Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. Cornell University Library NK 4565.C33 llluslrated catalogue ol the beautiful o 3 1924 023 327 079 Beautiful Old Chinese Porcelains The Extraordinary Private Collection of Mr. S.S.Carvalho AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK ON FREE VIEW FROM !i A. M. LIN Til, (; 1'. M. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES 15Ec;iNNli\c; FRIDAY. lEHRUARY 2()in, i;)14 AND CONTINUlNCi IINTIL THE DA IK OF SALE THE EXTRAORDINARY PRIVATE COLLECTION OF Mr. S. S. CARVALHO OF NEW YORK TO BE SOLD AJ- UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE AJ^TERNOONS OF February 24th, 25th, 2(iTH. 27th, 28th and March 2ni), 1014 hp:ginning each afternoon at 2. .'JO o'clock AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE BEAUTIFUL OLD CHINESE PORCELAINS COMPRISING THE EXTRAORDINARY PRIVATE COLLECTION FORMED BY Mr. S. S. CARVALHO OF NEW YORK TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE At The American Art Galleries ON the dates herein stated THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY and HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, of the American Art Association, Managers NEW YORK 1914 I I..' iihUY C33 VY , 3 r; ^ ^ CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likelj' to affect the sale injuriously. 9. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute aiuse between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. ^I. and 1 P. M., and on other days — except holidays — between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afFord to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers ; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold "as is" and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faith- fully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Conditions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a pur- chaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference sub- mitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. MING (OR "BRIGHT") DYNASTY, 1368—1644 Diile of End of Dynastic Title Title of Rciyn Aci-ctfuioti Reign T'AI TSU HrxG Wu A.D. 1368- -1398 HUI TI Chiex Wex 1399- -1403 CH'EXG TSU YuxG Lo 1403- -1424 YEN TSUNG Ht'xg Hsi 1425- -1426 HSUAX TSUNG Hsi'Ax Te 1426- -1435 YING TSUNG C'hexg T'uxg 1436- -1450 CHING TI Chixg T'ai 1450- -1456 YING TSUNG (resumed government) [ T'lEx Shux 1457- -1464 HSIEN TSUNG Ch'exg Hita 1465- -1487 HSIAO TSUNG Hung C'hih 1488- -1505 W U TSUNG Chexg Te 1506- -1521 SHIH TSUNG Chia Ching 1522- -1566 MU TSUNG LuxG Ch'ing 1567- -1572 SHEN TSUNG Wax Li 1573- -1620 KUANG TSUNG T'ai Ch'ang 1620 HSI TSUNG T'ien Ch'i 1621- -1627 CHUANG LIEH TI Ch'cxg Chen 1628- -1643 TSING (OR "GREAT PURE") DYNASTY 1644—1912 Dynastic Title SHIH TSU SHENG TSU SHIH TSUXG KAO TSUNG JEX TSUNG HSUAN TSUNG WEN TSUNG MU TSUNG Title of Reign Shun Chih K'ang Hsi Yung Ch'eng Ch'ien Lung Chia Ch'ing Tao Kuang Hsien Feng T'uNG Chih Kuaxg Hsij Shin Tung Date of Accession A.D. 1644- 1662- 1723- 1736- 1796- 1821- 1851- 1862- 1875- 1909- End of Reign -1661 -1722 -1755 -1795 -1821 -1851 -1862 -1875 -1908 -1912 REPUBLICAN PERIOD President Yuan-Shi-Kai 1912 CATALOGUE 438 BRILLIANT BLUE y\ND WHITE HAWTHORN GIKCER ,IAR FIRST AFTERNOON'S SALE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1914 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 o'cLOCK Including Catalogue Nos. 1 to 164 BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAINS 1 — Two Miniature Blue and White Bottles {K\ing-]isi) Compressed globular bodies, and bulbous necks, with heliantha- ceous decoration. Have stands. 2 — Three Miniature Blue and White Bottles (K' ang-hsi) Decoration, "sunflowers," hatch borders and rings. Have stands. 3 — Three Miniature Blue, and White Bottles {K' ang-hsi) Slightly varying in form, with "sunflower" decoration. Have stands. 4j — Four Blue and White Miniature Vases (K'ang-hsi) In differing shapes, with decorations of sprigs, figures and flowering trees. Have stands. 5 — Six Blue and White Miniature Vases (K'ang-hsi) Of various shapes, decorated with figures and floral designs. 6 — Two Blue and White Miniature Vases (K'ang-hsi) Ovoidal with straight necks, each adorned with the "Long Elizas." Have stands. 7 — Small Blue an)j White ^^ase (K'ang-hsi) Ovoidiil-globular body with constricted neck and expanding lip. Decoration, rocks and flowers and five borders. Has carved stand. ITetijht. 3 inches. 8 — Bli'e axu White Cylixdricat, Jar (K'ang-hsi) Pale C(ifc-(ni-lait o'uckle glaze: in two shades of blue, a figure about to lead two camels through a gate in a stone wall. Has stand. 9 — Sjiall Blt'e axi) White Prar-shaped Vase {K'dng-hsi) With beaker-neck. Decoration, emblems, orna- ments and floral motives, in brilliant blue. Has stand. HelgJit, 3 inches. 10 — Two IMixiATURE Blue axd White Vases (K'ang-hsi) Bottle-shaped. Penciled with wild flowers. Have stands. 11 — ]MixiATURE Blue axd White Bottles (K'ang-hsi) A collection of nine specimens on a square teakwood stand. The bottles are penciled with scrolls, figures and conventional de- vices in liffht and dark blue. 12 — Blue axd White Botti.k-shaped 'N'ase (Ch'ien-lung) Decoration, three horses gathered under a tree. Four char- acters on foot. Has L'd stand. 13 — Bluk axd Whitk C'ylixdric'al Jar (Yung Cheng) Scrolled ground in palest blue with fifteen plain medallions in reser^■e. Ilcif/ht. 314 inches. 1-1 — Bluk axd Whitk S.mali, Rougk Box (K'ang-hsi) A flower and bold floral scrolls in deep lilue on the top; below, successive hatch and scroll borders in lighter tone. Has stand. 15— Saii.t. E UK AMI WiiiTK ('ori'K (Xiiiftfciifli ('(III II r//) With an .■ill-oxcr. iiitrit'utclv inxolvrd, It'af and Horal sri-ollcd doi'oration, exquisitely traced and j)ieked under the hiilhant transparent glaze, in a Hyht, delicate blue. On stand. 16 — Bi.i-K Axi) W)HTK PiiKsKini-: Si'oox (Xiiiffcciith C'ciifin-ij) Leaf-shaped, with long channeled stem. Clear, ringing por- celain, with pure white glaze, ])ainted in cobalt-blue of two tones with a twining sprig of leaves encompassing a full-blown flower. Lent/Ill, J iiiclien. IT ^IlXIATUlU-: Bl.I'K AXI) WlIITK BoTTLK {i'll' if ll-l II lUj) The body flattened. Painted with a horse, a and a monkey, in a 17 P'oaf, a pi| rooster indscapc. Has stand. IS- -Slender Bi.te hsi) ixi) Whitf, A'ase {K'ang- With narrow neck and lightly spreading lip, on short foot. Painted on opposite faces in pale and rich dark blue, with two ladies, each two standing back to back, witli floral sprays between the two pairs. Marked underneath the white-glazed foot with a blue leaf. Has teakwood stand. Heiijht, 'A% inches. 19 — Egg-.shaped Blie and Whitk A'ase (K'aiig-lisi) With attenuated neck and spreading lip, on a low foot. The ovoid body divided, below a painted double ring, by white re- serve longitudinal furrows into six compartments adorned with sprigs of the wild prunus and other flowers in pale cobalt and deep, dark-sapj)hire blue. ^larked within the glazed foot with the blue leaf of K'anff-hsi. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, S'/, inches. 20 — Blt'e and White Quatbkfoie Vase (K'aiig-hsi) With bulbous body, slender neck, two handles and spreading lip and foot. Decoration in two tones of cobalt-blue depicting full- length figures of ladies in long robes ; between them sprays of flowers. Side liandles in the form of archaic dragons. Ileif/lU, i,y., inches. 21 — Blue and White Qt^atrefoil Vase (K'aiig-hsi) Of slender form, with bulbous body recurving to a liglitl}^- flaring lip and spreading foot, coiled, archaic dragons forming loops from the shoidder to the contracted neck. Penciled in pale cobalt and deeper blue with blossoms and two standing ladies. Hatched borders below the lip and on the interior of the neck. Height. 4- inrhex. -QcADRiT.ATEnAi, Bi.T'E AXD White Vask ( K'dng-hsi) Of dense porcelain; high shouldered, with contracted neck and flaring lip, tapering body and spreading foot. Lip and base quadrangular ; the corners of the body rounded and indented. All four sides generously painted with floral displays. Dragon- loop side-handles. Height, 4- inches. 23~Bi .te and 23 WirrrE C'vlixdrical Jar (Ch'ien-Iung) Soft white glaze crackled in pale brown lines. Painted in two tones of blue with household ornaments, the sacred lotus and other forms. Has carved stand. Heiifht. 3 iifche.Vl)out rim and foot two pale blue rings. Has stand. FI('i WniTK Jar {K' (ing-lini) Witli liigli shoulder and gracefully spreading foot, the upper bodv molded in six lobes or panels with leaf-point tops, the low, narrow waist smooth. Exquisitely painted with flowers and fruits in sprays and bunches, in cobalt-blue with white reserve and delic;ite shading, above a grill border interrupted bv foliate enclosures of similar motives. A blue symbol on the base. Hat- shaped teakwood cover. Has carved stand. Ileif/Jit. 414 iix'hes. 60 KosKWATHR SpRlXKr.KR IX BlFI: AXD Whitk (K\iiuj-hsi) Globular bodv with a steeplv inclined shoulder tliat expands into a bulbous neck which above it is gracefully attenuated. Painted in pure tones of s;i]iphire-blne with the primus and other tloi-al favorites within four ])anels traced in double outline, waved and pointed at tlie top. Floral and gco- meti'ical forms in outline and solid color a[)i)eai- in bands and extending up the neck. Ileit/Jit. 7'4 inches. (jl — Tai.t, ]5axi)i:i) ( K'tuifj-h... o z < o H I— ( HI Q >-) n 13-i — Blue and White Oviborm Tempi. i;-jar {K\mg-hsi) With mandarin cover. The high, swelling shoulder recurving to a slightly spreading foot. Covered throughout the entire sur- face with a conventional entanglement of blossoms and scrolls, amidst which two feng-huang appear, with widespread wings and swaying tails. (Lip repaired.) Has stand. Height, 16% inches. 135 — Tall Qtadrilateral Blte axd White Jar {Cliien-lung) AVith square shoulder from which a short, tapering circular neck rises, on a low cylindrical foot. Intricate floral scrolls painted in various tones of blue with reserve adorn all sides of the vase on a depressed ground outlined by low-relief "straps," vertical and horizontal, which bind all corners and bind together the top and bottom of the vase, leaving a long vertical oblong panel of continuous decoration in the center of each face, the lesser panels enclosing the corners being interrupted by inter- mediate shorter "straps" of the relief white reserve. Narrow borders at rim and foot. Sonorous porcelain. Has stand. Height, l.j inches. 136 — Bluk and White Temple-jar {K'mig-hsi) Inverted pear-shape. With mandarin cover. Dense sonorous white porcelain, coated with a mottled glaze of cobalt-blue through which run dark striations in irregular courses in rep- resentation of the breaking-up of ice in the springtime. Branches and blossoms of the wild prunus, in white reserve, spring alter- nately from the base and the shoulder, where there are narrow hatch borders. Cover similarly decorated. (Cover damaged.) Height. 16% inches. 137 — Tall Pear-shape Blue axu White Vase (Ch'ien-lung) With wide neck rising in a gentle concave curve. Decorated between narrow lip and foot scroll-borders with a single com- position in varying blues representing four horses assembled about a gnarled tree with small branches of thick foliage — one horse scratching his ear, another rubbing his neck against the tree trunk. Irregular crackle in brown lines about neck and body, leaving the shoulder clear. Height, Iti^ inches. 105 — Richly Decorated Blue and White Ginger Jar (K'ang-hsi) With carved teakwood cover. Pure white porcelain displaying beneath a narrow, crenelated shoulder-border, an extensive orna- mentation in brilliant underglaze blue, the product of fertile imagination. A decorated personage bearing a branch of the sacred fungus in the form of a scepter is seated on a grotesque monster with a dragon's head and scales, a kylin tail, and a horse's body with cloven hoofs. Before him are two gonfaloniers, their ensigns swaying in the breeze, and back of him are two persons laden with rich silks, the further decoration including scrolled clouds, and a banana tree growing between rocks. Carved stand. Height, 8% inches. 106 — Pair Blue and White Quadrilateral Vases (K^ang-hsi) With expanding bodies, contracted necks and square thick lips, on spreading square bases. At each corner and midway of each side are molded ridges, interrupted at the shoulder, which carries scrolled loop handles. On an all-pervading key-fret ground a fantastic decoration is overlaid in deep blue, with white reserve, involving symbols and scrolls, and ancient animal features unas- sembled. The porcelain is clear, dense, heavy and sonorous. Height, 11% inches. 107 — Blue and White Ginger Jar (K'ang-hsi) With carved teakwood cover. Adorned with a bold decoration in brilliant underglaze blue of pure tone and quality, presenting the rock peony and magnolia bushes in profuse floriation among rocks, where a phoenix is alighting, while playful swallows flutter in the air. Narrow border of scroll fret about the shoulder. The teakwood cover encloses an openwork white jade medallion carved with figures and scrolls. Marked with the blue double ring. Height, with cover, 9% inches. 108 — Blue and White Ginger Jar (K'ang-hsi) Dense, heavy porcelain, in ovoidal form, decorated with storks amongst tall-growing lotus plants with buds and blossoms, the artist taking his vieM'point low at the water's edge of a flourish- ing lotus pond. The carved cover encloses a convex medallion of white jade carved with "the three fruits" in sharp relief. Has carved stand. Height, 10 inches. 109 — Pair Bt.ih'. and Wihtk ^^\sl■.s {ICiniy-lixi) Tall bcaker-shapcd. Body of inverted pour shape, with spread- ing foot, wide neck and flaring lip. An abundant flower and scroll decoi-ation in cobalt-blue, between narrow borders, sur- rounds both body and neck, encompassing four flying phoenixes, two on each part. Ileiffhl, IS inches. 110 — Blue and White Ovoid Ginger Jar (Ch'ien-lung) The broad, soft-white field, between conventional foliated base and shoulder borders, is adorned with three branches of fruit — lichees, pomegranates and the Buddha's-hand citron — in two shades of blue, the whole brilliantly glazed. The carved teak- wood cover has a carved central ornament of vegetable ivory. Height, 8% inches. Ill — Tall Ovoid Blue and White Jar {K'ang-hsi) The greater part of the surface reserved in the form of two large scalloped medallions, each ornamented in a certain reticent prodigality with depending branches of kindly-blossoming trees — a bird grasping one swaying branch and posed as though seen from immediately below — and with other birds on the wing call- ing to each other, and flying insects ; the ornamentation executed in two shades of blue, with a modicum of reserve modifying the quality eff^ect. The remainder of the surface of the vase dis- plays outline lotus flowers and plants of conventional form, in reserve on a ground of cobalt-blue marked by irregular dark lines, in representation of the breaking up of ice on streams and ponds. Has carved wood cover and stand. Height, 12 inches. 112 — Blue and White Ginger Jak (K'ang-hsi) Oviform, with a decoration similar to that of No. 105, in a later rendering of an ancient legend. In this example the rider of the dragon-horse or kylin is empty-handed, and is both preceded and followed by two men bearing banners and gonfalons, while a fifth figure holds a bundle on his arm. A table, rocks, trees and other vegetation, with clouds and a blue reticulation with white reserves continue the decoration, under a narrow shoulder- border of repeated scrolling forms. Has carved teakwood cover and stand. Height, 8 inches. 161 — Two Blue and White Plates (K'ang-hsi) The upper surface of the bottom occupied by a lotus medallion in reserve, on a pale ground of "cracking ice" and mei blossom motive, each petal carrying a blossom-spray, and the place of the seed-pod taken by a small circular medallion showing the corner of a balcony railing and a flowering tree. The flaring rim, which has a scalloped edge, sustains a border of separate and detached conventionalized lotus-petal forms in reserve and decorated with flowers, on a ground of blue hexagonal grill out- lined in reserve. Diameter. 10% inches. 162 — Two Blue and White Deep Plates (Ch'ien-lung) On a pale cobalt ground with cloud and flame scrolls in white re- serve, fierce, fire-breathing five-clawed dragons pursue the flaming jewel — a single large dragon in the medallion outlined in white reserve which covers the bottom, and two of the monsters ex- tended about the concave side which recurves in a brief everted lip. The motive is continued on the under side of the rim. ]Mark, the blue seal. Diameter, 10 inches. 163 — Bi,T'E AXD White jMei Blossom Plate {K'ang-hsi) Bottom and brim painted with a mottled cobalt ground of the "cracking ice" pattern over which blossoms of the wild prunus are strewn in white reserve — the motive representing spring. The short curve of the plate's bowl held in reserve. Beneath the brim arc branches of the prunus. Mark, the six characters of the period within a blue ring. Diameter, 10% inches. 164 — Blue and White Deep Plate (K'ang-hsi) Springing in an expanding curve from a low foot. Below a solid blue border cut and outlined by white reserve and enclosing four reserves carrying fruit, the surface of the plate is generously painted with blossoming branches in cobalt-blue on the white ground. On the exterior of the rim, more branches. Diameter, Wy, inches. Q O S O ^ H o H O < Q CO ■< g ►a « s Q Z ;/ 171' — S.M.M.T, Bi.TK Axn White Rouge Box WITH ('o\i;r (Tuo Kuiing) Det'ijration, figures on a terrace and land- sca])e. Six-character mark of Cheng Hua ]7;4 ( a])oci'V])kal ) . Has car\ed stand. 175--S.M.\iT. Bi.ii-: Axj) ^^'Hr^E Roeok Box (i Ji'icn-linuj) In s((uat vasi' form \\i\\\ teak cover. Decoration, floral scrolls, fohate and serratetl l)orders. Six-character mark of Hsiian Te ( a])ocrvplial ) . Has stand. 176 — ."MixiA'rri!!-; Bli'e axd ^^'IlrrK .Iai; (Xiiietrc/ith Cciit/iri/) Globular-ovoidal form; thin, translucent porcelain of the "soft- paste" type decorated with two figures approaching a sage seated on a terrace. Has stand. 177 — ^IixiATiKi-; 15i,rK Axi] ^^'ll^rK Bowi. { h"iiii WurrK Jau { Xiiicteeiiih Ccutiirii) In the form of a pear, with cui'ving hollow stem. Decoration, chrysanthemum scroll with borders. Has stand. Hi'ii/lii. :ii:_. inches. 181 -Bi. :i) AA'urri: TKAcor { K'inig-hsi) \\ii]\ loop handle and straight spout. Di'corated with blossoming plum trees on rocks. Has stand. [leiijlil. I inches. 188 — Bi.TK AXI) Wiirrr Tun'oi) Crr {.Ming) In the form of an inxei'ted helmet. \v ith side handle, and two knobs raided al)o\e the bi-im. Decorated with floral spravs ami tu'o blue lines within the rim. Six- character mark of Chia Chiug. Has Ntand. hcifthl. •?•'.. inches. 189 — Blik Axi) WiiiTK .MiMATi-KK (iixcKii Jar wrrn Covi-.r, (i'h'iill- linuj) 0\oidal, with decoi'ation of chrysanthemum scrolls in det'p blue. Four-character mark of Cireng Hua (apocryphal). Has stand. 190 — Hi, IK Axii ^\'lll^l■■. ^'ASK (l\"iiii(/~lisi) 7 ^ *)\i)iil nKl()ii-sli;ij)c'il hoilv \\\\\\ sliiirl lluiii^cd nick dm wliicli a smaller poar-sliapcd \asr is molded, tOi'miiii;- Hie i-eal iirck. Dico- ratiou the "^'e I.i|sen," sprigs of Hie ///('( and hoys at play. Siiie-je-eliaraeter mark, lias stand. Iliiilht, ,» inches. (^ - 191 Bl.l'K AXl) WhITK ^I KI.OX-SHAIMJI \'Asr. ( K'd ri(/-]i xi) ^Vith narrow neek and Hanged 11[) on a liioh eonieal base. Decora- tion the "Lange Lijsen."" })lants and sprays. Between the \ase- hottom and the flaring foot, a molded I'im with a eop})er glaze. .V single eharaeter within the foot. Has stand. Ifi'lf/lll. r, hirhcx. n 19.'-2 — BuE Axii ^^'^^Tl•; Onoid.m, \'ask wrrii Slkxhku Niuk {K'iiikj- hsi) Peiiciletl in two tones of blue with a bird perched on a branch of a blossoming nici tree. Has stand. Ih'ifjhl. .5 inrln's. 19''3 — Bi-i-E AXl) \\'HrTK liorri.K ( K'tiiuj-ltsi) AVith globular-ovoidal body and cylindrical neck, on slightly-spreading foot. Decoration, in cobalt-blue and white reserve, of sprawling monsters with dragonoid bodies, and numer- ous fire-scrolls. Has stand. lieiylit. li'/i inches. 194 Bl.TK AXll WhITK UosF.WA'rKU SlMUXKLKR {K'aiig-lmi) Willi .spherical body, neck bulbous and atten- uated, on a flaring foot. Floral decoration in four swelling panels with pointed to))s. Has .stand. JlcitjhI. 71/4 iiii-hcs. f- 19.')— Br.iK Axn Whitk Gi.ohi'i.ak Tkai'ot (Ch'icn-Iiing) With u|)riglif liandle and slightly curving spout. Heavy over- glaze decoration in the form of various seals, done in bright cobalt-blue, opaque, and incised to the ground-glaze. Has stand. Ilciijlit. (i inches. 196 BlI'K AXl) ^^'lHTI■, GAKXITini-; Oi-- TiriiEK PiKCES {A) T\\() Hluc ,111(1 White \';ises { K'd n(/ . Hexagonal- cylindrical form, «itli spreading foot and Imlhous lip, slightly varying. T'nusual decoration of fruit and fcjhate pattei'n in a deep hlue cross-hatch on \\ hite gianind, \\ith sundry bortlers. ^lark, a hlue leaf. Ha\e stands. Ifriflht. 5 1 4 ilirhrs. (B) Blue and ^^'lute Oxifonn \ ase { K\iii(/-lisi) . ^Vlth nar- r(jw slightly spre.uhng foot. In iiiini.'iture teni])le-jar form with cover. Molded ;ind outlined in sinuous spiral section and adorned with Icaf-and-hranch motif springing from tlie base, in cross-hatch : corresponding border on the short neck, with ovcrglaze intcrjiolations, ('o\er with mist\- landsc,i])es and a rusty-bro\\ n rim (the hat-button clhp])ed), H f ii/I/f. 5' ;. iiirlif ^^' u rr k Jai; with Covku ( Xiiiitiinfli (_ 'cut iirii ) High rounded shoulder with inserting co\cr ^vitli knob handle. The o[)a(|iic cobalt ground cohu' is marked A\liere\'er \isibli' with w.ivy shadings. Interrupting this in re- ser\X' and in j)aler blue .iiid hatch are fi\e-clawed dragoirs .iiniil flame and cloud scrolls. IIi'KjhI. ,51 4 iiirJiis. -!•'' Bl.l'K AND AX'hITK GaRNIITKE ()!• FlVlO PlK( KS (A) Tlu-cc Blue and Wliito Molon-forni Vasis (K'aiig-lixi). With > ^^ molded ,ind convex foot and liat-sliaped cover. Decorated in four ._ / foliate panels with leaf-and-brunch motives in cross-hatch, with corresponding borders at base and neck. Have stands. HeUfhl . 6% iiirlien. (B) Pair Blue and WJiite Bulbous Vases {K'diig-hsi). Recurv- ing in flaring lip, with molded and convex foot. Tripartite ornamentation, in foliate expanding panels of double outline, with tree-trunks and leaves in cross-liatch on white reser\'e. Borders on base and exterior and interior of lip. Have stands. Heighl, 5% indies. 216 — Beaker-shaped Blue and White ^'ASE (K\irig-hsi) ^A'ith flaring mouth and foot. On the neck the long-robed ladies — and pots of plants ; on band and base sprays of flowers and fruit. ]Mark, a blue leaf. Has stand. Ileir/ht. 6 inches. 217 — Seven Blue and White Saucers or Sjiall Pj.atks (K'ang-hsi) With shallow bowl ending in a straight flaring rim. Decoration, reserved mei blossoms on a blue ground marked with dark lines — the "melting ice" motive — over bottom and rim, with the rounding p — of the bowl also held in reserve giving a ring of white about the /! /_ circular medallion of the bottom. Under-surface of rim carries '<^ sprays and leafless branches. The six-character mark of C'h'eng Hua on two of the plates is apocryphal. The other five have as a mark the four-legged incense burner. Diiimf'ter, 614 inches. 218 — Blue and White Plate {K'ang-hsi) On the surface of the bottom three women on a terrace. On the y rim a ground of floral fret or lattice interrupted by foliate ^ -^ medallions holding stems of flowers. On the under surface of the rim various rockery. The six-character mark of C'h'eng Hua has been reproduced underneath the bottom. Diameter, 81/, inches. 219 — Two Blue and White Plates {K'ang-hsi) Decoration, two women and a boy on tiie terrace of a pavilion in pale cobalt and darker blue, with a border on the rim of close grill work, interrupted by four foliate medallions in reserve, ^~^^ heavily outlined and carrying blossoms of the wild prunus tree. Beneath the bottom the six-character mark of C'li'eng Hua has been reproduced. (Chipped.) Diameter, 8% inches. 2^20 — TmtKi: Bi.rt: .\xi) Whitk Pi.atks {K\ing-hsi) One with two figures and a uillow tree at the corjier of a house, and a border of gi'lll with i-eserved floral medallions, marked K'ang'-hsj ; another with two of the "Langc I^ijsen'" on a terrace and a border of })rolifle branches of plinn blossoms, marked t'lfeng- Hua. Diiimetcr, 8 and 814 inches. 221 — Blte axk Whitk Bowl (Earl// K\i) On a hif^h and narrow, cylindrical, sliglitly-expanding foot. Painted with f^ronps of figures to the number of a score or less about sunnnerhouses and tables and under trees. On the foot, downward-})ointin<( palmations. In the intei'ior a seated figure and a border of meander fret and gi'iU presenting tlie form of the Greek cross. llcujht. 1',, inrJii's: (liiimcti'f, o';4 iurhes. 222 — l)oriit.i:-i;ori!D Shafkd ]]lt-k Axn WiirrK A'ask { K'ang-Jisi) Pure A\hite ])oi'Ct'lain, dense and heavy, cov- ered with scrolling leaf fornrs in varying tones of cobalt-blue. T'nderneath the foot the six-char.icter mark of C'h'eng Hua. Ilciijht, 9 iiichi'S. 22:3 — 1{f.ti( n.AiF.i) Bt.fe and White A .\se ( ( irh'ii-iii III/ ) Hexagonal, on six low feet, with narrow, flat, in-tui'ned li]). The six (|aadrilateral white panels of openwork, reticulate with circular piircing, hold at their centers scrolled itu'dailions in solid jiaste, peni'ilcd with ])lants ,and blossoms, and are outlined with ;i blue and white honeycomb. On the lip an angular gi-ill. Interior and exterior of bottom with a bro«n crat'kle. (One foot replaced.) carved stand. ITiUihl. :, inches. !24 — ]5fff \xi> ^^'urri-: Pirciuii BorriF 01; Ffff-.-moox Aasf (Cliicn- Iiiiig ) AVitli three looj) handles— the fourth broken off; on a low quad- rilateral foot which is pierced on the two narrow ends. On the two broad faces landscapes with figures, ,and on the narrow sides blossoms and flying butterflies, the Jicck and foot ,dso orna- mented. The glaze marked by a giant t'r.ackle in brown lines which extends to the interior of both neck .and foot. Has st.and. lldi/Jll. ~l^'_^ inclies. -> jny 225— Tall Blue and White Tkapot (K\ing-hsi) Painted in delicatolv outlined palmate medallions with .sasjcs and / — attendants in two shades of blue. A fret border on the flanged lip. ^lark, a double ring in blue within the circular foot. ^letal cover and looped handle supplied. Has stand. TJi'ight, Ti/i mches. 226 — Shallow Blue and White Bowl on Cikcular Foot {ICang- hsi) Dense sonorous white porcelain expressively and finely painted with two robed figures, at three-quarter length, in close proximity of tentative embrace, done in blue of varied tone and fine shading and with the use of reserve. Six-character mark firmlv penciled within the blue double ring underneath the foot. D'uimeler. ly„ inches. 227 — Club-shaped Blue and White Yase (K'ang-hsi) With bulbous neck and spreading lip. Painted in sapphire and _ cobalt blue with the flowering mei tree and symbols and house- hold ornaments in two delicately outlined panels, and shoulder and neck borders, with palmations. Has stand. Height, 8^4 inches. 228 — Blue and White Oviform Vase {K'ang-hsi) In temple- jar shape with hat-shape cover. Blossoms and leaves f^ with scrolling stems painted in two tones of blue beneath a brilliant glaze. Hatched borders at shoulder and base with a deep blue pointed border on the neck. Mark, a blue leaf. Has stand. Height, T/^ inches. 229 — Pair Straight Cylindrical Beaker-form ^'ASEs (K'ang-hsi) With slightly expanding necks. Deep foliated borders in blue ,^ with white reserve ornamentation depend from the rim and pro- ~ ject from the base above a narrow foot-border, and conventional blossoms and scrolls adorn the white field. ^lark, a double ring. Height, ly^ inches. 230 — Blue and White Jar (Ch'ien-lung) In form of a mammoth pear inverted, with wide cylindrical neck and everted lip. Undulating surface, glazed in a rich, milky white, and painted in clear cobalt-blue with summer houses and pavilions .2 — by the waterside and among trees, a man fishing in a boat, and a background of distant mountains. Has stand. Height, 5% inches. ;-2;31 — Pair Goi-RD-sHAri;D Bi.ri; axj) White Bottlks with Slexukk Xkck' ( K'diKi'hsi) Decorated in pale blue a]id reserve witii a cliain of foliated floral medallions girdling the body between elaborated borders of re- lated motifs, and on the neck wifli a floral reticulation interrupted by otlier medal- lions. Mark, a blue leaf. ( Xeck slightly cliijiped. ) JTiiqhI. iurhi ^■Vi— Rl.TK II.A-I'KI) Bl.TK A.VU WhITK Te,\P0T ( K'dlHj-hsi) \\\\_\\ loo]) handle and recurved spout anil metal mountings. Decorated with flowers and lea\cs, the outer body jiierced at each 231 side in ))anels of hexagonal I'eticulation, tliiinigh which ornamentation on \hv iimer bodv mav be seen. ( 'o\er and foot also pierced. Has stand. Height. 8<4 iiicln's. 2.'33 — CvT.ixiiKK Ai. ]io r ri.i.-sH A I'Kii BriE axu White A'ase (K'aiig- hsi) Heavy, dense white ])in'celain, ornamented in two units with a highly Cdinintioiializcd scroll in two shades of blue with white scrolling reseiAcs. .Mai'k, a leaf within the double ring. H/UiJif. bii-hrn. 2.'34 — I'ah! Beie Axii ^^llll•l: Bk.\kei!s { K'tn/ ]5i,rE axk ^^'lt^rE ^'AsE (K'nng-hsi) ^Vith tall neck carrying short animal-head handles in high relief, and a cii'cular foot. The body covered with a multiplicity of minute blossom-petals uniformly distributed, in pale blue out- line, under a ])ointed slunildcr-border. Scroll border cm the foot and a key-fret and foliate border beneath the rim. Iliii/]if, 9 inches. '';5()- 1'aii; OviKiiiiM Bi,rr. .wn W'nirr, \'.\,si:s ( /{'(unj-lisi) Short lU'i-k jiiul slin'liHv spi-radiiii;- foot. Filled with inrtal mouiit- )T-- illii's to sii-xr as I'uiulk'st K'ks. ('oii\ cii tioiial diToratioii of flowers and siTdUs and \ariovis borders in I)Iir' \\\\\\ white resei-\-e. .Mark, - ' 'i l>lue double ring. (One with a flaw: one repaii'ed.) Have stanils, JIci(/lil, S iticlit'S. -•37 — Gi.onri.Ai! BoTTi,E-siiAi'i;n Biai-: am. Wiiiri-: Vask ( ir(///-/0 ''4iJL8L"'* A\'ith tlan^a'd lip, loop-and-riiii;- handles and C()nea\ o-ron\ ex spreadiiif^' foot, ^'iirorously painted in brilliant sapphire- blue with serolliui;- pluenixes and ti\e- elawi'd drairons, and incidental tlanie- sei-olls. Also with seNei-al \arie(l borders, 'i'he animal-head loop-handles sustain loose rinri-s deeoi-ated \\\t]i a coneateiiated sci-oll. Insei'ibi'd on the lip: Tti-Ming ]]'ti)i-!i iiiiii-chili (.Made in the rei^-n of \\'an-li of the o'l-eat .Alin^^r dynasty). Has stand. Ililijht, S inrln'H. '2;38 — '1' 1 1 1! K K. Blie axi) \\'iirri-: 1'lates ( K'niuj- Bordered with a i;rill in lif^ht blue and reserve and adorned within the circle ot tlu' Ixittom with two vouiiff women on a Ijlutf' at whose edge a ban.ana tree grows. On tlic lower surface of the I'iin, landsca})e suggestions. ^larked with six characters. IHinni'l i'i\ S inrhe^. COc. L 2.S9 — Fn-E IJi.EE AND White Plates Decoi'ated with various female figures in groups of two and three ill indoor and outdoor scenes, witliin grill borders interrupted by foliate medallions of fruits, flowers and symbols. TTnderne.ath tlie rim, landscapes and bo.ats. Two marked lv"ang-lisi and three niai'ked Ch'eng Hua. Didincli'r, 8 incites. 240 — Eight Octagonal Elue and White Plates {K'ang-hsi) Decorated in various tones of blue with figures of sages among the mountains and by the waterside, and with men in boats and Xt^ t^ L fishing, these views occupying the entire interior of the bottom, while the rise and flare of the rim are painted with landscape and water compositions, flowers growing amid rocks, and with smaller figures. I"nderneath the rim, the flowers of the four sea- sons, and beneath the bottom a square seal within a double ring. Dinmeter, 8 inches. 2-il — Blue and Whitk Deep Bowl (K'ang-hsi) Recurving sides with flaring rim; on circular foot. Decorated in brilliant deep and paler blue with blossoming trees, a phoenix perched on a rock, and smaller birds flying in the air. In the interior of the bottom are shrubs about rocks, and around the interior of the rim is a floral border. Six-character mark of C'h'eng Hua (apocryphal). Has stand. Diameter. 7','. inches. 242 — Blue axu White C'ikcular Bowl {K\mg-hxi) On a short foot. Decorated in a rich dark blue with scrolling sprays and branches of fruit, about the exterior, and with a me- dallion ornament in the interior of the bottom. Underneath the foot the rebus Pi ting ju i. "'^May it be fixed as you wish." Diameter, rt inches. 24;} — Paie Bue axd White Fluted Vases with Covers (K'ang- hsi) Inverted pear-shape on a spreading pedestal foot and with a short neck. The body molded in a succession of spiral flutings adorned with chrysanthemum scrolls and singing birds. On the foot are lotus, scroll, grill, reserve and solid-color borders. with further lotus borders on shoulder and neck, and the knobbed cover is of conventionalized lotus form. ( Xeck repaired.) Height, 12 inches. C/2 o m > o Pi D d H Q pq ^^^^'^J ~^-i — Bi.TK Axi) White Garxiturk of Fivk Pikcks (A) Pair of Phoenix and Seasons Blue and White Wine Pots with Covers (K'ang-lisi). The body, on a foliate foot, is In the general form of a hollowed and enlarged lotus flower, with slight lateral elongation, folding in to an angular neck which flares into a circular, fluted lip, capped by a petaled cover. Recurved spout in the form of an elongated, tapering bird's-neck ending in a / " phoenix-head with open beak. Brilliant blue decoration of the ^ y flowers of the four seasons, the winter-blooming wild prunus, the rock peony of spring, the lotus of summer and the chrysanthemum of autumn, with foliate borders and a narrow base-border of the wave motive. The covers have been cemented on for security but are removable. Height, 10 inches. (B) Three Bottle-form Blue and Wliite ^'ases (K'ang-hsi). With low ovoid body, tall thick tapering neck with wide trumpet- lip, low circular foot, and vertical side handles. Adorned in two shades of blue with masses of luxuriant leaves and flowers on body and neck, and on the lip, above a molded rim, with singing birds and insects of the air among scrolling floral stems. Height, 10i/4 inches. (IIlu. \\'urrK \"asi:s (K\nif/-h,si) ^Vith co)i\ex foot and short cvlindrical neck. Painted in twentv- four sections Ijesidcs borders with altern.ating Horal sprays and landsca])es with fiffui-es or maruie \iews. I'rom the Collection Ktienne Delaunoy, Amsterdam. Iliiijhl. 10 inches. 256 — Gi-OBULAR Blue and White A'ase {Imperial Ware of Cliien- liing) With convex foot, wide neck spreading into an upright lip, and scepter-head loop neck-handles. The body delicately penciled in pale blue under the glaze with scrolled and conventionalized floral -^ forms, the twin-fish, endless-knot, conch-shell and other emblems, between foliate, key-fret, pointed and archaic dragon-scroll borders, and the neck with tall palmations and carrying a foliated border also under the lip. Crackled throughout in brown lines. Six-character mark of Ch'eng Hua. Heiqlit. 9 inches. ^7 5-^ 2y- 257 — Globular-ovoidal Blue and White Vase {Cli'i en-lung) With contracted neck spreading to a flanged lip and a short convex foot. Decoration, a close interlacement of chrysanthemum scrolls between borders which multiply on base, shoulder and neck. (Repaired.) Height, 11 inches. 258 — Blue and White Wine Pot {Ming) In bag or bladder form with contracted neck, flanged lip, looped handle and recurved quadrilateral spout. ]\Iolded ovate medal- lions on either face are decorated in deep and brilliant blue with ascending dragons in pursuit of the flaming jewel among fire scrolls ; in one, one of the dragons has grasped a claw of the other. On either side are detached fruits and branches of the sacred fungus, with bat symbols and flying cranes. Six-character mark of Chia Ch'ing. Has carved stand. Height, 8 inches; U'idth, 9 inches. 259 — Blue and White Fish Jar {K'ang-hsi) Ovoidal contour with wide mouth, in dense, resonant porcelain. Penciled in cobalt-blue of varied color-quality, with precision and 7 ,-— __ freedom of brush, with an all-over decoration of carp and long- snouted fish with formidable, spinescent dorsal fins, swimming and curling in aqueous depths amidst aquatic growths and blos- soms sprinkled over the surface of the water. Six-character mark of Ch'eng Hua within a blue double ring (apocryphal). Has carved teakwood cover. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 8 inches. 260 — Bi.TK Axi) WiiiTi-; Globi'lau A'ase {Ch'icn-hnig) Contracting to a broad cylindrical foot and ta])cring to a slender neck witli expanding lip. Resonant ])orcelain witli a milk-white glaze of mottled effect, painted in pure cobalt with a sweeping composition of a spotted stag under a gnarled pine tree, with a doe or fawn beyond him on the slope of a hill. HfifjJtf, 14 inches. 261 — CiKCT^i.AR Tripod Bi.ti-; axd Whitk Bowl (K'(ing-hxi) Dense sonorous wliite porcelain in the form of ancient bronze bowls, on three rudimentary feet. Wide form witli expanding sides, gently contracted to afford a short neck, with thick everted lip and \\ide mouth. Tainted in two shades of blue with a liberal use of white reser\e with motives from tlie "Hundred Antiques."' Hiiqht. 5 inches: diamcler, 9 inches. ) - 262 — Ovoid Blue and White Gingek. Jar (K'ang-hsi) Painted in cobalt-blue with two flying phoenixes amidst a luxuri- ance of blossoms and scrolled foliations. Has carved teakwood stand and cover. Height, 1% inches. 263 — Pair Ovoid Blue and White Ginger Jars (K'ang-hsi) Painted in two tones of blue, with white reserve, with the figures , y^ of two phoenixes with tremendously long tails, amid profuse " , scrolls of leaves and blossoms. Mark, a blue double ring. Have ■-^^< '- — stands and teakwood covers. Height, 8 inches. 264 — Pilgrim-bottle or Full-moon Blue and White Vase (Ch'ien- lung) j~j'~__ With cask-shaped neck from which spring loop handles. Con- ventional decoration of persimmon and Buddha's-hand citron, with the sacred fungus, with enclosing scroll borders, in various blues. Has stand. Height, I314 inches. 265 — Pair Blue and White Ginger Jars with Their Own Original Covers {K'ang- Dense hard paste with a clear, resonant tone; ovoid, the cylin- (,"_ drical covers having flat tops. On a finely fluted surface four , round medallions in reserve, penciled with gracefully posed young ■Ca i^l^ women in "Lange Lijsen" robes in varying tones of blue under a brilliant glaze. Base, shoulder and cover borders of graceful floral sprays. Mark on one, Ta-Ming Clieng Hua nien-chih (apocryphal). On the other a blue double ring. Height, 91/2 inches. 266 — Blue and White Ovoid Ginger Jar (K'ang-hsi) Painted in brilliant sapphire and cobalt blue with graceful young — _ ladies variously amusing themselves, rocks and exotic trees and '^ " distant visions of waves, all on a pure white ground with lustrous glaze. Has teakwood cover. Height, Sy^ inches. 267 — Tall Blue and White Ceeemonial Wine Pot (Ch'ien-lung) Oviform with rounded shoulder, tapering to cylinder form and resting on an indrawn foot ; short neck with thickened lip, elon- gated loop-handle and recurving spout held close to the shoulder. A Ch'ien-lung reproduction of an earlier form. Below the shoul- der, in a wide band of scattering blossom and leaf scrolls on the /^ J)^'— brilliant white ground, are four phoenixes in archaic conventionali- zation — the feng-liuang among its other descriptions having variously the attribution of a dragon-body as here presented. Borders surround the vessel above and below this band and on the shoulder ; a grill encircles the neck, and beneath the lower borders is a band of doivnward-pointing palmations. A strag- gling crackle appears near the base, and the foot underneath is covered with a crackled glaze, Height, 16 inches. {Illustrated) 268 — Pear-shaped Blue axd White Vase (Cliien-lu7ig) With wide neck and flaring lip on a circular lightly spreading 7j^ _ foot. Adorned from foot to lip in purplish blue of varying tones with conventional flower scrolls and a series of borders and palmations which include the use of white reserve. Seal mark of Ch'ien-lung on the foot. Height, IS inches. {Illustrated) 269 — Pear-shaped Blue axd White Vase {Ch'ien-lung) With flaring neck and low spreading foot. The body decorated witji a band of conventional and continuous blossom and leaf '^j" _ scrolls, between various foliate and scroll borders ; the neck with a band of long leaves pointing upward and a lip border disclosing a confused wave motive. Seal-mark in blue under- neath the foot. Has stand. Height, 14% inches. {Illustrated) 270 — Spherical Covered Dish {Ming) With polar compression giving it a broad, only slightly rounded top ; on a low circular foot. Blue and wjiite heav^' sonorous porcelain of almost stone-weight density. Decorated in two ^ _ tones of blue, acented in black, with storks, scrolls, the sacred fungus and other emblems, a profusion of them occupying a large circular medallion overspreading the broad crown, and the motive repeated in incomplete foliate medallions interrupting a swastika lattice below, with intervening scroll borders. Mark, in a blue double ring: Ta-Ming Wan-li nicn-chih. Diameter. 11 inches. \V,^. Q O S Oh O z z h-1 o O Ph H S Q Z < ':r,^ l.\iu;i.: H I'l 1 -Sll Al'l'li lil.l'K A Nil Wiiii'i; \ Ash; ( h\ni(j-lisi) ' <^ Slii;litl\' ll.iriii^' to\\ai'(l tlic l)asr, \\\\\\ an uiKkTbddv foot; tulmlar neck, cii- lar^'rd at \hv i\vv\) run. Dense, ]ica\ y wliitr poiiH'lain, dccofatril on \\\v hodv with cai'i) ainoii^' leaping' ua\i's amid rot'ks, on tlir lU'ck witli a tlinc-claw t'd dran'on pnrsnnii;' the tlannii;.;' jrwcl, and ini tlic li|) witli borders of scroll! r<'t and foliations. ^l.irk, a lilue double rine;. II, I, /III. i I I', hirhf'S. I--272 — Bi,i"K .\xi) \A'iirrK I.oti's Ctinci-.r Jar ( J\"/ni(/-!isi ) ()\oid body with liieli slioulder. slicjrt neck and spreadine- foot. Pure white sonorous K"an<^-hsi porcelain with a luxuriant decoration of bold, con\en- tionalized lotus scroll intwinino- the entire bo(i\'. The short neck carries a lesser and more compact ttor.d scroll. -'1 AVithin a blue double riiii;- on the foot .a six-charactei' mark of (ireiiij Iliia ( a})ocryplial ) . INIade in the I'eign of K"ang-lisi. Has carxeil teakwood liat-sliape co\er. Tldi/hf. Si;, inches. 27-3 IxVKUTKJ) PF,.\R-Sir.\PE Bl.TK AND ^^' H ir K A'.\SK ( K' l( lUJ-ll Si) Teniple-jar form with slifflitly flaring foot and car\ed teakwood hat-shaped cover. Decorated below two neck-borders witli two flying plutnixes among thick flfiwei' scrolls of conventional pat- tern, the uhole in cobalt-lilue witli reserve. IIc'Kjht, 9',4 inches. 9o 2T4 — Ovoin.^i, Blfk axu White Jak {Ming) With broad cylindrical fo(jt and mound cover. Decoration in brilliant blue witli wliite reser\e picturing a fire-breathing land — dragon with cloven hoof, a Uog Fu and other animuls, with rocks and pine and banana trees. Around the shoulder, incised in the paste beneath the glaze and left uncohjred, a narrow band of fine scroll. Heavy porcelain in unusual sh;ipe. Has st.aiid. Ileighl, 11',/; inches. ;75 — Rij'K AND AViiiTK Hawthorn Jar (K'ung-lisi) Giiincr jar of ovoid form, covered with a n'laze of cobalt-blue carving' in depth of tone and marked with dark Inu'S in the semblance of cracking lee, with liranc-Jies of the winter-blooming wild ])lum — the so-called "hawthorn" ])attern — springing from the base and spixadmg about Hie \ase in white reserve. Carved teakwood cover enclosing a carved jade medallion; car\ed teak- wood stand. ]\Iark, a blue double ring. n,i,ilil. rti^ inches. 276 — Tall ]5i.ri; and ^^'u^]■L I5k akkk-sh apkh A'ask { K'aug-lixi) ('vdindrical. trum])et-lippetl neck on inserted pear-shaped body with slightly s])reading foot. Painted in bright transparent sapphire-blue «ith tlie spotted stag and his doe — one pair on the body, one on the neck — emblems of longxA'itv — amid pine trees and rocks, with the flying crane seen in the air above amid scrolled clouds. JJiight. IT-'i inrhes. S77 — Pair Blue and White Table Screens (K'ang-hsi) In carved tcakwood mounting. In one a quadrilateral panel de- picting two elders, seated in an embrasure in a summerhouse, the man embracing his consort, gazing fondly at two graceful young ladies standing near by, one in the attitude of leave-taking. The scene in cobalt-blue of varying tones, surrounded by a grill. Com- panion, a decoration depicting a mounted warrior with sword and battle-axe, followed by his gonfalonier, approaching a pa- A'ilion in the mountains whence a sage looks out, greeting him in blessing. Panel: Height, fiy^ inches; width. IO14 inches. Screen complete: Height. 1914 inches; width, 18% inches. 278 — Blue and White Ginger Jar (K'ang-hsi) Decoration of blossoming prunus and magnolia trees, with birds screeching at each other from rock ledges and one noisy in the air, on a cream-white ground. Marked with the blue double ring. (Repaired.) Has stand and carved teakwood cover enclosing carved white jade medallion. Height, lOy, inches. 279 — Blue and White Ginger Jar (K'ang-hsi) Decoration in intense, brilliant blue of a landscape at the sea- shore, with figures standing and seated in conversation upon rocks near trees and buildings, and others in sampans on the water below. Has carved stand and teakwood cover holding openwork white jade medallion carved with dragons and lotus flowers. Height, 9 inches. 280 — Blue and White Ginger Jar (K'ang-hsi) Dense, heavy porcelain, in ovoidal form, decorated with an ex- tensive landscape and marine composition in brilliant blue, pic- /'j>~ ~ turing mountains, pine trees and the sea, a sage and attend- ant, and a man in a boat. The carved openwork teakwood cover has a handle in the form of a foliated medallion of carved white jade. Height, 10 inches. l^^<^'-**'' -^^ ^ , ^"/'' -*^. '*7 'life |l\ 281^0V0I1) Bl.Tl.; AND W \'asi-; of GiXGEU Jai{ Fcirji (Mi»g) Heavy, dense white ])()i'celaiii, wiHi a jirofuse decoration in cobalt-blue of ducks swininiing and flying among numerous wafer })lants. Has carded tiakwood hat-shaped cover and teakwood stand. Jli'filiit. IP4 inches: ir'tlh Iml mid slntid. l(i inches. -I'aIR TaT.T. Bi;AKKIt-Sl[APF.I) Bl.TE AXI) WhITK \'asF.S ( K' (I HfJ-hsi) AVith barrel-shaped mid-sections. Slightlv eX})anding foot and spreading lij). Covered throughout with a broad scroll of loaf fo)'ms and conventionalized lotus flowers in bright cobalt-blue and white ix'serxe, w itli interruptions at the dixision of sections, the middle section ha\ ing two .angular borders with trefoil en- closures. JTiieihl. IT inches. 283 — Bluk and White Gingek Jar (K'cing-hsi) Ovoid, decorated in bright blue with n mountainous landscape ^ ^ at the borders of the sea, sages appearing in the recesses, two /'-' "* figures gazing afar, and on the water a man in a boat. The carA'ed teakwood cover has a medallion of wliite jade studded with bosses. Height, 8% inches. 284 — Pair Blue and White Hawthorn Temple Jars with Man- darin Covers (K'ang- Inverted pear-shape tapering gracefully and recurving to a lightly spreading foot. Ornamented between crenelated borders /^ " with limbs, branches and flowers of the mei or winter-blooming / wild prunus — the so-called "hawthorn blossom" — in white re- "^ serve on a solid blue ground of deep cobalt tone, marked with darker lines in representation of the cracking or breaking up of ice in the spring. (One cover damaged.) Carved stands. Height, IT^U inches. 285 — Pair Tall Blue and AVhite Beaker-shaped Vases {K'ang- hsi) On low convex foot, with slightly expanded midband, cylindrical 'J'^- neck and flaring lip. Adorned in sixteen narrow panels with stems of flowers and birds perching amongst them, together with ^ftc/f^ numerous and varied borders, including a narrow border within the lip. (Lip of one repaired.) With stands. Height, 18 inches. 286 — Tall Cylindrical Club-shaped Blue and White Vase (Early K'ang-hsi) With short wide neck and delicately molded foot. Clear, vibrant porcelain of K'ang-hsi, the milk-white body under a lustrous '.J 5^_ glaze exquisitely painted in delicate values with pheasants on tall rocks amongst a luxuriance of blossoms of the winter- blooming wild plum tree which grows beside the rocks, other birds on the wing appearing in the rear. On the neck, bril- liant sprays of blossoms. Within a blue double-ring the six- character mark of Ch'eng Hua (apocryphal). Has stand. Height, 18;'| inches. I?v iiy- Jy- 9s 287 — Blue and White Temple Jar with Hat-shaped Cover {K'ang-hsi) The high-shouldered body tapers downward in the lines of an inverted cone, truncated to form the foot. Above, the sloping shoulder contracts into a short wide neck. Between a scroll- point base border and a shoulder meander the white body is overlain by a deep band of contiguous foliated medallions of cobalt-blue, carrying a profusion of flowers and Buddhistic emblems, including the conch-shell and the twin fish, in white reserve. Similar motives adorn the cover. Height, 15 inches. 988 — Beaker-shaped Blue and White Vase Copied After an Ancient Bronze (K'ang-hsi) Low, spreading foot, bulbous mid-section with four projecting vertical ridges, wide cylindrical neck and flanged lip. Mid- section displaying the lineaments of the t'ao t'ieh ogre boldly overlying a ground in imitation of the incised fret of old bronzes. Neck and base presenting deep borders pointing in opposite directions of long banners alternating with short palm leaves, the banners with the yang-yim. and other symbols and various frets ; the vase as a whole carrying several narrow borders, foliate, scroll and hatch, in addition. Dense porcelain with the blue double ring of K'ang-hsi. Has stand. Height, 14% inches. 289 — Squat Globular Blue and White Bottle (K'ang-hsi) With tall wide neck, bulbous at the lip. The body adorned in varied tones of cobalt-blue with landscape and waterscape, sum- mer houses, rocks, a reticulation of pine needles in the foliage of a crooked-trunked tree, figures in converse, one fishing from a rock-ledge and two in sampans. On the neck a flying swallow and budding flowers. Height. 16% inches. 290 — Small Blue and White Temple Jar (K'ang-hsi) High ovoidal shoulders contracting to a broad waist, with a slightly spreading foot; short, cylindrical neck. Decoration in various tones of blue on the cream-white ground, a succession of detached units including six horses in various attitudes, patches of surface growths about small rocks, and two sturdy pine trees. On the neck some of the "Eight Precious Things." ]\Iark, the sacred fungus enclosed within a blue double ring. Has carved cover and a high carved teakwood stand with ball and claw feet. Height, 9y, inches: icith stand and coccr, 20 inches. ;291— G RACEFUl. Bi.i iN'i) Whitic Tai.t, ^^\sK, (Ktirl// K\iiif/-] Of .'ui iinri'trd cl(>iit;'.'iti(l-j(r S 294 — Tall Blue and Whitk C'vLixDnicAL Jak {Ming) With rounded shoulder and short wide neck. Complex and elaborate decoration in pale cobalt and rich sapphire blue pre- senting an august personage advancing under a canopy and ac- companied by retainers, his index finger pointing heavenward, (p c'" _ and men below seated placidly on the ground holding up gon- falons, while ahead and toward the left a man on a leaping horse waves his whip and a man afoot spreads out his arms toward a small herd of horses grouped in pairs, which are variously disturbed. On shoulder and base, fine rings lightly incised in the paste. Height. 17% inches. 295 — Tall Ovoidal Club-shaped Blue and White Vase {K'ang- hsi) A figure carrying an ensign and a sword, and seemingly the bearer of tidings, kneels before a mighty man whose sword hangs ^ S~ — from his belt in front of him — a lady standing at his elbow — who watches his news-bearer with pleased but keen scrutiny. In the background a table with writing materials. Height, 17 inches. 296 — Tall Oviform Blue and White A'ase (K'ang-hsi) With contracted waist and spreading foot, high narrow shoulder and wide short cylindrical neck. Six long panels in reserve, de- marcated by finely reticulated floral scroll bands, depict birds and butterflies soaring about fragrant blossoms of the mei and /^C — other trees growing from rocks. Above and below a profuse floral decoration and sundry borders in white reserve on a blue ground. Mark, a blue double ring. Height, 17% inches. 297 — Tall Cylindeical Beaker-foem Blue and White Vase (K'ang-hsi) Clear, sonorous porcelain. Contracting slightly from the flat foot the sides rise in shallow concave elliptical curves ending in the gently spreading lip, a midband barely indicated in the molding. The principal decoration, on the long neck, displays ducks in and about a rocky lotus pond, one pecking at a leaf, one swimming among reeds and two flying. The midband car- ries a white border of sprays and below it is an alternating border of down-pointing palmations, while beneath the lip a delicate scroll border is incised under the glaze. Height, 171/3 inches. 298 — Tall Cylindrical Cllb-shapld Blue and White Yase (K'ang-lisi) The pure white body adorned ^\ ith a vigorous presentation of two four-chiwed dragons rising amid rocks from tempestuous waves and grasj)ing for the flaming jewel swirling in the air, just as two carp also leaj) toward it from the turbulent waters. Has carved stand. Height. 1()"4 inrhes. 299- -Blue and White Tejiplk Jar with Cover (K'ang-hsi) Dense white porcelain, painted with a bold decoration of two huge Fu-lions with the brocaded ball, in two shades of blue, and fire scrolls and long ribbon scrolls. ^Vround the neck are sym- bols, and on the cover three Hying cranes. Height, 17';4 inches. 300 — Paik Bottle-form Blt;k and W)£ite Vases (Earlij K'ang-hsi) On thick circular foot exposing the biscuit. Elliptical body tapering to a wide neck with flaring lip; encircled by a band of foliate medallions in Ijlue with ornamentation in white reserve, above whicli are the eight Buddhistic emblems of happy augury. Elaborate shoulder-borders of foliations and wave scrolls in blue with white reserve, surmounted by bands of palmations with ornate decoration. At the base a leaf-point border and about the neck luider the rim detached spraj's in the form of open medallions. Height, 17'/i inches. 301 — Heavi' Bottle-shape Bltk anj; WiirrE Vase Globular body of squat formation, tall wide straiglit neck and low circular foot. The white ground co\ered with small, quickly coiling .scrolled foliations and spi-ead with clirysanthcmum blos- soms loosely painted. At rim and b.ase a border of scroll fret; the neck with a molded ring in white reserve. Apocryphal mark of Hsiian Te. Height, 15 inches. 302 — Blue and White Ovoid Jar (K'ang-hsi) Decorated with flowering trees and flying birds in reserve panels, and an abundance of floral scrolls and foliations in white reserve I J^ within foliate border patterns and bands. Mark, the blue double ring. Has carved stand and cover. Height, 12% inches. -Tall Double-gourd Shaped Blue axd White Vase {Ming) Dense porcelain of the stone-weight vai-iety, the ovoidal lower body with heavy shoulder contracting to a wide neck and re- curving to form in expansion a full-bodied pear-shape or gourd- shape vase, with short truncated neck. Wonderfully adorned with an elaborate ornamentation in great vigor of execution, done ^ in varying tones of blue of cobalt quality under a brilliant glaze. T--^ The decoration comprises the great philosopher Lao-tze seated, holding a scepter, and the eight Taoist Immortals in procession around the lower body, approaching him ; cloud-scrolls, pine trees and the spotted stag; a lattice band with reserved medallions enclosing floral sprays ; and four of the genii riding over a tumultuous sea, respectively on a carp, a dead tree, a stork and a leaf. Height, 20% inches. (Illustrated) 304 — Pair Extremelv Heavy Stoxe-weight Porcelain Blue and White Jars (Ming) Molded in foliate form with four lobes. Decorated in blues vary- ^ ing from pale cobalt to purplish, ^-ith four boldly and broadly 5 /J -^ outlined foliate medallions enclosing alternately flying cranes , among cloud forms and pecking peacocks among flowers, the Ji, interspaces displaying sundry characters in circular and diamond outline. Scroll, foHate, geometrical and medallion borders, with reserve, encircle foot, shoulder and wavy neck. Have stands. jlO< Hi'ight, 13% inche.i; diameter. IJy, inches. (Illustrated) O s o 25 H O is O 305 — Paik QrADKAxc.n.AR Blue and AVhite Jars (K' With short cylindrical necks rising from the flat tops, and flat cylinder-covers. Sonorous stonc-wcight wliitc porcelain with a ^ brilliant glaze, decorated on all sides, between familiar borders, with conventional flowers and leaf scrolls in two shades of blue acA^ with white reserve. On the flat top or shoulder four large flying bats appear, amid further scrolls. Have stands. Height, 13|', 'iiicIk'.i: iridfh, 9% inches; depth, 6 inches. 306 — Large Blue axd White Ovoid Jar {Cliien-lung) Resonant, pure white porcelain of K'ang-hsi, richly ornamented in two tones of blue, with eff'ective reserve. Besides sundry and various borders the decoration embraces graceful and coy young ladies on a parapet, one, with an attendant, walking in a garden, to whom a figure approaches offering a fruit, elsewhere a figure beside a stork which is standing on one leg, together with pavilion domes with fluttering gonfalons, glimpses at interior views, pen- dant foliage and pots of flowering plants. Mark, a blue double ring. Has carved openwork teakwood cover. V - Height, li!)uAi)nAXGULAR Br, IE Axn White Sxuff Jai! (C'h'ien-hing) Decoration, landscapes Avith pavilions, and clouds. Has carved stand. 323 — Blue axd White Cyi.ixdruat, J.\r (C'h'icn- huig ) A personage on horseback followed bv an attendant is being received bv two conical- liatted figures outside a paAilion gate in a Six-character mark of C'h'eng Hua. Has stand. Hiiqht. 3 inches. ■32\ hiuh crenelated wi 321 — Sm,\ll t'YLixDKK ai. ( I. u i)-si 1 A p ko Jar (C'hlcu-hing) Decoration, two figures appearing before a sage, in two shades of blue. (Kepairetl.) Has stand. Height, 3 inches. 325 — Blue axd ^^'HU^E Cylixdrkal Salts Bottle (K\iiig-lisi) With hinged metal cover, Decoration, blossoming shrubs and bvitterfly. Height. 3'4 inches. ;5'2(i--'r\VH Hm-K ami \^'|MT1^ \ASh:s (K\lllric.\t. Bltk .\xi) Wiirri-: J.\u (Yinig C'lu'iig) Decorated witli fabled monsters in two tones of blue. Four characters on the foot. Has stand. 329 — S.-\iALi, Cylixdhicat, Bm-k Axii Whtik Borri.K (i'h'ini-huig) Decoration, a demon riding a horse, with landscape. Five-legged stand. Jliiijht. 3 iiirlif'f<. 330 — Blt'e axi) WfUTK Cyi.ixdrkal Jar (Yung C'lu'ng) Milk-white glaze; tive-chiwed dragon and the flaming jewel in sapphire-blue. Stopper with spoon. Has staiul. Height. 'A'/., inclws. 331 — Bi.i'K AXI) WHrri-; C'yi.ixdkicai. Sxt-ff Jar {C'hlen-lang) Five-clawed dragon pursuing the flannng jewel abo\'e leaping waves. ]\Iatt surface. Has stand. 332 — Hk\ac;oxai- Blik axu Wjcite Jar (Yung CItnig) Cream-wliite, painted with some dozen figures engaged in a cere- mony. Four characters on glazed foot. Has st;ind. Helglil, 3 iitclics. 333 334 335 333 — Si\-sn)Ki) Ovii-ouTM Ri.ri-; AMI Wiirri', Jar {Yinn/ (lu'iuj) WiHi f(lfri-s rdiiiidrd. ( 'tifr-iiii-liiif \\'iini': Sxrii- .Iak ( )'iiii(/ Chnu/) Oxate, «iHi all-o\'er decoration of di-af^ons amone- waxes and floral sci'olls. ('arx'cd stopper x\iHi spoon. On tlie foot .a di'a^on in lilue under tlie i>l.i/e. \ eji-etaliie-ix oi' v carxcd st/md. 335 — Cv i.ixiiKK Ai, ]{li !■; .\Mi W'liiri: Sxni' .Iak {Cli'iiii-lini(/) l''ix'e-clau('d drae-on mi dai'k lilue and the flaming jewel oxer an 5^ alhpervadnii^ f^-roiuid of flower scrolls in pali' iilue. l''our char- acters on the glazed foot. Has carxed stand. Iliighl , 31 :, inrhi's. 336 — Alixrx'rntii ( '-i i.ixdiik a 1, Hri 1; .xxn W'urii: dxii (Yiiikj (Iu'ik/) Decoi-at ion, a landscape xsitli fie-iires in a summerliouse. On the toot a liall-lengUi "Lone' I'",|iza."" lias stand. From the A. I). Startseir (dllection. New \'o|-k, IDOf. 337 — Smalt. Blue a^d White Cup Semi-eggshell, trnnslucent porcelain, the white glaze crackled in fine brown lines, decorated with two Fu-lions executed in varying ' tones and reserve. Four characters on the crackle-glazed foot. Has stand. 338 — OvoiDAL Blue axd White Jar {Yung Cheng) Decorated with five-clawed dragons in the air amid cloud-scrolls, 7 — and midst waves of the sea encircling the base. Height. 3 inches. 339 — Cylindkical Blue and White Sxuff Jar {Ch'ien-lung) Crackled glaze ; figure of one of the exalted, and emblems, in varied tones of blue. Inscription in six characters near the shoul- der. Has stand. Height, S'/i inches. 340 — Blt'e and White Cylindrical Jar Pale cafe-au-lait glaze with fine crackle. A man stripped to // — the waist and with arms pinioned is about to have his head chopped off, two executioners being present and the personage who has ordered his death standing by with another who seems forced to be a witness. Has stand. Height, 3 inches. 341 — Octagonal Blue and White Snuff Jar {Ch'ien-lung) Conventional water plants on each face and on the shoulder five flying bats — symbols of happiness. Crackled glaze. jNIctal rim. Has carved stand. 342 — Blue and W^hite Oviform Jar {Yung Cheng) Crackled glaze ; painted with four figures engaged in a ceremony, \-- _ and a young woman looking on from within a window. Has stand. Height, 314 inches. 343 — Blue ax]) White Bei,l-shaped Cup (K'arig-lisi) Crackled in brown lines and painted with the four-clawed dragon and the phoenix, emblems of the Kmperor and Empress, between narrow Greek-fret borders. The crackled glaze extends throughout the interior of the cup and underneath the foot, where there is an apocryphal six-character mark of C'h'eng Hua. Has elaborateh' carved stand. ■Hi — Bei'e axi) WiriTE Cyeindricae Sxuff Jar (Ch'icn-Jung) Dragon and phienix amid fire and cloud scrolls painted in brilliant blue over rolling l)illows. Stopper and spoon. 343 Has stand. ntif/hl. 31/4 Inches. 34.5 — Cylixdkk'.ve Bete axu WurrE Sxeef Jar (Ch'icn-hing) Cafc-au-l((it crackled glaze, extending underneath the foot, which bears a l)lue seal. Numerous figures finely penciled in a group abovit a banana tree. Stopper and spoon, the spoon inscribed. Has stand. Heiglit, ^'•/^ inches. 346 — Bei-e axii WitrrE 0\ieor.m Crackeed Sxeef Jar Conventionalized spread blossoms form medallions amid fine scrolls. Stopper and spoon. Has stand. Height. 31,4 inches. 347 — Beee axi) WiiErE Pear-shaeed Salts Bottee {K' A^'ith engraved metal mounting. Decoration, the "Ijange Liisen" and jars of jilants. Hinged dome-cover. Height, 3% inches. \' :> 348 — Bei'e AXI) WMErE Cee ( K' Clear tr.airsjucent ])orcel,'iin of semi-eggshell fineness, ornamented on exterior .and interioi- u ith women amusing themsehes with frolicking dogs. Single-character mark unilerneath bottom. ]>i(nnclei\ 3'4 inches. 349 Ulii-: axi) WniTK Mixta rntK Uosk ,Tau with ('o\-i:i! (Clilcn- Iltliq) ,, -• ,1 ■ 1 r,il ■ rjO-n--t()rin, the c-oxcr jjutccu. 1 Inn, semi-t ninsliu'ciit ])iirc' wliitc ])orcc- liiin, (Iccorutcd witl) laiulscipe and tiij-urcs iit tlie watiTside, and a man fisliino-; tlie c()\er similarly treatt'd. Has stand. 350 — Bi.ri-; Axi) Wiiitf. Reticui.athd Cvi' WITH l)ori!i,i-. Body (K'atig- hsi) The outer body pierced in a broad lattice band between a concatenated scroll base border and a border of lesser scroll beneath the everted rim, the lattice left wliite. The 349 entire interior of the inner, solid body of the cup spread witli a con- ventional decoration in cobalt-blue with reserve. Underneath the foot, a bat symbol of happiness within a double ring. Has stand. Diameler. 3',4 iiirhes. .351 — Blt'k AXI) White Retictt.atk C'rr ( K'ang-hsi) On a short circular foot ; oviform, e\'ertintr at the rim. Decorated between foliate and grill borders with five reserved medallions S^'y painted in seascapes, the spaces between the medallions pierced in the form of a lattice of interwoven circles. The biscuit ex- posed in a fine line just beneath the rim and another at the foot. Has stand. Diameler, 3i/, inches. 352 — Eggsheli, Crp { K'aiifj-lisi) Delicate, translucent hard-paste vibrant jjorcelain, painted in cobalt-blue with a kneeling figure making an offering to a rishi. 5-1, an attendant standing by. On the reverse, an inscription in twenty-one characters, with seal signature. Mark, the six char- acters of C'h'eng Hua ( ai)ocryphal ) ; pr()bal)ly Yung Cheng. Has five-legged stand. 35.'3 — 15i.rK Axi> Whitk Rotgk Box (K\ Shullow circular foiin witli expanded sides and flat cover. On tlie shoulder a foliated border. On the cover, penciled in pale cobalt-blue, one of the Genii crossing a turbulent sea on the branch of a dead tree. On the foot, six-character mark of ("ireng-hua ( ap(jcry})hal) . Has stand. 854 — WurjEit's Blt'e axd White Water Jar {Ch'icn-lung) Thin white porcelain, in semi-globular form, painted witli a land- scape and a fisherman fishing, in bright blue. Has stand. iirio — C'Yr.ixDKicAr, Bi.i'E AND Whitf. ^'AsE (Cli'icn-luHfj ) With I'ounded shoulder contracting to a short neck. Orna- mented with a grou]) of sages under a pine tree discussing the jjHng-jfm symbol on an unfolded scroll, ex(|uisitely penciled in cobalt-hhie of \aried tone, the fflaze disclosing crackle in light ^ o o o l)ro« II lines. Has stand. Jleiflhl. 4 inches. 3.56 — Paii! Bi.TK .\xi) White Sjiai.i, Ix\-ertei) Pear-shate Jars ( ( liliii-linif/ ) With bulging shoulder and broad foot, :uk1 teak caps. Lummous glaze (jf milk-white, ami decoration of clu>ters (if pomegranates on their stems or b.ranches in vari-toned bril- liant blue. On carved stands with five cabriole leirs. •5.")T — ()\'iF()R.-M Br, IE Axi) White ^'ase ( K'lnig-hsi ) With spreading foot and lip and sknder neck. Decorated with house- hold turiii.sliiugs and ornaments in brilliant blue. I las stand. JJiinJil. I hn'hts. 'i:>r, !35iS — ]5i,ri'; ,\xi) \A'niTi-. 15()T'|'i,i>sii-\i'i:i) \',\si-: ( h",i ^^'itll ciri-ular IkhIv and tall slim neck. Dec(u-;ition, chrvsantlie- niiiiii s^-rolls, paliiiatioiis .■uid borders in cobalt-bhie. Has stand. Iliiijhl. [V"\ inches. 359— Et.i Bl.l'K ANIl WillTE JaK ( h'\llUJ-llsi) On sluirt I'ircular fodt. Drcoi-att'd with two st'.-itcd ladies at a table ami t'on\ eiitidiial aeees.sories. lias stand. lle'Kjhl. ;!i/j inches. 360 — BiA'F. Axn Wiiri-i-. UoiuiE Box and {'o\Kit (C'li'ieii'lnng) (."oiiipressed spherical form, parted e(|uatoriaIl y to form the cover. Decorated in brilliant blue with lantlscape and water scenes and two fiii-ures driving a bullock or a water buffalo across a bridge. Has stand. 3(jl — Bi.rt; Axii Whitk Bird Sf.hd Ctp (Cliu'n-huuj) '-J^^lli.'k'/?-' 31(1 With pierced teakwood cover. C'ircuhir witli sliglitly swelling sides. Thin, light porcelain, the so-called "soft-paste," painted with a distinguished personage, seated, resting beneath a tropical tree and surveying the landscape, an attendant sitting nearby. On the side two parallel I'ings of cvlindrical section, forming a handle. Has stand. 362 — Six Blte and White Deep Curs WITH SArcEus (K^ing-hsi) Decoration, "Lange Tjiisen'' and various entertaining musical ladies, with flower sprays and pet animals. 363 — Sjiale Bi.i'e and White Jak with ('o\ek (C'lricn-lung) Ovoid ginger-jar form. Four ferocious, fire-breathing, five- jT. clawed dragons disport in the air over a billowing ocean, the whole vigorously executed in cobalt-blue beneath a brilliant glaze. Has stand. Height, 3% inches. 36-i — Smali- Bei:e and White Jar With carved teakwood cover. Squat body contracting to a broad mouth, decorated with a floral-scroll band and two borders. Has carved stand. Diameter, 3 inches. 365— Blue White Rouge Box Compressed spherical form on short foot, the bowl decorated with rolling and leaping waves and the cover with five-clawed dragons at their familiar pursuit amid fire and cloud scrolls. Bril- liant glaze, crackled; over the in- terior and the foot a cafc-au-lait crackled glaze. Four cliaracters on tlie foot. Has stand. Dknneter. 3 Incites. 366— Bi.i'E White ('yi.ixdrical Rougk Box (K'ang-hsi) Of cheese-box form, split cquatoriall_y, making cover and box of equal dimensions. The top of the cover white, with a pronounced crackle, the sides and exterior of the bottom coated with a cafe- au-lait which is carried througiiout tlie interior of the box, where the crackle is of smaller spaces. Decorated on top and bottom with coastal views. Has stand. 367 — B[,ii: Axi) WiiiTK Jak w rrii Tkakwood C'ovkk (C'liit'it-hing) Bodv lightlv expanding to an abrupt shoulder of very slight in- cline. Adorned in hrilliant blue with a five-clawed dragon grasp- ing for the jewel of onmipoteiice, in the air, while portions of the body of another dragon are seen projecting above the waves of a turbuli'nt sea. On the shoulder, fire and cloud scrolls, the fire scrolls in dark blue, the clouds in pale cobalt. Diamcler. 31'^ inchi'S. 368 — Bi.i'E AND White C'o\ei!et) Cv\> on Swektmeat Box (Ch'u'n- I'Ulf/) Ovoid, A\itli donie-covrr. The entire top of the co\'er occupied by a coiled dragon ,imid intricate scrolls finely jienciled, its rim rescrxed in a ci-eamy-yellow crackled glaze: on the bowl sea waves and a ciifc-iiii-hiit crackled glaze wliicli continues under the foot, with a similar gl.ize in the interior of both cup and cover. Hsiian Te mark (apocryphal). Has stantl. Diameter. 3 iiiclies. 3fi9 — Bite axd Whitk Rot rT,K-KOi(,\r A'ase (Chlcii-hiiu/) y:Jk^-: tV^tc^n i^. Low bull)ous body .■iiid tall neck; (Iw'o- ratt'd with conxentional floral scrolls, borders and palniations. Crackled fi-lazc. Has stand. 870 — Elongated Ovoidat^ Blue and White: \'ase (Cli'icn-liiiHj) Comcntional dccoi-ation of ti'ccs and plants, and a butterfly. Crackled glaze. Has carved stand. 371 — ]?LrE AND WfnrE \'ase {C'li'icii-hnifj) Cup-sliaj)e body on ju'destal foot, sloping shoulder, and neck ex])an(ling into a bulbous lip. Conventional decoration of sci'olls ami foliations, with palniations about the neck. (Kepaii'ed.) Has car\ed stand. IJi/ight, 5'/_, inches. 369 372 — Bltte axd White Co\'ered Box (C'h'ien-Iiiiig) Oviform with flattened top. Decorated with foliated scroll borders and a close chrysantheniuni scroll on the co\cr. Glaze shows a spacious cr;ickle with a smaller crackle on the foot. Diameter, i incites. SIS — Blte axd White Shai.eow Dish (CVicn-lung) Expanding and folding slightly inward again to a thin lip about the wide mouth. The exterior bears two borders, the interior of the bottom a four-clawed hornless dragon with cloud and flame scrolls. Crackled glaze extending under the foot. Diameter, 5y^ incites. S'V ST-i — Blue axd White Coupe (Yung Cheng) Inverted bell-shape on a pedestal and convex foot, with rudimentary side- handles in the form of the elephant- head with ring, modeled in relief under the glaze. The glaze, both on exterior and interior, with a pro- nounced crackle in brown lines. The decoration, a Fu-lion and a flourish- ing tree in brilliant blue. Has in- laid stand. Height. 3^4 i"'''"'S- yTo — 0\iFOR:\r Blue and ( K\nig-lisi) White ^'ase Contracting gracefully and expand- ing slightly to a spreading foot, 37+ with flattened shoulder and a short neck finishnig in a metal rim. Decoration, a lady on horseback holding a musical instrument, accomj)anied bv a man and two women, one of whom bears an opened umbrella; penciled Avith a fine ])recision in cobalt-blue with delicati Has stand. shading. Crackled glaze, extending to the foot. Hiiglif. I';, inches. 376 — Oaoidal Blue and AVhite Jar {C'li'icn-huig) On convex foot : with carved teakwood cover. Decorated with a land-and-seasca])e, pavilions, mountains and two bowing figures. Crackled glaze. Has stand. Hi'igiif, 4V2 inches. -? n S'^ n i ^ \\0 ;3T~ — Blue axd White Doi-hle or Coalescext Vase (C'h'icn-Iung) In the form of two incomplete ({uadrilatei'al vases united in one body. Spreading foot, tall neck and short everted lip. Decora- tion, the plurnix and dragon, three borders, and on the neck alternate long and short ])ahnations. Small elephant-head loop side handles. Has stand. Height , 5^ '.. inches. 378 — Blue and White Globular Jar (K' Ornamented all around the bodv in brilliant blue on a milk-white ground with objects of household atlornment, a fan-shaped medal- lion with a bird singing on a branch of the mci, and symbols. Apocryj)hal mark of Chia Ching. Has carveti stand. Height. 3 incites: dimneter. 414 inches. !579 — Bin-, A\M) ^^'lll■^l-■, l?ri,iiors ^'Asl<■, {Tiio l\iiiiii(/) Mvcuvvlu^ to .1 lit;litl_v spreudin^ lip; short i-ircular foot. Of ovntly niniplcd surfiicc ;ui(l ni-a\'-u In tc i^'l.'i/.c, the dc^corji- tioii, in two shiuk's of .-i brifj-ht hhic, u liillsidt' h'indsc;q>c w itii surges .'uid uii ;it- tondaiit uiuKt .i pine ti-cu, .'ind three g'oats near by. Has stand. Iliiijiil. .V;4 inches. ;}8()— Ri.r ^^'ll^|■|•; S(irAr IJi'.a ( 'on\'entional form, rechiced to cup size. Decoration, scroll and foliate l)orders and palniations in dark blue on cream-white. Has carved stand. Heighl . \-\''.. im-Jiex: illiimi'ler at lip, 4:\'.. indies. 379 381 — Bi^i'E AXD White Vase (Earl// C'h'icn-lung) Elongated ovoidal with truncated neck. Cream-white with brown crackle: painted in cobalt-blue with a lantlscape and figures. Has stand. IfeifflU. ;5% ini-lies. SHil — Bli"e axij White ()\'oii)AL ^'ASE {i h'lcn-luny) On pedestal-convex foot, with short, contracted neck and flanged lip. Decoration, on a creamy ground ^vitll what has the appear- ance of being a more or less incidental crackle, a spotted stag and a pine tree — emblems of longevity. Has stand. I-Iei(/lif, 7 inrhes. 38.'3 — Blee AXD White A'ase {Cliicn-luiuj) Cup-shape, on convex foot, with abrupt, sloping shoulder, narrow neck and slightly spreading lip. Covered with a conventional decoration of the chrysanthemum scroll, ])etal borders and pahna- tions. Has car\ed stand. Height, 7 inches. 384 — Sectional Cylindrical Blue and White Box (Ch'icn-Iung) In four compartments lifting off one another, for different kinds of sweetmeats or toilet requisites. Slightl}' crackled glaze. Decoration, conventional chrysanthemum scrolls. (Cover-section repaired.) Heigltt. 474 inches. r 1/ 38.5 — Pair Bli'e and ^^'HITK Inflated Ovoid V.\ses (K'ang-lisi) The bulbous bodv on sliort circular foot spun to ji slender short neck ending in a \QY\ slightly spreading lip. Decoration, in cobalt-blue with reserve, conventional scrolls and foliations in medallion bands and l)orders : on tlie neck ;i reticulation witli foliate interruptions. ]\Iark. a ))lue leaf. (Repaired.) Hiifjht, 71 o invhra. :386— Bi ^^'UITE CVLIXDRICAL JaR 38,5 Gr.'iv-A\ hite glaze finely crackled in soft brown lines, foot and intei-ior included. Decoration, a sage beneath .a pine tree receiving a gift from a Ijearer who stands in front of him beside a table. Has >tand. Hiifjht. 4% inrliix I J ^ 387 — OvoiDAL Bltk, axii A\'iiirE Jar (C'iriiii-liing) V^'hh triiiu-ated neck and short steep slioulder, and tajiering slifi'litlv to a. Hat foot. The creamv-\\ hite ahize showinfi- a bold crackle 111 brown lines, tJie decoration three iroats in different tones of blue anions rocks. Has stand. Hr'iqltt. 1^ niches. It 388 — OviFoii.M Bi.TE Axi) White A'ase {C'h'ii-ii-hnig) With high shoulder, t.'ipering gently, and Avitli very slightly spreading foot. Cr.ickled glaze; decoration, a seasliore landscape with sailboats ;ind small figures. (Foot and lip repaired.) Has carved stand. Jliight, G^''^ Inchis. 389 Bn'F. AND WniTK GAltXITrUE OF YwK PlF.CK.S (K'lUig-llsi) (A) Tliree Blue and ^A'liitc ()\oid J.irs A\itli Covers. .Alilk-wliite porcelain, adorned with chrysanthcnium and other sprays in l)lue, between deep, elaborated foliate l)oi'ders at shoulder and base which are in blue with white reser\e. Have stands. Htighl, 514 inches. (B) Two Blue and White Cylindrical ^^■^ses with Narrow Flanged Foot and Beaker-shaped IJglitlv-tlaring Lip. Faiibellished with sundry foliations in brilliant blue with white reserve, the major ones pendant and upsjiringing Ijetween an inverted crenelated rini-border and rings above a hatch ))order at the base. The white glaze applied also to the interior, with an interim ex- posing the biscuit just within the lip. Iliigltt . 5' :, iiiclies. 390 — Blue axd White Ovoid Jar (Ch'tcn-Iung) Full-bodied witli short neck. Creamy-white, slightly rum})led surface; decoration, a four-footed monster Avith dr.igon's head and kj'lin's tail, chained to a pillar among rocks, and o\'crhead two flying bats. (Tip repaired.) Has stand. Ilehiht, 714 incheit. .S91 0\-OIDAL-CYJ.IXDI!IfAI, BfI'E AXD ^^'H^rE \'asF. {ill'lcilAung) Witli sliort, steeply sloping shoulder and truncated neck, and flat foot. Soft white ground painted with the four-clawed dragon and flaming jewel, and three bat-sjmbols of happiness. (Repaired.) Has carved stand. Ilciillil, !)!/, inches. v jy 392 — Blue and White Vase (K\mg-hsi) 39;? Pear-shape with broad neck, on deep, spreading foot. Bold ornamentation of chr_ysanthemums and scrolls in light cobalt-blue with reserve, a heavy foot border and a light scroll border under the lip. Has stand. Height. 814 birhes. ;393 — Bi,TF. AXD WurrK Cylixdekal Jar ( Ch'icn-lung ) With short contracted neck and foot; wide motith. Crackled glaze: decoration, a lone fisheriiian under a tree, fishing. Has carved stand. Ilrighl. lii^ inches. ;394 — Br.TE AXD 'VA'jnTE Crackled Globelar Bottle ( K\nig-hfii) The entire surface crackled in brown lines, gL'ize and crackle extended to the interior of the neck and foot. Decora- tion, firnilv painted, a sage under a tree, with an attendant carry- ing an open parasol. Has carved stand. Hriffht. 7^4 iiiche.^. 395 — Blte AXD WiUTK Gi^oiular Bottle (Cli'tcn-Iinig) Det'oration, two pine trees gi'owing among rocks and a Fu-lion with arclied tail standing imder one of tliem. Has carved stand. Heir/lit. 10 iiiclie.i. 396 — Blee AXD Wnni; Cvlixdrdat, Jar { K' ^^'i^h metal rim and Avooden co\er. All-over decor.ition of boldly executed conventional fioral scroll pattern. ]Mark, a blue leaf within the tlouble ring. Has carved stand. Hdghf. 10 inchvs 397 — Bi.i'E AXD White A'ase { K' Oviform, with trum])et neck and spreading foot. The entire body covered with a })rofuse floral decoration in two shades of blue, beneath narrow hatcli and dentated borders at the base of the neck; the neck left A^hite, marked onlv l)v a pale blue ring between dentated and dotted borders in deep blue. ^Nlark beneath the foot, the double blue ring. Has carvetl stand. Height, 10 inches. iJDN- Two C'vi.ixnunAi. Bi.ri-: and Wf{iti-, \'asi'.s { h"an(/-lisi) Dc_H-i)r;iti'(l witli various b/iiuls ami bor- ders, scrolls and foliations; in the center a hand of mottled cobalt f^round with Shih-LiuifT drations anionic funED Bltte and WiHTE A'ase (C'h'icn-hing) With wide neck and everted lip. Pure white, vibrant })orcclain, the glaze showing a colossal crackle in pale blue lines. Deco- ration, a kylin done in brilliant blue with a tine mastery of the brush, glaring at an elephant executed in line, his huge ears like veined lea\es. Btiieath tlie liji and about the foot a narrow border of Greek fret. Has carved stand. Height. \t rhea 421 — Blif. axu WurrE Tk.aii'le Jar with ^NIaxdakix C'o\ek {K'ang- hsi) High flat shoulder, with ovoid expansion contracting below and recurving to the slightly spread foot; short neck. Milk-white, adorned with sprawling figures of the Dog Fu amid free and 0})en ribbon-scrolls, boldly painted in transparent cobalt and glowing sap])hire color, with restrained use of white reserve in limning the features of the Fu. On the neck some of the "Eight Precious Things"; on the cover storks and more sym- bols. (Cover repaired.) INlark, a blue double ring. Has carved stand. Height, ll)i(, inehes. 42!^ — Two Blue and White Deep Plates { K'nug-lisi) Tlie interior of tlic bottom occupied hv .-i spirited jiainting of a warrior witli two swords pursued h\ another son of Mars with a halberd or battle-axe, both figures on horsel)ack and each accompanied by an attendant bearing a gonfalon. The same motive repeated in successive sections extending o\er both the rise of the bowl and the rim. On the exterior, scepter-heads and sprays. Apocryplial mark of C'h'eng Hua within a double ring. Have stands, or racks. Diameter. 13'/, inches. 42.'3 — Blie and ^^'nITE Gixger Jah (K'dug-hsi) On a brilliant blue ground marked with tlarker lines in rep- resentation of cracking ice in the spring, expansive blossoms of the winter-ljlooming wild plum tree are scattered in white re- serve. This ornamentation is interrupted by two foliate meilal- jions in reser\e enclosing paintings of a horned monster among leaping and rolling waves and fire-scrolls. The white reserve witliin the medallions is crackled in fine wa\ y lines, and a crackled "•laze covers the interior of the jar and the foot. ('ar\ed teak- wood stand and cover. Ilcicihl. 10'-:, inches. / 424 — Blue and White Garxiti're (K'ang-hsi) (A) Pair Blue and Wliite Ginger Jars with Covers. Decorated in two shades of blue with lotus plants and branches of flowers between deep shoulder and base borders of foliations with white reserve. The covers, with Buddhistic emblems, marked by a giant crackle which comes through the glaze, on both exterior and interior surfaces. Have stands. Height, 11 indies. (B) Ovoid Blue and White Ginger Jar with Cover. On a pure white ground a profuse decoration of lotus flowers and plants and other floral forms, in two shades of blue, between deep base and shoulder borders of blue foliations with flower and scroll ornamentation in reserve. Foot and shoulder have further nar- row borders. On the foot the lozenge symbol of victory from the "Eight Precious Things." Height, lOy, inches. (C) Pair Blue and White Tall Cylindrical Covered Jars. With narrow shoulder and flaring lip. A profusion of flowering plants and branches painted in two shades of blue over a broad white field, between deep borders of foliations in blue with white re- serve. Shoulder, imder-Iip and base borders. ]\Iark, the lozenge symbol of victory from tlie "Eight Precious Things." (One repaired.) Height, 13' ^ incites. (Illustrated) 425 — Tai.t. Blue axd AVHrrE Vask (K\iucj-lisi) With dragon handles and loose rings. Lower body ovoid, on a slightly spreading foot ; narrow shoulder and full, long neck with lightly spreading lip. On the neck two looped dragon- head handles carrying loose rings. Decoration, on the body three coiling dragons grasping a quatrefoil embracing a char- acter amid fire and cloud scrolls, each arranged as a medal- lion without boundary ; on the neck two flving storks with branches in their beaks; borders of waves, foliations and swastika and key fret. jMark of Ch'eng Hua within a double ring (apocryphal). Height, IS inches. J H O oi o Ph H 5 Q 55 m o en O o H H z Pi <; o 426 — Blue and Wfrrn-: Beaker-siiaped \'asi-: { K'aiig-hsi) All-over decoration of closely interlaciiiff floral scrolls, ^^ith wide-spreading highly conventionalized blossoms, in contour sug- gesting moths with huge wings, freely introduced — the sapphire- blue in these rernark(d)le blossoms being of peculiar depth and brilliancy. Height, \S% inches. 427 — Bet'e and WjfiTE Vase (Wan-li) Tall ovoidal bottle-form, with bulbous neck. Elaborate deco- ration of five-clawed dragons pursuing the pearl of onmipotence amid an intricacy of floral scrolls and blossoms, with various scroll borders. On tlic bulbous neck a deep-hanging circlet of jeweled pendants. At the rim is penciled Ta-jMiiicj Wnii-li nieii- chih. Height, 21 y., inrlies. r. ,u 428 — Blue axd Wiiitk Jah (K'ang-hxi), covered with a creani-wliite crackled glaze which ex- tends underneath the foot and covers also the interior of the rim. Thin, vibrant porcelain. Decorated with luxuriant and wide-spreading growths of the tree peony in an affluence of floreation. Inset in the cover is a foliate medallion of carved white jade. Carved teakwood cover and high stand. Heif/Iit, 10 inche.i; [icith stand), 15 inches. 429 BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN VASE OF THE K'ANG-HSI PERIOD ^ / 4'Ji) -Tai.i, IJn'K Axii Wiiiri: 1{|, ak i:i!-sii a ni) \ asi: ( K'a ti(/ \\\i\\ t ruiiijH'|--lip|)0(l w\(\v nrck cm .iii iii\< rtcil |)(;ir-sli;i|ic(l hinlv \\itli tlarini;- foot. Vuvv while poi-crl.iin paiiitid in tones of i-it'li, elowiiie- blue with fienies ,-iiul landscape. ( )n the hoih' a ])ei-- sonage is seen riding' .i lio|-si\ .i stati' nnihrella hoiaie nwy liis head by an attendant, and others of the i-etiinie foNow , while .ahead a sage st.uuls pointing the w,-i\, ,i er.iiie H\iiig over his head. Abt)ve, on tile neek, figures .are seen ;it ,i writing-table in a sumiiK'r liouse, .and a teiirde figure is w.ilking outside. Brilliant painting with a free brush in pure tone. Mark, .a blue double ring. Has carved st.ind. Ihujlil. \~i\'.^ iiiclie.t. (llhixfratid) 430 — Hi. IK AXD \\'HrrF. Hawthokx (iixmac J.vii ( k"iii/f/-Ii.s/) ()vif(jriii, with short neck, ll.ard p.istt' p(U'celaiii deiairated with clusters of ])runus Ijlossoiiis, outlined m reserve on a ojjaque lilue grouiul, which is marked w ith a series of d.irktr lines to represent the cracking (jf ice. Has\cd wood stand. JJih/hl. Sijj iiichrx: iliiiiiietir. 7;, iiii-Iies. 7^'- 4.'31 — Pair Bj.uj'. axd AVhitk Tai.i, Bi;akkks ( K'diKj-hsi) ^^'itll a bold decoration distributed o\er the entire surface be- tween narrow \\\> and Ijase borders, presenting the pliienix and the kylin among tall branches of flowering trees. ^I.irkcd with tlie blue doufile ring. Have carved st;uids. >--- r 432 — Blue and White Tall Ovoidal Jar {Ch'ien-lung) With liiirh shoulder, short contracted neck and everted lip. Thin, clear, sonorous white porcelain carrying a bold, broadly treated decoration of an alert kylin standing with raised paw at the foot of a group of two pine trees growing among rocks, the painting done in deep blue of remarkable brilliancy and ac- centuated by a delicate use of white reserve in minute Heckings. Beyond the trees two flying bats appear. Has carved stand. Height, IS'/o inches. 43.3 — Brilliant Blue and White Hawthorn Ginger Jar (K'ang- h.n) Branches of the blossoming wild prunus or winter-blooming plum tree — the so-called "hawthorn" — depend from a narrow hatch border beneath the cover, and in A\hite reserve embrace the body of the jar o\er a luminous blue gi'ound of mingled cobalt and sapphire quality, marked with the dark eccentric lines used to denote the disintegration of the Avinter ice at the approach of spring. The cover, of later ]ieriod, similarly adorned. Mark, the blue double ring. On a high carved teakwood stand with five cabriole legs. llciilhl. i)i:_. iiirliin: ii'ilh slmid. \'i'[^ inches. (llliisf rated) A J' 'hwi o w u O K H o 6 >-?.•. t -t^^ Ul.TK AMI \^■lUTl^ Fl.dHAI. Ci A It X [TH It K { K\l (A) Tlu-L'c 'J'all Oviform ,^:n■s with High Necks and Hiit-shaped l'o\ors. (li) Two Tall l?ralidal, with carved tcakwood co\er enclosino- a (.'arved jade medallion. Decorated in four larg'c foliate panels with figures, pa\'ilions and ornaments, the interxening spaces with the lotus and other Horal forms. Four bortlers. ^lark, a filleted leaf. Has car\ed stand. nrif/ht. liy^ inches. (C) T^argc Blue and White Ginger Jar. Similar to the pre- ceding and a companion to it. Same period and mark. Carved co\XT with carved jade medallion. Has car\ed stand. Ifiii/lit. 1 1 U, inches. (D) Pair Blue and White Cylindrical A'ases. Slightly spreading at foot and lip. Rudimentary beaker-form. Decoration deli- cately penciled in cobalt-blue of figures, ornaments and cmblem.s, within foliated panels, and below and betuccn the panels various floral sprays. i\Iark, a filleted leaf. Jlrii/hl. 13 inches. (Illustrated) 451 — Paik Cylixdiucal C'i-itb-shaped Elite and White Vases Full bodied, on a low foot. Coated with a pearl-gray glaze having a giant crackle, glaze and crackle continued underneath the foot. Decorated on opposite faces with two Fu-lions, each with up- raised paw and tail, glaring at an eagle soaring overhead. At rim and foot a band of Greek-fret in reserve on a blue ground. (Repaired at the lip.) Height, 18% inrhes. (in It. strafed) 452 — Tai.i. Blue axd White Beakkr-shaped \'ase ( K'auy-hsi) The lower section of inverted pear-shape « itli slight contraction and expanding foot, su})porting directly the wide cylindrical neck with flaring lif). Pure white sonorous porcelain decorated in brilliant sapphire and cobalt blues with jiictures of cere- monial events, six figures appearing on the up})er section and eight on the bodv. One of the figures below is a juggler, bal- ancing on his head a mace, before an important personage over whose head a peacock fan or banner is borne. Another figure kneels on a rich blue carpet or fold of brocaded silk. The accessories include trees, rocks and fences. Mark, the blue double ring. On a car\ed and inlaid stand. Hciffhl. ISVi inchr.s; with stand, '21 inrhi'K, 453 — ( 'yEixi>Ri('Ai, Cluh-siiapei) Blue axu White ^'ASE (K'ling- h.ri.) Brilliantly decorated in two tones of blue and efFcctively used reserve with an impressive ceremonial composition involving nine figures, besides hangings, clouds and landscape. An important personage is attended by two mace-bearers. Before him are two robed figures, facing each other at a distance of a few paces, holding what might be sliort swoi'ds and might be symbols, and in attitudes such that it is difficult for the Occidental mintl to determine whether tliey have been commanded to ilo away with themselves or are about to complete some function or ceremony l)efore the mighty one, who carries a conventional leaf. On the neck, scroll and foliate borders. Height, 17|4 inches. (/I 'SI < O Pi o Q is w ^ o -^^;^ ^'f.;^ .:5,.- 454 — Ovoij) Blue axd Whiti-; .Jak with Cap-shaped Co\i:k (K'ang- hsi) Beautifully painted with garden scnies and graceful figures and numerous varied hoj'ders in l)i-illiant coljalt-blue of rare quality. Mark, a filleted leaf. Has stand. 455 — Blue and Wih-j-k 1'kmplk Jak ( K'tiiig-hxi) Decorated under the l)rilliant glaze witli a ricli, conventionalized design of pendant and swaying floral forms, and web-footed birds in flight among them, in cobalt-blue of depth and transparent quality. Mark, a blue ring. Height, 13% inches. 456 — Tai,l 0\ifoi{m IJi.te axi> Whitf. Jar {K'ang-hsi) Elaborate and coni])lex decoration of tioral forms, jars of plants, geometrical desig^ns and landscapes, with \arious borders. The tall teakwood cover carved in bold openwork with branch and fruit motives. Has stand. Hiiyhl. IS inches. 457 — Blue axd WnrrE A'ask { W(in-U) Tall globular bottle-form with bulbous neck. Ornate decora- tion in blue under the brilliant glaze, jiresenting two five-clawed dragons in pursuit of the flaming jewel amid floral sprays, and two phoenixes, on the body : on the neck. Buddhistic emblems amid foliar scrolls, and on the bulbous lip palmations. At the rim, Ta-Ming ]V(ni-U nun-chili. Botl\ this and the preceding vase are of dense, heavy porcelain of the stone-weight variety. Height. ~~\'2 inches. 458 — Beautiful Gourh-shaped Vase (K'aitg-hsi) With triple lobe. Clear white hard paste. Beautifully embel- lished with sprays of peonies, chrysanthemums and lotus medal- lions, numerous four-clawed dragons and leafy scrolls reserved on a pulsating ground of brilliant sa])phirc-bluc. (Has been broken and rejoined beneath the upper lobe.) Has carved teak- wood stand. Height, 28 inches. 459 — Beautiful Gourd-shaped Vase (K'ang-hsi) A companion to the preceding, but painted in pale cobalt-blue. (The lip has been repaired with a metal rim.) Tcakwood stand. Height. 28 inches. 460 — Large Globular Blue and Whitf, Jar (Cliia-Cli'ing) Ovoidal contour, the mouth finished with a metal rim. Richly painted in deep INIussulman blue. In one panel women are walking in a garden with bo_ys, another woman watching them from a window, and in a second a dignified man with attendants is watching some boys at play. A third panel pictures some persons crossing a bridge, one on horseback, approacliing a house, and in a fourth a sage writing in a pavilion is being served with a cup of tea while several other figures are seen near at hand, this scene apparently being in winter-time. Floral-scroll shoulder border and a paneled border at the base. Carved openwork teak- wood cover with a carved medallion of white jade. ^lark, pen- ciled in blue under the glaze beneath the foot: Ta-Ming Chia Ching nieii-chili. Ifiir/h/. U- inches: diameter. IS^A inches. 461 — Tall Bulbous Blue and WHuru \'ase (Cliicn-lung) Body slightlv contracting from the foot, swelling gracefully and receding again to a slender neck which finishes with a trumpet lip. Soft white brilliant glaze, of peon d'oriinge surface; vigor- ously painted in underglaze blue of rich cobalt fjuality with the figure of a huge Fu-lion clutching tlie filleted ball, and a smaller J\i-lion in r;niipant attitude. (Repaired at lip.) Height. -26'''_i inches. 462 — Tall Cylixukical C'lt'b-siiaped Blue and White Vase ( K\nig-] The body exquisitely and forcefully painted in brilliant color in six panels, with different motives and arranged in two tiers. A swooping eagle, and a Fu-lion standing on rocks in a turbulent sea, glare at eacli other, with the elusive fiaming jewel soaring over the lion's head. Elsewhere the lion appears without the eagle, and landscapes with figuro, and emblems and ornaments from the "Hundred Antiques," occupy other of the panels. On the shoulder is a lattice with medallion reserves, and on the neck a succession of varying borders. Mark, a blue double ring. Has stand. Ileiqht. \!9^'i inches. THREE MASSIVE BIX'E AND WHITE TEMPEE JARS OF THE K'AXG- HSI PERIOD 4(i4. ONE OF THREE MASSIVE BEUE AND WHITE PALACE JARS 46^ — Thuk.k ^Iassink and "\A'hitI': Tkiwi'lk Jars — Palack PiEt'Es (K"(iiig-]if;i) Bcautit'ullv dr;i\Mi sprays of tloncrs and leaves cover Hie white ground all about the body of the \ase, interrupted by four oval medallions modeled in the paste and outlined with a band of white reserve, eontainini;- })ortraits of AInie. de Maintenon seated in different attitudes. ,\n elaborate border of foliations sur- rounds the shoulder, and other bcu'ders eiieirele the neck and base. The painting is in eobalt-blue of rieli ((uality, under a glaze of great brilhanee. ^Mandarin covers, similarly adorned. (The buttons of the co\ers havt' been rej)aired.) These three jars were formerly the property of King ^^'illli;lm III of Hol- land. A duplicate trio is m the Dresden ^Museum. Have tidl teakwood stands « itii marble to})s. Hi'iiiht. DO'l, liirhf {niustratfd) 464 — Two Bn'E and AA'piitf. Palace Jars (K'ang-hsi) Ornate decoration in rich cobalt-blue arranged in wide contigu- ous bands of varied foliations, scrolls and medallions, under a luminous glaze. l"he most cons|)icuous of the bands exhibits foliar scrolls and tortuous archait' dragons reserved in a mottled cobalt ground. Xcck encircled by ])almations. On elaborate gilded bronze stands. JTdqhI.i. -M\ iiirlliK {irilli sliiiidx. IS'., hlrlirx) . (lUustratetJ) 465 — Large Bei'e .\nii Whej-e Fish Bowi, (K'dug-hxi) Decorated all around in rich deep blue with carp and other fishes, large and small — and a crab — swimmming in \arious direc- tions and seen among flower yjetals and grasses which have fallen to tlie surface of the water. Has tall teakwood stand with marble top. He'tqht, Ifli/- iiirlir.'i: dinwrtcr. '3^'/. iurJns. FOURTH AFTERNOON'S SALE FRIDAY, I'KBRT'AUV ^7, 1!)U AT THE AM KK I CAN AHT GAT.T.ERIES UEHIXNIXU AT il.'M o'clock Including Catalogue Nos. 467 to 637 DECORATED PLATES AND BOWLS 467 — Thkee ^NIiNiATrRF. Plates ( Yung Chctic/) Flowers painted u\ clolicatr enamel coloi-s. Six-cliaracter mark. 468 — Four Small EggshelIj Plates (Yung Cheng) Tree peonies and plum in blossom painted in enamel colors of the famille roue. 469 — Four Smat.l Disuks (C'iricn-Iung) Three decorated «ith huttertlies, lotuses and chrysantliennims, finely painted in naturalistic colors; the other decorated with fishes and seaweeds. 470 — Two Saltcers (K'ting-lisi) Thin porcelain. Five-color decoration of floral branches and border design. 471 — E<;gs([kle Pla-ll (Ch^lcn-hnig) Dragons, j)ha'ni.xes and lotus decorated ui coral-red and gilding. 472 — Decorated Plate (Ch'icn-Inng) TJnder-border decor/itimi of archaic winged dragons and con- ventional peony in rose-color. 473 — Two t'iR('ri„vit Di;kp Dishes ( Ytuig Clung) Sonorous hard paste. Peonies and clirysantheniunis painted in enamel color and famiUe rose. Diameter, 8 inches. 474 — Two C'lRcri.AK Dkkp Dishes {Yung Cheng) To match the preceding. Diameter, 8 inches. ^ ^. 475 — Imtkeiaj, Yei.i.ow Pi.ati; { K'ling-lisi) Two tive-clawed dragons, tire emblenis and the sacred pearl, painted in lirilliant undtrglaze hhie. Four-character and ring mark underneatli the toot. Diameter. S\/^ inches. 476 — Famiei.e Rose Plate ( Yung Cheng) I'ree jX'onies, pheasant and other designs painted iu brilliant enamel colors. Diameter, ^■'•[^ inches. 477 — Decokatki) Plate (K\ Deep form on low foot. Basket of flowers finely painted in enamel colors of finiiille 'eerte. Diameter. 9i,4 inches. •ITS— Sham, ow Howi, (I'lnnj C'lirinj) Si'iui-<.'ii-nsln^.|| C'liiiK'so "'arden .scenes, puiiitcd in hrilliaiil iiiaiiiel colors. hlamt'lir. .> indict. ■i79 — Smai.1, ]?ii\\ 1, (C li'i(ii-linii/) C'oii\L'ntioii;ilizi'(l lotus ami Irat'v scrolls ]);untc(l in \\liil:i' and i;Tccii enamels on a dark hlue n'round. I{esei'\es of Sansci'it character in o-ildint;'. Seal mark. 1 I'm uiit rr, \ I ^ liirlie.t. 480 — C'oN-iiEKi) Bow I, (Cli'irii-linu/) Finely })ainted decoration ni enamel colors of pomei^i'anates, peaches and flowerint;' plants, on an opa(]ue tur(|uoise-L;i-een ground. Seal mark. hi'ijiii'l <■ r, l-'^ iurhi's. iSl — Pair Impeuiat, Bowi.s (Ch'icii-Jung) Decor.ation of t'onventionali/.ed flowers and leafy scrolls in bril- liant enamel colors on an Imjjerial yellow ground. Seal mark. l)'ni)iirlev, t''^ Ini'hrs. 482 — Decorated Bowe (K' Inner and outer surfaces completely coyered with a decoration in brilliant green, turquoise-blue, purple and yellow, of wild hor.scs, waye designs and cloud forms and blossoms. /Hiniii'tcr, .j\'\ iiirlirs. 483 — Shallow Bowi, (Ch'tcii-hnig) Decoration of peach, ])omegranate and Buddha's-hand fruit, the emblems of the "Three Abundances," detached blossoms and symbolical l)at, painted in brilliant enamel colors on a dai'k blue ground mai'ked with a reticulation of white lines to resemble cracking ice. Sansci'it chai-acter-mark in yellow. J fill IIH'I t' l\ .) illrlirs. 484 — ('o\'EKEO Bo«-E (('h'ien-liiiirj) Outer surface decorated with numerous figures, fishes and wa\'e patterns, representing ;i Cliinese legendary subject, which is carved in relief and painted in brilliant enamel colors. l>ir. 111/, illrlirs. 485 — Decorated Bowl (Yung Cheng) Sonorous liard paste. Decoration of branches of fruits in deli- cate enamel colors. Six-character mark. Diameter, 5% inches. 486 — Palace Bowl (Ch'icn-lung) Engraved Imperial yellow ground over which is a decoration in brilliant enamel colors of lotus and leaf scrolls. Within four circular panels are landscape views delicately penciled. Seal mark underneath the foot. Diameter, 5% inches. 487 — Pair Palack Bowls {C It'icii-hing) Kosc-color engraved ground, witli conventional flowers and leaf scrolls j)aiiited in brilliant enamel colors. Within four circular reserve panels are various ornaments and symbols finely deco- rated in enamel colors and gilding. On the inner surface in underglaze blue are various svmbolical devices, flowers and in- sects. Seal mark. Diameter, 5% inches. 488 — Pair Five-colored Bowls {K'ang-Jisi) ^ Thin hard paste. Decora- tion of Cliinese ladies in a garden, painted in brilliant enamel colors of the famiUe vcrfe. Six-character mark of C'h'eng Hua. Diameter. (> i)iches. 489 — Di:c()RATKi> ]](iwi, ((h'u'n-Jung) Lemon-yellow ground, over which is an elaborate decoration of \;irious flowers and leaf scrolls finely painted in brilliant enamel colors. On the inner surface fi\e symbolical bats in coral-red. Seal mark underneath the foot. Diameter. 5'\, inches. 490 — Decorated Bowt, (Cliicn-lung) The outer surface t-o;ited with a A\hite glaze, which is covered with an engraved pattern of leaf scrolls. Decoration of flowers jjenciled in delicate enamel colors. Seal m;irk. Diameter. (J incties. 491 — DiuoiiATKi) Rowi. ( h"iiii(/ Soiiofou.s hard paste. Dcc-Dration of (li-a^-oii boats, fire rinhlcins and other (lesions in imderojaze l)hie and in I'ed, oi-ceii and velKiw enamels. Si\-eharaeter mark of the period. Diiiiiii icf, (i iiu-lies. 49^^ — Pau! rAi,.\ci- BowL.s {Cirifn-hDif/) Kno'raxed vose-color ground. Covered with flowers and leaf scrolls in enamel colors and four reserve i-irtailar ]),anels filled with ilowers and fruits finely ])aintcd ui enamel colors. Tlie inner surface decorated in underglaze blue. Diitiitf'fer, G iiicJn.t. 493 — Decokated Bowe (K'ung-hsi) T h i n sonorous porcelain. Decoration of branches of fruits and flowers, fi n e I y painted in brilliant enamel colors of the fiimiUc vcrte. Six-character mark. Diami'tfr, 7 Inches. 494 — Lakge Bowe (Ch'icii-Iung) Imperial yellow ground, over which is an elaborate decoration of various flowers and leaf scrolls, beautifully^ painted in richly combined enamel colors. Seal mark. Z)iiniu'ter, 1'^/.^ inches. 495 — Decoeatei* Bowe (Chiu-Climg) Deep rose ground, over which is a decoration of flowers and leaf scrolls in various enamel colors. Four reserves of land- scapes and river views. On the interior surface a floral me- dallion and border. Seal mark. Diameter, 7 inches. 496 — Decorated Bowe (K'i\\ I, {h"(m(/-li.\i) 'riiiu sonorous port-olaiii. Dfcorahoii of four fi\c-cl;i\\ cd dru^oiis ainul cloud tonus and firr (.'nihlcnis, paiiifcd ui lirillianf fi'rcrri. Border di'sii^n ui undrri;la/r liluc. Six-cliaracfcr niai'k under; neatli i\w foot. hhnni't I' r. S \ '.. inches. ">0^■2 — I,aiu:e Dlhouatkii Bowi, ( l\'iiii(/-hfii) Thin sonorous hard paste. Oetaoimah with indented edije. Decoration of ttoweriiiij plant, ])iuni tree in hh)ssoni, roek and g'rasses finely painted m enamel colors of the iiiiii'iUc vcrte. I t'iniuit i'i\ S' ,', incltt'S. oO^ — Lae(.;e Man-|)ai!ix Bowt, {Yung C'hiiig) Klahorately decorated in l>rilliant en/unel colors, enhanced l)y gilding, with \arious scenes ref)resentiiig ChiiU'se in)bkAVonien and children in gardens, and landscape views. Diaiuettr, \^\'.. iiirJii'S. DECORATED TEAPOTS oOi —'Ot axi) Tray Decoration of floral designs, and lotus petal panels in black, red, yellow and "reen enamel colors. 505 — Two Ti;ai'ots axd Thavs Decorated with figure and flo)'al subji-'cts in taianiel colors of famille rose. 506 — Two Tkai'Ots axj) Tkays Decorated with lotus and other flowers h ithin petal-shaped panels, in brilliant enamel colors of the finniUv rose. 507 — Tkai'OT AXJ) 1'rav {( li'ien-hiiiy) Decoi'atioji (jf fioi'al sprays motleled in high relief and enameled in colors. 508 — Dj-x'oratei) Te.\ pot JJoys astride ox, peonies ;ind willow trees painted in brilliant enamel colors. Stem and branches of blossoms f(M-miiig handle and feet. 509 — Decorated Teapot {Ch'icn-hing) Base luid cover of chrysanthemum sl)ape. Two reserve panels, filled with flowers in brilliant enamel colors. Green ground, with scrolls and blossoms in colors. 510 — Df.coi!Atei) Teapot A companion to tlie preceding. 511 — Decorated Teapot (C'h'icn-linig) Thin porcelain, fashioned in sliape of a lotus bud, the stem forming handle and feet, and tlie lid in sliape of a lotus leaf. Decorated in naturalistic colors. 512 — Pair Teapots axd Tkays ( Yung Cheng) The cover of teapot and tlie trav of clirvsantliemum shape, all decorated in enamel colors of the famiUc rose. 51.'5 — Pair Decorated Teapots (Yung Cheng) Flower-shajie, a\ itli stem forming liandle and feet. Decorated with cocks and floral designs in brilliant enamel colors, in the stvle of the eiiibelishment found on eggshell plates. 514 — Talt. Decorated Teapot {( li'ien-Iiing) Floral sprays and pierced bosses modeled in relief and decorated in brilliant enamel colors and gilding. Sl-'j — T.\Ei, Decorated Teapot witu Tray Both pieces decorated with floral sprays, pierced bosses and other designs modeled in relief and painted with brilliant enameled colors, enhanced with p-ildint;'. 516 — Decorated Teapot {Ch'ien-hing) Lotus in bloom moileled in relief, tlie stem forming handle and spout. Decorated in enamels of naturalistic colors, and gilt outlines. 517 — Decorated Teai'ot [Ch'ien-Iiing) Glolnilar sliape, witli scroll handles. Decorated with fishes, sea- weeds and floral designs in enamel colors and gilding. 518 — Decor.\ti\-e Teapoi- ( K'ung-Jisi) Cone-shape, divided into eight ujiright panels, eacli of which is decorated with flowers and grasses in fl\e-color enamels. Has top handle and metal spout. 519 — Two Bi.ACK Axi) Goi.n Ti:Ai'ors (K\ni(i-hsi) Cylindrical, with loop handle, rcciu'vinf;- sjiout and flat cover with knob. Thin white hard paste, eo\ered with a lustrous black glaze, the rim of the cover glazed in uhite. Penciled in gold with a dragon and pluenix (on each pot), cloud-scrolls, the swastika and other de\ices, and hatch borders. Ifl'il/Ilf. 1- ilit'lies. o'ilO PoWDKR-HI.rE (J\0II>AI. TkAI'OT ( ]C (I lt(J-]lsl) Ijoop handle and recur\'ing spout. Overg'laze decoration of four-cla«ed dragon, plui-nix and angular fret border ])enciled in gold. Ih'iglil. ■[•'■y_i inches. o21 — Tat.l Decgratkd Teapot with Tkav (Yuiuj Chciicj) Oviform. Floral reser\es and blossoms on a dotted ground painted in enamel colors of famille rose. 522 — Decoratf.d Teapot {K' Quadrdateral shape, «ith top Toi'i-shape handle. Decorated with various oi'naments and Buddhistic emblems in enamel colors of famiUe vcrtc. Metal mounts. 523 — PowDKR-iiLr'i-: Gi,oiiri,.vi( Tkai'ot (K'aiuj-li.u) Loop handle and reciir\'ing spout. f)\erglaze decoration penciled in gold of floral spi'ays, a hittice and crenelated bordei', and further pencilings on the cover, the knob or button of which has been supplied. Ilcif/lil. .5 inches. 524 — Decorated Tkapot (K' Oviform, in very tliiii clear porcelain, the spout and handle of bamboo clesign. Decoration of floral spraj's and medallions finely painted in delicately blended enamel colors. 525 — Large ]\Iaxdarix Tkapot {Yung CJu'ng) Globular shape, with side handle. Chinese garden scenes with figures of ]\Iandarin ladies and cliildren and reserves of birds, flowers and landscapes, painted in brilliant enamel colors. 526 — Large Decorated Teapot {Cliicn-lung) Oviform, witli side handle. Two reserve panels filled with tree peoiucs finely painted in enamel colors. Turquoise-blue ground, with conventionalized lotus, peach-fruit and scrolls in various enamels. Seal mark underneath the foot. 527 — Larcje De( orated Tkapot (CJt'icn-Iuiig) A pendant to the preceding. 528 — Skt ok T•\^■o Teapots axu Two ^NIit.k Pitc. ffkrs With tr;iys. Old Canton porcelain, commonly called I>o«estoft. Each ])iece decorated «ith a European coat-of-arms in blue, coral-red and rose color enamels, and enriclied with gilding. 5^9 — Decorated Cyi.ixdricae Vessel ( Yiiiig Clung) With tiara-})ointed top, and divided trairs\ersely by molded bands into three sections, the middle one bear- ing a spout. Used for seed fruit syiTips. It has two mask handles modeled in bold relief and is decorated with floral sprays and butterflies, which are artistically drawn and ])ainted in delicately bli'iided enamel colors. 5^!) Hciqht. 1-3 inchis. FIVE-COLOR AND OTHER DECOR AH:U PORCELAINS OSO SWK.ETMKAT TliAV ('/'((() KllltlKj) Boat-shajH'il, tlu' rxtrrior coated with a coral i;la/.e with bam- boo stalks and lca\cs in white itscvxc ; the intci-ior f^hizrd in white, anil sown with sprays in eohjrs of tile fiiiiiillc vcrtc. Ltin/fh. 1 I :. iiifjirs. oJil — Two Smai.t, Ovoidai. Jars {Cli"uii-lniir/) With low, slightly spreading foot and shoi-t contracted neck. Of soft-paste quality, covered with a rich cream-white gla/A -> the lip glazed in bi'own- -and decoi-ated with ^^X rock ])lants in blue, green, vtllow and ____ _ (luhi-rcjiiic, witli gilding; on tlie shoulder a winded insect. lliiilhl. |.i \ hlrlHS. .5;3'2 — Si.KxiiKi! In\kutei) Pk Aii-sH Ai'liD \'ase wmt C'oNER (Cli">cn-]iing) Pui'e white, the t'litire body decorated, be- tween diverse borders at shoulder and foot, with an elaljorate conventional fruit and floral scroll in various enamel colors, inter- rupted at opjjosite sides of the shoulder by two bats ])enci]ed in coral. On the foot, glazed in ])alest of sky-blue, the seal of Cirien-lung Jii coi'al. lias sfand. //( /(/// / . J iurJics. 533 — SuuAT Bkakek-sh.xpkh A'asi-; (Cli"uii-hi iuj) In tlie form of a small globular jar overshadow id by the deep ;uid widely flaring truiiij)et lij) v\liicli issues directly from it. \'ibrant \sliite jiorcelaiii « ith niiiipjed surface, supporting a decoration of chr vf^'inthemiiiiis and oilier tlowers, with leaves and steins, modeleti in bold relief and outstanding, glazed in blue, green, red and yellow and gilded. Within the rim is a broad coral band penciled with an elaborate Horal scroll in gold. Ilr'njJil. t'/j iiirlii'^: tllniiicfi r nl rim. 5 iin-Iifit. 534< — Pair Qitatkefoit, C'yijndrical Jars {Cli ien-lung) Slighth' flattened. Within slightly depressed panels on ob- verse and reverse, nine sages — perhaps the Eighteen Ahrats — discussing manuscripts or at table games, in a garden with pavilions, banana and pine trees and potted plants, each care- fulljr modeled in low relief and minutely painted in colors of the famille vertc. Surrounding and separating the panels, a ground of blue marked by the "ice-crack" lines in white and sprinkled with pink and white blossoms of the wild prunus, signifying the breaking up of ice at the approacli of spring. Interior and foot glazed in pistache-green. Have stands. Height, Syo inches. 535 — Theee-coi.or Cyi.ixdricae A'ase (Eighteenth Centuri/) With short tubular neck and flanged lip, archaic dragon side- handles and convex, petaled foot. On a sunken Imperial yellow ground two archaic animals with branches in their jaws are modeled in relief in turquoise-green, and about them are fungus branches in aubergine, the whole between aubergine molded floral borders. Slioulder, neck, lip, foot and handles in turquoise- green, minutely crackled. Height, 514 inches. 536 — Four Saecehs (Chia-C'h'ing) Decorated in over and underglaze ]iainting with tree-trunks in yellow. Seal mark in red penciled on foot, reading "^lade for the Ilsieh Bamboos." Diameter, 514 inches. -Pair Ovoid Jars with Their Owx Original Covers {Chia- Ch'ing) Decorated in over and underglaze painting with fruit trees, flowers and the sacred fungus, growing among rocks, and with butterflies in aubergine, pale yellow, green and dark orange- yellow with a coral trend. The covers, inset, have a similar decoration and a knob handle. Height, o>4 inches. 538 — Paik Three-color Dog-Fu Fj,owek ok Ixckxsk-stick Holders (K'ang-lisi) The guardians of the tlireshold, on tlieir liauiiches, arc seated on low pedestals with curvilinear feet, which are mountetl on metal bases. The brocade ball of the one, reticulate and hollow- molded, plays on an upright molded rod between the Fu"s upraised forepaw and the pedestal; the cub attaciiiiig to the other climbs up its forepaw and shoulder. The movable jjrotruding e_yes are detacliable. Treated tliroiighout in green, iinbcrginc and vellow, with wliite reserve. Ilriglit, H incites. .539--DotjiiLK-c;oiiRi) Shapei) A'ash (C'h'ic7i-hi>i(j) Soft milk-white glaze. Decoration modeled in bold relief and sepai-atelv glazed of a gourd viiic in beai-ing and encircling both bulbs of the body. The vine, with pale aubergine stems, and bright green leaves \eined in black, displays nvniierous small double-gourds in deep coral, and in jjale yellow, green and (nihergine flecked with blue. Carved stand. Ilfiijht, 8'/i inches. 540— Paiu I) F,<()I!ATK1I Jars wittt Oricixat. Covers ( Yinuj Cheng) Iiivertrd jKar-shajic, flith spreading foot and sliort cylindrical neck ; the co\ ers liat-sliaped. Covered with a monochrome over- glaze ])ainting of la\ ender-])ink hue and ])i(iu d'ordngr surface, with peach and fan-shaped reserves — two of the latter on opposite sides of the waist, two of the former on the alternate sides of the shoulder. The white reserves Ijrilhantlv ])ainteil in enamel colors, with branches of the tree peony and plum, in blossom, and flving insects, and the pink ground having a .seme of plum blossoms and clir\santheiiuuiis reserved and enameled in \ai-ious bright colors. Covers similarly treated. (One cover re]);ured.) llciqhl. U hichrs. 541 — P.\ir Ukakkr-siiapei) ^'ASEs (Yiiiif/ Chiurj) Body in form of an imerted })ear-shaped vase with spreading foot, sujipcjrtlng a full neck Avith flaring lip. Painted in enamel colors with a rich floral decoration comprising the peony and other forms, with liutterfiies, in \arious sh.ides of green, pink, blue, red and yellc)«, (One rep.iired.) Ihiqlil. !li , i„,his. 542 — Two OviFOKM Jars witpi Original ('o\i:rs {K'oiuj-hxi) Five-color decoration of foliations in deep shoulder and base borders, with the fa\'orite blossonilntr trees or plants springing from alternate ineniliers of the lower border. On one the outline leaf forms of tlie borders are alternately long and short. The cap-shape co^■ers liave a plum blossom in a central medallion within 2*L'tfil ancl scallo])ed borders. Ifcii/Jil 'il S' :. iiiclua. 543 — Pair C^i.ixriKK at, \"ask,s (K\ni^\n. On the slioulder a wave-form border in vermilion line and white reserve, and on the neck a down-pointing leaf-form border in \erniilion, undcrglaze lilue and green enamel. The cover is hat-shaped in openwork car\ ing. llfiqitt. 7 iilflu'S. 546 — Paiu Hr niniis tic Siwrr I'/ri'i-.s ( K'liiu/'lisi) St.'uulmt;' tiq-ui-fs, on lotus bases, facli holding' a water jar at his breast, one sup[)ortini;- it on bis rij^bt band and one on liis left,, and eaeli with a boy ehnf^'inn- to liis siile under the arm ()pf)osite that Nvhu'b bears the «eiirht of tlu' jar. Tliev \^■ear body ajid sboulck'V bands deeoi-.ited in enanu'l ,tnd o\ei'^laze eolors in o-reen, eoral-pmk and retl, pale yellow and aiihirj/iiie, witli gihl- uii^', the decoration bein<^ of floral forms and foliations, with pendant IJuddhistie emblems antl fillets. The bases are encircled by coral lotus bancls modeled in the paste, between narrow borders of the wave pattern in green. (One of the jars repaired.) Jtiiillil. ^'■'>'^ iiichfu. 547 SmAT.I, C'VLIXllKUAl. ('l.ri!-SllAPl',l> \ ASK {K'(nif/-llxi) On low circular foot, with sliort slightlv incurved neck finishing with a metal rim. Dense })orcelain, glazed in a soft milk-white tone, decorated in both underglaze and overglaz.e painting with a scene invohing four figures, of whom three seem to be in attend- ance upon one of more importance. The colors include under- glaze blue and a light sandy-yellow, overglaze coral-brown, and green and aubergine enamel. lli'igjil, 91/0 iiiches. 548 — Peachrloom and Blti-: Jar {Cli'ieii-linu)) Globular-ovoidal ; rudimentary neck and small mouth. Ground of a large "hone\comb"" lattice 111 ]ieachbloom, the cellular out- lines in blue, interrupted by three white reser\'e metlallions in leaf- form and scalloped, enclosing a tire-breathing land-dragon and kylins, their bodies in j)eachl)l(Kjm and manes and tails in blue. Besides these large medallions there are lesser interruptioirs of scattered blossoms in white reserve outlined and penciled in blue. At the rim a narrow border of blue "honeycomb" with \\hite reserve. Klaborately car\ed teakwood cover, with ciirved and pierced white jade medallion inset. Carved stand. Height, 8% iiiclies, 549 — Paik Famili.e A'ekte Gixgek Jaks with Orioixae C'ovkrs {Ming) Ovoid, on circular foot; with short neck. Fnderglaze, o\'erglaze and en;imel decoration dej)ictiiig Ilsi '\^'allg ^lu mounted on a kylin, and several other figures, all done uitli freedom of imagina- tion and confident jirccision, in a landscajie of cobalt rocks, emerald pine trees and vermilion fenct's, these colors in the ap- parel of tlie figures being varied by delicate apj)le-green and pale coral-pink. Hook border at the base, uitli a floral Ijorder on the shoulder. On tJie covers are skylarking boys. ( Lip of one jar has slight rejjair.) Ha\e stands. JI(i(jJit. 11'/:! inches. 550 — Bi.rE ExA.-MEi, Gixgkr Jar {Ch'icii-Iuiu/) O\'oi(l, of ck'.-ir sonorous liiird ])astu, i^nainelecl with ;i dense, op.iqiie frl.-ize of }io^\(l(_r-l)luL- (jualitv hut deeper tone, with ln"il- hant surfaee and sh'filit nietaUic luster. On opposite sides two white reserve niedalhons of foHate outhne are j)ainted in green, pink, eoi-al, \vhite and l)hie with the )iiri and otlier hhissoniinn; trees, and the saered funtfus. Carved teakwood eover with white jade niedani(jn earved and pierced, its ornamentation including two figures. //( it'/ht. inchf>\ 551 — Largk Dix okatki) 1?owi. (C h'lcn-htng) ()\(>i(l, with Hat foot ; wide iiioutli. Sonorous Avhite porcelani of tile stone-weight vai'ietv, with a multicolor decoration in under- glaze .and enamel ]);iintiiig. Four foli;ir medallions .are enclosed A\itliin mterhu-mg foliations and scrolls which surround the hodv between a paneled base binaler and .a double border of scepter- lieads, blossoms ,and foli.ations beneath the brim, all in filue, green, yellow, orange .and pur})le, with siindrv v.ariations of tint. Carved stand. ]Mark, of ( irieii-lung. Ilciilhl, 7^^ nirhrii; iVnimil tr. W^i^ niches. 552 — Paii! Five-color Beaker-shaped Vases (Ming) With bulbous central section, slightly spreading foot and daring lip. Decorated in tlie colors of the fdmillc vcrtc with clusters of peaches on the base, sprays of blossoms on the bulb, ami in the upj)ei' section pictures of a ceremonial occasion presenting sc\en figures. l/iH/lit. \r> ill, -lies. 554; — Ovoid Jae with Original C'ovkr (Ming) Painted in enamel colors and underglaze blue Avitli scenes of numerous children having a happy time at play and masc[uerading. Two of them have made up as a Fu-lion, the head of the leader seen within the wide-open jaws of the beast. One is beating a drum. Near tliem are two groups of ladies and more romping boys, two of the ladies carrying infants at their shoulders. Shoulder border of the "cracking ice"' pattern ; on the neck sprays of blossoms, and on the co\ er three more of the playing boys among rocks. All in red, green, blue, yellow and aubergine. Heiglil. 13 >/^ inches. 555 — Blue Gixcer Jar with Dixorations (C'liicn-lung) Ovoid, of pure white resonant porcelain, enameled with a rich and brilliant ghize of powder-blue quality but deejier note, which thickens in its flow at the perfect foot. On opposite faces two foliate medallions in wliite reserve, painted in overglaze and enamel colors with the rock peony and other flowering trees, and two birds chattering at each other among the branches. Carved teak- wood cover enclosing an ojienwork medallion of carved white jade. IJt'/r/Jif. 8'^. inches. 556 — FivK-coT.OR Bf,aki-:r-shai'ei) A'.\se (Ming) Decorated on tile base with branches of peaches and pome- granates, on the mid-section with clirvsantliemum and other sprays, and on tlie upper part with tree peonies and birds of bright plumage, « hile underneatii the lip is a narrow scroll border in red. All in enamel colors and underglaze blui. — some of the blossoms etched ill tlie paste, the glaze removed. Hiiqht. 1(1 1 o inches. 557 — Fi;-E-coT,OR Reakkr-shaped A'ase (Ming) Similar to the jjreceding but slightly shorter. Branches of fruit on the base and of flowers on the mid-section. The upper portion decorated \\ith elaborately ornamented vasus and jars of plants and fruits, under a narrow scroll border underneath the lip. All in the cliaracteristic colors of the family. Hi ifilit . 1.5-j inches. 558 — FivE-fOLOit 0\iF()RM Jar (Ming) In undergl.ize, o\erglaze and enamel painting, the entire body of the jar co\ere(l with a red, green, blue, (titbcrginc and yellow ornamentation com])risiiig six pluenixes represented in swift motion amidst a peony scroll with an affluence of blossoms. Shoulder and short neck with concordant borders. (';ir\ed stand. IIei(/Jil. ll'^4 inches. ')o9 — Cv i.ix lUiUAi, ( 'i.r li-siiA I'Ki) \'ask (Yiukj (Ik'iii/) Tapcriiii;- \rr\- sllohtlv from the sliDLiKIrr down; tln' slioiildcr slopiiii;-, and (.•iir\lnf^ into the ^iracut'ul neck w lin'h ixpands in a lightly tlarinii- lip. I'ui-c whitr rcscinant ])i)ri-ehun, i-ichly ])!iintcd in enamel colors and etched, w ith a group, Fii, Lu and Slum, the latter attended hv a bov and over his head a()pearing a flying bat. On the i-everse a jar of flowers and fruit, and a butterfly, and on the shovildir and neck plant-sprays, a bundle of books and other devices. All brilliantly I'Xecuted in rich green, glowing yellow, pale (iiilHr(/'uu\ vhtir-ight Trigrams, on a scroll : on the opposite face a green, bhu' and auhcrcjinc tree and a gi'owth of the sacred fungus in coral. On the neck one of the genii, seated, holding a scepter, beside a jar containing the sacred fungus. Insci'ijitions of ekvcn and twehe cliaracters pricked m the glaze at the foot. Iliiljhl. 1 1 ■■j illrlli'S. 561 — '^I'af.l Beakkr-sh.m'ki) \'ask [Yiukj (Iu'ii(j) Clear, ^•ibl■ant porcelain, the soft cream-white ground cmbellislu'd in brilliant enamel colors with sfoi'ied mcidi'iit repi'esentetl by several figui-es mounted and on foot, with incidental landscape details. On the body a magnificent figure in tur(|Uoisc-green, cobalt-blue, coi'al and Inij)erial yellow, on an Imperial yellow horse, under a yellow banner, is in the act of unhoi'sing one of only less magnificence on a pearl-white mount under a purplish- red stand;ird with yello\v sti-eamei's. On the neck another gorgeous figure on a sjxitted horse, accomjjanied by an attend- ant bearing a yellow gonfalon, halts befoi'e a sage who is stand- ing. ]\Inrk, a blue double ring. Ifiiilhl. 18 iitrhes. 562 — Tall Beakee-shaped Vase (Yung Cheng) Resonant porcelain with a creamy-white glaze, its decoration depicting in rich enamel coloring the same incident or event as that presented in No. 561, but in another phase. Here the pur- sued, in a robe of turquoise truitc, on a yellow crackled horse, brandishes two swords over his head as he turns back toward his pursuer who in varicolored apparel rides an aubergine horse. Above and between them anotlier figure raises a battle-axe in defense of the pursued. On the neck a mounted figure interced- ing with a sage, or rislil. At base of neck a meander and floral border penciled in black line over robin's-cgg blue. Heiffht, 171/2 inches. 563 — Fajfili^e "W.rte Tall Vase with Original ^Iaxdakin Coveh (K'ang-hsi) Oviform, with spreading foot and deep neck. Dense, sonorous porcelain, richly painted in enamel colors of metallic luster on a soft white ground. The brilliant ornamentation is profuse, and precisely distributed, with much delicacy of detail, the principal motives being enclosed within four outline leaf medallions of varying forms, and four panels, two of them foliated. These picture landscapes, A\ith figures ashore and afloat, butterflies and singing birds among flowers, a k^'lin and a tiger. Intermediate adornment of sprays and foliations ; on the shoulder a parti- colored lioneycomb trellis ; cover continuing the general scheme. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, 19y, inches. (Illustrated) 564 — Famii.le Verte Tall Cylindrical Club-shaped Vase (K'ang- hsi) With sloping shoulder, short neck and flanged lip, and short, contracted circular foot. The abundant decoration includes a mountainous landscape at the seashore, with a tall pagoda, figures on ledges of the shore looking afar off, and others in boats on a rippled sea, the foliage of the pine trees executed in a deep emerald-green. High under an overhanging pine there is an in- scription of seventy or eighty characters, headed by a coral leaf and signed with a coral seal. On the shoulder a scepter-head border and a fret border interrupted by Buddhistic emblems, and on the neck four storks with spread wings shaped as medal- lions. Mark, a blue double ring. Has stand. Height. ITij inches. (^Illustrated) I—* O -J O o Q H la o o pq Q to I—* o X 6 'A < 3 « 56ij — Fajiii.i.k \'h'iiri' "^rAii, ( '^■ i,i\ nuK'A 1, ( 'limi-sii aimhi \'asi-; (K'hikj- hsi) ^^'itll .slcipint;- sliouldrr, (Ircp lU't'k ;iii(l Han^'cd lip: tlic l)()(ly coii- tr.-iftiiii;' >^li,i;'liH\' at Hu' l)ott()m to a low circular foot. KrsplcTid- cnt tlccoratiou cxhibitino- twchc co(|Ucttisli and ^aily attii'rd vounn' woiiion mounted asti'idc on fi-allopini^ liofscs, ruling' in c\crv dirt'ction about an enclosure wlule tlii'ee nu'ii with lip tufts and mustaches, in mandarin i-ol)i's, look down from a hal- conv. their hands raised alio\c their shoulders in admiration. The horses ari,- coral, tux'am, piehald, dark hrown, pale iiiilxTi/hte and white, and the a[)i)arel of tlu' women and men includes fPreeTi, blue, vellou, t'oral, white and (iiihirij'iiic. One of the riders is coniillure wliite lustrous gkize. Has stand. Height. 3 '•4 inches. 58-i 0\lFORM \'.\SK {Cll'i(ll~hui(/) Doiiso pori'olniii, ciiatcil with a creaiiiv f^lazc with sli^-ht ctife- (lu-hiit tino-o, crac'kU'd in hrown hues. Mas stand. Ili'ifilil, .'> iiicheii. 585 — ^^'ll^^K Hot ri,K-siiArr,i) \'.\sk. ( K'diHj-Iixi) Glohular-Dvoidal hody witli full luck. Covii-fd with a soft white 1' , glaze, briioath whicli a fish-dran-on enu'ro-iii<>- fr(jin hillouiiig waves is etched in the paste, as are nehuhe in the air oxei'head. Has stand. Ifriflll/. ,>14 illcllCS. 58(5 C'o:M PRKSSKD ROTTI.K-FORM WhITE A'aSF. ( CJi' ICII-l lltig) ~ Squat ovoidal body and tubidar neck, on short circular foot. Coated with a white, unctuous friaze, c r a c k 1 c d throuo'hout. Has stand. Ileiqhf, i in<-hfs. 587 — DoTi!T.F.-FORM ^A'uiTK ^'ASE (K'aiig- h.u) Low globular body surmounted by a small ovoid jar with short narrow neck, the whole covered with a bright glaze of pure white. Has stand. TlfKilil. 5 ini'lics. 586 588 — Crkaji-whitk Bottt.e {K'(ing-lisi) Coated uniformly with a rich, creamy glaze, delit'ately crackled. Has stand. Ui'lijlil, .V'/j iitrhcs. 589 — GiET-MOUNTEi) Ffciiiex Coufe (Millfj) ^lolded in the shape of the rhinoceros-horn cups, and decorated with archaic dragons, the f)ine tree, tiying stork, deer and otiier symbols modeled in I'clief in the paste, the whole covered, l)oth exterior and interior, with the charactt'nstic rich cream-colored glaze, r'oot and rim mounted in gilt, the run sust.aming a loop handle. Diiiiiiclcr. '>'/., iiii-Iirs. •^1.' 590 — Fi'CHiEx Coupe (Ming) Inverted helmet-shape, with an undidant rim, on an openwork base of rockery whence spring brancli and blossoms of the wild primus tree, modeled in bold relief in the paste beneath the rich, creamy glaze. Diameter. 3 iiirhe.^. 591 — WurrF. Bkakek (Cliien-hiiig) Foot narrow, motith ^\idclv flaring: midband molded in three un- dulations. Base and neck encircled by bands of palmations etched in the paste, and beneath the rim is a border of sccpter- head scroll similarly incised. Has stand. ITi'ighf. 5 nirhes. 592 — Slender Gotud-shapki) M'urrK A'ase {( h'ifit-hnuj) The bulbous body elongated into a full neck, expanding to the rim. Has stand. Height, 6% inches. 593 IxAEETED PeAR-SITAI'E WuITE ^'ASE (Cli' ieii-l lirif/) With short neck and \\ ide mouth. Dense poi'celain coated with an even glaze of nnlk-white. Carved stand. Uiii'iht. ,)'"'4 iiirJie.^. 594 '\\'l(IlK l'l)l!( EEAIX IJoTII.E { ( ll' ic )l-l II )!(/ ) (ilobular, on lirculai- foot, i\itli tubular neck finisliing with a metal hp-rim. Carxed in tangible i-elief with an intricacv of fungus-scrolls and foliations jind the arcli.iic jiluenix, and coated with a soft white glaze having a delicate crackle. (Lip re- paired. ) Ifiifilit. (114 iiirhex. 595 — "^^'irrri, Cveixdkicat. Jai! {C'lilcii-hnig) A\'ith I'ounded shoulder ;uid wide cylindrical neck. Flowers, buds and winged cre.itures delicately etched in the paste and tinted in ]).de Molet. On the neck two .inimal-head .uid ring handles modeled in hold i-elief. Has carxed teakxMiod stand. Ill iijlil . ."(i^ iiii-hes. 59.")./ Rorri.K-VOlOl DuAt^OX ^■ASK { K' (iloluilar hdily, siiriiiinintrd hv a small pi'ar-sliapcd \asr uliicli forms the iicck. On the body is liirhtly pciicikd in })aU'st of l>luc a four-clawed draffon, j)ursuinfr the tlaminj^ jewel, under a pure white ijla/.e of metallic luster. Has eai-\'ed teakwood stand. Ifriifhl, 'i hiring. 59 () — ]5()rri.F,-su.M'F. n ^ ask (K'tiiKj-lixi) 0\()id body and straifjht tubular neek. Of the peaelibloom family. Dense porce- lain, coated with a pui'e white luminous fjla/A'. Shoulder and neck encii'cled by a three-clawetl dragon executed in the se\- eral tones characterizino' the |)t'acht)lo(jm pieces, with reserye, and the addition of black for the monster's eyes. Has stand. Jfright, T''4 in<-ln'S. Wi \ 597 — Bn.Bois Fiii'rr-sii.M'Kii ( K'asks {XiiictcciitJi Ccn- tiir//) Squat bottle-form on low circular foot, with short thick neck. Coated with a pale Ijrownish-green glaze marked by commingling wavy and wandering stria- tions of lighter tone, representative of tlie hues of tea leaves after the brew. Have stands. Oil ()l;3 — Flajibe Vase (Ch'ien-Jung) Squat bottle-form on low slightly spreading foot, with short neck and lightly flai-ing lip. Covered with a lustrous glaze of prevalent pale turquoise and gi'eenish yellow tones, streaked faintly in purples, lavenders, niauves and blues, and marked throughout b}' a pronounced crackle. Has stand. Iltiiihl. Inches. 61-i: FlAMBE ^'ASE ( Cli' if ii-hiiig) Dense, heavy porcelain, in inverted })ear-shape with flat foot and narrow embryonic neck, covered with a brilliant fiambt' glaze in whicli tlie fiarig-de-hwtif reds are streaked with a fine cataract of purples, the shoulder disclosing light greenish-gray niottlings — the whole variously crackled. Has stand. Height. Sy, inches. 61-5 — Bkilj.iaxt Fj-ambe A'ask (Cli'lcn-hing) Bottle-shape on deej), slightly spreading foot, uith full and rather s(|uat globular-ovoidal body, full, incurving neck and lightly flaring lip. Covered with a l)rilliant, rich iiambc glaze, iridescent and metallic, txlubiting rich reds and soft yellows, blues, greens, purfdes, and many intermediates. I'/laborately carved stand. Ueiijhl. 17 iiirhin. SPECIMENS OF CELADON 616 — Cei.adon Cur {Sung) Expanding from a narrow foot in a gentle elliptical curve and spreading sliglitly at the thick lip. Coated with a grayish glaze of celadon quality with slight greenish tinge, and crackled. Has stand. Diameter, 414 inches. 617 — Small Celauox Jar {K'ang-hsi) Ovoid with brief contracted neck and wide mouth. Coated with a glaze of light sea- green tone and subdued luster, with a 617 fine cafc-au-lait crackle. IIel;iht, 4 inches 618 — Celadox Bottle-shaped Vase {Yung Cheng) Cylindrical body, flattened shoulder, full neck and everted lip. Coated with a glaze of dark sea-green tone with a bold crackle in black lines. Interior of neck and foot also glazed and crackled. Has stand. From the Heber K. Bishop Collection. Height. 6 inches. 619- -Two Celadon Tazzas {Sung) Ovoidal cup everting slightly at the rim, on short thick stem or spreading foot. One with a petal border upspreading from the stem and above it concentric rings, on the exterior, and a further ornament in the interior of the bottom, all etched in the paste; the other with exterior plain, and primitive devices etched in the paste in the interior, both in panels about the sides and in the center of the bottouL Botli cups with a pale grayish sea- green glaze, and brown at the riui from the biscuit being partly exposed. Blight. 314 inches. 620 — S^LVT-L Celadox Bottle {Ch'icn-hing) Ovoid, with thick neck slightly expanding. Coated with a grayish sea-green glaze over a decoration modeled in relief in the paste, consisting of blossoms and foli.-itions, borders and a neck-band of pahiiatioiLs. Interior of neck glazed in white. Has stand. Ileiqht, inches. O'll — C Ei.A no N J A u ( K \i iit/-]i xi ) Klon^'.'itc'd ovokIuI form, with sliort neck and wide niouHi. ('(ixei'ed with a lihiish- green celadon glaze, with ciifc-iiu-ldit crackle, the glaze applied also to the in- terior of the neck and under the foot. Jliiijlil. (II,:, inches. 6~- — CiiACK 1.1-; Jak (('iricii-hiii(/) Ovoidal, with ti'uiicated neck and ^\ide month. ('o\eiH'd with a pure glaze of palest celadon tone, marked by a giant ciifi-ini-Jtiit crackle. T/nderneath foot the seal of Ch'ien-huig. llri(/lif. 51/1 iiirlies. iiJl 623 — Cet.adox 0\iform ^'ase {CJi'icn-lung) Witli short full neck and everted lip. Covered with a luminous sea-green glaze o\er an extensi\c decoration modeled in the paste and etched, consisting of a hold flcnver antl leaf scroll and three borders, with a necklet of palmations. Ilc'ighl. 614 inches. 624 — P.\LE C'ki.adox A'.vse { K\ing-hsi) Cylindrical at the base, the body exf)ands to a bulbous center, contracting again by a gentle sloj)e to a slender bottle-neck with slightly spreading lip. Dense porcelain, co\ered with a mono- chrome glaze of dull luster in the palest of sea-green tints, like the smother of ;ur-churned turbulent water swirling in the shallows among tortuous shore-rocks. IJcii/Jil. I(li;. inches. 625 — Ceeadox Jar with Uixg Neck (Ming) Inverted peai'-sliape, the juncture of slioidder and neck marked by raised modeling in tlic paste, the neck short and marked midway bv another raised modeling in the paste giving the effect of a ring; lip slightly everting. Coated with a sea-green glaze of e\en cjuality except where it thickens and dee])ens in tone above the raised modelings, lea\ing their edges light. Ileiijhl. S1/4 inches. 626 — Pale Celadon Vase (Ch'ien-lung) Globular bottle-shape on low, slightly spreading foot, with short slender neck and bulbous lip. IModeled in the paste are conventional petal borders at base and lip, and a ring around the neck. Covered with a luminous monochrome glaze of purest sea-green tint, very pale, the glaze deepen- ing in hollows of the decoration, darkening in tone and so bringing out the details of the modeling. Has stand. Height, 714 inches. -Celadox Globt'lar Bottle (K'ang-hsi) With defined foot, and slender neck shghtly expanding at the lip. Dense, sonorous porcelain, coated with an even sea-green glaze, the bodv decorated with blossoms in- volved with scrolling foliations etched in the paste. Has stand. Height, 10 inches. liJii G28 — Celadox \'ase (Sling) Inverted pear.-shape, slightly spreading at the foot, with high, fidl, round neck expanding abruptly at the lij). The lower body fluted, the upper body encircled by a scrolling vine modeled in relief, and the neck carrying three U{)right leaf groups in relief modeling. Brilliant sea-green glaze, eff'ectivelv \arying and giving a shinmier to the surface as it accumulates in and about tlie reliefs and spreads thin and almost white over their higher details. Height. 11 inches. 629 — ('l:laiiox OvoiiiAL Jai; (Ch'ieii-hnig) Heavy sonorous porcelain, coxered with a dense glaze of bright sea-green tone and dull luster, the glaze continued in the interior and underneath the modeled foot. Height, S inches. (i.'>0 — C'et.ahox Pn.c.Rnt Bottt.e C't'iittirif) l"'i'T.T.-MOOx ^^\SF. {Xinetccnth On convex foot; cli/iractt risHc sliort neck, the lip slifrlitly everting; with- out luuidles. ("o.'ited with a deH- cato liglit scii-grcen glaze ot bril- liant luster, o\er a decoration modeled in the paste and etched, consisting of medallions enclosing the ph(enix and dragon, with wave forms, fire and cloud scrolls, and palmate borders and an encircling flower and leaf motive. Has car\ed teakwood stand. Ili'lqlit. 7'o int'hes. (i;3I — ('klai)Ox GrxGEii Jar with I'k.vk- wooD CovF.R { K'uiig-Jtsi) (j30 ()\oid. Dense sonorous porcelain, with an extensive decoration, cover- ing most of the surface, modeled in the j)aste. At the base is a deep border of sci'olling petals, and at the shoulder are borders of scepter-hcads and the key-fret, while the body is encircled bv a wide band of floral scrolls and foliations, the whole covered with a brilliant celadon glaze of bluish-grav tone A\ith a giant crackle in dark brown lines. The cover has a white jade medallion, carved and pierced. Has teakwood stand. Hriolit. SI :, inrlir.t. 632 C'eI-ADOX GaLJJPOT or IxVK.RTKD PKAR-SHArK A' {Ming) ^Modeled in five lobes as of sections of a fruit, giving a ])entafoil rim and foot. Coated with a rich glaze of celadon qualitv in which the green }iote has almost entirely gi\en way to a grav, the glaze traversed hy ji bold, emphatic crackle in brown and black lines. Glaze continued within neck and underneath foot; rim and Q(\g^: of foot glazed in black. Has stand. Ilfiilhl. II;, iiirhen. 633 — Cei,ai>ox Bottle-form Yast. (Ming) Squat body in tlic form of a melon of many narrow lobes, some- what compressed, on a low circular foot, and with a tall, full, cylindrical neck. The lobes are modeled in the paste, largely by incision, and above the melon a foliate border is modeled and etched where the shoulder joins the spreading root of the neck. The neck itself has a decoration of bamboo trees and lotus })lants carved in the paste, and extending nearly to a serrate l)order under the rim. The whole covered with a light sea- green glaze which takes a brownish trend in effect owing to the presence of a well-defined crackle in brown lines, the decoration being effectively- brought out by the thickening of the glaze and its deepening in color in the depresMons. Ilcif/ht. U-/, hiches. 63-1- — Tat,!, Ovifokji Cki-adox ^'ase ( Yung Clung) 634 Of graceful contour, the body slightly spi-eading from the low waist to meet a heavy con\ex foot, the higli sloping shoul- der recur\ing in the neck, which expands in a lightly flaring li)). Dense, sonorous porce- lain with a gl.ize of pure sea-green tone "onderfully worked in representation of sea water when churned and lightened by millions of small air bubbles — the eft'ect produced within the glaze by what appear to be in- numerable minute bubbles, some of which Jire represented at the surface bj^ in- finitesimal depressions which produce there the equivalent of the "orange-peel" finish. Height, 16 inches. 635 — GitACEFui. ("eladox Jak (Ming) In inverted pear-shape or eidarged gallipot form, the high globular body contracting gently and tapering to a narrow foot ; short cylindrical neck. Heavy sonorous porcelain, covered with a dense glaze of light sea- green tone and mirror-like brilliancy. IlriqhI. 15';, inches. 636 — Ckt.aiiox Jau with 'I'kakwooh (\)\Kit (M'ukj) C'oUissal inverted ()i';ii'-sh;i|H' with licaxv IDot (locjjly icccsscd. Sonorous stoiu'wciu'lit porcelain with cirar note, curved with a deep base-border of pahiiatioiis, loiii;-, slender and sliarp-])ointe(l, and foHate medallions ent-losin<;' flower and fruif niotivt's, and between tlie medallions with blossoms and foliations. IJi'illiant sea-g-reen glaze, ('oxer carved and pierct'd and surmounted by a malachite knob handle ear\(.'d as a group of the sacred fungus. Has stand. Iliii/hl, ili;j iiiilicx: iliiiiiNlir, \t'y^ iiirhcs. 637 — Celadox Tripod Jar with Tk-vkwood Cover (Earli/ Ming) Circular, slightly expanding, the lip folded inward and flat, with the inner edge rounded; on three short feet, with heavy knees modeled in relief as ancient masks or monster-heads. On the body three elliptical medallions enclosing flower and leaf sprays modeled in low relief, with incised veining, and two borders of foliations incised in the paste. Covered with a Ijrilliant glaze of sea- green tone and metallic luster and marked by a bold crackle in brown lines. Glaze continued in tjie interior; bottom pierced. Cover carved in relief with fungus scrolls and grotesque animal- heads, and surmounted by a vermilion lacquer knob handle lightly etched with plant forms and having three small seal marks im- pressed. Has elaborately car\-e(l teakwood stand. l/cii/hl. 91/, liirlns: diitiiicli'r. 1;!'/, inches. FIFTH AFTERNOON'S SALE SATIKDAY, ri'JUU'AUV ^2S, i;)lJ< AT THE AMERICAN AUT GALLKIMES HEOIXXIXG AT ':1M0 <)"(1,0( K Including Catalogue Nos. 639 to 814 SPECIMENS OF SINGLE-COLOR PORCELAINS 639 — ^IiNiATiKE GitAY-nr.rK Bottle (Ch'icn-J/nif)) Globular, with .ibbroviatcd nock; covered with a histrous jrlaze of even quality and a dark gray-blue tone. 640 ^MlXIATT'ItE CliACKI.lCl) IJoTTl.F. (Cli'im-hiiif/) Flattouod pear-shape with short foot : lirrht greenish-yellow glaze with fish-roe crackle. 641 ^IlXIATTRE PEAC'HIiT.OOJl ('rACKI,ED .TaK ( C'k' illl-lu Hfj) Dense white poi'celain, covered with a gla/e of the ])eachbloom ^•arietv in a solid dull pink, through »hich runs lightly a coarse crackle. 642 — Yeleow Sxeff Jar {C'li'iin-hnirj) Cvlindi-ical, covered with a bi'ight yellow glaze, with aTi under- glaze decoration in velvety brown of a four-clawed dragon chasing the flaming jewel amid fire-scrolls. Four-cliaracter mark of C'h'eng Hua under foot ( aj)Ocryphal ) . lleiqhi. ;! iiiclii'!:. 643 ]\IlXIATIT!E "SOE'J- Pas'J-e" IJoTTI.E (Cll'lCtl -llUKj) Slender pear-shape with shoi't foot. Shai-ply uicised decoi-ation of a fi\'e-clawed dragon among cloud and fii'e scrolls; coxei'cd with a white glaze with the faintest pale yellow tinge. 644 — Wbitek's Mixiatube Sang-de-boeuf Water Receptacle (Ch'ien-lung) Circular and shallow. Coated with a glaze of rich, deep and dark ox-blood red, of mirror-quality and with a light crackle; interior of lip with a ftambe glaze showing purple markings ; in- terior of vessel with a grayish-celadon crackled glaze. 645 — Twix Snuff Bottles ix TrEauoisE-GKEEx (Eighteenth Cen- tury) Cylindrical form, the bodies joined the full length of the cylinder. Coated with a glaze of pale turquoise-green hue, with rare mottling and an infinitesimal crackle. Has teakwood stand. 646 — SjrALL Crackled Vase (Ch'ien-lung) Flattened flask-shape with low foot; pale yellow glaze of greenish trend with fish- roe crackle. Heif/ht, 3 inches. 645 647 — Writkr's ]\IiNL\TriiF, Watku Receptacle (Ch'icn-Jung) Sciuat melon-shape, with eight lobes ; coated evenly with a light coral rrlaze. 648 — ]\IixL\TrRK Blfe Jar (K'aiig-li.ii) Globular, with wide mouth; glazed in cobalt-blue marked by encircling fine lines. (Lip repaired.) 649 — ^IixiATURE Calves'-liver Cup (Yung Cheng) Clear, delicate, vibrant white porcelain of semi-eggshell fineness, with ringing note, in the shape of half an eggshell. Exterior coated with an evenly toned glaze of calves'-liver hue ; the foot penciled in undcrglaze blue with the six characters of Yung Clieng. 650 — Smai.i, C'i! acki.kii .Iau (Clt'itii'linif/) Ovoulal contour, sonu'what (i'ltttiKd, on low I'ooh Coakd witli a brilliant glaze of greenish canary- yellow having a tine crackle. Ihli/lil, '^ iiichf'H. 651 GUHEN SXT-FF BoTTl.K [C ITic ll-l II llj/ ) Flattened tlask-shape, with short foot; covt'red with a soft glaze of matt surface in dark malachite-green, with a mimite crackle running through a larger ramhling crackle, and continued under the foot; the lip with a hard ghize of chocolate-hrown. /fcii/Jil. 3 inches. 652 — Yellow C'KACKLEn BcrrTM-; (C'lrieii-Iinicj) Gloliular-oxoidal, with flat foot and short tubular neck; glaze a pale greenish-yellow with a fish- rackle. Has stand. }Ji'njhl. ia4 lllcJlfS. 652 65.'3 — ]\IiNL\TrRi-; ^'.\sK. (K\nu/-Jisi) In\'erted ])ear-shapc, raised on a white unglazed foot; with slnjrt narrow neck. Coated with a brifi'ht, luminous jjlaze of rich, dark ox-blood red, mottled and lightly flecked, the glaze ex- tendintc to the interior of the neck. 654 — Pi:.A(H]iLOOM WixE C'i'P (Yviig Clu'iig) Delicate sonorous porcelain, tlie exterior cov- ered with a rich but delicate glaze of varying ])ink resembling the downy coat of the peach. Penciled in brilliant blue imder the glaze of the foot is a double I'ing enclosing the six-i'haractcr mark of the reign: Ta-C'h'ing Yung Clu'iig nicn-chth. Has stand. D'Hfmrfcr, 3 inches. 655 — Cylindrical Tnuir-oisE Jar {Cliicn-lung) Under a ti'ansparent turquoise glaze, with minute crackle, there is penciled in black (or dark color) a landscape skt'tch in which a spotted stag is depicted under a pine tree. TIfiijht, 3 inches. 656 — CoBAi.T-Bi.uK KouoK Box WITH CoN'ER (K'(ing-hsi) Delicate decoration in white reserve outline of scrolls, books and orniinients. Has stand. 657 SmAT.T, PEAClIBI.OOjr BOTTT.K (Cli'lVlt-llUHj) Dense porcelain, coated witli tlie "jieachbloom" ^laze in pink and C'rp (Ch'icti-Iung) Of o\()idal contour, sprnigmg from a low foot with slight ex- pansion. Delicate ])()rcelaiii, coated witli an even glaze of coral- red : white gbize in interior and underneath the foot. (Cracked.) 660 SjIAT.T. C'l.AIR-DE-T.rXF. BoTT I,E-SH A T' ED A'.\SE ( K'tl llfj-hsi) Ovoidal, A\ith slender neck; dense porcelain, covered with a elair- de-Iu)ic glaze of palest grayish tint o\er a decoration of flowering plants liglitly etched in the paste. Has stand. Ihiqht. \-''\ inches. 6(51 ImI'ERIAL YkI.IOW IUiITI.K-SIIAI'KD \asK (K'dlKJ'hul) ni\.io()n,il, on low pcdc'stiil foot. \i base ol' neck and on lip incised foliate bordirs. Scnii-transku-cnt porcelain, coated with a glaze of Imperial yellow note and lustrous surface, lias stand. Ilcif/hf, 3 inches. 662 — Smaii, Black Botti.k (K'tiiig-lixi) Ovoid, tlie sloping slioulder tapering into a short slender neck very slightly expanding in tile upward (hrection. Coated with a brown-black glaze of mirror quality, the rim with a wliite glaze. Has carved stand. Iliiqhl. P'j iiiclies. (Oil 663 ^IrSTARD-YEI.l.OW CkACKT^KD JaU { Cll' ic II-] llllfj) In the shape of a truncated and inverted cone, ("oatcd with a light mustard- A'cllow glaze of slight greenish tint with a fine fish-roe crackle, which extends over the li{>; foot glazed but not crackled. ( Repaired.) Ili'Ujhl. \- litrhes. 66i — Small Turqioise A'ase (Ch'icii-hiiif/) After tlic double-gourd form, with a globular jar-shajjcd body supporting a pear-shaped \ase for neck, the whole coated with a turquoise glaze of delicate hue, nu'nutelv crai-kled. Tfiifihl. 1 1 o iiirhes. 665 — Blue Bottle {Ch'icn-luiig) Ovoid, with thick neck; covered with a somewhat mottled blue glaze of lapis (juality. Has st;ind. IfrlffJif. .> 1 ., inches. 666 S.MALL \ VAAMW ( ' H A ( K 1. Kl) BoTII.K ( ( IT itil-l II llf/ ) Squat o\()id bod\' on low circul/ir foot, with flattened shoulder and tubular neck, the lip de/ined by an incised ring. Coated with a light greenish-yellow glazi' of bright surface, with a fine crackle. Has stand. Jhcii/hi , ;{i :, iiich(s. 66^ -Sj:all Coral ^'ask {Cliien-lung) 0\'oidal, with flat foot and short narrow neck with spreading hp. Glazed in a light coral tone, the interior of neck and the foot in white, and showing on one face the lines of a plant-spray decoration originally painted in gold. Has stand. Uetfjht, 5 inches. 668 — Sjiall TrnqroisE Bottt>e (Ch'ien-lung) Ovoid, rather squat body, with sloping shoulder and straight tubular neck. Coated with a glaze of delicate turquoise, with char- actei'istic striations, presenting faithfully the texture of the stone. Has carved stand. Heifiht, 5 inches. 669 — Starcii-kluk Water Jar (Ch'icn-Iung) Dense hard paste, covered with a monochrome glaze of opaque starch-blue of a soft luster. Has stand. 670 — Two Yellow Cabixet A'ases {K\i)ig-hsi) With spreading foot, expanded body and flaring trumpet lip, the rim and mouth glazed in white. One with spherical body, coated with a lemon-yellow glaze with greenish tinge ; the other with ovoidal-globular body and glazed in canary-yellow. Have stands. IIci(fht. 5 inches. 671 — Slate-guay Peak-s}l\ped ^'ase (K'(uig-]isi) With long neck and short exerted lip; on a low circular foot. Covered with a cobalt-blue glaze so pale as to be in effect gray, and exhibiting innumerable dark fleckings, which appear also in the white glaze on the interior of the neck. Has carved stand. Height, 5 inches. 67'-! Dotlll.K-litMliO SlIAPKn TirluJIiOLSK \'asK. (C ll'lCII-l II IKJ ) 673 111 the form riiiiiK-]ii,nK BoTTLK ( Ch'lcii-hiiig) O\oi(l body Mith tubular iiet'k and flat foot ; eo\en'd « itli a lapis o-laze whicji on tile net'k and shoulder pales a little toward lavender, while about the underbody and foot it is a deep, brilliant sap])liirc-bluc. Ilf'u/lil. !j-['^ incht'.f. 674 — AsuES-OF-RosES Pear-.shaped A'.\se (C'h'icii-Iiiiig) Full-bodied, on a low circular foot, and contractinrj slowly to a short slender neck with flariiif)- lip. Coated throughout the exterior surface with a glaze of ashcs-of-roses hue, varying from the pinkish tone to grayish-brown ; interior of lip white. Under the foot a four-character mark of Ilsiian Te ( a[)ocryphal) . llciglit, 5',4 inches. 17-3 — Gkkkx Twix-fish Tr.w {C'h'icii'hi in/) A circular tray or sliallow dish, modeled in the bodies of two car[) in the "twin-fisir' device, the scales and fins brought out in the modeling, the dors;d fin in bold relief. Glazed in malachite- green, the tone \arving according to the modeling; tlie eyes glazed in black. Has car\i'd stand in accord uith the motive. ItiiiDichr (IciKjIh (if fixh), S'/j inclu'S. 676 — rowuER-iir.rE Bo'r'ji.i; ( CJi'icii'liiiirj) Ovoid bodies and tubular necks. Invested with a brilliant glaze of dark powder-blue. llii(ilil. 5 iiiclii's. 677 — S5iALi> Coral Jak (Ch'ien-lung) Oviform, with flat foot, high shoulder and sliort neck. Unctuous glaze of mottled coral tone with strong metallic reflections, carrying a decoration of flower sprays penciled in gold, of which considerable vestiges persist. Has stand. Height, 5 inches. 678 — BoTTi.E-Foii.M Ti'RiiCoisE Vase (Cli'leti- hing) Ovoid bodv with tubular neck. Covered with a brilliant glaze of rich "turquoise- green," or the hue of the washed stone, with a delicate fish-roe crackle, the glaze about the entire body marked by numer- ous and successive striations. Has carved teakwood stand. Height, jiA inches. 679 — Yellow Beaker-suaim;!) Crr (Ch'icn-hing) Glazed in a pale canary-yellow, brilliant and without the cus- tomary metallic glint. Inscription on the foot. Has stand. Height. HV;. inches. 680 — B[iowx Bottle-shaped A'ase {Chien-lung) Ovoidal-globular body on sliort circular foot, with neck slightly expanding at tile mouth. Covered with a monochrome glaze of brown tone which shows the flecks or clots of the saiig-dc- httnfs, but by contrast mostly in lighter key than the body color. Has stand. Height, 6 inches. 681 — ^loTTi.Ei) Lai' \'ase { ( W ic ii-ltuig ) Ovoid, with bulbous neck; co\ ered with a bright glaze of \arv- ing tones in the hues of lapis, with suggestions of powder-lilue quality. Has stand. Hf igiil . ^i .. incited 682 — I'KAK-siiAri'.ii Lisri'ii Nasi: ( K\iii^ Heiqht. 6 inches. 701 — Yklj.ow C"ha( ki.ei) Jak (Cliicn-lung) Elongatetl ovoid form, A\ith sloping shoulder and abbreviated neck. Glazed in a mustard-yellow of greenish tinge, with fish- roc crackle. stand. Ihiijllf. 'y^,:. illchl.^. 702 — C'ajif.i,li.\-eeaf Guei;^- Bow i, ( K' On short circular foot. The interior covered with a camellia- leaf green glaze having a fine crackle. The glaze on the exterior is lightei-, a watermelon-green, which continues underneath the foot and is also crat'klcd; rim ghized in broAvn. Diumeli r. 5 inches. 703 — ^Mazakixi-.-hlie Bottm-: {Clt'ieii-Iuiig) Globular, ta])ering to a slender neck, on a circular foot. C'o.ited with an even, luminous glaze of dark mazarine-blue, which cx- tcntls to the interior of the neck. Has stand. Heif/ht. (i inches. 704 — ()\(iLi) Hi, IK ,Iai; with ('aimim) Ti^AKWodn CoNiJc {('li'irii l/iiij/) ('oatcil uitli :i iiioiiot'lirDiiic ^l;i/c ot f^THVisli-lapis tone, a (Iccdfatioii ot spi'ays, blossDins and iiist'cts pi'iicilid in ligliUT krv on tlic pasfc rrxcalmi^- tlaaiisolx t's tliriuinli Hir ;;la/,(_'. lias stand. Ihiillll. :{■■■ I ilirhis. i't).") -Bd'i' ri.K-ii)ii.\i Ti iKiioisi.; ^'asi-: (('h'uii- hiiKj ) ()\(ii(l lioilv with thick neck, tlic tur- i|U(iisc-hhic n'lazc niai'kccl by lateral stri- ations and a tine ci-ackle. lias carved stand. Ill iiilil . ,V'| hi, ■Ill's. 701- 7('(j — ( 'ai.\ks'-i,i\ i;l! Vask (Yiukj C'Jiiih/) Of bulbous form, as of an in\erted pear-shape vase niei'(>'infr with a o'lobidar l)(ittlt'-slia|(e vase, with slif^'htU' spreadin^r foot, aiul short slender neck lightly expandiiii;;- at the lij). ('o\ered witll a brilliant f^iaze of maroon tone and classed as Iner-color. Ilihlhl. -,■■■, iiirhrs. rOT — Bi.rE-iii.Ac K BoT'i'i.E (Ch'un-luiKj) f)\oid, with tubular liet-k, its en\elopin;j monocliroiiie f;Iaze of so deep and dark a blue as to l)e almost black. Has car\ed stand. lliiyhl. a inches. TOM — GiiAY-ii i.i'K HoT'ri.K (C'liltN-linijj) Globular bodv, taperiiiif to a short, straifiht and slender neck; with lo\^' circular toot. ('o\ered with a monoclirome o-|a/,e of subdued luster m a fi'rav-blue or dee|) })ou(ier-blue tone and e\X'n distribution. Has stand. I f I ii/ll I . .V' , i nrlir.s-. 70!) — S-j-.\Rf'ii-iir.rK HoiTi.K (( It'icii-hnKj) Ovoid with tubular neck, co\cred with an unctuous fj-laze in the hue known as starch or slati'-bliie, with d;irk tleckirin-s. Has c/ir\'ed stand. II riifhl . .r^ I illrhct. 710 — Rare Turquoise Bottle (K'ang-hsi) In bulbous pear or graceful gourd shape, drawn into a tall, slender neck ; luxuriant floral scrolls and foliations etched and modeled in tlie paste : flooded with a lus- trous glaze of delicate, mottled turquoise, wliich, deej)eniiig in the incisions, emphasizes the outlines and details of the decoration. Has stand. Hiiiijhl, fii/o liichix. 711 — BoTTT.E-FORji TuRQUOisE Vase (Ch'ien- lung) Ovoid, with tubular neck: coated with a bright glaze of turcjuoise-blue having a fish- roe crackle. Has teakwood stand. Heiyht, 5;4 inchis. 71!-^ — Bkkf's-i.iver A'ase (Ch'icn-lung) On circular flat foot ; swelling center and short wide cvlindrical neck, in form as of a pear-shaped vase posed upon an inverted pear-shaped base, their bodies coales- cing or merging at the greatest diameter. Covered with a rich brown liver-colored glaze whicli deepens in tone toward the base and contains the minute surface markings conveying an intimation of the texture represented. Height, 71/, inchea. 71''5 Cue rMDER-OREEX ^'ASE ( A" tl ll(/-hsi) Ovoid, on low circular foot, with crescent neck ending in flaring lip; Ijrilliant crackle glaze of cucumber-green tone with a slight metallic luster. (Lip re})aired.) Height, 5' v. i)ich(x, 711 — r>APis-iii,i'K BoTTi.E (Cli'icn-hitig) Globular, with sleiuler neck, on a circul;ir foot. Covered with a lustrous glaze of pure lapis-blue. Has carved stand. Hcil/llt, (i ill(ln.-<. 715 — Peak-shapkd PowDER-iu.TE ^'AsE ( C'h' ifu-Juiig ) Tapering to a slender neck, with e\ertitl lip; on low circular foot. The monochrome glaze a luminous powder-blue and ex- tended to the interior of the neck. (lap chipped.) Iliiiiht, ,3' ,_. in, Ills, rK) — I'MurK 1'ka ■:aiii hi, (Id M W'lM'. 1V)1' ( K'llll(/-llsi) III tile iOi'iii (if u slif^-litly cloii^viti^'tl pcjicli Ndincwiiat tl;itt(.nc(l, (in :i CdiiNCX tdcit ; with Idd]) liandk' and vc- (■ui'\(.'(l sjidiit. Tlicre is no (ipciiin^- in \\\r td|i. 'J'he Ncsscl is fiil(_'(l liv iin'crtiiig it aiul jidurint;- the wine tliroiio-lL an orifice in the toot which is the entrance to a tunnel exten(lin(j nearly the depth of the pot. 'J'lie tilled pot heinjr stood upon its toot af^'ain is ready for service. Coated «itli a irravish-greeii peachlildoiii ola/e in the liue of the green fruit, with a mottled jiinkisli and green flecked patch toward the top where it is beginning to ripen. II riifht, I ' '^ iltrJiry. 717 — (tr.w'-jili'k Bottlk (C Ji'ii'ii-huig) Globular, with tapering neck, on a low tdot ; the lustrous glaze of a deep grav-blue, with mottled suggesti(jns of the powder- blues. Has car\cd stand. Height, 5-;4 incJii.i. 718 — Pear-suai'i;!! TiRciroisE ^'ASE {Ch'iru-Iuiuj) Tapering to a full neck witli everted lij); on low circular foot. Dense porcehiin, covered with an unctiKJus glaze (jf rich tur- quoise-blue, of dull luster, the glaze m(j(lulated in slightly darker lines encircling the vase and becoming more distinct and emphatic on the neck. Has carved stand. llfiijht, G inches, 719 Cue rjIBEK-GKKEX BoTTI.E ( K'll llfj-ll .si) Ovoid, With fiat fo(jt and tubular neck; dark cucumbei--grecn glaze, having a fine crackle. Ileiijlit, 5;i iiiclnn. 720 — OviEOrt.M 'J'ri!(ir(iisi-; Vase {(li'ii'ii-liunj) Coated throughout with ;i mottled tur(|U(ilse glaze, minutelv crackled, the hue changing in jiatclies to tur(pi(iise-green. Has carved stand. ffiii/hl. (iK'^ ill, -Ins. 721 — RoYAT. Bi.i'K (^rAi!iiAxc;T-i.AK Tkapot { Ch' icn-luiig) In each face u depressed panel. Archaic ch-a^on-head loop handle and recur\in(i- spout. I'lie wliole covered with a ricli glaze of roval hlue, delicately mottled. Xeck and cover coated with metal, the cnwv surmounted by a metal Fu-lion croucliing on his forepaws, with rump upraised and tail flourishing. Leiiijfh. 7 inchi'K. 722 — St.kxi>i-.r ( 'i,Aii!-i)E-T.rxK A'asf, (K'inig-hsi) The circular body, with fiat foot, expands very slightly to a shoulder which « ith a steep slope cur\es into a slender neck with lightly expanding li[). C'oati^d with a transparent vhiir-dc-lune glaze of ))earh-gray hue through which is seen a decoration etched m the paste. This consists of })lants with blossoms, on the body, a hatched shoulder border, and on the neck foliations and a point or rudimentary palmation Ijorder. the latter above two etched rings. Has stand. Ill ii/hl . S' ., iiiclii s. 72.'3 — Si.KxnKit Tr i!(jioisK-(:itEKx A'ask {dilai-linn/) A rare example. Pear-sha])ed, on circular foot, gracefully taper- ing to a slender lU'ck, «ith lightly s|M'eading liji. Glazed in a dark turquoise-green, Iriiitc, the lip in or hniiii running from scal-bro«n to a sott golden \ellow. Has stand. lU'nihl. 6 inrlii'.':. ^m \ 7-24, 7-^() 724 — Peachbloom Gi.oiui.Au Jar (C'h'nii-liiiig) Pure white \ ihi-.-int jiorccbiiii coated with a peacliljloom jtfla/c of brilliant siii'face and uniform color quality, the hue being a deep, rich pink. Ha^ stand. Dioiiiclrr. !i ' :, iiirlti s. -C'OKAI.-KEI) \ ,\SK ( C ll'w H-lx llfj ) Squat ovoidal body on a circular foot, with sloping shoulder and tubular neck, the neck iiiai'kt'd by a slightly depressed nioldefl band, aiul a stej)ped bulbous expansion just below the short lip. Delicate «hite porcelain, covered with a uniform monochrome frlaze of iMcli coral with dull luster. Has stand. Ileiijlil. (j<4 iiichin. 726 — S-rAiUH-nr.ri-; Rrr.Hors \ ,\sv. {Clilrii-hnuj) Globular l)od\' \(ith slendei' neck ^^hlch has .a bold bulbous ex- pansion at the lij). I'nifoi'in glaze of bhush-grav or starch- blue, of lustrous surface. Has stand. I/i'ighl, 5';, lurtua. 727 — C'oKAL-BED 'N'ase (Cliien-lung) Elongated ovoidal form, with sloping shoul- der and short, truncated neck. Covered witli a mottled coral glaze of dull luster, which discloses the lines of a floral spray or plant cluster, extending from base to shoul- der on one face, which originally was gilded. Has stand. Hciyht, ()'/., (iirhex. 728 — Cltb-shapkd Ttrqcoisk A'ase (Ch'ien- lung) With slender neck and everted lip. Coated in turquoise-blue of brilliant surface, the glaze deepening in tone at the base of the neck and about the foot and revealing a fine fish-roe crackle througliout. Has stand. Htif/ht. 7 inches. 729 — ^lAZAiuxE-Bi.n-: Bottle (Yung Cheng) Globular, on a low foot, the body tapering to a short, straight, slender neck. Covered with a lustrous glaze of depth and rich- ness in an even (juality of pure mazarine-blue, with mirror- surface. Has cai-ved stand. Height, 6i;4 inches. 730 — MoTTi.Eu Coral \'ase (Yung Cheng) Oviform, with high shoulder recurving ni an abbreviated neck, the body contracting gracefullv to a convex foot. Coated with a eor.'il glaze slightly mottled, wJKjse dull luster is almost barren of the custoniarv met;d]ic I'eflections. Has stand. Hiiijht. 71,4 inches. 731 — ]\It-st.\i{1)-yeei,ow ]?ottt,e ( Ch'un-Juiig) Globular, «ith slightly expanding neck; coated with a brilliant glaze of light mustai'd-vellow. Has stand. Height. 7 inches. 732 — Two PowDEU-Hi.r E ]}o\\ i.s (K'ling-lisi) Widely flaring from a low circular foot. Exterior and interior coated uniformly with a cobalt glaze flecked and mottled in a fouettc effect, the thin rims whiti'. Clear porcelain of sonorous tone. I'idini / 1 r. S'> , i iii-Ih s. riu' surtaco iiiolilid in representation ot tlie feathers of the liii'd, and eoatod with a larli tiiriiuoise f^'laze of brilliant sui-faee uliicli \arit's 111 I'oior (|uality aecordiiii;' to tlie niodelini;- of the paste. Has metal loop handle. 7;54 COUAI.-KKII ^'ASK (Yilllf/ CJu'llj/) Inverted pear-shape on convtx foot, with short iieek. Rieh, deep eoral glaze of dull luster with inetallic notes. Mas stand. 1 1 ( itjli 1 . 7 i lirin .V. l-io C'LAlR-DE-l.rXli SjlALL J.\R ( K' ll lUJ-ll si) Glol)ular-o\didal, on flat foot, with- out neck and with \\ ide mouth. C'o\'ered with a cltiir-ilf-luiic glaze of pale la \ t'lider-gra V tone. (Cracked.) Has stand. Dlanirl rr. S'^ inrhrs'. 7-36' — ^^'I!I■rKu"s ^^^\Tl■:l( Rkcki't.vci^k in I'kaciiiu.oo.m ( K\ui(/-] shallow circular form, the ovoidal sides infolding to a witle mouth. 73,5 Coated with a peat'lil)looiii glaze of ashes-of-roses hue mottled with many deep pink fleckings. Intirior and foot glazed in white, the foot tjearing the six-character mai-k of K"ang-lisi ])enciled in blue under the glaze. Has stand. Vitiiiif'/f'i'. 41:, inr]n's. rST Al'PJ.K-CKKKX Gl.OBri.AK Jak {h"llllf/-ll.u) Dense sonorous jiorcelaiii, coxered with an apple-green glaze having a bold crackle in l)ro\\n lines; interior and foot with a pearl-white glaze and the same crackle. Has stand. DidiiH'l rr. t''^. iiiflics. (lUustriilcJ) r^S Al'PI.E-GREEX Cl!A'utiiif'i(' i\ 4'Vi, iiiclu'i- {Illustrated) 739 — Pkac'hbloo.m Jar with Teak wood ('o^'ER {K\i!tg-hsi) Ghjbular, with wide moutli, to which is fitted the hat-shaped carxed co\'er. Coated with a lu- minous glaze in the mottled grayis]i-])ink hue of peaches that are ripennig, the color deepening toward the foot. Has stand. iJiinnvt i'l'. 3 inchea. 740 — Pi-:ACHiii.o().M Jar ( K'diig-hai) Squat, heavy pear-sha])e body, compressed, recurving in a short neck to form a slightly flaring lip; A\ide mouth: low foot. Ex- terior coated with a luminous peachbloom glaze of rich quality, varying fi'om a luscious red to rosy puiks, aslu's-of-roses, and greenish-gray mottlings ; interior xvitii a gray-white glaze having a niilai- glaze with smaller crackle under 739 cdfc-iiii-litit crackle foot. Has stantl. h'linnrh i- . \ iiirlx {Illu.sfrtital) r-ti— s \ppHiRi:-])i,TE Gaetjpot ( CW ic nAu)tg) Dense porc-elain. enameled with a lustrous glaze of sa})phire- blue, trending toward gray, of richness and depth, and thick- ening evenly and characteristically about tlie foot. The lip glazed in \\liik\ stand. ILnjhI. :> ■, hlrhai. (Illustrated) ■J 2, ^■1- I'-Mli AA'Arr.liMKl.OX-CKKIvX ^'AS|.■.S (K\lll(/-]lxi) OxifoiMii, with short neck anil spiT.-uiini^ lip; (.■ojitrd witli a histrous nl.-i/c of w iitcmicloii- UTri'ii, tniiti', the i^lazc tlowiiif;- to the inti'rior of thi' hp and contiiuicd under the foot. (Lip of one chipped.) IIa\e stands. U(iiflil, .V;'| ilirhry. i'-i;} — Co I! AT, -If I'll Jau \vrn[ Ti;akwooii Conkk ( ( 'h'ii'ii-hi lu/ ) ()\(iidal, with hijrli shouhler and trune.ated uet'k ; flat foot. ('o\ered with a liiiiiiiKius 'inchis. ilUustr/ifri]) " ^'i ?; < -^ X £ 5 ^ ^ X ^ _; 'o <; S w ;:3 >'< J 5 ^ ? :^ 3 ^ _■ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a P 3 C_, -^ ^ ^ 2^ r - 750 — Writkr's Pkachih.oo.^i Watf.u Rkckptaci.t, { h"ii)i(j-hsi) St'ini-globular, with fiat foot, and narrow iiioutli with siher lip- rim. Dense porcelain of K"ang-hsi, coateil with a j)eachbloom glaze lia\ing a bold crackle. The glaze presents \aried notes of pink, with rosy flei'kings, and m its transparency reveals three scrolling cloud medallions etched in the paste. I'enciled in bril- liant blue bcne/ith the uhite glaze under the foot, Ta-Ch'ing K'ang-hsi nien-chih ( ^I.ide in tlu' reign of K"ang-hsi of the great C'h'ing dynasty — the dynasty overthrown in the late revolution). Has stand. J>i.iim('lf'i\ 5 hictn'S. 751 SEMI-ClLOBri.AK P i;A( Illl f.OO.M JaK ( K'tt IKj- ^^'^riter^s water receptacle, on flat foot, with narrow nioutli. Dense porcelain, with thi'ce sciadi medallions etched m the paste and barely distinguisjiable. The glaze ])i'esents a ground of ashcs-of-roses hue, thickly bespread with deep pink and reddish spots or fleckings, which appear almost as though in swarms over it. AVIiite glazed foot with tln' six-character K'ang-hsi mark penciled undei' the glaze in blue. Has stand. I >iif nut I' r, .) ilirliis. (Ilhistratc(l) 752 — SEJii-Gi^oiii'LAK Pkac ]ii!Looji Jai! (K'diig-hsi) Writer'.s water i'ece])tafle, on flat foot, with silver mouth-rim. Dense porcelain, iGHT Appt.e-gbeex Vase (K'ang- With swelling center, the neck and foot equivalent, or as though a pear- shaped and inverted pear-shaped vase were united into one vessel at their points of greatest expansion. Dense porcelain of K'ang-lisi, covered with a pale apple-green glaze of brilliant metallic luster and boldly crackled in brown lines. Interior with a pearl-white glaze with brown crackle, wliicli is also found underneath the foot. Height. 7% iiiclHS. 761 — CoRAi.-KEi) ^'.\SE ( Yung Cheng) Of full-bodied pear-shajjc, on deep, spreading foot, with large neck and flaring lip. Pure white porcelain coated with a coral glaze of rich cju:dity, huninous with a dull luster and having metallic reflections. The glaze is of delicatelv mottled aspect and on the neck, undcrbody and foot reveals an intricate re- ticulated crackle in wandering hair-lines. Interior of the neck white. Has stand. Hr'Hjht. 8'4 hirhis. -T.AXt;-VAO Tw Kiel' I'. II ri'.Ali-SII Al'l', \'asI', ( K'lUKJ'hs'l) Biulv contractiiii;' <;T:iri't'ull v to a ulif^litly sprr.'uliiin- foot, and with a liii;-li, slio-htlv tlattt'iicd sliouldcr and short i-yhndiical neck. (.'iKitcd with a sini()-(h'~l)(t iif n-la/.c of darki'iU'd hue, a red(hsh- hrow n. with many darktT o|ol)uh's of the ehttted lihiod, the siir- taoe with tlie '"feel" of the liver-eohired f^'hi/.es. 'i'lie (rluze is flowed uniforiiilv to a perfei't foot, the eohir eeasiiif^ at an even hne just before the termination of tlie How, and is eontinued in tile interior of tiie \esseh Under the toot a pale eekidon gh^ze w itli eraekk\ Ifiiifltf. fi '■ I iiirJn'!t. (Illiisfnifi-i]) 7(k'5 — Talk Ari'rE-cuF.KX Gat.m lavr { h"orc(_laiii, c(jated with a inonochroine glazt' of light mustard- yellow c(jl<;r and iiiirror-(|uali t \', Avhich extends all the way to the rim. Has car\ed teakwood hat-shaped co\cr. Ilc'njht, T'/j iiivhes. 774 — Laxg-yao Bottt.k (K' Glol)ular bodv, with full slightly ta})eriiig nt'ck. Dense por- celiiin, corttetl with a rich sdncj-de-hauf trlaze of pcau-cT orange surface, liaving a delicate, scarcely perceptible crackle, its colors varying from the red of cooked tomato to the deep, dark tones of the clottetl ox-blood, and mottled with tlie fleckings or "tears" of congealing blood : at the foot it takes peachbloom tones. The interior of tlio neck is glazed in white with a delicate crackle, and underneath the foot the glaze exhibits the peachbloom fleck- ings. The s(tn(j-dc-baaf glaze «as a revival of the ancient sacri- ficial red, and the precursor of the peau-de-pcche; this example is interesting for studv, in presenting the elements of the transi- tion or development — the ox-blood and the peachbloom having a common origin. Has stand. Iliiijlil. 9 iiirhcs. 775 — BoTTi,i:-sHArKi> A'asf. (( lili'ii-hiiig) Globubir bodv, Avith flat foot .and short thick neck. Sonorous white porcelain, coated with a monochrome glaze of rich, dark- reddish or mahogany bi'own, sometimes described as of "beefs- liver" color, with an "orange-peel" surface and dull luster. Has stand. Height, 81/4 inches. 7(j -I'xKiiK (()iAi>i[ii.A ri'UAi, V i;i.i.o\\' \'asi-: (('Ii'iiii-Ihikj) licsl 111^' on low iindci'hody molded (|U,idi'.uii;ular foot, the fouf sides c-oin iTf^in^' as tlicy I'isi' and unit- ing III a s(|iiarL' straight neck ot small (liiiK'iisions. Clcjir, sonorous wliite poi'celain, coated with a lime-yellou' fjlaze, luminous, and with a surface representing the texture of the skin of the fruit imitated. Has stand. Iffii/ht, 7 1/4 incite.'-'. 777 — Hark T r ki^ r ois k I x \' i ■, k -r k i ) 1' K ,\ i{ -s II .\ !• K \'ask (Ch'ien- huKj ) W\\.\\ })roloneed and gracefully 776 curving neck. '^I'lie entire surface given to a \ague and interesting ornamentatKjn of cranes tl\iiig amid scrolling clouds, lightly penciled over the paste, the whole coated with a fish-roe crackle turquoise-glaze of mirror quality and reiiiarkahle evt'iniess of tone. Has stand. Iliiyhl. si;; ilirlicx. -Stakcu-hhk Oaifoioi A'.xsk { K'lnty-hxi) Tapering to a slender neck with flaring lip. Pure white, dense, yibrant j)orcelain, coated with an even monochrome glaze of opaque stai-ch-l)lue, deepening at the perfect foot. Interior of neck glazed wliife. Has stand. II light, 8 inches. 779 OliAXGK-PKKI. SqI'AT B(JTTI,K-SH A PEI) A'aSK, On low spreading foot, witli sloping shoulder, and short neck expanfling ;it the lip. Glazed in a pinkish liver-color, the sur- face slightly of the "oi'angc-[)eel" order. Has stand. Ileii/hf, 7 incite:. 780 — SApi'HiRK-jH.ri-: Gi.oiif I.Alt Ho'r-ri.i-; {Cli'ini-lii ng) Pure white poi'celain. Coated with a inonochi'ome glaze of sapphire-blue, witli pca/i iVoiutnyc surface. Ileit/hl. H'/.. incltci. 781— Ci LuxK Jar (Ch'icn-Iuiig) Ovoidul, on a circular foot, with short cyhndrical neck ; in the form of ancient bronzes. At tlie base of the nec]< a key-fret border modeled and incised in tlie paste, inter- rupted Ijv t«o rudimentary side- liaiidles in bold relief in tiie form of animal-heads supjjorting rings, anfl fd)o\x- tlie foot a corn'entional petal border also inodelrd m the paste. Coated with a cliiir-de-linif glaze of ;i bluish do\x-gray liuc, e\'enly dis- tributed excejit (jver the decora- tion^, "here it thickens aiul deepens 111 trnie in the de]jre^^ion> and lighten-^ to tlie jjoint of colorle^sness o\i:r the [jromineiices. Iija\ing tliem partly or clearly white. Has stand. ILuiht. :,l'^ nirhlx. 78-2 — C '.\j,i-\-T.i\i.ii ]](j rri,K-MiA I'Ki) Wask { ( h'uii-linif/) Sijuat o\'oidal form "ith sloping >lioulder. full neck and ^llglltly e\"erted lip. I'ure «hite jjort-elain co\"ei'ed with ;i maroon or pinki-li-brown. hxcr-colored glaze, lunnnou^ and with a surface of minute crinkle. ILiqht. 71 i inches. 78^3 iMlltKOK-llI.ACK J A I! { h"llll(/'llxi ) Kloiigated. of o\'oid contour, u'ith narrou' mouth. (lear white ])oi'celaiii, coated with ,a llen^e gl.aze of lirilh.ant mirror-black, and drcorati'd in Lfolil ^^'ltll trce^ springing from among rocks ;uid blo>>oiiiiiig. bet«"i rii ,-i pamd border ;it the ba^e and slioulder borders of >croll-. and reticulation^ — .i con^ideratilc part of the gold ha\iiig \ani^lied. IleiqI't. s inch,.'!. 7S4 — 'J'iU{nroi>K ('i;Ar Ki.K Bor'rLi-: { C li' it-ii-l lou/ ) Globul.i.r. with tap(;niig neck, on lo«' circular foot; coated with a luminous glaze ot ]>ure tur((Uoi>e hue. minutely cr.acklcd. Ilciqlil. 10 inches. 78.) — ()\()m ,l.\i; ()'iiii(/ (lii'iii/) W'itli liii;h, IiiiIIhuis sIiouIiIci', the liculv t'lliv iiin- i;-ciill\' (l(i\\ ri\v;ii-(l aniJ ii.irrow inn- fcju.n-d tlic fncit ; the sliDuldrr ili-.i\vii iiih) a iiarrim slicirt lU'fk. A|)|iaiiiiH y rclatcil to the ]i( achhliHim laiiiiU, a Lar^e jiropcir- tiini ot the ohi/e piavsciit iiii;- a pale ii'i-eeiiisli-n i-ay, with faint iiKhcations III pinkish trend in pate Iks; aljont the a hiaiw n riiii;-. (ilaze eciil- tiniies under the fciot. wliei'e it car- rus within a l)hie dmihie rintj the six-eharaeter iiiaik of Vun"' Cheiifr. Has stand. Ifl ii/Jll. :,' .. Illrhrs. 78(j — LAPis-BLn; ()\'iKonji \ ASK WITH Tai.i. \ K( K AXU FlAllIXi; I^JP ( C h'hli'lillH/ ) Coated iinifornilv with a rinrror-fjla/e of la|iis-lihie, of jieiin (Fonnuji- sui'f.iee, \\hieli dtepiiis to a dai'k, almost hiaek. tone in an even riii^' uliel'e it thiekelis round the perfeet foot. Interior of tile neck gl.ized ill uhite. (Lip cheeked.) //re//,/. l!l hirlics. 787 — Tai.i, Pi;.\( hhi.oo.m \ .\sk (Yiiiuj (In hi/) Clear, resonant white jMjreelam, the hodv ret ine- \erv hrietlv from tlie flat foot, swellmcr eraeefullv, and t.i])erinii; into a tall .slender ueek with flariiii;- lip. Co.ited \\ith a hrilliant mono- chrome o'l.aze of I'icli dee{) ))nik, the peachhloom (|ii.(lit\', which is of e^eji tone over tlie f^reater }j.iit of the \ase. lighter on the upf)er neck and d.arker or richer tow.ird the toot. stand. Ilnilht. 11% iiirJu.s. 788 — Bi..\f K Bo'rTi.i:-sH.\i'Ki) \',\sk ( K'lniy-hsi) The hodv nai-)-ow and eloneated, of OAoidal contour; short, slenfler neck. Dense, hea\v uhite jiorcelain coxered with a hrown-hlack i^laze of mirror properties hut not in the note of the mirror-blacks. 'I'lu're are faint tract's of an e'ilded dec(H'ati(jii, of which about all tli/it c;ui be made out is ,a sce|)ter- liead border at the should(.'r. //.;,//,/, noi inches. 789 — Peachbloom Bottle {K'ang-hsi) Globular body, on low circular foot, drawn up to a slender neck which expands slightly, finishing in a lightly flaring lip. Coated with a rich, lustrous peachbloom glaze, the greater part of the surface in a deep, full pink, in places mottled, and passing to ashcs-of-roses, with a few of the much-prized green flecks of minute proportions. The color- quality of the glaze is that of the K'ang-hsi peachblooms, while the porcelain suggests a later origin, though ancient. Has stand. Height. S'i inclii'S. r90 — Pk.\chbi,oom B()ttt,e-.shaped A'ase {CIt'icn-Iung) 0\ oidal-globular body, witli some- what flattened shoulder and slightly expanding neck. Covered with a peachbloom glaze which varies from a full, deep, rich pink to the grayish- brown of ashes-of-roses, with light (Lip repaired.) Has stand. Iltiilht. 9 inches. 7S9 lottling's and sliadincfs. 791 — Statu H-m, IE 0\ieorm \ ask (Ch'u'u-luiuj) \\'ith sloping slioulder and slender, trunc.ited neck; on broad flat foot. Knanieled with a uniform monochrome ghize of opaque starch-bkie, or slate-blue, thickening around the perfect foot. Four calligraphic cliaracters delicately penciled in black on the foot, which is glazed in the palest of jjale-green celadon. Has stand. Ileiqht. 10 inches. 79™ — Bitow X BoTTLK-sH.M'En A'ase { C h' iot-luiif/) Low ghjbular body on deep foot, with sloping shoulder, rather short full neck and flaring lip. Pure white sonorous porcelain, covered with a rich reddish-brown or fresh liver-color glaze of even tone antl mirror-quality. Has stand. Ileiglit. 1114 inches. 7!).'l A Iti u nil I, (Iauniii Hi: itv 'I'liiii'i ( t\ i iim .\i ,Iaus ('(in- sisi'ixc: oi- (.() An lm|icii;il \('lli>\\ ,l,ir { h'd in/ hsi) : ()l (iNiliirm nIi.i|ii\ Willi ,i liro.'ul iiiciiilli, uliirli is dclincil li\ ii while run, ;iiul iil \r[-\ nr.'ici'fiil (■(iiilmir. II is I asliioiiril in uliilr li.iiil |).\sl(' Mini pincrl.i in, .iiiil is iiiaiiulcd Willi a nioiKu'liroiiu- i^Li/r (il liii|>iri;il \cllciw cil rvcn, I i;i iisl iicin I (| il\, wlinli cxiiiliils .in 1 nilc'sc rill liislcr. I ' ndi-riii.i I li llic lonl in iiiilil cli.i r.'irl lis, winch .iic iicnciii'il in niiilci'ul.r/i' lihic, is Ilic mark nl llic ICani;- lisi iirniul. 'I'lic |ar is sii niKinnl I'd liv a doiui' sliajH'd iii\ri' iil IcalxWdml winch is carxi'd in (i|icii\\ nrk, and has iiiscilcd 111 I he l(i|i a cai\cd while \Ai\r circular [laiicl. Mas carxcd sland. Iliiiihl. Ill , ill, Ins: ilhiiiirlrr. ", ' .. hi, -Ins. ( li) An Aiilicreiiic Jar [ h 'ii iii/ h .• BoTTEE-FOR.^r ^'ASE (Ch'irii-hing) Heavy, vibrant ])orcelain, coated with a uiirror-glazc in rich, deep red of the .tarig-ile-bunf note but not liaving the character- istics of that glaze. On the exterior and interior of the lip, and abcjut an interruption of the ifow on the lower bodv, these flash in grayish-bhie and j)ur]ile in piinibi' aspect. Has stand. Height. I314 inche.':. so,") — Miiiiiou-iiL.UK Hoi Til'. ( K\iiii/-lisi) SOj (ilol}ul,-ir, on lou foot, wiHi tall sK'iidi'r iicrk uliosc lip is glazed in wliiK'. Co.ttrd with a l)i-illiaiit inoiKH'liroiiic ulazc of iiiii-i-oi--black, uliicli iT\('als the lirirs of its once t'X(|uisitc L;-ildinn-, all trac'o of the acfual n'old of nhich is iroiu'. 'i'he ani'irnt cnibellishinrnt, it can l)e seen, included landscapes with fif>-- ures, hlossoinino- trees enlivt^ned hy l)irds, c'arp in a medallion leapiiifj anions waves, l)u tterflies, and draf^'oiis anioni>- tii-e-scrolls in pursuit of the tlann'nt;- jewel. Has stand. llii;llll. 1 |lj iiirhl'S. 806 'i\\{A. ()\()lli.\l, Cl.Cll-SII.VPKI) Tuii- (iiGisK 'N'asis (Ch'hn-liitKj) W"\\\\ short w ide neck e\'ertinfr at the lip. Enameled with a luminous tur- (|Uoise i,daze «ith all the characteris- tic manifestations and carrvino' a nunute crackle. Has stand. Ilciqiil. i:!'', iiirheK. 807 — Large Dark TrRQrorsE Bottle (C'Jili'n-hnig) With g]obular-o\oidal body and wide straight neck. Coated with a brilliant glaze of deep turquoise hue, a fine crackle repealed in dark lines, jind the tone modulafetl b\' wa\'ering paler patches like tenuous pendants of vaporous clouds. Has stand. Jf(ii/hl, ]2 iiuhf'S. 808 — Peachju.oo.-m I5oT'ri.E-sii.\i'Ei) \'ase (i'h'lcii-liuKj) Globalar-o\oi(lal body, with full nei'k slightly expanding, and flat foot. Dense vibrant porcelain, coxei'cd with a peachblooin glaze wliicli is lightly and finely flecked and mottled on neck, shoulder and parts of the body, dee|)i'ning on the underbody to the characteri.stic full pink of the jjcachbloom class. Has stand. Jfrii/ht, l-''i in<-)n'it. 809 I^APIS-liLIE BOTTI.K (YtlUCJ ihiu(j) Globular, with slender neek and expaiidinr;-, lndl)oiis lip; on cir- cular foot. Coated with a moiiochronie grayish-blue glaze trending to lapis quality, the hue uniform throughout, and with suggestions of the "orange-peel" surface. White glaze at rim and underneath the foot, which carries a seal mark in blue. II(ii/ht. IT iiirhcf. 810 — Bltk C'yi.ixiiRK ai. X'ask (C'h'ieii-liuig) ^Vith sloping shoukki-, wide neck and gracefully spreaduig lip, the body contracting slightly to a circuhir foot. Coated with a brilliant glaze of evanescent and elusixe color properties : reflect- ing at times a glowing lapis hue, again a mazarine tone, ancl (.Isewhere sugesting the powder-blues. Has stand. Ihiilht. 141 4 inches. 811 — Tai.t, FowuKR-iirnc ^"As^•, ( K\nif| 820 I'OUCKI.AIX SXCFF BoTTFI'. ( ( ' ll'ic ll-l llllj/ ) ifi Tiirt|Uoise-l)lue glaze, decoration of a dragon, chrvsantliemuins and h.imhoo in white and black enamels relie\ ed by gild- ing. Seal mark. Coral stopper. 821 — ^VnITF Jadf Sxi:ff Bottff (Cli'icn- hing) ^Melon sliape. Coral sto})per. 822 — Pale Yft.low Jade Sxuff Bottle (CJi'lt'ii-In ii;/) Double-gourd sliape, liiglilv j)olislied surface. Ruby glas.s .stopper. 82!} — Ao.VTi-: SxTFF BoT'i'LE (Ciridi-hiiif/) (j-ray and brown mottled texture. Pink coral .stopper. 824 — ItocK Ciivs'i'Ai, Sxri-'F Boi-tlk (('li'icii-lnn(f) Incised decoration oi ilowcring plants. Jade .stopper. S22 825 — WiiiTK Jade Sxtff Bottle (Cli'ii'ii-Iiing) Highly polished surface. Ked glass stopper. 826 POECEEAIX SXCFE BoTTEE ( Cll"ir)l-1 II lU/ ) The outer casing pierced and carved in relief with the eight Buddhistic emblems of hajijiv augurv and enameled in colors. V? Seal mark. ^ M!-2T — Hair C'kvstae Sxuee Bottee {ih'kn- hiuij) rr(mounced markings and liighly polished surface. Fink coral stopper. 8^0- 828 — Wheee Jade Sxuee Bottee (Ch'icn- liiiij/) Flattened circular shape, with plain polished surface. Ked glass stopper. 829 — Bkomx Cr.YsTAE Sneee Bottee {C Jrifii-hiiig) ]\Ielon-shape, wdh indented ridges. 830 — A\'iiErE Jade Sxeee Bo'I'tee {(Ji'iiii-hnig) Flattened, «dh plain polished svirface. t'oloreil ivovv stopper. 8;31 — Agate Twix Sxeee Bottees {C'ir'uii-Iuiii/) L'louded light brown color. Highly polislu'd surface. Fri-t.s'iii stopper. 8;32 — Haiu t'lnsTAE Sxeee Bottle ( CJi'icii-hiiii/) Circular shape. Fink coral stopper. .S;}.'5 -(iiAss Sxeee Bottij'. {C'h'icii-liiiif/) Fale blue stre.iked with red and brown. Feai'l and coral stopper. 8;)-4 — l''Ki-rs"i'i Snim.'i-' Hori'Li'-, (C'li'ii'ii-lii iieite Sxijfe Bot-i-ee {Cli'icn-hnu/) Palo gray, with \arious markings of imperial green. Metal stopper, incrusted with coral and malachite. 860 — White Pokcelaix Sxukf Bottle {Ch'icn-hing) Of tlie so-called "soft paste." Ornamented with numerous figures of Buddhistic priests which are artistically modeled in high re- lief on a ground of wave design. Stopper to conform. 861 — Gray and Browx Agate Sxuff Bottee {C'h'it'n-lung) Decoration of imps, holding floral branches and two crows. Carved in I'cHef in the black matrix. Green glass stopper. 860 862 — Bnu-: Glass Sxief Bottek (C'h'ieii-Inng) I>otus flowers moileled in )-elii-f in carnelian red. Green glass stopper. 863 — Paek Yei.eow Acvtk Sxi'ff Bottle (Ch'icn-huig) Chinese hov with svmbols, monkev and ha«k. Carved in relief in the brown matrix. Green glass stopper. 86i ClXX.MtAH IjACaUER SxFFF BoTTLE ' ' ( C'h'ien-luitg) Cliinesc domestic and garden scenes. Carved in high ix-lief. Shoii mark under- neath tlie foot. Imitation crvstal stop- per. 865 — Gray Jadk Sxeff Bottle (Ch'icn-hing) Flattened shape. Blossoming shrubs, fungus, and grasses, carved in high re- lief in the matrix. Motlier-of-pearl stopper. H(i:! 866 — Rock C'Rvs'rAL Sxeff Bottle (CliiLii-hiitg) Outer surface carved to I'ejjresent wicker basket pattern. Imita- tion green jade stopj)er. (Illii.'itrtitc(l) 867 — jVc.vte Sxi'I'F Bottle {Ch''icu-hing) Opalescent Cjualitv, ^\\t\\ interesting markings of moss-green and brown. Imitation jade stopper. 809 870 868 — ^Vhite Glass Sxuff Bottle (C'h'icii-Iuii(/) Tlie sides ornauK'ntcd with two ])anels, the innei- sur- faces of wliich are decorated witii liorses ])ainted in various enamels. ]\Ionster-]iead side handles in hkie. (ireen jade stoppei'. 869 — White Jade Sxeff Bottle {Cli'ifii-hi/u/) C'ar\'ed to rejjresent locust. I'artialh' wrapped in a lotus leaf. 870 — PoRt ELAix Sxi-FF BoTTLE (Cliicn-luug) Of the so-called "soft paste." The ornamentation, wliich is modeled in hifrh relief, represents an Imperial lioating party, equestrian figures of warriors and symbolic' dexices. Ivory stop- per. Seal mark underneath the foot. 871 — Lai'ls-lazuli Sxuff Bottle {C'li'icn-hniy) Gray ground, with proninniced ULarkings of brilliant hue. Im- itation jade stopper. 872 — Pale Yellow axd Greex Jade Sxeff Bottle (Cli'ien-htiig) Highly jtolished surface. Agate stoj)])er. 873 — C'keaji-wiiite Sxefk Bottle (Ch'icit-hnuj) Of the so-called "soft paste." Ornamented with a ceremonial gathering of Buddhistic priests artistically modeled in high relief. ST-i — Yei.xow Agate Sxtft Bottt.e (Ch'ien-lung) Carved in design of Buddha's-hand fruit. 875 — Sxtff Bottle (Ch'ien-Iung) Flat shape. Higlily polished surface. Imitation jade stopper. 876 — Rock ("hystae Sxtef Bottle (Ch'ien- lung) Octagonal, with archaic dragon scrolls carved in relief on two of the side panels. Fci-tx'iii stopper. 87-t 877 — AjU'/i'irvsT Sxtff Bottle (Ch'icn-hnig) Pear shape. Higlily jiolished surface. 878- -Mii.K-wniTE liocK Cryst.\l Sxt'ff Bottle ( Cll' ifll-I luig) Douhle-gourd shape. Bats of longevity ^ a)ul Shoii characters carved in low re- ™ lief. Lotus stopper. 879 — C'eystai, Sxfff Bottle (Cli'icn-lung) imr 9 iP' r \ I / Pale gray. Grasses carved in Ioav relief. A })eony carved in the matrix. Imita- tion green jade stopper. H 880 — Jade Sxfff Bottle (Ch'icu-liing) M Flat shape. Gray, with moss-green «' markings. Ruby glass stopper. 881 — Tall Porcelaix Sxfff Bottle {Cli'icn- luiig) The outer casing pierced and carved in 878 relief to represent the dragon and pluvnix amid t'loud forms and fire emblems. The wjiole coated with a pure white glaze. Coral and metal stopj)er. SSSJ- -Pai.k \'ki.i.<)«- ,1aiii-; Smii' Moirii: { ( 'irhii-l i( iiiiLri; (ii.Ass Sm mk Horj'i.i.; {Cli"i,)i-lini,;/) Onmiiioiitcd A\itli two pjuirls, wliicli ju-c (Iccoruted on tlie roviTsr side with Hmircs (if C'liiiu'sc hoys. MoiishT-lie.'ul ;ui(] riui;- liaiulli.'s in relief in red. 9Ui — Ca.mphoi! Glass Sxiff Botti.k (C'lrh/i-luii;/) ^■M| T.-imst fii>-in'i_'s, «avc designs and cloud form jpmgl^ modeled in relief in Ijlne and l)ro\VTi. 917 — .'\Iii.K-\\iirrK Glass Sxttfi.- Bottlk {CWien- 1 II III/) I'ylindneal shape. Storks, deer, pine and bat symbols of lonirevity, modeled in relief in carnelian-red. Ixory stopper. 918 91S — ('a.\ii'ik)r Glass Sxuff Bottle {CJiicn- liuig) Flattened oviform. Highly polished sur- face. Quartz stopper. 919 — Agate Sxuff Bottlf (Cli'ifii-Iiiiii/) Pale brown, with monkeys, pine branches, crane and lotus carved in relief in the dark brown matrix. Green glass stopper. 920 — Agate Sxfff Bottlf (C'h'ifn-lii iiij) Flattened o\'iforiiL 'I'ranslucent |)ale brown, with i)amboo branches, the sacred fungus and flowering plant carved in low relief. Pink coral stopper. 921 — Agate Sxuff Bottlf (Cli'un-liuig') Gray-white, with dark brown markings. Green glass sto[)per. 922 — I.MPERiAL Jaoeite Sxiff Bottf.e (Ch'len-liing) With flattened sides. Of rare emerald green color mottled witli gray white. Stopper to conform. 923 — C'oMi'OsiTiox SxFFF ISoTrLi') { CJi'icii-Iiiiig) Black, with pme, magnolia and stoi-k modeled in relief in red. 92-i — Jade Snuff Bottle {Cliien-hing) Flat shape. Pale brown and gray, with profuse moss-green markings. Pink composition and metal stopper. 92.5 — Yellow Jade Snuff Bottle (Cli'ien-liuuj) Two kylins carved in high relief in the matrix. Imitation jade stopper. 926 — Large Hair Crystal Sxtff Bottle (Ch'icn-lung) Flattened ovifornL Pink glass stopper. 92T — Ivory-white Porcelain Sxuff Bottle ( Ch'tcn-Iung) Profusely ornamented with figures of kylins sporting with brocaded ball, with I'ibbon filets on a ground to resemble cloud forms, all of which is carved in high relief. Stojtper to confornL 928 — iMoss Agate Sni'ff Bottle (C'li'icn- Juiig) Highly polished surface. Imitation jade stopper. 929 — Agate Snuff Bottle {C h'ioi-hirig) 'I'raiFshicent pale l)rown, with monkey on ]iorsel)ack, blossoms and ni.sects carved ni relief in the matrix. Jadeite stoj)per. 930 — KocK Crystal Sniff Bottle {Cliliii-hing) Lotus plants and crane, carded in high relief in the matrix. Green glass stopper. 9-51 — Wftefe Jade Snuff Bottle (C h'ieii-hing) Quadi-ilateral shape. Fabluous bird, .iiiimal and symbols carved in low relief. Pink coral stopper. y;}'^ — (iit.w AiiA'L'i', Sm'ki- Horn, hi {Cli'uii-lii ik/) Hawk 1)11 piiH' l)raiirli, and loins cai-vrd in i-clief in tlic matrix, (iixxai "lass stopper. !);>;) SoKT Pastk Sxri-F Bottle {Ch'icii-liiiu/) Tall o\'lt'()nn. The ontci- casinj.^ pierced to resi'nihle clond foi'iiis and (ire einlilenis, oxei' \\lneli, \u Ini^li relief, is a drai>-on and pluenix. Tile wlioji- coated witli a soft i\(ii-\ -\\ liiti' e'la/.e. .Mot lier-of-](earl stopper. 7 O.'J-t- Com I'osrriox Sx'i'ff Bo-r-ri.i; {(h'icii-linicj) .Mottled red, velloNS and l)ro\\ii. (ireeii ^'lass stojiper. y;3.5 K0( K CuiSlAL S.N'IIFF BoTTI.K (C'll'u'n- hintj) Two kyliiis sportiiirj with a brocaded ball modeled in high relief in the green matrix. Coral stopj)er. 936 WitlTE-GLAS.S SXFFF BoTTI.E { Cll'icil-hl ll(j) Buddhist emblems, fruits and flowers modeled in I'elief in cariielian red, .sap- phire-blue, enierald-greeii, ;uid leinoii- vellow. Imitation jade stopper. !).'57 — Rock Ckys'iwi, Sxtff Bottt.f (Ch'it-ri- lung) Bird on plum tree car\ed in I'elief in the white matrix. Stopper to conform. 938 Buow.x ACATE SXFFF BoTTi.i-: (Cli'icii- lini(i) Daiiiiio figui-c, pine tree, bat, and monster-head handles car\i(l in high relief. Fci-fs'iii stop})er. 939 — Brown Agate Sxfj'F JJo'i-i'j.I'; {Cliicv-lvrifj) The God of Longevity, deer and stork car\ed in high relief in the matrix. Composition stopper. 940 — Agate Snuff Bottle (Cliicn-luiig) Translucent pale brown peculiarly mottled. Imitation jade stopper. 941 — Soft Paste Snuff Bottle (Ch'ieii-lung) Figures of the Inmiortals, and view of the Taoists' Paradise, modeled i7i high relief and enameled in brilliant colors. Seal mark underneath the foot. 942 — Agate Snuff Bottee (Cliien-lung) Clouded gray, with hawks modeled in the dark hroA\n matrix. Highlj' polished sur- face. Green glass stopper. 94.'3 — Yki.t.ow Jade Snuff Bottle (Cliicn-lung) Carp rising from the sea, hawk on rock, symbolical bat and cloud forms carved in high relief in the brown matrix. Lapis stopper. 941 944 — Laege Rock Crystal Sxuff Bottle (Ch'icn-Iung) Taoist genii, deer, stork and palms carved in high relief. Pink glass stopper. 94.5 — Large Amber Snuff Botti^e (Cltlcn-Iung) ^jSUlt^LUZ, 945 Golden brown color. Two lion-head ring-handles carved in relief. Jadeite stopper. 94() — Porcelain Snuff Bottle (Cli'tcn- lung) Lnperial boating party and mytho- logical subject carved in high relief and enameled in brilliant colors. Ivory stopper. 947 — Yellow Agate Snuff Bottle (Ch'icn-Inng) A tiger and symljolical bats carved in high relief in the brown matrix. 9i8 — Fei-ts"l'i Sxrbv ]3i»Tri.i-: (C']i'ifii-Iini(/) r Fljith'iud lu'ai-t-sIi,i])o. Mottled gray and wliitr, beautifully marked with cinerald-fi-rcen. Stopper to match. 948 949 — AcATK S\iM-F Bcrr'iia-; {Cli'ien- luncj) Pale brown. Hawk on rock modeled in the m/itrix. Highly polished surface. 9.')0 — WiuTi'. Jadf, Sxvkf Botti.f. ( ( It'lcn-hnifj) ^futtoii-fat quality. Figure of Chinese boy car\ed in high relief. Coral stopper. 951 — SxuFF Bottle (C h'ien-luiicj) Composition in imitation of agate. Fii-fa'ai stopper. 952 — OyiFORji SxuFF Bottfe {C]i'ii-liinfj) Red and yellow composition. Green glass stopper. 953 — White Jade Sxuff Bottle (Cli'icn-hnuj) Melon-shape. Buddhistic sj'mbols and nion- ke}' carved in high relief. Coral stopper. 954 — Rock Crystal Snuff Bottle {Cli'ien- \ lung) )^ \ Chrysantliemum carved in relief in the brown i matrix. On the reverse, plum tree and bani- j boo. Green glass stopper. / ' / 955 — Ro( h- Crystal Sxuff Bottle (Ch't-en- lung) ^^■^ Intricately decorated on the inner surface witli miniature landscape, birds and insects. Metal stopper, incrusted with turquoise and coral. 956 — Laege Snukk Bottle 951) Sapphire-blue glass. Over the outer surface is an ornamenta- tion of European execution in applied silver of trellis and floral designs. Glass stopper. 957 — Large Amethyst Snuff Bottle (Ch'ieii-Iung) Pino and bamboo carved in low relief. Imitation jade stopper. 958 — Rock Crystal Snuff Bottle (Ch'ien-lung) Boating scene and pine tree carved in relief in the matrix. Ruby glass stopper. 959 — Brown Agate Sntff Bottle (Ch'icn-Iung) Censer and ornament carved in low relief. Jadeite stopper. 960 — Green Jade Sni-ff Bottle (Clt'ic/i-Iung) _^., Carved in design of a double-gourd. Stem and vine in high relief and imdercut. 961 — T/Arge Rock Crystal Snuff Bottle ( Ch'icn-hnig) Bat, fungus, and cloud forms carved in low relief. Imitation jadeite stopper. 96^2 — Jadeite Snuff Bottle (Ch'icn-hmg) Gray-wliite, marked with emerald-green. Stopper to conform. 963 — AoATE Snuff Bottle (Ch'icn-luiig) Pale brown. Rooster and flowering plant ^^^^ c:',rved in high relief. Turtle stopper. 964 LaHCK C'ltVsrAL SmKI'- IJoTTLK { C ll' ic III II ll(/) Two kvliiis and l)roca(li' hall, car\c(l ill lii^'li relief in tlii' ma- trix. On tlie re\'er,se, a j)ine tree in liiw relief. jVinetliyst .stoj)per. 1)()0 — IjAiuiF, .iXcA-rK S^'IIKK Bottle ( ( 'h' if II -I II III/) 9(i4 Transhicent pale Iiroun eques- trian fiion- licad and i-inij handles carved in relief. 967 — Large Crystal-glass Sxuef Bottle (Ch'icii-hnirj) Two carj) and lotus plant*; modeled in high relief in red. Stopper to conform. 968 — .\i;ate Sxi'FF Bottle (C'h'icn- hiiifj) Pale brown. Rooster and fuiifrus carved in relief in the matrix. jNIalachite and ivory stojiper. 969 — A M i; -r H V s r Sxim-f ]?ottle (C'lricn-hiiif/) Taoist genii, ])ine tree, bat and cloud forms, carved in relief. '■^^' Tinted ivory stopper 970 — Mock CuYsTAr, Sxiiff Bot'I'i.k (CIi'icii-Jiiiki) Pine trees and landscape carved in low relief. ]{ose quartz stopper. 971 — "Twin" Sniff ]-5ottt.e (Cliicn-luug) Aiiietliyst car\ rd in reprcsiiit.itioii of two carp rising from the 972 — Large Rock Crystai, Sxfff Botti.f (Ch'ien-hing) With two nionstcr-liead and ring handles carved in relief. Stopper to conform. 97''5 J.\.SPF,B SXTFF BoTTFF. (C h'tCU-l lUig) Two monster-head and ring handles carved in relief. Highly polished surface. Blue glass stopper tipped with coral. 97'i — White Jai>f Sxfff Bottle (C Jt'it'ii-Iung) Brancli of ])him lilossoms, car\ed in relief in the red matrix. 975 — Rock C'hystae Sxt-ff ]}ottle (Clilcn-Iung) Pine tree and crane carved in high relief in the matrix. Green glass stopper. 976 — Agate Sxfff Bottfk (C'li'icn-Iuug) Amher yellow and gray with moss markings. Highly polished surface. Quartz and metal stopper. 977 — Agate Sxfff Botti.f {Ch'icn-liuig) Streaked pale brown. Highly ])olished. Fci-ts'ui stopjDcr. 978 — Laucu-, CiiiNKsr. .Moss-Ai; A'l'h'. Smi-i' l{(ii"n,i'; {Ch'iciilii ii(/) Mollstor-lu'.-iil .■111(1 niii;' haiullrs (in I lie Iwd l'IkIs. Jlitrlily {xjl- islu'd surface, (."oral .stci|)])cr. 979 — Smokf, CiivsrAi, Sxri-'K RoT'ri.K, (Cli'icii-luiu/) Ijotus plant carved in relief in Hie gray ni.itrix. Iiiiit.'itioii stopper. 980 — Wni'iE Jade Twix-flsii Sxtff Bottle (Ch'icn-hnig) Carved in desig-ii of two c.-ir]) st.aiidint^ on their t.iils. Tinted ivorv .spoons with niiniatiire cr\st,-il-hall stopper-lie.-ids. C.'ir\ed teakwood .stand. 981 — S.M.M.i, \^'ll^rl•; C.minixc (Ciricn-hunj) Cliinese bov with (Joiihle irinircl. Teakwood stand. 982 — Two \A'iHTE Jauk A\'ixe C'rrs {C'li'icii-bnig) Highly polished surface. Carxcd te.ikudod st;uids. 983 — ]\IixiATUEE Teapot {Cliien-hing) Of rose quartz. Tree peonies carved in low relief. Carved teakwood stand. 9841 — ^IiLK-WHiTE Glass A'ase (Cli'icn-lung) Oviform bottle-shape. Floral branches mod- eled in relief in dark blue. Teakwood stand. -PoRCEEAix SxuFF BoTTT.E ( Yuiig Chcng) Doublc-ri-ourd sliapc. Decoration of haw- thorn blossoms in brown and white, on an opaque l)lue ground. „»>.-.»»* 986 — PoRCEEAix SxuFF BoTTLE {Ch' len-Iung) Cylindrical shape. Five-clawed dragons, fire emblems and sacred pearl, in brilliant enamel ilding on an engraved white ground. 987 — PoRCELAix SxTFF BoTTi.E (Yung Clu'iig) Ovoid bottle-shape. E(|uestrian and other figures delicatel}' pen- ciled in enamel colors. Seal mark. 988 — PoiiCELAix SxTFF BoTTi.E (Ch'icn-hmg) INIiniature gallipot-shajjc. Dragon in underglazo blue, amid cloud forms painted in gray and brown tones. 989 — PoKCELAix SxFFF BoTTi.E { C'h'icn-l II ug) jNIiniature gallipot-shape. Conventional lotus in undcrglaze blue on a black ground. 990 — PoRC'Fi.Aix SxiTFF BoTTi.E { K' aiig-lisi) jMiniature galHpot-sha])e. Of fine quality li.ird paste, decorated with numerous five-clawed dragons amid cloud forms and fire eml)lems, in brilliant undcrglaze bhie and roiigc-dc-ciiivrc. Six- character mark underneath the foot. 991 — ^IiMArrui-, \'as|': {C'li'i<-ii-liiiit/) Pciu'-isli.'ipi'. Drt'or.itiou (it dia^-oii and cliuul foi'iiis in iindri- <;'lazo bliR' and roiuji-di'-cuivrc. Six-cliararlrr iiiaik midrriii'atli the foot. 99'2 — MixiAiTui': ]?(>TTi.K-sHAi'Kii \'asi: {('It'un-I/nu/) Dragon and I'loud fiirnis jiaintrd in praclililoiini tints. DECORATED CUPS AND CUPS AND SAUCERS 993 — S.MAI, T- T.iiiATHix Vrv {l']i"icii-hniit\\ fioral sprat's outlincti in red. 1006 — Two Cui's AND Saiceks ( Yung Cheng) Semi-eggshell. One decorated with floral .subjects in colors of famille rose, tlu- other «ith Chinese domestic scenes in bril- liant enamel colors. lOOT — Two Cups and Saicers ( Yung Cheng) Semi-cggsliell. One with reserves of roosters and flowers in gilding, lapis-blue glaze ground ; the other, with reserves of figures and garden scenes in brilliant enamel colors, and border of flowers in violet color. 1008 — Two Crrn .wn S.\rcKus {Yinif/ CJiriif/) Tliiii porcrlniii. One wiHi i;-arilcn scirics and figures in cnaincl colors, the otliei- «itli Hoi-al (Irsiniis in palc-siir- pi'ilc. 1009 Two Cl'l'S AND SAlCFliS {YinUI C'lll'lKj) Scnii-OiTirslu'll. l\rsrr\rs of (ii>-iirrs and landscapes jiainted in brilliant enamel colors. l{cd and i;-i)lil lioi'dei-s. 1010 — TiiKEK Curs AMI Two SArci-.iis (]'iiiii/ CIicikj) Egg-shell porcelain. Kose-pink urmmd willi i-esir\es of figures and flowers in brilli.irit enamel cdlors. 1011 — Pair Cups axd SArcrits (Yutuj CJu'iif/) Semi-eggshell. Roosters and flowers painted In v.ii'ious enamel colors. Scepter-head scroll borders. 1012 — Pair Curs and Sauckrs {Yung Clinig) Eggshell porcelain. Decoration of flowers and ornaments in enamel colors of the famiUc rose. Borders to correspond. 1013 — Pair Cups and Saucers (Yung Citing) Semi-eggshell. Flowers, fruits and iirsects painted in l>rilliant enamel colors. Six-character mark of the period. 1014 — Three Cups and Saucers Semi-eggshell. Reserves of figures and flowers in enamel colors. Gold ground, the detached blossoms outlined in red. 1015 — Four Cups axd Thrkk Sai'cers (Yung Cheng) Flowers and grasses in enamel colors of famillc rose. 1016 — Three Cups and Saucers (Ynng Cheng) Semi-eggshell. Lotus plants and a(|uatic birds j)ainted in enamel colors and gilding. 1017 — Four Cups and Saucers Boating scenes in brilliant enamel colors. Coral-red borders. 1018 — Four Cttps axd Five Saucers ( Yung Cheng) Semi-eggshell. Floral sprays and reserves, finely painted in enamel colors of famillc rose. Rose-pink fret borders. 1019 — Four Cups axd Five Saucers {Yung Cheng) Semi-eggshell. Wild horses, landscape and flowers in brilliant enamel colors. 1020 — Three Cups and Six Saucers ( Yung Cheng) Thin porcelain. Fan, l)rocade and other designs executed in brilliant enamel colors and gilding. 1021 — FivF. Cups axd Saucers (Yung Cheng) Semi-eggshell. Decorated with European subjects and finely combined enamel colors. 1022 — Eight Cups axd Sevex Saucers ( Yung Cheng) Eggshell porcelain. Chinese rustic scenes, finely painted in enamel colors. 1023 — Six Cui's axd Thuee Saucers (K'atig-lini) Decoration of floral designs in enamel colors of faniiUe verfe. 1021 — "]\Iaxi)Arix" C\'v axd Sau( ek ( Yung Clieng) Semi-eggshelh Decoration of mandarin figures in garden, finelv painted in enamel colors, enhanced bv gilding. Reserves of landscapes and flowers in red and otlier colors. Gilded scroll border. 102.5 — Cup axd Saucer (Yung Cheng) Semi-eggshell. Peonirs and willow tree painted in enamel colors enhanced bv trildina'. !()'>'() I M M A I ('[■[■ A\h S\I(1IC (YlllllJ (hi IK/) Stiiii-i'nijslK'll |i(iircl,un. I )ci'( loii (il Dnlcli >lii | i]ii n l; sci im , iiaintid in linlliaiil niaiiu'l mlor^. l(l!->7- -1'aii; Ci I's A\i> Saic i:i!s ( ) iiiiij (.Iuikj) l''.,H'i;>lK'l I [iiircila I II. I )iTiiiati'(l in lirilliaiit (iianicl laildi'.s witli .-talK' lit H>lui man and laiiiilx. williiw Irrc. |ic(iii\ anil nfliia' (k'.-ii'lis. A.MKKICAN Airr ASSOCIATION. M \\ \(; I i: THOMAS K. KlUin. Are TKix II li COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY \.t;. ^mmmBi