valuation of Colthrop Mill by Sir Roger Amyce. 1557 . Pedigree of the Dolman Family Citation of Sir Walter Jocelyn. 1329 Extracts from the Court Rolls of the Manor. 1367 — 1376 Ditto. 1398 — 1422. Ditto. 1605 — 1715 Table of the Court Rolls of the Manor of Colthrop 258 259- 263 267 269 27c- Manor of Thatcham with Sub-manor of Henwick. LXXVII. The earliest Court Roll discovered relating to the Manor. 1357 . 271 LXXVIII. Grant of the Manor to John Wynchecombe. 1540 ■ • 2 73 LXXIX. Court Roll of Thatcham Manor. 1600 . . . 274 LXXX. The Court Rolls of the Manor. 1657101715 . • 279 LXXXI. List of the Court Rolls relating to Thatcham Manors with the Dates, &c. 298 LXXXII. — IV. Licence to John Wynchcombe to settle estates on his sons. 1548 300 3°4 3°S 306 3°7 308 3°9- 310 310 3" 311 312 312 313. 3i5 316 31& 318 319* 321 321 322 33i 344- ILLUSTRATIONS TO VOL. II. MAP of the country round Thatcham ... ... ... to face Title Scale— 2 miles to an inch. BOOK I. THE PARISH. Plate I. Extract from Foundation Charter of Henry I., granting Thatcham Manor to Reading Abbey ... ... to face p. 5 Facsimile from Lord Fingall's Cartulary. See App. No. VIII. „ „ Extract from Charter of Henry II. commanding Berk- shire men to attend at Thatcham Market ... „ „ Facsimile from Lord Fingall's Cartulary. See App. No. XI. ,, „ Extract from Charter of Henry II. securing the Market at Thatcham on Sundays ... ... ... ,, ,, Facsimile from Lord Fingall's Cartulary. See App. No. XIII. „ II. Extract from Charter of Henry II. confirming Grants to Reading Abbey ... ... ... „ 7 Facsimile from the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum. See App. No. X. „ III. Grant by William de Brueria of Land to John de la Felde, c. 1300 ... ... ... ... „ 18 Facsimile of original amongst the Thatcham Documents. See App. No. XXVIII. ,, „ The Will of John Rede, 20 April, 1308, with Probate and Endorsement ... ... ... „ „ Facsimile of original amongst the Thatcham Documents. See App. No. XXX. „ IV. The Will of John Prentys, junior, dated Feb. 4, 1388, with Probate and Endorsement ... ... „ 28 Facsimile of Original amongst the Thatcham Documents. See App. No. L. • „ V. Letters Patent of Henry IV. for punishment of Purveyors who entered upon Church Lands and took property, dated 24 Dec, 1403 ... ... ... „ 36 Facsimile of original amongst the Thatcham Documents. See Appendix No. LXI. BOOK II. THE CHURCH. .,, VI. Charter of the Empress Matilda granting the Church of Thatcham to Reading ... ... ... „ 50 Facsimile from the Cottonian MS. in the British Museum. See Appendix No. III. xn ILLUSTRATIONS TO VOL. II. Plate VI. The Resignation of Antony de Bradeney the last Rector, 1315 ... Facsimile from Additional Charters in the British Museum. See Appendix No. XXVIII. „ VII. Confirmation by Tydo de Varese, Archdeacon of Berks, of the Appropriation by Reading Abbey of the Vicarage ofThatcham, 1317 •• •■• „ Facsimile from Additional Charters in the British Museum. See Appendix No. XXXIII. „ VIII. Entry in the Parish Churchwardens' Book in 1607 pro- hibiting leases of Church lands by the Churchwardens without the Parishioners' consent Facsimile from the Thatcham Churchwardens' Book. See Appendix No. XLVI. In text. View of Salisbury Cathedral. From a Print ... to face p. 50 7i 108 on p. 149 BOOK III. CHARITIES AND ENDOWMENTS. Plate IX. Robert Clark's second deed respecting Thomas Loundyes' Bequest, 1446 ... ... .. ... to face p. 160 Facsimile from Thatcham Parish Documents. See App. No. II. (b). BOOK IV. THE FOUR MANORS. „ X. Grant by Reginald Fitz Peter of Thornford Mill to Gilbert le Wyte, ante 1286 Facsimile from Sir George Cornewall's Deeds. See App. No. VI. ,, ,, Grant by the Second Earl of Salisbury of a Field in Thatcham to Richard Pavy in 1395 Facsimile from Sir George Cornewall's Deeds. See Appendix No. XXXIV. In text. Grant by Richard Pavy to Sir John de Lisle, 1404 Facsimile from Sir George Cornewall's Deeds. See App. No. LII. Plate XI. Indenture by which John Pury leases to Martin Jourdan his Fishing Weir, Oct. 31, 1447 ; also Bond of Martin Jourdan in regard to the same .. . Facsimile from Sir George Cornewall's Deeds. See App. No. LVII. In text. Memorandum of Lady Danvers in a New Testament, dated 1517 Facsimile from the original, now in the John Ryland's Library in Manchester. See App., No, LXII. J 95 on p. 239 to face p. 242 on p. 247 APPENDICES TO BOOK I. THE PARISH. APPENDIX I. Table shewing the different modes of spelling Thatcham in the documejits from the 10th to the ijth Century. A.D. 975 circ - 1086 1125 1125 1125— 1130 1125— 1135 1130— 1143 1135—1154 "35— "54 "45— "53 "54— "59 1154— 1189 1159 — 1181 1 185 1187 — -1191 1188 — 1194. 1 188— 1 194 1188 — 1194 1189 1189 — 1199 1189 — 1199 1191 — 1198 1191 — 1198 1 1 94— 1205 1194— 1205 1 1 94— 1205 1 1 98 — 1 2 16 1201 1201 1203 1209 VOL. II. JCod. Winton. fol. 93b. \Thorpe Dipl. Sax., p. 527. Domesd., fol. 56 verso. Harl. MS. 1708, fol. 16. Lord Fingall's Cart., fol. 1. [Ditto, fol. 50. Ditto, fol. 38. [Ditto, fol. 50b. jcott. MS. Vesp. E.V., fol. 73b. Lord Fingall's Cart., fol. 3b. Ditto, fol. 52. Ditto, fol. 53b. Harl. MS. 1708, fol. 22b. Lord Fingall's Cart., fol. 54b. Harl. MS. 1708, fol. 69. [Lord Fingall's Cart, fol. 58. Cott. MS. Vesp. E.V., fol. 57b. Lord Fingall's Cart., fol. 58. Harl. MS. 1708, fol. 191b. Lord Fingall's Cart., fol. 14b. Ditto, fol. 1 6b. Harl. MS. 1708, fol. 33. JLord Fingall's Cart., fol. 80b. Thacham ditto Ditto, fol. 81. Tacham in Archbishop Hubert's charter. Cott. MS. Vesp. E.V., fol. 57. Thacham ditto Harl. MS. 1708, fol. 191b. Ditto ditto Lord Fingall's Cart., fol. 59b. Thacheam in Pope Innocent III.'s 1_. ,, „„, r VDitto, fol. 88b. charter. J Tacham in Bishop Herbert's charter. Harl. MS. 1708, ff. 191b, 192 Thacham ditto Lord Fingall's Cart., fol. 82b. Thacheam in King John's charter. Ditto, fol. 17. Taceham ditto Rot. Chart. V. I., p. 185. Thascham in charter of ^Elfeah. Taceham in Domesday. Tacheam in Henry I.'s charter. Thacheham ditto Tacheham in Pope Honorius II. 's charter. Ditto in Bishop Roger's charter. Tacheham in Pope Innocent II. 's charter. Tachesham in Empress Matilda's charter. Tacheham ditto Ditto in Pope Eugenius Ill.'s charter. Ditto in Pope Adrian IV.'s charter. Ditto in Henry II.'s charter. Ditto in Pope Alexander III.'s charter. Tacham in Abbot Hugh's Fine. Tacheham in Pope Clement III.'s charter. Thacham in Bishop Hubert's charter. Tacheam ditto Tacham ditto Thacheham in Richard I.'s charter. Tacheham, ditto Ditto ditto Thecham and Thesham in Pope Celestine III.'s charter. 2 APPENDICES TO BOOK I 1218 1222 Thacham a/M? Tacham in Henry III.'s | Rot Lit clauS) v . I., p. 355. charter. J Tacham ditto Ditto, V. I., p. 486. 1226 Thacheham in Peter fitz Herbert's | Harl M g I70 8, fol. 170. Agreement. j 1239 Tacham in Bishop Robert's charter. Ditto, fol. 192. Thacham .ditto Lord Fingall's Cart. fol. 99. 1239 1263 Tacham and Thacham in Bishop \ CoU M g Vesp. E.V., fol. 49. Walter's charter. J i3°4 Tacham in Bishop Simon de Gant's \ Reg . Gandav0j B p. of Sarum, fol. 39b. License. J 1306 Thaceham ditto Ditto ditto 1310 Thacham in Edward II. 's Patent Roll. Pat. Roll, 3 E. II., m. n. 13 16 Ditto in Bishop Roger de Mortival's \ Rgg Bp Sarum- Institution. J 1316 Thaceham in Abbot Nicholas's charter. Sarum Lib. Evid., No. 555. 1327 Thacham in the Lay Subsidies in Ed- U Suhsidies> BerkS; t E . in . ward I.'s reign. J IS i8-i 5 45 Ditto in all the collected Wills of the ] Archdeaconry Co . of Berks. Inhabitants. J 1597 Thatcham in a Decree of Queen j Decree s 40 Eliz., fol. 163. Elizabeth. J 1644 Ditto in- the letters of the Commis- sioners with the Parliamentary Army written to the Houses of Parliament from the neighbourhood. . Cal. State Papers, Domestic Series, 1644. APPENDIX II. Ailfeah's Will. Circa 975. [From Codex Winton. fol. 93b. Printed in Kemble, Codex Diplomaticus, Vol. III. p. 127 (No. 593) ; Thorpe's Diplomatarium, p. 526 ; Birch's Cart. Sax., Vol. III. p. 432.] Her is geswutelod an Sis gewrite hu Here is made known, by this writing, how ^Elfheah ealdorman his cwidas gecwgeSen ^Elfeah aldorman has declared his testament, haefS be his cynehlafordass gepafuncge. with the permission of his royal lord. Dast is ponnas aerasst- past he ge£n his That then is first, that he gives to his Drihtne- for his sawlas pearfas- pass landaes Lord, for his soul's need, the land at El- aet iEllaendune- j faes ast Crundelom to lendon, and that at Crondall, to the Old ealdan mynstasre to Winticeastrae- and feera monastery at Winchester; and the twenty twaentiga hida ast Ceorlatunaa into Meal- hides at Charlton to Malmesbury, and the dselmsesbyrig- and fasra fiftyna hida aet fifteen hides at Sutton to Bath. SuStune into BaSan. And he gean his cynehlafordae psera And he gives to his royal lord the twenty hundtwagntiga hida ast WyrSae- and j>aes hides at Worth, and the land at Cookham, landass set Coccham- and ast Daecham- and and at Thatcham, and at Chelsworth, and ast Ceolaeswyr'Sae- and aet Incgenassham- and at Inglesham, and at Aylesbury, and at ast ^Egelesbyrig- and ast Waendofron- and freo Wendover ; and three hundred mancuses hund mancusa goldes- and annas dies an of gold, and one dish of three pounds, and ^>rym pundom- and anas sdppcuppan an ]>rym one sop-cup of three pounds, ai:d one hand- pundan- ] an handsex- and f asras lecge a is seax ; and in the hilt there are eighty man- a From leccan, prehendere ? APPENDICES TO BOOK I. hnndeahtati mancussa goldass- -] seax swurS- and seax hors mid geredan- and swa fasla spasra and scylda. And he gean ^ElfriS Sees cyninges wifas his gefasSeran pass landaes set Scyraeburnan ealswa hit stasnt- and pam yldran aspaslingae pass cyngaes suna and hiras- pritiga mancussa goldaes and anaes swurdass- and fam gincgran tJses landes ast Wolcnassstedas. And he gean ^Elfhasre his breSaer pass landaes aet Fasrndunas- and aet Ealdincburnan- and Godwinas his suna pass aet Tudinc- gatunae- and ^Elfwardae aet Wyritunas- and ^Efelwerdae his mege aet Wicuman- and ^Elfwine his swustur suna pass aet Froxafelda. Donnas an ic iElfsipas minon wifae- gyf heo leng beoS ponne ic- and it swa gehylt swa ic hirae truvvan to hasbbe- ealra para oSasra landa J>se ic laefae. And heo panne gaeornlicae of pam God gepaencas- and for uncre sawle geornlicae beo- and brucae heo pass landaes aet Batancumbse hyrae dasg- and asfter hire dasge ga hit an ^Elfwaerdes hand uncres suna- gif has lifass beo- gyf has nae beo fon mine broSorn to pa hwilae pas hi beon- and aefter hyra dege ga into Glaestingabyrig for urnae fasdasr- and for uras modor and for us eallae. And ic wullan paet man gefreogen aelcne witepeowne man on aelcum paera landae pae ic minon freondon baecwedden hasbbas. And pisseras gepafuncga pas sas cyning geupas is to gewitnasssas ^Elfpryp pass cynincges wif- and Apelwold bisceop. ~) ^Elfhasre ealdorman - ■j ^Epelwine ealdorman- -\ ^Elfwinae- 3 ^Escwig abbod. cuses of gold ; and six swords, and six horses with trappings, and as many spears and shields. And he gives to ^lfthryth, the king's wife, his gossip, the land at Sherborne, as it stands ; and to the elder astheling, the king's son and hers, thirty mancuses of gold and one sword ; and to the younger the land at Wolcnesstede. And he gives to .^Elfhere, his brother, the land at Farndon, and at Aldingbourn ; and to Godwine, his son, that at Teddington ; and to /Elfweard, [that] at Wyritum ; and to ^Ethelweard, his kinsman, [that] at Wi- cuman ; and to ^Elfwine, his sister's son, that at Froxfield. . Then I give to ^Elfsith, my wife, if she shall live longer than I, and so conducts herself as I trust she will, all the other lands which I leave. And let her earnestly thank God therefore, and pray earnestly for our souls ; and let her enjoy the land at Batcomb for her day ; and after her day, let it go into the hand of ^Elfweard, our son, if he be living; if he be not, let my brothers succeed to it, as long as they live ; and after their day, let it go to Glastonbury, for our father, and for our mother, and for us all. And I will that every penal serf be freed on each of the lands that I have bequeathed to my friends. And of this permission which the king has granted me, are to witness ^Elfthryth, the king's wife, and Athelwold bishop, and ^Elfhere aldorman, and ^thel- wine aldorman, and yElfwine, and yEscwig abbot. APPENDIX III Thatcham Manor in Domesday. Circa 1086. [From Domesday Book, fol. 56, verso, col. 2.] In Taceham Hund'. Rex tenet Taceham in dominio. Rex E. tenuit. Tunc se defendebat pro ij hidis et nunquam geldebat. Terra est xxv ca- rucarum. Ibi sunt xxxv villani et xij bordarii cum xxv carucis. Et ibi xij hagae reddentes de firma Iv solidos, et ij mo- lendini de xxij solidis et vj denariis, et cxlvij acre prati. Silva de lx porcis. ^Ecclesiam hujus manerii tenent ij cle- rici cum iij hidis quae pertinent ibi et geldant cum comitatu et valent iij libras. T. R. E. valebat xx libras : modo xxx libras et tamen reddit xxxiiij libras. APPENDICES TO BOOK I. APPENDIX IV. Greenham Manor in Domesday. [From Domesday, fol. 60, verso, col. I.] Terra Henrici de Ferieres. In Taceham Hund.' Ipse Henricus [de Ferieres] tenet Gre- neham. Seuuard tenuit de Rege E. in prati et quater xx acre prati bordarii cum vij carucis. Ibi aecclesia et iiij servi, et molendinum et dimidium de xj solidis et ij denariis minus, et xl una acre T. R. E. alodio. Tunc pro v hidis, modo pro ij hidis et dimidia. Terra est x carucarum. In dominio sunt ij caruce et xj villani et xix et post valebat viij libras. Modo vj libras. APPENDIX V. Midgham Manor in Domesday. [From Domesday, fol. 61, verso, col. 2.] Terra Gilonis Fratris Ansculfi. In Taceham Hund.' Ghilo tenet de rege Migeham. Quinque liberi homines de rege E. pro Manerio. Tunc se defendebat pro v hidis, modo pro ij hidis. Terra est x carucarum. In dominio nil ibi est, sed ix villani et v bordarii cum v carucis ; et molendinum de xiiij solidis. De hac terra tenet Almsr iij virgatas, Raynerus unam virgatam, Gis- lebertus j hidam et unam virgatam et di- midiam. Et ibi sunt ij caruce et dimidia, et v villani et viij bordarii cum j caruca et dimidia, et quater xx acre prati in Manerio. Totum T. R. E. valebat c solidos. Modo inter totum, vj libras. APPENDIX VI. Crookham Manor in Domesday. [From Domesday, fol. 63, verso, col. 2.] Terra Odonis et aliorum Tainorum. et defendebat se pro j hida. Idem tenet. Curesbert In Taceham Hund.' Terra j caruce. Ibi iij villani. Valet xx Aluui tenuit T. R. E. Crocheham solidos. APPENDIX VII. Colthorpe Manor in Domesday. [From Domesday, fol. 60, recto, col. I.] Terra Comitis Ebroicensis. In Borgedeberie Hund.' Isdem Comes tenet Crochestrope. Qua- tuor liberi homines tenuerunt de rege E. Tunc et modo pro una hida. Nil est in dominio. Ibi iij villani habent j carucam et iiij acras terre. Valet et valuit x solidos. &cvWyi\ ijaw Wke^tV To face AWmttfts. p APPEND IX, PLATE I. tigis^omahmdatmtf ntide Iwiclatione^tifaaabj 6cctic SAdmgeus. Fgwcus da5mia%rAngU^<«'t%t^(ttmamu^. JU^icpt^. epi$. Albanty. Cominb; Batwttbjo; fws.tfomityjepiamf tamjntftirab; fleflumcs aumanto dfogatv ^o auconfiUopiraficu taiio^ fideUtunma^ptoCalttirammrtn^^im rcgtf pams met. «<&im rajtf ftam* met.* <&ti& fiutioa*? tyatfrtldtf wjmer mams met.? d&aibfldj$ wgttietjn»i$ mt)anf^monad)o^wdmgte»Htaia aumnjjfona pawatit m£, na^debtcufcag confuetudittr.awr^woknnamrT)ommibtfttr> ns.* poffdftone fcadingettfis monaftmf $qgac.ti aiiutgoonemfiaer^cpctowm?: npmwmut'caita^editame.iitt^ See Appendix No. VIII. Portion of Henry I.'s Foundation Charter of Reading Abbey. fiutifde confamgtitf bomnuty de Bertiefc\*c eara; atffrawti Et5#dyz ^ozm^aqtuf ^owncs anteg: omttx de tacfcefcam. hoimnto; deBerkefl?$afc. coanto twins #fini &att.fctitfi fecmtjsduftioamcaljocfeaatv^fi^in cotnnt commnf See Appendix No, XL Charter of Henry II. commanding the men of Berkshire to attend the Market. Gfattaemftem te foio&r lacbeljam. awmxwcoocco t^dg^wangUc«to^m t*Serfeefc\#8a€wif futff saft .fmjpw&monSbi teu^m£babewf fommfuum ap ^a*cb«ndi£^dniasfic imtp^^^auimcii)itfol£bam:.CfcpTOl)ii)comlM)mm© te*5KV*fta iiipcrl>oetiUamiiicifitttunafeamifc^e fiwoftiomadir^.Ilanfi^ 6lanutttap<^dhrl.3xemcattaahmt dettjetrm.)rcaimdd , dteb&em. Charter of Henry II. securing the Market at Thatcham on Sundays. See Appendix No XIII. APPENDICES TO BOOK I. APPENDIX VIII. Charter of Henry I. founding Reading Abbey. 1125. [Ex Registro Cartarum Abbatise de Rading, MSS. Cotton. Vespasian E. 5, fol. 17. Cart. Antiq. X. No. 9; Harl. MSS. 1708, fol. 16; Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum, Vpl. IV. p. 40; Lord Fingall's Cartulary, fol. I.] totam Angliam ; Sintque Abbatis et mona- chorum ejus de hominibus suis, et de tota, possessione sua, et de alienis in ea foris facientibus, vel ibi cum foris facto inter- ceptis hundreda et placita omnia, cum socca et sacca, et toll et theam, et infangentheof, et hutfangentheof, et hamsocna, infra burgum et extra burgum, in viis et semitis, et in om- nibus locis, cum omnibus causis quae sunt vel esse possunt. Habeantque Abbas et monachi Radingenses in tota possessione sua omnerh justiciam de assaltu et furtis, et murdris, de sanguinis effusione, et pacis in- fractione quantum ad regiam pertinet pro- testatem, et de omnibus forisfactis. Quod si abbas et monachi de hiis justiciam facere neglexerint, rex fieri compellat, ita ut in nullo libertatem Radingensis ecclesiae minuat. Veniantque ad hundreda de Ra- dingia et de Leoministria homines circumja- centium maneriorum, secundum consuetu- dinem temporum praecedentium ; qui, si quando vocati fuerint ad justiciam venire contempserint, rex inde forisfactum accipiat, et venire et satisfacere compellat. Statuimus autem tam ecclesiasticae quam et regiae prospectu potestatis, tit decedente abbate Radingensi, omnis possessio monasterii ubi- cumque fuerit, remaneat integra et libera, cum omni jure et consuetudine sua in manu et dispositione prions et monachorum capi- tuli Radingensis. Hoc autem ideo statuimus statutumque perpetuo servandum firmavimus, quia abbas Radingensis non habet proprios redditus sed communes cum fratribus. Qui autem Deo annuente, canonica electione abbas substitutus fuerit, non cum suis secu- laribus consanguineis, seu quibuslibet aliis, elemosinas monasterii male utendo disper- dat, sed pauperibus et peregrinis et hospiti- bus suscipiendis curam gerat. Terras cen- suales non ad feudum doner., nee faciat milites nisi in sacra veste Christi, in qua parvulos suscipere modeste caveat maturos Henricus Dei gratia rex Anglorum et dux Normannorum archiepiscopis, episcopis, Abbatibus, comitibus, baronibusque suis et omnibus Christianis tam prsesentibus quam futuris, salutem perpetuam. Sciatis quia tres abbatias in regno Angliae, peccatis suis exigentibus, olim destructae sunt, Ra- dingia, scilicet, atque Cealseia et Leo- ministria, quas manus laica diu possedit, earumque terras et possessiones alienando distraxit : Ego autem consilio pontificum et aliorum fidelium, pro salute animae meae, et Willelmi regis patris mei et Willelmi regis fratris mei, et Willelmi filii mei (et Matildis reginas matris meae) b , et Matildis reginae uxoris meae, et omnium antecessorum et suc- cessorum meorum, edificavi novum apud Ra- dingiam monasterium, in honore et nomine Dei genitricis semperque Virginis Mariae et beati Johannis Evangelistae ; et donavi eidem monasterio ipsam Radingiam Cealseiam quoque, et Leominstriam, cum appendiciis suis, cum silvis, et agris, et pasturis, cum pratis et aquis, cum molendinis et piscariis cum ecclesiis quoque et capellis, et cimi- teriis et oblationibus, et decimis, cum moneta, et uno monetario apud Radingiam. Dedi etiam prasfato monasterio Thacheham et ecclesiam de Weregrava ita ut quomodo ea in manu mea fuere, sic libera sint et ab- soluta et plena in manu abbatis et mona- chorum Radingiae Nulla autem persona parva vel magna, per debitum seu per consuetu- dinem, aut per violentiam, aliquid ab homini- bus et terris et possessione Radingensis mon- asterii exigat, Non equitationem, sive ex- peditionem, non pontium vel castrorum asdificationem, non vehicula, non summa- gia, non vectigalia, non navigia, non opera, non tributa, non xenia, sed sint monachi Radingenses et familia eorum et res ipsorum absoluti ab omni geldo, et theloneo, et alia qualibet consuetudine, in terris et aquis, in transitibus pontium, et maris portuum per b The words in brackets are omitted in Cartse Antiq. X. No. 9. APPENDICES TO BOOK I. autem seu discretos tam clericos quam laicos provide suscipiat. Nemo de possessione Radingensis monasterii aliquid teneat feoda- liter absolutum sed ad censum annuum et servicium abbati et monachis debitum. In abbatis et monachorum domo Radingensium et possessione, nullus, per hereditatem, officium teneat, sed in arbitrio abbatis et monachorum de transmutandis praepositis seu aliis quibuslibet officiariis causa con- sistat. Hanc monasterio Radingensi et om- nibus ad ipsum pertinentibus imperpetuum dono et confirmo liberam immunitatem, et immunem libertatem quam regibus post me in Anglia regnaturis, causa Dei commendo servandam, ut eis conservet Deus seternam. Si quis autem hoc nostra? donationis decre- tum infringere seu minuere vel transmutare scienter prsesumpserit summus Judex omnium contrahat eum, et eradicet eum cum sua posteritate, ut permaneat sine aliqua hsere- ditate in clade et fame. Quis-quis verb Ra- dingense monasterium cum prsefata libertate et possessione servaverit, altissimus qui dominatur in regno hominum, bonis omnibus stabiliat eum, et servet in aevum. Ego Henricus Dei gratia rex Anglorum et dux Normannorum dono et subscribo. Signum Adeleidis reginas. Signum Johannis presbiteri cardinalis apostolicae sedis legati. Signum Willielmi Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis. Signum Thur- stani Archiepiscopi Eboracensis. Signum Galfridi Archiepiscopi Rotomagensis. Sig- num Willielmi Episcopi Wintoniensis. Sig- num Willielmi Episcopi Exoniensis. Signum Bernardi Episcopi S. David. Signum Gye- fredi Episcopi Cicestrensis. Signum Simonis Episcopi Wigornensis. Signum Johannis Episcopi Lexoviensis. Signum Odonis Epis- copi Ebroicensis. Signum Tragisi Episcopi Abricatensis. Signum Anselmi Abbatis Sancti Eadmundi. Signum Warnerii Abbatis Sancti Martini de Bello. Signum Bosonis Abbatis Beccensis. Signum Gileberti Ab- batis Sagiensis. Signum Ricardi Abbatis sancti Michaelis de Monte. Signum Roberti comitis Gloecestrise. Signum Willielmi comitis Surreise. Signum Rogeri comitis Warwichensis. Signum Stephani comitis Albermarle. Signum Willielmi camerarii de Tancarvilla. Signum Brientii filii comitis de Warengeford. Signum Humfridi de Buhun. Signum Roberti de Haia. Signum Willielmi filii Oddonis. Signum Hugonis Bigoti. Actum anno verbi incarnati MCXXV. papa Ro. Henrico ij° Romanorum impera- tore Augusto Henrico iiij t0 . APPENDIX IX. Second Clvmrter of Henry I. granting further liberties. Circa 1128' [From Lord Fingall's Cartulary, fol. lb.] Carta ejusdem gestatoria de omnibus libertatibus prefate Ecclesie. Henricus d dei gratia Rex anglorum et dux Normanorum Archiepiscopis Epis- copis Abbatibus Comitibus Baronibusque suis et omnibus Christianis tam presen- tibus quam futuris salutem perpetuam. Sci- atis me pro salute aniine mee et omnium antecessorum et successorum meorum no- vam apud Radingiam Abbatiam construx- isse eidemque abbatie omnem immuni- tatem et potestatem quietanciam et liber- tatem dedisse quam regia potestas alicui de Radingia omnia tenementa sua tam la- ica quam ecclesiastica quecumque in pre- senti habent vel in posterum donatione fi- delium habituri sunt bene et in pace libere et quiete plenarie et honorifice teneant in omnibus locis et in omnibus rebus ubicum- que fuerint quieta de denegeldis et omnibus geldis et auxiliis et sciris et hundredis et omnibus placitis et querelis de scutagiis et hidagiis et stallagiis de summagiis et careagiis de Navigiis et clausuris de pon- tium et castrorum edificatione de conductu thesauri et omni operatione de tributis et Abbatie conferre potest. Quare volo et lestagiis de thedinpeni et Tunpeni de firmiter precipio quod Abbas et monachi summonitionibus de assisis et super assisis o Geoffrey, Archbishop of Rouen, one of the wit- d In margin in red, Item alia carta apud Leo- nesses to the charter, died July, 1128. ministriam. Vf 4^ s ^ KrH^tft4 g i ^ ■ - ^ ! * - 1 1 Vf*??) Kit-* I Mm$ 1J *r» fc *, 3T^ 1 S 5 *^ 5 *-o ^=^ ** APPENDICES TO BOOK I. de merciis quacumque occasione exigendis et de omnibus forisfactis undecumque fue- rint de Assartis et Nemorum wastis. Nullus vero de forestariis regis quicquam se in- tromittat de boscis Abbatis et monachorum qui sunt intra forestam sed omnem potesta- tem et libertatem quam habet rex in bos- cis suis habeant Abbas et monachi, et ministri eorurn in omnibus boscis qui ad Abbatiam pertinent ubicumque fuerint. Sint- que Abbas et monachi Radingenses et omnes homines eorum et res ipsorum quieti de hidagiis et theloneis et omnibus exaction- ibus et consuetudinibus in nundinis et foris quorumcunque sunt. In terris et aquis in viis et transitibus poncium et portibus maris per totam angliam et Normanniam. Habe- antque Abbas et monachi omnem justiciam de assaultu et murdris et sanguinis effusione et pacis infractione et thesauri inventione quicquid ad regiam pertinet potestatem. Mercie nulle de Abbate Radingensi vel monachis nee de tenementis vel boscis eorum exigantur nee exacte solvantur, sed sint omnes homines eorum et eorum dominia ita quieta et libera sicut mea propria et soli Abbati et monachis de omnibus respon- dentia. Et habeant Abbas et monachi de hominibus suis et de tota possessione sua et de alienis in ea foris facientibus vel ibi cum forisfacto interceptis hundreda et placita omnia cum sacha et socca et toll et theam et infangenetheof et hutfan- genetheof in omnibus locis et cum omni- bus causis que sunt vel esse possunt. Hanc monasterio Radingensi quantamcum- que rex donare potest dono et confirmo libertatem et immunitatem quam regibus post me in anglia regnaturis pro deo servan- dam commendo Quam qui infringere vel minuere presumpserit contrahat eum do- minus et conterat de terra viventium cum omni posteritate sua. Hujus nostre do- nationis hos testes adhibemus : Willelmum Archiepiscopum Cantuariensem T et G Ebo- racensem et Rothomagensem Archiepisco- pos, Willelmum et S. Wintoniensem et Cicestri ensem Episcopos R. et W. Comites Gloecestrie et Surreie. Apud Westmonass- terium. APPENDIX X. Confirmation Charter of Henry II. [From Had. MSS. 1708, fol. 22b ; Lord Fingall's Cartulary, fol. 9 ; B. M. Add. Ch. 19,591 The Archaological J ournal , Vol. XX. p. 293.] Henricus Rex Anglie et Dux Normannie et Aquitanie et comes Andegavie omnibus Archiepiscopis Episcopis Abbatibus comiti- bus Justiciariis Baronibus Vice-comitibus ministris et omnibus fidelibus suis totius Anglie salutem. Sciatis me in perpetuam elemosinam concessisse et presenti carta confirmasse Deo et Sancte Marie et Mona- chis de Rading' omnes terras et tenuras quas Rex Henricus avus meus eis dedit et concessit videlicet totam villam de Radin- gia cum ecclesiis et terram quam Robertus de Ferrariis in eadem villa habuit et Lem- inistriam cum ecclesiis et capellis et om- nibus ad earn pertinentibus et Tacheham et Chelseiam cum centum solidis quos Wil- lelmus filius Geroldi reddebat de firma pre- dicto Regi Henrico avo meo, et Wiche- beriam cum ecclesia ejusdem ville et Rok- intum' cum ecclesiae jusdem ville, et Wige- stanam que fuit terra Willelmi Elemosinarii, et terram Roberti sacerdotis de Hamtona, et terram Albodi de Hoctona et hidam terre de Undesoura. Preterea concedo eis et confirmo quicquid post mortem Regis Henrici avi mei eis dedit et concessit in elemosinam domina mea Imperatrix scilicet, Bleberiam et Henredam et terram Herberti filii Fulcherii de Merleberga, et ecclesiam de Berchelaia cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, et ecclesiam de Stantona cum perti- nentiis suis, et ecclesiam de Tacheham cum omnibus pertinentiis suis ; et ex dono predicti Regis Henrici Avi mei concedo eis et confir- mo unam feriam ad festum sancti Laurentii, scilicet ipsa die sancti Laurentii et per tres dies sequentes et monetam cum uno Monetario apud London' vel apud APPENDICES TO BOOK I. Rading'.' Quare volo et firmiter precipio quod monachi predicti habeant et teneant in perpetuam elemosinam hec omnia supra- dicta cum omnibus pertinentiis suis soluta et quieta de Thelon' et Passag' et Pontag' et omni Geldo et Danegeldo et omni alia exacti- one et consuetudine in bosco et piano in pra- tis et pascuis in aquis et molendinis in viis et semitis in vivariis et piscariis et marischis infra Burgum et extra et in omnibus locis et in omnibus rebus, et sint ipsi et terre sue et homines eorum soluti et quieti de Thelon' de scir' et hundred' et placitis et omnibus querelis, sintque abbatis et Mona- chorum ejus de hominibus suis et.de tota possessione sua et de alienis in ea foris- facientibus vel ibi cum forisfacto interceptis hundreda et placita omnia cum socca et saca et toll et team et infangeneth' et ut- fangenethef et hamsocna infra Burgum et extra Burgum in viis et semitis et in om- nibus locis cum omnibus causis que sunt vel esse possunt. Habeantque Abbas et Monachi Rading' in tota possessione sua omnem justiciam de assaltu et furtis et murdris et de sanguinis effusione et pacis infraction e et de omnibus forisfactis quan- tum ad regiam pertinet protestatem, et tene- ant ita bene et in pace et libere et quiete et honorifice sicut Rex Henricus avus meus unquam melius et liberius et quietius tenuit in suo proprio dominio et sicut ejusdem Henrici Regis avi mei carta testatur car- ta Domine mee Imperatricis et mea. Tes- tibus Domina Imperatrice, et Philippo Bai- ocensi Episcopo, et Comite Reginaldo, et Roberto de Novo Burgo, et Man[sero] Biset dapifero; et Stephano de Bello Campo. Apud Rothomagum. The original Charter is in the possession of the Duke of Westminster. Item alia de eodem et eisdem. Data apud Lotegareh' (Ludgershall). Carta ejusdem quando erat dux, quod nullus alienet ecclesiam de Tacheham. H. Dux Normannpe] Rogero Archia- diacono salutem. Mando tibi quod eccle- siam de Tacheham quam Domina Imperatrix mater mea et ego donavimiis Monachis de Rading' earn ab eis alienare non presumas "- [Teste Wilelmo Canic' f apud Falesiam s.] APPENDICES XL, XII., XIII. Grants of the Market at Thatcham. [From Extracts from Register of Reading Abbey in the Harleian MSS., No. 1708, fol. 24b.] Carta Regis Henrici Secundi de Mercato de Tacheham. H[enricus Dei gratia Rex Anglorum] Dux Normannie et Aquitanie et comes Andegavie omnibus hominibus de Berkesire salutem. Mando vobis et firmiter precipio quod eatis ad forum Abbatis de Rading' de Techeham sicut solebatis tempore Regis Henrici avi mei super foris facturam decern librarum et eadem die qua tunc solebatis illud facere et nisi feceritis, justitia mea hoc [fieri] faciat. Testibus. Item alia de eodem. H. Rex Angl[orum], etc. Vice Comiti et Ballivis suis de Berkesire salutem. Precipio quod monachi mei de Rading' habeant mer- catum suum de Tacheham ita bene et in pace et libere et plene et juste sicut melius Item alia de eodem. Henricus Dei gratia, etc., Salutem. Pre- habere solebant cipio quod Monachi de Rading' habeant forum suum apud Tacheham, diebus domini- cis sicut tempore Regis Henrici avi mei et liberius habuerunt tempore Henrici Regis avi mei et eo die quo tunc habuerunt et prohibeo ne super hoc aliquis eis injuriam vel contumeliam faciat. Testibus. et prohibeo ne homines de Niweber' super hoc ullam inde injuriam faciant de foro suo ilia die. Teste apud Westmonasterium. e MS. Vesp. ' prescumas. ' 1 Sic. Quere error for ' Cancellario ' or ' Camer- rario. ' e A copy of the above Charter, but with the names of the witnesses added, is to be found in the Cotton. MSS., Vesp. E. 5, fol. 57. APPENDICES TO BOOK I. APPENDIX XIV. Change of Day for the Market. 1218. [From Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum, Vol. I. p. 355, An. 2 Hen. III., Memb. 9.] De Mercato de I Rex Vicecomiti Hereford decetero teneatur per diem Jovis. Ita tamen- Leministr 1 1 salutem Precipimus tibi quod non sit ad nocumentum vicinorum quod sine dilatione clamari facias per totam Mercatorum. Teste ut supra (apud Wigorn' baillivam tuam quod mercatum de Lemenistr' xvi die Marcii). quod teneri solebat per diem Dominicam De Mercato \ Idem mandatum est Vice- de Thacham f comiti Berkes' de Mercato de Tacham removendo usque ad diem Jovis. APPENDIX XV. Grant of a Two Days' Fair at Thatcham. n 22. [Ibid., An. 6 Henry III. Memb. 16, Vol. I. p. 486.] Dominus rex concessit et ipso die. Nisi feria ilia, etc. [sit ad no- De feria habenda . J Abbati Radmg' quod habeat usque ad etatem suam unam feriam singulis Annis apud manerium suum de Tacham per duos dies duraturam scilicet in vigilia Translacionis Sancti Thome Martiris cumentum vicinarum feriarum h ]. Et man- datum est Vicecomiti Berk' quod feriam illam ei habere faciat. Teste PL, etc. [de Burgo justiciario nostro h ] apud Westmon- asterium xxix die Januarii. APPENDIX XVI. Grant of Right to Pasture [From Harl. MSS. Cyrographum inter Abbatem Rading' et Priorem de Pochele de communa pasture in Tacheham. Notum sit omnibus ad quos presens scriptum perveniat quod abbas et conventus Rading' concesserunt priori et conventui et ecclesice de Pochele pasturam pertinentem ad liberum tenementum suum quod de eis tenent in Tacham, scilicet xij acras quas ha- bent de dono Rogeri de Cusserugg' jacentes intra Brodefeld', videlicet quod dicti can- in Thatcham to Poughley. No. 1708, fol. 69.] onici habeant in communa de Tacham, vi animalia et quater viginti oves pascentes ration e dicte terre et dicti prior et conventus de PocheP hunc numerum admiserunt ita quod de cetero non poterunt in predicta communa ratione dicte terre amplius habere nee petere ut autem predicta firmitatis robur optineant in perpetuum utraque pars huic scripto cirographato hinc inde sua signa ap- posuerunt. Testibus. APPENDIX XVII. Abbot Hugh's Extension of Reading Abbey. Between 1189 and 1194. [From Cottonian MSS., Vesp. E. V., fol. 19b ; printed in Dugdale's Monasticon, Vol. IV. p. 42.] Carta Hugonis Abbatis et Conventus de sens scriptum pervenerit frater H. Radin- Capella Sancti Laurentii, et de constructione gensis ecclesias minister humilis et ejusdem Hospitalis. loci conventus unanimis in Domino salu- Universis christi fidelibus ad quos prae- te m - Ad universitatis vestrse noticiam vo- h These clauses are completed from other similar enrolments. VOL. II. c 10 APPENDICES TO BOOK I. lumus pervenire excellentissimum quondam regem anglorum Henricum primum domum Radingiae fundasse ad sustentationem mo- nachorum ibidem Deo devote ac religiose servientium et ad susceptionem hospitum 'transeuntium praecipue tamen pauperum Christi ac peregrinorum sicut ex ipsius carta penes nos habita satis dilucide perpendi potest. Verum divitibus ut ipse eorum ti- mor exigit splendide ac honorifice ex more receptis pauperes et peregrini minus rev- erenter quam decuit et longe aliter quam regia devotio disposuit in retroactis tem- poribus suscepti sunt ; unde cum ipsius elemosinae non solum participes verum- etiam procuratores simus ut in conspectu Dei illam fideliter dispensemus earn in quantum sufRcimus etiam pauperibus volu- mus esse communem. Cujus rei causa ad relevandum inopiam pauperum et subsi- dium peregrinorum hospitale quoddam extra portam construximus ut qui admissus non fuerit in hospicio superiori ibi saltern quam reverenter poterit suscipiatur; unde assen- su et consensu dyocesis Episcopi domini H. Walteri ut carta ipsius super eodem negocio apud nos habita testatur ecclesiam beati Laurentii prsefato hospitali in per- petuam elemosinam concessimus ad sus- tentationem xiij pauperum in victu et vestitu et in aliis necessariis aliis xiij pauperibus fratribus consimilia alimenta ex cotidiana et consueta elemosina nostra subministrantes. Ad usum vero peregrino- rum transeuntium concessimus omnes exitus molendini Fulerez de Leoministre. Et ne haec donatio nostra lapsu temporis apud posteros in dubium veniat aut ali- cujus ausu temerario infringi et irritari attemptetur earn sigillorum nostrorum ap- positione communire dignum duximus. Omnes autem quicumque prasdictas do- nationis fautores et defensores extiterint concedimus participes esse omnium bonorum qua? fiunt in domo nostra, et in prafato hospitali. Si autem quis in contrarium venire praisumpserit conterat eum Dominus in EEternum. APPENDIX XVIII. Writ by Richard I. in respect to attendance at the Market. 1189 — 1199. [From Had. MSS. 1708, fol. 33 ; Lord Fingall's Cartulary, fol. 16b.] Carta Ejusdem [Ricardi] de foro de Tacheham. Ricardus Dei gratia, etc , omnibus homini- bus de Berkescire, Salutem. Precipimus vobis quod eatis ad forum Abbatis de Tache- ham ', sicut solebatis tempore Henrici Regis avi patris nostri super forisfacturam decern librarum, et eadem die qua tunc solebatis illud facere et nisi feceritis Justicia nostra hoc fieri faciat. Testibus Comite Willielmo de Mandeville, etc. Apud Gaitintonam xij die Septembris. APPENDIX XIX. Greenham confirmed to the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. 1199. [From " Rotuli Chartarum," Vol. I. p. 16, anno I John.] sunt sicut carte donatorum testamentur vide- licet .... ex dono Gervas Paganell villam de Grenham cum omnibus pertinentiis suis. . . . Datum per manum H. Cantuarensis archie- piscopi cancellarii nostri apud Rothomagium xxx die Augusti, etc. Confirmatio fratrum 1 Johannes Dei gratia Hospitalis Jerusalim. J etc., Sciatis nos con- cessisse et confirmasse Deo et fratribus Sancti Hospitalis Jerusalim omnes terras et ecclesias et possessiones et omnes dona- tiones que eis rationabiliter et juste donate [" Abbatis de Radingia." Lord Fingall's Cartulary, fol. 16b.] APPENDICES TO BOOK I. ii APPENDIX XX. Charters relating to Land of Eustace de Thatcham. Ante 1226. [From Harl. MSS Cyrographifm Hugonis Abbatis et con- ventus Rading' de terra Eustachii, in Tachara contra Thomam filium Eustachii. Carta Johis filii Thome Eustachii facta Felicie Sorori sue de tenemento suo in Tacham. Carta Ricardi Beufiz filii Adelize filie Eustachii ; de terra Eustachii in Tacham. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Ricardus Beufiz remisi et quieteclamavi de me et de heredibus meis in perpetuum abbati et conventui Rading' totum jus et clamium quod habui vel quod videbar vel quod aliquo modo habere potui in terra ilia cum pertinentiis quae fuit Eustachii patris Adelize matris mee et filii ejus Thome fratris matris mee et postea Johannis filii ejusdem Thome quam ego aliquando clamavi per breve Regis Henrici tertii. Ita quod nee ego nee heredes mei quicquam clamabimus nee clamare poterimus in dicta terra cum pertinentiis nee in aliqua eius parte nee quicquam machinabimur nee machinari per- mittemus in quantum possumus quo minus dicti Abbas et Conventus libere et quiete totam et integram predictam terram cum pertinentiis habeant et teneant et ipsam pacifice et sine omnimoda molestatione et vexatione possideant in perpetuum. Pro hac autem mea remissione et quieta clama- cione dederunt mihi dicti Abbas et Con- ventus unam marcam argenti. Testibus, etc. Carta Ysabelle filie Eustachii de Tacham de terra patris sui. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Ysabella filia Eustachii de Tacham remisi et quiete clamavi de me et de heredibus meis in perpet- uum Abbati et Conventui de Rading' totum jus et clamium quod habui vel quod videbar habere vel quod aliquo modo habere potui in terra ilia cum pertinentiis in Tacham qua fuit Eustachii patris mei et filii eius Thomas fratris mei et postea, Johannis filii ejusdem Thome quam ego aliquando clamavi per breye regis Henrici tertii. Ita quod nee ego nee here- des mei quicquam clamabimus nee clainare c , 1708, fol. 69.] poterimus in dicta terra cum pertinentiis nee in aliqua eius parte nee quicquam ma- chinabimur nee machinari permittemus in quantum possumus quo minus dicti Abbas et conventus libere et quiete totam et inte- gram predictam terram cum pertinentiis habeant et teneant et ipsam pacifice et sine omnimoda molestatione vel vexatione pos- sideant in perpetuum. Pro hac autem mea remissione et quieta clamacione dederunt mihi dicti abbas et conventus unam marcam argenti. Testibus, etc. Item Cartas quatuor Emme, Mabilie, Matilde, Margarete filiarum Eustachii de eadem terra et eisdem omnimodo verbis. Carta Jurdani et Helevvise uxoris ejus, de eadem terra. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Jurdanus et Helewisa uxor mea remisimus et quiete clamavimus de nobis et de here- dibus nostris in perpetuum Abbati et con- ventui de Rading' totum jus et clamium quod habui mus vel quod videbamur habere vel quod aliquo modo habere potuimus in terra ilia cum pertinentiis in Tacham quse fuit Eustachii et filii eius Thome, et postea Johannis filii. ejusdem Thome quam nos aliquando clamavimus per breve regis Hen- rici tertii. Ita quod nee ego Jurdanus nee Helewisa uxor mea nee heredes nostri clama- bimus quicquam nee clamare poterimus in dicta terra cum pertinentiis nee in aliqua eius parte nee quicquam machinabimur nee machinari permittemus in quantum possumus quo minus dicti Abbas et Conventus libere et quiete totam et intergram predictam ter- ram cum pertinentiis habeant et teneant et ipsam pacifice et sine omnimoda molesta- tione et vexatione possideant in perpetuum. Pro hac autem remissione et quieta clama- cione dederunt nobis dicti Abbas et Con- ventus unam marcam argenti. Hiis Testi- bus, etc. Item alia ejusdem Jurdani et Matildas uxoris ejus eisdem verbis de eadem terra. 12 APPENDICES TO BOOK I. APPENDIX XXI. Grant by Peter FitzHerbert of Lands at Thatcham to Reading Abbey. [From Harl. MSS. 1708, ff. 69b, 70.] 1226. Carta Petri filii Herberti de quadam terra et quibusdam pratis apud Tacham. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Petrus filius Hereberti dedi et concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Deo et Ecclesise sanctse Mariae de Rading' et Ade abbati ejusdem loci et monachis ibidem deo servientibus pro salute animse mes et omnium antecessorum et successorum meorum in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam quoddam pratum in Tacham, illud scilicet quod Walterus Lamere aliquando tenuit, et tres acras in Widemede in loco qui vocatur fifacre juxta pratum Johannis Kipping et tres sellones terre arabilis juxta viam regiam de Tacham quos predictus Walterus tenuit. Habendum et tenendum abbati et monachis de Rading' et successoribus suis in perpetuum, in liberam, puram, et perpetuam elemosi- nam quietam ab omni seculari servicio et exactione. Et pro hac mea donatione et concessione predicti abbas A conventus quiete clamaverunt mihi et heredibus meis totum jus et clamium quod habuerunt et habere potuerunt in redditu xii solidorum et unius denarii et in toto tenemento unde predictus redditus provenit sicut continetur in carta eorum quam de eis habeo. Et ego Petrus et heredes mei warantizabimus dictis Abbati et monachis de Rading' et successori- bus suis omnia predicta tenementa cum per- tinentiis ut liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam meam contra omnes gentes in perpetuum. Et si forte warantizare ea non poterimus faciemus eis rationable escambium sine omni difficultate in predicto prato de Widemed' in loco eis competenti ad valentiam redditus xii solidorum et unius denarii. Hiis Testibus, etc. APPENDIX XXII. Ratification of Grants by Peter FitzHerbert. 1226. [From Harl. MSS. 1708, fol. 170.] Finalis concordia inter Ab- dictus Abbas remisit et quietclamavit de se Crokham. batem Rading' et Petrum filium. hereberti de duodecim solidis et uno denario redditus in Crocham. Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini regis apud Westmonasterium a die pasche in quindecim dies anno regni regis Henrici filii regis Johannis decimo coram Martino de Patishill Thoma de Muleton Thoma de Heydcn Roberto de Lexinton Gal- frido le Sauvage Warenno filio Johel' Justici- ariis et aliis domini regis fidelibus tunc ibi presentibus Inter Symonem Abbatem Rading' querentem et Petrum filium hereberti te- nentem et postmodum recordata et concessa in eadem curia coram eisdem justiciariis Inter Adam successorem ipsius Symonis qui Symon nuper obiit de duodecem solidatis et una denariata redditus cum pertinentiis in Crocham unde placitum fuit summonitum inter eos In eadem curia scilicet quod pre- et successoribus suis ipsi Petro et heredibus suis totum jus et clamium quod habuit vel habere potuit in toto predicto redditu cum pertinentiis et in toto tenemento unde pre- dictus redditus provenit in perpetuum. Et pro hac remissione quieta clamacione fine et concordia predictus Petrus concessit eidem Abbati quoddam pratum in Thacheham illud scilicet quod Walterus Lammer tenuit et tres acras prati in Widemed' in loco qui vocatur fifacre juxta pratum Johannis Kip- ping et tres selliones terre arabilis juxta regiam viam de Thacheham quos predictus W. Lammer tenuit habendum et tenendum eidem Abbati et successoribus suis in per- petuum In liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam quieta ab omni seculari servitio et exactione Et predictus Petrus et heredes sui Warantizabunt eidem Abbati et succes- soribus suis omnia predicta tenementa cum APPENDICES TO BOOK I. 13 pertinentiis ut liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam suam contra onmes gentes in perpetuum et si forte eis Warantizare non poterunt facient eis rationale escambium in predicto prato de Widemed' in loco eis competenti ad valentiam redditus duodecim solidorum et unius denarii. APPENDIX XXIII. Grant of Tadeslep Meadoiv in Thatcham to Reading. [From Had. MSS. 1708, fol. 70.] ? 1226 — 1257. Quieta clamacio Johannis filii Thomas de prato de Taddeslep in Tacham. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Johannes Alius Thomas dedi et concessi et quiete clamavi deo et ecclesise de Rading' et Abbati et Conventui ibidem deo servienti pratum meum de Tacham quod dicitur Tadeslep cum terra quam tenuit Willelmus Labbethonc habendum et tenendum jure perpetuo libere et quiete absque calumpnia et demanda quae eis inde unquam fieri possit de me et heredibus meis in perpetuum. Pro hac autem concessione et donatione remise- runt mihi dicti Abbas et Conventus septem marcas argenti pro quibus totam terram meam illis obligaveram. Et ut hsec conces- sio, et donatio, et quieta clamacio firma et stabilis in perpetuum perseveret earn presenti scripto et sigilli mei munimine roboravi. Testibus [etc.] APPENDIX XXIV. Agreement between Roger de la Chambre and Reading Abbey as to land in Thatcham. [From Harl. MSS. 1708, fol. 170b.] 1257- Finalis concordia inter Abbatem Rading' et Rogerum de la Chambre ac Feliciam uxorem eius de una carrucata terre et dimi- dia cum pertinentiis in Tacham. Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini regis apud Westmonasterium a die sancti Michaelis in unum mensem anno regni regis Henrici filii Johannis XLI. coram Henrico de Bathonia et Roberto de Byxes justiciariis et aliis domini regis fidelibus tunc ibi presentibus. Inter Ricardum Abbatem de Rading' querentem per Godefridem le Messager positum loco suo ad lucrandum vel perdendum et Rogerum de la Chambr' et Feliciam uxorem eius deforciantes de una carucata terre et dimidia cum pertinentiis in Tacham unde placitum convencionis sum- monitum fuit inter eos in eadem curia scilicet quod predicti Rogerus et Felicia recogno- verunt predictam terram cum pertinentiis esse jus ipsius Abbatis et ecclesias suae de Rading' et illam ei reddiderunt in eadem curia et remiserunt et quiete clamaverunt de se et heredibus ipsius Felicias predicto Abbati et successoribus suis et ecclesiae suae predicts in perpetuum et idem Abbas recepit predictos Rogerum et Feliciam et heredes ipsius Felicias in singulis beneficiis et ora- tionibus que de cetero fient in ecclesia sua predicta in perpetuum. APPENDIX XXV. Indebtedness of the Abbey of Reading. 1305. [From Abbot Quapplode's Reg. Memorandum quod anno ab Incarnatione domini m°ccc° quinto et anno Regni Regis Edwardi xxxiiij post creacionem et Instal- lacionem domini N[icholai] dei gratia abbatis monasterii Radinges singulorum dicti mon- asterii officialum raciociniis secundum for- ; B.M. Harl. MSS. 82, fol. 2.] mam decreti venerabilis patris domini S[imo- nis] Sarum Episcopi diligenti examinatione preauditis comperta fuit officina(?) camere monasterii predicti ere alieno oneratadiversis- que creditoribus in m'ccxxvij/?'. vij.r. viijrf. prout patet luculenter de claro obligata. 14 APPENDICES TO BOOK I. Statu vero predicto singulis in capitulo fra- tribus tandem in scriptis patefacto ipsisque sibi ac monasterio suo plurimum compa- cientes in hac parte de consensu tocius capituli predicti octo fratres fuerant assumpti nominatim qui vice sua et omnium fratrum pro tanti alleviatione debiti et sui monasterii dei opitulante gratia relevacione ordinanda cum domino abbate seorsum consulerent et tractarent diligenter ut eorum diligenti deliberacione omninumque fratrum consensu concurrente circumspecte fieret forma qua precaveri posset feliciter que se offerebat monasterium in hac parte ruina. Singulis igitur a dicto domino abbate una cum fra- tribus superius memoratis ad dicti debiti exonerationem et sui meliorationem mon- asterii expediendam diligenti tractatu pre- habito solicite consideratis modo qui sequi- tur fueratordinatum. Videlicet quod Dominus Abbas et conventus habeant unum clericum legistam pro negotiis communibus expedi- endis qui in capitulo coram omnibus de communi commodo faciendo prestet sacra- mentum cum quo dominus abbas et came- rarius conveniant de pacto modo quo poterint expedition. Unus sit scenescallus qui sit convencionarius de anno in annum qui quidem scenescallus anno presentis ordina- tionis percepit unam robam de secta armi- gerorum vj/. xiijs. m]d. pro stipendio duo Warniamenta ad duos Garciones suos et duos equos ad fenum et prebendam Clericus ville sit intendens camerarius more con- sueto et etiam scenescallus in aula domini abbatis qui percipiet robam de secta cleri- corum xiijj-. iiij^. pro stipendio et habebit unum equum ad fenum tantum et garcionem ad Warniamentum. Unus de duobus capel- lanis celebrantibus pro comitissa sit notarius domini abbatis et habebit robam et equum ad_ fenum tantum et garcionem sine War- niamento : alius capellanus celebrans pro comitissa habebit robam vel xxs. et gar- cionem sine Warniamento. Marescallus do- mini abbatis percipiet robam xxvjj-. viijV. pro stipendio equum ad fenum et prebendam et garcionem cum Warniamento. Unus sit panetarius et pincerna domini abbatis et percipiet robam equum ad fenum tantum et garcionem cum Warniamentis. Janitor unus qui percipiet robam de secta armigerorum deserviet quod comedet de cetero in aula domini abbatis et habebit pagium sine War- niamento. Principalis cocus domini abbatis ad robam de secta armigerorum xiijj. iiij <&i^ m%xuS-xf~ ^LLa»b^2> aS~X«k iAp ^ $fy *«so <*ft "W *«*a <*&> |»»af < p"l^' <£»<$r> ^t^m. oSr^a^JilW The Will of John Prentys, junior, 1388. See Appendix No. L. Probate of John Prentys' Will. Endorsement of John Prentys' Will. APPENDICES TO BOOK I. 29 v)d. Item lego domino Willielmo Colchestre vicario xx s[olidos]. Item lego domino Petro capellano xijrf. Item lego domino Roberto capellano xi)d. Item lego Willelmo clerico nostro vjd. Item lego Angneti matri mee xx solidos et unum lectum meum meliorem. Item lego predicte Angneti vj oves meliores. Item lego Edithe uxori mee dimidietatem unius burgagii quod emi de Johanne Joye et de Cecilia uxore sua haben- dum et tenendum predicte Edithe ad ter- minum vite sue si sit prengnans et puero nostro dum vixerint reddendo domino feodi inde annuatim quod justum fuerit et de jure consuetum. Et tunc volo quod alia pars predicti burgagii remaneat Johanni et Thome fratribus meis ad terminum vite eorum red- dendo domino feodi ut supra. Et si predicta Editha non sit prengnans lego predictum burgagium integre et perfecte predictis Jo- hanni et Thome fratribus meis ad terminum vite eorum seu eorum alterius. Et post de- cessum Johannis et Thome Preyntis fratrum meorum lego predictum burgagium cum suis pertinentiis Ricardo Preyntis fratri meo ad terminum vite sue. Et post decessum pre- dicti Ricardi lego predictum burgagium cum suis pertinentiis procuratoribus ecclesie de Thacham imperpetuum reddendo inde an- nuatim capitali domino feodi iilius serviscia inde debita et consueta de jure. Item lego et volo quod predictum burgagium sit aliqua- liter edificatum cum sumptibus meis propriis' ad profectum fratrum meorum predictorum et per ordinationem et dispositionem eorun- dem fratrum. Item lego dimidiam partem profectus futuri venientis de burgagio predicto fratribus meis predictis ut fideliter disponant pro anima mea. Item lego Johanni fratri meo omnia vasa mea de pentura. Item lego Edithe uxori mee omnia bona que habui et recepi pro ea. Item lego predicte Edithe terciam partem residui bonorum meorum post quam omnia debita mea et legata ac sumptus circa me et propter me universi plenarie fuerint consummata et soluta pro omnibus bonis et catellis que predicte Edithe de me vel de executoribus meis deberent contingere. Item ordino et constituo execu- tores meos hujus testamenti Johannem Preyntis fratrem meum et Johannem Yatyng- den. Et totum residuum bonorum meorum non legatum lego executoribus predictis ut fideliter disponant pro anima mea. [Seal attached.] Indorsements on Will of John Preyntis. Octavo die mensis Marcij anno domini infra scripto probatum fuit presens testa- mentum coram nobis domini Archidiaconi Berks officiali ac legitime pronunciatum pro eodem commissaque est administratio omnium bonorum infrascripti defuncti exe- cutoribus infrascriptis in forma juris juratis. Datum apud Ynkepenne die et anno supra- dictis. Demum comparent et composuerunt cum officiario et dimissi sunt salvo jure cujuscunque. Burgagium legatum procuratoribus ecclesie de Thacham. APPENDIX LI. Grant by Margaret, widow of William Bar el, to John Grey. 15 June, 1398. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Mar- gareta relicta Willelmi Barel in pura et legitima viduitate mea dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Johanni Grey de Cothrop unam acram terre arrabilis jacentem in campo de Mygham vocatam Redhull inter terram Willelmi Tull ex parte orientali et terram Johannis Andreu ex parte occidentali et extendit unum caput versus boriam super terram vocatam Osulfuslond et aliut caput versus austrum super terram Rogeri Tull. Habendum et tenendum pre- 3o APPENDICES TO BOOK I. dictam acram terre cum omnibus suis per- tinenciis de me et heredibus meis sibi et heredibus suis vel assianatis [sic] imper- petuum reddendo inde annuatim capitalibus dominis feodi illius serviscia debita et de jure consueta. Et ego vero predicta Mar- gareta et heredes mei predictam acram terre cum omnibus suis pertinenciis prefato Jo- hanni Grey heredibus et assignatis suis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et imperpetuum defendemus. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum meum presentibus apposui. Hiis testibus Ricardo Secol, Willelmo Jurdan, Reginaldo Restwold, Willelmo Bele, Willel- mo Somter, et aliis. Data apud Thacham quinto decimo die mensis Junii anno Regni regis Ricardi Secundi post conquestum vicesimo primo. [One seal — torn off] APPENDIX LII. Epitome in English of sundry Thatcham Documents supplementary to those given in Appendices XXVI. to LI. No. i. c. 1300. Grant by Peter de la Berne of Thacham, to his son, William de la Berne, of a piece of land in the fee of Thacham on the south side of a messuage, which formerly belonged to Nicholas Sar- rator, between the King's highway and the pasture of William de Bruthenoles, which is called La Hullicroft, as inclosed by quick hedges, at an annual rent of 2d., and ioj-. in silver paid down. Witnesses : — William de la Wate, John Freuwine, Thomas Buton, Roger Pinkenihe, John Alexander, William de Bruer', Clerk, Richard Maberly, Richard Angl' (the Englishman), William le Hert, John de la Berne, John Morkoe, John Fitz- Stephen, Andrew Sygar, and many others. [Thatcham Documents. No. 1.] No. 2. c. 1300. Grant by John le Rede of Tacham to William, son of Peter de la Berne, of a Curtilage in Tacham, between the land of Thomas Sygare and the meadow called Tunmede, annual rent a head of cloves, 5.r. sterling paid down by the Grantee. Wit- nesses : — Ric. de la Hammull, John Aly- saundre, William le Hert, Peter de la Berne, John de la Berne, John Faber (Smith), Andrew Sygare, John Hereward, Ralph Scriptor (writer) and others. [Thatcham Documents, No. 3.] No. 3. c. 1300. Quitclaim by Matilda, widow of John le Rede, of Tacham, to William de la Berne, of an acre of land in Tacham, below Tunmede, between the land that belonged to Thomas Sygare and the said meadow, extending on the east to the land which belonged to William Palmer, \2d. st. paid by Berne. Witnesses: — John Alysaundre, John the Smith of Tacham, Thomas de la Berne, Andrew Sygare, John de la Berne, William le Hert, John Cup- pinger, John Hereward, Ralph the Clerk, and others. [Thatcham Documents, No. 4.] No. 4. 28 May, 1319. Grant by John Blanchard of Thatcham, to Thomas Ali- saundre, and Robert atte walk, of a burgage in Thatcham, between the tenement of Robert Beyt on the east, a messuage of John Smyth on the west, and the highway between Bristowe and London. Witnesses : — Nic. Powles, John Palmere, Thomas Kemeseye, William Reson, Edmund Hattere, and others. Dated Thatcham, Whitmonday, 1 1 Edward son of King Edward. [Thatcham Documents, No. 8.] APPENDICES TO BOOK I. 3i No. 5. 10th May, 1327. Grant by John Blanchard, senior, of Thatcham, to John Blanchard, his son, and Margaret his 7uife, of a burgage in Thatcham, situate between the messuage of Richard Mabyle on the east, and La Cherchelane on the west, and the highway from Bristowe to London on the north. Witnesses : — Ric. Verdej, Nic. P[ow]les, Ric. Cuppynge, Thomas Kemeseye, Thomas Alisaundre, John Smyth, and others. Thatcham, Sunday after the Invention of the Holy Cross [3rd May], 1 Edward III. [Thatcham Documents, No. 9.] No. 6. 22 April, 1330. Quitclaim by Letitia, widow of Jordan atte Combe, to John and Margaret Blanchard, of Thacham, of an acre of arable land, with curtilage, in le Nortfeld, between the land of Walter le Wodeward on the east, and the land of Richard Buerhard on the other side, To revert to the grantor on death of grantees without heirs. Witnesses : — John Foker- ham, Thos. Alisandre, Thos. Kemesi, Gil- bert Mutch, Wm. Rexson. Tacham, Sunday after the Feast of St. Alfege the Martyr [28th Dec.]. 4 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 11.] No. 7 7th July, 1333. Grant by Simon Faber (the smith), of Shaghe, and Roger his son, to William Joie of Tacham, of the fourth part of a messuage in the West Street of Thatcham, between the land of Alice Joies and the land of Felicia Ken- tenish. Witnesses: — John Restwald, Thomas Alysaundre, Thomas Wywenhale, John Pal- mare, Thomas Kemsey, and others. Thac- ham, Wednesday the Translation of S. Tho- mas the Martyr [7th July], 7 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 12.] No. 8. 7th July, 1333. Release and Quitclaim of same. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 13.] No. 9. 18th May, 1335. Grant by Thomas Alisaundre of Thacham, to Felicia la Kentenyche of Speymhamelonde, of a piece of land in Tacham, next the messuage of John Monte on the west, Abbuting on the road to Newbury on the south, and on my land on the north. Witnesses : — John Fokerham, Thomas Niwenhale, John Monte, Thomas Kemesi, John Snel, and others. Thacham, Thursday, the eve of St. Dunstan, 9 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 14.] No. 10. 12th March, 1336. Grant by John Blanchard of Thacham, to Letitia Coumbe, of a burgage in Thacham, between the messuage of Robert Beyt on the east, the messuage of John Smyth on the west, and the highway from Newbury to Redynge ; 40J. paid by Letitia Coumbe for the grant. Witnesses : — Nic. Powles, Ric. Cuppynge, Thomas Alisaundre, Thomas Niwenhale, John White, Thomas Kumeseye, and others. Thacham, The Feast of St. Gregory the Pope [12th March], 10 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 15.] No. 11. 12th March, 1336. Quitclaim by John, son of John Blanchard of That- cham, and Margaret his wife, to John B lan- hard his Father, of a burgage which they held by gift from him, in Thacham, lying between the messuage of Robert Beyt on the east, the messuage of John Smyth on the west, and the highway from Newbury to Redynge. Witnesses : — Nic. Powles, Ric. Cuppynge, Thomas Niwenhale, John White, Thomas Kemeseye, and others. Thacham, the Feast of St. Gregory the Pope [12th March], 10 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 16.] 32 APPENDICES TO BOOK I. No. 12. 12th March, 1336. Grant by Thomas Alisaundre and Robert atte Walle of Thacham, to Letitia Coumbe, of a burgage, which they had by gift of John Blaunchard, senior (the same boundaries as in No. n). Witnesses the same as No. n. Thacham, the Feast of S. Gregory the Pope, 10 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 17.] No. 13. 4th April, 1336. Grant by John Mowte and Christina his wife, of Thacham, to William Joye of Thacham, of part of a burgage and curtilage in the same town, late belonging to John Here ward, which came to Mowte by his wife, in the West Street which leads towards Newbury on the north, between the tenements of Felicia la Kentenysche and Nic. le Cran, with goods and chattels moveable and immoveable there- in, and a piece of arable land on the north, between the land of Thomas Alisaundre on both sides. Witnesses : — John Rastwald, John atte Berne, John le Palmare, Thomas Kensi, Thomas Niwenhale, John Snel, and others. Thatcham, Thursday before the Tuesday which is called Hockeday [2nd Tuesday after Easter], 10 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 18.] No. 14. 3rd July, 1337. Grant by Wil- liam Joyhe of Thacham, to John Mowte a?id Christina his wife, of Thacham, of the 4th part of a burgage and curtilage, with a fourth part of arable land, lying on the north side of the said burgage, between the land of Thomas Alisaundre on both sides, lately belonging to John Hereward. Witnesses : — John atte Berne, John le Palmare, Thomas Niwnale, Thomas Kemesy, John Snel, and others. Thacham, Thursday, the Trans- lation of St. Thomas [3rd July], n Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 19] No 15. 1st March, 1340. Grant by Felicia la Kentenysche of Speyhamlonde, to John Joye of Thacham, of a piece of land in Thacham, next the messuage of John Moute, on the west, abutting on the road to Newbury on the south, and the land of Thomas Alysandre on the north. Wit- nesses : — John Fokerham, Thomas Nywen- hale, John le Wyte, Thomas Alysandre, John Moute, Thomas Kemesy, Robert Joye, and others. Thatcham, Ash Wednesday, 14 Edward III. [From Tha'cham Documents, No. 20.] No. 16. 28th March, 1344. Grant by the west. Witnesses : — John Cranemere, LucyReede of Thacham, widow, to JohnBlan- chard, of a burgage in Thacham. between the place of William atte Walle on the east, and the place of Thomas Wolnesich on Robert atte Walle, Thomas Alysaundre, William Reson, Gilbert Mygever, and others. Thacham, Palm Sunday, 18 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 21.] No. 17. 29th August, 1355. Grant by William Joye of Thacham, to John his son, of a burgage in Weststrete, Thacham, be- tween the burgage of Thomas Kippinge on the east, the burgage of John Hunte on the west, the highway to Newbury on the north, and the land of John Blake on the south, to be held by the said John, and Cecilia his wife. Witnesses : — Thomas Kyppynge, John Blanchard, John Kemesy, John Hunte, John Bowyare, and others. Coulynge in Kent, The Decollation of S. John the Baptist, 29 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 22.] APPENDICES TO BOOK I. No. 18. Counterpart of No. 17. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 23.] 33 No. 19. 5th September, 1355. Appoint- ment by William Joye, of John Bowyere as his attorney, to deliver seisin of the above burgage to his son John, and Cecilia his wife. Witnesses : — Master John Scholden, rector there (Cowling), Roger Persoun, Chaplain, Roger Delham, Clerk, Nic Schol- done, Clerk, John Baydon, Clerk, and others. Cowlynge in Kent, the Feast of St. Bertin the Abbot, 29 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 24. ] No. 20. 30th August, 1363. Lease by Nicholas le Englische of Thacham, to John le Clerk and Alicia his wife, of a burgage and curtilage in Thacham, between'the bur- gage of William Frewyne on the east, and the burgage of Adam Wodelef on the west ; for life, at a rent of 4s. Witnesses : — John Cran, Ric. atte Berne, John Smyth, John Blaunchard, William atte Walle, and others. Thacham, Sunday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 37 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 25.] No. 21. 27th February, 1368. Grant by John Cran of Thacham, to Ralph Thomas of Thatcham, of a burgage and curtilage in West Street, between the burgage of John Frewyn on the east, and that of Adam Wodelef on the west. Witnesses : — Ric. atte Berne, John Sare, John Blaunchard, John Hunte, Robert Glovar, and others. Tacham, Sunday after the Feast of St. Matthias, 42 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 27.] No. 22. 6th May, 1374. Grant by Gode, John Blaunchard, John Sare, Thomas Ralph Thomas of Thacham, to William Clerk and Alice his wife of Thacham, of a burgage in Weststrete, between the burgage of Thomas Shepman on the east, and Adam Wodelef on the west. Witnesses : — John Chapman, Robert Glovere, and others. Thacham, Saturday, St. John ante Portam Latinam, 48 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 28.] No. 23. 19th April, 1376. Grant by John Blaunchard of Thacham, to John Gode and John Sare of all his burgages and tenements in Thacham, with land called Gredernslond, and a loft and croft adjoining , called Reduslond, and all his rents. Wit- nesses : — Richard atte Berne, Thomas Chapman, Thomas Sare, John Joyze, John Soulere, and others. Thacham, Saturday before St. George's day, 50 Edward III. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 29.] No. 24. 19th April, 1376. Grant by the same to the same of the same lands. Re- deslond is said to be between the tenements of Henry Baker and John Glovere. Wit- nesses :— Robert Glovere, Richard atte VOL. II. F Berne, Thomas Bayt, John Serjaunt, Thomas Chapman, and others. Same date. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 30.] 34 APPENDICES TO BOOK I. No. 25. 8th Sept., 1378. Quitclaim by John Sare of Thacham, to Alice, widow of John Blaunchard, of the lands which he and John Sare held by gift of John Blaunchard in Thacham. Witnesses :— Ric. atte Berne, Thomas Chepman, John Joye, John Pynkeneye, John Hunte, and others. Thacham, Wednesday the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 2 Richard II. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 31.] No. 26. 2nd February, 1384. Grant by John, son of William Joye of Thacham, and Cecilia his wife, to John Hardyng, Fuller, and William Bribur of Aston, Junior, of two burgages and all his other lands and tene- ments in Thacham. Witnesses: — Thomas Chapman, Robert Glover, John Honte, William Brounsmith, John Glover, and others. Thacham, Tuesday the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 7 Richard II. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 34.] No. 27. 25th April, 1384. Grant by William Screnaym to Thomas Strete, John Serjaunt, and William Brounsmyth, of a messuage in Neuebury, between the tene- ments of William Tayllour on both sides, opposite the highway to Abyngdon and 'Winchester. Witnesses :— John Grygge, Hugh Chamse, John Coteron, John Colvet, Ric. Fyssher, and others. Newebury, Mon- day, St. Mark the Evangelist, 7 Richard II. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 35.] No. 28. nth June, 1384. Power of messuage. Thacham, Saturday, St. Bar- Attorney by William Scrynem to John nabas Day, 7 Richard II. Gatyngden to deliver seisin of the above [From Thatcham Documents, No. 36.] No. 29. 25th February, 1387. Grant by John Hardyng, Fuller, and William Bribour of Aston, to John Prentys of Tacham, of a burgage in Tacham, between the tenements of William, vicar of Tatcham, on the east, and William Brounsmyth on the west, which they had by grant from John, son of William Joye and Cecilia his wife. Wit- nesses: — William atte Wode, Roger Syd- monton, Thomas Chapman, Robert Glover, John Honte, and others. Thacham, Mon- day after St. Peter in Cathedra, 10 Richard II. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 37.] No. 30. 25th May, 1395. Grant by Cecilia, widow of John Joye of Thacham, to Richard Beyt of Henewyke, in the Parish of Thacham, of a burgage in the West Strete, between the burgages of Margery Cuppynge on the east, and of the late John Honte on the west, which she acquired from John Hardyng and William Brybur, Junior. Witnesses : — Thomas Chapman, Robert Schort, John Glovere, Adam Eynesham, John Yatyngdene, and others. Thacham, 25 May, 18 Richard II. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 39.] APPENDIX LIII. Dispensation to John Edward, Clerk of Thatcham, &c. 2 March, 1307. [From Reg. Gandavo, Part II., fol. 180.] Dispensationes super defectus natalium. de soluto et soluta et super ecclesiastico Item vj Non. Marcij ibidem [apud Son- beneficio et cum Johanne de Thacham de nyng] dispensavit cum Johanne Edward Subdiacono genitus (?) et soluto una cum ■clerico de Thacham super defectum natalium beneficio optinendo, etc. APPENDICES TO BOOK I. 35 APPENDIX LIV. Dispensation to Simon of Greenham, Subdeacon. 23 Sept., 13 11. [From Reg. Gandavo 1, fol. 184.] Grenham. ad ceteros ordines a quocumque Episcopo Item Mem. quod ix. kalend. Octobris Catholico promoueri super quo habuit lit- apud Beere r dispensavit Dominus cum Si- teras. mone de Grenham subdiacono quod possit APPENDIX LV. ' Dispensation to Jordan of Appelford. [12 Sept., 1312.] [From Reg. Gandavo, fol. 196.] 13 1 2. Appelford dimissor'. licite possit promoveri eo non obstante, etc.,. Item ij Idus Septembris apud Remmesbr' dum cum aliud canonicum non obsistat concessit dominus Jordano de Appelford liberam si a mon'asterio Radyng ad dictam diacono ut a quocumque Episcopo catholico ordinationem titulum obtinenti et cuicumque sedis apostolice gratiam et executionem sui episcopo hujusmodi se ordinare volenti suis officii optinente ad ordinem presbiteratus litteris patentibus concessit facultatem. APPENDIX LVI. Licence for Ordination to William of Blew bury. [18 Dec, 1312.] , [From Reg. Gandavo, fol. 199.) [1312]. Blebur Dimissorie. Item xv Canterburiensis provincie executionem sui kalend. Januarii apud Poterne concessit do- officii optinente ad diaconatus ordinem licite minus Willielmo de Blebur' subdiacono per- valeat promoveri eo non obstante et contra petuam cantariam in ecclesia prebendali de eum tarn aliud canonicum non obsistat. Calne optinenti ut a quocumque Episcopo APPENDIX LVII. Dispensation to Henry Alisaundre. [13 12.] [From Reg. Gandavo, fol. 197.] [1312]. Item Dimissorie. Item Johannes dimissorias ad ordinem diaconatus habentes de la Pole de Migham ac Henricus Alis- titulum ad omnes Sacras ordines hospitalis aundre de Thacham subdiaconi habuerunt sancti Johannis Jerusalem' in Anglia. APPENDIX LVIII. Letters dimissory to Peter of Farnham. 21 Aug., 1347. [From Reg. Wyvell, Lib. II. fol. 78.] Thacham. Thacham habuit litteras dimissorias ad or- Eodem die ibidem [xij kal. Septembris dinationem subdiaconus (?) cum clericis con- anno domini 1347] Magister Petrus de similiter. Farnham perpetuus vicarius ecclesie de 1 Simon de Gant, Bishop of Salisbury, 1297"— r Beere Court near Pangbourne, one of the resi- 1315. dences of the Abbots of Reading. F 2 36 APPENDICES TO BOOK I. APPENDIX LIX. Letters dimissory to Peter le Mas son. 8 Dec, 134 7- [From Reg. Wyvell, Lib. II. fol. 80.] Thacham dimissor. petuus Vicarius dicte ecclesie de Thacham Item [vij Idus Decembris 1347 apud habuit litteras dimissorias ad ordinationem Parcum Dominus] Petrus le Masson per- diaconatus. APPENDIX LX Letters dimissory to Peter de Farnham. 7 March, 1348. [From Reg. Wyvell, Lib. II. fol. 82.] Thacham dimissorie. petuus Vicarius ecclesie de Thacham dia- Dictis die loca et anno [ij Non. Marcii conus habuit litteras dimissorias ad ordinem m°ccc xlvii°. apud parcum Remmes- presbiteratus in forma consimili. bury] Magister Petrus de Farnham per- APPENDIX LXI. Letters Patent of Henry IV. for punishment of purveyors who entered upon Church Lands, and took properly. 24 Dec, 1403. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 45.] Henricus [IV.] dei gratia Rex Anglie et ffrancie et dominus Hibernie Universis et singulis justiciariis Vicecomitibus Majoribus Ballivis constabulariis ministris et aliis fidelibus suis tarn infra libertates quam extra ad quos presentes littere pervenerint salutem Sciatis quod cum dominus E[dwardus] nuper Rex Anglie progenitor noster in parliamento suo apud Westmonasterium anno regni sui quarto decimo tento de assensu et concordia parium regni sui et omnium aliorum ad parliamentum predictum summonitorum et in eadem existentium ad specialem requisi- tionem prelatorum cleri regni sui predicti concesserit pro se heredibus et successoribus suis eisdem prelatis et clero quod nullus ex parte ipsius progenitoris nostri nee alterius per commissionem sub magno vel parvo sigillo nee absque commissione extunc im- perpetuum quicquam de bladis fenis bestiis cariagiis nee aliis bonis Archiepiscoporum Episcoporum Abbatum Priorum Abbatissa- rum Priorissarum Rectorum Vicariorum seu aliorum virorum ecclesiasticorum infra man- siones maneria grangeas seu alia loca sua infra feodum sancte ecclesie nee extra contra vol- untatem ipsorum quorum bona ilia fuerint ca- peret quovis modo idemque progenitor noster prelatos et clerum predictos ac eorum posses- siones bona et catalla in protectionem et defensionem suas et heredum suorum sus- ceperit speciales Ac jam ex gravi querimonia dilectorum nobis in Christo Abbatis et con- ventus de Redyng acceperimus quod licet in quibuscumque commissionibus nostris de victualibus et aliis rebus pro expensis hos- picii nostri emendis capiendis et providendis ac c[ari]agiis pro eisdem capiendis per ex- pressa verba contineatur quod provisores nostri sive emptores aut captores hujusmodi victualium et aliarum rerum pro expensis dicti hospicii nostri aut captores cariagii pro eisdem in commissionibus predictis assignati feodum sancte ecclesie ingredi seu quicquam ibidem contra franchesias et libertates ejus- dem capere non debeant quidam tamen eorundem provisorum emptorum et captorum premissa minime considerantes set potius prefatos Abbatem et conventum ac firmarios ballivos et tenentes suos maliciase pergra- vantes feodum ecclesie predicte ac terrarum tenementorum et possessionum eidem per- tinencium ingredi proponunt ac diversa blada fenum bestias cariagia et alia bona predicto- rum Abbatis et conventus ac firmariorum bal- livorum et tenendum suorum contra volunta- To face Appendices, p. 36. fc§t>«tt*tre<*w(«w cftp« mom 9ebeft*vt ? Anveatw-tanww c«wSe>v-w < anwfcai emmtog^ rtlp**ailft»«fTfi *w 9ftw»i*ft&ife*jp*wwrtr 4*ve» 65 -I^«^yt»v>wo^»i6•(^ / ^»»v^^e1«th^ etc fc»ma>j»«g fcaflUeg.^ tew*****^ tnft S3> torn? ^dfc^ W*1 *** fe^*^"*** f> ^1 f** 6 Letters Patent of Henry IV. for APPENDIX, PLATE V. )*H*m« amtl^e^fl44+*S , n0 ft^«ftft»^» cft»vSfcv#l£ / potftm /ttotj * Sec Appendix No. LXI. Is Punishment of Purveyors, 1403. APPENDICES TO BOOK I. 37 tern suam pro expensis dicti hospicii nostri capere et providere intendunt aliaque grava- mina et enormia eis contra franchesias et libertates predictas inferre et committere dampnabiliter proponunt quod si fieret in ipsorum Abbatis et conventus ac firmariorum ballivorum et tenentium suorum predictorum dampnum non modicum et gravamen ac contra formam concessionis protectionis et defensionis predictarum necnon contra for- mam commissionum eisdem emptoribus provisoribus et captoribus in hac parte factarum tenderet manifeste Nos volentes concessionem libertates et franchesias pre- dictas teneri et inviolabiliter observari in omnibus et eos impugnantes juxta eorum demerita castigari assignavimus vos conjunc- tim et divisim ad omnes et singulos pro- visoes emptores et captores hujusmodi vic- tualium feodum sancte ecclesie aut terrarum tenementorum vel possessionum predictorum ingredientes et blada fenum bestias cariagia seu alia bona eorundem Abbatis et con- ventus aut firmariorum ballivorum seu tenen- tium suorum predictorum contra voluntatem suam pro expensis hospicii nostri aut alterius cujuscumque capientes et providentes hujus- modi libertates et franchesias quomodolibet infringentes de tempore in tempus arestandos et capiendos et coram nobis et consilio nostro statim cum sic capti fuerint ducendos super premissis responsuros facturos et recepturos quod per nos et dictum consilium nostrum consideratum fuerit in hac parte. Et ideo vobis et cuilibet vestrum mandamus quod circa premissa diligsnter intendatis et ea faciatis et exequamini in forma predicta Damus autem universis et singulis subditis . nostris tam infra libertates quam extra tenore presentium firmiter in mandatis quod vobis et cuilibet vestrum in premissis faciendis et exequendis intendentes sint consulentes et auxiliantes prout decet. In cujus rei testi- monium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso apud Westmonas- terium xxiiij die Decembris anno regni nostri quinto. [1403.] [With the King's seal attached.] APPENDIX LXII. Quitclaim by Alicia, widow of Richard Bye, to Richard Bocher. 28 Dec, 1413. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit Alicia quondam uxor Ricardi Bye de Thacham salutem in domino Noveritis me dictam Aliciam remisisse re- laxasse et omnino pro me heredibus et ex- ecutoribus meis imperpetuum quietum cla- masse Ricardo Bocher de Thacham et Johanni Gosofte procuratoribus ecclesie parochialis de Thacham totum jus meum et clameum quod habeo habui seu quovis- modo in futurum habere potero in uno burgagio cum suis pertinenciis infra burgum de Thacham situato inter burgagium Wil- lelmi Fareham ex parte orientali et burgagium Johannis Hert ex parte occidentali. Ita quod nee ego prefata Alicia heredes mei nee aliquis nomine meo aliquid juris seu clamei in predicto burgagio cum suis pertinenciis de- cetero exigere clamare seu vendicare pote- rimus in futurum, set ab omni accione inde juris et tituli inde simus exclusi imperpetuum per presentes. In cujus rei testimonium pre- sentibus sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus Simone Alman, Johanne Kybelwyke, Ste- phano Smyth, Thoma Chapman et aliis. Da- tum apud Thacham in festo Sanctorum Innocentium anno regni Regis Henrici quinti post conquestum primo. [One seal — torn off.] APPENDIX LX1II. Grant by Richard Twyhay and his wife Agnes, to Roger Londyn and his wife Isabella. 6 May, 1414. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Ricar- dedimus concessimus et hac presenti fearta dus Twyhay de Thacham et Agnes uxor mea nostra confirmavimus Rogero Londyn de 38 APPENDICES TO BOOK I. eadem et Isabelle uxori ejus unum tenemen- tum cum omnibus suis pertinenciis quod quondam habuimus ex dono et feofamento Johannis Wytyng et Matilde uxoris ejus in villa de Thacham predicta situatum in vico orientali inter tenementum Willelmi Clerke ex parte occidentali et terram Johannis Snel ex parte orientali et croftum dicti Rogeri Londyn ex parte australi et Regiam Stratam ex parte boriali Habendum et tenendum predictum tenementum cum omnibus suis pertinenciis prefato Rogero et Isabelle uxori ejus heredibus et assignatis eorum libere quiete integre bene et in pace inperpetuum de domino feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta Et nos predicti Ricardus Twyhay et Agnes uxor mea dictum tenementum predictis Rogero et Isabelle uxore [sic] ejus heredibus et assignatis eorum contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et de- fendemus inperpetuum. In cujus rei testi- monium presenti carte nostre sigilla nostra apposuimus. Hiis testibus Thoma Chapman, Johanne Bowre, Johanne Glover, Willelmo Henwode, Ricardo Baker et aliis. Data apud Thacham in festo sancti Johannis ante portam Latinam anno Regni Regis Henrici quinti post conquestum Anglie anno [sic] secundo. [One seal broken.] APPENDIX LXIV. Quitclaim by John Frentys to William Goldryche and John Bye, chapman, ' proctors ' of the Church of Thatcham. 6 Feb., 1424. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit Johannes Prentys de Henwykke de parochia de Thacham Salutem in domino Noveritis me remisisse relaxasse et omnino pro me et heredibus meis imper- petuum quietum clamasse Willelmo Gold- ryche et Johanni Bye, chapman procuratori- bus ecclesie de Thacham et successoribus suis procuratoribus dicte ecclesie totum sta- tum meum jus et clameum quehabui habeo seu quovismodo in futurum habere potero in uno burgagio cum pertinentiis suis in Thac- ham in le Weststreete ex parte boriali scitu- ato inter burgagium Thome de Monte Acuto Comitis Saresburiensis ex parte occidentali et burgagium Johannis Sutton ex parte orientali quod quidem burgagium cum pertinenciis suis habui ex legatione Johannis fratris mei. Habendum et tenendum totum pre- dictum statum meum prefatis Willelmo et Johanni Bye procuratoribus dicte ecclesie et successoribus suis procuratoribus ejus- dem ecclesie imperpetuum, de capitali do- mino feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta. Ita quod nee ego predictus Johannes Prentys nee heredes mei nee aliquis alius per nos seu nomine nostro aliquid status juris sive clamii in predicto burgagio cum pertinenciis suis seu in aliqua parcella ejus decetero exi- gere habere vel vendicare poterimus sed per presentes sumus exclusi imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti scripto meo sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus Thoma Chapman, Nicholao Froome, Rogero London, Johanne Laubell, Johanne Glovere et aliis. Datum apud Thacham sexto die mensis Februarii Anno regni Regis Hen- rici sexti post conquestum secundo. [One seal, much broken.] APPENDIX LXV. Grant by William Goldryche and John Bye, chapman, - proctors ' of the Church of Thatcham, to Roger London and others. 13 Feb., 1424. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Willel- confirmavimus Rogero London, Johanni mus Goldryche et Johannes Bye, chapman Glover, Ricardo Richer alias dicto Forth, procuratores ecclesie de Thacham dedimus Ricardo Ildebury, Nicolao Froome et Ed- concessimus et hac presenti carta nostra mundo Parker quatuor burgagia cum curtila- APPENDICES TO BOOK I. 39 giis adjacentibus in villa de Thacham predicta cum omnibus suis undique pertinen- ciis quorum duo burgagia sunt in le Eststreete ex parte boriali adinvicem scitu- ata inter burgagium Johanms Snell ex parte orientali et burgagium Johannis atte Gate ex parte occidentali et abbuttant super viam regiam versus australem et super terram Thome de Monte Acuto comitis Saresburie versus borialem et unum burgagium scituatum est in le VVeststreete ex parte australi inter burgagium Willelmi Fareham ex parte orien- tali et burgagium Johannis Hert ex parte occidentali et abbuttat super viam regiam versus borialem et super terram vocatam Blakemans versus australem et unum bur- gagium scitum est juxta cimiterium ecclesie de Thacham inter burgagium Thome Curteys ex parte orientali et predictum cimiterium et terram vocatam Blakemans ex parte occiden- tali et abbuttat super viam Regiam versus australem et super gardinum Thome Gold- rych alias dicti Turnour versus borialem. Habendum et tenendum omnia predicta burgagia cum curtilagiis et omnibus suis undique pertinenciis prefatis Rogero Johanni Glovere, Ricardo Richer, Ricardo Ildebury, . Nicholao et Edmundo heredibus et eorum assignatis libere quiete bene et in pace jure hereditario imperpetuum de capitalibus do- minis feodorum illorum per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta Et nos vero pre- dicti Willelmus et Johannes Bye procuratores dicte ecclesie et successores nostri procura- tores dicti ecclesie de Thacham omnia predicta Burgagia cum curtilagiis et omnibus suis undique pertinenciis prefatis Rogero Johanni Glovere, Ricardo et Ricardo Nicho- lao et Edmundo heredibus et eorum assignatis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus imper- petuum In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre sigilla nostra apposui- mus. Hiis testibus Johanne Laubell, Thoma Chapman, Ricardo Bocher, Johanne Snell, Willelmo Fareham, Johanne Sutton, Ricardo Twyhay, Henrico Rogger, Johanne Ludlowe, Willelmo Rogger, Johanne Hert de Thacham et aliis. Data apud Thacham predictum terciodecimo die mensis Februarii anno domini millesimo cccc mo vicesimo tercio et regni Regis henfici sexti post conquestum secundo. [Two seals — both torn off.] APPENDIX LXVI. Grant by Roger Londo?i and his wife Isabella, to William Roger, weaver. 4 March, 1425. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Roger- us London de Thacham et Isabella uxor mea dedimus concessimus et hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus Willelmo Rogero textori de eadem et Katerine uxori ejus parcellam unius tenementi vocati Why- tynggys jacentem in vico orientali de Thacham scituatam vero inter terram Jo- hannis Snell ex parte orientali et viam dicti Rogeri ex parte occidentali continentem in longitudine centum et quatuor pedes et unum caput abbuttat in latitudine versus australem super croftum dicti Rogeri triginta et sex pedes et aliud caput abbuttat in latitudine versus borialem juxta viam Regiam que ducit de Thacham versus Redyngg triginta pedes Habendum et tenendum predictam parcellam dicti tenementi cum omnibus suis pertinenciis predicto Willelmo et Katerine uxori ejus heredibus et assignatis eorum libere quiete bene et in pace Redden- do inde annuatim capitali domino feodi illius duos denarios in festo Sancti Michaelis Archangeli pro omnibus accionibus et secularibus [serviciis] et demandis imper- petuum. Et nos vero predictus Rogerus et Isabella uxor mea et heredes nostri predic- tam parcellam dicti tenementi cum omnibus suis pertinenciis prefato Willelmo et Katerine uxori ejus heredibus et assignatis eorum contra omnes gentes warantizabimus acquiet- abimus et imperpetuum defendemus. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte sigilla nostra apposuimus. Hiis testibus Nicholao 40 APPENDICES TO BOOK I. Frome tunc constabulario ville de Thacham, Johanne Glover, Johanne Bye, Chapman, Ricardo Carter, Johanne Snell et multis aliis. Data apud Thacham die dominica proxima post festum Sancti Cedde Episcopi et Con- fessoris anno regni Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum Anglie tercio. [Two seals — one torn off.] APPENDIX LXVII. Quitclaim by John Benet and others, ' proctors ' of the Church of St. Nicholas, Newbury, to Henry Rogger and others, 'proctors' of the Church of Thatcham. 5 Jan., 1431. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] Noverint universi per presentes nos Jo- hannem Benet, Robertum Crook etHenricum Barbour procuratores Ecclesie parochialis sancti Nicholai de Newbury per commune consilium et assensum omnium parochia- occidentali. Ita quod nee nos predicti Jo- hannes Benet, Robertus Crook et Henricus Barbour nee successores nostri nee aliquis alius in nomine nostro aliquod jus vel cla- meum in predictis burgagio curtilagio et norum dicte parochie remisisse relaxasse et parcella terre^arrabilis cum omnibus suis omnino pro nobis et heredibus nostns 1m- perpetuum quietum clamasse Henrico Rog- ger, Thome Bele et Johanni Talpot procura- toribus ecclesie de Thacham et successori- bus eorum totum jus nostrum et clameum que habemus habuimus seu quovismodo in futurum habere poterimus de et in uno Burgagio et curtilagio cum una parcella terre arrabilis dicto burgagio annexa situatis in vico Australi de Thacham inter burgagium Isabelle Honymonger ex parte boriali et burgagium nuper Johannis Lawbell ex parte Australi ex juxta viam Regiam ex parte pertinenciis imposterum decetero exigere vel vendicare poterimus nee debemus in futurum. Sed de omnimodis actionibus juris remedii sumus exclusi per presentes imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti scripto nostro sigilla nostra apposuimus. Hiis tes- tibus Ricardo Abberbury, Johanne Horlok, Nicholao Messager, Johanne Magot, Thoma Marchal et aliis. Datum apud Newbury in festo sancti Edwardi Regis et confessoris anno regni Regis Henrici sexti post, con- questum Anglie nono. APPENDIX LXVIII. Grant by John Grey to John Hosyer and others. 15 Sept., 1432. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Jo- hannes Grey de Frydlysham dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Johanni Hosyer de Thacham, Willelmo Eldebury de Henewyk et Ricardo Edryth de Crokeham procuratoribus ecclesie de Thacham unam acram terre arrabilis jacentem in Mygham in campo vocato Redehylle inter terram Juliane Andrew ex parte occidentali et terram Johannis Tulle ex parte orientali et unum caput abbuttat super terram Nicholai Ball ex parte australi et aliud caput abbuttat super terram Alicie Hawkyn vocatam Osul- fusland ex parte boriali Habendum et tenen- dum predictam acram terre arrabilis cum omnibus suis pertinenciis predictis Johanni Hosyer, Willelmo et Ricardo procuratoribus ecclesie de Thacham et successoribus eorum imperpetuum libere quiete bene et in pace de capitali domino feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta. Et ego vero predictus Johannes Grey et heredes mei predictam acram terre arrabilis cum omnibus suis pertinenciis prefatis Johanni Hosyer, Willelmo et Ricardo procuratoribus ecclesie de Thacham et successoribus eorum contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et imperpetuum defendemus. In cujus rei testimonium huic APPENDICES TO BOOK I. 4i presenti carte mee sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus Nicholao Balls, Johanne God- fader, Johanne Stacy, Johanne Tulle, seniore, Willelmo Waspayn, et multis aliis. Data apud Mygham die lune proximo post festum Nativitatis beate Marie Virginis anno regni Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum anglie undecimo. [One seal — torn off.] APPENDIX LXIX. Epitome of Sundry Thatcham Documents of the Fifteenth Century supplementary to those given in Appendices Nos. LX1I. — LXVI1I. No. 31 a . r8th December, 1401. Grant by John Junnes and Alice his wife, to Isabella their daughter, of a burgage in Thacham in Le South Stret. Wit- nesses : — Robert Schort, Thomas Chapman, Hugh Chapman, John Glovere, Senior, John Glovere, Junior, and others. Thacham, Sunday after the Feast of St. Lucy the Virgin, 3 Henry IV. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 4.0.] No. 32. 24th December, 1403. Order by King Henry [IV.] to his officers to arrest purveyors who take the corn, cattle, carts, &c, of the Abbey of Reading, for the King's service, contrary to their will, thus infringing the act of Parliament, 14 Edward III., statute 4, cap. 1. Westm., 24th December,. 5 Henry [IV.]. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 45.] No. 33. 20th April, 1408. Grant by Robert Schort and John Lacy of Thacham, to John Junne, tornour, and Alice his wife, of all the lands and tenements which he holds by grant of the said John and Alice in Tacham. Witnesses : — Ric. Secol, Thomas Chapman, Hugh Chapman, John Label, and others. Tacham, 20th April, 9 Henry IV. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 41.] No. 34. 31st July, 1412. Grant by Robert Denman of Newbury, to John Pole of Asshemerworth, alias of Eston, of 4 acres in Est Wydehay in land which is called Muse- brok, between the land which belonged to Edward atte Cok on the north, and that of William de Wydehay on the west, extending to the road called Symeaneswey. On the west of it lies the land Westhethe. Rent 24^. a year. Witnesses : — Henry Inkepenne, Nic. Jurdan, John Sydele, William atte Sele, Nic. Messynger, Roger Smyth, William Gay of Newbury, and others. Holwynton, Sunday after the feast of St. James, 13 Henry IV. [From Thatcham Documents, No 42.] No. 35. 10th November, 141 2. Quit- claim by John Crowlond, Mercer, of Thac- ham, to William Faram, junior, of Thacham, of a burgage and garden in the South Street, between the burgage of Thomas Sare, senior, on the north and south, abutting on the land of Thomas Chapman on the west, and next the highway on the east. Wit- nesses : — John Label, Thomas Chapman, Thomas Sare, Senior, John Glovere, Ric. Boche, and others. Thacham, Thursday after the feast of St. Leonard, Confessor and Abbot, 14 Henry IV. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 43.] VOL. II. " These numbers are continued from Appendix No. LII. G 42 APPENDICES TO BOOK I. No. 36. 2nd February, 1423. Grant by William Farham of Tacham, to William Golderich of Crookham in the parish of Thacham, of a burgage in le West Strete, on the south side, between the burgage of Nic. Frome on the west, and the lane leading to the Church on the east, abbutting on the high road on the north, and the land of Julian Aihvyne on the south. Witnesses : — Thomas Chapman, Ric. North, Roger London, John Glovere, John Eye, and others. Thacham, The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1 Henry VI. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 44.] No. 37. 5th July, 142;/. Exemplifica- burgesses of the hundred. Westm., 5 July, tion of the entry in Domesday Book 5 Hen. [VI.] *. referring to Thatcham, at the request of the [From Thatcham Documents, No. 46.] No. 38. 4th May, 1431. Quitclaim by Ric. Twyhay of Tacham, to John Arle of Redyng, of lands and tenements in Tacham and Hynewyk, which Arle lately held together with John Burchehurst, David Morgan, Roger London, Ric. Carter, and John Fyssher, Smyth, by gift and feoffment of Twyhay. Saturday, 4 May u , 9 Hen. VI. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 47.] No. 39. 26th January, 1438. Grant by Juliana Berdys, alias Chapman, of Tacham, to John atte Yale, husbandman, of Henewyk, of a tenement in la Cherchelane, Thatcham, between the tenements of John Ludlowe on the south, and John Glovere on the north, extending westwards to the meadows of William de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, and east- wards to Cherchelane, which leads to St. Mary's, Thacham. Witnesses : — Edm. Par- ker, Constable of Thacham, Ric. Bocher, Nic. Frome, John Pewse, John Henle, and others. Thatcham, Sunday after the Con- version of St. Paul, 16 Hen. VI. [From Thatcham Documents," No. 48.] No. 40. 1st April, 1450. Grant by John Pury, Esqre., of all his goods and chattels, moveable and immoveable to John Norys, Esqre., Anne Pury, Susanna Pury, Geoffrey Poole, Esqre., Master Thomas Kynton, Vicar of Thacham, and John Clerk, in token of which he has delivered to them a gold ring, 1 April, 28 Hen. VI. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 49.] No. 41. 20th Febuary, 1472. Grant by Nic. Frome to Roger Lavyndar, Thomas Arondell, John Filyppe, and John Godwyn, of Thacham, Hen. Rastwold of Henwyk, and John Diplee of Crokeham, of 4 burgages with curtilages in Thacham. Two are in le Eststrete on the north side, between the burgage of John Ludlowe, late John Snelle, on the east, and that of Thomas Arondell, late John atte Gate's on the west, abbutting on the highway on the south, and on the land of John Pury, Esqre., late of Thomas 1 This is enrolled on Patent Roll, 5 Hen. vj. _Pt. II. m. 16. de Montacute, Earl of Salisbury, on the north. One burgage is in le Weststrete on the south side, between the burgage of Roger Roger, late of William Fareham, on the east, and the burgage of John Pacy, late of John Hert on the west, abbutting on the highway on the north, and on the land of John Ludlowe, late of Thomas Blake- mans, on the south, one burgage is situated next the Cemetery of Thatcham Church, between the burgage of John Pury, Esqre., late of Thomas Curteys, on the east, and " 4 May 9 Hen. VI. was Friday. APPENDICES TO BOOK I. 43 the said cemetery and the [burgage] of John Ludlowe, late of Thomas Blakemans, on the west, abbutting on the highway on the south, and on the garden of John Pury, late of Thomas Goldriche, alias Tumour on the north, which burgages he, together with Roger London, John Glover, Ric. Richer, alias Forth, Ric. Ildebury, and Edmund Parker, deceased, held by gift of feoffment of William Goldryche, and John Bye Chapman, late proctors of Thatcham Church. Witnesses: — John Pury, Esq., Mr. Thomas Kynton, Vicar of the Parish Church of Thatcham, Robert Knyght, bailiff of Thac- ham, John Bye, Constable, Roger Roger, and others. Thacham, 20 Feb., 11 Ed- ward IV. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 50.] No. 42. 9th June, 1476. Grant by Thomas Colyns of Wantynge, Berks, and Henry Pratte of the same, to John Skynner, vicar of Thatcham, John Broke, vicar of Hampstede Norrys, John Colyns of Wan- tynge, Robert Knyght, Robert Fesaunt, John Carter, John Smyth alias Colsmyth, Ingelram Wygge, and Henry Rastwold, of a burgage in la Weststrete, sowth syde, called Yatyndene, between the burgage of John Colyns on the east, called ' le Belle,' and the burgage of John Pury, Esq., on the west, abbutting on the highway on the north,, and the other end on the garden of John Colyns, which they had by grant of John Colyns, Senr., of Wantynge, gent. William Person, Senr., of Henwyk, and John Pale of Thacham, are empowered to deliver seisin. Witnesses : — John Pury, Esq., John Bye, John Bolton, John Godwyn, Thomas Aron- dell, and others. Thacham, the feast of the Holy Trinity, 16 Edward IV. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 51.] APPENDIX LXX. Injunction to the Townsmen of Newbury to allow the Townsmen of Reading, Thatcham, &c. r to attend the Market. 12 Feb., 1598. [From Exch. Q. R. Decrees and Orders, East. 38 — Hil. 40 Eliz., fol. 163d.] Hilary term, 39 Elizabeth, Saturday, 12th February. Berk. Whereas the Queene's Attorney Gena.ll in Mich 6 terme last past exhibited into this Courte a Quo Warranto against the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of New- bery in the Countye of Berk, for prohibiting and excluding of certaine fforreyners dwelling in other Burrouys Borrough townes out of the same towne to come to the Markett holden and from tyme to tyme to be holden within the said towne to sell their Wares and merchandizes in the full and open Mar- kett there and also for having and keping yearly of a ffayer in an inconvenyent un- usuall and badd streate of the said Towne omitting and discontynewing for their private lucre the auncyent fitt and accustomed place within the same Borough where the same ffayer was kept which enormityes haue bene donne (as this Courte is informed for the private good of the said Mayor and some particular persons of the said Corporation) unto which Information the Defendants ap- peared the last terme and as yet have made no plea or answer to the same. It is now therefore this present day at the motion of Mr. Wynter ordered that the said De- fendants shall answer and that an Injunction shall be awarded to the said Defendants comanding them and every of them to suffer all fforreyners and especially the Inhabitants of the Townes of Reading, Kingscler and Thatcham quietly and peaceably to come unto the said Markett and to stand in their accustomed places to sell their wares in the full and open markett there and also to have and keepe their newe fayer in the auncyent accustomed and most convey nent place where the old was used to be kept without the molestation contradiction or denyall of the said Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses or any of them untill this Courte shall heare both sides and take further order in the same. G 2 44 APPENDICES TO BOOK I. APPENDIX LXXI. Roger Knighfs Letter to W. Lilley, the Astrologer. 1649. September ye 8t/i at half an hour after 4 in the afternoon. Sir. Havinge been with you divers times, as upon the 24 of Dec r 1647 and upon the 27th of Sept 1648, and twise in the latter end of Aprill last, at all w h times I made .bould to desire your judgement concerninge some thinges I then propounded unto you, wherein you were pleased to give me some satisfaction. You may happily remember me by this character; I was borne three weekes before my time, neare Newbury, on -the 1 6th of Aug* 1619; but what houre I cannot learne ; I am very tall of Stature goeing stoopinge a little at the shoulders, I am leane havinge thinne flaxen haire, of a longish visage and a pale complexion, gray-eyed, havinge some impediment in my upper lippe w h hath a small mole on the right side thereof; I have alsoe on the right side of my forehead another little mole, I am of a mellancholly disposition, havinge beene all the course of my life in an un- setled condition. When I was last with you I was very desirous to knowe your judgment about what time you did thinke I might be setled, and I did then acquaint you that there was a match propounded unto my father for me unto a gentlewoman who lived South from the place of my usuall residence ; she was borne neare Worcester, in May 16T3, but for the most part of her life had lived South or Southwest from me. She is an Ayresse, of a reasonable tall Stature of a brownish haire, of an ovall visage, and a saturnine complexion, very discreete, and ■excellent well spoken, all w 11 when I was with you, you described unto me, and told me that possibly I might succeed in the husinesse, if she were not preingaged w h I should knowe before the 10 th of Maye then followinge and in case it did come to anythinge, it should notwithstandinge goe but slowely on at the first and that I should have many rubbs and delayes duringe the -time of Mercury his beinge retrograde but at his comming to be direct all thinges should goe fairely on; but however this business did succeed you did assure me that I should be settled before the 20 01 of Novem- ber next. Nowe Sir, to acquaint you howe much of your judgment proved true, I re- frained to make any addresse unto her untill those aspects were over in the 9 th of May, but afterwards I went unto her, when with some difficulty I obtained leave to waite on her, and at last procured of her to thinke of a treaty of Marriage w h she did, and appointed it three several times, duringe the time of Mercury his last being R, but still by severall accidents unexpectedly put of, yet at last it was appointed to be on the 22 cond or 2 jrd f August soe my father with my selfe and some other friends set out towards the place appointed for the treaty, (w 11 was Southwest from us, and west from the gentlewoman) on Munday the 20 th of August at halfe an hour after twelve and on Thursday at the place appointed, the treaty beganne between 2 and 3 of clocke p.m. at which time they could not come to an agreement, but proposalls were tendered by my Father, the w h were by her com- missioner to be delivered, or sent unto her, and after she a little had deliberated upon them, I should goe to knowe her answere. And so I went on the 30 th of August, but it was 31 about 2 of the clocke before I came to her, where, after an houres stay, I demanded her resolution but before she delivered her answere we were interrupted and soe continued all that day, but the next day after a great deale of arguinge upon the proposalls, she told me that she would not accept of those termes proffered, upon w h we broke of. Nowe Sir, beinge not a little troubled, that having revolved the Ephe- merides where finding soe many of the planets neare the places they were in at the time of my birth, this businesse should goe soe crossely, and being by this meanes for a long time likely to continue in an unsetled condition, my desire unto you is that you APPENDICES TO BOOK I. 45 will be pleased to resolve me. or at least to lend me your opinion in some of these ensuinge questions. First, whether or noe you wold advise me to make another attempt to endeavour the bringinge about the busi- nesse I have here mentioned unto you, if sbe, what possibility I have to be likely to speede in my desires, and by what meanes I am likely to doe any good in it, and at what times I were best to make any newe ad- dresses unto her ; or secondly, whether or noe you are of the same judgement still as formerly, that I shall assuredly be setled about the middle of November next, if soe, by what meanes it is likely to come to passe; and lastly, if neither of these thinges should come to passe whether or noe there be any probability for me to travell beyond seas as I very much desire, of w h let me desire your speedy answere and judgement by w h if I receive any good I shall be thankful unto you. Let me allsoe desire you to let me [From " Letters by Eminent Persons in knowe whether or noe, you can resolve a question without seeinge of the party in case they acquaint you with theire desires as I have done, for heere are divers whoe have had experience of your art, whoe can not conveniently come to London, that doe intend to trouble you. Thus hopinge to receive a speedy and satisfactory answere from you. I rest Your humble Servant, Roger Knight, jun r . I pray send your letter by the Bristoll post and direct it to M r . Roger Knight jun r ., at Greenham neare Newberry, to be left with the postmaster of Speenhamland, to be conveighed unto me. I have sent here inclosed a n 8 piece for your present paines. To his ever honored friende M r . Lilly att the corner house over against Strand Bridge in London post paid. the 17th and 18th Centuries."— B.M.] APPENDIX LXXII. Epitome of Thatcham Documents (continued fro7?i Appendix No. LXIX.). No. 43. 20 January, 1606. Final Con- combe, Esq., deforciant, concerning 3 mes- -cord Westm. Octave of St. Hilary, 3 Jac. I., betwen Henry Coxe, gent., and John 'Goddard, gent., plantiffs, and Fras. Winch- suages and gardens in Neuebury, for which Coxe and Goddard paid Winchcombe £41. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 52.] No. 44. 1608. Memoranda about the Tovie is to account for rent for 13 years, arrears of rent due to the feoffees. Mr. from 1595. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 53.] No. 45. 9 — 10 Feb., 1633. Appoint- ment by John Bradley of Thacham, yeo- man, and John Ricard of Inkpen, yeoman, of Giles Hatt and Richard Carter of Thacham, yeoman, to deliver possession in their name of 4 messuages, backsides and gardens, one plot of meadow, and three half acres of land, in Thacham, to Vincent Knight of Henwick, and Richard Goddard of Thacham, yeoman, in accor- dance with Indentures dated 9th February, 8 Car. I, 10th February, 8 Car. I., a.d. 1632O1633]. [From Thatcham Documents, No. 54.] No. 46. 20th January, 1663. Bargain gett, Clerk, Vicar of Thatcham, Roger and Sale by Nic. Bushnell and Thomas Knight, Esq., Ric. Garrard, gent., John Smith, alias Foster, of Thacham, and Robert Howes, gent., Robert Hunt, Ric. Carter, Pawle of Newberry, to Dowse Fuller, and John Hawkins, Giles Emans, Ric. Money! John Winchcombe, Esqs.,BartholemewSprin- Ric. Bassett, John Knight, Francis Loader, 4 6 APPENDICES TO BOOK I. and Bartolemew Mortimer, Yeomen, Inhabi- tants of the Parish of Thacham, of four mes- suages, &c. (as in No. 54) and one mansion, farm or tenement called Moore House, and divers other houses, &c, in Benam, Pad- worth, Aldermarston and Upton, which John Hunt, Yeoman, deceased, conveyed and settled for the benefit of the poor of Thatcham; and one messuage sometime in the occupation of John Wilton in New- berry, which John Winchcombe, Esq., de- ceased, conveyed for the benefit of the Poor in Thatcham. For two months at one peppercorn rent. 20 January, 14 Car. II., a.d. 1662 x - [From Thatcham Documents, No. 55.] APPENDIX LXXIII. The Rioters at Thatcham dispersed "At Thatcham on Monday last a con- course of people to the number of three or four hundred appeared for the avowed purpose of enforcing an advance of wages or of being provided with food at a less price. The Volunteer Cavalry of that place consisting of a small but respectable troop, assembled instantly, and were as promptly supported by the armed association of New- bury ; not one of whom either Cavalry or Infantry within reach of the intelligence was found to be absent. The Cavalry hastened to the assistance of the Thatcham troop ; whilst by very judicious management, the Infantry, furnished with ball cartridges, paraded through the Town and neighbour- hood, ready to repel any attempt at insur- rection from other quarters. The insur- gents, though numerous, and some of them very clamorous, dispersed upon the appear- ance of the Cavalry, without proceeding to any act of violence, which rendered it un- necessary for Mr. Coxe (the magistrate) who attended to read the Proclamation. On the next day a mob, more formidable, arose in another quarter, under the same pretence of getting their wages advanced, or the prices of provisions reduced; and the Associations of Newbury and Thatcham again flew to arms to suppress them. In- telligence arriving at Newbury that the Pro- clamation had been read, without effect, to a large body of people assembled at Highclere, the Volunteer Cavalry of New- bury went immediately in pursuit of them, and were followed by the Thatcham troop ; and at Upper Hurstbourne in Hampshire, about 12 miles from Newbury (whither they were accompanied by a Magistrate, the Rev. Mr. Gardiner of Highclere), the troop came 1 1663, according by the Volunteer Cavalry, June, 1S00. up with the rioters, most of whom were disconcerted and panic struck, and began to hurry away ; whilst others declared their resolution to continue in a body till assu- rances were given of their demands being complied with ; but whilst thus lawless and outrageous, they found a magistrate dis- daining to temporize by yielding to clam- ourous demands and a corps resolutely adhering to their duty. Remonstrances proving ineffectual, the Proclamation was again read, and the insurgents required to disperse ; but many appearing reluctant and sullen, Lieut* Slocock (who commanded in the absence of Capt n Townsend, and whose conduct throughout was admired by the corps and fully approved and sanctioned by the Capt n when reported to him upon his return from London), drew out a de- tachment of 12 men from the Newbury troop ; and after a firm and spirited ad- monition to the refractory, commanded the troop to disperse them. This order was no sooner issued than executed, and the disturbers fled in every direction, before they had time to execute, or even arrange, any plan of serious mischief; and to the judicious conduct, manly firmness, and cool intrepidity of these volunteers, the country acknowledge themselves indebted for its preservation. " The Newbury Association continued under arms till Thursday, when the Hun- gerford troop of Volunteer Cavalry arrived to join the Newbury and Thatcham troops, and be in readiness in case of further dis- turbance, which was expected on the market day, but happily none arose." — Reading Mercury, 16 June, 1800. to the present style. APPENDICES TO BOOK I. 47 APPENDIX LXXIV. Notice of Enrolment in 2Eake Notice that you are chosen by ballot to serve in the militia for the Parish of Thatcham Town in the County of Berks and that you are personally to appear at the Town Hall in Reading in the said County on Saturday the Ninth day of Janu- ary next at the Hour of eleven in the forenoon of the same day before the Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace for the said County to be then and there assembled to take the Oath in that behalf required and to be inrolled to serve in the said militia as a private man within the Berks Militia. 1808. Great Britain for the Defence of the same for the space of five years, or otherwise to provide a fit person to be then and there approved of by the said Deputy Lieutenants and Justices who shall take the said Oath and be then and there inrolled as aforesaid, dt&ert under my Hand this Second day of January 1808. To John Barfield of the Parish of Thatcham Town in the County of Berks Attorney at Law. W m . Horn, Constable. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. THE CHURCH. APPENDIX I. Charter by Roger (as Bishop of Salisbury) confirming the Manor to Reading, c. 1 1 2 5 a . [From Lord Fingall's Cart., f. 38.] Carta Rogeri episcopi Saresburiensis de pertinente parochia et Tacheham et Chel- Confirmatione omnium possessionum quas seia et terra centum solidorum in Chel- habet Ecclesia Radingensis in episcopatu seia quam Willelmus filius Geroldi de Saresburiensi et testimonium ejusdem de supradicto abbate" et monachis tenet, red- escambio Ecclesiarum de Cheleseia et de dens illis inde centum solidos singulis Waregrava a . annis. Hec ita libere ita quiete scilicet b Ego dei gratia Saresburiensis episco- Radingiam Chelseiam et Tacheham ut do- pus Rogerus concedo et confirmo ecclesie minus noster rex Henricus eis dedit ego Radingensi et ejus abbati primo domno concedo. Ecclesias quoque de Chelseia [sic] Hugoni et monachis in eadem eccle- et de Waregrava ab abbate et monachis sia deo et Beate dei genitrici virgini Marie servientibus omnia ilia que domi- nus noster rex Henricus eidem dedit ec- clesie in episcopatu meo. Hec sunt de periculo maris ego suppliciter rogatus per eorum litteras supradicte ecclesie Radingensi concedo. Eas enim per xii libratas terre ab abbate predicto escam- ecclesia sancte Marie que in eadem villa biavit dominus noster rex Henricus et est scilicet Radingia cum omni ad earn ecclesie Radingensi concessit. APPENDIX II. Charter by Bishop Roger (as Administrator of the Realm) confirming the Manor to Reading. c. 1125. [From Lord Fingall's Cart., f. 38b ; B.M. Addl. Charters, 19575.] Carta ejusdem [Rogeri Episcopi Sares- buriensis] de omnibus libertatibus Ecclesie Radingensis. c Rogerus Episcopus Saresburiensis sub domino nostro rege Henrico regni anglie procurator Archiepiscopis, Episcopis, ab- batibus, Comitibus vicecomitibus et omni- bus fidelibus et ministris regis salutem Sciatis quia rex et dominus noster H[enri- cus] hanc libertatem ecclesie Radingensi dedit et decreto firmavit ut nulla persona parva vel magna per debitum seu per consuetudinem aut per violentiam aliquid ab hominibus et terris et possessione Radingensis monasterii exigat non equi- tationem, sive expeditionem, non pon- a There are no means of ascertaining the exact Reading, appointed in 1 123, lived till IJ64. Prob- date. Roger was consecrated Bishop of Salisbury ably the Charter was given 1 125 or soon after, in 1107 and lived till 1139, while Hugh, Abbot of b In margin : C.generalis. • Ibid. VOL. II. H 50 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. tium vel castrorum edificationem, non vehicula, non summagia, non vectigalia non navigia, non opera, non tributa, non xenia, sed habeant abbas et monachi Radingenses in tota possessione sua in Radingia scilicet et Chelseia et Leomin- istria et Tacheham et in his que habent precendentium maneriorum appendiciis omnem justiciam et quicquid rex in eis- dem habuit de geldis et redditibus et servitiis et consuetudinibus de assaltu de sanguinis effusione et pacis infractione quantum ad regiam pertinet potestatem de furtis et murdris et hamsochna et de omnibus forisfactis. Sintque abbatis et monachorum ejus sicut rex dedit et teneri mandavit de prefata possessione Radingie tam de hominibus suis quam et de alienis in ea forisfacientibus vel ibi cum forisfacto interceptis hundreda et placita omnia cum soccha et sacca et toll et theam et in- fangenetheof et utfangenetheof in omni- bus locis cum omnibus causis que sunt et esse possunt. Quod si abbas et monachi eorumve ministri de predictis forisfactis justiciam facere neglexerint rex fieri compellat ita ut in nullo prefatam libertatern seu redditus Radingensis ecclesie minuat Veniantque ad hundreda de Ra- dingia et de Leoministria homines cir- cumjacentium maneriorum secundum con- suetudinem precedentium temporum. Et sint monachi Radingenses et familia eorum et res ipsorum absoluti per totam Angliam ab omni theloneo et alia qualibet con- suetudine in terris et aquis et siluis in viis et semitis in transitibus pontium et portuum maris. Deditque rex monetam et unum monetarium apud Radingiam abbati et monachis. Volo itaque et precipio ut libere et quiete et honorifice sicut rex pre- cipit per cartam suam abbas et monachi Radingenses omnia sua teneant. Apud Westmonasterium per breve regis. APPENDIX III. Charter of the Empress Matilda granting the Church of Thatcham to Reading, c. 1 140. [From Cotton MSS., Vesp. E. 5, f. 78b ; see also copies of this charter in Harl. MSS. 1708, f. 19 ; Lord Fingall's Cartulary, f. 3b.] Matilda Imp[er]atrix Henrici Regis filia «piscopo Salesburiensi et Archidiacono et omnibus baronibus de Bercheschira Salutem Sciatis me dedisse et concessisse deo et Sancte Marie de Rading et monachis ibidem deo servientibus pro salute anime mee et Regis Henrici patris mei et pro incolumitate totius Regni Anglie ecclesiam de Tachesham quod est manerium ipsorum monachorum cum omnibus que ad ipsam ecclesiam perti- nent sicut unquam melius ipsam ecclesiam tenuit Rogerus episcopus Salesburiensis. Hiis testibus Milone conastabulario et Humfrido de Buun d dapifero et Willelmo Camerario de Pontearche. APPENDIX IV. Charter of Hubert, Bishop of Salisbury, granting the Churches of Thatcham and Bucklebury for use of the Hospital at Reading, c. 1 T90 ". [From Harl. MSS. 1708, f. 191b ; For other copies of this charter see Cott. MSS. Vesp. E. 5, f. 57b, and Lord Fingall's Cart., f. 58. ] Carta Huberti Sarisburiensis Episcopi Hfubertus] dei gratia Sarisburiensis Epis- supra Ecclesiis de Thacham et de Bur- copus omnibus Christi fidelibus per Episco- childebir'. patum Sarisburiensem constitutis salutem. d Humphrey ' de Buhun ' it will be seen appears amongst the witnesses to the Reading Foundation Charter. Appendix VIII. to Book I. e Hubert FitzWalter was consecrated Bishop of Salisbury 1 189, and translated to Canterbury in 1193. The Hospital at Reading was founded by Abbot Hugh in 1190. To face Appendir.-s, f. 50. APPENDIX, PLATE VI. Carol emfdem de etttefa de # acltfhaa). W^ *^ yKf/ ^iwmaafotterac&fawmal^ tjx^ monads cumomtbjqaDipam et^m^tmcncftoicunftnipmn edS mdmftmrofo£e?c^.bifa^>CDifc^^ ^apifiew. $3MDb camemno drumttandbc See Appendix, No. III. Charter of the Empress Matilda granting the Church of Thatcham to Reading. , ctu'Ug v» ^fiswT «8Wp»- jwwua&nSB^f***' TCir-yS f. 4-] Carta eiusdem [Roberti Sarisburiensis Episcopi] de xx marcis annuis in ecclesia de Tacham. Omnibus Christi fidelibus etc., Robertus Sarisburiensis episcopus salutem. Universi- tati vestre presentibus innotescat quod cum Magister G. de Byham rector ecclesie de Thac- ham dilectos filios abbatem et conventum Rading' super tertia parte omnium terrarum decimarum fructuum et proventuum eiusdem ecclesie necnon et novem marcis annuis eisdem monachis ad hospitalitatis onera sup- portanda capituli nostri Sarisburiensis acce- dente assensu in usus proprios et perpetuos de ecclesia supradicta concessis et rebus aliis ad dictam ecclesiam spectantibus coram archidiacono et decano Oxoniensi auctori- tate domini Pape traxisset in causam ; partes in nostra presentia constitute litteris impe- tratis et impetrandis, questionibus mods et movendis, et predictarum rerum concessio- nibus sponte et absolute renuntiantes ; or- dinationi nostre sese penitus submisserunt. Nos igitur ut paci et tranquillitati partium et earum successorum futuris et perpetuis temporibus provideatur ; habita delibe- ratione ordinationem super premissis ad ipsarum partium instantiam in nos suscipi- entes, deum habendo pre oculis de consilio juris peritorum invocata spiritus sancti gratia taliter duximus ordinandum. Videlicet ; quod dictus G. rector predicte ecclesise de Thacham et successores sui habeant et possideant totam ecclesiam de Tacham cum omnibus juribus suis libertatibus et perti- nentiis libere quiete integre et pacifice in perpetuum sustinendo onera ordinaria spec- tantia ad ecclesiam supradictam. Ordina- vimus etiam de consensu dicti rectoris quod dicti Abbas et conventus percipiant xx marcas annuas nomine perpetui beneficii a dicto rectore et successoribus suis in perpetuum soluendas ad quatuor anni ter- minos ; videlicet, ad Natale Domini quinque marcas, ad Pascha quinque marcas ad fes- tum Nativitatis sancti Johannis Baptistas 1 See the Charter, ante Appendix IV. I 2 6o APPENDICES TO BOOK II. quinque marcas et ad festum sancti Michae- lis quinque marcas. Ita tamen quod dicti abbas et conventus cum aliquid extraordi- narium prefate ecclesie de Tacham fuit impositum : id proportione sua subeant et agnoscant. Nulli ergo hominum hanc nostre ordinationis paginam audeant infrin- gere vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem ausu temerario earn infringere tempta- verit indignationem Dei et beate virginis et omnium sanctorum se noverit incursurum. In hujus rei testimonium presens scriptum sigillo' nostro duximus muniendum. Hiis testibus, etc. Actum anno gratie m.cc.xxxix. APPENDIX XVIII. Charter of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury approving and confirming the award as to the 20 marks. 1239. [From HarL MSS. 1708, f. 192b. ; see also a copy of this charter in Vesp. E. 5, f. 4. The original charter is in the B.M. Addl. Charters, No. 19620. It is on parchment with fine seal, and it gives fuller information as to the witnesses to the recited charter of Bishop Robert, &c, &c. than the copy in Lord Fingall's Cart. A copy of this charter is also fully set out in Lord Fingall's Cart., f. 99.] verba: — Omnibus Christi fidelibus etc., usque in finem ut supra in precedent carta. Nos autem dictam venerabilis patris nostri ordinationem ratam et gratam habtfntes : earn quantum in nobis est approbamus et sigilli nostri appositione confirmando cor- roboramus. Hiis testibus, etc. Carta Capituli Sarisburiensis de eadem re. Universis Sancta? matris ecclesiae filiis pre- sens scriptum inspecturis vel audituris R. decanus et (capitulum Sarisburiensis salutem in salutis auctore. Litteras ven- erabilis patris nostri Roberti dei gratia Sarisburiensis episcopi inspeximus in hec APPENDIX XIX Bond of Gilbert of By ham as to the 20 marks, c. 1240. [From Harl. MSS. 1708, f. 192b ; see also copy of this charter in Cott. MSS. Vesp. E. V., f. 5, and Lord Fingall's Cartulary, f. 99b. ] Carta Magistri G. de Byham de eadem re. Universis hoc scriptum inspecturis vel audi- turis innotescat quod cum ego magister G. de Byham rector Ecclesie de Tacham tenear solvere viris venerabilibus abbati et conven- tui Rading xx marcas annuas secundum ordinationem venerabilis patris nostri Roberti Sarisburiensis Episcopi et ejusdem loci capi- tuli confirmationem quibus ordinationi et confirmationi personaliter interfui et con- sensi : anno primo confectionis hujus in- strument solvam dictas xx marcas plene ad hoc sponte obligatus ad terminos me petente concessos ; videlicet ad Pascha c solidos, ad Nativitatem sancti Johannis Baptista; c solidos, ad festum sancti Michaelis v marcas, nullo prejudicio generando ipsis ex mutatione terminorum solutionis in dictis ordinatione et confirmatione positorum quo- ad successores meos. Dicti vero abbas et conventus sua liberalitate de dictis xx marcis mihi quinque remiserunt. Et Ego omni exceptioni et omni juris remedio sponte renuntians hac presenti carta me obligavi ad solvendum xv marcas singulis annis post annum primum scilicet (quinquaginta) soli- dos ad Natale Domini, 1. ad Pascham et 1. ad Nativitatem sancti Johannis Baptistae, 1. ad festum sancti Michaelis. Ita tamen quod successores mei nichil sibi possint credere remissum : cum specialiter mihi contempla- tione persone mee facta sit dicta remissio. In horum testimonium huic scripto signum meum apposui. Hiis testibus. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 61 APPENDIX XX. Later Charter of Waller, Bishop of Salisbury, respecting the previous agreements. 1263. [From Cotton MSS. Vesp. E. 5, i. 49.] Finalis concordia de viginti marcis sol- vendis de ecclesia de Thacham. Universis sancte matris ecclesia? filiis presens scrip- turn visuris et audituris Walterus permis- sione divina Sarisburiensis ecclesia minister humilis salutem in domino sempiternam. Cum inter magistrum Osmundum de Edmunston clericum actorem ex parte una et magistrum Ricardum de Syrebum canoni- cum Sarr' reum ex altera super ecclesia de Tacham, Sarisburiensis diocesis, auctori- tate litterarum domini [Romani episcopi'] ex parte predicti magistri O. impetratarum questio mota esset et aliquamdiu inter partes predictas in figura judicii agitata tandem amicis comraunibus pacisque amatoribus inter partes predictas viam pacis tractanti- bus predicti magistri O. et R. personaliter et religiosi viri abbas et conventus de Radinges qui in eadem ecclesia de Thacham certain pensionem seu prestationem annuam et jus optinent patronatus eo quod sua interfuit coram nobis et coram domino Decano ac capitulo ecclesie nostre Sarisburiensis per procuratorem constituti super predicta ec- clesia et suis pertinentiis nostre ordinationi judicio et statuto spontanea voluntate omnino se submiserunt promittentes fide media quod quicquid super predicta questione et pensione antedicta inter partes predictas et Abbatem et conventum memoratos ordinan- dum providendum aut statuendum ducere- mus inviolabiliter et sine omni contradictione observabunt. Nos igitur predictarum par- tium predictorumque abbatis et conventus paci et tranquillitati cum omni qua possu- mus solicitudine prospicere cupientes or- dinationem statutum et provisionem predic- tam super premissis faciendam de predic- torum domini Decani et Capituli nostri consilio et assensu nos receptis et auditis ac plenius intellectis hinc inde propositis et petitis ac procuratoris predictorum Abbatis et conventus petitione super pensione seu prestatione predicta habitisque super omni- bus premissa contingentibus deliberation e tractatu et consilio diligenter cum memoratis domino Decano et Capitulo de ipsorum consilio super hiis providimus. Ordinavi- mus et statuimus sub hac forma : In dei nomine amen. Nos Walterus dei gratia Sarisburiensis episcopus inter magistrum Osmundum de Edminston clericum actorem ex parte una et magistrum Ricardum de Sireburne canonicum Sarisburiensem reum ex altera super ecclesia de Thacham nostre diocesis et super pensione seu prestatione annua ad Abbatem et conventum de Rad- ing' de eadem ecclesia de Thacham in qua jus optinet patronatus pertinente partibus predictis et Abbate ac conventu memoratis ut superius est expressum nostre provisioni ordinationi et statuto se submittentibus pro- videmus ordinamus et statuimus quod mem- oratus magister Ricardus quem ab impetitione predicti magistri O. quantum ad predictam ecclesiam per hanc ordinationem senten- tialiter absoluimus sit et maneat ejusdem ecclesie de Thacham suo (sic) perpetuo verus rector dicto magistro O. super dicta eccle- sia perpetuum silencium imponentes salua predictis Abbati et conventui ac eorum suc- cessoribus annua pensione seu prestatione viginti marcarum eis debita de eadem ecclesia de Thacham per ordinationem bone memorie Roberti de Bingham quondam Sarisburiensis episcopi Salvoque predicto magistro Ricardo jure si quid sibi competat seu competere possit per quod de jure docere (?) se aut ecclesiam suam predictam possit ad dicte pensionis seu prestationis solutionem pre- dictis Abbati et conventui faciendam in toto vel in parte non teneri proviso tamen quod idem magister R. tam pro tempore preterito quam futuro dictis Abbati et con- ventui plenarie satisfaciat donee contigerit ipsum et ecclesiam suam predictam a dicte pensionis seu prestationis solutione per judi- cem competentem in parte vel in toto sententialiter absolui. Et quia Magister O. r Inserted by another hand. 62 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. predictus super predicta ecclesia eo quod ipsum quedam jus predicti magistri R. con- tingentia latebant justam causam litigandi ha- bere videbatur ipsius et sumptibus prospicere volentes providemus ordinamus et statuimus quod predictus magister R. predicto magistro O. pro suis expensis quas circa premissa fecit excusabili adductus ignorantia de quater viginti marcis sterlingorum satisfaciat. Item quod magister predictus O. pro pace et tranquillitate ac ad instanciam dictorum Abbatis et conventus dicte questioni cessit ac literis apostolicis super hiis ex parte sua impetratis et impetrandis coram nobis re- nunciavit expresse; Providemus ordinamus et statuimus quod predicti Abbas et conven- tus sibi concedant de camera sua novem marcas annue pensionis donee per eos ei provisum fuerit in ecclesiastico beneficio competenti quod duxerit acceptandum, red- dita eis carta quam idem magister O. de ipsis habet de sexaginta solidis annuis, ita, tamen quod idem magister O. ratione pre- dicts pensionis novem marcarum predictis Abbati et conventui in suis agendis suum consilium prebeat requisitus, et eis ut eorum clericus cum qua decet diligentia fideliter assistat. Huic autem provisioni ordinationi et statuto nostro partes predicte et Abbas ac conventus predicti gratanter assentientes se nostre ac successorum nostrorum juris- dictioni sponte submiserunt. Ita quod possimus quemlibet ipsorum per censuram ecclesiasticam sine omni strepitu judiciali compellere ad premissorum omnium observa- tionem si quod absit aliquem vel aliquos eorum contra premissa vel premissorum aliqua venire contigerit. In quoram testi- monium presenti scripto sigillum nostrum apposuimus et sigillum Domini Decani et Capituli nostri apponi procuravimus. Datum apud Maidenbrodeleie in crastino aposto- lorum Petri et Pauli, Anno domini m°cc° sexagesimo tertio pontificatus nostri anno primo. [30 June, 1263.] APPENDIX XXI. The Bishop's License for two years to Sir Richard de Fokerham to have Divine Service at the Chapel in Thatcham. 1304. [From Reg. Gandavo Sarum, 1297 — 1315, Part I., f. 39b.] Licentia Domino Ricardo ffoukerham militi per Dominum concessa, ut in capella de Thacham possit divina suis sumptibus et parochiae facere celebrari. De Capella \ Frequenter a vobis et non- de Thacham/ nullis aliis parochianis ecclesie de Tacham cum instantia requisiti, ut in capella que in orientali parte ville predicte dicitur jam erecta divina permittemus de- inceps celebrari dilecto filio officiali archi- diaconi Berks' nostris dedimus litteris in mandatis ut idem officialis vocatis qui fuerint evocandi ad locum accedens predictum auditisque singulis quorum intererat pro- ponere voluerat (?) in hac parte inquireret diligenter que movet necessitas seu utilitas hoc petentes et cui vel quibus qualeque ex cantaria ipsa si sic concessa fuerit possit prejudicium pervenire undiqualiter cujus etiam vel quorum sumptibus deberet jam fieri et futuris temporibus sustentari Cumque per litteras certificatorias officialis predicti super executione hujus mandati nostri nobis directas liqueret ad plenum dilectos filios abbatem et conventus monasterii Radyng' patronos et Magistrum Antonium Rectorem ecclesie supradicte concedende hujus Can- tarie suum prestitisse consensum et posse per hoc devotionem fidelium augeri nullique exinde prejudicium ut pretenditur perveniret vosque specialiter et majores de parochia supradicta generaliter bona fide in dicti officialis presentia promisisse licentiam a Domino rege super ilia Capella terris vestris et redditibus habundanter dotanda vos quam citius poteritis efficaciter impetraturos et interim Capellano in ipsa Capella saltern ter in ebdomada celebraturo convenientia sti- pendia annis singulis soluturos : vos repetitis vicibus ad nos personaliter accedentes et coram nobis premissa hujusmodi inno- ventes multiplicata instantia nobis humiliter APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 63 supplicastis ut plenam de promissis vestris in hac parte et reportare fiduciam et vos in petitis predictis ad exauditionis admittere gratiam dignaremur : Nos igitur ponderatis decuit omnibus et singulis suprascriptis vobis et aliis multiplicatis in hac parte intercessoribus sub spe promissorum con- descendentes ad tempus vobis et eisdem tenore presentium duximus concedendum ut per biennium a tempore date presentium continue numerandum per capellanum ido- neum vestris et eorum sumptibus procuran- dum faciatis in Cantaria ipsa exactis diebus dominicis solempnibus et festivis ita cele- brare divina in Capella ipsa Rectori et matrici ecclesie dicti loci prius jurato quicquid devotione fidelium ad cantariam proveniret antedictam dicte matrici ecclesie cum integritate debita persoluta et ille qui taliter celebraverit in eadem diebus illis quibus ut premittitur sibi celebrare non licebit in ea in horis canonicis et missarum sollempniis frequentet ecclesiam antedictam vosque et alii qui factis promissionibus pre- dictis jam estis a nobis hanc gratiam favo- rabiliter assecuti, quod in hac parte verbis promisistis multipliciter et promittitis infra biennium predictum quantum in vobis fuerit facta efficaciter compleatis ; Sciatis quod si vel horum aliquid defuerit aut contra ea seu ipsorum aliquod quicquam per vos vel vestrum aliquem seu capellanum predictum contigerit attemptari nos concessam in hac parte vobis et eisdem gratiam antedictam adeo revocatam extunc habebimus et habe- mus ac si facte super hiis per vos petitiones seu per nos concessio aliqualiter non fuis- sent. Bene valeatis. Datum apud Potern x Kal. Junii anno domini mccc quarto et consecrationis nostri septimo. [23 May, I304-J APPENDIX XXII. The Bishop's License renewed to Sir Richard de Fokerham for Divine Service in the Chapel. 1306. [From Reg. Gandavo Sarum, fol. 50, Part I.] (3$ Permissione divina Sarum Episcopus dilecto filio archidiaconi Berk' officiali Salutem gratiam et benedictionem. Memini- mus nos nuper dilecto filio domino Ricardo ffoukereham militi quandam Cantariam in Capella que in orientali parte ville de Thaceham ut dicitur est constructa in forma concessisse vobis sub nostro sigillo per eundem militem exhibenda : verum cum pars dicti militis ad hunc instet ut tempus ipsius Cantarie prorogare curemus nolentes sicut vero convenit irrequisito consensu eorum quos in eventu laedere posset hujusmodi Can- tariam dicte petitioni annuere quoquomodo vobis in virtute obedientie injungimus et mandamus quatinus ad locum de Thaceham predictum personaliter accedentes diligenter inquiratis si forma concesse cantarie vobis exhibita in singulis suis articulis plene fuerit observata ac rector et patronus ecclesie de Thaceham ceterique quorum interest can- tarie hujus prorogande suum continuare con- sensum voluerint in hac parte ; nobis quid feceritis et inveneritis in premissis cum per partem dicti militis fueritis congrue requisiti distincte et dilucide cum tenore presentium debite rescribentes. Dat' apud Sonnyng ii. Non. Junii anno domini m.ccc. sexto et con- secrationis nostre nono. [4 June, 1306.] Cujus certificatorio recepto cantariam me- moratam prorogavit dictus pater de speciali gratia in hiinc modum : — $BG) etc. Dilecto filio domino Ricardo ffoukerham militi salutem gratiam et bene- dictionem. . . . (Verte ad hoc signum o •'• n) [N.B. — The whole register was searched to find the rest of this document, but in vain.] 6 4 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. APPENDIX XXIII. Letter of Pope Boniface VIII. respecting Antony de Bradeneye. 1300. [From Rome Archiv. Vatic. Reg. Bonif. VIII. an. iv., v. et vi., No. 49, fol. 288d. Epist. 64.] Magistro Antonio de Bradeneye presby- tero canonico Wellensi. Apostolice sedis consueta benignitas, nonnunquam beneme- ritis dispensationem concedere consuevit, quam juris severitas interdicit. Sane petitio tua nobis exhibita continebat, quod tu olim ecclesiam de Bauderippe curam animarum habentem, primo ante generale concilium Lugdunen' novissime celebratum, et post dictum concilium de Dycheszete [Ditcheat] et de Thacham Saresburiensis et Batho- niensis diocesum ecclesias similem curam habentes sine apostolice sedis dispensatione recipiens, illas tenuisti et fructus percepisti et adhuc percipis ex eisdem. Quare nobis humiliter supplicasti ut providere tibi super premissis per dispensationis beneficium de benignitate apostolica dignaremur. Nos itaque attendentes laudabile testimonium quod tibi de litterarum scientia, vita et moribus perhibetur, et volentes te propter hoc favore prosequi gratie specialis tuis supplicationibus inclinati tecum ut predicta ecclesia de Baudrippe dimissa, de Dichszete et de Thacham ecclesias supradictas cum canonicata et prebenda quos in Wellensi ecclesia obtines, constitutione generalis con- cilii et alia qualibet in contrarium edita non obstante, libere ac licite retinere valeas auc- toritate apostolica dispensaraus, ita tarn en quod eedem ecclesie debitis obsequiis non fraudentur et animarum cura in eis nulla- tenus negligatur. Et ut fame tue consulatur plenius et saluti omnem maculam sive in- famiam, et quamlibet aliam inhabilitatis notam si quam ex receptione predictarum ecclesiarum et perceptione fructuum, quos tibi remittimus et donamus de speciali gratia, contravisti, de apostolice potestatis pleni- tudine abolemus, decernendo nichilominus quod occasione receptionis et perceptionis premissorum seu detentionis ipsarum eccle- siarum nullum unquam possit tibi fieri pre- judicium potestati aut obstaculurn interponi. Nulli ergo, etc., nostre dispensationis, etc. Dat. Laterani v. Kal. Aprilis, anno sexto. [28 March, 1300.J APPENDIX XXIV Royal Licence to the Abbot of Reading to appropriate the Church. 1309. [From Patent Roll, 3 Edward II. m. 11.] Pro abbatia de Redinges : (vacafj quia aliter inferius sine fine de gratia J" Regis speciali). •* Rex omnibus ad quos, etc. Salutem, Sciatis quod per finem qnadraginta mar- carum quern dilectus nobis in Christo Abbas de Redinges fecit nobiscum con- cessimus et licenciam dedimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est eidem Abbati et Conventui ejusdem loci quod ipsi ecclesiam de Thacham que est de patronatu suo proprio appropriare et earn appropriatam tenere possint in proprios usus sibi et successoribus suis imperpe- tuum, sine occasione vel impedimento nos- tri vel heredum nostrorum Justiciariorum escaetorum vicecomitum aut aliorum bal- livorum seu ministrorum nostrorum quo- rumcumque Statuto de terris et tenementis ad manum mortuam non ponendis edito non obstante. In cujus, etc. Teste ut supra [apud Westmonasterium] xxj die Marcij. Per breve de privato sigillo. [21 Mar., 1309.] Dupplicatum. [The above charter is struck through in the original form, and appears on the roll, under its amended form, at m. 7. See Appendix No. XXVII.] APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 65 APPENDIX XXV. Letter of Pope Clement V. respecting Thatcham Church. 1309. [From Regestum Clementis Papae V. annus quartus, p. 368, No. 4887.] In Prioratu de Gransello, 20th Sept., 1309. Henricus rex Angliae, dum viveret, de bonis propriis monasterium Rading. Clu- niacen. ordinis Saresbirien. dioecesis con- struxit, cuius corpus in ipso monasterio, apud quod sepulturam elegit, requiescit. Consi- deratione Isabellae Angliae reginae, indulget abbati et conventui ipsius monasterii ut ecclesiam de Thaccherin [sic] eiusdem dio- cesis, in qua nullus, praeter eos, iure gaudet patronatus, cuiusque redditus quinquaginta marcarum sterlingorum, secundum taxatio- nem decimae valorem annuum non exce- dunt, cum omnibus juribus et pertinentiis suis, in perpetuum ad usus proprios sibi vendicent : ita quod, cedente vel decedente qui nunc est predictae ecclesiae rectore, liceat eis, cuiuscumque assensu minime re- quisite, ipsius ecclesiae corporalem posses- sionem apprehendere, eiusque fructus perci- pere, reservata de ipsis pro vicario in ea perpetuo servituro, qui loci dioecesano per eos praesentabitur et instituetur, congrua portione, ex qua commode sustentari, et iura episcopalia solvere, et alia sibi incum- bentia onera supportare valeat, eiusdem di- oecesani iuribus semper salvis (cap. 1,076 f. 225 b). Dil. fil. Abbati et conventui Monasterii Rading. Cluniacen. ordinis, Saresbirien. diocesis. Religionis vestre merita Dat. in Prioratu de Gransello prope Matau- sanam Vasionen. diocesis XII. kal. Octobris anno quarto. In eundem modum dil. fil. de Chaneseya et . . . de Mussyndene abbatibus, ac Ma- gistro Gregorio de Placentia Archipresby- tero plebis de Montesilice capellano nostro Winctonien., Lincolnien. et Paduan. dio- cesium. Dat. ut supra. APPENDIX XXVI. Writ of ' Inquisitio ad quod dampnum ' that the Church of Thatcham be appropriated by the Abbot of Reading. 1308. [From Inquisicio ad quod dampnum 3 Edward II. No. 18. [The writ is dated September 13th, 3 Edward II. [1309], but the Inquisition October nth, 2 Edward II. [1308]. One of these dates must be a clerical error, probably the latter date.] [Writ.] Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglie Dominus Hibernie et Dux Aquitanie di- lecto et fideli suo Waltero de Gloucestr' Escaetori suo citra Trentam salutem. Man- damus vobis quod per sacramentum pro- borum et legalium hominum de balliva vestra per quos rei Veritas melius sciri po- tent diligenter inquiratis, si sit ad damp- num vel prejudicium nostrum aut aliorum si concedamus dilectis nobis in Christo Abbati et Conventui de Radyngg' quod ipsi ecclesiam de Thachham Sarum dio- cesis et sui patronatus ut dicitur apropriare possint sibi et successoribus suis in pro- prios usus imperpetuum possidendam necne. Et si sit ad dampnum vel prejudicium nos- VOL. 11. trum aut aliorum tunc ad quod dampnum et quod prejudicium nostrum et ad quod dampnum et quod prejudicium aliorum et quorum et qualiter et quo modo. Et de quo vel de quibus advocacio ecclesie predicte teneatur et per quod servicium et qualiter et quo modo. Et quantum ecclesia ilia va- leat per annum in omnibus exitibus. Et inquisicionem inde distincte et aperte fac- tam nobis sub sigillo vestro et sigillis eorum per quos facta fuerit sine dilatione mittatis et hoc breve. Teste me ipso apud West- monasterium xiij die Septembris anno regni nostri tercio. [13 Sept., 1309.] Endorsed: Per ipsum Regem nunciante Alexandro d[e] Bykenore. 66 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. Thacham. Berk'. Inquisicio capta apud Radyng' coram escaetore domini Regis xj die Octobris anno regni Regis Edwardi filii Regis Ed- wardi secundo : [n October, 1308.] Si sit ad dampnum vel prejudicium domini Regis aut aliorum si ipse dominus Rex con- •cedat Abbati et Conventni de Radyngg' quod ipsi ecclesiam de Thachham Sarum diocesis apropriare possint sibi et succes- soribus suis in proprios usus impeipetuum possidendam necne, et de aliis articulis in brevi contentis, per sacramentum Roberti Athelard', Pauly de la Chapele, Johannis Banastre, Galfridi Louers, Radulfi de la Bataille, Thome de Kenetwode, Johannis de Ildesle, Johannis de la Chambre, Ni- cholai de Colle, Roberti de la More, Ed- wardi de Burchore, et Johannis Prentytz. Qui dicunt per sacramentum suum quod non est ad dampnum nee prejudicium do- mini Regis aud [«V=aut] aliorum quamvis dominus Rex concedat Abbati et conventui de Radyngg' quod ipsi ecclesiam de Thach- ham apropriare possint sibi et successoribus suis in proprios usus imperpetuum possi- dendam. Et dicunt quod advocacio ec- clesie predicte tenetur de domino Rege in capite tanquam pars temporalium Abbathie predicte in puram et perpetuam elemosi- nam. Et dicta ecclesia valet per annum in omnibus exitibus xxvj libr. xiij*. iiijfl?. per annum. In cujus rei testimonium pre- dicti juratores huic inquisicioni sigilla sua apposuerunt. Data ibidem die loco et anno supradictis. APPENDIX XXVII. Charter of Edward II. respecting the Appropriation of Thatcham Church. [From Patent Roll, 3 Edward II. m. 7.] 13C9. Pro Abbate \ Rex omnibus ad quos, etc., ■de ReddingesJ Salutem. Sciatis quod de gratia nostra speciali concessimus et licen- tiam dedimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est dilectis nobis in Christo Abbati et conventui de Redinges quod ipsi ecclesiam de Thacham que est de patronatu suo proprio appropriare et earn appropriatam tenere possint in proprios usus sibi et suc- cessoribus suis imperpetuum, sine occasione vel impedimento nostri vel heredum nos- trorum justiciariorum Escaetorum Vicecomi- tum aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostrorum quorumcumque, statuto de terris et tenementis ad manum mortuam non po- nendis edito non obstante. In cujus rei, etc. Teste Rege apud Westmonasterium primo die Marcij. Per breve de privato sigillo Dupplicatum. [1 March, 1309.] APPENDIX XXVIII. Resignation of Antony de Bradeney, Rector. [From B.M. Additional Charters, 19638.] I3I5- Religioso et venerabili viro domino Priori de Wallingfordia Sarum diocesi a venerabili viro magistro Gregorio de Pla- centia Archipresbitero plebis de Monte Cilice domini Pape capellano una cum re- ligiosis et venerabilibus patribus de Certe- seia et de Mussenden monasteriorum Abba- tibus Wynton' Lyncoln' et Paduan' dioce- sum in negotio appropriationis ecclesie de Thaccham parochialis a sede apostolica executore principali deputato sub-excutori deputato, Antonius de Bradeneye Rector ecclesie de Thaccham predicte Sarum dio- cesis reverentiam debitam cum honore. Ecclesiam meam de Thaccham prefatam cum suis juribus et pertinenciis universis necnon omne jus quod michi competit vel competere possit in ea vel ad ipsam ex quocumque titulo causa seu modo in manibus vestris sponte pure et absolute APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 67 resigno possessioni cuicumque ipsius ec- clesie fructuum proventuum et pertinen- tiarum ejusdem publice palam tenore pre- sentium expresse renuntiando. Vestram igitur reverentiam humiliter inploro quati- nus juxta formam et tenorem commissionis vobis a dicto magistro Gregorio in hac parte facte hujusmodi resignationem et renuntia- tionem recipiatis meque ab onere cure ipsius ecclesie dudum michi commisse ab- solvatis et pronuntiatis absolutum. In cu- jus rei testimonium sigillum meum pro- prium presentibus apposui et quia idem sigillum pluribus est incognitum sigillum officialitatis venerabilis in Christo patris et domini, domini dei gratia Bathoniensis et Wellensis Episcopi cujus officium perso- naliter gero hiis litteris per modum colla- tionis filo mediante duxi apponendum. Datum et actum Radingie vicesimo die mensis Novembris anno domini millesimo tricentesimo quintodecimo. [21 Nov., I3IS-] Et ego Willielmus de Otterbampton pub- licus imperiali auctoritate notarius resig- nationi renuntiationi et consignationi pre- dictis sub forma que premittitur factis presens interfui eaque sic fieri vidi et au- divi meumque signum consuetum in testi- monium premissorum hiis litteris apposui rogatus. Presentibus Waltero de Helme, 110- tario publico, fratribus Willielmo de Hen- reth, Mauricio de Sutton, Willielmo de Colham, monachis, magistro Uberto dicto le Constable domino Willielmo de Monte- forti clericis vocatis et rogatis testibus sub die mense anno et loco supradictis Indic- tione quartadecima. [With two seals attached.] APPENDIX XXIX. Letter from Roger, Bishop of Salisbury, to the Dean of Newbury to hold an enquiry at Thatcham as to the assignment of the portions of Thatcham Church, post 13 15. [From Reg. Mortival, Lib. II. fol. 26 or 33.] Littera inquisitionis facta ad inquirendum de porcionibus ecclesie de Thacham. Rogerus permissione divina Sarum Episco- pusdilecto in Christo filio Decano de Neubur' salutem gratiam et benedictionem. Volentes super infrascriptis certis ex causis et hujus effici certiores devotioni tue firmiter injun- gendo commitlimus et mandamus quatinus cites faciasve citari de villa de Thacham nostre diocesis sex et de villa de Migham quatuor et de villa de Coldthorp tres et de villa de Grenham quatuor viros fidedignos libere conditionis, sex etiam Rectores vel vicarios ecclesie de Thacham viciniores ne- quaquam in hac parte suspectos inquiren- dorum (?) notitiam verisimiliter optinentes quod compareant coram nobis nostrisve com- missariis die sabbati proxima post festum As- censionis Domini [23 May] jam venturum in ecdesia de Thacham predicta earn quam sciant veritatem jurati dicturi; quis vide- licet ecclesie de Thacham predicte sit verus patronus ac in quibus portionibus ejusdem ecclesie Rectoria consistat, necnon si ipsa K 2 ecclesia aliquam terram habeat in dominica pasturam vel pratum et si sit a quo vel quibus teneatur quotque acras et quid ipsa terra pastura et pratum estimatione com- muni valeat annuatim ac quot et que ipsius rectoris animalia pasci valeant et debeant in eisdem, ac de tenentibus et redditu annuo bosco, et silva cedua si que pertineant ad eandem, ac de vero communibus annis va- lore omnium decimarum majorum, garba- rum videlicet atque feni, necnon et mi- norum, lane videlicet agnorum, caprarum, porcellorum, vitulorum pullanorum pisca- riarum molendinorum ancarum ovorum pomorum lini canabi et aliarum quarum- cumque oblationum etiam et mortuariorum ac ceterorum proventuum et obventionum ad dictam ecclesiam qualitercumque spec- tantium quocumque nomine censeantur, et si dicta ecclesia existat pensionaria vel portio- naria et si sit in quo et quibus porcio vel pensio hujusmodi debeatur, que etiam onera teneatur annuatim subire. Dilectos etiam filios Abbatem et conventum Radyngg' et do- 68 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. minum Radulphum de Derham presbiterum qui sua in hac parte interesse pretendunt, et alios quorum interest ad eosdem diem et locum volumus modis quibus poteris evocari ut predicte inquisitioni intersint si mandatum nostrum fueris executus nobis dictis die et loco per litteras tuas patentes et clausas harum receptionem diem et horam ac citatorum per te nomina et cog- nomina continentes distincte rescribas. Va- sua viderint expedire. Qualiter autem hoc lete, etc. APPENDIX XXX. The Ordinance of Roger, Bishop of Salisbury respecting the agreement between the Abbot of Reading and the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury as to the appropriation of 5 marks yearly by the Abbey. 13 16. [From Reg. Mortival, Lib. II., fol. 35.] Ordinatio episcopi facta inter Capitulum continentur. Et cum per partem decani et Sarum et Abbatem et conventum Radyng' occasione appropriationis ecclesie parochialis de Thacham. Universis Sancte Matris ecclesie filiis ad quos pervenerit hec scriptura Rogerus per- missione divina Sarum episcopus Salutem in eo quern peperit uterus virginalis Summo regi pacifico qui ascensurus in coelum pacem suis dedit discipulis pacemque reliquit eisdem gratum nos prestare obsequium arbitramur dum vestigiis ejus pro viribus inherentes inter sollicitudines nostras personis nobis subjectis corporum quietem et animarum salutem, ex officii nostri debito procurantes ecclesiarum indempnitatibus occurrimus et litium resetatis amfractibus (?) semotoque scandalo exinde frequenter suborto illius qui fidelium mentes unius efficit voluntatis freti presidio discordantes ad unitatem spiritus in pacis vinculo revocamus. Cum itaque inter dilectos filios . . tenentem locum . . decani ecclesie nostre Sarisburiensis et ejus- dem loci capitulum ex parte una, et religiosos viros . . abbatem et conventum monasterii de Radyngg [ordinis cluniacensis s ] nostre diocesis nobis immediate subjecti ex altera occasione appropriationis, que de parochiali ecclesia de Thacham dicte diocesis ipsorum religiosorum usibus dicitur esse facta suborta fuisset materia questionis tandem parte pre- dicte sese nostre in hac parte ordinationi submiserunt spontanee hinc et inde per suas litteras patentes earum sigillis communibus sigillatas quarum tenores inferius per omnia capituli predictorum fuisset propositum legi- time coram nobis quod de antiqua et appro- bata consuetudine in predicta diocesi hac- tenus pacifice observata fructus obventiones et proventus quocumque nomine censeantur predicte ecclesie de Thaccham et aliarum ecclesiarum parochialium et beneficiorum ecclesiasticorum quommcumque dicte dio- cesi nobis immediate subjectorum quorum Rectorum institutio et destitutio ad nos jure ordinario pertinere noscuntur de eisdem ecclesiis et beneficiis eorum vacationis tem- pore sede Sarisburiensi vacante qualitercum- que provenientes ad dictos decanum et capi- tulum per certa quota fructuum obventionum et proventuum eorundem notorie pertinent ut eosdem in usum cotidianarum distribu- tionum canonicorum in nostra predicta ec- clesia residentium vel alias in ejusdem ec- clesie utilitatem prout viderint expedire con- vertant et sic pertinuerunt a tempore cujus contraria memoria non existit ; quodque iidem decanus et capitulum fuerunt et sunt in pacifica possessione vel qui juris sic per- cipiendi fructus obventiones et proventus hujusmodi a tempore supradicto ; parte vero dictorum religiosorum contrarium asserente : Nos submissiones admittentes predictas vo- catis coram nobis ac presentibus evocandis cuncta que partes ipse allegare et proponere voluerunt et ostendere in premissis audire et habitis super hiis diligenti tractatu et consilio cum peritis discutere curavimus diligenter. Ut igitur dicti religiosi illius obsequio cui 3 The two words above written with dots underneath were originally written and then erased. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 69 servire regnare est tan to liberius intendere valeant quanto pacis dulcedinem senserint ampliorem, presertim cum non nisi pacis tempore bene colitur pacis auctorum innotata spiritus sancta gratam (?) ordinando diffini- mus et diffiniendo ordinamus quod a prose- cutione predicte questionis occasione appro- priationis predicte ipsis religiosis movenda futuris et perpetuis temporibus ex toto de- sistant . . tenens locum . . decanus et capitulum supradicti quibus nullum umquam regressum ad earn suscitandam quomodolibet habituris in hac parte perpetuum silentium duximus imponendi, quodque supradicti. . . Abbas et conventus ne presens nostra or- dinatio ipsis . . decano et capitulo a prosecu- tione questionis predicte ut premittitur ex- clusis seu ecclesie nostre Sarum lesionem gravem quod absit pariat seu jacturam, in recompensationem quorumcumque emolu- mentorum que ipsi . . decanus et capitulum possent tempore vacationis dicte ecclesie de Thacham, sede Sarum vacante, futuris tem- poribus ratione vacationis ejusdem ecclesie de Thacham percipere si facta non esset appropriatio seu ordinatio nostra predicta, teneantur eisdem . . decano et capitulo in annuis quinque marcis bone et legalis monete per dictos religiosos de fructibus obven- tionibus et proventibus predicte ecclesie de Thacham ad eosdem religiosos supradicte appropriationis occasione pertinentibus quo- vis modo levandis predictisque . . decano et capitulo eorumve procuratori pro equali por- tione ad festa Sancti Michaelis et Pascha apud Sarum absque mora, diffugio et cavilla- cione quacumque annuatim solvendis, in augmentum distributionum cotidiniarum canonicorum in nostra ecclesia supradicta personaliter dumtaxat residentium in illis eventibus convertendis ; appropriatione supradicta debitum juris effectum deinceps optinente. Salva nobis et successoribus nostris ac officialibus Sarum qui pro tempore fuerint potestate auctoritate ordinaria hujus- modi nostre ordinationis virtute dictos . . abbatem et conventum et suos in dicto monasterio successores ad hujusmodi quin- que marcarum solutionem modo loco et temporibus memoratis fideliter faciendam, si earn per ipsos contra hanc ordinationem nostram differi contigerit quod absit, vel forsitan retardari, per quamcumque censuram ecclesiasticam absque judiciali strepitu et figura judicii quoties ultra terminos ante- dictos aretro fuerint compellendi : et nichilo- minus proventus predicte ecclesie de Thac- ham ad dictos religiosos ut premittitur per- tinentes si in dicte pecunie solutione vel ejus parte cessatum fuerit quovis tempore vel ad hoc termino prestito sequestrandi et custodiendi taliter sequestratos donee ipsa pecunia secundum nostram ordinationem predictam plenarie fuerit persoluta. Dic- tarum vero submissionum tenores presens instrumentum continet in hec verba : Vener- abili in Christo patri et domino reverendo domino Rogero dei gratia Sar' Episcopo devoti sui . . Tenens locum . . decani Sarum et ejusdem loci capitulum Salutem et rever- entiam tanto patri debitas cum honore . . Cum inter nos ex parte una et religiosos viros dominos Abbatem et conventum mon- asterii Radyftgg Sarum diocesis ex altera occasione appropriationis que de parochiali ecclesia de Thaccham dicte diocesis ipsorum religiosorum usibus dicitur esse facta, exorta jam materia questionis ; sumus per quosdam pacis amatores ad pacem inter nos super hiis reformandam pluries excitati, Nos sperantes in Christo pacem et quietem hujus- modi quam nedum cum ipsis religiosis sed quantum in nobis fuerit habere cum omnibus affectamus tam nobis quam ipsis religiosis nostrisque ecclesiis memoratis tanto posse efficacius procurari quanto liberius super hiis nostro concurrente assensu vestra cir- cumspecta paternitas interposuerit partes suas. Nos et actiones ac inpugnationes quascumque que occasione premissa tam contra ipsos religiosos eorumve monasterium provocatum quam etiam appropriationem predictam ac omnia et singula appropria- tionem eamdem contingentia, nobis et ec- clesie Sarum competunt qualitercumque ordinationi vestre auctoritate diocesana cum placuerit faciende pure simpliciter et absolute submittimus per presentes ut super hiis de piano et sine strepitu judiciali auctoritate premissa velut loci diocesanus libere ordinare possitis prout secundum Deum nobis et ecclesie nostre Sarum ac ipsis religiosis 7o APPENDICES TO BOOK II. eorumque monasterio supradicto melius vi- deritis expedire : Jure et dignitate ecclesie nostre Sarum predicte ac subjectione quam in ipsa ecclesia de Thaccham quemadmodum et in similibus in dicta diocesi consistentibus dinoscimur optinere ipsi ecclesie nostre Sarum et nobis ejus nomine nichilominus semper salvis. In quorum testimonium pa- ternitati vestre quam ad ecclesie sue regimen et honorem diu conservet altissimus litteras nostras sigillo nostro communi signatas mitti- mus has patentes quibus omnibus quorum interest intimamus omnia et singula supra- dicta. Datum in capitulo nostro Sarum xi kalen. Julii anno domini millesimo CCC mo sexto decimo. [23 June, 1316.] Venerabili in Christo patri et domino reverendo domino Rogero dei gratia Sarum episcopo Nicholas ejusdem permissione Ab- bas monasterii Radyngg et ejusdem loci conventus Sarum diocesis salutem et tarn debitam quam devotam obedientiam cum omni reverencia et honore. Cum inter reverendos viros dominos . . te- nentem locum decani ecclesie Sarum et capi- tulum dicti loci ex parte una et nos ex altera occasione appropriationis que de ecclesia de Thaccham dicte diocesis per sedem apostoli- cam nostris usibus appropriata dinoscitur esse facta exorta fuisset materia questionis et ipsi tenens locum dicti decani et capitulum pre- notati ad pacem et quietem in hac parte communem facilius procurandam in vos pater predicte utpote loci diocesanum sese actiones et inpugnationes que sibi competere possent contra nos seu appropriationem pre- dictam sub certa forma duxerint submitten- dos: Nos pacem eamdem sub modo con- simili cupientes nos et quicquid justificacionis nobis seu monasterio nostro in dicta appro- priatione pro ea et circa earn contra dictos tenentem locum dicti . . decani et capitulum competit seu competere potuit quoquo modo ordinationi vestre auctoritate diocesana de piano et sine strepitu judiciali in vobis cum placuerit faciende pure sponte simpliciter et absolute submittimus per presentes, pro- mittendo bona fide quod quicquid auctori- tate vestra diocesana in premissis et circa premissa duxeritis ordinandum futuris et perpetuis temporibus quantum in nobis est faciemus inviolabiliter observavi prefato ap- propriationis privilegio dumtaxat semper salvo. In quorum testimonium sigilla nostra fecimus hiis apponi. Datum in Capitulo nostro Radyngg die mercurii proxima post festum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli anno domini millesimo CCC mo sexto decimo. [30 June, 1316.] In quorum testimonium atque fidem nos Rogerus Episcopus supradictus has litteras nostras patentes quas nostri impressione sigilli communiri fecimus volumus dupplicari quorum una pars penes dictos decanum et capitulum predictorum religiosorum sigillo communi et alia penes religiosos predictos communi sigillo dictorum . . decani et capi- tuli sigillate remaneant ad majorem securi- tatem et memoriam omnium premissorum. Datum apud Poterne ij Id. Julij anno domini millesimo CCC mo sexto decimo et consecra- tionis nostre primo. [14 July, 1316.] APPENDIX XXXI. Confirmation by the Abbot of Reading as to the 'pension ' of the 5 marks per annum. [From Liber Evidentiarum, No. 555.] 1316. Ordinatio et confirmatio pensionis annue quinque marcarum de Ecclesia de Thacham. Universis C hristi fidelibus ad quorum no- ticiam pervenerit hec scriptura Nicholaus permissione divina Abbas monasterii Ra- dyng et ejusdem loci conventus Sarisbu- riensis diocesis Salutem in omnium Salva- tore. Ordinacionem quam reverendus- pater et dominus Rogerus dei gratia Sar' Episcopus de nostro consensu expresso super subscriptis fecit articulis inspeximus in hec verba : Universis Sancte Matris ec- clesie filiis [etc. *....] Nos Igitur Nicholaus abbas et conventu * Continued as in Appendix No. XXX. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 7i predicti ordinationem prescriptam vim for- mam et effectum ejusdem cum cunctis suis circumstanciis sufficientibus super hiis tractatu et deliberatione perhabitis diligentius ponde- rantes ordinationem eandem ad pacem quietem et utilitatem nostram et dicti mo- nasterii nostri per omnia invenimus esse factam [et] ipsam ordinationem ejus for- mam vim et effectum in omnibus et singulis •consensu unanimi approbamus et quantum in nobis est ratificamus ex certa scientia per presentes in perpetuum valituras, pre- fata appropriatione in suo robore nichilo- minus duratura: In quorum omnium testi- monium atque fidem nos Abbas et con- ventus supradicti sigilla nostra apposuimus huic scripto. Datum in capitulo nostro Rading' quinto Kal. Septembr. anno domini supradicto. [28 August, 1316.] APPENDIX XXXII. Institution of Jordan de Appelford as the first Vicar. [From Reg. Mortival, Lib. I. fol. 31.] J316. Thatcham vicaria. Kalend. Decembris anno domini et loco prescripts [m° trecen- tesimo sexto decimo] [1 Dec, 131^] [apud Sonnyngg'] Religiosi viri . . Abbas et con- ventus monastery Radyngg' Jordanum de Ap- pelford ad vicariam ecclesie parochialis de Thatcham domino presentarunt cui statim concessit idem dominus litteras inquisi- tionis Archidiacono Berkes' vel ejus officiali. Quibus certificatis et xiij Kalend. Januarij [20 Dec, 1316] reportatis : dominus pon- deratis undique ponderandis dictum Jor- danum presbiterum ad eandem vicariam ad- misit et vicarium perpetuum cum onere con- tinue residendi et personaliter ministrandi instituit in eadem, et sibi ordinationem dicte vicarie specialiter reservavit. APPENDIX XXXIII. Confirmation by Tydo, Archdeacon of Berks, of the Ordinance for Appropriation by Reading Abbey of the Vicarage of Thatcham. 131:7. [From B.M. Additional Charters, 19639.] Universis Christi fidelibus ad quorum noticiam presentes littere pervenerint, Tydo de Varesio Archydiaconus Berks' in eccle- sia Sarisburiensi Cathedrali salutem in do- mino sempiternam. Inperscrutabilis altitudo divine bonitatis que sibi subditos voluit esse pudicos Summo pontifici Christi vicario in terris, cui ut beato Petro tribuit potestatem ligandi atque solvendi, ceteriisque ecclesia- rum prelatis tanquam ab eo missis obed[ien- ter] et in subditorum nostrorum (?) quiete quiescere apostolico precepto et morali u per- suasione nos jubet et ortatur, que dum vigilanti sollicitudine peragimus, in amore dei et proximi mandatum in lege magnum pro viribus nostris adimplemus et adhuc sub -carne viventes celesti quodam pabulo mutua -caritatis relatione confovemur. Cum igitur " The two words scored under are written upon an erasure. religiosi viri abbas et conventus monasterii Radingensis ordinis Cluniacensis Sarisburien- sis dyocesis ex gratia et provisione bone memorie domini dudum dementis Pape quinti Ecclesianl parochialem de Taccham dicte dyocesis cum suis juribus et pertinentiis universis in usus suos proprios canonice et perpetuo fuerint et sint assecuti pro cele- brassione missarum largitione elemosinarum et aliis operibus caritatis que in eodem monasterio frequentantur liberius et facilius continuandis et exercendis, ac tenens locum reverendi viri domini decani Sarisburiensis et ejusdem loci capitulum ab omni accione et inpugnacione occasione dicte appropria- tionis sibi competentibus contra ipsos re- ligiosos et ipsorum monasterium per ordina- tionem * venerabilis patris domini Rogeri * See App. No. XXX., ij Id. Julii, 1316. 72 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. Sarisburiensis episcopi loci diocesani juxta formam submissionis pure et spontanee ip- sorum tenentis locum decani et capituli factam et per suas literas expresse confir- matam et ratificatam perpetua excluduntur, prout in veris literis apostolicis et proces- sibus per eas habitis super appropriatione hujusmodi necnon in litteris ordinationis et ratificationis dictorum patris et domini epis- copi tenentis locum decani et capituli plenius vidimus contineri. Unde ut dicti religiosi secundum sue professionis exigentiam tanto vicinius divine contemplationi vaccent quanto de vicini necessariis habundancius sibi pro- visum fuerit in tranquillitate pacis : Nos Tydo Archidiaconus antedictus prefati do- mini dudum Clementis Pape, nee non domini episcopi tenentes locum decani et capituli antedictorum quantum nobis alto permititur vestigiis inhaerentes (inhr') appropriationem processus ordinationem confirmationem et omnia ac singula premissa pro nobis et suc- cessoribus nostris ex certa scientia quantum ad nos attinet confirmamus et ratificamus per presentes. Quarum tenore sponte pure absolute renunciamus omni actioni et inpug- nationi nobis et successoribus nostris nomine Archidiaconatus Berk' contra ipsos religiosos et ipsorum monasterium occasione appro- priationis dicte ecclesie qualitercumque jam competentibus vel etiam competituris in futurum. Juribus tamen Archidiaconalibus subjectione dicte ecclesie in aliis semper salvis. In quorum omnium testimonium has literas patentes vestre universitati trans- mittimus nostri sigilli impressione munitas. Et ad faciliorem fidem faciendam de pre- missis sigillum perpetuum officialatus Berk' quod propter ipsius frequentem usum a pluribus cognoscitur presentibus litteris ap- poni fecimus in perpetuum valituris. Datum tholose [Toulouse] die mercurii post festum Pasche domini anno domini m°cccxvij vos officpalis] sigillate (sic). [6 April, 13 17.] [One seal detached, and one seal left.] The description of this remaining seal is to be found in the Catalogue of Seals in the Brit. Mus., Vol. I., p. 348. It is as under — Archdeacon of Berks — Official and offi- cially 2225 a.d. 1317 — Red, fine impression if x if in. [Addit. Chart. 19639]. Pointed oval — the Virgin holding the Child— before them an Ecclesiastic kneeling — In the field a hand of blessing — Background filled with small sprigs — In base a leopard's head. © S. Officialitatis in Archidiaconatu Berksir'. APPENDIX XXXIV. An Ordinance by Roger, Bishop of Salisbury, as to the Vicarage of Thatcham. 131 7. [From Reg. Mortival, Sarum, Lib. II. fol. 37.] Ordinacio "j Universis sancte Matris eccle- Vicarie de \ sie filiis ad quorum noticiam Thacham. J pervenerit haec scriptura Ro- gerus permissione divina Sarum Episcopus salutem in eo quem peperit uterus virginalis. Cum nuper religiosi viri Abbas et Con- ventus monasterij Radyngg nostre diocesis quod nobis immediate et plene subest et notorie subesse dinoscitur ecclesiam paro- chialem de Thacham ejusdem diocesis nobis simili modo subjectam in usus proprios op- tinentes sub forma auctoritate apostolica taliter limitata quod de ipsius ecclesie fruc- tibus et proventibus pro vicario in dicta ecclesia perpetuo servituro qui per loci diocesanum instituatur in ea porcio con- grua reservetur ex qua commode sustentari valeat jura Episcopalia solvere et alia sibi incumbencia onera supportare loci diocesani juribus semper salvis, nobis loci diocesano presentassent Jordanum de Appleford pres- biterum ad perpetuam vicariam in ecclesia de Thacham predicta per nos canonice or- dinandum et ad eorundem religiosorum presentationem ut dicebant spectantem in- stituendum per nos vicarium perpetuum in eadem humiliter supplicantes quod circa ordinationem porcionum ejusdem vicarie et alia que ulterius in hac parte nostro in- cumbunt officio exequi curaremus : Nos epis- APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 73 copalibus juribus libertatibus et consuetu- dinibus ac nostre Sarum ecclesie dignitate et specialiter ordinatione nostra quatn suborta inter dilectos filios . . . tenentem locum decani ecclesie nostre Sarum predicte et ejusdem loci capitulum exparte una et re- ligiosos viros predictos ex altera occasione appropriationis ecclesie predicte de Thac- ham questionis materia nuper fecimus ac aliis undicumque salvandis ecclesie nostre nobis successoribus nostris ac decano et capitulo supradictis in omnibus semper salvis quibus per sequentia vel alias quovis modo derogare nequaquam intendimus. Sed quoad hoc volumus quod nullum habeant firmitatem perpetuam vicariam in ecclesia de Thacham supradicta concurrentibus hiis que in hac parte requirebantur de jure • nostro et ordinaria auctoritate ut infra- scribitur ordinavimus et dictum presenta- tum admisimus et perpetuum vicarium cum onere continue residendi et personaliter ministrandi canonice instituimus in eadem. Volentes igitur in ordinando portiones in quibus ipsa vicaria consistere debeat prout potuimus tute procedere et tarn ipsis re- ligiosis quam vicario supradicto et ipsius successoribus providere fructus proventus et obvenciones ad dictam ecclesiam de Thac- ham qualitercumque spectantes una cum oneribus eidem incumbentibus dictorum re- ligiosorum in hac parte vocatorum procu- ratore ad hoc specialiter constituto presente per viros fidedignos et juratos super hiis in- quirendos noticiam verisimiliter optinentes diligenter fecimus estimari. Unde hac die lune proximo post festum sancti Johannis ante Portam Latinam vide- licet vij Idus Maij anno domini millesimo CCC mo septimodecimo [9 May, 13 17] in manerio nostro de Sonnyngg vocatis ad hoc omnibus quorum interest dictisque reli- giosis per procuratorem sufficientem in hac parte et vicario predicto personaliter com- parentibus coram nobis, de consensu eo- rum expresso huius estimatione et ceteris ponderandis de consilio sapientium undi- que ponderatis vicariam predictam ponti- ficali auctoritate ut infrascribitur ordinamus necnon onera per religiosos et vicarium supradictos et successores eorum futuris VOL. 11. temporibus agnoscenda in quibusque por- cionibus eadem vicaria consistere debeat specificamus et in hunc modum tenore pre- sentium declaramus : In primis quod dictus vicarius et sui successores qui pro tempore fuerint suis sumptibus ecclesie de Thacham et capellis eidem annexis de Migham vide- licet et de Grenham per idoneos presbiteros prout retroactis temporibus fieri consuevit congrue deserviri faciant in divinis quatenus ad hoc tenebatur antiquitus loci Rector. Libros quoque vestimenta et cetera orna- menta pro ecclesia et capellis predictis necessaria exceptis illis quos locorum paro- chiani de consuetudine exhibere tenentur religiosi predicti hac vice sufficienter et plenarie ministrabunt quorum onus extunc omnimodum ad predictum vicarium et suos in dicta vicaria successores volumus per- petuis temporibus pertinere ijdemque re- ligiosi easdem ecclesiam et capellas in quatuor- festis anni principalibus decenter annuatim faciant straminari. Vicarium et successores suos ad procurandum loci Archi- diaconum et ad subeundum omnia alia onera ordinaria consueta manere deinceps volu- mus obligatos preter cancellorum ecclesie et capellarum predictarum edificationem et reparacionem que ad religiosos predictos pertinere disponimus temporibus successivis prout loci Rectores eas consueverunt suis temporibus edificare et etiam reparare. Et cum ecclesia de Thacham supradicta cum suis Capellis secundum taxacionem veri valoris et decime nunc currentis in quin- quaginta marcis sterlingorum taxetur vo- lumus quod vicarius predictus et sui suc- cessores qui pro tempore fuerint prestaciones extraordinarias procurationum quorumcum- que legatorum et nunciorum summi pontificis apostoliceve sedis ac decime et cujuslibet alterius quote vel quantitatis extraordinarie predicte ecclesie de Thacham imponende pro rata centum solidorum dicte taxacionis dumtaxat quod attentis oneribus predicto vicario et suis successoribus incumbentibus taliter moderamur et sufficienter arbitramur agnoscant quodque religiosi viri predicti pro to to residuo taxacionas predicte pres- tationes extraordinarias supradictas et alia extraordinaria quecumque dicte ecclesie 74 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. de Thacham quomodolibet incumbentia insolidum teneantur agnoscere et subire predictisque vicariis ad festum Omnium Sanctorum duas carectatas competentes boni straminis pro coopertura domorum vi- carie predicte et aliis suis necessariis per- solvere annuatim. Ut autem vicarius pre- dictus et sui successores habeant unde pre- missa valeant supportare cum secundum apostolicum qui altari deservit vivere de- beat de altari et qui ad onus aligitur a mer- cede repelK non debet porciones subscriptas eisdem vicario et suis successoribus de ex- presso consensu dictorum religiosorum spe- cialiter assignamus, videlicet totum mansum rectorie ecclesie de Thacham predicte una cum aula et aliis domibus ac placeis seu orreis vivariis et gardino infra quemdam murum extra ostium aule a parte occidentali ejusdem scilicet a quadam parva fraxino juxta modicam porcheriam crescente usque ad vicum ad ecclesiam supradictam. directe per cujusdam boverie medium procenden- dum et a dicta fraxino linealiter usque ad quandam privarium signatam pro prope vi- varium (?) a parte australi et continet dicte area et placea ad minus viginti perticas in longitudine et quatuordecim in latitudine undecumque. Ipsique religiosi mansum hujusmodi in hac nostra assignacione pri- maria murabunt fossabunt vel alia munient sufficienti clausura, aulam cameras et domos alias interius existentes reparabunt et refi- cient suis sumptibus competenter et ex tunc earum refectio et sustentatio imperpetuum ad vicarios pertineant antedictos. Totum vero residuum mansi predicti cum orreis et domibus aliis ad religiosos pertineant antedictos in quibus fructus ecclesie de Thacham predicte ad ipsos spectantes annis singulis et non in solo laico volumus col- locari. Habebunt et idem vicarius et sui successores quandam croftam triginta et unam particas in longitudine et quatuor- decim in latitudine terre arrabilis conti- nentem et juxta orreum dicti mansi a parte australi jacentem et protenditur eadem crofta in longitudine a quadam alia crofta que vocatur " Litelmoure " usque in viam regiam que est exparte occidentali. Habe- bunt iidem vicarius et sui successores tertiam acram terre arabilis in campo qui dicitur ' la parsones downe ' videlicet in parte orientali ejusdem campi inter terram rectorie de Thacham ex utraque parte et extendit se versus austrum super viam re- giam que ducit a Thacham versus Neu- bur' et boream super terram vocatam ' Trotesacre ' una cum pastura pro singulis suis animalibus sicut dictus rector ibidem consuevit habere et novem boviculos sive vaccas et unum taurum per totum annum in pastura que dicitur ' la moure ' et etiam porcos sicut loci Rectores consueverunt habere in eadem pastura necnon commu- niam pro animalibus suis propriis quibus- ctimque cujuscumque generis in pastura rectorie quum et ubi tenentes Rectorie communicant cum rectore vel communicare solebant et in pastura separata rectorie predicte nihilominus communiam pro ani- malibus suis omnis generis quotquot volu- erit in pastura communi parochie supradicte. Percipient etiam vicarii memorati decimam cujuslibet generis bladi et alterius seminis in ortis curtilagiis et gardinis lechia cultis et colendis de Thacham, Migham, Colthorp, Grenham, Crocham, Enewyk, vel alibi infra dictam parochiam seminati ac etiam deci- mas lane agnorum porcellorum pulanorum vitulorum casei lactis columbarum aucarum apium ovorum pomorum priscariarum mo- lendinorum quoruncumque tarn aquaticorum et venticorum quam molarum manualium presentium et etiam futurorum ubicumque infra parochiam predictam consistant vel in futurum consistent ac lini et canabi ubi- cumque crescentium in villa et parochia supradictis et etiam si in campis dictarum villarum forsitan seminentur ubi bladum quodcumque consueverat seminari, ac quam- dam prestationem que Seinte Marie picher vulgariter nuncupatur, et quemdam annuum redditum sex denariorum de tenentibus ec- clesie de Thacham predicte qui pro expensis nuncii oleum sanctum et crisma gerentis consuevit persolvi, necnon omnes et singulas oblationes obvenciones proventus et minu- tas decimas ac prestationes alias personales tam de bonis predictorum religiosorum de decimis que ante appropriacionem dicte ecclesie in ejusdem parochia habuerunt APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 75 quam aliorum infra eamdem parochiam quo- modolibet provenientibus : mortuariis dun- taxat exceptis que ad dictos religiosos volu- mus pertinere. Et si predicti vicarii commu- nia et pastura sua predictis propterea pauper- tatem eorum animalia non habentes seu propter inpotenciam aliam qualemcumque per aliqua tempora etiam longissima forsi- tan non utantur, volumus et etiam ordinamus de predictorum religiosorum expresso con- sensu quod iidem vicarii non usu hujusmodi non obstante dictis communia et pastura cum ad uberiorem fortunam venerint abs- que predictorum religiosorum calumpnia qualicumque integraliter uti possint sicut si eis continue usi essent. Hanc autem nos- tram ordinationem predictam in forma su- perius annotata volumus imperpetuum fide- liter observari reservantes cum specialiter nobis et nostris successoribus potestatem porciones vicarie predicte absque strepitu et figura judicii sumare in cognitione et de piano prohibitis quociens et quantum nobis vel successoribus nostris necessarium vel oportunum esse videbitur excirca tam (?) et legitima augmentandi supplendi dubia et obscura si quae in premissis et ea tangen- tibus fortasse appareant interpretandi et etiam declarandi, parte ipsorum religioso- rum virorum ad hoc primitus evocata suis- que legitimis defensionibus et juris remediis sibi competentibus undique reservatis. Et ut premissa fidelius observentur meliusque in futurum memorie commendentur pre- sentes litteras volumus triplicari et tam nos- tra quam dictorum abbatis et convertus sigillo muniri earumque unam in Thesau- raria ecclesie nostre Sarisburiensis aliam penes dictos religiosos et tertiam penes vicarium supradictum et suos successores imperpetuum remanere. In quorum testi- monium atque fidem sigillum nostrum ad perpetuam rei memoriam fecimus hiis ap- poni. Datum apud Sonnyngg die et anno domini supradictis et consecrationis nostre secundo. Et nos abbas et conventus predicti ponderatis iri hac parte undique ponder- andis conspicientes omnia et singula per venerabilem patrem predictum .superius or- dinata ad nostram nostrique monasterii uti- litatem et commodum esse facta diligenti tractatu et sufficienti deliberatione perhibitis in hac parte eisdem pure sponte et absolute excerta scientia monasterii nostri nomine consentimus et ea quatenus in nobis est perpetuo volumus esse firma. Nosque et monasterium nostrum predictum ad premis- sorum omnium et singulorum observationem perpetuam tenore presentium obligamus Salvis dicto patri et suis successoribus pre- testationibus et reservatione predictis ac nobis et successoribus nostris defensionibus legitimis et juris remediis ac aliis quibus- cumque in hac parte de jure salvandis. In quorum omnium testimonium atque fidem sigilla nostra presentibus apposuimus ad perpetuam memoriam premissorum. Datum quo ad nos Abbatem et conventum pre- dictos apud Radyngg in capitulo nostro die lune proximo post festum sancti Johannis Baptiste, videlicet v. Kalend. Julij Anno domini supradicto. [27 June, 131 7.] APPENDIX XXXV. Institution of William de Blewbnry as Vicar. 1329. [From Reg. Mortival, Lib. I. fol. 173 or 29.] Thacham vicaria. x kal. Julij [June 22] apud parcum Rem[esburiensem] Abbas et conventus Radyngg' Willielmum de Blebury presbiterum ad vicariam ecclesie de Thacham domino presentarunt cui presentato dominus fecit fieri institutionis litteras conscriptas. Et iij kal. Julii [June 29] sequente ibidem idem dominus audito certificatorio institu- tionis hujusmodi pro dicto presentato fa- ciente ipsum ad dictam vicariam admisit, et perpetuum vicarium de continue residendo et personaliter ministrando juratum instituit in eadem. 7 6 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. [There is a slip of parchment bound in this Register opposite to the last-mentioned entry on which the following appears :] § In dei nomine Amen. Ego Willielmus de Blebur' presbiter nunc vicariam de Thacham Sarum diocesis titulo institutionis adeptus vicariam ecclesie beate Marie Rad- yngg' dicte diocesis in sacras manus vestras pater reverende domine Rogere, dei gratia Sarum Episcope, verbo et facto quatenus jure me artant in hoc casu dimitto ; protestans palam et publice et cum effectu, quod si ipsam vicariam de Thacham ad aliquem alium quomodolibet dici poterit et debeat pertinere et ipsam a me aliqualiter evinci quod absit contingat in futurum ad prefatam vicariam ecclesie beate Marie quatenus canonice sanctiones permittunt in hoc casu redibo et sub ista forma ipsam dimitto et non alia, vestrum officium reverende pater predicte humiliter implorando juris beneficio in omnibus semper salvo, etc. APPENDIX XXXVI. Presentation of Geoffrey Eles to the Bishop by the Abbot. 1487. [From Cartulary of Reading Abbey, lately belonging to Bishop Burgess, and now kept at the Bishop's Registry, fol. 5od.] Thacham. Reverendo in Christo patri et domino, Domino Johanni dei gratia Sarum episcopo vestri humiles et devoti Abbas et conventus monasterij Radingie ordinis sancti Benedicti vestre diocesis omnimodo reverentia et obedientia tanto patri debitis cum honore. Ad perpetuam vicariam ecclesie parochialis de Thacham vestre diocesis per mortem Johannis Skyn- ner ultimi vicarii ibidem vacantem et ad nostram presentationem pleno jure spectan- tem dilectum nobis in christo Galfridum Eles clericum vestre paternitati reverende presentamus, humiliter supplicantes et devote quatinus eundem Galfridum Eles ad dictam vicariam admittere ipsumque vicarium per- petuum in eadem instituere ceteraque in hac parte peragere que vestro pastorali incumbunt officio dignemini intuitu caritatis cum favore. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum nostrum commune presentibus apposuimus. Datum in domo nostra capilulari Rading' ultimo die mensis ffebruarij anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimo septimo. [28 Feb., T487.] APPENDIX XXXVII. The Will of Thomas Justice. r544. [From Registry of the Archdeacon of Berks at Somerset House, Wills, 1534—1571, fol. 104.] In the name of God Amen the xv th day of October in the xxvi th yere off the Regne of owre Soverayng lord Henry VIII th by the grace off god king off Englond France and Yrelond defender of the feythe and in erthe off the churche off Englond and also off Yreland supreme heed I Thomas Justice Clerke sicke in body and off perfyte memory make and orden thys my last will and testament after forme as ffolowyth ffyrst I bequeyth my saule to Almyghty God owre lady Sanct Mary and all the compeyny of heyvyn and my body to be buryd in the churche of Thacham before the ymage of owre lady wher the neu coffer standyth Item I gyff to the mother Churche of Sarum xijrf. item to the churche of Thacham fforseyd a sute off grene vestymentts item to the maeyntenance off Jhus [Jesus] maesse in the churche of Thacham fforseyd xs. item I gyff to my cussyn Lennard Reymond my silver salt item to mycussyn Thomas Reymond my grettyst cuppe coveryd w th sylver item to my cussyn Jhon Raymond my myddyllyst cuppe coveryd w th silver item myne apparell and reymentt. I gyff to my prest Sir George APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 77 Offpryng xx nobylls in money to prey for my sawle wheyre soever ytt shall pleyse hym item I gyff to Jhon ffrome ii]s. \i\)d. item to Edythe ffoord iijx. iiijV. item to my god- doghter Margarete Justice a cowe and bullock item to Crystyane Batmanson a ffeyther bed w th all thyngges therunto belonging. Item I wyll that Jhon Barnard have my sheppe in parte of paymentt of vj/z'. wych I owe unto hym orels myne executors to sell theym and to pay hym his hole duty The Reysydew off my guddes moveabyll and unmoveabyll not bequest I gyff to Cecyly Glover and Nycolas Justice whom I make myne executors paeyng my dettes and dowyng for my sawle as they shall thynke best in conscyence. Item I will that Cecyly Glover have my too closes off wheytt to her owne use gyffyng to Nicolas Justice ij quarters of wheytt. Witness my self Thomas Justice prest George Off- pryng prest Wyllyam Yong prest Nicolas Justice Water Mousford w th other. Item I gyff to everyone off my godchilderne ii)d. witnesse ut supra. Proved the 16th April 1545 before John Fyssher the official. APPENDIX XXXVIII. The Will of Thomas Butler. 1528. [From Somerset House Wills in the Archdeaconry Court of Berks between 1480 and 1550, p. 93.] In the name of godd Amen the xviij th day of Septembre in the yere of our Lord a m'cccccxxviij I Thomas Butteler of Thacham hoole of mynd but syke in Body make my will in this maner — ffirst I bequeth my soole to Allmyghtie Godd to our blessed Ladye Saynt Mary Virgyn and to all the Saynts in hevyn, my body to be buried in the chauncell of the parishe of Thacham byfore the ymage of our blessed Lady Item I bequeth to the Mother Church of Sarum iiijdT. Item to the hye alter of the parishe church of Thacham xxd. Item to Rauf my sone ij kyn. Item to John my son ij kyn and xx*. Item to Harry my sone ij kyn and xxs. Item to Caudre my sone ij hekfords and xx*. Item to Morrys my sone ij kyne and xxs. Item to Frideswid my daughter iij kyne and xxs. [and] a coverlett in red rosys The resi- due of all my goods not bequest my dettes payed I give and bequeth to Jane my wyf and Gylys my sone whome I ordain and make my executors to execute and fulfill truly this my last will And for the great confidence and trust that I have in Mr. Thomas Justys Vicare of Thacham and Sir Thomas Walker parson of Wasyng I mak them my over- searse and they to have for there labors every of theme vs. In witnesse whereof John Massy Robert By John Bassett Water Mvmfford John Bekysfeld w th other moo. APPENDIX XXXIX. The Will of David Maurice. [From Ibid.-, Book A, p. 96.] I5 2 9- In the name of godd Amen the xxv" day of January the yere of our lorde godd m'cccccxxviij" I david Moorys of the parishe of Thacham seek in body hole of mynde and of good remembraunce make my testament in maner as folowith : ffirst I bequeth my soule to Allmyghtie Godd to our blessed lady Sainte Mary and to all the company in hevyn my body to be buried in the church yard of our blessed Lady of Thacham Item I yeve to the Moder Church of Sarum \]d. Item to the hye Avter of the parishe church of Thacham for tithes and oblations forgeten viij^. Item to the Roode light of the same church iij.f. iiij^. Item to the maynteynyng of the bellys in the same church xxd. Item I yeve to the people beyng in the Almyse howse of Thacham vj.r. v\i)d. so that the said money shal be delyvered to the church- wardens and at the oversight of Master Vicare the said poor people to have delyverd to them every fryday in breade i]d. unto the 78 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. said summe of vj.r. \ii)d. be fully payed Item I bequeth to Robert my servant a bullok of v)s. vii]d. or elles in money vjs. vii]d. Item it is my will and mynd to have a trentall to be said for my soule in the Church of Thacham And also a nother trentall in the church of Tewe where my habitacion was before I camme into this countre. The residue of all my goodes my dettes payed I yeve and bequeth to Anne my wyf whome I make myn Executrixe And Sir Edward Gabett and William Bushnell ouereseers of this my testament in maner as ffoloweth I will that if it please Godd that my ij children live unto they be of lawfull discretion that then my said wif to have the one half of my goodes and my ij childerne the other half equally to be deuyded at the ouersight of my said ouerseares before named And if it happen the one chyld to departe and discease that then the other longest lever to have the hoole porcion and if it happen that both the childerne departe thene I will that my said wif have the one half of there porcion and the other half to be delyuerd unto the mayntenance of the masse of Jhu [Jesu] in the church of Thacham Thies beryng witness Sir John Davis Sir Edward Gabett William Bushnell Thomas Kebyll Robert Whyte William Bekfeld with other moo. APPENDIX XL. The Will of William Marten. 1529. [From Somerset House Wills in the Archdeaconry Court of Berks between 1480 and I5S°> Book"' A, p. 116.] Testamentum Willielmi Marten parochie de Thacham In dei nomine Amen the yere of our lord godd a m'cccccxxix' 1 the xvj day of July I William Marten sek in body and hole of mynde make my testament and last will in manner and forme folowyng • ffirst I bequeth my soule to Allmyghtie godd to our blessed lady and to all the holy company of hevyn and my body to be buryed in the Church yard of Thacham Item I bequeth to the Mother Church of Sarum ij<£ Item I bequeth to the hye alter of Thacham \\\)d. Item to mayntenyng of IHS [JESUS] Masse a weynyng calf. Item to the gyltyng of our lady xxd. Also I make my wyf Johane Marten and Richerd Mortimere to be my full executores they to order my goodes to there discression and for the whelth of my soule and theres. Recordes hereof my gostely father Sir Edmunde Umfrey Ric[hard] Mortimer cum multis alijs. APPENDIX XLI. The Will of William Beake. [From Ibid., p. no dorse] I529- Testamentum Willielmi Beake parochie de Thacham. In the name of godd Amen the yere of our lord godd a m'cccccxxix 41 the xiij day of Octobre I William Beak of the parische of Thacham hole of mynd and in good memory make my testament and last will in manner and forme ffolowing : ffirst I bequeth my soule to Allmyghtie godd to our blessed lady Saynt Mary and to all the holy company of hevyn and my body to be buried in the church yarde of Thacham aforesaid. Item I bequeth to the hye Avter in my parische church for tithes and obla- tions wrongfully withholden and negligently forgoten mjd. Item I bequeth to the main- tenance of IHS masse there iii]d. Item to the Mother Church of Sarum i]d. Item I will that x speciall massys be said for me in the parische church of Thacham. The residue of my goods not bequest I yeve to John Jonson whome I make and ordene my full executor in this behalf to the [sic : see] my dettes payed and to do for my soule after his discression as he thynkyth best. Thes beyng witnes Ric. Alwod prest my gostely fader William Bekfeld with other moo. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 79 APPENDIX XLII. The Will of Ursula Butler. 1529. From Somerset House Wills in the Archdeaconry Court of Berks between 1480 and 1550, Book A, p. H7d.] In the name of Godd Amen the yere of our lord godd a mv c xxix th the xxviij' 1 day of Septembre I Ursula Butteler syk in body and hole of mynde make my testament and last will in maner and forme followyng : ffirst I bequeth my soule to Allmyghtie godd to our blessed lady Saynt Mary and to all the sayntes in hevyn and my body to be buryed in the Churche Yarde of Thacham by my husband Gylys Butteler. Item I bequeth to the Mother Church of Sarum \\d. Item I bequeth to the hye alter of Thacham \\\]d. Item to IHS alter masse xi)d. Item to the gylting of our lady xijrf. Item to John Butteler my husbande brother xx.r. Item to Ames Gudwen my husband sister xxj-. Item I bequeth to the Church of Thacham ij oxsone to kepe one honest obyte and bede roll ons in the yere for euere I will that Sir John Davy prest syng for my husbandes soule and myn and for all his friends soulys for one yere he to have for his labors v)li. Item I will have a trentall of masses song in Thacham Church for me and my husband. Item to John Whyte my husbandes blew cote and my kow. Item to Johan his wyff my blakk kyrtell my best smoke my best apron and my best kyrtshetv. Item to Sir Edmonde Umfrey vjs. vii)d. Item to Wil- liam Bekyngfeld iijs. iii)d. Item to Johan Mvnke my blakke gown with lynyng. Item I order and make my grande dame Anne Davers to be my full executrice to ordre my goodes to hir discressiun for the wealth of my sowle and hyres. Item I make Mr. Thomas Justice Vicar of Thacham to be my overe seer he to have for his labor iijs. iii)d. Re- cordes hereof Sir Edmunde Umfrey Sir John Davy William Bekyngfeld with other moo. Executrix renunciatur executionem istius testamentum. APPENDIX XLIII. The Will of Alice Slilman. 1530. [From Ibid., p. 138.] Testamentum Alice Stilman vidue pa- rochie de Thacham In the name of godd Amen the yere of our lord godd 1530 the seconde day of Aprile I Alice Stilman, Wedoo, of the parishe of Thacham thankyd by godd hole of mynd and ffreshe of remem- brance howbeyt febyll and seke of body make and ordene this my present testament in this manner and forme folowyng : ffirst I yeve and bequeth my soule to Allmyghtie godd to our blessyd lady and all the holy company in hevyn and my body to be buryed in the church yerd of Thacham beforesaid. I yeve and bequeth to the moder church of Sarum i]d. Item to the hye Avter in the parishe church before named xijV. Item to the edification of the parishe church of Nevbury xij^f. Item to Sir Robert Jubbes iijj. ii\]d. Item to the childerne of John Stelman a heyfer Item to the childem of John Benet a heyfer Item to the childerne of Robert Paty a heyfer Item to John Sik- man a foldyng table and ij silver spownes Item to Margart Paty a gret whyght pane Item to Margaret Paty and Margery Benet my gret fetherbedd Item to Olyver Tull a fetherbedd and my best gown Item to Cristian Tovy my best girdull Item to eche of my childerne childerne a shepe Item to Mr. Willmi Leylond ij copies of shepe Item to Morrys Kebyll a quarter of malt dim' a quarter of wheat and my nage Item to every one of my godd childerne m]d. Item ewery one of my servantes a shepe Item all my puter and brasse and all my beddyng not bequethed I yeve and be- 8o APPENDICES TO BOOK II. queth to my childern to be devydyd amonge theme by equall portions. The residue of my goode not yevyn nor bequethed I yeve and bequeth to John Stilman and John Benet whome I make and ordane my ex- ecutors to see my dettes payed and to doo for my soule as they may think after there discression with the owersight of Robert Paty to whom I yeve for his labor in this behalf ane oxe. Thiese beryng witnes Sir Robert Jubbe Stevyn Norcott John Fort with many other moo. APPENDIX XLIV. The Will of Richard ' Tobbe: 1544. [From Somerset House Wills in the Archdeaconry Court of Berks between 1480 and 1550, Book A, p. In the name of God Amen— the 6 th day of Nov 1 ', et in anno Regni Regis xxxv* 11 I Richard Tobbe of Migeam of the Parishe of Thacham in the Counte of Barks hus- bandman seke in body and hole in mynd make and ordayne this my last will and testament after forme and maner as folowes. First I bequethe my sowle to Almighty God and y e Ladye Saynt Mary and to all the holy company in heaven and my body to be buried in the Churche Yard of Thacham aforesaid It. I bequethe to the Mother Churche of Sarum v]d. It. to the hgh Aulter of the parishe churche of Thacham forsaid ii]s. iii)d. It. to Thacham Churche v)s. viijd. It. to the chancell of Saynt Mar- garet in Migham forsayd iijs. in]d. It. to Wulhamton Church xxd. It. to Brinton Churche xxd. It. all suche yers terms as I the sayd Robert have of the grant and lease of Sir John Norres knight in and of the ferme in Migham coulded Lawe Court I give unto Margaret my wiffe and her assygnes. It. all that my years termes and leases of and in the ferme of the par- sonage in Migham aforesayd I give to the sayd Margaret It. all that my lande lyeing and being in Migham I give to Rychard Tubbe my oldest sonne It. all that my lande lyeing and being in Wolhampton Benam and Padworthe I give to Jhon Tobbe mydell sonne payinge to Richard Tobbe his brorther when the wholle landes shall come into his handes ijs. And yf it happen the sayd Jhon to dey without heyres male of his body lawfull begotten then I will that land shall remayne unto Richard my sonne and his heyres for ever. It. I give unto 13 dorse] Harry my youngest sonne all those my tene- ments set and lyeing in the boro of Thacham cauld Northalls and Rabetts and if hit happen the sayd Hary to dey without heares of his body lawfully begotten then I will that the sayd tenements with their appurten- ance shall remayne to Richard my sonne and his heyres for ever to have and to holde the sayd tenements sete and being in Thacham aforsayd cawlled Northalls and Rabetts with ther appurtenances and other the sayd land lyeing and beying within the parishes of Wolhampton Bynam andPadworth and other the premises with their appurtenances unto the sayd Rychard Tobbe his heres executors and assigns for ever doing therfore unto the sayd lord such service as by the Lawe hath been accustomed It. I give to Richard my sonne ij oxen ij keyne and a quarter of barley It. I give to every one of my god- children ij Abram Gray was the vicar of St. Lawrence's, Reading. — Coates' Reading. c Thomas Rawlinson in his MS. copy notes upon 1604 Christeninge. Robert Laylie, the sonne of Margrett Laylie, bastard, was baptized the xvjth daye of Janu- ary 1604. The reputed ffather is Richard Smith alias ffoster, dwellinge by the watersid. „ Richard Goddard, the sonne of John Goddard, minister, was baptized the xiiij th day of December 1604. „ William Davis, the sonne of Thomas Davis, a walking man, bapt. the xijth of April 1605. The childe was borne at Smithes of the Watersside in Crook- ham. 1605 Buriynge. John Knighte from Col- thrupp was buryed the xixth daye of ffebruary 1605. „ John Gelie, gent., from Midgham, was buried the v th daye of December 1605. „ John Hunt, the sonne of John Hunte, baptized at Brimpton the xixth daye of October 1605, by the permis- sion and leave of Mr. Thomas Tovye, vicar, as appeareth by a certificate under the hand of Mr. Lancelotte Hodg- son, vicar of the said Brimpton °. „ Benjamin Owen, the sonne of Thomas Owen, gent., was baptized the xviijth day of February 1605. „ A younge crissome, being a man-child, beinge found drowned at Chamber- howse mill was taken up, on w ch the corroner sate, and by his appointment was buried the xiijth of March 1605. 1606. Constance Sotwell, the daughter of the worshipfull Mr. Willyam Sotwell, esquier, was baptized the seconde daye of September 1606, in the Chappell of Grinham. „ Weddinge. Edward Stroude, gent., and Elizabeth Knighte were married the viijth daye of December 1606. „ Buriynge. A pore younge mann beinge found sicke abowte the Berrie Stile was brought to the ould alms- hous and ther died, and his certaine name not knowne was buried the xiijth daye of November 1606. „ Christeninge. Rebecca Goddard, this, ' it is probable that the people's withdrawing from the plague was the occasion of these foreign christenings.' APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 85 the daughter of Mr. John Goddard, Minister, was baptized the ixth day of January 1606. 1 606 Buriynge. Joane Godden, the wife of Henry Godden, was buried at New- bery the xixth daye of fFebruary 1606 from Greenham w th in the parish of Thacham by the leave and lycence of Mr. Thomas Tovye, Vicar of Thacham, by reason of the highnes of the waters. 1607 Buriynge. John Sandam, the sonne of Richard Sandam, was buryed the xjth daye of Aprill 1607 from Thomas Bayliffe, Greeneham, being a nursing child. „ Christeninge. Benedic Winchcombe, the sonne of John Winchcombe the younger, gent., was baptized the xvijth daye of September 1607. „ Buryinge. John Stronge, the sonne of William Stronge, died at Smithes of the Watersside and was buried the xiijth daye of Januarie 1607 ; the said William Stronge beinge a poore man that walked the cuntry. ,, Christeninge. John Marshall, the sonn of John Marshall dwellinge in Frauncis hollande his howse by the chappell, was baptized the xxjth daye of ffebruarye 1607. 1608 Christeninge. Joane Tull, the daugh- ter of John Tull of Thacham Towne, was baptized the xvjth daye of Aprill 1608. Francis Sotwell the sonne of the worshipful Mr. Willyam Sotwell, esquier, was baptized the xiiijth daye of July 1608 in the chappell of Grinham. „ Buryinge. Wyllyam Winchcombe the sonne of John Winchcombe the younger, gent, was buryed the xxvjth day of October 1608. 1609 Christeninge. Rychard Bryde the sonne of Mr. Edward Bryde, a preacher dwellinge in the towne of Thacham, was baptized the first daye of Decem- ber 1609. Willyam Tull, the sonne of Richard Tull of Thacham, weaver, was baptized the xxjth daye of Januarye 1609. „ Christeninge. Abell Goddard the d These three entries are simply repetitions sonne of Mr. John Godderd, mynister, levynge in Henwick, was baptized the xxjth daye of January 1609. 1609 Elizabeth Smith, a poore woman died in the Cage, was buried the xxiiijth of February 1609. r6io Mr. Michael Pindar the sonne of Mr. Michaell Pindar esquier, borne at Chamberhouse, was baptized the xiijth daye of Januarye in the Chappell at Chamberhouse 16 10. „ Michaell Pyndar, sonne of Mr. Michaell Pindar of London, esquier, borne the vjth daye of Januarie 1610 and was baptized the xiijth day of the same month. „ Buriynge. Mr. John Godderd of Crockham was buryed the xxviijth daye of Januarye 1610. „ Philip Stroud, the sonne of Mr. Ed- ward Strowde, of Henwicke, was bap- tized the ixth of April 16 10. 1610 Abigail WagstafFe, the daughter of Mr. Tymothy Wagstaffe, esquier, was baptized the vjth daye of November, 1610. „ John Winchcombe, thelder, gent., was buried the xviijth of June 1610. d i6oi John Michell, servaunt to William Dancastell, being drowned by misad- venture within the tything of Greene- ham, within the parish of Thacham, the iiijth daye of July, was buried at Thacham the vth of the same July 1601. 1 6 1 o Elizabeth Offlie, the daughter of J ohn Offlie, of Madelie in the countie of Stafford, esquire, was borne the xxviijth daye of Januarie 1610, and was bap- tized the xvijth daye of Februarie fol- lowinge. [Tho. Tovey, vicar, 1610, 1611, 1612.] 161 1 Margerie Winchcombe, the daughter of John Winchcombe, gent., of Hen- wicke, was buried the xixth daye of September 161 1. d i6o7 Benedic Winchcombe the sonne of John Winchcombe the younger, gent., was baptized the xvijth daye of Sep- tember 1607. d „ John Stronge, the sonne of Wm. S., of what appears under the several dates. 86 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. died at Smith's of the Water side, was bur'd the xiijth daye of Januarie 1607, the said William S. being a pore man that walk'd the country. 1611 Joan Merton, the daughter of Annie Merton whos mother can neither heare nor speake, was bury'd the xxviijth daye of Januarie 161 1. „ Christeninge. Joan Goddard, the daughter of Phillipp Goddard of Hen- wick, was baptized the vijth daye of July, 161 1. „ John Knight, the sonne of John Knight of Henwicke, was baptized the iiijth daye of August 161 1. James Dolman, the sonne of John Dolman, was baptized the same iiijth of August 1 61 1. „ Buriyng. William Reade of Col- thrup, miller, was buryed the viiijth daye of January 1 6 it . „ A pore olde man beinge found deade in Henwick in the parish of Thacham, in the countie of Berks, by name Wil- liam Lanceford, his trade a miller, as appeared by a pasporte founde in his pocott, whoe was buried in the church- yeard of the said Thacham the xxvijth daye of Februarie 1 6 1 1 . „ Hughe Adames being diseased and cured at St. Thomas Hospitales in Southwork neare London was lycensed by the Officers there to be conveyed to Bathe im Sommersetshire, whoe dyed at Mydgham, at John Barges his howse at Mi[dgham] and was buryed at Thacham the first daye of March 161 1. „ Henrye Stroude, the sonne of Mr. Edwarde Sroude, was baptized the xxiijth daye of February 161 1 1 61 2 Buriynge. Thomas Tovey, the sonne of Thomas Tovye of Whitchurche in the countie of Oxon, husbandman, nursed at William ffulbrooks of Thac- ham, Sexton, was buried the same xviijth of April 161 2. „ Christeninge. Sarahe Pynder the daughter of Mychaell Pynder, esquier, was baptized the xxiiijth day of Maye 1612. „ Abigail Wagstaffe, the daughter of Mr. Tymothie Wagstaffe, esquier, was buried the viijth day of Aprill 161 2. Willyam Sotwell, the sonne of the worshipfull Mr. Wyllyam Sotwell, es- quier, was buryed the xvth daye of Aprill, 1612, from Grinham. [Ad. An. 161 2, Hsec manu recenti.] Mr. Levie Smith of Nubury that now is liveing this first day of September, 1695, being borne at Thacham as thus : — Levie, the son of Richard Smith of Thacham, was baptized the xiiijth day of February 1612. 1 61 2 Edmund Wallis, of Brinckworth, in the countie of Wiltes, comeing home- wards from London, died at the signe of the George in Thatcham and was buryed the xiijth daye of Februarie, 16 1 2, in Thatcham Churchyarde. 1613. Christeninge. Thomas ffanderell, the sonne of one Hiram ffanderell dwellinge at London at St. Lenords in Shoreditch, silk weaver, as the mother of the childe reported being brought abedd at the signe of the Harte in Thacham, was baptized the seconde daye of Maye 16 13. „ Buriynge. A poure man travelinge by the waye lyinge in the barne of Anthony Blandye, whose name as An- thony Blandy sayeth was Henry, his surname he knows not, this poore man was buryed the the vjth daye of No- vember 1613. „ John Tomlyns, the sonne of Edward Tomlyns, gent., was baptized the firste daye of June 16 13. „ A younge man in blacke breeches, and dublett cutt, beinge found deaid at Greeneham, in the parish of Thac- ham in the countie of Berks, was buried at Thacham beforesaid the vth of December 16 13. 1 6 14 Buriynge. Richard More, borne as he said at Sturbridge in the County of Worcester, dyed at the George and was buryed the 17th daye of August 1615 {sic). „ Weddinge. Richard Tomlynes esquier and Grace Tovye were maryed the 2nd of November 1614. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 87 1 614 John Butler of Nubery was killed at Thacham Townesend by one of Nubery, the 14th day of June 16 14. 161 5 Christeninge. Elizabeth Deluke the daughter of Samuell Deluke of the Crowne was baptized the 2 daye of Aprill 161 5. „ Christeninge. Beniamyne [Benja- min] Tomlynes the sonne of Edward Tomlynes, gent., was borne the 24th daye of Aprill 1615, and baptized the 27th of the same moneth. „ Buriynge. Margarett Verch Jen- kine, a poore wooman caryed from tithing to tithing, was buryed the same 4th of December 1615. ,, Thomas Wagstaffe, the sonne of Timothie Wagstaffe of the Middle Temple, London, esquier, borne at Chamberhouse the 29th daye of March 1615, and baptized the 6th daye of Aprill next following. 1 616 Christeninge. Timothie Wagstaffe the sonne of Timothie Wagstaffe of the Middle Temple, London, esquier, was borne at Chamberhouse the 21st daye of August 16 16 and baptized the 10th of September following. 161 5 Weddinge. Richard Goddard and Margaret Greene were married the 22nd of Januari 16 15. Grace Tomlyns, the daughter of Richard Tomlyns, of the Inner Tem- ple, Lond. esq, was borne the 19th day of Januarie 1616, and baptized the first daie of Februarie followinge. 1629 Thomas Aubery the sonne of John Aubery of Coldrop was baptized the last day of February. 1 63 1 Robert Scott a wayerman was buried the third day of September. „ Eleanor the daughter of William Satwell, esquier, was buried the last day of November. 1632 Judeth the daughter of William Dan- castle was buried the second day of Aprill. „ Joane the daughter of John Dan- castle was baptized the first day of May. „ Grace the daughter of John Goddard of Henwicke was baptized the 21th (sic) day of Maye. 1632 Daniell the sonne of William Knight of Henwick was baptized the 6th day of February. [These entries were evidently not made at the time but copied in subsequently.] „ Olde Maud from Mr. Winchcombe's was buried the first day of Julye. 1633 Grace the daughter of Bartholomew Core was baptized the 28th of January. 1636 John, the sonne of a wayfaireing woman, was baptized the ffirst day of April, the father was cast away at sea as the woman said, his name was Arthur Manderell. ,, Henry Tovye and Jane Parr (Pave?) were maryed the 6th of Maye. „ Joane the daughter of Thomas To- vye, was baptized the 1 5th of October. „ John Winchcombe, esquier, was buryed the 9th of September. 1638 John Tily, clerke, was buried the 14th day of August. [There appear from the burial entries to have been a great number of wayfaring wo- men at this time.] 1638 Jane the daughter of Henry Wyat of the Towne was buryed 15th day of March. 1639 William Sotwell of Grynham, esq., died the 19th day of June, and was buryed the 22th of the same moneth of June. 1 641 John the sonne of Robert Clarke, minister, was baptized the 22 th day of June. „ Gilles Tomsone, Clarck, was buryed the 1 2th day of September. „ Magdalen Smith of Dunston, vid., was buried December y e 15 th day. 1642 Elizabeth the daughter of Henry Auberry, was baptized the nineteenth of September. 1 644 Eleanorthe daughterof Roger Knight, esquier, was buried the first of May. „ Vincent Marshall, of Thacham Towne, was buried the 4th May. 1647 Ann, the daughter of Douse Fuller, esquier. was baptized the xjth day of September. 88 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. [And immediately under this entry is the following, the "xjth" above having been writ- ten over an erasure in the original entry.] 1647 Ann tne daughter of Douse Fuller, Esq., was baptized the nth day of September. [Both entries are in the same handwriting, perhaps as the 1st has the date written on an erasure it was considered prudent to write it over again.] 1649 Elizabeth and Thomas, the daughter and son of Douse ffuller, Esq., were baptized the 22th [sic] day of February. 165 1 Dorothy, the daughter of William Tull of Raynsfords, was baptized the 1 7th day of August. „ Thomas, the son of William Tull, miller, was baptized the first day of ifebruary. „ Raph ffawconer, Batchelo 1 of Divi- nity, was buried the sixth day of No- vember. 1652 Mr. Giles Dowse departed this life at Chamberhouse the first day of ffeab- ruary, i652[-3] and was buried the third day of the same moneth. ,, Raph Hollis, a Frenchman, was buried from Coldthrope farme the 17th day of December. 1653 Ruth the daughter of Richard Car- ter of Coldthrope was baptized the 1 6th day of April. „ Daniell the son of Dowse ffuller, esq., was borne the 28th of June, and baptized the 28th of July. „ Elinor the wife of William Knight of Coldthrope was buried the 27 th day of June. ,, William Knight of Coldthrope, was buried the eleventh day of Sep- tember. „ Jane the daughter of William Tull was baptized the 18th day of September. „ Elizabeth the daughter of William Tull was born .... day of December and baptized the 22th. 1654 Charles the sonn of Dowse ffuller, esq., was borne the fifteenth day of December. 1653 Roger Knight the elder, esq., one of the Justices of the Pe[ace for the] County of Berks, was buried from Croucham the nynth [day of] Novem- ber. 1654 William Tull, miller, was buried the seaventeeneth day of June. 1655 A cryssom childe y e daughter of Thomas Coggs, Jun., was [born] the 15th day of July. „ A crisome childe of William Digg- widd was buried ye twentieth day of May. „ A crissom childe y" daughter of Thomas Coggs was buried y e 15th day of July. „ Nicholas Goldsmith and Joane Pal- mer, both of the parish of Thacham .... their bonds of matrimony three sev'all Lords dayes one [after] another in y 6 parish church of Thacham afore- said y e first publication being y" first day of May. „ The said Nicholas Goldsmith and Joane Palmer were married .... fyefth day of June. In y e presence of Humf. Dolman, John Enns, William Meene. [This is the first entry of a marriage where the witnesses sign their names. Later entries have a witness " Isaac Babthorpe Regist 1 " and " Richard Carter."] 1654 Thomas Cogges and Grace Mason of Thacham had their bonds of matri- mony published three sev'all Lords dayes in the parish Church of Thacham aforesaid the first day of publication beinge y e third day of Decemb r . [The witnesses to this marriage were Humf. Dolman, his sign 6 being by itself : qy. was he Incumbent ?] Also [Thos.] Dolman and Babthorpe the registrar. 1655 Sara the daughter of William Tull of Raynesford's farme was borne .... fifteenth day of August. „ John the son of Nicholas Goldsmith had a crissome childe. Allsoe the son of the said Nicholas were borne the second day of March. 1656 Mary the daughter of Abraham Pidgeon was borne the nineth day of November. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 89 1656 Richard Carter of Baughurst in the Countie of South'ton and Jane Marsh of Thacham were married the sixth day of October. By me Humf. Dolman. In the presence of George Wylard. Edward Carter. Thomas Knight. Isaac Babthorpe, Regist r . 1657 William the son of William Tull of Raynesford's farme was borne the seaven and twentyeth day of April. „ Dowse ffuller, esq 1 ., departed this life at Chamberhouse the seaventeeneth day of April and was buried the 22 th day of the same moneth „ Nicholas Goldsmith was buried y e 1 7th day of January. „ Richard Tull and Susan Gattmer of Thacham had theire bonds of matri- mony published three sev'all Lords dayes one after another in y" parish church of Thacham aforesaid w th out exception the first day of theire publicacion being the 6th day of Sep- tember. „ Richard Tull and Susan Gattmer were married y e 28th day of September. Humf Dolman. In y e presence of Isaac Babthorpe, Regist r . John Carter. John Wrungall. Edward Blacknor. 1658 A crissom childe being murthered (was found in the water by William Tull of Raynesforde farme) and was buried the fifteenth day of Decemb. „ Christopher the son of Richard Bas- sett of the Stone was borne the 21th day of August. „ Elizabeth the daughter of John Kent was borne the twentie eighth day of October. „ Mary the daughter of William Tull of Raynesfords Farme was borne the third day of Feabruary and baptized the twentyeth day of March next ensu- inge. VOL. 11. 1659 Roger Knight the son of Roger Knight of Grinham, esq., was buried the third day of March. 1660 Knight of Sage Crosse was buried the 24th day of November. 1661 Christopher Monke of Midgham, Esq.. was buried the 12th day of July. 1662 Returne, the son of Thomas Hooper (a stranger, and a butcher by his trade, whose wife was delivered by accident at Thatcham) was baptized the eleventh day of May. 1663 Joane the daughter of Mary Deluke (base borne, the reputed father was Jo. Smalebone) was baptized the sixth day of May. „ Gabriell Trusloe of Grinham had a son buried y" 14th day of July whose name they say was Gabriell, but never was baptized by any minister, neither was his mother churched ; he was . . . yeares of age or thereabout. 1664 John the son of Richard Carter of the Farme was buried the 28th day of August. 1665 ffrances, y e daughter of William Hinton of Chamberhouse, esq., was borne the 10th day of October and baptized y e sixteenth day of October. „ Mary the daughter of John Arundel, of Crookham was baptized at Brimpton by leave of Barthol. Springett, Vicar r about y e first of January. [The above is in a different handwriting, apparently that of the Vicar.] 1665 Richard Garrard of Midgham, Esq., and M ris Anne ffuller of Chamberhouse were married the 27th day of April. 1666 Anne, the daughter of Sir Dowse ffuller, knight, was borne the 24th day of December and baptized the 26th day of y e same moneth. 1667 Elizabeth, a childe left on Robert Chappels hulle y" nth day of March, was baptized y e same day 1 ith. ,, John, the son of John Arundell of Crookham, was baptized at Brimpton by leave of Barthol. Springett, Vicar, the twentie first day of December. go APPENDICES TO BOOK II. [This is also in the same handwriting as that referred to above.] [In 1668 other entries as to burials of Thatcham parishioners in the adjoining parish of Shaw mention the Vicar as having given his leave.] 1669 Mary the daughter of Sir Dowse ffuller, Knight, was borne the day of November and baptized the nineth day of December following. „ John Auberry of Cold Ash was buried the 15th day of October. „ Richard Carter, son of the Farmer, was buried the 15th day of November. 1670 Isaac Bapthorpe died Tuesday y e xxth of December about i of the clock and was buried the xxiijth of December. [N.B. — Isaac B. is described in some of the entries as Registrar.] 167 1 Mary the daughter of John Smith the younger, of Chappell Street was baptized the second day of September. ,, John the son of William Smith of Chappell Street, weaver, was baptized the vjth day of January. „ John Sares, the son of John Saires of the Towne, was baptized the vijth day of January. „ Sarah the wife of Richard Smith of the dish {sic. ? ditch or dike) was buried the xxjth day of August. „ Peter the sonn of Peter Harding, feltmaker, was buryed the 1st day of September. 1673 Sir Dowse Fuller, Knight, died the twentie sixth day of May and was buryed the xxixth of May. „ Anne Awbery was buryed out of the Almshouse y e xxjth of Sept. „ Thomas Kent, cheesemonger, was buryed from Henwick the xiijth day of January. „ William Smith ah ffoster, jun., of the Chappell, was buryed the xixth day of March. 1674 Thomas, the son of Guy in ffanches Streete, London, borne at the Hart, was baptized the xxth day of August. John Smith, kinsman to John Dash, was buryed the xxjth day of May. 1674 Nicholas Nash, Gent., was buryed the xiiijth day of June in the chan- cell. 1675 William the son of a travelling woman delivered in the Almshouse was baptized the xijth day of June. 1676 M r . Richard Hole and M r6 . Elizabeth Springett were maryed the xiiijth of February. „ Joan Attey, wid., of Chepstow in the Countie of Munmoth, brought brought [sic] to Thacham with a pass from Old Bramford was buryed the xixth day of Aprill. 1677 Mr. William Bramley and Mrs. Elioner Springett were married by licence the xxvijth day of May. [The M r . in the entries implies a person- age of higher degree.] 1678 Peter Webb son of Nicholas Webb of Crookham was buryed the xxxth day of January and affidavit made the sixth day of ffebruary that he was wrapt up in sheeps wooll onely as the Act of Parliam' directs. [Similar entries here.] 1679 William Greene and Joane Ffuller were married the twentie ninth day of September. [Many entries of burials are followed by statement of affidavit made as to cloth- ing in wool — subsequently certificates are given.] 1 68 1 Mrs. Anne Morris wife of Mr. Robert Morris, Clerke, was buryed the 25th day of Aprill anno supradicto and was buryed in linnen, and p d by the hands of Mrs. Mary Lush, vid. feiftie shillings to the hands of John Hill and John Parsons Churchwardens and over- seers of the poore, w h sum was dis- tributed to the poore of Thacham the day and yeare afores d according to the late Act of Parliam*. „ Thomas Whitaker thelder was buryed the sixth day of October and affi- davit made the day of the same month. 1684 Mr. Francis Springett, Clerke, and Mrs. Ursula Rider were married the tenth day of ffebruary per licence. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 9i 1685 Thomas Prince and Mary Tovey, both of Greenham in this parish, were married the twentie eighth day of December. 1686 William Bushnell, Sexton, was buryed the xxxjth of July. 1687 William Lucus of Bucklebury and Susan Champ of Thacham were married at the Chappell of Midgham the 15th of May. ,, Bartholomew Springett, clerk, Vicar of the parish of Thacham, was buryed the seventeenth day of Aprill, Anno supradicto. „ Mary the daughter of Mary Brooks, a travelling woman, was baptized the 2 7th day of ffebruary. 1688 Dorothy the wife of John Knight, clerke of the parish, was buryed the sixth day of June. ,, Mris. Anne Hannington, Spinster, was buryed the fourth day of August, Anno dni. 1688. 1689 Martha the daughter of John Cock, clerke, Vicar of Thacham, was baptized the third day of December. 1690 Elizabeth the daughter of William ffullbrook, sexton, was baptized the xxxjth day of January. „ Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Bartholomew of Dunstone was baptized the xxixth of November. „ Anne the daughter of Charles Bassett, of the Stone, was baptized the xxviijth day of ffebruary. Joane the daughter of Thomas Barnes at the Chappell was baptized the xxth day of March. 169 1 .... the son of Thomas Pering, schoolmaster, was baptized the day of January. 1692 John the son of John Dier, of the Stone, was baptized the 5th day of March. ,, Henry the son of Henry Marriner of Coldaish, was buryed y e 5 th of Au- gust. 1693 Thomas Daniell and Elizabeth Browne were married by license the seventeenth day of Aprill, anno 1693,; non sol. 1693 were married y e viijth of January. 1689 Dowse ffuller, esq., was buried the third day of July. „ Mr. William ffisher of London, Salter, was buryed the thirteenth day of ffeb- ruary. 1 69 1 Elioner the daughter of George Mortimer of Colthropp, farmer, was baptized the xxiijth day of May. 1749 Septr. 13th A woman, a stranger, lost her life by y" fal of a . . . . 1750 Sept. 2nd a black Gearle from Mr. Kent, [in Register of burials]. 1707 Robert Duck of Burcleare in Com. South'ton cxlibi, and Ann Winter of Enborne in Com Berks, Solutes, June y e 29th [in Register of Marriages, 1707]. 1 7 10 Morgan, a male child left at Ham Mills, was baptized May y" 30th „ Mrs. Martha Cock, wife of Mr. John Cock, Vicar of Thacham, July y" 6th, [Burials]. 1713 A vagabond boy about 14 yeares of age Octob. y e 5th, [Burials]. 1717 Elizabeth daughter of Thomas God- den baptized by Mr. Werrall, March y e 14th. ,, William Horton a vagabon, March y e 25th [Burials]. 1719 Nehemiah a child lately left in Richard Smith of Wattersides barne ye 10th July [Baptisms]. ,, William Wise, aged 93, October y e 13th. [Burials]. „ Thomas the son of ffrances White, by An his wife was born the day of and Bap. the as he saith by one Merriman. [This entry appears in the Reg r of baptisms for 1696.] 1732 Gilbert Garrard, Sirergeon, [related to Richard Garrard, Esq., who mar- ried Anne Fuller, 1665] March 10th [Burials]. 1736 Mrs. Jane Waring, daughter to the Hon ble Brigader Waring, was, ffeb. 10th, Intered in the Valt in the chancell. 1737 The Hon ble Brigadear Genaral Ric- hard Waring was Intered in the Valt N 2 92 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. in the Chancell belonging to the Par- sonage Dec 1 y e 1 6th. 1739 John Lansdall, esq., Intered in the Isle belonging to the Manor of Cham- berhous July 10th. 1740 William Briss, a soldier in General Handesi's Regiment of foot and in Captain Middleton's company, July y e 2 1 st [Burials]. 1 741 A Seafearing man w cl1 died att y e Kingshead Dec 1 y e 18 [Burials]. ,, Stephen son of Stephen Points, esq., of Midgham, Dec 25 [Burials]. [Many burials of persons from other parishes occur during this century, also some marriages of parties both of whom resided outside of Thatcham parish, some coming from a considerable distance]. 1729 William Fulbrook, Sexton, May y e 4th [Burials]. 1730 Mrs. Alice Waring, wife of the Honble. Brigadear Waring, wass intered in the Valt in the chancell November y e 3rd [Burials]. 1755 Isaac Stowers found dead in Chapel Street [Burials.] [The entries of the several baptisms, mar- riages and deaths are made by illiterate persons, excepting perhaps those relating to persons in a higher station in life. To- wards the latter end of the century there is some improvement, from 1769.] 1769 February 4th Joseph Bray, Master of y e workhouse [Burials]. 1771 July 25th A poor woman from Mr. Horn's barn [Burials]. [Auberry is a very common name in this century.] 1762 Sept. y e 26th a man killed by a chiffe (?) wagon [Burials]. „ Oct 1 29th Jenney, daughter of Tho- mas and Elizabeth Tidbury, from y e Stone [Do.]. „ Nov r - 15th James Dodd found dead on Greenham Common [Do.]. APPENDIX XLVI. Churchwardens' Accounts. [Extracts from the Churchwardens' Accounts preserved at Thatcham.] 1561—1562. Almshouse Receipts. In primis Recevyed of the Almeshowse stock. [Amount defaced.] Itm Receavyed for ye wholl yeres rent of parys lands. [Amount defaced.] " Expensys layde owtefor the almes hous." In prymis payd for xij lode of wodde and the caryage of the same xx ti vij.r. Itm for makynge of a key and mendyng of a locke iiijrf. Itm delyveryd vnto Mother Beyckeffylde and to Alys Golde viijd. Itm payd for iij elnes of canvas to ye almes hous ijj. 1566— 1567. Almshouse Receipts. In prymys Receavyd for the wholle yeres rente of parrys lands xlviijj. i\\)d. Itm Receavyd of John Bassett for a cowe xvjj. Itm Recevyd yn the almes boxe xxj. Itm Receavyd for the wholl yeres rente of Steven Smythes howse vjs. \iijd. Itm. Receavyd of Harre Susam for ye almes pyddell e . [Amount omitted.] Almshouse Expenses. In prymys payd for xij lode of wodde xxx*'ijf. Itm payd for cloth and threds to mende a bedd jij^. Piddle, pightle, a small meadow or any enclosed dtM—ffalliwell. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 93 Itm payd for a peare of shues for John Restall xij<£ Itm payd vnto the poare people agaynst Chrystemas Hjd. Itm payd to Joanne Stympe syth that time vd. Itm payd for towe shurtes, one for John Restall and another for William Foster, and makyng of ye same \i)s. Itm payd to Joane Sylvester towards byinge of a cote viijd. Itm payd vnto the poare folkes of the almes agaynst Chrystemaies m)s. Church Receipts. In primis Receavyd yn the churche boxe x\s. viijrf. Itm Receavyd at whytsuntyde Kynge ale iiij/z". Itm Receavyd for the Renttes of assyes xls. viiid. Church Expenses. In primis at our last counte making at Tuckers xxd. Itm payd at the visitacion courte for oure dynner xijd. Itm payd for oure byll makyng the same tyme mjd. Itm payd for mendyng of the staple of the bell vii)s. nijd. Itm payd for naylles jd. Itm payd for pavyng of the churche xijd. Itm payd for payntyng of the morrys daun- sers coyttes ijy. Itm payd for a hatte \)d. Itm payd for iij dozen belles xijd. Itm payd for j dosyn of belles m)d. Itm payd for makyng of oure boke of chers- tenyng, weddynge and burying viijd. Itm payd to Sumner for caryage of ye same boke vjd. Itm payd for wine for the churche i\\jd. Itm payd for a line for the clocke ixd. Itm payd for mendyng of a locke and a key to they belfree doure ni]d. Itm payd for wyne for the communion yn the churche ixd. Itm payd at the visitacion courte the Thurs- day after Saynte Faithes day at Newbere xijd. Itm payd for ij bokes of prayer againste the Turks viijd?. Itm payd for smoke farthynges iij.r. iii)d. Itm payd for makyng of ij Newe seattes yn the churche vj.y. viijd. Itm payd for my charges when I caryed the churche dedes to Readyng xd. Itm payd for wyne for the commvnyon yn the churche viijd. Itm payd for iiij elnes of holland for the alter clothe vs. viijd. Itm payd for makyng of the same clothe and mendyng of the surplyces viijd. Itm payd for howselynge b[r]eads to the churche xij*f. Itm payd for wyne for the churche agaynste [EJaster ixs. vjd. Itm payd for a hundreth pavyment to the churche vj.f. viijd. Itm payd for makyng of our counte boke ijs. Sma. totalis iijli. iijs. iijd. Anno dni. 1567. So there remaneth unto the churche- wardens at the last counte making at the crying yn of John Pydgyn, Thomas Knyght and John Bassett all thyngs discharged for the church at thys Courte [amount ille- gible]. Itm the sayd churchwardens have receavyd besydes the sum above mencioned for the fyne of William Norman's howse xvs. Almshouse Receipts. In prymis Resavyd of the Almeshowse stocke xxx^iw. vjd. Itm Recevyd for the wholl yeres rente of parys land xlviijf. iiij//. Itm Receavyd of Steven Smythe for his whole yeres rent vj.f, viijd. Itm Receavyd of John Restall for the rent of his pedyll vj.r. Itm Receavyd for the rent of William Nor- man's howse by y e yere viij.f. Itm Receavyd for elnes [? of canvas] vjs. viijd. Itm Receavyd for the fyne of William Nor- man's howse xxs. Itm Receavyd for the mylk of a cow xxd. 94 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. Sma. totalis wli. \i)s. vd. besyde the xxxf. for the fyne of William Norman's house and viijj. for hys rent which viij.r. was geven away to the poare at the counte mak- yng- Almshouse Expenses. In prymus payd att the hurrying of John Cheycks vj*/. Itm payd for the peoples dryncking the same time iiij*/. Itm for mendyng of a locke and makyng of a key vj*/. Itm payd for a peare of shoes for John Restall vj*/. Itm for makyng of a suete for the sayd John id. Itm payd for vj elnes of canvas for the Almys howse vijf. vj*/. Itm for makyng of the same sheyttes i)d. Itm payd to Thomas Cryppe for a dayes worke and one other chayre yn a morn- ing xjd. Itm payd to Hew Johnsun for breadyng and dawbyng at the Almes howse iijs. xd. Itm payd for a trenche clothe to the Almes howse iij*/. Itm payd to Roberte Swayne for Roddes viij*/. Itm payd for xij lode of woode to the Almes howse xxxs. Itm payd to Mother Beyckesfylde vj*/. Itm payd to the same woman at certen tymes if. Itm payd for a li. of flax for the same woman ixd. Itm payd to Thomas Cryppe for Reparacyons aboute the Almes howse xxd. Itm payd for a weyckes worke more to Hewe Johnsun xxxj-. vj*/. Itm delyueryd to the Almys howse vj schore foyle of boards vs. Itm the value of the sawed tymber delyueryd to ye Almes house xij*/. Itm payd for nayles ij*/. Itm payd for Roddes to Richarde Stoyne ij*/. Itm delyueryd vnto Mother Beyckesfyld to bye hure a peare of shues x\d. Itm payd for a aporne for the same woman v\d.ob. Itm delyuered vnto hure yn money viij*/. Itm delyueryd vnto Margere Powell yn money iiij*/. Itm delyueryd vnto Alys Golde yn money viij*/. 1567-8- Church Expenses. Itm a payment for smoke farthings iijj. iiij*/. Itm a payment to Wm. Hawkynges for mak- ing of the partycyon yn the Northe yle x\\)s. viij*/. Itm a payment to John Hyrte the mason for worke done by hym and hys ij men for viij dayes xx*. Itm a payment for iij hundreth brycks \\\)s. Itm payd for ij quarts of wyne for the church viij j. Itm payd more to Hyrte for iij dayes worke iiij-r. ij//. Itm payd for iij bushells of lyme xij*/. Itm payd for a syxe penny nayle vj*/. Itm payd to the sextyn for makynge cleayne of ye church xij*/. Itm payd for a shovell tree to ye churche iij*/. Itm payd for iij lode of sauder \)s. Itm payd for a lytle table boarde lost at the lucell at Whytsuntyde vij*/. Itm payd to Rabbytts to make the Ringers drynke when the bysshopp came thorow ye towne yj*/. Itm payd for eleven hundreth and a half of shyngells vs. Item payd for laying of the same and for fyve hundreth yt were yn the vestre viijs. Itm payd for hewyng and laying of a thousand of shyngells [ X s. Itm payd for naylls for the same vjs. vd. Itm payd for hangyng up of the saunte bell rope [sum illegible] Itm payd for vj crusys iiij tankards and vj dystres ijj. vj*/. Itm payd to Hyrte and hys man for iij dayes worke of the south syde of the church vs. Itm payd to the fane and for makyng up of the pynacle of ye steeple and settyng on of the ij fanes. [Amount omitted.] Itm payd for xij li. of leade to ye same faynes xvij*/. Itm for ye Reparacyon of the same faynes xij*/. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 95 Itm payd for toylles ijd. Itm payd for a paper boke for the Regestrynge yn of the holy loffe gatheryng the seattes and the church paynes xijd. Almshouse Expenses. Itm payd to Richard Tull for wynteryng of cowe \)s. Itm to Edwarde Coke for wynteryng of another cowe vs. Itm payd for a cowe fete [fetched] from the pound yn free leyse iijd. Itm for kepyng of the same cowe vjd. Itm payd for the cleavyng of a pollard tree xijd. Itm payd for the caryage of the same xiijd. Itm payd to John Bradford for worke done at the almes howse and for ij Rayles viijd. 1568-9. Church Receipts. In prymys Receyvyd att Whytsuntyde Kynge ale xvs. iijd. Itm the Renttes of Assyes x\s. viijd. Itm Receauyd of Chrystofer Wynbolt for ye fyne of hys howse xxs. Itm of Midgham and Gyrnam for smoke far- thyngs ixd. Itm Recauyd of the wholl parissh for the holy loyffe money xxviijs. ixd. Itm Recauyd of Roger Knyght, Phillippe Goddard, Thomas Headach, and Thomas Goddard for the towe newe seattes on the north syde of the church vjs. v\\jd. Church Expenses. Itm payd at the Chapter Courte oure Byll makyng and oure dynner xxijd. Itm payd for a commvnyon boke for the churche \\\j s . v \d. Itm payd for xviij foytt (feet) of boarde for the greate chest yn the vestre viijd. Itm payd to the gyner [joiner] for the Re- paracion of the same chest and for naylles to the same Xl £ Itm payd for iij crokes to sett the cofer scytt 011 [no amount stated] Itm payd for mendyng of the bell whyll )d. Itm payd for Ryngyng att the cumyng yn of the Queenes Maiestie and hurr goyng fourth iijj. Itm payd at the Chapter Courte for oure byll makyng and oure dynnyr xvj (fa 0~e@r^>£. ryp^eu^^. ^^ See Appendix No. XLVI. (p. 108). Entry in Parish Churchwardens' book in 1607 prohibiting leases of Church lands by the Churchwardens without the Parishioners' consent. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 109 It. pd. Batcheler the parrater for earring the same [records from the registers] to Salsbury x]d. It. pd. William Pigion for mendinge and newe making the lock of the traplofte dore of the vestry xxd . Almshouse Receipts. Summa totalis xli. iijx. viij<£ Almshouse Expenses. Item paid them ther milkmoney xxs. It. geven them more besides the milkmoney iiij.r. 1610-1. Church Receipts. Receaued of Mr. John Winchcombe the younger gent, geven by his father towards the reparacons of the churche xxs. Receaued of Mr. Fuller xviij/z'. Church Expenses. Item paid Phillipp Head for squaringe the pece of tymber wch. is sett over Mr. Fuller's seate x\]d. Item pd. for sawinge the same pece of tymb. xxd. 1611-2. Church Receipts. Off ould Mason for the bell for his wyffe ijj. Summa vij/z. \)d. Church Expenses. Inprimis pd. for Mr. SotwelPs sonnes graue xvjV. It. pd. for the parrator for carriinge a briff \\\}d. It. pd. for mendinge a bell clapper ij.f. It. pd. the parrator for carriing the regester x\)d. It. pd. for a book of articles iii)d. It. pd. for the fetching shingles from Tadlie m)s. It. geven Fuilbrook for goinge to Tadlie for the shingler iiijV. Pd. to the aturny for his fees and charges \)s. viijd. And for our reste vjs. Almshouse Expenses. For a sherte for Fra. Knight \\s. \d. Fra. Knight i]d. It. pd. for a paire of shoes for Margerve Wells xxd. Patie nijd. It. pd. for a wheele for Widdowe Hasell x\]d. It. to fower of them in their sicknes xv)d. It pd. Patie and Cox for cleavinge and fellinge of wood iijs. It. pd. Core for a wayne to fetch wood owt of parishe land v]d. It. to them at twelftide iijs. It. pd. for a tubb for them xviijd. To them on Middellent Sunday ijs. It. pd. Patie for makinge vp the shord at parishe land wher the tree was filled ii)d. It. pd. for eight yeards and a halfe of cloth to clothe them xvijs. \)d. It. pd. the Tayler for making ther clothes i]s. \)d. It. pd. for alocke for them xd. It. pd. milkemoney xj-. 1 613-4. Church Expenses. Item paid Fulbrooke for ringers ijj. Item to Widdow Rabattes for the ringeres iij.f. \]d. Item pd. to Fulbrooke for the ringers \)s. \]d. Item paid to Fulbrooke for his waiges xxs. Item paid for writing oute the record oute of the Regester, and for parchment and cariing it to Nuberie \)s. Item to the parriter for cariing the money collected on two several dayes for St. All- bones xd. Item paid to the parritor for cariing the records owt of the Regester to Sarume xxd. Almshouse Receipts. The sume of the receipts is ix/z. xixs. v)d. Almshouse Expenses. Imprimis for xij load of woodd iij/z". xij.r. Item given to the carteres i]s. Item paid to Coare for showes x]s. no APPENDICES TO BOOK II. Item them for their quarterage \2d. a peece vjs. Item to Patie when he was sicke xij*f. Item paid them 8d. a peece iiijj. Item to good wife Hazell \\}s. iiij. iiij^ Church Expenses. Inprimis to Fulbrooke for the ringeres vjs. Item to Fulbrooke for his yeeres waiges xxs. Item laid oute for bread and wine liiijj-. Item for ringeres vs. vjd. Item to Richard Smith for a rayle to the pulpitt and trusing the belles ijs. Almshouse Expenses. Item paid to Patye before his death iijj. vjd. Item for his shroude \)s. vjd. Item his buriall xij<£ Item paid to Francis Knight in his lifetime and for his shroud and his buringe xjs. iiij^f. Item to Widow Hazel iilj-s - . vjd. Item paid to Margery Welles in hir sicknes and for hir shroud and buriinge vs. It. for shooes for the almsfolke viijs. vjd. 1615-6. Church Receipts. Resciud of a Ratment for the reparacion of the churche ixli. viijs. vjd. Church Expenses. Itm. for ringinge when the Queene came throwgh the Towne to Bath ijs. Itm. paid William Waller xxxiiijj. v\\jd. whiche the churche was indeptted to him the laste yeare xxxiijs. v\\jd. Almshouse Expenses. Item geven to Wide Hasell in hir sicknes at sundry times the some of \\\js. vjd. Item paid for a wastcoat and a aperne for Widow Hasell iiijf. vjd. Itm. geven the Almesfolk at the end of oure yeare vjs. 1616-7. Church Expenses. Item to Richard Lawrence for Stiles his grave v\\)d. Item to the Somoner for carringe the regester xv jd. Item for a servise book vijs. vjd. Item given to a Virginia soldier which had- a pass directed to th e — churchwardens [sic] vjd. Almshouse Expenses, In primis paid vnto them in May weekly ijs. x\d. by the weeke viijs- . v\\jd. Item paid them for their milke money xs. Item paid to them in June viijs. ij*f. Item in July vjs. xd. Item in August paide to them xs. vjd. Item in September viijs. v\\]d. Item in October vj*. vjd. Item paid to them for their milke monye xs. Item paid to them in November viijs. vjd. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. in Item in December xjs. iiijV. Item in Januarie viijj-. viijd?. Item paid them in February viijs. viijd. Item in March x)s. injd. Item paid them in April xiij.?. Item paid them for shooes Maye the 3rd xs. viijd?. Item remayneth in Francis Shonkes hand which he receaved xxs. so that the layinge owte conferred with the receipts their remayneth in Robert Humfryes hands due to the poore xljj-. iiija 7 . So it appeareth by this accouut due to the poore in the hands of Robert Humfry xxxixi. viijd. This 395. 8d. is deliuered vnto John Bradley. Remayneth in the box and deliuered to John Bradley a copy of Hunt's Will, a counter pane of Francis Bushnel's lease and a quit- tance from the shreefe. 1617-8. Church Receipts. It. of Midgham and Grynham Churchwardens xxd. Collected towards the reparacons of the Church at the feast of Penticost 1617 vli. vijs. vjd. for a Whitsonne Ale I saye vli. vijj. vjd. Church Expenses. It. for frameing our bill and puting of it vp iijj-. xd. Item to Chansler for 2 dayes coming over iji-. vjd. Item given to 2 that were gaily slaves to ye Turks. viijd. Item to ye somner for carying the regester xvjd. Item for a booke for collecting bread and wine xij^. Item for a baderike [belt, girdle, or sash] viijd?. Almshouse Expenses. In primis payd to the poore weekly 2s. 4d. for the whole yere vjli. js. iiijd. Item to Mr. Fauconer for overseeing the Almshouses xx <£ Item to the 3 Churchwardens for the like iijs. Item to Richard Coore for a way through " his ground xiiij^/. Auditors of thefNichs. ffuller. account I Ralphe Fawconer, vicar. 1618-9. Church Receipts. Item for Vincent Knight's wives grave iijs. iiija?. Church Expenses. Item given to a poore man that had the counsel's (Council's) letters who had his tongue cut oute xij^. Deluvered to Richard Smith a coppy of Huntes Will and the counter payne of Francis Bushnell's lease and quittances from the shriefe and 3 bands for saving the parish harmles. Almshouse Expenses. Inprimis payd to ye poore weekly 2s. $d. for the whole yeere vj/i. js. iiij/f Item for 6 wastcoots for the 6 almsfolks xviijs. iijd. Item for 4 paire of shooes for 4 of them \)s. vjd. Item for 4 smokes for 4 of them xs. ]d. Item 2 petticoots for 2 of them xijj. viijaT. Item 2 smockes more for the other 2 vs. Item 2 paire of shooes for the other 2 iiiji-. xd. Item for two paire of stockines ijs. vjd. Item to the poore weekely since Lowe Sun- day for 10 weeks xxiijs. iii]d. Auditors of thisfNichs. Fuller. accompt (Ra. Fawconer, vicar. 1619-20. Church Receipts. Item for smoke farthings for Midgham for 3 yeeres xv ^ Item for Grinham for 2 yeeres viijd?. June the 27th 1619 a rate of x li. Church Expenses. Item for smooke farthings iijj. yd. Item for squareing, sawing, and making of 2 ladders, and for timber for rounds there- vnto x ijj. Item to Fulbrooke for keeping the belles and for roopes and baderikes xxs. Item for a surplise xxs. Item for a grunsell and mending ye boordes for ye church poorch, and for mending the comunion table iijj-. viijd. 112 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. Item for a writt against the Churchwardens i]s. Item for washing the church lynen xv]d. Almshouse Expenses. Item to Wid. Cripes, Wid. Nuton, and Ave- nell a,d. a peece xij^. Item to Mr. Gayre for a writt ij.r. viijV. Item to Tisbury in his sicknes 2s. 6d., and for his shroode 3-f. and his buriall x\)d. vj.f. v]d. Item to Mr. Fauconer for overseeing the Almshouse xxd. Item to the 3 Churchwardens for the like iijs. Delivered by the Churchwardens of the last yeare to the Churchwardens of this yeare 1620 the writings and deeds following, videlt. : — The copie of John Hunte's Will. Cookes Bond of Reading. The Bond of Martyne Blundir, William Shoofe and Thomas Bucke. The bond of John Reade and Richard Bushnell. The Sherifes acquittance for the pay- ment of xxs. wch. the parishe was amersed for a decaied bridge. The bond of John Bozlie. ' The bond of Stephen Earle of Hungerford. Richard Stanbridge his indenture. The counterpart of Oswell Northwaies lease. September the 2th, anno domini 1621. It is a [agreed] that the Church rents shalbe wholy imployed towards the reparacons of the church from this time forwards. Willm. Sotwell. J. Wynchcombe. Roger Knight. Tho. Gayer. Ra. Fawconer, vicar. Gyles Tull [and others]. 1620-1. Church Receipts. Item of Mr. Fawconer towards the bells xxs. Item given by Sir Nicholas Fuller xs. Item of Gyles Tull for his brother's grave vji-. viij = < who who > James M.P. 1831, Gower J ( marrd. marrd. J Croft . Sheriff, 1826, d. at St. d. 1869 Germains, 1834 | 1862 | 1 1 1 1850 William = Marianne Thomas Francis Mary- Charlotte = Rev. George Emily Edward John Anne Elizabeth John Mount, Clutterbuck Mount, Mount, Jane Mount, Le Mesurier b. 1824, b. 1828, b. 1831 Mount, b. 1822, Sheriff 1877, d. at Eton, b. 1821, d. 1853 M.P. 1885 to 1841 d. 1892 1897 William Robert Arthur John George Talbot I I I 1895 I I 1897 Francis Elizabeth Ethel = Ralph V. Alice Margaret=Rev. Mount, Mary Georgina Bankes, Mount Emily Evelyn Winifred Mount, Mount, Mount, b. 1872 Charlotte Mount Esqre. b. 1866 b. 1868, b. 1870 Mount d. at Gibraltar 1888 Mount Harvey Maria Mount William Mount Gustavus Thursby APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 125 (b) The Waring and Croft Families. Richard Waring d. 8 Deer., 1737 r 1 Wm. Ball Waring= Mary Humphreys = Thomas Gore, 2nd Other sons d. nth Aug., 1746 (dr.ofOrlandoHum- husband, dying witht. phreys, grandr. of= Commissary Genl. of issue in the Sir William Hum- the musters of all his lifetime of phreys) Majesty's forces, 3rd W. B. War- d. 27 Oct., 1759 husband ing I 1723 Frances Waring, d. 10th May, 1767 Sir Archer Croft, Bart., of Croft Castle, Herefordshire, d. 10 Deer., 1753 1 17 Sir Archer Croft, Bart., d. 3rd Deer., 1792 59 = Elizabeth Charlotte Cowper, dr. of Ashley Cowper, Esq. I Herbert Croft, d. 1757 I J 774 , „ Sir John Frances = Richard Brooke, Esq. , Croft, Bart., Croft, of Chelsea, 1st husband d. 4th Deer., m. at 19 = Rev. Seth Thompson of 1797 Kensington, 2nd husband 1784 I = Frances Dorothea t Croft, m. at 20 I 1778 Charlotte = James 1786 Harriet = Richard Elizabeth Croft, m. at 17 Woodcock, who took the name of Croft Croft, m. under 21 Ryland of Savage Gardens, London, Esq. Frances = Richard Brooke John Brooke Brooke of Killenbeck, Whitkirk, Yorks, younger son of James Brooke of the same place, Esquire of Hull Bank.Yorks, Esq. I II II = Archer James Croft several other children several children a son other children APPENDIX LV. A Terrier dated 1783. {Indorsement : "Terrier of the Vicarage of Thatcham in the County of Berks, 19th July, 1783."] A true note and Terrier of all the Glebes, Lands, Meadows, Gardens, Or- chards, Houses, Stocks, Implements, Tene- ments, Portions of Tythes, and other Rights, belonging to the Vicarage and Parish-church of Thatcham, and the chapels of Greenham and Midgham within the said Parish, in the County of Berks and Diocese of Sarum, now in the use and possession of Seth Thompson, Clerk, and Vicar of the said church together with the said chapels, taken made and re- new'd according to the tenure of an old Terrier, as well as the old evidences of knowledge of the antient Inhabitants, this nineteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, by the appointment of the Right Revd. Father in God Shute, Lord Bishop of Sarum, at his primary Visitation held at Newbury in the said County and Diocese aforesaid, the twenty second day of July in the same year, and then and there delivered to his Registrar. Imprimis one brick and tiled Dwelling- house, in length thirty six feet and one half, in breadth at the West end sixteen feet, and at the East end twenty nine feet within the walls; containing on the ground floor in front two Parlours and one Passage between them, and in the back-part one cellar for Beer, one do. for coals and one Dairy; And above stairs two chambers in Front, and two do. backwards, but no Garrets. Item a Brick and tiled Building at the distance of twenty one feet from the North West corner of the said house, in Front towards the East seventeen feet, in breadth twenty three feet within the walls ; contain- 126 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. ing in Front one Kitchen with a Chamber for servants over it, and backwards under a sloping roof one Brewhouse. Item one thatched Building at the distance of seventy feet from the said Kitchen, in length sixty six feet, in breadth sixteen feet within the Walls, containing a stable with six stalls, a coach-house, a Peat-house, and a Straw-house, contiguous to each other, and under the same Roof. Item a Front-garden abutting to the North on the King's Highway, and surrounded on the three other sides by lands belong- ing to the Vicarage, containing thirty two Poles. Item a Back-garden, containing one Rood, sixteen poles, surrounded on the North, East, and West by lands belonging to the Vicarage, and on the South-side by land be- longing to Sir Archer Croft, Bart., from which it was formerly parted by a Quickset hedge planted at a distance of one hundred and four feet from the Vicarage house. ' N.B. The said land belonging to Sir Archer Croft, Bart., from which the said Back-garden belonging to the Vicarage was parted by the said Quickset hedge, contains more than one quarter of an acre, and is now in tenure of the present Vicar, not in right of his Vicarage, but by the favour and per- mission of Sir Archer Croft, Bart. ; and is revocable from the said Vicar or his suc- cessors, at the good pleasure of the said Sir Archer Croft, his heirs or assigns. And this is left by the said Vicar upon record, lest what was granted to him as a matter of favor should in course of time be claim'd as a matter of right ; the said ground being now converted into a garden, and added to the Vicarage garden by an opening made in the middle of the Quickset hedge, thro' which a gravel walk leading from the Vicarage house is continued in a direct line to the Lane leading to Chamberhouse Farm.' Item the Churchyard, containing one acre one rood and sixteen poles. Item a Piddle on the East side of the Front and Back garden belonging to the Vicarage, containing two Roods and twenty four Poles. Item a yard adjoining to the Stable on the West side of the Front Garden, containing twenty two Poles. Item a Rickyard on the West side of the back-garden, containing thirty four Poles. Item one croft, lying Southward from the Vicarage, called High Close, containing two acres and three Roods; abutting Eastward upon the Lane going from Mrs. Druce's Farm-house towards Chamberhouse, South- ward on lands in tenure of the said Mrs. Druce, Westward on the Lane going down to the Common Moor, and Northward on a Rickyard belonging to the said Mrs. Druce. Item a piece of arable land in a common Field called Irish Field, containing three Roods and twenty four Poles, abutting South- ward on the Turnpike Road between Thatch- am and Newbury, Eastward and Westward on lands in tenure of Gabriel Machin, and Northward on land, formerly called Trots Acre, now in tenure of Edward Northway. Item Pasture of Feeding for nine Cows and a Bull, and an Horse, and for all the Hogs that the said Vicar and his successors do keep per totum anuum in the pasture ground, commonly call'd the Moor, bordering upon Widemead. Item common for all his cattle of what kind soever in the pasture of the Rectory, when and wheresoever the Tenants of the Rectory do common with the Rectory, and when and where they use to common in the several pastures of the Rectory aforesaid; And moreover for all his cattle of what sort soever, as many as he will keep in all the commons of pasture in the whole Parish aforesaid. Item two sufficient and competent loads of Straw to be paid yearly at the Feast of All Saints by the Impropriate Parson of Thatch- am towards the covering and thatching the outhouses of the vicar and other his necessary uses. Item the Tithe of every kind of blade grass or hay, grain or seed growing in or- chards, gardens, curtilages, or Hayses that either have been, or hereafter shall be within the Precints of Thatcham Town or where- soever else in the said Parish now tilled or hereafter to be tilled in any such place as aforesaid. Item Tithe of Wool, Fells of Sheep killed APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 127 for the houses, Colts, Lambs, Pigs, Calves, Cheese, Milk, Pidgeons, Ducks, geese, Swans, Bees, honey, wax, eggs, garden peas, Herbs and sweet Flowers, Herbage of Cattle, Mills of all sorts, as Water-Mills, Wind-Mills, and Hand-Mills, Apples, Pears and all kind ol garden fruits, together with Pumpions, Cab- bages, onyons, and such like whatsoever; also Hops, Osiers, Fish of Ponds and Rivers, Hemp and Flax growing in any place of the Parish aforesaid whatsoever. Item Tithe of coppices, underwoods, lop- ing of Pollards, sherding of trees, Hedgerows Mast of Oaks and Beeches, Billets, Faggots, Turf and all such fuel ; together with all and singular other provents, obventions, offerings, oblations, decimis minutis, or small Tithes and personal. Item Tithes of all kinds both great and small of all that lies within a certain district called the Borough of Thatcham. N.B. At the bottom of an old Terrier made during the Incumbency of Jo. Cock, Clerk and Vicar, but without a date, are the following articles, viz. — Item a curtilage in Aldershot in Colthrop. Item a curtilage in Awbery Street Tithing, called Hicks. Item a curtilage in Awbery Street Tithing, called Pyles. Item a curtilage in Ransford's. Item a curtilage in Awbery Street, called the Hold. Item a curtilage in Crookham, called Rodds, now in the tenure of John Pendall. Item a curtilage in Parsonage Tithing, by the name of Blandy's Hold, in the tenure of Francis Loader. Item a curtilage in Goddard's Tithing, call'd Ellice's Hold. Item a curtilage in Wor'ster Tithing, called the Lodge now, but anciently the Warren. Item a curtilage in Henwick in the pos- session of Richard Mortimer. Item a curtilage in Wor'ster Tithing in Corckham call'd the Manor Hase. Item a curtilage in Parsonage Tithing, call'd Parsonage Piddle. Item two curtilages in tenure of Farmer Carter. Item an orchard by Tinker's Bridge in Wor'ster Tithing in the tenure of Farmer Matthews. Item a curtilage called Pidgeons in Hen- wick near the Bowling Green. Item a curtilage call'd the Ash in Parson- age Tithing. Item a curtilage call'd Stowers near Ham Mills in tenure of John Hore. Item a curtilage in Parsonage Tithing call'd Kent's, in the tenure of John Basset. Item a curtilage call'd Gibbins's in Midg- ham, now in the tenure of John Bartholomew. Item a curtilage in Midgham call'd Down's orchard, in the tenure of Thomas Tull. On the Institution of the present Vicar to the Vicarage of Thatcham, he made enquiry after all the curtilages described above in the old Terrier ; and was surpriz'd to find that no account could be given of them by the oldest Inhabitants of the Parish ex- cept the following, " that there were some little Parcels of ground answering the des- cription in the old Terrier, and still bearing the names, by which they are there men- tion'd ; but that his predecessor had receiv'd no benefit from any of them except one, viz. : — the curtilage in Ransford's, which was supposed to be a place where there was formerly an old orchard, for which the Tithingman of his predecessor receiv'd an- nually five shillings ; distinguishing it in some of his receipts (in bad spelling) as an Orchat, in others as a curtilage." The present vicar hath constantly receiv'd the same sum of five shillings per ann. from the present pro- prietor of the said curtilage, George White of Speenham Lands near Newbury. Item there is also by long established custom due to the vicar, one shilling for the publication of Banns of marriage in the Church of Thatcham or in either of the Chapels of Greenham or Midgham; Five shillings for the celebration of matrimony ; seven pence for every churching in the Church of Thatcham, and eight pence for every churching in either of the Chapels ; one shilling for every funeral when the coffin is brought into the Church or Churchyard covered with a black cloth, and ten shillings 128 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. when it is covered with a Pall; and one shilling for every funeral at Midgham, whether the coffin be covered with anything or not, and ten shillings (as at Thatcham) when it is covered with a Pall ; Five pence for an Easter offering for every family in the Parish of Thatcham and the chapelries of Greenham and Midgham; Two shillings and six pence at every visitation for a din- ner, paid by the Churchwardens for the time being, and the several sums of sixpence and one shilling and eight pence as Trust-money for two different charities paid by the said Churchwardens every year. Item a right of chusing the Clerk of the Parish upon every vacancy by death or otherwise (the Sexton being chosen by the Parishioners). Item a right of chusing one churchwarden annually (two others being chosen by the Parishioners). Belonging to the said Parish of Thatcham are first, the Parish Church, an antient Building containing in length (within the chancel) one hundred and four feet, in breadth forty seven feet and an half. The longest part of the Chancel is in breadth twenty feet and one half, and is repair'd by Sir Archer Croft, Bart. The other part of the chancel is in breadth fifteen feet and one half, and is kept in repair by Sir George Cornewall, Bart. The Steeple is fourteen feet square, and (together with the Body of the Church) is kept in repair by the Parishioners. It was decreed (7th Charles the First) that in raising a Tax oi £40 towards the Reparations of Thatcham Church, there should be paid by £ s. d. The Inhabitants of the Earl of Worster's Tything . .700 The Inhabitants of Parsonage Tith- ing . . . .600 Do. of Henwick Tithing . -55° Do. of Awbery-Street Tithing . 4 10 o Do. of Mr. Goddard's Tithing .250 Do. of Colthrop Tithing . .300 Do. of Thatcham Town Tithing . 1 10 o Do. of Midgham . . .500 Do. of Greenham . . .500 Within, and belonging to the said Church are one Communion Table with a covering for the same of old green cloth; also one linen cloth for the same, and one Napkin; one Pewter Flaggon, one silver chalice and cover without a date that is legible, very old and very thin, containing rather more than one Pint ; one Pewter Plate, two wooden Boxes for the offertory ; one chest with three locks, and one box with two locks in the Vestry ; one green Pulpit-cloth very old, and one Pulpit-cushion cover'd on the upper side with green velvet very old likewise; one large Bible of the last Translation, and two large Common-Prayer-books ; one church clock ; six Bells with their Frames and a little warning-bell call'd a Ting-tang ; Two Biers and a Black cloth for Funerals ; one Surplice; four Register Books, one begin- ning in 1653 and ending in 1694, the second beginning in 1695 and ending in 1771, the third beginning in 177 1 and continued to the present time, and the fourth a marriage Register beginning in 1766 and continued to the present time ; one large Oak Table in the Vestry ; and one large Church-Ladder hanging up on the north wall of the Church. Item the Churchyard, containing one acre, one rood and sixteen poles, tho' belonging to the vicar, yet fenced round entirely by the several Proprietors of different lands and tenements in the Parish of Thatcham, or the Tenants of such Proprietors ; except the little South Gate which is repair'd by the vicar. And lest any confusion should arise in future about the respective repairs of the several Proprietors, the following is left upon record as a true copy of the Mounds or Fences round the churchyard of Thatcham, distinguishing the present occupiers of the lands and tenements subject to the repairs of them, and the respective parts of the said Mounds or Fences, which they are by antient custom oblig'd to erect and keep in repair ; The account beginning at the North Gate of the said Churchyard and proceeding west- ward quite round it. No. Panes. Measures Feet Inchs. 1 Lands in ye occupation of John Knight, repair ye little north APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 129 No. Measures Panes. Feet Inchs. gate and 1 Pane westward, Gate . . • 3 IO Thomas Tull Tenant, Sir Ar- cher Croft Proprietor, Pane 6 o 2 A Tenement and Lands in ye occupation of Thomas Tull, 1 Pane, 3 Posts, Sir A. Croft Proprietor . . .11 4 3 A Tenement and Lands in ye occupation of Mary and Os- wald Northway, Sir A. Croft Proprietor, one Pane . 104 4 A Tenement and Lands called Willis's in occupation of Mat- thew Tidbury, Sir George CornewallProprietor,onePane n 5 5 Lands called Badcroft in tenure of Proprietor, one Pane .10 o 6 A Tenement and Lands called Francis Loader's in tenure of Edward Northway, — Hen- shaw, Esq., Proprietor, one Pane . . . .92 7 A Tenement in tenure of Wil- liam Wallis, — Henshaw, Esq., Proprietor, one Pane . 9 2 8 Lands called Bamfields in ten- ure of William Wallis, — Henshaw, Esq., Proprietor, one Pane . . .92 9 Tenement and Lands in tenure of John Lawrence, Proprietor Sir A. Croft, one Pane .10 o 10 Tenement and Lands in tenure of Christopher Bassett, Pro- prietor Croft, one Pane .12 4 1 r Tenement in occupation of Ed- ward White formerly, now John Lawrence Proprietor, one Pane n 4 12 Tenement and Lands called Tomlyns and Tobys, in occu- pation of James Hunt,Proprietor 8 10 13 Tenement in occupation of John White, late Withers's (House down) now Matthew Tidbury, Proprietor Sir George Corne- wall, one Pane . . 10 5 14 Tenement and Mills in occupa- tion of Mr. John Townsend, VOL. 11. No. Panes. Measures Feet Inchs. Proprietor Sir A. Croft, one Pane . . . [omitted] 15 Tenement in occupation of William Machin now Proprie- tor Rev. Mr. Watts . 9 o 16 Tenement in occupation of Mr. Pococke, one Pane . .11 o 17 Ditto in occupation of late Daniel Giles, now William Whiting, Proprietor Sir A. Croft . . . .66 18 Tenement of 2 Messuages in occupation of Jere Hornblow, called Spicers, late John Read, Proprietor Croft, one Pane . 8 o 19 Tenement in occupation of Jere Hornblow, where he dwelt, late John Read, lower house, Proprietor Croft . .84 20 Tenement in occupation of John Bartholomew, now Duns- ton Park, Proprietor Sir A. Croft . . . .80 21 Tenement of 2 Messuages in occupation of Gabriel Machin (Powels farm), Proprietor Croft, one Pane . .10 o 22 Tenement inoccupation of Wil- liam Wallis, Proprietor — Henshaw, Esq., one Pane . 8 8 23 Tenement in occupation of Thomas Hunt, now Gabriel Machin, called Prince Hold, Proprietor Croft, one Pane . 4 5 24 Tenement called Woods in oc- cupation of Matthew Tidbury, Proprietor Harris, one Pane . 8 4 25 Tenement called Booths, in oc- cupation of Henry Horn, Pro- prietor Croft, one Pane 10 11 26 Tenement in tenure of Charles Dibley, late Hobson, now Henry Horn, Proprietor Croft, one Pane . . .12 o 27 The Manor of Henwick in oc- cupation of Henry Carter (Thatcham Farm) now Widow Donee, Proprietor Croft, one Pane . . . . 10 o 130 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. No. Measures No. Panes. 'Feet Inchs^ Panes. 28 Tenement of two Messuages in occupation of John Hore (Crabb Miles), Proprietor Croft, one Pane 29 Tenement and Lands in occu- pation of John Hutchins, late John Lansdell, Esq., one Pane .... 30 Tenement and Lands in occupa tion of William Joyce, late N Willis now William Wallis Proprietor, Henshaw, Esq. one Pane 31 Tenement and Lands in occu- pation of Francis Child where he dwelt (Ashmore Green), . now Matthew Tidbury, Pro- prietor Harris, one Pane .10 4 32 & 33 The Tithing of Green- ham, two Panes . . 10 & 9 34 Tenement called Ham Mills in occupation of Westall, Pro- prietor Croft, one Pane . 9 10 f Tenement and Lands in -\ occupation of late John 8 o Cousins, now John Lamb, [7 6 Proprietor, Henshaw, Esq. J 37 The little South Gate belongs to ye Vicar of Thatcham . 3 5 Tenement and Lands in oc- cupation of late William Machin, called Ham Mills Court Land, Proprietor John Croft, Esq. . 40 Tenement in occupation of John May, late Chivers, now Lovelock, Proprietor Croft, one Pane 41 Tenement in occupation of Os- wald Northway, now Thomas Tull (house down), Proprietor Croft, one Pane 42 Tenement in occupation of Richard Wallis, called Hills, late Widow Machin, one Pane 5 2 43 Tenement in occupation of John Shepherd, now John 56 Fisher, one Pane . .7 6 57 44 Tenement in occupation of Mr. Measures Feet Inchs. 35 36 38 39 John Hunt, where he dwells, one Pane . . .70 45 Land called Hicks in occupa- tion of Edward Mortimer, now James Hunt, Proprietor Croft, one Pane . . .70 46 Lands called Halfway Grounds inoccupation of William Horn, Proprietor Sir George Corne- wall, one Pane . .50 47 Lands called Pyles in tenure of Edward Mortimer, now James Hunt, Proprietor Croft, one Pane . . .40 48 Lands called Pottingers (ye Hold part of Thatcham farm) in occupation of Widow Druce, Proprietor Sir A. Croft, one Pane . . .60 49 Tenement called Valentine Holes, in occupation of John Bayley (ye Swan and Malt- house, Waterside) his own, one Pane . . .56 CROOKHAM. ' Tenement called Ransfords " 50 in occupation of George 51 " White, Proprietor himself, 2 Panes . 52 Tenement called Avenals, Tho- mas Horn Proprietor 53 Ditto called Mr. Fullers, late in occupation of John Long, now John Bull, Proprietor Sir George Cornewall 54 Tenement called Goddards, late in occupation of John Long, now John Bull, Proprie- tor Sir George Cornewall 55 Tenement in occupation of William Smith, now Sir G. Cornewall, 2 Panes . Ditto in occupation of John " 10 9 Pendar, No. 56, one Pane, and No. 57, 2 Panes, now Sir George Cornewall o o 4 10 4 2 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. No. Panes. Measures Feet Inchs. 60 61 62 63 58 Tenement in occupation of Peter Matthews, now Peter Green, one Pane 59 Ditto in ditto of Giles Emans, one Pane Ditto in ditto of Richard Marshall, late John Long now John Bull, Proprietor Sir George Cornewall, two Panes • Tenement in occupation of Richard Smith, now Rich- ard Messiter, Proprietor Sir James Peachy, two Panes 64 Tenement late Peter Matthews, now Peter Greens 65 Ditto called Free Lease in oc- cupation of William Banks, Proprietor Sir James Peachy, one Pane 66 Tenement in occupation of Jacob Field, now Peter Green, Proprietor Sir James Peachy, one Pane 67 Tenement in occupation of John Arundell, now Widow Holdway, Proprietor Burnell, one Pane 68 Tenement in occupation of Giles Emans, now George God- dard ye present proprietor, one Pane 69 Tenement in occupation of Richard Goddard, one Pane . 70 Ditto in ditto of John Awbery, now Peter Green, one Pane . , 71 Ditto in ditto of John Mat- thews late Peter Matthews, now , one Pane . 72 Tenement in occupation of William Smith, now John Arundel, one Pane . 73 Tenement called Kentons late in occupation of Peter Mat- thews, now , one Pane . 74 Tenement in occupation of William Kinton, late Can- No. Panes. 131 Measures Feet Inchs. nons, later Peter Matthews, now, one Pane 75 Tenement in occupation of Thomas Prior, Esq., one Pane 76 Ditto in ditto of John Mat- thews, now Stephen Hunt, one Pane 77 Tenement in occupation of Mr. Caverly, late W. Whittaker, now , one Pane . 78 Tenement in occupation of John Read (house down), now William Horn, one Pane 79 Tenement in occupation of William Ford one part, and William Butler ye other part, and J- Dibley, one Pane 80 Tenement called Baits in oc- cupation of late John Read one part, and Richard Mar- shall for Dibleys, now Widow Webb, and William Tull, now Strouds, ye other part, one Pane .... 81 Tenement in occupation of George Mortimer, now Wil- liam Butler, 1 Pane . 82 Ditto in ditto of Simon White, now John Horn, 1 Pane 83 Ditto in ditto of Richard Poole, now William Butler, 1 ditto . 84 Ditto in ditto of John Bailey, Colthrop Farm, one Pane 85 Tithing of Midgham maintain- ing ye Cart Gate 86 Borough of Thatcham main- tains ye little East Gate and 4 Panes between ye Gate and Wises House . The remaining part of ye Fence viz., between Wises House and ye little North Gate (from whence ye above account begins) is kept in repair by ye Proprietors and Tenants of ye gardens, lying on ye North side of ye Churchyard, and contiguous thereto. o o o 6 4 S s 2 132 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. There are also belonging to the Parish of Thatcham a brick and tiled School-house, formerly called the Chapel, in Chapel Street, endowed with an annuity of £53 charged on an Estate in the Parish of St. Mary West- Port in the County of Wilts,' now in posses- sion of — Smith of Malmesbury, in the said County. The School has been discontinued ever since the year 1724 on account of a lapsed Trust ; and a Suit is now depending in Chancery for its re-establishment. Item an annuity of £& i8.r. charged on Lands in the Parish of Beenham in the County of Berks in tenure of John Butler. Item Lands, called Parish Lands, in the Parish of Thatcham, lying on the North side of a lane called Dirty Lane near Hart's Hill, now in tenure of Mr. John Horn of Thatcham, at a yearly rent of £7. Item an House in Broad Street in Thatch- am, and Land in Turnfield in Thatcham, in tenure of Mrs. Winbolt, Widow, at a yearly Rent of £2 1 $s. Item an House in Chapel Street in Thatcham in tenure of William Smith at a, yearly Rent of £1 ioj. Item an House in Chapel Street in tenure of John Lamport at a yearly rent of £1 7s. Item an House in Chapel Street aforesaid in tenure of Thomas Farrow at a yearly Rent of £1 10s. Item Land called Rack Piddle, lying on the West side of Thatcham Marsh, in tenure of the Widow Norkett at a yearly Rent of £1 10s. Item Land in tenure of John Stroud of Thatcham, Butcher, adjoining to his dwel- linghouse, at a yearly Rent of £1. Item an House in Chapel Street in tenure of Thomas White at a yearly Rent of £1. Item an House in Chapel Street in tenure of Thomas Garret at a yearly Rent of £1. Item an House in Chapel Street in tenure of Thomas Jones at a yearly Rent of £1. Item an House in Cheap Street in tenure of Widow Wheeler at a yearly Rent of Item an House in Cheap Street in Thatch- am, and Land lying in North Field in Thatcham, in tenure of Thomas Hunt, at a yearly rent of £1 10s. Item an House in Cheap Street aforesaid in tenure of Charles Philips at a yearly rent of^j 8*. Item an House in Duck Street in Thatch- am in tenure of John Farrow at a yearly Rent of £1 is. Item an House in Cheap Street in Thatch- am in tenure of Charity Masters at a yearly Rent of £1. Item an House in Chapel Street in Thatch- am in tenure of Thomas Brown at a yearly Rent of £1. Item an House in Broad Street in Thatch- am in tenure of Widow Allen at a yearly Rent of £1. Item Land in Worthy Field in the Parish of Thatcham in tenure of Mr. Gabriel Machin at a yearly Rent of 15^. Item Land in Turnfield in tenure of the Overseers of the Parish of Thatcham for the use of the Workhouse at a yearly Rent of 7s. Item Land in Lyefield near Colthrop Farm, and Land in Gravel Pit Field in the parish of Midgham, in tenure of Mr. John Baily of Colthrop Farm at a yearly Rent of £*. Item an House in Cheap Street in New- bury near the Cattle-Market • in tenure of Mr. John Townsend of Newbury at a yearly Rent of £2. Item an House in Broad Street in Thatch- am in tenure of Joseph Fulbrook at a yearly Rent of £) 55. Item an annuity of £1 charged on an Estate of Houses in Cheap Street, Thatcham, belonging to John Perry of Thatcham. Item an annuity of £6, due 20th May every year, charged on an Estate of Houses and Lands belonging to the Rev. Seth Thompson of Thatcham, and purchased by him of Mrs. Gilbert of Thatcham. Item an annuity of £1 charged on an Estate belonging to Mr. George Goddard of Crookham in the Parish of Thatcham. Item an House in Duck Street, Thatcham, in tenure of Widow Tull at a yearly Rent of 9s. Item an House in the said Street in tenure of Thomas Scaldwell at a yearly Rent of gs. Item an House in the said Street in tenure of Daniel Mosdell at a yearly Rent of 9^. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 133 Item an House in the said Street in tenure of Elizabeth Brown at a yearly Rent of gs. Item an House in Broad Street, Thatcham, adjoining to the Workhouse, in tenure of John Hunt Rent free. The produce of the Annuities, Lands and Houses above described is received by the Churchwardens of Thatcham for the time being, and applied by them to the relief of the Poor, and defraying other Parish charges. In testimony of the truth of the before mentioned particulars and every one of them ; We the Minister, Churchwardens and principal Inhabitants of the Parish of Thatcham in the County of Berks have set our hands this nineteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three. Seth Thompson, Vicar of Thatcham. James Hunt, \ William Wallin, I Churchwardens. Win George, ) Parishioners of Thatcham — John Baily, John Stroud, John Marson, Henry Bunce, Robert Smith, John Bull, Edward Northway, Giles Tull. APPENDIX LVI. Meeting House Certificates, A. [From Reg. Douglas, To the Right Revd. Father in God, John Lord Bishop of Sarum, we whose names are hereunto subscribed being Protestant Dis- senters from the Church of England under the Denomination of Baptists, and House- holders in the Parish of Thatcham in the County of Berks and Diocese of Sarum, Do certify to your Lordship that we have set apart the dwellinghouse of Moses Fasset situate at Crookham in the Parish aforesaid as and for a place of religious 1799, 1803, 1S04, and 1807. tinder date 9th July, 1799.] worship by an assembly of Protestant Dis- senters under the aforesaid Denomination ; and we request this our Intention may be regester'd in your Lordship's Registry and a certificate thereupon granted according to the Act of Parliament in that case made and provided. Witness our hands this ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one thou- sandseven hundred and ninetynine. William Willmot, Richard Hutchins, Moses Fasset. Entd. nth July, 1799. W. B. B. [From Reg. Douglas, under date 17th August, 1803.] To the Right Revd. Father in God John by Divine permission Lord Bishop of Sarum or to his official Principal. These are to certify that a house and premises situate in the Parish of Thatcham in the County of Berks, the property of Mrs. Hannah Baily and in the possession of Mr. John Barfield, is set apart and appropriated for religious worship for the use of His Ma- jesty's Protestant subjects dissenting from the Church of England, according to an Act of Parliament made in the 1st year of the reign of our late Sovereigns King William and Queen Mary, entitled An Act for exempting their Magestys Protestant sub- jects dissenting from the Church of England from the Penalties of certain Laws. As witness our hands this seventeenth day of August one thousand eight hundred and three. Jno. Barfield, John Joyce, Wm. Higgs, Sampson Higgs. Entd. 5th September, 1803. W. B. C. [From Reg. Douglas, under date 1st Dec., 1804.] To the Right Revd. Father in God, John by Divine permission Lord Bishop of Sarum or to his official Principal. These are to certify that a Meeting House erected at Thatcham in the County of Berks, and which is vested in the Revd. John Winter, the Revd. Robt. Sloper, Thos. Wilson, Esquire, Thos. Pellatt Esquire, Saml.Toomer Esquire, Wm. Graham, Linendraper, Joseph Too- mer, Ironmonger, Benjn. Fuller, Stationer, [ 34 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. Wm. Leach, Gentleman, Valentine Leach, Linendraper, John Berry, Gent., Thos. Tanner, Gent., and John Barfield, Gent., and their heirs is set apart and appropriated for religious worship for the use of his Majesty's Protestant subjects dissenting from the Church of England, according to an Act of Parliament made in the ist year of the reign of our late sovereigns King William and Queen Mary, intituled an Act for exempting their Majesties Protes- tant subjects dissenting from the Church of England from the Penalty of certain Laws. D. [From Reg. Douglas, To the Right Revd. Father in God, John by Divine permission Lord Bishop of Sarum or to his official Principal. These are to certify that a house and premises situate in Greenham Common in the Parish of Thatcham and in the possession of Jno. Grainger is set apart and appropriated for religious worship for the use of His Majesty's Protestant subjects dissenting from the Church of England, according to an Act of Parliament made in the ist As witness our hands this first day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and four. Jno. Barfield, Elizth. Barfield, Thomas Pocock, William Pocock, Joshua Cook, Rebekah Cook, John Joyce, Sampson Higgs, Wm. Higgs, Mary Higgs, Ann Higgs, Danel Fasett, Senr., Danel Fasett, Junr., Jonathen Fosester, John Fidler, William Woodward, Ann Nisbet, Elizabeth Nisbet, Eli. Blagrave, Sophia Blagrave. Entd. 8th Deer., 1804. under date 14th April, 1807.] year of the reign of our late Sovereigns King William and Queen Mary, entitled an Act for exempting their Majesty's Protestant subjects dissenting from the Church of England from the Penalties of certain Laws. As witness our hands this fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven. John Dyer, John Grainger, Wm. Graham, E. Rolfe. Entd. 24th April, 1807. E. D. APPENDIX LVII. Inventory of the Church and Parish Property. 1833. [On the first and following pages of " the Churchwarden's contingent account book, Parish of Thatcham, commencing 1832," are the entries following.] Inventory of Church and Parish property consisting of goods, utensils, &c, &c, taken on the 19th of April, 1833, by S. S. Blay, Churchwarden. Vicarage House. 1 . Iron chest with lock and keys, containing Register of Marriages and Baptisms. 2. A Casement, containing About 30 panes of old glass reserved for repairing the Church windows as di- rected in the 2nd resolution of a general vestry held the 12th day of August, 1831 — see page 41 of the Church property and Charity account book. Vestry Room. 1. Oak chest with 3 locks and 3 keys, con- The Revd. Mr. Heardsmari s gift. 1. A copy of the will of the Revd. Mr. Heardsman, dated the ist April, 1594. 2. Commissioners' Inquisition to enquire of charitable uses, dated 7th October, 1652. 4. Baron Tomlyns covenants to pay £6 yearly for ever on the 8th day of May (or within 12 days next after, dated 7th July, i653- 3. Baron Tomlyns' exceptions against the Commissioners' order, dated 1652. 5. Baron Tomlyns confirms the Revd. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 135 Mr. Heardsman's gift of £6 per year due the 8th May yearly, dated 1653. 6. Baron Tomlyns' articles of agreement, &c, dated 1653. 7. The decree of the Court of Chancery. Poor Inhabitants of Thatcham against Rich- ard Tomlyns, Esqre. 8. A bill of costs, The poor and Richard Tomlyns, Esqre., dated 1653. 9. A small document of costs jQi 3s. °d. 10. Extracts from the above documents - by the Revd. Mr. Thompson (merely for information). Hunt's Charity and Alms Houses in Broad Street. 1. A copy of the will of John Hunt dated in the 32nd year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 2. A deed of feoffment dated 1590 in the 32nd year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 3. A deed dated 9th February, 1632. 4. A Do. Do. 1632. 5. A Do. of feoffment of John Hunt's Almshouses in Broad Street, dated the 12th March, 1632. 6. A Do. Do. 1632. 7. The gift from Beenham to the Alms- houses in Broad Street, dated the 12th March, 1632. 8. A deed dated 23rd January, 1662. 9. A deed dated 9th February, 1692. John Winchcombe 's gift. 1. A deed, the gift of John Winchcombe, dated the 7th January, 1605. Rent of a house in Cheap Street, Newbury, to be distributed in sixpences to the poor of Thatcham at the Feast of Easter and Pentecost; the house is now let to Philip Mortimer. 2. A deed dated 1626. Vouchers, and Sundry Writings. 1. A copy of Mr. Thomas Goddard's will, dated 23rd November, 1630. 2. An old Churchwardens' account book from the year 1561 to the year 1633. 3. An old overseers' parish account book from 1777 to 18 14. 4. A Decree of the Court of Chancery. Thatcham versus Greenham and Midgham. 5. Copy of do. in a more modern hand- writing. 6. A copy of the Endowment of the Charity School, dated 30th June, 1707. 7. Thirty-eight old leases (terms expired). 8. A parcel of old parchment documents. 9. A smaller do. 10. King Henry's letters patent not to disturb or take the goods of the Abbot of Reading. 11. Nine ffeoffments. 12. Eighty-three Banns and Marriage licenses. 13. Forty-four marriage licenses. 14. Twenty-nine do. 15. Thirty do. 16. Policy of insurance in the Norwich Union office. 17. Sundry papers and parchments. 18. Churchwardens' vouchers from the 12th May, 1821, to the 12th May, 1833. 19. Two Churchwardens' memorandum books. 20. A plain copy of John Chalk's lease for 14 years of the parish lands at Harts Hill. John Arnold, Senior, an agreement as yearly tenant for the house occupied by him in Chapel Street. Charles Hunt's agreement as a weekly tenant for the tene- ment occupied by him and joining that occupied by John May, on the east side of Broad Street at the South end. John Sargood's gift. 21. An extract, &c, from the Will of the late John Sargood. 2. An oak chest with lock and key containing 1. Two overseer's books from the year 1784 to the year 1798 (Disbursements). 2. Two poor rate Assessment books from the 1st December, 1787, to the 6th Novem- ber, 1800. 3. A list of cottages in the different Tythings with the names of the owners and tenants. 136 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 4. Pulpit hangings of blue cloth, one pulpit cushion with tassels complete, one cover of blue cloth for the Communion Table, and two cushions do. with tassels complete. 3. An oak chest with two locks but no key. For the use of the Clergyman. 4. An oak chest with lock and key, eontaining Overseers' Disbursements, vouchers, old rates, &c, &c. 5 . A deal box with lock and key, containing The parish award of Inclosure, the In- closure Act, and appointment of roads in Ham Marsh. Reading Desk. One Bible, one Prayer Book, one hassock and a wooden stand for the same, one linen cloth for keeping the books clean, two branch brass candlesticks with one sconce each. Clerk's Desk. One Prayer Book, one linen cloth for keeping the books clean, one brass sconce candlestick. Chancel and Aisles. One oak communion table, three long hassocks, three floor rush mats in the chancel, and fourteen forms and seven stools in the chancel and different aisles. Sundry Articles. Consisting of one oak table, one deal form, one arm chair, one foot rush mat, one common chair, one fire shovel, one pair of tongs, one poker, one fender, one pair of bellows, one coal scuttle, two pewter ink stands containing two ink glasses and a sand box, one fireman's helmet and thirty- four leather buckets (several much out of repair), two boxes for collecting sacramental oblations. Articles in the possession of Edward Winbolt. Consisting of one silver chalice, one silver salver, one pewter flagon for the administration of the sacrament, two linen surplices and a forty-four round ladder, two parish palls. Font. One oak (dome top of open work) octagon cover, one pewter basin, five long and one small common hassocks. Pulpit. One rush floor mat, one hassock, two branch brass candlesticks with two sconces each. Under the Belfry. Two biers, platform for the convenience of getting the fire engine in and out (this place being deemed too confined it is now deposited in a barn of Edward Winbolt's), one fire stove, one short form, one portable deal partition. Closet on the left of the entrance to the Vestry Room. Sundries consisting of parts of music book stands, old bannister rails, and three iron standards for branch candlesticks. Singers' Pew. Three double branch candlesticks with two sconces each, one music book stand and a deal chair, one deal drawer (without lock or key) for the use of the choir to put their music books in. Edward Winbolt's Barn. One parish fire engine. In the Minister's Churchwarden' s possession. One tin cash box with lock and key, two account books with a green baize bag to contain the same. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 137 APPENDIX LVIII. Proposed separation of the Chapelries of Greenham and Midgham from the Vicarage of Thatcham. Feb., 1857. [Representation and Scheme of the Bishop of Oxford for separating the Chapelries of Greenham and Midgham from the Vicarage of Thatcham in the County of Berks and constituting them two separate parishes for Ecclesiastical purposes and perpetual Curacies and Benefices. From the Privy Council Office.] seers and other Parish officers, and is in no A \ way connected with the said Parish of Thatcham in respect of Rates of any- kind. That the net annual value of the said Vicarage of Thatcham, exclusive of the aforesaid Chapelries or Tithings, and also exclusive of the value of the Vicarage house and appurtenances, is ^350 or thereabouts, arising partly from Rent charges given in commutation of Tithes ; partly from Glebe ; and partly from Surplice Fees and Easter Offerings. That by the apportionment of the Rent charge in lieu of Tithes within the said Chapelry of Greenham (which apportion- ment was confirmed by the Tithe Com- missioners for England on the 30th of March, r842) it was agreed that the annual sum of ^130 by way of Rent charge (subject to the provisions of the Act of Parliament therein mentioned) should be paid to the then Vicar of the said Parish of Thatcham and to his successors Vicars of the said Parish instead of all the vicarial tithes of all the lands of the said Chapelry or Tithing of Greenham. That by the apportionment of the Rent charge in lieu of Tithes within the said Chapelry or Tithing of Midgham (which apportionment was confirmed by the said Tithe Commissioners on the 28th day of March, 1842) it was agreed that the annual sum of ^105 by way of Rent charge (subject to the provisions of the Acts of Parliament therein mentioned) should be paid to the then Vicar of the said Parish of Thatcham and to his successors Vicars of the said Parish instead of all the vicarial tithes of all the lands of the said Chapelry or Tithing of Midgham, and instead of all moduses and compositions real and pre- scriptive and customary payments payable To the most Rev. John Bird, Lord Arch- bishop of the Province of Canterbury. I the Right Rev. Samuel Lord Bishop of Oxford Do hereby represent to your Grace that to the Vicarage and Parish Church of Thatcham in the County of Berks and my Diocese of Oxford belong two Ancient Parochial Chapelries or Tithings known by the names of Greenham and Midgham, the limits and boundaries whereof are well known and defined. That according to the Census of 1851 the population of Thatcham is 2861 ; that of Greenham 1182 ; and that of Midgham 250. That there is in Greenham a Church or Chapel distant from the Parish Church of Thatcham 4 miles or thereabouts ; and that there is in Midgham a Church or Chapel distant from the Parish Church of Thatcham 4 miles or thereabouts ; in both of which Churches or Chapels divine service is performed by Curates nominated by the Vicar of Thatcham aforesaid. That the Parish Church of Thatcham affords accommodation for 630 persons or thereabouts; the Chapel of Greenham for 296 persons or thereabouts ; and the Chapel of Midgham for 150 persons or there- abouts. That the aforesaid Chapelries or Tithings of Greenham and Midgham appear to be ancient and separate Parishes for all civil purposes ; and that Baptisms, Churchings, Marriages and Burials have been for a long series of years and are now solemnized and performed in each of the said Churches or Chapels of the said Chapelries or Tithings and the Burial Grounds thereto respectively belonging, aftd that each of the said Chapelries or Tithings has its own Churchwardens, Over- VOL. II. 138 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. in respect of the vicarial tithes of all the lands or the produce thereof, and instead of all Easter Offerings, Mortuaries, Tithes of Fish or Fishing and all other payments of any kind whatsoever (except Surplice Fees) payable to the said Vicar of Thatcham for or in respect of the said Chapelry or Tithing of Midgham or the Inhabitants thereof. That there is at present no house of residence for the Ministers of either of the said Chapelries Or Tithings of Greenham and Midgham. That none of the Inhabitants or Land Owners of Thatcham possess any legal right by Faculty or ' otherwise to the exclusive use of any pews or sittings in the said Churches or Chapels of Greenham or Midgham ; nor does it appear that any of the Inhabitants or Land Owners of the said two Chapelries or Tithings possess any such legal right by Faculty or otherwise to the exclusive use of any pews or sittings in the Parish Church of Thatcham. That the patronage of the Advowson of the said Vicarage and Parish Church of Thatcham with the said Chapelries or Tithings belongs to the Rev. John Haworth Milne of Thatcham in the County of Berks, who is also the Incumbent of the said Vicarage and Parish Church. That it appears to me that under the provisions of the Act of Parliament of the ist and 2nd years of the reign of Her present Majesty chapter 106, and of the 2nd and 3rd years of the same reign chapter 49, the said Chapelries or Tithings of Greenham and Midgham may be advan- tageously separated from the said Vicarage and Parish Church of Thatcham and be constituted two separate Parishes for Ecclesiastical purposes and perpetual curacies and benefices. That pursuant to the direction contained in the 26th section of the said first men- tioned Act I have prepared the following scheme, which together with the consent thereto of the Patron and Incumbent of the said Vicarage and Parish Church I do submit to your Grace, to the intent that your Grace may, if on full consideration .and enquiry you shall be satisfied with such scheme, certify the same and such consent by your Report to Her Majesty in Council. The Scheme above referred to. That the said Chapelries or Tithings of Greenham and Midgham shall be separated from the said Vicarage and Parish Church of Thatcham, and be constituted two separ- ate Parishes for Ecclesiastical purposes and perpetual curacies and benefices by the names or styles of the Perpetual Curacy of Greenham; and the Perpetual Curacy of Midgham ; of which the Churches or Chapels within the said Chapelries shall be the respective Parish Churches. That both of the proposed separate Parishes and Benefices shall be subject to the same Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction as the said Vicarage of Thatcham, and the In- cumbent of each separate Parish and Bene- fice shall have exclusive cure of souls within the limits of the same ; and the Vicar of Thatcham aforesaid be discharged therefrom. That two Churchwardens shall be annually chosen in the customary manner, and at the time when Churchwardens are usually appointed in and for each proposed separate Parish; and every person so chosen shall be duly admitted, and shall do all things pertaining to the office of Churchwarden, as to ecclesiastical matters within each of the said proposed parishes and benefices. That there shall be assigned and attached to the proposed separate Perpetual Curacy and Benefice of Greenham the whole of the Rent charge of 130/. per annum given in lieu of the Tithes of Lands within the said Chapelry or Tithing of Greenham, the several sums composing the said sum of 130/., and the lands upon which the same are assessed being set forth in the schedule to the apportionment of the said Rent charge referred to in the foregoing Represen- tation. That there shall be assigned and attached to the proposed separate Perpetual Curacy and Benefice of Midgham the whole of the Rent charge of 105/. per annum given in lieu of the Tithes of all the lands within the said Chapelry or Tithing of Midgham, or the produce thereof, and instead of Easter APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 139 Offerings and all other payments of any kind whatsoever ; the several sums compos- ing the aforesaid sum of 105/., and the lands upon which the same are assessed being set forth in the Schedule to the ap- portionment of the said Rent charge referred to in the foregoing Representation. That all fees and payments for Churchings, Marriages, Burials, and other ecclesiastical offices solemnized and performed within each of the said proposed separate Parishes and Benefices, and all such other ecclesiastical dues, offerings and emoluments, usually pay- able to the Incumbent of a Parish or Benefice, which have not been commuted as aforesaid, as shall arise within each of the said proposed separate Parishes and Benefices of Greenham and Midgham, shall belong to the respective Incumbents thereof. That the Parishioners of Thatcham shall henceforth be discharged from all rates, charges and assessments to be made for or in respect of the Churches of the said pro- posed new Benefices. That the Parishioners of each of the said proposed separate Parishes of Greenham and Midgham shall henceforth be exclusively subject and liable to all rates, charges and assessments to be made for or in respect of the maintenance and repair of their respective Parish Churches, and the expenses incident to the due performance of Divine Service therein ; and shall be exempt from all rates, charges, and assessments to be made for or in respect of the Parish Church of Thatcham aforesaid, or for or in respect of any other church or chapel situate elsewhere than within the limits of their said respective Parishes. That the Patronage or right of nomination of or to both of the said proposed separate Benefices shall be vested in the Rev. John Haworth Milne (the Patron of the said Vicarage of Thatcham) and his heirs and assigns for ever. That the Parishioners of the proposed two separate Parishes shall not hereafter be entitled to accommodation in the Parish Church of Thatcham, nor shall the Parish- ioners of Thatcham be entitled to any ac- commodation in either of the said churches or chapels of Greenham or Midgham. That the first fruits, ^19 16s. 6d., and tenths, £2 os. 6d., now charged upon the vicarage of Thatcham, shall be apportioned as follows : — the Vicarage of Thatcham is to be subject to ^13 6s. 6d. first fruits, and jQi 2S. 6d. tenths ; the perpetual curacy of Greenham to £$ \os. first fruits, and xos. tenths ; and the perpetual curacy of Midg- ham to jQi, first fruits, and 8s. tenths. Given under my hand this fifth day of February, in the year of our Lord 1857. S. Oxon. Consent above referred to. I the above named John Haworth Milne the Patron or person entitled to present or nominate to the Vicarage of Thatcham with the said Chapelries or Tithings of Greenham and Midgham annexed, in case the same were now vacant, and the Vicar of the said vicarage do hereby signify my consent to the scheme above proposed for separating the said chapelries or Tithings of Greenham and Midgham from the said Vicarage and Parish Church of Thatcham, and constitut- ing the said chapelries respectively separate Parishes for Ecclesiastical purposes and Per- petual Curacies and Benefices. As witness my hand this sixth day of February, in the year of our Lord 1857. John Haworth Milne. Patron and Vicar. [Certificate from the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Queen in Council recommending the separation of the Chapelries of Greenham and Midgham from the Parish of Thatcham so as to form separate Benefices.] B. To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. We the undersigned John Bird by Divine providence Lord Archbishop of Canterbury- do hereby certify unto your Majesty in Council that we have received a representa- tion with a scheme in writing under the t 2 140 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. hand of the right reverend Samuel Lord Bishop of Oxford bearing date the fifth day of February instant and hereto annexed, stating that to the Vicarage and Parish Church of Thatcham in the County of Berks and Diocese of Oxford belong two ancient parochial Chapelries or Tithings known by the names of Greenham and Midgham, the limits and boundaries whereof are well known and defined. And that it appeared to His Lordship the said Chapelries of Greenham and Midgham might be advant- ageously separated from the said Vicarage and Parish Church of Thatcham and be •constituted two separate parishes for Ec- clesiastical purposes and perpetual curacies and Benefices by the names or styles of the Perpetual Curacy of Greenham and the Per- petual Curacy of Midgham, of which the churches or chapels in the said Chapelries shall be the respective parish churches as in the said representation and scheme is more fully set forth. And the consent in writing under the hand of the Rev. John Haworth Milne the Patron and Vicar of the said Vicarage with the said chapelries is also annexed. And we the said Archbishop being on full consideration and enquiry satisfied with such scheme do certify the same and such consent as aforesaid under the provisions of the Act of Parliament made and passed in the Session of Parlia- ment held in the ist and 2nd years of your Majesty's reign intituled " An Act to abridge the holding of Benefices in plura- lity and to make better provision for the residence of the Clergy ; " and also of an- other Act of Parliament made and passed in the Session of Parliament held in the 2nd and 3rd years of your said Majesty's reign intituled " An Act to make better provision for the assignment of Ecclesiastical Dis- tricts to churches or chapels augmented by the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne and for other purposes " — To the intent that your Majesty in Council may, in case your Majesty in Council shall think fit so to do, make and issue an order for carrying the said scheme into effect. As witness our hand this twenty fourth day of February in the year of our Lord 1857. Signed in the presence of J. B. Cantuar. Felix Knyvett Secretary to the Archbishop. APPENDIX LIX. Order in Council for the same. March, 1857. At the Court at Buckingham Palace the -20th day of March 1857. Whereas by an Act passed in the First Session of the Parliament holden in the First and Second Years of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled "An Act to abridge the holding of Benefices in Plura- lity, and to make better provision for the residence of the Clergy," &c, &c And whereas the Lord Bishop of the Dio- cese of Oxford Hath drawn up together with a scheme a Representation in writing bearing date the 6th day of February 1857 and hath transmitted the same to His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury in the words and figures following that is to say : — [See the Representation and Scheme, Appendix LVIII.] And whereas His Grace the Lord Arch- bishop of Canterbury Hath pursuant to the provisions of the said Acts duly prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Council a Certificate and Report in writing bearing date the 24th day of February 1857 in the words and figures following, that is to say : — [See the Certificate and Report of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Appendix LVIII.] Now therefore Her Majesty in Council by and with the advice of Her said Council is pleased to approve of the said scheme of the said Bishop of Oxford and to order and it is hereby ordered that the same be carried into effect. William L. Bathurst. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 141 APPENDIX LX, Extract from AshmoWs History of Berkshire, 1736, concerning Thatcham Church. Together with a List of Monuments, &?c, not contained in the same. [From Ashmole's History and Antiquities of Berkshire, 1736, first issued in 1719O Near the former, on another Brass Plate, are these verses : — Thatcham is a Vicaridge in the Hundred of Reading, and Deanery of Newbury; a Manor for- merly in the Possession of the Winch- combes, and by an Inter-Marriage, is in the possession of the Present Lord of the Manor, Henry St. John, late Viscount Bolingbroke. Incumbent, the Reverend Mr. John Cock. On the North side of the High Altar is this Inscription cut on a Marble Grave- stone, under the steps, on a Brass Plate : — " Here lyeth the Body of Roger Knight, of Greeneham, Esquire, who departed this Lyfe the 6th of December, An Dni. 1653 ^Etatis suae 69." On the South side of the High Altar is this Inscription on a Grave-stone : — " Here lyeth the Body of John Facy, the son of John Facy, and of Philis, his Wife. He was borne the 17th of June, 1657, and was buried the 10th Day of March 1660.'' On the South side of the Chancel is this Epitaph on a Grave-stone : — " Here lyeth the Body of Mrs. Jane Gar- rard the truly vertuous Wife of Richard Garrard, Gent, the eldest Daughter, and Co- heire of Henry Farley, of Midgham, Gent. who departed this life in full assurance of a better, in the 23d Yeare of her Age. Decern. 26 An. Dni. 1654." On a Brass Plate, fixed in a Grave-stone, in the middle of the Chancel, is the follow- ing Inscription, before the Altar under the steps : — " Hie jacet Thomas Loundres, Armiger, qui obiit 3 Die Mensis Augusti, An. Dni. 1433. Cujus anime propicietur Deus. Amen." In English thus : — "Here lyeth Thomas Loundres, Esq., who died August 3rd 1433. Upon whose Soul may God have Mercy. Amen." Memorare. " Quisquis ades, bustumque vides, sta, perlege, plora, Judicii memor esto mei, tua nam venit hora, Sum quod eris, fueramque quod es, tua posteriora, Commemorans miseris, memorans, pro me precor ora." In English thus : — " Whoe'er thou art stay, read, and drop a Tear, Think on my Judgment and thy Hour as near; I was as you, like me so you shall be, Then with a pious Wish O pray for me." On a Grave-stone, lying at the Entrance into the Chancel, is the following Inscrip- tion : — " Here lieth buried the Body of Elenor, the Wife of William Sotwell, of Greneham, Esq., who lived vertuously, and dyed in the Faith of our Lord Jhesus Christ, the 14th day of July, 1607, being then of the Age of Thirty Four Yeares and 4 Moneths, and left living by her said Husband one Son and three Daughters." On another Grave-stone, adjoyning, are the following arms impaled in one Escut- cheon, viz. : Sotwell, Standen, Fortesburie, Deane, Estcote, Seymour, Beauchamp, Bel- field, Mallet, Esturmy, Hussey, Mack-Wil- liams, Bray, Falconer, and this following Inscription : — " Here lyeth buried the Body of William Sotwell, Esquire, Counsellor at Law, some- time Justice of the Peace for this County, and Heire, and eldest of the ancient Familie of the Sotwells of Chute in the County of Wilts, who departed this Life at his House at Greeneham, within this parish, where he 142 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. had lived a most religiousand vertuous Life by the space of 35 years, and dyed the 18th Day of June, 1639, in the 68th year of his Age. He left behind him one onely Child, named Elizabeth, being his sole Heire and the Widdow of Francis Trench- ard, Esquire.'' Between the Chancel and the South He, in Lady Fuller's He, of the Church, is a Tomb raised with Stone Work, on the Top of which lyes a fair long Marble, with the figure of a Judge in his habit, and his Wife, and circumscribed thus : " Here resteth the Body of William Dan- vers late oon of the Kynges [Justicjes of the Comon Place, and the Body of Anne, the Wife of the said William . . . [daugh]ter and Heire to the ryght worshipful Squyer John Pyry, of Chamber-House, in the County of April, in the Yeare of our Lord God, 1504, and the said Anne decessyd the Day of the Moneth in the Yere of our Lord God M On whose Souls Jhesu have Mercy." Under their Feet are the Figures of four Sons and four Daughters. Towards the east End of the South He is erected a fair arched Monument in the South wall, whereon are the statues of a Man in a Gown, and a Woman kneeling at a Desk, and beneath them their two Sons and five Daughters kneeling before another desk, under all this Inscription in gold Capital Letters on a Black Marble : — " Jacturam Pax, Lex, Pietas, Populus Nic- holai Fulleri mcesta morte tulere pii. Hi lucrum, Scanti te, tu Fullere coronam Ccelum animum, corpus funera, Christus ovem. Te decoravit amor, Jus, Fama, Scientia, Virtus, Spes, bonitas, pietas, Christus ad astra tulit." In English thus. " Law, Peace, Religion, People mourn thy Loss, O Pious Fuller, with one common Voice ; Renown'd for Fame, Truth, Knowledge, Justice, Love; Now rais'd by Christ, Hope, Virtue far above. Below thy Services Mankind enjoys, Above thy Company the Saints Employs ; Thy Body Earth contains, and Heaven thy Soul, And Christ a Sheep has added to his Fold." Written, in the Arch over the Man's Head, is this Inscription : — " Hie jacet sepultus Nicholaus Fuller, Armiger Legisperitus Hospitii Graiensis, bis Lector publicus qui certa Spe in Christo resurgendi, Obiit vicessimo tertio die Februarii 1620 76 a?tat. suae filios reliquit duos Nicholaum natu maximum Militem et Danielem filias quinque Elizabetham Annam, Mariam, Saram et Abigalem ; qui Nicholaus Miles, 30 die Julii, proximo post Patris obitum expirans vitam eodem quo pater tumulatur sepulchre" In English thus. " Here lieth entombed Nicholas Fuller, Esq. ; Counsellour of Grey's Inn ; twice Publick Lecturer, in certain Hopes of rising again in Christ, who died Feb. 23. 1620 yEtat. sua; 76. He left behind him two Sons, Nicholaus, Knt. and Daniel ; and five Daughters, Elizabeth, Anne, Mary, Sarah, and Abigail. Nicholas died July 30, the Day after his Father, and was entombed together with him." On a Brass Plate, fixed in a Grave-stone lying in the Body of the Church is the following Inscription — " Orate pro animabus Johannis Bye et Margarete Uxoris ejus qui quidem Johannes obiit 26 die Mensis Martii Anno Domini 1498 Quorum animabus propicietur Deus. Amen." In English thus. " Pray for the Souls of John Bye and Margaret his wife. John died March 26, 1498. Upon whose Souls God have Mercy. Amen." Under the Inscription are the Figures of ten Sons and five Daughters. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. H3 On another Brass Plate in a Gravestone adjoyning is this Inscription : — " Here lyeth John Godfadyr, On whose Soul God have Mercy. Amen." On a Brass Plate, fixed in a Grave-stone, in the South He, is this Inscription : — " Of your Charite pray for the Soule of Thomas Docwra, Son of Martin Docwra, and Isabell, his wife ; whyche Thomas dyed the s Day of July, Ano. 1529. On whose Soules Jhesu have Mercy." On the South side of the Chancel, on a plain Gravestone, is this Inscription : — " Here lyeth the Body of Thomas Nelson, of Chadle worth, Esq. ; aged Fifty Four Yeares, who departed this Life the 27th of May, Anno Dom. 1692, and left behind him his Wife Mary, and two Children, Thomas and Elizabeth." On a plain Stone, removed from Ccemi- tery into the Church, is this Inscription : — " In Memory of (my loving Sister) Mrs. Eliz. Bassett who departed this Life June the 20 A.D. 1 7 10 Aged 59. Prepared Bee To Follow Me." Several of the Monumental Inscriptions on Brass Plates, here mentioned by Mr. Ashmole, were stolen about two Years Since when this Church was broke open and robbed. In the Church Wall, on the outside, on a Black Marble Monument, is this Inscrip- tion : — [Hie jacet Martha, Uxor Charissima Johannis Cock, Hujus Ecclesiae Vicarii Dignissimi, Qui hoc, amoris ergo, posuit Monumentum. Obiit quinto Die Julii, Anno 1 7 10. N.B. Non potest male mori que bene vixerit. In English thus. Here lieth Martha, the much lov'd Wife of John Cock, the very worthy Vicar of this Church, who as an Instance of his Affection, erected this Monument. She died July 5, 1 7 10. N.B. Who has liv'd well, cannot die ill 1 .] 1 The above is the last entry recorded by Mr. Thatcham Church. The Register of this parish begins 1561. In this Parish is an old Seat called Chamber-house, lately purchased by Mr. Lonsdale, of the Tower of London, from the Family of Fullers. In it is a Chapel about four Yards and eight Inches broad, Five Yards and eight Inches long. Other inscriptions on stones and monuments in Thatcham Church .- — On a stone in the ground floor of the Chamberhouse Chapel is the following Inscription : — " Here lieth the body of John Lansdell of Chamberhouse Esqre he died the 4th day of July 1739- aged 75 years. Chrysostom Lansdell son of the above John Lansdell died the 22nd Day of October 1771 aged 73 years ; also his {sic) buried Here and John Lansdell died the 13th day of October 1776. aged 81 years." On another stone in the ground floor of the same chapel near to the above is the following Inscription : — Beneath Lie The Remains of Richard Tull of Crookham House in this Parish Born July 6. 1757. Died Janry. 5. 1822. Also of Mary his Wife Born May 1. 1766. Died Septr. 14. 1821. Also of Jane their only Daughter Born July 1. 1798. Died Deer. 13. 181 1. Also of Henry, Brother of the above Richard Tull. Born April 3. 1767. Died April 8. 1815. Ashmole of the inscriptions on the monuments in 144 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. Also of Sarah, Wife of Richard eldest son of Richard and Mary Tull Born Septr. 6. 1809. Died Augt. 22. 1854." On a Brass plate under the stained-glass window on the North side of the North Aisle in cord : — the Church is the following re- " To the memory of Richard Tull Esqre of Crookham, who died July 28th 1868 this window is erected by his friends and neighbours." APPENDIX LXI. Order in Council for constituting the district of St. John the Evangelist, Newbury, out of the Parishes of Newbury and Greenham. 1859. [From Ecclesiastical Commissioners' At the Court at Windsor the 22nd day of October, 1859. Present : The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Whereas the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England have in pursuance of the Act of the 3rd and 4th years of Her Majesty, Chapter 113, and of the Act of the 6th and 7th years of Her Majesty, Chapter 37, duly prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Council a scheme bearing date the nth day of August, in the year 1859, in the words and figures following ; that is to say We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, in pursuance of the Act of the 3rd and 4th years of your Majesty, Chapter 113, and of the Act of the 6th and 7th years of Your Majesty, Chapter 37, have prepared and now humbly lay before Your Majesty in Council the following scheme for constituting a separate district . for spiritual purposes out of Jhe Parish of Newbury, in the County of Berks and diocese of Oxford, and Greenham (hereto- fore a Chapelry in the Parish of Thatcham) in the same County and diocese. Whereas it has been made to appear to us that it would promote the interests of religion that the portions of the said parishes of Newbury aud Greenham herein- after mentioned and described, such portions not at present containing within their limits any consecrated Church or Chapel in use for the purpose of divine worship, should be constituted a separate district for spiritual purposes in manner hereinafter set forth : Orders in Council, Vol. XII. p. 347.] [Then follows a recital of a deed dated 8th August, 1859, between the Rev. Jas. Leslie Randall, Rector of Newbury, of the 1 st part, the Right Rev. Samuel, Bishop of Oxford, of the 2nd part, and the Ecclesi- astical Commissioners of the 3rd part, enrolled in Chancery whereby certain tithes amounting to ,£100 os. id. had been secured to the Incumbent of the District thereinafter recommended to be constituted. Afterwards follows a recital that^2, 433 6s. Sd. ^3 per cent, consolidated Bank accounts had been transferred to the account of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by John Frederick Winterbottom, the Rev. Henry William Majendie, Henry Richard Eyre, John Matthews, Sarah Townsend, William Nutley and George Charles Cherry upon the understanding that the annual payment thereinafter mentioned should be made by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to the Incumbent and his successors. And then follows another recital that it had been proposed by the said J. L. Randall, J. F. Winterbottom and the six other persons therein named, and that it appeared to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners expedient that the right of patronage of the new district should be assigned to the said Bishop of Oxford and his successors.] [The form of the scheme then proceeds as follows.] Now therefore with the consent of the said Samuel, Bishop of Oxford, in testimony whereof he has signed and sealed this scheme, we humbly recommend and propose that all that part of the said parish APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 145 of Newbury, and also all that part of the said parish of Greenham which are described in the Schedule hereunto annexed (all which parts together with the boundaries thereof are delineated or set forth on the map or plan hereunto annexed, and are thereon coloured red and green), shall upon and from the day of the date of the publica- tion in the London Gazette of any order of Your Majesty in Council ratifying this scheme become and be together constituted a separate district for spiritual purposes, and that the same shall be named " The District of St. John the Evangelist, New- bury." [The Ecclesiastical Commissioners then by their scheme recommend the annual payment therein mentioned to be made by them to the Incumbent of the new District — and that the right of patronage be vested in the Bishop of Oxford and his suc- cessors.] The Schedule contains a description of the lands forming the new district, the first part being part of the parish of New- bury, and the second part being in the words following: "And also all that part of the parish (heretofore the Chapelry) of Greenham in the same county and diocese which is situate to the West of an imaginary line commencing at a point in the middle of the horse bridge of the towing path of the Kennet and Avon Canal, and thence extending towards the South East in a straight line to the middle of the South Mill Stream, and thence extending towards the South West along the middle of the said stream as far as a point opposite to the middle of the fence which divides the en- closure numbered 360 upon the tithe com- mutation map of the said parish of Greenham and upon the map hereunto annexed, from the enclosure numbered 364 upon the same maps, and fhence extending towards the South East along the middle of the last named fence to the middle of the lane called or known as Bone Lane, and thence extending first towards the East and then towards the South along the middle of the last named lane across Ham Marsh Lane to the middle of a private occupation road belonging to Thomas Rawdon Ward, Esquire, and thence extending first towards the South and thence towards the South West in the line of the same road as originally formed, and as indicated in the tithe commutation map of the parish of Greenham aforesaid, to the middle of Stroud Green Road, and thence extending towards the South West and West along the middle of the last named road to its junction with the public highway leading from Newbury to Crookham, and thence extending towards the South East along the middle of the last mentioned road as far as a point opposite to the middle of the fence which divides the two enclosures numbered respectively 298 on the tithe commutation map of the said parish ot Greenham and upon the map hereunto annexed, from the two enclosures numbered respectively 299 upon the same maps, and thence extending towards the West and South West along the middle of such fence and of the fences dividing the enclosures numbered respectively 296, 302 and 303 on the same maps from the enclosures numbered respectively 195 and 194 on the same maps to the boundary between the said parish of Greenham and the said parish of Newbury™"] [The language of the order immediately following the Schedule is as below.] " And whereas the draft of the said scheme has, in accordance with the provisions of the said Acts, been delivered or transmitted to the Incumbents and to the Patrons ot the said parishes of Newbury and Greenham respectively, and the said Incumbents and Patrons have severally consented to the same scheme : And whereas the said scheme has been approved by Her Majesty in Council ; Now therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify the said scheme and to m The part taken from Greenham parish as above described is shown on Mr. BarBeld's map of Thatcham Parish as originally constituted. VOL. II. U 146 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. order and direct that the same and every part thereof shall be effectual in law imme- diately from and after the time when this Order shall have been duly published in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Act ; and Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar of the Diocese of Oxford. Wm. L. Bathurst." [N.B. A Summary of this Order in Council appears in the London Gazette of 25th of October, 1859, p. 3852.] APPENDIX LXII. Assignment of a District Chapelry to the Church of St. Mark, Cold Ash. 1865. [From Ecclesiastical Commissioners' Report, XVIII. p. 562. ] As to the assignment of a District Chapelry to the Church of St. Mark, Cold Ash, in the Parish of Thatcham, in the County of Berks and Diocese of Oxford. Gazetted 12 th September, 1865. At the Court at Windsor the 9th day of Sept. 1865. Present — the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Whereas the Ecclesias- tical Commissioners for England have in pursuance of the Act of the 59th year of His Majesty King George the 3rd, Chapter 134, of the Act of the 2nd and 3rd years of Her Majesty, Chapter 49, and of the Act of the 19th and 20th years of Her Majesty, Chapter 55, duly prepared and laid before Her Majesty in Council a representation bearing date the 3rd day of August, in the year 1865, in the words and figures follow- ing, that is to say, We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, in pursuance of the Act of the 59th year of His Majesty King George the 3rd, Chapter 134, of the Act of the 2nd and 3rd years of your Majesty, Chapter 49, and of the Act of the 19th and 20th years of your Majesty, Chapter 55, have prepared and now humbly lay before your Majesty in Council the following representation as to the assignment of a District Chapelry to the consecrated Church of St. Mark situate at Cold Ash, in the Parish of Thatcham, in the County of Berks and in the Diocese of Oxford. Whereas it appears to us to be expedient that a District Chapelry should be assigned to the said Church of St. Mark, situate at Cold Ash aforesaid : Now therefore with the consent of the Right Rev. Samuel, Bishop of the said Diocese of Oxford (testified by his having signed and sealed this representation), we humbly represent that it would in our opinion be expedient that all that part of the said parish of Thatcham which is de- scribed in the Schedule hereunder written, all which part, together with the boundaries thereof, is delineated and set forth on the map or plan hereunto annexed, should be assigned to the said Church, and that the same should be named " The District Chapelry of St. Mark, Cold Ash." And with the like consent of the said Samuel, Bishop of the said Diocese of Oxford (testified as aforesaid), we further represent that it appears to us to be ex- pedient that banns of matrimony should be published, and that marriages, baptisms, churchings and burials should be solemnized or performed at such church, and that the fees to be received in respect of the publi- cation of such banns, and of the solemniza- tion or performance of the said offices, should be paid and belong to the Minister of the same church for the time being. We therefore humbly pray that your Majesty will be graciously pleased to take the premises into your royal consideration, and to make such order with respect thereto as to your Majesty in your royal wisdom shall seem meet. The Schedule to which the foregoing representation has reference. The District Chapelry of St. Mark, Cold Ash, being : — APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 147 All that part of the parish of Thatcham in the County of Berks and in the Diocese of Oxford, which is situate mainly to the North of an imaginary line commencing upon the boundary which divides the said parish from the parish of Bucklebury, in the same County and Diocese, at a point near Lawrence Corner in the middle of Lawrence Lane, and extending thence South westward for a distance of 1,860 yards or thereabouts, along the middle of the said lane to its junction with Cold Ash road, and extending thence westward along the middle of the last named road as far as a point opposite to the place where Cold Ash Stream leaves such road, and continu- ing thence south westward to and along the middle of the said stream as far as the southern side of Upper Henwick Road, and extending thence first northward to a point in the middle of such road, and then in a direction generally north westward along the middle of the same road as far as a point opposite to the middle of the eastern end of a certain private carriage road lead- ing through the grounds attached to Upper Henwick Farm House, and extending thence first south westward then north west- ward, and again south westward to and along the middle of the said private road to its junction with a certain other road lead- ing from Upper Henwick Farm House aforesaid to Newbury, and numbered 232 upon the tithe commutation map of the said parish of Thatcham and upon the map hereunto annexed, and extending thence first north westward and then south west- ward along the middle of the last described road to its junction with the road leading from Thatcham to Shaw, past Clay Hill, and numbered 205 upon the said maps, and extending thence north westward along the middle of the last described road for a distance of 740 yards or thereabouts to a point opposite to a boundary stone inscribed "C.A. D. C, 1865," and placed on the southern side of the said road at or near to a certain water course which flows past the eastern side of Clay Hill into the river Lambourne, and extending thence south- ward to the said boundary stone, and con- tinuing thence still in the same direction to and along the middle of the said water course to its junction with the river Lam- bourne aforesaid, and extending thence north-westward along the middle of the said river as far as the boundary which divides the said parish of Thatcham from the new parish of Speenhamland, in the County and Diocese aforesaid n - And whereas the said representation has been approved by Her Majesty in Council, Now therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify the said representation, and to order and direct that the same and every part thereof shall be effectual in law im- mediately from and after the time when this Order shall have been duly published in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts ; and Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar of the said Diocese of Oxford. Arthur Helps. [A summary of the above appears in the London Gazette of 12th September, 1865, p. 4399.] APPENDIX LXIII. Greenha?n declared to be a Vicarage. 1866. [Notes of Publication in the London Gazette of 3rd April, 1866, p. 2213, of a Declaration by the Eccle- siastical Commissioners as to Greenham being a Vicarage.] To all to whom these presents shall come made to appear to us that certain tithes or rent charges in lieu thereof arising within We the Ecclesiastical England send greeting- Commissioners for ■Whereas it has been the parish of Greenham in the County of " The part taken from Thatcham Parish as above described is shewn on Mr. Barfield's map of Thatcham Parish as originally constituted. U 2 H8 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. Berks and in the Diocese of Oxford belong to the Incumbent of the Church of such parish — Now we the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England acting in pur- suance of " the District Church Tithes Act 1865 " do hereby declare that from and after the time of the publication of these presents in the London Gazette pursuant to the pro- visions of the same Act, the said Church or the parish of Greenham aforesaid shall be and be deemed to be a Vicarage. In witness whereof we the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England have hereunto affixed our common seal this 8th day of February in the year 1866. L. S. APPENDIX LXIV. Midgham declared to be a Vicarage. 1868. [Notes of Publication in the London Gazette of the 17th March, 1868, p. 1714, of a Declaration by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners as to Midgham being a Vicarage.] To all to whom these presents shall come we the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England send greeting — Whereas it has been made to appear to us that certain tithes or rent charges in lieu thereof arising within the parish of Midgham in the County of Berks and in the Diocese of Oxford belong to the Incumbent of the church of such parish. Now we the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England acting in pur- suance of "the District Church Tithes Act 1865 " do hereby declare that from and after the time of the publication of these presents in the London Gazette pursuant to the pro- visions of the same Act, the said Church of the parish of Midgham aforesaid shall be and be deemed to be a Vicarage. In witness whereof we the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England have hereunto affixed our common seal this 27th day of February in the year 1868. L.S. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. APPENDIX LXV. 149 The Cathedral of Salisbury. Bishops of Salisbury, 1078 — 1836, and of Oxford after that date. N.B. In this and the two following Appendices cs. stands or consecration ; el. for election ; ac. for accession ; trs. for translation either to Salisbury from some other see, or to some other see from Salisbury ; res. for resignation ; dep. for deprivation ; and ob. for death. ] Osmund Roger el. 1103 Joscelin de Bailleul Hubert Fitz Walter Herbert le Poore Richard le Poore Robert Bingham William of York Giles Bridport Walter de la Wyle Robert Wickhampton cs. Walter Scammell for over four years. * To Canterbury. = From Chichester. cs. 1078 ob. 1099 cs. 1107 ob. "39 cs. 1142 res. a 1184 cs. 1189 trs. b "93 cs. 1194 ob. 1217 trs c 1217 trs. d 1228 cs. 1229 ob. 1246 cs. 1247 ob. 1256 cs. 1257 ob. 1262 cs. 1263 ob. 1271 cs. 1274 ob. 1284 cs. 1284 ob. 1286 ore lis death See vacant Henry Brandeston William de la Corner cs Nicholas Longesp6e Simon of Ghent (de Gandavo) Roger Mortival Robert Wyville Ralph Erghum John Waltham Richard Mitford Nicholas Bubwith Robert Hallum d To Durham. e To Bath. ' From Chichester. 8 From London h To Bath. > Appointed by Papal Bull. cs. 1287 ob. 1288 cs. 1289 ob. 1291 cs. 1292 ob. 1207 cs. 1297 ob. i3iS cs. 1315 ob. 133° cs. 1330 ob. 1375 cs. I37S trs. "1388 cs. 1388 ob. I39S trs. f 1395 ob. 1407 trs. s 1407 trs. 11 1407 ac. 1 1407 ob. 1417 150 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. John Chaundeler Robert Nevill William Aiscough Richard Beauchamp Lionel Wydeville (or Woodville) Thomas Langton John Blythe Henry Dean Edmund Audley Lorenzo Campegio Nicolas Shaxton John Salcot (or Ca- pon) John Jewell Edmund Gheast John Piers John Coldwell Henry Cotton Robert Abbot Martin Fotherby Robert Townson cs. 141 7 ob. 1426 cs. 1427 trs. k 1437 cs. 1438 ob. * 1450 trs. m 1450 ob. 148 1 cs. 1482 ob. 1484 trs. n 1485 trs. 1493 cs. 1494 ob. 1499 trs. p 1500 trs. q 1501 trs. r 1502 ob. 1524 ac. ■ T524 dep.' 1525 cs. 1535 res. 1539 trs. u 1539 cs. 1560 trs. 1 1571 trs/ 1577 cs. 1591 cs. 1598 cs. 1615 cs. 1618 cs. 1620 ob. 1557 ob. 1571 ob. 1577 trs. z 1589 ob. 1596 ob. 1615 ob. 1618 ob. 1620 ob. 1621 John Davenant Brian Duppa Humphrey Hench- man John Earle Alexander Hyde Seth Ward Gilbert Burnett William Talbot Richard Willis Benjamin Hoadly Thomas Sherlock John Gilbert John Thomas Robert Hay Drum- mond John Thomas John Hume Shute Barrington John Douglas John Fisher Thomas Burgess cs. 162 1 ob. trs. a 1 64 1 trs. b cs. 1660 trs. d 1663 cs. 1665 trs. e 1667 cs. 1689 trs. f 1 715 trs. h 172 1 trs. k 1723 trs. m 1734 trs. ° 1749 trs.i 1757 trs. c ob. ob. ob. ob. trs.e trs. 1 trs. ' trs. n trs. p trs. r trs. 8 1761 trs. 4 trs. u 1 761 ob. trs. 1 1766 ob. trs. * 1782 trs. 1 trs. a 1 791 ob. trs. b 1807 ob. trs. c 1825 ob. 641 660 663 665 667 689 7i5 721 723 734 748 757 761 761 766 782 791 807 825 837 Bishops of Oxford. Richard Bagot cs. 1829 trs. d 1845 John Fielder Mack- Samuel Wilberforce cs. 1845 trs. e 1870 arness cs. 1870 res. f 1888 William Stubbs trs. * 1889 Pres. Bp. APPENDIX LXVI. Archdeacons of Berkshire, 1160 to 1900. [The dates with an asterisk are those of the date of the document in which the name occurs (often only amongst the witnesses). When the name occurs in more than one document, the earliest and latest dates are given.] Roger Geoffrey A[lbericus] 1 189* 1207* 1160* 1192* 1214* 1 To Durham. 1 Murdered at Edington, Wilts. m From Hereford. •» From St. David's. To Winchester. P From Bangor. 1 To Canterbury. r To Rochester. 3 A Cardinal appointed by Papal Bull. 4 Deprived by Act of Parliament for non-residence. 11 From Bangor. - From Rochester. y From Rochester. '■ To York. a From Chichester. b To Winchester. To London. d From Worcester. From Exeter. f From Oxford. « To Durham. h From Gloucester. > To Winchester. Geoffrey William de Merton Giles de Wocumb 1 From Bangor. m From Bangor. From Llandaff. 9 From Peterborough. s From St. Asaph. a From Lincoln. J From Llandaff. - From Carlisle. « From St. David's. To Winchester. t From Chester. 1217 1224 ac. 1239 * 1222* 1236* ob. 1254 1 To Hereford. n To London. p To York. r To Winchester. * To York. * From Oxford. z To Durham. h From Exeter. * To Bath. * Ob. Sep. r6, 1889. APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 151 Giles Bridport ac. 1255 cs.* 1256 Oliver King ac. 1487 cs. ' 1492 Simon Bridport [1256] T262* Stephen Brereworth ac. 1493 ob. i5°7 Thomas Bek 1280* Christopher Twineley ac. iS°7 William de Berges 1287* ob. 1312 William Grey ac. 1510 ob. 1521 Richard de Bello ac. 1312 Robert Audley ac. 1522 ob. 1545 Tydo de Varese i3 J 4* ob. I33 1 John Crayford ac. iS45 res. 1545 [GilbertdeStapleton? ac 1317] William Pye ac. 1545 ob. 1557 Robert de Aylleston ac. b 1331 Thomas White ac. 1557 ob. 1588 Thomas de Holland 1337* Martin Culpepper ac. 1588 ob. 1605 Edmund de la Beche ac. 1339 Lionel Sharp ac. 1605 ob. 1629 John Harewell cs. c 1366 Edward Davenant ac. 1630 res. * 1634 d William (S.Stefani) 1374* John Ryves ac. 1634 ob. 1665 d Agrifolio 1378* Peter Meaux ac. 1665 cs. ' 1672 d William ac. 1384 John Sharp ac. 1673 res. 1 n 1682 Thomas Yokflete ac. 1389 William Richards ac. 1689 ob. 1712 John Southam ac. 139S' res. 1 1404 Jonas Provast ac. 1698 Waller Cook ac. 1395 • Richard West ac. 1710 ob. 1716 Ralph de Ripyngton ac. 1395 " Edward Talbot ac. 1717 John Wynwyk ac. 1395 " Martin Benson ac. 1721 cs. " 1735 Thomas Southam ac. 1404 Samuel Knight ac. 1735 ob. 1746 Simon Sydenham ac. 1404 res. 8 I404 John Spry ac. i747 ob. 1763 Walter Medeford ac. 1404 William Dodwell ac. 1763 ob. 1785 Thomas Brown ac. 1427 res. h 1431 Arthur Onslow ac. 1785 ob. 1817 John Castell ac. 1 43 1 John Fisher ac. 1818 ob. 1832 Alexander Sparow ac. 1432 ob. 1433 Edward Berens ac. 1832 ob. 1855 John Norton ac. 1433 ob. 1464 [The Archdeaconry transferred to the Diocese of Richard Owen ac. 1462 ob. 1463 Oxford.] Robert Stellington ac. 1464 cs. ' 1466 John Russell ac. 1466 cs. * 1476 James Randall ac. 1855 ob. 1869 John Morton ac. 1476 cs. 1 1478 Alfred Pott ac. 1869} Present Richard Martyn ac. 1478 cs. 1 I482 Archdeacon APPENDIX LXVII. Abbots of Reading. [Most of the dates must be taken as only approximate. They are based chiefly on imperfect material afforded by Dugdale's Monasticon.] i Hugh ac. 1123 cs. a 1130 3 Edward ac. 1155 ob. 1154 2 Aucherius (or Aus- 4 Reginald ac. 1154 ob. 1158 gerus) ac. 1130 ob. 1135 5 Roger ac. 1158 ob. 1164 » Consecrated Bishop of Salisbury. b The record of his collation adds ' void by death of T. de Varese.' • Consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells. d Cardinals. e There is a difficulty in regard to the record of these four different appointments during 1395 and the changes in 1404 which the editor cannot explain. 1 Exchanged Archdeaconry of Berks for that of Oxford. 8 Exchanged Archdeaconry of Berks for that of Salisbury. h Appointed Dean. ' These five consecutive Archdeacons were all appointed to Bishopricks from their Archdeaconries, viz., Stillington to Bath ; Russell to Rochester ; Morton to Ely ; Martyn to St. David's ; and King to Exeter. * Appointed Treasurer of Salisbury. 1 Consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells. m Appointed Dean of Canterbury . n Consecrated Bishop of Gloucester. * Consecrated Abp. of Rouen. 152 APPENDICES TO BOOK II. 6 William (the Temp- lar) ac. 7 Josepk ac. 8 Hugh ac. 9 Helias ac. io Simon ac. ii Adam of Latebury ac. 12 Richard ac. 13 Adam ac. 14 William ac. 15 Richard ac. 16 Richard (Banaster) ac. 17 Robert Burgate ac. 18 William Sutton ac. 19 Nicholas Quappe- lode ac. 1 164 cs. b "73 "73 ob. 1 180 1180 res. c 1199 1200 ob. 1212 1213 ob. 1226 1226 ob. 1238 1238 ob. 1240 1240 ob, d 1249 1249 ob. "55 I25S ob. 1261 1261 ob. 1268 1268 res. 1287 1291 ob. 1305 i3°5 ob. 1327 20 John Stoke (of Ap- pelford) ac 21 Henry of Appel- ford 22 William of Dom belton 23 John Sutton 24 Richard Yateley 25 Thomas Erbee 26 Thomas Henley 27 John Thorne (I.) 28 John Thorne (II.) 29 Thomas Worcester [ac. 30 Hugh Cook (or Far- ringdon) ac. 1328 ob. 1342 ac. 1342 ob. 1360 ac. ac. ac. ac. ac. ac. ac. 1360 1368 1378 1409 143° 1446 i486 1S19 ob. 1368 ob. 1378 ob. 1409 ob. 1430 ob. 1 445 ob. i486 ob. 1519 ob. 1520 1520 ob. e 1539 * Consecrated Abp. of Bordeaux. c Appointed Abbot of Clugny. d Dugdale (following Coates) makes two succes- sive Abbots of the name of Adam between 1240 and 1249. e Hung, drawn, and quartered in the month of November, 1539, for refusing to acknowledge the King's supremacy. APPENDICES TO BOOK III. CHARITIES AND ENDOWMENTS. APPENDIX I. General Summary of the Chief Charities. [From the Reports of the Charity Commissioners, 32, Part I. , 1837-] (a) The Church Estate, 1413, 1423, 1431- 1st. By deed-poll, dated the 28th Dec. 1 41 3, Alice, widow of Richard Bye, granted to the churchwardens of Thatcham, and their successors, for ever, a burgage tene- ment, with its appurtenances, in the Borough of Thatcham. 2nd. By deed-poll, dated 6th February, 1423, John Prentys granted to William Goldfinch and John Bye, chapman, church- wardens of Thatcham, and their successors, for ever, one burgage tenement, with its appurtenances, situate on the north side of West Street, Thatcham. 3rd. By deed-poll, dated 27th Sept., 1423, one John Gray conveyed to John Hosyer, William Eldebury, and Richard Edrith, churchwardens of Thatcham, and their successors, for ever, one acre of arable land, situate at Midgham, in a certain field there, called Redhyll. 4th. By deed-poll, dated 18th March, 1431, John Bennet, Robert Cooke, and Henry Barber, churchwardens of the Parish of St. Nicholas, Newbury, with and by the common consent of the said parish, granted, released, and conveyed to Thomas Bela and John Talbot, churchwardens of Thatcham, a burgage tenement, with a curtilage and a small parcel of arable land adjoining to the same, situate on the east side of South Street, Thatcham. With the exception of the land at Midg- ham, it does not appear easy to establish any identity of the particular premises which VOL. 11. were the subjects of the preceding convey- ances. The following is the present rental of the estate, which has always been con- sidered as belonging to the church of this parish : — A messuage in Cheap Street, Thatcham, let on lease for 21 years, commencing Lady Day 1834, to John Chalk ;£io 10 o Do. in Do., let from year to year, to Wm. Hobbs 12 o o Ditto in Ditto, Ditto to Richard Wells 1200 Three tenements in Cheap Street (formerly one), now let to Wicken, French and Cooper at £2 1 2 s. per annum each 7160 Two tenements in Broad Street, let toWidow Wyse, and Mary Wyse, at 26s. each per annum . 2 12 o Four tenements in Duke Street (built by the Parish on the site of a messuage pulled down), let from year to year to Howse, Brunsden, Hazell and Pussey at £2 12s. each 10 8 o Four Ditto in Ditto (commonly called Nine shilling houses), let to Tuggey, Ferris, Tegg and Briant at per ann. each £2 1 2s. 10 8 o A cottage and garden in Duke Street, together with one cow common, let from year to year to Francis Franklin 440 A small parcel of land in Turn Field, con- taining ir. 2p., let to Benjamin Beesby, together with one cow common 115 o 154 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. About an acre and a half of land at Midg- ham, let to William Hazell i 10 o An allotment under the enclosure award, situate in North Field, containing \a. $r. 37/., let to Edward Wimbolt from year to year - 515° Certain common rights in an enclosed pasture called Thatcham Moor, worth com. ann. 140 Total £%o 2 o The proceeds have always been applied to the purposes generally of a church rate. In the year 1828 a sum of ^400 was raised for extensive repairs of which £fio remains still due to the fund of Loundey's Almshouses that follow. (b) Loundyes' Almshouses. 1446. In the following list the lines in italic represent the description given in the table of Benefactions. The lines in Roman type represent the present description. By deed-poll, dated 7th July, 1445, Robert Clark, vicar of Thatcham, described as the executor of Thomas Loundyes " granted to William Carter, John Godfader, and Robert Kestwold, churchwardens of Thatcham, and their successors, for ever, a burgage in the south side of East Street, Thatcham, commonly called the Alms- house, and situate near the Chapel there." It further appears from the recitals in the Indenture next mentioned that the same Robert Clark, either of his own proper gift, or as executor of Loundyes, by a second deed now lost, bearing even date with the former, conveyed to the aforesaid churchwardens, and their successors, certain other property, upon trust ; for by deed indented, the date of which is omitted, after reciting " that by a former instrument, dated 7th July, 1445, he had granted to William Carter, John Godfader, and Robert Kestwold, and their successors, for ever, the reversion after the death of one Eliza- beth L\de, of and in a certain burgage in East Street, Thatcham, called Notehatches, together with all lands, arable, meadow, and pasture, thereto belonging, lying in the fields of Thatcham, and commonly called Note- hatches Lands, and of one other burgage in South Street, Thatcham, with the croft and lands thereunto belonging, and the reversion after the decease of one John Plecy in another burgage, situate on the north side of West Street, Thatcham," the said Robert Clark directed the said church- wardens, and their successors, for ever, out of the rents and profits of the said lands and messuages, should cause to be delivered yearly 1 2 cart loads of good firewood to the Almshouse in East Street, formerly founded by Thomas Loundyes, in manner following, viz. — 6 cart loads to the principal house standing in the centre thereof and 3 cart loads to each of the other two, for the use and relief of the poor therein residing. And further, that as occasion should require, the said almshouse should be maintained and repaired from the rents and profits of the aforesaid lands and premises. And for their care and trouble he allowed each of the churchwardens to take yearly the sum of \2d., and directed them to pay to the Vicar of Thatcham for the time being the sum of 2od. every year, and directed that if at any time the said churchwardens should neglect to perform the trusts as aforesaid, then the Vicar of Thatcham for the time being should cite them to appear before the Arch- deacon of Berks or his official. And for the better security, he directed that one part of the said Indentures should remain in the custody of the churchwardens, and the other part in the hands of the Vicar of Thatcham, and also that a copy thereof should be inscribed in the missal of the said parish. We find from the accounts, which have been carefully kept for many years, that the rent of the whole property belonging to Loundyes' Charity was less than the out- APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 155 lay until the year 1819, the deficiency being always paid out of the rates ; since that time, however, a considerable increase in the rental has taken place, and a balance of about ^300 has been accumulated, with which it is proposed to rebuild the alms- house now in a ruinous state. The building consists of three distinct tenements (the centre being the larger). It is occupied by six poor widows, two in each, who receive 6d. each per week, and eight score of faggots, and two loads of peat each, at Christmas. The 4s. 8d. given to the vicar and churchwardens is, with their consent, paid towards the maintenance of the parish fire-engine. In the accompanying schedule we have compared the description given on the benefaction table in the church with the present state of the property, and all ap- pears to be accounted for. Lands called Parish Lands, containing no. or. 2&p. An old enclosure at Hart's Hill, contain- ing \ia. 26/., let on lease for 14 years, commencing Michaelmas, 183T, to John Chalk, who covenanted to repair fences and pay all outgoings. The timber is reserved to the charity. The letting was by tender £20 o d Messuage in South (now called Duke) Street, Thatcham. Eight tenements built on the site now called The Alley, let to different tenants, at the yearly rent oi £2 \zs. each 20 16 o Five tenements in Chapel Street. Same description, let as the last. 13 o o House in West Street, now called Broad Street. Divided into two, the one let to James Hunt at £1 18^., the other to John May, s-t £a 12^. per annum 8 10 o Two parcels of land in Turnfield contains together y. 22p., with one cow common. Same description, let to William Jenkins by the year - 300 One ditto in Stony Lane, containing 2r. Ditto, let by the year to George Giles 200 Garden and pasture containing \a. 22p. Ditto, let to Richard Stroud at the yearly rent of 1 10 o Rack pyghtle, containing 2a. 27^., with one cow common. Ditto, let to James Harris at ditto 300 A house and garden in East Street, now called Chapel Street. Ditto to John Arnold 700 Tenement in ditto. Fallen down, site containing 10/., included in Mr. Blay's shrubbery, and held by him on lease for 21 years, commencing Lady Day, 1834, at per annum 1 10 o Three houses in Chapel Street for the habitation of six parishioners. Item. These are occupied rent free by six poor widows, two in each, and are sup- posed to be those given by Loundyes. 1 10 o Not noticed. Two cottages adjoining the last, supposed to have been built since 1787, let at 26^. each per annum 212 o Ditto. An allotment at the enclosure in lieu of rights of common situate in Colthrop Marsh, and containing 38 perches, let to J. William Harris 080 Common rights to above houses. Four rights of cow common in Thatcham Moor, worth cotnmunibus annis is. each 112 o £&4 18 a Interest on ££>o lent to Church Estate 300 Ditto on ^200 in Savings Bank 6 13 4 £w 11 4 x 2 156 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. The following is the average expenditure for the three years ending 31st Dec, 1836, and it appears to have been the same, with little variations, for many previous years : — £ *• *■ Six poor widows, 6d. each per week 7 16 o Fuel for ditto 1 7 1 1 o Repairs for Almshouse 460 Insurance of ditto o 15 o ^3° 8 o The accumulations since the year 1819 amount to £313 u*., and are disposed of as follows : — £ '• d. In the Savings Bank 200 o o In the Newbury Bank 50 o o Loan to the Church Estate 60 o o Balance in hands of the Churchwarden 3 11 o £313 " ° We are informed that there is also some good timber ready for felling, the proceeds of which, together with this balance, will be sufficient to rebuild the almshouse in a substantial and durable manner, and then the stipend of the widows will be in- creased as far as the income of the charity will allow. (c) Bye's Gift. 1585. It is stated on the benefaction table that " 10th November, 1585, Richard Bye gave to the poor of Thatcham £1 per annum charged on a close and meadow on the east side of Stony Lane, Thatcham, to be distributed in sixpennies at Easter and Pentecost ; also a messuage in Broad Street, for the habitation of one poor man." Several houses have been erected on the close and meadow above mentioned, which have ultimately become vested in John Harris, esq., of Reading; they are com- monly called Perry's Houses and the charge of 20.r. is duly paid. The messuage in Broad Street, being in a state of ruin, has been agreed to be let for a lease for 21 years, to Edward Wimbolt, he agreeing to build a substantial tenement thereon, and pay a yearly rent of £io. He has erected two respectable cottages, which are worth about £14 per annum. The proceeds of the rent charge of £1 are distributed together with those of the fol- lowing [i.e. Winchcombe's, see (f)] charity. (d) Hunts Almshouses. 1590. By deed of feoffment, dated 5 th August, 1590, John Hunt granted to Erasmus Webb and 10 others, four messuages, one plot of meadow ground, and 3 half acres of land in Thatcham and also one yearly rent charge of £& iSs. od. issuing out of all his lands at Benham and elsewhere, upon trust, to stand possessed of the same, to the use of the said grantor during his life, and, after his decease, to such uses as he should by Will appoint ; and upon further trust that so often as six or more of the said feoffees should die, the survivors should convey the said premises, land, and rent charge to other freeholders and householders of Thatcham, upon the trusts so to be declared by his Will. The said John Hunt, by Will dated at or about the same time, directed his feoffees to permit and suffer one of the said tene- ments together with the plot of meadow, and the three halfacres of land, to be oc- cupied and enjoyed by some poor kinsman or woman of his, subject to the yearly rent of 8s. and no more, which said rent he directed should be applied towards the repairs, as occasion should require, of all the four tene- ments ; and as regarded the remaining three tenements, to suffer three poor impotent inhabitants of Thatcham, that had resided there 10 years at the least, to dwell therein free of rent, the same to be selected by the vicar and churchwardens for the time being of Thatcham; and, in case they should at APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 157 any time, for one month, neglect to elect proper persons as aforesaid, that then the Constable for the time being of Thatcham should appoint fit persons to occupy the said tenements ; and so far as regarded the rent charge of £8 18s. he directed that his feoffees should pay 13*. every quarter to each of the three poor people dwelling in the said tenements, and should yearly expend 20s. further part of the said rent charge in fuel, to be equally divided among them ; and that the remaining 2s . should be paid to the vicar and church- wardens of Thatcham for the time being, for their care and trouble. The latest renewal of the trust we can find is dated 23rd January, 1663, which, after reciting the above feoffment and Will, and that by divers mesne conveyances the said messuages, lands and rent-charges had become vested in Nicholas Bushnall and Thomas Smith by survivorship, they, the said 'Bushnall and Smith, granted and con- veyed the same unto John Winchcomb and 13 others upon the original trusts. The vicar and churchwardens of Thatc- ham have continued to manage the pro- perty, and to nominate the almspeople. A sum of £8 18s. od. is regularly paid in respect of the estate called Moor Lane Farm, which lies partially in the three parishes of Benham, Padworth and Alder- maston, and was vested in John Stephens, esq., of Reading, Banker. Of the four tenements, we find that, a few years ago, one was pulled down, and on the site a National School was erected in 1828, for which a ground rent of 20s. per annum is paid ; no sort of agreement or lease of the premises appears to have been executed. Two others were some years ago burnt down, and on the site four new tenements were erected at the parish expense ; three of these are occupied, rent free, by the three almspeople, and the other is let for £1 6s. od. per annum. The fourth original tenement has lately been converted into two, also at the parish expense, one of which, together with the three half-acres of land and plot of meadow, is occupied by a person named James Hunt, claiming kin to the founder, at a rent of 8s. per annum. The other is let at the yearly rent of £2 12s. od. Four rights of cow- common on Thatcham Marsh belong to this charity. The income was by these means increased, and the surplus, after paying the three alms- people 13J. per quarter, and supplying them annually with something more than 20 shillings worth of fuel, was at first carried to the general account of the Parish, in con- sideration of the outlay in rebuilding and repairing the tenements. This debt being liquidated, a separate account has been kept, and there is now in hand ^21 i$s. 3d. ; part of this will be required for repairs ; but as there is an annual disposable surplus of more than ^5, we think that the almspeople should receive some additional advantage in the shape of money, clothes or fuel. The account of receipts and payments last year [1836] was as follows : — £ s. d. Balance of former year 15 7 1 Rent of School-House 100 John Stephens' rent charge 818 o Richard Mundy, rent of tene- ment 160 Hyde Ambrose, ditto 212 o James Hunt, reserved rent 080 Four rights of Common, 8s. each 1 12 o £3 1 I 3 1 £ s. d. Three almspeople, is. per week, each 716 o Fuel for ditto 149 Repairs of tenements 015 6 Insurance of ditto o 3 7 In hand 21 13 3 £3* 13 1 158 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. (e) Heardsman On an Inquisition, under the Statute of Charitable Uses, taken at Speen the 7th October, 1652, it was presented " that John Herdsman, late of Hatnpsted Norris, clerk, being possessed in fee of a certain tene- ment in Thatcham, called the George, and certain lands thereto belonging, by his Will, dated 1st April, 1594, gave the sum of £6 yearly thereout issuing to be divided equally among four poor persons of Thatcham, to be selected by the vicar and the three church- wardens for the time being, and if they could not agree in the selection, then by the Arch- deacon of Berks, and, further that the said John Herdsman died on or about the 19th April, 1594, but that the said rent charge had never been paid ; and that Richard Tomlins, one of the Barons of the Public Exchequer, had, for divers years past, been possessed of the said messuage and lands in 's Gift. 1594- Thatcham, which were then of the yearly value of ^40 and upwards. Whereupon the Commissioners made their decree; which, after exceptions there- to taken by, and a suit commenced against, Richard Tomlins, was settled by an Inden- ture of Agreement, bearing date the 7 th July, 1653, between Richard Tomlins, of the one part, and the then vi can and church- wardens of Thatcham, of the other part, whereby the above rent charge of £6 was confirmed to the charitable uses above mentioned, and it was agreed that the same should be paid on the 8th of March yearly. The estate subject to this charge, situate in Thatcham, and commonly called Gilbert, is now vested in Mrs. Gurney, and the annuity is duly paid. The vicar and churchwardens each select one person to whom 30^. is given. (f) Winchcombe's Gift. 1599. We find that, on an Inquisition under the statute of Charitable Uses, taken at Newbury, 18th April, 1599, it was presented that " John Winchcomb, late of Bucklebury, deceased, either by deed or will, did grant and settle, to the use of the poor inhabitants of Thatcham and Newbury, one yearly rent charge of jQ$ 13*. 4d. out of lands at Newbury, and directed that his heir, on coming of full age, should assure the same to the said uses, to have continuance for ever, which said sum, or any part there- of, was never paid." And it was fur- ther presented " that Francis Winchcombe was son and heir of the said John, and had been of full age 20 years and upwards." No notice of this is taken in the decree of the Commissioners of the same date with the inquisition, but by deed of feoff- ment dated 7 th January, 1605, Francis Winchcomb granted to Thomas Tovye and others a certain messuage situate at Newbury, on the west side of Cheap Street, upon trust that the rent should be yearly dis- posed of and employed towards the relief of the poor inhabitants of Thatcham. We can find only one transfer of this property, which is dated 20th February, 1627, where- by the messuage was conveyed to 1 1 parties, the survivor of whom is not known. This house is now a baker's shop, and let from year to year to Mr. Waite, at a fair yearly rent of ;£i6. The amount is distributed yearly by the churchwardens among all the poor in six- pennies. Last year 1080 men, women and children, received 6d. each. Being clearly of opinion that this indiscriminate distri- bution is more hurtful than beneficial, we recommended the churchwardens to select the most deserving objects, and in future to dispose of the rents in larger sums of money, or in fuel or clothing. (g) Goddard's Bequest. 1680. Thomas Goddard, by Will, dated 23rd ham, called Great and Little Jacknells, November, 1680, devised to John Goddard subject to the payment of 20s. yearly on all those his messuages and lands in Crook- Christmas-day; 15$., part thereof, to be APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 159 given to the poor people inhabiting God- dard's tithing, in the Parish of Thatcham, and the remaining $s. to the poor dwelling in that part of the same parish called the Borough, at the discretion of the vicar and churchwardens. The premises subject to this charge are (h) North-way 's William Northway, by Will dated 25th Novr. 1820, gave to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the parish of Thatc- ham the sum of ^500 Three per cents., upon trust, to divide one moiety of the dividends thereof equally amongst the three oldest single poor men of Thatcham, and to lay out the remaining moiety in the pur- chase of bread, and to distribute the same to the poor on St. Thomas' day yearly for ever. He further desired that the income of this fund should be applied to the afore- said purposes, by his Executor, William Northway, during his life, and, after his decease, by the churchwardens and over- seers ; and then an account of the parties receiving the bounty should be entered in a book provided for that purpose. (i) Sargood's John Sargood, by Will, proved 26th August, 1826, gave to his Executors, John Withers, John Tutty, Richard Tutty, and Henry Smith the sum of ^100, then standing in the Navy five per cents., upon trust to divide the interest thereof equally among the six poor widows dwelling in Loundyes' Almshouses, on the 20th March yearly for ever. The first distribution, under the above bequest, took place in 1830; the now vested in Joseph Arundel, and the annuity duly paid. It is not exactly known what part of Thatcham is included in God- dard's tithing ; but the 20J. is given to the necessitous poor generally, at the discretion of the vicar. Bequest. 1820. The executor of this Will, Mr. William Northway, is still living, and applies the dividends of the stock (reduced by the payment of legacy duty to .^450) to the purposes directed by the Testator, and the fund is standing in his single name. We have thought it proper to direct him to transfer the stock to any four individuals, respectable inhabitants of Thatcham, in trust, "to permit him, during his life, to receive the dividends, and dispose thereof, as directed by the Testator, and, after his decease, to pay the same to the church- wardens and overseers for the time being, for the same purposes." Charity. 1826. preceding dividends being applied in dis- charging the legacy duty. This Stock (now ^105 New 3 \ per cents.) is standing in the names of the above mentioned parties, and the dividends, ^3 13^. 6d., are received by Mr. Wm. Withers, and by him paid over to the churchwardens, who divide the same equally among the six widows, on the 20th March every year. APPENDIX II. Robert Clark's two deeds respecting Thomas Loundyes' bequest. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] (a) No. i dated 7 July. 1446. Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Robertus Clerk vicarius ecclesie parochialis de Thacham executor testamenti Thome Loundyes armigeri dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Willelmo Carter, Johanni Godfader, Roberto Rest- wold, procuratoribus ecclesie parochialis de Thacham predicta et suis successoribus pro- curatoribus ejusdem ecclesie quandam do- mum in Thacham vocatum le Almeshous in vico orientali ex parte Australi inter bur- gagium Ricardi Att fforde ex parte orientali et alias terras ejusdem Ricardi ex parte occidentali. Habendum et tenendum pre- i6o APPENDICES TO BOOK III. dictum domum cum cum [sic] suis pertinen- tiis prefatis Willelmo Johanni et Roberto Restwold et suis successoribus procuratori- bus ecclesie predicte de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per reditum et servicia inde debita et de jure consueta imperpetuum. Et ego vero predictus Robertus Clerk he- redes et executores mei predictam domum cum suis pertinentiis prefatis Willelmo Jo- hanni et Roberto Restwold et suis suc- cessoribus procuratoribus ecclesie predicte contra omnes gentes warantizabimus et im- (b) No. 2 undated, Universis Christi fidelibus presentes lit- teras indentatas visuris vel audituris Rober- tus Clerk vicarius ecclesie parochialis de Thacbam in comitatu Berks Salutem in Domino sempiternam. Noveritis quod cum ego prefatus Robertus dedi concessi et per quoddam scriptum meum cujus data est infesto translationis Sancti Thomae Mar- tyris a , anno regni regis Henrici sexti post conquestum Anglie vicesimo quarto con- firmavi Willelmo Carter, Johanni Godde- fader, et Roberto Restewold procuratoribus ecclesie predicte et eorum successoribus pro- curatoribus ejusdem ecclesie imperpetuum unum burgagium vocatum Notehaches sci- tuatum in vico orientali de Thacham pre- dicta juxta capellam Sancti Thome Martyris b ex parte boriali una cum omnibus Terris pratis pascui et pasturis jacentibus in Hynnewek cum omnibus suis pertinentiis vocatis Notehachesland ; et unum aliud burgagium scituatum in vico australi de Thacham predicta ex parte orientali inter quoddam burgagium Johannis Att Yeate ex parte boriali et burgagium Henrici Rogger ex parte australi simul cum omnibus terris croftis et suis pertinentiis in villa et campis de Thacham que Isabella nuper uxor Ricardi Lide tenet ex dimissione mea ad terminum vite sue et que post decessum ejusdem Isabelle predictis procuratoribus et eorum successoribus remanere debent ; ac revercionem unius alterius burgagii cum suis pertinentiis scituati in vico occidentali a The words ' in festo translationis Sancti Tkomte Martyris ' are scored through, and the words ' sep- timo die Julii ' written over. perpetuum defendemus. In cujus rei testi- monium huic presenti carte mee sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus Radulpho Castell, tunc Constabulario ville de Thac- ham, Johanne Erie, gentelman, Johanne Glover, Ricardo Att Forde, Johanne Henle et multis aliis. Datum apud Thacham in Festo translationis sancti Thome Martiris. Anno regni Regis Henrici sexti post con- questum Anglie vicesimo quarto. [One seal.] but c. July, 1446. de Thacham predicta ex parte boriali inter burgagium Johannis Plecy ex parte orientali et burgagium Johannis Luddelow ex parte occidentali quod quidem burgagium cum suis pertinentiis quidam Johannes Ballard de Newbury tenet ad terminum vite sue per legem Anglie que omnia predicta in scripto meo predicto plenius continetur [sic] sub forma et conditione subsequentibus ad im- plendum perficiendum et observandum vo- luntatem et intentionem mei prefati Roberti Clerk videlicet quod prefati Willelmus Jo- hannes et Robertus Restwold ac eorum successores qui in tempore futuro imper- petuum procuratores ecclesie predicte erunt sub benedictione Dei cum exitib'us pro- ficuis et redditibus provenientibus de dicto burgagio et terris vocatis Notehachesland cum omnibus suis pertinenciis tempore esti- vali ordinabunt cariabunt et deliberabunt an- nuatim duodecim caractatas [sic] ligni focalis boni Domui vocate le Almeshous quondam constructum et edificatum [sic] per Thomam Loundyes armigerum in Thacham predicta scituatum in vico orientali ibidem unde deliberabunt principali domui in medio ibidem existenti sex caractatas ligni ad sustentationem ibidem commorantium et hospitalitatem petentium et aliis duabus domibus ibidem cuilibet earum tres carac- tatas ligni ad usum ocupationem et refec- tionem pauperum in dictis domibus com- morantium et hospitalitatem ibidem tenen- dum ; ac quod predicti procuratores predic- b The words ' Sancti Thames Martyris ' are scored through and ' ibidem situatam ' written over. w H < fin Q W Ah Oh < ■«. 1 £| ■In s (^ i Rniwjff* l mHm t% I u f drill « jrafiMfiBamffliU: APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 161 tam doraum totiens quotiens cum necesse et oportunum fuerit reparari que faciant co- operiri refici et emendari. Pro quo Ego predictus Robertas Clerk volo et concedo per presentes quod post decessum predicte Isabella Lyde quilibet predictorum pro- curatorum ecclesie predicte et eorum suc- cessorum qui in tempore futuro et imper- petuum erunt pro bono et diligenti labore suo predictam voluntatem et ordinationem meam fecerint et perimpleverint, precipiet et annuatim habebit duodecim denarios de redditu exitibus et proficuis predicti burgagii terrarum croftarum cum suis pertinentiis que predicta Isabella adhuc tenet. Et ulterius volo quod quilibet vicarius ecclesie predicte qui in tempore futuro et imper- petuum successores mei erunt ad dictam voluntatem et ordinationem meam in omni- bus esse observatam et impletam superviderit habeat et annuatim precipiet per manus dictorum procuratorum et successorum suo- rum de eisdem redditu exitibus et proficuis burgagii et terrarum predictarum viginti denarios. Et si predicti procuratores seu eorum in tempore futuro successores ordina- tionem et voluntatem meam predictam non observaverint nee perimpleverint quod tunc vicarii ecclesie predicte qui in tempore futuro successores mei erunt eosdem procuratores ad comparendum coram archidiacono Berkes seu ejus officiali faciant citari, ita quod voluntas et ordinatio mea predicte poterint observari et perimpleri. In cujus rei testi- monium presentibus indenturis sigillum me- um apposui. Et ad hujus rei majorem securi- tatem et voluntatis ac ordinationis mee tenendam et observandam una pars harum indenturarum remanebit in custodia dictorum procuratorum et eorum successorum. Altera vero pars earundem remanebit in custodia vicarii ecclesie predicte et successorum suorum. Ulterius copia istarum indentu- rarum voluntatis mee scribitur et intkula- tur in libro missali predicte ecclesie de Thacham. Hiis testibus Johanni Pury, armigero, Johanni Stokes, gentelman, Jo- hanni Arle, Radulpho Castell, tunc con- stabulario ville de Thacham, Johanni Glover et aliis. Datum. [One seal torn off.] APPENDIX III. (a) Grant of Jour Burgages by William Goldrich and John Bye to Roger London and others. 1424. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Willielmus Goldryche et Johannes Bye, Chapman, procuratores ecclesie de Thacham dedimus concessimus et hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus Rogero London, Jo- hanni Glovere, Ricardo Richer alias dicto (forth, Ricardo Ildebury, Nicholao ffroome et Edmundo Parker quatuor Bur- gagia cum curtilagiis adjacentibus in villa de Thacham predicta cum omnibus suis un- dique pertinenciis quorum duo burgagia sunt in le Eststreete ex parte boriali adin- vicem scituata inter burgagium Johannis Snell ex parte orientali et burgagium Jo- hannis atte Gate ex parte occidentali et abbuttant super viam Regiam versus Aus- tralem et super terram Thome de Monte Acuto comitis Sarum versus borialem et unum burgagium scituatum est in le West- streete ex parte australi inter burgagium VOL. 11. Willielmi ffareham ex parte orientali et burgagium Johannis Hert ex parte occi- dentali et abbuttat super viam Regiam versus borialem et super terram vocatam Blake- mans versus australem et unum burgagium scituatum est juxta cimiterium ecclesie de Thacham inter burgagium Thome Curteys ex parte orientali et predictum cimiterium et terram vocatam Blakemans ex parte occidentali, et abbuttat super viam Regiam versus australem et super gardinum Thome Goldrych alias dicti Tumour versus borialem Habendum et tenendum omnia predicta Burgagia cum curtilagiis et omnibus suis undique pertinenciis prefato Rogero, Jo- hanni Glover, Ricardo Richer, Ricardo Ildebury, Nicholao et Edmundo heredibus et eorum assignatis libere quiete bene et in pace jure hereditario imperpetuum de capitalibus dominis feodorum illorum per 162 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. servicia inde debita et de jure consueta. Et nos vero predicti Willielmus et Johannes Bye procuratores dicti ecclesie et succes- sors nostri procuratores dicte ecclesie de Thacham omnia predicta burgagia cum curtilagiis et omnibus suis undique per- tinenciis prefatis Rogero, Johanni Glover, Ricardo et Ricardo, Nicholao, et Edmundo heredibus et eorum assignatis contra omnes gentes warantizabimus imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte nos- tre sigilla nostra apposuimus. Hiis testibus Johanne Laubell,Thoma Chapman, Ricardo Bocher, Johanne Snell, Willielmo ffareham, Johanne Sutton, Ricardo Twyham, Henrico Rogger, Johanne Ludlowe,Willielmo Rogger, Johanne Hert de Thacham et aliis. Datum apud Thacham predictam terciodecimo die mensis ffebruarii anno domini millesimo cccc mo vicesimo tercio et regni Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum secundo. [1424.] [Two seals, both torn off.] (b) Grant by Nicholas Frome of the same four Burgages. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] 1472. Sciant presentes et futuri quod Ego Nicholaus ffrome dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Rogero Lavyndar, Thome Arondell, Johanni ffilyppe et Johanni Godwyn de Thacham, Henrico Rastwold de Henwyk et Johanni Diplee de Crokeham quatuor Burgagia cum Curtilagiis adjacentibus in villa de Thacham cum om- nibus suis undique pertinenciis ; quorum dua burgagia sunt in le Eststrete ex parte boriali adinvicem scituata inter burgagium Jo- hannis Ludlowe nuper Johannis Snelle ex parte orientali et burgagium Thome Aron- dell nuper Johannis atte Gate ex parte occidentali et abbuttant super viam regiam versus australem et super terram Johannis Pury, Armigeri, nuper Thome de Monte Acuto comitis Sarum versus borialem ; et unum burgagium scituatum est in le West- strete ex parte australi inter burgagium Rogeri Roger nuper Willielmi ffareham ex parte orientali et burgagium Johannis Paty nuper Johannis Hert ex parte occidentali et abbuttat super viam regiam versus boria- lem et super terra Johannis Ludlowe nuper Thome Blakemans versus australem; et unum burgagium scituatum est juxta cimi- terium ecclesia [sic] de Thacham inter burgagium Johannis Pury, Armigeri, nuper Thome Curteys ex parte orientali et predic turn cimiterium et [burgagium] Johannis Ludlowe nuper Thome Blakemans ex parte occidentali et abbuttat super viam regiam versus australem et super gardinum Jo- hannis Pury nuper Thome Goldriche alias dicti Tumour versus borialem ; quequedam quatuor Burgagia cum curtilagiis adjacenti- bus cum eorum pertinenciis nuper habui simul cum Rogero London, Johanne Glover, Ricardo Richer alias dicto fforth, Ricardo Ildebury et Edmundo Parker modo defunc- tis ex dono et feoffamento Willielmi Gold- riche et Johannis Bye, Chapman, nuper procuratorum ecclesie de Thacham predicta Habendum et tenendum omnia predicta burgagia cum curtilagiis adjacentibus et omnibus suis undique pertinenciis prefatis Rogero Lavyndar, Thome Arondell, Johanni ffilyp, Johanni Godwyn, Henrico Rastwold et Johanni Diplee heredibus et eorum as- signatis libere quiete bene < et in pace jure hereditario imperpetuum de capitalibus dominis ffeodorum illorum per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta. Et ego vero predictus Nicholaus ffrome et heredes mei omnia predicta burgagia cum curtilagiis adjacentibus et omnibus suis undique perti- nenciis prefatis Rogero Lavyndar, Thome Arondell, Johanni ffilyppe, Johanni Godwyn, Henrico Rastwold et Johanni Diplee here- dibus et eorum assignatis contra omnes gentes Warantizabimus imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti carte mee sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus Johanne Pury, Armigero, magistro Thome Kynton vicario ecclesie parochialis de Thacham, Roberto Knyght ad tunc ballivo de Thacham, Johanne Bye tunc consta- bulario ibidem, Rogero Roger et multis aliis Data apud Thacham predictam vicesimo die mensis ffebruarii anno regni Regis Edwardi quarti post conquestum Anglie undecimo. APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 1^3 APPENDIX IV.. Grant of a Burgage [From Thatcham Noverint universi per presentes nos Jo- hannera Benet, Robertum Crook et Henri- cum Barbour procuratores ecclesie paro- chialis Sancti Nicholai de Newbury per commune consilium et assensum omnium parochianorum dicte parochie remisisse re- laxasse et omnino pro nobis et heredibus nostris imperpetuum quietum clamasse Henrico Roger, Thome Bele et Jobanni Talpot procuratoribus ecclesie de Thacham et successoribus eorum totum jus nostrum et clameum que habemus habuimus seu quovismodo in futuro habere poterimus de et in uno Burgagio et curtilagio cum una parcella terre arrabilis dicto Burgagio annexa situato in vico australi de Thacham nter burgagium Isabelle Honymonger ex parte boriali et burgagium nuper Johannis Lawbell ex parte australi et juxta viam Regiam ex parte occidental!. Ita quod nee in South Street. 1431. Parish Documents.] nos predicti Johannes Benet, Robertus Crook et Henricus Barbour nee successores nostri nee aliquis alius in nomine nostro aliquod jus vel clameum in predicto Bur- gagio curtilagio et parcella terre arrabilis cum omnibus suis pertinenciis imposterum decetero exigere vel vendicare poterimus nee debemus in futuro Sed de omnimodis ac- cionibus juris remedii sumus exclusi per presentes imperpetuum. In cujus rei testi- monium huic presenti scripto nostro sigilla nostra apposuimus. Hiis testibus Ricardo Abberbury, Johanne Horlok, Nicholao Messager, Johanne Magot, Thoma Marchal et aliis Datum apud Newbury in festo Sancti Edwardi Regis et Confessoris Anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post conquestum Anglie nono [1431]. [Three seals, one torn off.] APPENDIX V. Grant of Goods by John Pury. 1450. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] Omnibus Christi fidelibus ad quos presens scriptum prevenerit Johannes Pury, Armiger, Salutem in domino sempiternam. Noveritis me prefatum Johannem dedisse concessisse et hoc presenti scripto' meo confirmasse Johanni Norys, Armigero, Anne Pury, Sus- anne Pury, Galfrido Poole, Armigero, Magis- tro Thome Kynton vicario de Thacham et Johanni Clerk omnia et singula bona mea et catalla mobilia et immobilia tam viva quam mortua cujuscumque generis condi- tionis nature seu speciei sint vel fuerint ubicumque et in quorumcumque manibus fuerint inventa tam in possessione mea pro- priaque potestate quam in manibus et pos- sessione quarumcumque aliarum personarum infra Regnum Anglie michi spectantia et pertinentia Habendum tenendum et per- cipiendum omnia et singula bona et catalla mobilia et immobilia predicta una cum om- nibus et singulis pecuniarum summis que Y michi quacumque de causa a quibuscumque personis infra Regnum predictum debentur sive detinentur prefato Johanni Norys, Anne, Susanne, Galfrido, Magistro Thome Kynton, et Johanni Clerk heredibus executoribus et assighatis eorum libere quiete integre bene et in pace et imperpetuum ad dandum le- gandum vendendum ac alienandum cuicum- que voluerint aut aliquis eorum voluerit abs- que reclamatione perturbacione seu calump- nia aut impedimento mei predicti Johannis Pury heredum seu executorum meorum aut aliorum quorumcumque nomine meo ullo modo in futuro ; et in possessionem omnium bonorum predictorum Ego predictus Jo- hannes Pury posui prefatos Johannem Norys, Annam, Susannam, Galfridum, Magistrum Thomam Kynton, et Johannem Clerk per unum anulum auri eis per me traditum et liberatum. In cujus rei testimonium huic presenti scripto meo Sigillum meum apposui 1 64 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. Datum primo die mensis Aprilis Anno regni Regis Henrici sexti post conquestum vice- simo octavo. [One seal torn off.] [Indorsement.] Concessio omnium bonorum et catallorum mobilium et immobilium Johannis Pury Armigeri facta Johanni Norys, Anne Pury et aliis. APPENDIX VI. Grant by Thomas Colyns and Henry Pratt. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] 1476. Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Thomas Colyns de Wantynge in comitatu Berks' et Henricus Pratte de eadem tradidi- mus liberavimus dimisimus et hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus Domino Johanni Skynner vicario de Thacham in comitatu predicto Domino Johanni Brok vicario de Hampstede Norrys in eodem comitatu Jo- hanni Colyns de Wantynge predicta Roberto Knyght, Roberto ffesaunt, Johanni Cartere, Johanni Smyth alias Colsmyth, Ingelramo Wygge, et Henrico Rastwold unum Burga- gium situatum in Thacham predicta in la West streete sowth syde vocatum Yatyndens inter burgagium predicti Johannis Colyns ex parte orientali vocatum le Belle et bur- gagium Johannis Pury, Armigeri, ex parte occidentali unde unum capud abuttat super viam Regiam ex parte boriali et aliud capud abuttat super gardinum predicti Johannis Colyns ut manifeste patet. Quod quidem Burgagium cum suis pertinenciis nuper habuimus nobis inter alia terras tenementa redditus et servicia ex dono et feoffamento Johannis Colyns senioris de Wantynge pre- dicta gentylman ut in evidenciis inde con- fectis plenius continetur : Habendum et te- nendum predictum Burgagium cum suis per- tinenciis prefatis Domino Johanni Skynner, Domino Johanni Brok, Johanni Colyns, Roberto Knyght, Roberto ffesaunt, Johanni Cartere, Johanni Smyth, Ingelramo Wygge, et Henrico Rastwold heredibus et assignatis suis de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta imperpetuum. Et ulterius noverint universi per presentes nos antedictos Thomam Colyns et Henricum Pratte attornasse et in loco nostro constituisse dilectos nobis in Christo Willielmum Parson seniorem de Henwyk et Johannem Pale de Thacham predicta nostros veros et legittimos attorna- tos ad intrandum conjunctim et divisim ,et deliberandum vice et nomine nostro prefatis Domino Johanni Skynner, Domino Johanni Brok, Johanni Colyns, Roberto Knyght, Roberto ffesaunt, Johanni Cartere, Johanni Smyth, Ingelramo Wygge, et Henrico Rast- wold plenam et pacificam seisinam et pos- sessionem de et in toto Burgagio predicto cum suis pertinenciis habendum eis omnino secundum vim forniam et effectum carte nostre susprascripte inde a nobis eis con- fecte Ratum et gratum habituros pro per- petuo totum et quicquid predicti attornati nostri fecerint in liberatione seisine et pos- sessions predicta. In cujus rei testimonium presentibus sigilla nostra apposuimus. Hiis testibus Johanne Pury, Armigero, Johanne Bye, Johanne Bolton, Johanne Godwyn, Thoma Arondell et multis aliis. Datum apud Thacham predictam in festo Sancte Trinitatis anno regni regis Edwardi quarti post conquestum Anglie sexto decimo. [Two seals, one torn off.] APPENDIX VII. The Will of John Hunt. 1590. [From a " Coppye taken the fiiste of July in the yeere of our Lord God 1608 by Richard Core, Churchwarden of Thatcham."] This is the last Will and Testament useinge and imployinge of the yeerly of me John Hunte of Hamme in the rente of Eight pounds and Eighteene county of Wilts yeoman concerninge the shillings and the orderinge and disposeinge APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 165 of three of the foure messuages and [gardens?] mentioned in one deed of ffeoffment by me made bearing date the fifth daye of August, &c, ffor and concern- inge the releife of three poore people in Thacham in the county of Berks and for the placinge and displacinge of the said poore people and for their government useage and behavioure there made and sett downe by me the said John Hunte the fifth daye of August in the two and thirtieth yeere of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queene of England, ffrance and Ireland, Defendo r of the ffaith, &c. [5th August, 1590.] Inprimis that the vicar and church- wardens of Thacham or any two of them wherof the vicar for the time beinge to be one if any such be shall have authority to elect and place the said poore per- sonnes. Item that if the said vicar and church- wardens for the time beinge shall not agree in the election and placinge of the said poore personnes within one moneth next after any roome or place in the said houses shall become voyde then the constable of the towne of Thacham aforesaid for the time beinge shall have authority to elect and place into the said houses for every time that the said vicar and church- wardens shall make default by the space of one moneth such poore personne or personns as the said vicar and church- wardens shall or might have elect or placte. Item that they shall choose of the most impotent and poore of the said parishe and none to be chosen that hath not inhabitted in the said parish of Thacham by the space of the said tenn yeeres next before his or her election. Item that a man and his wife beinge lawfully maryed and both of them beinge aged or impotent shall in the said election and placeinge be accompted but as [one] personne and may be elected and placed into any one of the said houses beinge voyde Provided that they both have alow- ance as if they were but one. Also that the said poore people which from time to time shalbe placed in the said three houses shalbe aged and impotent and of godly and honest behaviour and devoute and shall resoarte to the parish church of Thacham if they be able to publique prayer there. Item that there be given and delivered quarterly for ever to every of the said three poore people thirteene shillings a peece in givinge wherof it must be considered that one man and his wife shalbe accompted but as one personne and that to them both there be allowed but xij d a weeke between them. And that there shalbe bestowed yeerly in ffirewood to be provided and brought home to the said houses twenty shillings which wood shalbe layd vp in a convenient place neare the said houses and that they shall not begine to spend any of the said wood in any yeere vntell the Even of Saint Andrew the Apostle. Item there shalbe given yeerly to the vicar and churchwardens of Thacham at the ffeast of Saint John Baptist as a remem- brance of me the saide John Hunte and for their good care to be used in electinge placing and overseeing the said poore people and removing them if any such occation shalbe the somme of two shill- ings. Item if any of the said poore people shall happen to dye after any of the quarter dayes appoynted for the payment of their wayges the executors or assignes of the poore personne so tieceasinge shall have so many sommes of xij d as they the said poore people shall live weekes after the said quarter daye and which the said poore peop[l]e shall not have received And if any of the poore personns elected and placed as aforesaid shalbe deemed by the said vicar and churchwardens and the constable of the said towne and the most parte of them whereof the Vicar to be one to be lewde or notoriously crimynous and shall doe or committ any willfull waste in the house, ground, houses or grounds That then it shalbe lawfull for the vicar and churchwardens of Thacham aforesaid for the time beinge or for any two of them whereof the Vicar to be one to remove and expell the personne or personns so 1 66 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. beinge lewd or notoriously cryminous oute of the said house or houses and to exclude them from all other the benefittes aforesaid. And to electe nominate and place into their places and roomes some other at their discretions in manner and forme before expreste And lastly whereas by a strict construction of the woords on the ordinances aforementioned it may be taken and understood that the Vicar of Thacham should have a voyce negative in placinge displacinge and governinge of the said poore people my meaninge is that the said voyce negative of the said Vicar shall not take place except some one of the Churchwardens or Constable for the time beinge shalbe of the same opinyon with the said Vicar ffor otherwise the opinyons and agreement of all the said church- wardens according amonngst themselves and disscenting from the Vicar shalbe at every time allowed and stand good in and con- cerninge the placing displacinge and order- inge of the said houses poore people and alowance aforesaid. In witnesse whereof I the saide John Hunte have to each parte of this my present laste Will and Testa- ment concerninge the premisses sett my hande and seale. Dated the day and yeere first above written. APPENDIX VIII. The Will of the Rev. John Heardman. 1594. [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] I give and bequeath my soule unto the Allmightie and most merciful Lord God our heavenlye ffather and my body to be buryed in the chauncell of the parrishe church of Hampstead aforesaid underneath the Table of the Holy Communion Item I give and bequeath to my brother in lawe, Thomas Tovye my best gowne and all my bookes (my Englishe Bible onelie excepted) the which Englishe Bible I give and be- queath unto Avis my wife. Item I give and bequeath also to Avis my wife all my houshould stuffe. All the rest of my goods my will is that yt bee praysed and my will ys that my goods and cattell beinge praysed to goe to the payment of my debts and legacies. Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Tovye my brother in lawe all my lands in North Morton called Blakes with all and singular profHtts and commodities thereunto belonginge whatsoever and unto the heires of his bodye lawfully begotten for ever. Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Tovye my brother in lawe and unto his heires of his bodye lawfully begotten for ever all my landes scituate lyeinge and beinge in the parrish of Thackham, in the countye of Berks : and for want of heyres of Thomas Tovye of his bodye lawfully begotten to the heyres of Henry Heardman my kynnesman and to the heyres of his bodye lawfully begotten ; and for wante and defaulte of such yssue and heyres of his bodye lawfully begotten to the next of my kynne whatsoever. Item I give and bequeath unto Avis my wife ffifteene pounds to bee paid yearely unto the said Avis out of my lands and rents in Thacham to bee paid unto her att the usual tymes of the receiveinge of the said rents by even porcons to bee payed by the said Thomas Tovye and his heyres and assigns unto the said Avis duringe her naturall life att the Signe of the George in Thacham uppon condicon that the said Avis Heardman shall not clayme any thirds of my lands neither in North Morton neither in Thacham. Yf the said Avis doe clayme the thirdes of the said landes then this my givfte of ffifteene poundes to be voyde and frustrate and the ffifteene pounds to remaine unto the said Thomas Tovye and his heires. Item I give and bequeath unto Henry Heardman my kynnes- man sixe pounds yearely dureinge the naturall life of the said Henry Heardman to be paid unto the said Henry aforesaid out of the lands in Thacham aforesaid att the signe of the George in Thacham att the APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 167 usuall dayes of the receipte of the rentes by the said Thomas Tovye his heires or assignes. Item I give and bequeath unto fower of the poorest folke in Thacham after the naturall life of Avis Heardman my wife sixe poundes to be equally devided amongst the aforesaid poore folkes by the viccar of Thacham and the three churchwardens for the time beinge. Provided alwaies that the said poore shalbee inhabitants within the parrish of Thacham. Yf the said viccar and churchwardens shall not agree or the maior parte then the arch- deacon of Berks shall dispose yt unto fower poore folkes in the said parrish of Thacham accordinge to my meaninge and intent, and the six poundes to bee paid unto the said fower poore folkes out of my landes in Thacham yearlie for ever. Item I give unto Margarett Warryn of Thacham twentie shillinges I do ordeyne constitute and appointe my welbeloved in Christ Thomas Tovye my brother-in-lawe the full whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament, revokinge and adnihillatinge all former deeds and wills (my debts paid and my funerall discharged) ; and I ordeyne and make overseers hereof my welbeloved in Christ Robert Hooper, vicar of Bheuely (?), and Thomas Atkinson, vicar of Aldar (?), Mr. John Dancastle of Wellhouse in the parrish of Hampstead Norres my overseer of this my last will and testament and for their paines therein I give them twentye shillinges a peece. APPENDIX IX. The Writ of Execution regarding John Heardman 's [From Thatcham Parish Documents.] Will. 1652. The Keepers of the libertie of England by authoritie of Parliment to Richard Tom- lins, Esquier, one of the Barons of our publique ExchequerTenaunt in fee of a tenement called The George in Thacham in the countie of Berks and of certen lands therewith used in Thacham aforesaid late the lands of John Heardman deceased And to his heirs and assigns And to all other person and persons whomsoever it doth or may concern and to every of them greeting. Fforasmuch as it belongeth unto us to give in charge that due execution be had and done of all things which are provided and or- deyned in Parliment to God's glorie and the benefitt of the English Nation And wee are given to understand by certificate of Humfry Dolman, John Elwes, Thomas Dolman and Charles Ffettiplace, esqrs. our commissioners (amongst others) amongst others [sic] author- ised under the great seale of England That the said commissioners by vertue of an act made in the Parliment holden at Westmin- ster in the three and fortieth yeare of the late Queen Elizabeth and upon inquest of jurors and also uppon examination of witnesses had in the matter did amongest other things make a certen order and decree in manner and forme following That you the said Richard Tomlins shall within twentie daies geven to you of the said order and decree pay unto the Vicar and Church- wardens of Thacham aforesaid for the tyme being the full somme of threescore pounds of lawful monie of England in full satisfaction of ten yeares arrerages of a certain annuitie of six pounds in an Inquisicion to the said decree annexed mencioned until the eight day of May next after the date of the said decree And alsoe that you the said Richard Tomlyns your heirs and assignes shall well and trulie pay for ever hereafter the somme of six pounds yearlie on the eight day of May to the Vicar and Churchwardens aforesaid, The said threescore pounds to be imployed for the releife of the poorest Inhabitants in Thacham within six yeares next ensuing the date of the said decree in such proporcons as their severall necessities shall require And the said growing rent of six pounds a yeare to be by them imployed according to the direccion of the said John Heardman in and by his last will in the said Inquisition men- tioned As by the said Inquisition and decree retorned into our Court of Chancery and there remayning of record more fullie i68 APPENDICES TO BOOK. III. appeareth ■ Wee therefore command you and every of you that you performe fullfill and execute and cause to be performed fullfilled and executed all and every the matters and things in the said Order and Decree conteyned and specified in soe much thereof as to you oranie of you appertaineth according to the tenor and true meaning thereof under paine of two hundred pounds Witnes ourselves at Westminster the xxiiij th day of January in the yeare of our Lord mdclij [1652-3.] Lenthall a . APPENDIX X. Endowment deed by Lady Frances Winchcombe. 1707. [The copy of the deed endowing the Blue Coat School at Thatcham, from which this abstract is taken, was found in the Parish Chest, August, 1892.] repaired and made convenient for that This Indenture made the 30 th day of June in the 6 th year of our Sovereign Lady Anne by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland Queen defender of the faith &c. Anno Domine 1707 Between the Right Hon- ourable the Lady ffrances Winchcombe of Stratfieldsea in the County of Berks widow the Relict of Sir Henry Winchcombe late of Bucklebury in the said County of Berks Knight and Baron Knight, deceased, and one of the daughters of the Right Honourable Thomas late Earl of Berkshire, deceased, and James Harrison of Lyons Inn in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, of the one part and Henry St. John the younger of Bucklebury aforesaid, Esq., Robert Packer of Shillingford in the said County of Berks, Esq., John Head of Langley in the said County of Berks, Esq., Richard Lyford of Rusdeans in the said County of Berks, Gentleman, John Cock Vicar of Thatcham in the said County of Berks, Clerk, Richard Simeon Vicar of Bucklebury aforesaid, Clerk, and Abraham Scolfield of Bucklebury aforesaid, Gentleman, of the other part. Whereas the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe hath lately in the name Of the aforesaid James Harrison her Trustee purchased the inheritance of all that enclosed piece or parcel of ground lying in Chappell Street in the aforesaid parish of Thatcham containing by estimation about half an acre little more or less together with a decayed chappell thereon standing with intention to convert the said chappell into a school house and hath already given orders that it shall be purpose and is now minded to convey and settle thesame piece and parcel of ground and chappell unto and upon trustees hereinafter named and to indow the school and to make provision for the instruction and education of 30 poor children there and for the yearly putting out and placing 3 of the said poor children apprentice to such handycraft trades as they shall be found capable to be bred in. And whereas the said Lady ffrances Winch- combe out of her pious zeal and charitable inclination is determined to settle a stipend or sallery of ^20 per annum to be paid to such person or persons as shall from time to time and at all times hereafter be nominated and chosen master of the said school and the further sum of ,£20 per annum to be dis- posed of yearly in placing and putting out 3 such poor children to be apprentices and £,\o per annum to buy and provide books for the said poor scholars and 40^. per annum for repairing the said school and 20s. per annum for providing a dinner or other re- freshments for the Trustees ; Now this Inden- ture witnesseth that for settling the aforesaid chappell and piece or parcel of land in such manner and for such purpose as is before mentioned and hereinafter more particularly declared limitted and expressed and also for settling and raising a fund for payment of the several aforesaid yearly sums and for other considerations the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe hereunto moving the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe and the said James » The name "Lenthall" subscribed to the writ On the seal attached to the writ appear the figures- is probably that of William Lenthall, Speaker of of the several " keepers of the libertie of England the House of Commons in the Long Parliament. by authoritie of parliament." APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 169 Harrison by her direction in consideration of the sum of ioj-. to him in hand paid by the said Henry St. John, Robert Packer, John Head, Richard Lyford, John Cock, Clerk, Richard Simeon, Clerk, and Abraham Scolfield, or by some or one of them Have given &c, &c. For the use and In Trust for such person or persons successively as shall be master of the said school and of the poor boys therein to be educated. And by the same deed the said Lady ffrances Winch- combe for the considerations aforesaid and for making provision for the effectual and constant payment of the aforesaid annual sum of £,10 per annum unto the master of the said school for the time being and of the sum of ^20 for placing out the aforesaid 3 apprentices, &c. Doth by these presents for her and her heirs give and grant unto the said Henry St. John, &c, &c, one annuity or yearly rent charge of ^53 of good and lawfull money of England issuing ... of all that the Mannor Farm and Grange of Thornhill with the appurtenances in the Parish of the Blessed Virgin St. Mary, West Port in the County of Wilts and out of all that close of meadow or pasture ground heretofore 2 closes adjoining or lying near to the ffarm house there and called or known by the name of Culver House Close alias the Cowleaze alias Thornhill containing by estimation 36 acres be it more or less, also out of that close of pasture ground commonly called or known by the name of Newlands containing by estimation 15 acres be it more or less and also out of all that close of meadow ground commonly called or known by the name of Newlands Mead con- taining by estimation 3 acres be it more or less and also out of all that close heretofore of pasture or meadow ground but late arable and laid down with clover grass commonly called or known by the name of Coleman's and Coleman's meese, containing by estima- tion 4 acres be it more or less. And also out of all that close of pasture or arable land commonly called or known by the [name of] priests' lands, containing by estimation 18 acres be it more or less and also out of all that close of meadow or pasture ground commonly called or known by the name of VOL. II. Doll mead containing by estimation 1 2 acres be it more or less. And also out of all that close of meadow ground commonly called or known by the name of West Mead or Western Mead containing by estimation 6 acres be it more or less ; and the crop and vesture thereof to be yearly had perceived and taken in the last mentioned mead according to the custom there used : which said premises were sometime parcell of the possession of the late dissolved monastry of Malmsbury in the County of Wilts. And also out of all that close of arable or pasture ground commonly called or known by the name of the Butts containing by estimation 2 acres be it more or less. And also out of all that close of meadow or pasture ground commonly called or known by the name of little Clyetts containing by estimation 2 acres be it more or less. Which lands and premises before mentioned are situate lying and being in the parish of West Port aforesaid in the said County of Wilts, and do belong or re- puted to belong or appertain to the Mannor Farm and Grange of Thorn Hill aforesaid and were purchased by the right honourable Thomas late Earl of Berks deceased to him and his heirs of Robert Langton of Busselton alias Brislington in the County of Somerset, Esq., and Ann his wife and are now in the possession tenure manurance or occupation of one Richard Spencer undertenant of the said Earl of Berks. And also out of all and singular other the messuages, houses, grange, lands, tenements and hereditaments whatso- ever which the said Earl purchased of the aforesaid Robert Langton and Ann his wife or either of them with their and every of their appurtenances. And also out of all that close of meadow or pasture ground common- ly called or known by the name of Great Coleman's, containing by estimation 5 acres be it more or less. And also out of all that other close of meadow or pasture ground commonly called or known by the name of Little Coleman's containing by estimation 2 acres be it more or less, which said closes of meadow or pasture ground are situate lying and being within the aforesaid parish of West Port in the said County of Wilts, and were heretofore in the tenure possession or occu- 170 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. pation of one Thomas Martin, Gentleman, and now are or late were in the possession manurance or occupation of John Wasye of Malmsbury aforesaid, his undertenant or undertenants. And also out of all that the renew feeding or after grass of one meadow called West Mill Mead containing by estima- tion 6 acres be it more or less which said meadow is situate lying and being within the parish of West Port aforesaid, and was together with the last two mentioned closes heretofore purchased by the said Earl of Berks deceased of the aforesaid John Wasye. To have and to hold, receive, perceive, take and enjoy for ever the said annuity or yearly rent charge of ^53 per annum and every part and parcel thereof unto the said Henry Saint John, &c, &c. To and for the trusts intents and purposes before and here- inafter more particularly declared limitted mentioned and expressed and to for and upon no other use trust intent or purpose whatso- ever To be paid yearly and every year at the ffeast of the Nativity of our Lord and Saviour Christ commonly called Christmas and at the ffeast of John the Baptist commonly called Midsummer by even and equal portions the rst payment to begin at such of the said ffeasts as shall happen next after the date hereof All the said payments to be made without any deduction defalca- tion or abatement for or by reason of any rates levy taxes assessments impositions or abatement whatsoever to such person as by the major part of the Trustees for the time being shall be by writing under their hands and seals attested by 2 or more credible witnesses authorized and impowered to re- ceive the same. And the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe Doth for herself her heirs and assigns hereby Grant that if it shall happen the said annuity or yearly rent charge 0^53 per annum or any part thereof to be behind or unpaid for the space of 20 days next after any of the days on which the same ought to be paid as aforesaid that then and so often the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe her heirs and assigns shall forfeit and loose unto the aforesaid Henry St. John, &c, &c, the sum of ^5 of lawful money of England nomine pane toties quoties for every 20 days that the said yearly rent or any part thereof shall be behind or unpaid after any of the days wherein 'tis hereby appointed to be paid as aforesaid. And the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe Doth further for her- self her heirs and assigns Grant and agree to and with the said Henry St. John, &c, &c, that whensoever and as often as the said yearly rent charge of ^53 or any part thereof or any sum or sums of -Q$ nomine pane or any part thereof shall be behind unpaid or in arrear That then and so often and from time to time it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Henry St. John, &c, into and upon the said Mannor farm and Grange messuages lands, &c, and into every part or parcell thereof at their liberty to enter and distreyne for the said yearly rent of ^53 and arrearages thereof, to take lead drive carry away and impound to detain and keep untill the said yearly rent of £^3 and all arrearages thereof, &c, shall be fully satisfied contented and paid. And the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe Doth hereby declare that the aforesaid yearly rent charge of ^53 per annum is by her as aforesaid given and granted to the aforesaid Trustees their heirs successors and assigns upon the Trusts and to the intents and pur- poses following (that is to say) Upon Trust and to the intent that the said Trustees their heirs successors and assigns shall yearly pay the sum of ^20 part of the said yearly rent of ^53 at four equal yearly payments to such person as shall from time to time and at all times here- after be the master of the said school And the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe doth here- by declare her meaning and intention to be that she will during her life have the sole nomination and appointment of the master of the said school and that after her decease and as often as a vacancy happens by reason of the death of the master of the said school or otherwise that then to supply such vacancy as often as it shall happen some other discreet and sober person being mem- ber of the Church of England as by Law established, and of the age of 24 years or upwards and who shall be well skilled in the English tongue and capable to instruct and teach youth to read and understand English APPENDICES TO BOOK III. i 7 r to write and cast accounts shall be elected and nominated by the Trustees for the time being or the major part of them to be master of the said school and that the said master for the time being shall in consideration of the aforesaid sallary or stypend and with- out any other fee gratuity or reward teach and instruct 30 poor boys born or to be born or whose parents shall inhabit and dwell within the parishes of Bucklebury, Thatcham, and Little Shifford in the afore- said County of Berks in reading writing and casting accounts so as to qualifie them for some honest vocation and calling. And to the intent that 3 of the said poor boys the best qualified and fittest to be put ap- prentice to some good handycraft trade so as they may be in a capacity by their industry and labour to get an honest lively- hood the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe Doth hereby further direct and declare it to be her intention and meaning that the further sum of £20 other part of the said yearly rent charge of ^53 shall be divided into three equal parts and yearly disposed of by the Trustees for the time being in placeing and putting out such 3 poor boys apprentice the nomination of which said poor boys so to be placed out the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe doth during her life reserve to herself and after her decease doth direct and declare that they shall be nomina- ted by the said Trustees for the time being or the major part of them. And the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe being desirous that the aforesaid poor scholars should be educated and instructed in the protestant religion according to the liturgy of the Church of England as by law established, in order that they may be so Doth hereby direct and declare her meaning to be that the sum of £10 other part of the said rent charge of £$3 shall by the trustees for the time being be yearly laid out in buying for the said poor scholars Bibles Common Prayer-books the Whole Duty of Man and other usefull books and papers so as they may have all convenient assistances for their education and instruction. And forasmuch as the intended School house will from time to time stand in want of repairations and 'twill be proper and convenient that the Trustees for the time being should meet at least once in the year to visit the said school to inspect and settle the accounts and to consider of other matters relateing to the said charity, she the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe doth hereby direct and declare her meaning to be that the sum of £$ the residue and remainder of the said yearly rent charge of ,£53 sha11 fr° m ti me t0 t ™ e ancl at a11 tmies be disposed off and applied for the last mentioned purposes that is to say forty shillings part thereof if needfull in repairing the said school and the remainder sum of twenty shillings in providing a dinner or other refreshment for the trustees who shall meet to visit the said school and to take care that her Ladyship's pious and charitable ends and purposes be neither abused nor frustrated. And the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe doth declare her intention and meaning to be that the aforesaid Henry St. John, &c, &c, shall for ever hereafter be the visitors or directors of the said school which said visitors or directors or the greatest number of them shall have power from time to time to make and constitute such reasonable rules and orders touching the good government and regularity of the said school and the several trusts herein as in the judgement of the said visitors and directors or the greater number of . them shall seem best to answer the trusts hereby intended concerning the same And it is hereby provided and the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe doth by these presents declare her desire meaning and intention to be that when it shall so happen that any 4 of the aforesaid trustees shall be dead that then the surviving trustees shall assign and transfer the trust so as aforesaid in them and the deceased Trustees hereby reposed to seven other wise and discreet persons of the communion of the Church of England as by Law established their heirs and assigns to the intent that the uses and intents before in these presents may be continually revived and remembered for ever : And that from time to time and at all times whenever it shall so happen that any 4 trustees shall be dead the 3 surviving z 2 172 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. trustees shall constantly transfer and assign the said trust to 7 other persons qualified as aforesaid so as there may never be want- ing a sufficient number of persons well qualified and fitting to act and manage the said trust according to the pious and charit- able intentions hereby before expressed and mentioned. Provided also that it shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Lady ffrances Winchcombe from time to time and at all times during her life by any deed or writing by her signed and sealed in the presence of 3 or more credible witnesses to revoke make void or alter all or any of the trusts limitations or estates hereinbefore created raised limitted or appointed or to limitt any other or new trust use or uses of or touching the premises or any part thereof. In witness whereof the partys first above named to these presents interchang- ably have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. ffrances Winchcombe ( L - s - ) James Harrison sealed and delivered (being first stampt with a five shilling stamp) in the presence of Elizabeth Lee. Robert Harrison. Walter Miller. Nathaniel Vincent. Endorsed : No. 6. Coppy of the En- dowment of the Charity School at Thatcham bearing date the 30th day of June, 1707. APPENDIX XI. Summary of the preceding endowment. [From the Reports of Commissioners on Charities and Education, I and 2, 1819. Thatcham, Bucklebury, and East Shefford.] Lady Frances Winchcomb, by deed dated 30 th June, 1707, gave to trustees a parcel of ground in Chapel Street, in the parish of Thatcham, together with a decayed chapel standing thereon, which she had directed to be repaired, in trust to stand seised for the use of a school- master, and for 30 poor boys to be edu- cated therein ; and she also gave to the same trustees a rent charge of 53/. issuing out of the manor farm and grange of Thornhill, in the parish of St. Mary Westport, Wilts, and out of a close of meadow or pasture ground, in the deed of endowment men- tioned, in trust to pay 20/. part thereof to the schoolmaster for the time being, who was to be appointed by herself during her lifetime, and after her decease, upon any vacancy, by her trustees ; in consi- deration of which salary the schoolmaster was to teach gratis 30 poor boys of Buckle- bury, Thatcham and Little Shefford, Berks, reading, writing and casting accounts. And she directed that 20/. other part of the said rent charge of 53/. should be divided into three equal parts by the trustees, and disposed of in apprentic- ing three poor boys, to be nominated by her during her life, and afterwards by her trustees; and she also directed that 10/. other part of the said 53/. should be laid out by the trustees in buying Bibles, Common Prayer books, the " Whole Duty of Man," and other useful books for the said poor scholars. And she also directed, that of the remaining 3/. parcel of the said 53/. the sum of, 405. should be applied for repairs of the school and 2o.r. for the refreshment of the trustees at an annual meeting to be held for pass- ing the accounts and other matters respect- ing the charity ; and she gave a power to the trustees to make rules for the govern- ment of the school; and also a power for the appointment of seven persons of the communion of the church of England as trustees, upon the death of any four trustees. The Estate out of which the rent charge issues is now in the occupation of Mr. Stephen Neat. The school appears to APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 173 have been opened about the year 1713, and continued open a few years; but in consequence of the attainder of Lord Bo- lingbroke, who was owner of the estate charged, and also sole surviving trustee of the school, the affairs of the Charity came under the direction of the Court of Chancery. In 1741, arrears were re- covered sufficient to purchase 1,406/. 9*. 7^. old South Sea annuities, but no further proceedings were had towards the esta- blishment of the school, until by a decree of that court, dated 26 th July, 1793, a scheme was confirmed on the Chancery Master's report by which the schoolmaster's salary was fixed at - £,S° per annum for the education of 40 boys. Expenses of books and stationery at 15 Clothing - 60 Fuel i o Dinner 3 Repairs 7 Apprenticing (with a fee not exceeding £205 The present funds consist of the rent charge, per annum- £53 Dividend on ,£5,159 15^. Sd. old South Sea Annuities, arising from accumulations 154 15 10 £z°7 IS IO June, 1794, and is now administered accord- ing to the above mentioned decree of Chan- cery. The parish of Little Shefford however, by reason of its distance, being six miles from the school, derives no benefit from the Charity; and the Chapelries of Greenham and Midgham, part of the parish of Thatc- ham, which have distinct poor rates and overseers, are considered as not entitled to send children to the school; these chapelries have no endowed school, but it does not appear that they have ever claimed to participate in the Charity. Forty boys are clothed and educated; the schoolmaster teaches them upon the Madras system, and educates in addition 40 or 50 boys ; in consideration of which he receives 10/. 105. per annum raised by subscription. The boys are taught reading, writing^ and arithmetic : and five or six of those on the foundation are annually apprenticed, with a fee of 10/. It is difficult to find masters for so small a premium. By the scheme of 1793, the fee was not to exceed 15/. ; the applications, however, were so numerous, that it became necessary to re- duce it to 10/., and now, when the premium exceeds 10/. (as it generally does) the parents of the boys pay the excess. The funds are not sufficient to apprentice all the boys who leave the school ; those who are not apprenticed receive il. or more to fit them out for service. The school was reopened on the 24 th APPENDIX XII. Abstract of the first Trust Deed of the Independent Chapel erected at Thatcham. 1 804. This Indenture made the twentieth day of June in the fforty ffourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third &c. [1804] Between John Bar- field of Thatcham in the County of Berks, Gentleman, of the one part, and the Rever- end John Winter of Speenhamland in the parish of Speen, in the County of Berks, Clerk, The Reverend Robert Sloper, of the Devizes in the County of Wilts, Clerk, Thomas Wilson of Artillery Place, London, Esquire, Thomas Pellatt of Ironmongers' Hall, London, Esquire, Samuel Toomer of Basingstoke in the County of Southampton, Esquire, William Graham of Newbury, in the said County of Berks, Linen Draper, Joseph Toomer of Newbury aforesaid, Iron- monger, Benjamin Fuller of Newbury, afore- said, Stationer, William Leach of New Windsor in the said County of Berks, 174 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. Gentleman, Valentine Leach of Devizes aforesaid, Linen Draper, John Berry of Speen Hill in the parish of Speen, in the said County of Berks, Gentleman, and Thomas Tanner of Reading, in the said County of Berks,- Gentleman, of the other part, Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the Sum of Ten shillings of Lawful Money .... for divers other good causes and considerations him hereunto moving, he the said John Barfield hath granted .... unto the said John Winter, &c all that piece of land situate on the east side of a certain Lane called Church Lane in the parish of Thatcham, containing in length from east to west seventy ffeet and in breadth from north to south fforty ffeet part or parcel of two gardens late in the occupa- tion of David Harris and Thomas Hicks bounded on the west by the said Lane called Church Lane on the north by a garden belonging to Edward Wimbolt in the occupation of William Newman and on the east and south on other parts of the said gardens late in the occupation of the said David Harris and Thomas Hicks .... To have and to hold the said piece of land .... and premises, &c.,To the use of the said John Barfield, John Winter, Robert Sloper, &c. .... Upon Condition trust and Confidence and to the intent that they the said John Barfield, John Winter, &c, &c shall and do with all convenient speed erect a Meeting House upon the said piece of Land and that they .... shall after deduction of all reasonable costs charges and expenses .... apply all the clear rents issues and profits which they shall receive out of the premises in the manner and to the intents and pur- poses hereinafter mentioned and shall suffer the said respective pieces and the Meeting House to be erected thereon .... at all times hereafter to be occupied used and employed as and for a meeting house or place of public worship for a congregation of Protestant Dissenters who believe in and maintain such of the Doctrinal articles of the Church of England as are specified in the Act of Toleration passed in the ffirst year of the Reign of William and Mary and were usually subscribed by Dissenting ministers as also the articles of ffaith compiled by the reverend assembly of Divines convened for that purpose at Westminster in the Year of our Lord 1643 ; and to that end it is here- by provided that no Minister or Ministers shall be permitted or suffered to preach or perform divine service in the said meeting house either on the Sabbath day or at any other time nor be elected or chosen a pastor or pastors over the congregation which shall from time to time assemble at the said Meeting house before their moral characters shall be fully approved not only by the said John Barfield, John Winter, &c the present trustees or the trustees for the time being, but also by a majority of the Com- municants whose names are written or entered in the Society Books of the aforesaid congregation ; and unless such Minister or Ministers pastor or pastors shall and do readily consent to subscribe and preach agreeably to the said Doctrinal articles and articles of ffaith respectively hereinbefore mentioned and which are deemed by the said Trustees and the persons whose names shall be written and entered in the aforesaid Society Books to be strictly conformable with the sacred and inspired writings com- monly denominated the Old and New Testament and the only infallible rules for the regulation of the Christian ffaith and practice. Provided always that at all times hereafter when it shall be found necessary or judged proper to choose a stated or fixed Minister or pastor over the said congregation such minister or pastor shall from time to time be elected by the respective com- municants as well male as ffemale or the major part of them whose names are or shall be written and subscribed in the So- ciety Books kept for the aforesaid congrega- tion. Provided always that the rents and emoluments arising or accruing from the said Meeting house and premises and also the repairing and up holding the same from time to time shall be applied by and shall be under the direction and management of the Com- municants or the major part of them .... Provided also that when and so often as the said Trustees shall by death resigna- tion or incapacity cease to act in the afore- said Trusts and be reduced to the number APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 175 of ffive or sooner if it should be thought advisable it shall and may be lawful to and for the surviving trustees or the major part of them for the time being to Nominate a Substitute, And Appoint a sufficient num- ber of fit and proper persons as shall if required testify by declaration in writing under his or their hands his or their belief in the aforesaid Doctrinal Articles and articles of ffaith respectively, to be a Trustee or Trustees in the place of the Trustee or Trustees who shall die resign or otherwise become incapable as shall be necessary to make up the number of Trustees com- pletely thirteen in the whole Provided also that in case the Members of the said Society assembling in the said intended Meeting house shall be totally dissolved and the public worship at the said intended Meeting house or either of them shall be dissolved for the space of Eighteen Calendar Months it shall be lawful for the said Trus- tees together with such of the Members of the said Society whose names shall be written and entered in the Society Books and who shall have been members of the said Society at the time of such dissolution or the majority to apply or use the said piece or parcel of ground Meeting house hereditaments and premises for any civil or religious purpose whatsoever or for the said Trustees for the time being only with- out the interference of such members of the said Society as aforesaid to sell and dispose of the same absolutely, and in any such case the produce to be applied to such religious purposes as the Trustees for the time being only shall think proper Now this In- denture also witnesseth that in pursuance of the said recited agreement and in con- sideration of the premises he the said John Barfield, &c, &c, &c. APPENDIX XIII. Abstract of the Trust Deed for the endowment of the Independent Minister. 182 [From a copy of the Deed produced by the Charity Commissioners, 26 February, 1894.] To all to whom these Presents shall come or be shown John Barfield of Thatcham in the County of Berks, Gentleman, Rickard Elliott of Devizes in the County of Wilts, Dissenting Minister, Valentine Leach of Devizes aforesaid, Linen Draper, and George Elgar Sloper of Etchelhampton in the said County of Wilts, Esquire, jointly and seve- rally send greeting Whereas the sum of^iooo five per cent. Navy Annuities is now standing in the joint names of the said John Barfield, Richard Elliott, &c, in the books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England (being a sum purchased by the said John Barfield and vested in the names of himself and the said Richard Elliott, &c ., upon the trusts and for the ends intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned) Now Know ye and these presents witness that the said John Barfield, R. Elliott, &c, do hereby jointly and severally acknowledge that they and the survivors of them and the executors and administrators of such sur- vivors do and shall from time to time and at all times hereafter stand and be pos- sessed of and interested in the said sum of ^1000 and income thereof, &c, Upon trust that they, &c, and the survivors of them shall from time to time hereafter as often as occasion shall require and they in their discretion shall think fit alter vary and change the securities in or upon which the said sum of ^1000 shall be invested . . . And upon this further trust that the said John Barfield shall during the term of his natural life receive and take the dividends interests and income of the said sum of ^1000 for his own sole and separate use and disposal And from and after his decease upon this further trust that they the said R. Elliott, V. Leach and G. E. Sloper or other the Trustees for the time being of the said trust money and the survivors, &c, shall from time to time pay or otherwise permit the pastor or as the case may be the officiating minister for the time being of the Congre- gation of Protestant Dissenters assembling at the Independent Meeting House at 176 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. Thatcham to receive and take the dividends interest and income of the said sum of .£1000 and for his and their own absolute use and benefit And upon this further trust that the said Trustees and the survi- vors, &c, shall in case the said congregation of Protestant Dissenters shall be totally dissolved or dispersed and the Public Wor- ship of God in the said Meeting House shall be discontinued for the space of two years together pay transfer and assign the said sum of ,£1000 and the dividends interest and income thereof, &c, unto such person or persons upon such and the same or the like trusts and upon such and the same or the like ends intents and purposes as by a certain Indenture bearing date the 20th day of June 1804 and inrolled in Chancery on or about the 1st day of August in the same year .... concerning the said Meeting House at Thatcham aforesaid or the produce thereof in case the said Meeting House and the scite whereon the same now stands should be sold .... And upon no other trust nor for any other end intent or purpose whatsoever, &c. In witness where- of the said John Barfield, Richard Elliott, V. Leach, and G. E. Sloper have hereunto set their hands and seals the 20th day of January in the year of our Lord 1821. [Indorsement.] Copy Declaration that ;£iooo five per cent. Navy Annuities is vested in the names of Mr. John Barfield and others In Trust for the benefit of the Minister of the Independent Meeting House at Thatcham Berks after the decease of the said John Barfield. J. J. Elliott, Grecian Chambers, Devereux Court, Strand. APPENDIX XIV. Summary of endowment of a Residence for the Minister of the Independent Chapel. 1825. [Copied from the abstract entry of Report in the Books of the Charity Commissioners.] By Indenture dated the 28th May, 1825 (enrolled in Chancery on the 18th June, 1825), John Barfield bargained and sold unto Richard Elliott and 5 others, their heirs and assigns, a piece of land containing 20 poles, situate in or near Back Lane, in the Parish of Thatcham, together with the Messuage and dwelling house and out- buildings lately erected thereon by the said John Barfield Upon trust to permit the premises to be used and occupied by and as the residence of the officiating Minister for the time being of the Independent Meeting House situate in Church Lane at Thatcham aforesaid, the said premises to be held and enjoyed by the said officiating Minister for the time being rent free, provided such Minister should keep and leave the premises in good and tenantable repair. The deed contains provisions authorizing the Trustees to let the premises, and to pay and apply the net rents and profits there- of unto and for the maintenance and sup- port of the Minister who for the time being should be officiating as Pastor or Preacher in the said Independent Meeting House. The Deed also contains powers of sale and of appointing new Trustees. APPENDIX XV. Order by the Charity Commissioners for the appointment of Trustees for the above endowments. 1897. Charity Commission. Thatcham, Berks, in the Parish of Thatcham, in the County Charities — Independent Chapel, &c. of Berks :— In the Matter of the following Charities 1 . The Independent Chapel, comprised APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 177 in an Indenture of Bargain and Sale dated 20th June, 1804, and made between John Barfield of the one part, and the Reverend John Winter and eleven others of the other part ; 2. The Charity for the Minister of the said Chapel, comprised in a Deed Poll dated 20th January, 1821, under the hands and seals of John Barfield and three others ; and 3. The Residence of the said Minister, comprised in an Indenture of Bargain and Sale dated 28th May, 1825, and made be- tween John Barfield of the one part, and the Reverend Richard Elliot and five others of the other part ; and In the Matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894." The Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, upon an application made to them on the 5th June, 1896, in writing .... the three above-mentioned .... And it appearing that the endowments of the Charities consist of the particulars mentioned in the Schedule hereto : And after due notice of the intention to make this Order published according to the direction of the Board by being affixed to or near a principal outer door of the above-mentioned Chapel on the 22nd August, 1896 (being more than one calendar month previously to the date hereof) : And having received no notice of any objection to the proposed Order, or sugges- tion for the variation thereof: Do hereby Order as follows : — 1. The said George Adnams and James Wareham are removed from being Trustees of the Charity thirdly above-mentioned : 2. The said John Barfield, John Charles Feinaigle Barfield, Alfred Adnams, John Henry, Edmund Pinnock, and William George Lay (all of whom are already Trus- tees of some or one of the Charities) ; with Owen Ridley, of Orwell House, Esquire; Samuel Soundy, of Kentons, Miller ; James Brand Mackie, of Alexander Road, Engineer; and William Moore, of No. 6 Christchurch Gardens, all in Reading, in the County of Berks ; and Albert Carter, Sack Merchant ; Stephen Pinnock the younger, Turner ; and James Couzens, Turner, all of Thatcham • are appointed to be the Trustees for the administration of all the Charities. The Schedule of Property contains : — Meeting House on east side of Church Lane, Thatcham. In hand. Debt secured by mortgage of (5 acres) freehold property on the Bath Road, near Newbury, ^1,000. Tenant, Davies. In- come, ,£50. Messuage and garden in Back Lane,. Thatcham, 2oj5. In hand. Sealed by Order of the Board this 14th day of September, 1897. APPENDIX XVI. Application to the National Society for aid in establishing a School for Girls. 1824. [From a copy of the document in the National Society's Office.] 1825. Application for aid towards erecting and fitting up of a Sunday and Daily School for girls at Thatcham to be united to the District Society at Newbury in the County of Berks and Diocese of Salisbury. 1. The population of the Parish for which the school is intended, as taken in the year 1821, 2401. 2. The number of children therein be- VOL. 11. tween 7 and 13 requiring cheap or gratuitous Instruction is not less than 150 boys and 150 girls. 3. Provision exists therein at present for the education (gratuitously or at very small charge) of not more than 100 boys. 4. The school is intended to receive at least 100 girls in one room, is to be a Daily and Sunday School and to be sup- ported by voluntary subscriptions. 5. The means of the children attending a a i;8 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. Divine service in the Parish Church are tolerably commodious. 6. The instruction in the school is to be afforded by the children's paying id. per week in addition to an annual stipend to be raised by voluntary subscription. 7. The boys' school-room is to be internally feet long feet wide and feet high to the ; making an area of feet or square feet to each boy. [This part of the application is left in blank as being inapplicable to the present case.] And the girls' do. is to be 40 feet long, 18 feet wide, and ioj£ feet high to the ceiling; making an area of 726 feet or 6 square feet to each girl. 8. The Building is intended to be of brick with a deal floor and tiled roof, and is held on the following tenure, viz*. The ground on which it is to be erected is held by the vicar and churchwardens of the Parish in trust for the use of the church. 9. The entire estimated first cost of the undertaking is ^160, viz : — building £140, fittings up ^20. 10. The estimated annual charge for Mistress, Books, &c, &c, is ,£40. n. The present means to meet the first cost are ^90 raised by voluntary sub- scription. 12. The exertions that have already been made to provide those means are by appli- cations to the various occupiers and pro- prietors of land and houses in the parish. 13. The only further exertions which can be made are by a sermon to be preached in the Parish Church and a collection made at the Church door. 14. And the utmost which can be ex- pected from them is ,£10. (signed) Joseph Lothian, Vicar of Thatc- ham. 2i 8t February, 1825. ** Given to the Secretaries by the Bishop of Salisbury. Copy of entry as to Thatcham in the National Society's Book. Application 21 st Feb"*, 1825, from Thatc- ham, County Berks, Diocese Salisbury. Population, 2401, Children requiring cheap instruction, 300. Existing provision for 100 boys. Proposed provision for 100 girls. Existing, one Sunday and weekly School. Accommodation at Church, middling. Payments for instruction, id. weekly. Annual charges for Master, Mistress, Books, &c, £40, Dimensions of proposed school, 40 feet long, 18 broad, ioj£ high, of brick and tiles — to be in trust. Estimated cost, ;£i6o, present means to meet first cost, ^90, expected jQio. Applicant, J. Lothian. Amount of grant, .£50. (Voted April 13.) APPENDIX XVII. Application to the National Society for erection of a School Room. [From a copy of the document in the National Society's Office.] Application for aid towards building and fitting up of two school rooms for boys and girls, together with a residence for a teacher or teachers at Thatcham near the post town of Newbury. The Schools are to be united to the National Society when erected a.d. 1844. 1. The Population of the Parish for which the schools are intended, as taken in the year 1841, was 2,676, and now is about 2,700. It is Agricultural. 2. Existing provision for education gra- tuitously or at a very small charge in schools connected with the church : — APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 179 No. 1. Endowed school limited to 30 boys. No. 2. National school 40 boys, 43 girls, 37 Infants, built for 70 in the agregate. N.B. during the winter months 140 children were crammed into this one room. In reply to the question, "Be pleased to state whether any and which of the above Church of England schools are to be merged in the school for which aid is now solicited," the answer given was, The existing National school, which it is proposed to convert into a school for infants. 3. The New Schools allowing an area of 6 square feet for each child will accommo- date 300 boys and girls in two rooms to be Sunday and Day Schools. 4. The instruction in the schools is to be afforded at the rate of one penny a week from each child. 5. The estimated annual charge for Master and Mistress, Books, &c, is about 80/. and the means by which that annual charge is to be met are by annual subscriptions, so that there is a reasonable prospect of the schools being permanently carried on. 6. There is accommodation provided for 300 children in the church. 7. The Boys school room is to be inter- nally feet long feet wide and feet high to the an area of feet or square feet to each boy. The Girls Do. Do. Do. Dependent on a plan to be furnished by the Committee of Council on Education. 8. The materials are to be as follows : Foundation, brick ; floor, boards ; walls, brick and Bath stone; Roof, tile; and the property is to be held on the following legal tenure, viz. conveyance under 4 th and 5 th Vict. c. 38, of an acre of waste land from the lord of the manor, and is conveyed to the following trustees, viz. lord bishop of the diocese, vicar of the parish, lord of the manor, so that it will be legally secured for the purpose of educating the poor in the principles of the Established Church. 9. The entire estimated cost of the under- taking is 700/. ; which sum includes the expense of conveyance, the value of any ground, labour, or materials, building, and fittings up. 10. The exertions that have been made to provide means to meet the estimated cost, actually raised or promised, are, namely, by subscriptions in money, 386/. 14*. 6d. ; by collections after sermon ; by donations of ground materials, cartage, labour, &c, valued at . . . 11. So that the total means already provided or promised to meet the cost are 386/. 14s. 6d. 12. The only further local source of funds is from additional donations, which is expected to produce about 20/. Total means raised or expected, 406/. 1 4 s. 6d. (signed) John Hanbury, Vicar, Vincent Clementi, Hon. Sec, this tenth day of July, 1844. Approved by me, R. Oxford. No. 1409. 15th July, 1844. Application from Thatcham, County of Berks, Diocese of Oxford. Applicant, Rev. V. Clementi. Agricultural. Population. 2700 Description of Schools. Number of rooms. Sunday and Day. Two. Accommodation for 300 Boys and Girls ; 300 Total. The Dimensions not given being de- pendent on a plan to be furnished by the Committee of Council. Now given and correct, see letter 26th August. £ s. d. Estimated cost of Schoolrooms, including a Teacher's Resi- dence - 700 o o Means raised or promised 386 14 6 Ground Materials, &c. - Further means expected 20 00 a a 2 i8o APPENDICES TO BOOK III. £ s. d. Local means 406 14 6 Grant from Board Probable from Committee of Council 300 o o Total means to meet the cost ^706 14 6 Deficiency 2 1 st August, 1844. Satisfied with recom- mending the case to the Committee of Council. 26th August, 1844. Letter states that the Committee of Council have voted ^180, that the cost of the undertaking will amount to ;£8oo, and that there exists a deficiency of ^196 15.C The applicant asks aid. Tenure — Freehold waste land conveyed by the Lord of the Manor. Church accommodation —sufficient. Floor — wood. Height of rooms — not stated. 28th August, 1844. .£150 voted. 19th January, 1846. Letter, applicant states that the buildings have been executed more substantial than at first contemplated, and that the building account stands as follows : — £ s. d. Total amount of the buildings - 897 15 9 Local means - 478 10 o C. C. Grant 180 o o N. S. Grant 150 o o 808 10 o Deficit £*9 s 9 He asks further aid, and will be happy to receive any one appointed by N. S. to inspect the schools. There is every prospect of the schools being well supported. APPENDIX XVIII. Copy of the Thatcham National School Deed. 1844. I William Mount of Wasing Place in the parish of Wasing in the county of Berks, esquire, lord of the manor of Thatcham in the said county, whereof the land herein- after described is parcel, under the authority of an Act passed in Session of Parliament holden during the fourth and fifth years of the reign of Her present Majesty Queen Victoria entituled " an Act for affording further facilities for the conveyance and endowment of sites for schools " do hereby freely and voluntarily and without any valu- able consideration grant and convey to the lord bishop within whose diocese the parish of Thatcham is situated and the Rev. John Hanbury vicar of the said parish of Thatc- ham in the said county of Berks All that piece or parcel of land part of the waste soil of the lord in the said manor of Thatcham situate in the parish of Thatcham aforesaid containing by admeasurement one acre as the same is now unenclosed bounded on the north and south sides thereof by the adjoin- ing waste of the said lord of the manor, on the east by land belonging to the said William Mount called or known by the names of Upper and Lower Old Fields, and on the west side thereof by the road leading from Thatcham aforesaid to Cold Ash, which said piece or parcel of land intended to be hereby conveyed is more particularly delineated and described in the map or ground plan thereof drawn in the margin of these presents and coloured green : Together with all easements appurtenances and here- ditaments corporeal and incorporeal belong- ing thereto or connected therewith And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rent and profits of the said premises And all my right, title and interest in or to the same premises and every part thereof To Have and to hold the said piece or parcel of land and premises unto and to the use of the said Bishop and Vicar and their successors for ever for the purposes of the said Act and to be applied as a site for a school for poor persons of and in the said parish of Thatcham and for the residence of the schoolmaster and schoolmistress of the said school, such school to be always in Union with the Incorporated National Society for promoting the education of the APPENDICES TO BOOK III. i»i poor in and to be conducted according to the principles of the established Church of England and Ireland and for the furtherence of its end and designs and for no other purpose whatsoever. The said school to be under the general management and control of the vicar of the said parish of Thatcham and to be open to the inspection of the lord bishop of the diocese of Oxford and the lord of the manor of Thatcnam aforesaid or of such Inspector or Inspectors as shall be duly appointed by them or either of them : And also to the inspection of the Inspector •or Inspectors appointed conformably with the order in Council bearing date the ioth day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty. And it is hereby further provided and declared that the appointment of the master and mistress of the said school at all times shall be vested in and rest with the said lord bishop, vicar, and the lord of the said manor for the time being and that the right and power of dismissal of the master or mistress of the said school shall also and solely rest with and the same is hereby vested in the aforesaid parties. Provided also that if at any time the vicar of the said parish of Thatcham for the time being shall be incapable or unwilling to act in the manage- ment and control of the said school or shall not be resident in the said parish of Thatc- ham or within five miles of the same then the said school shall be under the manage- ment and control of the officiating minister for the time being of the said parish of Thatcham and if at any time neither such vicar nor such officiating minister shall be willing to undertake the management and control of the said school then the bishop of the diocese within which the said parish of Thatcham shall be situated shall select a Committee of persons not exceeding five, resident in the said parish of Thatcham or within five miles of it, to whom the manage- ment and control of the said school shall be entrusted until the vicar or officiating minister shall have given notice in writing to the said bishop of his willingness to undertake the same and the said bishop shall be satisfied therewith. In witness whereof the conveying and other parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this twenty first day of November in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty four. John ( l. s. J Hanbury. R.f ts. J Oxford. William ( l. s. J Mount. Signed sealed and delivered by the within named lord bishop of Oxford in the presence of Daniel Finch, Auditor. Precincts of the Cathedral, Canterbury. Signed sealed and delivered by the within named William Mount in the presence of Caroline Jane Hicks Beach, Portman Square, London, Widow. Signed sealed and delivered by the within named John Hanbury in the presence of John W. Mecey, Solicitor, Thatcham. Indorsements . Dated 2 ist November, 1844. William Mount, esquire, lord of the manor of Thatcham to the lord bishop of the diocese and the Reverend John Hanbury. Conveyance of an acre of land part of the waste soil of the lord situate in the parish of Thatcham, Berks, as a site for a school. Enrolled a in Her Majesty's high Court of Chancery the 12th day of December in the year of our Lord 1844 (being first duly stamped) according to the tenor of the Statutes made for that purpose. 144 P. R. Drew. a Close R., 1844, Pt. 144, No. 4. 1 82 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. APPENDIX XIX. Regulations approved by the Charity Commissioners in dealing with some of the foregoing trusts. 1896 to 1899. (a) Charity Commission. In the Matter of the following Charities, in the Ancient Parish of Thatcham, in the County of Berks : — Bye, Richard, founded 10th November I585- Goddard, Thomas, founded by Will of 23rd November 1680. Herdsman, John, founded by Will of 1st April 1594. Loundyes, Thomas, founded by Deed of 7th July 1445. Sargood, John, founded by Will proved 26th August 1826. Winchcomb, John, founded by Will prior to 18th April 1599. In the Matter of "The Local Govern- ment Act, 1894"; and In the Matter of "The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894." Whereas the above-mentioned Charities are parochial Charities other than ecclesias- tical Charities, and the Governing Bodies thereof do not include any persons elected by the ratepayers or parochial electors or inhabitants of either of the Rural Parishes of Thatcham or Cold Ash within the above- mentioned Ancient Parish, or appointed by the Parish Council or Parish Meeting of either of the said Rural Parishes : Now The Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales do, in execution of the provisions of section 14 (3) of the Local Government Act, 1894, hereby Order as follows : — 1. The Parish Council of the Rural Parish of Thatcham may appoint additional mem- bers of each of the said Governing Bodies not exceeding two in number ; and 2. The Parish Council of the Rural Parish of Cold Ash may appoint an additional member of each of the said Governing Bodies. Sealed by Order of the Board this 30th day of June 1896. (0) In the Matter of the following Char- ities, in the Ancient Parish of Thatcham, in the County of Berks : — Bye, Richard, founded 10th November 1585- Herdsman, John b , founded by Will of 1st April 1594. Loundyes, Thomas, founded by Deed of 7th July 1445. Sargood, John, founded by Will proved 26th August 1826. Winchcomb, John, founded by Will prior to 18th April 1599. In the Matter of " The Local Government Act, 1894"; and In the Matter of " The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894." Whereas the above-mentioned Charities are parochial Charities other than ecclesias- tical Charities, and the Governing Bodies thereof do not include any persons elected by the ratepayers or parochial electors or inhabitants of the Rural Parish of Greenham, within the above-mentioned Ancient Parish, or appointed by the Parish Council or Parish Meeting of the said Rural Parish : Now The Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales do, in execution of the provisions of section 14 (3) of the Local Government Act, 1894, hereby Order as follows : — The Parish Council of the Rural Parish of Greenham may appoint an additional mem- ber of each of the said Governing Bodies. Sealed by Order of the Board this 12th day of November 1897. b It will be observed that the Charity of Thomas Goddard is omitted in this. APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 183 (c) In the Matter of the following Char- ities, &c, &c. [The same as the last.] Whereas the above-mentioned Charities are parochial Charities other than ecclesias- tical Charities, and the governing Bodies thereof do not include any persons elected by the ratepayers or parochial electors or inhabitants of the Rural Parish of Midgham within the above-mentioned Ancient Parish, or appointed by the Parish Council or Parish Meeting of the said Rural Parish : And whereas on the application of the Parish Meeting of the said Rural Parish of Midgham, the Berkshire County Council has by order dated 30th April, 1898, conferred upon such Parish Meeting the powers of appointing additional trustees in the case of parochial Charities others than ecclesiastical Charities. Now the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales do, in execution of the provisions of section 14 (3) of the Local Government Act, 1894, hereby order as follows : — The Parish Meeting of the Rural Parish of Midgham may appoint an additional mem- ber of each of the said Governing Bodies. Sealed by Order of the Board this 1 2th day of July 1898. (d) Charity Commission. — In the Matter of the following Charities in the Parish of Thatcham in the County of Berks : — 1. The Charity known as The Church Estate, with the Charity known as The Nine-Shilling Houses ; 2. The Charity of John Hunt for the Poor ; and 3. The Charity of John Hunt for his poor Kinsfolk ; and In the Matter of " The Charitable 1'rusts Acts, 1853 to 1894. The Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, upon an application made to them on the 30th March 1898, in writing, &c, &c. Do hereby order as follows ; — The subjoined Scheme is approved and established as the Scheme for the future regulation of the Charities. SCHEME. [After the usual provisions for the properties to be vested in the " Official Trustees."] 4. The Charity known as the Nine-Shil- ling Houses and the endowments thereof, consisting of the particulars specified in the Schedule hereto, and all other the endow- ments (if any) of the said Charity are hereby separated from the Charity known as the Church Estate and the endowments thereof and shall henceforth be a separate Charity to be called the Nine-Shilling Houses Charity. 5. The Charity known as the Church Estate and the endowments thereof specified in the Schedule hereto, and all other the endowments (if any) of that Charity as separated from the Nine-Shilling Houses Charity, shall be called the Church Estate Charity, and shall continue to be adminis- tered by the Vicar and Churchwardens for the time being of the Parish of Thatcham as the Trustees thereof. 6. The Nine-Shilling Houses Charity, the Charity of John Hunt for the Poor, and the Charity of John Hunt for his poor Kinsfolk shall be administered and managed by a body of Trustees consisting, when complete, of nine competent persons, being Four Ex- officio Trustees, and Five Representative Trustees. 7. The Ex-officio Trustees shall be— The Vicar and Churchwardens for the time being of the Parish of Thatcham. 8. The Representative Trustees shall be appointed as follows : — Two by the Parish Council of Thatcham ; One by the Parish Council of Cold Ash; One by the Parish Council of Greenham; and One by the Parish Meeting of Midgham until a Parish Council is constituted and then by the Parish Council. Each appointment shall be made for a term of four years at a meeting convened 1 84 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. and held according to the ordinary practice of the appointing body, or in case of need or doubt according to rules made or approved by the Charity Commissioners. The Chair- man of the meeting shall forthwith cause the name of each person appointed to be notified to the Trustees or their Clerk or Secretary. The person appointed need not be a mem- ber of the appointing body. [Then follow the usual provisions as to appoint- ment and surety of Trustees, general conduct of business, letting' and general management of the property. ] 23. The Trustees shall keep in repair and insure against fire all the buildings of the Charities not required to be kept in repair and insured by the lessees or tenants thereof. 24. The Trustees shall first defray : — (1.) The costs of repairs and insurance, and all other charges and outgo- ings payable in respect of the property of each of the Charities, out of the income thereof. (2.) All the proper costs, charges, and expenses of and incidental to the administration and management of the Charities jointly, out of the income thereof, as far as may be rateably. Provided that a yearly sum of not more than 2/. shall, when requisite, be payable out of the income of the Charity of John Hunt for his poor Kinsfolk, towards the cost of the repair, as well of the Almshouse of that Charity, as of the Almshouses of the Charity of John Hunt for the Poor. 25. Subject to the payments aforesaid, the yearly income of the Charities shall be applied by the Trustees in accordance with the subsisting trusts. [The concluding provisions of the same kind.] 0) SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY. The Nine-Shilling Houses. Description. Gross Yearly Inc. £ s. d. Four cottages at Thatcham 10 8 o One-sixteenth of Moor Meadow at Thatcham 017 6 The Church Estate. Description. Gross Yearly Inc. £ s. d. Eleven cottages and gardens at Thatcham 50 5 4 Cottage, store-hbuse, stable, yard, &c, at Thatcham 13 o o Meadow at Newtown, Thatcham 600 House, shop, &c, at Thatcham 900 Ditto - 14 14 o Meadow (Plough) at Thatcham 1 10 o Three-eighths of Moor Meadow at Thatcham 5 5° New Consols, ;£it8 125. od. 3 5° Charity of John Hunt for the Poor. Three messuages at Thatcham used as almsho«ses in hand Rentcharge issuing out of land at Beenham 8 18 o Infant School at Thatcham 100 Three-sixteenths of Moor Mea- dow aforesaid 212 6 Cottage at Thatcham 160 Charity of John Hunt for his poor Kinsfolk. Cottage and garden at Thatc- ham used as an almshouse by a poor kinsman of the Foun- der 080 Cottage and garden at Thatcham 600 Garden ground at Thatcham i 5 o Ditto - 030 Ditto - 050 Ditto 1 1 8 Ditto 063 Ditto 063 Meadow at Thatcham 200 One-sixteenth of Moor Meadow aforesaid o 17 6 Sealed by Order of the Board this 27th day of January 1899. APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 185 APPENDIX XX. Statement of Accounts of the several Charities of Thalcham as filed with the Charity Commissioners. 1893-^1894. (a) The Charity called " The Church Fund." Trustees — Rev. D. Peirce (Vicar), William Scriven, Daniel May, and John Laurence (Churchwardens). Accounts for the Year ending 2$th March, 1893. Gross Income. £ s. d. Cottages and gardens at Thatc- ham (Collins and others), weekly 31 12 6 Ditto (J. Franklin), yearly 312 o House, garden, &c (E. Wheeler), yearly 600 House, shop, garden, &c. (H. Nailer), yearly 10 o o Cottage and garden (H. C. Brooks), yearly 600 Stable, yard, &c, „ „ 700 Plough meadow (W. Scriven) „ 1 10 o Meadow (A. Bailey), „ 600 2 years' rent Meadow, part moor (J. Marks), yearly 10 10 o Dividends from Charity Commis- sioners - 3 5° £&5 9 6 Outgoings. jQ s. d. Poor rates, Sanitary, Burial, High- way 321 Commission on collection 423 Insurance in 7 Repairs 15 8 o Net Income 24 3 n 61 5 7 £&S 9 6 Jteceipts. 1893. £ s. d. March 25. By net annual in- come - . 61 s 7 1894. March 25. „ Balance due to Churchwardens - 163 12 3 ^224 17 10 Payments. 1893. £ s. d. March 25. By Balance due to Churchwardens 101 o 1 1894. Paid Church Contingent Fund 123 17 9 ^224 17 10 VOL. II. B b 1 86 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. (b) The Nine Shilling Houses Charity. Trustees— Rev. D. Peirce (Vicar), William Scriven, Daniel May, and John Laurence (Churchwardens). Account for the Year ending •ztfh March, 1893. Gross Income. £ s. d. Four Cottages at Thatcham (Ben- nett and others), weekly 918 o Meadow, part moor (2 years), (J. Marks), yearly 1 15 o £™ 13 ° Outgoings. £ s. d. Poor rates, Sanitary, Burial, High- way 16 4 Commission on collection 11 8 Insurance 8 Repairs 2 19 8 4 15 8 Net Income 6 17 4 £ 11 13 Receipts. 1893. £ s. d. March 25. By Balance due from Churchwardens 40 9 3J 1894. March 25. To net annual in- come 6 17 4 £M 6 i\ Payments. 1894. £ s. d. March 25. By Balance due from Churchwardens 47 6 i\ £41 6 7i (c) Loundyes' Charity. Trustees — Rev. D. Peirce (Vicar), William Scriven, Daniel May, and John Laurence (Churchwardens). Account for the Year ending 25th March, 1895. Gross Income. £ s. d. Four Cottages at Thatcham (Hawkins and others), weekly 1 1 1 8 6 Meadow (J. Pike), yearly 2 10 o Garden (Howard and Brooks), yearly 100 One year's quit rent (May and Co.), yearly 006 Garden and shop (G. Wheeler), yearly - 300 (2 years) Meadow at Moor (part) (J. Marks), yearly 700 One year's rent, Marsh meadow (J. Woodbridge), yearly Dividend from Charity Commis sioners 8 54 ^79 17 8 Outgoings. £ s. d. Paid Poor rate, Sanitary, Burial, Highway, Tithe 1 17 4 J. Pike, Quicks 5 Commission on collection 1 S 11 Insurance 1 2 2 Franklin, Thatching 1 14 Advertisement in paper - 3 Repairs - 11 5 6 17 12 11 Net income 62 4 9 £19 17 8 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 187 Receipts. 1893. £ s. d. March 25. Balance due from Trustees -162 7 7 1894. March 25. To net annual in- come 62 4 9 ^224 12 4 Payments. 1893-4. £ s. d. By payments to Almspeople @ 3*. 6d. per week : — S. Bennett 9 2 Mrs. Hyde 9 2 S. Angel - 9 2 Mrs. Cooper 9 2 A. Fisher 9 2 Mrs. Dines 9 2 54 12 Coals for above almswomen 9 5 11 1894. March 25. Balance due from Trustees £ r6o 14 5 224 12 4 (d) 2?jfif «»<£ Winchcombe Charity. Trustees — Rev. D. Peirce (Vicar), William Scriven, Daniel May, and John Laurence (Churchwardens). Account for the year ending 2^th March, 1895. Gross Income. £ s. d. Two Cottages at Thatcham (Tur- ner and Maccabee), yearly 920 Rent charge (J. M. Randall), yearly 100 Meadow (part moor), (J. Marks), yearly 1 15 o Dividends from Charity Commis- sioners, yearly 10 19 8 ^22 16 8 Receipts. 1893. £ s. d. March 25. Balance due from Trustees 274 7 7 1894. March 25. To net annual in- come 20 15 6 j£z95 3 1 Outgoings. £ s. d. Paid Poor rate, Sanitary, Burial Board, Highway iS 9 Commission on collection 11 ir Insurance 3 Advertisements in papers 3 Repairs 7 6 2 1 2 Net income 20 iS 6 ^22 16 8 Payments. £ s. d.. Distributed by Vicar and Churchwardens 10 1894. March 25. Balance due from Trustees 285 3 1 ^295 3 1 b b 2 i88 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. (e) Heardsman's Gift. Trustees— Rev. D. Peirce (Vicar), William Scriven, Daniel May, and John Laurence (Churchwardens). Account for the Year ending 25th March, 1894. Gross Income. £ s. d. Rent charge on land at Thatcham (J. Woodbridge), yearly -600 £600 Receipts. 1893. £ s. d. March 25. Balance due from Trustees - o 12 o 1894. March 25. To income 5 14 o £6 6 o Outgoings. £ s. d. Commission on collection 6 Net income 5 14 £6 Payments. 1894. £ s. d. March 25. Distributed by ' Vicar and Churchwardens - 6 Balance due from Trustees 6 £6 6 (f) Hunfs Almshouses. Trustees — Rev. D. Peirce (Vicar), and William Scriven, Daniel May, and John Laurence (Churchwardens). Account for the Year ending 25M March, 1894. Gross Income. £ s. d. Cottage at Thatcham (T. House), yearly 160 One year's rent charge on land at Beenham (Messrs. Strange), yearly 8 18 o One year's ground rent (Mana- gers, Infant School), yearly 100 Meadow at Moor, part (2 years), (J. Marks), yearly 5 5° £*6 9 ° Receipts. 1893. £ s. d. March 25. To net annual in- come 10 s 1 1894. March 25. Balance due to Trus- tees - 28 o o ^38 S 1 Outgoings. £ s. d. Paid Poor rate, Sanitary, Burial Board, Highway o 16. 5 Commission on collection o 16 6 Insurance 060 Repairs 4 5 6 3 1 1 Net income 10 S I £*6 9 Payments. 1893- £ s. d. March 25. Balance due to Trus- tees - 29 12 1 1893-4. Payments to Almspeople, at is. per week — T. Headland,S25., Mrs. Hicks, 52J., Pusey and White, 49*. 7 13 Coals for above - 1 ^38 s 1 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 189 (g) Hunts Charity. Trustees — Rev. D. Peirce (Vicar), William Scriven, Daniel May, and John Laurence (Churchwardens). Account for the Year ending 25th March, 1894. Gross Income. £ s. d. One Year's rent of cottage (G. Wheeler), yearly 400 Ditto (J. Hunt), yearly 080 To March, 1893, Meadow and garden (F. Dodd), yearly 500 One year's rent of garden (S. Pinnock), yearly 070 Ditto (Mrs. Tomlins), yearly 150 Ditto (Miss Fletcher), „ 030 2 years' rent of meadow (part moor), (J. Marks), yearly 1 15 o £12 18 o Receipts. 1893. £ s. d. Balance due from the Trustees 60 1 ir| 1894. March 25. To income -459 £64 7 H Outgoings. £ s. d. Paid Poor rates, Sanitary, Burial Board, Highway 9 9 Commission on collection 13 Tithe 4 6 Mrs. Pinnock, way to garden 5 Insurance 2 6 Repairs 6 17 6 8 12 3 4 S 9 £ 12 18 Net Income Payments. 1894. £ s. d. March 25. Balance due from Trustees 64 7 8| £*4 7 8| (h) Goddard's Gift. Trustees — Rev. D. Peirce (Vicar), William Scriven, Daniel May, and John Laurence (Churchwardens). Account for the Year ending 2$th March, 1894. Outgoings. Gross Income. £ s. d. Rent charge on land, Jacknells at Crookham (R. B. Blythe, Esq.), yearly 100 £* ° ° Net income £ s. d. 100 £1 ° ° Receipts. 1893. £ s. d. April 5. To net annual income 100 ;£i o ° Payments. £ s. d. Distributed by the Trustees^- in Thatcham, 55., in Crook- ham, 15$. 100 190 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. (i) Lady F. Winchcombe's School. Governors — William George Mount, Esq., M.P., A. R. Tull, Rev. David Peirce, and Rev. R. R. Kewley. Account for the Year ending 31^ December, 1895. Real Estate. a. r. p. School buildings, garden, &c. (in hand) o 1 19 Also house, garden, meadow o 1 33 Personal Estate. £ s. d. Stock, 3 per cent. Consols at 2§ per cent., ^5,92 ? 5*. $d. Ditto, ditto, .£1,933 6s. 8d. (Stock holders, The Charity Commissioners) Gross income £216 o 4 Receipts. 1895. £ s. d. Balance in hand 69 17 10 From real estate ") Dividends „ personal estate /from Stock 216 o 4 „ other receipts 176 £287 s 8 Payments. £ s. d. £ s. i. Rates, taxes, &c, fuel, &c, &c. 16 15 7 2. H.Goodman, boys' dinner 3 to o J. Judith, auditor - o 10 6 Clothing account - 80 8 2 Apprentice Fee, .A. Fisher 12 o o „ A.E.Tillen 12 00 „ E. Diggens 12 00 137 To Headmaster, Salary - 60 For school plant or apparatus - 19 „ repairs and for care of school building Balance in hand 34 6 6 250 13 36 12 5 3 £287 s 8 Balance, 31st Dec, 1894 Receipts, 1895 Balance Sheet for the Year. £ s. d. 69 17 ro 217 7 10 £287 5 8 Expenditure Balance at Bank £ s. d. 25° 13 5 36 12 3 ^287 5 8 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. 191 (k) Sar good's Charity. Trustees — Rev. D. Peirce (Vicar), William Scriven, Daniel May, and John X-aurence (Churchwardens). Account for the Year ending z$th March, 1894. Gross Income. £ s. d. Outgoings. £ s. d. >ur quarters' dividend to April, 1893, yearly 217 8 Net income Payments. 2 17 8 £2 17 8 £2 17 8 Receipts. 1893. £ s. d. 1893. £ s. d. )ril 5. To income 217 8 Easter. Distributed to Widows in Loundyes' Almshouses — S. Bennett, 9*. id., Mrs. Hyde, 9^. id., A. Fisher, gs. id., Mrs. Dines, gs. Id., Mrs. Angel, 9*. Sd., Mrs. Cooper, 9*. Sd. 2 17 8 £2 17 8 £2 17 8 (1) North-way's Charity. Trustees — Churchwardens, William Scriven, Daniel May, and John Laurence, and 'Overseers for time being. Account for the Year ending 31st December, 1893. Gross Income. £ s. d. Dividend on Stock (Charity Com- missioners), yearly 12 7 4 Receipts. Balance due from Trustees To net annual income £™ 7 4 £ s. d. 10 1 10 12 7 4 £22 9 2 Outgoings. Net income Payments. £ s. d. 12 7 4 £™ 7 4 Dec. 2 1 st. Distributed by Trus- tees and Overseers in Thatc- ham to three oldest men on St. Thomas' day in sums as follows : — J. Wickens, 41s. 3*?., W. Arnold, 4™. 3d., R. Chandler, 41s. 2d. Also at the same time a general distribution of bread to the poor of the parish, as directed by the will of the donor Balance due from Trustees 638 8 10 ^22 9 2 192 APPENDICES TO BOOK III. (m) The Baily Charity. Trustees Churchwardens : William Scriven, Daniel May, and John Laurence, and Overseers for time being. Gross Income arising or due from the Endowments of the Charity for the Year ending 31st December, 1893. Gross Income. £ s. d. Dividend on ,£450 Stock (Charity Commissioners), yearly 127 4 £™ 7 4 Receipts. £ s. d. To net annual income 12 74 Dec. 31. Balance due to Trus- tees - 008 £iz 8 o Outgoings. £ s. d. Net income 12 7 4 £" 7 4 Payments. £ s. d. Dec. 31. Balance due to Trustees & „ 21. By distribution by the Trustees among the : iged poor in the parish of Thatc- ham, as directed by the donor 12 7 4 £" 8 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. THE FOUR MANORS. APPENDIX I. The Fitz Herberts and their descendants lords of Crookham. c. 1150 — 1321 [Ex Chronieis Abb. de Lanthoni, juxta Glouc, per Rob. Gloverum, Somerset Heraldum, quondam transcripta: Printed Dugdale, Mon., ed. 1673, II. 66, 40, ed. 1846, VI., p. 134.] [Et dictus comes Milo fundavit domum sive Prioratum Lanthoniae, juxta Glouces- triam a.d. 1136 . . . . et postea moriebatur a.d. 1 1 43 ... . haereditas dicti comitis fuit partita inter tres filias prsedictas. Lucia scilicet tertia filia dicti comitis Milonis fuit desponsata domino Hereberto filio Hereberti, cum foresta de Dene, et aliis terris in Anglia. De quibus Hereberto et Lucia Petrus filius Hereberti. De Petro [ob. 1235], Reginaldus filius Petri. De Reginaldo [ob. 1286], dominus Johannes filius Reginaldi. De Johanne [ob. c. 1307], Herbertus filius Johannis. De Herberto [ob. 1 321], dominus Mathseus filius Here- berti. Ex cartis ad Bergavense Coenobium in agro Monemutensi spectantibus. Printed Dugdale, Mon., ed. 1673, I. 537 (ed. 1846, IV. 615). Iste Walterus constabularius totius Angliae tempore [Henrici Regis primi . . . .] habuit quendam filium Milonem, quern idem rex Henricus instituit comitem Herefordensem .... qui comes Milo duxit in uxorem Sibillam . . . . de qua genuit quinque filios, scilicet Rogerum comitem, Henricum, Wal- terum, Maiel, et Wilelmum; et tres filias scilicet Margaretam, Bertam, et Luciam. Praedictus vero Rogerus comes [Herefor- densis] sine haerede de corpore suo obiit, et praedictus Henricus [frater ejus] successit, qui postea interfectus fuit .... Fratres vero prsedicti Henrici, .... sine haeredibus .... discesserunt, et sorores praedictae, scilicet, Margareta, Berta et Lucia, in haereditatem praedictorum successerunt. Lucia vero nupta fuit Herberto filio Here- berti, cum foresta de Dene, et aliis terris in Anglia. Praedictus Herebertus pro delictis suis Henrico secundo Angliae regi concessit, qui totam forestam de Dene eidem reddidit et quietam clamavit .... Egidius vero de Brusa, Herefordensis episcopus, ejecit Petrum, filium Herberti, de terris et tenementis suis de Talgard, quae Herebertus pater praedicti Petri occupaverat post ejectionem Willielmi de Brusa ab Anglia Anno 1 22 1. Petrus filius Hereberti recu- peravit terras suas in Wallia, scilicet, Talgard et Blannlaveny, a quibus ejectus erat per ^Egidium episcopum.] APPENDIX II. Mandate respecting 15 marks due by Henry of Ferrars, brother of Isabella, wife of Peter Fitz Herbert. 1225. [Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, Vol. I., p. 127, 1216—1246, R. 5, 57a, 9 Hen. III.] De respectu. — Mandatum est Baronibus Ferariis fratris ipsius Isabelle pona[n]t in de Scaccario quod demandam xv mar- respectum usque ad octabis Sancte Trinitatis carum quam faciunt Petro Filio Hereberti anno ix.° T. Rege apud Westmonasterium, et Isabelle uxori ejus de debito Henrici de xii die Aprilis [1225]. vol. 11. c c 194 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. APPENDIX III. Grant to Peter Fitz Herbert of Free Warren in Crookham. [From B. Mus. Additional Charters, 24,703.] 1228. H[enricus] Dei gratia? Rex Anglias, Domi- nus Hibernise, Dux Normanniae et Aqui- tanias, Comes Andegavise ; Archiepiscopis episcopis abbatibus prioribus comitibus baronibus justiciariis vicecomitibus pre- positis ministris et omnibus ballivis et fideli- bus suis salutem Sciatis nos concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse dilecto et fideli nostra Petro filio Herberti quod habeat liberam warennam ad vulpem lepo- rem et capreolam in totis terris suis de Croukham et Lechamstede et in omnibus terris suis de Hamtescira et Wiltescira. Habendum de nobis et heredibus nostris sibi et heredibus suis bene et in pace libere quiete et integre cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus ad Warennam pertinentibus Quare volumus et firmiter precipimus quod predictus Petrus et heredes s'ui habeant et teneantpredictam warennam cum omnibus libertatibus et liberis consue- tudinibus ad warennam pertinentibus sicut predictum est. Hiis testibus. E[ustacio] Londoniensi, R[oberto] Sarum' et W[altero] CarleoF Episcopis : H[uberto] de Burgo Compte] Cancias Justiciario nostra; Gplberto] comite Gloucest' et Hereford' ; Wpllelmo] Marescallo Comite Pembrok' ; Philippo de Albiniaco ; et aliis. Datum per manum venerabilis patris R[adulphi] Cicestrensis Episcopi Cancellarii nostri ; apud Westmonasterium vicesimo die Aprilis anno regni nostri, duodecimo. [20 April, 1228.] APPENDIX IV. Terms imposed on Reginald Fitz Peter for Payment of Balance due to the Exchequer by his Father. 1261. [Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, Vol. II., p. 347 ; Fine Roll, 45 Hen. III., m. 14.] Pro Reginaldo filio Petri — . Rex de octies viginti et una libris et undecim solidis quos Reginaldus Filius Petri Regi debet ad scaccarium Regis pro debitis Petri Filii Herberti quondam patris sui concessit ei quod reddat Regi ad scaccarium Regis per annum quadraginta marcas videlicet unam medietatem ad scaccarium Regis Pasche anno &c. xl quinto et aliam medietatem ad scaccarium Sancti Michaelis proximo se- quentis et sic de anno in annum ad eosdem terminos quadraginta marcas donee predicte octies viginti et una libre et undecim solidi Regi persolvantur. Et mandatum est Bar- onibus de scaccario quod terminos illos ei habere et sic fieri et inrotulari facient. T. etc. APPENDIX V. Reginald Fitz Peter exceeds the bounds of his right of free warren at Crookham. [From Rotuli Hundredorum Anno 4 Edw. I., nu. 2, m. 17.] 1275- Hundredum de Gossetefeld. Dicunt quod Reginaldus filius Petri habet warennam apud Crocham sed nes- ciunt quo warranto, nee a quo tempore : et excedit metas et fines Warennae suae (m. i8d.). Hundredum de Rading. Dicunt quod Abbas de Rading habet warennam in Rading .... Item Reginal- dus filius Petri habet Warennam [apud] Crocham sed nesciunt quo warranto, et ex- cedit fines et metas Warennae suae eo quod appropriavit [ ] terram Abbatis de Rading et aliorum ad Warennam suam (m. igd.). To face Appendices, p. 195 \o$xcc APPENDIX, PLATE X. ihcutr ft 111 1 B «« 16 *vuufe-^vi«n lemzofl -«r< -teW MStWcte.* Grant by Reginald Fitz Peter of Thornford Mill to Gilbert le Wyte, ante 1286. Ift See Appendix, p. 195. Grant by the second Earl of Salisbury of a Field to Richard Pavy, in 1395. See Appendix, p. 220. APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 195 APPENDIX VI. Grant by Reginald Fitz Peter of Thornford Mill to Gilbert le Wyte. [From Rev. Sir George Cornewall's Deeds.] Ante 1286. Sciant preserves et futuri quod ego Re- ginalds filius Petri dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmavi Giliberto le Wyte filio Willielmi le Wyte pro homagio et servicio suo molendinum de Thornforde cum secta et terra mesuagio et piscaria ad dictum molendinum pertinentibus et eciam unam croftam ad Vic' Hamtes' que vocatur 'le Grundelcroft ' que jacet inter boscum quod vocatur Hetheleye in parte occidentali et juxta terram Ade le Starkere in parte australi. Habendum et tenendum de me et de heredibus meis sibi et heredibus suis, libere quiete bene et inpacifice integre in pratis in pasturis in viis in semitis in pascuis in aquis in piscaria in boscis in planis et in omnibus aliis libertatibus ad dictum Molendinum pertinentibus et ad predictam croftam pertinentibus : Reddendo inde annuatim mihi et heredibus meis ipse et heredes sui duodecim solidos ad quatuor anni terminos videlicet ad festum Sancti Thome Apostoli tres solidos, ad Annuncia- tionem Beate Marie tres solidos, ad Nativi- tatem Sancti Johannis Baptiste tres solidos, et ad festum Sancti Michaelis tres solidos, pro omni seculari servicio pertinente mihi et heredibus meis. Ec ego Reginaldus et heredes mei dictum molendinum et dictam croftam cum secta et piscaria et pastura et cum aliis omnibus- pertinenciis suis sicut prevocatum est dicto Gileberto et heredibus suis contra omnes homines et feminas Warantizabimus aquie- tabimus et defendemus. Et ut hec mea donacio concessio presentis carte confir- macio et warancia rata et stabilis permaneat in perpetuum hanc cartam presentem sigilli mei impressione roboravi. Hiis testibus : Domino Willielmo de Brutenoles milite, Domino Phillipo de la Mara tunc Senescallo meo, Thomas de Meyne, Henrico de Ed- munthrop, Gilberto de la Hyde, Willielmo Brucston, Roberto le Waleys clerico, et multis aliis. See Facsimile; Plate X. APPENDIX VII. Inquisition as to Lands and Tenements taken on death of Reginald Fitz Peter. [From Inq. P.M., 14 Edward I., 18.] 1286. Extenta terrarum et tenementorum que fuerunt domini Reginaldi filii Petri in comi- tatu Berk' facta die lune proxima post Ascencionem Domini anno Regni Regis Edwardi xiiij videlicet per Walterum Helys, Rogerum de la Waye, Philippum de Colle, Willielmum de Grenham, Michaelem de la Buer', Johannem de Pynkeny, Johannem Banastre, Robertum Drw, Johannem de Staweye, Johannem de Molendino, Nicho- laum le Tayllur, Walterum Chopyn Juratores Qui dicunt super sacram[entumSuum] quod dictus Reginaldus tenuit, &c. [Here follow various properties in Berkshire, but not any of them are situate within the parish of Thatcham.] Item dicunt quod dictus Reginaldus tenuit manerium de Crokham die quo obiit de Abbate de Radynges libere sine aliquo c c servicio faciendo excepto quod tenentes dicti Manerii facient duas sectas per annum ad visum franci plegii dicti Abbatis Item dicunt quod sectum (sic) manerii cum gar- dino valet per annum iiij or .y. summa patet. Item sunt ibidem cxx acre terre arabilis pretium acre \}d. summa xx.r. Item sunt ibi- dem xliij acre prati pretium acre v\d. summa xx]s. v)d. Est ibidem pastura et valet per annum v]s. viij^. summa patet. Item sunt ibidem xij acre bosci pretium acre iijd. summa iiJ5. Item est ibidem libera piscaria et valet per annum iiij 01 ^. summa patet. Item placita et perquisita valent per annum vji-. viij^. summa patet. Summa totalis lxv.r. ijd. Item dicunt quod sunt ibidem de redditu liberorum tenendum xij*. i]d. ad iiij or anni terminos pro equali portione videlicet ad festum Sancti Johannis Baptiste ad festum Sancti Michaelis ad to,6 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. Natale Domini et ad Annunciationem Beate Marie et vijs. ad duos anni terminos pro ■equali portione ad festa Sancti Michaelis et ad Annunciationem beate Marie et vs. ad festum Sancti Michaelis et vs. ad predictos iiij or anni terminos pro equali portione Summa redditus liberorum tenendum xxixj. \}d. Item dicunt quod sunt ibidem de red- ditu assisse custumariorum ad supradictos iiij or anni terminos pro equali porcione cs. xijd. Summa patet. Item dicunt quod operatio custumariorum valet a festo Sancti Johannis Baptiste usque ad Vincula Sancti Petri xxvs. ]d. et a festo Sancti Petri ad Vincula usque festum Sancti Mi- chaelis ids. iiij or Altered from "firmis tenencium qui tenent." VOL. II. D d c Altered from "Sancti Thome Apostoli." d . . . altered from vjrf. to viijaT. 202 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. Et de xd. de fructu duorum gardinorum vendito in grosso hoc anno. De herbagio eorundem duorum gardin- orum nihil reddit hoc anno quia depasce- batur cum averiis manerii. De xxijd. de pannagio porcorum pro- veniente de custumariis et cotariis ad festum Sancti Martini hoc anno. De herbagio iij acrarum prati in Longe- med apud Brumpton nihil venditur quia falcantur pro feno inde habendo hoc anno. Et de v]s. de herbagio ij acrarum iij rodarum et xv perticatarum in Drousyes- med precium acre ij.f. Et de xiiijj. de herbagio vij acrarum et dimidie in Wydemed vendito videlicet apud Totchorne et non plus hoc anno quia iij acre et dimidia in Tadesley falcantur pro feno inde habendo pro defectu emptorum precium acre xxijd. ob. sed minus in toto 4>b. quadr. De herbagio ij acrarum j rode et xv perticarum prati in Rogeresmed nil venditur quia falcatur pro feno inde habendo pro defectu emptorum hoc anno. De iiji'. iii)d. de feno vendito ad iiij** equos Domini Edmundi Comitis de Kent per j . . . . mense Decembris ut patet per j aquietanciam. Et de xiiij-r. de feno vendito ad susteri- tacionem ferarum in parco in yeme. De feno vendito in estate nihil hie quia superius in herbagio. De pastura vendita in yeme in Drousyes- med nee Drousyeshull nihil reddit hoc anno quia depascebatur cum averiis manerii. De iijj. de pastura de Drousyeswestfeld vendita in estate. De pastura de Dfousyescroft nihil reddit quia seminatur cum avenis hoc anno. De averiis agistatis tempore yevnis in pratis pasturis nee campis nihil reddit quia depascebatur cum averiis manerii. De iiji". de vj boviculis euntibus in parco in estate a die Pentecosten usque ad Gulam Augusti et dicta pastura non reddit ulterius pro superoneratione ferarum precium bovi- culi v]d. De mortuo bosco in parco nihil venditur hoc anno. De pannagio porcorum in parco nihil respondet quia nulla pessona accidit hoc anno. De xxs. de subbosco vendito in Hulmor. De herbagio ix gravarum nihil reddit quia depascebatur cum averiis manerii. De viijrf. de pastura de Chalvecroft .... scilicet Landewes et non plus quia semi- natur cum mixtile hoc anno. Et de xijd. de pastura de Wodes[hull] et Tangemeresmor vendita in estate. De pastura animalium euntium cum averiis manerii per estatem nihil reddit hoc anno pro multitudine averiorum manerii. De pastura de Kechenecroft nihil reddit quia seminatur cum blado quadragesimale hoc anno. De vijj. de pastura vj acrarum et j rode de Mullecroft. De pastura del Redelond desuper moram nihil reddit quia depascebatur cum averiis manerii. De pastura in le Fouregedemed nihil reddit quia depascebatur cum averiis ma- nerii. De pastura vocata Oxelese nihil reddit quia depascebatur cum averiis manerii. De pastura del Myddelcroft nihil reddit quia seminatur hoc anno cum mixtile. De pastura del Ruymed nihil reddit quia depascebatur cum averiis manerii. Bladum venditum. — Idem reddit compo- tum de xli. xvs. \}d. de xxvj quarteriis vij bussellis dimidio fmmenti venditis mense Julii precio quarterii viij^. Et de xxviiji-. vijrf. de vj quarteriis j bus- sello mixtilis venditis mensibus Junii et Julii precio quarterii m]s. vn]d. Et de iiij/z. xixs. quadr. de xxj quarteriis j bussello et iiij peckis ordei venditis mense Junii precio quarterii liij-r. viijrf. Et de xlj.r. v\d. de vij quarteriis vj bussel- lis j pecka fabarum venditis mensibus Junii et Julii pretio quarterii vs. Et de iiij/z", \i]s. \)d. ob. quadr. de xxix quarteriis j bussello dimidio avenarum ven- ditis mensibus Decembris et Julii quorum v quarteria ij busselli vendita ad prebendam iiij 11 equorum predicti domini Edmundi Comitis de [Kane' per] predictam aquietan- ciam pretio quarterii \\)s. APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 203 Staurum Venditum, — Idem reddit compo- tum de xs. de j jumento carectario vetere et debili cum j pullano suo lactante vendito statim post festum Sancti Michaelis quia debile ad tenendum pro yeme per visum Ricardi Belote. Et de xs. de uno bove vendito in estate quia vetus et debilis per visum ejusdem Ricardi. Et de iiijx. de uno boviculo vendito quia infirmus per visum ejusdem Ricardi. Et de xvjs. v]d. de xj multonibus Kebbatis et venditis ad festum Sancti Martini per visum Walteri le Bole supervisoris biden- cium domini unde unus necatus fuit ad sciendum statum bidencium per visum ejusdem Walteri precium capitis xviijrf. Et de vj.f. viijrfl de v ovibus matricibus Kebbatis et venditis ad festum Sancti Martini per visum predicti Walteri pretio [per] caput xv)d. Et de iiij/i. xviij*. xd. de j apro ij suibus et xxxv porcis venditis ad festum Sancti Martini precepto domini Umfridi de Wale- den per visum Ricardi Belote precio cujus- libet iji-. v'\\d. plus in toto v\\]d. Et de v)s. de xij porcellis lactantibus de remanerio venditis ad festum Sancti Martini cum predictis suibus pretio cujuslibet v\d. Et de iij.y. de uno cyngno etate duorum annorum et dimidii vendito. Et de xvs. de [vi] cyngnis etate unius anni venditis per vices, precium cujuslibet ijs. vjd. Et de xxd. de v ancis venditis pretio [cujuslibet iiij S •a V, s T3 hj d a Cu § "«3~ ^ c ° 3 tU)W •£ 3 -3 d rrt Si a u (2 v ° d d W J ■ft t/5 !i3«g CO u5 o o n S °* s 2-= § T3 3 d )-. wSw< -EPS d a -.a en OS s ° -O d^ J3 v d hfloi. -S3 *- ■ — VI TJ <*- i; eg s oj5< o 5 Uuio ,5 S"3 &"" >^'* £y ^ ,5 ^ § « M o ^-( Ih O S-, O^D J M-S o J3 3 W o Pi ^ O O T3 3 ^* ^T ° V ° -J2 3 O S a! 0^=! rt ^ Ph d B a^ o° J3 1- > § « 3 ^ O ^na-gw l-H S OJ - ^ s "S3 SO ci _ K.«.S OS _gc/5 « i- « = a's a « c w « ci I "a W > ^ Hot -"o S W ii ps^ £ ° " A *Z r-J C« ^ hfl^ s 13 s o o L4-. o % 3 O CO >,«! 3 CO — at, O §.§; 5 5 S « 3 k-S-o* S^.H 3*2 t-o'CW d^ji^pp ^-tjjB _d^S OT^-i J w-'-'5 u ' •JJ r 3 > 3 M- 3 ^-O JJ IA t 3 £ X u o C c <*■ 00 Tt" > M •n T) d ■a ii „ T3 w B°^ i3'o ^3 d J3 S O « ■c to 3 £ £ £ cS Ui cu Hi & O W o T! _l * £ > ■ J - i 1° o 2" J3 _w ■3 IE phW 53 £ g>d SO O Ph T3 II " «o fOOO i^ir> LO TJ C TJ tj ^H t J ITi lO ^ >-" P) >> So 2 8- — o « Si Dh"^ 232 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. APPENDIX XLIV. Account rendered of the Revenue of the Chapel at Crookham. 1547-8. [From Exch. Ministers' Accounts, 1 and 2 Edw. VI., Berks, No. 3, m. 4.] Decanatus de Newbiry, &c. — Compotus capelle in Crokeham in Parochia de Thac- Ricardi Pickering Collectoris reddituum ham pro dimidio anni ut supra Et de xxd. ibidem pro dimidio anni finiti ad festum pro firma certe terre pertinentis duabus cap- Michaelis per tempus hujus compoti. pellis ibidem prout per Rentale supervisoris patet viz. pro dimidio anni ut supra. Thatcham. — Et de xs. de Willelmo Summa us. 8d. Parkyn pro medietati xxs. de firma libere APPENDIX XLV. Chaplains of Crookham, 1299 to c. 1550. Date. 1299, March 20th. 1306, July 25th. 1310, June 20th. * 1344, Feby. 28th. 1363, Sept. nth. 1364, Augt. 25th. 1391, Augt. nth. 1396, Sept. 27th. 1403, May 8th. Chaplains of Crookham. John de Bassbrigg was presented by John fitz Reginald, but admission declined on account of his not being of proper age. John Attewode, on presentation of John fitz Reginald. Simon atte Pecte, on presentation of Piers de Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall. Simon de Leckhamstede. Robert Lydeyerd, presb., on resignation of Simon de Leckhamstede, on presentation of Katherine de Montacute, Countess of Salisbury. William Grys, presb., on presentation of Wm. Earl of Salisbury. Roger Russell, presb., on presentation of Wm. de Montacute, Earl of Salisbury, on resignation of William Grys. [Peter le Masson ordained deacon, I347-] [Peter de Farnham, ordained subdeacon, 1347.] [Do. presb. 1348.] Robert Taylor, presb., on resignation of Roger Russell, on presentation of Wm. de Montacute, Earl of Salisbury. Elizeus Colyn, on resignation of Robert Taillor, on presentation of Wm. de Mon- tacute, Earl of Salisbury. Richard Oliver, presb., on the resignation of Elizee Colyn, on presentation of Eliza- beth, Countess of Salisbury. Authorities. Reg. Gandavo, 2nd pt. fol. 23- Ditto, fol. 53. Ditto, fol. 85. Reg. Wyvell, Lib. 11. 147. Ditto, fol. 147. Ditto, fol. 303. Ditto, fol. 307. Ditto, fol. 80. Ditto, fol. 78. Ditto, fol. 82. Reg. Waltham, 1301. 3rd year of consecration. Reg. Medford, fol. 35. Ditto, fol. 83. APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 233 Date. 1403, Deer. 5th. 1407, Jany. 31st. 1413, Novr. 27th. 1423, Feby. 4th. between 1509—1553, Chaplains of Crookham. Richard Tikille, presb., on the resignation of Richard Olyver, on presentation of Eliza- beth, Countess of Salisbury. Simon Hermersworth, Chaplain, on the presentation . . . ditto. John Roper, in exchange with Simon Hemmersworth, on presentation . . ditto. John Elbyn, Chaplain, on presentation of Richard Hertcombe and John Baylly, general attornies of Thos. de Montacute, Earl of Salisbury, by letters patent. John "Barrett. Authorities. Reg. Medford, fol, 87. Reg. Bubwith, fol. 178 Reg. Halam, fol. 44. Reg. Chaundler, fol, 69. Aug. Chantry Certificates,. Roll 7, No. 8. APPENDIX XLVI. Grant of the lordship of Crookham by letters patent to Henry, Marquis of Worcester. 1668. [From a translation of the Grant enrolled on the Patent Roll, 19 Charles II., Part 2, m. 14.] Charles the Second, by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c, To all to whom these present Letters shall come Greeting. Whereas Henry the 8th, late King of England, by his Letters Patent made under his Great Seal of England bearing date the 12th day of July in the 32nd year of his reign, [July 12, 1540], Did Give and Grant to his well beloved Counsellor William, then Earl of Southampton and Keeper of his Privy Seal, his manor or lordship of Chal- ton with all its members and appurtenances in the county of Southampton, and his manor or lordship of Crookham, with all [The continuation of this recital or the pur- port of it is to be found in the Letters Patent of 34 Henry VIII. above referred to.] And whereas the aforesaid William, Earl of Southampton, departed this life without heir male of his body now living, And our well beloved and very faithful cousin Henry, Marquis of Worcester, is seised of and in the premises as the heir male of the body of the aforesaid Wil- liam Lord Herbert, Now know ye that We, at the humble petition of the aforesaid Marquis and for divers good causes and considerations us hereunto especially mov- ing of our special grace and of our certain knowledge and mere motion, have [The continuation of this recital or the pur- port of it is to be found in the recital in the Letters Patent of 34 Henry VIII., of which a sep- arate and full translation has been already given k .] and singular their appurtenances in the given and granted and by these presents county of Berks, and also . . . ." for us our heirs and successors Do give and grant to the aforesaid Henry, Marquis of Worcester, his heirs and assigns All that the aforesaid manor or lordship of Chalton in our county of Southampton, And all that the aforesaid manor or lordship And whereas the aforesaid lord King of Crookeham in our county of Berks by other his Letters Patent bearing date aforesaid, And also the aforesaid great and the 10th day of September in the 34th little parks of Crookeham aforesaid, And year of his reign [10 Sept., 1542], reciting the wild beasts in the same being, And the Letters Patent above recited, Did all and singular other the lands, tene- ratify, approve and confirm to the same ments, commons, hereditaments, meadows, William, Earl of Southampton, the afore- feedings, pastures, advowsons, courts leet, said manors or Lordships of Chalton and views of frankpledge, agistments, warrens, Crookeham and every of them .... liberties, possessions, privileges, commo- VOL. 11. k See ante. No. XLII. H h 234 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. dities, advowsons, emoluments, goods and chattels, and other the premises whatso- ever by the several Letters Patent aforesaid above recited or either of them granted or confirmed or mentioned to be granted or confirmed as aforesaid, with their and every of their appurtenances, And all our right, estate, title and interest, claim and demand whatsoever of and in the same premises or either of them, or of and in any part or parcel thereof, And also the reversion and reversions, re- mainder and remainders of the premises dependent or expectant of in or upon the estate tail aforesaid, or of in or upon any other estate tail heretofore made of the premises aforesaid, or of any part or parcel thereof being of record or not of record, To have, hold and enjoy the aforesaid lordships or manors, parks and all and singular other the premises above expressed and specified, with all their appurtenances and the reversion and re- versions, remainder and remainders thereof to the aforesaid Henry, Marquis of Worcester, his heirs and assigns, To the only and proper use and behoof of the same Henry, Marquis of Worcester, his heirs and assigns for ever, To hold of us our heirs and successors as of our manor of East Greenwich in our county of Kent in free and common socage by fealty only and not in chief, nor by knight's service without account or any other thing for the same to us our heirs or successors to be rendered paid or done. [Then follows a recital of other Letters Patent, zS Hen. VIII., giving Tintern Abbey and other property in South Wales to the Earl of Wor- cester. And the King (Charles) hereby gives this and other property to the Marquis of Worcester.] And further We will and by these pre- sents for us our heirs and successors do give and grant to the aforesaid Henry, Marquis of Worcester, his heirs and assigns, that these our Letters Patent or an Inrol- ment of the same shall in and by all things be firm, valid, good, sufficient and effectual in the law towards and against us our heirs and successors as well in all our Courts as elsewhere within our Kingdom of England, without any confirmations, li- censes or tolerations from us our heirs or successors to be procured or obtained, Not- withstanding the mis-naming or not naming, mis-reciting or not reciting of the aforesaid manors, granges, lands, tenements and other the premises aforesaid above by these presents granted or mentioned to be granted, or of any part or parcel thereof, And notwithstanding the not finding or ill finding of the Office or Offices, Inqui- sition or Inquisitions of the premises or of any part thereof by which our Title ought to have been found before the making of these our Letters Patent; And not- withstanding any defect or defects in the not reciting or mis-reciting of any demise or grant, demises or grants, gift or gifts of or concerning the premises, or of or concerning any part or parcel thereof, or of any profit thereof of record or not of re- cord heretofore made, And notwithstanding the mis-naming or not naming or not rightly naming any place, town, hamlet, parish, city or county in which the premises or any part or parcel thereof are or is, And notwithstanding any defect or defects in the mis-naming or not naming of any tenant farmer or occupier of the premises or of any part thereof or of any of the profits thereof, And notwithstanding any variance, discrepancy or difference in any thing, matter, name or form between these our Letters Patent, and any particular or survey of the premises or of any part thereof here- tofore made, or between these our Letters Patent and any other Letters Patent of the premises or of any part thereof heretofore made, or between these our Letters Patent and any record or records, accompt or accompts in any manner howsoever touch- ing or concerning the premises aforesaid or any part thereof, And notwithstanding any defect or defects in the not mentioning or not rightly or ill mentioning of the true yearly value of the premises or of any part thereof specified in any particular sur- vey or accompt heretofore made or hereafter to be made of the premises or of either or any of them, And notwithstanding that the same premises or any profit thereof APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 235 were ever of a better or larger yearly value than in these Letters Patent or in any par- ticular of the premises are specified, And notwithstanding the Statute made and passed in the Parliament of the lord Henry the Sixth, late King of England, in the 1 8th year of his reign, And notwithstanding the Statute made and passed in the Parlia- ment of the lord Henry the Fourth, late King of England, in the 1st year of his reign, And notwithstanding any other defects in the not naming or not rightly naming of the natures, kinds, sorts, quantities or qualities, metes or bounds of the premises or of any part thereof or of any person, or persons who was or were heretofore seized of the premises, or either or any of them or of any estate tail to us or any of our Progenitors or ancestors heretofore made, or any other Act, Statute, Ordinance, provision, thing or matter whatsoever to the contrary thereof in anywise notwith- standing, Although express mention of the true yearly value or of the certainty of the premises or either of them or of other gifts or grants by us or by any of our pro- genitors or predecessors to the aforesaid Marquis of Worcester heretofore made be not made in these presents or any Statute, Act, Ordinance, proviso, proclamation or restriction to the contrary hereof heretofore had made, passed, ordained or provided, or any other thing, cause or matter whatsoever in anywise notwithstanding, In testimony whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent. Witness Ourself at Westminster the 21st day of January in the 19th year of our Reign. [21 January, 1668.] Pigott. By Writ of Privy Seal. APPENDIX XLVII. Pedigree of the Peachy Family. William Peachy, died 1685 = Mary Hall. Henry, 1st = Jane Baronet, Jar- 1737, obit, rett 14 th Aug at . I Edwari, died un- married William, died un- married, killed at Almanza I John, 2nd = Henri- Bart., died etta 1749 Lar- don I III Bulstrode=Eliz. George, Charles, James, O. s.p., Knight diedun- died un- died 1735 married married unmar- in Per- ried sia 1771 William, Henry, Jane = died an died Infant, unmar- 1694 ried III I I I I ..Nash Eliza- Eleanor, John, 3rd = Eliz th James=Geor- Hen- Re- Mary = Mich l beth, died un- Bart., O. Tagge 1st died married s.p., Lord unmar- 1768 Selsey ried died 1808 giana rietta becca Caro- line Scott Seare John, 2nd Lord, died l8i6 = H. E. Jennings James, died Henry John, 3rd and = A. M. L. John William, Caroline, =Rev. Leveson unmarried present Lord, s.p. Irby a bachelor s.p. Vernon APPENDIX XLVIII. Agreement by which certain land is conveyed to John Picard by Roger de la Chambre and Felicia his wife. 1250. [From Feet of Fines, Berks, 34 Hen. III., No. 1.] Hec est finalis concordia facta in Curia Tricesimo quarto Coram Rogero de Thur- domini Regis apud Westmonasterium a die kelby, Johanne de Gatesden, Gilberto de sancti Hillarij in tres septimanas anno Preston, Johanne de Cobeham, Alano de regni Regis Henrici filii Regis Johannis, Wassaund, et Willelmo de Wilton, Justi- h h 2 236 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. ciariis et aliis domini Regis fidelibus tunc ibi presentibus Inter Johannem Picard que- rentem et Rogerum de la Chaumbre et Feliciam vxorem eius inpedientes de vna Carucata terre cum pertinentiis in Thache- ham vnde placitum Warantie Carte sum- monitum fuit inter eos in eadem Curia, scilicet quod predicti Rogerus et Felicia recognoverunt predictam terrain cum per- tinentiis esse ius ipsius Johannis vt illam quam idem Johannes habet de dono pre- dictorum Rogeri et Felicie. Et pro hac recognicione fine et concordia idem Johannes ad peticionem predicte Felicie concessit Philippo filio ipsius Felicie in maritagium cum Johanna filia ipsius Johannis predictam terram cum pertinentiis Habendum et tenen- dum eisdem Philippo et Johanne et heredi- bus de corpore ipsius Johanne procreatis de predicto Johanne et heredibus suis in perpetuum faciendo inde capitalibus dominis feodi illius pro predicto Johanne et heredibus suis omnia servicia que ad predictam terram pertinent. Et predictus Johannes et heredes sui Warantizabunt predictis Philippo et Johanne et heredibus de corpore ipsius Johanne procreatis predictam terram cum pertinentiis per predicta servicia contra omnes homines in perpetuum. Et si ita, contingat quod predicta Johanna obierit sine herede de corpore suo procreato pre- dicta terra cum pertinentiis revertetur ad predictum Johannem et heredes suos quieta de heredibus ipsius Philippi tenenda de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia que ad predictam terram pertinent in per- petuum. Berks. [Jan. 13 — Feb. 2, 1250.] APPENDIX XLIX. Agreement by which certain land is conveyed to the Abbot of Reading by Roger de la Chambre and Felicia his wife. 1257. [From Feet of Fines, Berks, 41 Hen. III., No. 3.] Hec est finalis concordia facta in Curia domini Regis apud Westmonasterium a die sancti Michaelis in vnum mensem anno Regni Regis Henrici filii Regis Johannis quadragesimo primo Coram Henrico de Bathonia et Roberto de Brywes Justiciariis et aliis domini Regis fidelibus tunc ibi pre- sentibus Inter Ricardum Abbatem de Rading querentem per Godefridum le Messager posi- tum loco suo ad lucrandum vel perdendum et Rogerum de la Chambre et Feliciam vxorem eius deforciantes de vna Carucata terre et dimidio cum pertinentiis in Tac- ham, vnde placitum conuencionis summoni- tum fuit inter eos in eadem Curia, scilicet quod predicti Rogerus et Felicia recog- nouerunt predictam terram cum pertinentiis esse Jus ipsius Abbatis et Ecclesie sue de Rading et illam ei reddiderunt in eadem Curia et remiserunt et quietumclamaverunt de se et heredibus ipsius Felicie, predicto Abbati et successoribus suis et Ecclesie sue predicte inperpetuum. Et Idem Abbas re- cepit predictos Rogerum et Feliciam et heredes ipsius Felicie in singulis benefactis et orationibus que decetero fient in Ecclesia sua predicta inperpetuum. Berks. [Sept. 29— Oct. 26, 1257.] APPENDIX L. Licence from the Bishop to Richard Pavy to have divine service celebrated in the Oratory of his mansion of Chamberhouse. 1397. [From Reg. Medford, fol. 133.] Licencia audiendi ( Die ix mensis marcii divinaproRicardoJ ann0 dominl su P ra " p dicto apud Rem[es- Ibury] prefatus Rever- endus pater concessit Ricardo Pavy domi- sello licentiam faciendi divina celebrari in oratorio mansi sui de Chamberhouse infra parochiam de Thacham Sarum diocesis in sua et uxoris sue ac famularum suorum presentia per capellanum ydoneum, ad bene- placitum domini duraturam. [9 March, 1397.] APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 237 APPENDIX LI. Agreement by which eertain land is conveyed to John de Lisle by Richard Pavy. v 1404. [From Feet of Fines, Berks, 5 Henry IV., No. 2.] Hec est finalis concordia facta in Curia domini Regis apud Westmonasterium a die Pasche in unum mensem anno regnorum Henrici Regis Anglie et Francie quinto co- ram Willielmo Thirnyng, Willielmo Rikhill, Johanne Markham, Willielmo Hankeford et Willielmo Brenchesle Justiciariis : Et postea in Octabis sancte Trinitatis anno regnorum ejusdem Regis Henrici supradicto ibidem concessa et recordata coram eisdem Justi- ciariis et aliis domini Regis fidelibus tunc ibi presentibus Inter Johannem de Lisle de Wodyton chivaler et Elizabetham uxorem ejus querentes et Ricardum Pavy deforcian- tem de duobus mesuagiis tribus carucatis terre quinquaginta acris prati et quinqua- ginta acris bosci cum pertinenciis in Crouk- ham et Thacham : Unde placitum conven- tions summonitum fuit inter eos in eadem curia, scilicet quod predictus Ricardus recog- novit predicta tenementa cum pertinenciis esse jus ipsius Johannis ut ilia que iidem Johannes et Elizabetha habent de dono predicti Ricardi Et ilia remisit et quietum- clamavit de se et heredibus suis predictis Johanni et Elizabeth e et heredibus ipsius Johannis imperpetuum. Et preterea idem Ricardus concessit pro se et heredibus suis quod ipsi warantizabunt predictis Johanni et Elizabethe et heredibus ipsius Johannis predicta tenementa cum pertinenciis contra omnes homines imperpetuum. Et pro hac recognitione remissione quieta clamatione warantia fine et concordia iidem Johannes et Elizabetha dederunt predicto Ricardo viginti marcas argenti. [Mar. 30 — Ap. 27, and May 25 — June 2, 1404.] APPENDIX LII. Grant by Richard Pavy to John de Lisle. ![From Sir George Cornewall's Deeds.] 1404. Ceste endentur fait le jour de la Inven- cion seint Croys [May 3] Ian de regne le Roy Henry quart puis le conquest quinte [1404] parentre John de lysle de Wodyton chivaler dun part et Richard Pavy esquier dautre part tesmoigne que come lavaunt dit Richard eait enfeffeez lavaunt dit John et sez heirs de touz lez terrez et tenementz qil avoit en Crokham et Thacham en le countee de Berks nepur quaunt'en assuraunce deceux terrez et tenementz la vantdit Richard garaun- tera par sonn fait dedeynez une quinzime proschein venaunt un annuel rent de dys marcz queux un Henry Gunnory et Anne sa femme luy rendent annuelment pour la vie de dit Anne et apres la mort la dite Anne, durant la vie dedit Henry dys lyvers issauntz de la manoire de Moteston en lisle de Wyght quel manoire ove lavoweson de lesglise illeques lavaunt dictz Henry et Anne teignent pour lourz viez ove la reversion de ditz manoire et avoweson a dit John de Lysle et sez heirs pour touz jours deschargez de touz reconisauncz estatutz marchauntz ou destaple avaunt la date dicestz et ferra la- vaunt ditz Henry et Anne et auxint tous les tenauntz paranale dedeynez le dit manoire attourner a dit John de Lysle et sez heirs solomque le purport de dit graunt dedeinez le quinzime avaunt dit apres quiel graunt ensy fait a dit John de Lisle dedeynez une quinzime alors proschein ensuantil grauntera per sonn fait mesme le rent ove la reversion entierement a dit Richard Pavy et ses heirs pour touz joures deschargez de touz reconis- sauncz estatutz marchauntz ou destaple par luy faitz a avoir et tenier sour condicion que si ensy aveingne en temps avenier que la- vaunt dit John de Lysle sez heirs ou assignez soient enpledez de touz lez terres et tene- mentz avauntditz en Crokham et Thacham ou parcel de iceux et recouerys par accion triez sour verroy titele ou droiturelment par entre congeable oustiez saunz fraude 2 3 8 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. ou mal engyne de dit John de Lysle sez heirs ou assignez sour verroy titele acreu a celuy qui entre ou recouvere avaunt la date dicestz et adunque dedeynes un moys apres notice eut fait a dit Richard Pavy ou ses heirs par lavaunt dit John de Lysle sez heirs ou assignez plein gre et resonable eut de til perde ou oustier ne soit fait par lavauntdit Richard Pavy ou sez heirs a dit John de Lysle sez heirs ou assignez qadun- ques lavauntdit John Lysle et sez heirs reaveront lavauntdit rent de dys marcz oue la reversion de dit manoire de Moteston pour touz jours saunz countredit de nully. Et sur tut le temps que lavauntdit John de Lysle sez heirs et assingnez teingnent la- vauntditz terres et tenementz en Crokham et Thacham saunz estre oustiez diceux ou parcel diceux par droyturel entre et con- geable ou droyturelment estre recoverys vers lavauntdit John de Lysle sez heirs ou as- singnez sour vroy titale ew avaunt la date dicestz et coment que eux perdent lez terrez et tenementz avauntditz ou parcel diceux en manere come suiz est dit, et adunques dedeynes un moys apres notice eut a dit Richard et sez heirs par lavauntdit John de Lysle et sez heirs ou assingnes fait lavauntdit Richard Pavy ou sez heirs facent plein gre et resonable a dit John de Lysle sez heirs ou assingnez quadunque pour eel temps lavaunt dit Richard Pavy eait mesme le rent de dys marcz ou la reversion avaunt dit pesiblement a luy et sez heirs pour touz jours et lavauntdit John de Lysle ferra la- vauntdit Henry et Anne et lez tenauntz avaunt ditz atturner et dit Richard Pavy et sez heirs sour lez grauntz et condicions avaunt ditz dedeynes mesme le quinzime et lavaunt dit Richard Pavy dedeynes le quarter de Ian proschein ensuant delyvera a dit John de Lysle la copie de tous lez evidences et munimentz qu il ad de manoire de Moteston avauntdit et auxint il delivera a dit John de Lysle dedeynes le moys proschein ensuant touz lez faitz finez evi- dences et remembraunces qil ad de lez terrez et tenementz avaunt ditz en Crokham et Thacham; as queux covenauntz tenier et lealment performer depart lavaunt dit John de Lysle il soy oblige sez heirs et executours de paier alavaunt dit Richard Pavy et sez executours deux centz livers de loyal moneye megntenant apre lez condicions et coven- auntz desuiz escriptz ou ascun deeux de sa partie a perforner nient tenuz ou perfornez et en mesme la manere lavaunt dit Richard Pavy soy oblige sez heirs et executours a dit John de Lysle et sez executours de paier meyntenaunt apres lez condicions ou covenenauntz desuis escriptz ou ascun de eux de sa partie a perforner nient tenuz ou peremplez. En testmoignaunce de quel chose lez partiez avauntditz a icestez en- dentures entrechangeablement ont mys lours sealx. See the Facsimile of the above document on the opposite page. Seal : Ermine a Fess ; legend, " Sigillum Ricardi Pavy." Indorsement : de Chamberhouse 5 Henry IV. APPENDIX LIII. Inquisitwi taken on death of Sir John de Lysle. 1408. [From Inquisitiones post mortem, 9 Henry IV., No. 49.] Henricus Dei gratia Rex Anglie Francie et Dominus Hibernie escaetori suo in Comi- tatu Berk', salutem. Quia Johannes de Lysle miles qui de nobis tenuit in capite diem clausit extremum ut accepimus tibi precipimus quod omnia terras et tenementa de quibus idem Johannes fuit seisitus in dominico suo ut de feodo in balliva tua die quo obiit sine dilatione capias in manum nostram et ea salvo custodiri facias donee aliud inde preceperimus ; et per sacramen- tum proborum et legalium hominum de dicta balliva tua per quos rei Veritas melius sciri poterit, diligenter inquiras quantum terre et tenementorum idem Johannes tenuit de nobis in capite tam in dominico quam in servicio in dicta balliva tua die quo obiit et quantum de aliis et per quod servicium, et quantum terre et tenementa ilia valeant per annum in omnibus exitibus, et quo die idem Johannes obiit et quis propinquior heres ejus sit et cujus etatis. Et inquisitionem inde APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 2 39 AwflW HMTdKUV ,«»>iCMWf3S"£<»wit»>r(|dfc4 S* hfn>x> $S) I a i 3 1 Bl P« 4) 1— 1 ►J a Q o M b 1—1 % o w 2 Ph gj Ph ,« J5 H - oT a •— < < o a g ~. '■3 S w a 5; S §«: a o S « ,P-i £& O 3 op< 3 Oh "I! S ■" •a n . o — " >s gp-i M COC £* s —P^CO s s o **-* is -a C 5 opa S 3 ■is s » &. ■a I nTPa a . a S ■»> - 3 "j 01 _ri 3 — <"*s a i<§t> *w J3 bJJ IU s£ a "fe W >> U3 >i ^a J 0) a ■9 ja rt o Hco i 3 » Ph.3 n 3 «> o C J3 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 241 APPENDIX LV. Agreement by which certain land is conveyed to John Pury by John de Lisle and Anne his wife. 1445. [From Feet of Fines, Berks, 23 Henry VI., No. 3.] Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini Regis apud Westmonasterium a die sancte Trinitatis in quindecim dies anno regnorum Henrici Regis Anglie et Francie sexti a conquestu vicesimo tercio coram Ricardo Neuton, Thoma Fulthorp, Williel- mo Ayscogh, Johanne Portyngton et Nicho- lao Ayssheton Justiciariis Et postea in Octa- bis sancti Michaelis anno regnorum ejusdem Regis Henrici vicesimo quarto ibidem con- cessa et recordata coram eisdem justiciariis et aliis domini Regis fidelibus tunc ibi pre- sentibus Inter Johannem Purye armigerum et Isabellam uxorem ejus querentes et Jo- hannem Lysle militem et Annam uxorem ejus deforciantes de manerio de Chambrehous cum pertinenciis et de octo mesuagiis uno molendino quingentis acris terre quinqua- ginta acris prati centum et quadraginta acris pasture quinquaginta acris bosci et centum acris marisci cum pertinenciis in Thacham et Crokeham unde placitum conventionis summonitum fuit inter eos in eadem curia scilicet quod predicti Johannes Lysle et Anna recognoverunt predictum manerium et tene- menta cum pertinenciis esse jus ipsiis Jo- hannis Purye et ilia remiserunt et quietum clamaverunt de ipsis Johanne Lysle et Anna et heredibus ipsius Johannis predictis Johanni Purye et Isabelle et heredibus ip- sius Johannis imperpetuum Et preterea iidem Johannes Lysle et Anna concesserunt pro se et heredibus ipsius Johannis quod ipsi warantizabunt predictis Johanni Purye et Isabelle et heredibus ipsius Johannis predicta manerium et tenementa cum suis pertinenciis contra Edmundum abbatem Westmonasterii et successores suos imper- petuum Et pro hac recognitione remissione quieta clamatione warantia fine et concordia iidem Johannes Purye et Isabella dederunt predictis Johanni Lysle et Anne trescentas marcas argenti. [23 May— June 7, 1445.] APPENDIX LVI. License to John Pury to crenellate his house and to impark certain land, &*c. [From Charter Roll, 25 and 26 Henry VI., m. 42.] 1447. Rex [Anglie et ffrancie et dominus hiber- nie] eisdem [archiepiscopis episcopis abbati- bus prioribus ducibus marchionibus comiti- bus, barbnibus justiciariis vicecomitibus pre- positis ministris ac aliis ballivis et fidelibus suis] salutem. Sciatis quod nos bonum et gratuitum servicium quod dilectus armiger noster Johannes Pury nobis multipliciter impendit indiesque impendere non desistit intime ponderantes de gratia nostra speciali concessimus et licenciam dedimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est predicto Johanni quod ipse manerium de Chambirehous in comitatu Berk' cum petris et cake includere karnellare et batellare trescentas acras terre quadraginta acras bosci et quatuor acras prati includere et parcum inde facere possit et quod ipse VOL. 11. habeat liberam Warennam in omnibus do- minicis terris manerii predicti cum omnibus libertatibus et franchesiis ad liberam waren- nam pertinentibus et quod ipse manerium predictum sic inclusum karnellatum et ba- tellatum et predictum parcum sic inclusum cum Warenna predicta tenere possit sibi et heredibus suis imperpetuum. Ita quod nul- lus intret, etc., ad fugandum in eis vel ad aliquid capiendum quod ad warennam perti- neat sine licentia et voluntate ipsius Johan- nis vel heredum suorum sub forisfactura nostra decern librarum. Dumtamen terra ilia non sit infra metas foreste nostre. Et quod idem Johannes et heredes sui predicti imperpetuum habeant infangenethef et out- fangenethef et catalla hominum et tenencium suorum felonum et fugitivorum ac catalla 1 1 242 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. que dicuntur Wayff et Strayff in manerio predicto et quod idem Johannes et heredes sui predicti furcos in solo manerii sui pre- dicti erigere et judicium de malefactoribus quos ibidem deprehendere contigerit infra dictam libertatem de infangenethef et out- fangenethef facere possint sine occasione vel impedimento nostri vel heredum nostrorum Justiciariorum escaetorum vicecomitum aut aliorum ballivorum seu ministrorum nostro- rum quorumcumque. Ac eciam quod pre- dictus Johannes et heredes sui et eorum homines et tenentes manerio predicto [sic] de theolonio muragio panagio et pontagio per totum regnum nostrum Anglie imperpetuum sint quieti. Et quod prefatus Johannes et dicti heredes sui infra dictum manerium imperpetuum habeant visum franciplegii de omnibus tenentibus suis manerii predicti cum omnibus ad hujusmodi visum pertinentibus necnon emenda assise panis et cervisie per homines et tenentes suos manerii illius fracte in manerio supradicto aliquo statuto actu ordinacione aut aliqua alia re in contrarium editis non obstante. Hiis testibus venerabi- libus patribus J. Cantuar' tocius Anglie primate Cancellario nostra et J. Ebor' Anglie primate Archiepiscopis W. Lincoln* et Th. Elien' Episcopis carissimo consan- guineo nostra Johanne Exon' et carissimo consanguineo nostra Humfrido Buckingham Ducibus carissimis consanguineis nostris Edmundo Dorset et Willielmo Suffolk Mar- chionibus Henrico Northumberland et Ricardo Sarum Comitibus et A. Cicestrensi Episcopo Custode privati sigilli nostri ac dilectis et fidelibus nostris Radulpho de Sudle Thesaurario nostra et Radulpho Cromwell militibus et aliis. Datum per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium xvj die Novembris. per breve de privato sigillo et de data predicta auctoritate parliamenti. APPENDIX LVII. Indenture by which John Pury lets to Master Jourdan his Fishing Weir. [From Sir George Corsewall's Deeds.] 1447. These endentures made between John Pury Squyer on the one partie and Martyn Jourdan of the parisshe of Thacham on the other partie berith witnes that the seid John Puryhathe lete and to ferme take to I the seid Martyn his fisshing were clepud Cham- brehous were with alle the water and diches thereto lyeng or longyng that is to seye fro the White yate unto Kenett To have and to holde the forseid were and water with all other apportenances to the forseid Martyn his heirs and his assignes fro the feste of Seint michell tharchaungell next afore the date of this endenture unto the ende of the terme of ix yeres thanne nexte followinge fully to be fulfilled And also the forseid John Pury hathe take to the forseid Martyn a bootte wt a cheyne for his fisshing and viij newe hedis for the were welys good and able to have and susteyne unto the ende of the terme aboveseid and so to leve hem sufficiant in the ende of his seid terme Payeng and yclding yerly to the said John his heirs or his assignes xxs. of lawefull money in two termes of the yere that is to seye att the fest of Annunciacion of oure Lady and Sent Michell tharchaungell by even porcions And the seid Martyn shall not lete to ferme the seid were ne water to no persone ne persones withoute license of the seid John And the seid Martyn shall mayntene and susteyne halfe the Eightis and roddis that longen to Chambrehous ayenst Willm Bene- well and so leve hem in the ende of his seid terme well and sufficiantly repaired And the seid Martyn shall every yer sette in places necessaire as shall not lette his fisshing ne his draughtis xij goode setters of wethy. And if the seid ferme of xxs. be behynde in partie or in all by xx daies after the daye of paiement thanne it shall be leeful to the seid John his heirs or his assignes in the forseid water and fisshing with alle things there longying for to entre and distreyne and distresse so take and lede aweye unto the tyme of the seid ferme he be fully To face Appendices, p. 242. APPENDIX, PLATE XI. ^.^^t^^'-n^w-^^ «£*m*E-"« t|o -s a (D o 3 aT „ > tfl [J r-H 1/1 IT" ■- *^ 3 *■• ■a- M a "S § ° ■» a £ tu a S in in a— '.a !>.a a ■S a a a a a <" <;5> ? a Ul i rf a, a a Hog o.S x .J30 ■dO . +S •*-. S ■S ° a — a a -3 a rt a o o . (*. W O J; Hl-v- i-l 2 o »o rt to a* _-d s 1 s q o P -s : .2 a a '■3 QJ rt > i- c 3 rt -v- o a a t/i ■a _3 o >-.«= S3 -a a s s — §2 a .)_) a .as a o> o i—,?* in "p a APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 245 APPENDIX LX. Will of Sir Richard Danvers. 1504. [From Register Holgrave (P. C.C.), fol. 5.] In dei nomine Amen, xviij die mensis Aprilis anno domini millesimo quingentesimo quarto et anno regni domini Regis Henrici Anglie et ffrancie Septimi xix°. Ego Williel- mus Danvers Miles unus Justiciariorum pre- dicti domini Regis de comuni Banco condo testimonium meum in hunc modum. In primis lego animam meam deo omnipotenti Benignissimo creatori meo et Beatissime Marie matri ejus ac omnibus Sanctis cor- pusque meum sepeliendum in ecclesia paro- chiali de Thacham coram ymagine Sancti Nicholai Episcopi si me nunc in eadem parochia mori contigerit et si non ibidem me mori contigerit in alia quacunque ecclesia dei ubicumque deus disposuerit. Item lego Isabelle filie mee ad maritagium suum per advisamentum meorum executorum fiendum et ordinandum centum libras legalis monete Anglie sub hac conditione quod predicta Isa- bella per avisamentum dictorum meorum executorum et non aliter maritetur. Item post quam debita mea plene persoluta fuerint et legata mea perfecte perimpleta Do et lego omnia et singula bona et catalla mea ubicumque fuerint inventa Anne uxori mee Johanni Danvers filio meo et heredi apparenti et Thome Danvers filio meo quos hujus testamenti mei et ultime voluntatis mee meos veros certos legitimos et indubi- tatos ordino facio et constituo executores ut ipsi ulterius pro salute anime mee ordi- nent et disponant prout sibi melius et salubrius videbitur expedire. In cujus rei testimonium huic predicto testamento meo sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus magis- tris Philippo Whitt, Artium Magistro, curato ecclesie de Buckelbury, Johanne ffowler notario publico curato ecclesie de Thacbam et domino Roberto Barker Rectore ecclesie de Hickeford Lincolnensis diocesis. Datum apud Chambrehowse in comitati Berk par- rochia de Thacham antedictis die mensis anno domini et regni regis supradictis. [18 April, 1504.] [Immediately following the above entry of the last testament of Sir W. Danvers is a copy of his last will dealing with real estate, but not referring in any way to the manor of Chamberhouse, but only to some purchases made by him from time to time of property in the parish of Thatcham.] APPENDIX LXI. Will of John Danvers. 1508. [From Lambeth Wills, Somerset House, Bennett, 14.] In dei nomine Amen. Vicesimo die mensis Septembris anno domini millesimo quingentesimo octavo et anno Regni Regis Henrici Septimi xxiiij*" Ego Johannes Dan- vers deChamberhous in parochia de Tacham in comitatu Bark' armiger compos mentis et sane memorie condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis lego animam meam deo omnipotenti creatori meo beate Virgini Marie matri ejus ac omnibus Sanctis suis cor- pusque meum sepeliendum in ecclesia de Thacham predicta. Et lego matrici eccle- sie Sarum iiij*f. Et summo altari ecclesie de Thacham predicta pro decimis et oblationi- bus meis oblitis \\}s. m\d. ac insuper lego fabrice ejusdem ecclesie \\)s. \\\}d. Ulterius volo quod executores mei infranominati im- mediate post obitum meum ordinent unum presbiterum idoneum ad orandum et depre- candum deum pro anima mea et animabus patris mei et aliorum amicorum meorum defunctorum ac animabus omnium fidelium defunctorum Christianorum in ecclesia de Thacham supradicta videlicet per unum annum integrum extunc proximo sequentem cui volo quod detur pro salario suo vj l; . Et volo quod Margareta uxor mea distribuet et disponat pauperibus egenis infra mensem post meum obitum in pecunia xlr. Item do et lepo Thome Danvers fratri meo unam 246 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. cathenam auream ut ipse deum oret pro anima mea et pro anima Johannis Pury armigeri Insuper volo et ordino et per hanc meam ultimam voluntatem declaro quod cofeoffati Thome Frowyk militis nuper capi- talis justiciarii domini regis de communi Banco apud Westmonasterium nunc de- functi de et in manerio de Waterstoke in comitatu Oxon et de aliis maneriis terris et tenementis redditis et serviciis cum eorum pertinenciis eidem manerio pertinentibus sive spectantibus post decessum domine Sibille Danvers vidue nuper relicte Thome Danvers militis facient sufncientem statum de eodum manerio et aliis premissis supra- dictis cum eorum pertinentibus Anne Marie Elizabete et Dorothee filiabus meis Haben- dum et tenendum predictum manerium et alia premissa supradicta cum eorum perti- nentibus prefatis filiabus meis ad terminum vite earundem. Et post decessum earundem filiarum mearum volo quod predictum ma- nerium de Waterstoke cum aliis premissis supradictis integre revertatur heredibus mas- culinis de corpore meo legitime procreatis si uxor mea jam pregnans pariat filium, sin autem quod remaneant Thome Danvers fratri meo ac heredibus masculinis de cor- pore suo legitime procreatis juxta effectum et intentionem quarundam cartarum inde prius confectarum ut per easdem plenius liquet. Et volo et per presentes declaro quod pre- dicti confeoffati supradicti Thome Frowyk militis post obitum meum cum ad hoc re- quisiti fuerint, facient sufficientem statum Margarete uxori mee de et in manerio meo de Adderbury cum omnibus et singulis suis pertinentibus in comitatu Oxon supradicto Habendum et tenendum idem manerium cum suis pertinentibus eidem Margarete ad terminum vite sue. Et post decessum ejusdem Margarete volo quod predictum manerium de Adderbury cum suis perti- nentiis remaneat rectis heredibus mei pre- dicti Johannis Danvers. Item volo quod predicta uxor mea solvat abbati et con- ventui de Redyng pro terris eidem mo- nasterio pertinentibus et pro me modo occupanti tantum quantum ex suis con- sciences recipere voluerint ut a tempore mortis patris mei usque ad tempus decessus mei. Residuum vero bonorum meorum su- perius non legatorum debitis meis solutis do et lego predicte Margarete uxori mee quam facio et constituo meam solam execu- tricem ut ipsa inde disponat pro salute anime mee meliori modo quo sciverit ac poterit deo placere. [20 Sept., 1508.] Probate granted by the Prerogative Court of Can- terbury 4th May, 1509, to the said Margaret, relict and executrix. APPENDIX LXII. Description of the Copy of the MS. New Testament belonging to Lady Danvers. 151 7. [From the Catalogue of "Bibles, Testaments, Psalms, and other Books of the Holy Scriptures in English in the collection of Lea Wilson, Esq., F.S. A., &c. London, 1845 '.] Editions of the New Testament — Manu- scripts. 1. The New Testament, MS. Super membr 4to forma major Circa 1380. The Translation of this beautiful volume is not that usually known as Wickliffe's. In the historical acco* of the Saxon and English versions prefixed to the Rev d . H. H. Baber's Edit"., p. lxix, he says, "Though all these MSS. lay claim to the title of Wiclif's English version of the Bible, yet there are a few amongst them w h differ so materially from the rest, as to warrant the assertion that we enjoy two ancient English translations of the Scriptures. In some passages we trace no other similarity be- twixt these versions than that w h arises from the circumstance of their being made from one common original, the Latin Vulgate ; but in general we discover features of resem- blance between them so numerous and so striking, that it is most clear that the author 1 Press Mark 1215 h. 17, p. 137 ; Press Mark of the Copy of the Testament is 305od. APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 247 of the Latin translation not only saw, but copied very freely from that which had been previously completed. Judging from the greater rudeness of the language, I conceive this to be the earlier ; and I think it very probable that it was Wickliffe's first attempt and subsequently revised and polished by himself or his disciples; which would ac- count for the features of resemblance above remarked. If this opinion be correct it leaves with him the whole merit of first translating the scriptures into English. The volume is beautifully written, and the initial letters of each book and chapter are illuminated. There are no prologues. It ends, ' Here endip ]> apocalips. Blesse'de be pe holy trinite Amen.' It has been in the possession of Reynolds, bishop of Norwich 1670, as appears by his autograph on the top of the 1 st page, ' Ed Reynolds ex dono D. Gulielmj Simonson, Coll. Merton,'Socij.' On the reverse of the last leaf is engrossed as follows : — tyc \n +§<■ Vnf^Y"** a£*V v eigne. "tCr^lyuy Memorandum in the MS. New Testament. 1517. "Good Mr. Confessor of Sion w h his brethen. Dame Anne Danvers, Widowe Su'tyme Wyffe to S r Will™ Danvers knyght hoose soule god assoyle hathe gevyn this p'sent Booke vnto mastre confessor and his brethene encloosed in Syon en- tendyng thereby not oonly the honor laude and preyse to almyghty god but also that she the moore tenderly may be comytted vnto the mercy of o r lord god by the hooly demerytes of mastre confessor and his Bretherne aforseid, Whiche she 248 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. hertly desyrethe, and specyally to remembre the lyves and the soulys of suche p'sons hoose names heeafter be wryten. The good astate of Dame Anne Danvers Thomas Will™. Anne Alys Isabell . Itm pro animabus Jo- hir child- h'nis pury rene Isabelle i , . , „,. , , vvxor ejus, alyve Elizabeth J Will'li. Danvers milit 3 . Joh'is filiorum ejus defunctorum Joh'is Margarete Joh'is -, ,. , -L, Ifr m ef Thome/ Margarete Langford. The aforesaid Dame Anne Danvers hathe delyverd this booke by the hondes of her son Thomas Danvers on Myddellent Sunday, In the viij yeere of the reigne of kyng henry the Eytethe. In the yeere of o r lord god a M 1 . fyve hundred and seven- teene. Deo gracias." Mr. Thomas Duffus Hardy the keeper of the Records in the Tower says the MS. is of the time of Richard II., or Henry IV., and therefore certainly coeval with Wick- liffe. The volume measures iof- inches by 7§. The acts of the Apostles follows the four Gospels, then the Epistles of James, Peter, John and Jude ; those by S'. Paul, and the Apocalips, concluding the book, v This is supposed to be the earliest version of the New Testament in the English language. It is now printing for the first time and will be published by Mr. Pickering, Piccadilly. The preface by Mr. Lea Wilson to this Catalogue is dated "Norwood, Surrey, March 5 th 1845." It was published by Pickering in 1848. [In Vol. i. p: 62 of " The Bibles of John Wycliffe and his followers," published at Oxford, 1850, a brief description of the MS. is also given.] The MS. was subsequently acquired and for many- years held byj the Earl of Ashburnham. It now belongs to the John Rylands' Library at Man- chester. APPENDIX LXIII. The Will of Lady Danvers. 1530. [From Lambeth Wills, 4 Thrower.] In the name of Allmyghty God amen. Dame Anne Danvers wedowe the xiij day of ffebruary the yere of our Lord God a m e fyve hundryth and thirtye being in my parfyte mynde and good helthe make my testament and declare my last will in maner and fourme folowing: — First I bequethe my soule to allmyghty god and to his blessed mother Marye and to all the holy company in hevin my body to beuryd (sic) in the churche of thacham in the chapell new made by me Dame Anne aforesaid in a vaulte of fayer bricke for my poore body nye the stone that lyethe oon my good husband and me for a remembraunce. Item I bequethe to the mother churche off Salsbury xs. and to the high aulter of Thatcham m xs. to pray for me. Item I bequethe my sonne Wyllyam Danvers bothe house and landes at Banbury and all my stuffe that resteth there for all chambers, buttry, kytchen, brewehouse, dye- house, and hall, that is myne save that I will reserve in my dayes for myselfe : yf I reserve none of the said stuffe then I will you have all. Item I bequethe hym my goodly stond- ing cuppe well gylte, and to my daughter Ciceley his wife, one good blacke gowne pur- fylid w' blacke velvit and to George Danvers my godson v]s. viij^. and every of his child- erne on lyve xxd. a peace to pray for me. Item I bequithe to my sonne John Raynsford lorde of Micheltewe my ij saltes gyltid to pray for me. Item I bequeth to my daughter Isabell Docwray my black chamblytt gowne m This is the earliest known instance of Thatcham being so spelt. APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 249 purfilid w* velvit and my kirtyll of sarcenytt and my fayer booke called Boccas w* all the stuffe of my chapell as stayned cloathes for the aulter and the best masse boke and chaleys w* the stayned clothes there hanging. Item I bequethe to the said Isabell all the ymplements of the greate chambre a fether- bed w' the covering a bolster w* a testom of arras and iij curtens of grene silke the folding table a payer of anndyorns w* all the hanginges thereto belonging w* the tabules and hanginges in the hall, and to Edward Docwray her sonne and heire my greate pott of bulleyne brasse ij greate spittes and ij rackes of yarne and one greate bason of lattyn, and for lack of Edward to Edmond and his heires, and to everye one of her childern alyve xxd. a peace to pray for me : Provided alwayes that my bequestes gevin to my daughter Isabell after her deathe remayne to the heires of Chambrehouse for ever to pray for me. Item I bequethe to Robert Dan vers a hole bedd that ys to say a sparver one fethur bedde, a bolster, one payer of blankyttes, ij payer of sheetes, one coverlytt of tapistry wurke, ij pelowes of downe, one bourd cloathe, one towell, iiij napkins, one pot of brasse, one panne, one dossen of pewter or vessell of iij sortes, ij candlestick es, ij good kyen, xx yewes, one good horse w' sadle, brydell, harnes and all that belongythe thereto, and x\s. of good and lawfull monye and a chest to kepe in his gere, and all other of gyftes that I have gevyn to him before tyme now in his posses- sion to be no parte of my bequest, and that he have one hole cuppe of silver with one an dull to pray for me. Item I bequethe my daughter Margarete Restall one of my worsted kertills and one of my good gownes blacke purfilid w' velvit and in money or cattail xlr. to pray for me. Item I will that my servant John Whight have in money or cattail for reward vjs. viijrf. to pray for me. Item I will that every of my servunts being w 4 me at the tyme of my death truly have their wages and in reward xi)d. a peace to praye for me. Item I will that my sonne Docwray finde a honest preest to sing in the chapell of myne and chauntrye callid also at Chamberhouse to pray for my dere frindes me and my childerne at ye knowe best remembring the covenant and bargayne made betwene you John Raynesford and me to have a preest contynually : myn obyte to be kept at Mighelmas the morrow after a Saynte Jeromes day w* preestes and almes w' bread and ale as far as xiijj. iiij^. will goo yerely and that to begynne at Myghelmas next comyng to pray for me ; and that my Chamberhouse do remayn to IVIarteyn Doc- wray and his heires to find singing bread and wyne and wax for the mayntenaunce of my chauntry aforesaid. Item I bequethe to my godsonne John Raynsford my new house late buylde in Thatcham w* all the grounds within the pale and vj/z. xiijj-. iii]d. in monny or money worth to pray for me. Item I be- quethe to Sir Richard Alwood curate of Thacham v]s. vii]d. to pray for me. Item I give to my goddaughter Anne Lang- ton n a flatt peace of silver to pray for me. The rest of my goodes not gevin nor bequest by virtue of this my last testament I give and bequethe to Alice Raynesford my doughter which Alice I ordeyne and make my full executrix of this my last will and testament she to dispoase the said goodes for the welthe of my soule as she shall think necessary by the discrescion and oversight of Sir Thomas Justice vicar of Thatcham whiche I make my overseer of this my will to be perfourmed and he to have for his labours xh. And that the disposicion of the said goodes be partely dispoased as hereafter folowyth : ffirst I will that at the day of my burying that placebo and dirige be songe and one masse of our lady another of the trynytie the thirde of requiem be songe also by the Vycar of Thatcham or his debutye w* xij other preestes and the Vicar to have x\)d. and every other preest v\\}d. And that my executrix give in almes to poore people peny meale xxvjs. viijd. And that my executrix bye vj torches to hold aboute the herse and vj poore wymen n Anne Langton was a grand-daughter of Lady Raynsford, who married Thomas Langton of Danvers, being one of the daughters of Alice Thatcham. Harl. Soc. Pub., Vol. V., p. 167. VOL. II. K k " 250 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. to hold them and every of them to have ijaf. a peace and that she provide vj pounde of wax to be made in six tapurs and aftre to remayne in the chapell : also yt it is my will that my monythes mynde be kept truly in every poynte as above is rehersid and that day to give to poore people peny meale \\s. to pray for me. By me Dame Anne Danvers. Probate of the will was granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the 20th May, 1531, to Alice Raynesford the daughter and executrix. APPENDIX LXIV. Pedigree of the Docwra Family. [From Chauncey's Hertfordshire. .] Martin Docwra = Isabel Danvers died 1534 II I I I I I Thomas, died Edward, died = Margaret Edmund -= Dorothy Anthony Elizabeth Margaret Anne 1529 at 1545 at Thatcham Thatcham I Anne (q. daughter or sister of Edmund Docwra), died 1561 at Thatcham Arthur, born 1562 at Thatcham Henry, born 1564 at Thatcham APPENDIX LXV. Will of Martin Doaura. 1534. [From Lambeth Wills, 20 Hogen.] In dei Nomine Amen. The xxij' 1 daye of Novembre in the yere of oure Lorde god m 1 v° xxxiiij' 1 . I Martyn Docwra gentilman in good and hole mynde and perfitt remem- braunce lawded be almightie god make and ordeyne this my p'nte [present] testament conteynynge my last will in manner and fourme followinge that is to saie ffirst I bequeth and recomend my soule unto al- mightie god the father the sonne and the holly gost, to o r blissed Ladye Sainte Marie the virgin mother of Criste Jhesu, and to all the celestiall compaannye of hevin, and my bodye to be buryed in Sainte Clements church w'oute the temple barr of London at the discrecion of Isabell my wif if it chaunce me to decease in the said citie or in the suburbes of the same. It. I will that ym- medyatly after my deceas my ffeoffees of trust of and in all my lands tenements and pastures lyinge in the Citie of Coventre and the suburbes of the same and in certeyne pas- tures lyinge in Brickhill w* a flocke of sheepe goinge upon the same in the Countie of Warwycke and also all my feoffees of trust of and in my lands and tenements in the towne of Madenhyed in the Countie of Bark shall stand and be seasid to the use of Isa- bell my wif untill she have taken and per- ceyvid of thissues and profutes of all my said landes tenements pastures and stocke the full some of one hundred and twenty pounde sterlinge to thuse maryage or pre- ferrement of my three doughters Elizabete Margaret and Anne that ys to saie to every of my said doughters xlli. st [sterling] parcell of the said cxxli. And if it fortune any of my saide three doughters to deceas before that they or she so deceasinge shall be maryed or otherwise preferryed Then I will that the said porcion of hir or them . so deceasinge shall remayne equally to be divided betwyne my said wif if she than be levinge and my doughter or doughters survyvinge And if my APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 251 said wif be then deceasid to my said doughter or doughters lyvinge and not maryed or preferryed And if it fortune all my said doughters to decease before their said maryage or preferment and my said wif than lyvinge Than I will that my said wif shall take levye and perceyve the said some of cxxli. to thuse and intent followinge that is to saie to hir owne use the some of lx/z. and to every of my thre sonnes that is to saye Edwarde, Edmonde and Antonye than lyv- inge xli. And the Residue by hir to be dispoased in deades of charitie ; for my soule and all xpen [Christian] soules at hir discrecion Andafter that the said some of one cxxli. >shalbe taken levid and perceivyd in manner and fourme aforesaid or if all my said daughters deceas before the said some be so levid and taken, Than I will that from such tyme forwarde my said feoffees shall stand and be seasid of and in all my said landes tenements and pastures to the use of Isabell my said wif for the term of hir life and after [her] deceas I will my said feoffees shall stand [The testator then declares the uses to which his estates (no mention being made of real property at Thatcham) are limited, namely for his three sons, Edward, Edmond, and Antony successively in tail. The Trustees are directed to pay to the Testator's Widow the rents of the estates limited to the second son, Edmond Docwra, until he attained the age of 18 years. He also desired that his wife should bring up and provide all necessaries for his children until their full age of eighteen years : and after giving certain specific legacies to some of his friends, no reference whatever being made to Thatcham or to any one residing there, the Testator proceeds as follows : — ] I bequeth to every of my said three doughters over and above their said legacies in monnye xli. sterlinge towards their mary- age or preferrement and everye of them to be others heire in the same of them deceas- singe if any suche happen to deceas before their saide maryage or preferment Item I bequeth to Alice Blounte the wife of Tho- mas Blounte of Balsall in monnye five marks sterlinge. Item I will that my cousen Thomas Docwray of London shall have in recompence of such charge as he the same Thomas dyd laye owte for me apon my cousin Margerye Dowcra whiche deceased in his house in London ii]li. st [sterling]. The residue of all my goods cattails and credetts whatsoever they be, my detts paid and my funerall expensis done, I give and bequeth to the saide Isabell my wif to do and dispoase therw' in dedys of charytie and petye for my soule and all Xpien souls as she shall thinke best The whiche Isabell my wif of this my present testament and last will I make and ordeyne my sole executrix. Theis beinge wittnes : Oswald Dowcra, Myles Slye, Henry Milner, William Lowther, Alice Kelley, the said Thomas Dowcra w' other moo the daye and yere abovesaid. [22 Nov. 1534.] Probate granted by the Prerogative Court of Can- terbury 28th November, 1534, to Isabell, relict and executrix. APPENDIX LXVI. Will of Edward, eldest son of Martin Docwra. 1546. [From Lambeth Wills, In Dei Nomine Amen. The xxix* 11 day of Aprill The yere of our Lord god a Thou- sande fyve hundreth ffourtie and fyve In the xxxvij th yere of the Reigne of our Sove- raign Lord king Henry the viij by the grace of God king of England ffraunce and Ire- lande Defendour of the faith and in earthe of the Churche of Englande and also of Irelande the Supreme head, I Edwarde Docwray of the parishe of Thacham in the Kk fol. 27, Pynnyng.] Countie of Berks sicke in body and hole of mynde make my testament and last wille after the fourme and maner folowing : First I bequethe my soule to Almighty God and my body to be buried in the chapell of Saint Anne in the parishe of Thacham. Item I bequeth to the highe aulter of Tha- cham a taper price xxd. to burne before the Sacrament. Item I bequeth to the mother churche of Sarum x'xid. Item I bequethe 252 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. unto my wife Margery Docwray all my goods moveable and unmoveable, and will that the expences of my buriall shalbe at the disposicion and will of my said wife : whom I do ordeyn and make oonly my executrice. And I will that Maister John Wynchcombe thelder of the towne of New- berye shalbe the overseer of this my testa- ment and last wille. Witnes thay being present Maister Vicar of Thacham my curat; Edmund Docwray and Anthony Docwray ; Roger Marshall ; and Thomas Gryne; with other moo. The day and yere above said. [29 April, 1546.] Probate granted by the Prerogative Court of Can- terbury on the 19th May, 1545, to Margaret Doc- wray the widow and relict of Edward Docwray. APPENDIX LXVII. Proceedings in Chancery respecting Chamberhouse Manor ; the Plea of Nicholas Fuller, and the Answer of Edmund Docwray. 1590. [From Chanc. Proceedings, Eliz., ff. 3, 38, Fuller v. Dockwraie.] Primo die Augusti, 1590. To the Right Honnorable S r Christopher Hatton of the Honnorable order of the garter Knighte Lord Chauncellor of England. In moste humble wise complayninge hereby sheweth unto y r Honnorable Lord- shippe y r dayelie orator Nicholas ffuller of London Esquier that whereas y r orator in the five and twentithe yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne Quene Elizabeth [1582-3] did agree and conclude with Edmonde Docwrae late of Chamberhowse in the Countey of Barks Esquier to purchase and bui of him the Mannor of Chamberhowse with the appurtenunces in the saide Countey of Barks and all the landes tenements and hereditaments to the same Mannor or to the capitall messuage called Chamberhowse belonging or in any wise apperteyning or accoumpted as parte thereof And for that the saide Edmond Docwraie had before that tyme that ys to saye in the moneth of October in the fiftenth yeare of hir Majistyes most happie raigne [1573] made some man- ner of conveyance or morgage of the saide mannor and premisses to the right honnor- able Roberte Earle of Lecester and his^ heires therefore yo r orator in or about the moneth of Maye in the saide seaven and twentithe yeare of hir Majesty es raigne [1585] did uppon consideracon of greate [so]mes of money as well to the saide Ed- monde Docwraie as to the saide Earle of Lecester beforehand by your orator paide procure assurance to be made to yo r orator and his heires as well from the saide Earle of Lecester and the Countesse his wyfe as from the saide Edmonde Docwraie and Dorothie his wyfe by fyne recoverey with voucher and otherwyse by force of which assurances yo r orator entered and hathe ever sithence quietlie helde and enjoyed the saide mannor and premisses accordinge to theffecte of thassurance. But soe yt is if it maye please yo r good Lordshippe that sithince the deathe of the saide Earle of Lecester yt is geven furthe and generallie reported by maney that the saide Edmonde Docwraie [h]ad longe before any convey- ance or assurance made of the said Mannor and premisses to yo r said orator or to the saide [E]rle made divers other seacrett grauntes conveyances assurances and Es- tates of the saide Mannor and premisses to divers other persons and theire heires who by colour thereof threaten and geve out and doe intende yf not presentlie yet after the deathe of the saide Edmonde who ys an aunciente gentleman to enter uppon yo r orator's possession and greatelie to encomber his estate and intereste thereby. Now for so much as the said Edmonde Doc- wraie being a man of honeste reputacon and greate integrity will as your orator verelie hopethe uppon his oathe confesse tru[l]ie what former grauntes conveyance and as- surance have bene by him made of the premisses that may any w[is]e charge de- APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 253 feate or encomber thestate and intereste of yo r orator in the saide Man nor and pre- misses and how and by what meanes the same pretended estates if any suche were have bene made voide or otherwise re- covered to him for the cleringe of yo r orator's interest in and to the same and for that yo r orator hathe noe remedie by the ordinarie course of the comon lawes of this realme to prevente these mischeifes or to trye the same that therefore yt woulde please yo r honnorable Lordshippe to graunte to yo r orator hir Majestyes moste gracious writt of subpena to be directed to the saide Edmonde Docwraie commanding him thereby att a certaine daye therein pre- scribed personallie to appeare before yo r Lordshippe in the highe courte of Chauncery then and there to answere the premisses and truelie to shewe and declare what former assurance grauntes estates or con- veyance have been by him made of the saide Mannor and premisses or of any parte thereof to any person or persons be- fore thassurance thereof made to the saide Earle of Lecester as above and how the same conveyance hathe bene or maye be avoided and in what sorte theie stande that thereuppon some order may be taken agreinge to equitye and conscience And yo r orator shall daylie praie for yo r Lord- shippe. Edm. Pelham. The aunswere of Edmonde Docwra Es- quier Defendant to the Bill of Complaynte of Nicolas Fuller complainant. [Date torn off.] . . . . nte saving to him all advantage of excepcon to the incertaintye and insufficyencye of the said Bill of Com- plaint and playne declaracon of the truthe saiethe That true yt is that he was heretofore lawfullie he thinkethe in his demesne as of fee simple or fee taile of and in the Mannor of Chamberhowse with thappurtenances and other the landes and tenements in the said Bill of Complaint mentioned which of late by sundrye good and lawfull conveyances as this defendant think- ethe have bene conveied and assured to the complaynant and his heyres as well from this defendant and Dorothye his wyfe as from the said Erie of Lecester named in the said Bill of complaynt and the Coun- tesse his wife To which said Erie this defendant had in the ffiftenthe yeare of her Majesties raigne [1572-3] by indenture bargayned soulde and conveyed the said mannor and premisses uppon condicon of repayment of ffouretene hundred pound es att a certen tyme therein lymytted and appointed then to be paide as by thinden- tures thereof made maie appeare Which said some of xiiij c /z". the said Erie before the daie of paym* incurred promysed to this defendant uppon his honoure never to demande of this defendant or his heires, but to release and remitte the same, saying that he knowledged the same dett to growe by him, and through e his occasion, And in consideracon that this defendant had served the said Erie and his father faithfullie, chargeablie, and dangerouslyemanyeyeares, therefore after the daie of payment incurred the said Erie did not onlye not make anie entree or expulcon of this defendant from the possession of the premisses, or anie demande of the same monie, but made manie earneste promises, never to demaunde the same, or any parte thereof Soe that this defendante makinge suer reconyng thereof, did not provyde for satisfying him the said Erie, nether did the said Erie in manie yeares after the conveyance made to him, ether aske, or seemed to this defendant mynded to aske anie parte of the said xiiij //. untill some malicious Enemye to this defendant of greate dignitye, putt it into his heade soe to doe, and then the said Erie, contrarye to his sundrye faithfull promises before made, did in suche manner demande the same, that this defendant not beinge hable, ether to contende with him in lawe, or repaye the said xiiij c /z. thoughte it good to departe with his whole estate in the said Mannor to the said complaynant and soe dyd. Whereuppon the nowe complaynante agreed aswell with this defendant as with the said Erie for the absolute purchase of the said mannor and premisses, and thereuppon obtained suche assurance from 254 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. the saide Erie and from this defendant as the Complaynant and his counsell did devyse. Before which assurance made to the said Complaynant, and before anie conveyance or assurance made by this defendant to the said Erie of Lecester, this defendant by indenture dated the seconde daie of November in the fouretenthe yeare of the Quenes Majesties raigne [1572] that nowe is, made betwene this defendant on thone part and John Astley esquier M r . of the Jewell howse to our said soveraigne ladye the Quenes Majestie that nowe is on thother part Dyd for the consideracon therein expressed, as he nowe remembreth, covenante amongeste other things that he this defendant and Dorothye his wyfe, should that present terme of Sainte Mi- chaell Tharchangell by ffyne in due forme of lawe to be levyed att the costes and charges in the lawe of the said John Astley convey and assure to the said John Astley and his heyres for ever, as shoulde be devysed by him or his counsell learned in the lawes of the Realme, All that fore- said mannor of Chamberhowse, with thap- purtenances, in the said countye of Bark, and all other the premisses with theire appurtenances : In which said indenture yt was further covenanted and agreed that the said ffine soe as is aforesaid to be levyed and everye other ffyne by the said Edmonde Docwra and Dorothye his wyfe or ether of them in the said terme or att anie tyme after the date of the said indenture, to the said John Astley of the premisses or of anie part thereof, to be levyed, by what name or names soever, ether of the premisses or of anie part thereof, ymedyatlye from the levyinge thereof, shoulde be, And that the said John Astley and his heires shoulde stande and be seised of the said premisses to the onlie uses and intents after in the said indentures expressed and mencioned, and to none other use, That is to saie, To the use of the said John Astley and his heires for ever. And in the same indentures after- wardes there was one proviso, clause, or article, by w h it was provyded and thintente of the said parties declared to be to this effecte, That if the said John Astley shoulde before the feaste daie of the Nativytye of St. John Baptiste [24th June], then next ensuynge, by wrytinge by him sealed and delivered as his deede, declare that he did mislyke to have the premisses And that y e said writinge on the said ffeaste daie of the nativitie of St. John Baptiste and betwene the howers of nyrie of the clocke in the forenoone, and one of the clocke in the afternoone of the same daie, shoulde be delivered or lawfullie offered to be delivered to the said Edmonde Docwra this defendant his executor or administrator at the Churche Porch of Thacham standing on the south side of the same churche, and that this defendant his heires executor or adminis- trator on the laste daie of September then next ensuinge and betwene the howers of nyne of the clocke in the forenoone and five of the clocke in the afternoone of the same daie shoulde well and trulie paie, or cause to be paied, to the said John Astley his exor. and admor. att the porche of the Guyldhall within the cittie of London the some of xiiij c /z. of good and lawfull monie of Englande, and shoulde also then and there cancell and deliver, or cause to be cancelled and delivered to the said John Astley his heires Executors or Administra- tors all suche bonds as the said John Astley shoulde after thensealinge and deliverye of the said indenture, and before the feaste of the nativitie of our Lord God then next ensuinge, make to this defendant for the payment of anie some or somes of monie, That then and from thenceforthe the said fines and everye of them and all other assurances from thenceforthe to be had or made of the premisses or anie part thereof in performance of anie of the covenants in the said indenture before menconed shoulde be to the onlie use of the said Edmonde Docwra this defendant and of his heires for ever, and to none other use, intent or pur- pose as by the said indenture more plaine- lie doth and maie appeare. After w h inden- ture soe as aforesaid made sealed and delivered by the parties aforesaid, That is to saie, in the xv Martini [Tuesday] in the same terme of St. Michaell in the xiiij th and xv th yeares of the raigne of the quenes ma** APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 255 [1572] that nowe is, a fyne was levied of the said mannor and premisses by this defendant and his wyfe to the said John Astley accordinge to the effecte of the cove- nant aforesaid, After w h fine so levied, the said John Astley by his deed under his hande and seale dated the xxj s * daie of June, in the XV th yeare of the raigne of o r soveraigne ladye the Quenes mat fie that nowe is [1573] Did declare to all and every per- son and persons whatsoever that he did mislike to have the premisses, and did further by the said deeds declare, that he the said John Astley did mislike to have the said Mannor of Chamberhowse and every other thinge whatsoever in the said indenture before the said provisoe menconed or speci- fied and everye other thinge whatsoever whereunto the said wordes in the said pro- visoe, viz., the premisses, can maie or oughte to be extended or applied or w h thereby can maye or oughte to be intended, ment, or understoode, and all mannors landes tenements hereditaments and other thinges whatsoever in or by anie writinge indented made betwene him the said John Astley and this defendant graunted or ap- pointed to be conveied or assured to the said John Astley W 11 said deede of declara- con was accordinglie delivered to this de- fendant art the Churche Porche of Thacham aforesaid, uppon the feaste daie of the na- tivitie of St. John Baptiste in the xv th yeare of the raigne of the Quenes ma* ie [24 June, 1573] and accepted by this de- fendant. After w h said mislyke of the said John Astley soe as is aforesaid declared this defendant did paye or cause to be paied to the said John Astley the some of fouretene hundred pounds menconed in the provisoe of thaforesaid indentures and after did cancell and deliver or cause to be can- celled and delivered to the said John Astley or his assignes All suche bonds as the said John Astley after the ensealinge and de- liverye of the said indentures, and before the ffeaste of. the nativitie of oure Lorde God then next ensuinge did make to this defendant for the payment of anie some or somes of monie, w h said some of fouretene hundred poundes was not payed by this de- fendant or anie for him, nether the said bondes by him or anie for him delivered att the tyme and place appointed for the pay- ment thereof; Yett the said John Astley being a gentleman of greate worshippe and good conscience did accept thereof and delivered the writings and evydences out of his hands and yelded uppe the pos- session thereof to this defendant. Sythence w h tyme for that this defendant was informed by the complaynant sithence he purchased the premisses that for want of due perfor- mance of the said provisoe or condicon to the said John Astley the estate and intereste of and in the said mannor and premisses re- mayned in the said John .... although e the deeds remayned in the custodye of the said Erie and of the complaynant ; there- fore for the strengthenynge and makinge good of thestate and intereste of the com- playnant of and in the said mannor and pre- misses whoe had justlie and trulie paied for the same The said John Astley Esquier att the speciall intreatye of the complaynant and of the said late Erie of Lecester as this defendant is informed by the said com- playnant by his deed of ffeoffment dated the three and twentith daie of November in the nine and twentithe yeare of Her Majesties raigne [1586] Did aboute the same tyme convey alien infeoffe deliver and confirme to the said complaynant and his heires as this defendant hathe hearde and belevethe to be true, the said mannor and all other the premisses with thappurtenances Soe as nowe the complaynant dothe houlde and enjoye the same w h out anie trouble or incombrance or pretensed tytle of him the said John Astley or of anie other person or persons clayminge aniethinge by from or under this defendant to the knowledge of this defendant, Without that, that this de- fendant hathe made anie such former graunt bargayne or conveyance of the said mannor, and other the premisses to anye person or persons as maye make voyde defeate or otherwise incomber the estate, interest or title of the said complaynant in and to the said mannor and premisses other then the said estate of the said John Astley Esquier whoo hathe sythence as this defendant 256 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. thinkethe, sufficyentlie conveyed the same to the nowe complaynant in suche sorte as is above said. But this defendant saith that he hathe heretofore made and know- ledged certen bondes or recognizances w h are not yett discharged of recorde, althoughe the monie due uppon the same was trulie payed manie yeares paste and soe hathe rested And therefore he hopethe that there will not anie trouble or incombrance arrise to the complaynant or to the said premisses thereby, And without that, that anie other matter or thinge in the said Bill of com- plaint [contained materyall to be aunswered and here in this aunswere not answered, denied, traversed, or confessed and avoided is true All w cb matters this defendant is ready to averre and prove as this honorable Court shall awarde And out of the same with his reasonable costs and charges in this behalfe sustayned. Edmond Docwra. APPENDIX LXVIII. Funeral Certificate of Nicholas Fuller. 1619. [From College of Arms, Funeral Certificates, I. 19, fol. 79.] Mr. Nicholas Fuller esq re and counsellor of the common Lawe, Sonne of Nicholas Fuller of the Cittie of London Merchant, younger sonne of Thomas Fuller of Neates Hall in the Isle of Sheapie in Kent departed this life at his house at Chamberhouse in the Countye of Berkes the 23 daye of ffebruarie 16 19 and was buried in the parish church of Thacham in the South Isle of the same church belonginge to the Mannor of Chamberhouse He maried Sara daughter of Nicholas Back- house Alderman and sometime Shreiffe of London by whom he had issue S r Nicholas Fuller Knight sonne and heire of the age of about 28 yeares, Daniel 2 sonne of the age of 21 yeares, and 5 daughters Elizabeth eldist daughter maried to Timothy Wag- staffe of Warwick Esq. and Counsellor at lawe, Anne 2 daughter maried to S r John OfHey of Maideley in the Countye of Staf- ford Knight, Mary 3 daughter maried to Oliver Webb of the Countye of , Sara 4 daughter maried to Michaell Pinder of Graies Inne London, Abigail youngest daughter unmaried. S r Nicholas Fuller sonne and heire above saide maried Mary the daughter of George Dowze of the older house of the Douzes of Hampsheire, by whome he hath issue Douze Fuller his only childe of the age of 2 years. The Executor of the last Will and testam* of y e saide Mr. Nicholas Fuller is S r John Offley K» his sonne in lawe and Mr. Francis Fuller of London his nephew. Testified under the hand of Mr. Francis Fuller executor. APPENDIX LXIX. The Case of Thomas Ladd and Richard Maunsell, 1607. [From Bodl., 410., F. 13 Th.] " The Argument of Master Nicholas Fuller in the case of Tho s Lad and Rich d Mavnsell his clients, wherein it is plainly proved that the Eccles 1 Com rs have no power by vertue of their commission to imprison, to put to the oath ex officio, or to fine any of his Maiesties subjects." The Case. Tho" Lad a marchant of Yarmouth in Norfolke was brought before the Chancellor of Norwich for a supposed conventicle ; be- cause that he, on the sabbath dayes after the sermons ended, sojourning in the house of Mr. Lackler in Yarmouth, who was late Preacher of Yarmouth, joyned with him in repeating of the substance and heads of the sermons that day made in the church, at which Tho s Lad was usually present, and was forced upon his oath to answer certain APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 257 articles touching that meeting which he could not see until he was sworne ; and having ans d upon his oath twice before the Chancelor there he was brought to Lambeth before the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to make a further ans r upon a new oath touching the supposed conventicle ; w h he refused to doe without the sight of his former answers (because he was charged with perjury) ; and therefore was imprisoned by the Commis- sioners a long time and could not be bayled, whereupon the writ of Habeas corpus was granted out of the Kings Bench to bring the prisoner to the Barr. Richard Maunsell the other prisoner being a Preacher was charged to have been a par- taker in a petition exhibited to the nether house of the Parliament and for refusing to take the oth ex officio to answer to certayne articles which he could not be permitted to see. He was imprisoned by the Commis- sioners at Lambeth, where he remayned very long and could not be bayled and was brought to the barr upon the writt of Habeas corpus. These imprisonments of Thomas Lad and Richard Maunsell by the Commissioners for the supposed contempts aforesaid were un- lawful (as the said Nich 8 Fuller said) and therefore he sayd that the prisoners ought to be discharged; and before he began his argument he the sayd Nich 6 Fuller did confesse that it was a blessed thing in all kingdomes to have the Church and the Com- monwealth to agree together as Hippocrates' twinnes, and the meanes to continue a per- fect agreem* between them was (as he sayd) to give to Caesar that w h is Csesar's and to God that w h is God's, which right distribu- tion of the jurisdiction of the Ch: in Eng- land and jurisdiction of the common lawes in England sett forth and proved upon good groundes of the auntient lawes and statutes of the Realme w d (as he thought) continue a peace bet n the Church and common wealth of Engl d for ever w h he desired from his heart and it was his labor to effect by this his argument, wherein for the better understand- ing of his purpose and drift of his argum* he did divide the same into 5 partes. 1. And (first because the Eccles 1 Com- mission is grounded upon the statute of anno 1 Eliz th cap. 1 the title and intent of which statute is the restoring to the Crown the ancient jurisdiction over the Ecclesiasti- cal spiritual establishment, and the abolish- ing of all forreyne jurisdiction repugnant to the same) he declared what the antient spirituall jurisdiction was which was ment in that act to be restored and by the Com- missioners to be exercised, and therein he proved that the power to imprison subjects, to fine them, or to force them to accuse them- selves upon their owne enforced oathes, there being no accuser knowne, was no parte of the auncient ecclesiasticall jurisdict n before the statute of 2 Hen. 4 cap. 15 which was procurred by the Popish Prelats. 2. That the Stat, of 2 Hen. 4 cap. 15 w h first gave authority to the Bishops to im- prison subjects, fine them, and force them to accuse themselves was procured by the popish Prelates in the time of darknes (if not without a full consent of the commons yet to their great mislike) and that the sayd Statute and everything in the same con- teyned, is revoked, as being against the rule of equitie and common justice, and against the lawes of the land and very hatefull to all the subjectes of the Realme ; and in that 2nd parte he proved, according to the words of the Statute that the oath ex officio was against the law of England and against the rule of equitie and justice. 3. That the lawes of England are the high inheritance of the Realme, by which both the King and the subjects are directed, And that such grants Charters and commissions as tend to charge the body, lands or goods of the subjects otherwise then according to the due course of the lawes of the Realme, are not lawfull, or of force unless the same charters and commissions doe receave life and strength from some Act of Parliament. 4. That in this Commission Ecclesiasticall there are some thinges tending to charge the body lands and goods of the subjects other- wise then according to the course of the lawes of the Realme ; and especially in im- prisoning them, fyning them, and forcing them to accuse themselves (upon their own oath) without any accuser. VOL. 11. Ll 258 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 5. That the Act of Parliament of anno 1 Eliz" 1 cap. 1 whereupon the Ecclesiasticall commission is founded doth not give life or strength to such partes of the commission as concerne imprisonment of subjectes, fyning them, or forcing them to accuse themselves, but doth make voyd and abolish the same as repugnant to the ancient ecclesiastical jurisdiction which by the Statute was to be restored. And so he sayd that the imprison- ment of his clients was unlawfull and the pro- ceeding of the Commissioners upon the oath ex officio, without an accuser, not warranted by law but erroneous and voyd. Upon all which matters he did conclude that altho' the Commission be of force to execute the auncient jurisdiction over the ecclesiasticall and spirituall estate, yet be- cause this commiss 11 and the proceedings of the Com 18 did much vary from the course of the ould common lawes of England ex- pressed in the Statute'of 42 Edw. III. cap. 3 and from the auncient jurisdiction Ecclesi- asticall ; for that no pretended custome against those statutes w k prohibite such kind of proceeding can be of force ; and especially for that the act of Parliament of 1 Eliz* did not give life or strength to the sayd commission in those parts so varying ; but the contrary ; therefore he did hold the proceeding of the ecclesiasticall com" against the subjectes, by force of the sayd commission in these poyntes, to be voyd, and erroneous according to the wordes of the sayd statute 42 Edw. III. and did humblie pray that his clients may be discharged from their imprisonment, and the subjects freed from such erroneous proceedings too, too heavie and burdensome to them. APPENDIX LXX. Dudley Carleton to John Chamberlain, 16 September, 1607. [From P.R.O. State Papers, Domestic, James I., Vol. XXVIII. fol. 51.] the Arch. B[ishop] at Lambeth to harten (Extract.) Chamberlain The crossing from Windsore to Goode M r k[ing] in his Waltam toucht at Whitehall, for no greater busines then to see his new building, w ch Vhen he came into it he could scarce see by reason of certaine pillars w ch are sett up before the windowes, and he is nothing pleased w th his L d Archi- tect for that service. He was likewise w th him in his conflict w th Nick Fuller, who had procured an inhibition from y e Judges to y e high comission to proceede no further in that cause ; but uppon better advise they have sent (as I heare) a retractacion of theyr inhibition, and poore Nick is nickt as before .... I committ you to God's protection. Y' most assured Dudley Carle- ton. [From P.R.O. State Papers, Domestic, James I., Docquets, 14 November, 1607.] A guift unto John Patten keeper of his causes ecclesiasticall vppon Nicholas ffuller Ma tis closet of the somme of 200//. lately ym- esq. Subscribed] by M r . Attorney by posed by the L d Archbishop of Canterbury order from S r Danyell Dun, procur[ed] and other his highness's commissioners in ut supr\a\ [i.e. by Sir Tho B Lake]. John Chamberlain to Dudley Carleton, 30 December, 1607. [From P.R.O. State Papers, Domestic, James I., Vol. XXVIII. fol. 12 ■-1 (Extract.) S r neither matter, my leysure, nor this bitter weather will suffer me to be longe, so that when I have wished a goode yeare to y r self, yo r Lady, to S r Rowland and all his little ones, the best and greatest part of this business is dispatcht. . . . Mr. Fuller is still where he was, he hath paide in his fine, and thereby thought, and was put APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 259 in hope of favor, but when yt comes to the vpshoot they tender him such a sub- mission as he cannot disgest. What you want here in waight you shall have in measure in this enclosed w ch I receved on Christmas day, and so prayeng you to excuse me to S r Rowland Lytton, I com- mend you all to the protection of the Almighty. From London this 30th of December, 1607. Yo rs most assuredly, John Chamberlain. Addressed: To my assured goode frend M r . Dudley Carleton geve these at S r Row- land Lytton's at Knebworth. APPENDIX LXXI. John Chamberlain to Dudley Carleton, 5 January, 1608. [From P.R.O. State Papers, Domestic, James I., Vol. XXXI. fol. 2.] (Extract.) S r , I hope you had my letter of the 30th of the last accompanied w th one from S r Thomas Edmonds. Yo rB I could not so redily aunswer by reason I came in so late ouer-night and yo r messenger went away so early in the morning M r . Fuller is in hope to come foorth this day : his owne weakenes and want of iudge- ment hath ben his greatest ennemie, for having subscribed his submission and sent yt to the Archbishop, by the perswasion of his wife and others, he hath afterward sought to recall yt and fained himself sicke in bed when he shold come to the tilt. His puritan-bretheren likewise have not dealt well w th him in getting letters from him of all the procedings, and copies of his argument, w ch they have printed to his great preiudice ; and in truth he were like to be shrewdly handled, but that they see him such a weather cock that turnes w th every blast, and so in some sort pittie him, but now his best frends have so aduised him that he sayes he will stand to his submission and confesse his errors Having written thus far yesterday. . . . M r . Fuller came foorth yesterday but I know not upon what conditions. All Son- day yt was currant that the Parliament did hold but now the voyce runs otherwise .... I commend you all to the protection of the Almighty. From London this 5th of January, 1607. Yo rs most assuredly, John Chamberlain. APPENDIX LXXII. Will of Nicholas Fuller. 16 19. [From Lambeth Wills, Somerset House, Register Soane, fol. 26.] In the name of God Amen. The nine- teenth day of ffebruary in the yeare of o r Lorde God, accordinge to the computation of the Churche of England one thousand sixe hundred and nyneteene And in the seaventeenth yeare of the raigne of o r Soveraigne Lorde Kinge James, I Nicholas Fuller of Chamberhouse in the County of Berks Esquier knowing the certaynty of death and the uncertayne tyme thereof, feelinge the infirmities incident to olde age, after longe experience of this worlde, and desiring to bee dissolved, to be w'h Christe, doe for that purpose in this tyme of my health and l 1 memory, by this my last will and testament set thinges in order, that I may bee readye when god shall call. Inprimis I doe com- mend my soule to Almighty god, my moste mercifull father, by whose gratious provi- dence I have bene deliuered from many greate damiges and troubles, and enioyed many temporall blessings concerning this life, and in his appointed tyme, beinge made partaker of the exceedinge riches of his free grace and loue in Christe, and sealed w'h the spiritte of promise (w ch is the earnest of myne inheritance in heaven, whereby I doe cry, Abba, ffather) To w che ffather, sonne, 26o APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. and holye ghoste be all honour, glory, prayse, and thanks, for ever, and ever, Amen. And touchinge my bodie, I will the same to be buried in the chancell of Thatc- ham church, w cI> doth belonge to my man- nor of Chamberhouse Yf that I shall decease w'hin the County of Berk, or else in such place and in suche convenient manner as to myne Executors hearevnder named it shall seeme meete. And touching the man- nors, landes and tenements, goodes and chattells, w che by the good blessinge of God I have obtayned, enioyed- and bene possessed of (for w ch I doe from myne harte give to him harty thanks and prayse) as I hope that my children will doe; for that I have in my life tyme given and dis- posed to them greate parte thereof, I doe will and devise the same w ch remayneth, in manner and forme followinge : ffirst I doe give and bequeath to Sara my welbeloved wieffe, one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England, to be paide to her w th in one yeare nexte after my decease, And I doe alsoe giue to her all the Beddes, bolsters, pillowes, Bedsteades, coverletts, blancketts, chests, cupbordes, stooles, tables, and hang- ings, w clle are commonly remayninge and vsed in that chamber at Chamberhouse wherein my wieffe doth vsuallie lodge, and in the Gallery Chamber and in the three cham- bers neare to her lodginge chamber towards the kitchin, and in those two chambers wherein my daughter Pinder and her chil- dren doe vsually lodge, and in those two chambers neare to the kitchin wherein the cooke and husbandmen doe vsuallie lodge, And in the chappell chamber wherein my sonne Offley and my daughter doe vsuallie lodge. And I alsoe giue to her all the pewter, brasse, potts of iron, spitts of iron pannes, kettles, andirons, fryinge pannes, tables, stooles and cupbordes, w che are com- monlie remayninge in the kitchin, Larder, Milkhouse, celler, and Brewhouse, in my dwellinghouse, and there vsed. And I alsoe will thatt my wieffe shall have the vse of all the rest of the householde stuffe and furni- ture of house remayninge in my dwellinge- house, soe longe as she shall continewe my widdowe, soe as she become bounden by covenante to my nexte heire, to leaue the same to him, or his heyres, at her death, or daye of marriage which first shall happen, in as good plighte as she founde the same (the reasonable vse thereof onelye excepted) to w cle heire I doe devise the same after her death. And I doe further will and devise to my said wieffe one greate standinge cuppe of silver double guilte, two little boles of silver double guilt, the greate ivye Cuppe dressed with silver, one bowle of silver double guilt, twelue silver spoones, eight table clothes, eighte dozen of napkins, twenty paire of sheets, sixe lowe chaires, sixe lowe stooles, ifower and twenty other stooles, to be chosen and appointed at the discrecion of myne executors And all the apparell pertayning to her bodye, and my ringe of goulde w th a stone therein called a Turkesse And twenty pounds in money to be by her disbursed vppon some monument over my grave. Item I doe give and devise to my sonne S r Nicholas ffuller one neste of greate bowles of silver double guilt, and one seal- inge ringe of goulde wherein my armes are graven. Item I doe give and devise to Daniell fluller my second sonne, all suche estate, interest, title and demaunde as I have of in and to one annuity or yearelie lent charge of thirteene pounds sixe shillings and eight pence by the yeare graunted to mee and myne assignes for and during the naturall lives of mee and of my said sonne Daniell, and of the longer liver of vs, by Richard Pinfall of Newbery in the County of Berks, Butcher, out of certayne lands and tene- ments in Newbury aforesayde, and all Deeds and evidences w ch I haue concern- ing the same. And I doe further devise to my said sonne Daniell ffuller two breade bowles of silver. Item I doe devise to my loving daughter the Ladye Anne Offley one Colledge pott of silver, and one Chafingdish of silver. And to my daughter Elizabeth Wagstaffe one Colledge pott of silver. And to my daughter Marye Webbe one Colledge pott of silver and tenne pounds of lawfull money of England, to be payde w th in one yeare nexte after my decease. And to my daughter Sara Pinder, Widdowe, one bar- rell cuppe of silver and threescore pounds APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 261 of lawfull money of England to be payd vnto her w th in one yeare nexte after my decease And to my daughter Abigail frailer I doe devise for her advauncement, soe that she marry w" 1 the likinge and consent of my brother S r William Burlace knight, and of my brother Samuell Bachus Esquier or eyther of them the some of Eighte hundred poundes of lawfull money of England to be payde to her w th in two yeares nexte after my decease ; and one Barrell cuppe of silver w 01 a cover to it, w cbe I doe desire that my children wulde keepe in remem- braunce of mee, these guyfts beinge farre lesse then I meant to have given to them, yf all things had soe happily succeeded to me of late yeares, as in former tymes, and that some vnexpected crosses had not fallen vpon mee. Item I doe further give and devise to my sonne Daniell ffuller all the interest, terme of yeares Estate and de- maunde, w ch I haue in the Brewhouse in Newbery, nowe in the possession of Gyles Emerson, and all the brewinge vessells ymplements and furniture of that house pertayninge to mee, and all rents reserved vpon the same to mee. Item I giue to my loving sister the Lady Elizabeth Layghton, Widdowe, one sack cuppe of silver double guilt w th a cover to it And to my lovinge sister Susanne Odle, widdowe, one castinge bottle of silver double guilt. And to my nephewe Thomas Odle gentleman her sonne one bole of silver parcel gylt. Item I doe giue to Elizabeth Pinder, daughter to my daughter Sara Pinder Three score poundes of lawfull money of England. Item I doe devise to my neice Elizabeth Clement, daughter to my brother Cuthbert ffuller Tenne poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid vnto her w th in two yeares next after my decease. And I release to her all such debts and somes of money as Jeffery Clement her late husband did owe vnto mee And I doe devise to Nicholas Clement her sonne all that stocke of Twenty pounds w ch I haue remayninge in the companie of Virginia and the benefitt thereof. Item I doe devise to Mr. Raphe ffawkoner Vicar of . Thatcham fforty shillings And to Mr. Ste- phen Egerton late preacher of the worde of god in the Blackffryers Church in London fforty shillings of lawfull money of England. And to Mr. Dodds late preacher of the worde of god at Banbury in the County of Oxforde fforty shillings. And to Mr. ffenne late preacher of the worde of god in Coventry in the County of Warwick fforty shillings. And to Mr. Googe preacher of the worde of god at Shawe in the County of Berks fforty shillings. And to Mr. Weeks preacher of the worde of god in Newbery fforty shillings Item I doe giue to the poore inhabitants in Thatcham ffive poundes of lawfull money of England And to the poore inhabitants in Newbery Three poundes of lawfull money of England And my servant Anne Sidwaye Tenne poundes. And I doe giue to every other of my servaunts who doe take wages of mee Twenty shillings apeece over and be- sides the wages to them due And I doe giue to him who shall preach my ffunerall sermon Two and twenty shillings in goulde. All the residue of my goods chattells and debts, and of the money arisinge out of the lands and tenements devised by mee for the performaunce of my will, my debts beinge payde, my ffunerall discharged, and my lega- cies performed I doe giue and bequeath to all my daughters then livinge and my sonne Daniell to be equallie divided amongst them. And I doe make and ordaine executors of this my last will, my lovinge sonne in lawe S r John Offley knight and my nephewe ffrauncis ffuller Esquier And I doe giue to eyther of them for his paines to be taken hearein Twenty pounds apeece And I doe make overseers of my Will my lovinge brothers S r William Burlace knight and Samuell Bacchus Esquier And I doe giue to eyther of them, for his paines to be taken hearein ffive pounds. Item whereas by my direction, and at myne onely charge, there is graunted and assigned to my two sonnes in lawe S r John Offley knight and Tymothy Wagstaffe esquier in trust to my onely use all the estate and intereste w ch younge John Kinge had in certain lands and tenements in Speene in the Countye of Berks, for the terme of his naturall life, w ch I did heareto- fore purchase of olde John Kinge his father, my will and desire is that the same estate 262 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. and interest w ch was graunted to them in trust, at my charge, be by them or by such persons as haue or shall haue anie estate interest or title in the said landes and tenem 48 or in any parte thereof sufficiently convayed and assured to my sonne S r Nicho- las ffuller knighte, and his assignes, yf hee be then lyvinge, but if he be then dead Then I doe devise the same to Samuell Pinder sonne to my daughter Sara Pinder, duringe all the estate and terme that they haue therein. And touchinge my manno 13 , landes, and tenem ts I will and dispose thereof in manner and forme followinge, ffirst I will and declare that my mannor of Chamberhouse in the County of Berks, and all my landes and tenements in the said County of Berks and in the Countie of South ton w ch were hearetofore assured by mee to th'use of Sara my wieffe, for her joynture, shall remayne and continewe to her and her assignes for the terme of her naturall life, in recompence of her dower And after her decease, to such person and persons and in such manner and forme as the same be already conveyed and assured by mee and touchinge my mannor of ffrankes alias Warleighe ffrankes in the County of Essex And all my lands and tenem' 8 in the said County of Essex I am contented and will that the same shalbe and remaine after my decease to my sonne S r Nicholas ffuller knighte, and to his children And after their deceases to myne other children, and their children in such manner and forme as by my direction the same were at my first pur- chase thereof assured and convayed And touchinge my landes and tenem' 8 in New- bery, Speene and Greenham, in the sayd Countie of Berk, whereof I had anie estate of inheritance before the marriage of my sonne S r Nicholas, not before assured for the joynture of my sayd wife I will and de- vise the same in manner and forme follow- inge That is to saye, to my sayde wife duringe the naturall lyfe of my said Wieffe And after her decease to my said sonne S r Nicholas, and to the heires males of of [sic] his bodye lawfullie begotten And for defaulte of suche yssue to my sonne Daniell ffuller, and to the heires males of his bodye lawfullie begotten, And for defaulte of suche yssue to the heires males of my bodye law- fullie begotten And for default of suche issue to my righte heires for ever [The testator then disposes of his messuages in Whitecross Street, London, and Ramsey Court in the parish of St. Giles', London, and of his pro- perty in Warwickshire in the manner therein men- tioned. The will then proceeds as follows : — ] Item, I doe devise to Tymothie Wagstaffe my grandchilde that messuage tenement and garden in Newbery w ch I did lately pur- chase of Phillippe Coxe w th all and singular th 'appurtenances To have and to houlde to the said Tymothy Wagstaffe and [his] assignes duringe his naturall lyffe And after his decease to my sayd sonne Daniell ffuller and to the heires of his bodye lawfully be- gotten The remainder thereof to my right heires for ever [Then follows the devise of the testator's manor of Morecombe, More Malwyns, and More Abbess, and lands in Romsey and elsewhere in Hampshire to his son Daniel for life, with remainder to the first son or issue male of Sir Nicholas Fuller be- gotten by any future wife and for default of such issue to the testator's own right heirs ; and the will concludes as follows : — ] And for that many of the Inhabitants of Newbery be religious and industrious people whereof some doe want Stocke to set them- selves on worke, Therefore, for their better mayntenance ■ I doe devise to the Parson and churchwardens of Newbery, and to their successors fforty pounds of lawfull money of England, to remayne w th them and their suc- sessors as a stocke, to be by them lent vpon good security to fower such honest and re- ligious persons of Newbery as they shall thinke meete, from yeare to yeare, or for longer tyme, the borrowers payinge for every tenne pounds onely two shillings by the yeare to the churchwardens of Newbery for the tyme beinge to the vse of the poore of Newbery. Item I doe devise to my sonne Daniell ffuller all such interest terme of yeares and demaund as I haue in the moytie of the great messuage or Inne in Smyth- feilde in London called the Katherine Wheele and of and in other tenements neare to the said Inne, whereof the ffee APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 263 simple and inheritance I haue hearetofore freely given and assured to the M r , ffellowes and schollers of Emanuell Colledge in Cam- bridge. In witnes whereof to this my last will and testament conteyninge Eight sheets of paper I haue sette my hand and seale, the daye and yeare first aboue mencioned. Nicholas ffuller. Published and declared as the last will and testament of the w th in named Nicholas ffuller, vpon the nineteenth day of ffebruary 1619 in the presence of vs Ra. ffawconer vicar of Thacham. The marke of Thomas Doncaster, The marke of John Benefeild; John Jenyngs. This scedule is to be annyxed to my will as parte of my will. Inprimis whereas I Nicholas ffuller of Chamberhouse in the Countye of Berk, Esqr., haue by my last will and testament dated the nineteenth day of ffebruary Anno Dni 16 19 devised certaine howses and Tenements situate in Ramsey Courte otherwise called Rounde hoope Alley in the parische of St. Gyles w th out Criplegate London to Michael Pinder and Samuell Pinder for terme of their lives w th certaine Remaynder over, Nowe I doe heareby re- voke and will that the same devise be meerely and absolutely voyde and of noe force. And I doe will and devise the afore- said houses and Tenements in Roundhoope Alley to myne Executor for the terme of twelve yeares towards the better performance of my last will and testament. And after the end and expiracon of the said terme of twelve yeares I will and devise the same howses and tenem 18 in Round hoope Alley to my sonne Daniell ffuller, and the heires male of his bodye lawfully begotten. And for default of suche yssue to the heires male of my body lawfully begotten. And for de- fault of suche yssue to my right heires for ever. Item whereas I did by my saide last will and testament devise to my sonne Daniell ffuller all the interest, terme of yeares, estate and demand w che I haue in the Brewhouse in Newbery nowe in the possession of Gyles Emerson, And all the brewinge vessells, ymplemen'" and furniture of that house pertayninge to me : Nowe vpon better consideracon I doe heareby revoke and make voyde the same. And I doe will and devise the aforesaid Brew- inge-house in Newbery and all the Brewinge vessells, ymplementes and furniture afore- saide and thereunto belonginge to my Exe- cutors to be soulde for the better performance of my said last will and testament. Item whereas I did by my sayde last will and testament will and devise to my daughter Sara Pinder Widdowe Threescore poundes of lawfull money of England, to be paide to her w th in one yeare nexte after my decease, And whereas I did by my sayd last will and testament give to Elizabeth Pinder daughter to my daughter Sara Pinder other threescore poundes : Nowe upon better consideracion I doe heareby absolutelie re- voke and adnull the same and in steede thereof I doe will and devise to my daughter Sara Pinder and her daughter Elizabeth Pinder Tenne poundes apeices of lawfull money of England to be paid w th in one yeare nexte after my decease. In witnesse whereof I haue heareunto put my hand and seale this two and twentieth of ffebruary 16 19 Nicholas ffuller. Signed and sealed in the presence of Ra Fawconer Vicar of Thacham, Thomas Hatt. Probate of the will and codicil was granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the 1st March, i6l9[-20], to Francis Fuller, the nephew, one of the executors. APPENDIX LXXIII. Inquisition on the death of Sir Nicholas Fuller. 1620. [From Court of Wards, Inq. P.M., 18 James I., Bundle 30, No. 198.] Inquisitio indentata capta apud Stratford etc., decimo octavo et Scotie quinquagesimo Langthorne in comitatu Essexie decimo quarto [1620] coram Matheo Bridges, armi- qumto die Novembris anno regni domini gero, Escaetore dicti domini Regis comitatus nostn Jacobi dei gratia Anglie Scotie predicti virtute brevis ejusdem domini Regis Francie et Hibernie Regis fidei defensoris, de diem clausit extremum ad inquirendum 264 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. post mortem Nicholai Fuller militis defuncti eidem Escaetori directi et huic Inquisitioni annexi, per sacramentum, etc. Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum predictum quod diu ante obitum predicti Nicholai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati quidam Nicho- laus Fuller armiger pater predicti Nicho- lai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati fuit seisitus in dominico suo ut de feodo de et in manerio de Chamberhowse cum per- tinenciis in Chamberhouse Thacham et Crookeham in comitatu Berk' et in Kinges- cleere in comitatu Southamptonie ac de et in uno mesuagio sive tenemento et certis terris pratis pasturis et boscis cum pertinen- ciis vocat's Wildland alias Biesplace in Hen- wicke in comitatu Berk' predicto prope Coldashe ac de et in uno cotagio cum per- tinenciis in Thacham predicta in comitatu Berk' predicto, predicto mesuagio sive tene- mento ultimo recitato prope adjacenti, quon- dam in tenura cujusdam Willielmi Midelton Que quidem mesuagium et cetera premissa ultimo recitata modo sunt vel nuper fuerunt in tenura cujusdam Ricardi Sawsey alias Cesar Ac de et in uno copicio cum pertinen- ciis in Crookeham in comitatu Berk' predicto vocato Catfrenches continente per estima- tionem quinque acras Predictoque Nicholao Fuller patre de predicto manerio et ceteris premissis cum pertinenciis vt prefertur seisito existente idem Nicholaus Fuller pater decimo quinto die Aprilis Anno regni domine Elizabethe nuper Regine Anglie, etc., trice- simo quarto (1592) per indenturam suam cujus datum est eisdem die et anno inter ipsum Nicholaum Fuller patrem ex una parte et quosdam Ricardum Bramthwaite armi- gerum Samuelem Backhowse armigerum et Rowlandum Backhowse mercatorem ex alia parte factam pro et in consideratione magni amoris et affectionis quas ipse idem Nicho- laus Fuller pater habebat et gerebat erga Saram Fuller uxorem suam et pro competente et conveniente junctura habenda et fienda prefate Sare Fuller pro et in compensatione dotis sue convenit concessit et agreavit ad et cum prefatis Ricardo Bramthwaite Samuel Backhowse et Rowland Backhowse et heredi- bus suis quod ipse idem Nicholaus Fuller pater heredes et assignati sui extunc deinceps imperpetuum starent et essent seisiti de pre- dicto manerio et ceteris omnibus et singulis premissis cum pertinenciis ad opus et usum predictorum Nicholai Fuller patris et Sare et heredum ipsius Nicholai Fuller patris imperpetuum pro junctura predicte Sare prout per indenturam plenius liquet et ap- paret Virtu te cujus ac vigore cujusdam actus in parliamento domini Henrici nuper Regis Anglie Octavi tento apud Westmonasterium quarto die Februarii anno regni sui vicesimo septimo (1536) de usibus in possessiones transferendis editi et provisi predictus Nicho- laus Fuller pater et Sara uxor ejus fuerunt seisiti de predicto manerio et ceteris premissis cum pertinenciis videlicet Nicholaus Fuller pater in dominico suo ut de feodo et predicta Sara in dominico suo ut de libero tenemento pro termino vite sue. Et juratores predicti super sacramentum suum predictum ulterius dicunt quod predictus Nicholaus Fuller pater diu ante obitum suum fuit seisitus in domi- nico suo ut de feodo de et in uno mesuagio sive tenemento et una acra terre arrabilis cum pertinenciis in Thacham predicta in comitatu Berk' predicto nuper perquisitis de quodam Willelmo Waller ac de et in uno alio mesuagio sive tenemento cum pertinen- ciis in Thacham predicta in comitatu Berk' predicto nuper perquisito de quodam Roberto Foster alias Smyth Predictoque Nicholao Fuller patre de predictis mesuagiis et ceteris premissis ultimo recitatis Necnon de predicto manerio de Chamberhowse et ceteris pre- missis assuratis pro junctura ipsius Sare sic ut prefertur respective seisito existente idem Nicholaus Fuller pater postea scilicet vicesimo quinto die Aprilis anno regni dicti domini Regis nunc' Anglie, etc., undecimo et Scocie quadragesimo septimo (161 3) per indenturam suam cujus datum est eisdem die et anno inter ipsum Nicholaum Fuller patrem ex una parte et Georgium Dowse armigerum ex altera parte factam pro et in consideratione naturalis amoris et affectionis quas ipse idem Nicholaus Fuller pater habebat et gerebat erga prefatum Nicholaum Fuller in brevi predicto nominatum adtunc filium et heredem apparentem predicti Nicho- lai Fuller patris et pro continuatione predicti manerii de Chamberhowse et ceterorum pre- APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 265 missorum cum pertinenciis in suo nomine et sanguined pro juncturafienda domine Marie uxori predicti Nicholai Fuller in brevi pre- dicts nominati filie predicti Georgii Dowse convenit et concessit ad et cum prefato Georgio Dowse et heredibus suis quod ipse idem Nicholaus Fuller pater et heredes sui starent et essent seisiti de predictis maneriis et ceteris omnibus et singulis premissis cum pertinenciis ad opus et usum sequentia vide- licet quoad predictum manerium de Cham- berhowse cum pertinenciis et cetera pre- missa assurata pro junctura predicte Sare ad opus et usum predicti Nicholai Fuller patris et Sare uxoris ejus pro et durante termino vitarum suarum et vite eorum alterius diu- tius viventis Et post decessum supervi- ventis predictorum Nicholai Fuller patris et Sare ad opus et usum predictorum Nicholai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati et domine Marie uxoris ejus pro et durante termino vitarum suarum et vite eorum alterius diu- tius viventis Et post decessum superviventis predictorum Nicholai Fuller in brevi pre- dicti (sic) nominati et domine Marie uxoris ejus ad opus et usum primogeniti filii de corporibus predictorum Nicholai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati et domine Marie procreandi et heredum masculorum de cor- pore talis primogeniti filii procreandorum et pro defectu talis exitus remanere inde secun- do filio de corporibus predictorum Nicholai Fuller in dicto brevi nominati et domine Marie procreando et heredibus masculorum (sic) de corpore talis secundi filii procreandis cum diversis aliis remanere inde revertione inde rectis heredibus predicti Nicholai Fuller patris imperpetuum Et quoad residuum om- nium et singulorum premissorum ad usum predicti Nicholai Fuller patris pro et durante termino vite sue Et post ejus decessum ad opus et usum predictorum Nicholai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati et domine Marie uxoris ejus pro et durante vita naturali pre- dicte Sare et post ejus decessum ad opus et usum predicti Nicholai Fuller in predicto brevi nominati et heredum de corpore suo legittime procreandorum Et pro defectu talis exitus ad usum rectorum heredum predicti Nicholai Fuller patris imperpetuum prout per indenturam predictam ultimo VOL. II. M recitatam Juratoribus predictis super cap- tionem hujus inquisitionis in evidencia os- tensam plenius liquet et apparet Virtute cujus ac vigore predicti actus parliamenti de usibus in possessiones transferendis predic- tus Nicholaus Fuller pater et Sara uxor ejus fuerunt seisiti de predicto manerio de Chamberhowse et ceteris premissis assuratis pro junctura predicte Sare ut supradictum est in dominico suo ut de libero tenemento pro termino vitarum suarum et alterius eo- rum diutius viventis remanere inde prefato Nicholao Fuller in brevi predicto nominato et domine Marie uxoris (sic) ejus pro ter- mino vitarum suarum et alterius eorum diutius viventis remanere inde ut supradic- tum est Et predictus Nicholaus Fuller pater de residuo omnium et singulorum premis- sorum cum pertinenciis in dominico suo ut de libero tenemento pro termino vite sue remanere inde prefato Nicholao Fuller in brevi predicto nominato et domine Marie uxoris (sic) ejus pro et durante vita predicte Sare Fuller remanere inde ut supradictum est. [Here follows the return of the Jury in reference to Sir Nicholas Fuller's lands in the parish of Gran- borough, Warwickshire, which were limited to the use of Daniel Fuller, the second son of Nicholas Fuller, father of Sir Nicholas.] Et juratores predicti super sacramentum suum predictum ulterius dicunt quod pre- dictus Nicholaus Fuller pater die quo obiit fuit seisitus in dominico suo ut de feodo de et in uno mesuagio sive firma cum pertinen- ciis vocato Comins alias Bentleyes cum om- nibus terris pratis pasturis et boscis cum per- tinenciis eidem pertinentibus in Crookeham predicta in parochia ,de Thacham in comi- tatu Berk' predicto nuper perquisito de quodam Ricardo Goddard generoso pre- dictoque Nicholao Fuller patre de predicto manerio et ceteris omnibus et singulis pre- missis predictis cum pertinenciis sic ut pre- fertur respective seisito existente idem Nicholaus Fuller pater postea scilicet vice- simo tercio die Februarii ultimo predicto ante captionem hujus inquisitionis apud Chamberhowse predictam in comitatu Berk' de tali statu suo inde obiit sic inde seisitus Et predicta Sara uxor ejus eum supervixit 266 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. et se tenuit intus in predicto manerio de Chamberhowse et ceteris premissis predictis cum pertinenciis assuratis pro junctura sua ut supradictum est per jus accrescendi et fuit et adhuc est inde sola seisita in domi- nico suo ut de libero tenemento pro termino vite sue remanere inde prefato Nicholao Fuller in brevi predicto nominato et do- mine Marie uxori ejus pro et durante ter- mino vitarum suarum remanere inde ulterius ut supradictum est Et predictus Nicholaus Fuller in brevi predicto nominatus et do- mina Maria uxor ejus in predicta premissa perquisita de Willelmo Waller et de pre- dicto Roberto Foster alias Smyth intra- verunt et fuerunt inde seisiti in dominico suo ut de libero tenemento pro termino vitarum suarum et vite eorum alterius diutius viventis remanere inde ulterius ut supradictum est. Et quod predictus Daniel Fuller in predicto clauso sive pastura et ceteris premissis predictis in comitatu Warwick' predicto post mortem predicti Nicholai Fuller patris intra vit et fuit inde seisitus in dominico suo ut de feodo talia- to ut supradictum est et modo superstes et in plena vita existit apud London' Et quod predictus Nicholaus Fuller in brevi predicto nominatus fuit filius et heres pro- pinquior predicti Nicholai Fuller patris cui quidem Nicholao Fuller in brevi pre- dicto nominato predicta premissa perquisita de predicto Ricardo Goddard necnon rever- tiones omnium et singulorum premissorum jure hereditario discendebant. Et per et post mortem predicti Nicholai Fuller patris idem Nicholaus Fuller in brevi predicto nomina- tus fuit inde seisitus videlicet de premissis predictis cum pertinenciis nuper perquisitis de predicto Ricardo Goddard in dominico suo ut de feodo et de predictis revertioni- bus in dominico suo ut de feodo et jure. [Here follows the return of the jury in reference to Sir Nicholas Fuller's interest in lands at Warley alias Warley Frankes in Essex. ] Et juratores predicti super sacramentum suum predictum ulterius dicunt quod pre- dictus Nicholaus Fuller in brevi predicto nominatus habuit exitum musculum de cor- pore predicte Marie uxoris sue Dowceum Fuller armigerum filium suo (sic) Et jura- tores predicti super sacramentum suum predictum ulterius dicunt quod predictus Nicholaus Fuller in brevi predicto nomina- tus de predictus premissis cum pertinenciis in comitatu Essexie predicto necnon de omni- bus et singulis premissis cum pertinenciis sic ut prefertur respective seisitus existens idem Nicholaus Fuller in predicto brevi nominatus tercio die Julii ultimo preterito ante captionem hujus inquisitionis obiit sic inde respective seisitus Et predicta Maria eum supervixit et se tenuit intus in predictis premissis perquisitis de predicto Willielmo Waller et Koberto Foster alias Smyth per jus accrescendi et fuit et adhuc est inde sola seisita et modo superstes existit apud Spurs- holt in comitatu Southampton predicto. Et Juratores predicti super sacramentum suum predictum ulterius dicunt quod predictum manerium de Chamberhowse cum pertinen- ciis tenetur et tempore mortis predicti Nicholai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati tenebatur de prenobili Edwardo Comite Worcester ut de manerio suo de Crooke- ham in comitatu Berk' predicto per servicium unius paris calcarium deauratorum vel sex denariorum annuatim solvendorum pro omni- bus serviciis et valet clare per annum in omnibus exitibus ultra reprisas decern li- bras Et quod predictum mesuagium sive tenementum et cetera premissa cum perti- nenciis vocata Wildland alias Biesplace et predictum cotagium cum pertinenciis quon- dam in tenura predicti Willelmi Midleton tenentur et tempore mortis predicti Nicho- lai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati tene- bantur de Henrico Winchcombe armigero ut de manerio suo de Thacham in comitatu Berk' predicto per fidelitatem et redditum per annum quatuordecem solidorum et valent clare per annum in omnibus exitibus ultra reprisas viginti solidos Et quod predic- tum copicium cum pertinenciis in Crookeham vocatum Catfrenches tenetur et tempore mor- tis predicti Nicholai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati tenebatur de Edwardo Comite Wor- cester predicto ut de manerio suo de Crooke- ham per redditum quatuor denariorum per annum et valet per annum in omnibus exitibus ultra reprisas duos solidos Et quod predictum mesuagium sive tenementum et APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 267 cetera premissa cum [pertinenciis] perquisita de predicto Willelmo Waller tenentur et tempore mortis predicti Nicholai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati tenebantur de prefato Henrico Winchcombe ut de manerio suo de Thacham predicto per fidelitatem et an- nualem redditum duodecim denariorum et valent clare per annum in omnibus exitibus ultra reprisas octodecim denarios. Et quod predictum mesuagium sive tenementum et cetera premissa cum pertinenciis perquisita de predicto Roberto Foster alias Smyth te- nentur et tempore mortis predicti Nicholai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati tenebantur de predicto prenobili Edwardo Comite Wor- cester ut de manerio suo de Crookeham predicto in libero soccagio et valent clare per annum in omnibus exitibus ultra reprisas octodecem denarios [Here follows a statement as to the holding and value of the premises in Warwickshire.] Et quod predictum mesuagium sive tenemen- tum et cetera premissa cum pertinenciis per- quisita de predicto Ricardo Goddard tenentur et tempore mortis predicti Nicholai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati tenebantur de dicto domino Rege nunc in capite per servicium militare sed per quam partem feodi militis juratores predicti penitus ignorant et valent clare per annum in omnibus exitibus ultra reprisas octo solidos [Then follows a statement as to the holding and value of the premises in Essex.] Et quod predictus Dowceus Fuller est filius et heres propinquior predicti Nicholai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati Et idem Dow- ceus est filius et heres masculus ejusdem Nicholai in brevi predicto nominati et filius primogenitus ejusdem Nicholai in brevi pre- dicto nominati de corpore predicte domine Marie legittime procreatus et fuit infra etatem tempore mortis Nicholai Fuller in brevi predicto nominati patris sui videlicet etatis trium annorum quatuor mensium et viginti et quatuor dierum Et juratores pre- dicti super sacramentum suum predictum ul- terius dicunt quod predictus Nicholaus Fuller in brevi predicto nominatus nulla alia sive plura maneria mesuagia terras tenementa vel hereditamenta habuit seu tenuit de dicto domino Rege nee de aliquo alio sive aliqui- bus aliis personis in dominico vel in servicio die quo obiit in comitatu predicto aut alibi ad noticiam juratorum predictorum. In cujus rei etc. APPENDIX LXXIV. Will of Daniel Fuller. 1626. [From Lambeth Wills, Somerset House, Reg. Skynner, fol. 29 ; proved also in the Archdeaconry Court of Berks (Wills at Somerset House), 1626, Reg. M. nz.] In the name of God Amen. The seaven and twentith daie of ffebruary in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred twentie and sixe I Daniell Fuller of New- bery in the countie of Berks gent being sicke and weake in body but in perfect mind and remembraunce prayse be given to allmightie god Doe make this my last will and testa- ment in manner and forme following Im- primis I commend my soule into the hands of Allmightie god confidently belieuing through the meritts death and passion of my lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to haue a ioyfull resurrection in the world to come and my body to the earth to bee decently buried in the church of Newberry at the discretion of my executrix and overseers hereinafter named. Item I give vnto two men servants that shalbe dwelling with my mother M ria Sara ffuller to each of them a new blacke mourn- ing cloke and to my servant Edward Owen a new blacke mourning suit of apparell and a blacke mourning cloke And I give to every of the maid servants that shalbe dwelling w th my said mother twentie shillings apeece And I give to Joan Shadwell ten shillings Item I give to the poore of Newberry five pounds to bee paid and distributed amongst them according to the good discretion of my executrix and overseers hereinafter named 268 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. And alsoe I give to the poore of Speeneham- land fiftie shillings to bee paid accordingly Item I give to the towne of Newberry twentie pounds to bee putt forth to fower honest poore men at five pounds the man to bee lent them vpon sufficient security gratis for one whole yeare and not longer And to the intent that the said twentie pounds maie bee for ever continewed to the said towne of Newberry I doe hereby ordaine and ap- point my wellbeloved in Christ the Rector of the parish church of Newberry aforesaid and the churchwardens and sidemen of the same for the tyme being to take such securitie in theire names of such person or persons as shall make suite for the same as they in their discretion shall think fitt for the security and sure continuance of the same And my will and meaning is that the said xxH. bee paid by mine executrix w th in one whole yeare next after my decease to the Rector, church- wardens and sidemen for the tyme being to bee by them lent as aforesaid. Item I give and bequeath to Mr. Dr. Twisse five pounds of currant English money Item I give unto Suzan Weekes the now wife of Edward Weekes of Newberry vintner the some of ten pounds of lawfull English money to bee paid vnto her w th in one whole yeare next after my decease. Item I give vnto my cosen ffrauncis frailer of London esq. the some of thirtie pounds to bee laid out for a ring for him. Item I give vnto my sisters Elizabeth Wagstaffe, the Lady Anne Offley, Mary Webbe, Sara Pinder, and Abigaell Buckley threescore pound apeece of currant English money And I give vnto my Cosin Elizabeth Pinder twentie pounds of lawfull money of England and my best suite of ap- parell and cloke to it of the colour of crinson laide thicke w th silver and gold lace and my best beaver hatt. Item I give vnto my nephew Dowse ffuller my scarfe of silver and gold. Item I give to Richard Graunt of Newberry miller my gold belt and sword. Item I give to my servant Edward Owen the some of ten pounds of currant English money to bee paid him by mine executrix w th in one yeare next after my death, and I give unto my said servant Edward Owen All my wearing apparell whatsoever except my best blacke sattin suite and cloke to it and my scarlet coate layd w th gold lace And I doe hereby give graunt assigne and sett over vnto my cosin Samuell Pinder his heires and assignes all the right title interest and demaund of mee the said Daniell ffuller of and in all and singular my lands messuages or tenements lying or being w th in the realme of England or elsewhere. All the rest of my goods chattells cattell and implements of houshould stuffe my debts being paid and legacies and funerall expences discharged, I give and bequeath to my deare and wel- beloved mother Sara ffuller widowe whom I make sole executrix of this my last will and testament. And I requeast and appoint my welbeloved friends Roger Knight esq r and Gabriell Cox thelder gent overseers of this my last will and testament and for theire paynes to bee taken to see this my will per- formed I give and bequeath to them fiftie shillings apeece to bee bestowed on two gold rings Provided allwaies and my will and meaning is that my executrix her exe tora and administrators shall not in noe wise bee charged or lyable by force hereof to pay or discharg all or any the foresaid legacies or somes of money by mee bequeathed more then what they shall make plainly appeare to have fully receaved and had of and from such debtors w ch are and stand ingaged vnto mee, any thinge aforesaid to the contrary notw th standing In witnes whereof I have herevnto sett my hand and seale the daie and yeare aforesaid in the presence of Har- man Dolman, Edward Weekes his marke, the marke of Edward Owen. Daniel Fuller. Proved 15 March, 1626, in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury by Sara Fuller the mother and executrix. * * I >' x X M 5 T3 O ii — -a CO Q g » *** o W Ph 0) PM 3 < (S, rt Pj O .a H gs .2 a £h O in O .3 >. o.-t; •So 3£ u B-* cnpq J! C -M ° ~ =3 B M 5 rJ3 ^4 t J nt W o rt ci en II o , « TJ J= 3 o 3 5« — PJ || < T3 'rt c _ W> rf ■O ~% < en O Pt! « " V, ^3 rf 4) cS .2 a o CJ "~U II < o Pi a II rt g^ rf C73 o£ •bo OjS.-* cisi* w -«ja -5' s -J3 — -a ^vo S M *" o o o o - y S W (i g Q u ,, - O S o ?J 9 &Jq' ° s S (U v 4> d .a o\ 35 00 y n 00 J3 3 VO* 1 g .5 ° 'Pfe o • ™ H* to H B V 2 3 <;a> bod, II r 3 »- — aj ■° -J S- 3 ^f- 3 1-1 fe , ; C tii CO 1^-1 S" n- U5 a »-< OlM u It -a ot3B Q 5 M3.S -- ^S a.S t, s E-i j-i > tn h Jg II s-s o g (U 0) .g as .5 r S S " H o3 S c O B « i— > ,o b -3 & a ^ •5 .a e O a ^ 3 a o ■M Ul N OT ci & $ S 0) is II- o i i 55 tn >-H a a ■d > X o 5 ■0 c yl T3 OJ J-H Oh 3 O S 6 < X 3 t3 Q s 3 fc O o W C o T3 Ph •D < a 1 o >-t nd 3 c J3 tsi u P-. £ (/I •< o u UJ Pi s 4J .£3 CO < M _QJ II l-H 3-M «^S a he* _S o in .a H i! § Si? *"• £"36 II t3 r-t-. _,. C* M « (D n 4). . ci . O m en ■— ! si M <1^ 3.2 ^3 O -J3 _U S i Ooo ^ <-o |2 m ^3 T3 J3 O _s c a < a 3 OJ .3 «>. II te 3 P II S.S2 s s o Pig _ g a ii. S a -00 3 »-l M "S-^ W U^- ^ T3 -CO fa HC 4J rt u-i w cn •n 00 CO n . > d -g Is 5 Soo 5 J— =3 i/5 tS-'d o -J 3 o - 4) ft PPi cG 00 *« Parsonage, Ricardus Read juratus decen- arius pro Goddards, Eduardus Giles juratus decenarius pro Henwicke Decenna. Curia Baronis pro Manerio predicto. Johannes Dash, Antonius Brackstone, Barfhol. Mortimer, Ricardus Basset, Thos. Smith, Robertus Powell, Gulielmus Dibley, Juratores. Homagium predictum presentant et Ordi- nant super sacramentum suum predictum ut sequitur. Presentant illorum Consuetudines verba- tim prout ad ultimam Curiam tentam pro hoc manerio, sed non allocantur sine meliori evidentia quia non quadrant cum antiquis rotulis istius Curias. Et quod Tho. Smith, Bartholomeus Mor- timer, et Robertus Powell carent maremium pro reparacione illorum tenementorum nati- vorum. Quod conventum est inter Ricardum Ship- ton et homagium quod ille non depasturabit ultra 40 oves in 'Redfield' pro ejus octo acris terre sub poena v.f. pro quolibet tempore. 002 284 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. Quod Humfridus Parsons et Thomas Hus- sey ne amplius superonerabunt comuniam in ' Redfeild ' sub poena quilibet eorum 40.J. 1 6 7 1 , October 2 5 th. Quod Johannes Marshall escorabit foveum ejus in alta via ducentem versus Molendinum ante festum Sanctse Thomas sub pcena xs. quia est commune nocumentum. Et presentant consuetudines pro ' boots b ' prout ad priores modernas curias sed non alocatur quia non quadrat cum aliquo antiquo rotulo Curiae istius manerij. Et quod omnes communes campi istius manerii preter ' Dunston feild ' ' Longcroft ' et 'Tunfeild' debent esse fallow vel gratton in quolibet tertio anno. Et quod Ricardus Shipton et Tho. Hus- sey depasturaverunt oves eorum in hoc manerio in tempore diurno et (sic) eos in manerio de 'Shaw' in tempore nocturno quatuor seperalia tempora contra ordinem istius Curias ideo forisfecerunt quilibet eorum xs. Et quod Johannes House gen us super- oneravit communiam istius manerii in ' Hammarsh ' cum ovibus et alijs averijs suis, ideo est in misericordia xxxixj. x)d. Et Georgius Browne pro simili defalta xxxixj. xjd. Et pro qualibet tali defalta imposterum quilibet eorum erit in miseri- cordia 3 9 s. nd. Et quod tenentes de 'Henwicke farme' manutenebunt januam in ' Shawlane ' inter ' Redfeild ' et ' Worthy ' sub poena xs. Et quod Laurentius Farrow manutenebit sufficientem pontem pedalem inter ' Tads- liges' et ' Wydemead' infra viginti dies sub pcena xs. Et quod Jacobus Stowers scindet inutiles herbas in amne inter molendinum Caroli Kistell et Hambridge infra decern dies sub poena xs. Et quod Ricardus Shipton fregit pinfol- dum istius manerij ideo est in misericordia iiJ5. iiijrf. b [That is to say cart-boot, plough-boot, haise-boot, p. 287, col. a, and p. 295, col. b.] Et quod omnes bundae de Communibus Campis erint facts sufficienter infra duo- decim dies post seminacionem alicujus grani sub poena xijd., pro qualibet perticata infecta sive plus sive minus. Et quod Thomas Smith, Barthol. Mortimer, et Ricardus Basset carent maremio pro reparacione messuagiorum eorum tentorum per copiam. » 1674, October 2otk. * * per Jacobum Harison generosum, Senescallum manerii predicti. Et quod Abrahamus Stowers fregit Ergas- tulum pecorinum istius manerii ideo in misericordia iij^. mjd. Bradleus Laurence pro consimili defalta iijj'. iiij^. Johannes Perin pro consimili defalta iij.y. \ii)d. Ricardus Shipton pro consimili defalta ii)s. m]d. Et Ordinantur ut sequitur : That the Lady Fuller, Richard Carter, Edward Mosdell, John Masey and Robert Chappell doe fill in and levill the peate pitts in 'Wide meade' before Lamas day next on pain of xxxixf. x)d. a peece. That John Perrin doe sufficiently hedge in his land that is sowed in 'Irish feild' contrary to the custome of this Mannor before the first day of November next on pain of xxs. The Lord of this Mannor is desired to assigne timber for to repaire Thomas Smith's customary messuage. 1676, October 13th. Wee desire the Lords of this Mannor to allow timber for the stocks and whipping post at ' Ham Mill bridge.' Johannes Smith juratus pro Goddards, fire-boot, and hedge-boot. See post, p. 286, col. b, APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 285 Agnes Lawrence juratus pro Abery Street, Johannes Grey juratus pro Henwicke, Decennarii. Et Ordinant ut sequitur. . . . That John Masey doe sufficiently scoure a ditch betweene Mr. Powell's meade and the ham before the 25"' day of March next on pain of \s. the pole. That Richard Shipton hath opressed the Coraon seuerall tymes in ' Redfeild ' for which he hath forfeited xxs. Ordered to offend soe noe more on pain of xxxixx. That euery person within this Mannor that hath dugg any peate in ' Widemeade ' doe levill the ground againe before the 24 th day of June next on pain of xxxixx. That Abraham Stowers hath dugg peate in 'Ham marsh' neer Mr. Knights for which he hath forfeited x.r. Ordered to digg noe more peate there on pain of xxs. That John Grey the tythingman of Henwick tything doe make a Rate and collect as much money as will pay the charges for repairing of Henwick pound within one moneth and such persons as refuse to pay to the said tythingman vpon demand shall forfeit v.f. 1676, April T,rd. . . Quod dant dominis de communi fine viijj. xd. That Mrs. Bennet doe not pen the water at the upper end of the Bourne to annoy the Comon highway. Vidua Browne ordinatur providere suffi- cientes decennarios et prestare sacramentum et supplere officium pro decenna de Abery street infra sex dies sub pcena v/i. That John Greene doe sufficiently amend the Mill pound bank in Redfield before the 14th day of this instant April on pain of That all the occupiers of the lands in the 4 Crowfeilds ' and the ' Paines downe ' that doth bound against the Bourne be suffi- ciently bounded by the seuerall owners before the first day of May next on pain of xijd. the pole. At this Court it was sworne by John Webb that he was present with Mr. Samuel Watkins when he demanded of Mr. Fuller late deceased (about twenty years since) three years quit rent [wch] was thirty shil- lings, for lands due to the estate of Sir Henry Winchcombe. Mr. Fuller did [then] acknowledge the rent to be due and did then promise payment to Mr. Watkins. 1677, October 26th. . . Doctoris Francisci Hungerford do- mini manerii predicti durante minoritate Henrici Winchcombe Barronetti. Vidua Dyer ordinatur providere suffi- cientes decennarios pro Henwicke et pre- stare sacramentum et supplere officium infra sex dies sub pcena v/i. Et Thomas Northway succidit diversos arbores super terras suas customarias contra Consuetudinem istius manerii per quod [in] misericordia est domini. That all the bounds of the Comon 'Crowe- feilds ' are to be well made within twelve dayes after any corne shalbe sowed in any of the said feilds on pain of xijd. for euery pole be it more or less. That the widow Dyer doe pull up her hitch hedge in ' Shawdeane ' within tenn dayes on pain of xs. That Giles Pococke gent, doe suffi- ciently dense the river against ' Ham Marsh ' of all bowes and trees that annoyes the river before the 25th day of March next on pain of xxxixj. x)d. 1678, October idth. That euery person that hath dugg any Peat in ' Widemeade ' doe fill and levill up the said pitts within six moneths on pain of XXXJ. That Barthol. Mortimer, John Dash, 286 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV Rich. Basset Jun r , William Debley and Thomas Northway five of the homage doe view the annoyance in the river in Mr. Giles Pocock's mead and desire John Greene, Abraham Stowers, Edward Hinton, and Jacob Stowers to assist them and certifie the same at the next Court to be holden for the said Mannor on pain of vs. a peece on euery one of the homage that maketh default. 1679, October 1st. Quod heres Douse Fuller Militis, Thomas Fuller generosus, Johannes House Armiger, Jonathan Raymond Miles, Roger Knight generosus, Johes Sherwood generosus, heres Johannis Shipton, et Henricus Watts, Clericus, liberi tenentes istius manerii quod debent sectam Curias ad hanc Curiam fecerunt defaltam et non fuerunt Essoin' ; ideo quilibet eorum in misericordia xi)d. 1680, October 12th. Manerium de Henwicke in Com. Berks. Visus Francplegii cum curia Baronis Hen- rici Winchcombe Barroneti, domini Manerii predicti tenta pro manerio predicto duode- cimo die Octobris Anno Domini 1680 Annoque Regni Regis domini nostri Caroli secundi Anglise, etc. 32, per Jacobum Hari- son, generosum, Senescallum manerii pre- dicti. That Solomon Ducket the hayward may have the use of the pound by Richard Carter's Barne and that ther be two keys to one lock, each hayward to have one, and that the pound be allwayes kept lockt. 1680, October 12 th. Manerium et Burgus de Thacham in Com. Berks. Visus ffrancplegii cum Curia Baronis Henrici Winchcombe Barroneti, Domini Manerii predicti tenta pro manerio et Burgo predicto 12 die Octobris Anno Domini 1680 Annoque Regni Regis domini nostri Caroli secundi Anglias, etc. 32, per Jacobum Harison generosum, Senescallum manerii predicti. Juratores et Homagium. Johannes Bishop, Johannes Hassell, Laurentius Farrow, Guli- elmus Bramley, Johannes Masey, Ricardus Horr, Petrus Harding, Thomas Sadler, Ri- cardus Tull, Ricardus Gamon, Ricardus Hobbs, Alexander Hornblow. Jurati. Juratores et homagium predicti presentant et Ordinant super sacramentum suum pre- dictum ut sequitur : — Quod dant domino de Communi fine \}s. v]d. solutos in Curia. Et quod Thomas Northway liber tenens istius manerii de messuagio cum pertinentiis tento per redditum iiij^f. alienavit premissa Johanni Hawkins, generoso, unde accidit domino pro [rejlevio iiijV., preceptum est balivo distringere pro relevio et fideiitate. 1681, October igf/i \Henwicli\. Quod Customarii tenentes istius manerii de antiquis copiis debent habere cartboot, plowboot, haiseboot, fireboot, et hedgeboot, absque assignacione. Et quod Customarii tenentes de novis copiis debent habere hedgeboot absque assignacione et mare- mium per assignationem domini. That all the bounds of the comon come feilds be sufficiently made within twelve dayes after any come shalbe sowed there and so maintained untill after harvest on pain of xs. on every one making defalt. 1681, October igtk \Borough\. Finis de v\s. v\\)d. imposita fuit super Laurentium Ffarrow per quod fuit personal- liter sumonitus de le Jury ad hanc Curiam fecit defaltam in contemptu Curiae. 1682, October \ith \Henwick\ That the Churchway to Thatcham from ' Stiffs ' along ' Irish feild ' be sufficiently amended before the fifteenth day of November next on pain of xs. APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 287 1683, October 16th [Henwick]. .... That the Surveyors of the highwayes doe sufficiently amend ' the Churchway ' neer the Bourne against Sayers before the 1 6th day of November next on pain of xli. Et quod Katherina Aubery tenens custo- marius istius manerii de tribus messuagiis vocatis ' North Kings, Albirill, et Corpus ' et terris cum pertinentiis tentis per redditum vijs. viijrf. et ii)[d.] pro Customeworke obijt inde seisita; unde accidit domino pro tribus hariottis. Tres Harlot. 1683, October 16th [Borough], That the Constable of this Mannor and Burrough doe provide a Book and weights and all things necessary for the office of Aletasters before the fift day of November next on pain of xs. 1684, October i$th [Henwick], Ordered That the Surveyors of the high- ways for the Towne doe sufficiently repaire the 'Church way' neer the Bourne against Sares house along to ' Irish feild ' still being an annoyance to the highwayes before the 25th day of November next on pain of xxs. Et quod per consuetudinem possunt capere et habere plowboot, cartboot, hedge- boot, haiseboot et fireboot super terras suas customarias sine assignacione vel tradicione. Et maremium pro reparacione tenemen- torum customariorum quotcunque necessitas requirit per assignacionem et si non assig- natur super rationabilem requisicionem tunc capere maremium absque assignacione. Et quod customarii tenentes de novis copijs debent habere hedgeboot absque assignacione et maremium per assigna r cionem domini. Et per consuetudinem istius manerii predicti tenentes possunt capere Jamna Bruera, Cretam, Sabulum et Argillam super -commumam istius manerii pro necessarijs usibus super tenementa sua. Hce consuetudines non alocantur sine meliore evidentia quia non quadrant cum Rotulis istius manerii. And that our Comon feilds ought to lye gratton and sumer fallow every third year (except ' Dunston, Longcroft and Tunfeild '). And that the bounds of eu'y feild be made up within twelve dayes after any corne is sowed in either of the feilds and also to be kept and maintained untill the corne be cutt and ridd on pain of xs. the pole for every pole that is not made and maintained be it more or less. And that the farmer of ' Thatcham farme ' doe break ' Hammarsh ' on Whitsun eve by six of the clock in the morning on pain of xs. And also ' Oxlease ' on Lamas day by six of the clock in the morning on pain of xxj-. And that 'Redfeild' is not to be broken with sheep vntill after Michaelmas. J. Powell, morf. Et quod Robertus Powell tenens cus- tomarius istius manerii de uno cottagio et quatuor acris et duobus rodis terrse obijt seisitus citra ultimam Curiam et quod Johannes Powell est proximus in Copia Sed quia non petit admissionem proclamacio facta est et preceptum est ballivo seisire premissa in manus domini. 1684, October 15th [Borough]. Ordered That every person concerned to make the bounds to the Moor doe sufficiently dense their severall parts of the ditch therunto adioyning before the 5th day of November next on pain of xxs. on every one makeing default. 1685, October ith [Henwick]. Manerium de Thatcham alias Henwick in Com. Berks. — Visus Franci plegii cum Curia Baronis Henrici Winchcomb Bar- ronetti Domini ejusdem manerij tenta ibidem pro manerio predicto septimo die Octobris anno regni Domini nostri Jacobi secundi Dei gratia Anglias Scotiae Franciae et Hiberniae Regis, fidei defensoris, etc., 288 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. primo annoque Domini 1685 Coram Jo- hanne Dalby Armigero, Senescallo ibidem. 1685, October -jth \BorougfC\. Burgus de Thatcham in Com. Berks. — Visus ffranci plegij ibidem tenta pro Burgo predicto pro Henrico Winchcombe Baro- netto septimo die Octobris anno regni domini nostri Jacobi secundi Dei gratia Anglie, Scotie, Ffrancie et Hibernie Regis, fidei defensoris, etc., primo annoque Domini 1685 Coram Johanne Dalby Armigero, Senescallo ibidem. Dominns allocat Maremiam pro parco, etc. Dicunt etiam parcum Catastum (Anglice 'the Cage') et Cippos reparacione indigere Et quod Dominus manerij allocare solet maremium pro reparacione inde Et ordina- tum est quod Constabularius Burgi pre- dicti ea suflicienter reparari faciat in vicesimum quartum diem Junij proxime sequentem sumptibus ceteris pro rata publica levandis. Pcena. Ordinatum est si aliquis istius Burgi evellat vel erumpat metas spectantes ad communes campos aut ' Les Bournes ' ibidem ipse toties quoties forisfecerit $s. Ordinatum est quod nullus Inhabitans extra Burgum predictum nisi Vicarius Ec- clesise Burgi predicti depasturaret vaccas vel equos in palustro oppidano sub pcena 20s. toties quoties. Ordinatum est quod omnes metas sepes et bunda? fossa et aquse cursus spectantes ad Burgum predictum modo reparacione vel emundacione indigentes vel que imposterum indigent, sufficienter emendentur escurentur et reparentur per quos in hac parte spectat infra viginti dies post notitiam eis (in quorum defectus sint) datam per Agriphylacem pre- dictum sub pcena io.r. cuiuslibet deficientis. Ordines etiam antehac factos pro hoc Burgo ratificant et confirmant. 1686, October igtk \Henwick\ Balivus. David Awbery per directionem domini Manerii predicti admissus est Balivus istius Manerij Habendum et exercendum officium illud durante bene-placito dicti domini manerij Et prestitit sacramentum Balivi quod ipse bene et fideliter officium illud exerceret quamdiu remaneret Balivus ut supra . Item presentant Willelmum Head pur- presturam fecisse supra vastum domini earn ad separalem usum ejus convertendo. Ideo ei ordinatum est earn prosternere ante festum Nativitatis Domini proxime sequens sub pcena 2qs. 1686, October igth \BorougK\. Juratores pro domino Rege. Richardus Carter, Thomas Readall, Pe- trus Harding, Laurentius Farrow, Willelmus Bramley, Johannes Greene, Richardus Gam- mon, Alexander Hornblow, Thomas Sadler, Richardus Hole, Johannes Bushnell, Jo- hannes Hyde, Henricus Hill, Franciscus Cooper, Jurati. Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum Quod dant domini pro Communi fine 2s. 6d. per annum colligendum et solvendum per decennarium pro tempore existentem ibi- dem. Etquod Johannes Woodington inhabitans istius Burgi ignem frequenter struit in do- mino suo exteriori infra Burgum predictum absque ignario vel fumario, igne Burgum predictum periclitans ; ideo Ordinatum est quod abhinc in eo desistat sub poena decern librarum si in hac parte iterum deliquerit. Ordinatum est quod nulli oves depas- tures in locis vocatis ' Chappel Marsh,' ' Waterside green ' vel ' Gorse greene ' inter Festum Purificationis et primum diem Augusti sub poena quod proprietores inde forisfecerint quatuor denarios pro quolibet ove sic depascenti et sic toties quoties. Eadem pcena imponitur si aliquis depascat oves in locis vocatis ' le Bourne vel le Moore' istius manerij tempore aliquocunque. Ad hanc Curiam David Awbery per di- APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 289 rectionem domini Manerij predicti admis- sus erat Balivus istius Manerij Habendum et exercendum officium illud durante bene- placito dicti domini Manerij et prestitit sacramentum Balivi Quod ipse bene et fide- liter exerceret officium illud quamdiu re- maneret Balivus vt supra. 1687, October wth [Henwtck]. Item dicunt et presentant Quod Johannes Massey tenens hujus Manerij pecudes suas depascentes infra precincta istius ma- nerij agistando illicite pernoctavit super terras in loco vocato ' Calthrop ' extra pre- cincta manerij predicti Ideo poena 39.J. ei imponitur. Item presentant Quod inhabitantes Burgi de Thatcham minus juste occupant comu- niam in ' Dunsdon feild, Irish feild ' et alibi infra manerium predictum Ideo Ordinatum est quod abhinc nequis eorum in hac parte deliquerit sub poena \d. per noctem toties quoties, etc. Ordinatum est quod Jacobus Stowers sufficienter emundet partem istam fluminis de Kennett modo in possessione sua in vel ante proximam Curiam et sic de tempore in tempus sub poena ioj. pro quolibet de- fectu. Ad hanc Curiam prima proclamacio facta est ut Johannes Lawley compareat et admitte- tur ad cottagium cum pertinentiis vocatum ' Godwins ' infra manerium predictum. 1687, October wth\_BorougK\. Et quod nemo jus communis habens in le Moor huic Burgo pertinente dimittet jus suum ibidem alicui persons jus com- muniae ibidem non habenti sub poena ioj-. super delinquentem in hac parte. It is ordered at this Court That noe person claiming Common in ye moor belonging to this Borough shall putt in Horse or Mare there from ye first of November to ye vol. n. p second of February unlesse upon two cow Commons for each horse or mare on pain of 20s. a peece. 1688, October 16th \Henwick\. Presentant etiam quod Walterus Yorke purpresturam fecit super vastum Domini ibidem edificando stabulum ibidem et faci- endo semitam ibidem. Ideo Ordinatum est per Curiam quod stabulum predictum sit prostratum in vel ante festum Annun- ciationis beatas Maria? proxime sequens sub poena 40^. Ad hanc Curiam secunda proclamacio facta fuit ut Johannes Lawley compareat et admittatur ad cottagium cum pertinentiis infra Manerium predictum vocatum ' God- wins. ' 1688, October 16th [Borough]. Dicunt etiam quod Thomas Hunt Guar- dianus domus elemosinaria? in ' Chappell Street,' infra Burgum predictum nuper inun- cavit terram pertinentem ad domum ele- mosinariam predictam Ideo Ordinatum est quod immediate rectificatur et abinde fensura? vel metae ibidem sufficientes in omni tempore continuentur sub poena 20s., super delinquentem in hac parte. Et Quod quidam puteus in 'Chappell Street' predicto jacet opertus ad grave periculum inhabitantium et itinerantium ibidem Ideo Ordinatum est quod fiat securus per Constabulum istius Burgi sumptibus publicis inhabitantium ibidem infra tres septimanas ab hinc sub poena Si- Ordered That ye Bounds between ye Widdow Dobson and ye widdow Smith's garden of ye Almeshouse in Broad Street in ye Borough aforesaid being out of repaire bee sufficiently repaired before ye first day of January next comeing on pain of 20s. on whom default thereof shall bee. 290 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. Ordered, that ye Bridge att or in ' Chappell Marsh ' and ye Bridge att ' Procession Elme ' bee sufficiently made good by ye Surveyor of ye said Borough (ye Lord of ye Borough allowing Timber) and ye Inhabitants of ye said Borough to bee at all other charg thereof before ye eleaventh day of No- vember next on pain of forty shillings. Ordered that the Cage and Ducking stool within this Leet being out of repaire bee put in good order and repaire by ye Constable of ye said Borough before ye 25th of March next att ye charge of ye Inhabitants of ye said Borough on pain of 40s., on default of ye Constable's duty therein, ye Lord of ye said Leet allowing Timber. 1689, October 15th \HenivicK\. Ad hanc Curiam tertia proclamacio facta fuit ut Johannes Lawley compareat et admittetur ad cottagium infra Manerium predictum vocatum ' Godwins ' aut aliter praecluditur de jure suo inde. Item presentant quod si aliquis Custu- marius tenens negat vel detrahat redditus vel servitia sua est forisfactura status sui Custumarii. Ordered That all and every ye Com- mons in Radfeild bee not fedd with sheep untill ye first day of November next after ye corn shalbee ridd of ye said feild yearly sowen with barley and when it shallbee sowen with wheate not to bee fedd with sheep untill ye Michaelmas following. 1689, October 15th [Borough]. Dicunt etiam quod Sarah Hyde vidua nuper inuncavit terram pertinentem paupe- ribus istius Burgi in possessione Richardi Chittle Ideo Ordinatum est quod rectific- catur in vel ante tricesimum diem Novembris proxime sequentem sub poena 20s. Ordinatum est quod Thomas Hunt occu- pator existens de domo communiter vocato * le Plow ' infra visum franci plegij predicti sufficienter reparet metas suas adjungentes ad terras Laurencij Ffarrow vocatas ' Chap- pell Piddle' ibidem ante quintum diem Novembris proxime sequentem sub poena 20s. 1690, October ■s.st\Henwick\. Balivus. Johannes Harrison, generosus juratus est Balivus ibidem. Qui quidem jurati et onerati dicunt super sacramentum suum et presentant quod In- habitantes decennarum de 'Parsonage "Hen- wick 'et'Awebery Street 'infra Manerium pre- dictum non manutenent parcum ibidem Ideo Ordinatum est quod Inhabitantes predictum parcum ibidem confidant ante vicesimum quartum diem Junij proxime sequentem sub pcena decern librarum (Domino Manerii predicti allocante maremium). Dicunt etiam quod Willelmus Readings minus juste fabricavit cottagium super vas- tum Domini Manerij predicti infra Mane- rium predictum sine licentia Domini Manerii predicti. Dicunt etiam quod Johannes Smith inuncavit partem vasti Domini Manerij predicti infra Manerium predictum eandem convertendo ad hortum Ideo Ordinatum est quod rectifica[tur] ante festum Purifica- cionis proxime sequentem sub poena 5J. Ordered by the consent of ye Tenants of ye said Mannor arid Homage aforesaid that Richard Carter of 'Thatcham Ffarme' shall have the first breach of ' Ham Marsh' on Whitson Eve yearly by six of ye clock in ye morning And to have ye breach of Oxlease upon Lammas Day yearly upon pain of 1 o.f. for every neglect. Ordered that an incroachment made by ye late .Tenants of Sir Jonathan Raymond, Knight, upon ye lands of ye said Sir Henry APPENDICES TO BOOK IV 291 Winchcombe, Baronet, lyeing att ye upper end of 'Wide mead' within ye said Mannor bee rectifyed and ye stakes thereof sett in their old places before ye Feast of ye Puri- ficacion next on pain of 20s. 1690, October 1st. Burgus de Thatcham in Com. Berks. Visus Franciplegii ibidem tenta primo die Octobris Anno Regni Willelmi et Marise nunc Regis et Reginse Anglise, etc., secundo annoque Domini millesimo septentesimo et nonagesimo Coram Johanne Dalby Armigero, Senescallo ibidem. Balivus. Johannes * Harison, generosus, juratus fuit Balivus ibidem. Ordinatum est quod Willelmus Wilkins alias Saunders sufficienter reparet igniarium suum infra Burgum predictum ad prse- veniendum ignis periculum in Burgo pre- dicto infra quindecem dies proxime a die dati hujus Curia? sub poena quinque li- brarum. Ordered that the Hayward of this Bo- rough shall not permitt the Mooregate of this Borough to be open or unlockt after eight of the clockt in the morneing upon pain of one shilling for every time makeing defalt herein. Item That the said hayward shall keepe in good repaire the Bounds of the Bourn of this Borough from Lamas day to the Feast of St. Thomas the Appostle on paine of ten shillings. 1 69 1, October i$tn [Henwick]. Qui quidem jurati et onerati dicunt super sacramentum suum et presentant quod desit parcus communis infra Mane- rium predictum Ideo Ordinatum est quod Inhabitantes decennarum de ' Parsonage ' 'Henwick' et ' A webery Street ' confidant Par- cum sufficientem infra aliquam partem dicta? decenna? de Henwick ubi eis videtur magis pp expedire in vel ante vicesimum quartum diem Junij proxime "sequentem sub pcena decern librarum (Domino Manerij predicti allo- cante maremium). Ordinatum est quod cippi et postis flagellarius sint erecti apud ' Ham Mill bridge' in vel ante vicesimum diem Maij proxime sequentem sub poena 2/. io.f. super deficientes in hac parte (Domino Manerij predicti allocante maeremium). Dicunt etiam quod Edwardus Herriott, tenens de Jonathano Raymond milite, minus juste obstruxit Carolum Bassett in jure custumario suo communise in quadam, venella vocat ' Dayes Lane ' pendendo duas januas ibidem ad damnum ipsius Caroli Bassett tenentis Domini istius Manerij. Presentant etiam quod Carolus Kistell minus juste abnegavit viam antiquam du- centem ad terras Ffrancisci Powell vocatus 'Edwards.' Presentant etiam quod cum Ordinatum fuit per ultimam curiam tentam ibidem pro manerio predicti quod tenentes Jonathani Raymond Militis de terris in 'Widemead' ibidem removeant quaedam statumena ad locum rectum et solitum in vel ante [diem] tunc eis datum sub pcena 20s. statumena ilia non fuerunt nee adhuc sunt remota quamvis dies ilia est preterita Ideo pcena predicta forisfacta est. Whereas oath hath been made att the Court That certain stakes being Boundaries between Sir Henry Winchcomb's lands and the lands of Sir Jonathan Raymond in Wydemead within this Mannor have been removed severall foot into ye lands of the said Sir Henry Winchcombe It is therefore ordered by this Court that John Dash, William Dibley, Robert Green, Oswald Northway, Richard Bassett and John Mor- timer doe on Munday ye seccond day of November next att eleaven of the clock in the forenoon of the said day view ye same in order to rectify the said stakes and bounds and make their report thereon att the next Court to bee held for the said Mannor. Ordered that the said John Dash, William Dibley, Robert Green, Ed- 292 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. ward Northway and John Mortimer doe on the sixth day of November next view the way from Edwards Coppice and make their report thereof to the next Court. 1691, October 13th [Borough']. Et quod Laurentius Farrow, Thomas Hunt et Johannes Freeman sufficienter emundent partes suas respective fossse et aqua; cursus prope Capellam istius Burgi ante quintum diem Novembris proxime venturum sub poena 20s. super quemlibet eorum in hac parte deficient em. Et quod Maria Bowler, vidua, Robertus Hassell, Richardus Gamon junior, et Johannes Freeman emundent partes suas respective aquae cursus currentis per et ultra 'Chappell Street' ibidem ante quintum diem Novembris proxime venturum sub poena 1 os. super quemlibet in hac parte deficientem. Et quod pons pedalis in 'Chappell Marsh' ac etiam pons pedalis apud finem occiden- talem de 'le Bourne' ibidem sufficienter reparentur per supervisores viarum altarum Burgi predicti ante vicessimum diem Novem- bris proxime venturum sub poena 20^. domino istius Manerij ex gratia sua allocante maeremium. Et quod Georgius Newell removeat rudi molem jacentem ante ostium domus ipsius Georgij in communi vico Burgi predicti ante decimum quintum diem Novembris proxime venturum sub poena iar. Juratores predicti super sacramentum suum presentant quod Gratia Core istius Burgi spinster nuper vendidit infra Burgum predictum merchandizas per pondera nimis levia et illicita Ideo ordinatum est per Curiam quod pondera predicta sint illico fracta et perdita. quod fiat ut prius ante Festum Sancti Thomse Apostoli proxime sequentem sub poena 10*. od. Et quod Willelmus Whiteacre non emun- davit fossam ejus adjungentem ad regiam viam apud 'Harts Hill' infra Manerium pre- dicti Ideo Ordinatum est quod fossa predicta sit emundata ante primum diem Novembris proximi sub poena 12*/. per polum pro quolibet defectu. 1693, October ijtA [Borough]. Ordinatum est quod nullus inhabitantium hujus Burgi dimittat Communiam vel jus Communise in loco vocato 'le Moor' per- tinenti huic Burgo alicui personse non habitanti infra Burgum predictum sub poena 4cw. pro quolibet inde delicto. Ordinatum est quod modo Viccarius parochiae de Thatcham predictus non dimittat Communiam pro equo in loco pre- dicto vocato 'le Moor' alicuicunque personse sub poena 40J. pro quolibet inde delicto. Ordinatum est quod omnes et singuli fensurae sepes fossse bundariae et aquse cursus Burgo predicto pertinentes modo vel im- posterum irreparati existentes sufficienter reparati et mundati sint per proprietores inde respective infra viginti dies proxime post notitiam inde datam respective per Agriphylacem ejusdem Burgi sub poena viginti solidorum super quemlibet in hac parte deficientem Et ulterius quod Agri- phylax Burgi predicti pro tempore existens notitiam inde daret sub pcena predicta 10*. etiam quod Agriphylax predictus notitiam daret Balivo domini Manerij predicti de defectu cujuslibet in hac parte sub pcena etiam 10s. 1692, October nth [Henwick]. Et qifod Johannes Herriott tenens de Jonathano Raymond Milite duas con- tinuavit januas in loco vocato ' Dayes lane ' ubi revera una tantum esse solebat (scilicet) in medio istius venellse Ideo Ordinatum est 1694, October 16th \Henwick\ Presentant etiam quod Ffranciscus White post ultimam Curiam abduxit oves suas a loco vocato 'decenna de Worcester' extra manerium predictum ubi fuerunt levantes et cumbentes usque ad decennam de 'Goddard' APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 293 predictam infra Manerium predictum et ibidem eas depascavit contra consuetudinem Manerij predicti et Ordinem ad ultimam curiam in hac parte factam Ideo pcena io.r. ei imponitur. 1694, October 16th [Borough]. Et quod Furnues Sarhas Hyde viduae apud domum ejus in Chappell Street infra Burgum predictum reparacione indiget per cujus defectum tota vicinitas ibidem periculitatur per ignem Ideo Ordinatum est quod pre- fata Sarah eundem reparet infra decern dies post notitiam inde datam per Agriphylacem istius Burgi sub poena quinque librarum. Et quod Richardus Mortimer perquisivit nuper tenementum liberum vocatum ' le Crown' infra Burgum predictum de Edwardo Herriott unde accidit Domino relevium videlicet. . . . Et quod Vicarius ecclesiae de Thatcham predictus non dimittat Communiam pro equo in loco predicto vocato 'le Moor' alicui personae sub poena 40J. pro quolibet inde delicto. Et quod vicarius de Thatcham predictus habere debet in 'le Moor' predicto huic Burgo pertinenti taurum sufficientem tem- poribus in hac parte consuetis. Ordinatum est quod nullus de futuro aliquem arborem amputari vel deportari faciat de loco vocato 'le Moor ' infra Burgum predictum absque assensu eorum qui jus Communiae habent ibidem. 1695, October 15th [Henwick]. Presentant etiam quod parcus communis debet errigi prope domum Roberti Mathook per inhabitantes decennarum de ' la Parson- age' et 'Awebery Street' (Domino Manerij predicti allocante maremium). Et quod Georgius Brook minus juste amputavit duos arbores fraxineos non antea amputatos crescentes super terram Thomas Northway infra Manerium predictum. Ordinatum est quod Josephus Parsons metas perficiat inter ipsum et Oswaldum Northway immediate post eedem assertentur per Homagium predictum vel aliquos sex eorundem conspiciendum super quintum diem Novembris proximum apud decimam horam ante meridiem et ad idem pro- positum ad conveniendum apud domum Oswaldi Northway infra Manerium pre- dictum. 1695, October 15th [Borough]. Presentant etiam quod Willelmus Taylor qui libere tenuit infra Burgum predictum quoddam tenementum cum pertinentiis ante hac vocatum ' le Swann ' nuper eadem {sic) alienavit Johanni Masey unde accidit domino 3^. \\d. pro fine alienacionis existens redditus inde pro uno anno. Presentant etiam quod Georgius Newell istius Burgi yeoman septimo die Octobris instantis vi et armis rescussit ex manibus Agriphilacis Burgi predicti quandam equam quam ipse Agriphylax distringebat damp- num facientem super terram Willelmi Bramley infra Burgum predictum Ideo ipse Georgius in misericordia 5s. Et quod Jacobus Barnes de Burgo predicto, labourer, duodecimo die instantis Octobris illicite aperuit januam de ' le Moor ' istius Burgi ac cum caruca et equis ipsius Jacobi viam illicite fecit per et trans le dit Moor Ideo in misericordia 3s. ^d. Presentant etiam quod sterquilinia et si- meta Johannis Howell, Willelmi Whitacre et Johannis Masey jacentia in communi vico istius Burgi sunt comunia nocumenta Ideo ordinatum est quod removeantur infra viginti dies proxime post datum hujus curias sub poena 10s., super quemlibet eorum in hac parte deficientem Et sic pro simili delicto imposterum perpetrandum toties quoties. 1696, October 20th [Henwick\ Presentant etiam quod cum ordinatum 294 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. fuit ad veterem curiam quod Inhabitantes de decennis de ' Parsonage,' ' Henwick ' et ' Awebery Street ' parcum comunem suffici- enter conficerent ad certum locum infra Manerium predictum ad diem modo preteri- tum sub poena 10H. (Domini manerii predicti allocante maremium sufficiens in hac parte) quod nondum efficitur Ideo ordinatum est quod dicta summa io/z. sine dilacione le- vetur si parcus predictus non sit confectus in vel ante vicesimum quartum diem Junij proxime sequentem ex assensu Juratorum predictorum in loco vocat 'Duckatts' exis- tente loco consueto et infra Manerium predictum. 1696, October 20th [Borough]. Presentant etiam quod Margareta Styles et Anna Styles de predicto Burgo . . . die Augusti ultimo preterito erexerunt murum lateraneum in communi vico infra Burgum predictum adjungentem domo mancionali prefatarum Margaretse et Annae [sic] modo illicito inuncando partem vici predicti per spatium quinquaginta et unius pedum in longitudine et trium pedum in latitudine in obstruccionem et diminucionem dicti vici ad nocumentum publicum vicinitatis illius Ideo prefatse Margareta et Anna sunt in misericordia 2s. super quamlibet earum Et ordinatum est quod eadem inuncatio recti- ficatur ante primum diem Decembris prox- ime sequentem sub poena 40s. Presentant etiam quod Dominus Burgi predicti allocare solet maremium pro re- paracione communis parci istius Burgi modo reparacione indigentis. Ordinatum est quod Johannes Masey hujus Burgi faber de futuro transitum non faciet cum vaccis vel pecore ejus per 'le Moor' ejusdem Burgi vel trans fossam ejusdem sub poena 40s. 1697, October 12th [Henwick]. Et quod Inhabitantes decennarum de 'le Parsonage,' 'Henwick' et 'Awebery Street' neglexerunt facere parcum communem con- tra Ordinem factum ad ultimam curiam per quod forisfecerunt decern libras Ideo ordinatum est quod predictae decern libras sint levatae nisi parcus sufficiens sit erectus in loco vocato 'Ducketts' infra visum franci- plegij predicti existente loco antiquo in hac parte in vel ante vicesimum quartum diem Junij proxime sequentem (Domino manerij predicti allocante maremium c ). Presented and Ordered that John Denton do scour upp his ditch next a green or comon called 'the Bowling Green' in Henwick afore- said before St. Thomas Day next on pain of 2s. per pole and soe proporcionably for more or less. 1697, October 12th [Borough]. Dicunt etiam et presentant quod Georgius Newell istius nuper inuncavit super terras ecclesias modo in occupacione viduss Angell et viduge Hunt inter locum vocatum ' Kyte Litten' et seperalia gardina prefatse viduse Angell et viduae Hunt per spatium 72 pe- dum in longitudine et unius pedis in latitu- dine unde sit in misericordia 6d. Et ulterius ordinatum est quod prefatus Georgius in- uncacionem predictam rectificet infra tres menses ab hinc sub poena 39.S. Ordinatum est per Juratores predictos et Curiam quod Constabularius hujus Burgi pro tempore existens sufficienter reparet quendam puteum modo in decasu in quodam vico dicti Burgi vocato 'Well Street' et fensuras adinde faciat ex sumptibus Burgi predicti ante quintum diem Novembris proxime sequentem sub poena 20s. " The repetition of this order since it was first made in 1690 seems to indicate not only that the inhabitants had from time to time neglected to con- struct the common Pound as they were desired to do, but also that the authorities themselves were un- willing to deal strictly in the matter, or to enforce the penalty imposed on account of the non-per- formance of the order. APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 295 That Thomas Readall of this Borough doe within ten dayes next repair and make close the floor of the Court Roome of this Borough being part of his dwelling house there to prevent the dainger of fire that may happen through the present holes and breaches therein on pain of 20s. 1698, October \%th \Henwkk\ Et quod fractura de Readfeild pertinet tenentibus de Powells Farme pro tempore existentibus frangi cum ovibus ad vel post Festum Sancti Michaelis quando cum tritico seminatur et ad Festum Omnium Sanc- torum quando seminatur cum hordeo. 1698, October i&tft [Borough~\. Ordered that Richard Carter of the Farme in this Parish shall within 12 dayes next after the date abovesaid ridd cleanse and take away all the mudd and mire of the Pond in Broad Street in the said Borough in order to prevent dainger of persons being drowned or incomoded by rideing into or otherwise makeing use of the water of the said Pond which if hee the said Richard Carter shall refuse or neglect to doe it is humbly desired of the lord of the said leet that the Constable of the said Borough shall undertake and performe the said ser- vice att the charge of the said Borough And the said mudd mire and soyle to bee disposed and used by the said lord hee allowing the charge of cleansing the said Pond. Ordered that all persons makeing use of the common wells of the streets of this Borough shall from time to time and as often as need shall require repaire and maintaine the said wells att their own respective costs and charges without impose- ing rates on the whole Borough in those cases. 1699, October 11th \Henwick\. Et quod Oswaldus Northway custumarius tenens istius Manerij permisit custumarium messuagium ejus infra Manerium predictum esse in decasu et reparacione indigere ; et quod demisit custumarias terras ejus infra Manerium predictum pertinentes eidem messuagio absque licentia Domini Manerij predicti in hac parte prius obtenta contra consuetudinem dicti Manerij per quae foris- fecit messuagium et terras pr^dictas. Et quod gardina ante fores habitacionum . Johannis Smith et Edwardi May respective in ' Freehatch Green ' sunt Inuncaciones super ' Cold Ash Heath ' infra Manerium predictum Ideo ordinatum est quod rectifi- cantur ante Festum Omnium Sanctorum proximum sub pcena 20J. super quemlibet in hac parte deficientem. T700, October 16 th \Henwick\. Manerium de Thatcham alias Henwick in Com. Berks. — Visus Franci Plegij cum Curia Baronis Henrici Winchcombe Baronetti domini ejusdem Manerii ibidem tenta pro manerio predicto decimo sexto die Octobris Anno Regni domini nostri Willelmi tertij nunc Regis Angliae, etc., duodecimo An- noque domini 1700 Coram Johanne Dalby Armigero, Seneschallo ibidem. Et quod Carolus Kistell posuit magnum saxum in communi alta via infra Manerium predictum inter ' Ham Mills ' et ' Lyme Pool ' ad commune nocumentum inhabi- tantium ibidem Ideo ordinatum est quod idem Carolus saxum predictum abinde removeat infra sex dies proxime sequentes sub pcena 30s. Et quod Willelmus Dibley, Georgius Mor- timer et Johannes Spicer, generosi, custu- marij tenentes manerij predicti solent habere Hayse boot Gate boot Plow boot Style boot Fire boot Hedgeboote et Cart boote absque assignacione impendente super premissa solum et non alibi ; solent etiam habere Ar- gillam Cretam et Glaream in foveis apertis et Bryam et Genistas spinosas crescentes super vastum domini Manerij predicti impen- dendum solum in et super premissa. Et quod Henricus Perrey faciat vacer- 296 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. ruam (?) ejus trans fossam ejus inter terras ejus et ' Dunsden feild ' versus Thatcham Marsh infra sex dies sub poena 5-r. 170T, October 15th [Henwick]. Et quod nullus Cottagiarius aliquod jus habet Communia? infra Manerium predictum. 1702, October l^th [Henwick]. Et quod occupatores de ' Henwick Farm ' pontem sufficientem debent ponere trans aqualitium de ' Ireish feild' (existentem viam ad ecclesiam) infra tres septimanas ab hinc sub poena 5-f. pro defectu inde. 1703, October \T,th [Henwick]. Et quod supervisores viarum commu- nium de ' Parsonage Tything ' pontem suffi- cientem ad finem inferiorem de le Bourn existente via ducente ad Newbury infra 10 dies proxime sequentes faciant sub poena 1705, May $th [Henwick]. Manerium de Thatcham alias Henwick in Com. Berks. Visus Franci plegii cum Curia Baronis Elizabethan Winchcombe Spinster domina? Manerij predicti ibidem tenta pro Manerio predicto Quarto die Maij Anno Regni Domina? Regina? Anna? nunc Anglia? Regina? Quarto Annoque domini 1705. Coram Johanne Dalby Armigero, Seneschallo ibidem. et Francisca? uxoris ejus, Roberti Parker Arm., et Marias uxoris ejus, dominorum Manerii predicti ibidem Jenta pro Manerio predicto die Martis scilicet decimo sexto die Octobris anno Regni domino nostras Anna? nunc Anglia?, etc., Regina? Quarto Anno- que Domini 1705 coram Johanne Dalby Armigero, Seneschallo ibidem. Et quod Inhabitantes Burgi de Thatcham escurient et emendent aquae cursum in Thatcham Marsh modo existentem com- mune nocumentum et periculosum viatori- bus ponendo pontem ibidem ante primum diem Novembris proximum sub poena 20^. Et quod postis et vacerua? sint errecta ad finem superiorem de ' Read lane ' ducens ad ' Ashmore Green ' prope decennas de ' Parsonage ' et ' Henwick ' ante Festum An- nunciacionis beata? Maria? Virginis proxi- mum domino Manerij predicti allocante mseremium. Ordinatum est Matheum Ayliffe sepelire equum mortuum modo jacentem prope terras ejus ante noctem crastini diei sub poena 10s. 1707, October 1st. Manerium de Thatcham alias Henwick in Com. Berks. Visus Ffranciplegij cum curia Baronis Henrici St. John Armigeri domini ejusdem Manerij ibidem tenta pro Manerio predicto die Mercurij scilicet primo die Octobris anno Regni domina? nostra? Anna? Dei gratia Magna? Brittania? Francia? et Hibernia? Regina? Fidei defensoris etc., sexto, Annoque domini 1707 Coram Johanne Dalby Armigero, Senceschallo ibidem. Baiivus. Thomas Morgan electus et juratus est Baiivus ibidem. 1705, October i6tk [Henwick]. Manerium de Thatcham alias Henwick in Com. Berks. Visus Franci Plegij cum Curia Baronis Honorabilis Henrici St. John Arm., 1708, October 12th. Et quod venella ducens a terra Basset ad ' Read feild ' vocata ' Dayes lane ' pertinet Domino Manerij predicti ut narra- tur super sacramentum testium ultra etatem sexaginta annorum. Et quod janua sit erecta inter ' Redfeild ' et ' Shawfeild ' in vel ante APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 297 primum diem Novembris proximum per occupatores terrarum in Readfeild domino Manerij predicti allocante maremium. Et quod mete sufficientes fiant ex utra- que parte ' Dayes lane ' predicta per oc- cupatores terrarum adinde ajungentium. 1 7 10, October 2/^th. Et quod prefatus Richardus Cooper minus juste fecit [. . . . et] obstruxit aquam rivuli Kennet inter locum vocatum ' Ham Marsh ' et ' Pococks Mead.' That the surveyors of Thatcham doe sett vpp a Bridge by ' Stoney lane ' leading down to ' Long bridge ' in a week's time on pain of tenn shillings. Et quod venella ducens a firma Bassett vocata 'Dayes lane' pertinet Domino Manerii predicti ut patet per sacramentum testium ultra etatem sexaginta annorum et quod januae ibidem sint pendite et servate in modo consueto et usuali. 17 1 1, October i6tk. Et quod Johannes Hore de ' Ham Mills ' faciat viam pedestrem in prato Pauperum de Reading ibidem in vel ante primum diem Novembris proximum sub poena ios. Et quod de futuro Johannes Hore non deportet genistas spinosas a Communia de Henwick ad Brickill sub poena triginta et quinque solidorum. 1 7 12, October 14th. Manerium de Thatcham alias Henwick in Com. Berks. Visus Ffranci plegij cum curia Baronis predicti honorabilis Henrici Viscomitis Bolingbroke, Baronis Lideard Tregons, domini ejusdem Manerij, ibidem tenta pro Manerio predicto decimo quarto die Octobris Anno Regni dominae nostras Annae Magnae Britaniae Franciae et Hiberniae Reginae fidei defensoris, etc. undecimo, Annoque domini 17 12 Coram Johanne Dalby Armigero, Seneschallo ibidem. Et quod Richardus Cooper generosus minus juste fecit aquas duccionem per partem Ham Marsh. 1714, October 12th. Et quod Thomas Limpus illicite fodiit fossam nimis prope communem viam. Ideo ordinatum est quod eandem repleat in vel ante quintum diem Novembris proximum sub poena ioj. Et quod Josephus Davis illicite abscidit genistas spinosas in Communia Manerij predicti pro usu occupatoris ejus pistoris. Ideo ordinatum est quod non iterum offendat in hac parte de futuro sub poena 5.?. Et quod Thomas Church erexit cottagium in ' Shaw dean ' infra Manerium predictum contra tenorem Actus Parliamenti in hac parte editi et provisi. Ordinatum est quod omnis habens Com- munia in campis istius Manerij signabit pecora ejus depascentia in campis predictis cum signo ejus picato sub poena 2d. per caput in defectu inde Agriphylaci ibidem, et 1 2d. proprietoribus camporum predictorum quorum peccora sint sic signata. 1715, October nth. Et quod occupatores firmae Domini Jemat Raymond confidant metas inter 'Stone feild' et 'Russell's feild ' ante primum diem Novembris proximum sub poena 12^. per polum in defectu inde, et sic pro rata. VOL. 11. Qq 298 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. APPENDIX LXXXI. List of the Court Rolls found relating to the Thatcham Manors with the Dates, Lords' Names, and Court Officers. Date. i6oo a i6S7 b 1658 April 14 1658 Oct. 20 i6S9, October 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665° 1666 1667 1668 d 1669 s 1670 1671 1674 1676, April 3 1676, Oct. 13 1677 1678 1679 1680 1680' 1681 i68ie 1682 1682 1683 1683 * 1684 1684 1 1685 1685 k 1686 1 Manor. Thatcham Manor and Borough of Thatcham Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Henwick Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Manor and Borough Henwick Manor and Borough Henwick Manor and Borough Henwick Manor and Borough Henwick Manor and Borough Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough Thatcham, alias Henwick Lord's Name. Francis Winchcombe, Esq. Thos. Browne Steward. Henry Winchcombe, Esq. Ditto Ditto Sir Henry Winchcombe Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Thomas Howard, Esq., Sir Guliel. Tirringham, Ri chard Aldworth, Esq. , (during minority of Sir Henry Winchcombe) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Dr. Francis Hungerford (during minority of Sir Henry Winchcombe) Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Sir Henry Winchcombe Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto l-'i'i" John Dalby Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto John Harison Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Jacob Harison Ditto Ditto Ditto Constable. Vincent Knyght Wm Dancastle Nicholas Bushnell Lawrence Farrow John Hassell Thomas Whitacre John Foster, alias Smith, junior Richard Smith Barthol. Ducket John Tull Richard Carter Edward Mosdell Robert Chappell Haywards. Richard Hedd Richard Willeis John Painter William Dibley John Green John Bolchar, jun. Charles Kistell, jun. Vincent Willis John Pendall Luke Havell Thomas Northway John Horneblow Thomas Hide, sen. Bradley Lawrence Lawrence Farrow Thomas Emans Thomas Sadler Richard Blake Richard Hore, junior Robert Pocock John Greene, junior Thomas Emans John Wheeler ohn Dash EdwardLamden Edward Sanders Ditto Ditto Ditto Solomon Ducket William Bush- nell, junior William Bush- nell, junior Edward Lambolt a 1600. b 1657. c 1665. d 1668. « 1669. » 1680. Bailiff, Henry Eysam. Ale Tasters and Bread Weighers, Wm. Nightingale, Richard Gamon. Ibid., Richard Hobbs and John Garret. Ibid. , Thos. Sadler, Thos. Palmer. Ibid. , Richard Stileman, Thomas Green. Ibid., Hy. Chandler, Hy. Perry. K 1681. Ale Tasters and Bread Weighers, Hy. Chandler, Thomas May. Ibid., Thomas May, John Smith, jun. Ibid., Thomas May, John Smith, jun. Ibid., John Wootenden, Richard Lam- port. 1 1686. Bailiff, David Awbery. » 1683. 1 1684. k 1685. Date. 1686 m 1687 1687" 1688 16880 1689 1689 P 1690"! 1690 r 1691 1691 s 1692 1692' 1693 16931 1694 1694 s 1695 1695 1696 1696? 1697 1697 « 1698 1698" 1699 1699 11 1700 1701 1702 1703 Manor. Borough of Thatc- hara Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Borough of Thatc- ham Thatcham, alias Henwick Ditto Ditto Ditto AJfrjtLJNJJlCJlb 11 J BUUK 1> /. 299 Lord's Name. Steward. Constable. Haywards. Sir Henry Winchcombe John Dalby Alexander Horn- blow Richard Carter Richard Tull Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Thomas Foster, alias Smith Francis Loader Ditto Ditto William Perry Ditto Ditto Henry Fickins Ditto Ditto George Duckett Thomas May Ditto Ditto Edmund White Ditto Ditto Thomas Whitacre Stent prius. Ditto Ditto Thomas Read Ditto Ditto Henry Hill Sicut priu. Ditto Ditto Walter Yorke Ditto Ditto John Bushnell Ditto Ditto William Wallis Ditto Ditto Edward Farrow Sicut prius Ditto Ditto Wm. Dibley Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Bartho. Duckett Wm. Dibley Thomas May (continued) Ditto Ditto Wm. Bramley Sicut prius Ditto Ditto John Hutchins Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Richard Gammon John Hore Thomas May (continued). Ditto Ditto Isaac Stowers Sicut prius Ditto Ditto John Hore Ditto Ditto John Freeman Continuatur Ditto Ditto John May Ditto Ditto John Mortimer Continuatur Ditto Ditto Robert Hunt Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Henry Carter Francis Childry John Mathews m 1686. Bailiff, David Awbery. m 1686. Ale Tasters and Bread Weighers, Ri- chard Tull, Richard Lamport. n 1687. Ibid., Isaac Stowers, John Freeman. » 1688. Ibid., John Hyde, Thos. Freeman. P 1689. Ibid., Hy. Wiatt, Jacob Morreis. "J 1690. Bailiff, John Harison. r 1690. Ale Tasters and Bread Wethers, John Smith, Barth. Duckett. * 1690. Bailiff, John Harison. s 1691. Ale Tasters and Bread Weighers, Sicut prius. 4 1692. Ibid., Daniel Mosdell, William Norcott. u 1693. Ibid., John Smith, George Newell. 1 1694. Ibid., Richard Edwards, John Jones. 5 1696. Ibid., Robert Clark, Jacob Norreis. z 1697. Ibid., Thomas May, John Brown. a 1698. Ibid., Continuatur. b 1699. Ibid., Continuatur. q q 2 300 Date. I70S C , May 4 1 70S, Oct. 16 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 Manor. Thatcham, a/«3j Henwick Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. Lord's Name. Steward. Constable. Elizabeth Winchcombe, Spinster Hon. Henry St. John and Frances his wife Hon. Henry St. John Ditto Ditto [not mentioned] Hon. Henry St. John Henry, Viscount Boling- broke Ditto Ditto [not mentioned] John Dalby Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Edward Pocock Egidius Eamans John Machin Wm. Lovelock Charles Kistell. gentleman Francis Childs Jerenimus Horn- blow William Foster Charles Dibley John Shepherd Haywards. Joseph Hazel Ditto APPENDIX LXXXII. Royal Licence to John Wynchcombe to settle certain estates on his son John. 1548. [Prom Patent Roll, 2 Edward VI., Part 6.] Licencia alienandi pro Johanne Wynch- combe. Rex omnibus ad quos, etc., Salu- tem. Sciatis quod nos de gratia nostra speciali ac pro quatuor libris decern et octo solidis et septem denariis nobis solutis in Hanaperio nostro concessimus et licenciam dedimus ac per presentes concedimus et licenciam damus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est dilecto nobis Johanni Wynchecombe de Newbury in comitatu Berk' seniori, armigero, quod ipse tam per finem in curia nostra coram Justiciariis nostris de Banco apud West- monasterium levandum quam aliter totum illud scitum manerii sui de Thacham in dicto comitatu Berk nuper in tenura cujus- dam Johannis Knyght ac omnes illas terras dominicales prata pascua et pasturas cum singulis suis pertinenciis dicto scitui spec- tantibus sive pertinentibus nuper in tenura sive occupatione prefati Johannis Knyght unacum serviciis et operibus omnium cus- tumariorum tenencium manerii predicti ac omnia alia terras et tenementa sua cum pertinenciis in Thacham et Henwicke in dicto comitatu Berks nuper in tenura pre- dicti Johannis Knyght que unquam antehac habita cognita seu reputata fuerunt ut pars parcella vel membra dicti scitus manerii predicti aut cum eodem scitu antehac aliquo tempore dimissa seu locata Ac etiam totum ilium Burgum suum de Thacham in dicto comitatu Berk ac omnia alia terras tene- menta et cetera hereditamenta sua quecum- que in Burgo de Thacham predicto que de nobis tenentur in capite dare possit et con- cedere dilectis nobis Edwardo ffetyplace ar- migero, Johanni Cheyney armigero et Thome Edwardes generoso Habendum et tenendum totum predictum scitum et terras domini- cales manerii predicti ac omnia predicta messuagia terras et tenementa ac cetera premissa cum suis pertinenciis prefatis Edwardo Johanni Cheyney et Thome Ed- wardes heredibus et assignatis suis imper- petuum ad opus et usum predicti Johannis Wynchecombe senioris pro termino vite ipsius Johannis Wynchecombe senioris absque impeticione alicujus vasti : Et imediate post decessum predicti Johannis Wynchecombe senioris tunc ad opus et usum Johannis Wynchecombe filii predicti Johannis Wynchecombe senioris et Helene uxoris sue pro termino vite ejusdem He^ 1705- Bailiff, Thos. Morgan. APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 301 lene : Et imediate post decessum ipsius Helene tunc ad opus et usum predicti Johannis filii et heredum masculorum pre- dicti Johannis filii de corpore suo legitime procreatorum Et pro defectu hujusmodi exitus masculi ad opus et usum rectorum heredum predicti Johannis Wynchecombe filii de nobis et heredibus nostris per ser- vicia inde debita et de jure consueta im- perpetuum. Et eisdem Edwardo Johanni Cheyney et Thome quod ipsi scitum manerii predicti ac burgum predictum necnon om- nia et singula premissa cum pertinenciis de prefato Johanne Wynchecombe seniore recipere possint et tenere sibi heredibus et assignatis suis ad opus et usum [supradicta] de nobis et heredibus nostris predictis per ser- vicia predicta imperpetuum sicut predictum est tenore presentium similiter licenciam de- dimus ac damus special em : Nolentes quod predictus Johannis Wynchecombe senior vel heredes sui aut predicti Edwardus Jo- hannes Cheyney et Thomas heredes vel assignati sui aut predictus Johannes filius aut heredes masculi de corpore suo legitime procreati sive recti heredes predicti Johan- nis Wynchecombe senioris ratione premis- sorum, etc. In cujus, etc. Teste viij die February. APPENDIX LXXXIII. Licence to John Wynchcombe to settle certain estates on his third son, Henry. 1548. [From Patent Rolls, 2 Edward VI., Part 6, mems. 27 and 28.] Licencia Alienandi pro Johanne Wynch- combe. Rex omnibus ad quos, etc., Salutem. Sciatis quod nos de gratia nostra speciali ac pro septem libris decern et novem solidis undecim denariis et uno obolo nobis solutis in hanaperio nostro concessimus et licenciam dedimus ac per presentes concedimus et licenciam damus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est dilecto nobis Johanni Wynchecombe de Newbury in comi- tatu Berk seniori armigero quod ipse tam per finem in curia nostra coram Justiciariis nostris de Banco apud Westmonasterium levandum quam aliter totum illud manerium suum de Farnborugh alias Farmborowe in dicto comitatu Berk' cum omnibus suis membris et pertinentiis universis ac omnia et singula alia terras tenementa, etc., here- ditamenta sua quecumque cum singulis suis pertinentiis in Farnborough alias Farmborowe predicta Necnon omnia ilia redditus rever- siones et servicia que Johannes Coxhed et heredes sui ac Thomas Wyrdenam et heredes sui prefato Johanni Wynchecombe et heredi- bus suis separatim reddere seu facere tenentur pro certis terris suis in Esthendred in dicto comitatu Berk' ac in Farnborough predicta que de nobis tenentur in capite, dare possit et concedere dilectis nobis Johanni Cheyney armigero Thome Horton et Thome Longe de Trowbrige in comitatu Wiltes' clothyer Habendum et tenendum eisdem Johanni Cheyney Thome et Thome ac heredibus et assignatis suis imperpetuum ad opus et usum subsequentia videlicet ad usum predicti Johannis Wynchecombe pro termino vite sue absque impetitione alicujus vasti : Et immediate post decessum predicti Johannis Wynchecombe tunc ad opus et usum Agnetis uxoris Henrici Wynchecombe filii Johannis Wynchecombe pro termino vite ejusdem Agnetis : Et post decessum dictorum Jo- hannis Wynchecombe et Agnetis tunc ad opus et usum predicti Henrici Wynchecombe heredum et assignatorum suorum imper- petuum de nobis et heredibus nostris per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta imperpetuum : Et eisdem Johanni Cheyney Thome Horton et Thome Longe quod ipsi manerium predictum ac cetera premissa cum suis pertinenciis de prefato Johanni Wynche- combe recipere possint et tenere sibi here- dibus et assignatis suis ad opus et usum supradicta de nobis et heredibus nostris predictis per servicia predicta imperpetuum sicut predictum est tenore presentium simi- liter licentiam dedimus ac damus specialem. Concessimus etiam et licenciam dedimus 302 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. ac per presentes concedimus et licentiam damus pro nobis et heredibus nostris pre- dicts prefato Johanni Wynchecombe quod ipse per finem predictum seu aliter omnia ilia terras tenementa sua prata pascua pasturas redditus reverciones et servicia boscos et subboscos suos cum omnibus et singulis suis pertinentiis in Henwicke Par- sonage infra parochiam de Thacham in dicto comitatu Berk' modo vel nuper in separalibus tenuris sive occupacionibus quorundam Johannis Lovegrove, Willielmi Kempeland, Thome Swayne, Willielmi fforster, Thome Heddache, Ricardi Adlard alias Athelard, Stephani Dancastell, Wil- lielmi Atwell, Roberti Bassett, Vincencii Knyght, Willielmi Knight, Johannis Knight, et Thome Hatt vel assignatorum suorum existencium exceptis et omnino reservatis omnibus serviciis et consuetudinibus singu- lorum custumariorum tenentium in Henwike Parsonage predicto dicto manerio de Thacham debitis et consuetis que de nobis tenentur in capite, dare possit et concedere prefatis Johanni Cheyney, Thome Horton et Thome Longe Habendum et tenendum omnia terras et tenementa ac cetera pre- missa cum pertinenciis in Henwike Parson- age predicto exceptis preexceptis prefatis Johanni Cheyney, Thome Horton et Thome Longe heredibus et assignatis suis ad proprium opus et usum predicti Johannis Wynchecombe pro termino vite ipsius Jo- hannis Wynchecombe absque impeticione alicujus vasti et immediate post decessum predicti Johannis Wynchecombe tunc ad opus et usum predicti Henrici Wynchecombe heredum assignatorum suorum de nobis et heredibus nostris per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta imperpetuum. Et eisdem Johanni Cheyney, Thome Horton et Thome Longe quod ipsi manerium predictum ac omnia terras tenementa, etc., premissa cum suis pertinenciis exceptis preexceptis, de prefato Johanne Wynchecombe recipere possint et tenere sibi heredibus et assignatis ad opus et usum supradicta de nobis et heredibus nostris predictis per servicia pre- dicta imperpetuum sicut predictum est tenore presentium similiter licenciam dedimus ac damus specialem. Nolentes quod prefatus Johannes Wynchecombe vel heredes sui aut predicti Johannes Cheyney, Thomas Horton et Thomas Longe heredes vel assignati sui aut predictus Henricus heredes vel assignati sui ratione premissorum per nos vel heredes nostras Justic', etc. In cujus, etc. Teste ix die Februarij. APPENDIX LXXXIV. Licence to John Wynchcombe to settle certain estates on his second son, Thomas. 1548. [From Patent Roll, 2 Edward VI., Part. 6, m. 27.] Licencia alienandi pro Johanne Wynch- combe. Rex omnibus ad quos, etc., Salu- tem. Sciatis quod nos de gratia nostra speciali ac pro octo libris decern et octo solidis quinque denariis et uno obolo nobis solutis in hanaperio nostro concessimus et licenciam dedimus ac per presentes con- cedimus et licenciam damus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est dilecto nobis Johanni Wynchecombe de Newbury in comitatu Berk seniori armigero quod ipse tam per finem in curia nostra coram justiciariis nostris de Banco apud Westmonasterium levandum quam aliter om- nia ilia terras tenementa prata pascua pas- turas redditus reversiones et servicia sua quecumque cum singulis suis pertinenciis in Crokeham infra parochiam de Thacham in dicto comitatu Berk modo vel nuper in separalibus tenuris sive occupationibus quo- rundam Johannis Alright, Johannis Hunt, Matilde White vidue, Johannis Avenell. Thome Keble, Rogeri Avenell, Johannis Raynssford, Johannis Knyght, generosi, et Edmundi Docwra aut eorum alicujus vel as- signatorum suorum aut alicujus eorum assig- natorum existentia ac omnia alia terras et tenementa sua quecumque cum singulis suis pertinenciis in Crokeham predicta ac in Henwike dictis messuagiis sive eorum alicui spectantibus sive pertinentibus que de nobis tenentur in capite dare possit et concedere APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 303 dilectis nobis Johanni Cheyney armigero, Ed- mundo Plowden et Thome Edwardes genero- sis habendum et tenendum eisdem Johanni Cheyney Edmundo et Thome heredibus etas- signatis suis imperpetuum ad proprium opus et usum predicti Johannis Wynchecombe senioris et Thome Wynchecombe secundi filii ipsius Johannis Wynchecombe quamdiu prefati Johannes et Thomas Wynchecombe conjunctim etinsimul vixerint absque impeti- cione alicujus vasti et immediate post deces- sum predictorum Johannis Wynchecombe et Thome Wynchecombe seu alterius eorum tunc ad opus et usum Dorothee uxoris pre- dicti Thome Winchecombe pro termino vite dicte Dorothee et post decessum dicte Dorothee tunc ad opus et usum predicti Johannis Wynchecombe pro termino vite sue absque impeticione alicujus vasti Et post decessum predictorum JohannisWynche- combe et Dorothee tunc ad opus et usum Thome Wynchecombe et heredum mas- culorum de corpore dicti Thome Wynche- combe legitime procreatorum et pro defectu hujusmodi exitus masculi de corpore ejus- dem Thome Wynchecombe legitime pro- creati tunc ad opus et usum rectorum heredum predicti Thome Wynchecombe imperpetuum de nobis et heredibus nostris per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta imperpetuum : Et eisdem Johanni Cheyney, Edmundo et Thome Edwardes quod ipsi omnia predicta terras tenementa prata pascua pasturas redditus reversiones et cetera premissa cum suis pertinenciis de prefato Johanne Wynchecombe recipere possint et tenere sibi heredibus et assignatis suis ad opus et usum supradicta de nobis et heredibus nostris predictis per servicia predicta imperpetuum sicut predictum est tenore presentium similiter licenciam dedi- mus ac damus specialem Concessimus etiam et licenciam dedimus ac per presentes conce- dimus et licenciam damus pro nobis et here- dibus nostris profato Johanni Wynchecombe seniori quod ipse tam per finem predictum quam aliter totum illud manerium suum de Gynge in dicto comitatu nostro Berk cum omnibus et singulis suis membris et per- tinenciis ac omnia alia terras tenementa et cetera hereditamenta sua quecumque cum suis pertinenciis universis in Gynge predicta et Ardington in dicto comitatu Berk ac omnia terras tenementa et heredita- menta sua cum suis pertinenciis in Esthen- dred in dicto comitatu Berk modo vel nuper in tenura sive occupatione cujusdam Jo- hannis Eyston vel assignatorum suorum existentia que de nobis tenentur in capite dare possit et concedere prefatis Johanni Cheyney, Edmundo Plowden, Thome Ed- wardes : habendum et tenendum eisdem Jo- hanni Cheyney, Edmundo et Thome Ed- wardes heredibus et assignatis suis imper- petuum ad opus et usum predicti Johannis Wynchecombe pro termino vite sue absque impeticione alicujus vasti Et immediate post decessum ipsius Johannis Wynchecombe tunc ad opus et usum prenominati Thome Wynchecombe et heredum masculorum de corpore predicti Thome Wynchecombe legitime procreatorum Et pro defectu hujus- modi exitus masculi de corpore predicti Thome Wynchecombe legittime procreati tunc ad opus et usum rectorum heredum predicti Thome Wynchecombe de nobis et heredibus nostris per servicia inde debita et de jure consueta imperpetuum : Et eisdem Johanni Cheyney, Edmundo et Thome Edwardes quod ipsi manerium predictum ac cetera premissa cum suis pertinenciis de prefato Johanne Wynchecombe recipere possint et tenere sibi heredibus et assignatis suis ad opus et usum supredicta de nobis et heredibus nostris predictis per servicia predicta imperpetuum sicut predictum est tenore presentium similiter licenciam de- dimus ac damus specialem, Nolentes quod predictus Johannes Wynchecombe senior vel heredes sui aut prefati Jo- hannes Cheyney, Edmundus et Thomas Edwardes heredes seu assignati sui aut pre- dictus Thomas Wynchecombe vel heredes masculi ipsius Thome Wynchecombe aut predicta Dorothea seu recti heredes predicti Johannis Wynchecombe per nos vel heredes nostros justicientur, etc. In cujus, etc» Teste ix. die ffebruarij. ■5 s t Xi Jo W hi rt 41 «-* J33 v. XI a o 1 a B a .3 S o a S «" x» S > ■TJ O X O X X Iff c . X •gt* HH >— i Q II 55 fc W o PUi S Ph d j_t ui W ol ". a K xi a o a -R <5 — a X! B o W X> " o •-• x! . <-> T-1 X3 " xlxift a^ o *■§ o a o\ O N O vo X! ~ u a J? W XI " g •2.0 O § ■Si w . >-■ a KM h _£ s a c3 aj "XI S a B w§ Xi a q -£ ffi xix; •s a JO Jh a — Xi a p* p< XI a fo ^^ -II s ,X1 a a 1 o % g *i ^ 5^ D X!^ a g e ■* o> .>. I, ■* as. U3 - SXi o en XJ 3 S Kxi .SE- II H 8l3 4» 'IS - hjOT3 irt • a aj i^ (A l^.S"- "— ' xi a u i— t o /inchcombe, = Henry St. John, d. 17 Sept., created Viscount broke, 17 12; a 1715 ; d. 12th D K^S PhXI- 55 "S ,«3 ^ > X X! X >-J XI I— I Q W Ph Ah < ~>2 u u i. d ■ UC 1} g s to 3 _(S n t» °> s 2 O *M in O s § —•S.B 2^ « S.Sfe c xjpq O S s p ^ to ° S-a i 1 ? ..- * cr 4 Q '- to sw Hi II ., ^90. d The tithes on these premises belonged to the owner of the Thatcham Estates, and went to form Lot 13 in the printed particulars of sale of that property. APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 309 APPENDIX XC. Copies of Charters {by inspeximus) granting Colthrop and other Manors to members of the Achard family. 11 15, 1318. [From Charter Roll, II Edward II., No. 81.] Pro Roberto Achard. Rex archiepiscopis &c, salutem. Inspeximus cartam quam Celebris me- morie dominus H[enricus] quondam Rex Anglie progenitor noster fecit Roberto Ac- hard in hec verba : — H[enricus] Rex Anglie justiciariis et vice- comitibus et baronibus suis Francis et Ang- licis de Bar[k]scire salutem. Sciatis me dedisse et concessisse Roberto Achard ma- gistro meo et heredibus suis in feudo et in hereditate Aldermannestum et Finchamstede et Colethrop et Speresholt et Cewehlewe cum omnibus appendiciis suis in ecclesiis et molendinis in bosco et piano in pratis et pasturis cum toll et tiem et soc et sac et infangentheof per servicium unius militis. Quare volo et firmiter precipio ut predictas terras libere et quiete teneat de scira et de hundredo et murdro et denegelt et de omni- bus querelis que ad me pertinent. T[estibus] Mathilda Regina, et Ranulfo Cancellario, Richero de Aquila, Adam de Port, Henrico de Port et multis aliis. Apud Westmonas- terium [c. 11 15]. Inspeximus eciam quandam aliam cartam quam Celebris memorie dominus H[enricus] quondam Rex Anglie avus noster fecit Roberto Achard filio et heredi Willielmi Achard in hec verba : — Henricus dei gratia Rex Anglie dominus Hibernie Dux Normannie et Aquitannie Comes Andegavie Archiepiscopis Episcopis Abbatibus Prioribus Comitibus Baronibus Justiciariis fforestariis Vicecomitibus Pre- positis Ministris et omnibus Ballivis et fidelibus suis Salutem. Sciatis nos con- cessisse et predicta carta nostra confirmasse Roberto Achard filio et heredi Willielmi Achard et heredibus suis maneria de Alder- manneston et Finchamstede et Coletrop et Speresholt et Chawelowe cum omnibus per- tinenciis suis que Henricus Rex avus Henrici regis avi nostri dedit Roberto Achard avo predicti Willielmi patris predicti Roberti. Quare volumus et firmiter pre- cipimus quod predictus Robertus Achard et heredes sui post eum habeant et teneant predicta maneria cum omnibus pertinenciis suis in ecclesiis in bosco et piano in pratis et pasturis in aquis et molendinis in vivariis et piscariis in viis et semitis et in omnibus aliis locis et aliis rebus ad ilia pertinentibus cum thol et them et soc et sac et infangene- theof per servicium unius militis bene et in pace libere et quiete et quod quieta sint de scira et hundredo et de murdro et de dene- gelt et de omnibus querelis que ad nos pertinent sicut carta Henrici regis avi Henrici regis avi nostri et confirmatio Henrici regis avi nostri quas inde habent rationabiliter testantur. Hiis testibus J. Bathon', R. Dunelm', W. KarlioP, Episcopis, H. de Burgo comite Kancie Justiciario Anglie', Stephano de Segrave, Hugone Dis- pensar, Nicholas de Mol[endino], Radulfo de Ralegh et aliis. Datum per manus venera- bilis patris R. Cicesty Episcopi Cancellarii nostri apud Westmonasterium sexto decimo die ffebruarii anno regni nostri tercio de- cimo [16 Feb. 1229]. Nos autem donationem concessiones et confirmationem predictas ratas habentes et gratas eas pro nobis et heredibus nostris quam in nobis est dilecto fideli Roberto Achard et heredibus suis concedimus et confirmamus sicut carte predicte rationabi- liter testantur. Hiis testibus venerabilibus patribus W. Cantuar' Archiepiscopo totius Anglie primate, J. Winton' Episcopo Cancel- lario nostro, J. Elien' Episcopo Thesaurario nostro, Thoma comite Norff ' et Marescallo Anglie fratre nostro carissimo, Adomaro de Valencia comite Pembroch', Humfrido de Bohun comite Hereford' et Essex', Williel- mo de Monte Acuto Senescallo hospicii nostri, et aliis. Datum per manum nostrum apud Nottingham xxx die Julii. Per ipsum regem nuncio Johanne de la Beche [30 July, 131 8]. 3io APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. APPENDIX XCI. Pedigree of the Achard Family. [Compiled principally from the Bodl. MSS., Clarke, c. 3.] Robert Achard had grant of 5 manors f< a = Henry I. include Colthrop, ante 11 18 J Richard Achard [he enfeoffed Hugh de Brutinoll of the Manor of Colthrop] = I William Achard, one of the justices Itin*. 1197 = 1 William Achard = Margaret Robert Achard, had grant and confirmat n f m Henry III., 1229 = I Peter Achard. died seized 1278 = Peter Achard, did homage for lands of his father in 1278 = I Robert Achard, died 1299= Johanna, d. and sole heiress of Sir Adam Gurdon of Selborne, Hants I Robert Achard, q. had grant of the 5 manors, 1318 ? lord of Aldermaston = Agnes, died 1358 ; Inq. P.M.- and of Colthrop, 1332 ; he died 1353 I 32 Edward III. I Joan Achard, d. and h. = Sir Peter de la Mare. APPENDIX XCII. Pedigree of the De la Mare Family. Philip de la Mare, Steward to Reginald FitzPeter, lord of Crookham, ante 1286 = _J Sir Peter de la Mare, seised of Colthrop Manor, 1354 and i359=Joan Achard Sir Thomas de la Mare, Sheriff of Berks, 1371 ; seised of Colthrop, 1373; =Margaret Knight of the Shire, 1379 ; Ditto, 1382 and 1383 Robert de la Mare, Knight of the Shire, 1413, 1417 = Sir Thomas de la Mare, Sheriff of Berks, 1450; Knight of the Shire and Sheriff, 1473; = Sheriff, 1477 ; Ditto, 1482 ; Ditto, 1500 John de la Mare, Aitipatre vivente= Elizabeth de la Mare=Sir George Forster (s. of Sir Humphrey Forster) Sheriff of Berks and Oxon, 1514; he died 1533. From 1533 till 1711 the estates of the Achards and De la Mares remained in the family of the- Forsters, when Sir Humphrey Forster died without issue. APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 3ii APPENDIX XCIII. ■Conveyance of Colthrop Manor to Sir Richard de Fokerham by Jordan de Lovelynch. 1318. [From Feet of Fines, Berks, 11 Edward II. 6.] Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini regis apud Westmonasterium in Octabis Sancti Johannis Baptiste anno regni regis Edwardi filii regis Edwardi undecimo coram Willielmo de Bereford, Gileberto de Ronbiry, Johanne de Benstede, Johanne Bacun, et Johanne de Mutford, justiciariis, et aliis domini regis fidelibus tunc ibi presentibus. Inter Ricardum de Fokerham et Isabellam uxorem ejus que- rentes per Willielmum de Lucy positum loco ipsius Isabelle per breve domini regis ad lucrandum vel perdendum et Jordanum de Lovelynche deforciantem de manerio de Colthrop cum pertinenciis Unde placitum conventionis summonitum fuit inter eos in eadem curia scilicet quod predictus Ri- cardus recognovit predictum manerium cum pertinenciis esse jus ipsius Jordani, ut illud quod idem Jordanus habet de dono predicti Ricardi. Et pro hac recognitione fine et concordia idem Jordanus concessit predictis Ricardo et Isabelle predictum manerium cum pertinenciis, et illud eis reddidit in eadem curia : Habendum et tenendum eisdem Ricardo et Isabelle de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia que ad predictum manerium pertinent tota vita ipsorum Ricardi et Isabelle, et post decessum ipsorum Ricardi et Isabelle pre- dictum manerium cum pertinenciis integre remanebit Roberto filio Ricardi de Foker- ham et Johanne uxori ejus et heredibus de corporibus ipsorum Roberti et Johanne ex- euntibus tenendum de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia que ad predictum manerium pertinent imperpetuum. Et si contingat quod iidem Robertus et Johanna obierint sine herede de corporibus suis exeunte tunc post decessum ipsorum Ro- berti et Johanne predictum manerium cum pertinenciis integre remanebit rectis heredi- bus predicti Ricardi tenendum de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia que ad pre- dictum manerium pertinent imperpetuum. APPENDIX XCIV. Conveyance of Colthrop by John de Fokerham to Hugh de Monyngton and others. 1349. [From P.R.O. Feet of Fines, Berks, 22 & 23 Edward III. (but to be found bound in No. 22), lb.] Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini regis apud Westmonasterium in Octabis sancti Hillarii anno Regni Edwardi regis Anglie tercii a conquestu vicesimo se- cundo et regni ejusdem regis ffrancie nono coram Johanne de Stonore, Willielmo de Shareshull, Rogero Hillary, Ricardo de Kel- leshull, Ricardo de Wylughby, Johanne de Stanford, et Thoma de Fencotes justiciariis. Et postea in Octabis Sancti Michaelis anno regni ejusdem Edwardi Regis Anglie vicesi- mo tercio et regni sui Francie decimo ibidem concessa et recordata coram eisdem justici- ariis et aliis domini regis fidelibus tunc ibi presentibus : Inter magistrum Hugonem de Monyngton, Willielmum Northlegh, Johan- nem Gonyz, et Johannem de Keyrewent querentes, per Ricardum de Sobburypositum loco suo ad lucrandum vel perdendum, et Johannem de Fokerham deforciantem de manerio de Colthrop cum pertinenciis quod Ricardus de Penlegh et Isabella uxor ejus tenent ad terminum vite ipsius Isabelle unde placitum conventionis summonita fuit inter eos in eadem curia, Scilicet quod predictus Johannes de Fokerham concessit pro se et heredibus suis quod predictum manerium cum pertinenciis quod predicti Ricardus et Isabella tenent ad terminum vite ipsius Isabelle de hereditate predicti Johannis de Fokerham die quo hec concordia facta fuit et quod post decessum ipsius Isabelle ad 312 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. predictum Johannem de Fokerham et here- des suos debuit reverti post decessum ipsius Isabelle integre remaneat predictis magistro Hugoni, Willielmo, Johanni Gonyz, et Jo- hanni de Keyrewent et heredibus ipsius Magistri Hugonis tenendum de capitalibus dominis feodi illius per servicia que ad pre- dictum manerium pertinent imperpetuum. Et predictus Johannes de Fokerham et here- des sui warantizabunt predictis Magistro Hugoni, Willielmo, Johanni Gonyz, et Jo- hanni de Keyrewent, et heredibus ipsius Magistri Hugonis predictum manerium cum pertinenciis sicut predictum est contra omnes homines imperpetuum. Et pro hac conces- sione warantia fine et concordia iidem Ma- gister Hugo, Willielmus, Johannes Gonyz, et Johannes de Keyrewent, dederunt predicto Johanni de Fokerham centum marcas ar- genti. Et hec concordia facta fuit presenti- bus predictis Ricardo et Isabella et earn concedentibus et fecerunt predictis magistro Hugoni, Willielmo, Johanni Gonyz, et Jo- hanni de Keyrewent, fidelitatem in eadem curia. APPENDIX XCV. The Colthrop Estate, &°c, conveyed by Thomas Overey, citizen of London, to John Shilford of Erleigh. 1394. [From P.R.O. Feet of Fines, Berks, 17 Richard II., No. 3.] Hec est finalis concordia facta in curia domini Regis . apud Westmonasterium in Octabis sancti Michaelis anno regnorum Ri- cardi Regis Anglie et Francie decimo sep- timo coram Roberto de Cherlton, Willielmo Thirnyng, Willielmo Rikhill, Johanne Wad- ham, et Ricardo Sydenham justiciariis et aliis domini Regis fidelibus tunc ibi pre- sentibus. Inter Johannem Shilford de Erie querentem et Thomam Overey civem et pannarium London' et Constanciam uxorem ejus deforciantes de manerio de Colthorp cum pertinenciis et de quadraginta et octo solidatis redditus cum pertinenciis in Myg- ham. Unde placitum conventionis sum- monitum fuit inter eos in eadem curia scilicet quod predicti Thomas et Constan- cia recognoverunt predicta manerium et redditum cum pertinenciis esse jus ipsius Johannis et ilia remiserunt et quietum- clamaverunt de ipsis Thoma et Constancia et heredibus ipsius Constancie predicto Jo- hanni et heredibus suis imperpetuum. Et preterea iidem Thomas et Constancia con- cesserunt pro se et heredibus ipsius Con- stancie quod ipsi warrantizabunt predicto Johanni et heredibus suis predictum ma- nerium et redditum cum pertinenciis contra omnes homines imperpetuum. Et pro hac recognitione remissione quietaclamatione warrancia fine et concordia idem Johannes dedit predictis Thome et Constancia centum marcas argenti. APPENDIX XCVI. Grant by John Elmere and others of Colthrop Manor to John Morys, Warden of St. Mary's College of Winchester. 1402. [From P.R.O. Ancient Deeds, B. 1199.] Sciant presentes et futuri quod nos Jo- hannes Elmere, Johannes Campeden, Tho- mas Ailleward et Willielmus Norton clerici licencia regia mediante dimisimus et hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus Jo- hanni Morys Custodi Collegii vocati Seinte Marie college of Wynchestre prope civitatem Winton' et ejusdem Collegii Scolaribus totum manerium nostrum de Colthrop cum omnibus suis ubique pertinenciis in comitatu APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 313 Berk' ac etiam quadraginta duas solidatas et octo denariatas redditus cum omnibus per- tinenciis suis in Miggeham in comitatu pre- dicto cum pratis pascuis et pasturis redditi- bus et serviciis tam liberorum tenentium quam nativorum cum homagiis et fidelitati- bus eorundem ac reversionibus quibus- cumque cum boscis haiis viis semitis aquis piscariis molendinis ffranchesiis libertatibus quibuscumque ac aliis commoditatibus pro- ficuis et pertinenciis quibuscumque ad idem manerium in quocumque loco spectantibus et ad predicta quadraginta duas solidatas et octo denariatas redditus que nuper habui- mus de dono et concessione Johannis Shel- ford civis civitatis London' Habendum et tenendum totum predictum manerium cum omnibus suis ubique pertinenciis ac etiam quadraginta duas solidatas et octo denariatas redditus cum omnibus suis pertinenciis in Miggeham predicta cum pratis pascuis et pasturis redditibus et serviciis tam liberorum tenencium quam nativorum cum homagiis et fidelitatibus eorundem ac reversionibus quibuscumque cum boscis haiis viis semitis aquis piscariis molendinis franchisiis liber- tatibus quibuscumque ac aliis commodita- tibus proficuis et pertinenciis quibuscumque ad idem manerium et ad predicta quadriginta duas solidatas et octo denariatas redditus in quocumque loco spectantibus predictis Gus- to di Scholaribus et eorum successoribus in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam imperpetuum : Salvis tamen predicto Jo- hanni Shelford annuatim ad terminum vite sue viginti marcis de dicto manerio cum pertinenciis ipso Johanne vivente et non diucius prout per cartam ejusdem de conces- sione predicti manerii nobis prius factam evidenter apparet. In cujus rei testi- monium huic presenti carte nostre sigilla nostra apposuimus. Hiis testibus Thoma Chelrey, Johanne Fromond, Willielmo Fau- coner, Willielmo Holte, Willielmo Stokes, Thoma Loundres, Ricardo Secol et aliis. Datum apud Suthe Waltham in comitatu Sutht' die lune proxima post festum transla- tionis Sancti Thome Martiris anno regni regis Henrici quarti post conquestum Anglie tertio [10 July, 1402]. [4 Seals.] APPENDIX XCVII. Inquisition respecting the Grant of Colthrop by John Elmere and others to Winchester College. 1402. [From P.R. O. Inq. ad quod damnum, 3 Hen. IV., No. 34.] [Writ.] Henricus Dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francie et Dominus Hibernie Escaetori suo in comitatu Berk' salutem. Precipimus tibi quod per sacramentum proborum et legalium hominum de balliva tua per quos rei Veritas melius sciri poterit diligenter inquiras si sit ad dampnum vel prejudicium nostrum aut aliorum si concedamus Johanni Elmere clerico, Johanni Campeden clerico, Thome Aileward clerico et Willielmo Norton clerico, quod ipsi manerium de Colthrop cum per- tinenciis et quadraginta et duas solidatas et octo denariatas redditus cum pertinenciis in Miggeham dare possint et assignare dilectis nobis in Christo Custodi et Scolari- bus collegii vocati Seinte Marie college vol. 11. s of Wynchestre prope civitatem nostram Wynton' per Willielmum de Wykeham Episcopum Wynton' nuper fundati Haben- dum et tenendum eisdem Custodi et Sco- laribus et successoribus suis in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam imper- petuum in partem satisfactionis centum libratarum terrarum tenementorum et red- dituum cum pertinenciis quas dominus R[icardus] nuper Rex Anglie secundus post conquestum eisdem Custodi et Scolaribus licet de ipso nuper Rege sive de aliis te- neantur in capite per litteras suas patentes nuper concessit adquirendas necne Et si sit ad dampnum vel prejudicium nostrum aut aliorum tunc ad quod dampnum et quod prejudicium nostrum et ad quod .3*4 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. dampnum et quod prejudicium aliorum et quorum et qualiter et quo modo et de quo vel de quibus predicta manerium et redditus teneantur et per quod servicium et qualiter et quo modo et quantum ma- nerium predictum valeat per annum in omnibus exitibus juxta verum valorem ejusdem et qui et quot sunt medii inter nos et prefatos Johannem Johannem Tho- mam et Willielmum de manerio et redditu predictis et que terre et que tenementa eisdem Johanni Johanni Thome et Wil- lielmo remaneant ultra donacionem et as- signationem predictas et ubi et de quo vel de quibus teneantur et per quod servicium et qualiter et quo modo et quantum valeant per annum in omnibus exitibus et si terre et tenementa eisdem Johanni Johanni Tho- me et Willielmo remanencia ultra donacio- nem et assignacionem predictas sufficiant ad consuetudines et servicia tam de predictis manerio et redditu sic datis quam de aliis terris et tenementis sibi retentis debita fa- cienda et ad omnia alia onera que sustinue- runt et sustinere consueverunt ut in sectis visibus franci plegii auxiliis tallagiis vigiliis finibus redempcionibus amerciamentis con- tributionibus et aliis quibuscumque oneribus emergentibus sustinenda et quod heredes ipsorum Johannis Johannis Thome et Wil- lielmi in assisis juratis et aliis recognicio- nibus quibuscumque poni possint prout antecessores sui ante donationem et assig- nacionem predictas poni consueverunt : Ita quod patria per donacionem et assigna- cionem predictas in heredum ipsorum Jo- hannis Johannis Thome et Willielmi defec- tum magis solito non oneretur seu gravetur Et inquisitionem inde distincte et aperte factam nobis in cancellariam nostram sub sigillo tuo et sigillis eorum per quos facta fuerit sine dilatione mittas et hoc breve. T[este] me ipso apud Westmonasterium viij die Junii Anno regni nostri tercio. [8 June, 1402.] Shelford. Inquisitio capta apud Grauntpount juxta Oxon' tercio die Julij anno regni regis Henrici Quarti post conquestum tercio coram Willielmo Hilton escaetore domini Regis in comitatu Berks virtute brevis do- mini Regis eidem escaetori directi et huic inquisitione consuti per sacramentum Jo- hannis Latton, Johannis atte well, Ricardi atte well, Johannis Shortecombe, Johannis Reford, Rogeri Crook, Ricardi Secoll, Jo- hannis Labell, Johannis Barcolf, Johannis Cook, Johannis Glasyere et Ricardi Bye juratorum Qui dicunt super sacramentum suum quod non est ad dampnum nee pre- judicium domini regis nee alicujus alterius quamvis Johannes Elmere clericus, Johan- nes Campeden clericus, Thomas Ailleward clericus et Willielmus Norton clericus dede- runt et assignaverunt Custodi et Scolaribus Collegii vocati Seinte Marie College of Winchestre prope civitatem Winton' per Willielmum Wykeham episcopum Winton' fundati manerium de Colthrop et quadra- ginta duas solidatas et octo denaratas red- ditus cum pertinenciis in Miggeham Ha- bendum et tenendum eisdem custodi et scolaribus et successoribus suis in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam imper- petuum Et dictum manerium cum predictis quadraginta duabus solidatis et octo dena- riatis redditus cum omnibus aliis suis per- tinenciis valet per annum xli. Et dictum manerium cum omnibus suis pertinenciis in Miggeham et alibi tenetur de domino Thoma de la Mare milite ut de manerio suo de Aldermaston per sectam ad curiam suam dicti manerii bis per annum quod ipse tenet de domino Rege in capite. Et non est alius medius inter predictos Jo- hannem Elmere clericum, Johannem Cam- peden clericum, Thomas Ailleward clericum, et Willielmum Norton clericum et dominum Regem nisi ipse Thomas de la Mare. Et dicti Johannes Elmere clericus, Johannes Campeden clericus, Thomas Ailleward clericus et Willielmus Norton clericus non habent aliquas terras nee tenementa sibi remanencia postquam dederint et assigna- verint manerium predictum ut predictum est. In cujus rei testimonium Juratores predicti huic inquisitioni sigilla sua ap- posuerunt. Datum die loco et anno supra- dictis. [3 July, 1402.] APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 315 APPENDIX XCVIII. Indenture between Robert Thurbern of Winchester and John Godfader respecting Colthrop Mill. 1 4 2 1 . [From Winchester College Muniments.] Hec indentura facta inter Robertem Thur- bern Custodem Collegii vocati Seynt Marye College of Wynchestre prope civitatem Wyntonie socios et ejusdem collegii sco- lares ex parte una et Johannem Godfader filium Willielmi Godfader ex parte altera testatur quod predictus Custos socii et sco- lares tradiderunt et ad firmam dimiserunt prefato Johanni totum manerium suum de Colthrop juxta Thacham in comitatu Berks cum omnibus redditibus et servitiis liberorum tenentium et nativorum et omnibus aliis suis ubique pertinentibus exceptis boscis Wardis maritagiis min[orum] et eschaetis cum acci- derint Habendum et tenendum totum pre- dictum manerium cum omnibus suis ubique pertinentiis et simul cum redditibus omnium tenentium dicti Custodis in Migham in comi- tatu predicto exceptis que supra excipiuntur prefato Johanni a die confectionis presen- tium usque ad finem termini decern annorum proxime sequentium et plenarie complendo- rum : Reddendo inde annuatim durante termino predicto prefato Custodi ac suis successoribus in collegio Wynton' predicto octo decern libras tres decern solidos et iiij denarios ad quatuor anni terminos princi- pales equis porcionibus [videlicet ad festum pascale domini iiij/;'. quatuor libras tres decim solidos et quatuor denarios e ]. Et ulterius dictus Johannes acquietabit predictos Custodem socios et scolares et eorum successores erga dominum Regem et capitales dominos manerii predicti de omnibus [et omnimodis] oneribus et ser- viciis ad predictum manerium quoquo- modo spectantibus per totum terminum supradictum [simul cum taxatione] do- mine Regine concedenda. Et ulterius predictus Johannes fenum et prebendam sufficientem pro equis predicti Custodis et scolarium et eorum successorum in duo- bus suis adventibus ad manerium predictum inveniet quolibet anno ac etiam custus sene- scalli et familie sue in duobus suis adventi- bus per annum cum veniet pro curia ibidem tenenda durante termino supradicto. Et prefatus Johannes habebit de prefatis Cus- tode sociis et scolaribus et eorum successori- bus annuatim durante termino supradicto liberationem suam qualem valeti collegii predicti recipiant et habebunt ac etiam pre- fatus Johannes habebit de predictis Custode sociis et scolaribus housebote haybote et fuyrbote f sufficientes in boscis manerii pre- dicti durante termino predicto venditione dono (?) absque vasto et destructione factis Et prefatus Johannes omnes domos infra manerium et omnes clausuras [circa vel infra] manerium et terras manerii predicti sustentabit et eas in bono statu et competenti in fine termini predicti dimittet. Et quod predictus Johannes in principio firme sue recipiet de prefato Custode tri- ginta sex acras terre warectate g et quatuor acras terre warectate et rebinatas in campo vocato Westham simul cum tota pastura integra post falcationem prati vocati Este- mede easdem acras vel consimiles sic warec- tatas et rebinatas simul cum pastura predicta prati ut predicitur in fine termini sui [dimit- tet] et reliberabit. Et ulterius quod predic- tus Johannes in principio firme sue predicte recipiat de prefatis Custode sociis et predicti collegii scolaribus decern [quarteria] fru- menti cujuslibet quarterii vj sol.' precio v sol.' v quarteria hordii cujuslibet quarterii per quarterium iv solidos et v quarteria avenarum pretio cujuslibet quarterii per quarterium ij solidos et omnia predicta grana vel pretium eorundem in fine termini sui predicti reliberabit predicto Custodi vel successoribus suis vel pretium eorundem ad electiones dicti Custodis vel successorum suorum. Et predictus Custos socii et ejus- dem collegii scolares volunt et concedunt pro se et successoribus suis quod si mo- lendinum manerii predicti non reddiderit e The words in brackets are struck out in the original. S S 2 f Fire-bote. e Fallow. 3i6 APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. quadraginta solidos per annum durante termino predicto quod ex tunc prefatus Custos socii et scolares et eorum succes- sors summam deficientem de xl solidis in anno vel in annis in quo vel quibus de- fecerit Et si contigat quod predicta annua firma aretro fuerit non soluta in parte vel in toto per septimanas pro aliquo termino prefixo quod extunc bene licebit prefato Custodi sociis et ejus- dem collegii scolaribus et eorum successori- bus in predictum manerium cum omnibus pertinentiis suis ingredi et ibidem distringere et districciones sic captas abducere asfugare vel penes se retinere quousque eisdem de predicta firma plenarie fuerit satisfactum. Et si sufficiens districcio in manerio predicto et pertinenciis suis inveniri non poterit extunc bene licebit prefato Custodi sociis et ejusdem collegii scolaribus et eorum suc- cessoribus in predictum manerium ingredi cum omnibus suis pertinentiis et penes se retinere presenti indentura non obstante. [Et predicti Custos socii et scolares pre- dictum manerium cum omnibus suis perti- nentiis exceptis que supra excipiuntur prefato Johanni heredibus et executoribus suis in forma predicta contra omnes gentes war- rantizabunt durante termino predicto h ]« Et quod prefatus Johannes heredes et execu- tores sui obligantur prefato Custodi sociis et scolaribus et eorum successoribus in quadraginta libris bone monete Anglie sol- vendis eisdem certo die et loco in quodam scripto obligatorio contentis, tamen predicti Custos socii et scolares volunt et concedunt pro se et successoribus suis quod si prefatus Johannes [faciat] teneat et adimpleat omnes et singulas con[ventiones] in hac presenti indentura contentas quod extunc scriptum obligatorium pro nullo habeatur alioquin in suo robore stet et effectu. In cujus rei testimonium partes predicte partibus hujus indenture sigilla sua alternatim apposuerunt Datum apud collegium predictum die lune in festo Sancti Michaelis Archangeli anno regni regis Henrici quinti post [conquestum] Anglie nono [29 Sept., 142 1]. [At the end of the lease two other clauses were added, but the writing is so illegible as to be almost undecipherable.] APPENDIX XCIX. Rebuilding of Colthrop Mills. 1472. [From Winton College Documents. " Compotus," 1472.] In solutione Hayne carpentario pro factura duorum molendinorum de novo apud Col- thropp xvl. : Et in liberatione Johanni Egerton de Overton pro cariagio meremii ordinati pro rotis aquaticis pro le cogg whelis inde fiendis pro eisdem molendinis ab Overton usque ad Colthropp, xviij^. viij an - 23 rd March, 1664 Quarles, Citizen and Mer- chant Adventurer of Lon- don Thomas Sir Tho 8 . Dolman, Knight, = Margery, d r to John now one of y e Deputy L t3 & a justice of peace in this Coy., son & heire set. 43, ann. 23 Mar., 1664, Clerk of the Coun- cil, living 1696 Hobday of Thorn eton in Com. Warr. Anne, wife to Philip Wes- ton of New- bury Margaret, relict of Eustace Hooke of Hooke in Com. Hants 2 Sir Thomas, knighted at = Dorothy, d r of Shaw, 1703, when the Queen was at his house on her return from Bath Jn° Harrison of Searbro' Sir Humphrey, son and heire, set. 3 an. 23 rd Mar., 1664, ob. s.p. I JohnDolman= 1 Anne = Sir Roger le Strange 2 Margaret A daug r who died patre vivente. Certified by Sir Tho 8 . Dolman, Knight .... Dolman, Esq., of Shaw, 1718, Ashmole, p. 276. APPENDIX CIV. Citation of Sir Walter Jocelyn on a charge of Adultery. 1329. [In Reg. Mortival, Lib. II. fol. 364 or 386 is the following entry :— ] Gacelyn. Memorandum quod die Lune videlicet proximo die juridico post festum sancte Katerine Virginis anno domini m° ccc mo vicesimo nono apud parcum Rem- mesbiriensem comparuit personaliter stans in capella sua ibidem dominus Walterus Gacelyn miles et lecto certificatorio cita- tionis expresse facte quod semel cum adul- teratus est cum Alienora Attewelle de parochia de West Turley (?) in diocese Sarum set quoad Agnetam filiam Lucie la Webbe de parochia ecclesie de Thacham de quibus in dicto certificatorio sit plena mentio totaliter diffinite abjurans dictam VOL. II. T Alienoram in forma ecclesie tactis per euro corporaliter sacrosanctis Dei Evangeliis et dominus distulit penitentiam suam super confessatis per eum sub expectatione boni gestus ejusdem quoad objectum de pertrac- tatione uxoris sue de quo et in dicto cita- torio diffinite juravit eum quod bene et ho- neste secundum legem conjugii earn amodo pertractare. Presentibus Bartholomeo %^Sn S^/K <%A£' domino Jo- 1 The Homage present that Stephen Ale- bury cannot deny that he owes Thomas Kembar eightpence which he unjustly de- tains from him, therefore it is granted that the said Thomas recover the said eight- pence, and the said Stephen is in mercy for the detention aforesaid. Surety, William Laubel. Henry Theccher is at default of law against Thomas Morice in that he does not (?) detain eightpence from him as he has complained against him. He is to have four compurgators. Surety, Thomas Crouke, &c. Lex. John Tulle, senior, complains and offers himself against John Sergaunt in a plea of trespass, and wherein he complains that the said John makes him work at the hundred whereby the said John Tulle lost his profit on divers occasions. The said John Sergaunt comes and says that he is therein guilty of nothing and therein he is- at law. He is to have four compurgators against the next Court. Sureties, J. Tulle and W. Laubel. Lex. William Paterich complains in the name of the lord against the said John in a plea of trespass, and wherein he complains that on Wednesday next after the feast of St. Michael in the 44th year he and his domestic servant wounded the pigs of the lord on the land of Mathew Rivel with hi& dogs, and killed one pig to the damage of twenty shillings : and therein he puts him- self at law. He is to have six compurgators at the next Court. At a view of frankpledge with Court held there Saturday the feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle in the 47th year of the reign of King Edward III. after the Conquest [11 June, 1373]. In the lord's hands. It is ordered to seize into the hands of the lord the tenement of William Glovare because he permits it to be in a ruinous state. Thomas Crouke, ale-taster, presents that Walter Mulleward unlawfully takes toll, therefore in mercy [iiijrf.]. John Porter, senior, offers himself against John Axebrennar in a plea of debt. The said John was attached by the surety of the messor and others who have him not, therefore the said sureties in mercy, and nevertheless it is ordered that the said John answer the said APPENDICES TO BOOK IV. 329 John in the next Court concerning the said plea, &c. Thomas Crouke offers himself against the said John Axebrennare in a plea of debt : the said John was attached by surety of the messor and others who have him not, therefore the said sureties are in mercy, and nevertheless it is ordered to distrain the said John to answer the said Thomas in the next Court concerning the said plea, &c. Thomas Kembare in mercy, because he does not prosecute a complaint against John Axebrennar in a plea of debt. John Tolle, senior, in mercy, because he does not prosecute a complaint against John Sergaunt in a plea of trespass. John Sergaunt puts himself in mercy for licence to agree with the lord and the bailiff in a plea of trespass. At a Court held there Thursday the feast of St. Michael in the 47th year of the reign of King Edward III. [29 September, 1373], The Homage present that William Glovare permits his houses to be in a ruinous state, wherefore it is ordered to seize them into the hands of the lord as before, and there- fore he is in mercy. Also that John Jervays [i]d.] permits his houses to be in a ruinous state, therefore he is in mercy. And it is ordered that the said John repair them before Hokeday b [April 11, 1374] under pain of twelve pence. To this Court comes Alexander Chamber- leyn and takes of the lord one cottage with the curtilage and one croft of land and one inclosed meadow and one and a half acres of land in le Brodehamme, late Pynkeneyes, and one acre and a half of meadow in the west part of Estmed, to hold to him and Alice his wife and John their son for term of their lives by the services of seven shil- lings and nine pence for all other services. And he gives to the lord for a fine for having entrance one capon and does fealty. To this Court came John Tulle, junior, and took of the lord two acres of arable land in the common field of Migham, namely one acre lying on Dounstowe between the lands of Nicholas Nywman and Roger Sare, and another acre lying in the east part of Shakebrok, to hold for the term of his life at a rent of sixteen pence and suit at two views of frankpledge. And he gives to the lord for a fine two partriches \_particas~\ and does fealty. At a Court held there the 4th day of the month of May in the 48th year of the reign of King Edward III. after theConquest [1374]. Agnes Jervays came into Court and sur- rendered into the hands of the lord one messuage and three acres of land which she held in villeinage. At a view of frankpledge with Court held there on Saturday the feast of St. Katherine the Virgin in the 48th year of the reign of King Edward III. after the Conquest [25 November, 1374]- To this Court came Margaret Crokleg, free tenant, and took and acknowledged that she holds of the lord one acre of arable land lying in the common field of Migham. Pannage of Pigs : John Fryday three hogs [iijrf. ], John Bele four pigs [iiijrf.], 'five hogasters [ijd. o5.], William Laubel five pigs, six hogs [viijrf.], John Cartar four pigs and one little pig [iiijrf. ob\ Henry Thecche three hogs [iijrf.], John Howes two hogs []V.], John Edward two little pigs \\d\ John Porter, junior, three hogs \jd. ob.~\. At a view of frankpledge with Court held there the first day of the month of July in the 48th year of the reign of King Edward III. after the Conquest [1374], Thomas Crouke, tithingman, presents that Robert Oxenhurd [iiij*/.] unlawfully drew blood from John Cow, therefore he is in mercy, and that John Cow lawfully raised the hue and cry against the said Robert [ijd?.], therefore he is in mercy. Also that Robert Oxenhurd unlawfully drew blood from Godiva, daughter of Richard Baylif, therefore in mercy, and that the said Godiva lawfully raised the hue and cry against the said Robert [ij "713; 1714; J7I5 Chief Lord's Name. .... Dolman (son of John Dolman, brother of Sir Thomas Dolman) 1722. General Richard Waring 1737. William Ball War- ing, Esq. 1746. Mrs. Gore 1759. Sir Archer Croft, Bart. 1792. Sir John Croft, Bart. Sub-lord's Name. Where Court' Roll to be found. Mr. Mount's Deeds at Wasing Place INDEX NO MI NUM. In the following Index p. or pp. refers to the pages of the Text, Vol. I., and App. to the pages of the Appendices, Vol. II. The following are the abbreviations used : ChW for Church Warden ; lay subs, for ' lay subsidies' ; prsnt. for presentments in the Court Rolls. Although only a single reference to the page is given, it will be found that frequently the name occurs two or three times, and sometimes more, in that page. Abburbury, Richard: witness 1409-31 App. 222, 163 „ Lady Alice : 141 1 -16/. 352 App. 332, 333 Aberie, John: ChW 1575, 1576 p. 184 ,, William: ChW 1614 p. 185 ,, John : tithing man 1631-36 App. 339, 340 „ Cf. Aubery and Awbery Able, John : ditto widow : tenants 1661-67 A pp. 281, 282 Absolon, John : juror 1450 App. 224 Achard, Robert : 1 1 15/. 340 App. 309 „ Richard, William, Peter, &c. : 1226—1353 PP- 3°. 34°. 341. 342, App. 309 ,, Pedigree of Family : p. 310 Acton, Henry: bequest 1557/. 323 Addames, William : and wife Alice : 1600 App. 236 Adderbury, Richard : 1395 App. 220 Adlard (Athelard), Richard : tenant 1548 App. 302 Adnams, Joseph: 1803 ; ditto Alfred : 1897/. 684//. 177 iElfeah, Ealdorman : and ^Elfsith 975 pp. 16, 17 App. 2, 3 Aileward, Thomas : 1398-1402 pp. 347, 348 App. 312, 313, 314 Ailwyne, Peter: 1313-16 App. 20, 21 ,, John: 1367; ditto Julian: 1423^//. 323, 42 Alebury, Stephen : defendant 1373 App. 328 Albeneio, Nigel de : 1080 p. 84 Aldridge, John of Crookham : 1549 p- 270 Aldrington, Henry of Colthrop : 1364/. 347 Aldworth, Richard : 1668-70/. 327 App. 283 Alexander, John: 1300-16 App. 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 30 ,, Henry (Alisaundre) : deacon 1312/. 38 App. 35 ,, Thomas (Alysandre) : 1316-44//. 36, 260 App. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 2l8 Allburn, Roger: lay subs. Edw. I. p. 56 Allyn, Richard: 1597/. 119 App. 83 ,, John : presentment 1600 App. 276 Allen, widow : 1783 App. 132 Alman, Simon: witness 1413 App. 37 Alright, John : tenant 1548 App. 302 Alveton, John: King's Escheator 1344/. 260 App. 218 Aluric of Taceham (Domesday) : p. 21 Alwi, Ceuresbert (Domesday) : pp. 7, 20, 241 App. 4 Alwyne, Thomas: lay subs. 1332/. 215 Alwood, Richard: curate 1529-31/. 180 App. 78 Amyand, George son of Claudius : purchases Chamber- house 1748//. 63, 310 „ Sir George : 1771 //. 63, 311 , , Pedigree of Family : App. 270 Amyce, Sir Roger: 1557/- 354 App. 319, 320 Andrew, Peter : lay subs. 1309/. 56 App. 19 ,, John: 1388; ditto Juliana : 1432 App. 29, 40 Angel, Richard : 1661; dittowidow. 1697 App. 281,294 Annesly, John de : 1327 App. 212 ,, Dr. Martin : 1747/. 228 Ansculfi, Ghilo frater (Domesday) : /. 7 Appleford, Jordan de : first vicar 1317 //. 37, 54, 98, 103, 104, 107, 179 App. 35, 71, 74 Arle, John : witness 1431-46/. 195 App. 42, 161 Armstrong, Benjamin John : curate 1873/. '82 Arnaway, William : lay subs. 1332 App. 215 „ Agnes : 1381 App. 27 Arnold, John : 1831-33 App. 155, 135 Arundell, Thos. : 1472-76//. 202, 205 App. 42, 43, 162 ,, John : 1665-67/. 120 App. 89 „ John : 1783 ; Joseph : 1837/ 225 App. 139, 151 Astley, John : lawsuit 1570-90/. 291-3 App. 254-6 Atte-aker, William: lay subs. 1332 App. 215 „ -berne, John: 1304-42 App. 18, 19? 24, 25, 32 „ ,, Richard : 1365-82 //. 53, 55, 262 App. 26, 27. 28, 33, 34, 219, 220 ,, -boure, Thomas : 1336-42//. 52, 53 App. 24, 25 ,, -chambre, John : lay subs. 1327/. 215 „ „ Elienora : lay subs. Edw. III. //. 56, 54 ,, ,, William : ditto Thomas : 1344-49 App. 218, 25,219 „ -chapel, Margaret: 1327-32//. 53, 54, 215 ,, -cok, Edward : 1412 App. 41 ,, -combe, Roger: ditto Letitia : 1309-30 App. 18, 31 ,, -felde, Ralph: lay subs. 1327-32/. 215 ,, -feme, Thomas: lay subs. 1327/, 215 ,, -ford, Ralph: lay subs. 1300/. 343, 54 „ „ Richard: burgage 1446/. 193 App. 159, 160 „ -fortye, John : grant by 1340 p. 53 App. 25 ,, -frithe, John : prsnt. 1357 App. 271 ,, -gidiehale, John : 1327 App. 215 ,, -eidihale, William : 1357 App. 273 ,, -hacche, Walter: prsnt. 1357 App. 271, 273 ,, -hale, William : and wife Agnes : 1333 App. 24 „ „ John : prsnt. 1367 App. 323 „ -ham-mul, John: prsnt. 1357 App. 272, 273 ,, -hech (hethe), Roger : witness 1323-36 App. 23, 24 ,, -hethe, William: Joanna: 1309-20 App. 19, 22 ,, -hurne, Robert : William : 1300-23/. 53 App. 16, 23 ,, -hyde, William : juror 1349 App. 219 ,, -lane, Richard : witness 1366 App. 26 ,, -oke, Thomas : witness 1313-36 App. 20, 24 ,, -pette (pecte), Simon : 1310/. 254 App. 198, 232 „ -pole, Roger : steward 1323 p. 256 App. 201 to 216 „ ,, Roger : juror 1340-49/. 260 App. 25, 218, 219 ,, -pyle, Roger and wife Matilda : /. 261 App. 219 „ -sele, William : witness 1412 App. 41 „ -stone, John: lay subs. 1327, 1332//. 55, 215 „ -strode, John : prsnt. 1357 App. 271 „ -yate (gate), John : burgage 1424-72 pp. 54, 194, 201 App. 39, 42, 160, 161, 162 „ -wall, Robert : 1319-44//. 53, 54, 56 App. 30, 32 „ „ William : 1344-63 App. 32, 33 ,, -water, Thomas : juror 1344/. 260 App. 218 ,, -welle, Alienora : citation 1329 App. 321 „ ,, Richard: ditto John: juror 1402 App. 314 „ „ William: ditto John: 1548 — 1606 App. 302, 275, 108 ,, -weye, Roger : At weyere, Thomas : 1332-57^.215 App. 273 „ -wryghe, Roger: juror 1344/. 260 App. 218 ,, -wode, John: 1 306 ditto William : 1387//. 53, 54 App. 197, 28, 34 „ ,, John: ChW 1956, 1597/. 184^//. 104 Attey, Joan widow : buried 1676 App. 90 Athetard, Robert : juror 1308^. 66 Atkinson, Thomas: vicar of Aldar (?) 1594 App. 167 Auberie, Stephen : ChW 1605 /. 185 App. 276, 277 „ John : ChW 1628, 1629//. 185, 120, 210 App. 335. «9 „ Henry, John, Anne, David : 1642-86 App. 87, 90, 341, 287, 288 ,, John: ChW 1713, 1714/. 187 App. 131 Aungewyne, John : prsnt. 1357 App. 271 348 INDEX NOMINUM. Austin, William : ChW 1801 to 1806 pp. 188, 66, 68 Avenell, John: tenant 1549 p. 270 Axebrennar, John : defendant 1378 App. 328, 329 Aylett, Dr. : Commissioner 1648/. 143 Ayliffe, Matthew : ChW 1702/. 187 App. 123, 296 Ayling, John : prsnt. 1647 Ap. 341 Bache, Thomas: juror 1367/ 324 Backhouse, Sarah wife of Nicholas Fuller : c. 1590 /. 294 App. 256 ,, Samuel (Bacchus) : and Rowland : 1619^48 p. 295 App. 261, 264 „ William : Trustee 1668-77 A 3 2 7 -App. 283 Baily, John: ChW 1741 p. 187; John: ChW 1788, 1795, 1805 ft? 1808 pp. 188, 189; also pp. 65, 66, 67, 71, App. 130, 131, 132, 133 „ Hannah : 1803//. 164, 234 App. 133 ,, Francis: astronomer ob. 1844/. 71 „ Elizabeth : charity 1854 pp. 243, 244 Baker, Henry : juror, &c. 1367-76 App. 324, 334, 33 „ Richard: witness 1414^//. 38 Baldeleye, John : prsnt. 1636 App. 323 Baldewyne, John : aletaster 1357 App. 272 Baldrici, Hugo filius : (Domesday)/. 7 Ball, Nicolas : witness 1432 App, 40, 41 Ballard, John : burgage 1446 p. 194 App. 160 Banastre, John : 1286, 1308, 1409/. 95 App. 195, 66, 221 Banks, William : ChW 1760-62, -63, -65, -75, -76, p. 188 App. 131 ,, Benjamin : 1798 to 1803//. 66, 68 Bapthorpe, Isaac: registrar 1650-70//. 118, 120 App. 88, 89, 90, 280 Barat, Nicolas : grant 1366 App. 26 Barbor, Edmund: vicar 1415//. 108, 180 „ Henry : ChW. of Newbury 1431 /. 203 App. 153. 163 Barcolf, John : juror 1402 App. 314 Barel, Margaret widow of William 1388 App. 29 Barfdale, Alice : grave 1585 App. 99 Barfield, John : 1797 — 1825//. 65-70, 72, 174, 234, 236, 241 App. 47, 133, 134, 173, 175, 176 „ John the younger : 1844-46 //. 238, 241, 242 „ Samuel: trustee 1846//. 241, 242 „ John C. F. : trustee 1881-97/. 2 4 2 4&P- 177 ,, Miss : sketch of Church 1855 PI. VI. /. 75 Barges, John (Midgham) : 1611 App. 86 Barker, William : commissioner 1651/. 214 ,, Robert : rector of Hickford 1504/. 282 App. 245 Berkley, Judge (in the Tomlyn's case) : 1653/. 220 Barksdale, John : ditto Antony: 1606-52/. 214^4//. 335 Barnard, John : ditto Robert : 1544 App. 77, 80 „ goodwife : payment 1585 App. 99 'Barnes, Thos. : hayward 1654-90 App. 342, 91 ,, James : prsnt. 1695 App. 293 Barrett, John: chaplain of Crookham 15091?) App. 233 Bartholomew, Thomas of Dunstone : 1690 App. 91 John: ChW 1713-14-15 /. 187 App. 123, 127, 129 Barton, Thomas : vicar of Midgham 1858/. 183 Bassbrigg, John : nominated to Crookham chapel/. 253 App. 197 Bassett, Robert : tenant 1848 App. 302 „ John ChW 1567/. 184 App. 92, 93 „ Robert: ChW 1613//. 185, 137, 138 App. 277, 116, 117, 120 „ Richard: trustee 1658-91 //. 211, 223 App. 45, 89, 283, 284, 286, 291 „■ Charles: ChW 1694/. 186 App. 91, 291 ,, John, Christopher and Elizabeth : 1703-10 App. 123, 127, 143, 297 Bates, Robert : tenant 1661 App. 281 Batton, Eleazer : 1803/. 67 Baylly, John : attorney 1423 App. 233 Bayliff, Godiva : assault on 1374 App. 329 ,, Thomas of Greenham : 1607 App. 85 Beake, William : Will 1529//. 113, 115 App. 78 Beaseley, Benjamin M. : ChW 1839, 1840, 1821/. 189 Bedene, John : prsnt. 1367 App. 323 Bek, John : lay subs. 1327/. 343 Bekysfeld, John : ditto William : 1528-9 App. 77, 78, 79 ,, Mother: 1561-72 App. 92, 94, 95, 97 Bele, John and Agatha : lay subs. 1300/. 343 ,, Robert : ditto John : 1367-76 App. 322, 323, 324, 325, 328, 329, 331 ,, William : 1388-98^/A 2 9> 33 2 : ditto 1422 App. 333 ,, Thomas: ChW 1413, 1431 //. 184, 203, 355 App. 153, 163 Belote, Richard : supervisor 1322, App. 203, 205, 206 Benefield, Thomas: ChW 1603/. 185 ,, John: ChW 1630, 1631/. 185 App. 113, 263 Bennet, John : of Newbury 1431/. 203 App. 153, 163 „ Alice (or Mrs.) : 1658-76 App. 280, 281, 285 Bennewell : lay subs. Edw. III. : /. 56 Berbury, Robert : juror 1450 App. 224, 225 Berdys, Juliana (alias Chapman) : grant 1438 App. 42 Bernardus, accipitrarius : (Domesday) /. 7 Berrerd, John : Richard : 1309-66 App. 18, 19, 22-4, 26 Berry, John: trustee \%oe, App. !34> '74 Beufiz, Richard : grant to Reading c. 1220 App. II Bevan, Llewellyn W. : curate 1885/. 182 Bew, Richard: 1798— 1803//. 66, 67 Beyt, Robert : tenant 1319-36 App. 30, 31 „ Thomas : 1365-76^//. 26, 33, 322, 323, 328, 330 ,, Richard : grant 1395 App. 34 Bideham, Roger : lay subs. 1327 App. 215 Bienwell, John : prsnt. 1357 App. 272 Biggs, Francis : fined 1636-52 App. 341 Billing, Richard: ChW 1823 to 1830/. 189 Binfield, Thomas : juror 1600 App. 275, 276 Bird, John: lawsuit 1622-31//. 137, 138 App. 116 Bishop, John : tenant 1654-80 App. 342, 283, 286 Blackman, Thomas : tything man 1623-24 App. 338 Blackney, John : ChW 1574, 1587/^. 184,222.4//. 101, 2 75 ,, Roger: ChW 1589, 1590, 1602, 1603 //. 184, 185, 207 App. 81, 105, 108, 277 ,, Roger: trustee 1632/. 210 Blake, Tohn : land 1355 : ditto 1450 App. 32, 224 „ John: ChW 1694: Samuel: ChW. 1697/. 186 Blakeman, Richard: Thomas: App. 272, 43, 42, 162 Blanchard, John : 1308-81 //. 35, 36 App. 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 ,, Roger: lay subs. 1332 App. 215 ,, Alice : 1365-82 App. 26, 27, 34 Blandye, Anthony : born 1613 App. 86 Blankpayn, Roger : lay subs. 1332/. 215 Blay, John: ChW 1809 to 1827pp. 189, 66, 67, 69 „ Samuel S. : ChW 1831 to 1833 //. 189, 168 App. 134, 159 Blewbury, William of : vicar 1329 //. 36, 38, 53, 54, 107, 108, 251 App. 35, 75, 196 Blencowe, Thomas H. : curate Cold Ash 1883/. 183 Blount, John: prsnt. 1357 App. 272, 273 ,, Alice: bequest 1534 App. 251 Blundir, Martin : bond 1619 App. 112 Boche[r], Richard : ChW 1413 App. 37, 39, 41, 162, 333 Bolingbroke, Henry S. John : married to Elizabeth Winchcombe : 1705-18//. 48, 154, 156, 328, 329, 330 App. 141, 297 Bolton, John : witness 1476 App. 43 ,, Ralph: parishioner 1606-1608/. 132 App. 108 Bonython, Robert : vicar 1622-46//. 134, 138, 139, 180, 209, 210, 223, 304 App. 113, 115, 119 Boseleye, Richard : prsnt. 1600 App. 276 Bosnell, 'good wife' : 1572 App. 96 Botham, George: tenant 1807 App. 308 Botun, Relict : lay subs. Edw. I. /. 56 Botyler, Robert: prsnt. 1367 App. 323 Boure, John : witness 1414-22 App. 38, 333 Bourn, Vincent: of Henwick 1683/. 153 Bournan, John : curate of Greenham 1844/. 169 Bowles, Dr. John: decree 1622-31//. 136, 137, 138 App. 117, 118 Bowler, Mary : prsnt. 1 691 App. 292 Bowlton, Ralph : Winchcombe trustee 1605/. 222 INDEX NOMINUM. 349 Bowman, John: curate of Greenham 1844/. 183 Bowyere, John : witness App. 32, 33 Boyer, John : payment to 1576 App. 97 Bozlie, John : bond ante 1619 App. 112 Brackstone, Antony : juror 1670 App. 283 Bradberry, Ralph : prsnt. 1600 App. 276 Bradbye, John : Winchcombe trustee 1627/. 223 Bradford, John de : witness 1298-1318 p. 252 App. 21, 22, 196, 227 „ John : payments to 1567-74 App- 95, 97 Bradele, John [de] : lay subs. 1332 App. 215, 22, 20, 25 ,, John : CI1W1569, 1593^. 184, 207, 209 App. 276, 277 „ John : ChW 1617, 1618, 1625 p. 185, 132, I 37> 138, 200 App. 108, in „ Rowse : tenant 16 10 p. 198 ,, Edmund : payment to 1620 App. 112 ,, John: 1631-33//. 209, 210 App. 45, 116, 117, 119, 120 Bradeney, Antony de : last rector 1304-15 pp. 39, 9°, 93, 97 (seal), 98, 99, 179 App. 64, 66 Bramley, William : 1677-95 <&pp. 90, 286, 288, 293 Bramthwaite, Richard : 1620 App. 264 Brasier, Thomas: aTztfaJohn: 1398^//. 331, 332 Brasyer, Hugh : ditto Thomas : 1422 App. 333 Bray, Adam : 1366 App. 26 „ Edward : ditto Thomas : 1450 App. 224, 225 ,, Joseph: 1769/. 121 App. 92 Brek-ston, John : 1370/. 53 App. 326 Brembyll, Peter : juror, 1450 App. 224, 225 Breie-beof, Henry : juror 1344/. 260 App. 218 Breiston, William : tenant c. 1300 App. 196 Breye, John : defendant 1369 App. 325 Bribour, William : burgage 1384-95 App. 28, 34 Brightwell, Francis (Shenke) : ChW 1616/. 185 Brimley, William : owes suit 1708 App. 343 Briss, William : burial 1740 App. 92 Brocket, John : land 1673 p. 307 Brok, John : vicar of Hampstead 1476 p. 204 App. 43, 164 Broke, John : ChW 1568/. 184 Brorriton, Adam de : witness c. 1300 App. 197 Brooke, John : ChW 1613/. 185 App. 337 Browne, Richard : prsnt. 1484 App. 317, 318 ,, Richard: 1584-94 />/. 119, 128 App. 82 Browne, Thomas : seneschal 1600 App. 275 ,, John: ChW 1670-72/. 186 „ George: Elizabeth: 1671-93 App. 91, 284, 285 ,, Thomas : Elizabeth : 1783 App. 132, 133 Brownsmith, William : 1381-87 App. 27, 28, 34, 220 Brugman, Julian : prsnt. 1367 App. 322 Bryan, John : tything man 1356 App. 271, 273 Bryd, (? Bird) John : ChW 1674/. 151 Brumpton, John de: tenant 1322 App. 204 Bruthnolles, William : pasture c. 1600 App. 30 Bucke, Thomas: bond ante 1619 App. 112 Buckeridge, Thomas : John : 1647-52/. 214 App. 341 Isaac; ChW 1784, 1786 pp. 1S8, 67 Buckley, Richard : Abigail : 1619-26/ 302 App.2$6, 268 Bude, Margaret : 1583-84 App. 99 ,, Elizabeth : 1588 — 1600 App. 101, t02, 276 Budenham, Roger : lay subs. 1332 App. 215 Buerhard, Richard : land 1330 App. 31 Bugeford (?), William : witness 1395 App. 220 Bulkley, George W. : volunteer corps, 1803/. 67 Bull, John: ChW 1788, 1791, 1793pp. l88 > lSl A PP- 13°. I3i> 133 ,, Abiah : cavalry corps 1798 p. 66 Bunce, Henry : parishioner 1793/. J 6l App. 133 Bunsen, Baroness : bom at Dunston House/. 64 Burchore (?), Edward de : juror 1308/. 95 App. 66 Burchehurst, John : tenant ante 1431 App. 42 Burd, — : of Midgham prsnt. 1636 App. 341 Burge, Dr. : certificate 1656/. 144 Burges, John : 1615-24 App. 336, 337, 338 ,, Thomas : esoined 1631 App. 339 Burlace, Sir William : brother of S. N. Fuller 1619 App. 261 Bush, widow : prsnt. 1600 App. 277 Bushnell, Joan : 1568/. 128 App. 81 „ William : 1529 ; ditto ChW 1581 /. 184 App. 78 „ Nicolas: ChW 1585/. 184^//. 100 ,, Francis: ChW 161 1 //. 185, 197, 200, 222 App. 108, no, in „ Richard : 1619-31 App. 112, 339 ,, Nicolas: trustee 1627-63 /. 209, 210, 211, 223 App. 45, 157. 279, 280 „ William : John : 1686/. 121 App. 91, 288 Bussard, John: witness 1309-21 App. 19, 20, 21, 22 Buton, Thomas : witness c. 1300 App. 30 Butter, Thomas: will 1528/. 113, wt, App. 77 ,, Ursula: will 1529/. 113, 114 App. 79 ,, William: ditto John: 1771-1803 //. 232, 66, 67 App. 131, 132 Bye, Richard : juror 1402 App. 314 ,, Alice : charity 1413//. 122, 191 App. 37, 153 „ John : ChW 1413, 1422 ; 1424 //. 184, 191, 201 App. 38, 40, 153, 161 „ John: ChW 1472 //. 54, 55, 109, no, 202, 205 App. 162, 164, 142 ,, Robert : witness 1578 App. 77 „ Richard : gift 1585//. 198, 205, 206 App. 156, 182 Byham, Gilbert de : rector 1239 //. 86, 87, 179 App. 59,60 Cake, John : juror 1422 App. 333 Calamy, Dr. : 1656//. 145, 147 Calfe, William: ChW 1579, 1580/. 184 Camera : see De Camera and De la Chaumbre Campeden, John: Warden of Winchester 1398 — 1402, //. 347, (brass) 348, App. 312, 313, 314 Canny, Robert : feoffment 1773/. 233 Canoun, Walter : Crookham Park 1433 /. 265 Capella, see De Capella Carter, John : 1367-74 App. 324, 326, 327, 328, 329 „ Richard : 1422-31 : ditto John 1476 App. 40, 42, 43, 105, 333 „ William : ChW 1445, 1446 /. 184 App. 154, 159, 160 „ Richard : ChW 1598, 1606, 1609//. 184, 185, 52, 137, 138 App. 105. 108,116,117,119,209,335 ,, John: ChW 1626/. 185 App. 119 ,, Richard, 1633-90//. 120, 211, 223 App. 45, 88, 89, 280, 281, 284, 286, 288, 290 „ Thomas : Edward : John : 1656-7/. 305 App. 89 „ Richard : ChW 1696 to 1701 //. 186, 232, 233 App. 123, 127, 295 Carleton, Dudley : correspondence 1607-08 /. 297 App. 258, 259 Carpenter, John: prsnt. 1367 App. 322, 323 Carre, Edward: decree 163 1 App. 119 Castell, Ralph : 1446-51//. 193, 195 App. 160, 161, 243 Cathale, Prior of: 1220/. 84 App. 57, 58 Catmer, Richard : watercourse 1635 App. 340 Cave, William : ChW 1832 to 1838, 1844-5/. '89 Cawley, William: 1588 — 1606/. 119 App. 101, 102, 105, 107,108, 83, 119 Celestine III. : Pope 1191-96^. 79 Chadelworth, John : juror App. 222 Chalk, John : ChW 1846, 1847, 1853 /. 189 App. 135, 153, 155 Chamberleyn, John and Margaret : 1300 App. 196 ,, Alexander : 1367-74 App. 322, 329 „ John: Thomas: 1607-31 App. 258, 259, 119 „ Isaac: curate 1705//. 155, 156, 181 Champ, Susan : married 1687 App. 91 Chanck, Ralph : juror [600 App. 275 Chapman, Thomas: witness, &c. 1374 — 1424^//. 27, 28. 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 162, 333 Chappell, Robert: 1664-74 App. 89, 282, 284 Chaucer, Thomas : 1412-16/. 352 App. 333 „ Alice : married to Duke of Suffolk/. 265 Chaundler, Robert : ChW 1604/. 185 App. 108 ,, John : prsnt. 1654 App. 342 Chelrey, Thomas : witness 1402 App. 313 3So INDEX NOMINUM. Chepon, John : juror 1450 App. 225 Cheycks, John : burial 1567 App. 94 Child, Francis: ChW 1708 to 1710, 1726-28-29/. 187 App. 130 Chittle, Bernard: ChWi689,i694-95//.i2i,i864#>.290 Chopyn, Walter : juror 1286 App. 195 Church, Thomas : prsnt. 1714 App. 297 ,, George: volunteer corps 1803/. 68 Churchyard, John: ChW 1620-21 p. 185 „ Mrs. : 1 605- 1 606 grave App. 106, 107 Clargo, Stephen: volunteer corps 1803/. 68 Clark, William : grant 1374 App. 33, 38 ,, Robert : vicar 1418-46 pp. 109, 122, 180, 193 to 197, App. 154, 159, 160 „ John : 1450 App. 42, 163 ,, Edward: 1610-18//. 198, 212 ,, John son of Robert : minister App. 87 „ Richard : ChW 1726, 1728, 1729 : Francis ChW 1730/0 1732/. 187 ,, William : of Midgham 1705/. 154 „ William : ChW 1835-38, 1842-43/. 189 Clatere, Isola : ditto Thomas : 1357 App. 272, 273 Clement, Elizabeth : Nicholas, &c. : 1619 App. 261 Clementi, Vincent : curate 1841 pp. 168, 169, 181 238-40 App. 179 ; drawing of Church, p. 269 Cler, Thomas : lay subs. Edw. I. p. 56 ,, John : vicar 1401 pp. 108, 179 Cleve . . . . : gent, prsnt. 1606 App. 334 Clinton, John : ChW 1733, 1735, 1738,/. 187 Cock, John: vicar 1687— 1723pp. 152—154, 156, 157, 181, 226 App. 91, 123, 127, 141, 143, t68, 169, 292, 293 ,, James : 1707 p. 227 Cockin, James : prsnt. 1736 App. 306 Cogges, Thomas : 1654-55/. 118 App. 82, 88 Coges, Richard: prsnt. 1683/. T 5 2 Coke, Ralph : 1322 App. 209 : Edward : 1567 App. 95 Cokerel, Robert : 1323 App. 23 Cokrell, Thomas : 1429 App. 222 Cola (Domesday) : /. 7 Colbe, John : juror 1344 p. 260 App. 218 Colchester, William: 1381-88 pp. 36, 37, 179, 183, 262 App. 27, 29 [Colsul App. 220] Colle, Philip de : 1286 App. 195 : Nicolas : 1308/. 95 App. 66 ,, Thomas: 14084^.239: ditto John: 1408-29 App. 222 , 239 Collett, Henry : tenant 1537,/. 323 Colyns, Stephen : prsnt. 1357 App. 273 ,, Eliseus : chaplain of Crookham 1396 to 1403 p. 261 App. 220, 221, 232 ,, Thomas: John: 1476/. 204 App. 43, 164 Collins, Robert: 1582-95/, 119 App. 81, 82 ,, Thomas: 1597-99 ;>. 119 4/^. 83 „ Richard : Commission 1631 App. 119 Colnet (or-vet) : witnesses 1384 App. 34, 220 Columbers, John : 1298/. 253 App. 227 Combe, . . . : for his grave 1572 App. 96 ,, George: Voysey's petition to 1660/. 146 Comes : widow 1587-88 App. 100, 101 Cook, John : juror 1349 App. 219 ,, John : vicar, 1402-10^. 108, 179 Apt. 239, 314 Cooke, Robert : ChWofNewbury 1431/. zo$App. 153 ,, John : wife's burial 1586-97 App. 100, 105 ,, William : ChW 1601/. 185 App. 108 Coombe, Letitia : grant to 1336 App. 31, 32 Cooper, Francis : i686j4//- 2 88 : Richard !7l2^//>297 Cooper, D.E. : Water-colour Drawing by, 1837/. 287 Coore, Richard : payment to 161 7 App. in Corbet, Robert: daughter off. 1140 p. 246 App. 214 Cordray, Thomas : juror 1408 App. 239 Core, Richard: ChW 1607, 1608/. 185^//. 108, 109, 115, 119 ,, Grace : 1633-91 App. 87, 292 Cornewall, Sir George : 1778-98//. 160, 229, 311 App. 128, 129, 130, 131 : ditto deeds belonging to /. 35 and in Appendices passim Corp, Roger: tything man 1357 App. 272 Cortays : {see Curteys) Coteron, John : witness 1384 App. 34 Couherd, John : prsnt. 1398 App. 331 Cousins, John : late tenant 1773-83/. 233 App. 130 Coventry, Thomas: lawyer obiit iS6g pp. 71, 72 Cowdry, Thomas: prsnt. 1658/. 317 App. 280 Cowper, Arthur : 1606-13 App. 335, 336 Cox, Edward : ChW 1600/. 185 App. 83, 108 ,, Henry : 1606 App.a,^ : ditto Richard : 1608 App. 1 16 „ Gabriel: 1626 App. 268 : James ChW 1779/. 159 ,, R . . . . : vicar of Bucklebury 1796/. 231 Coxhead, Bartholomew : ChW 1600— 1601/. 185 ,, Goodman : payment 1603 App. 106 Craan, Cran, or Cran : juror and prsnt. 1349-71 App. 26, 33, 219, 326, 327 Craas, Gilbert : juror 1450 App. 224 Cranmere, John : witness 1344 App. 32 Crapp, nurse : bequest to 1656/. 305 Craven, Hon. Elizabeth: 1755/. 336 Cray, Abraham : preacher 1603 App. 84 Cressett, Edward: 1657/. 144 Cripes, widow : payment to 1619 App. 112 Croft, Sir Archer : married 1723, succeeds to Thatcham estate 1737 obiit i7$Zpp. 332, 333, 64 ,, Sir Archer : his son succeeds to Thatcham estate 1763 obiit 1792 //. 333, 158, 160, 163, 181 App. 126, 128, 129, 130 ,, Sir John : obiit 1797//. 163, 164, 170, 181, 229 App. 129, 130, 307 „ James : ditto John : 1796 — 1803//. 65 to 69, 231 „ Pedigree of Croft family App. 305 Crokley, John : ditto Roger : 1322 App. 209, 210 „ Margaret 1374 App. 329 Croke, Robert : ditto William : 1429 App. 222 Crook, Roger : 1402 App. 314 ,, Robert : of Newbury 1431 /. 203 App. 163 Crouk, Thomas : cadaverator 1367-76 App. 323 to 331 „ Stephen: tything man 1367-76 /*#>. 324, 325,331 Crowland, John : 1412//. 54, 55 App. 41 Cruse, John : buried 1561/. 117 Cryppe, Thomas : 1567 App. 94 Cudmore, Richard : curate of Greenham 1889/. 183 Cuppinge[r], John : ditto Richard : 1327-36 App. 30, 31 Ceuresbert : see Alwi Curr, John : 1620-27 App. 337, 338 Curteys, or Cortayes, William : 1367-75 App. 323, 325, 326. 33° ,, Nicolas : 1369 App. 325 ; ditto Thomas : 1424-72/. 201 App. 39, 42, 161, 162 Cussens, Thomas : juror 1618 p. 213 Cusserige, Roger de : ante 11 85 App. 9 Cupping, Margery : burgage 1395 App. 34 Dalby, John : 1685—1705 App. 288, 291, 296 Dancaster, (cf. Don-) Richard : coppice 1547 App. 319 Dancastell, William: 1409 App. 221 : Stephen: 1548 App. 302 „ John : ChW 1578/. 184 App. 167 „ Oliver: Greenham 1588 App. ioi, 102 „ William: 1601-61 p. 119, App. 83, 85, 87, 279, 281 „ John and William (Doncastle) 1632/. 120 ,, Richard : ChW 1602, 1626/. 185 App. 119, 339 Daniell, Thomas : married 1693 App. 91 Danvers, Thomas : ditto William : 1313 App. 20 „ Sir William : married to Anne, daughter of John Pury c. 1473 ; succeeded to Chamber- house, 1484 ; Will and death 1504 //.43, no, 112, 114, 282, 286, 287, 357 App. 245 ,, Lady Anne Danvers, widow, gift of MS. ; her Will 1 530 ; resided at Chamberhouse till her death 1531 //. 47, m, 175, 268, 284 to 287 App. 79, 246, 247, 248 ,, John Danvers (son) : Will and death 1508 //. 44, III, 283 App. 245, 246 [319?] INDEX NOMINUAI. 3Si Danvers, The other sons of Sir William, Thomas and William ; and daughters, Anne, Alice and Isabel//*. 43, 282, 283, Dorothy : 1585 App. 82, 248 ,, Pedigree of the Danvers Family App. 244 Dartle, C. P. : ChW 1846, 1847, 1854 to 1867 pp. 189, 196 Dash, John : ChW 1573/. 184 „ John: ChW 1688, 1690, 1691 /. 186 App. 283, 285, 291 Davis, Sir John : witness 1529 App. 78 ,, William: 1585-1604 App. 84, 100 „ Joseph: prsnt. 1714^//. 297 Davy, John: Colthrop 1472/. 353 App. 316 ,, Sir John: bequest to, 1549 App. 79 Davyt, Walter : lay subs. 1332 App. 215 Davyes, Master : rector of Shefford 1608 App. 335 Dawtrie, Francis : messuage in Crookham 1 549/. 270 Daye, Isabella : assault 1368 App. 325 Dayrell, Walter: Commissioner 1610-iSpp. 198, 212 Deales, John : sons' exhibitions at Oxford 1557 p. 323 Dean, John : steward 1627-32 App. 338, 339 De la Mare, Philip : 1286 pp. 249, 250 App. 195 „ „ Sir Peter : 1354, succeeded by Thomas his son, 1372 PP- 345. 346, Courts held by/. 356 ,, ,, Thomas: knight, 1395/- 262 App. 220 ,, „ Thomas: grant 1402 App. 314 „ ,, Sir Thomas and Lady : 1490/. 285 ,, „ Pedigree of Family App. 310 De la Pole : see Suffolk, Duke of De L'Isle (De insula) : Warin witness 1308 App. 198 ,, „ Sir John : grant to, and to Elizabeth his wife 1404/. 42 App.227, 237 ; Keepership of Park 1404/. 263 ; Inquisition on Death 1408/. 275 App. 238, 239 ,, Sir John his son succeeds/. 275 ; grant to John Pury 1439 p. 265 App. 227, 228, 241 De la Berne, Peter: witness, &c, c. 1300 App 17, 30 „ William : son of Peter: lay subs. Edw. I. and witness/. 56 App. 30 „ Thomas : lay subs. Edw. I. /. 56 App. 30 ,, John : witness 1313-23 App. 20, 21, 22, 23 la Bueria (? Bru-), Michael : juror 1286 App. 195 la Brueria, William : 1300pp. 35, no, 1S2 App. 17,30 la Chambre {or De Camera i.e. Chamberhouse), Roger : c. 1250//. 31, 272 App. 235 „ Felicia and her son Philip : pp. 31, 249 App. I3> 236 „ John : 1298— 1318 pp. S3, 54, 95, 252 App. 19, 20, 21, 22, 66, 227 „ Philip : 1313-23 App. 19, 23 „ Thomas : lay subs. 1332 App. 215 Capella, Paul : witness, &c, 1298-1316//. 53, 95, 252 App. 19, 20, 21, 66, 196, 227 „ Nicolas : 1342//. 52, S3 App. 25 la Combe, Roger : land of 1309-13 App. 19 lafelde, John : c. 1300pp. 35, 52, no App. 16, 17 la grutty, William, lay subs. Edw. I. /. 56 la Ham-mulle, Richard : 1300//. 53, $4~App t 17, 30 la Hathe, Heth or Heche, Robert : lay subs. Edw. I. and 1309-21/. 56 App. 18, 19, 22 la Hyde, Nicolas : ditto Ralph : 1298 App. 16, 227 Kenet-wode, Thomas : juror 1308 App. 66 Molen-dino, John : witness 1286 App. 195 • la More, Robert : juror 1308/. 95 App. 66 Novahaya, Thomas : witness 1308 App. 198 la Pole, John : sub-deacon 1312/. 38 App. 35 Ponte, Richard: c. 1300,/. $2 App. 196 Querco, Peter: //. 52, 54^//. 16, 17 Staweye, John : juror 1286 App. 195 la Wake, Walter : witness c. 1300 App. 17 la Wate, (?) William ; c. 1300 App. 30 , la Waye, Roger: 1286; William : 1300 App.ig$, 197 Delham, Roger : clerk 1355 App. 33 Delle, Simon : Walter, servant of 1357 App. 271 Deluke, Samuel : ChW 1626, 1627^. 185 App. 87, 119, 34° Denman, Robert : of Newbury 1409-12 App. 41, 221 Denton, John : presnt. 1697 App. 294 Deny, Henry: free tenant 1661 App. 281 Dereham, Sir Ralph de : priest I3ts/. 100 Despenser, Hugh : claim of Fitz Reginald 1327 App. 213 Dibley, or Dybley, John : ChW 1561//. 121, 184 „ Joan: married 1561/ i'7 ,, Roger: ChW 1596, 1614/. 184, 185 App. 104, 276, 277 „ John : tything man 1605 App. 334, 337 William : ChW 1617/. 185 ^//.33S, 338, 339 ,, Richard : also Susan : 1630-52 App. 341, 339 „ William : ChW 1665, 1666 /. 186 App. 283, 286, 291, 295 „ Charles : ChW 1712, 1713, 1730/. 187 App. 129 William : ChW 1758, 1759, 1761/. 188 ,, John : tenant 1783 App. 131 Diggwidd, William : 1655 App. 88 Diplee, Roger : 1422 App. 333 ,, John: 1472 (of Crookham)/. 202 App. 42, 162 Dobron, widow : garden 1688 App. 289 Docwra, Thomas : Prior of S. John's, Clerkenwell ; and Lancelot : Knight Hospitaller c. noo/. 287 ,, Martin: of Kendall, son-in-law of Lady Danvers succeeds to Chamberhouse 1531 ; named in Lady Danvers' will of 1530 //. 43, 47, 268, 286, 287, 288 App. 228, 248, 249; Will with bequests to 3 surviving sons and 3 daughters and death: 1534/. 288 App. 250 ,, Thomas : eldest son buried in Thatcham Church 1549/. 288 App. 143 ,, Edward (the eldest surviving) : residence at Thatcham till his death in 1546/.289 ; his Will App. 2. 51 : Margery wife of Edward^//. 252 ,, Edmund (second surviving son) : //. 47, 117, 127, 290 (register book given by him 1596//. n6, 290) App. 251, 252, 302. Proceedings against him by Nicolas Fuller 1590 App. 252 to 256 ,, Antony (youngest son): App. 251, 252: Anne (youngest daughter) : 1561//. 117, 290 „ Arthur and Henry : sons of Edmund//. 119, 290 App. 81 ,, Oswald : witness 1534 : ditto Giles : tenant 1549 /. 270 App. 251 ,, Pedigree of the Family/. 288 App. 250 Dodd, Anne : 1588 App. 101 : James : 1752 App. 92 Dodds, Mr. : preacher, bequest to 1619 App. 261 Dodwell, Rev. Dr. : Bucklebury 1752-76//. 228, 229 Dogod, John : payment by 1484 App. 317 Dolman, Thomas : of Newbury : purchases Colthrop 1553 also Shaw//. 354, 359 App. 320 ,, Thomas, junior : 1579-84 sheriff 1588 /. 360 App. 81, 99, 105, 106 „ James : son of John 1611/. 120 App. 86 „ Thomas: 1623; Harman : 1626/. 209 App. App- 337. 268 ,, Humphrey: succeeds to Colthrop, obiit 1664 //. 63, 118, 120, 359, 142, 143, 214, 215, 217, App. 88, 89, 167, 338, 339 „ Sir Thomas : (his son) obiit post 1696 p. 359 ,, Thomas: Commissioner 1652-58//. 215, 217, 305 App. 279, 280 ,, Family Pedigree App. 321 Doncaster, Thomas: witness 1619 App. 263, cf. Dan- caster and Dancastle Douche, Walter : lay subs. 1332 App. 215 Dowse, Thomas: of Buttermere, trustee 1590/. 207 „ George : 1619 App. 256, 264 ,, Gabriel: Commissioner 163 1 App. 119 ,, Giles : obiit 1632//. 120, 304 App. 88 ,, Widow : 1783 App. 129 Dowty, Isaac : prsnt. 1736 App. 306 Drew, Laurence : 1422/. 55 App. 333 John : 1450^//. 224 ,, Wallace : juror 1600 App. 275 „ George : ChW 1761 /. 188 „ Widow : 1783-1817 App. 126, 130 352 INDEX NOMINUM. Drew, Roger: ChW 1785, 1789, 1790 pp. 188, 66, 88 Drw, Robert: juror 1286 App. 195 Duck, Robert : of Burcleare 1707 App. 91 Ducker, . . . . : payment to 1590 App. 102 Duckat, William : payment to 1574 App. 97 Duckett, Bartholomew : ChW 1677 : pp. 186, 120 ,, Solomon : hayward 1680 App. 286 ,, Bartholomew: ChW 1713, 1714, 1715/ 187 Dudmersh, Richard : payment by 1484 App. 317, 318 Dunch, Edward: 1610 Edmund 1618, 1651 pp. 198, 212, 214 Dunlap, James D. : curate of Greenham 1889/. 183 Dyer, Nicolas : juror 1450 App. 225 ,, Simon: ditto ' mother ' : ditto father 1591-93 App. 101, 103, 104 ,, widow : prsnt. 1677 App. 285 : John 1692 App. 91 „ John: ChW 1794, 1796 to 1799 pp. 188, 66, 68, 134 Early, Richard : prsnt. 1613 App. 336 Eastman, Thomas : miller, bequest to 1606/. 305 Ebroicensis Comes : (Domesday) pp. 7, 20 App. 4 Edgar, Thomas : cfericus c. 1300 App. 17 Edlof, John : lay subs. c. 1300 App. 313 Edminston, Osmund de : 1263/. 87 App. 61 Edmunds, John : free tenant 1661 App. 281 Edrich, Simon : prsnt. 1398 App. 331 Edrith, Richard : ChW 1423/. 184^//. 40, 153 Edward : a thane (Domesday) p. 7 Edward I. : debt to Reading Abbey//. 33 App. 13 ; at Newbury/. 89 ; lay subs. /. 56, „ II. at Crookham/. 107 App. 211 ; Inquisition 1308 App. 65, 66; Charter 1318 App. 309; lay subs. 343 ,, III. confers Crookham on Sir William Mortimer 1300 /. 259 App. 215 ; Inquisition /. 258 App. 212, 213 ; lay subs. /. 56 App. 213 „ John : clerk of Thatcham 1307 pp. 37, 182 App. 31 ; prsnt. 1371-74 App. 327, 329 Edyer, Thomas : clerk- ante 1308/. 182 Egerton, John: workman 1472 p. 353 App. 316 ,, Stephen : preacher, bequest to 1619 App. 261 Eglefed (? Englefield), Francis: 1557 App. 320 Elbyn, John : chaplain 1423/. 265 App. 233 Eldebury, William : ChW 1423/. 184 App. 40, 153 Eldridge, Widow: tenant 1605-8/. 295 App. 115 Elliott, William : goods forfeited 1506/. 357 „ Christian : payment to 1586 App. 100 ,, William : 1689/. 118 Elmere, John : grant to Winchester 1398 — 1402//. 347, 348 App. 312, 313, 314 Elsefield, John : and Gilbert de 1308 App. 198 Elwes, John : Commissioner 1651-52/. 214 App. 167 Elyes, Geoffrey : vicar 1497/. 180 Emane, (?) Thomas: Commissioner 1631 App. 119 Emans, Giles: ChW 1595, 1607/. 184, 132 „ Thomas : ChW 1623 ; Robert : ChWl624/. 185 ,, Robert: of Crookham, tanner 1632/. 210 ,, Giles : ChW 1654, 1670//. 186, 211, 223 App. 45 „ Thomas: ChW 1683/ 186 ,, Giles: ChW 1706, 1707 (Emonds) 1708, 1709, 1710/. 197 ,, Giles: tenant 1783 App. 131 Emerson, Giles : tenant 1619 App. 261, 263 Endred, Thomas : witness 1606 App. 108 Enns, John : witness 1655/. 118 App. 88 Ensham, William: ChW 1589/. 184 Erdley, John : of Midgham 1544 App. 80 Erie, John : witness 1408-46/. 193 App. 160, 221, 239 Erlie, Thomas: payment 1587-88 App. 100, 101, 103 Ernway, William : lay subs. 1327 App. 215 Enington, John : vicar of Midgham 1867/. 183 Eustache, John : son of Thomas ; also Emma, Isabella, &c. c. 1226 App. 10, 11 Euston, Earl of: at Dunston House c. 1780/. 64 Everod, Thomas: ChW 1607/. 185, 132 Eyles, John : plaintiff 1367 App. 322 Eyles, Geoffrey: vicar 1487-97/. no App. 76 Eynesham, Adam : defendant 1367-95 App. 27, 34, 322 Eyre, Rev. H. R. : Greenham 1859 App. 144 Eysam, Henry : bailiff 1600 App. 276 Faber : see under Le Smith Fachel, J[ohn] : witness 1300/. 251 App. 196 Facy, John : obiit 1660, monument App. 141 Fanderell, Thomas : son of Hiram App. 86 Fareham, William : 1412-72/. 201 App. 37, 39, 41, 42 Farfax, Nicolas : juror 1409 App. 221 Farley, Henry: of Midgham 1654^//. 14 Farman, John : juror 1450 App. 225 Farnham, Peter de : vicar 1347-48 //. 38, 182 App. 35, 36, 232 Fareham, William: witness 1424-72^//. 161, 162 Farrow, Laurence : ChW 1672 to 1674 /. 186 App. 121 (1606-91) App. 280, 281, 284, 286, 290, 292, 335 ,, Widow : curtilage 1703 App. 123 „ John: Thomas: Richard: i783-l8o3/.68^/?>- I 32 Fassett, Moses: 1799/ 234 App. 133 Fawsett, Daniel : ditto Francis and Elizabeth 1736 App. 3c6, 307 Fauconer, William : witness 1402 App. 313 Fawconer (or Falkner), Ralph : vicar 1616-22 (living till 1651)//. 131, 135 to 138, 141, 180, 223 App. 88, in, 112, 114, 261, 263 Fayr-oke, Nicolas : witness 1366 App. 26 Feld, William : juror 1618/ 212 „ (orFeild) : ChW 1703/0 1705/ 187 App. 123, 131 Fenne, Mr. : preacher, bequest to 1619/. 261 Ferriers (or Ferrars), Henry de : 1086//. 7, 19 App. 4 ,, Henry de : 1225//. 246, 248 App. 193 . „ William, Earl of : 1226,/. 30 ,, William de : 1450/. 266 App. 225 Ferthing, Richard : prsnt. 1357 App. 272 Fesaunt, Robert : grant 1476/. 204 App. 43, 164 Fettiplace, Thomas: Charles: Commissioners 1651-52 //. 214, 215 App. 167 Fiennes, James: patron 1646/. 140 Figgens, Henry: ChW 1683//. 186, 152 Filyppe, John : 1472/. 20 App. 42, 162 Fingall, Earl of : his cartulary referred to //. 35, 44, &c Fittie, Francis : 1565 App. 81 Fisher, Richard : witness 1384 App. 34 ,, John : tenement ante 143 1 App. 42 „ James : obiit 1659 App. 280 ,, William: buried 1689 App. 91 ,, John : tenant 1783 App. 130 „ Robert: 1788-1803//. 66, 68 Fitz-Herbert, Herbert: Chamberlain 1141/. 246 ,, Reginald: c. 1 1 90/. 246 App. 193 ,, Peter: grant 1221 obiit 1225 //. 30, 32, 246 to 248 App. 12,193, 2I 4 ,, Herbert: (son of Peter) 1242-48//. 32, 194 „ Reginald: 1346/ 258 ,, Pedigree of the Family/. 258 App. 214 Fitz-John, Herbert: claims Thatcham 1320 obiit 1321 //. 252, 255 App. 200, 201, 213 ,, Eleanor : widow of same 1327-30 /. 258 App. 212, 213 Fitz-Peter (or Piers), Reginald : 1248-86 //. 10, 248, 250, 251 App. 194, 195 Fitz-Reginald, John, Lord of Crookham 1286-1307//. 250, 252, 253 App. 196, 197, 226, 232 Fitz-Stephen, John : witness, c. 1300 App. 30 Fitzroy, Maria Anne, &c. : 1785-87/. 64 Fokerham, Sir Richard de: 1298 — 1349//. n, 39, 88, 91, 94, 252, 343 to 345 App. 20, 62, 63, 196, 198, 227, 311 „ John : 1330-49/. 347 App. 31, 32, 311 Forbes, George : ChW of Midgham 1763/. 159 Ford, Edith : bequest to 1544 App. 77 „ William: ChW 1712-1713/. 187 ,, William: tenant 1783-1807 App. 131, 308 Forester, Mrs. : godmother 1579 App. 8 1 INDEX NOMINUM. 35S Fort, John: witness 1530^//. 80 Forth : see Richer Forster, Robert : witness 145 1 App. 243 „ William : tenant 1548 App. 302 Thomas: ChW 1566/. 184 Foster, William : ChW 1596/. 184 App. 93, 104, 113, 277 „ Edmund: ChW 1602/. 185 ,, John: ChW 1605, 1606, 1609, 1610pp. 185, 132 App. 106, 108 „ Robert : tenant 1610-20/. 197 App. 264, 266, 267 „ Richard : ChW 1610, 1629/. 185 App. 113, 119 Katherine : 1624 App. 338 ; Ellis 1631 App. 119 Foulks, Mrs. : godmother 1565 App. 81 Fowler, John: vicar 1506pp. 180, m, 114, 282 Franklin, Thomas: juror 1736 App. 306 Fredeslye, George: defendant 1600 App. 277 Freeman, John : 1624 — 1691 App. 338, 339, 340, 292 ,, Thomas : 1658-61 prsnt. App. 280, 281 Freuwine, John : 1300-09 witness App. 16, 17, 19, 30 „ Thomas: 1313-42/. 215 App. 20, 23, 25 ,, William : 1357-684^. 26, 33, 272 Freemantell, John : baptized 1599/. 119 App. 83 Frogemour, Nicolas : juror 1409 App. 221 Frome, John : prsnt. 1369 App. 325 ,, Nicolas : 1423-72//. 201, 202 App. 38, 40, 42, 161, 162, 243 Froome, John : bequest to 1544 App. 77 Fromond, John : witness 1402 App. 313 Frowyk, Sir Thomas : c. 1500 App. 246 Fryday, John : tything man 1367-98 App. 322 to 331 Fulbrook, William : sexton 1612-24/. I21 App. 86, 91, 109, no, in, 114 ,, Philip: 1663 App.2%2; Elizabeth: 169a App.t)i ,, William: sexton 1729/. 121 App. 92 ,, Joseph : tenant 1783 App. 132 Fuller, John Harding : burgage c. 1380 App. 28 ,, Nicolas : purchases Chamberhouse 1583, and attendant legal proceedings //. 292, 293, 129, 131, 49 App. 252 and 256 ; legal pro- ceedings in defence of Ladd and Maunsel 1607-8//. 296, 297 App. 256—259 ; account of his career /. 294 and various details //. 49. 125, 126, 132, 134, 135, 148 App. 275, 277, 109, no, in, 112; his death 1619 /. 199 ; his will, and funeral certificate /. 300 App. 259, 256 ; monument /. 299 App. 142; his children, Sir Nicholas (q.v.), /. 294, App. 260, 261, 262, 264, 266, 267 ,, Sarah Fuller : his wife, married c. 1591//. 294, 161, 301, 303 App. 264, 106, 267 „ Sir Nicolas : his eldest son, born 1592/^. 119, 136, 295, 301 App. 82, 260 ; his death (aged 29), 1620/. 301 App. 263 „ Dowse : son of Sir Nicolas, bom 1616//. 295, 301, 304 App. 267 ; his will 1656 ; his death 1657//. 305, 306, 120 App. 89 ; his children, Thomas, Charles, Anne, Elizabeth //. 304, 306, 307, 120 App. 87, 88, 279 „ Sir Dowse : succeeds to Chamberhouse, 1657, knighted 1663 //. 306, 307 ; his children, Dowse, Ann and Mary//. 120, 307, App. 89, 90; various details //. 211, 223 App. 45, 279, 281, 285, 286, obiit 1673 App. 90, Lady Fuller 1674 App. 284 ,, Dowse : the son of Sir Dowse married 1684 obiit 1689 //. 307, 308 App. 91 ,, Pargiter : sells the estates 1716//. 157 309 ,, Benjamin : trustee 1804 App. 133, 178 ,, Pedigree of the family App. 260 Gabett, Sir Edward : 1529 App. 78 Gamon, Richard : 1657-91 App. 279, 281, 286, 288, 292 Ganger, Henry : lay subs. Edw. I. /. 56 Gardiner, Margery : married 1593/. 119 App. 82 Garley, Henry : commissioner 1631 App. 119 Garrard, Richard : of Midgham 1662-65 //. 120, 211, 223 App. 45, 89, 141 VOL II. Z Garrard, Gilbert : surgeon 1732/. 121 App. 91 ,, Rev. Christopher : trustee 1752-76//. 228, 229 Garret, John : prsnt. 1668 App. 283 : Thomas : 1783 App. 132 Gaspard, Richard: ChW 1561, 1573,//. 121, 184 Gassard, Elizabeth : 1561-64/. 127 App. 81 Gattmer, Susan : married 1657 App. 89 Gauge, Henry: witness 1304^//. 18 Gaveston, Piers : Crookham held by 1308 obiit 1312 PP- 39, 96, 100, 253, 254 App. 197, 198, 232 Gay, William : of Newbury 1409-12 App. 41, 221 Gayer, Otho: 16 10 ; ditto Thomas : 1619/. 1 98 App. 112 Gayre, Thomas: 1611-21/. 136 App. 112 Gelie, John : /. 119 App. 84 Gem, Charles: Henry curate of Thatcham 1862/. 182 Googe, Mr. : preacher, bequest to 1619 App. 261 George, William : ChW 1780//. 188, 233 Gervase : parson of Newbury c. 1218 //. 82, 83 App- 56,57 Gerveis, William : ditto John : 1367-70 App. 323 to 326 Ghilo, frater Ansculfi (Domesday) : /. 7 App. 4 Gilbert, clericus : witness 1318 App. 22 ,, Richard : lay subs. c. 1300/. 343 ,, Richard: CI1W1718: Mrs. : 1 783/. 183^//. 132- ,, William H. L. : curate of Greenham 1863/. 183 Giles, Edward: ChW 1674, 1676//. 150, 151, 186 App.. 283 ,, Daniel : 1780 App. 129 ; George : 1831 App. 155. Gilis, Matthew : prsnt. 1371 App. 327 Giroldi, Robertas films (Domesday) : /. 7 Glasyere, John : juror 1402 App. 314 Glovere, William : priest 1367-73 App. 322, 328, 329 „ Alice : 1367 App. 324 „ Robert : 1368-87/. 53 App. 28, 33, 34 ,, John : 1376— 1472 //. 195, 201, 202 App. 33, 34, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 160, 161, 162 ,, Cecily : bequest to 1544 App. tj Gobert, . . . . : prsnt. 1615 App. 336 Goddard, John : 1549: ditto Philip : 1568/. 270 App. 95. ,, Thomas: ChW 1573, 1577 /. 184 App. 95, 101, 276, 277 „ Philip : 1560-1600//. 120, 207 App. 86, 95, 277 „ Roger: ChW 1573, 1577/- 184^//. 277 „ Henry : ChW 1582/. 184 ,, John: ChW 1593 buried 1610//. 184, 120, 132, 198, 207 App. 45, 84, 85, 108, 222, 275, 277 ,, Richard: ChW 1597, 1608//. 119, 184, 185 App. 82, 84, 104, 275, 276 ,, Vincent: 1600-15/. 20 ° App. 275, 276, no „ Thomas: ChWi6n, 1617/. 185; his will dated 1630, in chest'in 1833 App. 135 ,, Richard : ChW 1618, 1622, 1623//. 185, 52, 120, 209 App. 43, 87, 112, 119, 265, 266, 267, 336 ,, John : (at Henwick) 1632-81 //. 120, 209, 210, 225, App. 87, 158 ,, Thomas : 1680 ; //. 224, 225 App. 182, 91 „ George: ChW 1 718/. 187 „ George: ChW 1755, 1772, 1773, 1792//. 188, 233 App. 131, 132 John: Richard: 1783: ditto John : 1603/. 67 App. 131 „ William : ChW 1821, 1822//. 189, 68 ,, Edward: ChW 1828 to 1830//. 189, 131 Godden, Joan: wife of Henry of Greenham/. 119 App. 85. Goddefader, William : 1421 App. 315, 33 „ John: ChW 1445, 1446, //. 184, 193 App. 41, 154, 159. 160, 315 Gode (Goude), Walter : lay subs. 1327, 1332 App. 215 „ John : 1357-76 App. 33, 272 Godekyn, . . . . : land of 1323 App. 23 Godman, . . . . : receipt from 1572 App. 96 Godwyn, Thomas : juror 1344/. 260 App. 218 ,, John: 1472-76//. 202, 205 App.ifi, 43, 162, 164 Godwin, Miss: water-colour drawing 1897, vol. i. pi. xx Golde, Alice: payment to 1561-67 App. 92, 94 Goldfinch (PGoldrich), William : ChW 1423 App. 153 Golding, John : prsnt. 1661 /. 161 App. 281 354 INDEX NOMINUM. Goldrich, William: ChW 1422 -1424 pp. 184, 201, 202 App. 38, 42, 161, 162 Thomas (alias Tumour) : 1424-72 pp. 201 App- 39, 43. 161 „ William : ChW 1423, 1471 pp. 54 App. 43, 162 Goldsmith, Nicolas : 1655-57/., 118 App. 88, 89 Gonyz, John : conveyance to 1349 App. 311 Gosofte, John : ChW 1413 p. 54 App. 37 Goulde, Anne : buried 1598 App. 83 Gouldstone, John : 1600 App. 277 Graham, William : 1804-07 App. 133, 134, 173 Graunt, Richard : miller 1626 App. 268 Grauntcourt, Matthew : juror 1344/. 260 App. 218 Greene, John : buried 1575 App. 81 ., William : ChW 1582/. 184 App. 277 ,, Margaret : married 1615/. 120 App. 87 „ John : prsnt. 1676-86 App. 285, 286, 288 „ William : married 1679 App. 90 ,, Robert: ChW 1691, 1692, 1693/. 186 App. 291 „ Peter: ChW 1787, 1791pp. 188, 65, 66, 67, 68 App. 131 ,, Benjamin Buck : purchases Midgham 1856/. 171 Greenham, William, &c. : juror 1286 App. 195 „ Simon de : subdeacon 1311 p. 37 App. 35 ,, Master of the Hospital of: rent 1322 Gregory, Thomas : juror 1736 App. 306 ,, Mrs. : drawings by 1882 vol. i. pi. xviii. Gregson, John: 1615-28//. 120, 180 App. 114, 115 Grete, Valentine : lay subs. c. 1300/. 343 Grey {or Gray), John : grant by 1423 pp. 122, 191 App. 29. 40, 153. 33 2 ,, Thomas : clerk 1613 App. 336 ,, John: tything man 1676 App. 285 „ William: ChW 1717/. 187 Grigorie, Mary : of Midgham, buried 1603 App. 84 Grindle, W. S. : vicar of Cold Ash 1873, PP- r 77, 183 Grove, Stephen : payment to 1586 App. 100 Grygge, John : witness 1384-08 App. 34, 239 Gryne, Thomas : witness 1 546 App. 252 Grys, William: chaplain of Crookham 1363 /. 261 App. 232 Gudwen, Alice : 1529 App. 79 Gunnory, Henry and wife Anne : 1404 App. 237 Gutteridge . . . . : payment to 1591 App. 102 Guy, Mr. : performed marriage c. 1690 /. 153 Gydehale, John : juror 1344/. 260 App. 218 Hackeman, John : tything man 1600-31 App. 119, 275 Hakfield, Walter : prsnt. 1357 App. 271 Hall, Giles : 1632/. 20 : Richard : 1657/. 144 : Henry : 1660/. 143 Hamilton, Archibald K.: vicar of Greenham 1859/. 183 Hamond, John : ditto Nicolas: 1357 App. 271, 272, 273 „ William : grant to Parish 177 1 /. 232 Hanbury, John : purchases advowson 1828/. 167 ,, John: curate 18285 vicar 1842-55//. 121, 167 to 170, 173, 181, 238 App. 179, 180 Hankeford, Robert de : ante 1409 App. 222 Hannington, Mrs. Anne : buried 1688 App. 91 Harcourt, Caroline : inherits Crookham/. 271 Harding, John : grants 1384-95 App. 34 „ Peter : ChW 1674 to 1676 //. 186, 150, 151, 317 App. 90, 280, 286, 288 Harris, . . . . : payment to 1624^4//. 113 „ William : 1783-87 App. 129, 130, 155 ,, David : garden 1804 App. 74 „ William : ChW 1821, 1822, 1835 to J 838, 1842, 1843/. 189 „ John: ditto James: 1831^//. 155, 156 Harrison, John : steward 1605-90^?//. 279, 283, 291, 334 ,, James: 1680 — 1707 /. 227 App. 168. 169, 172, 286 : Robert : 1707 App. 172 Hartley, Dr. David : 1752/. 228 „ W. H. : 1778/. 229; ditto: 1832/. 231 Hasell, widow : 1606-15 App. 108, 109, no Hassall, John : 1606 App. 335 Hassell, John : ChW 1679/ 186 App. 281, 286 Hassell, Robert : prsnt. 1 69 1 App. 292 Hat, Cristina : lay subs. Edw. I. /. 16 : see Le Hat Hatt, John : ChW 1573/. 184 : Thomas : 1619 App. 263 Hatt, Giles: ChW 1624//. 52, 137, 138, 185, 209 App. 45, 116, 117, 119, 120 Hatter, Thomas : prsnt. 1367-98^?//. 323, 326, 328, 332 ,, Thomas: tenant 1548 App. 302 : see Le hatter Haughton, Elizabeth : 1600 App. 83 Hawkyn, John : tything man 1398 App. 331 ,, Alicia: land of 1432 App. 40 Hawkynges, William : payment 1567 App. 94 Hawkins, John : born 1578, 1608-47 /. 358 App. 81, 335, 341 „ Peter : 1622-52//. 137, 138, 214^//. 116, 117 „ Margaret : 1624-27 App. 338 „ John: ChW 1688/. 186, 211, 223 App. 45, 286, 343 Hayne, . . . . : carpenter 1472 App. 316 Hayward, Walter: prsnt. 1357 App. 271,273 Hazell : ChW 1848, 1849/. 190 Head, John : tenant c. 1590/. 209 ,, Philip : payments to 1609-10 App. 10 „ William : prsnt. 1686 App. 288 „ John: trustee 1707/. 226 App. 168 „ James : trustee 1752-76//. 228, 229 Headdache, Thomas : ChW 1566/. 184 App. 95, 302 ,, George: ChW 1593, 1604//. 184, 185 „ Richard : hayward 1600 App. 276 ,, John, Lawrence, and Richard: jurors 1652-58 /. 214 App. 280 Herdman, or Heardsman, John : 1594//. 131, 132, 144, 212/0214^//. 134, 158, 166, 167, 182 „ Avis: 1594-1637//. 119, 213, 218, /4//. 83, 166 Helys, Walter : juror 1286 App. 195 Henley, John : 1438-51//. 193, 280 App. 42, 160, 243 Henry I. : grant to Robert Achard 1 115 /. 340 App. 309 „ Grant of Thatcham to Reading 1125//. 22, 23, 24 App. 5, 6 Henry II. : Confirmation Charter : precept to Archdeacon Roger 1 1 70//. 25, 77 App. 7 seal pi. ii ,, Three grants as to market c. n 70/. 26 App. 8 Henry III. : Change of day of market 1218/. 27 App. 9 ,, Grant of two days' fair 1222/. 27 App. 9 ,, Grant to free warren 1228/. 248 App. 194 ,, Charter to Robert Achard 1229 App. 309 Henry IV. : Charter in 1403 /. 43 seal pi. iii. App. 36 vol. ii. pi. v. 41 Henshaw, Thomas : will of 1782/. 337 App. 129, 130 Henwode : William : witness 1414 App. 38 Herdson, John : alienates Colthrop 1553/. 359 Hereberd, Richard : prsnt. 1357 App. 272, 273 Hereford, Stephen Earl of: bond noted 1619 App. 112 Hereward, John : c. 1300/ 53 App. 16, 30, 32 Hermersworth, Simon : chaplain of Crookham 1407 /. 264 App. 233 Herriott, Edith : ditto John : 1691-94 App. 291, 292, 293 Hert, John : 1367 App. 324 ,, John: 1413-72/. 201 App. 37, 39, 42, 161, 162 Hertcombe, Richard : presents to Crookham 1423 App. 233 Herding, Uanulphus de (Domesday) : //. 7, 8 Heyward, William : prsnt. 1367 App. 324 Hewe, (Qy. Hugh Johnson) : 1592 App. 103 Hibbett, Richard : 1594, 1604//. 184, 185 Hickey, William : curate 1849//. 169, 170, 181 Hidbacche, John : prsnt. 1357 App. 271 Hide, Sir Robert : Commissioner 1618/. 212 Higginton, William : ChW 1857, 1858, 1859/. 190 Hill, John : 1658 ; ditto Henry : 1686 ; /. 317 App. 280, 288 John: ChW 1680, 168 1/. 186 App. 90 Hillersden, John : 1705-14//. 64, 155^4//. 343 Hillier, Mr. : Drawings of the ch. PI. xii. /. 174 Hinton, Francis : daughter of William 1665 App. 89 ,, Edward : 1678 App. 286 Hiscock, William : ChW 1855/. I 9° Hobbs, John : 1618 ditto Richard : 1680/. 212 App. 286 Hochekeynes, Thomas : John : prsnt. 1367 App. 323 INDEX NOMINUM. 35? Hodges, Maud : died of the Plague 1603 App. 84 Hodson, Launcelot : vicar of Brimpton 1601 App. 83 Holdway, widow : tenant 1783 App. 131 Hole, Richard : 1658-86/. 152 App. 280, 281, 288 Holeponk, John : ditto Thomas: 1357 App. 271 Holland, Hugh: (alias Wreffeth), vicar 1566//. 128, 129, 180 ,, Cornelius: c. 1650/. 146 „ Francis : prsnt. 1600-07 App. 85, 276, 277 Hollis, Katherine : 1 600 ditto Ralph : 1652 App. 277, 88 Hollewaye, John : constable 1451/. 55 App. 243 Holloway, Nicolas : owes suit 1 708 App. 343 Holte, William : witness 1402 App. 313 Home, William : juror 1409 App. 221 Homfray, Robert: curate 1615/. 180 Honte, Thomas : 1308, John : 1384-95 App. 18, 28, 34 Hony monger, Isabella: 143 1//. 54, 203 App. 163 Hooper, Robert : vicar of Bheuly (?) 1594 App. 167 „ Returne : son of Thomas 1662 App. 89 Hope, John : trustee 1804pp. 165, 181 Hore, Thomas: 1600-18/. 212 App. 275 ,, John : ChW 1703 Aip. 123, 127, 297 Harlok, John : 1332 — 1357 p. 215 App. 271, 273 ,, John : witness 143 \ p. 203 App. 163 Home, John : ChW 1726 ditto John : ChW 1787, 1790, 1795 to 1809 pp. 187, 188, 66, 69 App. 92, 13°. 131. 132. 308 ,, Henry: ditto Thomas 1783 App. 129, 130 Horneblow, Thomas : 1591 — 1600 App. 82, 277 ,, Richard: 1621-24 ditto Roger : 1658^//. 337, 338, 279, 280 ,, Alexander : juror 1680-86 App. 286, 288 ,, Thomas: 1736 Jeremiah : 1783 App. 306, 129 Hornere, William : juror 1409 App. 221 Horr, kichard : juror 1680 App. 286 Horsell, Edward : ChW 1594/. 184 App. 275, 276, 277 Horton, William: a 'vagabon' 171 7 App. 91 Hosyer, John : ChW 1423, 1432/. 184 App. 153, 40 Howe, John : lay subs. 1332 ; ditto William : 1590//. 208, 209 App. 215 How, John : ChW 1702 to 1705/. 187 How (alias Hole), Folintine(?) : prsnt. 1705/. 154 Howard, Thomas: trustee 1668-70/. 327 App. 283 ,, Edward: ChW 1861 to 1867 /. 190 Howell, George : 1662 ; ditto |ohn : 1695 App. 281, 293 Howes, John : 1371-75 App. 327, 329, 330 Howes, Henrie (Hervise) : 1593-97/. lI 9 -dpp. 83 Howse or House, Richard : ChW 161 1/. 185 App. 119 ,, John: 1662-79//. 211,223 dpp. 45, 284, 286 Howly, Widow : prsnt. 1600 App. 276 Huband, William and Ralph : c. 1590/. 207 Hugh of Burgundy : rector 1201 /. 80 and note, 100, 179 Humfridus, Camerarius (Domesday) : /. 7 Humfry, Robert: ChW 1616/. 185 App. 111 ,, John : resident 1661 App. 281 Humphreys, Robert: curate of Thatcham 1615/. 120 ,, Orlando: 1732/. 322 Hungerford, Dr. Francis : 1677-88/. 327 App. 285 Hunt, John : 1348-81 /. 270 App. 32, 26, 33, 34, 27, 302 ,, John : Charity, Will, &c. 1590 ; ChW 1601 //. 206 to 212, 119, 237, 185 App. in, 112, 46, 135, 156, 164, 165, 166, 101, 83, 84 ,, Nicolas: ChW 1603 //. 185, 137, 138, 223 App. 106, 116, 117, 119, 120 „ Robert : ChW 1671, 1672, 1691 to 1693 //. 186, 211, 223 App. 45, 279, 280 „ Thomas : 1664 to 1691 //. 150 App. 282, 289, 290, 292 ,, Widow : 1697 App. 294 ,, Stephen: ChW 1770, 1774, 1784/. 188 App. 131 „ James : ChW 1777, 1783 pp. 188, 232 App. 133, 129, 130 ,, Thomas: 1783; ditto John: 1783 App. 129, 132, 130, 133 „ James : 1807-36 App. 155, 157 Hussey, Thomas: prsnt. 1670-71 App. 284 Hutie, John: ChW 1599/. 185 Hutchins, John : tenant 1783 App. 130 Hyde (Huyde), John : juror 1408-09 .-///. 239, 221 ,, Sir George : Commissioner 1610/. 198 „ Nathaniel : 1648 ; ditto]ohn : 1686/. 142 App.2%% „ Sarah : widow ; prsnt. 1689-94 App. 290, 293 Hynde, John : free tenant App. 277 Hyrte, John : mason 1567/. 129 App. 94 Ibota : a servant 1 370 App. 325 Ikene, Richard de : bailiff 1324 App. 211 Ildebury, Richard : trustee 1424-72/^. 201, 202 App. 38, 161, 162 Ildesle, John de : juror 1308/. 95 App. 66 Inkepenne, Thomas : 1357 ; ditto Henry : 1412 App. 272, 273, 41 Iereland, Alice : 1578/. 128 App. 81 Iremonger, John : ChW 1608//. 185, 132 App. 99, 119 Iwyne, Joanna : prsnt. 1357 App. 273 James, Robert : King's Escheator/. 275 App. 239 Jayes, Thomas: legacy c. 1763/. 159 Jeffrye or Jeffries, Thomas: 1591-1600^//- 102,82,276 J emmet, Philip : of London ; purchases the Henwick Estate 167 1/. 335 Jenkine, Margaret Verch : buried 1615 App. 87 Jenyngs, John : witness 1619 App. 263 Jer, William : vicar of Thatcham 1361-65//. 108,179, 182 Jervays, William : ditto John : ditto Agnes : 1367-74 App. 322, 323, 327, 328, 329 Jeyes, Richard : prsnt. 1658 App. 280 Jidden, John : prsnt. 1676/. 150 Jocelyn (or Goselyc), Walter : lay subs. 1327 ; citation 1329/. 343^//. 321 John, King : visits to neighbourhood 1203-15/. 28 Johns, Thomas : of Ham-mill ; buried 1562 App. 81 Johnson, John : executor 1529 App. 78 ,, Hewe (?Hugh): 1567-8; ditto John: 1587: App. 94, 98, 100 ,, Thomas: inreWinchcombe charity 1776/. 229 Jones, Thomas : house in tenure of 1783 App. 132 Jordan, : and wife Helewise : c. 1226 App. 1 1 Joie (or Joyhe), William : 1330-55; ditto Alice: 1333 App. 31, 32, 33 ,, John : 1340-95 ; ditto Robert : 1340/. 37 App. 26, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34 Joyes, Richard: ChW 1680/. 186 Joyce, William : juror 1736 App. 306, 130 Jourdan, Martin : lease to 1446 App. 242* (pi. xi.) Jubbes, Sir Robert : bequest 1530 App. 79, 80 Junne, John, 1401-08//. 54, 55 App. 41 Jurdan, William : 1388 ; ditto Nicolas : 1412 App. 29, 41 Justice, Thomas: vicar 1522: Will 1544//. 46, in to- 115, 180 App. 76, 77, 79, 80 ,, Richard : (Mayor of Reading) ; ditto William, M.P. : 1539/. Ill ,, Nicolas: prsnt. 1 544 App. 77, 80 Kaihow, John : prsnt. 1367 App. 323 Kachfrensch, Hugh : lay subs. 1327, 1332 //. 53, 55. App. 215 Kebyll, Thomas : ditto Maurice : 1529-30 App. 78, 79 Keble, Thomas : tenant 1548 App. 302 Kedemer, John : lay subs. Edw. I. /. 56 Kelley, Alice : witness 1534^//. 251 Kelsey, John : ditto Thomas : 1624-47 App. 113, 341 Kembare, Thomas : 1373-75 App. 328, 329, 330 Kemeseye, Kenesi, and Kensi, Thomas: 1319-42 App. 2 3, 2S> 3 1 . 3 Z ; ditto John: 1349-55 App. 32, 219 Kempeland, William: tenant 1548 App. 302 Kene, Richard : juror 1450 App. 224 Kensing, William: ChW 17 14: Kenton (?), William : ChW 1715/. 187 Kent, Edmund Earl of: horses 1322 App. 202 Kente, Thomas : 1614; John: 1658-61 App. 336, 89, 281 „ Thomas (of Cold Ash) : 1673-75/. 150 ^//. 90 Z z 2 356 INDEX NOMINUM. Kente, Clement, M.P. : succeeds to Crookham c. 1715; ChW 1720; sells Crookham 1729 obiit 1746 pp. 187, 157, 271 Kestall ami Kestwold : see Restall and Restwold Kewley, R. R. : trustee 1895 App. 190 Keyne, William, Thomas, &c. : 1600 App. 277 Keyrewent, John de : 1349 App. 311 Kibbell . . . : wife of, burial 1588 App. 101 King, William : ditto Nicolas : 1357-67 App. 271, 324 ,, John: tenant 1619 ; William: ChW 1631 p. 185 App. 261 „ Thomas: ChW 1779/. 159 Kinton, or Kynton, Thomas : vicar 1446 pp. 54, 109, 180, 195, 202, App. 42, 43, 162, 163 ,, John: St. Mary's, Reading, 1457^. no ,, William: 1783 App. 131 (cf.Kensing) Kipping, John : meadow c. 1226 p. 247 App. 12 „ Thomas : 1355 App. 32 Kistell, Philip: IS57 » ditto Charles; 1671— 1700 p. 323 App. 284, 291, 295 Knapp, John: ChW 1706, ChW 187 Knewton, Ralph, &c. : witness 1313 App. 20 Knight, Robert: bailiff of Thatcham 1472-76//. 55, 202, 204 App. 43, 162, 164 „ John and Elizabeth : 1544; William, &c. : p. 62 App. 302 „ Thomas: ChW 1567, 1587 p. 184 App. 93, 319, 100 „ Vincent: ChW 1568; buried 1580//. 184, 62, 119 App. 302, 98, 82 ,, John: ChW 1579, 1587 ; buried 1590 pp. 184, 270, 119 App. 82, 300, 302 ,, Roger: ChW 1572/. 184 App. 95 ,, Stephen : ChW 1583/. 184 App. 100, 277 ,, Margaret : 1587 App. 100 ,, Robert: ChW 1606, 1615 pp. 185, 119, 132, 200 App. 82, 275, 108 „ Vincent : ChW 15951, 1609, 1621, pp. 184, 185, 132, 137, 138, 223 App. 209, 275, 276, 45, in, n6, 117, 120, 119, 210 ,, Richard: 1600-05 /. 222 ^4//. 227 „ John: ChW 1610pp. 185, 119 App. 84, 106 „ Francis: 1605-14^//. 107, 108, no ,, Roger: 1605-53;//. 63, 64, 120, 136, 137, 138, 142, 143, 198^//. 334, 112, 115, 268, 87, 88, 116, 117, 119, 130 „ Elizabeth: 1606-10/. 119, 197 App. 84 „ John (son of John) : bapt. 1611 ; ChW 1653 /. 120, 185, 216, 219 App. no, 280 „ William: ChW 1619 //. 185, 119 App. 82, 87, "5. »9, 120, 276, 335 to 340 ,, Roger, junior : 1649//. 63, 120, 214, 215, 217, App. 44, 89, 141, 341 ,, William : [and Elinor] buried 1653 /, 120 App. 88 ; Thomas : 1656 App. 89 ,, Roger: 1661 pp. 211, 223 Ait>. 281 286,452 ,, John : 1662/. 211, 223 App. 45 ,, John : (Parish clerk) 1674//. 121, 151 App. 91 ,, John : ChW 1717/. 187 App. 128 Knockyn, John de : 1311-17 //. 54, 254, 255 App. 128, 198, 199, 200 Kybel-wike, John : 1408-13 App. 37, 239 Kyvel, Giles : prsnt. 1367 App. 322 Labbethone, William : tenant c. 1240 App. 13 Labell, John : 1408-22 App 1 ,333 Lacy, John : 1408 App. 41 Ladd, Thomas: 1607//. 296, 297 App. 256 Lamb, John : ChW 1784/. 188 App. 130 Lambel, William : 1367 App. 322 Lamden, Edward : 1 66 1 App. 281 Lamere, Walter : 1226 pp. 30, 247 App. 12 Lamport, John : 1 783 App. 1 32 Lanceford, William : 161 1 App. 86 Landels, John de : King's escheator 1349/. 230 App. 219 Lang, Algernon H. : curate/. 182 Langford, John : payment by 1484 App. 317 Lansdell, John : purchases Chamberhouse 17 16; buried 1739//. 121, 309, App. 92, 130, 143 ,, John: obiit I J 48 pp. 63, 151, 309 Larkcom, William : ditto James : 1803/. 68 Latton, John : juror 1402 App. 314 Laubel, William : cadaverator 1367-76 App. 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 328, 329, 331 ; John (his son) : 1372— 1424 App. 328, 38, 39, 162, 163 Lavyndar, Roger: 1472/. 202 App. 42, 162 Lawley, Robert: 1622-24 App. 113; John: 1687-89 App. 289, 290 Lawrens, William ; lay subs. Edw. I. /. 56 Laurence, Thomas : ChW 1598 //. 184, 222 App. 105, 108, 275, 276, 277 „ John: 1608; ditto Richard: 1609-16 App. 115, 108, no „ Vincent: 1627-42//. 210, 223, 304 App. 115, 119 „ Bradley : 1674; Agnes : 1676 App. 284, 285 ,, John: 1783; ditto James: 1798— 1803 //. 66, 68 ,, John: ChW 1893 App. 192 Laylie, Robert : 1604 ; Thomas : 1615 App. 84, 336 Layghton, Lady Elizabeth : 1619 App. 261 Le Bakere, Henry : prsnt. 1367 App. 322, 323 „ Bel, Peter : chaplain 1318//. 36, 37, 53, 182 App. 22 „ Bole, Walter : supervisor 1322 App. 203, 205 to 209 „ Carter, John : 1332-67/. 215 App. 323 „ Clerk, John: 1363/. 182 App. 33 ,, Clothmonger, Robert : 1313/. 53 App. 19 ,, Cran, Nicolas : tenement of 1336 App. 32 „ Crees, Henry: prsnt. 1357 App. 271 ,, Cupere : lay subs. Edw. I. p. 56 „ Dole, John : meadow of 1340 App. 25 ,, Draypyr, Thomas: p. 55 „ Engleys, Gilbert : lay subs. Edw. I. 56 ; L'Englis, Nicholas : 1357 ; le Englishe, Nicolas : 1363 ; Angl[us], Richard, 1363 //. 53, 55 App. 33. 3 5 . 2 72. 273 ,, Gray, John : ditto Cecilia 1374 App. 330 ,, Hat, Richard: 1357; Nicolas le Hat: lay subs. 1 332 ; le Hattar, Edmund : lay subs. Edw. III.: Hattere, Edmund: 1319 //. 53, 55, 56 App. 30, 215 ,, Hert, William: chaplain 1307; ditto Margaret: c. 1300/. 182 App. 16, 17, 30 „ Hurst, lay subs. Edw. I. p. 50 La Kentenysche, Felicia: 1333-40^//- 3 1 ) 3 2 Le Knyztis, Alicia : 1309 App. 19 „ Marchant, William: forester 1752-76//. 228, 229 „ Masson, Peter (vicar of Crookham) : 1347 pp. 38, 182, App. 36, 232 „ Messager, Godfrey : attorney for Abbot of Reading 1257/. 272 App. 13, 236 „ Mey, Elias : lay subs. 1327 and 1332 App. 215 „ Mol, Humphrey : lay subs. c. 1300//. 52, 343 „ Mul-ward, Stephen : 1357 App. 271, 273 „ Mosh, Adam: 1357 App. 272 ,, Nywe-man, Walter : witness 1316/. 53 App. 21 ,, Olde-man, John: prsnt. 1357 App. 272 ,, Palmer, John: ditto William: 1316-37/. 53 App. 21, 22, 23, 32 ,, Pilkee, John: 1304-18/. 53 App. 17 „ Potter, William : prsnt. 1367 App. 322 „ Prentiz, John: c. 1316^. 53 App. 21 „ Pyk, Robert : 1323 p. 53 App. 23 ,, Rede, John: ditto Matilda: c. 1300/. 53 App. 30; William : ditto Cecily : c. 1316 App. 21 ,, Rous, Roger: 1291/.252: William: 1357 App. 271 ,, Sawyer (Sarrator) : messuage c. 1300 App. 30 „ Smith or Faber, John : 1300-30 : //. 53, 55, $6 App. 16, 21, 23, 30, 31 ; ditto William : 1316 App 20, 271 ; ditto Simon : 1330 App. 31 ,, Smithies, Alice: ditto Margaret: 1316, 53 App. 20 „ Scote, Roger : lay subs. 1327, //. 53, 55 App. 215 ,, Spenser, Richard: lay subs. c. 1300/. 343 ,, Strange, John: 131 1/. 254^//. 198, 199 INDEX NOMINUM. 357 Le Starkere, Adam : land of 1286 App. 195 „ Taylur, John : lay subs. Edw. I. : pp. 52, 55, 56 App. 16, 18, 196; ditto Nicolas: 1286 App. 195; Margery: lay subs. Edw. III./. 56 „ Thresshere, Simon : 1557 App. 271, 273 ,, Wayte, William : Midgham 1364/. 347 ,, White, Gilbert : c. 1286 p. 249 App. 195 ; ditto Hugh : 1322 App. 209 ; ditto Laurence : lay subs. 1332 App. 215 ; John : 1340 App. 32 „ Wode-warde, Walter : lay subs. 1327 and 1330 //• S3. 55 App. 31, 215 Leckhamstede, Simon de : chaplain 1310-45 /. 260 App. 232 Leicester, Robert Earl of: in re Chamberhouse 1573-90 /. 292 App. 252 to 256 Lenham, John : witness 1308 App. 198 Lenthall, John : Commissioner 1651 p. 214 Lest, Richard: prsnt. 1357 App. 271, 273 Letes, Agnes : plaintiff 1375 App. 330 Lewes, Katherine : 1575J William : 1593 App, 81, 82 Lewys, John: juror 1450 App. 225 Lewis, Sir Edward : at Chamberhouse 1624/. 302 Leylond, William : bequest to 1530 App. 79 Libat or Libbut, Richard : 1598 — 1600 App. 105, 108, 275. 277 Lide or Lyde, Isabella wife of Richard : 1446 p. 194 App. 160, 161 Lilly, W. : the astrologer 1649/. 63 App. 44 Limpus, Thomas: prsnt. 1714^//. 297 Lipscombe, 'goodman' : payment to 1588 App. 101 Loder, Richard : witness 1387 App. 28 ,, Francis : 1658 — 1703 pp. 211, 224 App. 45, 123, 127, 279, 280 Lody, 'goody' : bequest to 1656/. 305 Lombes, Agnes : prsnt. 1357 App. 271 London, Roger: 1424-72//. 201, 202 App. 38, 39, 42, 43, 161, 162 Londyn, Roger : 1414 App. 37, 38 Long, John: ChW 1760, 1762, 1763/. 188 App. 130, 131 Longden, Walter: ChW 1743, 1744/. 187 Lothian, Joseph: vicar 1804-42 //. 165, 167, 168, 171, 181, 231, 236 Louers, Geoffrey: juror 1308/ 95 App. 66 Loundres or Lowndyes, Thomas : 1402-46//. 109, 115, 122, 193,349^//. 141, 154, 155, 159, 182, 313 Loveday or Liveday, Isabella : 1367 App. 324, 325 ,, Elizabeth of Colthrop 1376/ 347 App. 331 Lovegrove, John : 1548 [house 1590] App. 302, 82 ,, John: ChW 1615 it. 185, 200 Lovelock, William : 1783 — 1803/. 67 App. 130 Lovelynch, Jordan de : 1313-18/ 344 App. 19, 20, 311 Lovet, William (Domesday) : /. 7 Lowgrove, Reginald : 1600/ 119 App. 83 Lowther, William : witness 1534 App. 271 Lubbay, Richard: ChW 1580/ 184 Lucas or Lewcas, Thomas : 1604-36 App. 84, 340 ,, John: vicar 1646//. 140, 180 ,, William: of Bucklebury 1687 App. 91 Lucy, William de: attorney 1318 App. 311 Ludlowe, John : 1424-72 App. 39, 42, 43, 160, 162 Lush, Mrs. Mary: 168 1 App. 90 Lydeyerd, Robert:, chaplain 1344/. 260 App. 232 ,, John : juror 1429 App. 222 Lyford, Abraham: 1682; ditto Sebastian 1700 : ditto Richard; 1707 pp. 27 1,226 App. 168, 169 Mabile, John: 1298 ; ditto Richard 1327 App. 227, 31 Mabely, Richard: 1330; John: 1313 ; Eva: 1327, /• 343 App. 20, 23, 30 Machin, John: ChW 1722, 1723, 1752, 1756, 1757 /. 187; Gabriel: ChW 1767, 1772, 1773, 1775, 1786//. 188, 233 App. 126, 129, 132 „ Bertram: ChW 1769, 1770, 1772, 1773 //. 188, 232, 233 „ William : ChW 1775, 1776, 1777 /. 188 App. 129, 130 „ Widow : 1783 ; ditto George and Gabriel 1803 //. 67, 68 App. 130 Mackerill, John : juror 1652/. 214 Mackrell, Vincent : 1621-35 App. 337, 340 Macnamara, Dr. : memorials of Dan vers family/. 281 Magot 0?- Mogot, John: William: 1409-31 ; App. 163,221 Majendie, Rev. H. W. : Greenham Ch. 1859 App. 144 Mailes, Widow : prsnt. 1600 App. 277 Manderell, John son of Arthur : 1636 App. 87 Marchal, Thomas: witness 1431/ 203 App. 163 Marriner, Henry: of Cold Ash 1692 App. 91 Marsh, Rev. Dr. and Lady Marsh : of Reading/. 164 „ Jane : married 1656 App. 88 Marshall, Roger : 1546 ; ditto George : 1571 App. 252, 81 ,, John: ChW 1573, 1586, 1589; ditto Syman : 1574/- 184 App. 85 ,, Abraham: prsnt. 1606; Richard: 1615^//. 334, 335, 336 John : ChW 1620, 1621 App. 85, 119, 284 Vincent: buried 1644 App. 87; Abraham: 1654-57 App. 279, 342, 343 John : ChW 1756, 1757/ 188 ; Richard : 1783 App. 131 Marson, John : 1783 — 1803 p. 66, 68, 161 App. 133 Marten, William and Joan : 1529/ 113 App. 78 Martyn, Dr. : official of Berks 1601-02 App. 83, 84 ,, John : 1620 ; ditto Henry : 1651/ 2\\App. 112 Martin, Hezekiah : vicar 1866-89//. I 78> 182 Massy. John : 1578 App. 77 Masy or Masyes, John : 1658-61 App. 280, 281 Masey or Massey, John : ChW 1683 /. 186 App. 284, 285, 286, 289, 293, 294 Mason, old: of Greenham 1591 App. 82 ,, Grace: married 1654/ 118 App. 88 Mathook, Robert : 1695 App. 293 Matilda, Empress: charter c. 1140//. 76, 77, 174^//. 50 and App. pi. vi. Matthews, John: ChW 1712, 1732, 1733, 1735, 1738 /. 107, 154 App. 123, 127, 131 ,, Peter: ChW 1752//. 188, 232 App. 131 Maunsell, Richard : case of 1607//. 296, 297 App. 256 Maurice, Anne : wife of David : 1529 App. 78 May, Edward: 1699; ditto John; 1712, &c. /. 154 App. 295, 130 „ John : 1831-33 App. 135, 155 ,, Daniel : ChW 1894 App. 185, 186, 192 Mayn, William : juror 1450 App. 224 Maxwell, Patrick: curate//. 167, 181 Meane, Sir William : 1561-64//. 119, 127, 180 App. 81 Mecey, J. W. • ChW 1854 to 1867pp. J75; 19° App. 181 Meene, William : 1655/ 118 App. 88 Meriot, John : rent 1313 App. 19 Merriman . . . : child baptized by; 1719, App. 91 Merton, Joan: buried 161 1 App. 86 Messager or Messenger, Nicolas: 1412-31/. 203, App. 41, 163, 222 Messinger, Simon: tenant 1703 App. 123 Messeter, Richard : ChW 1786/. 188 App. 131 Meyne, Hugh : juror 1450 App. 225 Michel, John : buried 1601 App. 83, 85 Mico, Samuel : purchases Crookham 1675/. 271 Midelton, William: tenant 1620 App. 264 Miland, Thomas : payment to 1568-90 App. 95, 102 Miles, Crabb : tenant 1783 App. 130 Miller, George : his daughter Elizabeth married to Harry Winchcombe 1639//. 140, 141, 145, 181, 326 Milne, John Haworth : vicar 1855-62 //. 170, 181, App. 138 to 140 Milner, Henry : witness 1534 App. 251 Missenden, Abbot of, in re Aubery Bradeney 131 5 App.66 Money, Richard: ChW 1653//. 185, 211, 214, 216, 219, 223 ^//,45 „ Walter : History of Newbury //. 8, 48, 59, &c. Monke, Joan: 1529; Christopher buried 1661/ 120 App. 79, 89 Monyngton, Hugh de : 1349/ 347 App. 311 Montacute, William de, &c. : see Salisbury Moorys or Maurice, David : 1529 App. 77 Morcok, John : 1367-80 App. 30, 322, 323, 326, 327, 328, 331 358 INDEX NOMINUM. More, Richard : 1614 App. 86 Morgan, David : 1431 App. 42 ; Thomas : 1705 App. 296 Morris, Anne : 1681 p. 121 App. 90 ; John : 1631 App. 19 Morin, Thomas : 1373 App. 328 Mortemer, Radulphus de (Domesday) : p. 7 ; Richard : 1229 App. 78 Mortimer, Bartholomew : ChW 1654, 1670 p. 186, 211, 224 App. 46, 283, 284, 285 „ John : ChW 1679/. 186 App. 291, 292 ,, Richard : ChW 1691 p. 186 App. 123, 127, 293 „ George: ChW. 1701, 1702 pp. 187, 157 App. 91, 295 ,, Bartholomew : ChW 1758, 1759pp. 188, 228 „ Edward: George: Philip: 1783^/^.130,131, 135 Morys, John : Warden of Winchester 14.02 pp. 349, 355 App. 312 Mosdell, Edward : ChW 1692-93/. 186 App. 280, 284 ,, Daniel : house 1783 App. 132 Mosh, Richard : 1357 App. 273 ; Moss, Joseph : 1791 p. 162 Mount, William : of Wasing 1602 pp. 333, 338, 360, 64, 67, 68, 170, 231, 239 App. 180 ,, William George : pp. 170, 172, 360 App. 190 Mourford, Walter : witness 1544 App. 77 Moute (? Monte) or Mowte, John : 1335-40 App. 31, 32 Mullewarde, John and Joan ; ditto Walter: 1370-3 App. 326, 328 Mumford, Walter : witness 1528 Ap. 77 Mundy, Robert : juror 1450; John : 1659 App. 225, 280 „ George : vicar 1653 pp. 133, 143, 144, 181 216 to 221 Mutch, Gilbert : witness 1330 App. 31 Mygever, Gilbert : witness 1344 App. 32 Myxtor . . . : of Greenham 1591 App. 102 Nash, Nicolas : 1674 App. 90 Nelson, Thomas : of Chaddleworth buried 1692 App. 143 Nevill, Henry: Commissioner 1651/. 214 Newell, George : prsnt. 1691-97 App. 292, 293, 294 Neweman, Nicholas : 1367-74 App. 323, 329 Newton, William : 16634^.282; George: 1778/. 229 Nigel : rector of Thatcham c. 1200 pp. 80, 179 Nightingall, 1657-63 App. 279, 280, 282 Niwenhale, Richard: 1300 /. 343 ; Thomas: 1316-44 p. 260 App. 21, 22, 31, 32, 218 Nywelin, John : lay subs. Edw. III. p. 56 Noble, John: vicar 1514//. in, 180 Norcott, Stephen : 1530-88 App. 80, 101 Norkett, widow : land 1783 App. 132 Norman, William : 1567-69 App. 93, 94, 96 North, Richard : witness 1423 App. 42 Norys, John : trustee 1450/. 204 App, 42, 163 Noreys, Roger: King's Escheator 1450 /. 266 App.224, 225 Norres, Sir John : of Midgham 1544/. 115 App. 80 Norris, Lord : 1621 App. 337 ; ditto John : 1667 /. 317 App. 282 Northlegh, William : 1349^^5.311 Northway, Oswell : ChW 1625//. 185, 223 App. 112 „ John : 1667-68 ; Thomas : 1677-95 A Pt- 282, 283, 285, 286, 293 „ Edward : 1691 App. 292 ; Oswald : 1695-99 App. 291, 293, 295 [129, 130?] „ William : ChW 1750, 1761, 1769 p. 187 App. 306 „ Edward : ChW 1779, 1780, 1788, 1790, 1792, 1793, 1795 to 1797, 1800 to 1802, 1803 to 1807, 1809 to 1816 pp. 188, 189, 161 App. 126, 129, 133, 308 „ William: ChW 1817 to 1820, 1831, 1839, 1840, 1844, 1845, 1850 to 1852, 1856 pp. 189, 190, 68, 233, App. 159 Nortwell, John : 1349 App. 219 Norton, William : 1398— 1402 //. 347, 348 App. 312, 313, 314 Nutehach, Nothac, Nhotehach, &c, Thomas : c. 1300 - T William: 1304; Alice: 1318; John: 1367 //. 36, 56 App. 16, 17, 18, 22, 322, 324 Nuton : widow, payment 1619 App. 112 Odle, Thomas : 1619 App. 261 Offley, Sir John and Lady : 1619 p. 294 App. 256, 260,. 261, 268 Offlie, Elizabeth : daughter of John 1610 App. 85 Offpryng, George : priest, bequest to 1544 App. 77 Okeburne, William : 1450 App. 225 Oliver, Richard: chaplain 1403/. 264 App. 220, 232 Organ, Richard: Commissioner 1631 App. 119 Ostyler, Nicolas : 1381 pp. 36, 53 App. 27 Overey, Thomas : 1394/- 347 A PP- 3 12 Owen, Benjamin : son of Thomas/. 119 App. 84 „ Edward : 1626 App. 267, 268 Oxenhurd, Robert : prsnt. 1374 App. 329 Oxford, Samuel Wilberforce Bishop of: separation of Greenham 1857 pp. 170, 171 App. 137, 144; separation of Midgham 1859/. 171 App. 137 ; St. Mark's, Cold Ash, 1865/. 177 App. 146 Packer, Robert : succeeds to Manor of Thatcham 17 18, and sells the same to General Waring 1722 . pp. 329, 226 App. 168, 169 Paganell, Gervase : grant of Greenham 1199 App. 10 Pacy, John : 1472 y*//. 42 ; Page, John : 1648/. 142 Painter, William : 1576-92 App. 97, 98, 100, 103 ,, John: 1605-57 4#>. 107, 279 Pale, John : a burgage 1476 p. 205 App. 43, 164 Palmer, William: John: Richard: 1319-82 App. 27, 30, 31, .272, 273 ,, Julius : trial of 1556/A 48, 322 „ John: 1606; Joan: 1655/. n8 App. 88, 107 Paman, Clement : vicar 1648 pp. 63, 141 to 144, 180 Pangeborne, William : witness c. 1300 App. 16 Paradise, John : ChW 1842 to 1850 pp. 189, 169 Parker (Parcarius), Adam : 1322 App. 207 ,, John : juror 1349-57 App. 219, 273 ,, Edmund : trustee 1424-72 pp. 54, 55, 201, 202 App. 38, 42, 43, 161, 162, 243 „ Robert: 1484 App. 317; Elizabeth: 1665 App. 28a ,, Robert: 1705^//. 296; Thomas: 1728/. 158 Parkyn, William : 1547 p. 270 App. 232 Parr {or Pave), Jane : 1636 App. 87 Parson, William : of Henwick 1476 App. 164 Parsons, William : 1652 App. 341 ; ditto Humphry :■ 1670 App. 284 „ Joseph: 1670-95 p. 152 App. 283, 293 „ John : ChW 1681, 1688, 1691/. 186 App. 90 Partridge, Thomas : 1661 App. 281 Passett, William: 1629 App. 115 Paterich or Patrick : 1367-75 App. 322, 325, 328, 330 Paty, John : 1472 ; Robert : 1530 App. 79, 162 Patie or Patey, John: 1611-31 App. 109, no, 119 Pavey, Richard : grants to in 1395, &c, grant by in 1404//. 40, 41, 42, 262, 273,274^//. 220, 227, 236 Paul of the Chapel : sre De Capella Pawle, John : 1608-31//. 132, 223 App. 119 Pawlet, William: tenant 1610/, 197 Payse, Richard: payment to 1620 App. 112 Peachy, Bulstrode : purchases Crookham 1729 p. 271 ,, Sir John : his son inherits same p. 271 ,, Sir James : land held by 1783 App. 131 ,, Pedigree of family App. 235 Pearce, John: 1627; ditto ]o\in: 1709 App. 114, 243 Peek, Andrew: prsnt. 1661 App. 281 Peirce, Dayid : vicar 1889//. 178, 182 App. 185 to 191 Pellatt, Thomas : trustee 1804 App. 133, 173 Pendar, John : ChW 1697 A? 1701 p. 186, 1783 App. 130- Pendall, John : 1703 App. 123, 127 Penlegh, Richard and Isabella de : 1349 App. 311 Perances, Margaret: prsnts. 1367-70 App. 324, 325 c , Perrin, William : 1596 ; John : 1674 App. 102, 284" Pering, Thomas : 169 1 p. 121 App. 91 Perkins, Francis: witness 1662/. 211 INDEX NOMINUM. 359 Perme, Nicolas; ChW 1573 A 184 Perry, William : ChW 1696 to 1701, 1706 to 1710, 1712, 1719, 1720, 1730, 1732, 1733 pp. 186, 187 App. 123 ,, Henry: 1700; John: 1J$3 App. 134, 295 Perriman, Richard, &c. : 1621-31 App. 337, 338, 339 Persoun, Roger : chaplain 1355 App. 33 Person, Thomas : 1357; ditto William : 1476 App. 271, 273. 43 Pervaunt, Henry : tenant 1322 App. 209 Peter: the chaplain 1388 pp. 54, 183 App. 29 Petre, William : witness 1557 App. 320 Pewse, John : witness 1438 App. 42 Philips, Charles: 1783; George: 1791 p. 162 App. 132 Picard, John and Joan : 1250 pp. 249, 272 App. 235 Pickering, Richard: 1547/. 270 App. 232 Picthall, W. M. : incumbent of Cold Ash pp. 177, 183 Pydgyn or Pegeone (Peidn), John : ChW 1567, 1568, 1575. IS76, IS86 A 1844*/. 93 „ Adam : ChW 1595//. 184, 197 App. 113 ,, William : 1600-09 App. 105, 108, 109 „ Roger: ChW 1620, 1621 pp. 185, 137, 138 App. 112, 1 16 „ Richard: 1631 App. 117; William: ChW 1654/. 186 „ Mary, d. of Abraham : 1656-61 App. 88, 281 Pike, Andrew: 1671 p. 148 Pile, Sir Francis : 1648//. 142, 143 Pindar, Michael : 1610-19 p. 120 App. 85, 86, 256, 263 ,, Elizabeth : 1619-26^4//. 261, 263, 268 „ Sara: bapt. i6i2p. 120 App. 86, 260, 263,268 „ Samuel : 1619-26 App. 262, 268 Pinfall, Richard : 1619 App. 260 Pinkeneye or Pynkenye, Giles de : c. 1226/. 29 „ John de : 1286 — 1318^. 36 App. 22, 195 „ Roger: c. 1300 App. 30; Henry: 1368 — 1408 App. 222, 325, 327; John: 1378 App. 34 Placentia, Gregory de : Pope's chaplain 1315 App. 66 Piatt, John: ChW 1760, 1762, 1763/. 188 Plecy, John : 1445-46/. 194 App. 154, 160 Plott,John: 1618/. 213 Pocock, Giles: 1600-78/. 1 50 App. 277, 285, 286 ,, Richard : 1621-32 App. 337, 339 ; ditto John : 1624-57/. 144 4#>. 338 ,, Edward: 1736-83 App. 129, 306 Poetteres, Margaret : assault on 1375 App. 330 Pointer or Poynter, John : 1583 — 1610/. 197 App. 98 ,, William : son of John, baptized 1588 App. 82 Pole, John : of Asshemerworth 1412 App. 41 Polehampton, Thomas : 1590 ; ditto John : 1590 — 1632 //."207, 210 Polter, William : 1367 App. 322 Polye, John: ChW 1627/ 185 Pomfrey, Henry : tything man 1661 App. 281 Poole, Geoffry : grant 1450/. 204 App. 42, 163 „ Richard : c. 1780 App. 131 Poore, Robert : attorney 1 590 pp. 208, 209 Popham, Sir Francis : 1613-20 App. 336, 337 Porcock, . . . : wife of buried 1588 App. 101 porter, John : 1367-74 App. 322, 324, 327 to 330 Pounde, William: 1561-64/. \2"j App. 81 ; John: 1606 App. 108 Poghley, Priors of: 1185 — 1411/. 27 App. 9, 322, 323, 331, 33 2 . 333 Poures, Nicolas : 1349 App. 219 Powell, Richard: vicar 1544-66//. 115, 127, 128, 180 App. 17 Robert: ChW 1588; John: ChW 1615 //. 184, 200 „ Margery: 1567-73; ditto mother: 1606 App. 94. 108 ,, Thomas: (alias Kent) 1675-82//. 150, 271 ,, John: Robert: 1670-84 App. 283, 287; Francis : 1 69 1 App. 291 Powle, John : ChW 1615, 1625//. 185, 200, 222 „ Robert: trustee 1610-27 PP- 2II > 22 3 Powles, Nicolas: witness 1319-36 App. 30, 31 Powney, Penyston : trustee 1752/- 228 Poyntz, Stephen : 1738-79//. 64, 121, 150 App. 92 ,, William: 1800//. 67, 69, 164 Poyson, William : tything man 1357 App. 272 Pratte, Henry : of Wantage 1476 App. 43, 164 Prentyz, John : 1308-87 ; Will 1388/. 95 App. 9, 37, 66, 28 pi. iv. 29, 34 ; Charity of 1423 //. 122, 191 App. 38, 153 Preston, Robert de : tenements 1317 App. 200 Price, Sir Charles : trustee 1854/. 343 Prince, Thomas : 1685 App. 91 Prior, Thomas : tenant 1783 App. 131 Provenere, Richard: vicar 1393 — 1401//. 108, 179 Pultom, Alicia de : lay subs. Edw. I. /. 56 Pury, Sir Thomas : prior of Newark 1400/. 275 , , John : appointed bailiff 143 1 ; and bought Chamberhouse 1445//. 42, 43, 44, 109, III, 265, 275, 276 App. 42, 227, 241 ; Various de- tails //. 195, 202, 204, 277, 279, 280 App. 42, 161, 162, 164, 241, 242, 243 ; Docu- ments relating to the Charity 1450//. 203, 204 App. 163 ; Pedigree of the family App. 240 Pymnor or Pynemour, John : 1369 App. 325 Pyll, John : lay subs. Edw. I. /. 56 Pynson, G. : witness 1300/. 251 App. 196 Quappelode, Nicolas : see Reading, abbots of Querndon, Walter : Quernere, William : prsnts. 1357 App. 271, 272, 273 Quynton,John : hermit of Thatcham 1388/. 38 Rabbatts, . . . : sexton 1583-1603 App. 99, 102, 106 Rabbits, William : ChW 1629 //. 185, 210, 223 App. 109,119,280,335 „ John : juror 1662 App. 282 Radel, William : 1366 App. 26 ; Radeley 1429 App. 222 Ralph : clerk (scriptor) 1340 //. 53, 182 App. 25, 30 Rammesbury, Walter de : 13 16 App. 21 Randall, J. L. : Rector of S. John's, Newbury, App. 144 Rann, Richard Edward : vicar 1862-66 //. 172, 177, 178, 181 Raymond, Sir Jonathan : 1679— 1703 /. 335 App. 286, 290, 291, 292 Sir Jemmet: 1703-1743 //. 331, 332, 335, 336 App. 297, 306, 343 „ Jemmet: acquires Henwick 1755 obiit 1767 r PP- 336, 337 Raynsford, John : 1530-48 App. 248, 302 „ Giles: Thomas: 1549-98//. 270, 119 App. 83 ,, Edward: gent. 1606 App. 108 Rede, John : 1308/. 35 App. 18 ; Lucy 1344 App. 32 „ Edward : King's Escheator 1429 App. 222 Reade or Read, William : buried 161 1 App. 86 „ John: 1631-54^//. 119, 341, 342 ,, Joseph: 1654; Richard: 1670 App. 342,283 „ John: ChW 1672 to 1674, 1676 //. 186, 150, 151 App. 121 Reade, Thomas: ly 11 App. 343 John : ChW 1752, 1754, 1758, 1774, 1775, 1776//. 188, 220 App. 129, 131 Readell or Readall, Thomas : ChW 1671, 1672, 1690, 1691, 1698//. 186, 148 App. 288, 295 Reading, Abbots of : ,, Hugh: 1123-30; Charter 1125/. 22 App. 49 „ Hugh: 1180-94; Hospital at Reading, &c. //. 28, 41, 78, 80, 85, 88 App. 9, 10, 51 ; Grants to, &c. /. 27, 29 App. 9, n ,, Helias : 1200 — 1212 ; Letter from Pope Inno- cent/. 82 App. 54 ,, Simon : 1213-26 ; Lord of the Manor, &c. PP- 30, 82, 83, 174, 246, 248 App. 12, 57 ,, Adam: 1226-38; grant by Fitzherbert /. 247 ,, Richard: 1238-40 ['dictus' Abbot] 1228^/. 53 „ Richard : 1255-61 App. 13, 236 ,, Robert: 1268-87 in ^rights of the Abbey/. 10 360 INDEX NOMINUM. Reading, William : of Sutton 1291-1305 ; Inquisition, &c. p. 251 App. 196 ,, Nicolas, Quappelode : 1305-27 ; Charters, &c. PP- 33, 34. 94, 251 App. 13 to 15, 66, 68, 69, 70, 196 ,, Henry of Appelford : 1342-60 p. 174 ,, Richard Yateley : 1403 ; complaint by/. 42 ,, Thomas Erlee : 1422 App. 233 ,, Thorne, John : 1448 — 1519//. 174, 269 ,, Hugh Cooke : 1530-39^.46, 47, l8o^4//. 274 Reading, Prior of: witness 1300/. 251 App. 196 Redwood, Robert: ChW 1722, 1723/. 187 Refford, John : juror 1402 App. 314 ,, Ambrose: christened 1565//. 119, 127 App. 81 Restall, Margaret : 1530.^//. 249 „ Richard: ChW 1561//. 184, 121 App. 277 „ (or Restold) John : 1561-72 p. 121 App. 93, 94, 95. 96, 81 ,, William: ChW 1577, 1578/. 184 App. 102, 275, 277 ,, Thomas : 1578 App. 98 ; Margery : married 1598/. 119 App. 83 Restwald (or -wold), John : 1321, lay subs. 1332 App. 22, 23, 32 Thomas : 1333-67 App. 31, 323, 324 John: 1336-42 App. 24, 25; Reginald: 1388 App. 29 „ Robert : ChW 1445 pp. 184 App. 154, 159, 160, 333 . „ Henry : of Henwick 1472/. 202 App. 42, 43, 162, 164 Reson, William : 1319-49 App. 30, 31, 32 App. 219 Revell or Rivell, Matthew: prsnt. 1372 — 1411 App. 327. 328, 332 Ryvel, John : fined 1367 App. 324 Reymond, Leonard, Thomas and John : bequests to 1544 App. 76 Ricard, William : 1590/. 207 John: 1631-33/. 52 4#S. 45 Rich, John: Commissioner 1631 App. 10 Richard I., King : Charter as to Market : c. 1190 App. 10 ,, William: oflnkpen//. 209, 210 Richer, Nicolas : 1368-70 App. 325, 326 ,, Richard : (alias Forth) 1424-72 pp. 201, 202 App. 30, 43, 161, 162 Rive, Richard: ChW 1598/. 184 Robert : Rector 1388//. 54, 84, 183 App. 29, 57 Roberts, Richard : sexton 1597/. 119 App. 83 ,, William: 1642— 1659/. 204 App. 280 Robinson, Elizabeth : 1561-64./. 127 App. 81 ; ditto John, Curate/. 168 c. 1840 Rodeneye, Richard de : custodian 1321 /. 255 App. 200 Rogger, Henry : ChW 1431 //. 184, 194 App. 39, 160, 162, 163 William : 1424-25//. 54, 55 App. 39, 162 „ Roger : 1472//. 202, 194 App. 42, 43, 162 Roffe, Alfred A. : curate 1865/. 182 Rome, Popes of: Clement III. 1191/. 79 App. 52 ,, Innocent III. - lief] p. 82 App. 54 ,, Honorius III. : 1218/ 82 App. 56, 58 ,, Urban IV.: 1263/. 87 ,, Boniface VIII. : 1300 App. 64 „ Clement V. : 1309/. 95 App. 65, 71 Ronewick, John : prtnt. 1367 App. 324 Rowell, George : lands 1 66 1 App. 281 Russell, William C. : 1300 ; Roger : 1364/. 261 App. 232 Rydemor, John: App. 18 ; Rye, John : 1423 App. 42 Ryder, Mistress Ursula : married 1 684 App. 90 Rymes, William : essoined 1652 App. 341 Sadler, Thomas : juror 1680-86 App. 286, 288 St. Amand, Almaric : witness 1395 App. 220 St. John, Henry : afterwards Viscount Bolingbroke 1705-13//. 155, 156,226, 227 App. 168, 169, 296 Salisbury, Bishops of: Roger, Confirmation Charter, c. 1 125 /. 76- App. 49 Jocelyne : c. 1 167/. 77 Hubert: c. 1 190//. 78 App. 50, 51, 59 Herbert le Poore : 1201 /. 80 App. 35, 54 Richard le Poore : 1228/. 80 App. 53 Robert Bingham : 1230-39 //. 85, 86 App. 59 Walter de la Wyle : Charter 1263 App. 6t Simon of Ghent : 1304, 1306/. 91 App. 62, 6j Roger Mortival : injunction, &c. 1310, 1315-17 //. 96, 97, 100 App. 67, 68, 70, 72 Seth Ward: 1670//. 148, 149. IS 1 , *52 Salisbury, Dean and Chapter : 1239 App. 60 Salisbury, Earls of: William de Montacute first Earl obiit 1344 //. 54, 39, 40, 108, 174 App- 215, 217, 218: Katharine his widow, obiit 1344/. 260 App. 219, 232 ,, William the son : second Earl obiit 1^91 pp. 40 260, 263 App. 219, 220, 232 : Elizabeth his widow App. 232, 233 „ John the nephew: third Earl, killed 1400//. 43, 263 App. 221 „ Thomas: fourth Earl, killed 1429//. 201, 202, 265 App. 38, 39, 42, 161, 162, 222, 224; Alice, his daughter : married to Richard Nevill, created Earl of Salisbury f beheaded 1460//. 265, 267, 278 , , Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, his son the King Maker, killed 1471//. 43, 266; Isabel, his daughter, married to ,, , .George Plantagenet. obiit 1477 /. 278 App. 228 „ Edward: son of George, beheaded 1499/. 278 „ Margaret: Countess of, executed 1541 //. 42,. 162, 279 „ Pedigree of the Earls of Salisbury App. 231 Saltere, John : prsnt. 1398 App. 332 Samon, Henry : juror 1429 App. 222 Sampson : widow 1610//. 198, 1606 App. 10 Sandam, John ; buried 1607 App. 85 Sandelford, Prior of: prsnt. 141 1 App. 333 Sare, John : 1368-81 App. 27, 33, 34 ,, Roger : 1374 ; ditto Thomas 1398 — 1412 App. 41, 329, 331, 332 Sares or Saires, John : 167 1 App. 90 Sargood, John : Charity 1826/. 237 App. 135, 150, 182 Satwell, Eleanor d. of William : buried 1631 App. 87 Saunders, Henry : curate of Greenham 188 1 p. 182 App.- 103 Sauter, Richard: (alias Cesar) ChW 1618/. 185 Sawsey, Richard : (alias Cesar) tenant 1620 App. 264 Sawyer, John : tenant 1610/. 197 Sayer, Henry: inventory 1642/. 304 Scaldwell, Thomas : house 1783 App. 132 Scholdone, Nicolas : clerk 1353 App. 53 Schorte, Robert : witness 1384-08 App. 34, 41, 220, 239 Scoire, John : ChW 1590 to 1592/. 184 Scolfield, Abraham: 1707/. 228 App. 168, 169 Scott, Sir George Gilbert : Architect//. 172, 173, 174 ,, Robert : a wayerman, buried 1631 App. 87 Screnaym or Scrynem, William : 1384 App. 34 Scriven, Robert : ChW 1832, 1833 P- l8 9 > William : trustee At>p. 189, 192; Secoll, Richard : 1388 — 1408 App. 29, 41, 313, 314 Seman, Thomas : lay subs. 1332 App. 215 Semblant, William : land 1304-09/. 52 App. 18 Serjaunt or Sergaint, John : App. 27, 33, 34, 324, 325, 328, 329 Seward (Domesday) : /. 19 Shadwell, Joan : bequest to 1626 App. 267 Sharp, John : Archdeacon 1672//. 149, 150 App. 121 ,, Robert: curate 1881/. 182' Sheldon, Robert: Curate of Greenham 1848//. 169,183. Shelford, John : 1394— 1402/. 347 App. 312, 313, 331 Shenke : see Brightwell Shepman, Thomas : burgage 1374 App. 33 Shepperd, John : tenant c. 1780 App. 130 INDEX NOMINUM. 36i Sherborne, Prior of: 1218 App. 56 Sherwood, Thomas : i6l8;John: 1679/. 2l2App. 286 Shipton, John : 1600 ; ditto Richard : 1670-76 App. 275, 283, 284, 285, 286 Shirley, Thomas : 1667— 1711 App. 282—343 Shortecombe, John : juror 1402-08 App. 239, 314 Shoofe, William : bond of preserved 1619 App. 112 Shonkes, Francis : 1616 App. m Sidwaye, Anne : servant 16 19 App. 261 Sikman, John : bequest to 1530 App. 79 Silvester, John : 1586 ; ditto Andrew : 1662 App. 281 Simeon, Richard : Vicar of Bucklebury 1707 pp. 156, 226 App. 168, 169 Simpson, Reginald: juror 1600 App. 275 Skinner, Robert: ChW 1831, 1853, l8 54//- '89, 190 Skorye, John : afferator 1600 App. 276, 277 Skreene, 'gooddy ' : payments to 1573-74 App. 97 Skrine, Herbert H. : Vicar of Greenham p. 183 Skylling, Elizabeth : married 1703/. 335 Skynnare, John: vicar 1574//. 54, 109, 180, 204, .4//. 43. 164 Slocock, Samuel : curate, &c. 1804 pp. 165, 166, 167, 181, 183 ,, Oliver E. : Vicar of Greenham p. 183 Sloper, Robert : 1804; George: 1821//. 133, 173, 175 Sloteford, John: prsnt. 1357 App. 271, 273 Slye, Myles: witness 1534 App. 251 Small, Robert : prsnt. 1635-58 App. 280, 340 Smallbone, Joseph : 1663 App. 89 Smith, John: 1363 — 1411 App. 26, 33, 322; Roger: 1412 App. 41 ; Stephen : 1413 App. 37, 33 2 > 333 „ John: alias Colsmyth 1472-76/. 54 App. 43, 164 John: 1549 p. 270; Stephen: 1566-67 App. 92, 93 ,, William : ChW 1569, 1574 to 1576, 1578, 1585, 1590 to 1592 pp. 184, 117 App. 97, 98, 100, 102, 104, 277 ,, Thomas: 1590/. 207, 210, 211 ,, Edward: ChW 1599, 1616 pp. 185, 207,222, 223 App. 277 „ Gregory : 1600 App. 275 „ Richard : ChW 1605, 1619 pp. 185, 120 App. 84, 86, 105, 106, 107, 108, no, in, 112, 119, 335, 336 ,, Henry: 1600-32//. 209, 2loApp. 275, 276,338 ,, Robert: 1600 App. 277, 108 ,, Joan: daughter of James 1601-2 App. 83 ,, John: wayfarer 1603 App. 84; Mistress: 1605 ■AfP- 334 „ Elizabeth : buried 1609 App. 85 ,, John : ChW 1627 pp. 185, 222, 223, 210, 214 App. 90, 108, 157, 281, 282, 341 ,, Hugh : 1632/. 2[0 „ Magdalen: widow buried 1647 App. 87 ,, Thomas: 1652-75//. 150, 214 App. 45, 281, 283, 284, 342 ,, William: 1654— 1705/. 154^//. 90, 131, 132, 342, 280 ,, Maria: 1663 App. 282 „ Goitt : j«?ChW 1665/. 185 „ Richard : ChW 1672 to 1674//. 152, 186 App. 90, 91, 121 ,, John : 1671 App. 90, 284, 290, 295 ,, Widow : 1688 App. 289 ,, Robert: ChW 1712, 1713, 1765//. 187, 188, 161 App. 133 ,, Richard: ChW 1722, 1723/. 187 App. 131 „ Joseph : steward 1736 App. 306, 307 ,, John : ChW 1750//. 187, 229 Sneel or Snel, John : witness 1330-57 App. 23, 31, 32, 272 „ John : 1414-72 /. 201 App. 38 to 42, 161, 162 ,, William and Margaret : his wife 1600 App. 276 Sobbury, Richard: attorney 1349^//. 311 Somter, William : witness 1388 App. 29 Sotwell, William : Constance daughter and Francis son 1605-39 //. 119, 120, 136, 137, 138, 198 App. 83 to 87, 109, 112 to 117, 120, 141 Soule, Joan : payment to 1588 App. 101 Soulere, John : witness 1376 App. 33 Southampton, William Earl of: 1540-42 //. 47, 269 App. 228, 233 Southe (PSmithe) : ChW 1578 /. 184 Sowdry, John : prsnt. 1736 App. 306 Spackman, William : tythingman 1600 App. 275 „ Francis : vicar 1723-73 pp. 157, 158, 181, 228 Spicer, George: ChW 1582, 1583/. 184 ,, John : tenant 1700 App. 295 Sprige, William : patron 1646 /. 140 Springett (or Springbatt), Bartholomew : vicar 1662-87 //. 147 to 152, 181, 211, 223 App. 45, 89, 91, 121 ,, Elizabeth: Eleanor: 1676-77//. 121, 152 App. 90 ,, Francis: 1678-84; Ursula: 1678 pp. 121, 152 App. 90 Stacy, John : witness 1432 App. 41 Stafford, John : 1450 : ditto : 1590 App. 225, 102 Stampe, John : prsnt. 1600 App. 277 Stanbridge, Richard: indenture 1619^//. 112 Stapelford, John : lay subs. 1332 App. 215 Steele, Laurence : 1656 p. 144 Stephens, John: land 1653 App. 157 Stevens, William : 1595, 1618/. 212 App. 82 „ Henry B. : curate 1858/. 181 Steward, John : 1631-52/. 214^//. 119 ,, Joseph: Lot : 1661 App. 281 Stiles (or Styles), . . : 1616 ; John: 1 662 App. 1 10, 28r ,, Margaret : Anna : 1696 App. 294 Stilman, John : Alice : 1530/. 113 App. 79, 80 Stileman, Richard : 1661 App. 281 Stinte, Thomas: ChW 1653^/. 185, 216, 219 Stod (? Strod) : lay subs. 1327 /. 343 App. 323 note Stokes, William : witness 1402-22 App. 313, 333 ,, John : 1446/. 195 App. 161 Stokle, John : lay subs. Edw. III. /. 56 Stone, Richard: 1586 App. 100; Robert: 1707/. 227 Stonehouse, William : 1610/. 198 Stoteberred, William ; 1323-40 App. 23, 25 Stowers, Thomas : ChW 1600/. 185 App. 275 ,, Abraham: Jacob: James: 1671-87 App. 284, 285, 286, 289 „ Isaac : 1755 App. 92 Stoyne, Richard : payment 1567 App. 94 Strete, Thomas: 1384/. 261 App. 34, 219 Strike, Andrew : ChW 1594/. 184 Stronge, John : son of William 1607 App. 83 Stroude, Edward: Philip: Henry: 1606-n //. 119, 120 App. 84, 85, 86 ; ditto 1803/. 68 „ John: ChW 1780//. 188, 161 App. 132, 133 Stutter, Thomas : lay subs. 1332 App. 215 Stympe, Joanne : payment 1 566 App. 93 Stynken-eye (probably Pynken-), Robert : lay subs^ P- 343 Suel (PSnel), John: lay subs. Edw. III. p. 56 Suffolk, William De la Pole, afterwards Duke of: land in Crookham 1438-50//. 44, 265, 276 App 42, 224 Sumner . . . : payment 1566 App. 93 Surer, Richard: payment 1585 App. 99 Susam, Harrie : 1 566 App. 92 Sutton, John : 1424 App. 38, 39, 162 Swain (or Swayne), Thomas : Richard : Robert : 1548- 87 App. 94, 101, 102, 302 „ William : ChW 1572/. 184 ,, Philip: Richard: 1631-57/. 317 App. 119, 279 Sydele, John : 1412 App. 41 Sydenham, Richard : 1657/. 144 Sydemanton, Richard de : Walter de : 1366 App. 26 ,, Roger de : 1366 — 1408 App. 26, 28, 34, 239 Sygare, Andrew: Thomas: Peter: 1304^4//. 18; 30 Sylvester, Joane : payment 1656 App. 93 Sireburne, Richard de : rector 1263/. 87, 179 App. 61 VOL. II. a a a 362 INDEX NOMINUM. Talbot {or -pot) : ChW 1431 pp. 184, 203, App. 153, 163 Taller, John : for grave 1588 App. 101 Tangemer, Richard : lay subs. 1332 App. 215 Taylor, William : of Newbury 1384 App. 34 ,, Robert: chaplain of Crookham 1391-96/. 261 App. 220, 232 „ Richard: 15744^/. 97 „ John : ChW 1587/. 184 App. (?) 102 ,, Humphrey : free tenant 1600 App. 2TJ Robert : 1606— 1647 App. 335, 340 (-lin), 341 ,, William : tenant of the ' Swan ' 1695 App. 293 Tegge, Henry : 1600 App. 275 Thatcham, Robert de : 1225 p. 57 ,, John de : vicar of Rowington 1307 pp. 37, 39, 54, 182 App. 34 ,, Edward': of Ivy Church 1467/. 57 Thecche, Tecche, or Theccher : Henry: 1371-75 App. 327, 328, 329, 330 „ Richard: 1357 App. 271, 273 Thekeman, Henry: 1367 App. 323 Thomas, John, son of: 1240/. 31 App. 13 ,, Clericus : 1304 — 17 App. 16, 17, 18, 22 Ralph : 1368-74 App. 33 Thomson (or Tomson), Widow: 1581 — 1613 p. 198 App. 98, 108, no Thompson, Seth : vicar 1773-93 pp. 64, 158, 159, 162, 164, 181, 229 App. 125, 132, 133 „ Archer: vicar 1793 — 1804//. 64, 162, 165, 181, 231, 234 ,, Miss : photographs by, facing pp. 12, 48, 139, 147. I7 T . 173. 177. 193. 226, 269, 339 Thorneford, Nicolas de : 1298//. 40, 252 App. 226 ,, William de : 1320-95/. 40 App. 227 ,, Nicolas: lay subs. 1332/. 53 App. 215 Thorowgood, John : 1657/. 144 Thursby, Mrs. : photograph of Urn by, facing p. 12 Thurbern, Robert : Warden 1413-50/. 350 App. 315 Tidbury, Mat. : John: 1736-83 App. 129, 130, 306, 307 ,, Jenney : daughter of Thomas 1762 App. 92 Tikille, Richard: of Crookham 1403/. 264 App. 233 Tiley, John : curate//. 120, 180 App. 87 Tipping, Bartholomew: 1784//. 337, 338 App. 308 Tirringham, William : trustee 1669-77/. 3 2 7 App. 283 Titterfall . . . . : godfather App. 81 Tobbe, Richard: Robert (?) : Margaret: //. 113 App. 80 Toker, William : 1578 App. 81 Tolle, John: prsnt. 1369-73 App. 325, 329 Tomson, Edward: curate; and Agnes 1596 /• 1 19 App. 82 ,, Robert : payment to 1601 App. 106 „ Giles : ' clarck' 1641 App. 87 Tomlyns, Edward : gent. 1613//. 120, 133 App. 86, 87 „ Grace: 1614-67//. 120, 133 App. 86, 87, 281, 282, 336 ,, Richard: baron: 1614-53//. I2 °> >33> r 44> 214 to 221 App. 134, 135, 158, 167, 337 Toomer, Samuel : Joseph : 1804 App. 133, 173 Tovey, Thomas: vicar 1593-1616 obiit 1617 //. 131 to 135, 180, 198, 200 App. 45, 83 to 86, 105 to 107, no, 115; trustee in re Heardsman Gift and Winchcombe Charity //. 212, 218, 222, 223 App. 166, 158 „ Grace: Avis: 1593 — 1619 //. 119, 230 App. 82, 86, 336 ,, Annie : married 1600/. 119 App. 83 Tovy, Cristian : bequest 1530 App. 79 Tovye, Joan: Henry: 1636 App. 87 ,, Mary : 1685/. 121 App. 91 Townsend, Edward : juror 1429 App. 222 ,, Widow : 1600 App. 276 (? 142) ,, John : of Newbury 1783 App. 129, 132 Trevor, Sir John : 1648 in re intrusion of John Vicars //. 142, 143 Trussehare, Richard: John : prsnt. 1357 App. 271 Trusloe, Gabriell : of Greenham 1663 App. 89 Tubervyle, Geoffrey de : witness 1 300 App. 1 96 Tumour, William : prsnt. 167 App. 323 Tulle or Tull, John : 1367-74 App. 324, 328, 329 „ Roger : William : land 1388 App. 29 „ John : land 1432-84 App. 40, 41, 317 ,, Olyver: 1530 ; Jane: 1547 App. 79, 319 „ Richard : 1547-67/. 156 App. 95, 319 ,, John : and wife Joan and daughter Joan 1603-30 /. 120 App. 84, 335, 339 „ Richard : 1607-57/. 120 App. 85, 89, 286, 335 „ William: 1609 buried 1655/ 120 „ Giles: 1619-20/ 136 App. 112 „ Robert : 1621 App. 337 „ Thomas : 1627-36 App. 338, 339, 340 „ Richard: 1657/. 120 App. 89, 286 ,, Ferdinando : 1676-80/ 150 ,, Thomas: ChW 1755/ 188^//. 129, 123, 127, 130 „ Giles : ChW 1789//. 188, 161 App. 133 ,, Widow: 1783 App. 132 ,, Richard: ChW 1785, 1789, 1792 to 1794 obiit 1822, 1810 to 1820 //. 188, 189, 63, 65, 66, 69, 164 ,, Henry: 1798/63,66,164 „ Richard : ChW 1823 to 1830, 1834, 1839, 1840, 1 84 1 //. 189, 231, 240 App. 144 ,, Albert Richard : purchases Crookham 1872/. 63, 271 App. 190 Tutty, John : Richard: trustees /. 237 App. 159 Twisse, Dr. William : bequest to 1626/. 302 App. 268 Twyhay (or -ham), Richard: 1414-24 40/ 37, 39, 42, 162 Twyne, Joanna: prsnt. 1357 App. 271 Tydo de Varese, Archdeacon: 1317 /. 98 (seal), 103, App. 71, 72 Tyeys, Henry : witness 1308 App. 198 Tysbery, widow : does penance 1578 App. 81 Ulward Wit (Domesday) : /. 8 note Umfrey, Sir Edmund : executor 1529 App. 78, 79 Vacho, Walter: prsnt. 13574/*/ 2 7 z Vaughan, William C. : curate 1879/. 182 Verdej, Richard : witness 1327 App. 31 Vicars, John : intrudes into Thatcham//. 63, 141 to 143 Vincent, Nathaniel : witness 1707 App. 172 Vis-de-leu, Humfiidus (Domesday): /■ 7 Voysey (wVoyce), Minister : 1657-62//. 144 to 147, 181 Waddington . . . . : of Dunston House 1790/. 64 Wadley, Edward: tenant of Colthrop fulling mill 1547 App. 319 Wagstaff, Abigail : daughter of Timothy : 1610-12 /. 120 App. 85, 86 ,, Thomas (son of Timothy): and Timothy: 1615-19/ 120 App. 87, 261, 262 „ Elizabeth (daughter of N. Fuller): 1619-26 App. 256, 260, 268 Waight, John: CI1W1581/. 18 . Walcleyn, John : juror 1450 App. 224 Waldegrave, E. : witness 1557 App. 320 Waleden, Humphry de : 1322 //. 256, 257 App. 207, 209, 211 Waldron, Bartholomew: tenant 1610/. 197 Walker, Thomas : vicar of Wasing 1528/ 114 App. 77 Wallen, John : Edward : 1683/ 152 Waller, William : ChW 1572, 1597, 1599//. 184, 185, 222 App. 102, 103, 104, 276, 277 „ William : ChW 1613, 1614, 1622, 1623 //. 104, 137, 138-4//. 106, no, 116, 117, 120, 264, 266, 267, 279, 281, 336 Wallin, Thomas: John : 1736/ 233 App. 306 „ William : ChW 1783 App. 133 Wallingford, Prior of : 1220 ; 1315 ; App. 57, 58, 66 Wallis, Edmund: buried 1612 App. 86 „ William: ChW 1743, 1744, (?)i77r, //. 187, 232 App. 306 „ Richard: tenant 1783 App. 130 ,, William: ChW 1798, 1799// 188, 66, 68 App. 129, 130 Walrond, William : juror 1429, App. 222 Walter, Edward : of Newbury prsnt. 1690/. 155 INDEX NOMINUM. 365 Walham, Abbot and Prior of: 1220/. 84 App. 57, 58 Walweyn, John : servant of 1357 App. 272 Waring, Brigadier-General : purchases Thatcham 1722 ; buried 1737pp. 48, 64, 121, 157, 181, 330-332, 336, 3604^.91,92,306 ,, William Ball : succeeds to estate 1737 obiit 1746 pp. 64, 332 ,, Pedigree of Waring family App. 305 Ward, Richard: ChW. 1587/. 184 Warryn, Margaret : bequest to 1594 App. 167 Wastpay, John : William : 1408-32 App. 41, 221, 239 Watkyns, . . . . : Rector of Frylsham 1608 App. 335 Watkins, Samuel: 1641-76//. 141, 142, 143 App. 285 Watts, Henry : clericus, free tenant 1679 App. 281 ,, John: 1652; ditto 1771-73 pp. 214, 232, 233 App. 129 Waverley, Abbot and Prior of: 1218 App. 56 Wayte, John : payment to 1583 App. 99 Wayre, Robarde : ChW 1577 p. 184 Weare, William : ChW 1756, 1757 A 188 Webb, Erasmus : trustee 1590//. 207, 209 App. 156 „ William: 1605-10/. 198^//. 107 : John: 1676 App. 285 „ Oliver and Mary : 1619-26 p. 294 App. 256, 260, 268 ,, Peter: son of Nicolas 1678 App. 90; Widow: 1783 App. 131 Wedge, John : tenant 1610 p. 198 Weeks, Edward: Susan, &c. : 1619-26 App. 261, 268 Wells, Philip: ChW 1585/. 184 „ John : Margery : Robert : 1606-18 p. 212 App. 108, 109, no ,, Thomas: ChW 1717, 1744/. 187 ,, Richard: prsnt. 1736 App. 306 Welshe, John : tythingman 1357 App. 272 Werrall, . . . . : child baptized by 1717 App. 91 West, John: 1409; ditto William: 1618/. 212 App. 221 Westall, Thomas : ChW. 1787/. 188 App. 130 Westborow, John : grant to 1366 App. 26 Westwode, Roger: prsnt. 1367 App. 271 Westwold, Robert: ChW 1446/. 193 Wetwang, John de : vicar 1343//. 108, 179 Wheeler, John : 1624; widow: 1783^//. 113, 132 Wheste, Richard : 1618 p. 212 Whittakre, Thomas : ChW 1665, 1666 p. 186 App. 90, 279, 280, 282 ,, William: prsnt. 1692-95 App. 292, 293 ,, Thomas: ChW 1703, 1704, 1705 p. 187 App. 123 ,, Samuel: ChW 1716 to 1719 p. 187 ,, William : ChW 171 5; Nathaniel: ChW 1765 pp. 187, 188 White, John: 1336; William: i^2.<) App. 31, 222 ,, John: Robert : 1529 App. 78, 79, 249 ,, Matilda: Magdalen: 1548-49/. 270 App. 302 ,, Thomas & Agnes: 1541-57//. 354, ZSS^pp. 3«9 ,, Katherine and Joan : 1573/. 128 ^//. 81 „ Francis: 1692 ; Simon: 1708-II p. 155 App. 91, 129, 131, 292, 343 ,, George: 1783 — 1807; John and Edward: c. 1780 App. 127, 129, 130, 308 Whiting, William: 1783; John: 1803pp. 66,68 App. 129 Whitt, Philip : of Bucklebury 1504 p. 282 App. 245 Whittle, Charles : curate 1852//. 170, 181 Wickince, John : prsnt. 1676/. 150 Wicks, Samuel: ChW 1763 p. 159 Wigmore, Dennis : 1602 App. 84 Wilkins, William (alias Saunders) : 1690 App. 291 Wildert, John : messuage in Crookham 1549/. 270 Wilder, Harry: ChW 1566/. 184; ditto goodwife : App. 97 Wilkins, Gregory : ChW 1597/. 184 App. 104 Willascourt, . . . . : Court held by 1636 App. 340 William : clericus 1321-88 ; John : 1564 App. 22, 23, 26, 29, 34, 81 Williams, Thomas: 1600-29 App. 115, 277 Willicotes, John : King's Escheator 1409 App. 221 Willis. Richard: Robert: Vincent: 1586- 1670 App. 100, 276, 277, 283 Willmot, William : 1799 App. 133 Wilson, Benjamin : 1652 ; Wilton, John : c. 1660 p. 214 App. 46 Wynboll, Christopher : 1568 ; Hugh : 1675 p. 150- App. 95 Wimbolt, Edward : 1831-34^//. 132, 136, 154, 156, 174 Win, George : ChW 1783 App. 133 Winchester College, Warden and Scholars : 1402 App. 3 I2 > 313 Winchcombe, John : Thatcham granted at dissolution 1 541; obiit 1557 pp. 46, 321 App. 273; mentioned pp. 48, 115, 180, 322, 323, 324 App. 252, 300-03, 318, 319 Elder branch. ,, John : succeeded 1557 obiit 1574 pp. 49, 210, 220, 322, 325 (founder of John W.'s Charity : see below) ,, Francis : succ. c. 1580 obiit 1669 pp. 128, 131, 133. 134. 180, 210, 325, 326 App. 45 (Courts held by App. 274 to 279) ,, Henry : succ. 1619 obiit 1629 pp. 180, 326- App. 266 ,, Henry : succ. c. 1642 obiit 1643/. 326 „ Henry : succ. c. 1663 obiit 1667 pp. 140, 141, 181, 327 App. 279, 281 (married Lady Frances, foundress of Lady W.'s Charity : see below) „ Henry: succ. c. 1681 obiit 1703 pp. 152, 181, 327 App. 291, 283, 288 to 295 ,, Elizabeth : 1703 ; Frances and Mary : succ. 1703pp. 156, 328 Younger branch. ,, Henry : succ. to Henwick estate 1557 obiif 1563/. 334 (d. Mary baptized 1575/. 119 App. 81) ,, John: succ. c. 1579 obiit 161 1 pp. 132, 198, 334 App. 108, 109, 135 (children, John. Anne, William, baptized 1578-93 p. 119- App. 81, 82) ,, John: succ. 1611 obiit 1636 pp. 120, 136, 137, 334 App. 110, 112, 116, 117, 119, 120, 339, 340 (chiidren, John, Jane, Benedic, Wil- liam, Margery, baptized 1600-II pp. 119, 120 App. 84, 85) ,, John : succ. 1636 ; sold estate 1669 p. 335 App. 45, 157, 279, 280, 341 ; pedigree of the family App. 304 „ John W.'s'Charity 1599 pp. 133, 134, 210, 222, 224 App. 46, 158, 182 ,, Lady Frances W.'s Charity and Blue Coat School 1707 pp. 72, 91, 156, 226, 232, 236 App. 168 to 172 Winder . . . . : payment for process 1587 App. 100 Winter, Anne : of Enborne 1737 App. 91 ,, John: ChW 1728, 1729 Edward ChW 1741 p. 187 Wise, William : buried 1719/. 161 App. 91 Wisse, Richard: ChW 1586/. 184 Witherington, C. H. . ChW 1833, 1834, 1841, 1848, 1849, 1851, 1852//. 189, 190 Withers, John : ditto William : 1826-37 pp. 237, 238- App. 159 Wodebok, Nicolas : land 1409 App. 222 Wodecok, John : 1375-76 App. 330, 331 Wodecote, John : 1375 App. 330 Wodelef, Adam : 1363-74 App. 33 Wolgar, Arthur : 1658 App. 279, 280 Wollascot, Will : 1545, 1616, 1650//. 326, 46 note Wolnesich, Thomas : 1 344 App. 32 Wolnele, William: 1367 App. 323 Wolryggs, William : 1569 App. 96 Wolridge, Roger : 1604 App. 106 A a 2 364 INDEX LOCORUM. Wooder, John : buried 1597 App. 83 Woodington, John : prsnt. 1686 App. 288 Woodrofe, Thomas : juror 1662 App. 281 Worcester, Edward : Earl off. 1620 App. 266, 267 „ Henry : Marquis of 1668/. 270 App. 233 Wreffeth (alias Holland), Hugo : vicar//. 128, 180 Wroughton, Philip : of Henwick 1779/. 338 App._ 308 ; documents belonging top. 35 and passim Wrungall, John : witness 1657 App. 89 . Wyat, Jane : d. of Henry, buried 1638 App. 87 Wydeneye (or Woden eye), Henry : and Alice : 1367-72 App. 324, 325, 326, 327, 328 Wydehay: Henry and Alice : 1370^//. 326; William: 1412 App. 41 Wygge, Ingelram : 1476-84 pp. 204, 353 App. 43, 164, 316.318 Wyk, John : prsnt, 1357-67 App. 271, 273, 322, 323 Wylard, George : witness 1656, App. 89 Wynter, Thomas : 1357 ; ditto .... 1598 App. 272, 43 Wytyng, John : Matilda : 1414 App. 38 Wywenhale (PNiwenhale), Thomas: 1333 App. 31 Yates, Thomas : workman 1726 App. 306 Yatyngdene (or Gatyngdon) : 1382-95 p. 37 App. 28, 29. 34 Yonge, Thomas : miller 1498 : William : prsnt. 1544 ; John : servant 1 59 1 p. 356 App. Tj, 82 York, Walter : 1685— 1736 App. 289, 306 Zerich, Henry : prsnt, 1357 App. 272 INDEX LOCORUM. It will be noticed that several of the local fields, &c, derive their name from the owner or former owners. For these names the reader is referred to the Index Nominum. In some cases where apparently the name of the existing owner is given to the field, &c., the name is riot given in the Index Locorum. It is, however, impossible to draw an exact line between a temporary nomenclature used for convenience and that which after more than one generation becomes a local name. Abrescetes-hacche (in Colthrop) App. 327 Abbots' croft (field in Henwick still called)//. 24, 31 ,, grove and ditto grafte (in Henwick)/. 324 Acenge? (Domesday)/. 7 Albirill (messuage so called) App. 287 Aldershot (coppice in Colthrop) App. 123, 127 [-shute 333]. 334, 335> 337, 338- Aldershete-dyche App. 332 Aldborne or Auborne river : see Enborne Alley the (site now called) App. 155 Allforde's stream (s. of Colthrop Marsh) App. 319 Almes-house, le//. 193, 118, 122 App. 154, 159, 160, 289 Appen-ham App. 205 Ash, the (in Parsonage tything) App. 123, 127 Ash-house App. 306 ; ditto -borne App. 327 Ash-more green /. 335 App. 130, 276, 296 [-mole 306, 307], 335, 339 Avenals (tenement in Crookham) App. 130 AWBERIE STREETE TYTHING /. 137 App. 108; the Tithing or Thropp called Awberie Streete 116, 117, 119, 121, 123, 127, 278, 285, 290, 291, 293, 294,321 Backheise, le (parva insula pasture vocata) /. 354 App. 319 Bad-croft, lands called App. 129 Baits, tenement called App. 131 Bam-fields, lands called App. 129 Barnes/. 128 App. 82 ; Barney house App. 277 Belle, la [le] 58, 205 App. 43, 164 (burgage so called) Belys-brygge App. 317 ; Belys-diche App. 325 Benham (in parish of)/. 157 Bentleys, Comins alias, App. 265 Berne-land (the)/. 262 App. 220 Berred's half acre/. 52 App. 18 cf. Berrerd Berrie-stile (about the) App. 84 Bies-place (Wild land, alias) in Henwick App. 264 Blakeman's (terra vocata) App. 39, 161 Blak-lands (boscum vocatum) App. 319 Blandys-hold (in Parsonage tything) App. 123, 127 Bluecoat school//. 72, 91, 151, 159, 161, 194, 226, 236 Bagnor (Bagenore Domesday)//. 7, 8 Borne or bourne (a common called the) App. 281, 285, 287 [les bournes 288], 292, 296 Boure stret/. 58 App. 25 Bow-down (boundary)/. 16 Bowling green //. 31, 324, 335 Brasiers (in Colthrop) App. 339, 340 Breche, la (crofta quae vocatur) App. 24 Brick-hill App. 297 Brimpton [Brintone] //. 7, 8 , '4, 245 App. 82, 84, 89 Brade-fordes londe //. 352, 355, 357 App. 332, 333 [tenementum Joannis de Bradeforde App. 22] Brade-feld App. 9, 81 ; Brode-mede/. 37 App. 27 Brode-hamme (late Pynkeneyes) App. 329 : Brodeham penne App. 324 Broad street (Thatcham) //. 192, 210 App. 132, 133, 135, 153, !55, 156; Pond in, App. 295 Broke-stones dych/. 355 App. 324 Brooks-bridge App. 334 ; Brookses pidle App. 342 Brumpton (longe-med apud) App. 202 Bucklebury [Borgedeberie /. 7 App. 4] //. 3, 20, 46, 59, 133, 222, 226, 230, 231 App. 120, 147, 158, 171, 172, 245 [Burhulbury alias Bokyl- bury 273] ; 274, 322 ; Burton's heath (in Henwick)/. 335 Bury (against the) [?town] App. 328 Burfield (the cunning woman of) App. 99 Cadells (in Henwick) App. 278 Calleva (Silchester)/. 13 Cavies gate (a boundary in Colthrop) App. 342 Chalve (or Chalne) -croft App. 202, 206 Chamberhouse pp. 15, 40, 41, 47, 53, 119, 120, 157, 245 App. 81, 82, 85, 87, 89, 122, 126, 142 ,, Manor oy pp. 272 to 311 App. 236, 241 to 270 ,, Chapel at 162, 281 App. 85 [In oratorio mansi de Ch. App. 236] ,, Chamberhouse Chapel in Church: see Thatcham ,, Castle/. 277 ; Fishing Were/. 272 App. 242 „ Mill App. 84 ; Lane 242 Chapel street //. 92, 196, 226 App. 90, 132, 155, 277, 289, 293 _ ,, Marsh/. 92 App. 279, 281, 283, 287, 290, 292, 318, 341 ; -Pidle App. 290 Cheap street/. 192 App. 132, 153 Cholsey field/. 51 Church estate, the App. 183 ; Church house, the 36,57, 241 ,, lane App. 31, 42, 174; Church-way 287, 342 Cifrewas (Hampstead Norris)/. 266 App. 225 Clarote-brok/. 319 App. 271 [aqua vocata 279] Clay Hill App. 147 INDEX LOCORUM. 365 Cley pitt, le App. 276 ; Cley pitte lane App. 277 Cogges-house p. 128 App. 82 Cold Ash pp. 5, 119, 150, 201, 233, 238, 305, 331 •App. 90, 91, 146, 180, 182, 183 ,, St. Mark's Church/. 177 App. 146 ; Vicars of ditto p. 182 „ Common/. 333; C.A. heath App. 295 ; C.A. stream App. 147 Col-throp (Crockes-trope)//. 7, 20, 89, 99, 113, 119, 120, 128, 150, 170, 276, 321 App. 4, 67, 88, 91, 102, 106, 123, 127, 274, 307 ,, Manor of pp. 339 to 360 App. 309 to 346 ,, Tithing/. 137 Apt. 116, 117, 119, 121, 128 Marsh App. 155, 318, 319, 323 C. Mill App. 323, 326, 334, 335, 342 Mills pp. 352, 360 App. 316, 323, 326, 334, 33S, 342; Farm App. 82, 88 ,, Litel Cothrop App. 325 Comins (alias Bentleys) App. 265 Common Moor, the App. 126 Corpus (messuagium vocatum) App. 287 Coseridge (Curridge or Courage)/. 7 Court land or Corte-land p. 46 App. 1 30, 273 ; Court Room, the App. 290 Crookham (Croches-hani) //. 7, 20, 30, 34, 39,40, 44, 45. 46, 47, 52. 53. 96, 100, 113, 119, 120, 157, 162, 170, 321 App. 4, 42, 85, 88, 89, 90, 123, 127, 130, 131 ,, Manor of//. 245 to 272 App. 193 to 237 „ Chapel//. 162, 253, 269 „ House/. 271 ; Little Park App. 228, 229 ,, Heath//. 3, 135 App. 84; Common/. 232 Crowe-fields (lands in the) App. 87 Crown, the (tenementum vocatum) App. 87, 293 Cotseth lane/. 29 Dayes lane App. 291, 292, 296, 297 Deritone (?Donnington)/. 7 App. 224 Dibley Bridge App. 343, 344 Dirty lane (near Harts-hill) App. 132, 342 Dish ? le (of the) App. 90 Downs Orchard (curtilage in Midgham) App. 123, 127 Down-stowe (one acre lying on) App. 329 Drousyes-hull App. 202 ; ditto -Croft App. 202, 207 „ -mede App. 202 ; ditto west-field App. 202, 205, 206 Ducketts App. 294 Duke street/. 192 App. 153, 155 [Duck? street/. 192] Dunston/. 163, 207, 331, 333 App. 87, 91 Dunston house/. 48*, 333 App. 306 ; ditto -field App. 84, 280, 284, 287, 289 ; ditto park/. 331 East and West Moats (Crookham)/. 96 ■ Est-enge (? East-ginge) 83, 84, 85, 101 App. 58 Est Henreth (Hendred) App. 224; Est wylde-hay, App. 41 ; East hamme App. 324 East Mede/. 351 App. 329 East street //. 36, 57, 193, 194, 195, 201 App. 16, 17, 21, 22, 39, 42, 154 [now Chapel street, 155], 161, 162 Elde-feld App. 21 Ellies (Ellices ? curtilage in Goddard'stything) App. 123, 127 Enborne River (Auborne or Aldebourne) pp. 3, 5, 245 „ (juxta Newbury) App. 222 Englische-croft /. 58 App. 24 Essages (Domesday) : see Shaw Faircross hundred /. 9 Feresmede p. 273 App. 220 Feyses (burgagium vocatum)/. 280 App. 243 Fif-acre// 30, 247 App. 12 Four-acres App. 202 ; Four-egede-med App. 202 For-longes-disch App. 325 Fox-holes p. 232 ; Foxes ditch App. 322, 323 Free-hatch-greene App. 295 ; Free-hatch-lane App. 277 Friche- (Pfrithe) mores le App. 227 ; Frith-field App. 122 Fulling Mill App. 319 George, the (signe of) App. 86, 158, 167, 282 Gerveys-tenement, App. 331 Gibbins (curtilage in Midgham) App. 123, 127 Goddard's tything /. 137 App. 108, 116, 117, 119, 121, 123, 127, 128, 159, 284, 290; Goddards (in Crookham) App. 130 Godwins (cotagium vocatum) App. 289, 290 Goose (or Gorse) greene App. 276, 279, 281, 283, 288 Gravel pit field (in Midgham) App. 132 Grederns lond /. 58 App. 33 Greenham //. 7, 8, 15, 19, 29, 30, 99, 113, 119, 120, 121, 123, 126, 128, 138, 154, 165, 169, 170, 172, 201, 238, 245, 321, 333 App. io, 35, 43, 67, 82, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, in, 128, 173, 182, 183, 274, 3°7 „ tything/. 137, 154 App. 85, 115, 116, 117, 119, 121 ,, Chapel/. 154 App. 84, 85, 137 to 140 „ Church//. 171, 178 ; Vicars of ditto 183 ,, Hospital /. 257 App. 210 Hall (or Hale) Farm (Midgham) App. 116, 122 Halfway grounds App. 130 Ham-bridge App. 275, 284, 339 . ,, -marsh App. 132, 284, 285, 287, 290, 297 ,, -myll/. 46 App. 81, 91, 123, 130, 273 [-mills 297] ,, -myll -bridge App. 284 [stocks and whipping post at 291] Hank-ford (juxta Wantyng) App. 222 Hart, the (sign of) App. 86, 90 Harts-hill //. 3, 5, [Urn 13 *] 150, 360 App. 132, 135, 155 Haukyns (versus) App. 271 Haw-croft Ai>p. 341 ; Heigh Close App. 121 Hendred/. 83 Hen -ley App. 330 ; Henley Corner App. 341 Henwick //. 5, 11, 24, 31, 32, 46, 58, 117, 119, 120, 121, 170, 276, 305, 307, 321, 324, 360 App. 34, 42, 45. 85, 86, 87, 100, 123, 160, 273, 274. 279, 296, 297 ,, REPUTED MANOR //. 334 to 338 App. 129, 306 to 308 ,, TYTHING/. 137 App. 108, Il6, 117, II9, 121, 128, 285, 290, 29I, 294, 296, 306, 321 „ farm App. 147, 284; place App. 306; pound App. 285 Hermitage /. 38 Hethelands (grova vocata) App. 319 Heycroft, le App. 206, 267 Hicks (curtilage in Aubery St., tything) App. 127, 130 High close App .122, 125 ; High (alias Kings) stream App. 319 Hill-croft App. 340; Hills Apt. 130 Hitchman (lands called) App. 338 Hold, the (curtilage in Aubery St., tything) App. 123, 127 Holy-croft App. 343 ; Hulli-croft, la App. 30, Hol- croft App. 333 Hul-mor App. 202 Hutts (streme beginning at) App. 319 Illslies (curtilage in Henwick) App. 123 Irish-field//. 51, 160, 318 App. 121, 126, 276, 284, 286, 287, 289, 296 Isgreyes-croft App. 206 Jacknells, great and little/. 224 App, 158, 189 Jones-ham, de la felde//. 35, 58 App. 16, 17 Juliane-land /. 319 App. 271 Katch-frenches (unum copicium vocatum) App. 264, 266 Katch-frenses-ham //. 35, 58, no App. 16, 17 Kechene-croft App. 202, 206, 207 Kennet (River) pp. 1, 5, 15, 73 App. 242, 307, 319, 339 Kents (curtilage in Parsonage tything) App. 123, 127 Kentons (Crookham) App. 131 King's Head, the pp. 169, 360 366 INDEX LOCORUM. King's streame (alias high streame) App. 319 Kynsey croft p. 197 ; Kymsis- (Kempsey) croft App. 98, 99 Kyte Litten App. 294 Land-ewes (?) App. 202, 227 Lane close App. 336 Lawrence lane, Lawrence corner App. 147 Lea-more, le/. 138 App. 116 Lemmares-hamm pp. 58, 247 App. 24 Leye, le App. 205, 206 (cf. lye) Lewshall, the App. 100 Linchard, le App. 341 Litel-aker App. 18, 51 ; Lytel-don/. 52 App. 23 Litel-Moure/. 105 App. 74, 337 ; -pidle App. 342 Lodge, the (in Worcester tything) App. 123, 127 Loke le (the lock) App. 210, 275 Long-acre App. 335 Long-croft App. 284, 287 Long-grove App. 319, 342 ; Longe mede App. 202, 281 Lord's tything : see Worcester tything Lote-mannes-croft App. 205 Lye, the App. 341 ; Lye-field (Colthrop) App. 132 Manor Hase, the (in Worcester tything) App., 123, 127 Mapel-dore Croft App. 206 Meare dych (or Mare-ditch) App. 318, 343, 319, 335, 341, 342 Medlies (in Colthrop) App. 336, 340 Melecente asche App. 327 Myddel-croft App. 202, 206; Middel-ham App. 318 MlDGHAM pp. 7, 8, 20, 99, 113, 123, 126, 128, 134, 150, 159, 165, 170, 171, 192, 195, 197, 201, 238, 321, 347, 348, 352, 357 App. 4, 22, 29, 40, 41, 67, 84, 86, 92, 98, 99, ioo, 101, 104, in, 123, 128, 141, 153, 154, 173, 183, 274, 307, 3«3> 3"4. 3 2 9. 339> 34o, 34i ,, tything/. 137, 154 App. us, "6. "7. "9. 121, 137 „ Chapel pp. 139*, 169 App. 91, 132^0140 ,, Churches. 139*, 154, 171, 178; Vicars/. 183 ,, Hall Court/. 167 ; Marsh App. 319, 341 „ Field App. 96, 99 ; Common field App. 329 Mulle-croft App. 202, 206, 207 ; Mill-meade App. 341 Mulle- wye App. 331; Mill lane end App. 342 Moore or Moure la pp. 51, 58, 105, 192 App. 74, 121, 122, 126, 288 ; la Moore-ditch App. 276 Moore-house//. 207, 209 App. 46 Moor meadow App. 184; Moor lane farm App. 157 Mor-kockys-diche App. 325 Mose-well App. 331 ; Muse-brok App. 41 Newbury pp. 8, 45, 49, 50, 51, 59 to 62, 82, 83, 109, 152, 153, 158, 211, 222, 265, 303 App. 8, 31, 34, 40, 41, 45, 46, 56, 57, 144, 145, 221, 222, 262, 263, 267, 268, 273 National School//. 236 to 240 App. 157, 177 to 181 Nine shilling houses App. 183 186 North-field le//. 51, 52, 57, 192 App. 277 North-Kings (messuagium vocatum) App. 287 Note-haches p. 193 App. 154 [burgagium quondam Thome Nut-hach App. 16] : Note-hatches lond//. 194, 195, 196 App. 159, 160 Old-fields, upper and lower App. 180 Osulf s lond App. 29, 40 Owsels (at Midgham) App. 339, 340 Overton App. 316 Oxelee App. 202, 278, 287, 332 Oxford, All Saints/. 156 ; S. John's Church/. 249 , Palmeres' lane App. 333 Park le, boscum vocatum App. 319 Parsons down (Pains down)//. 51,52, 57, 105 App. 74, 285 Parsonage tything/. 137 App. 108, 116, 117, 119, 121, 123, 127, 128, 291, 293, 294, 296 „ bam App. 84; Pydle App. 123, 126, 127 Pearman's meade App. 341 Perry's houses (commonly called)/. 205 App. 156 Pigeons farm (Greenham) /. 4 Pidgeons (curtilage in Henwick) App. 123, 127 Plow le (domus vocatus) App. 290 Poghle (Pofle or Pougley) mede App. 331, 332, 338, 339 Poghele-mede-ditch App. 332 ; Pogley lane App. 332 Pole at le (King's highway at the pool) App. 331 Pottingers (ye Hold part of Thatcham farm) App. 130 Powells' mede, App. 285 ; Powells' farm App. 295 Prentices (Henwick)/. 334 (cf. App.l%) Prince-field/. 51 ; Prince hold App. 129 Procession elm App. 290 Pyles (curtilage in Aubery street tything) App. 123, 127, 130, 342 ; Pile-lond App. 220 Pynkeneyes App. 322, 324 ; Pynkeney's lane App. 328 Quonhame/. 58 App. 19 Rack-pyghtle (on west of Thatcham Marsh) App. 132, 155 Raynsfords (Crookham) //. 120, 286 App. 88, 89, 123, 127, 130, 341, 342, 343, 344 Reading Abbey //. 9, 22 to 33, 41, 44 to 46, 77 to 88, 193 to 107, 112 App. 5 to 15, 49 to 61, 64 to 76, 195, 196, 334 [See List of Abbots App. 151 and Index Nominum] Rede croft App. 20 Red (or Reade) -field //. 51, 318 App. 275, 283, 284, 285, 287, 295, 296, 306 [Rad-field 290] Read-lane App. 296 Reade-lane gate App. 276 Rede-lond (desuper moram) App, 202, 205 ; Redus-lond /. 58 App. 33 Red-hulle (Midgham)/. 191 App. 29, 40, 153 Rad-more/. 29 ; Rede-puddel App. 207 Rix-hamme/. 58 App. 24 Roads or Rodds (a curtilage in Crookham) App. 123, 127 Rogeres-mede App. 202 Ropers (tenement called) App. 306 Ruscombe (?near Twyford)/. 142 Russells field App. 297 Ruy-mede App. 202 Sage Cross //. 120, 339 note App. 89 [homage to as- semble at 340] ; Sage Cross lane App. 319 Sayers (or Sares) App. 287 Semblant's half acre /. 52 Shake-brok A$p. 329 Shaw (Essages) //. 7, 21, 150, 308, 359 App. 90 ; [Shaghe 222], 320 Shaw-deane/. 128 App. 82, 275, 285 Shaw-field /. 5 1 App. 296 ; Shaw lane App. 284 Shorte-yate, olde App. 318 Smythes /. 380 App. 243 ; Smythes of the Waterside App. 84, 85, 86, 87, 91 Soldiers' bank/. 14 South street//. 57, 192, 195 App. 41, 133, 154 [now called Duke street 155] Spene or Spone or Spina; pp. 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 Spene-ham-land /. 220 App. 45, 127, 173 ; [Spey-ham- lond 32] Spicer's (messuage called) App. 129 Squabbs-mede App. 276 Stanford App. 271 Stapul-forde-brugg App. 273 Slockes les App. 334 Shefford, Little//. 230, 231 Stone, of the App. 91, 92 ; Stone-field/. 51 App. 297 Stony-lane App. 155, 156, 276, 277, 342; Stony-lane- end App. 318 Stowers, a curtilage near Ham-mills App. 123, 127 Strowdes, land called App. 336 ; Stroddes-lane App. 323 Swann, le App. 293 Symans-wey App. 41 Tades-lep/. 31 App. 13 ; Tades-ley App. 202, 284 Tange-meres-cioft App. 302 INDEX RERUM ET VERBORUM. 367 Thorn-ford mill/. 249 App. 195 Thatcham, name pp. 1, 7 App. 1, 2 ; Hundred of pp. 6, 9 ; Borough of//. 10, 49, 91, 99 App. 123,131 ,, Tything (or Town tything)/. 137 App. 108, 116, 117, 119, 121, 128 .,, Parish, Early and mediaeval history//. 12/0 74 App. 2 to 47 ,, The Church (general history) 75 to 190 App. 49 to 1 52 ; The Rectors, Vicars and Church- wardens 179 to 182, 184 to 190 ,, The Church//. 33, 75 — 190 App. 49—152 „ References to the fabric, Altars, &c. pp. 35, 40, 85, 108, III, 129 App. 97 „ Chamberhouse Chapel pp. no, 112, 160, 167, 170, 172 to 177, 260, 282, 289 App. 256 ,, The Churchyard App. 42, 77, 78, 79, 80, 161, 162, 271 „ S. Anne's Chapel/. 289 App. 251 ; Porch App. 254. 255 ,, Views of the Church pp-IS*, 147 , 173 > 175**, 287* App. 77, 78, 79, 80, 91, 92, 94, 95 ,, Lady Fuller's aisle/. 175 „ King's arms App. 107, 142, 143, 245 ,, The Chapel at East end of town, dedicated to St. Thomas the Martyr //. 89 to 91, 194, App. 62, 63, "85, 132, 154, 160, 197, 198, 220, 221, 232, 280 ,, Chaplains of same/. 182 „ The Manor//. 312 to 333 App. 271 to 305 Street App. 280, 281 ; Bury street App. 318 „ Farm App. 290 „ Marsh App. 157 Tinkards' Bridge in Worcester tything App. 123, 127 Till Croft App. 335 (cf. Hil-croft) Totch-ome App. 302 ; Trottes-acre //. 52, 105 Trumpettes App. 319 [Trompers 333], 336, 337, 343 Tun-field App. 284, 287 ; Tun-mede App. 30 Turn-field/. 192 App. 132, 153, 155 Ulvritone/. 7 Valentine holes (tenement called) App. 130 Valentyne's were (Henwick) App. 319 Vicarage House, App. 122, 125 Walches (in Henwyk tything) App. 278 Walsince ? //. 7, 9 Warren (old name for the Lodge) App. 123, 127 Wasing//. 8 note 9 and note, 165, 167, 338 App. 77 Waterside green App. 279, 281 , 283, 287 Well street App. 294 West-ham/. 131; West-hethe App. 41 West street//. 36, 57, 109, 151, 195, 201, 205 App. 23, 31. 3 2 , 33. 34> 38, 39. 42, 43. '54 [ n ° w called Broad street 155], 161, 162, 164 White-yate App. 342 ; Whit-yngs App. 39 Wick-ham heath App. 61 Wide-mede//. 30, 51, 52, 57, 58, 247, 318 App. 12, 25, 116, 122, 126, 202, 226, 278, 284, 285, 291 Widemedes-crone/. 58; ditto -drove /. 58 App. 24 Wide-lands/. 307 ; Wild-land {alias Bies-place) App. 264 William-bles-brigge App. 331 Woodcraft App. 342 Worcester tything (i.e. Earl of Worcester's) alias Lords tything /. 137 App. 107, 116, 117, 119, 121, 123, 127, 128 Worthy, le App. 18, 284 : Worthy-field //. 51, 52, 57 App. 132 Wyk-lane App. 323 ; Wyk-strete App. 326 Wytch, the App. 337 Yatyndens (or dene) in West street 43. 164 p. 109, 205 App. INDEX RERUM ET VERBORUM. In the following Index a few incidental matters only are included. To general subjects the references will be more easily found in the Tables of Contents to the two Volumes. A few Latin and obsolete English words also are given, references to the use of which it is thought may be interesting. Agriphilax, App. 281, 282, 288, 292, 293 Altar of S. Andrew, App. 18 Apprenticeship,//. 72, 151 Aqua Vitce, bearer of, p. 128 App. 81 Aq-uahtium (water course), App. 296 Batellare (to embattle), App. 16,\ (with Kernellare) Bells,//. 129, 130 App. 100, 103, 105, in, 112, 113 ,, saunte bell, App. 94, 95, 96 „ for the Morris dancers, /. 128 App. 93, 95, 97, 98 Boke of prayer againste the Turks, App. 93 ,, of cherstenyng, weddynge, and burying, App. 93 Boots, consueludines pro, p. 351 App. 284 and note with reference to, App. 286, 287, 295 (cart-boot, fire-, gate-, hays-, hedge-, plough- and style-) Breach, App. 290 (fraclura) App. 295 Breadyng and dawbyng, App. 94 Briefs, /. 124 and note British remains, //. 12, 13 Bruera (heather), App. 287 ; Bryam, App. 295 Cage,/. 316 App. 85, 279, 288, 290 Capilagium, Chevagium. See Hed-silver Caminum suum * Anglice his flew,' App. 281 (i.e. chimney), App. 282 Cataracta (a weir), App. 343 Catastum, parcum catastum, 'Anglice the cage,' App. 288 Cert Money,/. 320 Church Registers,//. 1 16 — 121 ,, Inventory, p. 169 „ Parish-. See Index Locorum under Thatcham Churchwardens' Accounts,//. 121 — 126 Closes (of wheat), App. 77 Clotyng ' of John Restall's shues ' (i.e. patching), App. 95 Common-field system, /. 51 Common-land enclosure, /. 73 Communicants, payments by, /. 132 Coop (for the top of the porch), App. 113 Court, baron, leet, and manorial,//. 312, 313 Court Rolls, //. 313 — 321 Crisome child, App. 88 ter 89 Cucking-stool,/. 316 App. 279, 280, 290 Cunnyng woman, p. 131 App. 99 Customeworke, App. 287 Decennarius tythingman passim Deske for minister, /. 130 Domesday Survey, /. 6-8, 44, 75 App. 3, 4, 42 Dystres (?), App. 94 Ealdorman, note p. 16 Easter-dues,/. 160 Elminge of straw, App. 101, 103 Ergastulum pecorinum (the pound), App. 283, 284 Exhibition in Oxford, /. 323 368 INDEX RERUM ET VERBORUM. Fox, hens killed for fear of the, App. 203, 210 Frice for the almesfolke (In Prompt. Paru. — Pannus villains), App. 102 Fumarium App. 288 Furnues (Furnace)) App. 293 Gearle (?), black', App. 91 Gemers— for the coffer, App. 101 Geology, pp. 3, 4 ; soils and streams, p. 5 Gercarum de morina (of ewe lambs carried off by murrain), App. 203 Grey wethers, p. 4 Gromatorum unus (one of the yeomen), App. 339 Gryles of the Altar,/. 130 ; grytes(?), App. 98 Gulam Augusti, usque ad (to beginning of August), App. 202 1 Hallentide (All Hallows-tide), App. 99 • Ham, suffix, p. 1 Handsex, p. 17 App. 2 Hedsilver (capitagium chevagiuin), p. 355 App. 209, 333, 342 Hekfords (i.e. Heifers), App. 77 Helling, of a grave, and note App. 98 Hermit,/. 38 Heyward, the, App. 282, 286, 291, 342 Hoctide Court, App. 96, 99 Hogaster (hog), App. 203, 209, 329 Hokeday, App. 329 Holy loaf gathering, p. 130 App. 95, 100, 102 Hook, at the turn of, App. 333 'Houllinge of ye bell clapper, App. 97 Hour glass, App. 106, 108 Howselynge breads (for the Holy Communion), p. 130, App. 93 Hurtardorutn (of rams), App. 203, 208 Igniarium, App. 288, 291 Image of St. Nicholas, p. no App. 245 ,, of our Lady, /. 113 App. 76, 77 Inuncare (?), to encroach upon, App. 289, 290 bis, 294, 295 Jamna (? genista, i.e. broom), App. 287 ; Bryatn et Genistas spinosas, App. 295 Jesus masse, p. 1 13 App. 76, 78, 79 King's ale, p. 123 App. 93, 95, 96, ill King's armes in the church, App. 107 Lay-subsidies, p. 56 Lench (loan), Queen's, App. 102 Lights of the Holy Cross, &c.,/. no App. 18; Rood- light, App. 77 Lucell (?) lost at the (Qy. Lewshall), App. 94 Lutosos ' Anglice called fords,' App. 340 Mancus, p. 17 App. 2, 3 Market and Fair, pp. 26, 50, 51 .4//. 8, 9, 10, 43 Mixtilio, mixtile, &c, /. 252 wfffc App. 202, 205, 206, 226 Morina, de (died of murrain), App. 203, 208, 209 Morrys dauncer's coyttes, bells, hat, &c, p. 128 App. 93 Obyte and bede roll, p. 114 Oratorium, p. 41 ^4//. 236 Otters' heads paid for, App. 114 Pane (or panel) of the church mound, p. 154: i.e. rails of the churchyard, App. 107, 128 to 131 Pedyll, pyghtle, puddel, pidellum, &c, App. 92 and note 93, 123, 126, 127, 132, 155, 207, 210, 281, 29°> 319. 342 Penance in Church,/. 128 App. 81 . . . Pew in Church, sale of,/. 311 Plague,/. WT App. 84 Pleaching (the elmes), App. 100 Pons pedalis (foot bridge), App. 292 Population, /. 74 Pore scholar, gift to, App. 98 Pound, the,«4//. 285, 286 Presentments to the Archdeacon, &c, //. 148, 150, 154. iS8» 159 Pulpit cushion,//. 161, 301 App. 128 Quintin, The, /. 128 App. . . . Rioters, App. 46' " > Roman remains and road, npp. 13 to 15 Rotherbeasts, App. 339 Rubinata terra, Agp. 318 (? traversed by streams) Sale by cups and plates contrary to the assize, App. 326 Sarsen stones, /. 4 Seinte Marie Picher (payment), /. 105 Septuna 'Anglice the lock,' App. 335. See also App. 210, 275 Shingles for the church, /. 129 App. 94, 101 Shord (?) at parishe land, App. 109 Shovell tree, App. 94 Sign of the George, App. 86, 158, 167, 282 : Hart, App. 86, 90 ; Crown, App. 87, 293 ; King's head, 169, 360 Smoke-farthings,/. 123 App. 93, 96, 98, 100, 102, 114 Someringe, the alms folke cow (keeping during the summer), App. 103 Sop-cup,/. 17 App. 2 Stocks,/. 316 App. 284, 341, 342 Sunday Trading, //. 69-70, 157, 164 Terrier, App. 125 Text in the deske, App. 101 Thxc, affix, as a proper name, /, I ; thatch, /. 3 Ting-tang, warning bell called, App. 128 Trentall of masses, /. 114 App. 78, 79 Turnstile in churchyard, /. 158 Twelftide, App. 109 Tythings. See Index Locorum Vestments, suit of green,/. 113 Vices coyte (? for the Morrys dancers), App. 95 Warecta (fallow), App. 318 Weyne (waggon), App. 81 Whipping-post,/. 316 App. 284 POINTED BY JAMES PARKER AND CO., CROWN YARD, OXFORD.