CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 924 092 493 802 ^ Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. BIBLIOTHECA OORNUBIENSIS. BIBLIOTHECA CORNUBIENSIS. A CATALOGUE OF THE WRITINGS, BOTH MANUSCRIPT AND PRINTED. OF Cornishfnen, AND OF , WORKS RELATING TO THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL WITH BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOEANDA AND COPIOUS LITEEARY EEFEEENOES. BY - GEORGE CLEMENT BOASE AND WILLIAM PEIDEAUX COURTMY. "Books we know Are a substantial world, both pure and good; Bound these with tendrils, strong as flesh and blood, Our pastime and our happiness will grow." Wordsworth's Personal Talk. VOLUME I. A— 0. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN, READER, and DYER. 1874. TRURO: PRINTED BY J. R. NETHERTON, LEMON STREET. Preface. npHE work, of which the first volume is now presented to the reader, makes no pretension to the title of a complete Bibliography of the County of Cornwall ; it is coiitent to be considered merely as a contribution to its literary history. An experience of several years spent in the collection of the materials has only served to show the deficiencies and imperfections which still exist. The diflS.- culties of procuring accurate information about local and ephemeral publications are manifold, and it has only been by devoting to the subject the leisure hours of many years that the matter contained in these pages has been accumulated. When the authors first proposed to themselves the execution of this work, they recognized the desirability of furnishing a Catalogue : I. Of all works written by natives of Cornwall, members of Cornish families, and persons resident in the County. II. Of all works relating to the County, even though written by persons unconnected therewith. They further resolved that the works they would describe should be of no limited character. They determined to include within the scope of their undertaking not merely books of permanent interest, but also pamphlets, political tracts, literary and scientific papers, reports of societies, patents, dramas, music, songs, extracts from sale catalogues, maps, manuscripts, &c. One special feature of this work consists of the lists of manuscripts which will be found described under the names of the various writers ; by far the larger portion of them has never before been referred to in any book on the County. All the printed catalogues of manuscripts in the British Museum and VI other libraries have been carefully consulted, and for those years during which the lists of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum have not been given to the public in a printed form, the authors have endeavoured, but necessarily with imperfect success, to collect the information from the manuscript catalogues in the Museum itself. XJie reader will not fail to notice the valuable information which has been obtained from the three Reports of the Royal Com- mission on Historical Manuscripts. The Calendars of the Records now in course of publication under the direction of the Master of the Rolls being still in an imperfect and unconnected state have not been referred to. On the completion of these calendars the selection and enlargement of the matter referring to Corn- wall would, in the hands of a skilful antiquary, form the subject of a very valuable volume. A perusal of these pages will show that the writers of Cornwall bear no inconsiderable place in the literature of their country. The list of more eminent names given in the footnote* bears evidence to the comprehensive character of their pursuits and tastes. It comprises statesmen, poets, physicians, and men eminent in every branch of science. It is believed that the lists of their writings are here given with more fullness and in a more complete form than in any other published work. Let the reader compare the accounts of any of these persons with those given in the pages » Adams, John Couch, P.E.S., Astronomer. Allen, Ralph, PJiilanthropist, the friend of Alexander Pope. Anstis, John, Garter King at Arms. Bate, C. S., P.E.S., Writer on Natural ffistory. Biddulph, Eev. T. T., Theologian. Borlase, Eev. WiUiam, F.K.S., Antiquary. Buckingham, J. S., Traveller. Buller, Sir Francis, Judge. Carew, Eichard, Historian and Antiquary. Colenso, Et. Eev. J. W., Theologian. Couch, Jonathan, Naturalist. Davy, Sir Humphry, P.B.S., Philosopher. Drew, Samuel, Metaphysician. Eliot, Sir John, Politician. Fitz-Geoftry, Eev. Charles, Tljeologian and Poet. Foote, Samuel, Dramatist. Gilbert, Davies, P.E.S., Historical and Scientific Writer. Godolphin, John, Law Writer. Godolphin, Sidney, Poet. Godolphin, Sidney, Statesman. g Godolphin, Sir WUliam, Ambassador. ' Grenville, Sir Bevil, Eoyalist Leader. ' Grenville, Very Eev. Denis, Theologian. Gumey, Sir Goldsworthy, Chemist. Haweis, Eev. Thomas, Theologian. Hawker, Eev. E. S., Poet. Henwood, W. J., F.E.S., Geologist. Herle, Eev. Charles, Theologian. James, Sir Henry, F.E.S., Military Engineer. Jane, Very Eev. William, Theologian. Johannes de S. Germano Cornubiensis, Theologian. Kendall, Eev. George, Theologian. Killigrew, Sir Henry, Ambassador, KiUigrew, Eev. Henry, Dramatist. Killigrew, Thomas, Dramatist. Killigrew, Sir William, Dramatist. Lander, E. L., Traveller. Long, Edward, Historian. Lower, Eichard, F.E.S., Physician. Lower, Sir William, Dramatist. Martjn, Eev. Henry, Missionary. Mayow, John, P.E.S., Physician. Melvill, Eev. Henry, Theologian. Milles, Very Eev. Jeremiah, Antiquary. Molesworth, Sir William, F.E.S., Statesman. Moyle, Walter, Political Writer. NichoUs, Frank, F.E.S., Physician. NichoUs, Sir George, Philanthropist. Nicolas, Sir N. H., Antiquary. Noy, William, Statesman. Oliver, WiUiam, F.E.S. d. 1716. Physician. Oliver, William, F.E.S. d. 1764. Physician. Opie, John, E.A., Painter. vu of sucli esteemed and standard works of reference as those of Watt, Lowndes, Darling, or AUibone, and he will speedily find that by concentrating constant and unwearied diligence upon one branch of Bibliography an account of several lines has been expanded into several columns. * Biographical memoranda respecting the whole of the writers spoken of in the Bibliotheca Cornubiensis have been given after the mention of their names, and neither labour nor expense has been spared to render these memoranda complete and trustworthy. Not only have facts and references been gleaned from books of the most varied character, but many parish registers have been examined and letters have been addressed to all presumable sources of information. It may perhaps be observed as a peculiarity that hardly any references are given to county histories and other works of a similar nature ; the intention, however, in this undertaking being to refer to comparatively unexplored sources and not to general matter already well known, all notices of these books have, with very few exceptions, been omitted. In describing the works which have come under their notice the authors have recognized the value of giving, as far as possible,, a verbatim copy of the original title page, and in those cases where from extreme length it has been found absolutely necessary to abbreviate a title marks have been inserted to indicate the omissions. The pagination and publishing price have also been added. Great attention has been given to the subject of anonymous and pseudonymous litera- ture, and many works and papers have now for the first time been assigned to their respective authors. Whilst the authors of this work would fain beheve that its interest is not confined to natives of their own County, they are yet aware that it is by the future historians of CornwaU that its value will be most fully estimated. Within this volume is brought together an immense catalogue of local materials such as could not elsewhere be found, with exact references to the various sources of informa- . The article on the Attorney General WiUiam Noy, on pp. 401-405 in the Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, wO • ine anioie on '.^"J^)^^ ■? , , attempted to be accomplished m this work. It consists of 56 serve as a case in point ^ illustrate ^1^^' ^^^^f^^^^^^^^ li which the Attorney General was wholly or in biographical references, 24 titles f"^ TortionsTre addressed to him, or in which he is especially spoken of, part the author 5 titles of ''""^^^X^^wMchlrbv h^^^ remainder concern his life and his writings. 42 notices of MSS. a large J^f'J"'^*? °^ jj^^j^^ ^fg I'^^es^Mii in Watt the account occupies but 20 Imes, in Bohn's The whole pes 107 distinct facts, and occupies 4^M ^^ .^ ^^^ j^ j^ ,, j^. ^Xa'l2*'l^Sonr9ran\£%^fsra IS^efr^^^^^^ latlr works the greater portion of the space roccAp^ed^tSaUs of kography and criticisms of the author's writings. VIll tion ; personal details have now been preserved wHch at some future time it would be much more difficult if not actually impossible to obtain ; and the whole has been so digested and methodized as to render it easy of reference to those desirous of consulting it. In connection with this latter point it may be mentioned that the second part of this undertaking will contain (in addition to a mass of matter which could not be classified under authors' names) cross references, under such headings as Cornish Language, Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, etc., to all the infor- mation published in the preceding part. By this means the study of any particular subject connected with the County will be rendered comparatively an easy process. The authors have now the pleasant duty of recording the names of those gentlemen from whom they have chiefly derived assistance. Thanks are especially due to -William Sandys, Esq., The Eev. Edmund Boger, John Brendon Curgenven, Esq., and William Noy, Esq., for furnishing full par- ticulars of the titles and collations of the Cornish books in their Libraries. To Thomas Quiller Couch, Esq., of Bodmin, and Charles Chorley, Esq., of Truro, they are indebted for the use of some MS. collections formed by them with the intention they once entertained of publishing a catalogue of works on Cornwall. W. J. Henwood, Esq., and the Eev. C. W. Boase have most kindly perused the proof sheets during the passage of this work through the press, and have furnished the authors with numerous suggestions respecting alterations and additions. To J. J. A. Boase, Esq., and G. B. Millett, Esq., of Penzance, Eichard Edmonds, Esq., of Plymouth, Charles Barham, Esq., of Truro, and N. Hare, jun., Esq., of Liskeard, they have rarely applied in vain for particulars concerning the lives and publications of the inhabitants of those towns with which they are respectively connected. Mr. John Kinsman, Bookseller, of Penzance, has placed them under numerous, obligations for collations of all the local works which have passed through his hands during a period of some years. To the Clergy, not only of Cornwall but of many other parts of England, they have to tender their warmest thanks for furnishing extracts from church registers without, in the majority of instances, making any demand for the fees justly due to them for such services. IX In the preparation of this work the authors have pre-eminently to acknow- ledge the assistance they have derived from the treasures of the British Museum. Next to that vast storehouse of literature they are indebted to the Bodleian Library. On the shelves of Dr. Williams' Library and of Sion College have been found many theological and other works of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries which are wanting elsewhere ; and the Guildhall and London Institution Libraries have afforded the authors the use of many valuable books. From the London Library, in St. James' Square, they have been able to take to their own homes many of the most valuable works of reference, and by this means they have pursued their studies during those months of the year in which they are practically ex- cluded by the nature of their daily labours from entering the library of the British Museum. To the officers of the whole of these institutions they tender their warmest thanks for the constant assistance they have received in their labo- rious undertaking. Lastly thanks are due to a large number of persons, whose names cannot here be enumerated, for supplying information in furtherance of this work. To many gentlemen who will not find any references to the matter they have furnished, the explanation is necessary that their communications arrived too late to be printed in this volume. Such notices however have been carefully treasured and they will appear with many additional facts in the supplement to the second volume. The authors now dismiss the toU of years with the earnest request that any persons who are in a position to furnish additional information or corrections wUl obligingly communicate with them. 8, Queen Square, Westminster, S. W; December, 187S. Abbreviations. Addit. Additional. q.v. Anon. anonymous. ante before. b. bom. B. bapt. baptized. Sep. biog. biography, biographical. a. Bp. bishop. bro. brother. See bur. buried. cf. confer, cf. is used when referring to matter not in the Bibliotheoa sic Cornubiensis. Contnbs. Contributions. supp. drca about. supra dau. daughter. • trans. d. died. temp. diet. dictionary. V. Ed. Edition. w. m. by Edited by. . ■ • eJd. eldest. flo. flourished. [ ] etc. indicates that some portion of the title is omitted. ib., iUd. the same. Joun. B.I.C. i.e. namely. Incmnb. Incumbent. Rep. Miners' Assoc. Jour. Joum. Journal. of G. & D. Mem. Mems. Memoir, Memoirs. Pep. B.CP.Soc. Monu. Monument. Mag. Magazioe. Rep.R.I.C. MS., MS8. Manuscript, Manuscripts. n.d. no date. The presumed date of pubUeation is inserted in [ ] Trans.P.N.H.d!A.S. n.p. or d. no place or date. ob. obit died. Trans. R.G.S.O. JP- PP- page, pages. .0. or Perp. 0. Perpetual Curate. Peg. & Mag. of Biog. penes in the possession of. Prof. Professor. pseud. pseudonym. Biog. Diet. Soc. pt. part. D.U.K. Pub. Published. quod vide, which see. q.v. is used when referring to matter in the Bibliotheca Cornubiensis. Eector. Beport. son. single sheet. the word See is used when refer- ring to portions of the Biblio- theca Cornubiensis. thus. To indicate an apparent error in the Title of a book. Supplement. above. Transactions. in the time of. Vicar. wife. Indicate that some matter is omitted. Words in. sc[uare brackets are iiiserted as a means of afford- ing additional information. Journal of the Boyal Institution of Cornwall. Beport of the Miners' Association of Cornwall & Devon. Beport of the Boyal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. Beport of the Eoyal Institution of Cornwall. Transactions of the Penzance Natural History and Anti- quarian Society. Transactions oi the Eoyal Geolo- gical Society of Cornwall. Begister and Magazine of Bio- graphy, 1869. No more pub- lished. Biographical Dictionary of the Society for Diffusion of Use- ful Knowledge. [Only letter A published]. Corrigenda and Addenda. Page 8. For Atkinson, Mr., read. Atkinson, Henry. Page 17, col. 1, line 2, after il. insert iii, 40-100, (1865), and dele 1864. Page 17, col. 2, line 24. For Batten, Joseph Hallet, read Batten, John Hallet. Page 18. Bealj Kev. William, d. Liskeard, 18 June, 1872. Page 18. Beal, Kev. William (eld. son of preceding), d. Aigle, Switzerland, 20 Apl., 1870. Page 20. Bellows, John. 6. Liskeard, 18 Jan., 1831. Page 21. Benson, Rev. Joseph, b. near Temple, Sowerby, Westmoreland, 25 Jan., 1748. d. London, 1 6 Feb., 1821, and not as stated. Page 22, col. 1, line 16 from bottom, dele the words Beta., pseud, i.e., Boase, Henry. Page 25. For Blanchard, Edward Laman, read Blanchard, Edward Leman. Page 28. Boase, Charles William, d. Albury, 7 June, 1872. iur. Albury. Page 29, col. 2 at the bottom, the two articles from T. Thompson's Ann. Philos., are by Henry Boase, not by Henry S. Boase. Page 30, coj. 1, line 22 from bottom, for Sardian, read Sardinian. Page 33, col. 2, line 20 from bottom, for son of William Borlase, read son of James Jacob Borlase. Page 36. Borrow, Rev. William, dele 18 May, 1849, and insert 1861. Page 39. Bower, Rev. John. d. Lostwithiel, 21 Dec, 1872, aged 86. Page 43. Brownlow, Emma^Sophia, Countess, d. Bolton Lodge, Torquay, 28 Jan., 1872. Page 49. Buckstone, John Baldwin, son of John Buckstone, was b. Hoxton, 18 Sept., 1802. Page 58, col. 1, lines 22-23, dele Sundry Christian Passions, and insert Ecclesiastes. Page 59, col. 2, line 31, for A. E. Carlyon, read E. A. Carlyon. Page 60. For Came, Miss Elizabeth, read Came, Miss Elizabeth Catherine Thomas, b. Riviere House, Phillack, 1817. d. Penzance, 7 Sept., 1873. bm. PhUlack. Page 60. Carne, John. J. 18 June, 1789. Page 61. Came, Joseph. &. 17 Apl., 1782. Page 63, col. 2, line 15, after Fast, insert Lond., 1776, 4o. Page 63. Carpenter, Jane, wife of Samuel Carpenter, d. Saltash, 18 Apl., 1847, aged 68. Page 72, col. 2, line 14 from bottom, for Kelland, read Helland. . Page 76, col. 2, line 17,' for 1768 read 18 Nov., 1766. Page 83, col. 1, line 6, for 1866, read 1867. Page 83, col. 2, lines 10 and 11 from bottom, dele from Matthews to 1851. Page 93, col. 2. Couch, Richard Quiller. 6 articles in the Reports of the R.C.P.Soc, were acci- dentally omitted by the Printer, they will be given in the Appendix. Page 97, col. 1, line 12 from bottom, for Good Woods read Good Words. Page 97, col. 2, line 16 from bottom, for daughter read 1 sister. Page 104. Daniell, Rev. Mark. d. Axminster, 20 Feb., 1821, and not as stated. Page 106. Davis, Mary Margaret, d. St. Mary's, Scilly, 19 Nov., 1870, aged 36. Page 112. Dayman, Rev. Peter, dele the word Rev. Page 113, col. 2, line 5, after ii insert pp. Page 114. Dendy, Walter Cooper, d. Suffolk St., Pall Mall, 10 Dec, 1871, aged 77. xu Page 127. Dunsterville, Commander Edward, d. 32, St. Augustine's Road, Camden Sq., London, 11 Mch., 1873. Page 140. Eliot, John, M.P. hvr. 1665, not 1865 as stated. Page 141, col. 2, line 23, for 4tli Oct., read 11th Oct. Page 143. Enys, John Samuel, d. Enys, 29 May, 1872. Page 160, col, 2, line 11, for Clandiana, read Glaudiana. Page 160. Eox, Charles. S. 1749. d Villa Place, Bathwick, 1 Mch., 1809, and not as stated. Page 161, col. 2, line 6, for William Armistead, read Wilson Armistead. Page 173, col. 2, lines 24 and 25 from bottom, for Dec, 1839, read 3 Jan., 1840. Page 176, col. 1, lines 8 and 9 from bottom, for Little Petherick, read Liskeard. Page 187. Greenwood, Alfred, of Chelmsford, d. 1847. Page 190, col. 1, line 23, for St. Winnow, read Withiel. Page 193, col. 2, line 15, for 12°., read 8°. Page 198, col. 1, line 22, for legislature, read legislative. Page 202. Haddan, Rev. Arthur West. d. Barton, Warwickshire, 8 Feb., 1873. Page 213. Harvey, Thomas Kingston. . d. Pera, Constantinople, 23 Apl., 1872. Page, 226. Hedgeland, John Pike. d. Exeter, 2 May, 1873. Page 255. Hotten, John Camden, d. Haverstock Hill, 14 June, 1873. Page 256, col. 1, line 4 from bottom, after 1723, add Lond., printed for John Morley, at the Cross- Keys, in the Poultry, 1723, 4°., pp. 28, 4d. Page 265. Jago, James, M.D., (son of Jbhn Jago). h. At the Barton of Kegilliack, Budock, 18 Dec, 1815, and not as stated. Page 288, col. 1, line 4, dele 28 July, 1684. Page 288, col. 1, Hues 9 and 10, for J. B. Nichols, read J. Gr. Nichols. Page, 328, col. 2, line 3 from bottom, dele John and insert Stephen, and in line 2 after Pen- zance, insert lapt. 4 June. Page 329. Lyne, Rev. Charles, d. Colby ViUa, DawUsh, 5 May, 1873. Page 331, col.' 1, line 19 from bottom, for Festiva, read Festuca. Page 331, col. 2, line 16, for Arundel, read Arundell. Page 343, col. 1, line 22, for 1817, read 7 Dec, 1827. Page 345, col. 2, line 14, for 1843, read 1844. Page 369, col. 2, Une 7, after Falmouth, insert \i.e., Nicholas Tresidder.] Page 371, col. 2, line 10 from bottom, for WUl. Lees', read WUl. Lee's. Page 380, col. 1, line 11, for Murchinson, read Murchison. Page 412. Oliver, Wilham, M.D., F.R.S. .(son of John Oliver), ba^t. Ludgvan, 27 Aug., 1695. BIBLIOTHECA CORNUBIENSIS. PAET I. ADAMS. A. A. Sei Jessopp, Eev. A. ADAMS, Francis Jennings. ShijjbuUder. b. St. Ives, 24 Dec, 1769. d. St. Ives, 17 Marcli, 1845. Description of a new Life Boat. Rep. B. C.P.S., 1838, pp. 143-44. Improved Method of Stowing Provisions, ib., 1838, pp. 145-46. Essay on the Fishing Boats of Cornwall, ib., 1843, Supp., pp. 6-8. ADAMS, Rev. John, M.A. (son of Henry Adams, who d. Kilkhampton, 1857^. V. of Stock Cross, Berks, 1858. b. Morwinstow, 31 Aug:, 1822. Prince Charles Edward after the Battle of Culloden. The Oxford Newdigate Prize Poem for 1847, by J. Adams. Oxford, Macpherson, 1847, 80., pp. 15, 1/-. Pauperism and its causes, a paper read at the Newbury Chamber of Agriculture, Nov. 30, 1871, by the Rev. J. Adams. Newbury, Blacket, 1871, 80., pp. 14, 3d. Account of the Opening of Veryan Beacon. Bep. B.I.C., 1855, pp. 23-26. ADAMS, Eev. John. (Con.).. Chronicles of the Cornish Saints. Journ. B.I. C, i. S. Cuby. 1867, Oct., pp. 314-23. ii. S. Petrook. 1868, Apl., pp. 1-9. iii. S. Constantine. 1869, Apl., pp. 82-88. iv. S. Samson. 1869, Apl., pp. 89-98. V. S. David. 1870, Apl., pp. 155-61. vi. S. Burian. 1873, Apl., pp. 140-43. A Geological Sketch of the Valley of the Kennet. Wilts Archmol. and Nat. Hist. Mag., xi, 268-86, (1869). On the Sarsen stones of Berkshire and WUts. Geol. Mag., x, 198-202, (1873). Note.' — Originally appeared in Trans, of- Newbury District Field Club. ADAMS, John Couch, M.A., F.R.S. (son of Thos. Adams, b. Laneast, 1789. d. Lidcott, 28 Mck, 1859;. Senior Wrangler, 1843; Fellow of St. John's Coll., Camb., 1843-53 ; Lown- dean Professor of Astronomy, 1858; Discoverer of the planet Neptune, 1845. b. Lidcott, Lan- east, 5 June, 1819, (but no entry in Register). cf Professor A. Be Morgan! s Budget of Paror doxes, (1872), pp. 237-40, 253, 343-44; Eng- lish Cyclop.; Men of the Time; Mechanics' Mag., xlv, 604-15, (1846); Allen's Liskea/rd, (1856), pp. 536, 554. A ADAMS. AITKEN. ADAMS, John Couch, M.A., F.E.S. (Con.). Contribs. to Memoirs and Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronom. Soc. of Lond., viz. : — Elements of the Comet of Faye. M.N., vi, 20, (1844). The relative position of the two heads of Biela's Comet. M.N., vii, 83, (1846). An Explanation of the Irregularities in the motion of Uranus, on the hypothesis of distur- bances caused by a distant Planet, with a Deter- mination of the Mass, &c., of the disturbing body. M.N., vii, 149-52, (1846). Mems., xvi, 427-59, 1847. [Also found as a distinct vol., Lond., 1846, 8".] Eesearches in the Problem of Inverse Per- turbations leading to the Discovery of the planet Neptune. M.N., vii, 218, 244, 285, 308; viii, 24, 172. On an Error in Bouvard's Tables of Saturn. Mems., xvii, 1-2, (1849); M.K, vii, 251-52. New elements of Neptune. M.N., vii, 268-69, (1847). On the Mass of Uranus. M.N., ix, 159-60, (1849). The Total Eclipse of the Sun, 28 July, 1851, as seen at Frederiksvoern, by Mr. Adams and Mr. Liveing. Mems., xxi, 101, (1852). Address at Annual Meeting, 1852. Mems., xxi, 211, (1853); M.N., xii, 114, (1852). Address at Annual Meeting, 1853. Mems., xxii, 254, (1854); M.N., xiii, 141, (1852). Observations on Comet II, 1861, made at the Cambridge Observatory. M.N., xiv, 181, (1854); xxii, 268, (1862). New Tables of the Moon's Parallax. M.N., xiii,175-80, 1853. [Nautical Almanac,l856,A-aTp., pp. 35-53.] On the corrections to be applied to Burck- hardt's and Plana's Parallax of the Moon. M.N., xiii, 262-64, (1853). On the Secular Variation of the Moon's mean motion. M.N., xiv, 59-62, (1853); xix, 207, (1859); XX, 225, 279, 1860. [Philos. Trans., cxliii, 397-406, 1853.] On the Secular Variation of the eccentricity and inclination of the moon's orbit. M.N., xix, 206-208, (1859). Eeply to various observations which have been brought against his theory of the Secular Acceleration of the Moon's Mean Motion. M.N XX, 225-40, (1860). Postscript to the Eeply to various observations which have been brought against the Theory of the Secular Acceleration. M.N., xx, 279-80. Calculation of the perturbations of Uranus by the planet Neptune. Brit. Assoc. Section, 1847 p. 7. ADAMS, John Cottch, M.A., P.B.S. (Con. J. The application of graphical methods to the solution of astronomical problems, and in par- ticular to the determination of the perturbations of planets and comets, ib., 1849, p. 1. ^ On Professor Challis's new theorem relating to the Moon's orbit. Fhilos. Mag., viii, 27-36, (1854). On the Perturbations of Uranus. Nautical Almanac, 1851. Apj>., pp. 265-93. Observations of Comet II, 1861. Astronomische Nachrichten,_ Altona, Ivii, col. 235-40, (1862). Ephemeris of Neptune and Meridian Observa- tions. By J. C. Adams and James ChaUjs. ik, xxvi, col. 241-44, (1848). ' ADAMS, Sir William. See Eawson, Sir W. ADAMS, William Grylls, M.A., F.E.S. (bro. of J. C. Adams). Professor of Natural Philo- sophy and Astronomy in King's College, London, 1865. b. Lidcott, 16 Feb., 1836. Flora of Marlborough, with notices of the birds and a sketch of the geological features of the neighbourhood. With a map. [Written by T. A. Preston.] Lond., J. Van Voorst, 1863, 8<>. Note. — " The Geological features of Marlborough," oooupying pp. ix-xxiii, is by W. G. Adams. The Eectangular hyperbola. Oxford, Cambridge and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics, i, 38-40, (1862). On the application of the principle of the screw to the floats of paddle wheels. Lond. Edinb. and Dublin Philos. Mag., xxix, 249-62, 351-61, (1865). AITKEN, Eev. Egbert. Curate of Perranuth- noe, 1842-44; V. of Pendeen, 1849-73. b. Crailing, near Jedburgh, 22 Jan., 1800. d. on platform of G-.W.E. Station, Padding- ton, 11 July, 1873. bur. Pendeen, 18 July. Truth against Truth; or the Battle of the Covenants. A Sermon delivered in St. Mary's Church, Penzance, on Friday, the 16th May, 1851, at the Triennial Visitation of the Lord Bishop of Exeter. With a prefatory address to the Clergy of the Evangelical and High Church Schools. By the Eev. E. Aitken, Incumbent of Pendeen, Cornwall, and Domestic Chaplain to the Earl of Caithness. Penzance : published by F. T. Vibert ; Lond., W. M. Pardon, 23, Cole- man Street, 1851, 8"., pp. 31, 1/6. Spiritual Vitality. An Address to the Clergy, in two parts. By the Eev. E. Aitken. Lond., J. H. Parker ; Truro, J. E. Netherton [printed,! 1852, 80., pp. 34, 1/-. AITKEN. ALLEN. ; AITKEN, Eev. Eobebt. fCon.J. Methodistic Catholicism, a word of expostu- lation to the Eev. E. Aitken, in answer to his Address to the Clergy, entitled " Spiritual Vital- ity." By a Parish Priest, [i.e., the Eev. M. M. Humble.] Lond., J. H. Parker; Penzance, Vibert [printed,] 1852, S"., pp. 28. The Conversion and -Holy Life of St. Augus- tine. By the Eev. E. Aitken. Lond., J. H. Parker; Truro, J. E. Netherton fprinted,! 1852, 12"., pp. 90, 1/-. _A Letter to one of the Leeds Clergy on the Distinction between Salvation and Christianity, "being an answer to inquiries on the subject of " Spiritual Vitality." By the Eev. E. Aitken. Lond., Parker; Penzance, F. T. Vibert [printed,] 1852, 80., pp. 28, 1/-. Saving faith viewed in reference to the teach- ing of the Eev. E. Aitken and others. Anon. [By Eev. John Henry Blunt.] Lond., J. Masters, 1854, 80., pp. 24. Bod. Lib. The teaching of the Types. Tracts for the Clergy and the Earnest Minded. By the Eev. E. Aitken. Oxford, T. and G. Shrimpton. No. 1-5, 1854. No. 6-10, 1855," 80,. Note. — Each tract has a distinct title, but the pag- ination is eontuiuons, and the series forms one vol., pp. 458, price 12/-. The Power of Christ's name, or Church and Dissent, and Christ's exposition of both. A ser- mon delivered in St. Mary's Church, Penzance, at the visitation of the Venerable the Arch- deacon of Cornwall. By the Eev. E. Aitken. Oxford, T. and G. Shrimpton, 1856, 80., pp. 36, 1/6. A Word for the Truth, for the Church, and for God. An address to the Clergy on the present [Denison] Controversy, in which the points at issue are fully stated and the doctrines involved are theologically considered. By the Eev. E. Aitken. Oxford, T. and G. Shrimpton, 1857, 80., pp. 40, 2/-. Hints, Suggestions, and Eeasons, for the pro- visional adjustment of the Church-Eate, for the Eeformation of the Church's external admin- istration, and for the union of Church and Dis- sent. By the Eev. E. Aitken. Lond., Long- man, 1859, 80., pp. 58, 2/6. The Prayer Book unveiled in the light of Christ, or unity without Liturgical revision. Letters for Nonconformists expository of the church's teaching, etc., addressed to the Eev. T. Binney. By the Eev. E. Aitken. Lond., W. Macintosh, 1863, 80., pp. xxdv and 353.— 2nd ed. 1867," 80., pp. xvi and 382, 5/6. High "Truth. The Christian's Vocation, Pro- gress, Perfection, and State in Glory. By the AITKEN, Eev. Eobebt. (Con.). Rev. E. Aitken. Lond., W. Macintosh, 1866, 80., pp. viii and 160, 2/-. No. 1. Church reform spiritually considered. A Letter to the Eight Honorable William Ewart Gladstone, by the Rev. R. Aitken, Vicar of Pen- deen. Lond., Dickinson and Higham, 73 (late 92),FarringdonSt., 1871, 80. Title and contents, 2 leaves. Church Reform, pp. 1-134, 1/6. Mission Services at St. Paul's Church, New- port. Eevised and reprinted from The Evening Telegram of March 31st, 1871. A sermon preached at St. Paul's, Newport, on the 30th of March, 1871, by the Eev. E. Aitken. Lond., Dickinson and Higham . . . Cornish, Penzance, n. d. , [1871,] 8"., pp. 40, 6d. List of valuable engravings, prints, etc., to be sold by auction, Aug. 12, 1873, at the Vicarage, Pendeen, St. Just, the property of the late Eev. E. Aitken. Beare and Son, printers, Penzance. n.d., [1873,] 80., pp. 2. AITKEN, Eev. William Hay Macdowall Hunter, M.A. (son of the preceding). Now V. of Christ Church, Liverpool, h. Liverpool, 21 Sept., 1841. Cornwall, its Scenery and Antiquities. Our Society. (Lond., Kingsland, G. Potter, 1867), pp. 16, 51, 76, 110. ALAZON. pseud, i.e., Barnes, Eev. E. W. ALLEN, John. Schoolmaster of Madras House, Hackney. 6. Truro, 1771, (but no entry in Eegister). d. Hackney, 17 June, 1839. cf. Biog. Diet, of Soc. for D.U.K.; Gent. Mag., xii, 210, (1839). The Fathers, the Reformers, and the public Formularies of the Church of England, in har- mony with Calvin, and against the Bishop of Lincoln. By a Layman, fpsevd. i.e., J. Allen,] 1812, "80. Institutes of the Christian Religion. By John Calvin. Translated from the original Latin and collated with the author's last edition in French. By J. Allen. Lond., printed for J. Walker, 1813, 3 vols., 80., 45/-.— Another ed. Lond., printed for T. Tegg, 1838, 2 vols., 80. Memoirs of the Life of the late Major Gen- eral Andrew Burn, of the Royal Marines. [By John Allen.] Lond., W. Winchester and Son, 1815, 2 vols., 80.— 2nd ed. 1816, 80., pp. xx and 292. Modern Judaism ; or a brief account of the opinions, traditions, rites and ceremonies, of the Jews in modern times. By John Allen. Lond., Hamilton, 1816, 80., 10/6,— 2nd ed. revised and 'torrected. Lond., Seeleys, 1830, 80,* pp. xvi and 451, 10/6. ALLEN. ALLEN. ALLEN, John. (Cm.). Sermons translated from the French of Daniel de Superville, formerly Pastor of the French Protestant Church at Rotterdam. With memoir of his life. By J. Allen. London, printed for Burton and Briggs, 1816, 8"., pp. xx and 402. Two dissertations on sacrifices, the first on all the sacrifices of the Jews... the second on the sacrifice of Christ... By William Outram, D.D. Translated from the original Latin, with additional notes and indexes by J. Allen. Lond., printed for the translator, and sold by Burton and Briggs, Leadenhall St., 1817, 8"., pp. xii and 400. Note. — Alexander Allen (son of John Allen, of Hackney), b. Hackney, 21 Sept., 1814. d. 6 Nov., 1842, was the author and editor of yarions Classical School books and other works. ALLEN, John. A Friend (son of John Alien and Eliz. Fox), b. Liskeard, 26 Sept., 1790. d. Liskeard, 15 Feb., 1859. bur. 22 Feb. cf. Liskeard Gazette, 19 and 26 Feb., 1859 ; The Annual Monitor for 1860, pp. 3-26. The cause of the heavy burdens of Great Britain and of her national debt ; comprising a rapid survey of some of the great events con- nected with British History during the last hundred and fifty years. Anon. Lond., Darton and Harvey, 1836, 12"., 1 sheet.— 2nd ed., re- vised, 1843, 120., J siieet. Cursory view of some of the obstacles to the right apprehension and full reception of the Spiritual Nature and Blessings of Christianity. By J. Allen. Lond., Harvey and Darton, 1840, 8»., pp. 32. The Statistics of War and Peace. By John Allen, Esq., and others. Being part of the Papers .read to the Peace Convention, in 1843. Lond., printed by Eich. Barrett, and sold by Charles Gilpin, n.d., [1843,] 12"., | sheet. On our Home Population. By John Allen. Lond., Simpkin, 1844, 18"., 2/6. Compendious view of the tithe system, its progress, conversion into tithe rent charge, etc. By J. Allen, 1850, 12". Note. — First appeared in The Friend, viii, 26-28, fl850) ; and since 1850 has again been reprinted by The London Tract Association. Christian Baptism ; or the Baptism of Christ. Do the Christian Churches generally entertain sound scriptural views respecting it? Anon. Lond., C. Gilpin, 1850, 12'^., pp. 36, 4d.— Re- printed by the Tract Association of the Society of Friends. [No. 118,] 1854, 12»., pp. 24, 1/- per doz. State Churches and the Kingdom of Christ, an essay on the establishment of ministers, forms and services of reUgion by secular power. ALLEN, John. (Con.). and on its inconsistency with the free humbling spiritual nature of the Christian dispensation. By J. Allen. Lond., W. and F. G. Cash, 1853, 8"., pp. xvi and 587, 8/6. Note. — Pretace, dated Liskeard, fifth month, 1st, 1853. A Prospectus of this work was printed in 1852, 4°., 2 leaves. History of the Borough of Liskeard and its Vicinity. By John Allen. Map and 17 Illusts. Lond., W. and F. G. Cash ; Liskeard, J. Philp [printed]; 1856, post 8°., pp. xviii and 564, 10/-. On the Spiritual Nature of the Christian Dispensation, and on some of the obstacles to its full apprehension and reception. (Anon). Lond., printed for the Tract Association. [No. 4, New Series] ; sold at the Depository, 84, Houndsditch; 1857, 18o., pp. 41. Note.— This is a "Cursory View, 1840, 8°." with alterations. On the duty of Christian Simplicity and- Plainness in Language, Dress, and Behaviour, according to the views of the Society of Friends. By J. Allen. Lond., Tract Association of the Society of Friends. [No. 137,] 1860, 12o., pp. 12, 6d. per doz. Chronological Chart of the Wars of the British Empire. Eep. B.C.P. Sac, 1835, p. 126. The Private and Public Capital and Income of the Nation, etc. ib., 1839, pp. 58-73. Statistics of the Natural History of Cornwall as shewn in the destruction of wild animals in 1669. ib., 1841, pp. 122-27. Hints on the provision of labour for the poor. ib., 1849, pp. 19-26. ALLEN, Ralph (son of JFilliam Allen, of St. Blaeey, or of John Allen, of Tywardreath). Post Master, Bath; Contractor for Cross Posts, 1722-1764; Erected Prior Park, 1736; Mayor of Bath, 1742. 6. at the Duke WilHam Inn, St. Blazey Highway, 1693, (but no entry in Register), d. Prior Park, Bath, 29 June, 1764. bur. Claverton. cf. Chatham Correspon- dence, (1838), ii, 223-38, .253-56, 289-91; Bev. Fras. Thackeray's Life of Lord Chatham, . (1827), ii, 23-27; John Wood's An Fssay towards a description of Bath, (1742-43); H. JValpole's Memoirs of last 10 years of George II, (1822), ii, 202; H. JValpole's Memoirs of the reign of King George III, (1845), i, 281- 82 ; Sam. Derrick's Letters written from Liver- pool, etc., (1767), ii,<57-6.0; Fhilip Thicknesse's New Frose Bath Guide for 1778, pp. 76-78; Bishop Hurdls Works of Will. Warburion, Bp. of Gloucester, (1788), i, 45, 49, 89; Tlie ALLEN. ANSTIS. ALLEN, Ealph. (Con. J. Letters of Pope to Atterbury when in the Tower of London, Ed. by J. G. Nichols, (Camden MiscelL, vol. iv, 1859), p. 17; Rev. John CoUinson's Hist, of Somerset, (1791), i, 117- 18, 145-50, 169-70; Hev. W. L. Boioles' Wm-hs of A. Pope, (1806), iv, 350, ix, 338, 349-63, 374, 391, x, 57, 60, 63 ; Rev. Joseph Warton's Works of A. Pope, (1797), ix, 319-32 ; Britton and Brayley's Beauties of England and Wales, (Somersetshire, by Rev. J. Nightingale, 1813), xiii, pt. i, pp. 438-42; Pierce Egan's ■ Walks through Bath,{l8l9),Tp^.lS9-207:Laititia Hawkhis' Anecdotes, (1822), i, 525 ; F. Lawrence's JAfeof Henry Fielding, (1855),^^. 252, 292, 370- 71 ; Rev. R. Polwhele's Biog. Sketches, (1831), i, 10-12 ; Life and Times of Countess of Hunting- don, (1841), i, 450-51 ; Lord Mahon's Hist, of England, (1851), v, 63-64; Rev. A. H. New's The Coronet and the Cross, (1857), pp. 24, 134, 394; Rev. Geo. Oliver's Hist, of Exeter,- {18%\), p. 164; Rev. J. S. Watson's Life of Bp. War- burton, (1863), pp. 202, 205, 232, 239-42, 276, 294, 411-12, 476, 495,561-62; Will. Leivins' Her Majesty's Mails, (1865), pp. 104- 112; Papers relative to the agreement made by Government with Mr. Palmer, (1797), passim; Rev.. John Bartlett's History of Parish of St. Blazey, (1856), pp. 20-25; NicMs' Literary Anecdotes, vols, ii, iii, v, vi ; Nichols' Illustra- tions, ii, 830-39, iv, 732, v, 1844; Chambers! Book of Days, (1864), ii, 566; Chambers' Journ. (The Bath Post Boy), xi, 260-62, (1848) ; The Family Economist (The Story of B. Allen, by Mrs. Bunbury), v, 129-33, (1856); Some Literary Rumblings about Bath. Cornhill Mag., xxvii, 694-702, (1873); Annual Register, vi, pt. i, 206, (1763), vii, 95, (1764) ; Gent: Mag., xxxiv, 350, (1764); Biog. Diet. Soc. D.U.K.; Rev. Jos. Hunter's Connection of Bath with literature and science of England, (1850), pp. 64-65, 93-94. Ealph Allen and Prior Park* By the Eev. F. Kilvert, M.'A. Eead before the Bath Literary Club, Dec. 13, 1856, and repeated before the Bath Literary and Philosophical Association, Jan. 12, 1857. Bath, H. E. Carrington, 1857, 8"., pp. 31. A sermon occasioned by the present unnatural rebellion... Preached in Mr. Allen's Chapel, at Prior-Park, near Bath, and publish'd at his .request. By William Warburton, M.A., Chap- lain to his Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales. Lend., printed for J. and P. Knapton, in Lud- gate Street, 1745, 8«., pp. 27.— Eeprinted in Bishop Sard's Works of W. Warburton, Bp. of Gloucester, (1788), v, 207-18. Of the characters of men. An epistle [m verse] to Salph Allen, Esq. Lond., printed for M. ALLEN, Ealph. (Can.). Cooper, at the Globe, in Pater-noster Eow, 1750, 40., pp. 32. The Novels of Henry Fielding, Esq. Lond., Hurst, Eobiuson and Co., printed by J. Ballan- tyne and Co., Edinburgh, [Novelist's Library, vol. i,] 1821, 8". Note. — "Amelia" is dedicated ," To Ealph Allen, Esq.", by " Henry Fielding, Bow St., Dec, 1751," and in " The History of Tom Jones, a foundling," the char- acter of Squire AUworthy is intended to pourtray Ealph Allen. Another answer to the Letters of the Right Hon. William Pitt, Esq., to Ealph Allen, Esq., in which the reasons are assigned for not vene- rating the administration of that late Secretary of State, ^nd for subscribing to the term ade- quate, in relation to the peace. By Another Mem- ber of the Corporation of Bath. Lond., 1763, sm. 4"., pp. 46, 1/-. Note. — cf. Annual Register, ¥i, pt. i, p. 206, (1763). AMIGA, pseud, i.e., Pearce, Miss Alice. ANGOVE, Gkace. See Michell, Grace. ANSTEY, Thomas. Penzance. A Descriptive Poem. Penzance, printed and sold by T. Vigurs, 1819, 80., pp. 15, 9d. Note.— The Dedication to Thomas Giddy, Esq., is signed " Thomas Anstey." ANSJIS, John (son of John Anstis, Registrar of ArchBeaconry of Cornwall, who d. 1692J. Ad- mitted at Exeter College, 1685; M.P. St. Germans, 1702; M.P. Launceston, 1713; Received reversionary patent for the place of Garter, 2 ApL, 1714; Created Garter King at Arms, 20 Apl., 1718. b. St. Neots, 28 Sept., 1669. rf. Mortlake,4 March, 17-||. Jwr. Duloe Church, 23 Mch. cf. Chalmers; Rose; Biog. Univ. ; Didot Nouvel. Biog. Univ. ; Biog. Diet, of Soc. for D.U.K.; Nichols' Literary Anec-- dotes, vols, i, ii, iii, v, vi ; Nichols' Illustrations, vols, iv, V, vi ; Autobiog. of Mrs. Delany, (1861), i, 42 ; Rel Hearniance, (1857), i, 337, ii, 571_; H. Walpole's Letters (Cunningham's ed.), ii, 184 ; Archceol, i, p. xxviii, (1770) ; Rev. Mark Noble's Hist, of College of Arms, (1804), pp. 354, 376-79, with portrait; The London Mag., xiii, 153, (1744). Cvria MUitaris, or a Treatise of the Court of Chivalry, in three books... By John Anstis, Esq., (of the Middle 1>emple). Lond., printed by T. Mead, in Gilt-Spur-Street, near the Back-Gate of St. Sepulchre's Church, 1702, 8«. ANSTIS. ANSTIS. ANSTIS, John. (Con.J. Note. — This consists of Title, 1 leaf, Dedication to Jonathan [Trelawny,] Lord Bishop of Exeter, 1 leaf, Introduction, pp. i-xli, Contents, 5 leaves, this is all that was published. Letters to a Peer, concerning the Honour of Earl Marshall. . . [By John Anstis.] Lond., printed and sold by the Booksellers of London and West- minster, 1703, 80., pp. 35.— 1706, 8»., pp. 52. Note.— The Letter is signed N. S., [i.e., Joh» Anstis. 1 [Introduction to the Register of the Order of the Garter. By John Anstis.] n.d., [1720?] fol., pp. 25. The Register of the most noble Order of the Garter, from its cover in black velvet usually called The Black Book, with notes placed at the bottom of the pages and an introduction prefixed by the Editor, [i.e., John Anstis.] Lond., printed by John Barber, upon Lambeth-hill, 1724, 2 vols., fol. Note. — Dean Milles possessed Anstis' own copy, containing large additional matter. A discoverie of certaine errours published in print in the much commended Britannia, 1594 ...By Ralphe Brooke... To which are added The learned Mr. Camden's answer to this book and Mr. Brooke's reply. Now first published from an original manuscript in the Library of J. Anstis, Esq. Lond., printed for James Woodman, 1724, 40. Note.— Contains Prefatory Letter to the publisher, Mr. Woodman, signed " J. Anstis." Observations introductory to an historical es- say upon the Knighthood of the Bath. By John Anstis. Lond., printed by James Woodman, in Russell St., Covent Garden, 1725, 4". Title, 1 leaf, Observations, pp. 1-88, Collection of Author- ities, pp. 1-112. Note.— Dean Milles possessed Anstis' own copy con- taining considerable additional matter. The Ceremonies of the Installation of a Knight of the most noble order of the Garter, as settled by Mr. Anstis. Lond., 1757, 12". Chronological Data of the Coronation Days of the Kings and Queens of England, from Alfred the Great to George IV. Originally com- piled by John Anstis, [with Notes and a contin- uation by the Editor.] Lond., printed by J. Johnson for J. H. Burn, 1821, 80., 6 leaves. John Tbistis, Esq., Garter, Appellant. John Gandy, and Frances, his wife, Respondents. The Appellant's Case. To be heard at the Bar of the House of Lords, on Monday, the 24th March, 1734-5. n.p. or d. or printer's name, fol., pp. 4 John Anstis, Esq., Appellant. John Gandy, Gent., and Frances, his wife. Respondents, The ANSTIS, John. (Con.). Respondents' Case. To be heard at the Bar of the House of Lords, on '■ the day of , 1 734-5. n.p. or d. or printer's name, fol,, pp. 4. Note. — Respecting Frances Gandy and Mary Dyer, nieces of John Anstis,_ to whom John Anstis and the Eev. John Penneok were Guardians and Trustees. The respondents having filed a bill in Chancery against the appellant to recover money spent on Frances Gandy during Infancy, obtained a decree in their favour. On appeal to the House of Lords the decree of the Court of Chancery was affirmed without costs. A full and authentick narrative of the intended horrid conspiracy and invasion, containing... The case of Edward Harvey, of Combe, Esq., John Anstis, Esq., etc. Lond., printed for J. Roberts, in Warwick Lane, 1715, sm. 4".. pp. 38, 6d. Note. — The account of Mr. Anstis being suspected of a design to restore the Stuarts and of his imprison- ment is contained in pp. 9-10. Collectanea Curiosa. . .By John Gutch. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1781, 2 vols., 8". Note. — Contains in ii, 210-56, Nomenclator feoia- lium, qui Anglise et Walliae comitatus visitarunt quo anno et ubi autographa sen apographa reperiuntur. By J. Anstis. The account of the Visitation Books for Cornwall is on p. 217. Syllabus (in English) of...Rymer's Foedera. By T. D. Hardy. [Rolls Series.] Lond., Long- man, 1869-73, 2 vols., 4". Note. — Contains in i, pp. cxxvii-cxxviii, cxxx, cxlii, copies of Letters from John Anstis to Sidney, Earl of Godolphin, the Earl of Oxford, and others. Extracts from the correspondence of John Anstis, the Herald, affecting West Cornwall. By J. Couch. Trans. P.N.H. andJ.S., iii, 20-25, (1864). The Ceremonial of the marriage between Frederick, Count Palatine, and the Princess Elizabeth, daughter of James L /. Lelandi de Rebus Britannids v, 325-36, (1770). The Ceremonial of the marriage between William of Orange and Mary daughter of Charles L ih., V, 337-51, (1770). Extract relative to the Burial of King Ed- ward IV, from a MS. of the late Mr. Anstis. ArchcBol, i, 348-55, (1770). On two volumes of drawings of antiquities collected by J. Anstis. ik, xiii, 208-22, (1800). Three Letters from J. Anstis to Sir H. Sloane. Gent. Mag., 1, 460, (1780). The Dean of Westminster's pretensions to bear the ensign of the Order of the Bath, ib., Ixix, pt. i, 194-95, (1799). - On Mr. Anstis' MS. History of Launceston. ^b., Ixxx, pt. ii, 103, (1810). AEGALL. AEUNDELL. ANSTIS, John, the younger, LL.D. (eld. son of Receding). Of C. C. College, Oxford ; Geneal- ogist and Registrar of the Bath, 1725 ; Garter King at Arms, 4 Mch., 17-|^ ; F.S.A. 21 July, 1736. d. Mortlake, 5 Dec, 1754. hur. Duloe, . 30 Dec. c/. Nichols' Lit. Anecdotes, v, 272 ; Rev. Mark Nobles Hist, of College of Arms, (1804), pp. 379-80. Petition of Mr. J. Anstis, jun., Garter King at Arms, relative to the Visitatorial power of All Soul's College, (original) MS. formerly at Stowe. cf. O Conor's Bibliotheca MS. Stowensis, (1819), ii, 101. Pietas Universitatis Oxoniensis in obitum... Georgii I, 1727, fol. Note. — Contains verses by " Joh. Anstis, C.C.C. Commens. Fceoial. Eex Garter." A]^STIS, Rev. Matthew. At the Baptist Academy at Carmarthen, 1762-65 ; Minister at Falmouth, 1765; Minister at CoLyton, 1766; Minister at Bridport, 1767. h. St. Germans, 27 Feb., 1740. d. Bridport, 28 Aug., 1823. cf. Monthly Repository, xviii, 731-32, (1823). The Lord's Supper. Signed P. K. [i.e., Rev. M. Anstis.] Mmthly Rey., iii, 495-99, (1808) ; X, 571-74, 749-51, <1815). The Judgment of the World by Jesus Christ. Signed P. K. il., iii, 39-41. ARCHER FAMILY. Memorials of families of the surname of Archer [by Capt. Archer]. Lond., J. R. Smith, 1860, 40., 12/6. Note. — The Aroliers of Cornwall, pp. 63-64. "ARCHER, Edward (son of Edward Archer, of Trelashe, in Lewannick, who d. 1834). h. Ex- mouth, 1816. A Lecture on the defects in the System of Husbandry existing in this district, read at the first meeting of the East Cornwall Experimental Club for the Advancement of the Art and Science of Agriculture, 1844. By E. Archer. Lond., Simpkin; Lauuceston, T. W. Maddox, 1844, 12°., 6d. Union vensus Parochial Settlement ; the former considered and advocated. By E. Archer. Lond., Simpkin, 1845, 12°., 6d. The Small Boy's Mythological Primer, in Rhyme. By E[dward] A[rcher.] Lond., Wayand and Son, 471, Oxford Street, 1858, 12"., pp. 16, 6d. ■ On Mr. Bickford's Method of Irrigation. Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc. of Engl., xiv, 153-55, (1853). ARGALL, William (son of Philip Argall, d. St. Agnes, I860?), b. St. Agnes, 20 Oct., 1828. ABGALL, William. (Con.). Tin Tables, showing the amount of Black Tin in any quantity of Tin-Stuff of any given pro- duce, compiled by William Argall, Great Wheal Vor United Mines, Helston. Helston, printed by R. Cunnack, 1859, 12"., pp. 27. Notes on an Excursion to ihe Chiverton dis- trict. Rep. Miners' Assoc, of C. and D., 1867, pp. 50-53. Notes on an Excursion to the St. Just District. ib., 1868, pp. 44-46. Gossans, ib., 1872, pp. 37-41. ARMYTAGE, Rev. North Green, B.A. Cwate of CammenelUs. b. Lancaster. Wesleyan Pharisaism ; or Lip-Service not Heart-Service. A Sermon preached at Holy Trinity Church, Garnmenellis, Cornwall, on June 13, the third Sunday after Trinity, 1869. By the Rev. N. G. Armytage, B.A. Lond., Jos. Masters; Helston, E. Carlyon, 1869, 8"., pp. 16, 3d. ARTHUR, John. b. Perranwharf, 16 Aug., 1809. Now of the Sandycroft Foundry and Engine Works Co., Hawarden, Chestef. Water Gauge for a Steam Boiler. Rep. R.C.P. Soc, 1834, pp. 38-39. Improved Method of Casting Brass Burrs. ib:, 1835, pp. 120-21. Water Meters, ib., 1836, pp. 55-56. Arthur and Eddy's Apparatus for Raising Mine Pumps, ib., 1839, pp. 96-97. ARUNDELL,. Rev. Francis Vyvyan Jago, M.A. (son of Thomas Jago). Assumed the name of Arundellin 1816. R. of Landulph, 1805-46. h. Launceston, July, 1780. d. Landulph, 5 Dec, 1846. cf Gent. Mag., xxvii, 206-8, (1847). Cothele, on the banks of the Tamar, the ancient seat of the Right Honble. the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, by Nicholas Condy. With a descriptive account, written expressly for the work, by the Rev. F. V. J. Arundell. Lond., published by the Author at 17, Gate St., Lin- coln's Inn Fields, n.d., [181-,] fol. Note. — Has 17 lithograpliio plates from drawings by Condy, and a plan of the mansion. A Visit to the Seven Churches of Asia, with an Excursion into Pisidia...By Rev. F. V. J. Arundell, British Chaplain at Smyrna. Lond., J. Rodwell, 1828, 8°., pp. iv and 339, 15/-. Discoveries in Asia Minor, including a des- cription of the Ruins of several ancient Cities, and especially Antioch of Pisidia, containing remarks on the geography and antiquities of AEUNDELL. AUSTEN. AETJNDELL, Eev. F. V. J. (Con.). those countries, a map of the author's routes and numerous inscriptions. By the Rev. F. V. J. Arundell. Map and 14 plates of inscriptions. Lond., R Bentley, 1834, 2 vols., S"., 30/-. Some notices of the church of Landulph. By the Rector, {i.e., the Rev. F. V. J. Arundell.] Devonport, Ram&ay and Carrington, 1840, 8°. On John Anstis' MS. History of Launceston. Signed F. V. Jago. Gent. Mag., Ixxx, pt. ii, 103, (1810). An Account of the discovery of a number of Celts and a Sword, at Long Moor, Lanherne. Signed F., V. Jago. Archceol, xvii, 337, (1814). Some Observations upon a Monumental In- scription in the Parish Church of Landulph. Signed F. V. Jago. ib., xviii, 83-104, (1817). Notices of some discoveries made in a journey in Asia Minor, in 1832. Trans. Roy. Soc. of Literature, ii, 468-70, (1834). The baths of Lebedus. The Amulet, 1835, pp. 70-80. Note. — Mr. Arundell at one time contemplated publishing a History of Cornwall, and some plates were engraved for the work. cf. N. and Q., 2 S., xi, 409, (1861). ARUNDELL, William Akundell Harris (only son of Rev. William A. Harris). Assumed the name of Arundell in 1822. Sheriff of Cornwall, 1817. h. Kenegie, near Penzance, 17 Sept., 1794. d. Lifton, Devon, 2 Apl., 1865. cf Gent. Mag., xviii, 667, (1865). The Fall of Sebastopol. A Poem. By Harris Arundell. Launceston, E. Maddox ; Lond, Simp- tin, 1855, 80., pp. X and 12. The Leisure Hour. By W. A. Harris Arundell. Written as an Inauguration Poem, for the Lifton Institute. Lond., Simpkin ; Launceston, E. Mad- dox [printed,] 1855, 8^. Note. — List of Subscribers, 2 leaves, Title, 1 leaf, dedication to Henry and Mary Wilmot Blagrove, of Lifton Park, by their affectionate father, W. A. H. Arundell, 1 leaf, preface, pp. v-viii, introduction, 1 leaf, The Leisure Hour, pp. 1-68, Presented to the Lifton Institute (but now first published for general circulation) on the occasion of the sudden death by apoplexy of Nicholas the first, (Emperor of all the Russias), on Friday, the second of Mch., 1855. [Verses] Signed "Harris Arundell, 5th Mch,, 1855." E. Maddox, printer, Launceston, [1855,]8o.,2 leaves. The Contested Election. A Comedy, in three acts [and hi Prose]. By Harris Arundell. Laun- ceston, E. Maddox [printed] ; Lond., Simpkin, 1856, 8". Title, dedication, preface, dramatis personse, 3 leaves, the comedy, pp. 1-75, 1/-. The Pilgrim Minstrel and Wreck of the John, emigrant ship, on the Manacle Rocks, AED^NDELL, W. A. H. (Con.). May 2, 1855. By Harris Arundell. Launceston, E. Maddox, 1856, 8". ATKINSON, Mr. Principal of Falmouth Class- ical School. Epigram on seeing some ladies elegantly dressed at a ball. By 0. i.e., Mr. Atkinson. Cornish Mag., iii, 155, (1828). AUSTEN, Joseph Thomas. See Treflfry, J. T. AUSTEN or AUSTIN, Samuel, the elder, M.A. fson of Thomas Austen), h. Lostwithiel, 1606. d. not known, cf. Bliss' Wood, ii, 499 j Biog. Did. Soc. D.U.K. ; Rose; Didot Nouvel. Biog. Univ. Avstin's Vrania, or the Heavenly Mvse, in a poem fvll of most feeling Meditations for the comfort of all Soules at all times. By S. A[ustin,] B. of Arts of Ex. Colledge, in Oxford. Lond., printed by F. K., for Robert Allot and Henry Seile, 1629, 8°., pp, 136. Br. Museum. Note. — After a copy of verses called " An Apologia for my Muse," follows another and larger title page. Then succeed, A dedication to Dr. Prideaux, the Rector of Exeter College ; Addresses (1st) to the Christian Headers, (2nd) to Exeter College, (3rd) "to my everhon- ovred friends. . .Mr. M. Drayton, Mr. Will. Browne, and my ingenious kinsman, Mr. Andrew PoUexfen," etc. The Second Book is dedicated to " that honorable gentle- man, Mr. lohn Eobarts, sonne to my Lord Bobarts, Baron of Truro, in Cornwall," etc. AUSTEN, Samuel, the younger, B.A. (son of •preceding), h. Lostwithiel, 1636. d. circa 1665. cf. Bliss' Wood, Ail, 675; Rose; Didot Nouvel. Biog. Univ.; Censura Literaria, vi, 225, vii, 341. Naps upon Parnassus. A sleepy muse nipt and pincht, though not awakened. Such vol- untary and jovial copies of verses as were lately receiv'd from some of the Wits of the Univer- sities in a frolick, dedicated to Gondibent's Mistress, by Captain Jones and others. Where- unto is added, for demonstration of the Authors prosaick excellency's, his Epistle to one of the Universities, with the answer; together with two satyrical characters of his own, of a Tem- porizer and an antiquary, with marginal notes by a friend to the reader... Lond., printed by express order from the wits for N. Brook, at the Angel, in Cornhill, 1658, 8". Br. Museum. Note. — Published by the wits of Oxford as a satire upon S. Austin. The advertisement to the reader is signed " Thy loving Friend, Adoniram Banstittle, alias Tinderbox." A Panegyric on King Charles II. Lond., 1661, 8". BANNISTER. B. B., B. B. pseud, i.e., Johns, Eev. W. S., and Rogers, W. M. B., C. E. P. B. i.e., Prideaux-Brune, 0. R. B., J. B. i.e., Budge, John. B.,W. B[ONEl] Boscastle. The Spectator, 22nd Sept., 1866. BABINGTON, Charles Cakdale, M.A., F.RS. (son of Eev. Jos. BaUngton). Professor of Botany, Cambridge, h. 1808. ;eBo The Hospital of St. Lawrence de PonteBoy, near Bodmin. Woodcut. Arcficeol. Gamb., if, 177-82, (1863). / BACHE, Rev. Akthuk. V. of Antony, ^jf ^ , The Voyce of the Lord in the Temple ; or a most strange and wonderfull Relation of God's great Power, Providence, and Mercy, in sending very strange sounds, fires, and a Fiery Ball into the Church of Anthony, in Cornwall, near Plim- mouth, on Whitsunday last, 1640. To the scorching and astonishing of 14 severall persons who were smitten. And likewise to the great Terrour of all the other people then present, being about 200 persons. The truth whereof wiU be maintained by the Oathes of the same persons ; having been examined by Richard Carew, of Anthony, Esquire, and Arthur Bache, Vicar of Anthony. Imprinted at London, by T. Paine, for Francis Eglesfield, 1640, 4''., pp. 20. Br. Mmeum. Note. — The original MS. is in Queen's College Library, Oxford, No. cxxi, p. 356. cf. A Looking Glass for aU true hearted Christians, (1642), pp. 16; N. Wallington's Historical Notices, (1869), i, 46-48. BACHE, James (sm of John Bache, who d. St. Austell, ISeij. h. Perran Wharf, 22 Sept., 1826. Resident since 1854, at 72, Calle Serrano, Madrid. Description of a machine for measuring the Velocity of the Piston at different parts of its stroke. Bep. B.O.P.Soc, 1845, p. 52 j 1846, p. 36. Reversing Apparatus for Stamps and Whim. ib., 1849, p. 108. BACKHOUSE, Hannah Chapman (dau. of Joseph and Jans Gurney, and wife of Jonathan - Backhouse, of Darlington), b. Norwich, 9 Feb., 1827. d. 6 May, 1850. ef. Annual Monitor, 1851, p. 86. BACKHOUSE, Hannah Chapman. (Cm.). Extracts from the Journal and Letters of H. C. Backhouse. Not published. [Ed. by Jane Gurney Fox, of Falmouth.] Lond., R. Barrett, Printer, Mark Lane, 1858, 8^., 18f sheets. BACON, John. Liber Regis, sive Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesias- ticarum. By John Bacon, Esq., Receiver of the First Fruits,... Lond., printed for the Author by John Nichols... 1786, i". Note. — Account of the Benefices in Cornwall, their patronage, &c., pp. 300-18. BADCOCK, John. -See Pearce, John (d. 185i;. BAIN, Richard, b. Redruth. Lynil^a, or revelations of the heart, and other^oeins. By R. Bain. Lond., Longman, 'l86l, 8"., pp. xii and 296. The Duplicator. Bep. B.O.P.Soc, 1838, p. 150. Refractometer. ib., 1842, pt. ii, p. 63. BALL ANT YNE, Robert Michael (son of Alex. Ballantyne, Publisher, who d. 1847). b. Edin- burgh, 24 Apl., 1825. Deep Down. A Tale of the Cornish Mines. By R. M. Ballantyne. Illust. Lond., James Nisbet, 1869, 8"., pp.420, 5/-. BAMPTON, A. Hamilton, C.E. b. London, Mch., 1823. d. Northill, Devon, Mch. 4, 1857. cf Gent. Mag.,u, 501, (1857). Summary of Meteorological Observations made at Flora Place, Plymouth. Bef. B.O.P.Soc, 1841, p. 150. BANNISTER, Rev. John, LL.D. V. of St. Day, 1857. b. York, 1816. d. St. Day, 30 Aug., 1873. hur. St. Day; 4 Sept. A Glossary of Cornish names, ancient and modern, local, familiar, personal, etc. ; 20,000 Celtic and other names now or formerly in use in Cornwall, with derivations and significations, for the most part conjectural, -suggestive and tentative of many, and lists of unexplained names about which information is solicited. By the Rev. J. Bannister, LL.D., Vicar of St. Day. Williams and Norgate, London and Edinburgh ; J. R. Netherton, Truro, [printed.] n.d., [1871,] 80., pp. XX and 212, 12/-. Note. — Dedicated to Augustus Smith, Esq., of Tresooe Abbey, Isles of Scilly. This work was brought out in 7 parts. The Supplement which was to have formed 3 additional parts was never published owing to the decease of the author. B BAEHAM. 10 BAEHAM. BANNISTEE, Eev. John, LL.D. (Con.). Nomenclature. Jown. R.I.O., 1866, Oct., pp. 104-16. "Jews in Cornwall," and "Marazion." ih., 1867, Oct., pp. 324-42. St. Michael's Mount. N. and Q., 3 S., xi, 357- 58, (1867). Jews in Cornwall, ib., 3 S., xi, 456. Cornish Name of St. Michael's Mount, ib., 3 S., xii, 51. Park or field, ib., 4 S., iv, 146, (1869). Cornish and Welsh, ib., A S., iv, 456. Thornton as a local name, ib., 4 S., v, 588- 89, (1870). Passion plays in Cornwall, ib., 4 S., viii, 77, (1871). Cornish Names. Bep. B.O.P.Soc, 1869, pp. 57-65. Abstract of a paper on Cornish Names. Eep. and Trans. Plymouth Instif. and D. and 0. Nat. Hist. Soc, iv, 49-56, (1869-70). Abstract of a paper on the " Mystery of the Passion," at Ammergau, and in Cornwall, ib., iv, 373-82, (1872-73). BANSTITTLE, Adinoeam, aKas Tinderbox. See Austen, Samuel (the younger). BARAGWANETH, Eobin. pseud, i.e. The Wooden Horse for the Eounder and The Horse without a Head... by me Eobin Barag- waneth. Penzance, 1824, 12". to Jeffery, John. BAEAGWENETH, Barzillai. pseud, i.e., Pas- coe, Charlotte Champion. BAEHAM, Charles, M.D. (ith son of T. F. Bar- ham, who d. 1844^. Physician to Eoyal Corn- wall Infirmary, b. Truro, 9 Mch., 1804. Tables of the revenue, population, commerce, etc., of the United Kingdom and its dependen- cies. Presented to both Houses of Parliament. Lond., W. Clowes and Son, 1841, fol. Note.— Contains Abstract of the Parish Eegisters of Tavistock from 1617 to 1836, [By C. Barham.l pp 333-47. Children's Employment Commission. Appen- dix to First Eeport of Commissioners. Mines. Part I. Eeports and evidence. Presented to both Houses of Parliament. Lond., W. Clowes and Son, 1842, fol. Note. — Contains Eeport by C. Barham, Esq., on the employment of children and young persons in the mines of Cornwall and Devon, [with plans of North Eoskear and Bast Wheal Crofty mines,] pp. 731-820. Evidence collected by C. Barham, Esq., pp. 821-54. BAEHAM, Charles, M.D. (Oon.). Children's Employment Commission. Appen- ' dix to Second Report ..Trades and Manufac- tures. Part n...Lond., W. Clowes and Son 1842, fol. Note. — Contains Eeport of C. Barham, Esq., on the employment of children and young persons in Iron Foundries in the West of England, pp. S. i, to S. 10. Sanitary Inquiry — England. Local Eeports on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of England, etc... Lond., W. Clowes and Son, 1842, fol. Note. — Contains Eeport on the Sanitary State of the Labouring Classes in the town of Truro, by 0. Barham, Esq., pp. 16-35. Some remarks on the diseases of miners. Rep. B.I.O., 1840, pp. 26-29, 67-73. A series of tables illustrative of the results obtained from a minute abstract of the Eegister of deaths for the parishes of St. Mary, St. Cle- ment, St. Allen, St. Erme, St. Agnes and Perran- zabuloe, arranged by Dr. Barham. ib., 1841, pp. 46-50. Horary observations at the equinoxes and the solstices, 1841, made at Truro, ib., 1841, p. 59. On the climate of Cornwall, ib., 1846, pp, 68-70. Accidents and diseases of miners, ib., 1847, p. 64. Abstract of Eemarks by S. Birch, Esq., of the British Museum, on a bronze bull found at St. Just in Penwith, with some account of the intercourse of the Phoenicians with Cornwall. ib., 1850, pp. 47-56. [Archceol. Journ., vii, 8-16, 120, 1850.] Notice of a waterspout seen 27 Mar., 1855. ib., 1.855, pp. 32-34. Eemarks on meteorology, ib., 1856, pp. 28-33. Meteorology of Cornwall. Journ. B.I.C., 1864, pp. 64-70, and continuing periodically. Ancient Graves at Hallstatt (Upper Austria). ib., Apl., 1865, pp. 60-63. The ancient inscribed stones at Tregony and Cubert. 2 plates, ib., Apl., 1866, pp. 47-58. [Journ. Camb. Archceol. Soc., xii, 417-29, 1866.] Rainfall in Sept., 1866. ib., Oct., 1866, pp. 174-75. Flint Flakes, ib., Oct., 1866, pp. 175-76. On rainfall and moisture, ib., Apl., 1872, pp. Ixxi-lxxiii. Eemarks on fatal accidents to Miners. Bep. B.C.P.Soc.,A84:l, pp. 9-10. Meteorological Eeport. ib., 1842, pt. i, p. 27. Eemarks on the Abstract of the Parish Eeg- ister of Tavistock. Jomn. Statis. Soc. of London, iv, 34-39, (1841). BAEHAM. 11 BARHAM. BAEHAM, Charles, M.D. (Gm.J. Address in medicine, delivered at Torquay, 1 Aug., 1 860. On climate in some of its medical aspects. Brit. Medical Jov/rn., 1860, pp. 659-61, 679-80, 697-701. President's Address at Meeting at Truro, 5 June,' 1861. ib., ii, 18-19, (1861). cf. also pp. 97, 161. On the Annual Meeting of the Association at Plymouth, ib., ii, 83, (1871). On the diseases of miners in Cornwall, etc. President's Address, ib., ii, 241, 253-55. Memoir of the late Clement Carlyon, Esq., M.D. West Briton, 11 Mch., 1864. BAEHAM, Francis (5th son of T. F. Barham, who d. 1844J. b. Leskinnick, Penzance, 31 May, 1808. d. Bath, 9 Feb., 1871. bur. Wid- combe Cemetery, cf. N. and Q., 3 S., v, 36, 120, (1864). A memorial of Francis Barham, a selection of autobiographical and other compositions from his unpublished manuscripts, together with a few papers and reports of lectures that have already been published. Edited by Isaac Pitman. Lond., Fred. -Pitman, 20, Paternoster Row: Bath, Isaac Pitman... Truro, J. E. Netherton, 1873, sm. 8"., pp. Iv and 495. Note. — The 495 pages are in the phonetic character. The Adamus Exul of Grotius, or the Proto- type of Paradise Lost. Now first translated from the Latin by F. Barham. Lond., Sherwood, Gilbert and Piper, 1839, 8°., pp. xii and 52, 2/6. M. Guizot's Theory of syncretism and coali- tion. Translated from his celebrated article "Catholicism, protestantism and philosophy," "by F. Barham.] Lond., Jas. Eidgway. n.d., 1839,] 8"., pp. 16, 1/-. The Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, chiefly of England... By Jeremy Collier, M.A. New ed. with a life of the author, the contro- versial tracts connected with the history, notes and an enlarged index by F. Barham, Esq. Lond., W. Straker, 1840, 9 vols., 8«., 90/-. A loyal address to the Queen's most gracious Majesty [on catholicity or sjmcretism.] Signed A. [i.e., F. Barham.] Wertheimer and Co., printers, Finsbury Circus, n.d., [1840,] 8"., pp. 8. Alist, An autobiography or an author's life in the nineteenth century. Part I. [By F. Bar- ham.] Lond., Jas. Darling. w.<^., [1840,] 8"., pp. 20, 1/-. The Alist or Divine, a message to our tmies. Lend., James Darling. n.d., [1840,] 8». Note. — 3 Parts extending to pp. 48. 6d. each part. BAEHAM, Feanois. (Cm.). The Hebrew and English Holy Bible. The Hebrew reprinted from the text of Heidenheim. The English version compared with the original the late Solomon Bennett... The Hebrew- text revised... by Mr. H. A. Henry. Edited by F. Barham. Lond., printed for the family of the late S. Bennett, 1841, 40., 5/-. Note.— The Editor's Preface is signed " F.B., Feb., 1841," and occupies pp. 1-6. This work was to have come out in Parts at 2/6 each, and to have formed 3 vols., but was discontinued after 96 pages were printed. The political works of Marcus Tullius Cicero . . .Translated from the original with dissertations aid notes. By F. Barham. Lond., Edmund Spettigue, 1841-42, 2 vols., 8"., 21/-. The Treatises of M. T. Cicero, on the nature of the gods, on divination, on fate, on the re- public, on the laws, and on standing for the consulship. Literally translated, chiefly by the Editor, C. D. Yonge, B.A. [Bohn's Classical Lib.,] 1853, 8°. Note. — The Treatises on divination, fate, laws, and republic (occupying pp. 141-484) were F. Barham's translations revised and collated by the Editor. Socra'fes. A Tragedy, in five acts, [and ia verse.] By F. Barham. Lond., W. E. Painter, 1842, 8°., pp. 74, 2/6. The Life and Times of John Reuchlin or Capnion, the father of the German Eeformation. By F. Barham. Lond., Whittaker and Co., 1843, 12"., pp. xii and 284, 5/-. The Spirit of literature, a collection of re- markable tracts and pamphlets. [By F. Barham.] Vol. I. Contents. Alist an Autobiography. — The Alist or Divine. — Guizot's Essay on Syncretism andooalition. — Grotius' Adamus Exul. — Socrates, a tragedy. Lond., Sherwood and Bowyer, 1844, 80., 5/-. Note. — Each of the tracts mentioned above has a distinct title and pagination. A. An odd medley of Uterary curiosities ori- ginal and selected. By A. F. ]3arham. Lond., published by the Author, 6, Warwick Court, Gray's Inn. n.d., [1845,] 8°. Note. — Part I,"A, and the doctrine thereof, pp. 16, Part II, A memoir of the late James Pierrepont Greaves, Esq., pp. 23, 1/- each. With Part II is usually bound up " Letters and extracts from the MS. writings of J. P. Greaves, [By Alexander Campbell.] Lond., published at the Conoordium, Ham Gommoxt, Surrey," 1843, 2 vols., 8°. Prospectus. The Alist, a monthly magazine of divinity and universal literature. Price Half-a- crown. Edited by Alist Francis Barham, 67, Chancery Lane, London, where prospectuses may be procured, n.d., [1845,] 8°., pp. 4. Note. — It is probable that no portion of this maga- zine was ever published. BARHAM. 12 BAEHAM. BAEHAM, Fbanois. (Gon.). A Key to Alism and the highest initiations, Sacred and Secular. With Miscellaneous Pieces, original and select. By A. F. Barham. Lond., J. Johnstone, 1847, 8°., 5/-. Note. — This book contains under this general title the following works, etc. General Title and preface, 3 leaves. A, alphabetically interpreted, 1 leaf. A, An odd Medley, 1845, 8°. Alist, An autobiography, 1840, 8°. The Alist or divine. 2 Parts only, 1840, S". The Adamus Exul of Grotius, 1839, 8o. Socrates, a tragedy, 1842, 8°. A Lecture on the Advancement of Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts in Bristol and the West of England, delivered at the Bristol Insti- tution, Dec. 10, 1846. By F. Barham. Bristol, printed and published by J. Chilcott, 1847, 8"., pp. 16, 6d. Man's Eight to God's Word. Translated [By F. Barham] from the French Prize Essay of M. Boucher. With a recommendatory preface by the Hon. and Eev. H. Montagu Villiers, M.A.... Lond., J. F. Shaw, 1847, 8"., pp. xv and 128, 2/6. The Bible revised. A carefully corrected trans- lation of the Old and New Testament0By F. Barham. Lond., Houlston and Stoneman; J. Wright, Bristol, [printed,] 1848, IS". Note. — Brought out in Parts. Part I. The Book of Bcclesiastes, pp. viii and 36, 6d. Part II. The Song of Solomon, pp. xii and 30, 6d. Part III. The Book of Micah, pp. x and 28, 6d. The New Bristol Guide, a poem, by F. Barham. Bristol, 1850, S". The Pleasures of Piety. A poem. By F. Bar- ham. Lond., Hamilton, Adams and Co. ; Whereat, Weston-super-mare, [printed,] 1850, 18°., pp. 94, 6d. Improved monotessaron, a complete authentic gospel life of Christ, combining the words of the four gospels in a revised version and an orderly chronological arrangement. By F. Barham... Lond., Eivingtons, 1862, 12°., pp. 258, 3/6. Elucidation of the causes of the phenomena of the hot waters of Bath. By F. Barham. Bath, E. E. Peach, Bridge St. [Bath, printed by J. and J. Keene,] 1864, 12"., pp. 16, 3d. A rhymed harmony of the gospels. By F. Barham and Isaac Pitman. Printed both in Phonetic and in the customary spelUng...Lond., F. Pitman; Bath, I. Pitman, [printed,] 1870, 80., pp. 262, 2/6. The writings of Solomon comprising the Book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and Psalms Ixxii, cxxvii. Translated by F. Barham. Printed both in phonetic and in the customary spelling... Lond., F. Pitman; Bath, L Pitman, [printed,] 1870, 16»., pp. 288, 1/6. BABHAM, Fbanois. (C.m.). Ode on Cornwall. By F. B[arham,] Devonport. Cornish Mag., iii, 12-13, (1828). Memoir of Thomas Foster Barham, M.B. By F. Barham. In The Inquirer. See Barham, T. F., who d. 1869. Note. — F. Barham at one period advocated the formation of a religious association, 'to be called Alists or Godists, some of his works on this subject have A. F. Barham or Alist Francis Barham on the title page. F. Barham also published the following : — A Life of Edward Colston, of Bristol. The fables of Lokman. Translated from the Arabic. The Copernican Astronomy of the Bible. BAEHAM, Thomas Foster (son of Josep\Foster, who took the name of Barham by authority of a Private Act of Parliament, and in accordance with the will of Henry Barham). h. Bedford, 8 Oct., 1766. d. Leskinnick, Penzance, 25 Feb., 1844. cf. Gent. Mag., xxi, 441, (1844); Geo. Dyer's Life of Roht. Robinson, (1796), pp. 317- 20. Letter from a Trinitarian to a Unitarian. Penzance, T. Vigurs, 1811. Most Important Question. What fs true and real religion? Penzance, T. Vigurs, 1814. Abdallah or the Arabian Martyr, a Christian drama in three acts [and in verse.] Lond., printed by J. Hatchard and Son, 1820, 8°., pp. 32. Note. — "Dedicated to Miss Lydia GrenfeU, of Mar- azion, by the Author [T. P. Barham,] Leskinnic House, Apl., 1820." Abdallah, or the Arabian Martyr... with a Poem on the same subject, by James Mont- gomery, Esq. 2nd ed., revised and enlarged. By T. F. Barham, Formerly of St. John's Col- lege, Cambridge. Printed for the Author [by Vigurs, Penzance,] and sold by Hatchard, Picca- dilly, 1821, 8°., pp. 46, 2/6. Note. — Dedicated to Sir Eose Price, Bart., Presi- dent of the Bible and Jews' Societies and Church Mis- sionary Association at Penzance and to Lady Price, President of the Ladies' Bible Association. Elijah, a sacred poem in four cantos. By T. F. Barham. Printed for the Author [by Vigurs, Penzance,] and sold by Hatchard and Son, Pic- cadilly, 1822, 8°., pp. 38, 2/-. Colonel Gardiner. A Christian Drama in three parts. By a Bible Student formerly of St. John's College, Cambridge, [i.e., T. F. Barham.] Lond., sold by Hatchard and Son, Piccadilly... and Vigurs, Penzance, [printed,] 1823, 8"., pp. 59, 2/6. Note. — " To the Military and Naval Bible Society . this little work is most respectfully dedicated and the profits of the publication devoted by the Author." BAEHAM. 13 BABHAM. BAEHAM, Thomas Postbk. (Con.). Pergolesi's celebrated Stabat Mater or Cal- vary. With English words written for the pur- pose substituted in the place of the ancient Latin Verses, and the instrumental parts arrang- ed for the organ or piano forte, which may be accompanied (ad libitum) by two violins and violineello, calculated either for public or family use. By T. F. Barham... Printed for the author, and sold by J. Power, 34, Strand... engraved by J. P. Vibert, Penzance, 1829, fol., pp. vi and 40, 10/6. Eeliquise Serise, or Christian Musings. Part I. Earth and Comet, or Deep Things of God. Part -II. Short Pieces in verse. By EAAXISTOS, \pseud. i.e., T. F. Barham,] Formerly of St. John's College, Cambridge, and author of various publications. Lond., sold by Hatchards...l836, pp. 81, 1/6. Note. — T.F.Barham also published fhe following : — The TJnla-wfulness of Oaths for Christians. Lond., Hatchard, 1833. Lander Africanus. A Musical Drama. Printed for the Author, by T. Vigurs, Penzance, 1834. The Scripture Millennium Nigh. 1840. Scripture Doctrine. A Lay Sermon. Lend., Hatch- ard,- 1842. Joseph Foster Barham, eldest brother of T. F. Bar- ham was born near Bedford, 1 Jan, 1759. He published in 1823 a tract entitled " Considerations on the abolition of negro slavery." BAEHAM, Thomas Foster, M.B. (eld. son of the preceding). Physician to Exeter Dispensary. b. Hendon, Middlesex, 10 Sept., 1794. d. High- week, Newton Abbot, 3 Mch., 1869. bur. High- week, 8 Mch. cf. Reg. & Mag. of Biog., i, 306, (1 869); Thelnquirer, aweehly \Unitarian\Journal, 6 Mch., 1869, .p. 157, 13 Mch., pp. 167-68; Trans. Devonshire Assoc., vol. iii, (1869). Genuine Christianity, or the unitarian doctrine briefly stated. By A Physician, [i.e., T. F. Bar- ham.] Penzance, 1824, 8"., 6d.— 2nd ed., enlarg- ed. By a Physician. Falmouth, printed and sold by James Philp and by E. Hunter, St. Paul's Churchyard, London, 1826, 12"., pp. 61, 1/-. • A Eeply to the Eev. C. V. Le Grice, [q.v.,] by the Author of The Unitarian Doctrine briefly stated. 1824, 80. The Beginning : or God's three self unequal making Motions, spoken of in the first, second and third verses of the first book of Moses called Genesis, [by T. F. Barhato ?] Penzance, 1826, 40. One God the Father or the Unitarian doctrine briefly stated. By T. F. Barham. 3rd ed. enlarged. Lond., John Mardon, 19, St. Martin's le Grand; [Welsford, printer, Exeter,] 1835, 80., pp. 120. One God the Father or the strict and proper monotheism of the gospel vindicated. By T. F. BAEHAM, Thomas Fosteb, M.B. (Con.). Barham. A new ed. r4th ed.] revised and en- larged. Lond., Whitfield, Green and Son, 1867, pp. viii and 176, 2/6. An Introduction to Greek Grammar on a new plan, for the use of Schools and Private Students. By T. F. Barham, Late of Queen's College, Cam- bridge. Lond., Eowland Hunter, St. Paul's Churchyard, 1829, 80., pp. xii and 152, 4/6. Greek roots in English rhymes, illustrated by examples for fixing the sense and assisting the memory. By T. F. Barham. Lond., published by Baldwin and Cradock, 1837, 12"., pp. xvi and 162. The Enkheiridion of Hehfaistiown concerning metres and poems, translated inta English and illustrated by notes and a rhythmical notation with prolegomena on rhj"thm and accent. By T. F. Barham, M.B. Cambridge, printed at the University Press for J. and J. J. Deighton, 1843, 8"., pp. X and 230, 8/6. Note. — The Prolegomena are highly commended in Orote's Bist. of Gree.ce, iv, 107. Philadelphia or the claims of humanity, a plea for social and religious reform. By T. F. Barham. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1858, 8°., pp. viii and 448. Free Catholicism ; the Principle of Unity in the Christian Church. An address-delivered at the opening of Philadelphia Hall, Newton, for religious worship, Feb. 23, 1862. By T. F. Barham, M.B. Sold [and printed] by Chappie, Newton Bushel; Whitfield, 178, Strand, Lon- don. n.d., [1862,] 120., pp_ 24, 6d. The Prospect of Eternity. A Sermon by the late Dr. Barham, which he was preparing for the following Sunday morning service, at the Free Christian Church, Newton Abbot, an hour before his death, on Wednesday, March 3rd, 1869. Published by permission. Sold by J. Pascoe, Bank Street, Newton Abbot. [Printed at Western Times Ofiice, Exeter,] 1869, 8"., pp. 11. The Iliad of Homer. Book I. Eendered into English Hexameters. By T. F. Barham, M.B., Cantab. A Memorial Publication. Lond., Fred. Pitman, 20, Paternoster Eow, E.C., 1871, 8°., pp. 28. • Note. — Preface signed " C. B[arham,] Truro, Sept., 1871." ' Letters on the Atonemeat. Monthly Repository, xiii, 235, (1818), xiv, 356, (1819). Note. — T. F. Barham published further communica- tions to the Monthly Repository in 1822 and following years. The first Sabbath morning. An Ode. VFesleyan Methodist Mag., xlvi, 707, (1823). BAENES. 14 BARNWELL. BAEEAM, Thomas Fosteb, M.B. (Con.). St. Michael's Mount, the Iktis of Diodorus Siculus. Trans. R.G.S.C, iii, 86-112, (1825). On the Temperature of Mines ib., iii, 150-65. An Account of some Ancient Circles on Botrea Hill, in the parish of Sancreed, etc. Plate, ib., iii, 192-202, (1826). Abstract of Meteorological Journal kept at Penzance. Selector or Cornish Mag., ii, 92, (1827). Meteorological Eegister kept at Exeter. Rep. R.I.C., 1839, p. 73, and continued until 1849. Meteorological Register kept at Exeter. Rep. R.C.P.Snc, 1840, p. 69; 1841, p. 142. On Metrical Time ; or the IRhythm of Verse, Ancient and Modern. Trans. Philol. Soc, 1860- 61, pt. i, 45-62. On the Amount and Distribution of Sunshine. Trans. Devonshire Assoc, pt., iii, p. Ill, (1864). On the Principle of Ehythm, as applied to English Verse, ib., pt. v, pp. 39-44, (1866). Note. — Will. Barham, 2nd son of the preceding, published at Gravesend in 1847 "Descriptions of Niagara; selected from yaiiious travellers, with original additions." BAENES, Eev. Reginald Henry. V. of St. Mary Church, Devon, 1860. h. Exeter, 12th Feb., 1831. The Exeter Diocesan Calendar and Clergy List of Cornwall and Devon. Ed. by Eev. E. H. Barnes, Eev. Henry H. Du Boulay, and George Huxham. Map of the Diocese. Exeter, H. Besley, 1859, cr. 8"., 1/-. Pub. annually. BARNES, Eev. Eichard William. P.C. of East and West Looe, 1845-49; V. of Probus, 1849 ; Prebendary of Exeter, 1853. The authority due to the opinions of Eev. H. E. Head, Rector of Feniton, on Apostolic Suc- cession and other Theological Subjects, considered. By R. W. Barnes, Curate of Northleigh, Devon. Honiton, Spurway, 1839, 8"., pp. 81, 1/6. Note. — Another edition has no date on title page. A Sermon preached at the Visitation of the Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Exeter, at the Cathe- dral Church of St. Peter, Exeter, on St. Peter's Day, 1842. By E. W. Barnes, R. of Dunchideock and Shillingford. Exeter, P. A. Hannaford; Lond., Rivington, 1842, 8"^., pp. 24. The Last Three Sermons preached in the Church of Looe, Cornvpall, by the late Perpetual Curate of East and West Looe, [i.e., R. W. Barnes.] Truro, J. E. Netherton, 1850, 8°., pp. 43, 1/6. A Sermon preached in the Church of Probus, Cornwall, on the day of Thanksgiving for 'the Taking of Sebastopol, Sunday, October 7, 1855. By E. W. Barnes. Lond., Mozley; Truro, J. R. Netherton [printed,] 1855, 8^, pp. 15. BAENES, Rev. E. W. (Con.). Public Opinion. Considered in Letters between one of his Friends and E. W. Barnes. Lond!., Mozley; Truro, J. E. Netherton [printed,] 1855, 8"., pp. 238, 6/-. Let Well Alone : or Removal of Blemishes from Church and State. By Alazon \^pseud. i.e., R. W. Barnes.] Lond., Longman ; Truro, J. R. Netherton, [printed,] 1860, 8«., pp. 197, 6/-. Confirmation, Holy Communion, Ordination, Four Sermons. By the Rev. R. W. Barnes. Lond.,, Longman ; Truro, J. R. Netherton [printed,] 1860, 8"., pp. 64, 1/6. Christmas Day Sermons preached in the Parish Church of Probus, Cornwall, Christmas Day, 1864. By the Rev. R. W. Barnes. Lond., Rivingtons ; Truro, J. R. Netherton [printed,] 1864, 8«., pp. 26, 1/-. New- Year's Day Sermons preached in the Parish Church of Probus, Cornwall, on New- Year's Day, 1865. By the Rev. R. W. Barnes. Lond., Rivingtons; Truro, J. R. Netherton [printed,] 1865, 8o., pp. 35, 1/-. Appendix and Imaginary Criticisms. [By Rev. R. W. Barnes.] Lond., Rivingtons; Truro, J. R. Netherton [printed,] 1865, 8"., pp. 132, 3/6. The Repentance of Judas. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Probus, Cornwall, on the Sunday next before Easter, 1865. By the Rev. R. W. Barnes. Lond., Rivingtons; Truro, J. R. Netherten [printed,] 1865, 8"., pp. 15, 6d. Sermons preached at Looe and Morval, Corn- wall, on the Second Sunday in Advent, Dec. 6, 1868. By the Rev. R. W. Barnes. Truro, J. R. Netherton, 1868,-80., pp. 43, 1/-. Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Probus, Cornwall, on the First Sunday in the year, the Second Sunday after Christmas, January 3rd, 1869. By the Rev. R. W. Barnes. With an Appendix. Truro, J. R. Netherton, 1869, 8"., pp. 67, 1/6. Three Sermons preached in Exeter Cathedral, on the 7th, 8th, and 9th Sundays after Trinity, July 11th, 18th, and 25th, 1869. By the Rev. R. W. Barnes. Lond., Rivingtons, 1869, 8"., pp. 75, 1/6. A Sermon on the Death of Henry, Lord Bishop of Exeter, preached in Probus Church, on the 18th Sunday after Trinity, Sep. 26, 1869. By the Rev. R. W. Barnes. Truro, J. R. Nether- ton, 1869, 80., pp. 14, 6d. BARNWELL, Rev. Edward Lowry, M.A. h. Bath. Bee Five Huts at Bosphrennis, in the parish of Zennor. 7 woodcuts. Archml. Camb., ix, 120- 29, (1863). Chto Castle, ib., xi, 157, 195, (1865). BASSET. 15 BATE. BAREETT, Mr. A Section of the Stream Works west of the Par Estuary, [illustrative of Mr. R. A. 0. Austen's jpaper on the English Channel.] Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Land., vii, 120, (1851). BARRINGTON, Hon. Daines, F.R.S. (ith son of 1st Viscount Barrington). 6. 1727. d. King's Bench Walk, Temple, 14 Mch., 1800. On the Expiration of the Cornish La;nguage. iSee Jeffery, Dorothy. BARTLETT, George, h. Brixham, 10 Aug., 1810. On the post tertiary formations of Cornwall and Devon. Brit. Assoc. Sect., 1841, p. 61. BARTLETT, Rev. John, B.A. (son of John Bartlett, who d. Plymouth, Aug., 1866y. V. of St. Blazey, 1853; V. of Millbrook, Devonport, 1863. h. Egg Buckland, Devon, 1829. The History of the Parish of St. Blazey. A Lecture by the Rev. J. Bartlett, Vicar of St. Blazey, delivered Dec. 16, 1856. Lond., J. R. Smith ; Plymouth, R. Lidstone [printed.] n.d., [1856,] 8«., pp. 40, 1/-. " I have a message from God unto thee." A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of St. Blazey, Cornwall, on the 2nd Sunday after Trinity (June 5), 1853. By the Rev. J. Bartlett, B.A., Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, the Incum- bent. Printed for Private Circulation. [Lidstone, Printer, Plymouth and Devonport,] 1853, 8"., pp. 20. BASSET, Captain. See Civil War Tracts, (1642), in Part II. BASSET, Rt. Hon. Frances (only dau. of Baron Be Dunstanville). Baroness Basset of Stratton, 1835. h. Apl., 1781. d. TehidyPark, 22 Jan., 1855. Monu. Illogan. cf. Gent. Mag., xliii, 304- 305, (1855). BASSET, Sir Francis. See De Dunstanville. BASSET, John, M.P. (son of Bev. John Basset, who d. 1816;. M.P. Helston, 1840. b. 17 Nov., 1791. bapt. Illogan, 28 Nov. d. Boppart, on the Rhine, 4 July, 1843. c/. Gent. Mag., xx, 323, (1843). Remarks and Suggestions as to the re-estab- Jishment of the Mining Courts of the Duchy of Cornwall : with a Letter addressed to the Earl of Falmouth, as Chairman of the Committee. By J. Basset. Lond., J. Bigg, 1836, 8°., pp. 14. Thoughts on the Stannary Bill, as framed in the last Session of Parliament, and also with a BASSET, John, M.P. (Con.). view to its future improvement, addressed to the Marquis of Hertford, Lord Warden of the Stan- naries. Signed J. Basset, Dec. 3, 1836. Truro, E. Heard, n.d., [1836,] 8»., pp. 41. Origin and History of the Bounding Custom, with remarks on the best mode of modifying the system to present purposes ; together with some observations on the rise and progress of the Nullum Tempus Act. By J. Basset. Truro, E. Heard, 1839, 8"., pp. 50. Observations on Cornish Mining as it is likely to be affected by the present tariff, proposed by Sir R. Peel. By J. Basset. Lond., J. Rodwell, 1842, 8»., pp. 20. On the Machinery used for raising miners in the Hartz. Bep. B.G.P.Soc, 1840, p. 59. , BASTIAN, Henry Charlton, M.A., M.D., F.R.S. (son of James Bastian). Professor of Pathological Anatomy in University College, London, b. Truro. The modes of origin of lowest organisms, in- cluding a discussion of the, experiments of M. Pasteur, and a reply to some statements by Pro- fessors Huxley and Tyndall. By H. C. Bastian. Lond. and New York, Macmillan and Co., 1871, 8". On the Falmouth Flora. Bep. B.G.P.Soc, 1856, pp. 83-112. On the mode of origin of secondary cancerous gi'owths. The Medical Mirror, i, 622-31, (1864). On the Structure and Nature of the Dracun- culus or Guinea Worm. Trans. Linn. Soc, xxiv, 101-134, (1863). Monograph on the Anguillulidae, or Free Ne- matoids, marine, land, and fresh water, with description of 100 new species, ib., xxv, pt. ii, 73-185, (1865). On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Nema- toids, parasitic and free. Philos. Trans., clvii, pt. ii, 545-639, (1866). The Human Brain. Macmillan's Mag., Ixxiii, 63-71, (1866). BATE, Charles Spence, F.R.S., F.L.S. (son of Chas. Bate, who d. Vhuley, near Ashburton, 19 Oct., 1872, aged 83J. b. Trenick House, near Truro, 16 Mch., 1819. •Catalogue of the Specimens of the Amphi- podous Crustacea in the Collection of the British Museum. By C. S. Bate. [Ed. by J. E. Gray.] 58 plates. Lond., printed by order of the Trus- tees, [by Taylor and Francis,] 1862, 8**., pp. iv and 400. A History of the British Sessile-eyed Crus- tacea. By 0. S. Bate and John Obadiah West- BATE. 16 BATE. BATE, Chables Spenoe, F.E.S. (Cm.). •wood. 500 illustrations. Lond., John Van Voorst, 1863-68, 2 vols., impl. 8"., 115/6. Note. — Brought out in 23 Parts at 5/-. First Part dated 1 Oct., 1861, the last, 31 Dec, 1868. The Pathology of dental caries. By C. S. Bate. From the Transactions of The Odonto- logical Society of Great Britain. 14 plates. Lond., Cox and Wyman, 1864, 8o., pp. 64. On Fossil Remains recently discovered in Bacon Hole, Gower, also other Remains from beneath the bed of the River Tawey. Brit. Assoc. Sect., 1848, pp. 62-63. Notes on some Tubicolae. ib., 1849, pp. 72-73. Notes on the Boring of Marine Animals, ib., 1849, pp. 73-75. Notes on Crustacea, ib., 1850, pp. 115-18. On the Morphology of the Pyenogonidse... ib., 1853, p. 66. Notice of a New Crustacean, ib., 1856, p. 91. On the British Edriophthalma. Brit. Assoc. Bep., 1855, pp. 18-62. On a New Species of lone. Brit. Assoc. Sect., 1863, p. 98. On a human skull and the bones of animals found with pottery in a Kjoktenmodden, on the coast of Cornwall, ib., 1864, p. 88. On an ancient Cornish Barrow, ib., 1864, p. 88. On the genus Anceus. ib., 1865, p. 83. Report of the Committee appointed to explore the Marine Fauna and Flora of the south coast of Devon and Cornwall. Brit. Assoc. Bep., 1865, pp. 51-56. An attempt to approximate the data of the Flint Flakes of Devon and Cornwall. Brit. Assoc. Sect., 1866, p. 50. On the dentition of the common mole, ib., 1866, p. 69. On the Fauna and Flora of the southern coast of Devon and Cornwall. Brit. Assoc. Bep., 1867, pp. 275-87. On the Geographical Distribution of the British genera of the Sessile-eyed Crustacea. Brit. Assoc. Sect., 1868, p. 69. Notes on Crustacea. 3 plates. Ann. Nat. Hist , vi, 109-111, (1850); vii, 297-300, (1851). On a new genus and several new species of British Crustacea, ib., vii, 318-21. On the Terebella Medusa, ib., viii, 237-39. On the development of the Cirripedia. ib., viii, 324-32. On some Crustacea dredged by Mr. Barlee, in the Shetlands. ib., x, 356-57, (1852). BATE, Chakles Spenoe, F.E.S. (Con.). On the Homologies of the Carapace, and on . the Structure and Function of the Antennae in Crustacea, ib., xvi, 36-46, 1855. [Also found as a Pamphlet, 8».] On the British Diastylidse. ib., xvii, 449-65, (1856). On the genus Cuma. ib., xix, 106-107, (1857), A Synopsis of the British Edriophthalmous Crustacea. Part i, Amphipoda. «&., xix, 135-52. On the British Edriophthalma. ib., xx, 524- 25. On the nidiiication of Crustacea, ib., i, 161- 169, 1858. [Annates des Sciences, Paris, ix, 255- 64, 1858.] On some new genera and species of Crustacea amphipoda. ib., i, 361-62. On Pranzia and Anceus and their affinity to each other, ib., ii, 165-72. On some British Diastylidae. ib., iii, 273-74, (1859). On the morphology of some amphipoda of the division Hypernia. ib., viii, 1-15, (1861). Note on the supposed " Discovery of an ex- tremely minute Vertebrate Lower Jaw in mud dredged at St. Helena, by Dr. Wallich." ib., x, 440-41, (1862). - Carcionological Gleanings, ib., xv, 81-88, (1865); xvii, 24-31, (1866); i, 442-48, (1868). On the Dentition of the Common Mole, ib., xix, 377-81, (1867). On the Homologies of the Carapace. Proc. Linn. Soc, ii, 376-79, (1855). On the importance of an examination of the structure of the integuments of Crustacea in the determination of doubtful species . . . Journ. Linn. Soc, iii, 1-4, (Zool.) 1859. On the peridental membrane in its relation to the dental tissues. Brit. Journ. Dental Sci, i, 5-7, (1856). On the Natural History of Ivory, ib., i, 69- 73, 99-105. On the Structure of the Teeth, ib., ii, 35-40, 67-73, 195-97, 227-30, 257-58, 285-86, 313- 14, 341-44, 369-71, 397-99, 425-27, (1858-59), On Absorption. ' Trans. Odontological Soc, i, 21-30, (1858). On a method for constructing lower palates, ib., ii, 139-40, (1861). On the Treatment of Inflamed Dental Pulp. ib., iii, 338-57, (1863). BATE. 17 EAWDEN. BATE, Charles Spence, P.E.S. (Con.). Pathology of Dental Caries, xiv plates, ib., 1864. On the Dentition of the Mole, ib., 1867. Notes on the Teeth. Med. Gaz., 1850-51. Clack Csenaticum. Part i & ii. Glaclc. The Power of God exhibited in the Habits and Instincts of Marine and Fresh water Ani- mals, ib., Nos. i & ii. Seven days on the North Coast of Cornwall. ib., Nos. ii & iii. A child's last cry. ib.. No. v, p. 170. On a Cornish Kjokkenmodden. ib.. No. v, pp. 171-177. On the Flint Flakes of Devon and Cornwall. Illustrated. The so-called pre-historic weapons proved to belong to a historic period. Popular Science Beview, No. 23, April, 1867. BATES, William. Birmingham. Dolly Pentreath. N. & Q., 4th S., ii, p. 445. (1868). BATTEN, Capt. (in Part II). See CivU War Tracts, 1646 BATTEN FAMILY. Private Case between Elizabeth Darley and George Vincent Langworthy, relating to the Batten Estates in Cornwall, and other lands in Devon and Cornwall. Privately Printed, 1774, fol. BATTEN, Eev. Henry, M.A. P. 0. St. Mary's, Penzance, b. Penzance, 1813. d. Penzance, 10th March, 1860. Family Prayers for the Mornings and Even- ings of every day in the week, prepared for the use of the Members of St. Paul's congregation, Penzance, and respectfully dedicated to them by the Eev. H. B. Penzance, F. T. Vibert, 1845, 16°., pp. 48. A Sermon preached in St. Paul's Church, Penzance, April 5th, 1847, before the Guild Brothers, commonly called the Odd Fellows of the Manchester Unity. Penzance, T. Beare, 1847, 8"., pp. 12. A Sermon preached before the Mayor, Cor- poration, and Inhabitants of Penzance, in St. Mary's Church, Nov. 18, 1852, on the occasion of the public interment of His Grace the late Duke of Wellington. Penzance, F. T. Vibert, 1852, 8»., pp. 14, 6d. BATTEN, John, Junr., B.A. Barrister-at-Law. An Excursion to Carnac. Trans. P.N.H. & A. Soc, iii, 226 (1863). Y" Battel of y° Bonfyres. A Songe Sung in j° Yere of Grace MDCCCLXVIII. Truro, J. R. Netherton, 1868, 8°., pp. 6.— Reprinted in Ont and All, No. 3, Aug., 1868. BATTEN, Joseph. An Elegy on the death of Mr. Thomas Vigurs. Bath, Printed by W. Gye, and sold at his ofiice. Price Id., or 6/- per hundred, n.d. [1750], 8"., pp. 8. Br. Museum. Note. — Dedicated to Eev. Mr. Wills, of St. Agnes. BATTEN, Rev. Joseph Hallet, D.D., F.R.S., Fellow of Trin. Coll., Camb., Principal of the Bast India College, Haileybunj, Herts, b. Pen zance, 25th Aug., 1778. d. Brighton, 11th Oct., 1837. cf. Jour. B.I.G., 1869, April, p. xiv. Christian Courage. A Sermon preached be- fore the University of Cambridge, March 4th, 1832, and in the Chapel of the East India Col- lege, Hertfordshire. Lond., Rivington, 1832, 81., pp. 28. BATTEN, Joseph Hallet. Son of the pre- ceding. Late Bengal C.S., F.B.G.S., M.B.A.S. b. Haileybury, Herts, 5th May, 1811. Official Report on the Province of Kumaon, with a Medical Report on the Mahamurree, in Gurhwal, in 1849-50. Ed. under the orders of the Honble. the Lieut. Governor of the North West Provinces, by J. H. B., Esq., Commissioner of Kumaon. Secunda Orphan Press, Agra, 1851, 8°., pp. 467. Note of a visit to the Niti Pass of the grand Himalayan chain. Jour. Asiat. Soc. of Bengal, vii, 310-16, 1838. [Bibl. Univ. Geneve, xxii, 402- 406, 1839]. Journal of a visit to Melum and the Odonta Dhoora Pass, in Juwahir. ib., xi, 1157-81, 1842, Snow on the Himalayas. Calcutta Jour. Nat. Hist., iv, 537-39, 1844. Reply to Capt. Hutton's Remarks on the line of Perpetual Snow, ib., v, 383-87, 1845. BAUERMAN, Hilary, F.G.S., London. On the New Deep Adit in the Upper Hartz Mines. With Plan. Bep. Miners' Assoc, of D. & G, 1868, pp. 11-22. BAWDEN, Jane. A Friend, b. Penzance. d. 7th July, 1827, and was buried at Truro. A Short Account of Jane Bawden. Liskeard, C BAWDEN. 18 BEAEE. BAWDEN, Jane. {Con.). printed by E. Esterbrook, Pike Street, n.d., [18—1 12"., pp. 4. Jane Bawden. A Short Memoir. Manchester, Friends' Tract Assoc, No. 86, pp. 4. BAYLE, Mr. pseud., i.e., Penneck, Eev. H. BEAL, Eev. William, b. Devonport, 4th May, 1785. Many years resident at Liskeard. The Fathers of the Wesley Family, and refer- ences to their times. Weymouth, Benson ; Lond., Mason; 1833, 12«., pp. 122.— 2nd ed., with many additions, Lond., Freeman, [1862], cr. 8«., pp. 80. Note.— Preface to 2nd ed., dated Liskeard, March, 1862. Britain and the Gael, and the Gaelic Indices around Devonport and Liskeard. An Outline by W. B. Lond., Whittaker ; Plymouth, James Sellick [printed] ; 1855, 12". Britain and the Gael, or notices of old and successive races, but with special reference to the ancient men of Britain and its Isles. Some notes also on the eariy Briton, the Saxon Church, and the Eeformation. An Outline. Lond., Whittaker; Plymouth, James SeUick [printed] ; Liskeard, Matthews andPhilp; 1860, sm. 8"., pp. 161. BEAL, Eev. William (ekkst son of the preceding), LL.D., F.S.A. F. of Brooke, Norwich, b. Shef- field, 9th Dec, 1815. The West of England Magazine. Ed. by Eev. W. B. Plymouth, 1840-1847 (."). BEALE, William, b. Landrake, 1st January, 1784. d. London, 3rd May, 1854. cf. A Dic- tionary of Musicians, 1824, i, 67. An Original Air, with Variations, for the P. Forte. Lond., [1802 r], fol. Madrigal for four voices. [Begins "This pleasant month of May"]. Lond., [1813], fol. When whispering strains; a glee [for four voices] in commendation of music, the words by W. Strode. Lond., [1813?], obi. fol. , Awake, sweet muse [the words by E. Hewitt], the madrigal which gained the prize cup given by the Madrigal Society, Jan. 12th, 1813. Lond., [181:^-], fol. A First Book of Madrigals, Glees, etc., for 3, 4, and 5 voices. Op. 6. Lond., 1815, fol. Sonata for P. Forte, with an accompaniment for the Violin. Lond., [1815], fol. A second Sonata for the P. Forte, with an accompaniment for the Violin. Op. 8. Lond., [1816], fol. BEALE, William. (Con.). What ho ! a fourth Madrigal for four voices, words by H. Eobertson. Op. 9. Lond., 1816, fol. Go rose ; a glee for four voices [the words translated from the French of Bernis, by Charlotte Smith]. Lend., [1818 r], fol. The evening walk; a glee for four voices. [Begins "How sweet the calm"]. The poetry by Miss Carter. Lond., 1819, foL Ah ! tell me no more, my dear girl ; Canzonet, the words by Dr. Walcot. [Lond., 1820 1], fol. Collection of Glees and Madrigals. Lond., Birchall, 1820. Brutus ; a song, the words by Wm. Smith. Lond., [1822^], fol. Harmony; a glee for four voices, which gained the prize given by the Adelphi Glee Club, 1840, the words by E. Taylor. Lond., [1841], fol. In the pleasant summer day ; a cheerful glee, the poetry by W. E. Baker. Lond., [1843], fol. When lightly whisper through the air. Song, the words by J. L. EUerton. Lond., [1851], foL BEAED, John. Tov;n Clerk, Penzance, h. Pen- zance, bapt. 16th April, 1769. d. Penzance, 6th November, 1828. A Plain and brief Statement of an extraord- inary and interesting Case lately decided in the Court of Chancery, on a petition preferred originally in the year 1807, to the Lord Chan- cellor, by William Harris, an infant, against John Tremenheere, Gent., the Steward and Eeceiver of his Estates in the Connties of Corn- wall and Devon, for his Eemoval from the office of Eeceiver. Truro, Printed at the Cornwall Gazette Office, by T. Flindell. 1810, 4°., pp. 56. To the Worshipful the Mayor, the Eight Honourable and Worshipful the Eecorder, the Worshipful the Justice, and the Aldermen and Commonalty of Penzance. This translation of their charter, diligently collated with, and made literally from, the original, is respectfully pre- sented by their faithful and obedient humble servant, J. B., Town Clerk. Pensance, 1st January, 1825. J. P. Vibert, Lithog., Penzance, fol, pp. 22. Note. — An Abridgment of this is printed in the Cornish Teleg., 23rd November, 1864. BEAED, Eev. Thomas. V. of Alternon. d. 1663. cf. Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, pt. ii, p. 191. BEAEE, Thomas, fio. temp. Queen Eliz. Mineralogy. MSS. The BaUiffe of Blackmore. Harl. MSS., No. 6380. {Jow. R.I.C., 1865, April. App. p. 35). BE4UP0RT. 19 BELL. BEAUFORT, Rev. John. B. of St. Columb Major, 1644-79. cf. Walker's Sufferings, pt. ii, p. 191. BECHER, Jean Joachim. 6. Spire, 1625; d. London, 1685. Physician to the Elector of Bavaria, but afterwards, in 1680, a refugee in England. He visited the Cornisli mines in 1682. cf. Blog. Univer., 1811; Nomel. Biog. Gen., 1855; Rose; Trans. B.G.S.C., iv, 87-94 (1832). Alphabetum Minerals. Truro, 1682 (?). BECKET, Rev. Nicholas. A Preparation to the most Holie Ministrie, wherein is set downe the true meanes to be well prepared to the same. In two Books. Written in French by Peter Gerard, and Translated into English by N. B. Imprinted at London by Thomas Creed, for Thomas Man, 1598, sm. 8". Note. — Dedicated to the Author's loving Brethren, the Pastors and Ministers of Cornwall and Devon. BECKFORD, William, of Fonthill Abbey, b. London, 1760. d. Bath, 2nd May, 1844. Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Lond., Bentley, 1834, 2 vols., 8«., 28/-. Note. — Contains a long description of Falmouth and its neighbourhood, ii, 5 — 22. BEDDOES, Thomas, M.D. 6. Shropshire, April, 1760. d. Bristol, Dec, 1808. Memoirs of the Life of T. B., M.D., -wdth an analytical account of his writings. By J. E. Stock. Lond., 1810, 4°., 31/6. Chemical Experiments and Opinions extracted from a work published in the last century. (By John Mayow, of Cornwall). Ed. by T. B. 1790, 8". Contributions to Physical and Medical Know- ledge, principally from the West of England. Bristol, Biggs and Cottle; Lond., Longman; 1799, 8"., 8/-. BEDFORD, Commander Delbceuf Baker, R.N. b. Plymouth {1), 1805. Resident at Pen- zance, cf. 0' Byrne's Naval Biog. Diet. BEDFORD, Hannah. Daughter of Dr. Charles Kendall, of Exeter, and wife of Rev. John Bed- foi-d, R. of Landulph, &c. d. Launceston, 1788. Anno Quadragesimo Sexto, Georgii III Regis, Cap. 55. An Act for vesting certain undivided Parts or Shares devised by the Will of Hannah Bedford, widow, of and in several Estates in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon, in Trustees, BEDFOBD, Hannah. (Con.). to be sold, and for investing the clear purchase monies under the direction of the High Court of Chancery, in other Estates, to be settled in lieu thereof, and to the same uses. Lond., Eyre and Strahan, 1806, fol., pp. 22. BEDFORD, Rev. John. R. of St. Gerrans, 1663-96. A Sermon [on Gen., xxviii, 20] at the opening of St. Charles the Martyr, Falmouth, 21st Feb., 1663. Not publislied.. BEDFORD, Capt. Robert Tench, R.N. Brother of Commander D. B. Bedford, b. Ply- mouth, 14th Dec, 1812. d. Penzance, 2nd March, 1867. cf. O'Byrne's Naval Biog. Diet. BEDFORD, Rev. Thomas, M.A. R. of Wike St. Mary. d. 1803. A Sermon [on II Sam., xviii, 33] occasioned by the death of Francis, Marquis of Tavistock. Lond., J. Dodsley, 1767, 4"., pp. 14. The Origin of our Grievances. A Sermon [on James, iv, 1]. Lond., John Wilkie, 1770, 4°., pp. 20. A Proposal for the Advancement of Christi- anity into a Polite and Elegant System, ... in a Letter to a Friend. 1770, 4°., 1/-. A Sermon [on I Sam., vii, 6] preached at the Parish Church of St. Paul, in the Town of Bed. ford. Ascension Day, Feb. 27. Lond., J. Wilkie, 1778, 4°., pp. 16. BEE, Jon. pseud., i.e., Badcock, John. See Foote, S. BEEVERELL, James, A.M. Les D^lices de la Grande Bretagne et de 1' Irlande, les antiquitez .... Leide, 1707, 8 vols., go.—New edit., Leide, 1727, 8 vols., 8". Note.— Cornwall and the Scilly Isles, iii, 655—80. BELL, Rev. Charles Dent, M.A. V. of Ambleside, b. Co. Derry, Ireland. The Miners' Sons : Martin Luther and Henry Martyu. Lond., S. Low and Son, 1853, 8°., pp. 101, 1/-. BELL, Rev. Richard. I. Yorkshire, 4th June, 1820. The Harvest and its Lessons. A Sermon delivered in the Wesleyan Chapel, Penzance, 23rd August, 1868. Published by request. Pen- zance, Beare and Son, 1868, 8°., pp. 20, 3d. BELL. 20 BENNET. BELL, Robert. I. Cork, 1800. d. London, 12th April, 1867. Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs, of the Peasantry of England. Lond., Parker, 1857, 8"., pp. 252, 2/6. Note. — Contains some Cornish Ballads. BELLAMY, John Cremee, M.R.C.S. b. Ply- mouth, 7th Dec, 1812. d. Plymouth, 12th May, 1854. The Natural History of South Devon. Maps and Plates. Plymouth, J. Thomas [printed] ; Lond., Simpkin ; 1839, post 8°., jDp. 441, 12/-. The Housekeeper's Guide to the Fish-Market, for each month of the year ; and an Account of the Fishes and Fisheries of Devon and Corn- wall. Loud. ; Plymouth [printed] ; 1843, 12". —1862, 120. A Thousand Facts in the Histories of Devon and Cornwall, in chronological order, forming an epitomised view of the political development of those counties, and making especial reference to the history of Plymouth ; to which is added an alphabetical list of all works relating to the counties. Lond. ; Plymouth, Latimer [printed] ; 1850, 8°. Description of two green-streaked Wrasses (Labrns lineatus, Flem.). Ann. Nat. Hist., xiii, 77, 1844. BELLAMY, P. F. Description of two Peruvian Mummies pre- sented to the Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society, by Capt. Blanckley. Brit. Assoc. Sect., 1841, p. 75 ; Aim. Nat. Hist., x, 95-100, 1842. BELLOWS, John. So7i of JV. L. Bellmvs. b. Liskeard. Remarks [by J. Bellows] on certain anony- mous articles [here attributed to J. Bright], designed to render Queen Victoria unpopular : with an exposure of their authorship. Gloucester, John Bellows, 6, Westgate Street, 1864, 8". — 2nd ed., 1865, 8"., 6|- sheets. A Winter Journey from Gloucester to Nor- way [with Map]. Lond., Triibner and Co. ; Gloucester, John Bellows, Steam Press, West- gate Street; 1867, 8"., pp. 100, 1/6. Two Days' Excursion from Gloucester to Llanthony Abbey and the Black Mountains. Map and Views. Gloucester, J. Bellows [n.d., 186-], 8°., pp. 40, 6d.— 2nd ed., 186-, 8". Tons les Verbes. — Conjugations of all the Verbs in the French and English Languages. By John Bellows. Revised by Professor Beljame, B.A., LL.B., of the University of Paris, and Official Interpreter to the Imperial Court, and George Strickland, late Assistant French Master, BELLOWS, John. (Con.). Royal Naval School, London. Also a New Table of Equivalent Values of French and English Money, Weights, and Measures. Lond., Triib- ner, elc. ; John Bellows, Gloucester; [n.d., 186-], sm. 8"., pp. 32, 1/-., or 1 fr. 25 c. Outline Dictionary for the use of Missionaries, Exfilorers, and Students of Language. With an introduction on the proper use of the ordin- ary English Alphabet in transcribing foreign languages, by Max Miiller .... Lond. ; Glou- cester, J. Bellows [printed] ; 1867, 8". English Outline Vocabulary, for the use of students of the Chinese, Japanese, and other languages, arranged by J. Bellows. With notes on writing Chinese with Roman letters, by Pro- fessor Summers. Lond. ; Gloucester, J. Bellows [printed]; 1868, 8" New French and English Dictionary. Lond., Triibner; Gloucester, John Bellows; sm. 8"., probable price, 7/6. In the press (1870). On the Cornish Language, iiep. R.C.P. Soc, 1861, p. 28. On the real meaning of the word Marazion. IFest Briton, loth July, 1869. BELLOWS, William Lamb. b. Bere Regis, Dorset. Resident about 20 years in Cornwall. Memoir of John Stickland, a Local Preacher of the Wesleyan Connexion, late of East Holme, near Wareham, Dorset. By his son-in-law, W. L. Bellows Printed for the Author, by L. Newton, Camborne; and sold by Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., ... Lond.; 1838, demy 12"., pp. 96. The Life of John Stickland, late of East Holme, ... compiled from his own papers, by W. L. Bellows. — 2nd ed., Lond., Chas. Gilpin ... [L. Newton, Printer, Camborne]; n.d., 12°., 3-1 sheets.— 3rd ed., Lond., W. & F. G. Cash; [Gloucester, Printed by G. J. Wait] ; 1855, 16°,, 2 sheets. BENNALLACK, Francis. Mineralogia Cornubiensis, . . .by William Pryce. 1778, foL ^ Note. — Mr. Bennallack not only assisted Dr. Pryce in collecting materials for the work, but also revised and corrected the composition. BENNALLACK, John Ferris. Son of the preceding. Mayor of Truro, 1819-1822. b. Bosvigo, in Kenwyn, 1779. d. Truro, 22nd Aug., 1860. cf. Cornwall Gaz., 1860. BENNET, Col. Robert, b. 1605 (?). King Charles's Triall justified, being the sum of a charge at the last Sessions at Trewroe, Cornwall, by Col. Rob. Bennet. 1649, 4". - BENNET-r. 21 BEStiEY. BENNETT, Charles. The Blind Organist, b. Truro, d Truro, 12th April, 1801. cf. Corn- wall Gazette, 3rd Oct., 1867 ; Gent. Mag. ,lxxiv, pt. i, 481 (1804); European Mag., xlv, 319 (1804). Fugitive Poems. Twelve Songs and a Cantata. Inscribed to Mrs. Trevanion, of Caerhays. The words by Mr. Walcot. Lond., Johnson, n.d., fol. Music for the Organ. MSS. BENNETT, Edward T. Restoration of Euphorbia Peplis to one of its old localities, with observations on a few other Cornish Plants, found in the early part of Oct., 1850. Phytologist, iv, 1-5, 1851. BENNETT, James. 6. Prideaux, in Luxulyan, March, 1828. The Gardener, being Memoirs of the Life and Death of William Stephens, of St. Blazey, Corn- wall. Compiled by J. B. Woodcut frontispiece. Lond., H. J. Tresidder, 17, Ave Maria Lane; Cornwall, Jas. Bennett, St. Blazey; n.d., 18"., pp. 36, 4d. Bennett's Easy Primer. Being an improved system of bringing the youthful mind acquainted with a knowledge of letters, &c. Price One Penny. St. Blazey, Printed and Published by J. Bennett; by whom hawkers and shops are supplied [n.d., 18—], 8"., pp. 10. BENNETT, J. Hayle. A Horizontal Steam Engine, with improved Hotary Valves. Bep. B.C.P. Soc., 1866, p. xxiii. BENNETT, Mary. The Cornish Ale Wife. A Sketch from Life. Chambers Jour., ix, 8-9 (1848). BENNETT, Eev. Mydhope Wallis, B.A. d. East Looe, 7th Nov., 1824. cf. Gent. Mag., xciv, pt. 2, 565, 1824. BENNETT, Rt. Rev. William. Bp. of Gloyne. d. London, 16th July, 1820. Remarks on Roman Architecture and Castra- metation. Siipp. to Polwhele's Cornwall, 1803. BENNETTS, John. 6. Perranarworthal. dKea. On the Electro Magnetism of Veins of Copper Ore in Cornwall. Lond. & Edinb. Bhilos. Mag., iii, 17, 1833. BENNETTS, Samuel. 6. St. Mewan. Remarks on Dynamite. Communicated by Messrs. Webb and Bennetts. Bep. Miners' Assoc. •ef D. & C, 1868, p. 25. BENSON, Rev. Joseph. JVesleyan Minister, b. 1748. d. London, 15th Feb., 1821. Memoirs of Rev. J. B., by the Rev. James Macdonald. Lond., T. Blanshard, 1822, 8". Note. — Mi'. Benson visited Cornwall in 1795, pp* 278—286. BENTLEY and BOULTON. Report on the construction of a canal between Fowey Harbour and the Padstow Eiver. BERGER, Jean Francois, M.D., of Geneva. Observations on the Physical Structure of Devonshue and Cornwall. Trans. Geol. Soc. of, Lond.,\, 93-184(1811). BERNOUILLI, Jean, the younger, b. Basle, 4th Nov., 1744. d. Berlin, 13th July, 1807. EtWas uber den Zinn-und Kupferbergbau in Kornwallis. (Something about Tin and Copper Mines in Cornwall). 1783. BERRYMAN, William Richard. Report from the Select Committee on Muni- cipal Corporations, with the minutes of evidence taken before them. Ordered to be printed, 4th June, 1833, fol., pp. 391. [Contains, " Saltash— Evidence of W. R. Berryman, Town Clerk "]. BESEMERES, John. Resident at Calcutta. Old Salt ; a Serio Comic Drama in two Acts. By John Daly, [i.e., John Besemeres. First pro- duced at the Strand Theatre, London, 12th Jan., 1868. Scene — Trefusis, Falmouth]. BESLEY, Henry. Exeter. The Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Dorset Sheet Almanacs. Exeter, Besley, 1828, s. sh., fol., 9d. Pub. annually. A Trial for Infringement of Copyright \in the preceding workl. Besley v. Carlyon. With some remarks on the defects of the laws of artistic copyright. Exeter, Besley, 1854, 8°., pp. 15. Note. — The defendant represented the proprietors of The Eoyal Cornwall Gazette. The West of England, or Cornwall, Devon... Book Almanac. Exeter, Besley, 1832, 12°- Annually, 6d. The West of England, or Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, and Dorset Pocket Book. Exeter, Besley, 1836, 8°. Annually, 2/6 and 3/6. The West of England, Cornwall, Devon,:.. Diary. Exeter, Besley, 1836, cap. 8°. Annually, 1/6 and 6d. The West of England Pocket Railway Time Table. Exeter, Besley, February, 1848, 12°., Id. [Continued monthly to the present time]. BESLEY. 22 BIDDLE. BESLET, Henky. (Con.). Views in Cornwall. 24 engravings. Exeter, Besley, 1852, demy 8"., 4/-. Views in Devonshire and Cornwall. 60 steel engravings. Exeter, Besley, 1858, super roy. 8°., 12/6. Hand Book to Bodmin, Liskeard, Lostwithiel, etc. Exeter, Besley, 1860, post 12°., 1/-. Views in Cornwall. 30 engravings. Exeter, Besley, 1861, demy 12°., 3/-. The Eoute Book for Cornwall. A Guide for the Stranger and Tourist. Maps and Views. Exeter, Besley, 1863, 18°., 4/-. Hand Book to Penzance, Falmouth, and Neighbourhood. Exeter, Besley, 1867, post 12°., Hand Book to Truro, Falmouth, and Helstone. Exeter, Besley, 186- 12°., 1/-. West of England and Exeter Pocket Journal, or Gentleman's Diary. With Almanac, 1868. Exeter, Besley, 1868, 12°., 3/6. Continued annually. The Exeter Diocesan Calendar. See Barnes, Eev. E. H. BESSE, Joseph, d. EatclifFe, London, 25th Nov., 1757, aged circa 74. A Collection of the Sufferings of the people called Quakers, for the Testimony of a Good Conscience, from ... 1650 to ... 1689. Taken from original records and other authentic ac- counts. Lond., . . . Luke Hinde, at the Bible, in George Yard, Lombard Street, 1753, 2 vols., fol., 369 sheets. Note. — The Comisli portion comprised in i, 113 —26. BEST, William Mawdesley. Barrister of Ch-ay's Inn. b. Haddington, Scotland, d. Lon- don, 16th Nov., 1869. See Blunt, Walter. BETA, pseud., i.e., Boase, Henry. BETHAM, Sm William, b. Suffolk, 1779. d. Dublin, 23rd Oct., 1853. The Gael and Cymbri, an Inquiry into the Origin and History of the Irish, Welsh, Cornish, Gauls, &c., with History of Gildas and Collec- tion of Welsh Words. Dublin, Curry, 1834, 8°. Papers on Astronomical Instruments of the Irish, on the Eing Money of the Celts, and on the affinity of the Phcenician and Celtic Lan- guages. Dublin, 1836, 4°. BETTESWOETH, Capt. George Edmund Byron, E.N. d. off Bergen, 16th May, 1808, aged 28. cf. James' Naval Hist., vol. iii; Brenton's Naval Hist., vol. ii: Gent. Mag., Ixxviii, 560 (1808). BETTY, Eev. Humphry. R. of Little Petherick. d. 1673. cf. Walker's Sufferings, pt. ii, 191. BETTY OR BETTEY, Eev. Joseph. A Cornish Fellow of Bolster College, Oxford, d. Jan. 1, 173a. Tertullian against Heretics, and the Apolo- getics of Theophilus. Oxford, 1722_, 8°. The Divine Institution of the Ministry, and absolute necessity of Church Government. A Sermon [on Gal., i, 1, 7], preached before the University of Oxford, on Saturday, the 21st September, 1729. Lond., 1729, 8°.— 2nd ed., corrected, Oxford, Printed for Sam. Wilmot, 1729, 8"., pp. 40, 6d.— 3rd ed., Oxford, 1729, 8°. The Oxford Sermon versified. Dedicated to the Eev. J. B. [the Author of the Sermon]. By Jacob Gingle. Lond., Printed for Timothy Atkins, at Dr. Sacheverell's Head, near St. Paul's, 1729, 8°., pp. 63, 1/-.— 2nd ed., Lond., 1730, 8°.— 3rd ed., Lond., 1731, 8°., 6d. An Address to the University of Oxford, caused by Mr. Betty's Sermon. By J. W. L. Lond., 1730, 8°. A Dialogue between Parson B[etty] and Par- son Bowman, in justification of their Sermons. By T. Tagg [pseud., i.e., ], 1731, 8". An Address to the University of Oxford, oc- casioned by a Sermon entitled "The Divine Institution of the Ministry," preached by J. B. [" The Pillars of Priestcraft." By E. Barrow. Vol. i, 1768, 12°.]. BICKFOED, William. William Bickford and Damaris his wife appel- lants ; Sir William Pendarves, Knt., and Dame Penelope his wife, Eobert Hoblyn an infant, by Sir Will. Pendarves his guardian, Charles Holt, Esq., and Martha his wife, respondents. [Lond., 1724], fol., pp. 4. The Appellant's Case. Br. Museum. Bickford et ux. contr. Pendarves et al. The case of the respondents Holt and his wife. [London, 1724], fol. Br. Museum. BICKHAM, George, Junr. A Curious . . . Collection of Bird's Eye Views of the ... Counties in England. ... Lond., R, Laurie, ... 1796, 4°. Note. — Bird's Eye View of the whole County of Cornwall. No letter press. BIDDLE, John, M.A. b. Gloucestershire, 1615, d. London, Sept., 1662. cf. Base. J. Bidelli Vita. By John Farrington. Lon- dini, 1682, 12°. A Eeview of the Life, Characte T.and Writings of the Eev. J. B., M.A., who was banished to BIDDLE. BIDDULPH. BIDDLE, John. (Con.). the Isles of Scilly, in the Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell (October 5, 1655). By Joshua Toul- min, A.M. Lond., 1791, 8". [Vol. iv of Tracts printed and published by Unitarian Society]. BIDDULPH, Rev. Thomas Tregenna, M.A. h. Padstow, 5th July, 1763. d. Bristol, 19th May, 1838. cf. Gent. Mag., x, 331-334 ; Felix Farley's Bristol Jour., 26th May, 1838 ; Chris- tian Observer, pp. 594-99 (1838). An Elegy occasioned by the death of the Hon. and Rev. William Bromley Cadogan, A.M., late Rector of St. Luke's, Chelsea, ... who died 18th Jan., 1797. Bath, 1797, 4°., 6d. Essays on some select parts of the Liturgy of the Church of England, being the substance of a course of lectures delivered in the parish Church o.f St. Werburgh, Bristol. Bristol, 1798, 12°. — 2nd- ed., Evesham, Printed by J. Agg, 1798, 8°., 2/6.— 3rd ed., 1812, 3 vols., 8"., 28/-. Original Poems on Religious Subjects. Bath, 1798, 8°., 1/-. Practical Essays on select parts of the Liturgy of the Church of England. Lond. ; Evesham [printed] ; Bristol [printed] ; 1799-1805, 4 vols., 12«. Zion's Trumpet. Bristol, 1798-1800, 3 vols., 12". Afterwards changed to The Christian Chiardkin. Bristol, 1802-6, 10 vol., 12°., N.S., 1807-8, 2 vols., 12°. In 1809 the place of publication was removed to London. Note. — Mr. Biddulph was instrumental in estab- lishing this magazine. A Sermon preached at St. James's Church, Bristol, on Acts, xxiv, 14. Dedicated to the Vestry and Inhabitants of St. James. 1799, 8°. A Sermon [on Matt., vii, 12] preached before the Society for Missions to Africa and the East. 1801, 8°. A Letter to the Rev. J. Hey, occasioned by his late publication, entitled, The Important Question at Issue. Bristol, 1801, 12°. An Appeal to Public Impartiality, on the manner in which the dispute concerning The Important Question at Issue has been conducted [by J. Hey]. Bristol, 1801, 12°. Truth Triumphant. A complete refutation of a pamphlet by the Rev. Mr. B., entitled, Jn Appeal to Public Impartiality. By the Rev. J. Hey. 1801, 8°. "The Important Question" still under con- sideration, but approaching to a decision, or an address to the Rev. T. T. B., in reply to a letter [by him] in answer to a pamphlet entitled, The Important Question at Issue. By Rev. J. Hey. 1801, 8°- A Message from the Tomb, being the substance BIDDULPH, Eet. Thomas Tbegenna.. [Con.). of a Sermon [on Heb., xi, 4] preached on tha death of G. Gieves. Bristol, Bulgin, 1802, 8°. A Sermon preached in the parish Church of St. Andrew by the "Wardrobe and St. Anne, Blackfriars, ... May 22, 1802, before the Society for Missionaries to Africa and the East, . . . being their Fourth Anniversary. By Rev. T. T. B., Minister of St. James's, Bristol, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable Dowager Lady Bagot. Lond., 1802, 8°. Life a vapour : being the substance of a Ser- mon delivered in the Parish Church of St. James, Bristol, on the death of Mr. John Marker. Bristol, Bulgin, 1803, 8°. God Glorified in his Ministering Servants ; a Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Cheddar, on Monday, Oct. 17, 1803, at the Funeral of the Rev. Thomas Drewitt, A.M., Curate of the Parish. Bristol, 1803, 8°., pp. 31. A Sermon [on Matt., vii, 12] preached May 22, 1804, before the Society for Missions to Africa and the East. With the Report of the Annual Meeting and the List of Subscribers. Lend., Seeley, ... 1804, 8°., 1/-. Portions of the Psalms of David. 1804, 12°. The True Basis of National Confidence in time of Distress; A Sermon. 1805, 8°. A Collection out of the Book of Psalms, extracted from various versions, with hymns, etc. [Ed. Rev. T. T. B.]. 1806, 12°. Portions of the Psalms, ... with a selection of hymns. 1809, 12°. Practical Essays on the Morning and Evening Services. 1809, 8°. The British Jubilee : a Sermon delivered in the parish Church of St. James, and at the Mayor's Chapel, in Bristol, on Wednesday, Oct. 25, 1809, when His Most Gracious Majesty George III entered in the 50th year of his reign. Lond., Hatohard, 1809, 8°., pp. 41, 2/-. Practical Essays on the Morning and Evening Services of the Church of England. The 4th edition of Essays i to xii. 2nd edition of re- mainder of the three volumes. Lond. ; Bristol [printed] ; 1810, 3 vols., 8°. Note. — Letter on above. Christian Observer, x, 405 (1811). Portions of the Psalms of David, . . . with a Selection of Hymns accommodated to the Service of the Church of England. 1813, 12°. The Charge of Nonconformity repelled: a letter to the Bishop of Bristol [in reply to charges brought against the writer in " An Ad- dress to W. Ady"]. Bristol, 1813, 8°- Baptism a seal of the Christian Covenant ; or remarks on the former of " Two Tracts intended to convey correct notions of regeneration and BIDDULPH, 24 BIDDULPH. BIDDULPH, Ebv. Thomas Tkegenna. {Con.). conversion, etc. By Eev. E. Mant." Lond., Hatchard, 1816, 8"., pp. 255, 5/-. The Eev. Eichard Mant's Sermon on Eegen- eration vindicated from the remarks of the Eev. T. T. B. Shrewsbury, 1816, 8"., 1/6. Considerations on the doctrine of the Bap- tism, reprinted from the Select ic Review, May 1, 1816 ; on Dr. Mant's Two Tracts, and the Pub- lications by Messrs. Biddulph, Scott, .... Lond., Conder, 1816, 8°., 2/-. A Search after truth in its own field, — the Holy Scriptures ; or a reference to the Apostolic Acts and Epistles on the subject of some novel opinions in divinity.' Bristol, 1818, 8". — 2nd ed., enlarged, Bristol, 1818, 8". Letters signed Physico Theologus, i.e., Eev. T. T. B. Christian Guardian, 1819-20. Christian Charity exerting itself by means of Missionary Incitement for the Correction of Hindoo Immorality : or cursory Eemarks on a Pamphlet intitled, " Missionary Incitement and Hindoo Demoralization, etc., by J. Bowen." In a letter. Bristol, 1821, 8°. Letter to the Eev. T. T. Biddulph, occasioned by his " Cursory Eemarks " on a Pamphlet en- titled, " Missionary Incitement and Hindoo Demoralization." By John Bowen, 1822, 3/6. National Affliction Improved : in three Ser- mons, delivered in the years 1817, 3 818, and 1820 ; on the days appointed for the funerals of Her Eoyal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales, Her Majesty Queen Charlotte, and His Majesty George III. Bristol, printed for J. and W. Eichardson, Clare Street ; sold also by W. Bulgin, Corn Street, and by Hatchard, Picca- dilly; 1820, 8°., pp. 71. 2/6. National Affliction Improved : in a Sermon [on II Kings, ii, 12] delivered Feb. 16, 1820, being the day appointed for the Funeral of George the Third. Bristol, 1820, 8". Practical Essays on the Liturgy of the Church of England. 1822, 8" An infallible way to Contentment. By A. Seller. With a recommendatory preface bv Eev. T. T. B. Bristol, 1822, 8° The Churchman on a Sick Bed. The Publi- cations of the Church of England Tract Society Bristol, vol. i, 1824, 12° .The Convalescent ; or, the Churchman's Eecol- lections and Eesolutions on recovering from a Fit of Sickness, ih. A Guide to the Church, ih. The Parochial Clergyman's Ordination Vows ; or an Appeal to those of his Parishioners who are disposed to censure his anxiety about their Salvation as unnecessary, etc. ih. The Parochial Minister [T. T. B.]'s affection- ate Address to those persons who have under- BIDDULPH, Eet. Thosias Tkeoenna. (Con.). taken the office of Godfathers and Godmothers, ih. A Parochial Minister [T. T. B.]'s affectionate expostulation with those inhabitants of his parish who neglect the public worship of Al- mighty God. ih. The Parochial Minister [T. T. B.]'s affection- ate expostulation with those of his parishioners who neglect the duty and privilege of attending the Lord's Table, ih. The Seventh Commandment ; or the Compas- sion of the Divine Saviour towards those who have transgressed it, etc. ih. Sunday Evening Eecollections, or the Church- man in his Closet, ih. Address to those who wish to attend upon the Worship of Almighty God with devout reverence, etc. ih., vol. ii. The Churchman \i.e. T. T. B.]'s Eeasons for bringing his Children to the Baptismal Font, etc. ih. Hints on Public Worship ; or the Churchman instructed in the use of the Book of Common Prayer, ih. The Parochial Minister [T. T. B.]'s affectionate address to a newly married couple, ih. Short Eeasons for Communion with the Church of England ; or the Churchman's answer to the question " Why are you a member of the Church of England 1 " ih. The Careless Churchman warned of his danger, and reminded of his dut}^. ih., vol. iii. The Decalogue ; or the Churchman's means of self-humiliation and rule of duty. ih. The Forms of the Church opposed to For- mality, etc. ih. Good-Friday Intercession ; or the Church- man's duty to pray for all " Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Heretics." ih. The Pious Churchman comforted under the pressure of affliction, etc. ih. The Church- Yard; or an Address to the Throne of Mercy from the confines of the grave. ih., vol. iv. A Clergyman [i.e., T. T. B.]'s Address to his Parishioners on Family Prayer, ih. _ An important inquiry from a Parishioner to his Pastor, stated and answered ; or the means of obtaining the Spirit of Prayer, ih. The Parochial Minister [i.e.,'T. T. B.]'s season- able hints to the members of Benefit Societies, on the duties of frugality, piety, and loyalty, ih. The Eeform meeting; or the Churchman's duty towards his neighbour, ih. The Eomanist unveiled; or Popery in its native deformity, ih. Short Sermons on subjects connected with the Form of Absolution in the morning and evening BIDDULPH. 25 BLEDIAN. BIDDULPH, Eev. Thomas Tbegenna. (Core.)- Services of the Church of England, ib. Short Forms of Family Prayer for every morning and evening in the week, etc. ib. Divine Influence ; or the Operation of the Holy Spirit traced from the creation of man to the consummation of all things. Bristol, 18:24, 8"., pp. 263, 9/-. cf. Quart. Rev., xxxi, 111-125 (1824). The Theology of the Early Patriarchs. Lond., Duncan, 1825, 2 vols., 8°., 21/-. A Letter to the Editor of the Quarterly Review, occasioned by its animadversions on a work entitled i)mwe /n/weMCg. Bristol, 1825,8". The Inconsistency of Conformity to the World, with a Profession of Christianity. Three Dialogues. Bristol, 1803, 8"., pp. 105.— 2nd ed., Lond., Seeley, 1815, 12"., 3/-.— 4th ed., Lond., Thames Ditton [printed], 1831, 8". The Septuagenarian Confession of Faith, Bristol, 1833 (?), 8". Christian Patriotism. A Sermon [on I Cor., vii, 12] dehvered in Bristol, 20th Nov., 1836. Bristol, 1836, 8". The Doctrine of Baptismal Eegeneration as it has been stated in some recent tracts, weighed in the balance of the Sanctuary. In Three Dialogues. Lond., 1837, 8". — Eepublished 1838. Select Tracts of the Church of England Tract Society. By the Rev. T. T. B. Bristol, 1838, 12". Note. — These Tracts are numtered 1 — 106, ■ and have each a separate title page, pagination, and register. BIRCH, Samuel. 6. London, 8th Nov., 1757, d. 1840. The Smugglers. A Musical Drama, in Two Acts, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Lond., C. Dilly, 1796, 8"., pp. 37, 1/-. Note. — Scene on the Coast of Cornwall. BIRCH, Samuel, LL.D., F.S.A. h. London, 3rd Nov., 1813. Observations on a Bronze Figure of a Bull found in Cornwall. Arclmol. JourH.,Yu, 8-16, 120 (1850). Abstract of Remarks of S. Birch, Esq., of the Brit. Mus., on a Bronze Bull found at St. Just in Penwith ... By C. Barham, q.v. BLACK, Adam and Charles. Black's Tourist Guide to Devonshire and Cornwall, including the Scilly Isles. Map. Edinb., Black, 1855, 8". Black's Picturesque Tourist and Road and RailwayGuide Book through England and Wales. Edinb., Black, 1857, 8"., pp. xxvii & 544. Note.— Cornwall, pp. 121 — 27. BLACK, Adam and Charles. (Con.). Black's Guide to the South Western Counties of England, Dorsetshire, Devon, and Cornwall. Maps and lllust. Edinb., Black, 1862, 8"., pp. 417.— 1869, 8"., pp. 417. Black's Guide to the Duchy of Cornwall. Map and lllust. Edinb., Black, 1868, 8". Pagi- nation runs from 275 to 397. BLACK, Rev. W. H., of Mawgan, near Helston. d. Plymouth, 9th Feb., 1834. The Posthumous Letters of the late Rev. W. H. Black, a Clergyman of the Church of England, who lately died at Plymouth. Corn- wall, Rev. H. A. Simcoe, Penheale Press, 1836, 12"., pp. 124. Note. — The letters are written from Mawgan. BLACKBURNE, J. Penhale, St. Enoder. Temperance Reports. Devon and Cornwall Temperance Journ., Jan., 1868, et seq. , BLACKETT, James. Wesleyan Minister, b. Woodhouse, near Leeds, 1778. d. Leeds, 29th Sept., 1848. Wesleyan Methodism defended against an invidious distinction made by the Rev. Nicholas Kendall, Vicar of Lanlivery, in the reading of the Burial Service at the interment of an infant baptized in the Wesleyan Chapel. By J. Blackett, [Superintendent of the Western Circuit of St. Austell]. Lond., J. Mann ; Printed by J. H. Drew, St. Austell; 1828, 8"., pp. 20. BLANCHARD, Edward Laman. b. London, 11th Dec, 1820. Faw Fee Fo Fum, or Harlequin Jack the Giant Killer. A Comic Christmas Pantomime. Lond., J. Tuck, 1867, 8"., pp. 32, 6d. Note. — First performed at Drury Lane, 26th Dec, 1867. Scene iii, Fishing Tillage on Cornish Coast; Scene iv, Eoad to St. Ives. BLAUMPINUS, BLASINPAIN, or BLAUN- PAYNE, Michael. Called also Michael of Cornwall, flo. 1250 (?). cf. Fuller, ed. 1811, i, 216; Pits, p. 322; Carew, ed. 1811, pp. 157- 158. Historiarum Normannia?. Liber unus. Contra Henricum Abricensem. Liber unus. Epistolarum et Carminum. Liber unus. BLEDIAN. b. Cornwall, 8th Century, cf. Haddan and Stubbs' Councils, i, 697. On Purgatory. BLEE. 26 BLIGHT. BLEE, Robert, Jun. b. Truro. The Comparative Longevity of our Mining Population. Rep. B.C.P. Soc, 1838, p. 68; 1839, p. 3; 1840, p. 35; 1847, p. 12. Mortality in Mining Districts. Journ. Statis. Soc. of Lond., i, 82, 1838. BLEWITT, John, of Marazion. J. Blewitt V. Humphry Millett ; an Appeal Case before the House of Lords. 1774, fol. BLIGrH, Admiral Sir Richard Rodney, G.C.B. h. Cornwall, 1737. d. Southampton, 30th April, 1821. cf. Rose; Gent. Mag., xci, pt. i, 468 (1821). Letters to Sir R. R. Bligh. In " Letters and Despatches of Lord Nelson," v, 461 ; vi, 236, 390. BLIGH, Admiral William, F.R.S. b. St. Teath, 9th Sept., 1754. d. Bond Street, London, 7th December, 1817. cf. Penny Cyclop. ; Rose ; Gent. Mar/., Ixxxvii, pt. ii, 630, 1817; N. & Q., 2 S., 'ii, 411, 472 (1856); Brento'iis Naval Hist, vol. i, ii, A Narrative of the Mutiny on board His Majesty's Ship Bounty ; and the subsequent voyage of part of the crew in the ship's boat from Tofoa, one of the Friendly Islands, to Timor, a Dutch Settlement in the East Indies. Written by Lieut. W. Bligh. lUust. with Charts. Lond., G. Nicol, 1790, 4"., pp. iv & 212, 7/-. A Voyage to the South Sea, undertaken by command of His Majesty, for the purpose of conveying the Bread Fruit Trees to the West Indies in His Majesty's Ship the Bounty, in- cluding an Account of the Mutiny on hoard the said Ship, commanded by Lieut. W. Bligh. Portrait. Lond., G. Nicol, 1792, 4"., 12/-. Voyage k la Mer du Sud, entrepris, jjour intro- duire aux Indes Ocoidentales, 1' arbre k pain, et d' autres plantes utiles ; Par le Lieut. G. Bligli, avec une relation de la revolte k bord de son vaisseau .... Traduit de 1' Anglais par ■ F. Soul(5s. Paris, 1792, 8°. An Answer to certain assertions contained in the appendix to a pamphlet [by E. Christian] entitled, " Minutes of the Proceedings on the Court Martial, held August 12th, 1792, on ten persons charged with mutiny on board His Majesty's Ship the Bounty." Lond., 1794, 4°. ■The dangerous Voyage performed by Captain Bligh with a part of the crew of His Majesty's Ship Bounty, in an open boat, in 1789. Dublin, 1824, 12°.— Dublin [1827 '«], 12°. NoTE, — The latter is a duplicate of the edition of 1824, with a new title page. BLIGH, AuMiEAL William. (Con.). Narrative of the Mutiny of the Bounty, on a Voyage to the South Seas, by Lieut. W. Bligh, Commander. To which are added some ad- ditional particulars, and a relation of the subsequent fate of the mutineers, and of the settlement in Pitcairn's Island. Standard Library ed: Lond., W. Smith, 1838, 8"., pp. 73, 16d.— Reprinted, The Universal Library, vol. i, Lond., 1853, 8°. BLIGHT, Francis. A True and Impartial Account of the Dark and Hellish Power of Witchcraft, lately exer- cised on the body of the Rev. Mr. [Jasper] Wood, Minister of Bodmyn, in a letter from a Gentle- man There [Fran. Blight, Bodmyn, 25th Feb., 1699-1700] to his FriendinExon. Togetherwlth a True copy of a Letter from Mr. Wood to his Uncle in Exon in Confirmation thereof Exeter, printed by Sam. Darker and Sam. Farley, 1700, 4°., pp. 4. Br. Museum. BLIGHT, John Thomas, F.S.A. b. Redruth. Ancient Crosses and other Antiquities in the West of Cornwall. Drawn and engraved by J. T. Blight. Lond., Simpkin ; Penzance, F. T. Vibert [printed]; 1856, 4°., 5/-. to Subscribers. —2nd ed., 1858, 4" Ancient Crosses and other Antiquities in the East of Cornwall. By J. T. Blight. Lond., Simpkin ; Penzance, F. T. Vibert [printed] ; 1858, 4"., 7/6 to Subscribers. Note. — This work and the second edition of the preceding were in some cases bound up together, 18/6 to Subscribers. A Week at the Land's End. By J. T. Blight [assisted by E. H. Rodd, R. Q. Couch, and J, Ralfs]. Map and 96 woodcuts. Lond., Long- man, 1861, fcp. 8°., pp. xi and 233, 6/6. List of Antiquities in the Hundreds of Kirrier and Penwith, West Cornwall ; with references to the works in which they are described and figured. Arranged with an Illustrated Appendix, by J. T. Blight. Truro, Printed for the R.I.C., by James R. Netherton, 1862, 8°., pp. 42, 1/-. An Historical Account of the New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon, the last residence of Shakespeare. By J. 0. Halliwell. With 42 Illus- trations, drawn on wood by J. T. Blight. Lond., J. E. Adlard, Bartholomew Close, 1864, 4". Churches of West Cornwall; with notes of Antiquities of the District. By J. T. Blight, Corresponding Secretary for Cornwall to the Camb. Archseol. Soc. With 250 illustrations by the Author. Oxford and London, J. H. ancl J. Parker, 1865, 8"., pp. 160. Note.— Keviewed in Journ. R.I.C., 1864, p. 42, with 7 woodcuts reproduced. BLIGHT. 27 BLIGHT. BLIGHT, John Thomas. (Con.). The Hand Book to Cornwall, with Rendell's Map and Illustrations by J. T. Blight. Devon- port, W. Wood, n.d., 16"., pp. 158. Account of the Exploration of Subterranean Chambers at Treveneague, in the parish of St. Hilary, Cornwall. By J. T. Blight. Printed for the P.N.H. & A.S. Lond., J. R. Smith ; Penzance, William Cornish ; 1867, 8"., pp. 34. The Great Stanley : or James, 6th Earl of Derby ... in their land of Man .... Illustrated by A. D. Lemon and J. T. Blight. Lond., 1867, 8". The Cromlechs of Cornwall : with some ac- count of other Prehistoric Sepulchral Monu- ments and Articles found in connection with them, in the same County. By J. T. Blight. Lond., J. Parker and Co., 1870, 8°. [in the press]. Ancient Ballads and Broadsides... Reprinted fromtheoriginal copies. . .preserved in the Library of H. Huth, Esq. ; with 26 copies of the old woodcuts drawn on wood by J. T. Blight. Lond., 1867, 4°. Remarks on the Well Chapels of Cornwall, with illustrations by J. T. Blight, with additional notices and illustrations by Llewellyn Jewitt. The Beliqiiary, ii, 126 (1862). Notice of Rock Markings. Trans. P.N.H. & A.S.,in, 67, 1865. View of St. Hilary Church, Cornwall. Qent. Mag., xl, 136, 1855. Ancient British Village at Chysauster. ib., X, 65, 1861 [ArcJmol. Journ., xviii', 39, 1861]. Cornish Churches, with illustrations by the Author, ib., xii, 247, 391, 528; xiii, 21, 255, 538 (1862) ; xiv, 151, 572, 690 ; xv, 130 (1863). Cair Conan in Breage. ib., xv, 55. Two days in Cornwall with the Cambrian Archseol. Soc. ib., xvi, 30, 307, 441, 1864. Remarkable Subterranean Chambers at Tre- lowarren, the Seat of Sir R. R. Vyvyan, Bart. ib., xvi, 607 [ArchceoL, xl, 113-118, 1861]. On the Cliff Castle of Main or Mayon. ib., xvii, 75, 1864. On Underground Chambers at Boscaswell. ib., xvii, 75. On Holed Stones, ib., xviii, 353, 1865. On Castallack Round, Parish of St. Paul, ib., xviii, 756. Description of the Subterranean Chambers at Treveneague. ib., iii, 795, 1867. Notes on Stone Circles, ib., v, 308-19 (1868). Map of the Liskeard district, shewing the Antiquities. Drawn by J. T. Blight; Lithog. by Brenton Symons, Truro [1862]. BLIGHT, John Thomas. (Con.). Map of the Land's End District, showing the Antiquities comprised in the two day's excursion of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1862. J. T. Blight, Del. ; Lithog. by Brenton Symons, Truro [1862]. Note.— c/. ArchceoL Camb., viii, 299—368, 1862. Barrow with Kist-Vaen in Sancreed. 2 en- gravings. ArchceoL Camb., x, 243-45 (1864). The Holed Stones of Cornwall. 3 engravings, 4 woodcuts, ib., x, 292-99. Lostwithiel. ib., xi, 1864. Cromlech at Llansaintffraid, near Conway. 2 engraving, ib., xi, 278-89, 1865. Notes of Antiquities in North Wales, ib. A Letter on preparing drawings for wood en- gravings, ib., XV. Account of Rock Markings at Sancreed, Cornwall, with illustrations. Proc. Soc. of Antiq., iii, 302, 1866. Account of Caves or Subterranean Chambers at Castallack and Treveneague, near Penzance. 2 illusts. ib., iii, 498. Account of Excavations ... in Sancreed .... By W. C. Borlase. With 4 illusts. by J. T. Blight, ib., iv, 161, 1868. Holed Stones. 3 woodcuts. iJep. iJ./.C, 1862, p. 24. Cair Conan in St. Breage. ib., 1863, p. 58. Extracts relating to Cornwall from a rare Tract of the 16th century, with Notes by J. T. B. Journ. B.I.C., 1864, March; p. i. See Ferris, R. Ancient Chapels in the parish of Sancreed: Woodcuts, ib., 1864, p. 38. Notice of Underground Chambers at Boscas- well, St. Just, Penwith. ib., 1864, Oct., p. 6. The Cliff Castle at Maen, near the Land's End, in St. Semien. Woodcuts, ib., 1864, p. 8. An Account of a Barrow and Kist-Vaen in Sancreed. ib., 1865, April, p. 19. Castallack Round, in St. Paul. Woodcuts. ib., 1865, Oct., p. 66. Notice of a Barrow with Kist-Vaen on Tre- wavas Head, in St. Breage. ib., 1867, p. 306. Notice of Enclosures at Smallacombe, near the Cheesewring. 3 woodcuts and a plan, ib., 1868, April, p. 10. Woodcuts, by J. T. B., of a Gold Armulet found at Tredinney, near Penzance, and of a Mammillary Brooch found near the Lizard, and deposited in the Payne Knight Collection, in the British Museum, ib., 1868. The Cliff Castle of Kenidzhek, in St. Just in Penwith. ib., 1869, April, p. 108. The Church of St. Hilary, Cornwall. A View BLIGHT. 28 BOASE. BLIGHT, John Thomas. (Con.). after the Restoration. Churchman s Companion, xviii, 1855. Three Views of All Hallow's Church, Eing- more. Church Builder, No. iii, July, 1862. Madron Well Baptistry or Chapel. Current Notes, vi, 1-2, 1856. Pare an Chapel, Cape Cornwall, ib., Willis' 11. Remains of a supposed Ancient British Village in Gulval. Helston Grain. School Mag., pp. 133- 34, 1857. Marazion Church, with view. iS., pp. 196-98. The Table Men near the Land's End, with view, ib., pp. 251-52. Penzance and Mount's Bay during the late Regatta. From a drawing by J. T. Blight. Illu^t. Lond. News, xxxi, 1857. The Prince and Princess of Wales landing at Penzance. From drawing by J. T. Blight, ib., xlvii, 108, 1865. The Prince and Princess of Wales landing at St. Michael's Mount, ib., xlvii, 109. The Richard Lewis Lifeboat lauding a ship- wrecked crew at Penzance, ib., I, 80, 1867. Race of Six Lifeboats at Penzance, ib., li, 329. BLIGHT, Samuel, of Falmouth. Original Designs for Temples. Eep. R.C.P. Soc, 1843, supp., p. 10. BLOME, Richard. A Map of the County of Cornwall with its Hundreds. In "Britannia, or a Geographical Description ... of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland .... By R. Blome." 1673, fol. BLUNT, Rev. Walter, M. A. Curate of Helston. Report of the proceedings under the commis- sion issued by the Bishop of Exeter, to enquire into the complaints against the Rev. Walter Blunt, Curate of Helston, including the Report of the Commissioners and the Bishop's judg- ment ; with notes and subsequent correspondence (by W. M. Best). Lond., Sweet (1), 1844, 8o., pp. 102, BOASE, Charles William {third son of H. Boase). h. London, 8th June, 1804. Tithes and Offerings j being an attempt to establish the Principles, to illustrate the Prac- tice, and to trace the Benefits of devoting BOASE, Charles William. (Con.). portions of our substance to the service of God. By C. W. Boase. Dundee, 1864, 8". Privately printed. Tithes and Offerings ; a Treatise on the Prin- ciples, Practice, and Benefits of devoting portions of our substance to the service of God. By C. W. Boase. Edinburgh, T. and T. Clark, - 1865, 8°. A Century of Banking in Dundee ; being the Annual Balance Sheets of the Dundee Banking Co., from 1764 to 1864, etc. By C. W. Boase. Dundee, J. P. Mathews, 1866, 8"., pp. 101 and 26 pages not numbered. Printed for private circulation. — 2nd ed., Edinburgh, Grant, 1867, 8°., pp. xxxi and 379. 'The Elijah Ministry to the Christian Church ; its nature deduced from the Ministry of John the Baptist to the Jews, and this compared with the work of the Lord in these days. Dundee, Mathews, 1867, 8°., pp. 480. Proof copy of 3 parts. The Elijah Ministry ; the tokens of its mission- to the Christian Church deduced from the ministry of John the Baptist to the Jews. Edinb., R. Grant and Son, 1868, 8°., pp. xxi and 720. BOASE, George Clement {fourth son of,H.. Boase). b. London, 25th August, 1810. To Husbands, Fathers, and Brothers, specially those of the Labouring classes, being a warning against prevailing delusions and a Word in Season to the weary and heavy laden. By a Brother [i.e., G. C. Boasel. Edinb., Grant; Lond., Longman ; 1848, 8"., pp. 32. Satanic Workings a Sign and a Warning. Anon. Dundee, J. Duff, 1853, 8"., pp. 12. Three Discourses on Certain Symbols used in Worship. Dundee, 1855, 8". Printed for private circulation. ' The Lord's Tithe. A Sermon preached 27th March, 1859, n.p. or d. [Dundee, 1859], 8". Opinions and Warnings of the Press and Public Men, regarding the perils which threaten our country. By G. C. Boase, Treasurer of the Dundee Volunteer Rifles. Dundee, F. Shaw, 1859, 8°, The Queen's Visit to theDukeof Athole, 15th Sept., 1863. A Poem. Anon. n.p. or d. [Dundee, 1863], 8°., pp. 4. _ The Restoration of Apostles, or the true posi- tion of those who acknowledge them in relation to the rest of the Church. By G. C. Boase, Dundee, F. Shaw, 1867, 8"., pp. 36, 3d. My Native Home. A Song. By Britannicus {i.e., G. C. Boase]. Cornish Mag., iii, 44 (,1828). Note.— The first of seTeral poetic pieces, etc., under the same signature, BOASE. 29 BOASE. BOASE, Henry. J. Madron, 3rd June, 1763. d. Penzance, 8tli April, 1827. cf. J. Owen's Hist, of Bible Soc, 1816, vol. i, passim. Eemarks on the impolicy of repealing the Bank Eestriction Bill. With an Appendix. Lond., G. & W. Nicol, 1802, 8°., pp. 123. App., pp. 22. Guineas an unnecessary and expensive incum- brance on Commerce, or the impolicy of repealing the Bank Eestriction Bill considered. Lend., 1802, 8"., pp. 123.— 2nd ed., to which is added an appendix, shewing the influence that the Eestriction Bill has upon our Foreign Excihange and Commerce. Lend., W. Buhner, 1803, 8"., pp. 123 and App. 22. A Letter to the Eight Hon. Lord King, in defence of the conduct of the Directors of the Banks of England and Ireland, whom his Lordship (in a publication entitled "Thoughts on the restriction of payment in specie," &c., &c.,) accuses of abuse of their privilege ; with remarks on the cause of the great rise of the Exchange between Dublin and London, and the means of explaining it. Lond., G. & W. Nicol, 1804, 8°., pp. 52, 2/-. The disadvantage of the new plan of Finance, demonstrated by a comparison of its results with that of the like supply raised on the present system, together with observations on the Sinking Fund, and War Taxes, in a Letter to a Member of Parliament. [Not Published]. Lond., J. Snieeton, 1807, 8"., pp. 24. Eemarks on the new Doctrine concerning the supposed depreciation of our currency. Lond., W. Bulmer, 1811, 8'^., pp. viii and 110, 4/-. _ A brief exposition of the Agricultural question, by a freeholder. . [i.e., H. Boase]. Lond., G. & W. Nicol, 1823, 8«., pp. 20. A Letter to Sir Eichard E. Vy vyan, Bart., M.P. for the County of Cornwall, on the nature and use of credit and currency, by one of his constituents, [i.e., H. Boase]. Penzance, printed and sold by T. Vigurs; Lond., Longman; 1826, 8°., pp. 49, 1/6. An Ode for the 2oth October, 1809, on the celebration of George the Third's Jubilee. By Britannicus. [i.e., H. Boase]. 14th Oct., 1809. Poetical Magazine, ii, 26 (1809). An Ode for the celebration of George the Fourth's coronation at Penzance, 19th July, 1821. Literary Gazette, 1821. On the introduction of the Steam Engine to the Peruvian Mines [also called Capt. Trevithick's Adventure]. Trans. B.G.S C, i, 212-223 (1817). On the Submersion of a part of Mount's Bay ; and on the Inundation of Marine Sands on the North coast of Cornwall, ib., ii, 129-144 (1818). BOASE, Henry Samuel {eldest son of H. Boase), F.E.S., M,D. 6, Loiidon, 2nd Sep- tember, 1799, BOASE, Henkt Samtiel. [Con.). Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis de Contagio. ...Edinburgh, J. Moir, 1821, 8o., pp. 31. Contribution towards a knowledge of the Geology of Cornwall, extracted from the fourth volume of the transactions of the Geological Society of Cornwall. Geol. Map of Cornwall, and 2 Section Maps. Penzance, T. Vigurs, 1832, 8». A Treatise on Primary Geology ; being an examination, both practical and theoretical, of the Older Formations. By H. S. Boase, Sec. of the Eoyal Geol. Soc. of Cornwall. Lond., Longman, 1834, 8"., pp. xi and 399, 12/-. The Parochial History of Cornwall, by D. Gilbert (including a minute Geological account of each Parish by Dr. Boase). Lend., 1837, 4 vols., 8°. The Philosophy of Nature; a Systematic Treatise on the Causes and Laws of Natural Phenomena. Lond., Longman, 1860, 8"., pp. xvii an The Selector or Cornish Magazine. Vols, iii and iv, ed. by W. M. Boase. Falmouth, J. Philp 1828-29,8". ^ Sketches of Cornwall. By Delta, [i.e., W. M. Boase]. Seledur, ii. 173 (1827). Essay on M;io-azines. ib., ii, 186. Essay on Happiness, ib., ii, 189. Essays on Social Abuses. Nos. i & ii. ib iii 33, 81, 126 (1828). '' ' BOASE, William Millett. {Con.). Eeview of W. W. Harvey's " Sketches of Hayti." ib., iii, 45. Confessions by Gregory Hopeful [i.e., W. M, Boase]. ib., iii, 73. Eecollections of a Way-Faring Man. Anon. Nos. i & ii. ib., iii, 100, 112. The Lion's Head to his Friends, ib., iii, 105, BODENER, William. S.Mousehole, 1711 (1), d. 1794. A Letter in the Cornish Language. MS. in Museum of Soc. Antiq. of London. Archceol, V, 83. BODLEY, Sir Thomas, b. Exeter, 2nd March, 1544. d. London, 28th January, 1612. Justa Funebria Ptolemeei Oxoniensis Thomse Bodleii Equitis, &c. Oxonia Excudebat JosephuS Barnesius, &o., 1613, 4''. Note. — Contains Verses by Arthur Harris, Pet. Prideaux, Barn Greynville, q.v. BODRIGAN, Sir Henry, Knt. c/. Warkvm-th's Chronicle of first 13 years of Edwd. IV, ed. Camden Soc, 1839, pp. 26-27. W^arrant to Sir H. Bodrigan and T. Kelgrove to deliver a Balangar (sic) to Thomas Yonge... Earl MSS., 433, art. 1565. W^arrant to aid Sir H. Bodrigan in taking possession of the Manor's of Trewelawne and Trewardreth. ib., 433, art. 1616. BOGER, Mrs. C. G. (wife of Bev. E. Boger). A Dream of New Year's Eve. By E. N. E. [i.e., C. G. Boger] Helston Gram. School Mag., Part i, 32-34, 1852. SOGER, Capt. Coryndon. d. Plymouth, 17th May, 1804, aged 26. cf James Naval Hist., vols, ii, iv ; Eurojjean Mag., xlv, 399, 1804; Gent. Mag.,]xxiv, 597, 1804. BOGER, Deeble. h. Plympton, Devon, 1799. Suggestions for the Amendment of the Poor Law. Plj'mouth, Nettleton, 1841, 8". The Manor of Eidwri. Journ. R.I.G., 1865, p. 42. BOGER, Admiral Edmund (second son of John Boger). b. Maker, 1775. d. Lipson, near Ply- mouth, 19th Dec, 1844. cf Gent. Mag., xxiii, 313, 1845 ; Marshall's Naval Biog. BOGER, Rev. Edmund. Fellow of Ex. Coll., Oxford, late Master of Helston Gram. School, now Head Master of St. Saviour's Gram. School, Southwark h. Lostwithiel. BOGEB. SI BOND. BOGEE, Bev. Edmund. [Con.). Outlines of Roman History. H. Ince & J. Gilbert's Educational Series. Lond., Kent, 1861, 120. TheHelston Grammar SohoolMagazine. [Com- piled under the direction of the Rev. E. Boger ; Printed by Richard Cunnaok, Helston]. Part i, April, 1852, pp. 36 ; Part ii, June, 1852, pp. 68. Note. — No more published of this series ; see Jessop, Bev. Augustus. The Spirit of Boyhood. Helston Gram. Scliool Mag., Part i, i, 1852. A Lay of Samninm. ib., i, 18-26. The Telescope and Spectacles ; a Fable, ib., i, 29. Spring Songs from the Ancient Poets, trans- lated from Meleager. ih.. Part ii, 37. A Ramble in the Seven Mountains, ib., ii, 53-56. Flora Day, 1852 ib., ii, 62-64. The Fate of the Flemings ; a Legend of Corn- wall. Sharpes London Mag., ii, 82. The Peiho. Once a TFeek, i, 272, 1859. Reliques.of the Lost, ib., i, 311-312. BOLITHO AND SONS. Report of the Exportation of Pilchards for 1851. Trans. P.N.H. & A.S., ii, 51. BOLITHO, Thomas Simon, b. Chyandour, 1808. On the Exportation of Pilchards in 1847 and 1848. Trans. P.N.H. & A.S., i, 253. Short Notes on the Pilchard, more especially with reference to its Mig Summer of 1850. ib., i, 441 its Migration during the BOLLEIT FAMILY, cf. OneandJU,I)ecembeT, 1868. BONAPARTE, Prince Louis Lucien. b. Morn- grove, Worcestershire, 1813. The Song of Solomon in the living Cornish dialect. From the authorised English version. Privately printed by Geo. Barclay, 28, Castle Street, Leicester Sq. [Lond.], 1859, 16". Note.— 250 copies only printed. The Trans, made by Mr. Edwin Netherton of Truro. On the Expiration of the Cornish Language. In a Letter from the Hon. Daines Harrington, Vice Pres. S. A., to John Lloyd, Esq., F.S.A.,read at the Society of Antiquaries, May 6, 1773. Reprinted by Prince L. L. Bonaparte. [Lond., I860], 40., s. sh. ^oiE,— Twelve copies only printed. BONAPAETE, Pbince Louis Luciek. (Con.). Photographie de la pierre tumulaire 6rigee en Juin, 1860, dans le cimdti^re de Saint Paul prfes, Penzance, in CornouaiUes, par le Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte et le Rev. Jean Garrett vicaire de cette paroisse k la m6moire de Doroth6e Pentreath morte en 1778, et cens6e avoir 6t6 la derniere personne pouvant parler la langue cornique. W. Brooks, Photographer, Penzance, 1860. The Literature and Dialect of Cornwall. Camb. Journ., 30th Nov., 1861. Cornish Literature, reprinted from the Cam- brian Journal, 1861. [A Letter, including a copy of the Dedication of T. Tonkin to W. Gwavjs preceding his Vocabulary.] Privately printed. Lond., Nov. 30th, 1861, 8"., s. sh. Note. — About 250 copies only printed. Some Observations on the Rev. R. Williams' Preface to his Lexicon, signed L. L. Bonaparte. [London, May, 1865], s. sh., 4:°. [Annexed is a Letter from the Rev. W. Gwavas to Thomas Tonkin, dated Penzance, 25th Jan., 1732]. BQNATREE, John. Grant of Arms to J. Bonatree, Gent., 1st April, 20 Hen. VI. Harl. MSS., 1079, art. 1 ; 1162, art. 9. BONAVENTURA, or BONAVENTURE, Thom- ASINA,. afterwards Dame Thorn isina Percival. 6. Week St. Mary. d. Week St. Mary, 1512. cf. Herbert's Hist, of the...Lireri/ Companies of London, ii, 436-7, 445, 451-54,' 502-3; Gent. Mag., xlii, 41, 1854. Thomasina Bonaventure [or the Cornish Shepherdess of the 15th Century, who became Lady Mayoress of London]. All the Year Bound, 276-80, 16th March, 1867 [by Rev. R. S. Hawker]. — Reprinted in Cornish Teleg., 20th and 27th March, 1867, Thomazine Bonaventure, or the Maid of Week St. Mary. By E. NicoUs. Callington, E. Philp, 1865, 8"., pp. 20. BOND, The Family of. Gent. Mag., xv, 431, 526 (1863). BOND, Rev. John. bur. Steeple, 30th July, 1676. Occasus Occidentalis, or Job in the West; as as it was laid forth in two severall Sermons, at two publike fasts, for the five associated Western Counties, by J. Bond, B. L., late Lecturer in the City of Exon, now Minister at the Savoy, London. A Member of the Assembly of Divines. Lond., Printed by J. D. for Fran. Eglesfield, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the BOND. 32 BOEASTON. BOND, Eet. John. (Con.). Marigold, in Paul's Churchyard. 1645, sm. 4"., pp. 88. £r. Museum. Note. — Dedicated to the Et. Honble. the Com- rnitteea for the five Western Comities. Ortus Ocoidentalis, or a dawning in the West ; as it was delivered in a Sermon before the Honourable House of Commons, at Westminster, upon the day of Thanksgiving for several! victories in the West. By Eev. John Bond, Master of the Savoy. Lond., Printed by J. D. for Fr. Eglesfield, 1645, sm. 4"., pp. 47. £r. Museum. BOND, Thomas. Town Cleric of Looe. b. 1765. d. East Looe, 18th Dec, 1838. Notice of, in Oeni. Mag., ix, 667, by Davies Gilbert. Topographical and Historical Sketches of the Boroughs of East and West Looe, in the County of Cornwall, with an Account of the Natural and Artificial Curiosities, and Picturesque Scenery of the neighbourhood. 8 Plates and Woodcuts. Lond., J. Nichols and Son, 182;i 8»., pp. 308, 10/6. Note. — The Tiews of East and West Looe were drawn by Mrs. Davies Gilbert. BOND, Thomas. Barrister, h. Corfe Castle, Dorset, Dec, 1805. Copy of Grant of the Manor of Eidwri. Journ. R.I.O., 1864, p. 29.- BONE, Henry, E.A. The Enaneller. b. Probus, 6th Feb., 1755. d. London, 17th Dec, 1834. cf. EncydoiJ. Brit., 8th ed. ; English Cyclop. ; Bedgravis Century of Painters, ed. 1866, i, 424- 26. ; Bryan! s Did. of Engravers (Stanley's ed.), p. 95.; PilUngton's Diet, of Painters (Cunning- ham's ed.), p. 61 ; European Mug. (with por- trait), Ixxxi, 293-94, 1822. BONE, J. H. A., now of Cleveland, U.S. Petroleum and Petroleum Wells, what Petro- leum is, where it is found, and what it is used for.... With a complete Guide Book and descrip- tion of the Oil Eegions of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio. New York, 1865, 8". The Mayor of Mylor. N. & Q., 1 S., x, 263 (1854). Ancient Mining on the Shores of Lake Superior, ib., 3 S., iv, 281-83, (1863). BONE, W. B., Truro. Apparatus for detaching Eailway Carriao-es which get off the Eails. Rep. E.C.P. Soc , 1847 p. 20. 1 , , Magnetic Water Guage for Steam Boilers ib 1866, p. 24. ■' BONEVILE, Thomas. Pardon to T. Bonevile, of Northleigh, Corn- wall. Trevelyan Papers, pt. ii, pp. 45-48. BONHOME, Eev. Joshua. B. of Calstoch, 1677 -97 ; Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty. The arraignment and conviction of Atheism or an exact and clear demonstration that there is a God, presented to the view of all, but especially the learned. Loud., Printed by Tho. James, for Dorman Newman, at the King's Arms in the Poultrey, 1679, 8"., pp. 152. Br. :' BONNAED, A. H. de. Note sur le Gisement, I'exploitation et le traitement de I'Etain dans le Duch6 de Cornou- ailles. Journ. des Mines, xiv, 443-54. Fructidor, An. xi, 1803. Note.— Describes more particularly Polgooth Mine, Carclaze Mine, and Peutowan Stream work. BONYTHON, James. Order to Will. Devyok to seize the lands, &c., of J. Bonython, late of Penryn, forfeited through Eebellion. Harl. MSS., 433, art. 1704. BONYTHON, Mr. Boyal Navy, cf Pepys' Diary and Correspondence, ed. 1858, iv, 206 -207. BONYTHON, Charles. Cr. Serjeant at Law, 1692; M.P. for Westminster. b. Cury. d. London. Mem. of, in H. W. fFoolrycKs " Idve$ of the Serjeants," ii, 464-65 (1869). BONZE, Mr. [Bonds ?] b. Camborne. Note. — The Inventor of an Atmospheric Engine. He was employed in erecting Newcomeu Engines in Cornwall, 1770—75. cf. Smiles' Lives of Boulton and Watt, ed. 1865, pp. 233—36, 245, 296, 313, BOOKEE, G. W. F. See Gregor, G. W. P. BOOTH, Eev. Livingstone, A.M. d. lUogan Parsonage, 18th May, 1822, aged 67. cf. Gent. Mag., xcii, pt. i, 571 (1822). BOEASTON, Eev. Gregory Birch. F. of Wendron. h. Claines, near Worcester. St. Paul's View of the Christian Ministry. A Sermon [on I Thess., ii, 4] preached at Hel- ston, on the 15th June, 1841, at the Visitation of the Yenble. Archdeacon Sheepshanks. By the Eev. G. B., M.A., Vicar of Wendron, and late Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford. Pub- lished at the of the Clergy. Helston-, J. Eoberts, Meneage Street, 1841, 8°., pp. 25. BOKDE. 83 BORLASE. BORDE, Andrew, M.D. The fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Know- ledge. The which doth teache a man to speake parte of all manor of Languages, and to knowe the vsage and fashion of al man'er of cou'treys. And for to knowe the moste parte of all maner of Coynes of Money, ye which is curraunt in every region. Made by Andrew Borde, of Physicke Doctor. . . . Colophon. Imprinted at Lon- don, in Lothbury, over agaynste Sainct Mar- garyte's Church, by me, Wyllyam Copland. n.d. [circa 15-12], 4".— Ed. by W. Upoott, and Reprinted, Lond., 18U, i° . Note. — The App. to the first chapter treats of " Cornewall and Cornysshe men." BORLASE FAMILY. Descent of Borlas with a funeral certificate. Earl. MSB., 1174, art. 478. BORLASE, Christopher, hapt. Ludgvan, 8th Oct., 1729. d. At sea, off the coast of Guinea, 21st Feb., 1749, on board H.M.S. "Surprise." A Book of Drawings by C. Borlase, fourth son of Dr. Will. Borlase. Now in the library at Castle Horneck, 1870. BORLASE, Rev. George {sixth son of Dr. Walter Borlase). h. circa 1744. d. 7th Nov., 1809. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxix, pt. ii, 108.5, 1233, (1809) ; Dyer's Cambridge Supp., p. 21 ; Gun- ning's Reminiscences, i, 108. Catalogue of Cambridge Graduates. By G. Borlase, University Registrary, Cambridge. Lond., 1787, 4".— Cambridge, 1800, 4°. G. Borlase was a Contributor to the 2nd ed. of " Kippis' Biog. Brit." cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxxi, pt. ii, 239, 1811. An Account of a late Rustication from Peter- house, in the University of Cambridge [by Eobert Hopper]. Lond., 1776, 8°., pp. 23. A Postscript to an Account of a late Rustica- tion from Peterhouse, &c. Lond., 1776, 8"., pp.8. Note.- The conduct of Mr. G. Borlase and the other Fellows who tried the case, is the subject of these tracts. An Account of the late Dispute between the Bishop of Ely and the Fellows of Peterhouse, concerning the Election of the Master of that College, addressed to the Colleges under his visitation. By a late Member of one of the CoUeges. 2nd ed., n.d. [1787], 8°., pp. 45. Note. The Fellows desired to ha-pe Mr. Borlase as their Master, but the Bishop refused to appoint him. BORLASE, George Simon, F.R.S. 6. Helston, 30th Jan., 1792. d. Helston, 19th March, 1837. Notice of some Records on the Commencement of Copper Mining in Cornwall and Devon. Trans. li.G.S.C, iv, 486-89 (1832). Premiums given bj G. S. Borlase. Rep. R. C.P. Soc, 18.J4,p. 11. BORLASE, Rev. Henry. Curate of St. Keyne. h. Helston. d. Helston, Oct., 1834. cf N. & Q., 3 S., V, 33, 203 (1864). The Christian Witness. A Quarterly Journal. Ed. by Rev. H. Borlase. Plymouth, 1834. Resurrection not Death the Hope of the Be- liever. A Paper pub. in " The Christian Wit- ness," No. 2, April, 1834, and since Reprinted in "Papers, &c.," 1836. Papers connected with the present state of the Church ; Reasons for withdrawing from the Ministry of the Church of England. Lond., Hamilton, Adams, and Co., 1836, 12°. Answers to the Questions lately considered at a Meeting held in Plymouth, on Sep. 15, 1834, and following days. By H. Borlase and B. W. Newton. Plymouth, 1834, 8".— 2nd ed., with preface, &c., by S. P. Tregelles. Plymouth, 1847, 8°., pp. 84. BORLASE, Capt. John, R.N. b. 24th Feb., 1811. cf. 0'Byr7u's Naval Biog. Diet., p. 98. BORLASE, John Bingh.4m, M.D. b. Penzance, 1753. d. Penzance, 7th May, 1813. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxxiii, pt. i, 502 (1813) ; Pans' Life of Sir H. Davy, quarto ed., 1831, pp. 9-39. BORLASE, James Skipp (son of William Bor- lase, of PoUesco). b. Truro, now in Australia. Daring Deeds and Tales of Peril. Lond., Warne, 1868, 8"., 2/6. The Night Fossickers, &c. Warne's Com- panion Library. Lond., Warne, 1867, 16"., 1/-. Australian Tales of Peril and Adventure. Lond., Warne, 1870, 12«., 2/-. My Native Bay. A Poem. Reprinted from Counsell's Miscellany, pp. 3. BORLASE, Colonel Nicholas, of Treludra. Letter from 0. Cromwell to W. Lenthall, Speaker of the Parliament, in behalf of Colonel N. Borlase. Dated Edinburgh, 13th June, 1651. Carlyle's Cromwell, ed. 1857, iii, app. No. 22. BORLASE, Eev. Walter, L.L.D. F. of Mad- ron and Kenwyn, Prebend, of Exeter, hapt. Pendeen. 5th Nov., 1694. d. Madron, 26th April, 1776. A MS., neatly written, apparently for the BOELASE. 34 BOELASE. BOELASE, Eev. Walter. {Con.). Press [most probably by Dr. W. B., Vice-Warden of the Stannaries], containing Accounts of the parishes of " Philley, Sithney, St. Mawgan, St. Paul, St. Madderne, Witstone." n.d., i vol., lol. In the Library at Castle Horneck, 1870. BOELASE, Eev. William, LL.D., F.R.S. E. of Ludgvan and V. of St. Just in Fenwith. h. Pendeen, 2nd Feb., 1695. d. Ludgvan, 31st Aug., 1772. cf. Chalmer.s ; Rose ; B'wg. Brit. ; Penny Cyclop. ; English Cyclop. ; Kippis' Biog. Brit. ; Chambers' Boole of Days, i, 212 ; Nichols' Lit. Anecdotes, iii, 78, 689 ; Nichols' Illustrations, iv, 227-28, 445, 460, 468. Old Haunts and Remains of a Cornish Genius [i.6., Rev. W. Borlase]. By the Rev. S. W. Christophers. London Quart. Bev., xvii, 385-413, Jan., 1862. Memoir of the Rev. W. Borlase, written by himself, in a letter to the late Wm. Huddesford, Keeper of the A.shmolean Museum, who gave it to the late Rev. Thomas Warton, dated Ijudg- van, May 8, 1772. Gent. Mag., Ixxiii, pt. 2, 1114-1117 (1803). cf Nichols' Lit. Anecdotes, V, 291-303 (1812). Observations on the Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall... and a Vocabulary of the Cornu-British Language. 32 plates. Oxford, W. Jackson, 1754, fol., pp. 414, 15/-. — 2nd ed., revised, 36 plates, Lond., W. Bowyer, 1769, fol., pp. 464. Observations on the Ancient and Present State of the Islands of ScUly, and their Import- ance to the Trade of Great Britain, in a Letter to the Rev. Charles Lyttleton, LL.D., Dean of Exeter and F.R.S. Maps and plates. Oxford, W. Jackson;.,. and Messrs. Jewell and Mitchell, in Cornwall; 1756, 4°., pp. 140, 8/-. Note. — A review of this work, by Dr. Johnson, is in the Lit. Mag., May, 1756. The Natural ■ History of Cornwall ... of the Inhabitants... the Cornish Language ... Map and 28 plates. Oxford, W. Jackson, 1758, fol, pp. 328, 21/-. Additions to Borlase's Nat. Hist, of Cornwall. From MSS. Annotations by the Author. Journ. B.LC., 1864, No. 2. Supp. et .seq. Spar and Sparry Productions, called Cornish Diamonds. Philos. Trans., xlvi, 250 (1749); Ahridg., ix, 699. The Islands of Scilly. ih., xlviii, 55 (1753); Abridg., x, 324. Storm of Thunder and Lightning in Cornwall. ih., xlviii, 86 ; Abridg., x, 335 ; \Oent. Mag., June, 1754]. Agitation of the Water in Mount's Bay, BOELASE, Eev. William. (Con.). 1755. ib., xlix, 373 (1755); Abridg., x, 653. Subterranean Trees found in Mount's Bay. ib., 1, 51 (1757); Abridg., xi, 80. Earthquake in 1757, in Cornwall, ih., 1, 499 (1758); Abridg., xi, 96. Roman Antiquities found at Bossens, St. Erth. ib., li, 31 (1760); Abridg., xi,.322; [Gent. Mag., July, 1760]. Agitation of the Sea in Mount's Bay. ib., Iii, 418 (1762). Agitation of the Sea and two Thunder Storms in 1761, in Cornwall, ib., Iii, 507 (1762); Abridg., xi, 621 ; [London Chronicle, 28th June, 1763]. Mild Weather in Cornwall and the Fall of Rain in 1762. ib., liii, 27 ; Abridg., xi, 684. The Rain and the Weather in 1763, in Corn- wall, ib., liv, 59 (1764). Native Tin found in Cornwall, ib., Ivi, 35 (1766) and 305, lix, 47 (1769); AbrUg., xii, 277, 359, 597. Meteorological Observations made at Ludgvan. ib., Iviii (1767), lix, Ix, Ixi, Ixii (1771) ; Abridg., xiii, 46, 126, 325. Descriptive, Analytical, and Critical Catalogue of the MSS. bequeathed to the University of Oxford by Elias Ashmole. Including also some additional MSS. contributed by Kingsley, Lhuyd, Borlase, and others. By Will. Hen. Black. Oxford University Press, 1845, 4°., pp. 1522. Note.— MSS., 1822, 1824, contain Original Letters from Dr. Borlase to Will. Huddesford. JWSS., 1823, contains the Original Drawings for "The Natural History and Antiquities of Cornwall." 1 vol., fol., 44 leaves. MSS., 1824, also contains Catalogue, in Dr. Borlase's writing, of Clays and Native Fossils given by him to the Ashmolean Museum. List of the MSS. of the Rev. W. Borlase, now preserved in the Library at Castle Horneck, viz : — Original Letters, containing autograph letters of Pope, Stukeley, Hutchins, Pennant, Grono- vius. Dr. Oliver, Atterbury (Bp. of Rochester), Dr. Lawson, Tonkin, Dr. Lyttleton, Browne Willis, Lavington (Bp. of Exeter), Pocock (Bp. of Ossory), Jer. Milles, Dr. Mason, Sir J. St. Aubyn, Sir Richard Vyvyan, and many others. MS., 5 vols., fol., and 1 vol., sm. 4°., v.d. Autograph Letters of Dr. Borlase. MS. copies. Chiefly answers to the above Original Letters. 3 vols., fol., v.d. "Parochial Memoranda" of Parishes, Rec- tories, Vicarages, and Chapelries, Chauntries, and Oratories. MS., 1738, 1 vol., fol. BOELASB. 85 BORLASE. BOBLASE, Eev. William. (Con.). " Formantiir Tempora." An Introduction to Greek Grammar. MS., 1739, sm. 4". "Arms." Family History of Cornwall. MS., 1740, fol. Note. — Contains upwards of 80 pedigrees besides Heraldic Memoranda. " Inscriptions, Topographical Sketches, Church Monuments, Buildings, Epitaphs, and Eemarks, tending to elucidate the Ecclesiastical and Parochial History of Cornwall." MS., 1748, fol. Note. — Contains numerous drawings of Churches, Chapels, Monuments, and Inscriptions. "A Plain Exposition of the Church Cate- chism." MS., 1748, 4". "Memorandums of the Cornish Language." MS., 1749, fol. Note. — Contains notes on the language and gram- mar from Tonkin, Gwavas, Boson, Lluyd, and other sources. "Memorandums of Geography and Astro- nomy." MS., 1751, ohl. fol. "The Creation and the Deluge." Book I, The Earth ; its origin and contents. Book II, The Deluge. MS., fol. Note. — This volume was nearly ready for the Press. It contains at one end the commencement of a work on St. Michael's Mount. ."Private thoughts on the Creation and the Deluge ; pointing out some seeming mistakes in the accounts hitherto pubhshed, relating to these interesting events, by a Country Clergyman." MS., 1771, 4°. Note. — Eeady for the press ; containing a specimen of the printing hy Nichols. This was Dr. Borlase's last work. " Exercitationes Sacrse." MS., sm. fol. Note. — Contains Paraphrases on the Ecolesiastes, Canticles, Lamentations, Eemarks on the Prophets and Genesis, and " de presentia et adventu Dei." " Exercitationes Sacrse." MS., sm. fol. Note. — Contains (besides^ Eemarks on Genesis), " Mems. of Eichard, King of the Eomans, and his suc- cessors, the Earls of Cornwall"; "The Elegy on Sir William Burlacy, of Marlowe and Bockmore, com. Bucks"; and " An Account of the manor and p'ish of Ludgvan." " Barometrical Observations, &c., with an account of the wind and weather from 1752." MS., fol. Meteorological Observations. MS., 1768, fol. Observations relating to the Natural History of Cornwall. MS., 1754, fol. Note.— Note in the title page, " This was my first copy, which I altered as I transcribed, in numberless instances." Addenda to the rough copies of the Antiquities and Nat. Hist. MS., fol. Miscellaneous Observations in Natural History BOELASE, Eev. William. (Con.). and Antiquity ; containing. Book I, British An- tiquities. — Book II, History of British Religion. — Book III, Rude Stone Monuments. — Book IV, Geographical and Topographical History of Cornwall from the earliest times to 1600. — Book V, Observations on Natural History. Note.— The original folio MS. for the Histories ol Cornwall. List of Subscribers to the Antiquities and Natural History, with cost of printing. MS., 1756, 2 vols., sm. 4". " Collectanea, or Collections for the Natural History and Antiquities of Cornwall, &c." MS., fol., v.d. "Excursions." MS., 1751-1758., sm.thickS". Note.— Contains notices of Glastonbury, Plymouth, and nmnerous other places, with drawings. " Acts, Hints, and Memorandums relating to the Poor." MS., 1764, fol. Note. — Contains dissertation on the Poor Laws. "The Poor and the Poor Laws," with the letters from Tho. Gilbert, Esq., M.P., Chairman of the Committee on the Poor Laws. MS., 1764, sm. 4". Domesday Book of Cornwall. MS. copy of the Exeter Domesday, with notes by Dr. Borlase. fol. "Tracts and Extracts." MS., 4°., v.d. "Extracts and Eemarks." MS., 4"., v.d. A Volume of Drawings, by Dr. Borlase, in pen and ink and water colours, fol. Sermons. MS. Note. — This Volume contains some rare old en- gravings. BORLASE, William Copeland {5rd son of Samuel Borlase). h. Castle Horneck, 5th April, 1848. Excavations and Discoveries at an Ancient Cave in Sancreed. Trans. P.N.H. & A.S., iii, 14 (1863). Unpublished Proverbs and Rhymes m the Cornish Language, from the MSS. of Dr. W. Borlase. Journ. B.I.C., 1866, April, p. 7. Account of the Opening of Morvah Hill and Tredinney Barrows, in Cornwall. Archwol. Camb., XV,—, 1868. Reprinted in a Pamph. entitled " Barrows in Cornwall." Engraving and woodcut, n.p. or d.., 8°., pp. 8. Signed W. C. Borlase, and dated Sept., 1868. A Cornish Barrow. " OneandAll," Sep., 1868. Account of Excavations and Discoveries in Subterranean Chambers at Chapel Euny, in San- creed... between 1863 and 1867, with 4 Illusts. by J. T. Blight, Proc. Soc. Antiq., iv, 161, 1868. BOEEOW. 36 BOSCAWEN. BOEEOW, George, b. East Dereham, hapt. 17th July, 1803. Penquite and Pentjrre; or the Head of the Forest and the Headland. A Book on Cornwall, 2 vols. Lond., J. Murray. KoTE. — Announced in 1857 as ready for the press. BOEEOW, Eev. Heney (eldest son of Henry Borrow). E. ofLanivet. h. Truro, 1 OthFeb., 1829. A Description of the Mural Paintings, dis- covered on the walls of Lanivet Church, during its restoration in 1864. With some speculations as to their meaning and date, accompanied by Illustrations, reduced from actual Tracings by the Eector. Netherton, Printer, Truro, n.d., [1864^], 8°., pp. 4. [Printed for private circulation]. BOEEOW, Eev. William {^nd son of Henry Borrow). V. of Heigham Green, 18th May, 1849. b. Truro, 1831. The Isis Waltzes, for the Piano. Performed at Buckingham Palace. Lond., fol., 2/6. The Water-lily Waltzes, for the Piano. Lond., Metzler and Chappell [1858], fol., 3/-. The Passion Flower Polka, for the Piano. Lond., fol., 3/-. The Eastnor Polka, for the Piano. Lond., fol., 2/6. L' Allegro. Caprice, for the Piano. Lond. [1855], fol., 2/-. The Militia Galop, for the Piano. Lond. ];i855], fol., 2/-. Though Spring returns in gladness. Song, words by W. Borrow. Lond., Ollivier, fol., 2/-. The murmur of the stream. Valse brillante. Lond. [185.5], fol., 3/-. Note.- Now (1869), in its 31st 1000, it was bought in at the sale of Messrs. JJetzlers' copyrights for £116. II Penseroso. Caprice, for the Piano. Lond., [1855], fol., 2/-. The Eglantine Galop, for the Piano. Lond. [1858], fol., 2/-. Evening Dews. Song [begins " Softly night dews fall "] ; words by Eev. F. G. Lee. Lond. [1858], fol., 2/-. Ocean Spray. Valse brillante, for the Piano. Lond. [1858], fol, 2/6. The Sea hath its pearls. Song ; words by Longfellow. Lond., Ashdown and Parry [1858], fol., 2/6. Summer Eain. Caprice, for the Piano. Lond [1858], fol., 3/-. Carol, Carol, Christians. A Christmas Carol; Bolo and quai tette ; words by A. C. Coxe. Lond [1859], fol, 2/-. The Music of the Sea. Song [begins " The Night is calm"]. The words by Longfellow Lond. [1859], fol, 2/-. BOEEOW, Eev. William. (Con.). The Eivulet. Valse brillante, for the Piano. Lond., fol, 3/-. Gleams of sunshine. Caprice, for the Piano. Lond., fol., 3/-. Golden days. Song ; words by A. A. Procter. Lond., Ashdown and Parry, fol., 2/-. As o'er the deep. Duet, for soprano and alto. Lond. [1861], fol., 2/6. What of the night ? Song ; words by Eev. F. G. Lee. Lond. [1861], fol, 2/-. Four Christmas Carols. Words by Eev. F. G. Lee. I — Joseph down a kneeling ; II — In the early morning ; III — Lowly in the Bethlehem manger; IV — Slowly fall the snow flakes. Lond., fol., 9d., or 3d. each. Thou art gone from this world of care. Song ; words by W. Borrow. Lond., fol., 2/-. The Brooklet. Song ; words by Longfellow. • Lond., fol., 2/-. Awake ! the daylight sweetly falls. Part Song (S.A.T.B.) ; words by Willy de Burgh. Lond., 8»., 4d. Twilight. Eeverie, for Piano. Lond., Augener, fol., 3/-. Six Songs. I — Streamlet ; words by Peter Spenser, B.A. II— The dews are falling fast; words by E. Borrow. Ill — I love the ripple of the stream; words by Norman Yonge, B.A. IV — Oh ! that we two were maying ; words by Professor Kingsley. V — The lost chord ; words by A. A. Procter. VI — The Passing Bell ; words by W. Borrow. Lond., fol., 5/-. Desolate. Song ; words by Willy de Burgh. Lond., fol, 3/-. Book of Music. I^ — Starry Crowns of Heaven ; Part Song ; words by A. A. Procter. II — Give. ib. Ill — Claribel ; Part Song ; words by Tenny- son. IV — A Shadow; Song; words by A. A. Procter. V — Where the little babbling streamlet. ib. VI — Agnes ; Eeverie, for Piano. Lond., fol., 10/6. Claribel [printed separately from above]. Lond., fol., 3/-; and "in Choir," 8o., Id. Daybreak. Caprice, for the Piano. Lond. [1870], fol, 3/-. The Parable of the Ten Virgins [a Sermon on St. Matt., xxv, 1]. In Miscellaneous Sermons. By Eev. F. G. Lee. Lond., 1860, 12°. BOSAVEEN, Penlez. See Penlez, B. BOSCAWEN. See also Falmouth, Earls of. BOSCAWEN, Benjamin, pseud, i.e. The Life and Adventure of Mr. Peter Quill, a Country Attorney. Printed for the Zingra Club [Bristol], 1859, 12". BOSCAWEN. 87 BOSOAWEN. BOSCAWEN, Mrs. Frances (wife of Admiral Boscawen). h. 1719. d. South Audley Stfeet, London, 26th March, 1805. c/. Gmt. Mnq., Ixxv, pt. i, 289, 382 (1805) ; BosweU's Johnson, ed. 1835, vii, 186, 322. - Letters to and from Hannah More. Eoberts' Mem. of Life and Correspondence of II. More, vols i, ii, iii. Resignation. In two parts, and a postscript to Mrs B ****** *. In verse, by Rev. Edward Young, L.L.D. Lond., 1762, 4".— Reprinted in Anderson's ed. of the Poets, x, 140-54. — -Chalm- er's ed. of the Poets, xiii, 493-506. Sacred Dramas. . .to which is added Sensibility, a Poem. By H. More. Lond., Cadell, 1782, 8"., 4/-. Note. — Sensibility ia dedicated to Mrs. Bosca-wen. BOSCAWEN, Hon. Edward. Admiral of the Blue (drd son of the first Viscount Falmouth). b. Cornwall, 19th Aug., 1712. d. Hatchland Park, near Guilford, 10th Jan., 1761. cf. English Cyclop.; MahorHs Hist, ed. 1858, iv, 46, 133, 147; CamphelVs Lives of British Admirals, ed. 1814, vi, 389-421 ; P. Brown's Hist, of Island of Cape Breton, pp. 282-328 ; The Georgian Bra, ii, 176-77; European Mag., XXV, 191-93 (1794); Gent. Mag., xxxi, 9-10 (1761) ; JV. Seward^s Anecdotes, 4th ed., 1798, ii, 347-53; Charnock's Biog. Navalis, iv, 310- 38 ; Naval Biog. (1800), ii, 466-74. Prise de la Fortress de Louisberg en Canada par les Anglais, aux ordres de G6n6ral Major Amherst et de 1' Admiral Boscawen, le 26 Juillet, 1758 [Strasbourg'! 1770?], 8". Die Eroberung der Festung Louisbourg in Canada von einem Korps KouigUch Grossbrit- tanisherTruppen unter den Befehlen des General- mayor Amherst und des Admiral Boscawen den 26 ten Juhus 1758 [Strasbourg? 1770?], 8« The Auspices of War ; an Ode, inscribed to the Memory of the Hon. Admiral Boscawen ; to which is added The Prophecy of the Union ; a narrative poem. Lond., 1779, 4". An Ode occasioned by the success of Admiral Boscawen. By a Gentleman of the University of Oxford. Lond., Baldwin, 8°., 6d. A Poem addressed to Admiral Boscawen; Gent. Mag., xvii, 600 (1747). Epigram on Admiral Boscawen. ib., xxxi, 38 (1761). BOSCAWEN, Hugh and Edward. Copyes of several deeds relating to five shares of land in Paget's tribe, in the Bermudas, purchased on 4th Feb., 1763, by H. and E. Boscawen. Addit. MSS., Br. Museum, 10131, fol. BOSCAWEN, Hugh (son of Edward Boscawen). cr. Viscount Falmouth, 13th June, 1720. d. Trefusis, 25th Oct., 1734. Grant of the ofiice of Steward of the Duchy of Cornwall to H. Boscawen, in the room of F. Godolphin, Lord Rialton, 22nd April, 1708. Ilarl. 'MSS., 2263, art. 175. Warrant to H. Boscawen, Warden of the Stannaries, to summon a Parliament of the Tinners of Devon and Cornwall, 14th Jan., 1709-10. ib., 2264, art. 98. BOSCAWEN, M. A Sketch of the Life of the Princess Charlotte ; being an attempt to delineate her character and moral worth ; with authentic particulars of her lamented death. Lond., 1817, 8**., 6d. Sketch of the Life of the Princess Charlotte Augusta, Concert of Prince Leopold. 2nd ed., Lond., Walker and Mason, 1817, 12°., pp. 36. BOSCAWEN, Mary Frances Elizabeth (Vis- countess Falmouth), b. 24th March, 1822. Conversations in Geography ; or, the Child's First Introduction to where he is, what he is, and what else there is besides. Lond., Longman, 1854, 8"., pp. 512. BOSCAWEN, Hon. and Rev. Nicholas, D.D. B. of St. Mabyn; Dean of Buryan. b. 16th Aug., 1720. d. Quendon, Essex, 4th July, 1793. cf Gent. Mag., Ixiii, pt. 2, 676, 708, 765 (1793). BOSCAWEN, William (2nd son of General Geo. Boscawen). J. 28thAug.,1752. c?. Little Chelsea, 8th May, 1811. cf. Rose; Chalmers; Gent. Mag., Ixxxi, pt. i, 470, 500 (1811). A Treatise on Convictions on Penal Statutes. By W. Boscawen, Barrister-at-Law. Lond., Printed for E. & R. Brooke, in Bell-yard, Temple- Bar, 1792, 8°., pp. 211. Preface, &c., J sheet; Index, I sheet; these have no pagination. Note. — Dedicated to Sir F. Buller, Bart. The Odes of Horace... Translated into English Verse by W. Boscawen. Lond., Stockdale, 1793, 8°., 6d. The Progress of Satire. An Essay in Verse. . . 1798, Supplement, 1799. Richard the First. A Poem, by Sir J. B. Burgess [afterwards Sir J. B. Lamb]. Lond., 1800, 8". Note. — A copy in the Br. Museum has MS. notes by the author, containing corrections and emendations suggested by W. Boscawen. Original Poems. By W. Boscawen. 1801,12°. Address to the Subscribers and Friends to the BOSCA-WEN. 38 BOWEN. BOSCAWEN, William. {Cov.). Literary Fund, by W. Boscawen. Gent. Mag., Ixx, pt. i, 370 (1800). NoTE.^W. Boscawen was for many years a con- tributor to the British Critic. BOSCAWEN, Lieut. William Glanville (2nd son of Admiral Boscawen). J. 1751. Drowned in Jamaica, 21st April, 1769. Elegy on the Death of Lieut. W. G. Boscawen. By Dr. John Wolcot. cf. D. Gilberts Cormoall, iii, 219-20. BOSGEAVE, Thomas (a kinsman of Sir J. ArundeU). h. Cornwall. Executed Dorchester, 4th July, 1594. cf. Challoner's Mem. of Mis- sionary Priests... ed. 1803, i, 166-168. BOSON, John {son of Nicholas Boson), h. New- lyn. hapt. 29th March, 1655 0). The Duchess of Cornwall's Progress to the Land's End. Written in the Cornish language. A Romance. MSS. BOSVIAN, Thomas. King Henry VIII to T. Bosvian and James Carew, of Cornwall, greeting them for revenging the cruelty of the Scots, and to make a speedy loan of 20/., for carrying on the war. West- minster, 1st Dec, 15—. Harl. MSS., 6986, art. 3. BOSUSTOW, William, of Perran Foundry. b. Helston, 30th August, 1812. Right or Left-handed Ratchet Spinner. Rep. B.C.P. Soc., 1853, p. 37. BOTANISTA, Theophilus, M.D. pseud, i.e. Rural Beauties, or the Natural History of the Four following Western Counties, — Cornwall, Devonshire, Dorsetshire, Somersetshire. With Additional Remarks. Lond., Printed and sold by W. Fenner, 1757, 12°. Note. — Cornwall, pp. 86 ; 54 of these comprise a Dialogue between a Tutor and his Pupil. BOTTONER, William. See Wilham of Wor- cester. BOTTRELL, William, Jun. b. Raftra, St. Levan, 7th March, 1816, Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall. By W. Bottrell {an Old CeU)...Fen- zance, 1870, Printed for the Author, by W. Cornish, The Library, Green-market, 8°., pp. vi and 287. Price to- Subscribers, 5/6. The Penzance of our Grandfathers. A series of articles in The Cor. Teleg., in 1867, signed "Old Celt" [i.e., W. Bottrell], BOTTEELL, William, JnN. {Con.). The Excursion, ib., Dec, 1867, et seq. Lord Exmouth's run from the foe. One and All, May, 1868, May Day. ib.. May, 1868. St. Levan Church, ib., July, 1868. Lord De Dunstanville and the old dame of Portreath. ib., Aug., 1868. A Northern Excursion, ib., Sept., 1868, Cornish pulpit retorts forty years ago. ib., Sept., 1868. The Zennor man's will, ib., Oct., 1868, The Zennor man who bought clothes for hia wife, ib., Nov., 1868. The Ancient Name of Chapel Street, ib., Dec, 1868. A Northern Excursion, ib., Jan. and Feb., 1869. BOULTON; Matthew, b. Birmingham, 3rd Sept., 1728, d. Birmingham., 17th August, 1809, Note. — He came into Cornwall to erect Watts's Engines, 1778, 1779, 1780, 1782, 1784. cf. Smiles' Lives of Boulton and Watt, passim ; see also Bramah, J. BOURNON, Jacques Louis (Comtede), P.RS. and L.S. b. Metz, 21st January, 1751, d. Versailles, 24th August, 1825, Description of the Arseniates of Copper and of Iron from Cornwall. Philos. Trans., xci, 169- 192, 193, 1801. [Journ. des Mines, xi, 35-62, 1801-2; Journ. de Phys. Paris, liv, 299-312, 1802]. Description of a triple sulphuret of Lead, Antimony, and Copper, from Cornwall ; with some observations upon the various modes of attraction which influences the formation of mineral substances, and upon the difi'erent kinds of Sulphuret of Copper, ib., xciv, 30-62, 63, 1804. Abridg., xxiv, 225, 251. Memoir on the triple Sulphuret of Lead, Cop- per, and Antimony or Endellion. fT. Nicholson's Journ., xxiv, 225-37, 251-60, 321-36 (1809). BOWDLER, Mrs. Henrietta Maria, d. Bath, 25th Feb., 1830, aged 76. Pen Tamar, or the History of an Old Maid. By the late Mrs. H. M. Bowdler, Lond., Long^ man, 1830, 8°, BOWEN, Emanuel. Map of Cornwall divided into hundreds. Drawn from Surveys and Illustrated with His- torical Extracts, relative to its Produce, Trade, and Manufactures ; describing also the Church Livings, Charity Schools, &c,, by E, Bowen, Geographer to his late Majesty, Lond,, Printed for Robt, Sawyer and John Bennett, 53, fleet Street... 1st June, 1777, size 19| in, by 16^ in. BOWEB. 89 BOYNE. BOWER, Rev. John. F. of LostwitUel. b. Lostwithiel. The Official Application of the Rev. J. Bower, with other influentiul people, to the Privy Council, to appoint them a Board of Health to prevent the Cholera in Lostwithiel. Lostwithiel, 1832, 4°. MSS. BOWLES, Charles. Solicitor. I. Burton Hill, Shaftesbury, 1766. d. Shaftesbury, 21st May, 1837. A Short Account of the Hundred of Penwith, in the County of Cornwall. Compiled from Authentic Documents. With an Appendix, con- taining the Original Grants, Confirmations, &c. By Charles Bowles, of Shaftesbury. Shaftesbury, Printed and Sold by R. Hurd, High Street; Sold also by Champante and Whitrow, Jewry Street, Aldgate, London ; Collins, Salisbury ; Goadley, Lerpinere, and Langdon, Sherborne ; and may be had of all Booksellers. 1805, 8°., pp. 48. Note. — A sort of rough brief, in proof of tlie right of the Arundel family to wrecks and royalties in Pen- with ; 31 pages are occupied with copies of Grants, &c. BOWLES, Rev. William Lisle, M.A. (brother of the preceding), b. King's Sutton, 24th Sept., 1762. d. Salisbury, 7th April, 1850. St. Michael's Mount. A. Poem. Salisbury, Printed by B. C. Collins for J. Adams, Shaftes- bury, 1798, 4°., pp. 25, 2/6. Days Departed, or Banwell Hill. A Lay of the Severn Sea. Lond., Murray, 1829, 8°., pp. 120. — 2nd ed., including the Tale of the Maid of Cornwall, or Spectre and Prayer Book, 1829, 8"., pp. 37, & 205. Note.— The Cornish Tale, pp. 76—116. Poetical Works of Rev. W. L. Bowles. With Memoir by Rev. G. GilfiUan. Lond., Nichol, 1855, 2 vols., 8°. BOWYER, Rev. John. Canon of Bodmin, b. Bodmin. Contemplatio Bona. "Quod dns Johannes Arcuarius, Canonicus Bodmine deo gratias." Hart. MSS., 2399, Art. 8. De Pueritia Domini Nostri Jesu Christi. On margin, " Ego Bow. . .Scrip. . .hoc ve. . .rsum." At end, " Quod dns Johannes Arcitenens, Canonicus Bodminnie, et Natus in ilia, deo gratias." ib., 2399, Art. 10. BOX, James, d. Constantine, 11th Oct., 1825. cf. Mem. of W. Carvosso, ed. 1835, pp. 170, 175-176. BOX, William Henry, M.D. b. Cornwall, 1796. d. East Looe, 25th Aug., 1861. Remarks on the New Patent Hook in Sea Fishing. By W. H. Box, M.D. Published by Thomas Hemming and Son, sole Manufacturers, Victoria Place, Redditch, Worcestershire. Bir- mingham, Printed at M. Billing's Steam-press Office, Livery Street, n.d. [1858], 8°., pp. 4. Submarine Forest near Looe. Hep. B.I.C., 1844, p. 36. On Opening Barrows in Pelynt. ib., 1846, p. OQ 00. Frescoes in Talland Church, ib., 1849, p. 32. BOYD, Rev. Andrew Kennedy Hutchison, D.D. Minister of the City and Parish of St. Andrew's, b. Auchinleck, Ayrshire, 3rd Nov., 1825. The Land's End. By the author of " Recrea- tions of a Country Parson " [i.e., Rev. A. K. H. Boyd]. Good Words, Nov., 1862. The Common-place Philosopher. Lond., Long- man, 1864, 8". Note. — Chapter xii, entitled " At the Lands End," pp. 371—88. BOYD, Rev. Henry. Formerly Master of Probus Scliool ; notv V. of St._ Marlis, Victoria Dock, Plaistow, Essex, b. St. John's, Hackney, 26th Feb., 1831. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Probus, on Sunday Morning, November 13th, 1859, by the Rev. H. Boyd. Truro, J. R. Netherton, 1859, 8°., pp. 12, 6d. BOYLE, John Magor (son of Rev. John Boyle, Wesleyan Minister). b. Penzance, now in America. Gorlaye, or a Tale of the Olden Tyme ; in four cantos. Anon. Lond., Baldwin ; Truro, J. Brokenshir [printed], 1835, 12"., pp. 180, 7/6. Note. — A half title prefixed reads " Cithara Dan- monii. BOYNE, Louis Samuel, b. Ireland, d. St. Mawes. Notes on the Parish of St. Anthony, in Rose- land, and its restored Church ; with remarks on the Life and Temptations of the Patron Saint. By L. S. Boyne, St Mawes ; with Illustrations by Rev. C. W. Carlyon. Lond., Truscott, 1852, 8°., pp. 40. BOYNE, William, F.S.A. Tokens issued in the Seventeenth Century, in England, Wales, and Ireland, by Corporations, Merchants, Tradesmen, etc. Lond., J. R. Smith, 1858, 4°- Note. — Cornish Tokens described, pp. 37 — iO. BEADBKIDGE. 40 BBAT. BRAD BRIDGE, Et. Rev. William. Bp. of Exeter, ] 571-79. Letter to Lord Burghley, complaining of some Cornish Men refusing to come to Church... 3rd Dec, 1576. Lamh. MSS., 23, art. 8. -BRADDON, Laurence, of Treworgy, in St. Gennys. d. Sunday, 29th November, 1724. cf. Luttrell's Brief lidation of State dffairs, i, 299, 306 ; Jas. Ralplis Hist, of Eiiqland, i, 761-65 jiVor/A's Examen,ed. 1740, pp. 386-8S ; Kijjpis' Biog. Brit., iii, 229-30 ; N. & Q., 3 S., iv, 500 (1863). The Tryal of Laurence Braddon and Hugh Speke, Gent., upon an Information of High Mis- demeanour, &c. . . . endeavouring to raise a Belief ...that the late Earl of Essex did not Murther himself in the Tower, before Sir. George Jeffreys, ...Friday, 7th of February, 1683. Lond., Printed for Benjamin Tooke, at the Ship, in St Paul's Church Yard, 1684, foL, pp. 78. — Reprinted Cohhett's State Trials, ix, 1127-1228. An Enquiry into, and Detection of, the Bar- barous Murther of the Late Earl of Essex ; or a Vindication of that Noble Person from the Guilt and Infamy of having Destroyed himself [By L. Braddon q. 1689, 4"., pp. 75. Essex's Imiocency and Honour Vindicated, or Murther, Subornation, Perjury, and Oppression, justly charged on the Murtherers of that Noble Lord and True Patriot Arthur (late) Earl of Essex, &c. Lond., Printed for the Author, and sold by most Booksellers, 1690, 4" The Constitutions of the Company of Water- men and Lightermen, as amended by the Right Honourable the Court of Lord Mayor and Alder- men, &c. Lond., Printed in the year 1708, 8"- NoTE. — There is no Author's name on the title page, but the dedication is signed "Laurence Braddon." The Miseries of the Poor a National Sin and Shame. Lond., 1717, 8'\ Particular answers to the most material objec- tions made to the proposal humbly presented to His Majesty for relieving, reforming, and em- ploying all the poor of Great Britain. Printed in the year 1722, 8°., pp. 72. Note. — No name on title page, but dedication signed " Laurence Braddon." Bishop Burnet's History charged with great partiality and misrepresentations, to make the present and future ages believe that Arthur, Earl of Essex, in 1 683, murdered himselfe. . .with observations upon the suppos'd poysoning of King Charles the Second. Written by Mr. Braddon. Lond., Printed for Tho. Warner, in Paternoster Row, n.d. [1725], 8°., pp. 192. — Reprinted Cobbett's State Trials, ix, 1229-1332. Letter from L. Braddon to Sir Hans Sloane. £r. Museum Jddit. MSS., 4038. BRADFIELD, Henry Joseph Steele. Colonial Secretary of Barbadoes. b. Westminster, 18th May, 1805. d. London, 11th October, 1853. The last of the Greeks, or Ferdinando Pale- ologus. Gent. Mag., xix., 17 (1843). BRADLEY, Rev. Richard Beadon. Incumb. of Ash Prior's and Colhelstone, Somerset ; after- wards Curate of the East Church, Teignmouth. b. Minehead, 1803. d. Teignmouth, 22nd March, 1851. Review [of "The Crowning of the British Poetesses. A Poem" ]. By Arthur O'B. [i.e., Rev. R. B. Bradley]. Cornish Mag., iii, 156 (1828). The Botanist. A Ballad, ib., iii, 208. BRAMAH, Joseph. Engineer, b. Staiiiborough, Yorkshire, 1749. d. Holt Forest, Hants, 9th Deer., 1814. A Letter to the Right Hon. Sir James Eyre, Lord Chief .Justice of the Common Pleas, on the subject of the cause Boulton and Watt v. Horn- blower and Maberly, for infringement of Mr. Watt's Patent for an Improvement on the Steam Engine. Lond., 1797, 8". BRAMSTON, Sir John. Elected M. P. for Bodmin, 1640. b. Whitechapel, Sept., 1611. d. Skreens, 4th Feb., 1699-1700. cf J. Bramston's Auto- biography, pp. 160-61. BRAN WELL, Ellen Vivian. See Warder, E. V. BRAY, Anna Eliza (daughter of John Kempe, Bullion Porter, H.M. Mint), b. St. Mary Newington, Surrey. She m. firstly Charles Alfred Stothard, F.S.A. (who d 1821); she m. secondly Rev. E. A. Bray (who d. 1857). Traditions, Legends, Superstitions, & Sketches of Devonshire, the Tamar, and the Tavy. Lond., Murray, 1838, 3 vols., post 8"., 24/-. Trelawnie of Trelawne, or the prophecy ; a Legend of Cornwall. Lond., Longman, 3 vols., post 8°., 31/6.— 2nd ed., 1845, 8°. Henry de Pomeroy, or the Eve of St. John; a Legend of Cornwall and Devon. Lond., R Bentley, 1842, 3 vols., 12°.— New ed., revised and corrected, with notes by the Author (with the White Rose. A Domestic Tale.). Lond., Longman, 1846, 8"., pp. 4 & 364. Courtenay of Walreddon. A Romance of the West. Lond,, R. Bentley, 1844, 3 vols., 12°. The Novels and Romances of A. E. Bray. Lond., Longman, 1845-6, 10 vols., 8"., 60/-. Note. — With Dlustrations and a general preface by the Authoress. BEAY. 41 BEETT. BEAY, Anna Eliza. (Con.). A Peep at the Pixies, or Legends of the West ...with Illustrations by H. K. Browne. Lond. , Grant and Griffith, 1854 [1853], 8"., pp. 162, 3/6. Eosteague. A Family Tradition. MSS. Cotele and the Edgcumbes of the Olden Times. Gent. Mag., xl, 351, 444-50 (1853). BRAY, Henry. Mayor of Bodmin, 1550 & 1562. The Articles of us the Commoners of Deuon- shyre and Cornwall, in diners Campes by East and West of Excettor. [1549], 4»., 3 leaves. (Signed, amongst others, by H. Bray, Mayor of Bodmin). Note.— c/. Journ. B.I.G., Oct., 1864, p. 77 ; April, 1865, p. 36. BRAY, The Eev. Thomas, D.D. Canon of Windsor and Rector of Exeter Coll., Oxford, 22nd Oct., 1771. &. Stratton, 1706. d. 28th March, 1785. c/. Gent. Mag., Iv, 324 (1785). The evidence of Prophecy superior to the evidence of Miracles only in a restrained and limited sense. A Sermon [on II Pet., i, 19] preached before the University of Oxford, on Feb. 2nd, 1761, by T. Bray, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. Printed at the Theatre, for Jas. Fletcher, and sold by Payne and Cropley. Lend., 1761, 8°., pp. 23. A Sermon [on I Pet., ii, 16] preached before The Honourable House of Commons, at St. Mar- garet's, Westminster, on Monday, Jan. 31st, 1763, being appointed to be observed as the day of the Martyrdom of King Charles I, by T. Bray. Lond., Printed for J. Fletcher, in the Turle, at Oxford ; and sold by J. Fletcher & Co. Lond., 1763, 4°., pp. 19. Note. — Dr. Bray received the thanks of the House of Commons for this Sermon, 1st Feb., 1763. BRAYLEY, Edward Wedlake,F.S.A. [h. 1773. d. 23rd Sept., 1854], and Britton, John. The Beauties of England and Wales; or Original Delineations, Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive, of each County; embellished with Engravings. Lond., Vernor... Longman, etc., 1801-15, 18 vols., 8°. Note.— Cornwall, ii, 311—524 ; with 10 Plates. The Beauties of Cornwall; or Delineations, Topographical; Historical, andDescriptive. Plates of Roche Rock and Chapel and St. German's Church. Truro, Printed and sold by William Harry, 1802, demy 8". Note.— Extracted from the previous work. Cornwall illustrated in a series of Views of Castles, Seats of the NobiHty, Mines, Picturesque Scenery, Towns, Public Buildings, Churches, BKAYLEY, Edwabd Wedlake. [Con.). Antiquities, etc., from original drawings by Thomas Allom, etc. ; engraved on steel by Le Petit... with historical and descriptive accounts, by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley. Map and 45 Views. Lond., Fisher, Sons, & Co., 1831, sq. fol, pp. 48. Devonshire illustrated in a series of views of Cities, Towns... from original drawings by Thos. Allom and W. H. Bartlett, etc. ; engraved on Steel by Heath ...with historical and descriptive accounts by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley. Map and 95 Views. Lond., Fisher, Son, & Co., 1832., sq. fol, pp. 106. Devonshire and Cornwall illustrated, from original drawings by Thomas Allom, W. H. Bartlett, etc. ; with historial and topographical descriptions by J. Britton and E. W. Brayley. Lond., H. Fisher, 1832, sq. fol. Note. — This is a general title to the two preceding works when bound up together. BRAYLEY, Edward William, F.R.S. (son of the preceding), h. London, 1801. d. London, 1st February, 1870. On the alleged artificial origin of Rock Basins. Philos. Mag., viii, 331-42 (1830). BREACA, St. cf. A. Butler's Lives of the Saints, ed. 1836, i, 298, 738. BREE, Rev. William Thomas. B. of Allesley. h. Coleshill, near Warwick, 1786. d. Allesley, 25th Feb., 1863. List of Exotic Plants flourishing in the neigh- bourhood of Penzance, in Paris' Guide, ed. 1828, p. 7. Notes on the Mildness of the Climate of Pen- zance, and List of some rare Indigenous Plants in the Land's End District, in Forbes " On the Climate of Penzance," pp. 49-56. BRENTON, E. H. h. St. Blazey. BRENTON, William. 6. St. Blazey. Map of the Chiverton and Perranzabuloe Mining District, shewing the relative positions of mines, all known lodes, cross-courses, etc. By E. H. Brenton, Truro, and William Brenton, Plain-an-Gwarry, Redruth, Mine and Land Sur- veyors, Draughtsmen, Lithographers. Size of Map, 3ft. 6in. by 2ft. 6in. Price, coloured, mounted, and varnished, 21/-. 1869. Map of the Lovell, Helston, and Wheal Vor Mining Districts. In preparation, 1870. BRETT, Rev. George. Dissenting Minister at Penzance and Lisheard. h. Staffordshire. Mem. of, by Mr. John Fox, of Plymouth, in Monthly Bepositm'y, xvi, 260-62 (1821). BEIAN. 42 BEOME. BRIAN, Johannes, de Cornubia. e/. Tanner, p. 124. Speculum Grammaticale super Donatum. 179 leaves in foL, beginning " Quoniam studium grammaticorum," and written 1346. MSS. Bod. Lib., No. 3581 ; Class 8, No. 91, in Catal. A.D. 1697. Note. — rf. note at end of MSS., p. 180, which says, "Et sic finitur tractatus super Donatum de con- grnetatibus Grammaticse, qui intjtulatur speculum Gram- maticale, editus a magistro Johanna Brian, dicto de CornubiS, 1346, etc., qu[oth] I. B." cf. also Trevisa's note on " Higden's Polychronicon," Book I, Ch. 59 {II, 161, Ed. 1869) : " John Cornwaile, a Maister of grammer chaunged the lore in Gramer scole and construciown of Frenche into Englische ; and Eichard Pencriche lerned the manore techynge of hym and [of] othere men of Pencrich, so that now (1385) in alle the gramere acoles of Engelond, children leveth Erensche, and construeth and lerneth an Englische." BEIGE OR BRYCE, Andrew, b. Exeter, 16 90. d. Exeter, 7th Nov., 1773. cf. Timper ley's Typog. Did., pp. 665, 729-31 ; Polwhele's Cormoall, v, 87-90. The Geographical Dictionary, or Grand Gazet- teer. Exeter, Bryce, 1751, fol. The Topographical Dictionary of the World, more especially of Great Britain and Ireland, and all the British Settlements, with their Cus- toms, Manners, Curiosities, both Natural and Artificial, Remarkable Events in all past Ages, &c. Exeter, printed for the Author, 1759, thk. fol. A Universal Geographical Dictionary, or Grand Gazetteer. Maps. Exeter, Bryce, 1760, 2 vols., fol,, 42/-. Note. — The above three works contain very full accoiiuts 01 Cornwall. — A. Brice established a printing liress at Truro about 1740. BRIEUC, St. h. Cornwall, circa 410. d. St. Brieuc, circa 502. cf. A. Butler's Lives of the Saints, ed. 1836, i, 549. BRIGGS, Thomas Richard Archer, h. Furs- don, iu Eggbucldand, near Plymouth, 7th May, 18 3G. Localities of some uncommon plants and of varieties of common species within twelve miles of Plymouth. Phytologist, v, 368-71 (1861). Station of some uncommon plants in Devon and Corn-vall. Journ. of Botany, ed. by B. See- mnn, i, 370-78 (1863). Stations near Plymouth of some plants that are eithi-r uncommon or new to Devon and Cornwall, ib., iii, 349-52 (1865). U]i recorded Stations, mostly near Plymouth, of some ujicommon plants, etc. ib., iv, 287-90 (1866). BRISTOW, Henry William, F.R.S. Underground Life ; or Mines and Miners. By L. Simonin. Translated, adapted to the present state of British Mining, and Edited by H. W. Bristow. Illustrated with 160 engravings on wood, 20 maps geologically coloured, and 10 • plates of metals and minerals in chromolitho- graphy. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1869, 8"., pp. xix & 516. BRITANNICUS, pseud, i.e., Boase, G. C. BRITANNICUS, pseud, i.e., Boase, H. BRITTON, John. 5. Kington, Wiltshire, 7th July, 1771. d. 1st Jan., 1857. The Late Samuel Drew. Gent. Mag., ciii, 469-72 (1833). Cromlechs and Kist Vaens. Proc. Soc. Antiq.,. i, 194 (1847). Note. — For " The Beauties of England and Wales, &e.," se«Brayley, E. W. BRITTON, Rev. Thomas Hopkins, M.A. F. of Newlyn Bast. b. Bristol. Horse Sacramentales. The sacramental articles of the Church of England vindicated and illus- trated by the writings of their compilers, etc. Lond., 1851, 8°., 6/-. An Examination of the principal facts and arguments advanced by Dr. Bayford and the Rt. Honble. Dr. Lushington against the opiaion hitherto held by historians, that the 13 Elis., chap. 12, referred to the Book of Articles, where- upon it was agreed by the Archbishops and Bishops of both Provinces, etc., in 1562, etc. Lond., Parker; Truro, J. R. Netherton [printed]; 1857, 8°., pp. 147, 4/-. A Sermon " On the Duty of Visiting the Sick." Bideford, Printed by William Cole, 1842, 8°. BROAD, William, b. Penzance, 24th Oct., 1772. d. Falmouth, 2nd Aug., 1853. Letter from W. Broad to Sir W. Symonds, 4th Nov., 1833, in "Life of Admiral Symonds." Lond., 1858, 8"., p. 157. BROKENSHIR, B. b. Fowey, 1810. Instrument for ascertaining the different sides of a triangle by inspection. Bep. B.C. P. Soc, 1838, p. 152. BROME, James, M.A. Travels over England, Scotland, and Wales... Lond., 1700, 8°. Note. — Mr. Brome came to the borders of Cornwall, but the rain prevented him from continuing his journey. BEONTE. 43 BEOWNLOW. BEONTE, Charlotte, b. Haworth, 21st April, 1816. d. Haworth, 31st March, 1855. The Life of C. Bronte, author of Jane Eyre. By E. C. Gaskell. Lond., Smith, Elder, & Co., 1857, 2 vols., 120. Note. — Contains an account of Penzance and the Branwell family. BEOUGHAM, Matthew, h. Falmouth, 1788. d. Falmouth, Sept., 1826. Elegiac Tribute to the Memory of the late M. Brougham. By J[ohnson], MountSion, Falmouth. Selector, or Cmnish Mag., i, 163 (1826). BEOUGHAM, Stephen, M.E.C.S.L. I. War- ringtofi, in Lancashire, 7th May, 1794. d. Falmouth, 20th May, 1866. On Cholera. A Treatise, practical and theo- retical. Lond., Wertheim, 1834, 8". BEOWN, George. &. Callington, 16th Jan., 1844. The Eainfall in Cornwall for 1866. The Times, 3rd Oct., 1866, and 3rd Jan., 1867. The Eainfall in Cornwall for 1867. ib., 3rd Jan., 1868. BEOWN, G. T. Veterinary Professor. On the Improvement of Agricultural Horses suited to the West of England. Journ. Bath and West of Engl. Soc., xi, pt. i, 46-66 (1863). BEOWN, Henry. A Eeply to the Eev. J. Garrett's Pastoral Letter (so called) to the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Paul. Penzance, F. T. Vibert, 1859, 8°., 3d. BEOWN, John Sheeeis. Manager of the Mounts Bay Bank b. Penzance, 27th Dec, 1779. d. Penzance, 7th May, 1835. No Fiction ! A Statement of Facts respecting the Accounts of the Industrious Society for Scilly and... the Eev. G. C. Smith, the Secretary John S. Brown, Treasurer to the Society. Penzance, 1824, 12°. See Jeffery, John. BEOWN, Samuel. Verses to the Memory of S. Brown, a Cornish Fiddler, signed " Cornwall." Gent. Mag., xxxii, • 287 (1762). BEOWN, William. Barrister, b. Louth, Lin- colnshire. The Law of Limitations as to real Property, including that of the Crown and Duke of Cornwall. With Appendix of Statutes. By W. Brown, Esq., of Gray's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Lond., 1869, 8"., 28/-. BEOWNE, Et. Eev. Edward Harold, D.D. Bp. of Ely; V. of Kenwyn, 1850-1857. b. Aylesbury, 6th March, 1811. Peril of Popery and Peril of Antichrist. Three Sermons preached in the Parish Church of Kenwyn. Published by request. Truro, J. E. Netherton ; Exeter, Wallis ; 3rd ed., 1851, 8°. The Gifts of the Ascended Saviour. A Sermon [on Eph., iv, 8] preached at St. Mary's Church, Truro, on Tuesday, May 27th, 1851, nt the Triennial Visitation of the Et. Eev. Henry, Lord Bishop of Exeter. Published by command of the Lord Bishop. Lond., J. H. Parker; Exeter, A. Holder; 1851, 8°., pp. 23. Eeligious Excitement. A Sermon preached in Kenwyn Church, on Sunday, November 23rd, 1851. Published by request. Lond., Parker ; Truro, J. E. Netherton; 1851, 8°.— 2nd ed., 1852, 8"., pp. 20, 1/-. Eeligious Excitement. A Letter to the Eev. E. H. Browne, M.A., Vicar of SS. Kenwyn and Kea, Prebendary of Exeter, Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Exeter, etc., etc. By the Eev. W. Haslam, Perpetual Curate of Baldiu. Lend., J. H. Parker; Truro, J. E. Netherton; 1851, 8°.— 2nd ed., 1852, 8«., pp. 22, 6d. Two Sermons preached at Kenwyn Church, on Easter Sunday, April 12th, 1857. Truro, J. E. Netherton ; London, J. H. Parker; 1857, 8"., pp. 32, 1/-. : Thoughts on an Extension of the Diaconate, and on Lay Agency. A Paper read to the Clergy of the Euridecanal Synod of Powder, and printed at their request. Truro, J. E. Netherton, 1854, 8«., pp. 20, 1/-. BEOWNE, Eev. John Denis {son of George Townsheiid Broume). V. of Braintree. &. Dublin? d. Braintree, 17th Feb., 1864. A Letter to the Eev. J. D. Browne, Assistant Curate of Penzance, on Baptismal Eegeneration. By a Layman of the Church of England, i.e., Penzance, E. Eowe ; Lond., Eivington ; 1838, 8°., pp. 80. Bod. Lib. BEOWNE, Eiohard. Mr. E. Browne to Lord Burghley, to have the free enjoyment of his grant for curing and packing fish in Devonshire and Cornwall, Oct. 5, 1595. Lansd. MSS., 78, art. 58. BEOWNLOW [Emma Sophia], Countess (daughter of Richard, Earl of Mount Edgcumbe). b. in the Parish of St. George's, Hanover Square, London, 28th July, 1791. Slight Eeminiscences of a Septuagenarian from 1 802 to 1 8 1 5. By Emma Sophia Oust, Countess Brownlow. Lond., J. Murray, 1867, 8°.— 2nd ed., 1867, 8°., pp. viii & 199.— 3rd ed., 1868, 8". BEUNEL. 44 BUCKINGHAM. BRUNEL, Sir Marc Isambard, C.E. h. Hacqueville, France, 25th April, 1769. d. London, 12th Dec, 1849. Report on the Construction of a Ship Canal, about thirteen miles in length, between Fowey Harbour, on the south coast of Cornwall, and the Padstow Eiver, on the north. 1825. Sir M. I. Brunei and the Falmouth Tailor. cf. R. Beamish's Life of Brunei, p. 306. BRUNNICH, Professor Moreton Thrane, of Copenhagen. A Description of Two Tin-ores from Cornwall. Trans. Roy. Swedish Acad, of Sciences, 1778. BEUNTON, C. C.E. On the dressing of Ores. Rep. B.C. P. Soc, 1842, pt. i, p. 80. On a Wind Hammer for Boring Eocks. ib., 1843, p. 48. BEUNTON, J. D. Notes on Brunton's Eock Tunnelling Machine. Rep. R.G.P. Soc., 1867, p. 56; Bej>. Miners' Assoc, of C. & D., 1867. BEYANT, John. See Badcock, John. BEYANT, William. See O'Bryant, W. BRYCE, A. See Brice, A. BUCK, Eev. Eichard Hugh Keats. R. of St. Dominich. h. Bideford. Lay Eesponsibility, with especial reference to the office of Churchwarden. A Sermon preached at the Archdeacon of Cornwall's Visitation at Liskeard. Lond., Longman : CalHngton, Philp ; 1868,80. BUCK, Samuel, d. 1779, aged 83. BUCK, Nathaniel. Buck's Antiquities ; or venerable remains of above 400 Castles, &c., in England and Wales, with near 100 Views of Cities and Chief Towns. Lond., Printed by D. Bond, at St. John's Gate, and sold by Eobert Sayer, Fleet Street, 1774, 3 vols., fol. Note.— In vol. i, 12 Coraisli Views; In vol. iii, 2 Views of the Mount. BUCKHUEST, Lord (Thomas Saokville). 6. Buckhurst, Withiam, Sussex, 1527. d. 19th April, 1608. Letter from Lord Buckhurst to the Deputy Lieutenants of Sussex, dated 26th July, 1595, on the Descent of the Spaniards in Cornwall. Earl. MSS., 703, art. 53, pp. 79-84. BUCKINGHAM, James Silk. h. Flushing, 1786. d. London, 30th June, 1855. cf Gent. Mag., xliv, 322 (1855) ; Illust. Lond. News, 7th July, 1855; Penny Cyclop., 2nd Supp. ; English Cyclop. ; Men of the Time, ed. 1856; Cornish Mag., ii, 129; iii, 131, 236 (1826-27). The Autobiography of J. S. Buckingham, in- cluding his Voyages, Travels, Adventures, Spec- ulations, Successes, and Failures, etc., etc. With a portrait. Lond., Longman, 1855, 2 vols., post 8°., 21/-. Note. — This work was never finished, owing to the decease of the author, cf. Gent. Mag., xliii, 581 (1855) The Calcutta Journal ; a, Miscellany of Politics, Literature, and the Arts, from the y^ar 1818 to 1823. Ed. by J. S. Buckingham. Calcutta, 1818-1823, 33 vols., 4". Travels in Palestine, etc. Lond., Colburn, 1821, 1 vol., 1°., pp. 553, 31/6.— 1822, 2 vols., 8". A Second Letter to Sir Charles Forbes, Bart., M.P., on the suppression of public discussion in India, and the banishment without trial of two British Editors from that country by the Acting Governor-General, Mr. Adam. By a Proprietor of Indian Stock. London, 1824. The Pcmphleteer, XXV, 33-60 (1825). Statement of Facts relative to the removal from India of Mr. Buckingham, late Editor of the Calcidta Journal. Calcutta, 1823, 4°. Mr. B.'s Defence [a reply to ai-ticles in the John Bidl and the Quarterly Review]. The Cal- cidta Journ., vol. vi. No. 306, 1822. A Brief History of the Banishment of Mr. Buckingham from India. Dated Lond., Sept., 1823, sm. fob, pp. 4. New Laws and Eestrictions for the Indian Periodical Press. Calcutta, printed by P. S. D. Eozario, at the Columbian Press, No. 4, Banks- haU Street, 1823, 4°., pp. 18. A Faithful History of the late Discussions in Bengal, on the Power of Transportation with- out Trial ... with copies of the official corres- pondence between W. B. Bayley, Chief Secretary to Government, and Mr. Buckingham, the late Editor of the Calcutta Journal. Dated Calcutta, Feb. 25, 1823, fol., pp. 28. Note. — Portions of this had been previously printed for the Editor's friends, but neither published nor sold. The Oriental Herald and Colonial Review. Conducted by J. S. Buckingham. Lond., 1824- 29, 24 vols., 8°. First No. pub. Jan., 1824, 3/6. Travels among the Arab Tribes inhabiting- the Countries East of Syria and Palestine. 28 Illusts. Lend., Colburn, 1825, 4°., pp. 679, 31/6. Verbatim Report of the Action for Libel in the case of Buckingham versus Bankes, 19th Oct., 1826. Lend., 1826, S^. BUCKINGHAM. 45 BUCKINGHAM. BUCKINGHAM, James Silk. (Con.). The Sphynx; a Journal of Politics, Litera- ture, and News ; a Weekly Paper. Ed. by J. S. Buckingham from 1827 to 1828, 4 vols., 4°. Travels in Mesopotamia, etc. Lend., Colburn, 1827, 4°., pp. xvi & 571.— 1827, 2 vols., 8°., 31/6. The Athenseum, etc. Ed. by J. S. Bucking- ham. Lond., 1828-29, 4 vols., 4°. Plan and Object of Mr. Buckingham's Lec- tures on the Countries of the Oriental "World. n.d. [1829], sm. 4«., pp. 4. Masonic Address delivered in the Town Hall of Glasgow, at a Grand Masonic Meeting, on the 18th August, 1829, on the duty of promot- ing education and binding nations together in fraternal bonds. 1829, 8". Free Trade Speech delivered on the Opening of the Royal Exchange, at Glasgow, on the 3rd Sept., 1829, on the benefits of uniting the Clyde and the Ganges by the union of commerce and navigation. 1829, 8". Peace Speech delivered at a Public Meeting of the Peace Society, in London, 1829, showing the impolicy and expensiveness, as well as un- christian character, of War... 1829, 8°. Free Trade Address, in reply to Mr. Thomas Sadler, M.P. for Leeds, delivered at Whitby, Sep. 28, 1829, in defence of the doctrine of Free Trade, and in opposition to his protectionist views. 1829, 8°. Missionary Speech delivered at the Anni- versary of the Bible Society, at Whitby, in York- shire, Sep. 18, 1829, in favour of the Promotion of Missions to the Eastern World. 1829, 8°. Sanitary Speech delivered at the Golden Cross, Charing Cross, in London, in November, 1829, on the danger to the public health of burying the dead within the walls of cities, and advo- cating the formation of extra-mural cemeteries. 1829, 8°. Ti-avels in Assyria, Media, and Persia, with Researches in the Euins of Perseopolis. Map and 27 engravings. Lond., 1829, 4°., 73/6.— 2nd ed., 1830, 2 vols., 8"., 28/-. Heads of Mr. Buckingham's Lectures on the Eastern World, preceded by a Sketch of his Life, Travels, and Writings. Lond., 1829, 4°., pp. 32. Mr. Buckingham's Alleged Retainer from the East India Company. Lond., 1830, 8°., pp. 4. Sketch of Mr. Buckingham's Life, Travels, Literary and Political Labours. Lond., 1830, 8"., pp. 23.— Another ed., n.d. [1830], 8°., pp. 48.— Another ed., n.p. or d. [1830], 8°., pp. 75. Rapport sur le projet de voyage presents k la Society de Geographic, par M. Buckingham. By Dumont d' Urville. Paris, 1830, 8". History of the public proceedings on the question of the East India monopoly, etc. Lond., 1830, 8°. BUCKINGHAM, James Silk. {Con.). Speech delivered at a Meeting of the Royal Institution of London, on the 22nd July, 1830, developing a plan for the accomplishment of a voyage round the Globe, for the promotion of discovery, commerce, and civilization united. 1830, 8°. Address to the Chamber of Deputies in Paris, in Oct., 1830, on the proposal to institute an ex- periment of Free Trade, by... the Public Exhi- bition in a . . . Bazaar, and the subsequent sale . . .free of all duty, of a million's worth of English manufactures against a million's worth of French productions. 1830, 8"- Discours Preliminaire, prononc6 a 1' Athen6e Royale de Paris, 2 Novembre, 1830, al' occasion d' un Cours sur les Indes Orientales contenant les notions les plus recentes sur tout ce qui re- garde r Historie, la Statistique, et le Commerce de ces Contr6es. 1830, 8". Speech delivered in Paris, December 6, 1830, as Chairman of the Public Banquet, given by the English then in the French capital to General Lafayette, as a mark of homage to his talents and virtues, as the steady friend of civil and poUtical liberty. . . 1830, 8". Explanatory Report on the plan and object of Mr. Buckingham's Lectures on the Oriental World, preceded by a Sketch of his Life, Travels, etc. Price one shilling. Lond., Hurst, Chance, and Co., St. Paul's Churchyard, 1830, 8°., pp. 4.— Another ed., 4°.— Another ed., 8"., pp. 23, 6d. London Instit. Improved Syllabus of Mr. Buckingham's Lec- tures on the Oriental World, &c. &c. Lond., Hurst, 1830, 8"., pp. 75, 2/. To Subscribers to the Lectures, 1/-. London Instit. Outlines of a New Budget ; by which it is shown that a revenue of eighty millions sterling may be raised by a new system of taxation, bearing more equitably on all classes than the present mode of taxing commodities. 1831,8". Speech delivered in the Rotunda, at Dublin, in Sep., 1831, on the Idolatries of British India, and the Revenues derived from them by the Government of the East India Company. 1831, 8«. Speech delivered in Sheffield, in 1831, on the Qualifications and Duties of Representatives and Constituents, which led to Mr. Buckingham being invited to become a Candidate for the Representation of Sheffield in the first Reformed Parliament of 1832. 1831, 8". Mr. Buckingham's final appeal to the East India Company, n.d. [1831], sm. 4°., pp. 4. London Instit. To the Subscribers of Mr. Buckingham's pro- posed Voyage round the Globe. May, 1831, sm. 4°., pp. 3. Lmidon Instit. BtlCKINGHAM. 46 BUCKINGHAM. BUCKINGHAM, James Silk. (Con.). Speech delivered at a Public Meeting, in the Liver Theatre, at Liverpool, in Dec, 1832, on the injustice, cruelty, and impolicy of the system of impressing seamen for the Navy, and advo- cating the formation of Sailors' Homes. 1 832, 8°. Speech delivered at the Mechanic's Institute, in Sheffield, in 1833, on the duty of promoting the establishment of Sunday and other Schools for the children of the poor, and of. ..supporting institutions for the ...instruction of the adult labouring classes. 1833, 8°. The Parliamentary Review. Ed. by J. S. Buckingham. Lond., 1833-34, 7 vols., 8°. Speech delivered in the Concert Hall of the City of York, in 1834, on the occasion of a Meeting to consider of a monument to the late William Wilberforce, advocating the erection of a College for the Instruction of African Youths. 1834, 8°. Speech delivered in the House of Commons, on the 4th March, 1834, on... the Abolition of Naval Impressment, and the Substitution of Voluntary Enlistment for Seamen. 1834, 8". Speech delivered in the House of Commons, on the 17th March, 1834, on the injurious oper- ation of the Duties on Tea. . . 1834, 8°. Speech deUvered in the House of Commons, on the 2nd June, 18 34... on the prevailing vice of intoxication among the labouring classes... 1834, 8°. Parliamentary Inquiry into the claims of Mr. Buckingham on the East India Company. Lond., 1834, 8°., pp. 100. Drunkenness. Speech of Mr. Buckingham on the extent, cause, and effects of drunkenness. Delivered in the House of Commons . . . June 3, 1831... Lond., 1834, 8°., pp. 16. Evidence on Drunkenness presented to the House of Commons by the Select Committee, J. S. Buckingham, Esq., M.P., in the chair. Lond., 1834, fol.— 1834, 8". Proceeding before the Privy Council in rela- tion to the Appeal by J. S. Buckingham, Esq., against certain regulations of the Bengal Govern- ment on the subject of the Press. Lond., 1835, 8°. Outline Sketch of the Voyages, Travels, Writings, and Public Labours of J. S. Bucking- ham... with a portrait. Lond., 1835, 8°., pp. 154, 6/-. Speech delivered in the House of Commons, on the 7th March, 1 835, on. . .Establishing Public Parks, Baths, and Museums for the... Labouring Classes. 1835, 8". Parliamentary Eeport on Mr. Buckingham's claims to compensation from the East India Company... submitted to the calm... considera- tion of the friends of justice. Lond., 1836, BUCKINGHAM, James Silk. (Con.). 8"., pp. 47.— Another ed., 1836, 8"., pp. 88, 16, and 79. Speech delivered in the House of Commons, in April, 1836, on the Injustice of the existing Law of Copyright... 1836, 8". Reasons for Legislative Interference to prevent the practice of Duelling, addressed to the Mem- bers of both Houses of Parliament, Aug., 1836. 1836, 8". Parliamentary Report on the causes of the increased number of shipwrecks. 1836, fol. Begins : Public Meeting, Lord W. Bentinck, M.P., in the Chair... June 15th, 1836. Reso- lutions were adopted [for raising a public subscription to purchase an annuity on the joint lives of Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham, etc.]. [Lond., 1836], s. sh., 8". Br. Museum. Subscriptions received towards the purchase of an annuity for Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham. [Lond., 1836], s. sh., fol. Br. Museum. Speech delivered in the House of Commons, on the 9th March, 1837, on the necessity of establishing a Marine Board... 1837,8". - Address delivered in the University of New York, in Dec, 1837, on the Formation of Peace Societies... 1837, 8°- Speech delivered in the Theatre of Phila- delphia, on the 22nd Feb., 1838, on the occasion of a Grand Festival of the Friends of Temperance ... 1838, 8«. Address delivered in the House of Representa- tives, at Washington, to the Members of the Senate... 27th Feb., 1838... on the Temperance Reformation in England... 1838, 8". Address delivered in the Presbyterian Church, at New Orleans, on the 14th April, 1838, on the Formation of Sailors' Homes... 1838, 8° Notes of the Buckingham Lectures, with a sketch of his Life. By J. Hildreth, New York. 1838, 8". Speech delivered in the Parliament House, at Quebec, by permission of the Governor General of Canada... on the 28th Sept., 1839, on the duty of protecting the British Soldiery and Emigrants against the dangers of Intemperance ... 1839,8°. The Universal Gazetteer. Lond., Virtue, 1840, 8°., 21/-. Evils and Remedies of the present system of Popular Elections ; with a sketch of the qualifi- cations and duties of Representatives and Con- stituents. Lond., Simpkin, 1841, 12°., pp. 315, America, historical, statistic, and descriptive"; with portrait of Author and 70 Engravings. Lond., Fisher, n.d. [1841], 3 vols., 8°., 42/-. Travels in the Northern States of America. Lond., P. Jackson, 1841, 3 vols., 8°., 42/-. BUCKINGHAM. 47 BUCKINGHAM. BUCKINGHAM, James Silk. [Con.). Speech delivered in the Festival Concert Eoom of the City of York, on the 14th June, 1841, for the Abolition of the Corn Laws, and for a perfect system of Free Trade... 1841, 8°. The Eastern and Western States of America. 15 plates, Lond., Fisher, n.d. [1842], 3 vols., 8"., 42/-. The Slave States of America. Lond., Fisher, n.d. [1842], 2 vols., 8°., 31/G. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other British Provinces, etc. Lond., P. Jackson, 1843, 8"., 15/-. Inaugural Lecture written for the Opening of the British and Foreign Institute, 2nd Aug., 1843. Lond., 1843, 8°., pp. 88.— 2nd. ed., 1843, 8". New Plan of National Colonization. . . Lond., n.d. [1844], 8°. Plan of an Improved Income Tax and Real Free Trade... Lond., 1845, 8°., pp. 71.— 2nd ed., 1845, 8°. Transactions of the British and Foreign In- stitute, including Reports of all the Papers read. Lectures delivered... 1843-45. Ed. by J. S. Buckingham. Lond., 1845, 1 vol., 4". Slanders of Punch... a.g&inst the British and B^oreign Institute and its Resident Director [J. S. Buckingham]. Lond., James Ridgway, 1846, 8". — 2nd. ed., with a postscript and several pages of additional matter, n.d. [1846], 8°., pp. 32, 3d., or 1/6. per doz. — 3rd. ed., n.d. [1846], 8°.— 4th ed., n.d. [1846], 8". Note. — Nearly 10,000 copies of this publication were sold within a month. Appeal to the British Nation on the greatest Reform yet remaining to be accomplished, in- cluding the Speech delivered in Parliament on... the EvUs of Intemperance, and an Address read before the World's Temperance Convention in London. Lond., Ridgway, 1846, 8"., pp. 64 and 16, 2/6. Considerations sur quelques Reformes Sociales, qui restent encore a accomplir, avant que la Civilization ait atteint son dernier perfectionne- ment ; Discours prononc6 k V Ath^nde Royal de Paris, le 7th Decembre, 1846. Paris, 1846, 8". Some considerations on certain great Social Evils which still require to be amended or re- moved, in the most civilized nations. Lond., 1847, 8"., 6d. Note. — An English ed. of the preceding work. Irish Improvidence encouraged by EngUsh Bounty, with a plan of leHef for Ireland without taxing England. 1847, 8°., 6d. Sketches of Voyages, Travels, Writmgs, and Public Labours. Portrait. Lond., P. Jackson, 1847, 8«., 5/-. Tour through Belgium, the Rhine, Switzerland, BUCKINGHAM, James Silk. {Con.). and Holland. 10 Engravings, Lond., P. Jackson, 1848, 2 vols., 8°., 28/-. Tour in France, Piedmont, Lombardy...the Tyrol and Bavaria. 12 Engravings. Lond., P. Jackson, 1848, 2 vols., 8°., 28/-. Letter to Richard Cobden, Esq., M.P., on his proposed National Budget. By J. S. Bucking- ham. Dated Dunfermline, Jan.' 8th, 1849, sm. fol., pp. 4. London Instit. National Evils and Practical Remedies, with. . . Plan of a Model Town... 2 Engravings. Lond., P. Jackson, 1849, S"., pp. 500, 1 5/-.— Another ed., n.d. [1849], 8"., pp. xxx and 512. An Earnest Plea for the Reign of Temperance and Peace... Lond., P. Jackson, ?i.d [1851], 12"., 2/6. Note. — 1000 copies were, by permission of Prince Albert, given to the Exhibitors at the Crystal Palace, in Hyde Park, in 1851. The Temperance Offering... Ed. by J. S. Buck- ingham. Lond., 1852, 8°. — Another ed., Lond., n.d., 1854, 8" Plan for the future Government of India... Lond., Partridge, 1853, 8"., pp. 64.— 2nd ed., 1853, 8°., pp. iv and 68.— 3rd ed., in "The .Coming Era," 1854. Biographical Sketch of J. S. Buckingham, from "Lives of the Illustrious" for August, 1853. Lond., Partridge, 1853, 8°., pp. 16. The Justice, Policy, and Safety of a Maine Law for England. Manchester, 1853, 8°., pp. 16. Recent Correspondence between Lord J. Russell, M.P., Prime Minister of England, and J. S. Buckingham. 1853, 8°., 1/-. On the gradual extinction of the National Debt, and on the true principles of a Property and Income Tax. Republished for comparison with Mr. Gladstone's recent Financial Proposi- tions. 1853, 8°., 6d. The Coming Era of Practical Reform, not " looming in the distance," but " nigh at hand." A new series of Tracts addressed to the Public and Pariiament of 1854. By J. S. Buckingham. Lond., Partridge, 1853, 8"., pp. 584. Note. — Preliminary Biographical Sketch, pp. 9 — ■ 80. Proposed Plan of a New Eeform Bill. . 4th ed., 1854, pp. 81—144. Plan for the fature Government of India. 3rded., 1854, pp. 145—296. Examination of the Principal Questions connected with National Education .. 1854, pp. 297-^24. History and Progress of the Temperance Reforma- tion . . 1854, pp. 425—584. Each of the above has a distinct title page, but the pagination runs on. Letter on Rammohun Roy. Monthly Eepos- itory, xviii, 441 (1823). The Caravan in the Desert. A Scene from BUCKINGHAM. 48 BUCKINGHAM. BUCKINGHAM, James Silk. (Con.). au unpublished Journal, in " The Literary- Souvenir." Ed. by A. A. Watts. 1827, pp. 385—393. Journey across the Isthmus of Suez, in "Friendship's Offering," 1827. Harbour of Muscat, in the Persian Gulf. With Illustration, ik, 1829, pp. 393-97. BUCKINGHAM, Leicester Silk (youngest son of the preceding), b. 11, Cornwall Terrace, Eegent's Park, London, 29th June, 1825. d. Margate, 15th July, 1867. cf. Gent. Mag., iv, 264, 1867. Aggravating Sam. A Comic Drama, in 2 Acts [and in Prose]. By Mathews & Co. [i.e., L. S. Buckingham]. Lond., Thomas Hailes Lacy, 89, Strand, 7i.d. [1854], 12°., pp. 46, 6d. Note. — First performed at the Lyceum Theatre, 6th Dec, 1854. Take that Girl away [Translated from the French]. A Comic Drama, in 2 Acts [and in Prose]. Lond., Lacy, n.d. [1855], 12", pp. 60, 6d. Note. — Fu-st performed at the Lyceum Theatre, 3rd March, 185S. For the benefit of the Playful Crocodile. 1855. Not Printed. An Impudent Puppy. A Comic Drama, in 2 Acts. 1855. Not Printed. Note. — First performed at Drury Lane, 7th Nov., 1855. So Very Obliging. A Farce. 1855. Not Printed. Note. — First performed at Dnrry Lane, 6th Dec, 1855. Two Precious Scoundrels. A Farce. 1856. Not Printed. Note. — Fu-st performed at the Strand Theatre, 21st Aug., 1856. Belphegor. A new and original, acrobatic, dramatic, epigrammatic, and decidely un-aris- tocratic Burlesque. Lond., Lacy, n.d. [1856], 12«., pp. 45, 6d. Note. — First performed at the Strand Theatre, 20ih Sept., 1856. Drat that Comet. A Farce. 1856. Not Printed. Over the way. 1856. Not Printed. The Magic Mistletoe ; or Harlequin Humbug and the Shams of London. A Burlesque Pan- tomime. 1856. Not Printed. Note. — First performed at the Strand Theatre, 24th Dec, 1856. Dont Lend your Umbrella. A Comic Drama, in 2 Acts [and in Prose]. Lond., Lacy, n.d. [1857], 120., pp. 43, 6d. Note. — First performed at the Strand Theatre, 26th Jan., 1857. BUCKINGHAM, Leicesteb Silk. (Con.). The Gentleman Opposite. A Farce. 1857. Not Printed. Note. — First performed at the Strand Theatre, A Farce. 1857. Not 1857. Do Shake Hands. Printed. Note.— First performed at the Strand Theatre, 16th March, 1857. La Traviata. A Burlesque. 1857. Not Printed. Note. — First performed at the Strand Theatre, 1857. Jeannette's Wedding. An Operetta, in 1 Act. By L. Buckingham and A[ugustus] Harris. Lond., Lacy, n.d. [1857], 12"., pp. 30, 6d. William Tell, a telling version of an old tell- tale. An Original Burlesque. Lond., Lacy, n.d. [1857], 12"., pp. 33, 6d. Note. — ^First performed at the Strand Theatre, 27th July, 1857. Harlequin Novelty and the Princess who lost her Heart. A New and Original Burlesque Pantomime, in 1 Act [and in Prose]. Lond., Lacy, n.d. [1857], 12"., pp. 40, 6d. Note. — ^First performed at the Strand Theatre, 24th Dec, 1857. A Woman in my dust hole. A Farce. 1858. Not Printed. Note.- 1858. Quixote Junior. Printed. Note. — First performed at the Strand Theatre, 13th July, 1859. Virginius, or the Trials of a Fond Papa. A Burlesque, in 1 Act [and in Verse]. Lond., Lacy, n.d. [1859], 12°., pp. 36, 6d. Note. — First performed at the St. James' Theatre. 1st Oct., 1859. Cupid's Ladder. A Drama, in 2 Acts [adapted from the French]. 1859. Not Printed. NoTE.-^First performed at the St. James' Theatre, 29th Oct., 1859. A pleasant time of it. 1860. Not Printed. You're another. 1860. Not Printed. The Phantom Wives. 1860. Not Printed. The Forty Thieves. A Burlesque. By J. E. Planch6, F. Talfourd, H. J. Byron, L. Bucking- ham, Draper, A. Halliday, F. Lawrence, and the Brothers Brough [Members of the Savage Club]. 1860. Not Printed. Note. — Performed at the Lyceum Theatre, 7th March, 1860. Lucrezia Borgia! at home and all abroad. A New and Original Burlesque [and in Verse]. •First performed at the Strand Theatre, A Farce. 1859. Not BUCKINGHAM. 49 BUDD. BUCKINGHAM, Leiobstbb Silk. {Con.). Lond., Lacy, n.d. [1860], 12°., pp. 32, 6d. Note.— First performed at the St. Jamea' Theatre, 9th April, 1860. Valentine and Orson. A Burlesque. By J. E. Planch^, P. Talfourd, H. J. Byron, L. Buck- ingham, A. Halliday, E. Falconer, and W.Brough. 1860. Not Printed. Note.— Performed at the Lyceum Theatre, 19th June, 1860, for the henefit of the "Widow and Family of Mr. Ebenezer Landells, Artist and Engraver. Little Eed Riding Hood and the Fairies of the Eose, Shamrock and Thistle. An Original Burlesque Extravaganza, in 1 Act [and in Verse]. Lond., Lacy, n.d. [1861], 12°., pp. 32, 6d. Note. — First performed at the Lyceum Theatre, 26th Dec, 1861. Pizarro, or the Leotard of Peru. An Original Burlesque Extravaganza, in 1 Act. Lond., Published by W. H. Swanborough, Eoyal Strand Theatre, 1862, 12°., pp. 36, 6d. The Merry Widow. A Comedy, in 2 Acts [and in Prose]. Lond., Lacy, n.d. [1863], 12°., pp. 34, 6d. Note. — First performed at the St. James' Theatre, 31st Jan., 1863. Silken Fetters. A Comedy, in 3 Acts [and in Prose]. Lond., Lacy, n.d. [1863], 12°., pp. 52, 6d. Note. — ^Pirst performed at the Haymarket Theatre, 14th Nov., 1863. The Silver Lining. A Comedy, in 3 Acts [and in Prose]. Lond., Lacy., n.d. [1864], 12°., pp. 54, 6d. Note. — First performed at the St. James' Theatre, 30th Jan., 1864. Love's Young Dream. A Comedietta. 1864. Not Printed.' Note.— First performed at theNewBoyalty Theatre, Easter, 1864. Faces in the Fire. A Comedy. Lond., Lacy., n.d [1865], 12°., pp. 57, 6d. Note. — First performed at the St. James' Theatre, 25th Feb., 1865. Love's Martyr. A Drama, in 4 Acts, preceded by a Prologue. Lond., Lacy, n.d. [1866], 12°., pp. 71, 6d. Note. — First performed at the Olympic Theatre, 25th AprU, 1866. The MiUer's Maid. A Song. Words by L. S. Buckingham ; Music by Theodore Distin. Lond., Cramer, 1870, fol. AUCKLAND, The Very Eev. William. Dean of Westminster, h. Axminster, 1784. d. Clapham, 14th Aug., 1856. Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to natural theology. [Bridgewater ■ise, No. VI]. By the Eev. W. Bucldand. Lond., W. Pickering, 1836, 2 vols., 8°. Note. — Dedicated to Davies Gilbert, Esq., and contains — Invasion of Cornwall by drifted sand, I, 127. Account of steam power employed in Cornwall, I, 534. Disposition of metallic veins in Cornwall, I, 550, P. Ixvii, Fig. 3. Address at the Seventh Annual Exhibition of the E.C.P. Soc. Bep., 1839, p. 4. BUCKLE, Henry Thomas. b. Lee, 24th Nov., 1822. d. Damascus, 31st May, 1862. A Letter to a G-entleman respecting Pooley's Case. Lond., J. W. Parker, 1859, 8o., pp. 16. Note. cf. " On Blasphemous Libels." By W. D. Lewis, Q.C. Solicitor's Journ,, p. 45, Nov. 26th, 1859. The Case of Thomas Pooley (in a Review of Mill on Liberty). Fraser's Mag., lix, 533-37, May, 1859. See also Bush, Rev. P. ; Coleridge, Sir J. D. ; Hol^oake, G. J. ; Pooley, T. BUCKSTONE, John Baldwin. 5. near London, 1802. The Dream at Sea. A Drama, in three acts. New York, S. French, n.d. [1856 q, 8"., I/-- and in vol. viii of Webster's Acting National Drama. Lond., 1840, pp. 47. Note. — The entire scene is laid in Cornwall. BUDD, Edward. Wesleyan Local Preacher and Schoolmaster at Lisheard and Truro, b. Water- ford, 26th Aug., 1774. d. Truro, 22nd Dec, 1835. cf. Alleris Liskeard; Timperley's Typog. Diet., pp. 853, 879, 893. Remarks on a pamphlet entitled " A Speech made at the County Meeting, at Bodmin, on the 15th May, 1809," in A Letter to a Noble Lord \i.e., Lord De Dunstanville]. To which is prefixed An Address to the Freeholders of Cornwall. Anon. Falmouth, printed and pub- lished by Heard and Penaluna, near the Fish- strand,... m.rf. [1809], 8°., 1/-. NoTE.^The Address, pp. iii — xi. A Letter, pp. 5—36. Observations suggested by the present question respecting privilege of Parliament, in A Letter addressed to the Freeholders of Cornwall. With an Appendix, containing the Resolutions of the late meeting at Westminster, their petition and remonstrance to the House of Commons, and their letter to Sir F. Burdett. By the author of A Letter to a Noble Lord. 2nd ed., St. Austell, printed and sold by E. Hennah,...n.d [1810], 8°., pp. 24, 6d. The West Briton. Ed. by E. Budd from July, 1810, until 22nd Dec, 1835. Obituary and Remarks on the Death of Mr. Budd. n.p. or d. [Truro, 1835], 4°., s. sh. BUDGE. 50 BXJLLEE. BUDGE, Rev. Edward, B.A. V. of Mamccan, 1839-46. d. Bratton Clovelly, 3rd Aug., 1865, aged 65. cf. Gent. Mag., xix, 391, 651. The Christian Naturalist. By the Eev. E. Budge. Launceston, Cater and Maddox [printed] ; Lond., Simpkin; 1838, 8"., pp. vi and 215, 3/-. Note. — A considerable portion of this work, ■whicli was for the most part written in Southill Parsonage, appeared in the Periodical called " Light from the West." Printed by the Eev. H. A. Simooe, at the Penheale Press. The Unity of the Christian Church. A Ser- mon preached at the Triennial Visitation of the Lord Bishop of Exeter at Helston, July ]2th, 1845, by the Rev. E. Budge, M.A., Vicar of Manacoan and Dean Rural of Kirrier, Cornwall. Published by command of his Lordship, and at the unanimous request of the Deanery of Kirrier. Lond., J.. Murray, 1845, 12o., pp. 69, 1/-. The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom on the Statues. Translated by Rev. E. Budge. The Library of the Fathers, ed. by Rev. E. B. Pusey. . . vol. ix. Oxford, J. H. Parker, 1849, 8°., pp. xxxi and 399, 9/-. The City of God. A Vision. Lond., Parker, 1850, post 8°., 8/6. The Mirror of History. Lives of Men of Great Eras, etc. Lond., Baldwin, 1851, 12°., 5/-. Posthumous Gleanings from a Country Rector's Study, etc. Ed. by Rev. R. B. Kinsman, M.A. Lond., Rivington, 1866, 8°., pp. vi and 380. On the Conglomerate and Raised Beaches of the Lizard District. Trans. B.G.S.C, yi, 1-11 (1841). On the Tract of Land called the Lowlands, in the Parish of St. Keverne. ib., vi, 59-63 (1842). On Diluvial Action, as exemplified in the Gravel Beds and Sienitic Formation of Crousa Down, in St. Keverne. ib., vi, 91-98. On the Hornblende Slate of the Associated Rocks of the Meneage District, ib., vi., 173-180. On the Granitic and other Associated Rocks of Cornwall and Devon, ib., vi, 288-293. On Petrified Moss or Tufa. Bejx B.I.C., 1842, p. 28. On an Electrical appearance in Helford Creek. ib., 1843, p. 37. On an Anglo-Norman Doorway in Manaccan Church, ib., 1845, p. 24. BUDGE, Jane. b. Camborne, 1832. EngUsh History in question and answer. . .from the conquest to the present time... By a Lady \i.6., J. Budge]. New ed., revised and enlarged, Lond., Marshall and Laurie, 1860, 8°. Manual of English History simplified ; or our BUDGE Jane. [Con.]. Country's Story, told by a Lady [«'.«., J. Budge]. Ed. by James Stuart Laurie. Lond., Marshall and Laurie, 1866, 8°. English History simplified ; or Our Country's Story, told by a Lady \i.6., J. Budge]. Ed. by J. S. Laurie. 4th ed., Lond., J. & F. Laurie, n.d. [18—], 8°., pp. vi and 278. BUDGE, John. J Convinced Friend, h. Cam- borne, d. 17th July, 1864, aged 77. A Testimony from West Division of Cornwall Monthly Meeting concerning John Budge. Test, concerning Deceased Ministers, 1865, pp. 3-5. Some Observations on Important Subjects, offered especially to the consideration of the more thoughtful amongst Professors of Religion. [Anon]. Camborne, Printed by L. Newton, 1 845, 120., 1 sheet. Some Observations, principally on the subject of Religious Worship, affectionately submitted to the consideration of the Professors of Christi- anity. [Anon], Camborne, Printed by L. Newton, 1846, 12°., 1 sheet.— Reprinted by the Tract Association, No. 103. Memoir of John Dunstone, of Camborne, in Cornwall, who was blind for 44 years, till his death in 1856. By J. Budge. Lond., F. G. Cash. . . J. Philp, Liskeard, 1857, sm. 8°., 3 sheets. — 2nd ed., revised, Lond., W. & F. G. Cash... 1857, sm. 8"., 3 sheets. BUDGE, John. d. Cornwall County Lunatic Asylum, 23rd July, 1865, aged 80, having resided there from 17th Oct., 1846. The Practical Miner's Guide, . . .with Treatise on the Art and Practice of Assaying Silver, Copper, Lead, and Tin, etc. Plates. Lond., Longman Byers, Devonport; 1825, roy. 8"., 10/-. — 2nded. 1845, 8°., 12/-.— New York, 1858, 8".- With additions by J. Atkins, Richmond, Virginia, 1860, 12". BUDOCK, George, pseud., i.e., Hodges, Sydney. BULLER FAMILY, cf. Gent. Mag., xciv, pt. i, 465-67 (1824). BULLER, Colonel Anthony. Note from Colonel R. Fortescue to Colonel A. Buller. Jamaica, 20th July, 1655. BawliMr son MSS., Bod. Lib., Class A, 28, art. 27. Letter of the Lords Commissioners to Col. Buller j who had detained in the Isle of Scilly divers Prizes and Parcels of Goods. 1666. Harl. MSS., 1510, art. 112 and 113. ; BULLER. 51 BULLEE. BULLER, Sir Antony, Knt. (ith son of John Buller, of Mm-val). Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Calcutta, 1816. S. Antony House, 1780. d. Mary Tavy, 27th June, 1866, aged 86. cf Gent. Mag., ii, 261, 1866. BULLER, Rev. Antony, M.A. (son of the preceding). R. of Mary Tamj, Devonshire, h. London, 23rd Oct., 1809. Inherent opposition between the Two Tradi- tional Systems of Explaining the " One Catholic and Apostohc Church." Two Sermons preached at the Visitation of an Archdeacon, in the years 1854 and 57. Lond., J. Masters, 1859, 8°., pp. 58. The CathoHc Church a witness against ilHb- erality. No. 61 of The Tracts for the Times. Dated Oxford, The Feast of St. Philip and St. James. Lond., Rivington, 1835, 8°., pp. 8, and in vol. ii of Collected Edition, 1834-35. BULLER, Sir Arthur William, Knt. M.P. for Liskeard. h. Calcutta, 1808. d. 30th April, 1869. cf. Beg. and Mag. of Biog., i, 466 (1869). BULLER, Charles (Uh and youngest son of J. Buller, of Morval). M.P. for }Fest Looe. h. Cornwall, 1775. d. Richmond, 17th May, 1848. cf. Gent. Mag., xxx, 206 (1848). BULLER, Rt. Honble. Charles (son of the preceding). M.P. for JVest Looe & Liskeard, Poor Laiu Commissioner, b. Calcutta, Aug., 1806. d. London, 28th Nov., 1848. cf English Cyclop.; Gent. ilfa9'.,xxxi, 87-89 (1849). On the Necessity of a Radical Reform. Lond., 1831, 8°., pp. 62. Letter from the Australian Patriotic Associa- tion to C. Buller in reply to his communication of 31st May, 1840. 1840, 8°. Letter to C. Buller in reply to his communica- tion of July and August, 1840. 1841, 8". Systematic Colonization. Speech of C. Buller in the House of Commons, on April 6th, 1843, Lond., 1843, 8°. Ten Hours' Factory Bill. The Speech of C. Buller in the House of Commons, March 22nd, 1844. Lond., 1844, 8°. Eight Years in Canada... including Letters from Lord Durham, Chas. Buller, etc. By Major John Richardson, Montreal, Canada. 1847, 8". Letters to C. Buller, etc. [in reply to com- munications respecting the Government of New South Wales]. By W. Bland. Sydney, 1849, 8". Review of Lamartine's " Histoire des Giron- dins." Edinb. Bev., Ixxxvii, 1-46 (1848). BULLER, Vice-Admiral Sir Edward, Bart. 6. The Admiralty, London, 24th Dec, 1764. d. Trenant Park, Cornwall, 15th April, 1824. cf Gent. Mag., xciv., pt. i, 465 (1824) ; Naval Chronicle, xix, 177, March, 1808; Annual Biog. for 1825, pp. 67-75. BULLER, Francis. M.P. 1640. d. 1679. Notes on a Suit between Sir Francis Godolphin and Mr. Grose with F. Buller, Esq., concerning a Tenement in Breage, called Trenowaile. Harl. MSS., 1228, art. 4. BULLER, Sir Francis, Bart, (ord son of James Bidler, of Morval). Judge of Court of King's Bench and Common Pleas, b. Morval or Crediton, 17th March, 1746. d. Bedford Square, London, 5tli June, 1800. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixx, pt. i, 594 (1800); Polwliele's Biog. Sketches, i, 60 ; Phillips' Public Characters, 1798, pp. 175-78; Foss' Judges, viii, 251-55; }V. C. Townsend's Lives of 12 Judges; European Mag., with Portrait, xxxviii, 3 (1800) ; The Georgian Era, ii, 303 ; Life of Lord Eldon, i, 343. An Introduction to the Law relative to Trials at Nisi Prius, with an Index. Lond., 1772, 4°. — 2nd ed., with additions, Lond., 1775, 4°., pp. 336. — Lond., Printed ; New York, Reprinted, 1788, 8°.— 5th ed., with additions, Lond., 1790, 8°. — 6th ed., corrected, with additions to the present time, Lond., 1793, 8°. — 7th ed., with... Annotations by R. W. Bridgman, Lond., 1817, 8°. Trial of the Rev. William Davies Shipley, Dean of St. Asaph, at the Assizes at Shrewsbury, 6th Aug., 1784, for a Libel. 1784, fol. Note. — The conduct of Judge Buller on this occasion was severely reprehended by Erskine, the Advocate for the Dean. Publications, printed by order of the Society for Preserving Liberty and Property against Repubhcans and Levellers; No. 8, containing the advantages peculiar to a Monarchy. By M. de Lolme. — Judge Buller's Charge to the Grand Jury of the County of York at the Lent Assizes, 1793. Printed and Sold by J. Downes, No. 240, Strand, n.d. [1793], 8\, pp. 16, Id. Note. — Mr. Justice Buller's Charge, pp. 13 — 16. BULLER, Lieut. -Genl. Frederick William (son of John Bidler, of Morval). b. 1772. d. Bury Street, St. James', London, 8th Nov., 1855. cf Gent. Mag., xlv, 82-83 (1856). BULLER, John. 5. 1771. d. Morval, 3rd April, 1849. cf Gent. Mag., xxxii, 632 (1849). Premiums given by J. Buller, Esq. Rep. B.C.P. Soc, 1834, p. 13. BULLEE. 52 BUECtESS. BULLER, Rev. John, L.L.B. (son of Edward Bull&r, of Dowries). V. of St. Just and R. of Bridestowe. 6.1777. d Plymouth, 26th Oct., 1846. c/. Gent. Mag., xxvii, 99 (1847). A Statistical Account of the Parish of St. Just in Penwith, in the County of Cornwall, with some Notices of its Ecclesiastical and Druidical Antiquities, Families, etc. By the Rev. J. Buller, Vicar of that Parish. Map and Plates. Penzance, R. D. Rodda, 1842, 8 f"., pp. viii and 1 1 8, 1 0/6. (Dedicated to George Henry, Earl and Viscount Falmouth). Note. — A portion of tHa impression, after remain- ing on hand for some years, was burnt by order of the Author's sister. BULLER, Sir Richard, Knt. (son of Francis BuUer, of Downes). Sheriff of CornwaU,l637. cf. Clarendon's Hist, of the Rebellion, ed. 1819, ii, 175-8. BULLER, Mr. (son of Sir. R. Buller). cf Yonge's Diary (Camden Soc, 1848J, p. 66. BULLER, Right Rev. William (Mh son of John Francis Buller). Lord Bishop of Exeter, hapt. Morval, 9th Aug., 1735. d. Downes, near Crediton, 12th Dec, 1796. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixvi, 1061 (1796) j Ixvii, 78 (1797); Oliver's... Bishops of Exeter, pp. 164-65. A Sermon [on John, viii, 31-32] preached before the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in the Abbey Church, Westminster, on Wednesday, March 9th, 1796, being the day appointed... for a General Fast. By William, Lord Bishop of Exeter. Lond., T. Payne, at the Mews' Gate, 1796, 40., pp. 23. BULLMORE, William Henry, M.D. b. Fal- mouth, 18—. d. Truro, 5th Oct., 1863. On the Effects of Arts, Trades, and Professions on Health. Rep. R.I.C., 1838. BULLMORE, William King, M.D. b. Fal- mouth. On Totanus Bartramii. Zoologist, 1866. Notes on Ausonia Cocksii. Journ. R.I.C., 1866, p. 163. Cornish Fauna. Rep. R.C.P. Soc, 1866, pp. 1-60. BURALL, William, b. lUogan, 3rd Aua;., 1787. rf. Hayle, 7th July, 1868. Improved Angle Iron Press. Rep. R. C.P. Soc, 1849, p. 107. Shifting Joint and Sett-off. ib., 1853, p. 42. Steam Rivet-heading Press, ib., 1854, p. 64. BURBANK, Mr. On Water Colour Painting. Bep. R. C.P. Soc, 1842, pt. 2, p. 75. BURGESS, Rev. Joseph. Wesleyan Minister. Stationed in Cornwall 1 804-1 826. 6. Thurles, Tipperary, 4th August, 1757. d. Plymouth, 24th March, 1839. cf. Wesleyan Mag., July, 1840. Observations on a Sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Hocker, and on a Charge delivered by the Rev. the Archdeacon of Cornwall, in Truro Church, on Monday, May 20th, 1811. By J. Burgess. Truro, Printed by Michell and Co., 8, High Cross, 1811, 8°., pp. 30, 6d. Remarks on the Sacrificial Death of our Lord Jesus Christ. By J. Burgess. Penzance, 1826, 8°.— Reprinted, Lond., 18—, 8°. Memoirs of the Rev. Joseph Burgess, formerly an OfRcer in the Army, afterwards a Wesleyan Minister, comprising an Account of his Mother- in-law, Mrs. Penington, and Notices connected with the History of Methodism in various places. By Rev. W. P. Burgess. Lond., John Mason, 1842, 12''., pp. viii and 136.— 2nd ed., Lond., Mason, 1853, 12". Thoughts on Content. Wesleyan Mag., app., 1805, p. 580-88. Letter to a Class Leader, ib.. May, 1812, p. 382. Answer to Important Questions, ib., June, 1816, p. 457. The Witness of the Spirit. A Sermon, ib., April, 1817, p. 252. The Trial of Abraham. A Sermon, ib., Sept., 1822, p. 560. The Afflictions of Job. A Sermon, ib., Feb., 1825, p. 84. BURGESS, Thomas. Conveyance from T. Burgess of a Reversionary Right, settled upon him by Tho. Polwhele, of Lands in Sweale Yeate to Francis Gregor, circa, 1620. Harl, MSS., 6243, art. 7. BURGESS, Rev. William Penington, AM. Wesleyan Minister stationed in Cornwall 1814- 24. S. Liverpool, 3rd Dec, 1790. d:. Plymouth, 23rd July, 1868. Sermons designed to Illustrate the Doctrines, Experience, and Practice of Primitive Christi- anity. Truro, J. Brokenshir [Printed] ; T. Blanshard, Lond. ; 1823, 8°., pp. iii and 202. Memoirs of the Rev. J. Burgess. 1842. See Burgess, Rev. J. Moses' Request, and God's Gracious Promise. A Sermon [on Exodus, xxxiii, 18-23]. By Rev. William. P. Burgess, M. A., St. Ives. In Wesleyaa BtJEGESS. 53 BTBTH. BUBGESS, Eev. WiLLiijn Peninqton. {Con.). Methodist Ministers' Sermons, 1851. Lond., Mason, 12". Note. — Mr. Burgess' Sermons, No. vi, pp. 76 — 96. The Love of God displayed in the Death of Christ. A Sermon [on Eom. v, 6-8]. Methodist Mag., 1816. Sin and Grace Contrasted. A Sermon [on Eom. V, 20-21]. ib., 1817. Memoir of Eev. J. Burgess, ib., July, 1840. BUEITONENSIS, Johannes. Pseud.,i.e., Boase, J. J. A. BUELINGTON, Charles, and others. The Modern Universal British Traveller. Lond., J. Cooke, 1779, fol. Note. — Com-wall, pp. 489 — 508, and 3 Yiews. BUENELL, George Eowdon, F.G.S. On the Quaternary Formations. Sep. B.C. P. Soc, 1865, p. 1. On the Literature of the Period of the Second Empire of France, 1848-1865. ib., 1865, p. 21. BUENETT, Alexander. The Statistics of Agricultural Production, Commerce, and Climate, considered with refer- ence to the form of Husbandry most suited to the West of England. Journ. Bath and West Engl. Soc, x, pt. ii, 293-320 (1862). BUEEITT, Elihu. b. Connecticut, 1811. A Walk from London to the Land's End and back, with Notes by the way. Illustrations. Lond., S. Low, 1865, large post 8°., 12/-.- 2nd ed., Lond., 1868, 8". Note. — Account of Cornwall, pp. 264 — 357. BUEEOUGHS, Eev. Jeremiah, b. 1599. d. 14th Nov., 1646. The Saint's Duty in times of extremity, opened in a Sermon at Michael, Cornhil, occasioned upon the News of Extraordinary Loss to the Parliament's Forces in the West. Lond., Printed for Peter Cole, at the Printing Press in Cornhil, near the Eoyal Exchange, 1648, 4°. Note. — Part of the collection of the Author's Sermons entitled " The Bare Jewel of Christian Con- tentment " (pp. 299— 329). Lond., 1648 [1647], 4°. . BUET, Eev. Bezaleel. 1619-1649. B. of Landuljph. ■ Sermon preached at Wolborough, in Devon. 1'642, MSB. of. BolwheUs Cornwall, v, 160. BUSH, Eev. Paul. R. of Duloe. The Case of T. Pooley, the Cornish Well- Sinker, etc. See Buckle, H. T. ; Coleridge, Sir J. D. ; Holyoake, G. J. Note.— Pooley was imprisoned for writing " Blas- phemous Words " on the Bev. P. Bush's Gate, in 1857. BUTLEE, Eev. D. A Sermon [on II Cor., x, 17] occasionally preached on the Funeral of Sir C. Shovel. Lond., 1707, 8°- BUTTEBUEGH, Eev. John. F. of St. Martinis, Usheard 143|. to 1453. AcquietanciaEoberti Parys camerarii prioratus pro annual! pensione de Jo. Butteburgh, vicario eccl. S. Martini de Leskyrd recepta. Tanner MSS. Bodl. Lib., 196, art. 11. BYENE, William, F.A.S. b. 1742. d. 24th September, 1805. Britannia Depicted. A Series of Views (with brief descriptions) of the most Interesting and Picturesque Objects in Great Britain, the counties alphabetically arranged, engraved from Drawings by Messrs. Hearne, Farrlngton, Smith, Turner, Alexander, etc. By W. Byrne. Lond., T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1806-18, obi. fol., 6 parts. Note. — Part iv contains 24 Views in Cornwall, Engraved from the Drawings of J. Farrington, B.A., which serve to illustrate the 3rd vol. of Lysons' " Magna Britannia," published at the same time. BYEO. Pseud., i.e., Eoby, — . BYEON, Eliza. &. Helston, 1767. f?. Shepton- Mallet, nth June, 1803. The Grace of God manifested in a short account of Mrs. E. Byron. Written by her Husband [James M. Byron]. Methodist Mag., xxvii, 41-46, 85-89 (1804). BYEON, George Gordon (Lord), h. London, 22nd Jan., 1788. &Missolonghi, 19th April, 1824. The Life of Lord Byron, with his Letters and Journals. By Thomas Moore. . .Lond., J. Murray, 1847, 8°., pp. xix and 735. Note.— Letters dated from Falmouth, pp. 83—91. BYETH, Eev. Thomas, D.D. B. of JFallasey, 1834. b. Devonport, 1798. d. Wallasey, near Liverpool, 28th Oct., 1849. Eemains of Thomas Byrth, D.D. With a BYBTH. 54 CALL. BYETH, Eev. Thomas. {Con.). Memoir of his Life. By the Eev. G. E. Mon- crieff. Lond., Thos. Hatcliard, 1851, 8"., pp. v and 444. Note.- — Dr. Byrth's mother, Mary HoWing, was a Cornish lady, and he himself spent many of his early years in the Coimty, at Callington, Launceston, etc. Description of Cotehele House, Cornwall, a Seat of the Earl of Mount Edgecumbe. By Eev. T. Byrth. TJie Plymouth Magazine, 1814. c. C, pseud., i.e., Hingeston, Francis. C, E. I. C. Cotehele House. With Woodcut. Gent. Mag., cm, pt. 2, 18-21 (1833). C, H. A. C. i.e., Crozier, H. A. C, J. 0. i.e., Caryl., Eev. J. C, M. A. C. A Letter about the Scilly Islands. By M. A. C. Christian MiscelL, Jan., 1854, p. 25. C, M. C. An Antient Tenure in Cornwall illustrated. In a Letter dated Kerrier, Cornwall. Gent. Mag., Ix, 608 (1790). C, M. C. London. Mems. from the Metropolis. Cornish Mag., iv, -87-93 (1829). Love and Innocence, ib., iv, 133-36. C, W. E. C[otton ?]. The Cottons of Fowey. N. & Q., 1 s., viii, 317 (1853). C^SAE, Eev. Henry. F. of Lostidthiel b. 1562. cf. Lodge's Life of Sir Julius Ccesar, with Memoirs of his Family, pp. 43-48 ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab, ii, 86. The Lords of Council to the Justices of Cornwall, touching the Misconduct of H. Csesar. March, 1584. Cottonian MSS, Titus, B. iii, art. 30. CAIENECH, St. [ = Carantocus, St.] of Corn- wall, flo. 433. d. 16th May. bur. at Dulane, in Meath. cf. Bees' Lives of Cambro-British Saints, pp. 209-21 1 ; CottonianMSS., Vespasian, A. xiv, 4, fol. 90-91, b. veil., 8»., xii cent. ; Ada Sanctorum, May 16th, iii, 585-87; Hardy's Cat. of Materials, i, 46-47, No. 1 1 3 ; Capgrave's Nova Legenda Angliae, 1516, fol., ivi. Senchus Mor. The Early Brehon Law of CAIENECH, St. (Con.). Ireland, in "Ancient Laws of Ireland," Govern- ment ed., vol. i (1865), vol ii (1869). Note. — St. Caimech was one of the original com- pilers of this work. cf. ed. 1865, 1, pref., xix ; II. pref,, CALAMY, Eev. Edmund, D.D., the Younger. b. 1671. d. 3rd June, 1732. The Nonconformist Memorial, &c. By E. Calamy. Abridged and Corrected by Samuel Palmer. Lond., Harris, 1775, 2 vols., 8°. — 2nd ed., 1802, 3 vols., 8". NoTE. — Contains List of Cornish Ministers ejected or silenced at the Black St. Bartholomew, 1662. lat ed., i, 273— 95.— 2nd ed., i, 347—76. The Prudence of the Serpent and Innocence of the Dove. A Sermon preached at Exon, May 6th, 1713, before a numerous assembly of the Dissenting Ministers of Devon and Cornwall. 2nd ed., Lond., J. Clark, 1713, 8°., 4d. Dr. Williams. CALL, Jambs. 6.1746. d Madras, July 10th, 1799. cf Gent. Mag., Ixx, pt. i, 181 (1800). CALL, Sir John, Bart., M.P., F.E. & A.S.S. b. 1732. d. Old Burlington St., London, 7th March, 1801. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxi, 282 (1801); Nichols' Lit. Anecdotes, iv, 612-13; Betham's % iv, 227. Plans, Elevations, and Section of the Gaol, Bridewell, and Sheriff's Ward, lately built at Bodmin, in the County of Cornwall. Most grate- fully Inscribed to John Howard, Esq. Designed by, and executed under the direction of, John Call, Esq., one of y'= Justices of the County, 1779. Scale, f inch to 10 feet. An Account of Enquiries respecting the Subject of Population. Letter, dated Whiteford House, 21st June, 1798. Let. and Papers of Bath and West Engl. Soc., ix, 245-57. The Population of Cornwall and Devon. Cmn- munications to the Board of Agriculture, vol. vi., pt. 1. A Letter from J. Call, Esq., to N. Maskelyne, F.E.S., containing a Sketch of the Signs of the Zodiac, found in a Pagoda, near Cape Comorin, in India. Philos. Trans., Ixii, 353-56 (1772). Mr. Sulivan's and Mr. Call's Plans for the Liquidation of the Company's Debts in India, 1784. Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 12567. CALL, Sir William Pratt, Bart, (son of the preceding). 6 Nov., 1781. A Whiteford House, CaUington, 3rd Dec., 1851. cf. Gent. Mag., xxxvii, 186 (1852). CAIiMADY. 55 CAEEW. CALMADY, Vincent, of Wenbury, Devon, d. 1579. Land granted for the continuance of one Obit in the Borough of Launceston (31st May, 1557), for Vincent Calmady. Had. MSS., 606, art. 214. CAMDEN, William, h. London, 2nd May, 1551. d. Chiselhurst, 9th Nov., 1623, Camden's Britannia, newly Translated into English, with large Additions and Improvements. Published by Edmund Gibson [afterwards Bishop of London]. Lond., 1695, fol. — 2nd ed.. Re- vised, with large Additions, 1722, 2 vols., fol. Britannia, or a Description of England, Scot- land, and Ireland. Ed. by Richard Gough. With Maps by Robert Morden. Lond., 1789, 4 vols., fol. — 2nd ed., Lond., Stockdale, 1806, 4 vols., fol., £16. 16s. Note. — In vol. 1 (2iided.), 32 Pages on Cornwall, 1 Map and 1 Plate ; in vol 4, 4 Pages on Scilly. CAMELFORD, Lord. See Pitt, Thomas. CANDLER, Baeth. Letters to Dr. Halley, dated Launceston, 16th Aug., 1722. fol., pp. 3. Note. — In possession of Eoyal Soc. of London. CAPERN, Edward. The Postman h. Bideford. Wayside Warbles. By E. Capern, Rural Postman of Bideford, Devon. Lond., Low & Co., 1865, 8°., pp. vii and 207. Note. — Contains " Cornish Bards,'' "Land's End," and the " Legend of the Logan." CARANTOCUS, or CRANTOCK, St. See Cairnech, St. -CARDEW, Rev. Cornelius, D.D., 1786. V. of St. Erme. b. Liskeard, 13th February, 1748. d. Barnstaple, 17th Sept., 1831. cf. Gent. Mag., ci, pt. ii, 376 (1831) ; Folwhele's Cornwall, v, 64, 191; Annual Biog., 1833, pp. 399-400. A Sermon preached at Truro, before a Pro- vincial Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted ■ Masons, on the Festival of St. John the Baptist, by the Rev. C. Cardew, M.A., Master of the Grammar School at Truro. Lond., Printed and Sold by W. Richardson, 68, High Holbom; ■Truro, 1777,8°., 1/-. ; A Sermon preached in St. Mary's Chapel, 'Penzance, at the Visitation of the Bishop of ^Exeter in 1782 [on Matt, v, 13]. 1782, 4"., 1/-. A Sermon preached at the Assizes holden for the County of Cornwall, at Bodmin, before the Hon. Mr. Justice Grose and Mr. Baron Thomp- son, on Tuesday, July 26th, 1796. By C. CABDE'W, Eb7. OoENEnns. (Con.). Cardew... Published at the request of the High Sheriff and Grand Jury. Truro, Printed and Sold by W. Harry ; Sold also by W. Richardson, Lond. ; n.d. [1796], 4"., pp. 20, 1/-. Note. — Dedicated to John Enys, High Sheriff, and the Grand Jury. A Sermon [on Acts, x, 38] preached at the Parish Church of St. Mary, in Truro, before the Governors of the Cornwall General Infirmary, on its being Opened for the Reception of Patients, Monday, August 12th, 1799, by the Rev. C. Cardew, one of the Chaplains in Ordinary to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Pub- lished at the Request of the Governors then present. Truro, Printed and Sold by J. Tre- gonning; Lond., J. Wallis ; 1799, 4"., price 1/6, for the Benefit of the Infirmary. CARDEW, Rev. John Haydon (son of the preceding). It. of Curry Malet, near Taunton, b. Truro, 16th Feb., 1773. d. Curry Malet, 8th Nov., 1853. Be ye of good Courage, and Play the Men. A Sermon [on II Sam., x, 12] preached in the Parish Church of St. Gluvias, Cornwall, Oct. 19th, 1803, being the day appointed for a General Fast, by J. H. Cardew, M.A., Curate of St. Gluvias and Rector of Curry Mallet, Somerset. Falmouth, Printed by S. Harris, 1803, 4°., pp. 21. Note. — Dedicated to the "Worshipful the Mayor and Aldermen of Penrjn, Sir William Elford, Bart., M.P., and others. CAREW FAMILY. Pedigrees of Carew Family. Harl. MSS., 380, art. 37-50, pp. 85-102; MSS Coll. Oxf Beg. Ixxi, Ixxiv. Descent of Carew, &c. ib., 1074, art. 65, 1079, p. 245, et seq., 1393, art. 72. Pedigree of Carewe, of Carewe Castle, Co. Pembroke, and Mohuns Ottery, Co. Devon, with the Branch of Antony and others. [Middle Hill, 1830], fol., s. sh. Br. Museum. CAREW, Sir Alexander, Bart, (eldest son of Sir B. Carew, Bart.). MP. for Cornwall, b. 1610. Execided Tower Hill, 23rd Dec, 1644. cf. Clarendon! s Hist, of Eebellion, ed. 1819, ii, 175-77, 522; Kippis' Biog. Brit. The Speech or Confession of Sir Alexander Carew, Bart., who was beheaded on Tower Hill, on Monday, Dec. 23rd, 1644. Lond., Printed for Thos. Bates, at the Maiden-head, on Snow Hill, neere the Conduit; and J. W. J., in the Old Baily ; 1644, sm. 4°., pp. 8. England's Black Tribunall set forth in the CAEEW. 56 CAEEW. CAEEW, Sir Aiexandee. (Con.). Trial of K. Charles I, &c. ; also the several Dying Speeches of the Nobility and Gentry as were Inhumanely put to Death for their Loyalty to their Sovereign Lord the King, from 1642 to 1658 (Earl of Strafford, Sir Alexander Carew, and others). Lond., J. Playford, 1660, 8". Note. — Sir A. Carew's Trial and Speech, pp. 97 — 100. CAEEW, Sir George {younger brother of the historian). Master of Chancery and Court of Hoards, h. East Anthony, d. Friday, 13th Nov., 1612. cf. Kippis' Biog. Brit; Aikin's Gen. Biog. ; Chalmers'. An Historical View of the Negociations be- tween the Courts of England, France, and Brussels, from the year 1592 to 1617. ..To which is added, A Relation of the state of Fraijce, with the characters of Henry IV and the principal persons of that Court, drawn up by Sir George Carew, upon his return from his Embassy there in 1609, and addressed to King .Tames I. Never before printed. By Thomas Birch, M.A., F.RS., and Rector of the United Parishes of St. Margaret,. Pattens, and St. Gabriel, Fenchurch. Lond., p)rinted for A. Millar, opposite to Katharine Street, in the Strand, 1749, 8°., pp. xxiv and 528. Note. — A Eelation of the State of Prance, pp. 415 — 528. Preface, pp. xvi — xix, contains account of Sir Ct. Carew. Illustris viri J. A. Thuani...historiarum sui temporis, ab Anno Domini 1543, usque ad an- UTim 1607, libri cxxxviii, 5 Tom. Genevse, 1020-21, fol. Note. — The materials for the cxxi book (concerning Poland) were communicated by Sir G-. Carew. CAREW, Sir George, Knight (son of Ber. George Carew, D.D., Bean of Windsor, &c.). or. Earl of Totnes, 7th Feb., 1625-26. h. Devon- shire, 1558. d. Savoy, London, 27th March, 1629. Grant from the Crown to Sir G. Carey to Buy Tin of the Cornish Tinners previous to any other Purchasers. 1577. Lansd. MSS., 24-, art 44 and 48. Sir G. Carey's Notes concerning the Queen's Tin in Cornwall and Devonshire. 1577. ib , 24 mi. 47. A Remonstrance against the Grant to Sir G. Carey for the Preemption of Cornish Tin. 1577 ib., 24, art. 50. See Halford, Mr. Sir G. Carew's Suit for a Lease of Her Majesty's Right of Preemption of Tin in Devon and Cornwall for a Yearly Rent. 1597. ib., 85, art. 46. CAREW, Hugh. Pseud., i.e., Desmaizeaux Pierre. CAREW, James. Letter of King Henry VIII. See Bosvian, T, CAREW, John. J. Carew to Mr. Camden, Clarencieux King at Arms, concerning his Coat. . Anthony, 6th Nov., 1620. Earl. MSS., 7000, art. 4, pp. 15- 21. CAREW, Sir Matthew (uncle of the historian), b. Cornwall, bur. St. Dunstan's in the West, London, 2nd Aug., 1618. cf. Collectanea Topog. et Geneal, v, 206-208; White's Endowed Charities of London, pp. 349-50 ; Earl. MSS., 1196, art. 149-151. Extract from a Book of Annals lent to Robert Glover by Dr. M. Carew, March, 1585. Tanner MSS. ; Bod. Lib., 12, art. 9, fol. 46b-48b. CAREW, Right Honble. Reginald Pole, F.R.S., M.P. (eldest son of Reginald Pole, of Stoke Damerel). Assumed the Name of Carew. b. Stoke Damerel, 28th July, 1753. d. Antony, 3rd Jan., 1835. cf. Gent. Mag., iii, 318 (1835). Sonnet addressed to R. P. Carew, Esq.; by Rev. T. Warwick, L.L.B. European Mag., v, 224 (1784). Antiquities discovered at Hallwick and Tre- nowethinl793. 2 Plates. ^rcAaeo/., xvi, 137-8 (1809). An Account of certain Hill Castles. Set Rashleigh, Rev. P. Catalogue of the Collections of Etchings by Rembrandt, the property of the late Right Hon, R. P. Carew. Sold by Mr. Wheatley, 1835, 8". CAREW, Richard {eldest son of Thomas Carew), b. East Antonie, 1555. d. East Antonie, 6th Nov., 1620. cf Fuller, ed. 1811, i, 218; ^fo' Wood, ii, 284-87; Chalmers'; Biog. Brit; A Collect of curious Discourses, with Pref., by T. Eearne, 1773, i, 267, ii, 425-26 ; Kippis' Biog., Brit; C. Fitzgeff'njs Affanice, Book iii; J, Dunbar's Epigrammata, cent 6, No. 53. Godfray of Bvlloigne, or the Recouerie of Heirvsalem. An Heroicall Poeme, written in Italian by Seig. Torquato Tasso, and Translated into English by R[ichard] C[arew], Esquire; and now the First Part, containing Five Cantos, Imprinted in both Languages. London, Im- printed by John Windet for Christopher Hunt, of Exeter, 1594, 4"., 119 leaves. Note.— c/. Itetrospective Rev., iii, 32 — 50 ; British Bibliographer, i, 80. CIAEEW. 57 CAEBW. OAEEW, E:cHAHD. (Con.). Examen de Ingenios. The Examination of Men's Wits, in which, by discouering the varietie of Natures, is shewn for what Profession each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein. By JohnxHuarte. Translated out of the Spanish Tongue by M. Camillo Camilli ; Englished out of Ms Italian by E[ichardl Cfarew], Esquire. Lond., 1594, 4". Examen de Ingenios, etc. Lond., Printed by Adam Islip, 1596, 4"., pp. 333. Dr. Williams; Maiichester Free Lib. Note. — Dedicated to " Sir F Godolphin, Knight, one of the Deputie Lievtenants of Cornwall " ; com- mences " Good Sir, your Booke returneth vnto you clad in a Cornish Gabardine." A scarce edition. Examen de Ingenios, etc. Lond., Printed by Adam Islip, 1604, 4°., pp. 333. Br. Museum. Examen de Ingenios, etc. Lond., 1616, 4°. A Herring's Tayle; contayning a Poetical Fiction of Divers Matters worthie the reading. [By R C.]. At London, Printed for Matthew Lowness, 1598, 4°., 18 leaves. Bod. Lib. The Survey of Cornwall. Written by Richard Carew, of Antonie, Esq. London, Printed by S. S. for John Jaggard, and are to bee Sold neere Temple-barre, at the Signe of the Hand and Starrs. 1602, sm. 4°., 159 leaves, paged on one side only. The Survey of Cornwall, and an Epistle con- cerning the Excellencies of the English Tongue, now -first Published from the Manuscript. By Richard Carew, of Antonie, Esq. ; with the Life of the Author by H ■' * •■' * C * -■' * ='^ *, Esq. [2}seud., i.e., Pierre Des Maiseaux]. Lond., Printed for Samuel Chapman, at the Angel, in Pallmall; David Browne, jun., at the Black Swan, without Temple Bar ; and James Wood- man, at Cambden's Head, in Bow Street, Covent Garden; 1723, 4^., pp. xxviii, and 159 leaves paged on one side only. The Survey of Cornwall, and an Epistle concerning the Excellencies of the English Tongue. By R Carew, of Antonie, Esq. ; with the Life of the Author by H * '"^ * * C * * * * *, Esq. ; a new edition. London, Printed for B. Law, in Ave Maria Lane; and J. Hewett, at Penzance; 1769, 4°., pp. xxxii, and 164 leaves paged on one side only. Note. — A Copy in the Lib. of the Boyal Instit. of Cornwall has an MSS. Index. Carew's Survey of Cornwall ; to which are added Notes Illustrative of its History and Antiquities, by the late Thomas Tonkin, Esq., and now first Published from the Original |ilanuscripts by Francis Lord De Dunstanville. Likewise a Journal or Minutes of the Convoca- tion or Parliament of Tinners for the Stannaries of Cornwall, held at Truro, in the year 1710, CAEEW, BiOHAKD. {Con.). the Grant of the Sheriffalty to Edward, Duke of Cornwall, etc. Lond., Printed by T. Bensley, Bolt-court, Fleet-street, for J. Faulder, New Bond Street ; Plymouth, Eees and Curtis ; 1811, 4°., pp. xxxix and 459, 42/-. Note. — For an Index to this Work see D. Gilbert's Cornwall, iv, 381—92. The True and Eeadie way to Learne the Latine Tongue attested by three excellently Learned and approved Authours of three Nations, viz : — Eilhardus Lubinus, a German, Mr. Richard Carew, of Anthony, and the French Lord of Mon- taigne. Presented to the unpartiall both Publick and Private Considerations of those that seek the Advancement of Learning in these Nations. By Samuel Hartlib, Esq. Lond., Printed by R. and W. Leybourn, for the Common-wealth of Learning, 1654, 4"., pp. 52. Note. — Dedicated to Francis Eous. Carew's paper comprised in pp. 45 — 49. The Excellencie of the English Tongue. By R. C, of Antony, Esq., to W. Camden, in " Remaines concerning Britaine, their Language, etc." Written by William Camden. 5th ed. (1637), pp. 36-44. Note. — E. Carew's Essay first appeared in the 2nd ed. of Camden's Remainer,, 1605, 4°. ; it exists in Manu- script in Gottonian MSS., Julius, F. xi, art. 12, fol. 261—64. An Epistle of Richard Carew, Esq., concerning the Excellencies of the English Tongue. Lond., Printed in the year 1723, 4°., pp. 13. Note. — This was printed with the 1723 ed. of " The Survey," and is mentioned in the general title to that work. With "The Survey," published in 1769, "An Epistle " also reappeared, but it still bore the date of 1728 ; whether the year were retained by mistake, or whether the Title were intended to have been a fac- simile of the previous print, is not known. An Apology of the Treatise de non temer- andis ecclesiis against a Treatise by an unknown author, written against it in some particulars. By Sir H. Spelman, Knight. Also his Epistle to Richard Carew, Esquire, of Antony, in Corn- wall, concerning Tithes. London, printed by J. L., for Philemon Stephens, and are to be sold at his shop, in Paul's Churchyard, at the signe of the Gilded Lion. 1646, 4". NOTE.- -To the Eeader, J sheet. The Apology, 1| sheets, then pp. 27. Tythes too hot to be touched; or certain Treatises wherein is shewn that Tythes are due by the Law of Nature, Scripture, and Nations ; therefore neither Jewish, Popish, nor incon- venient. Written by Sir Henry Spelman, Knight, and others, containing : — I, The Larger Book of Tythes. II, An Apology of the 'Treatise De non temerandis Ecclesiis. Ill, An Epistle to Mr. H CAEEW. 58 CAELISLB. CAEEW, EiOHAED. (Con.). Richard Carew, concerning Tythes [dated " Lon- dini, 18th Sept., 1615"]. ..(Edited by Rev. Jeremiah Stephens). Lond., 1660, 4°. cf. Spehiaris English JForh, 1723, fol., pp. 37-38. A Friend's Remembrance of Sir Richard Edgecumbe, with several Poems and a Letter against the Supremacy of the Pope. By R. Carew. MSS. formerly penes Rev. John Prince. cf. Sir E. Brydges' Peerage, v, 322-27. Complimentary Lines by R. Carew, prefixed to " Certain Psalms in English Metre." By Michael Cosowarth. Earl MSS., 6906. Original Letter from R. Carew to Sir R. Cotton, dated Antony, 7th April, 1605. Gent. Mag., lix, 227 (1789). cf. Letters of Eminent Literary Men, Pub. by Camden Soc, 1843, pp. 98-100; Archaeol., i, Introcl. Note. — The Original Letter is in the Cottonian MSS. Julius, C. iii, 30b. Original Letter from R. Carew to W. Camden, 1606. Cottonian MSS., Julius, 0. v, 33. Sonnet to R. Carew, at the end of " Sundry Christian Passions." By Henry Lok, 1597, 4°- CAREW, Sir Richard, Bakt. (son of the pre- ceding). Created Baronet 9th Aug., 1642. The Voyce of the Lord in the Temple [i.e., the Church of St. Anthony], etc. Lond., 1640, 4°. See Bache, Rev. A. Excellent helps really found out, tried, and had, whereof the parties hereafter mentioned are true and sufficient witnesses, by a Warming Stone... useful and comfortable for the Colds of Aged and Sick people, and for women with child or in childbed, and for Sucking and Young children, ... as also for Fluxes, Rheumes, Collicks, Ruptures, and many other infirmities, etc. Pub- lished by Sir Richard Carew, Barronet, for the Honour of God, from whom every good gift comes, and for the good of all people, from the New-born Babe to the Decrepit and Decaying Old Man. Lond., Printed for John Bartlet, 1652, 4°., pp. 8. — 3rd ed., with some experi- ments newly added, 1660, 4°., pp. 8. The Warming Stone first found out by Sir R. C, Baronet, who was himself cured of several Distempers by it ; and by the use thereof cured many thousands in the West, &c. Lond., Printed for Thomas Rooks, in Gresham CoUedg, next the Stairs, entering upon the Exchange, n.d. [1670 q, 8°., pp. 16. CAREW, Rev. Thomas. R. of Hatfield Peverel, Essex, b. Cornwall; living in 1605. cf. B. Brook's Lives of the Puritans, ii, 166-68. Several Sermons. 1603, 4''. Four Godly Sermons. 1605, 4°. CAREY, John, L.L.D. h. Ireland, 1756. d. Prospect Place, Lambeth, 8th Dec, 1829. A Clue for Young Latinists and Non-Latinists to trace the Original Forms and Signification of Nouns and Verbs from their terminations, Alpha- betically arranged, with Explanatory References to the Grammar. Lond., Printed for Longman, 1821, 8"., pp. 68. The GreekTerminations (including the Dialects and Poetic Licences) Alphabetically arranged and Grammatically explained... Lond., Printed for Longman, 1821, 8"., pp. viii and 160. Note. — The above works were compiled for the iise of John Davies Gilbert, of Trelissiot. CARGILL, Mrs., nie Brown. Actress and Vocalist. The Wreck. A Poem. cf. Mrs. HemanJ Poems, ed. 1852, pp. 373-74; Selector or Cornish Mag., i, 71 (1826); Eurojyean Mag., v, 236, (1784); Gent. Mag., liv, pt. i, 227, 235, 307, (1784). Note. — Mrs. Cargill was wrecked off Scilly, on her return from India in the "Nancy," East Indiaman, in 1784; her body was found floating with her infant clasped in her arms and covered with the mother's long hair. CARLISLE, Christopher (son of Alexander Carlisle, Citizen and Vintner of London), h. Cornwall? d. London, 11th Nov., 1593. cf Bliss' Wood, i, 336; Tanner, p. 154; Lodge's Illustrations of British History (1791), ii, 291; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., ii, 161-63. A Briefe and Summary Discourse upon the intended Voyage to the hithermost parts of America. Written by Captain Carlile, in April, 1583. Haykluyt, iii, 182-87. Christopher Carleill's Suit to Lord Burghley for a Commission to Seize Spanish Goods. 1590. Lansd. MSS., 64, art. 54. A Discourse on the discovery of the hithermost parts of America. Written by Capt. CarleiU to the Citizens of London, ib., 100, art. 14. Captain Carlisle's account of advantages to the Realm from a sudden seizure of Books, Letters, Papers, &c., of the Low-Country people residing and inhabiting under the obedience of the King of Spain, with answers to objections. ib., 113, art. 7. A Note of certain defects in the instructions and preparations for Captain Carlisle's Voyage to China, &c., to be supplied. Cottonian MSS., Otho, E. viii, art. 60. The Heroical Devices of M. Claudius Paradin, Canon of Beavieu. . .Translated out of Latin into English by P. S. Lond., W. Kearney, 1591, 24°. Note. — Dedicated to Capt. Christopher Carlile. cf. MouWs JBibl. Herald, p. 39. CAELISLK. 59 CAELYON. CARLISLE, Nicholas, F.R.S. b. York (1), 1771. d. Margate, 27tli Aug., 1847. A Concise Description of the Endowed Gram- mar Schools in England and Wales. Ornamented with engravings. Lend., Baldwin, 1818, 2 vols., 8". Note. — tiornish Schools, i, 137—51. CARLYON, Clement, M.D. b. Truro, 14th April, 1777. d. Truro, 5th March, 1864. cf. West Briton, 1 1th March (by Dr. Barham) ; Gent. Mag., xvi, 797-98 (1864). Latin Letters to the Vice Chancellor of Cam- bridge. By C. Carlyon, Travelling Fellow of Pembroke College. Gottingen, 1799-1800. Observations on the Endemic Typhus Fever of Cornwall, and its connection with the want of cleanliness about the habitations chiefly of the Lower Classes of Society, with some remarks tending to the Improvement of the Domestic Economy of Cottagers. Truro, Printed and Published by J. Carthew, County Library; Lond., Longman; 1827, 8°., pp. 50. Early Years and Late Reflections. Lond., Whittaker, 1836, 1843, 2 vols., 8°., 16/.— 2nd ed., 1856-58, 4 vols., post 8"., 6/-. each. Scripture Notices and Proofs, etc. Lond., Whittaker, 1838, 8"., pp. 286, 10/6. Note.— Dedicated to the CouBtess of Falmouth. Observations on the Potatoe Blight, its nature and appropriate Antidote. By C. Carlyon. Truro, 1847, 12°., pp. 24. A few words of advice to Cottagers and others on the Management of Bees. Truro, Royal Gazette Office, 1848, 8"., pp. 23, 6d. The Life of Bernard Gilpin. By WUham Gilpin, with an Introductory Preface by C. Carlyon. Lond., 1854, 8" Precepts for the Preservation of Health, Life, and Happiness, Medical and Moral (sure and certain methods of obtaining a long and healthful Life. Written originally in Italian by Louis Cornaro, a Noble Venetian, and made English. Fifth Edition). Lond., Whittaker, 1859, 12"., pp. xiv and 301. Note. — The portion given in hrackets is the title- page of Oornaro's sure and certain Method, dated 1837, and is contained in pp. 165—301. The work is dedicated to 'William Coulson, Esquire. A Wreath of Flowers from the Garden of the Lord. Lond., Wertheim and Co., 1860. The Church of England's Rotten Plank. Lond., Whittaker, 1861, 12°., pp. SI, 1/-- A few more words of earnest expostulation addressed to the Bishops and other learned Clerks and Laymen of the Church of England [being remarks on the Athanasian Creed, as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer]. Lond., CAELYON, Clement. [Con.). Whittaker and Co., 1863, 12°., pp. 42, 6d. Note.— Dedicated to Bt. Rev. E. H. Browne, Bp. of Ely. A last attempt to give to the Prayer Book of the Church of England its due weight. Lond., Whittaker and Co., 1864, 12°., pp. 40, 6d. On the Diseases peculiar to Miners. Bep. B.O.P. Soc, 1835, p. 33. Notice of an Interesting Fact in Natural History. Bep. B.I.C., 1844, p. 25. CARLYON, Rev. Clement Winstanley. B. of St. Just in Boseland, 15th Nov., 1836. b. Truro. Notes on the Parish of St. Anthony in Rose- land, and its Restored Church, etc. By L. S. Boyne, St. Mawes ; with Illustrations by the Rev. C. W. Carlyon. Lond., Truscott, 1852, 8°. CARLYON, Edmund, b. St. Mawgan in Pydar. Short Treatise on the mode of assessing Tithe Commutation Rent Charges to Parish Rates. St. Austell, 1842, 8°., 1/-. Table of Fees to be taken in the County Courts under the new orders, &c., &c. 2nd ed., revised and improved, St. Austell, Andrew (late Hennah) ; J. Crockford, London; 1851, 8°., pp. 26. CARLYON, Edward Augustus (ind Son of Col. Edward Carlyon, of Tregrchan). Barrister. Now in New Zealand. The Laws and Practice of Whist. By Coelebs, M.A. [i.e., A. E. Carlyon]. Lond., Saunders and Otley, 1851, 12°., pp. 82.— Lond., 1858, 18°. CARLYON, Miss Ellen (daughter of the Bev. Philip Carlyon). b. Truro. Simple Stories for Children. Lond., Christ. Know. Soc, 1861, 8°., 1/-. Winnie's Childhood. A Child's Story. Lond., Christ. Know. Soc, 1861, 8°., 6d. Christie. A Tale. Lond., Christ. Know. Soc, 1864, 8°., 1/6. Amy's Garden. A Tale. Lond., W. Macintosh [1864], 18°., 3d. CARLYON, Rev. John, LL.D. B. of Bradwell, Essex, h. Tregrehan, 4th June, 1722. d. Truro, 23 Sept., 1798. cf Gent. Mag., Ixviii, pt. ii, 908 (1798); Ixxxviii, pt. i, 381, 644 (1818). CARLYON, Rev. Philip, M.A. V. of beach St. Mary. b. St. Mawgan in Pydar, 1811. A Sermon [on Isaiah, xxvi, 1 & 2] preached in the Parish Church of Nayland, for the benefit CAELTON. 60 CAENB. CABLYON, Rev. Philip. (Con.). of the National School. Ipswich, Deck, 1837, 8°. A Plain Catechism on the Church, etc. Lond., Mozley, 1849, 8°., 2d. The Lay Member's Guide in visiting the sick and poor. Chiefly compiled from various authors, by M. A. M. [Revised by Rev. P. Carlyon, Minister of St. James's, Exeter]. Exeter, A. Holden, High Street ; and London, Rivingtons ; 1851, 8"., pp. 215, 3/-. A Sermon preached at the Primary Visitation of the Venerable Archdeacon Downall, at Plym- outh, by Rev. P. Carlyon, Vicar of Widdecombe- in-Moor. Plymouth, Lidstone, 1859, 8°. A Catechism on Confirmation, or Six Weeks' Preparation by Pastor and Candidate. Lond., Mozley, 1868, sm. 8°., l|d. The Devil's Miracles and how to know them. By Rev. P. Carlyon, Vicar of Widdecombe-in- the-Moor, &c. Lond., Rivingtons, 1868, sm. 8°., pp. 36, 1/-. On the Churches of St. Columb Major and St. Mawgan in Pydar. By Rev. P. Carlyon, R. of St. Mawgan. 9 vignettes. Trails. Exeter D.A. Soc, ii, 153 (1847). Notes on some Foreign Churches, ib. The Nomenclature and Principles of Church Architecture, ib. Church Symbolism in Verse. [Anon], ib. CARLYON, Rev. Thomas. B. of St. Mary's, Truro, and, V. of Probiis. b. Truro, 12th May, 1765. d. Truro, 1st Feb., 1826. cf Gent. Mag. (by Rev. R. Polwhele), xcvi, pt. i, 106, 369 (1826). On a Sermon by Rev. T. Carlyon. 1809. See Kelk, Rev. T. CARMINOW Pedigree, etc. cf Gent. Mag., xcii, 134, 302-3 (1822); Journ. B.I.G., 1866, p. 143-49; Harl. MSS., 1074, art. 201, 1164, p. 81 ; Gottonian MSS., Julius, F. ix, art. 7 ; Niclwls' GoUectanea, i, 319. CARMINOW, Sir Ralph (eldest Son of Walter Garminow). d. circa 1386-87. The Will of Sir. R. Carminow. Sir. N. H. Nicolas' Testamenta Vetusta, i, 121. CARMINOW, William (2nd 'Son of Walter Gar- minow). cf. Proc. of Privy Gouncil (Ed. Sir N. H. Nicolas), i, 40. The Pedigree of Wm. Carminow, who died 8 Hen. IV. Harl. MSS., 6082, art. 10. CARNE, Miss Elizabeth {ith daughter of Jos. Came). I. Penzance, 1817. Three Month's Rest at Pau, in the Winter CAENE, MiS3 Elizabeth. {Con.). and Spring of 1859. By John Altrayd Wittit- terly {i.e., Miss Elizabeth Carne]. Lond., Bell and Daldy, 1860, 8"., pp. 267. Country Towns and the place they fill in modern civilization. By the Author of Three Month's Rest at Pau. Lond., Bell & Daldy, 1868, 8°., pp. 195, 3/-. The evidence to be derived from Cliff Boulders with regard to a former condition of the land and sea in the Land's End district. Trans. B.G.S.G., vii, 369-78 (1860). Enquiry into the age of that part of the dis- trict of the Maritime Alps which surrounds Mentone. ib., vii, 433. CARNE, Rev. James, D.D., of Oriel Coll., Oxford (Uh Son of Will. Game). V. of Gharles, Plymouth. h. Penzance or Truro, 18th Jan., 1794, d. Plymouth, 14th Aug., 1832. A Tour through Cornwall. MSS. (1). CARNE, John {2nd Son of Will. Game), h. 1789. d. Penzance, 19th April, 1844. cf Maunder; Gent. Mag., xxi, 656(1844); Jer- danJs Autobiography, iii, 213. Poems containing The Indian and Lazarus. Anon. Lond., Baldwin, 1820, 12°. Letters from the East. Lond., H. Colbum, 1826, 8°., pp. xxiii and 593, 18/-. Letters from the East, written during a recent Tour through Turkey, Egypt, Arabia, the Holy Land, Syria, and Greece. 2nd ed., Lond., H. Colbum, 1826, 2 vols., post 8"., 18/-.— 3rd. ed., 1830, 2 vols., 8°., 18/-. Note. — These letters were first published in the New Monthly Magazine, the author receiving 20 guineas for each letter. Tales of the West, by the Author of Letters from the East. Lond., H. Colbum, 1828, 2 vols., post 8°., 21/-. Stratton Hill. A Tale of the Civil War. Lond., Colburn and Bentley, 1829, 3 vols., post 8"., 31/6. Recollections of Travels in the East, forming a continuation of the Letters from the East. Lond., Colburn & Bentley, 1830, post 8"., pp. xii and 348, 10/6. The Exiles of Palestine. A Tale of the Holy Land. Lond., Saunders and Otley, 1831, 3 vols., post 8°., 31/6. Lives of Eminent Missionaries. Lond., Fisher, Son, and Jackson, vol. i, 1832, vol. ii, 1833, vol. iii (Lives of Eminent Roman Catholic Missionaries), 1835; being vols, vi, viii, and x of The Select Library, 8". Note. — Dedication to vol. i, signed and dated Eenegie, Penzance, 20th June, 1832. CAENE. 61 OAENB. CAENE, John. {Con.). Letters from Switzerland and Italy during a late Tour. Lond., Colburn, 1834, 8°., pp. xii and 472, 15/-. Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, &c. Illus- trated in a Series of Views, drawn from nature by W. H. Bartlett, William Purser, &c. With description of the plates by J. Carne. 37 en- gravings. Lond., Fisher [1836-38], 3 vols., 4"., 36/-.— Lond,, 1853, 8°.— Lond., 1861-63,8°. La Terre Sainte, L' Asie Mineure, &c. lUus- tr6es, une serie de vues dessin^es d'aprfes nature pa,r W. H. Bartlett, William Purser, &c. Les ex- plications des gravures par J. Carne. Traduit de r Anglais par Alexander Sosson. Londres, Paris, Amerique, Fisher, 1836, 4°. Lives of Eminent Missionaries. Lond., Fisher, vol. i, n.d., vol. ii, 1844, 8". (part of EngUsh- woman's Family Library). Note. — The dedication to the series in the Select Library is reprinted in vol. i. Lives of Eminent Missionaries. Lond., Robert Washbourne, 18, Paternoster Eow, 1852, 3 vols., 12°., 9/-. Ten Letters from Ireland. A Paper in No. 232 of . Six Letters on Lunacy in France. A Paper in No. 232 of . Note. — The two preceding were bequeathed to the Penzance Library by the Eev. J. Carne. Memoirs of Mr. Richard Trewavas, Sen., of Mousehole, Cornwall : to which is prefixed an Account of Methodism in Mousehole. By R. Treffry. Lend.. ..J. Mason, 1839, 12°., pp. 196. Note. — The Account of Methodism in Mousehole, pp. 5 — 51, was chiefly supplied by J. Carne. CAENE, Rev. John, M.A. (grandson of Will. Carne). V. of Eglos-Merther. b. Penzance, 11th Jan., 1824. d. Penzance, 20th May, 1868. An Order of Metrical Psalms for Sundays and other Holy-days, and for some other oc- casions ; together with some Rules for the use of the Collects and Lessons. Truro, J. R. Netherton [printed] ; London, J. & C. Mozley ; 1856, 12°., pp. 42, 1/-. The Identification of the Manor of Ridwri. Journ of B.I.C., 1864, Oct., p. 1; 1865, April, p. 41. An Attempt to Identify the Domesday Manors in Cornw. ih., 1865, Oct., p. 11-59; 1867, p. 219. The Bishopric of Cornwall, ib., 1867, p. 177-218. Memoir of the late Joseph Carne, Esq. Gent. Mag., V, 638 (1858). CARNE, Joseph, F.R.S. (eldest Son of mil. Carne). b. Penzance, 1782. d. Penzance, 12th Oct., 1858. cf Gent. Mag., v, 638 (by Rev. John Carne), 1858. Mem. of B. Treffry, Jim., ed. 1839, pp. 207, 257 ; Hannah's Memorials of Rev. T. Lessey, pp. 183, 333. On Elvan Courses. Trans. B.G.S.G.,i, 97-106, 241 (1816-1818). On the Discovery of Silver in the Mines of Cornwall. A, i, 118-126 (1817). Notice relative to the Formation of Swimming- Stone, ib., i, 239-240 (1818). On the relative Age of the Veins of Corn- wall. 2 Plates, ib., ii, 49-128 (1818). On the Mineral Productions and the Geology of the Parish of St. Just. Map. . ib., ii, 290-358 (1821). On the Commencement of Copper Mining in Cornwall, and on the Improvements which have been made in Mining, ib., iii, 35-85 (1824). On some Ancient Coins found in the Sands of Hayle, and on the deposition of Sand on the Northern Coast of Cornwall, ib., iii, 136-149 (1825). On the Granite of the Western part of Corn- wall. Map. ib., iii, 208-246 (1827). Notice of the work performed by the Steam Engines in the Mines of Cornwall, ib., iii, 335. A description of the Stream-work at Drift Moor, near Penzance, ib., iv, 47-56 (1830). On the Discovery of some varieties of Tin-Ore in a Vein, which have been considered peculiar to Streams ; with remarks on Diluvial Tin in general, ib., iv, 95-112 (1830). On the Pseudo-morphous Minerals found in Cornwall, ib., vi, 24-31 (1841). Additional Contributions to the Mineralogy of the Parish of St. Just, ib., vi, 47-50. On the remains of a Submarine Forest in the North-eastern part of Mount's Bay. ib'., vi, 230-235 (1846). On the Geology of the Islands of ScUly. ib., vii, 140-154 (1850). Notice of a Raised Beach lately discovered in Zennor. ib., vii, 176 (1851). An Account of the Eelistian Tin Mine. Philos. Trans., xcvii, 293-95 ; Nicholson's Journ., xx, 24-25, (1808). Statistics of the Tin Mines in Cornwall, and of the Consumption of Tin in Great Britain. Journ. Statis. Soc. of Lond., ii, 260-68 (1839). Annual Addresses of the President of the Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Soc. Trans, of the Soc, i, 263, 359 ; ii, 5, 57, 207, 273 (1849-1855). CARNE, Rev. Robert Haekness (son of John Carne of Plymouth). B.A. of Exeter CABNE. 62 OAEO. CAENE, Eet. Bobebt Habkness. (Con.). 19th Nov, 1806. i. St. Austell? about 1785. d. Jersey, 18 — . A Series of Letters in Refutation of the Socinian Heresy, with an Appendix, containing Scripture Proof's of the Deity of Christ, etc. By the Rev. R. H. Carne, Curate of Torbryan. Exeter, Woolmer, n.d. [1815], 8°., 1/6. The Proper Deity and distinct Personalty, Agency, and Woi'ship of the Holy Spirit vindi- cated against the recent cavils of Messieurs Baring, Bevan, Cowan, &c., late seceders from the Church of England ; to which is added an Appendix on the Doctrines of the Trinity and Incarnation, and also an Alphabetical List of Fifty Hebrew Titles of Deity with explanations. By R. H. Carne. Sold by Dyer... Exeter... m.(^. [Exeter, T. Besley, jun., Printer, 1818], 8"., pp. xix and 313, 6/-. Note. — Preface dated Exeter, Oct., 1818. Reason for withdrawing from the National Establishment, with a brief statement of Doc- trinal Sentiments. By R. H. Carne, A.B., late of Exeter College, Oxford. Lond., Printed for Francis Westley, 10, Stationers' Court, 1820, 8°., pp. 146, 2/-. Note. — Mr. Came was elected to the Lectureship of Marazion, hut the Bishop refused to License him. Brief Notices of the Rev. R. H. Carne's reasons for withdrawing from the National Establishment. By Francis Huysche, Vicar of Okehampton. Exeter, Treivman and Co., 1820, 8"., pp. 64. A Brief Reply to " Brief Notices, etc," by Rev. F. Huysche. By Rev. R. H. Carne. Exeter, 1820, 8"- An Appendix to " A Brief Reply," being an Answer to the Rev. Mr. Huysche's Manuscript Observations on the same. By Rev. R. H. Carne. Exeter, Printed and Sold by T. Besley, jun., 223, High Street, 1821, 8°., pp. 112. The Two Covenants, or Law and Gospel; being the substance of certain discourses lately delivered at the High Street Chapel, Exeter. By R. H. Carne... now Minister of the said Chapel. Lond., E. Palmer, 18, Paternoster Row ; Exeter, C. Upham; 1828, 8°., pp. xiii and 455, 10/6. A defence and explication of the sinlessness, im- mortality, and incorruptibility of the humanity of the Son of God. A Letter to the Editor of the Morning JVatch, or Quarterly Jotmial of Prophecy [in refutation of certain statements in that Journal]. Lond., E. Palmer, 1829, 8«., pp. 42, 1/-. The True Humanity of Christ [in answer to a Paper by Edward Irving]. A Second and Third Letter to the Editor of the Morning Waich. Lond., E. Palmer, 1829, 8°., pp. 63, 2/-. CAENE, Eet. Eobeet Habkness. [Con.). Familiar Thoughts on John, xvii, 21-24 ; new ed., enlarged and corrected, 18 — , 8°., 2/6. Review of the Discussion on the Origination of the Manhood of the Son of God, occasioned by statements of E. Irving and the Morning Watch on that subject ; with Supplemental Remarks relative to the Botanico Anatomico Theological Essay on the same topic, by T. W. Chevalier... and concluded by an enquiry into the nature and immediate causes of the Death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lond., E. Palmer, 1832, 8"., pp. 109. Note. — The date on the cover is 1833. Specimen of a Hebrew Grammar, adapted to the more EngUsh Scholar, and calculated to render theHebrew Language a most easy, speedy, and satisfactory acquisition. Lond., Seeley and Son, 1833, 8°., pp. 52, 2/6. Letters and Essays on the Generation of the Manhood of the Son of God, and on the nature and cause of his Death on the Cross. Lond., E. Palmer, 18— 8«., 7/6. Discourse of the Doctrine of the Trinity in Unity. Lond., E. Palmer, 18— 18»., 9d. Collection of Hymns with originals. Lond., E. Palmer, 18— 12°., 5/-. Examination of Paedo-baptism, for the satis- faction of Psedo-baptists. Lond., E. Palmer, 18— 12°., 1/-. A Word to the Baptist Ministers, WilHam Mackintosh and John Mason, of Exeter. Lond., E. Palmer, 18—12°., 4d. The Spirit of God ; a Sermon occasioned by a Tract on The Holy Spirit, by John Mason, of Exeter. Preached by the Rev. R. H. Carne. Lond., E. Palmer, 18— 12°., 6d. A Letter to the Rev. William Scoresby by Rev. R. H. Carne. Lond., E. Palmer, 18— 12°., 6d. Gospel Herald. A Series of Discourses on the Glad Tidings of the Kingdom of God. No. i-iv. Lond., E. Palmer, 18— 12°., 2d. each. CARNE, William, h. 13th Dec, 1754. I Penzance, 4th July, 1836. cf. Methodist Mag., XX, 162 (1797) ; lix, 725-26 (1836); Mem. of B. Treffry, Jun. (ed. 1839), pp. 70, 71, 100, 107, 150, 187, 206-209; Treffry's Memoirs of B. Trewavas, Senior (ed. 1839), pp. 50, 152-53, 180; Hannah's Memorials of Bev. T. Lessey, p. 183. CARO, pseud., i.e. Stage Coaches and Partings. Cwnish Mag., iv, 1-11 (1829). CAEPENTER. 63 CABEINGTON. CARPENTER, Rev. John. R. of NorfkUigh, Devon, b. Launceston, 15 — . d. Northleigh, March, 1620. cf. Bliss' Wood, ii, 287. A Sorrowful Song for Sinful Souls, composed upon the strange and wonderful shaking of the earth, 6th April, 1586. Lond., Printed for Henry Carr, 1586, 8°. Remember Lot's Wife ; Two Godlie and fruit- full Sermons, very convenient for this our time, on Luke, xvii, 32. Lond., printed by Thomas Orwin, 1588, sm. 8°. A Preparatiue to Contentation. Lond., printed by Thomas Creede, 1597, 4». The Song of the Beloved concerning his Vineyard, modulated and applied to move men to know and embrace that which belongeth to their peace. Two Sermons on Isa., v, 1. Lond., 1599, 8°. Contemplations for the institution of children in the Christian Religion. Lond., 1601, 8°. SatyrseHaeretico-Mastiges inLutherum scilicet ZuingHum, Calvinum, Plesseeum aliosque cum antiquiores, turn neotericos Ecclesise Catholicse antagonistas, Epigrammata quaedam in fine subjunguntur eodem auctore. Burdigate, apud Franciscum Budier et Arnaldum du Breil typo- graphos lUustrissimi Cardinalis de Sourdi, 1602, 8". Schelomonocham, or King Solomon, his Solace. Lond., 1606, 4°. ThePIaineMan'sSpirituallPlough. Containing the Godly and Spirituall Husbandrie wherein every Christian ought to be exercised, for the happie increase of fruite to eternall life. By I. C, Preacher of the Word. Lond., Printed by Thomas Creede, 1607, 4°., pp. 240. Note. — Dedicated to William Cotton, Lord Bishop of Exeter, and signed Norleigh in Deuon, the first of January, Anno Salutis, 1606. CARPENTER, Rev. Richard, B.D. R. of Sherwill and Loxhore. h. Cornwall, 1575. cl. Loxhore, Devon, 18th Dec, 1627. cf. Bliss' Wood, ii, 418-19; C. Fitzgeffri/s Jffanice. The Soule's Sentinel discovering the Sicke Man's devout Resolution; a Sermon preached at the Funeral Solemnities of Sir Arthur Ack- land, Knt., 9th Jan., 1611-12. Lond., printed by Wm. Hall and John Beale for Ambrose Garbrand, 1612, 8°., pp. 112. A Pastoral Charge faithfully given and dis- charged at the Trienniall Visitation of the Bishop of Exon at Barnstaple, in 1616 (on Acts, XX, 28). Lond., 1616, 8°. Christ's Larum Bell of Love resounded. A Sermon on John, xv, 12. Lond., 1616, 8°. The Conscionable Christian ; or the Indevour of Saint Paul to have and discharge a good conscience always towards God and men ; laid CAEPENTER, Rev. Richaed. (Con.). open, and applyed in three Sermons preached before the Honourable Judges of the Circuit, at their severall Assizes holden in Chard and Taunton, &c., 1620. Imprinted at Lond., by F. K. for John Bartlet, 1623, 4". CARPENTER, Samuel, d. 1815, aged 45 (?). A Statement of the Evidence and Arguments of Counsel before the Committee of the House of Commons, on the Controverted Election for Saltash. By S. Carpenter, Esq., Barrister-at- Law. Lond., 1808, 8o., 10/6. CARPENTER, Rev. William, D.D. F. of Treneglos and Warbstoiv, afterwards Minister of Lanson and Preb. of Exeter, d. Exeter, 1808. A Sermon on the late General Fast. A Sermon on the Harvest of this Year, 1777, from Acts, xiv, verse 17, addressed to the Farmers of this Kingdom ; with a serious Hint or two to their Superiors. Lond., G. Robinson ; Launceston, R. Martin; n.d. (1777), 4°., pp. 16. CARPENTER, Jane, {ivife of S. Carpenter 1 and sister of Stephen Drew), cf. Memoir of W. Carvosso (5th ed.), pp. 189-198. CARR, Rev. William Holwell, B.D., F.R.S. Felloiv of Exeter College 1778-91, F- of Men- heniot 1791. b. Exeter, 1758. d. London, 24th Dec, 1830. cf Gent. Mag., ci, pt. i, 370 (1831). CARRINGTON, Henry Edmund {son of N. T. Garrington). h. Maidstone, 16th March, 1806. d,. Bath, 5th Feb., 1859. The Plymouth and Devonport Guide : with Sketches of the surrounding Scenery. Five Prints. Devonport, 1828, 8°- CARRINGTON, Nicolas Toms (generally hnown as Noel Thomas), b. Plymouth, 19th July, 1777. d. Bath, 2nd Sept., 1830. The Banks of the Tamar. A Poem. Plymouth Dock, Congdon, 1820, 8«.— Lond., 1826, 1828, 8°. The Collected Poems of N. T. Carrmgton. Lond., Longman, 1834, 2 vols., 12°. Note.— Vol. ii, p. 194, On reading the Eev. E. Polwhele's Poem " On the Influence of Local Attach- ment " ; vol. ii, p. 256, " To Cornwall." Remarks on Rev. R. Polwhele's Letter to Rev. Robert Hawker. 1799. The Scenery at the mouth of the Lynher. MSS. CAETEB. 64 CAEVOLTH. CARTER, Thomas, d. Padstow. An Improved Windlass. Bep. B.C. P. Soc, 1851, p. 48. CARTHEW, Admiral James, b. Liskeard, Jan., 1770. d. Tredudwell, 28tli Nov., 1855. cf. Gent. Mag., xlv, 184 (1856) ; GBi/rne's Naval Biog. Diet. CARTHEW, Lieut. John, R.N. h. Liskeard, 19th April, 1796. d. 37, Alwyn Road, Isling- ton, 4tli July, 1860. c/. 0' Byrne's Naval Biog. Diet. CARTHEW, Thomas. Serjeant-at-Law. h. Can- nalidgy, St. Issey, 4tli April, 1657. d. London, July, 1704. Mem. of, in H. W. WoolryeUs "Lives of the Serjeants," ii, 459-63. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench from 3 Jas. II to 12 WUl. III. By T. Carthew. Published by his Son. Lond., 1728, fol. — 2nd ed., corrected, with additional references and three tables, Lond., 1741., fol. CARUS, Carl Gustav. h. Leipzig, 3rd Jan., 1789. England und Schottland im Jahre, 1844. 2 Theile, Berlin, 1845, 8". The King of Saxony's Journey through Eng- land and Scotland, in the year 1844. By Dr. C. G-. Carus, Physician to His Majesty the King of Saxony. Trans, by S. C. Davison. [Nos. 36 and 37 of the Foreign Library]. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1846, 8°.— 1853, 8°., 11/-. Note.— Cornwall, pp. 211 — 18. CARVERTH, Capt. Henry, R.N. 6. Casawes, St. Gluvias. d. London, 16th Sept., hur. St. Gluvias, nth Nov., 1684. cf CharnocJc's Biog. Navalis, i, 392-94. CARVERTH, Capt. Richard, R.N. {h-other of the preceding). fZ. 28th April, 1728. cfChar- nocKs Biog. Navalis, ii, 394. CARVETH, James, h. Terise in St. Breock, 10th Nov., 1816. Reasons for not joining the Evangehcal Alliance. 1846, 8°. Vindication of Evangelical Truth and its Advocates, in a Letter to Mr. Joseph Barker on the Character and Tendency of his Writings. Lond., R. Abercrombie, 5, Horse Shoe Court, 1847, 12°., 6d. Letter to J. Carveth, Wesleyan... Preacher. J. Carveth has published a letter to me in vrhich he talks... against some of my Principles ... I CABVETH, James. [Con.). offer a Reply, &c. Signed J. Barker, n.d., 12"., pp. 44. Manchester Free Lib. Note. — No title page. Conference Methodism & Government Grants: a Correspondence illustrative of the working of the Government Scheme of Education in con- nection with Conference Methodism, conducted by Rev. James Carveth, W. Lindley, and J. Peachey. Reprinted from the Suffolk Chronicle. Lond., Hall & Co., n.d. [1848], 12"., pp. 23, 3d. Nonconformists defended, or an attack re- sisted, in a Letter to the Rev. J. Reeve. Lond., Hall and Co.; Ipswich, Burton; n.d. [18481, 12"., pp. 12, 2d. A new and practical scheme of reform de- veloped; or the way to political equality and equitable taxation made plain. 1849, 8°. Recantation demanded and refused ; or a re- joinder to " An Appeal to Facts," contained in a pamphlet recently issued by the Rev. Robert Eckett, relative to the perogative exercised in the expulsion of the Rev. James Everett. 1850, 8°. The prevarications of the Rev. Robert Eckett indicated and deplored ; or animadversions on his pamphlets entitled " A Rebuke to the Rev. J. Carveth " and " Editorial Strictures examined," and also on an article published by him in the TVesleyan Methodist Association Magazine for Jan., 1851, on Ministerial Delinquencies. 1851, 8°. The Wesleyan Association, Mr. Carveth, and the Liverpool Circuit. A... full and accurate Re- port of the Proceedings at the Public Meeting held in... Liverpool,... Sept. 6th, 1852, to hear the Statements of the Rev. J. C, relative to his... treatment by the Annual Assembly of the Wesleyan Methodist Association. Lond., W. B. King, 3, Whitefriars Street, n.d. [1852], 8°., pp. 15. Sectarianism renounced ; or undivided allegi- ance to Jesus avowed in a letter to a Bible Christian Minister, with introductory and sup- plementary remarks by J. Carveth, " a servant of Jesus Christ." Wadebridge, printed by M. Quintrell, Bookbinder, etc. ; B. Hockin, Book- seller; n.d. [1870], 8»., pp. 8. CARVOLTH, Andrew, b. Cubert, 1771. d. Newly n in Pydar, 1845. Plain directions for curing various diseases in Sheep, and for the management of Ewes after yeaning and after weaning their Lambs. Also, directions for curing the mange and lulling worms in Horses, and curing the mange and killing ticks in Dogs. By A. Carvolth, of New- lyn [East], Cornwall. Brokenshir, printer, Truro, 1825, post 8°., pp. 56. CAEVOSSO. 65 CAEYL. CARVOSSO, Benedict {elder brother of William Carvosso). 6. Paul. cZ. Mousehole, 11th Dec, 1823. cf. Treffnj's Menwirs of R. Trewavas, Sen. (ed. 1839), pp. 3.3, 64, 175, 210 ; Memoir of W. Carvosso (ed. 1835), pp. 79, 138-140. CARVOSSO, Rev. Benjamin {son of Will. Carvosso). Wesley an Minister, h. St. Gluvias, 29th Sept., 1789. d. Camborne, 2nd Oct., 1854. c/. Ment. of R. Trewavas, Senior (ed. 1839), p. 163-165. The Great Efficacy of Simple Faith in the Atonement of Christ, exempUfied in a Memoir of Mr. William Carvosso, sixty years a Class Leader in the Wesleyan Methodist Connexion. Written by himself, and Edited by his son [Rev. B. Carvosso]. Lond., Printed for the Editor, and sold by J. Mason. .,1835, 12°.. pp. xxxii and 304, 3/-.— 2nd ed., 1836, 12°., 3/-.— 3rd ed., 1836, 12°.— 4th ed., 1836, 12°.— 5th ed., 1837, 12"., pp. 381.— 7th ed., 1839, 18"., pp. 381.— 8th ed., 1842, 12°., 3/-.— New York, Re- printed from the 10th London ed., 1847, 12° —15th ed., Lond., 1859, 12°., pp. 381. Drunkenness, the enemy of Britain, arrested by the hand of God in the recent temperance movement : a Seriapn [on Isa., Ixi, 19] preached at a Temperance Festival near Liskeard, on Whit-Tuesday, June 9th, 1840, by Rev. B. Carvosso. Liskeard, Printed by James Hill, 1840, 12°., 3d., or 2/6 per doz.— 2nd ed., Barn- staple, 1841, 12°., pp. 24. Account of D. B. Carvosso, by her -Father [Rev. B. Carvosso]. 1840, 18°., pp. 32. Attractive Piety ; or Memorials of Will. Banks Carvosso, Grandson of the late Mr. W. Carvosso. By his Father [Rev. B. Carvosso]. 2nd ed., Lond., J. Mason, 1847, 18°., pp. 143. —3rd ed., 1847, 18°., pp. 143.— 4th ed., 1857, 12°., pp. 6 & 143. Life's uncertainty improved. A Sermon [on Mark, xiii, 33] by Rev. B. Carvosso, Helston. In " Sermons by Wesleyan Methodist Ministers," (1851, 12°.), No. vii, vol. ii, pp. 97-111. Memoir of Benjamin Carvosso, son of Rev. B. Carvosso. Youth's Iristnuior, 1839. An Anecdote of a Cornish Class Leader. By B. Carvosso. Christian Miscell., Sept., 1850, p. 283. Australian Magazine. Ed. by Rev. B. Car- vosso, Rev. W. Lawry, and another. Sydney, circa 1820. Note. — This was the first religious periodical ever published in Anstrnlia. The Faithful Pastor : a Memoir of the Rev. B. Carvosso, forty years a Wesleyan Minister, and one of the first Wesleyan Missionaries to Australia and Van Diemen's Land. By George Blencowe. Lond., J. Gladding, 20, City Road; sold by J. Mason, 1857, 8°., pp. viii and 370. CARVOSSO, Miss Deborah Banks. Account of D. B. Carvosso. 1840. See Car- vosso, Rev. B. CARVOSSO, William, b. near Mousehole, 11th March, 1750. d. Dowstal, in Mylor, 13th Oct., 1834. cf Treffry's Memoirs of R. Tre- wavas, Senior (ed. 1839), p. 33. The Great Efficacy of Simple Faith. . .exempli- fied in a Memoir of Mr. W. Carvosso... Written by himself, and Edited by his son [Rev. B. Carvosso]. Lond.,,.. 1835, 12°. ,S^«« Carvosso, Rev. B. Letter from Mr, W. Carvosso to a young person. Christian Miscell, Nov., 1851, p, 338. CARVOSSO, Mrs. William {wife of the above), d. St. Gluvias, June, 1813. The first person interred in the Pousanooth burying ground. cf. Wesleyan Methodist Mug., 1814. CARVOSSO, William Banks {eldest Son of Rev. B. Carvosso). b. Windsor, N. S. W., Australia, 3rd Oct., 1821. d. Barnstaple, 26th March, 1842. Attractive Piety; or Memorials of W. B. Carvosso, Grandson of the late Mr. W. Carvosso. By his Father [Rev. B. Carvosso], q^.v. CAVELL, John. Living in 1527. Livery and possession of three closes in Whalesborough, Cornwall. Trevelyan Papers {Camden Soc), pt. ii, 55. CARYL, Rev. Joseph, b. London, 1602. d. London, 7th Feb., 1673. England's Plus Ultra both of hoped mercies and of required duties, shewed in a Semion preached to the Honourable Houses of Parlia- ment, d-c, at Christ Church, April 2, 1646, being their day of Publike Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the great successe of the Parliament's Army in the West, especially in Cornwall, under Sir Thomas Fairfax, by J. Caryl, Minister of the Gospel at Magnus, near the Bridge, London. Lond., printed by T. F., for John Rothwell, &c., 1646, 4°., pp. 39. Br. Williams. Peters' Pattern, or the perfect path to worldly happiness. As it was delivered in a Funeral Sermon preached at the interment of Mr. Hugh Peters, lately deceased, by J[oseph] C[aryl], Translator of Pineda upon Job and one of the Triers. Lond., printed in the year 1659, 4"., pp. 13. — Reprinted in Harl. Miscell. (Ed. 1809),' vi, 181-88 (1810). [A satire on H. Peters]. I CASE. 66 CHAMPION. CASE. Rev. Thomas. Prcnrher at Milk Street, Lmdon. h. 1598. d. 30th Alay, l(i82. The Root of Apostasy and Foundation of True Fortitude. Delivered in a Sermon before the House of Commons, on their \i\U' day of ' Thanksgivhig for the Great Victory given to Sir ■\Vilham Waller against the Army of Sir Ralph Hopton. Lond., Printed by J. R., for Luke Fawne, 1644, 8"., pp. 34. C ASELLI, Elizabeth, ?««?« Elizabeth Richards. d. circa 1830. Poems on Religious and Moral Subjects. By E. Caselli, Falmouth. Falmouth, printed and sold by James Trathan ; sold also by the Author; 1818, 8°., pp. 48. CASSELS, Walter Richard. h. London, Sept., 1826. Poems. Lond., Smith, Elder, & Co., 185C, 8« Note. — Contains " The Land's End," a poem, pp. 141—45. CAUDWELL, Rev. Francis. V. of Cam- memllis 1858-1870, novi V of St. Peter's, Hoxton. h. Oxford. Defective Repentance the parent of Instability, etc. A Sermon preached at the Visitation held by the Venerable the Archdeacon of Cornwall, in the Church of St. Michael, Helston, on Tuesday, June 25th, 1867, by the Rev. F. Caudwell, Lioumbent of Carnmenellis. Redj'uth, James Tregaskis, Fore Street, n.d. (1867), 8°. Begins " Church of the Holy Trinity, Carn- menellis. The attention of the Parishioners is... invited to the following arrangement for their welfare "...m.c?. [18601], 8°., pp. 2. Signed F. Caudwell, Incumbent. CECIL, William. Grant of the Farm of the Ulnageship in Wales and the Duchy of Cornwall to W. Cecil, Esquire, for 21 years. Oct. 16, 1588. (Latin), Lansd. MSS., 56, art. 64. CENXICK, Rev. John. d. 4th July, 1755. The Good Shepherd. Being the substance of a discourse delivered at St. Ginnis, in Cornwall, in the year 1744...; 1754, 12".— 2nd ed., Dublin, printed ; London, reprinted and sold by M. Lewis; 1756, 8°., pp. 16. CHABERT, MoNS. The Fire King. d. 19th Nov., 1831. cf.n^.T.Farh's Musical Memoirs, ii, 290-92. Extraordinary scene at M. Chabert's exhibi- tion, at Penzance. Gent. Mug., Ixxxix, 646 (1819) ; One and All, Feb., 1869. CHAFFERS, William. Potter at Lirerpnul. Mr. Chaffers A\ent into Cornwall in 1761, to enquire about Steatite, cf. Meteiiard's Life of Wedgwood, i, 290. CHAMBERLAIN, John. Imitations of original drawings by Hans Holbein, in the collection of His Majestie, for the portraits of illustrious persons of the Court of Henry VIII. With Biographical Tracts. Lond., Bulmer, " Shakespeare Printing Office," 1792. Note. — Contains portraits of Simon George and John Eeskimer. CHAMOND of Launcells. N. & Q., 2 S., vii, 76 (1859). CHAMOND, Dame Jane (daiighter of Sir Thomas Grenville). d. 1561. The Will of Dame Jane Chamond, 1552. Collect. Topograph, et GencuL, iv, 172-74. CHAMOND, Richard, M.P. for Bodmin (?.rtd son of Sir John Chamond). Sheriff of Cornuidl. cf. Chancery Proceedings, Eliz., ii, 6 ; Oliier's Monasficun, p. 16. Original Letter from R. Chamond to Mr. Jewart Flamank, requiring him to prepare him- self for his Majesty's Army (Hy. VIII). Harl. MSS., 309, art. 35. Launcells Vicarage rated 24tli- Nov., 1557, for R. Chamond. ib., 607, art. 303. CHAMPERNOWNE, Arthur. M.P.for Saltash 1806. d. Dartington, Devon, 7th June, 1819. A Tour through Devon and Cornwall. 1780. MSS. (/. Pohvheles Beminiscmcex, i, 42-43. CHAMPERNOWNE, John {younger son of Sir pick Chativpernowne V). Grant of the Wardship of the Heir of J. Champernowne in 1448. Trevelyan Papers {Cam- den Soc, 1857), pt. i, pp. 34-35. CHAMPION, Anthony. M.P. for St. Germnv's and Liskeard. b. Croydon, 5th Feb., 1724-25. d. 22nd Feb., 1801. Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, English and Latin. By the late A. Champion, of the Middle Temple. Published from the original MSS., by William Henry, Lord Lyttleton. Lond., 1801, 8°., 10/6. CHAMPION, Richard. Merchant, Bristol. A.D. 1775, No. 1096*. Specification of R. Champion. Manufacture of Porcelain. Lond., 1775, fol. — Reprinted, Lond., Eyre & Spottis- woode, 1856, fol., pp. 4, 3d, Note. — This is an assignment of W. Coolsworthy's Patent, cf. " Meteyard's Life of Wedgwood," ii, 421—22, CHAPPEL. 67 CHILES. CHAPPEL, Rev. Elbon Vaughan, M.A. (iwl son of jr. T. Chajijiel). J', of Ea>Mr2/(Stationers' Company), 1846, p. 76. Note. — Mr. Davey was a frequent contributor to the "Lady's Diary," both in the Mathematical and Poetical Departments. He also assisted D. Gilbert in his works, more particularly in his paper on "The Mathematical Theory of Suspension Bridges." DAVEY, Joshua Sydney {2nd son of Stephen Davey). b. Redruth, 28th April, 1842. A Lecture on " The Most Economical Method of Breeding and Feeding of Sheep," given by J. S. Davey, Esq., of Redruth, at the East Pen- with Agricultural Exchange, Camborne, Corn- wall, on the 31st of October, 18^8. Printed by desire. 1868. Camborne, printed by H. V. Newton, 8°., pp. 13, 3d. DAVEY, Richakd, F.G.S. {youngest son of Wil- liam Davey). M.P. for West Cornwall 1857- 68. b. Redruth, 11th Dec, 1799. Report of the Commissioners... on the Con- dition of all Mines in Great Britain. Epitome of Evidence, No. Vt¥- '^o'^^; Hansard, 1864, fol., 3/2. Note.— Mr. Davey was one of the Commissioners. Notice of Pseudomorphous Crystals. See Davey, S. DAVEY, Stephen {eldest son of William Davey). b Redruth, 1785. d. Bochym House, Helston, 16th Nov., 1864. Notice of Pseudomorphous Crystals of Oxide DAVET. 106 DAVY. DAVEY, Stephen. {Con.). of Tin, found in Huel Coates Mine, in St. Agnes, in 1828. Trans. IIG.S.C, iv, 481-85 (1832). Note. — This Paper is really by Rich. Davey, as stated in the index to the volume.. DAVIDSON, James, d. Secktor House, Ax- minster, 1866 (1). Bibliotheca Devoniensis. A Catalogue of tlie Printed Books relating to the County of Devon. By J. Davidson. Exeter, W. Roberts, 197, High Street, 1852, sq. 8°., pp. iv and 226, Supp., 1862, 8°. Note. — Contains numerous notices of Cornish books. DAVIES, Augusta. See Webster, A. DAVIES, Eev. Edward. Chancellm- of Christ College in Brecon, d. 1830. Celtic Researches on the Origin ... of the Ancient Britons... Lond., Booth, 1804, 8°., 12/6. The Mythology and Rites of the British Druids... Lond., Booth, 1809, 8°., 18/-. Note. — These works contain accounts of Cromlechs, etc., in Cornwall. DAVIES, Rear- Admiral George, R.N. {son of Stephen Davies). Chief Constable of Cam- hidgeshire and Huntingdonshire, b. Wells, Dec, 1800. Summary of the Services in the Royal Navy and Coast-Guard, and Services acting under Civil Power at Riots, Fires, Wrecks, &c., &c., of Capt. George Davies, R.N., with Documents, Extracts, and Testimonials. January 31st, 1851. Penzance, 1851, 8°., pp. 22. Not Fublished. For private circulation only. DAVIES, Rev. Owen. Wesleyan Minister; Chair- man of the Redruth District in 1799. h. North Wales, 1752. d. Liverpool, 12th Jan., 1830. Two Letters, dated Penzance, 8th and 1 7th April, 1799. Methodist Mag., ^i\,iQ'd-n (1799). DAVIS, Mary Margaret {dau. of John Davis). b. St. Mary's, Scilly. Poems on Various Subjects. Penzance, printed by E. Rowe, 1863, 8°. Poems on Various Subjects. Second Series. Redruth, John S. Doidge, Fore Street [printed] ; Lond., Henry James Tresidder, 17, Ave Maria Lane; 1864, 8"., pp. 50. Tekel. Bible Christ. Mag., May, 1868. DAVIS, Thomas, of Longleat. Steward to the Marquis of Bath. Observations on the Management of Woods and on the present state thereof, particularly in the Western Counties. Letters and Papers Bath <& West Engl. Soc, vii, 1-21 (1795). DAVISON, S. C. See Carus, C. G. DAVY, Edmund, F.R.S. {son of William Davy). Professor of Chemistry, h. Penzance, 1785. d. Kimmage Lodge, Co. Dublin, 5th Nov., 1857. Mem. of {by Will. Barker), Journ. Royal Dublin Soc, i, 419-25 (1858); cf Medical Circular, xi, 251 (1857). An Essay on the Use of Peat or Turf as a means of promoting the public health and the agriculture of the United Kingdom. By E. Davy, Professor of Chemistry and Agricultural Chemistry to the Royal Dublin Soc, etc. Dub- lin, Hodges and Smith, Grafton Street, 1850, 8"., pp. 34. [cf Chemist, by J. & G. Watt, ii, 717-23, 1855]. On the Combination of Sulphur and Phos- phorus with Platina. Tilloch, Philos. Mag., xl, 27-39, 1812; [Schweigger Journ. Nurnberg, x, 382-92, 1814]. Examination of a Species of Plumbago from Africa, ib., xl, 41-45 (1812). On some Combinations of Platina. ib., xl, 209-20, 263-78, 350-65. On the Agency of the Carbonate of Magnesia in improving bread made from new flour, ib., xlix, 161-66 (1817). On New Wheat and the means of improving the flour, ib., xlix, 173-78. Experiments upon the State of the Air in the Fever Hospitals of Cork, ib., 1, 433-37, 1817; [Thomson, Ann. Philos., xi, 214-16, 18181. Experiments made upon the Hard Water at Black Rock, near Cork. ..ih., Hi, 3-8 (1818). On the Solid Excrement of the Boa Constrictor. ib.,\rv, S03-306, 1819; [Schweigger Journ., xxviii, 176-80, 1820]. Some Experiments made with a view to the detection and prevention of frauds in the sale of skimmed milk, ib., Iviii, 241-47 (1821). An Account of some Experiments on the action of Iodine on volatile and fixed oils, ib., lix, 208-11 (1822). On a New Fulminating Platinum. Philos. Trans., cvii, 136-57 (1817). On some Combinations of Platinum, ib., ex, 108-25, 1820; [Schweigger Journ., :ssxn (J ahrh. i), 340-56, 1821]. On a Simple Electro-Chemical Method of ascertaining the presence of different Metals, applied to detect minute quantities of Metallic Poisons, ib., cxx, 147-64 (1830). On a New Combination of Chlorine and Nitrous Gas. Boy. Soc. Proc, iii, 27-29 (1831). On some New and Simple Methods of detecting DAVY. 107 DAVY. DAVY, Edmund. (Con.). Manganese in natural and artificial compounds. ik, vi, 385-88 (1854). An Account of some Experiments recently- made on the Buoys in Kingstown Harbour, with a view to protect from the action of the sea-water the metals and especially the ironwork attached to them. Brit. Assoc. Sect., 1835, pp. 34-36 ; [Erdmann, Journ. Prah. Chem. Leipzig, yu, 129-33 (1836) ; Liebig, Annal, xvii, 241-44, 1836]. On some recent Experiments made with a view of protecting tin plate and tinned iron from corrosion in sea water. ;.'i6., 1835, pp. 36- 37 ; [Erdm., Journ. Prah. Chem., vii, 1 33-35, 1836; UeUg, Annal, xvii, 244-46, 1836]. On the Comparative Value of Irish and Vir- ginian Tobacco, ih., 1835, pp. 37-38 ; \Journ. de Pharm. Paris, xxii, 18-21, 1836 ; Liebig, Annal., xviii, 63-66, 1836]. On Nicotin and some of its Combinations. ib., 1835, pp. 38-40; [Erdm., Journ. Prak. Chem., vii, 91-93, 1836]. Notice of a new gaseous Bicarburet of Hydrogen ...*J.,1836, pp. 62-63, 63-64 ; [Journ. dePharm., xxiii, 143-45, 1837 ; Liebig, Annal, xxiii, 144- 46, 1837; Thomson Records, London, iv, 321-23, 1836]. On a New Gaseous Compound of Carbon and Hydrogen, ib., 1837, p. 50. On a New Gaseous Compound, etc. Proc. Irish Acad., i, 88-89 (1837). On the Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid, ib., iv, 297-98 (1850). On a Test for Manganese, ib., iv, 345-46. An Account of a New Fulminating Silver. Trans. Irish Acad., xvii, 265-74 (1837)._ On a New Gaseous Compound, etc. ib., xviii, 80-88 (1838). ^ On a Manganese Ore, containing oxide of cop- per, from Sweden. Journ. Dublin Geol. Soc, i, 241-45 (1838). On a simple and economical method of con- verting urine into a solid portable manure. The Chemist, ii, 641-42 (1855). An Account of some Experiments made to determine the relative deodorizing powers of peat charcoal, peat, and lime. Jowrn. Dublin Soc, i, 1-6 (1856-57). On a simple electro-chemical Method of Detect- ing Arsenic or arsenious acid, etc. ib., i, 62-72. An Account of some Miscellaneous Experi- DAVY, Edmund. (Con.). ments made to determine the relative deodorizing powers of different substances, ib., i, 134-39; [Chemist, iv, 4-8, 1857]. On the Use of Platina instead of Porcelain or Glass in Marsh's method of detecting Arsenic. ib., i, 140-41 ; [Chemist, iv, 3-4, 1857]. On some Cements, ib., i, 180-83. DAVY, Edmund William, A.B., M.B. (eldest son of the preceding). Professor of Agricultural Science, b. Cork Institution, Cork, 2nd July, 1826. On Flax, and the practicability of extending its cultivation in Ireland, together with direc- tions for the proper management of that crop. ByE. W.Davy, A.B., M.B., M.E.I.A....Eead before the Royal Dublin Society, Feb. 15, 1864. Dublin, Mc. Glashan and Gill, 50, Upper Sack- ville Street; Lond., Simpkin; 1865, 8"., pp. 28. On a New Test for Nitric Acid and the Nitrates. PMlos. Mag., v, 330 (1852). On some New Methods of Forming the Nitro-prussides. ib., vi, 11-14 (1853). On a New and Simple Method of determining the amount of Urea in the Urinary secretion. ib., vii, 385-90, 1854; [Dublin Eosp. Gaz., i, 134-36, 1854]. On some Experiments to determine the value of Peat and Peat Charcoal, ib., id, 172-78, 1856; [Jown. Dublin Soc, i, 6-10, 1855-5_6]._ On the presence of Arsenic in some Artificial Manures, ib., xviii, 108-13, 1859; [Journ. Dublin Soc, ii, 270-74, 1858-59; Nat Hist. Beview (Proc), vi, 276-80, 1859; Jown. de Pharm. Paris, xxxvii, 468-69, I860]. On Superphosphate and a method of determ- ining the soluble and insoluble phosphates in this and other manures, ib., xix, 181-86, 1860; [Journ. Dublin Soc, iii, 1-80, 1860-62 ; Chemical News, i, 181, 1860 ; Nat. Hist. Beview {Proc), vii, 112-18, I860]. . «, • , On the Ferrocyanide of Potassmm Chemical Analysis, ib., xxi, 214-23, 1861 ; [Jown. Dublin Soc, iii, 124-33; Chemical News, vi, 274-76, 287-89, 1861]. On the action of nitric and nitrous acids on the sulpho-cyanides. ib., xxx, 228. On a simple method of recovering the silver from old hyposulphite baths, etc. Journ. Photogr. Soc, i, 158-59 (1854). On the scientific principle involved in the feeding and fattening of stock. Nat Hist. Beview (Proc), vi, 261-68 (1859). On the injurious effects of Arsenical Pigments DAVY. 108 DAVY. DAVY, EDMnND William. (Con.). in the Manufacture of Paper-hangings. Journ. Dublin Soc, iii, 253-60 (1860-62). Notes of a Chemico-Agricultural Tour, made principally through portions of France, Germany, and Belgium, in the summer of 1861. ib., iii, 303-27. On the Changes produ^ced in Calp by exposure to the atmosphere. HejJ. of Scientific Meetings of Boy. Dublin Soc, p. 80. On a new Explosive Powder, ib., p. 105. On native Phosphate of Lime from New Jersey, U.S. ib., p. 159. On Ozone, ib., p. 210. On a new Method of Detecting Strychnine and its salts. Dublin Quart. Med. Journ., xv, 494. On some spontaneous Changes taking place in the Bark and Leaves of different species of Poplar, amongst which is the conversion of the populine contained in them into the hydride of salicyb. The Laboratory, i, 361. On a simple and expeditious method of de- termining the amount of Nitrogen in Guano and other nitrogenous manures. The Chemist, ii, 449- 53 (1855). On some new Properties of Glycerine, ib., ii, 594-96. DAVY, Sm Humphry, Baet., LL.D., P.R.S. (son of Bobert Davy), cr. Bart. 20th Oct., 1818. b. Penzance, 17th Dec, 1778. d. Geneva, 28th May, 1829. cf Gent. Mag., xcix, pt. ii, 9-16, 652 a829); ci, pt. i, 533 (1831); N. & Q., 3 S.,~ i, 117, ii, 106, viii, 235; 0. Knight's Gallery of Portraits, with Memoirs, i, 11-20; Dia/ry of H. C. Bobinson, i, 390; ii, 273, 413; C. Babbage's Passages from the Life of a Phi- losopher, p. 186; Cornish Mag., iv, 185-192, 223 (1829) ; Memoirs of Distinguished Men, by W. Walker, Jun. (1862, 8".), pp. 65-71; Bev. T. Knight's Model Cornishmen ; Biog. Diet. (Vjjpcott's), 1816; Public CJiaracters of 1809- 10, pp. 552-85; Imperial Mag., (with portrait), iv, col. 1148-51 (1822); Annual Biography and Obituary for 1830 (by J. A. Paris), pp. 39-86 ; Martineau's Hist, of England during the 30 years' peace, i, 594-96 ; Bence Jones' Life and Letters of Faraday, i, passim ; Dean PeacocKs Life of Thomas Young, M.D. (1855), pp. 470-2; W. C. Taylm-'s National Portrait Gallery (1846, 4".), i, 73-75, with portrait; Cottle's Bemi- niscences of Coleridge and Southey (1847), 260- 74, 290^93, 328^29 ; Sir J. Barrow's Sketches of the^Boyal Soc. (1849), pp. 72-102; }V. Jer dan's National Portrait Gallery; Smiles' Lives of Engineers (1868), iii, 157-78; Brougham's Lives of Men of Letters in time of Geo. Ill DAVY, SiK HiTMPHET. (Com.). (1845), pp. 448-66; Prof Wilson's Works, vi, 280-320 ; Bose ; Biog. Brit. ; Penny Cyclop. ; English Cyclop. ; Weld's Hist, of Boyal Soc, ii, 287-90, 318-55, 415-18. The Sons of Genius. Signed D. 1795. The Annual Anthology, i, 93-99 (1799). The Song of Pleasure. Signed D. 1796. ib., i, 120-25. Ode to St. Michael's Mount, in Cornwall. Signed D. 1796. ib., i, 172-76. The Tempest. Signed D. 1796. ib., i, 179- 80. Extract from an Unfinished Poem on Mount's Bay. By H. Davy, ib., i, 281-86. Experimental Essays on Heat and Light, etc. By H. Davy. In "Contributions to Physical and Medical Knowledge. Ed. by T. Beddoes, M.D., 1799," pp. 5-147. Note. — The original MS. is in the possession of Eichard Edmonds, Esq., Plymouth, 1870. An Essay on the Generation of Phosoxygen or Oxygen, ib., pp. 151-205. Researches, Chemical and Philosophical, chiefly concerning nitrous oxide, or dephlogisticated nitrous air and its respiration. By H. Davy, Superintendent of the Medical Pneumatic Insti- tution. Lond., printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-yard, by Biggs & Cottle, Bristol, 1800, 8°., pp. xvi and 580. London Instit. Essay on Heat, Light, and the Combination of Light, with a new Theory of Respiration. On the generation of oxygen gas and the causes of the colours of organic beings. By H. Davy. n.p. ovd. [1800 q, 8^, pp. 230. Note. — In the Penzance Public Lib. is the copy presented by the author to Dr. J. B. Borlase. Journals of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. [Ed. by T. Young and H. Davy]. Vol. i. Lond., sold at the house of the Insti- tution... 1802, 8"., pp. 335. London Instit. Note. — In addition to the above, there appeared 80 pages of vol. ji. A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Chemistry, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. [By H. Davy]. Lond., From the Press of the Royal Institution. ..1802, 8"., pp. 91, 3/-., large paper 3/6. A Discourse introductory to a Course of Lec- tures on Chemistry, delivered in the Theatre of the Royal Institution, 21st Jan., 1802. Lond., ...J. Johnson, 1802, 8°., pp. 26, 1/6. Note. — Advertisement signed H. Davy, 26th April, 1802. An Account of some Experiments and Obser- vations on the constituent parts of certain asT tringent vegetables and on their operation in DAVY. 109 DAVY. DAVY, Sib Hdmphky. (Con.). tanning. By H. Davy. Lond., W. Bulmer and Co., 1803, 4"., pp. 41. Outlines of a course of Lectures on Chemical Philosophy. By H. Davy. Lond., From the Press of the Eoyal Institution, 1804, 8"., pp. 54. On some New Phenomena of Chemical Changes produced by Electricity, particularly the decom- position of the fixed alkalies and the exhibition of the new substances which constitute their basis... By H. Davy, Esq. Lond., W. Bulmer and Co., 1808, 4°., pp. 44. Electro-chemical Researches on the Decom- position of the Earths, with observations on the metals obtained from the alkaline earths, and on the amalgam procured from ammonia. By H. Davy, Esq. Lond., W. Bulmer and Co., 1808, 4°., pp. 38. An Account of some new Analytical Researches on the nature of certain bodies, particularly the alkalies, phosphorus, sulphur, carbonaceous mat- ter, and the acids hitherto undecomposed ; with some general observations on chemical theory. By H. Davy, Esq. From the Philosophical Transactions. Lond., W. Bulmer and Co., 1809, 4»., pp. 66. A Lecture on the Plan which it is proposed to adopt for improving the Eoyal Institution and rendering it permanent, delivered in the Theatre of the Eoyal Institution, March 3, 1810, by H. Davy, Esq., Sec. R.S., Prof Chem. R.I. Printed by desire of the Managers. Lond., W. Savage... w.^;. [1810], 8o., pp. 41. Elements of Chemical Philosophy. By Sir H. Davy. Lond., J. Johnson, 1812. Part I, vol. i, 8"., pp. xiv and 505, 18/-. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, in a course of Lectures for the Board of Agriculture. By Sir H. Davy. Plates. Lond., Longman, 1813, 4"., pp. viii, 323, and Ixiii, 42/.— 2nd ed., 1814, 8°., pp. xi and 479, index unpaged, 18/-. —4th ed., 1827, 8°., pp. x and 403.— 5th ed., 1836, 8°., pp. viii and 413. [c/. Donaldson's Agri- cultural Biog., pp. 105-6]. Hints on the Geology of Cornwall. By Sir H. Davy. Trans. B.C.G.S., i, 38-50 (1818). On the Fire-Damp of Coal Mines, and on Methods of Lighting the Mines so as to prevent its explosion. By Sir H. Davy, LL.D. From the Philosophical Transactions. Lond., printed by W. Bulmer and Co., Cleveland Row; and to be had at Longman and Co.'s ; 1815, 8"., pp. 39. Practical Hints on the Application of Wire Gauze to Lamps, for preventing Explosions in Coal Mines. Lond., 1816, 12°., pp. 11. On the Fire-Damp of Coal Mines. From the Philosophical Transactions of the Eoyal Society. ■ With an Advertisement j containing an account DAVY, Sir Hdmphky. (Con.). of an invention for lighting the Mines and con- summg the fire-damp without danger to the Mmer. By Sir H. Davy. Lond., printed by W. Bulmer and Co. ..1816, 8"., pp. xvi and 39. Note.— This is the ed. of 1815, with a new title page. The Papers of Sir H. Davy... communicated to the Royal Society, on the Fire-Damp of Coal Mmes and on Methods of Lighting the Mines, so as to prevent its explosion, etc. With Engravings. As printed in the Royal Society's Transactions for 1816...]Srewcastle, printed for Emerson Charnley, 1817, 8"., pp. 20. A Description of the Safety Lamp invented by Geo. Stephenson ; to which is added an ac- count of the lamp constructed by Sir H. Davv. Lond., 1817, 8°. Bod. Lib. Report upon the Claims of Mr. George Stephenson, relative to the Invention of his Safety Lamp. By the Committee appointed at a Meeting, holden in Newcastle, on the First of November, 1817; with an Appendix, containing the evidence. With 4 Engravings." Newcastle, printed by S. Hodgson, for Emerson Charnley. 1817, 8°., pp. 26. ^ Some New Researches on Flame. By Sir H. Davy. From the Philosophical Transactions. Lond., printed by W. Bulmer and Co., Cleveland Row, 1817, 4°., pp. 41. On the Safety Lamp for Coal Mines, with some Researches on Flame. By Sir H. Davy. Lond., R. Hunter, 1818, 8°., pp. viii and 148. A Treatise on Soils and Manures, as founded on actual experience, and as combined with the leading principles of Agriculture ; in which the theory and doctrines of Sir H. Davy and other agricultural chemists are rendered familiar to the experienced farmer. By a Practical Agri- culturahst. Lond., Cadell and Davies, in the Strand, 1818, 8"., pp. iv and 176. Elements of A^icultural Chemistry... By Sir H. Davy. To which is added a treatise on soils and manures... By a Practical Agriculturalist. 2 pts. Philadelphia, B. Warner; ...Baltimore, F. Lucas; 1821, 8°. Note.— Elements, pp. 1 — 304 ; Treatise on Soils, pp. 1—92. A Letter to Sir H. Davy, P.R,S., on the Ap- plication of Machinery to the purpose of Calcu- lating and Printing Mathematical Tables. By Charles Babbage, A.M., Secretary of the Astro- nomical Soc. of London. Lond., July, 1822, 4". On the Science of Agriculture ; comprising a commentary on, and comparative investigation of, the Agricultural Chemistry of Kirwan and Davy... By Joseph Hayward. Lond., 1825, 8°., pp, 220. On the Safety Lamp for preventing Explosions DAVY. 110 DAVY. DAVY, Sib Humphet. (Con.). in Mines, Houses lighted by Gas, Spirit Ware- houses, or Magazines in Ships, &c., with some Re- searches on Flame. By Sir H. Davy, Bart. Lond., printed for E. Hunter, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-yard, 1825, 8°., pp. viii and 152. Note. — This is the ed. of 1818, with a new title page, some additions to the Appendix, etc. Nouveau Manuel de Chimie Agricole, traduit sur la cinqui^me edition Anglaise des Elemens de Chimie Agricole de Sir H. Davy, avec les Notes de J. Davy sur des faits connus seulement depuis 1826 par A. D. Vergnaud ... Paris a la libraire Encyclopedique de Eoret, 1838, 18°., pp. iv and 304. Six Discourses delivered before the Royal Society, at their Anniversary Meeting, on the award of the Royal and Copley Medals, pre- ceded by an Address to the Society on the Progress and Prospects of Science. By Sir H. Davy. Lond., J. Murray, 1827, 4°., pp. xi and 148. Salmonia; or the days of Fly Fishing... By an Angler [i.e. Sir H. Davy]. Lond., John Murray, 1828, 8°., pp. viii and 273.— 2nd ed., Lond., Murray, 1829, 8°., pp. xiii and 335. Salmonia ... By Sir Humphry Davy, Bart. 4th ed., with Illustrations. Lond., Murray, 1851, 12°., pp. xiii and 305. Consolations in Travel ; or the Last Days of a Philosopher. By Sir H. Davy. [Ed. by J[ohn] D[avy]. Lond., J. Murray, 1830, 12°., pp. vi and 281.— 5th ed., 1851, 8°., pp. 297.— 6th ed., 1853, 8°., pp. iv and 297. Note. — The Br. MuBeiim Catalogue states that the 5th ed. was probably edited by Lady J. Davy, but this does not appear to have been the ease. Sketch of the Philosophical Characters of Dr. WoUaston and Sir H. Davy. Extracted from "The Decline of Science in England," by C. Babbage. 1830, 8°. The Life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart., LL.D., late President of the Royal Society... By John Ayrton Paris, M.D. Lond., Colburn and Bentley, 1831, 4°., pp. XV and 547.-1831, 2 vols., 8"., 28/-. Journal of a Tour made in the year 1828-29, through Styria, Carniola, and Italy, whilst ac- companying the late Sir H. Davy. By J. J. Tobin, M.D. Lond., W. S. Orr, 14, Paternoster Row, 1832, 12°., pp. vi and 242. G-. Cuvier. Eloges-historiques, pr^cMfes de r 61oge de 1' auteur par M. Flourens. Paris, E. Ducroc, Libraire-editeur, 55, rue de Seine, n.d. [1834 1], 8°., pp. Ix and 356, 5 fr. Note.— Eloge-historique de Sir H. Davy, pp. 321— 56. cf.Edin. New Philos. Journ., xv, 1—26 (1833). Memoirs of the Life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart., LL.D., F.R.S. By his Brother, John DAVY, Sib Humphbt. (Con.). Davy, M.D....Lond., Longman, 1836, 2 vols., 80., 28/-. The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy ...Ed. by his Brother, John Davy. Lond., Smith and Elder, 1839-40, 9 vols., post 8°., ea. 10/'6. Chymistry applied to Agriculture. By M. le comte Chaptal . . . with a preliminary chapter " On the organization, structure, etc., of plants, by Sir H. Davy."... Trans, and ed. by Rev. Wil- liam Page. New York, Harper and Brothers, 82, Clift Street, 1840, 8°., pp. 359. Note. — The preliminary chapter, pp. 25 — 76. Sir H. Davy. Begins "Experimental Rbt searches in Chemistry. I. — The Bakerian Lec- ture for 1806; or some chemical agencies of electricity." n.d. [Glasgow, 1842], 8°., pp. 56. (Vol. viii of J. J. Griffin's " Scientific Miscel- lany"). Sir H. Davy. Begins "A Granite Column proposed to be erected to the memory of Sir H. . Davy at Penzance." Notice of a Meeting, to be held [in London], May 27, 1842, relative to the erection of the above-named column. n.]p. or d. [Lond., 1842], 4°., s. sh. Br. Mimwrn, Elements of Agricultural Chemistry... By Sir H. Davy. A new edition, with instructions for the analysis of soils, etc., by John Shier... Glas- gow, R. Griffin and Co. ; Lond., T. Tegg ; 1844, 8°., pp. ix and 293. La Lampe de Davy. A Drama. By Mons. Jozef Kjystyan Ostrowsky, June, 1854. Note. — Sir H. Davy is made to discover the lamp through a love adventure. The Wonders of Science ; or young Humphry Davy (the Cornish Apothecary's Boy, who taught himself Natural Philosophy, and eventually be- came President of the Royal Society). The Life of a Wonderful Boy, written for boys. By Henry Mayhew. With Illustrations by John Gilbert. Lond., D. Bogue, 1855, fop. 8°., 6/-.— 2nd ed., 1856, 8°.— 3rd ed., Lond., Kent, 1858, 8°., pp. xvi and 424, 6/-. Goldkorner aus dem literarischen Nachlasse eines Christlichen Naturforschers [Sir H. Davy] Gesammelt von Dr. W. Biichner. Erlangen, 1856. Berlag, von J. J. Balm and Ernst Enke, 16°., pp. iv and 72. Fragmentary Remains, Literarj' and Scientific, of Sir H. Davy... with a Sketch of his Life and Selections from his Correspondence. Ed. by his Brother, John Davy. Portrait. Lond., Churchill, 1858, 8°., pp. viii and 330, 10/6. The School Days of Sir Humphry Davy ; or Deeds speak louder than Words. By D. D. Lond., Dean, 1862, 12°., 2/6. From the Philosophical Magazine for Feb., 1865. A Letter from J. Davy. . .in continuation DAVY. Ill DAW. DAVY, Sib Humphry. {Con.). of a former one, and accompanied by documentary evidence contributed by Sir Jas. South, F.R.S., and Benjamin Gompertz, Esq., F.R.S., in reply to a certain charge, made by Charles Babbage, Esq., F.E.S., against the late Sir H. Davy, vi^hen President of the Eoyal Society, n.p. or d. [1865], 8°., pp. 4. Note. — The cover reads " Correspondence. Did Sir H. Davy promise to nominate Mr. Babbage as the Sec- retary of the Eoyal Society, 1826 ? " cf. also London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Mag., xxviii, 480 — 84 (1864) ; xxix, 77—78, 164—68, 246—47 (1865). Humphry Davy. — Eedevoering Gehouden bij het bataafsch genootshap van proefondervinde- lijke wijsbegeerte te Eotterdam den 9 November, 1866, door K. M. Giltay. Eotterdam, bij M. Wyt and Zonen, 1867, 8°., pp. 24. Plate presented to Sir H. Davy by Colliery Proprietors. Gent. Mag., Ixxxvi, pt. ii, 282 (1816). On the Poetry of Sir H. Davy, ib., vii, 339- 53 (1837). The Success of Sir H. Davy. Letter signed M. ib., X, 150-51 (1838). Note. — The greater part of Sir H. Davy's Papers having been reprinted in the Collected Edition of his Works, 1839 — 40, no list of them is given here. A full aeoount of them can be found in the Catalogue of Scientific Papers published by the Eoyal Society. DAVY, John, M.D., F.E.S. (brother of the pre- ceding), b. Penzance, 24th May, 1790. d. Lesketh-how, near Ambleside, 24th Jan., 1868. cf. Gent. Mag., v, 399 (1868); Diary of H. 0. Robinson., iii, 238 ; English Gijclop. Tentamen experimentale qusedam de sanguine ... quod... pro gradu Doctoris, summisque in medecina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis, eruditorum examini subjicit Johan- nes Davy, Anglo-Cornubiensis...Edinburgi, ex- cudebat Eobertus Allan, 1814, 8"., pp. 53. Note. — Dedicated to " Onuphrio Davy, equiti aurato." An Account of the Interior of Ceylon and of its Inhabitants, with Travels in that Island. By J. Davy, M.D., F.E.S. Lond., Longman, 1821, 4°., pp. viii and 530, 73/6. Memoirs of... Sir H. Davy... Ed. by J. Davy. Lond., 1836, 2 vols., 8°. Nouveau Manuel de Chimie Agricole traduit SirH. Davy, avec les Notes de J. Davy... Encyclopedie-Boret, 1838. See Davy, Sir H. The Collected Works of Sir H. Davy. Ed. by J. Davy. Lond., 1839-40, 9 vols., 8". Eesearches, Physiological and Anatomical. By J. Davy. Lond., Smith and Elder, 1839, 2 vols., 8"., 30/-. Notes and Observations on the Ionian Islands and Malta, with some Eemarks on Constanti- DAVY, John. (Con.). nople and Turkey, and on the System of Quar- antine as at present conducted. By J. Davy. With Map and lUust. Lond., Smith and Elder, 1842, 2 vols., 8°., 32/-. Lectures on the Study of Chemistry in con- nexion with the atmosphere, the earth, and the ocean, and Discourses on Agriculture ; with Introductions on the present state of the West Indies and on the Agricultural Societies of Bar- bados. By J. Davy. Lond., Longman, 1849, 8°., pp. XXV and 291, 5/-. Some Account of the last Yellow Fever Epi- demic of British Guiana. By Daniel Blair, M.D., Surgeon-General of British Guiana. Ed. by J. Davy. Lond., Longman, 1850, 8°., pp. xv and 161. — 3rd ed., with Illustrations and Supple- mentary Documents, 1852, 8°., pp. xv and 230. The West Indies before and since Slave Eman- cipation ; comprising the Windward and Lee- ward Islands' Military Command; founded on notes... collected during a three years' residence. By J. Davy. Lond., W. and F. G. Cash ; Faring- don, T. Knapp [printed] ; 1854, 8°., pp. vii, viii, and 551, 12/-. The Angler and his Friends; or Piscatory Colloquies and Fishing Excursions. By J. Davy. Lond., Longman, 1855, 8°., pp. viii and 306, 6/-. The Angler in the Lake District ; or Piscatory Colloquies and Fishing Excursions in Westmore- land and Cumberland. By J. Davy. Lond., Longman, 1857, 12"., pp. viii and 352, 6/6.- Fragmentary Eemains...of Sir H. Davy... Ed. by J. Davy. Lond., 1858, 8". On some of the more important Diseases of the Army, with Contributions to Pathology. By J. Davy . . . Inspector-General of Army Hos- pitals, H.P. Lond., Williams and Norgate, 1862, 8°., pp. xii and 438, 15/-. Physiological Eesearches. By J. Davy. Lond., Williams and Norgate; Hertford, S. Austin [printed] ; 1863, 8°., pp. viii and 448, 15/-. An Account of some Granite Veins at Porth Just, near Cape Cornwall. Trans. B.G.S.C., i, 20^26 (1818). Observations on the temperature of springs, wells, and mines, in Cornwall. Brewster's Edin. Journ. of Science, iii, 75 (1826). Note. — Many of J. Davy's Scientific Papers having been reprinted in " Eesearches, Physiological and Anatomical, 1839," and " Physiological Eesearches, 1863," no list of them is given here. A fuU account of them can be found in the Catalogue of Scientific Papers published by the Eoyal Society. DAW, James. 5. Blackwater, in St. Agnes, 4th July, 1825. Whistle for Eailway Signals. By J. Daw, Pool. Bep. B.C.P. Soc, 1854, p. 49. DAWSON. 112 DE DUNSTANVILLE. DAWSON, James. Comedian, b. Scarborough, 16th Oct., 1799. cf. R. Dyer's Nine Years of an Actor's lAfe, pp. 25-48. The Autobiography of Mr. James Dawson. Truro, J. E. Netherton, 1865, 8°., pp. viii and 171. List of Subscribers. DAWSON, Eev. W. a., M.A. A Sermon [on Eccles., xi, 7-8] addressed to the Miners of Cornwall. Redruth, printed and sold by H. Grylls, 1837, 8". DAYMAN, Eev. Peter. Devon, d. in America. b. Pancrasweek, Twelve Sermons on Practical Subjects. By P. Dayman, Wesleyan Local Preacher, of the KiUdiampton Circuit. Stratton, printed and Published by J. Roberts, 1843, 8"., pp. 217. DEANE, Thomas. The Laws and Customs of the Stannaries in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon, revised and corrected according to the ancient and modern practise, etc. By T. Deane, Gent. 1750, fol. DE BEAUMONT. J.B.A.L.L. See Elie de Beaumont, DEBELL, Eev. Philip. Wesleyan Missionary, b. Cornwall, d. St. Christopher, West Indies, 25th Jan., 1803. cf. Methodist Mag., xxvi, 493 (1803); xlvi, 140-41 (1823). An Elegy written on the Death of Mr. P. Debell. Methodist Mag., xxxii, 224 (1809). DEBILL, Nicholas, of University Coll., Oxford. (son of John Debill). V. of Maker 1602-31, afterwards R. of Calstoch. b. Cornwall, 1576. Academise Oxoniensis pietas erga...Jacobum, Angliae Eegem. 1603,4°. Note. — Contains verses by N. DeKU. DE COUECY, Admiral Michael {?>rd son of John, 25th Lm-d Kinsale). d. Stockton House, near Saltash, 22nd Feb., 1824. cf. Gent. Mag., xciv, pt. 1, 640-41 (1824). DE COUESON, Aurelien. Histoire des Peuples Bretons dans le Gaule, et dans les lies Britanniques, Langue, Coutumes, Moeurs, Institutions, &c., &c., avec un Glossaire CornouaiUais, Armorican et Gallois. Paris, 1846, 2 vols., 80. DEEBLE, Joseph Harry {son of Joseph Deeble). b. Falmouth, 18th Oct., 1819. The Casket ; a Collection of Poems. By J. H. DEEBLE, Joseph Habkt. (Con.). Deeble. Coleford, Printed by Charles Hall, 1842, 8°., pp. 102. For private circulation only. The Sorceress of Saragossa. By C. Devon- shire (1846), q.v. Note.— The Prologue written by J. H. Deeble. The Jew and the Vintner. A True Story. Jnon. Second edition, n.p. [Falmouth], 1853, 8°., pp. 17, 6d. Azora, a Eomaunt of the Moors, Eeuben Gray, Spirit Warnings, Ivan and Anna (a Rus- sian Tale), A Painter's Adventure, and Miscel- laneous Poems. By J. H. Deeble. Falmouth, C. S. Dixon, 31, Market Street, 1855, 8"., pp. 200, 2/6. DE DUNSTANVILLE, Francis, Lord [Sir Fras. Basset (so7i of Fras. Basset), cr. Baronet 24th Nov., 1779] ; Baron de Dunstanville, of Tehidy, 17th June, 1796; Baron Basset, of Stratton, 30th Oct., 1797. b. Walcot, 9th Aug., 1757. d. London, 5th Feb., 1835. cf Gent. Mag., iii, 655-57 (1835); Annual Biog. fw 1836, pp. 35-39. Thoughts on Equal Eepresentation. Anon. Lond., printed for E. Blamire, 5, Strand; sold by B. Law, Ave-Mary-Lane...l783, 8°. Observations on the Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and France. Anon. Lond., printed for E. Blamire, 1787, 8". Thoughts on the Theory and Practice of the French Constitution. In 4 Letters. Lond., printed for E. Blamire, 1794, 8". Note.- — The 4th Letter is signed " An Englishman." The Crimes of Democracy. Anon. Lond., printed fopE. Faulder, 1798, 8". A Speech made at the County Meeting at Bodmin, on Monday, 15th May, 1809, against certain resolutions proposed there. Anon. Lond., printed for J. Faulder, New Bond Street, 1809, 8°. Note. — "Political Tracts." A Volume so labelled is in the Library of the Royal Instit. of Cornwall, with the fol- lowing inscription on the fly leaf : " My own Pamphlets, De Dunstanville, the Gift of the Author to his Dearest Friend, Miss Lemon, 1824." It contains all the above Pamphlets. Eemarks on a Pamphlet entitled " A Speech made at the County Meeting, at Bodmin..." Am)n. 1809,8°. ,S'e« Budd, E. Eichard Carew's Survey of Cornwall ... By Lord de Dunstanville. 1811, 4°. See Carew, Eich. Experiments in Agriculture. By Sir F. Basset. Arthur Young's Annals of Agriculture, xxii, 145- 62 (1794). Eeply to a Circular Letter of A. Young's, ih., xxiv, 234-6 (1795). DE DUNSTANVILLE. 118 DE LA BECHE. DE DUNSTANVILLB, Francis, Loed. {Con.). A Fat Ox. By Lord De Dunstanville. i , xxxiv, 263-5, 267-68 xxxiii, 636-7 (1799). Crops and Prices. (1800). Letter to Lord De Dunstanville. By Wrey I'Ans. Dated Whitstone House, Mar. 31, 1800. [Relative to the Culture of Potatoes! ib., xxxv 113-19 (1800). Crops in Cornwall, ib., xxxvi, 106-9 (1801). Mildew, ib., xliii, 471-2 (1805). Letter to the Rev. Canon Rogers, on the Ap- propriation of the Dunstanville Fund. By Sir C. Lemon. 1838, 8". History of the Manor... of Castle Combe, in "Wilts... with Memoirs of the Families of Dun- stanville, Badlesmere, etc. By George Poulett Scrope, M.P. Printed for private circulation. [Lond., J. B. Nichols and Sons], 1852, 4°., pp. X and 403. G-recian Prospects. A Poem, in Two Cantos. By Rev. R. Polwhele. Helston, 1799, 4". Note. — ^Dedicated to Lord De Dunstanville. Sonnet written 25th Aug., 1825, to Lord De Dunstanville, on his return to his native country. By Rev. R. Polwhele. Gent. Mag., xcvi, pt. 1, 552 (1826). Letter from Sir G. Rodney to Lord De Dun- stanville. cf. Life and Corresp. of Lord Rodney, ii, 312, 335-37. DE FOE, Daniel {son of James Foe), b. Lon- don, 1663. d. London, 24th April, 1731. The Storm ; or a collection of the most re- markable casualties and disasters which hap- pened in the late dreadful tempest, both by sea and land. Atwu. Lond., printed for G. Saw- hridge, in Little Britain; and sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers'-Hall ; 1704, 8°., pp. 272, and Preface 1 sheet not paged. Note. — Letter signed W. T., and dated " From St. Keyearn Parish, in ComwaU, May 26, 1704," pp. 148 — 50 ; Letter signed " E. P., May 28, 1704," containing an account of a ship laden with tin, whereof Anthony , Jenkins, of Falmouth, was commander, which was blown from her anchorage at Helford to the Isle of Wight in 8 hours, pp. 196—9; cf. also pp. 66, 209, 213, 223. The Dumb-Philosopher, or Great Britain's Wonder ; containing : I. A faithful and very surprizing account how Dickory Cronke, a Tin- ner's son, in the County of Cornwal, was born dumb, and continued so for 58 years ; and how, some days before he died, he came to his speech : with memoir of his life and the manner of his death. II. A declaration of his faith and prin- ciples... III. His prophetical observations ... To which is added his Elegy, written by a young Cornish gentleman, of Exeter Coll., in Oxford DE FOE, Daniel. (Con.). ...Lond., printed for Tho. Bickerton, at the Crown, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1719, sm. 4»., pp. 64, 1/-.— 2nd ed., Lond., Bickerton, 1720, 4"., 1/-.— Reprinted in "Smeeton's Hist. & Biog. Tracts," (1820), ii, 23. Note. — A fictitious narrative, supposed to be by D. De Foe. A Tour thro' the whole Island of Great Britain, divided into Circuits or Journeys. Giving a particular and entertaining account of whatever is curious and worth observation... By a Gentleman [i.e., D. Defoe]. Third Edition, with very great additions... to the year 1742. Lond., printed for J. Osborn, &c., 1742, 4 vols., 8". Note. — The account of Cornwall contained in I, 337-56; II, 1—8. A Tour thro' the whole Island of Great Britain. . . 7th Edition. Lond., printed for J. and F. Rivington, &c., 1769, 4 vols., 8". Note. — In this edition the account of Cornwall is comprised in I, 387 — 415 ; II, 1 — 8. DEGENHARDT, B. Charles. On the Geological Formation of the Gold Regions of the Eastern Coast of Virginia. Re;p. R.C.P. Sac, 1838, pp. 162-63. DE LA BECHE, Sir Henry Thomas, F.R.S. 6. London, 1796. d. London, 13th April, 1855. Report on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset, by H. T. De la Beche, Director of the Ordnance Geological Survey. Map, woodcuts, and 12 plates. Lond., Longman, 1839, 8"., pp. 648, 14/-. Researches in Theoretical Geology. By H. T. De la Beche. Lond., C. Knight, 22, Ludgate Street, 1834, 8°., pp. xvi and 408. How to observe Geology. By H. T. De la Beche. Lond., C. Knight, 1835, 12°., pp. viii and 312. Inaugural Discourse at the Opening of the Government School of Mines, 6th November, 1851. By Sir H. T. De la Beche. Lond., printed by Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1851, 8°., pp. 24. Mining, Quarrying, and Metallurgical Pro- cesses and Products. By Sir H. T. De la Beche. In " Lectures on the Results of the Great Exhi- bition of 1851, delivered before the Society of Arts." (Lond., Bogue, 1852, 8".), pp. 37-73. Note. — The above four works contain references to the Geology of Cornwall. Notice of Fossils from the schistose rocks of North Cornwall. Pm. Geol. Soc, ii, 225-26 (1835). On the Influence of Atmospheric Pressure on DE LA BECHE. lU DEERICE. DE LA BECHE, Sin Henby Thomas. {Con.). the Tidal Waters of Cornwall and Devon. Edinh. New Philos. Journ., xxvi, 415-19 (1839). On tlie Connexion between Geology and Ag- riculture in Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset. Agric. Soc. Journ., iii, 21-35 (1842). On Estuaries and their Tides. Philos. Mag., xxiv, 485-91 (1844) ; Trans. B.G.S.O., vi, 211-18 (1846). On the Formation of the Eocks of South Wales and South- Western England. Mem. of Geol. Survey of Great Britain, i, 1-296 (1846). DELANY, Mary (dau. of Bernard Grannlle). b. Coulton, Wiltshire, 14th May, 1700. m. firstly Alex. Pendarves, of Eoscrow (who d. 1724); m. secondly Eev. Patrick Delany,D.D. (who d. 1768). d. Windsor, 15th April, 1788. The Autobiography and Correspondence of Mary Granville (Mrs. Delany), with interesting Eeminiscences of King George the Third and Queen Charlotte. Ed. by the Et. Hon. Lady Elanover. Lond., E. Bentley, 1861, 3 vols., 8°.— Second Series, 1862, 3 vols., 8"., 50/-. Note. — The account of Mrs. Delany whilst she was mfe of Mr. Pendarves, is contained in 1 S., i, 22—109. DE LECLUSE, Charles. Letter from Guzman de Silva, the Spanish Ajnbassador, to Sir W. Cecil, dated London, l7th August, 1564, for one C. de Lecluse, mer- chant, who complained that he had suffered injury from a Magistrate, at St. Ives, Cornwall. (Latin). MSS. Camb. Univ. Lib., Mm. iii, 8, art. 54, fol. 116. DELTA, pseud., i.e., Boase, W. M. DE LUC, Jean Andre, the elder, r.E.S. b. Geneva, 8th Feb., 1727. d. Windsor, 8th Nov., 1817. Geological Travels. By J. A. De Luc. Trans- lated from the French. Lond., 1810, 11, 13, 5 vols., 8". Note.— In vol. iii, Cornwall and Devonshire, pp. 229. An Elementary Treatise on Geology ... By J. A. De Luc. Translated from the French MSS., by the Eev. H. De la Fite. Lond., Eivington, 1809, 8°., pp. xxvii and 415. On a Phenomenon of St. Michael's Mount, in Cornwall. lilloch, Philos. Mag., xlii, 429-39 (1813). DENDY, Walter Cooper, M.E.C.S. The Beautiful Islets of Britaine. By W. C. Dendy. Lond., Longman, 1857, 8"., pp. xii and 151. DENDY, Walter Coopeb. (Con.). The Beautiful Islets of Britaine. By W. C. Dendy. Described and illustrated from sketches on the spot, by the Author. Ee-issue, with ad- ditions. Lond., Bickers, 1860, post 8°., pp. 151, 3/6. Note. — Account of Soilly, with map and 8 wood- cuts, pp. 37 — 66, in both editions. DENNEES, Mr. b. 1728. d. Frogwell, near Callington, 4th Oct., 1802. The Grace of God manifested in the conversion and happy death of Mr. Denners. By J. Kingston. Methodist Mag., xxix, 77-81 (1806). DENNIS, Alexander, b. Sawah, St. Levan, 1739. d. Madron, 6th July, 1823. Journal of a Tour through great part of England and Scotland, in the year 1810, per- formed by A. Dennis, of Trembath. Penzance, T. Vigurs, 1816, 12"., pp. 163. DENNIS, Thomasine {da.u. of th b. Sawah, 29th Sept., 1771. d. Sawah, SOtli Aug., 1809. cf. D. Gilberts Cornwall, iii, 33. Sophia St. Clare. A Novel. In two volumes. Anon. Lond., printed for J. Johnson, St. Paul's Churchyard, 1806, 2 vols., 12°. Cornwall County Lib. Poems, MSS. DENZELL, John (son of John Denzell, of St. Maiogan). Created Serjeant-at-Law, 23 Hen. VIII. d. 3rd Jan., 1535. bwr. St. Giles' m the Fields, London. cf. Dugdale's Origines Judiciales (3rd ed.), pt. i, 251, pt. ii, 83. Nine Eeadings of J. Denishill, Serjeant-at-Law, upon the Statute 4 Hen. VII, beginning with the second reading. MSS. Camb. Univ. Lib., Eh. ii, 1, art. 1, if. 28-45. Note. — A French version of the above is stated in Bishop Tanner's " Bibliotheca Britannioo-Hibernica," to have been amongst the MSS. of Sir William Glyrm, Bart., 1672. DEEEICK, Francis. The Kiddle-a-wink, or Ghostly Stories on the Western Coast ; comprising Gualmara, or the House of Bitterness ; A Tale of Love ; A Life Lost; in Beeton's Christmas Annual (186i), vv- 1-59. Mildred's Wedding. A Family History. By F. Derrick, Author of the " Kiddle-a-wink." Lond., F. Warne and Co., 1865, 3 vols., 8°.— Lond., Ward, Lock, and Tyler, n.d. [1869], 8°., pp. viii and 336 (Library of Popular Authors). Note.— Eeprinted from Englishwoman's Domestic Mag., ix, 1, etc. (1864). DEEEICK. 115 DILLWTN. DEEEIOK, Pkanois. (Con.). Olive Varcoe. A Novel. By F. Derrick. Lond., Saunders, Otley, & Co., 1868, 3 vols., 8" ', 31/6. Simple as a Dove. A Novel. By the Author of " Olive Varcoe." Lond., Tinsley Bros., 1869 3 vols., 8"., 31/6. Beneath the Wheels. A Eomance. By the Author of " Olive Varcoe." Lond., Tinsley Bros., 1870, 3 vols., 8°., 31/6. Patience Caerhydon. A Story. By the Author of "Beneath the Wheels." Lond., Tinsley Bros., 1870, 3 vols., 8»., 31/6. Note. — Eeprinted from the Englishwoman's Do- mestic Mag., vol. iv, t, vi, vii (1868), where it is called " The Journal of Miss Patience Caerhydon, of Gualmara." The work is " Dedicated to my own people, the dear, kindly, ancient Cornish race, whose memory, like a 'lengthening chain,' has followed me to many lands, but among whom I am now a stranger." My Love Amy. A Cornish Tale. Belgravia, "1,299-322(1867). An Episode in the Life of Miss Tabitha Tre- noodle. ib., ii, 305-18. Another Episode in the Life of Miss Tabitha Trenoodle. ib., v, 489-98 (1868). A Sealed Heart. [A Valentine Story]. Bow Bells (Extra Valentine Number, 12th Feb., 1868), pp. 2-4. DES MAISEAUX, Pierre. I. Auvergne, 1666. d. London, June, 1745. The Survey of Cornwall ... By R. Carew. With the Life of the Author, byH**** c*****. \pseud., i.e., P. Des Maiseaux], 1723. See Carew, E. DEVILLE, Louis. Excursions dans le Cornouailles et le Devon- shire. Par L. Deville. Paris, E. Dentu, Editeurr Libraire de la Societ6 des Gens de Lettres, Palais Royal, 1863, sm. 8°., pp. 180. DEVONSHIRE, Charles (sm of John Devon- shire), b. Falmouth, 10th Dec, 1783. d. Indiana, U.S. America, 15th Oct., 1851. Kenilworth, a Tragedy, in five acts. This play is founded on Sir W. Scott's celebrated romance of Kenilworth, and adapted to theatrical representation . . . Entered at Stationers' Hall. Falmouth, printed and published by James Philp; and sold in London by Simpkin and Marshall; 1830, 8"., 1/-. Clara, or the Marriage Feast. A Tragic Drama, in five acts. By a Mechanic [i.e., C. Devonshire]. Falmouth, printed and published by J. W. Dixon, near the Church, 1836, 8°., 2/-. The Sorceress of Saragossa. A Play, in five acts. By C. Devonshire, Author of Kenilworth, DEVONSHIEE, Chaeies. {Con.). etc. Falmouth, printed by Fred. H. Earle, Arwenack Street, 1846, 8°., pp. iv and 78. Eugene Aram. A Drama, in three acts. Not Printed. The Love Chase, or the Magic Phials. A Farce. Not Printed. Note. — The above pieces were all produced at Falmouth. DEVONSHIRE, Rear-Admiral Sir John- Ferris, K.C.H. [son of Thomas Devonshire), b. Truro, 1775. d. Stonehouse, 19th Feb., 1839. cf Gent. Mag., :s.i,Q58 (1839); 0' Byrne's Naval Biog. Did. Letter to Capt. Devonshire. Letters and Despatches of Lord Nelson, iv, 382. DEVONSHIRE, Admiral Richard (son of Thomas Devonshire), b. Truro, 25th June, 1784. d. Plymouth, 19th March, 1860. cf Gent Mag., viii, 527 (1860); Byrnes Naval Biog. Diet. DIBDIN, Charles. 6. Southampton, 1745. d. London, 25th July, 1814. Observations on a Tour through almost the whole of England and" a considerable part of Scotland, in a series of letters, addressed to a large number of intelligent and respectable Friends. By Mr. Dibdin. Lond., G. Goulding, n.d. [1801], 2 vols., 4°. Note. — Contains an account of Cornwall with 4 views, I, 127 — 76, in letters addressed to Eev. Mr. Pen- neck and Col. Gr. C. George. DICKEN, Capt. Henry Perry, R.N. h. Witheridge, Devon, 2nd Aug., I'r95. Remarks on a heavy gale of wind experienced in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in Sept., 1839, on board H.M. Brig " Reindeer." Bep. B. G.P. Soc., 1842, pt. ii, pp. 72-73. DICKINSON, Rev. Thomas Gustavus. The Church of England the pillar and stay of the truth. A Sermon preached on the opening of the Godolphin District Church, in the parish of St. Breage, on Thursday, July 11, 1850, by the Rev. T. G. Dickinson, Curate of St. Breage. Helston, J. C. Carlyon, 1850, 12°., pp. 23, 6d. DILLWYN, Lewis Weston, r.R.S. & L.S. (son of Will. Dillwyn). b. Ipswich, 1779. d. Sketty Hall, near Swansea, 31st Aug., 1855. The Botanist's Guide through England and Wales. By Dawson Turner, F.R.S., A.S., and L.S., and L. W. Dillwyn. Lond., printed and DILLWYN. 116 DODDRIDGE. DILLWYN, Lewis Weston. (Con.). sold by Phillips and Fardon, George Yard, Lombard Street, 1805, 2 vols, 8°., 14/-. Boy. Soc. Lib. Note. — Contaias list of plants in Cornwall, i, 124 —42. DINGLE, Eev. John. F. of Cubert, 16— to 1672. c/. Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, pt. ii, 136. DINHAM FAMILY. Pedigree of tbe Family of Dinham. By Thomas Knyvet. 1640. Earl. MSS., 154, art. 17. Pedigree of the Family of Dinham. By E. Broke, ib., 807, art. 103. Descent of Dinham, &c. ib., 1074, art. 65; 1393, art. 72. DINHAM, Chaeles (son of John, Lord Dinham). d. ante 1496. cf. Ninth Bep. Dep. Keeper of Records, p. 92. Grant to 0. Dinham of the ward and marriage of Johanna Durnford, with a pardon of £160 a year, which he paid for the same. Earl. MSS., 433, art. 1304. Order to C. Dinham^ to seize the lands of John Halwelle. ib., 433, art. 1707. DINHAM, John. cr. Baron Dinham, of Car- dinham, 28th Feb., 1466. b. 1430. d. ante 26th Jan., 1496. J. Dinham appointed Senechal of the Duchy of Cornwall. Earl. MSS., 433, art. 26 [Grants, &c., from the Crown during the Beign of Edw. V, Camden Soc., 1854, p. 24]. J. Lord Dinham, one of the Assessors of the County of Cornwall, ib., 433, art. 144. J. Lord Dinham appointed Chief Steward to the Duchy of Cornwall, ib., 433, art. 401. DINHAM, Lady Jean (daughter of Sir Rich. Arches and wife of the preceding). The Lady Dinham hath four tuns of wine yearly. Earl. MSS., 433, art. 1123. The Will of Lady Dinham. 26th Jan., 1496. Test. Fetust., i, 379, 431, ii, 496. DIODOEUS SICULTJS. b. Agyrium, in Sicily. He wrote after B.C. 8. Diodori Siculi Bibliotheca Historica. Ex recognitione Immanuelis Bekkeri. Lipsiee, Sumptibus et Typis B. G. Teubneri. 1853-4, 4 vols., 8°. Note.— Description of the Tin Workers near Be- lerimn [i.e., the Land's End] and the Island Ictis, Book T, chap. 21 and 22 ; The Cassiterides, Book v, chap. 38. DIX, Eev. Edward, M.A. (only son of Capt. Edw. Dix, B.N.). R. of Truro 1833-9; F. of Newlyn [Eas^ 1839-56. h. 1804. d. Newlyn, 22nd Jan., 1856. A Sermon preached in St. Mary's Church, Truro, on Thursday, August 25, 1836, at the Triennial Visitation of the Eight Eeverend the Lord Bishop of Exeter, by the Eev. E. Dix. Truro, 1836, 8°., pp. 19. DIX, Thomas. Master of North Walsham Academy. A New Map of the County of Cornwall, divided into hundreds. By T. Dix. With Engraving of the Cheesewring. Lond., W. Darton, 58, Holborn Hill, 1st Jan., 1821. Size, 17 in. by 13| in. DOBBS, H., Helston. Improved Eepeating Time-Piece. Rep. R.C.P, Soc, 1835, p. 120. DOCTON, Thomas (son of Francis Docton). b. Trevone, Padstow, 1st Sept., 1774. d. Little Petherick, 1st March, 1863. The Orphan's Prayer. Verses. Cornish Mag., iii, 67 (1828). DODD, Samuel (son of John Thomas Dodd). b. London, 20th June, 1802. Inscribed Slab near Penzance. Journ., xxi, 100 (1864). Archceol, DODDEIDGE, Sir John. 6. Barnstaple, 1555. d. near Egham, 13th Sept., 1628. The History of the Ancient and Moderne Estate of the Principality of Wales, Dutchy of Cornewall, and Earldome of Chester, collected out of the Eecords of the Tower of London and divers Ancient Authors. By Sir John Dod- ridge, Knight, late one of His Majestie's Judges in the King's Bench, and by himself dedicated to King James, of ever blessed memory. Lond., printed by Tho. Harper, for Godfrey Edmondson and Thomas Alcherne, 1630, 4°., pp. 142. An Historical Account of the Ancient and Modern State of the- Principality of Wales, Dutchy of Cornwall, and Earldom of Chester, collected out of the Eecords of the Tower of London and divers Ancient Authors. By Sir J. Doddridge, Knight. The Second Edition. To which is added His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales' Patent, both in Latin and English; also an account of his Dignities, Privil- eges, Arms, Eank, and Titles, and of his Sons and Daughters. Lond., printed for J. Eoberts, DODDEIDGE. 117 DOWNING. DODDEIDGE, Sir John. {Con.). in Warwick Lane, 1714, 8°., pp. 147. Price Two Shillings, sticht. Note.— c/. MSS. Ex. Coll. Lib., No. clxxi; Harl. MSS., 305, art. 12, pp. 99—150 ; 2159, art. 1—3 ; Lansd. MSS., 806, art. 4, fol. 67—195 ; Cottonian MSS., Vitel- lius, C. X, art. 29, fol. 220—50; Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 14,289; MSS. Cavib. Univ. Lib., Mm. iv, 8, 50 leaves; Hargrave MSS., Br. Museum, 489, art. 11 ; Cat. Roy. Insiit. Lib., p. 368. cf. also "The Present State of the Dutohy of Cornwall, Nov., 1714," Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 11, 827, fol. ; 3,081 and 3,479, art. 1. The Report of Sir J. Doddridge, 28th May, 1628, in the Cause of Buller v. Trelawny and others, in the Stannary Court. MSS. Trelawne. DODDEIDGE, Rev. Philip, D.D. h. London, 26th June, 1702. d. Lisbon, 26th Oct., 1751. The Correspondence and Diary of Dr. P. Doddridge. By J. D. Humphreys. Lond., 1829-31, 5 vols., &°. Note. — Contains Letters from Dr. W. Oliver, q.v. ; and an account of Dr. Doddridge's visit to Falmouth, 27th Sept., 1751, v, 232—83. DCERING", Frederick Bernard, h. Batavia, Island of Java. Doering's Rock Boring Engine. Sep. R.C.P. Soc., 1867, p. 58 ; 1868, p. 26. DOIDGE, John Sweet (eldest son of J. S. Doidge, of Plymouth), b. Newton Abbot, Devonshire, 14th Oct., 1827. Came to Redruth, Jan., 1854. West Cornwall Almanack and Advertiser ; con- taining local and general information. Redruth, printed and published by J. S. Doidge. 1866, 8"., and since continued annually. A Directory of Redruth and its neighbour- hood : being an alphabetical list of the names, residences, and trades of persons, residing in the four parishes of Redruth, Illogan, Gwennap, and Stithians ; with a brief history of Redruth, Cam Brea, and Gwennap Pit, and a list of the mines and their managers. Redruth, printed and published by J. S. Doidge, 1866, cr. 8°., pp. xxiii and 352. Note.— Preface and Index, pp. 1— viii ; Introductory History of Eedruth, by Miss G. Angove and Mr. James Johns, pp. ix— xxiii ; Eedruth Directory, wholly com- piled from personal survey of house to house visitation by the Publisher, pp. 180 ; Illogan Directory, pp. 80 ; Gwennap Directory, pp. 32 ; Stithians Directory, pp. 20 ; Advertisements, pp. 40. The Wreck of the Ship General Grant, with loss of 68 lives, on her voyage from Austraha to London. [Containing the account of the drowning of a Eedruth family in the ill-fated vessel, unheard of for nearly 18 months]. Red- ruth, printed and published by J. S. Doidge, fop. 8"., pp. 20. DOIDGE, John Sweet. (Con.). The Sunday School Reciter ; including Orig- inal Dialogues and Selections in Verse. First Series. Redruth, J. S. Doidge ; Lond., H. J. Tresidder; n.d. [186-], 8°., pp. 36, 2d. Note. — Contains " A Dialogue on King Eehoboam, or the danger of following bad advisers." By J. S. Doidge. pp. 5 — 13. DOLLY PENTREATH. See Pentreath, D. DONNALL, Robert Sawle. b. Exeter. Resi- dent at Falmouth since 1814. The Trial of R S. Donnall, Surgeon and Apothecary, late of Falmouth, in the County of Cornwall, for the wilful murder, by poison, of Mrs. Elizabeth Downing, Widow, his Mother- in-law, at the Assize at Launceston, Monday, March 31, 1817. ... Taken in Shorthand, by Alexander Frazer. Falmouth, printed by and for James Lake, 1817, 8"., pp. xiv and 179. DOOGOOD, Henry John. b. Bristol, 18th Nov., 1813. d. Highgate, 5th Dec, 1869. Many years resident in Cornwall. The Coming Day and other Poems. By H. J. Doogood. 2nded., Lond., Cassell, 1863, 8"., 3/6. Note. — Contains a tribute to the memory of J. Lander. DOTING, or DOTYN, Rev. John. B. of Whitstone. d. Kingston, Somerset, 7th Nov., 1561. cf Bliss' Wood [Fasti), ii, 98, 157; Wood's Hist, of the Colleges, &c., of Oxford (1786), i, 114. DOWNING, Rev. George. Wesleyan Free Church Minister, b. St. Day. God's Mark ; or holy lamentation for prevail- ing abominations. A Sermon preached at the Anniversary of the Trewellard branch of the St. Ives Teetotal Wesleyan Society, by G. Down- ing, T.T. Wesleyan Minister. St. Ives, 1849, 8°.', pp. 15. DOWNING, George William {son of a Purser in the Navy). Admitted a Vintner by servi- tude, 5th Feb., 1800. b. Plymouth [1), circa 1778. d. on a voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, circa 1820. The Great Hewas Mine ; or the humours of Cornwall. A Comedy, adapted for the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. By G. W. Downmg, late of Tower Street... Lond., published for the Author, by C. Chappie, Pall Mall.. n.d., 8«., pp. i-vii, i-x, and 9-115, 5/-. , , -, . „ An Address to the Independent Livery ot London, on the advantage to be derived from a Radical Reform in the Commons House of Par- DOWNING. 118 DRAYTON. DOWNING, Geoeqe William. [Con.]. liament, endeavouring to point out an effectual method by which the flagrant abuses actually- existing may be remedied... By G. W. Downing, late of Tower-street, a Free Vintner by servitude. 3rd ed., Lond., published for the Author, by C. Chappie, PaU Mall. ..n.d., 8°., pp. viii and 83, 5/-. Note. — Contains references to the law proceedings respecting Crinnis Mines. DOWNING, James. 6. Truro, 14th April, 1781. d. Truro, 1859. A Poem on the Death of our late beloved Monarch, King George the Third, who was born the 4th day of June, 1738... By J. Downing, who lost his sight in Egypt, in the year 1801, being then a soldier in His Majesty's 20th Eegt. of Foot. Bedford, printed by J. Wehh... n.d. [5th Feb., 1820], 8°., pp. 8, 2d. A Narrative of the Life of J. Downing (a blind man), late a private in His Majesty's 20th Eegt. of Foot ; containing historical, naval, military, moral, religious, and entertaining re- flections. 3rd ed., Bedford [printed by W. White, High Street] ; sold by the Author, All Hallows Lane; 1840, 12"., pp. viii and 96. An Autobiography of James Downing (a blind man), late a soldier in Her Majesty's 20th Eegiment of Foot, to which several additional pieces are added. Written in easy verse, and published by request. 6th ed., Truro, printed and published for the Author, by J. E. Endean, Boscawen Street, 1854, 8°., 1/-. DOWNING, Me., of St. Ives. See Bale, John, Bp. of Ossory. DOWEICHE, Ann (dau. of Sir Bich. Edgcumle and wife of Bev. Hugh Dowriche). cf. Farr's Select Poetry, pt. ii, 359-60. The French Historic. That is a Lamentable Discourse of three of the chiefe and most famous bloodie broiles that have happened in France, for the GospeU of Jesus Christ, namelie : 1. — The Outrage, called the winning of S. James his Street, 1557. 2. — The Constant Martirdome of Annas Burgseus, one of the K. Councell, 1559. 3. — The Bloodie Marriage of Margaret, Sister to Charles the 9, Anno 1572. Pub- lished by A. D[owriche] ; Imprinted at London, by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Man; 1589, 4°., 42 leaves. Note. — At the back of the title are the arms of the Edgoumbe family, after which follows a dedication "To the right worshipfuU her loving bro. Master Pearse Edgecumbe." Between the dedication and the prose address to the reader is an acrostic to her brother. A Frencheman's Songe, made upon y= death [of] DOWEICHE, Ann. (Con.). j° French King, who was murdered in his owne Court, by a traiterouse Fryer of St. Jacob's order, 1st Aug., 1589. Licensed to Edw. AUde in 1589. Note. — This entry is copied from Carew Hazlitt's " Handbook to Early English Lit.," where it is suggested that the Song was written by A. Dowriche. DOWEICHE, Dr. Walter (elder hro. of Beii. Hugh Dowriche). Mr. Serjeant Glanvyle to Mr. Hicks ; to pro- cure for his brother-in-law. Dr. Dunriche, the Escheatorship of Devonshire and Cornwall. Oct 24, 1594. DEAKE, George. An Act for confirming the agreement between G. Drake, Esquire, and others, and Samuel Parker, for granting leases of mines, etc., in the county of Cornwall. 1822, fol. DEAKE, Henry Holman, LL.D. (son of John Pode Drake), h. Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2nd March, 1820. Pedigree illustrating the descent of the eldest house of Carew... from Edw. I. Parochial Hist, of Cornwall (1867), i, 72. Genealogies from the above, traced back to the Conquest, n.d. [Nov., 1869], s. sh., fol. Privately printed. Note. — Other sheets (now, 1870) are in preparation. Pedigree of Petit and Tresahar, with letter- press explanation. Parochial Hist, of Cornwall, iv, 77. DEAKE, Eev. William Hinton, B.A. F. of Halsetown, St. Ives, 1846. Sermons and Literary Eemains of Eev. E. G. Dangerfield. [1859], q.v. The Christian Ministry. A Sermon preached in St. Mary's Church, Penzance, on Wednesday, June 16th, 1852, at the Visitation of the Vener- able the Archdeacon of Cornwall, by W. H. Drake, Perpetual Curate of the Ecclesiastical District in the parish of St. Ives. Lond.,- J. H. Parker; Penzance, F. T. Vibert [printed] ; Truro, J. E. Netherton; 1852, 8°., pp. 20. DEAYTON, Michael, b. Hartshill, Warwick- shire, 1563. d. London, 1631. Connan, Prince of Cornwall. A Play. By M. Drayton and Thomas Decker. Written in 1598. Not now known. A Chorographicall description of all the Tracts, Eivers...and other parts of this Eenowned Isle of Great Britain... Divided into Two Books... Digested into a Poem, by Michael Drayton, DEATTON. 119 DREW. DEAYTON, Michael. {Con.). Esquire. Lond., printed for John Marriott, John Grismand, and Thomas Dewe, 1622, fol. Note. — The Cornish portion (oomprised in pp. 1 — 6) is reprinted in the App. to X>. Gilbert's Cornwall, iv, 293—311. DREW, Lieut. Edward, E.]Sr. (son of Bohert Drew), b. Forleigh, near St. Columb, 7th Dec, 1792. d. Bidna House, near Bideford, 17th March, 1870. cf. O'Byrne's Naval Biog. Did. DEEW, Jacob Halls, formerly Publisher at St. Austell, then at Bodmin, now resident at Bath. 5. St. Austell, 13th Jan., 1793. Note. — See the first three entries under Drew, S. DREW, Joseph, M.B., M.R.C.S. {son of Jos. Drew and grandson of S. Drew), b. St. Austell, 10th Nov., 1826. Case of Death from Wound of the Heart. Lancet, ii, 691-92 (1849). Report of an example of the passing of living larvae from the uretha of a man aged 22. ib., i, 83-84 (1850). A report of two cases of sloughing phagedsena. ib., i, 206-208. Dislocation without Fracture of the last Cervical Vertebra, ib., i, 599. DREW, Samuel, M. A. (2nd son of Joseph Drew), b. St. Austell, 3rd March, 1765. d. Helston, 29th March, 1833. cf. Polwhele's Sketches, i, 96; Biog. Univer. Supp. Paris, 1837; Bose; Gent. Mag., ciii, pt. i, pp. 469-72, 512 (1833) ; Annual Biog. for 1834, pp. 80-92; Sketch of S. Drew, by Bev. S. Dunn, The Methodist, New York, 24th Nov., 1866; Crispin Anecdotes (Sheffield, 1827, 12°.), pp. 76-77; Lives of the Illustrious, by J. P. Edwards (" S. Drew," ex- tracted from Sartain's American Mag.), ii, 43- 54 (1852) ; S. Smiles' Self Help (1866), 81, 110-15, 292, 320, 372. The Life, Character, and Literary Labours of Samuel Drew, A.M. By his eldest son [J. H. Drew]. Portrait and Fac-simile of writing. Lend., Longman; J. H. Drew, Printer, St. Austell; 1834, 8"., pp. xii and 530, 10/6, List of Subscribers. — 2nd ed., Lond., Fisher, 1835, 8°., pp. 543, 10/6. The Remains, Religious and Literary, of Samuel Drew, M.A.; comprising Sermons, Con- troversial Pieces, Essays, and Letters. Ed. by His eldest son [J. H. Drew]. Lond., Fisher and Jackson; St. AusteU, J. H. Drew; 1836, 8°., pp. 547, 10/6. Samuel Drew, M.A., the Self-taught Cornish- man. A Life Lesson. By his eldest son [J. H. DEEW, Samuel. {Con.). Drew]. Lond., Ward and Co. ; Bodmin, J. H. Drew [printed]'; 1861, sm. 8"., pp. 304, 3/6. A Morning Excursion. A Poem. Bv S.Drew. 1791. MSS. Now lost. An Ode on Christmas. By S. Drew. 25th Dec, 1791. MSS. Note. — A poem of 89 lines, penes Mr. J. H. Drew, Laura Place, Bath. Reflections on St. Austell Churchyard. By S. Drew. I7th Aug., 1792. MSS. Note. — A poem of 1200 lines, penes Mr. J. H. Drew. Remarks on T. Paine's "Age of Reason." By S. Drew. St. Austell, Hannah, 1799, 12°. —2d. ed., St. Austell, J. H. Drew, 1820, 12°., 2/6. Note. — cf. Anti-Jacobin Rev., p. 382, April, 1801. Observations on a Pamphlet lately published by the Rev. R. Polwhele, entitled " Anecdotes of Methodism." By S. Drew. 1800, 8°. An Elegy on the Death of Mr. John Patterson, of St. Austell, who was unfortunately drowned at Wadebridge, in Cornwall, on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 25, 1800. By S. Drew, St. Austell. Helston, printed for the Author, by T. Flindell, 1800, 8°., pp. 20, 4d. Remarks on Two Pamphlets, entitled " Meth- odism Tried" and "Observations on Rev. R. Polwhele's Anecdotes of Methodism." By a Friend of the Church. 1801, 8°. Letter to the Author of " Remarks on Two Pamphlets," etc By S. Drew. 1801, 8°. An Essay on the Immateriality and Immor- tality of the Human Soul, founded solely on Physical and Rational Principles. By S. Drew. Bristol, Edwards ; St. Austell [printed] ; 1802, 8°.— 2nd ed., 1803, 8°., pp. 296, 7/-.— 3rd ed., revised, corrected, enlarged, and greatly im- proved, Lond., T. Hamilton, 1811, 8°., pp. xxxix and 275, 4/-. — 5th ed., carefully revised and en- larged by the Author (Portrait), Lond., Fisher, 1831, 8°., pp. 364, 10/6.— 6th ed., Lond., 1835, 8°.— Enlarged ed., with Portrait, 1838, 8°., 6/-. Note. — Dedicated to Rev. J. Whitaker. cf. Anti- Jacobin Rev., Feb., 1803 ; Annual Rev., April, 1804. An edition of 700 was first published by subscription, the copyright was then sold for twenty pounds and thirty copies of the work. The supposed first draft of this Essay is now penes Mr. J. H. Drew. An Essay on the Immateriality and Immor- tality of the Human Soul ... By S. Drew. With Notes and a Memoir, by John Reid Miles. Manchester, printed and published by Thomas Johnson, Livesey Street, 1847, 8°. Note. — Dedication by J. E. Miles, pp. v — vii ; Dedi- cation by S. Drew, pp. 1 — 3 ; Preface, pp. 5 — 15 ; Memoir, pp. iii — Ixxiii ; Essay, pp. 19 — 206. An Essay on the Immateriality, etc. 1848, 12°., 4/-. DREW. 120 DEEW. DEEW, Samuel. {Con.). An Essay on the Identity and General Eesur- rection of the Human Body ; in which the evidences in favour of these important subjects are considered in relation both to Philosophy and Scripture. By S. Drew. Lond., sold by T. Hamilton, Paternoster Eow ; and by the Author, St. Austell; [April], 1809, 8°., pp. xxxii and 439, 10/6. Note. — The Address to tlie Eeader contains a Sketch of the Author's Life, There is a List of Subscribers. This was an edition of 1500 copies, the Author's re- muneration being 500 copies complete in boards, for the copyright of the work. The original MS. is now p^nes Mr." J. H. Drew. An Essay on the Identity, etc. Second edition. Lond., printed for Eichard Edwards, Crane Court, Fleet Street... 1822, 8°., pp. xxxii and 487, 12/-. Scriptural and Philosophical vLrguments to prove the Divinity of Christ and the Necessity of His Atonement. By S. Drew, St. Austell. 1813, 8°. — 2nd ed., revised, printed, and sold by E. Hennah, St. Austell, n.d. [1813], 8°., pp. 48, 1/-. — 3rd ed., Lond., E. Edwards; sold also by the Author, St. Austell; 1814, 8"., pp. 48, 1/6.— New York, 1826, 8"., pp. 32. Note. — This work is the substance of an extempo- raneous discourse delivered at Eedruth, in April, 1813. The copyright was sold after the 2nd ed., for twenty pounds. The Unitarian's Serious Appeal on the Divinity of Christ and His Atonement. By Thomas Prout, in Eeply to S. Drew. Plymouth, 1813, 8°. The Divinity of Christ and the Necessity of His Atonement vindicated from the cavils of Mr. Thomas Prout and his associates. By S. Drew, St. Austell, Cornwall Penryn, Cock, 1814, 8°., pp. 84. Sequel to " The Unitarian's Serious Appeal," in further Eeply to S. Drew. Hackney, 1815, 8°. A Comparative View of some of Mr. Drew's Scriptural and Philosophical Arguments to prove the Divinity of Christ and the Necessity of His Atonement. In a Letter to that Gentleman. Lond., printed for Gale, Curtis, & Fenner, Pater- noster-row, 1815, 8°., pp. 23. Lond. Instit. The Life of the Eev. Thomas Coke, LL.D., including in detail his various travels and extra- ordinary mission exertions in England, Ireland, America, and the West Indies ; with an account of his death, on the 3rd of May, 1814...inter- spersed with numerous reflections, and con- cluding with an abstract of his writings and character. By S. Drew, of St. Austell, Corn- wall. Lond., printed at the Conference OfBce, 14, City-road, by Thomas Cordeux, Agent... 1817, 8°., pp. xix and 391. Published by J. Soule and T. Mason, for the Methodist Episcopal Church, in the United States. New York, 1818, 8°., pp. xix and 391.— 1820, 8°., 8/-. DEEW, Samuel. {Con.). An attempt to demonstrate from reason and revelation the necessary existence, essential per- ■ fections, and superintending providence of an Eternal Being, Who is the Creator, the Sup- porter, and the Governor of all things. By S. Drew. Cornwall, printed and published for the Author, by J. H. Drew, St. Austell; Lond. Duncan; [May], 1820, 2 vols., 8°., 18/-. ' Note. — Published by subscription. An edition of 1000 copies. Conversation on a Stage Coach between a Deist and a Christian. By S. Drew. 1819, 8°. 2d. — Eeprinted (10,000 copies), Manchester Tract Soc, 1820, 8". Note.— Originally appeared in Methodist Mag., as " The Truth of God defended " [Conversation on a Stage Coach, between a Deist and a Christian] , xxx, 393 99' 441—45 (1807). The Imperial Magazine; a compendium of religious, moral, and philosophical knowledge, comprehending religion, literature, moral phi- losophy or ethics, natural philosophy, chemistry, review of books, historical narrative, antiquities, domestic economy, trade, miscellaneous articles, poetry. [Ed. by S. Drew]. Liverpool, printed at the Caxton Press, by Henry Fisher, printer in ordinary to His Majesty. Published at 87, Bartholomew Close, London, 1819-30, 12 vols 8".— 1831-34, 4 vols., 80. Note. — This work was printed in Liverpool until Jan., 1821, when the Caxton press was destroyed by fire. The publication of the Magazine was resumed at the Caxton press, in London, during the same year. Mr. Drew's portrait forms the frontispiece to the first volume. He edited the work from the commencement until the 2nd March, 1833. The Bee. Fireside Companion and Evening Tales. Ed. by S. Drew. Lond., Fisher, 1820, 8"., 12/-. The Queen-Bee. Ed. by S. Drew. Lond., Fisher, 1821-22, 2 vols., 8". The Working-Bee. Ed. by S. Drew. Lond., Fisher, 1823, 24, & 25, 3 vols., 8". The Diorama and Fireside Companion. Ed. by S. Drew. Lond., Fisher, 1826, 8°., 12/-.' The Tell-Tale and Fireside Companion. Ed. by S. Drew. 48 Engravings. Lond., Fisher, 1827, 8°., 12/-. The History of Cornwall, from the earliest records and traditions to the present time. Compiled by Fortescue Hitchins, Esq., and edited by Mr. S. Drew, of St. Austell. 12 plates. Helston, printed and published by W. Penaluna; and sold by Edwards, 53, Newgate Street, Lon- don; 1824, 2 vols., 4"., 63/-., large paper 94/6. Note.— Although Mr. Hitchins wrote no part of this work, as he died just as he was going to commence it, yet the publisher retained his name on the title page. The History appeared in parts, the first coming out in DEEW. 121 DEYDEN. DEEW, Samuel. {Con.). 1815. After the publication of the eighth part, in 1817, the work was delayed nearly seven years, owing to the banlcruptcy of the publisher. Mr. Drew received as his remuneration £200 and six fine copies of the work. Principles of Self Knowledge... By Stephen Drew. Ed. by Samuel Drew. Lond., 1828, 2 vols., 8°. See Brew, Stephen. Sermons of the Eev. John Wesley, on several occasions. With Portrait and Life of the Author. By S. Drew. Lond., Fisher, 1828, 2 vols., 8°., 20/-. Sermons on Important Subjects, by the Rev. G. Whitefield. With a Memoir of the Author, by S. Drew, and a Dissertation on his Character, Preaching, &c., by the Eev. Joseph Smith. Portrait. Lond., Fisher, 18—, 8"., 15/-. Copy of a Letter written by S. Drew, in 1803. Methodist Mag., xxxvi, 781-84 (1813). Eeview of "Elements of Intellectual Phi- losophy. By E. E. Scott." Eclectic Review, ii, 904-11 (1806). Review of " The Principles of Moral Science, byEobert Forsyth." ib., iii, 97-112; 211-24 (1807). Eeview of Dr. Williams' Essay on the Equity of the Divine Government. 1807. MSS. Now lost. Note. — Written for the Eclectic Eeviev), but never printed, owing to the influence of Dr. Williams' friends. . A Commentary on the New Testament. By Thomas Coke, LL.D. Lond., printed by A. Paris, 1807, 2 vols., 40., 84/-. The Recent Occurrences of Europe considered in relation to Prophecy, fulfilled and unfulfilled. By Thomas Coke, LL.D. 1808, 8°., 4/6. A History of the West Indies. . .Natural, Civil, and Ecclesiastical ... with an Account of the Missions instituted in those Islands. By Thomas Coke, LL.D. Liverpool, printed by Nuttall, Fisher, & Dixon, Duke Street, 1808-11, 3 vols., 8°., 31/6. A History of the Old and New Testament. By Thomas Coke, LL.D. Lond., 1809, 4". Six Letters in reply to the Rev. Melville Home, in Defence of the Doctrines of Justifi- cation by Faith and the Witness of the Spirit. By Thomas Coke, LL.D. Lond., 1810, 8°., 5/-. The Cottager's Bible ; containing a short ex- position and practical reflections on each chapter. By Thomas Coke, LL.D. Lond., 1810, 4°. A Series of Letters to the Rev. G. F. Nott, B.D., vindicating Mr. Wesley and his colleagues from the misrepresentations contained in his Sermons at the Bampton Lecture, entitled "Religious Enthusiasm considered." By Thomas Coke, LL.D. 1806. MSS. A System of Natural Philosophy deduced from the Newtonian Theory and the most recent dis- DEEW, Samtjel. {Con.). coveries. By T. Coke, LL.D. 1807. MSS. Note. — The above eight works, bearing the name of Thomas Coke, LL.D., were virtually or principally written by S. Drew. DREW,' Samuel, M.D. (eldest son of J. H. Drew), b. St. Austell, 4th March, 1821. Status and Salaries of Poor Law Medical Ofiicers. Association Med. Journ., ii, 605 (1854) ; iii, 1039-40, 1151-2 (1855). Wound penetrating the knee joint, ih., iii, 104. Local Aneethesia. ib., iii, 193. Sounds we cannot hear. Intellectual Observer, vii, 413-16 (1865). The moral effects of the Poor Law. Trans, of tlie Nat. Assoc, for Promotion of Social Science, 1865, pp. 556-7. On popularization of the Church of England. In " Report of the Proceedings of the Church Conference of Clergy and Laity, held at the Music Hall, Surrey Street, Shefiield, on Monday and Tuesday, May 24 and 25, 1869. . .Printed by order of Committee ; pub. by Pawson & Brails- ford, Shefiield, 1865," pp. 13-14. Order as in France. Letter signed Delta. The Times, 20th Jan., 1870. DREW, Stephen. Barrister-at-Law; Member of the House of Assembly, Jamaica, b. Saltash (^). d. Jamaica, 1826. cf. Memoir of W. Carvosso, ed. 1835, pp. 141-151. Principles of Self-Knowledge ; or an attempt to demonstrate the truth of Christianity... By the late S. Drew, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, Jamaica. [Ed. by Samuel Drew]. Lond., Longman; J. H. Drew, Printer, St. Austell; 1828, 2 vols., 8",, 20/-. Note. — Preface signed Stephen Drew, Jamaica, March, 1826. Memoir of Mrs. Ratcliffe. By S. Drew, of Jamaica. Methodist Mag., xliv, 754-60, 827-33 (1821). DREWE, E. D. (dau. of Bev. W. D. Longlands and wife of Bev. W. B. Drewe, V. of Longstock, Stockbridge). The Last Prior of St. Anthony (in Roseland), Anon. [By Miss Longlands]. Truro, J. R. Netherton; Lond., Mozley; 1857, 12°., pp. 80, 1/- Note. — The first, but only one printed, of an in- tended series of Tales founded on Cornish legends ; the remainder are still in MSS. DRYDEN, Sir Henry Edward Leigh, M.A., 4th Bart, (son of the Bev. Sir H. Dry den), b. Adlesthorp, Gloucester, 17th Aug., 1818. Q DETDEN. 122 DUNKIN. DRYDEN, Sib Henry Edward Leigh. (Core.). On the Matrix of the Seal of the Friar Preachers, Truro. Cornw. Gaz., 8th Oct., 1847. cf. Oliver's Monasticon, p. 68. DRYDEN, Thomas. Tables for calculating the value of a ton of Copper Ore at any rate of standard, from X80 to £180 per ton of fine copper; the produce ascending in regular gradation (with the lowest fraction used, viz., ^) from 1 to 25| per cent. By T. Dryden. Truro, printed by Michell & Co., No_. 8, High Cross, 1813, post 8"., 10/6 to sub- scribers, 12/- to non-subscribers. DEYMAJSr, Rev. Mr. Eeply to a Circular Letter of A. Young's, dated East of Cornwall, 30th Nov., 1795. Young's Annals of Agriculture, xxvi, 17-20(1796). DUPEENOY, Pierre Armand. ELIE DE BEAUMONT, J. B. A. L. L. b. Canon dep., Calvados, 23rd Sep., 1798. Notice sur le gisement, I'exploitation et le traitement des minerais d'6tain et de cuivre de Cornouailles. Annal. des Mines, ix, 827-908 (1824) ; X, 331-66, 401-26 ; xi, 207-54. Sur la constitution g^ognostique et les gites •m^tallifferes de Cornouailles et de Devonshire. Ann. Sci. Nat., vii, 195-243 (1826). Voyage M6tallurgique en Angleterre . . . Par MM. Dufr^noy et Ehe de Beaumont, Coste et Perdonnet. 2nd ed., Paris, Bachelier, 1st vol., 1837, 2nd vol., 1839, 8«. Note. — Fabrication . . . de I'fitain et du cuivre . . . ii, 171—498. Sur le Voyage M6tallurgique en Angleterre de MM. Dufr6noy et Ehe de Beaumont. Annal. des Mines, 2 S., iv. DUGDALE, Sir William, Knt. 6. Shustoke, near Coleshill, Warwickshire, 1605. d. Blythe- hall, Shustoke, 10th Feb., 1686. Monasticon Anglicanum. A History of the Ancient Abbeys and other Monasteries ... in England and Wales... By Sir W. Dugdale. A New Ed., by John Cayley, [Sir] H. ElHs, and Eev. B. Bandinel. Lond., Longman, 1817-30, 6 vols., 8 pts., fol. Note. — Contains 33 articles relating to Cornwall. The Baronage of England ; or an Historical Account of the Lives and most Memorable Actions of our English Nobility. . .By Sir W. Dug- dale... Lond., printed by Tho. Newcomb...l675 2 vols., fol. Note.— The portion relating to the Earls and Dukes of Cornwall is reprinted in the App. to D. Gilbert's Cornwall, iv, 346 — 74. DUMMEE, Edward. A Survey of the Ports on the South-west Coast of England, from Dover to the Land's End. By E. Dummer, Surveyor... Delineated in July and August, 1698. Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 3,233. Note. — Contains an account of Fowey, Falmouth, and Helf ord. DUNKIN, Edwin, F.E.A.S., of the Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich (son of William Dunkin). h. Truro, 19th Aug., 1821. Hand-Book of Astronomy. By Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L....2nd ed., revised and edited by E. Dunkin, F.E.A.S., of the Eoyal Observar tory, Greenwich. 37 plates and up-rt^ards of 100 illustrations. Lond., Walton & Maberley, 1860, 8"., pp. xxii and 496, 7/6.— 3rd ed., revised and edited by E. Dunkin, 1867, 8°., pp. xxii and 528, 7/6. The Midnight Sky. Familiar Notes on the Stars and Planets. By E. Dunkin. 32 star plates and numerous other illustrations. Lond., The Beligious Tract Sac, 1869, 4»., pp. 326, 7/6 boards, 9/- gilt edges. Observations of the Total Eclipse of the Sun of July 28, 1851, at Christiania, Norway. Mem. Boy. Astronom. Soc, xxi, 9-16 (1852). On the movement of the solar system in space deduced from the proper motions of 1,167 stars. ib., xxxii, 19-73, 1863. [Monthly Notices, xxiii, 166-69]. On some peculiar instances of personal equar tion in zenith-distance observations, ib., xxxiv, 17-24, 1865. [Monthly Notices, xxv, 215-16]. Comparison of the probable error of a Transit of a Star, observed with the Transit-circle of the Eoyal Observatory, by the ' eye and ear ' and chronographic methods. Monthly Notices Boy. Astronom. Soc, xx, 86-88 (1860). On the frequent omission of readings of the barometer and thermometer in sextant obser- vations, for the determination of terrestrial lati- tudes and longitudes, ib., xxiv, 121-22 (1864). On the estimated number of luminous particles contained within a defined space on the Sun's disk, ib., xxiv, 123-24. On the probable error of a meridional transit observation by the ' eye and ear ' and chrono- graphic methods, ib., xxiv, 152-60. Observations of the transit of Mercury on the morning of November 5, 1868. ib., xxix, 12-13 (1868). On personality in observing transits of the limbs of the Moon with the Transit-circle and Altazimuth instruments, at the Eoyal Observa- tory, ib., xxix, 259-68 (1869). BUNKIN. 123 DUNEIN. DUNKIN, Edwin. (Con.). Determination of the Geographical Positions of Stations in the route from Zanzibar to Gon- dokoro, from astronomical observations made by Capt. J. H. Speke. Journ. Roy. Geograph. Soc, xxxiii, 322-46 (1863). Determination of the Geographical Positions of Stations in Eastern Africa, from the astronomical observations made by Mr. J. Petherick. ib., XXXV, 289-300 (1865). Determination of the Geographical Positions of Stations in Western Africa, from astronomical observations made by Mr. P. B. Du Chaillu, during his journey into Ashango Land, ib., xxxvi, 64-76 (1866). On the Total Eclipse of the Sun of August 17-18, 1868. Companion to British Almanac, 1869, pp. 4-22; 1870, pp. 2-26. A Day and Night in the Royal Observatory. Leisure Hour, 1862, pp. 22-26, 39-43, 55-60. The Earth Weighed in the Harton Coal-pit.- ib., pp. 364-67. Memoir of G. B. Airy, Astronomer Royal. ib., pp. 648-51. West of Killarney ; a Descriptive Account of the Western District of Co. Kerry, Ireland, ib., 1863, pp. 565-67, 590-92, 603-6, 619-22. The Face of the Moon, ib., 1864, pp. 135-39. Notes on Recent Storms, ib., pp. 181-85. Memoir of Sir J. F. W. Herschel, Bart, ib., 1865, pp. 631-35. On Total Eclipses of the Sun. ib., pp. 666-68, 677-80. London Fogs, ib., pp. 694-96. On Far-off Vision, ib., 1866, p. 512. A Star on Fire, ib., pp. 538-39. Coloured Raia and Snow, ib., 1867, pp. 5-8. On the Eclipses visible in Great Britain in 1867. ib., p. 144. Comets and Meteors and Solar Spots, ib., p. 176. On the Severe Frost of January, 1867. ib., pp. 222-23. Comets and Meteors, ib., p. 288 On Periodical Meteors, ib., pp. 695-700. Memoir of Sir Wm. Herschel. ib., pp. 727-31. On the Nautical Almanac, ib., 1868, pp. 5-8. The Midnight Sky at London, ib., pp. 23-28, 87-93, 169-72, 231-37, 296-301, 374-80, 439- 45, 503-9, 584-89, 647-53, 730-36, 790-96. On Far-off Vision, ib., p. 160. How far off is the Sun? ib., 1869, pp. 5-7. Rose-coloured Solar Protuberances, p. 32. The Midnight Sky of the Southern Hemis- phere, ib., pp. 103-9, 295-301, 519-25, 726- 32. DUNEIN, Edwin. {Con.). On Aerolites and BoUdes. ib., pp. 443-47, 459-60. On the Observatories in the Southern Hemis- phere, ib., pp. 794-95. DoUy Pentreath. N & Q., 2 S., i, 17 (1856). DUNKIN, Edwin Hadlow Wise {son of the preceding), b. Greenwich, 4th Feb., 1849. Holed Stones and Wayside Cross near Bolleit. N&Q.,i S., ii, 392 (1868). The Tombs on Castle Andinas, in unconse- crated ground, ib., ii, 509. [c/. iii, 479]. Cornish Primeval Remains, ib., ii, 519. Sentry Fields, ib., iii, 147 (1869). Holed Stones, ib., iii, 271. The Destruction of the Tolmgn. ib., iii, 332. Notes on some of the Ancient Stone Crosses of West CornwaU. ib., iii, 449-52. The First Book Stereotyped iu England, ib., iii, 583. Carving of Grinliag Gibbons, ib., iv, 106, 261. Woodcuts in Daily Papers, ib., iv, 327. Kits Cotty House, ib., v, 32 (1870). The Hellstone in Dorsetshire : its attempted restoration, ib., v, 553-54. The MSn Rock or TolmSn recently destroyed. Signed X. X. The Builder, xxvii, 305 (1869). Cornish Hill Castles, ib., xxvii, 425. On Mediaeval Cooking-pots or Marmites. ib., xxviii, 369-70 (1870). Cornish Tolm^ns. 510-12. Leisure How, 1869, pp. Remarks on the Stone Circles at Boscawen-lln and Boskednan, in West Cornwall. TheBeliguary, X, 97-102 (1869). Notes on the Discovery of a Kistvaen on Tredinney Hill, near the Land's End. ib., x, 241-43 (1870). Some Account of the Megalithic Remains in South Dorset, ib., xi, 145-57 (1871). A Plea for the Preservation of Cornish Anti- quities. Cornish Teleg., 13th Oct., 1869. Famine in 1795. Original Letter of Chas. Penneck, of Tregembo. ib., 17th Nov. Monthly Archteological Notes, ib., 5th Jan., 1870, and since continued monthly. A Canal Scheme of 1796. ib., 2nd Feb. The Cheesewring near Liskeard— Who wiU. rescue it from the quarrymen? West Briton, 9th Dec, 1869. DUNKIN. 124 DUNN. DUNKIN, Edwin Hadlow Wise. [Con.). Eemarks on the Cromlecli on Prospidnick. ih., 13th Jan., 1870. The Giant's Quoit on Prospidnick Hill, ib., 17th Feb., 1870. Anticipated Destruction of the Cheesewring. Nature, ii, 101 (1870). DUNKIN, EoBERT. Mathematical Instrument Maker, etc. {son of Robert Dunkin). b. Pen- zance, bapt. 14th July, 1761. d. Penzance, 10th Aug., 1831. A.D. 1802. No. 2581. Specifications of Henry Penneck and Eobert Dunkin, of the town of Penzance, for " Methods for Improving the Sailing and Navigating of certain Ships and Vessels." With folding sheet of diagrams. Lond., 1802, fol. — Eeprinted, Lond., Gr. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1856, fol., pp. 5, 7d. Note. — The cover reads, " Ship's Tackle and Com- A.D. 1813. No. 3646. Specification of Eobert Dunkin, of the town of Penzance, Gentleman, for invention of "Methods of less- ening the consumption of steam and fuel in working Fire Engines, and also methods for the improvement of certain instruments useful for Mining or other purposes. With folding sheet of diagrams. Lond., 1813, fol. — Eeprinted, Lond., G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1856, fol., pp. 8, lOd. Note. — The cover reads, " Steam Engines, Horse Whims, Philosophical Instruments, etc." Philosophy in Sport... ^wow. [By J. A. Paris]. Lond., 1827, 3 vols., 8". Note. — Mr. Dunkin is caricatured in this work under the name of Will. Snaffle, the Saddler. DUNKIN, Eev. Egbert. B. of St. Stephens in Branwel. An Assize Sermon at Launceston. 1661, 4°. Note. — It is stated in " Walker's Sufferings," pt. ii, 229, that E. Dunkin wrote a controversial work against John Milton ; but the title of the work is not given. DUNN, James {2nd son of Jas. Dunn), h. Mevagissey, 1788. d. Mevagissey, 18th Nov., 1834. cf A Memoir of W. Carvosso (1835), pp. 188, 198. DUNN, Matthias {eldest son of Matthias Dunn), b. Mevagissey, 24th Jan., 1830. Torpedo. Land and Water, vi, 8 (1869). Note. — The first of a series of contributions on Fish and Fisheries, some of which be^r the signature A. DUNN, Eev. Moses. Wesleyan Minister m Cornwall 1830-34. d. Coventry, 28th Jan., 1849, aged 70. cf. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixxii, 985 (1849). Memoir of Loveday, daughter of Mr. Mitchell and wife of Mr. Petherick, who died at St. Blazey, 25th May, 1834. Wesleyan Metliodist Mag., Ivii, 557 (1834). Memoir of Mr. John Petherick, who died at St. Blazey, 5th Feb., 1833. ib., Ivii, 955. DUNN, Eev. Samuel, D.D. {Uh and youngest son of Jas. Dunn, Senr.). Free Chwch Meth- odist Minister, b. Mevagissey, 13th Feb., 1798. Subjects and Mode of Baptism. By Eev. S. Dunn. Pembroke, 1821, 12°. Observations on Eev. J. Tumbull's Address. By Eev. S. Dunn. Edinburgh, 1824, 12°., pp. 38. Misrepresentation exposed and Methodism defended ; an Answer to the Eev. J. Tumbull's Eeply to Observations on his Address. By Eev. S. Dunn. Edinburgh, 1825, 12°., pp. 68. A Short Catechism. By Eev. S. Dunn. New- castle-on-Tyne, 1827, 32°. Popery contrary to the Bible. By Eev. S. Dunn. Manchester, 1830, 12°. A New Year's Gift for Female Servants ; or the secret of their getting and keeping good places. By Eev. S. Dunn. ShefBeld, printed and published for the Author, by Saxton & Chaloner, High Street ; and sold by the Wesleyan Meth- odist Preachers; 1833, 12°., pp. 32, 6d. Christian Theology, by Adam Clarke, LL.D., F.A.S. Selected from his published and un- published writings, and systematically arranged, with a Life of the Author, by Eev. S. Dunn. Lond., T. Tegg, 1834, 12°., pp. 493, 6/6.— 2nd ed., Lond., printed for T. Tegg and Son... 1835, 8°., pp. 503, 6/6. 'The Gospels Harmonized : with Notes, ex- planatory and practical, forming a complete Com- mentary on the Four Evangelists, chiefly by Adam Clarke, LL.D. Arranged from the best authorities, for the use of Ministers and Students, and divided into sections of convenient length for family reading, by Eev. S. Dunn. Lond., 1836, 8°., pp. 512, 10/6.— 2nd thousand, Lond, Simpkin and Marshall, 1838, 8°., pp. 506. Christian Theology, by John Goodwin, A.M. Selected and systematically arranged, with a Life of the Author, by Eev. S. Dunn. Lond., printed for T. Tegg and Son, 1835, 12°., pp. 486.-1836, 8°., pp. 453, 6/-. Christian Theology, by John Howe, AM. Selected and systematically arranged, with a Life of the Author, by Eev. S. Dunn. Lond., T. Tegg and Son, 1837, 12°., pp. 522, 6/6. Christian Theology, with Selections from the Works of the Eev. John Fletcher. Systematic- DUNN. 125 DUNN. DUNN, Eev. Samuel. (Con.). ally arranged, with a Life of the Author, by Eev. S. Dunn. Lond., 1837, 12"., pp. 552, 6/6. Chrietian Theology for every day in the year ; selected from 365 Authors, and systematically arranged, by Rev. S, Dunn. Lond., T. Tegg and Son; Edinburgh, W. Oliphant and Son; 1837, 12°., pp. 237, 3/-. Christian Theology, by John Calvin. Selected and systematically arranged, with a Life of the Author, by Rev. S. Dunn. Lond. , Tegg and Son ; Edinburgh, J. Johnstone; 1837, 12°., pp. 412, 6/-. Duwinyddiaeth Cristionogol, a ysgrifenwyd yn wreiddiol gan y Parch J. Calvin, A.D...gan y Parch Samuel Dunn, ac a gymreigiwyd gan Evan Meredith. Crughywel, argraffwyd Dros y Cyfieithydd, gan T. Williams, n.d. [1840], 8°., pp. iv and 580. Memoirs of Mr. Joseph Allen, of Mevagissey, ■ Cornwall [A Local Preacher]. By Rev. S. Dunn. Lend., Simpkin and Marshall; J. Mason; 1838, 24°., pp. 174, 1/6. A Present for Female Servants ; or the secret of their getting and keeping good places. By Eev. S. Dunn. Sheffield, 1834, 12".— 3rd ed., Lond., T. Tegg and Son, 1835, 32°., pp. 32, 6d. Note.— Anotlier ed. of " A New Year's Gift," 1833, with a slight change in the title. Plain Things for those who need them. A Sermon preached in Ebenezer Wesleyan Metho- dist Chapel, Sheffield, by Eev. S. Dunn. Lond., T. Tegg and Son; [Sheffield, printed]; 1833, 12°., pp. 20, 4d., 4 editions. The Witness of the Holy Spirit the common privilege of believers. A Sermon, by Rev. S. Dunn. Lond., T. Tegg and Son ; [Sheffield, printed]; 1834, 12°., pp. 24, 4d., 4 editions. Reasons against Shows. By Eev. S. Dunn. Camborne, 1839, 12°. On Singing. By James Gill. With a Preface by Rev. S. Dunn. Dudley, 1841, 12°., 6d. Remarks on an Address delivered by the Rev. W. Gilmor. By Eev. S. Dunn. Halifax, 1842, 12°. An Exposure of Calumnies. By Rev. S. Dunn, Halifax, 1842, 12°. The Glorified Body. A Sermon preached m the South-parade Chapel, Halifax, on Sunday, October 16, 1842. To which are added Me- morials of the late Rev. Rich. Treffry. By S. Dunn. Lond., Mason ; Halifax, J. U. Walker [printed] ; 1842, 12°., pp. 24, 6d. , The Flower Fadeth. Memoirs of Miss Jane , Ellen Hatton, of Halifax. By S. Dunn. Lond., John Snow; Halifax, J. U. Walker [printed]; 1842, 32°., pp. 30. The Missionary of Australasia and Polynesia; or the importance of entire devotedness to DUNN, Eev. Samuel. {Gon.). God, illustrated from the character and labours of the late Rev. John Waterhouse. A Sermon preached and published at the request of the Wesleyan Stewards, Leaders, and Trustees, in Halifax. By S. Dunn. Lond., sold by Mason, 14, City Road. . . [J. U. Walker, printer, Halifax] ; 1842, 12°., pp. 16, 6d. The Separate State. A Funeral Sermon on the Eev. T. Galland. By Eev. S. Dunn. Halifax, 1843, 12°., 6d. The Heavenly State. A Funeral Sermon on the Eev. H. Moore. By Eev. S. Dunn. Halifax, 1844, 12°., 6d. Memoirs of Seventy-five Eminent Divines, whose Discourses form the " Morning Exercises " at Cripplegate, St. Giles' in the Fields, and Southwark. With Eighty Outlines of their Sermons. By S. Dunn. Lond., J. Snow, 35, Paternoster Eow, 1844, 8°., pp. vi and 231,5/-. A Second Exposure of the Misrepresentations and Calumnies of the Eev. W. Gilmor. By S. Dunn. 1844, 12°., pp. 12. Strictures on a Letter by Sam Dunn. By a Working Man, in a communication to the in- habitants of the Chapelry of lUingworth. Hali- fax, 1844, 8°. Bod. Ub. Thirty Lectures on Popery. By S. Dunn. Lond., John Snow; Halifax, J. U. Walker [printed]; 1845, 16°., pp. 70, ]/-. Twenty Lectures on Eminent Scripture Char- acters. By S. Dunn. Lond., John Snow; Halifax, J. U. Walker [printed] ; 1845, 16°., pp. 62, lOd. The Folly of Atheism. A Sermon preached at Booth Town, Halifax, July 9, 1845, by S. Dunn. Published by request. Halifax, Walker [printed], 1845, 12°., pp. 12. The Certainty of a Future Judgment. By S. Dunn. Halifax, 1844, 12°. The Eternity of a Future Punishment Demon- strated. By S.Dunn. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1845, 12°., pp. 12. An Example for Young Men. A Memoir of JohnDaglish. By S.Dunn. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1845, 24°., An Exposure of Popery. By S. Dunn. New- castle-on-Tyne, 1845, 12°. Socinianism Exposed. By S. Dunn. New- castle-on-Tyne„ 1845, 12°. Socinianism Unmasked. By S. Dunn. New- castle-on-Tyne, 1845, 12°. Socinianism, as contained in twenty-one pub- lications of the Eev. George Harris, investigated and confuted. By the Eev. S. Dunn. [Newcastle, J. Blackwell and Co., printed, 1846], 8°., pp. 12. Note.— Dated Brunswick Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne, January 24, 1846. The Biography, Geography, and Miscellaneous DUNK. 126 DUNN. DUNN, Eev. Samuel. {Con.). Subjects of the Gospels, and other Biblical In- formation... By the Rev. Samuel Dunn. Lond., John Snow ; Nottingham, J. Howitt [printed] ; 1846, .32°., pp. 164. Lessons on the Gospels. In Six Parts. By S. Dunn. Nottingham, 1846, 12". Christian Unitarianism, what it really is ; in reply to the flagrant misstatements and mis- representations of the Eev. S. Dunn. By George Harris. Newcastle-on-Tyne, printed and sold by John and James Selkirk, Grey Street... 1846, 8"., pp. 60. ADictionaryof theGospels : with Maps, Tables, and Lessons. By Eev. S. Dunn. Nottingham, 1846, 24".— 4thed., Lond., 1846, 32°., pp. 164. Memoirs of Mr. Thomas Tatham, and of Wesleyan Methodism in Nottingham By Eev. S. Dunn. Lond., Tegg, 1847, 16"., pp. 280. A Pure Eiver of Water of Life. A Memoir of Mary Howitt. By Eev. S. Dunn. Notting- ham, 1848, 18°- The Disciplinary Act of the Wesleyan Con- ference Exposed. By S. Dunn. Lond., 1849, 8°. Pleasing and interesting Historic of three most noble MartjrrSj-to witte, James y° Everette, Samuel y° Dunnite, and William y° Grifiith. With a strict account of all y" sufferings, trials, troubles, and vexatious tribulationes each had to endure, in y' eventfuU yere of our Lorde, 1849. Anon. 2nd ed., printed by W. Dearden, at his Office, Carlton Street, in y° towne of Nottingham; and sold by Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., London; 1850, 4°., pp. 100, 1/-. The Wesley Banner and Eevival Eecord. [A Monthly Magazine]. Ed. by Eev. S. Dunn... Prom 1849 to 1852]. Lond., Partridge and Oakey, Paternoster Eow, 1849-52, 4 vols., 8°. Note. — Preface to Vol. I signed Samuel Dunn, Camden Town, London, November 20, 1849. Wreath for Bunting, Jackson, and Garland. By S. Dunn. Lond., 1851, 12°. The Eealities of Eternity. A Funeral Sermon on Professor T. Smith. By S. Dunn. Sheffield, 1852, 12°. Useful Knowledge. A Sermon. By S. Dunn. Camborne, 1855, 12° Glorious Prospects. A Sermon. By S. Dunn. Camborne, 1855, 12°. The Happy Eelease. A Sermon. By S. Dunn. Camborne, 1856, 12°. Comfort to Bereaved Parents. A Sermon. By S. Dunn. Camborne, 1857, 12°. Death on the Pale Horse. A Sermon. By S. Dunn. Camborne, 1857, 12°. Judas and the Bag. A Sermon. By S. Dunn. Camborne, 1857, 12". Dangers of the Theatre. By S. Dunn. Cam- borne, 1857, 12°. DUNN, Eev. SaJhtbl. (Con.). • Death of Good Men. A Sermon. By S. Dunn. Camborne, 1858, 12°. The Monthly Herald. Ed. by Eev. S. Dunn. Camborne, 1859, 12°. Note. — Only nine numbers printed. Lecture on G. Smith's Methodism. By S. Dunn. Camborne, 1861, 12°. Lecture on the Black Bartholomew. By S. Dunn. Camborne, 1862, 12°. [324 Original] Hymns for Pastors and People. By S. Dunn, [Pastor of the Free Church, in Camborne, Cornwall]. Lond., Hamilton, Adams, and Co., 1862, 12° No pagination. Note. — The preface is signed by Edmund Dunn, the Author's brother. 201 Original Hymns. Camborne, 1863, 12°. The Life of Adam Clarke, LL.D., Author of a Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. By the Eev. S. Dunn, Free Church, Camborne. Portrait and Engravings. Lond., W. Tegg, 1863, 8°., pp. viand "250. Stephen's Character and Burial. A Sermon. By S. Dunn. Camborne, 1864, 12°. Lecture on the Local Government Act. By S. Dunn. Camborne, 1864, 12°. Misrepresentations in " Coley's Life of Col- lins" exposed. By Eev. S. Dunn. Bradford, 1869, 18°. Letters and Journal describing a residence in the Shetland and Orkney Islands. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., xlv, 730 (1822); xlvi, 113-15, 180-81, 251-56, 681-82(1823); xlvii, 270-71, 333-36, 473-74 (1824) ; xlviii, 119-20, 268-70, 483-85 (1825). Messiah's Humiliation and Triumph. A Ser- mon on Psalm ex, 7. ib., Ixx, 225-32 (1847). Account of the Shetland Islands and their productions. [In a letter from Mr. S. Dunn, Methodist Missionary, to his brother, Mr. Ed- mund Dunn, a Silk Merchant, in London]. Imperial Mag., v, 342-46 (1823). Justification and Sanctification. Christian Miscell., ii, 107-8 (1847). Christian Perfection. A Sketch, ib., iii, 297-8 (1848). The Presidents of the British Conference. " The Methodist," New York, 15th and 29th Sep., 6th Oct., 1866. Gethsemane. ib., 20th Oct. Sketch of Joseph Beaumont, ib., 10th and 17th Nov. Sketch of Samuel Drew, ib., 24th Nov. Sketch of T. Galland and T. Eoberts. ib., 1st Dec. DUNN. 127 DUNSTEEVILLE. DUNN, Bet. Samuel. {Con.). I., 8th Dec. ., 15th and 22nd Sketch of Daniel Isaac. Sketches of Chalmers. Dec. Sketch of Jabez Bunting, ib., 29th Dec. Sketch of Wilham M. Bunting, ib., 6th Jan., 1867. Sketch of E. Treffry, Sen., and K. Treffry, Jun. ib., 10th Feb. Angels instructed by the Church, ib., 11th July, 1868. British Methodist Local Preachers. " Christian Advocate," New York, 24th Sept., 1866. The Centenary of British Methodism, ib., 6th Oct. The Branches of British Methodism. ib., 29th Oct. Anecdotes of Rev. J. Wesley, ib., 22nd and 29th Nov., 6th, 13th, and 20th Dec. Meditation on the close of 1866. ib., 27th Dec. Personal Scrutiny, ib., 6th Jan., 1867. Remarks on Entire Sanctification. ib., 13th May. Adam Clarke as a Preacher. " Methodist Quart. Bev," New York, Jan., 1867. Our Ministry, ib., July. Memoir of Mrs. Charles Wesley. "Ladies' Repositm-y" Cincinnati, Aug., 1866. Comfort to Bereaved Mothers, ib., Nov. Memoir of Mrs. Adam Clarke, ib., Feb., 1867. Memoir of Joseph Benson, ib., April. Sketch of G. Steward and Jos. Sutcliffe. " Western Advocate," Cincinnati, 8th May, 1867. Sketch of J. W. Etheridge. ib., 15th May. Sketch of Jas. Everett, ib., 22nd May. Sketch of James Bromley, ib., 29th May. Wesley's Closing Scene, ib., 11th July. Letters of Rev. J. Wesley. Boston, U.S., 10th Aug., 1867. Recollections of R. Watson. " Zion's Herald," ib., 21st Sep. The Duty of Class Leaders. ness," New York, Oct., 1867. " Guide to Eoli- DUNN, Walter {Zrd son of James Durni, Sen.), b. Mevagissey, 1789. d. Mevagissey, 23rd July, 1849. The Word and Truth of God Illustrated. Dated Mevagissey, 18th March, 1817. Methodist Mag., xl, 746-51 (1817). DUNSFORD, Martin. Miscellaneous Observations in the course of two Tours through several parts of the West of England. By M. Dunsford, Merchant. Portrait. Tiverton, printed and sold by E. Boyce, 1800, 4". DUNSTAN, Capt. Richard. Reports of Experiments in Blasting with the tamping wedge invented by R. W. Fox. By R. Dunstan, of Wheal Vyvyan Mine. Bep. B.C.P. Soc, 1838, pp. 141-43. DUNSTAN, William Henry, b. Falmouth, 1820. Dunstan's Alarm Bell for the Black Rock. Bep. B.C.P.' Soc, 1838, ■p. 151. DUNSTANVILLE. See De Dunstanville. DUNSTERVILLE,CommanderEdward,R.N., late of the Hydrographic Office, Admiralty (son of Edward Dunsterville, Ship Owner), b. Penryn, 2nd Dec, 1796. The Lights of the British Islands. Corrected to July, 1847. Ed. by Commander E. Dunster- ville, R.N., Hydrographic Office, Admiralty. Lond., printed by Geo. E. Eyre and Wm. Spot- tiswoode. Printers to the Queen, 1847, 8°., 1/6. Continued annually until 1870. The Light-houses, Lighted Beacons, and Float- ing Lights of the United States. Corrected to Oct., 1847. Ed. by E. Dunsterville... Prepared by the Light-house Board at Washington, and republished by the Hydrographic Office. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1847, 8"., 1/6. Con- tinued annually until 1870. The Light-houses of the Coasts and Lakes of British North America. Corrected to April, 1847. By E. Dunsterville ... Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1847, 8°., 6d. Continued an- nually until 1870. The Lights of the West India Islands and adjacent coasts. Corrected to Sep., 1847. Ed. by E. Dunsterville.... Lond., Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1847, 8°., 6d. Continued annually until 1870. The Admiralty List of the Lights of the Mediterranean, Black Sea, and Sea of Azof. Corrected to 1 847. By E. D unsterville ... Lond. , Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1847, 8°., 1/6. Con- tinued annually until 1870. The Admiralty List of the Lights on the Eastern and Western Coasts of South America, and the Western Coast of North America. Corrected to Feb. ,1847. By E. Dunsterville . . . Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1847, 8°., 6d. Continued annually until 1870. The Admiralty List of the Lights on the North and West Coasts of France, Spain, and DUNSTEEVILLE. 128 EAEE. DUNSTEEVILLE, Gommandee Edward. {Con.). Portugal. CoiTected to March, 1847. By E. Dunsterville... Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1S47, 8°., 1/-. Continued annually until 1870. The Admiralty List of Lights on the West Coast of Africa. Corrected to Jan., 1847. By E. Dunsterville... Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1847, 8°., 6d. Continued annually until 1870. The Admiralty List of Lights in South Africa, East Indies, China, Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Corrected to August, 1847. By E. Dunsterville. . .Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1847, 8"., 1/-. Continued annually until 1870. The Admiralty List of the Belgian, Dutch, Danish, Prussian, Eussian, Swedish, and Nor- wegian Lights. Corrected to May, 1847. By E. Dunsterville... Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1847, 8"., 1/-. Continued annually until 1870. Admiralty Catalogue of Charts, Plans, Views, and Sailing Directions, etc. Edited and revised by E. Dunsterville.... Published by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1860, 8"., 3/-. Con- tinued annually until 1870. The Lidia Directory ; or Directions for Sail- ing to and from the East Indies... By James Horsburgh, F.E.S. ...Corrected and revised ac- cording to the most recent Surveys, by Com- mander E. Dunsterville, E.N. 7tli ed., Lond,, W. H. Allen & Co., 1859, 2 vols., 4°.— 8th ed., 1864, 2 vols., 4«., 86/-. Note. — Various slight differences are found in the titles of the different editions of the " Admiralty Lists of Lights," published between 1847 and 1870. DUNSTONE, John. b. Camborne, 1787. d. Camborne, 9th Jan., 1856. Memoir of J. Dunstone, of Camborne, in Cornwall, who was blind for 44 years, till his death, in 1856. By J. B. [i.e., JohnBudge]. Lond., F. G. Cash...; J. Philp, Liskeard; 1857, 16°., pp. 48. — 2nd ed., revised, Lond., W. and P. G. Cash.. .1857, 16°., pp. 48. DUPEEZ, Louis (son of Professor Duprez, B.E.L.). b. Barnstaple, 5th April, 1844. Duprez's Devon and Cornwall Parliamentary Portrait Album : containing 50 photographs of the representatives of Devon and Cornwall, with statistics respecting the recent elections; also portraits of the Mayors and High Sheriffs throughout the two counties. Plymouth, pub- lished by Duprez, 1869, 4°., 21/-. Duprez's Photographic Views of Plymouth and neighbourhood. 20 photographs, with de- scriptive letter-press. Plymouth, published by Duprez, 1869, 8°., 1/6. Duprez's Excursions up the Tamar, illustrated DUPEEZ, Louis. (Con.). with photographs. Plymouth, published by Duprez, 1870, 8"., 1/-. Duprez's Devon and Cornwall Almanack for 1870, with photographic illustrations of Exeter Cathedral, Dr. Temple, Members of Parliament for both Counties, Plymouth Sound, etc., etc. Price One Shilling. Published by Duprez, West of England Portrait Studio, the Hoe, Plymouth n.d. [1870], 8°., pp. 34. Note. — Title from the cover. DURELL, Rev. Edward, A.M. Curaie of Withiel. The Triumph of Old Age ; an elegiac poem, in eight cantos, occasioned by the death of Mrs. Gilbert, of the Priory, Bodmin... By E. Durell, Curate of Withiel. Bodmin, printed and pub- lished by J. Liddell; Lond., Whitaker; 1818, 8°., pp. 156. List of subscribers. Note.— In N. <& Q., 4 S., v, 397—98 (1870), will be found particulars of a copy with MSS. poems by Mrs, John Hunter, addressed to Mr. W. Clift. DURGAN. The Origin of a Festive Custom at Helston. — The Furry-day. In a letter dated Cornwall, June 8. Gent. Mag., Ix, 520 (1790). DUSTOW, Thomas, b. Newlyn, Feb., 1811, d. Madron, Dec, 1867. A Copy of Verses on the Loss of the "John Gray." By T. Dustow, Penzance, n.p. or d. [Penzance, Jan., 1867], 4°., s. sh. Note. — The "John Gray" was lost in Mount's Bay, 7th Jan., 1867. DYER, Robert. Nine years of an Actor's Life. — E. Dyer, late of the Theatre Royal, Plymouth... Lond., Long- man; E. Nettleton, Plymouth; 1833, 8°.- pp. 241. Note. — The first and second years contain accounts of theatrical journies into Cornwall, pp. 25 — 48, E. E., Eedruth, i.e., Edmonds, R. E., C. E. Fish and Fowl at the Land's End. . Once a Week, V, 446-48 (1861). FARE, Sarah. Case of S. Fare, Widow, v. William Pamell, EAEE. 129 EDGCUMBE. EA.EE, Sarah. {Con.). [relative to the Duke of Wharton's visit to Cornwall, in company with Philip Lloyd, Esq., ■who went down to Saltash to be returned a Member of Parliament]. 1727, fol. EARLE, James. Extracts from History. By J. E., Falmouth [i.e., J. Earle]. Selector or Cm-nish Mag., i", 4 (1826). jjoTB. — The first of a series of articles in vols, i, ii, and iii. EBDEN, W. Ebden's Map of the County of Cornwall, divided into hundreds, laid down from trigono- metrical observations by W. Ebden. Hoare and Eeeves, Sc, 90, Hatton Garden, London, Feb. 1, 1825. Published by William Cole, late Hodg- son and Co., 10, Newgate Street; size 17 in. by 13f in. EBEL, H. A Review of W. Stokes' Cornish Mysteries. KuMs Beitrage, 1866, p. 128. On the Cornish, ib., 1867, p. 145. EDDY, James, d. Gwennap. 6m?-. 12th Nov., 1861, aged 77 (?). [John] Arthur's and [.fames] Eddy's Apparatus for Raismg Mine Pumps. £ep. R.C.P. Sac, 1839, p. 96. EDDY, Stephen. The Geology of the Grassington Mines, near Skipton, in Yorkshire. Trans. B.G.S.C, vi, 186-89 (1846).' The Lead Mining District of Yorkshire. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1858, pp. 167-74. EDGCOME, MRS.,w^ePascoe. &. Prospednick, Sithney, 1738. d. Helston, 9th Nov., 1797. An Account of the Life and Death of Mrs. Edgcome. By Thomas Stanley. Dated Truro, July 10, 1801. Methodist Mag., xxiv, 483-87, 521-23 (1801). EDGCOME, Jane. See Stanley, Jane. EDGCUMBE FAMILY. cf. Brydgei ed. of Collins' Peerage (1812), v, 306-35. Genealogical Notes relative to the Edgcomb Family. Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 6405, fol. 24. EDGCUMBE, Ann. See Dowriche, Ann. EDGCUMBE, Lady Emma (only dau. of Dr. John Gilbert., Arch-Bp. of York, and wife of George, \st Earl of Mount Edgcumbe). d. Upper Grosvenor Street, London, 26th De- cember, 1807. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxvii, 1238 (1807). Letter from Lady Edgcumbe to D. Garrick, dated 8th Dec. (no year). In D. Garrick's Private Correspondence, ii, 368. EDGCUMBE, Emma Sophia. Countess. See Brownlow, EDGCUMBE (Ernest Augustus). 3rd Earl of Mount Edgcumbe {son of Richard, the 2nd Earl), b. Richmond, 23rd March, 1797. d. in his yacht, on the Thames, 3rd Sept., 1861. cf Gent. Mag., xi, 439 (1861). Letter from the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe to his Tenantry. Plymouth, 1846, 8°. Memorandum of Tenancy Regulations for Lord Mount Edgcumbe's Estates, in Devon and Corn- wall. Plymouth, 1846, 8°. Extracts from a Journal kept during the com- mencement of the Revolution at Palermo, in the year 1848. By the Earl of Mount-Edgcumbe. Lond., Ridgway, 1849 (?), 8°.— 2nd ed., 1850, 80., pp. 65. The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe to the House of Peers, on the Militia Bill, and on the effects of Past Legislation on the present War. Lond., J. Mitchell, Library 33 Old Bond Street; Ply- mouth and Devonport, Roger Lidstone [printed]; 1855, 8"., pp. 32. EDGCUMBE, Hon. George. Admiral of the White {2nd son of \st Baron Edgcumbe). 3rd Baron Edgcumbe. cr. Viscount Mount Edg- cumbe and Valletort 5th March, 1781, and Earl of Mount Edgcumbe 31st Aug., 1789. 6. 1731. d. Grosvenor Street, London, 4th Feb., 1795. cf Gent. Mag., Ixv, pt. 1, 174 (1795); Charnock's Biog. Namlis, v, 293-98; Chatham Correspondence, iii, 126-30 ; Thach- eray's Life of Lord Chatham, ii, 97-99 ; H. Walpole's Journ. of Geo. Ill, from 1771-83, i, 171 ; Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 19,026, fol. 7. Journal kept on board H.M. bomb the Ter- rible, Captains William Marsh a,nd Hon. George Edgecumbe, in the Mediterranean, by Housman Broadley. 30th April, 1742, to 1st June, 1744. Rawlinson MSS., Bod. Lib., class A 335, art. 4, fol. 83-123. An Act enabling George, Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, and Reginald Pole Carew, Esq., to establish and maintain a common ferry across the river Tamar, between Plymouth Dock and Tor Point. 1790, 8". EDGCDMBE. 130 EDGCUMBE. EDGCUMBE, Hon. Geokoe. (Con.). Letter from Lord Edgcumbe to D. Garrick, dated 14th Nov., 1775. D. GairicJc's Private Correspondence, ii, 109. EDGCUMBE, Lady Katharine (Jau. of Sir John St. John and 2nd wife of Sir Piers Edg- cumbe). d. 1553. The Will of Lady K. Edgecombe. Test. Vetust., ii, 739. Annuity to Katherine Edgecumbe. A.D. 1543. Trevelyan Papers {Camden Soc., 1857), pp. 182-83. EDGCUMBE, Sir Piers (son 'of Sir Rich. Edg- cumbe). (f. 14th Aug., 1539. The Will of Sir P. Edgecombe. Test. Vetust., ii, 647-50. Letter from Sir P. Edgecombe to Secretary Cromwell, dated March 25, 1536. Cottonian MSS., Cleopatra, E iv, art. 169. Printed in Wright's " Letters relating to suppression of Monas- teries" {Camden Soc, 1843), pp. 117-19. A Copy of the Accounts of Sir P. Edgecombe and Roger Holland, the Feodaries in the Duchy of Cornwall, in the reign of Hen. VII. MSS. Lincoln's Inn Lib., 78, art. 24. EDGCUMBE, Piers. M.P. for Cornwall 1 585- 92 {son of Sir Rich. Edgcumbe). J. 1537. d. 4th Jan., ]60|. hur. Maker Church, cf. N. & Q., 3 S., xii, 9, 176 (1868) ; Chancery Proc, Eliz., i, 268; Bawlinson MSS., class B 285. Mr. Waad to Sir W. Cecil... and that P. Edg- combe is a fit man to be Knighted. March 12, 1567. Lansd. MSS., 9, art. 62. A representation that the Mines in England ...were granted to Humphry and Schuttz ... before Mr. Edgcombe's suit commenced. 1568. ib., 10, art. 19. Grant to P. Edgcombe, Esquire, to search and enjoy part of the product of some Mines in Ireland. 1579. ib., 28, art. 8. Mr. P. Edgcombe shows to Lord Burghley that he has formed a scheme for improving Irish Mines. June 15, 1579. ib., 29, art. 1. Leases from Sir Peres Eggecomb to Eichard Boneython, of land in Coyssaweys, alias Cosawes. 29 Hen. VIII, 1 and 2 Phil, and Mary. Er. Museum Addit. MSS., 15,553, fol. 97. The French Historie. By A. Dowriche (1589), q.v. EDGCUMBE, Piers, d. London, 8th July, 1628. bur. St. Botolph's, Aldersgate. cf. Maithiid's London (3rd ed.), ii, 1077. EDGCUMBE, Piers, M.P. (son of Sir Rich. Edgcumbe). d. 6th Jan., 1660, aged 56. bur. Calstock. Letter to E. Walker. 1644. See Coryton, W. EDGCUMBE, Sir Eichard (son of Peter Edge- d. 8th Sept., 1491 (?). Will proved 29th April, 1492.' cf. 9th Rep. Dep. Keeper of Records, pp. 81, 110; Oliver's Monasticon, Suppl., p. 20 ; JFare's Hist, of TVriters of Ireland (Harris' ed.). Book ii, pp. 323-4. The Voyage of Sir E. Edgecombe into Ireland, in the year 1488. Collated with a MSS. of Dr. Sterne, late Bishop of Clogher, in the College Library. In IFa.lfer Harris' Hibernica, 1757, pp. 29-38 ; cf Cottonian MSS., Titus, B xi, art. 188 and 189. The Will of Sir E. Edgecombe. Test. Vetust., i, 393. EDGCUMBE, Sir Eichard (son of Sir Piers Edgcumbe). b. 1499. d. 1st Dec, 1561. A Friend's Eemembrance of SirE. Edgcumbe. By Eich. Carew. MSS. cf. Prince'^ Worthies (ed. 1810), pp. 344-50; Brydges' ed. of Collins' Peerage, v, 322-27. EDGCUMBE, Eichard (son of Sir Rich. Edg- cumbe, d. 1561). M.P. for totness, 1563 and 1588. Letters from E. Edgecomb to Mayor and Burgesses of Totness, dated Mount Edgcumbe, 8th Sept., 1565 (?). cf Hone's Fear Booh (1832), p. 755. EDGCUMBE, Sir Eichard (son of Peter Edge- cumbe). b. 1565. d. 22nd March, 1638. bur. Maker. Lease from Sir E. Edgecombe to Eichard Bony thon, of land in Cosawes. 1607. Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 15,553, fol. 114. Letter to J. Eashleigh from E. Mohun and others, recommending John Mohun to Sir R. Edgecumb. 10th Feb., 1627. MSS. Trelawne. EDGCUMBE, Sir Eichard. M.P. for Cornwall (son of Piers Edgcumbe). d. March, 1688. cf. J. Evelyn's Diary (1870), p. 230. EDGCUMBE, Eichard '(son of Rich. Edg- cumbe). cr. Baron Edgcumbe, 20th April, 1742. b. 1679. d. 22nd Nov., 1758. bur. Maker, cf Gent. Mag., xxviii, 557 (1758). Gratulatio Academiss Cantab, de Reditu . . Gulielmi. Cantab., 1697, fol. Note. — Contains verses by " Eich. Edgcumbe, Trin. Coll., Commensalis." EDGCUMBE. 131 EDMONDS. EDGCUMBE, Eichakd. (Con.). Verses to Harry Day. cf. Corresjiondence of ^h Duke of Bedford, ii, 117. An Act to enable Rich. Edgecombe, Esq., to sell lands not exceeding 20 acres, to and for the use of His Majesty, for building a Victualling Office for tlie service of the Royal Navy, at Plymouth, and to purchase other lands, to be settled to the same use as the lands to be sold now stand limited by his marriage settlements. n.p. or d. [Lond., 1722], fol. A Bill to impov\fer and authorize Sir Robert Eurnese, Bart., to deliver. . .unto Rich Edgcumbe, Esq., certain South-Sea Bonds ...therein men- tioned, and for letting lands of equal value upon the same trusts to which such Bonds... are now subject [5 Geo. II, c. 14]. n.p. or d. [Loud., 1732], fol. Note. — Lord Edgoumbe m. Matilda, dau. of Sir H. Furnese, Bart., of Waldershare, Kent. Slie d. 1721. Power of Attorney from R. Edgecumbe and others, to receive South-Sea Dividends. 10 th November, 1724. Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 15,949, fol. 83. Petition of the Miners of Derby to Lord Edgecumbe, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan- caster, ib., 6682, p. 449. EDGCUMBE, Richard (son of Richard, 1st Baron). 2nd Baron Mount Edgcumbe. b. 1716. d. 10th May, 1761. cf JFalpole's Noble Authors (Park's ed.), iv, 242 ; Chatham Correspondence, i, 188 ; Gent. Mag., xxxi, 237 (1761). Fable of the Ass. By the late Lord E-g-e. New Foundling Hospital for Wit (1786), vi, 106-8. Ode to Health. Written 10th March, 1775 {sic), ib., vi, 108-9. Encaustic : or Count Caylus's Method of Painting in the manner of the ancients. To which is added a sure and easy method for fixing of Crayons. By J. H. Miintz. Lond., printed for the Author... 1760, 8°., pp. viii and 139. NoTE.^Dedicated to the Et. Hon. Eiehard, Lord Edgcumbe, etc., who is styled " The Greatest Patron of Arts, and the best Judge of the Merits of Painting." EDGCUMBE, Richard, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A. (son of George, 1st Earl). 2nd Earl of Mount Edgcumbe. 6. 13th Sept., 1764. d. 26th Sept., 1839. cf Gent. Mag., xii, 540 (1839). Musical Reminiscences of an old amateur; chiefly respecting the Italian Opera in England for fifty years, from 1773 to 1823. 2nd ed., continued to the present time. Anon. Lond., W. Clarke, New Bond Street, 1827, 12"., pp. 183. Note The 1st ed. was privately circulated. EDGCUMBE, Eichaed. (Con.). Musical Reminiscences ; containing an account of the Italian Opera in England from 1773. The fourth edition, continued to the present time, and including the Festival in Westminster Abbey. By the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe. Lond., John Andrews, Old Bond Street ; F. H. Wall, Rich- mond [printed]; 1834, 12"., pp xvi and 294, 8/-.— Lond., 1849, 12°., 8/-. Letter to John Burke, containing an account of the Baronetcy of Furnese. 22nd Dec, 1835. Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 16,569, fol. 97. EDGCUMBE, Roger (? son of Sir Richard, d. 1638). Threni Exoniensium in obitum...D. Johannis Petrei, Baronis de Writtle. Oxon., 1613, 4°. Note. — Contains verses by E. E^gcomb. EDGEWORTH, Maria (eldest dau. of R. L. Edgeworth). b. Black-Bourton, near Oxford, 1st Jan., 1767. d. Edgeworthstown, 21st May, 1849. Popular Tales. By Miss Edgeworth. 2nd ed., Lond., printed for J. Johnson, 1805, 3 vols., 12". Note. — Contains "Lame Jervas; a Story of a Cornish Miner Boy," i, 1—127.— Eeprinted in Miss Edge- worth's Novel and Tales (1832), iv, 1—81, and in " Every Boy's Stories " (Lond., Jas. Hogg and Sons, n.d., 1861, 8".), pp. 419—79. EDMONDS, Frederic, M.D., F.R.C.S. (5th son of Rich. Edmonds, Sen.), b. Penzance, 23rd April, 1810. A Letter to the Editor of The Lancet, with the Explanatory Statement of the Defendant [i.e., F. Edmonds] in Millett v. Edmonds. Lond., J. Wade, 1866, 8"., 1/-. Note.— Eespeoting the reported poisoning of Jacob Curnow Millett. at Hayle, in Jan., 1864. On the Temperature of Mexico. Rep. R.I.C., 1846, p. 71. Notice of Obsidian from Mexico. Geol. Sac. Proc, ii, 686 (1838). EDMONDS, George {3rd son of Rich. Edmonds, Sen.), b. Penzance, 25th March, 1805. d. Croydon, 13th Sept., 1869. The King against Sir Charles Wolseley, Baronet, and Joseph Harrison, Schoolmaster; set down for trial at Chester, on the 4th April, 1820. Brief remarks, tending to show the un- tenability of this indictment. By Jeremy Bentham, Bencher of Lincoln's Inn. Lond., printed by John Mc Creezy, Black-Horse Court, Fleet Street, 1820, 8°., pp. 39. Note.— This work has a second title-page, which EDMONDS. 182 EDMONDS. EDMONDS, Gboege. (Con.). commences as foUo-ws : " The King against Edmonds and others ; set down for trial at Warwick, 29th JWarch, 1820. Brief Remarks tending to show," etc., etc. " The Tuck Net " retuoked, or Porpoises in- stead of Pilchards!!! ... Penzance, 1824, 12°. See JeiTery, John. By His Majesty's Eoyal Letters Patent. The Philosophic AljDhabet, with an explanation of its principles... To which is added a Philosophic System of Punctuation. By G. Edmonds. Lond., Simpkin; Birmingham, F. & J. Turner [printed] ; 1832, 8"., pp. iv and 96. George Edmonds' complete Ancient Classical Dictionary. [Stevens and Pardon, Printers, Bell Yard, London], n.d. [1837], 12°., pp. 16. NoiE. — ^Without title-page. George Edmonds' complete English Grammar, with a supplemental Grammar of Etiquette. 5th ed., Lond., published forG. Edmonds, Esq., 19, East Street, Lamb's Conduit Street... 1837, 12°., pp. 16, l^d. The Tri-National Grammar. By G. Edmonds. [Colophon, "Published by G. Edmonds, 12, Church Eow, Old St. Pancras, and 25, Bow Street ; Stevens and Pardon, Printers, etc."] ; n.d. [1838], 12°., pp. 16. A Universal Alphabet, Grammar, and Langu- age ; comprising a scientific classification of the radical elements of discourse, and illustrative translations from the Holy Scriptures and the Principal British Classics ; to which is added a Dictionary of the Language. By G. Edmonds. London and Glasgow, E. Griffin and Co., n d. [1856], 4°. Preface, pp. vii ; Contents, pp. vii; Introduction, pp. 34 ; Book I, Alphabet, pp. 152 ; Book II, Translation, pp. 44, Notes, pp. iii. Addenda and Corrigenda, pp. ix ; Book III, Dictionary, unpaged. EDMONDS, EiCHARD, Sen. Town-Clerk of Mamzion, 1805-60. 6. St. Buryan, 20th May, 1774. d. Penzance, 14th April, 1860. On a Granite Vein discovered in Herland Mine. Tram. R.G.S.C, iii, 332 (1827). EDMONDS, EiCHAED, JuN. {eldest son of the preceding), h. Penzance, 18th Sept. 1801. Hymns for the Principal Festivals of the Church, and for other occasions. Two hundred copies are, by permission, offered to the Eev. Henry Batten, M.A., the Incumbent of Penzance, for the benefit of the Penzance Church School. By the Author of the Original Hymns [i.e., Eich- ard Edmonds], a Member of his Flock. Lond., Longman; Penzance, T. Beare: 1857, 8°., pp. 206, 1/-. ^^ Note.— 185 Hymns, 44 of which are by E. Edmonds. EDMONDS, EiOHABD, Jun. (Con.). The Land's End District; its Antiquities, Natural History, Natural Phenomena, & Scenery; also a brief Memoir of E. Trevithick, C.E. By E. Edmonds (late of Penzance), Secretary for Cornwall to the Cambrian Archaeological Asso- ciation. With map, 6 plates, and several wood- cuts. Lond., J. E. Smith ; Penzance, F. T. Vibert; 1862, 8°., pp. 270, 7/6. A Statistical Account of the Parish of Madron, containing the Borough of Penzance. 1839, 8°. Note. — Reprinted from Jom™. Statist. Soc. of Lond., ii, 198—233 (1839). On the Phoenician Tin Trade of Cornwall. With Eemarks on the Great Irruption of the Sea in the Eleventh Century, Sand Hillocks, Eaised Beaches, the Causeway between Marazion and St. Michael's Mount ; and on the origin of the names Marazion, Market Jew, Iktin, and Britain. By E. Edmonds. Eeprinted from the .Annual Report and Transactions of the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society, 1867-8. Plymouth, Isaiah W. N. Keys and Sons, 52, Bedford Street, 1868, 8°., pp. 23. Notice of an Extraordinary Literary Blunder. Signed E. E. N. & Q., 2 S., vi, 108 (1858). Meteor of 29th June, 1832. Literary Gazette, 7th July, 1832, p. 430. An Ancient Church [Perranzabuloe] restored to light. Letter dated Eedruth, 24th Sept., 1835. ib., 3rd Oct., 1835, p. 634. Eemarkable Appearance of the Sun. Letter dated Penzance, 20th May, 1842. ib., 28th May, 1842, p. 364. Extraordinary Movement of the Sea in Mount's Bay, 5th July, 1843. ib., 15th July, 1843, p. 464. c/. JVest Briton, 28th July, 1843; Trans. Roy. Soc. of Edinb., xv, 610, 615, 623 (1843). Notice of the Great Meteor, June 29, 1832. Lond. and Edinb. Philos. Mag., i, 306-7 (1832)-. The Visibility of the Stars by day. ib., iii, 238-9 (1833). The Mirage as seen in Cornwall, ib., viii, 169-70 (1836). On Earthquakes and Extraordinary Agitations of the Sea. ib., xxxi, 45-52 (1866). On Extraordinary Agitations of the Sea not produced by Winds or Tides, ib., xxxvii, 35- 40 (1869). On Lunar Periodicities in Earthquakes, &c, Edinb. New Philos. Journ., xxxviii, 271-79 (1845). Great Thunder-Storms, etc., on 5th July and 1st Aug., 1846. ib., xli, 412-14 (1846). On the Origin of the Saud-hillocks of St. EDMONDS. 183 EDMONDS. EDMONDS, EiOHAED, Jcn. (Con.). Ives Bay, etc. ib., xliii, 181-84 (1847). Oscillation of tlie Waters in Lake Ontario. ib., xlv, 107-109 (1848). Extraordinary Agitation of the Sea, 23rd May, 1847. ib., xlv, 109-110. On the Eapid Diminution of the Sand-banks in Mount's Bay. ib., xlv, 113-15. Land Shells found beneath Sand-hillocks in Cornwall, ib., xlvii, 263-65 (1848). On the Fragment of a Bronze Furnace, etc. ib., 1, 58-61 (1851)._ The apparent Visibility of Stars through the Moon immediately before their occultation. ib., Ivi, 137-39 (1854). Account of an Earthquake, etc. ib., iii, 280- 285 (1856). Contributions to the Biography of Eichard Trevithick, C.E. ib., x, 327-336 (1859). Extraordinary Agitations of the Sea in the West of England, and Earthquake Shocks in Cornwall in 1858 and 1859. ib., xii, 1-14 (1860). Earthquakes in Cornwall & Yorkshire, Whirl- wind near Penzance, ib., xii, 203-206 (1860). Earthquakes in Cornwall on 13th Jan., 1860. ib., xiii, 100-105 (1861). Ancient British Caves, etc. ih., xiv, 201-202. Notes on Earthquakes and Agitations of the Sea. ib., xiv, 203-206. The Buried Church in the sands of Gwithian. ib., xvii, 14-16 (1863). St. Michael's Mount and the Phoenicians, ib., xviii, 173-81. Bee-hive British Dwellings at Bosphrennis and Chapel Euny, near Penzance, ib., xviii, , 187-190. The Calling of the Sea. Eep. E.O.P. Soc, 1843, p. 47. Sepulchral Monument discovered on Carnsew Cliff, in Hayle, in Dec, 1843. Plate, ib., 1844, p. 69. Note.— The above two papers are reprinted in Coiirtney's "Guide to Penzance," App., pp. 53—58. Ancient Customs in Cornwall. Trans. P.N.H. & A. Soc, i, 69-82 (1846). Thunder Storms and Agitations of the Sea m 1846. ib., i, 102-6. The Effects of Lightning at Polmenna in 1846. ib., i, 155-6. Four Whirlwinds at St. Just in 1846. ib., i, 157-8 (1847). The Oscillation of the Waters in Lake Ontario in 1845. ib., i, 169-70. The Agitation of the Sea on the 23rd May, 1847. «6.,i, 171-2. . . in. The Cromlechs near Penzance, ib., i, 195- 202 (1848). EDMONDS, EiOHAED, JuN. (Con.). Barrows, Urns, and other Sepulchral Eemains, found near Penzance, ib., i, 229-36. On Ancient Mill-stones and British Villages near Penzance, ib., i, 245-50. The Tolm^n of Constantino, ib., i, 309 (1849). Ancient Cave near Penzance compared with Caves in Scilly and Sepulchres in Sardinia, ib., i, 310-13. Hill Castles, Cliff Castles, and other supposed British Dwellings, near Penzance, ib., i, 341-6. Also found as a Pamph., with a title page, 1849, 8". Fragment of a Bronze Furnace discovered near St. Michael's Mount, ib., i, 347-51. Also found as a Pamph., with a title page, 1849, 8°. Druidical Temples near Penzance, ib., i, 381- 6 (1850). The Wind and the Lightning of 14th Dec, 1850. ib., ii, 19-20. Crucifix found at Penzance, ib., ii, 46-7 (1851). The Calling of the Sea and the Wind, ib., ii, 103-5. Ancient Mill-stone found at St. Just, ib., ii, 106-7 (1852). Extraordinary Vegetable Productions, ib., ii, 238. Inscribed Stone found in St. Hilary, ib., ii, 290-94(1853). i On Sand-banks in Mount's Bay. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. of Lond., iv, p. Ixxviii (1848). On Land Shells below Sand-hillocks on the Coast of Cornwall, ib., v, p. xcii (1849). On Extraordinary Agitations of the Sea, with a refutation of the new theory thereon. Trwns. Devonshire Assoc, of Science, etc. (1869). On Eemarkable Lunar Periodicities in Earth, quakes. Extraordinary Oscillations of the Sea, and Atmospherical Changes. Brit. Assoc. Section, 1845, pp. 20-22. , Thermometrical Maxima at or near the Moon s first quarter during 12 years.— 1839-1850. ib., 1850, p. 32. , , c. ^ On Extraordinary Agitations of the bea not produced by winds or tides, with a refutation of the new theory thereon, ib., 1870, p. 160. The Antiquities of the ;Land's End district. ArchcBol. Camb., iii, 275-95, 350-68 (1857); iv, 66-76, 173-83, 274-83, 426 (1858) Ancient Wells in Oxfordshire, Bedfordshire, and Cornwall, ib., vii, 171-72 (1861). The Lost Church in the sands of Orwithian. ib., ix, 52-54 (1863). EDMOKDS. 134 EDMONDS. EDMONDS, BiCHABD, Jun. (Con.). Extraordinary Movement of the Sea, July, 1843, with notice... of Earthquakes which have occurred in Cornwall. Trans. E.G.S.C., vi, 111- 121 (1843). Lunar Periodicities in Earthquakes, Atmos- pherical Changes, and Hygrometrical Facts, ib., vi, 196-210, 259-264 (1845). Also found as Pamphlets, with title-pages, 1844 and 1845, 8". The Origin of the Sand-hillocks of St. Ives Bay, Whitesand Bay, and Mount's Bay. ib., vi, 301-304. Also found as a Pamph., with a title-page, 1846, 8". The Rapid Diminution of the Sand-banks in Mount's Bay. ib., vii, 31-33 (1847). Land Shells found beneath the surface of sand-hillocks on the coasts of Cornwall, ib., vii, 70-71 (1848). On Earthquakes, &c. ib., vii, 164-67. Also found as a Pamph., with a title-page, 1850, 8°. Earthquake, 30th May, 1855, and Agitation of the Sea, 6th June, 1855. ib., vii, 279-84 (1855). Agitations of the Sea and Earthquakes, ib., vii, 355-68 (1858-59). Earthquake, 13th Jan., 1860. ib., vii, 381- 87 (1860). On Earthquakes, &c. ib. (1865). On Extraordinary Agitations of the Sea not produced by winds or tides, ib. (1868). On the Earthquake Sea-waves in Peru, New Zealand, etc., on the 13th and 14th Aug., 1868, and in the West of England, on Michaelmas Day, 1869 ; also on the Earthquake Shock felt at Sea, near Peru, on the 24th Aug., 1869, and on the great Sea Waves near the Land's End, in 1809. ib. (1869). Optical Phcenomena. Hep. B.I.O., 1841, p. 28. Periodicities in Atmospherical and other Phce- nomena. ib., 1844, p. 41. Also found as a Pamph., with a title-page, 1845, 8". Lunar Periodicities, ib., 1848, p. 46. The Climate of Australia, ib., 1850, p. 25. The Tolm^n of Constantino, ib., 1857, p. 30. Earthquakes in Cornwall, ib., 1859, p. 28. Earthquakes in Cornwall and Yorkshire, and Whirlwinds near Penzance, ib., 1860, p. 51. Description of Cornish Antiquities for the guidance of the Camb. Archseol. Soc. ib., 1861, pp. 12-14. Bee-hive Cave at Chapel Euny, and Longi- tudinal Cave at Chyoyster. ib., 1861, p. 48-50. Notes on Earthquakes, etc. ib., 1861, p. 56- 60. St. Michael's Mount and the Phoenicians, ib., 1863, pp. 63-70. Bee-hive British Dwellings, ib., 1863. EDMONDS, EiCHABD, Jtjn. (Con.). The Death-watch ; the ticking of Anobium. : Nat. Hist., vi, 468-69 (1834). Extraordinary Oscillation of the Sea ... in Mount's Bay. Proe. Boy. Soc, v, 962 (1850). The Calling of the Sea. ib., v, 968. Mr. Peel's Act. By Epsilon [i.e., E. Edmonds] Cornish Mag., iii, 115 (1828). Cornish Customs on Midsummer Eve. ib iii, 137. Proposed Reformation of the Laws of England. By E, Redruth [i.e., R. Edmonds], ib., iii, 153. Penzance and Mount's Bay. ib., iii, 158. Trial by Jury, ib., iii, 183. Puns and Punning. By Redruth [i.e., E. Edmonds], ib., iii, 86-92. Insulation of St. Michael's Mount, ComwaL Nature, iii, 309 (1871). EDMONDS, Thomas Rowe, B.A. {2nd son of Eich. Edmonds, Sen.), b. Penzance, 20th June, 1803. Practical, Moral, and Political Economy; or the Government, Religion, and Institutions, most conducive to individual happiness and to national power. By T. E. Edmonds, A.B., Trinity Coll., Camb. Lond., Effingham Wilson, Royal Ex- change, 1828, 80., pp. viii and 304, 9/-. Lite Tables, founded on the discovery of a Numerical Law regulating the existence of every human being. Illustrated by a new theory of the causes producing health and longevity. By T. E. Edmonds. Lond., Duncan, 1832, imp. 8". On the Influence of Age on the Mortality of the Population of Sweden. Proc. Statis. Soc. of Lond., vol. i [No. 10, 17th April, 1837], pp. 1-17. On the Movement of the Populations of Eng'land and Sweden throughout 75 years, ending with 1830. ib., pp. 17-22. An Enquiry into the Laws which govern the Mortality of the People of England; founded upon official records of births, deaths, and popu- lation, for the last 70 years. By T. E. Edmonds, Actuary to the Legal and General Life Assurance Soc, London. The Lancet, pp. 297-301, March 9, 1850. An Enquiry into the Law which governs the MortaHty of the Population of England, in various localities of Town and Country ; founded upon Official Eecords of the Eegistrar-General. ib., pp. 328-29, March 16, 1850. EDMONDS. 135- EDWAEDS. EDMONDS, Thomas Eowe. [Con.). On the Laws of Mortality and Sickness of the Labouring Classes of England, ib., pp. 329-32, Oct. 21, 1854, and pp. 453-56, Dec. 2, 1854. On the Law of Increase of the Population of England during the last 100 years. By T. R. Edmonds. The Assurance Mag., ii, 57-69 (1851). On an unfair suppression of due acknowledg- ment to the writings of Mr. Benjamin Gompertz. By Professor De Morgan, ib., ix, 86-9 (1861). On the discovery of the law of human mor- tality, and on the antecedent partial discoveries of Dr. Price and Mr. Gompertz. By T. R. Edmonds, ib., ix, 170-84. On Mr. Gompertz's law of mortality. By Professor De Morgan, ib., ix, 214-15. On Mr. Gompertz's law of human mortality, and Mr. Edmonds' claims to its independent discovery and extension. By T. B. Sprague. ib., ix, 288-95. Letter from Benjamin Gompertz. ib., ix, 296-8. On the law of human mortality, and on Mr. Gompertz's new exposition of his laws of mor- tality. By T. R. Edmonds, ib., ix, 327-41. [Also found as a Pamph., printed by E. & 0. Layton, 150, Fleet Street, n.d., 8°., pp. 15]. Mr. Edmonds ; College Life. By Professor De Morgan, ib., x, 29-30 (1862). On the recent imputations made as to Mr. Gompertz's accuracy. By T. B. Sprague. ib., X, 32-44. On the value of Mr. Gompertz's Formula for the number living, in terms of the mortality according to age, compared with the value of a similar Formula published in 1832. By T. R. Edmonds, ib., x, 104-113. On the Elastic Force of Steam of Maximum Density ; with a new Formula for the expression of such force in terms of the Temperature. Lond., Edinb., and Dub. Philos. Mag. and Journ. of Science, xxix, 169-87 (1865). On the Laws of Density of Saturated Steam, expressed by a new Formula, ib., xxx, 1-11 (1865). On the Laws of Human Mortality, expressed by a new Formula, ib., xxxi, 1-16, (1866). Note. — The Penzance Public Library have [re- printed] copies of the three preceding papers, bound in one volume, with the following printed title : " On the Laws governing Human Mortality, Pressure of Saturated Steam, and Density of Saturated Steam. By T. E. Edmonds. London, 1866," 8°. On Vital Force according to Age and the "-English Life Table." ib., xxxviii, 18-33 (1869). EDMONDS, Thomas Eowe. {Con.). On the Laws of Density of Steam, etc. The Artizan, pp. 175-79, Aug. 1, 1865 ; The Engineer, 28th July, 1865. On the Reform of the Income and Property Tax. A Letter from. Junius \i.e., T. R. Edmonds] to Joseph Hume, Esq., M.P. Daily News, 8tn Jan., 1853. Second Report from the Select Committee on the Income and Property Tax... Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 22nd June, 1852. Note. — Evidence of T. E. Edmonds, 24th April, 1852. Questions 2314 to 4565, pp. 121^8. EDSALL, Charles Stokes {son of William Edsall). b. Helston, I6th June, 1797. d. Truro, 6th April, 1869. Copper-Ore Tables, shewing the Prices of Ores of different Produces, together with the mode of conducting the Copper-Ore Ticketing. By C. S. Edsall, Accountant. Truro, Heard and Sons, 1854, 8"., pp. 432, 42/-. EDWARD V. Grant to Edward, the King's Son, of the Duchy of Cornwall, 15 Ed. IV [1475]. Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 15,663, fol. 248. EDWARDS, John Passmoee {2nd son of Will. Edwards), b. Blackwater, near Chacewater, 24th March, 1824. The Temperance Tract Journal. [Ed. by J. P. Edwards]. Nos. 1 and 2, January and February, 1851, S°., pp. 32, Id each. Note. — No more published. The Public Good : devoted to the advocacy of great principles and advancement of useful insti- tutions and the elevation of man. By J. P. Edwards. Lond., pubHshed by J. P. Edwards, 2, Horse-Shoe Court, Ludgate HDl, n.d. [1849- 51], 3 vols., 8°., Note. — Originally appeared in twopenny monthly parts. Public Good Almanac for 1851. Ed. by J. P. Edwards. Lond., published at "Public Good" Office, Lovell's Court, Paternoster Row, 1851, 8^'., 2d. ., , The Poetic Companion, for the fireside, the fields, the woods, and the streams. [Ed. by J P. Edwards]. Lond., "Poetic Companion' Office, Lovell's Court, Paternoster Row, 1851, 8°. Note.— OriginaUy appeared in twopenny monthly parts. The first is dated January, 1851. The Peace Advocate and Correspondent. [Ed. by J. P. Edwards]. Lond., published by J. P. Edwards, "Public Good" Office, LoveU's Court, EDWARDS. 136 ELFIN. EDWAEDS, John Passmobe. (Con.). Paternoster Eow. Nos. 1 and 2, January and February, 1851, 8°., pp. 32, Id. each. Note. — No more published. The Eclectic Review. Lond., 1852-60, 8". Tait's Edinburgh Magazine. Edinburgh, 1852 -60, 8°. Note. — During the years above-mentioned Mr. Ed- wards contributed to these two publications. Lives of the Illustrious (The Biographical Magazine). Lond., J. P. Edwards, 2, Horse-shoe Court, Ludgate Hill, 1852-55, 7 vols., 8°., 7/6 each. Note.— Originally appeared in sixpenny monthly parts. The War a blunder and a crime. By J. P. Edwards. Lond., published by Houlston and Stoneman, Paternoster Row, n.d. [1855], 8"., pp. 50, 1/-. Shot and Shell. [Ed. by J. Passmore Ed- wards]. 1855, Id. weekly. Note. — Announced for publication, but was never commenced, owing to the cessation of the Eussian War. The Mechanics' Magazine. Lond., 1860-68, 8°. Note. — During the years above-mentioned Mr. Ed- wards was proprietor of this Magazine. He succeeded Mr. B. J. Eeed as Editor, upon that gentleman's ap- pointment to the ControUersMp of the Navy. The Building News and Engineering Journal. [Ed. by J. P. Edwards]. Printed and published for the proprietor [J. P. Edwards], by E. J. Kibblewhite, 31, Tavistock Street, Covent Gard- en, London. Plates. Weekly, foL, pp. 28, 3d. Note. — In progress. Mr. Edwards has been the proprietor of this paper since 1861. The circulation is now (1871) 7,000 a week. English Mechanic and World of Science; with which are incorporated " The Mechanic," " Scientific Opinion," and the " British and Foreign Mechanic." [Ed. by J. P. Edwards]. Woodcuts. Lond., printed and published (for the proprietor, J. P. Edwards) by E. J. Kibble- white, 31, Tavistock Street, London. Weekly, fol., pp. 32, 2d. Note. — In progress. Mr. Edwards has been the proprietor of this paper since 1869. The circulation is now (1871) 27,000 a week. Banquet to J. Passmore Edwards, Esq. [Lond., W. H. ColUngridge, Aldersgate Street, n.d., 29th Oct., 1866], 8°., pp. 8. Note. — ^Without Title-page. The Mission of Richard Cobden. Howitt's Journ., m, 200-203 (1848). The Peace Congress. People's Journ., vi, 197- 200, 225-28 (1848). The Pleasures of Knowledge, ib., vi, 323-25. EDWAEDS, John Passmoee. (Con.). Revolutions and Reforms, ib., vi, 107-111. The Greatest Evil, ib., vi, 282-85. The Two Sisters, ib., vi, 169-73. The New Movement, ib., vii, 38-39 (1849). The Advantages of Knowledge, ib., vii, 127- 29. The EngUsh in France. A Few Days in Paris. 344, 358. ib., vii, 250-52. I., vii, 301, 315, 329, EDWARDS, Richard, M.A., M.D. {Zrd son of John Edwards), b. Cornwall, d. Falmouth, 12th Sept., 1827. cf. Gent. Mag., xcvii, pt. 2, 471 (1827); Annual Biog. far 1828, p. 433; New Mmthly Mag., xxi, 485 (1827). A.D. 1813, No. 3667. Specification of E. Edwards, of the parish of Budock, Doctor of Physic, and William Williams, of the Borough of Penryn, Surgeon, for the invention of "A certain process for extracting arsenic from any of the ores or other substances in which it is contained, in a purer state than it is at present procured in this kingdom." 2 section plans. Lond., 1813, fol. — Reprinted, Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1856, fol., pp. 7, 9d. MSS. additions to Pryce's Mineralogia. By Dr. Edwards, cf. Journ. B.I. C, Oct., 1 864, p. ix. EDWARDS, Rev. William. Wesleyan Minister in Cornwall 1824. d. Ipswich, 16th May, 1860, aged 70. cf. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixxxiii, 842 (1860). Memoir of Mrs. Amey Brokenshire (daughter of Mr. Verco, of Rathern Bridge), who died at Brixham, 14th April, 1824, aged 71. Methodist Mag., xlvii, 716 (1824). EDWARDS, Zachary. Primitise. [In verse]. With eight photo- gBaphs. By Z.- Edwards. Lond., Provost & Co. (successors to A. W. Bennett), 5, Bishopsgate Without,, 1869, 8°., pp. viii and -202, 7/6. Note.— (;:!ontains views of Tiutagel Castle, Tiatagel Head, &o. EFFINGAM, John. d. near Penryn, circa 6th Feb., 1757, aged 144. cf. Public Adver- tiser, 18th Feb., 1757. ELFIN. A Cornish Ghost Story. A Night's Adventures at the Devil's Stile, or Jacky Trevose and Mary Trevean. By "Elfin." Truro, James R. Nether- ton, Lemon Street, 1862, 8"., pp. 19, 3d. EGAN. 137 ELIOT. EGAN, Pierce (son of James Egan). I. London, 4th Sept., 1773. d. London, 3rd Aug., 1849. Pierce Egan's Book of Sports gand Mirror of Life ; embracing the turf, the chase, the ring, and the stage; interspersed with original memoirs of sporting men, etc. Dedicated to George Osbaldeston, Esq. Lond., Tegg, 1832, pp. iv and 414. Note.— No. xxi, price 3d., " The Wrestlers," con- tains notices of the following Cornish wrestlers : Polkinghorne, George Saunders (of the Coldstream Eegiment of Guards), Francis Olver, Trewioke, John- son, Cooks, Benjamin Sambell. ELIE DE BEAUMONT, Jean Baptiste Ar- MAND Louis Leonce. See Dufr6noy, P. A. ELIOT FAMILY, of Cornwall, cf. Brydges' ed. of Collins' Peerage, viii, 3-7 ; N. & Q., 3 S., iv, 305 (1863). Genealogical Memoranda, relating to the families of Eliot, of Port Eliot, and Craggs, of Wyserley. Copied from Documents in the pos- session of the Rt. Honble. the Earl of St. Ger- mans. Lond., privately printed by Taylor & Co., Little Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 1868, 4"., pp. 16. Note.— Originally appeared in Miscell. Geneal. et Herald, ii, 34—49. Genealogy of the Eliot family. Originally compiled by W. H. Eliot, jun. ; revised and en- larged by W. S. Porter. Newhaven, Conn., George B. Bassett and Co., 1854, 8"., pp. 184. Note. — The account of the Cornish family con- tained in pp. 17 — 29, 181 — 2. Pedigree of Eliot family. Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 5,839, pp. 451-3, 460. ELIOT, Lady Catherine (dau. of Edward EUiston, and wife of Edward, \st Baron Eliot, of St. Germans), h. 1735. d. Port Eliot, 23rd Feb., 1804. Note. — Lady Eliot was maternal cousin to Gibbon. See under Eliot, Edward. ELIOT, Edward {son of Rich. Eliot). Baron Eliot of St. Germans, 30th Jan., 1784. Com- missioner of the Board of Trade, 1760-1776. I. St. George's, Hanover Square, London, 8th July, 1727. d. Port Eliot, I7th Feb., 1804. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxiv, pt. i, 186 (1804); H. Walpole's Journ. of Geo. Ill, from 1771-83, ii, 26; BoswelFs Johnson (ed. 1848), pp. 511, 642, 680, 748 ; Mem. of Life and Writings of E. Gibbon (ed. 1827), i, 16, 57, 226; ii, 75, 123, 125, 138; Chesterfields Letters (Mahon's ed.), i, 65, 169, 224; ii, 355, 364; iv, 337. Letters from E. Eliot to his father, E. Eliot, written during his tour through Holland, Prussia, ELIOT, Bdwakd. {Con.). and Switzerland, in 1744-48. MSS. Port Eliot. ' Ten Letters from W. Harte to E. Eliot, 1746- 52. MSS. ib. Six Letters from Lord Chesterfield to E. Eliot, 1747 or 48. MSS. ib. Note.— Lord Chesterfield sent his son, Philip Stan- hope, as traveUing companion with B. Eliot, under Rev. W. Harte. One of the letters is of condolence with E. Eliot, on the occasion of his father's death. Three Letters from P. Stanhope, at Leipzig, to E. Eliot, at Port Eliot. 1748. MSS. ib. A Letter from E. Nugent to E. Eliot. London 23rd Nov., 1753. MSS. ib. Four letters from Edward Gibbon, of Benton (father of the Historian), to E. Eliot (who m. his niece, Catherine EUiston). 1753,1767. MSS. ib. Seven Letters from E. Gibbon (the Historian) to E. EHot. 1775-88. MSS. ib. Letters from "W. Pitt to Lord Eliot. Walmer Castle, 10th Oct., 1797. MSS. ib. Letters from John Whitaker to Lord Eliot, 1 793-95, about his " Ancient Cathedral of Corn- wall." MSS. ib. Letter from Lord Chesterfield to Edward Eliot, Esq., dated Bath, 19th Oct., 1748. Lord Chest- erfield's Letters (Mahon's ed.), v, 449-50. ELIOT, Edward Granville (only son of Will, 2nd Earl). 3rd Earl of St. Germans, b. Port Eliot, 29th Aug., 1798. Advice to the Government on the subject of Irish Education, in a series of Letters on Edu- cational Reform, addressed to the Eight Hon. Lord Eliot, M.P. By an Educational Advocate. . Belfast, printed for the Author, and sold by W. H. Parker, Lond.. ..1842, 12"., pp. iv and 71. Reasons for not signing an address to Her Majesty on the subject of the recent so-called Papal Aggression. By the Earl of St. Germans. 2nd ed., Lond., James Ridgway, 1850, 8"., pp. 16. Marriages Bill. Speeches of the Earl of St. Gerinans and Viscount Gage, in the House of Lords, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1851. Printed for the Marriage Law Reform Association. Lond., James Madden, 8, Leadenhall Street, 1851, 8"., pp. 32. Note. — Lord St. Germans' Speech, pp. 3 — 24. Marriage with a deceased wife's sister. Speech • of the Earl of St. Germans, in the House of Lords, Monday, June 21, 1852, on the presenta- tions of petitions in favour of rendering lawful marriage with a deceased wife's sister. Published for the Marriage Law Reform Association. Lond., Seeleys, 1852, 8°., pp. 24. Marriages Bill. Speeches of the Earl of St. Germans, the Earl of Albemarle, the Lord Ravensworth, and the Earl Grey, in the House of Lords, on the 25th April, 1856. Printed for ELIOT. 138 ELIOT. ELIOT, Edwaed Granville. (Con.), the Marriage Law Reform Association. Lond., T. Hatchard, 1856, 8"., pp. 34. Note. — Lord St. Germans' Speech, pp. 3 — 24. Addresses delivered at Meetings of the Senate of the Queen's University in Ireland, to confer degrees on Students of the Queen's Colleges of Belfast, Cork, and Galway. By the Et. Hon. Maziere Brady... from the year 1852 to 1858. And those of the Lords Lieutenants of Ireland, who successively attended those meetings. Dub- lin, Hodges, Smith & Co., 1859, 8°., pp. iv and 102.— 2nd ed., Dublin, Hodges, 1863, 8°., pp. iv and 178. Note. — Lord St. Germans' Speech contained in pp. 27—9. ELIOT, Hon. Edwakd James (2nd son of Isi Baron Eliot), b. Port Eliot, 24th Aug., 1758. d. Port EKot, 20th Sept., ] 797. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixvii, pt. 2, 896 (1797). Nine Letters from E. J. Eliot to his Father. 1785-89. MSS. Port Eliot. ELIOT, Edward John Coknwallis. Lord Eliot (eldest son of Srd Earl of St. Germans). b. 2nd April, 1827. bapt. St. George's, Han- over Square, 16th May. d. Port Eliot, 26th Nov., 1864. cf. Gent. Mag., xviii, 119 (1865). Begins "Address to the Eight Hon. Lord Eliot," [in recommendation of J. Kingsley's County Books]. [Dublin, 1841 (?)], 8°, £r. Museum. ELIOT, Harriet (natural dau. of James Craggs and wife of Richard Eliot, who d. 1748). 6. 1714. bur. St. Germans, 1st Feb., 1769, cf. Chatham Correspondence, iv, 373, ELIOT, Jemima. Countess of St. Germans (?,rd dau. of Charles, 2nd Marquis Cornwallis, and wife of 3rd Earl of St. Germans), d. 2nd July, 1856. Gleanings of Verse. Edited by Granville Edward Harcourt Vernon, and sold by the Countess of St. Germans, for the benefit of the distressed Irish, at the Bazaar held in theRegent's Park Barracks, May, 1847. [With a Preface by the Countess], [Whittingham, Chiswick, 18471 4"., pp. 64. -" ELIOT, John (3rd and youngest son of Rich. Eliot, who d. 1748). Governor of East Florida b. Port Eliot, 12th June, 1741. d. East Florida, 12th June, 1769. cf Charnoch's Bioq. Navalis, vi, 391. ^ ELIOT, Sir John, Knt. (son of Rich. Eliot, who d. 1609). bapt. Port Eliot, 20th April, 1590. d. In the Tower of London, 27th Nov., 1632. cf Bliss' Wood, ii, 478-79 ; Gent. Mag., viii, 483 (1837) ; Sir R. Ferney's Notes of the Long Parliament (Camden Soc, 1845), pp. 102- 4 ; /. D' Israeli's Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles I (1828), ii, 268-84, iv, 507-. 48; Lord Nugent s Some Memorials of J. Hamp- den, i, 150-77; Echard's History (1720), p. 424 ; Aikin's Charles I, i, 265 ; Biog. Brit. ; W. H. Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower (1870-71), iv, 3. The Statesmen of the Commonwealth of Eng- land. . .By John Forster. Lond., Longman, 1840, 5 vols., 8". Note. — Aoeotint of Sir J. Eliot, i, 1 — 177. Ee- printed from (Lardner's Cabinet Encycloptedia) Lives of Eminent British Statesmen, ii, 1 — 125. Sir John Eliot ; aBiography. 1590-1632. By John Forster. Portrait. Lond., Longman, 1864, 2 vols., 8°., 30/-. Sir J. Eliot, his grave and learned Speech, spoken in the High Court of Parliament, de- siring an orderlie proceeding in matters of re- ligion, and that it may not be onely disputed of, but firmely established, as it ought to be ; ex- pressing the misprision and errour whereby His Majesty is traduced by evUl members about him ; and the great danger of overwhelming that we were in by the Bishops' Articles and their proceedings ; exhorting to maintaine our King, Country, and Eeligion, even with the sword, against all opposers ; with a motion pro- pounded for laying down of the grounds wherein the Arminians and we differ. Lond., printed for V. v., 1641, 4°. Without pagination. The Argvments upon the Writ of Habeas Corpus, in the Court of King's Bench,.. Where- unto is annexed the Petition of Sir J. ElUot, Knight, in behalf of the Liberty of the Subject, Lond., printed by M. F., for W. Lee, M. Wal- bancke, D. Pakeman, and G. Bedell, 1649, 4"., pp. 95, Note. — The Petition of Sir J. Eliot is comprised in pp. 91—95. Eliot, Hampden, and Pym ; or a Eeply of " The Author of a Book " entitled " Commen- taries on the Life and Eeign of Charles the First," to "The Author of a Book" entitled " Some Memorials of John Hampden, his Party and his Times." [Signed I. D'Israeli]. Lond., Colburn and Bentley, 1832, 8°., pp. 50. Speech in the Parliament at Oxford, 10th Aug., 1625, MSS Port Eliot, in Sir J. Ehot'a handwriting; [Lands. MSS., 491, fol. 195]. Note. — It is doubtful whether this Speech were ELIOT. 139 ELIOT. ELIOT, SiK John. {Con.). delivered by Sir Robert Cotton or Sir J. Eliot, cf. Forster's Life, i, 413 ; Life of Sir R. Cotton, in Edwards' Lives of Founders of Br. Museum, i, 93 — 96. The Eeport of the Committee on the Stan- naries. 27th May, 1628. MSS. Port Eliot. Negotium Posterorum. 1628-32. MSS. ih. De Jure Majestatis. 1629. 121 folios. MSS.ib. The Project for New England for Mr. Hamp- den ; or the grounds for settling a plantation in New England. 1629, fol. MSS.ib. An Apology for Socrates [upon a judgment in y° Court of King's Bench, against y" privelege of Parliament, 5 Car. I]. 1632. MSS. ih. Verses. MSS. ih. Commission and Articles of Enquiry in Ad- miralty Suits. 1626. MSS. ih. Depositions before the Commissioners, in 1627, against Sir J. Eliot, as Vice-Admiral. MSS. ih. Proceedings in Parliament on Election of Knights of the Shire for Cornwall. 1627. MSS. ih. Papers in the matter of the information agamst Sir J. Eliot. MSS. ih. Original Letters and Correspondence of Sir J. Eliot 1 vol. MSS. ih. Inventory of the goods of Sir J. Eliot, 6th April, 1633, at Cuddenbeake and Port Eliot. On a parchment roll, 40 to 50 feet long. MSS. ih. Note.— The MSS. by and belonging to Sir J. Eliot, now at Port Eliot, are bound in moroooo, and are m 10 vols. cf. " 1st Eep. of Eoyal Commission on Histonoal MSS. (Lend., 1870, fol.)," pp. 42—44. The Collection of Sir J. Eliot's Speeches, touching grievances, to induce the House to make a remonstrance to the King, 3rd June, 1628. Earl. MSS., 37, art. 44, pp. 347-50 ; 721, art 95, pp. 589-605 ; 2,305, art. 89 ; 6,799, art. 103; 6,800, arf. 67. Information against Sir J. Eliot and others. ih., 39, art. 46, pp. 412-422 ; 2,217, art. 55, pp. 88-94. . ^,. „ , Sir D. Carleton's Explanation of his bpeecti, with Sir J. Eliot's Answer, delivered 20th May, 1626. ih., 49, art. 12, pp. 79-89. Sir John Eliot's Speech, 27th March, 1626. ih., 161, art. 25, pp. 61-63. , ^ , Sir J. EUot's EpHogue before the Lords against the Duke of Buckingham, ih., 161, art. 26, pp. 63-65. , ^- „ His Majestie's Message to the House for re- tayning Sir J. Eliot, 26th May, 1626. ih., 161, Sir J. Eliot's Speech in answer to the King's Message, 4th April, 1628. ih., 161, art. 70, pp. 167-70; 1,721, art. 29, pp. ^}^-}\ . .^^ ^^ Sir J. Eliot's Speech, 28th April 1628, on ihe right, liberty, and property of the subject. ih., 1,219, art. 103, pp. 330-33. ELIOT, SiE John. {Con.). Sir J. Eliot's Speech, 1627. ih., 1,721, art. 14. Sir J. Eliot's Speech against Secretary Cooke's calling the Duke of Buckingham a great man. ih., 2,217, 'art. 20. [Printed in BusJmorth, i, 526]. Sir J. EUot's Speech to induce the Eemon- strance. ih., 2,217, art. 29, pp. 36-40. Sir J. Eliot's Speech at the Committee, 30th Jan., 1628. ih., 2,217, art. 47. The Monarchie of Man. A Treatise, Philoso- phical! and Morall ; wherein some questions of the Politicks are obviously discust. By Sir J. Eliot, Knight, Prisoner in the Tower, 1631. ih., 2,228, fol, pp. 426 [cf. The Statesmen, etc., pp. 125-77; Forster's "Life of Eliot," i, 31, 581 -616]. Petition to the King concerning the loan, 1628. ih., 2,234, art. 17, pp. 279-282; cf also 4,619, art. 6. [Printed in Bushworth, i, 429-31]. Sir J. Eliot's Speech, 22nd March, 1627. ih., 2,305, art. 21 ; 6,799, art. 96. Sir J. Eliot's Speech in answer to a Message of thanks from the King, 5th April, 1628. ih., 2,305, art. 32 ; 6,800, art. 19. Answer of... Sir J. Eliot touching seditious behaviour in Parliament, ih., 2,305, art. 120. Speech of Sir J. Eliot concerning the Election at Newport, in Cornwall, ih., 6,799, art._ 94. Speech concerning the King's proposition for a supply, 2nd April, 1628. ih., 6,800, art. 16 [cf MSS., Camh. Univ. lAb., Mm. iv, 24, art. 16; printed in Bushworth, ii, 520-23]. Speech in the House of Commons upon the subjects' grievances, anno 1640 {sic), ih., 6,801, art. 14. Petition in the Star Chamber, that Sir J. Eliot and the other Members of the House of Commons may have their Counsel to visit them. ih., 6,846, art. 120. A copy of the Petition of Sir J. Eliot, a prisoner in the Gatehouse, to the King, concern- ing the loan, 1628. Lands. MSS., 93, art. 40. Sir J. Eliot's Speech at a conference with the Lords on the affair of the Duke of Buckingham, 1626. ih., 93, art. 44. , , . • A Speech of Sir J. Eliot, not spoken but in- tended, ih., 491, art. 15. Original Letter from Sir J. Eliot to Sir R Cotton. Cottonian MSS., Julius, C in, 184. Sir J. Eliot's Speech, May 10, 1626. AsJt- molean MSS., Bod. Uh., 800, art. 35, fol. 1596- 164 Sir J. Eliot's Speech at a conference about the Duke of Buckingham, ih., 830, art. 61. ELIOT. 140 ELIOT. ELIOT, SiE John. (Cm.). Petition of Sir J. Eliot, prisoner in the Gate- house, to the King, concerning the loans. Tanner MSS., Bod. Lib., 72, art. 5. Speech of Sir J. Eliot in Parliament, 2nd March, 1628-9. ih., 72, art. 150; 395, art. 3. Sprinted in "Speeches and Arguments of the Conference." Lond., 1642, 4".]. Part of Sir J. Eliot's Answer to the Informa- tion brought against him in the Star Chamber, 1628-9. ib., 72, art. 152. The Humble Petition of Sir J. Eliot, Knight, prisoner in the Gatehouse,. concerning the loan, 1626. MSS., Camb. Univ. Lib., Ff. iii, 17, art. 3, pp. 114-16; [printed in Prynne^s Tracts and Pari. Hist., ii, 209 ; Bushworth, i, 439]. Sir J. Ellyott's Speeche in the Parliament Hoyse, 1626. ib., Gg. iv, 13, art. 7. Sir J. Eliott's Speech upon the Impeachment of the Duke of Buckingham, 2 Charles I. ib., Ii. V, 9, art. 11. [Printed in Bushworth, i, 353]. Sir J. Eliot, his Speech, 31st March, 1626. ib., Mm. iv, 38, art. 40, fol. 32J. [Printed ib., 1, 220-21]. Sir J. Eliot's Speech against the Duke of Buck- ingham on the £10,000 extracted from the East India Company, May, 1626. ib.. Mm. iv, 38, art. 62, fol. 92. [Printed, with variations, ib., i, 352-56, 362]. Sir J. Eliot, his Speech, not spoke, but found in his chamber after the being committed to the Tower, ib.. Mm. iv, 38, art. 66, fol. 95&. Sir J. Eliot's Speech in Parliament upon religious grievances, June, 1628. ib.. Mm. v, 1, art. 10, fol. 32. [Printed in Pari. Hist. Eng., ii, 450-53; and in Bushworth, i, 591-92]. Remonstrance of the Commons to Charles I, on the committal of Sir Dudley Digges and Sir J. Eliot, ib., Mm. vi, 62, art. 11, fol. 90-92. The Collection of Sir J. Eliot's Speeches in Pariiament, "taken by H. W., T. B., and others." Begins " We sit here as the greate councell of the king." MSS., penes J. Tollemache, M.P., at Helmingham Hall. ■ Proceedings in the Star Chamber, in the mat- ter of Sir J. Eliot, Miles Hobart, P, Haymqn, and D. Holies, and the pleadings thereon. MSS., ib. Sir J. Elliott, his Speech, in the Commons House of Pariiament, Jan. 3rd, 1628. Hargrave MSS., Br. Museum, 226, art. 29. [Printed in Bushworth, i, 648-49]. The Petition of Sir J. Elliott, when prisoner in the Gatehouse, to His Majesty, ib., 226, art 30. ELIOT, Sib Johw. (Con.). Sir J. Eliot's Speech, 25th March, 1628. Sloane MSS., Br. Museum, 826, fol. 50. Notes of Proceedings in the House of Com- mons, 23rd Feb., 1628, containing the Speech of Sir J. Eliot, ib., 826, fol. 147. Letter by certain justices of the co. of Corn- wall to others of their own rank, and to the freeholders generally, to join with them in taking care to elect men of moderation and gravity for Knights of the Shire, 10th Feb., 1627. MSS., penes John Harvey, Esq., at Ickwell Bury, in Hert- fordshire. Note. — Sir J. Trelawny, Bart., has the original of this letter ; and at Montacute, in Somersetshire, is the warrant, by Lord Keeper Coventry, for removing Sir J. Eliot and others from the office of Justice of the Peace, which warrant was the cause of the letter. Speeches in Parliament of Sir J. Eliot, 1626- 27. MSS., ib. Speeches in Parliament of Sir J. Eliot, 1640 (sic). MSS., ib. Petition of Sir J. Eliot, when prisoner in the Gatehouse, concerning the loan. Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 2,531, art. 3. Mr. Eliot's Speech against the oath ex-officio. ib., 1,200, art. 15. Speech of Sir J. Eliot, ib., 2,531, art. 9. Sir Dudley Carleton's Explanation of his Speech, delivered May 12, 1626, with Sir J. EUot's Answer, May 20, 1626. ib., 4,106, art. 67. Sir J. Eliot's Speech against the Duke of Buct ingham, 1626. ib., 4,155, art. 28. Letter from J. Hampden to Sir J. Eliot, dated Hampden, 21st March, 1631. ib., *5,016, fol, 1. [Printed in Hone's Every Lay Book, ii, 475-76], Mr. Eliot's Speech in the House of Commons, 1640. ib., 6,411, Ff 62-63i. Petition of Sir J. Eliot, prisoner in the Gate' house, concerning the loan, ib., 12,511. Information in the Star Ch9,mber, May, 1629, against divers pariiament men, viz.. Sir J. Eliot. . ,; with the arguments of Mr. Will. Mason, of Lincoln's Inn, for Sir J. Eliot, ib., 12,511 ; MSS., Camb. Univ. Lib., Mm. v, 1, art. 10, fol. 74 ; Mm. vi, 57, art. 36, fol. 118-22, Printed in Bushworth, i, 665-70, 686-91. Letter of Sir J. Eliot to the Duke of Buct ingham, dated Nov. 8, 1623. Cabala (1691), pt. 1, p. 377. ELIOT, John. M.P. for St. Germans (eldest son of Sir J.Eliot), bapt. Port -Eliot, 18th Oct., 1612. bur. St. Germans, 25th March, 1865, ELIOT. 141 ELLIS. ELIOT, John. (Con.). Papers relating to Sir John Eliot's eldest son, and the sums voted to him in consideration of his father's sufferings. The vote of £5000 in 1646 and the son's petition. MSS. Port Eliot. Original documents regarding the appoint- ment of J. Ehot to be Vice- Admiral of the county of Devon. MSS. ib. ELIOT, John Craggs {2nd son and heir of Edw. Eliot, \st Baron Eliot), cr. Earl of St. Ger- mans, 28th Nov., 1815. h. Port Eliot, 30th Sept., 1761. d. Port Eliot, 17th Nov., 1823. c/. Gent. Mag., xciv, pt. i, 82 (1824). ELIOT, Richard. Judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas, 1513-22. h. Cornwall (?). d. circa 1522. bur. Salisbury Cathedral, cf. Fobs' Judges, v, 158. ELIOT, Richard, M.P. {Zrd son of Will. Eliot, living in 1694). Auditor and Receiver-General to the Prince of Wales. bapt. St. Germans, 28th Oct., 1694. d. 19th Nov., 1748. cf Granger's Biog. Did. (Noble's ed.), iii, 249, where he is called Edward Eliot. 20 Letters from R. EUot to his son, E. Eliot (afterwards 1st Lord Eliot), 1724-48. MSS. Port Eliot. ELIOT, William (Uh son of Edward, 1st Baron). 3rd Baron Eliot and 2nd Earl of St. Germans. b Port Eliot, 1st April, 1767. d. 19th Jan., 1845. cf Gent. Mag., xxiii, 426^27 (1845). Letters from W. Eliot to his father, 1793-94. MSS. Port Eliot. ^^ ^^^ ^,, ^ Original Draft of Letters from Hon. W . Ehot to Lord Grenville. Hague and Berlin, 1793- 94. MSS. ib. . , , . Fourteen Letters from Lord Malmesbury to Hon. W. Eliot. Berlin, 1793-94. MSS. ib. Copies of 35 Letters from Hon. W. Eliot to Lord Grenville. Berlin, 1793. MSS. ib. ELIOT Hon. William Gordon Cornwallis (3rd 'son of 3rd Earl of St. Germans), cr. Baron Eliot, of St. Germans, 14th Sept., 1870. . b. 14th Dec, 1829. Krim-Girai, Khan of the Crimea. Translated from the German of Theodore Mundt, by Hon. W. G. C. Eliot. Lond., Murray, 1856, 8 ., pp. xvi and 192. „ ^ oc Note.— Translator's Preface signed Berlin, Oct. 26, 1855. ELLACOMBE, Rev. Henry Thomas M.A., ■ F.S.A. B. of Clyst St. George, Devon, b. May, 1790. The Bells of the Church. A Sermon, preached ELLACOMBE, Rev. Henkt Thomas. {Cm.). at St. Mary's, Penzance, on Tuesday, the 31st of October, 1865, by the Rev. H. T. EUacombe. Lond., Bell and Daldyj Penzance, W. Cornish; 1865, 8"., pp. 23, 6d. Bell Marks [Cornish]. Willis' Current Notes, 1855, p. 29. List of the Ancient and Modern Bells in the Parish Churches in Cornwall. Trans. Exeter Dioc. Architect. Soc, 2 S., i, 407-9 (1867). ELLIOT, Rev. St. John. B. of Ladoch 1749- 60; B. of Truro 1746-60. d. 1760. cf Sidney's Life of Walker, pp. 43, 49-50, 446, 470. ELLIS FAMILY, of Sennen. Notices of the Ellises of England, Scotland, and Ireland. By W. S. Ellis. In 4 numbers. 1857-66. Not published, Note.— Notices of the Ellis family, of Sennen, will be found in ii, 66—67, iii, 151, iv, 275. ELLIS, Carteret John William {son of John Ellis, of Sennen). b. James Street, West- minster, 11th Sept., 1805. d. ClaphamPark, 4th Oct., 1858. Truro, Redruth, and Penzance Railway Com- pany, in continuation of the London, Exeter, and Falmouth Railway, with a breakwater at Penlee Point, Mount's Bay. n.d. [1836], fol., pp. 4. Note.— Drawn up by 0. J. W. Ellis. Published by desire, and dedicated to the Working Classes. A Lecture on National Edu- cation, delivered at the Plymouth Mechanics' Institute, in 1850, and at Burleigh, in the New Forest, 1852. By C. J. W. Ellis, M.A., of Trin. Coll., Cambridge, and Barrister-at-Law of the Hon' Soc. of the Middle Temple. 2nd ed., Lond., E. Stanford, 6, Charing Cross, 1854, S"., pp. 16, ELLIS, Sir Henry, K.H., r.R.S. Principal Librarian of the Br. Museum, b. Shoreditch, 29th Nov., 1777. d. 15th Jan., 1869. Seal of Richard, Eari of Cornwall, King of the Romans. Archosol, xxxii, 408, 1847; [Proc. Socof Antig.,i,l^^,\^m- On the Early History of Lord Lieutenants of Counties, ib., xxxv, 350-58 (1853). Tanner's Notitia Monastica for Cornwall, from Nasmith's edition, folio, 1787, with additions, D. Gilberts Cornwall, App., iv, 319-36. Note.— The additions were communicated to D, Gilbert by Sir H. EUis. ELLIS. 143 ENTT. ELLIS, Henry S., r.RA.S. i. Exeter. On the Oysters in the West of England. By H. S. Ellis, Fair Park, Magdalen Eoad, Exeter. Journ. Bath & W. E. Soc, xii, pt. 2, 324-28 (1864). ELLISON, Benjamin. 6. Birkensha-w, near Leeds, 1784. An account of the trial and execution of Benjamin Ellison, who was hanged at Bodmin, on Monday, the 11th of August, 1845, for the Murder of Elizabeth Euth Seaman, at the horough of Penzance [7th July, 1845]. Liddell and Sons, printers, Bodmin, n.d. [1845], fol., s. sh. ELWINUS OR ALUNUS. Came from Ireland into Cornwall with S. Breaca, circa 460. cf. Leland's Itin. (2nd ed., 1744), iii, fol. 4 ; Acta Sanctorum, 27th Oct., xii, 293. EMIDY, T. H. {son, of Joseph Antonio Emidy). h. Falmouth, 5th July, 1805. d. Truro, 2nd March, 1871. The Eoyal Cornwall and Devon Artillery Quadrilles. Composed and arranged for the Piano-Forte, by Thos. Emidy (of Truro). Dedi- cated, by permission, to Lady Eashleigh, of Prideaux. Truro, published at the Piano-Forte and Music Warehouse of Mrs. Heard and Sons, Boscawen Street; Lond., D'Almaine and Co., 20, Soho Square; [1855], fol., pp. 5, 2/6. The Cornwall Archery Quadrille. Composed and arranged for the Piano-Forte, and dedicated, with permission, to the Ladies of the Truro Archery Club. By T. H. Emidy, Professor of Music. Published for the Author, No. 4, Charles Street, Truro [1864], fol., pp. 5, 2/6. The Workingman's Club Waltzes. By T. H. Emidy. Note. — Armotmced for publication in 1870. but never printed, in consequence of the author's death. ENGLISH, Henry. Glossary of Mining Terms used in South America, Cornwall, and Derbyshire. By H. English. 1830, 8°. Note. — Originally appeared as a Snpp. to The Mining Review. The Glossary of the Cornish Mining Terms was compUed by W. J. Henwood, P.E.S. ENGLISHMAN, An. pseud., i.e.. Sir F. Basset. See De DunstanvUle, Lord. ENTY, Eev. John (son of a tailor in Cornwall). d. 1743. ' Memoir of Eev. J. Enty, by John Fox. Monthly Repository, xvi, 325-27 (1821). Note.— A Satire on Kev. J. Enty, by Mr. Kellow of Fowey, is referred to in the above. ENTY, Eev. John. (Cm.). The Ministry secur'd from Contempt. A Sermon [on Tit., ii, 15] preached at Exon, Sept. 10, 1707, before an Assembly of the United Ministers of Devon and Cornwal, by J. Enty. Lond., printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown, in the Old-Change, near St. Paul's, 1707, 4°'., pp. 32, 6d. Br. Museum, Dr. Williams'. Note. — The Dedication to the United Ministers of Devon and Cornwall, is dated Plymouth, Oct., 1707. The Innocence of Protestant Dissenters clear'd and vindicated in reference to the transactions of 41 and the death of K. Charles I. In a Sermon [on Acts, XV, 7 and 8] preach'd at Plymouth, Jan. 30th, 17^, being a lecture day. By J. Enty. Lond., printed for J. Clark, at the Bible and Crown, in the Poultry, near Cheapside, 1717, 8"., pp. 59, 6d. Br. Museum. A defence of the proceedings of the late As- sembly at Exon [on the United Ministers of Devon and Cornwall]. Being a reply to Mr. Peirce's Eemarks on those proceedings. To which are added some brief animadversions on a paper subscribed by Mr. Peirce, &c And also a short postscript, containing some remarks on a late pamphlet of Mr. George Jacomb's. By J. Enty. Lond., printed for J. Clark, at the Bible and Crown, in the Poultry, near Cheap- side, 1719, 8^, pp. 84, 1/-. Br. Museum, Dr. William^. An Answer to Mr. Enty's defence of the pro- ceedings of the Assembly at Exon. By J. Peirce. Lond., printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown, in the Poultry, near Cheapside, 1719, 8°., pp. 106, 1/6. Dr. Williams'. Note.— At p. 97 commences " A Keply to Mr. Enty's brief animadversions on a Paper," &c. The Wefstern Inquisition ; or a relation of the Controversy which has been lately among the Dissenters in the West of England. By James Peirce. Lond., printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown, in the Poultry, near Cheap- side, 1720,8°., pp. 192, 2/-. Dr. Williams'. Propositions relating to the controversy among the Dissenters in the West, concerning the Trinity. In a letter to the Eev. Mr. .1. Enty. [By James Peirce]. Lond., printed for T. Bick- erton, at the Crown, in Pater-noster-row...l720, 8°., pp. 24, 3d. Br. Museum. Truth and Liberty consistent and maintaui'd ; being a farther defence of the proceedings of the Assembly at Exon, in answer to Mr. Peirce ; wherein the reader will find obviated whatever is material in certain Propositions, in an anony- mous letter to Mr. J. Enty. By J. Enty. Lond., printed for J. Clark, &c. MDDCXX [1720 ?], 8"., pp. 235, 2/-. Br. Museum. A reply to Mr. Enty's late piece, intituled " Truth and Liberty consistent, etc.," as far as ENTT. 143 ENY3. ENXY, Eev. John. (Con.). it relates to the controversy concerning the Trinity. By the Author of the Propositions addressed to him [J. Peirce]. Lond., printed for -L Noon, at the White-Hart, in Cheapside... 1721, 8"., pp. 85, 1/-. Br. Museum, Dr. Williams'. The Security of Truth, without the assistance of persecution or scurrility ; being an Answer to Mr. Enty's "Truth and Liberty consistent and maintain' d." By J. Peirce. Lond., printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown, in the Poultry, near Cheapside, 1721, 8"., pp. 136, 1/6. Bod. Lib. A stated Ministry and Presbyterian ordination vindicated. By John Withers. St. Paul's love to souls considered and recommended. By J. Enty. Being Two Sermons, preach' d at the Ordination of Mr. Peter Jilleard, at Crediton, in the County of Devon, October 21, 1724... To which is added Mr. Jilleard's confession of faith ..Lond., printed for J. Clark and Eichard Hett, at the Bible and Crown, in the Poultry, near Cheapside, mdccxxv, 8"., pp. 102, 1/-. Br. Museum. Note.— Enty's Sermon, pp. 43—93. A Sermon [on Ps. cxxxii, 17-18] preached at Exon, October the 11th, 1727, being the day of their most excellent Majesties' ... Coronation, by J. Enty. Exon, printed by And. Brice, for Aaron Tozer, jun., Bookseller, at the sign of the Bible, in the High-Street, 1727, 8"., pp. 36, 4d. Br. Museum. A Preservative against several abuses and corruptions of Eeveal'd Religion; containing Eemarks on a late book of Mr. Joseph Hallet, mn entitled A Collection of Notes, etc. By J Enty. Exon, printed by Andrew Brice, for Aaron Tozer, jun.. Bookseller, at the Bible, a Uttle below St. Martin's Lane, in the High-Street, 1730, 8"., pp. XX and 200, 2/-. Br. Museum, Br. Williams'. ^ A Letter to the Eevd. Mr. Enty, m answer to his slanderous pamphlet, entitled A Preserv- ative against several abuses and corruptions of Eeveal'd Eeligion, &c. Being a defense ot several Notes and Discourses, contain d in a book, entitled A free and impartial study of the k Scriptures recommended. By J. Hfllet, Jun. I Lond., printed for J. Noon, at the White-Hart, ■' near Mercers'-Chapel, in Cheapside, 1730, 8 ,, "*'pp 43, 6d. Br. Museum, Br. Wilhams._ A Defense of a late pamphlet, entitled A Preservative, &c., in answer to an abusive letter of Mr. J. Hallet, jun. By J. Enty. Lond printed for Aaron Tozer, jun., at the ^ible, in the High-Street; Exon, MDCOXXX, 8"., pp. 60. Br. Musetm, Dr. William^. A Letter to the author of the Vindication of Mr. Nation's Sermons ; in which the importance ENTY, Bet. John. {Con.). of faith in matters of religion, and particularly as to the doctrine of the deity of our Saviour, is considered; and the Assembly of the United Ministers of Devon and Cornwall is further defended. To which is added a second letter to Mr. Nation, ia answer to his vindication of him- self. Anon. Lond., 1732, 8"., pp. 70. Note. — Contains also " A Postscript ; being a third letter to Mr. Nation," pp. 71—87. cf. "J. Darling's Cyclop. Eibliog.," sub Enty, John. ENVEENUS. Seal Hunting ia Cornwall. Once a Week, iv, 406-8 (1867). ENYS, Francis {2nd son of John Enys). b. 1752. d. Enys, 12th April, 1821. Anecdotes of the Cornish Sheriffs. MSS. at Enys. cf. N. & Q., 3 S., viu, 474 (1865). ENYS, John (son of Thos. Enys). 29th March, 1625. Sale of a Messuage in the Parish of St. Keverne, from J. Enys to Nath. Pearse. Earl. MSS., 6,243, art. 8. ENYS, LiEUT.-CoL. John, 29th Eegt. (^rd son of John Enys). b. 1772. d. 11th Oct., 1802. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxri, 981 (1802). ENYS, John Samuel, F.G.S. (son of Samuel Oliver Hunt and Lucy Ann Enys ; his father, in 1813, took the name of Enys only, by royal license). 6. 21st Sept., 1796. Eemarks on the intensity and quantity of the junction changes of Sussex and Cornwall, con- sidered as mining districts. By J. S. Enys. Lond., E. Stanford, 6, Charing Cross, 1863, 8"., pp. 30.— Lond., E. Stanford, 1869, 8°., 1/-. The Granite near Penryn. Lond. and Edinb. Philos. Mag., ii, 321-25, 483 (1833). The Duty of the Steam Engines in the Mines of Cornwall, at different periods. Trans. Instit. Civil Engineers, iii, 449-66 (1842). Premiums offered by J. S. Enys. Bep. B.C.P. (Soc, 1834, p. 12. .^ . , Tables relative to the Properties and Practical Application of Steam, ib., 1835, pp. 44-49. The application of expansive Steam, ib., 1836, pp. 70-76. The Duty and Horse-power of Steam Engines. ib., 1837, pp. 70-76. On Expansion Diagrams, etc. ib., 1838, pp. 154-61,. ENTS. 144 ETHEEIDGE. ENYS, John Samuel. (Con.). On Light Vessels, ik, 1842, pt. 2, pp. 72; 1851, pp. 35. On Ships' Fastenings and Steamboats, ib., 1842, pt. 2, p. 109. On Double Cropping as lessening the risk of growing Potatoes, ib., 1846, pp. 15-17. Floating Light Vessels and Buoys, ib., 1851, p. 35. On the Construction of Boats, ib., 1854, p. 41. Hornblende and Serpentine, ib., 1863, p. 42. Probable Course of the Tyrian Ships to Corn- wall, ib., 1866, p. 68. On the Cell Growth of Timber in reference to the thinning of Plantations. Hep. R.I.G., 1860, p. 46; 1861, pt. 1, pp. 37-39. Flint Flakes of Lyell's First Stone Period. Jmrn. B.I.G., April, 1867, p. 223-25. Experiments on Steam Engines. Brit. Assoc. Bep., 1834, p. 104; 1844, p. 90. The application to Government for a deposi- tory for Mining Eecords. ib., 1839, p. 174. A constant Indicator for Steam Engines, ib., 1841, pp. 307-25 ; 1842, p. 98. The performance of Steam Engines in Corn- wall. Brit. Assoc. Section, 1836, p. 130. The connexion between improvements in Pit- works and the duty of Steam Engines in Corn- wall, ib., 1841, p. 103. Photographs of Quarries near Penryn, showing the structure of the Granite, ib., 1858, p. 80. EPSILON. pseud., i.e., Edmonds, E. ERISEY, Mary. (1727). See KiUigrew, Sir Peter (d. 1704). ERTHUSYO. pseud., i.e. The Traveller or a Shy Fish glancing at " The Tuck-Net." A Poem by Erthusyo. Penzance, 1824, 12°. See Jeffery, John. ESPRIELLO, Don Manuel Alvarez, pseud., i.e., Southey, Robert. ESQUIEOS, Henri Alphonse. b. Paris, 1814. L'Angleterre et les Anglais, xxii. Paysage et Moeurs de Cornouaille. Bevue des Deux Mondes, xlviii, 399-441 (1863). Cornwall and its Coasts. By A. Esquires. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1865, 8°., pp. vii and 304, 9/-. ESTCOTT, John. Letter to the King of Arms, from J. Estcott, ESTCOTT, John. (Com.). Deputy for Devonshire and Corn wall... and con- cerning the fees due from John Smyth, of Tre- gonnoke, Mrs. Acham, of Plynt, Tho. Hearel, of Trenouth, Mrs. Boskawen, Mr. Baud, and Mr. Holland. Launceston, 13th May, 1620. Ash- molean MSS. {Bod. Lib.), 836, art. 142, fol. 513- 16. ETHEEIDGE, Rev. John Wesley, A.M., Ph.D. Wesley an Minister in Oornwall, 1833-36 and 1853-66; b. Youngwoods, Isle of "Wight, 24th Feb., 1804. d. Camborne, 24th May, 1866. The Apostolic Ministry and the question of its Restoration, considered in an Exposition of Part of the Fourth Chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians. By J. W. Etheridge. Falmouth, J. Trathan, 1836, 12°., pp. 166. Note. — Inscribed to the Wesleyan Society, Fal- mouth. Jerusalem and Tiberias : Sora and Cordova. A Survey of the Religious and Scholastic learning of the Jews ; designed as an Introduction to the study of Hebrew literature. Lond., 1856, 12°., pp. xi and 508, 7/6. Note. — The prefatory " Memorandum " is dated Penzance, June, 1856. The Life of the Rev. Adam Clarke, L.L.D., F.A.S....By J. W. Etheridge... 2nd Edition. Lond., Mason, 1858, post 8°., pp. viii and 439, 6/-. The Life of the Rev. Thomas Coke, D.C.L. By J. W. Etheridge... Lond.,, Mason, 1860, post 8°., pp. viii and 450, 6/-. Note.— Preface dated Truro, May, 1860. The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan ben Uzziel on the Pentateuch ; with the Fragments of the Jerusalem Targum; from the Chaldee. By.r. W. Etheridge, M. A... Genesis and Exodus [vol. i]. Lond., Longmans, 1862, 12°., pp. viii and 580. — Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuterono- my [vol. ii]. Lond., Longmans, 1865, 12°.. pp. 688. Note.- -Preface to Genesis and Exodus, dated St. Austell, Oct. 24, 1862. The Sacraments ; a discourse delivered at St. Mary's Chapel, Truro, by J. W. Etheridge, M.A. Published by request. Truro, printed and published by W. J. Clyma, 1865, 12°., pp. 00, Faithful Endurance and High Aim. Being a Sermon preached on the death of the late Rev. J. W. Etheridge, M.A., Ph.D., in Wesley Chapel, Camborne, by Thomas Hughes. Lond., Hamilton Adams & Co., 1867, 8°., pp. iv and 114, 2/-. Memoir of Miss Mary Anne Job, who died at ETHERIDGE. U5 FALMOUTH. BTHEEIDGE, Ebt. John Wesley. (Con.). Trnro, 15th .July, 1834. By Eev. ,T. W. Etheridge. Weslmjan Methodist Mag, Ivii, 876 (1834). EUSEBIUS EXONIENSIS. pseud., i.e., Pol- whele, Rev. K EVANS, Miss Rachel {dau. of the Rev. Will. Evans), h. Kilworthy House, near Tavistock, 1813. Home Scenes ; or Tavistock and its Vicinity. By R. Evans. Illustrated. Lond., Simpkin ; Tavistock, J. L. Commins; 1846, 8°., pp. viii and 258. Note. — Contains Excursions to Coteliele, PentUlie, &c. EVAN'S, Thomas {son of John Evans), b. Bide- ford, loth Aug., 1803. Copy of a Letter [on Iron and Wooden Ships], from Thomas Evans, Esq., Mayor of Bideford, and an experienced Ship-builder, to E. 0. Tre- gelles, Esq., dated London, 18th Jan., 1850. Eep. B.G.P. Soc, 1849, pp. 18-61. EVELYN, Anne {dau. of Edward Boscawen, and wife of Sir John Evelyn), d. 1751. Eight Letters from John Evelyn to his wife, 1712-27. Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 15,949, Ff. 50, 56, 58, 63-68, 87. EVELYN, John (son of Rich. Evelyn), b. Wot- ■ ton, in Surrey, 31st Oct., 1620. d. Wotton, 27th Feb., 170f Life of Mrs. Margaret Godolphin q.v. EVEREST, Rev. William Frederick (son of Geo. Everest), h. Plymouth, 21st April, 1817. A Letter respectfully addressed to the Clergy and Laity of Cornwall, on an important subject. By the Rev. W. F. Everest, Chaplain of the County Gaol. Bodmin, printed by Liddell and Son, ».d [I860], 12"., pp. 11. EX-ETONIAN, An. pseud., i.e. The Comic Adventures of Satan and Peter Pindar {i.e., J. Wolcot], in Epistles from Aunt Rachel to Aunt Trebitha. Dedicated to the Worthy Inhabitants of Cornwall. By an Ex- Etonian. Doctor ego. Medians, Pharmacopola, sophus. Lond., printed for Allen and West, No. 15, Paternoster Row, 1795, 8»., pp. 29, 1/-. Note. — Two Epistles, dated from Penzance. EXMOUTH, Baron. See Pellew. EZEKIEL, Solomon {son of Erxkiel t Ezekiel). b. Newton Abbot, Devon, 7th June, 1781. d. Penzance, 9th March, 1867. Remarks on the Censures of the authorized version of the Holy Scriptures, contained in a pamphlet by the Rev. Hart Symons ; translated from the Hebrew by S. Ezekiel. By John Rogers, M.A., Canon of Exeter and Rector of Mawnan. Lond., 1822, 16°., pp. 15, 6d. The Life of Abraham ; being the first, second, and third of a series of Lectures on the Lives of the Patriarchs, delivered at the Penzance Hebrew Society for Promoting the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge, by S. Ezekiel. Penzance, 184-, 12°. The Life of Isaac ; being the fourth, fifth, and sixth of a series of Lectures on the Lives of the Patriarchs, delivered at the Penzance Hebrew Society for Promoting the Diff'usion of Religious Knowledere, by S. Ezekiel. Penzance, printed by T. Beare, 1845, 12°., pp. 24. A Lecture on the Hebrew Festivals, delivered at the Penzance Literary Institute, by S. Ezekiel. Penzance, printed by F. T. Vibert, 1847, 12°., pp. 26. Letter to Sir Rose Price, on the Christianising of the Jews. 31st Jan., 1820. Reprinted, Corn. Teleg., 13th March, 1867. A Lecture on the Passions and Feelings of Mankind. 4°., pp. 48. MSS., penes Mv. Henry Levin, Penzance. F., J. F., Bristol. Contentment. Cornish Mag.,iv,l29-32 (1829). FAIRFAX, Thomas {eldest son of Ferdinando, 2nd Baron), 3rd Baron Fairfax, b. Denton, in Yorkshire, 17th Jan., 1612. d. Nunapple- ton, 12th Nov., 1671. The Life of the great Lord Fairfax. . .By C. R. Markham. Portrait, etc. Lond., Macmillan, 1870, 8°., pp. xii and 480. Note. — The account of the campaign in Cornwall ' contained in pp. 261 — 8. Letter from Sir Thomas Fairfax to Speaker Lenthall, on behalf of various gentlemen of Cornwall, whose estatois are under sequestration. February 13,1646-7. Tanner MSS. {Bod. Lib.), 59, a/rt. 415. FALMOUTH. See also Boscawen. FALMOUTH FAMILY, cf Sir E. Brydges Collins Peerage, vi, 62, 183. T FALMOUTH. 146 PAENINGHAM. FALMOUTH, Edward {son of George Evelyn, 3rd Viscount), 4th Viscount and 1st Earl. cr. Earl Falmouth. 14th July, 1821. h. 10th May, 1787. d. Tregothnan, 29th Dec, 1841. cf. Gent. Mag., xvii, 209 (1842). A Letter on the subject of tlie re-establishing and extending the Stannary Courts of the Dutchy of Cornwall. By the Earl of Falmouth. Lond., Nichols and Sons, 183G, 8°., pp. 16. First Eeport of the Committee appointed at a General Meeting of persons connected with the Mines of Cornwall, convened by public ad- vertisement, at Truro, on the 4th of November, 1835, in compliance with a requisition to the Earl of Falmouth, as Chairman of the Standing Committee for Mining affairs, " for the purpose of taking into consideration the present state of the Vice- Warden's Courts, and other matters relating to the Mining interests of Cornwall." Dated and signed Jan. 23, 1836, 8"., pp. 12. FALMOUTH, Evelyn {eldest son of Rev. John Evelyn Boscawen, Canon of Canterbury and B. of Wotton, Surrey). 6th Viscount. 6.18th March, 1819. cf. Eailey's Monthly Mag., vii, 1-3 (1863). FALMOUTH, George Evelyn {eldest son of Admiral Edward Boscawen). 3rd Viscount. b. 6th May, 1758. d. 14th Feb., 1808. cf European Mag., liii, 103 (1808) ; Gejit. Mag., Ixxviii, 181 (1808). FALMOUTH, George Henry {only son of Edward, 1st Earl). 5th Viscount and 2nd Earl. b. Newbury, 8th July, 1811. d. London, 29th Aug., 1852. cf Gent. Mag., xxxviii, 425 (1852). FALMOUTH, Hugh {son of Hugh, 1st Viscount Falmouth). 2nd Viscount, b. 1720. d. Bath, 4th Feb., 1782. cf Gent. Mag., Hi, 94 (1782) ; European Mag., xxx, 158 (1796); Beatson's Naval Hist. ; J. Mcholls' Recollections and Re- flections, i, 186-7. FALMOUTH, Viscountess M. F. E. See Bos- cawen, M. F. E. FANSHAWE, Lady Anne {dau. of Sir John Harrison, and wife of Sir Richard Fanshawe). b. St. Olaves, Hart Street, London, 25th March, 1625. d. 20th Jan., 16i§. Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe ... Written by herself. To which are added extracts from the correspondence of Sir R. Fanshawe. Lond., Colburn, 1829, 8"., pp. Ixiii and 395, 9/-.— New ed., 1830, 8°., pp. vii and 332. Note.— Account of Lady PanBhawe's stay in Corn- wall and the Scilly Isles, 1st ed., pp. 55—62, 2nd ed pp. 71—75. ■' FARINGTON, Joseph, R.A. b. 1742. d. Parr's Wood, near Manchester, 30th Dec, 1821. Britannia Depicta. See Byrne, W. FARNABY, Giles, of the family of Farnaby of Truro ; Christ Church, Oxford. Admitted Mus. Bac. 1592. cf Bliss' Wood {Fasti), ii, 257 ; Hawkins' Hist, of Music, iii, 367. Cantvs. Canzonets to fowre voyces, with a song of eight parts. Compiled by G. Farnaby, Bachilar of Musicke. Lond., printed by Peter Short, dwelling on Bread-street hil, at the signe of the Star, 1598, 4"., pp. xxi. Note. — There are distinct volumes also, for the scores of the altvs, tenor, and bassvs. A Nosegay of Spring Flowers. Madrigal, in four voices. The music by Giles Farnaby, A.D. 1598. The poetry by Thomas Oliphant, Esq. Lond., Addison and Hodder, 210, Regent Street n.d. [1847], 4°., pp. 5, 2/-. The Whole Booke of Psalmes . . . newly cor- rected and enlarged by Tho. Rauenscroft. 1621, 8°.— Reprinted by W. H. Havergal, 1845, 8". Note.— Contains Psalm 119, by G. Farnaby, pp. 206— 14, reprint p. 42; Ps. 121, pp. 214—16, ih., p. 44; Ps. 122, pp. 216—18, lb., p. 44; Ps. 125, pp. 220—22. ib., p. 47. FARNABY, Thomas {son of T. Farnaby, and grandson of — Farnaby, Mayor of Truro). A Schoolmaster in Cornwall m 1596. b. London, circa 1575. d. Sevenoaks, 12th June, 1647. cf Bliss' Wood, iii, 213; Aihin's Gen. Biog.; English Cyclop. Note.— Wood says, speaking of T. Farnaby, "when he landed in Cornwall his distresses made him stoop so low as to be an abodarian, and several were taught their hornbook by him." M. Val. Martialis Epigrammaton libri, anim- adversi, emendati, et commentariolis luculenter explicati. Londini, excudebat Felix Kingstonius impensis Gulielmi Welby, 1615, 8"., pp. 392.— Sedani, Typis Joannis Jannoni Academiae Typo- graphi, 1624, 8°., pp. 342. Note. — The dedication in both editions is signed Tho. Farnaby, and commences " Virtutis juxtaac stem- matis splendore insigni v. vere nobiU, D. Boberto Kille- grseo, equiti aurato, &o." FARNHAM, Rev. John. Curate of Lanteglos juxfa Camelford 1722-40. bur. Lanteglos, 10th June, 1740. Catalogue of the Libraries of Rev. Mr. Farn- ham, of Camelford, Rev. Mr. Edwards, of Oke- hampton, and Rev. Mr. Odam. 1746. FARNINGHAM, Marianne. pseud.,ie., Hearne, Mary Anne. FATHERS. 147 FINGAR. FATHERS, Rev. John. R. of StokecUmsland. Ejected 1662. cf. Palmer's Noncon. Memorial (1775), i, 290. The Strife of Brethren ; and a Treaty for Peace. Two Sermons. The one preached at the Morning Lecture, in the Citie of London ; the other, more enlarged, in another congrega- tion. By J. Fathers, Master in Arts. Lend., printed by Matthew Simmons, and are to be sold by Christopher Meredith, at the Crane, in Paul's Churchyard ; 1648, sm. 4°., pp. 26 and Epistle Dedicatory unpaged. Br. Museum. The content of a wayfaring man ; and the accompt of a Minister's removall. Two Sermons. The one preached at the morning lecture, in the Citie of London ; the other, more enlarged, in another congregation. By J. F[athers], M.A. Lond., printed by Matthew Simmons, 1648, sm. 4°. Pagination of first sermon (in continu- ation of previous volume), pp. 29-41, of second sermon, pp. 45-75. Br. Museum. Note.- — The first sermon is dedicated to John, Lord Eoberts, Baron of Truro ; the second to Francis Buller, Member of the House of Commons ; in which he men- tions the '• publick acknowledgments of what I owe unto your family, for my first induction into a pastoral charge." FAWCETT, Henry, M.P. {sonof Will. Fawcett). b. Salisbury, 1833. On the distress in Cornwall. The Times, 23rd Aug., 1866. FENNELL, Rev. John. An Account of the Death of Mrs. H. Barni- coat, dated Falmouth, Oct. 23, 1799. Methodist Mag., xxiii, 304-7 (1800). Cjpy of a Letter from Mr. John Fletcher, by J. Fennell, dated Penzance, 23rd July [1800]. ib.,xxiv, 91-93 (1801). An Account of the Death of S. Taylor, dated Penzance, Jan. 12, 1801. ih., xxiv, 531-33. FENTON, John. d. 8th Jan., 1864. bur. Manorowen, near Fishguard. Names of places in Cornwall. By J. Fenton, Bodmor Lodge, near Glynmel, Fishguard. JrchcBol. Camb., ix, 72-73 (1863j. FENWICK, LiEUT.-CoL. William, C.B. and K.T.S. (7th son of Thomas FenwicJc). lAeut.- Governor of Pendennis Castle 1813-32. b. Earsdon, Northumberland, 4th Oct., 1777. d. Pendennis Castle, 7th July, 1832. cf Gent. Mag., cii, pt. 2, 181 (1832) ; N. & Q., 3 S., vii, 342, 387 (1865). FENWICK, Mr. Memoir of Mrs. E. Berriman, of Penzance, who died in 1820. By Mr. Fenwick. Wesleyam Methodist Mag., xlv, 693-99 (1822). FERRAR, Lieut. William Augustus, b. Dub- lin, 6th Feb., 1797. Account of the Wreck of the Postboy, mouth, 1838, 8°. Fal- FERRIS, OcTAVius Allen {son of William Ferris), b. Truro, 27th Aug., 1805. Elementary Lessons in English Etymology, with copious exercises... Part I, Separable words. By 0. Allen Ferris, formerly a student in Uni- versity College, London. Lond., Simpkin, 1862, 8°., pp. viii and 74. FERRIS, Richard. The most dangerous and memorable aduenture of Richard herris, one of the fiue ordinarie messengers of her Maiestie's Chamber, who de- parted from Tower Wharfe, on Midsommer day last past, with Andrew Hill and William Thomas, who vndertooke in a small Whefry Boate to rowe by sea to the citie of Bristowe, and are now safely returned. Wherein is particularly expressed their perils sustained in the said voy- age, and the great entertainment they had at seuerall places vpon the coast of England, as they went, but especially at the said citie of Bristow. Published by the sayd Richard Ferris. Lond., printed by John Wolfe for Edward White, and are to be sold at his shop, being at the litle north doore of Pauls, at the signe of the sunne, 1590, 4". No pagination. 7 leaves. Bod. Lib. —Reprinted, Lond., 1863, 4". Note. — He visited Looe, St. Mawes, Mount's Bay, St. Ives, and Padstow. ef.Journ. B.I.G., pp.i— v, 1864. FESTING, Rev. George Arthur, M.A. (son of Rev. Chas. Geo. Ruddoclc Festing, V. of Paul). V. of Clifton in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, b. Witham Friary, Somerset, 1834. Dolly Pentreath. N. & Q., 1 S., xii, 500 (1855). FIELD, Frederick. On a specimen of Tin-ore hitherto undescribed. Brit. Assoc. Sect, 1864, p. 27. FIELDING, Henry, b. Sharpham, near Glas- tonbury, 1707. d. Lisbon, 8th October, 1754. A True state of the Case of Bosavern Penlez. (1749), q.v. FINGAR OR GWINEAR, St. Came from Ire- land circa 460. cf. Acta Sanctorum, 23rd March, iii, 455-59 ; Hardj/s Cat. of Materials, i, 59. Passio Sanctorum Guigneri Fingaris, Pialae etsociorum. By Anselm. MS.S'. (?) 13th cent. Printed in S. Anselmi opera (ed. Gerberon, Paris, FINGAE. 148 FITZ-GEOFFEY. FINGAE OK GWINEAE, St. (Cora.)- 1675, fol.), pp. 508-11 J /. Picard's ed. of S. Anselni, 1612; Messingham's Florilegium insulae sanctorum, pp. 211-16; Migne's Patrologia, clix, 326. Note. — The life of S. Fingar cited in Leland, Itin., iii, fol. 4, is perhaps a different life to the above. FISHER, Rev. John, M.A. 1724-34. V. of Veryan, A Sermon [on Ps. xxx, 5] preacli'd at the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, in Exon, before the Right Worshipful the Mayor and Chamber, on August the 6th, 1723, being the Anniversary of the Deliverance of that City from the Cornish Insurrection, in the reign of King Edward the Vlth, by J. Fisher, B.A. Lond., printed for Edward Score and Nathanael Thorn, Booksellers in Exon, 1723, 8°., pp. 27. Br. Museum. A Sermon [on Ps. cxxvii, 1] preach'd in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, in Exon, before the Rt. Worshipful the Mayor and Chamber, on August the 6th, 1725, being the Anniversary of the Deliverance of that City from the Cornish Insurrection, in the reign of King Edward VI, by J. Fisher, M.A., Vicar of St. V'Uryan (sic), in Cornwal. PubHsh'd at the request of the Mayor. Exon, printed by Andrew Brice, and sold by the Booksellers of that City, 1725, 4"., pp. 32, 6d. Br. Museum. FISHER, Rev. John, B.A. {son of John Fisher). Fellow of Magdalen Coll., Oxford; Curate of Mawgan 1797-1804; R. of Wavendon, 1805- 46. J. Bodmin, 13th April, 1774. tZ. Waven- don, 23rd December, 1846. The Valley of Lanherne and other pieces of verse. By John Fisher, A.B. Lond., J. Hatch- ard, 1801, 12"., pp. 110, 5/-. FISHER, Rev. Thomas. R. of Roche 1819-34; R. of Luccomhe 1834-56. d. Luccombe, 4th April, 1856, aged 74. A Sermon [on Acts x, 38] preached in the Parish Church of St. Mary, Truro, in behalf of the Cornwall General Infirmary, on Friday, August 12th, 1825, being the day appointed for the anniversary meeting of that Institution. By Rev. T. Fisher, A.M., Rector of Roche. The profits of the publication will be given to the Infirmary. Bodmin, printed and sold by J. Liddell and Son; Lond., Whittaker; 1825, 8°. A Sermon preached at the Bishop's Visitation, held in Bodmin, on Friday, Sept. 6, 1833, by T. Fisher, A.M., Rector of Roche, Cornwall. Bodmin, printed and sold by Liddell and Son 1833, 8"., pp. 26, FISHER, SON & Co. Devonshire and Cornwall illustrated (1832). See Brayley, Edwd. Wedlake. FISSACRE, Rev. Robert. Prior of Launceston; resigned 1261. of Tanner MSS. {Bod. Lib.), 196, art. 11 ; Oliver's Monasticon, p. 22. FITTON, William Heney, M.D., F.R.S. b. Dublin, 1780. d. London, 13th May, 1861. On the Porcelain Earth of Cornwall. T. Thomson's Annals of Philos., iii, 180-84 (1814). FITZ-GEFFRY, Alexander, b. Bedford, d. Exeter, cf 0. Fitz-Geffry's Affanim[Cenotaphia]; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., ii, 86. FITZ-GEOFFRY, Rev. Charles {son of thepre- ceding). R. of St. Dominiclc. b. Fowey, 1575. d. St. Dominick, 22nd Feb., 163f. cf Bliss' Wood, ii, 607-9; Chalmers; British Bibliogra- pher, ii, 116, 260, 267 ; Brydges Phillip^ Tlieatrum Poetarum. Sir Francis Drake, his honorable life's com- mendation and his tragical! deathe's lamentation. At Oxford, printed by Joseph Barnes, and are to bee solde in Paul's Church-yard, at the signe of the Bible, 1596, 8". No pagination. Br. Museum and Bod. Lib. Note. — cf. Collier's Bibliog. Account of the Rarest Books, dc, additions, p. iv. Sir Francis Drake, &c. Newly printed, with additions. Oxford, 1596, 8°. No pagination. Bod. Lib. Note. — Preface dated Broadgate Hall, November 17, 1596. The Life and Death of Sir F. Drake. By C. Fitz-Geffrey. [Ed. by Sir S. E. Brydges]. Kent, printed at the private press at Lee Priory, by John Warwick, 1819, 8"., pp. xxiii and 101. Note. — A reprint of the preceding. Caroli Fitzgeofridi Affaniae ; sive Epigramma- tvm libri tres. Ejusdem Cenotaphia. Oxonise, Excudebat Josephvs Barnesivs, 1601, 8". No pagination. Br. Museum, Bod. Lib. Death's Sermon [on Eccles. vii, 2] vnto the Liuing ; dehvered at the Funerals of the Religious Ladie Philippe, late Wife unto the Right Wor- shipfuU S"' Anthonie Rovs, of Halton in Cornwall, Knight, by C. Fitz-Geflfry. Lond., printed by W. Stansby for John Parker, and are to bee sold at his shop, in Paul's Church-yard, at the signe of the Three Pidgeons, 1620, 4"., pp. 32. Br. Note. — The dedication, " To my most honovred friend, John Pym, Esqvire," commences with, " I present you here with that whereat you could not bee present, your dearest Mother's Funeral." In other copies the PITZ-GEOFFBY. 149 PITZ-GEOFFEY. FITZ-GBOFFBY, Ebv. Chaeles. (Con.). date 1622 occurs on the title page, in -which year a Sermon on Sir Anthony Eous was published by Fitz-Geoiiry. Elisha. His lamentation for his owne and all Israels losse in Elijah. The subiect of a Sermon [on II Kings, xi, 12] preached at the Funeralls (sic) of the Right Worshipfull Sir Anthony Rovs, late of Halton, in Cornwall, Knight. By 0. Fitz-Geffry. Lond., printed by William Stansby for John Parker, and are to be sold at his shop, in Pauls Churchyard, at the signe of the Three Pidgeons, 1622, 4°., pp. 54. Dedication unpaged. Br. Museum. Note.- — Dedicated to " The Eight Worshipfull my worthy Patron, William Rovs, of Halton, Esquire." cf. Wilford's Memorials and Characters (1741), pp. 419, 422. The Curse of Corne-horders : with the blessing of seasonable selling. In three Sermons, on Prov. ii, 26. Begun at the General Sessions for the County of Cornwall, held at Bodmyn, and continued at Fowy. By C. Fitz-Geffrie. Printed at London, by I. B., for Edward Dight, dwelling in Excester, 1631, 4"'., pp. 56. £r. Museum. Note. — Dedicated "To the truly ennobled and rightly honored, Sir Eeginald Mohvne, Knight and Baronet." God's Blessing upon the Providers of Oorne ; and God's curse upon the Hoarders. Read, judge, and consider God's judgements by the sword, plague, famine. Together with the Corn imported into London Port in four moneths. By C. F.— G[effry]. Lond., printed for M. S., 1648, 4°., pp. 56. Br. Museum. Note. — A reprint of the preceding, with a new title-page, and a page prefixed, containing an account of the Corn imported into London from August to Novem- ber, 1647. The pages are headed " The curse of Corne- horders." The Blessed Birth-Day, celebrated in some Pious Meditations on the Angels' Anthem. Luke ii, 14. Also Holy Raptures in contempla- ting some of the most observable adjuncts about our Saviour's nativitie. By C. Fitz-Geffry. Ox- ford, printed by John Lichfield, Printer to the University ; and are to be sold by Edward For- rest; An. Dom. 1634, 8°., pp. 55. Bod. Lib. The Blessed Birth-Day. . .Second Edition, with additions. Oxford, imprinted by Leonard Lich- field, 1636, 8°. The Blessed Birth-Day. . . [3rd Edition], Lond., printed by T. M., for Stephen Chatfield, and are to be sold at his shop, in the Middle of St. Dunstan's Church-yard, in Fleet-street, 1654, 8°., pp. 38. Br. Museum. Note. — ef. Censura Literaria, vi, 234 ; ix, 44, 53. Compassion towards captives, chiefly towards our bretheren and countrymen, who are in miserable bondage in Barbariej urged and PITZ-GEOFFEY, Etsv. Charles. {Con.). pressed in three sermons on Heb. 13, 3, preached in Plymouth, in October, 1636, by C. Fitz- Geffry. Whereunto are annexed an epistle of St. Cyprian, concerning the Redemption of the bretheren from the bondage of Barbarians, and a passage concerning the benefits of Compassion, extracted out of St. Ambrose, his second booke of offices, cap. 28. Oxford, printed by Leonard Lichfield for Edward Forrest, An. Dom. 1637, 4«- Br. '- Note. —The extracts from Cyprian and Ambrose are unpaged, but the register is continuous. The Sermon is dedicated to " The Worshipfvll John Cavse, Maior of Plymovth." The Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinell ... By Thomas Storer, Student of Christ-Church, in Oxford. At London, printed by Thomas Dawson, 1592, 4°. Br. Museum. Note — Prefixed to this are two copies of Latin verses and two English sonnets, by C. Fitz-Geoffry. England's Parnassus ; or the choysest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their PoeticaU com- parisons... whereunto are annexed other various discourses, both pleasant and profitable. Im- printed at London for N. L., C. B., and T. H., 1600, 8°., pp. 510. Note. — This collection of Poetry, which was erron- eously ascribed to Fitz-Geofiry by Anthony A. Wood, is really the work of Eobert Allot. It contains however 20 extracts from Fitz-Geoffry's Poetry, ef. Censwa Literaria, vii, 372. Oxoniensis academies funebre officium in me- moriam...Elisabeth8e, Anglise Reginse. Oxon, 1603, 4°. AcademiBe Oxoniensis pietas erga...Jacobum, Anglise regem. Oxon, 1603, 4°. Note. — The above two works contaiB verses by C. Fitz-Geoffrey. Microcosmos. The discovery of the little world, with the government thereof. By John Davies [of Hereford]. At Oxford, printed by Joseph Barnes... 1603, pp. 254 and 15 unnum- bered pages. Br. Museum. Note.— Prefixed is a copy of verses signed Charles Fitz- Jeffry, and entitled " Upon the Discoverie of the little World, by Master John Davies." The Golden-Grove, moralized in three Books ...made by W. Vaughan.,,The second edition. Imprinted at London, by Simon Stafford.. .1608, 8°. Br. Museum. Note. — Prefixed is a copy of verses signed Charles Fitz-Gefirey, and entitled "In praise of the Golden- grove, moralized by Master Vaughan." Letter from C. Fitzgeoffry, dated Fowey, March, 1633, giving an account of the thunder- storm. MSS. at KimMton Castle. A Latin Epigram on Thomas Clifford, of Devonshire. MSS. formerly penes Rev. John Prince. FITZ-GBOFFEY. 150 PLAMANK. FITZ-GEOFFEY, Eev. Chakles. (Con.). Epigrammaton Joannis Dvnbari Megalo-Brit- anui CentvriEe sex Decades totidem. Londini, ex Typographeo Thomse Purfootij, 1616, 8°., pp. 220. £r. Miiseum. Note. — Century II, No. xvi, Ad Carolmn Fitzgeo- fridum. The Scourge of Folly ; consisting of Satyricall Epigrams and others in honour of many noble persons and worthy friends. [By John Davies, of Hereford]. At London, printed by E. A., for Eichard Eedmer, 1620, 8°., pp. 264. £r. Note.— Epigram (p. 214) " To my deere friend Mr. Charles Fitz-Jeffery." Quodlibets, lately come over from New Britan- niola, old Newfound-land. By E. H[ayman], sometimes Governor of the Plantation there. Lond., 1628, 4». Note.— Book i, No. iii, is addressed " To the Eever- end, Learned, Acute, and Witty Master Charles Fitz- Geoffery, Bachelor in Divinity, my especiaU kind friend, most exceUeut Poet." Nocturnall Lucubrations... whereunto are ad- ded Epigrams and Epitaphs, written by Eob. Chamberlain. Lond., printed by M. F., for Daniel Frere...l638, 8o., pp. 89 and Epigrams, &c., unpaged. Br. Museum. Note.— One of the Epitaphs is " On the death of Mr. Charles Fitz-Geffrays, Minister of God's word." FITZ-GEOEFEY, Henry (son of the preceding). cf. Bhsi Wood, ii, 608 ; Welch's List of West- minster Scholars (ed. 1852), p. 81. Certayn. Elegies done by svndrie excellent wits, with satyres and epigrames. Lond., printed 1617, sm. 8". 'i' > Certaine Elegies, etc. Lond., printed by B. A., for MUes Partriche, and are to be solde at his shoppe, neare Saint Dunston's Church, in Fleet- streete, 1618, 8°. Not paged. Br. Museum. Certayne Elegies, etc. Lond., printed by B. A., for Miles Partriche, and are to be solde at his shoppe, neare Saint Dunstan's Church, in Fleet Streete, n.d., 8°. Bod. Lib. Certaine Elegies, etc. Lond., printed for Thomas Jones, and are to be solde at his shoppe m Chancery Lane, ouer against the Eoles, 162o' 8°. Not paged. Bod. Uh. Certaine Elegies, etc. Colophon, reprinted at the Beldomie Press [Eyde, Isle of Wight! bv G. E. Pahner for Edwd. V. Utterson, in the year 1843, 8°. ' Note.— A facsimile of the edition of 1620, only 12 copies prmted. •' FITZGEOFPEY, Eev. Mr. {son of Rev 0. Fitzgeoffry). FLAMA.NK. 151 FOOTE. FLAMATSTK, Rev. Roger (elder brother of Bev. H. Flamank). V. of Sithney. Ejected 1662. d. St. Enoder, aged 87. cf. Palmer's Noncon. Mem. (1775), i, 289-90. FLAVELL, Eev. Thomas {son of Rev. John Flavell). V. of Mxdlion ; B. of Buan Major ; Prebend, of Exeter I8th Jan., 1660. b. Somer- set, d. Exeter, 26th Oct., 1682. bur. Mullion. cf. Blisi Wood, iv, 323-26 ; Walker's Suffer- ings, pt. ii, 240. FLETCHER FAMILY. Descent of Fletcher, of Cury, from the Visi- tation of 1620. Earl. MSS., 1052, art. 291. FLETCHER, Rev. John Rooke, B.D. (son of Bev. J. K. Fletcher). V. of Quethiock, 23rd Nov., 1816 ; B.of Lydford. The happiness of true wisdom ; a sermon [on Prov. iii, 13] preached in the parish church of Totness, Devon, in aid of the school in that town, for the instruction of poor children in the principles of the established church. By J. R. Fletcher, Vicar of Quethioke, Cornwall, and Curate of Diptford (sic), Devon. Lond., Riving- ton, 1818, 8"., pp. 23. The Judgments of God. A Sermon [on Isa. xxvi, pt. of verse 9] preached in the parish church of Quethiock, Cornwall, on the 21st March, 1832, being the day appointed for a general fast, in consequence of that grievous disease which has visited several places in this kingdom. By .lohn R. Fletcher, Vicar of Quethiock, Corn- wall, and Rector of Lidford, Devon. Devonport, W. Byers, printer, Fore Street ; Lond., Riving- ton; 1832, 8°., pp. 19. Note. — Dedicated to the mhabitants of Quethiock. FLINDELL, Thomas, b. Helford, in Manaccan. d. Exeter, 11th July, 1824. cf Polwhele's Cornwall, v, 89-93 ; Timperley's Typographical Did., pp. 853, 879, 893; Andrews' Hist, of British Journalism, ii, 68-69 ; Life of S. Drew (1834), pp. 126, 369-72. The Doncaster Gazette. Ed. by T. Flindell. 1790. The Holy Bible ; containing the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha, illustrated with annotations, historical, critical, practical, and spiritual ; and a chronological index of events from the creation of the world to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. To which is pre- fixed a copious introduction, exhibiting a full and systematic exposition of the Sacred Scriptures. By the Revd. John Whitaker, Rector of Ruan- Lanyhorne, Cornwall... Vol. i, Falmouth, printed by T. Flindell; sold in London by Ohampante FLINDELL, Thomas. (Con.). and Whitrow, Jewry Street, Aldgate; H. D. Symonds and T. Hurst, Paternoster Row ; and Mathews, in the Strand; 1800, 4". Note. — Title and introduction [signed John Whit- ater, Eiian-Lanyhorne, June 27, 1800], pp. xxii. Dedi- cation, " To the inhabitants of the County of Cornwall this work is most respectfully dedicated, by their very humble servant the Editor," p. i. Names and order of all the books of the Old and New Testament, p. i. Then follows, without pagination, the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi. The Apocrypha and New Testa- ment were never published. Whitaker wrote the Intro- duction and Notes on Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel ; and the Eev. E. Polwhele wrote the Notes on the other books. This work came out in numbers. Nos. i — xxx, read " Helston, printed at the Stannary Press, by T. Flin- dell, 1799"; No. xxxi, "Falmouth, T. FHndell, 1800." The XXX and xxxi numbers contain Whitaker's introduc- tion. This is a very scarce book : W. J. Mumford, Esq., Content, St. Mary's, Scilly, is the owner of a copy. cf. A Letter from Eev. B. Polwhele, in Gent. Mag., xoviii, 10, 1828 ; Polwhele's Biog. Sketches, iii, 58. The Cornwall Gazette and Falmouth Packet. Published at Falmouth on every Saturday. By T. Flindell. 1801. The Royal Cornwall Gazette and Falmouth Packet ; or General Advertiser for the Western Counties. A weekly paper. Ed. by T. Flindell. First number published at Truro, Saturday, 2nd July, 1803. The Western Luminary. Established by T. Flindell at Exeter, 1813. The Trial, Defence, and Sentence of T. Flin- dell, of Exeter, for a libel on the Queen. Pub- lished in the Western Luminary, 11th July, 1820. Exeter, 1820, 8°. Prison Recreations. The Philosophy of Reason and Revelation attempted, with a view to the Restoration of the Theory of the Bible on the Ruins of Infidelity. By an Uneducated Man \ie,T. Fhndell]. Exeter, printed at the Western Luminary Office, by T. Flindell, 1822, 8»., pp. xii and 208. Colophon, p. 200, Exeter, printed by W. C. Pollard, North Street. Note.— Preface dated Exeter, 1822, and signed T. Flindell. Mr. W. P. Courtney has the author's presen- tation copy to Mr. Budd, which contains a copy of the letter which accompanied the book. It appears that these two gentlemen having hitherto been political enemies, Mr. Flindell concludes by stating that he is coming to Truro, " when it shall not be my fault if we do not shake hands." Song written for the Institution of the Devon and Exeter Pitt Club, in 1814. New Monthly Ma^., iv, 36-7 (1815). „^ ^ On hearing of the death of Fras. Gregor, ot Trewarthenick, July, 1815. ib., v, 160 (1816). FOOTE, Samuel (son of John Foote). b. Truro, 1679. d. Truro, 12th March, 1754. bur. St. Clement's. John Prowse, Gent., v. Samuel Foote, Esq., FOOTE. 152 FOOTE. FOOTE, Samuel. (Con.). Mayor of Truro. An Appeal case before the House of Lords, 1725, fol. Mandamus to admit S. Ffoot into the office of Alderman of Truro. if-S'iS'. formerly at Stoioe " Parliament Becords," No. cvii. cf. O'Oonor's Bih- liotheca Stowensis, Ji, 339. FOOTE, Samuel {2nd son of the preceding), bapt. Truro, 27th Jan., 1720. d. Dover, 21st Oct., 1777. bur. Westminster Abbey, 30th Oct. cf. Cheiwood's Gen. Hist, of the Stage (1749), pp. 152-56 ; The Actor, or a Treatise on the Art of Playing (Lond., 1750, 12°.), pp. 156, 166, 273; Thos. Dames' Life of John Henderson (1777), pp. 14-20, 30-32 ; H. Wal- pole's Journ. of George III, from 1771-83, i, 499 ; /. Ireland's Letters, etc., of John Hender- son (1786), pp. 126-30, 188; Life and Mem. of Elizabeth Chudleigh {Duchess of Kingston), Lond., E. Randall, 1788, 4°., pp. 15-20; Tate Wilkinson's Mem. of his otvn Life (Dublin, 1791, 3 vols., 8°.), passim ; Boswell's Johnson, passim ; /. T. Kirkm,an's Mem. of C. MacUin, i, 292, 361-62, 406; T. Dames' Garrich, passim; TFilson's Wonderful Characters, i, 248-69, 400 -406 ; /. GradocKs Lit. and Miscell. Mem., i, 30-35, 95 ; Life of Countess of Huntingdon, i, 208-9, ii, 425 ; W. T. Parke's Musical Mem., ii, 305-7 ; Diary of H. C. JRobinson, i, 10, 345; Colman's Bandom Becords, i, 113-14, 121, 229-35, 252-54, ii, 69-70; Gent. Mag., xxviii, 44 (1758), xxxii, 8 (1762), xxxiii, 45, xxxiv, 382, XXXV. 253, 297, xxxvi, 100, 339, xxxix, 567, xl, 98, xliii, 101 (1773), xlv, 390-92, xlvii, 44, 508, 534, 625 (1777), Ixxx^iii, pt. 2, 304 (1818) ; Annual Begister (Characters), 1777, pp. 27-31 ; EuropeanMag., XXV, 14-16 (1794); N. & Q., 2 S., v, 22-24, 85-87, 216 (1858), xii, 122(1861); Chambers' Journ., vii, 229-31 (1838); Chambers' Book of Days, ii, 476-79; Faulkner's Account of Fulliam, pp. 331-35 ; Churchill's Bosciad (1761), pp. 2, 12, 13. The genuine Memoirs of the Life of Sir John Dinely Goodere, Bart., virho was murder'd by the contrivance of his own brother, on board the Euby Man-of-War, in King-Eoad, near Bristol, Jan. 19, 1740, Together with the life, history, tryal, and last dying words of his brother, Capt. Samuel Goodere, who was executed at Bristol, on Wednesday, 15th April, 1741... Dedicated to the Rt. Worshipful Henry Combe, Mayor of Bristol. By S. Foote, of Worcester-College, Oxford, and nephew to the late Sir J. D. Goodere, Bart. Lond., printed and sold by T. Cooper, in Paternoster Row, n.d. [1741'!], 8°., pp. 36, 6d. Note. — " An account of the trial of S. Goodere, Esq., and Matthew Mahony. . .for the murder of Sir FOOTE, Samuel. (Con.). J. D. Goodere," is printed in W. Cooke's Memoirs of Foote, iii, 209—20. A full and true account of the horrid murders, etc., and of the trial and conviction of John Palmer, etc... Likewise the memoir [by S. Foote] of the life and death of Sir J. Dineley Good- ere, Bart., who was murdered by the contrivance of his own brother, Capt. S. Goodere, on board the Euby Man-of-War, in King-Road, near Bris- tol, Jan. 19, 1740-41. Two parts. Worcester, printed and sold by J. Butler, in High Street, 1782, 4°., pp. 84 and 24,. 2/6. Note. — Each part has a distinct title-page, pagina- tion, and register. Memoir of Sir J. D. Goodere, pp. 1—24. The Diversions of the Morning. An Enter- tainment. By S. Foote. 1747. Not printed. Note. — First produced at the Haymarket, 22nd April, 1747. This entertainment was stopped by the Westminster Magistrates on the second representation, under a law limiting the playhouses in London to two only. However, on the 24th April Foote issued an ad- vertisement, inviting his friends "to come and drink a dish of Chocolate with him " ; subsequently, namely on the 1st June, " Mr. Foote's friends are desired to drink a cup of tea with him." By this Blight evasion of the law, " The Diversions of the Morning " was played for 35 nights. In March, 1748, the invitation was called " Taking Chocolate in Ireland." An Auction of Pictures. An Entertainment. By S. Foote. 1748. Not printed. Note. — First produced at the Haymarket in the spring of 1748. A Treatise on the Passions, so far as they re- gard the stage. With a critical enquiry into the theatrical merits of Mr. G[arric]k, Mr. Q[ui]n, and Mr. B[arr]y. The first considered in the part of Lear, the two last opposed in Othello. Anon. Lond., printed for C. Corbet, against St. Dunstan's-Church, Fleet Street, n.d. [1747], 8°., pp. 44, 1/-. A Letter of Compliment to the ingenious author of A Treatise on the Passions [i.e., S. Foote [1747; Signed J. T. i°., pp. 47. Lond., C. Corbertt, n.d. The Roman and English Comedy consider'd and compar'd. With remarks on the "Sus- picious Husband " [by Benjamin Hoadley], and an examen into the merits of the present comic actors. By S. Foote, Esq. Lond., printed for T. Waller, in Fleet-Street [March], 1747, 8"., pp. 45, 1/-. The Knights ; a comedy, in two acts [and in prose], as it is performed at...Drury Lane. By S. Foote. Lond., printed for P. Vaillant, op- posite Southampton Street, in the Strand, 1754, 8°., pp. vi and 47, 1/-. — Glasgow, printed in the year 1758, 12"., pp. 35. —Lond. Theatrical Magazine (1778), ii, pp. 10. — Supplement to POOTE. 153 FOOTE. FOOTE, Samoel. {Con.). John Bell's "British Theatre," i, 252-81.— Modern British Drama (1811), v, 249-60. Note.— First produced at the Haymarket, 1748. It contains references to Cornwall. A new scene for the comedy called The Knights, or Fresh Tea for Mr. Foote. Lond., printed for J. Scott, in Fleet Street, 1758, 8"., PP- 1^- Mr. Foote's original address to the public. [Inverse]. [DubUn (^), 1750 (^)], s. sh.,fol. Br. Museum. Note. — A Poem of 46 lines, commencing " Hush I let me search before I speak aloud." Taste ; a comedy of two acts [and in prose], as it is acted at the Theatre-Eoyal, in Drury Lane. By Mr. Foote. Lond., printed for R. Francklin, in Russel-Street, Covent Garden, 1752, 8"., pp. ix and 28, 1/-. — 2nd ed., Lond., printed for R. Francklin... 1753, 8^., pp. xii and 34^ l/-.^-3rd ed., Lond., printed for T. Lowndes, in Fleet Street... 1765, 8°., pp. xii and 34, 1/-. —Lend., Theatrical Magazine (1777), ii, pp. 6. — Lend., 1779, 8".— Supplement to John Bell's " British Theatre," 163-83. — Lond., printed for W. Lowndes... 1799, 8°., pp. xi and 28, 1/-. Note. — First produced by D. Garrick, at Drury Lane, 11th Jan , 1752, and acted 5 times. It mainly consists of selections from the characters in " The Diversions," 1747, and "An Auction," with a thread of story suffi- cient to connect them for dramatic purposes. The Englishman in Paris. A comedy in 2 acts [and in prose] as it is performed at Covent Garden. By S. Foote. Lend., printed for Paul Vaillant, 1753, 80., pp. 51, with Epilogue unpaged,l/-. — Lond.,TheatricalMagazine'1778), ii, pp. 10.— Supp. to J. Bell's " British Theatre," iii, 80-103. NoTEi— First produced at Covent Garden, 24th March, 1753, under the title of An Answer to a French Farce, called " The Frenchman in London." The Inquisition. A diversion. By S. Foote. 1754. Not printed. Note.— Played for a few nights at the Haymarket, in 1754. The Actor; or a Treatise on the art of Playing. A new work, written by the author of the former [Sir J. Hill, M.D.], and adapted to the present state of the Theatres, containmg impartial observations on the performance, etc of Mr. Garrick....Mr. Foote, etc. Lond., prmted for E. Griffiths, at the Dunciad, in Pater-noster Row, 1755, 12°., pp. 284. Note.— Account of S. Foote, pp. 156, 166, 273. The Englishman returned from Paris, being the sequel t6 The Englishman in Pans. A farce in 2 acts [and in prose], as it is performed at the FOOTS, Samuel. {Con.). Theatre Royal in Covent Garden. By S. Foote. Lond., printed for P. Vaillant, 1756, 8"., pp. 56, 1/-.— 2nded., Lond., 1766, 80.— Lond., Theatri- cal Magazine (1780), iv, pp. 10. — Supp. to J. Bell's " British Theatre," iii, 104-37.— New ed., Lond., printed for W.Lowndes, 77, Fleet Street, 1788, 8°., pp. vi and 47, 1/-.— Modern British Drama (1811), V, 261-73. Note. — First produced at Covent Garden, 3rd Feb., 1756. The Green Room Squabble ; or a Battle Royal between the Queen of Babylon [Mrs. Woffington] ,and the Daughter of Darius [Mrs. Bellamy]. A Farce. By S. Foote. 1756. , Not printed. The Dramatic Works of S. Foote, Esq. Lond., printed for P. Vaillant, J. Rivington, etc., n.d. [1757-87], 4 vols., 80. Note. — This is a coUeotion made up of pieces of different dates and editions. The Author. A comedy of two acts [in prose], as performed at the Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane. By S. Foote. Lond., printed for R. Francklin, in Russel Street, Covent Garden, 1757, 8"., pp. 43, 1/-.— Lond., Theatrical Magazine (1778 ?), ii, pp. 10.— New ed., Lond., printed for T.Lowndes, 77, Fleet Street... 1782, 8°., pp. 48, Prologue and Epilogue unpaged, 1/-. —Supp. to J. Bell's "British Theatre," iii, 214- 46.— Modern British Drama (1811), v, 274-85. —Mrs. Inchbald's " Collection of Farces,"(1815), vii, 197-231. Note. — First produced by D. Garrick, at Drury Lane, 5th Feb., 1757. After being played one season, its reproduction was prohibited by the LordChamberlain. at the instance of Mr. Aprice, who had been satirized in the character of Cadwallader. The Diversions of the Morning, altered." A' farce in two acts. By S. Foote, 1758. Not Note.— Produced at Drury Lane, 17th Oct., 1758. Act i is nearly the same as the first of Taste. Act ii is printed in J. Bee's Works of S. Foote, i, pp. Ivii— Ixv. Will. Cooke's Memoirs of Foote, iii, 113—29. For the original play see ante under 1747. When this piece was reproduced at the Haymarket in 1762, a new second act was substituted, called " Lindamira, a Tragedy a la Mode, a burlesque tragic bagatelle, altered by S. Foote, from Will Whitehead's Fatal Constancy." It is prmted in T. Meadow's Thespian Gleanings (Ulverston, 1805, 80). Tate Wilkinson's Wandering Patentee (1795), i, 285, iv, 237. The Minor. A comedy [in 3 acts and in prose] written by Mr. Foote. As it is now acting in the new Theatre in the Haymarket. By authority from the Lord Chamberlain. Lond., printed and sold by J. Coote...l760, S"., pp. iv and 91, 1/6.— 2nd ed., 1760, 80., pp. iv and 91, 1/6.— 3rd ed., 1760, 80., pp. iv and 91, 1/6. The Minor. A comedy... as it is acted at the U FOOTE. 154 FOOTE. FOOTE, Samuel. (Con.). Theatre Royal, in Drury Lane. — 6th ed., Lond., printed and sold by J. Coote, 1764, 8°., pp. iv and 74, 1/6. — 7th ed., Lond., printed for J. Coote, 1767, 8"., pp. vi and 80, 1/6.— The New English Theatre, 1776, 8".— Loud., Theatrical Magazine (1778), ii, pp. 14. The Minor... Printed under the Inspection of James Wrighten, Prompter. Exactly agreeable to the representation at... Drury Lane. Lond., W. Lowndes, 1788, 8°., pp. 14.— Lond., printed for the Proprietors, under the direction of John Bell, British Library, Strand. ,. 1792, ' 12"., pp. 73.— J. Bell's "British Theatre," (1797), ii, pp. 61.— Modern British Drama (1811), v, 286-301. — Mrs. Inchbald's Collection of Faroes (1815), V, 181-234. Note. — First produced, as a 2 act play, at the Crow Street Theatre, Dublin, 28th Jan., 1760. Reproduced, with alterations, at the Haymarket, 1760. In this play the Rey. Geo. Whitfield was satirized under the name* of " Squintum." A Letter to David Garrick, Esq., occasioned by the intended representation of the Minor at... Drury Lane [signed Anti Profanus], Lond., sold by Mr. Field, Pater-noster Row. ..1760, 8"., pp. 48. Note. — Supposed to have been written by the Eev. Martin Madan. An additional scene to the comedy of the Minor [being a satire on S. Foote]. Aiinn. Lond., printed for J. Williams, Bookseller, on Ludgate Hill, 1761, 8°., pp. 19. The Methodist ; a comedy [in three acts, in prose, by Israel Pottinger], being a continuation and completion of the plan of the Minor, written by Mr. Foote, as it was intended to have been acted at...Covent Garden, but for obvious reasons suppressed. With the original prologue and epilogue. Lond., printed for I. Pottinger in Ave Maria Lane, n.d. [1761], 8"., pp. 60, Prologue, Epilogue, and Songs, unpaged, 1/6. — 3rd ed., Lond., n.d. [1761], 8».,pp. 60, 1/6. Christian and Critical Remarks on a droll or interlude, called The Minor. Now acting by a company of stage players in the Haymarket, and said to be acted by authority, in which the blasphemy, falsehood, and scurrility of the piece are properly considered, answered, and exposed. By a Minister of the Church of Christ. The 2nd ed. corrected. Lond., printed for and sold by Mr. Keith, in Grace Church Street, 1760, 8" pp. 41, 1/-. A Letter from Mr. Foote to the Reverend Author of the " Remarks Critical, and Christian, on the Minor," Lond., printed for T. Davies, in Russel Street, Co vent Garden, [Oct.,] 1760 8° pp. 40, 1/-. Note.— Reprinted in J. Bee's Works of S. Fnote, i, pp. xciii— exiv. H'. Cooke's Memoirs of H. Foote, iii, 160 —201. FOOTE, Samcel. (Con.). A Letter to Mr. F . . te, occasioned by the Christian and Critical Remarks on his Interlude called The Minor. To which is added an Ap- pendix relative to a serious address to the Methodist themselves. Anon. Lond., printed for T. Pote, Bookseller, next Serjeant's Inn Gate, Fleet Street, [Oct.], 1760, pp. 28, 6d. A Letter to Mr. Foote, occasioned by his letter to the Reverend Author of the Christian and Critical Remarks on the Minor, containing a Refutation of Mr. Foote's Pamphlet, and a full defence of the principles and practices of the Methodists. By the Author of the Christian and Critical Remarks. Lond., printed for P. Wicks, in Paternoster Row, [Oct.], 1760, 8"., pp. 28, 1/-. _ Observations good or bad, stupid or clever, serious or jocular, on Squire Foote's dramatic entertainment, intitled The Minor. By A. Genius. Lond., printed for J. Wilkie, at the Bible, in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1761, 80., pp. 15, 3d. Belinda's Account of a comedy, called the Minor, introduced upon the stage at Edinburgh, Saturday, Nov. 24th, 1770, n.p. or d., 8»., pp. 4. Br. Museum. The Theatre, licentious and perverted ; or a Sermon for reformation of manners. Preached on the Lord's Day, Dec. 2nd, 1770, partly occar sioned by the acting of a comedy, entitled The Minor, in the licensed theatre of Edinburgh, on Saturday, the 24th of Nov. preceding. By James Baine, A.M., Minister of the Gospel, at Edinburgh. Inscribed to S. Foote, Esq., 2nd ed., Edinburgh, printed by J. Reid...l770, 8"., pp. 40, 4d. 3rd ed. 1771, 8°., pp. 40, 4d. Apology for the Minor in a Letter to the Rev. Mr. [James] Baine. To which is added the original epilogue. By Samuel Foote, Esq. Edinburgh, printed for •!. Wood, and sold by him, at his shop, below the Tron Church, 1771, 8"., pp. 24. The Dramatic Works of S. Foote, Esq. Lond., printed for P. Vaillant, T. Lowndes, etc., n.d. [1763-81], 4 vols., 8°., 30/-. Note. — This is a collection made up of pieces of different dates and editions. The Liar. A comedy in three acts [and in prose], as it is performed at the Theatre in the Haymarket. By S. Foote. Lond., printed for G. Kearsley, 1764, 8"., pp. 66, Prologue and Epilogue unpaged, 1/6. — Lond., printed for P. Vaillant.. .1769, 8°., pp. 69, Prologue and Epilogue unpaged, 1/6. — Lond., Theatrical Magazine (1780), iv, pp. 18.— Supp. to J. Bell's " British Theatre " (1784), ii, 142-95. Modern British Drama (1811), v, 302-22. Mrs. Inch- FOOTE. 155 FOOTE. FOOTE, Samuel. (Cora.)- bald's Collection of Farces (1815), v, 273-331. — W. H. Oxberry's The New English Drama (1823), XV, pp. 48.— The London Stage (1824), li, 1-16.— The British Drama (1824), i, 756-68. The Liar. . .correctly given as performed at the Theatres Royal, with Remarks. New York, published by Chas. Wiley, 3, Wall Street, 1824, 12", pp. 51. The Liar. A comedy in two acts. Altered and adapted by Charles J. Matthews. Lond., T. H. Lacy, n.d. [1867], 8°., pp. 50, 6d. Note.— First produced at Covent Garden, 12tb Jan., 1762. The Orators [a comedy in 3 acts and in prose], as it is now performing at the New Theatre in the Haymarket, written by Mr. Foote. Lond., printed for J. Coote, in Paternoster Row... 17 62, 8"., pp. 67.— Lond., 1767,80.— Lond., Theatrical Magazine (1777), ii, pp. 13.— Supp. to J. Bell's " British Theatre," iv, 231-52.— Modern British Drama (1811), v, 323-31. Note.— First produced at the Haymarket, 1762. Geo. Faulkner, printer of the Dublin Journal, being libelled in this piece under the name of Peter Paragraph, brought an action against Foote, and recovered damages. cf. Gent. «a3.,'ixxiii, 39, (1763), for Mr. Foote's Address to the Public, after a prosecution against him for a libel. cf. also Lord Chesterfield's Letters {Mahon's ed.), Iv, 346, 359, 422. The trial of S. Foote, Esq., for a libel on Peter Paragraph. By S. Foote. A diversion performed at the Theatre Royal, in the Hay- market, 1763. Printed in J. Bee's Works of S. Foote, i, pp. cxvi-cxxii ; W. Cooke's Memoirs of Foote, iii, 130-41 ; Wilkinson's Wandering Patentee, iv. The Comic Theatre, being a free translation of all the best French Comedies. By S. Foote and others. Lond., printed by Dryden Leach, for J. Coote, in Paternoster Row... 1762, 5 vols., 12°., each 3/-. Note.— Mr. Foote's name was put to this work, and it was announced that one Comedy in each volume would be translated by him; but " The Young Hypocrite is said to be the only play in the collection that can with certainty be ascribed to him. The Mayor of Garret. A comedy in 2 acts, as it is performed at the Theatre Royal, m Drury Lane. By S. Foote. Lond., pnnted for P. Vaillant, facing Southampton-Street, in the Strand, 1764, 8"., pp. 48, _1/--— 2nd ed., Lond., printed for P. Vaillant, 1769, 8o., pp. 48, 1/- The Mayor of Garratt...Lond., printed tor Harrison and Co., No. 18, Paternoster Row... 1780, 8»., (Theatrical Magazine), v, pp. 11- The Mayor of Garratt...A New Edition. Lond., printed for T. and W. Lowndes, No. 77, Fleet Street, 1783, 8«., pp. 48, 1/-.— Supp. to FOOTE, Samuel. (Con.). J. Bell's "British Theatre" (1784), ii, 1-29.— Lond., printed for W. Lowndes, 76, Fleet Street, 1797, 8°., pp. 48, 1/-.— The Modern British Drama (1811), v, 332-43.— Mrs. Inchbald's Collection of Farces (1815), v, 237-70.— T. Dibden's London Theatre (1815), xvii, pp. 28. — W. H. Oxberry's The New English Drama (1818), ix, pp. vi and 23. The Mayor of Garret... correctly given as per- formed at the Theatres Royal, with Remarks. New York, published by Chas. Wiley, 3, Wall Street, 1824, 12"., pp. 32. The Mayor of Garret... The British Drama (1824), i, 188-95. The Mayor of Garratt. A farce in two acts. Printed from the acting copy, with remarks biographical and critical. By D G [Geo. Daniel]. Lond., G. H. Davidson, Peter's Hill, Doctors' Commons. (J. Cumberland's " British Theatre" 1829), viii, pp. 27. The Mayor of Garratt, a comedy in two acts. By S. Foote. Lond., printed by Thomas White, 1831, 8°., pp. 45. — (.Thomas' Burlesque Drama (18.^8), pp. 54. — The British Drama, illustrated (1864), i, 147-53. The Mayor of Garrett. A farce. With a history of the mock election formerly held there. Illustrated, with designs, by R. Seymour... Lond., T. H. Lacy n.d. [18—], 8°., pp. 42, 6d. Note.— First produced at the Haymarket, 20th June, 1763. The Patron. A comedy in three acts [and in prose], as it is performed in the Haymarket. Lond., printed by G. Kearsly... opposite St. Martin's Church, in Ludgate Street, 1764, 8"., pp. viii and 74.— 2nd ed., Lond., printed for G. Kearsly, 1764, 8"., pp. viii and 74.— 3rd ed., Lond., printed for P. Vaillant... 17 74, 8»., pp. vi and 74, 1/6.— Lond. Theatrical Magazine (1780), iv, pp. 13.— Supp. to J. Bell's "British Theatre," iv, 358-91. — Modern British Drama (1811), V, 344-57. Note.- First produced at the Haymarket, 1764. The Commissary. A comedy in 3 acts [and in prose], as it is performed at the... Haymarket. By S Foote. Lond., printed for P. Vaillant, facing Southampton Street... 1765, 8"., pp. 67, 1/6 — 3rd ed., Lond., 1775, 8°. — Lond., Theatrical Magazine (1779), iii, PP- 17— Supp. to.) Bell's "British Theatre" (1784), iv, 49- 96.— Modern British Drama (1811), v, 458-76. Note.— First produced at the Haymarket, 1765. cf. J. Cradock's Memoirs (1828), iv, 119. Copy of the original license under which S. Foote held the flaymarket Theati'e_ Dated, Westminster, 5th July, 6th Geo. HI, [1766], FOOTE. 16^ FOOTE. FOOTE, Samuel. (Con.). Printed in W. Cooke's Memoirs of Foote, iii, 202-8. ' An Occasional Prelude performed at the opening of the Theatre Royal, in the Hay- market, May, 1767. By S. Foote. Printed in W. Cooke's Memoirs of Foote, iii, 142-59; J. Bee's Works of Foote, i, pp. cxxv-cxxxiii. The Devil upon Two Sticks. A comedy in 3 acts, as it is performed at the...Haymarket. Written by the late Samuel Foote, Esq., and now published by Mr. Colman. Lond., printed by T. Sherlock, for T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1778, 80., pp. vi and 69, 1/6.— Lond., printed for W. Lowndes and S. Bladon, 1794, 8°., pp. 58, 1/6.— Modern British Drama (1811), v, 377 -93. Note. — First produced at the Haymarket, 30th May, 1768. Foote made between £3,000 and £4,000 by this piece in London, and nearly as much more in Dublin. Sodom and Ouan. A satire inscribed to S. Foote, Esq., alias the Devil upon Two Sticks. By Humphrey Nettle. Printed for the author and sold at No. 23, opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet, 22nd June, 1772, 4"., pp. ii and 29, 2/-. The Lame Lover. A comedy in 3 acts [and in prose], as it is performed at the... Haymarket. By S. Foote. Lond., printed for Paul Vaillant ...1770, 80., pp. 74.— A Collection of New Plays. (Altenburgh, printed for Gottl. Eman. Eichter, (1774), ii, 185-254.— Modern British Drama (1811), V, 394-410.— The British Drama (1824), ii, 1299-1313, Note.— First produced at the Haymarket, 22nd May, 1770, reproduced with considerable alterations, 27th Aug. cf. Gent. Mag., xl, 378—82, (1770). Foote's Prologue detected with a miniature- prose epilogue on his manner in speaking it. By Philo-technicus Miso-mimides. Lond., print- ed for the author, and sold by J. Williams, 38, Fleet Street, 1770, 8o., pp. 35. An_ Appendix to Foote's Prologue detected, containing, with other curious articles, A New Occasional Epilogue, for the close of his theatre, on Saturday, Sept. 15th, 1770. By Philo- technicus Miso-mimides. Lond., printed for the author, and sold by J. Williams, 38, Fleet Street, 1770, 8o., pp. 39. The Methodist and Mimic. A Tale in Hudi- brastic Verse. Lond., 1776, 80., 1/6. Note.— In this work Whitfield is represented as sending a fnend to Foote to propose that he should become a preacher, which proposal Foote rejects with aisdain. The Maid of Bath. A comedy of 3 acts, as it was performed at the Theatre Eoyal, in the Haymarket. Lond., John Wheble, Fleet Street 1778, 80., pp. 69, 1/6. FOOTE, Samuel. (Con.). The Maid of Bath... Written by the la.te S. Foote, Esq., and now published by Mr. Colman. Lond., printed by T. Sherlock for T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1778, 80., pp. viii and 67, and Epilogue unpaged, 1/6. — Modern British Drama (1811), v, 411-26. Note. — First produced at the Haymarket, 26th June, 1771. The Nabob. A comedy in 3 acts [and in prose], as it is performed at the... Haymarket. Written by the late S. Foote, Esq., and now pubUshed by Mr. Colman. Lond., printed by T. Sherlock for T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1778, 8"., pp. viand 71, 1/6. — Lond., printed for W. Lowndes and S. Bladon, 1795, 8°., pp. 59, 1/6. Note. — First produced at the Haymarket, 29th June, 1772. In this play The Antiquarian Society are, satirized for sitting in Council on the story of Whit^ tington and his Cat. cf. Walpole's Letters, (Cunning- ham's ed.), V, 398-400. The Primitive Puppet Show. A Diversion. By S. Foote, 1773. Not printed. Note. — Under the above general title, Foote brought out at the Haymarket, on the 15th Feb., 1773, a farce called ' ■ The Handsome Housemaid, or Piety in Pattens," a piece in which the characters were represented by handsomely dressed puppets nearly as large as life. The Introductory Oration to The Primitive Puppet Show, as delivered by Mr. Foote, is printed in J. Bee's Works of S. Foote, i, pp. cxxxvii — cxli. Piety in Pattens ; written by S. Foote, Esq., and first performed in his Primitive Puppet Show. MS. 40., formerly penes Eich. Heber. cf. Heber's Cat, pt. xi, (MSS.), No. 429. Note.— At Heber's sale this MS. was sold to Thos. Eodd, a well known bookseller, for the sum of one shilling. The Bankrupt. A comedy in 3 acts [and in prose]. Lond., printed for G. Kearsly, No. 46, near Serjeant's-Inn...l776, 80., pp. 97, 1/6. —New ed., Lond., printed for W. Woodfall and S. Bladon, in Paternoster Eow, 1782, 8" pp. 63, 1/6. Note.— First produced at the Haymarket, 21st July, 1773. The Cozeners. A comedy in 3 acts, as it was performed at the Theatre Eoyal, in the Hay- market [1774]. Lond., John Wheble, Fleet Street, 1778, 80., pp. 79, 1/6. The Cozeners... written by the late S. Foote, Esq., and now published by Mr. Colman. Lond printed by T. Sheriock, for T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1778, 80., pp. vi and 94, 1/6. Note.— First produced at the Haymarket, 3rd Aug., 1774, contains references to the History of Dr. William Dodd, who is represented under the title of Dr. Simony, and to the trial of Mrs; Catherine Endd, and J. and D. Perreau, see Dagge Hen, ante p. 102. FOOTE. 157 FORBES. FOOTE, Samuel. {Con.). The Tailors. A Tragedy for "Warm Weather, in 3 acts, as it is performed at the Theatre Koyal, in the Haymarket. Anon. Lond., printed by T. Sherlock for T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1778, 80., pp. vi and 47, 1/-. Bod. Lib. The Tailors (or " Quadrupeds."). A Tragedy for Warm Weather, in 3 acts, as performed at the Theatre Eoyal. Anon. Illustrated with original designs by Eobert Cruikshank...with introductory remarks by Eichard Eyan. Lond., Joseph Thomas, Finch Lane, 1836, 8"., pp. 69. — Reprinted in Thomas' Burlesque Drama, 1836, 80., pp. 69. Note. — First produced at the Haymarket, 2ud July, 1767. Mr. Eyan states in his preface, p. 5, that this piece was written by S. Foote, and on this authority the play is attributed to him in the Br. Museum Cat. Genest, Baker, and other writers, positively state that the piece was not written by Foote, cf. also S. Foote's letter to Tate Wilkinson, dated Nov., 1766, and quoted in Baker's Biog. Dram., iii, 315. A Trip to Calais. A comedy in 3 acts, as originally written [in Aug. 1775], and intended for representation, by the late Samuel Foote, Esq., to which is annexed the Capuchin, as it is performed at the... Haymarket, altered from the Trip to Calais, by the late S. Foote, Esq., and now published by Mr. Colman. Lond., printed by T. Sherlock for T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1778, 80., 2/6. Note. — Trip to Calais, pp. 1 — 90. The Capuchin, pp. 91—141. A Trip to Calais, etc. Lond., printed for W. Lowndes and S. Bladon, 1795, 8o., 2/6. Note.— Trip to Calais, pp. 1 — 74. The Capuchin, pp. 75 — 112. The Capuchin was first produced at the Haymarket, 17th Aug., 1776. The Duchess of Kingston being satirized in " A Trip to Calais," under the name cf Lady Kitty Crocodile, had sufficient influence with the Lord Chamberlain to prevent that play being licensed, cf. Walpole's Letters, vi, 238, 239, 252. The Slanderer. A comedy. Note. — Left unfinished at the time of the author's death, 1777. Elegies. I. — On the death of Samuel Foote, Esq. II.— On Age. By Thos. Holcroft, of the Theatre Eoyal, Drury Lane. Lond., printed for J. Bew, in Paternoster Eow, 1777, 4"., pp. 24, 1/- Note. — The Elegy on S. Foote, pp. 5 — 15. Wit for the Ton ! The Convivial Jester ; or Sam Foote's last Budget opened, containing original and authentic anecdotes... of that im- mortal Child of Humour, the English Aristophanes...Lond,, printed for W. Adlard, at No. 10,' Salisbury Court, Fleet Street, n.d. [1777], 80., pp. 47, 1/-. FOOTE, Samuel, {Con.). Memoirs of the Life and Writings of S. Foote, Esq., the English Aristophanes ; to which are added the Bon Mots... said by that gre^it Wit and Excentrical Genius. Printed for J. Bew, (No. 28), Paternoster-Eow, n.d. [1778], 80., pp. 88. The Dramatic Works of S. Foote, Esq. Dublin, printed by C. Talbot, for S. Price... 1778, 3 vols., 120. An Elegy on the death of S. Foote, Esq. By Boscherecoio [pseud, i.e. ]. Lond., printed for G. Kearsly, No. 46, Fleet Street, 1778, 4°., pp. 11, 1/6. The Dramatic Works of S. Foote. To which is prefixed A Life of the Author. Lond., J. F. and C. . Eivington, 1781, 4 vols. 8 o.— 1788, 4 vols., 80., 30/-. The Life of Samuel Foote, Esq., Lond., 1788, 80., pp. 23. Samuel Foote's Dramatische Werke. Berlin und Stettin, bei Friedrich Nicolai, 1796, 3 vols., 80. The Works of S. Foote, Esq. Edinburgh, printed for Peter Hill, 1798, 2 vols., 8o. Memoirs of S. Foote, Esq., with a collection of his genuine bon-mots, anecdotes, opinions, etc., mostly original, and three of his dramatic pieces, not published in his works. By Will. Cooke. Lond., printed for Eichard Phillips, No. 6, Bridge-Street, Blackfriars, 1805, 3 vols., 120., 13/6. Note. — The 3 pieces are The Second Act of the' Diversions of the Morning (as performed in 1758), iii, 118—29. The Trial of S. Foote, Esq., for a Libel on Peter Paragraph, iii, 130 — 41. An occasional prelude, iii, 142—59. The works of S. Foote, Esq., with remarks on each play and An Essay on the life, genius, and writings of the author. By Jon (sic.) Bee, Esq., [psevd., i.e., John Badcock]. Portrait. Lond., Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, 1830, 3 vols., 120., 18/-. Historical and Biographical Essays. By John Forster. Lond., J. Murray, 1858, 2 vols., 8o. Note.— Essay on S. Foote, ii, 293—347. Eeprinted (with additions) fiom Quart. Rev., xcv, 483 — 548 (1854). FOOTE, Samuel, Jun., i.e. Francis Wrangham (i) Eeform. A Farce modernised from Aris- tophanes and published with the annotations select, of. Belland, Mart. Scrib, T. P., complete of. Cantab, Anti-P., Hyper-bell. By S. Foote, jun. Lond., printed for E. Edwards, 142, New Bond Street, 1792, 8o., pp. viii and 29. FOEBES, Sir John, M.D., F.E.S., D.C.L., (ith son of Alex. Forbes), b. Cattelbrae, 18th Oct, FOEDTCE. 158 FOESTEB. FOEBES, SiK John. {Con.). 1787. d. Whitchurch, Oxfordshire, 13th Nov., 1861. cf. Gent. Mag., xii, 226-28, (1862). Observations on the climate of Penzance and the district of the Land's End, in Cornwall, with an Appendix containing Meteorological Tables, and a Catalogue of the Earer Indigenous Plants. Eead before the Penwith Agricultural Society, and published by request of the members, by John Forbes, M.D., Secretary of the Eoyal Geological Society of Cornwall, and Physician to the Penzance Infirmary. Penzance, printed for T. Vigurs and T. and E. Underwood, Lond., 1821, 8"., pp. ivand 64. Sketch of the Medical Topography of the Hundred of Penwith, comprising the district of the Land's End, in Cornwall. By J. Forbes, M.D., F.E.S. Map, n.d., 8". Note.— Part ii, pp. 121—229. On the Temperature of Mines. By ,T. Forbes, 1822, 8". Note. — Eeprinted from Trans. E.G.S. C, ii, 159— 21 7 (1819). On the Geology of the Land's End district. By J. Forbes. Coloured Map, 1822, 8". Note.— Eeprinted from Trans. R.G S C, ii, 242-80, (1819.) On the Geology of St. Michael's Mount. Trans. B.G.S.C, ii, 366-75, (1819). Froriep Notizm, Erfurt, vi, col., 241-43 ri824). On the Comparative Temperature of Penzance. Thomson Ann. Philos., i, 293-94, (1821). FOEBES and HANLEY. List of Cornish Shells, discovered in Mount's Bay during 1853. Trans. P.N.H. and A.S., ii, 196-9 (1853.) FOED, .TOHN {son of Tlws. Ford), hapt. Ilsington, 17th April, 1586. d. not known, 1639 (1). The Chronicle Historic of Perkin Warbeck. A strange truth. Acted (sometimes) by the Queenes Maiesties Servants at the Phenix, in Drurie Lane. Lond., printed by T. P. for Hugh Beeston, and are to be sold at his shop, neere the Castle, in Cornhill, 1634, sm. 4°. No pagina- tion. A to K 44 pages. Perkin Warbeck. In Dramatic Works of Massinger and Ford (1839), pp. 98-122. Note. — Act iv, Scene ¥, Coast of Cornwall. Act v, Scene i, St. Michael's Mount. FOEDYCE, George, M.D., F.E.S. {only son of Geo. Fordyce). b. Aberdeen, 18th Nov., 1736. d. London, 25th May, 1802. A new method of Assaying Copper Ores. FMlos. Trans. Ah:, xiv, 608 (1780). FOEFAR, William Bentinck {son of John Bentinck Forfar), b. Breage. The B&l ; or 'Tes a bra' keenly lode — dedicated to one and all. A Song — 24 verses. Helston, E. Cunnack, 1850. Pentowan ; or the adventures of Gregory Goulden, Esq., and Tobias Penhale. A Cornish Story. By W. B. Forfar. Helston, E. Cunnack, Market Place ; Lond., W. Kent and Co. ; 1859, 8°., pp. viii and 256. 'The Helston Furry day; an account of its origin and celebration, with the music of the ancient Furry dance. Helston, E. Cunnack, 1861, 12°., pp. 16. Pengersick Castle. A Cornish Tale. By W. B. Forfar. Truro, J. E. Netherton, 1862, 8»., pp. vi and 200, 1/-. ' Cousin Jan's Courtship and Marriage; The Exhibition (A Sequel to " The Bi,l "). Truro, J. E. Netherton, 1859, sm. 8°., pp. 17.— 1862, 8"., pp. 24, 6d. Found Drowned. A Tale founded on fact; by the author of '■ The Great Grizzler." Truro, J. E. Netherton, 1863, 12"., pp. 24. Kyuance Cove ; or The Cornish Smugglers. A Tale of the last century. By W. B. 1' orfar. Lond., J. E. Smith, 1865, 8°., pp. v and 154, 2/-. Eozzy Trenoodle and his Leathern Bag. A Cornish Tale. Truro, J. E. Netherton, 1865, 12"., pp. 6. Tale of the Oysters. By W. B. Forfar. [In Pengersick Castle]. Versified by H. J. Daniel. App. to " Bobby Poldue," 18—. See p. 103. Note. — This Tersification, by H. J. Daniel, waa prohibited by a threatened action on the part of .\Jr. Forfar, -whereupon it was withdrawn, and the copies promised to be destroyed. The Wizard of West Penwith ; a tale of the Land's End. By W. B. Forfar. Penzance, printed and published by W. Cornish, 1871, roy. 12°., pp. 241, 3/6 to subscribers. Note. — The Bal, Cousin Jan, Found Drowned, Eozzy Trenoodle, and Tale of the Oysters, are reprinted in " Cornish Tales, Truro, J. E Netherton, 1867, 8°." FOESTEE, Rev. Benjamin, B.D. {3rd son of Thos. Forster.) B. of Boconnoc, 1773-18()5, b. 7th Aug., 1736. d. Boconnoc, 2nd Dec, 1805. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxv, 1177, 1237, (1805); Nichols' Anecdotes, vi, 268, 270, 6i6, ix, 648-51. Nichols' Illustrations, v, 290-328, viii, 544-6, 633-39. Some account of the church and windows of St. Neots, in Cornwall. Anon. Folding plate. Lond., printed by H. andE. Ledger, Mazepond, Southwark, 1786, 4°., pp. iv and 26. List of Subscribers. A short address to the Masters and Mistresses of Parish Apprentices, in the County of Cpni' POETESCUE. 169 POSTEE. FOESTEE, Eev. Benjamin. [Con.). wall, introductory to some account of the Principal Matters contained in an Act of Parlia- ment, past in the year 1792, for the better regulation of Parish-Apprentices. [By Rev. B. Forster]. To be had of J. Liddell, printer and book-binder, Bodmin ; and of J. Vandersluys, at Boconnoc, n.d. [1793], 8"., pp. 11, Id. Note. — " A short address, &c.," is dated " Bocon- noc Parsonage, April 26th, 1793," and comprised in pp. 1 — 5 ; " The principal matters contained in the Act," is comprised in pp. 6 — 11. Letter respecting the visit of the Rev.William Mason to Cornwall, signed B. P., [i.e. B. Forster] and dated Cornwall, 17th Sept., 1799. W^eekly Entertainer, xxxiii, 330 (1799). Note. — The purport of the letter is to contradict a report that Mr. Mason had stated that there was nothing good in Cornwall but junket and the Weekly Entertainer. Epistolarium, or Fasciculi of curious letters, together with a few familiar poems, and some account of the writers as preserved among the MSS. of the Forster family. By F. [i.e. Thomas Ignatius Maria Forster] Bruges, 1845—50, 2 vols., 80. Note.— Contains several letters to Eev. B. Forster. FOESTER, E., Jun. The Botanists' Guide... By D. Turner and L. W. Dillwyn...l805, 2 vols, 8°. Note — The Botany of Cornwall described, i, 124-42. Considerable portion of the information, especially with regard to the eastern part of the county, was furnished by Mr. B Forster, jun. FORSTER, William. b. Tottenham, 23rd March, 1784. d. Houlston, Tennessee, 27th Jan., 1854. Memoirs of W. Forster, edited by Benjamin Seebohm. Lond., Bennett, 1865, 2 vols., 8". Note —He came into Cornwall in 1814, (when he visited SciUy), 1819 and 1835. cf. i, 178—181, 231 ; ii, 94. FORTESCUE FAMILY. A history of the Fortescue family. By Thomas (Fortescue) Lord Clermont. Chiswick Press. Printed for private circulation, 1869, 2 vols., fol. Note. -Contains an account of the Cornish family of Fortescue. FORTESCUE, Hugh, of Filleigh, Devon, {eldest son of Arthwr Fortescue). d. 1719. An Act for discharging the Barton and Lands of and in Catch French, in the county of Corn- wall, from the uses and limitations contained m FORTESCUE, Hugh. {Con.). the will of H, Fortescue, Esq., n.d. [1726], fol., pp.3. Note. — This manor was carried to H. Fortescue by marriage with Bridget, only daughter and heiress of Hugh Boscawen. FORTESCUE, John, of Punsborne, Herts. Sheriff of Cornwall, 1471-76. d. 28th .luly, 1500. cf. Liber de AntiquisLegibus(CamdenSoc., 1846), preface, pp. 216-17; Hist, of Fortescue family, ii, 153-63. FORTESCUE, Colonel Richard. Commander of Parliamentary Forces in the West. d. 1656 (!) cf. Joshua Sprigge's Anglia Bediviva (1647), pp. 69, 97, 167, 329, N & Q., 3 S., vii, 258, 341, 387 (1865). FOSTER, Clement Le Neve, B.A. {son of Peter Le Neve Foster.) b. Camberwell, Surrey, 23rd March, 1841. Banca and its Tin Stream Works. By P. Van Dieste, Mining Engineer. Translated from the Dutch. By C. L. N. Foster. Maps and 2 woodcuts. Truro, Heard, 1867, 8°., pp. 85. Remarks on the tin producing districts of Asia. Rep. B.G.P. Soc, 1866, pp. xlv--l. Notes on New Rosewarne Mine, ib., 1866, pp. li-lv. Bergstrom's Boring Machine, ib., 1867, p. 1. Rock-boring Machine at Altenberg. ib., 1867, p. 6. Perseberg Iron Mines, ib., 1867, p. 47. Tabulated account of the Boring Machines exhibited or described at Falmouth, Aug. 1867. ib., 1867, p. 48. On the use of Doering's Boring Machine at Tincroft Mine, Redruth, ib., 1867, p. 58. The Thirty-fifth annual report of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, 1867. [Ed. by C. L. N. Foster]. Falmouth, Mrs. Lake ; [Heard and Sons, printers, Truro] ; n.d. [1867], 8"., 2/-. On a curious lode or mineral vein at New Rosewarne Mine, Gwinear, Cornwall. Bnt. Assoc. Bep., 1866, p. 52. Notes on New Rosewarne Mine. Bep. Miners' Assoc, of C. and D., 1866, p. 26. Bergstrom's Boring Machine, ib., 1868, p. 0. Rock Boring Machine at Altenberg. ib., Perseberg Iron Mines, ib., 1868, p. 46. FOX. 160 FOX. FOSTBB, Clement Le Neve. (Con.). On the mine and smelting works of Agordo. By N. Pellati. Trans., from the Italian, by C. L. N. Foster, ik, 1869, pp. 11-28. Notes on theCaratal gold diggings, Venezuelan Guayana. «&., 1869, pp. 43-45. [Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, Land., xxv, p. 336.] On a new apparatus for " determining the weights of small buttons of gold and silver, for the use of assayers. ib., 1869, pp. 46-47. Note on Specimens of Scheelite. ik, 1869, p'. 48. Eeports of the Miners' Association of Cornwall and Devon, for 1866 and 1867. [Ed. by C. L. N. Foster]. Truro, Heard and Sons, 1866, 1867, 8". FOSTEK, Miss Elizabeth, k Surrey. Writing Copies for Village Schools. Rep. R.G.P. Soc, 1854, p. 51. FOTHERLY, Rev. Charles. Incumk of Southill, Callingtonand St. Eive. d. 1677 C!) cf. Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, pt. ii, 31. FOWLER, Rev. William. Wesleyan Minister in Cornwall 1805-12. k Collumpton, 1773. d. 23rd Aug., 1845. A Funeral Sermon for Alexander New. Bodmin, 1812, S". FOX FAMILY, of Brislington. Genealogical Memoranda relating to the family of Fox, of Brislington, Clifton, &c., [descended from E. L. Fox, q.v]. Howards' Miscell. Geneal. ei Serai. (Monthly Series), i, FOX, Miss Anna Maria, (eldest dau. of R. W. Fox), k Falmouth, 21st Feb., 1815. Illustrations of Greek History and Antiquities Penryn, 1848, 8°. Not published. Note.— Sold in aid of the Scripture Eeadera' Society. For Miss A. M. Fox's other works see Fox, Caroline. FOX, BiTHA or Tabitha. See Lloyd Tabitha. FOX, Miss Caroline, (2nd dau. of R. W. Fox) k Falmouth, 24th May, 1820. d. Pengerrick" near Falmouth, 12th Jan., 1871. ' II poter della Parola. Trans, [by the Misses C. and A. M. Fox], from " The Power of the Word," Memoirs of Pastor Von Maas-dyk Printed at Florence, 18 — , 12o. Che puo fare. Trans, [by the Misses C. an4 A. M. Fox], from " What one man may do." Lond., Printed by Feretti, 18— 12", Not published, ' FOX, Miss Cakolinb. {Con.). II poter della fede. Trans, [by the Misses C. and A. M. Fox], from " The Power of Faith." Tregaskis, Falmouth, 18—, 120. Gualtiero e Gulielmo. Trans, [by the Misses C. and A. M. Fox], from " Walter and Willie." Printed at Naples, 18—, 12". Le due Pecorelle. Trans, [by the Misses C. and A. M. Fox], from " The Two Lambs." Printed at Naples, 18—, 12o. Not published. II Mozzo Bertino. Eacconto Vero. Seconda edizione. Firenze Tipografia Clandiana, Via Maffia, 33, 1867, 8°., pp. 14. Note.— Trans, by the Misses C. and A. M. Fox, from " The Cabin Boy Bob." Wesleyan Conference Beligious Tracts, No. 101, pp. 8. FOX, Charles, k Falmouth, d. Caroline Buildings Bath, 1808 (1) cf. Hone's Table Rook (1827), p. 762. Etheridge's Life of Rev. Adam Clarice, pp. 265, 384. A series of Poems, containing the plaints, consolations and delights of Achmed Ardebeili, a Persian Exile. With notes historical and ex- planatory. By C. Fox. Bristol, printed by Bulgin and Roster for J. Cottle... 1797, 80., pp. xl and 276, 8/-. List of Subscribers. Leila and Mignon. A Poem. By C. Fox, MSS. Note. — This, with other MSS. came into Dr. Adam Clarke's care after the author's death. A [Cornish] Dialogue b.etween Gracey Penrose and Mally Trevisky. By C. Fox. [1790?]; Printed in Polwhele's Cornwall, v, 25 ; Paris' Guide to Mount's Bay (1828), pp. 266-69 ; C. Eedding's Itinerary of Cornwall, pp. 169-171 ; J. Trenhaile's Dolly Pentreath and other Cornish Tales, pp. 43-46; Cornish Tales, (Truro, 1867), pp. 80-83. FOX, Charles (1th son of R. W. Fox, and brother of R. W. Fox, F.R.S.). k Falmouth, 22nd Dec, 1797. On a rare species of Shark. Rep. R.I.C., 1838, p. 41. Sidonian Inscription, ib., 1856, p. 19. Celtic and Christian Antiquities of Algeria. ik, 1869, p. 78. Premiums and prizes offered by C. Fox. Rep. R.C.P. Soc. 1833, p. 8 ; 1834, p. 10 ; 1835, p. 154 ; 1836, p. 20. Statistical Notice of the Mining History of Saxony, ib., 1845, pp. 26-30. Remarks on Boring Machines, ik, 1867, p. 14. ' ' *- [The History of] The Royal Cornwall P61y. technic Society, ib., 1869, pp. 99-106. POX. 161 POX. POX, Charles. (Con.). On a Deposit of Tin in Wendron. Bep. Miners' Assoc, of C. and D., 1868, p. 35. On tlie Bones of a Hippopotamus, found at Constantine, in Algeria. Rep. R.G.S.C., 1868. The Addresses delivered by the President of the R.G.S.C., 1864-67. Bep. B.G.S C, 1864, pp. 5-16; 1865, pp. 5-17; 1866, pp. 5-18; 1867, pp. 9-22. Speech on laying Foundation Stone of Geological Museum, 28 April, 1864. ib. 1868, pp. 1-5. Practical Mining. Suggested improvements. Mining Journ., xxxiii, 242 (1863.) The Mount Cenis Tunnel, ib., xxxiii, 554. Mining Association of Cornwall and Devon. ib., xxxiv, 238 (1864.) Vipers. HardwicMs Science Gossip, 1868, pp. 180-81. Mushrooms, ib., 1869, p. 70. Badgers from Penwarne. ib., 1871, p. 41. FOX, Chaklotte (dau. of R. W. Fox, and Ind wife of Samuel Fox), b. Falmouth, 1801. EecoUections of Our Old Home. Anon. For private circulation, n.p. or d. [Lond. R. Barrett and Son, printers, Mark Lane. Dated Falmouth, 17th 3rd month, 1868], 8o., pp. 32. FOX, Edward Long, M.D. {2nd son of Joseph Fox, of Falmouth), b. Falmouth 1761. d. Heath House, Brislington, near Bristol, 2nd May, 1835. Dissertatio Physico-Medica inaugiiralis de voce humana, gradu Doctoris, sum- misque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis eruditorum examini subjicit Edvardus Long Fox, Britannus. Edinburgi, apud Balfour et Smellie, Academise Typographos, 1784, 8"., pp. 47. Note. ■ — The deciioation reads " Viro eximio, parentum optimo, dileotissimo, Josepho Pox . . neonon, amico suo benevolo, medico peritissimo, Joanni Gould, de Truro, in Cornubiae oomitatu. . .sacrare voluit auotor devinctissimus." FOX, Elizabeth, late of Falmouth, b. 1768. d. 10th October, 1848. Memoir of E. Fox. " The Annual Monitor " (Friends), No. 7, New Series for 1849... (York, pub. by Executors of late Will. Alexander, 1848, 18".,) pp. 122-130. FOX, Elizabeth T. See Gibbins, E. T. FOX, George. Fowider of the Society of Friends, b. Drayton, July, 1624. d. London, 13th Jan., 1690. A Journal of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experience, and Labour of Love, of G. Fox. By William Armistead. 7th ed. Lond., Cash, 1852, 2 vols., 8"., 5/-. Note.— G. Pox oame into Cornwall in 1655, 59, 63, 68. FOX, George (Son of Robert Phillips Fox), b. Perran Wharf, 31st Jan., 1815. cf G. J. Symons' British Bainfall, 1867-70. Adjusting unicomb and suspended hives with registering apparatus. Rep. R.C.P.Soc, 1849, pp. 26-29. Galvanic Battery. English Mechanic and Mirror of Science and Art, x, 27, (1870). Old China, Plymouth China, ib., x, 192. Gas Fires, x, 214. Musical Box. ib., x, 238. Electric Clock, ib., xii, 177," 260, 273, 381. (1871). On Magic Lanterns, ib., xii, 212, 284, 405. Hydro Electric Machine, ib., xii, 324. Value of Coins, ib., xii, 407. Graphite Cells for Manganese Battery, ib., xii, 496. Hydrogen Lamp, ib., xii, 524, 546. FOX, George Croker (son of G. C. Fox and father of the succeeding), d. Falmouth, 31st Dec, 1807. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxviii, 88 (1808). FOX, George Croker, F.G.S. {son of the pre- ceding), b. Falmouth, 1784. d. Falmouth, 1st July, 1850. cf Gent. Mag., xxxiv, 663 (1850). The Prometheus of ^schylus and the Electra of Sophocles, translated from the Greek, with notes intended to illustrate the typical character of the former, also a few Original Poems. By G. C. Fox. Lond., Darton and Harvey, 1835, 8°., pp. vii and 259. The Death of Demosthenes and other Original Poems, with the Prometheus and Agamemnon of ^schylus, translated from the Greek. By G. C. Fox. Lond., John Bohn, 1839, 8°., pp. xii and 287, 8/-. Premiums offered by G. C. Fox. Bep. R.C.P. Soc, 1834, p. 13. FOX, Howard {3rd son of Alfred Fox), b. 10th Dec, 1836. On Weekly Returns of the Cornish and Devon- shire Sea Fisheries. Land and Water, vii, 214, 234 (1869). V FOX. 162 FOX. FOX, Jane G-URNEY {dau. of Jonathan Back- house, of Darlington, and wife of Robert Barclay Fox, who d. 1855). See Backhouse. FOX, John (3r(i son of Francis Fox, of St. Germans). 6. Plymouth, 1693. c?. 25th Oct., 1763. Memoir of himself, by Mr. John Fox, of Plymouth, with biographical sketches of some of his contemporaries, and some unpublished letters from Archbishop Seeker and Dr. Samuel Chandler. Monthly Repository, xvi, 129, etc. (1821); xvii, 219 (1822). Note. — The above contain much information res- pecting tlie early Cornisli dissenters. Memoir of Benjamin Smithurst [of London, who resided sometime at Saltash and Launces- ton]. By J. Fox. ib., xvi, 44.3-46 (1821). FOX, Joseph {ird son of Oeorge Fox, of Par), b. 1729. d. 1784 (?). cf. Letters of \st Earl of Malmesbury (1870), i, 428. The Christian Principle. ..of Goodwill, exemp- hfied in practice [a Memoir of J. Fox]. The Herald of Peace, vi, pt. ii, 437-44 (1828.) cf The Irish Friend, iv, 35. On theNational Crime of Privateering [relative to Mr. J. Fox]. Christian Observer, xxxi, 22-9 (1831). FOX, Joseph, M.D. {eldest son of the preceding), b. Falmouth, 1759. d. Plymouth, 25th Feb., 1832. cf. Munk's Roll of Physicians, ii, 337 ; Gent. Mag., cii, 284 (1832). FOX, Joseph John, M.E.C.S., F.S.S., (eldest son of Joseph Fox, Surgeon). J.Falmouth, 6th Aug., 1821. The Society of Friends ; an enquiry into the cause of its weakness as a Church. By J. J. Fox, Fellow of the Statistical Society... Lond., A. W. Bennett, 5, Bishopgate without, 1859, 80., pp. 106. On the Mortality of the Metropolis. Med. Times and Gaz., xiii, 112-14; 167-69; 467-68, (1856); xiv, 284; XV, 190-91, 471-72, (1857); xvi, 243-45, 263-64 ; xvii, 548-49, (1858). . On the vital Statistics of the Society of Friends. Statist. Soc. Journ., xxii, 208-31, 481-83, (1859). On the Province of the Statistician, ib. xxiii 330, (1860). The Relative Prosperity of different parts of Cornwall, before the opening of the Cornwall Railway (so far), as shewn by the excess of births over deaths, from 1855 to 1858. Rep R.C.P.Soc, I860, pp. 126-28. FOX, Joseph John. (Con.). The House of Saxe Coburg. Leisure Hour, 1856, pp. 750, 757. The Life of a Cloud. Recreative Science, 1860 p. 13. FOX, Maria {dau. of Benjamin Middleion and wife of Samuel Fox, of Wellington.) b. Welling- borough, 30th March, 1793. d. Tottenham 15-th Jan., 1844. Memoirs of Maria Fox, late of Tottenham... Lond., C. Gilpin, 1846, 8o., pp. viii and 493, 8/-. Note. — Accounts of visits to Cornwall, pp. 222 268, 289. FOX, Maria {dau. of Robert Barclay, and wife of R. W. Fox, F.R.S.) A Testimony of the Monthly Meeting of the West Division of Cornwall concerning Maria Fox. " Testimonies concerning deceased Ministers " for 1859, pp. 10-16. FOX, Richard, M.D. (Srd son of Joseph Fox., who was b. 1729). b. Falmouth, 1765. d. Falmouth, 14th Feb., 1841. cf Gent. Mag. XV, 443, (1841). Copy of a Letter from Granville Sharp to Dr. R. Fox, respecting a Negro Boy. Dated, No. 1, Garden Court, Temple, 11th July, 1798, Monthly Repository, xii, 330-33, (1817.) FOX, Robert Barclay {only son of Robert Were Fox, F.R.S.). b. Falmouth, 6th Sept., 1817. d. Gizeh, Cairo, 10th March, 1855. cf Illust. Lond. News, xxvi, 442, (1855). Lights and Sounds [a poem], dated Hyferes, France, 15th March, 1854, and signed R.B.F. Herald of Peace, iii, 48, (1854-55). Karnak [a poem], dated Thebes, 1855, and signed R.B.F. ib., iii, 192, FOX, Robert Were, F.R.S. {eldest son of R. W. Fox), b. Falmouth, 26th April, 1789. Observations on Mineral Veins. By R. W. Fox. Communicated to the R.C.P.Soc, "and taken from their Report for 1836. 3 Coloured Plates. Falmouth, printed by J. Trathan, Market Strand, 1837, 8o., pp. 65. AD. 1812, Dec. 10th, No. 3621. Specifica- tion of Robert Were Fox, the younger, of Falmouth... Merchant, and Joel Lean, then the younger of the parish of Budock... gentleman, for " Certain Improvements on Steam Engines and the apparatus needful or expedient to be FOX. 163 POX. FOX, ROBEET Weee. CCoiu). used with the same." With drawing annexed. Lond., 1812, fol. — Eeprinted, Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1855, fol. pp. 4, 5d. The Mining School. Bep. R.I.G., 1835, p. 15. The Results of Experiments on the Magnetic Dip. c/. Rep. R.I.C., 1859, p. 20. Rep. 50- Premiums offered by E. W. Fox. RC.P.Soc, 1833, p. 8; 1834, p. 11. Dipping Needle Deflector, ib., 1834, pp 56 ; 1835, p. 50. On a Galvanometer, employed to detect the quality of Copper Sheathing, &c., for Ships. ik, 1834, p. 37. Chart and Table of Dip and Intensity of Terrestial Magnetism, ib., 1835, pp. 57-64. On a proposed Wedge, to be used in blasting rocks, ib., 1835, pp. 114-15 ; 1838, p. 141. The Magnetic Balance, ib., 1836, p. 77. On Mineral Veins, ib., 1836, pp. 81-141 ; 1841, p. 163 ; 1842, pt. ii, p. 103. The Lamination ot Clay by Electricity, ib., 1837, pp. 20, 68. On a Plan for Measuring the Electro-Magnetic Intensity of Electrical Currents, ib., 1842, pt. i, pp. 25-26. Notice of some Experiments on Subterranean Electricity, made in Pennance Mine, ib., 1842, pt. ii, pp. 103-109. A Paper relative to Springs of Water, ib., 1843, p. 59, App. On certain Pseudomorphous Crystals of Quartz. ib., 1845, pp. 1-8. Some Remarks on the High Temperature m the United Mines. &, 1846, pp. 1-3. On an Instrument for Measuring the Specific Gravity and Weights of Bodies, ib., 1847, pp. 19-20. Results of Experiments on Magnetic Dip and Intensity in some parts of Europe in 1859. ib., 1859, p. 118. On the Temperature of Mines. Plate. Trans. R.G.S.C. ii, 14-18, (1819). On the Temperature of Mines. Plate. «&., ii, 19-28, (1820). Some further Observation on the Temperature of Mines, ib., iii, 313-328, (1827). Observations on Metalliferous Veins and their Electro-Magnetic Properties. ib., iv, 21-28, (1830). ^ , On a Vegeto-Metallic Specimen found near Falmouth, ib., vi, 76, (1846). FOX, EOBEET Weee. (Con.). Electro-Magnetic Properties of the Metalli- ferous Veins in the Mines of Cornwall. Philos. rrans.,cxx, 399-414, (1830), cxxv, 39-40,(1835). On the Variable Intensity of Terrestrial Magnetism and the influence of the Aurora Borealis upon it. ib., cxxi, 199-208, (1831). Report of Experiments on the Electricity of Metallic Veins and the Temperature of Mines. Rep. Brit. Assoc, 1837, pp. 133-37. Magnetic Observations, ib., 1838, pp. 67, 89, 101, 147. Report on Subterranean Temperature in the Mines of Cornwall, ib., 1840, pp. 309-19; 1857, pp. 96-101. Report on the Magnetic Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, ib., 1857, p. 130 ; 1858, p. 185. Experiments on the Electricity of the Copper Vein in Huel Jewel Mine. Brii. Assoc. Sect. 1834, pp. 572-74. On a new Dipping Needle, ib., 1835, p._25. On the absence of Magnetism in cast iron when in fusion, ib., 1835, p. 33. On Voltaic Agencies in Metalliferous Veins. ib., 1836, pp. 81-82. On the production of a Horizontal Vein of Carbonate of Zinc, ib., 1839, p. 90. On Mineral Veins. Philos. Mag., vi, 17-21, (1829). On the Discharge of a Jet of Water under water, ib., viii, 342. On the Increased Heat in Mines, ib., ix, 95-99, (1831). On Terrestrial Magnetism, ib., ix, 361. On some Phoenomena of Heat, ib., xi, 345- 47, (1832). On certain Irregularities in the Vibrations of the Magnetic Needle produced by partial warmth, and some Remarks on the Electro- magnetism of the Earth. Lond, and Edinb. Philos. Mag., i, 310-14, 18.'.2. [Proe. Roy. Soc, iii, 123-5, 1832.] Some facts which appear to be at variance with the Igneous Hypothesis of Geologists, ib., i, 338-40. . , ,.^ Notice of a Marine Deposit m the clifls near Falmouth, ib., i, 471-2. Sketch of the Granite District near Penryn. ib., ii, 326-27, (1833). , ^ , . On Magnetic Attraction and Repulsion, ana on Electrical Action, ib., iv, 1-11, (1834). _ On an Instrument for ascertaining various properties of Terrestrial Magnetism, ib., iv, 81- FOX. 164 FOX. FOX, EoBBKT Webe. (Con.). Electrical relations of Metals and Metalliferous Minerals, ih., vi, 300, 1835. \Philos. Trans., cxxv, 39-40, 1835]. On the Absence of Magnetism in cast iron in fusion, ih., vii, 388. On the laws of Magnetic Attraction, ih., vii, 439-40. Some further remarks on the Magnetic Forces. ih., viii, 108-109, (1836.) On the change in the Chemical character of Minerals induced by Galvanism, ih., ix, 228. On the Formation of Mineral Veins, ih., ix, 387. Results of Experiments on the Production of Artificial Crystals, by voltaic action, ih., x, 171-72, (1837). On the process by which Mineral Veins have been filled, ih., xi, 203-204. On the Temperature of some Mines in Corn- wall and Devonshu'e. ih., xi, 520. Experiments on Subterranean Electricity made in Pennance Mine, ih., xxiii, 491-96, (1843). On Pseudomorphous Crystals of Quartz, ih., xxviii, 5-10, (1846.) On the Result of Mr. Fox's Experiments on the Production of Artificial Crystals by Voltaic Action. Edinh. New Philos. Journ., xxii, 402-3, (1837). On the Lamination of Clay by Electricity, ih., XXV, 196-98, (1838). On Electric Currents in Metalliferous Veins. ih., xxviii, 267-71, (1840). On Springs of Water, ih., xxxviii, 66-71, (1845). On Pseudo morphous Crystals of Quartz, ih., xl, 115-21, 1846. [Silliman Journ. i, 430-32, 1846]. The High Temperature in the United Mines. ih., xlii, 23-25, (1847). Experiments illustrative of the Influence of Voltaic Electricity on copper pyrites. Sturgeon, Ann. Eledr., i, 132-34, (1836-7). The Magnetic Balance, ih., i, 494-95. The Lamination of Clay by Electricity, ih., ii, 54-56, (1838). On the Formation of Mineral Veins, ih., ii, 166-94. Experiments on Subterranean Electricity. Sturgeon, Ann. Philos., i, 71-76, (1843). Alloys of Platinum. Thomson, Ann. Philos., liii, 467-68, 1819; [Ann. Gin. Sci. Phvs., i, 363-64, 1819]. FOX, EoBEBT Webe. (Con.). Remarks on Mr. M. P. Moyle's " Observations on the Temperature of Mines in Cornwall." ih., iii, 381-83, (1822). On the Temperature of Mines, ih., iv, 440- On the Formation of Mineral Veins. Proc. Geol. Sac, Lond., ii, 406, 539-40, (1838). The Formation of Metallic Veins by voltaic agency, ih., iii, 9-10, (1842). Notice of some Experiments on the Electric Currents in Pennance mine, near Falmouth. Proc. Geol. Soc. Lond., iii, 755-57, 1842. [Chemist, iv, 337-39, 1843.] On the Formation of Mineral Veins. Tram. Geol. Soc. Lond., v, 497-98, (1838). On Sand-worn Granite near the Land's-end. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond., ii, 549-50, (1855). The Temperature of the Earth at various depths. Annal. de Ghimie, xvi, 78-85, 1821. [Quart. Journ. Sci, xii, 339-41, 1822 ; Froriep Notizen, ii, col, 273-77, 1822.] Remarks on Mr. Moyle's " Observations on the Temperature of Mines." ih., xxi, 308-17, (1822]. On the relative quantities of Steam condensed in vessels with bright metallic and blackened surfaces. Edinh. Journ. Sci., ix, 232-33, (1828). The Electro-magnetic properties of Metallifer- ous Veins, ih., iv, 263-73, 1831 ; [Boui, Journ. de Oiol., ii, 385-99, 1830. Silliman, Journ., xx, 136-43, 1831.] The Electro-magnetic properties of Metallifer- ous Veins. Poggend. Annal., xxii, 150-53, (1831). Ueber die mit der Tiefe zunehmende Temper- atur der Grubenwasser in Cornwall, ih., xxi, 171-72, (1831). The Lamination of Clay by Electricity, ih., xlvii, 604-5, (1839). On the Discharge of a Jet of Water under water. Jown. Roy. Inst., i, 368, 599-600, (1831). On the Bur of Perforations, ih., ii, 179. Observations de 1' inclinaison et de 1' intensity magn6tique faites en diff^rents lieux de 1' Europe. Paris, Comptes Brnidus, vii, 980-82, (1838). FOXELL. 165 FEASEB. FOX, Robert Were. (Can,). Description and use of a Dipping Needle Deflector. By E. W. Fox and T. B. Jordan. Sturgeon, Ann. Eledr., iii, 288-97, (1838-39). An account of the observations and experi- ments on the Temperature of Mines, which have recently been made in Cornwall and the north of England. By R. W. Fox and M. P. Moyle. Tilloch, Philos. Mag., Ixi, 347-53, 436-47, ^1823). Gfilbert, Annal, Ixxvi, 390-452, (1824). FOX, Sarah Hustler {dan. of William Hustler and wife of Charles Fox), b. Bradford, York- shire, 1800. A Metrical Version of the Book of Job, designed chiefly for the use of schools. Anon. Part i. Lond., C. Gilpin, 1852, IS"., pp. iv and 67. Part ii. Lond., W. Cash, 1854, 16o. Poems, Original and Translated. By S. H. F[ox]. With illustrations by E. F. T[uckett]. Lend., Longman, 1863, sq. fcp., 8°., pp. xi and 189, 5/6. Catch Who Can, or Hide and Seek. Original Double Acrostics. By Sphinx, [psevd., i.e.,&. H. Fox]. Lond., Longman, 1869, 8°., pp. vi and 136. Note. — A Key to the Acrostics is published separately, price 6d. The Matterhorn Sacrifice. [A Poem,] signed S.H.F. MacmiUan's Mag., xii, 528-29, (1865). FOX, Sarah Prideaux (dau. of Robert Phillips Fox), b. Perran Wharf, 3rd April, 1813. Kingsbridge Estuary, with Rambles in the neighbourhood. Cjmpiled by S. P. Fox. Kings- bridge, G. P. Friend, Gazette Ofiice, 29 Fore Street, Lond., Hamilton, Adams, and Co., 1864, 8"., pp. 172, 12/6. Note.— The photographic illustrations are by the writer's brother, Geo. Fox. FOXELL, Rev. John. b. Frome, Oct., 1777. d. Penzance, 5th June, 1852. Our Duty under National Bereavements. A Sermon occasioned by the lamented death of her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Saxe Coburg; the outlines of which were delivered at the Independent Meeting, Penzance, on Wednesday evening, November 19th, 1817. By John Foxell. Penzance, printed and sold by T. Vigurs, Lond., Boynes, 1817, 4"., pp. 27, 1/-. Dr. Williams'. ^. , A Letter to Mr. Foxell on the Apostolical Succession, in answer to a letter of his which appeared in the Penzance Gazette, 22nd Dec, 1841 By An Anglo Catholic Layman. Pen- zance, R. D. Rodda, 1842, 8°., pp. 24. FOXELL, Mary {dau. of Walter and Mary Borlase, and wife of preceding), d. Penzance, 26th Sept., 1849, aged 84. cf J. Davy's Life and Works of Sir H. Davy, (1839), i, 40-41. FRANCIS, George Grant, Lieut. -Coll. 1st Glamorgan Artillery, F.S.A. {son of John Francis) b. Swansea, 1814. The Smelting of Copper in the Swansea District from the time of Elizabeth to the present day. By Major G. Francis. Not published. Swansea, printed at the Cambrian Office, Wine Street, 1867, 8"., pp. viii and 126. Note. — This work contains numerous references to Cornish Copper Mines. Prefixed is a list of 50 persons to whom copies were presented. List of Cornish Tokens. West Briton, 22nd July, 1864. FRANCIS, Henry, b. St. Mewan. Mineral Phenomena. Rep. R.C.P.Soc, 1868, pp. 19-22. On Mineral Phenomena. By H. Francis. A Member of the Breage Class. Rep. Miners' Assoc, of 0. and D., 1868, pp. 46-49. FRANCIS, Capt. William, of the Consolidated Mines {son of Will, and Mary Francis), b. Chacewater. bapt. Gwennap, 26th Jan., 1805. d. Whitehall, Kenwyn. bur. Gwennap, 22nd March, 1849. Description of Man-engine at the United Mines. Rep. R.C.P.Soc, 1845, p. 22. Some Remarks on the High Temperature in the United Mines, ib., 1846, pp. 4-8; Edinb. New. PMlos. Journ., xliii, 102-106, (1847). FRANCIS, William {son of Joel or Joseph Francis). Parish Schoolmaster. 6ap<. Gwennap, 9th Feb., 1794. d. Carharrack, in Gwennap, 13th April, 1855. Gwennap, a Descriptive Poem. In seven cantos. By W. Francis. Redruth, printed by J. May, Fore Street, 1845, 8"., pp. xviandl71. List of Subscribers. The Millennium, or Conversations on the Prophetic Scriptures. Penryn, Whitehorn, 18- -, 8"., pp. 57. FRANZ, pseud, i.e. Cotehele. South Devon Monthly Museum, ii, 107-10, (1833). ERASER, Robert, A.M. General View of the Agriculture of the County of Cornwall, with observations on the means of its improvement, drawn up for the FEEEMAN. 166 FULLER. EEASEE, EoBEET. (Con.). consideration of the Board of Agriculture. By R Fraser. Lend., Macrae, 1794, 4"., pp. 70. A review of the Domestic Fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland. By E. Fraser. Edinburgh, 1818, 4°., j)reface pp. viii, contents pp. vi, review pp. 161, app. pp. 126, index pp. v. Note. — App. pp. 115-19 contains the evidence of Mr. Philip Hall, and pp. 123-25 the evidence of Mr. Will. Harvey, respecting the use of salt in the Cornish fisheries. On Potatoes in Cornwall. A. Young's Annals of Agriculture, xxiii, 61-8, (1795). FRASER, Rev. Robert W. Seaside Divinity by the Rev. R. W. Fraser, M.A. Illustrations. Lond., J. Hogg and Sons, 1861, 12°., pp. xiiand 378. The Seaside Naturalist. By the Rev. R. W. Fraser. Lond., Virtue and Co., 1868, 12"., pp. xiv and 292. Note. — Contain notices of Cornwall, and the frontis- piece is a view of " Pilchard Pishing on the Cornish coast," described on pp. 353-55 in the " Divinity," and on pp. 2fiC-68 in the " Naturalist." This account of pilchard fishing first appeared in The Athenceum, Dec, 1859, pp. 778-79. FRASER, Rev. William, D.C.L. F. of Alton, Staffordshire. St. Ives. By W. Fraser. Torr-Mohun. N. and Q. 1 S. vii, 182, (1853). FREE, Jonathan, pseud, i.e. Old England, or The National Gazette. Published Saturday, July 4, and Saturday, July 11. By Jonathan Free of the county of Corn- wall, Esquire. Lond., printed for the year 1752. FREEHOLDER, A. pseud, i.e., H. Boase. FEEEL, C, Professor of Languages. Resident at Penzance. Paris. A Hand book, or French at sight. Arwn. Lond., R. Washbourne, 13, Paternoster Row, 1867, 16"., pp. 32, 9d. The Three Fingered Stone. Translated from the German, by C. Freel. Cornish Teleg., 5th Jan., 1868. Note.— The first of a series of translated tales. FREEMAN, Thomas, h. Gloucestershire, 1590. Rvbbe and a Great Cast. Epigrams by T. Freeman, Gent. Imprinted at London, & are to bee sold at the Tigers-Head, 1614, sm. 4" No pagination. Br. Museum. ' ' ^. Note.— 2nd Book. Epigram 47. " Encomion Comu- biffi. Epigram 48, ■' Iij laudem Pensancis." FEEEMAN, Thomas. (Con.). Encomion Cornubias. Reprinted in G. Ellis' Specimens of Early English Poetry, (1811), iii 113. FRENCH, ,r. An Hymn for Christmas. By J. French, St. Austell. Methodist Mag., xxxviii, 576, (1805). FRENCH TRAVELLER, A. pseud, i.e., L Simond. FROHOCK, Rev. Heney. B. of JfitMel. d. 1681. cf. Walker's Sufferings, pt. ii, p. 241. FROHOCK, Rev. Henry. (.? son of the preced- ing), h. Cornwall, 1648. d. 7th April, 1692. cf. Faulkner's Hist, of Kensington, p. 211. FROUDE, William. Report on the Exhibition of Implements at Truro, 1861. By , W. Froude, Elmsleigh, Paignton. Journ. Bath and West Engl. Soc, x, pt. i, 1-25, (1862.) FRY, Elizabeth. (3rd dau. of John Gu/rney, and wife of Joseph Fry), h. Norwich, 2 1st May, 1780. d. Ramsgate, 12th Oct., 1845. Memoir of the Life of E. Fry,- with extracts from her journals and letters. Ed. by two of her daughters. Lond., C. Gilpin, 1847, 2 vols., 8"- NoTE. — Account of Mrs. Pry's visits to Cornwall (in 1825) i, 491-94, (in 1835) ii, 211-14. FUGE, Rev. James, M.A. The Mission of Christ, and of his disciples. A sermon preached in the Church of St. Michael, Helston, at the Visitation of the Vener- able the Archdeacon of Cornwall, in the month of .[une, 1850, by the Rev. J. Fuge, Minister of the New District of Godolphin. Helston, E. Carlyon, 1850, 12o., pp. 11. FULLER, John .James Gibson, {son of Lieut. Jas. Fuller.) b. Blakeney, in Norfolk, 17th May, 1804. Brasses formerly in Crowan Church. By Curiosus, [pseud, i.e. J. J. G. Fuller]. West Brit., 26th March, 1868. Archaeology, ih., 16th April. The Rev. M. B. Hutchison's Collection of Rubbings from Brasses, it., 16th July. The opening of the Tich Barrow, near Camel- ford, ik, 3rd Sept. Note. — Mr. Puller has at various times written under the pseudonyms of " Curiosus," " Our Own Pioneer," " The Practical Man," " The Old Hand," " Nitric Acid," &c. FURNIVALL. 167 GAMMON. FULTON, Robert, b. Little Britain, Pennsyl- vania, 1765. d. United States of America. 24th Feb., 1815. Eeport on the proposed Canal between the rivers Heyl and Helford. Map by Chas. Moody. 24th Nov., 1796, 8"., pp. 16. FURLY, Rev. Samuel, M. A. B. of Roche, 1766 -95. hur. Roche, 9th Aug., 1795, aged 61. A Visitation Sermon, on John, viii, 17, preached at Truro by the Rev. S. Furly, B. A. Printed for the Author, 1779, 4o. Note. — Dedicated to the Earl of Dartmouth. FURNEAUX, Rev. Henky, M.A. {son of Rev. Tobias Furneaum.) R. of Hey ford, Banbury. b. St. Germans, 26th June, 1829. Historical Notices of St. Germans, in the County of Cornwall, with a description of the Church. Plates. By the Rev. H. Furneaux, late Fellow and Tutor of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Plymouth, I. W. N .Keys and Son, Bed- ford Street, 1871, 8"., pp. 56. FURNEAUX, James, (eldest son of James Furneaux). b. Burdwan, Bengal, 1813. Lenten Thoughts and other poems. By J. Furneaux. Lond., Rivington. Devonport, H. V. Harris... 1846, 8«., pp. vii and 126.— 2nd ed., 1847, 80., pp. viii and 102. Note.— Contains " On a summer evening in Mount Edgeoumbe Park," pp. 26-27 ; in 2nd ed., pp. 23-25. On the deaths of Sir John M • * * * * * * and the Eev. Gerald P«**C»***,pp. 97-99 ; in 2nd ed., pp. 63-65. The 2nd ed. is dedicated to W. H. Pole Garew, Esq.. M.P. The Poultry Pentalogue, or Five Rules for Fancy Fowls and Fowl Fanciers. Intended for popular use and practical purposes. By I. Furneaux, President of the Devon and Cornwall Poultry Association. Lond., W. S. Orr... Ply- mouth, pubhshed by Roger Lidstone...w.(i. [1853], pp. vi and 54. On St. German's Priory Church, Cornwall. 2 vignettes. Trans. Exeter Dioces. Architect. Soc, iii, 82-89, (1849). On Antony and Sheviock Churches. «&., v 1-5, (1856). FURNIVALL, Frederick James (son of Geo. Fred. Fwrnivall). Barrister at law. b. Egham, Surrey, 4th Feb., 1825. Political, Religious, and Love Poems. Ed. by F. J. Furnivall. Published for the Early EngUsh Text Society, by N. Trubner and Co., London, 1866, 8"., pp. xlvni and 267. NoTB.-Contains "The Story of tl^e Adulterous Squire of Falmouth in Dorsetshire (sic; and his brother, pp. 93-102. FURSMAN, Rev. John, M.A. B. of Trevalga. 1704-23. ■ A Sermon preach'd at the Assizes held at Launceston for the County of Cornwall, on Thursday, Aug. 18th, 1715, by the Honourable Mr. Justice Powis & Mr. Justice Eyre. By J. Fursman, Rector of Trevalga. Exon. Printed and sold by Philip Bishop in St. Peter's Church- yard, 17 15, 8°., pp. 24. Note. — Dedicated to the High Sheriff and the Gentlemen of the Grand Jury. G. G. Review " Andromeda," etc., by G. Helston Gh-am. School Mag., 1857-59, pp. 180-83. G. i.e., E. C. GIDDY, G. E. G. Cornish Associations. Cornish Mag., iv, 62- 64, (1829). G.— J. K. G. Fragment from English History. Death of Earl Siward. By J. K. G. Helston Gram. School Mag., 1857-59, pp. 83-84 ^ ^ iz ^ Chimneys and Chimney Sweepers, by J. K.. U ib., pp. 168-72. William Barentz, abridged from Emile Souvestre, by J. K. G. ib., pp. 269-72, 319-30. G.— P. E. G. Stanzas. Cornish Mag., iv, 86, (1829). G.— R. G. Memoir of Mrs. Gill, who died at St. Thomas, Launceston, 2nd Nov., 1827, aged 55. JVesleyar^ Methodist Mag., li, 141, (1828). GABRIEL, Virginia, pseud., i.e. The Fishers of St. Ives. Cornish Ballad. Composed by Virginia Gabriel. The Poetry by Catherine J. Lacy. Dedicated to Miss Monarty. Lond R. W. OlUvier, n.d., [1868], fol. pp. 5, 3/-. GAMMON, Hannibal. B. of St. Mawgan. h. London, 1582? cf Walker's Sufferings, vt- ii p 249 : Brooke's Puritans, lu, 530 ; Bliss Wood, iii, 103-4; Degorei JFheari...Putas erga Benefactores, {Epistolm Euchansticx), pp. 85-93, (Charisteria), p. 133. GARLAND. 168 GARLAND. GAMMON, Hannibal. (Con.) Gods ivst desertion of the vnivst, and his persevering grace to the righteovs, in a sermon preached at the Assises, at Launston, the 18. of July, 1621. By Hannibal Gammon, Minister of Gods word at S. Maugan, in Cornwall... Lond., printed by G. Eld for Thomas Thorp, and are to be sold at the signe of the blacke beare, in Pauls Church-yard, 1622, 4° , pp. 38. The Praise of a Godly Woman. A Sermon preached at the solemne Funerall of the Eight Honourable Ladie, the Ladie Frances Eoberts, at Lanhiderock-Church, in Cornwall, the tenth of August, 1626. By H. Gamon, Minister of the Word of God, at St. Maugan, in the same Countie. Lond., printed by I. H. for John Grismond, & are to be sold at his shop, in Ivie- Lane, at the signe of the Gunne, 1627, sm. 4°., pp. 37. Dr. JVilliams'; Br. Museum. Note. — Dedicated " To the Trvly Noble John Eoberts, Son and Heire to the Eight Honourable Eichard, Lord Eoberts, of Truro," and dated St. Maugan, the 19 August, 1626. God's Smiting to Amendment, or Eevenge- ment, with Preseruativea against Eeuolting. In a Sermon preached at the Assises, in Launoeston, the 6. of August, 1628. By H. Gamon. Minister of God's Word, at S. Maugan, in Cornwall. Lond., printed for John Clark, and are to be sold at his shop, under S. Peters Church, in Cornhill, 1629, 4"., pp. 38. Bod. Lib. Note.- Dedicated to " The WorshipMl Jonathan Eashleigh, Esquire, & to the vertuous Gentlewoman, his wife," signed " Tour "Worships humbly denoted and sincerely louing kinsman Hanuiball Gamon, St Maugan, the 26. of Sept., 1628." GAEBY, John (son of Thomas Garhy). h. Garby's Place, Eedruth, 20th Oct., 1812. d. Cachias, Brazil, 8th March, 1864. The Condurrite and Native Copper at Wheal Druid. Trans. B.Q.S.C., vi, 194-95, (1846). Occurrence of Gold in a cross course in Cornwall, ih., vi, 265-66. A Catalogue of Minerals found in Cornwall, with their localities, ib., vii, 72-92, (1848). List of Cornish Minerals. Quart, 'journ. Oeol Soc. of Lond., v, pp. xcii-xoiii, (1849). GAELAND, Charles {son of the succeedina) b. Illogan, 10th March, 1813. Outlines of Scripture Doctrine and History By C. Garland. Published by Joseph Potter Haverfordwest, 1842, 12". ' Memorkls, Literary and Eeligious, of Thomas Garland, Fairfield, Eedruth. [Ed. by his brother 0. Garland]. Lond., Hamilton, Adams, and Co GAELAND, Charles. (Con.). Leeds, H. W. Walker, 1868, 8"., pp. xii and 475, 6/6. Note. — Preface dated Penzance', Deo. 1867. The Om-nish Telegraph, Mining, Agricultural, and Commercial Gazette. [A weekly newspaper]. Penzance, 1851, fol. Still in progress. Note. — Mr. Garland edited this paper from its commencement, on Friday, the 3rd Jan., 1851, until 1853. The Stars. A Poem, signed C. G d, ,in Diamond Mag., No. 5, Oct., 1831. [Lond., F. F. Moore], pp. 146-7. Wings of the Dove. A Poem, signed C. G d, in The Pocket Album. (Lond., Jos. Eobins, Blackfriars, 1831-32.) Eemorse. ih. The Bride, ib. The Prophecy, ib. The Portrait, ih. The Three Glorious Days. ih. The Sleeper, ih. The Ocean, ih. The Last Slumber, ib. Modern School Books. Lond. Quart. Reo. vii, 330-50, (1857). American Poets, ib., xvii, 36-73, (1861). GAELAND, Thomas, h. Bridge, Illogan, 1st Aug., 1771. d. Illogan, 15th Sept. 1827. Memoir of Thomas Garland, of Illogan. By his son Thomas Garland. Wesleyam, Methodist Mag., lii, 361-65, (1829). GAELAND, Thomas {son of the preceding), h. Cambridge, near Eedruth, April, 1804. d. Fairfield, 30th July, 1865. cf One and All, May and Oct., 1868. Christian Life, the True Preparation for Death. A Sermon on the death of Thomas Garland, Esq., Fairfield, Eedruth, with a brief sketch of his life. By Thomas Hughes. Lond., Hamilton, Adams, and Co., 1865, 8°., pp. 32, 1/-. Memorials, Literary and Eeligious, of T. Garland. 1868. See Garland, C. Letters on the Eecent Agitations in Wesleyan Methodism. By T. Garland. Lond., printed for the Author, sold by J. Mason, 1852, 8"., pp. 48, 6d. The Cornubian. - A weekly newspaper. [Edited by T. Garland]. Falmouth, 1830, fol. Note.— No. 1, dated Friday, 1st Oct., 1830. Mr. Garland's connection with the paper ended on the ISth Dec, 1832. Memoir of T. Garland, of Illogan, q.v. List of words in common use in West Corn- wall. Jowrn. R.I.C., April, 1865, pp. 45-54. GASKIN. 169 GBFFEKY. GAELAND, Rev. Thomas Whale, (son of Rich. Garland.) b. Lewanick, 14 March, 1812. The Young Local Preachers' Guide. A Guide to young men in the pursuit of knowledge under difficulties, in the Bible Christian connexion . . . By T. W. Garland, Minister of the Gospel. Plymouth, Sellick [printed]... Liskeard, Philp, 1860, 8"., pp. xiiand 115. Note. — Preface, dated Liskeard, July 20, 1860. [Synopsis of subjects in] One of a Thousand. By Rev. T. W. Garland. 1866, s. sh. Note. — This work has not been printed. It is intended to be pp. 250 ; price 3s. to subscribers. The Genuineness, Authenticity, andlnspiration of the Holy Scriptures. Bible Christian Mag., iv., 173-78, 211-16, (1868). GARRETT, Rev. John. F. of Paul 1857 to 1864. A Pastoral Address to the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Paul, near Penzance, by the "Vicar [the Rev. J. Garrett], on the close of the first year of his ministry amongst them, and at the opening of the new year, 1859. Penzance, E. Rowe, 1859, 8"., pp. 19. Note. — Dated Lower Lariggan, Penzance, Jan. 1859. A Reply to the Rev. John Garrett's Pastoral Letter (so called). By Henry Brown, q.v. Columbia Mission. Dedicated by permission to Miss Burdett Coutts. A sermon preached in St. Stephens', Westminster, on the Sunday before Advent, 1860. By John Garrett, M.A., Vicar of St. Paul, near Penzance, and Commis- sary to the Bishop of Columbia. Lond., Rivingtons, Waterloo Place, n.d., [26th Dec, 1860], 80., pp. 22, 3d. GASCOYNE, Joel. Map of the County of Cornwall, newly sur- veyed by J. Gascoyne, sold by J. Thorn, m the Charles BUth, at the White Hart, in Launceston, 1700, fol. Br. Museum. Note.— Dedicated to the Et. Hon. Charles Bodville, Earl of Eadnor, Viscount Bodmin, Lord Bobarts, &c.. Lord Lieutenant of the County of Cornwall, GASKIN, Rev. Geokge, D.D. (son of John GasUn), Prebend, of Ely, B. of Stoke Nemngton. h. Newington Green, Islington, 1751. d. at the Rectory, Stoke Newington, 29 June, 1829. Note.— Dr. Gaskin was Secretary to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and was sent by it to visit their missions and schools in t^if J^les of SciUy in 1798. cf. Gent. Mag., xcix, pt. u, 281-82, (Ib^aj. GATES, Jacob, Barrack-Serjeant, Truro, b. Truro, 1749. d. Truro, 4 Nov., 1822. Memoir of Jacob Gates. By Jos. Burgess. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., xlvi, 273-4, (1823). GAYER, Arthur Edward, Q.C, L.L.D. {eldest son of Major Edward Echlin Gayer), b. near Newcastle-under-Lyne, 6 July, 1801. Memoirs of the family of Gayer. Compiled from authentic sources, by A. E. Gayer. Exclu- sively for private distribution among friends and relatives. Westminster, printed by Nichols and Sons, 25, Parliament Street, 1870, 4°., pp. 47. Note. — The Gayer family were originally resident in Cornwall. A view of Liskeard forms the frontispiece of the work. GAYER, John, M.P. for Liskeard, 1557, Hel- ston, 1571, {eld. son of Reginald Gayer, of Lis- keard.) The Substance of Gayer's Book touchinge the Tynne Causes. Cotionian MSS., Titus B. iv, f. 317; State Paper Office, Domestic Correspondence, July, 1604, No. 138. GEACH, Charles, M.P. for Coventry, 1851, (son of Geo. Geach). b. St. AusteU, 1808. d. Westminster, 1st Nov., 1854. cf. Gent. Mag., xliii, 89, (1855). The Risks of Life Assurance, suggested by a History of the case of Geach v. Ingall, in which the Imperial Life Assurance Company, by the verdicts of three different special juries, was defeated in an attempt to evade payment of a policy. 2nd edit. Lond., Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange, 1848, 8»., pp. 26. GEAKE, Thomas, b. Lezant, 5 Aug., 1761. d. Cuttenbeake, near St. Geimans, 19 Nov., 1834. cf. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixi, 561- 73, (1838). GEARING, Arthur. Secretary to the B. C.P.Soc, 1855-56. Miners' Portable Ventilator. Rep. R.C.P.Soc, 1855, p. Ix. GEFFERY or JEFFERY, Sir Robert (son of Robt. Geffery, of Tredenick), Lord Mayor of London, 1685. bapt. Landrake, 24 May, 1613. d. London, 26 Feb., 1703. bur. at St. Dionis Backchurch. cf Herberts Hist, of the Twelve Great Companies of London, ii, 587, 594, 605, 610, 614 ; NichoUs' Account of Ironmongers' Company, pp. 300, 307, 310, 317, 319, 325, 331, 336, 369, 378, 469, 474, 511- 15^ 574-75 ; White's Endowed Charities of London, p. 525 ; Lake's Hist, of Cornwall, ii, w GEEEANS. 170' GIBBONS. GEPFEEY, SiK EOBBRT. (Con.). 397, 402 ; Earl. 3ISS., 2263, art, 57 ; B. B. Orridge's Citizens of London and their Eiders, (1867), p. 240; Accounts of Lord Mayors of London, MSS., Guildhall Lib. ; Howard's Miscell. Oeneal. et Herald., i, 328; Malcolm's Londinium Redivivum, ii, 35, 38-39, 45-47, 571. London's Annual Triumph. Performed on Thursday, Octob. 29, 1685, for the Entertain- ment of the E.t. Hon. Sir Eobert Jeffreys, Kt., Lord Mayor of the City of London; with a description of the several Pageants, Speeches, and Songs, made proper for the occasion. All set forth at the proper cost and charges of the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers. Com- posed by Matt. Taubman. Lond., printed for Hen. Playford, near the Temple Church, 1685, 40. Bod. Lib. London's Annual Triumph... Eeprinted in "NichoUs' Ironmongers," pp. 338-54. Letter of Sir E. Geffery to Archbishop Sancroft, stating that the Inhabitants of Christ Church are desirous of having a spire, 29 September, 1686. Tanner MSS., (Bodl. UK), 142, Art. 41. GENN, William James, Jun. I. Falmouth, 30 March, 1846. d. Melbourne, Australia, 24 June, 1870. 'Statistics of the Eoyal Cornwall Polytechnic Soc. Rep. R.C.P.Soc, 1864, pp. 20-23, and 14 •pages of statistical tables. GENTLEMAN, A. pseud, i.e., D. De Foe. GEOFFEEY, Antony, cf. C. Fitz-Geffrey's Affanice, book iii. GEOEGE, Col. G. C. cf Polwhele's Cornwall, V. 97. Letters numbered xviii, xix, xx, from C. Dibdin to Col. G. C. George, Penryn, (1801.) See Dibdin, C. GEOEGE, Simon. See Chamberlain, J. GEEAED. See Girardus. GEEEANS, Eev. B. h. Truro. Travels of Eabbi Benjamin, son of Jonah of Tudela, through Europe, Asia, and Africa, from the Ancient Kingdom of Navarre to the frontiers of China. Faithfully translated from the original Hebrew, and enriched with a Dissertation and notes... By the Eev. B. Gerrans, Lecturer of St. Catherine Coleman, and Second Master of Queen Elizabeth's Free Grammar School, St. Olave's South wark. . . Lond., printed for the Translator ■ and sold by Messrs. Eobson, New Bond-Street ' 1783,80., pp. xiii and 171, 5s. List of Subscribers GEEUNTIUS. King of Cornwall, liv. 690. Letter from S. Aldhelm to Geruntius. A.D. 690. S. Aldhelmi opera, (ed. Giles, Oxford, ISii), pp. 83-S9 ; printed also iuMigne's Patrologia vol. ixxxix, and elsewhere. Note. ^Concerning the practices of the Celtic church, as to the tonsure, time of keeping Easter, etc. GEEVIS, Marianne nee Edgcome. 6. Penryn, 1795. d. Mylor Bridge, 1861. Original Cornish Ballads. ..^wom... 1846, 8". See Miles, S. E. GEWEN, Thomas, of Boyton. M.P. cf Sir J. Bramston's Autobiography, (Camden Soc., 184:5), p. 13 ; Burton's Diary, introduction, p. 18 ; ii, 333, 392, 424 ; iii, 180, 250, 529 ; iv, 22, 130, 240, 304. Oxoniensis Academise funebre officium in Me- moriam . . . Elisabethse, Anglise Eeginse. Oxon. 1603, 4». Note. — Contains verses by T. Gewen, of Exeter CoU., Oxford. Letters to the Treasurers for Sequestrations from the Committee of Cornwall, (Anth. NicoU, Anth. Eous, and Tho. Gewen) respecting their procedings in that county, dated Truro, 12 Oct., 1648. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 5494, fol. 78. GIBBINS, Elizabeth T. (2 dau. of R. W. Fox and wife of William Gibbins.) b. 1801. d. Falmouth, 5th June, 1837. Memoir of E. T. Gibbins in " The Annual Monitor" (Friends), No. 26, for 1838, (York, W. Alexander and Co.), pp. 111-27. GIBBONS, Anne (3 dau. of Sir. W. L. S. Tre- lawny and wife of Rev. G. B. Gibbons.) h. Pen- quite, near Fowey, 1813. Mary Stuart : A Tragedy from the German of Schiller. Anon. Lond., A. Schloss, 42, Gt. Eussell St., [W. Byers, printer, Devonport.l 1838, 8",, pp. 162. Lyrical Ballads from the German of Schiller, containing The Song of the Bell, and other minor poems. By the translator of Mary Stuart. Devonport, W. Byers, printer, Fore St., 1838, 8"., pp. 68. Note.— The profits of this work were given to the fund for providing a chapel in Calstock. An Easter Offering. By Anne Trelawny. Lond., Edwards and Hughes, Ave Maria Lane ; W. Brendon, Tavistock, 1845, 8°., pp. 44. Note.— Contains "Lines written on the opening of a chapel, in the mining district of Gunnislake, 1841." GIBBONS. 171 GIBBS. GIBBONS, Anne. (Con.). Scenes and Sketches in Cornwall. Plate. ■Anon. Tavistock, W. Brendon, Higher Market St., 1844, 80., pp. 54. Note. — Sold for the benefit of The Orphan Asylum and The Falmouth Polytechnic, at their annual bazaar. The Tale of Trecarrell, or Legend of Laun- ceston Church, and other poems. By Anne Gibhons. Dedicated, by permission, to Her Grace the Duchess of Northumberland. Laun- ceston, T. W. Maddox, [printed] Simpkin, Mar- shall, and Co., London, 1849, B"., pp. 48. Spiritual Songs, a Whitsun Gift. By Mrs. Gibbons, Author of "Tale of Trecarrell," " Easter Offering," etc. Chiefly translated from the German and Italian. The profits are intended to benefit the National Schools of Launceston. Launceston, printed by J. Brimwell, Broad St., 1861, 8°., pp. 48. An Itinerary of Launceston, Cornwall, con- taining some account of its antiquities, compiled from various sources with a glance at its pros- pects and commercial advantages, as connected with the opening of the railway. Anon. Launceston, W. PhUp, Broad St., 1865, 8o., pp. 74, 1/-. Note.— There is a short appendix by Richard Peter, Mayor of Launceston, to whom the book is dedicated. The dedication, however, does not bear any signature. GIBBONS, Edward Theodore {only surviving son of Bev. G. B. Oihhons.) b. Launceston, 31 July, 1850. Inscription at Castlegough, Cornwall. N. and Q. 4, S. ii, 226, (1868.) GIBBONS, Rev. George Buckmaster, B.A. (son of Geo. Gibbons.) P.O. of Launceston, 30 Mch., 1837, P.O. of Laneast, 1866, V. of Werrington, 1869. b. London, 2 Jan., 1808. Then said the High Priest, are these things so? and he said men, brethren, and fathers, hearken. [Acts, vii, 1.] A Sermon preached in the parish church of St. Mary Magdalene, Launceston, before the Rt. Rev. Henry, Lord Bishop of Exeter, at his triennial visitation, Sep. 23, 1839. By G. B. Gibbons, B.A., late Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Perpetual Curate of St. Mary Magdalene. Published by command of the Bishop. Laun- ceston, printed and published by T. and W. R. Bray...«.cZ. [1839], 8"., pp. 30. Christ, the First Fruit. A sermon preached in the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Launces- ton, on Easter day, 1841. By G. B. Gibbons. Launceston, 1841, 8"., pp. 16. The Christian Reader. Edited by George B. Gibbons, B.A, Perpetual Curate of Launceston, GIBBONS, Rev. Geokqe BnOKMAStEE. (Con.). and Thomas Gibbons, B.A., Curate and Lecturer of Tavistock. Lond., Simpkin, Mar- shall, and Co. [Launceston, Cater and Maddox, printed,] 1842-3, 2 vols., 80. Note.— Appeared in monthly parts, price three- halfpence each. A Lecture on Experiment as the basis of Theory read before the Members of the East Cornwall Experimental Club... at their annual meeting, held at Launceston, April 29th, 1845. By G. B. Gibbons, B. A.... Launceston, T. W. Maddox, Southgate Simpkin, London, 1845, 12"., pp. 22, 6d. A Sermon [on Ps., Ixxxii, 6] preached in Launceston church, on Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1847, being the day of the funeral of the late Duke of Northumberland. By G. B. Gibbons, B.A. Perpetual Curate. Printed in compliance with the wishes of the congregation. London, Simpkin; T. W. Maddox, Launceston, 1847, 8"., pp. 20. GIBBS, James, M.D., of Ex. Coll. {son of Bev. James Gibbs, V. of Gorran, 1660). d. Tregony, 4 ApL, 1724. A Consolatory Poem, humbly addressed to Her Royal Highness, Upon the much lamented death of His Most Illustrious Highness William, Duke of Gloucester. By Dr. Gibbs. Lond., printed for John Hartley, over against Gray's Inn, in Holbom, and sold by John Nutt, near Stationer's Hall, 1700, fol. pp. 8. Bod. Mb. The First Fifteen Psalms of David, translated into Lyric Verse, propos'd as an essay, supply- ing the Perspicuity and Coherence according to the Modern Art of Poetry, not known to have been attempted before in any Language. With a Preface containing some observations of the great and general Defectiveness of former Versions in Greek, Latin, and English. By Dr. Gibbs. Lond., printed by J. Matthews for John Hartley, over-against Gray's-Inn, in Hol- bom. 1701, 40., pp. 35. Bod. Lib.; Br. Museum. Observations of various eminent cures of scrophulous distempers, commonly call'd the King's Evil, such as tumours, ulcers, cariosity of bones, blindness, and consumptions... to which is added An Essay concerning the animal spirits, and the cure of convulsions... By Dr. Gibbs. Lond., printed for and sold by Ralph Simpson, at the Harp... in St. Paul's Church-yard, and PhiKp Yeo, bookseller, Exeter, 1712, sm. 4°. Note. — The observations pp. 1-68, and preface un- paged. An Essay, pp. 1-29. Written in vindication of a trial at Launceston, in 1710, concerning the cure of a lad from Plymouth. Some of the cases relate to persons living at Tregony, Gorran, and other places in Cornwall. GIBBS. 172 GIDDY. GIBBS, James. (Con.). Carmen in honorem principis poetarum, doct. Gibbesii, cum diploma a Csesarea Majestate in Musarum templo concessum est. MSS. Worcester Coll., No. 58, pp. 99-101. Proposal of J. Gibbs to the Archbishop of Canterbury for a New Translation of the Psalms, with a printed translation of the first and second Psalm into English verse. Lambeth MSS. 937, art. 24, 25. GIBBS, Mary {wife of Silvarms GiUs, of St. Ives.) d. St. Ives, 24 Dec, 1815, aged 65. cf Monthly Repository, xi, 43-44, (1816.) GIBBS, SiLVANUS (son of preceding.) A Letter to the Inhabitants of Plymouth-Dock and its neighbourhood, who attend the Public Worship in the Parish Church of Stoke Damerel ; on the spuriousness of I John, v, 7. By S. Gibbs. Plymouth-Dock, 18- -, 120.— 2nd ed., 1816, 12"., 3d. Illiberality Admonished. A Letter to the Eev. Henry Heap, of London, now officiating in Princes-Street Chapel, Dock ; occasioned by his severe denunciations against different sects of Christians. By S. Gibbs. Plymouth-Dock, printed and sold by J. Johns, 56, Fore Street, Catherine Street. ..n.d. [1818,] 8"., pp. 12, 4d. Dr. Williams'. Desultory remarks on W. Burne/s petulant pamphlet, entitled " Heresy Confuted." By the author of a letter to Mr. Heap. Plymouth-Dock, printed and sold by J. Johns. ..n.d. [1818,] 8"., pp. 12, 4d. Dr. Williams'. The Calvinistic Doctrine of election and re- probation exploded : in a letter to a friend. To which are annexed Dr. Adam Clarke's judicious Observations on the use of reason in matters of religion. By a lover of the pure gospel [i.e. S. Gibbs.] Plymouth-Dock, printed and sold by J. Johns... ■ [1820,] 8°., pp. 12, 2d. Dr. Williams'. Unitarian Christianity and its Professors, vindicated from Popular Misrepresentations and Calumny : in a letter addressed to the inquiring and candid inhabitants of Plymouth-Dock : occa- sioned by the recent officiousness of a clergyman and his friends. By S. Gibbs. Plymouth-Dock, printed and sold by J. Johns, 56, Fore St... 1821, 8'^., pp. 29. Dr. Williams'. Three letters to the Young People of Devon- port. Devonport, Byers, 1829, 8". The Testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ to his Inferiority and Subjection to the Father. A Fourth Letter to the Young People of Devon- port. Devonport, Byers, 1830, 8"., pp. 32. A Fifth and Sixth Letter to the Young People of Devonport, being a Vindication of Unitarians GIBBS, SiLVANUS. (Oon.). and Unitarianism. Devonport, Byers, 1831? 8 <>. Lines addressed to his Mother, Mrs. M. Gibbs. Dated Plymouth Dock, 7 Jan., 1816. Monthly Repository, xi, 44, (1816.) Letter on Deficiency of Zeal, ib., xvi, 225- 27, (1821.) GIBSON, Rev. Christopher Mends (son of Archibald Birt Gibson.) Perp. Cmate of Chace- water, 31 Mch., 1832-1840. F. of St. Clements, 7 Feb., 1840. b. Plymouth, 22 Feb., 1796. A sermon preached in the parish church of St. Agnes, at the interment of the late Mrs. WilHams, of that parish, Feb. 19, 1837. By the Rev. C. M. Gibson, B.A. Perpetual Curate of Chacewater. Truro, printed and published by E. Heard, Boscawen St., 1837, 8o. A sermon preached in the church of St. Mary's, Truro, Aug. 12, 1842. By the Rev 0. M. Gibson, Vicar of St. Clements and Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. Lord Kinsale, before the Governors of the Royal Cornwall Infirmary and published at their request. Truro, printed and published by E. Heard, 1842, 80. Remarks on the prophecies in reference to the present time, with a particular consideration of the Romish Church. By Rev. C. M. Gibson, B. A., Vicar of St. Clements. Truro, printed and pub- lished by E. Heard, 1840, 8"., 1/6. The Present Times. A tract by the Rev. 0. M. Gibson. Vicar of St. Clements. Truro, E. Heard, 1851, 80. GIDDY, Da vies. See Gilbert, Davies. GIDDY, Rev. Edward, of Pembroke Coll., Oxford, (son of John Giddy, of Kea.) b. 5 Sept., 1734. d. St. Erth, 6Mch., 1814. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxxiv, pt. i, 306, (1814.) On Mr. Pitt's Poor Law Bill. A. Young's Annals of Agriculture, xxvii, 355-6, (1796.) GIDDY, Edward Collins (6 son of Thos. Giddy, d. 1825.) b. Penzance, 15 Nov., 1775. d. Penzance, 1 Nov., 1833. Meteorological Observations made at Pen- zance, by Mr. Giddy, [commencing 1 Nov., 1826, and continuing monthly.] Philos. Mag., i, 79, etc., (1827.) Meteorological Results of Observations made at Penzance for 21 years, 1807-27. ib., cxi, 173, (1828). Also found as a Pamph., printed by R. Taylor, London, 1828, 80., pp. 10. Note —This Pamph. is often bound up with Tram. R.O.S.G., vol. iii. Table of the Comparative Temperature of Pisa and Penzance. Thomson, Ann. Philos., vii, 200, (1824.) GILBEBT. 173 GILBERT. GIDDY, Edwakd Collins. (Oon.). Loss of the Algerine Xebec, of 22 guns, in Mount's Bay, in Sept., 1760. By G. [i.e., E. C. Giddy.] Selector or Cornish Mag., ii, 27, (1827.) Memoirs, etc., of William GifFord. Cornish Mag., iii, 161, 189, 218, 284, (1828.) Cornish Cantata, ib., iii, 199. GIDDY, Thomas, b. Truro, 6 Oct., 1741. d. Penzance, 26 July, 1825. cf. Gent. Mag., xcv. pt. ii, 281, (1825) ; Annual Biography fm 1826, pp. 428-29. GIDLEY, Mr. Letter from Eev. J. Wesley to Mr. Gidley, Of&cer of the Excise in Port Isaac, near Camel- ford, Cornwall, 1776. Methodist Mag., xlviii, 456, (1825.) GIFFORD, Andrew, D.D., Assistant Librarian Br. Museum, Pastor to a Baptist Congregation in Eagle St., near Bed Lion Sq. d. London 1 19 June, 1784, aged about 86. cf. Gent. Mag., liv, 478, (1784.) The Living Water... A sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Ursula Gwennap, q. v. GIFFORD, Miss Isabella {dau. of Major George St. John Gifford, of Cambridgeshire.) The Marine Botanist, an introduction to the study of the British Sea-weeds... By Miss I. Giiford. Lond., Darton, 18--, 12"., 5/-. 2nd ed., Lend., Longman, 18- -, 12"., 7/6. 3rd ed. greatly improved and enlarged, with illustra- tions printed in oil colours, by W. Dickes. Brighton, R. Folthorp, 170, North St.; Lond., Longman and Co., 1853, 12"., pp. xl and 357, 5/-. Note. The specimens described were partly collected at Falmouth. Memorial of the late Miss [E. A.] Warren. Hep. RC.P.Soc., 1864, pp. 11-14. GILBERT, Mrs. Ann. d. Gwinear, 18 July, 1790. The Experience of Mrs. A. Gilbert, of Gwinear. Arminian Mag., xviii, 42-45, (1795.) GILBERT, Charles Sandoe {son of Thos. Gilbert,) Chemist and Druggist, at Devonport. I. Devonport ? d. London, 1831. cf N. and Q. 3 S., X, 417, (1866); Wallis' Cornwall Register, p. 312. An Historical Survey of the county of Corn- wall, to which is added a complete heraldry of the same, with numerous engravings. By C. S. Gilbert. Plymouth-dock, printed and pub- GILBERT, Charles Sandoe. (Cov.). lished by J. Congdon, published in Lond., by Longman, Paternoster-row, and by R. Acker- man, Strand, 1817-20, 2 vols., roy. 4"., 100/-. Note. — This work is generally bound in 3 volumes, the third commencing at the conclusion of the Heraldry at p. 373, in vol. ii, where a title page, embellished with a view of St. German's Church, and the inscription " His- torical and Topographical Survey of the county of Cornwall," is found. Copies are rarely met with con- taining a complete set of the engravings. GILBERT, Davies, P.R.S.,F.A.S., F.G.S., (son of Rev. Edw. Giddy, )assumed the name of Gilbert, 10 Dec, 1817. b. St. Erth, 6 Mch., 1767. d. Eastbourne, 24 Dec, 1839. cf. Fisher's Nat. Portrait Gallery, (1830), ii, pp. % ; W. C. Taylor's Nat. Pmirait Gallery, (1846,) i, 113- 14; Weld's Hist, of Roy. Soc, ii, 419-28, 456- 60 ; Life of S. Drew, (1834,) pp. 160-62 ; Sir J. Barrow's Sketches of Roy. Soc, (1849,) pp. 102-111 ; Dean Peacock's Life of T. Young, M.D., (1855,) pp. 473-76 ; Mems. of Distin- guished Men, {By W. Walker, Junr.,) 1864, pp. 53-55 ; Diary of H. C. Robinson, ii, 401 ; Life of I. K. Brunei, (1870,) pp. 52-53 ; Lower's Worthies of Sussex, (1865), pp. 212-15 ; Drew's Imperial Mag. (with portrait,) x, col., 585-93, (1828) ; Mem., of Astronom. Soc. of Lond., xi, 317-20, (1840,) and Notices, v, 20- 22, (1839); Gent. Mag., ciii, pt. i, 445, (1833,) xiii, 208-11, (1840); European Mag., Ixxvii, 273, (1815) ; Rose; Proc. of Roy. Soc, iv, 256-58 ; Proc. of Geol. Soc. of Lond., iii, 254-58 ; West Briton {by W. J. Henwood) Dec, 1839. A Plain Statement of the Bullion Question, in a Letter to a Friend. By D. Giddy, M.P. Lond., printed for John Stockdale, 1811, 8"., pp. 48, 2/-. — 2nd ed., in The Pamphleteer, xiv, 17-37, (1819.) A Letter to Davies Giddy, in answer to his "Plain Statement of the Bullion Question." By S. BanfiU. (1811,) ?. v. Observations on a Letter of D. Giddy on the BuUion Question. By A. W. Rutherford. Lond., 1811, 8". Some ancient Christmas Carols, with the tunes to which they were formerly sung in the west of England. Collected by D. Gilbert, E R.S. [Engraved plates of the music] Lond., J. Nichols and Son, 1822, 8"., 5/-.— 2nd ed., Together with two ancient ballads, a dialogue, etc, 1823, 8"., pp. x and 80, 5/-.— 3rd ed., 1839, 8". Mount Calvary. Trans, by John Keigwm. Ed. by D. Gilbert, 1826. See Keigwin, J. The Creation of the World. By Will. Jordan. Ed. by D. Gilbert, 1827. See Jordan, W. GILBEET. 174 GILBERT. GILBEET, Davies. (Con.J. A Description... of the splendid decorations recently made to the church of St. Neot...By J. P. Hedgeland, to which are prefixed some col- lections... by D. Gilbert, 1830. See Grylls, Rev. E. G. The Parochial History of Cornwall, founded on the Manuscript Histories of Mr. Hals and Mr. Tonkin, with additions and various appen- dices. By D. Gilbert, sometime Pre.sident of the Royal Society, F.A.S., F.R.S.E., M.R.I.A., etc., etc., and D.C.L., by diploma from the University of Oxford. Lond., published [and printed] by J. B. Nichols and Son, 1838, 4 vols., 8"., 60/-., large paper 90/-. Note. — To each of the parishes mentioned in this work is annexed An Abstract of the Geology of the parish, byDr.H. S. Boase, who also supplied " Anlntro- ductiou to the Geology of Cornwall," occupying pp. xxv-xxxii. cf. Gent. Mag., ix, 273, ("1838.) Experiments on the use of Sea Salt as Manure. [Report made by Rev. John Allen and Henry Sickler to Penzance Agricultural Club.] Com- municated by D. Gilbert. A. Young's Annals of Agriculture, xxvii, 200-4, (1796.) Reply to Queries relative to Corn., etc., dated Tredrea, Dec. 8, 1799. ih., xxxiv, 278-81, (1800.) Letter describing a singular fact of the In- visible Emission of Steam and Smoke together from the chimney of a furnace, though either of them, if separately emitted is visible as usual. Nicholson, Jomii., xii, 1-2, (1805) ; Gilbert, Annal, xxii, 403-406, (1806.) Account of the Opening of a Barrow at Berling, near Eastbourne, in Sussex. Archceol, xvii, 338-39, (1814.) On Some properties of the Catenarian Curve, with reference to bridges by suspension. Quart. Journ. Sci, x, 230-35, (1821.) On the Ventilation of Rooms, and on the ascent of heated gas through flues, ih., xiii 113-20, (1822.) An Investigation of the Methods used for Approximating to the Roots of Adfected Equa- tions, ib., xiv, 353-58, (1823.) On the Vibration of Heavy Bodies in Cycloidal and in Circular Arches, etc. ib. xv 90-103, (1823) ; XX, 69-73, (1826.) On the. . .Wheels and Springs for Carriages, the Draft of Cattle, and the Form of Roads ib xviii, 95-98, (1825.) GILBEET, Davies. (Co«.). On the Eikon Basilike. Gent. Mag., xciii, pt. ii, 132-33, (1823.) Curious Version of the Lord's Prayer, ib., xcv, pt. ii, 421, (1825.) And Shall Trelawny Die. ib., xcvii, pt. ii, 409, (1827.) Michael de Tregury, Arch.-Bp. of Dublin, ib., ci, pt. i, 197-200, 1831. [Reprinted in D. Gilbert's Cornwall, iv, 143-48.] Translation of a Passage in SjTiesius inscribed over his child in Eastbourne Church by D. Gilbert, ib., cii, pt. i, 632, (1832.) The Mathematical Theory of Suspension Bridges. PMlos. Trans., cxvi, pt. iii, pp. 202- 218, (1826) ; cxxi, 341-44, (1831.) The Expediency of Assigning Specific Names to all such Functions of Simple Elements as Represent Definite Physical Properties. «&.,cxvii, pp. 25-38, (1827.) Also found as a pamphlet, 1827, 80. Progressive Improvement made in the Steam- engines in Cornwall, ib., cxx, 121-32, 1830. [Philos. Mag., vii, 449-50, 1830.] On The Nature of Negative and Imaginary Quantities, ih., cxxi, 91-98, (1831.) Philos. Mag., ix, 37-38, (1831.) Speech of the President [D. Gilbert] of the Royal Society, 30 Nov., 1830. Philos. Trans. Abstract, iii, 6-15, (1837.) Note. — This is the only speech of D. Gilbert printed in the Transactions. On the Regular or Platonic Solids. Phihs. Mag., iii, 161-65, (1828.) On the Luminous Belt of Sept. 29, 1828, (as seen at Rosemorran, Penzance.) ib., iv, 453- 54. Statement respecting the Legacy left by the late Earl of Bridgewater. ib., ix, 200-202, (1831.) Addresses at the Annual Exhibitions of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Soc. By D. Gilbert, Vice-President. Rep. Pi.C.P.Soc, 1834, pp. 19-20, 1835, pp. 25-26, 1838, pp. 23-24. A Statement of Circumstances connected with the late election for the Presidency of The Royal Society. [Lond., printed for Richard Taylor, Red Lion Court, Fleet St.,] 1831, 8"., pp. 47. Br. Museum. Note. — Contains several letters to and from D. Gilbert. Letter from D. Gilbert to Sir J. E. Smith, GILBERT. 175 GIEAKDUS. GILBERT, Davies. (Con.). dated 18 June, 1799. Mem. and Gorresp. of Sir J. E. Smith, i, 450. Letter from D. Gilbert to Rev. Will. Veale, Trevaylor, dated East Bourne, 22 July, 1866. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 28,554, p. 1. Proposals by Sir N. H. Nicolas to print the last Heraldic Survey of Cornwall, 1640,' (sic.) Signed "D. Gilbert, East Bourn, 1838." See Nicolas, Sir N. H. An Arrangement of British Plants. By Will. Withering. 3rd ed. Lond., 1796, 4 vols., 8o. Note.— Mr. Gilbert contributed to this edition. Letters of Sir Walter Scott addressed to the Rev. R. Polwhele, D. Gilbert Esq., Francis Douce, Esq., and others. Accompanied by an original autobiography of Lieut.-Genl. Sir H. Vivian, Bart. Lond., Nichols and Son, 1832, 80., 4/-. Observations on the nature of Demonstrative Evidence... By Thomas Beddoes. Lond., 1793, 8". Note. — The Dedication to Daviea Giddy mentions Ms " uncommon proficiency in Mathematical Science." Mr. D. Gilbert's Improvements at Eastbourne. •Chamber's Journ., ii, 30-31, (1844.) GILBERT, Commander Edmund William (4 son of Rev. Edmund Gilbert, V. of GoMtantine.) h. 1787. cf O'Byrne. GILBERT, John Davies {son of Davies Gilbert.) h. Eastbourne, 5 Dec, 1811. d. Prideaux Place, 16 ApL, 1854. cf. Gent. Mag., xli, 649, (1854.) A Clue for Young Latinists, 1821. See Carey, J. The Greek Terminations, 1821. See Carey, J. GILBERT, Mary Anne (dau. of Thomas Gilbert and wife of Davies Gilbert.) J.Lewes, 29 Feb., 1776. d. Eastbourne, 26 ApL, 1845. On Tanks. By M. A. G[ilbert], 1838. See • Cotton, Rev. W. C. On an Improved Mode of Forming Water Tanks. Mep. B.G.P.Soc., 1836, pp. 79-80. On the Construction of Tanks. Jov/rn. Boy. Agric. Soc. England, i, 499, (1840.) On the Self-supporting Reading, Writing, and Agricultural School, at Wallingdon, in Sussex. Journ. Statist. Soc, v. 289, (184.2.) Sketches of the Boroughs of East and West ,Looe. By T.Bond. 1828,8". 'Note. — Several of the Illustrations are signed " M. A. GUbert, delt." GILBERT, Nancy or Ann (dau. of Rev. Anthony Hoshen, m. 1, Mr. Vivian; m. 2, J Taller Raleigh Gilbert.) d. The Priory, Bodmin, 8 April, 1818, aged 73. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxxviii, pt. i, 644, (1818.) See Durell, Rev. E., ante, p. 128. GILBERT, Coll. Walter Raleigh, R.A. {2nd son of Rev. John Pomeroy Gilbert.) b. 1813. Instructions for the guidance of the Cornwall Constabulary, by Colonel Gilbert, Chief Con- stable, and approved by the Quarter Sessions, 20th Oct., 1857. Bodmin, printed by Liddell and Son, 1857, fcp. 8"., pp. 60. GILES, John {son of Peter Giles.) b. Laun ceston, 17 July, 1814. The Fossiliferous Rocks of the Liskeard district. Trans. B.G.8.G., vii, 93-99, (1849.) The Geology of the Neighbourhood of Lis- keard. ib., vii, 155-60, (1850.) The Geology of the Liskeard district, ib., vii, 169-74, (1851.). The Metalliferous Associations of the Liskeard Rocks, ib., vii, 198-207, (1852.) GILL, William, d. 6 July, 1827, aged 43. A Sermon preached... at the funeral of Mr. W. GiU, of Chacewater. By Rev. J. D. Cole- ridge, q.v. GILLIES, Capt. Robert, of the ship Hibernia. Method of Preserving Plants during a Long Voyage. Rep. R.C.P.Soc, 1835, pp. 43-44. GILPIN, Rev. William, b. 1725. d. Vicar's Hill, Boldre, 5 April, 1804. Observations on the Western Parts of Eng- land, relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty... By W. Gilpin, M.A., Prebendary of Salisbury and Vicar of Boldre... (Plates.) Lond., printed for T. Cadell, jun., and W. Davies, Strand, 1798, 8°., pp. xvi and 359, 25/-.— 2nd ed., 1808, 8o., pp. xvi and 359. Note. — Mr. Gilpin only came into Cornwall as far as Bodmin. GIRARDUS CORNUBIENSIS. >. circa, 1350. cf. Liber de Hyda, pp. xxi, 62, 111, 118; Wright's Biog. Lit, ii, 466-67 ; Hardy's Cat. of Materials, iii, 50 ; Wharton's Anglia Sacra, i, 180, 186, 189 ; Tanner, p. 326. De gestis Britonum. De gestis Regam West Saxonum. Note.— At the end of a MS., No. 147, of Higden's Polychronioon in Magd. Coll., Oxford, there is The History of Guy, Earl of Warwick, which the copyist GLYNN. 176 GODOLPHIN. GIBAEDUS C0ENUBIENSI8. (Con.). states that he took from the xith chapter of Girardus " De Gestis Eegum." The work itself is not known to be extant. Girardi Cornubiensis Historia Guidonis de Warwyke. Rawlinson MSS., Bod. Lib., class B 180, art. 4, fol. 126-29. Note — Printed in App. to Hearne'e Chron. de Dun- staple, ii, 825-30. GISBUENE, Eev. John (son of William Gishurne,) Unitarian Minister, b. Gisborough, Yorkshire, 30 Mch., 1777. d. Soham, Cam- bridgeshire, May, 1826. Extracts from a Journal of Mr. Gisburne's Missionary Tour in Cornwall. Monthly Repod- tory, vi, 731-34, (1811.) GLANVILLE, Francis. (2 son of Sir J. Glanvilh, who d. 1769.) b. 31 July, 1762. d. Great Marlow, 3 June, 1846. cf. Gent. Mag., xxvi, 206, (1846.) GLANVILLE, Sir John {son of Sir J. Glan- ville, Krd.,) Sergeant at Law, M.P., Speaker of the House of Commons, 1640. 6. 1586. d. 2 Oct., 1661. Copy of Sergeant Glanville's Speech, being Speaker, 15 April, 1640. MSS. Trelawne. GLANVILLE, John. 6.1665. (^. 12 June, 1735. Poems, consisting of originals and translations. By J. Glanville. Lond., 1725, 8o. Note. — Dedicated to E. Edgomnb. Two letters to Francis Gregor, dated Catch- french, August, 1730, and October, 1730. Printed in Gregor's preface to Sir John Fortescue's De laudibus legum Anglise, (1737), fol., pp. xxvii-xxxii. GLOVEE, EOBERT. b. Kent. d. London, 14 Apl., 1588. The Names of the Abbayes and Pryories of England, Walles, and Cornwall. Ashmolean MSS. Bodl. Lib., 839, art. 12. GLUBB, Christian Mary {dau of Rev. Richard Lyne and wife of Peter Glubb, Solicitor, Little PethericL) b. 21 Aug., 1789. d. Liskeard, 1 Mch., 1868. See Lyne, Eichard. GLYNN, Admiral Henry Eichard (3 son of Serjeant Glynn.) b. 2 Sept., 1768. cf. O'Byme. GLYNN, John. Murdered at Higher-Wring- worthy, Morval, 1471. cf. Rot. Pari. (1472- 73,) vi, pp. 36-38; Myro's Instructions to Priests' {Early English Tezi Soc.) p. 70. GLYNN, Serjeant John {ird son of Will. Glynn,) M.P. for Middlesex, Eecorder of London, bapt. Cardynham,30 Aug.,1722. d.\% Sept., 1779. cfH. W. Woolrych's ''Lives of the Serjeants,l869,"n, 572,-604: ; Chatham Correspm- dence, iii, 474-75, 481, 483 ; iv, 31, 35, 48, 131, 138, 144, 229, 234 ; H. Walpole'sJourn. of Geo., Hi, from 1771-83,1,118, 124-26, 189, 197, 301 ; /. Nicholls' Recollections and Reflections, i, 342 ; lAves of Recorders of London, by Rev. Mark Noble, MSS. Guildhall, Lib.; Almon's Biog. Anecdotes i, 236-39, 244-56. GLYNN, Egbert. See Clobery, E. GODFEEY, of Cornwall, p., 1320. b. St. Stephens-in-Branwell. cf. Imcke's Exeter, (1731), pt. ii., p. 38 ; Pits, pp. 412-3; Tanner, pp. 329-30. Tabula super novem Quodlibeta magistri Godefridi [Cornubiensis] quam ad articulos et loca in quibus dissentit ab aliis ; et hoe a quinto quodlibet et sic deinceps. MSS. Merton Coll., 276, fol. 51-3. GODOLPHIN, The. The Godolphin. A new dance made for her Majesty's birthday, 1714. By Mr. Isaac, Dancing Master. Lond., 1714, fol. GODOLPHIN, The Fortunes of. The Fatalist, or The Fortunes of Godolphin. By An Essayist on the Passions. Lond., W. Edwards, 12 Ave-MariarLane, 1840, 3 vols., S". Note. — The scene of this tale is laid in Cornwall, and the hero is a Sir Ealph Godolphin. The author states that the work was written after he had taken a pedestrian tour through Cornwall. GODOLPHIN FAMILY. Memoirs of the family of Godolphin, more particularly the life of Sydney, Earl of Godol- phin. Memoirs. . .of the Lives and Families of the most illustrious persons who died m 1711. By J. Le Neve, pp. 321-75. GODOLPHIN, Charles, M.P. for Helston {5th son of Sir Francis Godolphin.) 6. 1651. d. 10 July, 1720. &Mr. Westminster Abbey. Draft of Epitaph on C. Godolphin and Elizabeth his wife, to be placed over their tombs by Frances Hall, Executrix and niece of Mrs. Godolphin, 1727, in the handwriting of Sir John Evelyn. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 15,949, fol. 88. Correspondence (Anno. 1700) between the Bishop of Exeter and Mr. Charles Godolphin, Jovm. R.LC. Apl., 1868, pp. 17-20. GODOLPHIN. 177 GODOLPHIN. GODOLPHIN, Sir Francis {son of Thos. Godolphin and nephew of Sir Will. Godolphin.) Knighted Richmond, 1580. bur. Breage, 23 Apl., 1608. Sir F. Godolphin to the Earl of Cumberland, on the loss of a prize laden with hides and cochineal on the coast of Cornwall, belonging to his Lordship. Helsbi (Helston), 6 Dec, 1589. Lansd. MSS. 145, art. 40. Sir F. Godolphin to Mr. Doctor Csesar, con- cerning certain pirates who had brought French vessels to the Western coast. Godolphin, 16 May, 1587. ib. 145, art. 101. Letter from the Privy Council to ■_ — to deliver a supply of ordnance and ammunition to Francis Godolphin, Esq., Captain of the Isles of Sillie, dated 22 Feby., 1573. Br. Musewm, Addit. MSS., 5752, fol. 386. Indenture between the Earl of Warwick and F. Godolphin for the receipt of ordnance and ammunition, dated 26 Mch., 1574. ib. 5752, fol. 387. Letter from Sir F. Godolphin and Thomas Payne to Lord Howard of Effingham, 16 Deer., 1594. ib., 15,208, fol. 341. Letter from Lord Burleigh, dated the Strand, 7 Feby., 1595... appointing a Lieutenant to Sir F. Godolphin, the name to be inserted by the Earl of Essex. MSS. Camb. Univ. Lib., Ee iii, 56, art. 80. Letters from F. Godolphin to Sir J. Trelawny, his nephew. 1590. MSS. Trelawne. GODOLPHIN, Sir Francis {eld. son of Sir Will. Godolphin,) was 15 in 1620. cr. Knight of the Bath, 1660. d. 22 Mch., 1667. Carolus Redux. Oxon., 1623, 40. Note.— Contains verses by " Fra Godolphin, Bquitis aur. fill. nat. max., Exeter Coll." Leviathan... By T. Hobbes, of Malmesbvry. Lond., printed for Andrew Crooke [at the Green Dragon, in St. Paul's Church-yard.] 1651, 4». —English works of T. Hobbes. Ed. by Su' W. Molesworth, (1839), vol. iii, 8o. Note.- Dedicated " To my most honor'd friend Mr. Francis Godolphin, of Godolphin." The dedication contain a high eulogiwn on Sidney Godolphin, the Poet. Notes on a suit between Sir F. Godolphin and Mr Grose. See Buller, Francis, ante p. 51. Letters from F. Godolphin to Archbishop Sancroft, dated the Temple, 20 March, 16--. Earl. MSS. 3784, art. 47-48. Letter from Sir F. Godolphm to Archbishop Sancroft concerning expectations of a plot against the Protector ; conduct of Major Gen. Harrison and others at their Examination London, 25 Feby., 1654. Tarmer MSS. Bodl. Lib. 52, art. 71. ' GODOLPHIN, SiK Feanois. (Con.). Letter to Archbishop Sancroft, acquainting him with his safe arrival at Dieppe. Dieppe, 1 Jan., 1655-56. ib. 314, art. 42. Letter from F. Godolphin, mca 1660. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 4,162, art. 51. GODOLPHIN, Francis (2 son of preceding.) Britannia Rediviva. Oxon. 1660, fol. Note. — Contains verses by "Fran. Godolphin, Armigeri filins, Christ Church." GODOLPHIN, Francis, 2 Earl of Godolphin {son of Sidney Godolphin, the first Earl.) b. 1678. d. 17 January, 1766. cf Granger's Biog. Hist. ; Sketch of the life of Dr. Moimsey, (1789), pp. 15-17, 26-28 ; 30th Bep. Dep. Keeper of Records, p. 375. Grant of the office of the Steward of the Duchy of Cornwall, 16 May, 1705. Ha/rl. MSS. 2262, art.^49. Copies of two accompts of Francis Earl Godolphin, as Cofferer and Keeper of the Great Wardrobe of the Household of George I, from 1 August, 1714, to 30 Sept., 1716. Br.Musewn, Addit. MSS. 15,630, fol. 76. Letter from Francis, Earl of Godolphm, to Lady Evelyn. Newmarket, 26 October, 1721. ib. 15,949, /oZ. 77. Letter from Francis, Earl of Godolphin, to Sir John Evelyn. St. James', 16 Jan., 1752. «6. 15,949, /o?. 112. Letters of Henry Joynes, to the Earl of Godolphin and others, relative to the works at Blenheim, ib. 19,606. GODOLPHIN, Francis, 3 Baron Godolphin, 1766, {youngest son of Bev. Hen. Godolphin, D.D.). b. 1706. d. Stable Yard, St. James', London, 25 May, 1785. cf Gent. Mag., Iv, pt. i, 489,(1785.) Letter from F. Godolphin to Thomas Birch, D.D., 1727. Br. Musewm, Addit. MSS., 4,308, art, 325. ^, ^ ^^ ,, Lewis Pughe... Appellants. The...Rt. Hon. i. Lord Godolphin... Respondents, 1780. See Leeds, John, Duke of GODOLPHIN, Godfrey, pseud.., i.e. On descriptions of the habits and manners of the Cornish. Cornish Mag., iii, 93, (1828.) GODOLPHIN, Guy {son of Guy [or Will] Godolphin, of Windsor.) Living, 1620. Mr G Godolphin to Sir M. Hicks ; to pro- cure for his son Palmer, a debt due to hun out of the Exchequer from Lord Westmoreland, 1608. Lansd. MSS., 90, art. 112. GODOLPHIN. 178 GODOLPHIN. GODOLPHIN, GnT. (Con.). Grant to G. Godolphin and John Smith, of London, of the Hundred of Bradford, in Salop, and the Manor of Ashford, in Middlesex, 44, Eliz., [1602.] Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 15,553, fol. 105. GODOLPHIN, Lady Henrietta (eld. dau. of Francis, 2 Earl of Godolphin, and wife of Thos. Pelham, Duke of Newcastle.) J. 1701. d.ll July, 1776. A poem on the marriage of his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, to the right honourable the Lady Henrietta Godolphin. Inscrib'd to his Grace. By Mr. Lawrence Eusden. Lond., printed for J. Tonson, at Shakspear's-Head, over against Katherine St., in the Strand. 1717, fol. pp. 14. Br. Museum. GODOLPHIN, Henry. Letters from H. Godolphin to Sir Jonathan Trelawny on Duchy of Cornwall matters, circa, 1590. MSS. Trelawne. GODOLPHIN, Rev. Henry, D.D. (4 son of Sir Fras. Godolphin.) Provost of Eton, 16 Oct., 1695-1732. Dean of St. Paul's, 14 July, 1707-26. h. Godolphin, 15 Aug., 1648. hapt. Breage, 20 Aug. d. Eton, 29 Jan., 1732- 3. cf. Nichols' Lit. Anecdotes, i, 237, 681, 706 ; iv, 601 ; V, 98 ; viii, 391'; Ackerman's Hist, of Winchester, Eton, t&c, ip. 55; Evelyn's Diary, (1870,) p. 517 ; Milman's Annals of St. Paul's, p. 458; Hoare's Wiltshire, vi, 516, 533, 536, 830. Letter from J. Evelyn to Dr. Godolphin. Diary and Corresp. of J. Evelyn, (1870,) pp 727-29. Letter from Dr. Godolphin to Mr. Talbot, June 11, 1691. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 4,275 art. 99. GODOLPHIN, Jael (dau. of Sir Francis Godol- phin {who was b. 1605), and wife of Edward Boscawen, M.P.) b. Godolphin, 5 June, 1647. d. 14 ApL, 1730. cf Faulkner's Hist, of Ken- sington, pp. 194-95. Letter without signature to Mrs. Boscawen 7 Feb., 1698-9. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS 15,949, fol. 31. GODOLPHIN, John (2 son of Sir F. Godolphin whod. 1608.) ^ The depositions of the Islanders of St. Maryes, Trescoe, Braier, and St. Martins, concerning cer- taine goodes, taken by me, John Godolphin Esquire, Deputy Governor of the Fort and Isles there. Dated 11 Octob., 1603. Br. Museum, Addit MSS, 5664, fol. 399. GODOLPHIN, John, LL.D. (3 son of John Godolphin). judge of Admiralty Court 1653- 78, cr. Kings' Advocate, 1660. b. Scilly, St. Andrew's eve, 1617. d. Fleet St., London, 4 ApL, 1678. bu7: Clerkenwell church, cf. Bliss' Wood, iii, 1152-3; L. Echard's Hist, of Eng., (1720,) p. 960; Chalmers; Bose. The Holy Limbec, or an extraction of the spirit from the Letter of certain eminent places in the Holy Scripture. By John Godolphin. Lond., 1650, 12". The Holy Limbeck : or a Semicentury of Spiritual Extraction, wherein the Spirit is ex- tracted from the Letter of certain eminent places in the Holy Scripture, and a compendious way discovered for the Spiritual improvement of the Literal Sense, in order to the better under- standing of the minde and meaning of the Spirit therein. By Jo. Godolphin, D.D. Lond., printed by John Field for Edmund Paxton, and are to be sold at his shop, in Paul's Chain, over-against the Castle Tavern, near the Doctors Commons, 1650, sm. 12". Sion College Lib. Note.—" To the Reader," and " The Names and Titles of the Extractions," oooupy three quarters of a sheet, then pp. 1-235. The oolop'hon is "Imprimatur 1° Martii, 1649, Joseph Caryl." This is the previous work with an alteration in the title. The Holy Arbour containing a body of divinity, or the sum and substance of Christian Eeligion. Collected from many orthodox laborers in the Lord's Vineyard ; for the benefit and delight of such as thirst after righteousness. First methodi- cally and plainly treated of, then annalized and applied at large. By J. Godolphin, J. CD... Lond., printed by John Field for Edmund Paxton, neer Doctors Commons... 1651, 4". Note. — Dedication and preface 2 sheets unpaged, then pp. 1-383. Index 1 J sheets, unpaged. There is also a pictorial half title with 1 page of explanation, commencing " The curtain drawn, or the front door of this holy arbour unlock'd and laid wide open." STNHrOPOS 0AAA2SIO2. A view of the admii-al jurisdiction, wherein the most material points concerning that jurisdiction are fairly and submissively discussed, as also divers of the laws, customes, rights, and priviledges of the High Admiralty of England by ancient records and other arguments of law asserted. Where- unto is added, by way of Appendix, an Extract of the ancient laws of Oleron. By J. Godolphin, LL.D. Lond., printed by W. Godbid for Edmund Paxton, over-against the Castle Tavern, neer Doctors Commons... 1661, 8". Note.— Dedication, preface, list of authors, and contents, unpaged, 3 sheets. Index, unpaged, 1 sheet. A view, pp. 1-160, Laws of Oleron, pp. 161-96, Catalogue of Admirals, pp 197-207. At p. 160 the following title page 18 found " An extract, by way of Appendix, of the GODOLPHIN. 179 GODOLPHIN. GODOLPHIN, John, LL.D. (Om.). Ancient Laws of Oleron. Eendered into English out of Garsias alisls Ferrand. Together with some mar- ginal observations thereon. Lond., printed in the year 1661." ZTNHrqPOE ©AAA22I02. Avievvof the admiral jurisdiction... With A Catalogue of the Lord High Admirals... By J. Godolphin, LL.D. 2nd ed., corrected and amended. Lond., printed for, and sold by, George Dawes, in Chancery- Lane, against Lincolns-Inn-Gate, 1G85, 8°. Note. — Dedication, preface, list of authors, and contents, unpaged, 3J sheets, then pp. 1-230. Index, unpaged, IJ sheets. There is a frontispiece of the Eoyal Arms. Laws, ordinances, and institutions of the Ad- miralty of Great Britain, civil and military, etc. Lond., printed for A. Millar, opposite to Katharine St., in the Strand, 1746, 2 vols., B"., 12/-.— Lond., printed for W. Owen, near Temple-Bar, rieet-St., 1767, 2 vols., 8°., 12/-. Note. — It is stated in Watt's Bihl. Brit, that this is the previous work published anonymously with a new title, but on comparison of the books, such does not appear to be the case. The Orphans Legacy, or a testamentary abridgment. In three parts — i, of last wills and testaments — ii, of executors and administrators — iii, of legacies and devises, wherein the most material- points of law relating to that subject are succinctly treated. . .By J. Godolphin. Lond., 1674, 4". The Orphans Legacy, etc. 2nd ed. much aug- mented and enlarged. By J. Godolphin, LL.D. Lond., printed for Chr. Wilkinson, at the Black Boy, over-against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet- St., 1677, sm. 40.— 3rd ed. printed by the Assigns of E. and E. Atkins, Esquires... 1685, sm. 4". Note. — The 2nd and 3rd editions are of the same impression. Advertisement, preface, and contents, un- paged, 1 sheet, then pp. 1-478. Index, unpaged, 2\ sheets. The Orphans Legacy, etc. 4th ed. Lond., 1701, 40., 6/-. Eepertorivm Canonicvm, or an abridgement of the ecclesiastical laws of this realm, consistent with the temporal, wherein the most material points relating to such persons and things as come within the cognizance thereof, are suc- cinctly treated. By J. Godolphin, LL.D. Lond., 1678, 40. Eepertorium Canonicvm, etc. 2nd ed. cor- rected, whereunto is added an appendix. By J. Godolphin, LL.D. Lond., printed by S. Eoycroft, for C. Wilkinson, at the Black Boy, against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-St., 1680, ?m. 4". 3rd ed. corrected, whereunto is added GODOLPHIN, John, LL.D. (Cm.). an appendix. Lond., printed by the assignes of R. and E. Atkins, Esquires, for Christopher Wilkinson, at the Black Boy, against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-street, 1687, sm. 4^. Note. — The 2nd and 3rd editions are of the same impression. Introduction, pp. 88. Contents, pp. 2. An Abridgment, pp. 1-652. Index, pp, 34, not paged. App., pp. 20. Catalogus variorum et insignium librorum instructissimarum bibliothecarum doctiss. claris- simorumq ; virorum D. Johannis Godolphin, J.U.D. et D. Oweni Phillip's, A.M., et scholae Wintoniensis Hypodidascali. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini in vico vulgo dicto Westmor- land-court, in St. Bartholomews Close, Novem- bris 11. Per Gulielmum Cooper Bibliopolam. Catalogi gratis distribuentur ad insigne Pelicani in vico vulgo dicto Little-Britain, 1678, sm. fol. Note. — Advertisement unpaged. Foreign Books, pp. 1-52. English Books, pp. 1-56. Pamphlets, pp. 57-59 Pallas Armata. The Gentleman's Armorie... Printed at London, by J. D., for John Wilhams, at the signe of the Crane, in S. Pauls Church- yard, 1639, 8". Gh-enville Lib., Br. Museum. Note. — Prefixed are verses " To the deserving Author," by " Jo. Godolphin, Bach, of the Givill Law of Glouo. HaU., Oxford." GODOLPHIN, Margaret (4 dau. of Col. Thos. Blague and wife of Sidney Godolphin, first Earl), b. 2 Aug., 1652. d. Whitehall, Westminster, 9 Sept., 1678. bur. at Breage, 27 Sept., but in the Register called Catherine, cf. Sioughton's Eccl. Hist, of England (The Church of the Bestoration,) ii, 475-78; Evelyn' s Diary, (1870,) pp. 369-81, 384, 388-89,392, 400, 402-4; Grammont's Memoirs of Court of Charles II, (Bohn's ed.,) p. 358. The Life of Mrs. Godolphin. By John Evelyn, of Wootton, Esq. Now first pubUshed and edited by Samuel, Lord Bishop of Oxford. Portrait. Lond., Will. Pickering, 1847, 8"., pp. xviii and 265, 6/-.— 1848, S"., pp. xviii and 291, 6/-.— [Another ed.] 1848, 8°., pp. xviii and 291, 6/-. The Saintly Life of Mrs. Margaret Godolphm, abridged by permission from the Life of Mrs. Godolphin, by J. Evelyn, ed. by Samuel, Lord Bishop of Oxford. Lond., WiU. Pickermg, 1853, 8"., pp. 32. . ,. ^ The Saintly Life of Mrs. M. Godolphin. By the Eev. J. J. Daniell, (1864,) q.v. GODOLPHIN, Mary {dau. of Col. Sidney Godol- phin, and wife of Bev. Henry Godolphin, D.D.) Letter from M. Godolphin, to Lady Evelyn. Eton, 25 August, 1731. Br. Museum, Addit. Mas., 15,949, fol. 94. GODOLPHIN. 180 GODOLPHIN. GODOLPHIN, Mary, pseud, i.e. ^sop's Fables in words of one syllable. By- Mary Grodolphin. Lond., Cassell, n.d., [1868,] 80, pp. 174. Note. — The writer of the above work was the first person to compose continuous tales in words of one syllable. Various books on this plan by "Mrs. Mary Godolphin," have been published by Mess. Eoutledge and Mess. Cassell. GODOLPHIN, Sidney. The Poet. (2 son of Sir Will. Godolphin, who d. 1613). 6. Godolpliin. iapt. Breage, 14 Jan., 1609. Slain at Cliag- ford, Devon, Jan., 164|. bur. Okehampton, 10 Feb. cf. Bliss' Wood, lii, 4:4:-4:6 ; Clarendon's Hist, of Rebellion, {ed., 1819,) ii, 185; Censura Literaria, ix, 342 ; Dedication to T. Hobbes' Lemathan,{Molesworth's ed.,)pref. vol., in; Review and Conclusionof the Leviathan, (Molesworih's ed.,) iii, 702-3 ; Lord Clarendon's Brief View, etc., of the Leviatlwn, (1676,) pp. 319-20; L. Echard's Hist, of Engl, (1720,) pp. 534, 561 ; N. and Q. 4 S. vii, 364, (1871); D. Lloyd's Memoirs of Persons, 1637-66, (1668,) pp. 693-4; Rose. The Passion of Dido for ^neas, as it is in- comparably exprest in the fourth book of Virgil. Translated by Edmund Waller and S. Godolphin, Esqrs. Lond., printed for Humphrey Mosley, at the Prince's Armes, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1658, 80., pp. 82. The Passion of Dido for ^neas, etc. — Lond., printed, and are to be sold by Peter Parker, at the Leg and Star, over against the Eoyal Ex- change, in Comhil, 1679, 12o., unpaged A to F in eights. Br. Museum. The Passion of Dido for -(Eneas, etc. Printed in J. Dryden's "Miscellany Poems," (1716,) iv, 134-53. Note.— c/. MSS. Camb. Univ. Lib., Dd., vi-43 ; Malone MSS., (Bod Lib.,) 13. Carolus Eedux. Oxon., 1623, 4o. Camdeni Insignia. Oxon., 1624, 4o. Note. — The above works contain verses by " S. Godolphin, Eq. aur. fil. Exeter Coll." A Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems. By George Sandys. Lond., at the Bell, in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1638, fol. Note. — Prefixed are commendatory verses by S. Godolphin, "To my very much honour'd friend, Mr! George Sandys," &c. Funerals made Cordials in a sermon... at the solemn interment of the corpse of the Et. Hon. Eobert Eich...By John Gauden, D.D. Lond 1658, 40. Note.— At p. 124, is " An epitaph upon the Lady Eich," [A poem of 20 hnes,] signed " Sidney Godol- phin." GODOLPHIN, Sidney. (Con.). Song [beginning " Or love me less or love me more."] By S. Godolphin. Ellis' Specimens of Early English Poets, iii, 202-3. For Love. A Poem by S. Godolphin. In Tixall Poetry, with notes by A. Clifford, (1813,) pp. 216-18. The Judgment (in verse) of S. Godolphin, on G. Sandys' Paraphrase on Solomon's Song Lands. MSS., 489, art. 10. Poems. By S. Godolijhin. Harl. MSS., 6917, pp. 5, 52, 53, 7.3. Poems. By S. Godolphin. Malone MSS. (Bod Lib.,) 13. Character of S. Godolphin, killed at Chagford, Jan., 164f. Addit. MSS., Br. Museum, 15,949, fol. 79. GODOLPHIN, Sidney, K.G. (3 son of Sir Eras. Godolphin, who was b. in 1605.) cr. Baron Godolphin, of Eialton, co. Cornwall, 8 Sept., 1684, and Viscount Eialton, and Earl of Godol- phin, 26 Dec, 1706. Lord High Treasurer, 1702. b. Godolphin. hapt. Breage, 15 June, 1645. d. St. Albans, 15 Sept., 1712. hur. Westminster Abbey, cf. Burnet's Hist, of his own Time, (ed., 1724) vols, i and i\, passim; Pepys' Diary passim ; Diary and Corresp. of J. Evelyn, (1870,) pp. 719-22; Calamy's Hist. Account of my own Life, ii, 257-58 ; L. Echard's Hist, of Engl., (1720,) pp. 960, 985, 1,000, 1,044, 1,050,- 1,124; Bliss' Wood, {Fasti,) iv, 272-73; Granger's Biog. Hist; Jas. Houbrahen's Heads of Illust. Persons, with Lives by Dr. Birch, (1813,) pp. 145-46; Stanhope's Hist, of Engl, 1701-13, {1870,) passim ; Nichols' Topog. and Geneal, iii, 505 ; E. Lodge's Portraits of Illust. Persons. (1850,) vii, 9; Macaulay's Hist, vols. i-iv, passim ; Stanley's Westminster Abbey, (1868,) p. 238 ; 30 Rep. of Dep. Keeper of Records, pp. 371, 403, 422; Chalmers; Rose; Encyclop. Brit, (8 ed.) ; English Cyclop. Two fables, in verse. By Sidney, Earl of Godolphin. Never before printed, n.p. or d. [Salisbury, printed by, and for, Brodie and Dowding,] 1817, 40., pp. 15. A third fable, in verse. By Sidney, Earl of Godolphin. Never before printed, n.p. or d. [Salisbury printed by, and for, Brodie and Dowding,] 1818, 40., pp. 5. Note.— The above fables were edited by Archdeacon W. Coxe, from the original MSS., at Blenheim. Only 10 copies of the fables were printed on imperial paper, and 12 on demy paper. A copy of the former size is in the Grenville Lib , Br. Musewm. The secret history of Arlus and Odolphus, Ministers of State to the Empress of Grandin- sula, in which are discover'd the labour'd artifices formerly us'd for the removal of Arlus, and the GODOLPHIN. 181 GODOLPHIN. GODOLPHIN, Sidney. (Con). true causes of his late restoration, upon the ■ dismission of Odolphus and the Quinquinvirate. Humbly offer'd to those good people of Grand- insula, who have not yet done wond'ring why that Princess wou'd change so notable a ministry. Anon. [Lond.,] printed in the year 1710, 8"., pp. 37, 6d. — 2nd ed. [Lond.,] printed in the year 1710, 8o., pp. 37, 6d.— 3rd ed. [Lond.,] printed in the year 1710, 8"., pp. 37, 6d. The impartial secret history of Arlus, For- tunatus, and Odolphus. . .The true and just causes of the removal of Arlus, who, by his t[raitorou]s Ad[ministratio]n rather deserved H[ama]ns Pun[ishmen]t, than Mordecai's preferment, and justice is done to the character of Fortunatus and Odolphus... /4 mow. [Lond.,] Printed in the year 1710, 8o., pp. 40, 6d. Note — In the above works Arlus represents Eobt. Harley, Earl of Oxford; Odolphus, S. G-odolphin and the Princess of Grandinsula, Queen Anne ; their author- ship is unknown Verses upon Dr. G 's Verses to the E. of G n. n.p. or d. [Lond., 1710,] s. sh. fol. Bod. Lib. On Virtue, to Mr. S. G[odolphin ?]. By John Evelyn. Nidwls' Select Coll. of Poems, (1780,) ii, 132-33. Life of the Et. Hon. F. North, Baron of Guilford... wherein are inserted the Characters of Sir M. Hale... Sidney Godol'phin and others. By the Hon. Roger North. Lond., 1808, 2 vols., 80. The Lives of the Et. Hon. F. North... Hon. Sir Dudley North... and Hon. and Eev. Dr. John North. By the Hon. Roger North. Lond., 1826, 3 vols., 8». Note. — In the former work, the character of Lord Godolphin is contained in ii, 138-9 ; in the latter, in ii 68. Lease from the Earl of Feversham. . .to Sidney, Lord Godolphin, of the park of Greene's Norton, in Northampton, 6th April, 1693. Br. Museum, Addit. Charters, 6,076. Assignment from Sidney, Lord Godolphin, of Lease of Greene's Norton, 21 July, 1693. ib., 6,150-52. ^^ ^ Letter to Lord Godolphm. Eeygate, March 27, 1711. Br. Museum, AddU._ MSS., 4,107, art. 153. Summary of the Life of Sidney, Earl of Godolphin. ib., 4,222, wrt. 81. "Warrants, signed by Lord Godolphin, 1669- 1707. ib., 5750, # 10,56,89; 5,751, # 333, 337; 5,752,#169, 236; 5,755,/ 5, 6, 51, 140, 197,203,213; 5,756,/. 119. GODOLPHIN, SiDNElr. (Con.). Letters from Lord Godolphin, to the Duke of Queensberry, 1706-1707. ib., 6,420,/ 74-85. Letter to Lord Godolphin from the Duke of Marlborough, 1706. ib., 7,058,/. 61. LettertoLord Godolphhifrom George Stepney. ib., 7,059, fol. 161 ; 7,075, fol. 68. Letter from Lord Godolphin to Lord Halifax, dated 24 May, 1706. ib., 7,121, fol. 35. Correspondence of Mr. Secretary Blathwait, with Lord Godolphin and other, ib., 9,735. Letter from S. Godolphin to the Earl of Eochester, August, 1684. ib. 15,892, fol. 169. Sidney Godolphin to Laurence Hyde. Windsor, Friday, noon, ik, 17,017, fol. 64. Eeport from the Commissioners of Accounts, 1710-11 : with correspondence between Lord Godolphin, and the Duke of Queensberry. ib., 17,766, 8". Letters of William HI to Lord Godolphin, 1691-3. ib., 24,905. Correspondence of Lord Godolphin on Home Affairs, 1701-10. ib., 28,055. Correspondence of Lord Godolphin on Foreign Affairs, 1680-1709. ib., 28,056-7. Commission to Lord Godolphin to be Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall, in the room of John, Lord Granville, 12 April, 1705. Sari. MSS., 2,262, art. 20. Grant to Sidney, Lord Godolphin, of the title of Viscount Eialton and Earl of Godolphin, 14 Dec, 1706. ib., 2,262, art. 232. Lord Godolphin's Correspondence, 1695. Sir T. Phillipps' MSS., 10,074. A conference in writing between Lord Godol- phin and Mr. Secretary Harley. ib. 15,011. An account of the proceedings of the Commis- sioners, Lords Halifax, Nottingham, and Godol- phin, appointed to treat with the Prince of Orange, 1688. MsS., All Souls' Coll., 273. Letter of Lord Godolphin to Archbishop Tenison, 24 Sept., 1705. Lambeth MSS., 930, art. 37. Letters to, and from, the Hon. James Brydges, 1703-11. Stowe Political MSS., xxx-cii. cf. O'Conor's Bibl. MSS. Stowensis, (1819,) ii, 484. Forty-eight Letters and Drafts, from S. Godol- phin, Lord Treasurer to the Earl of Nottingham, andothers, 1689, 1 702-4. MSS.,HattonCollection. Letters from S. Godolphin, 1680-82. MSS., T. E. P. Lefroy Esq. GODOLPHIN. 182 GODOLPHIN. GODOLPHIN, Capt. Sidney (son of John GodolpMfi, LL.D.) Governor of Scilly, Auditor of Wales, d. 23 Sept., 1732, aged 81. bur. Thames Ditton. Letter from Dr. W. Lloyd, Bp. of St. Asaph, to Lord Hatton, 6th April, 1689. Recommends Capt. S. Godolphin, whom his Lordship has ap- pointed Deputy-Governor of Guernsey. MSS. Hatton Collection. Three Letters from S. Godolphin, to Lord ■ — — , 1689. "Has received a commission from the Prince of Orange, to act as Deputy-Governor of Guernsey," etc. MSS., ib. GODOLPHIN, Mr. R Sir William Godolphin son of Will. Godolphin!] Letter from the Treasurer of Calais to Mr. Godolphin, demanding Justice for the robbery of a Frenchman, anno. 2 Edw. VI. Harl. MSS. 288, art. ii...also 288, art. 25. GODOLPHIN, Sir William, Knt., M.P., {eld. son of William Godolphin.) Vice- Ward en of the Stannaries, 1553. bur. Breage, 30 July, 1570. Two Letters from Sir W. Godolphin to Thos. Cromwell. Printed in Sir H. Ellis' Original Letters, 3 S. ii, 217-21. — Reprinted in Cornish Teleg., 26 October, 1864. Note. — They refer to Coruisli wrestling, &o. GODOLPHIN, Sir William, Knt., M.P. for Cornwall {eld. son of Sir Fras. Go'hlphin, knighted 1580.) bur. Breage, 5 Sept., 1613. cf. JBirch's Life of Henry, Prince of Wales, pp. 129, 205 ; 6 Eq>. Dep. Keeper of Records, App. ii, p. 4; Clifford's Tixall Letters, (1815,) i, 3. Indenture of Charles, Earl of Devon, with Sir W. Godolphin, touching the Manors of Langston Lacy, &c., dated Octav. Purif. B.M., 1 Jac. i. MSS. Exeter Coll. 182, fol. 117-8. GODOLPHIN, Sir William, Knt., M.P. for Camelford, 1661 (3 son of Sir Will. Godolphin who d. 1613.) Knighted AtWhitehall, 28 Aug., 1668. bapt. Breage, 9 Oct., 1611. d. Madrid, 1696. cf. Clarendon's Hist, of Rebellion, fed. 1819,; ii, 184, 359 ; Burnet, (ed., 1724) i, 430; Pepys' Diary, (1858,) iii, 362, iv, 30, 87; Dodd's Ch. Histoi-y, (1737,) iii, 251 ; Welch's List of Westminster Sclwlars, (1852,) pp. 118, 136-38 ; Evelyn's Diary, (1870,) pp. 406, 408; Birch's Hist, of Boy. Soc, ii, 297, 331 ; Bliss' Wood, (Fasti,) iv, 275 ; L. Echard's Hist, of Eng., (1720,) pp. 857, 952; 30 Rep. Dep. Keeper of Records, p. 365. Musarum, Oxon., i-Kaw^opid sive ob foedera ...Oliveri Domini Pro tectoris, etc. Oxon. 1654, fol, GODOLPHIN, SiK William. (Con.). Note — Contains verses by " W. Godolphin, Christ Church." They are reprinted in State Poems, fI709,) pp 4-5 ; 18-15. An answer to Mr. Waller's Poem on Oliver's Death, call'd The Storm. Written by Sir W G n. /. Dryden's Miscellany Poems, (1716,) i, 191-2; Poems on Affairs of State, (1716,) i, 247-8 ; Nichols' Select Collection of Poems, (1780,) i, 116-9. Note. — In the latter collection, this poem is erron- eously ascribed to Sidney Godolphin, the Lord Treasurer. A true relation of the victory and happy suc- cess of a squadron of his Majesties fleet in the Mediterranean, against the pyrates of Algiers, taken as well out of letters from Sir Thos. Allen, his Majesties admiral in those seas, and from Sir Will. Godolphin, his Majesties Envoye Extraor- dinary to the Court of Spain, as from a relation made by the Heer Van Ghent, the Admiral of the Dutch fleet, who assisted in that action. Published by authority. Printed by T. Newcomb, in the Savoy, 1670, 4"., pp. 15. The Right Honourable the Earl of Arlington's Letters (vol. i) to Sir W. Temple, Bart., etc. ; (vol. ii) containing a compleat collection of his Lordship's letters to Sir Richard Fanshawe... and Sir Will. Godolphin during their respective embassies to Spain from 1664 to 1674. Lond., printed for Tho. Bennet, at the Half Moon, in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1701, 2 vols., 8°. Original letters and negociations of his excel- lency Sir Richard Fanshaw, The Earl of Sand- wich, The Earl of Sunderland, and Sir W. Godolphin. . .wherein divers matters of importance between the three crowns of England, Spain, and Portugal, from the year 1663 to 1678, are set in a clearer light. . .Lond., printed for John Wilford, at the Three Flower de Luces, in the Little Britain, 1724, 2 vols., 8". Note. — Contains copies of a large number of letters and other documents, from Sir W. Godolphin. Prseexcelsoheroi Tiim Augustis maiorum''imaf ginibus ciim eximiis animi dotibas inclarescenti, D. D. Gvillermo Godolphin, Pro Potentissimo Magnse Britanise Monarcha in Hispania Legato. Excellentissimo Senor. A los pies de V. Exc, Don Christoval Gauvain. n.p. or d. fol. s. sh, Br. Museum. Note.— Contains " Anagramma, Sir Vvilliam Godol- phin, al mi hope is in God's Vvill." Anno decimo Gulielmi iii, Regis. An Act for confirming and establishing the administrar tion of the goods and chattels of Sir W. Godol- phin, Knight, deceased. Lond., printed by Chas, Bill, and the Executrix of Thos. Newcomb, deceased, printers to the King, 1700, fol. pp. 4, GODOLPHIN. 183 GOFF. GODOLPHIN,, Sir William. (Con.). Respuesta a una carta de un Senor titulo de Ingalaterra, en que le pide a un ingenio de esta corte, le avise las novedades de ella ; el qual le responde en esta relacion, que oprece al don Guillermo Godolphin [in verse], n.p. or d. fol. Bod. Lib. Romance, dando las bvenas pascvas al...Don Guillermo Godolphin, Cauallero de la Espuela Dorada, Senador del muy Alto, y soberano Senor, el Senor Rey de la Gran Bretana, y su Embaxador ordinario, a la Saprema Magestad Catolica. n.p. or d. 4°. Bod Lib. Begins " Extractum ex tractatu paois et ami- citie inter Magne Brittannie et Hispanie coronas Matriti ^ die mensis Maij, 1667. Concluso [In Spanish, Madrid, 1710 T] fol., unpaged, [pp. 1-76, and 1-32, in writing.] Br. Museum. Note. — Annexed is a notarial Act or Instrument of Sir W. Godolphin, appointing Testamentarios, who should on his death have power to make his will for the good of his soul, which was declared his universal heir in that instrument ; with sundry documentary papers in a suit thereon ensuing. Copy of a Fine levied in 1655, by T. Grose and wife, and D. Grose and wife, to Sir W. Godolphin, of lands in Trensweale and Breage. Earl. MSS.'l,228, art. 9. Extracts from letters from Sir W. Godolphin, from Madrid, 1667, 1676, 1677, 1678. ib., 1515, art. 75-77; 1516, art. 123; 3792, art. 32. Francis Parry's Diplomatic Correspondence with Lord Arlington, Sir W. Godolphin, etc., from Portugal, 1668-80. Sir T. Phillipps' MSB., 8914, 2 vols., fol. Copies of Letters from Sir H. Shere to Sir W Godolphin, dated Tangier, 1676. Bawlinson MSS., (Bod. Ub.,) class A. 342, fol. 60, 88. Despatch from Sir W. Godolphin, ambassador at Madrid, to Lord Arlington, 14 Sept., 1670. ib., A 478, art. 6. Letter from Sir W. Godolphin, Ambassador at Madrid, to George, Earl of Berkeley, Ambas- sador at Paris. Madrid, || March, 1677. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 17,017, fol. 62. Extracts of letters from Sir W. Godolphin to Mr Secretary Coventry, and others. Madrid, 1675-77. ib., 17,018, fol. 63-69. Papers relating to the conversion of Sir W. Godolphin, English Ambassador, April, 1671. Br. Museum, Egerton MSS., 1,509, fol. 281. GODOLPHIN, Sir William. (Con.). Upon the late storm and thedeathof Cromwell, by Waller, with " the answere or construction," by W. Godolphin. MSS. All Souls' College, 174, fol. 36b. Letter from Sir W. Godolphin to Lord Arling- ton, touching cutting logwood in Campeche. Madrid, May ^§, 1672. ib. 203, fol. 476-50. Declaration of what relateth to the case of the Spanish envoye, Don Bernardo de Salinas, and Sir W. Godolphin. ib. 213, fol. 56&-73. Note.— Sir W. Godolphin gave MSS, Nos, 14, 36, 37, 46, 49, 51), and 52, to Wadham College, but they contain no references to himself. Concerning the will of Sir W. Godolphin, 1697. Lambeth MSS., 942, art. 132. Letter from Madm. Ellis to Fra. Godolphin, relating to the personal estate of his late uncle Sir Wm. Godolphin, which was likely to fall into the hands ot some Priests at Rome, 4 Sept., 1697. ib. 1,029, art. 94. GODOLPHIN, Sir William, Bart. (eld. son of Eras. Godolphin, M.P. for St. Ives, 1640.) cr. Baronet, 29 ApL, 1661. d. Suffolk St., London, 17 Aug., 1710. iur. Westminster Abbey. Note.— This person is generally confused with the previously mentioned Sir William, who d. in 1696. GODOLPHIN, William, Marquis of Bland- ford. M.P. for Woodstock (eld. son of Fras., 2 Earl Godolphin, by Lady Henrietta Ghwrchill.) d. 24 Aug., 1731. A Letter from an English Traveller at Rome, to his father, of the 6th of May, 1721. 0. S. n.p. or d. [1721,] i°., pp, 8. Bod. Lib. GODWIN, Edward William, F.S.A. (son of William Godwin.) b. Bristol, 1829. Notes on some examples of church architec- ture in Cornwall. Archceol. Journ., x, 317-24, (1853.) Notes on churches in the deaneries of Kerrier and Penwith. ib. xviii, 231-52, 325-41, (1861.) GOFF, Dinah Wilson (dau. of Jacob Goff.) b. Horetown House, co. Wexford, 1784. d. White Ladies Road, Clifton, 5 June, 1858. Divine protection through extraordinary dangers; experienced by Jacob and Elizabeth Goff, and their family, during the Irish Rebellion, in 1798, (with a frontispiece of Hore Town House, County of Wexford, Ireland.) By D. W. Goflf of Penzance. Lond., W. and F. G. Cash... 1857, fcp., 8"., 3 sheets.— 2nd ed., 1857, 8»., 3 sheets. GOODFELLOW. 184 GOODEIDGE. GOLDSMITH, Commander Charles, RN. b. St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 10 June, 1795. d. Stonehouse, Plymouth, 17 Jan., 1854. The Logging Stone. Household Words, vi, 234-35, (1853.) Note — This is Lieut. H C. Goldsmith's own ac- count of his displacement of the Logan Stone, supplied to Household Words by his brother - GOLDSMITH, Lieut. Hugh Colvill, E.N. (hro. of the preceding.) The Overthrower and Replacer of the Logan Eock. 6. St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 2 ApL, 1789. d. At sea, off St. Thomas, West Indies, 8 Oct., 1841. The Logan Stone Overturned. By G. W. Harvey. A Letter, dated Plymouth, 18 ApL, 1824. Ann. of PMlos., vii, 392, (1824.)— Re- printed in App. to Stockdale's Excursion, 1824, (small ed.,) p. 184. The Logan Eock Displaced, 8 Apl., 1824, by Lieut. Goldsmith, of H.M.S. "Nimble." Gent. Mag., xciv, pt. i, 363, 430, (1824.) The Golden Chersonese, or the Logan Rock Restored, by an officer of the Royal Navy. Penzance, 1824, 12". A complete set of six lithographic views of the Logan Rock, on the occasion of its being forced from its equilibrium, {& April, 1824.) By Lieut. Goldsmith, and when being replaced by him, (2 Nov., 1824.) Penzance, Vibert and Tonkin, 1824, obi. fol. No letter press. Lines to Rev. C. V. Le Grice, with a reply by him, on the subject of giving a silver cup or a dinner to Lieut. Goldsmith. MSS. penes G. B. Millett, Esq., Penzance. GONZALES, Don Manoel, pseud., i.e. The voyage of Don Manoel Gonzales (late merchant) of the city of Lisbon, in Portugal, to Great Britain containing. . .an account of England and Scotland... Translated from the Portugueze MSS. Printed in A Collection of Voyages and Travels. . .from the library of the Earl of Oxford, Lond., T.Osborne, (1745,) i, 9-208 ; Pinkerton's Voyages and Travels, (1808,) ii, 1-171. Note — Account of Cornwall in Earl of Oxford's Collection, i, 82-83 ; Pinkerton, ii, 2-3. This Work is thought to have been written by D- Defoe. GOODFELLOW, James. On preserving public buildings from fire. Hep. li.C.P. Soc, 1842, pt. i, p. 32. Talc water guage for steam boiler, ib., 1852, p. 106. On an improved penholder, ib., 1852, p. 107. GOODFELLOW, Stephen Jennings, M.D. (son of Robert Goodfellow.) b. Budock, 21 Oct., 1809, GOODFELLOW, Stephen Jennings, M.D. (Con.). The London Physiological Journal, or monthly record of observations on animal and vegetable anatomy and physiology, chiefly made by the use of the microscope. Edited by S. J. GoodfeUow, M.D., Lecturer on General Anatomy and Physio- logy, at the Aldersgate Street Medical School, and Edwin J. Quekett, F.L.S. Lond., published for the Proprietors, by John Van Voorst, 3 Pater- noster Row. Oct., 1843, to Feb., 1844. 5 Nos. 1/-. each. Note. — No more published. Lectures on the diseases of the kidneys, gene- rally known as " Bright's Disease," and dropsy. By S. J. Goodfellow.. .Lond., Rol)ert Hardwicke, 1861, post 8"., pp. xii and 308, 7/6. Observationes microscopicse ad morphologi'am pathologicam, auctore Dr. Davide Griiby, Mor- phologia Fluidorum Pathologicorum. Tomi primi, pars prima, Vindobonse apud Singer at Goering, 1840. Translated by S. J. Goodfellow. Microscopical Journ., 1841, pp. 195-206, 227-37, 262-72. Lezioni sui Fenomeni Fisico-Chimici dei Corpi Viventi. De 1' Cav Professor Carlo Matteucci. 2nd ed. Firenze presso Ricordi e Jojouhaud. Translated by S. J. Goodfellow. Lancet, i, 57-9 81, etc.; ii, 1-3, etc., (1847.) Some remarks on the internal structure of voluntary muscle. Lond. Phys. Journ., i, 97-103 (1844.) Nine Lectures on those diseases of the kidney generally known as Bright's disease delivered at the Middlesex Hospital. By S. J. Goodfellow, M.D. Med., ii, 50-53, etc., (I860.) Two cases of empyema, illustrating the advan- tage of making two openings and adopting the plan of drainage in the operation of paracentesis in that disease. Trans. Boy. Med. and Chir. Soc. Lond., xlii, 231-43, (1859.) Two cases of extensive arterial obstruction from separated cardiac vegetations, followed by gangrene of the lower extremities and death, ib., xlv, 367-78, (1862.) Fibroid tumour in the brain, with disease of the petrous portion of the temporal bone. Trans. Pathological Soc. Lond., xiii, 17, (1862.) Case of chorea, softening of the brain and spinal cord, ib., xiii, 18. Atrophy of the right kidney from former dis- tension of pelvis and calices by urine, hyper- trophy of the left kidney, ib., xiii, 193. Left kidney extensively diseased, minute calculi, obstruction of the ureter, ib., xiii, 158. GOODRIDGE, Capt. John. Commander of the Duke of Cumberland Packet Boat, Fair mouth, bw. Mylor, 27 Dec, 1781, GOEHAM. 185 GEAVES. GOODEIDGE, Capt. John. (.Oon.). The Phoenix, an Essay. Being an attempt to prove from History and Astronomical Calcula- tions that the Comet which, by its approxima- tion to our Earth, occasioned the change made at the Fall and at the Deluge, is the real Phoenix of the Ancients. By J. Goodridge. Lond., printed for Wells and Grosvenor, No. 11, Cornhill, 1781, 8°. Dedication and preface unpaged, then pp. 74. 3/-. List of Subscribers. Note. — ^Dedication dated Flushing, 17 Feb, 1781. Prefixed is an engraving from a portrait by Opie of "Capt. John Goodridge, aged 71." In Mr. W. P. Courtney's copy there is a curious copy of verses in writing. GORDON", Professor Lewis, r.R.S., Edinb., F.G.S. (son of Joseph Gordon.) b. Edinburgh, 1815. Abstract from the notes on the Power Ladders, used in the Hartz Mines. Bep. E.G. P. Soc, 1841. App. pp. 6-11. GORGE, N. Contents of N. Gorge's book, founded on a Statute 27, Hen. VIII, that no tin shall be wrought near freshwater rivers in Devon or Cornwall. Larml. MSS. 86, art. 70. GORHAM, Rev. George Cornelius, B.D. (son of Geo. jas. Gorham, of St. Neots. ) B. of St. Just-in-Penwith, 6 Feb., 1846-50, and V. of Brampford-Speke, 1850-57. b. St. Neot's, Huntingdon, 21 Aug., 1787. d. Brampford- Speke, Devon, 19 June, 1857. The History and Antiquities of Eynesbury and St. Neot's in Huntingdonshire ; and of St. Neot's in the County of Cornwall ; with some critical remarks respecting the two Saxon saints from whom these places derived their names. (Illustrated with 50 engravings.) By G. C. Gorham, M.A., Fellow of Queen's College, Cam- bridge. Lond., printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars ; published by Lackington...l820, 80., pp. xii and 340, 20/-. Note. — There was also an unpublished impression of 2.') copies ; printed on best paper, by Tliomas Davison, Whitefriars. The History and Antiquities of Eynesbury and St. Neot's, in Huntingdonshire, and of St. Neot's, in the County of Cornwall ; with critical remarks respecting the two Saxon Saints from whom these places derived their names. (Illus- trated with many engravings.) By G. C. Gorham, B.D. Lond., printed by Thomas Davison, White- friars ; for Harding, Mavor, and Lepard (Lack- ington's,) Finsbury Square, 1824, 2 vols., S^., 21/-. GOEHAM, Eev. Geokge Coknelius, B.D. (Gon.J. Note — The copy in the Cfranville Lib., Br. Museum, is on thicker paper than the finest of the two impres- sions published It has also two additional plates. At page 177, five additional pages have been inserted, bring- ing the list of Vicars down to 1866, and containing much additional information relative to the previous Vicars. Madron Well. Willis' Current Notes, 1855, p. 93. Madron Well with baptistry chapel. Plate and plan, ib., 1856, pp. 1-2. GOUGH, Richard (son of Hen. Gough.) b. London, 21 Oct., 1735. d. Wormley, Herts, 20 Feb., 1809. Britannia, or a Description of England, &c. Ed. by R Gough. See Camden, W. British Topography, or an Historical account of what has been done for illustrating the Topo- graphical Antiquities of Great Britain and Ire- land. Lond., printed for T. Payne and Son, and J. Nichols, 1780, 2 vols., 4o. Note. — ^Account of Cornwall, i, 265-7. GOURMELIN, Stephen, M.D. of Paris, b. Cornouailles, in Lower Brittany, d. Melun, 12 Aug., 1593. Note.— In Dodd's Church History, ii, 162, and in Pits', (1619,) p. 784, it is stated that Gourmelin was born in Cornwall, in England, but it appears, by the Biog Univ., and the Nouvelle Biog. Gen., (though no authority is given,) that he was born in Prance, GRAHAM,Rev. Henry Elliot. R. of Ludgvan, 1835-55. d. Ludgvan, 29 August, 1855, aged 62. A Short Harvest Sermon. By the Rev. H. E. Graham, Rector of Ludgvan. Penzance, 1845, 120., pp. 11. GRANT, James (son of Capt. John Grant.) b. Edinburgh, 1 Aug., 1822. Only an Ensign. A tale of the retreat from Cabul. By Jas. Grant. Lond., Tinsley Bros., 1871, 3 vols., 80., 31/6. Note. — A considerable portion of the scene of this tale is laid in Cornwall. GRANVILLE. See GRENVILLE. GEAVES, Admiral Thomas (2 son of James Graves, of Leeds.) b. 1680. d. 1 Dec, 1755. bur. Antony, cf. Charnock's Biog. Navalis, iv, 43-44. GRAVES, Admiral Sir Thomas, K.B. (3 son of Admiral Samuel Graves.) d. 1814. cf. Brenton's Naval Hist., (1837,) i, 624. GEEATHEED. 186 GREBNWAY. GRAVES, Admiral Sik Thomas, K.B. (Con.). Two letters from W. Graves, Esq., respecting the conduct of Rear-Admiral Thomas Graves, in North America, during his accidental command there for four months iu 1781. n.;p. or d., [1782], pp. 1-48, and App. pp. 1-19. Note.— The preface dated Thanckes, 25 Oct., 1782. GRAVES, Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas (son of Admiral T/ios. Graves who d. 1755.^ cr. Lord Graves, Baron of Gravesend, co. Londonderry, July, 1795. d. Cadhay, 9 Feb., 1802. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxii, 187, (1802); Brenton's Naval Hist, (1837,) i, 154, 268 ; Charnock's Biog. Navalis, vi, 126-43; James' Naval Hist, (1859,) i, 199; Life and Gorresp. of Lord Rodney, i, 384-88, 402 ; ii, 319. Memoir of Lord Thomas Graves, Admiral of the White. Portrait. European Mag., xxviii, 146- 56, (1795.) Also found as a Pamphlet, n.d., [1795,] 80., pp. 1-12. Naval Researches, or a candid enquiry into the conduct of Admirals Byron, Graves, Hood, and Rodney. By Capt. Thomas White, R.N. Lond., 1830, 8". Letter from Rear-Admiral Sir S. Hood to George Jackson, Esq., with copies of letters from Sir G. B. Rodney and Admiral Graves to Admiral Hood, 1778-83. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 9,343, fol. 27. GUAYES,TiLOM.AS'NoRT:B(eld.sonofthel Baron,) 2 Lord Graves, b. 28 May, 1775. d. 7 Feb., 1830. cf Gent. Mag., c. pt. i, 267, (1830.) A letter addressed to Lord Ebrington relating to the Stag Hunting establishment of the county of Devon. Exeter, 1814, 8 «. GRAVES-SAWLE, Sir Joseph Sawle, Bart., (son of Admiral John Graves.) cr. Baronet, 22 March, 1836, h. Exeter, 10 Dec, 1793. d. Honiton, 13 Jan., 1865. cf. Gent. Mag., xviii, 261, (1865.) GRAY, John. A certificate on the behalf of Tho. Hodge and J. Gray, in Launceston jail, begging, as her Majesty had granted them a pardon, it may pass in forma pauperis. Lescard, 19 Oct., 1592. Earl MSS., 6995, art. 95. GREATHEED, Rev. Samuel (son of Samuel Greatheed.) b. St. Clement Danes, London, 9 March, 1759. d. Bishop's Hull, Somerset, 15 Feb., 1823. On the knowledge and commerce of tin among ancient nations. Trans. R.O.S.G., ii, 359-65 (1822); Tilloch, Philos. Mag.,lx.i, 109-12, (1823.) GREEN, Lieut. Edmund Lyons, R.N. A New Fire-escape. Bep. B.G.P.Soc, 1836, p. 79. GREEN, Lieut. William Pringle, R.N. d 18 Oct., 1846. cf O'Bijrne. Signals to be made by one man, without flags, haulyards, or any previous preparations, by day or at night, to be understood by all nations, and affording a mode of instantaneous communica- tion, including information of importance to the crews of stranded ships. By Wm. Pringle Green, R.N. Gilbert, printer, Salter's-hall-court, Cannon St., London, 3 Oct., 1812, fol., s. sh. A.D. 1836, Sept. 28, No. 7,193. Letters Patent to W. P. Green, of Falmouth, Lieutenant in the Royal Navy, for " Improvements on Cap- stans, applicable to ships, etc." Lond., 1836, fol. s. sh. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1857, fol. s. sh. Note. — No specification enrolled/ A.D. 1837, July 10, No. 7,400. Specification of W. P. Green... for " Improvements in Capstans and Machinery, employed in raising, lowering, and moving ponderous bodies and matters." With drawings annexed. Lond., 1836, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1857, fol. pp. 5, 1/10. GREENFIELD [or GRENVILLE] William DE. Dean of Chichester, 1303-4. Arch- bishop of York, 4 Dec, 1304-15. Chancellor of England, 30 Sept., 1302-5. b. Cornwall, d. Cawood, 6 Dec, 1315. bur. York Minster. cf. Fasti Eboracences, (1863,) i, 361-97 ; Foss' Judges, iii, 96-97, 100, 274, 285 ; MSS.^Bal- liol. Coll. Oxf, Ixxxix ; Horwood's Yearbook of 30 Edio. i, p. xix; Prynne's Records, iii, 1073, 1112,1145-46, 1158; LeNeve's Fasti, {Ha/rdy^s ed.,) iii, 105; Murimuth, 1 ; Hemingburgh, ii, 23.3. GREENVILLE. See GRENVILLE. GREENWAY, Henry, M.R.C.S. (eld. son of Henry Greenway.) b. Launceston, 10 May, 1828. ' Improved fracture apparatus. Med. Times, vii, 99, (1853.) On a new operation for iridectomy, etc. ib., ii, 578, (1860.) Improved Hospital construction, ib., ii, 362, (1870.) On a new form of leg suspender and bed- guard._ The Lancet, i, 202-203, (1866.) An improved suction tractor [for the removal of cataract, etc.'] ib., i, 693-94, (1867.) GREGOE. 187 GKEGOR. GEEBNWAY, Heney, M.E.C.S. (Con.). Improved opthalmoscope [for examining the fundus of the eye with steadiness and precision.] £rit. Med. Journ., ii, 573, (1868.) Treatment of constitutional syphilis by car- bolic acid, ib., ii, 635. Irrigating apparatus, ib., iii, 335, (1870.) A unilateral leg suspender, ib., iv, 19, (1871.) GREENWOOD, Alfred. Occurrence of the black redstart near Pen- zance. Zoologist, i, 100, (1843.) Note. — The first of a series of paragraphs. On the mosses of the neighbourhood of Pen- zance, by A. Greenwood, Member of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, Corresponding Member of the Society. Trans. P.N.E. & A.S., i, 60-68, (1846.) Borrera flavicans, discovered in fruit, near Penzance. Phytologist, ii, 496, (1846.) GEEENWOOD, C. and J. Map of the county of Cornwall from an actual survey made in the years 1826 and 1827, by C. and J. Greenwood. Published by the Proprietors, Greenwood and Co. London, 4 July, 1829. Engraved by J. Dower, [with view of St. Michael's Mount, and small map of the Scilly Isles.] In "Atlas of the counties of England, by C. and J. Greenwood." Lond., 1829, fol. GREGOE, Francis, of Truro, {son of W. Gregor.) Conveyance of lands, circa, 1620. See Surges Thomas. GEEGOE, Francis (son of John Gregor.) De laudibus legum Anglise. Written originally in Latin, by Sir John Fortescue. . .translated into English, illustrated with the notes of Mr. Selden, and Great Variety of Remarks with respect to the Antiquities, History, and Laws of England. To which are prefix'd Mr. Selden to the Reader, and a large Historical Preface. To the whole are added the Preface of the First Editor... In the Savoy ; printed by E. and R. Nutt, &c., 1737, fol. Note. — The preface is dated Trewartheniek, Corn- wall, April 17, 1732, and contained in pp. iii-lvi. In 1741 appeared a second edition of the work down to the end of the Index to the English Translation, bound up with copies of the Latin Text, with the title dated 1737. Both editions are without the Editor's name. De laudibus legum Anglise. By Sir J. Fortescue. Translated into English (with the Original Latin.) ...With a large historical preface by Francis Gregor, Esq. Lond., printed for T. Evans, near York Buildings, Strand, 1775, 8o. Note.— Preface pp. iii-lxii. GEEGOE, Feancis. (Con.). Fortescue de laudibus legum Anglise. The Translation into English, published A.D. MDCCLXXV, and the original Latin-Text, with Notes. By A. Amos. Cambridge, printed by J. Smith. . .for JosephButterworth and Son, London ...1825, 80. The works of Sir John Fortescue, Knight... now first collected and arranged by Thomas (Fortescue) IjOrd Clermont. Lond., printed for Private Distribution, 1869, 4o. Note.— In both the preceding works Mr. Gregor's translation of De laudibus legum Anglise is reprinted. Correspondence of F. Gregor. MSS. Trewar thenick. GREGOR, Francis, M.P. for Cornwall, 1 790- 1806 (eld. son of Fras. Gregor.) baft. Cornelly, 1760. d. Trewartheniek, 12 July, 1815. c/. Gent. Mag., Ixxxv, pt. ii, 185, (1815); New Monthly Mag., (by T. Flindell,) v, 160, (1816.) A short historical sketch and account of the expences incurred under the heads of Civil List, Pensions, and Public Ofiices, with some obser- vations on the conduct of the Modern Reformers in a letter addressed to a Friend. Lond., 1810, 8"., [pp. 13-67 in Collected Works.] Two letters : the first containing some remarks on the meeting held 5 Nov., 1809, to celebrate the acquittal of Messrs. Hardy, J. H. Tooke, Thelwall, and others, in November, 1794; with an abstract of the facts proved on those trials, and also of the confession of James Watt, exe- cuted at Edinburgh, for High Treason, in Oct., 1794. The second containing a short compara- tive sketch of our practical constitution in ancient times and the present, with some obser- vations on certain assertions made by the Modern Reformers. By a Freeholder of Cornwall, [i.e., F. Gregor.] Lond., printed for J. Hatchard, 190, opposite Albany, Piccadilly, 1810, 8"., pp. 57. Note.— The First Letter is reprinted in The Col- lected Works, pp. 67-89, the Second Letter in pp. 89- 106. Observations on the Resolutions passed by certain friends of Parliamentary Reform, at Bodmin, on the 8 July, 1811. Truro, T. Flindell, 1812, 8"., 1/-., [pp. 106-157, in Collected Works.] Catholics, Remarks on the proceedings of the Lords and Commons in the late parliament re- specting the Catholics, contained in a letter ad- dressed to the Protestants of all persuasions and communions. By F. Gregor. Truro, printed at the Royal Cornwall Gazette OflEice, by T. Flindell, published in London by J. Hatchard... 181 2, 8"., pp, 76. — 3rcl ed. with a supplement respecting the parliamentary proceedings in the session 1813, and an Appendix, by F. Gregor, Esq. GEEGOE. 188 GEEGOE. GEEGOE, Feanoib, M.P. (Con.). Exeter, printed and published at Flindell's Luminary Office, published also by P. Nettleton, jun., Cornwall Gazette Office, Truro, 18 1 3, 8"., pp. 96, [pp. 157-269, in Collected Works.] Two Letters to the Freeholders of Cornwall, containing Remarks on some doctrines promul- gated by F. Gregor, Esq., 1812, 8o. Letters on the national debt, sinking fund, property tax, peace establishment, etc. Lond., 18- -, 80., [pp. 269-307, in Collected Works.] The [Collected] Works of Francis Gregor, of Trewarthenick, Esq. Exeter, printed by T. Flindell, 1816, 8"., pp. xv and 13-307. List of Subscribers. GREGOR, Gordon William Francis (son of Thos. Booker, of the 53 Regt.) Assumed the surname and arms of Gregor, 1 826. h. 2 Oct., 1789. d. Trewarthenick, 5 Dec, 1865. c/. Gent. Mag., i, l53, 285, (1866.) GREGOR, Rev. William, M.A. (only hro. of F. (h-egor, M.P.) E. of Creed, 1793-1817. h. Trewarthenick, 25 Dec, 1761. d. Creed, 11 July, 1817. cf. Ufe of S. Drew, (1834), pp. 162, 177, 199-201, 226-30, 237-38. A Memoir of the life and scientific labours of the late Rev. W. Gregor, A.M., read before the Royal Geological Society, of Cornwall, at the Anniversary Meeting, A.D. 1817, and printed at their Request, by J. A. Paris. Lond., printed and sold by William Phillips, George Yard, Lombard street, sold also by Harry, Truro, 1818, 80., pp. 37, 1/-. A sermon preached at the visitation held by the Archdeacon of Cornwall, at Truro, on the 14 May, 1798. By Rev. W. Gregor. Truro, printed and sold by W. Harry. Sold also by W. and J. Richardson. London, n.d. [1798,] 4o., pp. 30. A letter addressed to the members of the House of Commons on the Stat., 21 Hen. viii, c. 1 3 and on the grievances to which the clergy are exposed in consequence of it, with hints and observations respecting a new bill. Truro, J. Tregoning, Cornish press, 1802, 8o. A Sermon preached at St. Mary's Church, in Truro, at the Primary Visitation of the Right Reverend the Bishop of Exeter, on Wednesday, the 17th day of August, 1805. By the Rev. W. Gregor, M.A., Rector of Creed. Published at the request of the Right Reverend the Bishop of Exeter. Truro, printed at the Cornish Press, by J. Tregoning, 1805, 4o., pp. 32, 1/6. A Sermon preached at Truro, at the Primary Visitation of the Right Reverend the Bishop of Exeter, on the 1st July, 1809. By the Rev. W. GEEGOE, Eev. William, M.A. (Con.). Gregor, M.A. , Rector of Creed. Published at the request of the Bishop and Clergy assembled. Truro, printed and sold by J. Tregoning. Lend., Rivington, 1809, 4o., pp. 22, 1/6. An analysis of a variety of the Corundum. Nicholson's Journ., v, 209-11, (1803.) On the production of sulphate of Magnesia from the ashes of pit-coal, with remarks on the efflorescence of the same salt, observed by Dr. Bostock. ib., V, 225-27. _ Experiments on a mineral substance formerly supposed to be Zeolite, with some remarks on two species of Uran-Glimmer. ib., xii, 247, 1806, [Philos. Trans., xcv, 331-48, 1805.] On a native arseniate of lead, ib., xxv, 360, 1810, [Philos. Trans., xcix, 195-211, 1809.] Analysis of a soil containing free muriatic acid and muriates of soda, lime, alumine, magnesia, and manganese, ih., xxviii, 180-84, (1811.) Experiments upon green uran mica, with a view to its chemical analysis. Thomson An. Philos., V, 281-84, (1815.) Experiments upon topaz and carbonate of bis- muth, with some observations relative to Smithson Tennant, Esq. ib., viU, 276-79, (1816.) On the tremolite of Cornwall. Trans. Geol. Soc, London, cxi, 399-403, (1803.) Found also as A Pamphlet with a title page, 1816, 4o. Observations on a remarkable change, which metallic tin undergoes, under peculiar circum- stances, and on its partial conversion into a muriate of tin. Trans. B.G.S.C., i, 5 1-59, (I8l8.) On kupfer-nickel. ib., i, 224-25. Notice of the analysis of zinc ore trom Huel Ann. ib., iii, 338, (1827.) Formation of prussic acid by the ignition of carbonaceous substance with nitrate of barytas. Tilloch, Philos. Mag., Ixxii, 234-;55, (1823.) Observations et essais sur le menakanite, esp^ce de sable attirable par I'aimant, trouv6 dans le province de Cornouailles. Observations sur la Physique, xxxix, 72-78, 152-60, (1791.) Experiments on, and analysis of, the magnetic sand, found in the county of Cornwall, and called by Mr. Gregor menekanite. By J. G. Schmeisser. Crell's Chemical Journ., iii, 252-9, (1793.) GBENFBLL. 189 GBENVILLE. GEELLET DU MABILLIER, Etienne de (son of G. M. A. de Grellet.) h. Limoges, 2 Nov., 1773. d. Burlington, U.S. America, 16 Nov., 1855. Memoir of the Life and gospel labours of Stephen Grellet. Ed. by Benjamin Seebohm. Lend., A. W. Bennett, 1860, 3 vols., 8°. Note. — Account of visits to Cornwall (in 1813,) i, 226-27, (in 1832,) ii, 240-41. GRENFELL, Coll. George Saint Leuer (1 son of George Grenfell, of Penalverne.) b. London, 1808. cf One and All Mag., 1868 ; 7 JRep. Dep. Keeper of Records, App. p. 151. A.D. 1834, Nov. 12, No. 6,622. Specification of George Saint Leger Grenfell, of Paris, in the kingdom of France, Merchant, for " Certain im- provements in the construction of Saddles." Lond., 1834, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1857, fol., pp. 3, 3d. GRENFELL, John (son of Pascoe Grenfell.) bapt. St. Hilary, 11 Feb., 1767. d. Plymouth, 1815. A defence of bank notes against the opinions published in the Morning Chronicle, Cobbett's Register, and a Pamphlet entitled " The High Price of Bullion, etc." Lond., printed for John Walker, and others, 1810, 8o., pp. iv and 24, 1/-. — A defence of Bank Notes against the opinions pubhshed in the Morning Chronicle, etc. 2nd ed., with Two Letters to Francis Horner. Lond., 1810, 8°., pp. 111. Observations on the expediency and facility of a Copper Coinage of uniform weight and a standard value according with the mint prices of gold and silver bullion. By J. Grenfell. Lond., printed by Whittingham and Rowland, for J. Asperne, Cornhill, I8l4, 8'^., pp. 28, 1/-. GRENFELL, Miss Lydia (dau. of Pascoe Grenfell.) bapt. St. Hilary, 19 Nov., 1775, as Lydia Grenvile. d. The Old Vicarage House, Breage, 18 Sept., 1829. Letters from the Rev. Henry Martyn to Miss L. Grenfell, 1805-12. cf Letters of Rev. Henry Martyn, (1844,) pp. 23, 28, 44, 51, 56, 318, 323, 337, 349, 356, 369, 387, 396, 403, 412, 415. GRENFELL, Pascoe rson of John Grenfell.) Commissory to the States of Holland, b. Marazion. bapt. St. Hilary, 27 Apl., 1729. d. Marazion, 27 May, 1810. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxx, pt. 1, 595, (1810.) GRENFELL, Pascoe, D.C.L., M.P. for Marlow, 1802-20; M.P. for Penryn, 1820-26, {son of the preceding.) b. Marazion. bapt. St. Hilary, 24 Sept., 1761. d. Belgrave Sq., London, 23 Jan., 1838. cf Gent. Mag.,ix, 429, (1838.) Substance of a speech addressed to the House of Commons, on the 28th Apl, 1814, by P. Grenfell, Esq., on the subject of applying The Sinking Fund towards any loans raised for the Public Service. Lond., 1817, 8°., pp. 31.— 2 ed., 1817, (in The Pamphleteer, ix, 524-44.)— 1819, 8°., pp. ix and 35. A Speech of P. Grenfell, Esq., in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, 13 Feb., 1816, on certain transactions subsisting between the public and the Bank of England. With An Appendix. Lond., printed for J. Murray, 1816, 8"., pp. 120, 4/6. GRENFIELD, Henry. Master of Truro Gram- mar School, 9 Sept., 1685, to Dec, 1693. b. Truro, cf Journ. R.I.C., Apl., 1870, p. 190; Apl., 1871, p. 316. God in the Creature. Being a poem in three parts, viz., a song of praise in contemplation of the works of creation and providence in general ; with a Debate touching providence in particular, by way of Dialogue... With several other poems and odes. By H. Grenlield. Lond., printed for George May, and are to be sold at the Peacock, in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1686., 8"., pp. 128. Bod. Lib. Note — Dedicated " To the Worshipful the Mayor, the Eight Hon. the Kecorder, with the Hon, and Wor- shipful Justices, Aldermen, and all the rest of the Worthy Capitol (sic.,) Burgesses of the Reformed and Legal Corporation of the Borough of Truro, in the County of Cornwall." In the Dedication occur the words "In this ancient Corporation I drew my first breath." GRENVILLE FAMILY, cf Clarendon's Hist. of the Rebellion, passim , Biog. Brit., ed. 1. Memoirs of the Grenville family, in " Memoirs ...of the Lives and families of the most illus- trious persons who died in 1711. By J. Le Neve," pp. 314-50. Pedigrees of Granville, of Stowe, co. Devon and , of Dewes of Willesborn... Printed at Middle Hill Press, Worcestershire, 1840, fol. [Privately printed for Sir T. Phillipps, Bart]. GRENVILLE, Sir Bernard, Knt., M.P. for Bodmin, 1596, (son of Sir Rich. Grenville, who d. in 1591.^ bur. Kilkhampton, 26 June, 1636. The Praise of the Govt, or the Govt's Apologie. A Paradox both pleasant and profit able : written first in the Latin tongue by.,.B. Pirckheimerus,,,and now Englished by WilHam GEENVILLE. 190 GBENVILLE. GEENVILLE, Sie Beenaed, Knt., M.P. (Con.). Est, Master of Arts. Lond., printed by G-. P. for John Budge... 1617, 4"., pp. 37, and Epistle Dedicatory unpaged. Qrenville Lib., Br. Museum. Note.— Dedicated to " The Eight Worshipfull Sir Bernard Grenyile, Knight, my very good Patron." GEENVILLE, Bernard, of Exeter Coll. (? Brotlur of Sir Bevil Gh-enville.) Justa funebria Ptolemsei Oxoniensis Tliomse Bodleii. Oxon., 1613, 4°. nuptias... Frederic! Comitis Palatini. Oxon., 16l3, 4». Threni Exoniensium in obituin...D. Johannis Petrei, Baronis de Writtle. Oxon., 1613, 40. Note All the above contain verses by " B. Grenvile." GEENVILLE, Bernard (4 son of Sir Bevil Grenville.) Oroom of the Bedchamber to Charles II. b. 4 March, 1630. bapt. Kilkhampton, 20th March, d. 2 June, 1701. bur. Lambeth. cf. Remains of D. Granville, (1861,) pp. 218- 25. GEENVILLE, Sir Bevil, Knt. (eld. son of Sir Bernard Grenville.) b. Brinn, in St. Winnow, 23 March, 159f. bai^t. 25 Mch. Slain at Lansdown, 5 July, 1643. bur. Kilkhampton, 26 July. cf. Granger's Biog. Hist.; Bliss' Wood, (Fasti), ii, 352; Nugent's Memorials of Hampden, ii, 192-8, 366-78, 380-5; L. Echard's Hist, of Eng., (1720,) pp 500, 568, 57,3 ; N. and Q., 1 S. x, 417 ; xi, 71, 128 ; 2, S. xi, 165-6 _; xii, passim; 3 S., x, 166, 200, 299; Gent. Mag.,]xm, pt. ii, 795,(1793); xxiv, 35-42, (1845); E. Lloyd's Memoirs of Persons, 1637-66, (1668), pp. _468-72 ; Biog. Brit. 1750; Ailiins' Gen. Biog.; Chalmers; Rose. Threni Exoniensium in obitum...D. Johannis Petrei, Baronis de Writtle. Oxon., 1613, 4°. Note. — Contains verses by B. Grenville. True and joyfvU newes from Exceter. Shew- ing how Sir Ealph Hopton, Sir Bevill Greenvill, with divers of the Cornish Malignants, made their approaches thither. With five thousand horse and foot, intending to plunder that great and rich city, and how they were manfuUy re- pulsed by the valour of the citizens. With the losse of fifteen hundred of their men, on Munday last, being the one and twentieth of November. Lond., printed for John Davis, n.d., [25 Nov., 1642,] 4"., pp. 8. Grenville Ub. Verses on the death of the right valiant Sir Bevill Grenvill, Knight. Who was slaine by the rebeUs on Lansdown-hill, neare Bath, July 5,164.3. Printed [at Oxford, 12 Aug.,] 1643, 4"., pp. 22. Grmwilh Lib. GEENVILLE, Sie Bevil, Ent. (Con.). Verses by the L^niversity of Oxford. On the death of the Most Noble and Eight Valiant Sir Bevill Grenville, alias Granvill, Kt., who was slain by the Eebells at the Battle on Lansdown Hill, near Bathe, July the 5, 1643. Printed at Oxford, in the year of our Lord, 1643, and now Eeprinted at London, 1684, 4°. AtoGinfours. Br. Museum. Note. -Some copies have a portrait, by W.Paithorne, of Sir B. Grenville, an. aet, 39. Besides the Verses, there are printed in this edition several documents relative to the Grenville family, pp 19-28, and Sir W. Ealeigh's " Eeport of the Truth of the Fight about the Isles of Azores," pp. 29-46. The Dedication to John, Earl of Hath, is signed Henry Birkhead, and dated " From the Inner- Temple, Nov. 1, 1684." View from the monament on Lansdovnie Hill to Sir B. Grenville. Lond., 1793, 40. Note. — Formerly in the Grenville collection, but not received at the British Museum. The Government of Ireland, under the honourable. .. Sir John Perrott, Knight, 1584- 1626. By E. C. S[mith q. Lond., printed for Thomas Walker, 1626, 40. Note. — Dedicated "to my most respected and worthy cossin, Bevelle Grenvill, Esquire," by E C. S. Characters and Elegies. By Francis VVortley, Knight and Baronet. Printed in the yeere CIg IqC XL VI, 40., H to I in fours and K 2 leaves. Grenville Lib. Note. — At pp. 44-45 occurs a poem "Upon the truly noble and vaKant Sir Bevell Greenfield, Knight." Clarastella, together with poems occasional, elegies, epigrams, satjrrs. By Eobert Heath, Esq. Lond., printed for Humph. Moseley, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Prince's Arms, in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1650, 12°. Note.— At p. 6 of the Elegies is a poem of 33 lines " Upon the death of the truly valiant Sir Bevil Grenvil, slain." Comedies, tragi-comedies with other poems. By Mr. Will. Cartwright. .Lond., printed for Humphrey Moseley. . . at the signe of the Prince's Arms, in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1651, 8°. Gren- ville Lib. Note.— The preliminary matter is unpaged, then pp. 1-320. At pp. 303-6 occurs a poem " Upon the death of the Eight valiant Sir B. Grenvill, Knight." This copy contains 3 duplicate leaves numbered 301-306, in them the poeni on Sir B. Grem ill is repeated, but in an imperfect state. GEENYILLE. 191 GBENVILLE. GEENVILLE, Sik Bevil, Kut. (Oon.). Men Miracles, -with other poemes. By M. LL[ewelyn,] St. of Ch. Oh. in Oxon. Lond., printed for Will. Shears, Junior, at the Blue Bible, in Bedford St., in Co vent Garden, 1656, 8°. A to H, in eights. Gi-enville Lib. Note. — Oontains " Elegie on the death of Sir Bevile Grenvile, pp. 88-90 " ; reprinted in Bliss' Wood, iv, 43-4. Elegy upon the death of Sir B. Granville. Harl. MSS., 1576, art. 110, pp. 658-62. Letters from Bevill Grenville to Sir J. Eliot. MSS. Port Eliot. Letter signed E. Mohun, Bev. Greenville, and J. Trelawny, and addressed to J. Rashleigh, 10 Feb., 1627. MSS. Trelawne. GRENVILLE, Very Rev. Denis, D.D. (2 son of Sir Bevil Grenville.) Dean of Durham, 1684-90. b. Kilkhampton, 13 Feby., 163.|. bapt. 26 Feby. d. Paris, 18 April, 1702, [7 ApL, 1703, OS.] bur. Oemeteryofthe Holy In- nocents, of. Bishop Kennets Biog. Memoranda, Lansd. MSS. 987, art. 66, fol. 141-3; Hunter MSS., (Durham Cathedral Lib.) ; Hutchinson's Durham, ii, 167-8; Swtees' Durham,!, 12-13, 175, ii, 373-4, iii, 32-36; Bliss' Wood, iv, 497-8, and Fasti, 229; Comber's Life of Comber, (1799,) pp, 139-47, 177-84, 200-1, 295-301, 309-12, 334 ; Granger's Biog. Hist. ; Life of James II, (Land., 1702,; pp. 379-80; Biog. Brit. 1750; Chalmers; Rose. The Remains of D. Granville, D.D., Dean and Archdeacon of Durham, &c., comprising his Farewell Sermons, Letters to the Earl of Bath, &c., and Miscellaneous Correspondence. Pub- lished for the Surtees Society, 1861, 8°., pp. Iv and 292. (Being first part of vol. xxxvii, Miscel- lanea. ) The Remains of D. Granville, D.D., Dean and Archdeacon of Durham, &c., being a further selection from his Correspondence, Diaries, and other papers. Published for thfi Surtees Society, 1865, 8°., pp. xxix and 278. (Being vol. xlvii of the Society's publications.) Britannia Eediviva. Oxon., 1660, 4o. Note. — Contains verses by "Dionysius Grenvile, Bevilli Equitis aur. fil., et Col. Exon. Soo. Commen- salis." The Compleat Conformist, or seasonable advice concerning strict conformity and frequent cele- bration of the Holy Communion, in a sermon, preached (an the seventh of January, being the first Sunday after the Epiphany, in the year 1682) at the Cathedral. And in a Letter written to the clergy of the Archdeaconry of Durham. By Denis Grenville, D.D., Archdeacon and Pre- GBENVEjLE, Veky Eev. Denis, D.D. (Cm.). bendary of Durham. Lond., printed for Robert Clavell, at the Peacock, in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1684, 4°. Grenville Lib. Note. — The Compleat Conformist, A to D in fours. The letter to the clergy, B to E in fours. Counsel and directions, divine and moral, in plain and familiar Letters of Advice, from a Divine of the Church of England, to a young Gentleman, his nephew, soon after his admission into College, in Oxon. Lond., printed for Robt. Clavell, at the Peacock, in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1685, 80., pp. 210. Grenville Lib. Note. — The Advertisement and Contents are un- paged, then pp. 210. On the title page Dr. Grenvill, Chanter of Durham, is named in MS. as the author, and the nephew as son to Sir Thos. Higgons. A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of Durham, upon the Revival of the antient, laudable practice of that, and some other Cathedrals, in having Sermons on Wednesdays and Fridays, during Advent and Lent. By D. G., D.D., D.D., (sic.) Lond., printed for Robert Clavel, at the Peacock, in St. Pauls Churchyard, 1686, 4". A to D in fours. Grenville Lib. The Resigned and Resolved Christian and faithful and undaunted Royalist, in two plaine Farewell-Sermons, and a Loyal-Farewell- Visitation-Speech. Both deliver'd amidst the lamentable confusions, occasioned by the late forreign invasion ■ and home-defection of his Majesties subjects in England. By D. Granville, D.D., Deane and Archdeacon of Durham (now in exile,) Chaplaine in ordinary to His Majestie. Whereunto are added certaine Letters to his Rela- tions and Freinds in England, shewing the reasons and manner of his withdrawing out of the Kingdom, etc. Printed at Roiien, by Wm. Machuel, rue S. Lo, near the Palace, for John Baptists Besongue, rue Escuyer, at the Royall Sun, and are to be sold by Augustin Besongue, in the Great Hall of the Palace at Paris. In the yeare of our Lord God MDCLXXXIX, 4°. Note. — Some portions unpaged, the pagination of the remainder very irregular. The above was reprinted in " The Eemains of D. GranviUe, D.D., Surtees Soo., 1861," pp. 1-140. Only 20 copies were printed of the original impression in 1689. One is in the Orenville Lib., and another in the Bod. Lib. Both contain por- traits of the Dean, after Beaupoille, engraved by Ede- linck. Heber's copy, which had previously been in Bindley's collection, contained, in addition to the por- trait, some MS. notices. The "Loyal Farewell Visit- ation Speech," and the " Letters to his Eolations" have the following distinct title pages, viz. : — " The Chief est Matters, contained in Sundry Dis- courses, made to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Durham, since his Majesties oomeing to the crown summed up and seasonably brought againe to their view in a Loyall Farewell Visitation- Speech on the 15 of November last, '88, being ten dayes after the landing of the Prince of Orange. By D. G. , &o. Printed at Eouen, by William Machuel, &c., 1689, i"."' GRENVILLE. 192 GEENVILLE. GEENVILLE, Veey Eet. Denis, D.D. (Con.)- " The Deane of Durham's Reasons for his with- drawing into France ; immediately after the Prince of Orange's invasion, and driving the King by the sword out of the kingdoms of England; in certaine Letters. A Letter to his brother, the Earle of Bathe. Printed at Eouen, by WiUiam Machuel, &c., 1689, 4"." Letter from Eev. D. Grenville to Sir Will. Dugdale, dated 3 Nov., 1683. cf. Dugdale'sLife, etc., pp. 428-32. Letter from Rev. D. Grenville to Geo. Trosse. cf. Ldfe of G. Trosse, by Isaac Gilling, (1715,) p. 123. 8 Letters to Archbishop Sancroft, 1666-1690. Tanner MSS., (Bodl. Lib.,) 27, art. 103 ; 31, art. 7 and 117; 32, art. 130; 34, art. 94; 40, art. 117; 45, art. 49 and 100. Letter from Dr. Grenville to Dr. William Beveridge. St. Germains, 1 July, 1692. ib. 459, art. 18. Paper by Dr. Grenville, explaining some ex- pressions used by him concerning Bishop Cosin. Easter-Eve, 1685. ib. 144, art. 48. Letters from George Davenport to Archbishop Sancroft, concerning Dr. Grenville. ib. 44, art. 3 ; 48, art. 30. Two Letters from John Locke to Mr. D. Granville. Paris, 1678. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 4,290, art. 1. Collections by Dean Grenville. Rawlinson MSS. (Bod. Lib.,) 3 vols., fol. Note. — These collections are not yet (1871) cata- logued by Mr. Macray. GRENVILLE, Sm George (son of George Grenville, of Penheale, Egloskerry.) b. Cornwall. Oxoniensis Academise funebre officium in Memoriam..,Elisabeth8e, Angliee Reginse. Oxon., 1603, 4". Note. — Contains verses by G. Grenvyll, Cornu- biensis Armig. GRENVILLE, Sm John (eld. surviving son of Sir Bevill Grenville.) cr. Baron Grenville of Kilkhampton and Earl of Bath, 20 April, 1661. Governor of the Isles of Scilly. b. 29 Aug., 1628. bapt. Kilkhampton, 16 Sept. d. London, 21 Aug., 1701. bur. Kilkhampton, 22 Sept. cf Earl. MSS., 1395, art. 11 ; 4712, art. 114; Ashmolean MSS., Bod. Lib., 838, art. 16 ; L. Echard's Hist, of Eng., (1720,) pp. 746, 759; Bp. Kennets' Register, pp. 9, 24 87-9, 97-8, 104-5, 114-17, 128, 132-3, 144. 408 ; Remains of Dean Granville, (1861,) pp, 150-2; Remains of Dean Granville, (1865,) p. 4; D. Lloyd's Memoirs of Persons, 1637-66, (1668,) p. 472 ; Genuine Works of G. Granville, GEENVILLE, Sin John. (Oon.). Lord Lansdou-ne, (1732,) i, 474-8; Biog. Brit. 1750 ; 2 Rep. of Royal Commn. on Hist. MSS., p. 163. The late victorious proceedings of Sir Thomas Fairfax, against the enemy in the west. .The Lord Hopton routed, dispersed, and fled, seven peece of ordnance taken and many prisoners... Sir John Green vill routed, with the taking of Saltash, Temple, and divers other forts and places of strength of the enemy. ..Loud., printed for Matthew Walbancke, 9 March, 1645, 4o., pp. 13. Grenville Lib. Note — Contains three letters dated Bodmin, 1645, and signed W. C[urtis ?] His Majesties Gracious Letter and Declaration sent to the House of Peers by Sir J. Grenvil, Kt., from Breda; and read in the House the first of May, 1660. Lond., printed by John Macock and Francis Tyton, printers to the House of Lords, 1660, 4"., pp. 14. Br. Museum. The Arguments of the Lord-Keeper, the two Lords Chief Justices, and Mr. Baron Powell, when they gave judgment for the Earl of Bath, n.p. or d., [Lend., 1693,] pp. 63, fol. Note. — cf. N. LuttreU's Brief Hist. Belation of State Affairs, iv, passim. Letter from Sir J. Grenville, 23 Dec, 1644. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 18,981, fol. 340. Letter from Earl of Bathe to Sir J. Trelawny ..." with Sir T. Allen's consent, has sent Capt. Johnson with his fire ship to be at Foy to- morrow morning, God willing he will be there too." Plymouth, 19 Aug., 1667. MSS Trelawne. Copies by the Earl of Bath of Council letters about tumults of miners, and defence of Corn- wall against domestic and foreign enemies, 1690. ib. Case of the Earl of Bath, 1693. Sir. T, Phillips' MSS., 8,699. GRENVILLE, John (2 son of first Earl of Bath,) cr. Baron Granville of Potheridge, 16 May, 1703. bapt. St. James, London, 12 April, 1665. d. 3 Dec, 1707. bur. St. Clement Danes, 16th Dec cf. Gharnock's Biog. Navalis, ii, 154-8. Letter from Col. J. Granville, to the Earl of Torrington, 21 August, 1690. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 15,837, fol. 261. Letter from J. Granville, to Lord , 6 Aug., 1702, concerning the elections in Cornwall, and the state of the Militia. MSS. Hatton Collection. Letters from Col. J. Granville and others, 1690-1700. Spencer MSS., Spencer House, St, James's, GEENTILLE '193 GEENVILLE. GEENVILLE, Mary. See Delany, Mary. GRENVILLE, Sir Richard {eld. son of Sir Roger Grenville, who d. 1524.) Sheriff of Devon in 1533. hur. at Kilkhampton, 23 March, 1550. cf. ^th Rep. Def. Keeper of Records, p. 216. Farewell. Or poems of seafaringmen, in hope of good fortune and describing evill fortune, 1519. By Sir E.. Grinfillde. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 2,497, art. 9. GRENVILLE, Sir Richard (son of Sir Roger Grenville, icho d. ante 1552). b. in the west of England about 1540 ; killed at sea ofFTerceira, 13 Sept., 1591. cf L. E chard's Hist, of Eng., (1720,) p. 364; Naval Biog.,\, 281-82, (1800); C. Fitz Geffi'ey's Affanice [Oenotaphia'] ; Granger's, Biog. Hist. ; Camden's Annals of Elisabeth, (1717,) i, \22\;Biog. Brit. 1750; Ailin's Gen. Biog. ; Chalmers; Rose; Miss Aikin's Memoirs of Court of Elizabeth, ii, 264 ; Jeremy Belknap's American Biography, i, 289, 306, 316; Nichols' Collectanea iv, 321. A briefe and true report of the Newfoundland of Virginia... discovered by the English colony, there seated by Sir R. Greinvile, Knight, in the yeere 1585, which remained under the govern- ment of Rafe Lane, Esquire... at the especiall charge and direction of the honourable Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, Lord Warden of the Stannaries ...By Thomas Hariot... Imprinted at London, 1588, 4"., 24 leaves. Grenville Lib.; Bod. Lib. Merveilleux et Estrange Rapport toutesfois fideles des commoditey qui se trouvent en Virginia ...descouverte par les Anglais que Messire R. Greenvile Chevalier y mena en Colonie I'an 1585 ...By T. Hariot... Typis Joannis Wecheli, sump- tibus vero Theodori De Bry, [1590,] fol. Grenville Lib. A briefe and true report of the Newfoundland of Virginia, &c. Frankfort typis Joannis Wecheli ... [1 590,] fol. Grenville Lib. Note. — This copy formerly belonged to the Earl of Oxford. Admiranda Narracio fida tamen. de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginise &c. Francof. typis Joannis Wecheli, 1590, fol. Grermille Lib. WunderbarUche, doch Warhafftige Erklarung, von der Gelegenheit und Sitten der Wilden in Virginia, &c. Gedrucht zu Frankfort am Mayn, 1590, fol. Grenville Lib. A Report of the Truth of the Fight about the Isles of AV^idow of the late Mr. Fleetwood. Lend., Wilhams, 1767, S"., 1/-. Note. — Chief Baron, Sir Sidney Stafford Smythe in writing to Dr. Haweis respecting the matter discussed in the ahore works, say^ 'tin,' the afiair of AldwinMe you apted' with perfe,et uprightness, and I shall; be always ready to declare to it," and Lady Huntingdon,, who alone of all his contemporary friends, disapproved of his re- tention Of the Benefice of Aldwinkle, left him her trustee and executor. ' A familiar and practical improvement of the Ghurch Catechism : designed to render the work of catechising morfe easy and' profitable... By the Rev. T. Haweis. Lond., printed for E. arid C. Dilly, in the Poultry, 1775, 12"'., pp. viii and 206, 2/-. ;■■ A Scriptural refutation of the arguments for Polygamy, advanced in a Treatise [by Rev. M, Madan] entitled " Thelyphthora." 'By T. Haweis, LL.B.:. Printed for the Author, and sold by Charles Dilly, in the Poultry, Matthews, in the Strand, and T. Wilkins, in Bartholomew-Close, w.cZ., [1781], 8"., pp. 102, 1/6. '••■ Siberian Anecdotes, a Novel. Containing real histories and Uving characters. Anon. Lond., printed for T. Lowndes, No. 77, Fleet Street, 1783, 3 vols., 120. „ , . Memoirs of the Manstein family. Pathetic, sentimental, humorous and satirical. Anon. Lond., Lowndes, 1783, 2 vols., l'-2o., 6/-. Hints respecting the poor, submitted to the esmsideration of the humane and intelligent. By the Rev. T. Haweis, LL.B., R^ctftr of Aldwinkle. Lond., I)illy, 1788, 80., 1/-. i m. HAWEIS, Eev..Thpmas, LL,B.,.,M.D. (Q^.). ,,, The) Sailor's Calling. A Ti;act. 1791, .80. 1|. Note. — Several thousand copies of this tract wejte circulated. ,,, Essays: oii , th^ , evidence, characteristics, doc- trines, and influence of Christianity. By Rev. T. Haweis. Bath, printed and sold by S. Hazard. 1791, 120., 3/-._2nd ed.i 1791, 120., pp. vii and 394, A short account of the last days, of the Right Honourable and most respected Lady Selina, Countess Dowager of Huntingdon. From authentic testimonies. By the Rev. T. Haweis, LL.B., Her Chaplain. Lond., printed and sold by J. Chalmers, 81, Old-St., n.A., [1791,1 8o., pp. 16, 6d.— 2nd ed. Lond., n.i., [1791,] 8o., pp. 16, 6d. Note. — Both editions are of the same impression. cf. Arminian Mag., xv, 124-29, (1792.) Carmina Christo, or hymns to the Saviour, designed for the use and comfort of those who worship the Lartibthat was slain. By' the Revi T. Haweis. Bath, printed and sold by S. 'Hazard, 1792, obi. 160., preface and index unpaged. Hymns, pp. 1-182.^-Lond., Vernor, 1793, obi. 160., 3/.. — 5th ed. Lond., printed by E. Justin's, for J. Hall, at Sion Chapel... 1801, obi. 160;, pp. xii and 186i^6th ed. Lond.; printed by T. Plummer for W. George, Brick- Lane, Spitalfields, 1802, obi. 8o., pp. xii ahd 186i^Lond., printed by C. Corrall, 38, Charing Cross, for W. George... 1803, 16o., pp. 184'.— A new ed. very considerably enlarged. Lond., printed by and for S. and C. Mo. DoweU,,180Sj 160., pp. xvi and 341. Carmina Christo, or hymns to the ; Saviour, arranged for the voice, organ, or piano-forte, as composed by the Rev. T. Haweis, LL.B... Lond., printed and sold by Preston, at his -wholesale warehouse, 97, Strtod, n.d., [179-], obi. 16o. The Soldier's Calling. A Tract. Lewes, printed; 1793, 8o. A translation of the Niew Testament from the original Greek, humbly attenlpted' with a view to assist the unlearned, with clearer and niore explicit views of the, mind of th^ spirit, in the scriptures of truth.' By T. Haweis, LL.B. Lond., printed for T. Chapman, 151, Fleet Street, 1795, 8°. preface pp. viii, the translation unpaged, B-I, K-U, X-Z, Aa-Ff, in eights, 6/-. Sermons preached in London at the Formation of the Missionary Society, Sept. 22, 23, and, 24, 1795... Published for the benefit of .the Society. Lond., printed for T. Chapman, 151, Fleet Street, 1795, 80.,??! 18^,2/6. ' / ,\ Note.— I|he flrst sermon in this collection was preached by the Eev,"T. Haweis; at the clpse of'the volume is " A Memoir on the most eligible part to begm a Mission," delSv^ered , at Surrey Cbapel, by the Eev. T. Haiweis. 1 '.[[i , :'ii _\^'' ' '.ii ''■". :'''ii'' C C HAWEIS. 218 HAWEIS, HAWEIS, Eev. Thomas, LL.B., M.D. (Con.). A word in Season ; designed to encourage my Brethren of the Missionary Society to faithful perseverance in the work. By Rev. T. Haweis, LL.B. and M.D. Loud., T. Chapman, 1795, S"., pp. 16, 3d. A plea for peace and union among the living members of the Church of Christ. Addressed to the Missionary Society. By Eev. T. Haweis, LL.B. and M.D. Lend., T. Chapman, 1795, 8"., pp. 32, 6d. Missionary instructions recommended to the serious attention ot all who are engaged in the great and important work of promoting the gospel of Christ among the heathen : with an appendix relative thereto, by the Eev. Mr. Latrobe. By Rev. T. Haweis, LL.B. and M.D. Lond., T. Chapman, 1795, 8o., pp. 44, 6d. A memoir respecting an African mission ; with the observations of Governor Macaulay. By Rev. T. Haweis, LL.B. and M.D. Lond., T. Chapman, 1795, S"., pp. 28, 6d. No. 1 (Price one Penny) to be continued weekly and completed in 22 numbers, of dis- courses, designed as hints, for my Brethren's use who are going to preach the gospel to the heathen... By Rev. T. Haweis, LL.B. and M.D. Lond., T. Chapman, 1796, 12"., pp. 20. The Three Kings; containing incidents sin- gularly amusing as well as strikingly providen- tial in the lives of Gustavus Vasa, King of Sweden, Charles H, King of England, Stanislaus n. King of Poland. By Rev. T. Haweis, LL.B. Lond., printed for T. Chapman, 1796, 12". The Life of William Eomaine, M.A., late Eector of St. Ann's, Blackfryars, and Lecturer of St. Dunstan's-in-the-west, faithfully detailed by T. Haweis. Lond., printed for T. Chapman, 151, Fleet St., 1797, 8"., pp. 216, 3/-. Predigten gehalten in London, bey Errichtung der Mission-Societat...Sept., 1795, und bey Sendung der ersten Missionarien...l796, nebst andern Aufsatzen die Errichtung... der Sooietat betreffend...Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von P. M. [Peter Mortimer.] Barby, 1797, 8". Note. — Contains Der apostolische Auftrag. [A sermon on Mark xvi, 15-16.] Ueber die Siidseeinseln. By Eev. T. Haweis. Thanksgiving Sermons preached before the Missionary Society, London, Aug., 6, 1798. By Eev. J. Griffin and Eev. T. Haweis, LL.B. and M.D. Lond., T. Chapman, 1798, 8"., pp. 60, 1/-. Sermon the first. With an introductory ad- dress to the People of Israel, throughout the world, soliciting their earnest attention to the things which make for their everlasting peace. By T. Haweis. Lond., printed for W. Button, Patemoster-Eow, 1798, 8°., pp. 25, 6d. Sermon the fifth. The arm of the Lord or a HAWEIS, Eev. Thomas, LL.B., M.D. (Con.). solemn call to examine the scriptures, with an answer to Rabbinical objections. By T. Haweis. London, Button... 1798, S"., with separate title page, but paged in continuation of previous sermons, pp. 127 to 155. The rise, fall, and future restoration of the Jews. To which are annexed six sermons ad- dressed to the seed of Abraham by several evan- gelical ministers. . .Lond., printed for and sold by W. Button, Paternoster row, 1806, 8"., pp. viii 72, and 187, 7/-. Note. — Sermon No. 1, on Heb. iv, 2, pp. 11-25, and Sermon v, on Isa. li, 9, pp. 127-55, are by Dr. Haweis. . This is a bound up set of previously printed " Sermons to the Jews." A discourse delivered at Rotherhithe Church May 26, 1799, for the benefit of the Royal Humane Society, instituted for the recovery of persons apparently dead, great numbers of whom were present on the occasion. By the Eev. T. Haweis. Lond., printed for T. Chapman, Fleet Street, 1799, 8»., pp. 40, 1/-. A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean, 1796-8, in the ship Duff commanded by Captain James Wilson ; with a preliminary dis- course and an appendix. Maps and Plates. Lond., 1799, 4°., 42/-. Note. — Compiled by Dr. Haweis from Captain Wilson's papers and published by order of the Directors of the Missionary Society. The preliminary discourse was by Eev. Samuel Greatheed. An Impartial and Succinct History of the rise, declension, and revival of the Church of Christ, from the birth of our Saviour to the present time, with faithful characters of the principal personages, ancient and modern, by the Eev. T. Haweis. Portrait. Lond., printed for J. Mawman, (Successor to Mr. Dilly,) in the Poultry, 1800, 3 vols., 8°., 21/-. Animadversions on Dr. Haweis' Impartial and Succinct Plistory ot the Church of Christ. By Isaac Milner, D.D., Dean of Carlisle. Cambridge, [printed.] Lond.,Matthews, 1800, 8o., pp. 43, 1/-. A^eply to the animadversions of the Dean of Carlisle on the succinct and impartial history of the Church of Christ. By the Eev. Dr. Haweis. Lond., printed for J. Mawman, in the Poultry, 1801, 80., pp. 31, 6d. Practical Sermons by the late Eev. Joseph Milner, M.A...To which is prefixed an account of the Life and Character of the Author. . , 2nd ed. revised and corrected by the Rev. Isaac Milner, D.D...with Further Animadversions on Dr. Haweis' misrepresentations... Cambridge, printed by J. Surges, 1801, 8"., pp. cxxxvi and 355, 6/-. Note.— " Animadversions on Dr. Haweis' misquo- tations and misrepresentations of Mr. M.'s writings," pp. cxiv-cxxxvi. " The Further Animadversions " were also separately published. Price 6d. HAWKEB. 219 HAWKER. HAWEIS, Eet. Thomas, LL.B., M.D. (C(m.). A second reply to the Dean of Carlisle's seooud animadversions on the succinct and im- partial history of the Church of Christ. By the Eev. Dr. Haweis. Lond., printed for J. Mawman, in the Poultry, 1801, S"., pp. 15. The History of the Church of Christ, from the days of the Apostles to the close of the eighteenth century, by Joseph Milner, and T. Haweis, LL.B. Lond., S. Chadwick and Co., 32, Paternoster Eow, 1847, 4 vols., 8". The Blessing of Peace, being the substance of a sermon delivered at the late Countess of Hunt- ingdon's Chapel, Brighton, Oct., 4th, 1801. With hymns appropriate to the occasion and a dedication to the Chancellor of the Exchequer. By the Rev. T. Haweis, LL.B. and M.D. Lond., printed by 0. Whittingham for T. Williams, 1801, 80., pp. 28, 1/-. Plain Truths, or the Presbyter's reply to all his anti-Calvinist opponents of whatever emi- nence in the Church or distinction in literature, especially to the Dean of Peterborough, the British Critics, and An ti- Jacobin Reviewers, with a few strictures on the Christian Observer. [By Rev. T. Haweis, LL.B. and M.D.] Lond., printed for Williams, Stationer's Court... 1805, 8"., pp. 72, 1/6. A view of the present state of evangelical re- ligion throughout the world, with a view to pro- mote missionary exertions. By T. Haweis. Lond., printed for Williams and Son, Stationer's Court, 1812, 8«., pp. 66. The Evangelical Magazine for 1795. Volume ni. Lond., T. Chapman, 151, Fleet Street, 1795, 8". Note . — This is the first volume in which Dr. Haweis' name is printed on the title-page amongst the " stated contributors to the work and trustees for the proper distribution of the money." The book of praise. . .selected and arranged by Roundell Palmer. Lond., Macmillan, 1867, 8". Note. — No. 239 in this collection is by Thos. Haweis, 1792. The Sarum Hymnal ... Salisbury, W. P. Ayl- ward, — Lond., Simpkia, Marshall and Co., 1869, 8»., 12/-. Note. — No. 144 in this collection is by Dr. Haweis. HAWKER, Charlotte E. {dau. of Colonel Wrey I'Ans, andjirsi wife of Rev. R. S. Hawker.) d. 2 Feb., 1863. Follow me j or Lost and Found. A Morality from the German. By C. E. H[awker.] Lond., James Burns, 1844, 16"., pp. 31. The Manger of the Holy Night, with the Tale of the Prince Schreimund and the Princess HAWKER, Chablotte E. (Con.). Schweigstilla, from the German of Guido Gorres. By C. E. Hfawker,] Morwenstow. Lond., Joseph Masters, James Burns, (The Juvenile English- man's Library, vol, xviii.) 1847, 8°., pp. viii and 150, 2/6. HAWKER, Claudius Origan (ith son of Rev. Jacob Stephen Hawher, V. of Stratton.) h. Shaugh, near Plymouth, 1810. A Lecture on the Bude Canal, delivered on the 27th day of Aug., 1833, to the members of the Stratton Institution, by Claude Hawker. 2nd ed. Launceston, printed and pubHshed by T. and W. R. Bray, booksellers, etc., n.d., [1833,] 8°. HAWKER, Rev. Robert, D.D. V. of Charles, Plymouth, b. Exeter, 13 ApL, 1753. d. Ply- mouth, 6 ApL, 1827. A Letter to the Rev. Robert Hawker, D.D., Vicar of the parish of Charles, Plymouth ; occa- sioned by his late expedition into Cornwall. By the Rev. R. Polwhele, Vicar of Manaccan. Lond., printed (at the Anti- Jacobin press) for Cadell and Davies, Strand, [June,] 1799, 12o., pp. 91, 1/6.— 2nd ed. 1799, 8°. A Letter to the Rev. R. Polwhele... in reply to his address entitled " A Letter to the Rev. Robert Hawker," «fc. By theRev.R. Hawker. Ply- mouth, printed and sold by P. Nettleton, No. 57, Market St., n.d., [24 Aug., 1799,] 12°., pp. 20, 3d. Two Letters to the Rev. E. Hawker, D.D... on his enthusiasm and fanaticism, particularly as exhibited in Cornwall. A new edition. By the Rev. E. Polwhelc.Helston, printed by T. Flindell for Cadell and Davies, London, 1799, sm. 4"., pp. 99, 2/-. Note. — The second letter is contained in pp. 71-99, and is also found as a separate publication. See the following article. A Second Letter to the Rev. R. Hawker, D.D. ...By the Rev. R. Polwhele... Lond., Cadell and Davies, n.d. [3 Sep., 1799,] 8°., 6d. A Letter respectfully addressed to the Right Reverend Father in God, Henry Reginald... Lord Bishop of Exeter, containing a vindication of truth, an exposure of detraction, and an earnest appeal to his Lordship as a constituted Guardian of the Church, for the preservation of her peace, dignity, and prosperity. By one of her humble, but most affectionate Friends. Exeter, printed by E. Trewman and Son, High-Street ; sold by Messrs. Cadell and Davies, London... and Elliot, Falmouth, n.d., [1799,] 8"., pp. 21. Note. — Signed S. T. T., and written in vindication of Dr. Hawker. A Letter to the Eev. E. Hawker... containing strictures on his Letter to the Eev. E. Polwhele HA.tV'KfeE. m EcAwfei^li. HAWEfiR, Bet. Robeet, B.D. (Oon.). which is prefixed An Address to the Public. -^Stid ed. By Jdhn Wotton.; Plymouth Dock, printed and sold by J. Heydon, Market St. . :' Crosby and Letterman; London, n.d, [1 Oct., 1799,] 120. Note. — The Address signed " A Lover of Consis- teiioy," pp. i-vi. A Letter, pp. 7-46. A Second Letter to the Eev. R. Polwhele... By the Rev. R. Hawker. Plymouth, [10 Dec, 1799,] 1800, 8°. A Third Letter on the itinerancy and noncon- formity of the Vicar of Charles, Plymouth, ad- dressed to Henry Reginald, Lord Bishop of Exeter. To which is added a Sermon on the mode of preaching that becomes a Clergyman. By Rev. R.- Polwhele. Lend., printed for Cadell and Davies, Strand, m.(^.,ri800,] sm. 4°., pp. 72. A Third Letter from the Rev. R. Hawker... to the Rev. R. Polwhele... Pl3rmouth, printed atid sold by P. Nettleton, at No: 57, Market St. ...T. Chapman, London, n.d., [29 Sept., 1800,] Note. — Dr. Hawker's Three Letters to: the Rev. B, Folwhele are reprinted in " The Works of ; Rev. R. Hawker. By Eev. J. .Williams, ; (Lond., 1831, 10 vols.,' 8".)," ix, 357-435. For further information on this controversy cf. a/ko i, 47-58. ' ' lion's Pilgrim, by R. Hawker, D.D., V. of Charles. Falmouth, printed by T. Flindell, and sold by... Harry, TrUro, Matthews, Helston, Vigurs, Penzance, 1801, S^., pp. 170. Essays, explanatory and experimental, upon a few select passages of scripture, by Stephen Lbwiy, M.D., of Falmouth.; With a recom- mehdatdry preface, by Rev. R. Hawker, D.D... Lond., Williams and Smith ... Ell'iot, Falmouth ...1809, 12"., pp. XV, 12, and 164, 4/-. HAWKER, Rev. Robert Stephen, M.A. (son rof Rev. J. S. Hawker, V. of Stratton.) Y. of Morwenstow, 31 Dec, 1834. h. Plymouth, 1805. Pompeii, a Prize Poem; recited in the The- atre, Oxford, June the Twenty-seventh, MDCCCXXVH. [Colophon. Printed by D. A. Talboys, Oxford,] n.d., [1827,] 8",. pp. 22.— Oxford Prize Poems, 1839, 8o., pp. 173-82. Note.— Also reprinted in ''Ecolesia," (1840), pp. 125-39, and in " Echoes from Old Cornwall," (1846) pp. 89-98. \ 1' Records of the Western Shore. By E. S. Hawker. Oxford, D. A. Talboys, 1832,;fcp. 8°., pp. 56. Note.— Preface dated "North Tamerton, June 1 1832." Poems : containing The second Series of Records of the Western Shore, First Edition. HAWKl^E,- Eev. EoBIset STEPitEN, M.A. (dm.). The Fitst Series, Second Edition, and' Poiinrieii, The Oxford Prize Poem for 1827. By The Revl" R. S. Hawker, M.A., Vicar of Morwenstow,' Cornwall. Published by J. Roberts, StrattoH,' 1836, 8". . , ■ ■' JSfoTE. — With the exception, of the ,title-page, pari ii ,w1>s printed at Oxford, the rest of the. work was printed at Stratton.' The Second' Series of Records, pp^' 1-52 ; The first series, second edition,' pp, 1-56, Pompeiij pp. 1-22. The latter two h^vei separate titlesj thtf former bears only the general title. Preface da,ted " Mor- wenstow, July 1, 1836." ' , ' A Welcome to the. Prince Albert, submitted; to the Queen, on the [apprpaph of, her Majesty's marriage, [in yerse.] By the Author , of, Pompeii; i the .Oxford English Prize Poem for 1,827. Oxt ford, printed by T. Combe. . .Sold by. . .Nettleton,i Plymouth, and Cater, Launceston,- 1840, 8°.^ ppj 7. Note. — Dated " The Vicarage, Morwenstow, January! 8th, ,1840.?: I . ir Questions and Answers oil the second birtb from Holy Writ. By Rev. R. S. Hawker. Strati ton. Perry, 184-^,. 8"., pp. 8. Ecclesia:' a volume of Poems. ByRev.'R. Sj Hawker, M.A., V. of Morwenstow. Oxford, printed by T. Combe, printer to the University^' Sold-by..:Liddell, Bodmin, and Nettleton, Ply- mouth, 1840, 8''j,. pp. 144.— Lond., Rivington,' 1841, 8°.,. 6/6. ; Reeds shaken .with the wind. By Rev. R.; SJ Hawker, M.A. Lond., James Burns, 17, Port- man street, Portman Square, 1843, 18"., pp. 48, 1/-.— Second Cluster, 184,3, l^"., 1/-. The Offertory. [A Letter] to J. Walter, Esq., Bearwood. [Colophon. Lond. ; sold by Eneas Mackenzie,. Ill,, Fleet Street,] 1844, 8o.,-pp. 4, Id. : ' Note.— Dated " The Vicarage, Nov. 27, 18i4, and signed E. S. Hawker, Vicg,r of Morwenstow.." Rurai Synods. By the Vicar of Morwenstow, Cornwall. Lond., Edwards and Hughes, Ave Maria Lane. ..1844, 8"., pp. 24. The Field of Rephidim, (1845). See Harper! Rev. T.N. , ' . ,'T Echpes from Old Cornwall, [in yerse.] By the Rev. R. S. Hawker, Vicar of Morwetistowr- Lond.,^ J. Masters, 1846, 8"., pp. viii and 98, 4/-. ; ' ' Priestly Arrogance exposed, and semi-papal Assumption refuted : in two letters to R. ' S. Hawker, Vicar of Morvrenstow, Devon, ' (sic), by the Rev. Jacob Sti^nley, [Wesleyan Minister,] I84-,,8o. r/:'.^ : ■ ."L '. ,J-,.,, >J^ A voice from-, t'he place of S. 'korwBma!,,[m the Rocky Land, uttered to the ' Sisters rof Mercy, at the,; Tamar Mouth ; and to Lydia. [Sellon,] their lady iii'fKe faith, "whose heart HiWg&*li.i 321 •fiAWKfeE. HiW^EB; Be*. BobIsbi .SrEptiEN; M. A. (Cfoji.): ■the Lord opened." By the Yioar of Ttiorweustow, a Priest in the Diocese of Exeter. Lond.,, Joseph Masters... Ply mouth, R Lidstone, 1849, 16°., ^NoTE.— Dated " Shroye Tuesday, 1849, and signed R. S. H., Vicar of Morwenstow." The Legend of S. Morwenna, A.D, 1850. With tvp engravings. Penzance, 4"., s.'Sh. A Letter to a friend, containing some matters relating to the church ; by a Cornish' Vicar {i.e. Eev. R. S. Hawker.] Lond., Roystonfand Brown, 40 and 41 Old Broad St., 1857, 8^, pp. 16. The Quest of the Sangraal. A p6em. ' OhUnt the First. By The Rev. R. S. Hawker. Exeterj printed for the Author, 1864, 4°., pp. 45. - The Corhish Ballads and othter poems of the Rev. R. S. Hawker, V. of Morwenstow; ■ includ- ing asecpn-d edition of "The Qiiest of the San- graall." Oxford and Lond., James Parker and Co., 1869, fcp. 8"., pp. viii and 214, 5/-. 'Footprints of former men in far Cornwall. By R. S. Hawker, Vicar of Morwenstow. Lond., J. R. Smith, 1870, 8"., pp. 257. The Child Jesus ; A Cornish Carol. In Rev. Orby Shipley's " Lyra Messianica," (1864); pp. -86-87.- The [three] signals of Levi. In Rev. 0. .Shipley's " Lyra Mystica,'' (1865), pp. 148-52. Note. — The above two poems are also, printed ip "Eelioes from Old Cornwall." The Child Jesus, ppl 81-82, The signals of Levi, pp: 64-69. Warbstow Barrow. South Devon Monthly Museum, iii, 200, (1834). The Swan, ib., iii, 2l4. Earl Sinclair; Translated from the German. Sharpe's Lond. 'Mag., i, 95, (1845). A Legend of Cormvall. By X. iJ?., iij 81, (184&). ^The first mole in Cornwall, a, morality from the Stowe of Morwenstow, in the rocky land. 'By,H., N. and Q., 1 S., ii, 225, (1850.), Bosses in Morwenstow church, ib., 1 S., x, 123,(18,54), ' Sir Beville, A Poem,, signed Breachan [i.e. Rev. R. S; Hawker,] 2 S., x:ii, 430, (1861.)' .A Cornish folk-song., ib., f S., i, 480, (186^).' A.Cornish Churchyard, p. «. Morwenstow,] by tMSevei'n. Sea.1 Chambers' Journ., xviii^',^17-19, ■(^852).'^ ' ^ _:':': ■;: HAWKEBi' Eev. Kobekt Stephen, M.A. (Can.): The T^^'o' Unknown Sisters. A Cornish Legend. Chambers' Booh of Days, i,' ^IZ. • Thd Silent Tower of Bqttreaux. ib., i, 303. The Brownie Bee, (A Cornish Croon), lb., i, 355. Birth o| Edward of Carnarvon, ib., i, 551. Trelawny.' ib.,i, 747. Arscott of TetCott. Willis' Current Notes. Dec, 1853, pp. 97-98. Baal-Zephon. The God of the North, ib., Apl., 1855, p. 29. ■ Legends of Bells; •ib..; 1855, p. 30. Jewish Festival at Jerusalem, ib., May, 1855, p. 35. Grotesque in Church Architecture, ib., 1855, p. 42. ■ , Doorhead verse Morwenstow Vicarage, ib., 1855, p. 43. Posture of the Buried Dead, ib., June, 1855, p. 44. , The Symbolic Hand, ib., p. 45. "Wayside Crosses, ib., pp. 46-47. A Christ Cross Rhyme, ib., Nov., 185S, p. 86. The Bronze Galley at Sebastopol. ib., p. 90. Thunderstorms on Great Deaths, ib., p. 92. The Doom-Wei of St. Madron, ib., Dec, 1855, p. 93. - ! The Legend of Morwenstow. ib., Jan., 1856, p. 7. , American Song, ib., May, 1857, p. 36. The Ganger's Pocket. Household Words, vi, 515-17, (1853). The light of other days, ib., viii, 305-6, (1853). ,^ ', Drawings of fonts and piscinae remaining in Crantock, ^^odmin, and Morwenstow. Proe. Sac. Antiq., iii, 266, (1856). The remembi:ances of a Cornish Vicar. All the Year Mound, xiii,, 153-56, (1865). Down in Cornwall, ib., xiii, 333-36. Black John of Cornwall, ib., xiii, 454-56. Daniel Gumb's Rock, ib., xv, 206-10, (1866)! Anthony Payne, a Cornish Giant, ib., xvi; 247-49. - Cruel Coppihger. ib., xvi, 537-40. Thomasine Bonaventura. ib., xvii, 276-80, (1867). The Botathan Ghost, ib., xvii, 501-4. . ,%. ride from Bude to. Boss. By Two Oxford Men. ■ Belgravia, iii, 328-37-, (1867). HAWKINS. 222 HAWKINS. HAWKEK, Eev. Eobekt Stephen, M.A. (Oon.). Sir Ealph de Blanc-minster. Once a Week, iii, 167-8, (1867). Morwenstow. Gent. Mag., iii, 269-84, (1867). The Fatal Ship. The Sun, 1870. HAWKEY, Lieut. Joseph, E.N. (son of Joseph Hawhey.) b. 1787. Killed whilst leading an attack under Percola Point, in Finland, 8 July, 1809. cf. Brenton's Naval Hist., ii, 287- 88; James' Naval Hist., (1837), iv, 41 ; Gent. Mag., Ixxix, pt. ii, 759, 784, (1809). HAWKEY, Thomas. Descent, Grant of arms and crest to T. Hawkey of Lanlawren, in Cornwall, 28 June, 1656. Harl. MSS., 1470, art. 79 and 80. HAWKINS, Sm Christopher, Bart., F.RS., F.S.A., M.P. (2nd son of Thomas Hawkins.) cr. Bart., 28 July, 1791. bapt. Probus, 29 May, 1758. d. Trewithan, Probus, 7 Apl., 1829. cf Methodist Mag., xxxvii, 456-58, (1814); Cornish Mag., iv, 119-20, (1829); Getit. Mag., xcix, pt. i, 565, (1829), c, pt. ii, 71, (1830). An Address to the gentlemen of the county of Cornwall, on the present state of mining in that county, with observations on the tin and copper, trade. [By Sir C. Hawkins, Bart.] Lond., privately printed, 1792, 8°., pp. 42. Observations on the tin trade of the ancients in Cornwall, and on the "Ictis" of Diodorus Siculus. With a view of the Mount. By Sir C. Hawkins, Bart., M.P. Lond., J. J. Stockdale, 41, Pall Mall, 1811, roy. S".. pp. 80, 6/-. Note. — Dedicated to Sir J. St. Aubyn, Bart. Considerations on the Cathohc Claims. By Sir C. Hawkins, Bart., M.P. Truro, printed and sold by John Carthew, County Library, 1826, 8°., pp. 15. A Guide to St. Austell and its productions. By Sir C. Hawkins. MS. On two apples celebrated in Cornwall. Tram. Horticult. Soc, ii, 74-75, (1812). On gold found in the tin stream works at Ladock, Cornwall. Trans. R.G.S.C., i, 235-36 (1817). HA\VKINS, Eev. John, D.D. (3rd son of Philip Hawkins, of Pennans.) Master of Pem- broke Hall. Camb., 15 Aug., 1728: resigned 24 Sept., 1733. d. London, 2 August, 1736 cf Gent. Mag., vi, 487, (1736). Note.— Dr. Hawkins' letter of resignation of the Mastership is dated Pennans, Sept. 24, 1733, and he assigns as his reason, that his affairs in the County had prevented him from visiting the College. Both this letter and that from the College accepting the resigna- tion are given in the College Note Book. HAWKINS, John, F.RS. (ith son of Thos. Hawkins.) b. 1759 1 d. Trewithan, Probus, 4 July, 1841. cf. Gent. Mag., xvi, pt. ii, 322- 23, (1841); /. TweddeU's Bemains, pp. 278- 80; Philos. Trans., Ixxxiv, pt. ii, 183, (1794). Produce of Wheat in different districts of Greece. Hev. Robert JValpole's, " Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey," (1817), pp. 292-93. On the Topography of Athens, ib., pp. 475- 516. On the Vale of Tempe. ib., pp. 517-27. On the syrinx of Strabo and the passage of the Euripus. ib., pp. 528-39. On the tar springs of Zante. Rev. Robert JValpole's " Travels in various countries of the Fast " (1 820), pp. 1-6. Some particulars respecting the police of Con- stantinople, ib., pp. 281-84. An account of the discovery of a very ancient temple on Mount Ocha, in Euboea. ib., pp. 285- 93. On a law of custom which is peculiar to the islands of the Archipelago, ib., pp. 392-402. "On the site of Dodona. ib., pp. 473-88. On Submarine Mines. [With a view of the Wherry Mine.] Trans. R.G.S.C., i, 127-42, (1818). On some remarkable Phenomena attending the Lodes of Polgooth Tin Mine. [With ground plan of the mine.] ib., i, 143-53. On a Process of refining Tin. ib., i, 201-211. Queries proposed to Captains of Mines and other persons connected with the practical part of Mining, ib., i, 242-45. Queries respecting Lodes, ib., i, 246-49. On some advantages which Cornwall possesses for the Study of Geology, and on the use which may be made of them, ib., ii, 1-13, (1822). On the stratified deposits of Tin-stone, called Tin-ftoors, and on the diffusion of Tin-stone through the mass of some primitive rocks, ib., ii, 29-48. On the Nomenclature of Cornish Eocks. ib., ii, 145-158. [Tilloch Philos. Mag., Ixi, 102-9, 1823.] i/> , , On the Phenomena of Intersected Lodes, [1820.] ib., ii, 225-231. On the Intersection of Lodes in the direction of their Dip or Underlie, [1820.] ib., ii, 232- 241. -' Observations on the Alluvial Strata at Forth, Sandrycock and Pentuan, [1819.] ib., ii, 285- 289. On some instances of the alternate Disposition of the Primitive Strata which have been ob- served in Cornwall, [1820.] ib., ii, 376-382. HAWKINS. 223 HAY. HAWKINS, John, F.B.S. CCon.). On the Changes which appear to have taken place in the primitive form of the Cornish Penin- sula, ib., iii, 1-16, (1827). On the intercourse which subsisted between Cornwall and the commercial states of Antiquity ; and on the state of the Tin Trade during the Middle Ages, ib., iii, 113-135. On the Produce of the Copper Mines of Europe and Asia, and particularly those of Armenia, [1827.] ib., iii, 256-312. Some general observations on the Structure and Composition of the Cornish Peninsula, [1828.] ib., iv, 1-20, (1832). Some Observations made in Cornwall in the summer of 1829. [On the Slate District.] ib., iv, 40-46, (1829). On the State of our Tin-Mines at different periods, until the commencement of the Eighteenth Century, ib., iv, 70-94. On a Deposit of Alluvial Matter on St. Agnes Beacon, and on the G-ranitical Rock which occurs in the same situation, [1830.] ib., iv, 135-144. On the soft Growan at the Beam mine in the Parish of Eoche and at Carclaze mine, in the parish of St. Austell, [1830.] ib., iv, 475-80. Some Account of the Porcelain Earth found in Saxony and Passau. ib., vi, 32-40, (1846). A Sketch of the Origin of Mining Laws in Europe, ib., vi, 84-90. Einige mineralogische nachrichten von Corn- wall, und den dortigen Kupfererzen von Hen. (sic.) Hawkins, Esq. Crells Beytrage, ii, 43-48, (1787). Notice sur quelques mines soumarines, notam- ment sur le Huel-Werry en Cornouailles. Journ. des Mines, xvi, 383-94, (1804). HAWKINS, Rev. Reginald, M.A. {ith son of Join Hawkins), Fellow of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, 28 Oct., 1691, Senior Proctor, 1708; V. of Soham, 26 Feb., 174^ to 1731. b. Cornwall, 1666. d. 18 Apl, 1731. cf. Eawe.'i' Hist, of Framlingham, (1798), p. 279. HAWKINS, Thomas, (son of Christopher Haw- kins, of Trewinnard.) b. 1723. d. Trewithan, Probus, 1 Dec, 1765. bur. Probus, 7 Dec. Act for empowering Trustees during the res- pective Minorities of the Four Infant Sons of Thomas Hawkins, Esq., deceased, to niake leases of estates in the county of Cornwall, to which they are successively entitled as Tenants in tail under the will of Philip Hawkins Esq., deceased... Privately printed, «.d [1770?] lol., pp. 12. HAY, Frederick (2nd son of the succeeding.) b. East Looe, 12 July, 1835. How's your poor Feet. A Farce. By F. Hay, 1862. Notprinted. NoTE.^Pirst produced at the Surrey Theatre, 23 Aug., 1862, and played for a few nights only. Caught by the Cuff. An original farce in one act. By F. Hay. Lond., T. H. Lacy, n.d., [1865,] 12"., pp. 18, 6d. Note. — First produced at the Victoria Theatre, 30 Sep., 1865. A Photographic Fix. An original farce in one act. By F. Hay. Lond.,T. H. Lacy, n.d., [1866,] 12°., pp. 18, 6d. Note.— First produced at the Victoria Theatre, 4 Nov., 1865. A Suit of Tweeds. An original farce. By F. Hay. Lond., T. H. Lacy, n.d., [1867,] 12"., pp. 22, 6d. Note. — First produced at the Strand Theatre, 14 Jan., 1867. The French Exhibition, or the Noodles in Paris. An original farce. By F. Hay. Lond., T. H. Lacy, n.d., [1867,] 12"., pp. 16, 6d. Note. — First produced at the Strand Theatre, 1 Apl., 1867. Our Domestics. A comedy-farce in two acts. By F. Hay. Lond., T. H. Lacy, n.d., [1867), 12"., pp. 34, 6d. Note. — First produced at the Strand Theatre, 15 June, 1867. Beautiful for ever. A Farce in one act. By F. Hay. Lond., T. H. Lacy, n.d., [1868,] 12°., pp. 13, 6d. Note. — First produced at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Liverpool, 14 Sept., 1868. Hue and dye. A Farce. By F. Hay, 1869. Not printed. Note. — First produced at the Strand Theatre, 11 Jan., 1869. This is the previous piece with slight alterations and a new title. A Lame Excuse. An original farce in one act. By F. Hay. Lond., T. H. Lacy, n.d., [1869,] 120., pp. 19, 6d. Note. — First produced at Prince of Wales' Theatre, London, 19 Apl., 1869. The chops of the channel. An original nautical farce in one act. By F. Hay. Lond., T. H. Lacy, n.d., [1869,] 12"., pp. 15, 6d. I^OTE. First produced at the Strand Theatre, 8 July, 1869. H4T' ■334 ft^^FWAKD. HAT, Febdbbick. (Con.). : . Cupboard Love. A Farcei in x)ne act. By F. Hay. Lond., T. H. Lacy, n.d., [1870,1 12"., pp. 11, 6d. Note, — First produced at the Vaudeville Theatre, 18 Apl., 1870. Lost Ashore. A comedy in two acts. By F. Hay and John Samuel Clarke, 1870. Not printed. Note. — First produced by Mr. J. S. Clarke, at Booth's Theatre, New York, 16 May, 1870, and played for 13 nights. Jim Drags, the Drajonan. A Drama. By F. Hay. [Privately printed.] Lond., T. H. Lacy, n.d., [1870,] 120. Note.— First produced at the Prince of Wales' Theatre, Liverpool, 26 May, 1870. A striking similarity. A Farce. By F. Hay, 1870. Not printed. Note. — First produced at the Prince of Wales' Theatre, Liverpool, 30 May, 1870. Eeproduced at the Surrey Theatre, 8 Oct. Link by link. A drama in four acts by F. Hay and Frederick Fenton, 1870. Not printed. Note. — First produced at the Surrey Theatre, 8 Oct., 1870. A Fearful fog. A farce. By F. Hay, 1871. Not printed. Note. — First produced at the Vaudeville Theatre, 22 Apl., 1871. Bubble and Squeak. A farce. By F. Hay, 1871. Not printed. Note. — First produced at the Vaudeville Theatre, 12 May, 1871. Lodgers and Dodgers. A farce in one act. By F. Hay. Lond., T. H. Lacy, n.d., [1871,1 12°., pp. 14, 6d. Note.— First produced at the Strand Theatre, 13 May, 1871. A Sudden Arrival. An original farce in one act. By F. Hay. Lond., T. H. Lacy, n.d., [18 ,1 8°., pp. 20. Note. — This forms a portion of "Comic Dramas for college, camp or cabin, being the Fourth Part of a collection of original and approved farces, adapted for male characters only, by T. H. Lacy, Theatrical Pub- lisher, London" n.d., [18 ,] 8°., 1/-.; HAY, Commander John, RN. (son of William Hay), h. Plymouth Dock [now Devonport,] Mch., 1802. ■ ■" Pilotage of the British Channel, from Scilly to the Downs, (Channels Islainds inclusive) in a series qf sectional charts... By Lieut. John Hay, E.N. Engraved and printed by Philip Brandon', HAY, C!0|MiiANDEE John, 5^1^, (Con.). id^pubfcji^^l by Lieut. Hay, 7, Onslow Koad, . . Igrandop, 32, Above Bar, Southampton, n.d., (I8b0), 12°., pp. 29, interleaved with charts, 5/-. Note. — Account of Soilly and the ooasJi to Ply. mputh, pp., 11-15, with 4:charts. • i HAYDON, Nathaniel John, M.D. (son of Nathaniel Haydonji b. Crediton, 28 Feb., 1814/ ; ;' Eetrospect 'of Medicine read at Truro, 8 Feb;, 1842. Trans. Cornwall Med. Assoc, 1842, pp, 44-6,4, HAYDQIST, Rev. Richard. Head Master of Liskeard Grammar School, 1741-1771? E. ofOakford, 1771H788. &. 1706. d Oakford, 25 Jan., 1788. An' account of the observations made on the transit of Vehus, June 6, 1761, by the Eev. Mr. Richard Haydon. In a letter to John Bevis, M.D., dated from Liskeard, June 9th, 1761. Fhilos^ Trans., lii, pt. i, 202-208, (1761). HA YE, Capt. George, R.N. (2nd son of Geo. Haye): b. Callington, 15 Apl., 1788. d. Tavistock, 12 Apl., 1852. bur. Davidstow. (if. 0' Byrne; James' Naval Hist., (1837), v, 350, 358, 371, 378. Letter from Capt. J. A. Gordon to Vice Ad- miral Sir Edward Pellew, Bart., dated H.M.S. "Active," Lissa, 25 Nov., 1811. MS. Note. — ^Refers to Capt. Haye's serviops^ in. the action pff'Lis'sa, and to the hardship he suffered through Lieut. William Batemau Dashwood being promoted over him. A verbatim copy is now penes T. D. Haye^ Bsij., HAYE, Thomas Davey. Barrister at Law. (son of preceding), b. St. Heliers, Jersey, 22 July, 1838. English Positivism : a Study on John Stuart Mill. By Hippolyte Adolphe Taine. Translated from the French by T. D. Haye. Lond., Simp- kin, Marshall and Co., 1870, 8"., pp. ix and 1,34, 5/-. On Intelligence. By H. A. Taine. Translated from the French by T. D. Haye, and revised with additions, by its author. Lond., L. Eeeve and Co., 1871, 8^., pp. xlii and 542, 18/-. HAYWAED, Sir John, Knt., LL.D. d. 27 June, 1627. The Life and Eaigne of King Edward the sixt... Written by S'- John Hayward, Kt., Dr. of Lawe. Lond., printed for John Partridge,' 1636, 12°., pp:.-495. ' . . . ,.,.'.. ,i .% Note.— Aecoimt of the Cornish Insurgents, ppi 154-57f cf. A Compute History' of ■England: By t^ Bt. Rev. White Kennet, Bp. of Peterborough, ii, 29^-9$fii HEAME. 226 HBAELE. HEAD, Sir Francis Bond, Bart. h. Rochester. 1 Jan., 1793. Cornish Mining in America. Quarterly JRev., xxxvi, 81-106, (1827). HEAD, Isaac. On the social virtues of Freemasonry. [A Lecture] delivered in the Lodge, No. 151, at Helston, in Cornwall. By Isaac Head, Esq., A.D., 1752. In "Masonic Institutes," by Rev. G. Oliver, D.D. (Lond., 1847, 8».) Lecture v, pp. 102-16. Masonry the way to hell. Wherein is clearly proved, both from reason and scripture, that all who profess these mysteries are in a state of damnation. Lond., Roberts, 1768, 8°., 1/-. Note. — cf. Rev. O. Oliver's "Masonic Institutes." (Lmd., 1847, Sa.,) p. 20. The Author's name is not known. A Confutation of the Observations on Free- masonry, by an Anonymous Author of a Pamph- let, entitled "Masonry, the way to Hell;" Wherein is plainly pointed out, to the candid and impartial reader ; That he has grossly and in the most disingenuous, unchristian and scanda- lous manner, misrepresented Free Masonry; That he has entirely perverted the sense and meaning of the sacred text; and that he has neither candour, integrity nor honour. By a Member of the most ancient and honourable order of Free and accepted Masons, I. Head, P. G.M.S.... Exeter, printed (for the author j by A. Brice and B. Thorn ; and sold by Messrs. Hawes, Clarke and CoUins, Paternoster Row. . . and by the Author at St. Mary's Island, Scilly, 1769, 12"., pp. 102, 1/-. HEAD, Isaac {son of preceding.) Surgeon of Helston. h. 1751 ? d. Helston, 9 Aug., 1831. An Essay on Vaccination. By Isaac Head. 1805 ? 80. HEAD, Commander Richard John, R.N. {son of preceding.) hapt. Helston, 4 Jan., 1786. d. Falmouth, 27 Mch., 1859. cf. 0' Byrne; Gent. Mag., vi, 549, (1859.) HEAME, Benjamin. Supervisor of Tin for Cornwall and Devon, cf. Qth Hep. Deputy Keeper of Records, p. 176. A.D. 1787, Feb. 9, No. 1588. Specification of Benjamin Heame, of the borough of Penryn, in the County of Cornwall, Merchant, for "New invented method of regulating the sails or vanes of engines and mills worked by force of wind." Drawing annexed. Lond., 1 787, fol, — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1855, fol., pp. 3, lOd. HEARDER,George Parry {2nd son of Jonathan Eearder.) h. Plymouth, 24 Nov., 1811. d. Plymouth, 8 Nov., 1844. The South Devon Monthly Museum. [Edited by O. P. Hearder.] Plymouth, 0. and J. Hoarder, 1833-34, 4 vols., 8". Plymouth, C. P. Hearder, 1835-36, 3 vols., 8". Note.— The first number is dated 1 Jan., 1833, the last, IJuue, 1836. The work is complete in 7 half-yearly volumes. It contains much information about Corn- wall. Hearder's Guide to the River Tamar, contain- ing a historical and descriptive account of every object of interest on the banks of that river as far as it is navigable. ... Plymouth, printed and published by G. P. Hearder, 4 Union St., and sold by all booksellers, 1841, 12"., pp. 63. HEARDER, Jonathan Nash, D. Sc, Ph. D., F.C.S. {eld. son of Jonathan Hearder.) h. Ply- mouth, 24 Dec, 1809. Description of a Magnetometer. Bep. B.C. P. Soc, 1844, p. 98. On some new effects of Induction apparatus, for medical purposes, ib., 1846, p. 8. On the application of cast iron as a substitute for steel in the construction of very powerful permanent magnets, ih., 1850, pp. 16-23, 24-28. On a powerful modification of the Static Induction Coil, ih., 1856, pp. 1-7. [Philos. Mag., xii, 377-85, 1856]. On some new statical and thermal effects of a powerful Induction Apparatus, ib., 1856, pp. 8—14. On a new form of Telegraph Cable, ih., 1859, pp. 98-104. The Inductometer, a new instrument for de- termining the specific inductive capacity and insulating power of dielectrics, by frictional electricity, ih., 1860, pp. 58-66. HEARLE, F. Epicedia Oxon. in obitum . . . Frederic! Prin- cipis Wallise. Oxon., 1751, fol. Note — Contains verses by "F. Hearle, Ch. Ch. Sup. Ord. Commens." HEARLE, John, of Penryn. Vice-Warden of the Stannaries of Cornwall, d. circa 1754. A Bill for enabling Mary Hearle, widow, Thomas Hearle, Clerk, and John Rogers, Esquire, Guardians of Margaret Hearle, Jane Hearle, Betty Hearle, and Harriet Hearle, Infants, [four daughters of John Hearle] to make leases of several Estates in the county of Cornwall, and also setts and leases of the Mines therein... w.«. ord. [Lond., 1757?] fol., pp. 7. D D HEDGELAND. 226 HEDGELAND. HEARJvTE, Mary Anne. b. Farningham, in Kent. Holiday Sketches, i, Whit Monday at Gwen- nap Pit. Anon. [By Marianne Farningham, i.e. M. A. Hearne.l The Christian World, xii, 361, (1868). Holiday Sketches, iii, Penzance, il., xii, 374. Holiday Sketches, iv, From St. Michael's Mount to the Lizard, ib., xii, 388. Holiday Sketches, vii, The Land's End and Vicinity, ib., xii, 441. Holiday Sketches, viii. Mount Edgecumbe. ib., xii, 458. HEATH, James (son of James Heath), b. Perran Wharf! 1775-80. A copy of a letter from Mr. Heath to the Committee of the Baptist Home Missionary Society... Penzance, 1824, 12". See Jeflfery, John. HEATH, Capt. Egbert, cf. Original Letters of Eminent Men, (Camden Soc., 1840J, p. 304. A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly; describing their Situation, Number, etc. Their Government, Laws, etc. The Importance of those Islands to the British Trade, etc. Illustrated with a new and correct Draught of those Isles, from an actual Survey, in the year 1744, including the neighbouring Seas and Sea-Coasts, next the Land's End of Cornwall. To which are added the Tradition of a Tract of Land called Lioness... And lastly A General Account of Cornwall. By R. Heath, an Officer of His Majesty's Forces, some Time in Garrison at ScUly. Maps and Plates. Lond., printed for E. Manby and H. S. Cox, on Lud- gate-Hill, 1750, 8°. Note. — Dedication, pp. viii. Preface, pp. xvi. Contents, pp. xiii, then pp. 456. This work is reprinted in Pinkerton's " Voyages and Travels," (1808), ii, 729-84. HEATON, Rev. James. Wesleyan Minister, in Cornwall, 1814-18. b. Birmingham, 1782. d. near Birmingham, 21 Aug., 1862. A Sermon on perfect Love. By the Rev. James Heaton. Penryn, printed, 1816, 8o.,pp. 24. HEDGELAND, John Pike (son of Caleb Hedge- land.) b. Exeter, 22 Oct., 1791. A Description... of the splendid Decorations recently made to the Church of St. Neot, (1830). See Grylls, Rev. R. G. HEDGELAND, Rev. Philip, M.A. (son of Samud Linnington Hedgeland.) Curate of Madron, 12 Sep., 1854, to 24 June, 1860. V. of St. Mary's, Penzance, 7 July, 1860. Pre- bendary of Exeter, 7 Feb., 1868. b. Exeter, 12 June, 1825. HEDGELAND, Eev. Philip, M.A. (Con.). Thankfulness for the past — Trust for the future. A sermon preached in the parish church of Madron on the General Thanksgiving Day, May 1st, 1859, by Philip Hedgeland, M.A., Assistant Curate. Penzance, F. T. Vibert,... 1859, 8°., pp. 12, 6d. The comprehensiveness of religion ; a sermon preached in the parish church of Madron, on Sunday, October 30th, 1859, on the occasion of the opening the new organ, bj' P. Hedgeland. Penzance, F. T. Vibert,... 1859, 8°., pp. 12, 6d. Our best to be given to God; a sermon preached before the Cornwall Association of Church Choirs at its Fourth Meeting, held at S. Ives, on Wednesday, April 18, 1860, by P. Hedgeland. Printed for the Association. Truro, J. R. Netherton, 1860, 8"., pp. 12, 6d. The State and the Church in their relation to society. A sermon preached in St. Mary's Church, Penzance, before the Mayor and Cor- poration, on Sunday, Nov. 11th, 1860. By P. Hedgeland, Incumbent of Penzance and Chaplain to the Corporation. Penzance, F. T. Vibert, [printed]; Rowe; Truro, J. R. Netherton; Exeter, W. Roberts, 1860, 8"., pp. 16, 6d; A Letter addressed to the Members of the Congregation of St. Mary's, Penzance, upon the position of the choir, by P. Hedgeland, M.A., Perpetual Curate. For private circulation. Pen- zance, printed by F. T. Vibert, 1860, 8o., pp. 8. National grief and some of its uses. A ser- mon preached in the chapel of St. Mary, Pen- zance, on Dec. 23rd, 1861, being the day of the burial of H.R.H. the Prince Consort. By P. Hedgeland, M.A., Incumbent of Penzance, and Chaplain to the Corporation. Printed at the unanimous request of the Mayor, Corporation, and Inhabitants, assembled in public meeting. Penzance, F. T. Vibert, 1861, 8"., pp. 16, 6d. The Pastor's Charge, considered with refer- ence to the children, the young, and the adults of the flock. A sermon preached at the trien- nial visitation of the Lord Bishop of Exeter, at Penzance, May 19th, 1863. By P. Hedgeland, M.A., Incumbent of Penzance. Published at the request of the Clergy of the Deanery of Penwith. Lond., J. H. and J. Parker,... Pen- zance, F. T. Vibert, [printed,] 1863, 8"., pp. 20, 6d. The Lessons of Mayor's Day. A sermon preached in the Chapel of St. Mary, Penzance, on Sunday, Nov. 12th, 1865. By P. Hedgeland, M. A.... Penzance, W. Cornish, 1865, 8"., pp. 15, 6d. Two Assize Sermons, preached in the parish church of Bodmin. By P. Hedgeland, M.A., Perpetual Curate of Penzance and Chaplain to H.EMPBL. 227 HBMPEL. HEDGELAND, Rev. Philip, M.A. (Con.). the High Sheriff of Cornwall. Lond., Eivingtons, 1867, 8"., pp. 32, 1/-. Note.— Dedicated to T. S. Bolitho, Esq., High Sheriff of Cornwall. The Eev. John Keble. Letter dated Pen- zance, 26 ApL, 1866, and signed P.H. The Quardian,^:s.\,4AZ, (1866.) cf. Coleridge's "Lifeof Keble," pp. 479-80. HELIGAN FAMILY. Obits and pedigree of the noblemen and gen- tlemen of the blood of Fitz-Yva and Beaupr6, with the alliance of Heligan. MSB. in Coll. Arm., P. 1, fol. 210. — Reprinted Herald and Geneal., vii, 229-31, (1871.) HELLINS, Eev. John, B.D., F.E.S. Curate of Constantino, 1779-83; V. of Potterspury, Northamptonshire, 1790-1827. b. North Tawton. d. Potterspury, March, 1827. bur. 9 Apl. Theorems for computing Logarithms. Philos. Trans., Ixx, 308-17, (1780.) A new method of finding the equal roots of an equation by Division, ib., Ixxii, 417-25, (1782.) Note.— Both these papers are dated from " Con- stantine, Cornwall." HEMPEL, Charles or Carl Frederic, Mus. Doc. Oxon. (eld. son of the following.) b. Truro, Sept. 1811. d. Perth, 25 Apl., 1867. cf. The Choir and Musical Becord, v, 360, (1867). Heave one sigh for me at parting. A much admired song. Composed with an accompani- ment for the piano forte and with the greatest deference, dedicated, by permission, to the right honorable the Countess of Falmouth, by Charles Hempel, Jun. Lond., H. Faulkner, [18- -,] fol., pp. 5, 2/6. Cornwall Eailway Quadrilles, composed and most respectfully dedicated to the right hon- ourable The Earl of Falmouth. By Charles F. Hempel. Lond., published for the author, by Leoni Lee and Coxhead, [1847,] fol., pp. 5, 3/-. Around the old oak tree. Composed for and sung by Mr. George Tedder. The poetry by Captain Ward. The music by Charles F. Hempel. Lond., Jewell and Letchford, [1853,] fol., pp. 5, 2/-. Longfellow's Excelsior, [Begins "The Shades of Night,"] set to music by Chas. F. Hempel, Organist to St. Mary's, Truro. Lond., published for the author by Chas. Jeffeiys, 21, Soho Square, to be had likewise of the Author, 30, Lemon St., Truro, [1854,] foL, pp. 5, 2/6. HEMPEL, Chables Phedekio, Mus. Doo. (Con.). God speed the ship. Eespectfully dedicated to the New Zealand Company. The words by H. S. Stokes, set to music by Charles F. Hempel, Organist at St. Mary's, Truro. Pubhshed by the Author, [185-,] pp. 4, 2/-. A year ago. Poetry by Lord Viscount Strang- ford. Music by Charles F. Hempel, Organist of St. Mary's, Truro. Lond., printed for the Author by Haddon, Bros., and Co. To be had only of the Author, 30, Lemon St., Truro., [1854,] fol., pp. 4, 2/-. Andante pour le piano. Par Carl F. Hempel, Mus. Bac. Oxen. (sic). Lond., Jewell and Letch- ford, [1855,] fol., pp. 3, 1/-. The reaper and the flowers. [Begins " There is a reaper."] Poetry by Longfellow. Music by Carl F. Hempel, Mus. Bac. Oxon. Lond., Jewell and Letchford, 17, Soho Square, [1855,] fol., pp. 5, 2/-. — Eeprinted. Lond., J. H. Jewell, [185-,] fol, pp. 5, 2/6. To the heroes of Alma and Inkerman's plain. Song, the poetry by Capt. Ward. The music by Charles F. Hempel. Lond., Jewell and Letchford, [1855,] fol, pp. 6, 2/-. "Summer Twilight." Andante Cantabile. Com- posed for the piano-forte and dedicated to Miss Stewart Eichardson, of Pitfour Castle, by Carl F. Hempel, Mus. Bac. Oxon. Lond., Ashdown and Parry, [185- ] fol., pp. 5, 2/-. The sea bird, song. [Begins " Sea bird ! rock- ing lightly."] The poetry by the Eev. John Anderson, Minister of Kinnoull. The music by Carl F. Hempel, Organist of St. John's Epis- copal Church, Perth. Lond., J. H. Jewell, 104, Great Eussell Street, Bloomsbury, [1857,] fol., pp. 8, 2/6. — Eeprinted. Lond., J. H. Jewell, [185-,] fol., pp. 8, 3/-. Endymion. Poetry by Longfellow. Music by Carl F. Hempel, Mus. Bac. Magd. Hall, Oxon. Lond., Letchford, 17, Soho Sq., [185-,] fol., pp. 6, 2/6. The Eoyal Perthshire Eifles, grand march, composed for the piano forte, and dedicated to the ladies of the fair city of Perth, by Carl F. Hempel, Mus. Bac. Oxon., Organist and Choir Master of St. John's Episcopal church. Lond., J. H. Jewell, [1858,] fol., pp. 7, 2/6. Perth Volunteer Eifles Grand Galop, composed and dedicated to the Ladies of Perthshire, by Carl F. Hempel. Lond., J. H. Jewell, [1859,] fol., pp. 5, 3/-. " Le B6rylle " Mazurka. Composed and dedi- cated to Miss Georgina Moncreifi'e, by Carl F. Hempel, Mus. Doc. Oxon. Lond., J. H. Jewell, []85-,]fol.-;pp. 5, 3/-. "Morna " Valse brilliante, for the piano. Dedi- cated to Miss Helen Eichardson, of Pitfour Castle, by Carl F. Hempel, Mus. Doc. Oxon. Lond., HEMPEL. 228 HENLEY. HEMPEL, Chaeles Peedebic, Mus. Doc. (Con.). Joseph Williams, 123, Clieapside, [185-] foL, pp. 9, 4/-. " Duncan Gray," No. 1 of Scottish Gems. Ar- ranged and varied for the piano-forte, by Carl F. Hempel, Mus. Doc. Oxon. Lond., J. H. Jewell, [185-,] fol., pp. 7, 4/-. Fantasie k la Valse pour le piano. By Carl F. Hempel. Lond., J. H. Jewell, [185-,] fol., 2/-. " Oh that my head were waters." Solo con- tralto from the Oratorio " The Seventh Seal," composed by Carl F. Hempel, Mus. Doc. Oxon. Lond., J. H. Jewell, [185-,] fol., pp. 5, 2/6. " I heard a voice from Heaven." Solo tenore and quartett from the Oratorio " The Seventh Seal," composed by Carl F. Hempel, Mus. Doc. Oxon. Lond., J. H. Jewell, [185-,] fol., pp. 7, 4/-- " He rode upon the cherubims." Solo basso, from the Oratorio " The Seventh Seal." Com- posed by Carl F. Hempel, Mus. Doc, Oxon... Lond., J. H. Jewell, [186-,] fol., pp. 9, 4/-. "Dies Irae." Chorale from the Oratorio "The Seventh Seal." Composed by Carl F. Hempel, Mus. Doc. Oxon. Lond., J. H. Jewell, [186-,1 fol., pp. 5, 2/6. The Seventh Seal. An Oratorio, composed by C. F. Hempel, and performed in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, 19th March, 1862. Notprinted. Note. — This was Mr. Hempel's diploma composi- tion. The only portions printed were the four pieees already mentioned. Mr. Hempel was preparing the entire wort for the press at the time of his sudden decease. HEMPEL, Charles William {son of C. F. Hempel?) Elected organist of St. Mary's, Truro, May, 1804.. h. Chelsea, 28 Aug., 1777. d. Wolsingham Place, Kennington Eoad, London, Mch., 1853. cf. A Dictionary of Musi- cians, (1824), i, 359-60. Psalms from the New Version, selected for the use of the congregation of St. Mary's, Truro, by the organist. Truro, printed and sold by W. Harry, 1805, fcp. 8»., pp. 55, 1/-. Note. — Preface signed C. W. Hempel. Sacred Melodies adapted to the Psalms of David, according to the Version of Brady and Tate. Selected and composed for the congrega- tion of St. Mary's, Truro, by C. W. Hempel Lond., [1812,] 80., pp. 50, 7/-. Note.— List of Subscribers. Dedicated to Lord Viscount Falmouth. A Morning and an Evening Service... also twenty original melodies, adapted to selected portions of the psalms of David, and two anthems... The whole m score with a separate HEMPEL, Chaeles William. (Con.). accompaniment for the organ or piano forte. Composed and... dedicated by permission to... The Lord Bishop of Lincoln. By C. W. Hempel, Organist of St. Mary's, Truro. Lond., published by H. Faulkner, 3, Old Bond St., [1820,] fol., pp. 76, 20/-. List of Subscribers. The Commercial Tourist or Gentleman Tra- veller. A Satirical Poem, in four cantos. Arum. Embellished with coloured engravings [designed and etched by J. R. Cruikshank.] 2nd ed. greatly enlarged. Lond., sold by G. and W. B. Whittaker, Ave-Marie-Lane. [Polyblank, printer Truro,] 1822, S"., pp. 140.— 3rd ed. Truro, printed by and for W. Polyblank, High-Cross, 1832, 8°., pp. 109. £r. Museum. HENDER, Captain Degory. cf. Garew's Survey, (Dunstanville's ed.), p. 176. A copy of Captain Hender's Letter to the Earl of Essex : with an account of his services and losses and a desire he would move the Queen on his behalf. Dec. 23, 1595. Lansd. MSS. 80, art. 14. Captain D. Hender complains to Lord Burghley that his hard usage hath broken even his heart and his wits, Jan. 3, 1595. ib: 80, art. 66. D. Hender's Observations on a war with Spain, with a method of repelling the invasion threatened. 1595. ib. 98, art. 18. HENDERSON, James, C.E. (son of Ueut. Col. Geo. Henderson, R.E.) h. Aberdeen, 15 Oct., 1821. Resident at Newham, Truro, since 1853. On the method generally adopted in Cornwall in dressing of tin and copper ores. Proceedings Insiit. of Civil Engineers, xvii, 195-220, (1858). HENDERSON, Lieut. R.M. Engaged in erecting Watt's Engines in Cornwall, in 1779. cf. Smiles' Lives of Boulton and Watt, (1865), pp. 261-62, 281. HENLEY, Sir Andrew, Bart., of Bramshill, Hants, (son of Sir Bobt. Henley, Knt.) cr. Baronet, 30 June, 1660. d. circa 1675. Copies of the Correspondence of Sir A. Henley, chiefly relating to his private afikirs and estates in Cornwall, Devonshire, etc., written in 1659-69. Shane MSS., Br. Museum, 813. Note.— These comprise, inter alia, the following. Lease of the Eectory of Paul from A. Henley to Henry King, of Truro, Gent., dated 24 Dec, 1669. fol Letters from Sir A. Henley to his brother-in-law, Mr. Godolphin, in friendly terms. Bramshill, 14 Dec, 1662. fol. 51. Payments towards the grand assessment and rates of the poor in the parish of St. Just, 1665.9. fol. 84. HENNAH. 229 HENWOOD. HENNAH, Lieut. Edwaed, E.N. (eld. son of Capt. WUl. Hennah.) b. Tregony, 12 Aug., 1800. d. Hastings 1 cf. 0' Byrne. HENNAH, Lieut. Frederick, R.N. (ith son of Rev. Rich. Hennah. d. 1846.) J. Pljrmouth, 1804. d. Thorney Station, Sussex, Aug. k 1845. cf 0' Byrne. HENNAH, Eev. Richard, M.A. V. of St. Austell and St. Blazey, 1 775-181 5. E. of St. Michael Penkivel, 1793-1815. lapt. Cuby, 26 Dec, 1733. d. St. Austell, 13 April, 1815. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxxv, pt. i, 473, (1815); Monthly Mag., xxxix, 584, (1815.) HENNAH, Eev. Eichard, F.G.S. (dd. son of preceding.) Chaplain of Citadel at rly mouth. I. St. Austell, 8 Mch., 1765. d. Plymouth, 26 Mch., 1846. cf. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. of Land., iii, pp. xxiii-xxvi, (1847.) A succinct account of the Lime Eocks of Ply- mouth. With 10 Lithographic Plates. By Eev. E. Hennah, Chaplain to the Garrison. Printed for W. Curtis, Plymouth, and G. and W. B. Whittaker, London, n.d., [1823,] 40., pp. 71, 12/-. Observations respecting the limestone of Ply- mouth. Trans. Geol. Soc, iv, 410-12, (1817) ; v, 619-24, (1821); ii, 405, (1829); Proc. Geol. Soc, i, 1, (1826-27); Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Giologie, 2" Section, xiv, 324-25, (1828). On the question as to the existence of metallic veins in the transition limestone of Pljrmouth. Thomson's Ann. Philos., v, 471, (1823.) On the animal remains found in the transition limestone of Plymouth. Froc Geol. Soc, i, 169- 70, (1834.) The Eedbreast. Evropean Mag., xli, 47, (1802.) On the death of a favourite Spaniel, dated .March 15, 1802. ik, xli, 391-92. Thoughts on home, dated Plymouth, Sept. 11, 1802. ib., xlii, 222-23. On the threatened invasion, dated Plymouth, Nov. 7, 1803. ib., xliv, 461, (1803.) Lines addressed to Mab, the fairy queen, on Eliza's Marriage, dated Plymouth, Jan. 2, 1804. ib., xlv, 224-25, (1804.) HENNAH, Capt. William, E.N., C.B. (3rd son of Rev. R. Hennah, V. of St. Austell.) First Lieutenant of H.M. ship "Mars," in the battle of Trafalgar. 5. St. Austell, 19 Aug., 1767. d. Tregony, 22 Dec, 1832. bur. Cuby. cf. Johns and Nicolas' Calendar of Victory, (1855,) p. 621; Gent. Mag., cii, 655, (1832.) HENNAH, Eev. William Veale (eld. son of Rev. Rich. Hennah, who d. 1846). Chaplain, E.N. V. of East Cowes, Isle of Wight. E. of East Stoke, 1864. b. Plymouth, 1799. A Description of specimens collected on the island of Ascension, by the Eev. W. P. {sic) Hennah, [1835]. Proc Geol. Soc, ii, 189, (1838). HENNELL, John (son of John Hennell, of Coventry.) b. 19 Aug., 1836. HENNELL, Thomas {hro. of above.) b. 1 April, 1838. Land and fresh water shells found in the neighbourhood of Penzance. By Masters J. and T. Hennell. Trans. P.N.H. and A.S., i, 251-52, (1848.) HENSHAW, Eev. William. Wesleyan Minister at Launceston, 1803. b. Castle Donnington, 1775. d. Holywell, 27 March, 1841. Copy of a letter from Mr. W. Henshaw to Mr. William Bramwell, Methodist Preacher, Birstall, dated Plymouth Dock, Mch. 10, 1814. Printed York, Eichardson, 1814, 8°., \ sheet. Note. — Eespeeting revivals at Eediuth and else- where. HENTY, George Mansfield (son of George and Maria Henty.) b. West Mailing, Kent, 4 Jan., 1848; now (1872) resident in Spain. On the occurrence of Wood Tin at the Great Wheal Vor Mines. Rep. Miners' Assoc, of C. and D., 1867, pp. 55-56. HENWOOD, George (son of Nicholas and Mary Henwood.) b. Penryn, 25 Sept., 1809. On certain tin stream works in Cornwall. By G. Henwood. Diagrams. 1853, 12°., pp. 100, 2/6. Four Lectures on Geology and Mining, read at the Mechanics' Institutions Leeds, Hull,, Bradford, Harrogate, etc By G. Henwood, M.E. Dedicated (by permission) to Sir C. Lemon,, Bart., M.P. . . .Lond., published at the office of the Mining Journal, 26, Fleet St. Leeds, printed by Samuel Moxon, Briggate, 1855, 8". Note. — Each lecture has separate pagination. A Great Mine Conference, the Gwennap Bal Boys, the Prechen Cappen, the fox outwitted by a cock, a legend of St. Germans, dialogue about India, China, railways and unions, and the poor man and his parish church. Devon- port W. Wood, 52, Fore Street, T. J. Bond, Plymouth, n.d., [1869,] 12°., pp. 50, 6d. Note.— The three first articles, occupying pp. 1-33 are by G. Henwood. HENWOOD. 230 HENWOOD. HENWOOD, Geoege. (Con.). Cornish Mining Photographs. No. 1. By G. Henwood. Mining Journal, xxvii, 400, (1857.) Note.— The first of a series of articles in this and tlie succeeding volumes of the Mining Journal. HENWOOD, LovEDAY. A Friend, h. Cubert, 19 Aug., 1788. d. Truro, 31 May, 1844. lur. Friends' Burial Ground. Extracts from the Memoir and Letters of the late Loveday Henwood. Falmouth, printed by Jane Trathan and Son, 1845, 120., pp. ne and 12. Note. — pp. 1-12 at the end of the work consist of " An Affectionate Address to those that live at Cuhert, signed L. H. — J. Trathan, Printer, etc., Market Strand, Falmouth," which appear to have been printed previous to the Memoir and Letters. Extracts from the Memoirs of the late L. Henwood. Lend., C. Gilpin, 1847, 8o., pp. 120, which include "An Affectionate Address." HENWOOD, Rev. Oliver, Wesleyan Minister. 6. Callington, 1786. d. Plymouth, 9 Nov., 1860. of. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixxiv, 96, 837, (1861). Adieu ; or a friendly remembrance : in prose and verse. By 0. Henwood. Lond., 1828 ? 120., pp. 68, 1/-. A Narrative of Mr. Chas. Barns, a Local Preacher in the Methodist Connection, whose lamented death was occasioned by an accident in his paper mill, Buckfastleigh, Devon, Nov. 4, 1828. By 0. Henwood. Lond., 1828, 12°., pp. 81, 1/6. A Brief Memoir of Mr. George Coad, of Saltash, Cornwall. By 0. Henwood. Lond., sold for the Author by J. Mason, 1841, 12o., pp. 154, 1/6. George Coad, The Letter Carrier, or pure religion displayed in humble life, signed 0. H[enwood,] Plymouth, May, 1849. London Wesleyan Conference Office, 2, Castle-street, City-road, sold at 66, Paternoster-row, [Religious Tracts,] No. 540, 12"., pp. 8, 2/-. per 100. Memoir of Mr. John Paul who died 2 June, 1815. Methodist Mag., xl, 609-14, (1817). The Better Land. [A Poem.] ib., Ix, 400, (1837). J . . . The Suffering Christian. [A Poem,] dated Camelford, Sept., 1837. ib., Ix, 800. Memoir of Mr. Nicholas Haly, of Saltash. ib., Ixvi, 353-59, (1843). Memoir of Mrs. Elizabeth Geake, of Frog- well, ib., Ixx, 422-28, (1847). HENWOOD, William Jory, F.R.S., F.G.S., (eld. son of John Henwood and Mary Jory, dau. of Will. Jory). H.M. Assay-Master and Super- visor of Tin in the Duchy of Cornwall, 1832 to 1838. b. Perran Wharf, near Truro, 16 Jan., 1805. Observations on the performance of a steam- engine recently erected at Huel Towan, in Corn- wall, by Mr. Samuel Grose, with considerations on other subjects connected with the theory of the steam-engine. By W. J. Henwood... Truro, printed by John Brokenshir, 1828, 8"., pp. 23. Note. — Dated Perranwharf, near Truro, Feby. 20, 1828, and printed for private distribution ; reprinted in Brewsters' Edinb. Journ. of Science, ix, 159-66, (1828). Glossary of Mining Terms... By H. English, 1830, 80. Note. — The Glossary of the Cornish Mining Terms was supplied by W. J. Henwood. Object and Laws of the Penzance Natural History Society, with list of the donors, sub- scribers, and officers. Instituted 20th November, 1839. Penzance, printed by E. Paddy, book- seller, etc., 1840, 8"., pp. 19. Note. — The Eules, [Lists of] Officers, Subscribers, . . .and Donations to the Museum, pp. 9-19, were drawn up by W. J. Henwood, then one of the Secretaries. The Metalliferous Deposits of Cornwall and Devon : with Appendices on Subterranean tem- perature ; — The electricity of rocks and veins; — The quantity of water in the Cornish mines ; — and Mining statistics. Forming vol. v of the Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. By W. J. Henwood, F.R.S., F.G.S., ...Mining Engineer, Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers ; of the Geological Soc. of France ; Hon. Mem. of the Yorkshire Philo- sophical Soc. ; Cor. Mem. of the Plymouth, In- stitution, and of the Lyceum of Natural His- tory of New York, sometime Her Majesty's Assay Master and Supervisor of Tin in the Royal Duchy of Cornwall, and Secretary of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. Penzance, J. Pope Vibert; Lond., Longman, 1843, 8"., pp. 512. At the end are 12 plates and llS tables, with a diagram of the directions of electric currents. Price to Members of the Society, 25/-. ; to the Public, 30/-. Slavery at Congo Soco, in Brazil, 1826-1857. By W. J. Henwood, F.R.S ... Penzance, W. Cornish, 1864, 8"., pp. 8. Note.— Reprinted in Trans. E.O.S.C., vol. vlii, note pp. 289-96. Address delivered at the spring meeting of the Eoyal Institution of Cornwall, on the 18th May, 1869, By W. J. Henwood, F.R.S... Vice- President of the Institution. Penzance, printed HENWOOD. 231 HENWOOD. HENWOOD, William Joky, F.B.S. (Con.). by W. Cornish, 1869, S"., pp. 21. For pri- vate cixculation only. — ^Eepriuted. Truro, J. E. Netherton, 1869, 8"., pp. 19. Address delivered at the spring meeting of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, on the 17th of May, 1870. By W. J. Henwood, F.R.S.... President of the Institution. Penzance, printed by W. Cornish, 1870, 8o., pp. 16. For private circulation only. Address delivered at the spring meeting of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, on the 23rd May, 1871. By W. J. Henwood, F.R.S... Pre- sident of the Institution. Truro, printed by J. E. Netherton, 1871, 8"., pp. 65. For private circulation only. Observations on Metalliferous Deposits and on Subterranean Temperature ; Forming the eighth volume of the Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Corn wall... By W. J. Hen- wood, F.R.S... Penzance, printed and published by W. Cornish, Green Market, 1871, 8°. Price to Members of the Society, 25/-. ; to the Public, 36/-. Note. — In two parts, (usually found in two volumes) each with a distinct title page. Part i, pp. xxxi and 1-722 ; Part ii, pp. vii and 723-916. At the end of the Beoond part are six plates and thirty-seven tables. " An account of the metalliferous deposits in ComwalV occu- pies pp. 655-722, and " The Temperature of Cornish mines " pp. 745-49. On a singular exudation of gas in the Union Mines, Gwennap, [1826.] Trans. B.G.S.C, iii, 203-7, (1827). Notice of some circumstances connected with the heave of a copper-lode by a flucan vein in the Consolidated Mines, Gwennap. ib., iii, 329-31. On some of the deposits of stream tin-ore in Cornwall, with remarks on the theory of that ■formation. [1828-29.] ib., iv, 57-69, (1832). On the manipulation to which the ores of Tin and Copper are subjected in the central mining district of Cornwall. [1828.] ib., iv, 145-65. On the metalliferous deposits of Cornwall and Devon. [1842.] «6., v, 1-386, (1843). Observations on subterranean temperature in the mines of Cornwall and Devon. [1843.] ib., V, 387-412. [Edinb. New Philos. Journ., xxxiv, 246-56, 1843.] On the quantity of water which enters the Cornish Mines, ii., v, 413-44. On the electric currents observed in rocks and veins, ib., v, 445-60. Statistical Notices of the Mines in Cornwall and Devon, ib., v, 461-82. Note. — The above 5 articles constitute the whole of the 5th vol. of the Transactions. HENWOOD, William Joky, F.B.S. (Con.). Descriptive Notice of the Morro Velho mine, Province of Minas Geraes, and on the relations between the structure of the containing rocks and the directions of the shoots of Gold in the Brazilian mines. [1844.] ib., vi, 143-46, 1846. [PhUos. Mag., xxv, 341-44, 1844.] Notice of the Itabira and Santa Anna mines in Brazil. [1845.] ib., vi, 227-29. Notice of Descoberta gold mine, in Brazil, ib., vi, 294-95. Description of the Brazilian method of wash- ing (dressing) gold. [1848.] ib., vii, 69, (1865). Observations on the Providence Mines. [1851.] ib., vii, 179-84. [Edinb. New Philos. J own., liv, 68-72, 1853.] On the geological associations of Tellurium. [1853.] ib., vii, 228-29. \_Edinb. New Philos. Journ., Ivii, 363-65, 1854.] Observations on Metalliferous deposits. [1869.] ib., viii, 1-722, (1871). Observations on subterranean temperature. [1870.] ib., viii, 723-66. On the changes of temperature which take place — at the same, and at different times, — on the surface and at depths of three, six, and nine feet in the Canga, at Agoa Quente, in Brazil. ib., viii, 767-80. Note. — The above 3 articles constitute the whole of the 8th volume of the Transactions. Remarks on Mr. John Taylor's paper " On the accidents incident to steam-boilers." Philos. Mag., i, 408-11, (1827). Observations on some late statements respect- ing steam-engines in Cornwall, ib. vii, 323-25, (1830). Mr. Farey's reply, ib., vii, 421. On the quantity of water afforded by springs. ib., viii, 58. Facts bearing on the theory of the formation of springs and their intensity at various periods. ib., ix, 170-77, (1831). Notes on some recent improvements of the steam-engine in Cornwall, ib., x, 97-103, (1831). On a Geological survey of the mines of Corn- wall, with a programme of an intended arrange-' ment of the details of the metalliferous veins. ib., X, 358-63. On periodical variations in the quantities of water afforded by springs, in a letter to Sir C. Lemon. Land, and Edinb. Philos. Mag., i, 287-. 95, (1832). Observations on the rise and fall of water in some wells in Cornwall, with brief notices of other matters bearing on the Phenomena of Springs, ib., iii, 417-21, (1833). HENWOOD. 232 HENWOOD. HENWOOD, William Joky, F.E.S. (Con.). On some Meteorological Phenomena observed in the Mount's Bay, Cornwall, ik, iv, 103-4, 233, (1834). Observations on the steam-engines of Corn- wall, in reply to John Taylor, F.E.S. ib., viii, 20-21, 591, (1836). Mineral Veins, ib., xii, 125-27, (1838). On the rocks and veins which form the oppo- site walls of cross-veins. Lond., Edinb., & Dublin PUlos. Mag., xxii, 373-84, 443-61, (1843). On the (displacement) heaves of metalliferous veins by cross veins, ib., xxiv, 180-81, 258- 60, (1844). Abstract of meteorological observations, made during 1845, at Gongo Soco, in the interior of Brazil._ ib., xxviii, 364-68, (1846). _lSrotices_ of the superpositions of certain minerals in some of the metalliferous deposits of Cornwall and Devon, ib., xxix, 359-61, 1846. [Cotta. Gangstudien, ii, 117-20, 1851.] Abstract of meteorological observations, made during 1846, at Gongo Soco, in the interior of Brazil, ib., xxx, 361-64, (1847). Abstract of meteorological observations, made during 1847, at Gongo Soco, in the interior of Brazil._ ib., xxxii, 422-25, (1848). Notice of a colourless atmospheric arch seen in the interior of Brazil, ib., xxxiii, 195, 1848. [L'Institut, xvii, 48, 1849.] On the performance of an engine at Wheal Towan. Brewster's Edinb. Journ. of Science, ix, 159-66, (1828). On the quantity of heat disengaged by the combustion of a bushel of coal, ib., ix, 161-62. On the Steam Case, ib., ix, 162-63. On the quantity of heat which passes to the chimney, in Engines working with high pressure Steam, ib., ix, 163-65. On the increase of elasticity which obtains when steam removed from contact with its generating water is heated, ib., ix, 165-66. Account of the steam-engines in Cornwall ib., x, 34-50, (1829). _ Notice of the performance of Steam-Engines in Cornwall for June, July, August, and Sep- tember 1828. ib., X, 137-39,— for October, Movember, and December, 1828. ib., x, 213-15. A summary of experiments recently made on the temperature of mines, ib., x, 234-45. Account of experiments on the performance ot some steam-engines in Cornwall, ib., vi 246- 51, (1832). ' ' HENWOOD, William Joey, F.E.S. (Con.). On the discovery of mineral veins and pre- liminary operations on them. Quarterly Mining Rev., i, 402-6, (1830). Geologische Umrisse des Gruben-districtes in Cornwall. Leonhard u. Broun, N. Jahrb., 633-40, (1833). On some intersections of mineral veins in Cornwall. Proc. of Geol. Soc, i, 405-7, 1834. [Lond. and Edinb. Philos. Mag., ii, 147-48, 1833.] A brief note to accompany a series of speci- mens from Lockport, near Niagara, in the state of New York, ib., iii, 453-54, 1842. [Lond. and Edinb. Philos. Mag., xx, 325-26, 1842.] Notes accompanying a series of specimens from Chaleur Bay and the Eiver Eistigouche, in New Brunswick, ib., iii, 454-56, 1842. [Lond. and Edinb. Philos. Mag., xx, 326-28, 1842.] Lettre k M. Cordier sur la difference de tem- perature des couches aux mSmes profondeurs selon la nature des roches, et sur IMlectricitd dans les filons. Paris, Comptes Rendus, i, 343, (1835), On the difference of temperature between the granite and slate in the Cornish Mines. Thomson, Records of Science, iv, 198-99, (1836). On Mr. Fox's (alleged) conversion of copper- pyrites into purple and vitreous copper. Sturgeon, Annals of Electricity, i, 225-29, (1836-37). Note on Mr. Murray's defence of Mr. E. W. Fox's theories, ib., iii, 338-39, (1838-39). On the higher temperature which prevails in the slate than in the granite of Cornwall. Brit. Assoc. Section, pp. 36-37, (1837). On some intersections of veins in the mines of Dolcoath and Wheal Prudence, in ComwaU. ib., p. 74, (1837). The expansive action of steam in some of the Cornish pumping engines. i6.,pp. 129-30,(1837). A Lecture on the Phenomena of Metalliferous Veins, delivered at the Penzance Institution, on Tuesday, the 10th Nov., 1836. By W. J. Hen- wood, F.G.S. London and Paris. H.M. Assay Master of Tin in the Duchy of Cornwall. Edinb. New Philos. Journ., xxii, 152-76, 1837. [Ka/rstm Archiv., x, 535-80, 1837.] HEN WOOD. 233 HEPSLEY. HENWOOD, WiLUAM JoBT, F.E.S. (Con.). On the Electric Currents observed in some Metalliferous Veins, ib., xxii, 270-81, 1837. [Sturgeon, Ann. JSledr., i, 124-33, 1836; Annal. aes Mines, xi, 585-604, 1837 ; Froriep Notizen, ii, col., 273-81, 1837. Also found as a Pamphlet, with a title page, 1837, 8^., pp. 20.] On the Expansive Action of Steam in some of the Pumping Engines on the Cornish Mines. ih., xxvii, . 42-52, 1839. \Trans. Instil. Civil Engineers, ii, 49-60, 1838 ; Mining Rev., v, 33- 34, 1839.] NoiE. — ^Por this Memoir, W. J. Henwood, in 1837, received the Telford Medal from the Institution of Civil Engineers. On Subterranean Temperature in the Mines of Cornwall and Devon, ib., xxxiv, 246-51, (1843). Abstract of a memoir on the metalliferous (gold) deposits ol Brazil, ib., 1, 61-64, (1851). On a Eemarkable Deposit of Tin-Ore at the Providence Mines, near St. Ives, ib., liv, 68-72, (1853). On Changes produced by the deepening and extension of Muxes on the temperatures at their previous bottoms, ib., x, 166-68, (1859). Notes on the silver produced in Cornwall, ib., xiii, 163-73, (1861). On the duty performed by Cornish steam- engines. .Bejj. i?./.C, 1838, p. 20. On the granite of Cligger Head and the Elvan courses of the same neighbourhood, ib., 1838, pp. 29-31. On the preparation of China clay, ib., 1839, pp. 54-56. On the shocks of earthquakes which have )been noticed in Cornwall and Devon, ib., 1841, pp. 41-42. The temperature of inines. ib., 1842, p. 38. Notice of the sulphate of barytes found at Wheal Mary Ann, in Menheniot. ib., 1852, pp. 38-43. Notice of some ancient Indian Mmmg tools found in the copper districts near Lake Superior. ib., 1853, pp. 22-33. \Edinb. New Philos. Journ., Ivii, 324-25, 1854.] Notice of the rock basins at Deo (Devi) Dhora, in Upper India, ib., 1855, pp. 19-22. [Gent. Mag., xlv, 18-20, 1856. Also found as a Pamphlet, with a title page, n.d., (1856), 8".] Notes on the copper turf of Merioneth, ib., 1856, pp. 41-43. [Edinb. New Philos. Journ., V, 61-64, 1857.] Notes on subterranean temperature observed inChiU. «6., 1857, pp. 14-17. [Edinb. New Phlos. Journ., vii, 147-49, 1858.] Notice of the submarine forest, near Padstow. ib., 1858, pp. 17-19. HENWOOD, William Joey, F.E.S. (Con.). Notes on the changes produced by the deepen- ing and extension of mines, and on the temper- ature of their previous bottoms, ib., 1859, pp. 21-23. Address delivered at the Spring Meeting of the Eoyal Institution of Cornwall, 18 May, 1869. Jo-urn. B.I.O., Apl., 1870, pp. ix-xxv. Address delivered at the Spring Meeting of the Eoyal Institution of Cornwall, 17 May, 1870. ib., Apl., 1871, pp. ix-xxi. Address delivered at the Spring Meeting of the Eoyal Institution of Cornwall, 23 May, 1871. ib., Apl., 1872, pp. i-lxvi. On the preparation of the white oxide of arsenic (arsenious acid) in Cornwall. Bep. B.C.P. Soc, 1839, pp. 113-14. Experiments on the electric conditions of the rocks and metalliferous veins (lodes) of Long- close and Eosewall-hill mines in Cornwall. Proc. Boyal Soc, iv, 317, (1841). Contributions towards a knowledge of the geological associations of gold. No. 1. Descrip- tion of the Buckingham Mines. Mining Journ. xxiii, 68, (29 Jan., 1853) ; cf. JVhitney's "Metallio Wealth of tJie United States," p. 128. Memoir of Davies Gilbert, P.E.S. [By W. J. Henwood.] West Briton, vol. xxx, 3 Jan., 1840. Note. — Quoted by Dr. Buokland in his Presidential Address to the Geological Society, in 1840. cf. Proc. Oeol. Soc. of Land., iii, 257. On the intensity of terrestrial magnetism at various elevations on the hills and at different depths in the mines of Cornwall. In Sir E. T. De la Beche's "Geological Manual," (3rd ed., 1833), p. 610. Eeport on the Metalliferous Deposits of Kumaon and Gurhwal in North Western India. Map. 1855. In " Selections from the Becords of the Government of India," (1853-64, 8°.) No. 8, pp. 1-46 ; Edinb. New Philos. Journ., iii, 135-41, 1856. HEPSLEY, Thomas. Note. — " Thomas Hepsley, Senr. [of ChUohunpton msh.] of Bath and Wilts, in Sumersitshire, he was the man that brought that rare invention of shooting He. blasting] the rocks, which came here in June, 1689, and died at the ball [i.e. Godolphin mine,] and was buried at Breage the 1 6 day of Dec, in the year of our Lord Christ 1689." cf. Breage Register of Burials, 1689. EE SEjHXjrj. 234 HEBLE. EEELE, Bev. Charles, M.A. (3rd son of Edward Eerie), Rector of Winwick, Lanca- ■ shire, 1626-59 ; Member of the Westminster ' Assembly of Divines, July, 1643 ; Prolocutor, ■ 1 643-1 64f. b. Prideaux Herle, near Lost- withiel, 1598. d. Winwick. bur. 29 Sept., 1659. cf. Bliss' Wood, iii, 477-79; N. and Q. 2 S., vii, 477, (1859); £enj. Hanhirijs Hist. ■Memorials relating to tJie Independents, ii, 166- - 68 ; Neal's Hist, of Puritans (Toulmin's ed.), ■ iii, 46, 52, 89, 141, 350; iv, 244; Brooh's Puritans, iii, 324-26 ; Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 18,781-18,782 ; Dr. Ealley's Lancashire, ■ i, 270-72, 285, 380-82, 456, 467 ; ii, 28-29, 105-106. Contemplations and devotions on the severall passages of our blessed Saviours death and passion. Written by Charles Herle, Master in Arts, and sometimes of Excester Colledge, in Oxford. Lond., printed by Aug. Mat. for Humphrey Robinson, dwelling in Pauls-Church- yard, at the signe of the three Pidgeons, 1631, ■12"., pp. 546. The Dedication and the severall passages of our Saviour's death and passion un- paged. , A Payre of Compasses for Chvrch and State. .Delivered in a Sermon, Preached at St. Mar- _garets, in Westminster, before the Honorable .House of Commons, at their Monethly Fast, "November the last, 1642. By C. Herle, Rector of Winwicke, in Lankashire. PubHshed by order pf that House. Lond., printed by G. M. for "lohn Bartlet, at the Signe of the Guilt-Cup, neare S. Austin' s-Gate, [Dec. 22,] 1642, 4^., pp. 44. ; A Fvller Answer to a Treatise written by ■Doctor Feme, entitvled " The resolving of con- science," efc...Done by another Author \i.e. Rev. C. Herle.] And by him revised and enlarged by -occasion of some late pamphlets complaining in ;the name of the City against the Parliament. ■Lond., printed for John Bartlet, andare to be sold ■&t the signe of the Gilt Cup, in Pauls Church-yard, neer to Austins Gate, 1642, 4"., pp. 20, but the first half sheet unpaged. — Another ed. 1642, '4"., pp. 24, with first half sheet unpaged. Note.— c/. Wordsworth's Christian Institutes, iii, Ii. A reply unto severall treatises pleading for the Armes now taken up by subjects. . .by name, unto the Reverend and Learned Divines which pleaded scripture and reason for defensive Arms, the Author of the Treatise of Monarchy, the Author JC. Herle] of the fuller answer, his Reply. By L Fern, D.D. Oxford, 1643, 4o., pp. 97 and "contents unpaged. Conscience Satisfied... by way of reply unto -severall Treatises, made to a Treatise formerly ■published for the Resolving of Conscience upon HEELE, Eev. Charles, M.A. (Con.). the case ; especially unto that which is entituled "A fuller Answer." By H. Feme, D.D. Oxford, 1643, 4°., pp. 85 and preface unpaged. An answer to Doctor Feme's Reply entitled Conscience Satisfied ; especially to as much of it as concerned that answer to his Treatise which went under the name of the " Fuller Answer." By the same Author, [C. Herle.] Lond., printed by Tho. BrudeneU for N. A., and are to be sold at the Angell and Bible, in Lumberstreet, [May, 17,] 1643, 4"., pp. 37. Dr. Williams'. Ahab's Fall by his prophets flatteries ; being the substance of Three Sermons... the first ser- mon preached before... the Commons House of Parliament, the second before... the Lord Major of London, with the Aldermen, his Brethren, the third at the Abbey Church, in Westminster, where it was much acquarrelled by some and as much desired to be published by others. . .printed by R. A. for J. Wright, in the Old-Baily, [May 30,] 1644, 40., pp. 42 and Epistle Dedicatory unpaged. Note.- — The Dedication " To his worthily much esteemed and choicely learned Friend, Mr. Thomas Puller, B.D." is signed " Cha. Herle." PP. 35-42 areoa- cupied with " A short answer to D. Feme's last Eeply." Davids song of three parts, delivered in a sermon, preached before the right honorable the House of Lords, at the Abby-Church, in West- minster, upon the 15 day of June, 1643, heing The day appointed for publike thanksgiving for God's great deliverance of the parliament, citie, and kingdome, from The late most mischievous conspiracy against all three. Ordered by the said House to be published. By Charles Herle, Pastor of Winwicke, in Lankashire,. the Preacher thereof. Lond., printed by T. BrudeneU for N. A., and are to be sold at the AngeU and Bible, in Lumberstreet, 1643, 4"., pp. 31. The Independency on Scriptures of the Inde- pendency of Churches : wherein the Question of Independency of Church-Government is tem- perately, first stated : secondly argued : thirdly cleered from the Objections : and fourthly ap- peal'd in, to the Judgments of such as stand for it. By Master Herle, a Lancashire Minister, at the Request, and for the Satisfaction of some friends of his, and by them publish'd, together with his letter sent them together with the Treatise. Lond., printed by Tho. BrudeneU for N. A., and are to be sold at the AngeU and Bible, in Lumber St., 1643, sm. 4"., pp. 44. Dr. Williams'. A modest and brotherly answer to Mr. Charles Herle his book, against the Indepen- dency of Churches ... By Richard Mather, Teacher of the church at Dorchester, and William Tompson, Pastor of the church at Braintree," in HEELE. 235 HEEVET. HEELE, Eey. Chables, M.A. (Cm.). New-England. Lond., printed for Henry Overton, in Popeshead alley, [15 McL, 1643,] 1644, 4°., pp. 58 and Preliminary Letter to Mr. Herle un- paged. A modest and brotherly answer, etc. Lond., 1650, 8«. A reply to Mr. Eutherford or A defence of the Answer to Eeverend Mr. Herles Booke against The Independency of Churches... By E. Mather... Lond., printed for J. Eothwell and H. AUen, at the Sun and Fountaine, in Pauls Church-yard, and the Crown, in Popes-head Alley, 1647, 4»., pp. 109, Preface and Table of Contents unpaged. . Abrahams oifer Gods offering : in a Sermon preached before the Eight Honorable, the Lord Mayor, togetherwith the Aldermen, his Brethren, at Christ-Church, on Easter-Tuesday last, being the day of their Publique Thanksgiving. By C. Herle. Lond., printed for Peter Cole, at the signe of the Printing-Presse, at the Eoyall Ex- change, 1644, 40., pp. 23. Bod. lAb. David's Eeserve and Eescue, in a sermon preached before the Honourable the House of Commons on the Fifth of November, 1 644. By C. Herle, Pastor of Winwicke, in Lancashire. PubHshedJby order of the said House. Lond., printed for John Wright, in the Old-BaUy, 1645, 4"., pp. 18 and Epistle Dedicatory unpaged. £r. Museum. " David's Eeserve and Eescue, etc. Lond., printed for- John Wright, at the signe of the Kings-head, in the Old Baily, 1646, 4"., pp. 18 and Epistle Dedicatory unpaged. Dr. Williams'. Worldly Policy and Moral Prudence, the vanity and folly of the one, the solidity and usefulnesse of the other. In a Moral Discourse. By Charls {sic) Herle, etc. Lond., printed for Sa. GeUibrand, at the Ball, in Pauls Church- yard, [26 Novr.,] 1654, S"., pp. 212. Detur Sapienti. In a treatise of the Excel- lency of Christian Wisdome above that of Worldly Policy and Morall prudence, in two former treatises. By C. Herle, «fc. Lond., printed for Samuel GeUibrand, at the Ball, in Pauls Church-yard, 1655, [Feb. 27, 1654,] 8"., pp. 242. Note. — In 1655 the above two works were published in one volume with the following title page. Wisdomes Tripos or rather its Inscription, Detvr Sapienti, in three treatises, i, Of Worldly PoHcy. ii, Of Morall Prudence, iii. Of Christian Wisdome. The Vanity of the first. The useful- nesse of the second. The Excellency of the third: By C. Herle, Minister of Gods Word, at Winwick, in Lancashire. Lond., printed for HEELE, Eev. Chaklbs, M.A. (Cm.). Samuel GeUibrand, at the BaU, in Pauls Church- yard, 1655, 12". Note. — The title pages and pagination previovisly given were still preserved with very slight variations, and in some copies the date of publication of " Worldly Policy" is printed as 1655. To each treatise in this im- pression is appended a set of verses. HEELE, Edward (eld. son of Nicholas Herle), Sheriif of Cornwall, 1713, and M.P. for Laun- ceston, 1713. d. Landew, Lezant, 1721. Exequi8e...Glocestr8e Duci ab Oxon. Acad, so- lutse. Oxon., 1700, 40. Note.— Contains Sonnet by " Edw. Herle, E. CoU. Exon. Socio. Comm." HEELE, Sir John, Knt. (son of John Herle, of West Herle, in Northwmierland, who m. a dau, of Will. Polglass), Sheriff of Cornwall, 1425. d. 1435. cf Inguisitiones Post Mortem, iv, 164. Acquietantia Leonardi HoundaUer, Abbatis de Newenham, J. Herle, MUit. pro. c. sol. de Manerio de Plenynt, temp. Hen. iv in Eegistro de Newenham [1412.] Arundel MSS., Br. Museum, 17 f. 58 b. HEELE, Thomas (? Great nephew of Sir John Herle). Certificate shewing that T. Herle, of Cornwall, was mulier, and not bastard, 1 May, 14 Henry vi, [1436.] Harl. MSS. 1,079^ art. 11. HEEEING, Eev. John, M.A. Minister of Maristow. Ejected 1662. 6. Saltash, 1602. d. South Petherwin, 1688. cf. Palmer's Noncon, Memorial, i, 382-83. HEEVEY, Eleanora Louisa (dau. of Geo. Conway Montagu and Margaret (xreen, dau. of Rich. Wilson, she m. Thomas Kibble Hervey, wha d.Feb. 27,1859). &. Liverpool, 16 Nov., 1811. The Feasts of Camelot, With the Tales that were told there. By Mrs. T. K. Hervey. Lond., BeU and Daldy, 1863, 8"., pp. 233, 4/6. Our Legends aiid Lives : A Gift for All Sea- sons. By E. L. Hervey. Lond., Triibner and Co., 1869, 80., pp. X and 295, 6/-. Note. — Contains "Larthon," pp. 16-22, and "The Huntress of Armorioa," pp. 106-113. See next page. The Eock Light, or duty our watchword. With 4 lUusts. By E. L. Hervey. Lond., Wame and Co., 1870, 8°., pp. vi and 193, 2/-. Note. — A story of the Eddystone Lighthouse. Treasure for Treasure. A Cornish Tale. With 3 lUusts. Churchman's Family Mag., ii, 406-1 5^ (1863). HEWETT. 236 HEXT. HEEVEY, Eleakoka Louisa. (Con.J. Larthon of Inis-huna. A tale of the Green Children. Once a Week, i, 574-76, (1866). Note. — Commences, " Those isles of Scilly basking by the shore Where Cornish Mariners drag deep their nets." The Huntress of Armorica. A legend of St. Michael's Mount, ik, ii, 706-708. HERVEY, Eev. James (son of Rev. Will. Eervey). Sometime Curate of Hartland, R of Weston Favell, 1752. 6. Hardingstone, near Northampton, U Feb., 171f. d. WestonFavell, 25 Dec, 1758. Meditations among the tombs in a letter to a lady. By James Hervey, A.B. Lond., printed for J. and J. Eivington, 1746, 8". Note. — Dedication to Miss E Tfiomson]^ pp_ i-iv, preface, pp. v-viii, Meditations, pp. 1-86. It com- mences thus " Madam, Travelling lately into Cornwall, I happened to alight at EillLhampton." The work is said to have been originated during Mr. Hervey's visit to his relative, Mr. Orchard, at Aldercombe Barton, in Kilk- hampton. It has gone through numerous editions. Meditations and Contemplations... by James Hervey, A.B. Transposed into blank verse by G-. Cocking, (1813). See Cocking, G. Reflections on a flower garden in a letter to a lady. By J. Hervey, A.B. Lond., printed for J. and J. Rivington, 1746, 8"., pp. 122. Note.— The garden was probably that attached to the mansion of Stowe, at Elkhampton. This work has gone through numerous editions. HEWETT, Rev. John William, M.A. Trinity Coll. Camb. Fellow of St. Nicholas College. (son of Lieut. Will. Eewett, B.N.) h. Ayles- bury, 2 Feb., 1824. On the tower of the church of Probus. En- gravings. Trans. Exeter Dioces. Architect. Soc, iv, 19-20, (1850). HEWETT, Richard (son of Richard Eewett). I. Fowey, March, 1761. d. Fowey, Nov., 1846. Remarks on the Pilchard Fishery. Rev. B.C.P.Soc, 1842, pt. i, p. 32. HEWETT, William (son of Richard Eewett). I. Fowey, 3 Jan., 1815. A Letter to the Roman Catholic Priest, of Trelawny, Cornwall, dated Fowey, Dec. 17, 1846, and signed Wm. Hewett. W. Lane, printer Fowey, n.d., [1846,] 8o., pp. 16. Note.— In reference to An Address given in the Paper Mill by Fowey, by the Eev. Mr. Oleron, on Sunday, Aug. 23, 1846. The pamphlet also contains Observations, etc., by J. ScoUier." q.v. HEWETT, William. (Con.). Fowey Harbour its position and capabilities. By W. Hewett. Fowey, J. Wellington, Chemist and Druggist, Stamp Office, n.d., [1869,] fcp. 80., pp. 8, Id.— Another ed., 1870, 8"., pp. 14, Id. Note.— The printer of this work was Jas. Bennett, St. Blazey, but his name does not appear on it. Sanctification ; remarks occasioned by a pas- sage in a work on the Holy Spirit, by Dr. Octa- vius Winslow. Bible Christian Mag., xxiv, 32- 37, (1859). M. de Montalembert and English Liberty. ih., xxiv, 61-64. Sunday Funerals, ib., xxiv, 71. Sanctification with J. Wesley's Queries on the point, ih., xxiv, 150-51. The finger of God. ih., xxiv, 271-73. The reason why. ih., xxiv, 310-12. The gates of hell, ih., xxiv, 344-46. Note. — Mr. Hewett has written in The Wesleyan Methodist Mag. ; The Protestant Watchman ; The Christian Miscellany; The Devonport Independent (under signature of Democritus); Plymouth Journal (under signature of Observer and W. Hewett) ; The Western Daily Mercury ; The West Briton ; Glasgow Christain News ; Methodist Times j Cornwall Temper- ance Journal ; and St. Austell Gazette. HEWITT, John. A.D. 1834, Apl. 19, No. 6,595. Specification of John Hewitt, of Kenegie, Cornwall, Gentle- man, for "A combination of certain materials which being combined or mixed together will form a valuable substance or compound and may be used with or as a substitute for Soap." Lond., 1834, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1857, fol., pp. 3, 3d. HEXT, Anne. Disticha in obitum Annse Hext efr Job. Hutchins. MSS. C. C. C. Oxford, 324, fol. 180. HEXT, Feancis {son of Francis Eext). h. 11 Jan., 1666. d. Mch., 1729. hur. St. Austell, 31 Mch. Several Poems and Elegies in Latin, as well as English in memory of the most excellent Maria. 1701, 8". Note.— Written by P. Hext, in conjunction with Nahum Tate and others. A copy is now (1872), penes Eev. J. H. Hext, V. of Teignton-Eegis, Devon. A Dialogue between Redman, a Perkinite; and Segrave, a Williamite; 8". Note.— A copy is now penes Eev. J. H. Hext. HETWOOD. 237 HICEES. HEXT, Feanois. (Con.). Letter from a Lawyer of the Middle Temple, a Comishmaii by birth. /Spectaifor, No. 129. July 28, 1711. Note. — Tlie above is believed to have been written by F. Hext, who was a friend of Steele and Addison. HEXT, Eev. Feancis John, M.A. E. of Hel- land, 1817-42. {eld. son of F. J. Eext). b. 10 April, 1779. d. Bath, 27 Jan., 1842. Views of a modification of the Eeform BiU. [By F. J. Hext.] Bodmin 1831, fol. Letters on Eeform in Parliament, addressed to Sir E. E. Vyvyan, Bart., M.P., and to the magistracy and gentry of Cornwall, dated from Mch. 11th, to Apl, 12th, 1831, and originally published in the Eoyal Cornwall Gazette, with the signature Y.Z. Together with Views of a Modification of the Eeform Bill, abstracted from the Letter to that gentleman and reduced to the form of Eesolutions as for submission to a County Meeting. By F. J. Hext, Clerk. To which is added a Petition to the House of Commons... Truro, printed and published by T. E. Gillet, Jun., [at the Eoyal Cornwall Gazette Office,] and in London, by Eoake and Varty, 31, Strand, 1831, 8°., pp. 45, 1/6. HEXT, Gertrude. See Parsons, Gertrude. HEXT, Admiral William (3rd son of F. J. Eext). h. Bodmin, 6 Aug., 1780. d. Tredethy, 31 Oct., 1866. hur. St. Mabyn. cf 0' Byrne; Gent. Mag., iii, 114-15, (1867). HEYGATE, Eev. William Edward (2nd son of Jos. Heygate). Curate of Gerrans, 13 Jan. to 16 Dec, 1848. Now (1872) E. of Bright- stone, Isle of Wight. I. Southend ? 11 Aug., 1816. The Death of King Gerennius. By W. E. H[eygate.] Truro, James E. Netherton, 1848, demy 16o., pp. 12. Note. — The dedication is "To the children of that parish, by their loving friend "W. E. H.," and is dated " Parish of S. Gerrans, 1848." True Eeligion. Signed W. E. Hfeygate.l J. E. Netherton, printer, Truro, n.d., [1848,] i2o., pp. 12. Note. — ^An Address to the Parishioners of Gerrans. Christmas, 1848. The Chair of St. Mawe. By W. E. H[eygate.] Lond., Masters; Plymouth, A. Simms; Truro, J. E. Netherton, 1849, demy W., pp. 16. HEYWOOD, Thomas, d. temp., Charles L An Apology for Actors. Containing three briefe treatises. L Their antiquity. IL Their ancient dignity. Ill The true vse of their HETWOOD, Thomas. (Con.). quality. Written by Thomas Heywood. Lond., printed by Nicholas Okes, 1612, small 4"., A to G, in fours, a four leaves follows the first A. Note. — Aooount of " A strange accident happening at a play at Perin, in Cornwall," about the year 1600. This is on the page bearing the signature G 2. An Apology for Actors, etc. Lond., Eeprinted for the Shakespeare Society, 1841, 8". Note. — Aooount of a strange accident at Penryn, p. 58. The account has been printed in the Journ. R.I.G., 1865, p. 35. HICHENS, Eev. William, B.A. (son of Bohert Hichens). Fellow of Ex. Coll., 1850. b. 1825. d. Feock, 17 Aug., 1850. Sermons preached in the parish church of St. Feock, Cornwall, by the late Eev. W. Hichens, B.A. Lond., Eivingtons, 1851, 8"., pp. ii and 338, 9/6. Note. — Preface signed E. B. K[insman.] HICKES, Eev. Caspar, M.A. V. of Landrake; ejected, 1662. Member of the Westminster Assembly, July, 1643-164-|. b. Berkshire, 1605. bur. Landrake, 10 Apl., 1677. cf Bliss' Wood, iii, 1107-8 ; Pcdmer's Noncon. Memorial, (1802), i. 352-53. The Glory and Beauty of God's portion : set forth in a Sermon preached before the Honour- able House of Commons, at the Publique Fast, June 26, 1644. By G. Hickes, Pasteur of Lan- racke, in Cornwall, a Member of the Assembly of Divines. Lond., printed by G. M. for Christo- pher Meredith, at the Signe of the Crane, in Pauls Church-yard, 1644, 4o., pp. 43. Bod. Lib. The advantage of afflictions; a sermon preached before the Et. Hon. House of Peers, January 28, 1645, being the day of publike Humiliation, in the Abbey Church, Westminster. By G. Hicks, a Member of the Assembly of Divines. Lond., printed by G. M. for Christo- pher Meredith, at the signe of the Crane, in Pauls Church-yard, 1645, i°., pp. 31 and Epistle Dedicatory unpaged. The life and death of David, a sermon preached at the funeralls of that worthy mem- ber of the Honourable House of Commons. William Strode, Esquire, in the Abbey Church, in Westminster, Septemb. 22, 1645. By G. Hickes, a Member of the Assembly of Divines. Lond., printed by G. Miller for Christopher Meredith, at the signe of the Crane, in Pauls Church-yard, 1645, i"., pp. 26 and Epistle Dedicatory unpaged. A True and faithful narrative of the unjust and illegal sufferings and oppressions of many HICKS. 238 HIGGS. HICKBS, Eev. Gaspak, M.A. (Con.). Christians (...called Fanaticks, etc.), (1671). See Hickes, John. Note. — An account of the proseoution of G. Hickes, living at "a town call'd Landiake, Vulgarly Larrake," by " a young Levite . . .who serves for the parish priest, byname Mr. Winnel or Windle," is contained in pp. 32-34. HICKES, Rev. John (elder hro. of Dr. G. Hickes, Dean of Worcester). Minister of Saltash. Ejected 1662. l. Moorhouse, Kirkby-wick, near Thirsk, in Yorkshire, 1633. Executed at Glas- tonbury, 6 Oct., 1685. cf. Palmer's Noncon. Memm-ial, (1802), i, 368-70; Macaulay's Hist, of England, i, 633-38, iii, 459. Troublous Times or Leaves from the Note Book of the Rev. Mr. John Hicks, an ejected Nonconformist Minister, 1670-71. Transcribed by Jane Browning Cranch. With an Introduction by the Rev. Chas. Stanford. Lond., Jackson, Walford, and Hodder, 18, St. Paul's Churchyard, 1862, 80., pp. xxviii and 305. A true and faithful narrative of the unjust and illegal sufferings and oppressions of many Christians (injuriously and injudiciously call'd Fanaticks...) under and by several of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace and others who are no officers but informers, in the county of Devon, since the Tenth of May, 1670... as also of the most malicious prosecution of nine inno- cent persons to take away their lives, under a false pretence of murdering an informer. . .Anon. Printed in the year 1671, sm. 4°., pp. 34, and Postscript 6 pages unpaged. Dr. JVilliams'. A discourse of the excellency of the Heavenly Substance. Anon. 1673, 12o. A compleat history of the most remarkable providences which have happened in the present age. . .By William Turner, M.A. Vicar of Walber- ton, in Sussex. . .Lond., printed for John Dunton, at the Raven, in Jewen St., 1697, fol. Pagination irregular. Sion College. Note. — Contains " Mr. J. Hicks' Last Speech, 1685," in Chap, cxliii., pp. 135-37. HICKES, Paul 1 (A descendant of Rich. Eicles, the first Mayor of St. Ives, 1639.J Attorney at St. Ives, and Coroner of that Borough, b. St. Ives, bw: St. Ives, 11 Jan., 173 J. . The History of St. Ives to the year 1722. By Mr. Hickes. 1722, MSS. Note.— Was ^e»es Sir N. H. Nicolas, in 1820. HICKS, William (son of Nicholas Hicks.) h. Kerris. hapt. Paul, 2 Jan., 16|^. d. Kerris, Feb., 16«g. hur. Paul, 3 Mch., 16|^. cf Bliss' ■- Wood, iii, 489-90-j (hanger's Biog. Hist. ; Bose. HICKS, William. (Oon.J. 'AnOKAAT^IS 'AnOKAATYEilSorThe Revelation Revealed, being a practical exposi- tion of the Revelation of St. John. Whereunto is annexed Quinto-Monarchise cum quarto "OMOAOriA or A Friendly Complyance between Christ's Monarchy and the magistrates. By William Hicks, Gent. Sometime of Wadham College, in Oxon., now living near the Mount, in Co^nwal. Lond., printed by F. Macock, for Daniel White, and sold at his Shop, at the Seven Stars, in St. Pauls' Churchyard, 1659, fol. Note. — The Dedication " To the Eight Worshipful S'. Eichard Chyverton, late Lord Mayor of the Honorable City of London," signed W. Hicks, 6 leaves, " To the judicious christian reader," signed W. Hicks, and dated "Kerris, in Comwal, Nov. 1, 1658." 5 leaves. Preface and Catalogue, 9 leaves. The Eevelation, pp. 1-315. Qninto- Monarchi£e (with distinct title page). Dedication to " Col. Eobert Bennets, by Launceston, in Cornwall," 5 leaves, " To the Christian Eeader," 3 leaves, then pp. 335-349. Alphabetical Table and Errata 5 leaves. 'AEOKAATYIE 'AnOKAATYEliS or The Revelation Revealed, etc. Lond., 1661, fol. Note. — Copies of this date are said to have a por- trait of the author in a cloak, engraved by David Loggan. HICKS, William Robert. 6. Bodmin, 1 April, 1808. d. Westheath, Bodmin, 5 Sept., 1868. cf J. 0. Young's Memoir of C. M. Yowng, (1871), ii, 301-8. An illustrious obscure \i.e. W. R. Hicks.] Anon. [By Abraham Hayward, Q. C] Morning Post, 8 Sept., 1868, p. 5. Note. — It is stated in the above that Sir William Molesworth and Col. Hamley were partly educated by Mr. Hicks. HIGGINS, Godfrey, F.S.A. (only son of Godfrey Higgins). b. Yorkshire, 1771. d. Skellow Grange, near Doncaster, 9 Aug., 1833. The Celtic Druids or an attempt to show that the Druids were the priests of oriental colonies who emigrated from India and were the intro- ducers of the first or Cadmean system of letters and the builders of Stonehenge, of Carnac, and of other Cyclopean works, in Asia and Europe. By Godfrey Higgins. Lond., Rowland Hunter, 1829, 40., pp. xcvi and 324. Note. — Contains numerous views and descriptions-, of Cornish antiquities. HIGGS, Samuel, F.G.S. (2nd son of Samuel Higgs). b. Penzance, 16 Oct., 1834. Preservation of Life from Shipwreck. To the. Editor of the Times, signed S. H., Jun., and dated Penzance, Aug. 16, 1869. n.p.ord. [1869,1 s.sA., 40. . ^ L >J, Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, signed. HILL. 239 HILL. HIGGS, Samuel, F.G.S. (Con.). S. Higgs, Jun., and dated Penzance, 24 Sept., 1869. n.p. or d. [1869,], 4o. ' Key to the Life Chart of the Cornish Coast. , Arranged and compiled by S. Higgs, Jun., F.G-.S., Vice-Consul of France, Sweden, Norway, Den- mark, Spain, Portugal, &c., &c., Penzance. Pen- zance, Printed by E. Eowe, 30, Market-place, 1869, 80., pp. 2 and 9. Notes of the Copper Mines of Alderley Edge, Cheshire. Trans. R.G.S.C, vii, 325-26, (1858). Notice of a singular specimen much resem- bUng chalk-flint found in Balleswidden Mine, St. Just, ib., vii, 449-50. Notice of an accumulation of carburetted 'hydrogen, or fire-damp, in Ding Dong, ib., 1868. Note. — This portion of the Trans. R.G.S.G. is not yet published. HICHAM, Egbert H. Jan Parkins, the Poacher, how he escaped the "law; and the Two young Cornish miners at Tavistock Goose Fair, what they saw and heard. By Robert H. Higham. Devonport, printed and published by J. R. H. Spry, 9, Tavistock St. n.d. [18--,] 8"., pp. 16, 4d. HICHAM, T. R. A Dialogue between Tom Thomas and BiU Bilkey, two Cornish Miners. ^The Snake. By T. R. H[igham.] Truro, J. R. Netherton. n.d., ■[1866,] 8°., pp. 24. The Cornish Farmer and the Squire, a Poem 'by T. R. H[igham.] Netherton' s Cornish Almanac, (1868), pp. 11. 'Lizbeth Jane's Courtship, being another dia- logue between Tom Thomas and Bill Bilkey, by T. R. H[igham.] Netherton' s Cornish Almanac, (1869), pp. 2. Note.— The above two are reprinted in "Four Cornish Tales." (Truro, J. R. Netherton, 1870, 8"), pp. 11 and 5 respectively. Edwin Lukey's Trip to Town. Anon. Printed in Cornish Tales. (Truro, J. R. Netherton, 1867, 80.), pp. 66-70. Betty White. — Jimmy's Story. Anon, ib., pp. 71-79. ■ A Dialogue between Betty Penstraze and fSally Trembath. Anon. «6., pp. 132-47. HILL FAMILY. Pedigree of the Hill family. Collect. Topog. '■et Geneal, i, 409. HILL, Rey. Christopher. Curate of K£k- hampton, Sept., 1662 to May, 1664. cf.Eemains ': of Bean Granmlle, (1865), pp. 158-59. HILL, Miss Elizabeth. A Discourse on the benefit which the Holy Spirit of God is, to man in his journey through life. Preached at Christ's Church, m, Newgate Street, on Whitsun-Monday, pursuant to the will oi Miss Elizabeth Hill, late of Falmouth, Corn- wall. By the Rev. William Romaine...Lond., Withers, 1755, S"., 6d.— 4th ed. Lond., printed for J. Worrall, at the Dove, in BeU-yard, near Lincoln's Inn.. .1759, 8"., pp. 28. HILL, Frederick, F.G.S. {son of Major Thos. Hill and Phillis, dau. of Pascoe Orenfell, of Marazion.) Town Clerk of Helston. 6. Kings- bridge, Devon, 1807. A Letter to the Earl of Falmouth, on the present state of the Stannary Courts of Corn- wall, and on the expediency of reviving and ex- tending their Equitable Jurisdiction. By F. Hill. Helston, published by John Roberts, 1835, 80., pp. 58. A Letter to the Lord Chancellor on the present state of the Bankrupt Law, with immediate reference to proceedings in the matter of Gundry in the District Court of Exeter. By F. Hill. Lend., Waterlow and Sons, 1853, 8o., pp. 29. Note.— Signed " F. Hill," and dated " Helston, 20 Jan, 1853." Inquiry into the origin and nature of Tin Bounds. Mining Review, vol. vi. No. 26. — Re- printed, Lond,, R. Middleton, 12, Gough Square, .n.d. [1840?] 80., pp. 22. HILL, Rev. George, M.A. V. of St. Winnow, 1865. h. Oxford, 1813. Church Membership; a catechism on the blessings and obligations of the Christian's call- ing in Christ Jesus our Lord : With instructions on confirmation and holy communion. By G. Hill, M.A., Vicar of St. Winnow. Rivingtons, Lond., Oxford and Cambridge, 1868, fcp. 8"., pp. 64. HILL, Rev. John, M.A. {son of Michael Eill, of Crowan, in Egloshayle.) R. of St. Mabyn, 8 ■ Oct., 1668-1709. hur. St. Mabyn, 20 Feb., 1709. The great apostacy of the Church of Rome from her primitive purity and integrity. With a vindication of the Church of England in her separation from her, and the hazard of salvation in communion with her, discoursed in A Sermon preached at St. Mary le Bow, London, on Sunday, the 28th of December, 1679. By John Hill, Rector of St. Mabyn, in the County of Cornwall. Lond., printed for Samuel Heyrick, at Greys- Inne-gate, in Holborn, 1680, 4o., pp. 76. HILL. 240 HINCKS. HILL, Eev. John, M.A. (Con.). Ishbibenob defeated and David succoured : in a sermon displaying the groundless confidence of Church "and State destroying adversaries, preached at the Assizes, held for the county of Cornwall, at Launceston, Aug. the 9th, 1693, being the day of the monthly fast. By John Hill, Eector of St. Mabin, in Cornwal. London, printed for W. Cook, at the Green Dragon, without Temple-Bar, and are to be sold by Benj. Smithurst, Bookseller, at Launceston, in Corn- wal, 1694, 4°., pp. 21. Note. — The dedication to Sir E. AtMns, signed " John Hill," and dated " St. Mabyn, Sept. 1, 1693." J. G. to Bishop Lamplugh, concerning the simony, sacrilege, and forgery, of Eev. J. Hill. Plymouth, 16 Jan., 1679-80. Tanner MSS., (Bodl.Lib.), 141, art. 48. HILL, Eev. Josiah. Wesleyan Minister, at Penzance, in 1814-17 1 b. Sail, near Eeepham, Norfolk, 13 Nov., 1773. cl Haverford-West, 22 Jan., 1844. cf. John Foster's Life and Cor- respondence, (1852), passim; The Family Pen, h) Isaac Taylw, i, 295, & passim. HILL, Eev. Pascoe Grenfell, B.A., E.N. {son of Major Tlios. Hill.) E. of St. Edmund, the King and Martyr, and St. Nicholas Aeons, Lombard St., London, 7 Feb., 1863. h. Mara- zion, 15 May, 1804. Poems on several occasions. By P. G. HUl. Penzance, printed by E. Eowe, n.d., [18—,] 8"., pp. 28. Note.— Dedicated to Oliver Hill, by "his affection- ate Nephew, the Author." Pifty days on board a slave ship in the Mozam- bique Channel, in April and May, 1843. By the Eev. P. G. Hill, Chaplain of H.M.S. " Cleopatra." Lond., J. Murray, 1844, 8°., pp. 115, 3/6.— Lond., 1849, 8".— Lond., 1853, 8"., 12/-. A voyage to the slave coast of West and East Africa. By the Eev. P. G. Hill, E.N. Lond., C Gilpin, 1849, 120., pp^ 47, A Journey through Palestine. By the Eev. P. G. Hill. Lond., Soc. Prom. Christ. Know., n.d., [1852,] 8"., pp. 70, 6d. The Kafir War. To the Et. Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P., Chancellor of the Exchequer. By P. G. Hm, E.N. Westminster, Vacher and Sons, 29, Parliament Street, 1852, 8O;, pp. 16. A Visit to Cairo. By the Eev. P. G. Hill. Lond., Soc. Prom. Christ. Know., n.d., [1853,1 12"., pp. 92. ' ' L ;J The Christian Soldier; a Sermon by the Eev. P. G HUl, B.A., Chaplain in the Navy, and Chaplain of Westminster Hospital, preached at HILL, Eev. Pasooe Gkeneell, B.A., E.N. (Con.). Portman Barracks, xix S. after Trinity, 1853, to H.M. first Battalion of Grenadier Guards. Lond., J. Whitaker, 41, Pall Mall, 1853, 8_o., pp. 8. Modem British Poesy. A comparison between poets who flourished during the latter half of the 18th century, and those of the 19th century, with biographical sketches. By the Eev. P. G. Hill, E.N. Chaplain of Westminster Hospital. Lond., E. Palmer and Son, 18, Paternoster Eow, 1856, 8»., pp. 144. Letter to the Eight Hon. B. S. Phillips, Lord Mayor, on Street-Slaughter. Dated March, 1866, and signed P. G. Hill. Lond., Waterlow and Sons, printers. Carpenters' Hall, London Wall, 1866, 80., pp. 8, 6d. Life of Napoleon IIL By P. G. HiU, E.N., B.A. Eector of S. Edmund, the King and Martyr. Lond., E. Moxon, Sons, and Co., 1869, 80., pp. 212, 9/-. HILL OR HULL, Sir Egbert. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1408-26. I. Heligan, in Cornwall? d. 1426. cf. Foss' Judges, iv, 326-28 ; 8th Rep. Deputy Keeper of Records, p. 163. HILL, Eev. Eowland, M.A. {Zrd son of Sir Rowland Hill.) 5. Hawkstone, near Shrews- bury, 23 Aug., 1744. d. London, 11 Apl.,. 1833. Note. — cf. Life and Times of Countess of Suntirig- don, (Account of Mr. Hill's preaching at Looe, ii, 419 ;) Will. Jones' Memoir of Rev. B. HiU, (Account of Mr, HiU's preaching in the Gwennap Pit, pp. 148-50.) HILL, Eev. Thomas. Wesleyan Minister in Cornwall, 1827-31. h. nr. Stourbridge, 1769. d. Holmforth, 8 Feb., 1857. Brotherly Love. A Sermon [on Psalm, cxxxiii,] preached at Falmouth. By the Eev. T. HilL Lond., 1830, 80., pp. 24. HINCKS, Elizabeth. The Poor Widow's Mite cast into the Lord's Treasury. Wherein are contained some Eeasons in the Justification of the Meetings of the People of God called Quakers... Written by a woman of the faith... now lest it should be counted a libel, or any should think, we dare not own it in the world, I have subscribed my name... Printed for the use and benefit of such Bees as suck their Hony from the Flowers and Blossoms that God makes to spring ; that they may have to keep themselves alive in the dark stormy winter. No place or printers names, 1671, 40., pp. 47. Note.— A poem signed " E. Hincks." In Smith'& Catalogue of Friends' Books stated to be " of Cornwall.' HINGESTON-EAKDOLPH. 2il HINGESTON-EANDOLPH. HINCKS, Rev. Thomas, B.A. (son of Bev. Will. Hincki, F.L.S., Emeritus Professor of Natural History, in University College, Toronto), h. Exeter, 1818. Catalogue of the Zoophytes of South Devon and South Cornwall. Six plates. Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist., vols, viii, ix, and x, 1861- 62. [Also found as a Pamphlet, Lond., J. Van Voorst, 1862, 8°., pp. 64.] Supplement to a Catalogue of the Zoophytes of South Devon and South Cornwall, with description of new specimens. Two plates, ib., 4 S. ix, 73-83, (1871-72.) HINGESTON-RANDOLPH, Eev. Francis Charles, M.A. (son of the following. Altered the spelling of his name to Hingeston, 31 March, 1854, and assiimedthat of Randolph in addition to his ovm, on his mariiage, 26 July, 1860, ivith Martha Jane, only child and heiress of the Rev. Herbert Randolph, M.A.) Incumbent of Hamp- ton-Gay, 1859-60; R. of Ringmore, 1860; Domestic Chaplain to the Baroness Le Des- pencer (Viscountess Falmouth), 1858. &. Truro, 31 March, 1833. Specimens of ancient Cornish crosses, fonts, etc. Lond., W. J. Cleaver, 46, Piccadilly... J. R. Netherton, King St., Truro, 1850, 4"., unpaged. 7/6. Note. — The preliminary matter consists of Speci- mens of Ancient Cornish Crosses, etc. No. I, Ancient Crosses, signed F. C. H., and dated Truro, Moh. 1, 1850.— No. n. Specimens of Fonts, etc., dated Truro, June 1, 1850. — No. III. Specimens of Fonts, etc., dated Truro, Sept., 28, 1850 ; then follow 55 views. The work is dedicated to Lord Falmouth. The Poems of F. Hingeston, (1857). See Kingston, F. The Chronicle of England, by John Capgrave. Edited by The Rev. F. C. Hingeston, B.A., of Exeter College. Lend., Longman, 1858, 8 o., pp. xxix and 482, 8/6. Johannes Capgrave, Liber de illustribus Hen- ricis. Edited by the Rev. F. C. Hingeston, M.A...Lond., Longman, 1858, 8°., pp. Ivii and 319, 8/6. The Book of the illustrious Henries. By John Capgrave. Translated from the Latin, by the Eev. F. C. Hingeston, M.A... Lond., Longman, 1858, 80., pp. xxii and 285, 8/6. Royal and Historical Letters during the reign of Henry the Fourth, King of England and of France and Lord of Ireland. Edited by the Rev. F. C. Hingeston... Incumbent of ^Hampton Gay. Vol. i,A.D. 1399-1404. Lond., Longman, 1860, 8°.,' pp. cxi and 457, 8/6. Note. — No more published. Four years of a Country Friendly Society. A letter to the Editor of the Times. By the Rev. F. C. Hiageston-Randolph, Rector of Ringmore, HINGESTON-EANDOLPH, Eev. F. C. (Con.). Devon... Oxford, T. and G. Shrimpton; Lond., Whittaker and Co., 1870, [1869,] 12o., pp. 24, 1/- Architectural progress in Oxford, in xv Chap- ters. Building News, ii, 889, etc., (1856), iii, 3, etc., (1857,) iv, 60, (1858.) The Westerton Judgment, ib., iii, 321. Mr. Ruskin's "Writings and the Reviews, ib., iii, 417._ Classic or Gothic, ih., iii, 546. Sketches by the roadside, ib., iii, 653, 870. Architectural Sketches in Cambridge, in vi Chapters, ib., iii, 757, etc. Ruskin's Elements of Drawing, ib., iii, 1193. On Secular architecture, in ii Chapters, ib., iii, 1290, etc. Architecture in the Provinces, in vi Chapters. ib., iv. 6, etc. On Stained glass, in iii Chapters, ib., iv, 345, etc. 'The Oxford Architectural Congress, ib., iv, 623, etc. The liberty of labour, in vii Chapters, ib., iv, 1047, etc. The battle of the Styles, ib., iv, 1213, etc. The Oxford New Museum, in viii Chapters. i6.,iv, 1291, V, 29, etc., (1859.) Local Antiquities, ib., v, 162. London in the olden time, ib., v, 230. A week with an Antiquary in the Far West, in iv Chapters, ih., v, 399, 469, 556, 600, 707. Chapters on Practical Questions, in xi Chapters. ib., V, 853, etc., vi, 52, etc., (I860). Review of Parker's Domestic Architecture. ib., V, 915, etc. Notes on Coast Churches. Pt. i, iv Chapters. Pt. ii, ii Chapters, ib., vi, 671, etc., vii, 17, etc., (1861). Review of CalHngton Church. By the Rev. M. B. Hutchison, ib., vii, 258. On Cornish Crosses. Ecclesiologist, x, 217-19, (1850). On the Middle Pointed Style, in Cornwall. ib., x, 371-75. The ancient stained glass windows in St. Neot's Church, ih., xii, 49-55, (1851). On the ancient stone fonts of Cornwall, ib., xii, 96-102. St. Mary's, Truro, ih., xii, 156-58. On the Romanesque Style in Cornwall, ib., xii, 199-205. On the ancient stone crosses of Cornwall, ih., xii, 332-41. On the Perpendicular Style, ib., xvii, 146-47, (1856). FE HINGSTON. 242 HITCHINS. HINGSTON, Francis f2nd son of John and Mar- garet Eingston). Controller H.M. Customs, Truro, 1827? to 1841. h. St. Ives, 27 Nov., 1796. hajpt. 19 Jan., 1797. d. St. Ives, 7 Oct., 1841. The poems of Francis Hingeston, (sic). Edited by his son [the Eev. F. C. Hingeston- Randolph.] Lond., Longman, 1857, post 8°., pp. xii and 190, 10/6. List of Subscribers. Essay on Friendship. By C. [i.e. F. Kingston.] Cornish Mag., iii, 58, (1828). Heber's Hymns. ih.,\\\, 117. HINGSTON, Nathaniel, Merchant, d. Fal- mouth, Oct., 1809. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxix, pt. ii, 987, (1809); European Mag., Ivi, 313, (1809). HINGSTON, EiCHARD (brother of Nathaniel Hingston). Letters from William Cookworthy to R. Hingston, Surgeon, Penryn, 1744-47. In " Memoir of W. Cookworthy. By his grandson," 1854,120. J- ^ ^ HINGSTON, Thomas, M.D. (>d son of John Hingston). hapt. St. Ives, 9 May, 1799. d. Falmouth, 13 July, 1837. cf Gent. Mag., viii, 318-19, (1837). Dissertatio Inauguralis de Morbo Comitiali quam annuente summo numine ex auctoritate Eeverendi admodum viri D. GeorgiiBaird, S.T.P. Academic EdinburgensisPrffifectinecnon amplis- simi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimse facultatis medicse deoreto, pro gi-adu Doctoris, summisque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis eruditorum examini subjicit Thomas Hingston, Anglus, Soc. Eeg. Med. Edin. Socius. Edinburgi excudebat Joannes Moir, 1824, 8°., pp. 70. Guilielmi Harveii Exercitationes de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis, quas notis pauculis instru- endas curavit Thomas Hingston, M.D., Socie- tatis Eegiffi Medicae Edinburgensis Socius, nunc ex Collegio Eeginae Cantabrigiensi. [With two plates.] Edinburgi : ven. apud Joannem Carfraj et fihum; atque Longman et Socios Londini, 1824, 8°., 10/6, pp. 250. On the use of iron amongst the earlier nations of Europe. Trans. R.G.S.O., iv, U3-34 (1829). Memoir of WiUiam of Worcester. Prefixed to WiUiam of Worcester's Itinerary. In Appen- dix to "D. Gilbert's Cornwall," (1838), iv 222-28. ^ ' ' On Cornish Names, ib., iv, 312-18. Latin Ode on the occasion of the visit of HINGSTON, Thomas, M.D. (Con.). George IV to Scotland, 1822. By T. Hingston. MS. Note. — The original MS. is lost, but tlie translation of the Ode, made by bia brother, is to be found in P. Hingeston^s Poems, pp. 129-31. The prize medal awarded to Dr. Hingston for this poem was that given by the King to the University of Edinburgh for presentation to the author of the best ode. It is now the property of the Eev. P. C. Hingeston-Eandolph. HITCHENS, James. A Short Account of the Death of Samuel Hitohens. By James Hitchens, Tinner. [Ed. by Eev. J. Wesley.] Lond., printed in the year 1746, 120., pp. 11. 6th ed. Truro, printed in the year 1747, 12"., pp. 11. A Short Account of Samuel Hitchens and of his brother Thomas Hitchens, of Bisveal, near Eedruth, in Cornwall. By their Father [James Hitchens.] London Wesleyan Conference Oflice, 2, Castle St., City Eoad, [Religious Tracts,] No. 17, 12"., pp. 16, 4/-. per 100. A Short Account of the Death of Thomas Hitchens. By James Hitchens, Tinner. Printed in the year 1747, 120., pp i2_ HITCHENS, Samuel, b. Cornwall, 23 March, 1725. A Bisveal, near Eedruth, 16 Aug., 1746. See Hitchens, James. HITCHENS, Thomas, b. Cornwall, 14 April, 1723. d. Bisveal, near Eedruth, 11 Sept., 1746. cf J. Wesley's fForks, (1856), ii, 30. A Short Account of the Death of Thomas Hitchens. Ed. by Eev. J. Wesley. 3rd ed. Printed in the year 1747. n.p. or printer' s name. 12°., pp. 12. See also Hitchens, James. HITCHINS, Mrs. d. St. Agnes, 10 Nov., 1808, aged 28. The Grace of God manifested in an account of Mrs. Hitchins, of St. Agnes. By Eev. T. Kelk. Truro, 24 Nov., 1808. Methodist Maq., xxxiii, 70-73,(1810). HITCHINS, FORTESCUE, Solicitor, St. Ives, {ith son of the following), bapt. St. Hilary, 22 Feb., 1784. d. Marazion, 1 April, 1814. bur. St. Hilary, 6 Apl. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxxiv, 86, (1814) ; Mchols' Illustrations of Lit. Hist., vi, 45 ; C. Bedding's Yesterday and To-day, i, 39. Vision of Memory and other poems. By a young gentleman. [Plymouth] Dock, E. Hoxland, Fore St., 1803, 80., pp. 53. List of Subscribers. Note.— Preface signed F. H[itohins.] The Sea Shore with other poems, by F. Hitchins. Sherborne, printed for the author by HITOHINS. 243 HO ABE. HITOHINS, PoETEscDE. (Oon.). James Langdon, and sold by L. B. Seeley, Ave- Maria-Lane, and John Hatchard, 150, Piccadilly, 1810, 8"., pp. 173, 7/-. List of subscribers. Note. — Dedicated to " Samuel Stephens, M.P., Tre- genna Castle." The Tears of Cornubia. A poem by F. Hitchins, occasioned by the loss of H.M.S. " St. George," Admiral Eeynolds. Penzance, T. Vigurs; Sherborne, Langdon, 1812, 4"., pp. 27. 2/-. The History of Cornwall, 1824. See Drew, Samuel. Note. — Mr. Hitchins printed "various fugitive poems in the Cornwall Gazette, in 1811-12. cf. 9 May, 1812, respecting the authorship of poems with signature of X. HITCHINS, Eev. Malachy, M.A. (son of Thos. Hitchins). V. of St. Hilary, 6 Nov., 1775- 1809. V. of Gwinear, 23 May, 1785-1809. h. Little Trevince. bajpt. Gwennap, 18 May, 1741. d. St. Hilary, 28 Mch., 1809. cf. ■Nichols' Ilhistrations of Lit. Hist, vi, pp. xvi and 44-46 ; Rev. N. Maskelyne's " Astronomical Observations made at Greenwich," i, 151-62. A Map of the county of Devon, with the city and county of Exeter... by Benjamin Donn, Teacher of the Mathematics, etc., late of Bide- ford, now of the city of Bristol... Lond., printed for the author... 1765, fol. Note.— D. Gilbert says in his " History of Corn- wall," ii, 221, " ProbaWy Mr. Hitchins' near connection with Mr. Thomas Martyn, recommended him as an as- sistant to Mr. Benjamin Donn, in constructing a map of Devonshire." The Nautical Almanack and Astronomical Ephemeris. Published by order of the Commis- sioners of Longitude. Lond., 1767-1872, 8". Note. — The Almanac was edited by Dr. Nevil Maskelyne, the Astronomer Eoyal from 1767 until 1811. In the former year Mr. Hitchins performed the office of a computer, but from that time until his decease, he was employed as the comparer, and resided for some time at the observatory, where, in 1769, during the ab- scenoe of one of the staff, he observed the usual stars and planets, with the meridional instruments. He also observed the transit of Yenus at Greenwich in the same year. Account of a remarkable meteor. Dated Bide- ford, Dec. 5. Anmrnl Register, v, 114-15, (1762). An account of the discovery of silver in Her- land Copper Mine. Philos. Trans., xci, 159-64, (1801); Annual Register, xliii, 435-37, (1801); TiUocKs Philos. Mag., x, 77-80, (1801). Account of Roman urns discovered in Corn- wall, and of a cromlech discovered in the parish of Madron. Archceol, xiv, 224-30, (1803). HITOHINS, Eev. Malaohy, M.A. (Gem.). Account of antiquities discovered in the parish of Lelant, in Cornwall. Plate, ib., xv, 118-21, (1806). An account of four Roman urns. The first three described by the Rev. M. Hitchins, in a letter to the author, dated St. Hilary, Dec, 1803. Folwhele's "Hist, of Oornwall," vol iii. (Supplement. By the Historian of Manchester, i.e. Rev. J. Whitaker;, pp. 88-90. Parochial Table of Cornwall. MSS. 1806. Three letters from M. Hitchins to John Crosley respecting astronomical calculations. Marazion, 6 and 21, Aug., 1799, 10 Dec, 1800. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 16,947, pp. 25-27. HITCHINS, Rev. Richard Hawkins, B.D. (eld. son of the preceding). Devonshire Fellow of Ex. Coll., 1783-1805; Curate of Falmouth for 33 years ; R. of Baverstock, Wilts, 1804- 27. b. Marton, Devonshire, 1764. d. Baver- stock, 22 Feb., 1827. On the Lamented Death of the Rev. R. H. Hitchins, Rector of Baverstock, and formerly Curate of Falmouth for above 30 years. Lines by Discipulus. Selector or Cornish Mag., ii, 64, (1827). An Acrostic on the Death of the Rev. R. H. Hitchins. By Amica [i.e., Miss Alice Pearce.] ib., iii, 79, (1828). HITCHINS, Rev. Thomas Martyn (2nd son of Rev. M. Hitchins). V. of Cotterstock-cum- Glapthorne, Northamptonshire, 1792-1830. Incumbent of St. John the Baptist Chapel of Ease, Devonport, for 32 years ; Registrar of the Consistory Court, of the Diocese of Exeter, b. St. Hilary 'i 1766. d. Devonport, 19 Dec, 1830. bur. Stoke Damerel. cf. Gent. Mag., c, pt. ii, 645, (1830.) A sermon preached in the parish church of Stoke Damerel, on Saturday, the 22nd April, 1797, on laying the foundation stone of St. John's Chapel, at Plymouth Dock. By T. M. Hitchins, B. A., Vicar of Cotterstock, Northamp- tonshire. Plymouth Dock, Hoxland, 1797, 8". HITCHINS, William Malachy (3rd son of ■Rev. M. Hitchins). Solicitor, Marazion. b. St. Ives? 1770. d. Marazion, 2 Dec. bur. St. HUary, 15 Dec, 1802. Note.— He is stated in D. Gilbert's " Oornwall," (ii, 224), to have filled the same office that his father had occupied in connection with the Boyal Observatory, but we have failed to ascertain the correctness of this assertion. HO ARE, Prince, F.S. A. (son of William Hoare). b. Bath, 1755. d. Brighton, 22 Dec, 1834. HOAEE. 244 HOBLYN. HOAEE, Peince, F.S.A. (Con.). No song no supper. A Comic opera in two acts, as performed at the Theatre Eoyal, Drury Lane. The music chiefly composed and adapted for the harpsichord or piano-forte, by Stephen Storace. Lond., printed by Longman and Broderip, 26, Cheapside. n.d., [1790,] obi. foL, pp. 40, 8/-. The opera of no song no supper, in two acts, as performed at the Theatre-Eoyal, Smoke-Alley, [Dublin,] 1792. Printed for the Booksellers, ]2o., pp. 42. No song no supper ; a musical entertainment in two acts. By Prince Hoare. The London Stage, (1824), iv, pp. 12. — Bichardson's Royal Drama, (1830), pp. 36. — Cumberland's British Theatre, (18--), pp. 1-35. — The British Drama Illustrated, (1865), iv, 1266-74. Note. — First produced at Drury Lane, 16 April, 1790. The scene is laid on the coast of Cornwall, near Penzance. Many of the songs have been published separately. HOARE, Eev. William Henry, M.A. {son of W. H. and Louisa Hoare). Fellow of St. John's Coll. Camb., 25 Mch., 1833 to 1835. h. Pen- zance, hapt. 29 Nov., 1809. (The Penzance Public Dispensary was founded in 1809 at the suggestion of Mr. W. H. Hoare, father of the above). The Harmony of the Apocalypse with other Prophecies of Holy Scripture, with Notes and an outline of the various interpretations. By the Eev. W. H. Hoare, Late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Lend., J. W. Parker, 1848, 8°., pp. 10 and 227. NoTE.^Dedicated " To the venerable Charles James Hoare, Archdeacon of Surrey,". .."by his Nephew." OutUnes of Ecclesiastical History before the Eeformation. By the Eev. W. H. Hoare. . .Lond., J. W. Parker, 1852, 12°., pp. iv and 248.— 2nd ed. Lond., J. W. Parker, 1857, 12o., pp. xxxvi and 266, 2/6. A Letter to the Eight Hon. Sir Geo. Grey, Bart., H.M. Secretary of State for the Home Department, on the Scheme of Mr. W. J. Fox and the Educational Question. By the Eev. W. H. Hoare, M.A., Late Fellow of St. John's Col- lege, Cambridge. Lond., F. and J. Eivington, 1850, 80., pp. 27, 1/-. A Second Letter to the Eight Hon. Sir G. Grey... on the scheme of Mr. W. J. Fox, M.P., regarded as affecting the Baptismal Question and the creeds and fomularies of the Church. By the Eev. W. H. Hoare... Lond., F. and J. Eiv- mgton, 1850, 8"., pp. 48, 1/-. A Third Letter to the Eight Hon. Sir. G. Grey... Thoughts on the doctrine of baptismal regeneration continued, and on the duty of the HOAEE, Eev. William Henry. (Con.). State to the Church. By the Eev. W. H. Hoare ...Lond., F. and J. Eivington, 1850, 8"., pp. 36. The Veracity of the Book of Genesis, with the life and character of the inspired historian. By the Eev. W. H. Hoare. Lond., Longman, 1860, 8"., pp. xxii and 303, 10/-. Letter to Bishop Colenso, wherein his objec- tions to the Pentateuch are examined in detail. By the Eev. W. H. Hoare. ..Lond., Eivingtons, 1863, 8"., pp. 65, 1/-. Letter to Bishop Colenso... With additional remarks on Part II. By the Eev. W. H. Hoare ...3rd ed. Lond., Eivingtons, 1863, 8»., pp. 80, 1/-- The Age and Authorship of the Pentateuch, considered in further reply to Bishop Colenso. Part II. By the Eev. W. H. Hoare. Lond, Eivingtons, 1863, 8"., pp. 72, 1/-. Letter to Bishop Colenso, Fourth edition re- vised, together with a Treatise on the age and authorship of the Pentateuch. Second edition. By the Eev. W. H. Hoare. Lond., Eivingtons, 1863, 8"., pp. 159, 1/-. A Memoir of the late Henry Hoare, Esq., M.A. ...By J. B. Sweet, M.A. Lond., Eivingtons, 1869, 8"., pp. xxiv and 552. Note. — The 4th chap, of this wort, pp. 73-94, is by the Eev. W. H. Hoare. HOBHOUSE, Eev. Eeginald, M.A. {Zrd son of Rt. Eon. Henry Holhouse). b. London, 1 5 Mch., 1818. Ministerial Watchfulness. A Sermon on Heb. xiii, 17, preached at the ordinary visitation of the Lord Bishop of Exeter, holden at Liskeard, 1st Aug., 1848. By the Eev. E. Hobhouse, M.A, Eector of St. Ive, in the County of Corn- wall. Published at the request of the Clergy. Lond., J. Masters ; Exeter, Wallis ; Plymouth, Lidstone, [printed,] 1848, 8"., pp. 21. The Cornish Bishopric ; A Letter to the Eight Honourable The Earl of St. Germans, G.C.B., Lord Steward of Her Majesty's Household, from the Eev. E. Hobhouse, M.A., Eector of St. Ive, near Liskeard. Lond., Whittaker; Bodmin, Lid- dell and Son, [printed,] 1860, 8"., pp. 23, 6d. HOBLYN, Mr. [Treatise] of the working of Tynn Works by the Saxons, which Tynners call Jews working. With many other documents relating to the Stannaries, from Hen. 8, to Queen Anne. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 6,713, fol., pp. 569. Note.— At the side of the Treatise is written " This Treatise was transcribed from an ancient MS. in the custody of Mr; Hoblyn, Town Clerk of Bodmin." HOBLYN. 245 HOBLTN. HOBLYN, Anna Margaret Cind dau. of the Bev. E. Hohlyn). h. Lamerton Vicarage, Devon, 16 Oct., 1811. Time's "Changes." Pilgrims' Poems & Hymns. By A: M. Hoblyn. Lond., W. Macintosh, n.d., [Oct., 1863,] 120., pp. xii and 72. Note. — 1,000 copies printed. At page 55 occurs " Nanswhyden's Lament," wifcli a note relating to Nan- fiwhyden House and the Hoblyn family. God's Omnipresence; The Gospel Plan of Salvation, and other poems, by A. M. Hoblyn. Lond., W. Macintosh, [Feb.,] 1870, 8°., pp. 31, 9d. 1,000 copies printed. The Christian Soldier. A Pilgrim Song. By A. M. Hoblyn. Falmouth, Lake, typ. n.d., [1850.] s. sh. 300 copies printed. Pilgrim and Sojourner. A Poem. By A. M. Hoblyn. Lond., Hope and Co., Great Marl- borough St. n.d., [Nov., 1856.] s. sh. 300 copies printed. Note — First appeared in The Church of England Mag., xii, 143-44, (1842). Christian and Jews. A Poem. By A. M. Hoblyn. Lond., Hope and Co. n.d., [Dec, 1858.] 300 copies printed. Note. — First appeared in Tlie Church Mag., v. 362-63, (1848). Universal Harmony. A Poem. By A. M. Hoblyn. Lond, W. Macintosh. m.d,[Sep., 1862.] s. sh. 500 copies printed. Ah ! Happy England ! A new national song ia honor of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria. The words and music composed by A. M. Hoblyn. Lond., D'Almaine and Co., [Feb., 1851,] foL, pp. 4, 2/-. 500 copies printed. The Christian Soldier, or the Pilgrim song. With high respect for the pastoral office, dedi- cated to the reverend the clergy of the Church of England. The words and music composed by A. M. Hoblyn, Mylor Vicarage. Lond., DAl- maine and Co., [July 2, 1851,] fol., pp. 7, 2/6. 100 copies printed. The EngHshman's Farewell, a patriotic song in honor of Britannia's Isle. Dedicated to the Nation. The words and music composed by A. M. Hoblyn. Lond., D'Almaine and Co., [June, 1852,] fol, pp. 6, 2/6. 100 copies printed. The Englishman's Keturn, recitative and a patriotic song, in honor of Britannia's Isle. Dedi- cated to the Nation. The words and music com- posed by A. M. Hoblyn. Lond., D'Almaine and Co., [June,' 1852,] fol, pp. 6, 2/6. 100 copies printed. HOBLYN, Rev. Carew {2nd son of John Hohlyn and Mary, dau. of John Carter). Academies Oxon. Gratulatio pro...Gulielmi... reditu. Oxon., 1690, fol. Note. — Contains verses by "Carew Hoblyn. Ar. fil. e Coll. Exon., oommensalis." HOBLYN, Rev. Edward, B.A. {2nd son of Rev. Roht. Hohlyn, ivho d. 1839). Matric. Univ. Coll. Dxon., 20 May, 1801. V. of Mylor and Mabe, 13 March, 1823 to 1868. h. Gwennap Vicarage, 22 Apl., 1782, hapt. 20 July. d. Mylor, 8 Feb., 1868. Sermons by Rev. E. Hoblyn, B.A., of Uni- versity College, Oxford, Curate of Ilminster and Chaffecombe, Somerset, late of St. Mary's Chapel, Queen Square, Bath. Printed for the Author by M. Gye, Market Place,Bath, 1811,8"., pp. 222. Communications to the Christian World, being a consideration of the numbers of Daniel, rela- tive to the reign of the infidel power, and of the last persecution of the Church of Christ, under the harvest and vintage of God's wrath. By the Rev. E. Hoblyn, A.B-... Curate of the parish of Liskeard...Lislveard, printed and published for the author by R. Williams... 1821, 8"., pp. 285. Note. — A half title prefixed reads " The Land of Babaeim or oommiinications to the Christian World on the subject of prophecy." 500 copies printed. The house of prayer. A sermon preached at St. Peter's Church, Flushing, on Sunday, Feb. 6, 1 842, the chapel having been opened for divine service, by licence, on Wednesday, Feb. 2. By the Rev. E. Hoblyn... Lond., J. C. F. and J. Riviugton, 1843, 8°., pp. 32. Note. — The concluding portion of this sermon is re- printed in The Church Mag., v, 29-34, (1843). The Millennium : what is it ? By E. Hoblyn, B.A., of University College, Oxon., 1804, Vicar of Mylor-cum-Mabe, Cornwall. Lond.,Wertheim, Macintosh and Hunt, n.d., [Jan., 1862,] 8"., pp. 40, 1/-. 500 copies printed. Parochial Meditations, suggested by the Bible history of the progress of man in the world from the creation to the redemption. By E. Hoblyn. Lond., printed by J. Wodderspoon and Co., 7, Serle St., Lincoln's Inn Fields, 1868, 8"., pp. 55, 1/6. 500 copies printed. HOBLYN, Capt. Francis, 40th Regt. (ith son of Rev. Roht. Hohlyn, who d. 1839). d,. Lubon, near Talavera, in Spain, 30 Aug., 1809. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxix, pt. ii, 987, (1809). HOBLYN, John {eld. son of Thos. Hoblyn). b. 1690. d. 1754. An appeal case before the House of Lords HOBLYN. 246 HOBLYN. HOBLYN, John. (Con.). between John Hoblyn, Thomas Arundell, and others, James Burrow and others' against the Crown, respecting the rights of Heleron, (sic). [Helston.] Privately printed, 1730, fol. HOBLYN, Maria Theresa {7th dau. of Rev. E. Hohlyn.) h. Mylor Vicarage. The Fisherman's Daughter and Dreams of the Past. By Theta, [i.e., Miss M. T. Hoblyn.] Lond., W. Macintosh, n.d., [1 Jan., 1869,] 8°., pp. 31, 9d. Note. — Title from the Cover. Tlie Dew Drop Waltzes. Composed for the Piano Forte, by Miss M. T. Hoblyn. Pubhshed for the Authoress, by Cocks and Co., Lond., [1851,] foL, 2/6. HOBLYN, Rev. Eichard (son of Rev. John Hohlyn, V. of Newton, St. Cyres. d. 1823). Matric. Balliol Coll., 19 Oct., 1786, afterwards Fellow; E. of All Saints, Colchester, 1799- 1827, and St. Lawrence, Newland. b. 18 July, 1771. baiit. Newlyn,in Pydar. d. Exeter, 31 May, 1827. bur. in the Cathedral, cf An- nual Biography, 1828, pp. 443-45 ; Gent. Mag., xcvii, 90, 182-83, (1827). Note. — Eichard Dennis Hoblyn, son of the above, was b. Colchester, 9 ApL, 1803, and has published nume- rous works. HOBLYN, Egbert, LL.B., F.E.S., M.P. for Bristol (only son of Francis Hoblyn and Penelope, dau. of Sidney Godolpihin). b. Nanswhyden. bapt. St. Columb Major, 5 May, 17 10. d. Nanswhyden, 17 Nov., 1756. bur. St. Columb. cf. Nichols' Lit. Anecdotes, iii, 730, viii, 481; Willis' Current Notes, (1852), pp. 7, 11. Epithalamia Oxoniensia. Oxon., 1734, fol. Note. — Contains verses by "Eob. Hoblyn, C. C. C. Sup. Ord. Comm." [Matric, 18 Dec, 1727.] Bibliotheca Hobliniana, sive Catalogus Libro- rum juxta exemplar quod manu su& maxima ex parte descriptum reliquit Eobertus Hoblyn, Ar- miger, de Nanswhyden in Comitatu Cornubise. Londini, 1768, 2 vols., 8*., pp. vii and 650. Bibliotheca Hoblyniana... Londini. Prostant apud J. Murray, in Fleet St., 1769, 8o., pp. vii and 650. Note. — This is the same work as the preceding with a new Title page. The former is made two volumes on account of its being interleaved with clean paper. At p. 338 is a half title which reads " Bibliotheoae Hou- blinianai. Pars altera," and serves as the title to vol. ii of the 1768 edition. The latter work is stated in Nichols' Literary Anecdotes, iii, 730, and viii, 481, to have been printed for John Quicke, Esq., of Exeter, when the Library became his property. In T. E. Dibdin's Bibliomania, (1842), p. 74, the arrangement of this catalogue is highly commended. HOBLYN, Robert, LL.B., &o. (Oon.). Letter from R. Hoblyn, dated Nanswhyden, Jan. 23, 1748-9. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 11,759, p. 230. Private case between Bickford, Robert Hoblyn, and Pendarves, relative to the marriage of Robert Hoblyn, [6. 1641. d. 1692,] to Grace Carew. 1724, fol. HOBLYN, Rev. Robert, M.A., (eld. son of Samuel Hoblyn, of Perranzabuloe. d. 1790^. Matric. Ch. Ch., Oxon., 25 Mar., 1 768; Student, 5 July, 1770. Curate of Gwennap, 1776 to Apl. 1784. Curate of Kenwyn and Kea. b. 27 Dec, 1751. d. 32, Pulteney St., Bath, 20 Jan., 1839. cf Gent. Mag., xi, 216, (1839). A translation of the first book of the Georgioe of Virgil, in blank verse, with notes critical and explanatory. By Robert Hoblyn, M.A., of Nans- whyden, in Cornwall, late Student of Christ Church, Oxford. Lond., printed and pubhshed by W. Phillips, George Yard, Lombard St . . . 1 825, 8'^., pp. xxiii and 388, 12/6. Prize Essay. — On the diseases of Wheat. Letters and Papers of Bath and West Engl. Soc., xiv, 54-96, (1816). Also found as a Pamphlet, 8". HOBLYN, Thomas, F.R.S. (son of Edward Hobling, sic). V.P. of Soc. of Arts ; Chief Clerk in the Treasury, b. Liskeard, 1778. d. White Barns, Herts, 6 Aug., 1860. bur. Fur- neux-Pelham, Herts, 13 Aug. cf. Journ. of Soc. forEncouragementof Arts,ix, 4; S.T.Daven- port's " The Society of Arts, Past and Present." (Lond., W. Trounce, n.d.), p. 31. Precepts for the use of Hoblyn's Equalizers ; exhibiting the value in imperial measure, equi- valent to any given value in wine measure, &c. Lond., printed for the inventor; published by Knight and Lacy, Paternoster Row. ..1826, 12"., pp. 10, and folding table. A.D. 1852, June 28. No. 14,191. Specifica- tion of Thomas Hoblyn, of White Barns, in the county of Hertford, Esquire, for the Invention of " Certain improvements in the art of navigar tion." With Drawing annexed. Lond., 1852, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1857, fol. pp. 5, 1/2. On importing cocoa-nut oil. Trans, of Soc... of Arts, xxxiii, 60, (1816). On preparing rice in the Isle of Ceylon, ib., xxxiv, 250-60, (1817). On a press for cocoa-nut oil. ib., xxxiv, 261- 70. HOBLYN, Rev. William Mallet (3rd son of Rev. Robt. Hoblyn, who d. 1839). Perpetual Curate of West Molesey, 1830-39; R. of HOCKEN. 247 HOCKEE. HOBLYN, Ebv. William Malet. COon.). Clipsham, Eutlandshire, 1845-6. S. Gwennap Vicarage, 21 May, 1783, bapt. 23 Oct. d. Bux- ton, 18 May, 1846. cf. Gent. Mag., xxvi, 102, (1846). HOBSON, Rev. John. Wesleyan Minister in Cornwall, 1831-44. b. near Sheffield, 1790. d. Taunton, 23 Jan., 1863: Letter from the Penzance Circuit. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., \vi, 873-75, (1833). Memoir of Richard Gates, who died 8 May, 1840, aged 88. ib., Ixiii, 619, (1840). HOCKEN, Edward Octavius, M.D. (mh son of Joseph Hocken). b. Falmouth, 3 Sept., 1820. d. Chacewater, 12 Aug., 1845. cf. The London Medical Directory, (J. Churchill, Princes St., Soho), 1846, pp. 183-85. A Treatise on Amaurosis and amaurotic affec- tions. By E. O. Hocken. Lond., S. Highly, 32, Fleet St., 1840, 8°., pp. vii and 359, 10/6. Note. — This work was republished at Philadelphia, An essay on the influence of constitution in the production of disease. By E. 0. Hocken. Lond., S. Highley, 1840, 12°., 2/6. An exposition of the pathology of hysteria, elucidated by a reference to the origin, diagnosis, symptomatology, pathology, and treatment of hysterical amaurosis. By E. 0. Hocken. Lond., S. Highly, 32, Fleet St., 1842, 8o., pp. 32, 1/6. A complete condensed Practical Treatise on Ophthalmic Medicine. By E. O. Hocken, M.D. Part i. Lond., S. Highly, 32 Fleet Street, 1844, 8"., pp. 108, 3/-. Note.- — This work was to have been completed in three parts. A practical enquiry into the value of Medi- cinal Naphtha in tubercular phthisis. By E. 0. Hocken, M.D... Lond., Samuel Highly, 32, Fleet Street, 1844, 8"., pp. viii and 72, 3/-. An essay on the comparative value of the pre- parations of mercury and iodine in the treatment of syphilis. By E. 0. Hocken. Lond., S. Highley, 1844, 8°., pp. 48, 2/6. Note. — Eeprinted from the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journ., No. 159. Amaurosis from pressure on the retina. Lond. and Edinb. Monthly Journ. of Medical Science, ii, 235-57, (1842). Practice of Physical Paithology. ib., ii, 443- 47. Observations on pericarditis and endocarditis. «'J., ii, 813-27; Br. Johnson's Medico Chirv/rgical Jteview, xviii, 277-78, (1843); Schmidt's Jahrbucher HOCKEN, Bewabd Octavius, M.D. (Con.). der...Medicin{Leipsic), 1842, pp. 230-32,282-83. Amaurosis from hysteria. Edinb. Medical and Surgical Journ., Ivii, 49-69, (1842). Amaurosis from an excess of circulating blood. ib., Ivii, 324-56. Observations on the separate and combined actions of the Muscles of the Eye. ib., Iviii, 310- 26. HOCKEN, Eev. Joshua. Wesleyan Minister. b. Bodmin, 27 July, 1798. d. Leckheaton, 26 May, 1853. cf. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixx, 729, (1847); Ixxvi, 868, (1853). A brief History of Wesleyan Methodism in the Grimsby Circuit. By Rev. J. Hocken. Lond., 1839, 120., pp. 67. Memoir of Nathaniel Saunby. Wesleyan Metho- dist Mag., Ixiii, 332-33, (1844). HOCKEN, Rev. William, B.A. (son of Will. Hocken). R. of St. Endellion, 28 Oct., 1833. b. Helstone, in Lantegloss-by-Camelford, 9 Jan., 1806. The Policy of providing for the Religious In- struction of the Roman Catholics of Ireland through the medium of their own clergy ; con- sidered in reference to the proposed increase of the Grant to Maynooth College, in a letter to Sir C. E. Smith, Bart., by the Rev. W. Hocken, Rector of St. Endellion, in the County- of Corn- wall, and late of St. John's College, Cambridge. Lond., Longman ; Truro, E. Heard, [printed,] 1845, 8»., pp. 16, 1/-. HOCKER, Rev. Charles, B.A., Ex. Coll., Oxford (son of Rev. W. Hocher. ' d. 1842). V. of Talland, 1844-58 ; Perp. Curate of Laneast, 1858-63 ; Vicar of Treneglos and Warbstow, 1863-64. b. St. Mewan, 13 Feb., 1812. d. Treneglos, 10 Oct., 1864. The following pages contain the substance of a sermon delivered in the parish church of Lan- east, by the Rev. C. Hocker, P.O., on the morn- ing of June 9th, 1861, they are printed for private circulation, at the request of the bereaved and sorrowing widow of the late deeply lamented J. K. Lethbridge, Esq., who died at Weston-super-mare, on Tuesday, May 28, 1861, after an illness of only a few hours, and truly may it be said that he "fell asleep in Jesus," and his end was perfect peace. Laun- ceston, P. D. Maddox, Southgate Street, n.d., [1861,] 8"., pp. 12. HOCKER, Robert. Grant to R. Hocker of three Fairs to bt, jield yearly in Cornwall, 24 May, 1708. Earl. MSS. 2,263, art. 196. HOCKIN. 248 HOCKING. HOOKER, Eev. William (son of William Rocker), b. Trelill, near Wadebridge. bapt. St. Kevr, 3 January, 1664? d. London, 12 Dec, 1721. A sermon preach'd on the death of the Rev- erend Mr. W. Hooker. With an account of his life and character. Published with farther en- largements at the request of the hearers. By Thomas Reynolds. Lond., printed for John Clark. ..1722, 4o., pp. viii and 55, 6d. Br. Williams.' Note. — Dedicated to the people lately under the pastoral care of the ReT. Mr. Samuel Pomfret amongst whom Mr. Hocker " lately officiated in quality of an Assistant." An account of the Life and Character of Mr. Hocker, is contained in pp. 36-55. HOOKER, Rev. William, M.A., Pemb. Coll. Camb. (so7i of Eev. Will. Hocker, V. of St. Enoder). R. of St. Mewaii, 1802-42 ; V. of Lanteglos, 1806-42. b. St. Enoder, 24 Feb., 1772. d. St. Mewan,.5 Apl., 1842. c/. Gent. Mag., xviii, 102, (1842). Observations on a Sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Hocker ; and on a charge delivered by the Rev. the Archdeacon of Cornwall, in Truro Church, on Monday, May 20th, 1811, by Joseph Burgess. Truro, printed by Michell and Co., 8, High Cross, 1811, 8°., pp. 30, 6d. HOCKIN, Lieut. Charles Francis, R.M. (Uh son of Rev. Will. Hochin). b. Phillaok Rectory, 28 Oct., 1813. hapt. 14 Dec. killed at the storming of Sidon, in Syria, 26 Sept., 1840. bur. D'Jouni, near Beirout. cf. P. H. Nicolas' "Historical Record of the Royal Marine Forces," ii, 326, 341. HOCKIN, Rev. Frederick, M.A. {8th son of Rev. Will. Hockin). R. of Phillack, with Gwithian, 30 Aug., 1853. b. Phillack Rectory, 18 May, 1818. Assurance : A sermon preached at S. Mary's, Penzance, on the 21st June, 1865, at the visita- tion of the Venerable the Archdeacon of Corn- wall, by F. HockiQ, Rector of Phillack, with Gwithian, and Dean Rural of Penwith. Pub- lished at the request of the clergy. Lond., Church Press Co.; Banfield, Hayle, 1865, 8o., pp. 32, 6d. HOCIilN, Rev. Henry Williams, B.A. (2nd son of Rev. Will. Hockin, who d. 1853J. V. of Stithians. b. Phillack Rectory, 4 Feb., 1808. d. London, 13 July, 1846. A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of St. Stythians, on Sunday, Jany. 10, 1841, by the Rev. H. W. Hockin, Vicar of St. Stythians and Perranarworthal. On the occasion of the death of John Martin, who was killed by an Explosion at the Kennall Gunpowder Mills. Truro, E. Heard, 1841, 8"., pp. 16. HOCKIN, Eev. John Pearge, M.A. (eld. son of Rev. Thos. Pearce Hockin, V. of Okehampton, and grandson of Thos. Hochin, of Caduscot, lAs- keard). Admitted at Exeter College, 20 Jan., 1791 ; R. of Coddington, Herefordshire, Jan., 1810 to 1831. b. Okehampton, 2 July, 1772. bapt. 11th July. d. Coddington, 26 Oct., 1831. bur. 3 Nov. cf Gent. Mag., ci, 473, (1831). A supplement to the account of the Pelew Islands, compiled from the Journals of the Panther and Endeavour, two vessels sent by the Hon. East India Company to those Islands in the year 1790; and from the oral communica- tions of Capt. H. Wilson. By the Rev. J. P. Hockin, of Exeter College, M.A. Lond., printed for Capt. Wilson, by Bulmer and Co., 1803, 4"., pp. 72, 15/-. Note. — This is A Supplement to " An account of the Pelew Islands. . .composed from the Journals and Communications of Capt. H. Wilson. . .By Geo. Keate . . .Lond., 1788, 4°." Mr. Hockin m. a dau. of Capt. Wilson. HOCKIN, Rev. William. R. of Phillack, with Gwithian, 9 July, 1763. Resigned, 1809. b. Phillack, 4 Feby., 1738. d. Phillack, 19 July, 1813. bur. 22 July, cf Gent. Mag., Ixxxiii, 93, (1813). HOCKIN, Rev. William, LL.B. {only son of Rev. Will. Hockin). R. of PhiUack, with Gwithian, 5 July, 1809 to 1853. b. Phillack Rectory, 19 Dec, 1776. d. Phillack Rectory, 22 April, 1853. bur. 30 April, cf Gent. Mag., xxxix, 672, (1853). HOCKING, Henry Hicks. Barrister at Law. (son of Richard Hocking, of Mevagissey). b. Brixton, Surrey, 16 July, 1842. Six Essays on Commons preservation ; written in competition for prizes offered by Henry W. Peek, Esq., of Wimbledon House. . .Lond., Samp- son Low, 1867, 8°., pp. xvii and 432. Note. — The fourth essay in this collection (pp. 221- 303), " dealing with the legal and historical aspects of the question," is by H. H. Hocking. HOCKING, John (son of Richard Hocking). Engineer of the Consolidated Mines, b. Red- ruth, 22 Apl., 1804. M6moire sur 1' exploitation des mines des comt6s de Cornwall et de Devon. Par M. Combes. Annal. des Mines, 3 S., v, 109-44; 344-70; 593-608; 616-21, (1834). Note. — An account of the Cornish Pumping Engine designed by J. Hocking for the Consolidated Mines, is contained in p. 367, &o., of the above, where M. Combes acknowledges his obligations to Mr. Hocking. The illustration there given is reproduced in Combes' " TraitS de I'exploitation des Mines," plate, lix, but in the latter place Mr. Hocking's name is not mentioned. HOCKING. 249 HODGE. HOCKING- John, Jun. (son of preceding;, b. Eedrath, 10 Feb., 1830. Steam Boilers and the Causes of their explo- sion. Bep. Miners' Assoc, of D. and C, 1861, [18 Sept. meeting,] pp. 5-6; 1861, [30 Dec. meet- ing,] p. 3. On Winding Machinery, ib., 1862, [9 Apl. meeting,] pp. 6-10. The New Self- Acting Calciner. For Eoasting Tin and other Ores and Minerals, containing Sulphur and other Volatile Matters. By Robert Oxland, F.G-.S., Metallurgist, Compton Giffard, Plymouth, and J. Hocking, Jun., Engineer, Eed- nith. n.p. or d., [1868,] 80., 2 leaves, c/. Bep. Miners Assoc, of D. and C, 1868, p. 42 ; Bep. B.G.P.Soc, 1869, pp. 96-98. HOCKING, Samuel, C.E. (son of Samuel Eoching). b. Treskillard, in lUogan, 7 Feb., 1807. Liverpool Water Supply. Eeport of James Simpson, Esq., C.E.,... and James Newlands, Esq., C.E.,... Liverpool, printed by D. Marples, 50, Lord St., 1849, 8<>., pp. 99. Note.— Contains (pp. 61-87), "Appendix C. Liver- pool "Water Investigation. Mr. Hocking's Report on the present state of the machinery at the several pumping stations," signed Samuel Hocking, and dated Liverpool, 21st April, 1849. There is also at the end of the book a " Diagram shewing the pulsations or oscillations of pressure in the mains," signed Samuel Hocking. A counter for measuring and registering the number of feet passed over by the piston of a steamengine in the acting stroke. Plate vii. Fig. 1. Bep. B.C.P.Soc, 1835, p. 111. A water meter for mines, ib., 1836, p. 56. A safety apparatus for steam boilers. (With Drawing Plate, v). ib., 1838, pp. 148-50. Eemarks in a discussion on the " Expansive action of Steam." Minutes of Proc. of Instit. of Civil Engineers, vi, 340-41 ; 342-43, (1847). Eemarks in a discussion on " EoUing bars for suspension bridges." ib., viii, 278-79, (1849). A Treatise on the Cornish Pumping Engine. By W. Pole. Lend., Weale, 1844, 4". Note.— From the Preface it appears that Mr. Hocking aided the writer in procuring information for this work. lire's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines... Ed. by E. Hunt, F.E.S...6th ed. Lend., Longman, 1867, 3 vols., S". Note.— S. Hooking was amongst the contrihutors. HOCKING, Thomas Penrose. Linendraper, Penzance, b. 20 May, 1777. d. Penzance, 13 March, 1842. HOCKING, Thomas Peneose. (Con.). A Letter of remonstrance addressed to Mr. Thomas Hocking, of the North Parade, concern- ing his opinion of the Baptist denomination... by G. C. Smith. Penzance, 1824, 12«. See Jeffery, John. HODGE, Egbert, C.E. (son of Archibald Hodge). Surveyor and Engineer to the Corporation of Plymouth, b. Cardross, Dumbartonshire, 23 Jan., 1810. Plan of the Borough and Parish of Bodmin, in the county of Cornwall. Surveyed and drawn by E. Hodge, 1841... Scale, 40 inches to 1 mile. MS. Bodmin Municipal Becords. Note. — The two following plans are reduced from the above. Plan of the town of Bodmin. [By E. Hodge.] Scale, 2 Chains = 1 inch. Lond., Lithogd. by Standige and Co., 1841. Plan of the Borough and Parish oi Bodmin, Cornwall. [By E Hodge.] Scale, 8 Chains = 1 inch. Lond., Lithogd. by Standige and Co., 1846. Bodmin. Apportionment of the Eent Charge in lieu of Tithes in the Borough and Parish of Bodmin, 1846. Borough 2,785 acres, parish 3,405 acres, total 6,190 acres. Surveyed by Eobert Hodge, C.E. Bodmin, printed by Liddell and Son, 1846. Plan of the Parish of Egloshayle, in the County of Cornwall, 1841. Scale, 8 Chains =1 inch. Surveyed by E. Hodge, C.E. Total 5,618 acres, 3 roods, 30 poles, including roads and rivers. Lond., Lithogd. by Standige and Co., 1841. Apportionment of the Eent Charge in lieu of Tithes in the Parish of Egloshayle, in the County of Cornwall, 29th day of Jany., 1840. [By E. Hodge.] Bodmin, printed and published by Liddell and Son, 1840. HODGE, Thomas. Certificate on behaK of T. Hodge. Lescard, 1592. See Gray, John. HODGE, Tom. The History of the Four Kings of Canterbury, Colchester, Cornwall, and Cumberland, their Queens and Daughters, being the Merry Tales of Tom Hodge and his School-Fellows. Falkirk, printed and sold by T. Johnston, 1823, 12°., pp. 24. Another ed. Printed and sold in Alder- mary Churchyard, n.d, 12°., pp. 24. Note— The edition of 1823 contains "A Tale of Cornwall," pp. 23-24. It is No. vii in that work, but there is a previous No. vii also m the book. The Tale " is not found in the other edition. G G HOGG. 250 HOGG. HODGE, William. I. St. Austell, 19 Mch., 1810. A.D. 1851, Apl. 1. No. 13,763. Specification of William Hodge, of St. Austell, Printer, for "Improvements in the manufacture of glass, china, porcelain, earthenware and artificial stone." Lond., 1851, foL— Reprinted. Lend., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1857, fol., pp. 4, 4d. HODGES, Sydney. Secretary to the B.C.P. Soc, 1857-1865. The Burns Centenary Poems... Selected and edited by George Anderson and John Finlay. Glasgow, Murray and Son, 1859, 8". Note.— No. 23, (pp. 123-27) is by Mr. Hodges. On Many Things. Bep. B.O.P.Soc, 1860, pp. 1-17. A Tale of the Western Counties. By Geo. Budock, [i.e., Sydney Hodges.] Clach, .No. i to vi. HODGKIN, Thomas (son of John HodgUn, Bar- rister at Law), b. Tottenham, near London, 29 July, 1831. Roman coins found at Pennance Farm, near Falmouth. Bep. B.O.P.Soc, 1867, pp. 71-73. Note.' — In 1861 Mr. Hodgkin m. Lucy, dau. of Alfred Fox, Esq., of Falmouth. HODGSON, Rev. Charles, M.A. (only child of Bernard Hodgson, Principal of Hertford Coll., Oxford). V. of St. Tudy, 1817-46. b. Oxford, 19 Nov., 1786. d. St. Tudy, 17 May, 1846. Catalogue of the classical, historical and theo- logical library of the late Rev. C. Hodgson, Vicar of St. Tudy, in Cornwall, to which is added the remaining portion of the library of a Clergyman. Which wiU be sold by auction by S. Leigh, Sotheby, and Co., on Thursday, Nov. 26, 1846, and two following days. Lond., Comp- ton and Ritchie, printers, n.d., [1846,] 8°., pp. 42. HODGSON, Rev. John. Wesleyan Minister in CornwaU, 1797-1802. d. 27 Mch., 1853. A Letter from Mr. Hodgson to Mr. B. Rhodes, dated Redruth, June 25, 1799. Methodist Mag., xxiii, 44-46, (1800). HOGG, John, M.D. (son of the following). 6. Redruth, Oct., 1803. A series of chemical and medical tables, form- ing a synopsis of chemistry, materia medica, pharmacy and nosology. By J. Hogg, Surgeon and Graduate in Medicine of Edinburgh. House Surgeon and Apothecary to the Dispensary of the University of London. Lond., printed for John Taylor... 30, Upper Gower Street, 1830, fol., unpaged. HOGG, John, M.D. (Oon.j. London as it is ; being a series of observa- tions on the health, habits, and amusements of the people. By J. Hogg, M.D., Edinb., late House Surgeon to the University Dispensary; Hospital Assistant to the North London Hospital. Lond., John Macrone, St. James's Square, 1837, 120., pp. XX and 389, 10/6. Practical Observations on the prevention of consumption. With Statistical table of the pre- valence of the disease and of the comparative salubrity of various places, at home and abroad. By J. Hogg, M.D., Edin. Lond., R. Hardwicke, 192, Piccadilly, 1860, S"., pp. xii and 226, 5/-. HOGG, Thomas. Master of the Truro Grammar School, 23 May, 1805. Resigned 1829 1 b. Kelso, Mch., 1777. d. Euston Road, St. Pan- eras, London, Aug., 1835. cf. Polwhele's Be- miniscences, ii, 173. Institutes of Mathematical Geography for the use of Schools. By T. Hogg. Truro, printed at the Cornish Press by J. Tregoning, 1806, 120., pp. 113. Syllabus of Lectures on Natural and Experi- mental Philosophy for the use of Truro School. By T. Hogg. Truro, printed by J. Tregoning, at the Cornish Press, 1806, 12o., pp. 120. St. Michael's Mount, in Cornwall; A Poem. By T. Hogg, Master of the Free Grammar School, Truro. Truro, printed by Jos. Tregon- ing; Lond., Rivington, 1811, 4o., pp. 81, and appendix pp. 12, 6/-. Dedicated to Sir J. St. Aubyn, Bart., M.P. The Influence of the Holy Bible. A Poem. By T. Hogg, Master of the Free Grammar School, Truro, Cornwall. Truro, printed and sold by P. Nettleton, Royal Cornwall Gazette Ofiice...».d, [June, 1817,] 8o., pp. 101, 4/-. A manual of mineralogy in which it is shewn how much Cornwall contributes to the illustrar tration of the science. By T. Hogg, Master of the Grammar School, Truro. Truro, printed and pubhshed by W. Polyblank, High Cross... 1825, 80., pp. xviii and 245, 7/6. The Fabulous History of the ancient King- dom of Cornwall. By T. Hogg. Lond., Long- man; [Truro, E. Heard, printed,] 1827, 8o., pp. 507, 15/-. Note. — Dedicated to Sir Christopher Hawkins. Prefixed to the copy in the Br. Museum is a note signed H, stating that " this work is a Satire on the Cornish Historians, notwithstanding his assumed adherence to Veracity." An Essay on the Mordra System of Educa- tion, 1819, MS. Note. — A Gratuity of £10 was awarded to Mr. Hogg by The Church Union Soc, of St. David's Diocese for this Essay, as the second best. HOLMAN. 251 HOLMAN. HOLL, Harvey Buchanan, M.D.,F.G.S. (son of William Soil, of Worcester), b. Stoke, near Guildford, 1821. On the older rocks of South Devon and East Cornwall. Map. Quart. Jowrn. Geol. Soc, Lord., xxiv, 400-54, (1868). HOLLAND, Joseph, h. Devonshire. The True copy of a collection made by Mr. Joseph Holland, in the yeare 1584, of Coates and Armes nowe and aunciently borne by No- blemen and Gentlemen, within the Counties of Somersett, Devon, and Cornewall, the 25 of March, 1597, fol. MS. Note. — Bequeathed to the Bodleian Lib., by Gough. HOLLAND, Philemon, h. Chelmsford, 1551. d. 9 Feb., 1636. Britain or a chorographicall description of the most flourishing kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Islands adjoyning, out of the depth of Antiquities... Written first in Latine by W. Camden. Translated newly into English, by Philemon Holland, Doctour in Phy- sick...Lond., printed by F. K. E. Y. and J. L. for Andrew Her, 1637, fol. Note. — Cornwall described (with map), pp. 183-98. The map is entitled " Cornwall. Olim pars Danmonio- rvm, WUliam Kip., Sculp.," and is embellished with a view of Launceston Castle. HOLLAND, EoGER. A copy of the Accounts of Sir P. Edgecombe and K. Holland, (temp. Hen. VII). See Edgcumbe, Sir P. HOLMAN, John. A.D. 1776, Dec. 20. No. 1,132. Specification of William Knowles, of Newport, in the Isle of Wight, in the county of Southampton, Carpenter, and John Holman, of Redruth, in the county of Cornwall, Carpenter, for " Entire new inventions for the purpose of raising tin, copper, and other heavy bodies from mines or pitts, and also of raising or weighing anchors and other heavy bodies with more safety and with less expence than by the common method now in use." Lond., 1776, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1856, fol., pp. 2, 4d. Note. — The cover reads " Capstan, windlass, and machinery, for raising heavy bodies." HOLMAN, John. h. Crowan, 24 May, 1793. A method of patching boilers without letting out the water. Bep. B.C.P.Soc, 1840, p. 58. HOLMAN, Stephen (son of preceding), b. Gwennap, 16 Sept., 1827. A.D. 1854, Mar. 23. No. 689. Letters Patent to Stephen Holman, of Colney Hatch, in the county of Middlesex, Engineer, for the invention of " Improvements in machinery for raising and forcing fluids, part of which improvements is also applicable to the guiding of piston rods generally and other rods." Drawing annexed. Lond., G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1854, fol., pp. 5, lOd. A.D. 1862, June 21. No. 1,834. Letters Patent to S. Holman, of 18, Cannon St., London . . .for the invention of " Improvements in Pumps and Valves." Drawing annexed. Lond., G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1862, fol, pp. 9, lOd. A.D. 1863, Oct. 31. No. 2,707. Letters Patent to S. Holman. . .for the invention of " Im- provements in machinery for raising and forcing fluids, parts of which improvements are also applicable to steam engines, blast engines, ex- hausters, and other machines." Drawing annexed. Lond., G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1864, fol, pp. 15, 1/-. A.D. 1867, June' 22. No. 1,827. Letters Patent to S. Holman, of 10, Laurence Pountney Lane, London... for the invention of "Improve- ments in double-action pumps, and in the methods of operative pumps, part of which im- provements are applicable to other reciprocating machines." Drawing annexed. Lond., G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1867, fol, pp. 8, 8d. A.D. 1868, Mch. 27. No. 1,046. Letters Patent to S. Holman... for the invention of "Im- provements in the construction and application of steam pumps, parts of which improvements are also applicable to other pumps, blast engines, exhausters, and other machines; also improve- ments in hydraulic lifts and the mode of working the same." Drawing annexed. Lond., G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1868, fol., pp. 12, lOd. A.D. 1870, Jan. 1. No. 3. Letters Patent to S. Holman... for the invention of "Improve- ments in apparatus for hinging, adjusting, and fastening gas retort lids, covers, or doors, and other lids, covers, and doors." Drawing annexed. Lond., G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1870, fol., pp. 8, lOd. HOLMAN, Thomas. Authentic narrative of the extraordinary for- titude and remarkable preservation of T. Holman, who fell into a 40 fathom shaft at Per- ranzabuloe. 1816, 120. HONY. 252 HOOD. HOLME, Frederick. Lay Fellow of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxon. h. Meysey Hampton, GloucestersMre, 10 June, 1812. d. Hillingdon, Middlesex, 22 May, 1849. Notice of the coleopterous insects observed in the ScUly Islands in July and August, 1836. Trans. Entom. Soc, ii, 58-64, (1836). Capture of vanessa antiopa near Truro. Zoolo- gist, i, 156, (1843). Note. — The first of a series of short notices. HOLYOAKE, George Jacob (son of George Holyoahe). h. Birmingham, 13 April, 1817. Any publicity of the facts of this case will serve the cause of public justice. — The case of Thomas Pooley, The Cornish well-sinker, sen- tenced to a year and nine months imprisonment for writing on a clergyman's field gate. (A re- port made at the instance of the Secularists). By G. J. Holyoake. Loud., Holyoake and Co., publishers, 147, Fleet St., n.d., [1857,1 8"., pp. 32, 3d. Note. — Eeprinted from "The Eeasoner," 23 and 30 Sep., 1857. On the title page of the pamphlet is a woodcut of a five barred gate, bearing the inscription " Jesus Christ. T. Pooley." Underneath the woodcut is printed, " The wretched gate of the Rev. Paul Bush." See also Buckle, H. T. HOME, Cecil, pseud, i.e. Webster Augusta. HOMFEAY, Eev. Wingfieud. Baptismal Eegeneration the Doctrine of Christ and His holy Church and therefore to be believed and received of all Christians... by the Eev. W. Homfray, B.A., of Catharine Hall, Cambridge, and Assistant Curate of Falmouth, Cornwall. Lond., Whittaker and Co., Ave Maria Lane; Falmouth, printed and published by T. P. Dixon, 1846, 120., pp. 56. HONOE, Eev. Charles Garton (son of Thos. Honor and Ann dau. of Mr. Sandry, of Falmouth). Primitive Methodist Minister, formerly at St. Austell, h. Upper Clapton, Middlesex, 7 June, 1832. Fish, Tin, and Copper ; or Cornwall, its Mines and Miners ; by C. G. Honor, Minister of the Gospel. Lond., W. Lister, Conference Offices, Sutton St., Commercial Eoad, E. ; Thos. Church, 10, Bolt Court, Fleet St., 1869, 12o., pp. iv and 78, 1/-. HONY, Yen. William Edward (2nd son of Bev. Will. Hony, V. of Uskeard, 1778-95). Fellow of Exeter Coll., 1808-1827 ; Yicar of South Newington, 1818; Eector of Baver- stock, 1827; Archdeacon of Salisbury, 1846; Canon of Salisbury, 1857. h. Liskeard 7 Feb., 1788. HONY, Yen. William Edwaed. (Oon.). Church Eates. A charge delivered to the Churchwardens in his Archdeaconry, at the visitation in May, 1859. By W. E. Hony, B.D., Archdeacon of Sarum. Lond., Eivingtons; Salis- bury, Brown and Co., Canal, n.d., [1859,] 8"., pp. 22. Geological remarks on the vicinity of Maest- richt, [1814.] Trans. Geol. Soc, Lond., iv, 310- 13, (1817). HONYCHUEOH, John. A.D. 1691, Oct. 17. No. 280. Patent of James Trefusis, John Honychurch, Nicholas Honychurch, and Joseph Williams, for "An engine consisting of covered vessels and pipes, whereby they are enabled to worke several! fathoms vnder water, for divers houres together, without any want of air, which will be of generall vse and great advantage." Lond., 1691, fol. — Eeprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1857, fol., pp. 5, 4d. HONYCHUECH, Nicholas. A.D. 1691. No. 280. Patent.. .for "Appar- atus for working under water." See Honychurch, John. HOOD, Tom (only son of Thomas Hood, the Poet). I. Lake House, Wanstead, Essex, 19 Jan., 1835. lapt. as Tom Hood. Eesident in Corn- wall, 1856-1861. The Liskeard Gazette and East Cornwall Ad- vertiser. Printed and published [every Saturday] by John Matthews. Liskeard, 1856-59, fol. Note. — Mr. Hood became connected with the Lis- keard Gazette in 1856, and edited the paper in 1858-59. Pen and pencil pictures. By Thomas Hood. Lond., Hurst and Blackett, 1857, 8"., pp. viii and 337. Note. — This book passed through the press whilst the author was residing at Shutta, Looe. A disputed inheritance. The story of a Cornish family. By Thomas Hood. Lond., S. Low, Son, and Co., 1863, 8"., 10/6.— 2nd ed. Lond., S. Low, Son, and Co., [Sept.,] 1863, 8"., pp. 325. Note. — A portion of this story first appeared in " Saturday Night " under the title of " A little more than kin and less than kind." Quips and Cranks. By Thomas Hood. Lond., Eoutledge, 1861, 8o., pp. xii and 390. Note.— Dedicated to Lady Molesworth, of Pencar- row. It contains " The Fair Maids of Cornwall," pp. 256-85. A Golden Heart. A novel. By Tom Hood. Lond., Tinsley Brothers, 1867, 3 vols., 8". Note. — The scene of this novel is laid inComwalli HOEE. 253 HORNBLOWEE. HOOKEE, William, of TreUssick, in St. Ewel Grant to W. Hooker and E. Corker, (1709). q.v. HOPE, John Francis (3rd son of John [Wil- liams] Hope), b. 1798. Drowned at Eton, 27 May, 1812. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxxii, pt. i, 598, (1812). HOPE, John [Williams] (only son of Rev. Will. Williams, B. of St. Ewe and Gerrans). As- sumed the name and arms of Hope, in addi- tion to those of Williams, on his m. with Anne, eld. dau. of Mrs. Goddard, who was the sister of Mr. Henry Hope, of the family of Hope, of Amsterdam. On the death of Mr. H. Hope, in 1811, he, by Eoyal License, took the name of Hope only, in the place of Williams-Hope. 5. The Rectory, St. Ewe, 9 Dec, 1757. Pullichly hapt. 25 July, 1758. d. Harley St., Cavendish Sq., London, 12 Feb., 1813. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxxiii, pt. i, 289, (1813) ; Poeti- cal Register for 181 0-11, p. 236; Capt. Gronow's Last Recollections, (1866), pp. 129-32 ; Literary Panorama, x, 1240, (1811). HOPEFUL, Gkbgory. pseud, i.e. Boase, W. M. HOPPIN, James M. The old Country : its scenery, art, and people. By J. M. Hoppin, Professor in Yale College. Lend., S. Low, Son, and Marston ; New York, Hurd and Houghton, 1867, 8"., pp. iv and 468. Note. — Cornwall described in pp. 382-423. HOPTON, Sir Ealph (only son of Robert Hopton). cr. Baron Hopton, of Stratton, Cornwall, 4 Sept., 1643. 6. circa 1598. d. Bruges, Sept., 1652. Note. — ^For the pamphlets relating to Sir E. Hopton's campaign in Cornwall, See Civil War Tracts (in Part H). HOEE, John, of Trenowth, in St. Ervan. Erney Polpever and Lanloo, in Cornwall, pro- perty of W. Kendall and E. Quintrell, rated 1 1 March, 1557, for J. Hore. Earl. MSS. 607, art. 352. HOEE, Eev. William Strong, M.A., F.L.S., and G.S. (son of Major James Ryves Hore, R.M.) V. of Shebbear, Devon, 1855. b. Stonehouse, 1807. List of plants found in Devonshire and Corn- wall, not mentioned by Jones in the Flora Devoniensis, with remarks on the rarer species. Phytologist i, 160-63, 1844. [Brit. Assoc. Sect., 1841, p. 75.] HOEE, Eev. William Stbong, M.A. (Con.). A day's botanizing on the Lizard, ib., ii, 235- 39, (1845). Description of a species of orobanche, new to Great Britain, probably orobanche amethystea. ib., ii, 239-40. Notes on British Ferns, ib., iv, 94-98, (1851-2). HOENBLOWEE, Jabez Carter (eld. son of Jonathan Hornblower). b. Broseley, 21 May, 1744. d. London, 11 July, 1814. cf. Gyrus Redding' s Yesterday and To-day, i, 136; S. Smiles' Lives of Boulton and Watt, (1865), pp. 296-99, 301-304, 320-24, 331-32; Gent. Mag., Iviii, pt. i, 374, (1788). A.D. 1800, Mch. 3. No. 2,376. Specification of Jabez Carter Hornblower, of John's Eow, City Eoad, in the parish of St. Luke, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for "A new machine and method of glazing callicos, cottons, muslins, etc." Drawing annexed. Lond., 1800, fol. — Eeprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1856, fol., pp. 5, lOd. Note. — J. C. Hornblower was employed in erecting steam-engines in Cornwall in 1763. HOENBLOWEE, Jesse (3rd son of Jonathan Hornblower). b. 3 July, 1749. d. Chacewater, 29 Dec, 1822. cf. S. Smiles' lAves of Boulton and Watt, pp. 296, etc. Note. — Jesse Hornblower came from London to Chacewater in 1774, where he was employed in engineer- ing works. HOENBLOWEE, Jethro (2nd son of Jonathan Hornblower). b. Chacewater, July, 1746. d. Whitehall, near Scorrier, 1 Jan., 1820. cf. S. Smiles' Lives of Boulton and Watt, pp. 296, etc. A.D. 1798, Dec 4. No. 2,268. Specification of Jethro Hornblower, of Whitehall, in the parish of Kenwyn, in the county of Cornwall, engineer for " A new method of making pattens to be worn by women, by altering the composi- tion and clumsiness of their make, and prevent- ing their frequent breaking and uneasiness to the feet." Lond., 1798, fol. — Eeprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1856, fol., pp. 3, 4d. HOENBLOWEE, Jonathan (eld. son of Joseph Hornblower). b. Broseley, 3 Oct., 1717. d. Whitehall, 7 Dec, 1780. cf S. Smiles' lAves of Boulton and Watt, pp. 232, 296, etc; Cyrus Redding's Yesterday and To-day, i, 131-34. Note. — J. Hornblower left Broseley for Cornwall 22 Aug., 1745, arriving at Truro, 6 Oct. He ultimately took up his residence at Chacewater, 19 Dec, 1765, and commenced putting Tresavean engine together 20 Jan., 1766. HOENBLOWEE. 254 HOENBLOWEE. HORNBLOWER, Jonathan Carter (ith son of Jonathan Eornhlower). b. Chacewater 1 5 July, 1753. d. Penryn, March? 1815. cf. The Monthly Mag., xxxix, 286-87, (1815); Gent. Mag., Ixxxv, pt. i, 375, (1815); S. Smiles' Lives of Boulton and Watt, p. 296, etc. , A comparative statement of the effects of Messrs. Boulton and Watt's Steam-Engines with Newcommen's and Mr. Hornblower's. By Thomas Wilson. Truro, W. Harry, 1792, 8o. A Letter to the Rt. Hon. Sir James Eyre, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, on the subject of the cause Boulton and Watt v. Hornblower and Maberly for infringement on Mr. Watt's patent for an improvement on the steam engine. By Joseph Bramah, Engineer. Lond., printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly, 1797, 8°., pp. 90 and Advertisement unpaged. Hornblower and Maberly against Boulton and Watt; in Error. 39, Geo. HI, 25 Jan., 1799. In Chas. Durnford and E. H. East's "Reports of Cases in King's Bench." (Lond., 1797-1800, fol.), viii, 95-108. Note. — This was an Action on the case originally brought in the Court of Common Pleas by the defendants in error against the plaintiffs in error for infringing the patent, but the judgment was af&rmed. The original case being of a similar nature to the issue tried in " Boulton and Watt against Bull," in Easter Term, 35, Geo. Ill, 1795, was not argued, and consequently is not found in H. Blaokstone's Common Pleas Beports. It would appear that the original judgment went by consent in favour of Boulton and Watt, in order to allow Hornblower and Maberly to have the case retried on a Writ of Error. A Treatise of Mechanics, theoretical, practical, and descriptive. By Olinthus Gregory, LL.D... Lond., G. Kearsley, 1806, 3 vols., S". Note. — A Communication from Mr. J. C. Horn- blower on " The Steam Engine " is found in vol. ii, pp. 359-90, but in the later editions of this work, Dr. Gregory, in giving an " abridgement of that History and of the Edinburgh Eeview's reply to it, as given in the Retrospect of Philosophical and Mechanical Discoveries," vol. V. pp. 37-49, mentions that the insertion of this communication had exposed him to calumny and mis- representation. His object in publishing Hornblower's account was to permit " an injured (though perhaps hasty) man to defend his own cause and that of his family." Hornblower's later years were, it is added, rendered comfortable by the liberality of an opulent and scientific Swede, cf. also Edinh. Rev. , xiii, 311-33, (1809) ; Encyclop. Brit., (ird ed., 1797), xvii, 770-72, wJiere there is an engraving of Hornblower's Steam-en- gine; Supplement to Encyclop. Brit., (3rd ed., 1801), ii, 523 ; Literary Panorama, vii, 694-96, (1810). A.D. 1781, Nov. 9. No. 1,298. Specification of Jonathan Hornblower, of Penryn, in the county of Cornwall, plumber and brazier, for "A machine of (sic) engine for raising water and other liquids, and for other purposes, by means of fire and steam." Lond., 1781, fol. HOENBLOWEE, Jonathan Caeiek. (Con.). Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1856, fol., pp. 3, 4d. AD. 1798, June 29. No. 2,243. Specification of Jonathan Hornblower, of the borough of Penryn, in the county of Cornwall, Engineer, for " New invented machine or engine for rais- ing water and for various other useful purposes in arts and manufactures, by means of steam and otherwise." Drawing annexed. Lond., 1798, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1855, fol., pp. 6, lOd. A.D. 1805, Mch. 26. No. 2,832. Specification of Jonathan Hornblower, of the borough ox Penryn... Engineer, for " New invented Steam Wheel or engine for raising water and for various other useful purposes in arts and manufactures." Drawing annexed. Lond., 1805, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1855, fol., pp. 6, 7d. Description of a model of a machine for com- municating motion at a distance, Bristol, Nov. 21, 1786. BathAgric. Soc, iv, 302-304, (1788)' Description of an Hydraulic Bellows for a Smith's Forge. Nicholson's Journ., i, 219-20, (1802). On the construction of Beams of Steam engines, ih., ii, 68-69. Of a measuring Screw, il., vi, 247-49, (1803). Account of a Machine for Sweeping Chimnies by a Blast of Air. ib., vii, 246-51, (1804). Account of a Fact respecting Water heated in a Boiler of Stone, with Observations, ib., viii 169-71. On the measure of Force by Horse Power. ib., xi, 95-99, (1805). On the measure of Mechanical Power, ib., xi, 264-71. HORNBLOWER, Joseph, b. Broseley, Shrop- shire, circa 1692. d. Bristol, 1761. cf S. Smiled Lives of Boulton and Watt, (1865), pp. 70-71 ; C. Bedding's Yesterday and To-day, i, 127-33; Pole's Cornish Pumping Engine, pp. 28-29, 71. Note. — Mr. Hornblower came into Cornwall in 1725, to erect a Newcomen Engine, at Wheal Eose, near Truro. He erected a second engine at Wheal Busy, and a third at Polgooth. Settled in Cornwall in 1748, and took house at Salem, Chacewater. HORNBLOWER, Hon. Josiah {2nd son of Joseph Hornblower). Speaker of the House of Assembly, New Jersey, U.S. America, b. Broseley, circa 1729. d. Belleville, New Jer- sey, U.S., Jan., 1809. Note.— He came into Cornwall in 1745 to assist hia elder brother in the erection of steam-engines, but left the county and went to America in May, 1753. HOSKING. 255 HOTTBN. HORNDON, Eev. Thomas, M.A. Cornish Fel- low of Ex. Coll., 1747-52. E. of St. Dominick, 27 Feb., 1752 to 1800. h. 1727. d. Bath, 8 Jan., 1800. bur. St. Dominick. cf. Gent Mag., Ixx, pt. i, 90, (1800). HORNER, Francis, M.P. for St. Ives, 1806- 1808. (eld. son of John Horner). J. Edinburgh, 12 Aug., 1778. d. Pisa, 8 Feb., 1817. Memoirs and Correspondence of Francis Horner, M.P. Lond., Murray, 1843. 2 v.ols., 8". Note. — Contains five letters relative to the election for St. Ives, i, 377-82. HORWOOD, Alfred John. Year Books of the reign of King Edward the First. Edited and translated by A. J. Horwood, of the Middle-Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Pub- lished by the authority of the Lords Commis- sioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the direction of the Master of the Rolls. Lond., Longman, 1863, 8°., pp. Ixvii and 566. Note. — Contains " Report of Cases in the Cornish Iter, 30, Edwd. I," pp. 75-291 ; " Report of Criminal Cases in the Cornish Iter," pp. 497-528. HOSELOCK, John. A true and perfect relation of the surrender of the strong and impregnable garrison, the island of Scillie, To Captain Batten, Vice Ad- mirall of the Parlia,ment navie at sea. With the discoverie of a bloody designe on Pendennis, for the blowing up of the castle and poysoning of foure-score pieces of ordnance. Also a perfect ac- count of the ammunition, provision, and other necessaries that were left in the castle at the sur- render thereof. Together with a list of the names of all the colonels, majors, captaines, lievtenants, and other officers that were therein. Whereunto is annexed an excellent copy of verses made in Pendennis Castle, when it was beseiged by sea and land. Certified by two severall letters from Mr. John Hoselock, Chyrurgion to the Vice- Admirall Captain Batten, in the St. Andrew. And now printed and pubUshed by the originall copies according to order of Parliament. London, printed by B. L, 1646, sm. 4"., 4 leaves. HOSKING, John. I. Gwithian, 8 May, 1808. d. 18, Regent Terrace, Gateshead, 23 Dec, 1871. Compound Valve for large pumps. Bep. E.G.P.Soc, 1839, p. 101. HOSKING, Richard {son of Bich. Hosking). b. Gwithian, 25 Mch., 1790. d. Devoran, in Feock, 23 July, 1859. A screw cutting apparatus. Eef. B.G.P.Soc, 1834, p. 39. HOSKING, Richard. (Con.). The portable punching press. (Diagram, Plate vii). ib., 1835, p. 118. Reversing clutch box. ib., 1840, p. 78. A hand dibble for sowing corn or other seed, ib., 1853, pp. 39-40. HOSKING, Simon {bra. of the preceding), b. Gwithian, Aug. 1 1763. d Phillack, 21 Jan., 1841. A.D. 1816, Nov. 1. No. 4075. Specification of Simon Hosking, of the Parish of Phillack... Cabinet Maker, for " A steam-engine on a new construction for drawing water from Mines, for working different kinds of machinery, and for other purposes for which steam-engines are generally applied." "With drawing annexed. Lond., 1816, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1855, fol., pp. 4, 6d. HOSKINS, Rev. Ralph. De Vita Virtutibusque Gulielmi Couche. See Couche, William. HOSKINS, William {son of John EosUns). b. St. Austell, 2 Nov., 1784. d. Falmouth, 27 Nov., 1840. A Testimony from the West Division of Corn- wall Monthly Meeting, concerning William Hoskins. Testimony concerning Deceased Ministers for 1841, pp. 7-11. HOTTEN, John Camden {son of Will. Rotten, of Probus, and Maria, daw. of Mr. Cowling, of Boche). b. London, 1832. A hand-book to the topography and family history of England and Wales, being a descrip- tive account of Twenty thousand most curious and rare books, old tracts, etc. The labour per- formed by J. C. Hotten. Lond., J. C. Hotten, PiccadiUy, n.d., [1863,] 8"., 5/-. Note. — The account of " Cornwall Topography and Family History " is contained in pp. 27-36. Supposed portrait of Shakspeare, at Cotehele. Letter from J. C. Hotten. Athencewn, 7 Jan., 1860, p. 21. Note. — In " Allibone's Diet, of English Literature," under " Syntax, Dr." in vol. ii, p. 2,325, is a list of 36 works, of which J. 0. Hotten was either author or editor. HOTTEN, William {son of Melchizedek Rotten), b. Probus, 1768. d. Probus, 20 Dec, 1841. Letter from the late Rev. Richard Treffry, Sen., to Mr. W. Hotten, Probus. Christian Miscell, June, 1848, p. 181. HOWAED. 256 HOWITT. HOUGHTON, Ekv. William (son of Thos. Houffhton, Governor of the Preston House of Correction). Assistant Curate, St. Mary's, Penzance, Sep., 1846, to June, 1848; Curate of St. Sennen and St. Levan, June, 1848, to Sep., 1865 ; V. of Manaccan, 27 Sep., 1865 to 1870. h. Preston, 17 May, 1812. d. Man- accan Vicarage, 25 Dec, 1870. Calvinism scripturally examined and shewn to be inconsistent with the statements and totally opposed to the general tenor of the Word of God. By W. Houghton, Walton-le-dale, Lan- cashire. Lond., Rivington, [Houghton, printer, Chorley,] 1836, 12"., pp. viii and 136, 3/-. An examination of Calvinism and especially of its present modified forms, by the test of Holy Scriptures, and the unanimous teaching of the Church. Together with a view of the rise of the Predestinarian Doctrines. 2nd Edit. By W. Houghton. Lond., Cleaver, 1849, 12"., 4/6. An enquiry into the theology of the Anglican Reformers. 2nd ed., 1853, 8". The duty of renewed zeal and exertions in the service of our country, earnestly recom- mended in an address to the Duke of Cornwall's Volunteer Artillery Corps, in the Deanery of St. Buryan. By the Eev. W. Houghton, Curate of Sennen and St. Levan. Penzance, Beare and Son, n.d., [1862,] 8°., pp. 8, 2d. Note. — Dated Adyent, 1862. Rationalism in the Church of England. An essay in six parts, (reprinted from the " Ecclesi- astic ") revised and enlarged with an appendix on "Essays and Reviews." By Rev. W. Houghton, Curate of the Parishes of S. Sennen and S. Levan, Corn wall... Lond., Masters; Truro, J. E. Netherton, [printed,] 1863, 8»., pp. 139, 1/6. The Doctrine of the Church on the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. An essay, reprinted (with additions) from the "Ecclesiastic." By Eev. W. Houghton, Curate of Sennen... Lond., J. Masters, 1865, S"., pp. 32, 1/6. Pauline Theology. An essay, reprinted (with additions) from the " Ecclesiastic." By Rev. W. Houghton, Vicar of Manaccan, Cornwall. Lond., J. Masters, 1866, 8°., pp. iv and 79. HOW, Eev. Jasper. See the trees and the bramble ; or a Popish Prince, certain destruction to a Protestant people, being a Sermon on Judges, ix, 14-15. By Jasper How, of Penryn, Cornwall. Published at the request of those that heard it in 1723. HOWAED, John. 6. Enfield, 2 Sept., 1724. d. Cherson, 20 Jan., 1790. John Howard and the prison world of Europe. HOWARD, John. (Con.). By Hepworth Dixon. 3rd ed. Lond., Jackson, 1850, 8". Note. — J. Howard came into Cornwall in 1773, and 1790, cf. pp. 142, 158, 195. HOWARD, John Jarrard, Surgeon, d. at sea off Tobago, 13 July, 1810. The Metamorphoses of PubKus Ovidius Naso in English blank verse. Translated by J. J. Howard. Lond., 1807, printed for the author, and sold by John Hatchard...2 vols., 8"., 9/-. Note. — Dedication dated Pimlioo, Aug. 22, 1807. Poems on Different Subjects. By the late J. J. Howard. Dedicated by Permission to Lieut. General Dalrymple, Commander in Chief of the Colonies, at Demarara and Berbice, in 1810. [By Margaret Howard, widow of J. J. Howard.] Falmouth ; printed by James Trathan. Sold by Gale and Tenner... Lond., 1816, 12". Note. — List of Subscribers, pp. x, not paged ; dedi- cation, pp. ii, not paged ; preface, pp. vi ; contents, pp. iii ; poems, pp. 107. HOWELL, Harriet, of London. An address to the Subscribers, Parents, and Children, belonging to the Free School, for poor Girls of Falmouth, with an Appendix containing Rules for the School Committee, and Sub-Com- mittee, also a List of the Donors and Subscribers. Nettleton and Son, Printers, Plymouth, 1812, 8°. 2 sheets. Eclectic System of Education for the Female Poor. J. Lake, Printer, Falmouth, n.d., 4". \ sheet. HOWELL, Rev. James, M.A. (eld. son of Rev. Joshua Howell, R. of Lanreath, who (^. 19 Mch., 1785). Student of Christ Church, 1766- 1838. V. of Ardington, 23 May, 1778 to 1838. lapt. Lanreath, 30 April, 1748. d. 8 Nov., 1838. cf Welch's List of Westminster Scholars, (ed. 1852), p. 384; Gent. Mag., x, 666, (1838). A Sermon preached at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, on Sunday, 11 June, 1780. By James Howell, M.A., Student of Christ Church, Oxford, etc., etc. Lond., printed for J. Eobson. . .1780, 4"., pp. 24. Note.— Preached at the time of tbe Gordon riots, and dedicated to The Inhabitants of London and West- minster, "as the serious and seasonable advice at this important crisis." HOWITT, William, b. Heanor, Derbyshire, 1795. The Eural Life of England. By W. Howitt. lUusts. Lond., Longman, 1838, 2 vols., 8". Note.— Chap, xi, vol. ii, pp. 279-92, is on " Cornish and Devonshire Wrestling.' HUGHAN. 257 HUGHBS. HOWITT, William. (Con.). Visits to Eemarkable Places. By W. Howitt. 3rd ed. Lond., Longman, 1856, 2 vols., 8°. Note. — Contains " A Day-Dream at Tintagel," with an illust., i, 329-50. TMb article first appeared in The AthencBum, 1835, pp. 545, 569. HUCARIUS, the Levite or Deacon, b. Com- •wall. Lived at St. Germans, circa 1040. cf. Leland's Scrip. Britt., pp. 168-69 ; Bale's Scrip. Britt.,Y^. 152-53; Tanner's Bihl. Britt., t^^. 417-18; Haddan and Stubhs' Councils, i, pp. xvi, 700 ; Thos. ^Fright's Biog. Brit. lAt, (184:2), V- 426. [110] Omelie Hucarii levite in diebus domi- nicis et precipuis festivitatibus anni. Sermones vi ejusdem. jjoiE. ^From the Catalogue of the Library of Christ Church Monastery, Canterbury, contained in the Ootto- nian MSS., Oalba. E., iv, and reprinted in Edwards' ^'Memoirs of Libraries," (1859), i, 122-235, it appears that these works were bound up in the 99th and 100th Tolumes of the collection. In addition to the Homilies and Sermons he is said to have written, besides other works, "ex libro constitutions ecclesiastioarum Egberti arohie'piscopi Eboracensis, prjeceptoris Albini, Excep- tiones qusedam." The Exceptiones appear to have been prefixed to the Homilies. HUDDY, Eev. Matthew. A sermon preach'd at Exon., Sept. the 9th, 1718, at a meeting of the United Ministers of Devon and Cornwal. By Matthew Huddy. Lond., printed for John Clark, at the Bible and •Crown, in the Poultry, near Cheapside, 1718, sm. 4"., pp. 42, 6d. Note.— c/. /. Pierce's " Wester n Inquisition," (1720), pp. 108-109. HUGHAN, William James (son of Will. Eughan). h. East Stonehouse, Plymouth, 13 Feb., 1841. By Authority — Published annually. The Devon and Cornwall Masonic Calendar for the year 1865. Edited by Bro. W. J. Hughan, of Lodges 331, 954, etc. Devonport, pubhshed by Bro. John E. H. Spry, printer, etc., 9 Tavistock St. ; London, F. Pitman, 1865, 32o., VVj\}/-- —1866, 320., pp. vii and 107, 1/-.— 1867, 32 ., pp. 148, 1/-., (as a Pocket Book, 2/-.).-1868, 32"., pp. 2di and 117, 1/-. Note.— After 1868 this work was no longer pub- lished. Dedicated, by permission, to the Most Wor- shipful the Grand Master of England^Consti- tutions of the Freemasons, by W J. Hughan Lond., E. Spencer, Great Queen St. ; Truro, W. Lake, 1869, fcp. 8"., pp. 123, 10/6. TsfoTE —51 pages consist of a facsimile of the Copp» Plate Imonoi the Constitutions of 1728 htho graphed by W. Lake. An impression of only 70 copies. HUGHAN, William James. (Con.). Directory for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall. Edited by W. J. Hughan, Provincial Grand Secretary. Truro, printed by Bro. George Barnby, at the Eoyal Cornwall Gazette Office, 1870, 32"., pp. 31.— 1871, 32°., pp. 31. By Authority, and under the sanction of The Provincial Grand Master of Devon, and The Provincial Grand Master of Cornwall. The Devon and Cornwall Masonic Eegister, for the year 1871. Illustrated with photograph of the Honble. Mrs. Alldworth. Together with A short biographical sketch by Bro. Hughan, Pro. G. Sec. of Cornwall. Edited by Leonard D. West- cott, P.M., 70. Plymouth, L. D. Westcott, 14, Frankfort St., 1871, 32"., pp. 94, 1/-. Note. — A Biographical Sketch, pp. 87-94. Unpublished Eecords of the Craft. By W. J. Hughan... Lond., George Kenning; Hull, M. C. Peck and Son ; Truro, W. Lake, 1871, demy 8"., pp. 54. Printed for private circulation only. Dedicated (by Permission) to the E.W. Bro. Augustus Smith, Provincial Grand Master for Cornwall. — Masonic Sketches and Eeprints. I, History of Freemasonry in York. II, Un- punished Eecords of the Craft. By W. J. Hughan. . .Lond., George Kenning, Little Britain; Hull, M. C. Peck and Son ; Truro, W. Lake, 1871, demy 8°., pp. 166, 6/6. Note.— The First Part was also printed in the " Masonic Annual, Hull, M. C. Peck and Son." The entire work has been reprinted by The Masonic Publish- ing Co., New York. HUGHES, Lewis. Certaine grievances well worthy the serious consideration of the Eight Honourable and High Court of Parliament. Printed, Anno Dom. 1640, sm. 4"., pp. 18. Br. Museum. Note. — Signed "Lewes Hvghes." An account of the " Fire and fire balls," m Antony Church, is contained in pp. 17-18. See aha Bache, Eev. A. HUGHES, Eev. Thomas (son of Thos. Hughes). Wesleyan Minister at Camborne, 1864-67. 6. near Glengynog, Montgomeryshire, 1821 ? The ideal theory of Berkeley and the real world. Free thoughts on Berkeley, Idealism, and Metaphysics. By T. Hughes.' Lond., Hamilton, Adams and Co., 1865, 8"., pp. vi and 191, 3/6. Christian life, the true preparation for death. A sermon on the death of Thomas Garland, Esq., Fairfield, Eedruth. With a brief sketch of his Ufe. By T. Hughes. Lond., Hamilton, 1865, 8"., pp. 32, 1/-. The human will, its functions and freedom. By T Hughes. Lond., Hamilton; Edinburgh, John Menzies, 1867, 8"., pp. viii and 390, 10/6. H H HUGHES. 258 HUNT. HUGHES, Eev. Thomas. (Con.J. Faithful endurance and high aim. Being a sermon preached on the death of the late Eev. J. W. Wesley Chapel, Camborne. With a brief memoir of his life, by T. Hughes. Lond., Hamilton, 1867, 8"., pp. ivand 114, 2/-. HUGHES, William. Barrister-at-Law and Auditor of the Poor Law Union District of Cornwall and Devon, (ith son of Eev. Sir RoU. Hughes of East Bergholt Lodge, Suffolk, Curate of Maker). I. Maker Vicarage, 2 Mch., 1803. hapt. 26 Mch. d. 2, Millbay Grove, Plymouth, 20 Aug., 1861. bur. Plymouth and Devonport Cemetery. Practical directions for taking instructions for and drawing wills ; with an Appendix of Pre- cedents. By W. Hughes, of Gray's-Inn, Barrister- at-Law. Lond., J. and W. T. Clarke... Portugal- Street, Lincoln's Inn, 1833, 12o.,pp.xxiiiand 214. The Practical Angler. [Six Illustrations.] By Piscator, [pseud, i.e. W. Hughes.] Lond., Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1842. sm. 4"., pp. V and 293. Fish, how to choose and how to dress. By Piscator, author of " The Practical Angler, etc., etc." Lond., Longman ; [W. E. Bray, printer, Launceston,] 1843, 8°., pp. vi and 296, 3/6. A Practical Treatise on the choice and cookery of fish. By Piscator. Second Edition. Lond., Longman, 1854, 8°., pp. iv and 291, 5/6. Note. — A second edition of the preceding work, with considerable alterations. The Practice of Sales of Eeal Property, with an Appendix of Precedents... By W. Hughes... In two volumes. Vol I. Lond., John Crockford, Law Times Office, 29, Essex Street, Strand, 1846, 80., pp. xxxi and 458.— Vol. II, 1847, 8o., pp. xxxvi and 344, Precedents, pp. cxli, Index, pp. 39.— 2nd ed. enlarged. Vol. I, 1849, 8"., pp. XV and 563.— Vol. II, 1850, 8°., pp. xix, 360, and Precedents and Index cclvi. The Three Students of Gray's Inn. A novel. By W. Hughes, Contributor to Blackwood's Magazine of "It's all for the best." Lond., T C Newby, 72, Mortimer St., Cavendish Sq., 1846. 3 Vols. 80., 31/6. The Practice of Mortgages of real and per- sonal Estate, with precedents of forms... By W Hughes... In Two Volumes. Vol. L Lond., John Crockford, 1848, 12o., pp. xxviii and 380.— Vol. II, 1849, 120., pp. xxxviii and 486. The New Stamp Act... with an introductory Commentary and practical notes. . .By W. Hughes ...Lond., John Crockford, 1850, 8o., pp. iy and Concise Precedents in Modern Conveyancing By W. Hughes... First Series. Vol. L Londj HOGHES, William. (Oon,j. Law Times Office, 29, Essex Street, Strand, and Hodges and Smith, Dublin, 1850, 8o., pp. xvi and 818.— Vol II, 1851, 8o., pp. xxiii and 859.— Vol. Ill, 1853, 80., pp. xii and 884.— 2nd Edit Vol. I, 1855, 80., pp. xiii and 850.— Vol. II 1856, 8"., pp. XV and 911.— Vol. Ill, 1857, 8o.|. pp. xxiv and 521. A Table of the Stamp Duties payable in Great Britain and Ireland... according to the Act, 13 and 14 Vict., cap. 97. Anon. Published under the direction of the Law Stationers' Society. Lond., Stevens and Norton, 1850, fol., 1 page, 1/-. It's all for the best, a Cornish tale. By W. Hughes. Lond., Whittaker and Co. ; Plymouth and Devonport, Eoger Lidstone, [printed] 1852 80., pp. 135. Note. — Eeprinted from Blackwood's ifao.,lix, 231- 46, 319-36, (1846). The Practice of (Conveyancing, by William Hughes... Vol. L Law Times Office, 29, Essex St., Strand, London, 1856, 8o., pp. i_vi and 1- 482.— Vol. II, 1857, pp. vii-xi and 483-968. Index, pp. 1-98. Letter from W. Hughes to Jonathan Couch, dated Launceston, Sept. 7, 1843. /. Couch's Hist, of British Fishes, iii, 67-68. HULL, EoBERT. See Hill, Robert. HUMBLE, Eev. Michael Morgan, B.A. As- sistant Curate of Madron, 1851, Assistant Curate of Halestown, 1853. Now (1872) E. of Sutton, Chesterfield. Methodistic Catholicism, etc. By a Parish Priest, [i.e.. Eev. M. M. Humble,] 1852, 8o. See Aitken, Eev. E. HUNGERFOED, Mary (dau. of Sir Tho. Eungerford, Knt., and wife of Edward, 2nd Baron Hastings, in 1483J. Touching the marriage settlement of M. Hungerford about Manors in... Cornwall, 12 Edw., 4. Harl. MSS., 3,881, art. 18. HUNT, John (son of Thomas Hunt). Formerly resident at Porthleven. Now (1872) at Gee- long, Australia. S. Crewkerne, 1809.? Ore separator and gold washing machine. By J. Hunt, of Porthleven. Bep. E.C.P.Soc, 1866, pp. xx-xxi. HUNT, EiGHARD (son of Robert Hunt), b. Ply- mouth Dock, [Devonport,] 2 ApL, 1786. d. Leeds, 20 Feb., 1848. Explanation of the Model of Mr. Eichard Hunt's plans for securing the beams of ships. (With drawing, Plate IV). Rep. R.G.P.Soc, 1841, pp. 128-29. HUNT. 259 HUNT. HUNT, Egbert, F.E.S. (son of Bobert Hunt), b. Devonport, 6 Sept., 1807. Secretary to the B. C.P.Soc, 1 841-5 J Keeper of MiningRecords, 1846. The Mount's Bay, a descriptive poem in three books, and other pieces. By R. Hunt. Penzance, published by J. Downing and T. Matthews, 1829, 8°., pp. 90. List of subscribers. A popular treatise on the art of photography, including daguerreotype and all the new methods of producing pictures by the chemical agency of light. By R. Hunt, Secretary of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. Engravings. Glas- gow, published by R. Griffin and Co., 1841, 8"., pp. viii and 96. Transactions of the Royal Cornwall Polytech- nic Society, 1 842. No. I. Thermography, or the art of copying engravings or any printed char- acters from paper on metal plates, and on the recent discovery of Moser, relative to the for- mation of images in the dark. By R. Hunt, Secretary. Read Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1842... J. Trathan, printer and binder. Market Strand, Falmouth, n.d., [1842,] 8°., pp. 10. Researches on hght. An examination of all the phenomena connected with the chemical and molecular changes, produced by the influence of the solar rays, embracing all the known photo- graphic processes and new discoveries in the art. By R. Hunt, Secretary to the Royal Corn- wall Polytechnic Society. Lond., Longman, 1844, 8"., pp. 303.— 2nd ed., 1854, 8"., pp. xx and 387. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, and of the Museum of Economic Geology in London. Vol. i. Lond., Longman, 1846, 8". Note.— Contains " A Notice of the Copper and Tin raised in Cornwall. By B. Hunt, Keeper of Mining Eecords," pp. 510-19. Records of the School of Mines applied to the Arts. Lond., 1853, 8o. Vol. i in 4 Parts. Note.— Contains " Statistics of Produce of Copper, Tin, Lead, and Sillier, 1848-52. By B. Hunt." Vol. i, pt. iv. Table of the Copper produced from the Mines of Cornwall and Devon during the years 1845, 1846 and 1847 ; shewing the Ore raised from each Mine, the fine Copper produced. Average Price per Ton, Amount in Money, Produce per Cent, of the Ore and the Average Standard- Robert Hunt, Keeper of Mining Records._ In "Memoirs of Geological Survey of Great Britain and of the Museum of Practical Geology. (Lond.,Longman, 1848, 8°). Vol. ii, pt. u, P- 711- Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Grea,t Britain and of the Museum of Practical Geol- ogy Mining Records. Mineral Statistics of the HUNT, EoBERT, P.E.S. (Con.). United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for 1853 and 1854. By R. Hunt, F.R.S., Keeper of Mining Records. Lond., printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Published by Long- mans, 1855, 8°., pp. viii and 162, 1/6. Note. — These Mineral Statistics -which contain much information relating to Cornwall have since been compiled annually by E. Hunt, and sold at various prices. Manufacture of British Serpentine. From The Art-Journal, Sept., 1855. By Professor R. Hunt. Lizard Serpentine Company, Offices and Show Rooms, 20, Surrey St., Strand, London. Quarries and factory. The Lizard, Cornwall. n.p. or d., [1855,] 8°., pp. 8. Note. — A reprint of " British Industries. No. IV. Manufacture of British Serpentine." Art Journal, i, 258-60, (1855). Popular romances of the West of England, or the drolls, traditions, and superstitions of Old Cornwall. Collected and edited by R. Hunt. lUust. by Cruickshank. Lond., J. C. Hotten, 1865, 2 vols., 8°., 16/-. Note. — The above work was, in 1871, brought out in a single volume. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. Ed. by R. Hunt, F.R.S. 6th ed. Lond., Longman, 1867, 3 vols., 8o. Note. — Amongst the Contributors were, H. W. Bone, Enameller; Samuel Hocking, Camborne; and J. A. Phillips. Analysis of the air from the deep levels of the Consolidated Mines, Gwennap. Bejp. B.C.P. Soc, 1841, pp. 136-39. On the waters from the mining districts of Cornwall, ib., 1841, pp. 151-57. Meteorological Register kept at Falmouth. ib., 1841, p. 141; 1842, pt. ii, p. 89; 1843, Supp.,^. 4; 1844, p. 106. On the electricity of mineral veins. By R. Hunt, ib., 1841, pp. 157-64; By R, Hunt and John Phillips, 1842, pt. i, pp. 26-27. [Chemist, iii, 251-53, 1842.] Particulars of the Earthquake felt in Corn- wall, 17 Feb., 1842. ib., 1841. App., pp. 1-5. On Light of a peculiar and unknown character, emanating from the outer edge of the Sun. ib., 1842, pt. i, pp. 31-32. Experiments for ascertaining the quantity of air which enters the fire places of the Cornish Engines, ib., 1842, pt. ii, pp. 111-18; 1843, pp. 50-53. On the Chemical Change produced by the Solar Rays, ib., 1844, pp. 102-4. HUNTINGDON, 260 HUSSET. HUNT, EoBEKT, F.E.S. (Con.). Lectures, ib., 1855, pp. xliii-lix; 1864, pp- 15-19. The Lenarto Meteorite, ib., 1867, pp. 59-64. The Decomposition of Yellow Sulphuret of Copper when made part of a Galvanic Current. Bep. R.I.O., 1841, pp. 40-41 ; 1842, p. 29. The Energiatype. Dated Falmouth, 15 June, 1844. Signed R. Hunt. AtJienceum, 1844, p. 575. Whewell's riddle [and a Cornish riddle.] ib., 1867, p. 198. Produce of Lead Ore and Lead in the United Kingdom, 1845-46. Trans. B.G.S.G., vii, 40-45, (1847). On Mineral Deposits, ib., (1868). Note. — This portion of the Transactions has not yet been printed. The Present State of the Mining Industries of the United Kingdom. Journ. Statis. Soc. of Land., xix, 201-218, 311-24. (1856). Reports of the proceedings of the Miners' As- sociation during the first years of its existence, 1861-63. Bep. of Miners' Assoc, of C. and D., 1861, [18 Sep. Meeting,] pp. 2-3; ib., 1862, pp. 1-2 ; ib., 1863, pp. 21-22. On the mineral productions of Cornwall and Devon, ib., 1869, pp. 5-11. Notes on the Eemains of Early British Tin Works. Bep. of I6th Annual Meeting of Oamb. Archceol. Assoc, [at Truro, 1862,] pp. 48-50; Gent. Mag., xiii, 696-702, (1862). Tin Mining in Cornwall and its Traditions. Good Words, 1867, pp. 126-31. Eeprinted in Cornish Teleg., 6, 13, 20 Feb., 1867. The Economic Geology of Devonshire and Cornwall in 1868. Bath and West of England Agric. Journ., xvi, 67-90, 1868. HUNTER, Rev. Joseph, F.S.A. Assistant Keeper of Public Records, b. Sheffield, 6 Feb., 1783. d. London, 9 May, 1861. Fines, sive Pedes Finium : sive Finales Con- cordise in curia Domini Regis : ab anno septimo regni Regis Ricardi I ad annum decimum sextum. Regis Johannis, 1195-1214, edente J. Hunter... volumen primum, in quo continentur comitatus Bedford', Berk', Buck', Cantab', et Cornub'. Printed by command... [Lond., Eyre and Spottis- woode,] 1835, roy. 8°. Note.— The portion " De Com' Cornub.'" is com- prised in pp. 339-57. HUNTINGDON, Francis Hastings, 2nd Earl of Huntingdon, K.G. (son of the followinq). d. 20 June, 1560. ^ HUNTINGDON, Fkanois Hastings. fCon.J. Rent of the Manors, &c., of the Earl of Hunt- ingdon in... Cornwall, &c. Earl. MSS. 3,881, art. 36 and 41. HUNTINGDON, George Hastings, 1st Earl of Huntingdon (son of Edward, 2nd Baron Hastings), d. 21 July, 1544. An account and rental of the Manors "of the Earl of Huntingdon, in Bucks... and Colbwall, 24 Hen. VIIL Earl. MSS. 3,881, art. 32 b., 33, 34, and 35. HUNTINGDON, Selina, Countess of (Lady Selina Shirley, 2nd dau. of Washington, Earl of Ferrers, she m. 3 June, 1728, Theophilus Hast- ings, 26th Earl of Huntingdon), b. 24 Aug., 1707. d. London, 17 June, 1791. The Life and Times of Selina, Countess of Huntingdon. By a Member of the House of Shirley and Hastings. Lond., W. E. Painter, 1841, 2 vols., 80. Note. — The account of the Conntess' visit to Corn- wall, in 1775, is comprised in ii, 414-21. Her life affords much information about the county. HUSBAND, James (son of William Husband), b. Little Falmouth, 1793. d. Falmouth, 1857. Model of a fishing boat. By Mr. Husbands (sic). Bep. B.C.P.Soc, 1840, p. 58. Improved method of ship building, ib., 1846,^ pp. 36-37. HUSBAND, William (son of preceding), b. Mylor, 1823. Remarks in a discussion on Cornish Pumping Engines. Min. of Proc. of Civil Engineers, xxiii, 75-82, (1864). Mast with India rubber cushion. Bep. B.G.P. Soc, 1866, p. xxxii. Mode of fastening planks to iron frames in composite ships, ib., 1866, p. xxxiv. HUSSEY, Lieut. -Col. John, of Lascelles Regi- ment (iyiv. of succeeding). Killed at Quebec in a sortie under Col. Murray, 1759. cf. Gent. Mag., XXX, 294, (1760); Robert Wright's Life of General Wolfe, (1864), p. 481. HUSSEY, Richard, M.P. for St. Mawes 1761- 68, M.P. for East Looe 1768-70 (son of John Eussey, Town Clerk of Truro, 1722-37). At- torney General to Queen Charlotte ; Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall and of Greenwich Hospital ; Counsel to the East India Co. h. Truro, 1713. d. Truro, Sept., 1770. cf Wal pole's Letters (Cunningham's ed.), iii, 453, i'v, 136, V, 220 ; Mahon's Eist. of England, App. HUTTON. 261 HUTTON. ,HUSSEY, EiOHAED, M.P. (Con.). V, 10 ; Chatham Correspondence, ii, 394, iii, 111 ; WalpoWs Memoirs of last ten years of Geo. II, (1832), i, 375 ; Walpole's Memoirs of Beign of King Geo. Ill, (1845), i, 326, 370-73, 377, ii, 60-61, 272, 279-80, 301, 379, iii, 161, 203, 208 note, 315, iv, 49-50; Sir H. Cavendish's Debates, i, 197-98, 246-47, 403; Polwhele's Reminiscences, ii, 135. HUTCHINS, John. Disticha in obitum Annaa Hext et J. Hutchins. MSS. G.C.C. Oxford, 32i,fol. 180. Note. — Thjs was written at the end of the 16th century. HUTCHINS, Capt. Stephen, Commander of H.M. 50-gun ship " Portland." b. Paul, near Penzance, 1669. d. Port Royal, Jamaica, 24 Aug., 1709. bur. Kingston. Monument Paul Church, cf. Charnock's Biog. Navalis, iii, 294- 97 ; Johns and Nicolas' Calendar of Victory, (1855), p. 475. HUTCHINS, William. The model of a merchant vessel. Bep. B.C.P. Soc, 1842, pt. ii, pp. 79-80. HUTCHINSON, Thomas. AD. 1843, May 4. Nq. 9,721.- Specification of Francis Daniell, of Camborne... Assay Master and Analytical Chemist, and Thomas Hutchinson, of Eosewarne. . .Esquire, for " certain methods of obtaining or manufacturing lime from a sub- stance or substances not hitherto made use of for that purpose," namely, sea sand. Lond., 1843, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1866, fol., pp. 3, 3d. HUTCHISON, Rev. ^neas Barkly, B.D., V. of St. James, Devonport, 21 Aug., 1850-1866. b. London, 1819. d. Harrogate, 25 Dec, 1866. A monograph on the history and restoration of the parish church of St. Mary, Calhngton, by M. B. Hutchison. Plates. Lond., J. Masters; Plymouth, G. H. Lidstone, 1861, 4o., pp. 28, 5/-. Note. — Reprinted from Trans. Mxeter Dioces. Archi- tect. Soc, [1860,] vi, 312-34, (1861). Dedicated " toEev. H. M. Rice, Rector of South Hill cum Callington, and J. P. St. Aubyn, Esq., the following pages prepared with their assistance." HUTTON, CUTHBERT. PubliiTerentiiComedise Sex. Ashmolean MSS., (Bodl. Uh). No. 56. Nora. — Formerly belonged to " Cuthbertus Huton ex comitatu Oormib : comissus pro Dootore Lupton " who wrote on the margin of f. 69 b. some memoranda in English concerning a Prophecy of Merlin for the year 1510. * HUTTON, Rev. Thomas, B.D., Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford; V. of St. Kew, 1600- 40 ; R. of North Lew ; Prebend, of Exeter, 29 June, 1616-40. b. London, 1566. d. St. Kew, 20 Dec, 1640. cf Blisd Wood, ii, 646-47. Reasons for refvsal of Svbscription to the booke of Common Praier vnder the hands of certaine Ministers of Devon and Cornwall, word for word as they were exhibited by them to the Right Reuerend Father in God, William Coton, (sic) Doctor of Divinitie, L. Bishop of Exceter. With an Ansvvereatseverall times returned them, in publike Conference and in diverse Sermons upon occasion preached in the Cathedrall Church of Exceter, by T. Hvtton, Bachiler of Divinitie and Fellow of St. John's Coll., in Oxon. And now pvblished at the very earnest intreatie of some espiciall friends for a farther contentment of other the King's Maiestie's good and loyall Subjects. Printed at Oxford by Joseph Barnes, and are to be sold in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Crowne, by Simon Waterson, 1605, 4°., pp. 200. Br. Museum. The second and last part of Reasons for Refusall of Subscription to the Booke of Common Prayer vnder the hands of certaine Ministers of Deuon and Cornwall, as they were exhibited by them to the right reuerend Father in God, William Cotton, Doctor of Diuinitie and Lord Bishop of Exceter. As also an Appendix or Compendious Briefe of all other Exceptions, taken by others against the Bookes of Communion, Homilies, and Ordination, word for word, as it came to the hands of an Honorable Personage. With an Answer to both at seuerall times returned them in publike conference and in diuerse Ser- mons vpon occasion preached in the Cathedrall Church of Exceter, by T. Hutton... London, printed by John Windel for the Companie of Stationers, 1606, 4°. Br. Museum. Note. — Epistle Dedicatorie, 2 leaves. To my fellow brethren the Ministers of Deuonshire and Cornwall, 1 leaf. To the Christian Reader, 1 leaf. The Contents of the Chapters and the Appendix, 3 leaves, then pp. 1-260 The remoouall of certaine imputations laid vpon the Ministers of Deuon and Cornwall, by one M. T. H[utton,] and in them, vpon all other ministers els-where refusing -to subscribe. Anon, n.p., [Amsterdam?] or printers name, 1606,4". Br. Museum. Note. — To the Indifferent Reader, 2 leaves, then pp. 1-66. A defence of the Ministers' Reasons for refv- sall of svbscription to the Booke of Common Prayer and of Conformitie against the severall answers of T. Hutton, Bachiler of Divinity, in his two bookes against the Minist. of Dev. and lAGO. 262 INOB. BUTTON, Bet. Thomas, B.D. (Con.)- Cornwell, William Covel, D. in Divinitie...Tlio. Spark, D. in Divinitie...[By Samuel Hieron?] Imprinted, 3 607, 4". Br. Musewm. Note. — To the Christian Eeader, 3 leaves, then pp. 1-226. The second parte of the defence of the Min- isters' Eeasons for refusal of subscription and conformitie to the Book of Common Prayer against the several Answers of Th. Hutton, Bachiler of Divinity in his two bookes against the Minist. of Dev. and Cornwel, William Covel ...Th. Spark... Fran. Mason... Imprinted, 1608, 4°. Br. Museum. Note.— To the Christian Eeader, 6 leaves; list of faults, 1 leaf; then pp. 3-243. A dispvte vpon the qvestion of kneeling in the acte of receiving the Sacramentall bread and wine... or a third parte of the Defence of the Ministers' reason for refusall of the subscription and conformitie requjTed against the severall answers of 1 , D. Spark . . . 2, D. Covel ... 3, Thomas Hutton in his 2 booke against the Ministers of Devonshire and Cornwell, 4, Thomas Eogers... Printed, Anno 1608, 4°. Br. Museum. Note.— To the Eeader, 3 leaves, then pp. 1-166. HUXHAM, John, M.D., F.E.S. b. Halberton, Devonshire, d. Plymouth, 10 Aug., 1768. Extraordinary agitation of the sea in Devon- shire and Cornwall ; at Plymouth, Mounts-Bay, Penzance. Bhilos. Trans., xlix, 371-73, (1755). HYDE, Thomas De La, Sheriff of Cornwall 1301-13. d. 1313 1 cf. Foss' Judges, iii, 107 ; Bep. B.I.C., 1871, pp. 232, 238-39. Ia, St. Came into Cornwall with St. Breaca. cf. A. Butler's Lives of the Saints, (1836) i 298 ; Acta Sanctorum, {Oct. 27), xii, 293. Note.— A life of St. Ia was extant in Leland's time, c/. his Itmeraiy, (1744), iii, fol. 8. St. Ia had a sister Uda and two brothers Ewinus, [i.e., St. Uny, Patron bamt of Lelant,] and Erous, [i.e., St. Erth.] lAGO, Thomas Dalby. See Jago, T. D. IAGO,Eev William, BA., (son of Will, lago, of St. Mawes), Chaplain of the Cornwall County Asylum, h. London, 3 Jan., 1836. The Eeports of the Cornwall County Asylum Pubhshed [annually] by order of the Comwali lAGO, Eev. William, B.A. (Oon.). Sessions 1863-71. Bodmin, Liddell and Son 1863-71, 80. Note. — Each of these contains a Eeport from the Chaplain. A Peep at Kirk Maughold, [Isle of Man,] signed W. I. [With 2 sketches by the Author engraved by A. H. Collins.] 'Once a Week iii' 437-38, (1867). Infringing the Bye Laws, a Eailway Misad- venture. Illustrated by " Phiz," and signed W. I. London Society (Holiday Number), 1869, pp.' 48-53, (generally bound with vol. xv). The Wreck. A Poem. Signed W. I. CasseWs Mag., iv, 156-57, (1869). On the supposed Saxon Slab at Bodmin. By Eev. W. lago. With a sketch by the Author, engraved by J. T. Blight. Jowrn. B.LC, Anl' 1869, p. 103. ^ ' Mylor Church, its Crosses, Frescoes, &c., by Eev. W. lago, with lithographic illusts. by the ' Author, ib., Apl., 1870, pp. 162-72. The Slaughter-Bridge, Worthyvale, inscribed stone, ib., Apl., 1871, p. 318. Kirk Maughold, Isle of Man. [Verses.] Feople's Mag., v, 191, (1870). ^ Martyr Bishop. N. and Q., 4 S., viii, 216, (1871). Parochial... History of the Deanery of Trigs Minor. By Sir J. Maclean. Lond., 1868-72, 4" Note.— Some of the woodcuts of Antiquities in thzs History were drawn and cut by Mr. lago. PANS, Col. Weey (son of Edward Fans), b 1738. d. Efford, Stratton, 16 Sept., 1816. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxxvi, pt. ii, 472, (1816). Reply to a circular letter of A. Young's, dated Whitstone House, Stratton, 9 Feb., 1795. Young's Annals of Agricidture, xxiv, 2 28-3 1" (1795). ' Price of Corn, etc., dated Whitstone House, Dec. 4, 1799. ib., xxxiv, 268-9, (1800). Letter to Lord de DunstanvOle, dated Whit- stone House, Mar. 31, 1800, [relative to the culture of Potatoes.] ib., xxxv, 113-9. ■^^o^i^' J'^?^^- Heney, Sergeant Major, 1781- A' S^if"^ ^°^^^ Garrison Battalion, Gibr- ft^^^It-'^^^^' ^ie*!*-' 24Mch.,1801- 1802. 6. Penzance, area 1737. d Penzance, June, 1809. cf T. W. J. Connolly's Hist, of Sappers and Miners, (1857), i, 5, 14-32 : Tver- man s Life and Times of Wesley, iii, 46. ir,fnp«l^tTi,^^''^^™*5''^'°'^^'''=^ proposed and carried piw i""^ excavation of the Galleries in the Solid ?b?wtV^' ^^^^"""^ °^ *^" "«"*™1 8^°°"^ at Gibraltar. Ihe works were commenced 25 May, 1782, and finished a few years after the siege. / o^, ana nnisnea INCLEDON. 263 ISHMABL. INCLEDON, Benjamin Charles (son of Mr. Indedon, Surgeon, St. Keverne). b. St. Keverne, 1764. d. Worcester, 11 Feb., 1826. bur. Hamp- stead Churchyard, cf. Gent. Mag., Ixiii, pt.i, 184, (1793), Ixx, pt. i, 93, (1800), Ixxi, pt. i, 181, (1801), Ixxv, pt. ii, 880, (1805), Ixxxi, pt. i, - 597, (1811), xcvi, 375-76, (1826);^ DMomari/ of Musicians, (1824), i, 392-93; Dmr«/o/ IT. C. BoUnson, i, 327, 343-44, ii, 418 ; W. T. Parke's Musical Memoirs, i, 127, 136^ 173-76, 330-34, ii, 20-22, 56-58, 111-12, 248-51; Annual Biography for 1827, pp. 462-63; New Monthly Mag.,xYui, 211, (1826) ; tF. G. Oulton'sHist. of Theatres of London, (1818), ii, 66-87; Didot Nomelle Biog. Univ. ; Biog. Univ. ; Bose ; Be- miniscences of Henry Angela, (1828), ii, 546; Memoirs of Ghas. Mathews, by Mrs. Mathews, (1839), i, 149, 151, ii, 151, 160-68, 192, 194- 207; The Georgian Era, (1834), iv, 289-91; Fifty Years of an Actor's Life. By W^. A. Donald- son, Sen., (1858), pp. 45-46 ; JF. Glark BusseW s " Bepresentative Actors," (1871), pp. 278-83; The Era Almanac, 1870, p. 11. A Statement of the differences subsisting be- tween the proprietors and performers of the Theatre Eoyal, Covent Garden, given in the correspondence which has passed between them. By J. Johnstone, J. G. Holman, A. Pope, C. Incledon...Lond., printed by J. Davis, Chancery Lane, for W. Miller, Old Bond St., 1800, 8"., pp. 69. Note. — There ia also a Supplement of 3 pages in the form of an anonymous letter to the Actors with their answer, dated " Theatre-Boyal, Gov. Gard., Half- past 10 o'clock, Feb. 18, 1800." Variety containing original and selected songs in the favourite entertainment now performing by 0. Incledon, of Covent Garden Theatre, at the different theatres and pubhc places in most of the principal towns of the United Kingdom. Lend., published for Goulding, Phipps, and D'Almaine, 45, Pall Mall, n.d., [1805,] 8"., pp. 20, 6d. The Wandering Melodist, or the rose, the thistle, and the shamrock, consisting of fifteen songs sung by Mr. Incledon, of Covent Garden Theatre, in his tour through the United King- dom. Lond., printed for Goulding, Phipps, and D'Almaine. n.d., [1805,] 8°., pp. 19, 6d. Lines addressed to Charles Incledon ; late of Covent Garden Theatre. By. J. Crow, Wych Street, cf Gent. Mag., Ixxxv, pt. ii, 616, (1815). INCLEDON, Charles (son of preceding), cf. W. Glark BusseW s "Bepresentative Actors," (1871), p. 281 ; Geneste's English Stage, ix,4c98. Note. — Mr. Incledon made his first appearance on the stage as Young Meadows in Love in a Village, at Drury Lane, 8 Oct., 1829. INCOGNITUS. pseud, i.e. Thoughts on the Abolition of Slavery; humbly submitted in a Letter to the King, signed, In- cognitus. Lond., Baldwin ; Vigurs, printer, Pen- zance, 1824, 8"., pp. 22. INGLE, Rev. John, M.A. {son of John Thomas Ingle). R. of St. Olave's, Exeter, 1867. b. Ashby de la Zouch, 10 July, 1823., Ritual Beauty no mark of Romanism. A Letter to the Rev. J. Rogers, M.A., (of Penrose, Porth- leven, Cornwall), Canon Residentiary of Exeter, in reply to certain statements made by him re- specting the system pursued by the Incumbent of Porthleven, [the Rev. T. L. Williams,] and other matters. By Rev. J. Ingle, Head-master of Ely Grammar School. Lond., J. Masters, 1854, 8°., pp. 56. INGLEBY, Clement Mansfield, LL.D. (son of Clement Ingleby). b. Edgbaston, near Bir- mingham, 29 Oct., 1823. Vestiges of the Cornish Tongue. Once a Week, i, 193-95, (1866). INNES, Rev. James. R. of St. Breock. Ejected, 1662. cf. Palmer's Nonconformists' Memorial, (1775), i, 275. INNOCENT IV. Pope, (Sinibaldo Fieschi), 1243-54. d. 7 Dec, 1254. Valor of Firstfruits and Tenths taken by order of Innocent, iv. Anno. 1253. Note. — Contains account of Cornish parishes. IRVING, George Vere, F.S.A., Scot, (only son of Alexander, Lord Newton), b. 1816. d. 5, St. Mark's Crescent, Regent's Park, London, 29 Oct., 1869. Ancient camps, earthworks, and fortifications in Cornwall. Plate. Collectanea Archceol., ii, IQO- 73, (1863). ISABELLA, Queen, d. Castle Rising, Norfolk, 22 Aug., 1358. Grant to Queen Isabella of the County of Cornwall. 2 Edw. II., [1317.] Br. Museum. Addit. MSS, 15,663, fol. 237. ISBELL, DiGORY. d. Trewint, 23 June, 1795, aged 77. ISBELL, Elizabeth, d. Trewint, 8 Oct., 1804, aged 87. An Account of Digory and Elizabeth IsbeU, late of Trewint, near Launceston. By Francis Truscott. Methodist Mag., xxxii, 165-69, (1809). ISHMAEL. pseud, i.e., Harris, Josiah. JACO. 264 JAGO. IVIA OR IVO, St. cf. A. Butler's Uves of Saints. (1836), i, 519. J. J. i.e., Jessopp, Eev. A. J. A. J. i.e., Jessopp. Eev. A. J. J. C. J. jSTotice of the Helston Furry-Day. By J. C. J. Lond., W. Plank, 146, Gt. SuiTey Street, 1831, 8°., pp. 20. Note. — The Address is dated "London, March, 1831." JACK, Rev. James. Baptist Minister at Pen- zance, Sept. 1871, to Moh., 1872. Anger, its cause and abatement. A sermon preached in Clarence St., Baptist Chapel, Pen- zance, 10 March, 1872. By Eev. James Jack. Penzance, W. K Bassett, 1872, S"., Id. JACKSON, Clement (son of Elephas Jackson), h. East Looe, 6 May, 1802. d. St. Austell, 28 May, 1856. cf. J. Couch's Hist, of British Fishes, ii, 81, 125. Eare or uncommon Birds observed in Corn- wall. By Clement Jackson, J. Couch, and Eev. J. Lakes. Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist., iii, 175- 77, (1830). JACKSON, G. Frederic. St. Columb and the North West Coast of Cornwall. 3 Woodcuts. Once a TFeeh, vii, 527- 32, (1862). JACKSON, William (son of Rev. John Jackson, Eector of St. Mewan). hir. St. Mewan, 28 July, 1698. Christenings and Burials of the Children of W. Jackson, of St. Mewan, 1675-1716. Br. Museum. Addit. MSS., 15,561, fol. 160. JACO, Eev. Peter. Wesleyan Minister {son of Nicholas Jacko). b. Newlyn, near Penzance. bapt. Paul, 4 May, 1728, as P. Jacfo. d. Mar- gate, 6 July, 1781. bur. City Road Chapel, London, cf. Treffrif s Mem. of R. Trewavas, Sen., (1839), pp. 12-13; Sidney's Life of Rev. S Walker, p. 233; T. Jackson's Lives of Early Methodist Preachers, (3rd ed.), i, 259-68 ; Tyer- man's Life and Times of Wesley, ii, 249, iii, 296- 300 ; G. J. Stevenson's " City Road Chapel," pp. 58, 59, 74; Arminian Mag., iv, 62], (1781); Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixxiii, 33-34, (1850). JACO, Eev. Peter. (Con.). A short account of Mr. Jaco written by him- self in a letter to the Eev. Mr. Wesley. Portrait, cetatis, 49. Arminian Mag., i, 541-44, (1778). Letter from P. Jaco to John Valton, dated London, 28 Sep., 1775. Methodist Mag., xxi, 592, (1798). Letter from P. Jacco (sic) relative to the deci- sion of the conference in 1761 as to instantane- ous perfection. MSS. Note. — A portion of Article 523 in Dawson Turner's MSS. Lib., sold in 1859. JACOB, Eev. John, LL.D., Master of the Devonport Grammar School ; Minister of St. Aubyn's Chapel, Chapel St., Devonport. West Devon and Cornwall Flor?,. By the Eev. J. Jacob, LL.D. Coloured plates. Lond., Long- man ; E. Nettleton, Whimple St., Plymouth, 1836, vol. i, 8". No pagination, and signatures irregular. Note. — Dedicated to Sir J. St. Aubyn, Bart. Pub- lished in parts at 1/-. each, hut discontinued after 18 ■were issued, the last part is dated 1837. JAGO, Eleanor (wife of R. Jago). A Brain Wave. [An account of supernatural footsteps heard by Richard Jago, son of V. of Wendron.] Spectator, 20 Feb., 1869. JAGO, Eev. George, First Minister at Looe ; Tutor to Mr. Buller in 1712 ; V. of Harberton, 1714. b. Cornwall, cf J. Couch's Hist, of British Fishes, ii, 123-24. Joannis Eaii synopsis methodica avium et Piscium. Londini, 1713, 8". Note. — In the "Synopsis methodica piscium" is printed (pp. 162-66) a " Catalogus quorundam piscium rariorum quos oris Comuhise maritimis nuper observavit, et artiflci manu elegantissimS delineayit, ouriosissimus rerum naturalium indagator D. Georgius Jago, Bever- endus, Dignissimusque oppidi Looe Parochus, et ad D. Jacobum Petiverum Historise Naturalis seientissimum, misit." J. Petiver's opera varia. [Lond., 1715?] fol. Br. Museum. Note.— Contains two plates of "fishes lately dis- covered on the coasts of Cornwal by the Eeyerend Mr. George Jago." 19 Letters from G. Jago to James Petiver, dated Looe, 1709-15. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 4,049, art. 859. Drawings of fish, crabs, and shells, in colours, chiefly from South America. By Eev. George Jago and others, ib., 5,262, fol. Drawings of fish in colours. By Eev. George Jago and others. [Art. 48, being a letter from JAGO. 265 JAMES. JAGO, Eev. George. (Con.J. Petiver to Mr. Jago, dated 30 Dec, 1712, with his reply, dated Morval, 3 Jan., 1712.1 ib., 5,267, fol. -■ ' Note.— Wien Mr. Jago died his MSS. and drawings were left with his friend Mr. Dyer, of East Looe, and were afterwards handed by him to Dr. Borlase, then en- gaged on his " Natural History of ComwaU." JAGO, Honor, d. 1 Nov., 1841, aged 83. The Last days of Honor Jago. Lond., Friends Tract Assoc, 1844, 12o., pp. 4. Eepublished in 1850, 1855, 1858, 12°. JAGO, James, B.A., Cambridge; M.D., Oxford; F.RS., Physician to Cornwall General Infir- mary, b. Trevethan Farm, in Budock, Dec, 1814. Ocular spectres and structures as mutual ex- ponents. A Treatise. Eustachian Tube, why opened in deglutition. A Paper. By J. Jago, A.B., Cantab., M.B., Oxon., Physician to the Eoyal Cornwall Infirmary, and the Physician to the Truro Dispensary. Lond., J. Churchill, New Burlington Street, 1856, 8"., pp. vu and 110. Entoptics, with its uses in Physiology and Medicine. Engravings. By J. Jago... Lond., J. Churchni and Sons, 1864, 8"., pp. xv and 188, 5/- Points in the Physiology and Diseases of the Eye. Lond. Med. Gag., i, 62-66, 97-102, (1845), vi, 673-76, 760-64, (1848). The opening of the Eustachian Tube, limited to the act of deglutition, now first rightly ex- plained. Rep. B.I.C., 1853, pp. 26-35. Observations on the Solar Phenomena of the 5th ApL, 1871. ib., 1872, pp. Ixxiii-lxxviii. Ocular spectres and structures as mutual ex- ponents. Proc. Roy. Soc, vii, 208-13, 326-27, (1854-55). Ocular spectres, structures, and functions, mutual exponents, ib., viii, 603-10, (1856-57). On the functions of the tympanum, ib., ix, 134-40, (1857-59). . On Entoptics. Brit. For. Med. Chir. Rev., xxiii, 465-85, xxiv, 165-78, (1859). Obscure trunk pains ; or chronic pains in the abdominal and thoracic walls, ib., xxvii, 490- 502, (1861). The functions of the tympanum. Part i. Eus- tachian Tube. Part ii. Tympanic Membrane, &c ib., xxxix, 175-86, 496-520, (1867). Entacoustics. ib., xUi, 225-37, (1868). The functions of the Tympanum. (A note to the Article in 1867). ib., xlv, 229-36, (1870). ■ The Eustachian Tube. When and How it is opened ? Journ. of Anat. and Physiol., iii, 341- 48, (1869). JAGO, Eev. John (son of Rev. Robt. Jago, V. of Wendron, and grandson of the Rev. Robt. Jago who d 1 685 j. V. of Wendron and Helston, 1706-22. d Helston. bur. 26 July, 1722. Sermons of Eev. J. Jago, preached at Wen- dron, Helston, Cury, Gunwalloe, Mawgan, St. Martin, St. Breage, between 1688 and 1703. MSS. 8 vols, penes N. H. P. Lawrence, Esq., Launceston. JAGO, Lieut. John Sampson, E.N. (son of John Sampson Jago). b. Mevagissey, 21 Oct., 1794. d. Corran, St. Ewe, 20 Dec, 1871. cf. 0' Byrne; London Gazette, 1816, p. 1,792. JAGO, Eev. Eobert (son of Pascoe Jago). V. of Wendron and Helston, 1685. b. Dartmouth, 1608. d. Helston, 1685. cf. Palmer's Noncon- formists Memorial, (1802), i, 346, ii, 17. JAGO, Thomas .Dalby (son of Robert Jago). b. St. Mawes, 24 Nov., 1794. d. Bodmin, 2 Jan., 1871. bur. Tywardreath. The trial of Symonds versus Jago for libel at the Cornwall summer assizes at Bodmin, on Tuesday, 2nd August, 1831, before Mr. Justice Alderson and a special jury. Taken in short hand by Cherer, 89, Chancery Lane, London. Falmouth, James Lake, 1831, 8"., pp. xviand 68. JAMES, Christian. A Wonderful Prophesie declared by Christian James, a Maid of twenty years of ag^ (late daughter to Dan James) who was bom and bred near unto the town which is called Padstow, in the county of Cornwal, who departed this life upon the 8 of Mar. With the true Eelation of her behaviour, both in her life time and in the hour of her death, worthy to be had in memory. The tune is, " In summer time." Contrived into MeeterbyL[awrence]P[rice.] Woodcut. London, printed for J. Wright, at the Globe, in Little Brittain. n.d., fol. A Wonderful Prophecy, Declared by Christian James, a maid of twenty years of age, late daughter to Daniel James, who was born and bred near the town which is called !^adstow, in the County of Cornwel, who departed this life upon the 8th of March... Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Printed and sold by John White, n.d., [1720,], fol., pp. 2. i>V. Museum, Roxburghe Ballads, vol. iii, No. 664. Note.' — ^At the end it is stated that " The Names of the Masters of the Parish that saw the Maid on her death-bed, and heard the words of the Prophecy which she delivered, were as foUoweth : W. Wates, Curate ; T. Davies, Head Constable ; E. Wilkins, and C. Tanner, Church-Wardens. .. Contrived in Metre by L[awrenee] P[rice.]" I I JAMES. 266 JAMES. JAMES, Cheisiian. (Con.). A Wonderful Prophesie, declared by Christian James... In "The Garland of Good-Will, by Thomas Deloney. Ed. by J. H. Dixon." (Percy Soc, 1851, 8".), pp. 76-82. Note.— There is no doubt but that this story is a fiction. JAMES, Francis (son of James James), b. Helston. d. Helston, 20 Jan., 1849. A volume of collections towards a History of Helston and other documents. Fol. penes Eev. Edmund Boger, St. Saviour's, Southwark, (1872). JAMES, George Coulson (iiid son of Trevenen James), b. Penzance, 26 Aug., 1828. Pseudo Cost-Book Mines. A Letter to a Share- holder. By G. C. James, Solicitor. Lond., Effing- ham Wilson, Eoyal Exchange, 1855, 8"., pp. 56. _ The Companies' Act, 1862. With introduc- tion and summary of law. By G. C. James, Solicitor. Lond., W Kent and Co., Paternoster Eow, 1863, 8»., pp. xiv and 150. JAMES, Major-General Sir Henry, Knt., F.E.S. (5th son of John James, of Truro), b. Eose-in-Vale, St. Agnes, 1803. Knighted, 1860. cf Men of the Time, (1868). Papers on subjects connected with the duties of the Corps of Eoyal Engineers... Vol. L New Series. Plates. Lond., J. Weale, 59, High Hol- born, 1851, 8°., pp. viii and 122. _ Note. — Contains "Notice of the Arrangements which have been made for taking Meteorological Obser- vations at the principal Foreign Stations of the Eoyal Engineers. By Capt. H. James, B.E.", pp. 101-12. Abstracts from the Meteorological Observations taken at the stations of the Eoyal Engineers in the year 185 3-4... Edited by Lieut. Colonel H. James, E.E. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1855, 4"., pp. 122 and diagrams. _ Abstracts from the Meteorological Observa- tions taken at the Stations of the Eoyal Engineers in the years 1853-59. Edited by Lt. Colonel H. James, E.E... Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1862, 40., pp. 744. _ Ordnance Survey. Meteorological Observa- tions taken during the years 1829 to 1852, at the Ordnance Survey Office, Phoenix Park, Dublin... Edited by Captain Cameron, E.E.— Lieut. Colonel Henry James, E.E., Superinten- dent of the Ordnance Survey. Dublin, printed by A. Thom and Sons, 1856, 4"., pp. xxv and 603, 5/-. ' > fi- JAMES, Majoe-General Sib Henht. (Con.). Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain and Ireland. Account of the observa- tions and calculations of the principal triangular tions, and of the figure, dimensions, and mean specific gravity of the earth as derived therefrom. Drawn up by Capt. A. E. Clarke, E.E., F.E.A.S., under the direction of Lt. Colonel H. James, E.E., F.E.S., M.E.LA., &c. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1858, i^., pp. xvii and 782. Note.' — The Plates are in a distinct volume entitled " Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey. Principal Trian- gnlation. Plates. Lond. , Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1868, 4"." Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey. Geodetical Tables based on the elements of the figure of the earth, given in the Account of the Principal Triangulation. By Lt. Colonel H. James. Lond., 1858, 4". Eeport of the Committee on the reduction of the Ordnance Plans by photography. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1859, fol., pp. 8. Note. — At the end of the Report is "Account of the Methods employed for the reduction of plans by photography at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southamp- ton. . .By Lieut. A. De C. Scott, E.B., under the direc- tion of Colonel 3a.vaes ".. .Plates. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1859, fol., pp. 19." Instructions for taking meteorological obser- vations, with tables for their correction, and notes on meteorological phenomena. Drawn up by order of the Secretary of State for War, by Colonel Sir H. James, Eoyal Engineers... ^tote and plans. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1860, 8"., pp. 53. 'Tables for the reduction of the meteorological observations taken at the stations of the Eoyal Engineers... Edited by Colonel Sir H. James, Eoyal Engineers. . .Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1860, 8"., pp. 34. Ordnance Survey. Abstract of the principal lines of spirit levelling in England and Wales. By Colonel Sir Henry James, E.E. Lond., printed by G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, and sold by Longmans, 1861, 4"., pp. xii and 624, 15/-. NoTE.^ — Abstract of levelling from Plymouth to St. Ives, etc., pp. 85-106. Abstract of levelling from Lost- withiel to Padstow, pp. 129-34. Abstract of levelling from Tavistock to Liskeard, pp. 135-38. Ordnance Survey. Abstract of the principal lines of spirit levelling in Scotland. By Colonel Sir Henry James, E.E. Lond., printed by G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, and sold by Longmans, 1861, 4o., pp. xii and 375, 10/-. Domesday Book, or The Great Survey of England of William the Conqueror. A.D. MLXXXVI. Fac-Simile of the part relating to Cornwall. Photo-sdncographed by Her Majesty's command at the Ordnance Survey Office, South- JAMES. 267 JAMES. JAMES, Majob-Genebal Sir Henry. (Con.). ampton. Colonel Sir H. James, E.E., F.R.S., Director, MDCCCLXI. Etched by G. de Garlieb, at the Ordnance Survey Office, fol. Introduction 4 pages. Text, pp. i-xi. Appendix, 2 pages. Note. — The Colophon reada "Printed by Sapper James R. Foggarty, E.E., at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton." On the Titlepage is a copy of the Seal of the Lord Warden of the Stannaries. This work was the first portion of the Domesday Book brought out by Sir H. James, cf. also Archceol. Joum. [By Joseph Burtt,} XTiii, 132-33, (1861). A literal extension of the Domesday Book in relation to the county of Cornwall. To accom- pany the fac-simile copy photo-zincographed imder the direction of Col. Sir H. James, RE. ...Lond., Vacher and Sons, 1861, fol., pp. 22. On Projections for Maps, applying to a very large extent of the earth's surface. Plate. By Lt. Colonel H. James and Captain Alex. R. Clarke. Lond., 1862, 8°. Abstract from the Meteorological Observations taken in the years 1860-61, at the Royal En- gineer Office, New Westminster, British Colum- bia. Edited by Colonel Sir H. James, R.E... Lond., printed by G. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1862, 4°., pp. 9. On Photo-zincography and other photographic processes employed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton. By Capt. A. De C. Scott, R.E., under the direction of Colonel Sir H. James, R.E., F.R.S., etc. 12 plates. Lond., Longman, 1862, 4"., pp. vi and xvi. — 2nd ed., 1863, 4"., pp. vii and xvi. Extension of the triangulation of the Ordnance Survey into France and Belgium, with the mea- sittement of an arc of parallel in latitude 52° N. from Valentia, in Ireland, to Mount Kemmel, in Belgium. . .By Colonel Sir H. James, R.E., F.R.S., etc.,... plates. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1863, 4»., pp. vi and 62. Note on the block of tin dredged up in Fal- mouth Harbour. By Colonel Sir H. James, RE. 4 engravings. Lond., Edward Stanford, 6, Charing Cross, 1863, 8"., pp. 11. Army Equipment. — Equipment of Cavalry compiled by Lieut. H. M. Hozier... Forming Part 1 of the Series of Army Equipments. Prepared at the Topographical and Statistical Deparment, War Office. Col. Sir H. James, R.E., F.R.S., etc., Director. Lond., W. Clowes and Sons... n.d., [1865,] 8"., pp. 288, 4/-. Note.— The first of a Series of works on Army Equipment pubUshed at the "War Office under the direc- tion of Sir H. James. Fac-simile of the National Manuscripts from WiUiam the Conqueror to Queen Anne, selected under the direction of the Master of the EoUs, JAMES, Majoe-Generai Sir Hehby. (Con.). and photo-zincographed by command of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, by Colonel Sir H. James, R.E., Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, 1865, fol. Note. — Parts i-iii are dated 1865 ; Part iv, 1868. Comparisons of Standards of Length of Eng- land, France, Belgium, Prussia, Russia, India, Australia, made at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, by Capt. A. R. Clarke, R.E., under the direction of Colonel Sir Henry James, R.E. Plates. Lond., printed by G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1866, 4"., pp. viii and 287, 15/-. Determination of the positions of Feaghmain and Haverfordwest, longitude stations on the Great European Arc of Parallel, being an Ap- pendix to the Account of the principal triangula- tion of Great Britain and Ireland. By Capt. A. R. Clarke, R.E., under the direction of Col. Sir H. James, R.E. Plates. Lond., printed by G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1867, 4"., pp. 62. Fac-simile of National Manuscripts of Scot- land, selected under the direction of. ..Sir W. Gibson-Craig, Bart. ..and photo-zincographed... by Colonel Sir H. James, R.E, Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, 1867, fol. Note.— Part i is dated 1867; part ii, 1870, A Poor Man's Photography at the Great Pyra- mid in the year 1865, compared with that of the Ordnance Survey establishment, subsidized by London wealth, and under the orders of Col. Sir H. James, E.E., F.R.S...By Professor C. Piazzi Smyth, F.R.S.S., L. and E...Lond., published by H. Greenwood, 2, York St., Covent Garden, 1870, 8°., pp. 39 and 23. Papers on the Great Pyramid; including a critical examination of Sir H. James' "Notes on the Great Pyramid of Egypt." By St. John Vincent Day, C.E., F.R.S.E... Edinburgh, Ed- monston and Douglas, 1870, H°., pp. viii and 126. Record of the Expedition to Abyssinia, com- piled by order of the Secretary of State for War. by Major Trevenen J. Holland, C.B., and Capt. H. Hozier. Lond., W. Clowes and Sons, 1870, 2 vols., 40. Note. — This work was compiled under the direction of Sir H. James, by whom the Preface is signed. Fac-simile of the Black-letter Prayer book... Photo-zincographed at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, (Major-General Sir H. James, R.E., F.R.S., etc., Director General)... Lond., Longman and Co., 1871, fol. No pagina- tion. JAMES. 268 JANE. JAMES, Majok-Genbkal Sir Henby. (Con.). On the variegated appearance of the old and new red sandston e. PA«7os. ilfajf. , xxiii, 1-3, ( 1 84 3). On projections for maps applying to a very- large extent of the earth's surface. By Sir H. James and Alex. E. Clarke, ib., xxiii, 306-12, (1862). On a section exposed by the excavation at the new steam-basin in Portsmouth dockyard. Journ. Geol. Soc, iii, 249-51, (1847). Note on the tertiary deposits of the county of Wexford. Journ. Dublin Geol. Soc, iii, 195-96, (1849). On the necessary correction to the observed height of the barometer depending upon the force of the wind. Trans. Edinh. Roy. Soc, xx, 377- 84, (1852). On the deflection of the plumb line at Arthur's seat, and on the mean density of the earth. Proc Edinb. Roy. Soc, iii, 364-66, (1857). On the geodetic operations of the ordnance survey. Proc Roy. Instil., ii, 516-21, (1854-58). On the deflection of the plumb line at Arthur's seat, and the mean specific gravity of the earth. Philos. Trans., cxlvi, 591-606, (1856). On the figure, dimensions, and mean specific gravity of the earth, as derived from the Ord- nance Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, ib., cxlvi, 607-26. (1856). Note on refraction. Brit. Assoc Section, 1858, p. 38. Note on a block of tin dredged up in Fal- mouth Harbour. Rep. R.I.G., 1863, p. 29. The Great Pyramid of Egypt. Letter dated " Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, 9 Nov., 1867," and signed "H. James." Athenmum, 16 Nov., 1867, p. 650. The Block of Tin dredged up in Falmouth Harbour and now in the Truro Museum. Archmol. Journ., xxviii, 196-203, (1871). JAMES, Rev. John Hutchison, D.D. fson of Rev. John James). Wesleyan Minister in Corn- wall, 1845-51. b. Macclesfield, 1 Jan., 1816. The nature and destiny of the human soul : the substance of a sermon preached in St. Mary's Wesleyan Chapel, Truro, on Sunday, Aug. 2nd, 1846. By John H. James. Truro, 1847, 8°., pp. 20. Dr. Campbell and The Wesleyans. Originally published in the Cornish Banner for Feb. and Mch., 1847, under the title of "A false witness rebuked." With additional remarks. By the Eev. J. H. James. Lond., published by Aylott and Jones, 8, Paternoster Row, and sold by N. Lomas, Castle St., Bristol ; Geo. Clyma, Lemon St., Truro; Eowe and Son, Penzance. 7i.d., [1847,] post 8°., pp. 16, Id. Note.— Dated Truro, 13 Apl., 1847. JAMES, Eet. John Hutchison, D.D. (Con.). Recent Revival of religion at Truro. Dated Truro, Apl. 19th, 1847, and signed R. Young, J. H. James, John W. Greeves. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixx, 607-12, (1847). Memorial Notice of Richard Barnes, who died at Regent-House Academy, Penzance, 16 Oct., 1849, aged 41. ib., Ixxii, 1318, (1849). Revival of Religion in the Penzance Circuit. Dated Penzance, 13 Nov., 1849, and signed Robert Young, John H. James, ib., Ixxiii, 33- 39, (1850). JAMES, Rev. John Payne (son of Jas. and Patience James). Wesleyan Minister. 5. Newlyn, 7 Apl., 1822. d. Newlyn, 10 June, 1852. bw. Paul. cf. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixxv, 916, (1852). Note. — Mr. James was originally employed in Messrs. Batten and Game's Bank, at Penzance, but was afterwards educated for the ministry at Didsbury Theological Institution. JAMES, Nicholas. Writing Master. Poems on several occasions. By N. James. Truro : printed by Andrew Brice, 1742, sm. 4". Dedication and preface unpaged, then pp. 148. List of Subscribers. Note. — Dedicated to Eev. Mr. William Staokhouse. JAMES, Capt. Thomas, R.N. (son of John James, of Truro), b. Truro, 16 Oct., 1797. d. Stonehouse, 10 May, 1857. bm. Plymouth and Devonport Cemetery, 15 May. cf. O Byrne. JANE, Joseph, Mayor of Liskeard, 1631, 16|f ; M.P. for Liskeard, 1625 and 1640; (son of Thos. Jane, Mayor of Liskeard, 1621). b. Lis- keard. cf. Bliss' Wood, iv, 644. EiKwv AK^ao■TOf. The Image Vnbroaken. A perspective of the impudence, falshood, vanitie and prophannes, published in a libell entitled 'KtMvoKTMO-ryti against 'Eimv Baa-iTiiKj), or the Pour- traicture of his sacred Majestie in his solitudes and suflferings. Anon. Printed Anno. Dom., 1651, 40. Grenville Lib., Br. Museum. Note. — Introduction, pp. 3-4 ; Preface examined pp. 5-56 ; then Y.iKav A.K},acrTOf pp. 57-267. Eeferences to this work will be found in the Account of Eoscius AnglicanuB, in E. G. Waldron's Lit. Museum, (1792) p. 9, and in Todd's edition of Milton's Poems, (1826) i, 115. JANE, Rev. Joseph (nephew of Rev. Will Jane, D.D., and grandson of the preceding). V. of Gwinear, 15 Nov., 1710 to 1711; R. of St. Mary's, Truro, 1711-45; Master of Free Grammar School, Truro, 1714 ? to 1728. d. Truro, hwr. 19 Nov., 1745. JANE. 269 JANE. JANE, Eev. Joseph. (Con.). An account of Tin Bounds in Perranzabuloe and St. Agnes bought of John Argall by the Eev. J. Jane, 1733. MS. which was ^ewes the late Charles ShoU, Esq., ControllerH.M. Customs, ^ Exeter. Note.— Printed in Cornish Teleg., 14 Feb., 1866. JANE, Rev. Joseph (sm of the preceding). Student of Christ Church ; E. of Iron Acton, Gloucestershire, 1764-89. b. Truro, d. 1795. cf. Welch's List of Westminster Scholars, (fid. 1852), p. 308; Tyerman's Life and Times of Wesley, ii, 75 ; Sidney's Life of Walker, pp. 325, 493, 547-49, 553-55. Epicedia Oxon. in obitum. . .Frederic! Principis Wallise. Oxon., 1751, fol. Note. — Contains verses by " Josepbus Jane, S.T.B., .ffldis Christi Alumnus." Eighteousness. A Sermon. By Eev. J. Jane. Bristol, 1766, S". JANE, Rev. William, D.D. (son of Joseph Jane, M.P.). Canon of Christ Church, 5 July, 1678; Prebendary of St. Paul's, 24 June, 1679; Treasurer of St. Paul's, 7 Aug., and Archdea- con of Middlesex, 7 Oct., 1679-86 ; Regius Professor of Divinity, Oxford, 19 May, 1680; Dean of Gloucester, 6 June, 1685 ; Chancellor . of Exeter, 2 Feb., 170f-1704; Precentor, 6 May, 1704-6. hapt. Liskeard, 22 Oct., 1645. d. Oxford, 22 Feb., 170f hur. Christ Church, Oxford, 27 Feb. cf Bliss' Wood, iv, 643-4 ; NeaVs Puritans, (Toulmin's ed.), v, 90-91 ; Newcourfs Eepertorium ... I/mdinense (1708- 10), i, 83 ; Bishop Atterhuri/s Miscellaneous Works, (17 89-98), i, passim; Atterhury' s Corres- pondence, i, 90, 194, 206; Bishop Kennefs Biog. Memoranda, Lansd. MSS., 987, art. 137, fol., 298-99; Macaula'^s Eist of England, i, 331, ii, 149-51, iii, 470-72, 489-90 ; WelcKs List of Westminster Scholars, (1852), p. 153; Life of Dean Prideaux, (1748), pp. 54-56 ; MaUJiew ArnoMs St. Paul and Protestantism, pp. 17-18; Bi/rch's lAfe of Arch-Bp. Tillotson, pp. 168, 173-4, 177, 184, 186-92 ; Corresp. of Earls of Clarendon and Rochester and Diary of Lord Clarendon, (1828), ii, 89-92, 123, 127, 295; Calam'j/s Eist. Account of his own Life, i, 210, 214, 275; [/. Gother's] Good Advice to the Pulpits, (1687); MSS. C.C.C. Oxford, {Uth Volwne of W. Fulman's Collectanea), No. 307, fol. 88 ; Palin's Eist of Church of England, (1851), pp. 39, 196, 380 ; Lathbury's Eist. of Convocation, (1853), pp. 321, 328, 346; Burnetts ■ Eistory of his own Time, (1724), i, 684; N. -. IMtreU's Brief Relation of State Affairs, i, 391, 607-608, ii, 95, 309, iv, 150, vi, 142; JANE, Eev. William, D.D. (Con.). Rev. J. Eunfs Religious Thought in England, (1871), ii, 194, 206-208, 283-84; Matthew Sylvester's Reliquice Baxterianm, (1696), pt. iii, p. 177. A sermon preached at the consecration of the Hon. Dr. Henry Compton, Lord Bishop of Ox- ford, in Lambeth Chappel, on Sunday, Dec. 6, 1674. By W. Jane, B.D., Student of Christ Church and Chaplain to his Lordship. Lond., printed by W. Godbid, and are to be sold by R. Littlebury, at the King's Arms, in Little Britain, 1675, 4°., pp. 44. Note. — A portion of tbis Sermon exists in the MS No. 390, fol. 148, Qiieen's Coll., Oxford. The present separation self-condemned and proved to be schism, as it is exemplified in a sermon preached upon that subject, by Mr. W. Jenkyn, and is further attested by divers others of his own persuasion. All produced in answer to a letter from a friend. Lond., printed for Edward Croft, at the Seven Stars, in Little Lum- bard Street, 1678, 4o., pp. 134. Note.— The letter from a friend, signed H. N., pp. 1-17 ; the sermon, pp. 19-42 ; the answer to bis worthy friend H. N., signed S. B., pp. 43-134. Celeusma, seu clamor ad theologos Hierarchise Anglicanse, sanctitate doctrinseetvitse conspicuos. Londini, 1679, i". Note. — In tbis work written in answer to the pre- ceding pamphlet it is insinuated that Dr. Jane was the author of " The present separation self- condemned." A sermon preached on the day of the Publick Fast, April the 11th, 1679, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, before the House of Commons. By William Jane, B.D., Canon of Christ Church in Oxford, and Chaplain to the Lord Bishop of London. Lond., printed by M. C, for Henry Brome and Richard Chiswel, in St. Paul's Church- yard, 1679, 4"., pp. 51. A Letter to a Friend containing some Queries about the New Commission for making Altera- tions in the Liturgy, Canons, etc., of the Church of England. Anon. [Oct.], 1689, 4°., s^sh. Note. Wood says that these queries were called in London "Oxford Queries, and said there to be written by Dr. Will. Jane." Lathbury, however, in his "History of Convocation," p. 326, says that the copy in his pos- session had been ascribed by one of the Nonjurors to Dr. Sherlock. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at St. Margaret, Westmin- ster, on Thursday, the 26th of Nov., 1691, being a day of publick thanksgiving [for the preservation of the King.] By W. Jane, D.D... Oxford, printed at the Theater for Thomas Bennet...l691, 4"., pp. 34. JANE. 270 JEANS. JANE, Bet. William, D.D. (Con.). A sermon preached before the King and Queen at Whitehall, in November, 1692. By- William Jane, D.D., Dean of Gloucester, and Chaplain in Ordinary to their Majesties... Ox- ford, printed at the Theater for Thomas Bennet, at the Half-Moon, in St. Paul's Churchyard, London, 1692, 4o., pp. 30. The Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity briefly explained, in a letter to a Friend. By Johii WalUs, D.D. Lond., 1690, 4°. Note. — This was followed in 1690 and the two suc- ceeding years by seven other letters written by Dr. Wallls ; in the second and seventh of which he prints two letters addressed to him by W. J[ane,] on the sub- ject of the Trinity. The first of Dr. Jane's letters is dated London, 23 Sept., 1690, and occupies six pages ; the second is dated London March 24, 16-S-& and occu- pies 10 pages. A relation of a conference before his Majesty and the Earl of Eochester, Lord High-Treasurer; concerning the real presence and transubstantia- tion, Nov. 30, 1686. Now publish'd to obviate the false account given thereof, by Laurence Echard, A.M., in his History of England. Printed Anno. Dom. 1722, 8°., pp. 60 and Preface un- paged. Note. — The disputants were Dr. Patrick and Dr. Jane ou behalf of the English Church, and Dr. Giffard and Dr. Godden for the Eoman Church. Supplex Eecognitio . . . oblata. . . Jacobo secundo. Oxon., 1685, fol. Pietas Univ. Oxon. in obitum Gulielmi iii, etc. Oxon., 1702, 4". Note. — The above two works contain verses by W. Jane. Dr. Jane to Archbishop Sancroft, undertaking to preach at Whitehall. Oxford, 16 Jan., 1678-9. Tanner MSS., (Bodl. Lib.), 314, art. 12. The same to the same ; thanks for recommend- ing him to the King for the deanery of Glouces- ter. Christ Church, 27 April, 1685. ih., 31, art. 31. The same to the same ; excusing himseK from preaching at Whitehall. Oxford, 8 March, 1685- 86. ih., 31, art. 164. The same to the same ; excused by the Lord Chamberlain from taking one of the Lent Ser- mons. 7 Jan., 1686-7. ih., 37, art. 140. Dr. Jane to Bishop Compton, concerning a questionable sermon preached at St. Mary's. Oxford, 18 July, 1680. ih., 37, art. 55. Anonymous letter to Archbishop Sancroft, complaining of a sermon preached by Dr. Jane, at St. James', on 5 Nov., 1688. ih., 28, art. 249. Notices of Dr. Jane by Bishop Gibson and Bishop Compton. ih., 24, art. 96 ; 38, art. 59. JANE, Bet. "William, D.D. (Con.). Catalogue of MSS. formerly in the possession of John Theyer ; certified by Dr. Beveridge and Dr. Jane (29 July, 1678) as being worth .£572 3s. 6d. Br. Musewm, Addit. MSS. 6,414. An Indenture of Lease from William Jane, Dean of Gloucester, to Joseph Prout, of the Burrough of Liskeard... Seine-maker, for four score and nineteen years, if the said Joseph Prout, Peter Prout, his son, and Hannah, the wife of the said Peter Prout, should so long live, at the rent of Eight Shillings yearly, of two fields in Liskeard containing 4^ acres of land now in the possession of the said Joseph Prout. Dated 1 Sept., 8th WUl. iii, [1696.] MS. penes N. Hare, Esq., Jun., Liskeard. JANSSON, Jean. Le Nouvel Atlas ou Th6^tre du Monde, auquel est representee la Grande Bretagne...Par Jean Jansson. Amstelodami apud loannem lans- sonium. Anno. 1646, roy. fol. Note. — The Fourth Volume treats of "Britanrms," and contains, in pp. 156-62, an account of ComwaU, with a map entitled " Cornubia sive ComwaUia, Am- stelodami exoudebat loannes lanissonius." The map is embellished with the County Arms and the Arms of the Earls of Cornwall. There is an edition of this work in Dutch, dated Amstelodami, 1649, roy. fol. JAES, Gabeiel, The Elder, h. Lyons, 26 Jan., 1732. d. Clermont, Auvergne, 20 Aug., 1769. Voyage M6tallurgique...Par feu M. publics par M. G. Jars. A. Lyon chez G. Eeg- nault, 1774-81, 3 vols., 4°. Note. — Contains "Mines de cuivres de Wheal Spemon, Bedruth. . .1765," in vol. iii, pp. 86-87, " Mines d'fitain et de cuivre de la province de ComouaiUe, 1765," in vol. iii, pp. 186-223, " Usages, loix et ooutumes de la province de Cornwal. . .," in vol. iii, pp. 522-38. JAEVIS, Thomas. Table of the soundings offe Sylly shewing what manner of grownd you shall have, how the land beareth from you, how farre offe, what depth, and what latitvde, etc. Arundell MSS., Br. Museum, 502, fol. 6-8. Instructions for entering the principal har- bours [Falmouth, etc.,] and passing through the more difiicult straits in the Enghsh seas, with a few rude sketches of the coast, by Thomas Jarvis. ih., 502, fol. 18. JEANS, Edwaed. b. Marazion, 1809. d. Cather- iae Street, Strand, London, 7 Jan, 1869. cf. Register and Mag. of Biog., (1869), i, 245-46. A catalogue of Books in all branches of litera- ture, both ancient and modem... the rarest of which date from 1479 to 1603... on sale at E. JEFFEBY. 271 JEFFEBY. JEANS, Edwabd. (Cm.). Jeans's, bookseller, White Lion St., Norwich, 1860, 80., pp. iv and 376. Note. — Mr. Jeans was a Bookseller at Exeter, 0am- bridge and Norwich. He was latterly in the employment o{ Messrs. Willis and Sotheran, Strand, London. He was well known as an experienced Bibliographer. JEFFERIES, Anne (stated to have m. Will. Warren, formerly Hind to Dr. Rich. Lower, and afterwards to Sir Andrew Slanning, and to have been h. St. Teath, Dec., 1626, and to have been Living in 1696). An account of Anne Jefferies, now living in the County of Cornwall, who was fed for six months by a small sort of airy people called Fairies ; and of the strange and wonderful cures she performed with salves and medicines she received from them, for which she never took one penny of her patients. In a letter from Moses Pitt to. . .Dr. Edward Fowler, Lord Bishop of Gloucester. Lond., printed for Richard Cum- berland, at the Angel, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1696, 4". — • Reprinted in /. Morgan's Phoenix Britannicus, (Lond., 1732, 40.), pp. 545-51, and in C. S. Gilbert's Cornioall, i, 107-14. Note. — There is no entry of the baptism of A. Jefferies at St. Teath between 1625-27 or afterwards. JEFFERIES, Mrs. Blanche (dau of Mr. Tre- villian). b. Gwinear. d. St. John's Parish, Westminster, 7 Mch., 1797, aged, as reported, about 117. Memoir of Mrs. B. Jefferies. Portrait. Evanr gelicalMag., v, 221-26, (1797). JEFFERY, Dorothy {generally known by her maiden name of Dolly Pentreaih, dau. of Nicholas Pentreath). bapt. Paul, 17 May, 1714. d. Mousehole, Dec, 1777. bur. Paul, 27 Dec. cf Gent. Mag., i, 690, 1866, {by J. WilTcins); N. and Q., 1 S., xii, 407, 500 ; 2 S., i, 17, 350 ; RalliwelVs Rambles in Western Cornwall, (1861), pp. 175-77; Transactions of Logger- ville Literary Society, (by Will. Sandys), pp. 109-111. Recreations in Rhyme by a Cornubian. \pseud. i.e., J. Trenhaile.] With portrait of Dolly Pen- treath, (1834). See Cornubian. Specimens of Cornish Provincial Dialects, collected and arranged by Uncle Jan Trenoodle, [pseud, i.e., Will. Sandys,] with some introduc- tory remarks and a glossary, etc., by an Anti- quarian Friend. Also a Collection of Songs and other pieces connected with Cornwall. With a portrait of Dorothy Pentreath. Lond., J. R. Smith, 1846, post 8o„ pp. 108, 4/-. Dolly Pentreath and other humourous Cornish JBPFEEY, DoEOTHT. (Con.). Tales in verse. By. J. Trenhaile. With a por- trait of Old Dolly. Devonport, W. Wood; Lond., Houlston and Wright, n.d., [1854 ?] 12"., pp. 46, 6d. The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq. [Dr. John Wolcot.] Lond., 1812, 5 vols., 80. Note. — Ode xxi of the Lyric Odes to the Eoyal Academicians, (in vol. i, pp. 119-20), contains a reference to Doll. Pentreath. On the expiration of the Cornish Language. [An Account of Dolly Pentreath.] In Letters from the Hon. D. Barrington. Archmol. iii, 278- 84, (1776), V, 81-86, (1779). See also Barring- ton, Hon. Daines ; Bonaparte, Prince L.L. Note. — The articles in the Archceologia were re- printed verbatim in the Oor. Teleg., 9 and 16 June, 1865. All the accounts state that DoUy Pentreath wis 102, but her real age at the time of death seems to have Ijeen only 63. JEFFERY, James (son of John Jeffery.) Adm. Sizar of Pembroke Coll., Cam., 18 Mch., 1700, Fellow, 22 Oct., 1708. 6. Marazion, 1682. d. ante 9 Mch., 17||-. cf Haives' Hist, of Framlingham, (1798), p. 283. JEFFERY, John (son of Benjamin and Mary Jeffery). Minister of the Baptist Chapel Re- gent Street, Lambeth, London, 1824-1834; Minister of Chapel at New Mill, Tring, Herts, 3 Sept., 1834 to Oct., 1836. b. Mousehole. Remarks on an Extract of a letter from Mr. Jeffery, of Newlyn, inserted in the Baptist Magazine for January, 1824, by John Water- house. Penzance, E. Rowe, [16 Jan.,] 1824, 120., pp. 12.— 3rd ed., 1824, 12°. The Tuck-Net, or free animadversions on the very unkind and unchristian " Remarks " of the Rev. J. Waterhouse, of Penzance, and his Metho- dist friends against Mr. John Jeffery, of Newlyn, and his Baptist friends in general, by G. 0. Smith. Penzance, T. Vigurs, [Feb.,] 1824, 12"., pp. 114, 4d. Note.— Pt. i, pp. 1-34, pt. ii, pp. 35-74, pt. iii, 75- 114, pt. iv was announced but never published. " The Tuck-Net " split, or an examination of the pamphlet lately published by the Rev. G. C. Smith. By Pindar, pseud, i.e., Penzance, G. GlanviU, 1824, 12"., pp. 12. "The Tuck-Net" retucked, or Porpoises in- stead of Pilchards ! ! ! The Printer has refused to print the following pages without the Author's name aflSxed to them, he subscribes himself George Edmonds. Penzance, E. Rowe, 1824, 120., pp. 8. An Appeal to the public in compliance with the mandate of the Rev. G. C. Smith, of Pen- JEFFEEY. 272 JEFFEEY. .JEFFEEY, John. (Con.). zance, by John Waterhouse. Penzance, E. Eowe, 1824, 120., pp. 63. A Solemn Appeal to the Protestant Dissenters called Wesleyan Methodists around. By Bap- tist Ministers. Penzance, printed and sold by T. Vigurs, 1824, 80., pp. 46, 6d. A letter of remonstrance addressed to Mr. Thomas Hocking, of the North Parade, con- cerning his opinion of the Baptist denomination, with Observations on the system of persecution adopted and recommended to the Methodist Societies by the example and labors of the Eev. John Waterhouse, Superintendent of the Pen- zance District, by G. 0. Smith. Penzance, T. Vigurs, [19 Mch.,] 1824, 12°., pp. 18, 3d. Eeligion vindicated ; or party spirit opposed, being an Antidote to the religious controversy in this place, excited by the " Tuck-Net," etc., by Peter Pendarves. pseud, i.e., Penzance, G. Glanvill, 1824, 12o., pp. 12. The Traveller, or a Shy Fish glancing at the "Tuck-Net." A poem, by Erthusyo. pseud, i.e., Penzance, G. GlanviU, 1824, 120., pp. 12. The Wooden Horse for the Eounder and the Horse without a Head. Taalked about in our Chimney Corner at Skewjack, and put on Peaper by the Blacksmith Dickee, for our Denery, sent with the Boy Will., by me Eobin Baragwaneth. pseud, i.e., Penzance, J. Thomas, 1824, 120., pp. 13^ 2d. Scriptural Advice ; being a copy of a letter from Falmouth, addressed to the Eev. John Waterhouse. Penzance, T. Vigurs, [27 April,] 1824,120., pp. 14, 2d. Strictures on a tract called " Scriptural Ad- vice, etc., in a letter to the Eev. G. C. Smith, by a Wesleyan Methodist. Penzance, E. Eowe, [6 May,] 1824, 12o., pp. H, lid. A Voice from Truro to the Eev. John Water- house, with an extract from Wesley's Sermon on Evil Speaking. Penzance, J. Thomas, 1824, 120., pp 5 and 10. A letter addressed to the Eev. G. C. Smith, Baptist Minister of Penzance, by John Water- house. Penzance, E. Eowe, 1824, 12o., pp 4 Id. ' ' -FF , Falsehood exposed and truth vindicated, in a letter from Falmouth, addressed to the Eev. J. Waterhouse, and signed by real persons. Pen- zance, E. Eowe, 1824, 120., pp 4^ 1^ A copy of a letter from Mr. Heath, to the Committee of the Baptist Home Missionary Society, with Eemarks, by E. Scurrah. Pen- zance, E. Eowe, 1824, 12o., pp. 8. Wheal Discord, or a crucible for the Mundic recently brought to Grass, by the Eev. Ealph Scurrah, of Copperhouse, in the form of " Ee- JEFFEEY, John. (Gm.). marks upon " a copy of a letter from Mr. Heath, to the Committee of the Baptist Home Mission- ary Society. [By Eev. G. C. Smith.] Penzance, J. Thomas, 1824, 12"., pp. 48, 3d. Note.— Ft. i, pp. 1-26, pt. ii, pp. 27-48. Clericus and the Independent denomination of Dissenters; with strictures on a paragraph concerning a Masquerade and some periodical works respecting the Clergy in general of this Kingdom, by Vindicator, pseud, i.e., Penzance, G. Glanvill, 1824, 12o., pp. 24. No Fiction ! A Statement of facts respecting the Accounts of the Industrious Society for Scilly, and the proceedings of the Eev. G. C. Smith, the Secretary, in reference to them. By John S. Brown, Treasurer to the Society. Pen- zance, T. Vigurs, 1824, 12o., pp. 21. A Public Epistle to Mr. Brown on his pam- phlet styled " No Fiction," proving it to be real fiction. Or a defence of the Eev. G. C. Smith, from Mr. Brown's puny attempt to effect his ruin, by a Baptist Minister. Penzance, J. Thomas, 1824, 120., pp. 7. An impartial view of the state of religion in Penzance, and its Vicinity. By Vindicator, pseud, i.e., Penzance, E. Eowe, 1824, 120., pp. 58, Note. — This Controversy, commonly called " the Tuck-Net Controversy," was caused hy an extract of a letter from Mr. Jeffery, relative to the state of religion in Newlyn, which appeared in the Baptist Mag., xvi, 47-48, (1824J. The whole of the works on this subject are given here in order to show their connection with each other, hut they will also be found inserted under the names and pseudonyms of the various writers. Mr. Jeffery was a convert to the Baptist denomination, having being received into that body by immersion in the mill-pond at Mousehole, by the Eev. G. C. Smith. JEFFEEY, Egbert, b. Polperro. d. Polperro, March, 1820. cf. Annual Register, lii, 255- 56, 264-65, 278-79, 283-84, (1810); Gent. Mag., Ixxx, 483, (1810) ; Literary Panorama, viii, 764, (1810); Couch's History of Polperro, pp. 93-98. Jeffery the Seaman, being a Narrative of his feelings and sufferings during his abode on the desolate Island of Sombrero, where he was left . by the inhuman order of his Captain. Together with a Journal or Diary during the eight days he remained there. Interspersed with Strictures and comments on the conduct of Capt. Lake, well worthy of the attention of the British Legislature and the public in general. Lond., printed for the Author and sold by C. Chrippes, 16 Piazza, Covent Garden, n.d., [1810,] 80., pp. 32. A Narrative of the life, sufferings, and deliver- JENKIN. 273 JENKINS. JEFFEEY, EoBEET. (Oon.). ance of E. Jeffery, who was put on the desolate rock of Sombrero, Dec. 13, 1807. With portrait. Lond., 1811, 80. Jeffery the Sailor. By T. Couch. ChcJc, No. ii, pp. 60-65. JEFFREE, EiCHAKD. b, Camborne, d. Cam- borne, cf. W. J. Henwood's Address at Spring "" ' of R.l C.Bep., 1871, pp. 47, 50. JEFFREYS, John Gwyn, F.R.S. (son of John Jeffreys), b. Swansea, 18 Jan., 1809. Report of the Committee appointed to explore the marine fauna and flora of the south coast of Devon and Cornwall. No. 1. Consisting of J. G. Jeffreys, Rev. T. Hincks, J. Couch, C. Stewart, J. B. Rowe, and J. Ralfs. Bep. Brit. Assoc, 1865, pp. 51-56. Note. — This Report was drawn iip by the Secretary, C. Spenoe Bate. JEHAN, L. F. La Bretagne. Esquisses Pittoresques et Arch^o- logiques...par L. F. Jehan (de Saint-Clavien) . . . Tours, Cattier, Libraire-Editeur, 1863, 8"., pp. xxii and 452. Note. — On Antiquities in Brittany, with some re- ferences to Cornwall. JENKIN, Mr. Living in 1700. Copy of Carmen Britannicum dialecto Cornu- biensi by Edwd. Lhuyd from original with Mr. Jenkin, of Alverton, Penzance. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 28,554, pp. 132-33. Song, by Mr. Jenkin, of Alverton. ib., 28,554, p. 136. JENKIN, William (son of Ishmael Jenkin). hapt. Redruth, 14 Oct., 1738. d. Redruth, 27 Sept., 1820. An Answer to the observations particularly addressed to the Adventurers in Tincroft Mine, signed, a Cornishman. By W. Jenkin. Printed and sold by Bennett, Redruth, 1802, 8o., pp. 16, 4d. Note.— Dated Trewirgie, 13 Dec, 1802. This pamphlet was written by Mr. Jenkin, as Steward of the Honble. C. B. Agar. A Letter to Mr. W. Jenkin, of Redruth, occa- sioned by his pamphlet entitled "An Answer to the Observations, etc., by a Cornishman." By Rev. John Richards, Jun. Bath, printed by Keenes, Kingsmead Street, and sold by the Book- isellers at Tniro, Redruth, Pehryn, etc. n.d., [1803,] 86., pp. 40, 1/-. JENKIN, William. 6. St. Keverne, 27 May, 1757. The Providence of God asserted in an account of W. Jenkin, written by himself. Methodist Mag., xlii, 679-82, 758-61, 841-49, 924-31, (1819). Thoughts on Planetary Motion. By W. Jenkin, Mylor. New Monthly Mag., xi, 108-11, (1819). JENKINS, Rev. David (son of the succeeding). V. of St. Gorran, 7 Sept., 1824-1869. I. St. Clement, 2 June, 1797. d. Gorran, 17 Mch., 1869. cf. Register and Mag. of Biog., i, 429, (1869). JENKINS, Rev. Francis, M.A. V. of St. Clement, 21 Mch., 1789 to 1839. b. St. Michael Penkivell, 21 June, 1756. d. St. Clement, 18 Aug., 1839. cf Gent. Mag., xii, 432, (1839). JENKINS, Major Gen. Francis (son of the preceding). Commissioner of Assam, b. St. Clement, 4 Aug. bapt. 27 Sept., 1793. d. Gowhatty, Assam, 28 Aug., 1866. cf Jourv,. B.I.C., 1866, (on an inserted unpaged leaf at the end). Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government. Calcutta, 1851-54, 8". Note.— Contains " Report on Keooh Behar, By ¥, Jenkins." Selections from the Records of the Bengal Government. Calcutta, 1853-64, roy. 8". Note. — No. 11 in this Selection is " Report on the Revenue Administration of the Province of Assam. By F. Jenkins." An account of some minerals collected at Nagpur and its vicinity, with remarks on the geology, etc., of that part of the country. Asiatic Researches, xviii, pt. ii, 194-215, (1833). Further discovery of coal beds in Assam. Bengal Journ. Asiat. Soc, iv, 704-6, (1835). Premiums given by Capt. Jenkins. Rep. R.G.P. Soc., 1837, p. 18; 1838, p. 14. On the formation of lignite in Berhampootur. Rep. R.I.G., 1840, p. 23; 1843, pp. 21-22. Hints for the management of the grape vine in an unpropitious soil and climate ; with an ac- count of the beneficial effects, resulting from a system of under-draining. India Agric. Soc. Journ., iii, 89-94, (1844). On the discovery of coal of a very superior description in a new situation in Upper Assam. Calcutta Jmi/rn. Nat. Hist., vii, 213, (1847). JENKINS, Rev. Henry, D.D. {son of Rev. Thos. Jenkins). Dean of Buryan, 9 Aug., 1799 to 1817; Prebendary of Winchester, J J JENKS. 274 JENNINGS. JENKINS, Eev. Henry, D.D. (Oon.). 5 Feb., 1810 to 1817. b. Westwick, Norfolk, 1731. d. Wincliester, 21 Dec, 1817. bur. Wotton. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxxvii, pt. ii, 632, (1817), Ixxxviii, pt. i,'381, (1818). JENKINS, Joseph (son of James Jenkins), b. Tresider, in St. Buiyan, 12 June, 1808. A Treatise on the Third Commandment, Self Denial and Marriage; by Philomath, \i.e., J. Jenkins.] Penzance, printed by H. M. Saundry. n.d., [1864?] 120., pp. 28, 6d. A Treatise on the Seven Stages of Man's Life, The Aged, and "Word Union. By Philo- math. Penzance, printed by E. Paddy, 4, Chapel St., 1865, 12"., pp. 28, 6d. A Lecture on Future Punishment. By J. J. Philomath. Penzance, printed by E. Paddy, Chancery Lane, Chapel Street, 1866, 12°., pp. 26, 6d. A Lecture on Maintaining Good Works. By Phdomath. Penzance, E. Paddy, 1866, 12"., pp. 28, 6d. Continuation of a Lecture on Future Punish- ment. By J. J. Philomath. Penzance, E. Paddy, 1867, 12"., pp. 28, 6d. A True Copy of the Will of Mary Jenkins, of Alverton, proving thereby that the -within named James Jenkins and his Sons were the Heirs thereof To which is added Remarks on Justice. By J. J. Philomath. Penzance, printed for the Author by E. Paddy, Chapel St., 1867, 120., pp. 28, 6d. Poems and Sonnets. By J. J. Philomath. Pen- zance, printed by H. M. Saundry, 13, Chapel Street, n.d., [1867 q 12o., pp. 39, 6d. Poems and Sonnets. Part 2. By J. J. Philo- math. Penzance, H. M. Saundry. n.d., [1868,1 120., 6d. 'L >J Note. — The pagination runs from 41 to 70. J. J. Philomath appears to be intended for Joseph Jenkins, Philomath. JENKINS, Miss Mary Louisa (dau. of Will. Harry Jenkins, Mayor of Truro), b. Truro. JENKINS, Miss Frances (sister of the above). b. Truro. A MS. List of 247 species of plants, indi- genous to the County of Cornwall, exhibited at Truro, in 1869. MS. Library of R.I.C. cf Journ. R.I.G., ApL, 1871, p. xlvi. JENKS, Eev. Benjamin. V. of Harley and V. of Kenley, Shropshire, b. 1646. d. Harley, 10 May, 1724. Prayers and Offices of Devotion for families, and for particular persons upon most occasions, by Benjamin Jenks. Falmouth, n.d., \\?,- -^ 80., pp. 472. "- '■■ JENKYN, RiCHAED (son of Richard Jenkyn). I. Crowan, circa 1790. d. Plymouth, circa, 1860. A.D. 1841, Jan. 26. No. 8816. Specification of Richard Jenkyn, of Hayle, Cornwall, Machin- ist, for "Certain improvements in Valves for HydrauUc Machines." With drawing annexed. Lond., 1841, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1856, fol., pp. 3, 5d. Note. — Whilst engaged in the Hayle and Copper House Foundries, he fabricated the heaviest pieces of wrought iron machinery that had been made for Cornish Mining Engines at the time of re -working the Crirmia and the Consolidated Mines, from 1815 to 1825. JENKYNS, Rev. Charles, B.A. (sm of the succeeding). Curate of Sennen, 26 July, 1837; Perp. Curate of Tuckingmill, 1853. I. St. Ives, Cornwall, 24 Nov., 1803. The plenary inspiration of the Holy Scripture. A Sermon. Church of England Mag., Ivii, 96- 102, (1864). The Law and the Gospel, ib., Iviii, 312-15, (1865). The Imperfection of Man's Present Know- ledge, ib., lix, 112-16. Christian Love, ib., Ix, 344-48, (1866). Heaven the true rest of the Soul, ib., Ixi, 184-88. The Captivity of the Thoughts to Christ, ib., Ixii, 40-43, (1867). The Witness of the Spirit, ib., Ixv, 296-99, (1868). The Joy of God's Presence, ib., Ixvi, 256- 59, (1869). The Fear of God. ib., Ixvii, 40-43. Divine Providence, ib., Lxviii, 56-59, (1870). Living unto God. ib., Ixix, 112-15. Improvement of Time, ib., Ixix, 400-403. JENKYNS, Francis (twin son of Rich. Jenhyns). b. St. Ives, 3 Feb., 1778. bapt. St. Ives, 12 Jan., 1779. d. Plymouth, 4 Feb., 1841. A Plan for making a safe and commodious Harbour in St. Ives Bay, Cornwall. Surveyed and Drawn by F. Jenkyns, St. Ives. Size, 18 in. X 11 in. Scale, \ in. to 100 feet. Lond., Ashby, sculpt. A Chart of St. Ives Bay, Cornwall. Surveyed and Drawn by F. Jenkyns, St. Ives. Size, 18 in. X 11 in. Scale, 2| in. to 1 mile. JENNINGS, James (son of John Jennings, of Cannington). b. Huntspill, 1 Dec, 1772. d. Greenwich, 14 Oct., 1833. Observations on some of the Dialects in the West of England, particularly Somersetshire; with a glossary of words now in use there... By J. Jennings. Lond., Baldwin, 1825, 12o., 7/-. JESSOPP. 275 JEWELL. JENNINGS, James. (Con.). — 2nd Edit. The whole revised, corrected, and enlarged... by J. K. Jennings, M. A... Vicar of Hagboum, Berkshire. Lond., J. E. Smith, 1869, 8". Note. — The references to Cornwall in this work are very insignificant. JENNINGS, John. b. Gerrans. d. Southampton. A letter addressed to B. Treleaven and J. Jennings, by the officers of the Falmouth Tee- Total Society with their replies, in which are shown the good effects of the adoption of the Total Abstinence principle. Falmouth, W. R EUis, 1838, 80., pp. 16. JENNINGS, Joseph. A.D. 1839, June 22. No. 8128. Specification of Joseph Jennings, of Bissow Bridge, in the parish of Kea...for a "Process for obtaining metal from pyrites or mundic." Lond., 1839, fol. — -Eeprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1857, fol., pp. 4, 3d. JESSOP, Eev. William (son of Thos. Jessoj>). Wesleyan Minister at Eedruth, 1862-65. b. Sheffield, 28 Feb., 1815. Words from Heaven to the Church on Earth, being the substance of a Discourse dehvered in the Wesleyan Chapel, Copperhouse, May 13th, 1863, during the Annual Session of the Cornwall District Committee by the Eev. W. Jessop. Lond., 1863, 12,"., pp. 32. JESSOPP, Eev. Augustus, b. Albury. Place, Cheshunt, Herts, Dec, 1824. Man's Excuses for Sin and their Answer. A Sermon preached on the 97th annual festival of the Helston Grammar School. By the Eev. A. Jessopp, Head Master. Helston, E. Cunnack; Lend., D. Nutt. n.d., [18 ,] 8°., pp. 15. The Helston Grammar School Magazine. [Con- ducted by Eev. A. Jessopp.] Helston, E. Cun- nack; Lond., D. Nutt, 270, Strand, n.d., [1857- 59,] 1 vol., 80., pp. 340, 10/-. Note. — Eight parts only published Sept., 1857 to Sept., 1859. Our Premier. By X. i.e., Eev. A. Jessopp. Helston Gram. School Mag., pp. 1-4. The Natural History of Boys, ib., pp. 4-9, 47-54, 94-98, 141-48, 205-10, 231-36, 282-90, 333-39. Translation. The First Chorus in the Iphigenia in Aulide. By A. J[essopp.] ib., pp. 9-11, 114- 16. Translation. Horace. Carm. x., Lib. ii. To Licinius. ib., pp. 12-13. JESSOPP, Eev. Augustus. (Con.). Ban. A Dog-gerel. ib., pp. 26-30, 61-67. Charades. By J. i.e., Eev. A. Jessop. ib., pp. 33, 88-89, 185. Eebus. By Y. i.e., Eev. A. Jessop. ib., pp. 34. The Old Seats of Cornwall. Bochym House, with view by J. T. Blight. *., pp. 54-60, 126- 32, 175-79. Charade and Enigma, ib., pp. 137-38. Translation from the German. i&., p. 156. Ad the second, ib., pp. 189-91. Charade. By 0. 0. i.e., Eev. A. Jessop. ib., p. 221. A Gem from the Antique, ib., pp. 241-46. Charade, ib., p. 263. Enigmas, &c. By A. i.e., Eev. A. Jessop. ib., pp. 264, 302-3. How we went a yachting, ib., pp. 305-9. A Glimpse of the Good Old Time, (Helston Boro'). By A. ib., pp. 313-18. JESSOPP, Maria (loife of the preceding). It was undoubtedly true. A story from Hans Andersen. By M[aria Jessopp.] Helston Gram. School Mag., 1857-59, pp. 13-15. Hints for the formation of fresh water aqua- rium., ib., pp. 84-87. . Trout's whim, ib., pp. 280-82, 310-12. JEWELL, George, M.D. (son of Geo. Jewell). Founder of the Eoyal Adelaide Lying-in- Hospital, b. Tregony, 1793. d. Wadebridge, 14 Nov., 1840. cf Gent. Mag., xiv, 672, (1840). Practical Observations on Leucorrhoea, fluor albus, or " Weakness ■" with cases illustrative of a new mode of treatment. By George Jewel, (sic) Member of the Eoyal College of Surgeons ; one of the Accoucheurs to the St. George's and St. James's Dispensary... Lond., John Wilson, Princes Street, Soho, 1830, 8"., pp. viii and 108, 5/-. The London Practice of Midwifery, including the most important diseases of women and chHdren. By George Jewel, M.D., Senior Phy- sician Accoucheur to the St. George's and St. James' Dispensary. 6th ed. Lond., Longman, 1833, 80. Advertisement, pp. 2, Text, pp. 40. JEWELL, Eev. Thomas. J. Morwinstow, 1798. d. Holsworthy, 30 Dec, 1852. cf Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixxi, 593, (1848), Ixxvi, 864- 65, (1853). Memoir of Eev. Eich. Treffry. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixi, 159, (1838). Memoir of Miss Ehza Thomas, who died at St. Just, 8 Dec, 1839. ib., Ixiii, 172, (1840). JOHANNES. 276 JOHN. JEWITT, Llewellyn, F.S.A. h. Derbyshire. Additional Notices of Cornish Well Chapels. By L. Jewitt [to an article by J. T. Blight on the Well Chapels of Cornwall.] The Reliquary, ii, 134-36, (1861-62). Plymouth China. A History of the Porcelain Works at Plymouth. The Art Journal, ii, 169- 73, (1863). Note.— Contains a long account of W. Cookworthy and the discovery of the China clay in Cornwall. JOBSON, Humphry. Commission to Humfrie Jobson to enquire into abuses done by the oflScers of the Admiralty in Devon and Cornwall. Chelsey, 29 May, 1606. Lansd. MSS. 145, art. 19. JOHANNES DE S. Germano Cornubiensis. h. Cornwall, d. post 1177? Educated at Paris under Peter Lombard, whose views he after- wards opposed and procured their condemna- tion at the Council of Tours, A.D. 1163. cf. Hist. Litteraii'e de la France, xiv, 194-99; Oudin, ii, 1157, 1529-30; Fabricius' Med. et Inf. Lat., iv, 189; T. D. Eardp Gat. of Materials, ii, 393 ; Wright's Biog. Lit, ii, 215 ; Leland Scrip. Brit. chap. 200 ; Pits p. 236 ; Bale, iii, 6 ; Tanner, p. 432 ; Cave Script. Eccles. (ed. 1743), ii,'239 ; Worhs of William, Abbot of St. Theodoric, in '■ Bibliotheca Patrum Cisterciensium" (ed. Berirand Tissier, 1662J, iv, 59-63 ; Oliver's Monasticon, p. 89 ; Giraldus Cambrensis Liber Lived, v, 8, (in reference to Johannes' knowledge of the Welsh language) ; Gemma Ecclesiastica, B., 2 ch. 35 ; John of Salis- bury, Ep. Ixxx and clxxvi ; Cooper's Report on Foidera, Append. A. Suppl., p. 107. Eulogium Magistri Johannis Cornubiensis ad Alexandrum Papam III. Written after 1175. Parker MSS., C.C. Coll., Camb. 62, art. 12. Printed in Martene and Durand's Anecd., v, 1657-1702; Eeprinted in Migne's Patrologia, (ed. of John of Salisbury, 1855 j, tom. cxcix, col. 1041-1086 ; also printed amongst Works of Hugh of St. Victor, iii, 399. Note. — Written against Peter Lombard's views on the Incarnation. The original MS. is in Ball. Coll. Oxon., Ixv, f ol. , 40-47 ; another copy was at Tavistock Abbey. cf. Leland's Collect., iv, 152. Apologia. Written in reply to the attacks on him. By Peter Lombard. MSS. formerly penes Bishop Tanner. Summa qualiter fiat Sacramentum altaris per virtutem Sanctse Crucis et de septem canonibus vel ordinibus missse. MSS., C.C.C, Camb., 459, art. 8. Note. — The same work as "Libellus de Canone Mystici Libaminis et ejus ordinibus." Printed in Migne's Patrologia, tom. clxxvii, col. 455. For a fragment of this treatise, cf. Br. Musevm, Addit. MSS., 15,656. JOHANNES DE S. Gbemako. (Con.). Johannis de S. Germane Cornubiensis com- mentarius ia Aristotelis libros duo Analyticorum Poster iorum. MSS. Magd. Coll., Oxon., clxii, fol. 183-250. Merlini Prophetia cum expositione Joannis Cornubiensis. In " Spicilegium Vaticanum. By Carl Greith." Frauenfeld, 1838, pp. 92-106. Note. — Trans, from Celtic into Latin hexameters by John, of Cornwall, at the request of "Eoberto Epis- eopo Oxoniensi," [this is probably a mistake for " Ex- oniensi"] i.e. Eobert Warelwast, Bishop of Exeter, who died in 1160. The Latin notes to the Merlin contain some Celtic words and references to Cornwall. Apologia de Christi Incarnatione, [also called De Homine Assumpto, et De Verbo Incarnate.] MS. King's Lib. (Br. MuseumJ, 7 F, xiii, art. 4. Printed amongst the fForks of Hugh of St. Victor, iii, 68 ; Eeprinted in Migne's Patrologia, fed. of John of Salisbury), tom. clxxvii, col. 295. Institution of the Abbot and Canons of Wel- lebeck into the Church of Duchemanetun [in Derbyshire] by Jno. Cornubiensis, Archdeacon of Derby. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 6705, fol. 78. Note. — Derby is probably a mistake for Worcester of which Johannes was Archdeacon in 1197, but possibly he held both offices. JOHANNES DE COKNUBIA ET DE EOGLESrEYL, \i.e., Egloshayle.] Principal of Edmund Hall, Oxford, 1317. cf. Reliquice Hearniance, (1857), i, 256. JOHN, George. A.D. 8 Aug., 1755. No. 703. Patent to George John, of the parish of Camborne, in the county of Cornwall, Engineer, for "A new improve- ment of a new method of raising water by fire out of mines, pits, or shafts, by a cylinder and boyler, and a steem bason or pan fixed within the boyler for rairyfying the steam, and a cast and wrought iron chain linked together, used for that purpose, with pipes in the pits or shafts, for the more easy conveying the water from the bottoms to pumps fixed whilst the said pits or shafts are sinking, without being obliged to the present troublesome and expensive method of lowering the whole fire or pumps, whilst the pits or shafts in which they are fixed are sunk deeper. Lond., 1755, fol.— Eeprinted. Lond., G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1857, fol., pp. 6, 4d. JOHN, George Dennis (son of George John, who d. 28 Oct., 1847;. Town Clerk of Pen- zance, b. Penzance, 19 Dec, 1793. d. Pen- zance, 21 Sep., 1847. bur. Gulval. cf. Gent. Mag., xxviii, 546-47, (1847). JOHNS. 277 JOHNS. JOHNS, Eev. Charles Alexander, B.A., F.L.S. fson of Henry Incledon Johns, and grand- son of Tremenheere Johns, Solicitor, Helston). Head Master of the Helston Grrammar School, June, 1843 to Dec, 1847. J. Plymouth, 31 Dec, 1811. Examination Questions on the Historical Parts of the Pentateuch. For the use of families, national schools, and the lower forms in Gram- mar Schools, by the Eev. C. A. Johns, B.A., F.L.S., Head Master of the Grammar School, Helston, Cornwall. Lond., J. Masters, 1847, 12°., pp. 70, 1/-. The Loss of the Amazon. Compiled by the Eev. C. A. Johns. Woodcuts. Lond., Soc Prom. Christ. Knowledge, n.d., [1852,] sm. 8"., pp. 124, 6d. Note. — This work contains accounts of Charles Henry Tre-weeke and Lieut. C. G. Grylls, E.N., q.v. A Winter Eamble in the Country. By the Eev. C. A. Johns. Woodcuts. Lond., Soc. Prom. Christ. Knowledge, 1847, 8"., pp. 93, 1/-. Note. — Written during the Author's residence in Cornwall and the scene laid in the County. The Frontis- piece represents " Holy Well, Trehill, near Helston." Flowers of the Field. By the Eev. C. A. Johns. Woodcuts. Lond., Soc. Prom. Christ. Knowledge, n.d., [1847 ?] 2 vols., 8". Note. — A considerable portion of this work was written during the Author's residence in Cornwall. A Week at the Lizard. By the Author of Flowers of the Field, [i.e. Eev. C. A. Johns.] Woodcuts and Map. Lond., Soc. Prom. Christ. Knowledge, n.d., [1848,] 8"., pp. 336, 3/6. On the Land-Slip at the Lizard. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond., iv, 193-94, (1848). JOHNS, Eev. Henry, V. of St. Issey, 29 Aug., 1638. Ejected, 1651. Restored, 1660. bur. St. Issey, 3 Aug., 1666. cf. Walker's Sufferings of ,ihe Clergy, pt. ii, 279. JOHNS, Eev. J. Unitarian Minister. The Kingdom of God. A Sermon delivered before the Devon and Cornwall Unitarian Asso- ciation, at Tavistock, July 2, 1823, by the Eev. J. Johns. 1823, 80. JOHNS, James (son of Zacharias Johns), h. Eedruth, 1820. d. Eedruth, 20 ApL, 1872. A Directory of Eedruth. By J. S. Doidge, (1866). q.v. Note. — Contains an " Introductory History of Bed- ruth, by Miss G. Angove and Mr. J. Johns," pp. ix-xxiii. Parish of Eedruth. Census of 1871. Statis- tics of Ages, etc. Signed " James Johns, Eegis- trar." Printed and sold by N. Odgers, Eedruth, n.d., [5 May, 1871,] 4°., s. sh, Id. JOHNS, Capt. Pierce. 6. Penzance, d. Stepney, 10 Sept., 1698. cf. Wilson's Hist, of Dissenting Chwrches, ii, 175, iv, 178-79. Note.— By his will, dated 30 July, 1698, Captain Johns left two estates in Essex to be equally divided between five General Baptist Churches in London. JOHNS, Brevet-Major Eichard, EM. Light Infantry (son of Major William Johns, Adju- tant of Cornwall Militia), b. Helston, 5 Oct., 1805. d. Eoyal Naval Hospital, Stonehouse, 6 Nov., 1851. cf Gent. Mag., xxxvi, 671, (1851). Poems. By E. Johns. Lond., W. Sams ; Pen- zance, K Eowe, [printed,] 1825, 8"., pp. 81. List of Subscribers. Ascension. A Poem. By E. Johns. Lond,, Smith, Elder, and Co., Cornhill, 1836, 80., pp. 32, 2/6. Note. — From the Advertisement it appears that the Author passed many years at Ascension. Legend and Eomance. By E. Johns, Lieut. Eoyal Marines. Lond., E. Bentley, 1839, 3 vols., 8°., 24/-. Note.— Contains (ii^ 189-287) a tale called " The Pirate Island," a legend of a Cornish Maiden married to a Smuggler. The Schoolfellows or a By-way to Fame. By E. Johns. Lond., Bentley, 1841, 3 vols., 8"., 31/6. The Last Day. By E. Johns. Lond., 1846, 8°., pp. 66. Tho Calendar of Victory, being a record of British Valour and Conquest by sea and land on every day during the year. Projected and com- menced by the late Major Johns, E.M., continued and completed by Lieut. P. H. Nicolas, E.M. Lond., Longman, 1855, 8°., pp. xxiv and 660. The Naval and Military Heroes of Great Britain or Calendar of Victory... With chrono- logical and alphabetical indexes. Illustrated with 24 Portraits engraved on steel. Lond., H. G. Bohn, 1860, 8°., pp. xxiv and 660. Note. — This is apparently of the same impression as the previous work, but there is a new title page and au addition of the portraits. It forms vol. 68 of " Bohn's Illustrated Library." The White Squall. A sea song. Sung by Mr. Barker... The Poetry from "The Forget-me-not," written by Eichard Johns, Esq., Author of " As- cension," etc. The music composed and dedicated to John Braham, Esq., by Geo. A. Barker. 6th ed. Lond., Z. T. Purday, fol., pp. 9, 2/6. JOHNS, Tremenheere John (sm of Rev. John, White Johns, V. of Crowan). b. Helston, 1 Dec, 1836. Drowned at Oxford, 26 Oct., 1855. Music. By T. G. P. i.e., T. J. Johns and Cudlip, Eev. P. H. q.v. JOHNSON. 278 JONES. JOHNS, Tbemenheeee John. (Con.). A Week of Jersey, by Y. Z. i.e., T. J. Johns. Helston Gram. School Mag. Part i, pp. 27-29, (1852). Spring Song from the Ancient Poets. A Trans- lation of Horace. Book i. Ode iv. ib., Part i, p. 37, (1852). JOHNS, Eev. William Stabback, M.A. (soii of Rev. J. W. Johns). Head Master of Newton Abbot Grammar School, South Devon, h. Helston, 11 May, 1838. The Fall of Alba. By B. B. [i.e., W. S. Johns and W. M. Rogers.] Helston Gram. School Mag. Part i, pp. i-U; Part ii, pp. 38-41, (1852). JOHNS, William Tremenheere (son of Lieut. John Johns), h. St. Mary's, Scilly, 27 Oct., 1804. cl. Scilly, 1849. Meteorological observations made at Scilly. Rep. R.C.P.Soc, 1841, p. 145 ; 1842, pt. 2, p. 94; 1843, sM^j. p. 2. JOHNSON, Mr. Resident some years at Fal- mouth. The Selector or Cornish Magazine... [Edited by Mr. Johnson.] Falmouth, J. Philp. Vols, i andii, 1826, 1827, 8o. Lines to Sarah on her Birthday. By J[ohnson,] Mount Sion, Falmouth. Selector or Cornish Mag., i, 41, (1826). Note. — The first of a series of poetical pieces. Sketches of Cornwall, ib., ii, 13, (1827). Note.— The first of a series of Sketches. JOHNSON, CuTHBERT William, F.R.S. (son of JVilliam Johnson), b. Widmore House, Bromley, Kent, 28 Sept., 1799. Manure from the Sea-Shore [of Cornwall and Devon.] Joiirn. Bath and W. E. Soc., xii, 356- 64, 1864; [Farmer's Mag., xxvi, 366-69, 1865.] Note.— This article originally appeared in the Mark-Lane Express. The North Shore of Cornwall, ib., xv, 164- 70, 1867. [Farmer's Mag., xxxii, 278-80, 1867.] Valleys of the Tamar and the Fowey. Farmer's Mag., xxxiv, 276-78, (1868). JOHNSON, Samuel, LL.D. (son of Michael Johnson), b. Lichfield, 18 Sept., 1709 d London, 13 Dec, 1784. The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Lond Longman, 1796, 12 vols., 80. '' Note.— In vol. viii, pp. 94-97, in the pamphlet called " Taxation no Tyranny," is found " A Supposed Address from the Comishmen, in order to shew the false argu- ments in the American resolutions and addresses." JOHNSON, Samuel, LL.D. (Oon.J. Review of Dr. Borlase's History of the Scilly Isles. Literary Mag. or Universal Rev., i, 91-97, (1756). JOHNSTONE, Rev. George Dempster, M.A. (ith son of James R. Johnstone, of Alva, N.B.) R. of Creed, 1857-67. d. Creed, 8 Sept., 1867. cf Gent. Mag.,-iv, 546, (1867). Note. — Mr. Johnstone m. Mary Anne Hawkins niece of Sir C. Hawkins. JONES, Mr., of Chacewater. Machine for raising and lowering miners. Rep. R.C.P.Soc, 1837, pp. 63-64. JONES, Rev. Harry Longueville, M.A. (son of Edward Jones), b. Piccadilly, London, April 16, 1806. d. Kensington, 16 Nov., 1870. , St. Piran's Round. Archceol. Camb., viii, 224- 25, (1862). Early Inscribed Stones of Cornwall. Woodcuts, ib., ix, 286-90, (1863). Flint finds. Journ. R.I.C., 1866, pp. 117-20. JONES, Henry, of Penrose, Sennen (eld. son of Hugh Jones). The reasons of Henry Jones Esquire, for building a mould or peers in Whitsand Bay, at the Land's End. [Plan by Fredrick de Hautte-. court, 1702.] n.p. or d. [1702,] s. sh. fol. Reasons humbly offered by Henry Jones Esq., for building a mould or harbour in Whitsand- Bay, at the Lands-End, in Cornwall. [Plan by Fredrick de Hauttecourt, 1702.] n.p. or d. [1703] s. sh. fol. Note. — In the volume in the Br. Museum contain- ing the above is bound up a- MS. petition of Henry Jones to the House of Commons setting forth that the House had resolved in Feby., 1704, that a harbour at Whitsand Bay would be of great benefit for the preservation of shipping and praying that the matter may be expedited. Reasons humbly offered to the Parliament as- sembled- for building a mould or harbour in Whitsand Bay, at the Lands End, in Cornwal, situate betwixt the north and south channels; and also for erecting a Light-House on the Por- De-Nac point, near the said Bay. By R. Michell, Engineer, n.p. or d. [17- -,] s. sh. fol. Several objections against Whitesand Bay's being made a Harbour answered, n.p. or d. [17- -,] s. sh. fol. [Author's name not known.] JONES, Rev. John Pike. Curate of North Bovey, 1814-31. A Botanical Tour through various parts of the counties of Devon and Cornwall. [By Rev. J. P. Jones.] Exeter, printed for J. Treadwin, 217 JONES. 279 JOBDAN. JONES, Eev. John Pike. (Con.). High St., and G. and W. B. Whittaker. London, 1820, 12°., pp. viii and 74.— 2nd ed. 1821, 12o. NoiE. — Dedication signed John Pike Jones. Ecclesiastical antiquities of Devon ; being ob- servations on many churches in Devonshire [and Cornwall] originally published in the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette... [By the Eev. J. P. Jones and George Oliver.] Exeter, printed by E. Woolmer, 1828, 12"., pp. xiii and 175. NoiE. — The aooount of the Cornish Priories with lists of the Priors [by Bev. J. P. Jones] occupies pp. 165-75. JONES, ElCHAKD (son of Owen Jones), b. Beau- maris, Anglesey, 19 Dec, 1811. Game to reside at Penzance in 1853. The Cornubian Tune Book ; a manual of hymn tunes, carols, sanctuses, etc. Composed by Eichard Jones. Penzance, printed and published by William Cornish, The Library, 1870, 4"., pp. X and 200, of which 100 pages consist of en- graved music. Note. — Dedicated " To N. B. Downing, Esq., Mayor of the ancient and loyal borough of Penzance." The Preface is dated "Penzance, Nov. 1st, 1870." The volume was published by subscription but no list of subscribers is given. Some of the hymn tunes are named after the subscribers and others after places in Cornwall. Mr. Jones is the composer of upwards of 1800 pieces of music, many of which have been pub- lished in the Dysgedydd, The. Templar, The Temperance League, and other periodicals. JONES, Mrs. Eymer. A True Legend of the Land's End. "With an illustration. Every Boy's Magazine, 1863, pp. 84-87. JONES, William. List of Cornish manuscripts in the possession of WiUiam Jones, Esq. cf. R. Heath's Account of the Islands of Scilly, (1750), pp. 453-56. JONES, Eev. William. A complete history of all the religious houses in the counties of Devon and Comwal before the Dissolution... By Eev. W. Jones, A.B. Lond., printed for Smerdon and Underhill, Sweeting's- Alley, Eoyal-Exchange, 1779, 12"., pp. vii and 87, 2/6. Note. — Preface dated London, July 1, 1779. Thesaurus Ecclesiasticus Provincialis ; or a survey of the diocese of Exeter... [By the Eev. W. Jones?] Exeter, printed and sold by the Editors, B. Thorn and Son, in the Fore St., 1782, 4"., pp. iv, 116, xi, vii and ii, 116. Note.— The Survey of Cornwall occupies pp. 87- JONES, William, F.S.A. The Treasures of the Earth, or mines, mine- rals, and metals. With anecdotes of men who have been connected with mining. By W. Jones, F.S.A. Lond., F. Wame and Co., 1868, 8"., pp. xvi and 301. Note. — Contains considerable amount of informa- tion about Cornwall interspersed between pp. 74-153, 278-82. The Frontispiece represents " A Cornish Tin Mine." JONES, The Venble. Archdeacon William Basil (son of Will. Tilsley Jones, of Gwynfryn, CO. Cardigan). V. of Bishopthorpe ; Arch- deacon of York. h. Cheltenham, 1822. On Certain Terms of Celtic Ethnology, and on the Origin of the Welsh ; the Welsh, Breton, and Cornish Languages. Archceol. Camib., 3 S, iv, 125-51, (1858); v, 27-44, 224-31, (1859); vi, 319-22, (I860). JOPE, Eev. John, Junr. {son of Rev. J. Jope, V. of St. Cleer). Curate of St. Ive, Mch., 1810 to 1814. h. St. Cleer, 12 Mch., 1787. hapt. 13 Mch. d. Lisbon, 2 Apl. 1815. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxxv, pt. i, 571, (1815). JOPE, Eev. Eoger, M. A. (Ind son of J. Jope, of Merrifield, in St. Cleer). h. circa 1582. Academise Oxoniensis Justa Funebria... Annas Monarches Jacobi Sponsse. Oxon. 1619, 4°. Note. — Contains Sonnet, by ''Bog. Jope, M.A., Exeter." JOED AN, Eev. John. V. of Enstone, 1840. A Tract for the Times. Wesleyan Methodism and Apostolical Succession. A Letter to the Editor of the Church and State Gazette, by the Eev. J. Jordan, Vicar of Enstone, Oxfordshire. Stratton, Cornwall, 1845, 120., pp. 8. JOED AN, Thomas Brown {son of Thos. Jordan). Eesident in Cornwall from 1827 to 1840; Secretary of R.C.P.Soc, 1835 ; Keeper of Min- ing Records, 1842 to 1846. b. Bristol, 24 Oct., 1807. Steam whim engine. Rep. R.C.P.Soc, 1834, p. 41. Horizontal air pump, ib., 1835, p. 115. Observations on the diurnal variation of the magnetic' needle, ib., 1838, pp. 166-67. On the process used for obtaining artificial metalUc veins in clay, ib., 1838, pp. 167-68. On a new method of registering the indications of meteorological instruments, ib., 1838, pp. 184-89. Description of a new arrangement of helio- graph, ib., 1839, pp. 115-16. A few remarks on electro-metallurgy, ib., 1840, pp. 73-77. [PhUos. Mag., xix, 452-56, 1841.] JOSE. 280 KAEKEEK. JOEDAN, Thomas Brown. (Cm.). Description of a protracting rule for laying down surveys, etc., for mining and valetical pur- poses, ih., 1842, pt. ii, p. 78. A few remarks on the drainage of deep mines, with suggestions for obviating some of the difficulties of the system now in use. ih., 1859, pp. 105-11. High pressure steam boilers, ih., 1867, p. 32. Hydraulic machinery for mining purposes, ih., 1867, p. 40. Description and use of a dipping needle de- flector. By T. B. Jordan, and E. W. Fox. Sturgeon, Ann. Eledr., iii, 288-97, (1838-39). Jordan's Miners' Theodolite. Rep. of Miners' Assoc, of 0. and D., 1861. [18 Sep. Meeting,] pp. 4-5. JOEDAN, William, of Helston. The Creation of ye World being a Cornish play or opera written by Mr. William Jordan, [called in the original Gordon,] and for the better understanding of that language translated into English Verbatim, by Mr. John Keigwyn, of Moushole, of y Lower House, at y= request of y' Et. Eevd. Father in God Jonathan L''- Bishop of Exon, 1697. Earl MSS., 1867, if, 58. Note. — At the end is " wryten by William Jordan : the xii of August, 1611." Two other copies of this play are in ihe Bodleian Lib. The first, marked N 219 has no translation; the second, presented by Edwin Ley, Esq., of St. Ives, has J. Keigwin's translation attached to it. In 1858 Mr. J. C. Hotten, Bookseller, of Piccadilly, had another copy in his possession. The Creation of the World with Noah's Flood, written in Cornish in the year 1611, by William Jordan ; with an English Translation by John Keigwin. Ed. by D. Gilbert, F.E.S., F..S.A. Lond., printed for J. B. Nichols... sold by Tre- goning, Truro; Vigurs, Penzance, 1827, 8°. Note. — Preface pp. i-viii. The Creation, pp. 1-186. The First Chapter of Genesis, etc., in Cornish, vv. 187- 237. Gwreans an bys. The Creation of the World, a Cornish mystery, edited with a translation and notes by Whitley Stokes. Published for the Philological Society, by A. Asher and Co., Ber- lin. [Berlin, printed by A. W. Schade, Stall- schreiberstr. 47,] 1863, 8«., pp. 1-208. Note. — This work forms a, portion of the Trans. PUlol. Soc, for 1884, but has a distinct title and pagi- nation. This is " The Creation " re-edited and again translated. Mr. D. Gilbert's edition is so full of errors that it is of comparatively little value. JOSE, John. b. 1800. d. Breage. A Selection of Sacred Poetry composed by John Jose, Lizard, CornwaU. Helston : printed by R. Woolcock, printer and bookbinder, 1861, 12o pp. 12. JPOLPEEEOC, pseud i.e.. Couch, Jonathan. Note. — Jpolperroc stands for J. C. (of) Polperro. JUKES, Joseph Beete, M.A., F.E.S. b. near Birmingham, 10 Oct., 1811. d. Dublin, 29 July, 1869. Notes on parts of South Devon and Cornwall, with remarks on the true relations of the old red sandstone to the Devonian formation. Joum. Roy. Geol. Soc. of Ireland, ii, pt. i, (1867-68). JULYAN, Nicholas Bice /'eld. son of John Julyan). b. Penzance, 1797. d. Penzance, Nov., 1850. bur. Wesley Eock Cemetery, Madron. Note. — Mr. Julyan took some part in writing the " Canorum Conclave." See Harvey, John. JUNIUS, pseud, i.e., Edmonds, T. R. K. K. A. J. K. i.e., A. J. Kempe. KAPPA, pseud, i.e., Penneck, Rev. H. KAEKEEK, William Floyd (son of Geo. Karheeh). Secretary of Cornwall Agricultural Association, b. Truro, 1802. d. Pentreve, Truro, 25 June, 1858. bur. St. Mary's Burial Ground, cf. The Veterinarian, xxxi, 478-80^ (1858). The Veterinarian; a monthly journal of Veterinary Science. Lond., Longman, 1828-72, 80. Note. — Mr. Karkeek was one of the Editors of this Journal from 1833 to 1841. An Essay on Artificial and other Manures. Prize Essay of Cornwall Agricultural Soc. By W. F. Karkeek, Veterinary Surgeon. Truro, E. Heard; Lond., Longman, 1844, S"., pp. 23. . An Essay on Fat and Muscle. Prize Essay. Joum. Roy. Agric. Soc. of England, v, 245-66, 1845. [Eeprinted. Lond., 1844, 8"., pp. 24.] On the Farming of Cornwall. Prize Eeport. With Map. ih., vi, 400-62, 1845. [Eeprinted. Lond., Clowes, 1846, 8°., pp. 66.] Diseases of Cattle and Sheep caused by Mis- management. Prize Essay. i5., xi, 541-58, 1850. [Eeprinted. Lond., W. Clowes and Sons, 1851, 8"., pp. 20.1 On the Hereditary Diseases of Horses and Cattle. , Joimi. Bath and JF. E. Soc, ii, 157-71, 1854. [Reprinted. Lond., Ridgway, 1854, 8"., pp. 16. J Fermented Food for Cattle and Pigs. Report of a visit to the farm of Mr. Richard' Davey, of KEIGWIN. 281 KELE. KAEEEEK, William Floyd. (Oon.). Polsew Farm, near Truro, ib., v, 314-17, (1857); vi, 338-42, (1858). An Essay on the future existence of the Brute Creation. MSS. On the naetamorphoses of matter in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, having especial reference to agriculture. MSS. An historical account of the horse. MSS. Papers on Agricultural subjects read before the Probus Farmers' Club. MSS. Note. — The above MSS. are penes the author's son, Mr. Paul Quick Karkeek, The Ferns, Torquay. K^EBLE, Eev. John (son of Rev. J. Keble). V. of Hursley, 1835-66. h. Fairford, Gloucester- shire, 25 Apl., 1792. d. Bournemouth, 29 Mch., 1866. A Memoir of the Eev. J. Keble, M.A., late Vicar of Hursley, by the Right Honorable Sir J. T. Coleridge, D.C.L. Oxford and Lond., Parkers, 1869, 80., 10/6. Note. — Mr. Keble visited Corn-wall several times. See Hedgeland, Eev. P., ante p. 227. KEELDAR, Shirley, pseud, i.e., Miss Ely. " The Winding "Wye." A Song. The music by Shirley Keeldar. The words by J. Harris. Lond., Augener, [1863,] foL, 2/-. KEIGWIN FAMILY. Pedigree of the Keigwin Family, n.p. or d., s. sh. M., penes Miss John, Penzance, June, 1872- KEIGWIN, p Richard, who d. 1636.] Epigram: Mr. Kedgwyn. Manningham's Diary (Camden Soc., 1868), p. 2. KEIGWIN, Rev. James Philip (son of Rev. J. J. Keigwin, of Wadham College, Founder's kin.). b. lUogan Rectory, 31 Dec, 1811. The Excellency of the Church of England. A farewell sermon, preached in the Chapel of Saint Mary the Virgin, at Portreath, in the Parish of niogan, on Sunday evening, Sept. 3, 1843. By J. P. Keigwin, M.A., Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford, and late Curate of lUogan, Cornwall. Published by request. Exeter, P. A. Hannaford : Lond., Rivington, 1843, 8"., pp. 25, 6d., or 4/6 per doz. The Promotion of Unity, a Christian Duty. A Sermon preached in St. Andrew's Church, Isle of Cumbrae. By J. P. Keigwin, Incumbent and Canon of Cumbrae. Lond., J. Masters; Millport, D. Wishart, 1865, 8"., pp. 21, 4d. _ The Sabbath, and the Lord's Day. [A review of Dr. Hesse/s Bampton-Lectures.] The Scottish Guardian, iii, 3-13; 49-61 ; 141-57, (1866). KEIGWIN, John {only son of Martin Keigwin). b. Mousehole. bapt. Paul, 7 Jan., 1641-. d. Mousehole, 1710? Mount Calvary or the history of the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (as it may be conjectured) some centuries past, interpreted in the English Tongue, in the year 1682. By J. Keigwin, Gent. Edited by D. Gilbert, F.R.S., F.S.A., etc. Lond., printed for Nichols and Son. . .also by Tregonning, Truro, and Vigurs, Penzance, 1826, 8". Note. — Introduction, pp. v-x. Memoir of J. Keigwin by Sir N. H. Nicolas, pp. xi-xviii. Extract from Mr. Sea-wen's " Observations," pp. xix-xxii. The Translator's Advertisement, 1-2. Mount Calvary, 3-91. Protest of Bishops in Britain, p. 92. First Chapter of Genesis in Cornish, pp. 93-95. Extract from Benedictus Abbas, p. 96. Extract from Symmachus, pp. 97-98. The work is dedicated to Baron De Dunstanville. Copies of the JIM. are found at Lambeth, No. 806, ari. 17, (where the original is on one side, the transla- tion on the other) ; in Harl. MS., No. 1782, and in the Br. Museum AdJit. M^5'.28554,pp.24-49. An"Amended and corrected copy by W. H[als?] 1679-80," also occu- pies pp. 51-58 of the latter MS. Another copy is in the volume presented to the Bodleian Lib. by Ed-win Ley. Pascon Agan Arluth. [The Passion of our Lord.] A Middle Cornish Poem. Transcribed and translated from a British Museum MS., Harl. No., 1782, by Whitley Stokes. Trans, of Philol. Soc., 1860-61, Pt. i, App. pp. 1-100. Note. — This is the same poem that Davies Gilbert, edited and entitled " Mount Calvary." His edition is, however, so full of errors that it is of little value. The Creation of y' World. . .by Mr. W. Jordan ...translated into English verbatim by Mr. J. Keigwyn. MS. See Jordan William. Letter from J. Keig-win to W. Gwavas, 1693. Br. Museum Addit. MSS. 28,554, pp. 139-40. KEIGWIN, Margaret (dau. of John Oiffard, of Brightley, Devon, and vnfe firstly of John Keigwin, of Mousehole, son of Will. Keigwin, and secondly of Sir E. Yonge). bapt. 6 Sept., 1646. bur. Huish, Somerset, 1692. Poems by Mrs. M. Keigwin. (Communicated by Clionas, i.e.. Sir N. H. Nicolas). Gefit. Mag., xcvii, pt. i, 32, (1827). KEKEWICH, Peter, of Catch French, in St. Germans 1 Sheriffs cravings of P. Kelkwick, and Jno. Lampen, Sheriffs of Cornwall, 1650. Sir T. Phillipps' MSS. 15,629. KELK, Rev. Thomas. Wesleyan Minister in Cornwall, b. 1767. d. Birmingham, 12 Nov., 1836. cf. Wesleyan Methodist Ma,g., Ix, 77, 708, (1837). K K KELTNACK. 282 KEMPTHOENE. KELE, Eev. Thomas. (Con.). On a Sermon preached before the Visitation Court, at Truro, by the Eev. Thomas Carlyon. By T. Kelk. 1809, 8°. Remarks on the necessity of divine inspira- tion. By T. Kelk. 1809, 8°. The Life and Death of Mr. John Eeed, (1804). q.v. The Pro^■idence of God asserted. Singular Preservation of a Mariner. Helston, 3 Jan., 1805. Methodist Mag., xxxviii, 314-22, (1805). Account of Mrs. Barnicott who died at Fal- mouth, 1815, aged 71. ib., xxxviii, 368-69. The Grace of God manifested. Memoirs of the experience and death of a converted back- slider, [i.e., J. Blewett, who was I. Gwithian, 1760, d. 26 Apl., 1805.1 ih., xxxix, 512-17, (1806). Memoir of Mr. T. Mitchel, (1808). q.v. The Grace of God manifested, in an account of Mrs. Hitchins, (1808). q.v. KELK, Eev. 'William (son of the ijreceding). b. Launceston, 1795. d. Southport, 27 Feb., 1866. Our Chapel debts : a Contribution towards Wesleyan Economical Reform. By the Eev. W. Kelk. Manchester, 1852, 8°., pp. 64. KELLOW, Mk., of Fowey. Satire on Eev. John Enty. q.v. KELLY AND Co. Post Office Directory of Devon and Cornwall. The Maps engraved expressly for the work, and corrected to the time of publication. Lond., printed and published by Kelly and Co., 1856, 8°., 16/-. Note.— Each county has distinct pagination. Corn- wall with Map, pp. X and 234. KELLY, Captain Thomas, of Trewint, near Liskeard. Letter to Capt. T. Kelly from Bishop Tre- lawny, dated June 20, 1 687. Atterbury's Miscell. Works, (1783-90), iv, 328-32. Note.— The original of this letter was, in 1784, penes Dr. Ducarel, in 1787, penes E. Gongh. KELLY, Thomas, of Yealmpton. b. Plymouth. Celtic Eemains on Dartmoor. Plate. Journ R.I.C., Oct. 1866, pp. 125-28. KELYNACK, Mary (dau. of Nkholas Tresize and wife of Will. Kelynack). b. Tolcarne Madron, 1776. d. Dock-lane, Penzance, 5 Dec, 1855. bur. St. Mary's Churchyard, cf Memoir, with portrait, lllust. Lond. iVews, (where KELYNACK, Maey. (Con.). she is called Callinack), xix, 522, (1851) ; Trans- actions of Loggerville Literary Society, (with portrait), p. 111. Aunt Mavor's Picture Books for little readers. [No. I.] The old Cornish Woman, [Mary Kely- nack.] 8 coloured plates. Lond., G. Eoutledge and Co. n.d., [1853,] 4°., pp. 8, 1/-. NoTE.^ — Mary Kelynack walked to London in 1851 to visit The Exhibition and was presented to the Queen and Prince Albert and to the Lord Mayor. KELYNACK, William. See Gwavas, Will. KEMP, Arthur (eld. son of Nicholas Kemp, of Eosteagtie, in Gerrans). Grant to A. Kemp, Gent., of the privelege of taking whales, crampoes, or bottle nose whales in the Seas adjoining the Counties of Devon and Cornwall, 20 July, 1707. Harl.-MSS. 2263, art. 63 ; 30th Hep. of Dep. Keeper of Becords, p. 424. KEMP, Eev. George, Minister at Penwerris Chapel; then V. of St. Allen, Oct., 1840 to 1842. 6. Exeter, 1800. d. St. Allen, 26 June, 1842. bur. 29 June, cf Gent. Mag., xviii, 216, (1842). Sermons. By the late Eev. G. Kemp, B.A., Vicar of St. Allen, Cornwall. Lond., Smith and Elder, 1842, 12"., pp. xvi and 283. List of Subscribers. Note.— Preface dated 1 Nov., 1842, and signed Eichard B. Kinsman. KEMPE, Alfred John, F.S.A. (only son of John Kempe, Bullion Porter in H.M. Mint. d. 1823;. b. London, 1785. d. Stamford Villas, Fulham, 21 Aug., 1846. cf. Gent. Mag., xxvi, 546-48, (1846). Memoirs of Capt. Nicholas Kempe, E.N., and the Kempe family. Gent. Maq., xcix, 85-87, (1829). On the Cromlechs and British Monuments of Cornwall. Distinctions of Cromlechs and Kist- veans. ib., ciii, pt. i, 11-14, (1833). Some account of a visit to the battle field of Stratton and the tomb of Sir B. Granville, at Kilkhampton. By A. J. Kfempe.] ib., xxiv, 35- 42, (1845). L r J , Note.— A. J. Kempe was the author of very nume- rous works on Antiquarian subjects. KEMPE, Captain Nicholas, E.N. (eld. son of Samuel Kempe, of Carclew). b. 1757. d. Bridg- end, South Wales, 1829. cf Gent. Maq., xcix, pt. ii, 85-87, (1829). KEMPTHOENE, Capt. George Borlase, E.N. (eld. son of Jas. Kemptho^-ne). b. Helston, 21 Aug., 1819 ? d. Jersey, 22 March, 1870. KENDALL. 283 KENDALL. KEMPTHOENB, Capt. G. B. (Con.). Notes made on a survey along the eastern shores of the Persian Gulf, in 1828. Geographical Soc. Joum., V, 263-85, (1835). Description of the Frankincense-tree as found near Cape Gardafui on the Somali coast. Phar- maceut. Joum., iv, 37-38, (1845). A narrative of a voyage in search of the crew of the ship " Charles Eaton " performed in the year 1836. Bombay, Geogr,Soc. Trans., Vui, 210- 35, 365-82, (1849). KEMPTHOENE, John, M.RC.S. (2ni son of Jas. Kem/pthome). b. Kirland, near Bodmin, 26 Oct., 1821. Case of successful Ovariotomy. Lancet, ii, 308-9, (1868). KEMPTHOENE, Capt. William, R.N. b. Penryn. d. Exeter, 1835. cf. Gent. Mag., iv, 91, (1835) ; Annual Biog. for 1836, p. 427 ; MarshalVs Royal Naval Biog. Suppl., pt. iv, pp. 114-16. KEMYS, EoGER. Collection of Gloucestershire. . .and Devon and Cornwall pedigrees. SirT. PhUUpps' MSS. 13,391 and 13,433. KENDALL, Charles, of Exeter (2nd son of Archdeacon Nicholas Kendall), bapt. Sheviock, Mch., 1690. bur. St. Lawrence, Exeter, 1731. Pietas Univ. Oxon...Eegin8e Annas. Oxon., 1714, 4°. Note. — Contains Sonnet by " Car. Kendall, Coll. Onm. Anim. Soo. Prob." KENDALL, George. A Cornish Gentleman, implicated in the first conspiracy against James I, in June and July, 1603. cf Dodd's Ch. Hist. (Tierne^s ed., 1841), App. vol. iv, pp. iv, xiv, xli-xliii. Note. — G. Kendall was justly suspected by his comrades of giving intelligence of the Conspiracy to the Government. KENDALL, Eev. George, D.D. (eld. son of Geo. Kendall, of Cofton). Devonshire Fellow of Ex. Coll., 1630-47; E. of Blisland, 26 Nov., 1643, deprived, 1655; E. of St. Bene- dict, Gracechurch St., London, 1656?; Pre- bendary of Exeter, 8 Feb., 16|f, deprived, 1655, restored, 1660, deprived, 1662; E. of Kenton, 1660, deprived, 1662. b. Cofton, Dawlish, Devon, 1610. d. Cofton, 19 Aug., 1663. cf Walker's Sufferings, pt. ii, p. 31 ; Palmer's Nonconformist Memorial, i, 377 ; Blis^ Wood, iii, 638-40; Memoirs of J. Evelyn, KENDALL, Eev. Geoeqe, D.D. (Con.). (1870), p. 230; Rev. Geo. D'Oyl^s Ufe of W. Bancroft, Arch.-Bp. of Canterbury, (1821), i, , 66 ; Rose. Collyrium, or an Ointment to open the Eyes of the poor Cavaliers. Note. — This work which Anthony A. Wood states he never had seen, was published after the Cavaliers had been defeated in the West by the forces belonging to the parliament. ©EOKparia; or a vindication of the Doctrine commonly received in the Eeformed Churches concerning Gods intentions of special grace and favour to his elect in the death of Christ as also his prerogative power... from the attempts lately made against it, by Master John Goodwin, in his book entitiiled Eedemption Eedeemed...By G. Kendall, B.D., sometimes Fellow of Exeter Col., in Oxford. Lond., printed by Tho. Eatcliffe and Edw. Mottershed, 1653, fol. Note. — Prefixed to the volume is (inter alia) An Address to Dr. Whichcote and Heads of Colleges, etc., in Cambridge, dated " Blisland, near Bodmyn, in Corn- wall, Septemb. 14, 1652," and An Address to the Eector and Fellows of " Exeter-CoUedg, in Oxford," dated "Blisland, near Bodmyn, in Cornwall, Sept. 15, 1652." The reduction of a Digressor; or Eich. Baxter's reply to Mr. George Kendall's Digres- sion in his book against Mr. Goodwin. Lond., printed by A. M. for Thomas Underhill, at the Anchor and Bible, in Pauls Church-yard... 1654, sm. 4"., pp. 326 and 2-|- sheets unpaged. Eich. Baxter's apology against the modest ex- ceptions of Mr. T. Blake and the digression of Mr. G. Kendall, etc. Lond., printed by A. M. for Thomas Underhill, at the Anchor and Bible, in Pauls Church-yard... 1654, 4". Preface apolo- getical and Contents unpaged; then pp. 1-155, with postscript unpaged. AiaTpiBn TTE^i iraiio-Ba'xrKriA.ou, or a considers^ tion of Infant Baptism. . .Together with a Digres- sion in answer to Mr. Kendall, from pag. 143 to the end. By J[ohn] H[orne] an unworthy ser- vant of Jesus Christ and Preacher of the Gospel to the Congregation at Lin Alhallows. Lond., printed by J. M. for H. Cripps and L. Lloyd, and are to be sold at their shop in Popes-head Alley, neer Lombard-Street, 1654, sm. 4°., pp. 160. Sancti Sanciti, or the common doctrine of the perseverance of the Saints as who are kept by the power of God through Faith unto Salvation, vindicated from the attempts lately made against it by Mr. John Goodwin, in the Digression of his book which he was pleased to entitle Ee- demption Eedeemed...As also an appendix in answer to Master Home, goring all University- KENDALL. 284 KENDALL. KENDALL, Eev. Geobqe, D.D. (Con.)- Learning. By G. Kendall, B.D...Lond., printed by Tho. Ratcliffe and Edw. Mottershed, 1654, fol. Note. — Prefixed is (inter alia) an address " Ad almam matrem Academiam Oxoniensem," dated " Datum ex olaustris meis in terra beata Cornub. pridie kalend. Sep., MDCLIII," and an epistle Dedicatory to Dr. Whichoot and Heads of Colleges, in Cambridge, dated "Blisland, near Bodmin, in Cornwall, Sept. 3, 1653." Triumviri, or the genius, spirit, and deport- ment of three men, Mr. Eic. Eesbury, Mr. John Pawson, and Mr. G. Kendall, in their late writings against the free grace of God in the redemption of the world. [By John Goodwin.] Lend., 1658, Note. — Written in reply to the preceding worj£. The Pagan Preacher Silenced. Or an answer to a treatise of Mr. John Goodwin, entituled The Pagans Debt and Dowry... By Obadiah Howe, A.M., and Pastor of Horne-castle, in Lincoln- share. With a verdict on the Case depending between Mr. Goodwin and Mr. Howe by the learned George Kendal, D.D...Lond., printed by Th. Maxey for John Eothwell, at the Fountain and Bear, in Cheap-side, 1655, sm. 4" Note. — The "Verdict" occupies eleven pages and is dated " Feb. 6, 1654." Fur pro Tribunali, Examen Dialogismi cui inscribitur FurPraedestinatus. Accesserunt Oratio de doctrina Neo-Pelagiana habita Oxonii in Comitiis Julii^ ix, MDCLIV, CI. V. G. Tuissii Vita et Vindicise k Calumniis et sophismatis Francisci Annati Jesuitee, etc. Auctore Georgio KendaUo, S.T.D. Oxon. Excudebat Hen. Hall ...Impensis Tho. Eobinson. MDCLVH, 8°. Note. — A sheet and a half unpaged ; then Eur pro tribunali, pp. 1-269; Oratio, &c., pp. 1-219. Written in answer to a treatise called " Fur Prsedestinatus," for many years supposed to have been written by Arch- bishop Bancroft and others, but now believed to have been written by Henry Statius, and to have first ap- peared anonymously in Holland. Musarum Oxoniensium pro Eege suo soteria. Oxon., 1633, 4°. Note. — Contains verses by " G. Kendall, B.A., Fellow Exeter Coll." Order of the House of Commons, appointing G. Kendall lecturer at Hemel Hempstead, 22 August, 1642. Tanner MSS. (Bodl. Uh.j 63, art. 66. KENDALL, Col. James, M.P. for Lostwithiel, 1704-1710 (younger brother of Thomas Kendall, of Killigarth, Talland). Governor of Barba- does, 1689-94; Lord of the Admiralty, 1696- 99. d. London, 10 July, 1708, aged 60. KENDALL, Col. James, M.P. (Oon.). Letter from J. Kendall, Governor of Barba- does to the Earl of Rochester, 3 March, 1692- 93. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 15,895, fol. 11. Printed in Corresp. of Henry Hyde, Earl of Clar- endon, etc., (1828), ii, 341-42. Victorious Love. A Tragedy acted at the Theatre Eoyal, 1698. By William "Walker. Lond., 1698, 40. Note. — Dedicated to Col. James Kendall. KENDALL, John. Grant of the Advowson of the Deanery of St. Buryan for one turn to J. Kendall, Secretary, and T. Otter. Harl. MSS. 433, art. 1373. KENDALL, Eev. John Henry (son of Rev. G. Kendall), V. of Treneglos and Warbstow, 1857-62. b. 1805. d. Treneglos, 29 Aug., 1862. cf Gent. Mag., xiii, 504, (1862). KENDALL, Mary (dau. of Thomas Kendall, of Killigarth J. h. Westminster, 8 Nov., 1677. d. Epsom, 4 March, 1709-10. bur. Westminster Abbey, cf. Darts Westminster,!, 184; Stanley's Westminster, (1868), p. 323. KENDALL, Col. Nicholas {son of Walter Ken- dall). Eecorder of Lostwithiel. Killed at siege of Bristol, July, 1643. cf. Clarendon Hist, of Bebellion, (ed. 1819), ii, 397. KENDALL, Eev. Nicholas, D.D. (eld. son of Bernard Kendall, of Lostwithiel). V. of Lan- livery, 1681-1739; E. of Sheviock, 1693- 1739; Canon of Exeter, 23 Jan., 16|| to 1739; Archdeacon of Totnes, 28 July, 1713 to 1739. 6. 28 Jan., 16ff. d. Exeter, 3 Mch., 17|g. hw. Exeter Cathedral, 7 Mch. cf. Atterbury's Mis- cell. WorJcs, (1783-90), i, 175, etc.; Sidney's Mfe of Walker, (1838), p. 4; Bliss' Wood, (Fasti), iv, 360, 370. Sermon preached at the Assizes held for the County of Cornwall, at Launceston, 18 March, 1685. By N. Kendall, A. M. Lond., R. Eoyston; Exeter, Geo. May, 1686, 4". Mr. Canon Kendall to Mr. Moyle on an in- scribed stone near Fowey. Gent. Mag., ix, 492- 98, (1838). Verses by Dr. Kendall, Preb. of Exeter. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 25,679. 28 lines. KENDALL, Rev. Nicholas (yowngest son of Nicholas Kendall, of Pelyn). V. of Lanlivery, 1815-44; V. of Talland, 1806-44; Incumb. of Lanhydrock, 1831-44. 6. 30 Sept., 1782. d. Lanlivery, 29 Apl., 1844. cf. Oent. Mag., xxii, 102, (1844). KENNALL. 285 KEYS. KENDALL, Eev. Nicholas. (Con.). Wesleyan Methodism defended against an In- vidious Distinction made by the Eev. N. Kendall in reading the Burial Service over an infant baptized in the Wesleyan Chapel. By James Blackett. Lond., J. Man; St. Austell, J. H. Drew, 1822, 8"., pp. 20. KENDALL, Nicholas, M.P. for East Cornwall, ] 852-68 (eld. son of Rev. Chas. Kendall, V. of Talland, who d. 1806J. Police Magistrate at Gibraltar, 1868. b. 22 Dec, 1800. Minutes of evidence taken before the Com- missioners appointed to inquire into the condi- tion of all mines in Great Britain to which the provisions of the Act, 23 and 24 Vict., c. 151, do not apply with reference to the health and safety of persons employed in such mines. Lend., G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1864, fol., pp. 529 and 466. Note. — Amongst the Commissioners were N. Kendall, Jolm St. Aubyn, and Eich. Davey. KENDALL, William {2nd son of Nicholas and Loveday 1 Kendall). Instructions given by King Henry 8 to John Becket, the Usher, and John Wrothe, the Sewer of his Chamber, relative to their journey into Cornwall for the purpose of apprehending William Kendall; also [instructions given to] Sir William Courteney, Sir Thomas Denys and Thomas Arundell as to Kendall's late behaviour. Earl. MSS., 296, art. 16, fol. S6 b. [Printed by Sff N. H. Nicolas in Archceol, xxii, 20-25, 1829.] Erney Polpever and Lanloo, in Cornwall, pro- perty of W. Kendall....*., 607, art. 352. KENDRICK, James, M.D. (son of Jos. Ken. drick, M.D.). b. Warrington, 7 Nov., 1809. Seal of John Basset as Vice-Admiral of Corn- wall. Archceol. Journ., xx, 78, (1863). KENNALL, Eev. John, LL.D., V. of Gwennap, 27 Apl., 1550; Archdeacon of Oxford, 1561 ; Canon of Exeter, 15- - to 1592. d. Exeter, 1592. Will proved, 22 Apl., 1592. cf Bliss' Wood, (Fasti), ii, 141, 164, 166; Carew's Corn- wall, (ed., 1811), pp. 151, 171. John Kennall, of Trewarthery, his deputation to John Kennall, LL.D., his brother, for the sale of Cassington, 23 Eliz., with the assignment of the said reversion to James PoUexfen, 24 Eliz. Hargrave MSS., Br. Museum, 302, art. 14 and 15. KENNALL, John (bro. of preceding;. The grants of Spillesbery and Cassington in reversion to J. Kennall, of Trewartheire, in co. of Cornwall, 10 EUz.' Ea/rgrave MSS., Br. Museum, 302, art. 12. See also Kennall, Eev. John, LL.D. KENRIOK, Eev. John, M.A. Unitarianism the Essence of Vital Christianity: A Sermon preached at George's Meeting, Exeter, July 10, 1817, before the Members of the Western Unitarian Society, and of the Devon and Cornwall Association, 1817. By J. Ken- rick, M.A. Lond., printed by E. and A. Taylor, Shoe Lane. ..1817, 12",, pp. 48, 1/-.— 2nd ed. Lond., Taylor, 1818, 12°., pp. 48, 1/-.— 3rd ed. Bristol, printed for William Browne, 1836, 12o., 6d. KENT, Thomas. 6. Padstow, 1777. d Padstow, 11 May, 1861. On the Antiquities in the neighbourhood of Padstow. Hep. B.I.G., 1858, p. 24. Inscribed Stone near Padstow, Cornwall. ArchcBol. Journ., ii, 77, (1846). Chinese Seal found near Padstow. ib., vii, 403, (1850). KESSEL, Eev. Andrevst, Independent Minister at Penzance, 1791-94. d. 27 Apl, 1802, aged 76. The living and almost dying experience of Andrew Kessel, late Minister of the Gospel in Penzance. Truro, 1800, 4«>. KEVILL, Thomas, Steward to Francis, Lord De Dunstanville. b. 1736. d. Trevenson, Illogan, 28 June, 1798. Eeply to a circular letter of A. Young's, dated Illogan, 4 Dec, 1795. Young's Annals of Agriculture, xxvi, 135-6, (1796). KEYS, Isaiah Waterloo Nicholson {son of Elias Keys), b. Devonport, 12 Mch., 1818. Flora of Devon and Cornwall, by Isaiah W. N. Keys, Curator of Botany in the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society. Note. — Part i. Eanunoulaoeffi — Geraniaoes. An- nual Rep. and Trans, of Plymouth Instit. and D and C.N.H. Soc, 1865-66, pp. 21-69. Part ii. Balsaminaoese — Umbelliferse. ib., 1866- 67, pp. 109-181. Part iii. Hederaoese — Compositaj. ib., 1867-68, pp. 41-83. Part iv. Campanulaceffi — Scrophulariaoeae. ib., 1868-69, pp. 99-144. Part V. Labiatffi— Chaiaces. ib., 1868-69, 179-304. Each of the above 5 parts was reprinted for private circulation at the same time with the Eeport of the Institution and with the same type except that the pages were numbered differently, the pages of the 5 parts being numbered continuously from 1 to 330. The first three of these reprints have each of them at the foot of the paper cover, " Plymouth, Isaiah W. N. Keys, 52, Bedford Street." The last two of them have " Ply- mouth, Printed by I. W. N. Keys and Son, Bedford Street." KILLIGERW. 286 EILLIGREW. KEYS, Isaiah Wateeloo Nicholson. (Con.). Plants found in Devonshire and Cornwall in addition to those contained in Jones' " Flora De- voniensis," and in art. Hi, pt. i of the " Phyto- logist." Phytologist, iii, 1,022-24, (1850). KIDD, John, M.D., Regius Professor of Medi- cine, at Oxford, h. Westminster, 1775. d. Oxford, 17 Sept., 1851. Analysis of a new mineral found in Cornwall. Nicholson, Journ., xiv, 134-40, (1806); Oehlen Journ., [Berlin,] iv, 340-45, (1807); Gilhert, Annal, xxv, 458-66, (1807). KILLIGEEW FAMILY, cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxxvii, pt. ii, 131, (1817); N. and Q., 1 S., i, 28.3, (1850); 3 S., xi, 235, (1867); Tanner MSS., (Bod. Lib.), 257, foL, 177 ; Archmologia, xviii, 99-100, (1817); M. A. Lower's Curiosities of Heraldry, -p-p. 309, etseq; H. Walpole's Anec- dotes of Painting, (1849), ii, 456. A History of the Killigrew family. MSS. Note. — The original is not known to exist, an ac- count of a copy is given in the following. The family of Killigrew. By R N. Worth, Plymouth. Journ. R.L.G., Apl., 1871, pp. 269- 82. Letters of Killigrew and others. Sir T. Phillips' MSS., 4888. Petitions and papers of the time of the Common- wealth, etc., from Conway. . .Killigrew and others. ib., 7414. KILLIGEEW, Major. Killed near Bridgewater, 1644. cf. Clarendon Hist, of Rebellion, (1849), iii, 414, [in chap, viii, sect. 114.] KILLIGREW, Ann (sister of Sir B.obert Killi- grew and first loife of George KirJce). cf. Court and Times of Charles I, (1848), i, 183. KILLIGREW, Anne fdau. of Sir Robert Killi- grew, who d. 1633). bapt. Hanworth, 7 Sept., 1607. Drowned, 1641. On my Aunt, Mrs. A. K. Drown'd under London-Bridge, in the Queens Bardge, Anno 1641. A Poem by Anne Killigrew. In "Poems by Mrs. A. Killigrew," (1686), p. 76. KILLIGREW, Anne (dau. of Rev. Henry Killi- grew, B.D.). Maid of Honour to the Duchess of York. b. St. Martin's Lane, London, 1660. d. Cloisters of Westminster Abbey, 16 June, 1685. bur. St. John the Baptist's Chapel, in the Savoy, cf Bliss' Wood, iv, 623; Geo. BallardJs Mems. of British Ladies, (1775), pp. 236-41; H. Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, (1849), ii, 456-57, with portrait ; H. Walpole's KILLIGREW, Anne. (Con.). Works, Lives of the Painters, iii, 297 ; Memoirs of S. Pepys, (Bohn's ed., 1858), ii, 67 ; Strick- land's Lives of Queens of England, (1852), vi, 152, 189-90; Grange?' s Biog. Hist.; Chalmers; Didot Univ. Biog. ; Biog. Univ. ; Rose. Poems by Mrs. AnneKilligrew. . . Lend., printed for Samuel Lowndes, over against Exeter Ex- change, in the Strand, 1686, 4°. Br. Museum. Note. — The Publisher to the Reader, 1 page, To the Pious Memory of. . .Mrs. A. Killigrew, by J. Dryden, 11 pages,, Epitaph engraved on her tomb, 3 pages, The same turned into English, 3 pages. The text, pp. 1-100. The three odes, on pp. 85-100, are not by AnneKilligrew, but by an unknown author. A copy in the Manchester Free Lib., which belonged to King James II, contains a Portrait (engraved from a painting by herself), but there is no portrait in the copy in the Br. Museum. Lucretius : a poem against the fear of death. With an ode in memory of the accomplish'd young lady, Mrs. Ann Killegrew, excellent in the two sister arts of Poetry and Painting. [By John Dryden.] Lond., printed and sold by H. Hills, in Black-Fryars, 1709, 8o., pp. 16, Id. Note. — This Ode, which was much extolled by Dr. Johnson, will be found in " The Works of J. Dryden," (Sir W. Scott's ed.), xi, 102-12. Poems by eminent ladies, particularly Mrs, Barber... Mrs. Killigrew, etc. Lond., printed for R. Baldwin, at the Rose, in Paternoster Row, 1755, 2 vols., 12". Note. — Miss Killigrew's Poems are contained in ii, 1-14. KILLIGREW, Anne (eld. daughter of Sir Henry Killigrew and wife Istly, of Sir Hen. Neville, Knight, of Berks, and 2ndly, of Dr. George Carleton, Bp. of Chichester, 1619-28). A manudition to theology. Translated from the Latin of B. Keckermannus by Thomas Vicars. Lond., 1622, 8°. Note. — Dedicated to Mrs. Carleton. cf. Bliss' Wood, ii, 443. KILLIGREW, Barbara (? dau. of Sir Robert and Lady Barbara Killigrew). Receipt from B. Killigrew to Hon. Spencer Compton, for £37 10s., being a quarter of a year's pension. Dated 30 Aug., 1711. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 5755, fol. KILLIGREW, Catherine (ith dau. of Sir Anthony Cooke and wife of Sir Henry Killigrew, who d. 16§f). b. Giddy-Hall, Essex, 1530. d. ante 1590. bu/r. St. Thomas the Apostle, Vintry Yard, London, cf. Geo. Ballard's Mems. of British Ladies, (1775), pp. 142-46; Maitlamis London, ii, 1185; Kippis' Biog. Brit., (1789), KILLIGBEW. 287 KILLIGBEW. KILLIGBEW, Catherine. (Con.). iv, 99 ; Sir John Harington's " Orlando Furioso in English," (1591), p. 314, [in Book xxxvii] ; Edward Phillips' Theairum Poetarum, (1675), pp. 256, 258 ; Chambers' Booh of Days, i, 474; Chalmers; Rose. Verses to Mildred Cecil by her sister Catherine. Latin, with an English translation. MSS. C. C. C. Oxford, 316, fol. 23-41. Printed in Fuller's "Worthies," (1811), i, 348. KILLIGREW, Charles (son of Tom Killigrew, the elder). Master of the Revels, 1680, and one of the Managers of Drury Lane Theatre. bw. in the Savoy, 8 Jan., 17f|-. cf. Mal- colm's Anecdotes of Manners and Customs, pp. 427,431 ; N. and Q., 1 S., i, 204, 219, (1850). Catalogus Librorum in omni fere scientia et facultate praestantium ; ex Bibliothecis Caroli Kilhgrew et Bartholomaei Beale, Armig... which will begin to be sold on Tuesday, the 7th day of December, 1725, by Fletcher Gyles, bookseller, over against Grey's Inn, in Holborn ; beginning at 9 in the morning, n.d., [1725,] 8"., pp. iv and 107, 6d. Bod. Lib. C. Killigrew to Dr. H. Prideaux, thanking him for his "life of Mahomet," 1 May, 1697. Tanner MSS. (Bod. Lib.) 23, art. 10. Copy of Mr. Hargrave's observations in re- spect to the objection to the patent to [Thomas Kilhgrew] to act plays and operas granted by Charles the Second, in 1662, on the ground of merger and dormancy, March, 1693... with peti- tion from C. Killigrew to Queen Anne, [1707.] Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 12,201. Two Letters from Col. R. Killigrew to his brother Charles Killigrew, at Somerset House, 1706 and 1707. ib., 20,032, ff. 32-35. Two letters from Major Henry Killigrew to C. Killigrew, 1707. ib., 20,032, ff. 37, 40. Letter to C. Killigrew from [Cornet] Anto. Addison, relative to the effects left by Brig. Gen. KiUigrew on his death in action, 14 April. Dated Tortosa, 6 May, 1707. ib., 20,032, f. 39. Letter of Attorney to C. Killigrew empower- ing him to draw the pay for Brig. Gen. Killi- grew and his regiment; dated 17 Jan., 170|. ib., 20,032, f. 42. KILLIGREW, Charles, of Thornham Hall, Suffolk (son of preceding), d. 9 Mar., 1756. cf Gent. Mag., xxvi, 150, (1756). KILLIGREW, Charlotte (dau. of— Van Hess and second wife of Tom. Killigrew, the elder). Keeper of the Sweet Coffer for the Queen, May, 1662, and First Lady of the Queen's Privy Chamber, 4 June, 1662. KILLIGBEW, Chablotte. (Con.). Memorandum of £140 yearly rent due for the house of Mrs. Charlotte Killigrew, in Scotland Yard, taken for the use of Mrs. May, 1695. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 5751, £ 32. Madam Killigrew's case, being a statement of the claims of Charlotte, second wife of T. Killi- grew, respecting her marriage settlements, ib., 20,032, f 44. Appointment of Madam C. Killigrew to the place of first lady of the Queen's privy chamber, 4 June, 1662. ib., 20,032, t. 45. KILLIGREW, CiCiLY (dau. of Sir J. Crofts and wife of Thomas Killigrew, the elder), d. circa Sighes at the contemporary deaths of those incomparable sisters, The Countesse of Cleave- land, and Mistrisse Cicily Killegrve, Daughters of Sir John Crofts, Knight, of Saxom Hall, in the Countie of Suffolke, Deceased, and his noble" Lady now Hving. Breathed forth by F[rancis] Q[uarles.] Lond., printed by Tho. Cotes for N. Alsop, and are to be sold at the Angell, in Popes-head Alley, 1640, 12°., 8 leaves. A 1 being blank. Br. Museum, Grenville Lib. On the Marriage of T[homas] K[illigrew] and C[ecilia] C[rofts,] the morning stormie. A Poem by Thos. Carew. In " The Poems of T. Carew. Printed for the Roxburghe Library," 1870, 4"., pp. 103-104. Epithalamia on the marriage of Lady Kath. Egerton to Mr. Wm. Custeen and Mrs. CeceHa Crofts to Mr. Thos. Killegrew. Sir T. Phillipps' MSS 4001. KILLIGREW, Dorothy (dau. of Sir Hen. Killi- grew, and wife of Sir Edward Seymour, 2nd Bart, of Berry PomeroyJ. Living 1600. cf. N. and Q., 2 S., viii, 207, (1859). KILLIGREW, Elizabeth {2nd dau. of Sir Hen. KiUigrew, and wife firstly, of Sir Jonathan Tre- lawney, who d. 1604, and secondly, of Sir Thos. Beynell, Knt., of Ogwell, Devon), cf N. and Q., 2 S., viii, 206, (1859). KILLIGREW, Elizabeth (2nd dau. of Sir Hen. KiUigrew, and wife of Sir Nicholas Lower), b. 1570. d. Clifton, Landulph, 6 June, 1638, bur. Landulph Church, cf N. and Q., 1 S., i, 231, (1850). Note.— This lady, like the preceding, is usually stated to have been the second daughter of Sir Henry KiHigrew, hut it has been suggested that her baptismal name was Mary and that she was the third daughter of Sir H. Killigrew. KTLLIGEEW. KELLIGREW. KILLIGEEW, Elizabeth fird dau. of Sir Robert Killigrew, and wife of Francis Boyle, cr. Viscount Shannon, 1660.^ Maid of Honour, 1 638. d. London, 28 July, 1684. lur. Westminster Abbey, 4 Jan., 1680. cf. Gi-ammont's Mem. of Court of Charles II, {Bohn's ed.), p. 249 ; N. and Q., 4 S., vii, 258-9, (1871) ; AutoUog. of Mary, Countess of Warwick, (Percy Soc., 184:8) passim; J. B. Nichols' Collect. Topog. d Geneal., viii, 4 ; /. B. Nichols' To]]og. et Geneal., ii, 196; Cent. Mag., Ixxxii, pt. ii, 315, (1812). Note. — The Viscountess Shannon was mother, by King Charles 2nd, of Charlotte Jemima Henrietta Maria, who m. Istiy, James Howard, and 2iidiy. William Paston, 2nd Earl of Yarmouth, and dying 28 July was hur. Westminster Abbey, 4 Aug., 1684. ■ KILLIGEEW, Frances {eld. dau. of Sir Peter Killigrew, who d. 1704, and wife {in 1685) of Rich. Erisey). d. Mch., 1736. See Killigrew, Sir Peter. KILLIGEEW, Geoege [only son of Sir P. Killi- grew). Killed by Walter Vincent, Barrister- at-law, in a tavern at Penryn, 20 Mch., 1687. hur. Falmouth Church, cf. Journ. R.I.C., 1871, pp. 278-79. KILLIGEEW, Harry {son of Tom Killigrew, the elder J. bapt. St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, London, 16 Apl., 1637. cf Memoirs of S. Pepys {Bohn's ed., 1858), ii, 478-79, iii, 196, 454, iv, 176- 77; N. and Q., 3 S., xi, 235, (1867). Draught of a license to John [or Thomas] Price, to sue for debt, H. Killigrew, groom of the bed-chamber to Ghas. II, etc., etc., 1675. Rawlinson MSS., {Bod. Lib.) class A, 472, art. 1-5. KILLIGEEW, Sir Henry, Knt. (ith son of John Killigrew). M.P. for Launceston, 1 Mch., 15f|, for Truro, 1571 and 1572; Teller of the Exchequer, 1562 ; Commander of New- haven, Oct., 1562; Ambassador to Germany, France, Scotland, The Palatinate, Frankfort, and the Low Countries ; Knighted in France by the Earl of Essex, 20 Nov., 1591. b. Ar- wenack? d. London, on or about 16 Mch, 15§f. cf Dr. Birch's Mems. of Elizabeth, (1754), 1, 197, 199; !>?-. Birch's Mems. of James I, vol. i, p. 4 ; J. Collins' Letters of Sir H. Sidney, (1746), i, 345; Coningsby's Siege of Rouen, pp. 8, 47, 78 ; The Bevereux, Earls of Essex, i, 234, 239-40; Digges' Compleat Ambassador, p. 134, etc. ; Gabbema Illust. et clar. virorum Efistolm, (1669), pp. 588-89; /. Strype's Annals of Reformation, i, 554, etc. ; J. Strype's Life of Arch.-Bp. Parler, pp. 297-98 ■ /. Stryp^s Ufe of Sir T. Smith, (1820), pp. 106, 116, 129; Corresp.of R. Dudley, Ea/rl of Ley- KILLIGEEW, SiK Henky, Knt. (Oon.). cester, (Ed. by J. Bruce for the Camden Soc 1844), pp. 16, 26, 32, etc. ; Sir Jas. Melville's Memoirs, pp. 68-74, 115, 122; /F. Camden's Annates Elizahetha, Translated by R. N., (1635), p. 517; Cabala, (Brd. ed.), i, 162, ii, 50-63,' 88 ; Leonard Howard's Letters, (1753), p. 184 ■ Life of Sir Peter Carew, p. 180; David Lloyd's State Worthies, (1766), i, 471-75; Lord Bray- brooke's Hist, of Audley End, (1836), p. 104 • B. Churton's Life of A. Nowell, Dean of St Paul's, (1809), pp. 253, 259; David Jardine on Torture, (1837), p. 91 ; E. Lodge's Life of Sir Julius Ccesar, p. 15; E. Lodge's Illusts. of Brit. Hist., ii, 23, 550; Prince's Worthies of Devon, (quarto ed.), p. 27 ; D. Lysons' Environs of London, iv, 194 ; Lysons' Devonshire, p. 145; Ellis' Letters, 3 S., iii, 375 ; Zurich Letters, i, 57, 167, 290, ii, 174; Bliss' Wood, i, 700, ii, 425 ; /. B. Nichols' Collect. Topog. et Geneal, viii, 206 ; Cooper's Ath. Cantab., ii, 345-49 • N. and Q., 1 S., i, 231, (1850), 2 S., viii, 207, (1859), xi, 17, (1861). The Eeformers of England and Germany. By H. Heppe, D.D., of Marburg. Lond., 1859, 12o. Note.— Contains (pp. 59-67, 169), the Summary of Sir H. Killigrew's instructions to attend the assembly of Eeformers, at Frankfort, 1569. Instructions given to H. Killigrew, Esquire, being sent into France to supply the place of F. Walsingham, Esquire, her Majesty's Ambas- sador, 1571. Harl. MSS., 36, art. 20, pp. 129- 135; 260. art. 92, pp. 147-149, b. ; [MSS Camb. Univ. Lib., Gg., v, B&,art. 25, pp. 181-5; Br. Museum Addit. MSS., 2442, art. 21.] Lord Burleigh to... his Brother-in-Law, H. Killigrew. ib., 260, art. 95. Letter from H. Killigrew to the Earl of Lei- cester, 22 July, 1587. ib., 287, art. 19. Letter from H. Killigrew to Lord Burleigh 1 30 June, 1588. ib., 287, art. 53. Letter from H. Killegrew to the same, 6 July. 1588. ib., 287, art. 54. Instructions given to H. Killigrew to proceed to Scotland, August, 1572. ib., 289, art. 61, 62, 63, 77, 81. ' > > > Advertisement from Norimbergue, in Ger- many, by Mr. Killigrew, July, 1569. Lansd. MSS. 11, art. 43. The Earl of Essex to Lord Burghley that he had unsuccessfully interceded with the Queen for Mr. Killigrew, but had obtained the Wardship of Mr. Morley, Nov. 14, 1587. ib., 53, art. 64. Mr. H. Killigrew to Lord Burghley concern- ing the services of Captain Bornstra, March 8, 1590. ib., 66, art. 63. :killigbew. 289 KILLIGREW. KILLIGREW, Sm Heney, Knt. (Con.J. Minutes of a letter from Q. Elizabeth to the French King to give audience to Mr. H. Killi- grew, &c., 1591. ii., 94, art. 44. A note of such voyages as Mr. H. KilUgrew made for the service of the Queen and her Highness' realm, ib., 106, art. 31. [Printed in L. Howard's Collection of Letters, 1753, pp. 184-88.] A Memorial for H. Killigree being sent from the Queen in message to the Queen of Scots, &c., 1566 to 1575. ib., 155, arts. 158-163. [Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 2442, art. 64-7.] Instructions to Sir H. Killigrew, sent to Frederick Count Palatine, June 26, 1568. Cot- tonian MSS. JuHus, F VI, art. 35, Galba B XI, arts. 73 and 80 ; [MSS. Camb. Univ. Lib. Gg., V, 36, art. 24, pp. 173-9.] Mr. Killigrew's Instructions, sent to the Queen of Scots before her coming into England. ib., Caligula, B IV, art. 18, and B V, art. 16. H. Killigrew to Lord Barleigh on Scottish affairs. Edinburgh, October 28 and 31, 1572. ib., Caligula, B VIII, art. 90. H. Killigrew to Lord Burleigh with various news. Edinburgh, Sept. 29, 1572. ib., Caligula, C III, art. 155, et seq. Instructions and Letters to H. Killigrew. ib., Caligula, C IV, art. 1 , et seq. ; Caligula, C V, art. 16, et seq. H. Kilhgrew to Secretary Cecil, reports his voyage to and reception at Hamburgh. Ham- burgh, March 10, 1568. ib., Nero, B IX, art. 38. Letters from H. Killigrew in Holland, 1587- 88. ib., Galba, D I, arts. 48, 91 and 99 ; Galba, D III, art. 34 and 50. Queen Elizabeth to the States of the United Provinces, notifying her having recalled Mr. Killigrew, Nov. 16, 1588. ib., Galba, D III, art. 93. A DeUberation of H. Killigrew and Eobert Beale, concerning the requisition from the States. [By R. Beale.] Lond., Aug., 1595. ib., Galba, D XI, art. 54. Copy of a letter from Robert Montgomery to Mr. Killigrew, Aug. 2, 1573. Br. Museum Addit. MSS. 3,199, art. 47. A Summary of events in Scotland from Feb., 1572, to Jtune, 1573, whilst Mr. Killigrew was ambassador there, ib., 3,199, art. 49. Q. Elizabeth to the City of Hamburg, April 22, giving notice of her sending H. Killigrew and Dr. Moilt to the Assembly at Frankfort. ib., 3,299, art. 18. KILLIGREW, Sir Henry, Knt. (Oon.). Extracts from Several Letters of Sir H. Killi- grew, 1571. ib., 4,105, art. 2. Instructions for Sir H. Killigrew, 1573. ib., 4,106, art. 7. Lords of the Council to Sir J. Hawkins, Sir H. Killigrew... June 8, 1595, and answer thereto. ib., 4,113, art. 46, p. 119. . Warrant for impress to Sir H. Killigrew, em- ployed in the United Provinces, May, 1586. ib., 5,753, ff. 247-48. Memorial for Sir H. Killigrew being sent to the Queen of Scots, 1566-74. ib., 5,935, ff. 46, 158. Instructions to Sir H. Killigrew, sent to Frede- rick, the Palatine, 1568. ib., 5935, f. 166. Letter of Sir H. Kyllygrew to Sir J. Caesar, 19 Aug., 1598. ib., 12,503. Letter from H. Killigrew to Robert Beale. Flushing, 25 July, 1587. Br. Museum, Egerton MSS., 1694, f. 151. Letter of Robert, Earl of Leicester, to H. Killigrew and R. Beale, 29 July, 1587. ib., 1694, f. 161. Sir F. Walsyngham to H. Killigrew. The Court, last day of July, 1587. ib., 1694, f. 163. Letter from H. Killigrew to the Earl of Lei- cester. The Hague, 12 Oct., 1587. ib., 1694, f. 165. Letters from A. Bacon to Sir H. Kilhgrew, 1593-94. Lambeth MSS. 649, arts. 78, 98; 650, arts. 3, 4. Answers of Sir H. Killigrew and others to the Privy Council, 1595. ib., 651, art. 120. The Privy Council to Sir H. Killigrew and others, ib., 651, art. 124. Letter from H. Killigrew to- A. Bacon, ib., 653, art. 156. Verses written by Mr. Kyllygrewe to my Ladye Cecylle. MSS. Camb. Univ. lAb., Ff., v-14. Note.— Lady Cecil, afterwards Lady Burleigh, was Sir H. Killigrew's wife's sister. An act for Mr. Killigrew to prepare shipping for transportation of 3 or 4 thousand men, etc. Yelverton MSS., (cf. Bernard's Cat. MSS., 16^, ii, 151). , „ An act given to Mr. Killigrew by the States, for his discharge upon delivery of his Excellen cie's resignation, ib. A memorial delivered to Mr. Kilhgrew by the Council of Estate, ib. L L KILLIGBEW. 290 KILLIGEEW. KILLIGBEW, SiK Henkt, Knt. (Con.). A remembrance of Mr. Killigrew and Mr. Beale. ih. [cf. Bernard's Cat. MSS., ii, 152.] A memorial of Mr. Killigrew. ib. Letter from Queen Elizabeth to Sir H. Killi- grew and Mr. Beale, 1 August, 1587. In vol. CXLIV of MSS. penes Lord Calihorpe, Grosvenor Square, London. Letter from Lord Burghley and Sir F. Wal- singliam to Sir H. Killegrew. ib. Memorials and instructions by Queen Eliza- beth for Mr. Henrie Killigree respecting his embassies into Scotland and France, 1566-75. MSS. penes Frederick Peake, Esq., of Bedford Bow, London. A letter from Sir H. Killigrew to his son-in- law, Sir Jonathan Trelawney, 1593. MSS. Trelawne. KILLIGREW, Rev. Henry, D.D. (Uh son of Sir Bobert Killigrew, who d. 1633). Preceptor to James II ; Prebendary of Westminster, 5 July, 1660; R of Wheathamsted, 1660? re- signed, 1673; Master of the Savoy, 1667. 6. Hanworth, 11 Feb., 16^f. hapt. 16 Feb. d. 14 Mch., -^f §^. cf. Langbaine's Lives of Dramatic Poets, (1699), p. 82; C. Dibdin's Hist, of the Stage, (1795), iv, 94-96; Walker's Suffer- ings, pt. ii, p. 290 ; /. P. Malcolm's Londin. Bedinvum, (1803), iii, 412-13, 420-21; D. E. Baker's Biog. Dram., (1812), i, 431-32 ; C. Lamb's English Dramatic Poets, (Bohiis ed.), p. 456 ; Memoirs of S. Pepys, (Bohn's ed.), ii, 67; Bliss' Wood, iv, 621-23; Halliwell's Did. of Old English Plays, (1860), pp. 57, 187; Chalmers ; Didot Nouvel. Biog. Univ. ; Biog. Univ. ; Bose ; N. Luttrell's Brief Hist. Relation, (1857), iv, 624; 1th Bep. of Dep. Keeper of Becords, App. p. 81. The Conspiracy, a tragedy as it was intended for the nuptialls of the Lord Charles Herbert and the Lady Villers. Written by Mr. Henry Killigraevv. Lond., printed by John Norton for Andrew Crooke, 1638, i°. Note. — Unpaged. The Introduction, 4 pages, The Prologue, 1 page. The text with epilogue B to I, K to N in fours. A surreptitious edition. This drama was written in 1634 for performance at the marriage of the eldest son of Philip, 4th Earl Pembroke, and Mary, only dau. of George Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham, Pallantus and Eudora, a tragoedie. Written by Mr. Henry Killigrew... Lond., printed for John Hardesty, at the Black-spread-eagle, in Duck-lane, 1653, fol. KILLIGBEW, Bev. Henkt, D.D. (Con.). Note. — This is "The Conspiracy" under another title. The Publisher to the Eeader, 1 page, (in which this is stated to be the author's edition and that " The Conspiracy " was an unauthorised edition of the same piece printed with numerous omissions and errors whilst the writer was in Italy). The Persons of the Play, 1 page, the text, pp. 1-64. This tragedy was produced at Black-Friers, in 1638, with great applause, having being written when the author was only 17. The Tyrant King of Crete. A Tragedy. In "Sir Chas. Sedley's Works," (1722), ii, 317-84. Note. — An alteration of The Conspiracy. Never acted. A sermon preached before the Kings most ex- cellent Majesty at Oxford. By H. K[illigrew,] D.D. Oxford, printed for W. Web, 1643, 4»., unpaged. Note. — Prefixed is a portrait of King Charles I. In the address to the Christian Eeader it is stated that the sermon was published by one of those present when it was delivered. A sermon preached before the King, the first Sunday of Advent, 1666. By Henry Killigrew, D.D., Master of the Savoy, and Abnoner to his Eoyal Highnesse [the Duke of York.] Lond., printed by Tho. Eoycroft for Thomas Hacker, 1666, 4"., pp. 34. A sermon preached before his Majesty at White-HaU, May 29th, 1668. By D. H.Kinigrew, Master of the Savoy, and Almoner to his Eoyal Highness the Duke of Yorke... (Portrait of Charles II). Lond., printed by T. E. for E. Eoyston, Book-seller to his most sacred Majesty, 1668, 40., pp. 36. Sermons preached partly before his Majesty, at White-hall, and partly before Anne, Dutchess of York, at the Chappel at St. James : by H. Killigrew, D.D., Master of the Savoy and Almoner to his royal highness. Lond., printed by J. M. for E. Eoyston, bookseller to his most sacred majesty, 1685, 4°. Note.— " The Publisher to the Beader," signed by [Bishop] S. Patrick, pp. 4; Contents, pp. 2 ; the Sermons, pp. 410. Another ed. containing 25 sermons is stated by Lowndes to have been published in 1695. A sermon preach'd the Sunday before Easter in Westminster Abby [on Psal. ex, 7.] By H. Killegrew, D.D., Prebendary of the said Church and Master of the Savoy. [Lond.,] in the Savoy, printed by E. Jones for Samuel Lowndes, over gainst Exeter-Change, in the Strand, 1689, 4"., pp. 31. Britannise Natalis. Oxonise., 1630, 4". Musarum Oxoniensium pro Eege suo soteria. Oxon., 1633, 40. Musarum Oxoniensium Charisteria pro... Eegina Maria. Oxon., 1638, 4". KILLIGEEW. 291 KILLIGRKW. KILLIGEEW, Eev. Henet, D.D. (Con.). UpoTEXEia Anglo Batava. Oxon., 1641, 4". Note. — The above 4 works contain sonnets by H. Killigrew, Christ Ghnroh. Poem, by H. Killegrew. Malme, MSS., Bod. Mb., No. 13, p. 71. KILLIGEEW, SiK Henry, d. St. Malo, 1646. hur. St. Helier's Church, Jersey, c/. Clarendon's Hist, of the Rebellion, (1819), ii, 839-72, iii, 73, etc. Account of illness, death, and burial of Sir H. Killigrew; with funeral sermon by Mr. Gatford. In "Journal dos choses les plus re- marquables en Jersey." MSS. penes S. Elliott Hoskins, M.D., Guernsey. H. Jermyn, Baron Dover to Sir H. Killigrew; anxiety of the Queen to relieve Pendennis Castle, 16 August, 1646. Tanner MSS. (Bodl. Mb.) 59, art. 272.— Printed in Gary's "Memo- rials of the Civil War," i, 145. Letter to E. Walker, 1644. See Coryton, W. KILLIGREW, Admiral Henry (son of Rev. Hen. Killigrew, D.D.) Lord of the Admiralty, 15 Apl., 1693 to 2 May, 1694. d. near St. Albans, 9 Nov., 1712. cf. Charnock's Biog. Namlis, i, 338-47; R. Clutterbuck's Hist, of Herts, (1815), i, 230, 517-19; A. Strickland's, Mves of Queens of England, (1852), vii, 252, 291, 294 ; Macaulay's Hist, of England, (1855), iv, 413-16, 469; N. LattreUs Brief Hist. Relation, (1857), vols, ii to v. Good news from the English fleet : being an account of a great and bloody engagement which happened yesterday, betwixt Their Majesties Fleet, commanded hj Admiral Killigrew, and the French Fleet, near the Beachy. With a par- ticular account of the taking six of their ships, and sinking three ... Lond., printed David Edwards, in the Strand, [17 Sept.,] 1690, fol., pp. 2. The Seamens Victory or Admiral Killigrew's glorious conquest over the French fleet, in the streights, as they were coming from Thoulon towards Brest, with the manner of taking three of their French men of war, and sinking two more; although the French Admiral vainly boasted he would recover Brest or Paradise, yet he shamefully run from the English fleet. To the tune of The Spinning Wheel. 4 small wood- cuts. Printed for P. Brooks, by F. Deacon, P. Blare, F. Black, n.d., [1694,] 4"., pp. 2. Note. — This is found in the Br. Museum, in the Bagford Ballads, voL ii, No. 88. - Two Letters to S. Pepys from Capt. H. ELilli- ^ew, on board H.M.S. Mary, in the bays of KILLIGEEW, Admiral Henby. (Con.). Cadiz and Waires, 17 Apr. and 16 May, 1679. Bod. Mb. Rawlinson MSS., class A, 181, art. 36. Note from H. Killigrew to W. Rumball. April, 1676. ik. A, 183, art. 41. Letter to S. Pepys from Capt. H. Killigrew. Gibraltar, 24 Nov., 1688. ik, A, 186, art. 12. Petition to the King from Capt. H. Killigrew, of the " Dragon," praying that he may be per- mitted to carry bullion from Cadiz to Genoa and Leghorn. 1687. ik, A, 189, art. 95. Letter from S. Pepys to Capt. H. Killigrew. ik. A, 194, fol., 143. Copy of a commission appointing Henry KUligrew, Sir Ralph Delaval, and Sir C. Shovel, joint admirals with their instructions. Jan.- March, 169|. ik, A, 452, art. 6. Journal of G. Wood, Clerk to Captain H. Killigrew, during his voyage in the Mediter- ranean from 1686 to 1689. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 19,306, sm.'4''. Papers containing an account of the fleet under Admiral Killigrew... 1693. MSS. All Souls Coll., 147, fol. 70-140. KILLIGREW, Major [Henry?] of the Regt. of Carrabineers on the Irish Establishment. (? Gh-andson of Thomas Killigrew, the elder), d. 9 Aug., 1757. Letter of Major Killigrew to the Earl and Countess of Bute, 31 May, 1757. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 5,726 D, fol. 178. Two letters from Major H. Killigrew to Charles KUligrew. 26 July, 1707. ik, 20,032, ff. 37, 40. KILLIGREW, Capt. James (son of R&u. Henry Killigrew, D.D.) Killed at sea, off Leghorn, when in command of the "Pljrmouth," Jan., 16^^. cf. Charnock's Biog. Navalis, ii, 327-29. KILLIGREW, John. First Governor of Pen- dennis Castle to 1567. d. 1567. bur. Budock. J. Kyllygrew, Sheriff of Cornwall, to Cardinal Wolsey, on the threatened invasion of the county by the French. Truro, 6 Oct. MSS. penes Lord Arundell, of Wardour, at Wardour Castle. KILLIGREW, Sir John (son of preceding). Capt. of Pendennis Castle, 1567-84. d. 5 March, 1584. bur. Budock. The Earl of Bedford to the Lord Treasurer ; that the Spanish navy is ready ; that the Castle in Mr. Killigrew's charge is unserviceable ; that he had been over Cornwall to view the condition of that County, August 3, 1574. Lansd. MSS. 18, art. 93. A representation of Sir J. Killigrew to Lord Burghley concerning custom for Cornish cloths made of hair. May 3, 1579. ik, 28, art. 15. KILLIGBEW. 292 KILLIGEEW. KILLIGREW, John (eld. son of preceding). An account of Mr. J. Killigrews great debts and the desperate measures he takes to avoid paying them. 1588. Lonsd. MSS. 59, art. 18. Copy of a letter to the Lord Treasurer about the Danish Ship against Thomas Ewens and John Killigre^^r. 27 Aug., 1588. ih., 157, art. 89. Sir J. Csesar to Lord Burghley, deputy Lord Admiral, about T. Ewens and J. Killigrewe, notorious pirates. Lond., 27 Aug., 1588. ib., 157, art. 144. KILLIGREW, J. [? Sir John Killigrew, Knt., who d. Jan., 1636, and was son of preceding.] Letter from J. Killigrewe to Scipio Gentilis, Author of a Translation of part of Tasso. MS., M., formerly penes Rich. Heber. cf.Heber's Cat., pt. xi, (MSS.) No. 163. KILLIGREW, Margaret, (dau. of Thomas Saunders, of Uxbridge, and wife first of John Leigh, who d. 19 Jan., 15-^|-, and afterwards of Sir JVilliam Killigrew, who rf. 1622). cf. J. G. Nichols' Collect. Topog. et Geneal., viii, 211. Note. — For the works dedicated to this lady and her husband, See Killigrew, Sir William. KILLIGREW, Martin {son of Mr. Lister, as- sumed the name of Killigreio on his marriage with Ann, youngest dau. of Sir Peter Killigrew). b. Listen, Staffordshire, 1666. d. St. James' Square, London, 7 Mch., 1745. History of the family of KiUigrew. By M. Killigrew, 1737-38. MSS. Note. — An Abstract of the above is printed in Journ. R.I.C. Apl. 1871, pp. 269-82. Letter to John Merrill, Esq., signed Mart. KiUigrew, dated 2 Dec. 1738, being minutes for a history of the Corporation of Falmouth. MS. copy bound up with Hals' Hist, of' Cornwall, penes Rev. E. Roger. KILLIGREW, Mary [eld. dau. of Tlws. Lucas, of St. John's, near Colchester, sister of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, and wife of Sir Peter Killigreio, Kt. circa 1630). Note. — cf. A True Relation of tlie Birth, etc., of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastk. Printed at Lee Priory, 1814, p. 8. Eose erroneously states that this Duchess of Newcastle was, by a first marriage, Mrs. Killigi'ew. KILLIGREW, Mary {dau. of Sir Will. Killi- grew, and wife of Frederic de Nassau, Lord of Zulestein, in Utrecht), cf. Nichols' Illusts. of Lit. Hist., vi, 327. KILLIGREW, Mary {dau. of Sir Roll Killigrew, and wife of Sir John James, Knt.) bur. West- minster Abbey, 10 Nov., 1677. cf J. G. Nichols' Collect. Topog. et Geneal, viii, 2. KILLIGREW, Sir Peter, Knt., M.P. for Camelford, 1660. {'2,nd son of J. Killigrew, son of Sir John Killigrew, who d. 1584). d. on the road to Exeter, 1667. cf. Memoirs of S. Pepys (Eohn's Ed.) i, 57 ; Relations between England and Germany, (Camden Soc, 1865J, pp. 107, 205, 208. His Majesties enlargement of concessions in his last answer touching Episcopacy, sent by Sir P. Killigrew, to both Houses of Parliament. Oct., 21. Lond., 1648, foL, s. sh. Propositions of Charles I, conveyed by Sir P. Killigrew to ParUament, [Jan., 1645.] £r. Museum, Addit. MSS. 5,461, fol. 52. Note. — This Sir P. Killigrew, for his activity in. conveying messages to and from Charles I during the'. Civil War, was commonly called Sir Peter the Post. " Sir P. Killigrew's case stated," a memorial praying for compensation for losses sustained at the taking of Pendennis Castle, &c., 1655. Raw- linson MSS., Rod. Lib., class A, 27, art. 4. Mr. Erie's report from the Committee of the West, concerning Sir P. Killigrew's interest and right of inheritance in the site of Pendennis Castle : made to the House of Commons, 19 Deer., 1646. Tanner MSS., (Eodl. UK), 59, art. 338. Grant of land by Sir P. Killigrew, for a church and church-yard, at Falmouth : (in Latin). 22 August, 1655. ib., 141, art. 69. KILLIGREW, Sir Peter, 2nd Bart, {son of preceding and successor to Sir W. Killigrew, first Eart.) b. 1634. d. Ludlow, 8 Jan., 170|. bw. in Falmouth Church, cf. Corresp. of Earls of Clarendon and RocJiester, and Diary of Lord Clarendon, (1828), i, 658. Printed papers for the consideration of the Law Lords, in the case of Mary and Frances West, Infants, and Mary Erisey and T. Barrable, Infants, concerning the settlement made in 1685,i upon the marriage of Richard Erisey and Frances, daughter of Sir P. Killigrew, of the Barton of Clahar, the Manors of Erisey, Baxworthy, Tre- vethan, and Loworthy, in the Counties of Corn- wall and Devon, with remainder to the Heirs of Charles Vivyan, Esq., by Mary, his wife, daughter of the said R. Erisey. Privately printed, 1727, fol. News from the Dead. Or a true and exact narrative of the miraculous deliverance of Anne Greene, who being executed at Oxford, Decemb. 14, 1650, afterwards revived... Whereunto are prefixed certain poems,.. Oxford, 1651, 4o. KILLIGEEW. 293 EILLIGREW. KILLIGEEW, SiK Petek, 2nd Bakt. (Con.). Note. — Amongst the Verses is a set by "P. Killigrew, Queen's Oolleg." Letter relative to Sir P. Killigrew's obtaining an Act of Parliament for building a quay at Falmouth, 12 March, 1669. MSS. perns J. J. Eogers, Esq., Penrose. KILLIGREW, Sir Egbert (eld. son of William Killigrew, whod. 1622). Captain of Pendennis Castle, 21 Mch., 1628 ; Vice-Chamberlain to the Queen and Ambassador to the United Provinces, d. 26 Nov., 1633. cf. Court and Times of James I, (1849), i, 175 ; Court and Times of Charles I, {l84:S),i,S82; Whitelocke's Liber Famelicus, (Camden Soc., 1856), p. 41 ; Dug- dale's Hist, of Embanking, (1772), p. 424 ; N. and Q., 4 S., vii, 454, (1871). The case of Sir Eobert Killigrew, Thomas Wyndham, William Killigrew, Henry- Heron, and Edward Heron. Drainers and participants of Lindsey Levell, in Lincolnshire, claiming under the late Earl of Lindsey. n.p. or d. or printer's name. [Lend., 1665 ^ fol., s. sh. Note. Sir R. Killigrew was one of the original shareholders in the New Eiver Co., which was incorpo- rated 21 June, 1619. Martial's Select Epigrams. By Tho. Famaby. 1624, 8". Note.— Dedicated to Sir Eoht. KiUigrew. "Sir Walter Rawleigh's great cordiall after Sir E. KeUegrevvs way." Sloane MSS., Br. Museum, 203, fol. 38-40. KILLIGREW, Egbert (son of Sir Robert Killi- grew). bapt. Hanworth, 14 Feb., 1610-11. Britanniee Natalis. Oxonise, 1630, 4°. Note.— Contains verses by "E. Killigrew, Christ Church." KILLIGEEW, Majgr General Egbert, of Arwenack Cind son of Thomas Killigrew, the elder). Killed at Almanza, 14 April, 1707, aged 47. Monu. in Westminster Abbey, cf Darts Westminster, ii, 102, 104. Two letters from Col. and Brig. Gen. Robert Killigrew to his brother Charles Killigrew dated Alicante, 19 Sept., 1706 and Valencia 8 March, 1707. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 2,0,^6^, n. 32-35 Letter to Charles Killigrew from [Cornet] Anto Addison, relative to the effects lett by Brie Gen. Killigrew on his death in action, 14 A?f Dated Tortosa, 6 May, 1707. ib., 20,032, £-39. KILLIGEEW, Major Geneeal Eobekt. (Con.). Letter of Attorney to C. Killigrew ing him to draw the pay for Brig. Gen, and his regiment. 17 Jan., 17§f. ib., 42. Receipts given to Col. Killigrew for payments made by him. ib., 20,032, f. 50. Copy of an order for horses to be Col. Killigrew's regiment. 1704. ib., 53. Letter to Col. Killigrew from J. 0. Soure and from J. de Guizenrodo (?) 20,032, ff. 51, 52, 54. empower- Killigrew 20,032, f. given to 20,032, f. Conde de 1704. ib.. KILLIGREW, Simgn f3rd son of Sir John Killigrew, who d. 1584J. Original Letter of S. Killigrew, to Mr. Withie about the coats borne by Manaton. Earl. MSS. 1,079, art. 12. Lease of certain tithes of S. Anthony and Manaccan from S. Killigrew to Ja. Mychell. A.D..1622. ib., 6,243, art. 6. KILLIGREW, Thomas (2nd son of Sir J. Killi- grew, who d. IS 84). Instructions given by the Queen's Majesty to her trusty servant T. Killigrew, being sent into Almayne to Frederick Count Palatine, of Rhine. 27 Jany., 1568. Harl. MSS. 36, art. 18, pp. 113-121, 289, art. 65 ; Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 2,422, art. 2. Commission to T. Killigrew, the elder, Squire, and W. Devyok, to seize a Brittayne ship now lying in the countie of Pensans, in the countie of Cornwall. Harl. MSS. 433, art. 1705. KILLIGREW, Thgmas, the Elder (2nd son of Sir Bobt. Killigrew, who d. 1633). Page of Honour to Ohas. I ; Resident to the States of Venice, 1651 ; Groom of Bedchamber to Chas. II, 1660; Chamberlain to the Queen, b. Han- worth, Feb., 1611. d. Whitehall, London, 19 Mch., 16ff. bur. Westminster Abbey, cf. Memoirs of S. Fepys, passim sub Killigrew and Lincoln's Inn Playhouse ; Ckammont's Memoirs of Court of Chas. II, (Bohn's ed.), pp. 163, etc.; Cfranger's Biog. Hist.; H. Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, (1849), i, 326-27, note; Bliss' Wood, iv, 692-94 ; Langbaine' i Lives and Characters of Dramatic Poets, (1699), pp. 82- 83; Chas. Dibdin's Complete History of the Stage, iv, 91-94 ; Halliwell's Diet, of Old Eng- lish Plays, (I860)., pp. 31, 49, 51, 151, 189, 195, 200, 201, 244, 283; D. E. Baker's Biog. Dram., (1812), i, 432-34; A. Strickland's Lives of Queens of England, (1852), v, 586, viii, 166-67; /. Geneste's Account of Etiglish Stage, i, 36, 390-92 ; Dr. John Doran's History KILLIGEEW. 294 KILLIGEEW. KILLIGEEW, Thomas. (Con.). of Court Fools, (1858), pp. 218-26; Dr. Doran's Their Majesties Servants, i, 55, etc. ; Gent. Mag., XXX, 560, (1769), Ix, pt. ii, 712, (1790) ; Uni- versal Biog. ; Chalmers ; Didot Nouvel. Biog. Univ.; Biog. Univ.; Rose; Penny Cyclop. 1st Suppl. ; English Bncyclop.; N. and Q., 1 S., i, 219, (1850); Moneys ... for Secret Services, (Camden Soc, 1851), p. 70; /. G. Nichols' Collect. Topog. et Gehecil., vii, 363, viii, 2, 5 ; Cat. of 1st Exhibition of Nat. Portraits, (1866), p. 154. A Letter concerning the Possessing and Dis- possessing of several Nuns in the Nunnery of Tours, in France. Signed "Tho. KilHgrew, Orleans, 7 Dec, 1635," foL, s. sh. Note. — This is reprinted in the European Mag., xliii, 102-106, (1803). It is found in writing in Ashmo- leaii MSS. (Bod. Lib), 800, art. 3, fol. 21-27 ; and in Pepys' Collection, No. 8,383, Magd. Coll. Camb. cf. also " Veritable Relation des justes procedures observfees au fait de la possession des Vrsulines de Loudun, et au procfis de Grandier. Par le E. P. Tr, R. C. a Paris .par Jean Martin, 1634." Reprinted in " Archives ourieuses de I'histoire de France. Par F. Danjou. (Paris, 1838, 8».)." 2nd S., y, 183-223. The Prisoners and Claracilla, two Tragse- Comedies. As they were presented at thePhoBnix, in Drury-Lane, by her M"''- Servants. Written by Tho. Killigrew, Gent. Lond., printed by T. Cotes for Andrew Crooke, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Greene Dragon, in Pauls Church-yard, 1641, 12°. Note. — Unpaged and signatures irregular. " To his most honor'd vncle, Mr. Thomas Killigrew. . .signed H. Benet," 3 pages. Insignissimo Thomse KilligraBO. . . signed Eob. Waring, 3 pages. To my honovr'd friend, Mr. Thomas KiUigrew. . .signed Will. Cartwright, 3 pages. Insignissimo Thomse Killigrso . . .signed GuU. CartvYright, 2 pages. Dramatis Persons, 1 page. The Prisoners, 61 pages. Claracilla, (with distinct title page) 74 pages. Comedies and Tragedies. Written by Thomas Kilhgrew, Page of Honour to King Charles the first, and Groom of the Bed-Chamber to Kang Charles the second. Lond., printed for Henry Herringman, at the sign of the Anchor, in the Lower-Walk of the New-Exchange, 1664, 4"., pp. 1-576, and pp. 1-80. Note. — There is a portrait of T. Killigrew, by " W. Sheppard pinx. W. Faithorne sculp." The plays, eleven in number, were written (except €?he Prisoners) during the author's twenty years of banishment from England, each has a distinct title, they are as follows. The Princesse, or Love at first sight. A Tragi- comedy. Written in Naples by T. Killigrew. Dedicated to hie dear niece the Lady Anne Wentworth, wife to the Lord Lovelace. KILLIGEEW, Thomas. (Con.). The Parson's Wedding; a comedy. The scene, London. Written at Basil, in Switzerland. By T. Killigrew. Dedicated to Lady Ursula Bartu, Widow. [Reprinted in Tlie Ancient British Drama, (1810), iii, 354-404; Dodsley's Plays, (1827), xi, pp. 449-585. Played at the Theatre Eoyal, Drury Lane, entirely by females, Oct., 1664, and afterwards revived at Lincoln's Inn Field Theatre.] The Pilgrim. A Tragedy, the scene, Millain. Writ- ten in Paris by T. Killigrew, 1651. Dedicated to the Countess of Carnarvan. The First Part of Cioilia and Clorinda or Love in Arms. A Tragi- Comedy, The scene, Lombardy. Written in Tvrin, by T. Killigrew. Dedicated to the Lady Anne Villiers, Countesse of Morton. The Second Part of Cecilia and Clorinda. .. Written in Florence by T. Killigrew, 1651. Dedicated to the Lady Dorothy Sidney, Countesse of Sunderland. \_cf. " The Poems of T. Carew, Printed for the Roxburgh Library," 1870, pp. 77-78.] Thomaso or the Wanderer ; a comedy, the scene, Madrid. Written in Madrid by T. Killigrew. In two parts. Dedicated to the fair and kind friends to Prince Palatine Polixander. [Aphra Behn's Comedy " The Rover or the Banished Cavalier," brought out at Dorset Garden, in 1677, is, in great part, taken from this play.] The first part of Bellamira, her Dream, or the Love of Shadows. A Tragi-Comedy. The scene, Naples and Sicily. Written in Venice by T. Killigrew. Dedicated to the Lady Mary Villiers, Duchesse of Richmond and Lennox. The second part of Bellamira, her Dream. Dedi- cated to the Lady Ann Villiers, Covntesse of Sussex. Claracilla; A Tragi-Comedy. The scene, Sicily. Writ- ten by T. Killigrew, in Rome. Dedicated to his dear sister the Lady Shannon. [Performed at the New Theatre, 4 July, 1661.] The Prisoners ; A Tragi-Comedy. The scene, Sar- dinia. Written by T. Killigrew, in London. Dedicated to his dear niece the Lady Crompton. Comedies, tragi-comedies, with other poems. By Mr. Will. Cartwrig;ht, 1651, 80. See also under Grenville, Sir Bevill. Note. — At pp. 258-60 occurs a poem " To Mr. Thomas Killigrew on his two playes, the Prisoners and Claracilla." This has been previously mentioned under the title of the play. On Mr. Tho. Killigrew's return from Venice, and Mr. William Murrey's from Scotland. Sir John Denham's Poems in Anderson's Poets of (heat Britain, v, 678, [Chalmers' Poets, vii, 244-45.] A dialogue between Sir John Pooley and Mr. Thomas Killigrew. ib., v, 685, [Chalmers' vii, 251-52.] Twenty-ninth of May ; Eare Doings at the Restoration. By Ephraim Hardcastle, [pseud, i.e., Will. Hen. Pyne.] Lond., printed for Knight and Lacy, 1825, 2 vols., 12".— 2nd ed., 1825, 2 vols., 12". Note. — An historical novel in which one of the characters is T. Killigrew. Indenture made 29th Mch., 1673, between Thomas Killigrew, Esq., one of the Groomes of his Majesties Bedchamber, Eobert Lewright, KILLIGEEW. 295 KILLIGEEW. KILLIGEEW, Thomas. (Con.). Esq., John Dryden, Esq., and others respecting the money expended in building a scene house at the new play house, called the Theatre Eoyal, situate between Drury Lane and Bridges Street. Printed in " The Shakespeare Society Papers," (1849), iv, 147-55. Letters and documents relative to the license granted to T. Killigrew and Sir W. Davenant, to act plays, 1660-62. Br. Mimum, Addit. MSS. 19,256. [See aZso- Killigrew, Charles.] Official and private papers relating to the affairs of T. KiUigrew. ii., 20,032. Mr. Tho. Killegrew's Letters of his Travels. Trin. Coll Dublin MSS. cf. Bernard's Cat. MSS., II, pt. ii, 22. Articles of agreement betweeivGeo. Jolly, of London, of the one part, and T. Killigrew, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, and Sir Win. Davenant of the other part, respecting the transfer of a roj'al licence to form a players' company. Dated 30 Dec, 1662. Br. Museum, Addit. Charters, 9,297. Note.— See also Killigrew, Cicily, his wife. KILLIGREW, Thomas, the Younger. Gentle- man of the Bedchamber to Geo. II, when Prince of Wales, bur. Kensington, 21 July, 1719. cf. Lysons' Environs of London, (1795), iii, 219; Dr. Dor an' s Their Majesties' Servants, i, 331 ; D. E. Baker's Biog. Dram., (1812), i, 435. Chit-Chat ; a Comedy in five acts. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane, by his Majesties servants. Written by Mr. Killi- grew. Lond., printed for Bernard Lintot, between The Temple Gates, n.d., [1719,] %°., 1/6. Note.— The Dedication " To his grace the Duke of Argile," 2 pages, The Prologue, 1 page. Persons of the Drama, 1 page, Chit-Chat, pp. 1-70, Epilogue, 2 pages. The profits of this play are said to have been above £1,000. It was brought out at Drury Lane, 14 Feb., 1719, and was acted eleven times. Chit-Chat... 2nd ed. Lond. n.d., [1719,] 8^ Note. — This is of the same impression as the first edition. Miscellanea Aurea or the Golden Medley. Lond., printed for A. Bettesworth, 1720, 8°., pp. 296. Note. — Contains pp. 194-95. " The Fable of Aumilius and the Statue of Venus. By T. KiUigrew." KILLIGREW, Tom. pseud, i.e. The Merry Quack Doctor, or The Fun Box broke open. Containing an entire spick and span new and curious collection of brilliant jests, KILLIGEEW, Tom. (Con.). etc.'^j Tom Killigrew, Junior, President of the Wits Club, in Piccadilly, and Great Grandson to the Famous Killigrew, Jester to King Charles the Second of Merry Memory. Lond., printed for S. Smith, at No. 17, in Pater-Noster-Row. n.d. [1769,] 120,. pp. i28, J[/-. KILLIGREW, Sir William, M.P. {Uh son of John Killigrew, of Arwenack). Chamberlain of the Exchequer, 1605-6. d. Lothbury, London, 23 Nov., 1622. cf. Corresp. of Jas. VI, of Scotland, (Camden Soc.,l8Q\), pp. 91- 92 ; Court and Times of James I, (1849), i, 47 ; Mem. of B. Cary, Earl of Monmouth, (1808), p. 85 ; /. G. Nichols' Collect. Topog. et Geneal., viii, 211. Christ Jesvs triumphant, wherein is describ'd the glorious triumph and conquest of Christ over sin, death, and the law. By John Fox. Translated from Latin into English by the Printer, [Richard Daye.J Lond., 1579, 1607, 160. A Godly Sermon preached in Latin, at Great St. Maries, in Cambridge, in March, 1580, by Rob. Some, and translated by himself into Eng- lishe. Lond., 1580, 16o. . Note. — The above works are dedicated to " W. Killigrew and Mystresse Margarie Killigrew, his wife." q.v. A suit to the Queen of W. Killigrew, Esquire, one of the Grooms of the Chamber ; to farm the profits of the Seals of the Queen's Bench and Common Pleas, with the Queen's Consent, 1577. Lansd. MSS., 25, art. 67. Some objections to Sir W. Killigrew's farming the Seals of Her Majesty's Bench, 1578. ib., 25, art. 100. Articles for a Grant of the. Farm of the Seals required by Mr. Killigrew, &c., 1578. ib., 25, art. 101-107. Sir F. Drake and Mr. W. Killigrew, at Ply- mouth, to Lord Burghley, of the arrival there of Sir M. Frobisher, in the Garland, Sept. 5, 1592. ib., 70, art. 31. Sir F. Drake, W. Killigrew, and John Bland, to the Privy Council, that the Great Carrack ar- rived safe at Dartmouth, &c. Sept. 8 and 14, 1592. ib., 70, arts. 32, 42, and 44. Mr. W. Killigrew's account of the profits and increase of the Seals of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas, 1597. ib., 83, art. 79. Copy of a Privy Seal of the Queen for Mr. Killigrew to receive £3,000 from the Exchequer, April 7, 1596. ib., 83, art. 80. The Archdeacon of Surrey, contra Sir W. Killigrew, Knt. ib., 163, art. 133. KILLIGREW. 296 KILLIGREW. KILLIGEEW, Sib William, M.P. (Con.). Letter from Lord Burleigh, dated the Strand, 26 May, 1596, to Mr. W. Killigrewe, Esquire, one of y" gromes of liir M'"'- Privie Chamber. MSS. Cainb. Univ. Lib., Ee. iii, 56, art. 94. Warrant to W. Killegrew to deliver money to the Bishop of London. 5 Apl., 1596. Br. Musmm, Addit. MSS., 5,750, fol. 45. Certificate of plate delivered by W. Killegrewe to the Master of the Jewels. 12 Aug., 1594. ib., 5751, fol. 220. KILLIGEEW, SiE William, Bart. (eld. son of John Killigrew and bra. of Sir Peter KilUgrew, who d. 1667). cr. Bart. 22 Dec, 1660. bur. Westminster Abbey, 17 July, 1665. cf. J. G. Nichols' Collect. Topog. et Geneal, vii, 373. KILLIGEEW, Sir William, Knt. (eld. son of Sir Bobt. KilUgrew). Vice-Chamberlain to the Queen, 1662-84, and Governor of Pendennis Castle, bapt. Hanworth, 28 May, 1606. d. London, 1695. Jar. Savoy Church, 17 Oct. cf. Clarendon's Hist, of the Bebellion, (1819), ii, 63 ; Memoirs of S. Pepys (Bohn's eel.), ii, 268; Court and Times of Chas. I, (1848), i, 114; Corresp. of Earls of Clarendon and Bochester, and Diary of Lord Clctrendon, (1828), i, 657, ii, 258; Bliss' Wood, iv, 691-2, 694-8; iam*/- baine's Lives and Characters of Dramatic Poets, (1699), p. 83; C. Lamb's English Dramatic Poets, (Bohn's ed.), pp. 529-30; 0. Dibdin's Hist, of the Stage, pp. 490-91; Halliwell's Did. of Old English Plays, (1860), pp. 126, 150, 151, 186, 188, 223,. 228, 283; Baler's Biog. Dram. ; Dr. Doran's Their Majesties' Servants, i, 180-81; Cent. Mag., xlv, 400, (1856); Chalmers; I)idot Nouvel. Biog. Univ.; Biog. ilniv. ; Bose ; Cat. of 1st Exhibition of Nat. Portraits, (1866), p. 127. Carolus Eedux. Oxon., 1623, 4°. Note. — Coutaina Sonnet by "Will. KilUgrew, Equitis aurat. fil. nat. max. Joannensis." A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament, upon two letters sent by Sir John Brooks... to Sir W. KilUgrew, at Oxford, (inter- cepted neer Coventrey) giving his advice how the King should proceed in the Treaty upon the propositions for peace... also the ordinance of both houses made the 17 of Decemb., 1642. May 10. Lond., printed for Edw. Husbands, in the Middle-Temple, 1643, 4"., pp. 14. Ayres and Dialogues for one, two, and three voyces. By Henry Lawes...The First Booke. Lond., printed by T. H. for John Playford... 1653, fol.— The Second Book. 1655, fol. KILLIGBEW, Sib William, Knt. (Con.). Note.— Contains (Book i, 28) a song, by Sir W. Eilligrew, entitled " Beauty Paramont," and commeno- ing " Come, come, thou glorious object." Three Playes, written by Sir William KilU- grew, Vice-Chamberlain to Her Majesty the Queen Consort, 1664, viz., Selindra ; Pandora; Ormasdes. Lond., printed by T. Mabb for John Playfere, at the White-Lion, in the Upper Walk of the New Exchange ; and Thomas Horsman, at the three Kings, in the Strand, 1665, 8°. Note. — Preliminary matter, 10 pages. The Plays have distinct title pages. Selindra, pp. 1-110, Pandora, pp. 1-96, Ormasdes, pp. 1-90. Three new playes, viz., Selindra, Ormasdes, Trage-Comedies ; Pandora, a Comedy. Written by the Honourable Sir WilUam KilUgrew... Lond., printed for Simon Neale, at the signe of the Three Pidgeons, in Bedford-Street, in Covent- Garden, 1674, 8o. Note. — This work seems to be of the same impres- sion as the preceding with the order of the arrangement of the plays altered and the distinct titles omitted. Fovr new playes, viz., The Seege of Vrbin, Selindra, Love and Friendship, Tragy-Comedies, Pandora, a Comedy. Written by S'- W. KilU- grew, Vice-Chamberlaine to Her Majesty. Ox- ford, printed by Hen. Hall, printer to the Uni- versity, for Eic. Davis, 1666, fol. Note. — Introductory matter, unpaged, 8 leaves, Siege of XJrbin, pp. 1-52, Selindra, pp. 1-54, Love and Friendship, pp. 1-54, Pandora, pp. 1-48. All the plays have distinct title pages, and they are sometimes found in a separate form. To Mr. KilUgrew upon his altering his play Pandora from a Tragedy into a Comedy because not approved on the stage. Edmund Waller's Poems in Anderson's Poets of (heat Britain, v, 488-89. The Imperial Tragedy ; taken out of a Latin Play, and very much altered, by a Gentleman for his own Diversion. Who, on the Importunity of Friends, has consented to have it Published, but without his name, because many do censure Plays according to their opinions of the Author. Lond., printed for Will. Wells and Eobt. Scott, at the Prince's-Armes, in Little Britain, 1669, fol., pp. 51. Bod. Lib. Note. — Acted at the Nursery, in Barbican. An Answer to the Objections made by some Commoners of Lincolnshire against Eobert, Earl of Lincolnshire, and his participants, con- cerning the Drayning of those Fens which lye betweene Lincoln, Berne (Bourne), and Boston. Set forth by Sir W. KilUgrew. Printed for the Author, 1647, i". KILLIGEEW. 297 KILLIGEEW. KILLIGEEW, Sir William, Knt. (Con.). Certaine Papers concerning [Koberfc Bertie,] The Earle of Lindsey his Fennes. . .With a Paper directed to Sir W. Killigrew, and signed William Howett. And also an Answer to that Paper by Sir W. Killigrew. n.p. or d., [Aug. 1649,] 4°., PP- 8- . Sir WUliam Killigrew. His answer to the Fennemens objections against the Earle of Lind- sey, his drayning in Lincolnshire. Printed at London, 1649, 4"., s. sh. and a title page. A paper delivered and dispersed by Sir W. KUligrew. Signed " W. KiUigrew, 1 June, 1651." n.p. or d., [1651,] fol., s. sh. A reply to Sir William Killigrews dispersed papers, by the Owners and Commoners in Lin- colnshire, n.p. or d., [Lond., 1651,] fol., A Breviate of the Cause depending and proofes made before the Committee of the late Parlia- ment, for the Fens, by the inhabitants between Borne and Kime Eae, in the county of Lincolne, being lords, owners, and commoners of, and in the several fens, wherein Sir William Killigrew, etc., pretends a title as sharer with the late Earle of Lindsey. w.p. or d., [Lond., 1651 f] 4°., pp. 16. Note. — This consists of a Letter from Sir J. Brooke to Sir W. KiUigrew, dated March 27, 1643, and a brief relation by the commoners in Lincolnshire of their legal interest. The rioters in Lindsey Levell and their abet- ters, etc. n.p. or d., [1654,] fol., s. sh. Note. — This is a representation to the Parliament respecting the draining of Lindsey Level. Signed "WilKam Killigrew, January 18, 1654, [O.S."] The late Earle of Lindsey, his title, by which himself and his participants do claim 24,000 acres of land in the Fennes, in Lincoln-shire; and concerning which a bill hath pass'd the House of Lords, and is now with the Commons, impowering Sir Henry Heron and Sir W. KiUi- grew, to perfect their undertaking;... Signed "Henry Heron, W. Killigrew, July 1, 1661." n.p. or d., [1661,] fol., s. sh. Reasons proposed against the passing of the bill for setting of 24,000 acres of land, part of the Levell, called Lindsey Levell, in the county of Lincoln, upon George Bampfield, Esq., in trust for Sir W. Killigrew, Sir Henry Heron, &c. ord., [1661,] fol., s. s^. A Proposal shewing how this nation may be vast gainers by all the sums of money, given to the crown, without lessening the perogative... By W. Killigrew. To which is prefix'd The late Honourable Sir James Sheene's Letter on the same subject, n.]^. or d., [London, 1663,] 4"., pp. 16. • The Artless Midnight Thoughts of a Gentle- man at Court, who for many years built on sand, KILLIGEEW, Sib William, Knt. (Con.). which every Blast of Cross Fortune has defaced, but now has laid new Foundations on the Rock of his Salvation, which no storms can shake ; and will last out the conflagration of the world, when time shall melt into eternity. 2nd ed. with additions. Lond., printed for Thomas Hawkins, in George- Yard, in Lombard Street, 1684, 12". Title, dedications, and to the reader, 4 leaves, then pp. 1-262. Note.- — The first dedication to Chas. II bears no name, but the second dedication to Jas. II is signed " W. Killigrew." Midnight and daily thoughts. In prose and verse. By Sir W. Killigrew. Lond., printed for Randal Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1694, 8". Title and Verses to Sir W. Killigrew, 2 leaves, then pp. 1-92. Note.— c/". Sir E. Bi-ydges' RestUuta, u, 130-36. Proofs that Jane Berkeley and Sir W. Killi- grew, combined to defraud Ricbard Lygon of an estate left him by H. Killigrew. Privately printed for the Judges, cf. Heber's Catalogue, pt. V, No. 2,556. Copy of an intercepted note from Col. Dole- man to Col. W. Killigrew, 4 July, 1653. Baw- Unson MSS., Bod. lAb., class A, 3, art. 30. Letter from Col. Doleman to Col. W. Killigrew. Thurloe State Papers, i, 420, 515. Sir W. Killigrew to Archbishop Sancroft, re- commending the bearer to be Gentleman of the Horse, 31 Deer., 1677. Tanner MSS. (Bodl. Lib.) 41, art. 40. Sir W. Killigrew to Tobias Rustat, under house-keeper at Hampton Court, has permission from the Vice-Chamberlain to occupy Lodgings in the Palace. 1682. ib., 127, art. 27. Lake, Dr. of Divinity, v. Sir W. Kilhgrew, MS. formerly penes Bich. Heber, from the Caesar collection, cf. Hebei^s Cat., pt. xi, (MSS.), No. 458. KILLIGREW, William (son of the preceding). A short but most material part of the History of Lindsey Levell, in Lincolnshire, and the present case of dreiners stated. Signed " W. Killigrew." n.p. or d., [1695,] fol., pp. 24. The property of all English-men asserted in the History of Lindsey Levell. Dedicated To the Queeli's most excellent Majesty... In behalf of himself and the rest of the dreiners and par- ticipants of Lindsey Levell, in Lincolnshire. By W. KilUgrew, Esq. " Cursed is he that removes his neighbour's land mark," Lond., printed in the year 1705, fol., pp. 24. M M KING. 298 KING. KINAHAN, G. Henry, M.E.I.A., & F.E.G.S.I. (son of Daniel Kinalian). b. Holies Street, Dublin, 19 Dec, 1829. Notes on the Features of Devon, Cornwall, and Galway. Geol. Mag., vii, 310-14, (1870). KING, Rev. Charles William, M.A. b. 1818. Seal set with an intaglio of Laocoon, used by Thomas Collyns, Prior of TyTvardreath, Cornwall, early in the 16th cent. Arclueol. Journ., xxiv, 44-54, (1867). KING, Edward, F.R.S. b. Norfolk, 1735. d. 16 April, 1807. bur. Beckenham, 25 Apl. Munimenta Antiqua...By E. King. Lond., printed by W. Bulmer for G. Nicol, Pall Mall, 1799-1805, 4 vols., fol. Note. — The Cornish information scattered through- out these volumes is principally taken from Dr. Borlase's works. There are many engravings. KING, Henry. Lease of the Eectory of Paul from [Sir] Andrew Henley, of Bramshill, in Hants, to Henry King, of Truro, Gent. Dated 24 Dec, 1659. Sloane MSS., Br. Museum, 813, fol. 12. KING, Rev. John, D.D., R. of Pertenhall, 7 June, 1690-94 ; R. of Chelsea, 24 Nov., 1694- 1732; Preb. of York, 1 May, 1718 to 1731. 6. St. Columb, 1 May, 1652. d. Chelsea, 30 May, 1732. bur. Pertenhall. cf. Gorham's Memoirs of John and Thomas Martyn, (1836), pp. 48-50; Nichols' Lit. Anecdote's, iii, 157, 652, 758 ; Lysons' Environs of London, (1811), ii, 72 ; Faulkner's Description of Chelsea, (1829), pp. 182-85; Chalmers; Rose; Didot Namel. Biog. Univ. ; Biog. Univ. A Sermon preached at the funeral of Sir Willoughby Chamberlain, K'- who died at his house, at Chelsey, Dec. 6, and was interred at the parish church of St. James Garlick Hith, London, Dec. 12, 1697. By J. King, Rector of Chelsey, near London. Lond., printed for Thomas Bennet, at the Half-Moon, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1697, 4°., pp. 18 and half-sheet unpaged. Br. Museum. The Divine favour the best Alliance, or Re- j)entance the safest Sanctuary in times of Danger. A Sermon preached at Chelsea, near London' Friday, 19 Dec, 1701. By Rev. J. King. Lond.i printed for Thomas Speed, 1702, i<>. Animadversions on a pamphlet intituled "A Letter of Advice to the Churches of the Non- conformists of the English Nation." 2nd ed. Lond., printed for Thomas Speed, 1702, 4o. The case of John Atherton, Bishop of Water- ford in Ireland, fairly represented against a late KING, Eev. John, D.D. (Con.). partial edition of Dr. Barnard's relation and sermon at his funeral... With a brief account of a conspiracy against the life of Mr. Robert Hawkins, Minister of Chilton, Bucks,... also of the plot of Robert Young and Stephen Black- head, against the Bishop of Rochester. Anon. Lond., printed for Luke Stokoe, at the Golden Key and Bible, near Charing-Cross, and sold by J. Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, 1710, 8 <>. Br. Note. — To the Eeader, unpaged; The Case, pp. 3-35 ; Appendix, pp. 37-44. In the Appendix are two anonymous letters, but the first was from Dr. Thomas MUl, Bishop of Waterford, and the second by the Eev. Mr. Alcock, Chancellor of that Diocese. Tolando-Pseudologo-Mastix, or a Curry-comb for a lying coxcOmb. Being an answer to a late piece of Mr. Toland's called Hypatia. Anon. Lond., printed for Luke Stokoe, and sold by T. Bickerton, 1721, S*. Account of Chelsea, written about 1715. By Rev. J. King. MS. jyenes Rector of Chelsea for time being. Remarks on the Life of Sir Thomas Moore, with Epitaphs and verses on various persons. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 4,455. Note. — Faulkner, in his Description of Chelsea, (p. 185), records his acknowledgments for the assistance derived from Dr. King's MS. collections, and states that he found Dr. King " a faithful historian and a valuable guide." KING, John, M.A., Fellow of King's Coll., Cambridge (eld. son of the preceding), b. Ad- stone, Northamptonshire, 5 Aug., 1696. d. Stamford, Lincolnshire, 12 Oct., 1728. bur. Pertenhall. cf. Harwood's Alumni Etonenses, p. 294; Chalmers. Epistola ad virum ornatissimum J. Freind... in qua D. W. Trilleri. . .epistolam medico-criticam super primo et tertio epidemioram, a viro orna- tissimo editis ad examen revocavit Johannes King, CoU. Regal. Socius. Cantabrigise impensis Com. Crownfield.. .prostant apud Jonam Bowyer coemiterio D. Pauli Lond., 1722, 8"., pp. 99. ^^ Euripidis Hecuba, Orestes et Phcenissse. Ed. Joh. King. Cantabrigiensis, 1726, 2 vols., So. KING, R. J. A Tichborne Case of the last century. N. and Q., 4 S., viii, 515, (1871). Note.— This refers to the case of Mr. Symons, ol Hatt, in Botusfleming. cf. D. GUberfs Cornwall, i, 105-106. KING, Rev. R. Lethbridge, B.A, (son of Em Admiral Sir Rich. King. d. 1834). Formerly KINGDON. 299 KINGDON. KING, Eev. E. Lethbbidgb, B.A. (Con.), one of the Masters of Truro Grammar School. Now Incumb. of St. John's Paramatta, N.S.W., Australia. Freshwater Shells in Cornwall. Zoologist i, 1,038, 1,194, (1845). Note.— The first of a series of short articles. Notice of Shells not mentioned in the Cornish Fauna discovered by J. (sic) Lethbridge King Bep. B.LC., 1845, pp. 38-39. Observations on the mode of developement of the young of Pentelasmis, by E. Lethbridge King "^ ■""'" "' "' «■&., 1848, pp. 54-55. KING, William Henry, M.R.C.S. (son of William King), b. Camelford, 22 Oct., 1796. [On a case of] Hydrophobia [at Camelford.] ' ' Times, ix, 60-61, (1843). Note. — The article is stated to be by "W. H. King, Esq., of Plymouth," but the latter word is a mis- print for Camelford. KINGDON, Rev. Alfred Cory, B.A. (son of Cory Kingdon, M.D.) Vicar of Bunny, St. Mary, Notts, 1868. 6. Stamford Hill, Poughill. Our Father's Message. A Series of Twenty Short Tracts on The person and work of Jesus Christ, consisting of texts of scripture, with a few words of comment suggesting the message they contain for us. By the Eev. A. C. Kingdon, Chaplain at Messrs. Adams and Go's. Warehouse, Nottingham. Lend., W. Macintosh, 24, Pater- noster Eow. [Butler and Tanner, The Selwood Printing Works, Frome and London.] n.d., [186-,] 120., 4 pages each, 1/6 per 100. Note. — ^No. 1, No. 2 No. 3 No. 4, No. 5 No. 6, No. 7 No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. Christ One with the Father. Christ made like unto us. Christ's Death. Christ's Eesurreetion. Christ's Ascension. Christ our suitable High- Priest. Christ the source of repentance and pardon. Christ our righteousness. Christ our Advocate. Christ the one Mediator. Christ our strength. Christ the light of the world. Christ our pattern. Christ the giver of peace. Christ the world's Saviour. Christ in the midst of his people. Christ the preserver of his people. Christ our ever present friend. Christ's second coming. Christ the raiser of the dead. KINGDON, Rev. George Thokas, M.A. {son of Bev. T. E. Kingdon). h. Bridgerule, 1814. " Upon this rock I will buUd my church ; " or Christ himself, and not Peter the rock on KINGDON, Eev. Georoe Thomas, M.A. (Gm.). which his church is founded and built. A Sermon in which the usual objections against the above view are examined and disputed. By the Rev. G. T. Kingdon, Incumbent of Ivy Bridge, Devon. Lond., Macmillan and Co.; Exeter, Eland; Plymouth, S. Bowering, [printed! 1870, 8"., pp. 22. 1/-. KINGDON, Rev. Samuel Nicholson, B.D. (hro. of the preceding). V. of Bridgerule, 1844. h. Bridgerule, 16 May, 1805. lapt. 23 June. d. Bridgerule, 17 Mch., 1872. Tracts for the Times on Political Subjects. {Anon). Lond., W. Macintosh, n.d., [18 ,] 80., Id. each Note.- -No. 1. „ 2. 3. 4. Equal Eights, pp. 16. Who are the Working Classes ? pp. 16. Does Two and Two make Four? pp. 16. Mr. Bright's Candidates for the Franchise, pp. 15. Tracts on the Church of England. No. i. The Liturgy. Anon. Lond., W. Macintosh, n.d., [18- -,] 8"., pp. 16, Id. Note. — No more published. Church Psalmody. By the Rev. S. N. King- don, 1856, 80. The History and Sacred Obligation of the Sabbath; and the close connexion of its due observance with our social and national well- being. By S. N. Kingdon, B.D... Lond., Seeley, 1856, 80., pp. vii and 131. Schism and its Results. Brought to the Test of Scripture and Experience, vpith some mention of the Popular Excuses alleged in its defence. By a Clergyman in the West, \i.e.. Rev. S. N. Kingdon.] Lond., Seeley, 1856, 8°., pp. 32, 1/-. God and the Country Robbed, or the Noncon- formist Movement for the Abolition of Church Rates, briefly exposed. fAnon). Launceston, [printed] P. D. Maddox ; Lond., Simpkin, 1857, 80., pp. 15, 6d. Address on St. John, iii, 5, delivered at the Plymouth Combined Clerical Meeting, June 27 and 28, 1865. By the Rev. S. N. Kingdon... Lond., W. Macintosh, 1865, 8o., pp. 16, 6d. A Lecture on the Voluntary System as a means for supporting the Christian Church, De- livered on Monday Evening, June 8, 1868, in the Central Subscription Rooms, Launceston. By the Rev. S. N. Kingdon... Lond., W. Macin- tosh... Launceston, P. D. Maddox, 1868, 8o., pp. 19, 3d. A Lecture on the Irish Church, delivered on Monday evening. May 4th, 1868, in the Central Subscription Rooms, Launceston. By the Rev S. N. Kingdon. Lond., W. Macintosh; Laun ceston, P. D. Maddox, 1868, 8o., pp. 16, 3d. KINGSTON. 300 KIEBY. KING DON, Rev. Thoiias Hockin, B.D. (Uh son of Rev. John Kingdon, R. of Whitstone). Fellow of Exeter Coll., 1794-1804; V. of Bridgerule, 18 ; Resigned, 1844; R. of Pyworthy, 1808-53. 6. Bridgerule, 1 Feb., 1775. hapt. 5 Apl. d. Pyworthy, Devon, 31 Jan., 1853. cf. (?ew<. Ma^., xxxix, 328, (1853). The True Christ ascertained, with a Rule to Judge of false Christs. By T. H. Kingdon, B.D., V. of Bridgrule, in the County of Devon, and formerly Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. Lend., printed for L. B. Seeley, 169, Fleet Street, W. Mc. Dowall, printer, 1815, 12"., pp. 58. The Sacrament of Baptism considered, with an especial reference to the Church of England. By Rev. T. H. Kingdon, B.D., V. of Bridgerule. Lond., Seeleys, 1834, 8"., pp. 144. KINGDON, Thomazine (sister of Samuel Drew and wife of James KingdonJ. b. St. Austell, 1771. d. Tysvardreath circa 1842. bur. Tjrwar- dreath. cf. Wesley Banner, i, 261-62. KINGPORD, Rev. William, b. Kilkhampton? Letter [from Dean Granville] to Mr. James Hope, Curate of the Parish of Easington, and Mr. Wm. Kingford, Curate of the Parish of Sedgefield, in the Bishoprick of Durham, sub- stituted by Dr. Granville to serve the aforesaid Cures. Printed [with the Dean's " Two Plain Farewell Sermons," «fc.,] at Rouen, 1689. — Re- printed in the "Remains of Denis Granville, D.D." {Surtees Soc, 1866), pp. 119-127. KINGSLEY, Rev. Charles, R. of Eversley, and Canon of Chester, b. Holne Vicarage, Devon, 12 June, 1819. Yeast a Problem. Anon. Lond., J. W. Parker, West Strand, 1851, post 8"., pp. vi and 379, 9/-. Note. — Contains numerous descriptions of Comisla scenery. Two Years J^ go. A Novel. ByRev.C.Kingsley. Cambridge, Macmillan, 1857, 3 vols., 8"., 31/6. Note. — Contains an account of Mevagissey (under the name of Aberalva) during the Cholera, and other references to Cornwall. Mr. Kingsley received part of his education under the Eev. Derwent Coleridge, at Helston Grammar School. In 1844, he married Fanny dau. of Pasooe Grenfell, Esq., of Taplow. KINGSTON, William Henry Giles (son of Lucy Henry Kingston), b. Harley Street, London, 1814. Adrift in a Boat. By W. H. G. Kingston. Lond., Hodder and Stoughton, 1869, S" vv 109. > > ife- Note.— A story of two Cornish boys. KINGSTON, William Henky Giles. (Con.). Paul Petherwick, (sic) the pilot, by W. H. G. Kingston. Chatterbox, July and Aug., 1868, pp. 266-67, 275-76, 282-83. KINSMAN, John (son of Thos. Kinsman), b. Cornakey, Morwenstow, 23 May, 1826. No. 1. A Catalogue of Books, in fine library condition, being a portion of a select stock of ancient and modern literature, now on sale at greatly reduced prices by John Kinsman, No. 2, Chapel St., Penzance. Waterlow and Sons, printers, Carpenters' Hall, London, n.d., [Dec, 1859,] 80., pp. 14. Note. — Mr. Kinsman has, since 1859, periodically published catalogues of books for sale, the last being No. 20, brought out in Sept., 1872. Catalogue of Books in the Penzance Public Library, prepared by John Kinsman. Lond,, printed by S. and J. Brawn, 1872, 8". Note.— The first portion of this work is now [1872] in the printers' hands. The Marrow Controversy. N. and Q., 3 S., ii, 55, (1862). Policy Unveiled, ib., 3 S., ix, 285, (1866). Autographs in Books, ib., 3 S., xi, 397, (1867). Fairford Windows, ib., 4 S., iii, 613, (1869). KINSMAN, Rev. Richard Byrn, M. A. (youngest son of Robert Jope Kinsman, of Green Bank, Falmouth). R. of Mawnan, 1838, Resigned, 1842 ; V. of Tintagel, 1851 ; Prebendary of Exeter, 1870. Sermons. By the late Rev. Geo. Kemp, (1842), q.v. Sermons. By the late Rev. W. Hichens, (1851), q.v. Posthumous Gleanings... By the late Rev. E. Budge, (1866), q.v. Note. — The above three works were edited by the Eev. E. B. Kinsman, The Leper cleansed. Church of England Mag., viii, 100-101, 126-28, (1840). A few observations on Tintagel Castle. Plate and plan. Journ. R.I.C., Apl., 1872, pp. 42-46. KIP, William. Cornwall, Olim pars Damnoniorvm. William Kip, Sculp. Map with view of "Launceston, Olim Dunheuet," size 15J in. by llf in., fol. Note.— This map is in " Britain," by Philemon Holland, (1637). q.v. KIRBY, John de (eld. son of Sir Williami, Kirkby, of Melton, Mowbray). Dean of Burian, 1275; Bishop of Ely, 1286. d. Ely, Palm Sunday, 1290. cf Hardifs Cat. Mat, (1871), iii, 327. KLAPEOTH. 301 KNIGHT. EIBBT, John de. (Con.). Eotuli feodonim quse tenentur de Eege in ■ capite et de" aliis diversis in singulis comitatibus Anglise, secundum Inquisitiones indefactas coram Johanne de Kirby, tunc Thesaurario domini Eegis, et sociis suis ad hoc assignatis per ipsum Eegem. MS. Note. — Copies of portions of these inquisitiona are preserved in the Public Record Office, the Br. Museum, .(Addit. MSS. 26,729), and at Tork. KIEKNESB, Francis Saverland. d. Falmouth, 1825. On the death of F. S. Kirkness. A Sonnet. Selector or Cornish Mag., i, 22, (1826). KITCHIN, Thomas. A New improved Map of Cornwall from the best Surveys and Intelligences, divided into its hundreds, shewing the several roads and true measured distances between town and town, also the Eectories and Vicarages, the Parks and Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, with other useful particulars, regulated by Astronomical Observations. By Thomas Kitchin, Geographer. Printed for Carrington Bowles, in St. Paul's Church-yard, n.d., [174-.] One sheet roy. atlas fol. Note. — Dedicated to the Noble and Eight Honble. Eiohard, Lord Edgecumb. Cornwall from the best surveys. [By T. Kitchin.] Printed for J. Hinton, at the King's Arms, in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1748, 4". KITT, William (son of John Kitt). b. Cardyn- ham, 18 May, 1792. The Select Vestry. Anon. Liddell and Son, Bodmin, n.d., [1832,] 8°. Note. — A broadside satirical poem on the St. Austell vestry. Eeprinted in the St. Austell Gazette, 25 Feb., 1870. KITTO, Benedict (son of William Kitto). h. Breage, 9 Feb., 1841. cf. J. E.^ Collins' Western Chronicle of Science, i, 16, (1871). On Mineral Veins. Bep. RC.P.Soc, 1869, pp. 48-52. KLAPEOTH, Martin Heinrich. b. Wemig^- rode, Saxony, 1 Dec, 1743. d. Berlin, 1 Jan., 1817. Observations relating to the Mineralogical and Chemical History of the Fossils of Cornwall. By M. H. Klaproth, Assessor of the College of Physicians, etc., Berlin. Translated from the German. By J. G. Groschke. Lond., J. Johnson, 1787, 80., pp. viii and 84, 3/6. KLAPEOTH, Mabtin Heineich. (Oon.). Analytical Essays towards promoting the Chemical Knowledge of Mineral Substances by M. H. Klaproth. "Translated from the German. Lond., T. Cadell, 1801, 8«., pp. xvi and 591. Note. — Contains numerous notices of Cornish Minerals. Mineralogisch-chemischer beytrag zur natur- geschichte Cornwallischer Mineralien. Beoi. der Berlin. Ges. Naturf Fr., i, 141-96. Kurze berichtigung, betreffend den Schwerstein von Pengilly. ih., iv, 319-22. Chemische untersuchung des Cornwallischen Seifensteins. Beit, zur Chem. Kenntn. der Mine- ralhorp., ii, 180-83. Chemische untersuchung des Zinnkieses. ih., ii, 257-64. Untersuchung des Angeblichen Tungsteins, und des Wolframs aus Cornwall. Crell's Chem. Annalen., ii, 502-7, (1786). Chemische untersuchung des Holy-zinnes. ib., ii, 507-12. KNEEBONE, Edward, b. Linkinhorne, 1631. d. Linkinhorne, 16 Oct., 1685. A History of the Hundred of East. By E. Kneebone, Gent., 1684. MS. Note. — A copy of this is now (1872) penea N. H. P. Lawrence, Esq., Launceston. KNEEBONE, Joseph. Cordwainer at Marazion. Description of J. Kneebone's wheel-drag for two wheeled carriages. By Eichard Moyle. Trans. Soc. for Encouragement of Arts, xiii, 254-62, (1795). Note.— J. Kneebone received a bounty of 20 guineas for his invention. KNIGHT, J. The Collects of the Prayer Book, with a Hymn on each, and a Carol on the Nativity of our Saviour, by J. Knight. Eedruth, printed by F. Symons, 1852, fcp. 8o., pp. iv and 175. Note. — Dated from Portreath. KNIGHT, Rear-Admiral Sir Joseph, Knt. b. East Looe, 1709. d. Harvnch, 8 Sept., 1775. cf. Charnock's Biog. Navalis, v, 475-76 ; Gent. Mag., xlv, 455, (1775). KNIGHT, Eev. T. B. Model Cornishmen— A Lecture on H. Davy, S. Drew, and H. Martyn. By the Eey. T B. Knight. Truro, W. Lake, 1867, demy 8°., 4d. EEUGER. 302 LACH-SZTEMA. KNILL, John (only smi of Geo. Knill). Collector of Customs, St. Ives, 1762-82 ; Private Secre- tary to the Earl of Buckinghamshire, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Feb., 1777. 5. Calling- ton, 1 Jan., 17f|. d. 8, Gray's Inn Square, London, 29 Mch., 1811. hur. St. Andrew's, Holborn. cf. Morning Chronicle, 14 Aug., 1801; Gent. Mag., Ixxxi, pt. i, 401, 492, (1811), xl, 139, 481, (1853). Notice of Mr. John Knill, of Gray's Inn, 1733-1811. n.p. or d. [Helston, printed and published by R. Cunnack, Market-Place, 1871,] 8"., pp. 26. Note. — Dated Penrose, July, 1871, and signed J[ohn] J[ope] E[ogers.] Observations on the Manners and Customs of Italy. . .By a Gentleman authorised to investigate the Commerce of that Country with Great Britain, [i.e., N. Brooke, M.D., of Bath.] Bath, printed by R. Cruttwell, 1798, 8"., pp. viii and 269. Note. — His " most worthy friend John Knill, Esq.", is referred to in pp. 1, 265-66 as rendering him assis- tance in Ms plans and claims against the Government. A Scheme for preventing the plundering of wrecks in Cornwall. With Abstracts of Acts of Parliament respecting Shipwrecks, n. p. or d. or printer's name. [June, 1792,] 4"., pp. 7. — Re- printed. Bodmin, J. Liddell, Nov. 1792, fol. Note,— This scheme was submitted by J. Knill, through Lord Eliot, to Mr. Henry Dundas, the Home Secretary. The copy in the Penzance Public Library, to which there is no title-page, has MSS. alterations and additions. Account [by J. Knill] of the religion of the Koramantyn Negroes. In "Bryan Edwards' Hist, of British Colonies of West Indies. (Lond., 1793-1801, 3 vols., 8".), ii, 70-72.— In abridg- ment of Mr. Edwards' Hist. (Lond., 1794, 8° ) p. 379. \ ' > h KNOWLES, James Sheridan (son of James Knowles). h. Anne St., Cork, 12 May, 1784 d. Torquay, 30 Nov., 1862. The Daughter. A play in five Acts. By J. S. Knowles. 2nd ed. Lond., E. Moxon, Dover Street, 1837, 8"., pp. 108, 4/-. Note.— The scene is laid on the coast of Cornwall. The piece was first produced at Drury-Lane, 29 Nov., 1836. KRUGER, Fbederickde. The Pirate and other Poems, by Frederick de Kruger, Jun., Mariner. Bodmin, printed for the author [by Liddell and Son,] and sold by G. B Whittaker, London, 1829, 120., pp_ gg. TT r. Note.— Dedicated to " Vice- Admiral SirC. Penrose, E.C.B., of Ethy House, Cornwall." L. L. A. L. On a young lady of Cornwall [Miss Glanville] remarkably handsome. Town and Country Mag., XV, 494-95, (1783). L. E. L. The Mines and Mineral Resources of Great Britain, by E. L. Christian Miscell., July and Aug., 1864, pp. 215, 250. L. J. H. L. On the necessity of a divine revelation. By J. H. L., dated Helstone, June, 1822. Imperial Mag., iv, col. 715-20, (1822). L. J. L. i.e., Lakes, Rev. J. L. L. L. The Sands, Bude. By L. L. With illustration by S. P. Jackson. National Mag., iii, 353, (1858). L. R. L. A Fragment. [Verses.] By R. L., dated Lost- withiel, 29 Dec, 1821. Imperial Mag., iv, col., 533, (1822). LACH-SZYEMA, Rev. Wladislaw Somer- VILLE, M.A. (son of Krystyn LachrSzyrma) ; Curate of St. Ive, Liskeard, Mch., 1865 to 3 July, 1868; Curate of St. Paul's, Truro, 4 Jan., 1869 to Feb., 1870 ; V. of Carnmenellis, 5 May, 1870 to 1 May, 1872. b. Devonport, 25 Dec, 1841. Hours of Prayer. Anon. Lond., G. J. Palmer, 32, Little QUeen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. n.d., [186-,] 12°., pp. 8. Short Prayers for the hours ; with devotions family and private for various occasions. Anon. Lond., The Church Press Co., 13, Burleigh St., Strand, 1869, sm. 8"., pp. 48, 4d. The Bishopric of Cornwall. A Letter to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P., (First Lord of the Treasury, &c.). By the Rev. W. S. Lach- Szyrma, M.A. Lond., W. Kent and Co., Pater- noster Row; Truro, J. R. Netherton, [printedl 1869, 80., pp. 22, 6d. The Bible and the Prayer Book. A sermon preached in Carnmenellis Church, by the Rev. W. S. Lach-Szyrma. Redruth, J. S. Doidee, 1871, 80., 6d. A Biblical Catechism. Redruth, J. S. Doidee, 1871, 80. > 6 . On the relation of the Slavonians to the other Indo-European Nations. [1863-64.] Annual LAKES. 303 LAMPBN. LACH-SZYEMA, Ebv. W. S. (Con.). Bep. and Trans, of the Plymouth Instit. and D. and C. Nat. Hist. Soc, 1864, pp. 13-35. The Primitive Races of Devon. Clack. (Ply- mouth and London, 1865), pp. 1-40, 87-91, 138-43. Note.— Memorial Notices of the Eev. W. S. Laoh- Szyrma appeared in some of the local papers, on an erroneous report of his death on the 16 Jan., 1871. LAD, John. " A remembrance of certaine sowndings about Sillye, Ushent and the Seames, with other necessary rewles very profRtable for travelers by sea," about the coast of Ireland, &c. ; in the hand writing of J. Lad, 1586. Bod. Lib., Raw- Knson MSS., class A, 192, art. 6. A few rules respecting the sun's declination, the rising and setting of the moon, the finding of latitudes, &c. ; with a problem for ascertain- ing the rising and setting of the sun, worked in ScUly, 17 May, 1600. ib., A, 192, art. 11. Sailing directions for entering the Channel by the Lizard headed " Sarten notes and instruc- tions set downe for the coming in of and entry by our slefe, with the depths and maner of ground, which shall shew yow one, which side yow are, and allsoe how far yow are from the Lisard," 1618. ib., A, 192, art. 14. L^LIUS. pseud, i.e. Cornish name of St. Michael's Mount. N. and Q., 3 S., xi, 522-23, (1867). LAKE, William (son of Samuel Lake), b. Petrockstow, Devon, 17 May, 1836. The Cornish "Weekly News and Advertiser. [Conducted by W. Lake.] Printed and published by the Proprietor, at his Steam Printing "Works, Princes-street, in the parish of St. Mary, in the borough of Truro, in the county of Cornwall, fol. Note.— Appears on Saturday. The first number was brought out in Jan., 1858, it is numbered succes- sively to present time, but is not divided into volumes. LAKES, Rev. John (son of Henry Lakes, of Tremrrick). Curate of Liskeard, 1827-39; V. of Liskeard, Feb., 1872. 5. St. AusteU, 10 Sept., 1801. The Penny Bank. A Lecture delivered at the Working Men's Institute, Guernsey, by the Rev. J. Lakes. .Guernsey, 1860, 8o. The Penny Bank. By the Rev. J. Lakes. Andrew, Printer, St. Austell, n.d., [1868,] 8"., pp. 12. NoTEi— A reprint of the previous work. LAKES, Eev. John. (Con.). The Upas Tree. A Lecture deliverd before the St. James' Temperance Society, Guernsey, by the Rev. J. Lakes. Guernsey, 1869, 8°. Poem. St. Austell Bridge. By the Rev. J. Lakes. Privately printed, 1870, 8". A Sermon on 'Temperance. Preached in the parish church, Guernsey, by the Rev. J. Lakes. Guernsey, 1871, 8". Poems. Signed Tre, \i.e., Rev. J. Lakes.] In Light from the West, 1833-37, 8". A stoat pursuing a water rat through a pond, signed J. L[akes,] Liskeard Vicarage, 15 Aug., 1829. /. G. Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist, iii, 145, (1831). A white blackbird, ib., iii, 146. Rare Birds in Cornwall, ib., iii, 175-77. See Jackson, Clement. LAKES, Robert Gould (younger bro. of the pre- ceding)-, b. St. Austell, 1813. cf. J. Couch's Hist, of British Fishes, iv, 367. LAMBARDE, William (eld. son of John Lam- barde). b. London, 18 Oct., 1536. d. West- combe, near Gravesend, 19 Aug., 1601. Dictionarium Angliae topographicum et histo- ricum; an alphabetical account of the chief places in England and Wales. . .By the celebrated Antiquary, WilUam Lambarde...Now first pub- lish' d. Lond., printed for Fletcher Gyles, over- against Gray's-Inn, Holborne, 1730, 4"., pp. xiv and 498. Note. — Contains a few references to the county of Cornwall. LAMPEN, John, of Padreda, in Linkinhorne (son of John Lampen ?). Sheriffs cravings of P. Kelkwich and Jno. Lampen, Sheriffs of Cornwall, 1650. Sir T. Phillips' MSS., 15,629. LAMPEN, Rev. Robert, M.A. "V. of Probus, 21 Apl., 1828 to 1849. d. The Sanctuary, Probus, 18 Aug., 1849. A Sermon [on II Samuel, iii, 38,] preached in St. Andrew s Church, Plymouth, on Wednes- day afternoon, Feb. 16, 1820, being the day of the Funeral of his late most gracious Majesty. By R. Lampen, M.A., Lecturer of St. Andrew's. Plymouth, S. and J. B. Rowe, Whimple-Street, [printed] ; and Baldwin, Cradock and Co., London, 1820, 80., pp. 25, 1/-. The Christian Duty of reUeving the distresses in Ireland. A Sermon [on Matthew vii, 12,] preached in St. Andrew's Church, Plymouth, on Sunday, 7 July, 1822. By R. Lampen, M.A., Lecturer. Plymouth, S. and J. B. Rowe, Whimple-Street, 1822, S"., pp. 25, 1/-. LANDEE. 304 LANDEB. LAMPEN, Rev. Eobekt, M.A. (Con.). The obligations of the ministerial character : a sermon [on 2 Tim., i, 13,] preached in the Parish Church of St. Mary's, Truro, at the visi- tation of the Et. Rev. William, Lord Bishop of Exeter, July xxvi, MDCCCXXVIII. By R. Lampen, M.A., Vicar of Probus and Minister of St. Andrew's Chapel, Plymouth... Lond., printed for C. and J. Eivington...E. Heard, Truro, and J. B. Eowe, Plymouth, 1828, 8"., pp. 19. The teaching of the divine judgments. A ser- mon [on Isaiah, xxvi, 9,] preached in St. Andrew's Chapel, on Sunday evening, Nov. 6, 1831, on the establishment of the Plymouth Board of Health. By E. Lampen, M.A. Plymouth, Eowe, Whimple-Street, 1831, 8°., pp. 15. Unity in the Visible Church the Ordinance of God. A Sermon [on Eph., iv, 11-13,] preached at the Triennial Visitation of the Et. Eev. Henry, Lord Bishop of Exeter, at St. Mary's Church, Truro, Aug. 10, 1842. By E. Lampen, M.A., Vicar of Probus, Cornwall, and Minister of St. Andrew's Chapel, Plymouth. Published by com- mand of the Lord Bishop, and at the request of the Clergy present. Truro, printed and published by E. Heard ; Lond., J. Burns, 1842, 8"., pp. 20. A Discourse delivered on the opening of the Plymouth Athenasum, Feb. 4, 1819. By E. Lampen, M.A. Trans. Plymouth Instil., 1830, pp. 1-18. LAMPLUGH, Et. Eev. Thomas, D.D., Lord Bishop of Exeter, 1676-88; Archbishop of York, 1688-91. 6. 1615. d. Bishopthorp, 5 May, 1691. hw. York Cathedral. Note of Benefices held by Bishop Lamplugh in commendam. Tanner MSS. 141, art. 46. Letter to Archbishop Sancroft on the annex- ation of the deanery of Buryan to the See of Exeter, with some account of the Deanery, 29 Sept., 1683. ib., 141, art. 40; 34, art. 113 and 136. LANCASTER, T. Meteorological summary from Eegisters kept by T. Lancaster, Queen-Street, Devonport. Eep. E.C.P.Soc, 1852, p. 115; 1853, p. 49. LANDBE, John. (Con.). The Coming Day and other poems. By H. J Doogood, (1863). q.v. Note. — Contains "A Tribute to the Memory of J. Lander." For further details respecting J. Lander See Lander, K. L. LANDER, RiCHAED Lemon (elder bro. of the preceding), h. Truro, 8 Feb., 1804. hapt. 29 Feb. d. Fernando Po, 7 Feb., 1834. cf. B. Polwhele's Beminiscences, ii, 147 ; Gent. Mag., ii, 324-27, (1834) ; The Athenceum, 1834, p. 340; Annml Biog. for 1835, pp. 147-68; Quarterly Bev., xxxix, 143-83, (1829) ; Litw- ary Gazette, 1834, pp. 211,315; Polwhele's- Biog. Sketches, ii, 20-21 ; One and All, (Pen- zance, foL), Dec, 1868; Didot Nomel. Biog. Univ.; Biog. Univ. ; Base. Journal of a second expedition into the inte- rior of Africa, from the Bight of Benin to Soo- catoo. By the late Commander Clapperton of the Royal Navy. To which is added the Journal of Richard Lander, from Kano to the Sea Coast, partly by a more eastern route. With a portrait of Captain Clapperton, and a map of the route ...Lond., J. Murray, 1829, 4°., pp. xxiiiand 355. Note. — The "Journal of E. Lander, Servant to the late Capt. Clapperton," occupies pp. 255-327. Records of Captain Clapperton's last expedi- tion to Africa. By Richard Lander, his faithful attendant and the only surviving member of the expedition, with the subsequent adventures of the author. Portrait of B. Lander. Lond., H. Colbiimand R. Bentley, 1830, 2 vols., 12o., 21/-. Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in 1822, 1823, and 1824, by- Major Denham, F.R.S., Capt. Clapperton, and the late Doctor Oudney. With a short account- of Clapperton's and Lander's second journey in 1825, 1826, and 1827. Plates. Lond., John Murray, 1831, 4 vols., 16«. Note. — The Account of Clapperton's and Lander's second journey occupies iv, 187-279. Journal of an expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger, with a Narrative of a voyage down that river to its termination.. By R. and J. Lander. Illustrated with engravings and maps. Lond., John Murray, 1832, 3 vols.,. 12"., 5/- a volume. LANDER, John (twin son of John and Ann LanderJ. b. Truro, 29 Dec, 1806. bapt. 3 July, 1807. d. Wyndham St., Bryanston Sq., London, 16 Nov., 1839. cf Gent. Mag., xii, 662, (1839). Poems by J. Lander, the African Traveller. Lond., printed by John H. Batty, 6, Red Lion Court, Fleet St. n.d., [1870,] 8"., pp. 33. Note.— The Address to the Eeader is signed Mary Blsom (late Lander) and dated London, May, 1870. I Journal of an expedition, etc. New York Note.— The Address to the Public is signed "B.. and J. Lander, London, Feb., 1832." The Introductioa is signed " A. B. B "[echer.] There are portraits of the Brothers. These volumes form Nos. xxviii, xxix, and XXX, of The Family Library. The brothers received- 1,000 guineas from Mr. Murray for their Journal. LANGDON. 306 LANTON. LANDEE, EiOHABD Lemok. (C.,] published several volumes of poetry. LOK, William. Letter from Thomas Wandsworth, Prior of Bodmin, to Mr. W. Lok, Mercer, of Cheapside, 25 May, 1536. In Wright's " Letters relating to the suppres.sion of monasteries." (Camden Soc, 1843), pp. 130-31. LOMBARD, Rev. Daniel, D.D. Rector of Lanteglos-juxta-Camelford, 24 Feb., 17^ to 1746. b. France? d. Camelford, 14 Dec, 1746. bur. 2 Jan., 17|-f. cf. Journ. R.I.O., 1871, p. xxxiii. A sermon preach'd at Hanover, before the late Princess Sophia and the rest of the Royal Family on March 28, April 8, 1714. By D. Lombard, D.D., and Fellow of St. John Baptist College, Oxon. Published by Her Royal Highnesses special command. Oxford, printed for Stephen Fletcher, Bookseller... 1714, 8"., 4d. Dedication unpaged, 3 leaves, the sermon, pp. 1-24. Comparaison des deux Histoires de M. De Mezeray et du P6re Daniel, en Deux Disserta- tions Avec une dissertation pr61iminaire sur rUtilit6 de I'Histoire. Par D. Lombard, Docteur en Th^ologie et Chapelain de S. A. R. Madame la Princesse de Galles. Amsterdam, aux d6pens de la Compagnie, 1723, 4". Dedication and Pre- face unpaged, 7 leaves. The Dissertation, pp. 1-48, The Comparaison, pp. 49-154. A Succinct History of ancient and modem persecution. Together with a short Essay on As- sassinations- and Civil Wars. By D. Lombard, D.D., Late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxon., now Rector of Lanteglos and Advent in the county of Cornwall. Lond., printed for S. Birt, at the Bible and Ball, in Ave Mary Lane, 1747, 8»., pp. 192. Stricture upon St. Thomas Aquinas. In F. Gregor's ed. of Sir John Fortescue's "De laudibus legum Anglic," (1737, fol.), pp. 18, 84, 86. Observations on the Israelites making a king. ib., pp. 18, 19, 21, and Addenda, p. 3. Correspondence vdth Mr. Gregor, of Trewar- thenick. MSS. LONG, Edward (Uh son of Capt. Samuel Long, of Queen Caroline's Dragoons, who d. 1757). Secretary to Sir Hen. Moore, Lieut.-Governor of Jamaica ; Judge of Vice Admiralty Court, Jamaica, b. RosUian, in St. Blazey, 23 Aug., 1734. d. Arundel Park, Sussex, 13 Mch., 1813. bur. Slindon, Sussex, 20 Mch. cf. Bryan Edwards' Proceedings of Assembly of Jamaica LONG. 323 LOED. LONG, Edwabd. (Con.). about the Maroons, (1796), p. xxiii; Nichols' Lit. Anecdotes, iii, 182, viii, 433-35 ; Gent. Mag., Ixxxiii, 490, 659, (1813); N. and Q., 2 S., vii, 426, (1859); Chalmers; Didot. Nouvel. Biog. Univ. ; Biog. Univ. ; Bose. Memoirs of the Early Life of E. Long. Written TDy himself. MSS. cf. N. and Q., 2 S., vii, 426, (1859). The Antigallican, or The History and Adven- tures of Harry Oobham, Esq. Inscribed to Louis the 15th by the Author, [i.e., Edward Long.] Lond., printed for T. Lownds, at his Circulating Library, in Fleet St., 1757, 12"., pp. xvi and 240. The Prater. By Nicholas Babble, Esq. 2nd edit. Lond., printed for T. Lownds. ..1757, 8"., pp. ix and 289. Note.— Mr. Long is said to have ooutributed to this journal. The trial of Farmer Carter's dog Porter for Murder. Anon. Lond., printed for T. Lowndes, 1771, 80., 1/-. Note.— This is found reprinted with slight abridg- ment in Hone's Every Day Book, (1827), ii, 198-210. Candid Eeflections upon the judgment lately awarded by the Court of King's Bench. . .on what is commonly called the Negroe-Cause. By a Planter, [i.e., E. Long.] Lond., printed for T. Lowndes, No. 77, Fleet-Street, 1772, 8"., pp. iv and 76, 1/6. The History of Jamaica, or general survey of the antient and modern state of that island... Il- lustrated with copper plates. Anon. Lond., printed for T. Lowndes, in Fleet-steet, 1774, 3 vols., 4"., 63/-. The Sentimental Exhibition ; or portraits and sketches of the times. Anon. Lond., T. Lowndes, 1774, 120., 2/6. Letters on the Colonies. 1775, S°. English Humanity no paradox ; or an attempt to prove that the English are not a nation of Savages. Anon. Lond., printed for T. Lowndes, No. 77, Fleet-Street, 1778, 8"., pp. viii and 87, 1/6. Br. Museum. The Sugar Trade. 1782, 8". Memoirs of the reign of Boussa Ahadee, King of Dahomy, an inland country of Guiney ; to which are added the Author's Journey to Abomey, the Capital, and a short Account of the African Slave Trade. By Eobert Norris. [Edited by E. Long.l Illustrated with a new map. Lond., printed for W. Lowndes, 77, Fleet St., 1789, 8o., pp. xvi and 184. Note.— "An Extract of a Letter from the Author to the Editor " oeonpies pp. v-xii. LONG, Edwabd. (Con.). Collections and memoranda, by Edward Long, relating to the History of Jamaica and the West Indian Islands: with the printed sheets of "The History of Jamaica," with considerable additions and alterations. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 12,402-14; 12,429-32; 12,435; 12,438. cf. also 18,270-75; 18,959-63. LONGESFOED, John. A Chronology of years from the creation to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus. By J. Longesford, Preacher of the Gospel in Cornwall. Sloane MSS., 1022, fol., 25-27. LONGFuED, William. Order for money to be paid to W. Longford as farmer of the harbour dues of Catwater and Hamoaze at 2d. per ton and 2/- per ship to Saltash, 22 Dec, 1668. Earl. MSS., 1510, art. 171, pp. 811-813. LONGLANDS, Miss E. D. See Drewe, E. D. LONGLANDS, Eev. William David, M.A. ; F.G.S. Fellow of BaUiol Coll., 1816; E. of Gerrans, 29 Apl., 1844 to 1861. b. 1791. d. Winchester, 27 Dec, 1866. cf. Gent. Mag., iii, 258, (1867). A Letter from the Eev. W. D. Longlands to Dr. Winn giving account of extraordinary opti- cal phoenomena witnessed by him at Perran- porth. Bep. B.I.C., 1841, pp. 32-33. LONGWITH, Alexander. Order to the King's Escheator in the Counties of Devonshire and Cornwall to pay to A. Long- with twenty marks of the goods and chattels of Eichard Atte Welle, of Tavystoke, an outlaw. MSS. Camb. Univ. Lib., D.D., iii, 53, «4 413. LOED, Eev. Alfred (son of Bev. Hen. Lord, D.D., B. of Northiam, Sussex). Curate of Tresco and Bryher, Isles of Scilly, 1841-44 ; Curate of Mithian, 1844-47; Incumb. of Mithian, 1847. b. Barfreystone, Kent, 2 Sept., 1812. Luther, or Eome and the Eeformation. A Poem By Alfred Lord. Lond., Seeley and Burnside, Fleet Street, 1841, 12°., pp. 193, 3/-. The Operations of the Holy Spirit. A sermon, by the Eev. A. Lord. Lond., Parker; Truro, J. E. Netherton, 1852, 8°., pp. 24, 1/-. _ _ The Grace of God and the danger of receivmg it in vain. A Sermon, by the Eev. A. Lord, In- cumbent of Mithian. Truro, J. E. Netherton, 1859, 80., pp. 12, 6d. LOVETT. 324 LOWEB. LOED, Eev. Alfbed. (Con.). Church for the new parish of St. Mithian, Cornwall. Incumbent, the Eev. A. Lord, n.d., [Nov., 1863,] 40., pp. 4. Note.— An appeal for subscriptions towards the building of the church parsonage and schools. LOVETT, William. 5. Church Lane, Newlyn, Penzance, circa 1800. ef. Life of Thos. Cooper, (1872), pp. 220, 223-24, 227, 297. Address and Rules of the Working Men's Association for benefiting politically, socially and morally the useful classes. " Signed by the Committee on behalf of the Association. H. Hetherington, Printer, Treasurer, 126, Strand, Wilham Lovett, Cabinet-Maker, Secretary, 6, Upper North-place, Gray's Inn-road." Lond., Cleave, Shoe Lane, Fleet St. n.d., [1837,] 80., pp. 8, Id. Note. — A volume in the Br. Museum, marked 8138a, which apparently once belonged to Mr. Lovett, contains 32 pamphlets relating to " The London "Working Men's Association," many being signed "."W. Lovett, Secretary. " The Trial of W. Lovett, Journeyman Cabinet- maker, for a seditious libel, before Mr. Justice Littledale, at the Assizes, at Warwick, on Tues- day, the 6th of August, 1839. 2nd ed. Lond., printed and published by H. Hetherington, 126, Strand, n.d., [1839,] pp. 20, 3d. [An Address] To the Political and Social Eeformers of the United Kingdom, from The National Association of the United Kingdom. Signed "W. Lovett, London; John Collins, Birmingham, etc., etc." Printed by E. E. Lee, George Yard, 92, Drury Lane, n.d., [1841,] 8°., pp. 4. Chartism ; a new organization of the people, embracing a plan for the education and improve- ment of the people, politically and socially;... Written in Warwick Gaol by W. Lovett, Cabinet- Maker, and John CoUins, Tool-Maker. 2nd ed. Lond., J. Watson, 15, City Eoad, Finsbury,... and W. Lovett, 183, Tottenham Court Eoad, 1841, B"., pp. 132, 1/-. A Letter to WiUiam Lovett, sometime resident in Wan\dck Gaol. Lond., 1841, 8"., pp. 31. Letter from Mr. Lovett to Messrs. Donaldson and Mason, containing his reasons for refusing to be nominated Secretary of the National Charter Association, Signed "W. Lovett, 52, Gloucester St., Queen Square, 8 Sept., 1843." n.p. or printer's name. 1843, 8"., pp. 4. A Letter to Daniel O'Connell, Esq., M.P. In reply to the calumnies he put forth in the Corn Exchange, August 8th, in answer to the address of the National Association of the people of Ireland. By W. Lovett. Lond., printed and published by H. Hetherington, 40, Holywell St., Strand, 1843, 8°., pp. 8, Id. LOVETT, William. (Con.). All men are brethren. An Address to the friends of humanity and justice among all nations by the democratic friends of all nations. Signed " L. Oborski, Chairman." [Written by W. Lovett.] Lond., published by J. Cleave, 1, Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, 1845, 8°., pp. 8. _ A Proposal for the consideration of the Friends of Progress. By Wm. Lovett. Lond., published by John Cleave, 1, Shoe Lane, n.d., [1847,] 8"., pp. 8, Id. Justice safer than expediency. An appeal to the middle classes on the question of the suffrage. By W. Lovett. Lond., C. H. Elt, 18, High Street, Islington, 1848, 8"., pp. 8, Id. Elementary Anatomy and Physiology, for schools and private instruction : with lessons on diet, intoxicating drinks, tobacco, and disease. By W. Lovett. Illustrated with ten coloured plates. Lond., Darton and Co., 18^1, 8"., pp. XX and 159. — 2nd ed. Lond., Simpkin, Mar- shall, and Co., 1853, 8"., 7/6. Social and Political Morality. By W. Lovett. Lond., published by Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1853, 8"., pp. viii and 204, 4/-. Woman's Mission ; by W. Lovett. [A Poem.] Lond., published by Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1856, 8°., pp. 21, 6d. LOWE, Edward Joseph, F.E.A.S. Catalogue of land and fresh- water shells found in the neighbourhood of Nottingham. Trans. P.N.H. and A. Soc, i, 390-95, (1850). LOWER FAMILY. Pedigree of Lower family from the Visitation of the County of Cornwall, 1620. /. /. Howwrdls Miscell. Oeneal. et Herald., i, 13, 266; ii, 18. LOWEE, Mark Anthony, F.S.A. (son of Rich ard Loiver). b. Chiddingly, Sussex, 1813. Patronymica Britannica. A Dictionary of the family names of the United Kingdom; en- deavoured by M. A. Lower, M.A., F.S.A. Lond., J. E. Smith; Lewes, G. P. Bacon, 1860,4"., pp. xxxix and 443. Note. — Contains useful information about Cornish names of persons and places. LOWEE, Nicholas (son of John Lower, of Polscoe, in St. Winnow). Indenture between Margaret, Lady Hunger- ford, and Nicholas Loure relative to an annuity paid to him by her out of the Manor of Lanante as security for quiet possession of the Manor of St. Winnowe. Deed anno 1469. Eeceipt by Margaret, Lady Hungerford, to Nicholas Loure for 100 marks in part payment liOWER. 325 LOWBE. LOWER, N10HOLA.S. (Gon.). for the Manor of St. Winnowe, sold to him. Deed anno 1470. Walter Hungerford, son of Margaret, Lady Hungerford, quit claim to Nicholas Loure of all right in the manor of St. Winnowe. Dated Anno 1471. 'Margaret, Lady Hungerford, appoints John Touke and Nicholas Loure auditors for her Manors, etc., in Cornwall. Dated Anno 1471. Margaret, Lady Hungerford, appoints N. Lt)ure, Receiver of her Manors in Devon and Cornwall. Dated Anno 1471. Note. — The above 5 documents from Sir Edward Bering's CoUeofion were sold at Puttick and Simpson's, July, 1861. LOWER, Peter (eU son of Thos. Lower, of Trelaske). Pleasvres Vision. By Arthvr Newman. . . Lond., 1619, 80. Bod. Lib. Note. — Prefixed is a copy of Latin Verses signed " Pe : Lower," and addressed " Ad amioum suum omni laude et obsernantia digaissimum Ar : Newman." LOWER, Richard, M.D. (son of Homfray Lower). Bachelor of Physic, Oxford, 1665; Admitted F.R.S., 17 Oct., 1667, expelled 24 June, 1675. h. Tremere, St. Tudy. bapt. St. Tudy, 29 Jan. 1631. d. King St., Covent Garden, London, 17 Jan., 16|4. hur. St. Tudy, 3 Feb. cf. Munk's Boll of Physicians, i, 357- 58 ; WelcKs List of Westminster Scholars, (1852), p. 134 j Corresp. of Earls of Clarendon and Rochester and Diary of Lord Clarendon, ' (1828), ii, 156, 174, 302, 324-25, 327; ,S'«r J. Bramston's Autobiography, pp. 353, 364, 381, 401, 412; Memoirs of J. Evelyn, (1870), p. 559; Memoirs of S. Pepys (Bohn's ed.), iii, 473 ; Daniel Le Clerc'sBibl. Anatomica, (1699), i 881-916 ; N. Luttrell's Brief Historical Beta- tion, (1857), i, 136, ii, 160; Birch's Hist, of Boyal Soc, ii, passim, iii, 224, 231, 233; Life of Anthony h Wood, (prefixed to Bliss), p. 50 ; Bliss' Wood, iv, 297-99; The Ellis Corres- pondence, (1829), i, 70-71, 345-46; Granger's Biog. Hist. ; Didoi. Nouvel Biog. Univ. ; Biog. Univ.; Biog. Britt. ; Bees Cyclop.; Chalmers; Rose. Diatribse Thomae Willisii Doct. Med. et Pro- fess. Oxon., De febribus vindicatio adversus Ed- mundum De Meara Ormoniensem Hibernum, M D. Authore Ricardo Lower, Medico Oxoniensi. Londini, apud Jo. Martyn and Ja. Allestry, sub signo Campanee in Coemeterio D. Pauli, 1665, 80. Dedication and preface unpaged, 6 leaves, the text, pp. 1-194, errata, 1 leaf. Diatribaj T. WiUisii, etc. Amstelodami, apud Gerbrandum Schagen. Anno 1666, 12"., pp. 129. LOWER, EiCHAED, M.D. (Gov,.). WiHisius male vindicatvs sive Medicus Oxon- iensis mendacitatis et inscitise detectus. Authore conlone cassinio offoriensi Hiberno medicinae doctore. Dubhni, Anno 1667, 8°. Preface un- paged, 2 leaves, the text, pp. 1-327, errata, 1 A brief account of the virtues of the famous well of Astrop, not far from Oxford, of late so much frequented by the nobility and gentry. By A Learned Physician [j.e., R. Lower?] Lond., printed in the year 1668, 40., pp. 5. Tractatus de corde, item de motu, et colore sanguinis et chyli in eum transitu. Authore Richardo Lower, M.D. T plates. Londini, Typis Jo. Redmayne, impensis Jacobi Allestry, ad Insigne Rosse Coronatse in Vioo vulgo dicto Duck- lane, 1669, 8". Dedication and Errata unpaged, 6 leaves, the text, pp. 1-220, table of contents, unpaged, 10 leaves. Tractatus de corde etc. 7 plates. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium 1669, 80. Dedication and table of contents unpaged, 7 leaves, the text, pp. 1-232. Tractatus de corde item de motu et colore sanguinis et chyli in eum transitu. Cui aocessit dissert, de origine catarrhi, in qua ostenditur ilium non provenire h cerebro. Editio secunda, auctior et emendatior, Authore Ricardo Lower, M.D. Londini, typis J. Redmayne et prostat venum apud Jacobum Allestry ad signum Rosse et Coronae in St. Pauli Coemeterio, 1670, 80., pp. 239, dedication and index unpaged. Tractatus de corde, efc. Authore R. Lower, M.D. Editio tertia et ultima. Amstelodami, apud Danielem Elzevirium, 1671, 8°. Dedication and table of contents unpaged, 7 leaves, the text, pp. 1-237. Tractatus de corde, etc. Editio quarta, ab Au- thore jam postremd aucta et reoognita. Londini Typis M.C. impensis J. Martyn, ad insigne Cam- panee in Coemeterio D. Pauli, 1680, 8°. Dedi- cation, table of contents, and errata unpaged, 7 leaves, the text, pp. 1-175. RichardiLower,M.D.,Colleg. Med. Lond., Socii Tractatus de corde, etc. Editio quinta priori- bus longe Auctior, cum figuris seneis. Lugduni Batavorum apud Johannem vander Linden, Juniorem, 1708, 80. Dedication and table of contents unpaged, 11 leaves, the text, pp. 1-262, errata, 1 leaf. Dr. Lower's and several other eminent phy- sicians' receipts containing the best and safest methodfor curing most diseases inhumane bodies. Very useful for all sorts of people, especially those who live remore (sic) from physicians, portrait. Lond., printed for John Nutt, near Stationers Hall, 1700, 12o. Preface and index unpaged, 5 leaves, then pp. 1-108, 1/-.-T-1704, LOWEE. 326 LOWEE. LOWEE, BiOHABD, M.D. (Om.)- 120. — 4th ed., with additions. Lond., printed for A. Roper... 171 6, 12°. Preface unpaged, 2 leaves, the text, pp. 1-107, contents unpaged, 4 leaves. Note.— The Preface is signed "J. W." and the writer says " the prescriptions that hear the name of. . . Dr. Lower were all his own receipts, communicated to me with his own hand a little hefore his death." D. Eichardi Loweri des Welt-heruhmten Englischen Medici BpaiJt,oypoc(picx oder Haber- Beschreibung, zu allerhand Kranckheiten gebre- chen und Schwachheiten des menschlichen Leibes als ein Universal-Medicin, dienlioh . . . zum vierdten Mahl in diese Form gebracht von D. Joanne Franco, Ulm. Franckfurt und Leipzig bey Daniel Bartholomaj, 1712, 12"., pp. 32. Utforlig Beskrifning Om Hafren, och den widtheromde Engelsta Medici, Herr Dr. Eich. Lowers, Hafre-Kur...Af Tyskan ofwersatt och nu andra gangen oplagt, samt med nagra An- marckningar fordkt af J. C. Nordenheim. Stock- holm, Joh. L. Horrn, Kongl. Antiq. Arch. Boftr. Anno 1724, 8"., pp. 48. The method in transfusing the bloud (sic) of one animal into another. Philos. Trans., i, 353- 58, (1666). On making a dog draw his breath exactly like a broken winded horse, ib., ii, 544-46, (1667). Of the experiment of transfusion practised upon a man in London, ib., ii, 557-59. An Observation concerning a blemish in an horse's eye not hitherto disoover'd by any Author which may be of great use in the choice of an horse to those who are curious, ib., ii, 613-14. Letter from E. Lower to Antony k Wood, 4 Sept., 1666. Tanner MSS., Bod. Lib., 45, art. 61. Prescription by E. Lower. £r. Museum, Addit. MSS., 15,857, foL, 62. LOWEE, Thomas (eld. son of Will. Lower). Writ of Outre le Main for the manors, lands, &c., of Alice Eeskymmer, Widow, deceased, granted to Thomas Lower and Frances Eeskym- mer. Deed Anno 1570. Thomas Lower, Esq., of Wynnowe and John Honnye, the elder, of St. Austell, mason, and Nicholas and John Honnye, sons to John Honnye, the younger, of St. Austell, deceased. — Eenewal fine for lease of Trevarrock Lands and Mills in St. Austell. Deed Anno 1596. Note. — The above two dooaments from Sir E. Bering's collection, were sold at Puttick and Simpson's, July 1861. LOWER, Thomas (ith son of Thos. Lower, of St. Winnow), d. London, 5 Feb., 1660. bur. St. Clement Danes, 21 March. «/. Jshmolean MSS. (Bodl. Lib.), 857, art. 135, 147; and 1106, p. 416". LOWER, Thomas, M.D. (brother of Bichard Lower, M.D.) bapt. St. Tudy, 11 Aug., 1633. d. 1720. cf. SeweTs Hist, of Friends, (1834), i, 173, ii, 216, 219-21. The Memory of that Faithful Servant of Christ, William Carter, late of Cumberland, (Deceased) Revived. In The Testimonies of cer- tain Faithful Friends, &c. Lond., printed for Thomas Northcott, in George Yard,.in Lumbard Street, 1690, 4°. A Journal or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings... of that Ancient, Eminent, and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, George Fox. Lond., Thos. Northcott, 1694, fol. A Brief Collection of Remarkable Passages and Occurrences relating to the Birth, Education . . .of. . .Margaret Fell, but by her second Marriage Margaret Fox. Lond., printed and sold by J. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court, in Gracious Street, 1710, 8«. Note. — All the above works contain Testimonies by T. Lower amongst others. The late Expedients proposed by Benjamin Coal, Charles Harris, and others, for a True Re- conciliation, &c.. Tenderly Considered. (Written London, the 21st 4th Month, 1693). n.p. or d. or printer' s name. [1693,] 4°. An Answer to Francis Buggs Presumptuous Impeachment, Pretended on behalf of the Com- mons of England, against the Quakers' Yearly- Meeting. Lond., T. Sowle, 1695, 4". A Modest Vindication of the People called Quakers, from the Aspersions of Mary Ely and Susan Everard. n.p. or d. or printer's name. [1701 ?] fol. Note. — These three addresses are signed by T. Lower amongst others. Christian Epistles, Travels, and Sufferings of that Antient Servant of Christ, John Boweter. Lond., T. Sowle, 1705, 8o. Note. — Preface signed by T. Lower amongst others. A Dissertation of the Small Pox ; by Daniel Phillips, at his commencing Doctor of Physick, in the University of Leyden, in Holland, in the year 1696. Translated by T. E. Lond., 1702, 12«. Note. — Dedicated to . . ." Gulielmo Penn . . . ut et Thomoe Lower, Medico Londinensi " The Fells of Swarthmoor Hall and their Friends, etc. By Maria Webb. Lond., Alfred W. Bennett, 1865, 8°. Note. — Contains much information relating to T. Lower. LOWEE. 327 LOWBB. LOWEE, Thomas, M.D. (Can.). Letter from T. Lower to Sir Hans Sloane, dated "Bartholomew Close, the 28th of 9th month, 1703." Br. Museum, AMU. MSS., 4052, fol., 97. LOWEE, William (? 2nd son of Peter Lower, of Trelaske). cf. C. Fitz Qeoffry's Affmm, book iii. LOWER, Sir William, Knt. (eU. son of TJws. Lower), d. Carmarthenshire, 1615. cf. Court and Times of James I, (1849), i, 363 ; Rigaud!s Miicell. JForks and Corresp. of James Bradley, F.R.S., (1832), pp. 511-14. Eight letters from Sir W. Lower to Mr. Harriott. Dated Ira' Venti, 1610-11. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 6789. Note. — Three of these letters are reprinted in " A collection of letters illustratiye of Science, etc. Ed. by J. 0. Halliwell. (Historical Soo. of Science," 1841), pp. 38-42. LOWER, Sir William, Knt. (son of John Lower), b. Tremere, St. Tudy, 16 — . d. London, 1662. bur. St. Clement Danes? cf. Gerard Langbaine's Biog. Dram., (1691), pp. 332-34 ; Baker's Biog. Dram. ; Geneste's Hist, of the Stage, x, 160; Granger's Biog. Diet.; Bliss' Wood, iii, 56, 544-46; Didot Nouvel. Biog. Univ. ; Biog. Univ. ; Chalmers ; Rose. The Phaenix in her flames : a tragedy [in four acts and in verse.] The scene, Arabia. The Author, Master William Lower. Lond., printed by Thomas Harper for Michael Young, 1639, 4°. Note. — The Dedication " To the right worshipfvU, my most honoured Cosin, Thomas Lower, Esguire," 1 leaf, prologue and dramatis personse, 1 leaf, the text, 44 leaves, epilogue, 1 leaf. The Innocent Lady, or the illustrious inno- cence. Translated from the French of Ren6 de Ceriziers. By Sir W. Lower. Lond., 1654, 8°. The Innocent Lady, or the illustrious inno- cence, etc. Written originally in French, by the learned Father de Ceriziers... and now rendered into English by Sir W. Lower, Knight. The second edition. Lond., printed for William Lee, and are to be sold at the Turk's Head, in Fleet- Street, 1674, 8". Note. — The Translators Apology, the Preface, and To the Eeader, unpaged, 10 leaves ; then pp. 150. Polyeuctes, or the Martyr. A Tragedy [in five acts and in verse, translated fromi Oorneille.] By S'- W. Lower. Lond., printed by Tho. Roy- croft for G. Bedell and T. CoHins, and are to be sold at their shop at the Middle-Temple Gate, in Fleetstreet, 1655, 4". The Argument, 2 leaves, the actors, 1 leaf, the text, pp. 1-59. LOWEE, Sib William, Knt. (Con.). The Innocent Lord, or the Divine Providence. Being the incomparable history of Joseph. Written originally in French and illustrated by the unparallel'd pen of the learned De Ceriziers, Almoner to my Lord the Kings brother, and now rendered into English by Sir W. Lowre, Knight. Lond., printed by S. G. for Charles Adams, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Talbot, near S. Dunstans Church, in Fleetstreet, 1655, 8o. The Translator's Apo- logie. To my Lady the Countesse of Chaiais, To the Reader, unpaged, 7 leaves ; then pp. 143. The Triumphant Lady ; or the Crowned In- nocence. A choice and authentick piece of the famous [Ren6] De Ceriziers, Almoner to the King. Translated into English out of the ori- ginal French by Sir W. Lower, Knight. Lond., printed for Ga. Bedell and Thos. Collins, and are to be sold at their shop at the Middle-Temple Gate, in Fleet St., 1656, S". To the Reader and Discourse, unpaged, 10 leaves, then pp. 142. The second part of the third tome, called The Triumphant Lady ; or the crowned innocence. Translated from the French of Ren6 de Ceriziers. By Sir W. Lower. Lond., 1656, 8°. Horatius, a Roman Tragedy. [Translated from Pierre Corneille.] By Sir W. Lower, Knight. Lond., printed for G. Bedell and T. Collins... 1656, 40. The Actors, 1 leaf, the text, pp. 1-63. The Three Dorothies or Jodelet Box'd. A Comedy translated from Paul Scarron. By Sir W. Lower, Knt., 1657. Not printed. Don Japhet of Armenia. A Comedy trans- lated from Paul Scarron. By Sir W. Lower, Knt., 1657. Not printed. The Enchanted Lovers : a pastoral [in five acts and in verse.] By Sir W. Lower, Knight. Hage, printed by Adrian Vlack. [June,] 1658, 12"., pp. 104. The Enchanted Lovers, etc. With Frontispiece in lower center of which is 'portrait of the Author. Lond., printed for Henry Herringman, 1659, 12°. The Enchanted Lovers, etc. Frontispiece. Lond., printed for Fr. Kirkman, 1661, 12o., pp. 104. Note. — The 1658 copy formerly in the possession of Eiohard Heber was a presentation copy to Mrs. Eliza- beth Lower, with corrections in the author's own hand writing. The Noble Ingratitude. A pastoral-tragi- comedy, [in five acts and in verse, translated from P. Quinault.] By Sir W. Lower, Knight. Hage, Imprinted by John Ramzey, 1659, 12°. The Noble Ingratitude, etc. Frontispiece. Lond., printed for Fr. Kirkman, at the John Fletchers Head, over against the Angel-Inn on the back- side of St. Clements, without Temple-Bar, 1661, 12°., pp. 101, epilogue and errata, 2 leaves. LOWBY. 328 LUKE. LOWEE, Sir William, Ent. (Con.). The Amourous Fantasme, a tragi-comedy [in five acts and in verse.] By Sir W. Lower, Knight. Hage, Imprinted by John Eamzey, 1660, [Nov., 1659,] 12°., pp. 96. The Amorous Fantasme, efc. Frontispiece. Lond., printed for Fr. Kirkman, at the John Fletchers Head over against the Angel-Inn, on the back- side of St. Clements without Temple-Bar, 1661, 12"., pp. 96. Note. — This play is translated from the " Fant6me Amoureux," by Philippe Quinault. A relation in form of Journal of the Voiage and residence which the most excellent and most mighty prince Charles the II, King of Great Britain, &c., hath made in Holland, from the 25 of May to the 2 of June, 1660, rendered into English from the original French. By Sir W. Lower, Knight. Plates. Hague, printed by Adrian Vlack. Anno 1660, fol. Printer to the Eeader 1 page, then pp. 1-116. Note. — This was published in Dutch, French, and Bnglish. At the end of the volume Sir W. Lower has published his poems with his name attached at the con- clusion of each poem. cf. Gent. Mag., xcv, pt. i, 216-18, (1825). • Three new plays, viz : The Noble Ingratitude, a pastoral-tragi-comedy. The Enchanted Lovers, a pastoral. The Amorous Fantasme, a tragi- comedy. All written by Sir Wil. Lower, Knight. Portrait. Lond., printed for Franc. Kirkman, 1661, 12°. Note. — A collected edition of three of the previous plays, each play having a separate title-page, pagination and register. The title-page to the " Enchanted Lovers " was printed at the Hague in 1658. Paraphrases on the Apostolical Epistles. By Anthony Godeau, Bishop of Grasse and Vence. Eendered into English by W. Lower, Knt. 4 parts. Harl MSS., 4611, pp. 517. The Pleasures of the ladies. By Sir W. Lower. MS. formerly penes Rev. John Bowie, cf. Bliss' Wood, iv, 545. LOWNDES, Mr. Mr. Lowndes concerning the Stannaries of Devon and Cornwall, and particularly as to the emption and preemption of tin. Lansd. MSS., 1215, fwl 42, fol., 151-57. LOWEY, Stephen, M.D. I. Falmouth, d. Fal- mouth, Jan., 1825. Essays explanatory and experimental upon a few select passages of Scripture. By S. Lowry, M.D., of Falmouth. With a recommendatory preface by Eobert Hawker, D.D., Vicar of LOWBT, Stephen, M.D. {Con.). Charles, Plymouth. Lond... Williams and Smith ...Elliott, Falmouth,... 1809, 12"., pp. xiv and 164, 4/-. Note.— c/. Works of Dr. Hawker, i, 244-45. LOWYS, Eev. Thomas. V. of St. Gennys. cf Tanner MSS. {Bodl. Lib.) 196, fol. 220 b. LUC, Egbert, de Cornubia. Principal of Ed- mund Hall, 1319. cf Le Neve, iii, 593. LUCAS, Eev. Samuel, F.G.S. (son of John Lucas). Wesleyan Minister in Cornwall, 1856- 61, 1868-1870. b. Blidworth, Notts, 9 July, 1811. Creation Eedemptive ; an essay. A contribu- tion to theological science. By the Eev. S. Lucas, F.G.S.,... Helston, printed and published by E. Cunnack, 1858, 12°., pp. vi and 77.— 2nd ed. Lond., J. Nisbet and Co., 1865, 12°., pp. 192, 2/-. Note.— Preface dated "Helston, Aug., 1858." LUFF, John. Note. — Is said to have published in 1604 a quarto volume on Armory or Heraldry, dedicated to his patron Sir Eeginald Mohun. LUGGAE, Nathaniel, Mayor of Bodmin, 1661, 1670, 1681. d. Bodmin, 1693. cf Moneys... for Secret Services, (Ed. by J. Y. Akerman for Camden Soc, 1851), p. 17. Docquet of a grant of coat and crest to N. Luggar, of Bodmin. Harl. MSS., 1172, art. 149, fol., 80. LUKE, John (son of John Luke), b. 1 736. d. Treviles, Euan-Lanyhorne, 3 Nov., 1807. bur. Eu an-Lanyhorne. A.D. 1796, July 19, No. 2126. Specification of John Luke, of Treviles, in the County of Cornwall, Esquire, for "Invention of certain machinery for the purpose of lifting, drawing, and conveying of loaded and light vessels from one canal or branch of canal to another, on a slope or plane surface in lieu of stone or other locks." Drawing annexed. Lond., 1796, fol. — Eeprinted Lond., G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, 1856, fol. pp. 2, 1/-. LUKE, Oliver. Letters from 0. Luke to Sir J. Eliot. MSS. Port Eliot. LUKE, Stephen, M.D. (2nd son of John Luke, of Newlyn). b. Penzance, 1763. d. Cavendish Sq., London, 29 Mch., 1829. cf. Gent. Mag., LYDSTON. 329 LYNE. LUKE, Stephen, M.D. (Con.). xcix, 641, (1829) ; Polwhele's Biog. Sketches, i, 50-52 ; Hen. Gunning's Reminiscences of Cam- bridge, ii, ]83j Annual Biog. for 1830, pp. 424-25. Observations on the Diseases of Cornwall. By S. Luke, 1806. Note. — This is incorporated in " The History of Cornwall in respect to its population and the health, strength, activity, longevity and diseases of its inhabi- tants. ..By the Rev. R. Polwhele, 1806, 4°." Contributions to Physical and Medical Know- ledge... By Thos. Beddoes, M.D. ..1799, 8". Note. — Contains " On nitrous acid in dropsy. By S. Luke," pp. 420-28. LUKE, Vice-Admiral "William (only son of John Luke, who d. 1776J. b. Treviles, Euan- Lanyhorne, 1747. d. TregoUs, Truro, 19 Dec, 1818. bur. Euan-Lanyhorne. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxxix, pt.i, 186, (1819). LUKIS, Eev. William Collings (son of Frede- rick Corbin Lukis). E. of Wath juxta Eipon, 1862. 6. Guernsey, 1817. An Account of Churcb Bells... By Eev. W. C. LuMs. Lond., Parker, 1857, 8"., pp. vii and 149. Note. — Contains pp. 66-67, the Bell Liseriptions at St. Michael's Mount, Lansallos, Calstock and North Tamerton. LUMISDANE, William. W. Lumisdane to the Lord Treasurer respect- ing the spoil committed upon him by the Vice- Admiral of Cornwall. London, 26 May, 1597. Lansd. MSS., 157, art. 159. LUTTEELL, Francis. Warrant for granting to F. Luttrell the hold- ing of an annual fair at Penheale, in Cornwall, Nov., 1661. Sloane MSS., Br. Museum, 856, art. 37, fol. 10 b. LYDSTON, Eev. John, M.A. V. of St. Mellion circa 1653. Ejected 1662. h. Coombe, near Dartmouth, 18 July, 1613. d. Saltash, 3 Sept., 1671. cf. Palmer's Nonconformists' Memorial, (1775), i, 280-81. The last words of Mr. Francis Whiddon to his dearly beloved and longed for, the inhabi- tants of Totness. . .With a preface written by his brother-in-law, Mr. John Lydston, Vicar of St. Mellion. 1662, 4". A book of receipts for Physicke and Chirur- gerie. By John Lydston of St. Mellion. An. "1665. Sloane MSS., Br. Museum, 500, fol, 1-20. LYELL, Sir Charles, Bart., D.C.L., F.E.S. (eld. son of Okas. LyellJ. b. Kinnordy, Forfar- shire, 14 Nov., 1797. On the hot lode at Wheal Clifford. Brit. Assoc. Sect., 1864, p. 35. LYHAET, Et. Eev. Walter. See Hart, Et. Eev. Walter. LYNE FAMILY, cf Neota. By Charlotte Hawlcey, (1871), pp. 145-47. Lyne and Tucker Correspondence, (1816). See Tucker, Benjamin. LYNE, [Stephens] Charles (ithson of Rev. John Lyne. d. 1791). ^smmet^ by Eoyal Licence in 1826 the additional name of Stephens, after his cousin John Stephens of Lisbon, b. Castle Hill, Liskeard, lOMch., 1764. d. Eoehampton, Surrey, 9 May, 1851. cf. Gent. Mag., xxxvii, 208, (1852). A Letter to the Eight Hon. G. Eose, M.P... in which the real causes of the scarcity and con- sequent high price of gold and silver are stated and exemplified. By Charles Lyne, Esq. Lond., printed for J. M. Eichardson, 23, Cornhill. . . 1810, 8°., pp. ii and 51. A Letter to the Eight Honourable Lord Castle- reagh on the North American Export trade during the war. By .C Lyne, Esq. Lond., 1813, 8»., pp. 46. A Letter on the impossibility of a speedy re- turn to a Gold Currency. By C. Lyne, Esq. Lond., 1819, 8°., pp. 46. A Letter on the conflicting consequences oi the Corn and Cash-payment Bills. By C. Lyne, Esq. Lond., 1820, 8°., pp. 70. A Letter to the Lord High Chancellor on the nature and causes of the late and present dis- tress in commercial manufacturing and banking concerns; with proposed partial remedies. By C. Lyne, Esq. Lond., printed for E. Lloyd and Son, Harley Street, 1826, 8o., pp. 23. LYNE, Eev. Charles, M.A. (son of Rev. Rich. Lyne, who d. 1834). Curate of Little Petherick; E. ofEoche, 1834-1841; V. of Ty wardreath, 2 June, 1841 to 15 Jan., 1847, and from 1851 to 1863 ; Preb. of Exeter, 1842 ; cr. M.A. of Lambeth, 27 May, 1843. b. Castle Hill, Lis- keard, Aug., 1802. cf Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixiv, 330, (1841). A Selection of Psalms and Hymns, extracted from the old and new versions of the Psalms of David and various authors, adapted to public, family and private worship. By Eev. Vyell F. Vyvyan, Eector of Withiel, and Eev. C. Lyne, Minister of Little Petherick, Cornwall. South- ampton, printed by John Fletcher, 1832, 12°., pp. 124. Q Q LTNB. 330 LYNE. LTNE, Rev. Chaeles. (Con.). Second Pastoral Letter to the Inhabitants of the Parish of Roche, in the County of Cornwall, from their faithful and affectionate Minister G. Lyne. Printed by J. H. Drew, St. AusteU, 1839, 12°., pp. 38. A Pastoral Letter to the inhabitants of the parish of Tywardreath, in the county of Corn- wall, from their very affectionate Minister C. Lyne. St. Austell, J. H. Drew, 1841, 8°. Modern Methodism not in accordance with the prkiciples and plans of the Eev. John Wesley during any period of his life. A Dialogue between a Clergyman \i.e., Kev. C. Lyne,] and one of his Methodist parishioners. In Tracts on Christian Doctrine and Practice. (Lond., J. Burns, 1842), vol. iv, pp. 36, 3d. Methodism a schism, an exposure of the re- cent numbers of the " Wesleyan Tracts for the Times." In A Second Dialogue between a Clergyman [«'.«., Eev. C. Lyne,] and one of his parishioners, ih., vol. iv, pp. 24, 2d. An Old Man's Wanderings : or an account of a tour through the manufacturing districts. Edited by C. Lyne, M.A., Incumbent of Tywar- dreath and Prebendary of Exeter. Lond., Simp- kin Marshall... Manchester, Simms andDinham, [printed,] 1845, 8°., pp. viii and 188. Note. — The dedication to William Eashleigh, Esq., of Menabilly, is dated " Tywardreath Parsonage, Sept. 26, 1844." The authority character and responsibility of the Christian ministry. Preached at the visita- tion of the Lord Bp. of Exeter, at Bodmin, Friday, July 25, 1845. By C. Lyne... In Eight Visitation Sermons... and Two Consecration Ser- mons, (1845), No. V, pp. 149-65. National Education. A sermon preached on the anniversary of the Devon and Exeter Na- tional Schools, July 2, 1846, in the Cathedral Church of Exeter. By C. Lyne, M.A., Preben- dary of Exeter... Lond., F. and J. Eivington, 1847, S"., pp. 14 and appendix, pp. 56. Note. — Prefixed to the appendix is the following half title "Appendix containing a review of Dr. Hook's letter on National Education, reprinted, with the Editor's permission, from the eleventh number of the English Review. This review may be had separately, price 6d." A Sermon preached at the consecration of the Church of Saint Mary the Virgin, at Biscovey, in the district of Par, in the county of Cornwall, on the Festival of All Saints, in the year of our Lord, 1849. With an Appendix: containing ex- tracts from the writings of the Reformers on the doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration. By C. Lyne, M.A., Prebendary of Exeter. Lond., J. Masters, 33, Aldersgate street... Chudleigh, J. E. Searle, [printed,] 1849, 8"., pp. 36. A Correspondence with the Eev. W. Haslam, <1854). q.v. LYNE, Francis, F.R.G-.S. (son of Joseph and Charlotte Angelica Lyne). h. Lisbon, 27 Dec, 1800. hapt. 10 Mch., 1801. registered at St Ive Church, Cornwall, Apl., 1809. Reasons for our having Tribunals of Com- merce. ByF. Lyne, 1850? 8". Tribunals of Commerce. A Letter to the merchants, bankers, traders and others of Great Britain. By F. Lyne. Lond., Effingham Wilson 1851, 8"., pp. 24, 1/-. Tribunals of Commerce. The Report of the progress of this movement. By the Honorary Secretary, F. Lyne. With the review of his last publication for the promotion of the movement ...Lond., Effingham Wilson, 1852, 8"., pp. 23, 3d. Tribunals of Commerce. A Letter to the bankers of London, reviewing the origin and progress of the movement in favour of Tribunals of Commerce... By F. Lyne, Chairman of the Executive Committee. Lond., Effingham Wilson, 1854, 8"., pp. 47, 1/-. Tribunals of Commerce. A Letter to the mer- chants, bankers and traders of London. By F. Lyne, F.R.G.S., Chairman of the London Tri- bunal of Commerce Association... With an out- line of the Trial of Watney v. Lyne... Lond., Frederick Farrah, 282, Strand, 1867, S"., pp. 74, 2/6. Note. — The Eev. Joseph Leyoester Lyne (known as Father Ignatius) 2nd son of Eras. Lyne, was b. Trinity Sq., London, 23 Nov., 1837; he is the author of "All for Jesus, three sermons, 1867, 16°," and various other works. — Augustus Adolphus Lyne, Brd son of Eras. Lyne, was b. Hunter St., Brunswick Sq., London, 9 Feb., 1841 ; he has written " The Midshipman's Trip to Jerusalem, 1871, 8°." LYNE, Rev. John (son of Bich. Lyne, of Lis- keard). R. of St. Ive, 1754-1791; Master of Liskeard Grammar School, b. Liskeard, 13 Sept., 1723. d. St. Ive, 12 Feb., 1791. lur. St. Ive Church, cf. Gent. Maq., Ixi, pt. i, 281, (1791). LYNE, Rev. Philip, D.C.L. of Oriel Coll., Ox- fovd (son of John Lyne). V. of Liskeard, 21Apl,, 1768 to 1775; V. of Mevagissey, 1771-1824, bapt. Liskeard, 6 Nov., 1739. d. Trelevan, Mevagissey, 23 Feb., 1824. cf Gent. Mag., xciv, pt. i, 643, (1824). LYNE, Rev. Richard, M.A. (2nd son of Eev. John Lyne. d. 1791). Master of Liskeard Grammar School; R. of Little Petherick, 1812 to 1834. b. Castle Hill, Liskeard, 23 Nov., 1760. d. Little Petherick, 24 Sept., 1834. cf Gent. Mag., ii, 553, (1834); Life of S. Drew, (1834), p. 162 ; M. Ecclesia Chud- leigKs Midnight Meditations, (1854), pp. 17, 62-69, 105-109. h yy > LYNE. 331 LTSONS. LYNE, ■Rev. Riohabd. (Con.). Isagoge sive Janua Tusculana, for the use of Grammar Schools. By Eev. R. Lyne. New ed. Lond., 1791, 80., 2/-. An Introductory Book for the use of Gram- mar Schools. The Latin Primer : in three parts ...By The Eev. _R. Lyne, Master of the Gram- mar-school, at Liskeard. Lond., printed for the author, by T. Gilbert, Bartholomew Close, and sold by T. Stockdale, Piccadilly, 1795, 12o., pp. 192, 2/6. — 2nd ed. revised and enlarged by the Author. Portsea, printed for the Author and Mr. B. Tucker, Jun., by W. Woodward, 1797, 8"., pp. 224, 3/-. — 4th ed. revised and enlarged by the Author. Lond., printed for C. Law, 13, Ave-Mariar-Lane, 1806, 12". Title and To the Young Learner, pp. 1-11, the text, pp. 1-262. —5th ed. 1813, 8°., l/-._8th ed. Lond., printed for Geo. B. Whittaker, Ave-Maria-Lane, 1825, 12"., pp. XX and 256. Note. — The Dedication " B. L. Virgilio suo S." is dated 1 Sept., 1794. Mr. Virgil Stephens Lyne 6. 22 Moh., 1791, d. London, 31 Mar., 1871. Introduction to the making of Latin... to which is subjoined the second part of Lyne's Latin Primer. By William Biglow, Teacher of an Academy in Salem, Massachusetts. Salem, printed by Joshua Gushing... 1801, 12"., pp. 257. Note. — The portion of this work occupied by B. Lyne's Latin primer is not stated. The New Latin Primer; containing first, lessons for construing and parsing... second, ex- tracts from the minor Latin classics... third, the first part of Lyne's Latin primer... By W. Big- low, A.M... Second edition. Boston, [Massachu- setts,] published by John West and Co... 1809, 12°., pp. 246. Note. — Part Third, Lyne's Latin primer, occupies pp. 173-246. Festiva Grammatica, or The Child's Guide to some principles of the Latin Grammar. By the Bev. R. Lyne. Lond., Law, 1807, 12o.,pp. 142, 2/6. The sinfulness and idolatry of charms and of aU unbidden christianlike ways of worship- ping God, shewn in two letters addressed to the inhabitants of Little Petherick...also a letter to a clergyman and alledging that idolaters cannot and according to Scripture antiently did not believe their idols to be real gods... By the Rev. E. Lyne, Rector of Little Petherick. Bodmin, printed and sold by J. Liddell; sold also by Messrs. F. C. and J. Eivington...l817, 8°., pp. 106. Note.— In the Methodist Mag., xli, 654-61, (1818), are found " Eemarks on the Eev. E. Lyne's The Sinful- ness and Idolatry of Charms." Signed " A Traveller, Salutation Inn, near Little Petherick, 10 June, 1817." LYNE, Eev. Eichaed. (Can.). Two letters from the late Rev. R. Lyne, E. of Little Petherick, to his daughter, Christian Mary Glubb. [q.v.} I. The Old Testament equal to the New Testament in worth and authority. II. The Eternity of Future Punishment. [Edited by C. M. Glubb.] Lond., Wertheim, Mackintosh and Hunt, 24, Paternoster Row. n.d., [1861,] 8°., pp. vi and 109, 2/-. Note. — At the end is an unpaged " Extract from a work by the same Author." The Departed Saint. A Treatise on the Happi- ness, Constitution and Character of Celestial Beings in their Likeness to God. By the Rev. E. Lyne. MS8., 2 vols., pp. circa 2000. Note. — Written in memory of the author's wife, Mary Arundel, dau. of John and Loveday James, of Liskeard, (d. 20 June, 1813, aged 46), of whom there is a short memoir. The MSS. were corrected by Mr. Lyne, after being written by his daughter, now wife of Eev. N. F. Chudleigh, St. Columb Minor, in whose possession the MSS. now are. The Eoman Priesthood. By Eev. E.'Lyne. MSS. The Church Liturgj-. By Eev. E. Lyne. MSS. Plerophoria, or full assurance. By Eev. E. Lyne. MSS. Pax Mortuis. By Eev. E. Lyne. MSS. LYSONS, Eev. Daniel, F.E.S. (eU. sonofBev. Sam. Lysons). b. and bapt. Eodmarton, 28 Apl., 1762. d. Hempsted Court, Gloucester- shire, 3 Jan., 1834. bur. Eodmarton. LYSONS, Samuel, F.E.S. (bro. of the above), b. and bapt. Eodmarton, 17 May, 1763. d. Cirencester, 3 July, 1819. bur. Hempsted, 5 July. Magna Britannia ; being a concise topograph- ical account of the several Counties of Great Britain. By the Eev. Daniel Lysons, A.M.,F.E.S., F.A. and L.S., Eector of Eodmarton, in Glou cestershire, and Samuel Lysons, Esq., F.E.S. and F.A.S., Keeper of His Majesty's Eecords in the Tower of London. Volume the Third containing Cornwall. 38 plana and plates. Lond., printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, in the Strand, 1814, 4". Titles, contents and list of plates, pp. i-viii; Cornwall General History, pp. i-cclii ; Parochial History, pp. 1-337 ; Ap- pendix, pp. 338-41 ; Additions and corrections, pp. 342-61 ; Index, 345 fsic) to 389 ; Errata, 389-90, 75/-, large paper, 126/-. I^QTE. — The original Corre'spondence, miscellaneous Collections, sketches and drawings relating to Magna Britannia in 25 volumes, quarto, and 17 volumes, fol., are in the Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 9408-9430, 9437- 9450, 9460-9464. MACAEMICK. 332 Mo DONALD. LYSONS, D. AND S. (Con.). Messrs. Lysons' Magna Britannia. Further additions and corrections to Cornwall, m.^j. or d. [Strahan and Preston, Printers' Street, London, 1815,] 40. Introductory Notice, p. 363; Further additions and corrections, pp. 363-82 ; Errata, 389-94. Note. — Introductory Notice, dated 1 May, 1815. The Errata is intended to replace the Errata in the original work. This portion of the Magna Britannia is seldom met with. BritanniaDepicta. . .Partiv. Containing twenty- four views in Cornwall, engraved from drawings made by J. Farington, Esq., R.A. Lond., printed for T. Cadell and "VV. Davies...l814, obi. fol., 31/6. Note. — The letter press description consisting of 1 leaf to each view is stated to have been supplied by the Messrs. Lysons. LYTE, Eev. Henry Francis. Curate at Mara- zion ; Perp. Curate of Lower Brixham, Devon. b. Kelso, 1 June, 1793. d. Nice, 20 Nov., 1847. Observations on the Scriptures, suited to the present juncture ; in a Sermon preached at St. Mary's Chapel, Penzance, November, 28, 1819. By the Rev. H. F. Lyte, A.B. Bristol, printed for J. and W. Richardson, Clare-Street, and sold by Bulgin and Cookworthy, Corn-Street, also by Hatchard, Piccadilly... 18 20, 8"., pp. 36, 1/6. LYTTELTON, Sir George, Bart. (eld. son of Sir Thos. Lyttelion), M.P., Oakhampton. cr. Baron Lyttelton, of Frankley, co. Worcester, 18 Nov., 1756. 5. Hagley, Worcestershire, 17 Jan., 17^f. d. Hagley, 22 Aug., 1773. Mount Edgcumbe. A Poem. Town and Country Mag., i, 663, (1769); Reprinted in Anderson's Poets of Great Briton, (1794), x, 267. M. M. ie. Jessopp, Maria. M. rrr^f®J^J°®y = ^ ^o'^S of *^e Western Men. Willis Current Notes, 1853, p. 68 ^3o■ ^'^}l' °^ Pentilly House, Cornwall, ih., i.000, p. 69. MACAEMICK, General William (only son of Jas Macarmich, Mayor of Truro, 1757 and 1766, who d. Truro, 1770;. M.P. for Truro MACAEMICK, Gen. Wii,liam. (Con.). 1785 ; Governor of the Island of Cape Breton, 1787-95. bapt. Truro, 15 Sept., 1742. d. West Looe, 20 Aug., 1815. cf. Rich. Brovm's Hist, of the Island of Cape Breton, (1869), pp. 398-409 ; Cent. Mag., Ixxxv, pt. ii, 476, (1815). Note. — General Macarmiek is said to have preached and printed a Sermon at Cape Breton in 1791 ? Mc CARTHY, Rev. Charles P. The Helston Debate on the Irish Church Question, held in the Guildhall, Helston, Sept. 3, 1868, between the Rev. C. P. Mc Carthy, ot London, and R. G. Rows, Esq., together with Two Lectures on the same subject, and delivered in the Guildhall, Helston, on the 18 and 21 Sept., 1868, by the Rev. C. P. Mc Carthy. With an Appendix. Lond., T. Wade, Publish- ing Co. ; Pearce, Penryn. n.d., [1868,] demy 80., pp. viii and 80, 1/-. MACCULLOCH, Edgar (son of Thos. Mac Culloch. d. 1852). b. Guernsey, 1 June, 1808. Cornish folk lore. King Arthur in the form of a Raven. N. and Q., 1 S., viii, 618, (1853). MACCULLOCH, James (son of John Mac Culloch). b. Kirkcudbright, 12 May, 1746. d. Guernsey, 30 Nov., 1832. Note. — At the commencement of the American war, Mr. MaccuUoch, who was then residing in France, left that country and took up his residence in Market Jew St., Penzance. On the renewal of peace he returned to France, but on escaping from prison on the fall of Robespierre he returned to Cornwall, (1794-95) , and with his family, occupied as a dwelling the Old Vicarage House at Gulval until about 1801. From early associa- tions with this locality, his son, the Geologist, when dying from the effects of an accident in Cornwall, de- sired to be buried in Gulval Church-yard. MACCULLOCH, John, M.D., F.R.S. (3rd son of the preceding), b. Guernsey, 6 Oct., 1773. d. Poltair Cottage, Madron, 21 Aug., 1835. bur. Gulval. cf Gent. Mag., iv, 556, (1835); Penny Cyclop., 2nd Suppl. On the granite tors of Cornwall. Trans. Geol. Soc. of London, ii, 66-78, (1814). Mac DONALD, George, LL.D. The Seaboard Parish. By G. Mac Donald,. LL.D. Lond., Tinsley Brothers, 1868, 3 vols., 8". Note.— Reprinted from the Sunday Mag., iv,/l,. etc., (1857). A portion of the scene is laid in Cornwall. Mc DONALD, Rev. James, Wesleyan Metho- dist Minister. 6. near Enniskillen, 1761. d. Gosport, 18 Oct., 1833. MACKY. 883 MACLEAN. Mo DONALD, Eev. James. (Con.). Observations on Mr. James Cornish's [q.v.] Account of a Convulsive Epidemic in Cornwall. A Letter signed James Mc Donald, City Road, 27 Apl., 1814. Med. and Phys. Journ., xxxi, 464-67, (1814) ; Methodist Mag., xxxvii, 545-47, (1814). Mac DOWELL, G. To Laura. A Sonnet. Selector or Cornish Mag., i, 138, (1826). MACFARREN, Walter Cecil (son of Geo. Macfarren, who d. 1843^. b. London, 28 Aug., 1826. Morning Song. Four part song. Poetry by Allan Cunningham. Dedicated to the Penzance Choral Society by Walter Macfarren. Lend., 185- fol. Cradle Song. No. 2 of Two part songs. Poetry by W. C. Bennett. Dedicated to the Penzance Choral Society, by Walter Macfarren. Lond., Addison, Hollier and Lucas, [1861,] fol., pp. 5, 2/-. Separate parts 3d. per page. MACGILVRAY, John. Poems by J. Macgilvtay, AM. Master of the Grammar School, of Lestwithiel. Lond., printed for J. Bew, No. 28, Pater-Noster Row, and J. Murray, No. 32, Fleet Street, 1787, roy. 4"., pp. 109, 4/-. MACKWORTH, Herbert Francis, M.I.C.E. Government Inspector of Mines, b. 1824. d. Clifton-wood-house, Bristol, 13 July, 1858. Science in the Mines. By H. Mackworth. In " Lectures in connection with the Educational Exhibition of the Society of Arts, delivered at St. Martin's Hall. (Lond., G. Routledge and Co., 1854, 12''.)" pp. 121-42. Note. — Contains information respecting Mining and Mining Schools in CornwalL The Ventilation of Metallic Mines. Bep. E. C.P. Soc., 1853, pp. 3-27. The Ventilation of Mines, by Mechanical and other powers, ib., 1856, pp. 50-82. On the diseases of miners. Being a paper read at the 16th Ordinary Meeting of the Society of Arts, April 4, 1855, and a Report of the Dis- cussion. Journ. of Soc. of Arts, iii, 347-61,(1855). MACKY, John. A Journey through England in familiar letters from A Gentleman here [i.e., John Macky] to His Friend abroad. 2nd ed. considerably im- proved. Lond., printed for J. Hooke, at the Flower de Luce, over against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleetstreet, 1722-23, 3 vols., 8". Note.— The Account of Cornwall is contained in ii, 231-85. Mc LAUCHLAN, Henry, P.G.S. Now resident at 71, Clapham Road, Surrey. Notice of the Giant's Hedge and the Camps and Barrows contiguous. Eep. B.I.O., 1846, pp. 19-37; 1847, pp. 31, 42. Notes on the Manors of Tybesta and Truro. ib., 1847, p. 19 ; 1848, pp. 19-37. Notes on Castle Kernick and other Castles. ib., 1849, pp. 19-31. Notes relating to the ancient Castles in Corn- wall, ib., 1850, pp. 35-42 ; 1852, pp. 19-21. Notes on the Duchy Manors in Cornwall, and the Castles and Earth-works, on them. By H. Mc Lauchlan. Manors of Tewington, Moresk, and Tywarnhaile. Published by the Royal Insti- tution of Cornwall, n.d., [1847,] 8°., pp. 28 and 16 plates. MACLEAN, Sir John, Knt., F.S.A., 15 Dec, 1855 (son of Bobert Lean), resumed the prefix of Mac in 1845. Keeper of the Records of H.M. Ordnance in the Tower of London, 1855 to 1861; Deputy Chief Auditor of Army Accounts, 1865 to 1871. Knighted at Osborne, 14 Jan., 1871. b. Trehudreth Barton, Blisland, 17 Sept., 1811. Remarks on A Sermon entitled " The Work of the Spirit," preached in the parish church of West Hackney, by the Rev. W. Meynell Whit- temore, S.C.L. In a Letter to a Friend, By A Churchman, \i.e., John Maclean.] No. 1. Lond., J. H. Parker, 377, Strand. Hackney, sold by all the Booksellers in the parish, 1850, 12°., pp. 24. The Life and Times of Sir Peter Carew, Kt., (from the original manuscript). With a historical introduction and elucidatory notes, by John Maclean, Esq., F.S.A... Lond., Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet St., 1857, 8". Preface, pp. viii, intro- duction, pp. cxviii, life, etc., pp. 317, Ust of sub- scribers unpaged. Note. — Dedicated to W. H. Pole Carew, of Antony, Esq. Letters from George, Lord Carew, to Sir Thomas Roe, Ambassador to the Court of the Great Mogul, 1615-1617. Edited by John Maclean, F.S.A., Keeper of the Records of H.M. Ordnance in the Tower of London. Printed for the Camden Society, 1860, 8"., pp. xivand 160. Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew. Edited by J. Maclean, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Printed for the Camden Society, 1864, 8"., pp. vii and 167. Parochial and family history of the Deanery of Trigg Minor, in the county of Cornwall. By [Sir] John Maclean, F.S.A. Lond., Nichols and Sons, 25, Parliament Street; Bodmin, Liddell and Son, 1868, 4°. MACLEAN. 334 M'MITLLAN. MACLEAN, Sib John. (Con.). Note.— This work is still in progress. Of the parishes- forming the Deanery of Trigg Minor, the account of 5 has already been published, Blisland appeared in 1868, Bodmin, in 1870, St. Breward and Egloshayle, in 1871, and St. Endellion, in 1872. The parishes of Blisland, Bodmin, Egloshayle and Endellion were published as separate works with distinct title pages and introduc- tions. The Life of Sir Thomas Seymour, Knight, Baron Seymour, of Sudeley, Lord High Admiral of England and Master of the Ordnance. By J. Maclean, Esq., F.S.A. Lond., J. 0. Hotten, 1869, roy. 80., pp. 83, 10/6. Note.— 100 copies only printed. A portion of this work originally appeared in " Under the Crown." The Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biog- raphy. Glasgow, Mackenzie, 1865, 6 vols., imp. 8°., 21/- each. Note. — Contains in Yol. i articles signed M., \i.e., Sir J. Maclean] relating to the families of the Blounts, Carews, and others. Fireworks in the Green Park at the Peace of Aix la Ghapelle. Gent. Mag., xlv, 474-83, (1856). Captain Roger Harvie. N. and Q., 2 S., iv, 137, (1857). Lady Chichester, ib., 2 S., iv, 169. Eiding the Hatch, ib., 2 S., iv, 257. Thomas Carew, the Poet, ib., 2 S., vi, 234, (1859). Arish or Airish. ib., 2 S., vi, 328. Sir G. Carew. ib., 2 S., vi, 436. Payments to M.P.'s, (Bodmin), ih., 2 S., vi 489. Sir P. Carew. ib., 2 S., ix, 254, (1860). Stone Coffins, (St. Rew). ib., 2 S., x, 296. On Barm and Yeast, ib., 2 S., x, 298. Parochialia. Blisland. ib., 2 S., xii, 141, (1861). Raleigh v. Paley. ib., 3 S., iii, 238, (1863). Raleigh Arms, ib., 3 S., iii, 295. Sir Walter Raleigh, inedited letter, ib., 3 S., iv, 3. Sheriffs of Cornwall, ib., 3 S., iv, 17. Sir W. Raleigh Arms, (Helland). ib., 3 S., iv, Pre death Coffins, (St. Kew). ib., 3 S., v, 424 (1864). ' ' > > , Folk Lore, ib., 3 S., v, 446. Arundel family, of Lanherne. ib., 3 S , vii 249, (1865). Gary family, Bishoprick of Killaloe. ib., 3 S vii, 467. ' Dagge family, ib., 3 S., x, 247, 320, (1866). Jenifer, A Woman's Name, ib., 4 S. ii 86 (1868). ' > > MACLEAN, SiK John. (Con.). Charles Sandoe Gilbert [The Historian of Cornwall.] ib., 4 S., ix, 141, (1872). Note. — The above are the most important of Sir J. Maclean's contributions to Notes and Queries referring to Cornwall. Cornish Insurgents in the 16th century. Journ B.I.C., ApL, 1865, pp. 36-40. Stannary Roll 34th Edward I, (1305-6), with introductory remarks thereon and on other simi- lar Rolls. With heliotype plate of portion of the roll, ib., ApL, 1871, pp. 238-57. Trevalga Church, ib., Apl., 1872, p. IxxxiiL Poll Tax Account for the county of Cornwall, 51st Edward III, A.D. 1377, with remarks thereon, ib., Apl., 1872, pp. 27-41. Notarial instrument dated A.D. 1322, relating to St. Nectan's Chapel, in the parish of St. Winnow. Archceol. Journ., xxv, 312-17, (1868). cf. also xxv, 317-18. A short account of the families of Carew and Gary. Herald and Genealogist, vii, 19-26, (1873). The Principles of the Old English Gilds. A paper read at the Conference of Church Guilds, Jan. 11, 1872. Church Work The Monthly Paper of the Gkdld of Saint Alban, the Martyr. (Lord., J. T. Hayes, Lyall Place, Eaton Sq., S.W.), ii, 53-59, (1872). M'MULLAN, Mary Anne (dau. of B. A. E. Ward and wife of William M'Mullan, Phy- sician, R.N.). b. Millbrook, Maker, 23 Dec, 1776. d. East Looe, 14 Aug., 1856. bur. St. Martins. The Wanderings of a Goldfinch, or character- istic sketches in the Nineteenth Century. Lond., Longman, 1816, 8"., pp. vii, xii and 355, 12/-. Note.— Published by subscription. The Dedication to "The Princess Mary" is signed " M. A. M'Mullan, London, April 22, 1816." The Naiad's Wreath. By Mrs. M'MuUan. Lond., Longman, 1816, S"., pp. 88. Note.— The Dedication to " The Princess Charlotte" IS signed " M. A. M'Mullan, London, Sept. 18, 1816." This book contains an ode " To Cornwall," pp. 73-77. The Crescent, a national poem to commemo- rate the glorious victory at Algiers. By Mrs. M'Mullan, Relict of W. M'Mullan, Esq., M.D., Royal Navy. Lond., Longman, 1816, 8"., pp. 61. Note.— Published by subscription. The Dedication to " The Prince Eegent " is signed " M. A. M'Mullan, London, Nov. 12, 1816." MAHAB-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ. 335 MANDEKSON. M'MULLAN, Maey Anne. (Con.). Britain, or fragments of poetical aberration. By Mrs. M'Mullan. Lend., Longman, 1818, 8o., pp. 109, 7/-. Note. — Dedicated to the sacred memory of " The Princess Charlotte of Wales." Preface signed " M.A.M., London, Mch. 28, 1818." Lines from the land of streams. A miscel- lany in verse and prose. By the Author of " The Crescent," &c. Lond., J. Hatchard and Son, 1841, 80. Note. — Contains " Lin6s to a Lady in Cornwall," [at Maker,] pp. 53-55. Dioramic Sketches. Antient and Modern. Anon. Lond., Hope and Co., Gt. Marlborough St., 1853, 12"., pp. 107. Note. — The above lady mnst not he confounded with Mary Anne Maomullen, the authoress of " Taunton, or the town we live in," 1858, 8°., and other works, she being dau. of "Will. Bristow, of Calcutta, (where she was born), and wife of Lieut. Frederic Summers Macmullen. Mc MULLEN, Kichard Turkill. h. Surrey, 10 Jan., 1830. Down Channel from London to the Land's End in the " Leo," 3 Tons, and from London to the Scilly Islands in the "Orion," 16 Tons, KT.Y.C. With other cruises. By R. T. Mc Mullen. Illustration by Barlow Moore. Lond., Longman, 1869, 8°., pp. xii and 77. MACORMICK See MACARMIOK. MADERN FAMILY. Arms and quarterings of the family of Cossen als'Madern, Co. Cornwall. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 5,524, fol. 2145. MADERN, OR MADEN, St. d. Madron, cf. Allan Butler's Lives of the Saints, (1836), i, 636. MADGE, Travers (son of Rev. Thos. Madge). b. Thorpe, near Norwich, 12 Oct., 1823. d. Norwich, 22 Mch., 1866. Travers Madge. A memoir by Brooke Herford. Lond., Hamilton, 1867, 8°., pp. 192, 1/6.— 2nd ed. Lond., 1868, 8°., pp. 192, 1/6.— 3rd ed. Lond., 1868, 8°., pp. 192, 1/6. Note.— The account of T. Madge's visit to Cornwall, as a Unitarian Minister, in 1848, is contained in pp. 42-50, in all the editions. MAHAR-SHALAL-HASH-BAZ. pseud., i.e. The New Chapel, or Penzance Zeal. By Mahar- shalal-hash-baz. pseud., i.e., Pen- zance, J. Thomas, 1825, 12". MAJENDIE, AsHHURST, F.R.S., F.S.A. (eld. son of Lewis Majendie, F.S.A. ). Resident at Penzance, 1814 to 1818. b. London, 24 ApL, 1784. d. Hedingham Castle, Halstead, Essex, 7 Oct., 1867. Notes on the coast west of Penzance, and on the structure of the Scilly islands. Trans. R. G.S. C, i, 27-31, (1818). A sketch of the geology of the Lizard district. TFith map. ib., i, 32-37. On stalactites [in Little Bounds Mine,] i, 226. Contributions towards a knowledge of the geological history of wood tin, i, 237-39. Note.— Mr. Majendie was one of the founders, in 1814, of the Eoyal Geological Society of Cornwall. MANATON, Ambrose, of Trecarrell (son of Peter Manaton), M.P. for Launceston, 1639, 1640. d- 11. June, 1651. Jwr. South Petherwin. cf. Bliss' Wood, (Fasti), iv, 66. MANATON, Henry. Private case between Walter RadclifFe and Martha Fursman, etc., respecting the property of Henry Mannaton, of Harewood, 1730, fol. Pri- vately printed. MANDERSON, Commander Jam£s, R.N. 6. 1762. d. Mawnan, 13 Feb., 1837. cf. Gent. Mag., vii, 661, (1837). A Letter to the Prime Minister and the First Lord of the Admiralty from a Captain in the Eoyal Navy, [i.e., J. Manderson,] on the exten- sion of the naval establishments of the country, with an engraved sketch of Falmouth Harbour ; wherein it is proved, that this harbour, from the combination of situation, safety, ease of entrance, capacity and extreme susceptibility of improve- ment, is the First Harbour in Great Britain for all Naval purposes connected with the Atlantic Ocean. Lond., printed for J. Stockdale, Picca- dUly, Dec, 1810, 4°., pp. 50, 4/6. Note.— A presentation copy to The Eight Hon. Thomas Grenville is now in the Grenville Lib. Br. Museum. It contains the letter which accompanied the work dated " Tretheage, Penryn, 11 Jan., 1811." An examination into the true cause of the Stream running through the Gulf of Florida. Lond., 1812, 80. Twelve letters addressed to the Rt. Hon. Spencer Perceval. Wherein a view is taken of the present magnitude of the British Navy, the royal establishments for its equipment and re- ception;... also of the policy of the measures about to be adopted for supplying the evident defects in the present anchorages and royal dock- MAERTAT. 336 MARSHALL. MANDEESON, Commandeb James. (Con.). yards. From James Manderson, Esq., Captain in the Eoyal Navy. Lond., printed for Thomas Underwood, No. 40, West Smithfield, 1812, 8o., pp. viii and 151. Grenville Lib., Br. Museum. Note. — The chief aim of these letters is to advocate the making of Falmouth Harbour a Naval Station. MANN, Eev. Gerard (son of Rev. Horace Mann). R. of Mawgan, 1851 to 1856. 5. Maw- gan-in-Meneage Eectory, 20 Mch., 1821. d. Mawgan, 21 Oct., 1855. hur. 29 Oct. A sermon, preached at Mawgan Church, Novem- ber 4th, 1855, on the occasion of the death of the Eev. Gerard Mann. By the Eev. Saltren Rogers. Penheale-Press, Rev. H. A. Simcoe, Launceston, Cornwall, 1855, 12°., pp. 21. A sermon, preached at Mawgan Church, Octo- ber 28th, 1 855, on the occasion of the death of the Rev. Gerard Mann. By the Rev. J. P. Mayne. Penheale Press, Rev. H. A. Simcoe, Launceston, Cornwall, 1855, 12"., pp. 20. MANNING, James (son of Rev. Jas. Manning). Her Majesty's Ancient Serjeant-at-law. &. Exeter? 1781. d. 44, PhUlimore Gardens, Kensington, 29 Aug., 1866. A Digest of the Nisi Prius Reports with notes and references and some original cases chiefly collected on the Western Circuit. By James Manning, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-law. 2nd ed. with considerable additions. Lond., printed for J. and W. T. Clarke, 1820, 8o. Index and contents unpaged, the digest, pp. 1-376, names of cases unpaged. The Practice of the Court of Exchequer, Revenue Branch. By James Manning, of Lin- coln's Inn, Barrister-at-law. 2nd ed. corrected and enlarged. With an Appendix, containing An Inquiry into the tenure of the conventionary estates in the assessionable manors, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall. Lond., printed by A. Strahan for H. Butterworth, 1827, &<> pp xlviii and 516, 31/6. Note.— The Inquiry occupies pp. 356-94. MANORS, Gilbert. To G. Manors, divers Manors, &c., in Corn- wall. Earl. MSS., 433, art. 867. MANORS, Sir Robert, Knt. To Sir R. Manors, several Manors ; whereof that of Tremwelle, in Cornwall, was late of Thomas Grey, Marquis of Dorset. Harl. MSS , 433, art. 825. MARRY AT, Capt. Frederick (son of Joseph Marryat, of Wimbledon), b. Westminster, 10 July, 1792. d. Langham, Norfolk, 9 Aug 1848. '5-' MAEEYAT, Capt. Fbedekick. {Cm.). Life and letters of Capt. Marryat. By Flor- ence Marryat, (Mrs. Ebss Church). Lond., R. Bentley and Son, 1872, 2 vols., or. S". Note. — In i, 102-103, is an account of Capt. Mar- ryat being upset in a boat in Falmouth Harbour. MAESH, Henry, b. Sidmouth, 1824. NowEesi- dent in Sidney, Australia. The Duke of Cornwall's Waltzes for the piano- forte. Composed and dedicated to Mrs. Pidwell Batten by Henry Marsh. Lond., E. Cocks and Co., [1842,] foL, pp. 6, 3/-. 'The Mount's Bay Quadrilles for the piano- forte. Composed and dedicated to Miss Fanny Scobell by Henry Marsh. Lond., Chappell and Co., [184-,] fol., pp. 6, 4/-. Note. — Mr. Marsh married a dau. of Mr. James Dawson, Comedian, of Truro. MAESH, Eev. Joseph. Wesleyan Minister in Cornwall, 1812-19. 6. 1788. d. Atherstone, 2 Feb., 1845. cf TVesleyan Methodist Maq., Ixviii, 405, 916, (1845). Memoir of James Henry Davies who was b. in Jamaica, Nov., 1795, and d. at St. Ives, 12 Sept., 1818. Methodist Mag., xli, 603-10, (1818). Memoir of John Organ who was b. at St. Austell, Nov., 1788, and d. at St. Austell, 21 Sept., 1815. ib., xlii, 129-32, (1819). MAESHALL, Charles, b. Bristol, ApL, 1637. d. Southwark, 15 Sept., 1698. Sion's Travellers comforted and the disobedient warned. In a Collection of Books and Epistles of that faithful minister of Jesus Christ, Charles Marshal. Lond., printed and sold bv T Sowle 1704, 8". The Journal, etc., of C. Marshall... Lond , R Barrett, 1844, 8". Note.— C. Marshall visited the Meetings in Corn- wall m Mch., 1671. " A Copy of a Letter to Friends in Falmouth," signed " C. Marshall," occurs in the first work on pp. 177-80, and is reprinted in the second on pp. 196-97. MAESHALL, William. 5. Yorkshire, 1746. d. Pickering, Yorkshire, 18 Sept., 1818. The Eural Economy of the West of England mcludmg Devonshire and parts of Somersetshire' Dorsetshire and Cornwall, together with Minutes m practice. By Mr. Marshall. Lond., printed for G. Nicol, Pall Mall, 1796, 2 vols., S\ 12/-. Note.— An Excursion in Cornwall Is in ii, 3-17. A Eeview (and Complete Abstract) of the Eeports to the Board of Agriculture from the Southern and Peninsular departments of Ens- land... By Mr. Marshall. York, printed by T MAETIN. 337 MAETIN. MARSHALL, "William. (Con.). Wilson and Sons for Longman, London, 1817, 80., pp. xii and 612. Note. — Eobert Fraser's Eeport oooupies pp. S15-26, and G. B. Worgan's Eeport, pp. 527-48. MARSTON, John "Westland, LL.D. 6. Boston, Lincolnshire, 30 Jan., 1820. Trevanion, or the false position. A play in three acts, by Westland Marston and Bayle Bernard. First represented at the Royal Surrey Theatre, Monday, Oct. 22, 1849, under the joint lesseeship of Messrs. Shepherd and Cres- wick. Lond., 0. Mitchell, Red Lion Court, Fleet St. n.d., [1849,] 8"., pp. 36, 1/-. Note. — The liero of this play who gives his name to the piece is represented to be a Oomishman. MARTEN, Edward Bindon, C.E. (son of Bobt. Giles Marten, of Plaistow). h. Vauxhall, Lon- don, 4 ApL, 1832. Records of Steam Boiler Explosions by E. B. Marten... Chief Engineer to the Midland Steam Boiler Inspection and Assurance Co. Lond., E. and F. N. Spon; Stourbridge, B. Broomhall, 148, High Street, 1872, 8°., partly unpaged. Note. — Contains information respecting Cornish Boiler Explosions. On boUer explosions in Cornwall. Eep. B.C.P. Soc, 1870, pp. 87-97. MARTIN, Alfred Tobias John (son of Cus- worth Martin and grandson of Tobias Martin). b. Helston, Jan., 1802. d. Russell St., Adelaide, South Australia, 8 Jan., 1850. bm. Adelaide Cemetery. The Remains of the late Tobias Martin, (1831) q.v. A plan for converting parallel into rotatory motion. By Alfred Martin. Bep. B.C.P.Soc, 1842, pt. ii, pp. 73-74. MARTIN, Benjamin, b. Worplesdon, Surrey, 1704. d. London, 9 Feb., 1782. The General Magazine of Arts and Sciences ...By B. Martin. Lond., printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, in Fleet St., 1755-65, 8o. NoiE.— In the portion containing " The Natural ffistory of England," 1759-63, 2 vols, 8°., is found " The Natural History of Cornwall," with two illustra- tions, i, 1-21. MARTIN, Hugh (eld. son of Hugh Martin). Adm. Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, 9 May, 1668, Fellow, 14 Dec, 1674, vacated by mar- riage, 6 Feb., 16ff. b. Helston, 1651. cf. Eawes' Hist, of Framlingham, (1798), p. 275. MARTIN, Peter. Sexton at Helston. bapt. Helston, 12 May, 1742. d. Helston, 1 Jan., 1845. Anecdote of P. Martin in connection with the Rev. J. Wesley's visit to Cornwall. In R. Tref- fry's Memoirs of R. Trewavas, Sen., (1839), pp. 172-74. Note.— In the burial register P. Martin is said to have been 101 at the time of his decease. MARTIN OR MARSTON, Rev. Richard. Prior of Tywardreath, 1496-1506. d. 10 Nov., 1510. Prince Arthur to Richard [Redman,] Bishop of Exeter, nominating Richard Martin, Monk of St. Andrew's, Tywardreath, to be prior of the Monastery,. on the resignation of Walter Barne- cott. Beaudeley, 21 August, 12 Hen. VTI. Ash- molean MSS., (Bodl. Lib.), 789, art. vii, (5). Resignation of R. Martyn, Prior of T'ywar- dreth, 1506 1 MSS. penes Lord Arundell of War- dour, Wardour Castle. MARTIN, Rev. Samuel. Unitarian Minister in Cornwall, cf. Monthly Bepository, :sis., App. 30-35, (1824), XX, 244-45, (1825). MARTIN, Rev. Thomas. Wesleyan Minister. b. Falmouth, 1780. d. Plumstead Common, Woolwich, 18 Jany., 1866. cf. Gent. Mag., i, 445, (1866); Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Lsxxix, 848, (1866). The Nature and Improvement of the Christian Ministry. A Sermon at Bath. By T. Martin. Lond., -1812, 8°., pp. 28. Thoughts on the Nature and Advantages of Class Meetings, 1813, 8"., pp. 35. The Christian Mariner. A Sermon to Sailors. By T. Martin. Margate, 1815. The Manger, or the birth of Christ ; a poem in four cantos. By T. Martin. Lond., printed at the Conference Office, 14, City Road, by Thos. Cordeux, Agent, Sold by T. Blanshard, 1816, 12"., 2/6. Note.— Preface signed " T. M., Tunbridge WeUs, 2 Mch., 1816," pp. i-x, the poem and notes, pp. 11-108. The Sunday School. An Essay on the char- acter and economy of Charitable Institutions for the religious instruction, etc., 1818, 12"., pp. 122. The Paternal Monarch. A sermon preached in St. Peter's Chapel, Portsea, Feb. 16, 1820, occasioned by the lamented death of His Most Sacred Majesty King George the Third of blessed memory. By T. Martin. Portsea, printed for the Author, by S. Gardner, Queen St., 1820, 80., pp. 32. E R MAETIN. 338 MAETTN. MAETIN, Eet. Thomas. (Con.). A Sunday School Hjrtnn Book ; designed for the use of laoth. Teachers and Children ; includ- ing hymns adapted to the regular or occasional devotions of young people in general. By the Eev. T. Martin. Bristol, printed by Wansbrough and Saunders, Albion Office, 142, Eedcliff-St., sold by T. Blanchard, 14, City Eoad, London, 1821, 16"., pp. 276. Index unpaged, 7 leaves. The Stranger at Home, a Poem ; to which are added other Poems and Pieces. By T. Martin. Devonport, Johns, 1824, 12°., pp. 106. A Course of Lectures on the truth and value of revealed Religion, delivered in Ebenezer Chapel, Plymouth. By T. Martin. Plymouth, [printed,] 1835, 12"., pp. xi and 179. The Centenary ; a commemorative poem, in- cluding occasional sketches of men and events in the history of Methodism. In four books. By T. Martin. Lond., sold by John Mason, 14, City Eoad, 1839, 8°., 3/-. Note.— Preface dated " The Grove, Haekney, Dee., 1889," pp. i-viii, The Poem, etc., pp. 1-160. Historical Notices of Spitalfields Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. Lond., 1842, 12o., pp. 8. MAETIN, Thomas Henry (son of Thos. Martin), b. Perran-ar-worthal, 6 Nov., 1826. NowEesi- dent at Swansea. Description of a self-acting method of discon- necting Eailway Carriages from each other when they run off the line. By T. H. Martin, Perran Foundry. Eep. R.C.P.Soc, 1854, p. 50. On an improved piston for steam or other engines. Two woodcuts. By T. H. Martin, Morfa Copper Works, Swansea. JRep. Miners' Assoc, of C. and D., 1869, pp. 36-41. MAETIN, Tobias (2nd son. of Tobias Martin), b. Wendron,25 Jan., 1747. d. Breage, 9 Apl., 1828. The Eemains of the late Tobias Martin, of Breage, in Cornwall, Mine Agent, with a Memoir of the Author. Helston, printed at The Temple of the Muses, by W. Penaluna, 1831, 8"., pp. 258, 4/-.— 2nd ed. Helston, W. Penaluna, 1856, 8"., pp. 248. Note. — The Dedication " To the Adyenturers, Agents and Clerks of the Wheal Vor Consolidated Mines" is signed " A. T. J. Martin, Helston, 1st June, MAETIN, Eev. William, h. Tintagel, 1782. d. Calais, 15 March, 1826. cf JVesleyam. Methodist Mag., xlix, 643, (1826); G. J. Stevenson's City Eoad Chapel, (1872), p. 566. Memoir of the Eev. W. Martin, by Eev. E. Treffiry. Wesleyan Methodist Maq., 1, 505-21 (1827). ' MAETIN; William, Mine-captain. I. 1789. d. Crellow House, Stithians, 3 July, 1861. bw, 7 July. cf. Gent. Mag., xi, 333-34, (1861). Note. — He constructed at Tresavean an improved Mine Ladder, for an account of which cf. Trans. R.O.S.C., V, 88", note, (1843). MAETYN, Eev. Henry, B.D. (son of John Martyn, of Chvennap). Senior Wrangler, Jan., 1801 ; Fellow of St. John's Coll., Camb., 5 Apl., 1802 to 1812 ; Assistant Curate of Holy Trinity,, Cambridge, Oct., 1803; Curate of Lolworth, Oct., 1803; Chaplain to the E. I. Company Jan., 1805. b. Truro, 18 Feb., 1781. d. Tocat', Persia, 16 Oct., 1812. cf. Rev. Claudius Bur chanan's Christian Besearches in Ada, (1811) p. 100; Bev. C. Buchanan's Christian Observa- tions, p. 290 ; Bev. John Owen's Hist, of Bible Society, (1816), i, 307, ii, 9, 19, 108, 252, 256, 261-66 ; Geo. Dyer's Hist, of University of Cam- bridge, (1814), Supp., pp. 71-73 ; R. Southey's Remains of H. Kirke White, (1816), i, 95, 104, 116; Jas. Morier's A Second Journey through Persia, (1818), pp. 97, 223-24; Lives of Mis- sionaries, India, ii Series. (Lond., Soc. Prom. Christ. Know.), 1865, pp. 44-118; Bev. James Hough's Hist, of Christianity in India, (1839- 45), iv, 336-57 ; John Tillotson's Our Untitled Nobility, (1863), pp. 117-32; Bev. Jas. Gard- ner's Mems. of Cliristian Missionaries, (1843), pp. 1-32; Rev. Will. Cams' Mems. of Bev. Chas. Simeon, (1847), pp. 196-204, 225-27, 305, 348- 64 ; Bev. Hen. Clissold's Lamps of the Church, (1863), pp. 81-88, with portrait; J. W. Kaye's Christianity in India, (1859), pp. 181-214 ; Ow Indian Heroes. By J. W. Kaye. No. iv. The Bev. H. Martyn. Good Words, 1865, pp. 327- 36 ; J. W. Kaye'sLives of Indian Offic&rs, (1867), i, 321-74 ; Will. Cooke Taylor's Modern British Phitarch, (1846), pp. 263-67; Sophia Kell^s Life of Mrs. Sherwood, (1854), pp. 337-42, 356- 81, 406-24, 450; Clement Carly on' s Early Years, (1856), iii, 1-137; Mrs! W. B. Lloyd' s Flowers of Christian Chivalry, (1863), pp. 292-314; H. J. Van Lennep's Travels in Asia Minor, (1870), i, 166-172, (with two viewsofH. Martyn's grave) ; Miss Charlotte M. Yonge's Pioneers and Founders, (1871), pp. 71-95; Polwhele's Biog. Sketches, i, 89-96; Gent. Mag., Ixxxiii, pt. i, 595, (1813); Evangelical Mag., xxviii, 1-5,- 49-52, (1820); Imperial Mag., (with portrait), vi, col., 306-18, (1824); Once A Week,ii, 26- 28, (1860) ; Sunday at Home, iv, 491-94, (1857); V, 106-108, (1 858) ; Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixxxv, 334-36, (1862); Sir B. Ker Porters Travels m Georgia, Persia, etc., (1821), i, 687, 689, ii, 23, 660, 703; Memoirs of Ufe of Sk James Mackintosh, (1835), ii.,89, 95 ; Encyclop. Brit. ; Penny Cyclop. ; Rose; DMot NouvelBmg. Umv.-; Biog. Univ. ; English Cyclop. MAETYN. 339 MAETYN. MAETYN, Ebv. Heney. (Con.). A Memoir of the Eev. Henry Martyn, B.D., Late Fellow of St. John's CoUege, Cambridge, and Chaplain to the Hon. East India Company. [By Eev. John Sargent.] Lond., printed for J. Hatchard, Piccadilly, by W. Mason, Chichester, 1819, 8"., pp. vii and 537, 6/-.— 2nd ed. Lond., printed for J. Hatchard and Son, 190, Picca- dilly, 1819, 8°., pp. xivand 509.— 3rd ed. Lond., Hatchard, 1819, 8«., pp. xv and 508.— 7th ed. Lond., J. Hatchard and Son, 1822, or. 8°,, pp. xvii and 484.— 9th ed. Lond., 1828, 12"., pp. xvii and 484.— 10th ed. Lend., 1830, 80.— 11th ed., corrected and enlarged. Lond., Seeley and Sons, 1831, 8"., pp. xii and 507.— 18th ed. Lend., Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 1855, 8"., pp. vi and 448, 5/-. Note. — Until the 16tli ed. , the Letters and Journals of H. Martyn were published as one work ; the 17th [forming Vol. 45 of The Christian's Family Library, ed. by the Eev. B. Biekersteth, and published Lond., Seeley, Fleet St.] only included his Journals, the Letters being brought out in a distinct work and forming No. 46 of the same series. An Abridged Memoir of the Eev. H. Martyn, B.D...Cork, printed by Eichard Tivy, No. 20, George's-Street, 1821, 8o., pp. 34, 3d. Memoir of the Eev. H. Martyn... By John Sargent, Jun. 4th American edition. Hartford, Gr. Goodwin and Sons, printers, 1822, 12°., pp. 375. An Elegy to the memory of the late Eev. H. Martyn ; with smaller pieces. Portrait. By John Lawson, Missionary in India. 1823, fcp. 8°., 2/-. Labourers in the East, or Memoirs of Eminent Men. . .By the author of " Pierre and his family." American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia, No. 146, Chesnut St., 1827, 12°. Note. — Each Memoir has distinct pagination. Me- moirs of the Bev. Henry Martyn, pp. 1-142. Journals and letters of the Eev. H. Martyn, B.D., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cam- bridge, and Chaplain to the Honourable East India Co. Ed. by the Eev. S. Wilberforce, M.A., Eector of Brighstone. Lond., Seeley and Burn- side, 1837, 2 vols., 80. The Letters of the Eey. H. Martyn, B.D. 6 engravings. Lond., Seeley, Burnside and Seeley, Fleet St., 1844, 8°., pp. x and 418, 6/-. Note. — This forms Vol. 46 of the Christian's Family Library. The Miners' Sons : Martin Luther and Henry Martyn. By the Eev. C. D. BeU, M.A. Lond., Sampson, Low and Son, 1853, 8"., pp. 101. Note. — The account of H. Martyn is contained in pp. 43-101. MAETYN, Eev. Henbt. (Con.). Henry Martyn, or the living sacrifice. Select Series of Christian Tracts and Books. Dublin Tract Eepository, 10, D'Olier St., Dublin, and 9, Paternoster Eow, London, n.d., [1863,1 12"., pp. 36, Id. Her title of honour. By Holme Lee [i.e.. Miss Harriet Parr.] Lond., H. S. King and Co., 1871, 8°., pp. 282. Note. — A religious novel, being the life of the Eev. H. Martyn, who is described under the name of Francis Gwynne. Henry Martyn. Lond., Eeligious Tract Soc. No. 989. n.d., [18- -,] 8^., pp. 24, 6/- per 100. EecoUections of Henry Martyn, [Verses,] signed Alec. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., xlviii, 791, (1825). Christian India ; or an Appeal on behalf of 900,000 Christians in India who want the Bible. A sermon preached at Calcutta, on Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1811, for promoting the objects of the British and Foreign Bible Society. By H. Martyn, B.D . . . Published by request. "With a List of Bene- factors. Calcutta; printed by P. Ferris, 1811, 8°., pp. 47 andiv. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated into the Hindoostanee language from the original Greek. By the Eev. H. Martyn, A.B., Late Fellow of St. John's College, and Chaplain on the Bengal Establish- ment. And afterwards carefully revised with the assistance of Mirza Fitrit, and other learned natives. For the British and Foreign Bible Society. Serampore, printed at the Missionary Press, 1814, 8°.' — Another ed. Lond., printed by Eichard Watts for The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1819, 8"., pp. 650. Novum Testamentum Domini et Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi, e Graeca in Persicam linguam a viro reverendo Henrico Martyno translatum in urbe Schiraz, nunc vero cura et sumptibus SocietatisBiblicaeEuthenicaetypis datum. Petro- poli apud Jos. Joannem, 1815, 4°., pp. 453. The New Testament. . .translated. . .intoPersian at Sheeraz. By the Eev. H. Martyn... with the assistance of Meerza Sueyid Ulee, of Sheeraz. Calcutta, printed by P. Pereira, at Hindoostanee- Press, 1816, 8°.- 3rd ed. Lond., printed by E. Watts for the British and Foreign Bible Society, 1827, 80., pp. 520.— Another ed. Calcutta, printed at the Baptist Mission Press for the American and Foreign Bible Society, 1841, 9>°., pp. 584. — 5th ed. Edinburgh, printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society by Thos. Con- stable, 1846, corresponding to 1262 of theHijrah, 40., 67 sheets. MAETYN. 340 MABTYN. MAETYN, Eev. Heney. (Con.). The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ translated into the Hindoostanee Language from the original Greek, and now- printed in the Nagree Character. By the Eev. H. Martyn, A.B. And afterwards carefully re- vised by the assistance of Mirza Fitrit and other learned natives. For the British and Foreign Bible Society. Calcutta, printed by P. Pereira, at the Hindoostanee Press, 1817, 4". The Book of Psalms translated into Persian. By the Eev. H. Martyn. n.p. or d. or printer's name, [18 ,] 40., pp. 143. The Book of Psalms translated into Persic. By the Eev. H. Martyn. n.p. or d. or printer's name, [18 — J 4»., 21 sheets. Note. — Tho title pages of these two works are in the Persian language. The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Altered from Martyn's Oordoo Translation into the Hinduee Language by the Eev. William Bowley... Calcutta, printed at the Church Mission Press,, 1826, S^. A Compendium of the Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the United Church of England and Ireland. Translated into the Hin- doostanee language [by the Eev. H. Martyn, and the Eev. D. Corrie]. Lond., printed by Eichard Watts for the Prayerbook and Homily Society, No. 134, Salisbury Square, 1818, 8"., pp. 356. [20] Sermons. By the late Eev. H. Martyn, B.D . . . Calcutta, printed at the Church Missionary Press, 1822, 8°., pp. x and 432. Twenty Sermons... 2nd ed. Lond., sold by L. B. Seeley, Fleet St... 1822, 8"., pp. vii and 444. —3rd ed. Lond., 1822, 8°., pp. vii and 444.— 4th ed. Lond., 1822, 8°.— 5th ed. Lond., 1824, 8°. Controversial Tracts on Christianity and Mohammedanism, by the late Eev. H. Martyn ...and some of the most eminent writers of Persia, Translated and explained. To which is appended an Additional Tract on the same ques- tion and in a preface some account given of a former controversy on this subject with extracts from it... By the Eev. Samuel Lee, A.M... Pro- fessor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge. Portrait of Eev. H. Martyn. Cambridge, sold by J. Deighton and Sons, 1824, 8°., pp. cxxi and 584, 25/-. A Sermon written for the express purpose of suppressing calumny. . .By Harriet Stewart [Miss Wainewright.] To which is added an interesting anecdote of the Eev. H. Martyn... together with some of his original remarks and quotations MAETYN, Ebv. Henrt. (Con.). from the Sacred Scriptures. Lond., J. Hatchard and Son, 1830, 80., pp. 31, 2/-. Note.— Contains in the Preface, pp. v-vi, a letter from the Eev. H. Martyn to H. Stewart. Mr. Martyn's Original Eemarks, etc., occupy pp. 27-31. The Gospels and Acts in English and Hin- dusthani. St. Matthew. Translated by H. Martyn . . . Calcutta, printed at the Church Mission Press, Mission Eow, 1837, 80., pp. 121. The Gospels translated into the Judseo Persic language.' By the Eev. H. Martyn. Lond., 1847, 8"., pp. 367. Note. — This is the Persian translation in the Hebrew Character. The Title page is also in Hebrew. Penny Letter Tracts. Forgetters of God. By H. Martyn. Lond., John F. Shaw and Co., 48, Paternoster Eow, and 27, Southampton Eow. n.d., [1861,] 240., pp. 20. Five Sermons (Never before published) by the late Eev. H. Martyn, B.D... With a prefatory letter on the past, the present and the future of missionary enterprise, addressed to the Eev. Henry Venn. B.D... by the Eev. G. T. Fox, M.A. ..Portrait of Rev. H. Martyn. Lond., Seeley, Jackson and Halliday, 54, Fleet St., 1862, 8°., pp. xxxviii and 110. Infidelity refuted, by the late Eev. H. Martyn. Evangelical Mag., xxx, 476-77, (1822). The Book of Genesis translated into the Hin- doostanee Language from the original Hebrew, by the Eev. H. Martyn. MS., sm. fol., 224 leaves, nearly half of which are blank. Note. — Eespecting this MS. which is in the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society, cf. their 66th Eeport, (1870), pp. 187-88, where doubts are thrown on the fact of it being in the writing of H. Martyn. MAETYN, John (eld. son of John Martyn). Chief Clerk to Mr. Thomas Daniel, Truro. J. Gwennap 1 d. Truro, Jan., 1800. cf. Polwhelis Biog. Sketches, i, 89-91 ; Mems. of Rev. H. Martyn, (18th ed.), p. 2. MAETYN, Eichard (eld. son of Rich. Martyn, of St. Mahyn). Computer for the Nautical Almanac in connexion with the Eoyal Obser- vatory, Greenwich, 1810-31. h. St. Mabyn, 1789. d. Treworlas, 15 Sept., 1850. cf Wes- leyan Methodist Mag., Ixxxiii, 763-65, (1860). Memoir of William Pearce, who died at Ger- rans, 22 Aug., 1834, aged 28. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., lix, 958, (1836). Note. — Amongst the MSS. of the late Board of Longitude, now deposited at the Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich, are several letters from Mr. Martyn request- ing payment of his accounts. MABTTN. 341 MASON. MAETYN, Egbert. Letter from E. Martyn to Mr. William Cer- Tosso, dated 5 Apl., 1586. Printed in "Major Francis' Smelting of Copper in Swansea," (1867), pp. 17-18. MAETYN", Thomas (son of John Martyn). h. Gwennap, 1695. d. Ashburton, Dec, 1751, bur. 26 Dec. A new and accurate map of the county of Cornwall, from an actual survey made by Thos. Martyn. Lond., printed for, and sold by, Eobt. Sayer, Map and Printseller, opposite Fetter Lane, Fleet Street. Published according to Act of Par- liament, NovemV. y« 26, 1748. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. — ^Another ed. Lond., printed for Williapa Faden, Charing Cross, Feb. 20th, 1784. Scale, 1 mile to 1 inch. Size, 6.0 x 4.9, on 9 sheets of various sizes. Note. — Dedicated " To his royal highness Frederick Lewis, Prince of Wales," and embellished with the arms of the nobility and gentry who subscribed for the map. This is also found as a 4 sheet and as a 6 sheet map. A new and accurate map of the county of Cornwall, from an actual survey made by Thos. Martyn. Lond., printed for, and sold by, Eobt. Sayer... 1748. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. — Another ed. Lond., printed for William Faden, Charing Cross, Feb. 20th, 1784. Scale, 2 miles to 1 inch. Size, 3.4|- X 2.5, on 2 sheets. Note.— Dedicated " To Eobert Hoblyn, of Nans- whyden, Esq., M.P. for Bristol." It contains in the margin drawings of 3 inscribed stones. A new and accurate map of the county of Cornwall, from an actual survey made by Thos. Martyn. Lond., printed for, and sold by, Eobt. Sayer... February 16, 17ff. Scale, 1 mile to | of an inch.- Another ed. Lond., printed for William Faden, Charing Cross, Feb. 20th, 1784. Scale, 1 mile to f of an inch. Size, 2.4J x 1.9. Note.— Dedicated to Jonathan Eashleigh, of Mena- billy, Esq. , M.P. for Fowey, and embellished with the Eashleigh arms. The original plates of these maps were purchased by Mr. Falder, in 1783. Index to- A new and accurate map of the county of Cornwall. By T. Martyn. n.p. or d. orprmter's name, [1784,] 4"., pp. 32. Note.— This work has no title page, the following is a reprint with additions. A complete index to Martyn's large map of the county of Cornwall, and of those parts of the county of Devon, which lie to the west of the river Tamar. To which is added a short ac- count of the Archdeaconry of Cornwall. Bod- MAETYN, Thomas. (Con.). min, printed by J. Liddell, and sold by Law and Whittaker, London, 1816, 8"., pp. 95. Note. — This work was brought out by the Eev. John Wallis afterwards Vicar of Bodmin. The reprint occupies pp. 1-75, and then follow, pp. 76-95, names of headlands, rocks and small islands, names of creeks, rivers, etc., names of places, islands and rocks in Scilly, names of Tillages in Devon contiguous to the Tamar, list of subscribers to Martyn's map, and a short account of the Archdeaconry of Cornwall. Letter to William Flamank, of Menabilly, from T. Martyn, respecting the Maps. Dated London, 14 Mch., 1749. MS. penes Jonathan Eash- leigh, Esq., Menabilly. — Printed in Eev. J. Wallis' Cornwall Eegister, (1847), pp. 127-29. MAEVELL, Andrew (son of Rev. Andrew Marvell). b. Kingston-upon-Hull, 15 Nov., 1620. d. London, 16 Aug., 1678. bur. St. Giles in the Fields. A seasonable question and an usefull answer, contained in an exchange of a letter between a Parliament-Man in Cornwell, and a Bencher of the Temple, London. By A. Marvell. Lond., Printed in the year 1676, 4".— Eeprinted in Capt. Edwd. Thompson's Works of A. Marvell, (1776), ii, 523-54. Note. — The Bencher's Answer is signed H.P. A seasonable argument to perswade all the grand juries in England to petition for a new parliament or A list of the principal labourers in the great design of popery and arbitrary power, etc. By A. Marvell. Amsterdam, Printed in the year 1677, 40.— Eeprinted in Capt. E. Thomp- son's Works of A. Marvell, (1776), ii, 555-83. Note.— The list of Cornish pensioners is contained in PP- 559-61. MAEY, Queen, b. 18 Feb., 1516. d. 17 Nov., 1558. Proclamation against seditious practices in Cornwall and Devonshire, 1554. Cottonian MSS., Caligula E. xii, art. 32. MASKELL, William, M.A. (son of Will. Maskell). Formerly V. of Mary Church, Devon. b. Bath, 1814. Monumenta Eitualia Ecclesise Anglicanee. . . By the Eev. W. Maskell, M.A. Lond., W. Pickering, 1846-47, 3 vols., 8". " Note.— Contains in I, pp. xix-xx, a copy of a title deed of some property left by John de Blanch-minster for charitable purposes at Stratton ; and in I, pp. xix-xxi, ecliii-liv extracts from the parish accounts of Stratton. MASON, Eev. Egbert. Sec. of British and Foreign Seamens' Soc. MATTHEWS. 342 MAT. MASON, Eev. Eobeet. (Con.). A Cornisli Excursion ; or a brief history of pleasing and painful events whicli occurred dur- ing a recent visit to the West of Cornwall. By- Rev. E. Mason. Lond., printed by W. Buck, Whitechapel, High St., 1831, 12°., pp. 40, 6d. MASON, Eev. William, M.A. Precentor of York Cathedral. 6. Hull, 1725. d. Aston, Yorkshire, 5 Apl., 1797. Elfrida, a dramatic poem, written on the model of the ancient Greek tragedy. By Mr. Mason. Lond., printed for John Knapton, in Ludgate St., 1757, 8"., pp. xix and 80. — Eeprinted in The Works of Eev. W. Mason, (1811), ii, 1-75. c/. also pp. 175-93. Note. — The scene of this poem is laid at Harewood, in Cornwall. MATHEWS, Charles (1th son of James Mathews), b. No. 18, Strand, London, 28 June, 1776. d. Plymouth, 28 June, 1835. Memoirs of Charles Mathews, Comedian. By Mrs. Mathews. 2nd ed. Lond., E. Bentley, 1839, 4 vols., 80. Note. — The account of C. Mathews' "Expedition from Plymouth to Looe " is contained in iii, 495-96. MATHIAS, Eev. Lewis. Curate of Mevagissey ; Curate of Falmouth, h. 1790. d. Falmouth, 24 Dec, 1837. cf. Gent. Mag., ix, 215, (1838). A Catechism on the nature, constitution, govern- ment and authority of the Christian Church. By L. Mathias, Curate of Mevagissey, Cornwall. Lond., printed for C. and J. Eivington, St. Paul's Church-yard, andWaterloo-Place,Pall-Mall,1824, 8"., pp. 16, 3d. Note. — Preface dated "Mevagissey, August, 1823." MATON, William George, M.D., F.E.S. 6. Salisbury, 1774. d. Spring-Gardens, London, 30 March, 1835. hur. St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. Observations relative chiefly to the natural history, picturesque scenery and antiquities .of the Western Counties of England, made in the years 1794 and 1796. Illustrated by a miner- alogical map and sixteen views in aquatinta, by Aiken. By W. G. Maton, M.A., Fellow of the Linnean Society. Lond., printed and sold by J. Easton, 1797, 2 vols., 8"., 36/-. Note. — The account of Cornwall, with three views is contained in i, 132-275. Dr. Maton was accompanied on this expedition by Mr. C. Hatchett and Eev. T. Baokett. MATTHEWS, Alexander (son of Thomas Mat- thews), b. Camborne, 16 Mch., 1826. MATTHEWS, Alexandee. (Con.). The Mount Alexander Mail, published daily. Printed and Published by A. Matthews at the Ofiice of the Mount Alexander Mail, Moystyn St., Castlemaine, Victoria, for A. Matthews and Co., Proprietors. Printedby Steam, 1858, single sheet, foL, 1/-. Note. — The paper was first issued as a weekly, by A. Matthews, Mr. Saint and another. After sometime the price was reduced to 6d. In 1863 it became, and still is, the sole property of A. Matthews, and it is now published daily at Id. MATTHEWS, John (son of Thomas Matthews). b. Camborne, 15 July, 1818. d. Liskeaxd, 13 Sep., 1857. The Liskeard Gazette and East Cornwall Ad- vertiser. Printed and published [every Satur- day] by J. Matthews, Church St., Liskeard. First Number published 21 July, 1855, demy 80., lid. Note. — The size was afterwards altered to double demy, 4 pages, and finally to double crown, 8 pages. The price was reduced to one penny, 5 Jan., 1857. J. Matthews occasionally edited the Paper, which, since his decease, has been continued by his widow, " Alice Mat- thews, at her residence and printing office. Market St., Liskeard." MATTHEWS, P. Engineer, lUogan. Stamps and Cleaning Machine. B.ep. R.G.P. Soc, 1851, p. 42. MATTHEWS, Samuel. Callipers and Centreing Guage. By S. Mat- thews, Truro. Bep. B.C.P.Soc, 1853, p. 40. MAULEVEEEE, Halvath. H. Mauleverer hath the ofiice of Constable of the Castle of Launceston. [2 Eich. IH, Dec. 17, 1484.] Earl. MSS. 433, art. 1139. cf mh Rep. of Deputy Keeper of Records, where he is called Halnatheus Mauleverer. MAW, St. cf. Alban Butler's lAves of the Saints, (1838), i, 637. MAY, Eev. John. V. of Newlyn, 1646 ; Ejected 16--; V. of Walkampton, Devon, 1659-62. cf. TValker's Sufferings, pt. ii, p. 305. MAY, Eev. Joseph. V. of St. Austell, circa 1613; V. of St. Neot, 16--; Ejected from both benefices, d. ante 1660. cf. Walken's Sufferi'tigs, pt. ii, p. 305 ; Oliver's Monasticon Addit. Suppl., p. 9, where he is called Mair. Epaphras. A sermon preached at Saint Avstell, in Cornwall, in commemoration of a benefactor, the second of February, 1639. By Joseph May, MAT. 343 MAYNE. MAT, Bev. Joseph. (Con.). Master of Arts and Pastour of that parish. Lend., printed by T. H. for Humphrey Robin- son, and are to be sold at the signe of the Three Pigeons, in Paul's Church-yard, 1641, 4". Br. Museum. Note. — Dedioation " To his worthy friend and friendly benefactor, Mr. Eiohard Delamine, servant to his Majesty in the practice of the mathematickes," 1 leaf, To his beloved parishioners of St. Austell, 1 leaf, the sermon, pp. 1-28. MAY, Eev. Samuel (son of Francis May). Fellow of Pembroke Coll., Cambridge, 25 June, 1740 to 1787. h. St. Columb, 1715. d. 6 Sept., 1787. cf. Hawes' Hist, of Framlingham, p. 285; Gmt. Mag., Ivii, pt. ii, 839, (1787). MAY, William. W. May and others, Commissioners for Corn- wall, to Edw. Walker, 1644. See Cory ton. Will. MAY, William, M.D., 5 June, 1788 (son of Sam. May). Physician to the Eoyal Universal Dispensary, London. 5. East Looe. hur. Ditti- sham, Devon, 1817. cf. Munh's Boll of Physi- cians, ii, 330. Dissertatio Inauguralis, complectens de Typho qusedam. Auctore Gulielmo May, Anglo. Lugd .[uni] Batav [orum,] 1787, 4o. An account of an Epidemic fever ; with a few remarks on the Treatment of fevers in general. By W. May, M.D., Extra-Licentiate of the Col- lege of Physicians, London, and Physician at Maidstone. Maidstone, 1790, 8o, Note. — ^A reprint with additions of the Land. Med. Jmm., X, 117-41, (1789). Essay on pulmonary consumptions, including the histories of several remarkable instances of recovery from the most alarming stages of the disorder, by an improved method of treatment. By W. May, M.D. Plymouth, printed and sold by B. Haydon, sold also by Cadell... London, 1792, 8"., 3/6. Note.— Dedication dated "Plymouth, Broad St., 1 Mob., 1792," 4 leaves, introduction, pp. i-xxxii, the essay pp. 1-107, contents, 1 leaf. This work is said to have been reprinted at Leipzig, 1794, 8". A cure for a scald. By W. May, M.D. Truro, 1794, 4". cf. Arminian Mag., xvii, 259-61, (1794). An account of the successful Termmation of a Case attended with Symptoms of Phthisis Pulmonalis : with remarks on the Treatment of that Disease. By W. May, M.D. Dated Truro, Jiily 19, 178S. Land. Med. Jowm., ix, 268-85, IvM), MAT, William, M.D. (Con.). Extract from a Letter on the Epidemic Catarrh of 1788. ib., ix, 342-44. An account of an epidemic fever that prevailed in Cornwall in 1788. Dated Truro, Jany. 26, 1789. ih., X, 117-41, (1789). Further remarks on the Treatment of Phthisis PulmonaHs. Dated Maidstone, July 29, 1790. ih., xi, 255-65, (1790). MAYNAED, Henry (son of John Maynard). h. St. Ewe^ d. Illogan Highway, 17 May, 1859. Guage Cock. Bep. B.C.P.Soc, 1854, p. 47. MAYNAED, John (son of the above), b. near Grampound, 2 Feb., 1826. Improved Whim. Bep. B.C.P.Soc, 1852, p. 101. MAYNAED, Eev. John. Bible Christian Min- ister '(son of Thomas Maynard). b. Northlew, Devon, 14 April, 1820. Matrimony, or what marriage life is, and how to make the best of it. By J. Maynard, 1864, 8°.^ — 2nd ed. carefully revised and greatly en- larged. Lond., G. J. Stevenson, 1866, 8°., pp. viii and 224. Note.— Preface to 1st ed. dated " St. Mary's, SoiUy Islands, 23 Jan., 1864," to 2nd ed. " St. Ives, Cornwall, 8 Mch., 1866." Self-Mental Culture. A Lecture. By J. May- nard. Truro, W. Lake, Boscawen St., 1867, 8o., pp. 28. How to succeed in business. By J. Maynard. Lond., F. W. Bourne... Truro, W. Lake, n.d., [1870,] 12"., pp. 49. Note.— Preface dated "West Looe, June 25, 1870," MAYNE, Eev. Cuthbeet. Chaplain to Mr. Francis Tregian, of Golden, in Probus. b. near Barnstaple. Executed at Launceston, 29 Nov., 1577. cf Dodd's ChwrchHist., (1737), ii, 91-94; Bp. Challomr's Mem. of Missionary Priests, (1803), i, 7-11 ; Bliss' Wood, (Fasti), ii, 185; Camden's The History of the Princess Elizabeth, (1688), p. 224; Oliver's Hist, of the Catholic Beligion, pp. 203, 355 ; lAngards Hist, of Eng- land, (1849), vi, 331-32; Gi/rolamo Pollini L' His- toria Eccl. della rivoluzion d' Inghilterra (Boms, 1594, 40.) Book iv, c. 20, pp. 498-501; Father John Morris' Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers, (1872),. i, 64-101. Biographical Memoranda, by Bishop Kennet, relating to C. Mayne. Lansd. MSS: 981, art. 99, fol. 163-64. MATOW. 344 MAYOW. MAYNE, Bet. Cutheekt. (Con.). Commentariolus de Persecutione Anglicana a CoUegio Romano Anglicano. Ingoltstadii, 1582, 12<>. Note.— Contains at the end some hexameters ad- dressed to C. Mayne. C. Mayne was the first person who was put to death under the Act of 1571 ; being charged at Launceston Assizes, 16 Sept., 1577, with the possession of an Agnus Dei and a Bull of Pope Gregory. His conduct also caused the banishment of his patron, Francis Tregian [g'-^O MAYNE, Rev. John Pascoe (son of Will. Mayne). Curate of St. Agnes, Isles of Scilly, Dec, 1849 ; Curate of Mawgan and St. Martin, Meneage, Dec, 1854 ; Curate of Tywardreath, 1858; Now (1872) Curate of Beer-Ferris, Devon. I. Ballyheigh, co. Kerry, 12 Dec, 1826. A sermon on the death of the Rev. Gerard Mann, (1855), q.v. MAYOW, John, M.D., F.R.S. (?>rd son of Philip Mayow). Probationary Fellow of All Souls, 1662? h. St. Dunstan's in the West, Fleet St., 1644. d. At an Apothecary's House bearing the sign of the Anchor, in York St., Covent Garden, London, Sept., 1679. lur. St. Paul's, Covent Garden, cf. Bliss' Wood, iii, 1199; Daniel Le Clerc's Bill. A-iiatomica, (1699), i, 1057-64, ii, 554-69 ; Eallam's Lit. Hist, of Europe, (1854), iii, 581 ; W. Hewson's Works (Sydenliam Soc, 1846), pp. 7, 11; Granger; WatMns' Biog. Did. ; Chalmers ; Didot Nouvel Biog. Univ. ; Biog. Univ. ; Bose. Tractatvs dvo quorum prior agit de respira- tione ; alter de rachitide. A Joh. Mayow, Coll. Omn. An. Socio. Oxon, excudebat Hen. Hall, impensis Ric. Davis, 1668, 8"., pp. 108. Sion College Lib. Note. — " Tractatus primus de respiratione," pp. 1-61, with two plates ; " Tractatvs Secundus de rachi- tide. A Joh. Mayo... Oxon. excudebat Hen. Hall, im- pensis Ric. Davis, 1668," pp. 65-108. The pagination of this work is continuous and the second portion has a distinct title page. cf. Philos. Trans., iii, 833-35, (1668). Disquisitiones Anatomicss. A Joh. Mayow. Geneva, 1669, fol. Tractatus duo, quorum prior agit de respira- tione, alter de rachitide. A Joh. Mayow, Coll. Omn. An. Socio. Lugd [uni] Batavor [um] apud Cornelium Driehuysen, Felicem Lopez de Haro, 1671, 8"., pp. 1-57. Tractatus Quinque Medico-Physici. Quorum primus agit de Sal-Nitro, et Spiritu Nitro-aereo. Secundus de Respiratione. Tertius de Respira- tione FcEtus in utero et ovo. Quartus de Motu Musculari, et Spiritibus AnimaUbus. Ultimus MATOW, John, M.D. (Cm.). de Rhachitide. Studio Joh. Mayow, LL.D., et Medici; nee non Coll. Omn. Anim. in Univ. Oxon. Socii. Portrait. Oxonii ; e Theatro Shel- doniano, An. Dom. 1674, sm. 4". Note. — Epistola Dedioatoria ; Authori in ejus quinque Tractatus Carmen ; and Blenohus Eerum un- paged. First 3 Tracts, pp. 1-335 ; Last two, pp. 1-152. cf. Philos. Trans., ix, 101-113, (1674). Johannis Mayow, Londinensis Doctoris et Medici nee non Coll. Omn. Anim. in Universi- tate Oxoniensi Socii. Opera omnia medico-phy- sica tractatibus quinque comprehensa. Quorum catalogum pagina post epistolam Dedicatoriam exhibet. Editio novissima, Figuris seneis adornata. Portrait. Hagae-Comitum apud Amoldum Leers, 1681, 8°. Dedication unpaged, 2 leaves, De Rachitide, etc., pp. 1-416, Elenchus Rerum un- paged, 11 leaves. Note. — This is a reprint of the previous work. P'AXlTIAOAOriA or A tract of the disease rhachitis commonly called the rickets, shewing the signes, cause, symptoms and prognosticks. Together with a most accurate and ingenious method of cure. Written originally in Latin (ac- cording to a new framed Hypothesis) by that most learned philosopher and famous physician, Dr. John Mayow... rendered into English by Wiilliam] S[ury.] To which is subjoyn'd a pro- fitable Appendix touching weights and measures used in the composition of medecines... Oxford, printed by L. L. for Th. Fickus, 1685, [1684,] 12». Dedication, 3 leaves, To the Reader, 5 leaves, A Tract, pp. 1-100, Appendix, pp. 1-17, Terms of Art, 3J leaves. Index, 2 leaves. Chemical experiments and opinions, extracted from a work published in the last century. With a plate. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1790, 80., 2/6. Note.— A Letter " To Edmund Goodwyn, M.D.", signed " Thos. Beddoes, Oxford, 12 Feb., 1790," pp. i-xli ; Contents of the three treatises, pp. 1-18 ; Analysis of Mayow's Chemical Opinions, pp. 1-63. Observations on the claims of the Moderns to some discoveries in Chemistry and Physiology. ByG. D. Yeats, M.B...Lond., printed for the Author, and sold by J. Debrett, opposite Bur- lington-House, Piccadilly, 1798, 8°., pp. xxxvi and 403. Note. — This work chiefly relates to Mayow's dis- coveries in chemistry and physiology. Prefixed is a portrait of Mayow, and in the Appendix are letters by Dr. Beddoes and Dr. Scherer relative to him. Johann MayoVs Chemisch physiologische Schriften Aus dem Lateinischen iibersetzt von Joh. Koellner. . .nebst eiiier Vorrede von Alex. MEASOM. 345 MELYILL. MAXOW, John, M.D. (Con.). Nicol Scherer. Jena bey Johann Christian Gottfried Gopferdt, 1799, 8°., pp. xxiiand 456. Register, 6 leaves, Inlialt, 1 leaf. Mayow anticipated, or the discoveries of Hooke relative to the composition of our atmosphere. Communicated hy J. R. Thornton, M.D. Tilloch's Philos. Mag., iii, 370-75, (1799). Letter from [Thomas] Beddoes, M.D., respect- ing Cit. Fourcroy's account of the discoveries of Mayow. W. Nicholson! s Journ. of Natural Philo- sophy, iii, 108, (1800). MAYOW, Philip Wynell (eld. son of John Salt Wynell Mayow. d. 1802). 6. 17 Mch., 1771. d. 54, Guilford St., London, 28 Dec, 1844. cf. Gent. Mag., xxiii, 316, (1845). Note. — The Eev. Mayow Wynell Mayow, M.A. (2nd son of the above), b. 8 July, 18 10, is the author of nume- rous works. MAYOW, Rev. Richard. Canon of Exeter, b. Bray "i d. 1500. cf Bliss' Wood, ii, 709. MAYOW, Rev. Robert Wynell, B.A. (2nd son of John Salt Wynell Mayow). Curate of St Thomas' Chapel, Ardwick, near Manches- ter, 1816-17. 6. Saltash, 8 Oct., 1777. d. Ardwick, Manchester, 8 Jan., 1817. cf Gent. Mag., Ixxxvii, pt. i, 90, (1817). Plain Preaching, or sermons for the poor and for people of all ranks. By the Rev. R. Mayow. 2nd ed. Lond., printed for Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, Paternoster Row. [R. Cocker, printer, Ormskirk,] 1816, 12"., pp. viii and 406, 6/-. Sermons and Miscellaneous Pieces. By the Rev. R. W. Mayow, formerly of Exeter College, Oxford, and Curate of Ardwick, near Man- chester. To which is prefixed a memoir of his life Lond., printed for Budd and Calkin, 100, Pali MaU, 1821, 8°., pp. 453, 7/6. MAYSON, Rev. Charles, D.D. (son of Rev. Peter Mayson). Fellow of Wadham Coll. ; R. of Lezant, 31 July, 1784 to 1815. &• Jrome, 1753. d. Lezant, 14 Jan., 1815. cf Gent. Mag., bLxxv, pt. i, 94, (1815). MEASOM, George Samuel, F.R.G.S. (son of Daniel Measom). b. Greenwich, Dec, 1818. The Official Illustrated Guide to the Bristol and Exeter, North and South Devon, CornwaU and South Wales Railways By ». Me^""'- 300 Engravings. Lond., R. Griffin, «.<«., [leoOJ 80 i/._2nded. Lond., Griffin, Bohn and Co. n.d., [1861,] 80., pp. 280, 1/-. Note —The Account of the Cornwall and West Cornwall BaUways, with 27 views, is contained m pp. 213-64. MELORUS, St. (son of Melianus, Duke of Corn- wall). Patron Saint of Mylor. d. 1 Oct., 411? cf. Acta Sanctorum, 3 Jan., i, 136-37, 1089; Leland's Itin., iii, 194; Hardy's Cat. of Materials, i, 39-40 ; William of Malmesbwry Gesta Pontificum, ii, 87 ; Haddan and Stubbs', Councils, i, 35-36, 161-62, ii, 84. MELVILL,Rev. Henry, B.D. (sonofCapt. Philip Mehill). Fellow and Tutor of St. Peter's Coll., Camb., 1822-32?; Incumb. of Camden Chapel, Oamberwell, 1830?; Chaplain to the Tower of London, 1840 ; Golden Lecturer, St. Margaret's, Lothbury, 1850-56; Principal of East India Coll., Haileybury, 1843; Canon of St. Paul's, 1856-71 ; R of Barnes, 1863-71. b. Pendennis Castle, 14 Sept., 1798. d. Resi- dentiary House, Amen Court, London, 9 Feb., 1871. bur. St. Paul's, 15th Feb. cf J. Granfs Metropolitan Pulpit, (1839), ii, 1-21 ; Diary of H. C. Robinson, iii, 177-78; The London Pulpit, by J. Ewing Ritchie, (1858), pp. 60-68 ; Jos. Johnson's Popular Preachers, (1863), pp. 189- 201 ; The Preacher's Lantern, Ed. by Revs. Paxton Hood and D. Longwill, (1871), i, 193- 207, 257-67, 332-42, (1871) ; English Cyclop; Men of the Time; Annual Register (Obituary), 1871, p. 145. The veil lifted up, a sermon preached at St. Margaret's, Lothbury, Feb. 20, 1871, being the Tuesday after the funeral of Canon Melvill. By Daniel Moore, M.A. Lond., Oxford and Cam- bridge, Rivingtons, 1871, 4"., pp. 23. A Sermon in behalf of the London Associa- tion, in aid of the Missions of the United Brethren. Preached at St. Clement's, London, April 26, 1830. By H. Melvill, M.A., Minister of Camden Chapel, Camberwell, and late Fellow and Tutor of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Lond., published by L. B. Seeley and Sons. [Printed by L. B. Seeley and Sons, Weston Green, Thames Ditton,] 1830, 8"., pp. 32, 1/6. The 'Spital Sermon. Preached before the Lord Mayor and Corporation of the City of London, at Christ Church, Newgate St., Apl. 5, 1831. By the Rev. H. Melvill, M.A. Lond., L. B. Seeley and Sons, 1831, 8°., 1/6. Report of two Funeral Sermons for the late Rev. William Howels, A.M. By the Rev. H. Melvill, A.M., and the Hon. and Rev. Baptist Noel A.M., preached at Long Acre Episcopal Chapel, on Sunday, Nov. 25, 1832. To which is added substance of a sermon by the late Rev. W Howels. Lond., published by W. Strange, 21, Paternoster Row, 1832, 8»., pp. 34, 1/-. Note.— The Sermon preached on Sunday morning by the Bev. H. Melvill occupies pp. 3-21. S S MBLVILL. 346 MBLYILL. MELVILL, Bet. Henbt, B.D. (Con.). A Sermon preached... on the occasion of the death of the Rev. W. Howels, M.A...By H. Melvill, M.A. 2nd ed. Lond., published by L. B. Seeley and Sons. [Thames Ditton, printed,] 1832, 80., pp. 50.— 3rded. ]832, 8"., pp. 50. Sermons. By H. Melvill, M.A. Lond., J. G-. and F. Rivington, 1833 and 1838, 2 vols., 8". — ith ed. 1840-42, 2 vols., 8o.— 5th ed. Lond., F. and J. Rivington, 1846, 2 vols., 8».— New ed. Lond., Oxford and Cambridge, Rivingtons, 1870, 2 vols., 8°. The Divine Patience exhausted through the making void the divine law. A sermon preached at Camden Chapel, Camberwell, on Sunday, the 26 AprU, 1835, by H. Melvill, A.M. Minister of the Chapel. Lond., J. Gr. and F. Rivington, 1835, 8«., pp. 36. Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, during the month of February, 1836. To which are added two sermons preached in Great St. Mary's at the evening lecture. By H. Melvill, M.A. Cambridge, printed for J. and J. J. Deighton, 1836, 8»., pp. viii and 141, 5/-. Note. — This work has extended to five editions. A Sermon preached at the sixty-second Anni- versary of the Royal Humane Society, at St. Luke's Church, Chelsea, on Sunday morning. May 1, 1836. By the Rev. H. Melvill, M.A. Lond., printed for the Society by Compton and Ritchie, Middle St., Cloth Fair, 1836, 8°. pp. 36, 1/-. Four Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, during the month of February, 1837. To which are added two Sermons preached at the Evening Lecture, in Great St. Mary's Church. By H. Melvill, B.D. Cambridge, printed for J. and J. J. Deighton, Trinity St., 1837, 8o., pp. 140, 5/-. Note. — Five editions of this work have heen printed. Religious Education, a sermon preached at Camden Chapel, Camberwell, on Sunday, Jan. 28, 1838, after the reading of the Queen's letter on behalf of the National Society. By H. Mel- vill, B.D. Lond., printed for J. G. and F. Riv- ington, 1838, 8°., pp. 36, 1/6.— 2nd ed., 1839, 8°., 1/6. 'The Greatness of being useful. A Sermon preached in the church of St. Nicholas, Dept- ford, on Trinity Monday, June 11, 1838, before the Corporation of Trinity House. By H. Mel- vill, B.D. Lond., printed for J. G. and F. Riv- ington, 1838, 4°., pp. 23, 1/6. The East Wind and the Rough Wind. A sermon preached at the church of St. PhiUp, Stepney, on the morning of Sunday, Feb. 3, 1839, in behalf of the Samaritan Society, con- MELVILL, Rev. Henbt, B.D. (Cm.). nected with the London Hospital. By H. Mel- vill, B.D. Lond., sold by J. G. and F. Rivington, 1839, 8°., pp. 32. Four Sermons preached before the University of Cambridge, during the month of November, 1839. To which are added Two Sermons preached,, the one at Great St. Mary's, the other at St. Michael's. By H. Melvill, B.D. Cambridge, printed for J. and J. J. Deighton, 1839, 8o., 5/-. Note. — Three editions of this work have been pub- lished. Protestantism and Popery. By the Rev. H. Melvill. Extracted by permission from his second volume of Sermons published by Rivingtons, London, 1838. 3rd thousand. Lond., printed by A. Macintosh, 20, Great New-Street. Published by the Protestant Association. [Tract No. 18,] 1839, 8"., pp. 12, l^d. The Church of Rome in her primitive purity compared with The Church of Rome at the present day. ..By John H. Hopkins, D.D... First London edition revised and corrected by the Author, with an introduction, by the Rev. H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., printed for J. G. and F. Rivington, 1839, 8"., pp. xxiv and 396, 8/6. Sermons preached at Cambridge during the month of November, 1839. By H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., printed for J. G. F. and J. Rivington, 1840, 8°., pp. viii and 141. Spiritual Destitution of the parish of Bethnal- Green, London. Two sermons preached in the parish church of St. Vedast, Foster Lane, Cheap- side, on Sunday, Dec. 29, 1839. By the Rev. H. Melvill, B.D., and the Rev. Thomas Dale, M.A. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co., 1840, 8o., pp. 60 and 7, 2/-. Note. — Mr. Melvill's Sermon with a half title called " Christ weeping over the City," and a preface dated " Camberwell, 14 Feb., 1840," occupies pp. 1-27. Angels rejoicing in the gospel. A sermon preached on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1 840,in the church of St. John the Evangelist, Brighton, on the occasion of its Consecration by the Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of Worcester. By H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., printed for J. G. F. and J. Riving- ton, 1840, 80., pp. 32. Remarks on Evangelical preaching, (exclusively so called) as exhibited in a published sermon of the Rev. Henry Melvill. Lond., 1840, S". Christianity the Guardian of Human Life. A Sermon preached in the church of St. Nicholas, Deptford, on Trinity Monday, June 15, 1840, before the Corporation of Trinity House. By H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., printed for J. G. F. and J. Rivington, 1840, 80., pp. 24.. The Englishman's Library, No. xi. A Practi- MBLVILL. 347 MELVIIiL. MELVHjL, Eev. Hbnby, B.D. (Con. J. cal Discourse of Religious Assemblies. By Wil- liam Sherlock, D.D. A new ed. with a preface by The Eev. H. Melvill, B.D., Minister of Camden Chapel, Camberwell. Lond., Jas Burns 1840, 12"., pp. xxviii and 293. Note.— The Editor's Preface, signed "H. Melvill Camberwell, 30 July, 1840," occupies pp. v-xx. Sermons by xxxix Living Divines of the Church of England. [Edited by Rev. Geo. Dugard, M.A., and Rev. Alex. Watson, B.A.j Lond., J. G. and F. Rivington, 1840, 8" , pp xix and 678. ^^' Note.—" Sermon xxiii, Saul and the Witch of Endor. By the Bev. H. Melville, D.D." is contained in pp. 383-402. The Dissolution of all things and God's in- structing by his Providence. Two sermons preached on Sunday, Nov. 7, 1841, in the Royal Chapel of St. Peter ad Viacula, on the occasion of the late calamitous fire in the Tower of London. The former by the Rev. H. Melvill, B.D., Chaplain to the Tower of London. The latter by the Rev. H. Thomas, M.A., Assistant Chaplain... Lond., printed for J. G. F. and J. Rivington, 1841, 8o., pp. 43. Note. — Mr. Melvill's Sermon occupies pp. 7-23. The young admonished from the example of Timothy. A sermon preparatory to confirmation preached at Camden Chapel, Camberwell, on Sunday, Apl. 24, 1842. By H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., printed for J. G. F. and J. Rivington, 1842, 80., pp. 28. The Least of service to the Greatest. A ser- mon preached in the church of St. Nicholas, Deptford, on Trinity Monday, May 23, 1842, before the Corporation of Trinity House. By H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., printed for J. G. F. and J. Rivington, 1842, 4"., pp. 19. Sermons on certain of the less prominent facts and references in Sacred Story. By H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., printed for J. G. F. and J. Riving- ton, 1843-45, 2 vols., 8"., 10/6 ea. vol. The Blessing in the Curse. A sermon preached in the church of St. Nicholas, Deptford, on Trinity Monday, June 3, 1844, before the Cor- poration of Trinity House. By H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., F. and J. Rivington, 1844, 4^., pp. 24. The Word in Season. A sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, on Thursday, May 9, 1844, at the Festival of the Sons of the Clergy. By the Rev. H. Melvill, B.D. Together with a report of the committee, etc. Lond., sold by F. and J. Rivington, 1844, 8"., pp. 60. Note. — Mr. Melvill's Sermon occupies pp. 1-28. MELVILL, Eev. Henkt, B.D. (Con.). No. 17, Tracts for Englishmen. The Parting Hymn. By the Rev. H. Melvill, B.D... Chaplain to the Tower of London. Lond., Edwards and Hughes, Ave-Maria Lane, 1846, 8o., pp. 12, IJd. The Shipwreck, a Sermon preached in the church of St. Nicholas, Deptford, on Trinity Monday, June 8, 1846, before the corporation of Trinity House. By H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., F. and J. Rivington, 1846, 4"., pp. 16. Sermons preached on public occasions. By H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., F. and J. Rivington, 1846, 8"., pp. xii and 368, 10/6. _ The fall of Jericho ; a sermon on the exten- sion of the church in the colonies and depen- dencies of the British Empire, preached before the University of Cambridge, on Sunday, Nov. 26, 1848. By H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., F. and J. Rivington, 1848, 8o., pp. 32. The Rev. H. Melvill on Ireland, 1848. Foster, printer, Kirby Lonsdale, [1848,] 16". The Jealousy of God. A Sermon preached at the Foundling Hospital, on Sunday, May 6th, 1849. By H. Melvill, B.D. Published by the Governors of the Hospital. Lond., J. W. Parker, West Strand, 1849, 8°., pp. 27. The Preacher in Print. Second Series. The Golden Lectures. Forty-eight sermons delivered at St. Margaret's Church, Lothbury, on Tuesday mornings, from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 1850. By the Rev. H. MeMll, B.D. Selected from the Penny Pulpit. Lond., Jas. Paul, 1, Chapter House Court, North side, St. Paul's Church-yard and Paternoster Row. n.d., [1850,] 8"., pp. 214. Note. — This work was published without Mr. Mel- vill's sanction. The Modern Pulpit ; A Collection of Sermons by the following eminent divines, the Venerable Archdeacon Sinclair, A.M... Rev. H. Melvill, B.D., etc. With an Introductory Essay by the Rev. Arthur Gore Pemberton, M.A. Lond., Seeley and Co. n.d., [1850,] 8°., pp. xl and 352. Note. — " The Question of Judas, Master, is it I. By the Bev. H. Melvill, B.D." is contained in pp. 231- 56. Thoughts appropriate to the season and the days, in lectures, delivered on the Tuesday mornings during Lent, 1851, at St. Margaret's, Lothbury. By the Rev. H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., Kerby and Son, 190, Oxford St., 1851, 8"., pp. iv and 243. A Selection from the Lectures delivered at St. Margaret's, Lothbury, on the Tuesday morn- ings of the years 1850, 1851, 1852. By the Rev. H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., F. and J. Rivington, 1853, 8"., pp. viii and 389. Hints on the culture of character. By the MBLVILL. 348 MEEEDITH. MELVILL, Eev. Henet, B.D. (Con.). Eev. Geo. Croly, LL.D...Eev. H. Melvill, B.D. ...Edited by JFames] H[ogg.] Edinburgh, Jas. Hogg; Lond., E. Groombridge and Sons, 1855- 56, 8»., pp. xiv and 520. Note.—" Christian Membership. By the Eev. H. Melvill, B.D." is contained in pp. 79-115. The Indian Civil Service. Report to the Eight Hon. Sir Charles Wood, Bart., M.P., &c. By The Right Hon. T. B. Macaulay . . . The Rev. Principal H. Melvill, etc. Lond., W. Thacker and Co., 87, Newgate St. ; Calcutta, Thacker, Spink and Co., 1855, 8«., pp. 24. British Eloquence of the Nineteenth Century. Sacred Oratory. First Series. Sermons of Emi- nent Living Divines of the Church of England. Contributed by theAuthors. . .Lond. and Glasgow, E. Griffin and Co., 1856, 8°., pp. xxxiv and 326. ■Note. — " A Sermon by the Eev. H. Melville, B.D., Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen, and Principal to the East India College, By little and little " is contained in pp. 23-44. Golden Counsels, the young christian's remem- brancer. Selections from the Eev. H. MelvUl's " Golden Lectures," etc. Edited by the Author of Pietas Privata. Portrait of Bev. H. Melvill. Lond., John Farquhar Shaw, 1856, 12"., pp. 511. The Golden Lectures for the years 1850 to 1855 inclusive. Preached in St. Margaret's Church, Lothbury. By the Eev. H. Melvill, B.D. Lond., James Paul, 1856, 6 vols., 8o., 36/-. Voices of the Year; a course of expository readings appropriate to the Holydays and Sun- days throughout the year ; chiefly selected from the " Golden Lectures " delivered by the Eev. H. Melvill, B.D., in the Church of St. Margaret, Lothbury. Lond., James Paul, 1, Chapter House Court, 1856, 2 vols., 8". Selections from the sermons preached during the latter years of his Hfe in the parish church of Barnes and in the Cathedral of St. Pauls. By H. Melvill, B.D., late Canon of St. Paul's and Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen. Lond., Eivington's, 1872, 2 vols, cr., 8"., 5/- ea. The Anchor of the Soul. A Sermon. Church of England Mag., i, 360-66, (1836). The defensive power of the peace of God. ib., iv, 272-78, (1838). The Instructive example of Baal's Priests, ib., xviii, 326^34, (1845). MELVILL, Major-General Sie Peter Mel- vill, K.C.B. (ith son of the succeeding). Sec- retary to the Hon. East India Co. ; Military and Naval Secretary to the Government of Bombay; Knighted, 1860. 6. Pendennis Castle, 2 July, 1803. Now resident at Brighton, cf. Men of the Time, 1862 and 1868. MELVILL, Caft. Philip, of the 73rd Foot (ith son of John Melvill, Collector of Customs, Dwor bar). Lieut. Governor of Pendennis Castle, 1796-1811. b. Dunbar, 7 ApL, 1762. d. Pen- dennis Castle, 27 Oct., 1811. bw. Falmouth Church, cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxxi, pt. ii, 491, 667, (1811). The true christian exemplified, being the sub- stance of a sermon occasioned by the death of P. Melville, (sic) Esq., Deputy Governor of Pen- dennis Castle, Cornwall, preached at Ely Chapel,; Holborn, London, on Sunday, Nov. 24, 1811. By John Wilcox, M.A...Lond., printed by J. Dennett, Leather Lane ; sold by Seeley, Fleet St., 1811, 80., pp. viiiand22. Memoirs of the late Philip Melvill, Esq., Lieut. Gov. of Pendennis Castle, Cornwall ; with. An Appendix containing extracts from his diaries and letters : selected by A Friend. Together with two letters and a sermon, occasioned by his death. Lond., printed by J. Dennett. Sold by Hatchard, Piccadilly... m.d, [1812,] 8". Titles and prefaces, pp. viii, memoirs and appendix, pp.. 291, List of Subscribers, 10 leaves. — 2nd ed. Lond., published by Hatchard, Piccadilly, 1815, 120., pp. 235, 5/-. Note. — The 2nd ed. does not contain the Eev. J, Wilcox's Sermon. The Parental Instructor ; or advice to youth. Extracted from Governor MelvUl's Letters to his Children. By Eev. J. Bulmer. Lond., Offer,. 1822, 12"., 2d. MENHINICK, Alexander (son of Alex. Men- hinich). b. Tregaraen, St. Mabyn, about 6 miles from Camelford, 1775. d. Sladesbridge,. near Wadebridge, 5 Jan., 1812. The Victorious Christian. A funeral sermon preached at Sladesbridge, at the interment of the much lamented Alex. Menhinick. By W. Fonrler. Bodmin, printed by E. Bligh, 1812, 12"., pp. 29. Note. — This sermon was preached by the Eev. W. Povrler before the corpse was taken from the house. Memoir of Mr. Alex. Menhinick, by Eev. Francis Truscott. Methodist Mag., xlii, 561-73,. (1819). MENWYNECK FAMILY, of St. Germans, cf: Chancery Proceedings temp. Eliz., i, p. xl; Trevelyan Papers, (Camden Soc), i, 63. MEREDITH, Edward (son of the Rev. Edward Meredith, B. of Landulph. d. 8 May, 1661^. Student of Christ Church, 1666; Secretary to Sir W. Godolphin, whilst in Spain, b. Com- waU, 1648. d. Italy, cf Bliss' Wood, iv, 393,. MBEEDITH. 349 MEEEDITH MEEEDITH, Edwakd. (Con.). 654 J Welch's List of Westminster Scholars, (1852), p. 161 ; DodcTs Church Hist., (1742), iii, 465. Some Remarques upon a late popular piece of , ijonsense, called Julian the Apostate. Together with a particular vindication of His Eoyal High- ness the Duke of York... By a lover of Truth, Vertue, and Justice, [i.e., E. Meredith.] Lond., printed for T. Davies, 1682, fol, pp. 35. Bod. Lib. NoiE. — " Julian the Apostate " is to be found in " Tlie Works of the late Eev. Mr. Samuel Johnson. Lond., 1710, fol." pp. 1-116. It first appeared without the author's name, Lond., 1682, 8°. A Journal of Meditations for every day in the year. Gathered out of divers Authors. Written first in Latin by I*f- B., and newly translated into English by E[dward] MFeredith.] The Third Edition. Lond., printed by Henry Hills, Printer to the King's most excellent Majesty, for his Houshold and Chappel ; for him and Matthew Turner, at the Lamb, in High-Holbom, 1687, 80. Br. Museum. Note. — The Translater to the Eeader and the Pre- • face unpaged ; then pp. 482. Then follow a Table of the Meditattons and a Table of the Sundays throughout the year also unpaged. A Letter to Dr. E. S[tillingfleet] concerning his late letter to Mr. G-[odden] and the account he gives in it of a conference between Mr. G. and himself. Lond., printed by Henry Hills, printer to the King's most excellent Majesty for his houshold and Chappel, 1687, 4»., pp. 36. Br. Museum and Trin. Coll. Lib., Dublin. Note. — Signed "E. M[eredith,] London, March 28, 1687." A second letter to Mr. G. in answer to two Letters lately published concerning the confer- ence at the D. of P. [Anon. By E. Stillingfleet, D.D.] Lond., 1687, 4"., pp. 44. Chetham Lib. A True account of a conference held about religion at London, Septemb. 29, 1687, between A Pulton, Jesuit, and Tho. Tenison, D.D., as also of that which led to it and followed after it. By T. Tenison, D.D. Lond., printed for Ric. ChisweU, at the Rose and Crown, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1687, 4»., pp. 83 and Epistle Dedicatory unpaged. Br. Museum. The Vindication of A. Cresner, (sic) School- Master, in Long-Acre, from the aspersions of A. Pulton, Jesuit, and Schoolmaster in the Savoy : together with some account of his discourses with Mr. Meredith. [By A. Cressener.] Lond., printed for Ric. ChisweU... 1687, i"., pp. 14. Chetham Ub., and Br. Museum. Remarks of A. Pulton, Master in the Savoy, MEEEDITH, Edwabd. (Con.). upon Dr. Tho. Tenison's late Narrative... and a reply to A. Chresner's (sic) pretended vindication. Lond., printed by Nathaniel Thompson... 1687, 4°., pp. 42 and Epistle Dedicatory with Testi- monies unpaged. Br. Museum. A true and full account of a conference held about religion, between Dr. Tho. Tenison and A. Pulton, one of the Masters in the Savoy. [By Andrew Pulton.] Lond., printed by Nathaniel Thompson, at the entrance into Old-Spring-Gar- den, near Charing-Cross, 1687, i"., pp. 18 and To the Reader unpaged. Br. Museum. Mr. Pulton consider'd in his sincerity, reason- ings and authorities... By Tho. Tenison, D.D. Lond., printed for Richard ChisweU... 1687, 4°., pp. 100 and Dedication unpaged. Br. Museum and Chetham Lib. Remarks on a late conference between Andrew Pulton, Jesuit, and Thomas Tenison, D.D. By [E. Meredith.] Lond., 1687, 4". Some further remarks on the late account given by Dr. Tenison of his conference with Mr. Pulton wherein the Doctor's three exceptions against Edward Meredith are examined, several of his other misrepresentations laid open, motives of the said E. M.'s conversion shewed, and some other points relating to controversie occasionally treated. Together with an appendix in which some passages of the doctor's book entituled, Mr. Pulton considered, are re-considered; and in the close the best means of coming to true faith proposed. To aU which is added a post- script, in answer to the pamphlet put forth by the School-Master of Long Acre. [By E. Meredith.] Lond., printed by Henry Hills... and are to be sold at his Printing-House on the Ditch-Side, in Black-Fryers, 1688, 4^. Trin. Coll. Lib., Dublin, and Br. Museum. Note.— To the readers unpaged, signed E.M. ; The Eemarks, Appendix, etc., signed Edward Meredith, pp. 1-161 ; postscript, pp. 162-76. A Vindication of Protestant Charity, in answer to some passages in Mr. E. M[eredith]'3 remarks on a late conference. [By James Har- rington.] Oxford, 1688, 4«. Chetham Ub. Some reflexions upon a Treatise call'd Pietas Romana and Parisiensis, lately printed at Ox- ford. To which are added. I, A Vindication of Protestant charity, in answer to some passages in Mr. E. M[eredith,]'s Remarks on a late Con- ference. II, A defence of the Oxford reply to two Discourses there printed, AD. 1687. [Arum. By James Harrington.] Oxford, printed at the Theater, Anno Domini, 1688, 4«>., pp. 91. Bod. Ub. Note.—" A Vindication of protestant charity," &c. is contained in pp. 32-44. MEEEETT. 350 MICHAEL. MEEEWETHER, Henry Alworth, D.C.L., Q.C., and Serjeant at Law. Town Clerk of the City of London, 23 June, 1842, to 10 Feb., 1859. 6. 1780. d. Castlefield, Wilts, 22 July, 1864. Eeport of the case of the borough of West Looe, in the County of Cornwall, tried before a committee of the House of Commons, April 1 8, 1822... By H. A. Merewether, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. Lond., printed by A. Strahan...for Henry Butterworth...7, Fleet Street, between the Temple Gates, 1823, 8"., pp. Hi and 254, 12/-. The History of the Boroughs and the Muni- cipal Corporations of the United Kingdom from the earliest to the present time. . .By H. A. Mere- wether and A. J. Stephens. Lond., Stevens and Sons, BeU Yard, 1835, 3 vols., 4". Note. — The information is arranged in chronolo- gical order. MEEIADOCUS, Saint, or MERIADEC, Saint. Patron Saint of Camborne ; Bp. of Vannes, in Brittany, 7th Cent. cf. Acta Sanctorum, 7 June, ii, 36 ; Leland's Collectanea, iv, 28. Begins " Hie incipit ordinale de vita sancti Mereadoci Episcopi et Confessoris." At the end " Finitur per dominum Hadton. Anno Domini 1504." [A dramatic mystery in the Cornish Language.] MS. 16th Cent., 4"., pp. 168. Hengwrt, MSS. penes W. W. E. Wynne, Esq., Peniarth. Note. — For an account of the MS. cf. Arclueol Camb., i, 94-95, (1870). Beunans Meriasek. The Life of St. Meriasek, Bishop and Confessor. A Cornish Drama. Edited with a translation and notes. By Whitley Stokes. Lond., Trubner and Co., 1872, roy. 8"., pp. xvi and 279, 15/-. Note. — This is the previous MS. printed. Meriasek is the Cornish pronunciation of Meriadec. MERIASEK, St. See Meriadocus, St. MERIVALE, Herman, C.B. Barrister-at-law (son of John Herman Merivale). Recorder of the Borough of Penzance, 1841, to 31 Mch., 1 848 j Under Secretary of State for India, 1859. I. Dawlish, Devon, 1806. Historical Studies. By H. Merivale. Lond., Longman, 1865, 8"., pp. viii and 472, 12/6. Note.— Contains " The Scenery and Antiquities of Cornwall," pp 355-415, reprinted from the Quart. Rev., cii, 289-329, (1857). MERRETT, Christopher, M.D., F.R.S. h. WincLcombe, Gloucestershire, 16 Feb., 1614. d. Hatton Garden, London, 19 Aug., 1695. MEEEETT, Chbistopher, M.D. (Con.). A relation of the tinn mines and working of tinn in the county of Cornwal. Philos. Trans., xii, 949-52, (1678); Air. ii, 424, (1678); La Metallurgie par A. A. Ba/rha, ii, 330-36. Note.- — The original MS. of this treatise forms art. 33 of No. 698 of the Addit. MSS., Br. Musernn. MERRIFIELD, Charles Watkins (son of John Merrifield, of Tavistock), h. London, 20 Oct., 1827. The Distress in Cornwall. Pall Mall Gazette, 16 Aug., 1866. Note.' — Mr. Merrifield m. Elizaheth Ellen, (dau. of John Nioholls, of Trekenning, St. Columb), she d. 23, Scarsdale Villas, Kensington, London, 23 Mch., 1869. MERTHERDERWA, Dr. Reginald, of Mer- therderwa, now Menadarva, in Camborne. Principal of Bull Hall, Oxford ; R. of St. Creed. Will proved 11 Feb., 1447. cf Rev. H. Anstey's Munimenta Academica, (1862), ii, 522, 559 ; Harl. MSS., 4031, p. 87. Note. — The Will directs the erection of Cornish Crosses in Camborne, and the donations of vestments and money to Camborne, Creed and St. Michael's Mount. MERRIFIELD, William. Librarian of Tav- istock Public Library, b. Tavistock, 6 Mch., 1804. Meteorological Register kept at the Public Library, Tavistock. Bejy. B.I.C., 1844. p. 54. MEYRICK, Rev. Thomas. Travelling Preacher for Lady Huntingdon ; Curate of a small Chapel in the parish of Halifax; Afternoon Lecturer in Parish Church of Halifax, 17- - to 1770. h. Cornwall, d. Halifax, Jan., 1770. hur. Parish Church, cf. Tyerman's Life of Wesley, (1870), i, 460, 497, 528; Ufe and Times of Countess of Huntingdon, (1839), L 446. MEYRICK, Rev. Thomas, B.A. (2ndsonof Bev. 0. L. Meyrick, B. of Holswmihy, Devon). Curate of North Petherwin; E. of Covenham St. Mary, Lincolnshire, h. CornwalH 1775. d. Cartha Martha, Lezant, 27 May, 1841. cf Gent. Mag., xvi, 214, (1841). MICHAEL, OF CORNWALL. ^e« Blaumpinus, Michael, p. 25. MICHAEL, George. A.D. 1818, May 26. No. 4267. Specification of George Michael, of St. Austell... Builder for " Certain improvements in the method of opening and shutting windows or sashes, and also in the application of machinery to the opening and MICHELL. 851 MICHELL. MICHAEL, Geoboe. (Con.)- shutting window shutters, and in other cases where the aforesaid improvement may be ap- plied." With drawing annexed. Lond., 1818, fol. — ^Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1857, fol., pp. 7, 13d. MICHELL, LiEUT.-CoLONEL Charles Corn- WALLIS, C.E., K.H. (2nd son of Admiral Samp- son Michell). Royal Engineers ; Military Draw- ing Master, Sandhurst, 1824; Professor of Fortifications, Woolwich, 1825; Surveyor Gen- eral at the Cape of Good Hope, 1828-48. b. Exeter, 29 Mch., 1793. d. Eltham, 28 Mch., 1851. On the roads and kloofs in the Cape Colony. Journ. Geogr. Soc, vi, 168-73, (1836). MICHELL, Francis (son of Rich. Michell). b. Gwennap, 1 June, 1780. d. Redruth, 7 Aug., 1860. Steam Boiler Guage. Plate. Rep. B.C. P. Soc, 1841, pp. 121-22. MICHELL, Francis William (son of the pre- ceding), b. Redruth, 29 June, 1828. Improved Pick. Rep. R.C.P.Soc, 1849, p. iii. MICHELL, Admiral Sir Frederick Thomas, K.C.B. (eld. son of Admiral Sampson Michell. d. 1809). Promoted Admiral 2 Apl., 1866. Knighted 19 Mch., 1867. b. 8 Apl., 1788. d. North Gate, Totnes, 14 Jan., 1873. cf. Gent. Mag., iii, 521, (1867) ; O Byrne's Naval Biog. Bid.; The Times, 16' Jan., p. 5, col. 6. MICHELL, Grace (youngest dau. of Jas. Angove, and wife 1 Nov., 1870, of Francis William Michell). b. Redruth, 20 Dec, 1839. We shall need no candle there. A Story of' a Sunday Scholar. Anon. Redruth, J. S. Doidge, 1859, 12".— 2nd ed. 1861, 120,, pp. 12, Id.— 3rd ed. 1864, 12°. The Gold Fields of California, and struggles to win Gold there and in England. A Tale in 17 chapters. [By Grace Angove.] The Redruth Times, 25 Sept., 1868 to 2 Apl., 1869. Note.— It is intended to republish these papers in a Pamphlet form. A Directory of Redruth and its neighbour- hood... Redruth, J. S. Doidge, [q.v.] 1866, cr. 80. Note.— Contains "Introductory History of Eed- mth, by Miss G. Angove and Mr. Jas. Johns,"pp. ix-xxui. Life's Battle Won. A Small Tribute to the Memory of George Smith, Esq., LL.D., etc., etc., of Trevu, Camborne. By the author of The Gold Fields of California, etc., etc. Redruth, MICHELL, Geaob. (Con.). J. S. Doidge, Fore Street; Lond., W. Kent and Co., 1869, 18«., pp. 24, 3d. The Sunday School Reciter... First Series. Redruth, J. S. Doidge. n.d., [1864,] 8"., pp. 36. NoTE.^Contains the following: ADialogue between George, John, and their Teacher. Signed " G," pp, 17-23. A Dialogue between Clara, Lucy, Emma, Polly, and Jane. Signed " G," pp. 26-32. Grace Michell has also published numerous articles in the " Christian Times," " Western Morning News," " Western Weekly News," and " Cornish Weekly News." MICHELL, James (1 son of John Michell, M.P. for Truro 1562, 1573, who m. Jane, eld. dau. of John Killigrew). Lease dated 1622 to Jas. Mychell from Simon Killigrew. q.v. MICHELL, James (Zrd son of Robert Michell, of Calenick). Receiving Inspector of Taxes for Cornwall and Devon, b. Steppes, near Bodmin, 1775. d. Truro, 4 Mar., 1856. bm. Kenwyn. Parochial History of St. Neots, in Cornwall, and an historical sketch of the Life and Miracles of St. Neot ; together with a description of the Stained Windows in the parish church and the Ballad of Tregeagle or Dosmare Pool. By James Michell. Bodmin, printed by Liddell and Son, 1833, 80., pp. 220. MICHELL, James (son of Capt. Jas. Michell). b. Tresavean, Gwennap, 1796. d. Alderley Edge, Cheshire, 27 Nov., 1862. Monu. West- bury on Trym. On the argentiferous lead mines of the Sierra Almagrera on the southern coast of Spain. Trans. R.G.S.C, vi, 308-16, (1846). A.D. 1835, June 22. No. 6853. Specification 'of James Michell, of Truro... Gentleman, for " An improved process in smelting argentiferous ores." With drawing annexed. Lond., 1835, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1858, fol., pp. 4, 3d. MICHELL, John. A Lease of lands in Crofthole, in the parish of Leskowen, from John Smyth to J. MycheU and others, 1601. Br. Museum. Addit. MSS., 5,013, art. 86. MICHELL, John (2nd son of Robert Michell). b. Calenick, 1 June. bapt. July, 1774. d. Calenick, 22 Nov., 1868. bur. Kea, 27 Nov. A Manual of Mineralogy... By Thomas Hogg, [q.v.] 1825, 80. Note. — John Michell very largely aided in the compilation of this work. MICHELL. 352 MIOHELL. MICHELL, John. (Coii.). Notice of the analysis of copper ore found at Huel Falmouth which appears very much like the Buntkupfererz of Werner. Trans. B.G.S.C., iii, 338, (1827). A.D. 1843, April 11. No. 9692. Specification of John Michell, of Calenick...Tin Smelter, for " Improvements in extracting copper, iron, lead, bismuth; and other metals or minerals from Tin Ore." Lond., 1843, fol. — Eeprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1856, fol, pp. 3, 3d. A.D. 1852, Sept. 18. No. 14,295. Specification of John Michell, of Calenith, (sic) Cornwall, for " Improvements in purifying tin ores and separating ores of tin from other minerals." Lond., 1852, fol. — Eeprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1857, fol., pp. 3, 3d. MICHELL, John (son of Rich. Michell). 6. Gwennap, 1798. d. Eedruth, 15 Sept., 1867. Description of a new lock. Rep. R.C.P.Soc, 1848, pp. 28-29. MICHELL, John (eld. son of John Michell, who d. 1868;. b. Truro, 1804. d. Madron, Pen- zance, 3 Dec, 1850. Tintagel Castle. Verses signed John Michell, Calenick ,Truro. Forget me not. (Lond., R. Acker- mann), 1829, pp. 85-88. MICHELL, John (2nd son of John Michell. b. 1800. d. St. Petersburg, 1856, and grandson of John Michell, of Bodmin). H.B. Majesty's Vice-Consul at St. Petersburg, b. St. Peters- burg, 1835?. The Eussians in Central Asia, their occupation of the Kirghiz Steppe and the line of the Syr-Daria, their political relations with Khiva, Bokhara, and Kokan, also descriptions of Chinese Turldstan and Dzungaria. By Capt. Valikhanof, M. Veniukof, and other Eussian Travellers. Translated from the Eussian by John and Eobert Michell. Plates. Lond., E. Stanford, 6, Charing Cross, 1865, 8"., pp. xvi and 562. First Ascent of the Tian-Shan or Celestial Mountains and visit to the upper course of the Jaxartes or Syr-Daria in 1857. By P. P. Semenof Translated from the Eussian by J. Michel! Journ. Roy. Geogr. Soc, xxxi, 356-66, (1861). Semipalatinsk. By N. Abramof Translated from the Journ. Eussian Geogr. Soc. for 1861, by J. Michell. ib., xxxii, 555-59, (1862). Notes on the Lake of Issyk-kul and the Eiver Koshkar. By W. Veniukof Translated by J MicheU. ib., xxxii, 560-64. The Lake of Nor-Zaisan and its neighbour- hood. By A. Abramof Translated from the Eussian by J. MicheU. ib., xxxv, 58-69, (1865) Djungaria and the Celestial Mountains. By MICHELL, John. (Con.). P. P. Semenof Translated from the Eussian by J. Michell. ib., xxxv, 213-31. The Pamir and the sources of the Amu-Daria. By M. Veniukof, Translated from Journ. Imp. Geogr. Soc. of St. Petersburgh, 1861, by J. Michell. ib., xxxvi, 248-65, (1866). The Belors and their country. By M. Veniukof- Translated from the Journ. Imp. Geogr. Soc. of St. Petersburg, 1862. ib., xxxvi, 265-79. The Delta and the mouths of the Amu-Daria or Oxus. By Admiral A. Boutakoff. Translated from the Eussian by J. Michell. ib., xxxvii, 152- 60, (1867). MICHELL, Nicholas (2nd son of John Michell, who d. 1868). b. Truro, 4 June, 1807. The Siege of Constantinople, in three cantos. With other poems. By N. Michell. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co., 1831, 8°., pp. 80, 5/-. Living Poets and Poetesses; a biographical and critical poem. By N. Michell. Lond., Will. Kidd, 228, Eegent St., 1832, 12°., pp. 150. 4/6.— 2nd ed. 1832, 120., pp_ 150. Note. — Dedicated " To John MicheU, Solicitor, Ilfraoomhe, . . .by his affectionate brother the Author, London, 1832." An Essay on woman, in three parts, [and Mis- cellaneous Poems.] By N. Michell. 2nd ed. Lond., published by Effingham Wilson, 1833, 8"., 4/6. The Saxon's Daughter, a tale of the crusades, in six cantos. By N. Michell. Lond., Saunders and Otley, 1835, 12"., pp. 154, 5/-. Note.— Dedicated "To Frederic Shoberl Esq., Editor of The Forget me not . . .by his friend the Author." The Fatalist, or the Fortunes of Godolphin. By An Essayist on the Passions, [i.e., N. Michell.] Lond., W. Edwards, 12, Ave-Maria-Lane, 1840, 3 vols., 8". The Traduced. An historical romance. By N. Michell. Lond., T. and W. Boone, 29, New Bond St., 1842, 3 vols., post 8"., 31/6. The Eventful Epoch, or the fortunes of Archer Clive. By N. Michell. Lond., Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1846, 3 vols., post 8"., 31/6. Euins of many lands, a descriptive poem. With illustrations, [and portrait of the author.] By N. Michell. Lond., W. Tegg and Co., 1849, 12°., pp. 283,5/-.— 2nd ed. enlarged. 1849, 80., pp. 394, 5/-.— 3rd ed. 1 852, 8 "., 5/-.— 4th ed. re- vised with considerable additions to the text and historical notes. Lond., W. Tegg and Co , 1854, fcp. 8"., pp. 440, 4/6.— 5th and cheap ed. [formmg Vol. I of Collected Poems.] Lond., W. Tegg, 1871, fcp. 8"., pp. 440, 1/6. Note.— Dedicated "To his wife Maria... by the Author, London, Dec, 1848." MICHELL. 353 MICHELL. MICHELL, Nicholas. (Con.). The burial of Wellington; an elegiac and tributary poem. By N. Michell. Lend., W. Tegg and Co., 1852, 8°., pp. 16, 3d. Spirits of the Past. An historical poem in three books. By N. Michell. Lond., W. Tegg and Co., 1853, [1852,] 8*., pp. 388, 5/-.— New and cheaper ed. Lond., 1855, or. 8°., 3/-. Famous Women and Heroes. A poem in seven parts. Altered from the Author's " Spirits of the Past," new characters being introduced. By N. Michell. Cheap ed., [forming Vol. II of Collected Poems.] Lond., W. Tegg, [July,] 1871, fcp. 8°., pp. 258, 1/6. Note. ^ — Dedicated "To Thomaa Michell, Esq., F.E.Gr.S., Her Britannic Majesty's Consul at St. Peters- burgh, and S. Secretary to the British Embassy there, by his affectionate cousin The Author." The Poetry of Creation, in seven parts. By N. Michell. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1856, fcp. 8°., pp. 194, 3/-. The Poetry of Creation, in eight parts. By N. Michell. Cheap ed. Revised and enlarged, [forming Vol. Ill of Collected Poems.] Lond., V. Tegg, [Aug.,] 1871, fcap. 8»., pp. 214, 1/6. Pleasure; a poem, in seven books. By N. Michell. Lond., W. Tegg and Co., 1859, [1858,] B"., pp. 243, 3/6.— Cheap ed. revised, [forming Vol. IV of Collected Poems.] Lond., W. Tegg, [Sept.,] 1871, fcap. 8°., pp. 223, 1/6. The Wreck of the Homeward-bound, or the Boat of Mercy. [A Poem.] By N. Michell. Frontispiece. Lond., Will. Tegg, 1862, [1861,] 8"., pp. 30, 1/-.— 2nd ed. 1862, 8°., pp. 30, 1/-. — 3rded. 1863, S"., pp. 30, 1/-.— 4th ed. 186- The Shakspeare Festival ; or the birth of the world's Poet. An Ode. By N. Michell. Eeprinted from the " New Monthly Magazine," with addi- tions. Lond., W. Tegg and Co. [Fred. H. Earle, printer, Falmouth,] 1864, 8°., pp. 13, 1/-- Sibyl of Cornwall, a poetical tale; The Land s End St. Michael's Mount, and other poems. ByN. Michell. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1869, 8" pp viii and 308, 5/-.— cheap ed. [forming Vol V of Collected Poems,] Lond., W. Tegg, [21 Sept.,] 1871, fcp. 8"., pp. H and 240, 1/6. Note.— Dedicated " To the memory of Sir H. Davy, Bart." The Immortals, or glimpses of Paradise a poem. ByN. Michell. Lo^d.,W. Tegg 1870 8" pp 224, 3/6.— cheap ed. [forming Vol. VI of CoUected'Poems.] Lond., W. Tegg, [10 Oct.,] 1871, fcap. 8»., pp. 224, 1/6. London in Light and Darkness, with all the Author's Minor Poems now first collected in- cluding several poems never before pubhshed. MICHELL, Nicholas. (Con.)- By N. Michell. Portrait. [Forming Vol. VII of Collected Poems.] Lond., W. Tegg, [Oct.,] 1871, fcap. 8"., pp. 264, 1/6. Note. — The Poems on Cornish Scenery are con- tained in pp. 123-46. The Soldier's Return. Forget me not, (Lond., R. Ackermann), 1828, pp. 133-36. Remorse, ik, 1829, pp. 415-18. Hope. Verses, ib.', 1830, p. 88. Palmyra, ii., 1831, p. 191. Morning in the east, ib., 1831, p. 309. To the Tempest, ib., 1832, pp. 48-49. The Mother, ib., 1832, pp. 277-78. A banquet scene, ib., 1833, p. 86. To my native valley, ib., 1833, p. 202. The dying infant, ib., 1833, p. 298. Evening in Autumn, ib., 1833, p. 342. An Italian night, ib., 1834, p. 128. Buried friendship, ib., 1834, p. 226. Lanherne convent in Cornwall, ib., 1834, pp. 355-56. The Coliseum at Rome, ib., 1839, pp. 273-74. The dying seaman, ib., 1841, pp. 194-96. The old manor house, ih., 1842, p. 16. Gertrude of Lanherne. ib., 1843, pp. 273-85. Morning. Verses. Ackermann's Juvenile Forget me not, 1831, p. 488. The Creator. Verses, ib., 1832, pp. 65-66. A Melody by N. Michell, Esq. Marshals Christmas Box, a Juvenile Annual. (Lond., W. Marshall, 1832, 12°.), pp. 194-95. The Painter's Daughter. A Tale. The Keepsake, 1843, pp. 247-54. lone of Athens. A story of the age of Tibe- rius, ib., 1844, pp. 107-118. The Ruined Squire. A Tale, ib., 1845, pp. 34-48. lanthe of Nimes. A Tale, ib., 1846, pp. 157- 71. The Rose Gatherer. A Romance of a Ruin. ib., 1847, pp. 31-44. Madeline Capel, or the scheming guardians. ib., 1849, pp. 148-65. The Stockbroker's Daughter. «&., 1850, pp. 138-56. Cleonice. ib., 1850, pp. 169-82. Pontius Pilate's Daughter, ib., 1852, pp. 72- 82; 1853, pp. 42-53. The Creation of Woman. Lines, ib., 1852, pp. 132-33. ., ,^^^ A Story of the Early Persecutions, ib., 1853, pp. 144-57. T T MICHELL. 354 MICHELL. MICHELL, Nicholas. (Con.). Hymn to the Classic Ehone. ih., 1854, pp. 201-202. Classic and English Beauties. Lines. iJ., 1855, pp. 269-72. Spirits. Lines, ih., 1857, pp. 137-38. Hester Somerset. New Monthly Mag., Ixxxviii, 50, etc., (1850). Note. — The first of a series of articles in this pub- lication. Mirage seen off Falmouth. Journ. R.I.C., Mch., 1864, pp. 58-59. MICHELL, Philip, of Exeter Coll. (? eld. son of Gilbert Michell, M.P. for Bodmin, 1585;. Nuptias...FrecIerici, comitis Palatini. Oxon., 1613, 4°. Note. — Contains Terses by P. Michell. MICHELL, Rev. Ralph. V. of Padstow. cf Walker's Sufferings, part ii, p. 305. MICHELL, Ralph, Engineer. Reasons humbly offered to the Parliament as- sembled for building a mould or harbour in Whit- sand Bay. n.d., [1703,] fol. See Jones, Henry. MICHELL, Richard (father of John Michell, who d. 1867;. h. Gwennap, 15 Feb., 1748. d. Redruth, 27 Nov., 1836. Note.— E. Michell was one of the first Cornish Engineers who erected Steam-engines for Boulton and Watt. MICHELL, Richard Henry. I. Redruth, 21 June, 1817. Now resident at Cardiff. On the effect of momentum on pumping en- gines. Proc. South Wales Inst. Civ. Enqineers i 47-60, (1858). ' ' A.D. 1867, 7 Aug. No. 2279. Specification of E. H. Michell, of 21, Cookspur St., Charing Cross, Westminster, Engineer, for the Invention of " Improvements in dredging machinery and apparatus or appliances for the stowage and dis- charge of substances dredged up, the said appa- ratus or appliances being applicable to lighters, barges, or vessels used for other purposes." With drawing annexed. Lond., G. E. Eyre and W Spottiswoode, 1868, foL, pp. 6, lOd. MICHELL, Robert (Zrd son of John Michell, u^io cl St. Petersburg, 1856;. Formerly of the U ar Ofiice and now of the India Oflace. b St Petersburg, 1837. T. '^^^i^Vf','"'' '"^ Gentral Asia... By John and E. Michell, (1865). See Michell, John. MICHELL, EoBEBT. (Con.). The Jaxartes or Syr-Daria, from Russian Sources. By E. Michell. Journ. Roy. Geogr. Soc, xxxviii, 429-59, (1868). A Journey to the western portion of the Celes- tial Range (Thian-Shan) or " Tsun-Lin " of the Ancient Chinese from the western limits of the Trans-Illi region to Tashkend. By N. Silvertsof. Translated from the Journal of the Russian Impl. Geogr. Soc, 1867, by R. Michell. ib., xl, 343-419, (1870). The Principality of Karalegin. By Major- General Abramof. Translated from the Russian and communicated bj' R. Michell. ib., xli, 338- 42, (1871). The Mohammedan Rebellion in North- West China. By R. Michell. Ocean Highways, ii, 198- 200, (1872). Summary of Statistics of the Russian Empire. Journ. Statistical Soc, xxxv, pt. iii, 341-72, (1872). Note.— Mr. E. Michell has been a writer in "The Times of India " since the year 1867 on the subject of The Eussians in Central Asia, the articles being sisued T. L. MICRELL,B.o-DOhFii (? 2nd son of (Albert Michell M.P. for Bodmin, 1585;. Threni Exoniensium in obitum...D. Johannis Petrei, Baronis de Writtle...Oxoni8e, 1613, 4". Note. — Contains verses by " Eodol. Michel, Ex. Col." MICHELL, Lieut. Sampson, English Service ; and an Admiral in the Portuguese Service (eld. son of Tlws. Michell, of Croftwest, Kenwyn). b. Croftwest t, 1755. d. Rio de Janeiro, 20 Jan., 1809. ter. on the Bastion at Rio. cf. European Mag., Iv, 411, (1809). Note.— Lieut. Michell, E.N., by permission of hia Sovereign, entered the Naval service of the Queen of Portugal. MICHELL, Rev. Thomas. V. of Veryan, 1 Oct., 1743-1773. bur. Veryan, 22 June, 1773. cf Rev. E. Sidney's Life of Rev. S. Waller, pp. 191,405. MICHELL, Thomas (eld. son of John Michell, who d. St. Petersburg, 1856;. Enghsh Consul at St. Petersburg and 2nd Secretary to the Legation, b. St. Petersburg, 1836? Handbook for Travellers in Russia, Poland and Finland. New ed. revised with map and plan. Lond , J. Murray, 1865, 12o., pp. viii and 282. — 2nd ed. revised with map and plan. Lond., J. Murray, 1868, 12°., pp. x and 400. Note.— Prefaces signed " T. Michell, London, May, 1865," and " T. M., St. Petersburg, July, 1868." The Original Handbook was not edited bv Mr. Michell. MIDDLECOAT. 355 MILES. MICHELL, Thomas. (Con.). Tariff of Customs' Duties levied on the Euro- pean Frontier of the empire of Russia and king- dom of Poland, from the 1st (13th) January, 1869. Translated by T. Michell. . .and revised by the Imperial Russian Department of Trade and Manufacturers. Published for the benefit of the British Seamen's Hospital, at Cronstadt. St. Petersburg, [Printed at the Offices of the "Jour- nal de St. Petersbourg,"] 1868, 4»., pp. 102, 13/6. Supplement to The Tariff of Customs' Duties ...containing additions and corrections made by the Imperial Department of Customs between the 1st January and 30th June, (O.S.) 1869. Compiled by T. Michell.. .St. Petersburg, 1869, 4"., pp. 10. Opinion on the Eastern Question. By General Rostivlav Fad6eff of the Russian Army. Trans- lated by T. Michell. Lond., E. Stanford, 1871, 8°., pp. 104, 2/6. MICHELL, William (son of RoU. Michell, of Ludgvan, and afterwards of Calenick). b. Cal- enick, 1776. d. Perranporth, 5 Feb., 1845. bur. Kenwyn. On the old church of St. Piran Zabuloe. Bep. R.I.G., 1838, p. 24. MICHELL, William, M.D., 1839 (eld. son of Bennet Michell J. M.P., Bodmin, 1852-1857, and ApL, 1859, to Aug., 1859. 6. Bodmin, 14 Feb., 1796. d. Plymouth, 4 Nov., 1872. Speech of Dr. Michell with reference to his ac- ceptance of the Oface of Steward of the Chiltern Hundreds, 5 August, 1859. Hansard's Parlia- mentary Debates, civ, 1039-43, (1859). MICHELL, William (only son of William Michell, of Comprigney). Registrar of the Stan- naries, b. Truro, 1804. d. Newquay, 19Mch., 1869. cf. Register and Mag. of Biog., i, 429, (1869). MICHELL, William Edwards (only son of Will. Michell, Registrar), h. Truro, 14 Mch., 1840. Camps and Tumuli in Cornwall. Rep. R.I.G., 1856, p. 43. Antiquarian Remains in the parishes of St. Merrynand St. Eval. Jowrn. R.I.G., Oct., 1865, pp. 64-65. MIDDLECOAT, Nicholas. Supervisor of Tin in Cornwall and Devon, 1820. Answer to an Address dated St. James' Square, 16 March, 1796, and signed Richard Barwell, by MIDDLECOAT, Nicholas. (Con.). Nicholas Middlecoat. Truro, printed by Tregon- ing and Philp, 1796, 4°., pp. 68. Note. — Relates to an Election for the Borough of Tregony. MIDDLETON, Empson Edward (son of Boswell MiddUton, of Scarboro'). b. Jamaica, 1838. The Cruise of the Kate. By E. E. Middleton. Lond., Longman, 1870, 8*., pp. x and 292. Note. — The Cornish portion is contained in pp. 71-128. MIDHOPE, Rev. Stephen (son of Rev. Stephen Midhope, R. of St. Martin's by Looe). R. of St. Martin's by Looe; Minister of Baptist Church, in Looe. d. Looe, 24 Feb., 1652. Death's Advantage, or a sermon preached at the funerall of that noble and valiant gentleman, Colonell William Gould, High Sheriffe of Devon, By order of Parliament, and late Commander of the forts and island in Plymouth. By S. Midhope, M'- of Arts. Lond., printed by L. N. for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at the Marigold, in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1644, sm. 4 ". Title and dedication, 3 leaves, the sermon, pp. 1-24. Note. — An account of Mr. Midhope resigriing his benefice to join the Baptist Denomination is printed in Bond's East and "West Looe, pp. 22.24. MIGNERON, M. On the Mininglaws of France. ByM.Migneron. Communicated and translated by Sir C. Lemon. Trans. R.G.S.C, vi, 238-58, (1846). MILES, SiBELLA Elizabeth (dau. of John Westby Hatfield and wife of Alfred Miles), b. Falmouth, 28 Sept., 1800. Now resident in London. The Wanderer of Scandinavia or Sweden delivered, in five cantos, and other Poems [With Notes.] By S. E. Hatfield. Lond., Longman; Truro, Carthew, [printed,] 1826, 2 vols., post 8°., 14/-. Note. — ^Published by subscription, an edition of 500 copies. This work is dedicated to Major-General Sir R. H. Vivian, K.C.B. Moments of Loneliness or prose and poetic efforts on various subjects and occasions. By S. E. Hatfield. Dedicated by the most affectionate permission to her parents. Lond., Simpkin and Marshall ; and James Philp, Cornwall and Devon Magazine Office, Falmouth, [printed,] 1829, 8"., pp. 204, 7/-. Note. — Contains " The Last of the Druids, a tale of Cam-Bras," pp. 73-95. MILES. 356 MILPOBD. MILES, SiBELLA Elizabeth. (Con.). Fruits of Solitude, or prose and poetic com- positions, consisting of sketches of natural and moral scenery, tales, essays, meditations, &c., &c. By S. E. Hatfield. Dedicated by most kind permission to Lieutenant-General Sir R. T. Wilson, &c., &c., &c. Lond., published by Long- man... and Edward Nettleton, Plymouth, [print- ed,] 1831, 16".; pp. vii and 212. Note. — Contains poem " Occasioned by the landing of Donna Maria da Gloria 11 at Falmouth, Sep. 27, 1828," etc., pp. 132-145. An Essay on the Factory Question, occasioned by the recent votes in the House of Common, addressed to the Ladies of England and inscribed with the most devoted feelings of loyalty and respect to Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria. Anon. Lond., E. Hastings, 13, Carey St., Lincoln's Inn, 1844, 12«., pp. 42. 250 copies printed. Original Cornish Ballads ; chiefly founded on Stories, humorously told by Mr. Tregellas, in his Popular Lectures on "Peculiarities," to which are appended some Drafts of Kindred Character, from the portfolio of the Editress [Marianna Gervis, q.v.^ the whole prefixed by an Introduc- tory Essay on the peculiar Characteristics of the Cornish Pesantry, from the gifted pen of Mrs. Miles. Lond., Simpkin ; Printed by T. White- horn, Penryn, 1846, post 8"., pp. 60, 2/6. Note. — The whole of the Ballads are by Mrs. Gervis, with the exception of The Blind Miner and the Stanzas on the last page which are by Mrs. Miles. Leisure Evenings or Records of the Past. A Collection of Prose and poetical miscellanies. By Mrs. A MUes (late S. E. Hatfield). Inscribed to the Memory of her Departed Parents. Lond., pubhshed by Geo. Phipps, 25, Upper Eanelagh St., Eaton Sq. Sold for the authoress by Rastall and Son, Eccleston St., Eaton Sq. n.d., [I860,] 8"., pp. viii and 166. Note. — Preface dated Pimlico, Dec. 21, 1859. The Grotto of Neptune, (" Antro di Nettuno") Sardinia, a poem illustrative of three views of this interesting cavern, taken in July, 1824, by the late Commander A. Miles, E.N., F.R.G.S., and dedicated to his memory by his widow, S. E. MOes. Lond., Day and Son, 6, Gate St., Lin- coln's Inn Fields, W.C, 1864, fol., pp. 16, 12/-. List of Subscribers. 200 copies printed. The Accepted Sacrifice and other poems. By S. E. Hatfield, fcp. 8o. To Subscribers 5/-. Note. — The announcement of this proposed publi- cation is dated " Penzance, Nov., 1831." The Annual of Commemoration. By Mrs. A. Miles. MILES, SiBELLA Elizabeth. (Con.). The Sabbath Album. By Mrs. A. Miles. Reminiscences of the Mediterranean and other Poems. By Mrs. A. Miles. Note. — The above 3 works were announced for publication, but were not brought out, some portions of the first two are to be found in the work by Mrs. Miles, entitled " Leisure Eveningf?," 1860. Music. Verses. Signed "S. E. Hatfield, Truro." Forget me not. (Lond., R. Ackermann), 1825, pp. 390-91. Evening. Verses, ib., 1826, pp. 231-32. Night. Verses, ih., 1827, p. 126. Stanzas to sorrow, ib., 1827, p. 298. Family worship in a cottage, ib., 1828, pp. 249-51. The Maniac's smile, ib., 1831, p. 100. Evening. Verses. Selector or' Cornish Mag., i, 6, (1826). Note. — The first of a series of poetic contributions in Vols. I-III, 1826-28. Cornish Fisherwomen. With an illustration. The People's Mag., i, 157-58, (1867). The Christian's confidence in dark days. Church of England Mag., Ixvii, 208, (1869). Note. — Mrs. Miles wrote the Leading Articles in the Penzance Journal in the years 1846-1850. Her husband, Alfred Miles, (6. Woodbridge, Suffolk, 31 Dec, 1796. d. Lympston, Devon, 28 Nov., 1851), was the author of " A word or two on the Liturgy. By A. M[iles.] Lend., Nisbet, 1887, 12°., pp. 72, 1/-." He also edited two editions of Horsburgh's Indian Directory, 1841, 1852, but the latter at the time of his decease requiring the index to the 2nd vol. to complete the work, this portion was added by his widow and son, Frederick Aiundel Miles, (who d. 3 June, 1862, aged 26). MILFORD, Jonah, Manager of Carvedras Tin Smelting Works, h. Kea, 1735. d. Truro, 11 May, 1812. cf. Sidnei/ s Life of Bev. 8. Walker, (1838), pp. 522-523, 527-529. Letter from J. Milford, Truro, 16 Jan., 1756, to Mr. Jacka, 4o., pp. 8. MSS. penes Mr. G. G. Boase. Letter from George Burnett, Blackheath, July 13, 1761, to Jonah Milford, Truro, containing details of the last illness of the Rev. Samuel Walker, fol., pp. 3. MSS. ib. Letter from Rev. Samuel Furly, Feb. 12, 1795, to J. Milford, Truro, respecting Tin Bounds mentioned in the Rev. Jos. Jane's Will, 4°., pp. 1. MSS.ib. Letter from Rev. John Pugh, Eanceby, near Sleaford, Lincolnshire, Dec. 5, 1795, to Jonah Milford, Truro, respecting the Rev., Jos. Jane's Will, 4"., pp. 4. MSS. ih. MILLES. 357 MILLES. MILL, Rev. Thomas, "Wesleyan Minister. 6. Phillack, 1 Feb., 1783. d. Phillack. 20 Feb., 1806. Memoir of Mr. Thomas Mill. By J. Gill. Methodist Mag., xxxiii, 489-92, (1810). MILLARD, Rev. Henry, Wesleyan Minister. d. 1746. cf. B. Treffry's Memoirs of Rich. Tre- wavas, Sen., (1839), pp. 21-23. Letter from H. Millard to the Rev. John "Wesley. Dated St. Ives, 11 Sept., 1744. Ar- minian Mag., i, 230, (1778). MILLER, Professor William Allen, M.D., r.R.S. 6. Ipswich, 17 Dec, 1817. c^. Liverpool, 30 Sept., 1870. Chemical Examination of a Hot Spring in Wheal Clifford, Cornwall. Brit. Assoc. Sect., 1864, pp. 35-36. MILLES, Rev. Isaac, M.A. (son of smceeding). R. of St. Pinnock, 1746-1766; V. of Duloe, 1746-1766. ha^t. Duloe, 20 Sept., 1715. d 22 Nov., 1766. An account of the effects of a storm of thunder and lightning in the parishes of Looe and Lan- reath,- in the county of Cornwall, on the 27th day of June, 1756. Communicated to the Rev. J. Milles, D.D., F.R.S., in two letters, one from the Rev. Mr. Dyer, Minister of Looe, and the other from the Rev. Mr. [Isaac] Milles, Vicar of Duloe, in Cornwall. Grand Mag. of Universal Intelligence, i, 291-92, (1758). MILLES, Rev. Jeremiah, M.A. (ind son of Bev. Isaac Milles, B. of Eighcleer, Hants). Fellow and Tutor of Balliol Coll, 1696-1705; V. of Duloe, 1705-17|f. h. 1671. d. Duloe, 31 Jan., 17|f. cf. Account of the life of Bev. Isaac Milles, (1721), p. 148. MILLES, Very Rev. Jeremiah, D.D., F.R.S., F.A.S. (son of Bev. Jeremiah Milles, V. of Duloe. d. 31 Jan., 17|f;. Prebendary of Waterford ; R. of St. Edmund the King and St. Nicholas Aeon, Lombard St., 1746-84 ; R. of Merstham, Surrey, Oct., 1745 to 1784; R. of Terring, Sussex, 17 — to 1779 ; Prebendary of Exeter, 11 May, 1747 to 1762; Dean of Exeter, 28 Apl., 1762 to 1784. 6. Duloe, 1714. d. Harley St., London, 13 Feb., 1784. Monu. in Church of St. Edmund the King, Lombard St. cf. Walpole's Letters, (Cunningham's ed.J, vols, i, v, vi, vii, viii ; Manning and Bray's Swrey, ii, 262, 264 ; Polwhele's Biog. Sketches, ,ii, 6-13; Nichols' Lit. Anecdotes, vols, ii, iii, iv, v, vi; Nichols' Illusts. of Ldt., vols, i, ii, iii, v, vi, vii; Gent. Mag., liv, pt. i, 153, (1784),, xciii, pt. i, 516-17, pt. ii, 326-27, (1823); MILLES, Vekt Bev. Jehemiah. (Con.). Penny Cyclop. ; English Cyclop. ; Chalmers ; Bose. Catalogue of the valuable topographical, the- ological, classical and historical library, with some highly interesting manuscripts, collected by the Rev. J. Milles, Dean of Exeter, which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Leigh Sotheby, on Monday, April 10, 1843, and four following days, Lond., 1843, 8". Note. — Article 1175 of the MSS. consisted of " Book of Extracts from the Public Eecords, The Close Rolls, &o., relative to the Counties of Devon and Corn- wall." Manuscripts, etc. recently purchased from the libraries of... Lord Berwick, the late Thomas Milles, D.D., Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, the late very Reverend J. Milles, D.D...The whole of which are offered at the very reason- able prices affixed by Thomas Thorpe, 178, Pic- cadilly. [J. Rider, printer, London, 1843,] 8"., pp. 182. Note.— In this Catalogue, pp. 96-98, articles 386- 89 consist of Letters and documents relating to the Dean's foreign travels, articles 390-91 are MSS. by the Dean on Antiquarian subjects. Second Supplement to a general catalogue of books... recently purchased from the library of... Lord Berwick, the joint libraries of... Dr. J. Milles... and Thomas, Bishop of Lismore and Waterford... now offered... by T. Thorpe. [J. Rider, printer, 1843,] 8o., pp. 132. Note.— This catalogue contains Dean MUIes' copies of the works on the Chatterton Controversy, etc. A Sermon preach'd in the cathedral church of St. Peter's, Exon., before the right reverend the Lord Bishop of Exeter, and the rest of the Governors of the Devon and Exeter Hospital for sick and lame poor at their anniversary meet- ing, on Saturday, Aug. 27, 1748. By J. Milles, D.D., Precentor of Exeter. Lond., printed for W. Sandby, at the Ship, opposite St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet St., 1748, 4°., pp. 22. Inscriptionum AntiquarumGrsec. et Latin, liber ...A. Richardo Pocqcke, or printer's name. Anno. 1752,'fol.,' pp. 127. Br. Museum. Note. — At page 100 occurs the following Title " In- scriptionum Antiquarum liber alter. A. Jeremia Milles S.T.P. et Eiohardo Pococke, LL.D. ..editus. No place or printer's name, anno 1752." Observation on the Wardrobe Account for the year 1483, on the coronation of Richard III. By J. Milles, President of the Society of Antiquaries. Lond., printed for W. Bowyer and J. Nichols, 1770, 40., pp. 23. Note,- (1770). -Originally appeared in Archceol., i, 361-83, MILLES. 358 MILLES. MILLES, Very Eev. Jeeemuh. (Con.J. Reply to the observations of the Rev. Dr. Milles, Dean of Exeter and President of the Society of Antiquaries, on the Wardrobe Ac- count. By Horace Walpole. [Printed at Straw- berry Hill, 1770,] 40., pp. 24. NoTS. — Only six copies printed. Concio ad clerum in synodo provinciali Can- tuariensis provinoise habita a Johanne Butler, LL.D. Londini...veneunt apud J. Dodsley, 1775, 40., pp. 24. Note.— At pp. 21-24 occurs " Oratiunoula, qu^ ad superiorem domiim convooationis prsesentatua est in- ferioris domus prolocutor Jeremiah Milles, S.T.P., Decanus Exoniensis, Jan. 23, 1775." A speech delivered to The Society of Anti- quaries, on Thursday, Jan. 11, 1781, upon their removal into the apartments assigned to them in Somerset House. By the Rev. Dr. Milles, Dean of Exeter, President. Printed by the order of the Society, n.p. or d. or printer's name. [London, 1781,] 40., pp. 11. Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol, in the fifteenth century. By Thomas Rowley, Priest,_ &c. With a commentary in which the antiquity of them is considered and defended. By J. Milles, D.D. Lond., printed for T. Payne and Son, at the Mews Gate, 1782, 4°., w xx and 545, 21/-. A Vindication of the Appendix to the poems called Rowley's. In reply to the answers of the Dean of Exeter, Jacob Bryant, Esquire, and a third anonymous writer... By Thomas Tyrwhitt. Lond., printed for T. Payne and Son, 1782, 8". pp. vii and 223, 3/6. Cursory Observations on the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley, a Priest, of the 15th Cen- tury. With some remarks on the Commentaries on those Poems by the Rev. Dr. J. Milles, Dean of Exeter, and Jacob Bryant, Esq... Anon. [By Edmund Malone.] Lond., 1782, 80.— 2nd edit, revised and augmented. Lond., printed for J Nichols, 1782, 8°., pp. 62, 1/6. 59, 609-T57l78I)''^"^ appeared in Gent. Mag., li, 555- Strictures upon a pamphlet entitled "Cursory Observations, etc." With a Postscript on Mr Thomas Warton's Enquiry into the same subject Lond., pnnted for J. Stockdaie...l782, 8°. pn 84, 1/6. ' ' ^^' p. J^?™:~'^'^^^\°'7 ^°«™ "To the lemede Deane Percy," signed " Edward Burnaby Greene." An enquiry into the authenticity of the Poems attributed to Thomas Rowley. In which the MILLES, Veet Eev. Jeeemiah. (Con.). arguments of the Dean of Exeter and Mr. Bryant are examined. By Thomas Warton... Lond., printed for J. Dodsley, in Pall Mall, 1782, 80., pp. 125.— 2nd ed., corrected, 1782' 80., pp. 126. An arohseological epistle to the Reverend and Worshipful' Jeremiah Milles, D.D., Dean of Exeter, President of the Society of Antiquaries and Editor of a superb edition of the Poems of Thomas Rowley, Priest. To which is annexed a Glossary extracted from that of the learned Dean. Anon. [By John Baynes ?] Lond., printed for J. Nichols, 1782, 4°., pp. 18, 1/-. Ode, addressed to Edmund Malone, Esq., on his presuming to examine the learned and un- answerable arguments ursced by Jacob Bryant Esq., and the Rev. Dr. Milles, in support of the authenticity of Rowley's Poems. Gent Mag lii, 379-81, (1782). Series of Tracts on British Topography, His- tory, Dialects, &c. Lond., John Gray Bell, Bed- ford St., Covent Garden; 1851, 12o. Note.— No. 14 is entitled " Topographical notes respecting Bath, Wells, Glastonbury, Taunton, etc. By J. Milles. Printed from the original MS. Lond., J. G. Bell, 1851," 12"., 7 leaves. Only 60 copies of this tract were printed. An account of the effects of a storm... 1756. Grand Mag. of Univ. Intelligence, i, 291-92 (1758). See Milles, Rev. Isaac. An account of the Carlsbad Mineral waters in Bohemia. Philos. Trans., 1, pt. i, 25-30, (1758). Remarks on the Bovey Coal, ih., li, pt. ii 534-53, (1761). \Ayscough Shane MSB., Br. Museum, 4440, art. 581.] Meteorological Observations for 1768 and 1769, made at Bridgewater, in Somersetshire, and at Ludgvan, in Mount's Bay, Cornwall. Communicated by Dr. Milles. ih., lix, 155-59, (1770), Ix, 228-32, (1771). Note.— The Observations made at Ludgvan were by Dr. Will. Borlase. Speech on being elected President, 12 Jan., 1769. Archceol, i, pp. xli-xliii, (1770). Observations on the Wardrobe Account, etc. ib., i, 361-83. Observations on the Aestel. ib., ii, 75-79, (1773). Observations on an inscription in the church of Sunning-Hill, Berks, ib., ii, 129-30. On Lord Bruce's Horn, ib., iii, 24-29, (1775). [Reprinted in Geo. Allan's Miscellaneous Col- MILLES. 359 MILLETT. MILLES, Vekt Rev. Jekemiah. (Con.). lections relating to the Antiquities of Great Britain, (Darlington Press), pp. 2.] Some account of a curious seal ring belonging to Sir R. Worsley. ib., iv, 176-81, (1776). Observations on the Apamean Medal, ib., iv, 331-46. Observations on some antiquities found in the Tower of London in the year 1777. ib., v, 291- 305, (1779). Account of some Roman Antiquities discovered at Exeter, ib., vi, 1-5, (1782). [Reprinted in Geo. Allan's Miscellaneous Collections, pp. 2.] Illustration of an unpublished seal of Richard, Duke of Gloucester, ib., vii, 69-73, (1785). Letters from Jer. Milles to Rev. Thomas Birch, D.D., 1746. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 4,314, art. 546. Correspondence of Dean Milles with Rev. William Cole, 1775 and 1778-1782. ib., 5825, ff., 59 b., 151 b., 185 b., 220 b; 5831 f., 127 b. Copy of a Letter from Rev. James Bentham to Dean Milles, 1771. ib., 5842, pp. 357-59. Verses by Dr. Sneyd Davies on Dean Milles. ib., 5845, p. 18. [Printed in Nichol's Illustra- tions of Lit., i, 707.] Letters of Dean Milles to Dr. Ward, relative to Canterbury Cathedral, 1754. ib., 6181, flf., 79-87. A collection of coats of arms by Scipio Squyer ; with a few notes in the writing of Dr. Milles. ib., 14,262, fol. Sketch book of Antiquities in Germany and Italy with notes by Dr. Milles. ib., 14,263, obi. 4". Topographical Notes respecting Bath, Wells, &c., with some early historical Memoranda relat- ing to Britain, by Dr. Milles. ib., 14,264, sm. 4°. Memoranda by Dr. Milles relating to foreign measures ; notes respecting Coins and Medals in Sicily, &c. ; enquiries to be made respecting objects and customs in Turkey, &c. ; expenses of visiting the Holy Land ; Greek Inscriptions at Palmyra, &c. ib., 14,266, 12°. An account of some remarkable places between Paris and Rome, by the Rev. J. Milles, in a journey made between 15 October, 1733, and 22 Jany., 1733-4. Illustrated with engraved plans of towns and buildings, ib., 15,762, 4". An account of my journey from Rome to Venice, 11 May, to 13 June, 1734. By Rev. J. Milles. Illustrated with engravings, ib., 15,763, 40. An account by Rev. J. Milles of his travels in the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, and Croatia, 20 May, 1736, to 30 May, 1737. Illus- trated with views and plans, ib., 15,764-72, 9 vols., 4°. MILLES, Veey Bev. Jeeemiah. (Con.). Register of letters from Rev. J. Milles to his uncle, Rev. Thomas Milles, Bishop of Waterford, 1733-37. Illustrated with plans of towns, &c. ib., 15,773-15,775, 3 vols., large fol. Journals of the Rev. J. Milles of his travels in different parts of England and Wales, 1735- 43. ib., 15,776, fol. Rough Sketches of buildings and antiquities made by the Rev. J. Milles during his travels in England and Germany, ib., 15,777, fol. Catalogue by Dean Milles of his library : at the end are a Synopsis of Ethics in Latin, and notes on the Geography of Scripture, by Dr. Milles. ib., 15,778, sm. 4". An account of several Antiquities in England, by Dean Milles. ib., 15,801, 4». Letters from Dean Milles to Rev. Chas. Lyt- tleton, LL.D. Slowe Political MSS., Ixxv-lxxvii. cf. O'Conor's Bibl. MS. Stowensis, ii, 439. 54 Letters from Dean Milles to his uncle Dr. Thomas Milles, Bishop of Waterford; written during his travels on the continent, 1737, fol. MSS. Travels of Dr. Richard Pococke in company with Dean Milles, 1733-41, fol., 21 vols. MSS. Four Letters of Philip Barton to Dean Milles, 1778, 1780. MSS. Note. — The last three were Articles 311, 387 and 571, in Dawson Turner's MSS. Lib. sold in 1859. Two letters from J. Milles to Lord Fairfax, giving an account of his travels in Flanders and France. Douce MSS., Bod. Lib., No. 385, fol., 75-81. Illustrations of Domesday Book. MS. Illustrations of the Danish Coinage. MS. Note.— The last two MSS. are mentioned in Chal- mer's Gen. Biog. Diet. Letters to Dr. Borlase. MSS. See Borlase, Rev. William, LL.D. MILLES, Rev. Richard, M.A. (3rd son of the preceding). Student of Christ Church, 1778 ; Prebendary of Exeter, 13 May, 1778 to 1823 ; R. of Terring, Sussex, 1779-1823; V. of Mylor and Mabe, 1779-1823 ; V. of Kenwyn, 1781-1823. d. 1823. cf. Nichols' Lit. Anec- dotes, iv, 473. MILLETT, George Bown (2nd son of Rich. MUM, who d. 1865;. b. Penzance, 27 June, 1842. The late Mrs. Short n6e Miss Millett, of St. Hilary. Signed G.B.M., Penzance, Feb., 1869. One and All, (Penzance, 4°.;, Feb., 1869. MILLETT. 360 MILLS. MILLETT, Geoeoe Bown. (Oon.). Burial Usages in Cornwall. N. and Q. 4 S., ix, 358, (1872). Porcelain Figure, ib., 4 S., x, 97. MILLETT, Humphrey, of Enys (son of John Millett, of Chirlyn). hapt. St. Hilary, 10 June, 1694. John Blewitt v. H. Millett. An Appeal to the House of Lords concerning the conduct of the Executors of H. Millett, 1770. 2 Parts, fol. MILLETT, Jacob Curnow (Uh son of Rev. John Curnow Millett). h. Lansallos, 10 Nov., 1813. d. Penpoll, Hayle, 31 Dec, 1863. hur. Phillack. Note. — See Millett, Rich. Oke. MILLETT, Janet (2')id dau. of Joseph Webster, of Sutton Coldfield, and wife of Rev. Edward Millett, R. of Oautly, Lincolnshire). An Australian Parsonage; or the settler' and the savage in Western Australia. By Mrs. Edward Millett. Lond., E.Stanford, 1872, [1871,] 8°., pp. xvi and 415. Note. — The Eev. E. Millett above mentioned is grandson of Geo. Millett, (Director of the East India Co.). b. Helston, 15 Moh., 1756. d. Walthamstow, 17 Feb., 1816. MILLETT, John Nicholas Richards (eld. son of John Millett, of Bosavern, St. Just in Pen- with). b. Tresvennack, Paul, 28 Dec, 1808. A notice of a earn or barrow near Penzance, recently opened by J. N. R. Millett. Plate and plan. Rep. R.I.C., 1840, pp. 38-39. Notice of pseudomorphous crystals of quartz lately found in the St. Ives Consols tin mine. Tratis. R.G.S.C., vi, 77-78, (1846) : Rep. R.I.O., 1842, p. 27. Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society Eeport. Penzance, printed for the So- ciety by P. T. Vibert, 1845-52, 80. Note. — The Reports for the years named are signed amongst others by " J. N. E. MiUett." MILLETT, Louisa (eld. dau. of Rich. Millett, who d. 1826J. b. St. Anne, Limehouse, London, 18 April, 1801. d. Penzance, 8 Feb., 1871. bur. Madron, 13 Feb. cf E. J. Lowe's Ferns British and Exotic, (1860), viii, 18, 20. Wild Flowers and ferns of the Isles of Scilly observed in June and July. By Louisa and Matilda Millett, [1853.1 Trans. P.N.H. and A.S., ii, 75-78, (1864). MILLETT, Matilda (sister of the above), b. St. Anne, Limehouse, London, 18 June, 1805. d. Penzance, 3 Aug., 1855. bur. Madron. Remarks on early British Residences, and on the remains of an ancient Village, near Chun Castle, [1849.] Trans. P.N.H. and A.S., i, 286- 89, (1851). MILLETT, Richard Oke, M.D. (f>th son of Rev. J. 0. Millett). b. Lansallos, 28 Nov., 1815. A Letter to the Editor of the Lancet... Lond 1866, S^. See Edmonds, F. Note. — This letter refers to the case of Jacob Curnow Millett, {d. Penpoll, Hayle, 31 Dec, 1863,) on whose remains an inquest was held. A.D. 1837, June 7. No. 7383*. Specification of R. O. Millett, of Penpoll, Hayle... Gentleman, for " Improvements in instruments for Extricar ting Teeth." With drawing annexed. Lond., 1837, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1857, fol., pp. 3, 6d. MILLETT, Capt. Richard Tracey, E.A. (eld. son of Ric. Millett, who d. 1865 j. b. Pen- zance, 5 June, 1840. cf. E. J. Lowe's Ferns British and Exotic, (1856-60), List of Contri- butors in vols, i-viii. List of Fungi of the neighbourhood of Pen- zance, [1852.] Trans. P.N.H. and A.S., ii, 91- 94, (1864). Catalogue of land and fresh water shells found in St. Mary's, Scilly, [1852.] ib., ii, 108-109. Addition's to the [List of] Cornish Ferns, [1854.] ib., ii, 233. MILLITON, Sir William (only son of Job Mil- liton. Governor of St. MichaeVs Mount, 1547 J. Sheriff of Cornwall, 1565. Lease from the Crown for 40 years of the Priory of St. Michael's Mount to Sir W. Milliton 2 Eliz., 1559. Lansd. MSS., 4, art. 13. MILLS, Rev. Alfred Wilson (son of Rev. Will. Mills, D.D.) V. of St. Erth, 1864. b. Harrow on the Hill, 17 Nov., 1832. Night Schools. By the Eev. A. W. Mills, M.A., Vicar of St. Erth. Lond., Houlston and Wright... Penzance, W. Cornish, 1866, 8"., pp. 15, 3d. ^^ The Inner Life as acting and reacting on our- selves and others. Being a Paper read at the Cornwall Clergy Devotional Conference, May 3, 1871. By Alfred W. Mills, M.A., Vicar of St. Erth. Published by request. Lond., John Hodges, 47, Bedford St., Strand; Exeter, H. S. Eland; Truro, J. R. Netherton, 1871, 8o., pp. 16, 2d. MITCHELL. 361 MITFOPD. MILLS, Bev. Alfeed Wilson. (Con.). Association of Lay-Helpers, Cornwall. — One and All. Signed " A. W. M." Printed by Ban- field Brothers, Fore Street and "West-end Hayle. n.d., [1871,] 8"., pp. 2, 2/- per 100. Association of Lay-Helpers, Cornwall. — Night Schools. Signed " A. W. M." Printed by Ban- field Brothers, Hayle. n.d., [1871,] 8"., pp. 2, 2/- per 100. MILLS, Thomas Henry. Proprietor of the Bristol Gazette, h. 1838. d. l,Trelawney Place, Cotham, 8 May, 1872. hur. Arnos Vale Ceme- tary, 13 May. A Week's Wanderings in Cornwall and Devon. By T. H.'Mills, 1863. Lond., Williani Freeman, 102, Fleet St. ; Bristol, Bingham, Broad St. [Edinburgh, printed by Ballantyne and Co., 1864,] 8". Title and preface, 2 pages, then pp. 1-139. MILNER, Eev. Thomas, M.A., F.R.G.S. Our Home Islands, their natural features. Anon. Loud., Religious Tract Soc. n.d., [1857,] 12"., pp. vi and 318, 2/6. Our Home Islands, their productive industry. By Rev. T. Milner. Lond., Religious Tract Soc. n.d., [1858,] 12"., pp. viii and 328, 2/6. Our Home Islands, their public works. By the Rev. T. Milner. Lond., Religious Tract Soc. «.d, [I860,] 120., pp. viii and 314, 2/6. Note. The above three works contain information about Cornwall. MITCHEL, G., M.B. An account of a new semi-metallic substance, called Menacane and its ores. By the late G. Mitohel, M.B. Read 4 July, 1803. Trans. Irish Acad., X, 11-30, (1806). MITCHELL, Charles, d. West Brompton, London, 8 Feb.. 1859, aged 51. cf. Gent. Mag., vi, 333, (1859). The Newspaper Press Directory containing full particulars relative to each journal pubhshed in the United Kingdom and the British Isles... for the year 1846. By C. MitcheU. Corrected Annually. Published by C. Mitchell, Red Lion Court, Fleet St., London, 1846, 8°., pp. 474. Note —The work which has been published an- nually up to the present date contains the best printed account of the changes which have taken place in the newspaper press of Cornwall since 1845. MITCHELL, David William (eld. son of Alex. Mitchell, of Cavendish Crescent, Bath). Secre- tary to the Zoological Soc. of London 6. Bath 'i 1813. d. NeuiUy, Paris, 1 Nov., 1859. MITCHELL, David William. (Oon.J. cf. [London'l Daily Telegraph, 5 Dec, 1859, p. 6; Gent. Mag., vii, 656, (1859). KoTE.— Mr. Mitchell was resident at Penzance from 1838 to about 1842, aud whilst there contributed infor- mation to Tarrell's British Birds, (3rd ed),iii.83, 649, 655, 676. Mr. Mitchell was a member of the Council of the Penzance Natural Hist. Soc. on its establishment, 20 Nov., 1889. MITCHELL, John (son of IJohn Mitchell, of Truro). A surrender from John Mitchell to James Mitchell, executor of Hugh Mitchell, theirbrother, of a yearly rent. Harl. MSS. 6,243, art. 9. MITCHELL, John Stephens (son of John Mitchell), b. Mylor, 10 ApL, 1835. One and All volunteer march ; composed and dedicated to Tie Duke of Cornwall's own rifle and artillery volunteers, by J. S. Mitchell, 17th (Redruth) Duke of Cornwall's R.V. Lond., R. Cocks and Co., [18- -,] fol., pp. 5. Pianoforte arrangement, 3/-. Brass band score, 5/-. Author's property. The General Election Galop. By J. S. Mitchell. As played by the Royal Marine Band, at Ply- mouth. Plymouth, 14, Mulgrave Square, [Nov., 1868,] fol., 1/6. MITCHELL, Samuel, d. Hengar, St. Tudy, 1777. cf Gent. Mag., xlvii, 195, (1777). MITCHELL, Thomas. 6. St. Agnes, 1717. d. St. Agnes, 25 Sept., 1804. Memoir of Mr. T. Mitchell. By Rev. Thomas Kelk. Truro, 28 Oct., 1808. Methodist Mag., xxxii, 489-97, 533-38, (1809). MITCHELL, William. Inventory of arrows and other articles delivered by Sir John Dyneham to his servant, W. Myt- chell, 25 March, 10 Hen. V. MSS. penes lord Arundell of Wardour, at Wardour Castle. MITFORD, Rev. John Reveley, M.A. (son of John Mitford, Barrister). V. of Manaccan, Jan. to Mch., 1838. 6. 1807. d. Bosahan, St. Anthony in Meneage, 19 Mch., 1838. bw. Manaccan. A sermon upon the original intention of the church in appointing the commemoration of Saints' Days ; also a sermon for the festival of St. Thomas. By the late lamented Eev. J. R. Mitford, A.M., Vicar of Manaccan, Cornwall. Lond., 'published by J. G. and F. Eivington. n.d., [1838,] 120., pp. 25, 1/-. tJ u MOHDN. 362 MOHUN. MODDIFOED, James. Letter from Ja. Modyford to the Protector. Dated St. Cullume, in Cornwall, 8 June, 1656. Thurloe State Papers, v, 99. MOHS, Friederick. Professeur de Mineralogie a r6cole des Mines de Freiberg. I. Gernrode, 1774. d. Agordb, Bellune, 29 Sept., 1839. Treatise on Mineralogy or the natural history of the mineral kingdom. By Frederick Mohs. Translated from the German with considerable additions, by William Haidinger, F.R.S.E. Edin- burgh, printed for A. Constable and Co., 1825, 3 vols., 80., 36/-. Note.' — This is a translation of Professor Mohs' Grundriss der Mineralogie which appeared in 1822-24. It contains much information about Cornish minerals. MOHUN FAMILY, cf. Nichols' Collectanea, iv, 354, 1164. Pedigrees of Mohun. Earl. MSS. 807, art. 68; 1393, art. 99, 101; 204.3, art. 47; 2188, art. 45; Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 5530, art. 154, fol. ccxliii. Arms of Mohun quartering Burghersh. Arun- del MSS., Br. Museum, 68, fol. 59. Mohun... and Segrave pedigrees; containing copies of Charters from Newenham Cartulary... records, the Mohun book of Boconnock, etc. Sir T. PhUlipps' MSS. 13,164. MOHUN, Baron. Lord Mohun's engagement to the Protector, Feb., 1655. Thurloe State Papers, (1742), iv, 494. Letter from E. Nosworthy [Sheriff of Cornwall, 1655,] and others, Commissioners, relative to Lord Mohun. ih., iv, 497. MOHUN, Alice de (ith dau. of WUliam de Brewere, and wife of Reginald, Lo^-d de Mohun. d. 1213). Descent of the heirs of Alice de Mohun. Arwidel MSS., Br. Museum, 17, fol. 38 b. cf. Dugdale's Monasticon, v, 692. MOHUN, Lady Catherine fdau. of Mr. Welles, of Bramher, Hants, and wife of Warwick, Zrd Baron Mohun, who d. 1665). d. ApL, 1692. The Queen, or the excellency of her Sex. An excellent old play. Found out by a person of honour and given to the publisher, Alexander Goughe. Lond., 1653, 4". Note.— Dedicated to Lady Catherine Mohun. MOHUN, Charles, 4th Baron Mohun (only son ofjr ancich, Zrd Baron), d. 1677. cfN. and Q 3 S., V, 135, (1864). ' MOHUN, Charles, 4th Baron. (Con.). Casus Medico-chirurgicus, or a most memor- able case of a noble-man, [i.e., Lord Mohun,] deceased ... By Gideon Harvey, M.D. Lond. 1678, 80. MOHUN, Charles, 5th Baron Mohun (son of the preceding). Slain in a duel with th$ Duke of Hamilton, 15 Nov., 1712. bw. St. Martin's in the Fields, 25 Nov. cf. Granger's Biog. Hist. ; Lysons' Environs of London, (1811) i, 781; Rel. Hearniance, (1869), i, 268-69' Chambers' Book of Days, ii, 583; Memoirs... of the Lives and Families of the most illustrious persons who died in 1712, (By J. Le Neve), pp. 403-10^ Calamy's Hist. Account of my own life^ i, 428, ii, 4, 255; Maclcay's Popular Delusions^ ii, 289-92 ; Larwood's Story of the London Parks, i, 101-103; Peter Cunningham's Handbook of London, (1850), pp. 27, 200, 238-39, 315, 317, 424, 427 ; A. Steinmetils Romance of Duelling'. (1868), i, 233-41 ; N. Lnittrell's Brief Hist. Relation of State Affairs, (1857), vol. ii to vi passim; Rev. Joseph Spence's Anecdotes, (1858), p. 256 ; F. K. Hunfs The Fourth Estate, (1850)'| i, 165; Cent. Mag., xxxviii, 219, (1852). The Tryal of Charles, Lord Mohun, before The House of Peers in parliament for the murder of William Mountford, which began the 31 of Jan- uary, 1692, and continued by several adjourn- ments till the fourth of February [1693] follow- ing. The most honourable the Lord Marquis of Carmarthen, Lord President of their Majesties Council, being Lord High Steward, pro hac vice, together with The Questions in Point of Law put by their Lordships to the Judges with The Arguments of my Lord Mohun's Counsel and the opinions of the Judges upon the said ques- tions. Published by command of the House of Peers. Printed by Edward Jones, in the Savoy, and published by him and Eandal Taylor, near Stationers-Hall, 1693, [March. 4, 16-§|,] fol., pp. 64. Note.— c/. HoxodVs State Trials, (1809-26), xii 94:9-1050; Tanner MSS., Bod. Lib. 25, fol. 7. Mr. Eichard Hill having proposed marriage to Mrs. Brace- girdle, and, met with a refusal, attacked and slew Wilham Mountford, in Howard St., Strand, at 12 p.m., on the 9 Dec, 1692, under the impressiort that he' was the favoured suitor. Lord Mohun was present, but as was proved on his trial, took no part in the murder. Tryals of Edward, Earl of Warwick and Holland, and Charles, Lord Mohun, before the •House of Peers in Parliament, in March, 1699, for the murder of Mr. Eichard Coote, in LeiceS" ter Fields. [Lond.] In the Savoy, 1699, fol. - > Note.— c/. ffowelEs State Trials, xiii, 939-1060; The quarrel, m this case, commenced at Locket's Tavern, m the Strand, on Sunday, 30 Oct., 1698, when Lords Warwick and Mohun were seconds for Capt. Coote who ^ was killed on the spot. MOHUN. 363 MOHUN. MOHUN, Ohakles^ 5th Baron. (Oon.). The whole life and history of my Lord Mohun and the Earl of Warwick, with their comical frolicks that they play'd Loud., printed by J. Johnson, in Fleet St., 1711, sm,. 4"., pp. 8. Qremille Lib., Br. Museum. A full and true account of a desperate and l;floody duel, which was fought this morning in High (sic) Park, between my Lord Moon (sic) and Duke Hambilton (sic). With an account of b.ow my Lord Moon was kill'd on the spot and Duke Hambilton receiv'd a mortal wound of which he dy'd in a few hours after he receiv'd the wound. Enter'd at the Stamp-Office, accord- ing to the late Act of Parliament. Lond., printed by Edw. Midwinter, at the Star, in Pye Corner. n.d., [1712,] fol., pp. 5, Id. The substance of all the depositions taken at the Coroner's Inquest, the 17th, 19th and 21st of November, on the body of Duke Hamilton, and the 15th, 18th, 20th and 22nd on the body of my Lord Mohun, containing those already printed and the substance of the depositions preceding and subsequent to the action. Lond., printed for A. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, 1712, sm. 4"., pp. 16, 3d. The substance of all the depositions, etc. Lond., printed for A. Baldwin, in Warwick Lane, 1712, fol., pp. 2, Id. Begins [p. 5] A Letter giving an account of the duel between Duke Hamilton and Lord Mohun. n.p. or d. [Lond., 1712,] 8". Br. Mu- seum, hut in an imperfect state. A true and impartial account of the animosity, quarrel and duel between the late Duke of Ham- ilton and the Lord Mohun, with The Reports of three eminent surgedns wiio open'd the bodies and examin'd the wounds. And some Previous Eeflections on Sham-Plots, etc. Lond., printed and sold by A. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, 1712, sm. 4»., pp. 40, 6d. The Case at large of Duke Hamilton and the Lord Mohun, viz. I. A full and exact relation of the duel...n. The Authentick Depositions... III. The particular wounds of the Peers upon searching their bodies, by Dr. Eonjat, Mr. Buis- siere and Mr. La Fage. 3rd ed. Lond., prmted for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible, agamst St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleetstreet, 1712, sm. 4"., pp. 14, 6d. The Lives and Characters of James, Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, Master of the Ordinance, and Knight of the Garter, and Charles, Lord Mohun, who were unfortunately kill'd by each other in Hyde Park, on Saturday, the 15th of this instant, November, 1712. Together with a true and particular account of that unfortu- nate action; and also an elegy on their deaths. MOHUN, Charles, 5th Baron. (Oon.). Lond., printed by J. Read, near Fleet Street. n.d., [1712.] 4"., .pp. 12. Bod. Lib. An excellent ballad of the Lord Mohun and Duke Hamilton. With an exact account of their melancholy deaths. [A Ballad consisting of 24 verses of 4 lines. Printed and sold in Aldermary Church- Yard, Bow-Lane, London.] n.d., [1712,] fol. Rnxburghe Ballads, vol. iii, pp. 390-91. A true and impartial account of the murder of his Grace, the Duke of Hamilton and Bran- don, by Mr. Mackartney (sic). Lond., printed and sold by John Morphew, near Stationers'-Hall, [10 Deo.,] 1712, 4°., pp. 12. A defence of Mr. Maccartney. By A Friend. 2nd ed. Lond., printed for A. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms, in Warwick-Lane, 1712, sm. 4»., pp. 31, 6d. A Letter from Mr. Maccartney to A Friend of his in London. Dated, Ostend, Dec. 4-15, 1712, giving a particular account of what passed, before, and at the unfortunate duel between his Grace, D. of Hamilton and L. Mohun. Lond., printed for A. Baldwin, in Warwick-Lane, 1713, sm. fol., pp. 18, 6d. A full and exact relation of the duel fought in .Hyde-Park, on Saturday, November 15, 1712, between his Grace James, Duke of Hamilton, and the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Mohun. In a Letter to a Member of Parliament. Lond., printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible, against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleetstreet, 1713, 4»., pp. 22. Memoirs of the life and family of the most illustrious James, late Duke of Hamilton, wherein besides many other curious particulars, is inserted the copy of the letter sent by his Grace to his Son, the Marquis of Clidsdale, in Scotland,'the night before he fought the duel with the Lord Mohun. Lond., printed for T. Warner, at the Black-Boy, in Pater-noster-row, 1717, sm. 4"., pp. 120. — Another ed. Lond., printed for T. Taylor, at the Rose, in Exeter Exchange, 1742, 8»., pp. 120, 1/6. Note.— The Appendix, pp. 109-120, contains the depositions respecting the duel. The 1742 ed. is in the Grenvilk Lib. An account of the duel with the Duke of Hamilton is contained in Thackeray's "Esmond," iii, 150, 159- 62. Besides the duels previously mentioned, Lord Mohun -was concerned in a duel with Lord Kennedy, on the 7 Dec, 1692 ; in a quarrql with Mr. Scobell, a Cornish M P., on the 7 Oct., 1694, when Lord Mohun challenged hiin ;' in a duel with Capt. Bingham, 7 Apl., 1697 ; in a quarrel with Capt. Hill, of the Foot Guards, at the Bummer Tavern, 14 Sept., 1697, when Captain Hill was killed. The superiority and direct dominion of the Imperial Crown of England over the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland. 1704, 8». Note.— Dedicated to Charles, Lord Mohun. MOHUN. 864 MOLES WORTH. MOHUN, Sir John, 2nd Bart, (only son of Sir Beginald Molmn). cr. 15 Apt, 1628, Baron Mohun, of Okehampton, Devonshire ; One of the Commanders for the King in Cornwall during the Civil War; b. 1595, d. 1644. cf. Clarendon's Hist, of Rebellion, (1819), vols, i, ii; John Forster's Sir John Eliot, (1872), vols, i and ii, passim. The Emperovr of the East. A Tragse Comosdie. The scene, Constantinople. As it hath been diners times acted, at the Black-friers and Globe Play-houses, by the King's Maiesties Seruants. Written by PhiHp Massinger. Lond., printed by Thomas Harper, for John Waterson, Anno 1632, 4"., unpaged. A-I, K-M,-in fours. Note. — First produced at the Black Friars' Theatre, 11 Mch., 1631. The Dedication is "To the right hon- orable and my especiall good Lord, lohn, Lord Mohvne, Baron of Okehampton, etc." Order signed by Lord Mohun and others to Piers Edgcumbe, concerning plate to be sent to Sir R. Vivian. Launceston, 29 April, 1643. MSS. penes Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, Mount Edg- cumbe. Letter from R. Mohun, B. Grreenville, and J. Trelawny, to J. Rashleigh, recommending J. Mohun to Sir R. Edgecumb, 10 Feb., 1627. MSS. Trelawne. An act for the establishing of some manors in Cornwall, Devon and Dorset, upon J. Mohun, Esquire, 3 May, 1621. MSS. penes House of Lords. Note. — Committed 17 May, 1621, but not proceeded with. MOHUN, John, pseud, i.e., Cornelius, John. MOHUN, Mary (dau. of Sir Henry Killigrew and 1st vAfe of Sir Reginald Mohun, Bart.), cf. G. Fitz Qeoffry's Jffanim [Cenotaphia,] 1601. MOHUN, Sir Reginald (son of Sir William Mohun, Knt.). cr. Bart., 25 Nov., 1612. cf. G. Fitz Oeoffry's Jffanice Book Hi, 1601; Father John Morris' Troubles of our Gatholin Forefathers, (1872), i, 99 ; John Forster's Sir John Eliot, (1872), ii, 123-25. The Curse of .Corne-horders, etc. By C. Fitz- Geffrie, 1631, 4° Note.— Dedicated ' ' to the truly ennobled and rightly honored Sir Reginald Mohrae, Knight and Baronet." Registrum brevium olim Raynold Mohun of Co. Cornwall. Sir T. Phillipps' MSS., 9,301. Coats of arms of Earls and Barons of England from the Conquest, ib., 11,934. Note.— Conjectured by Sir T. Phillipps to have be- longed to "Mohun, the Antiquary." MOHUN, Sib Reginald. (Con.) Letter from R. Mohun, B. Greenville and J. Trelawny to Jonathan Rashleigh, 10 Feb., 1627. MSS. Trelawne. MOHUN, Reginald (eld. son of John Mohun. d. 1508). Sheriff of Cornwall, 1552. Wideslade's title to the Courtney's land, now held by Mr. Mohun. Harl. MSS., 380, a/rt. 60. MOHUN, Thomas and William (twin sons of Sir W. Mohun, Knt). cf G. Fitz Geoffry's Affanice Book iii. MOHUN, William, cf. C. Fitz Geoffry's Affanice Book iii, and [Oeiiotaphia.] MOISSENET, Leon (son of Jean Baptiste and Marguerite Thhrese Moissenet). Professeur de Docemasie; Chef de Bureau d'Assais 'Ecole des Mines, Paris, b. Chalon-sur-Slone, 2 Aug., 1831. Excursion dans le Cornwall en 1857. Annal. des Mines, xiv, 77-276, (1858). Description des " man engines" employes dans le Cornwall pour descendre et remonter les ouvriers-mineurs. ib., xv, 1-45, 1859. [Also found as a Pamphlet, 1860, 8°.] Analyses de quelques fontes du Cornwall. ^Formation de grfes cuprif6re...«5., xvii, 1-17 (1860). De I'Extraction dans les Mines du Cornwall ib.. ii, 155-272, (1862) ; H. C. Salmon's Mining and Smelting Mag., iii, 161, 225-30, 272-82, 350-58, (1863) ; iv, 19-23, 88-96, 151-57, 327- 35, (1864). Du dosage de I'^tain dans les mineraia de ce m6tal. Paris, Gomptes Rendus, Ii, 205-7, (1860). Etudes sur les filons du Cornouailles et du Devonshire...*., Iv, 759-62, (1862); Annal des Mines, iii, 161-71, (1863); H. G. Salmon's Min- ing and Smelting Mag., iii, 20-23, (1863) ; iv, 25. (1864). MOLESWORTH, Major General, cf Clwr- endon's History of Rebellion, (1849), iv, 115, 122. Lord George Goring to Prince Rupert, April 12, 1644, complaining of Col. Molesworth for disobeying his orders. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS. 1,519, art. 23. MOLESWORTH, Lady Andalusia . Grant (only dau. of Bruce Garstairs, and wife, Istly, of Temple West, of Mathon Lodge, Worcester, 2ndly, on 9 July, 1844, of Sir Will. Molesworth, 8th Bart.). MOLESWOETH. 365 MOLESWOETH. MOLESWOETH, Lady A. G. (Con.). On the Portrait of Lady Molesworth. Portrait. By H. T. Chorley. The Keepsake, 1857, pp. 1-2. MOLESWOETH, Sir Arscott-Ourry, 7th Bart. (eld. son of Sir Will. Molesworth, 6th Bart). Sheriff of Cornwall, 1816. 6. 1789. d. Pencarniw Park, 26 Dec, 1823. bur. Eglos- hayle, 3 Jan., 1824. cf. Gent. Mag., xciv, pt. 1, 177, (1824). MOLESWORTH, Sir Render, 1st Bart. or. 19 July, 1689 (second son of Sender Moles- worth). Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica, 1684-87. b. circa 1628. bur. St. Ann's, Soho, 12 Aug., 1689. cf The Ellis Gorresp., (1829), ii, 70 : Gorresp. of Earls of Glarendon and Bochester, and Diary of Lord Clarendon, (1828), i, 578, ii, 13^. A dialogue between the Assembly men of Jamaica for and against passing the Revenue Bill [drawn by Col. H. Molesworth, 1682.] Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 12,429, ff. 129, b. to 134. Speech of Samuel Bernard, Esq., to His Ex- cellency Col. Molesworth on his approving the Assembly's Choice of him for their Speaker, with Col. Molesworth's Speech to the Assembly of Jamaica, ib., 12,429, ff 150-53. Note. — Sir H. Molesworth was tlie first Baronet , created by William HI. MOLESWORTH, Rev. Sir Hugh Henry, 9th Bart. (eld. son of Bev. Will. Molesworth). R.* of Little Petherick, 1848-62. b'. and bapt. St. Breock, 13 Oct., 1818. d. Little Petherick, 6 Jan., 1862. bur. 11 Jany. cf. Gent. Mag., xiii, 225, (1862). Monody on the death of the Rev. Sir Hugh Molesworth, Bart., of St. Petroc Minor, Corn- wall. Signed "J. S., Wadebridge, Cornwall, Jan- uary, 1862." s. sh. MOLESWORTH, Rev. John. Letter from J. Molesworth, Priest, to John Trevelyan. Trevelyan Papers, i, 97-98. MOLESWORTH, Sir John, Knt., and 2nd Bart. (eld. son of Bender Molesworth, and eld. hro. of Sir H. Molesioorth, 1st Bart). Sheriff of Cornwall, 1691. Vice- Admiral of North Corn- wall ; M.P., Bossiney, 1701. M.P., Lostwithiel, 1702. bur. Egloshayle, 18 Oct., 1716. Edward Trelawney and Elizabeth, his wife, on behalf of Elizabeth Trelawney, their daughter, an infante . Appellants, Sir J. Molesworth, Knight and Bart., John Arscott, Esq., Executors of Thomas Darrell, Esq., and Frances Arscott, wife of the said John, and the Lady Gratiana Carew, Respondents, 28 Mch., 1701. In Rich. Colles' Cases in Parliament, (1789), pp. 163-65. MOLESWORTH, Sir John, 4th Bart. (eld. son of Sir John Molesworth, Zrd Bart.) M.P. for Newport, 1734, 1739; for Cornwall, 1744, 1757-1762. bapt. Egloshayle, 28 Feb., 1705. d. 4 April, 1766.' bur. Egloshayle, 14 April. cf. H. Walpole's Memoirs of last 10 years of Geo. II, i, 82. MOLESWOETH, Sir John, 5th Bart. (eld. son of the preceding). M.P. for Cornwall, 1765-75. Colonel of the Cornish Militia. 6. 12 Mar., 1729. bapt. Egloshayle, 9 April, d. 20 Oct., 1775. bur. Egloshayle, 26 Oct. cf H. Walpole's Journ. of George III, from 1771 to 1783, i, 315. MOLESWORTH, Richard (ird son of Herder Molesworth). M.P. for Lostwithiel, 1703, but unseated on petition of Col. James Kendall. cf N. Luttrell's Brief Hist. Belation, (1857), V, 626. MOLESWORTH, Sir William, 6th Bart. (eld. son of Sir John Molesworth, 5th Bart). M.P. for Cornwall, 1784-90. Sheriff of Cornwall, 1816. - b. Langdon, near Plymouth, 30 June, 1758. d. Gloucester Place, Portman Sq., London, 22 Feb., 1798. bur. Egloshayle, 8 Mch. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixviii, pt. i, 260, (] 798). MOLESWORTH, Rev. William, M.A. ' (2nd son of the preceding). E. of Beaworthy, 1816- 51 ; R. of St. Breock, 1816-51 ; R. of St. Ervan, 12 Apl., 1817-51. b. 5 Nov., 1792. d. St. Breock, 28 March, 1851. cf. Gent. Mag., xkxv, 677, (1851). Statement of Quantity of Rain at St. Breock and Goodamoor. Bep. B.O.P.Soc, 1840, p. 71 ; 1841, p. 147; 1842, p. 93. MOLESWORTH, Rt. Hon. Sir William, 8th Bart., F.R.S. (eld. son of Sir A. 0. Molesioorth, and Mary, dau. of P. Brown, of Edinburgh). M.P. East Cornwall, 1832-37 ; M.P. Leeds, 1837-1841 ; M.P. Southwark, Sept., 1845- 55; Sheriff of Cornwall, 1842; First Com- missioner of Public Works, Jan., 1853; Sec- retary of State for the Colonies, 21 July, 1855. 6.- London, 23 May, 1810. bapt. St George's, Hanover Sq. d. Eaton Place, London, 22 Oct., 1855. bur. Kensal Green, cf. Eraser's Mag., (mth portrait), xvii, 338, (1838); Cyrus Bedding's Personal Beminiscences, ii, 1-22; Gent. Mag., xliv, 645-48, (1855); Penny Cyclop., 2nd Suppl.; English Cyclop.; Didot Nouvel. Biog. Univ.; Biog. Univ.; Fapereau Diet. Univ.; The Times, 23 Oct., 1855, p. 7; Athenmum, 1855, p. 1242. Notices of the late Sir W. Molesworth, Bart., M.P., Secretary of State for the Colonies. Por- MOLESWOBTH. 366 MOLL. MOLESWOBTH, Sm William. (Con.). trait. Printed for private circulation. Lond., no printer's name, 1857, 8"., pp. ix aiid 167. Note. — The Introductory Letter addressed to " My dear Lady Molesworth " is signed " Tlio. Woolloombe, Devonport, 1st Jan., 1857." This work consists entirely of extracts from newspapers respecting Sir W. Moles- worth. The London Eeview, vol. i, April-July, 1835. Vol. ii, July-January, 1835-6. Lond., Simpkin, Marshall and Co., 1835-36, 2 vols., 8". Note.— Contains " On the State of the Nation," i, 1-24, by Sir W. Molesworth, being the first of several articles by him. This work was established by J. A. Eoebuck and Sir W. Molesworth ; after 2 volumes had been published Sir W. Molesworth purchased the West- minster Eeview (which had already run to 24 volumes) and brought out the united magazines under the title of the London and Westminster Eeview with the double numbering of vols, iii and xxv. The London and Westminster Eeview, Jan- uary-April, 1836. Vol. iii and xxv. Lond., John Macrone, St. James's Square, 1836, 8"., and continued until 1851, forming a series of 32 vols. Note. — This work was edited for a considerable time by Sir W. Molesworth and J. S. MOl, the former contributing to its columns The Orange Conspiracy, iii, 181-201, (1836), and many other articles. Sir W. Molesworth's Speech in the House of Commons, March 6, 1838, on the state of the Colonies. Lond., T. Cooper, 1, Birchin Lane, 1838, 40., pp. 59. Sir W. Molesworth's Speech on the Corn Laws, 13 March, 1839. Lond., 1839, 12o., pp. 36. Report from the Select Committee, on Trans- portation, together with the Minutes of Evidence, appendix and index. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, 3 Aug., 1838. Lond n.d., [1838,] fol. Note.— Sir W. Molesworth acted as Chairman of this Committee, Eeport from the Select Committe of the House of Commons on Transportation. With a Letter from the Archbishop of Dublin on the same subject, and notes by Sir W. Molesworth. Lond 1838, 8"., pp. 54. Thomse Hobbes Malmesburiensis Opera Phi- losophica quaj Latine scripsit omnia in unum corpus nunc primum coUecta studio et- labore Gulielmi Molesworth. Portrait of T. Hobbes Londini, apud Joannem Bohn, 1839-45, 5 vols. 8*^. The English Works of Thomas Hobbes, of Malmesbury, now first collected and edited by MOLESWOBTH, Sm William. (Con.). Sir W. Molesworth, Bart. Portrait of T. Hobbes, Lond., John Bohn, 1839-45, 11 vols., 8". Note. — The production of T. Hobbes' Works is re- ported to have cost Sir W. Molesworth £6,000. He ia stated in John Britton's Autobiog., (1850), pt. i, 423, to have left MSS. collections of an intended' life of Hobbes. State of the Nation. Condition of the People. Speech of Sir W. Molesworth, Bart., M.P., de- livered Feb. 5, 1840. From the Leeds Times. Lond., published by H. Hetherington, 126, Strand, 1840, 8"., pp. 16, Id. Speech of Sir W. Molesworth, Bart., on Trans- portation. Delivered in the House of Commons on the 5th May, 1840. Lond., H. Hooper, Pall Mall East, 1840, 80., pp. 76, 1/6. Speech of Sir W. Molesworth, Bart., M.P., in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, 25tli July, 1848, on Colonial Expenditure and Govern- ment. Lond., Jas. Eidgway, Piccadilly, 1848, 80., pp. 40, 1/-. Observations on the speech of Sir W. Moles- worth, Bart., M.P., in the House of Commons, on the 25th July, 1848, on Colonial Expendi- ture and Government. By J. Towne Danson, Barrister-at-law. Lond., Jas. Eidgway, Picca- dilly, n.d., [1848,] 8".— 2nd ed. Lond., n.d., [Dec, 1848,] 8«., pp. 87, 2/-. Speech of Sir W. Molesworth in the House of Commons, 1850, on the Government of the Australian Colonies. Lond., 1850, 8"., pp. 75. Speech of Sir W. Molesworth, Bart., M.P., in the House of Commons, on the 10th of April, 1851, for a reduction of the Colonial Expendi- ture of the United Kingdom. Lond., Jas. Eidg- way, Piccadilly, n.d., [1851,] 80., pp. 41, 1/-. South wark Election. Speech of Sir W. Moles- worth, June 1, 1852. Lond., 1852, 8"., pp. 15.^ Speech of Sir W. Molesworth, Bart., M.P., in the House of Commons, on Friday, the 5th of March, 1853, for the second reading of the Clergy Reserves of Canada Bill. Charles Wester- ton (Westerton's Library), 20, St. George's Place, Hyde Park Corner, [London], 1853, 80. Library of Home of Commons. MOLL, Herman, d. 1732. A New Description of England and Wales... To which is added a new and correct set of Maps of each County... By H.Moll, Geographer. Lond., prmted for H. Moll, over-against Devereux- Court, in the Strand, 1724, fol., pp.-xii, 343 and X, 25/-. « Note.— The account of Cornwall is contained in pp. 16-26. The coloured map is entitled " Cornwall, by H. Moll, Geographer," and is on a scale of half an inch to 5 miles. There are sketches of seven antiquities in the margin. MONTAGU. 367 MOOEE. MOLL, Heeman. (Con.). The Agreeable Historian, ortheCompleat Eng- lish Traveller, giving a geographical description 6f every county in that part of Great-Britain, Called England... With a map of every county... after the designs of H. Moll and others... com- piled. . .by Samuel Simpson, Gent. Lond., printed by E. Walker, in Fleet St., 1746, 3 vols., 8"- NoTE,. — The account of Cornwall is contained in i, 133-72. The map on a scale of 1 inch to 4 miles bears the Arms of Cornwall, which are represented as consist- ing of nine castles. MOLLARD, David. A.D. 1794, Oct. 23. No. 2,018. Specification of David Mollard, of the parish of Maddern, in the county of Cornwall, Tinner, for a " Certain machine for moving all kinds of heavy articles ... and where the articles are moved in any bucket or other vessel... the same maybe emptied or thrown out of such bucket or other vessel, by the motion of the machine only." With drawing an- nexed. Lond., 1794, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1856, fol., pp. 8, lOd. "MOLLARD, Rev. John (eld. son of Rev. Thos. Mollard). Wesleyan Minister in Cornwall. 6. Peterhead, Scotland, 1818. d. Guernsey, 26 May, 1863. Memoir of the Rev. J. Mollard. By the Rev. Benjamin Browne. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixxxix, 1057-67, (1866). MOLLARD, Rev. Thomas. Wesleyan Minister. h. Cornwall, 1788. d. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, - 9 Nov., 1827. cf. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., 1, 861, (1827); li, 641, (1828). The difference between the Methodists and the Church of Scotland stated... being the sub- stance of several sermons on that subject. By Rev. T. Mollard. Dundee, 1823, 12o., pp. 72. MONTAGU, Lieut. -Col. Geoege, of the Wilts Militia. &. Wiltshire, 1751. d Knowle House, Devon, 28 Aug., 1815. Testacea Britannica, or British Shells. By G. Montagu. Printed by J. S. HoUis, Romsey, and sold by J. White, Fleet-street, London. n.d., [1803,] 2 Parts, [vols.,] 4". Ornithological Dictionary, or alphabetical sy- nopsis of British Birds'. By G. Montagu, F.L.S. Lond., printed for J. White, Fleet St., 1802, 2 vols., 8". — Supplement. Printed by S. Wool- mer, Exeter, 1813, 80. Note. — These works contain information about Cornish Shells and Bii^ds. MONTGOMERY, James Barclay, M.D. feld. son of Jas. Montgomery, M.D.) b. Penzance, 8 July, 1829. List of Phsenogamous plants and ferns of Western Penwith, [1854.] Trans. P.N.H. and A.S.,i\, 215-22, (1864). On the diatomaceae (the lowest class of In- fusoria). Rep. R.G.P.Soc, 1857, pp. 41-48. MOORE, Rev. Mr. Verses occasion'd by seeing the Fossilry at Penderves, (sic) in Cornwall. Inscribed to Mrs. Percival, by the Rev. Mr. Moore. Dated Ked- ruth, (sic) Deo. 7, 1755. Oent. Mag., xxv, 567- 68, (1755). A Sea Piece written on the coast near Mount's Bay, in Cornwall. By the Rev. Mr. Moore. Lond., Baldwin, 1760, 4°., 6d. Evening Reflections written in Westminster Abbey, to which are added Night Thoughts amongst the Tombs. By the Rev. Mr. Moore, of Cornwall. Lond., Roach, 17- -, 12"., 6d. Night Thoughts among the Tombs. By the late Mr. Moore, of Cornwall. Roach's Beauties of the Poets, (1794), i, 19-23. A Soliloquy, written in a country chUrch yard. By the Reverend Mr. Moore, of Cornwall. To which is added The difference between to-day and to-morrow, and The Rich Man's dream. Kendrew, printer, Ysrk. n.d., [1800,] 12»., 4 leaves. — Another ed. Birmingham, printed and sold by S. Martin, Ann-Street, n.d., [1803,] 12"., 4 "leaves. A Soliloquy, written in a country church yard. By Rev. Mr. Moore, of Cornwall. Poetical Cal- endar. (By F. FawJces and W. Woty), ii, 49-52. The Grave, a poem by Robert Blair. To which are added an Elegy in a country church- yard, by Gray. Death, a poem, by Bishop Porteus. Evening reflections, written in West- minster Abbey. And a Soliloquy in a country Church-yard, by the Rev. Mr. Moore, of Corn- wall. Plymouth-Dock, printed and sold by J. Heydon, No. 80, James-Street, 1804, 12"., pp. 51. Note. — The Soliloquy is contained in pp. 47-51. MOORE, Alexander (son of John Moore). Assistant Master Shipwright, Chatham ; now Master Shipwright, Devonport. 5. Stoke Dam- erel Devon, Dec, 1812. Improved screw propeller for steam vessels. Rep. R.G.P.Soc, 1852, pp. 98-99. MOORE, Rev. Anthony, B.A. V. of Stratton, 24 Nov., 1752 to 1763. An essay on the art of preaching, addressed to the clergy. By Anthony Moore, A.B., Vicar MOOBE. 368 MOOEE. MOOBE, Bfv. Anthony. (Con.). of Stratton, in Cornwall. Falmouth, printed by M. Allison, for the Author, and sold by Cave and Henry, at St. John's Gate, London... J. Nankivel, at St. Austle; J. Mitchel,.at Penzance; and by the men that carry the Sherborne Paper, 1758, 8°., pp. viii and 59, 1/6. MOOEE, Edward. The Author of " The Game- ster," 1753 (ZrdsonofRev. Thos. Moore), h. Ab- ingdon, 22 Mch., 17Ai. d. South Lambeth, 28 Feb., 1757. An Elegy written amongst the rums of a nobleman's seat, in Cornwall. Poetical Calendar. (By F. Fawkes and W. B^oty), viii, 88-90, (1763); Anderson's Foets of Great Britain, (1794), X, 322-23. Note. — Although this poem is included by Anderson amongst the Poetical Works of Edward Moore, Author of " The Gamester," it was probably written by the Eot. Mr. Moore, of Cornwall. MOOEE, Edward, M.D., F.L.S. Secretary, to the Plymouth Institution. 5. Plymouth, 1794. d. Athenaeum Terrace, Plymouth, 18 July, 1858. cf. F. Trevithick' s Life of Rich. Trevithick, (1872), ii, 33-34. On the Fossils of Crownall Bay, Plymouth. Trans. B.G.S.G., vi, 285-87, (1846). MOORE, Gawen. Newes from the Parliament, 5-12 Nov., 1640. Sir E. Denny's speech. 1640. Sent by Peter Moore who is with Mr. Humphry Bidgood, in Exeter, to his father, Mr. Gawen Moore, of Quethiok. MSS. Trelaimp. MOOEE, George, Barrister-at-Law. Essay on the rights of the Prince of Wales relative to the Dutchy of Cornwall. By G. Moore, of the JBonourable Society of Lincoln's Inn. Lond., Clarke and Son, 1795, 8"., pp. 112, 2/-. ~ MOOEE, Eev. George, M.A. Archdeacon of Cornwall, 15 Feb., 1788-1807; Preb. of Exeter, 29 May, 1770-1807 ; V. of Heavitree. &: Plymouth? 1732. d. Heavitree, 12 Mch., 1807. hur. Heavitree Church, cf. Life of S. Drew, (1834), pp. 164, 201-3. A Discourse delivered at a Visitation of the Clergy, of the Archdeaconry of Cornwall, in May, 1801, by G. Moore, Archdeacon of Corn- wall and Canon Eesidentiary of Exeter. Pub- lished at the request of the Clergy. Exeter, 1801, 4". MOOEE, Eev. Henry (son of Rev. Mr. Moore, Unitarian Minister, Plymouth).' Minister of Independent Chapel, Liskeard, 1787-1802. 6. Plymouth, 30 Mch., 1732. d. Liskeard, 2 Nov., 1802. cf. Monthly Repository, xvii, 163, (1822); Monthly Mag., xiv, 471, (1802) ; Gent. Mag., Ixxiii, pt. i, 192, (1803). Poems lyrical and miscellaneous. By the late Rev. H. Moore, of Liskeard. Lond., printed for J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Churchyard, 1803, 4°., pp. vi and 153, 10/6. — Another ed. Lond., J. Johnson, 1806, 8"., pp. xvi and 191. Note. — The " Preface by the Editor," containing a short memoir of H. Moore, is signed " J. AiMn, Stoke Newington, Jan. 1, 1803." Letter on Mr. Madan's Thelypthora. AnOn. 178-, 8". Private Life, a moral rhapsody. Written at a gentleman's country residence. By Henry Moore. Lond., Law; Plymouth, [printed] 1795, 4"., pp. 20, 1/6. Commentaries and Essays, published by the Society for Promoting the Knowledge of the Scriptures. Lond.,- sold by J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-yard, n.d., [1785,] 2 vols, 8". Note. — Contains the following treatises by Mr. Moore, viz. : — Critical Notes on many passages of the Old Testa- ment, vol. i, 267-388, ii, 33-116, 363-412. Observations on Isaiah, Ixiii, 17, vol. ii, 25-31., Some Observations on the Song of Moses, Exodus, XV, vol. ii, 412-18, 421-35. Passage of the Bed Sea, vol. ii, 418-21. Some Observations on the Greek Version of Deut., xxxii, 43, vol. ii, 445-5'4. Some Observations on the two first chapters of St. Matthew, aijd on the first chapter of the Epistle to the Eomans, vol. ii, 454-58. Lines on the late Eev. Henry Moore, of Lis- keard. Signed L[ucy] A[ikin.] Monthly Mag., XV, 147, (1803). Elegy in remembrance of the late Eev. Henry Moore, of Liskeard. By W. Evans, Tavistock. iK, XV, 342. Lines on the late Eev. Henry Moore, of Lis- keard. By Miss Lucy Aikin. Poetical Register and Repository of Fugitive Poetry. (Lond., Riving- ton), 1810-11, pp. 368-69. MOOEE, Rev. Willam. Wesleyan Minister at Plymouth, 1784-85. cf,.Tyerman's Ufe and Times of Wesley, iii, 458-59.- An Appeal to the inhabitants of the town of Saltash. By Eev. W. Moore. 1785, 8".; pp. 8. An account of a strange deliverance, occasioned" by an apparition. Dated Eedruth, 22 Jan., 1784. Arminian Mag., viii, 649, (1785). MOOBB. 369 MOEEMAN. MOORE, Rev. William. Independent Minister at Falmouth, 17 ; At G-lass House Yard, London, 17- -j At Red Cross Street, 1795- 96; At Tisbury, Wilts, 14 June, 1797-1798. d. Tisbury, Sept., 1798, aged 48. cf. W. WilsorHs Dissenting Churches, (1810), iii, 324. Sermon occasioned by the decease of the late Mr. Andrew Gifford Gwennap, Minister of the Gospel. Preached in the Dissenting Meeting House, in Falmouth, on Sabbath Day, August the 29th, 1790. To which are annexed some letters and extracts of letters of the deceased. By W. Moore. Falmouth, printed by E. Elliott, on the Market-Strand, 1790, sm. i°. Sermon, pp. 1-44, Letters, pp. 45-70, An elegy on the death of Mr. A. G. Gwennap. By A Lady, pp. 1-8. Counsel from Heaven to God's People in a time of public danger or calamity. A Sermon preached at Glass-house yard, 1793. By W. Moore. Lond., 1793, 8". Free Grace exalted and the proper use of the moral law evinced in a sermon on Romans, chap, viii, ver. 3-4, by W. Moore, Minister of Glass- House-Yard Meeting, Aldersgate St. Lond., printed for the author by W. Smith... and sold by Matthews and Stradford, London ; E. EUiott, Falmouth, 1794, 8«. pp. 31, 6d, A Second Address to the Friends of the late Rev. Mr. Elliot [in defence of the Trinity.] By W. Moore, n.p. or d. or printer's name, [1794,] 8°., pp. 23. MOORE, Rev. William. Independent Minister at Mevagissey, 20 June, 1806 to 1814; Min- ister of Bethesda Chapel, Truro, 1814-48. b. Bristol, 7 Feb., 1782. d. Truro, 1 Feb., 1848. cf. Evangelical Mag., xxvi, 505-511, (1848); Life and Times of Countess of Huntingdon, (1839), ii, 416; Hannah's Memoirs of Bev. T. Lessey, p. 191. Strictures on Christian Perfection, founded on the sacred scriptures. By W. Moore. Truro, printed by Michell and Co., 1816, 12o., pp. 35, -8d ^, . Remarks on Mr. Moore's Strictures on Chris- tian Perfection. By Eev. R. Treffry, [Senr.,] Falmouth, 1816, 12"., pp. 48. Poetic Effusions, by William Moore, Minister -of Bethesda Chapel, Truro. Lond., Longman and Co. ; Truro, J. Carthew, [printed,] 1828, 8°., pp. 79, 3/6. Note. — Advertisement signed " WilUam Moore, Lemon Street, Sept., 1828." This work contains " Carn- brea," pp.' 23-25 ; " Truro Churcli," pp. 58-60 ; io Eose Hill," pp. 75-76. The Happy Seaner. By W. M., of Mevagissey. Evangelical Mag., xx, 497-501, (1812). MOORMAN, Charles Slade (eld. son of Will. Moorman, Surveyor of Taxes, who was b. St. Mawes, 4 Aug., 1768, and d. Falmouth, 6 July, 1854). Solicitor, b. Tregony, 18 Feb., 1804. d. Flushing, 16 Nov., 1826. A Tribute of Respect to the Memory of the late Mr. C. S. Moorman. By N. T., of Falmouth. Selector or Cornish Mag., ii, 18, (1827). MOORMAN, Commander Richard, R.N., K.F.M. (ith son of Will. Moorman, Convey- ancer), b. 22 July, 1784. d. France] cf O'Byrne. MOORMAN, Captain Richard, R.N. (ith son of Will. Moorman, who d. 1854, and nephew of the preceding), h. Tregony, 19 Apl., 1810. cf. O'Byrne. MOORMAN, William (twin son of Will. Moor- man, who d. 1854). b. Tregony, 17 Mch., 1806. Now resident at St. Oolumb. Retrospect of surgery read at Launceston, 9 Aug., 1841. Trans. Cornwall Med. Assoc, (1842), pp. 25-44. Note. — Will. Moorman's twin brother was Jaa. Bennett Moorman, Solicitor. 6. Tregony, 17 Mch., 1806. d. Falmouth, 15 Oct., 1865. MORDEN, Robert. The new description and state of England containing the maps of the counties of England and Wales in fifty three copper-plates, newly design'd by Mr. Robert Morden, exactly drawn and engraved by the best artists ... 2nd ed. Lond. , printed for S. and J. Sprint, 1704, sm. 4o., pp. XX and 236, 8/-, Note. — The account of Cornwall is contained in pp. 21-27. The map entitled '"Cornwall, by Eobt. Morden," is on the scale of 1 inch to 10 miles. A second map entitled "The Smaller Islands in the British Ocean, by Eobt. Morden," represents amongst others " Scilly Is." Magna Britannia antiqua et nova. . . [By Rev. Thomas Cox.] Lond., 1720-33, 6 vols., 4o. Note. — Contains in i, 306-64, an Account ol " Cornwal," with a Map entitled " Cornwall, by Eobt. Morden." Scale, half-inch to 5 miles. Britannia or a Chorographical Description of Great Britain. By W. Camden. Translated by Edmund Gibson, D.D., 1772, 2 vols., fol. Note.— Contains Map of Cornwall, by E. Morden. MOREMAN, Rev. John, D.D. Fellow of Ex. Coll. in 1517; V. of Menheniot, 25 Feb., 1529- 1554 ; Coadjutor to the Bp. of Exeter, 1554. b. South-Hole, Hartland, Devon, d. Menheniot, before Oct., 1554. Church; cf.Bliss' Wood, V v MORISON. 370 MOESHEAD. MOREMAN, Eev. John, D.D. (Con.)- (Fasti), ii, 82-83; Prince's Worthies of Devon, (1810), 600-602; Dodd's Church History, (1737), i, 376; Foxc's Acts and Monuments, (1846), V, 20, vi, 397-98, 400, 404, 410-11, 536, 542 ; Moore's Hist, of Devon, ii, 235-36 ; Burnet's Reformation (Pocock's ed.), ii, 424-28; Journ. RI.C, 1864, p. 76; 1865, p. 36. Biographical Memoranda, by Bishop Kennet, relating to J. Moreman. Lansd. MSS., 980, art. 109, fol. 134, b. On St. Paul's Epistle to the Eomans. By Eev. J. Moreman. Transcribed by the hands of Law- rence Travers, Vicar of Quetheock. MSS. MORGAN, Algernon V. To my old Friends. Helston Gram. School Mag., pt. ii, pp. 47-48, (1852). MORGAN, G. v., F.S.A. Statistics of British Dividend, tin, lead and copper mines for the year 1872. By G. V. Morgan, %, New Broad St., London, B.C., 1873, 80., 2/6. MORICE, Sm William, Bart, (only son of Sir Nicholas Morice). M.P., Newport, 1690; for Launceston, 1735-48. d. 24 Jan., 1750. An act for sale of the estate of Sir W. Morice, Bart., in Padstow, in the county of Cornwall, and for settling another estate of better value to the same uses in lieu thereof. 5th Geo. II, c. 28, Private Act, 1732. n.p. or d. or printer's name. [Lond., 1732,] fol., pp. 3. An act for explaining and making more effect- ual a power contained in the will of Sir W. Morice, Baronet, for making leases of his several estates in the counties of Devon and Cornwall. n.p. or d. or printer's name. [Lond., 1755,] fol., pp.7. MORIER, Anthony. ♦ Letter from Sir Tho. Parry (Ambassador in Prance) to Sir J. Csesar, on behalf of Anthony Morier, spoiled by Capt. Allen and Capt. Harvey, of Plymouth. Dated Paris, 21 Mch., 1603. Br. Musevm, Addit. MSS., 5664, fol. 297. Complaint of the seizure of the vessel of Anthony Morier, with depositions of the inhab- itants of the Scilly Isles taken before John Godolphin, 11 Oct., 1603. ib., 5664, fol. 399. cj. also ff 387, 389, 397, 400. MORISON, Sir Richaed, Knt. A survey, 1623, of the castles, &c., on the Thames... and so onwards to the South coasts, West, and to the Land's End, including the forts MOEISON, Sir Eiohard, Ent. (Gon.). of Cornwall, by Sir R. Moryson...l623, fol. Harl. MSS., 1326, pp. 124. Note. — Contains surveys of Pendennis, St. Mawes and St. Michael's Mount. MORLEY, Thomas. Inquisitio de Matrimonio T. Morley, de Laun- ceston, 11 May, 1450. Tanner MSS., (Bodl. Lib.), 196, art. 11. MORRIS, Emily Sarah (2nd dau. of Rev. Geo. Morris, R. of St. Allen), b. Penzance. The Minstrel's Lay. Song. The words by Wplliam] Selwyn Morris. The music by EmUy S. Morris. Truro, published at Heard and Sons, Piano Forte and Music Warehouse, Boscawen St., and sold by D'Almaine and Co., London, [Mch., 1850,] fol., pp. 3, 1/6. MORRIS, Harriet (youngest child of Francis Paynier, of Boskenna, and wife of Owen Morris, formerly of Penzance), b. 4 June, 1764. d. 15 Sept., 1827. bur. Market Drayton, cf. Evan- gelical Mag., vi, 289-92, (1828). MORRISH, Moses, b. Perranzabuloe, 1763. d. Perranzabuloe, 18 Feb., 1830. Memoir of Mr. Moses Morrish. By Rev. Walter Lawry. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., liv, 811-14; (1831). MORRISON, Rev.Alexander James William, B.A. Master of Truro Grammar School, Dec, 1848, to June, 1852; Curate of Illogan. Manual of the Antiquities of the Church. By H. E. F. Guericke. Translated and adapted to the use of the English Church, by Rev. A. J. W. Morrison, B.A., Master of Grammar School, Truro. Lond., John W. Parker and Son, 1851, 8"., pp. vii and 288. MORSHEAD, Rev. Edward (ith son of Will Morshead, who d. 1784J. bapt. Menheniot, 29 June, 1764. d. Calstock, 17 Sept., 1852. Fellow of Ex. Coll., 1785-97 ;E. of Calstock, 12 Jan., 1796 to 1852; Chaplain to Georga IV when Prince of Wales; Special Vice-War- den of the Stannaries, cf. Gent. Maq., xxxviii, 545,(1852). MORSHEAD,. Edward John (ind son of Rem. Will. Morshead). Honorary Foreign Secretary to the Victoria Institute, b. Bath, Oct., 1838. On Comparative Psychology [with- Discussion thereon.] Journ. of Trans, of Victoria InsUtute, iii, 97-103, (1868-69), v, 297-321, (1871). . MOESHEAD. 371 MOETON. MOESHEAD, Sir Frederick Treise, 2nd Bart. (eld. son of Sir John MorsheadJ. b. 1 Jan., 1783. bapt. Marylebone. d. Derwent Lodge, Keswick, July, 1828. c/. Gent. Mag., xcviii, pt. ii, 273, (1828). MOESHEAD, Henry (3rd son of Rev. Will. MorsheadJ. b. Bodmin, 16 Jan., 1846. d. Lis- keard, 20 Oct., 1869. cf Register and Mag. of "■ g., ii, 276, (1869). Note. — H. Morshead is stated to have published — The Cornish Vohmteers. A Song. MOESHEAD, Commander John, E.N. (2nd son of General IVilliam MorsheadJ. bapt. Blis- land, 23 Oct., 1806. cf 0' Byrne. MOESHEAD, Sir John, Bart. (2nd son of Will. Morshead, who d. 1784J. cr. Bart. 10 Dec, 1783. Surveyor General to Prince of Wales, 1796 ; Lord Warden of the Stannaries, 1798. bapt. Menheniot, 4 Aug., 1747. d. Isle of Man, ApL, 1813. bur. Isle of Man. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxxiii, pt. i, 593, (1813). Account of pruning and medification of fruit trees on Mr. Dyot Bucknall's system. Dated "Hampton, Jan. 17, 1796." Trans, of Soc-for Encouragement of Arts, xiv, 236-37, (1796). Act for confirming . . . articles of agreement made and entered into by Beilby, Bishop of London, Thomas Wood, Esq... Sir John Morshead, Bart., and Dame Elizabeth, his wife. . .and the company and proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal, 1798, fol. MOESHEAD, Eev. William (2nd son of Rev. Edward MorsheadJ. b. Calstock, 9 July, 1805. Curate of Bodmin from commencement of 1830 to end of 1831 ; Curate of Queen Sq. Chapel, Bath, from beginning of 1832 to Sept., 1832 ; then seceded from the Church of England; Preacher in Masonic Hall, Bath, Sept., 1832, to Mch., 1 842 ; Preacher in Independent Chapel, Liskeard, 1850 to 1863 ; Preacher in New Union Chapel, Liskeard, from 1863; Master of Grammar School, Liskeard, 1849-50. Is the Church of England Apostate 1 being a Christian Minister's Protest on leaving that Establishment, by W. Morshead, late Assistant Minister of St. Mary's Chapel, Queen Sq., Bath. Bath, sold by A. E. Binns, and in London by Dinnis, and Hamilton, Adams and Co... 183 2, 8°., pp. 15, 6d. An endeavour to answer the Protest made by William Morshead, against the venerable, apos- tolical, spiritual, and truly tolerant Christian Church of England. By Henry Eaper Slade, LL.B., Licensed Curate of Holcombe, near Bath. Bath, printed by H. E. Carrington, and sold by Eivingtons,London...m.. Note. — W. Moyle's " Discourse upon improving the revenue of the state of Athens " is reprinted in i, 803-42. The Works of Lucian, translated from the Greek by several eminent hands. With the life of Lucian... written by John Dryden, Esq. Lond., printed for Sam. Briscoe... 1711, 4 vols., 8'>.— Another ed. 1745, 4 vols. 8». Note. — ^Four of the Dialogues were translated by W. Moyle, viz. : — Of Sacrifices, [a bold-spirited satyr on the Whole Heathen Superstition,] i, 14-24. Herodotus or Action, [a Speech to the Wits and Orators of Macedon,] i, 25-30. Conference with Hesiod, [a pleasant droUery on Hesiod against inspiration,] i, 31-36. Panegyrick upon Demosthenes, [a oompleat Model of Panegyroks, sic'] i, 37-66. The second and third of the Dialogues are said to have been translated by Mr. Moyle in 1693 ; the fourth is stated in the body of the work to have been done " by another hand." The Works of W. Moyle, Esq. None of which were ever before publish'd. Lond., printed for J. Darby, 1726, 2 vols., 8". Note. — Dedicated to Joseph Moyle, Esq., by Thomas Sergeant, 14 Feb., 1725. These volumes contain the following works by Mr. Moyle, which do not appear to have been published separately A charge to the Grand Jury at a Session in Lescard, April, 1706. The Miracle of the Thundering Legion explained ; in several letters between Mr. Moyle and Mr. K[ing.]" A Dissertation upon the age of Philopatris ; a Dia- logue commonly attributed to Lucian, in several letters to Mr. K[ing.] Letters to Dr. Musgrave, of Exeter, on subjects of " Criticism and Antiquity." Letters from and to Mr. Moyle upon various sub- jects. The Whole Works of W. Moyle, Esq., that were published by himself. To which is prefixed some Account of his life and writings. [By Anthony Hammond.] Lond., printed' for J. Knapton, 1727, 80., 5/-. Note. — The Dedication to The Lord Viscount Townshend, is signed B. C[urU,] 2 leaves, then pp. 1-285, errata and index 5 pages. Of the Thundering Legion, or of the miracu- lous deliverance of Marcus Antoninus and his army upon the prayers of the Christians. As also of Alexander the Great meeting the High- Priest of the Jews at Jerusalem. Occasion'd by Mr. Moyle's Works lately published. By William Whiston, M.A. Lond., printed for J. Senex, in Fleet-Street, 1726, sm. 4»., pp. 64, 6d. An apology for the writings of W. Moyle, Esq., in answer to the groundless aspersions of MOTLB. 377 MOYLE. MOTLE, "Walter. (Con.). Mr. Hearne, of Edmund Hall, Oxon., and Dr. Woodward, of Gresham College, London. With a word or two concerning the frivolous cavils of Messieurs Whiston and Woolston relating to the Thundering Legion. Lond., printed in the year 1727, 80., pp. 22, 6d.' Note.— Written by Edmund Curll, the Bookseller. The copy in the Bodleian Library was given by Dr. Eichard Eawlinson to Thomas Ilearne, "Mail 4to, 1728." Joh. Lavrentii Moshemii...dissertationvm ad sanctiores disoiplinas pertinentivm syntagma. Accedunt Gvaltheri Moylii et Petri Kingii' dis- sertationes de legione fvlminatrice ex anglico latin6 versse, additis observationibvs. Lipsise et Gorlitzii...l733, 4». Note. — The dissertations of Walter Moyle and Lord King are contained in pp. 639-891. A Select Collection of Tracts by W. Moyle, Esq., containipg I. An Essay upon the Roman Government. II. Remarks upon Dr. Prideaux' Connection... III. An Essay upon the Lacede- monian Government. IV. An Argument against a Standing Army. Dublin, printed by A. Rhames for T. Benson, at the Shakspear's Head, in Castle St., 1728, 80., pp. 231.— Another ed. Glasgow, printed by R. Urie, 1750, 12"., pp. 274. Histoire des Juifs et des peuples voisins, depuis la decadence des Royaumes d' Israel et de Juda, jusqu' k la mort de Jesu%Christ. Par M. Prideaux Doyen de Norwich. Traduite de 1' Anglois. Nouvelle edition divis6e en six volumes ...A Paris chez Guillaume Cavalier Pere, rue St. Jacques prfes la Fontaine S. Severin, au Lys d' or, 1732, 6 vols,, IS^.— Another ed. 1742, 6 vols., 120. Note. — Contain "Lettres de Monsieur Moyle a Monsieur Le Docteur Prideaux, oontenant diverses re- marques critiques sur quelques passages de 1' histoire des Juifs et des peuples voisins. etc. Avee les Responses de M. Prideaux, traduites de 1' Anglois, " being Six Letters from W. Moyle, and Four Eeplies from Dean Prideaux, dated 1716-21 and oeoupying vi, 316-88, in both editions. These letters originally appeared in Thomas Sergeant's "Works of Walter Moyle," 1726, and in " A Select Col- lection of Tracts by W. Moyle," 1728 and 1750. Democracy vindicated : An essay on the con- stitution and government of the Roman State, from the posthumous works of W. Moyle. With a preface and notes by John ThelwaU, Lecturer on Classical History. Norwich, printed and sold by J. March, Cockey-Lane ; Lond., sold by J. Smith, 1796, So., pp. iv and 41, 1/-. Note. — This Essay is dated 1698, and was printed in Thomas Sergeant's "Works of 'Walter Moyle, 1726," 2 vols., 8°., and in "A Select Collection of Tracts by W. Moyle," 1728 and 1750. MOYLE, Walteb. (Con.). Essai sur le Gouvernement de Rome. Par W. Moyle. Traduit de 1' Anglois [Par Bertrand Barr6re.] Ouvrage utile aux hommes d' 6tat et aux philosophes. A Paris chez Leger, libraire, quai des Augustins, No. 44. De 1' imprimerie de Marchant I'ain^. An. x, 1801, 8o., pp. viii and 112. A discourse [of the late Moyle's] to prove Marcus Antoninus a persecutor of the Christians. Tlmlogical Repository, i, 77-99, 147-73, (1769). Note. — The copy, from which this discourse was printed, is stated to have been transcribed from a MS. collection of Mr. Moyle's Eemains made by his nephew, Mr. Francis Gregor, in 1769, and now in the possession of the Gregor family. Miscellany Poems . . . By the most eminent hands. Publish'd by Mr. Dryden. Lond., 1716, 6 vols., 120. Note. — Contains Poem " To Walter Moyle. By Chas. Hopkins," iv, 63-65. Se& also the succeeding article. A Select Collection of Poems, with notes, biographical and historical. By John Nichols. Lond., 1780-82, 8 vols., sm. 8o. Note. — Contains the following: — Ode to W. Moyle. By Chas. Hopkins, ii, 202-204. Epistle to Mr. Moyle. By Anthony Hammond, viii, 265-68. Both the above Poems are reprinted from " The Whole Works of W. Moyle," edited by A. Hammond. Lond., 1727, 8o. • 45 Letters' between Mr. Moyle and Mr. Reynolds, 30 Jan., 17§f , to 10 May, 1720. MSS. St. John's Coll. Camb. cf. Rev. B. M. Cowie's Cat, pp. 104-6. Document of a discharge to W. Moyle for not enrolling letters patents of Charles 2 whereby the Manor of Carnanton was demised to Sir J. Coryton, Bart., for 99 years. Dated 31 July, 1708. Harl. MSS., 2263, art. 224. Letter from T. Hearne to James West, con- cerning W. Moyle, &c. Lansd. MSS., 778, art. 31. Letter from Walter Moyle to Charles Mon- tague, afterwards Lord Halifax, relative to Mr. Tregeare, Receiver General of Cornwall. Dated Bake, [1698.] Br. Museum, Egerton MSS., 929, p. 9. ' Mr. Moyle's letter against the Thundering Legion. Sir T. Phillipps' MSS., 48.57. " Correspondence of Walter Moyle. Gent. Mag., viii, 481-88, (1837), ix, 247-50, 492-98, (1838), X, 607-11, (1838), xii, 254-57, 577-81, (1839). MUDGE, Henry (sm of Thomas and Grace Mudge). b. Tower Hill House, Bodmin, 29 July, 1806. WW MUDGE. 378 MUDGE. MUDGE, Henbt. (Con.). The Western Temperance Luminary. A Monthly Periodical. Edited by H. Mudge. Bod- min, printed by Charles Hayne, 1838, 8°., Id. Note. — 12 numbers, no more published. The Bodmin Temperance Luminary. A Monthly Journal. Edited by H. Mudge. Bod- min, printed by Charles Hayne, April, 1 840, to April, 1841, 8«., Id. Note. — 12 numbers, no more published. The Cornwall and Devon Temperance Journal. A Monthly Paper. Edited by H. Mudge. Bod- min, printed by Liddell and Son, Jan., 1851, to Jan., 1858, 8 vols., 8o., Id. per No. Note. — 85 numbers, no more published. This Paper ■was the successor to " The Cornwall Temperance Journal and Reohabite Eeoorder." See Philp, John. A Letter to the Eatepayers of Bodmin on the use to be made of the (Old) Poor House, about to be vacated in consequence of a New Union Workhouse being built. By A Foe to Ignorance {i.e., H. Mudge,] 1840, 8°. The Farmers' Manual of Teetotalism, or " What will be done with the Barley." A Prize Essay. By H. Mudge. Lond., Simpkin, 1 842, 8" 2d. Eechabitism, a letter shewing the instability of the Independent Order of Kechabites. By H. Mudge. Bodmin, Liddell and Son, 1844, 8°., 6d. An exposure of Odd Fellowship, shewing that the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Man- chester Unity, is unscriptural and its constitu- tion unjust in its finance, extravagant in its management, bankrupt in its circumstances, deceitful in its pretensions, dangerous in its tendency, and immoral in its practice. By H. Mudge, of Bodmin, Surgeon, &c. Lond., Whit- taker and Co.; Bodmin, Liddell and Son, [printed,] 1845, 12o., pp. 69, 2/-. Cautions and testimony against Odd Fellow- ship. By H. Mudge,, of Bodmin, Surgeon, &c., December, 1846. Lond., Whittaker and Co.; Bodmin, Liddell and Son. n.d., [1846,1 12" dd 12, 2d. ^ -' ■' ^^' Wine after Preaching. By H. Mudge. Vaux- hall, Symons, 1850, 8"., pp. 11. Eescued texts, or teetotalism put under the protection of the gospel, being a critical exposi- tion of texts of scripture refening to temperance, moderation, expediency, God's good creatures' watchfulness, sobermindedness, etc., deducing the true meaning and our consequent duty from the original Greek; With a key to the wine question for the unlearned. By H. Mudge. Bod- min, Liddell and Son, [printed] ; Lond., Whit- taker and Co. n.d., [1853 ?] 8"., pp. 60. MUDGE, Henby. (Cm.). Texts . rescued from the intemperate, or tee- totalism put under the protection of the gospel, being a critical exposition of texts of scripture referring to temperance, etc. With a key to tlie wine question for the unlearned. By H. Miidge, Surgeon, etc. 2nd ed. Lond., W. Tweedie, 337, Strand, n.d., [1854,] 8"., pp. 52, 6d.— 3rd ed n.d., [1856,] 8°., pp. 69, 6d. Note.— Introductions dated Bodmin, 1854 and 1856. Alcoholics, a letter to practitioners in medicine. By One of themselves. [Signed H. Mudge, Bod- min, Mch., 1856.] Lond., W. Tweedie, 1856, 120., pp. 16. Physiology, health and disease, demanding abstinence from alcoholic drinks and prohibition of their common sale, being A Course of five lectures by H. Mudge, M.E.C.S. and L.A.C., with illustrations and appendix. To which is added The Distracted Village, a tale. Lond., W. Tweedie, or post free from the author Bod- min, 1859, 120., pp. viii and 124, 1/6, bound 2/-. Dialogues, etc., against the use of Tobacco. By A Surgeon, [i.e., H. Mudge.] Caudwell, Lon- don ; Tweedie, London ; Jarrold and -Sons, Lon- don and Norwich ; or by post from H. Mudge, Bodmin, 1861, roy. 24"., pp; 32, 2d. Band of Hope. Children of Promise. Gal., iv, 28. [Verses by H. Mudge.] Note.— The abofe are found on a Juvenile Pledge Card. Price Id. ' • The nature and obligation of temperance. A sermon preached in Union Hall, Bodmin, on Sunday, March 9th, 1862. By H. Mudge, Sur- geon, &c. Lond., Jarrold and Sons, 47, St. Paul's Churchyard; and Caudwell. n.d., [1862,1 8"., pp. 18, 2d. A guide to the treatment of disease without alcoholic liquors. By H. Mudge, M.E.C.S., Lond, Jarrold and Sons ; Tweedie, Strand, or free by post direct from the author Bodmin, 1863, 12o„ pp. 178, 2/6. , ■ MUDGE, Thomas, of Morval. Will proved 31 May, 1613. Abstract of the Will of T. Mudge. In "Me- morials of the name of Mudge. By Alfred Mudge," 1868, 8°., p. 17. MUDGE, Major-General William, B.A., F.E.S. (son of John Mudge). h. Plymouth, 1762. d. Holies Street, London, 17 April,- 1820. > if > An account of the operations carried on for accomplishing a Trigonometrical Survey of Eng- land and Wales from the commencement in the year 1784 to the end of the year 1796. ..First MTJLES. 379 MUNDY. MUDGE, Majob-Genbbal. (Con.). published in and now revised from the Philoso- phical Transactions, by Capt. William Mudge, F.R.S., and Mr. Isaac Dalby. Vol. i. Lond., printed by W. Bulmer and Co. for J. Faden... 1799, 4». Note. — The portion referring to Devon and Cornwall is comprised in pp. 362-409, and there is a " Plan of the Principal Triangles in the Trigonometrical Survey in 1795-96 " in these counties. In the Survey Col. Edward Williams took part in conjunction witlj^the above-named gentlemen. An account of the operations carried on for accomplishing a Trigonometrical Survey of Eng- land and Wales continued from the year 1797 to the end of the year 1799. By Capt. W. •Mudge... Vol. ii...Lond., printed by W. Bulmer and Co., for W. Faden, 1801, 4". Note. — Cornish portion comprised in pp. 50-53, 95- 115, 117-20, 123-24, 130-35, 176-80. A part of plate iii shews the direction of the meridian at St. Agues Beacon. An account of the Trigonometrical Survey... in the years 1800, 1801, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808 and 1809. By Lieut. -Col. W. Mudge, of the Royal Artillery, F.E.S., and Captain Thomas Colby. Lond., printed by W. Bulmer & Co.... and sold by W. Faden... 1811, 4". Note. — Cornish portion contained in pp. 216-31. Cornwall. Published 5 Jan., 1813. ByLieut.- Col. Mudge, Tower. Engraved at the Drawing Room, in the Tower, under the direction of. Col. Mudge. By Benj"- Baker and Assistants. The 'writing by Eben'- Bourne, 1813. Scale, 1 inch to 1 mile. Size, 40 in. x 27 in. Note. — This map forms one of the series of The Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain and Ireland made by Eoyal Authority. The Survey was commenced in 1784. MULES, Rev. James, LL.B. (son of Rev. Chas. Mules). Curate of St. Merryn; Curate of Mayland, Essex. 6. 10 Oct.^ 1793. d. May- land, 29 Aug., 1868. The benefits of the National Church of Eng- land. A sermon preached on the occasion of His Majesty's Letter, for a collection on the behalf of the National 'Incorporated Society for educating the poor in the principles of the Established Church, at the parish church of Pilton, near Barnstaple, Devon, on Sunday morning, Dec. 30th, 1832. By Rev. James Mules, S.C.L., Chap- lain to the right honorable the Earl of Kingston, and Curate of Merryn, Cornwall. Lond., pub- lished by J. and C. Rivington, 1833, &»., pp. Vii and 21. MULLER, Frederick Maximilian (son of Wil- helm Milller). Professor of Comparative Phi- lology at Oxford, b. Dessau, 6 Dec, 1823. Cornish Antiquities. Quart. Rev., cxxiii, 35- 66, (1867). Are there Jews in Cornwall ? A Riddle and its Solution. Macmillan's Mag., xv, 484-94, (1867). Chips from a German Workshop. By F. Max, MuUer, M.A., Fellow of All Souls College, Ox- ford. Lond., Longmans, 1867-1870, 3 vols., 8". Note. — Contains the following : — Cornish Antiquities, iii, 248-98. Are there Jews in Cornwall ? iii, 299-329. The Insulation of St. Michael's Mount. [Bead before the Ashmoleau Sec, Oxford, Nov. 25, 1867,] iii, 330-57. MULLINS, Rev. Samuel. Minister at Totnes. d. 24 June, 1710. Two sermons, the former preached at Exon before an assembly of the United Ministers of Devon and Cornwall, September 7, 1709, the latter at Totness, 1707. By the Rev. S. MuUins, Minister of the Gospel at Totness. Lond., 1710, 4". MULOCK, Miss. See Craik, D. M. MUNDY, Peter. J. Penryn. A briefe Relation of certain e journies and Voyages into Fraunce, Spain, Turkey and East India, passed and performed by Peter Mundy. Earl. MSS., 2286, ff. 152. cf Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 19,278-19,281. Note.— His travels lasted from 1609 to 1634. The ffarl. MS. is a copy corrected by the Author, those in the Addit. MSS. are recent copies. Itinerarium Mundii, that is, a Memoriall or sundry relations of several voiages. . .into Holland, Fraunce, etc., from 1611 to 1639; also into some parts of Denmarck... from 1639 to 1648, by Peter Mundy, closely written and illustrated firstly with Maps of the World, Europe, Italy, etc., en- graved by Henry' Hondius in 1630-31, of Savoy engraved by Judocus Hondius and of Turkey, etc. With an Appendix, containing, inter alia, Of the County of Cornwall and towne of Penrin ; notes of occurrences in September, 1654, "since my last arrivall at home," and notes of public matters and miscellaneous occurrences recorded at London and Penryn, from 17 Febr., 1656-7, to 11 Sept., 1667. Rawlinson MSS., (Rod. Lib.), Class A, 315, ff 8 and 247. Note. — A copy or possibly the original MS. of this Itinerary is now penes Mrs. Edwin Ley, at Trevaylor, Penzance.- It is referred to in /. S. Courtney's Guide to Penzance, (1845), p. 15. MUEDOCK. 380 MUELIN. MURCH, Eev. Jerom. Minister of Trim Street, Chapel, Bath, (son of Will. Murch). b. Honi- ton, 29 Oct., 1807. A History of the Presbj^terian and General Baptist Churches in the West of England, with Memoirs of some of their Pastors. By Jerom Murch. Lond., E. Hunter, 72, St. Paul's Church- yard, 1835, 8°., pp. XX and 579, 12/-. Note, — The Covnisli portioB is in pp. 534-70. MUECHISON, John Heney, P.E.aS., F.S.S. Political Pamphlets. By J. H. Murchirison. Originally published under the signatureof "Plain Facts," and reprinted for presentation to the Electors of Truro. Lond., Mann Nephews, 39, . Cornhill. Truro,J.E.Netherton,1859,8''.,pp. 172. British Mines considered as a means of invest- ment with particulars of the principal dividend and progressive mines in England and Wales. By J. H. Murchison, Esq., F.G.S. Lond., Mann Nephews, 39, Cornhill, 1854, 8»., pp. 200, 3/6. —2nd ed. 1855, 8"., pp. 205, 3/6.— 3rd ed. 1855, 80., pp. 240, 3/6.— 4th ed. 1856, 8"., pp. 358, 3/6. Eeview of the progress of British Mining for the quarter ending 30 June, 1858, with particu- lars of the position and prospects of the prin- cipal dividend and progressive mines, some special reports and several plans of underground workings and tables of the dividends paid in 1855, 1856 and 1857. By J. H. Murchison, Esq., F.G.S. Lond., may be had at the Office of the Author, 117, Bishopsgate Street Within. [Varty, Printer, Camomile St.,] 1858, 8°., pp. 97, 1/-. MURCHISON, Sir Roderick Impey, Bart., F. E. S. b. Tarradaile, Ross-shire, 1 9 Feb. , 1 7 9 2. d. 16, Belgrave Sq., London, 22 Oct., 1871. A brief review of the classification of the sedimentary rocks of Cornwall, (1838). Trans. B.G.S.G., vi, 317-26, (1846) ; Edinb. New Philos. Journ., xliii, 33-41, (1847). On the discovery of silurian rocks in Cornwall. PUlos. Mag., xxx, 336-44, (1847) j Ann. Nat. Hist., xix, 326-34, (1847). On the classification of the older rocks of Devonshire and Cornwall. By Rev. Adam Sedg- wick and Sir E. I. Murchison, (1839). Proc. Geol. Soc, iii_, 121-23, (1838-42). Classification of the older stratified rocks of Cornwall and Devonshire. By Rev. A. Sedg- wick and Sir R. I. Murchison. Philos. Mao., xiv. 242-60, (1839). MURDOCK, William. Resident in Cornwall from 1779 to 1798. b. Bellow Mill, Old Cum- nock, Ayrshire, 1754. d. Sycamore House, Handsworth, Soho, 15 Nov., 1839. A.D. 1791, May 30. No. 1802. Specification of William Murdock, of Redruth, in the county MURDOCK, William. (Con.). of Cornwall, Gentleman, for " The art or method -of making (from the same imaterials and by pro- cesses entirely new) copperas, vitriol anddifferent sorts of dye or dyeing stuff, paints and colours, and also a composition for preserving the bot- toms of all kinds of vessels and all wood re- quiring to be immersed in water, from worms, weeds, barnacles and every other foulness which usually does or may adhere thereto." Lond., 1791, fol. — Eeprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1856, fol., pp. 4, 3d. A.D. 1799, Aug. 29. No. 2340. Specification of William Murdock, of Eedruth, in the county of Cornwall, Engineer, for " Certain new me- thods of manufacturing and constructing steam engines.'' With drawing annexed. Lond., 1799, fol. — Reprinted. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1855, fol, pp. 6, lOd. An account of the application of the gas from coal to ceconomical purposes by Mr. W. Mur- dock ; read before the Royal Society on the 25 Feb., 1808, and printed in the Philosophical Transactions for that year. [Abraham, Printer, Clement's Lane, London.] n.d., [1808,] 8°., pp. 8. Note. — W. Murdock first came into Cornwall in Sept., 1779, in the employment of Boulton and Watt. In 1784 he made a small locomotive and tried it in the avenue of the Eedruth Parsonage. In 1792 he made the first experiments in lighting with coal gas and used it in his own house and offices at Eedruth. In 1785 Mur- dock married the daughter of Captain Paynter, of Eed- ruth, by whom he had four children. His wife died in 1790 at the early age of 24. cf. Philos. Trans., xoviii, 124-32, (1808) ; Mcholson's Journ., xxi, 94-103, (1808) ; Smiles' Lives of Boulton and Watt, (1865), pp. 253-57, 321-22', 336-38, 356, 422; Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, (1862), iii, 77-78, (where is a section view of the Eedruth model locomotive) ; F. Trevithick's Life of Rich. Trevithich, (1872), i, 64, 69, 108, 124, 146-51, ii, 105, 118, 125-26; Oiwe a Week, x, 862-63, (1872) ; The Inventions and Life of W. Murdock. By William Buckle. With Discussion thereon. Proc. of Instit. of Mechanical Engineers, Oct., 1850, pp. 16-26 ; Will. Matthews' Historical Sketch of the origin, etc., of Gas-Lighting, (1827), pp. 21-^2, 44, 235-37,312. MURLIN, ' Rev. John (2nd son of Richard and Elizabeth Murlin or Mmien). Wesleyan Minis- ter, 1754-99. b. St. Stephen Branwell, August, 1722. d. High Wycombe, 7 July, 1799. hw. Eev. John Wesley's Vault, City Eoad Chapel Graveyard, cf. Arminian Mag., ix, 422, (1786) j Methodist Mag., xxii, 511, (1799), xxiii, 64-68, (1800) ; T. Jackson's Lives of Early Methodist Preachers, (1837-38), ii, 415-28; Tyerman's Life and Times of Wesley, ii, 382, iii, 70, 292; G. J. Stevenson's City Road Chapel, (1872), pp. 246, 352, 369-70, 376; C. Atmore's Methodist Memorial, (1871), pp. 156-58. A Short Account of J. Murlin, written by himself. Portrait mtatis 56. Arminian Mag., ii, 530-36, (1779). MURRAY. 381 N. MURLIN, Rev. John. (Gon.). A short account of Mr. John Murlin, Preacher of the Gospel. Written by Himself. Lond., printed by J. Paramore, at the Foundry, Upper- Moorfields, 1780, 8"., pp. 48. Note. — This is an enlargement of the account which appeared in the Anninian Mag. A Letter to Eichard Hill, Esq., containing some remarks on that getftleman's five letters to the Rev. J. Fletcher. Ey^ J. M[urlin.] Bristol, W. Pine, 1775, 12"., pp 42. Sacred Hymns on various subjects. By J. Murlin. Leeds, 1781, 12°., pp. 56.— 2nd ed. Bristol, printed by W. Pine, in _ Wine-Street, 1782, 8"., pp. 75 and Index unpaged. Elegy on Mr. Fletcher and other Poems. By J. Murlin. 3rd ed. Highwycombe, 1788, VI"., pp. 132. MURLIN, Richard (h-o. of the preceding), d. circa 1804, aged 86. A short account of the life and death of Eichard Murlin. By James Anderson. Dated St. Austell, 27 May, 1804. Methodist Mag., xxviii, 149-52, (1805). MURRAY, James. Plan of the Proposed Polbrock Canal, from the Tideway of the River Camel, near Wade- bridge, to Dunmeer. With a collateral branch towards Ruthran Bridge. Surveyed Anno 1796 under the direction of John Rennie, C.E. By James Murray. Engraved by W. Faden. 179-. MURRAY, Rev. Jeffreys Wilkins, M.A., ' (son of Capt. Will. Murray, RIM.) Curate of St. Kea ; Incumb. of St. John, Kenwyn~ 1865- 68; V. of Mylor, July, 1868. h. Swansea, 16 Oct., 1819. Gerennius. A Letter from the Rev. J. W. Murray, M.A., Curate of St. Mary's,, Truro, to the Rev. Samuel Trist, Vicar of Veryan. Truro, printed and published by J. R. Netherton, 1855, 12". Title and contents 2 leaves, then pp. 1-10. A Letter from the Rev. J. W. Murray to the Rev. Samuel Trist, Vicar of Veryan, on Gerennius and his supposed place of burial at Veryan. Truro, J. R. Netherton, 1859, 12o., pp. 16, 1/-. Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion. A Letter addressed chiefly to young persons, before and after confirmation. By the Rev. J. W. Murray. Truro, printed by J. R. Netherton, 1857, 120., pp. 29.— 2nd ed. 1858, 12°., pp. 29, 4d. A comparative scale of creation, according to Mosaic Records and Geological Facts. Arum. Truro, J. R. Netherton, 1861, pp. 15, 6d. MURRAY, Rev. J. W. (Gon.). The doctrine of the Incarnation as aifecting the natural history of mau, and the confidence of man in God. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford, on the 4 th Sunday in Advent, 1863. By The Rev. Jeffi'eys W. Murray, of Oriel College, and St. Kea, Cornwall. Oxford and London, J. H. and J. Parker ; Truro, J. R. Netherton, 1863, 8°., pp. 16, 1/-. MURRAY, John (son of John Murray). 6. 16 April, 1808. A Handbook for Travellers in Devon and Cornwall. With Maps. Lond., J. Murray, 1850, 8°.— 2nd ed. 1851, 8"., pp. Ivi and 24.3, 6/-. —3rd ed. revised 1856, 8"., pp. Iv and 264, 6/-. —4th ed. revised 1859, 80., pp. Ivi and 29.3, 7/6.— 5th ed. revised 1863, 8»., pp. lixand 348, 10/-.— 6th ed. revised 1865, 9>°., pp. lix and 366, 10/-. Note. — T. C. Paris, (son of J. A. Paris, M.D.), wrote this work and edited it through four editions. 1851 ed. Cornwall, pp. 123-233 ; 1866 ed. Cornwall, pp, U3-253; 1859 ed. Cornwall, pp. 159-282; 1863 ed. Corn- wall, pp. 185-334 ; 1865 ed. Cornwall, pp. 201-352. MURRISH, William Cdrd son of Will. Mw- rish). h. Perranzabulbe, 31 Jan., 1818. d. Perranzabuloe, 6 May, 1861. The Miner of Perranzabuloe, \i.e., W. Murrish,] or simple records of a good man's life. By W[illiam] Davis Tyack. Lond., Hamilton Adams and Co. ; Leeds, H. W. Walker, Briggate, [Aug.,] 1866, fcp. 80., pp. XV and 156.— 2nd ed. 1868, MUSGRAVE, William, M.D. h. Nettlecombe, 4 Nov., 1655. d. Exeter, 23 Dec, 1721. Britannia or a Chorographical Description of Great Britain... By W. Camden... 2nd ed...By Edmund Gibson, D.D., Bishop of Lincoln. Lond., 1722, 2 vols., fol. Note. — In this edition the portion relating to Corn- wall, Devonshire and Somersetshire, was enlarged from observations communicated by Dr. Musgrave. N. Wadebridge. The Mariner's Return. Cornish Mag., iv, 288, (1829). N. A.F3r. Time is short. Verses. Rev. H. A. Simcoe's Light from the West, i, 286, (1832). NANCE. 882 NANKIVELL. N. L.N.N. On the New Year. Verses. Bev. H. A. Simeons Light from the West, i, 24, (1832). The Eddystone Lighthouse. Verses, ih., i, 48. Rejoice in the Lord. Verses, ib., i, 120. The New Year. Verses, ih., ii, 24, (1833). N. S.N. Aisles in Cornish Churches [and Sentry Fields.] Letter signed " S.N., June, 1781." Gent. Mag., li, 305, (1781). N. W.N. &« Noy, William. NANCAREOW, Jane. h. Grampound, 27 July, 1752. d. St. Austell, 29 June, 1788. An account of the death of Jane Nancarrow. By John Moon. Arminian Mag., xiii, 185-193; 240-246, (1790). NANCARROW, John, Jun. Market Jew. h. circa 1737. cf. Archmlogia, v, 84, (1779). NANCARROW, John. A new and exact chart of Mount's Bay and parts adjacent, from the Lizard to Cape Corn- wall. Accurately surveyed by John Thomas, John Nancarrow, and Dionysius Williams. Pub. 30 Ja,n., 1751, 4/-. —Published by J. Rennel, 25 June, 1793, and sold by G. Nicol. Note. — Dedicated to Sir John St. Aubyn. NANCARROW, John, [of Cornwain] Calculations relating to grist and saw mills for determining the quantity of water necessary to produce the desired effect, when the head and fall are given in order to ascertain the dimen- sions of a new invented Steam Engine, intended to give motion to water-wheels, in places where there is no fall and but a very small spring or stream. Amer. Philos. Sac, iv, 348-61, (1799); Gilbert, Annal, xvi, 152-55, (1804); Tilloch. Philos. Mag., ix, 300-302, (1801); Nicholson's Journ., iv, 545-46, (1801). NANCARROW, Richard. Richard Nancarrow, the Cornish Miner. No. 43. York Friends' Tract Association, 1850, 1 2 «... Reprinted, 1852,12". NANCE, Capt. Francis (son of John Nance). b. St. Martin's, Isles of Scilly, 1832. A Full Report of the Board of Trade Inquiry held at Penzance, in March, 1867, into the cir- cumstances connected with the abandonment of the schooner "Hannah Codner," in the Atlantic Ocean, on the 21st Dec, 1866. Penzance, printed by Edward Rowe, 30, Market Place, 1867, 8"., pp. 25, 1/-. Note.— This Eeport was published by Capt. Nance " for the vindication of his character." NANCE, James. Superintendent of Mining W^orks in France, b. 1802. d. Liskesird, 4 Sept., 1869. cf. JVesleyan Methodist Mag., xciii, 767, (1870). NANCE, Rev. James. Wesleyan Minister (son of John Nance), b. St. Columb, 16 Apl., 1820. cf. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixxsviii, 96, (1865); xci, 765-66, (1868). All for Jesus, by the Rev. J. Nance, Wesleyan Minister. Redruth, J. S. Doidge. n.d., [1859,] roy. 32°. — An entirely new edition, greatly en- larged. Redruth, J. S. Doidge, Fore St. ; Lond., H. J. Tresidder, 17, Ave Maria Lane, n.d., [1862,] roy. 32"., pp. 32, 2d. Trust the Pilot. By the Rev. J. Nance. Red- ruth, printed and published by J. S. Doidge, 1861, roy. 32°., pp. 36, 3d.— 4th ed. n.d., [1862,] "12»., pp. 36, 3d. Cornwall as it was' before visited by the Wes- leys. Signed N.J. Christian Miscellany, ix, 101- 103, 133-35, (1863). The Wesleys in Cornwall, ib., is, 203-206, 231-34. The progress of methodism in Cornwall, ib., ix, 292-95, 326-28, 357-64. Cornish Methodist Worthies. A Skilful Pilot [Richard Trewavas.] ib., x, 11-12, 41-46, (1864). Cornish Methodist Worthies. A poetic fisher- man [Richard Trewavas, Junr.] ih., x, 136-40, 170-75. Cornish Methodist Worthies. A conscientious accountant [J. E.Trezise,] «&.,x, 198-202, 233-38. Cornish Methodist Worthies. A devout phi- losopher [Samuel Drew.] ib., xi, 37-41, 71-76, (1865). Cornish Methodist Worthies. A distinguished christian minister [Francis Truscott.] ih., xi, 166-70, 202-206. The Hearing Ear. ih., x, 306-308. NANFAN FAMILY, cf Rev. Treadway Nash's History and Antiquities of Worcestershire, i, 84- 86. NANFAN, John. b. Cornwall. Lieut. -Governor of New York, 1697-1701 ; Governor of New York, 1701-2. cf. W. Smith's Hist, of Province of New York, (1757), pp. 90, 92, 97-103. NANKIVELL, Arthur W., F.R.C.S. (son of the succeeding). ' Resident Surgeon, St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital, Chatham, b. Coventry, 1837, Excision of knee joint for injury. Brit. Med, Journ., i, 30, (1868). -Case of urinary calculus that had ulcerated its way into the vagina, ib., i, 479-80. The working of the "Contagious Diseases Act, 1866," 9,t St. Bartholomew's Hospital, ib., i, 564- 65, (1869). NANKTVELL. 883 NANKIVELL. NANKIVELL, Akthuk "W. (Gon.). Erysipelas of the head and neck with violent delirium treated with chloral. *., ii, 437, (1871). Injury of the cervical vertebrae ; ankylosis of the atlas to the occipital bone; dislocation of the axis; death, ib., ii, 437. NAiSTKIVELL, Charles, Benjamin (3rd son of Thos. NanUvell). h. Truro. Now resident at Ashley Lodge, Torquay. Fractures of the ribs by muscular action. By C. B. Nankivell, Surgeon to the Coventry Self- supporting Dispensary. Lond. Med. Gazette, xvi, 590-601, (1835). Treatment of Cholera by preventing the dis- charge of the serum of the blood, or supplying it artificially. By C. B. Nankivell, M.D., Tor- quay, Devon, ib., ix, 755-56, 1054-57, (1849). On the provision of medical attendance on the independent poor by provident dispensaries. British Medical Journ., ii, 274, 318-20, (1871). NANKIVllLL, Lieut. Edmund, E.N. (2nd son of J. H. Nankivell). b. Penmellyn, St. Columb Major, 16 July, 1844. Tringanu. [An article on China and the Chinese.] Chambers' Journ., 17 Dec, 1870, pp. 809-11. NANKIVELL, Herbert, M.D. (eld. son of J. H. Nankivell). b. Penmellyn, St. Columb Major, 26 May, 1843. The Homoeopathic Medical Directory of Great Britain and Ireland and Annual Abstract of British Homoeopathic Serial Literature, 1870. H. Turner and Co., London, 77, Fleet St., E.C., 1870, 80., pp. 368, 3/6. Note. — This work was edited during the years 1870, 1871, 1872, by " H. Nankivell, M.D., Branksome Lodge, Boumemouth." Repertories. British Journ. of IIomoeopathy,x^v, 278-90, (1866). On Arsenic in phthisis, ib., xxx, 515-42, (1872). The Climate of Bournemouth. Monthly Homoeo- pathic Review, xiii, 17-24, (1869). Two cases of brain irritation in children, ib., xiii, 360-62. Medical Directories, ib., xiii, 574-76. Chronic Diuresis, ib., xiii, 718-22. Eepertories, New and Old. ib., xiv, 15-21, 19.1-93, (1870). Case of poisoning by kali bichromas. ib., xiv, 419-20. Cases with remarks, ib., xv, 29-32, (1871). (Esophageal stricture; treatment by dilatar tion. ib., xvi, 72-76, (1872). NANKIVELL, John, M.D. (son of Thos. Narir " "I. 6. Truro. Dissertatio medica inauguralis de catarrho... Pro gradu doctoratus summisque in medicina honoribus ac privilegiis rite et legitime conse- quendis, Eruditorum examini subjicit Joannes Nankivell, Britannus, Societatis Medicae Edin- ensis Socius. . .Edinburgi apud Balfour et Smellie, Academiae typographos, 1778,.sm. 4"., pp. 33. NANKIVELL, John Hicks, M.R.C.S. (son of Samuel Nicholls Nankivell, who was b. Wade- bridge, 1785, andd. St. Columb, 1816;. b. St. Columb Major, 23 Feb., 1809. Vestiges of the Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Ton- gues.— [No.] 1. By J. H. Nankivell, M.E.C.S., etc., Penzance. From the " Gentleman's Maga-~ zine," [xviii, 674, 1865,] September, 1865. n.p. or d. or printer's name, [1865,] 8°., pp. 4. Lines on a Crystal Felspar Cross,' found in a piece of Cornish Granite 1866. Anon. n.p. or d. or printer' s name, [1866,] 12"., Brief notes of cases of disease treated homoeo- pathically. The Monthly Homoeopathic Rev., ui, 503-512, (1859). Hydrastis canadensis in chronic tumour of the breast, ib., iv, 71-74, (1860). A few cases of disease treated at the Penzance Homoeopathic Dispensary. ih.,\, 326-32, (1861). Allopathic Drug-provings. ib., v, 174-77. A Calendar of cases treated at the Penzance Homoeopathic Dispensary, ib., vii, 172-77, 206- 12, 294-306, 502-507, 537-44, 595-600, (1863). Two cases of spinal disease, ib., vii, 411-19. Effects of glOnoine in neuralgia.' ib., vii, 90-98. Apis mellifica in scarlatina maligna, ib., viii, 30-36, (1864). Brief notes on cases of disease, ib., viii, 216- 19, 342-48, 485-89, 544-52. Casesfrommydispensarynotebook. ib.,\x, 344- 48, (1865). A case of traumatic iritis with hypopion. ib., ix, 609-12. A case of chronic bronchitis and traumatic corneitis. ib., ix, 687-89. Annual Report of the Penzance Homoeopathic Dispensary, for the year 1866. Signed J. H. Nankivell. ib., xi, 190-91, (1867). Notes from dispensary practice, ib., xi, 206- 217, 269-78, 331-43. Case with remarks, ih., xi, 698-702. A case of rectal haemorrhage, ib., xii, 757-58, (1868). Modern antique prescriptions. j&.,xiii, 190-92, (1869). Clinical reports, ib., xiii, 357-60. NAXJTICUS. 384 NELSON. NANKIVELL, John Hicks. (Con.). The Lancet and scientific medicine, ib., xiii, 466-68. Hahnemann's Homoeopathic system, ib., xiii, 661-71. On the treatment of diseases with the assist- ance of rppertories. ib., xiv, 147-52, (1870). Records of dispensary practice, ib., xv, 135- 38, (1871). A fragment from the cypher repertory, ib., XV, 498-502. On the pathogenesy of aconite, with clinical observations. British Journ. of Ilomuiopathy, xix, 529-58, (1861); xx, 62-70, 353-69, (1862); xxi, 48-66, 420-47, 650-60, (1863); xxii, 83- 92, (1864); xxxi, 211-24, (1873). On the Tubercular Lung Disease of Cornish Miners. * , xxiii, 177-95, (1865). On diseases of cervical vertebrae, ib., xxix, (1871). York Homoeopathic Dispensary and briefs of cases treated there. The Homceopathic World, iv, 56, 72-74, 144-46, (1869). Thoughts and suggestions on medical and surgical practice, ib., iv, 215-16. Ophthalmia, ib., v, 63-65, (1870); vi, 56-57, (1871). Eemarks on vaccination, etc. ib., v, 129-30. Extracts from the debates of the French Medical Homoeopathic Society, ib., v, 152-54. On the rapidity of cure with homoeopathic remedies, ib., v, 221-22. Common form of Bowel-irritation, ib., vi, 57-58. Homoeopathic practice, ib., vi, 79-81, 135-37, 150-52, 271-73. NANKIVELL, Rev. John Robert (son of John Thomas NanUvell). Now Chaplain of Credi- ton, Devon, b. Truro. A Manual of Prayers and Hymns for the use of Sailors, compiled from various sources. By Rev. J. R. Nankivell. Brixham, Crauford, 1864 12"., 6d. NANKIVELL, Thomas, of Golden, 1812. cf F. Trevithick's Life of Rich. Trevithick, (1872), 11, 38. NATION, Rev.Fkangis, M.A. V. of Lewannick 1657-1660. b. Bishop-Liddyard, Somerset, d. Parkham, Devon, aged 82. cf JTalker's Suffer- ings, (1714), pt. ii, p. 320. NAXJTICUS, Penzance, psevd., i.e., Rosewall James. NAYLOR, Rev. Fermor. R. of St. Martin's by Looe, 1707? to 1714. b. Tavistock, bur. St. Martin's, 31 Oct., 1714. cf. Harwood's Alumni Etonenses, p. 276. The Works of Walter Moyle, Esq., [q.v.] Lond., 1726, 2 vols., 8". Note. — Contains Letter from Mr. Naylor to Mr. Moyle, dated " St. Martin's, 2 Nov., 1711," and Mr. Moyle's answer thereto, i, 376-98. NAYLOR, Rev. John (son of preceding). Clerk Assistant of House of Commons, 1740-44; R. of Milton, Cambridge ; V. of Orton, Peter- borough; Preb. of Exeter, 26 Feb., 1749 to 1761. b. St. Martin's by Looe, 7 Mch., 1710. d. Orton, 12 Feb., 1761. cf. Harwood s Alumni Etonenses, p. 317. NEALE, Rev. John Mason, D.D. (son of Rev. Cornelius Neale). Warden of Sackville College, East Grinstead, Sussex, b. Conduit St., London, 24 Jan., 181§. d. Sackville College, 6 Aug., 1866. Note. — A Paper by Dr. Neale on the Eeclesiology of the Deanery of Penwith was read at a meeting of the Cambridge Camden Soo., 28 Nov., 1842, bat, does not appear to have been printed, cf. Rep. of Cambridge Camden Soc, 1843, p. 69. NEAT, Rev' Charles. Chaplain at Leghorn j Curate of Bishop's Hatfield, ]3erts; Curate of Mawgan and St. Martin's, 7 June, 1818 to 1820. i. 1792. /Senear St. Ives, Cornwall, 4 July, 1838. cf Gent. Mag., x, 223, (1838). Sermons by the late Rev. Charles Neat... Lond., Seeley...l839, 8°., pp. xv and 324. List of Subscribers. NECTANUS, St. (son of Breachan). cf J. U- land's Collectanea, (1715), iv, 153. NEILD, James, M.D. J. 1744. d Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, 16 Feb., 1814. Letters on [Cornish] Prisons, 1803. See Lett- som, J. C. NELSON, Rev. John. Wesleyan Minister, h. Birstal, near Leeds, Oct., 1707. d. Leeds, 18 July, 1774. bur. Birstai. An extract of John Nelson's Journal, being an account of God's dealing with his soul from his youth to the forty-second year of his age... ' Written by himself. Bristol, printed by E. Farley and Co., 1767, 12"., pp. iv and 169, 2/-. Memoirs of the late Mr. John Nelson of ^irV tal . . . Written by himself. Birmingham, R. Peart, Bull St., n.d., [1807,] 120., pp. vi and 214, 2/6. Note. — J. Nelson accompanied the Eev. J. Wesley and Mr. Downs in a preaching tour through Cornwall, in Aug. and Sept., 1743, the account is in pp. 73-76 in the first work, and in pp. 87-91 in the latter. NETHEETON. 385 HEWCOMEN. NELSON, Rev. John. (Cm.). Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. A Story of the Times of Whitfield and the Wesleys. By the Author of " Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family, etc., etc." [i.e., Elizabeth Charles.] Lond., T. Nelson and Sons, 1865, 8"., pp. 304. Note. — The account of J. Nelson's visit to Oom- ^wall is contained in pp. 90, 124, 130, 139, 140-46, 161, 164, 171, 173, 175, 304. NEOT, St., a near relative of Alfred the Great. J. former part of IX Century, d. Ham-Stoke, i.e., St. Neot's, 31 July, 877 ? hur. St. Neot's. cf. F. Wise's Asser., (1722); sub annis, 878, 884; Hardy's Cat. of Materials, (1862), i, 538- 49, 557; Thos. Wright's Biog. Brit., (1842), i, 381-83, and Essays on Archaeological Subjects, (1861), pp. 177, 262; /. Lelandls Collectanea, (1770), iii, 214, iv, 13 ; /. Leland's De Scrip- torihis, (1709), c, 113, 115; Ordericus Fiialis, ii, 99 ; William of Malmesbury's Gesta Pontifi- cum, (1870), Book iv, 182 ; John de fylastonbury (Hearne's ed., 1726), pp. 110-12 ; Ingulf, Croy- landensis Historia in Will. Fulman's Rerum An- glicarum scriptorum veterum, (1684), i, 27 ; Life of St. Neoi, by J. A. Froude, in J. H. Nevymaris Lives of the Saints, (1844), The Hermit Saints; Chronica Joannis Wallingford in Thos. Gale's Scriptores, (1691), i, p. 536. ' The Life of Saint Neot, the oldest of all the brothers to King Alfred. By Eev. J. Whitaker, D.D., Eector of Euan Lanyhorne, Cornwall. Lond., 1809, S*. The History and Antiquities of Eynesbury and St. Neot's, in Huntingdonshire, and of St. Neot's in the county of Cornwall. By G. C. Gorham, (1820), q.v. Anglo Saxon Homily on St. Neot. Cotton. MSS. Vesp. D., 14 ff, 142 b-148 a. Lifeof St. Neot. MSS. Bod. Lib.,535; Cotton.MSS. Claud.A5; MSS. Magd. Coll. Oxford,lin, 199-207. NoiE.— The Cotton. MS. Vesp., D. iv, (printed in Gorham, pp. 256-61), which is not later than the 11th ■cent, is the most ancient life of St. Neot extant, as it does not mention the translation to Huntingdonshire ; it was probably written for the church service at St. Neot's in Cornwall. Asser who d. 883 must refer to a previous life. NETHEETON, Edwin (son of James Netherton, who d. Trmo, 3 June, 1840;. b. Truro, 17 May, 1828. Drowned in St. Clement's Eiver, near Truro, 4 Jan., 1870. The Song of Solomon in the Living Cornish Dialect. From the Authorised English Version. Anon. 1859, 12"., pp. 20. ]j[oiE. " Th' Song of Solamun '' was translated by E» Netherton, at the request of Prince L. L. Bonaparte. On the last page is the following notice " I certify that only 250 copies of this work have been printed, of which one is on thick paper." " George Barclay, 28, Castle St., Leicester Square." NETHEETON, Edwin. (Con.). A Polite Invitation to a friend to visit Truro. Anon. Triiro, James E. Netherton, 1862, 12"., pp. 11.— Eeprinted. 1863, 12"., pp. 11.— Ee- printed. 1864, 12o., pp. 11.— Eeprinted. 1866, 120., pp. ii._Reprinted. 1873, 12o., pp. 11. An Old Private Account Book. Journ. B.I.C., 1864, pp. 66-72. NETHEETON, James Eesuggan (bro. of the preceding), b. Truro, 8 July, 1818. Netherton's Cornish Almanac for 1854 ... Printed and sold by Netherton, Truro, 1854, 8o. Note. — ^This Almanac has since been continued annually. The numbers are frequently found to contain Tales (either original or reproduced) in the Cornish Dialect. Four Tales in Verse and Prose in the Cornish Dialect. 'Lizbeth Jane's Courtship. The Cornish Farmer and the Squire. Luke Martin's Cowld. Tom Teague on Zebedee Jacka. Truro, printed and published by J. E. Netherton. n.d., [1867,] 8°., pp. 42.— Eeprinted. 1873, S"*., pp. 42. Note. — The first and third tales appeared in Nether- ton's Cornish Almanac for 1869. NETTELL, James Tregoning (son of Edward Nettell, who d. 17 Oct., 1839;. 6. Illogan, 18 July, 1835. Now resident at Mount Pleasant, Norton, Swansea. Eeport from the Mining School, at Crow's -Nest, Liskeard. Rep. of Miners' Assoc, of C. and D., 1863, [3 Feb. Meeting,] p. 6. Note. — Edward NetteU, above mentioned, wrote "A History of Cam Brea," which was published in the Cornwall Gazette. ^ NEW, Alexander. A Funeral Sermon for Alexander New. By Eev. Will. Fowler. Bodmin, 1812, 8°. NEWOOMBE, William (son of Thos. New- combe). Curator of the Eoyal Institution of Cornwall, b. Newquay, Devon, 25 May, 1805. Summary of Meteorological Observations at Truro for the year 1863, from Eegisters kept at the Eoyal Institution of Cornwall. Journ. B.I.C., 1865, pp. 65-70, and since continued annually. NEWCOMEN, Thomas, b. Dartmouth, 16- -. d. London? 17 — . cf. A. H. Holdsworth's Dartmouth, (1841), Note L, p. 83 ;• H. Reid's The Steam-engine, (1840), pp. 112-13; Didot Nouvel. Biog. Univ. ; Biog. Univ. ; Rose ; John Fare'ifs Treatise on the Siearrirengine, (1827), pp. 12, 126-60, with two engravings; TJm. Tred- ' gold's Essay on the Steam-engine, (1850-53), i, 9 ; John Bowne's Treatise on the Steamhengine, (1 861), p. 8 ; Robert Stuarts Anecdotes of Steam- engines, (1824), i, 444. X X NEWMAN. 386 NEWTON. NEWCOMEN, Thomas. (Con.). Some account of the residence of the inventor of the steam-engine. By Thomas Lidstone, of Dartmouth. Illustrated by wood engravings (a note to be appended to any future history of steam-power). 2nd ed. Lond., Imprinted by Whittingham and Wilkins, at the Chiswick Press, Took's Court, in Chancery Lane, for T. L., and published by Longmans ... 1 8 6 9, 4 "., pp. 8, 3/-. A few notes and queries about Nevvcomin (who made ye first steam-engine) and a drawing of his engine, his house, (and fireplace) and something about his kettle, his monument, etc., etc. Lond., imprinted by Pardon and Son for Thomas Lidstone, of Dartmouth, and sold by J. C. Hotten, 74 and 75, Piccadilly, A.D. 1871, 4°., pp. 16, 8d. Ilalf-famous men and places. 1. Newcomin's House, Dartmouth. The Churchman's Family Mag., xvi, 47-51, (1870). Note. — Newoomen came into Cornwall and erected an atmospheric-engine at Mr. Will. Lemon's mine, Wheal Fortune, in Ludgvan, in 1720, another engine on the same model was put up at Pool Mine, in 1746. cf. S. Smiles' Lives of Boulton and Watt, (1865), p. 69; F. Tremthich's Life of Rich. Trevithiclc, (1872), i, 3-8, 23-27 ; ii, 114-15, 121. Newcomen is stated in some publications to have obtained a patent for his engine in 1705, but the Patent Ofdce has no record of such a circumstance. A Comparative Statement of the Effects of Messrs. Boulton and Watt's Steam Engines, with Newcommen's and Mr. Homblower's. By Mr. Wilson. Truro, W. Harry, 1792, 8o. NEWLING, Eev. William (son of Thos. New- ling). P.C. of Herodsfoot, Cornwall, 1851. I. Shrewsbury, 1820. " Prayers for every morning and evening in the year, collected from the daily lessons. By W Newling, B.A., of St. John's Coll., Camb., and Perpetual Curate of Herodsfoot, Cornwall. Lond., J. Masters, 1862, 12"., pp. 68, 1/-. Note.— Announced as intended to be in 12 parts, but Part I, containing January the only portion issued. The Lord's Presence with his Church. A ser- mon preached at the visitation of the Venerable the Archdeacon of Cornwall, held at Liskeard June 17, 1867. By W. Newhng, Perpetual Curate of Herodsfoot. Lond., J. Masters ; Lis- keard, J. Philp, Fore St., [printed,] 1867, 8o., NEWMAN, Arthur (son of Will. Newman, of Ludgvan). cf Bliss' Wood, ii, 268. _ The Bible-bearer. By A. N[ewman ?] some- times of Trmity CoUedge, in Oxford. Printed at London by W. L for I. C, and are to be sold at NEWMAN, Abthub. (Con.). Pleasvres vision : with deserts complaint, and a short dialogve of a woman's properties, be> tweene an old man and a young. By Arthvr Newman, of the Middle Temple, Gent. Lond., printed by Gr[eorge] E[ld] for Thomas Bayly, and are to be sold at his shop in the Middle-row in Holbourne, neere Staple Inne, 1619, 8°., 31 leaves unpaged. Bod. Lib. — Facsimile ed. Printed by E. Hartnall, Ryde, Isle of Wight, 1840, 8"., pp. X and 52. With notice, signed T.P., 2 pages. NEWTON, Benjamin Wills. Narrative of facts characterising the super- natural manifestations in members of Mt. Irv- ing's Congregation, and other individuals in England and Scotland, and formerly in the writer himself By Eobert Baxter. Lond., Jas. Nisbet, 1833, 12"., pp. xii and 155.— 2nd ed. 1833, 120., pp. xivii and 155, 2/-. Extracts from "a narrative of facts, character- izing the supernatural manifestations in Members of Mr. Irving's congregation, and other individ- uals, and formerly in the writer himself, by Robert Baxter." Falmouth, printed and sold by Thomas P. Dixon, 1836, 8"., pp. 24. Note. — The appendix, [Printed by T. P. Dixon, Falmouth,] and occupying pp. 23-24, is signed B. W. Newton. NEWTON, Edward Tippett (5th son of Lle- wellyn Newton), h. Camborne, 6 May, 1824. Description of an improved counter. Ben. B.C.P.Soc, 1847, pp. 23-24. Miners' Dial and level, ib., 1866, p. xxiii. Newton's Magnetic Deflector and Miner's Theodolite for correcting the variation of the magnetic needle and dialing by the true north instead of magnetic north, ib., 1870, p. 20. NEWTON, James. On the effects of papaver corniculatum luteum growing in Cornwall. Bhilos. Trans., xx, 263- 64, (1698); Abr., iv, 295, (1698). ■ Note. — This is an account of the effects of eating a pie made of papaver corniculatum on Charles Worth and his family living at Half-way House, and was com- municated to Mr. Newton by Mr. John Hancock, Apothe- cary, of Penzance. NEWTON, Joseph, Jun. Land Steward to the late J. S. Enys, Esq. Now resident at St. Agnes. On the antiquities of St. Agnes. Bep. B.I.G., 1847, p. 59. NEWTON, Llewellyn (son of Benjamin New- ton who d. 1790 ?) b. Camborne, 29 June, 1785. cf. F. TrevithicJi^s Life of Bich. (1872), i, 108, 342-43. NICHOLLS. 887 NICHOLLS. NEWTON, Richard, Jun. (son of Rich. New- ton), h. St. Agnes, 3 Nov., 1821. Notice on the St. Agnes Beacon. Trans. B.G.S.G., vi, 354-56, (1846). NICHOLAS, of Cornwall. Notae in Porphyrium secundum Scotum Albertum, et [Nicholaum] Cornubiensem. MSS. C.C.G., Oxford, 230, fol., 53-59. Nicholai Cornubiensis in Porphyrii Isagogen commentum. ih., 293, fol., 197-206. NICHOLAS IV, Pope. d. 4 ApL, 1292. Taxatio Ecclesiastica Anglise et WaUise auc- toritate P. Nicholai iv. area A.D. 1291. [Record Commission.] Lond., 1802, fol. NoiE. — Contains account of Cornisti livings, pp. 147-49. NICHOLAS FAMILY, of Sennen Cove, cf N. and Q., 3 S., vi, 412, (1864). NICHOLAS, of Fowey. DeuteromeHa ; or the second part of Musick's Melodie. [By T. Ravenscroft.] Lond., printed for T.Adams, 1609, 40. Note. — ^No. I. Freeman's Songs of Three Voices called John Dory relates to NichoU, a Cornishman. It is reprinted in Selections from DeuteromeHa, (No, X), in Selections from the worhs of T. Ravenscroft, [Rox- imrgh Club, 1822,] 40. ef. John Webster's Dramatic Works, (1857), " The weakest goeth to the wall." Act i, scene ii, vol. iv, p. 230 ; Richard Oarew's Survey, (1769), p. 135. NICHOLAS, Henry Boyns (son of James Nicholas who d. 29 Mch., 1853^. 6. Penzance, 30 Oct., 1829. Now in AustraHa. On the quartz reef of Sandhurst, Victoria, AustraUa. Trans. B.G.S.G., 1868. Note. — This portion of the Transactions is not yet printed. NICHOLAS, Jose. Memoir of Jose Nicholas. A Friend at the Land's End. Select Miscellanies, iv, 250-55. NICHOLLS, Anthony. See NicoU, Anthony. NICHOLLS, Miss Elizabeth, h. Treglisson House, Hayle, 30 May, 1817. d. Treglisson House, 31 Jan., 1858. Biographical Sketch of Miss E. NichoUs. By Rev. Edward Watson. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., kxxiii, 474-75, (1860). NICHOLLS, Frank, M.D., r.R.S. (^nd son of John NichoUs, of Trereife, who d. 1714;. At Exeter Coll., 1714; Reader of Anatomy in NICHOLLS, Fkank, M.D. (Con.). University of Oxford ; G-ulstonian Reader of Pathology, 1732 and 1736; One of the Phy- sicians to Geo. II, 1753-60. h. London, 1699. d. Epsom, Surrey, 14 Jan., 1778. cf. Manning and Bray's Surrey, i, 163; Gensura lAteraria, (1805), i, 192-98; Ben. Hutchinson's Biog. Medica, (1799), ii, 182-85; MunMs Boll of Physicians, ii, 109-11; Bev. Job Orion's Letters, (1800), ii, 261-62; Boswell's Johnson, (1835), vi, 365 ; AiJcin's Gen. Biog.; Bose;' NichoU Lit. Anecdotes, vi, 215, 217, 642; Nichols' niustra- tions of Lit. Hist, ii, 802, iv, 760-61; Albert Holler's Bibl. Anatomica, (1774), ii, 223-24; Gent. Mag., xlviii, 46, (1778), Iv, pt. i, 13-15, (1785), Ixxiii, pt. ii, 1255, (1803), Ixxvii, pt. ii, 990, (1807). Franci Nichollsii, M.D., Georgii Secundi magnse Britannise regis Medici Ordinarii Vita ; cum conjecturis ejusdem de Natura et usu partium humani corporis similarium. Scriptore Thoma Lawrence, M.D. Portrait. Londini, 1780, 4"., pp. 106. Grenville Lib. Br.. Museum. Note. — Privately printed and only forty copies struck off. Compendium Anatomicum ea omnia com- plectens quae ad coghitam humani corporis ceconomiam spectant. Cui, quo clarius elucescat, quanti sit anatomia in medecin^ tam diagnostic^ et prognostic^ quam practice,, adjiciuntur prse- lectiones artem obstetricariam actiones medica- mentorum et proximas mortis causas anatomicis principiis exponentes. In usum Academies Oxon- iensis. Constructum a F. NichoUs, e Coll. Exon. M.D. Preel-Anat., Oxon., C.M.L.S. et F.R.S. 5 Plates. Londini, impensis Johannis Clark, apud Biblium juxta Excambium Regium, 1733, 4". Preface 1 leaf, then pp. 1-64. Compendium Anatomico-Oeconomicum, etc. Londini, impensis Johannis Clark, 1736, 4o. Preface 1 leaf, then pp. 1-78. Compendium Anatomico-Oeconomicum, etc, Londini, impensis Johannis Clark, 1738, 4°. Preface, lleaf, OrdoPrselectionum and Appendix, 1 leaf, then pp. 1-78. Compendium Anatomico-Oeconomicum, etc. Londini, impensis Johannis Clark, 1742, i". Pre- face, 1 leaf. Compendium, pp. 1-60, Appendix, pp. 1-20, Oratio Anniversaria, pp. 22-28. Note.— There are slight differences in the title pages of the 1733 and 1736 editions. Syllabus partium corporis quse urinse excre- tioni, generationi, sanguinis circulationi, respir- ationi, vocificationi, visui, auditui, nervis et olfactui inserviunt, Prselectionibus aptatus mox habendis in Theatro Anatomico Chirurgorum NICHOLLS. 388 NICHOLLS. NICHOLLS, Feank, M.D. (Con.). Londinensium Anno 1733. Anon. Londini, Anno 1733, 4°., pp. 9-20. Oratio Anniversaria in Theatro Collegii Medi- corvm Londinensivm, decimo quinto calend. Novembris, ex Harveii institute, ad socios habita Anno 1739. A Fr. Nicholls, M.D. Londini, impensis iTho. Woodward ad insigne Lunse Cres- centis inter Templi Portas Illustrissimffi Eegise Societati Typographi, 1740, 4"., pp. 24. Note. — This Oration is also found in pp. 22-28 of the 1742 edition of the Compendium Anatomioo-Oeeo- nomioum although not mentioned on the titfe page of that work. De Anima Medica prselectio ex Lumleii et Caldwaldi institute in Theatro Collegii Eegalis Medicorum Londinensium ad socios habita, die Decembris W- Anno 1748™- A Eran. MchoUs, M.D. Eeg. Societatis Sodali et Medico Eegio extraordinario. Cui, quo clarius eluceant, quae in ipsd praelectione figuratfe explicantur, accesserunt notse. Londini apud Paulum Vaillant, 1750, 4°., pp. 41. De Anima Medica prselectio... Editio altera, notis amplioribus aucta, et appendice ad motum cordis et arteriarum spectante. Londini, 1771, 40., pp. 49. De Anima Medica prselectio... Editio altera, notis amplioribus aucta cui accessit Disquisitio de Motu cordis et sanguinis in homine nato et non nato, tabulis seneis illustrata. Londini excu- debat H. Hughs, prostat venalis apud J. Walter, juxta Charing Cross, 1773, 4°., pp. 104, 7/6. The Petition of the Unborn Babes to the Censors of the Eoyal College of Physicians of London. Amn. Lond., 1751. Note.— In this work Pocus stands for Dr. Nesbit, Maulus for Dr. Maule, and Barebone for Dr. Barrowby. It was answered by "Vindication of Man Midwifery, being an answer to The Petition of the Unborn Babes." Lond., 1752, 8°. Some observations towards composing a natural history of mines and metals. Philos. Trans., xxxv, 402-407, 480-85, 1728. lAlr. vii, 224, 1729.] Some observations on aneurysms in general, and in particular on the foregoing. «&., xxxv 440-44. [Ahr. vii, 231, 248.] ° " ' Observation , on a treatise wrote by Mons. Helvetius, of Paris, designed to prove that the lungs do not divide and expand the blood, but that on the contrary they cool and condense it ih., xxxvi, 163-69, 1731. [Ahr. vii, 361.] An account of the hermaphrodite lobster pre- sented to the Eoyal Society, on Thursday, May the 7th, by Mr. Fisher, of Newgate Market, and dissected pursuant to an order of the Society ib., xxxvi, 290-94. [Ahr. xi, 398, 1730.] NICHOLLS, Frank, M.D. (Con.). An account of the veins and arteries of leaves, (1730). ih., xxxvi, 371-72. [Ahr. xi, 419.] An account of a polypus, resembling a branch of the pulmonary vein, coughed up by an asth- matic person, (1731). ih., xxxvii, 123-25, 1733. [Ahr. vii, 481, 1731.] An account of worms in animal bodies, (1755). ih., xlix, 246-48, 1756. [Ahr. x, 616, 1755.] -Observations concerning the body of his "late Majesty, Oct. 26, 1760. ih.. Hi, 265-75, (1762) [Ahr. xi, 571, 1761.] Nachrichten von wurmen in thierischea. korpern. Hamhwgisches Magazip,. xix, 219-21. Anatomical Lectures, (imperf.) Br. Museum, Addif. MSS., 4018, art. 8. Letter of Dr. F. Nicholls to the President and Council of the Eoyal Society concerning his ar- rears, 11 Dec, 1741. ih., 6,180, f 140. NICHOLLS, SiE George, K.C.B. (eld. son of Solomon Nicholls). Entered H.E.I.C. Service, 1796; Obtained command of a ship, 1809; Quitted the service, 1815; Superintendent of Birmingham Branch of -Bank of Englandj 1827-34; Poor Law Commissioner, 1834;, Secretary to Poor Law Board, 1847-51. b. St. Keveme, 31 Dec, 1781. d. 17, Hyde Park Street, London, 24 Mch, 1865. bur. Willesden Cemetery, 30 Mch. cf. English Cyclop.; Gent. Mag., xix, 380, (1865); Jfew of the Time, 1862;. Didot Nouvel. Biog. Univ. ; Biog. Univ. Eight Letters on the Management of our Poor - and the general administration of the poor laws, in which it is shewn the system that has been adopted and the saving in the poor rates which has recently been effected in the two parishes of Southwell and Bingham, in the county of Not- tingham, respectfully offered to the consideration of magistrates, and earnestly recommended tee- the attention of all parish officers. By An Over- seer, [i.e., G. Nicholls.] Prefixed is An Address to James Scarlett, Esq., M.P. Newark, printed by S. and J. Eidge, and sold by Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, London, 1822, 8°., pp. xii and 70, 2/-. Note.— These Letters originally appeared in the NottingTmm Journal in- 1821. The Br. Museum copy has MS. notes by the Author. Ship Canal for the Junction of the EngUsh and Bristol Channels. Bj Thomas Telford and- Capt. George Nicholls, 1824, 8". Note.— c/. also John Hickman's Life of T. Telford,. (1838), pp. 271, 586, 594, 596-622. Eeport on the biU for making a navigable communication between Norwich and Lowestoff.- By Capt. G. Nicholls. Norwich, Wiikin, 1826. NICHOLLS. 389 NICHOLLS. NICHOLLS, Sib Geo. (Con.). Poor Law Commissioners. Copy of a Letter to the Secretary of State for the Home Depart- ment from the Poor Law Commissioners, relating to the petition recently presented to the House of Commons from Bury, in Lancashire. Signed T. F. Lewis, J. G. S. Lefevre, G. Nicholls, 6 May, 1837. n.p. or d. or printer's name. [1837,] fol., pp. 4. Report of Geo. Nicholls, Esq., to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home De- partment on Poor Laws, Ireland. Lond.", printed by W. Clowes and Sons, 1837, fol., pp. 37. Second Report of Geo. Nicholls, Esq... on Poor Laws, Ireland. Lond., printed by W. Clowes and Sons, 1837, fol., pp. 56. Poor Laws, Ireland. Third Report of Geo. Nicholls, Esq... containing the result of an en- quiry into the condition of the labouring classes and the provision for the relief of the Poor in Holland and Belgium. Lond., printed by W. Clowes and Sons, 1838, fol., pp. 13. Strictures on the proposed Poor Law for Ire- land, as recommended in the Report of George Nicholls, Esq. Lond., J. Ridgway and Sons, Piccadilly, 1837, S"., pp. 80. Analysis of projects proposed for the relief of the poor of Ireland ; more especially that of Mr. George Nicholls, embodied in a bill now before Parliament... By John Pitt Kennedy. Lond., printed for T. and W. Boone, 1837, S"., pp. 56. The Poor-Law Bill for Ireland examined, its provisions and the report of Mr. Nicholls con- trasted with the facts proved by the Poor In- ' quary Commission, in a letter to Lord Viscount Morpeth, M.P., his Majesty's principal Secretary of State for Ireland. By Isaac Butt, LL.B., M.R.I.A., Professor of Political Economy in the University of Dublin. Lond., B. Fellowes; Lud- gate Street ; and W. Curry, Jun and Co., Dublin, 1837, 8"., pp. iL Poor Laws, Ireland. Observations upon the report of G. Nicholls, Esq. By Sir F. W. Mac- Baghten, of Bushmills House, County of Antrim, Bart. Lond., Longman; W. Curry, Jun and Co., Dublin... 1838, 8"., pp. 58. The Farmer. Compiled by G. Nicholls, Esq. ■ Lond., C. Knight and Co., [Guides to Trades,] 1844, 12"., pp. viii and 218. On the condition of the agricultural labourer with suggestions for its improvement. By G. Nicholls, Esq. Dated "London, Nov. 26, 1844." Lond., 1844, 12o.— 2nd ed. With additions. Lond., C. Knight, 1847, 12o. Title, dedications and contents, 3 leaves, then pp. 1-76. Y Ffermwr neu Hyfforddiadau yn Egwyd- dorion Amaethyddiaeth [Cyfieithedig o'r sae- sonaeg] Caerfyrddin W. Spurrell ; Llundain H. NICHOLLS, Sib Geo. (Con.). Hughes, St. Martin's-Le-Grand, 1848, 12°., pp. viii and 234. Note. — The Preface is signed " Y Cylioeddwr." The Flax Grower, containing directions for the cultivation of the plant, the preparation of the fibre, and the preservation and use of the seed; with particular instructions for stall or box feeding cattle with linseed compounds. By G. Nicholls, Esq. Lond.", 1848, 12".— 2nd ed. Reprinted with additions from vol. viii of The Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society. Lond., C. Knight, 1848, 120., pp. 93^ i/._ A History of the English Poor Law in con- nexion with the legislation and other circum- stances affecting the condition of the people. By Sir G. Nicholls, K.C.B. Lond., J. Murray, 1854, 2 vols., 8"., 28/-. A History of the Scotch Poor Law in cour nexion with the condition of the people. By Sir G. Nicholls, K.C.B. Lond., J. Murray, [Sept.,] 1856, 8"., pp. X and 288, 12/-. A History of the Irish Poor Law in connexion with the condition of the people: By Sir G. Nicholls, K.C.B. Lond., J. Murray, [Nov.,] 1856, 8"., pp. X and 424, 14/-. On the cultivation of flax. Journ. Roy. Agrie. Soc. of England, v, 547, (1844), viii, 438-73, (1847). On the condition of the agricultural labourer with suggestions for its improvement, ib., vii, 1-30, (1846). On box feeding with linseed compounds, ib., viii, 473-87, (1847). Lines on Cornwall. Addressed to Mrs. Nicholls by her son G. Nicholls, in 1803 or 1804. MS. penes Mr. G. B. Millett, Penzance. To the Crysanthemum. A Sohnet. MS., ib. Note. — This was the last thing Sir G. Nicholls wrote. NICHOLLS, Rev. Henry George, M.A. (only son of the preceding). P.O. of Holy Trinity, Dean Forest, 1847-67. b. 1825. d. 26, Por- chester Terrace, Hyde Park, London, 1 Jan., 1867. cf Gent. Mag., iii, 260, (1867). The Forest of Dean ; an historical and de- scriptive account derived from personal observa- tion and other sources, public, private, legendary and local. Engravings. By Rev. H. G. Nicholls... Lond., J. Murray, 1858, %"., pp. xii and 286, 10/6. The personalities of the Forest of Dean, bemg a relation of its successive officials, gentry and NICHOLLS. 390 NICOLAS. NICHOLLS, Eey. Henky Geoboe. (Con.). commonalty, drawn from numerous sources, but chiefly from unpublislied data and local informa- tion, forming an Appendix to "An historical and descriptive account of the Forest of Dean." By the Eev. H. G. NicboUs, M.A. Lond., J. Murray ; Gloucester, Lea, 2, Westgate St., [print- ed,] 1863, 8°., pp. 192. Iron making in the olden times as instanced in the ancient mines, forges and furnaces of the Forest of Dean, historically related on the basis of contemporary records and exact local investi- gation, also " The Book of Dennis," now first translated from the oldest existing MS., with notes. Engravings. By Eev. H. G. Mcholls, M.A. Lond., 0. A. Bartlett ; Coleford, C. C. Hough, [printed,] 1866, 8°. Title and preface, 2 leaves, then pp. 1-82. The ancient iron trade of the Forest of Dean. Archml. Journ., xvii, 227-39, (1860). NICHOLLS, John (son of Will. Nicholls). Clerk of Court of Chancery, 1688 ; Barrister at law, 1705. &. Trereife, Madron, 1663. d. Trereife, 3 Aug., 1714. Act for the sale of part of the estate of John MchoUs, Esq., deceased, for payment of his debts, legacies and other purposes herein men- tioned, n.p. or d. [Lond., 1715,] fol. NICHOLLS, John, M.P. for Blechingley, 1783- 87, for Tregony, 1798 (only son of Frank Nicholls, M.D.). h. 1746. d. France, in Spring of 1832. cf Gent. Mag., ciii, pt. ii, 539, (1833) ; Records of My Life. By John Taylor, Author of Monsieur Tonson, (1832), ii, 307-12. Observations on the situation of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales [with regard to the revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall.] By John Nicholls. Lond., printed for W. Miller, Old Bond Street, and V. Griffiths, 169, Strand, 1795, 8"., pp. 21, 1/-.— 2nd ed.with additions, 1795, 8°., pp. 27, 1/-. The speech of J. Nicholls, Esq., in the House of Commons, Wednesday, January 3, 1798, on the Bill for augmenting the Assessed Taxes. Lond., printed for J. Wright, No. 169, opposite Old Bond-St., Piccadilly, 1798, 8"., pp. 27, 6d. Eecollections and Eeflections, personal and political as connected with public affairs during the reign of George IIL By John Nicholls, Esq., Member of the House of Commons in the 1 5th, 1 6th and 1 8th parliaments of Great Britaia. Lond., printed for Jas. Eidgway, Piccadilly, 1820, 8"., pp. viii and 408, 12/-. Eecollections and Eeflections, etc. Second Vol- ume. Lond., printed for Longman, 1822 8o pp. 25Q, 7/-. * ' ' ■' NICHOLLS, John, M.P. (Con.). Eecollections and Reflections-, etc. 2nd ed. Lond., printed for Longman, 1822, 2 vols., 8", Note. — Vol. i, pp. viii and 408 ; Vol. ii, pp. 250. Eecollections and Eeflections, etc. Philadel- phia, 1822, 12".— 1827, 12". NICHOLLS, William. Lease of land and tenements at Milbrook from W. Nicholls to Eichard Bellye, Jan., 1594. MS. on sale at T. Thorpe's, 1836. NICOLAS, BusvARGUS Toup (eld. son of Admiral J. T. Nicolas). Acting Queen's Com- missioner and Consul General for the Sandwich Islands, h. 8 Oct., 1819. lapt. Mylor, 12 Nov. d. At sea on passage to England, 29 May, 1859. Monu. St. Martin's by Looe. cf. Lady Belcher's Mutineers of the Bounty, (1870), pp. 259, 344- 6; (;fent. Mag., vii, 510, (1859). NICOLAS, Commander John Harris, E.N. (3rd son of Paul Nicolas, who d. 1 780^. Mayor of East Looe, 1810, 1816. b. East Looe, Nov., 1758. bapt. St. Martin's, 9 Jan., 1759. d. East Looe, 12 July, 1844. cf. ff Byrne; Gent. Mag., xxii, 320-21, (1844). Note. — Commander Nicolas was originally called Nicholas under wMoli name many members of Ms family were baptized, but sometime previous to 1788 he com- menced spelling his name Nicolas. NICOLAS,. Eear Admiral John Toup, C.B., K.H., K.F.M. (eld. son of Commander J. H. Nicolas, who d. 1844J. Captain-Superintendent of Eoyal William Victualling Yard, Plymouth.- b. Withen, near Helston, 22 Feb., 1788. bapt. St. Martin's, 20 Nov., 1788. d. Plymouth, I Apl., 1851. bur. St. Martin's, 4 Apl. cf ■ U Byrne; Will. James' Naval Hist, (1859), v, 257-58, 341-42 ; Gent. Mag., xxxv, 665-66, (1851) ; Johns and Nicolas' Calenda/r of Victory, (1855), pp. 482, 508, 533, 567. An enquiry into the causes which have led to our late naval disasters, by an Officer in the Na-vy, \i.e., J. T. Nicolas] in a series of letters addressed to a Friend, 1814, 8 <>. A Letter from Commodore John Toup Nicolas, C.B., to Eear Admiral Du Petit Thouars on the subject of the late events at Otaheite. Papeete, published by authority, 1843, S"., pp. 15. Note.— Signed "J. Toup Nicolas, Acting Commo- dore, Her Britannic Majesty's ship Vindictive. .In Papeete Harbour, Tahiti, 4 June, 1843." NICOLAS, Major Nicholas Harris, E.M. (2nd son of Paul Nicolas). Captain in the 44th and 80th Eegts. ; Major of Eoyal Cornwall ■Fencible Dragoons, b. East Looe. bapt. St. Martin's, 21 Oct., 1755. d. East Looe, 2 Nov., 1816. bw. St. Martin's, 7 Nov. cf. O Byrne. NICOLAS. 391 NICOLAS. NICOLAS, Sir Nicholas Harris, G.C.M.G. and K.H., 1831 ; Barrister at Law (ith son of Commander J. H. Nicolas), h. Fowey, 10 March, 1799, (butnoentry inEegister). dCapeCur6, near Boulogne-sur-mer, 3 Aug., 1848. hvr. Eng- lish Cemetery, Boulogne, cf. G. Babbage's Pass- ages from the Life of a Philosopher, (1864), pp.- 363-64j Penny Cyclop., 2nd Suppl. ; Gent. Mag., XXX, 425-29, 562,' (1848) ; O'Bryne's Naval Biog. Diet. ; Nichol's Illustrations, viii, preface, p. 46 ; Didot Nouvel. Biog. Univ. ; Biog. Univ. ; N. and Q., 2 S., vii, 238, 322, (1859). Memoirs of the Embassy of the Marshal de Bassompierre to the Court of England in 1626, translated [by J. W. Croker,] with notes [by N. H. Nicolas,] 1818, &'>., pp. xx and 154, 6/-. The Eetrospective Eeview. [Ed. by Henry Southern and N. H. Nicolas.] Lond., C. and H. Baldwin, Newgate St., 1820-26, 14 vols., -8". ; Second Series, 1827-28, 2 vols., 8°. Index to the Heralds' Visitations in the British Museum. [By N. H. Nicolas.] Lond., printed for J. Taylor, 162, G-reat Surrey Street, Blackfriars Road, and Taylor and Hyde, 24, Brydges St., Covent Garden, 1823, 12"., pp. 52, 2/-. City of London Lib., Guildhall. A Catalogue of the Heralds' Visitations, with Eeferences to many other valuable genealogical and topographical manuscripts in the British Museum. [By N. H. Nicolas.] 2nd ed. Lond., printed for James Taylor, 1825, 8"., pp. 128, 5/-, large paper, 9/-. Life of William Davison, Secretary of State and Privy Counsellor to Queen Elizabeth. By N. H. Nicolas, Esq. With Facsimiles of Writings. Lond., -J. Nichols and Son, 1823, 8o., pp. vii and 355, 12/-. . ^, Notitia Historica, containing miscellaneous information for the use of Historians, Antiquaries and the legal profession. By N. H. Nicolas. Lond., Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, 1824, 8°., pp. vii and 270, 12/-. ■ A Synopsis of the Peerage. of England, exhi- biting under alphabetical arrangement, the date of creation, descent and present state of every title of peerage, which has existed m this country since the conquest. By N. H. Nicolas Esq. Lond , printed by J. Nichols and Son for C. and J. Eivington, 1825, 2 vols., 12o., 15/-. ■ Testamenta Vetusta, being illustrations from wills of ancient manners, customs, &c., as well as of the descents and possessions of many 'dis- tinguished families, from the reign of Henry the Second to the accession of Queen Elizabeth. By N. H. Nicolas, Esq., Barrister at Law, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. Lond., Nichols and Son, Parliament St., 1826, 2 vols roy. 8"., 45/-. The Literary Eemains of Lady Jane Grey. With a Memoir of her Life, by N. H. Nicolas, NICOLAS, Sm N. H. (Oon.J. Esq. Portrait and Folded Pedigree Sheet. Lond., published by Harding, Triphook and Lepard, Finsbury Square, 182.5, 8°. Title and dedication, 2 leaves, preface, pp. i-vi, memoir, pp. i-cxlviii, letters, pp. 1-61, 8/6.— 2nd ed. 1832, post 80., 7/6, large paper, 8"., 15/-. A Letter intended for the Gentleman's Maga- zine by the Editor of the Synopsis of the Peer- age, in defence of the Statement relative to the Barony of Chandos in that work. Signed Mcas Harris Nicolas. [Johnson, Typ., Brooke St., Hol- born.] m.d,.[1826,] 120., pp. 14. Grenville Lib., Br. Museum. Note. — For.private circulation, only thirty copies were printed. The History of the town and school of Eugby. By N. H. Nicolas, Esq., F.S.A. Embellished with 6 engravings. Published by the proprietors Merridew and Son, Coventry, and E. Pretty, Northampton, 1826, 4"., pp. 96, and folding sheet of Stafford Pedigree. Note.— Brought out in parts at 8/-, but the work was never finished, three parts only being published. Psalms translated by Francis and Christopher Davison. [Edited by N. H. Nicolas, Esq] n.p. or d. or printer's name. [1826,] 8°., pp. 44. Br. Museum. The Poetical Ehapsody, to which are added several other pieces. By Francis Davison ; with memoirs and notes, by N. H. Nicolas, Esq. Lond., W. Pickering, 1826, 2 vols., cr. 8°., 21/-. 250 copies printed. Biographical Notices of Contributors to the "Poetical Ehapsody," extracted from the new edition of that work by N. H. Nicolas, Esq., Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. [Lond.,] W. Pickering. n.d., [1826,] 8°., pp. cxxviu. Mount Calvary or the history... of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ... interpreted... by J. Keigwin, [q.v.] 1826, 80. Note.— Contains "Memoir of J. Keigwin by N. H. Nicolas," pp. xi-xviii. Flagellum Parliamentarium ; being Sarcastic Notices of nearly 200 Members of the first Par- liament after the Eestoration. A.D 1661 to 1678 From a contemporary MS. m the British Museum. [By Andrew Marvell, and Ed. by N. H. Nicolas.] Lond., printed by and for J. B. Nichols, 25, Parliament St., 1827, 8°., 4/-, pp. xii and 36. .-.. . Memoir of Augustine Vincent, Windsor Herald. [By N. H. Nicolas.] Lond., W. Picker- ing, 1827, cr. 8"., pp. x and 125, 5/-. The history of the Battle of Agmcourt and of the expedition of Henry the Fifth into France, to which is added the roU of the men at arms NICOLAS. 392 NICOLAS. NICOLAS, Sib N. H. (Con.). in the English Army. By N. H. Nicolas, Esq. Frontispieces and map. Lond., published by Johnson, Brooke St., Holborn, and sold by Pickering, Chancery Lane, 1827, 12"., 21/-. Title and dedication, 2 leaves, preface, pp. i-xiv, battle of Agincourt, pp. i-ccccxii, the names of the dukes, erles, etc., pp. 1-129, music, 1 page. —2nd ed. 1832, 8°., 21/-, pp. i-xvi, 1-404, and appendix, pp. 1-106. — 3rd ed. revised and im- proved, 1833, 80. Note. — Only 250 copies printed of 1827 edition. A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483, written in the fifteenth century, and for the first time printed from the MSS. in the British Mu- seum. To which are added numerous contem- porary illustrations consisting of Eoyal Letters, Poems, and other articles descriptive of public events or of the manners and customs of the Metropolis. With a facsimile plate. Lond., 1827, 4"., pp. viii and 274, 42/-. Note. — Edited by the City Eemembranoer, Edward Tyrrell, and N. H. Nicolas. 250 copies printed. Eeferences to such proafs of Barons' sitting in Parliament as occur in the EoUs of Parlia- ment. With some observations tending to estab- lish that the Barons' letters to the Pope, Anno 29 Edw. i, should likewise be received as a proof of sitting in parliament. Extracted from the Second Vol. of " A Synopsis of the Peerage of England, by N. H. Nicolas, Esq." [Lond.,] John Nichols and Son, Parliament St. n.d., [1827,] 12°. Title, 1 page, then pp. 715-814. Grenville lAh., Br. Musewm. The Privy Purse expenses of King Henry the Eighth from November, 1529, to December, 1532. With introductory remarks and illustra^ tive notes, by N. H. Nicolas, Esq. Lond., W. Pickering, 1827, 8"., pp. xlvi and 372, 21/-, twelve copies printed on large paper. Private Memoirs of Sir Kenelm Digby, Gen- tleman of the Bedchamber to King Charles the First. Written by himself and now first published from the original manuscript, [with an introduc- tory memoir by N. H. Nicolas.] Lond., Saunders and Otley, 1827, 8o. Introduction, pp. i-lxxxvi, Key, 1 leaf. Memoir, pp. 1-328, 14/-. Castrations from the Private Memoirs of Sir Kenelm Digby. [Edited by N. H. Nicolas.] Not pubhshed. n.p. or printer's name. [Lond.,] 1828, 8". Title and introduction, 2 leaves, then pp. 1-50. Journal by one of the suite of Thomas Beck- ington, afterwards Bishop of Bath and Wells, during an embassy to negociate a marriage between Henry VI and a daughter of the Count of Armagnac, A.D. 1442. With notes and illus- NICOLAS, Sib N. H. (Con.). trations, by N. H. Nicolas, Esq. Lond., W. Pickering, 1828, 8". Title, dedication and preface, pp. i-xv, prefatory remarks and memoir, pp. i-lxxvii, journal, index and notes, pp. 1-130, 10/6; large paper, 84/-, only 12 copies printed. Note.— In " Official Correspondence of Thos.Bekyn- ton. . . Ed. by Geo. WilUams, B.D.", (EoUs Series), 1872, 2 vols., 8°., the editor disputes the correctness of many of Sir N. H. Nicolas' statements in the notes to the " Journal." The siege of Carlaverock, in the xxviii Edward I, A.D. MCCC, with the arms of the earls, barons and knights who were present on that occasion. With a Translation, a History of the Castle, and memoirs of the personages commemorated by the Poet. By N. H. Nicolas, Esq. Lond., J. B. Nichols and Son, 1828, 4". Title, dedication, preface and history of Castle, pp. i-xxxii; Le Siege de Karleverok, pp. 1-90; Memoirs of the Peers and Knights, pp. 91-366 ; Notes, pp. 367-78, Index, pp. 379-80, 42/-. Some copies have the arms illuminated. Note. — cf. Letter by Sir N. H. Nicolas. Oent. Mag., xcix, 25-29, (1829). A Eoll of Arms of peers and knights in the reign of Edward II, from a contemporary MS. in the British Museum. With a preface. [By N. H. Nicolas, Esq.] Lond., 1828, 8o., pp. 184, 10/6; large paper in 4"., 21/-; only 50 copies printed. King Henry the VIII's Household Book, an Account of the Privy Purse Expenses of King Henry the Eighth. With notes by N. H. Nicolas. Lond., Pickering, 1828, 8"., 21/-. The Statutes of the Order of the Guelphs, [translated from the original German, with in- troductory remarks by N. H. Nicolas.] Lond., W. Pickering, Chancery Lane, 1828, 4o., 18 leaves. Note. — Only 100 copies printed for the use of the English members of the Order and not for sale. This work was afterwards included in " The History of Orders of Knighthood." The Statutes of the Order of the Thistle, [to which are added a History of the Order and a catalogue of the knights since its revival by James II in 1687. By N. H. Nicolas.] Lond., W. Pickering, Chancery Lane, 1828, 4"., un- paged, a-d, B-H in fours. Note. — Only 50 copies printed and not for sale. Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe, wife of Sir Eichard Fanshawe, Bart., Ambassador from Charles the second to the Court of Madrid, in 1665. Written by herself; to which are added extracts from the correspondence of Sir Eichard NICOLAS. 393 NICOLAS. NICOLAS, Sir N. H. (Oon.). Fanshawe. [With an introductory memoir and notes by K _ H. Nicolas.] Lond., H. Colburn, 1829, 8". Title, dedication, preface and intro- ductory memoir, pp. i-lxiii, then pp. 1-395, 9/-. —2nd ed. 1830, post 80., pp. vii and 332, 7/6. EoU of Arms of the reigns of Henry III and Edward III. Edited by N. H. Nicolas, Esq. Lond., Pickering, 1829, 8o., pp. 142, 10/6, large paper, 4°., 21/-. 50 copies printed. Report of proceedings on the claim to the Barony of L'Isle, in the House of Lords. With notes and an Appendix containing the cases of Abergavenny, Botetourt and Berkeley, accom- panied by observations on Baronies by Tenure, by N. H. Nicolas, Esq. Lond., W. Pickering ; Stevens and Sons, 1829, 8"., pp. xxvii and 436, 21/-. The Carcanet. A Literary Album containing select passages from the most distinguished Eng- lish writers. [By Sir N. H. NicolasJ Lond., W. Pickering, 1828, 12^— 2nd ed. Lond., 1830, 12"., pp. iv and 258. The Cynosure, being select passages from the most distinguished writers. [By Sir N. H. Nicolas.] Lond., W. Pickering, 1837, 12°., pp. V and 257. Note.— c/. Gent. Mag., ix, 293, (1888). Observations on the state of historical liter- ature and on The Society of Antiquaries, and other institutions for its advancement in Eng- land j with remarks on record o£B.ces and on the proceedings of The Eecord Commission. Ad- dressed to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, by N. H. Nicolas. Lond., W. Picker- ing, 1830, 8"., pp. X and 212, 7/6. Note. — cf. E. Edwards' Lives of Founders of Br. Museum, (1870), ii, 535-42. Remarks submitted to Viscount Melbourne in reply to a Pamphlet addressed to him by Nicholas Harris Nicolas, Esq., and entitled " Observations on the State of Historical Liter- ature," etc. By Francis Palgrave, Esq. Lond., 1831, 8". Refutation of Mr. Palgrave's " Remarks " in reply to "Observations on the State of Historical Literature." Additional Facts relative to the Record Commission and Record Offices. Ad- dressed to the Secretary of State for the Home Department. By N. H. Nicolas, Esq. Lond., W. Pickering, 1831, 8". Title and contents, pp. i-iv. Refutation, pp. 3-200, appendix, pp. i- xxiv, 5/-. Observations on the state of historical liter- NICOLAS, Sir N. H. (Con.). ature, etc. With additional facts and A Refuta- tion of Mr. Palgrave's " Remarks," etc. By N. H. Nicolas, Esq. Lond., 1831, 8"., 12/6. Public Records. A description of the contents, objects and uses of the various works printed by authority of The Eecord Commission for the advancement of historical and antiquarian know- ' ledge. [By 'Sir N. H. Nicolas.] Lond., Baldwin and Cradock, 1831, 8"., pp. vi and 136, 5/-. Record Commission. A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Brougham and Vaux, Lord High Chancellor, on the Constitution and proceedings of the present commission for the public records. By Sir Harris Nicolas. Lond,, W. Pickering, 1832, 8°., pp. Ill, appendix, pp. 111-46, 5/-. Observations on the Parliamentary Writs, edited by F. Palgrave, Esq., F.E.S. and F.S.A., and on the Calendar of Proceedings in Chancery, edited by J. Bayley, Esq., F.E.S. and F.S.A. Under the authority of the Eecent Commission, with remarks on the proposed new edition of The Eolls of Parliament. To which is added An Appendix of Illustrative Documents. [By Sir N. H. Nicolas.] Lond., [printed for C. Eoworth and Sons,] 1832, 8"., pp. 1-82, Appendix, pp. i-lxxiv. Observations on the Calendar of the Proceed- ings in Chancery, edited by John Bayley, Esq., F.E.S. and FS.A., and on the Parliamentary Writs, edited by Francis Palgrave, Esq., F.E.S. and F.S.A., under the Authority of the Eecord Commission. To which is added An Appendix of Illustrative Documents. [By Sir N. H. Nicolas.] Lond., [printed for C. Eoworth and Sons,] 1832, 8°., pp. 1-76, Appendix, pp. i-lxx. Note. — The two preceding works, of which the latter is only an amended reprint of the former, are attributed to Sir N. H. Nicolas on the authority of Mr. C. P. Cooper's reply to Question 2791 in the report of his evidence before The Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Management of the Eecord Commission, (Lond., 1837, 8°.) in Papers and Documents, Note, p. 154. Both works purport to be written by Mr. Cooper. Eecord Commission. Eemarks upon the Eeply of F. Palgrave, Esq., to those portions of the statements drawn up by Mr. C. P. Cooper which relate to the Editor of the new edition of the Eolls of Parliament. London, June, 1832, 8"., pp. 31. Note.— On the title page of the Br. Museum copy is the following MS. note— " This pamphlet was written by me, with the exception of the Preface, with which I had nothing to do. It was Mr. Cooper's own. N.H.N." The Parochial Topography of the rape of Bramber in the Western Division of the County Y Y NICOLAS. 394 NICOLAS. NICOLAS, Sib N. H. (Con.). of Sussex. By Edmund Cartwright, M.A..; F.A.S. Vol. ii, part the second. Lond., 1830, i°. Note. — The Memoir of John Howard, first Duke of Norfolk, (occupying pp. 188-94) was written by Sir N. E. Nicolas. The Poetical Works of James Thomson. With Memoir and Uotes, by Sir N. H. Nicolas, and many new poems now first published. Lond., W. Pickering. [Aldine Poets, vols. 3 and 4,] 1830, 2 vols., 120., ea. 5/-.— 2nd ed., 1847, 2 vols., 120.— Lond., Bell and Daldy, 1862, 2 vols., 80., 20/-.— Large paper copy, 1866, 2 vols., 8". The Poetical Works of James Thomson. [With Memoir of Thomson, signed "N. Harris Nico- las."] Boston, Little, Brown and Co... 1854, 2 vols., 80. The Poems of Wilham Colhns. With Memoir, by Sir N. H. Nicolas. Lond., W. Pickering. [Al- dinePoets,Yol.5,]1830,12o.,5/-.— 1853,12o.,5/-. The Poems of the Earl of Surrey and Sir Thomas Wyaltt, with original Memoirs. [Edited by Sir N. H. Nicolas.] Portraits. Lond., W. Pickering. [Aldine Poets, vols. 10 and 11,] 1831, 2 vols., cr. 80., 18/-.— Eeprinted. Lond., W. Pickering, 1853, 2 vols., 12o., ea. 5/-. The Poetical Works of Henry Kirke White. With a Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas. Lond., W. Pickering. [Aldine Poets, vol. 6,] 1837, 120., 6/-. The Poetical Works of H. K. White. [With a Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas.] Lond., Bell and Daldy, 1860, 8o., pp. 59 and 221, 5/-.— Large paper copy, 1866, 8o., pp. 59 and 221. The Poetical Works of H. K. White. With a Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas. -Boston, Little, Brown and Co... 1854, 8o., pp. 63 and 225. The Poetical Works of Eobert Burns. [With a memoir by Sir H. Nicolas. Aldine Poets, vols. 1, 1*, 2.] Lond., W. Pickering, 1839, 3 vols. 8"., ea. 5/-.— Large paper copy. Lond., Bell and Daldy, 1866, 3 vols. 8o. The Poems of William Cowper, including his translations. With Memoir by Sir N. H. Nicolas. Lond., W. Pickering, [Aldine Poets, vols. 7, 8, and 9,] 1843, 3 vols., 12o., ea. 5/-.— Eeprinted. 1853, 2 vols., 80. The Poetical Works of Geoffry Chaucer. With Memoir by Sir H. Nicolas. [Aldine Poets,' vol. 47-52.] Lond., W. Pickering, 1845, 6 vols., 8o. —Large paper copy. Lond., Bell and Daldv, 1866, 6 vols., 80. ^' Note.— 2 copies of the 1845 ed. were printed on veUum. Chaucer's Eomaunt of the Eose, Troilus and Crescida and the minor poems. With life of the Poet, by Sir H. Nicolas. Lond., W. Pickering 1846, 3 vols., 80. ^' NICOLAS, SiB N. H. (Cm.). A Letter to the Duke of Wellington on the propriety and legality of creating peers for life : with precedents. [By N. H. Nicolas, Esq.] Lond., W. Pickering, 1830, 80., pp. 56, 3/6.— 2nd ed. Lond., 1830, 8o., pp. 56, 2/6.— 3rd ed. 1834, 80., 5/-. The Privy Purse expenses of Elizabeth of York; wardrobe accounts of Edward the fourth. With a' memoir of Elizabeth of York, and notes. By N. H. Nicolas, Esq. Lond., W. Pickering, 1830, 80. Title, dedication, preface, 3 leaves, Introductory Eemarks, pp. i-xxx. Memoir of Elizabeth of York, pp. xxxi-civ. Privy Purse expenses, pp. 1-112, Wardrobe Accounts, pp. 113-70, Index and notes, pp. 171-265, 21/-. Prospectus. In one volume, royal octavo. Shortly will be published, price £2 2s. Stem- mata Eegalia Cornubiensia or pedigrees of the descent of families of Cornwall from The Blood Eoyal, to which will be prefixed, tables of their descent from Charlemagne — The Saxon Kings — The Kings of France — Scotland — Castile and Leon — The Ancient Princes of Wales — The Dukes of Normandy, Britanny, and Lorraine — and from other Sovereign Princes ; and also from many of the most illustrious families in the kingdom. By N. H. Nicolas, Esq., of the Inner Temple. Lond., printed for J. H. Burn, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden. To whom Gentlemen desirous of having their names inserted in the subscription list are requested to be early in transmitting their instructions either by post or through the medium of their booksellers, n.d., [18--,] 40., pp. 3. Eeports of proceedings on the claim to the Earldom of Devon in the House of Lords ; with notes and an appendix containing copies of patents and cases illustrative of the claim. By Sir Harris Nicolas. Lond., J. and W. T. Clarke ; W. Pickering; M. Stevens and Sons, 1832, 8o. Titles, contents, preface and descent, pp. i-xiii. Earldom of Devon, pp. 1-199, appendix, pp. i-cc, index, 4 leaves, 12/-. Observations on the clauses containing grants of precedency in patents of peerage, with re- marks on the Statute 31 Henry VIII, for placing the Lords. By Sir Harris Nicolas. [Lond., printed for A. and E. Spottiswoode.] n.d., [1832,] 8o., pp. cc to cclvi. Proposal for a publication of The Scrope and Grosvenor EoU; the proceedings in the cause between Sir Eichard Le Scrope and Sir Eobert Grosvenor, from the 9th to the 13th year of the reign of Eichard II, mccclxxxiii-mccclxxxix, before the Lord High Constable, relative to their coat armour. [Lond., printed by S. and K. Bentley, Dorset St., Fleet St.] n.d., [Feb., 1829,} fol. Proposals, pp. 1-4, extracts from the depo- NICOLAS. 895 NICOLAS. NICOLAS, Sir N. H. {Con.). fiitions, pp. 5-14. Grenville Lib., Br. Museum. The Scrope and Grosvenor Controversy. Vol. i. De Controversia in curia Militari inter Ricar- dum le Scrope et Eobertum Grosvenor Milites. Kege Ricardo Secundo mccclxxxv-mcccxc. E re- cordis in turre Londinensi asservatis. The Contro- versy, pp. 1-352, additional documents, pp. 353- 58, notes, 359-62, Index to the depositions, pp. 363-68.— Vol. ii. The Controversy between Sir Richard Scrope and Sir Robert Grosvenor in the Court of Chivalry, A.D. mccclxxxv-mcccxc. Vol. ii containing A History of the family of Scrope, and biographical notices of the deponents. By Sir N. Harris Nicolas, K.H. 1832. [Lond., printed by Samuel Bentley, Dorset St., Fleet St.,] fol. Title and Advertisement, pp. i-vi, history of family of Scrope, pp. 1-158, addenda, pp. 159-61, notices of the deponents in favour of Sir R. Scrope, pp. 163-474, index to the history of the family of Scrope and the memoirs of deponents in the second volume, pp. 475-80. Grenville Lib., Br. Museum. Note. — Privately printed at the expense of an as- sociation of noblemen and gentlemen; an edition of 150 copies only. Priced at 168/- by H. Sotheran and Co. in 1873. The third volume was never printed. The Advertisement to vol. ii is signed " N. Harris Nicolas, 10 Mch., 1832," and says " The impression is limited and no copies have been printed for sale." cf. Jf. and Q., 4 S., xi, 104, (1873). The Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England. Edited by Sir H. Nicolas. Printed by command of His Majesty King William IV... and under the direction of The Commissioners of the Public Records of the Kingdom. [By G. Eyre and A. Spottiswoode,] 1834-37, 7 vols., 8"., 52/-. Note. — The Proceedings extend from 10 Eie. II, 1386 to 33 Hen. VHI, 1542. The Letters of Joseph Ritson, Esq. Edited chiefly from originals in the possession of his nephew. To which is prefixed a memoir of the Author, by Sir Harris Nicolas, K.C.M.G. Lond., Pickering, 1833, 2 vols., 8o., 18/-. The Chronology of History, containing tables, calculations and statements, indispensaWe for ascertaining the dates of historical events and of public and private documents, from the earliest periods to the present time. By Sir N. H. Nicolas. [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia, vol. 441 Lond., Longman, 1833, 12o., pp. xxiv and 358, 6/-.— 2nd ed. 1838, 8o., pp. xxiv and 406, 3/6. Note. These are improved editions of "Notitia Historioa," 1824. A Treatise on the Law of Adulterine Bastardy, with a report of the Banbury case and of all NICOLAS, Sir N. H. {Con.). other cases bearing upon the subject. By Sir N, H. Nicolas. Lond., W. Pickering, 1836, S"., pp. xvi and 588, 21/-.— 2nd ed. 1838, 8«., 21/-. The Complete Ailgler, or the contemplative man's recreation, being a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing, written by Izaak Walton, and instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream, by Charles Cotton. With original memoirs and notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Illustrated from drawings by Thos. Stothard, R.A., and I. Inskipp. Lond. W. Picker- ing, 1836, 2 vols., impl. 8"., 126/-. Proofs |on Indian Paper, 210/-. Note. — Published in 12 parts (commencing in 1835) at 9/6 each. India Proofs, 16/- each. cf. T. Westwood's Tlie Chronicle of tlie ' Oompleat Angler,' (1864), pp. 51- 55. Lives of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. [From The Complete Angler, 1836.] By Sir N. H. Nicolas. Lond., 1837, impl. 8o. Piscatorial Miscellanea, containing extracts from Registers of St. Dunstan's in the East, and genealogical notes concerning the families of Walton, Cotton, Burnet and others, collected by th« late Antiquary, Sir Harris Nicolas while en- gaged in writing his lives of Walton and Cotton. MS. Note. — cf. T. Westwood's Bihl. Piscatoria, (1861), p. 46.. Observations on the Office of Secretary of State, Lord Privy Seal and Chamberlain of the King's Household. [By Sir N. H. Nicolas.] 1837, roy. 8". Note. — Only 50 copies separately printed. Prospectus. — Sir N. H. Nicolas proposes to print the last Heraldic Survey of Cornwall, made in the year 1 640 (1 620), on the following terms, disclaim- ing anyideaofprofitto himself, that£300 be raised by subscription of £5, and that each contribution of £5 shall entitle the subscriber to a coloured copy of the work. It is therefore hoped that the gentlemen of Cornwall will not allow so favourable an opportunity to escape for rendering this valuable record accessible to the great num- ber of persons interested in its contents. Davies Gilbert, East Bourn, 1838, 4"-. Note. — 28 pages only, in foolscap folio, were printed by Pickering, Piccadilly, they commence with the name Aleigh or Leigh and end with Carew, of Anthony, and • there are woodcuts of the shields of arms. cf. J. G. Nichols' Herald and Genealogist, ii, 195-97, (1865). Engravings of the sepulchral brasses in Nor- folk and Suffolk. By John Sell Cotman. With an Introductory Essay by Dawson Turner, and Notes by Sir S. R. Meyrick, A. Way, and Sir N. H. Nicolas. Lond., 1839, 2 vols., fol., 126/-. NICOLAS. 896 NICOLAS. NICOLAS, SiE N. H. (Con.). Alplial)etical List of the Knights of the Garter, Knights of the Bath and the Grand Crosses from 1725. Lond., n.d., [184-,] m History of The Orders of Knighthood of the British Empire and of the order of the Guelphs of Hanover, with an account of the medals, clasps and crosses conferred for naval and military ser- vices. By Sir N. H. Nicolas, Chancellor and Knight Grand Cross of Saint Michael and Saint George; Knight of the Eoyal Order of the Guelphs. Lond., published for John Hunter, Maddox St., (Robe Maker to Her Majesty) by W. Pickering, Chancery Lane, 1841-42, 4 vols., imp. 40., 157/6. Illuminated copies, 294/-. Note.— The copies last issued have a continuation to 1847. History of the Earldoms of Strathern, Mon- teith and Aiith, with a report of the proceedings before The House of Lords on the claim of Robert Barclay Allardice, Esq., to the Earldom of Airth. By Sir Harris Nicolas, G.O.M.G. Lond., W. Pickering, 1842, 80. Title, dedication, preface and contents, pp. i-xvi, pedigree, 2 leaves, the history, pp. 1-248, appendix, pp. i-cxvi, 12/-. Statement of the circumstances respecting Mr. Babbage's Calculating Engines. [Drawn up by Sir N. H. Nicolas, in Aug., 1843, from docu- ments furnished by the Inventor.] Lond., 1843, 8«. Note.— Keprinted in pp. 68-96 of "Passages from the Life of a Philosopher. 'By Chas. Babbage." Lend., Longman, 1864, 8°. The Despatches and Letters of Vice Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, with notes by Sir N. H. Nicolas, G.C.M.G. Lond., H. Colburn, 1844- 1846, 7 vols., 80., 110/-. The Court of Queen Victoria or portraits of British Ladies distinguished by birth and rank, with biographical and genealogical memoirs. By Sir Harris Nicolas, G.C.M.G. Published by J. Hogarth, 5 Haymarket, 1845, imp! 4°., 21/- each part. NoTE.^3 Pts., 81 pages, with 9 portraits, brought out, the work was then discontinued. On the supply of printed books from the library to the Reading Room of the British Museum. Signed A. Panizzd, 5 June, 1846. niiond., printed by Charles Whittingham, Tooks Court, 1846,] 8". On the supply of printed books, pp. 1-17, Correspondence between Sir N. H. Nicolas and Mr. Panizzi, pp. 18-29. Animadversion on the library and catalogue of the British Museum. A Reply to Mr. Panizzi's Statement and a correspondence with that officer and the Trustees. By Sir Harris Nicolas. Lond., R. Bentley, 1846, S"., pp. 87. NICOLAS, SiK N. H. (Oon.). A Statement of the means by which the Nelson Coat, presented by H.R.H. Prince Albert to Greenwich Hospital, was obtained by Sir N. H. Nicolas, together with copies of letters and other original documents relating to Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton, now in the possession of the Editor, and intended by him as an Appendix to the Despatches of Lord Nelson, as also some unpublished particulars of the trial and execution of Caracciolo and the capitulation of the Castles of Naples. Lond., T. A. Evans, 17, Maddox St., Hanover Sq., 1846, 8°., pp. viii and 62. Note.— Dedication signed " T. A. Evans, March 1, 1846." A history of the Royal Navy from the earliest times to the wars of the French Revolution. By Sir N. H. Nicolas, G.C.M.G. Lond., R. Bentley, 1847, 2 vols., 8"., 28/-. Note. — No more printed, this portion extends to the reign of Henry V, 1422. Memoirs of the Life and Times of Sir Christo- pher Hatton, K.G., Vice-Chamberlain and Lord Chancellor to Queen Elizabeth, including his correspondence with the Queen and other distin- guished persons. By Sir H. Nicolas, G.C.M.G. Lond., R. Bentley, 1847, 8°. Title, preface and contents, pp. i-xxvi, the life and times pp. 1- 504, appendix and index, pp. i-lxxii, 15/-. Junius : including letters by the same writer under other signatures ; to which are added his confidential correspondence with Mr. Wilkes and his private letters to Mr. H. S. Woodfall. A new and enlarged edition. With new evidence as to the authorship, and an analysis by the late Sir Harris Nicolas. By John Wade. [Bohn's Standard Library, vols. 119 and 120.] Lond., H. G. Bohn, 1850, 2 vols., post 80., 7/-. Note. — Ultimately only a sample of this Analysis was printed in preface, vol. ii, pp. xiii*-xxi*. Some portion of Sir H. Nicolas' Preliminary Eemarks appeared in a review of " John Jaques' History of Junius" in the Athenasum, 10 Feb., 1844, pp. 128-30, but were never continued. The index to Mr. Wade's Ed, of Junius was partly compiled by Sir N. H. Nicolas. The Jlistoric Peerage of England, exhibiting under alphabetical arrai^gement, the origin, de- scent and present state of every title of peerage which has existed in this country since the Con- quest. Being a new edition of the " Synopsis of the Peerage of England " by the late Sir Harris Nicolas, G.C.M.G. Revised corrected and con- tinued to the present time, including all recent creations, extinctions, deaths, etc. By William Courthope, Esq., Somerset Herald, of the Middle Temple, Barrister at Law. Lond., J. Murray, 1857, 80., pp. Ixxvi and 610. NICOLAS. 397 NICOLAS. NICOLAS, SiK N. H. (Con.). The family of Newman. Signed Clionas. [i.e., Nicolas.] Gent. Mag., xciii, pt. ii, 194, (1823). Cause of the death of Richard II examined. Signed Clionas. ib., xciii, pt. ii, 195-99, 314-17, (1823); xciv, 220-22, (1824). Original Letters of the Eev. Jonathan Toup. Signed Clionas. ib., xciii, pt. ii, 326-28, (1823). On the Chapel of St. Pancras, near Plymouth. Signed Clionas. ib., xciv, pt. i, 98, (1824). Extract from Index of Wills in Registry of the Archdeacon of Sudbury, Suffolk. Signed Clionas. ib., xciv, pt. i, 423-24. Sir F. Hubert's Poem on Edward II. Signed Clionas. ib., xciv, pt. ii, 19-22. Satirical poem on one Randal Holmes, de- ceased. Signed Clionas. ib., xciv, pt. ii, 98. On the families of Musgrave and Keigwin. Signed Clionas. ib., xciv, pt. ii, 194, xcv, 389. cf. also xcv, 290, (1825). The Berkeley, Godolphin, and Killigrew families. Signed Clionas. ib., xciv, pt. ii, 290, (1824). Queen Elizabeth's Prayer at the going out of her navy. A". 1597. Signed Clionas. ib., xciv, pt. ii, 388-89. Portrait of Robert Beale, Clerk of Council to Queen Elizabeth. Signed Clionas. ib., xcv, pt. i, 290, (1825). cf. also xcv, pt. i, 386. Alithea, widow of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel. Signed Clionas. ib., xcv, pt. i, 482. The Roll of Karlaverock (sic). Signed Clionas. ib., xcvi, pt. i, 98, (1826). The arms of 'Thomas Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence. Signed Clionas. ib., xcvi, pt. i, 129- 30, (1826). The Journal of Alexander Daniel, of Penzance. Signed Clionas. ib., xcvi, pt-. i, 130-32. On heraldic terms and the quartering of arms. Signed Clionas. ib., xcvi, pt. i, 410-13. Commencement of the reigns of John and Edward I. Signed Clionas. ib., xcvi, pt. ii, 27-29. Coronation feast of King Henry IV. Signed, Clionas. ib., xcvi, pt. ii, 107-109. Precedence of Spiritual Peers. Signed Clionas. ib., xcvi, pt. ii, 109. Length of Standards, banners, etc., temp. Henry VIII. Signed Clionas. ib., xcvi, pt. ii, 208. Prince Charles, 1623. Signed Clionas. ib., xcvi, pt. ii, 231. On ancient rolls of arms. Signed Clionas. ib., xcvi, pt. ii, 313-15. Inventory of the goods of John Busvargus, 1638. Signed Clionas. ib., xcvii, pt. i, 27-28, (1827). Poems by Margaret Keigwin. Signed Clionas. ih., xcvii, pt. i, 32. Pedigree of the Barons of Burghersh. Signed N.H.N, ib., xcvii, pt. i, 201-203. NICOLAS, Sir N. H. (Con.). The Siege of Carlaverock. Signed Nicholas Harris Nicolas, ib., xcix, pt. i, 25-29, (1829). cf. also xcviii, pt. ii, 493-95, (1828) ; xcix, pt. i, 222-23. Queens of Henry VIIL Signed N.H.N, ib., xcix, pt. i, 396-97. Commencement of Richard the Third's reign. Signed N.H.N. . ib., xcix, pt. i, 419. Pedigree of Admiral Sir Sidney Smith, K.C.B. Signed N. ib., c, pt. ii, 487-88, (1830). Remarks on the seals affixed to two documents preserved in the Treasury of the Receipts of the Exchequer, being duplicates of the letters from the Barons of England to Pope Boniface the Eighth in the year 1301, respecting the sover- eignty of Scotland, (1825). Archmlogia, xxi, 192-231, (1827). The Bill of the expenses attending the journey of Peter Martyr and Bernardinus Ochin, from Basil to England in 1547. ib., xxi, 469-73. Two Letters, the one from Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, in 1642, and the other from Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, in 1655, to John Lord Finch, of Fordwich. ib., xxi, 474-77. A Narrative of the progress of King Edward the First in his invasion of Scotland in the year 1296. ib., xxi, 478-98. cf also xxii, 424-26. An account of the army with which King Richard the Second invaded Scotland in the ninth year of his reign, A.D. 1385. ib., xxii, 13-19, (1829). cf also xxv, 394-97, (1834). Instructions given by King Henry the Eighth to John Becket, the Usher and John Wrothe, the Sewer of his Chamber, relative to their journey into Cornwall, for the purpose of en- quiring into the conduct of William Kendall, ib., xxii, 20-25. Observations on the- institution of the most noble Order of the Garter... illustrated by the Accounts of the Great Wardrobe of King Edward III, from the 29 Sep., 1344, to 1 Aug., 1345, and again from 21 Dec, 1345, to 31 Jan., 1349. ib., xxxi, 1-163, (1846). Observations on the origin and history of the badge and mottoes of Edward, Prince of Wales. -«4-, xxxi, 350-84. cf. also xxxii, 69-71. Contemporary authority adduced for the popular idea that the Ostrich Feathers of the Prince of Wales were derived from the crest of the King of Bohemia, ib., xxxii, 332-34, (1847). On the banners iised in the English Army from the Conquest to the reign of Henry the Eighth. Naval -and Military Mag., iv, 84-109, (1828). NICOLAS. 398 NICOLIi. NICOLAS, Sib N. H. (Con.). Public Eecords. Westminster Review, x, 393- 414, (1829); Postscript, xi, 537-39, (1829). The Graphic and Historical Illustrator. Edited by E. W. Brayley, Esq., F.S. A. Lond., published by J. Chidley, 151, GosweU St., 1834, 4o. Note. — Contains On the Union Flag, with 9 wood- cuts. By Sir N. H. Nicolas, pp. 65-70. Part of this article originally appeared in the If aval and Military Mag., i, 182-92, (1827). The Cabinet of Modern Art. Edited by Alaric A. Watts. 3rd Series, 1837, 80. Note.— Contains " The Entry of Edward the Black Prince into London. By Sir H. Nicolas," pp. 161-71. Papers of Sir N. H. Nicolas relating to the Barony of Camoys, 1838. MSS. The collections of Sir N. H. Nicolas, consisting of Autograph Letters, copies of Documents, &c. MSS. Sir N. H. Nicolas' papers relating to the Marchmont Peerage Claim, 1843. MSS. Note Books of Sir N. H. Nicolas, 4 vols. 80. and 40. MSS Collections on Attainders, &c., by Sir N. H. Nicolas, 4". MSS. Collections relating to order of Precedency, by Sir N. H. Nicolas and Sir G. C. Young, 40. MSS Collections Telating to the Slane Peerage Case. By Sir N. H. Nicolas. MSS. Note.— Theabove seven sets of MSS. were amongst Sir 0. Young's MSS. sold by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Co., Bee, 1871. An Heraldic arrangement by which Armorial Distinctions are assigned to the ensigns of Noble- men and Gentlemen holding the most elevated Civil or Military Offices, and to such situations of Hereditary and Personal Eank as have no particular bearing appointed them in the existing system of Heraldry. With letter, dated 5 Dec, 1821, from the Author, N. H. Nicolas, Esq., presenting the MS. to the Museum. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 6525, if 53. Index inquisitionum post mortem sive escae- tarum, ab anno 1 Edward I, ad annum 17 Hen- nci VI. Transcribed by Sir N. H. Nicolas and W. H. Black from a MS. in the possession of Sir T. Phillipps. ib., 19,704-19,708, 5 vols., fol Pedigree of Sir N. H. Nicolas shewing his royal descents through Courtenay, Granville, Carmmow, St. Aubyn and other families, 182l' MSS penes N. H. P. Lawrence, Esq., Lamceston. NICOLAS, Lieut. Paul Harris, E.M. (2nd son of Commander J. H. Nicolas, who d. 1844 J b East Looe, 1 Mch., 1790. bapt. St. Martins, 7 Mch. c/. P. H. Nicolas' Hist. Record of Royal Marine Forces, (1845), i, 344, ii, 132, 140 NICOLAS, Lieut. P. H., B.M. {Con.). Historical Record of the Eoyal Marine Forces By P. H. Nicolas, Lieut. Royal Marines. Lond., T. and W. Boone, 29, New Bond St., 1845, 2 vols., 8"., 24/-. The Calendar of Victory... by the late Major [Richard] Johns, E.M., \o.v.'] continued and completed by Lieut. P. H. Nicolas,E.M. 1855,8o. The Naval and Military Heroes of Great Britain or Calendar of Victory. 1860, 8°. See Johns, Major Eichard. NICOLAS, Lieut. William Keigwin, E.N. (Zrd son of Commander J. H. Nicolas), b. East Looe, 23 Apl., 1792. hapt. St. Martins, 20 June. bur. St. Martins, 23 May, 1871. cf. 0' Byrne ; Johns and Nicolas' Calendar of Vic- tory, (1855), p. 508. NICOLL, Anthony ('eZ^?. son of Humphrey Nicoll, of Penmse, in St. Tudy, and nephew of the cele- brated Pym). M.P. for Bodmin, 1640; Sheriff of Cornwall, 1657 ; One of the eleven members accused of treason by the army, 16 June, 1647. 6. 1610. d. Savoy, London, 20 Feb., 16|f. bur. Savoy Church, 22 Feb. Monu. at St. Tudy. cf. Thos. Burton's Diary, (1828), iii, 450; Sir John Bramston's Autobiography, (Camden Soc, 1845;, pp. 160-62; S. Palmer's Nonconformist s Memorial, (1775), i, 294; John Rushworth's Historical Collections, ii, pt. iv, 788. Letter of Mr. A. NicoU to Secretary Thurloe, dated Penvose, Mch. 13, 1654. Thurloe State Papers, iii, 227. Letter to the Treasurers of' Sequestrations from the Committee of Cornwall (A. Nicoll and others) respecting their proceedings in that county, Truro, 12 Oct., 1648. Br. Museum, Ad-- dit. MSS.,_ 5494, f 78. Order to the Treasurer of the Army for the payment of money, with receipt for the same, signed A. Nicoll and others, ib., 5497, f 11. Letters from Anth. Nicoll to Thurloe, 16 and 19 June, 1655. Rawlinson MSS., (Bodl. lAb.j, Class A, 27, arts 16 and 25. The Earl of Essex to Anth. Nicoll; Movements of the Army. 29 August, 1643. Tanner MSS. (Bodl. Lib.), 62, art. 158. Letter from A. Nicoll to John Pym ; Move- ments of the Army in Buckinghamshire &c. Aylesbury, 2 July, 1643. ib., 62, art. 67. The same to Speaker Lenthall, complaining of being stayed by the General on his journey to Cornwall. 17 August, 1647. ib., 58, art. 247. [Printed in Cary's Memorials of the 'Civil War, i, 339.] ' Declaration of A. Nicoll and others concerning -the amount of their Incomes from public sources ib., 59, art. 274. NOBDEN. 399 NOEEICB. NICOLL, Anthony, of Penvose, in St. Tudy (son of Anthony Nicoll, who d. 1658;. c/. 30iA Rep. of Deputy Keeper of Records, p. 378. Grant to A. Nicholl, Esquire, and Edward Trelawny, Clerk, of two fairs in trust for the poor of St. Udy, 7 July, 1705. Harl. MSS., 2263, art. 63. NICOLLS, Edward (son of John Nicolls). h. Halwell, in Linkinhorne, 3 Nov., 1830. Thomazine Bonaventure or The Maid of Week St. Mary. By E; Nicolls. Callington, printed by E. Philp, Fore St., 1865, S"., pp. 20. NICOLS, Eev. Thomas, of Liskeard. Ejected by Act of Uniformity, 1662, but afterwards conformed, cf. S. Palmer's Nonconformists Me- morial, (1775), i, 295. NILE, John. Letter from Eev. Adam Clarke to Eev. J. Wesley, [concerning J. Nile, of Linkinhorne.] Dated "Plymouth, 18 June, 1786." Arminian Mag., XV, 440-42, (1792). NOAL, Andrew. 5. St. Ives, 1785. d. St. Ives, 20 Aug., 1856. Memoir of the late Mr. A. Noal. By Eev. E.-S. Hart. "The Harbinger, The Mag. of the Countess of Huntingdon's Connection," 1856, pp. 177-80. NOALL, Eev. Simeon. Wesleyan Minister. 6. Gwennap, 1794. d. Hayle, 4 Aug., 1850. cf. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixiv, 625, (1841), Ixxiii, 986, (1850). NOBLE, G-EOEGE W. (son of Samuel Nolle, who d. Germoe, 29 May, 1851J. Constantine Iron Mine, Penryn. b. Germoe, 14 Feb., 1832. Eemarks on mineral veins in the parish of Constantine. Rep. of Miners' Assoc, of C. and D., 1872, pp. 45-46. NONNA, St. (mother of St. David, who d. 1 Mch., 544 or 60i;. Her feast day 2 Mch. Said to be bur. at Alternun. cf. W. J. Reei Lives of Cambro-British Saints, (1853), pp. 162-64, 166, 180, 200, 34l j Haddan and Stubbs' Councils, (1872), ii, 98. Note.— A Life of St. Nonna was in the Service Book at Altemuu in 1281. NOEDEN, John. Surveyor of the Duchy of Cornwall, Jan., 16§J to 1626. b. Wiltshire, 1548? d. circa 1626. cf. Introduction to J. Norden's Description of Essex, (Camden Soc, 1840), pp. .xxi-xxii, xxx; Lansd. MSS., 778, art. 63 j Eel. Hea/rniomoe, (1869), ii, 255-56, 266 j \Zth Rep. of Dep. Keeper of Records, p. 15. NOEDEN, John. [Con.). _ Speculi Britannise Pars. A topographical and historical description of Cornwall, with a map of the County and each hundred, in which are contained the names and seats of the several gentlemen then inhabitants, as also thirteen views of the most remarkable curiosities in that County. By the perambulation, view and delinea- tion of John Norden. To which are added, the west prospect of the some-time Conventual Church of St. Germans;... with some account of the Author. Maps and 13 Fiews. Lond., printed by William Pearson, for the Editor, and sold by Christopher Bateman, 1728, fol. NoTB^.— Pictorial Title, 1 leaf, Printed title, 1 leaf, Publisher's Dedication, 1 leaf, table of distances, 1 leaf, J. Norden's Dedication to Prince Jeames, (sic) King of England, 3 pages, rules of the use of the booke. 1 page, •the principall matters, 1 page, alphabeticall table of names in the mapp, 7 pages, some account of the author, 4 pages, the general historie, pp. 1-99, catalogue of gentlemen, pp. 100-103, Touching your Majestie's Miu- eralls in Cornwall, p. 104. The original MS. of this work, (which was written in 1584 and presented to James I), is still preserved amongihe Harleian MSS., No. 6252, accompanied by his original drawings, but not with his maps. Original Letters relating to the Hospitals in the Diocese of Exeter. Communicated at the instance of Seth [Ward,] Lord Bishop of that See. Anno 1665, n.p. or d. or printer's name, [1728?] fol. Title, 1 Igaf, then pp. 1-7. Note. — The above is found in the Oi-enville Lih. copy of J. Norden's Speculi Britannia Pars, Cornwall, coming after p. 104 of the original work. An abstract of the General Survey of the Soke of Kirketon, in Lindsey...a parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, which survey was taken by John Norden, John Thorpe, and John Norden, Junr., 1616. MS. Camb. Univ. Lib. Ff, iv, 30. NOEFOLK, Horatio Edward (son of William John Norfolk), b. Luton, Bedfordshire, 18 Dec, 1842. Gleanings in Graveyards. A Collection of curious epitaphs. Collected and compiled by H. E. Norfolk, Honorary Secretary to the Chelsea Athenaeum. 1st ed. Lond., J. E. Smith, 1861, 12"., pp. viii and 171.— 2nd ed. 1861, 12"., pp. viii and 172.— 3rd ed. 1866, 120., pp. xviii and 208. Note. — The 1st and 2nd editions are dedicated " To Eobert Hunt, Esq., P.E.S." The Cornish epitaphs are comprised in pp. 17-23 in the 1st and 2nd editions, and in pp. 15-20 in the 3rd ed. NOEEICE orNOEEIS, William, M.A. Edu- cated at Eton ; Left Eton for King's College, 1623 j Ostiarius or Lower Master at Eton, 1631 ; Informator or Head Master, 1636. b. NOETHY. 400 NOTTINGHAM. NOEEICE OR NOEEIS, W., M.A. (Core.)- Looe. d. Eton, 1642. hur. Eton Chapel, below the Choir, on the north side, about the middle. cf. EarwoodJs Alumni Etonenses, p. 224. NORRIS, Mk. Views of • Norris in Devon and Cornwall. Sir T. Phillipps' MSS., 15,020. NOEEIS, Edwin. 5. Taunton, 24 Oct., 1795. d. Michael's Grove, Brompton, 10 Dec, 1872. The Ancient Cornish Drama, edited and trans- lated by Mr. Edwin Norris, Sec. E.A.S. Oxford, at the University Press, 1859, 2 vols., 8°. Note. — The Dramas are — Ordinale de Origine Mundi ; Passio Domini Nostri Jhesu Christi ; Ordinale de Besnrresione Domini Nostri Jhesfi Christi. All contained in Bod. Lib. MS., 791. Sketch of Cornish Grammar. By Mr. Edwin Norris. Oxford, at the University Press, 1859, 12°., pp. 94, 2/6. Note. — Extracted from the previous worji. The names of places in Scilly. Archcsol. Camb., ix, 41-52, (1863). NORRIS, Katherine. Letter of Mrs. Katherine Norris to Sir Robert Southwell [relative to his. election for Penrjrn,] dated Penryn, 26 Feb., 1684-5. MS. on sale at T. TJwrpe's, 1843. NOETH, Rev. Isaac William, M.A. (son of Rev. Henry Nmih, Assistant Minister of Wel- leck Chapel, London, who d. 16 Apl., 1838J. Chaplain of the Isles of Scilly, 1841 to 1851. Now Vicar of Holy Trinity, Greenwich, h. St. Marylebone, London, 28 July, 1810. Sermons on the Liturgy. By I. W. North, M.A., Chaplain of the Isles of Scilly, late Curate of Fulham. Lond., J. Hatchard and Son, 1844, 12"., pp. xii and 319, 10/-. A sermon preached at the visitation of the Archdeacon of Cornwall. By I. W. North, M.A. Lond., Hatchard; Penzance, Rowe and Son, 1849, 12"., 6d. A Week in the Isles of Scilly. 4 illustrations. By I. W. North, M.A., Chaplain. Penzance, printed and published by E. Rowe and Son; Lond., Longman and Co., 1850, 8o., pp. x and 199, 5/6. — Revised and re-written by L. H. Courtney, (1867), c^.v. Note.— The views in the original edition are from drawings by Lady Sophia Tower. NORTHY, W. H. h. St. Columb, 21 Sept., 1826. Now resident at Penmellyn, St. Columb. NOETHY, W. H. {Con.). The Distress in Cornwall. The Spectator, p. 973, 1 Sept., 1866. NORWAY, Edmund (son of Will. Norway, who d.lQ Oct., 1819;. ef. C. Carlyon's Early Ymrs, (1843), ii, 289-93. NORWAY, Commander Nevill, . R.N. I. Lostwithiel, 20 Apl., 1807. Resident at Tre- byan, Bodmin, cf. Byrne. NORWAY, Nevill (Ind son of Will. Norway, of Court Place, Egloshayle, who d. 1819J. hapt. Egloshayle, 5 Nov., 1801. MmderedhyJ. and W. Lightfoot, on the road from Bodmin to Wadebridge, 8 Feb., 1840. bur. 13 Feb. Menu. Egloshayle. cf Gent. Mag., xiv, 441, (1840). Note. — See also Lightfoot, J. and W. NOSWORTHY, Edward. Merchant in Truro and afterwards Resident at Ince, in St. Stephens by Saltash; Sheriff of Cornwall, 1655; M.P. for St. Ives, 1660-1680. Grant of arms and crest to E. Nosworthy, of Truro. Earl. MSS., 1172, art. 38. Letter from S. Bowman to Charles Lord Sejmour, respecting the quarrel of Lord Saint John and Mr. H. Seymour, when my lord vin- dicated Mr. Horsworthy, (sic) of Cornwall, to be as honest a man as any in the House of Commons, 11 Feb., 16||. MSS. penes Duke of Northumber- land, Alnwick. NOSWORTHY, Edward (son of preceding). M.P. for St. Ives, 1679-85; Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to James II, 1688. Ab- sconded into Holland and d. suddenly at Dunkirk, 31 Aug., 1701. cf. Lives of the Norths (Roscoe's ed., 1826), i, 127; Narcissus Luttrell's Brief Hist. Relation, (1857), i, 308, 320; iii, 442. The case of Mr. Nosworthy against Sir Edward Hungerford and John Hill, Esquire, Executors and Devisees of Sir William Bassett; upon a writ of error brought by them to reverse a judgment given in the court of King's Bench for Mr. Nosworthy upon a Speciall verdict in an accion of ejectione firmse. [For the Manor of Lanreath,] A.D. 1685. MSS. Camb. Univ. Lib. Oo., vi, 93, folios, 1-7. Note. — Notices of this case are in the Eeports of Comberbach, Salkeld, Shower, Vernon and Modem Eeports. NOTTINGHAM, (Daniel Finch), 2nd Earl of, Principal Secretary of State, d. 1 Jan., 17|§. Letter from Cornwall to the Earl of Notting- NOY, 401 NOY. NOTTINGHAM, 2nd Eabl or. (Oon.). ham, on the appearance of the French fleet off the coast. Dated Looe, 22 June, 1690. MS. on sale at T. Thorpe's, 1843. NOWELL, Very Eev. Alexander (son of John Nowell). Dean of St. Paul'fe, 1.560-16gJ. I. Bead Hall, Whalley, 1507 or 1508. d. London, 13 Feb., legi. Note. — Dean Nowell being returned as one of the " Burgesses for Looe, in Oct., 1553, a committee was ap- pointed to inquire into the validity of the return. It reported to Parliament that " Alexander Nowell, being a - prebendary of Westminster, and thereby having a voice in the Convocation house cannot be a member of this house." A new writ was accordingly directed to be issued, cf. Rev. Ralph Churton's Life of Alex. Nowell, (1809), pp. 18-19. NOY, Mr. Letter from Peter I to Mr. Noy, Shipbuilder, at St. Petersburgh, conveying orders from the Head Surveyor. Dated Colomna, 16 May, 1722. (In Russian, with original translation) . Br. Museum, Addit. MS'S., 5015,* f 12. NOY, Catherine (only dau. of the Attorney General, a/nd wife of John Gartwright, of Aynhoe, Northamptonshire, who d. 17 Oct., 1676 J. d. Barnes, Surrey, circa 1644, (but no entry in Eegister). cf. Geo. Baker' s Northampton, (1822- 30), i, 549, 550. NOY, Edward (father ? of the Attorney General). Order of Starchamber that E. Noy shall, upon the dismissing of his cause, pay £8 into the Court for Costs. 15 June, 41 Eliz. Harl. MSS., 97, art. 75. NOY, Edward (eld. son of the Attorney General). Killed m a duel with Capt. Biron, Mch.,-1636. cf Court and Times of Chas. I, (1848),, ii, 240. Letter of James Howell to Edward Noy, Esq., at Paris. Dated "Lond., 5 May, 1633." Epistolm Eo-Eliance, (1678), p. 246. NOY, Edward. Journal of a Voyage in the South-seas, from Panama to Porto di Pita, 1685. Br. Museum, Shane MSS., 3,296, ff 11. NOY, Colonel Humphrey (Ind son and ulti- mate heir of Attorney General Noy). Gentleman of the Privy Chamber, 1669. d. 12 Dec, 1679. Iwr. Mawgan in Pydar. cf. Birch's Hist, of Boyal Soc, i, 310, 314, 343. NOY, John. Governor of St. Mary's Castle, S^Uly. NOY, John. (Con.). Letter from J. Noye to Francis Buller, Anthony NicoU and Captain Gerry, determination to hold Scilly for the King. " From his Majesties Castle of St. Maries, in Silly." 30 Sept., 1648. Tanner MSS., (Bodl. Lib.), 57, art. 169. NOY, William (son of Edward Noy, of Oarnan- ton, in Mawgan, and grandson of Will. Noy, of Pendrea, in Buryan). Entered Exeter Coll., 1593, M.P. Grampound, 1603-1614, Fowey, 1623-25, St. Ives, 1625-27, Helston, 1627- 31, Attorney General, 27 Oct., 1631. 6. Pen- drea, St. Buryan'! ] 577, (but no existing Regis- ters of this early date), d. Tunbridge Wells, 9 Aug., 1634. hi/r. New Brentford Church, 11 Aug. cf. Sir A. PFeldon's Court of King Charles, (1811), ii, 39; Sir E. Peyton's Catastrophe of the House of Stuarts, (1811), ii, 427 ; S. Clark's Lives of Sundry Eminent Persons, (1683),p. 162; Clarendon's Hist, of Rebellion, (1849), i, 103- 105, 401, vi, 407 ; Autobiog. of Archbishop Laud, (1839), pp. 146, 151 ; Hamon L'Es- trange's Reign of King Charles, (1656), pp. 135-36 ; Rel. Hearniance, (1857), i, 203 ; David Lloyd's State Worthies, (1670), pp. 892-93; Lord Nugent' s Memorials of J. Hampden, (1832), i, 142-43; Geo. Vernon's Life of Rev. Dr. Peter Heylin, (1682), pp. 43, 57, 65-66; 7. D' Israeli's Commentaries on Life and Reign of Charles I, (1851), i, 387-90; Jas. Howell's Epistolce Ho-Eliance, (1678), pp._ 233,_ 241; John Rushworth's Hist. Collections, i, pt. ii, 213, 220-27, 247, pt. iii, 84 ; Lyso7is' Environs of London, (1811) Supplementary Vol., pp. 103- 104; Court and Times of Charles I, (1848), i, 291-92, ii, 36, 82, 136-37, 224 ; Hallam's Con- slit. Hist, (1854), ii, 12 ; Thos. Burton's Diary, (1828), ii, 244-46; Rich. Polwhele's Biog. Sketches,*!, 53-57 ; W. J. Thoms' Anecdotes and Traditions (Camden Soc, 1839 j, pp. 34-35; N. Wallington's Hist. Notices, (1869), i, 64-69, 77; Thos. Fuller's Worthies, (1811), i, 213; T Carlyle's Letters andSpeeches of Cromwell, (1857), i, 56, 57-58; W. D. Christie's Life of First Earl of Malmesbury, (1871), i, App. i, p. ix; John Forster's Sir John Eliot, (1872), vols, i and ii, passim; G. G. Cunningham's Lives of Eminent Englishmen, ii, 391-93; Bliss' Wood, ii, 581-84; European Mag., v, 335, (1784); Autobiog. and Corresp. of Sir Simorids D'Ewes, (1845), i, 406, ii, 79 ; Peter Heylin' s Cypri'anus Anglicus, (1671), pp. 301-302; L. Echard's Hist, of England, (1720), pp. 445, 456, 493 ; Bulstrode Whitelocke's Mems. of English Affairs, (1732), pp. 3, 7, 14, 17-20, 23; Lord Camp- bell's Lives of the Chief Justices, (1849), i, 311, 414-1-6, 518-19; Geo. Brodie's Constitutional Hist, of British Empire, (1866), ii, 20-21, 109; z z NOY. 402 NOY. NOY, William. (Con.). Thos. Faulkner's Hist, of Brentford, (1845), pp. 146-47; W. H. Spilsburi/s Lincoln's Inn, {1850), p. 63 ; N. and Q., 2 S., vi, 309, 358, (1858), vii, 35, (1859), 3 S., viii, 190, 405, 465, (1865), ix, 24, (1866), 4 S., i, 390, 566, 615, (1868), ii, 13-14, 587, (1868); English Cyclop.; Didot Nouvel. Biog. Univ.; Biog. Univ.; Rose; Aikin; Ch-anger ; Biog. Brit. ; 3rd Bep. Historical Com- mission, pp. 13, 191. A description of the passage of Thomas Earle of Strafford, over the River of Styx, with the conference between him, Charon and W. I^oy. Frontispiece. Printed in the yeere, 1641, 4"., 4 Note. — Eeprinted in Lord Somers' Collection of Tracts, (Sir W. Scott's ed., 1809-15;, iv, 273-76, (1810). A Treatise of the principall grounds and max- imes of the lavves of this kingdome. Very use- full and commodious for all studients, and such others as desire the knowledge and understanding of the lavves. Lex plus laudatur, quando ratione probatur. Written by that most excellent and learned expositor of the law, W. N[oy,] of Lin- coln's-Inne, Esquire. Lond., printed by R. H., by permdssion of the Assignes of John Moore, Esquire, and are to be sold by William Cooke, at Furnivalis-Inne Gate, Holborne, 1641, 8°. Title and contents, 3 leaves, then pp. 1-130, 2/-. Bod. Lib. A Treatise... written... by W. N[oyl...Lond., printed for W. Cook, and are to be sold at Fur- nival's-Inne gate, in Houlbourne, 1642, 8". Title, 1 leaf, then pp. 1-118, 2/-. A Treatise... written by...W. N[oy]...3rd ed. Lond., printed by S. G. for W. Lee, D. Pakeman, R. Best and G. Bedell, and are to be sold at their shops in Fleetstreet, 1660, 8°. Title, 1 leaf, an analysis of the laws, 3 leaves, The Laws of England, pp. 1-159, 1/6. A Treatise of. . .the laws of this nation. Very useful... Written by...W. Noy...4th ed. Lond., printed for T. Collins, T. Basset, J. Wright, M. Pitts and T. Sawbridge, 1677, 12". Title, 1 leaf, an analysis of the laws, 4 leaves, The Laws of England, pp. 1-163, 1/6. The Grounds and Maxims of the English Laws. By William Noy, Esquire, of the Lin- coln's Inn, Attorney General, and of the Privy Council to King Charles the First. To which is annexed a Treatise of Estates, by Sir John Doderidge, Knt., and observations on a deed of Ffeoffment, by T. H., Gent. 5th Edit., with ad- ditions. In the Savoy, printed by Henry Lintot, Law Printer to theKing'sMostExcellentMajesty, for J. Worral, at the Dove, in Bell-Yard, near Lincoln's Inn, 1757, 12". Title, introduction, table of the maxims, analysis of the laws, A, 8 NOY, William. (Con.). leaves only, The Laws of England, Treatise of Estates, Observations and Index, B-H, 7 sheetsj I, 4 leaves, 2/6. The Grounds, and Maxims... By W. Noy...6tli ed. with considerable additions. Dublin, printed by H. Watts, 1792, 12". No pagination, and signatures very irregular The grounds and Maxims, also an analysis of the English Laws. By W. Noy...6th ed. with notes and references and other considerable ad- ditions and improvements, by Charles Barton, of the Inner Temple, Esq. Lond., printed for 'Vy, Clarke and Son, Portugal St., Lincoln's Inn, 1794, 12'^., pp. xxvii, 160, and index, 2 leaves, 3/6. The Grounds and Maxims. ..By W. Noy. 7th ed. with additions, by C. Barton. Lond., 1806, 120., 4/6. The Grounds and Maxims, and also an analy- sis of the English Laws... By W. Noy. With Notes.. .by C. Barton... Lond., printed by W. Clarke and Sons. ..1817, 12"., pp. xxvii, 160, and index, 2 leaves, 7/-. The Principal Grounds and Maxims, with an Analysis and a Dialogue and Treatise of the Laws of England, and on Tenures, Estates, Hereditaments, and Chattels, Real and Personal, and in what manner they may be recovered and conveyed. By William Noy, Esquire, formerly of Lincoln's Inn. In which is included a Treat- ise of Estate, ascribed to Sir John Doderidge, and Observations on a Deed of Feoffment. The Ninth Edition, with a Sketch of the Author's Life, Corrections, Notes and References. By W. M. Bythewood, Esquire, of Lincoln's Inn. Lond., printed for S. Sweet, Chancery Lane, 1821, 8"., pp. xxxvi, and 431, 10/-. The Principal Grounds and Maxims... By W, Noy. Edited by W. W. Hening. 2nd ed. taken from the London ed. Richmond [Virginia,] 1824, 80. The Principal Grounds and Maxims... By W. Noy. Philadelphia, 1845, 8o. Maxims of the Laws of England, by William Noye, Attorney General, and of the Privy Coun- cil to King Charles I. With A Biographical Sketch of the Author, and an index, by Clifford Stanley Sims. Albany, Joel Munsell, 1870. Title, preface, biographical sketch and table of the Maxims, pp. i-xxii, The Maxims and Index, pp. 1-142. The Great Feast at the inthronization of the Reverend Father in God George Neavili, Arch- Bishop of Yorke, Chancellour of England in the sixt yeere of Edward the fourth. Wherein is manifested the great pride and vaine glory of that prelate. The copy of this feast was found inroUed in the Tower of London, and was taken NOT. 403 NOY. NOY, AViLLiAM. (Con.). put by Mr, Noy, His Majesties late Atorney Generall...Lond., printed for Edward Husbands, Aprill the first, 1645, 4"., pp. 6. Br. Museum. Note. — Reprinted, witli many additional particulars, in John Leland's Collectanea, (1770), vi, 1-14. The Compleat Lawyer or a treatise concerning tenvres and estates, in lands of inheritance for life and for yeares ; of chattels reall and personall !ind how any of them may be conveyed in a egall forme, by fine, recovery, deed, or words as the case shall require. Per Guliel. Noy, Armi- gerum, nuper Attournatum Generalem Caroli Eegis defunctum. Lond., printed for John Penson, and are to be sold at his shop in St. Dunstans Church-yard, in Fleetstreet, 1651, 8°. Title, 1 leaf, then pp. 1-126. Note. — A copy in Lincoln's Inn Lib. has this varia- tion in the title page " Lond. , printed by W. W. for W. Lee, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Turks-Head, neere Earn- Alley, in Fleetstreet. " The Compleat Lawyer or a Treatise concerning tenures and estates in Lands of Inheritance for life and other hereditaments and chattels real and personal and how any of them may be con- veyed in a legal form, by fine, recovery, deed or :word as the case shall require. By W. Noy, late Attorney General to his Sacred Majestie K. Charles the I. Lond., printed for John Benson, in St. Dunstan's Church-yard, Fleetstreet, 1661, 8". Title, 1 leaf, then pp. 1-124. The Compleat Lawyer, etc. By W. Noy. . .With Portrait by Will. Faithorne. Lond., Speed, 1665, '80. The Compleat Lawyer... By W. Noy, of Lin- colns-Inne, late Attorney-General to his Sacred Majesty King Charles the First. Together with Observations on the Author's life. Lond., printed for S. S., and are to be sold by W. Jacob, next Bernards-Line, in Holborn, and John Amery, over against St. Clements-Church, in the Strand, 1670, 8". Title, 1 leaf, life of W. Noy, 6 leaves, Compleat Lawyer, pp. 1-116, books newly printed ending with the word Finis, 2 pages. The Compleat Lawyer . . . By W. Noy . . . Together with Observations on the Author's life. Lond., printed for and sold by John Amery, at the Pea- cock, over against Fetter-Lane, in Fleetstreet, 1674, 80. Title, 1 leaf, life, 6 leaves, Compleat Lawyer, ending with Finis, pp. 1-117, books printed for J. Amery, ending with Finis, 2 leaves. The Perfect Conveyancer or severall select and choice presidents such as have not formerly been printed. Collected by four several sages of the law, Edward Henden, Knight, late one of the Barons of the Exchequer, William Noy, At- tourney Generall to his late Majestie, Eobert NOY, William. (Con.). Mason, sometime Recorder of London, and Henry Fleetwood, formerly Reader of Gray's Inn. Lend., 1655, 40. — 2nd ed. Lond., printed by F. L. for George Thompson, at the White Horse, in Chancery-Lane, near Lincolns Inn, 1655, sm. 40. Epistle to the Reader, signed R[obert] M[ason,] and Table, 10 pages, then pp. 1-547. Lincoln's Inn Mb. Note. — A'copy in the Bod. Lib. has the following variation in the title of the 2nd ed. "Lond., printed by F. L. for Matthew Walbanoke, and are to be sold by William Lee, at the Turks Head, in Fleetstreet." Reports and Cases taken in the Time of Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles ; col- lected and reported by that learned lawyer, William Noy, sometimes Reader of the Honour- able Societie of Lincolnes-Inne, since Attovrney Generall to the late King Charles, Conteining most excellent matter of Exceptions to all manner of Declarations, Pleadings, and Demurrers, that there is scarce one Action in a Probability of being brought but here it is thoroughly examin'd and exactly layd. Now Translated into English. With Two necessary tables of the cases and con- tents for the readers ease and benefit. Lond., printed by F. L. for Matthew Walbancke, at Grayes Inne Gate, and T. Firby, near Grayes Inne Gate, in Holborne, 1656, 4°. Title, to the reader and table of the cases, 6 leaves, reports and cases, pp. 1-185, table of the principall matters, 4 leaves. Reports and Cases taken in the time of Queen Elizabeth, King James and King Charles, col- lected and reported by that learned lawyer William Noy. 2nd ed. corrected and amended. Lond., printed by T. R. for Samuel Heyrick,. at Grayes-Inn Gate, in Holborn, 1669, fol. To the Reader and Table unpaged, then pp. 1-185. Lincoln's Inn Lib. Note. — In an edition formerly in the possession of Francis Hargrave this is stated to have been " a simple collection of scraps of cases made by Sergeant Size from Noy's loose papers and imposed upon the world for the reports of that vile prerogative fellow Noy." Lord Thuiiow, Sir F. BuUer and others have rejected Noy's reports. A Treatise of the rights of the Crown declar- ing how the King of England may support and increase his annual revenues. Collected out of the Records in the Tower, the Parliament Rolls and Close petitions. Anno x Car. Regis, 1634. By W. Noy, Esq., then Attorney General. Now first publish'd from the original MS. with some account of the Author. Lond., printed for B. Lintott and E Curll, in Fleet-St., 1715, 12o. Title and preface, pp. i-xii, a treatise, pp. 1-113, the table, 1 leaf, 2/-. NOY. 404 NOT. NOY, William. (Con.)- Quodlibets lately come over from New Britan- niola, Old Newfoundland. Epigrams and other small parcels both morall and divine. By E. H[ayman,] Sometime Governor of the Plantation there. Lend., 1628, 4o. Note.— Book i, No. 98 is addressed "to the right worshipful W. Noy, Esq., one of the Benchers of Lin- colnes Inne, long since of my aequaintanoe both in Oxford and London." Degorei Wheari... Pietas erga Benefactores necnon Epistolarum Eucharisticarum fasciculus. Oxon., 1628, 8o. Note. — Letters 53 and 54 (pp. 80-83) are addressed to " Clarissimo viro Guilielmo Noyeo luris et omnis antiqnitatis consultissimo." A divine Tragedie, lately acted, or a collection of sundry memorable examples of God's judge- ments upon Sabbath-breakers and other like Libertines... [By Henry Burton.] n.p. Anno mdcxxxvi, 4". "To the Eeader" unpaged, then pp. 46. Grenmlle lAb., Br. Museum. Note. — Contains in a supplement, omitted in some editions, a long account (pp. 43-46) of the illness and death of Mr. Noy. Concilia Magnse BritanniEe et Hibemise. A. D. Wilkins, S.T.P. Lond., 1737, 4 vols., fol. Note. — Contains Letters of Archbishop Laud and Bishop Williams to Attorney General Noy. cf. also Laud's Work (Lib. of Anglo Cath. Theoloqy), vi, 349, 360-1, 365-6. The argument of Mr. Noy, 16 April, 1628. concerning imprisonment with cause expressed. Harl. MSS., 161, art. 74; 1721, art. 45; 2305, art. 51. Mr. Noy's speech, 22 Nov., 1627, in West- minster Hall, on behalf of Sir Walter Earle. ib., 252, art. II. That a Baron may be of no place, from a lecture by Mr. Noy. ib., 980, art. 18. Concerning institution of tithes, from Mr. Noy's argument, Trin. 7, Car. 1. ib., 980, art. 85. De Simone, &c. Ex recordo Trin. 4, Edw. I, Rot. 7. Alledged by Mr. Noy. ib., 980, art. 103. Notes from Mr. Noy's reading in Lincolns Irni, August, 1632. ib., 980, art. 164. Mr. Noy's opinion concerning Marriage in- Churches, ib., 980, art. 174. ' Ex ultima Voluntate sive Testamento W Nov ib., 980, art. 226. An admission upon an Intayle, well penned by Mr. Noy. ib., 1248, art. 76, pp. 415-439. Opinion of Messrs. Whatman, Noy, &c., on administrating to the goods of a wife, ib., 3793 art. 21, pp. 108-130. ' NOY, William. (Con.J. The case of the Church of Abingdon, with the opinioris of Mr. Noy and Mr. Wandesford upon it. ib., 3793, art. 31. A collection of proceedings in the House of Commons, with many arguments, &c., by Sir Edward Cook... Mr. Noy, then Attorney General, and others, 1621. ib., 6274, art. 2. The argument of Mr. Noy in answer to Mr, Attorney, ib., 6800, art. 33. Collections from the EoUs on Knight's Service, &c., partly in the handwriting of Mr. Noy, Lansd. MSS., 253, art. 26. Argument of Admiralty Jurisdiction, in the case of Cremor v. Tokeley. ib., 254, art. 2. Extracts made by Jo. Maynard from certain autograph books of W. Noy. ib., 485, -art. 3. Cases from Eeports of Mr. Noy. Hargrave MSS., Br. Museum, 29, fol., 1-145. A plaine and sommarie treatice of the princi- pal! grounds and maxims of the lawes of the kingdom. Verie fitting and necessarie for all students and others which desire the knowledge and understanding of the lawes ; especially such as have not attained the French tongue perfectly, in which they were originally written. Written by that famous and most excellent lawyer W. Noy, sometimes of Lincolnes Inn, Esqr. ib., 257, fol. Table to Noy and Deane's Eeports. ib., 346. Table to Justice Hutton's and Mr. Noy's Ee- ports^ ib., 351. The Will of W. Noy, (in Latin), June 3, 1634. Cottonian MSS., Titus B. viii, art. 63. Memoirs of W. Noy. Br. Museum, Jddit. MSS., 4223, art. Ul. Extract from Mr. W. Noy's Will, 3 June, 1634, ib., 5832, f 2196. Eemembrances from Mr. Noy,' taken in his chamber, ib., 6297, p. 385. The argument of W. Noy and others in de- fence of Mr. Stephens plea touching Knighthood, 16f^. ib., 12,511. W. Noy's opinion touching certain lands ia Hoveton, demised by the Bishop of Norwich to Q. Elizabeth. Tanner MSS., (Bodl. lAb.), 104, art. 74. First information of W. Noy against Dr. J. Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, 1637. ib., 67, fol. 61 ; 70, art. 48. The Will and Epitaph of W. Noy, 1634. MSS. Camb. Univ. Lib., Dd. xi, 73, p. 370. A declaration how Kings of England have from time to time supported and repaired their estates, collected out of the records of the Tower by W. Noye, Esquire, and th§ Attorney General, anno decimo Caroli Eegis. MSS. Lincoln's Inn Lib., 76, art. 5. NOT. 405 NUNN. NOY, William. (Con.). Note.— This treatise was printed in " Cottoni Pos- thuma ; divers choice pieces of that renowned Antiquary Sir Eobert Cotton. . . preserved from the injury of Time ...By J[ames] H[owell,] Esq. Lend., 1651, 8"., pp. 163-202, and is there attributed to Sir E. Cotton." Extracts by Mr. Serjeant Majmard from cer- tain autograph books of W. Noy relative to cases in 2 and 3, James I.' ih., 79, pp. 1-87. Eeports of diiferent cases, out of Mr. Noy's book, temp. Eliz. 40, 45 and Jac. I, 15. M8S. Exeter Coll., 189, fol. 94-114. Opinions on legal subjects by Jeff. Palmer, 1638, Edw. Littleton and Attorney W. Noy on the charter of St. Paul's Church, 1633. MSB. Queen's Coll. Oxford, 155, pp. 272-78. A collection of the proceedings in the House of Commons upon the impeachment of one Lloyd for scandalizing the King's children,, with the speeches made by Sir Edw. Cook, Mr. Noy, etc., 1621. Lambeth MSS., 642, pp. 49-141. Mr. Attorney's Letter to Bp. Laud, 1631, concerning the recovery of the Eectories and Tithes in Ireland, ik, 943, p. 529. Legum Angliss Analysis per W. Noy. Evelyns MSS. cf. Bernard! s Gat. MSS., (1696), ii, 94. Wi|liam Noy, Attorney General, on the In- crease of tlie King's revenues, 10 Car. I. Sir T. PUllipps' MSS, No. 4847. Letters concerning the sickness of Attorney General Noy, dated 29 July and 2 Aug., 1634. MSS.- at Montacute House, Somersetshire. Noy's projects, 1634 ; Extracts from the Rolls [About ship money.] MSS.^penes Countess Cowper, at Wrest Park, Bedfordshire. Letter from W. Noye to Mr. Bowyer, Clerk of the Parliament, 29 June, 1610. MSS. penes House of Lords. Eeport of Attorney General Noy on the peti- tion of the inhabitants of Kidderminster for a charter, 16ff. MSS. penes Marquis of Bath, Longleat. Eeport by Lord Keeper Cottington and At- torney General Noy on an Engine invented for taking up gravel from the Thames, 15 Oct., 1633. MSS ih. Collections out of the Tower Eecords concern- ing the privileges and jurisdictions of the Eccles- iastical Courts. MSS. 'Sots.— cf. W. Nicolson's English, Scotch mid Irish Hist. Lib., (1776), p. 132; Dr. Thomas James' A Mam- ■duction or Introdvction vnto Divinitie, (1625), [wliere these Extracts are the " Tabk of the Manuscript boohes vrged in this Boohe."'] NOY, Capt. William (2nd son of Philip Noy, of Pendrea, and nephew of the Attorney General). Capt. Will. Noy, Executor of Honour Noy, Plaint., in one Bill, Humphrey, Sarah, Honour, Prudence, Children and Administrators of Francis NOY, Capt. William. (Con.). Noy, in the other Bill are Plaintiffs. The Plain- tiffs Case upon an appeal brought into the House of Lords against Sir Peter Fortescue, Baronet, and Dame Amy, his wife, relict and executrix of Sir Peter Courtney, Defendants, n.p. or d. or printer's name, [1680,] fol. Note. — Eelates to lands in Cornwall. NOY, William (son of Henry Noy). h. Pen- zance, 19 Jan., 1842. The Polkinghorns. Signed W. N[oy,] London. One and All, A Cornish Monthly Illustrated Journal, May, 1868. Mousehole Wreckers in [1634] 1869, (sic). Signed W. N. ib., Dec, 1868. Noy, of Cornwall. By W. Pendrea, [i.e., W. Noy.] N. and Q., 3 S., viii, 190, 465, (1865). Noy and Noyes. Signed W. N. ib., 4 S., i, 566, ii, 13, 587, (1868). Hale. Signed W. N. ib., 4 S., ii, 404. Cornish and Welsh. Signed W. N. ib., 4 S., iv, 457, (1869). Shard or Sharn. Signed W. N. ib., 4 S., vii, 199-200, (1871). Bear and Beer. Signed W. N. ib., 4 S., viii, 233. On the spelling of the name Market-jew. — Reprinted in F. Max Midler's Chips from a Oerrrtan Workshop, (1870), iii. Note, pp. 310-311. NOYE, William (son of Ephraim Noye). b. - Paul, 19 July, 1814. d. Australia, 6 Nov., 1872. List of insects (lepidoptera) found in the dis- trict of the Land's-end, [1846.] Trans. P.N.H. and A.S., i, 90-94, (1851). Observations, etc., on the deaths head moth (Acherontia atropos). [1847]. ib., i, 122-25. NUNN, John Hopkins, A.E.A. (son of Robert Nunn). Organist at St. Mary's, Penzance, Sept., 1859. b. Bury, St. Edmunds, 10 Nov., 1827. Song. Angry Words. Composed and dedicated to his friends and pupil's by J. H. Nunn, A.R. A., Organist at St. Mary's, Penzance. Lond., Addi- son and Lucas, 210, Regent St., [1861,] fol., pp. 5, 2/6. Yon Fading Clouds. Song written by a Lady, [i.e., Miss Rutherfurd.] Composed and dedicated to Charles Lucas, Esq., by J. H. Nunn, E.A.M... Lond., Lamborn, Cock, Addison and Co., [1861,] fol., pp. 5, 3/-. They sleep. - Four part song. Words by Barry Cornwall. Music composed and dedicated to the Penzance Choral Society by the Conductor, J. H. Nunn... Lond., Addison and Lucas, [1862,] fol, pp. 4, 2/-. Separate parts 3d. per page. OATS. 406 O'BEYAN. NUNN, John Hopkins. (Con.). Song. Come sing to me. "Words by Miss Acton. Music by J. H. Nunn, A.R.A. Lond., Chappell and Co., [1863,] foL, 2/-. Song. Sleep heart of mine. Words by L. E. L. Music by J. H. Nunn, A.R.A. Lond., Lam- born, Cock and Co., [1865,] fol., 3/-. o. 0. pseud., i.e., Mr. Atkinson. 0. E. O. i.e.. Osier, E. 0. J. C. 0. i.e., Oliver, J. C. 0. 0. 0. pseud., i.e., Jessopp, Eev. A. OATES, Lieut. Mark, R.M. Portrait Painter & Barrack Master, Pendennis Castle, 1800-1825. I. St. Agnes, 1762, (but no entry in Register). d. Bar House, Falmouth, 20 Oct., 1825. hur. Falmouth Churchyard, 26 Oct. cf. Polwliele's Biog. Sketches, ii, 114-15 ; Lectures on Painting, By late John Opie, (1809), p. 60 ; P. H. Nicolas' Hist. Becm-d of Boyal Marine Forces, (1845) i, 135, ii, 63. Note.— Mark Gates was the painter of a picture of Faith, Hope and Charity, which was over the altar of Falmouth Parish Church ; on an attempt being made to remove it some time ago it fell in pieces and is now entirely lost. OATS, Francis (son of Fras. Oats. h. Lelant 18 Aug., 1796. d. 10 Dec., 1871;. In charge of Science Classes of Miners' Assoc, of C. and D. at St. Just and Pendeen, 1867. One of the Agents of Botallack Mine, July, 1870. h. Tor- frey, Golant, near Fowey, 24 Oct., 1848. cf. Lond., Edinb. and Dublin Philos. Mag., xliij 408, (1871) ; /. H. Collins' Western Chron of Science, i, 16, (1871). Notes on an excursion to the Chiverton dis- trict. Eep. Miners' Assoc, of C. and D., 1867 pn 48-49. ' ^^" Society of Arts to report on the Tools used for minins fn ThfT i»t7 w° l^' ^'''^ibition. His name appear! in The List of Workmen sent by the Society in Journ of the Soc. of Arts, xv, 646, (1867). OATS, Rev. Jakeh (son of Jakeh Oats) h St Just^m Penwith, 4 ApL, 1828. hapt. 9 Apl' Methodtst Mag., xc, 842, (1867). OATS, Richard (son of Thos. Oats who d. Tre- gesial, 20 Jan., 1835, aged 88;. Tin Dresser. b. Tregesial, St. Just, 13 Sept., 1791. d. Tre- gesial, 11 Aug., 1842. cf. Rich. Treffi-ifs Mem. of Rich. Trewavas, Sen., (1839), p. 159; Poems by the late John Williams, (Lond., 1873), pp. xiii-xiv. Note.— E. Oats was for many years a contributor to the mathematical department of the " Ladies and Gentlemens Diary." O'B., Arthur, pseud., i.e., Bradley, Rev. R. B. O'BRYAN, Catherine (dau. of Will. Cowlin and wife of Will. O'Bryan). b. Callestock,' Perranzabuloe, 29 May, 1781, (but no entry in Register), d. U.S. America, 4 Mch., 1860. The Security of the saints in life and their consolation in death, a funeral sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Catherine O'Bryan, wife of Mr. William O'Bryan, Founder of the Bible Christian Connexion, by her grandson, Samuel Ley Thorne, Bible Christian Minister. Shebbear, Devon, published by Sam. Thorne, 1860, 8» ' pp. 27, 6d. ' ' . O'BRYAN, William (son of Mr. Bryant). Chang- ed his name to O'Bryan. The Founder of the Bryanites or Bible Christians at Lake, in 1815. Resident some years at Liskeard ; Emigrated to America in 1831. h. Gunwen Farm, Luxul- yan, 6 Feb., 1778. d. Brooklyn, New York U.S., 8 Jan., 1868. cf W. Howitt's Year Book, pp. 75-77 ; /. Allen's Liskeard, (1856), p. 106 : Bible Christian Mag., iv, 101-13, (1868). The rules of Society, or a guide to conduct for those who desire to be Armenian Bible Christians, with a preface, stating the causes of separation between William O'Bryan and the people called Methodists. 2nd ed. Launceston, 1818, 12". ' A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Arminian Bible Christians. By W. 0' Bryan, Minister of the Gospel. Devon, printed at the Office of the Arminian Bible Christians, 5, Mill- Pleasant, Stoke-Damerel, by S. Thorne Agent, 1825, 12°., pp. 574. On the Millennium, a sermon on Revelations, XX 6. By Wm. O'Bryan, Minister of the Gospel. 3rded. New York, 1832,8".— 4th ed. Printed tor the Author, [S. Thorne, printer, Prospect place, Shebbear, Devon,] 1850, 8°., pp. 48. [A Narrative of] Travels in the United States of America. By W. O'Bryan, Minister of the Gospel. Lond., Stephens ; Shebbear, S. Thorne, [printed,] 1836, demy 12"., pp. 350. Note.— A portion of the edition was lost during a lire at the printers. ODGEES. 407 ODGEES. O'BKYAN, William. (ConJ. A Jubilee Memorial of incidents in the rise and progress of the Bible Christian Connexion. Shebbear, Devon, published for the Bible Chris- tian Book Committee, by James Thome. Sold by all the Itinerant Preachers. Lond., G. J. Stevenson, 54, Paternoster Row, 1865, post 8"., pp. vi and 292.— 2nd ed. 1866, 8o., pp. vi and 300. Note. — Contains sketch of the life of Mr. William O'Bryan, p. 15, et seq. Obedience to the call of God, a funeral sermon on the death of William O'Bryan. By S. L. Thorne. Sold by S. Thorne, 52, Union Street, Plymouth, 1868, 8o., pp. 31, 3d. Note. — Contains a memoir of W. O'Bryan. OBSERVER, An. Turn the wallet. Signed " An Observer." Bev. H. A. Simcoe's Light from the West, ii, 161-62, (1833). A Visit to a Church .Sunday School. With view of Bridgerule School House, ib., ii, 252-55. ODGERS, Jacob (son of Nicholas Odgers). h. Sewrah Moor, Stithians, 24 May, 1841. The existence of God. By J. Odgers. Lond., G. J. Stevenson, 1867, 120., pp. 132'^ 1/6. The Ghost of John .Wesley. By J. Odgers, The Observator, [No. 1.1 n.p. or d. or printers name. [Printed and published by the Author, Stithians, 1870,] \2°., pp. 20, 2d.— 2nd ed. n.d., [1870,] 120., pp. 20, 2d.— 3rd ed., revised and considerably improved, n.p. or d. or printer's name. [Printed and published for the Author by N. Odgers, Redruth, 1871,] 12o., pp. 20. 2d. The Philosophy of War. By J. Odgers. The Observator, No. 2. n.p. m- printer's name. [Printed and published by the Author, Stithians,] 1870, 120., pp. 20, 2d. The Devil's Claw. By J. Odgers. The Ob- servator, No. 3. n.p. m- printer's name. [Printed and published by the Author, Stithians,] 1870, 120., pp. 20, 2d. A sermon on the death of George Smith, LL.D., late of Camborne. By J. Odgers. The Observator, No. 4. n.p. orpinter's name. [Printed and published by the Author, Stithians,] 1871, 120., pp. 20, 2d. The Farmer, B.A., or no royal path to fame. A poem, by J. Odgers. The Observator, No. 5. n.p. or d. or printer's iiame. [Printed and pub- lished by the Author, Stithians, 1872,] 12 0., pp. 20, 2d. The self ransomed slave. Biographical Sketch of Lewis Smith. By J. Odgers. Redruth, printed by N. Odgers, Penryn Street, n.d., [1871,] 12o., pp. 32, 2d. ODGERS, Rev. James. I. Camborne, 1774. d. Exeter, 9 Dec, 1855. cf. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixxviii, 665, (1855): Ixxix, 190, 844, (1856). Memoir of Mrs. Sarah Sanders, who died at Lostwithiel, 9 Nov., 1832, aged 63. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ivi, 154, (1833). Memoir of Mr. John Eddy, who died at Kingsbridge, 9 April, 1832. ib., Ivi, 750. ODGERS, Joseph, of Camborne, cf F. Tre- vithick's Idfe of Rich. Trevithick, (1872), ii, 98- 99. A Tour to France in search of mines, with the imprisonment, trials, condemnation and acquittal of Captain Joseph Odgers, of Camborne, in Cornwall. Written by himself. Helston, printed by W. Penaluna, 1830, 12o., pp. 36. ODGERS, Nicholas (son of Nicholas Odgers). h. Stithians, 23 Aug., 1839. A Glance at the Universe. By N. Odgers, Schoolmaster, Stithians, Cornwall. Lond., Kent and Co. ; Redruth, J. S. Doidge ; Lond., H. J. Tresidder, 17, Ave Maria Lane, 1862, fcp. 80., pp. 130, 1/-. Note. — ^An edition of 2000 copies. The words " second thousand" are printed on the titlepages of one half the edition. The Mystery of Being, or are ultimate atoms inhabited worlds. By N. Odgers. Redruth, J. S. Doidge ; Lond., H; J. Tresidder, 1863, 80., pp. 161, 1/6. Note. — This work is noticed in Professor Augustus de Morgan's "Budget of Paradoxes," (1872), pp. 376-77. The Methodist Class Meeting. By N. Odgers. Lond., Kent and Co. ; Redruth, J. S. Doidge, n.d., [1864,1 demy, I80., pp. 192, 1/6. A Bible Catechism for Sunday Schools. Anon. Redruth, printed by J. S. Doidge, n.d., [1865,] roy. 320., pp. 32, 2d. Useful Tables for the use of Schools, dnon. Redruth, J. S. Doidge, printer, n.d., [1865,] roy. 320., pp. 16, Id. The Dissolution of the Stithians Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School. By N. Odgers. Red- ruth J. Jenkin, printer. Times Office, Fore St. n.d., [1866,] post 80., pp. 56, 6d. The Resurrection Body. By N. Odgers. Lond., S. W. Partridge and Co. 7i.d., [t870,] fcp. 80., pp. 32, 4d. ODGERS, W. Blake (son of the succeeding), h. Plymouth, 15 May, 1849. King Arthur and the Arthurian Romances, a paper read before The Bath Literary and Philo- sophical Association, Dec. 22, 1871. By W. ODGEES. 408 OGILBY. ODGEES, W. Blake. (Coh.J. Blake Odgers, B.A., Of the Middle Temple, Law- Student of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Frontis- piece. Lond., Longman; Bath, Will. Lewis, [printed,] n.d., [1872,] 8o., pp. 64. ODGEES, Eev. William James (son of James Odgers. d. Flushing, 1842.; Now (1873) Uni- tarian Minister at Bath. 5. Flushing, near Falmouth, 29 Apl., 1810. The claims of the suffering poor on Christian' Benevolence. A sermon preached at Plymouth on behalf of the widows and orphans of those who died of Cholera. By the Rev. W. J. Odgers. Plymouth, printed and published by G. Hearder and T. Browne, Buckwell St., 1832, 8"., 6d. The claims of the orphan. A sermon preach- ed at Plymouth on behalf of the surviving rela- tives of Fort Major Watson, who lost his life by an awful fire in the Citadel. By the Eev. W. J. Odgers. Plymouth, printed and published by J. Bartlett, 1836, 8°., 6d. Unitarians entitled to the name of Christian. A sermon preached at the Unitarian Chapel, Plymouth. By the Eev. W. J. Odgers. Ply- mouth, published by G. Hearder, 1836, 8o., 6d. The tendency of free trade to promote per- manent and universal peace. A Lecture deliver- ed at Plymouth, 26 Feb., 1846, at a meeting of the Plymouth Free Trade Association. By the Eev. W. J. Odgers. Plymouth, N. H. Haydon, Tavi^ock St. ; Lond., J. Mardon, Farriugdon St., 1846, 80. A Eeport on the sanitary condition of Ply- mouth. By Eev. W. J. Odgers. Plymouth, I. W. N. Keys, printer, 9, Bilbury St., 1847, 4"., pp. viii and 58. Note.— This is "The Plymouth Health of Towns Advocate, published under the sanction of The Plymouth Health of Towns Association." It consists of 7 num- bers, the pagination of which is continuous and extends from 1 to 58. A brief history of the Plymouth Unitarian Congregation, and of the Institutions connected with it, to which are added a chronological table of important events and a catalogue of books in the Chapel library. By W. J. Odgers, Pastor of the Congregation. Lond., E. Whitfield, 2, Essex St., Strand ; Plymouth and Devonport, E. Lid- stone, 1850, 12°., pp. 40. Eeport to the General Board of Health on a preliminary enquiry into the sewerage, etc., of the borough of Plymouth. By Eobert Eawlin- son, Esq. Lond., Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1853, Note.— Appendix G., " Cholera Statistics of Plv- mouth m coniieetion with the actual sanitary condition of the town is by the EeY. W. J. Odgers ODGEES, Eev. W. J. (Con.J. Unitarianism a positive and practical faith. A sermon preached at Little Portland St. Chapel, London, at the annual meeting of the British and Foreign Unitarian Association. By the Eev. W. J. Odgers. Published by the Association. E. T. Whitfield, 178, Strand, London, 1856, 8"., 6d. O'DOGHEETY, Lieut.-Col. Francis, E.M. d. Notter, Landrake, 1819. cf. Gent. Mag., Ixxsix, 282, (1819); European Mag., \xx.y, 178, (1819).' O'DONOGHUE, Eev. Francis Talbot, B.A. (son of Lieut.-Col. Daniel Michael O'Dmoghue). Incumbent of Godolphin, July, 1852, to Dec 1855. Now (1873) V. of Walsden, Eochdale! h. Tipperary, 12 Dec, 1817. St. Knighton's Kieve. A Cornish Tale. With a postscript and glossary. By the Eev. P. T. O'Donoghue, B.A., Vicar of Tickenham, Somer- set, and Chaplain to the Marquis of Westmeath. Lond., Smith and Elder, 1864, 8"., pp. iv and -304, 10/6. ' Note.— Mr. O'Donoghue m. 5 July, 1853, Ellen Catherine, eld. dau. of Will. Pasooe, of Tregembo. OEYNHAUSEN, Karl von. Ueber das Verhalten des granites zum killas in Cornwall. By Karl von Oeynhausen und Heinrich von Dechen. Karsten, Arehiv. f. Berg- hau, Berlin, xvii, 3-29, (1828); Philos. Maq., v, 161-70, 241-47, (1829). OFFRID, William Fiz. Gilbert de Ferrars grants to William fiz Offrid as a freeman, an acre of land at Wring- worthy, and one small English acre (unam par- vam acram terre Anglicam)- and a half in his demesne ; and acquits' him of naifty and servi- tude. Very early undated deed penes the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, at Mount Edgcumbe. OGILBY, John. 6. at or near Edinburgh, 1600 d. 4 Sept., 1676. Britannia, Vol. i, or an illustration of the kmgdom of England and dominion of Waleg, by a geographical and historical description of the principal roads thereof... By John Ogilby... Lond., printed for the author at his house iii White-Fryers, 1675, fol. Note.— Contains The Road from London to the Lands End, pp. 49-56 ; From Barnstaple to Truro, p. 67 ; From Exeter to Truro, pp. 137-38. Britannia Depicta, or Ogilby improved. Being a correct copy of Mr. Ogilby's Actual Survey of all ye direct and principal cross roads in England and Wales. . .By Ino. Owen, of tlie Midd. Temple, OKE. 409 OKE. OGILBY, John. (Con.). Gent. Lond., printed for, and sold by, The. Bowles, 1720, 80., pp. 273.— 4tli ed., 1753, 80., pp. 273. Note.— The Eoad from London to the Land'B End, pp. 59-67 ; The Eoads from Barnstaple to Truro, 81-83 ; The Eoad from Exeter to Truro, pp. 179-81, in both editions. The Map of Cornwall and illustrations are engraved by Eman. Bowen. OISELL, John, circa 1392. To the Justices of the Peace for Cornwall, to hear the complaint of J. Oisell, of Liskerred, against Sir Walter Pynhergard, Knight, Thomas his brother, and others foif carrying away his goods and to do him justice. MSS. Gamb. Univ. Lib., Dd. iii, 53, art. 249. OKE, George Oolwell (son of Will. Jane Ohe, who d. Truro, July, 1859). Chief Clerk to the Lord Mayor of the City of London, 1864. I. St. Columb Major, 8 Feb., 1821. The Synopsis of Summary Convictions, show- ing at one view the penalties, etc., for 1300 offences, when proceedings must be commenced, what justices to convict in each case, etc., etc., etc., with an introduction, practical observa- tions, forms and notes, embodying the entire law and practice relating thereto, an epitome of other matters usually coming before Justices out of sessions, comprising a full- list of indict- able offences and where triable, and an abstract of the Juvenile Offenders Act, with explanatory notes, etc., etc., etc. By G. C. Oke, Assistant Clerk to the Newmarket Benches of Justices, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk ; Lond., H. Butter- worth, [Jan.,] 1848, 8"., pp. xui and 397, 14/-. Note. — The 2nd ed. of this work is entitled The Magisterial Synopsis, and there are variations in the title-pages of some of the other editions. The Magisterial Synopsis, comprising Sum- mary Convictions, etc. By G. C. Oke. 2nd ed. enlarged and improved. Lond., H. Butterworth, [Dec, 1848,] 1849, 8"., pp. xxvii and 468, 18/-. — 3rded. enlarged ar(d improved. Lond., [Nov.,] 1850, 8"., pp. xxii and 586.— 4th ed. Lond., [Apl.,] 1853, 8"., pp. xxxiv and 596, 21/-.— 5th ed. enlarged and improved. Lond., [Feb.,] 1857, 8°., pp. XXX and 780. — 6th ed. enlarged and improved. Lond., [May,] 1858, 80.. pp. xxxvi and 1018. — 7th ed. enlarged and improved. Lond., [Nov.,] 1860, S\, pp. xliv and 1129, 44/-. —8th ed. Lond., [Oct.,] 1862, 8"., pp. xxxviii and 1206, 50/-.— 9th ed. Lond., [Mch.,] 1866, 80., pp. xxxviii and 1280, 52/6.— 10th ed. In 2 Volumes. Lond., 1868, 80., pagination con- tinuous, pp. xl and 1402, 58/-.— 11th ed. In 2 Volumes. Lond., 1872, 8"., pagination continu- ous, pp. liv and 1582. OKE, Geohob Oolwell. (Con.). An improved system of solicitor's book-keep- ing, with forms of the several books and a practical exemplification of th^ir working and division of profits or losses in cases of partner- ship, directions for posting, balancing, etc. By G. C. Oke. Lond., H. Butterworth, 1849, 80., pp. viii and 80, 5/-. The_ Magisterial Formulist, being a complete collection of forms and precedents for practical use in all matters out of Quarter Sessions, adapted to the outlines of forms in Jervis's Act (11 and 12 Vict., c.c. 42, 43). With an intro- duction, explanatory directions, variations and notes, (Brought down to 12 and 13 Vict.). By George C. Oke. Lond., H. Butterworth, [Feb.,] 1850, 80., pp. xviii and 543, 21/-.— 2nd ed. With considerable additions. Lond., [Sept.,] 1856, 80., pp. XXX and, 601, 21/-.— 3rd ed. En- larged and revised. Lond., 1861, 80., pp. xxxiv and 961, 36/-. Addenda to the third edition of Oke's Magis- terial Formulist, containing forms in respect of the new matters in the Criminal Law consolida- tion Acts and other statutes of the session, 1861. By G. 0. Oke, Assistant Clerk to the Lord Mayor of London. Lond., Butterworths, 1862, 80., pp. iv and 965-1007, 2/6. The Magisterial FormuHst, etc. By. G. C. Oke. 4th ed. Lond., Butterworths, 1868, 80., pp. xxiv and 1033, 38/-. The Laws of Turnpike Eoads, comprising the whole of the general acts now in force, the acts as to union of trusts for facilitating arrange- ment with their creditors, as to the interference by railways with roads, their non-repair and en- forcing contributions from parishes, etc., etc., practically arranged. With cases, copious notes, and the necessary forms and an elaborate index. By G. C. Oke. Lond., Butterworths, 1854, 12o., pp. 500, 12/-. — 2nd ed. With cases and statutes to Nov., 1861. Lond., 1861, 12o., pp. 1 and 700, 18/-. The Friendly Societies' Manual, comprising the New Consolidation Act, 18 and 19 Vict., cap. 63, and other statutes affecting old and new societies as well as industrial societies, methodically arranged, with an exemplification of the ofiicial system of book-keeping, rules, tables of contributions, cases, forms, etc., etc., etc. By G. 0. Oke. Lond., Butterworth, 1855, 120., pp. xvii and 221, 6/-. A handy book of the game and fishery laws, containing all the acts in force as to game, rab- bits, deer, private and salmon-fisheries, dogs, birds, etc., and the new licenses to kill game, deer, etc., systematically arranged with useful forms, notes, decisions, etc., etc. By G. C. Oke. Lond., Butterworth, 1861, 12o., pp. xiv and A A A 0KB. 410 OLIVEB. OKE, Geoeqe Colwell. (Con,). 211, 7/-.— 2nd ed. Lond., 1863, 12o., pp. xxiv and 374, 10/6. The new criminal acts of 1861, with the offences, punishment and procedure, whether punishable summarily or on indictment, alpha- betically and tabularly arranged. By G. C. Oka. Lend., 1861, 8"., 6/-. Magisterial Procedure, reasons for its revision, simplification and uniformity. By G. C. Oke. Eead in the department of Jurisprudence at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for the promotion of social science at the Guildhall, [London,] June, 1862. Lond., printed by Emily Faithfull. Victoria Press, 1862, 8o., pp. 16, 1/-. London Police and Magistracy, a practical summary of the magisterial powers of the metro- politan police commissioners and the police, county and city magistrates, within their several jurisdictions. ByG. C. Oke. Lond., Butterworth, 1863, post 80., pp. 20, 1/-. The Magisterial Laws of London. By G. C. Oke. 1863, 120. . Note.— Announced in 1863, to be published by sub- scription at 10/6, but never published. Friendly Societies' Accounts, a practical ex- empUfication of the "Instructions in book- keeping for Friendly Societies" issued by the Eegistrar with directions for checking, etc. By G. C. Oke. Lond., 0. and E. Layton, 150, Fleet Street,_1864, 12o., pp. 49. Justices' Clerks' Accounts, being a simple system of recording and checking magisterial business and_ income from fees, and the receipt and application of penalties, etc., practically examined. By G. C. Oke. Lond., printed by 0. Eoworth and Sons, 38, Bell Yard, Temple Bar, 1863, 80., pp. 16, 2/-. OKE, Silas (son of Philip OkCi who d. St. Tudy, 1826;. 5. St. Tudy, Apl., 1801. Now resident at Illogan. On an exhausting air pump for mines especially- such as have but one shaft. Eep. Miners' Assoc of a and R, 1869, pp. 41-43. OKE, Eev. William (son of Walter and Jenny Ohe). Wesleyan Minister in the West Indies b St. Tudy, 13 Dec, 1796. hapt. 4 Jan., 1797 Drowned off the island of Antigua, 28 Feb 1826.. cf Wesleyan Methodist Mag., xlix 349- 52, 486-94, 646-47, 760, (1826); 1, 649-65 V/., V ■^^''- '^- ^- Thomas' Beminiscences of Methodism m Exeter, p. 41. The Christian Minister's final appeal to his beloved people A sennon preached in St. Tudy Chapel, by W. Oke, a Methodist Missionary. Launceston, 1822, 12o., pp. 23. OKE, Bev. WiLLUM. (Con.). The Loss of Five Wesleyan Missionaries in the Maria Mail Boat, off the island of Antigua, in the West Indies, 28 Feb., 1826. By Mrs. Jones. Lond., 1827, 24o., pp. 36, 4d. Note.— The Bev. W. Oke and the Bev. T. Truscott were amongst those who were lost. OLD WANTON, Olyvee. pseud., i.e. A lyttle treatise called the Image of Idleness conteynynge certyne matters moved between Walter Wedlocke and Bawdin Bacheler. Tras- lated out of the Troyane or Cornyshe tounge into Englyshe, by Olyv'er ©Idwanton, and dedi- cated to the Lady Lust. [Colophon.] Imprinted by Wyllyam Seres, dwellynge in Powles Church Yard, at the signe of the Hedgehogge. n.d. 8o. 52 leaves. Bod. Lib. OLD CELT, pseud., i.e., Bottrell, Will. OLIVEE, Chaklotte (2nd dau. of Dr. Will Oliver, who d. 1764, and wife, 14 Apl, 1752," of Sir John Pringle, Bart., President of the Royal Sac, who d. 18 Jan., 1782;. cf Six discourses delivered by Sir J. Pringle, Bart., (1783), p. xxiij Gent Mag., liii, pt. ii, 602, (1783). OLIVEE, Eev. George, D.D., Canon of the Diocese of Plymouth, b. Newington Butts, London, 9 Feb., 1781. d. St. Nicholas Priory Exeter, 23 Mch., 1861. bur. Chapel of the Priory, 2 Apl. cf Gent. Mag., x, 575-77, (1861) ; K and Q., 2 S., ix, 514, (1860). Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Devon, etc. [By the Eev. J. P. Jones, q.v., and George Oliver,] 1828, 120.— Another g^ -^^^^^ Nichols, 1844 3 vols., 80., 20/-.— New ed. Exeter, W.. Pollard, 1862, 2 vols., 80., 21/-. Collections towards illustrating the biography of the Scotch, English, and Irish Members of the Society of Jesus. By the Eev. Dr. Ohver St Nicholas' Priory, Exeter. Lond,, Charies Dolman! 61, New Bond Street, 1845, 8o., pp. 282. Note.— An interleaved copy of this wori, with numerous corrections and additional notes by Mr. Tiernev and notes and transcripts by W. B. Turnbull, Esq., is now penes the Bishop of Southwark. Monasticon Dioecesis Exoniensis, being a col- lection of records and instruments illustrating the ancient conventual, collegiate and eleemosy- narjr foundations in the counties of Cornwall and Devon, with historical notices and a supple- ment comprising a list of the dedications of churches m the diocese, an amended edition of *^^J^^?;tio^ of Pope Nicholas, and an abstract of the Chantry EoUs. By G. Oliver, D.D. 2 plaUs of illwmtnated letters and 3 plates of seals. OLIVEB. 411 OLIVEE. OLrVEE, Rev. Geoboe. (Oon.). Exeter, P. A. Hannaford; Lond., Longman 1846, fol. Title, dedication, preface, analytical table of contents, corrigenda, list of subscribers, pp. i-xxiv, monasticon and supplement! pp. 1-493,80/-. ^^ Additional Supplement to the Monasticon Dioecesis Exoniensis, with a map of the diocese, deaneries and sites of religious houses. By G. Oliver, D.D. Exeter, A. Holden; Lond., Nattali and Bond, 1854, fol. Title, contents and list of subscribers, 2 leaves, Additional Supplement, pp. 1-38, 12/6. Note. — The whole work bound together was pub- ished at 105/-. Collections illustrating the History of the Catholic Religion in the counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wilts and Gloucester. In two parts., historical and biographical. With notices of the Dominican, Benedictine and Fran- ciscan Orders in England. By the. Very Eev. George Oliver, D.D., Canon of the Diocese of Plymouth. Lond., Charles Dolman, 1857, 8"., pp. vii and 576, 12/-. Note. — Some of the M88. of this work are in the Camb. Univ. Lib., Mm., yi, 40, others are at Stonyhurst College. Lives of the Bishops of Exeter and a history of the cathedral, with an illustrative appendix. By Rev. G. Oliver. Exeter, Will Roberts, 1861, 8"., pp. xvi and 503, 16/-. Merrye Englande [A Cornish Story.] Catholic Mag., ii, 353-68, etc., (1838), iii, 183-91, etc., (1839). Note. — The .story is relative to the Tregians and other families and is compiled from M8S. sources. List of Priors and Extracts from the Calendar of Tywardreath Priory, Cornwall. Collect. Topog. et Geneal., iii, 106-111. Arundelliana. ib., iii, 389-95. Will of Dame Jane Chamond. ib., iv, 172-74. Will of Thomas Arundell, of Talferne. ib., iv, 174-76. Will of John Arundell, of Talferne. ib., iv, 176-77. Document relating to Lands in Cornwall. Archceol. Journ., vi, 393, (1849). OLIVER, Rev. John. A Present for Teeming Women ; or scripture directions for women with child, how to prepare for the houre of travel. Written first for the private use of a gentlewoman of quality in the West, and now published for the common good. By John Oliver, less than the least of all saints. OLIVEB, Eev. Johk. (Oon.). Lond., printed by Sarah Griffin for Mary Roth- well, at the Fountain and Bear, in Cheapside, 1663, 80. Note, — Title, dedication to Mrs. Bridget Seymour of Hanford-house, in the county of Dorset, to the Eeader, a prayer before child-birth, contents, and to Eeader, 15 leaves, A Present, pp. 1-144. This work is erroneously attributed to the Eev. Will. Oliver, of Launoeaton, (who d. 1681), in 8. Palmer's Nonconformist's Memorial. OLIVER, John Cardell (son of Robert Sidney Oliver), b. Newquay, 21 Aug., 1844. Guide to Newquay and neighbourhood includ- ing Perran and Bedruthen Steps. Map. By J. 0. Opiver.] Truro, W. Lake, BosCawen St., 1872, 8"., pp. 33. The Cornish Pilchard Fishery. By J. C. Opiver.] Truro, W. Lake, Boscawen St., 1872, 80., pp. 8, 2d. OLIVER, Thomas. Deed of Confirmation from Thomas OUver, of Morwell, Cornwall, to John Yvan, and Agnes, his wife, of a tenement in Milbrook, 1536. MS. On Sale at T. Thorpes, 1836. OLIVER, Rev. William, M. A. Chaplain FeUow of Ex. Coll. by order of Parliamentary Visitors, 1650-54, Minister at Launceston; Ejected by Act of Uniformity, 1662 ; Master of Grammar School, Launceston. b. Cornwall, 27 Dec, 1627. d. 6 July, 1681. cf. S. Palmer's Non- conformist's Memorial, (1775), i, 280, where he is called John Oliver, and the work given under that name is attributed to him. OLIVER, William, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., of the family of Trevarnoe, in Sithney. Came to England in WUl. Ill army, 1688; Licentiate of College of Physicians of London, 30 Sept., 1692 ; Physician to the Red Squadron, 1693- 1702: Physician to Hospital for Sick and Wounded Seamen at Chatham, 1709-14; Physician to. the Royal Hospital at Greenwich, 1714-16. d. Greenwich, 4 ApL, 1716. bm. Abbey Church, Bath, where is Monu. cf. Will. Munk's Boll of Physicians, (1861), i, 452 ; John Briiton's Hist, of Bath Abbey Church, (1825), p. 91. A practical essay on fevers containing remarks on the hot and cool methods of their cure wherein the first is rejected and the last recommended. To which is annex'd a dissertation on the Bath Waters. By W. Oliver, M.D. Lond., printed for T. Goodwin, at the Queen's Head, against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet St., 1704, 12o. Title and contents, 2 leaves, preface, pp. i-xxxii, a practical essay, pp. 1-201, a dissertation, pp. 202-88. OLWEE. 412 OLIVEE. OLIVEB, William, M.A., M.D. (Con.)- A letter to Dr. OKver desiring him to recon- cile some few of the contradictory assertions in Ids essay on feavers. [Lond.,] printed for A. Baldwin, in Warwick Lane, 1704, 4"., pp. 8, 2d. A practical dissertation on Bath Waters... to which is added a relation of a very extraordinary sleeper near Bath. By W. Oliver, M.D. Lond., printed for A. Bell, at the Bible and Cross Keys, in CornhUl, 1707, 8^. Title, dedication, intro- duction, contents, 8 leaves, Practical Dissertation, pp. 1-112, Eelation of a very extraordinary sleeper, pp. 113-36. A Practical Dissertation on the Bath Waters ...To which is added A Eelation of an extrar ordinary sleepy person, etc. Designed for the use of the nobility, gentry, etc., who resort to Bath. Lond., printed by J. Darby, in Bartholo- mew Close, for Henry Hammond, bookseller, in Bath, 1719, 80., pp. viii and 168. A relation of a very extraordinary sleeper, timuel Chilton,] at Tinsbury, (sic) near Batk ith a dissertation on the doctrine of sensation, the powers of the soul and its several operar tions. Together with physical causes assigned for this strange phaenomenon. By W. Oliver, M.D. Lond., printed for A. Bell, at the Bible and Cross Keys, in Comhill, 1707, 8"., pp. 24. A relation of an extraordinary sleepy person, at Tinsbury, (sic) near Bath. By W. Oliver, M.D. Lond., printed by J. Darby, in Bartholomew- Close, for Henry Hammond, bookseller, in Bath, 1719, 80., pp. 28. Experiments of sinking a bottle close corked under vai-ious depths of water. Extracts of Letters from Dr. W. Oliver, communicated by Walter Moyle. Philos. Trans., xvii, 908-912, (] 694) ; Air., ii, 305. Remarks in a late journey into Denmark and HoUand. ib., xxiii, 1400-1410, (1703). A letter concerning a calenture, ib., xxiv, 1562-64, (1704). , A letter concerning the Jesuit's Bark, ih., xxiv, 1596. Note. — There are duplicate pages here in the Philos. Trans, from 1565 to 1603. A relation of an extraordinary sleepy person at Tinsbury, (sic) near Bath, ib., xxiv, 2177-82. Eules for health, by Dr. Oliver. Br. Addit. MSS., 1770, art. 4. Letter from W. Oliver to Sir Hans Sloane, 1703. ib., 4054, art. 1225. OLIVEE, William, M.D., F.E.S. 5. Ludgvan d. Bath, 17 Mch., 1764. bw. Abbey Church, Bath. cf. Bev. Job Orion's Letters (1800), ii, 296 ; Life and Times of Countess of Hwnting- OLIVEE, William, M.D. (Oon.). don, (1841), i, 450-51 ; John Britton's Hist, of Bath Abbey Church, (1825), pp. 92, 98 ; NichoU lAt. Anecdotes, ii, 276, iii, 144, 636, v, 292, 581 ; Bose; Gent. Mag., xxxiv, 147, (1764). Mjrra, a pastoral dialogue, sacred to the memory of a lady who died Dec. 29, 1753, aged 25. By W. Oliver, M.D. Bath, T. Boddely, 1753, fol. A practical essay on the use and abuse of warm bathing in gouty cases. By W. Oliver, M.D., of Bath. Bath, printed by T. Boddely, 1751, 40., pp. 68, 2/-.— 3rd ed. 1764^ 4o. Practical Reflections on the uses and abuses of Bath Waters... By Will. Baylies, M.D. Lond., printed for A. Millar, in the Strand, 1757, 80., pp. xxxii and 254. Note. — Eefers to the previous work by Dr. Oliver. Letters of Dr. Lucas and Dr. Oliver, oc- casioned by a physical confederacy discovered in Bath. Lond., printed by E. Griffith, 1757, 85., pp. 23, 6d. Note. — Contain two letters from Dr. Lucas and one from Dr. Oliver. A narrative of facts demonstrating the actual existence and true cause of that physical con- federacy in Bath, made known to the public in the printed letters of Dr. Lucas and Dr. Oliver. By William Baylies, M.D. Bath, printed in the year 1757, and sold Jjy James Leake, sm. 4"., pp. vi and 53, 6d. Note.— 1/. Oent. Mag., Ivii, pt. ii, 837-38, (1787). A short answer to a set of queries annexed to an historical account of the rise, progress and mangement of the General Hospital or Infir- mary in the City of Bath. By A Governor of the said charity. [Bath, 1759,] 80., pp. 16. Note. — This is reprinted with the following work, Dr. Oliver is frequently spoken of in both publications. A full reply to a pamphlet entitled A Short ■ Answer to a set of queries directed to the prin- cipal conductors of the General Hospital or In- firmary in the city of Bath. By WiU. Baylies, M.D. Lond., printed for A. Millar, 1759, 8°., a full reply, pp. 84, a short answer, pp. 16. A faint sketch of the life, character and man- ners of the late Mr. Nash. [By W. Oliver, M.D.] Bath, printed for John Keene, in King's-mead- Street. n.d., [1761,] 4°., pp. 8, 3d. Note.— Eeprinted in Eev. Ed. Warner's Hist, of Bath, (1801), pp. 870-71. The description of Bath, a poem humbly in- scribed to... the Princess Amelia... by Mrs. Mary Chandler. 8th ed. Lond., printed for H. Leake, ' 1767, 80. , Note.— Contains verses "To Dr. X>liver, who cor- rected my Bath Poem, pp. 18-20." OPIE. 413 OHE. OLIVEB, WiLLiiM, M.D. (Con.J. The new prose Bath Guide for the year 1778 ...By the Author of A Year's Journey through Trance and Spain, [i.e., PhUip Thicknesse.] Lond., 1778, sm. 4o. Note. — Contains p. 33 " Lines to the memory of Ealpli Thiolmesse, by Dr. Oliver." The Valetudinarian's Bath Guide; or the means of obtaining long life and health. Dedi- cated to Edward, Lord Thurlow...By Philip Thicknesse. 2nd ed. Lond., printed for Dodsley, in Pall Mall... 1780, 8°. Note. — Chap, vii, pp. 30-39 consists of "Remarks on Dr. Oliver's Essay on the use and abuse of warm bathing in gouty cases." Partium genitalium^ in muliere structura prseternaturalis. Philos. Trans., xxxii, 413-18, (1723). An account of some cases of dropsies cured hy sweet oil. ib., xlix, 46-48, (1755). Letters from Dr. OUver to Dr. Doddridge. lAfe and Correspondence of Rev. Philip Doddridge, (1831), iv, 223-25, 302-304, v, 66-67, 126-29. Letters from Stephen Duck to Dr. Oliver, 1740 and 1752. European Mag., xxvii, 80, (1795), xxviii, 79, (1795). Letters to and from Dr. Oliver and Dr. WiUiam Borlase. M8S. penes W. 0. Borlase, Esq., Castle- horneck Letter from A. Pope to Dr. Oliver, dated Oct. 8, 1740, with Dr. Oliver's reply. MSS. ipenes Mr. H. G. Bohn; Printed in Bolt. Carruthsrd Life of A. Pope, (Bohn's Illustrated Lib., 1857,) pp. 173-74. cf also p. 176. Letter of Dr. W. Oliver to Dr. Ward, respecting two Eoman Altars dug up at Bath. Dated 24 June, 1755. Br. Museum, Addit. MSS., 6181, f 63. Three letters of Dr. W. Oliver to Dr. Jurm, dated Bath, 1729-36. MSS. penes Royal Soc. , OMEGA, pseud^, i.e., Piatt, Eev. E. ONESIPHOEUS. pseud., i.e. A PubKc Call on the Eev. C. V. Le Grice, (1824), q.i). •OPIE, Amelia (only child of Jas. Alderson, M.b., and 2nd wife of John Opie.) h. Calvert St., Norwich, 12 Nov., 1769. ma/r. St. Marylebone Church, 8 May, 1798. d. Castle Meadow, Norwich, 2 Dec, 1853. bur. Friends' Burying Ground, Gildencroft, 9 Dec. Memorials of the life of Amelia Opie, selected and arranged from her letters, diaries, and other manuscripts. Portrait. By Cecilia Lucy Bright- OPIE, Amelia, fqon.). well. Norwich, Fletcher and Alexander, [printed.] Lond., Longman, 1854, 8"., pp. xii and 409, 10/6. Note. — The account of John Opie is contained in pp. 62-136, Of Mrs. Opie's visit to CornwaU, (20 Sept., 1832 to 29 Apl., 1833), in pp. 286-301. Thereis a detailed account of Mr. and Mrs. Opie's visit to Paris in 1802, in pp. 98-117. Lays for the Dead. By Amelia Opie. Lond., Longman. [Norwich, printed by Wilkin and Fletcher,] 1833, 12"., pp. viii and 144. Note. — Many of these were written during Mrs. Opie's residence in Cornwall in 1832-33. The volume contains besides the poems subsequently mentioned. Epitaph on a mother and daughter, relations of mine, who died at Penzance within a short time of each other, pp. 72-73. Sketch of St. Michael's Mount gratefully inscribed to Lord De Dunstanville and Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart., pp. 121-44. To Mr. Opie, on his having painted for me a picture of Mrs. Twiss, signed "A. Opie, 1799." Annual Anthology, i, 38, (1799). Eeprinted in Lays for the Dead, (1834), pp. 97-98. The Shipwreck. Verses. The Amethyst. {Edin- burgh, W. Oliphaunt and Son), 1834, pp. 151-53 ; also in Lays for the Dead, (1833), pp. 37-39-. Note. — On the loss of a brig, (name unknown), on the Eundlestone Eock, 11 Mch., 1833. This occurrence took place whilst Mrs. Opie was on a visit to Penzance. cf. also Weskyan Methodist Mag., Ivi, 903-904, (1833). OPIE, Edward (eld. son of Edward Opie, who d. St. Agnes, 19 Nov., 1870, and great nephew of John Opie, R.A.) Portrait and Genr6 Painter, b. St. Agnes, 29 July, 1810. Now resident at 5j Braidwood Terrace, Plymouth, cf. Polwhele's Biog. Sketches, ii, 125, 128-30; 0. L. Bright- well's Memorials of Life of Amelia Opie, (1854), p. 289. OPIE, Eev. John (Zrd son of Nicholas Opie, who d. 1662). E. of St. Breock. d. 1690. Papers relating to a dispute between James Eossington, John Opie, and Bishop Sparrow, about institution to the rectory of St. Breock, 1671-72. Tanner MSS., 141, art. 53-60. OPIE, Capt. John, of Cornwall? Capt. Opie's appeal against the illegal pro- ceedings of Vice Admiral Mathews, To the late Lord Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain, etc., etc. To which is annexed two letters that passed between, Captain Opie and Mr. Corbett, Secretary of the Admiralty... Lond., printed for Mr. Cooper, in Pater-noster-row, 1745, 4"., pp. viii and 50. OPIB. 414 OPIB, OPIB, Capt. John. (Con.). Note. — Capt. John Opie, of H.M. Hospital Ship Sutherland, was tried by Court Martial and dismissed his ship by orders of Vice Admiral Mathews, on 24 June, 1743, in Hieres-Bay, the alleged offences being that the Master of the Sutherland had assaulted him and he had not resented the offence. OPIE, John, R A. (son of William ? and Mary Opie). Came to London, 25 Nov., 1782; Pro- fessor in Painting to the Royal Academy, 1 805. b. Harmony Cot, St. Agnes, May, 1761, [but no entry ,in register.] d. 8, Bemers St., London, 9 ApL, 1807. bur. St. Paul's Cathe- dral, 20 Apl. cf. H. JFalpole's Letters (Cun- ningham's ed.), viii, 156; Recollections of John Adolphus, (1871), p. 246 ; /. T. Smith's Booh for a Rainy Day, (1861), p. 82 ; /. T. Smith's Life of JVolleJcens, (1829), ii, 286-90, 361-63; Records of My Life. By John Taylor, Author of Monsieur Tonson, (1832), i, 258, 295-305, ii, 12, 236 ; Mems. of Life of Sir Jas. Mackintosh, (1835), ii, 28-31 ; Tom TayWs Life of B. R. Eaydon, (1853), i, 66; Diary of H. Crabh Robinson, (1^69), i, 328, 429, ii, 277, 294, 412; IF. Sandhy's Hist, of Roy. Academy, (1863), i, 195-99; 0. F. JVaageris Woi-hs of Arts and Artists in England, (1833), iii, 45 ; M. Pilhing- ton's Diet, of Painters, (1852), p. 385; John Young's Oat. of Pictures by British Artists in thepossession of Sir J. F. Leicester, Bart., (1821), pp. 3, 7, 25 ; R. and S. Redgrave's Oentury of Painters, (1866), i, 321-36; James B. Hobbes' Picture OoUector's Manual, (1849), i, 311, ii, 179, 445, 497, 564, 631, 639 ; Michael Bryan's Diet, of Painters, (1816), pp. 141-42 ; Shear- jashub Spooner's Diet, of Painters, (1853), pp. 630-31 ; 'Allan Ounningham's Lives of British Painters, (Family Lib., vol. xj, pp. 180-213; 0. R. Leslie's Handbook for Young Painters, (1870), preface, p. v, pp. 64-69, 145-46, 182- 83; Library of the Fine Arts, (Loud., 1832, 8«;, iv, 28 ; F. P. Seguier's Did. of Works of -Painters, (1870), pp. 143-44; The Artist, (1809), No. i, p. 13, No. vii, pp. 2-14; The Works of Peter Pindar, (1809), i, 43, (in Lyric Odes to the Royal Academicians, No. iii; ; G. G. Cunningham's Lives of Eminent Englishmen, viii, 137-40; R. Polwhele's Biog. Sketches, ii, 113-28; Life of Lloyd, First Lord Kenyon, (1873), pp. 400-401; T. P. Grinsteds Last Homes of Departed Genius, (1867), p. 83 ; Will.' HazUtts Conversations of Jas. Northcote, (1830), pp. 26-27, 46, 143, 250, 258; Memoirs and Recollections of late A. Raimbach, (1843), pp. 30, 50; Jas. Northcote's Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, (1818), ii, 126-29, 169-70; Tom Taylor's life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, (1865'), i 300, 303, 418-19, ii, 341-42, 366, 408, 410 437-38, 467, 487, 505, 506, 535, 583, 599^ 634; Croker's BosweU's Johnson, (1847), 777; OPIB, John, B.A. (Con.). John Knowles' Life of Hen. Fuseli, (1831), i, 194-96, 285, 348; Gent. Mag., Iv, 1008,- 1785, (where he is stated to have d. at Mary- lebone, 25 Nov., 1785;, Iviii, 672, 873, 1044, ' (1 788), Ixxvii, 387 ; European Mag., xxxiv, 219, (1798); Literary Panorama, ii, 629-32, 872,(1807); Public Characters, 1798-99, pp. 563-66; Georgian Era, (1834), iv, 117; Rose; Penny Cyclop. ; English Cyclop. ; N. and Q., 2 S., vii, 280, 381-82, (1859) ; 3 S., xii, 462, (1867); Annual Biography, iv, 303; The Cornish Banner, (1847), pp. 359-62, 487-90; Memoirs of Thos. Holcroft, (1852), ii, 190, 195- 97, 203, 207, 213, 220, 222, 233, 235, 250- 59. An Act to dissolve the marriage of John Opie, Esquire, with Mary Bunn, his now wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other pur- poses therein mentioned, n.p. or printet's name, 1796, fol., pp. 4. Note. — John Opie m. Mary Bunn, 4th Deo., 1782, at St. Martin's in the Fields, she, however, eloped with John Edwards, Esq., in May, 1795, and an action being brought against him by her husband in the Court of King's Bench, at Westminster, in Easter Term, 1796, judgment was obtained against him. A Libel was also exhibited in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of London, and a definite sentence of divorce obtained against Mary Opie. Macklin's British Poets. [A series of prints from pictures painted by British Artists, engraved by F. Bartolozzi and others, with letter press explanatory of the subjects. Published by Thomas Macklin,] Nos. i-vi. Lond., 1788-99, obi. fol. Note. — In Nos. iii and v are the following engravings by F. Bartolozzi from paintings by J. Opie : The freeing of Amoret, from Spenser's Fairie Queen, book iii, canto 12. Damon and Musidora, from Thomson's Summer. Henry and Emma, from Prior's Henry and Emma. Macklin's Bible. [A series of prints from pic- tures painted by British Artists, with letter press explanatory of the subjects. Published byThomas Macklin.] Lond., 1790-93, obi. fol. Note. — Contains the following engravings from paintings by J. Opie : The sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter. The presentation in the Temple. Judith attiring. The Lord of the Vineyard, Delices de la Grande Bretagne [Views in Great Britain from paintings by the most eminent ar- tists.] Engraved and published by William Birch, Enamel Painter, Hampstead Heath. Sold by Edwards, Pall Mall, 1791, obi. 40. Note.. — Contains St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall, painted by J. Opie, E.A., and engraved by W. Birch. Published Nov. 1, 1788. The original (the size of which is 4'4 by 3-4), was painted in 1785, and was in the possession of Sir John St. Aubyn. OPIE. 413 OPIE. OPIE, John, E.A. (Con.). ..-^^^^^^V^^on of several pictures presented to the Corporation of the City of London, by John Boydell, Alderman of the Ward of Cheap, and placed m the Common Council Chamber of the Uty. Lond., printed in the year 1794, sm 40 pp. 32, 6d. J , ; by J^Opfe"*^"''**^''^ account of the following paintings The Murder of David Eizzio, p. 1? The Murder of James I, King of Scotland, p. 29. A Gentleman's and Connoisseur's Dictionary ?r Painters... By the Eev. Matthew PUkineton, M.A. [Ed. by John Wolcot.l Lond., 1798, 2 vols., 40. J > > Note —The Life of Sir Joshua Eeynolds in ii, 812- 20, IS by J. Opie. On the proposal for erecting a public memorial of the naval glory of Great Britain. Letter signed J. Opie. In Prince Hoare's An Inquiry into the requisite cultivation and present state of the Art of Design in England, (1806), pp. 43-53 • Lectures on Painting, (1809), pp. 167-78- Library of the Fine Arts, (1832), App., vol. iv' Note.— This letter originally appeared in The Tme Bnton in 1800. A Collection of prints from pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the dramatic works of Shakspeare, by the Artists of Great Britain. Lond., published by J. and J. Boydell, 1803, 2 vols., fol. Note. — Contains the following engravings by Simon, Thew, Playter, and Pacius, from Painting by J. Opie : Vol. i, Plate No. xxxiii, Winter's Tale, Act ii, scene iii, A Palace. Vol. ii, Plate xiii. First part of King Henry VI, Act ii, scene iii, The Countess of Auverne'4 Castle. Vol. ii, Plate xvi. Second part of King Henry VI, Act i, scene iv. Vol. ii, Plate xxiii, Timon of Athens, Act iv, scene iU. Vol. ii, Plate xlii, Borneo and Juliet, Act iv, scene v. Juliet on her bed. The Artist, a collection of essays relative to painting, poetry, sculpture, architecture, the drama, discoveries of science and various other subjects. Edited by Prince Hoare. Lond., printed by Mercier and Chervet, for John Murray, 32, Fleet Street, 1809-10, 2 vols., 40., 15/-. Note. — The dedication to the 7th No., Saturday, Apl. 25, 1807, is as foUowS " To the memory of J. Opie, the Vnth Number of The Artist is inscribed amidst the united sorrow, affection and respect of those who were his associates in the present undertaking ; the friends of his private life and admirers of his professional emin- ence." The number contains the following articles : Memoir of J. Opie. By P. Hoare, pp. 2-14. Mr. Opie as a Painter. By B. West, pp. 15-18. John Opie, Esq., B.A. By J. Northoote, pp. 18-20. OPIE, John, E.A. (Gon.). nn 20 M^'p " *? *?l ^^^0^ of Opie. By M. A. Shee, ny216-17 ^^^^"^ ''' °- ^- Cfill'^t's Cornwall, (1820), Sketch of J. Opie. By E. Inohbald, pp. 22-23. J ■ Opie as an Academician. Ey J. Boaden, pp. 24-26. On composition in painting. (Fragment). Lectures on Painting delivered at the Eoyal Academy of Arts, with a letter on the proposal for a public memorial of The Naval Glory of Great Britain, by the late John Opie, Esq., Pro- fessor m Painting to the Eoyal Academy. To which are prefixed A Memoir by Mrs. Opie, and other accounts of Mr. Opie's talents and char- acter. Portrait. Lond., printed for Longman, _ Note.— Title, 1 leaf. To the. Eeader, signed Amelia Opie, pp 1-11, hst of subscribers, pp. iii-vi, memoir addressed to Prince Hoare, Esq., and Signed A. Opie, pp. 1-54, reprint of the seventh number of The Artist, pp. 55-80, epitaph on John Opie, Esq., E.A., by John Taylor p. »80, Note signed P. Hoare, p. 81, lectures, pp. 1-166, letter addressed to the editor of The True Bnton on the proposal for erecting a pubUc memorial of The Naval Glory of Great Britain, signed J. Opie, pp. 167-78, index, pp. 179-86, Lectures on Painting... By J. O^ie... Portrait. Also a Letter on the proposal for a public memorial of the naval glory of Great Britain. Lond., published by M. Arnold, 1832, S"., pp. 64. Note.— These Lectures form An Appendix to vol. IV, of "Library of The Fine Arts." Lond., 1832, 8°. Lectures on painting by the Eoyal Academi- cians, Barry, Opie and Fuseli. Edited by Ealph K Wornum. [Bohn's Scientific Library.] Lond., H. G. Bohn, 1848, 80., pp. iv and 567. Note.— Opie's Lectures are comprised in pp. 237- 336, and there is a biographical notice in pp. 46-48. The History of England from the invasion of Julius Csesar to the revolution in 1688. By David Hume. Lond., printed by T. Bensley, for Eobert Bowyer, Pall Mall, 1806, 10 vols., fol., and 1 vol. of plates. Note.— The paintings by J. Opie, mentioned in this work, are those given in the next article. The Catalogue of all that superb collection of paintings, known as the Historic Gallery... the genuine works of the most esteemed British Artists, whose whole mind and talents were called forth under the auspices of Mr. Bowyer to illustrate . . . Hume's History of England, namely, Benjamin West, Esq.,P.E. A, J. Opie, E. A. . . which will be sold by auction by Peter Mr. Squibb's Great Eoom, Saville Passage, on Friday, May 29, 1807.. .[Lond., J. Smeeton, Printer, 148, OKMOND. 416 OSLEE. OPIE, John, E.A. (Cmi.). St. Martin's Lane.] «.d, [1807,] S". Conditions and Advertisement, pp. ii-iv, Catalogue, pp. 5- 35. South Kensington Museum. NoiE.— J. Opie's paintings were : First Day's Sale, 54, Joan of Arc declaring her Mission. 55, Baliol surrendering the Crown to Edward I. 60, Coronation of Henry YI. 61, Lady Elizabeth Gray and Edward IV. Second Day's Sale, 48, Mary, Queen of James 11, secretly embarking at Gravesend. 49, Assassination of Becket. 50, Seizing of Mortimer. 52, Death of Archbishop Sharp. 53, Duke of York, brother to Edward the Fifth, resigned by the Queen. 54, Boadicea haranguing the Britons. . 55, Mary, Queen of Scots, pre-rious to her execution. The Catalogue of all the valuable finished and unfinished works of the late John Opie, Esq., E.A., and Professor of Painting, which remained by him at the time of his decease, comprising several of his best performances in historical, fancy and other subjects of singular beauty and perfection ; a few works of the ancient masters and also that celebrated performance, The Laughing Girl, from the pencil of Sir Joshua Eeynolds. Together with a collection of loose prints from the ancient and modern masters, which wiU be sold by auction by Peter Coxe, on the premises. No. 8, Berners Street, Oxford Street, on Saturday, the 6th day of June, 1807, at Twelve o'clock, by order of the Administratrix, without reserve. May be viewed three days pre- ceding the sale, when catalogues at one shilling each maybe had on the premises... [Lond., J. Smeeton, Printer, 148, St. Martin's Lane.] n.d., [1807,] 8"., Conditions and Advertisement, pp. ii-iv. Catalogue, pp. 8-9. South Kensington Museum, with prices inpmcil. A portrait recommended to Opie's pencil. Gent. Mag., Iviii, pt. ii, 672, (1788). cf. also pp. 873-74. To Peter Pindar, Esq., on seeing his portrait, [by J. Opie,] in two historical paintings. Verses. ih., Iviii, pt. ii, 1044. OPIE, Thomas Trezise (3rd son of Edward Opie, who d. St. Agnes, 1870, and great Nephew of the Painter), b. St. Agnes, Feb., 1818. Now resident at St. Agnes, cf. G. L. Bright^ Memmials of Amelia Ojne, (1854), p. 300. GEAM, John, H.M. Dock Yard, Devonport. Improved window frame and sashes. Bep. B.C.F.Soc, 1851, pp. 44-45. Perpetual Almanac, ib., 1852, p. 108. OEMOND, (Thomas Butler), 7th Earl of (3rd son of James Butler, ith Karl), d. 1515. OEMOND, 7th Eael of. (Con.). Eegister Book of the Eentals of various Manors in Devon, Somerset and Cornwall, be- longing to the Earl of Ormonde, and Anne, his wife, daughter and coheir of Sir W. Hankeford, Knt., 1478. Sold at T. Thorpe's, 1843, now Br. Museum, Jddit. MSS., 15,761, fol. Note. — The Cornish Manors mentioned are Knole, in Pownstoke, and Eilkhamptone. OETON FAMILY, of Truro. Descent of Orton. Earl. MSS., 1417, art. 61. OSBOEN, Eev. John. b. Sleechcoombe, Corn- wall, 30 May, 1811. d. Bisley, near Stroud, 11 June, 1865. cf. Wesleyan Methodist Mag., Ixxxviii, 844, (1865), xci, 97-102, (1868). OSBOENE. See Leeds, Duke of. OSLEE, .Edward, F.L.S. (son of Edward and Mary Osier). House Surgeon, Swansea Infir- mary, 1819-25, Surgeon E.N., 1825. 6. Fal- mouth, 30 Jan., 1798. bapt. 26 Feb. d. Truro, 7 Mch., 1863. hur. Kenwyn. The Voyage : a Poem written at sea and in the West Indies and illustrated by papers on Natural History. By E. Osier, F.L.S. Lond., Longman and Co; [Falmouth, printed by T. Trathan,] 1830, 12°., pp. 144. The life of Admiral Viscount ilxmouth. By E. Osier. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co., 1835, 8°., pp. xvi and 448, 14/-. — A new and revised ed. Lend., Smith, Elder and Co., 1841, IS"., pp. xviiand399. — A new and revised ed. Lond., G. Eoutledge and Co., 1854, 8°., pp. xv and 235, 2/6. The Life of Admiral Viscount Exmouth, the work of Edward Osier. Has translated from the second edition of the year 1841, A.V. With 2 charts. St. Petersburg, in the printing office of the Ministry of Marine, 1857, 8". Title and contents, 2 leaves. The Life, pp