■iwiii.M'iih.'^ij JL' ■■"■■'Mt-.t n 't ■cifck.arit.im*'- ti> /■ ", I ! ' ' ' "i .''■ .•'■■.Vl-:' '. 834-7 S84- CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BEQUEST JAMES McCALL Class of 1885 1944 Cornell University Library The original of this bool< is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029475351 <%o> "In" «L--!s^, STEUBEN AND ALLEGANY. Rev. JAMES H. HOTCHKIN, Prattsburg. From a photograph owned by the Prattsburg Church. The History of the ^^rejsbgfcrg of Steuben: Including that of all the other Presbyteries to which the churches of Steuben and Allegany Counties have belonged, notices of ministers, elders, and missionaries, sketches of the existing churches of Presbytery, and over one hundred illustrations. —By the— Tte'v. James A.. ^Illleir, Ph. X>. Stated Clerk of Steuben Presbytery. Published by Presbytery. ' This shall be written for the generation to come'", — Ps. 102:18. .iNGELlCA, N.Y.: Allegany County Republican Press. F. C. Obmsbt, Syracuse, N. Y., Engraver. 1897. Ye hills of Allegany And valleys of Steuben, Full well you speak Jehovah's power From every peak and grien: Full well from woods and waters, And fields of verdure fair. His wisdom, goodness and His truth. You ceaselessly declare. By this, the willing captives Who love your rugged ways, You point to Him who ruleth all. To whom be all the praise. * * * And thus, O hills and valleys- Dispensers of God's love— We rise, by you His stepping-stones, Up to His Courts above. Then be it our endeavor. In thought and word and deed, To live. Thy children, as Thou wilt, And so Thy kingdom speed, Till the hills of Allegany And valleys of Steuben, With loving words of women thrill. And noble deeds of men. As thus, in loyal service. By help of grace divine, We do or suffer in Thy name, The glory shall be Thine: While holy jubilate Re-echoes back again. From Allegany's grand old hills. And the vales of dear Steuben! — From Lines read at Presby terial Y. P. S. C- E. Conference D»c., 1803. INTEODUCTORY NOTE. A few pages in the handwriting of Rev. William A. Niles, D. D., outlining the history of Bath and Steuben Presbyteries and of three or four churches, is the seed from which this compilation has grown. It is an attempt to bring together in permanent and accessible form the essential facts with regard to Presbyterianism in Steuben and Allegany counties — the field of Steuben Presbytery. It is based upon a careful study of all the records of the various presbyteries. The sketches of churches which appear in all cases have been re- vised by representatives of the churches. The illustrations have been added by permission of Presbytery, and without expense to it, with the desire of making the work the more interesting and val- uable. It is a matter of great regret that no portrait of Rev. David Higgins could be found. The ministers in every case, excepting the larger pictures, appear in the order in which they began work on this field, without regard to the text; the elders in the order in which they were ordained; and the churches in the order in which they were founded. It is much to be regretted that no space was available for personal sketches. It is not possible to name here the great number of friends of Presbytery who have assisted in some way — by gathering or verifying facts, by helping to secure engravings, and by paying for them. Especial acknowledgment is due to Rev. William Waith, Ph. D., Stated Clerk of Buffalo Presbytery, for twice loaning the records of Angelica and Genesee Valley. Presbyteries; to Rev. Charles C. Carr, nearly fifty years Stated Clerk of Chemung Presbytery, for twice loan- ing the necessary records of Chemung Presbytery; and to Rev. J. Wil- ford Jacks, D. D., Stated Clerk of Geneva Presbytery, for the priv- ilege of examining the early records of Geneva Presbytery. An outline sketch found in a book of minutes of the first ten years of Genesee Valley Presbytery, by Rev. Isaac G. Ogden, then Stated Clerk, has helped. Many of the facts in the sketch of missionaries have been gleaned from the "Silver Jubilee" pamphlet of the Woman's Presbyterial Society. " The History of Rochester Pres- bytery", by Rev. Levi Parsons, D. D. ; the "Historical Sketch of Buffalo Presbytery", by Rev. Dr. William Waith; the brief "His- tory of the Presbytery of Niagara", published in 1887; the " His- tory of the Presbytery of Geneva (1805-1889)", by Rev. Dr. J. Jer- main Porter, and " The History of the Settlement of Steuben County ", by Guy H. McMaster, have all been of assistance. But more valuable and serviceable than anything, for the early history, has been Rev. James H. Hotchkins' monumental "History of Wes- tern New York ". Special acknowledgment is due to Mr. Charles P. Arnold, of Angelica, for valuable help in many different ways. J. A. M. December 1, 1897. INDEX NOTE— Asterisks indicate illustrations, numbered. *Addison Church 80,30,88-4 ♦Ainsworth, Addison Vq 'or' 82.4 Almond Church '' ' M^t *Amsden, Charles ■••••■■ en;' oi 7(11 *Andover Church ■■■■■ -fS ^ ' ' 7» 1 ♦Angelica Church 76, 4, 7, 27, 48, M-b Anaelica Presbytery |J« ? Arkport Church •■'"'' ♦ Atlanta Church ?*• ^,', *Avoca Church ?|' JJ ♦Bacon, Johns -"'^ ♦Baker, Thaddeus J 'ii'yVRS ♦Bath Church ^\Si%R Bath Presbytery '£ ?qmi Belmont Church '". '''■° ' ♦Bisbee, Frank H »* ♦Blair, Tyrell }" ♦Bosworth, Byron V/Vh'r? ♦Bradbury, Ziba N "' ^^' S ♦Cameron. Duncan ■ oA rV-c ♦Campbell Church ^ aoan Canaseraga Church ■ • »»;■'" ♦Canisteo Church s*, »';" Centerville Church '' ♦Chatfleld, Charles J VnoVoB Chemung Presbytery ^'i-^, * Christian Endeavor en!;^ ♦Clark, Solomon o", ™ ♦Clements, Robert i'V,:'i?, Cohocton Church ''°^'^~ Communicants ^ Confession of Faith ■■■*^ Congregationalism • • • • • • ■•^^-4" ♦Corning Church '«• 5, T, bo-i ♦Coryell, John =° ♦Craig, James ..VA-' ivin ♦Cuba Church 80,27,71-73 ♦Day, S. Mills 10, 1» ■ ♦Deems, Edward M A-,VVn„^ DisciDline 9. 15, 23, 27 EJsmfssafs. 10,14,21,^8,82 Elders ^''•^;5 ♦Evans, Evan R • -=" Extinct Churches 40-1 ♦Gardner, Corliss B ■■•rli Genesee Valley Pre sby tery ao-9, 37 Geneva Presbytery 3-5. 86 ♦Gillet, Joel D M, 45 ♦ Hamilton, John D 72,31 ♦Hammondsport Church 80, 76-7 ♦Hartshorn, Charles 72 ♦Hartshorn Church, Hornellsville 84, 90 1 ♦Hatch, Hyatt C 72 Higgins, David 4,89,42,58,60 ♦Higgins, Martin ' 68 ♦Hill, M. L.P ; 18 ♦Hoag, Philip C. : --68 ♦ Hood.UriahD 64,46 ♦Hopkins. Samuel M 4, 6 1 Hornbv Church. . ; i78 ♦Hornellsville 1st Church 80, 27, 81-3 ♦Hotchkin, James n.. Frontispiece, 4, 10, 89,42,44, 64.55. 69 ♦Howard Church 76,7,66-8 ♦Hubbard, ChauneeyP... 68. 50 ♦Hubbard, Robert 40. 4, 39, 42, 47 ♦Hull, Erwin C 26 ♦Hull, LeveretU 4,48 Hunter, Moses 14,43, 44, 63 ♦ Hurlbut, John 64. 45 ♦Button, Alfred J 32 Incorporation.... 31 Installations 10,14,21,28,32 ♦Janes, George M 26 Jasper Church 20, 73-4 which may be found opposite the page first ♦Jones, William E '^ ♦Karr, George ■ •■•°" ♦Knox, Charles A 6M6 ♦Laine, Lewis F 1*> ^^ ♦Lane,JohnW f" Littlejohn, Augustus '» ♦r.ockhart, Moses °)> ♦Map • A^:,i ♦Mcteod, David ■"< ^» ♦Mead, Henry A -■ *" ♦Miller, James A <>", ■" ♦Miller, L. Merrill •}" Ministers 5, 12-13, 18, 23-4, 29, 2^5 41-4 Missionaries if'y?'il Missions.... 31,32.£ Moderators • ;••,•.',.?;? New School 3,7,15,22,39 ♦Niles, Henry E 14 Niles, John •■41, 64 ♦Niles Mary W 52. 60. 52 ♦Niles, William A 42, 32, 48, 44. 61 ♦Ogden, Isaac Q 18, 28 Old School 2, 7,22,67 ♦Painted Post Church 84. 85-6 ♦Parker, Samuel 46,47-8, 62 ♦Parker, Zenas L 60,31,45 ♦Pattengiil, Horatio 10, 10, 61 ♦Piatt. James M 42, 32, 43 ♦Pratt, Samuel W 18,44 ♦Prattsburg Church 7B, 9, 46, 51-6 ♦Prentiss, John A 64 Prentiss, Narcissa 45, 47-9, 55, 65 ♦Preston. Marcus N 26, 32 ♦Pultenev Church 76, 4, 7, 68-TO ♦Reid, Gilbert 22, 50 ♦Reid, John 18 ♦Eeid, WilliamA 83 Re-union 27, 31 Revivals.... 7, 61, 63, 65, 68, 71, 75, 76,82, 88,89, 91,92 ♦Robertson, Daniel J 22 ♦Robinson, James R 30 ♦Rudd, George R 4, 10 ♦Salmon, Edgar P 30 ♦Sargent, Joshua 56. 45 Secret Societies 8, 9 Slavery 17,22,27 ♦Smith, Benjamin C 4, 9, 43 ♦Smith, Chauncey B 56 ♦Smith, Edward H 72 ♦Smith, George R 26 ♦Spalding, Henry H 4, 9, 47-9,55 Stated Clerks 5, 10, 14,20,28,32 ♦Steele, DwightK. 18,28 Steuben Presbytery 30-5, 37-8 ♦Stevens, Lawrence M 22 ♦Stewart, George D 10 ♦Stoddard, Elijah W 14 ♦Taylor, Nathaniel C 64,45, 46 Temperance , 8, 16,27 ♦Thacher, T. Scott 68.31 ♦Thomas, Vial.; 66 44 Trustees, Presbytery 31 ♦VanCampen, Moses 56, 4, 44 ♦Van Wie,jAlonzo 68, 31 Visitation, Presbyterial 28 33 ♦Wakeman, Joel 44,9,14,17 42 44 ♦Waldo, Milton 'u ♦Walton, Fred E [[32 ♦ VVaugh, John 22, 43," 59 ♦Webster, Hezekiah 33 ♦Willson, Robert E 4, 10, 43. 44*61 ♦Whitman, Marcus... 48, 60, 7, 9 47.9 Woman's Presbyterial Society 51.2 Woodhull Church 2o"78-9 The History of Steuben Presbytery. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. REV. Richard Dekton and Rev. Francis Makemie are the two names most prominent in the early history of " The Presbyterian Church in the United States of America". Denton was settled over the Presbyterian congregation of Hempstead, L. I., in 1644, and Makemie began work at Reheboth, Md., in 1683. Seven ministers met in Philadelphia in 1705 and constituted the Presbytery of Phil- adelphia, with Rev. Francis Makemie Moderator. The first synod, the Synod of Philadelphia, was formed in 1717, by dividing the original presbytery into three presbyteries — Philadelphia, N"ew Castle, and Long Island. In 1739 the Westminster Confession of Faith was adopted as the standard of doctrine. There were now on the roll 37 ministers. The first division came in 1741, growing out of the " Great Awakening" questions. In this revival movement Gilbert Tennent, Jonathan Edwards, and George Whitfield were leaders. Until 1758 there were two independent synods, New York and Philadelphia, at which time these two synods reunited under the name of the Synod of New York and Philadelphia. There were now enrolled 9 presbyteries, with 94 ministers and more than 100 churches. In 1788 the Confession of Faith, the Longer and Shorter Cate- chism, the Directory of Worship, and the Form of Government and Discipline were adopted, and the 16 presbyteries were distributed into four synods. The first General Assembly met in Philadelphia in 1789. The " Plan of Union", an agreement between the Pres- byterian and Congregational Churches to facilitate frontier work, especially in Western New York, was adopted in 1801. By the trials of McNemar and Campbell for heresy, in 1801 and 1805 re- spectively, the strongest impetus was given to the formation of the Christian Church; while in 1810 the withdrawal of ministers to form the Presbytery of Cumberland formed the nucleus of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church. The last and greatest division came in 1837, when General Assembly exscinded the Synods of Utica, Ge- neva, and Genesee, in Western New York, and Western Reserve in Ohio. The representatives of these synods held a Conference at Auburn in August 1837; and at Philadelphia the next spring their commissioners, being refused enrollment in the General Assembly, 2 THE PRESBTTEBIAlf CHURCH— BEGINlflKGS. organized a second General Assembly. The latter branch became known as the " New School" and the former as the " Old School" Presbyterian Church. The Southern commissioners withdrew from the " Old School" General Assembly of 1861, and in 186^ completed the organization of the Southern Presbyterian Church. At Pitts- burg in 1869 Old and New School Churches agreed upon a basis of union, and at Philadelphia in 1870 the union was fully consum- mated. BEGINNINGS. The counties of Steuben and Allegany— the field of Steuben Pres- bytery — were settled by those who entered at what is now Corning, and followed the Canisteo and Cohocton rivers toward their source. The first inhabitant was William Harris, an Indian trader, who set- tled at Painted Post about 1787. In 1789 Solomon Bennett, John Davison, Uriah Stephens, Richard Crosby, and possibly Elisha Brown, visited and purchased lands now in Canisteo and Hornells- ville and at once began settlements. In that same year Frederick Calkins, Ephraim Patterson, and Ichabod Patterson made the first settlement in what is now Corning. In 1790 Col. Eleazar Lindsley, a member of the Morristown, N. J., Pl-esbyterian Church, reached the Tioga valley. April 17, 1793, Capt. Williamson's party of 30, headed by Charles Cameron, landed from their flat-boat near the present site of the D. L. & W. R. R. station in Bath. In 1795, Allegany's pioneer, Nathaniel Dike, settled between Andover and Wellsville. The next year Kev. Andrew Gray, Moses VanCampen, Henry McHenry, and Joseph Rathbun Settled in the present Al- mond. Steuben County was erected from Ontario by an Act passed Mar. 8, 1796, and was divided into six towns — Bath, Canisteo', Dansville, Prederickstown, Middletown, and Painted Post." Alle- gany County was formed from Genesee by an Act passed April 6, 1806, and for two years Angelica was the only township. The first church organized in the field of Steuben Presbytery was a Dutch Reformed church at Almond, in 1796 or '97. The first Presbyterian ministers in Western New York of whom we have definite knowledge were missionaries in the employment of General Assembly. In 1793 Rev. Ira Condict organized a Congregational church at Palmyra, and the same year Rev. Benjamin Judd another at Oquago. The first Presbyterian churches in Western New York were organized in 1795 by Rev. Daniel Thacher, at Newtown (El- mira), Charlestown (Lima), and Geneseo (Lakeville). In 1799 Rev. David Barclay and Rev. Robert Logan spent three months in BEGIKNINGS — QEKEVA PKESBTTEKY. 3 Ontario and Steuben Counties. The first Presbyterian ministers to settle permanently in Western New York were Rev. Jedediah Chap- man at Geneva in 1800, and Rev. John Lindsley at Ovid, in the same year. In 1800 all New York State, except New York city and vicinity, belonged to Albany Presbytery. In 1802 all Central and Western New York were set oil into Oneida Presbytery. In 1805 Oneida Presbytery was restricted to the west lines of Oneida and Chenango Counties, and all the State west of that line was assigned to the new Geneva Presbytery. In 1810 Geneva Presbytery was restricted to the tract west of Lake Cayuga — Onondaga and Chenango Presby- teries being erected east of that lake. In 1817 Western New York was distributed into four presbyteries — Geneva, Bath, Ontario, and Niagara. Before 1830 all the presbyteries of Western New York belonged to Geneva Synod. In 1830 General Assembly constituted Niagara, Genesee, Rochester, and Ontario Presbyteries the Synod of Genesee, and in 1834 Angelica Presbytery was transferred from Geneva Synod to Genesee. Buffalo Presbytery when erected was assigned to Gene- see Synod. In 1871 the new Synod of Genesee, formed by the union of the New School Synod of Genesee and the Old School Synod of Buffalo, was permitted by General Assembly to change its name to the Synod of Western New York. In 1881 the six synods of New York State were consolidated into the Synod of New Yoi'k. The existing churches of Steuben Presbytery have belonged at different periods to six presbyteries — Geneva, Bath, Angelica, Che- mung, Genesee Valley, and Steuben. It will be necessary to sketch each of these in order. GENEVA PRESBYTERY (1805-1817). Steuben Presbytery churches dating back of the formation of Bath Presbytery in 1817, excepting Cohocton, were enrolled in Geneva Presbytery. As constituted by General Assembly in 1805 it comprised four ministers and eight churches. The ministers were Jedediah Chapman, Geneva; John Lindsley, Ovid; Samuel Leacock, Gorham (Hopewell); and Jabez Chadwick, Milton (Genoa). The churches were Geneva, Gorham (Hopewell), Ovid (became Dutch Reformed in 1806), Seneca (now Ovid), Romulus, Ulysses, 1st (Tru- mansburg), Ulysses 3d (Ithaca), and Geneseo (Lakeville). The first meeting of presbytery was at Geneva Sept. 17, 1805. All the min- isters were present except Leacock, who is believed to have died 4 GENEVA PRBSBTTEKT. about this time. Among the seven elders present was Jabish Ha- vens, afterwards an elder in the Pulteney Church. Among the four corresponding members was the Rev. David Higgins, afterwards pastor of the Bath Church. Eev. David Higgins preached the ser- mon and Rev. Jedediah Chapman offered the constituting prayer. The bounds of Geneva Presbytery to 1810 included all New York State west of Oneida and Chenango Counties. During this period the following additional churches were enrolled: 1805— Newtown and Chemung (Elmira— extinct in 1810); 1806— Milton (Genoa) and Caledonia ; 1807— Onondaga (Syracuse); 1808— Junius (Seneca Palls) and Bast Palmyra; 1810— Hector and Onondaga Hollow. In October, 1810, the Synod of Albany restricted Geneva Presby- tery to that part of the State west of Cayuga Lake. The following churches still belonged to it: Geneva, Gorham (Hopewell), Romu- lus, Seneca (Ovid), Hector, Ulysses 1st (Trumansburg), Ulysses 2d (Ithaca), Junius (Seneca Palls), East Palmyra, Geneseo (Lakeville), and Caledonia. Before Bath Presbytery was formed the following additional churches had been enrolled: Sept. 18, 1811 — Bath, Lyons, and Benton; Aug. 19, 1812 — Angelica, Alfred (Almond), and Painted Post (Corning); 1813 — Sodus, Phelps, Livonia, Honeyoye, West Bloomfield, Orangeville (Attica), Warsaw, Pratts- BURG, and Huron (Port Bay); 1814 — Geneseo, Augusta (Rushville), Gorham, Penfield, Junius 2d, Pittsford, Elmira 1st, and Wayne; 1815— Naples, LeRoy, Parma (Ogden), and Galen {Clyde); 1816 — Gates 1st (Rochester 1st), Buffalo 1st, South Bristol, and Perry; 1817 — Mt. Morris, Lewlston, Hamburg 1st, Pomfret (Fiedoiiia), and Palmyra. There was a time, therefore, when Bath, Angelica, Almond, Corning, and Prattsburg met in presbytery Elmira, Ge- neva, Rochester, and Buffalo. Rev. David Higgins was enrolled in Geneva Presbytery at its first meeting, but its division in 1810 took him into Auburn Presbytery. Installed pastor of the Bath Church at a special meeting July 11, 1813, he again became a member of Geneva Presbytery. The first mention of Rev. James H. Hotchkin in Geneva Presbytery minutes is as a corresponding member at a meeting held in Milton (Genoa) in 1806. He was installed as a Congregational pastor at Prattsburg in 1809 and enrolled in Geneva Presbytery in 1813. Nov. 5, 1811 there was a special meeting of Geneva Presbytery at Bath to con- sider certain difiiculties arising in the change from a Congregational to a Presbyterian church. Presbytery strongly recommended the church to become fully Presbyterian, and very soon elders were ordained. A special meeting was held at Angelica, Aug. 19, 1812. The Angelica and Almond churches were enrolled with Mose's Van- Campen as elder, and Rev. Robert Hubbard ordained and installed over these two churches. The Painted Post (Corning) Church was enrolled with James Pulton as elder, and arrangements made to install Rev. Clement Hickman pastor. There were present Revs David Tuller, West Bloomfield; Olive Ayer, East Bloomfield- John Niles, Bath; William Clark, Seneca (Ovid); Charles Mosher,' Rom- Rev. GEORGE R. RUDD, Prattsburg. Rev, HENRY H. SPALDING, Prattsburg. Rev. LEVERETT HULL, Angelica. Rev. ROBERT E. WILLSON, Hammondsport. Rev. SAMUEL M. HOPKINS, D. D., Corning. pev. BENJAMIN 0. SMITH, Prattsburg. GENEVA PRESBYTERY. 5 ulus; Henry Axtell, Geneva; and James H. Hotchkin, Prattsburg; with elders, Henry A. Townsend, Bath; Moses VanCampen, An- gelica; aiid James Fulton, Painted Post (Corning). Prom Angelica the members of resbytery must have proceeded directly to Painted Post (Corning), for at a meeting there Aug. 35, 1812, Rev. Clement Hickman was installed pastor of that church, and the same minis- ters, excepting Rev. John Niles, were present. This pastoral rela- tionship was dissolved Sept. 10, 1816. In 1813 Eev. Silas Hubbard, afterwards a minister of the Andover Church, was installed pastor of the Warsaw and Orangeville (Attioa) Churches. The only stated meeting of Geneva Presbytery held within the bounds of Steuben Presbytery was at Bath in 1814. The stated clerks of Geneva Pres- bytery for this period were, Eev. Jabez Chadwick, Milton (Genoa), 1805-7; Rev. David Higgins, Aurelius, 1807-10; and Rev. Henry Axtell, Geneva, 1810-17. THE MINISTERS OF BENEVA PRESBYTERY FROM 1805 TO 1817. NOTE.— Capitals indicate ministers and churches within the territory of present Steuben Presbytery; p— pastor; ss— stated supply; s— transferred by synod; 1— by letter; d — death; o— ordination; sd — suspended and deposed; r — restored. NAMES. FIELD. RECEIVED. DISMISSED. Jedediah Chapman, D. D. John Lindsley. Jabez Chadwick, Garrit Mandeville. David Higsins. Hezekiab N. Woodruff. Benjamin Bell Charles Mosher. Dirck 0. lansing. Oliver A yer. Alexander Denoon. Howell E. Powell. Ezekiel J. Chapman. John Stuart. John Davenport. Joseph Merrill. Aaron C. Collins. William Clark. JOHN NILES. David TuUer. Reuben Parmelee Henry Axtell. Hippocrates Rowe ROBERT HUBBARD. CLEMENT HICKMAN. JAMES H. HOTCHKIN. Silas Hubbard. Darius A. Griswold. DAVID HIGGINS. Francis Pomeroy. Eleazar Fairbanks. Moses Young. Lyman BaiTett. Shipley Wells. Ebenezer Lazell Andrew Rawson. Ebenezer Fitch, D. D. Comfort Williams. Hezekiah Woodruff. Miles P. Squier. Stephen Porter. Howell R. Powell Hugh Wallis. Geneva, p Ovid, p Geneseo CLakeville). p Milton (Genoa), p Onondaga, p Ulysses 1st and 2d. p Aurelius. p East Palmyra, ss Romulus, p Phelps, p Onondaga, p East Bloomfleld. ss Caledonia, p Phelps, ss Lima, p Seneca Falls, p Lyons, ss Hopewell and Rushville p East Bloomfield. ss Livonia, ss Ovid and Hector, p Huron, p BATH, p West Bloomfleld. ss Geneva, p East Palmyra, p ANGELICA & ALMOND, p Pi^INTED POST (Corning)p PRATTSBURG. p Warsaw, p East Bloomfield. p BATH, p Lyons, p Romulus, p Naples, p Seneca Falls, ss South Bristol, ss West Bloomfleld. p Rochester 1st. p Elmira 1st. p Buffalo 1st. p Ovid and Hector, p Pembroke, ss Sept. 17, 1805 Sept. 17, 1806 8 Sept. 17, 1805 1 Sept. 17, 1805 1 Sept. 18, 1805 1 Sept. 18, 1805 1 July 2, 1807 O Aug. 18, 1807 Dec. 2, 1807 June 29, 1808 Aug. 17, 1808 Aug. 17, 1808 Aug. 17, 1808 Aug. 24, 1808 Mar. 14, 1810 June 26, 18' Apr. 16, 1811 1 Apr. 17, 1811 d May 22, 1813 s Feb. 21, 181T 1810 1610 1810 1810 1 Sept. 19. 1811 Sept. IT, July 7, July 7, July 8, July 8, Aug. 20, Aug. 26, Apr. 22, Apr. 22, Apr. 22, Apr. 22, Apr. 20, Sept 22, Mar. 7, June 20, Aug. 9, Aug. 10, Oct. 10, Nov. 22, Jan. 16, Feb. 16, May 3, Aug. 13, Feb. 12, Feb. 19, 1811 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1812 1813 1813 1813 1813 1814 1814 1816 1816 1813 1815 1815 1815 181(1 1816 1816 1816 1817 1817 1810 Feb. 22, 1816 Feb. 21, 1817 Sept 10, 1816 Feb. 21, 1817 Sept. 22, 1813 1810 Feb. 21, 1817 Sept 13, 1812 Feb. 21, 1817 Feb. 21, 1817 Feb. 21, 1817 Feb. 21, 1817 Feb. 21, 1817 Feb. 21, 181T Feb. 21, 18IT Aug. 10, 1815 Feb. 21, 1817 Feb. 21, 1817 Aug. 15, 1816 Feb. 21, 1817 •Feb. 21, 1817 Feb. 21, 1817 Feb. 21, 1817 Feb. 21, 1817 Feb. 21, 1817 Feb. 21, 1817 « BATH PRESBTTEBY. BATH PKESBYTEEY (1817-1862). "Bath" and "Steuben" are different names for the same pres- bytery. For convenience they will be treated as if separate bodies. The Presbytery of Bath was constituted at Geneva Feb. 31, 1817, by the Synod of Geneva setting off from Geneva Presbytery the churches and ministers within Steuben, Allegany, and Tioga (Pa.) , counties, together' with Rev. Ebenezer Lazel and Eev. Lyman Bar- rett, and the Naples Church. The first meeting was held at Pratts- burg Mar. 18, 1817, Rev. David Higgins preaching from Prov. 4:9, " She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace". There were present at that first meeting 6 ministers and 3 elders: Ministers — David Higgins, Bath* Ebenezer Lazel, Pulteney, James H. Hotch- kin, Prattsburg,- Robert Hubbard, Angelica and Almond, Lymali Barrett, Naples, and Hezekiah Woodruff, Elmira; Elders — Henry A. TownSend, Bath, Jesse Waldo, Prattsburg, and Christopher Hurlbut, Alfred (Almond) and Angelica. Rev. Clement Hickman was absent and the churches not represented by elders were Elmira, Wayne, Naples, and Painted Post (Corning). The Narrative of the State of Religion presented to presbytery at Southport, Jan. 27, 1835, by Rev. David Higgins, reviews the situa- tion: ".The little church at South .Dansville has become nearly ex- tinct. * * * Those at Olean and Ossian are feeble and have little more than a bare existence. At Black Creek the church has a little strength and gives encouragement. * * * The church at Angelica is favored with the prospect of some additions. * * * Howard, though small; yet firm. * * * Cohocton is weak and feeble but are exerting themselves in a commendable manner in the support of their minis- ter. * * * In Prattsburg the church appears to be waking from a long sleep. ** * Pulteney is in more harmony than usual. * * * Bath is in its usual state of slow progression and small increase. Wayne has been favored with a few instances of hopeful conversion' * * * In Reading (Starkey) a few members have been added. Cath- erine and Reading (Reading) though small and feeble observes stated meetings when they have no preaching. Mead's Creek is rising in numbers and exertion. Painted Post (Corning) -has a small circle pf sisters who keep up a prayer meeting, a society for the aid of missionary purposes, and a Sabbath School for children. Elmira shows some attention to serious subjects, counterbalanced bv a great and general stupidity. Southport is not favored with any" revival In Naples we learn there is great religious excitement". Almond alone was not mentioned. The apportionment of $240 for the American Home Missionary Society, Aug. 38, 1828, gives an idea of the relative strength of the churches then in Presbytery $35, Prattsburg;- $25, Elmira; $30, Wayne; $16, Bath- $13 Star BATH PRESBYTERY. 7 key; $10, Almond, Angelica, Howard 1st, Naples, Painted Post (Corning), Pulteney, and Southport; $8, Oohocton, and Big Flats; ^6, Black Creek, Mead's Creek, Ossian, and Wheeler; $5, Allen, Andover, Howard 2d, and Reading; $2, Olean; 0, Bennett's Creek, and South Dansville. The bounds of presbytery extending from Elmira to Olean, and horse-back being the best method of traveling, presbytery petitioned Geneva Synod ta set off the Allegany County churches and minis- ters into a new presbytery to be called Angelica Presbytery'. Synod at Syracuse, Oct. 7, 1828, granted the request. This action took out of Bath Presbytery 4 ministers and 6 churches. From IS'iiO to 1834 was a period of revivals and rapid expansion. During this period the following churches were enrolled: Barring- ton, Campbell, Hammondsport, Hornby, Kennedyville (Kanona), Wells (Pa.), Horselieads, PlainviUe, Mansfield (Pa.), Addison, Gat- lin, Erwin, Painted Post 2d (Caton), Lawrenceville (Pa.), Havana, WoodhiTJl, Troupsburg, and Horuellsville. The Bennett's Creek Church was divided into two churches — Greenwood with 17 mem- bers, and Jasper with 24 members. Presbytery meetings during this period wei-e largely attended. At Painted Post, Jan. 28, 1834, there were present 13 ministers and 23 elders. At the next annual meeting, Bath, Aug. 26, 1834, 17 ministers and 23 elders were present— among the elders Marcus Whitman, M. D., from the Wheeler Church. At the meeting in Campbell, Jan. 27, 1835, 47 were in attendance — 25 ministers and 22 elders. Upon petition of presbytery the Synod of Geneva, meeting at Penn Yan, .Oct. 5, il836, set off the churches and ministers south of the south line of the towns of Hornellsville, Howard, Bath, Tyrone, and Reading into a new presbytery called the Presbytery of Chemung. This action took out of Bath Presbytery 17 ministers and 20 churches. Included in this number were the churches of Campbell, Hornby, Jasper, Painted Post 1st (Corning), Addison, and Woodhull. A special meeting was held at Kennedyville (Kanona), July 25, 1837, "for the purpose of deliberating and acting on a circular addressed to those who feel themselves aggrieved by some of the acts of the late General Assembly". The following resolutions were adopted by a yea and nay vote — Rev. Isaac W. Piatt, Bath, and Pder Lewis Biles, iBath, dissenting: > ' • f Whereas, the General Assembly of the Preisbyterian Church at their late meeting in Philadelphia did declare^ that the synods of Utica, Geneva, and Genesee were out of' the ebnstitntional connec- tion of the Presbyterian Church and did excliid© the commissioners of the presbyteries belonging to these synods from any participation in the deliberations and decisions of that body; therefore. 8 BATH PKESBYTEKY. " Resolved, as the sense of this presbytery, that the aforesaid act of the General Assembly is at war with the principles of Presbyterian government, unconstitutional, and void, and ought not to be recog- nized by any judicatory or officer of the Presbyterian Church; * * * " Resolved, that the General Assembly, in announcing as a special reason for their immediate action on this subject, the prevalence of gross disorders in the synods so exscinded, without specifying those disorders, or giving the synods any opportunity to answer the charges, has acted in a most precipitate and unconstitutional manner, con- trary to all the usages of the Presbyterian Church, and affording a just ground of complaint to all the churches, ministers, and presby- teries telonging to these synods; * * * " Resolved, that we approve of the propositions contained in a circular from Rev. James Richards, D. D., and others, for a con- vention of the representatives of the aggrieved presbyteries and others who can act with them in sentiment and feeling, to be held as Auburn, Aug. 17th next; * * * "Resolved, that Rev. James H. Hotchkin, Rev. B. Foster Pratt, and Elam Bridges, Prattsburg, and Daniel I. Benton, Pulteney, be the commissioners of this presbytery to the Convention". The ultimate result was that Bath Presbytery became a part of the New School Presbyterian Church. The only change wichin presbytery was that at once the Bath Church, with Revs. Isaac W. Pldtt, and Daniel Washburn, and later the Cameron Church, with- drew to the Susquehanna (Old School; Presbytery. A New School church was at once organized in Bath which survived until reunion in 1870. In 1857 there were 15 ministers and 18 churches in Bath Presby- tery. The Jasper Church, upon its own petition to Synod, had been restored to Bath Presbytery in 1 847. After several unsuccessful attempts to enlarge its boundaries, the Synod of Geneva, at Elmira, Sept. 30, 1863, restored to Bath Presbytery all the South Steuben ministers and churches enrolled in Chemung Presbytery — at the same time changing the name to that of the Presbytery of Steuben. The last meeting under the name of Bath Presbytery was at Hor- nellsville, June 17, 1862. There were present 7 ministers and 10 elders. Bath Presbytery acted fewer times and less radically on the tem- perance question than Angelica Presbytery. In 1852 the following action was recorded: "Resolved, as the sense of this presbytery, that a law similar in its general features to that recently enacted in the State of Maine prohibiting the sale of all intoxicating drinks as a beverage, would be an immense blessing to the people of this State". Some action was taken against secret societies. Aug. 28, 1828 the Mead's Creek Church asked advice with regard to Free Masonry and Presbytery answered in the following resolution: BATH PEESBTTERT. 9 "Resolved, that this presbytery, in view of all the light that has been exhibited on the subject of speculative Free Masonry, cannot but view the institution as hostile to the interests of the Church of Christ, and that they consider it the duty of Christians entirely to abandon the institution". Rev. Loreu W. Kuss, pastor of the Bath 2d Church, was rebuked in 1847 for having joined the Odd Fellows, and counseled to with- draw. In 1848 Angelica Presbytery requested Bath Presbytery to proceed against Russ for having advocated secret societies within the bounds of Angelica Presbytery — especially in Almond where the session of the Presbyterian Church had taken strong grounds against secret societies. Rev. Joel Wakeman, D. D., represented Angelica Presbytery. Before Bath Presbytery preferred formal charges, Russ withdrew into the Protestant Episcopal Church, and his name was removed from the roll. In the early years of presbytery especially much time was given to the consideration of discipline. Three members of Bath Presby- tery were deposed from the ministry. One of these. Rev. Charles Yale, after ten years persistent petitioning, was restored. July 15, 1856, presbytery met at Prattsburg to consider charges impeaching the doctrinal soundness of Rev. Benjamin C. Smith, pastor of the Prattsburg Church, and stated clerk of presbytery. The accused minister asked permission to present his views to presbytery in a sermon. The permission was granted aud he preached from Rom. 6:11. Those for and against him were heard and presbytery coun- seled moderation. After all was over Smith declared that his ser- mon was really Chalmers' 33d Lecture on Romans. Several thought this to be contempt of presbytery and Jan. 13, 1857, a committee was appointed to confer with Smith. Feb. 11, 1857, the committee reported to presbytery that Smith had nothing to say. Before pres- bytery adjourned a spicy letter from Smith to presbytery was read which occupies 18 pages in presbytery's minutes. June 30, 1857, four charges were preferred against Smith — slander, misrepresenta- tion of presbytery's motives, deception in using Chalmer's Lecture as his own, and contumacy. Aug. 31, 1857, presbytery met for trial, but the case happily was settled — both presbytery and Smith confessing to needless mistrust and haste. The first church of the Oregon Territory was associated by its founders with Bath Presbytery. During August, 1838, Rev. Henry H. Spalding and wife, with their little child, visited their nearest white neighbors, Dr. and Mrs. Marcus Whitman, 110 miles away. During that visit, Aug. 18, 1838, the first Presbyterian church of Oregon Territory was organized with 6 members. The following minute was entered in the record book kept by Spalding: " H. H. 10 BATH PRESBYTERY. Spalding was elected pastor and Doct. Marcus Whitman (a ruling elder from the Presbyterian church in Wheeler, N. Y.) ruling elder. Resolved, That this church be governed on the Congrega- tional plan, but attached to the Bath Presbytery, N. Y., and adopt its form of confession and covenant as ours." No mention of this church has been found in the records of presbytery. Nor has it been discovered when, if at all, Spalding was dismissed from Bath Presbytery. One further extract from the minutes of this church will be of"interest: " Whole No. received since 1836 into First P. Oh., Oregon, 961. I am to-day, Nov. 26, '73, 70 years." Spald- ing died Aug. 3, 1874. . The following is a list of stated clerks: Rev. James H. Hotchkin, Prattsburg, 1817-30; Eev. George R. Rudd, Prattsburg, 1830-36; Rev. B. Foster Pratt, Prattsburg, 1836-43; Rev. Robert E. Wilison, Hammondsport, 1843-53; Rev. Benjamin C. Smith, Prattsburg, 1852-56; Rev. S. Mills Day, Hammondsport, 1856-57; Rev. Ho- ratio Pattengill, D. D., Homellsville, 1857; Rev. Edwin Benedict, Bath, 1857-58; and Rev. Stephen Vorhis, Hammondsport, 1858-62. The following ministers were installed and released at the places and dates given: Hezekiab Woodruff, Elmira, Feb. 16, 1816 (Ge- neva Presbytery)— Jan. 26, 1830; Joseph Crawford, Reading (Starkey) and Wayne, Feb. 14, 1831— released at Reading Feb. 26, 1823, and at Wayne Apr. 29, 1829; Charles Yale, Pulteney, Jan.'30, 1833— Aug. 31, 1835; Samuel White, Reading (Starkey), Sept. 28, 1825— Feb. 17, 1831; Robert Hubbard, Angelica, Aug. 20, 1813 (Geneva Presbytery)— Oct. 4, 1826; Lyman Barrett, Naples, June 20, 1815 (Geneva Presbytery)— Oct. 4, 1826; Moses Hunter, Angelica, Nov. 14, 1827— Aug. 27, 1833 (Angelica Presbytery); John C. Morgan, Naples, Aug. 27, 1829— Jan. 25, 1831; James H. Hotchkin, Prattsburg, Aug. 16, 1809 (Ontario Association)— Jan. 27, 1830; George R. Rudd, Prattsburg, Mar. 24, 1830— May 3, 1836; Eleazar Lathrop, Elmira, Oct. 19, 1830— Aug. 31, 1831; David Higgins, Bath, July 1, 1813 (Geneva Presbytery)— June 21, 1831; Isaac W. Platt, Bath, Aug. 31, 1831—1844 (Steuben [Old School] Presbytery); M. L. Farnsworth, Elmira, Feb. 1, 1832— Oct. 30, 1834; B. Foster Pratt, Southport, Feb. 2, 1833 — Apr. 15, 1834; Ethan Pratt, Horse Heads, Apr. 3, 1833 Nov. 4, 1835; James H. Hotchkin, Wheeler, Sept. 17, 1833— Feb. 17, 1835; John Frost, Elmira, Nov. 4, 1835 — Feb. 5, 1839 (Chemung Presbytery); David I. Perry, Big Flats, Feb. 2, 1836— Sept. 18, 1838 (Chemung Presbytery); John Gray, Catlin, Sept. 14, 1836- Feb. 5, 1839 (Chemung Presbytery); B.Foster Pratt, Prattsburg, Jan. 31, 1838— Aug. 31, 1841; Robert E. Willson, Hammondsport, Dec. 12, 1838 — Nov. 11, 1851; John Rev. L. MERRILL MILLER, D. D., Bath. Rg^ HORATIO PATTENGILL. D. D , Hornellsville. Rev. JOHN W. LANE, Centerville. Rev. TYRELL BLAIR, Angelica. Rev. GEORGE D. STEWART, D. D., Bath. Rev. S. MILLS DAY, Hammondsport. BATH PRESBYTERY. 11 W. Hopkins, Hornellsville, Nov. 13, 1839— Feb. 4, 1841 (died); Oris Fraser, Bath 3d, Jan. a7, 1841— May. 16, 1843; George T. Everest, Naples, Sept. 13, 1842— Aug. 26, 1846; Benjamin C. Smith, Prattsburg, Apr. 9, 1844— June 39, 1859; Samuel White, Pulteney, Apr. 10, 1844— Oct. 1, 1852; Loren W. Euss, Bath 2d, Nov. 11, 1845— May 16, 1848; George T. Everest, Jasper, Dec. 7, 1847— June 28, 1853; George Hood, Bath 2d, Sept. 19, 1848— June 26, 1850; Benjamin Russell, Tyrone, Jan. 16, 1850— Aug. 23, 1854; Horatio Pattengill, D. D., Hor- nellsville, Feb. 13, 1850— Sept. 1, 1857; S. Mills Day, Ham- MONDSPORT, June 30, 1852— Mar. 31, 1857; George Spalding, Canisteo, Feb. 7, 1854— June 19, 1860; Benjamin F. Millard, Na- ples, Feb. 21, 1854 — June 26, 1855; and David D. Gregory, Prattsburg, Oct. 26, 1859— June 13, 1865 (Steuben Presbytery). The following churches belonged to Bath Presbytery for the years named: Prattsburg, 1817-62; Bath, 1817-37; Painted Post 1st (Corning), 1817-36; Almond, 1817-28; Angelica, 1817- 28; Elmira, 1817-36; Pulteney, 1817-62; Eeading (Starkey) 1817-62; Wayne, 1817-62; Reading and Catherine (Reading), 1819-46; Naples, 1817-62; Ossian, 1820-28; South Dansville, 1820-60; Howard, 1820-62; Cohocton, 1821-62; Elmira 2d (Southport), 1822-36; Black Creek (Haight), 1822-28; Olean, 1822-28; Mead's Creek, 1824^36; Wheeler, 1825-62; Dansville, 1825-27; Howard 2d, 1826-40 (united with South Dansville); Bennett's Creek, 1826-30 (divided into Greenwood and Jasper); Allen, 1826-28; Big Flats, 1828-36; Greenwood, 1830-36; Jas- per, 1830-36, 1847-62; Painted Post 2d (Caton), 1830-36; Law- renceville, 1830-36; Havana, 1830-36; Barrington, 1830-42; Camp- bell, 1831-36; Hammondsport, 1832-62; Hornby, 1832-36; Kennedyville (Kanona), 1832-62; Woodhull, 1832-36; Wells, 1832-36; Horse Heads, 1832-36; Plainville, 1832-36; Mansfield, 1832-36; Addison, 1833-36; Troupsbuhg, 1833-36; Hornells- ville, 1834-62; Catlin, 1834-36; Ekwin, 1834^36; Elkland, 1835- 36; Tyrone, 1832-62; Bath 2d, 1838-62; Starkey 2d (Dundee), 1836-62; Starkey 3d (Rock Stream), 1833-62; Cameron, 1843-51 (became Old School); Wayland, 1852-58; Canisteo, 1853-62; and Eddytown, 1862. Bath Presbytery belonged to Geneva Synod. Associated with it in Geneva Synod were the presbyteries of Geneva, Cayuga, Onon- daga, Cortland, Chenango, Angelica (1828-34), Tioga, Delaware (1831-40), Ithaca, and Pennsylvania. Presbytery reported to Gen- eral Assembly 1,094 communicants in 1830, 853 in 1840, 1,626 in 1850, .and 1,305 in 1860. 13 BATH PRESBYTERY. THE MINISTERS OF BATH PRESBYTERY. NOTE.-Capitals indicate the ministers and eliurclies Itnown to have been within the territorv of present Steuben Presbytery; s— transferred by synod; 1— by letter, o— prdma- «oar^8-0&Sohooirp-pastor; ss-steted supply; t-'^a^h^"-/ ™-'°':f'5" X'^Sed: e-erased from roll sd-suspended and deposed; r-restored; J- '•-'«'"°™^ J, ":f f^; d-death. Small capitals in the body of the work (begmnmg at page 10) indicate the same as capitals in this list of ministers. NAMES. FIELD. RECE IVED. DISMTSSED. DAVID HIGGINS. JAMES H. HOTCHKIN. EBENEZER LAZEL. ROBERT HUBBARD. Lyman Barrett. Hezekiah WoodruflP CLEMENT HICKMAN. JOSEPH CRAWFORD. Henry Ford. CHARLES YALE. STALHAM CLARY. BERIAH HOTCHKIN. SAMUEL WHITE. Ebenezer Lazel. DAVID HARROW AR. REUBEN HURD. MOSES HUNTER. SILAS HUBBARD. Eleazar Lathrop. GEORGE HORN ELL, John C. Morgan. Merit C. Harmon. GEORGE R. RUDD. Linus W. Billington. BENJAMIN B. SMITH. ISAAC W. PLATT. Marshal L. Famsworth. B. FOSTER PRATT. Elijah D. Wells. Charles Goodrich.. Ethan Pratt. Asa Donalson. Daniel Washburn. James Rowlett. JAMES H. HOTCHKIN. OREN JOHNSON. JEREMIAH POMEROY. William Johnson. JOHN BARTON. William M. Adams. Edwin Bronson. Samuel Schaffer, John Gray. John C. Morgan. Henry Boynton. David I. Perry. Egbert Roosa. DANIEL B. BUTTS. HENRY H. SPALDING. John Frost. Elijah Buck. Charles Yale George E. Delevan. SAMUEL T. BABBITT. George Spalding. EBENEZER EVERITT. James Rowlett. Samuel Scott. ROBERT E. WILLSON. David I. Perry. JOHN W. HOPKINS. GEORGE T. EVEREST. BATH, p j CORNING, ss Big Flats, ss PRATTSBURG. p PULTENEY. ss ALMOND & ANGELICA, p Naples, p KANONA. ss Elmira. p W AYNE. p Elmira. ss PULTENEY. p PULTENEY. ss PULTENEY. ss Reading, p PULTENEY. p CORNING and Southport.ss BLACK CREEK, ss ANGELICA, p ANDOVER. ss Elmira. p Naples, p Big Flats, ss PRATTSBURG. p Big Flats, ss Starkey. ss PULTENEY. ss BATH, p Elmira. p Southport. p Starkey. ss PRATTSBURG p Horse Heads, p Tyrone, ss WHEELER, p PULTENEY. ss CAMPBELL, ss PRATTSBURG. hr WOODHULL. ss JASPER & WOODHULL. ss CORNING, ss s Mar. 18, 1817 Catlin. p Southport. ss Big Flats, p ADDISON, ss Oregon, f m Elmira. p PULTENEY. ss KANONA. ss Tyrone, ss HAMMONDSPOET. p HORNELLSVILLE. p Naples, p JASPER, p Mar. 18, 1817 Mar. 18, 1817 Mar. 18, 181T Mar. 18, 1817 Mar. 18, 1817 Mar. 18, 1817 Feb. 14, 1821 Jan. 30, 1822 Jan. SO. 1888 Aug. 3', 1824 Nov. 16, 1824 Sept. 27, 1826 Aug. 30, 1826 Aug. 28, 1827 Sept. 19, 1827 Nov. 14. 1887 Nov. 15,182? Jan. 29, 1828 Feb. 24, 1888 Aug. 27, 1829 Jan. 26, 1830 Mar. 23, 1830 Feb. 24, 1830 June 21, 18.H Aug. 31, 1831 Jan. 31, 1832 Jan. 31, 1832 Jan. 31, 1832 Feb. 1, II Aug. 28, 1832 Aug. 88, 1832 Aug. 29, 1832 Aug. 89, ia>i2 Aug. 27. 1833 Sept 17, 1833 Jan. 28, ia34 Jan. 28, 1884 Jan. 28, 1834 Jan. 29, 1834 Jan. 27, 1836 Jan. 27, 1835 Jan. 27, 18a5 Jan. 87, 1836 Jan. 28, 1&38 Jan. 28, 1835 Aug. 25, 1836 Aug. 27, 1836 Aug. 27, 1836 Nov. 3, 1835 Jan. 26. 1S36 Jan 27, 1836 Aug. 30, 1836 Sept. 1, 1636 Oct. 5, 18:J6 Oct. 6, 1836 Jan. 30, 1838 Aug. 28, 1838 Dec. 12, 1888 Jan. 29, 1839 Nov. 13, 1839 Jan. 2T, 1841 Aug. 29, 1887 Feb. 24, 1830 Sept. 1, 1819 Oct. 7, 1828 Aug. 28, 1838 Feb. 28, 1822 1817 Jan. 28, 1885 Aug. SI, 1830 Feb. 1. 1886 Aug. 31, 1830 Sept. 30, 18e> 1888 Oct. 6, 1838 Oct. 7, 1888 Oct. 7, 1828 Oct. 7, 1828 Feb. 18:i4 Feb. 24, 1828 Aug. 31, 1831 Jan. 28. 1835 May 3, 1836 Jan. 28, 1834 July 26, 18*7 Jan. 30, 1&37 1838 Aug. 29, 1843 Aug. 31, 1836 Oct. 6, 1886 Oct. 6, 1836 Oct. 5, 1838 1837 Aug. 29, 1833 1851 Oct. .6, 1836 Jan. 28, 1835 Oct. 5,1836 Jan. 26, 1836 Aug. 2T, 1835 Oct. 5, 1886 Aug. 29, 1837 Oct. 5, 1836 Oct. 6, 1836 Oct. 5, 1888 Oct. 5, 1836 Oct 5, 1836 Jan. 30, 1838 Jan. 30, 1838 Aug. 31, 1847 Apr. 3, 183S Jan. 86, 1848 Sept. 30. 1862 Feb. 1, 1843 Nov. 11, 1861 Aug. 81, 1841 u Feb. 9, 1841 1 June 29, 1863 BATH PRB8BYTEKY — ANGELICA PKESBYTEKT. NAMES. FIELD. RECEIVED. ORIS ERASER. WILLLIAM GOODELL. JOHN SMITH Oren Johnson. Aaron Judson. A. K. Barr. Isaac P. Striker. JOHN G. L. HASKINS. BENJAMIN C. SMITH. Benjamin Russell. LEVI ROSE. LOREN W. RUSS. Foster Lilly. FLAVEL S. GAYLORD. Joseph Strougb. Etban Pratt. GEORGE HOOD. Oris Fraser. Benjamin RusselL HOR. PATTENGILL, D. D EDWIN BENEDICT. S. MILLS DAY. Benjamin T. Millard. David b\ Judsun. GEORGE SPALDING. FRANCIS V. WARREN. Mills B. Gelston. A. T. Wood. WILLIAM R. DOWNS. CHARLES T. WHITE. STEPHEN VORHIS. GEORGE VAN DEURS. Jeremiah Woodruff. SAMUEL A. RAWSON. L. McGlashan. Henry G. Miles. DAVID D. GREGORY. FREDERICK GRAVES. SUFFRENOS OTTMAN. LEWIS F. LAINE. 13 DISMISSED. BATH 2d. p HOWARD, ss CORNING, ss HOWARD. Bs PRATTSBURG. Tyrone, p HOWARD, ss BATH 2d. p PRATTSBURG. WHEELER, ss BATH ad. p HORNELLSVILLE. p BATH 2d. ss HAMMONDSPORT. p Naples, p CANISTEO. p PULTENEY. ss Naples, ss HOWARD, ss South India, fm HAMMONDSPORT. ss JASPER. 8s WOODHULL. ss PRATTSBURG. p HOWARD, ss PULTENEY. ss CANISTEO. ss Jan. 27, Feb. 10, Aug. 81, Aug. 81, Sept. 1, Jan. 25, Feb. 2, Aug. 29, Apr. 8, Jan. 28, Aug. 26, Nov. 11, Aug. «5, Oct. 4, Aug. 29, Aug. 29, Sept. 19, Aug. 26, Jan. 16, Feb. 13, June 28, June 30, Jan. 11, Jan. 12, Aug. 24. June 24, June 24, June 24, June 24, Oct. 1, June 23, June 23, Feb. I, Feb. 1, June 28, June 28, Oct. 26. Jan. 10, June 18, June 17. 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 1842 1843 1843 1844 1845 1845 184i 1846 1847 1848 1848 1848 1849 1860 1850 1852 1852 1863 1HB3 1853 18S5 1856 1856 1856 1856 1858 1858 1859 1859 1859 1859 1859 1860 1861 1862 1 Aug. 26, 1845 June 17, 186t Aug. 28, 1845 Jan. 30, 1844 Aug. 30, 1843 Apr. 8, 1848 Jan. IS, 1852 June 29, 1859 Jan. 25, 1847 1852 Aug. 29, 1848 Feb. 4, 1851 Feb. 8, 1860 1854 June 25, 1850 June 25, 18S0 Jan 15, 1862 Jan. 9, 18S5 Jan. 14, 1862 Oct. 29, 1858 Mar. 13, 1667 Jan. 12, 1868 Sept 30, 1862 Sept. 30, 1862 Jan. 10, 1860 Sept. 30, 1862 June 23, 1858 Jan. 14, 1862 Sept 30, 1862 Sept. 30. 1862 June 23, 1858 Sept. 26, 1860 Sept 30, 1862 June 19, 1860 1860 Sept 80, 1862 Jan. 14, 1862 Sept 30, 1862 Sept. 30, 1862 ANGELICA PRESBYTERY (1828-1859). The Synod of Geneva at Syracuse Oct. 7, 1838, granted an over- ture from the Presbytery of Bath asking " that the Rev. Messrs. R. Hubbard, S. Hubbard, M. Hunter, and R. Hurd, and the churches of Ossian, Almond, Andover, Angelica, Allen, Black Creek, and Olean be constituted a presbytery to be called the Presbytery of Angelica; and that the other ministers and churches of the Pres- bytery of Bath be and remain the Presbytery of Bath; the dividing line between the counties of Steuben and Allegany to be the dividing line between the said presbyteries". The first meeting was held by direction of synod at Angelica Nov. 28, 1828, Rev. Moses Hunter, the moderator designated by synod, asking Rev. Robert Hubbard to preach the sermon. All the ministers were present — Moses Hunter, Angelica; Robert Hubbard, Almond; Silas Hubbard, Andover; and Reuben Hurd, Black Creek. The elders present were: Samuel Carr, Almond; Hiram Harman, Andover; Silas F. Littlejohn^ Allen; John G. McKeen, Black Creek; and Vial Thomas, Angelica. The following churches were enrolled in Angelica Presbytery for the periods given: *Almond, Andover, Angelica, Ossian, and *hmall capitals indicate the ministers and churches known to have been within the limits of the present Steuben Presbytery. 14 ANflELICA PRESBYTERY. Olean, 1828-59; Allen, 1838-50; Black Cheek, 1838-37; Port- age, 1839 — ; Portageville, 1839-43 (became Old School); Cuba, 1839-59; Oenterville, 1839-59; Pike, 1839-45; Belfast, 1830- 56; Ellicottville, 1830-59; Franklinville, 1830-38 (set off to Buffalo Presbytery); Parmersville, 1830-44 (united with Franklinville); Great Valley (after 1834 called Burton), 1830-43 (united with Olean); Belmokt (called also Philipsville, Philipsburg, and Amity) 1833- 59; Haiqht (formed in 1838 by a division of the Black Creek Church), 1833-37; Nu'nda, 1833-44 (set off to Ontario Presbytery); Burns, 1833-59; Independence, 1833-59; Hume, 1834-59; Friendship, 1835-53; Grove, 1836-45; New Hudson (formed by the union of the Black Creek and Haight churches), 1837-55 (about); Rushford, 1838-55; Dansville 3d, 1840-55 (set off to Ontario Presbytery); Wellsville, 1841-56; Eagle, 1843-56; Can- badea, 1846-54; Black Creek (Congregational), 1851-56; and Arkpoet, 1853-59. The stated clerks were as follows: Rev. Moses Hunter, Angelica, 1838-39; Rev. Asa S. Allen, Cuba, 1839-46; Rev. Joel Wakeman' D. D., Almond, 1846-53; and Rev. Samuel A. Rawson, Burns, 1853-56. From 1838 to 1834 Angelica Presbytery was a part of Geneva Synod. Associated with it in Geneva Synod were the pres- byteries of Geneva, organized in 1805, Cayuga 1810, Onondaga 1810, Bath 1817, Cortland 1835, Chenango 1836, Tioga 1829, and Delaware 1831. General Assembly in 1834, upon its own request and with the consent of Geneva Synod, annexed it to the Synod of Genesee. Associated with it in Genesee Synod were the presbyter- ies of Niagara, organized in 1817, Ontario 1817, Rochester 1819, Genesee 1819, and Buffalo 1833. In 1839 Angelica Presbytery reported to General Assembly 469 communicants, in ls40 1,500, and in 1850 1,700. The strength relatively of the churches Feb. 38, 1843, may be estimated from the apportionment of $45 as follows: $5, Dansville 3d, Nunda and Almond; 13, Friendship, Cuba, Hume, Burns, and Angelica; $3, Ossian, Eagle, Centerville, Rushford, and Portage; $1, New Hud- son, Andcver, and Amity. The following ministers were installed and released at the places and dates named: Robert Hubbard, Almond, Aug. 20 1813 (Geneva Presbytery)— Feb. 25, 1829; Phineas Smith, Portage Mar. 5, 1839— Feb. 23, 1830; Moses Hunter, Angelica Nov' 14, 1827 (Bath Presbytery)— Aug. 27, 1833; Moses Hunter, Al- mond, Sept. 18, 1833— Feb. 27, 1839; Asa Johnson, Nunda, 'peb 25, 1834— Sept. 14, 1837; Leverett Hull, Angelica, Sept 30* 1835— Aug. 30, 1837; Ashbel Otis, Ossian, Sept. 13, 1837— Feb' Rev. HENRY E. NILES, D. D.. Angelica. Rev. WILLIAM E. JONES, D. D., Bath. ■I l^^^^H HP %: ^iW9 pSw w '-^'^Kk M| ¥ ■' "'^^1 ^1 . jMDN ^^^^^^^1 fe'-- , j^Aif'fm-ir-ss ^^^^H m^^...,.-^mlm^s^a^ litf^^l Rev. ELIJAH W. STODDARD, D. D., Angelica. Rev. MILTON WALDO, D. D., Hornellsville. Rev. LEWIS F. LAINE, Canisteo. Rev.[CORLISS B. GARDNER. D. D., Cuba. ANGELICA PEESBTTERT. 15 27, 1839; Benjamin Russell, Bubns, Sept. 14, 1834— Aug. 28, 1839; Wales Tileson, Nunda, Apr. 18, 1838— May 13, 1840; Lem- uel Leonard, Portageville, Nov. 1, 1839 ; Samuel Sessions, Allen, Feb. 26, 1840— July 13, 1841; Charles Cbockek, Friend- ship, Feb. 9, 1842— Oct. 11, 1847; D. N. Merritt, Dansville 2d, July 11, 1843— Apr. 30, 1844; W. P. Ourry, Dansville 2d, June 25, 1845— May 1, 1849; Joel Wakbman, D. U., Almond, Jan. 14, 1846— Aug. 16, 1865 (Genesee Valley Presbytery); John Van- Antwerp, Hume, Sept. 9, 1847— Jan. 11, 1853; Charles L. Heq- uembourg, Dansville 2d, Jan. 9, 1850 — Jan. 12, 1853; Jefferson Wynkoop, Cuba, Jan. 29, 1850— Jan. 12, 1853; Tybell Blair, Angelica, June 25, 1851— Apr. 12, 1855 (died); Samuel A. Raw- son, Bubns, Dec. 10, 1851— July 10, 1856; and Nathan Allen, Cuba, Jan. 14, 1854— July 19, 1859 (Genesee Valley Presbytery). Angelica Presbytery became unanimously " New School". In Angelica Aug. 9, 1837, presbytery adopted the following resolutions: " Whekeas, it appears from the report of our commissioner to General Assembly, and from the minutes of that body, that we as well as other portions of the Church have been cut oS from the communion of that body and our commissioner excluded, by a sim- ple vote, without tritJl or alleged crime; therefore, " Mesolved — 1. We regard this act as unprecedented in ecclesiasti- cal history — altogetlier unconstitutional, and therefore null and void. * * * 3. We cannot in conscience feel the least straightened by this stretch of power, but shall appoint our commissioners as usual, and if any arrogance shall exclude them, we shall direct them to retire and constitute the real General Assembly and proceed as if nothing had happened. * * * 4. That we appoint seven commissioners to tlie Convention appointed to meet at Auburn the l7th inst., to ex- press and maintain these views in that body". * * * The commissioners were Rev. Moses Hunter, Rev. Leverett Hull, Rev. Samuel W. May, Rev. Asa Johnson, R. Barnes, Thompson Bell, and J. G. Prentiss. The Book of Discipline must have been very familiar to ministers and elders. Many special meetings, and many hours at almost every meeting, were given to the consideration of charges, com- plaints, and appeals. Three members were deposed from the min- istry. The case of Augustus Littlejohn was under consideration constantly for ten years. Rev. William Waith, Ph. D., in his "Recollections of An Emigrant's Family", thus describes him: " He was a common laborer, but was endowed with a natural elo- quence which gave him the complete mastery over any group that he addressed. He would collect a gang of his fellow workmen and preach a funeral sermon over a dead horse, or dog, that would fill the eyes of his hearers with tears. This man professed conversion 16 AlfGEIilCA PEESBTTERT. to Christianity, and began holding forth in school houses, or in churches to which pastors would admit him, and hearts were melted, and knees were bent in penitence, to such an extent that people thought this man ' the great power of God'. He offered himself as a candidate for the ministry; but the older heads of the presbytery, like Abiel Parmelee and Silas Hubbard, were unyielding in their opposition to his licensure. Littlejohn, however, went right on with his fervent appeals, and converts were multiplied within the parishes of the very pastors that opposed him. * * * The pressure upon the presbytery became so strong that any longer to refuse licensure appeared like fighting against God". In 1830 he was licensed. In 1833 a day was set for his ordination as an evangelist. When the day came there were charges against him of doctrinal unsoundness and imprudent conduct, and his ordination was post- poned. A month later Geneva Synod criticised the method of his licensure and directed presbytery to re-examine him. Instead of re-examining him for licensure presbytery ordained him. This action Genesee Synod censured. Difficulties arose later between Littlejohn and his wife, but presbytery exonerated him from blame and highly commended his work as an evangelist. In 1839 there were charges against his character. Presbytery appointed a committee to investigate, but in 1840, before that committee reported, made him moderator. About the same time presbytery refused a request of Ontario Presbytery to investigate charges against Littlejohn — not even recording the charges on the minutes. The Synod of Genesee censured presbytery very sharply for making him moderator while charges were pending against him, and for passing over the request of Ontario Presbytery. After a good many other actions, in 1841 he was cited to answer definite charges of grossly immoral conduct. There was an exhaustive trial at Almond in March, 1841. At last presbytery saw him as he was, and unanimously deposed him from the ministry and excommunicated him from the church. This presbytery seems to have gone about its work with a blunt directness which sometimes disregarded set presbyterial regulations. A good many exceptions are recorded by synod on the pages of pres- bytery's records. Some of these presbytei-y calmly disregarded coming at last to feel that the Synod of Genesee was prejudiced against it. The last straw, however, was the refusal of Ontario Presbytery in 1847 to receive a minister regularly dismissed. None of the presbyteries with which our Steuben and Allegany churches have been connected has taken such radical action for moral reform. There are many resolutions upon temperance. The first, Sept. 3, 1830, required of new church members a "pledge of ANGELICA PKESBYTERT. Il entire abetinence from ardent spirits". In 1835 presbytery advised elders nominated for an office requiring them to issue licenses to sell liquor to refuse such office. In 1839 vigorous efforts were rec- ommended toward influencing the Legislature to suppress entirely the liquor traffic. In 1841 presbytery resolved " that the granting of licenses to traffic in intoxicating liquors as a beverage is a gross violation of the great law of temperance and should be considered by our churches as a disciplinable offense". The interest of presbytery in the abolition of slavery was constant- Many pages of resolutions were recorded from 1835 to 1862 — some of them very radical. It is enough perhaps to give the resolution presented by the Kev. Dr. Joel Wakeman, and adopted by presby- tery Jan. 10, 1849: " Whereas, there are presbyteries and churches connected with General Assembly that refuse to discipline their members for the sin of slavery; and, " Wheeeas, by sending delegates there after the flood of light that has been thrown on this subject we must unavoidably counten- ance and fellowship this sin; therefore, " Resolved, that if at the next meeting of that body they do not take some efficient action on that subject we shall feel ourselves bound to withliold all correspondence and fellowship from them in the future". From 1850 presbytery meetings became very small. Some of the Congregational ministers and churches withdrew. The last meet- ing, held at Scio June 10, 1856, was marked by unusual proceed- ings. There were six present: Rev. Nathaniel Hammond; Rev. Samuel A. Kawson, Burns; Rev. Joel Wakeman, D. D., Almond; Kev. Nathan Allen, Cuba; Kendal Wilder, Cuba; and Mansur Dyer, Andover. The presbytery voted letters of dismission to all the ministers. Genesee Synod ruled that insomuch as a presbytery is unable constitutionally to transact business when only two minis- terial members are present, the last two dismissed. Revs. Rawson and Allen, were still members of Angelica Presbytery. The efforts of synod to resuscitate presbytery were a failure, but technically the Presbytery of Angelica existed until the Presbytery of Genesee Vallev was organized from the same territory in 1859. 18 AN"GELICA PUESBYTEKY. THE MINISTERS OF INBELICA PRESBYTERY. NOTE. — Capitals indicate the ministers and churclies known to liare been witiiin the territory of present Steuben Presbytery; s— transferred by synod; 1 — by letter; o— ordina- tion; d — death; p—pastor; s s — stated supply; sd— suspended and deposed. NAMES. FIELD. ROBERT HUBBARD. SILAS HUBBARD. REUBEN HURD. MOSES HUNTER. JABEZ SPICER, M. D. Phinehas Smith. JAMES CAHOON. Abel Caldwell. John T. Baldwin. William P. Kendrick. Robert H. Conklin. Asa Johnson. SAMUEL W. MAY. Augustus Littlejohn. leverett hull. William Bridgman. John F. Bliss. Lemuel Hall. ASA S. ALLEN. Ashbel Otis. BENJAMIN RUSSELL. Wales Tlleson. ABEL CALDWELL. Abiel Parmelee. Eli Hyde. Oalvin Gray. SAMUEL SESSIONS. Leonard Rogers. Abram O. Dubois. Lemuel Leonard. Robert H. Conklin. HIRAM GREGG. CHARLES CROCKER. LEVERETT HULL. Edward Reynolds. ROYAL TWITCHEL. D. X. Merritt. Henry Snyder. William Bridgman. H. B. Taylor. W. F. Curry. JAMES CONLEY. JOEL WAKEMAN. HORACE ERASER. SAMUEL A. RAWSON. JOHN VAN ANTWERP NATHAN LEIGHTON. Nathaniel Hammond. Joshua Lane. John W. I..ane. Chas. L. Hequembourg, JEFFERSON WYNKOOP. Daniel Russell. Charles Kenmore. TYRELL BLAIR. BENJAMIN WELLES, Wm. L. Andrews. NATHAN ALLEN. FOSTER LILLY. ALMOND, p ANDOVER. ss HAIGHT. ss ANGELICA, p ANDOVER. ss ALMOND, ss Portage, ss Frank linville. sa Nunda. p ANGELICA, BELMONT, i ANGELICA, p ANDOVER. ss CUBA, p BURNS, p ANDOVER. 88 Nunda. p NEW HUDSON, ss ALLEN, p CANEADEA. ss HUME, ss FRIENDSHIP, p ANGELICA, ss CANEADEA. ss Dansville 2d. p Dansville 2d. p ANDOVER. ss ALMOND, p ANGELICA, p ANDOVER. ss BURNS, p HUME, p CUBA, ss Dansville 3d. p CUBA, p ANGELICA, p ARKPORT. ss CUBA, p ANDOVER. ss RECEIVED. Oct. T, 1888 Oct. 7, 1838 Oct. 7, 1828 Oct. 7, 1828 Feb. 24, 1829 Mar. 5, 1829 May 19, 1830 Aug. 31, 1830 Aug. 30. 1881 Aug. 27, 1833 Aug. 27, 1833 Feb. 25, 1834 Feb. 25, 1834 Apr. 16, 1834 Sept. 29, 183S Feb. 24, 1836 Aug. 30, ia36 Oct. 13, 1836 Aug. 9, 1837 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 sd 1 1 1 1 Sept. 13, 1837 Sept. 14, 1837 Feb. 28, 1888 Oct. 10, 1838 Dec. 25, 1838 Dec. 25, 1838 Feb. 26, ia39 Aug. 27, 1839 Aug. 88, 1839 Oct. 29, 1839 Sot. 1, 1839 July 14, 1840 July 15, 1840 Feb. 9, 1842 Oct. 15, 1842 Feb. 28, 1843 Feb. 29, 1843 July 10, 1843 Apr. 30, 1844 Aug. ST, 1844 June 24, 1845 June 84, 1845 Jan. 13, 1846 Jan. 14, 1846 July 14, 1846 July 18, 1847 Sept. 9. 1847 Oct. 11, 1847 Jan. 11. 1848 Jan. 10, 1849 June 26, 1849 Jan. 8. 1850 Jan. 29, 1S60 Sept. 85, 1850 June 24, 18,11 June 24. 1851 June 8, 1852 June 21, 1853 Jan. 14, 1 854 June 12, 1855 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 sd 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 d 1 sd 1 DISMISSED. Feb, 88, 1832 Oct. 14, 1840 Feb. 87, 1839 May S, 1837 Feb 28, 1838 Feb. 28, 1838 Feb. 23, 1836 Aug. 30, 1887 Nov. 5, 1833 Sept 14,1837 May 18, 1841 Aug. 28, 1838 Aug. 30, 1836 Aug. — . 1838 July 14. 1840 Aug — , 1846 July 10, 1848 July 10,1844 July 15, 1842 Jan. 18, 1843 July 9, 1844 Oct. 14, 1840 Feb. 26. 1840 July 9, 1844 Jan. 87, 1841 Oct. », 1844 Jan. 11. 1843 Oct. 9, 1844 July 9, 1844 Oct, 11, 1847 Aug. 27, 1844 Jan. 11, 1863 Oct. 9, 1844 Jan. 18, 1855 Jan. 8, 1850 Aug. 18, 1S46 Sept. 10, 1890 Jan. 13, 1865 July 10, 1856 .Jan. 10, 1849 July 10, 1S66 June 13, 18S4 Jan. 8, 1850 July 10, 1866 June—, 1850 Sept. 10, ia50 July 19 1853 June 13, 1854 Jan. 10, 1854 Jan, 10, 1854 Apr. 18, 1855 June 1.3, 1854 Aug. 14, 1865 July 10, 1856 1856 ;Rev. ISAACIG. OGDEN, Almond. Rev. JOHN REID, Angelica. Rev. SAMUEL W. PRATT, Campbell. Rev. DWIGHT K. STEELE. Almond. Rev. M. L. P. HILL, D. D., Corning. Rev. BYRON B03W0RTH, Hammondsport. CHEMUNG PRESBYTERY. 19 CHEMUNG PRESBYTERY (1836-1862). For 2G years the South Steuben churches of Steuben Presbytery belonged to Chemung Presbytery. This presbytery was set off from the Presbytery of Bath by the Synod of Geneva, at a meeting in Penn Yau Oct. 5, 1836, the following resolution being adopted: " Resolved, that all that part of the Presbytery of Bath which lies north of a line formed by the south line of Hornellsville, How- ard, Bath, Tyrone, and Reading, remain the Presbytery of Bath; and that all the remaining part of the presbytery be constituted a new presbytery, to be named the Presbtteet of Chemung". The territory within Chemung Presbytery was that now within South Steuben, Schuyler, and Chemung counties in New York, and Tioga and Bradford counties in Pennsylvania. There were 17 ministers and 20 churches at the beginning. The first meeting was at Big Flats Dec. 27, 1836. All the ministers were present except three. The following elders were enrolled: Nathan Rey- nolds, Big Flats; *Geoege Teeple, Campbell; William "Wells, Southport; Francis Northway, Hornby; Nehemiah Denton, Havana; John Sample, Painted Post (Corning); Hector Sayre, Horse Heads; Joel D. Gillet, Addison; Wm. Braisted, Wells; and Wm. Porter, Catlin. The first annual report gave the member- ship of Elmira as 256, Big Flats 75, Mead's Creek 68, Havana 48, Columbia 33, Wells 17, Eewin 28, Painted Post (Corning) 111, Campbell 47, Southport 129, Addison 20, and Elkland 77. The first change in the bounds of presbytery is explained by the following extract from the minutes of Geneva Synod, recorded at Ithaca Oct. 3, 1844: " A new presbytery [was] formed to consist of the following min- isters and churches, viz. : Henry Ford, Elijah D. Wells, Octavius Fitch, Samuel J. McCuUough, and Samuel Porter; and the churches of Wells, Wells and Columbia, Sullivan and Richmond, Covington, Wellsborough, Farmington, Elkland, Beecher's Island, and Law- rence ville, and bounded as follows: north by the New York State line***to be known by the name of the Presbytery of Pennsylvania". This took out of Chemung Presbytery all of the Pennsylvania churches and ministers, with the exception of the church of Athens. The next change in the bounds of presbytery was that brought about by the action of the Synod of Geneva at Elmira Sept. 30, 1863, in the adoption of the recommendations " that all the churches in- cluded in the county of Steuben and now belonging to the Presby- tery of Chemung, be transferred to the Presbytery of Bath; and that the Presbytery of Bath hereafter be called the Presbytery of Steuben." This action took out of Chemung Presbytery the churches of Corning, Campbell, Hornby, Addison, WoodhuU, Painted Post 2d (Caton), and Painted Post (Village). ♦bmall capitals indicate the ministers and churches known to have been within the llmiti of the present Steuben Presbytery. 30 CHEMUNG PKESBYTERY. During these 26 years of Chemung Presbytery the following churches were enrolled: 1. Those set off from Bath Presbytery: Big Flats, 1836-62; Campbell, 1836-62 (Steuben Presbytery); Southport, 1836-62; Hornby, 1836-62 (Steuben Presbytery); Ha- vana, 1836-62; Cobning (Painted Post 1st), 1836-62 (Steuben Presbytery); Horse Heads, 1836-62; Addison, 1836-62 (Steuben Presbytery); Wells 2d, 1836-44 (Pennsylvania Presbytery); Catlin, 1836-62; Mansfield, 1836-41; Lawrenceville, 1836-44 (Pennsylva- nia Presbytery); Jasper, 1836-47 (Bath Presbytery); Elmira 1st, 1836-62; Greenwood, 1836-50 (extinct); Troupsburg, 1836-46 (extinct); Painted Post 2d (Caton), 1836-62 (Steuben Presbytery); WooDHULL, 1836-62 (Steuben Presbytery); Erwin, 1836-43 (ex- tinct); and Elkland, 1836-44 (Pennsylvania Presbytery). 2. Those enrolled by organization, etc.: Millsport, 1837-62; Mead's Creek (Monterey), 1836-62; Wells and Columbia, 1837-44 (Pennsylvania Presbytery); Eichmond, 1839-44; Chemung, 1840-54 (absorbed by Southport 2d); Athens, 1840-62; Cameron, 1841-3 (Bath Presby- tery); Painted Post (village), 1841-62 (Steuben Presbytery); Covington, 1842-4 (Pennsylvania Presbytery); Sullivan (set off from Eichmond), 1842-4; Wellsborough, 1843-4 (Pennsylvania Presbytery); Eichmond and Sullivan (reunited), 1844-4 (Pennsyl- vania Presbytery); Beecher's Island, 1844-4 (Pennsylvania Presby- tery); Farmington, 1844-4 (Pennsylvania Presbytery); Thurston, 1845-50 (extinct); Painted Post 1st (organized from Corning), 1846-9 (reunited to Corning); Post Creek, 1846-51 (extinct); Wat- kins (Beading) (set off from Bath Presbytery) 1849-62; Factoryville, 1847- ; JefEerson, 1849- ; Waverly, 1853-62; Southport 2d, 1854-9 (extinct); Pine Grove, 1858-63; Burdett, 1858-62; and Elmira 3d (organized from Elmira 1st), 1861-2. The comparative strength of some of these churches may be esti- mated from apportionments recorded in the minutes of presbytery. In 1839 the assessment of $84 for the commissioners' and the con- tingent fund was as follows: Elmira, $20; Southport, $5; Horse Heads, Havana, Big Flats, Painted Post 1st (Corning), Addison, Millsport, Lawrenceville, and Campbell, $4 each; Catlin, Elkland, Hornby, Jasper, and Mead's Creek, $3 each; Erwin, Woodhull Columbia and Wells, and Painted Post 2d (Caton) $2 each- Mansfield, Greenwood, Wells, and Troupsburg, $1 each. The stated clerks of Chemung Presbytery have been: Eev. John Smith, Corning, 1836-40; Eev. Elijah D. Wells, Campbell, 1840-3; Eev. Philemon H. Fowler, D. D., Elmira, 1842-6; Eev. B. Foster Pratt, Painted Post, 1846-8; Eev. B. M. Goldsmith, Southport, 1848-50; and Eev. Charles C. Carr, Horse Heads, from 1850 to the present time. CHKMUNG PRESBYTERY. 21 None of the presbyteries to which the existing Steuben Presbytery churches have belonged has so high a record for installed pastors as Chemung Presbytery during this period. In 1840 presbytery re- corded strong resolutions on the subject, and sent a pastoral letter on the subject to every church and minister in presbytery. The following ministers were installed and released at the places and on the dates named: George Spalding, Southport, Jan. 11, 1837 — Oct. 5, 1842; Oren Catlin, Horse Heads, Feb. 7, 1838— Feb. 2, 1841; David I. Perry, Big Flats, Feb. 2, 1836 (Bath Presbytery)— Sept. 18, 1838; John Frost, Elmira, Nov. 4, 1835 (Bath Presbytery)— Feb. 5, 1839; John Gray, Catlin, Sept. 14, 1836 (Bath Presbytery)— Feb. 5, 1839; Philemon H. Fowler, Elmira, Dec. 4, 1839— Dec. 16, 1850; Lewis Hamilton, Addison, July 2, 1840 — Mar. 16, 1842; Samuel M. Hopkins, Corning, Sept. 23, 1840 — Sept. 8, 1842; Curtis Thurston, Athens, Feb. 24, 1841— Feb. 2, 1848; Joseph Underwood, Millport, Mar. 3, 1841— Dec. 12, 1843; Samuel S. Howe, Painted Post, May 6, 1841— Dec. 20, 1842; Charles C. Carr, Horse Heads, June 30, 1841— Feb. 5, 1856; Henry Clark, Havana, Nov. 9, 1841 — Sept. 6, 1842; Morrison Huggins, Havana, June 13, 1843 — June 25, 1856; B. Foster Pratt, Painted Post, Dec. 13, 1843— Feb. 7, 1 849; Benj. M. Goldsmith, Southport and Chemung, Feb. 25, 1845— Aug. 29, 1849 (Chemung), and Jan. 15, 1850 (Southport); Lewis Hamilton, Campbell, Feb. 12, 1846 — Apr. 3, 1849; Joshua B. Graves, Corning, Feb. 12, 1846 — Sept. 7, 1847; F. W. Graves, Elmira, Congregational (not under care of presbytery), Feb. 19, 1846 ; Anson H. Parmelee, Addi- son, Oct. 21, 1846— Sept. 26, 1855; Horatio Pattengill, D. D., " Painted Post 1st (Corning 2d), Dec. l, 1846— Apr. 2, 1849; Syl- vester B. Shearer, Reading (Watkins), Sept. 29, 1847— Sept. 26, 1855; AsAHEL L. Brooks, Corning, July 2, 1849 — Feb. 3, 1851; Isaac N. Hurd, Big Flats, Jan. 16, 1850— July 1, 1851; David Murdock, D. D., Elmira, Oct. 1, 1851— Dec. 1, 1860; Robert E. WiLLSON, Corning, Feb. 18, 1852— Sept. 26, 1855; Darwin Chichester, Corning, July 15, 1856— July 1, 1859; Charles C. Carr, Painted Post, Mar. 3, 1857— Aug. 2, 1859; Benjamin Russell, Watkins, Mar. 12, 1857— June 30, 1858; Oliver Crane, Waverly, July 15, 1857 — Mar. 31, 1860; S. Mills Day, Havana, Oct. 15, 1857— July 1, 1861; N. E. Pierson, Horse Heads, Dec. 16, 1857— Jan. 28, 1862; David F. Judson, Addison, June 15, 1859 —Apr. 1, 1863; Charles C. Carr, Burdett, Sept. 29, 1859— Mar. 16, 1863; F. S. Howe, Watkins, Feb. 9, 1860 ; David F. Johnson, Waverly, Aug. 15, 1860— Jan. 29, 1867; George C. Cur- tis, Elmira Ist, Apr. 17, 1861 ; Isaac Clark, Elmira 2d, Nov. 12, 1861 . 23 CHEMUNG PEESBTTEBY. The record of Chemung Presbytery on questions of public im- portance is an honorable one. In 1837 very strong action was re- corded on the importance of keeping the Sabbath. The follo^ving are two of the resolutions: " 1st. That we regard the running of stages, the opening and changing of the mail, and the giving out of letters and newspapers at the postoffice on the Sabbath, as an infraction of the Sabbatical law. " 3d. That whenever persons run their boats, or in any other way do business upon the canal on the Sabbath; whenever they load arks orprepare rafts upon the Sabbath to float down our rivers; when they set out or continue on their journeys on the Sabbath, for the purpose of gain, or convenience, or that they may sooner enjoy the society of their friends; or whenever they invest their capital in any business that is carried on upon the- Sabbath — ^in such and every such instance they disregard the authority of God, trample upon His laws, and profane the day of sacred rest." Between 1836 and 1854 there were recorded no less than 12 strong series of resolutions against "the sin of American slavery". Chemung does not seem to have sent delegates to the Auburn Conference of 1837, but that it stood with Bach and Angelica Pres- byteries in condemnation of the exscinding acts of the General Assembly is evident by an extract from the minutes recorded at Corning Sept. 6, 1837: " Resolved, 1st. That, in the opinion of this presbytery, the Gen- eral Assembly, in declaring the above synods (TJtica, Geneva, Gene- see, and Western Reserve) non-constitutional portions of the Pres- byterian Church, and excluding the commissioners of the presby- teries embraced in these bodies from their seats, transcended the powers delegated by the presbyteries, and therefore that such acts are null and void. * * * 4. That we highly approve the firmness and Christian spirit manifested by our commissioners, and their associates in the minority, in resisting these unconstitutional pro- ceedings, and entering their formal protest against them. * * * 5. That we approve of the resolution of the late Convention at Auburn, recommending the churches to continue their present organization and to send up their delegates to the next General Assembly to take their seats as heretofore" * * * Only one minister, Eev. David Harrowar, and no church, with- drew into the Old School branch of the Presbyterian Church. By a vote of 11 to 6 presbytery in 1838 condemned as error the denial of " the native depravity of our race", the teaching that " sin is necessary to a moral government", and the position that "self love is the first affection of the soul" " in the beginning of obedience to God". At the same meeting the following doctrines were condemned as dangerous errors: "that the sin of Adam is imputed to his posterity by a literal transfer, so that Adam's sin Rev. JOHN WAUGH, Cohocton. Rev. DANIEL J. ROBERTSON, Canisteo. Rev. LAWRENCE M. STEVENS, Prattsburg. Rev. GILBERT REID, Angelica. Rev. DAVID McLEOD, Angelica. Rev. JOHN S. BACON, Corning. CHEMUNG PKESBYTERT. 33 becomes personally our sin"; "that the atonement of Christ was made only for the elect"; '' that God does not sincerely invite all to partake of the benefits of the atonement"; "that sinners have no ability of any kind to obey God"; "that God does not command them to repent"; and "that circumstances may justify the volun- tary doing of that which is in itself morally wrong". The following action was taken in 1 841 : " Resolved, That it be a standing rule hereafter in choosing a moderator, for the members to nominate, the persons nominated to vote by ballot and retire, and the election to be made by calling the roll". Chemung Presbytery met one morning at 5:30. The most important of the many judicial trials was that in 1842 concerning troubles in the Catlin Church. It extended over three weeks. There were charges against Eev. John Gray, against Rev. P. L. de St. Croix, Gray's successor in Catlin, against an elder, and against the Catlin session. Gray was suspended from the ministry; St. Croix was censured in open pres- bytery; the elder was suspended from his ofiice and from church communion; and the session was exonerated. Gray was later re- stored. St. Croix some years later for another offense was suspended from the ministry but upon penitent confession was a little later restored. Two were deposed from the ministry. The number of communicants reported to General Assembly in 1840 was 760, in 1850 1,407, and in 1860 1,879. Chemung Presbytery was a part of Geneva Synod. The presby- teries associated with Chemung in Geneva Synod were: Geneva, organized in 1805, Cayuga 1810, Onondaga 1810, Bath 1817, Cort- land 1825, Chenango 1826, Tioga 1829, Delaware 1831 (in 1840 transferred to Synod of Albany), Ithaca 1839, and Pennsylvania 1844. THE MINISTERS OF CHEMUNG PRESBYTERY FROM 1836 TO 1B62. NOTE.— Capitals indicate the ministers and churches known to have been within the territory of present Steuben Presbytery; s— transferred by synod; 1— by letter; o— ordina- tion; we— without charge; s s— stated supply; p— pastor; os— Old School; d— death; sd— suspended and deposed. NAMES. F IELD . RECEIVE D. DISMISSED. , 1838 David Harrowar. Charles Goodrich. A.sa Donalson. William M. Adams. John Frost. GeorKB Spalding. DANIEL B BUTTS. Elijah Buck. John Gray. OREN JOHNSON. Ethan Pratt. David I. Perry. EGBERT ROCS A. JOHN SMITH. William P. Jackson. Havana wc Horse Heads, ss Elmira. p Southport. p : ADDISON, ss 'Catlin. p Mead's Creek, ss iMoreland. wc JJASPER. ss iChemung. ss Big Flats, p PAINTED POST Sd. Seelye Creek, wc ICORNING. ss iMiltport. ss ,1886 Oct. 5, Oct. 6, 1836 Oct. 6, 1836 Oct. 5, 1836 Oct. 5, 1886 Oct. 5, 1836 Oct. 6, 1836 Oct. 6, 1836 Oct. 5, 1836 Get. 5, 1836 Oct. 5, 1836 Oct. B, 1836 Oct. 5, 1836 Dec. 2T, 1836 Sept 6, 1837 Aug. S3, 1864 Sept. 3, 183« Sept. 5, 1838 Oct. 7, 1840 Oct. 6, 1842 Sept. 3, 1839 Sept. 6,. 1837 Feb. 3, 1841 Aue. 16, 1848 Sept. 18, 1838 Sept 1, 1840 Feb. 4, 1840 24 NAMES. CHEMUNG PRESBYTERY. FIELD. RECEIVED. DISMISSED. ELIJAH D. WELLS. Oren Catlin. Octavius Fitch. P. L. deSt. Croix. Philemon H. Fowler, LEWIS HAMILTON. D. D Joseph Underwood. Darius Williams. SAM'L M. HOPKINS, D. D, Francis L. Whiting. Curtiss Thurston. SAMUEL S. HOWE. Charles C. Carr. Henry Clark. JOSEPH GARDNER. Julius Doane. Samuel J. McCullough. JOSHUA B. GRAVES. THOMAS W DUNCAN. Morrison Huggins. B. FOSTER PRATT. Henry Ford, D. D. Samuel Porter. Ebenezer Everett. B. M. Goldsmith. F. W. Graves. HOR. PATTENGILL, D. D- D. A. Abbey. ANSON H. PARMELEE. Sylvester B. Shearer, Sidney Mills. Nathaniel Elmer. ASAHEL L. BROOKS. Isaac N. Kurd. William B. Stow. J. R. YOUNG. Peleg R. Kinney. George Hood. David Murdock, D. D. William Goodell. ROBERT E. WILLSON. Robert McMath. William Clark. MILTON BUTTOLPH. Francis Hendricks. George T. Everest Fordyce Harrington WM. R. DOWNS. Reuben H. Close. Harvey A. Sacket. Benjamin Russell. RICHARD G KEYES. Charles Chapman. Henry Osborne DARWIN CHICHESTER. Calvin McKinney. Henry Hickok. Benjamin B. Riley. Alexander Murdock. S. Mills Day. Oliver Crane, D. D. Augustus W. Cowles, D. D. DAVID F. JUDSON. Nathaniel E. Fierson. Elijah B. Smith. Henry Rinker. F. S. Howe. WILLIAM A. NILES, D. D. David S. Johnson, D. D. George C. Curtis, D. D. Isaac Clark. IVederick Graves. Oris Fraser. HIRAM E. JOHNSON. CAMPBELL, ss Lawrenceville. wc Horse Heads, p Richmond, ss Covington, hb Catlin. ss Elmira. p ADDISON, p CAMPBELL, ss Millport, p Elkland. ss CORNING, p Big Flats, ss Athens, p PATNTlft) POST, p Horse Heads, p PAINTED POST, p Burdett. p Havana, p HORNBY ss Covington, wc Lawrenceville. ss CORNING, ss CORNING, p JASPER, ss Havana. )j PAINTED POST, p CAMPBELL, ss Catlin. ss Southport and Chemung. Elmira (Cong), p CORNING 2d. p Mead's Creek, ss ADDISON, p Reading, p Big Flats, ss Waverly. ss CORNING, p Big Flats, p PAINTED POST, ss Athens, ss Elmira. p CORNING, p PAINTED POST, ss Dryden. ss HOWARD, ss Watkins. p PAINTED POST. 3S CORNING, p Havana, p Waverly. p ADDISON, p Horse Heads, p Watkins. p CORNING, ss Waverly. p Elmira 1st. p Elmira 2d. p PAINTED POST, ss Feb. «, 1838 Feb. 6, 1888 Mar. 6, 18.39 Sept. 3, Dec. 4, July 2, Sept. 2, Sept. 22, Sept. 28, Feb. 3, Feb. 24, May 6, June 30, ia39 1839 1840 1840 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 Nov. 9, 1841 Feb. 2, 1842 Feb. 2, 1842 Sept 7, 1842 Oct 5, 1842 Fell. 7, 1843 June 13, 1843 Dec. 12, 1843 1 1 sd May 28, 1844 Sept 4, 1844 Oct. 15, 1844 Feb. 25, 1845 Feb. 3. 1846 Sept 1, 1846 Sept. 1, 1846 Sept. 21, 1846 Sept. 29, 1847 Feb. 1, 1848 Oct. 4, 1848 July 2, 1849 Jan. 16, 1850 Feb. 4, 1860 Feb. 4, 1850 June 24, I860 Aug. 29, 1850 June 30, 1851 Aug. 26, 1861 . Feb. 2. 1852 1 Feb. 2, 1852 I June 28. 1852 Feb. 8, 1853 June 28, 1853 I Aug. 24, 1S53 Feb. 6, 1864 Feb. 6, ia54 Feb. 6, 1854 Feb. 6, 1854 Feb. 5, 1855 June 26, 1855 June 24, 1856 June 24, 1856 June 24, 1856 Sept 29, 1856 Sept. 30. 1856 Feb. 24, 1857 Feb. 25, 1857 May 11, 1857 June 30, 1867 Sept 29, 1857 Sept 29, 1867 Dec. 16, 1857 Nov. 24, 1868 Jan. 25, 1859 Sept. 28, 1859 Aug 14, 1860 Aug. IS, 1860 Apr. 17, 1861 Nov. 12. 1861 Jan. 29, 1862 Feb. 12, 1862 June 10, 1862 1 Oct 3, 1844 Oct 5, 1841 Oct. 3, 1844 Dec. 16, 1850 Aug. 28, 1849 Sept 1, 1846 Oct. 5, 1842 Oct 15, 1863 Sept. 22, 1872 Sept 15, 1846 Sept 6, 1842 May 28, 1844 Dec. IS, 1843 Oct. 3, 1844 Aug. 16, 1848 Sept 7, 1847 June 26, 1886 Sept. 28, 1865 Oct. 3, 1S44 Oct. 3. 1844 Sept 7, 1847 Jan. lb, 1850 Oct. 6, 1847 Feb. 5, 1860 1 Sept 26, 1856 Feb. 7, 1849 June SO, 1868 Feb. 3, 1861 Feb. 8, 1853 June 29, 1852 June 30. 1861 June 26, 1855 1861 Sept 26, 1860 Feb. 4, 1856 Oct 15, 1857 Sept 26, 1855 Aug. 23. 1854 Sept 28, 1864 Feb. 4, 1866 Sept. 29. 1357 Sept 28, 1858 June 24, 1856 July 15 1857 Sept 28, 1859 June 30, 1858 Feb. 24, 1857 Sept 26, 1857 Oct 15, 1857 June 14, 1864 Sept 28, 1864 Jan. 28, 1863 Sept. 30, 1863 1897 Jan. 28, 1863 June 7. 1865 Jan. 28. 1863 Jan. 28, 1863 GEXESEE Valley presbytery. 35 GENESEE VALLEY PRESBYTERY (1869-1886). Unable after two years' effort to revive the Angelica Presbytery, the Synod of Genesee at Mount Morris Sept. 28, 1858, recommend- ed the orpranization of the same territory into a new presbytery, together with a few ministers and (upon their consent) the Olean, Portville, Franklinville, and Ellicottville churches in Cattaraugus county. By direction of synod a meeting was held at Cuba on the second Tuesday of December, 1858, for the purpose of organizing, but the Cattaraugus county churches in question had not yet taken action. To give them time to decide, the meeting was adjourned to Olean Jan. 4, 1859, when all but Ellicottville consented to be- come part of a new presbytery. The following ministers and churches (by the elders named) were enrolled as members of the new presbytery: Ministers — Sylvester Cowles, D. D., and Isaac G. Ogden (from Buffalo Presbytery), Nathan Allen (from Angelica Presbytery), and .John Niles Hubbard (from Ontario Presbytery); Churches — Olean (.Jacob Ooss), Portville (Henry Dusenbury), Alle- gany (G. VanCampen), Franklinville (Merlin Mead), *AifGBLiCA (A. B. Palmer), Cuba (H. A. Mead), Almond (Moses Lockhart), and Burns. The first stated meeting was at Almond Feb. 15, 1859. The name chosen by ballot for the new presbytery was Genesee Valley. By the close of 1859 there belonged to it 9 ministers and 10 churches. It comprised Allegany county, the eastern part of Cattaraugus county, and the church of Arkport in Steuben county. Being a part of Genesee Synod, it was a New School presbytery. Before Reunion the following churches had been enrolled in addition to those named: Centerville, Andover, Belmont, Belfast, Hor- tiellsville, Hume, and Rushford. At Buffalo June 39, 1870, the presbytery was reconstituted by the Synod of Western New York (the successor of Genesee Synod) to comprise all the churches and ministers within Allegany and Cattaraugus counties. By this change Hornellsville and Arkport were transferred to Steuben Presbytery, and Ellicottville, Salaman- ca, and Connewango enrolled from Buffalo Presbytery. A little later the oil excitement arose and the newly organized Limestone, Bradford, Kendall Creek, and Duke Center churches were added. The three churches last named were in Pennsylvania, and were en- rolled as the result of presbytery's successful effort to have Bradford, Otto, and Eldred townships transferred from the Synod of Harris- burg to the Synod of Western New York. It was always a small presbytery. In the Narrative of 1883 pres- «Small capitals indicate ministers and churciies Icnown to have been within the territory of the present Steuben Presbytery. 26 GENESEE VALLEY PKESBYTERT. bytery confessed itself "the smallest presbytery in the [newly or- ganized] Synod of New York". There were rarely as many as eighteen at a meeting, and often not more than ten. But this very fact bound the ministers and churches together more closely. Yet the question of dissolution was often discussed. One proposition was for the Cattaraugus churches to unite with Buffalo Presbytery and the Allegany churches with Genesee. Another was for all to go into Buffalo Presbytery. Finally an overture of the presbytery asking dissolution on certain lines was granted by the Synod of New York at Elmira Oct. 21, 1886. The Allegany churches and minis- ters were transferred to Steuben Presbytery, and the Cattaraugus .and McKean (Pa.) churches to Buffalo Presbytery. The Presbytery of Genesee Valley reported to General Assembly in 1860 1,068 com- municants, 1,352 in 1870, and 1,326 in 1880. It belonged to the old Synod of Genesee from its organization to 1870; to the new Synod of Genesee, formed from the old Synod of Genesee (N. S.) and the Synod of Buffalo (0. S.), known after 1871 as the Synod of Western New York, from 1870 to 1881; and to the Synod of New York from 1881 to 1886. The following churches were enrolled for the periods named: Olean, Portville, Allegany, Pranklinville, Cuba, Angelica, Cen- TEfiviLLE, and Almond, 1859-18S6; Burns, 1859-1873 (disband- ed); Arkport, 1859-1870; Andover, 1860-1886; Belmont, 1861- 1886; Belfast, 1862-1871 (disbanded); Hornellsville, 1864- 1870; Hume, 1867-1873 (reorganized as Methodist); Eushford, 1868-1886; Ellicottville, 1870-1886; Salamanca, 1870-1875 (be- came Congregational); Connewango, 1870-1875 (Buffalo Presby- tery); Limestone, 1879-1886; Bradford, 1879-1886; Kendall Creek, 1879-1886; and Duke Center, 1881-1886. In 1867 there were 15 churches, only 5 of which, Portville, Olean, Angelica, Cuba, and Almond,. had settled pastors. Seven of these churches reported $372 given for Foreign Missions; 9 reported $858 for Home Missions; and 6 to all other objects $1150 (of which Angelica gave $580). Only 6 churches reported prayer meetings and only 2 a young people's meeting before the Sunday evening service. In all 133 were added to the membership. In 1859 the comparative strength may be estimated from the following appor- tionment of $62: Almond, $15; Angelica, Portville, and Olean. $10 each; Cuba, $8; Allegany, $3; Burns, Arkport, and Prank- linville, $2 each. At the close of the first decade. Almond reported three prayer meetings, 250 at morning and 90 at evening service 280 in the Sunday School, $164 for Home and Foreign Missions' and the pastor's salary doubled in two years. Hume had 19 mem- Rev. MARCUS N. PRESTON, Bath. Rev. ERWIN C. HULL, Arkport. Rev. GEORGE R. SMITH, Campbell. Rev. DUNCAN CAMERON, Canisteo. Rev. EVAN R. EVANS, Ph. D., Canaseraga. Rev. GEORGE M. JANES, Andover. GENESEE VALLEY PRESBYTERY. 27 b«r8 and 30 in the S. S. Andover reported 79 enrolled, 50 in S. S., and $2.52 for Home Missions. Belmont had 79 members, 60 in S. S., and $60 for Home Missions. Angelica reported an average of 35 at weekly prayer meeting, 148 at morning and 113 at evening service, and 140 in the S. S., with 71 average attendance. Cuba had an average of 140 Sunday morning, 60 Sunday evening, 135 at S. S., 25 at the weekly prayer meeting, and reported $140 for Home and Foreign Missions. Hornellsville had 165 church members, 110 out in the morning and 90 in the evening, 140 at S. S., and gave to Home Missions $190. In 1859 Genesee Valley condemned the American Tract Society for remaining neutral on the slavery issue. In 1864 it adopted among other resolutions on temperance the following: " We regard intemperance as one of the works of the flesh which can never be thoroughly overcome except by the great regenerative change which makes all things new; * * * and while encouraging all the temperance movements of the day * * * we yet believe the real triumph of temperance will be synchronous with the triumph of the Gospel". As early as 1864 it passed resolutions favoring the reunion of the Old and New School Churches. Oct. 9, 1869, General Assembly's overture proposing reunion was answered with a unanimous affirma- tive. It was constantly considering the Home and Foreign Mission work, and as only half of its churches were self-supporting the question of weak churches was always up for consideration. For a year or two at the beginning, a presbyterial missionary was em- ployed. In 1860 he received $500 salary. The American Home Missionary Society paid $200; the weak churches in which he la- bored, $150; Angelica, $45; Almond, $30; Portville, and Cuba, $25 each; Olean, $15; and Aekport and Centerville, $5 each. In 1867, after a year's consideration, presbytery recorded several pages of reasons why taking milk on the Sabbath to a cheese factory was in its opinion unnecessary labor. As early as 1873, the syste- matic weekly offering was urged upon the churches in a resolution beginning, "Whereas, the envelope system, by which its propor- tion of the salary is paid every week, seems to be the easiest and best method" — etc. There was a thriving Woman's Presbyterial Mission Society which in 1882 reported over $1,000 contributions. The Bradford Church was at that time conducting a mission among the Chinese of that city. The only serious case of discipline was that of Rev. William Ingleby, who, after an exhaustive trial at Cuba in 1885, was deposed from the ministry and excommunicated from the church. For several years after 1861 every minister came to stated meet- 28 GENESEE VALLEY PKESBYTERY. inga of presbytery prepared to give a sermon skeleton from, and an exegesis of, passages assigned to all at the previous meeting. In 1866 and 1867 the elders had a successful "Elders' Meeting" in connection with presbytery meeting. For several years presbytery met on Friday and remained together over the Sabbath. In 1875, 1876, and 1877 a presbyterial visitation was carried out — two minis- ters appointed by presbytery visiting each church at a time mutually convenient. In 1878 a ministerial association was formed to meet the day before presbytery meeting. The stated clerks of Genesee Valley Presbytery were: 1859, Rev. Nathan Allen, Cuba; 1859-70, Kev. Isaac G. Ogden, Portville, and later Almond; 1870-81, Eev. Joseph E. Tinker, Portville; 1881-2, Eev. John E. Findlay, Bradford; 1882-3, Eev. John C. Taylor, Cuba; 1883-4, Eev. Dwight K. Steele, Almond; 1884-5, Rev. French W. Fisher, Portville; 1885-6, Eev. David McLeod, Angelica. Presbytery installed and released the following pastors: Nathan Allen, Cuba, Jan. 14, 1854 (Angelica Presbytery) — July 19, 1859; Isaac G. Ogden, Portville, Nov. 3, 1859— Oct. 12, 1867; E. J. Stewart, Franklinville, Feb. 1, 1860— June 18, 1661; J. B. Beau- mont, Olean, June 5, 1862 — Apr. 22, 1867; Elias L. Boing, Angelica, Oct. 12, 1864 — Oct. 12, 1867; Cokliss B. Gabdner, D. D., Cuba, June 6, 1865— Dec. 15, 1874; Joel Wakeman, D. D., Almond, Jan. 14, 1846 (Angelica Presbytery) — Aug. 16, 1865; G. E. Alden, Almond, Nov. 14, 1866— June 3, 1867; John Eeid, Angelica, June 30, 1868— Apr. 14, 1874; N. M. Clute, Olean, Sept. 29, 1869— Oct. 28, 1874; Courtney Smith, Ellicottville, Dec. 29, 1871— Feb. 22, 1884 (died); Dwight K. Steele, Almond, June 2, 1875— Dec. 11, 1884; John C. Taylor, Cuba, June 6, 1876— Jan. 4, 1883; J. W. Simpson, Olean, Sept. 16, 1880— Dec. 1, 1880 (Synod of Western New York); David Winters, Olean, Apr. 25, 1882— Apr. 15, 1884; French W. Fisher, Portville, Sept. 27, 1882— Oct. 6, 1885; Eobert R. Watkins, Franklinville, Oct. 25, 1882 ; Edward Bryan, Bradford, Nov. 15, 1882 ; David McLeod, Angelica, May 8, 1883— Dec. 8, 1889 (by Steuben Pres- bytery); Charles P. Luce, Ph. D., Cuba, June 19, 1883— Dec. 2, 1889 (Steuben Presbytery); Allen G. Daniels, Ellicottville, Sept. 23, 1884— Oct. 27, 1885; John Burroughs, D. D., Olean, Dec. 11, 1884 ; and Benjamin VanCleve, Andovbk, June 10, 1886— Apr. 21, 1889 (.Steuben Presbytery). GENESEE VALLEY PRESBYTERY. 29 THE MINISTERS OF GENESEE YALLET PRESBYTERY FROM 1858 TO 1886. NOTE.— Capitals indicate the ministers and churches known to have been within the field of the present Steuben Presbytery; s— transferred by synod; 1— by letter; o— ordina- tion; p— pastor; pe— pastor elect; ss— stated supply; d— death; and sd— suspended and deposed. NAMES. FIELD. RECEIVED. DISMISSED. Sylvester Cowles, D. D. ISAAC G. OGDEN. .John Niles Hubbard. NATHAN ALLEN. HE SRY E. NILES, D. D. JOEL WAKEMAN, D. D. Samuel Porter. J. W. LANE. JOHN E. BAKER. J. T. Baldwin. K. J. Stewart WILLIAM C. WHITE. E. W. STODDARD, D. D. ALLEN TRAVER. Nathaniel Hammond. J. C. Richardson. MILl'ON WALDO, D. D. W. P. Teitaworth. J. B. Beaumont. E. HalH. David L. Hunn. I. N. Crittenden. PHILANDER CAMP. C. M. LIVINGSTONE. ELIAS L. BOING. C. B. GARDNER. D. D. J. W. LANE. J. S. BINGHAM. G. R. ALDEN. S. D. W. Westfall. loseph E. Tinker. JOHNREID. N. M. Clute. HENJAMIN RUSSELL. Erastus W. Twitchell. T H. QUIGLEY. Courtney Smith. William P. Jackson L. W BillinKton. Nathaniel Elmer. E WOODWARD BROWN, V. P. Ossunkerheim. JOEL WAKEMAN, D. D. FREDS. HAYDEN. DWIGHT K. STEELE. J. S. BINGHAM. ■ Henry M. Curtis. JOHN C. TAYLOR. John L. Laudi.s. French W. Fisher. ALBERT C. TITUS. JOEL S. KELSEY. Samuel B Stevenson Robert G. Williams. ROBERT R KENDALL. C. \V. Goss. John R. Findley. J. W. Simpson. E. W. Fish. David Winters, D. D. JESSE LEE. Edward Bryan. Robert R. Watkins. DAVID McLEOD. CHARLES P. LUCE, Ph. D. WILLIAM INGLEBY. James A. Greene. Allen G. Daniels. John Burroughs. D. D. Henry M Higley. BENJAMIN VANCLEVE. Portville. p ALMOND, pe Dansville, Ossian, Burns, ss 1 CUBA, p ANGELICA, ss ALMOND, p CENTERVILLE. ss ARKPORT and BURNS p Franklinville. p CUBA, ss ANGELICA, ss BELMONT, ss HORNELLSVILLE. ss Clean. i> ANDOVER ss WELLSVILLE. ss ANGELICA, p CUBA, p RUSHFORD. ss BELMONT, ss AN HOVER, ss ALMOND, p Franklinville. ss Portville. ss ANGELICA, p Olean. p ANDOVER. ss Allegany, ss WELLSVILLE. p EUicottville. p Allegany, ss WELLSVILLE. ss ALMOND, ss ANGELICA, ss ALMOND, p ANDOVER. ss Olean. ss* CUBA, p Franklinville. ss Franklinville. ss Portville. p ANDOVER. ss BELMONT. SB Allegany, ss ANGELICA, ss Kendall, ss [Bradford, ss i Olean. p Franklinville. ss Olean. p ANDOVER. SB Bradford, p Franklinville. p ANGELICA, p CUBA, p RUSHFORD. pe Allegany, ss EUicottville. p Olean. p Kendall, ss ANDOVER. p Jan. Jan. 1859 1859 1 Jan. 4, 1859 Jan. 4, 1859 Feb. 16, 1859 Feb. 15, 18.19 June 21, 1859 June 22, 1869 July 19, 1859 Feb. 1, 1860 Feb. 1, 1860 July 24, 1860 Jan. 18. 1861 June 18, 1861 June 18, 1861 Oct. 15, 1861 Jan. 21, 1868 Jan. 22, 1862 June 5, 1862 Jan. 20, 1863 Jan. 81, 1863 Sept. 3, 1868 Oct. 13, 1863 Aug. », 1864 Oct. 11, 1864 June 9, 1866 Oct, 9, 1865 Sept. 13, 1866 Nov. 14, 186S Oct, 11, 1867 Oct. 11, 186T Apr. 10, 1868 Sept. 1 6, 1869 Sept, 15, 1S69 Sept. 28, 1869 Sept. 89, 1869 June 89, 1870 June 29, 1870 Oct. 10, 1871 Oct. 10, ISTl Oct. 10, 1871 Oct. 1, 1872 Sept, 23, 1873 Oct. 28, 1874 Apr. 13, 1875 Apr. 16, 1875 Aug. 18, 1875 Oct. 6, 1875 Oct 5, 1876 Oct. 3, 1876 Oct. 3, 1876 Apr. 10, 1877 Oct. 9, 1877 Oct. 9, 1877 Jan. 30, 1878 Oct. 1,1878 July 14, 1879 July 14, 1879 Apr. 12, 1881 Apr. 10, 1888 Apr. 11, 1888 Oct. 25, 1882 Oct. 25, 1883 May 8, 1888 June 19, 1883 Sept. 10, 1883 Apr. 16, 1884 Sept. 23, 1884 Dec. 11, 1884 Dec. 11, 1884 June 10, 1886 Sept. 18, 1861 Apr. 13, 18T5 June 18, 1861 July 19, 1859 Nov. 3, 1859 Aug. 16, 1865 Apr. 10, 186S June 17, 1863 Apr. 9, 1866 Sept. 12, 1866 June 18, 1861 Sept. 11, 1867 Apr. 11, 1865 Sept. 14, 1864 1864 1866 June 29, 1870 Apr. 11, 1865 Apr. 28, 1867 Oct. 8, 1866 Oct. 10, 1871 Apr. 9, 1866 . 1870 Apr. 9, 1869 Apr. 8, 1S70 Dec 15,1874 Apr. 9, 1872 Apr. 9, 1869 Oct. 9, 1869 Apr. 10, 1883 Apr. 14,1874 Oct. 28, 1874 Sept. 23, 18T3 1870 1870 Feb. 28, 1884 June 6, 1876 Apr. 10, 1877 Oct. 3, 1876 Oct. 6, 1874 Apr. 14,1874 Jan. 30,1878 Dec. 11, 1884 Sept. 11. 1888 Jan. 28,1880 Sept. 10, 1883 Apr. 18, 1876 Feb. 25, 1888 Apr. 15, 1884 Jan. 4, 1883 Oct. J 8, 1881 1878 Oct. 6, 1886 Sept. 6, 1881 Apr. 15, 1884 Apr. 10, 1882 Apr. 9, 1883 Apr. 15, 1884 Apr. 15, 1884 Oct 21, 1886 Oct. 21, 1886 Oct. 21, 1886 Oct. 81, 1886 Nov. 20, 1885 Feb. 25, 1886 Oct. 27, 1885 Oct. 21, 1886 Oct. 81, 1886 Oct. 31, 1886 30 STEUBEN PRESBYTERY. STEUBEN PKESBYTERY (1862-1897). The Synod of Geneva meeting at Elmira Sept. 30, 1863, created Steuben Presbytery by adding to Bath Presbytery the South Steu- ben churches enrolled in Chemung Presbytery, and changing its name from Bath to Steuben. Technically Steuben was not a new presbytery, but a new name for the presbytery organized at Pratts- burg in 1817. The first meeting of presbytery under its new name was at Howard Jan. 13, 1863. The following were present: Min- isters—David D. Gregory, Prattsburg; SufErenos Ottman, Pulte- ney; Stephen Vorhis, Hammondsport; and Mills B. Gelston, Na- ples. Mders— Alexander Conner, Howard; Elias Wygant, Pratts- burg; J. A. Otis, Kanona; Pliny Cobb, Painted Post; George Tee- pie, Campbell; and N. C. Taylor, Canisteo. Steuben Presbytery began with 19 churches. Twelve of these were in Bath Presbytery when the name was changed to Steuben — Naples, Prattsburg, Cohocton, Wayne, Howard, Pulteney, Wheeler, Jasper, Hammondsport, Kanona, Horuellsville, and Canisteo. Sev- en of them were transferred from Chemung Presbytery — Corning, Campbell, Addison, Painted Post, Painted Post 3d (Caton), Horn- by, and WoodhuU. In May, 1864, Hornellsville was set off by Gen- eral Assemby to Genesee Valley Presbytery. June 13, 1866, the Elk Creek Church was enrolled. After the reunion of the Old and New School branches of the Presbyterian church in 1 870, presbytery was reconstituted by the Synod of Geneva, holding its first meeting by Synod's direction at Bath Sept. 13, 1870. The only change was the addition of 4 ministers and 3 churches — Bath from Genesee River (Old School) Presbytery, and Hornellsville and Arkport from Genesee Valley Presbytery. For 24 years Steuben Presbytery in- cluded the same terrritory as Steuben county, excepting the Naples Church to 1883, the Hornellsville Church from 1864 to 1870, and the Arkport Church before 1870. In 1886 by the action of the Synod of New York dissolving the Presbytery of Genesee Valley, the churches and ministers of Allegany county were added to Steu- ben Presbytery. This action transferred 3 ministers and the churches of Almond, Angelica, Andover, Centerville, Cuba, Bel- mont, and Rushford. As the Naples Church was transferred to Geneva Presbytery in 1883, since 1886 Steuben Presbytery has cov- ered exactly the counties of Steuben and Allegany. The Caton Church was declared extinct in 1867, the Wayne Church in 1871, the Kanona church in 1875, the Elk Creek Church in 1893, the Wheeler Church in 1894, and the Rushford Church in 1897. The Canaseraga Church was enrolled Apr. 16, 1873, the Hornellsville Hartshorn Church Feb, 17, 1891, the Atlanta Church July 33, 1894 Rev. EDWARD M. DEEMS, Ph. D.. Hornellsville. Rev. JAMES A. MILLER, Ph. D., Angelica. Rev. EDGAR P. SALMON, Campbell. Rev. JAMES R. ROBINSON, A. M., Fainted Post, Rev. ROBERT CLEMENTS, Cuba, STEUBEN PRE8BTTBBT. 31 and the Avoca Church July 30, 1896. There are now in Steuben Presbytery 36 churches and 30 ministers. This presbytery reported to General Assembly in 1870 1,500 communicants, in 1880 2,339, in 1890 3,134, and in 1897 4,001. And contributions to missions have risen from $1,026 in 1870 to about $4,000. The presbytery belonged to Geneva Synod until in 1881 the six synods of the State were consolidated into the present Synod -of New York. Steuben Presbytery labored earnestly for Beunion. Among reso- lutions recorded June 14, 1865, are these: " That we believe that Divine Providence is now calling us as churches to become one, as we are one nation. That we will recom- mend to our members, cleric and laic, to unite with either branch indiscriminately, as though we believed they were at heart one; and that we will endeavor to exchange pulpits with and extend christian courtesies to the other [Old] School; and pray for a reunion, and do all in our power to brmg it to pass". Resolutions to the same effect were recorded Dec. 11, 1867. The presbytery Dec. 8, 1868, voted unanimously in the affirmative on an overture from General Assembly proposing a basis of union with the Old School General Assembly, and again on June 9, 1869. The Reunion Memorial Fund of Steuben Presbytery amounted to $42,411 — all of which, excepting $386, was devoted to home pur- poses. The following are the churches which contributed to this fund, with the amounts, and the specific objects: Arkport, $456, manse and church erection; Bath, $3,630, manse, debt, and church erection; Cohocton, $1,600, new church; Corning, $15,100, church debt, and Elmira College; Hammondsport, $475, organ; Hornells- ville, $5,000, church repairs; Howard, $1,400, church repairs; Jasper, $3,500, new church; Painted Post, $6,250, new church; Pulteney, $3,000, church repairs; and Wheeler, $3,000, new church. The presbytery was incorporated Sept. 15, 1875, by the election of six trustees. The certificate of incorporation, signed by John E. Beecher, moderator, and James M. Piatt, stated clerk, was filed in the Steuben County Clerk's Office, Nov. 6, 1875. The following have served as trustees of presbytery: Guy H. McMaster, Bath, 1875-88; Zenas L. Parker, Bath, 1875-92; Henry C. May, M. D., Corning, 1875-92; John N. Hungerford, Corning, 1875-83; T. Scott Thacher, Hornellsville, 1875-8; Alonzo VanWie, Howard, 1875-8; Leander Sutherland, Campbell, 1878-81; John D. Hamil- ton, Campbell, 1878-90; George W. Nichols, Hammondsport, 1883- 7; James S. Thorp, Hammondsport, 1884-8; D. W. Baldwin, Prattsburg, 1884-9; Warren S. Hodgman, Painted Post, 1889-91; ♦FfiANCis A. Williams, Corning, 1891-; Amasa B. White, ♦Small capitals indicate the present trustees of presbytery. H2 STEUBEN PEESBYTEBY. Campbell, 1891-; JoHif F. Parkhuest, Bath, 1891-; Chauncey G. Hubbard, M. D., Hornellsville, 1891-; and Clinton H. Miner, Cuba, 1896-. The stated clerks have been the following: Eev. Stephen Vorhls, Hammondsport, 1862-5; Eev. William A. Niles, D. D., Corning, 1865-.70; Rev. James M. Piatt, D. D., Bath, 1870-84; Rev. Wil- liam A. Niles, D. D., Hornellsville, 1884-9; Rev. Marcus N. Pres- ton, Bath, 1889-96; Rev. James A.Miller, Ph. D., Angelica, 1896-. All have been treasurers of presbytery as well. For purposes of comparison, some of the figures are given for 1877, and again for 1897: Ministers, 12—30; churches, 20—20; added on examination, 133 — 255; added on certificate, 51 — 188; communicants, 2,006 — 4,001; Sabbath School membership, 2,577 — 4,316; Foreign Missions, $734— $1,662; Home Missions, $518— $2,287. The presbytery has installed and released the following ministers: David D. Gregory, Prattsburg, Oct. 26, 1859 (Bath Presbytery)- June 13, 1866; Joel Wakeman, D. D., Painted Post, Dec. 12, 1866 — June 10, 1868; William A. Niles, D. D., Hornellsville, Sept. 11, 1872— April 17, 1878; Ziba N. Bradbury, Howard, Oct. — , 1872— June 30, 1876; Charles B. Austin, Cohocton, Nov. 14, 1872 Feb. 15, 1876; ZibaN. Bradbury, Pulteney, Sept. — , 1876— July 9, 1889; John Wangh, Cohocton, Nov. 7, 1878— Apr. 3, 1893; Daniel J. Robertson, Canisteo, Sept. 15, 1880 — Oct. 22, 1884; Erwin C. Hull, Arkport, June 25, 1885— Apr. 21, 1897; Lester S. Boyce, Almond, Sept. 13, 1887— May 19, 1889; Benjamin VanCleve, Andover, June 10, 1886 (Genesee Valley Presbytery)— Apr. 21, 1889; Joseph G. Snyder, Belmont, Oct. 30, 1889— Nov. 7, 1892; David McLeod, Angelica, May 8, 1883 (Genesee Valley Presbytery)— Dec. 8, 1889; Edward M. Deems, Ph. D., Hornellsville 1st, May 9, 1890 • Charles P. Luce, Ph. D., Cuba, July 12, 1883 (Genesee Valley Presbytery)— Dec. 2, 1889; George W. Warren, Prattsburg, Sept. 10, 1890 ; Wm. G. White, Cuba, Oct. 7, 1890— Jan. 20, 1894; James A. Miller, Ph. D., Angelica, July 8, 1891 • Wm. C. Mathews, Pulteney, Nov. 17, 1891— May 29, 1894; Edgar P. Salmon, Campbell, Oct. 6, 1892 ; Robert Clements, Cuba, Apr. 18, 1894 ; Alfred J. Hutton, D. D., Corning, May u! 1895 ; Frank H. Bisbee, Almond, May 15, 1895 '• Thomas Kerr, Atlanta, June 6, 1895 ; Herbert W. Knox' Belmont, May 11, 1896 ; and Charles Noble Frost, Bath' June 4, 1896 . Rev. FRANK H. BISBEE, Almond. ''"• ALFRED J. HUTTON, D. D., Corning. Rev HEZEKIAH WEBSTER, Howard. Rev. WILLIAM A. REID, Ph. D., Pulteney. Rev. FRED E. WALTON, Hornellsville. STEUBEN PRESBYTERY. 33 In 1890 the presbytery, answering an overture of General Assem- bly, took the following position regarding the Confession of Faith: " We do desire certain changes which seem to us urgently needed and widely demanded, First, that the 3d chapter be so recast as to teach these things only, and these distinctly: the divine sovereignty in election, the equal love of God to all mankind, a salvation in Christ Jesus provided for and available for every sinner, and to be preached to every creature for immediate acceptance. Secondly, that the 10th chapter be so revised that no discrimination be made or implied concerning ' infants dying in infancy' (sec. 31); that sec. 4 be so changed as to teach that God is no respecter of persons; but in every nation he that feareth Him, and worketli righteousness, is acceptable to Him; and not to teach the damnation of all heathen, nor deny that there may be heathen who are saved by Christ through the Spirit. Thirdly, that chapter 24, sec. 3, be so changed as to omit all reference to Catholics as ' idolaters'; and chapter 25, sec. 6, so changed as not to designate the Pope as ' Anti-Christ, man of sin, and son of perdition'. Furthermore, your committee recommends this presbytery to overture General Assembly to formulate a short and simple creed, couched, as far as may be, in Scripture language, and containing all the essential articles of the Westminster Confes- sion, which creed shall be submitted for approval and adoption as the common creed of the Presbyterian and Reformed churches of the world, if their cooperation in the forming of such a creed can be obtained". A marked movement of the last decade has been the development of distinctively religious work by the young people along the lines of Christian Endeavor. Existing societies of the young people were reorganized as Young People's Societies of Christian Endeavor and similar societies of Christian Endeavor have been organized in all the other churches. In a majority of the churches are Junior Christian Endeavor societies. Dec. 5, 1893, a very successful Pres- byterial Conference of the Young People's Societies of Christian Endeavor was held at Canisteo. In December, 1894, there was a presbyterial visitation of the societies of Christian Endeavor — meet- ings being held in all the churches of presbytery during one week, with two ministers from outside at each meeting. In December, 1896, a similar visitation in the interest of missions was carried out under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor societies. ;)4 STEUBEX PRESBYTERY. THE INISTERS OF STEUBEN PRESBYTERY FROM 1862 TO 1807. NOTE.— Capitals indicate tlie present members of Steuben Presbytery by synod; 1— by letter; o— ordination : ss— stated supply; p— pastor: hr tired; pe—p'astor elect; wo— without charge; fm— foreign missionary; e- NAMES. FIELD. RECEIVED. Is Sept. 30, 1862 edi Samuel White, .lames Rowlett. David F. .Tudson. George Spalding. Mills B. Gelston. Charles T. White, D. 1 Stephen Vorhis. Samuel A. Rawson. David D. Gregory. Sulfrenos Ottman. Lewis F. Laiue. Lafayette F. Dudley. Ziba N. Bradbury. William A Niles, D. D. liiram E. Johnson. William A. Wolcott. Fordyce Harrington. Joel Wakeman. D. U. Albo L. Greene. Charles Milne. Ova H. Seymour. D. Henry Palmer, D. D. William J. Parrott. P. H. Burghardt. James H. Board. Alexander Gulick. Darwin Chichester. James M. Piatt, D. D. Albert W. Hubbard. James M. Harlowe. Milton Waldo, D. D. Charles Simpson. Samuel W. Pratt. J. Shepard Bingham. John C. Morgan. Anson G. Chester, D. D. Charles B. Austin. John V. C. Nellis, Ph. D. Theodore B. Williams. Theron L. Waldo. Elias Child. J. Hallock Browne. John E. Beecher. Alphonso R. Olney, D. D. M. L. P. Hill, D. D. George N. Todd. George Spalding. Clark B. Gillette. W. Henry J^iles. Horatio Pattengill, D. D. Byron Bosworth. Frederick D. Seward. Ephraim W. Kellogg. ARTHUR N. BRUEN. William C. Austin. JOHN WAUGH. JOHN L. JENKINS. Daniel J. Robertson. Lawrence M. Stevens. JOEL WAKEMAN, D. D. Benjamin P. Millard. Alvm Cooper. Addison, ss Naples, ss India, fm Hammondsport. ss Jasper and Woodhull. ss. Prattsburg. p Pultenej'. ss Oanisteo. ss Canisteo. hr Howard, ss Pulteney. ss Howard, p Pulteney. p Almond, ss Howard, ss Corning, ss Hornellsville. p Painted Post. s.s Campbell, ss Campbell, ss Painted Post, p Pulteney. ss Howard, ss Hammondsport. ss Prattsburg. ss Addison, ss Painted Post pe Howard, ss Canaseraga. ss Jasper and Woodhull. ss Hammondsport. ss Bath, ss Woodhull, ss Hornellsville. ss Addison, ss Prattsburg. ss Campbell, ss Corning, ss Cohoeton. p Addison, ss Campbell, ss Pulteney. ss Painted' Post, ss Canisteo. ss Jasper and Woodhull. ss Addison, ss Corning, pe Arkport. ss Campbell, ss Hammondsport. ss Prattsburg. ss Howard, ss Jasper and Woodhull. ss Jasper, wc Naples, ss Cohoeton. p Cohoeton. hr ■lasper and Woodhull. ss Preston, la. hr Canisteo. p Prattsburg. ss Campbell, hr Naples, ss Howard, ss d Sept. 30, 1882 Sept. 30, 1862 .^iept. 30, 1862 Sept. 30, 1862 Sept. 30, 1862 Sept. 30, 186S Sept. SO, 1862 Sept. 30, 1862 Sept. 30, 1862 Sept. 30, 1862 Jan. 13, 1868 Jan. 14, 1863 June 10, 1863 June 16, 1863 June 16, 1863'd Sept. 28, 186411 Dec. 13, 1R66 1 1 1 Dec. 13, 1865 June 11, 180T Dec. 10. WU7 June 10, 1868 Dec. 8, 186f Dec. 8, 1868 June 9, 1869 June 9, 1869 Dec. 14, 1869 Sept. 13, 1870 Sept. 13, 1870 Sept. 13, 1870 Sept. 13, 1870 Apr. 18, 1871 Apr. 16, 1872 Apr. 16, 1872 Sept. 10. 1872 Sept. 11, 1872 Nov. 14, 1872 Apr. 15 1873 Apr. 16, 18T3 Sept 9, 1873 Sept 8, 1874 Sept. 9, 1H74 Apr. 21, 1876 Sept. 14, 1875 Feb. 16, 1876 Apr. 18, 1876 Apr. 18, 1876 June 20, 1876 Sept. 13, 1876 Oct. 25, 1876 Apr. 18, 1877 Sept. 11, 1877 Sept. 11, 1877 Sept. 12, 1877 Oct. 26, 1877 Oct. 2, 1878 Sept. a, 1870 Sept. 23, 1879 Oct. 29, 1879 Apr. 21, 1880 Apr. 20, 1881 Oct. ,1, 1881 s— transferred -honorably re- tor; d — death. DISMISSED. 1864 Mar. 29, 1884 Nov. 22, 1867 June 16, 1863 Sept. 13, 1876 Sept. 13, 1871) June 13, 1866 June 11, 1877 Dec. 11, 1877 Deo. 9, 1891 Sept. 13, 1870 Apr. 4, 1893 Nov. 30, 1869 June 1.3, 1866 Nov. 29, 1866 Oct. 18, 1883 Sept. II, 1872 Dec. 11, 1867 Jan. 8, 1869 Dec. 14, 1S69 Apr. 16, 1872 Oct. 19, 1870 Sept. 10, 1873 Apr. 22, 1885 Sept. 9, 1873 Jan. 11, 1876 Apr. 14, 1884 Oct. 18, 18T1 Sept. 14, 1870 Sept. 11, 1872 Apr. 15, 1873 Aug. 27, 1883 Oct. 21, 1874 Sept. 19, 1876 Sent. 1.3, 1876 Feb. IS, 18T6 Apr. 21, 1875 Apr. 18, 1876 Apr. 20, 1881 Apr. 17, 1896 Sept. 9, 1879 Sept. 11. 1877 Sept. 14, 1881 Sept. 13, 1887 Apr. 1, 1887 Nov. 88, 1886 Sept. 11, 1877 Sept. 18, 1876 Jan. 28, 1891 Sept. 10, 1890 Apr. 28, 1879 Apr. 80, 1881 June 30, 1881 Apr. 82, 1886 Apr. 18, 1888 Apr. 16, 1884 Sept. 15, 1 886 STEUBEN PKESBTTERT. 35 NAMES. FIELD. RECEIVED. DISMISSED. Frederick Campbell. Painted Post, ss Feb. 25, 1882 1 Apr. 16,1884 William H. Rice. Addison, ss Oct. 18, 1882 1 Apr. 4, 1893 JOHN S. BACON. Corning, ss Pulteney. wc 1 Apr. 18, 1883 Chas. M. Livingstone. Campbell, ss 1 Sept. 11, 1683 1 Sept. 15, 1885 Minor Swick. Jasper and Woodhull. ss 1 Apr. 16. 1884 1 Apr. IT, 1889 ERWIN 0. HULL, Arkport. p 1 Apr. 22, 1886 Marcus N. Preston . Bath, ss 1 Apr. 22, 1885 1 Apr. 22, 1896 Alvin W. Cooper. Siam. fm Sept. 15, 188b 1 Sept. 16, 1885 George R. Smith. Campbell, ss 1 Apr. 19, 1886 1 July 16, 1892 Alanson Bixby. Hornby, ss 1 Apr. 20, 1886 1 Apr. 19, 1887 David McLeod. Angelica, p s Oct. 21,1886 1 Apr— ,1892 Charles P. Luce, Ph. D. Cuba, p s Oct. 21,1886 1 Deo. 2, 1889 lienjamin VanCleve. Andover. p s Oct. 21, 1886 1 Apr. 17, 1889 William C. Brass Canaseraga. ss Apr. 19, 1887 1 Sept. 12, 1888 Henry W. H. Watkins. Rushford. ss 1 Sept. 13, 1887 1 Mar. 22, 1889 John M. Woloott. Prattsburg. ss 1 Sept. 13, 1887 1 Apr. 16, 1890 Lester S Boyee. Almond, p Sept. 13, 1887 1 Apr. 17, 1889 Smith Ordway. o Apr. 18, 1888 1 Apr. 18, 1888 Augustus Cone. Rushford. ss 1 Sept. 12, 1888 1 Apr. 20, 1892 DUNCAN CAMERON. Ganisteo. ss 1 Apr. 17, 1889 Martin E. Grant. Hammondsport. ss 1 Apr 17,1889 1 Sept. 10, 1889 EVAN R. EVANS, Ph. D. Canaseraga. ss 1 Sept. 10, 1889 GEORGE M. JANES. Andover. ss 1 Sept. 10, 1889 Daniel W. Marvin. Canaseraga. hr 1 Sept. Jl, 1889 d Aug. 31. 1895 John S. Niles. Sept. 11,1889 1 Oct. 30, 1889 George F. Wood. Hornby, ss Sept. 11, 1889 1 Sept. 10, 1890 Joseph G. Snyder. Belmont, p Jasper and Woodhull. ss Oct. 30, 1889 1 Apr. 3, 1893 Edwin H. Burgess. Nov. 13, 1889 1 Sept. 16, 1891 EDW'D M. DEEMS. Ph. D. Hornellsville 1st. p 1 Apr. 16, 1890 William Veenscboten. Hornellsville Hartshorn, ss 1 Apr. 16, 1890 1 Apr 14, 1894 Alfred T. Vail. Hammondsport. ss 1 Apr. 16, 1890 1 Apr. 16. 1895 Augustus Frederick. Painted Post, ss I Apr 16, 1890 1 Apr. 19,1892 GEORGE W. WARREN. Prattsburg. p o Sept. 10, 1890 William G White Cuba p o Oct. 7, 1890 1 Jan. 20, 1894 DANIEL MACKAY. Addison, ss 1 Apr 22, 1891 July 8, 1891 JAMES A. MILLER, Ph. D. Angelica, p William C. Matthews. Pulteney. p 1 Nov. 17, 1891 1 Feb. 28, 1895 SAMUEL W. PRATT. Campbell, e Avoca. ss 1 Apr. 19, 1892 Daniel Redmond, Ph. D. New York, ss Apr. 20, 1892 1 Apr. 20, 1892 Charles W. Maccarthy. Jasper and Woodhull. ss 1 Apr. 20, 1892 1 Apr. 22, 1896 EDGAR P. SALMON. Campbell, p 1 Sept. 14, 1892 1 Oct 6, 1892 Joseph D. Hillman. Almond, ss 1 Jan. 18, 1894 James R. Robinson. Painted Post, ss 1 Apr. 18, 1893 1 Apr. 21, 1897 D. Albert B4ose. Belmont, ss 1 Apr. 18, 1893 1 Apr. 22, 1896 George F. Danforth. Hornellsville Hartshorn, ss 1 Sept. 13, 1893 I Sept. 19, 1894 Joseph P. White. Howard, ss 1 Apr. 18, 1894 1 Sept. 19, 1894 FRANKS. SWAN,M. D. Cohocton. ss 1 Apr. 18, 1894 James S. Wilkes. Silver Lake, ss Apr. 18, 1894 1 Apr. 16, 189.5 FRANK H. BISBEE. Almond, p Apr. 18, 1894 ROBERT CLEMENTS. Cuba, p Apr. 18, 1894 HENRY W. H. WATKINS Hornby, ss 1 Sept, 19, 1894 ALFRED J. HUTTON, D.D Corning, p 1 Apr. 16, 1895 HEZEKIAH WEBSTER. Howard ss 1 Apr, 16, 1895 THOMAS KERR. Atlanta, p June 6, 1895 CHARLES L. LUTHER. Hammondsport. ss 1 Sept. 18, 1895 Andrew McC. Brown. Hornellsville Hartshorn, ss 1 Sept. 27, 1896 1 Mar. 30, 1896 WILLIAM A. REID, Ph. D Pulteney. ss 1 Apr. 22,1896 CHAS. NOBLE FROST. Bath, p 1 Apr. 22, 1896 ALBERT R. CRAWFORD Jasper and Woodhull. ss 1 Apr. 22,1896 HERBERT W. KNOX Belmont, p May 11, 1896 FRED E. WALTON. Hornellsville Hartshorn, ss 1 Sept. 16, 1896 BENJ. B. KNAPP. Painted Post, pe 1 Apr. 21, 1897 JAY FORBES ROBINSON Arkport. ss Apr. 21,1897 36 YEARS — PLA CES— MODERATORS, STATED MEETINGS OF THE PRESBYTERIES. GENEVA PRESBYTERY. Place. 1806 Geneva. 1806 Geneseo. 1806 Aurelius. 1807 Geneva. 1807 Milton. 1808 Palmyra. 1808 Aurelius. Moderator. J. Chapman. D. Higgins. J. Chapman. D. Higgins. H.N.Woodruff D. Higgins. J. Chapman. 1809 E. B)oomfleld.H.N.Woodruff. 1809 Onondaga. 1810 Geneva. 1810 Romulus. 1811 Ovid. 1811 Geneva. 1818 Seneca Falls. 1812 Gorham. 1813 Honeyoye. 1813 Phelps. D. Higgins. O. Ayer. C. Mosher. O. Ayer. J. Lindsley. J. Chapman. A. C. Collins. D. TuUer. W. Clark. 1814 W. Bloomfleld.H. Axtell. 1814 Bath. 1815 Geneva. 1815 Lyons. 1816Elmira. 1816 Romulus. 1817 Prattsburg. 1817 Bath. 1818 Wayne. J. H. Hotchkin D. Higgins. W. Clark. D Higgins. J. Merrill. D. Higgins. D. Higgins. J.H.Hotchkin. 1818 Airred(Almnd)E. Lazel. 1819 Elmira. H. Woodruff. 1819 Pulteney. D. Higgins. 1820 Naples. R. Hubbard. 1820 Bath. D. Higgins 1821 Prattsburg. L. Barrett. 1821 Elmira. D. Higgins. 1832 Painted Post. L. Barrett. 1822 Angelica. D. Higgins. 1823 Prattsburg. H. Ford. 1823 Naples. D. Higgins. 1824 Bath. R. Hubbard. 1 824 Wayne. D. Higgins. 1825 Southport. H. Ford. 1825 Cohocton. B. Hotchkin. 1836 Dansville. H. Ford. 1828 Almond. B. Hotchkin. 1827 Elmira. D. Higgins. 1827 Prattsburg. D. Higgins. 1828 Big Flats. M. Hunter. 1828 Mead's Creek.D. Higgins. 1829 Starkey. D. Higgins. ANGEUCA PRESBYTERY. Moderator. 1829 Cohocton. 1830 Southport. 1S30 Naples. 18.51 Havana. 1631 Bath. 1833 Elmira. D. Higgins. Pla^je. Angelica. Angelica. Black Creek. D. Harrowar. Angelica, D. Higgins. Franklinville. r). Higgins. D Higgins. D. Harrowar. 18.32 Lawrenceville.D. Higgins. 1833 Horseheads. A. Donalson. 1833 Prattsburg. 1834 Painted Post. 1834 Bath. 1835 Campbell. 1885 Big Flats. 1836 Elmira. 1836 Hornellsville, B. F. Pratt. I. W. Piatt. D. Higgins. E.D. Wells. B. F. Pratt. Portageville. J.H.Hotchkin. Friendship. C. Goodrich. Ossian. M. Hunter. R. Kurd. S. Hubbard. R. Hubbard. R. Hurd. A. Caldwell. R. Hubbard. J. Spicer. M. Hunter. M. Hunter. A. Caldwell. M. Hunter. Franklinville. W.P.Kendrick. Centerville A. Johnson Centerville. Angelica. Almond. Portage. Pike Hollow. Philipsburg. Nunda. 1837 Ham'ondsportJ.H. Hotchkin. Angelica. b. White. 1837 Dundee. 1838 Pulteney, 1838 Bath. 1S39 Tyrone. 1839 Dundee. 1840 Howard. 1840 Naples. 1841 Ham'ondsportD. I. Perry. 1841 Wayne. E.Everett. 1842 Prattsburg. B. F. Pratt 1848 Bath. R. E. Willson Hume. 1843 Rock Stream. J.H.Hotchkin. Nunda. 1843 Pulteney. S. White. Dansville. 1844 Ham'ondsportJ.H. Hotchkin. Cuba. 1844 Hornellsville. R E. Willson. Caneadea. A. Caldwell. M. Hunter. W.P.Kendrick M Hunter. CHEMUNG PRESBYTERY. Franklinville. L. Hall. J.H.Hotchkin. Angelica. B. F. Pratt. Centerville. B. F. Pratt. Cuba. J.H Hotchkin. Phillipsville. J. Rowlett. Allen. R. E. Willson. Nunda. Almond. Angelica. Rushford. A. S. Allen. P. Smith. A. S. Allen. A. Parmelee. W. Tileson. A. Littlejohn. R. H. Conklin. A. S. Allen. B. Russell. R. H. Conklin. A. Parmelee. R. H. Conklin. A. S. Allen. H. Snyder. Place. Big Plats. Southport. Painted Post, Horseheads. Addison. Millport. Mead's Creek. Havana. Campbell. Chemung. Big Flats. Painted Post. Elmira. Millport. Athens- Addison. Elkland. Moderator. J Frost. J. Frost J. Smith. D. I. Perry. I>. B. Butts. J. Gray. .G. Spalding N. Pratt. O. Catlin. P. H. Fowler. E. D. Wells. F L. Whiting. C. C. Carr. S. S. Howe. C. Thurston. S.J.McCul'o'gh B. F. Pratt YEARS — PLACES — MODEEATOUS. 31 BATH PRESBYTERY. ANGELICA PRESBYTERY. CHEMUNG PRESBYTERY. Place, Moderator. Place. Moderator. 1S45 Prattsburg. B.C.Smith. Eushford. A.S.Allen. 1846 Eddytown. J. C. Morgan. Centerville. C. Crofiker. lS46Bath. R. E. Willson. Almond. W.F.Curry. 1846 Naples. J.H. Hotehkin. Angelica. W.F.Curry. 1847 Prattsburg. S.White. Cuba. H. Eraser. 1S47 Hornellsville. G. T. Everest. Burns. H. Snyder. 1848 Ham'ondsportJ. Smith. Almond. R. Twitohel. 184S Howard. J.H. Hotehkin.Anrtover. 1849 Rook Stream. E. Pratt. Rushford. 1849 Dundee. B. C. bmith. Phillipsburg. 1«60 Bath. L. Rose. Burns. 1850 Prattsburg. F. S. Gaylord. Almond. O. Eraser. Friendship. B. Russell. Friendship. H. Pattengill. Black Creek. T. Blair. B. C. Smith. Phillipsville. G. T. Everest. Almond. E. Benedict. Arkport. G. Spalding. G. Spalding. 1851 Oohooton. 1851 Tyrone. 1853 Prattsburg. 1858 Bath. 1853 Naples. 1853 Eddytowu. 1864 Hornellsville 1854 Jasper. 185.') Ham'ondsportB. C. Smith 1855 Pulceney. 1856 'Bath. 1850 Cohocton. 1857 Canisteo. 1857 Howard. Elmlra. S. A. Rawson. Six. H. Snyder. Horseheads. N. Hammond. Southport. W. F. Curry. Addison J.Wynkoop. Havana. J. Wynkoop. Factoryville. D. Russell. Corning. Place. Moderator. Havana. E. Pratt, Campbell. L. Hamilton. Elmira. M. Huggins. Painted Post. B.M.Goldsm'th Big Flats. P.L.D.S.Croix. Meads Creek. D. A. Abbey. H. Pattengill. A. H .Parmelee. J. Gray. P. H. Fowler. C. C. Carr A. L. Brooks. M. Huggins. B. F. Pratt. Mead's Creek. G. Hood. Cuba. Angelica. Andover. Whites ville. S. M. Day. H. Pattengill. Almond M. B. Gelston. Soio. E. Benedict. F. V. Warren. GENESEE VALLEY 1858 Cohocton. W. R. Downs. PRESBYTERY. 1858 Pulteney. G. Spalding. 1859 Hornellsville. M. H. Gelston Almond. 1859 Jasper. S. A. Ravi'son. Angelica. 1860 Ham'ondsportJ. Woodruff. Scio 1860 Naples. I). D. Gregory.Portville. 1861 Bath. G. Spalding Olean. 1861 Prattsburg. W. R. Downs. Centerville, 1862 Ham'ondsportS. Ottman. Belmont. 1862 Hornellsville. S. A. Rawson. Olean. J. Wynkoop. Jefferson. C.L.FIemenb'gPainted Post. J, Vanantwerp, Athens. J. Wakeman. Millport. N. Allen. Addison. N. Allen. Elmira. S. A. Rawson. Campbell. N. Hammond. Waverly. J. Wakeman. Big Flats. Horseheads. J, Cowles. L G. Ogden. M onterey . Corning, Watkins. Waverly. . Addison. J. N.Hubbard.Southport. J. Wakeman, Havana, J. E. Baker. Horseheads. E. W.Stoddard Painted Post. J. Wakeman. Elmira. M. Waldo. Big Flats. D. Murdock. N. Elmer. S. B. Shearer. R. McMath. R. E. Willson. B. F. Pratt. R. H. Close. C. Thurston. J. Gray. F. Harrington. C. ChEipman. ' C. C. Carr. O. Crane. D. Chichester. D. Murdock. A W. Cowles. F S. Howe. S. M. Day, W. A. Niles, C. C. Carr. G. C Curtis. STEUBEN PRESBYTERY. 1863 Howard. 18B3 Campbell. IrtiS 1864 Painted Post 1864 Canisteo 1864 Corning. 1865 Prattsburg. 1865 Addison 1866 Pulteney, C, Vorhis. Angelica. M. H, Gelston. Cuba, Portville. H. E. Johnson. Andover. L. F. Laine. Angelica. F. Harrington. S. Vorhis. Almond. W. A Niles. Hornellsville. D. P. Judson. Olean. 1866 Painted Post. M. B. Gelston.Belmont. 1867 Ham'ondsportF. Harrington. JJ ellsviUe. 1867 Corning. O.H. Seymour.Franklmville. 1868 Canisteo. C. Milne. Andover. 1868 Campbell. D. H. Palmer Arkport 1869 Naples. P,H,Burgh'rdt Almond, 1869 Painted Post. W. J. Parrott. Rrushford. 1870 Prattsburg. J. H. Board. Cuba. 1870 Bath. A. Gulick. Portville. 1871 Hornellsville. D. Chichester. Elhcottville. 1871 Pulteney. J. M. Piatt. Angelica. 1878 Corning. C. Simpson. Wellsville. 1872 Canisteo. M. B. Gelston. Clean. 1873 Prattsburg. D. Chichester. Frankllnville. 1878 Addison. A. G. Chester. Almond. 1874 Campbell. C. B. Austin. Cuba. 1874 Howard. T. B. Williams.Portville. 1875 Cohocton. S. W. Pratt. Andover. 1875 Ham'ondsportJ. E. Beecher. Rushford. 1876 Corning 1876 Naples. 1877 Bath, 1877 Jasper. 1878 Cohocton. 1878 Pulteney. 1879 Campbell. 1879 Arkport. 1880 Painted Post 1880 Canisteo. T. L. Waldo. M. L, P. Hill. W. A. Niles. G. Spalding. A. R. Olney. S. W. Pratt. J. M. Piatt. T. L. Waldo. - , - Z.N. Bradbury Andover. L. M. Stevens. Bradford. Franklin ville. Allegany. Belmont. Angelica, Cuba. Ellieottville. Almond. Centerville. J. E. Baker. E. Hale. J.C.Richards'ii W.P.Teilswrth T.B.Beaumont E. L. Boing. I. G. Ogden. C. B. Gardner. P. Camp. J S. Bingham. C.M.Liv'ngst'e C. B. Gardner. J. E. Tinker. J. Reid. M. Waldo. C. B. Gardner. I. G. Ogden. B. Russell, N. M. Clute. iN . Elmer. L.W.Billington C. Smith. C. B. Gardner. J. E. Tinker. C. Smith. L.W.Billingt'n D. K. Steele. J. C. Taylor. H. M. Curtis. C. Smith. J. C. Taylor. F. W. Fisher. E. R. Kendall. A. C. Titus. S. B. Stevens'n D. K. Steele. J. W. Simpson. 38 YEARS — PLACES — MODBRATOHS. STEUBEN PRESBYTERY, Place. Moderator. 1881 Hornellsville S. W. Pratt. 1881 Naples, B. Bosworth. 1888 Ham'ondaportJ. Waugh. l882Prattsburg. A.Cooper. 1883 Addison. 18Sd Canaseraga. 1884 Campbell. 1884 Howard. 1885 Cohocton. 1885 Corning. 188« Bath. 1886 Jasper. 1887 Hornellsvill*. 1887 Almond. 1888 Cuba. 1888 Andover. 1889 Corning. 1889 Addison. 1890 Canisteo. 1890 Prattsburg. 1891 Campbell. 1891 Ham'ondsport E. C. Hull. Place. Allegany. Cuba. Portville Ellicottville. F. Campbell. Clean W. H. Rice. J. S. Ba<-on. (Concluded) GENESEE VALLEY PRESBVTERY. Moderator. C. T. Goss A. O. Titus, E. W. Fish. J. C. Taylor. E. Bryan. Almond. R. R. Watkins. Belmont. D. McLeod. C.M.Livingst'nCuba. R. R. Watkins. L. M. Stevens.Franklinville. J. Burroughs. M. Swiok. Rushford. J. Burroughs. E. C. Hull. Bradford C. P. Luce. M. N. Preston. Angelica. C. P. Luce, B. Bosworth. J. Waugh. W. H. Rice. G. R, Smith. C. P. Luce, J. S, Bacon. G. M Janes. G. R. Smith. Z. N. Bradbury. 1892 Bath 1893 Howard. 1893 Addison. 1893 Hornellsville, 1894 Cuba. 1894 Canaseraga. 1895 Corning. 1895 Arkport. 1896 Atlanta. 1896 Angelica. 1897 Cohocton. 1897 Belmont. 1898 Avoca. W. G. White. B. R. Evans. D. Cameron. S. W. Pratt. J. R. Robinson. E. M, Deems. E. P. Salmon. J. A. Miller, D. Mackay, G W. Warren. J. S. Bacon. R. elements. ERRATUM.— A sub-heading "BATH PRESBYTERY" should appear under the general heading "Stated Meetings of the Presbyteries" on page 36 following the year 1816. Begin- ning with 1817 in said column the places of meetings and moderators are those of BATH PRESBYTERY. CONGREGATIONALISU. 39 CONGREGATIONALISM. It must not be forgotten that some of our Steuben Presbytery churches, either at organization or some other time in their history, were Congregational churches, and that Presbyterian and Congre- gational churches were in close fellowship until about 1870. This was the result of the "Plan of Union" entered into in 1801 by the General Assembly for the Presbyterians, and the General Associa- tion of Connecticut for the Congregationalists. It was adopted " with a view to prevent alienation and promote union and harmony in those new settlements which are composed of inhabitants from these bodies". Under this "Accommodating Plan" it was in order for a Congregational church t;o be enrolled in a presbytery, to have an installed pastor who belonged to a presbytery, and to have its deacon accorded in that presbytery the rights of an elder. So, too, it was in order for a Presbyterian church to be enrolled in an asso- ciation, to have an installed pastor who belonged to an association, and to have its elder accorded in that association the rights of a deacon. Fellowship was promoted by the fact that both churches down to 1837 contributed to foreign missions through the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions and to home missions through the American Home Missionary Society. This remained true of the Congregational and New School Presbyterian Churches down to 1870. And as the field of Steuben Presbytery was almost entirely New School the relation between the two Churches here was especially close. As far as this field is concerned the arrange- ment proved greatly to the advantage of the Presbyterian Church. Eev. John Niles, Rev. David Higgins, Rev. James H. Hotchkin, and Rev. Robert Hubbard, the pioneers of Presbyterianism in Steu- ben and Allegany counties, all began their ministry in the Congre- gational Church. Our oldest church, the Prattsburg Church, was organized by Congregationalists in 1804 as a Congregational church, enrolled in Geneva and Bath Presbyteries as a Congregational church, remained fully Congregational until 1839, and did not become fully Presbyterian until 1868. Our second oldest church, the Bath Church, was organized in 1806 as a Congregational church, had its first pas- tor installed by the Ontario Association, entered Geneva Presbytery in 1811 as a Congregational church, but during 1813 by advice of presbytery became Presbyterian. Our third oldest church, the Co- hocton Church, was organized in 1809 as a Congregational church, was received into Bath Presbytery in 1820 on the " Accommodating Plan", and did not become Presbyterian until 18.50. The New 40 CONGRBGATIONALISM — EXTINCT CHUECHES. School Bath Church became Congregational about 1863 and so re- mained until at the Eeunion it reunited with the parent Presbyte- rian church. The Angelica Church was governed Congregationally from 1845 to 1851, and again from 1857 to 1859. The Wellsville Congregational Church was organized as a Presbyterian church in 1841, changed to a Congregational church in 1856, and though not enrolled in a presbytery continued to accept Presbyterian ministers. The Andover Church was a Congregational church from the begin- ning in 1824 until 1886, and as such was enrolled in Bath, Angelica, and Genesee Valley Presbyteries. The Friendship Congregational Church was enrolled for many years in Angelica and Genesee Valley Presbyteries. The Cuba Church from 1835 to 1842 was governed Congregationally — a part of the time being a full Congregational church. The Belmont Church adopted Congregational government from 1854 to 1856, and from 1853 to 1867 the Kushford Church be- longed to an association. The Black Creek Congregational Church is the successor of several Presbyterian organizations. Not a few of our churches have received aid from the Congregational Board. Congregational ministers who supplied Presbyterian churches gene- rally attended presbytery meetings and as corresponding members shared in the deliberations. EXTINCT CHURCHES. Many churches within the bounds of presbytery have been dissolv- ed. The Wayne Church, organized in 1809, and for years one of the strongest in Bath Presbytery, in 1832 receiving 100 members and reporting a membership of 200, gradually declined until in 1871 it was declared extinct. The edifice was sold to the St. John Epis- copal Church. In 1831 a church was organized in Kennedyville (Kanoua) of members living there and in Avoca which in 1834 had 99 members. Here Bath Presbytery took the action which made it a New School presbytery. This church was dissolved in 1875. There was once a small church in the northern part of Cohocton which was organized about 1836 and in 1839 enrolled in Ontario Presbytery. The Wheeler Church, most noted of all our extinct churches though never exceeding a membership of 40, numbered among its members and elders Marcus Whitman, M. D., who though a home missionary saved the Oregon country to the United States, and General Otto F. Marshal, a distinguished citizen of Steuben County, whose refusal to be " disbanded" kept the church on the roll of Steuben Presbytery until 1894. A church was organized in Cameron about 1840. One of its most active members was Chaun- cey P. Hubbard, later an elder in the Woodhull Church. This Rev. ROBERT HUBBARD. Angelica and Almond. From a lead-pencil sketch — the only likeness existing — furnished by his son, Rev. John Niles Hubbard, Tracy, Cal. EXTINCT CHURCHES — MINISTERS. 41 Cameron Church became Old School and finally extinct — the Bap- tists purchasing the building. From 1836 to 1867 there was a small church in Caton enrolled as Painted Post 2d; from 1834 to 1843 another at Erwin Center, and from 1845 to 1850 another in Thurs- ton. Troupsburg had a small church from 1836 to 1846, and Greenwood from 1830 to about 1850. When in 1846 the Painted Post 1st Church chose the name of Cor- ning some of the members were dismissed to form a new church with the old name. In 1849 it reunited with the parent church. Elk Creek had a small church from 1866 until 1893. A church in Hume, organized about 1834, and in 1842 reporting 143 members, about 1873 was reorganized as a Methodist church. Prom 1836 until about 1850 there was a church at Grove Center, from 1833 till about 1847 one in Independence, for a few years from 1851 a Congregational church in Alfred, and from 1846 to 1854 a Congre- gational church at Oaneadea. There was a church in Burns first reported in 1837 which in 1843 had 120 members. This church was dissolved in 1873, the members uniting with the Arkport or Canaseraga Churches. From 1836 to about 1860 there was a church in Allen which had 100 members in 1836 and an installed pastor in 1840. The Black Creek Church was organized in 1832. In 1838 a division of this church resulted in the organization of the Haight Church which in 1834 reported 79 members. In 1837 the Black Creek and Haight Churches united under the name of the New Hudson Church and reported in 1840 90 members. Some mem- bers seceding from this New Hudson Church formed the only Old School church in Allegany County. Both tliese churches soon dis- appear from the records, the Black Creek Congregational Church organized in 1851 probably absorbing their members. From 1830 to about 1871 there was a church in Belfast. The Rushford Church, after living nearly 60 years, was declared extinct in 1897. It re- ported in 1846 a membership of 116. It is much to be regretted that the Presbyterian Church, though having a much larger mem- bership in Steuben and Allegany counties than ever before, has lost its hold on so many rural communities. MINISTERS. There are a few ministers whose services entitle them to special mention. Though Rev. John Niles, the "pathfinder" of our Church on this field, was only 35 years old when he died at Bath, and had served only six years in the ministry, five of the six oldest churches now in presbytery, organized by him, remain his monu- ment— Prattsburg (practically, though not nominally, organized by 43 MINISTERS. Mr. Niles), Bath, Corning, Almond, and Angelica. Of all who have ministered to our churches the three who deserve first and highest mention are "Fathers" Higgins, Ilotchkin, and Hubbard. The three names stand together in the record of the first meeting of Bath Presbytery, and for 35 years they worked together organiz- ing and nurturing churches On horseback they penetrated to every part of Steuben and Allegany and into all the adjacent coun- ties. Rev. David Higgins was a descendant of John Rogers, editor of the " Matthew's Bible" and a Smithfiel'd martyr. Graduating from Yale College in 1785, he was pastor of the Aurelius Congrega- tional Church — the parent of the First Presbyterian Church of Auburn — before coming to Bath in 1813. He was pastor of the Bath Church 19 years, moderator of presbytery 34 times, the con- vener of Geneva Synod, and influential throughout the churches of Western New York. Rev. James H. Hotchkin was a graduate of Williams College, and before coming in 1809 to Prattsburg was pastor of the West Bloomheld Congregational Church. He was pastor of the Prattsburg Church 31 years, stated clerk of Bath Presbytery 14 years, vice-president and acting moderator of the Auburn Confer- ence of 1837 which shaped the organization of the New School Presbyterian Church, and active in the establishment of Auburn Theological Seminary. The closing years of his life were spent in Prattsburg writing his valuable " History of Western New York". Rev. Robert Hubbard also was a graduate of Williams College. He was for many years pastor of the Angelica and Almond Churches, but his parish was the whole of Allegany and the west edge of Steuben. He was unwearied in church organization and famous for his unselfishness.* Rev. Joel Wakeman, D. D., shares with Rev. James H. Hotchkin in the distinction of the longest pastorate on the field of Steuben Presbytery — 31 years in the Almond Church. His service in all to the Almond Church covers 33 years — a longer time than any other minister within the territory of presbytery gave to one church. Dr. ,*'■ Hisheadquarters were at Angelica from whence he traveled into all the settlements for 80 miles around. * * * He used frequently to extend hi» visits from Almond to Hornells- ville and on to t.'anisteo, preaching at Oanisteo in the evening. Starting on his return Mon- day he would call at nearly every house on his way home, when the family where he called would be gathered together and after a kind word to every one, read a portion of scripture comment a little and pray with the family, leave a few tracts and again wend his wav on* ward, spending most of the week in getting home. Thus it will be seen that Mr. Hubbard sowed the good seed that subsequently bore fruit in the churches of .\ngelica, Almond Hor nellsvllle and Canisteo. • * * His unselfish benevolence hardly knew any bounds always Kiving from his scanty store to any more needy than he thought himseif. It is told of him that at one time, having been presented with a new garment, before getting home he found a destitute man to whom he gave the new garment. At another time a friend presented liim with a fine cow tor his own use, and in driving her home he met a poor man who wai exceedingly destitute. Mr. Hubbard told him the circumstances of the gift but remarkert 'You are more needy than I; take the cow and drive her home ; 1 can do without her' ACtm' much urging the man took the cow".— Mowry Thacher in ■' Semi-(.Vntennial Anniverinn- nf the llnmellsvillH Presbyterian Church". " ""vpr,sary or r 1 SL- -. 1 ttUilld'u' ' ^L^ > ' ^iLt^M- ,iM^ ^ '^HH ^1 Rev. WILLIAM A. NILES, D. D., Corning and Hornellsville. Rev. JAMES M. PLATT, D. D., Bath. MINISTEKS. 43 Wakeman ministered also to the Painted Post Church 3 years, and to the Campbell Church 4 years. Rev. William A. Niles, D. D. ministered to our churches continuously 30 years — 13 years at Corn- ing and 17 years at Hornellsville. He was stated clerk of Steuben Presbytery from 1865 to 1870 and again from 1884 to 1889. The first Sunday School Institute in the United States was held in his church. He was a leader in every good cause in presbytery not only but throughout Western New York. Another of the master builders in Steuben Presbytery was Rev. James M. Piatt, D. D. He was pastor of the Bath Church 15 years, and 14 years stated clerk of presbytery. He was one of the leaders of Geneva Synod. Twenty-five years be- fore Mr. Piatt began his ministry in the Bath Church, his father. Rev. Isaac W. Piatt, closed a pastorate of 13 years in the same church. Rev. Ziba N. Bradbury gave his ministerial life of 30 years to the churches of Steuben Presbytery. He shares with Dr. Wakeman and Dr. Niles the distinction of having ministered 30 years within the bounds of presbytery. He was ordained at Howard at the first meeting of presbytery under the name of Steuben, and died at Howard in 1893. He was for awhile minister of the Almond Church, at two different periods served the Pulteney Church, and at three different times labored in the Howiird Church. Rev. Moses Hunter was a pastor on this field from 18'Z'7 to 1839. He was for 11 years stated clerk of Angelica Presbytery. For 10 years he was pastor of the Almond Church when tlie parish included wliat is now Hornellsville, part of the time preaching in the morn- ing at Almond, in the afternoon at Hornellsville, and in the even- ing at Arkport. Rev. Robert E. Willson gave 17 years to our churches— 14 years at Hammondsport and 3 at Corning. Rev. B. Foster Pratt also spent 17 years on this field. He was pastor of the Prattsburg Church from 1838 to 1841, of the Painted Post Church from 1843 to 1849, and supplied the Campbell Church from 1850 10 i860. Rev. James 11. Board, after 4 years with the Howard Church, organized the Canaseraga Church and was its pastor 13 years. Rev. Benjamin C. Smith was pastor of the Prattsburg Church 15 years, and Rev. John Waugh of the Cohocton Church for the same length of time. Rev. Lewis F. Laine ministered to the Canisteo Church 13 years, giving the remaining 18 years of his life to Canisteo Academy. Rev. Byron Bosworth was minister of the Hammondsport Church 13 years, Rev. Marcus N. Preston of the Bath Church 13 years, and Rev. Erwin C. Hull of the Arkport Church 12 years. Those who have had a ministry of 10 years with one church have been Rev. Samuel White with the Pulteney Church, Kev. Milton Waldo, D. D., with the Hornellsville Church, Rev. 44 MINISTERS— RULING ELDERS. Dwight K. Steele with the Almond Church, Rev. George N. Todd with the Arkport Church, and Rev. John S. Bacon with the Corn- ing Church. Rev. Samuel W. Pratt served the Prattsburg Church from 1872 to ISYfi, the Campbell Church from 18V7 to 1883, and has rendered invaluable service in establishing the Atlanta and Avoca Churches. Those who have been selected from this field to attend General Assembly more than one time are the following: 5 times. Rev. Joel Wakeman, D. D. ; 4 times. Rev. James H. Hotchkin, and Rev. William A. Niles, D. D.; 3 times. Rev. Robert E. Willson, and Rev. Moses Hunter; and 2 times. Rev. David Higgins, Rev. Robert Hubbard, Rev. Samuel W. May, Rev. Asa S. Allen, Rev. B. Foster Pratt, Rev. Stephen Vorhis, Rev. Ziba N. Bradbury, Rev. Corliss B. Gardner, D. D., and Rev. Samuel W. Pratt. RULING ELDERS. The list of men who have served the churches of Steuben and Allegany in the eldership is a long one, and a great proportion of the names are those of men prominent as well in the affairs of their respective communities. There are a few whose prominence or length of service entitle them to special notice. One of the most influential laymen of the day of beginnings was William Steele, al- ready an elder when in 1820 he moved from New Jersey to Painted Post. Through Mr. Steele's effort the Painted Post (Corning) Church was reestablished. For many years he was a worker in Bath and Chemung Presbyteries. No name is more prominent in the pioneer history of Allegany County than that of Major Moses Vau- Campen — an Indian fighter and Revolutionary hero, whose publish- ed biography is of interest at times thrilling. It is not so well known, however, that he was the first member and elder of the Angelica Church and represented his church in Geneva and Angel- ica Presbyteries. Another Allegany pioneer and man of affairs was Vial Thomas. From 1828 to his death in 1885 at the age of 101 he was an elder in the Angelica Church*. Robert Porter of Prattsburg who represented his church in presbytery and synod many times probably did more for the Prattsburg Church than any other excepting Captain Jared Pratt. He was a Yale graduate of 1795, and from 1803 to 1806 principal of Hamilton Academy (after- ward Hamilton College). He was prominent in synod and in the affairs of Auburn Seminary as well as in his own church and pres- bytery. Henry H. Spalding was representing the Prattsburg ♦The portrait of Deacon Thomas which appears in this work was talcen when he was 100 years old. Rev. JOEL WAKEMAN, D. D,, Almond, Painted Post, and Campbell. Rev. ZIBA N. BRADBURY, Howard, Pulteney, and Almond. RULING ELDERS. 45 Church in presbytery when he was ordained to the ministry, and Dr. Marcus Whitman was an elder in the Wheeler Church when he started upon his Oregon mission. Judge Stephen Prentiss, the father of Narcissa Prentiss, was for many years influential in the Prattsburg Church, for 7 years after leaving Prattsburg an elder in the Angelica Church, and for a term of years after leaving Angelica an elder in the Cuba Church. Few names occur more frequently in the minutes of presbytery than that of Kendal Wilder, an elder in the Cuba Church. He represented his church in presbytery 26 times, the first time in 1829 at the first stated meeting of Angelica Presbytery, and the last time in 186? at a meeting of Genesee Valley Presbytery. An elder in the Greenwood Church was Jacob Manning, " one of only three men that offered prayer between Rexville and Canisteo on the Bennett's Creek road". It was said of him, "he was the only righteous man in Greenwood and all that saved the valley from destruction". Rev. J. Merrill Manning, D. D., of the Boston Old South Church, was his son. A foundation stone of the Hammondsport Church was Lemuel D. Hastings, an elder for 56 years, and another in the same church was Solomon Clark, 53 years in the eldership. Mr. Hastings represented his church first in 1838 in Bath Presbytery and last in 1882 in Steuben Presbytery. For 53 years Joshua Sargent was an elder in the Jasper Church, and Jonathan K. Prentice for 49 years in the same church. Rev. Asa S. Allen, for 9 years pastor of the Cuba Church, appeared first in presbytery as a deacon from the An- dover Church, and was ordained while serdng as an elder in the Angelica Church. Th^ name of General Otto F. Marshal*, an elder in the Wheeler Church, is among the prominent names of Bath and Steuben Presbyteries, as it is among the distinguished citizens of his county. George Temple, an elder of the Campbell Church, has the distinction of attending presbytery more times than any other elder on this field— 45 times he represented one church. Few laymen have influenced church, presbytery, and synod more than elder Na- thaniel C. Taylor of Canisteo. For 10 years no other elder repre- sented the Canisteo Church in presbytei^. For 61 years Joel D. Gillet has been an elder in the Addison Church for 60 years acting as clerk of session. He has attended 33 presbytery meetings — the first at the first stated meeting of Che- mung Presbytery in 1836, the last during 1893 in Steuben Presbytery. Uriah D. Hood, Corning, has been in the eldership 44 years; Charles Amsden, Cuba, the same length of time ; and Prof. Zenas L. Park- er, Bath, 40 years. John Hurlbut, an elder in the Arkport Church, * Died Feb., 1891, aged »9. 46 RULING ELDERS — MISSIONARIES. has year by year for 40 years been elected superintendent of tlie Sunday School. The following elders have been chosen by presby- tery more than once as commissioners to General Assembly: Na- thaniel C. Taylor, Canisteo, James H. Hotchtcin, Prattsbnrg, and Alfred Lockhart, Angelica, 4 times; Paul C. Howe, Prattsburg. Elias Hopkins, Bath, Samuel S. Haight, Bath and Angelica, Wil- liam Steele, Corning, and Lemuel D. Hastings, Hammondsport, 3 times; and Eobert Porter, Prattsburg, Elam Bridges, Prattsburg, Stephen Prentiss, Prattsburg and Angelica, Abram Waugh, (/ohoc- ton, Francis A. Williams, Corning, James Hurlbut, Almond, Rob- ert H. Coleman, Almond, Daniel S. Benton, Pulteney, and Charles A. Knox, Campbell, 2 times. MISSIONARIES. The Presbyterian Church in Steuben and Allegany honors its sons and daughters who witness for Christ in " the regions beyond". The first to gire himself to mission work was George Hornell, living in Hornellsville, the first member of the Almond Church. He was ordained by Bath Presbytery Feb. 24, 1828, and, after a year's suc- cessful work as a Sunday School missionary in Steuben County, accepted an appointment of the American Board as a missionary to the Indians, with his headquarters at Mackinaw, Mich. His health Jiot proving equal he was obliged to return after two year's work. In the office of the "Steuben Farmer's Advocate" at Bath in 1831 was an apprentice — Phinehas Hunt. The paper was conducted at that time by Smead & Son. The son's wife was an earnest Christ- ian, and under her influence the apprentice was converted, and offered himself as a printer to the American Board. He served the Board as a missionary printer 30 years in Madras, India, and was then sent to Pekin, China. Mrs. Sraead became subsequently a member of the Hornellsville 1st Church. Rev. Charles T. White, D. D., who was for 12 years a missionary for the American Board in the Madura district of South India, was a son of Rev. Samuel White, a member of the Bath and Steuben Presbyteries from 1825 to his death in 1864, and twice pastor of the Pulteney Church. Dr. White was ordained by Bath Presbytery at Howard Oct. 1, 1856. Hammondsport cherishes tenderly the memory of Rev. Frederick H. Brewster. A teacher there from 1846 to 1849, a member of the church and superintendent of the Sunday School, he consecrated himself to foreign mission work. Under appointment of the Amer- ican Board, he reached his field. Canton, China, Jan. 1st, 1852. Attacked by smallpox on the 26th, he died on the 29th — less than a month after his arrival. Yet his consecrated life was richly fruitful. Names that become more widely and honorablv known everv veai- Rev, SAMUEL PARKER. Plate loaned by Rev. D. J. McMillan, D. D., Corresponding Secretary of the Presbyterian Home Mission Board, New York. MIS8I0KAR1ES. 47 are those of Samuel Parker, Marcus Whitman, Narcissa Prentiss, and Henry H. Spalding. All these were identified with the work among the Oregon Indians — in the thirties and forties a foreign mission field of the American Board. Rev. Samuel Parker* was born in Ashfield, Mass., Apr. 23, 1779, and was identified with this field closely as a pioneer missionary of the Massachusetts Mission- ary Society. After graduating from Williams College in 1806 and before going to Andover Seminary, and again for a short time after leaving the Seminary, he visited some of the early settlements. He was several times in Hornellsvillef, Almond, Angelica, and Howard, between 1808 and 1811, holding the first preaching service in Howard in 1810. Very much later it was his mission- ary addresses in our churches that led to the Whitmans and Spaldings giving themselves to Oregon. When in 1833 a pas- tor in a Massachusetts town, he read the narrative, "Wise Men from the West", lelling of four Flathead and other Indians from Oregon coming to St. Louis to inquire about the white man's God and Bible. The narrative had a profound effect on Mr. Park- er. He wvote to the American Board April 10, 1833, offering to go to Oregon to establish a mission among the Indians. Not receiving a reply, he wrote again May I7th, and again June 18th. In July, having in the meantime removed from Middlefield, Mass. to Ithaca, N. Y., he received an indefinite reply. On the first Monday in January, 1 834, he spoke in the session house of the Ithaca Presby- terian Church, boldly proposing that that church send him ou the Oregon mission, and calling for volunteers to accompany him. The church agreed and three young men at once offered. At 5 o'clock in the morning of May 5, 1834, there was a solemn farewell prayer- meeting in the session-house or chapel of tlie church, when Eev. Samuel Parker, Mr. Samuel Allis, a sadler, one of the three who had volunteered, and Mr. John Dunbar, a senior in Auburn Semi- nary, started on tlie trip to Oregon. Reaching St. Louis too late to join the annual caravan of the American Fur Company, it was decided that Messrs. Allis and Dunbar should labor among the Pawnee Indians, while Mr. Parker should return to spend the in- tervening year in missionary meetings and collecting money. It was while he was holding these missionary meetings that he induced *See article '■ Rev. Samuel Parker, Misslouary to Oregon", by Rev. H. W. Parker, D. D., in " The Church at Home and Abroad", March, 1896. tHe made his home in the old red house | Judge Georee Hornell's]. He preached in the dining room with his audience seated in that room. Mrs. Moore, Judge Hornell's daughter, says- '• Father became much attached to him and when he was about to leave requested him to send them a minister to abide with them, and it was through Mr. Parker's influence that Rev. Robert Hubbard came here to labor, and who proved to be such a blessing to all that region of country". It is understood that Judge Homell was hopefully converted in connection with the labors of Mr. Parker.— Rev. William A. Niles, D. D., m "Semi-Centen- nial Anniversary of the Hornellsville Church". 48 MISSIONARIES. Marcus Whitman and Nareissa Prentiss to unite with him in the Oregon mission. March 4, 1835, Mr. Parker again left Ithaca and was joined at St. Louis by Dr. Whitman. They traveled westward with the fur-traders' caravan until they reached southwestern Wyo- ming and conferred with the Flathead and Nez Perce Indians who were waiting for the missionaries. It was decided that Mr. Parker should go on, while Dr. Whitman should return for more mission- aries, and come to Oregon in 1836. Marcus Whitman, M. D.,* was born in Rushville, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1 802. Looking to the ministry, he was persuaded by his brothers to become a physician. He graduated at the Fairfield (N. Y. ) Med- ical Institute in 1824, and practiced four years in Canada. He then settled in Wheeler, N. Y., where he became an elder in the then existing Presbyterian Church. It was while practicing there that he met Mr. Parker and was persuaded to go to Oregon. Miss 2^'ar- cissa Prentiss, when induced by Mr. Parker to go to the western mission, was a member of the Angelica Church. She was a daughter of Judge Stephen Prentiss, and the family until a short time before this lived in Prattsburg and were members of the Prattsburg Church. Dr. Whitman and Miss Prentiss, both having promised to give themselves to the Oregon mission, introduced by Mr. Parker, gave themselves to one another, and after a Sabbath evening service early in 1836 in the Angelica Church were married by the pastor Rev. Leverett HuUf . Itev. Henry H. Spalding was born in Bath, N. Y., Nov. 36, 1803, and at 23 united with the Prattsburg Church where in the Franklin Academy he was trained for college. He graduated from Western Reserve College in 1833, and very soon married Miss Eliza HartJ;, also a student in the college, and a native of Holland *See article " Dr. Whitman, Missionary to Oregon", by Rev. H. W.Parker, D. D., in ''The Church at Home and Abroad", March, 1896. For a more detailed account see "Tlie Story of Marcus Whitman", by Rev. J. G. Craighead, D. D., published by the Presbyterian Board. tAfter the wedding occurred an affecting scene which is thus described in the *' Golden Rule", Jan. 12, 1893 : Some fifty years ago there took place in a rural town in New York, a simple service that touched the hearts of all who witnes.sed it. It had reference to the de- parture of a missionary tor Oregon. The missionary was a young lady, greatly beloved in the town of her residence. She was a member of the choir. A hymn, then familiar, was given out by the minister, beginning;, •' Yes, m.y native land. I love thee". As it was being sung many of the singers were deeply affected, and one by one ceased to sustain the simple jnelody The young missionary found herself at last singing quite alone— "Scenes of sacred peace and pleasure. Holy days and Sabbath bell, Richest, brightest, sweetest pleasure. Can I say a last farewell"!* Yeai-s afterward this incident was distinctly recalled when it was announced that this wo- man's influence as the wife of the pioneer missionary had much contributed in bringing to the United States a territory larger in extent than Great Britain and Ireland, and nearly four times as large as New England. This vast region Is now known as Oregon, Washing- ton, and Idaho. XFoT incidents in the lives of Mrs. Whitman and Mrs. Spalding see article " Three Hero- ines of the Nez Perces Mission",by Eev. F. F. Ellinwood, D. D.,in the "Missionary Review " March, 1894. An error in this article is that of placing the Whitman-Prentiss marriage at Penn Yan. The records of the Angelica Church show that •' Stephen Prentiss and Clarissa his wife, Narcissa, Clarissa, Harriet R., and Edward W., their children", were received into the church Sept. 27, 1885. They remained members as many entries show until May 9 1842 when they were dismissed to the Cuba Church. The following is a record of a meeting Feb' 18, 1836t ''The church met agreeable to previous notice for the ordination of elders elect when the following persons were set apart to this of&ce in due form and order to-wif Ste- phen Prentiss, Jacob Schoonover, and Charles Patrick. And session ordered a'letter to our sister, Narcissa Prentiss, who is destined to the missions beyond the Rocky Mountains Ad journed. Closed with prayer. L. Hull, Moderator". This puts beyond possibility of doubt the (act that the Prentiss family at the time of the marriage lived in Angelica and that thn wedding took place in Angelica. Mr. George H, Hull, of New York City, son of Rev and Mrs. Leverett Hull, has discovered among his mother's papers letters from Mrs Whitman written on the journey westward and after reaching the mission field These 'ioMbI-o 1^ both interesting and important. letiers are MARCUS WHITMAN, M. D. There is no authentic likeness of Dr. Whitman in existence. This is the final result of an attempt to reproduce his appearance from the recollections and criticisms of many who knew him. The plate was loaned by Rev. D. J. McMillan, D. D., Corresponding Secretary of the Presbyterian Home Mission Board, New York. MrSSTONARIES. 49 Patent, N. Y. Mr. Spalding* studied for the ministry at Lane Seminary under Dr. Lyman Beecherand Mrs. Spalding studied with him. Ordained by Bath Presbytery in 1835, Mr. and Mrs. Spalding were on the way to enter upon an appointment of the American Board as missionaries to the Osage Indians in Western New York when they were overtaken by Dr. Marcus Whitman. Dr. Whitman proposed that tiiey should go with him to Oregon. Question and answer passed between the two conveyances in rapid succession until they reached Howard, N. Y., where in a private room in a tavern Mr. and Mrs Spalding yielded to Dr. Whitman's proposition. The Whitmans and Spaldings proceeded to their work together, Mrs. Whitman and Mrs. Spalding being the first white women to cross the Rockies. Dr. Whitman succeeded in taking a wagon over the mountains to Oregon. In 1842 there came to Dr. Whitman, busy- ing himself in his mission work among the Indians, news that the Oregon territory, then undefined country between the United States, the Pacific, and Great Britain, was about to be" traded off to Eng- land for a cod-fishery in Newfoundland". Oct. 3, 1843, in the face of a Rocky mountain winter, and at the risk of being dismissed by the American Board for his unauthorized deed, he started on horse- back for Washington to remonstrate with President Tyler and Sec- retary of State Daniel Webster. After terrible sufferings he reached St. Louis, and pressed on to Washington, reaching there March 3, 1843. It is now clearly apparent that his representations at Wash- ington, and the large emigration to Oregon in 1843 of which he was the moving spiritf — 875 persons, HI wagons, and about 3,000 horses and cattle — saved the Oregon country to the United States. November 29, 1847, Dr. and Mrs. Whitman with thirteen others were brutally murdered by evil disposed Indians. The Spaldings living 110 miles away escaped but were obliged to give up their work. Later in life Mr. Spalding returned and before his death. Aug. 3, 1874, received into the church very nearly 1000 Indians. «See article " Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Spalding: Their Life and Work", by Rev. G. I^ Deffen- baugh, in '• The Church at Home and Abroad", August, 1897. t •■ It was October, fortT-two, When the clattering hoot-beats died away On the Walla Walla, that fateful day. It was September, forty three— Little less than a year, you see- When the woman who waited, thought she heard Till! clatter of hoof-beats that she knew On the Walla Wallaagain. " W hat word From Whitman?" Whitman himself! And see! What do her glad eyes look upon? The first of two hundred wagons roll Into the valley befoie her. He, Who, a year ago, had left her side, Had brought them over the Great Divide- Men, women, and children, a thousand souls— The Army to occupy Oregon." —From "WMutman's Ridt-." by Alice Wellington Rollins. 50 MISSIONARIES. Kev. Joseph L. Whiting, for the last 28 years a missionary of the Presbyterian Board at Pekin, China, went out from the Jasper Church. Rev. Albert W. Hubbard, since 1873 a missionary of the American Board at Sivas, Turitey, was born in Cameron. He is a son of Chauncey P. Hubbard, once prominent in the Cameron Church, and later an elder in the Woodhull Church, and a brother of Chauncey G. Hubbard, M. D., an elder in the Horneilsville 1st Church. For a time he supplied the Woodhull Church. Just be- fore sailing for Turkey Mr. Hubbard was married to Miss Emma Spencer, a daughter of Judge Spencer, of Corning. In 1876 Miss Olive Whiting went from the Jasper Church to Japan as a mission- ary of the Presbyterian Board. Four years later she was married to Rev. Charles Bishop of the Methodist Church. Miss Mary W. Niles, M D., who grew up in the Corning and Hornellsville Churches where her father. Rev. William A. Niles, D. D., was pastor, has been since 1888, when she went to Canton, China, as a medical mis- sionary, the esteemed missionary of the Woman's Presbyterial Soci- ety. Her work is followed by the churches as that of no other mis- sionary. Rev. Gilbert Reid, who has succeeded marvelously in in- teresting Li Hung Chang and many other high Chinese officials in an " International Institute " for China to be situated at Pekin, and who has succeeded in winning for this work the services of Rev. William A. P. Martin, D. D., LL.D., for so many years President of the Imperial Tungwen College in Pekin, went out from the An- gelica Church. His father was pastor of the Angelica Church from 1868 to 1874, and he himself ministered to this church the summer immediately preceding his departure for China. Mr. Reid wes ten years a missionary of the Presbyterian Board at Chinanfu, China, before entering upon his present mission to the higher classes. Two Presbyterian missionaries in Siam are claimed by the Howard Church — Rev. A. Willard Cooper, and his sister. Miss Larissa Coop- er. Their father was pastor of the Howard Church from 1881 to 1885. Mr. Cooper was ordained by Steuben Presbytery at Corning Sept. 15, 1885. He reached Siam with his wife Jan. 15, 1886, but after sixteen months work Mrs. Cooper's health failed. For the sake of Mrs. Cooper they came to this country where Mrs. Cooper died in 1890. At his own request Mr. Cooper was returned by the Board as a missionary to Siam, his sister going with him as a com- panion. Very soon Miss Cooper became a teacher in the girl's school at Bangkok. Miss Jennie Ordway of Jasper was for a time a missionary of the Home Board at Salina, Utah, and later at Taos New Mexico. A member of the Brazil Presbyterian mission is Rev. James B. Rodgers. He came to the Belmont Church as a graduate MARCUS WHITMAN. Statue on the front wall of the Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia. MISSIONAKIES. 51 of Auburn Seminary in June, 1888, and after service as a pastor there until the fall of 1889, sailed for Brazil and is stationed at Ri- achwelo, 15} miles from Kio de Janeiro. Eev. Joseph P. White, who supplied the Howard Church during 1894, had been with his wife for two years in mission work among the miners of Juneau, Alaska, and Rev. Hezekiah Webster, the present pastor of the Howard Church, was from 1874 to 1877 a tutor in Robert College at Con- stantinople. Rev. Frank P. Gilman, a missionary of the Presbyte- rian Church at Hainan, China, supplied the Belmont Church during the seminary vacation of 1883. From 1885 to 1888 Rev. Duncan Cam- eron, pastor of the Canisteo Church from 1889 to 1897, was a Presby- terian missionary in Chili, South America. The wife of Rev. Court- ney H. Feun, since 1893 a missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Pekin, China, was Miss Alice May of Corning, and Mr. Fenn him- self is a grandson of Rev. Robert E. Willson, once pastor of the Hammoudsport Church, and later, of the Corning Church. THE WOMAN'S HOME AND FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCI- ETY OF THE PRESBYTERY OF STEUBEN. The Woman's Presbyterial Society was organized in Corning April 18, 1876. The report of the first secretary, Mrs. James McBurney, reads thus : " The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Dr. W. A. Niles, Hornellsville, and held in the parlors of the Presbyterian church. It was opened with a devotional service". A noticeable feature was the presence of the pastor's wife and the wives of three former pastors, Mrs. M. L. P. Hill, Mrs. Wm. A. Niles, Mrs. Dar- win Chichester, and Mrs. F. W. Graves. The following officers were elected : President, Mrs. Wm. A. Niles, Hornellsville; Vice-Presi- dents, Mrs. F. W. Graves, Corning, Mrs. Fairchild, Hammonds- port, Mrs. Sturdevant, Prattsburg, and Mrs. N. K. Hyatt, Pulteney; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. N. C. Taylor, Canisteo; Recording Secretary, Mrs. James McBurney, Corning; Treasurer, Miss Lillie Clark, Hammondsport; Auditor, Mrs. Judson, Prattsburg. Seventeen of the 'Zl churches in the presbytery organized societies auxiliary to the Presbyterial Society during the first two years of its existence. In the fall of 1876 a semi-annual meeting of the society was held in Hornellsville in connection with the meeting of synod. The following named returned missionaries were present: Mrs. Dr. H. S. West, Sivas, Turkey; Rev. George W. Coan, Persia; and Rev. Maxwell Phillips, Mexico City. At the semi-annual meeting in Pulteney, Sept. 10, 1878, Miss Kelsey, medical missionary to China, was adopted as the missionary of the society and so remained until her resignation in 1881. Since then Miss Mary W. Niles, M. D., 53 MISSIONAEIES. of Canton, China, has been the beloved foreign representative of the society. The home work has been changed many times. The soci- ety has helped build school houses, pay teachers' salaries, send chil- dren to school — in fact, whatever was laid out for it to do. At pres- ent the society is interested in the work in Alaska, in the Ashville Farm School, and in the Haines Normal and Industrial Institute in Augusta, Ga. In 1895 the society published a Silver Jubilee me- morial of " Missionaries from the Presbytery of Steuben". The Presbyterial Society has been of great benefit to the workers in the local societies in bringing them together once a year — some- times semi-annually. The attendance at the annual meeting lias not depended on the presence of a foreign speaker. Nevertheless, it has been the privilege of those in attendance to see face to face some of the well-known workers in both the home and foreign fields. In addition to those already mentioned, the following have been present at society meetings: Mr. and Mrs. Tracy, Turkey; Mr. Mc- Kinnie; Mrs. W. H. Niles, Texas; Miss Loring, Syria; Mrs. D. E. Pinks, now editor of the " Home Mission Monthly"; Miss Alice Barber, who told about " Our Sort of Folks"; Miss Mary W. Niles, M. D., Canton, China, missionary of the society; Mrs. Condit, San Francisco; Miss Alice Eobertson, Indian Territory ; Rev. Gilbert Eeid, Pekin, China; Mrs. L. A. Davis, Kansas; Miss Fanny Perley, Allahabad, India; Miss Babbitt, Mynpiirie, India; and Miss Mary L. Cort, Siam. The presidents of the society have been: Mrs. William A. Niles, Hornellsville, (three times chosen), Mrs. P. M. OIney, Addison, Mrs. M. G. Hill, Corning, Mrs. Samuel W. Pratt, Campbell, Mrs. James M. Piatt, Bath, Mrs. Joel D. Gillet, Addison, Mrs. Ziba N. Bradbury, Pulteney, Mrs. Nathaniel C. Taylor, Canisteo, Mrs. Ben- ton McConnell, Hornellsville, Mrs. Francis A. Williams, Corning, Mrs. James R. Robinson, Painted Post, and Mrs. Edgar P. Salmon, Campbell. Meetings of the society have been held with the churches in Ad- dison, Almond, Bath, Campbell, Canisteo, Cohocton, Corning, Cu- ba, Hammondsport, Hornellsville, Painted Post, Prattsburg, and Pulteney. Campbell has entertained five meetings of the society. In the year 1878, at the meeting in Pultney, we find the amount of contributions reported to be $1,053.18 as against 1512.53 in 1876 the societies having doubled their offerings in two years. Tlie ban- ner year for offerings was 1894, when in spite of financial depression the sum given was $3,000. The increase of gifts was in a measui'e due to individual offerings from consecrated workers in Addison and Hornellsville, and to extra gifts from the Mission Bands. Miss MARY W. NILES, M. D., Canton, China. C0MMUXICANT8. 53 COMMUNICANTS REPORTED TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1897 1. Prattsburg 234 378 355 340 289 245 153 182 2. Bath 65 90 157 200 220 210 260 367 380 3. Cohocton 21 50 27 37 52 22 61 50 62 4. Almond 237 31.0 375 205 150 145 163 5. Angelica 160 40 126 134 81 62 74 6. Corning 34 ... . 85 204 267 277 357 365 7. Howard 30 ... 91 80 100 72 80 97 8. Pulteney 98 119 113 86 90 117 156 143 9. Andover 22 32 45 76 71 91 129 10. Centerville 72 80 50 24 23 12 ... . 11. Cuba 161 185 111 164 173 187 210 12. Jasper 24 ... . 62 87 78 122 95 99 13. Campbell 48 55 41 93 110 125 137 14. Hammondsport 70 140 125 105 100 189 197 15. Hornby 26 16. Woodhull 17. Belmont 18. Hornellsville, Ist 94 19. Addison 20 43 20. Painted Post 53 21. Arkport 47 22. Canisteo 33. Canaseraga 36 62 90 24. Hornellsville Hartshorn 107 25. Atlanta 79 26. Avoca 105 40 27 24 30 16 22 32 40 30 30 .. 79 64 53 70 97 190 293 350 475 92 85 110 163 195 87 94 93 92 137 47 37 50 74 108 47 63 118 155 351 54 SKETCHES OF EXISTINO CHUECHES. Sketches of Existing Churches. THE PEATTSBUEG CHUKOH (1804-1897). The Prattsburg Church* was the first organized, and to 1870 the largest in membership, of the churches now in Steuben Presbytery. The pioneer of Prattsburg was Capt. Joel Pratt, a Congregationalist, and his nephew, Jared Pratt, was the first permanent settler. Those who came first were largely Congregationalists and every settler for some years was taxed for the churchf. Mr. John Niles came with his family in 1803. He had been principal of Clinton Academy — now Hamilton College — and was a Congregational licentiate. The Sabbath after his arrival he conducted at Jared Pratt's house the first service held in the town. June 26, 1804, a Congregational church of 15 members was organized at the house of John Niles by Kev. Timothy Field of Canandaigua. Mr. Niles received ordination from the Ontario Association June 11, 1806. He gave one half of his time to Prattsburg and the other half to Bath until 1808J when he removed to Bath. Previous to Mar. 6, 1839, the government of this church was purely Congregational. From that date it was governed by a standing committee chosen by ballot in classes annu- ally, of which the pastor was chairman. Nov. 18, 1868, elders were elected and the church became fully Presbyterian. In 1840 the membership was 378. By 1876 there had been re- ceived into membership 1,367. This church gave about Sil,400 for Auburn Theological Seminary at its founding in 1820. Eev. James H. Hotchkin and Judge Kobert Porter were members of the original Board of Commissioners|. In this church were reared Henry H. * See "History of Western New York." by Rev. James H. Hotchkin, pp. 463-467; "(Jenten- nial Sermon", by Rev. Samuel W.Pratt, published in "Prattsburg News-Extra", July 6 1876; anrt " History of the Settlement of Steuben iiounty". by Guy H. McMaster, pp. 125^ 130 + " Mr. Pratt had determined to form a church as well as a town. * • * With a view to the accomplishment of this object, he required every person to whom he sold laud, to give a note to the amount of *15 on each 100 acres of land purchased by him, payable within a giv- en time, with the legal interest annually, till paid to the trustees of the religious society which should be formed ".— MoMaster. t The following resolution brings to mind the fact that the fathers kept Saturday nighf "Voted, Oct. 11, 1808. that the members of the church will not alMnd raisings or other simi- lar associations on Saturday in the afternoou"- Deacon Loomis was diligent in prcsecuting all who traveled on Sunday in the township. The outside world called the Prattsburg peo- ple *'Blue Presbyterians". — Rev. Samuel W Pratt. I As jlresident of the Board of Commissioners, Mr. Hotchkin presided Orx 9, 1881 when the flrsli professors of the Seminary were installed. SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHURCHES. 55 Spalding, Dr. Marcus Whitman's associate, and Narcissa Prentiss who shortly after leaving Prattsburg became Mrs. Whitman. Be- sides a score of ministers' wives, the following have gone out from this church: Silas C. Brown, David Judson, Beriah B. Hotch- kln, John W. Hopkins, Edmund P. Waldo, Theron Loomls, Henry H. Spalding, William Beardslee, David Malln, D. D., Robert Tj. Porter, Charles W. Gurney, Edward Prentiss, Levi Waldo, Cyrus C. Rosenkrants, James M. McLean, Joel Wakeman, D. D., Silas E. Judson, George Southworth, Piatt H. Skinner, Edwin S. Skinner, David F. Judson, J. Merrill Manning, D. D., John E. Benton, Norman Prentiss, James H. Phelps, Theron L. Waldo, and Theo- dore B.Williams* In 1806 a building was raised which cost $330. In 1808 It was enlarged. In 1820 this building was sawn apart from the ridge of the roof, one-half moved 11 feet out, and the space built up anew. So it remained until the present edifice was built, which was dedicat- ed Feb. 13, 1838, and cost about $4,000t. In 1880 the Interior was remodeled and the spire rebuilt, at a cost of $6,000, including fur- nishing. The manse was built in 1833-3 at an expense of $850. The following is a list of the ministers: John Niles, 1803-8; James H. Hotchkln, P., 1809-30J;; George R. Judd, P., 1830-36; Samuel Grlswold, 1836-7; B. Foster Pratt, P., 1838-41; Aaron Judson, 1841-3; Benjamin C. Smith, P., 1844-59; David D. Gre- gory, P., 1860-6; D. Henry Palmer, D. D., 1867-71; Samuel W. Pratt, 1873-6; Frederick D. Seward, 1877-9; Lawrence M. Stevens, 1879-87; John M. Wolcott, 1887-90; and George W. Warren, P., 1890 to the present time. The following have served as elders: Charles G. Hlgby, U. Tracy Carpenter, Luther Sturdevant, John D. Hotchkln, Paul C. Howe, Wm. S. Foster, Martin Miner, James H. Hotchkln, Ashman Daboll, * That so many ministers and ministers' wives iiave gone out from Prattsburg is explained l)v the fact that JFranklin Academy was there— from the first as now standing close by the church Its origin was almost wholly due to members of the Presbyterian church. In 1822 the Question of an academy was agitated. In 1S23 the inhabitants of Prattsburg voluntarily taxed themselves $2,00(i for the erection of this academy, besides raising over $3,000 for a nermaiient fund. The Regents' charter of Franklin Academy bears the date Feb. 25, 1824. In 1868 this institution became Franklin Academy and Union Free School. + There never was any stove in the old church. Mr. Hotchkin used of ten to preach with atrioed mittens on The women used foot-stoves— the men endured it as best they could. Members of the church carried on distillerien in those days but drunkenness was disciplined. Ten gallons of whiskey were once given to Mr. Hotchkin at a donation.— Rev Samuel W. Pratt + With the exception of a year or two he gave his life after 1809 to Steuben County. He was horn Feb 2.3 17KI at Cornwall, Conu.. and died nt Prattsburg, Sept. 8, 1851. Rev. Beriah Hotchkin was bis father. He graduated from Williams College In 1800. He may be sa^d to have been the father of Bath Presbytery. His monumental work is his "History of West- ern Npw York "—invaluable for information concerning the beginnings of Presbyterianlsm and Congregationalism in Western New York, the organization of all the presbyteries and associations, and sketches of all Presbyterian ohurohes organized before 1J46. It was pub- Sedln 1848. For the resolution on death of Hotchkin, see minutes of Bath Presbytery, Jan. 3. 1852. 56 SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHUBCHBS. Stephen A. Jackson, Elias Wygant, Dwight S. Cook*, John A. Paekek, D. Webster Baldwin, Addison Ainswokth, Henry J. Pinneo, George W. Howe, Edward P. St. John, Sebastian G. Lewis, and Heney G. Skinnek. June 10, 1806, the church was enrolled in Ontario Association. Sept. 31, 1813, it was received into Geneva Presbytery, in 1817 into Bath Presbytery, and since 1863 it has belonged to Steuben Presby- tery. The following stated presbytery meetings have been held here: J5a«A— 1817, 1831-3-7, 1833, 1843-5-7, 1850-3, and 1861. Steuben— 1865, 1870-3, 1883, and 1890. Presbytery has selected from Prattsburg the following commissioners to General Assembly: Rev. James H. Hotchkin, Philadelphia, 1815-16, 1833, and 1836; Robert Porter, Philadelphia, 1816, and 1837; Stephen Prentiss, Philadelphia, 1819; Elam Bridges, Philadelphia, 1833, and 1831; Rev. George R. Rudd, Philadelphia, 1833; Jacob VanValkenburg, Philadelphia, 1833; Rev. B. Foster Pratt, Philadelphia, 1839; Rev. B. C. Smith, Detroit, 1850; James H. Hotchkin, Jr., Washington, 1853, Pittsburg, 1860, Cincinnati, 1863, and Chicago, 1877; Rev. David D. Gregory, Cincinnati, 1863; L. Sturdevant, Brooklyn, 1865; C. C. Baldwin, St. Louis, 1866; Paul C. Howe, New York, and Pittsburg, 1869, and Buffalo, 1881; Rev. D. Henry Palmer, D. D., Chicago, 1871; U. T. Carpenter, Baltimore, 1873; Rev. Samuel W. Pratt, Cleveland, 1875; and Rev. Lawrence M. Stevens, Cincinnati, 1885. Rev. James H. Hotchkin was stated clerk of Bath Presby- tery from 1817 to 1830, Rev. George R. Rudd from 1830 to 1836, Rev. B. Foster Pratt from 1836 to 1843, and Rev. Benjamin C. Smith from 1853 to 1856. The Y. P. S. C. E. was organized in 1886, the first in Steuben County, holding its first meeting Oct. 4, 1886. THE BATH CHURCH (1808-1897). On Jan. 6, 1806, in the school house on Pulteney Square, Mr. John Niles, the Prattsburg Congregational licentiate, organized "The Bathf Religious Society". Mr. Niles visited this society frequently, and on Jan. 3, 1808, completed the church organization^ by receiving 14 members, adopting the name " The Church of Christ in Bath, Presbyterian Congregation", choosing the Congre- " Small capitals indicate the present elders. This holds true in all the following sketches of individual churches. t Captain Williamson planned to make Bath the " Tyre of the West "—to divert traffic from the Mohawk and Budson to the Oohocton, Chemung and Susquehanna.— See McMaster "History of the Settlement of Steuben County", page 71. ' Xaae "HistoriealSermon",(1898),byRev. Marcus N.Preston, in "Bath's Centennial"- "His- tory of Western New York", by Rev. James H. Hotchkin, pp. 477-481; and "History of Steuben County", by Guy H. McMaster. Elder MOSES VAN CAMPEN,- Angelica. Elder VIAL THOMAS, Angelica. B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ' 1 Ml gp'^|J ^^^ BB^^^^^^^>': f'i--->-' ''"ii:-^^^^^^ Elder JOSHUA SARGENT, Jasper. Elder JOHN CORYELL, Pulteney. Elder CHAUNCEY B. SMITH, Hornellsville, Elder JOEL D. GILLET, Addison, SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHUKCHES. 57 gational form of government, and electing Joseph Inslee and Sam- uel S. Haight deacons. The charter members were Joseph and Elizabeth Inslee, William and Elizabeth AuUs, James Turner, Eunice Johnson, Henry A. and Elizabeth Townsend, Howell and Eunice Bull, Kobert Campbell, Mary Shether, and Samuel S. and Mary Haight. Rev. John Niles was installed pastor by a committee of the Ontario Association July 7, 1808. Sept. 18, 1811, the church was enrolled in Geneva Presbytery and shortly after by ad- vice of presbytery became fully Presbyterian by electing as elders AVilliam Aulls, Elias Hopkins, Samuel S. Haight, Henry A. Town- send, and Howell Bull. This is the only church now in presbytery which was "Old School". Aug. 28, 1837, probably due to the influence of Eev. Isaac W. Piatt, a majority of the congregation voted to withdraw from Bath Presbytery and to seek admission to Susquehanna Presbytery (0. S.). A little later, 19 members and two of tiie three elders, desiring to retain connection with the neighboriug churches in Bath Presbytery, withdrew and organized the Presbyterian Church of Bath (Consti- tutional). An edifice was erected in 1841 on the site of the present Purdy Opera House. This remained an independent church until in 1870 it was reunited to the original church. From about 1862 to 1870 it was a Congregational church. The following are the ministers who served it: William Strong, Oris Eraser, P., Hiram Gregg, Samuel Porter, Sabine McKinney, Loren W. Russ, P., George Hood, P., Edwin Benedict, H. E. Johnson, C. H. DeLong, and William Dewey. The elders who served were John Emerson, Ira Gould, John Dudley, Moses P. Whittemore, Daniel Seaver, Joseph Breck, and John Rose. During its existence this second church received 211 members. The edifice used by the original church until ]874 was dedicated Mar. 2, 1825. In 1874 this was removed that the present stately church might be built. It was dedicated in 1877, having cost ex- clusive of the towers $50,000. In 1894 the towers were raised at a cost of about $12,000. During 1897 the auditorium and lecture room were extensively changed and beautified and a new organ pur- chased—all made possible by the generosity of the late John Daven- port, and of his brother Ira Davenport. The Y. P. S. C. E. was organized in 1886. Worthy of record is the success of the late Harry S. Hull, who gathered a class of young men into the Sunday School which averaged 100 in attendance each Sunday for 6 months. Bath Church has belonged to the following presbyteries: Geneva, 1811-17; Bath, 1817-37; Susquehanna (0. S.), 1837-8; Caledonia (0. S.), 1838-42; Steuben (0. S.), 1842-53; Genesee River (0. S.), 58 SKETCHES OF EXISTING CIIUECHES. 1853-70; and Steuben, 1870 to the present. Exclusive of Old School meetings, Bath has entertained stated meetings of presbyteries as fol- lows: Ge)ieva~18U;Jiath— 1817, 1830, 1824, 1831, 1834, 1838,1843, 1846, 1850, 1852, 1856, and 1861; Steuben— 1870, 1877, 1886, and 1892. Exclusive of those chosen by Old School presbyteries, Bath has had commissioners to General Assembly as follows: Rev. John Niles, Philadelphia, 1812; Elias Hopkins, Philadelphia, 1813, 1816, and 1831; Samuel S. Haight, Philadelphia, 1812; Rev. David Higgins, 1830, and 1831; James G. Higgins, Philadelphia, 1833; Joseph Breck, Philadelphia, 1849; Rev. Edwin Benedict, New York, 1856; Rev. James M. Piatt, I). D., Baltimore, 1873; Edwin H. Hastings, Madison, 1880; Zenas L. Parker, Minneapolis, 1886; and Rev. Marcus N. Preston, Portland, 1892. Rev. Edwin Bene- dict was stated clerk of Bath Presbytery from 1857 to 1858; Rev. James M. Piatt, D. D., of Steuben Presbytery from 1870 to 1884;' and Rev. Marcus N. Preston of Steuben Presbytery from 1889 to 1896. The following in the ministry have labored with this church: John Niles, P., 1808-12; David Higgins, P*., 1813-31; Isaac W. Piatt, P., 1831-44; L. Merrill Miller, D. D., 1844-51; George D. Stewart, D. D., 1851-9; William E. Jones, D. D., 1859-64; James M. Harlow, 1864-9;, James M. Piatt, D. D., P., 1869-84; Marcus N. Preston, 1884-96; and (Jharles Noble Frost, P., 1896 to the present time. The list of elders is as follows: William Aulls, Elias Hopkins, Samuel S. Haight, Henry A. Townsend, Howell Bull, Finla Mc- Lure, Lyman Hopkins, Thomas Aulls, Phinehas Warren, Peter Halsey, James G. Higgins, John Emerson, Samuel Rice, Ira Gould, Louis Biles, John W. Fowler, Gustavus A. Rogers, David McMas- ter, Edward Crosby, Samuel Ensign, Zbnas L. Parkek, A. H. Otis, Edwin H. Hastings, Ambrose Kasson, M. D., Tenney K. Gage, Charles VanWie, John F. Paekhuest, B. F. Smith, Se- bastian G. Levs^is, Eugene F. Paekee, John H. Bowlbt, and Heney 0. Elkins. * " A short, rotund, sunshiny man".— Eev. S. M. Campbell, D. D., in " Sanctuary Memo- ries". Mr. Higgins was a charter trustee of Auburn Seminary. He removed to Norwalk Ohio, in 1835, and there died June 19, 1842, aged 81, in the 66th year of his ministry. For an appreciative sketch o£ Mr. Higgins, see Hotchkin's " History of Western New York" pp SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHURCHES. 59 THE OOHOOTON CHURCH (1809-1897). .• Though* the "Bivens Corners" settlement began about 1795, not a sermon was preached within the limits of the present town until 1807. But one Congregationalist lived there and no Presby- terians. In 1807 Elijah Parker and Stephen Crawford, New Eng- land Congregationalists, came with their families, and at once started religious services in their houses. Kev. Abijah Warren was engaged in June, 1809, to supply them one-third of his time for a year, and on Oct. 8, 1809, a Congregational church was organized by him with nine members — Elijah and Mertable Parker, Stephen and Ruth Crawford, Obadiah and Sybel Woodward, John and Jeru- sha Slack, and Martha Fowler. There was no edifice for about 30 years, services generally being held at the house of Horace Fowler. Jan. 30, 1831, the church was enrolled in Bath Presbytery, so re- maining until in 1863 it came into Steuben Presbytery. Elijah Parker was the first deacon. In 1839 Horace Fowler and Constant Cook were elected trustees and a church built which was dedicated Feb. 3, 1830. In 1835 there were 46 members, and about 100 in 1830. To 1835 the supplies were Kev. A. C. Collins, "Father" Daniel Nash, Rev. Enoch Whipple, Rev. Mr. Ransom, Rev. Wm. Stone, Rev. Noah Smith, Rev. Joseph Crawford, and Rev. Stalham Clary. From 1835 to 1830 the supplies were Revs. Linus W. Bil- lington, Jeremiah Pomeroy, James H. Ilotchkin, and Sidney S. Brown. Prom 1833 to 1868 were discouraging years. In 1846 there were but 37 members. From 1835 to 1850 the records have been lost. From 1843 to 1847 Rev. Stalham Clary supplied. In 1850 the church became Presbyterian, in 1853 Congregational again, and on Oct. 31, 1854, finally Presbyterian. Rev. Joseph Strough preached from 1850 to his death in June, 1854; then Rev. A. T. Wood for about two years; then Rev. J. Woodworth for over two years. From March, 1861, to 1869 Rev. M. B. Gelston of Naples preached occa- sionally. The church was reorganized Aug. 6, 1869. The old edifice arid a manse were sold and the proceeds devoted to a new church which was dedicated Nov. 14, 1873. At the same time Rev. Charles B. Austin was installed the first pastor, remaining until Feb. 37, 1876. Rev. John Waugh came July 15, 1878, was installed Nov. 7, 1878, and remained pastor until Apr. 3, 1893. He died in Cohocton Oct. 30, 1897, aged 83. The 60th anniversary of his ordination was celebrated in Cohocton in July, 1890. In 1889-90 the church was * Most of the facts of this sketch were furnished by J. Leonard Waugh. 60 SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHURCHES. repaired. . The manse was built in 1879. In Oct., 1893, Kev. Frank S. Swan, M. D., the present pastor, began his work. In 1895, mainly by the effort of Edgar A. Higgins, a chapel was added to the church. The Y. P. S. C. E. was organized in 1887. Besides Elijah Parker, these have been deacons: Stephen Craw- ford, Horace Fowler, Allers Haight, Calvin Blood, and Alphonso Bacon. The following were ordained elders in the years named: 1850, Dennis Conner, Abram Waugh, and A. A. Slack; 1855, Calvin Blood; 1856, C. V. K. Woodworth; 1859, Charles W. Bronson, and Melvin H. Davis; 1864, A. H. Bacon; 1869, Philip C. Hoag; 1881, Samuel F. Woodworth, and Thomas B. Fowler, M. D.; 1897, Clifford M. Crouch, and Samuel J. Depew. Cohocton has had stated meetings of Bath Presbytery in 1825, 18;J9, 1851, 1856, and 1858, and of Steuben Presbytery in 1875, 1878, 1885, and 1897. The following from Cohocton have been commissioners to General Assembly: Abram Waugh, Utica, 1851, and Chicago, 1858; Calvin Blood, New York, 1856; Philip C. Hoag, Cleveland, 1875; Rev. John Waugh, Saratoga, 1884; Samuel F. Woodworth, Cincinnati, 1885; and Thomas B. Fowler, M. D., Sar- atoga. 1890. THE CORNING CHURCH (1811-1897). This church* was known originally as the First Presbyterian Church of Painted Post. During 1810 tlie people of Painted Post township engaged Rev. Clement Hickman to preach to them and July 1, 1811, a Presbyterian church was organized by Rev. John Niles of Bath. Aug. 19, 1812, it was enrolled in Geneva Presbytery and Aug. 25, 1812, Rev. Clement Hickman was ordained and in- stalled. The church included members in all parts of Painted Post township — now Hornby, Campbell, Erwin, Corning, Lindley, and Caton. Meetings were held in different places to accommodate a larger number. From 1816 to 1821 there was no minister and a part of the time no Sabbath service, but owing to the devotion of some women — among them Mrs. Bonham, Mrs. Ann McCall, and Mrs. John McBurney— the prayer meeting and Sabbath School were maintained. When William Steele came, already an elder, regular worship was established. While Rev. Thomas Lounsbury ministered the field extended from Big Flats to Campbell and the labors of the Sabbath were divided between three or four settlements. In 1831-2 during the ministry of Rev. David Higgins 60 were added to the * Many of the tacts for this sketch were furnished by Rev. Alfred J. Hutton D n <5o». Hotchkin," History of Western New York", pp. 451-464. ^i^, ^. u. oee Elder SOLOMON CLARK, Hammondsport, Elder MOSES LOCKHART, Almond. Elder GEORGE KARR, Almond. Elder HENRf A. MEAD, Cuba. Elder CHARLES J. CHATFIELD, Painted Post. Elder ZENAS L. PARKER, Bath. SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHUKCHES. 61 church. A bout this time the first edifice was built in what is now the 5tl} Ward at a cost of $3,000 and dedicated free from debt. Under the ministry of Rev. Samuel M. Hopkins, afterwards for 50 years professor of Church History in Auburn Seminary, a new church was built on the south side of the river for $2,700 and dedi- cated clear of debt Apr. 28, 1842. Aug. 10, 1843, the name was clianged to that of the First Presbyterian Church of Corning. Early in 1845 a second church was organized under the old name. Painted Post 1st, from 46 members who presented letters from the Corning Church. Rev. Horatio Pattengill, D. D., was the only pastor, and Apr. 2, 1849, it was reunited to the parent church. In 1853, during the ministry of Rev. Robert E. Willson, Rev. Samuel D. Burchard, D. D., assisted in special meetings and 84 were added at one communion. During the ministry of Rev. William A. Niles, D. D., there were two revivals — one in 1864, and another in 1866 when Rev. E. P. Hammond assisted and 80 were received into mem- bership. In 1867, during Dr. Niles' ministry, tlie present church edifice was erected at a cost of 850,000. During Rev. John S. Ba- con's ministry, the manse was built on the site of a former manse. It is valued at about $7,000. The following have gone out from this church to the ministry or mission field: Robert F. Sample, D. D., Phinehas Wolcott Calkins, Frederick Calkins, William Henry Niles, Miss Mary W. Niles, M. D., of China, Mrs. Emma Spencer Hubbard, of Turkey, Thomas H. Hedges, and Horace Pond. A Young People's Society organized in 1866 was reorganized Apr. 1, 1889, into the Y. P. S. C. E. The Woman's Missionary Society was organized in 1876, the Young Ladies' Missionary Society in 1879, and the Busy Bees in 1883. From 1812 to 1817 this church belonged to Geneva Presbytery, from 1817 to 1836 to Bath Presbytery, from 1836 to 1862 to Che- mung Presbytery, and since then it has been a part of Steuben Pres- bytery. Corning has had the following stated meetings of presby- teries: Bath— 1822, and 1834; Ohemung— 1837 , 1842, 1851, and 1858; Steuben— 1864:, 1867, 1872, 1876, 1885, 1889, and 1895. The following commissioners to General Assembly have been selected from Corning: William Steele, Philadelphia, 1822, 1824, and 1829; John C. Hayt, Philadelphia, 1838; Rev. Robert E. Willson, St. Louis, 1855; Rev. William A. Niles, D. D., St. Louis, 1866, and Philadelphia, 1870; William D. Terbell, M. D., Rochester, 1867; Francis A. Williams, Detroit, 1872, and Saratoga, 1883; Henry C. May, M. D., Brooklyn, 1876; Rev. M. L. P. Hill, D. D., Saratoga, 1879; Rev. John S. Bacon, Saratoga, 1890; and Edward Clisdell, Portland, 1892. Rev. John Smith was stated clerk of Chemung Presbytery from 1836 to 1840, and Rev. William A. Niles, D. D., of Steuben Presbytery from 1865 to 1870. 62 SKETCHES OF EXISTINO CHUKCHES. The following ministers have served this church: Clement Hick- man, 1810-16; Thomas Lonnsbury, 1821-3; Gilbert, 1822-5; Reuben Sanborn, 1826-7; David Harrowar, 1828-9; David Higgins. 1831-2; John Barton, 1832-5; John Smith, 1836-8; F. W. Graves, 1839; Samuel M. Hopkins, D. D., P., 1840-2; Joshua B. Graves, P., 1842-7; Job Pierson, D. D., 1847-9; Asahel L. Brooks, P., 1849-51; Kobert E. Willson, P., 1851-5; Darwin Chichester, P., 1856-9; William A. Niles, D. D., P. E., 1859-72; Anson G. Ches- ter, D. D., 1872-5; M. L. Ferine Hill, D. D., P. E., 1875-83; John S. Bacon, P. E., 1883-93; and Alfred J. Hutton, D. D., P., 1895 to the present. The records of the church from 1811 to 1834 have been lost, and in part from 1845 to 1847. The following is a list of the elders as complete as can be made: William Steele, John Sample, Henry H. Matthews, John C. Hayt, Phinehas Little, Dyer Ford, Eliphalet S. Rose, William S. Miller, Lemuel H. Robinson, Elijah Judd, Bradford A. Potter, Jared A. Redfield, Nathan Tidd, Charles E. Osborne, Alanson Edwards, William D. Terbell, Schuyler Johnson, Cornelius T. Putney, Levi W. Rowley, Richard C. West, Thomas Ambler, Uriah D. Hood, Gilbert E. Burton, Henry M. Hyde, Lewis Davenport, George Thompson, Zenas L. Parker, Charles VanAme, Henry C. May, Francis A. Williams, Justin M. Smith, John N. Hungerford, Edward Clisdell, W. S. Dickinson, James Henderson, Ctbus S. Hood, Charles E. Benedict, Frank G. Osborne, Neville E. Waite, Reuben F. Rouse, William T. Smith, Harry C. Heermans, and Thomas H. Appleby. THE ALMOND CHURCH (1812-1897). In* 1796 or 1797 a Dutch Reformed Church was organized in Almond (then Alfred) by Rev. Andrew Grayf — the first church or- ganization in Steuben or Allegany. About 1804 services were dis- continued. Within the limits of Hornellsville lived Judge George Hornell, in " the old red house". It was for his father that Hor- nellsville was named. In the red house in 1808 Rev. Samuel Parker, a young missionary and later the founder of the Oregon Mission, held services. Mr. Hornell urged that a minister be sent to reside on the field and as a result of Mr. Parker's effort Rev. Robert Hub- bard, a Congregational licentiate, came in 1811 to Almond and An- * Rev. Frank H. Bisbee furnished many facts for this sketch. t " Judge Philip Church described him as a ' broad-shoulderad man, of extraordinary muscular power,' and said ' I remember his setting so earnest on one occasion when preach- ing in Angelica, in enforcing religious precepts upon his back-woods congreeation, that in his gestures he knocked to pieces our store desk that we gave him for a pulpit".- "AUesanir County History", (1896). ^ '^ ^""gany SKETCHES OF KXISTING CHUttCHES. 63 gelica. May 5, 1812, as a result of Mr. Hubbard's work, Rev. John Niles of Bath organized the Alfred (Almond) Presbyterian Church, the oldest church in Allegany County. The leading members were those who had belonged to the earlier Dutch Reformed Church. 21 members were received — the name of George Hornell, a son of Judge Hornell, being the first recorded. The original field of the Almond Church included Arkport and Hornellsville. Henry Mc- Henry, Samuel Kerr, and Christopher Hurlbut were ordained elders on the day of organization. Angelica Church, organized next day, was grouped with Almond, and Rev. Robert Hubbard, on Aug. 20, 1812, was ordained by Geneva Presbytery and installed pastor of both. Samuel Kerr was chosen deacon. The session apparently failed to keep any records until 1827. Almond has been favored with many revivals and the church for many years was the strongest in presbytery. In 1831 nearly 100 were received; in 1834, about 30; in 1837, 48; in 1843, 27; in 1845, 26; and in 1854 about 84. In 1860 there were 375 members. The first edifice, built in 1814 on the present manse lot, is now a part of S. S. Karr's barn. The present church was erected in 1835 for about $3,000, enlarged in 1851, and repaired and modernized in 1873. In 1848 the "Gospel lot" of 100 acres, presented by the Pulteney estate to the first religious organization in the township, was sold and the manse built. The estimated value of the church is $5,000 and of the manse $1,500. The Y. P. S. C. E. was organ- ized about 1889. The following have been ordained elders: In 1812, Henry Mc- Henry, Samuel Kerr, and Christopher Hurlbut; in 1832, James Hurlbut, Christopher Cary, and Rufus Whitney; in 1837, George Karr, Moses Lockhart, Philip McHenry, Philip Ferry, and A. L. Cady; in 1846, Wm. Hyde, and Robert H. Coleman; in 1849, E. W. Ewers; in 1868, John Hamlin; in 1873, Hiram Karr, Gkohge Benjamin, and Newton S. Cartek; and in 1887, Walter Karr, and John B. Ferry. From 1812 to 1817 the church was enrolled in Geneva Presbytery; from 1817 to 1828 in Bath Presbytery; from 1828 to 1859 in Angel- ica Presbytery; from 1859 to 1886 in Genesee Valley Presbytery; and since 1886 in Steuben Presbytery. Rev. Moses Hunter* was • •• Mr. Hunter was regarded as somewbat eccentric. He had an idea that the church was vastly too much conformed to the world, especially in dress, and gave a specimen o( what men's dress ought to be. For winter he would have the cloth made of wool, equally mixed with natural black and white wool, well woven, but without any colormg or dressmg, such as was called at that day sheep's grey. The coat was made straight up and down with a narrow standing collar, and held (I think) around the body by a girdle' .-Mowry Thacher, in "Semi-Centennial of Hornellsville Church". Mr. Hunter;s appearance in General Assem- bly in this homespun dress made him somewhat a home missionary hop. Mr. Hunter later with a Rev. Dr. Ifelson, founded the" Mis.sion Institute," at Quincy, III. Mr Hunter when in Almond received pupils into his home. Among these in 1836 was a boy of 12 who later became Rev. Samuel M. Campbell, D. D. See ■• Evangelist'* Jan. U, 1897. 64 SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHUBCHES. stated clerk of Angelica Presbytery from 1828 to 1839, and Rev. Joel Wakeman, D. D., from 1846 to 1852; Eev. Isaac 6. Ogden of Genesee Valley Presbytery from 1859 to 1870; and Kev. Dwight K. Steele from 1883 to 1884. Almond has had stated meetings of pres- byteries as follows: Bath— 1818, and 1826; Angelica — 1832, 1841, 1846, 1848, 1850, 1853, and 1856; Genesee FaWey— 1859, 1865, 1869, 1873, 1879, and 1883; and 8te%ibe'n,—\88l . The following have been chosen from Almond commissioners to General Assembly: Eev. Robert Hubbard, Phila'delphia, 1819, and 1825; James Hurl- but, Philadelphia, 1834, and 1843; Eev. Moses Hunter, Philadel- phia, 1835; Eev. Joel Wakeman, D. D., Philadelphia, 1846, Detroit, 1850, and New York, 1856; A. L. Cady, M. D., Philadelphia, 1846; Robert H. Coleman, Detroit, 1850, and Cincinnati, 1862; George Karr, Harrisburg, 1868; Rev. Isaac G. Ogden, Philadelphia, 1870; and Eev. Dwight K. Steele, Pittsburg, 1878. Those who have served in the ministry are the following: Eobert Hubbard*, P., 1812-29; James Cahoon; Moses Hunter, P., 1833-9; Abiel Parmelee, 1839-44; Joel Wakeman, D. D., P., 1844-65; Gustavus E. Alden, P., 1866-7; Isaac G. Ogden, 1867-71; Joel Wakeman, D. D., 1872-4; Dwight K. Steele, P., 1875-85; D. Miz- ener, 1885^6; Lester S. Boyce, P., 1887-9; Ziba N. Bradbury, 1889-91; J. D. Hillman, 1892-3; and Frank H. Bisbee, P., 1894 to the present time. THE ANGELICA CHTJRCH (1812-18&7). " On the 6th day of May 18ia a Church was formed dt Angelica by Mr. Niles when the following persons became members, viz. : Moses VanCampen, James Renwick, David Chamberlain, Peggy Van- Campen, Prudence Johnson. Moses VanCampen was chosen and or- dained as ruling elder in the Church on the same day". Such is the first entry in the minutes. " Mr. Niles" was the Rev. John Niles of Bath — " Moses VanCampen" the famous pioneer. Major VanCam- pen. The Almond Church had been organized by Mr. Niles the day before and the two were grouped together. On Aug. 20, 1812, the Presbytery of Geneva orfained and installed Rev. Robert Hubbardf , who came in 1811, pastor of both churches. From 1845 to 1849 the Congregational form of government was used and for convenience again from 1857 to 1859. The church grew slowly until 1836 when *Died at Oanisteo May a«, 1840, aged 57. For James H. Hot<*kin's comments on Mr Hubbard, see " History of Western New York", pp. 95-97. t"Tbe installation services were held at Angelica, in the veranda of the bouse of Evert Van Wlokle, Esq., [now H.S. Hastings' 1 the female part of the congregation being oommoded with seats In the house, and most of the males in the open air m front of the house" Hotchkin. " History of ViresternNew York," p.97. Elder URIAH D. HOOD, Corning. Elder CHARLES AMSDEN, Cuba. Elder NATHANIEL C. TAYLOR, Canisteo. 1 Elder JOHN HURLBUT, Arkport. Elder JOHN A. PRENTISS, Pulteney. Elder CHARLES A. KNOX, Campbell. SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHURCHES. 65 as a result of special services conducted by Rev. Samuel W. May, assisted by Rer. Leverett Hull, about 90 were added — 48 being re- ceived on March 6th. In 1840, 160 members were reported — the highest membership ever attained. The first edifice was erected in 1829-31 on the lot next west of the residence of Hon. Fred A. Eobbins. In this building early in 1836 Miss Narcissa Prentiss, a member of the church, was married by Rev. Leverett Hull to Marcus Whitman, M. D. It was sold in 1856 to the trustees of Angelica Academy and in 1868 burned. The present church was built in 1857 and remodeled for an organ in 1866. The manse property was purchased in 1859. The Y. P. S. C. E. was organized May 39, 1890; and the Woman's Missionary Society Dec. 17, 1895. Three at least have gone out from this church to be successful workers — Rev. Asa S. Allen, who came from the Andover Church, Mrs. Marcus Whitman, who came from the Prattsburg Church, and Rev. Gilbert Eeid, A. M., of Pekin, China. The following have served in the eldership: Moses VanCampen, 1813-31; Vial Thomas, 1838-85; Samuel S. Haight, 1838-33; Wil- liam Geiger, 1838-36; Asa S. Allen, 1833-7; Charles Patrick, 1836- 43; Jacob Schoonover, 1836-41; Stephen Prentiss, 1836-43; Saxton Burr, 1853-79; Wm. B. Colson, 1853-60; H. S. Beals, 1859-75; A. B. Palmer, 1859-83; Alfred Lockhart, 1859-85; Wm. J. Niles, 1859-69; David L. Hunn, 1865-70; James Benham, 1865 ; J. E. Robinson, 1865 ; Charles P. Arnold, 1873-97; A. W. Chamberlain, 1873-3; C. C. Lovell, 1873-3; Spencer White, 1886-97; and Frederick A. Robbins, 1886-89. The church was enrolled in Geneva Presbytery Aug. 19, 1813. It was transferred to Bath Presbytery in 1817, to Angelica Presbytery in J 838, to Genesee Valley Presbytery in 1859, and to Steuben Pres- bytery in 1886. The following stated presbytery meetings have been held in Angelica: ^a«A— 1833; Angelica— 1828-9, 1830-1, 1837-8, 1841, 1846, and 1854; Genesee Valley— 1859. 1863-4, 1871, 1877, and 1886; and Steuben — 1890. Angelica has furnished the following commissioners to General Assembly: Rev. Robert Hub- bard, Philadelphia, 1819 and 1835; Rev. Moses Hunter, Philadel- phia, 1838-9 and 1833; Samuel S. Haight, Philadelphia, 1839 and 1833; Rev. Samuel W. May, Philadelphia, 1834; Rev. Leverett Hull, Philadelphia, 1837; Stephen Prentiss, Philadelphia, 1837; Charles Patrick, Philadelphia, 1840; Rev. Tyrell Blair, Buffalo, 1853; Rev. Henry E. Niles, D. D., Wilmington, 1859; Wm. J. Niles, Pittsburg, 1860; Rev. E. W. Stoddard, D. D., Cincinnati, 1863- A. B. Palmer, Philadelphia, 1863; Alfred Lockhart, St. Louis, 1866, Pittsburg, 1869, Detroit, 1873, and Cleveland, 1875; 66 SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHURCHES. Charles P. Arnold, Springfield, 1883; and Rev. David McLeod, Minneapolis, 1886. Eev. Moses Hunter was stated clerk of Angelica Presbytery from 1838 to 1839, Kev. David McLeod of Genesee Val- ley Presbytery from 1885 to its dissolution, and Kev. James A. Mil- ler, Ph. D., of Steuben Presbytery from 1896 to the present time. The following have served this church in the ministry: Robert Hubbard, P., 1812-36; Moses Hunter*, P., 1827-33; Samuel W. May, 1833-5; Leverett Hull, P., 1835-7; Abiel Parmelee, 1838; 0. W. Norton, 1839; Charles B. Smith, 1840; George M. Coan, 1841-3; James Smith, 1843; Leverett Hull, 1843-4; Horace Praser, 1845-8; Francis V. Warren, 1849; Samuel Center, 1850; Tyrell Blair, P., 1850-5; Henry E. Niles, D. D., 1856-9; Elijah W. Stoddard, D. D., 1860-4; Elias L. Boing, P., 1864-7; John Eeid, P., 1867-74; Eu- gene P. Cheeseman, 1874; Fred S. Hayden, 1874^7; Francis V. Warren, 1877; Robert R. Kendall, 1877-81; Gilbert Reid, 1882; David McLeod, P., 1883-9; and James A. Miller, Ph. D., P., 1890 to the present time. THE HOWARD CHURCH (1815-1897). Howardf, originally a part of Canisteo, was settled about 1805, but in 1811 there were not more than a dozen houses in the town. The first religious service was conducted by Rev. Samuel Parker. The Presbyterian church was organized by Rev. Enoch Whipple, a missionary, and Rev. David Higgins, of Bath, July 5, 1815, at the school house of the " Pond settlement" (Smith's Pond), three miles northeast of the present village. Rev. David Higgins preached from Acts 3:47. Seven were received by letter — " Roswel Tichner and Jane his wife, Robert Smith and Sarah his wife, David Smith and Sarah his wife, and Catherine the wife of Henry Pawling". Lewis (Ludowicus) Winne was received on examination. At this meeting the Presbyterian form of government was adopted. After the first entry no further records are preserved for over six years. The first elders recorded Were Elisha Wilber and Jacob Winne chosen Feb. 13, 1823. These, with Israel Baldwin and Lewis Winne who had been chosen at a previous meeting, were ordained by Rev. David Higgins. Israel Baldwin was clerk of session from the first until 1860 when ill health compelled his resignation. For 30 years the congregation worshipped in the school house and dwelling houses » Another man of considerable mark, who occasionally stopped with us for a sermon was Kev. Moses Hunter. He would sometimes appoint preaching at sunrise and what was more the people would come. Then he would go on toErwin Center and preach aeain taking Painted Post by the way".— Rev. Samuel M. Campbell, D. D., in dedicatory sermon "Sani? tuary Memories", at Campbell, in 1868. ■' ""uw t Most of the facts for this sketch were furnished by Rev. Hezekiah Webster. SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHUKCHEB. 67 near " the Pond". In 1835-6 an edifice was built in the village. The congregation owned 7 acres of land adjacent to the house of worship. In 1868 the manse was moved to its present site and re- paired at a cost of $1,770. In 1871 the church was renovated and a basement finished under it all, at a cost of $4,4:00. The present value of the whole property is about $4,000. During August, 1897, the church was damaged $300 by lightning. The church was enrolled in Bath Presbytery Aug. 29, 1820, and in 1862 became a part of Steuben Presbytery. The following stated meetings of presbytery have been held in Howard: Bath — 1840, 1848, and 1857; Steuben— im^, 1874, 1884, and 1893. The fol- lowing commissioners to G-eneral Assembly have been selected from this church: Eev. Levi Eose, Philadelphia, 1849; Eev. William E. Downs, Chicago, 1858; Eev. Ziba N. Bradbury, St. Louis, 1874; Martin Higgitis, Saratoga, 1884; and Alonzo VanWie, Detroit, 1891. There is a Woman's Missionary Society, and a Ladies' Aid Society. The Y. P. S. C. E., organized early in 1889, is a union society of the Presbyterian and Baptist Churches. Rev. A. Willard Cooper started for his mission field iu Siam while his father was supplying this church, and Miss Larissa Cooper, his sister, also in Siam, was for a time a member of this church. In Howard village Dr. Marcus Whitman induced Eev. and Mrs. H. H. Spalding to exchange the Osage for the Oregon Mission. The following 21 men have been elders, ordained in the years given: 1822, Israel Baldwin, Ludowi- cus Winne, Elisha Wilber, and Jacob Winne; 1829, John Conner; 1833, Henry VanHousen, and David Stevenson; 1847, Samuel Ei- der; 1852, Edwin Shaver, and Isaac Baldwin; 1857, James Hoag- land, and Alexander Conner; 1863, AifDKEW Sharp, and Abkam H. Baldwin; 1869, Alonzo VanWie, and Martin Higgins; 1871, Henry J. VanWik, and William S. Gofl; 1875, Francis Otis; 1893, Henry McAdam; and 1895, John W. Willis. In 1869 the rotary system of eldership was adopted. Eev. Ziba N. Bradbury is the only installed pastor the church has had. He was ordained in this church upon graduation from the seminary, labored here an aggregate of ten years in three distinct periods, and died while ministering here. Two ministers of this church lie in the Howard cemetery — Levi Eose, and Ziba N. Brad- bury. Among the supplies during the first ten years were Joseph Crawford, Stalham Clary, and James H. Hotchkin. From 1826 the list of ministers is as follows: Lyman Barrett, 1826 — April, 1834; Samuel T. Babbitt, April, 1834— April, 1835; David High, occa- sionally during 1835; John T. Baldwin, 1836—1837; William Good- ell^ 1839—1842; Gilbert North rup, 1842—1843; John G. L. Has- 68 SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHUECHES. kins, 1843 — 1844; Levi Kose, 1845 — to his death June 4, 1852; Edwin Benedict, December, 1853—1854; William R. Downs, 1855 —1858; Frederick Graves, 1859—1861; Ziba N. Bradbury, 1862— 1866; Charles Milne, 1867—1868; James H. Board, 1868—1872; Ziba N. Bradbury, P., 1872—1876; Ephraim W. Kellogg, April, 1877— March, 1880; Alvin Cooper, 1881—1885; W. H. Shelland (a Lutheran minister), 1887—1888; Nathan Bosworth, 1890-1891; Ziba N. Bradbury, 1891 — to his death April 4, 1893; Joseph P. White, September, 1893 — September, 1894; and Hezekiah Webster, April 1, 1895, to the present time. THE PULTENEY CHURCH (1817-1897). Rev. James H. Hotchkin* began preaching occasionally within Pulteney as early as 1809. Soon after Jabish Havens, an elder of the Ulysses Church, settled in Pulteney and instituted regular Sab- bath worship'. July 29, 1815, Rev. James H. Hotchkin presided in a meeting held at the house of Augustus Tyler, when the Presbyte- rian Society was organized and John Williams, John Ellis, and Jabish Havens elected trustees. Mar. 19, 1817, Jabish Havens re- quested of the Bath Presbytery, holding its first meeting in Pratts- burg, assistance in organizing a church. Presbytery appointed Rev. Ebenezer Lazel and Rev. James H. Hotchkin a committee to visit Pulteney and assist in organizing if expedient. At Bath, Aug. 26, 1817, this committee reported to presbytery that a church of 12 members had been organized in Pulteney June 2, 1817. Services at the first were held generally in the school houses. During the ininistry of Rev. Beriah Hotchkin three school houses were used — that at Stewart's Corners, that near Mr. Tyler's, and that near Mr. Champlin's. For one year Mr. Hotchkin supplied Pulteney in connection with Wheeler — removing then to Pulteney and giving his whole time. Rev. Ziba N. Bradbury ministered to this church over 18 years — 5 years at one time and 13 years at an- other. During 1831, under Rev. Samuel White's ministry, 57 mem- bers were received; in April, 1837, under Rev. B. B. Smith, 32 were received; in March, 1849, under the second ministry of Rev. Samuel White, 26 were enrolled; and 25, Apr. 10, 1870, under Hev. Z. N. Bradbury. The society received a gift of 100 acres from the Pul- teney estate. The first edifice was built during 1835 near the house of Mr. Nevyus. The location of the edifice was the occasion of a division of the church. About 20 members living at the south extremity of the town took letters of dismission and were organized * Many of the facts of this sketch were furnished by Rev. William.A. Reid, Ph.D. Elder CHAUNCEY P. HUBBARD, Woodhull. Elder PHILIP C. HOAG, Cohocton. Elder MARTIN HIGGINS, Howard. Elder ALONZO VAN WIE, Howard. Elder THADDEUS J. BAKER, M. D., Andover. Elder T. SCOTT THACHER, Hornellsville. sSbtchbs of existing churches. 69 into a Congregational church in connection with the Genesee Con- sociation. This church survived about 15 years. Rev. Elijah Wool- age, Rev. Samuel Porter, and Rev. Samuel White being its minis- ters. The present edifice in Pulteney village was built in 1851. By the help of Rev. John S. Bacon, who lives in Pulteney. it was in 1895 cleared of debt, and in this same year seat rents were abolished and the envelope system started. The society owns a manse. The Pulteney Church was enrolled in Bath Presbytery Aug. 26, 1817, and in 1862 came into Steuben Presbytery. The following stated meetings of presbytery have been held in Pulteney: Bath — 1819, 1838, 1843, 1855, and 1858; Steuben— 19,&&, 1871, and 1878. Presbytery has chosen the following commissioners to General As- sembly from the Pulteney Church: Rev. Charles Yale, Philadel- phia, 1824; Daniel S. Benton, Pittsburg, 1835, and Philadelphia, 1838; Rev. Theron L. Waldo, Brooklyn, 1876; and Rev. Ziba N. Bradbury, Omaha, 1887. The list of ministers is as follows: Ebenezer Lazel, 1817-20 (about); Charles Yale, P., 1823-5; Beriah Hotchkin, Oct., 1824-7; Stalham Clary, May, 1828-30; Samuel White, April, 1831— Sept., 1832; Asa Messer; Benjamin B. Smith, July, 1834— June 1, 1837; Samuel T. Babbitt, July 2, 1837— Jan., 1840; James H. Hotchkinf, Jan. 2, 1841— April, 1843; Samuel White, P., May, 1843— October, 1852; Francis V. Warren, April, 1853 — October, 1859; Albo L. Green, Oct. l, 1865— Jan., 1867; Ziba N. Bradbury, Jan. 1, 1867 — Sept. 29, 1872; Theron L. Waldo, July 1, 1873— May, 1876; Ziba N. Bradbury, P., July 1, 1876— July 1, 1889; C. C. Thome, Nov. I, 1889— Nov. 1, 1890; William C. Matthews, P., Sept. 1, 1891— June 3, 1894; and Williagi A. Reid, Ph. D., Dec. 26, 1895 to the present time. In the following list of elders those who died in office are starred: Jacob Bachman, June 9, 1817 — Aug. 19, 1861*; Jabish Havens, June 9, 1817— Mar. 29, 1840*; John Prentiss, June 9, 1817 — Nov., 18-40*; Joseph Hathaway, Nov. 1, 1817— June 1, 1827; Eli Picket, April 10, 1819 ; Benjamin Welles, April, 1829 — July 26, 1885*; Joseph Vorheis, Oct. 23, 1831 ; John Coryell, Oct. 23, 1831— Nov. 9, 1885*; Daniel S. Benton, Oct. 23, 1831— Feb. II, 1853*; Joseph St. John, Jan. 27, 1839— Sept. 30, 1852*; Josiah Dunlap, Jan. 27, 1839— May 22, 1858; John A. Prentiss, July 26, 1863— May 8, 1878*; Beriah H. Hotchkin, July 26, 1863— June 1, 1877*; Jacob Hess, July 26, 1863— Feb. 17, 1872*; Hiram D. To- t " The Rev. James H. Hotchkin, an admirable specimen of the clergy of the olden time. He stood erect, full six feet high and well proportioned, had a fine forehead, crowned with hair as white as snow: was educated, correct, dignified, genial, orthodox; and.when be fell a-preacb!ng or a-praying, kept straight on totbeendof his subject, without the slightest regard to flie whims of his congregation, or the tokens of passing time".— Bev. Ur.S. M. Campbell in " Sanctuary Memories". 70 SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHUBCHES. mer, June 23, 1867— May, 1892*; Wilson Nevtus, Feb. 8, 1874— ; Jeremiah J. Hess, Feb. 8, 1874 ; Calvin McKinney, Sept. 4, 1892—1893; WlLLlAM Hess, Apr. 1, 1893 ; Amasa J. Nichols, Apr. 30, 1893 ; and Fkank C. Pollat, Oct. 13, 1894 . THE ANDOVER CHURCH (1834-1897). The* first religious serrice in Andover was held in the house of Nathaniel Dike, the first settler of Allegany County, by Rev. Silas Hubbard. Thaddeus, Alpheus, Seth, and Joseph Baker, who came about 1808, though not members, were attached to the Con- gregational Church. Joseph Woodruff who came soon after the Bakers, Mrs. Luther Strong who with her husband and family came about 1815, deacon and Mrs. Asa S. Allen and Amherst Kingsbury who came in 1823, were members of Congregational churches. On July 14, 1834. a Congregational church was organized by Rev. Robert Hubbard, pastor of the Angelica and Almond churches, and the following persons received as members: Joseph Woodruff, Sam- uel Mallory, Amherst Kingsbury, Asa S. Allen, Lydia Allen, and Abigail Strong. Asa S. Allen was chosen deacon and clerk. The church became Presbyterian Nov. 3^ 1876. The following have been ordained elders: Nov. 3, 1876, John Bowlsby, Thaddeus J. Baker, M. D., and Martin L. Comstock; Feb. 5, 1881, Oliver Rose- bush, and Geo. Oestrich; June 37, 1886, Thomas Comstock, and James E. REHiiON; Jan. 30, 1887, Waldo W. Miller; Oct. 36, 1890, John Knox Millee, and William H. Phillips; 1897, Geokge W. Pkobasco. The church was enrolled in Bath Preslbytery from Jan. 30, 1837, to Oct. 7, 1838; in Angelica Presbytery from Oct. 7, 1838, to Sept. 38, 1858; in Genesee Valley Presbytery from Sept. 38, 1858, to Oct. 31, 1886; since then it has belonged to Steuben Presbytery. An- gelica Presbytery held stated meetings in Andover in 1848 and 1855: Genesee Valley in 1864, 1868, 1875, and 1880; and Steuben in 1888. The following commissioners to General Assembly have been chosen from Andover: Asa S. Allen, Philadelphia, 1833; Elijah Hunt, Troy, 1856; T. J. Baker, M. D., Chicago, 1877; Rev. Albert C. Titus, Saratoga, 1879; W. W. Miller, Omaha, 1887; and Rev. George M. Janes, Saratoga, 1896. The first church building, dedicated Dec. 11, 1840, was destroyed by fire in 1866. The present edifice was dedicated Jan. 33, 1868, and, after thorough repairing, i-ededicated in August, 1887. A manse owned several years in the early history was finallv sold. * Rev. George M. Janes contributed manT (acts to this sketch SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHURCHES. 71 The present manse was built in 1893. The Y. P. S. C. E. was or- ganized Jan. 30, 1890. There is a Woman's Missionary Society, a Ladies' Aid Society, and a Mission Band. Four at least from the congregation have entered the ministry — Daniel Russell, Asa S. Allen, Daniel Eedmond, Ph. D., and James A. Miller, Ph. D. The " Harvest Home", held anilually in a grove, is an established insti- tution of this church. The following ministers have served the church: Silas Hubbard, 1827-9; Jabez Spicer*, M. D., 1839-35; Asa S. Allen, 1838-9; Benjamin Russell, 1840-3; Jacob Russel, 1843-4; James Conley, 1845-6; Samuel A. Rawson, 1851-3; James Conley, 1854-6; Poster Lilly, 1856; J. Blakeslop, 1856-7; Benjamin Russell, 1858-9; Jo- seph R. Johnson, 1859-60; J. Wynkoop, 1860-3; Philander Camp, 1863-8; Benjamin Russell, 1871-4; George B. Nutting, 1874; J. S. Bingham, 1874r-6; Albert C. Titus, 1876-81; Jesse Lee, 1883-3; Benjamin G. VanCleve, P., 1886-9; and George M. Janes, 1889 to the present time. THE CENTERVILLE CHURCH (1824-1897). Rev. Silas Hubbard organized this church with 14 members July 35, 1824. In 1843 it had 109 communicants. There are now but a few members, and, excepting the summer of 1897, there have been no services for years. It was enrolled in Genesee Presbytery in 1834, in Angelica Presbytery in 1829, in Genesee Valley Presby- tery in 1859, and in Steuben Presbytery in 1886. Among its min- isters have been: Horatio Waldo, John T. Baldwin, Lemuel Hall, Phinehas Smith, Leonard Rogers, Samuel Sessions, Lyman B. Wal- do, John W. Lane, and Franklin S. Spencer. A house of worship, costing $3,000, was erected during the ministry of Rev. John W. Lane. THE CUBA CHURCH (1834-1897). Thef first preaching in Cuba was about 1830 by Rev. Robert Hub- bard of Angelica. The Cuba Presbyterian Church was organized by Rev. Reuben Hurd, and Capt. James Davison, of the Haight Presbyterian Church, July 19, 1837. The ten who then united were Henry Stephens, William Hicks, Kendal Wilder, Gordon Ken- edy, Horatio Orton, Elinor Baird, Margaret Huntley, Lucy Hicks, Eunice Brownson, and Lucy Kenedy. Feb. 8, 1833, Kendal Wil- "^n is said that Rev. Jabez Rpicer, who was also a physician, was the first to practice mf.diriiJI hwe fAndoverJ. This is related o£ him. Receiving an urgent call to visit a patient medicine nere 1^"^" . ' ^j , gunday sermon, he announced that the meeting would ^"^'t^5?„?,?nP^ fortwo hours ■straddled' his horse, went several miles, visited his pa- s'! retrnJd and resumed the services where they had been dropped'-.-Centemiial ifis- tory Allegany County , » v, t Rev. Robert Clements furnished most of the facts for this sketch. 72 SKETCHES or EXI8TIXG CHURCHES. ner and Josiah Bond were, chosen elders. In 1833 there was a revi- val which added 89 to the church, and in 1838 another which added about 50. Feb. 13, 1835, the church adopted the Congregational form of government. Aug. 26, 1835, 48 persons were dismissed to form the Friendship Congregational Church. Before this date the two were together — the services being held sometimes in Cuba and sometimes in Friendship. June 18, 1842, the church became fully Congregational, and Oct. 1, 1842, fully and finally Presbyterian. The first structure was completed and dedicated in 1838. In 1870 this was removed that the present edifice, built during the pastorate of Rev. Corliss B. Gardner, D. D., might be erected. The corner stone was laid July 4, 1871, and it was dedicated June 13, 1872. It cost about $20,000. In 1892, by the will of Mrs. Mary Gurnee Lancaster, the church acquired her home for a manse, and about $1,500 have been expended since in repairs. The following is a list of the elders: Kendal Wilder, 1833-64; Josiah Bond, 1833; Eli R. Burr, 1834-42; Obadiah Rouse, 1834-5; Stephen Bartle, 1842-71; Joseph Bachus, 1842-3; Stephen Pren- tiss, 1842 ; Horatio Orton, 1843-53; Martin Smith, 1845-8; Wolcott Hatch, 1845-62; Ammi Carrier, 1845-8; John Hurty, 1845 ; Henry A. Mead, 1851-79; Charles Amsden, 1853-88; Charles P. Robinson, 1860-5; Amasa Fuller, 1871-96; Altin B. Webstek, 1871-97; Enos Keller, 1871-93; John C. Young, 1876- 95; J. Monroe Barnes, 1879-91; Robert C. Mead, 1888-92; Wal- ter J. Amsden, 1891-7; Palmer P. Peckham, 1892-7; Charles H. Fuller, 1892-7; Albert H. Bishop, 1893-7; and Clinton H. Miner, 1895-7. Rev. Reuben Hurd of Haight, and Rev. Moses Hunter of Angeli- ca, supplied occasionally for the first few years. The list of minis- ters is as follows: Samuel W. May (also supplied Angelica), 1833-5; William Bridgeman (half time at Friendship), 1835-6; Asa S. Allen, 1837-46; Nathan Leighton, 1846-9; Jefferson Wynkoop, P., 1849- 52; Nathan Allen, P., 1853-9; William C. White, 1860-1; John E. Baker, 1863-5; Corliss B. Gardner, D. D., P., 1865-74; John C. Taylor, P., 1875-83; Charles P. Luce, Ph. D., P., 1883-9; Wil- liam G. White, P., 1890-4; and Robert Clements, P., 1894 to the present time. This church was enrolled in Angelica Presbytery Feb. 24, 1829" Jan. 4, 1859, enrolled in the new Genesee Valley Presbytery; and Oct. 21, 1886, became a part of Steuben Presbytery. It has enter- tained the following stated presbytery meetings: Angelica 1839 1844, 1847, and 1854; Genesee Valler/— 1863, 1870, 1874, 1878' 1881, and 1884; Steuben— 1888, and 1894. The following from k. \.^* 'i ^mm ■ Elder EDWARD H. SMITH, Painted Post. gi^j^^ ADDISON AINSWORTH, Prattsburg. mm^ M w^ >^ljt I ^ 'M i 1 ^^^^^y -';?i» , ■M. m- Elder JAMES CRAIG, Canaseraga. Elder HYATT C. HATCH, Atlanta. Ar. CHARLES HARTSHORN, Hornellsville. Mr. JOHN D. HAMILTON, Campbell. SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHURCHES. 73 Cuba have represented presbytery as commissioners to General As- sembly: Rev. Asa S. Allen, Philadelphia, 1838, and 1840; Rev. Nathan Allen, and Stephen Bartle, St. Louis, 1855; Kendal Wil- der, Dayton, 1864; Henry A. Mead, Rochester, 1867; Rev. Corliss B. Gardner, D. D., New Tork, 1869, and St. Louis, 1874; Rev. John C. Taylor, Buffalo, 1881; and Rev. Cliarles P. Luce, Ph. D., New York, 1889. Rev. Asa S. Allen was stated clerk of Angelica Presbytery from 1839 to 1846, and Rev. John C. Taylor of Genesee Valley Presbytery from 1882 to 1883. July 18 and 19, 1897, this church celebrated its seventieth anni- versary with fitting services. THE JASPER CHURCH (1824-1897). Bennett's Creek* Presbyterian Church was enrolled in Bath Pres- bytery Aug. 29, 1826, Enoch Ordway of Jasper appearing as elder. To this church Jasper Presbyterians belonged. Aug. 37, 1829, Bath Presbytery granted a petition presented by Jasper residents of the Bennett's Creek Church asking to be organized as an independ- ent church. Oct. 29, 1829, the committee of presbytery — Rev. Da- vid Higgins, Bath, Rev. Lyman Barrett, Naples, and Israel Bald- win, Howard — met the petitioners in Jasper at the house of Henry Prentice and organized the Jasper Presbyterian Church by receiving 24 members from the Bennett's Creek Church, and 4 from the Bath Church. Next day Joshua Sargent and Enoch Ordway were con- stituted elders. Services were held the first year in Henry Prentice's house; next year in the Wellis house on the Francis Woodward place; then sev- eral years in a log school house near the Hampshire Church. In 1846 a church was built on the State road, occupied a few times be- fore completion, finished Nov. 24th, and burned Sabbath Nov. 25th, before service. A portion of the " glebe lot" of 100 acres, donated by the Pulteney estate to the first church organized in the township, was sold, and another edifice was erected near the Hampshire school house. This house was dedicated in December, 1849. Feb. 15, 1872, the present building in Jasper village, built for $6,000, was dedicated and occupied. The church owns a manse with large lot and barn. From its organization to 1836 the Jasper Church belonged to Bath Presbytery. In 1836, with the other South Steuben churches, it was set off into the new Chemung Presbytery. Upon petition of the church, synod in October, 1847, restored it to Bath Presbytery — t jiuch essential to this sketch was gleaned from John L. Jenkins' printed sermon. 74 SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHURCHES. the only one of the South Steuben churches. Since 1863 it has been enrolled in Steuben Presbytery. Jasper has had four stated meet- ings of presbytery: Bath — 1854, and 1859; Stevben — 1877, and 1886. It has had one commissioner to General Assembly — Charles G. Hutchinson, Saratoga, 1894. Two have gone out to the foreign mission field — Rev. J. L. Whiting to China, and Olive Whiting to Japan. The Y. P. S. C. E. was organized May 34, 1896, and the Junior Society a few weeks before. The " Semi-Centennial" sermon preached in 1879 by Rev. John L. Jenkins was published. The following is a list of elders with their years of service: Joshua Sargent, 1839-83; Enoch Ordway, 1839-33; Jonathan B. Prentice, 1831-80; David Woodward, 1833-53; Thomas Whiting, 1847-78; Wm. H. Prentice, 1847-78; Samuel Dennis, 1864^83; J. Sumner Sargent, 1870-97; Jonathan L. Ordway, 1870-97; Charles G. Hutchinson, 1883-97; Arthur S. Lamson, 1883-97; J. Burn- ham Sargent, 1889-97; Oscar J. Cole, 1889-97; and Oliver M. Whiting, 1889-97. For a good many years the Jasper minister has served also the Woodhull Church. The following is the list of ministers: Woolwich, 1830; Jeremiah L. Pomeroy, 1831-4; Noah Thomas, 1834; Oren Johnsbn, 1835-6; Robert Hubbard, 1837-8; Noah Cressy*, 1839-41; Thomas W. Duncan, 1843-5; George T. Everest, P., 1846-51; George Spalding, 1853-3; Harvey Hyde, 1854-6; George VanDeurs, 1857-8; Samuel A. Rawson, 1858-67; Alexan- ander Gulick, 1868-73; John E. Beecher, 1873-6; Arthur N. Bru- en, 1876-9; John L. Jenkins, 1879-83; Minor Swick, 1884-9; Ed- win H. Burgess, 1889-91; Charles W. Maccarthy, 1891-5; and Al- bert R. Crawford, 1896 to the present time. THE CAMPBELL CHURCH (1831-1897). Thef first attempt to organize a church in Campbell was not suc- cessful. Prom 1811 to 1814 there were a good many meetings of " The First Presbyterian Cohocton Congregation or Society". Rev. Clement Hickman, of Painted Post (Corning), was secured for one- fourth of his time at the rate of $500 per year. It was voted to build a church, but nothing came of it except that Mr. Hickman preached often. The Campbell Presbyterian Church was organized ' *His first sermon at Jasper was from full not^s. The people went home saying, " We can do our own reading''. It came to his ears, and the next Sunday he not only "preached with- out notes, but gave out and repeated his hymns, and repeated a good long chapter from the Bible without opening a book. It is said he never after that opened a Bible or a hymn book in that pulpit— though not often conducting his service at Campbell in that way. See Dr 8. M. Campbell's "Sanctuary Memories". + Most of the facts essential to this sketch have been taken from Rev. Samuel W Pratt's published "Semi-Centennial Sermon" of Feb. 80, 1881. " SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHURCHES. 75 Feb. 16, 1831, by a committee of Bath Presbytery— Kev. David Higgins, Bath, Rev. Merit 0. Plarmon, Big Plats, and Charles Fry, Big Flats. The meeting was held in the school house just below the Curtis bridge, where Rev. B. B. Smith was holding revival meetings. There were seven charter members, all received from the Painted Post (Corning) Church— Joseph and Abigail Stevens, Mrs. Rhoda Nute, Mrs. Hannah Campbell, Jared Stevens, Jonas Stevens, and Mrs. Eliza Stevens. For about 30 years, when not grouped with some other church, this church received aid from the A. H. M. Society, but since that time has given to Home Missions over $3,000. In 1831, 28 were added, 21 in 1840, 29 in 1860, 18 in 1866, and 30 in 1879, the largest increase in its history being under the ministry of Rev. S. W. Pratt. The Y. P. S. C. E. was organized Jan. 6, 1889, out of a Young People's Society organized in 1877. The church was enrolled in Bath Presbytery June 31, 1831, set off into Chemung Presbytery in 1836, and into Steuben Presbytery in 1862. Campbell has entertained the following stated meetings of presbyteries: ^a Smith. ..u^^ j^: The fibvl^ch.iwas enrolled in Chemung Presbytery April 20, 1841, at m. meeting, held in Elmira. In 1862 it came into Steuben Presby- tery. Theiloljowiiig stated meetings of presbytery have been held with tihis church:, Chemung — 1846, 1853, and 1861; Steuben — 1864, 1866, 1869, and 1880. The following commissioners to Gen- eral Assembly .b^'Ve been chosen from this church: Rev. Charles C. Carr, and Pliny Cobb, Cleveland, 1857; Charles J. Chatfield, Day- ton, 1864;, Benjamin Farewell, Harrisburg, 1868; Rev. Joel Wake- man, D. D., New York, and Pittsburg, 1869; Warren S. Hodg- man, Pittsburg, 1895. THE ARKPORT CHURCH (1852-1897). The* proximity of the then existing Burns Church, of the Almond Church, and of the Hornellsville First Church, delayed for years the organization of ^ church at Arkport. A Sunday School was organ- ized in Judge Hurlbut's saw mill, just west of the present parson- age, by Miss Abigail Hurlbut, in June, 1798, which was maintained every summer from May to October until the church was organ- ized and all the time since. Rev. Moses Hunter, of Almond, preached in the evening from 1834 to 1835. The edifice came be- 'Many facts of this sketch were furnished by John Hurlbut. SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHURCHES. 8'? fore the formal organization. It was dedicated Dec. 16, 1851, hav- ing cost about $1,500, but burned Dec. 23, 1851, without insurance. Rev. Benjamin Welles came in this month. Before the holidays were over a contract had been let for a new building to cost $1^650. While this edifice was in the carpenter's hands, on Mar. 13, 1852, the church was organized by Kev. Benjamin Welles, and Kev. Joel Wakeman, D. D., of Almond. Of the 30 members enrolled, 15 were named Hurlbut, and 6 Cary. The following have served this church in the ministry: Benja- min Welles, Dec. 7, 1851-Aug. 7, 1853; Giles B. Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1853-Sept. 9, 1855; Erwin W. Allen, Sept. 23, 1855- Apr. 17, 1859; John E. Baker, P., July 19, 1859-Jan. 4, 1863; Wm. P. Teits- worth. May 24, 1863-Apr. 24, 1864; Samuel D. W. Westfall, Nov. 5, 1865-Jan. 5, 1868; Willis C. Gaylord, Apr. 9, 1871-Dec. 31, 1871; George K Todd, Nov. 15, 1874-Mar. 30, 1884; Erwin C. Hull, P., June 30, 1885-Apr. 21, 1897; and Jay Forbes Eobinson, July 1, 1897, to the present time. The following have been ordained elders: Mar. 13, 1852, James Hurlbut and Johnson Cary; June 17, 1854, John J. Sharp; July 4, 1858, John Hurlbut; Jan 28, 1866, Henry B. Loveland; Dec. 1, 1872, Jarvis P. Case; June 3, 1882, Myron Hurlbut, and Jo- seph C. Gray; and May 28, 1890, Norman 0. Wheeler. The church was enrolled in Angelica Presbytery, June 8, 1852. Feb. 16, 1859, it was enrolled in Genesee Valley Presbytery, and in 1870 transferred to Steuben Presbytery. Angelica Presbytery held a stated meeting in Arkport in 1853, Genesee Valley in 1868, and Steuben in 1879 and 1895. Rev. Erwin C. Hull was commissioner to General Assembly at Washington in 1893, and John Hurlbut to that of 1896 at Saratoga. The present edifice, dedicated July 15, 1852, is valued at about $2,000. A manse was built in 1887 costing with the lot $3,200. John Hurlbut was elected Sunday School superintendent Jan. 1, 1858, and has been re-elected every year since. The Y. P. S. C. E. was organized Sept. 12, 1886, and the Junior Society Oct. 29, 1893. The Woman's Missionary Society and the Ladies' Aid Society were organized in 1852. 278 have been received into church member- ship. ^ THE CANISTEO CHURCH (1853-1897). The* Presbyterian was the first church organized in Canisteo, and it was established only after the community had been settled over "^The facts essential to this slieteh were contributed by Rer. Duncan Cameron, and Orton O. Laine. 88 SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHURCHES. 60 years. In July, 1849, Eev. Horatio Pattengill, D. D., Hor- nellsville, began preaching occasionally, and regular services were instituted in 1851. The society was organized Mar. 20, 1852, and the church Mar. 30, 1853, with the following members: Stephen E. Sturdevant, Harriet R. Sturdevant, Sarah Waters, Joseph Ash- ley, Sr., Henry Acker, Peter Myers, Sarah Ann Taylor, and Judith Thomson. The following constituted the first board of trustees: Thomas J. Magee, William H. Mead, Peter Myers, William B. Jones, B. C. Richey, and Nathaniel C. Taylor. The first session consisted of Joseph Ashley, Sr., Stephen P. Sturdevant, and Peter Myers. The ministers have been the following: George Spaulding, P., Apr. 15, 1853-June 19, 1860; Lewis F. Laine, Oct. 15, 1860-Oct. 15, 1873; J. Hallock Brown, Feb. 1, 1874-Dee. 20, 1878; Daniel J. Robertson, Mar. 31, 1879-Oct. 19, 1884; Ross C. Houghton, D. D., and other supplies, 1884-7; and Duncan Cameron, Nov. 1, 1887- Nov. 1, 1897. The first church edifice was dedicated Feb. 15, 1853, at a cost of $1,500 exclusive of the ground. It was enlarged in 1877 at a cost including the pipe organ of $4,500. It was again enlarged in 1889 at a cost of $1,000. The manse was erected in 1854 costing $1,000, enlarged in 1888 at a cost of $800, and in 1892 at a cost of $600. The present value of the church property is $10,000. During the history of the church the following have served ag elders: Joseph Ashley, Sr., Stephen P. Sturdevant, Peter Myers, Eli R. Wright, Nathaniel C. Taylor, Peter Masten, Leveritt Grang- er, Levi Totten, James Easton, Alonzo Davison, Loren D. B. Rid- dell, Martin Lee Taylor, John E. McCaig, Charles H. Edson, Wil- liam T. Bailey, Frank R. Waldo, Oktok 0. Laine, Frank H. Robinson, Daniel M. Estee, Geokge C. Totten, Horace S. Bebbe, George Walker, Henry S. Taylor, Mortimore Alli- son, Jr., and Benjamin S. Stephens. The Y. P. S. C. E. was organized in December, 1892. The church has in addition Junior Endeavor, Ladies' Aid Society, Ladies' Missionary Society, Sunday School with a large Home De- partment, Men's Meetings, Senior and Junior divisions, and two out preaching stations. Rev.' G. W. Easton grew up in this con- gregation. Revivals visited the church in 1865, 1871, 1877, 1891, 1894, and 1896. A history of the Canisteo Church would be very incomplete without special mention being made of Nathaniel C. Taylor — untiring in his devotion to the local church and to the de- nomination. The Canisteo Church was enrolled in Bath Presbytery June 29, SKETCHES 0» EXISTIKG CHURCHES. 89 1853, and in 1862 became a part of Steuben Presbytery. The fol- lowing stated meetings of presbytery have been held with this church: Bath—18bt; Steuben— 1S&^, 1868, 1873, 1880, and 1890. Presby- tery has chosen the following commissioners to General Assembly from this church: Rev. George Spaulding, Cleveland, 1857; Nathaniel 0. Taylor, Cleveland, 1857, Wilmington, 1859, Philadel- phia, 1863, and 1870; Eev. Lewis P. Laine, Brooklyn, 1865; Kev. Daniel J. Eobertson, Saratoga, 1883; and Rev. Duncan Cameron, Saratoga, 1894. The growth of the church is evident from the following statistics, taking the figures of every fifth year: MEMBERS. BENEVOLENCE. CONGREGATIONAL. 1855 21 « 40 % 1861 40 27 1865 60 83 ; «60 18T0 63 68 650 1875 85 69 1,200 1881 125 248 l.SOO USS 120 178 1.300 isal 160 626 2,323 1896 343 882 2,04S THE CANASERAGA CHURCH (1873-1897). The* Canaseraga Presbyterian Church was organized by Rev. James H. Board, Oct. 26, 1873, and was enrolled in Steuben Pres- bytery Apr. 16, 1873. Mr. Board gave half of his time to the Os- sian Church, six miles away in Rochester Presbytery. The charter members were from the Burns Presbyterian Church, which by their withdrawal became extinct. These were Augustus and Harriet Comstock, Zenas and Comfort Bailey, Milo E. and Jennette Carter, Mrs. Martha Barnum, Mrs. Mercy N. Barnum, Mrs. Sarah Carter, Mrs. Sarah Webb, Mrs. Carrie Payne, Sarah Gorham, and H. E. Peabody. Early in 1893 a revival brought in many and the mem- bership is now 100. From June, 1873, to the fall of 1874 the services were held in the Baptist Church. From that time to the completion of the present edifice the congregation worshipped in a hall fitted up by them in the second story of a store owned by John C. Boyd. The present church, completed in 1876, was dedicated Jan. 18, 1877, — Rev. W. A. Niles, D. D., of Hornellsville, preaching in the morning and Rev. James M. Piatt, D. D., of Bath, in the evening. It cost about $3,000. Early in 1889 the manse was built, costing about $1 000. The Y. P. S. C. E. was organized Nov. 13, 1893. This church has sent into the ministry Rev. Ernest L. Tiffany, M. D., and Fred A. Crandall is now preparing. The elders have been "♦All the facta of this sketch were furnished by Eev. Evan R. Evans, Ph. D. 90 SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHDKCHES. Zenas Bailey, Henry Dora, James Craig, and Willis H. Babnum. The following have ministered to the church: Eev. James H. Board, June, 1873-Oct. 5, 1884; Kev. Daniel W. Marvin, 5 Sabbaths; Mr. W. I. Sweet, an Auburn student, the summer of 1885; Rev. William 0. Brass, May 3, 1886-Oct. 28, 1888 (at Ossian also); and Rev. Evan R. Evans, Ph. D., the present minister, who took charge Nov. 35, 1888. This church entertained presbytery in 1883 and 1894. Eev. Evan R. Evans, Ph. D., represented presbytery at General Assembly in Pittsburg in 1895. The Burns Presbyterian Church was organized June 23, 1833. Rev. Robert Hubbard preached the first sermon July 19, 1833. Rev. Benjamin Russell was the first pastor, receiving $175 a year, and a similar amount from the Hornellsville First Church, where he labored every second Sunday. There was a similar arrangement with Rev. Thomas M. Hodgman, Burns paying $200 towards his salary. The following is the list of ministers: Benjamin Russell, J. G. Haskins, Thomas M. Hodgman, Royal Twichel, H. E. Wood- cock, Samuel A. Rawson (served 8 years), John E. Baker, and W. U. Gaylord. THE HORNELLSVILLE HARTSHORN CHURCH (1891-1896). Owing* to a canvass made in what is now the first ward by Misses Ella Gray and Susie Piatt, and later by Mrs. Charles Hartshorn, a Sunday School was organized in a private house on Arkport street by Russell M. Tuttle, and B. Rockwell, of the Y. M. C. A., on the first Sunday in June, 1879. Of this school T. J. 0. Thacher was superintendent for 17 years continuously. Charles Hartshorn, whose name the church very appropriately bears, erected a chapel for the use of this school on the corner of Steuben street and Mad- ison avenue, the corner stone being laid Oct. 3, 1882, and the ed- ifice dedicated to Sunday School work Nov. 11, 1883. After the death of Mr. Hartshorn the chapel was deeded to the trustees by Mrs. Hartshorn, and Feb. 17, 1891, the Home Mission committee of presbytery organized a church of 36 members. Rev. William Veenschoten, who had been preaching here about a year, continued to minister until Dec. 1, 1893. He was succeeded by Rev. George P. Danforth who remained until September, 1894. Eev. Andrew McC. Brown supplied from April until December, 1895. In May, 1896, Eev. Fred E. Walton was called as pastor and began his work. The elders ordained at organization were Henry Dore, James B. Finch, and Cokkelius CoNDEEMAiir. Those or- *The facts of this sketch were furnished by Eev. Fred E. Walton. SKETCHES OF EXISTING CHURCHES. 91 dained since have been Walter Kekidleb, Lores C. Willet, Thomas Nephew, and Charles S. Bowmak. During the past fourteen months 65 ha*re united with this church — 47 of whom have been upon examination. Nearly 200 are en- rolled in the Sunday School. In the church are two ladies' socie- ties, two Endeavor societies, and a very successful club of young men — the "Thecimeum". THE ATLANTA CHURCH (1894-1897). Those* of the 500 residents of Atlanta who attended church being obliged to go to the neighboring village, the need of a church was long apparent. There were only five Presbyterians in the commun- ity — Mrs. P. L. D. Wetmore, Mrs. Elizabeth Pierce, Mrs. Edith A. Hatch, Mrs. Sarah Conderman, and Mrs. Judith A. Clayson. El- der W. P. Wise well, of the Naples Church, was consulted, and Mrs. Hatch and Mrs. Wetmore as a committee made a canvass of the community for a Presbyterian church. Rev. H. P. McAdam, D. D., of Rochester, was invited to come and preached first Apr. 8, 1894, to an audience of 130. Apr. 22, 1894, the Sunday School was organ- ized with Hyatt C. Hatch, superintendent. May 17, 1894, the first prayer meeting was held, with Mrs. Edith A. Hatch, leader. July 22, 1894, Rev. George W. Warren, representing presbytery, with Rev. H. P. McAdam, D. D., and elders W. P. Wiseweil and Charles Hamlin, of Naples, organized the church with 34 members — 14 uniting by letter and 10 upon confession. Hyatt C. Hatch, J. J. Crouch, and W. L. Carter were chosen and ordained elders. The Ladies' Aid Society was organized Aug. 15, 1894. Rev. Dr. McAdam remained until Oct. 1st, when Rev. Samuel W. Pratt succeeded him. Oct. 14, 1897, the Y. P. S. C. E. was organ- ized. Dec. 2, 1894, the society was incorporated with IJarrison Briglin, H. W. Hatch, W. E. Waite, E. H. Wetmore, and E. W. Lent as trustees. A revival starting in the Week of Prayer, under Rev. S. W. Pratt's ministry, brought 37 into membership. Mar. 7, 1895, Mr. Thomas Kerr was called to the pastorate. Accepting, he be- gan work at once, being ordained and installed June 6, 1895, Rev. Dr. W. A. Niles preaching the sermon. George S. Fowler and W. E. Otto were ordained elders Aug. 4, 1895. Sept. 19, 1895, the corner stone of a church edifice was laid which was dedicated Mar. 19, 1896, costing furnished about $8,000. The Woman's Missionary Society was organized Dec. 10, 1895. The present elders are H. C. Hatch, Geo. S. Fowler, and W. E. Otto. *Faots furnished by Rev. Thomas Kerr. 92 SKETCHES OF EXISTINa CHURCHES. THE AVOCA CHURCH (1896-1897). On July 30, 1896, at a special meeting of presbytery, 67 persons presented letters from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Avoca and were organized as the Avoca Presbyterian Church. The reas- ons for the step were the distance from another Evangelical Luth- eran Church and the Presbyterian training and sympathies of many in the congregation. Samuel J. Beals, J. H. Wagner, Charles Allen, T. F. Dunham, and Edwin Shaver, were or- dained elders. An order of the Court transferred the old building to the new organization. The membership is now 116, 34 having been received Mar. 7, 1897. The Sunday School has an average attendance of over 100. The Y. P. S. C. E. has 43 members— the Juniors 41. This church is under the pastoral care of Rev. Samuel W. Pratt, who was chieflly instrumental in the organization. The society was incorporated Aug. 15, 1896. The trustees are J. A. Zielley, J. H. Waters, C. H. Wagner, Fred L. Peck, J. H. Wagner, and J. H. Beals. A new edifice costing $3,000 was ded- icated free of debt Aug. 25, 1897. The old edifice, changed and renovated, forms the lecture room and parlor.