ll«. CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Cornell University Library Z1207.S84 B6 1870 Bibliotheca historica or A catalogue o olin 3 1924 029 555 996 The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029555996 BIBLIOTHECA HISTORICA I^ A Catalogue of 5000 volumes of books and manuscripts relating chiefly to the history and literature of North and South America among which is in eluded the larger proportion of the extra ordinary library of the late Henry SxEVENS'^^enior ^of Barnet Vt Founder and first President of the Vermont Historical & Antiquarian Society The whole compris ins: such a collection of ancient and modern books rich and rare useful and common as seldom occurs for sale in any country including many titles never before re corded in an American catalogue EDITED WITH INTRODUCTION AND NOTES By Henry Stevens gmb fsa etc Sometimes Student in Yale College Now residing in london at 4 trafalgar square To be sold by auction by Messrs Leonard & Co at their Library Sales Room N° 50 Bromfield Street in Boston on Tuesday the 5th Wednesday the 6th Thursday the 7th and Friday the 8th day of April 1870 Sale each day to commence at 10 in the forenoon and 2 o'clock in the afternoon BOSTON: H O HOUGHTON AND COMPANY CamSrtttBc: aaiberStlTE '^xt&i 1870 Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1870 by Henry Stevens in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts EXPLANATORY *HE Books described in this Catalogue are brought to auction, because the proprie- tors just now prefer the money to their books. It is presumed that the intelligent and discriminating purchasers will prefer the books to their money. Both parties may be thus equally benefited by the transaction. Hence an apology here for the seller would be as much out of place as one for the buyer. But this Library is so peculiar and so off the ordinary that some explanation seems desirable for the infor- mation of the buyers. The same explanation it is hoped may promote the interest of the sellers, the sale thus being made to realize Adam Smith's idea of fair trade, a good bargain for both parties. The Catalogue is intended to be an alphabetical common- sense one, according to the well settled rules of bibliography, but many exceptions have been made to adapt it to circum- stances and the convenience of sale by auction. Many lots are misplaced in consequence of the books coming in too late, and others to avoid as far as possible duplicates being sold the same day. The titles, especially those in foreign languages, were written by several hands, and at various times, with more or less fulness. The editor, therefore, not having, in most cases, the books before him to refer to, has had some difficulty in harmonizing and correcting the titles. No one can know better than himself the imperfections and short- comings of this Catalogue, but his experience has taught him iv Explanatory that it is better to let the generous reader have the pleasure of finding out the mistakes for himself rather than attempt to indicate and apologize for them. Let him that is free from errata in his own life point them out and crow. The writer will reciprocate on opportunity. No man ever yet, he thinks, printed a catalogue perfect in the eyes of others. The editor has printed enough of them to cause his youthful pride of ac- curacy to be completely taken out of him, and he is always willing to help take it out of others by encouraging them in the same laudable labors. It has become a custom in this enlightened country to em- phasize, at the expense of the seller, the importance of rare and valuable books by printing very long titles and filling out the pages with leads and blank spaces. The editor has ventured to depart somewhat from this custom, by endeavor- ing in most cases to render the titles short and concise, and then lead out the pages with notes in small type. He has done this for several reasons. First, by printing in two hun- dred and fifty pages what would otherwise occupy five hun- dred, the expense is less, which to a frugal mind is equivalent to virtue. Second, the Catalogue to his eye being more solid and compact presents a comelier appearance. Virtue to all complexions giveth grace, But Virtue graced is by a good face. Third, having in the course of many years of bibliographical study and research picked up various isolated grains of knowl- edge respecting the early history, geography, and bibliography of this Western Hemisphere which he has not found it con- venient hitherto to book in appropriate places, the writer has thought it well to pigeon-hole the facts here by inserting notes short and long in the Catalogue. That he may not be guilty any longer of the indiscretion of planting his corn where the crows will pull it up, as heretofore, he has caused to be printed on the back of the title Uncle Samuel's usual notice to the crows. To the intelligent collector whose object is to fill his head, this padding of small type will, it is hoped, be of Explanatory v no offence. The loud and indifferent collector whose noble object is to fill his shelves Avill doubtless readily pardon and skip this minion leading. Fourth, and the previous reasons but lead up to this, because a very considerable proportion of the books described in this volume belonged to the library of his late honored father, the editor has thought by rendering it a trifle more than an or- dinary sale catalogue, he might thereby erect an appropriate and affectionate memorial to one whose memory to him is dearer than can well be expressed on cold marble. He has aimed, therefore, to achieve for his parent a pious monument that, in warm and comfortable libraries, long after his books have been dispersed and the sale forgotten, may be referred to by intelligent bibliographers of American history, and be consulted by antiquaries with interest and respect. This Catalogue therefore has been made, after the manner of the old Vermont Farmer of Barnet, to stand square on its own taps, with a fashion of its own, full of odd titles, quaint con- ceits, originality, personal anecdote, disjointed historical con- nections, and general intelligence. Those who knew the mirth-loving, pains-taking Founder and first President of the Vermont Historical and Antiquarian Society, it is hoped, will recognize the eflSgies ; those who did not are asked to take it on trust, calling to mind that all outside of the ordinary sale catalogue is intended as a filial memorial STEPHANI ET AMICOEUM. Henet Stevens, Senior, was born at Barnet, Vermont, on the 18th day of December, 1791, and died on the old home- stead, on the 30th of July, 1867, at the age of seventy-five, leaving his house ftill of books and historical manuscripts, the delight of his youth, the companions of his manhood, and the solace of his old age. His father was Enos Stevens, who from the age of twelve to fifteen was three years a captive among the St Francis Indians of Canada, was one of the original pro- prietors and first settlers of Barnet under a New Hampshire Grant, was married at the age of fifty and enriched his State vi Explanatory with ten Green Mountain Boys and Girls. The father of Enos was Capt. Phineas Stevens, born at Sudbury, Massachusetts, in 1707, served his country in the Indian Wars, and in April 1747 defended successfully ' Fort N" Four ' on Connecticut River against an attack of a large body of French and In- dians, for which gallant action he was complimented with a sword by Admiral Sir Charles Knowles, whose fleet was then in Boston Harbor, the place thenceforward being called Charlestown, after Sir Charles. He was sent to Canada in 1752, by the Government of Massachusetts Bay, to redeem captives. Not finding enough of them for his money, and meeting with a New Hampshire young man named John Stark, he ventured to buy him on his own account of the Indians by exchanging a Shetland pony for which he paid 515 livres, and so restored to his friends the future hero of Bennington. Phineas was the son of Joseph, who was the son of Cyprian, who was the son of Cyprian senior, who was the son of Thomas of London, a supporter and friend of the Massachu- setts Colony, who was the son of Thomas Stevens of Devon- shire, one of the assignees of Sir Walter Raleigh of his Patent of Virginia, of March 1585. To return, Henry and the late Thaddeus Stevens, born within seven miles of each other, were chums in boyhood at Peacham Academy, and warm friends through life. Leaving the Academy at the age of twelve with only a taste of books, and, as he expressed it, graduating at Nature's University, he became a self-taught man. The eldest of ten children, he became their guardian and educator. The father of a large family, he sought only to provide his children with education, leaving them to hoe their own rows. He was a farmer, an inn-keeper, a mill-owner, a landlord, and the squire by courtesy of Stevens Village. An antiquarian and a book col- lector, his house was the resort of the intelligent. He was a liberal and public-spirited citizen, a disinterested politician, an impartial justice, an industrious representative in the State Legislature, an obliging postmaster, a promoter of agriculture, and an advocate of temperance. A kind neighbor, he pastured Explanatory vii the widow's cow, protected the fatherless, and annually sup- plemented his minister-tax with one load of hay and two bushels of white beans. He was a collector and reader of newspapers, a hoarder of pamphlets, and a gatherer of the un- considered trifles of the day. He lectured on Temperance, Ag- riculture, and Education, and contended that Vermont should be manured all over with school-houses. He was a strong ad- vocate of internal improvements and domestic manufactures. Through life he was a wool-grower and a protectionist, and his clothes were homespun. In knowledge of the statistics of his county few were his equals, and none was his superior in the history of his own State and the early Green Mountain Boys. He was a confidential agent of the Secretary of the Treasury at Washington, for collecting information respecting the New England manufactures, and the State of Vermont owes to him the collection and arrangement of her Historical Papers. Many of his books and historical pamphlets like those from Washington's library, found their way through the writer into the library of the British Museum. In February, 1857, some 2000 volumes of Vermont newspapers, 3000 tracts, and many of his valuable historical manuscripts were burnt with the State House at Montpelier, an irreparable loss to himself and to posterity. His widow now possesses about 250 large quarto and folio volumes of historical manuscripts relating to the New Hampshire Grants, to Vermont, and to the Controversy with New York, among which are the Ethan and Ira Allen papers, the papers of the first three Surveyors-general, miscellaneous correspondence, etc. All the rest of his library not otherwise appropriated is included in this Catalogue. In many volumes will be found his book-plate, comprising the arms of Vermont over his name and address, and these lines : — In Paradise, the tree But Heaven in mercy since Of knowledge was the pride ; Does him who tastes forgive; By God's supreme decree, To know, is no offence; The man who eat — tlien died. Now, he who eats — shall live. Mr Stevens represented Barnet two years in the State viii Explanatory Legislature. He was no speaker, but generally managed to carrjr liia point by force of native talent and ingenious sur- prise. At one time the Legislature was at a dead-lock in the appointment of some officer and neither party would yield. The opposition contended that the candidate was not equal to the place. The gentleman from Barnet gained the floor. " Mr Speaker," said he, " may I ask if this candidate is the man who unarmed recently hugged a bear to death." " He is." " Then, sir, I think he is not the man to flinch under any circumstances, — he shall have my vote," and amid roars of laughter the candidate was unanimously elected. Years after he generally attended the Legislature, a self-elected member of the Third House. For several years the Third House was regularly organized and held its daily sessions like the other two branches. The printed journals and proceed- ing are full of wit and humor. Mr Stevens was annually elected chairman of the Committee on Useless Inform.ation and Antiquarian Lower. With a mind well stored with wise saws and modern instances he frequently brought down the House by a knack Samson never dreamed of. His occasional re- ports are said to have drawn crowds and applause. In his historical mousings in garrets, among sequestered hen-coops and old barrels, he chanced to light upon about a bushel of old Continental and State money, redeemed but never properly cancelled. This he called his " Antiquarian Currency," and with it bought in his travels through the country vast numbers of old books, papers, tracts, etc. Educated in the good old school of unswerving integrity and no trowsers-pockets, he could not bear to see the rising generation standing around the stores, the taverns, and the railway stations, wearing whiskers, chewing tobacco, with hands in their breeches. The less hopeless of these youths he delighted to rescue. In his pocket-book the writer found the following : — $20. Burlington, June 2d, a. d. 1860. In consideration of Twenty DoUara of Antiquarian Money received of my friend Henry Stevens, I promise upon honor to keep my hands out of my trowsers-pockets for the space of two months, except in case of necessity. W. B. Rich. Explanatory ix To the remnants of the Hbrary of such a man are added th« remainders of the gatherings of years, from all parts of Europe and America, of one of his sons ; the whole forming the unique collection brought together and described in this Catalogue. It is hardly fair, however, to call this compound a Library, since it is too miscellaneous, too disintegrated, and too incoherent. But it is just the collection by its dispersion to help fill important gaps in public and private libraries. It is in many respects unlike any other collection ever brought together in this country. The first impulse of a librarian or bibliographer reading the Catalogue, will most likely be to ask, if all this remain, what must have been the library before it was picked f There is scarcely a book herein described that is not deserving of a place in any of our large public libraries ; and yet most of the good standard every-day works, such as " no library should be without," and which everybody wants, are not here. That is just it. The remainder of a picked library in this country is frequently found to be equivalent to a weeded library. The part left is often the best. The Ameri- can bibliographers and librarians, with notable exceptions, are gregarious and are inclined to be too imitative, running in grooves. There is the Obadiah Rich groove, the Ternaux- Compans groove, and the Ander Schiffahrt groove. Books described by these worthies go ofF like hot cakes, and are found in dozens of libraries, public and private ; but it is only the rare cognoscenti, the knowing ones of a thousand, who ferret out the unknown and undescribed books and secure them. One may safely assert that not one quarter of the titles of the books pertaining to the discovery, exploration, and development of our Continent, are recorded in these and other manuals. The very fact that a book of this kind is not so recorded is a sufficient reason why it, like folly, should be shot as it flies. One often hears librarians and book collectors talk of trash, and sees them, not unfrequently, dechne as such the plums of history offered them, because, forsooth, they do not find them described in their own favorite manuals, or because X Explanatory they are translations, or written in a language they cannot read. Sirs, there is no such thing as trash in our historical literature, or in the historical literature of any language, so far as it relates to America. You may, if you please, apply that disparaging term to a funeral sermon on my grandmother, and I may, if I please, entertain a like opinion of the one on yours ; yet both of these documents might very properly be preserved in the public libraries of a nation whose hopes and prospects are backed by its genealogy, its biography, and its history. It is amazing to see how light is the mental pabulum that best nourishes some minds, while others require nothing less hearty than the Novum Organon Baconis. No American probably ever wrote or owned a book so weak but there might be found another American with a mind just strong enough to thrive upon it. "With these views the writer un- hesitatingly declares his behef that this collection, well suited to varying tastes and capacities, is as nearly exempt from trash as any one probably ever offered by auction to the American public. The collection is miscellaneous and valua- ble ; but the proprietors have no twinges of conscience about breaking it. The books are good ones and generally in good condition, many well bound and some even in extravagant bindings, or they are in a good state for binding — large, clean, and uncut. Some of the books, it is true, are not adapted to the capacities of all collectors, any more than all collectors are fitted to possess some of the books ; but the books on an average are probably of as high a quality as the average of the collectors. The proprietors, therefore, on the whole, can with confidence recommend the library (ut vulgo) as one eminently well calculated for dispersion. In- complete in itself, it will go far towards completing others, and filling up those inconvenient chinks which every earnest stu- dent of American history finds in our libraries, and will con- tinue to find until librarians and committees turn over a new leaf, and give their attention to the collection of the true sources of American history, regardless of the language in which they are written, measuring their purchases rather by the capacities lirpkinalori/ xi (if tlu'ir ]iiirs{'s iinil sIioIvch timn by llicir Iciiowlcdi^o nF llic Siil>ji'('l8. It is in'ovi'iMiil tlmt (lio l)(i(ti'r and nioro coiiscic^ii- lioiis ol'llii' Anioriciiii liisloriuiis break down with thoir laliors bi'Rirc llicy bine (Mllcc'tcd tbcir niiilci'iiilM, or tlioy aro (b'ivcn abroad (o okmimo out in (ori'i^n connlrioH and liirniijjn lan- {;nafi,('s wliat oii^lil, l.o lio at lionio at IIumi- KiTvico in tlio jiulilic libraiii'M. It is i'e(|nirinjj; too nuicb ol' our bistoiians, bi'sidcs tboir I'l^rori'iu'o books anil j;'ontiral tools, to ohlij;o tbcni to iirocni'»> lor ibonisoivoB llioso tbonsand-anil-ono ex- [u'nsivi^ ont-oi'-llio-way liol|is. Tlioy slionM l)olon, it is not vnilikoly that even ct)nnnittees n lio eauMdl read a word of these lan<;'iiaf;\vs, or librarians who eaiinot ealaii)ij;iu- the books, raliier than other Motloys should be driven aiiroad in search of what ought to bo I'ound at home, will viMiture to buy snch books on trust, on tho new and growinj;- principle tiiat a public library shoukl lead and \wi J'olloir the wan(s of s<'holai's. Tho narrow remark, liilh- erto ol'ten hcai'd, that Duleii books aro not read, and the Porlni'iK'se ones never called I'oi', will probably not nuicli lono-er he l•(^pea(ed by librarians who nuxke any pretensions to the colleelion ol' materials ol' Anu'rican hislory. Ono might as well attempt to write (ho history of Wow Kngland with- out a knowledge of the English langiiage, as a history of New York without tlio Dntch, or of JJrazil without the Portu- "'■nese, of Mexico without the Spanisli, or Canada without the h'rench. A very considtM-able proportion of lair earliest and best .veogrMphical books are in l.atin and no other language. Many of onr I'arliesl niajis are by Cierman geographers; and ill order to com[n-oheud their lines and see as they saw, the modern historian must divest himself of his native shaeUIes, xii Explanatory stand in their shoes, take the same inland views, and study under the same circumstances. He must read the same re- ports of the navigators, in the same languages, and he will most likely by this process see the blunders that very early confused the geographers, and have since puzzled the histo- rians. Bring all these books, maps, and languages together, and the sun will rise. We shall then ascertain our historical bearines, and know whither and how far we have drifted these four hundred years. Our moorings to the apron-strings of the Old World will be cut, and the two hemispheres will revolve as loving companions and equals in the waltz of the spheres. It is difficult at this late day to attempt anything like a complete collection of the history and literature of the Old World, but it is unpardonable to neglect that of the New. The mere difficulty of language is not insurmountable. Did not an editor of the North American Review learn the Spanish language that he might write understandingly of the South American Republics? And would not Southey's History of Brazil have been a far better book had he given the same prominence to the numerous Dutch works on his subject that he did to the Portuguese ? Some folks affect to despise translations, and divers edi- tions. It is not so with the true historian and experienced researcher. A good translation is itself occasionally a useful comment on the original work, and moreover, the translator being often better up in the subject treated than the author himself, sometimes corrects many errors, and makes valuable additions. There are dozens of such examples recorded in this Catalogue, /. i. see N° 878 Hearne, and N° 1562 Pike. Again, other important books are known to us only through translations, as N" 460, the Life of Columbus by his son. A comparison of the English and French editions of N" 249, Bouquet's Account of the Expedition against the Ohio In- dians, is a notable instance in favor of the translation, which contains a valuable Life of Bouquet, not in the original. The superiority of many Dutch editions over the original works is proverbial. The plates and maps are almost always far supe- Explanatory xiil rior, and the translator is generally an expert. The French, English, German, Spanish, Swedish, and American books relating to America translated into Dutch are very numerous, and generally, in some respects, possess points superior to the originals, insomuch that, as far as the department of Amer- ican history is concerned, all such books should be accessible somewhere in America. On the other hand, translations are important sometimes from their very badness or untrust- worthiness, and should be preserved in our most important libraries as a means of tracing to their true source misstate- ments and falsehoods. How many misstatements are attrib- uted to Herrera, which can be traced no nearer that author than Oapt. John Stevens' English translation and abridg- ment, in six volumes ? It is absolutely necessary to study this latter book to see where so many English and American authors have taken incorrect facts. So of many French and German translations which are the parents of errors sworn on to the original authors. W orse still, it is not unfrequently necessary for an historian to be acquainted with a book only to be certain that it is good for nothing. There are many such in this Catalogue, and some of them will very properly bring good prices too. They have good titles, and read well. Such a book is Pe- ters' History of Connecticut, N" 486, a book of not half the historical value of Knickerbocker's New York, and with- out any of its wit. Yet it has often been quoted by French and German authors as true history. The writer has before him a remarkable book of this good-for-nothing kind, of ex- cessive rarity if not unique. It was reprinted some years ago at Rouen, in fifty copies, which reprint is now almost as rare as the original. The original will be sought, now that its title has got into catalogues, as ardently as if it had any historical value. The title is, " Relation du Voyage des Dames Religieuses Ursulines de Roiien, a la Nouvelle Orleans. Parties de France le 22. Fevrier 1727. & arrivez a la Loui- sienne le 23. Juillet de la meme ann^e. Les noms desquelles Dames Religieuses sont marquez dans ladite Relation. 100 pp. xiv Explanatory Small octavo. Chez Antoine le Prevost, Rouen, 1728." The editor, in behalf of his numerous notes, historical, bio- graphical, explanatory, geographical, bibliographical, gossipy, and personal, desires it to be understood that they are to be taken at what they are worth, he having given them only where he had something to say, or some duty to perform either to himself or to the public, and that they are not designed to force up the prices of the particular lots to which they are attached ; but are intended rather to shed a bibliographical flavor over the entire Catalogue. Most of the better and rarer lots of known and prime importance are recorded with- out comment, as Mather's Magnalia, Hazard's State Papers, etc., the titles sufficiently explaining themselves. On the other hand, many of the more elaborate notes, some of them not complimentary to the books, will cost far more in printing than the lots will sell for. Neither has he indulged in over- much bibliographical quiddling about the mechanical and manufacturing points of the books, as to the quantity of the paper, the quality of the binding, the brilliancy of impres- sions, the crushed levant (whatever that new-fangled term may mean) and the number of copies of certain recent re- prints, the inertia of which on shelves it is hard to overcome. It is not easy to convey any adequate idea of a large un- common collection, like this, short of a patient reading of the entire Catalogue from end to end. The editor therefore has exercised his Ingenuity to sweeten the labor, and thinks per- haps it may bait the attention of the indifferent reader to be informed that in the General Histories of North and South America there are many works of authors such as Acosta, Anglerius, Apollonius, Barcia, Barlseus, Benzoni, Clavigero, Eden, Hazard, Herrera, Labat, Laet, Lafitau, Las Casas, Pe- ter Martyr, De Solis, Garcilasso de la Vega, etc. In local and particular history of Colonies, States, cities, towns, vil- lages and parishes, the titles are too many to specify here. In bibliography, the reader is invited to consult the Cata- logue under Asher, BibUotheca Chethamensis, Blades, Brit- ish Museum, Catalogues, ColHer, Fry, Harrisse, Macray's Explanatory xv Bodleian Library, Moule, Nutt, Quaritcli, Rothelin, Stevens, Whiting, Boturini, and tlie notes under several of the Mexi- can titles. For rare and valuable Manuscripts, he is referred to Benedict Arnold's characteristic Autograph Letters from Ticonderoga, Fay's urgent letter to the Green Mountain Boys to reinforce General Gates against Burgoyne ; Gorton's Answer to Morton's New Englands Memorial, the original Autograph MS written in 1669 ; Riccio's MS account of Her- nandes' Natural History of New Spain ; and the Original Book of Minutes of the Corporation for New England in London for thirty years, 1655-1685, under N° 1399. For the Indian languages of America, see under Avila, Juan de la Anunciacion, Mexico, 1575 ; Paredes, Tapia Zenteno, Vil- legas, etc. Works pertaining to Canada, Acadia, and the British Provinces generally are numerous, some of which, as rare as they are important, may be seen under Canada, Champlain, Charlevoix, Cornutus, Denys, Examen, Henne- pin, Joutel, LaHontan, LeBeau, LeClercq, LeJeune, Mac- kenzie, Memoires, Montcalm, Nova Scotia, Relation, Shea's Publications, Shirley, Tanner, Thevenot, Thevet, Tupper, and Vimont. Pertaining to New England, California, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida, the Mississippi Val- ley, the Great West and North West, the works are numer- ous ; and equally so on Mexico, and other parts of Spanish America, as Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, etc. The works pertain- in ^ to Washington, Franklin, and Hamilton, are well repre- sented, and so are the departments of early geography and discovery, atlases, maps, the Indians, slavery, colonies, the old French War, the Stamp Act, the Revolution, tobacco, statistics, etc. Though last not least, there is a large number of works on the natural history of this Continent, not the least curious of which is N° 2435, wherein the learned author endeavors to account for the introduction and rapid increase of Asses in the New World. He says nothing however about their being found among either bibliographers or book collectors. H. s. Boston, Feb. 22, 1870. FORENOONS AT lO AFTERNOONS AT 2 O'CLOCK 1870 Tuesday Forenoon, April 5th N°^ 1 to 353 Tuesday Afternoon, April 5th N°^ 354 to 631 Wednesday Forenoon, April 6th N°^ 632 to 973 Wednesday Afternoon, April 6th N°^ 974 to 12 71 Thursday Forenoon, April 7th N°^ 1272 to 1609 Thursday Afternoon, April 7th N*^^ 16 14 to 18^6 Friday Forenoon, April 8th N°^ 1897 to 2284 Friday Afternoon, April 8th N°^ 2285 to 2545 Itbliotijcca Historical TUESDAY FORENOON. BBOT (Aiuel) An Eulogy on George Washington, de- livered at Haverhill, 22 February, 1800. With the Farewell Address. Fine copy, sized paper, uncut, u-hite vellum, bi/ Pratt, i," A. H. Moore, Haverhill, 1800 2 Abbott (George) A briefe Description of the whole World. Fine portrait, calf. 12° London, 1634 'rp. 240 to 329 relate to America. 3 Abingdon (Earl of) Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke, on the Affairs of America. Half mor. 8° Oxford, 1777 4 Abingdon (P^arl of) Thoughts on the Letter of Edmund Burke on the Affairs of America. 6th edition. Half roan. 8° Oxford, 1777 This 6tli Edition contains an Explanatory Dedication of xci pages, not in any of the earlier editions. 5 ABLYN (Cornelius) Die nieuwe Weerelt deb Landx- schappen ENDE Eylanden, cfc. Blcick letter, fine copij, vellum. Folio, Anlwerpen, 1563 This EXCESSIVELY RARE volume, in the dialect of Brabant, contains the following Voyages and Travels: 1. The Vo^'ages of Cadamosto; 2. The lirst three Voy- ages of Columbus; 3. The Voynge of Alonzo Nino; 4. The Voyage of Vincent Pinzon; 5. The four Voj'ages of Vespucci; 6. The Voyage of Fedro Alvarez Cabral; 7. The Kelations of Joseph the Indian; 8. Letters of Emanuel, King of Portugal to Leo X concerning the Conquests and Discoveries of the Portu- giK'^e'^iu the I'^a^t Indies; 9. The Itinerary of Ludovico de Varthema; 10. Tlie Deseriplion of the Holy Land in the thirteenth centmy, b}' Brocard, the Monk; 11, The ^^oyages of JIarco I'olo; 12. delation of Haythoii respecting the I'ar- tai-s; 13. Two Books upon .Vsiatic and European Sarmatia, by MathewJIiechow; 14. .Vn Account of the Embassy of Paulus Joviusto Kussia; 15. Peter ^lartyr's account of the Newfound Islands ; 16. Stella's Antiquities of Prussia ; 17. Miiximilianus Transilvanus; 18. Cortes's Second and Third Relations ;- 19. History uf the Canary Islands, 1543; 20. Martyr's Legatio Babilonica, etc. 6 Abrescii (F. L.) Animadversiones ad iEschylum ; accedunt Annotationes ad qufedam Loca, N. Testamenti. [_^-Not often to hemet tvith." — Ebert.] Calf 8° Medioburgi, 17 iS 7 Account of the European Settlements in America. Maps. 2 vols., calf. 8° London,.Hb7 8 Account (An) of the European Settlements in America. [By E. Burke ?] 2 vols, calf. 12° London, 1766 2 Bibliotheea Historica. 9 AcosTA (Joseph de, of the Society of Jesus) de Natvra Novi Okbis libri dvo. Et de promvlgatione Evangelii apud Bar- baros, sive, de procvranda Indorum salute, Libri sex. Vellum. 8° Gol. Agrip. 1.596 This cc.pvof Aoosta is a rare curiositv, it liaving been tlirough the Inquisition and thoroushly expurgated. It proba'bl)- belonged once to .some Convent library in Spain or JU-xico, where tlie monks could not afford to destroy their books altogether. So the official Corrirjidor simply ran his pen through the wicked, dangerous or objectionable words, sentences", or paragraphs, and left the book on the .shelves. In this copy, probably one-tenth of the whole work is parlially erased with pale-brown ink," in little snatches, throughout the volume, but not so as to prevent its being read. " Some tlowrets of Eden ye still inherit, But the trail of the serpent is over them all." 10 AcosTA (JosEi'ii de) De Natvra Novi Orbis Libri duo, etc. Another and fine copy. Vellum. 8° Col. Agr. 1.596 11 AcosTA (.Joseph re) Histoire Natvrelle et Moralle des Iiules, tant Orientalle.s, qu' Occidentiiles ; traduit par Kegnault C'aux- ois. First Edition in French. Vellum. 8° Paris, 1 600 12 AcosTA (.Joseph de) Histoire Natvrelle et Moralle de.s Indes. Anotlier copy, calf. 8° Paris, 1 GOO 13 AcoSTA (Joseph de) Histoire Naturelle et Moralle de.s Jndes, tant Orientalles qu' Occideutales. Derniere Edition. Half calf 8° Paris, 1606 14 Adam {Rev. T.) Private Thoughts on Religion ; extracted from his Diary. 12° Poughkeepsie, 1814 15 Adams (C. B. State Geologist) I^'irst Annual Eeport on the Geology of the State of Vermont. 8° Burlington, 1845 16 Adams (Hannah) A view of Religions of the various relig- ious Denominations, alphabetically arranged. 2d edition, with large additions. Calf. 8° J. W. Folsom, Boston, [n. rf.j 17 Adams (Hannah) Memoir, written by herself ; with additional Notices by a Friend. Portrait, cloth. 12" Bosto7i, 1S32 18 Adams (John) A Defence of the Constitutions of Govern- ment of the United States of America. First English Edition. Calf 8° London, 1787 19 Adajis (.John) Constitutions of Government. A Defence of the United States of America. First English Enlarged Edition. Portrait, 3 vols, ccdf ; fine copy. 8° London, 1794 20 Adams (.John) Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America. Neio edition ; 3 vols, ccdf. 8° London, 1794 ■21 Adams (.John) Defense des Constitutions Americaines, ou De la necessite d'une balance dans les pouvoirs d'un gouvernement libre Avec des notes et observations de M. de la Croix. 2 torn. Half calf. 8" Paris, 1722 22 Adams (John Quincy) A Letter to Harrison Gray Otis, on the present state of our National Affairs. Uncut, seived. 8" G. W. Nichols, Walpole, N. H, May, 1808 23 Adams (Samuel) An Oration delivered at the State House, in Philadelphia, to a very numerous Audience ; on Thursday the 1st of August, 1776. Half roan. 8° London, 1776 Bihliothcca Ilistorica. 3 24 Additions to Plain Truth, addressed to the Inhabitants of America, containing furtlier Remarks on a late Pamphlet en- titled '' Common Sense." Half morocco. 8° Philadelphia. 1770 25 Address (The) of the People of Great Britain to the Inhab- itants of America. Half roan. 8° London, 177 ■'> 26 Address (The) of the People of Great Britain to the Inhab- itants of America. Half roan. 8° T. Cadell, London, 1775 27 Aelredus. Opera Omnia, ope et studio R. Gibboni, First Editiox, scarce. Calf. 4° Z)?(nc;', 1031 28 Agassiz (Louis) A .journey in Brazil, by Professor and Mrs. Louis Agassiz. Illnstrated, cloth. 8° i)W»)/, 1808 29 Alberti Stadensis Chronicon a condito Orbe usque ad an- num 1250. Calf. 4° Belmaestadii, 1587 30 Aldex (Timothy) Sermon in Portsmouth, 5 Jan. 1800, on the death of George Washington. Fine copy, sized paper, clean, vellum hy Pratt. 8° Portsmouth, N. //., 1800 31 Aldex (Timothy) Account of the several Religious Societies in Portsmouth, >;. H., from their first P]stablishment, and of the Ministers of each to January 1st, 1805. 8° Boston, 1808 32 Alexander (Caleb) Grammatical System of the English Language. 12° Thomas and Andreivs, Boston, 1793 33 An Bet. Extracts from a journal of Travels in North America, consisting of an Account of Boston and its vicinity. Boards uncut. 12° Boston, 1818 34 Allex (Col. Ethan) Narrative of his Captivity; written by Himself. 12° Burlington, 1846 35 ArxEN (Ira) The Natural and Political History op THE State op Vermont. Map, good copy, half calf . Scarce. 8° London, 1798 36 Allex (Ira) Four Olive-Branch tracts, viz : 1 A Concise Sunimar}' of the Secoo-t Volume of the Olive Branch, a book containing an account of Governor Chittenden's givinf]^ written instructions to Gen. Ira Allen in 17!'5, to purchase military stores in Europe, for the niililia of Vermont, etc. 2-i pp. uncut. 8^ For the author, Phitaddphla, Api'H, 1807 2 Statements applicable to the cause of the Olive Branch, which was a carj^^o of cannon and arms purchased by the authority of the Governor of \^ermont to supply the militia thereof, captured on its passage from Ostend in France, to New Yorl^, by an English man-of-war (in 1796,) etc. Uncut. " 8o For the author, Philadelphia, July, 1307 3 Ira Allen's Address to the Freemen of Vermont and Legislature thereof respecting a cargo of military stoves captured by the British, etc. ^ Uncut. For the author, Philadelphia, Aug. 1808 4 Extracts from Select Speeches lately published in Philadelpliia, applicable to the cause of the Olive Branch. 4 rare tracts, in 1 rul. S". 37 Allin (John) An Exact Relation of the most Execrable At- tempts of John Allin cornmitted on the Person of His Excel- lency Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, Captain-general of the continent of Guiana, and of all the Caribby-lslands, and our Lord Proprietor. Jlcdf morocco, uncut. 4° R. L-,owndes, London, 1665 4- Bihliotheca ITislorica. 38 Al:\[anacs. 3 vols, complete, hut salloio as greenhachs, 8°, viz : — 1 Staffohd's Almanack for 178-t. Adapted to the Horizon and Meridian of New Haven, but may serve indifl'erentl}' for all tlie towns in Connecticut. [With two pages of remarlcable events.] Uncut. T. 4' S. Green, New Haven, n. d. 2 An Astkono]\iic.\l Epitkmekis Calendar, or Almanacli for 1785, adapted to the Horizon and I\Ieridian of Hartford, but may serve indifferently for all Toivns in New England. By N. Strong of Yale College. Hmlson (f Goodwin, Hartford. 3 Webstkh's Calendar: or the Albany Almanack for 1786, being the tenth and eleventti of .-Vmerican Independency, calculated for the Meridian of Albany. By Ebin AV. Judd. Uncut. Charles Webster, Albany, n. d. 39 Aloe. A true account of the Aloe Americana in Mr. Cowell's Garden at Hoxton. ffolf rown. 8° London, 1729 40 Alsop (R.) a Poem; sacred to the Memory of George Wash- ington, adapted to the 22d of Feb. 1800. Velhim, uncvt. 8° Hartford, 1800 41 Alting (H.) Theologia Elenctica Nova. 4° Ainstelod. 1654 42 Alting (H.) Theologia Problematica Nova. Oalf. 4" Amstelod. 1662 43 Ambrosius (Episcopus) Expositio super Apocalypsiii. Nunc primum in lucem edita. Calf. Folio, Lutetia, 1554 44 America. An Account of the European iSettlements in Amer- ica. A new edition, maps, 2 vols. Half maroon nior. uncut. 8° London, 1808 45 America. An Application of some General Political Enles to the Present State of Great Britain, Ireland and America. Half morocco. 8° London, 1766 46 A:\ir,RiCA. Coxsiderations on the Propriety of Imposing Taxes in the British Colonies, for the Purpose of raising a Revenue, by Act of Parliament. Half morocco. Scarce. 8° John LLolt, Hew York, 1765 47 America. Constitutions of the several Independent States of America, the Declaration of Independence, etc. Oalf. 8" Dublin, 1783 48 America. The Contest in America between Great Britain and France, with its consequences and importance. An Account of the Views and Designs of the French in all parts of America, in which a proper Barrier between the two nations in North America is pointed out. By an Impartial Hand. Scarce. Vellum. 8° London, 1757 49 America. Le Destin de I'Amerique ou dialogues pittoresques. Half brown mor. 8° London, [1778] 50 America. The History of America, in two books. I. The General History of America. II. History of the late Revolu- tion. 2d edit. 12° Dobson, Philadelphia, 1795 51 America. Narrative of the Official Conduct of Valentine Mor- ris, late Governor in chief of the Island of St. Vincent and its Dependencies. Written by himself Half morocco uncut. Scarce. 8° London, 1777 52 American Congress. An Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress. Half morocco. 8° London, 1776 Bibliotheca Illsiorica. 5 53 Ameuu'an Congkkss. An Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress. 4th edition. IMf moroccu uncut. fS" London, 1776 54 Amiviucan Congress. An Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress. 5th edition. -//('//' morocco imcut. 8" London, 1776 55 Ajiehioan Antiquauian Society. Catalogue of Books in their Library at Worcester. Half maroon morocco uncut. Roijal 8" Worcester, 1837 5G Aaierfcan' Journal of Medical Sciences. No. 1, No\'. Is'i7, No. 13, 14, l.'i, 17 to IT), 28, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, (Aug. 1840.) New Series No. 2, (April 18 U,)" No. 4, 7, 0, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 24, (Oct. 1846,) //; all 30 niimhers. Uncut. 8° Phihidcljihia, 1 827-1840 57 American Journal of Medical Sciences. Nos. 14 and 15. Feb. and May, 1831. 58 American Museuji, or Repository of Ancient and Mod EKN Fugitive Pieces, etc. Prose and Poetical. 11 vols, elegant litilf-ijrccn mor. uncut, fine clean cop;/. 8° Phil. 17S7-II2 59 American Museuim; or, Repository of Fugitive Pieces. 2d edition. 7 vols, calf, uncut. %"^Phila. 1787-1790 60 A:mei;k'an Pijeacher. Select Discourses from the Ameri- can Preacher. 2 vols. Hcdf purple morocco, uncut. Edinhurgli, 1796-1801 61 Aju'.rican RejiembranceRj or an Impartial Collection of Essays, Resolves, Speeches, etc., relative to the Treaty with Great Britain, with the accompanying Documents. 2 vols. in 1. 8° Philn. 1795 62 American Revolution. 10 Tracts in 1 vol. Half morocco, contents lettered. 8" 1. De Tuimiltibiis Amcricanis, Oxon. 1776 2. Tlie Claim of the American Loyalists Reviewed, Liml. 1788 3. Tlie Case and I 'laini of tlie Amerii'au Royalists, ib. n. d. 4. Giant, I'roposals . . to foian Colonies in Canada, scarce, np. n. fl. 5. Observations on the Treaty ivitli America, . . ib. 1780 6. I'ayne. Letter to the Abbe Kaynal, lieprint, Land. nsO 7. lie'ply to the Observations of Lt. Gen. Wm. Ilowe, ib. 1782 8. Letters to a Nobleman on the Condnct of the War, jb. 1779 9. Letter to Lord Howe on his Naval CnmUict, etc., ib. 1779 10. Kxamination of Jos. Calloway, late Speaker of Penn". ib. 1779 63 American Review of History and Politics, and General Re- pository of Literature and State Papers. 3 vols. Calf 8" London, 18W-12 64 American State Papers, a Collection of Original and Au- thentic Documents relative to the War between the United States and (ireat Britain. Washington's Official Letters to Congress, Vol. I. 8° London, 1795 65 American State Papers, comuumicated to C'ongress by the President, 1.S05 to 1807. Boards. 8° Boston, 1808 66 American States. Observations on the Commerce of the American States, with Appendix. Half morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1783 6 Bibliotheca Historica. 67 American War. History of the War in America, be- tween Great Britain and lier Colonies, from its Commencement to tlie Conclusion, in 1783. To whicli is added a Collection of Interesting and Authentic Papers. 3 vols, half morocco, vnnti. 8° Duhlin, 1779-85 Vol. 3 is a supplemental volume, and is of very considerable rarity. 68 Amerique Delivree (L') Esquisse d' ini Poeme sur I'lnde- pendance de FAmerique. Thick paper, vol. 2, half calf, gilt. 8° Amst. 1783 69 Ames (Fisher) Oration at the Old South Meeting House, February 8, 1800, before the Governor and Legislature of Massachusetts, on the Sublime Virtues of Gen. George "Wash- ington. 8° Boston, 1800 70 Ames (William, Puritan of Amsterdam) De Conscientia, Libri V. Title-page wanting. Small 8° 71 Amyraldus (M.) Paraphrasis in Psalmos Davidis, una cum Annotationibus et Argumentis. (Jalf. 4° Salmvrii. 1662 72 AsBURY (Thomas) Voyages dans les Parties Interieures de r Amerique. Map, 2 vols, half hound. 8° Paris, 1790 73 Anbury (Thomas) Journal d'un voyage fait dans ITnterieur de rAmerique septentrionale. Ouvrage dans lequel on doniie des details precieux sur I'insurrection des Anglo-Americains, et sur la Chute disastreuse de leur papier-raonnoie. Traduit de I'Anglois et enrichie des notes par M. Noel. Avec carte and figures. 2 vols: sheep. 8° Paris, 1793 74 Andrews (J.) History of the War with America, France, Spain and Holland; commencing in 1775, and ending in 1783, Portraits, Mfaps and Charts, 4 vols, half calf. 8° London, 1786 7o AN6LERIUS (Petrus Martyr) De Rebus Oceanicis et Orbe novo decades III. Eivsdem praeterea Legationis 13aby- lonicae libri IH. Velhim, fine copy, SCARCE, folio, Apud Jo. Behelium, Basilece, 1533 For other works by ttiis author, see SIartyr (Peter). 70 AxNALS and Memoirs of the Royal Society of Northern An- tiquaries. First series. 8° Copenhagen, 1837 77 Annual Register, or a View of History, Politics and Liter- ature, complete from the commencement 1758 to 1817, inclu- sive. 59 vols. calf. 8° London, 179.5-1818 78 Anson {Com. George) .Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, and round the Globe, in H. M. Ship Centurion, by Pascoe Thomas. Ccdf. 8" London, 1745 79 Anson {George) .Journal, &c., another copy, calf, 8° London, 1745 80 Anson (George) A Voyage round the World, 1740-4, com- piled by R. Walter. 2d Edit. Maps, calf gi'-t- 8° London, 1748 81 Anson (George) A Voyage Round the World, compiled by Richard Walter. 6th Edit. Maps, calf gilt. 8" London, lli'i Bibliotheca llistorica. 7 82 Anson (George) A Votaoe Bound thk World in the Years 1840-44. Compiled from bis Papers and Materials, by K.Walter. Maps and A'l Copper Plates. Calf. 4° LomJoii, 17H\ 83 Answkr (An) to the Declaration of the American Congress, otb Edition. Half roan. 8° 7'. Cadvll, London, 1776 84 Answer (An) to the Declaration. Anothei- copy. 5th Edition. 8° London, 1776 85 Answer to the Dissenters' Pleas for Separation. 3d Edition. 8° Cambridge, 1701 86 Antilles. liistoire et Commerce dcs Antilles Anglois. Calf, gilt. 12" [ji.p.'], 17o8 87 Apocatastasis (The) ; or Progress Backwards. A New " Tract for the Times." [By Prof. Marsh of Vermont.] Cloth. 8° Burlington, 1854 88 ArocRYPHAL New Testament. Third Edition, with Prefaces and Tables, Notes and References. Ualf morocco uncut. 8" London, 1821 89 Apollonius (Levinius) de Peruui^, Eegiokis, inter Noui Orbis provincias celeberrinia; inventione, etc. Mo map. Calf gilt. 8° Antv. 1567 90 Apostolius (M.). Paroemiae ; cum Pantini Versione, ejus- que et Doctorum Notis. Calf, i" LJherir, Lugd. Baiav. ,l6ld 91 Appeal (An) to the Justice and Interests of the People of Great Britain in the present dispute with America. Half roan. 8° London, 1774 92 Apollodorus. De Deorura origine Libri III. Graece et Latine. VeUum. 8° Bx Ojficina Commel, 1599 93 Apostolorum et Sanctorum Conciliorum Decreta. Boards. 4° Parisiis, 1540 94 Armtnius (J.) Examen Libelli quern Gul. Perkinsius edidit de Predestinationis niodo et ordine. 8° Lugd. Batav. 1G12 95 Arnd (Johann) Des Gottseligen und Hocherleuchteten Lehr- ens Herr. Johann Arnds Weiland General-Superintendentens des Fiirstenthums Liineburg, Paradiesz-Gartlein, zur uebung des wahren Christenthums durch Geistreiche Gebtiter, &c. Wants pp. 169-172, and last le(f. 16° Christoph Saur, Germantown {Pemi.) 1765 96 ARNOLD (Benedict, Traitor) A long autograph draft OF a Letter to the Committee of the Green Mountain Boys sitting at Charlestown, N° 4, defending himself from the charge of plundering the property of Major Skene, at Skenesborough (now Whitehall, N. Y.), a day or two before the taking of Ticonderofja, on the 10th of May, 1775, with a copy of bis Orders to Capt. Herrick, the 8th of May, 1775. Two docu- ments of very considerable historical interest. They bear three Autograph Signatures of the Traitor. One " Bened'" (the rest torn of). 2d, "B Arnold," and 3d, "Benedict Ar- nold." The documents are endorsed by the late Henry 8 Bibliotheea Historica. Stevens, Senior, Founder and first President of tlie Vermont Historical and Antiquarian Society, " Benedict Arnold's Reply to the Cliarlestown Letter, Ticonderoga, 1775." The following are copies of these important historical Documents : Gentlemen, Ticonderoga, July. 6 1775. Colo. Hinman has .Just shewn me a Letter, Dated at Charlston June 30, & Signed by a number of Gentlemen, which Sems evidently Calculated (by Cpl. Coughran, or some other Person) to, Asperse my Character by Intimating, I, gave orders or rather Countenanced the Plundering Major Skenes House, &c. To Convince vou nf my Inncencv in the Matter, herewith you have a Coppy my Orders to Cap* Herrick, the Officer I sent to take Possession of the Majors, Vessel, Boats, &c. Neither have I ben at Skensborough, nor did I know of Doctr Sterne's receiving, any Plunder there Untill after his return from St. Johns & he was gone home. Nor do I recollect ever, speaking to him or hearing him say any thing in regard to, Major Skenes Effects. Neither have I ever given the least Countenance to Plimdering but Positive Orders to the Contrary, & I now declare on my honour I have, never received Directly or Indirectly, Six pence worth of Any kind of Plunder, except the Propertj' of Cap'. Friend Taken in the Sloop great Part of which is returned, & I have wrote to the Conti- nental Congress, in regard to the remainder, & am Determined to Abide their Decision. I am Gentn, Your Vy Obt S. . . . Bened' .... To The Gentlemen at Charlstown who Directed to Colo. Hinman. N B. I had forgot to mention about 41b. or 61b. of small Beads, delivered me by Cap'. Brown, taken at Skensborogh, Supposed the Kings Propeiiy in Major Skenes hands, to Distribute to the Indians this IDistributed Among the Caughy- awaga Indians. B Arnold. [^The Enclosure on a separate sheet.'] Cap' Herrick. Castleton, 8'li may 1775 S' You will proceed Emediatelj' to Skenesborough and then then take Posses- sion of all the Boats & Craft you Can tind also the Stores of Powder Ball Arms &c. and monies in the hands of Major Philip Skeen, which are publick property and Seize the Body of said Skeen and him Keep in Safe Custody untill Further Orders or Remove him where you think he may be Keep in Safety and Seize and, Examen his papers and Such as are of a Publick nature to Detain and you are To Consult with the Gentlemen of the Committe who Goes with you Observing to Use the Famaly with Politeness in perticuler the Young Ladies and Injor no private Property belonging To any Person. To Cap' SaniU Herreck. Benedt Arnold, Comandr & Chairman of Committe of Warr. A True Coppy of The orders From CoU. Arnold To Capi. Herrick Taking July 5'^ 1775 at Ticonderoga. Test. Benedict Arnold, 97 Arnold (Josias Lyndon of St Johnshury Vermont) Poems. 12° Providence, 1797 98 Arrianus. De Expeditione Alex. Maoni Historiarum Libri VIIL Calf. Folio, H. Stephanus, 1575 99 AsHER (George M.) A Bibliog-raphioal and Histor- ical Essay on the Dutch Books and Pamphlets relating to New-Netherland, and to the Dutch West-India Company and to its possessions in Brasil, Angola, etc. As also on the maps, charts, etc., of New-Netherland, with facsimiles of the map of New-Netherland by N. \. Visscher, and of the three existing views of New Amsterdam. Compiled from the Dutch public and private libraries, and from the Collection of Mr. Frederick Muller in Amsterdam. Complete, sewed, uncut. 4° Frederick Midler, Amsterdam, 1868 One of the fullest and most accurate bibliographical works known on any subject. 100 AspLUND (John) The Annual Register of the Baptist De- nomination in North-America, to the 1st of November 1790, Bibliotlieca Ilhtonca. 9 containing an Acconnt of the Churches and their Constitu- tions, Proceedings, &c., [with additions and coi rections con- tinued to page 70.] Fine copy, uncut. 4" Preface dated Soiitluunpton Goinili/, .Ink) 14, 1791 101 Assembly's Siiorter Catechism explained, iiy "Way of Ques- tion and Answer. 8° Mdinhurqh, 1777 102 Atkins (John) A Voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the West Indies, ddf. " 8" London, 1735 103 Atkyns (Sir R.) An Enquiry into the Power of Dispens- ing with Peual Statutes ; with Animadversions on a Book writ by Sir Edward Herbert, etc. 4" London, 1G89 104 Atlas des Departmens de la France, et de ses Colonies, par I'errol et Achin. Numerous maps. Half '>'0"i'- ^ Oblong 4° Paris, n. d. 105 Atlas. Kaart-Boek der Zee van Vereenigde Nederlanden. J'oards. Atlas folio, Amsterdam, n. d. 106 Atlas van het alrude Holland. IX Landhtarten. Folio, Graaroiliuage, 1745 107 Atwood (Thomas) The History of the Island of Domin- ica. Calf gilt. 8° London, 1791 108 AuDix (J. M. V.) History of the life, works and doctrines of John Calvin. Galf. 8° Louisville, Ky. n. d. 109 Austin (W.) Letters from London, written during the Years 181)2-3. 8" Boston, 1804 110 AuTOGRAVH Souvenir, a Collection of 4"tograph Letters, interesting Documents executed in fac-simile, by F. G. Neth- erclift ; with Transcriptions and occasional Translations by 11. Sims, of the British Museum. Oloth, gilt. 4° London, 1865 111 AviLA (El p. F. Francisco de) Arte de la Lengua Mexicana, y brevis platicas de los Mysterios de N. Santa Fee Catholica, y otros para exortacion de su obligacion a los Indios. Scarce. Vellum. lis"eoverv and Conquest of Peru, 4 + 170 + 14 1^.^ . .1 'P li.,l.,4;^^ «f *U„ 1^.... 1. ^c ij u,. t:' j_ -v- -ITI- .-\'i~r I n pp. : 2. 1 rue delation of the Ooiiiiuest of Peru by F. de Xeres, pp. 17(!~2'i7 + 7 pp. ; 3. The History and Discovery of Rio de la Plata by Ulrich Selinieidel, trans- lated from the Latin, which is a translation from tlio German, 31 + 9 pp. ; 4. Argentina and the Conquest of Rio de la Plata, and Parts of Peru, Tecumen, lUasil, &e., by D. Marten del Barco Oentenera, a poem in 28 cantos, 107 + 17 pp. 5. Voyage round the World by Siinon Perez de Torres, 45 pp. ; li. Abstract of the Kelation t'f a Voyage of some St. ilalo Merchants fi-om Moka in Arabia, etc. 127 Bardwull (H.) Memoir of Rev. Gordon Hall. Fnniiispicce, clolh. W New York, 1841 128 Daring, (Alex.) Inquiry into the Causes and Conse- quences of the Orders in Council ; and an Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain towards the Neutral Commerce of America, uncut. 8° New York, 1808 120 Barl.eus (Caspar) Rervni per Octennivni in Brasilia, historia, etc. J/a/) and plates, vellum, 8° Clivis, 1660 This work contains a vocabulary of Ciut.T.\N and Latin on pp. 474-491. 130 Barlj.us (Caspar) Kervin per Octennivni in Brasilia his- toria, etc. cui acces. G. Pisonis Tractatus de Aerihiis etc. in Brasilia. Editio secunda. 2!(ip and plates vellum. 8"(7/ms, 1660 131 Barlow (Joel) The Vision of Columbus: A Poem. Calf. 12° a JDilly, London, VTi>l 132 Barlow (Joel) Advice to the Privileged orders in the sev- eral States of Europe, resulting from the Necessity and pro- priety of a General Revolution in the Principle of Govern- ment. 2d edition. 2 Parts, half roan. 8° Lond. 1792-1795 133 Barloav (Joel) The Political Writings. New Edition. 12° Neio Tori; 1796 134 Barlow (Joel) The Colujibiad, a Poem. Calf, Roy. 8" London, 1809 135 Barxard (John, Pastor of a Church in llarhlehead) Ser- mons on several subjects. Calf 8° London, 1727 136 BxVRNS (R.) Vitas Romanorum Pontificorum, cum Indice. Calf. 8° Basilece, n. d. 137 Baruere (Pierre) Nouvelle Relation de la France Equi- noxiale, contenant la description des cotes de la Guiane ; de ITsle de Cayenne, etc. Map and plates, calf S" Paris, 1743 The Author of this excellent little book resided three years in the Countries which he so accurately describes, having been sent out there by the King as a Doctor of Medicine. 138 B.vrrington (James) The Possibility of Approaching the North Pole asserted. New Edition, with Appendix, by Col. Beaufoy. Map, half calf. 8" London, 1818 139 Barrow {Sir John) The Life of Richard Earl Howe, K. G., Admiral of the Fleet, e, half red morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1818 210 BiRKBECK (Morris) Notes on a Journey in America. 4th edit. London, 1818. Letters from Illinois. 3d edit. 2 voh in one. Calf gilt. 8° London, 1818 Bihliotheca Ilistorica. IJ 211 BiscHOFF (J.) History of the Woolen and Worsted Manu- factures, and the Natural and Commercial History of vSheep, from the earliest Records. 2 rols, cloth, 8" London, 1842 212 Bishop (Abraham) Oration in Wallingford lltli March, 1801, before the Kepiiblicans of Connecticut at their General Thanksgiving for the Election of Thomas Jefferson to the Presidency, and of Aaron Burr to the Vice Presidency. Uncut. 8" Anthony Hnswell, Benni in/ton, 1801 213 Bishop (J. L.) History of American Manufactures, from 1G08 to 18(10. Vol. I. Cloth. 8° Philadelphia, 1861 214 BissELius (Joannes e Soc. Jesu) Argonauticon Americano- rum, sive Historiae, Periculorum Petri de Victoria ac Socio- rum eius Libri XV. 16" Monachii, 1648 215 BissELius (Joannes) Argonauticon Americanorum. Vellum. 16° Gedani, 1698 216 BissEHus (J.) Argonauticon Americanorum, sive Historiae Periculorum Petri de Victoria ac Sociorum ejus. Vellum. Gedani, 1698 217 Blackmore (Sir R.) Creation, a Philosophical Poem. Third edition, calf, scarce edition. 12° London, 1695 218 Blades (William) A Catalo(;de op Books printed by, or ascribed to the Press of William Caxton, in which is in- cluded the press-mark of every Copy contained in the Library of the British Museum. Uncut, fine paper sewed. 4° London, 1865 Privately Pkintf.d. only 50 copies. Of which 20 were for the author's friends, 15 for sale in England, and 15 for sale in America. Price, £1.10.0 in London. 219 Blair (Hugh) Sentimental Beauties, from his Writings, with Additions by W. H. Reid. Calf. 12° London, 1809 220 Blair (H.) Sermons. First complete American Edition. Por- trait. 2 voh. 8° Baltimore, 1814 221 Blaizi: de Montluc. The Commentaries of Messire Blaize de Montluc Mareschal of France, wherein are describ'd all the Combats, Rencounters, Battels, Sieges, etc., with other sig- nal and remarkable Feats of AVar. Portrait, Qdlf, Folio, London, 1674 222 Bligh (William) Voyage a la Mer du Slid, pour introduire, aux Indes Occidentales, I'Arbre a Pain, et d'autres Plantes utiles ; Avec une relation de la Revolte ;\ bord de son Vais- seau etc. Traduit de I'Anglais par F. Soules. Maps, half calf. 8° ^«''*'«' 1792 223 BLOUjSTT (Charles) The Miscellaneous Works of. Containino-, I. The Oracles of Reason, 1693. II. Anama Mundi : or, the Opinions of the Ancients concerning Man's Soul after this Life, 1679. III. Great is Diana: or, the Orio-inal of Priestcraft, 1695. IV. An Appeal from the Country to the City for his Majesty's Person, liberty and property, 1695. V. A Just Vindication of Learning and 18 Bibliotheca Historica. Liberty of the Press, 1 695. A Dialogue between King Wil- liam and King James on the Banks of the Boyn, the day be- fore the Battle (in verse), 1695. To which is prefixed the Life of the Author. In one volume, with separate and collective title-pages ; fine copy in blue morocco, contents lettered. Vert RARE IN THIS STATE. 8° London, 1679-1695 This volume is from the library of the late H. T. Buckle, bearing his No. 2,623, on his booltplate. On the fly-leaf is carefully pasted, in the hand- ivritinp of Buckle, an analysis of the volume, with a biographical sketch, beginning, " Charles Blount was born in 1654, and in 1693 shot himself in consequence of the absolute refusal of his late wife's sister to marry him." Considerable interest attaches to this volume from the fact that it has been charged upon Ethan Allen that his Vermont Bible, or Oracles of Reason^ printed at Bennington in 1788, was stolen in substance from Blount. It is not charged that Allen ever saw Blount's Oracles, but that among his friends he numbered one Thomas Young, a free-thinking, roving Englishman, who acted as verger to Blount's monuments, but had not the courage or power to book or publish his tenets. In Allen he found a willing disciple, ambi- tious of literary eminence. Blount believed in God, one and indivisible; in the authenticity of the Scriptures; and in a future state of rewards and pun- ishments; but denied Original Sin. Allen figures up at about the same total. " Old Eth.in once said with wgnificant nod, Though I hold not with Jesus, I know there's a God ; There's a devil also ; you will see him some day, In a whirhviod of fire take Levi away." Blount himself is accused of stealing and translating his Oracles from a French book called The Hypothesis of the Free- Adamites. Where the anonymous author stole his Oracles is not stated. In this volume is a great deal, both by Blount and his editor, about the right and wrong of marrying a deceased wife's sister. He would, she wouldn't. So still arguing from the same monitor within, and believing, that " I myself am King of Me," shot himself; and hence his friendly editor's defence of suicide. All these things and much more, the purchaser of this curious volume, if he finds the thread, may spin out by himself. 224 Bloxjnt (Thomas) Law Dictionary. Second edition, ffalf calf. Folio, London, 1691 225 BoF.HLEN (J. Van) Reiz naar de Oost-en Wcstkust van Zuid-Amerika, Sandwichs-en Philippijnsche Eilanden, China en de Javen 1826-7-8 en 9. Maps and Plates. B vols, half green morocco, fine imcut copy. 8° Amsterdam, 1835 226 BoETHius (A. M.) Consolationis Philosophiae Libri V. An- glo-Saxoniae Redditi ab Alfredo. Frontispiece. Calf. 8" Oxonia;, 1698 227 Bohn's Antiquarian Library. Matthew Paris's English History, from 1235 to 1273. Translated by Rev. J. A. Giles. 2 vols ; Matthew of Westminster's Chronicle. Translated by C. D. Yonge. 2 vols. 4 vols, cloth. Post 8° London, 1853 228 Bonnet (J. E._) Etats Unis de I'Amerique, a la Fin du XVIII' Siecle. 2 vols in 1, boards. 8° Paris, n.i 229 Book of Co:\imon Prater, and administration of the Sac- raments etc. according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America : together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David. By Direction of the General Con- vention. 12° New York, by Hugh Gains, 1793 Attached to this edition is " The Whole Book of Psalms in Metre ; with Hymns suited to the Feasts and Fasts of the Church and other Occasions of Public Worship. 120 Hugh Gaine, New York, 1793 i Bihliotheca Historica. 19 230 BooKSELLEK. Three hundred and fifty years' Retrospection of an Old Bookseller ; containing an Account of the Origin and progress of Printing, type-founding, and Engraving, etc. Por- trait of John Dunton, bom 1G59 — died 1733. Half calf. 8° Cork, for the author, 1835 231 B[oss] (V. D.) Leben der Skk-Helden . . angefangen mit Cristoforo Colombo. Entdecheni der Newen Welt etc. Vellum. 4° Nuremberg, 1681 A valuable book upon the early voyages of Columbus,Vespucci, Magellan, DaGama, d'Ahneida, Albuquerque, Andrea Dorea, Drake, Cavendish, the Dutch ^'o}'agers, etc. etc., wiih many portraits, plates, and maps. 232 Bossu (M.) Nouveaiix Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, contenant una Relation des differens Peuples qui habitent les environs du grand Fleuve Saint Louis appele vulgairement le Missis.sippi. Plates. 2 vols in 1. Half calf . 8" Paris, 1768 233 Bossu (M.) Nieuwe Reizen naer Noord-Anierika. Frontis- pieces. 2 i^ols, half blue morocco, uncut. 12° Amsterdam, 1769 234 Bossu (M.) Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana. Translated by J. R. Forster. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1771 235 BoKDA (Andreas de) Pkactica de Confessokes db Monjas, en que se explican los quatro Votos de Obediencia, Pobreza. Casstidad, y Clausurapor modo de Decalogo. Pine copy, vellum. Folios 39-52 wormed. S" Mexico, por Francisco de Ribera Galderon, 1708 236 Bordley Family of Maryland. Biographical Sketches of, by Mrs. E. Bordley Gibson. Part I. 8° Philadelphia, 1866 237 BosMAN (W.) Description of the Coast of Guinea, divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts. Map and Engravings. Calf. 8° London, 1721 238 BOSTON DIRECTORY (The) containing the Names of the Inhabitants, their occupations, places of Business, and Dwelling-houses. Also a List of the Civil Government of Massachusetts, and of the Town Officers, Public Offices, Banks, etc. Likewise a Table of Duties on Stamped Paper, Vellum, etc. (conformably to the Stamp Act, passed July 6, '97.) And a List of all the'Stages that run from Boston, with the places at which they put up, etc., to which is prefixed a General Description of Boston. Ornamented with a Plan of the Town from actual survey. Half calf fine clean copy, plan missing. 12° Printed by Rlioades Sr Laughton,for John West, 1798 From this small book, in which the compiler has justly shown great pride in his subject we learn that Boston, the capital of the State of Massachusetts, havmg 18 038 inhabitants in 1790, with Hull, Chelsea, and Hingham constitutes the County of Suffolk. It has 97 streets, 36 lanes, 26 alleys, besides 18 courts, etc., most of them irregular, "and not very convenient." State Street, however, is veri' spacious, " and being on a line with Long Wharf, where strangers usuallv land exhibits a flattering idea of the town." The foreign and domestic trade of Boston is very considerable, " to support which there are three Banks, viz : The Union d'iscount day Tuesdav; the Massachuselts, discount day Monday; and the U. S. Branch, discount days Mondays and Thursdays. " The principal .'•^0 • Bibliotheca Historica. raaiuifactuves consist of rum, loaf sup;ar, beer, sail-cloth, cordage, wool and cotton cards, play in^j cards, pot and pearl ashes, paper hangings, hats, plate, glass, tobacco, and chocolate. Tliere are 30 distilleries, 2 breweries, 8 sugar-houses, and eleven ropcwalks." The infercoiivse with thecountn- is considerable, and increas- ing. Already " on the great road between this and New Haven, distant 164 miles," to sav nothing of the considerable portions of the world beyond, there are now 20 coaches and KW horses employed. " Attempts have been made to change the government of the I'own from its present form to that of a cily ; but this measure, not according with the Dcmociatic spirit of the people, has as yet failed." By a IMS. note of a former possessor we learn that " Samuel Ad.mi.s, retailer, etc., Elliot Street, is Town Crier," with his office at 71 Newburj- Street, while from page 136 we learn that Abraham Adams, leather-dresser and breeches-maker, 72 Newliurv Street is "Informer I'f l)ea\'' while Daniel Bell and George Hamlin arathellogreer.es. The names'of the i^ence r;c«'c/-s, the Cullers of Dry Fish, the Hurretjors of Sewp, and other Public Officers are all given on pp. 136-137, On pp. li6-8 is a full list of the stage coaches to and from the town, from which it is apparent that facilities of travel are not slight. Mail coaches for New York three times a week, through in three days and one hour. To Albany twice a week, through in three days and six hours. Coaches to Providence, Salera, Jlarblehead, Dedham, Quiney, Dorchester and Milton, Medford and Watertown, cnri; day (Sundays excepted), while to Cambridge and Roxbury go two stages every day. 239 liosTON DiRECTOiiT for the years 1821, 1822, 1823, 1826, 1827, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1833, 1834. 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1844 and 1845. (All with the maps except 1823, 1841, and 1845.) 20 vols. 12° Boston, 1821-45 240 Boston. The Boston Almanac for the years 1839 to 1851. By S. K, Dickinson. Vd vols, cloth. liS" Boston, l?,m-b\ 241 Boston. The Boston Almanac for 1844, 1845, 1847, 1849, 1859, and 1862. & vols, cloth. 16° 242 Boston. Receipts and Expenditures of the City of Boston from 1819 to 1856 inclusive. 6 vols, an exchssivelt r.AEE COLLECTION', half morocco uncut. 8° Boston. 243 IkTSTON Orations, Delivered at the Request of the Inhab- itants to Commemorate the Evening of the Fifth of March, 1770. 12" Printed by Peter Edes, Boston. 244 BosvTELL (James) Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, with Notes and Biographical Illustrations, by Malone. Cloth. 12° Whittingham, Gheswich, 1830 Complete in one pocket volume, in pearl type; a beautiful edition, now become scarce. 245 BouDiNOT (Elias) A Star in the West ; or, a humble Attempt to discover the long-lost Ten Tribes of Israel. Fine co-py. Calf. 8° D. Fenton, Trenton, JV. J., 1816 246 Bougainville (M. de) Voyage autour du Monde, en 1766- 9. 2 vols in 1, calf. 12° Neuchatel, 1773 247 Boulton (Thomas) The Voyage, a Poem in seven Parts: Containing Reflections upon A Farewell, Calm, Moderate Breezes, Hard Gale, Shipwreck, Deliverance and Return. Parts 1 to 6, 8° Printed for the author, Boston, 1773 Dedicated to Governor Wanton, of liliode Island. Scarce. 248 BouTON (N.) Two Sermons in Commemoration of the Or- ganizing of the First Church in Concord, N. H., and the settle- ment of the first Mini.ster, Nov. 18, 1730. Map. 8° Concord, 1831 Bibliotheca Historica. '21 349 BOUQUET (Henry) An Historical Account op the Ex- pedition AGAINST THE Ohio Indians in the year 1764. In- cluding tlie Transactions vvitli tlie Indians relative to the delivery of their Prisoners, with an account of the Battle of Bushy-Run, etc. Vertj fine large and dean copy, with the three maps, and loith the two copper-plates after Benj. West. 4" London, 1766 250 BowDiTOH (H. J.) Consumption in New England ; or. Lo- cality one of its chief Causes. Half roan. 8° Bostoii, 1862 251 BowDLER (Thomas) Life and Character of Lieut. Gen. Villettes, with Letters written in France in 1814. Postscript to the Letters written in France in 1814. Portrait, half '^"If- 8° London, 1815 202 BovniAx's Sermon, Preach'd at Wakefield, versify'd. By C. H. Crambo. 8° Dublin. 1731 203 Beackenkidge (H. M.) Eecollections of Persons and Places in the West. Boards. 8° Philadelphia, n. d. 254 Brackenridge (H. H.) IModern Chivalry. 2 vols. 18" PhiJa. 1804 255 Brackenridge (H. M.) Views of Louisiana. 12° Baltimore, 1817 256 Brackenridge (H. M.) History of the Late War between United States and Great Britain, containing a minute account of the various Military and Naval Operations. 4th edition, revised. Half Hack morocco, gilt. l-2° Baltimore, 1818 257 Bradbury (John, F. L. S. London) Travels in the Interior of North America, 1809-1811. Haf rus. 8° Liverpool, 1817 258 Bradley (Mrs. Eliza) An authentic Narrative of the Sbfp- wreck and Suiferings of, ivith large colored tvood-cnt. 8° G. Glarh, Boston. 1821 259 Brand (Gerhard) Leben nnd Thaten des Furcreflichen und Sonderbahren See-Helden Herrn-Michaelis de Ruiter, Admirael, etc. Many beautiful plates. Vellum. Folio, Amsterdam, 1687 This volume contains much incidentally pertaining to the East and West Indies. 260 Brasil. De Instellinge van de Generale Compagnie ghern- aeckt in Portugael na Brasil, toelatinge, met de Acte van Sijn Maiesteyt, 10 iVIeert, 1649. Scarce. [See Asher N°. 257.] Fine copy, uncut, polished calf by Francis Bedford. 4° Amsterdam [1649] 261 Brattle (Maj. Gen. W.) Two printed broadsides or posters, the one a letter to Gen. Gage, the Commander-in- Chief at Boston, dated Cambridge, Aug. 20, 1774, concerning Capt. Minot's Minute Men at Concord, the removing of the stocks of Powder, etc. ; and the other, A Letter to the Pub- lic, dated Boston, Sept. 2, 1774, explaining his relations and correspondence with Gen. Gage, and alluding to the threaten- ings he had received ; his banishment from his own home, etc. £'■2 Bihliotheca Historica. Excessively scarce WAtFS. Folded and bound together in a 4° volume in white vellum, by Pratt. 4° Boston, 1774 262 Bkay (Thomas D. D.) An Essay towards promoling knowl- edge in all Parts of his Majesty's Dominions, at Home and Abroad [America]. Vellum by Pratt. 4° Boston, 1707 263 Bkidgewater Centennial Celebration, June 3, 1856. 8° Boston, 1856 264 Bkiggs (William) Military History of Europe, etc., from the Commencement of the War with Spain, 1739, to the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle, 1748. Calf. 8° London, 1755 Contains much about America. 265 Brissot de Warville (J. P.) New Travels in the United States of America, performed 1788. Translated from the French. Half calf. 8° Lo7idon. 1792 266 Brissot (Warville J. P.) Niewe Eeize in de Vereeingde Staaten van Noord-Amerika. 3 vols, half brown moroeco, uncut ; fine copy. 8° Amsterdam, n. d. 267 Britain. Present State of Great Britain and America. Calf. 8° London, 1767 268 Britannia Triumphant ; or, an Account of the Sea-Fights and Victories of the English Nation under the following Com- manders, viz : Earl of Cumberland, Drake, Raleigh, Prince Rupert, Albemarle, York, Howe, Osborn, Keppel, Hawke, Anson, Cornish, Pocock, Rooke, Boscawen, Draper, Moore, and Wolfe. To which is prefixed a large Introduction, contain- ing a History of Navigation, etc. By a Society of Naval Gen- "tlemen. 2d edit. Calf, scarce. 8° P. James, Land, m 6 This important book, relating chiefly to affairs in America, deserves to be lietter liuown in this country, it contains portraits of the Earl of Cumberland, Dralie, Raleigh, Howe, and Boscawen. 269 Britannische Ryk in Amerika. Vervattende Terre-Neuf, Niew-Schotlandt, Niew-Engelandt, Niew-York, Niew-Jersey, Pensylvanie, Marilandt, Virginie, Carolina en Hudsons-Bai. Maps, calf. 4° Amsterdam, 1721 270 British Empire. Political Essays concerning the Present State of the British Empire. Calf. 4° Zojirfore, 1772 Essay V. pp. 226-479 is on the British Colonies, chiefly in America. 271 British Museum. A List of the Books of Reference in the Reading Room of the British Museum. Cloth. 8° Lond. 1859 This catalogue, containing about 30,000 volumes of the books most used, or oftenest called for, in the British Museum, and hence placed in the Reading Room where every reader may help himself, is perhaps one of the best guides there is for the formation of large public libraries. 272 Brodhead (John R.) Final Report of the Agent appointed by the Governor of New York to procure and transcribe doc- uments in Europe, relative to the Colonial History of N. York, with Calendars of the London, Holland, and Paris Document. Scarce. Sheep. 8° Albany, 1845 273 Brodhead (J. R.) History of the State of New York. First Period, 1609-1664. Cloth. 8" London, 1853 Bihliotheca Historica. 23 274 Bromley (Thomas) The Way to the Sabbath of Rest, or the Soul's Progress in the Work of the New Birth. ^^olf- 8° Germantown, Penn. 1759 275 Beonson (A.) Plain Exhibition of Methodist Episcopacy. Cloth. 12° Jiiirlhigton, 1844 276_ Bkown (C.) Narrative of the Expedition to South Amer- ica, in 1817. Half maroon morocco gilt, 8° Lond. 1819 277 Brown (J.) View of the Figures, and Explication of the Metaphors in Scripture. First American edition. 12° Middlelury, Vt. 1812 278 Brown (W.) Chancekt Reports ; copious Notes and References to American and later English Cases, by C. Per- kins. 4 vols. 8" Boston, 1844 279 BucANiEES. The History of the Bucaniers of America. Fhie copy, calf extra. 16° London, 1810 280 Buenos-Ayres. A Relation of Mr. R. M's Voyage to Buenos Ayres. Map, calf. 12° London, 1716 281 BULKELEY (Peter, of Concord in K E.) The Gospel Covenant ; or the Covenant of Grace opened. Fine copy, calf. 4° M. S.for Benjamin Allen, London, 1646 282 BuNYAN (John) Solomon's Temple Spiritualized. 12° Hartford, 1802 283 BuNYAN (John) Heart's Ease in Heart Trouble. Or a Sovereign Remedy against all Trouble of Heart, that Christ's Disciples are subject to. 16° W. Fessenden, Brattleb. 1813 284 Bdnyan (John) The Visions of John Bunyan ; being his last Remains ; giving an account of the Glories of Heaven, the Terrors of Hell, and of the AVorld to Come. Clean copy. 12° Thomas Hubbard, Norwich, {Con.) 1795 285 Burns (Robert) Poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. 2 volumes in 1. A scarce edition, 12° W. Magee, Belfast, 1793 286 BuRCHARD (Rev. J.) Sermons, Addresses and Exhortations, with Appendix, by C. G. Eastman. 2 copies. 12° Burlington, 1836 287 BuRCHETT (J.) Memoirs of Transactions at Sea, during the War with France, 1688-97. Calf. 8° London, 1703 288 BuRGOYNE (Lieut. Gen. John) A state op the Expedi- tion FROM Canada, as laid before the House of Commons ; with a Collection of authentic Documents. Maps, half calf. 4° London, 1780 Fine copy with all the Maps. 289 BuRGOYNE (Lieut. Gen. John) Letter from, to his Constit- uents upon his late Resignation ; with the Correspondences relative to his Return to America. 5th edition. 8° London, 1779 290 Burke (Edmund) Account of the European Settlements in America. Map. 2 volumes, calf. 8° London, 1757 24- Bibliofhcca Ilistorica. 201 Burke (E.) Account etc., ^d Edition, 2 !'o/»;»es, calf. 8° London, 1758 292 BuitivE (E.) Account etc., 4th Edition, 2 volumes, calf. 8° London, 1765 20r. BrRKE (E.) Account etc., New Edition, 2 vohimes, calf 8° London, 1766 204 BuKKE (E.) Account etc., 5th Edition, 2 volumes, calf 8° London, 1770 20.'i Burke (E.) Account etc., 6th Edition, 2 vohimes, ccdf 8° London, 1777 20G BuRK (William) Ilistoire des Colonies Europeennes dans rAnierique. 2 vols in 1. Calf. S" Paris, 1767 207 Bor.NKY (J.) Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea, or Pacific Ocean. JIaps. Calf. 4° London, 1803 208 Eur.NET (W.) The British Neptune. A History of the Achievements of the Royal Xavy. Plates. 12° London, 1807 200 Bdsby (Thomas) Concert Room and Orchestra Anecdotes of jMusic and Musicians, Ancient and Modern. With En- gravings. 3 vols, calf. 12° I^ondon. 1825 300 Butler (B. F.) Address at West Point, on the Military Profession of the Western States. 8° Xeiv Toric, 1839 301 BuTLicR (C.) History of Groton, including Pepperell and Shirlev. from the first Grant in 1655, with Appendices. Cloth." 8° Boston, 1848 302 BuTUER (G.) Fortune's Foot-Ball, or the Adventures of jMercutio. 2 vols in 1, so arc i:. 12" Harrishurgli, 1797 303 Byrox (John) The Narrative of the Expedition round the world, containino- an acceunt of the distresses suffered on the coast of Patagonia, 1740-1746. Also the Loss of the Wager. Written by himself; frontispiece. 8" Londo7i. 17G8 Voyage ronnd the World, in the ship Dolphin, Com. Byron, with "Description of the Straits of JMagellan, and the Pata- oonians. By an Officer on Board. Portraits. 2 vols in 1. Calf 8° London, 1767 304 Byron (John) Narrative, containing an Account of the great Distresses suffered liv Himself and Companions on the Coast of Patagonia, 1740-6, etc. Second edit. Calf. 8° ZoHrf. 1768 305 P^^ABTNET Annua] Register, and Historical. Political, Biooraphical, and Miscellaneous Chronicle. Clo}h. 12" Zojjrt'ore, 1833 306 Cabrera (P. T.) Ruixs of ax Anciext City, discovered near Palenque in Guatemala, Spanish America ; Translated from the original INIanuscript of Capt. Don Antonio Del Rio ; followed by Teatro Critico Americano, or a Critical Research into the History of the Americans. Half mor. 4" Land. 1822 Bihliothsoa Mistorioa. <^5 |07 QkmvM ^Clooi'ge) An Enquiry into tlio T;iiw Morclumt of tlio Unitod StiUoH, or licx Moroatoria Auicric.iuiu. ._ CW/'- W N,:w )V-/'/.', 1802 808 Cai.amv- {Vu) An Elupmt and Loarnod DiscourHo of tlio \A\i\\i of Nivturo; witii suvomll otlior Treiities. ,,.jMf- ■ A" hniffon, 1G04 809 ('Ai.dAdNiNUH' C'« Offlcon, ilo nun I MoUi 'I'umu, iind 810 C'ALTKOliNIA. Notkiia dio i,a ()Ai,iKoi!NiA,y (I(> su Oon- quiNiii 'IVinpoml y KsiiiriUml liastii d 'riompo prcsonln ; siicnda do 111 iri»tonii MiinuHcntii rornmclii on Muxico uflo do 17;i9, por ol I'mlro Miguel VonogdM. Mups and phitvx. .'I crj/s, '•"If- 4" Madrid, 1757 811 (lAi.iKoimrA. fioofrriipliicul Memoir ni)on llppor Oiililoniin. 15y .lolm (.ilnu'loH KrunionL 8" IVus/iiiu/fon, 1848 812 (iAMKOUNiA. Itopnrt of Uio Debates in the (ionvcntion of CJiiiifoniin, (in Uio I''ornuitlon of tlio State OoiiKtitution. By .1. UoHH Bi'owne, KSIl). 8" WnMngUm, I860 818 (lAi.iii'oiiNtA Stiito Library. Ciitiilo|j;iie of tlio CiilifoVniii State Librrti'y, By W. C. Rtnitton. //id/'rn/f: 8" iSarrtwicn/.d, I8GG 814 CAMDKN SOdlKTY I'llBLIOATlONS. '2(> r„h, ('h)lli. 4" rjondim, 1889-49 l'i,ii»ii"i'(iN (li)iiiinHi'i)Ni)i(N(ii(, A Mi'i'loM Ol' Lultoi'H, cliloflv I Iiiiiii>hI Iclt, wvlMoii 111 llio llc'l«:iii!iiin'',ilwiinl IV,| Itk'luu'il 111., ll«iii'y\nt,, mill lli'iiry VIII. Eillfod li.v TImiiiiiK Hlii|ilo(imi wllli NoiIci'h lli«toi'iwiI iuuI llloKm|ililoal, I.S;il). ANN/M.M «1|C •I'IIIi) li'lllHT l''(IUU VkAIIH HI' Till'. UuitIN Ol' (.JUmON Hl.lZAIlia'Il. Ily Sir .lolin lliiywiird, Kiit. JCillU'il iVoiii ii Miiiiusci'liit In tlio llui'loiiui (lolloo- lloii, by .loliii llr s IS.I(). K< ltMiA,Mi'i<'AL li(ioi)i\li!NTHi \\t. I. A Uriel' tllHhuy ol' tlio HIhIioiu'Io 01 Soiuni'Hi'l ll'oiii ltd llml; KoiiihIiiIIiim Io 1 17.|. II. (]!imi'Ioi'(( mini Uio Libriiiy of Dr. Kiix Miiorii. Now llrnt |)iililmliii(l by llio Ifnv, .Inm'pli lltiiilof, la.lO, BrnruLi lliiri'ANNt.111 I'Aim; An IllHloflciil iiiid (looK'nipliluiil Di'HorlpHoii ol'tho (Inuiilviil' M'lucx.liy doliii Nonloii, Ihlll. Hdllod IVoiil tlio Original MiinuBorinl;, by LSIr II. miln, IH-IO. Ki'«ii''n NiNU llAiKH WdNi'Kii; IN'rl'dnnoil in a Daiinoo IVoni London to Nor- wliili. WItll llllrmlnolinn ninl NoIoh, liv Nov. Alox. Ih'i'O, IH-IO. Till'. lOiiitimiN I'Ai'Kim. A (loiioi'lion "I' rnblioaml I'rlviilo Dnenmoiitu olilofly llliwfrttlivo oribo'l'liiiodol' liilniditilluuid.lHiniJB t.|(VoiiilliuOrigiiuil MnnuBoript. Edltal by .l.l'ay'iu ''"llyn l^*''"' Naiiiiativkh li,i,iiH'rnA'rivi« iii' 'riiK (tdNriwrM in Ihklani) In Iddl tiiid MOO. Kdilcd br T. Crollon dndtor, IHII. (!liiiiiNi('l'ilil (11' \ViM.iAi\i HI! b'lHiiANnuMi of Ilia Dnrona' Warn. Tho MIraoIoH ol' Simon do Monll'orl,. Hdilod iVoni MiiiuiHci'lpla In llio (lollonian Library, by ,1, (). lliililwoll, IH.IO, SisciiNii lldoK di' Tiiio 'riiAVKiiN di' Ni('ANni',ii NtiruiH, 111' Coroyva. Edited iVoiii tlio (IriH'inul Uri'ok Mtiiinncripl', witii Knn'lleb Traimiulloii, by liov. ,1. A. ri'iinior, IH-II. Titniti'. Maiii.v li'.Ndi.mii 1\li',Tiii(iAt, ItoMANdKH, Willi ttii Introduction and Olos- (iur\>. Mditod liv .loliii Holwon, IS.|a. PliivATii; Hiaut' di' Mil. .liiiiN l)Kn. and tlio Oatnloguo of li!« t.lbriiry oI'Manu- nt'vlpln. I'ldltoil rroiii tlin Orlnilial MiiniiKorlptn by J. 0. Halllwoil, I8.ia. An Ai'di.odv I'dit l.di.i.Aiiii DiKrriiiNiw, allrlbulod to WloliU'o. Now flrnt prinliid IVoiii a IMaiiimoripl In llio l.ilirary ol"rHiiil.v(!oliug'o, Dnbliii, wllb Intro- lUlotlou mid NolcN, liy.l. llonthorn Todd, D.H., 184a. 26 Bibliotheca Historica. Edtlano Papers. Original Documents Illustrative of the Times of Henry VII. and VIII., from the Private Archives of the Duke of Kutland. By W. Jerdan, 1842. DiAKY OF Dk. Thomas Cart'Weight, Bishop of Chester. From the Original MS. in the possession of the Kev. Joseph Hunter, 1843. Original Lettet.s of Eminent Litekaky Men of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries. With Notes and Illustrations, by Sir H. Ellis, 1843. Three "Chapters of Letters relating to the Suppression of Monasteries. Edited from the Originals in the British Museum, by Thos. Wright, 1843. Correspondence of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leycester, during his Govern- ment of the Low Countries in the years 1585-6. Edited by J. Bruce, 1844. The French Chronicle of London. Croniques de London depuis I'an 44. Hen. III. Jusqu'a I'au 17 Edw. III. Edited from a MS. in the Cottouian Library, by G. J. Aungier, 1844. Three Books of Poi.ydore Vergil's English History, comprising the Reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III. Edited by Sir H. Ellis, 1844. The Thornton Romances. The Early English Metrical Romances of Perceval, Isumbras, Eglamour, and Degravant. Edited from MSS. at Lincoln and Cam- bridge, by J. 0. Halliwell, 1844. Verney Papers. Notes of the Proceedings of the Long Parliament, temp. Charles I., from Original Memoranda taken in the House by Sir Ralph Verney. Edited by J. Bruce, 1845. Letters FROM James, Earl of Perth, to his Sister, the Countess of Errol, etc. Edited by W. Jerdan, 1845. De Anitquis Legihus Libek. Cronica Maiorum et Vicecomitum Londoniarum, 1178 ad annum 1274, cum Appendice, curante Thoma Stapleton, 1846. POLYDOKE Vergil's English History. Vol. I. containing the first eight Books comprising the Period prior to the Norman Conquest. Edited by Sir H. Ellis, 1846. The Camden Miscellany. Volume the First, 1847. I. Register and Chroni- cle of the Abbey of Aberconway. II. Chronicle of the Rebellion in Lincoln- shire, 1470. Hi. Bull of Pope innocent VIII. on the Marriage of Henry VIII. with Elizabeth of York. IV. Journal of the Siege of Rouen, 1591, etc. Certaine Considerations upon the Government of England. By Sir Roger Tivysden Knt. Edited from the unpublished Manuscrint. bv J. M. Kemble, 1849. ^ 315 Camden (William) Annales Reriim Anglicarum et Hiber- nicarvm. Vellum. Thiol 8° Elzevir, Lugd. Batav. 1625 316 Cameraeius (J.) Commentarii utriiisque Lingua. Golf- Folio, Basilece, 1551 317 Campbell (W. W.) Annals of Tryon County ; or the Bor- der Warfare of New York, during the Revolution. Boards. 8° Neiv York, 1833 318 Campe (J. H.) Pizarro or the Conquest of Peru. New - Edit., trans, by E. Helme. Half roan. 12° Zonrfon, 1826 319 Canada. Debates of the House of Commons in the year 1774 on the Canada Bill. Map, cloth, uncut. 8° London, 1839 320 Canadian Freeholdek (The) Showing the Sentiments of the Bulk of the Freeholders of Canada concerning the late Quebec-Act, with some remarks on the Boston-Charter- Act &c. 3 vols, {vol. 3 very rare) half calf 8° London, 1777-9 321 Cancelada (Juan Lopez) Guia de varias Curiosidades que comprehenden los Sucesos Memorables del Presente Siglo. Fine copy, calf. Igo Mexico, 1808 With Portrait of Prince Ferdinand, engraved by Larren, and mth several pages of statistics and tables engraved on copper. 322 Candid and Impartial Considerations on the Nature of the Sugar Trade. Half morocco. 8° London, 1763 Bihliotheca Historica. ^JTl 323 Candid Examination of the Mutual Claims of Great Britain and the Colonies, with a Plan of Accommodation on Constitu- tional Principles. Half morocco. 8'' James Rivinr/ton, A^eio Fork, 1775 324 Candidus. Plain Truth to the Inhabitants of America, con- taining Remarks on a late Pamphlet entitled Common Sense. Hcdfroan. 8° London, 111^ 325 CANOVAI (Stanislao) Elogio di Amerigo Vespucci che riporto il premio dalla Accademia di Cortona nel di 15 Ottobre 17^8. Con una Dissertazione Giustificativa di questo celebre Navigatore. Half morocco. 4:° Firenze, 1790 This book passed through four editions, with many changes and alterations, and was the cause of a vast amount of researcli and discussion relative to tlie earliest discoveries in America, and by many authors. The claims of Canovai in behalf of Yespncci were vehemently opposed. 326 Canovai (Stanislao) Elogio di Amerigo Vespucci, 4th Edit. Fine Copy. Half gr. morocco ffilt, uncut. 8° Firenz. 1798 327 Capel (D.) Vorstellungen des Norden, oder Bericht von einigen Nordliindern, und absonderlich von dem so genandten Grlinlande, etc. Hamburg, 1675. — Ein kurtzer Discours von der Schiff-Fahrt by dem Nord-Pol nach Japan, China, und so weiter, trith a copperplate map of the surroundings of the North Pole. 2 vols in l,fine copies in white vellum, hj Pratt. Scarce in this condition. 4° Hamburg, 1676 This important work is divided into two books the first in 11 and the second in live chapters. Book I. gives an account of all that is known of voyages towards the I^orth Pole; Mercator's opinion ; that of Isaac Pontanus; the voyages of the Hol- landers from Amsterdam 1594-1609 ; Spitzbergen ; and eh. 11, the voyages of Cap- tains Winwood, and of Henry Hudson westward to America. Book H. treats of the voyages of the Zeni, of Dietman Blef kens, 1563, of Greenland, with an ab- stract of H. Megisser's valuable book of 1613, and G. N. Schurtz's Narrative. 328 Cardenas y Cano (Gabriel de) [i. e. Andres Gonzales Barcia] Ensayo Cronologico, para la Historia General de la Florida. Vellum. Folio, Madrid, 1723 329 Caret (H. C.) and J. Lea. The Geography, BListory, and Statistics of America and the West Indies. Map and plates, uncut, half cloth. 8° London, [1824] 330 Caeli (L. Oomie) Lettres Ameeicaines ; pour servir de suite aux Memoires de D. Ulloa. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1788 331 Carli. Another copy. 2 vols, half blue morocco. uncut. 8° Paris, 1788 332 Carroll (Abp.) An Address to the Roman Catholics of the United States of America, and other tracts in 1 vol. Half calf. 8° Annapolis printed, Worcester reprinted, 1785 333 Carthagena. An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena with Explanatory Notes and Observations [by Dr. Smollet.] Calf 8° London, 1743 334 Carthao-ena. An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena. Half roan. 8° London, 1743 335 Carthagena. Original Papers relating to the Expedition to Carthacrena. Half roan. 8° London, 1744 S8 Bihliothec'a Historica. 336 Carthagena. 4 tracts in 1 vol. Calf. 8° An Actoimt of the Expedition to Carlhagena. London, 1743 Original Tapers relating to tlie Expedition to Carthagena. London, 1744 Original Papers relating to the Expedition to Cuba. London, 1744 Original Papers relating to the Expedition to Panama. _ Lutidun, mi 337 Cartilla y Doctrina Espiritual, para la crianza, y edu- cacion de los Novicios, que tomaren el habito en la Orden de N. P. S. Francisco : En la qual brevemente se les ensena lo que deben hacer, conforme k la Doctrina de N. Serafico Dr. San Buenaventura. Reimprime se k solicitud del R. P. Fray Juan Bautista Dosal, Padre de S. Joseph de Yucatan etc. Mne copy, vellum. 8° Felipe de Zuuiga, Mexico, 1775 338 Carver (Jonathan) Travels though the Interior parts of North America, 1766-1768, 2d edit. Fine copy. Large Pai'kr, maps and plates. 8° London, 1779 339 Carver (J.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the years 1766-1767, and 1768. With Copper- plates. Calf, gilt. 8° Buhlin, 1779 340 Carver (.T.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America 1766-1768. Calf. " S" Dublin, m^ 341 Carver (Jonathan) Three Years' Travels through the Inte- rior Parts of North America, with extra map and plates inserted from Cooke's Voyages. Hcdf calf 8° Edinburgh, 1798 342 Carver (Jonathan) Reize door de Binnenlanden van Noord-Amerika .... naar den Derden Druk uit het Engelsch door J. D. Pasteur. Maps and colored plates. 2 vols, half calf. 8° Leyden, 1796 343 Casaubon (I.) Ad Polybii Plist. Librum Priraum Commen- tarii. Calf. 4° Parisiis, 1617 344 Casaox (Marques de) Considerations sur quelques Parties du Blechanisme. Tree-ccdf 8° Londres, 1785 345 Cascales (Fr.) Discursos Historicos de Murcia. Engraved Title. Scarce. Half calf. Many plates of a^'ms of Families in Spain. Folio, Murcia, 1621 346 Case (A) decided in the Supreme Court of the United States in Feb. 1793 " Whether a State be liable to be sued by a Private Citizen of Another State." Hcdf roan, uncut. 8° Philadelphia, 1793 347 Case Decided in the Supreme Court of the United States Feb. 1793, "Whether a State be liable to be Sued by a Pri- vate Citizen of another State." Uncut. 8° Boston, 1793 348 Casket (The) A Miscellany consisting of Unpublished Poems. Neat half calf, uncut. 8° Murray, London, 1829 349 Caspipina's Letters ; containing Observations on a variety of Subjects, to which is added the Life and Character of Wm. Penn. 1 vols, half calf. IT Bath, 1111 350 Caspipina's Letters ; on a variety of Subjects, to which is added, the Life of Wm. Penn. 2 vols, tree calf. 12" Bath, IW By the Rev. Mr. Duchi5 the first Chaplain to the Congress. Bihliotheca Historica. 29 351 CASSELL (Joh. Phil, of Bremen) Observatio Historica de Frisonum Navigatione fortuita in Aniericam Sec. XI. facta. Ob solenniuni lustratiouem Liidi Ref. Fridericeani et Orationes in ea habendas, edita, a Joh. Phil. Cassell, R. Uncut. -4-" J. G. Seigeler, Mtujdehurge, 1741 The autlior in this rare (lact discusses the statements of AJam of Bremen re- specting the discovery of America by the Danes, in the ele\onth century. Dr. Kohl has recently revived the fables of this medieval author, and built up a gooilly historical structure on their foundation. o5i? Castle BriLDiiKS (The) : or the History of William Ste- phens of the Isle of Wight, Esq., lately deceased. A Polit- ical Novel. Scarce, calf. 8° London, 1759 This William Stephens resided sixteen j-ears in Georgia, and was the first Secre- tary of that Colony and keeper of its Black Book, a list of tlic disreputable characters that were induced to become voluntary and involuntary emigrants on the pious founding of that Colony. Into this book were posted their ante- cedents, and their actions and behaviour for tlrree years alter landing ia Geor- gia. This Black Book still exists in England and contains a mine oi^ valuable American genealogical materials. Few lamilios in this country can boast of genealogical trees of harder wood; or can trace more minute historical and genealogical particulars of their English ancestors than those who have de- scended from some of the early emigrants to Georgia, "whose names "were so carefully recorded by M'illiam Stephens, the First Historian of that Colony. These volumes with other early records of Georgia, filling 21 folio \'olum«s, were once, under promise of secrecy, deposited with the writer for four hours, and oflered for .£500. He oH'ered £300 and lost the prize. When by death the obligation of secrecy was removed he invited the distinguished baronet who now possesses the collection, to breakfast, and communicated to him the circum- stances. Within three days the collection changed hands, and now slumbers in the West of England. When it shall wake to the public use, this book and evervthing else pertaining to AVilliam Stephens Avill awaken to new interest. 353 CASTRO (JoSo de, Fourth Vice Roy of India.) Vida de Dom loao de Castro, quarto Viso-Rey da India, Escrita por Jacixto Fretee de Andrada, Impressa por ordeni de sen Neto o Bispo Dom Francisco de Castro, Inquisidor Geral neste Reyno, do Conselho de Estado de Sua Magestade, E agora terceira xez impressa. Fine copy, old calf. Folio, Lisboa, Officinu Reed dos Herd, di M. Deslandes, 1703 This Life of De Castro, by Andrada, is of very considerable importance to the American historian, inasmuch as herein are described the struggles between Spain and Portugal for mastery, both in Brazil and the East Indies. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. 354 i^^SaTALOGUE of the Library of the late George f^^m Offor, comprising rare early Bibles, the Works of a ^^l John Bimyan, rare Horae, etc. Sold by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge, June 1865. Half morocco, gilt. 8° London, 1865 355 Catalogue. Bangs, Brother & Co., George Cowin's Library; Books on America. Interleaved and priced. Half morocco. 8° iVew For^, 1853 356 Catalogue of the Library of Dr. Kloss of Franckfort, in- cluding many original and unpublished Manuscripts, and printed Books with MS. Annotations by Philip Melancthon. Neat half calf, uncut. 8° London, 1835 357 Catalogue of the Pennsylvania State Library ; compiled and classified by Wallace De Witt. Cloth. 8° Harrishurg, 1859 358 Catalogue of the Library of the University of Vermont, Burlington. 8° Burlington, 1854 359 Catalogues. A Collection of 12 Catalogues of Books, rare tracts. History and Literature of America, &c. Sold by auc- tion by Messrs. Puttick & Simpson, 1 855-1860, bound in 1 vol, half roan. 8° London, 1855-60 360 Catalogue. Bibliotheca Americana. A Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Literature of America. Sold by Puttick and Simpson, March 6-9 and 20-23. Two Parts, bound in one volume. Large Paper, cloth, uncut. Soyal 8° London, 1851 This, one of the most carefullj^ prepared auction Catalogues ever issued in Lon- don, contains 2415 lots ivith full collations of every worli. It fills vi + 273 pages. 361 Catalogue. Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue Rai- sonne d'une tres-precieuse Collection de livres anciens et modernes sur I'Amerique et les Philippines. Redige par Ch. LeClerc. Sold by auction in Paris, Jan. 15-25, 1867, vii-\- 4:07 pp. Half red morocco, uncut. 8° Maisonneuve, Paris, 18^1 This Catalogue, made on the model of the preceding, contains a careful collation of each hook, and in many instances analyses and important notes. 362 Catcott (Alexander) A Treatise on the Deluge. Calf 8° London, 1768 363 Catcott (Alexander) A Treatise on the Deluge. 2d edi- tion. Calf 8° London, 1768 This Book contains incidentally some remarkable statements and inferences re- specting the effects of the Flood in America. Bibliotheca Historica. S\ 364 Cayenne. Tableau de Cayenne, ou de la Guianno Francaise. • Half calf, uncut. 8° Paris, 1799 365 CAYETANO DE CABRERA Y QUINTERO (Don) EscuDO DE Armas de Mexico : Celestial Proteccion de esta Ciudad, de la Nueva Espafia y de casi todo el Nuevo Mundo, Maria Santissima, en su portentosa Imagen del Mexicano Gua- dalupe, milagrosamente apparecida en el Palacio Arzobispal el ano de 1531, y jurada su principal Patrona el passada de 1737, etc. Fine large dean and perfect copy, with the quaint copperplate frontispiece, designed by Joseph de Ibarra, and engraved by Bal- thasar Troncoso of Mexico in 1743. \% prel. leaves -{- b'l'l pp. -\- Indice, '2i pp. Vellum. Folio, Mexico, por la Viuda de Jos. Bernardo de Hogal, 1746 An extraordinavy Book, brimful of the marvellous in Religion, law, medicine, histovv, and politics. All the authors, native and foreign, who have written on Mexico, are here laid under contribution, the religious elements predominating, but the historical not excluded. There is much respecting the conversion and education of the various tribes of Indians, and the institutions founded for their benefit. 366 Catltjs (Madame) Les Souvenirs 1770. Voyages d'un Phil- osophe, 1769. Discours prononcds par M. Poivre. In 1 volume. Calf. 8° 1769 367 Church of Rome. A short Refutation of the Principal Errors of the Church of Rome, whereby a Protestant of a mean and ordinary capacity may be enabled to defend his Religion against the most subtle Papist. 2d edition, with additions. 12" M. Downing, London, 1735 368 Cicero (M. T.) Cato Major, or discourse on Old Age. . . . . With explanatory notes by Benj. Franklin. Half calf 8° London, 1778 369 Cicero (M. T.) Opera qu£e supersunt Omnia. 20 vols, calf, a beautiful and scarce edition. 16" liob. et And. Foides, Glasg. 1749 370 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars of England. 6 volumes. Fine copy, calf extra. 8° Oxford. 1819 371 Clark (T.) Naval History of the United States, from the Commencement of the Revolutionary War. •2 volumes. 12° P/nVa. 1814 372 Clark (Dr. G. S.) Hebrew Criticism and Poetry. Calf 8° London, 1810 373 Clarke (John) Corderii etc., or a Select Century of the Colloquies of Corderius, with an English translation. New edition, fine copy. 12° Isaiah Thomas, Boston, 1789 374 Clarke (Rev. J.) Discourses to Young Persons. 12° i?os^on, 1804 375 Clarke (M. St. Clair) Cases of Contested Elections in Con- gress from 1789 to 1834. 8° Washington, 1834 376 Clarkson (T.) Essay on the Slavery and Conunerce of the Human Species ; Translated from a Latin Dissertation which obtained the first Prize in the University of Cambridge, 1785. Calf ^"London, 1785 82 Bihliotheca Historica. 377 CLAVIGERO (Francisco Saverio) Storia Anticha dkl Messico. 3Lips and numerous engravings. A vols, half morocco, uncut, very fine copy. 4° In Oesena, 1780 Clayigero was a native of Veni Cruz (born 1731, died at Bologna, 1787), a Jesuit and a thorough anti{iuarian, who spent thirty years 'of active research into the arcliajology and antiquities of Mexico. His book, originally published in Italian, is a mine of preciou'^ historical documents, and contains valuable lists of others in the Mendoza, the Vatican and the Boturini collections. All the other books that have been elaborated since on the same subject, instead of superseding Clavigei-o's, have tended rather to magnify its importance. 378 Clavigero (F. S.) The History of Mexico, collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians. Translated from the original Italian by C. CuUen. 3Iaps and plates, 2 vols, calf. 4° London, 1787 379 Clavigero (F. S.) Historia Antiqua de Megico ; tradncida del Italiano por Joaquin De Mora. Maps and plates, 2 vols, half roan. Royal 8" Londres, 1826 380 Clavigero (F. S.) Geschichte von Mexico. 2 vols, maps and many plates, half morocco, gilt, uncut. 8° Leip. 1789-90 This German translation of Clavigero was made from the English by CuUen, who took his from the original Italian. The German editor has added notes and illus- trations. Many of the archaeological blunders of German writers on Mexico are traceable to this double translation. 381 Clay (Henry) Obituary Addresses on, in the House of Rep- resentatives, June 30, 1852. Cloth. 8° Washington, 1852 382 Clf.mentius Clementinus Amerinus. Lucubrationes, Praete- rea adjecimus Eihardum de signis febrium, Antonium et Christ. Barsisium de Febribus. Folio, Ilenricus Pelrus, Basileae, 1535 383 Clinton (Sir Henry) Narrative relative to his conduct in North America. 3d edition. London, [n. d,'\ Cornwallis. Answer to that part of the Narrative of Sir H. Clinton relating to Cornwallis. London, 1783 Reply (A) to Sir H. Clinton's Narrative. 2d edition. 3 vols in one, half calf. 8° London, 1783 384 CLOPPENBURCH (Jean Everhardt) LeMiroirdela Cruelle, & HORRIBLE Ttrannie Espagnole perpetres au Pays Bas, par le Tyran Due de Albe, & aultres Coraan- deurs de par le Roy Philippe le deuxiesme. 4° Amst. 1620 Le Miroir de la Tyrannic Espagnole perpetree aux Indes Oc- cidentales. Par un Evesque Bartholojie de las Casas. 2 vols in one; many copperplates ; fine copy, old calf extra. 4" J. E. Glojipenijurg, Amsterdam, 1620 385 Chabert (M. de) Voyage dans I'Amerique Septentrionale, en 1750-51, pour rectifier les Cartes des Cotes de I'Acadie, de ITsIe Royale et de ITsle de Terre-neuve. Maps and charts; hcdf morocco ; fine uncut copy. i" Paris 1753 386 CHALKLEY (Tho.mas) A Collection of the Works' of, in Two Parts. Oalf 8° Printed hy Ben. Franklin, Phila. 1749 387 CHALKLEY (Thomas) A Collection of the Works, in Two Parts. Calf 8» Printed hy B. Franklin, PhUa. 1749 Bibliotheca Historica. S3 388 CHA.LKLF.Y (Thomas) The Works of T. C, containing his •Epistles and other Writings. Calf. 8° London, 1751 389 Chalmers (George) An Estimate of the Comparative strength of Great Britain, and of the Loss of her Trade from every "War since the Revolution. New edition, continued to 1810. Half calf. 8° London, 1810 390 Chalmers (Geo.) Estimate, etc. Another copy. Calf. 8" London, 1810 391 Chalmers (Geo.) Opinions of eminent Lawyers on viirious Points of Jurisprudence, chiefly concerning the Colonies, Fish- eries, and Commerce of G. Britain. 8" BiirUugton, 1858 392 CHAMPLAIN (Samuel de) Les Voyages db la Kov- VELLE France Occidentale, dicte Canada, faits par le S' de Champlain Xainctongeois, Captaine pour le Roy en la Ma- rine du Ponant, & toutes les Descouvertes qu'il a faites en ce pais depuis I'an 1603, jusques en I'an 1629 .... Ensemble vne Cart generalle de la description dudit pays faict en son Meridien selon la declinaison de la guide Aymant, & en Cate- chisme ou Instruction traduicte du Francois au language des peuples Sauuages de quelque contree, avec ce qui s'est pass6 en ladite Nouuelle France en I'annee 1631. An unusually large and fine copy, measuring 9| by 6| inches, with several rough leaves, in every way a desirable and perfect copy, except that the large map is M. Trass's excelle7it replica, instead of the original. Vellum. In this condition a hook of the highest degree of rarity. 4<' Clavde Collet, Paris, 1632 393 CHAMPLAIN (S. de) Les Voyages, etc. Another copy, 'wanting the large tnap, and othericise slightly imperfect towards the end, with some leaves mutilated, but a good icorldng copy. 4°Pam, 1632 394 Chandon et Delandine. Nouveau Dictionnaire His- TORiQUE, avec des Tables Chronologiques, etc. 13 vols, calf. 8° Lyon, 1804 395 Chaxning (Henry) Sermon at New London, Dec. 20th, 1786, occasioned by the Execution of Hannah Ocuish, a Mu- latto Girl, for the murder of Eunice Bolles. Uncut, but muti- lated. 8° T. Green, Neio London, 1786 396 Chapin {Revd. Alonzo B.) Glastenbury for 200 Years, a Centennial Discourse May ISth, A. D. 1853. With an Ap- pendix. Half broivn morocco, uncut. 8" Hartford, 1853 397 Chapman (W.) On Canal Navigation ; with Investigation of Mr. Robert Fulton's Plan of Wheel-Boats. Flates, half bound. 4° London, 1797 Considerins the date of this book, it is one of considerable interest. 398 Chappe d'Auteeoche (M.) A Voyage to California, to ob- serve the transit of Venus, etc. Half blue morocco, gilt, uncut. Plan of Mexico. 8° London, 1778 3 34i Bihliotheca Historica. 399 Chappell (Lieut. E.) Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay in H. M. Ship Rosamond. Map and plates, half ^^fjf 8° London, 1817 400 Characters. Containing an Impartial Review of the pub- lic conduct and abilities of the most eminent personages in the Parliament of Great Britain : considered as Statesmen, Senators, and Public Speakers, ^ievised and corrected by the Author, since the original publication in the Gazetteer, xvi -\- Ibi pp. Half calf. ^^ London, Wl Nineteen cliaracters are held up to public view in this interesting volume, viz : Lords Mansfield, Camden, Lyftelton, Chatham, Germara, Hillsborough, Suffolk, Shelburne, Sandwich and Wth; Dukes of Grafton and Eichmond; and Messrs. Thurloe, Burke, Barr(?, Wedderburne, Fox, Ellis, and Dunning, besides many others incidentally. A large portion of the contents pertains to American affairs. 401 CHARLEVOIX (Le P. Francois Xaviee) Histoiee de l'Isle Espagnolb ou de S. Domingue, ecrite particuliere- ment sur des Memoires Manuscrits du P. Jean-Baptiste le Pers, Jesuite. Maps, 2 vols. 4° Pralard, Paris, 1730 402 CHARLEVOIX {Le P. F. X.) Histoire de S. Domingue. Another edition. Maps and plates, 4 vols, old calf. 8° Amsterdam, 1733 403 CHARLEVOIX (Le P.) Histoire de la Nouvelle France, [Canada] avec le Journal d'un voyage fait par ordre du Roy dans rA,merique Septentrionale. Maps and plates, 6 vols, calf gilt. 8° Chez Ganeau, Paris, 1744 404 CHARLEVOIX (Le P.) Histoire de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal d'un Voyage dans I'Amerique Sep- tentrionale. Maps and plates, fine copy, 6 vols, calf, gilt. 8° Chez Nyon, Paris, 11 ii 405 CHARLEVOIX (Le P.) Histoire de la Nouvelle France ; avec le Journal d'un Voyage fait par ordre du Eoi dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. 6 vols, maps and plates, calf. 8° Ghez Didot, Paris, 1744 406 CHARLEVOIX (Le P.) All the Maps and Plates of the six duodecimo volumes of Pere Charlevoix's Histoire de la Nouvelle France. Collected and bound in one volume in cdj, gilt, and lettered, Tom. vii. 12° Paris, 1744 A valuable companion volume to any edition of Charlevoix's Canada. The opportunity of securing these maps and plates in this form seldoms occurs. 407 CHARLEVOIX (Le P.) Historia Paraguaiensis ; ex Gallico, Latina. Cum Animadversionibus et Supplemento. Half vellum. A VERT SCARCE edition. Folio, Venetiis, IIT^ 408 Chas (J.) ET Lebrun. Histoire Politique et Philosophique de la Revolution de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Half calf, uncut. 8" Paris, (1801) 409 Chastellux (Le Marquis de) Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentrionale, 1780-82. 3faps, 2 vols. 8" Paris, 1786 410 Chastellux (Marquis de) Travels in North America in 1780, '81, '82, with Notes. Map, 2 vols, calf. Fine copy. 8° London, 1787 Bibliotheca Historicu. So 41,1 CiiASTELLUx (Marquis de) Travels in North America in 1780, 1781, and 1782. Translated from the French by an English Gentleman, with Notes. Map and -plates, 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1787 412 CuAUNCY (Charles) Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England. 8° Boston, 1743 413 Chauncy (Charles) *A Complete View of Episcopacy. 8° Boston, 1771 414 Chauncy (Charles) The Benevolence of the Deity, fairly and impartially Considered. Half russia. 8° Poivars and Willis, Boston, 1784 415 Chauncy (Charles) The Benevolence of the Deity, fairly and impartially Considered. Half morocco, tmcut. 8" Powars .5- Willis, Boston, 1784 416 Chauncy (Isaac) The Doctrine which is Godliness; with a brief Account of the Church Order of the Gospel according to the Scriptures. Calf. S"? London, 1737 417 CHECKLEY (John)' A Short and Easie Method with THE Deists. Wherein the Certainty of the Christian Eeligion is demonstrated, by infallible Proof from Four Kulcs, which are Incompatible to an}- Imposture that ever yet has been or that can possibly be. In a letter to a Friend. The Eighth Edition, pp. 1-41. 8° London : Printed by J. Applehee, and Sold : hy John Checkley, at the Sign of the Grown and Blue Gate, over against the West-End of the Town-House in Boston, 1723 Besides the above title this volume contains : 1 Checklev (J.) A Discourse concerning Episcopacy, pp. 41-127. 2 The Epistle of St. Ignatius to the Trallians, pp. i'28-l:J-2. 3 Checiiley (J.) The Speech of Mr. John Checiiley upon his Tryal at Boston in Ne-vv- England, for publishing A Short and Easie Method ■with the Btists, &c. to which is added The Jury's Verdict, His Plea in Arrest of Judgment, and the Sentence of the Court. 2d edit. London, 1728 4. Checkley (J.) A Specimen of a True Dissenting Catechism upon Eight True- Blue Dissenting Principles, &c. Splendid copy, bound in one volume, in Bedford'3 best polislied ealf extra, gilt eilges. Considerable interest attaches to this very rare book, in consequence of the alarm that it raised in New England, and the litigation that ensued. The book itself is Leslie's ivell known Sho>-t and Easie Method, bnt in reprinting it Check- ley appended a Discourse concerning Episcopacy, wherein he endeavors to prove that Dissenters not being Episcopally ordained, are no ministers, etc., and comments rather harshly upon the Church Courses of New England. This g.iYe great offence and Checkley was prosecuted in ll'li in tlie Inferior ( 'ourt of Boston for publishmg "a false and scandalous libel." He was convicted, but appealed to the Superior Court, where after a long speech in his own defence, the jury brought in a verdict against him. Checkley then put in a "Plea in ar- rest of Judgment," which is given in extenso in his speech, but the Court sen- tenced him to pay £50 to the king, and give security i'or his good behavior. The whole story is told in the above boolis, in Thomas's History of Printing, and in Stevens's Nuggets, No. 535. 418 Chesteeton (Geo. L.) A Narrative of Proceedings in Ven- ezuela ... in the Tears 1819-20. Half calf . 8° Bond. 1820 419 Child (Sir Josiah) A New Discourse of Trade, of Companies of Merchants, of Navigation, Naturalization of Strangers, 36 BUKotheca Historica. Woolen Manufactures, and the Balance of Trade and the Nature of Plantations. 4th edition. Qalf gill. WLond.n.d. The American political economist and historian should not fail to consult the various editions of this work. 420 Child (Sir J.) A New Discourse of Trade, and Nature of Plantations. OaJf. ?>" London, \m 421 CHiLD(Sir J.) A New Discourse of Trade. Calf. 8° Zonrf. 1698 422 China. liistoire Generale ou Annales de la Chine ; traduites du Tong-Kren-Kang-mon, par la feu Pare Joseph-Anne-Marie de Moyriac de Mailla. Maps and Plates, 4 vols, calf. 4° Paris, 1777 423 Chipman (Daniel) Memoir of Thomas Chittenden, first Governor of Vermont. Cloth. 12° Middlebunj, 1849 424 Chipman (Daniel) Life of Hon. Nathaniel Chipman ; with Selections from his Miscellaneous Papers. Cloth. 8° Boston, 1846 42.5 CniPMAf* (D.) On the Law of Contracts. 8° Middlebury, 1822 426 Chipman (Nathaniel) Sketches of the Principles of Govern- ment. First Edition. 12° Rutland, 1793 427 CmqjJlTOS {Tribe of Indians in Paraguay) Erbauliche . . Geschichten derer Chiqvitos . . in Paraguaria. . , Frontispiece, scarce, vellum. 8° Wien, 1729 428 Choice Notes from " Notes and Queries," History. Cloth. 12° London, 1858 429 Christian History,* Containing Accounts of the Eevival and Propagation of Religion in Great Britain and America in 1743. [Edited by Thomas Prince, of Boston.] Calf. 8° S. Kneeland, Boston, N. E. 1744 430 Chronicle of Events, Discoveries and Improvements, for the Popular Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Illustrated with Maps and Bngraviiigs. Cloth. 8° Boston. 431 CHURCH (Dr. Benjamin) An Oration delivered March Fifth, 1773, at the Request of the Inhabitants OF the Town op Boston, to Commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March, 1770. The Fourth Edi- tion. _ Very fine large clean copy, sized paper, rough leaves bound in white forrel, by Pratt. 4° Printed by J. Greenleaf Boston, 1773. 432 Church (Thomas) History of King Philip's War; also of Expeditions against the French and Indians, 1689-1704, by his Son, Thos. Church. With Appendix, etc., by S. G. Drake. Frontispiece. 12° Boston, 1825 433 Church (Thomas) History of Philip's War, commonly called the Great Indian War of 1675-6. Also of the French and Indian Wars at the Eastward, 1689-90-92-96 and 1704 With Notes and Appendix by S. G. Drake. Second Edition with Plates. 120 Boston, 1827 Bihliotheca Ilistorica. 87 434 Clinton (Sir Henry) Answer to that part of the Narra- tive of Lieut. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, which relates to the Conduct of Lieut. Gen. Earl Cornwallis, during the Campaign in North America in 1781. 8° London, 1783 435 CocBETT (William) Paper against Gold. Gloth. n" New York, \?,^i 436 CocKBUKN (James) A Review of the General and Partic- ular Causes which have produced the late Disorders and Divis- ions in the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held in Philadelphia, etc. Calf. S° Philad. 1829 437 Cocker (Edavaed) Decimal Arithmetic. Old calf. 8" Londoji, U85 The early editions of Cocker are rare and much sought for. "According to Cocker " is English for " According to Gunter." 438 Cohen (M. M.) Notices of Florida and the Campaigns. Map. boards. 12° Charleston, S. C. 1836 439 GOLDEN (Cadwallader) An Explication of the first Causes of Action in Matter and of the Cause of Gravitation. Polished calf , 8° New York printed, London reprinted, 1746 440 CoLDEN (Cadwallader) History of five Indian Nations of Canada. Map, calf, 2d edition. 8° London, 1750 This second edition is identical "with the first London edition, except this new title. The original dedication to Governor Burnet in the first New York edition is here changed to General Oglethorpe. There are some other liberties taken in the London editions which led the author when he found them out to protest against them. 441 CoLDEN (Cadw.) The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada. Maf, 3d edition. 2 vols, calf. 8° L^ondon, 1755 442 Collection of Curious Observations, on the Manners, Cus- toms, etc., of the several Nations of Asia, Africa, and America. Translated from the French, first printed 1749, by J. Dunn. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1750 443 Collection of Interesting Papers relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America. Half russia. 8° J. Almon, London, 1777 This rare volume is usually called the Pkioh Documents of Almon's Remem- brancer. 444 Collection of Memorials concerning divers deceased Ministers and others of the People called Quakers, in Penn- sylvania, New Jersey and Parts adjacent. 8° London, 1788 445 Collection of Scarce and valuable Treatises upon Metals, Mines and Minerals ; being a Translation from the Learned Albaro, Alonso Babba and others. Calf Small 8" London, 1739 446 CoLLiBEK {Samuel) Columna Rostrata ; or a Critical History of the English Sea-Afifairs. Calf 8° London, 1727 Considerable portions of this book pertain to American affairs. 447 Collier (-1. Payne) A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest !Books in the English Lan- guage, alphabetically arranged, which, during the last fifty 38 Bibliotheca Historica. years, have come under the observation of J. P. Collier, F. S. A. The Original Edition Published at 3 Guineas. 2 vols, half roan, cloth sides, uncut. 8" Joseph Lilly, London, 1865 448 CoLLiNSON (Peter, Friend and Correspondent of FranEin) Some Account of the late Peter Collinson. In a letter to a Friend, loith a. hrilUant impression of Miller's line engraved portrait. Privately printed. Half morocco. 4° London, mO On pp. C-7 is an interesting Letter fironi Franklin. 449 CoLjiAN (Benjamin) The Honour and Happiness of the Virtuous Woman ; considered in the two Relations of a Wife and Mother, upon the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Hirst, consort of Grove Hirst, Esq., who died July 10, 1716, aged .3.=). Fine copy in polished calf by Bedford. 16° B. Green, Boston, 1716 450 CoLMAN (Benj.) The Holy Walk and Glorious Translation of Blessed Enoch, a Sermon Preached at the Lecture in Boston Two Days after the Death of the Reverend and Learned Cot- ton Mather who departed this Life Feb'y ISth, 1728. Hdf calf. 12° Boston, 1728 451 CoLMAN (George) Prose on several Occasions; accom- panied with some Pieces in Verse. Portrait, 3 vols, calf. 8° London, 1787 452 CoLMAN (George the Younger) Blue Beard : a Dramatic Romance, as altered for the New York Theatre : With Addi- tional Songs by Wm. Dunlap, Esq. L). Longivorth, New Torh, 1802 The Voice of Nature, a Drama in Three Acts, translated and altered from the French Melo-Drama called. The Judgment of Solomon. By William Dunlap, Esq. As performed at the New York Theatre. Printed from the prompt book. Scarce. Longivorth, New Torh, 1803 The Child of Nature, a Dramatic Piece, from the French of Madame of Sillery, formerly of Genlis. Scarce. W. Spotswood, Philadelphia, 1790 The Committee, A Comedy by R. Howard. 4 vols in ], half sheep. 16° London, 1792 453 CoLOM (Jacobus) Nova totius Terraeum Orbis Geo- graphica ac Hydrographica Tabula. Engraved Title, and 23 folded Maps. Folio, Amst. [1663] An excessively rare marine atlas in which are many maps of parts of America. Those of New Netherland, and New York Harbor are particularly interesting. 454 Colombia : being a Geographical, Statistical, Agricultural, Commercial and Political Account of that Country. Portrait Half morocco. 8° London, 1822 455 Colombia : being a Geographical, Statistical and Political Account of that Country. 2 vols, half russia. 8° London, 1822 456 Colomesius (P.) Observation es Sacrae : acced. Paralipom- ense de Scriptoribus Ecclesiast, etc. Calf. 8° Londini, 1688 Bibliotheca Historica. 89 457 Columbia. Herinneringen uit eene dreijarige dienst bij den Allervernial endsten en Moord dadigsten oorlog . . in Columbia. 2 vols, half brown morocco gxlt, ""C"<- 8" Gorinchem, 1829 458 Columbian Eloquence, being the Speeches of the most cel- ebrated American Orators, delivered in the Trial of the Hon. Sam. Chase before the U. S. Senate. Vol. 1. 12° Baltimore, 1806 459 COLUMBUS. Etn schon hubsch lesen von etlichen INSZLEN die do in Kurtzen zyten funden synd durch de KUnig yon hispania, vnd sagt vo groszen wunderlichen dingen die in de selbe inszlen synd. In best gros grained brown levant morocco by Pratt. 4° Getruckt zii straszburg %iff grunech vo meister Bnrtolomesz Mistier ym iar, 1497 This is believed to be the first boolc in the German language relating to the dis- coveries in the new world. It 'is apparently made up from Columbus' first Letter of 1493. The original is so rare that it has been sold in London for 25 guineas. The present copy is one of five reproduced in marvellous fac-simile by the elder John Harris, so well done as to defy detection. 460 COLUMBUS. Historie :del Sig. Don Fernando Co- lombo. Nelle quali s' hk particolare, & vera relatione della Vita, & de' fatti dell' Ammiraglio Don Christoforo Colombo suo Padre. Et dello scoprimento, eh' egli fece dell' Indie Occidentali, dette Mondo Nvovo, possedute dal Poteiitissimo Re Catolico. Vellum. 8° G. Bordoni, Milano, 1G14 This edition contains a long dedication by Ca:sar Parona, dated Milan, 4 June, ]614, and four verses by the same author. Also Letter of Columbus, dated Genoa, Dec. 8, 1502; of Diego Columbus, Dec. 8, 1511, and the 'VViU of the Ad- miral dated 1498, with Codicils of 1498, 1502 and 1506. 461 COLUMBUS. Historie del Sig. Don Fernando Colombo. Another copy. Vellum. 8° j^'fajzo, 1614 462 Columbus. Histoire de Christophe Colomb, suivie de sa Correspondence, d'Eclaircissemens et de Pieces ciirieuses et inedites, Traduite de I'ltalien de Bossi, par M. C. M. Urba- ne. Portrait. 2d Edition. Calf. 8° Paris, 1825 463 CoMESTOE (Petrus) Historia Scolastica Sacke Scrip- ture. Black letter. Folio, Jehan Petit, Parisiis, 1513 A beautiful specimen of early printing, having the printer's Device and Mark on the title-page. 464 CoMLT (John) A New Spelling Book. Boards. 16° Philad. 1821 465 CoMMELTN (I.) Histoire de la Vie et Actes memorables de Frederic Henry, de Nassau, Prince d'Orange. Maps and plates, vellum. Folio, Amsterdam, 1656 466 Commuck (T.) Indian Melodies. Harmonized by Thos. Hastings. Ob. 4° Neio York, 1845 467 Compendium Logics Secundum Principia D. Renati Car- tesii Plerumque Efformatum, et Catechistice Propositum. Sewed. Cut askew and stained. Uncommon. 12° Bostoni in Nov-Anglia, Excusum, 1735 On the fly leaf is this autograph, " Joseph Green Ejus liber 1743." On page 5 40 Bihliotheca Hisiorica. Joseph has written " from the knowledge of a thing we may argue the essence of a thing," and from his knowledge of Latin he has with his pen corrected in- numerable typographical errors. The printing of Latin correctly at that day in Boston must have been as ditficult as Ander Schiffahrt found it at a later period in New York. 468 CoNCANEN (M.) and A. Morgan. History and Antiquities of tlie Parish of St. Saviour's, Southwark. Russia. 8" London, 1795 469 Concilia Illtjsteata, &c. 4 volumes, fine copy, calf. Thick 4° Norih, 1675 470 CoNCiLiATOKT Address to the people of Great Britain and of the Colonies. Half roan. 8° London, 1775 471 CoND AMINE (M. de la) Bekort verhaal van een Eeyse gedaan in 't binnelands gedcelto van Zuyd Amerika. Half morocco, uncut. 8° Amsterdam, 1746 472 CoNDAMiNE (La) Eelation d'lin Voyage dans I'interieur de I'Anierique Meridionale. Nouv. Ed. Map arid Plate. Calf. 8° Maestricht, 1778 ■ 473 Confession (The) of Faith, Together with the Larger Cat- echism : Composed by the Assembly of Divines then sitting at Westminster, with the Sum of Christian Doctrine, etc. (wants last leaf). Vellum, hy Pratt, clean copy with rough leaves. 12° Krieeland Sf Henchman, Boston, 1723 474 CoNGKESS. An Answer to the Declaration of the American Congress. Fifth Edition. 8° London, 1776 475 Congress. Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress at Philadelphia, 5th Sept, 1774. Containing the Bill of Rights, a list of Grievances, etc. Half roan. 8° Boston, 1774 476 Congress. Journal of the Congress at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774. Half roan. 8° London, Vllh 477 Congress. Extracts from the Votes and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress, Held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774. Terrible Tractoration, and other Tracts, in 1 volume. 8° 478 Congress Canvassed (The) or an Examination into the Conduct of the Delegates at their Grand Convention, held in Pliiladelphia, Sept. 1, 1774, by A. W. Farmer. Half morocco. London, 8° 1774 479 Congress (The) Canvassed : or an Examination into the Conduct of the Delegates at their Grand Convention, held in Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1774, by A. W. Farmer. Half roan. 8° London, 1775 480 Congress. Proceedings and Debates of the First House of Representatives of the United States, with Index. Re- ported by Thos. Lloyd. Vol. I. ' 8° New York, 1789 481 Congress. Register of Debates in Congress with copious Index. Vol. I. boards uncut. Imp. 8" Washington, 1825 BihliotJieca Historica. 41 482_ CoNGRKssTONAL REGISTER, or Historv of tlie Proceed- ings and Debates of the First House of Representatives of the United States of America. Volumes II and IIL 8° Neio York, 1790 The third volume is very rare. 483 Connecticut. Blue Laws; the Code of 1650. Boards. 12° Hartford, n. d. 484 Connecticut Register. Green's Register, For 'the State of Connecticut; with an Ahiianack for the Years 1794, 1799, 1802, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820. 17 vols, in good order. 15" T. Green, New London, [1794-1820] 485 Connecticut Register for the years 1813, 1815, 1817, 1819, 1833, 1835, 1838, 1839, and 1851. 9 vols, clean. 16° T. Green, New London, 1813-1851 486 Connecticut. General History of, from its first Settlement to the Revolution. By a Gentleman of the Province, 1781. By the Rev. Samuel Peters. Plates. 12° New Haven, 1829 487 Connecticut. Letters fi'om the English Kings and Queens, Charles IL etc., to the Governors of Connecticut, from 1635 to 1749. By R. R. Hinman. 12» Hartford. 1836 488 Connecticut. Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society. Vol. I. cloth. 8° Hartford, 1860 489 Connecticut. Collections of the Connecticut Historical Society. Vol. I cloth. 8° Hartford, 1860 490 Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America. 8° Boston, 1774 491 Considerations on the Propriety of Imposing Taxes in the British Colonies. [By Mr. Dulaney, Chief Justice of Mary- land.] Half morocco. 8° London, 1776 492 Considerations on the Propriety of Taxing the British Colonies, for the Purpose of raising a Revenue, by Act of Parliament, by Mr. Dulaney of Maryland. Half morocco. 8° Reprinted, London, 1776 493 Consolatory Thoughts on American Independence show- ing the great Advantage that will arise from it to the Manu- factures, the Agriculture, and Commercial Interest of Britain and Ireland. By a Merchant. Half roan. S" Hdinb. 1782 494 Constitutions of the Several Independent States of America, the Declaration of Independence, etc. Boards uncut. 8° Philadelphia, 1781 First Edition, only two hundred copies printed by order of the Continental Congress. 495 Constitutions of the Several Independent States of Amer- ica ; the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confedera- tion, etc., arranged with Preface and Dedication by Rev. W. Jackson. Calf. 8° Lo?idon, 1783 4>2 Bibliotheoa Historica. 496 Constitutions. Another Copy. Portrait of Washington. Boards. 8° London, 1783 497 Constitutions of the several Independent States of Amer- ica, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, etc. Second Edition. 12° Boston, 1785 498 Constitution of the United States, Declaration of Inde- pendence, Prominent Political Acts of Washington, etc. 12° Washington, 1846 499 Constitution of the United States, etc., by W. Hickey. 12° Philadelphia, 1847 500 Contest (The) In America between Great Britain and France, with its Consequences and Importance. Scarce. Cnlf. 8° London, 1757 501 Contest with the Colonies : the Interest of the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain, Stated and Considered. Half morocco. 8° London, 1774 502 Contested Elections in Congress, from 1789 to 1834. ' 8° Washington, 1834 503 CoNTiNHO (Da Cunha de Azeredo) Essay on the Commerce of the Portuguese Colonies in South America, especially the Brazils. 8° London, 1807 504 Cook's Voyages. Plates to Cook's Voyages. Maps, Por- traits, and Plates. Half calf uncut. Folio, London, 1776 A fine set in thick paper, (plates not folded,) very rare in this State. 505 CooKE (Edward) Voyage to the South Sea and Eound the World in 1708-1711. 2 vols, fine copy. d," London, ITU 506 CooLiDGE and Mansfield. History and Description of New England. Vol. I. Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Illustrated. 8° Boston, 1859 507 Cooper (Thomas) Some Information respecting America. Half calf. 8° London, 1794 508 Cooper (Thomas) Some Information respecting America. Second Edition. Half russia. 8° London, 1795 508* CoRNARO (Lewis) Discourses on a sober and temperate Life. Translated from the Italian Original. Fine copy, calf 16° Philadelphia, Dohson, 1791 509 CORNUTUS (Jacobus) Iac. Cornvuti Doctoris Medici Parisiensis Canadensivm Plantarvm, aliarumque nondutn editarum Historia. Cui aductum est ad calcem Enchiridion Botanicvm Parisiense, etc. Fine large clean copy, with many full-page copper-plates representing Canadian Plants. Scarce. 4° Apud Simonem Le Moyne, Parisiis, 1635 510 CoRNWALLis (Earl) An Answer to that part of the narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton, which relates to the conduct of Lieutenant-General Earl Cornwallis, during the Campaign in North America, 1781. Half green morocco, gilt, uncut. 8° London, 1783 Bihliotheca Historica. 4'3 511 CoENAVALLis (Earl) Answer to Sir Henry Clinton, in rela- tion to the conduct of Lientenant General Earl Cornwallis, during the Campaign in North America in 1781. Half green morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1783 512 CORONELLI (^^incenzo) Isolario Descrittione di TUTTE l' Isole, colce asservationi degli Scogli Sirti Scagni e Secche del Globo Terracqueo. Numerous portraits, plates, and maps. Calf extra. Atlas Folio, Fe);e/('rt, 1696 513 CoKEF.o Mercantel de Espafiaysus Indias, 1792-4. 'kvols, half calf, uncut. 4° Madrid, 1792-4 514 CoERESPONDExcE between Governour Sullivan and Col. Pickering, in which the latter vindicates Himself against the groundless Charges and Insinuations made by the Governour and others. Uncut. 8° Boston, 1808 615 Cortes (Fernando) Correspondance, avec 1' Empereur Chas. Quint, sur la Conquete de Mexique. Frontispiece. Calf gilt. Fine copy. 8° Francfort, 1779 616 Cortes (Hernando) Brieven van Ferdinand Cortes aan Keizer Karel V., wegens de Verovering van Mexico. Map 2 vols, half morocco, uncut. 8° Amsterdam, 1780 517 Cortes (Hernando) Brieven van Ferdinand Cortes aan Keizer Karl V., wegens de Verovering van Mexico. 2 vols, half crimson morocco, uncut. 8° Amsterdam, 1780 518 Cortes (Ferdinand) Brieven . . aan Karel V. 2 vols in 1, half calf, uncut. ' 8° Amsterdam, 1780 519 Cortes (Hernando) The Despatches of, translated with In- troduction and Notes. By George Folsom. Half green morocco. 8° New Torh, 1843 520 Cotton (John, Teacher to the Ohurch of Boston in New Eng- land) The Church's Resurrection, or the Opening of the Fift and Sixt verses of the 20th Chap, of the Revelation. Half morocco. 4° London, 1642 521 Cotton (John) The Keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, and Power thereof, according to the Word of God. 12° London, 1G44, Reprinted, Boston, 1852 522 Cottoni Posthuma ; Divers choice Pieces of that Renowned Antiquary, Sir Robert Cotton. Preserved from the injury of Time, etc., by J. Howell, Esq. 8" London, 1651 523 Cowper (William) Table Talk and other Poems. ^eat calf. 18° Whittingham, Chiswicl, 1825 523* Cow-Pox. A concise view of all the most important facts which have hitherto appeared concerning the Cow-Pox. 3d edition, corrected and enlarged. Boards. 12° Charlestown, for E. S; S. Larkin, 1801 524 CoxE (Tench) A View of the United States of America, in a series of Papers written at various times between the years ^ 1787 and 1794. Calf 8° Phila. 1794 4>4> Bihliotheca Historica. 525 CoxE (Wm.) Die neuen Entdeckungen der Russen, zwis- chen Asien und Amerika. Half maroon morocco, uncut. 8° Leipzig, 1783 526 CoxB (William) An Account of the Eiissian Discoveries between Asia and America. Sd edit, revised and corrected. Maps. London, 1787 527 Craig (N. B.) History of Pittsburgh. 3Iaps, cloth. 12° Pittsburgh, 1851 528 Cranz (D.) Historic Van Greenland of eigeiilijk van de Kuste der Straate Davis. Half bound, uncut. 8° Amsterdam, 1767 529 CUJACIUS (Jacobus) Opera Omnia. 10 vols, calf. Folio, Paris, 1663 530 Cullen (W.) Synopsis and Nosology. 12° Hartford, 1792 531 CUEITA (Geronomo) Anales de la Corona de Ara- GON. 7 Volumes, calf . Folio, En Q'aragoga, l%\Q-'i\ " Ouvrage tres estim^^des Espagnols. L'edition que nous citons est la troisieme et cella que Ton prefere. On doit trourer a la fin du 6e vol. deux f. contenant lea errata et la 30uscription et ayssi Apologia de Ambrosio de Morales. Le 7= vol. contient I'index des six premiers." — Brunei. Tliis histor}' of the Kingdom of Aragon is indispensable to a full understanding of early American discovery. 532 CusHiNG (Caleb) History and Present State of Newbury- port. Hoards, uncut. 12° I^ewburyport, 1826 533 IP^^HI ALRTMPLE (Alexander) An Historical Collection of the Several Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean. Maps and plates, 2 vols in 1, calf. 4° London, 1770-71 534 DAMPIER (William) Collection op Voyages, in four Volumes containing, I. Danipier's Voyages round the World. II. Voyages of Lionel Wafer. III. Danipier's Expedition by Funnel. IV. Cowley's Voyage. V. Sharp's Journey to the Isthmus of Darien. VI. Wood's Voyage thro' the Straits of Magellan, and VII. Robert's Adventures among the Cor- sairs of the Levant. 4 vols, very fine copy in old cidf gilt, maps and plates. 8° London, 1729 535 Dampier (Wm.) Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde. Maps and plates, 5 vols, ccdf 8° Rouen, 1715 536 Dampier (Wm.) Nouveau Voyage autour du Monde. Maps and plates, Ath edition, 5 vols, calf gilt. 12° Amsterdam, 1723 537 Dana (James, of Neiv Haven) Sermon at East Hartford, Dec. 23, 1801, at the Ordination of Rev. Andrew Yates. ' Uncut. 8° Hartford, 1802 538 Dana (S. L.) A Muck Manual for Farmers. 12° Howel, 1842 539 D'Anville (M.) Compendium of Ancient Geography. Trans- lated from the French. 2 vols, russia. 8° London, 1810 540 Darby (William) Tour from New York to Detroit. Map, boards, uncut. 8° New York, 1819 541 Darby (W.) Tour from the City of New York to Detroit, in the Michigan Territory. Maps, half green moroceo, uncut. 8° New Tork,lS19 BihliofJieca Historica, . 45 0^ Dartmouth College. Observations on Facts, vindicating tlie Rights of Dartmouth College and Moors' Charity School to the Grant made by the Legislature of Vermont in June 1785. Uncut. 8° [ rj/u/sor, R 1807] 543 Daetmgcth College. A Vindication of the Official Con- duct of the Trustees of Dartmouth College. Published by the Trustees. Uncut. 8° Concord, 1815 544 Dassie (le Sieur, C. E.) Le Routier des Indes Orientales et Occidentales ; traitant des Saisons propres h. y faire Voyage : Une Description des Anchrages, Profondeurs de plusieurs Havres & Ports de Mer. Avec 26 differentes Navigations. Fine copij. Scarce. 4° Paris, 1667 545 Dayies (Charles) Elements of Descriptive Geometry. 2d edition. Calf. 8° Mw York, 1832 546 DAVIES (John) The History of Barbadoes, St. Christo- phers, Mevis, St. Vincents, Antego, Martinico, IMontserrat and the rest of the Caribby-Islands, in all 28. In two books. Fine copy, calf, Folio, London, 1666 547 Davis (A.) Antiquities of Central America, and the Dis- covery of New England by the Northmen, 500 years before Columbus. Eleventh edition. 8° Rochester, 1843 548 Davis (John) An EnLOGT on General George Wash- ington, at Boston, Feb. 19, 1800, before the^American Acad- emy of Arts and Sciences. A matchless copy, on sized paper, perfectly uncut, clean, hound in white vellum, by Pratt. 4" W. Spotswood, Boston, 1800 649 Daivson (J.) Lexicon Novi Testamenti. 8° Londini, 1809 550 Daavson (R.) On Spermatorrhoea and Urinary Deposits. Half calf. 8° London, 1851 551 Day (Ihomas) Four Tracts : Reflections on the Present State of England, and the Independence of America, etc. Calf. 8° London, 1785 552 Dean (Amos) Lectures on Phrenology. Cloth. 12° Alhany,UU 553 Debates in Congress on the Bill for repealing the Law " For the more Convenient Organization of the Courts of the United States." Calf 8° Albany, 1802 554 Debates of the House of Commons, 1774, on the Canada Bill ; Reported by Sir H. Cavendish. Map, cloth. 8° London, 1839 555 Dedhaii. Historical Address, Second Centennial Anniver- sary Address before the Citizens of Dedham Sept. 21st, 1836. By F. S. Haven. Uncut. 8° Dedham, 1837 556 Defexsa de los diez y seis cargos hechos por el Seiior J. de Valdenebro, Corregidor de la Corufia sobre la causa que se formo por ultrajar, por acriminar bajo el asustador titulo de crimen de Estado h V. de Fronda, Consul General, que frie cerca de las Estados-Unidos de la America, &c. dalf. 16° Pamplona, 1820 46 . Bibliotheca Historica. 557 De Forest (J. W.) History of the Indians of Connecticut, from the earliest known Period to 1850. Map, cloth. 8° 1852 558 Delaplaine's (Joseph) Repository of the Lives and Por- traits of distinguished American Characters. Uncut, boards. 4° Philadelphia, n. d. 559 De Laune (T.) A Plea for the Non-Conformists. Old calf. 12° London, 1712 560 Delirius (Mart. Ant.) Syntagma Tragoedife Latinae, in tres partes distinctura. Calf. 4° Lut. Paris. 1620 561 Dellaway {Eev. J.) Discourses upon Architecture in England ; with an Appendix of Notes and Illustrations, and an Historical Account of Master and Free Masons. Cloth. S" London. 562 Denys (M. Gouv. Lieut. Gen. et Proprietaire de toutes ks Terres &; Isles qui sont depuis le Cap de Campseatix, jusques au Cap des Roziers, i. e. New Brunsioick ^ Gaspe) Description Geographiqde et historique des costes de I'Amerique septen- trionale. Avec 1' Histoire Naturelle des Peuples des Animaux, des Arbres & Plantes de lAmerique Septentrionale, & des ses divres Climats. Avec un Description exacte de la Pesche des Molues, tant sur le Grand-Banc qu' h la Coste, &c. 2 vols, fine copy. -' Excessively scarce. 16° LoUis Billaine, Paris, 1672 Gov. Denys was the William Penn of that large tract of land bordering on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, now the Province of New Brunswick and Eastern Can- ada, south of the River St. Lawrence. This country the Governor explored and surveyed himself, and hence his book is among the best and most authentic materials we have relating to those Provinces. 563 De Pauw (M.) Recherches Philosophiques sur les Amer- icains. 3 vols, half calf. 8° Cleve, 1782 564 De Pauw (M.) Selections from with Additions by Daniel Webb, Esq., with Sequel to the Selections, in Notes. Half calf. 8° Bath, 1795 565 De-Rossi (J. B.) De Hebraicae Typographise Origine ac Primitiis, seu antiquis ac rarissimis Hebraicorum Librorum. Calf. Seculi XV. 4° Ex Eegio Typogr. Parmae, 1776 566 De Saulct (F.) Journey round the Dead Sea, and in the Bible Lands in 1850-51, including an Account of the Discov- ery of the Sites of Sodom and Gomorrah. Map. 2 vols, cloth. 8° London, 1854 567 De Solis (Antonio) History of the Conquest of Mexico, by the Spaniards, Translated by Townsend. Revised Edition. Maps and plates, 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1753 568 DE VRIES (David Peterson) Voyages from Hol- land TO America, A. D. 1632 to 1644. Translated from the Dutch, by Henry C. Murphy. Portrait. Cloth. Scarce. 4° New York, 1853 Only 250 copies printed for Mk. James Lenox. Bibliotheca Historica. 47 569 D'EwBs (Sir S.) Autobiography and Correspondence of, • during the Reigns of James I. and Charles I. Edited by J. _ ,^- I'^^'li^vell. Portraits. 2 vols, cloth. 9," London, 19,Ab f)/0 Dialogues of the Dead. Second Edition. .^"If- 8'' London, 17 eO Among the Dialognes is one between an English Duellist and a North American ^:iv;ige, and another between Fernando Cortes and William Penn. 571 Diaz del Castillo (Bernal) History of tlie Conquest of Mexico. Transhxted from the original Spanish by M. Keat- inge. Jfop. half morocco. 40 i^ndon, 1800 5,1 DIBDIN, (Rev. T. F.) Introduction to the Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics. Fourth ^ Edition, greatly enlarged. 2 vols, half calf. S" Lo7ido7i, 1827 573 Dickinson (.Jonathan) The True Scripture Doctrine con- cerning some Important Points of Christian Faith ; in five Discourses. 12° Printed by S. Sogers, Boston, 1741 574 Dickinson (Jonathan President of the College of New Jersey) Familiar Letters to a Gentleman. Ath edition, half <:alf- 12° Edinburgh, 1784 575 Dictionary. An Alvearie or quadruple Dictionarie, Eng- lish, Greek, Latin and French. Scarce. Folio, London, 1580 576 Dictionnaiee Francois Latin &c. Old calf. Folio, R. Etienne, Paris, 1549 577 Dictionarium Latino- Graecum. 4° C. Stephanus, Paris, 155i 578 Dictionarium Latino-Gallicum, ex omnibus Latinitatis Autoribus collection. Calf. 8° Parisiis, 1704 579 Dignity of Human Nature ; or a brief Account of the cer- tain and established Means for attaining the true End of our Existence, by J. B. Calf. 4° London, 1754 580 Disraeli (Isaac) Amenities of Literature ; edited by the Hon. B. Disraeli. 2 vols, cloth. 8" London, 1859 581 DiTSON (G. L.) The Para Papers on France, Egypt and Ethiopia, i^ncut. 8° Paris, 1838 682 Dixon (George) Voyage Autour du Monde et princi- palement a la Cote Nord-Ouest de I'Amerique en 1785, 6, 7, 8, par les Capitaines Portlock et Dixon. Maps and plates. Half calf, uncut. 4" Paris, 1789 583 DOBRIZHOFFER (Martin) Historia de Abiponibus, equestri, bellicosaque Paraquariae Natione. Map and engrav- ings. 3 vols, half maroon morocco, uncut, fine copy. Scarce. 8° Viennae, 1784 584 DoBSON (John) Chronological Annals of the TVar, from April 17.5:) to the Peace of 1763. Calf. Scarce. 8" Oxford, 17 &^ This volnme contains an interesting summary- of the events in West Virginia, and on the Ohio, prior to the Defeat of Braddock, 9th July, 1755, ciiietiy under the management of Mr. Washington. 585 DoDD (Rev. W.) Thoughts in Prison ; his Last Prayer, and other Miscellaneous Pieces. 4° Boston, 1778 48 Bibliotheea Historica. 586 Dodge (Nehemiah, of Middktown) A Discourse at Lebanon, 4 Mch, 1805, in honor of the election of Thomas Jefferson. Half roan. 8° Norwich, Conn. 1805 587 DODON^US (Rembeetus) Stiepivm Historise Pemptades Sex, sive Libri XXX. Engraved Title and numerous wood- cuts, calf. Folio, Ex officina Plantiniana, Antverpiae, 1616 588 Dominica. The History of the Island of Dominica. Half gr. mor. uncut. 8° London, 1791 589 DONCK (Adrien Vandee) BESCHEYVINGE VAN Nieuw-Nedeelant, &c. [Description of New Netherland (in its present state) including the Nature, character. Situa- tion and fruitfiilness of the said Land ; together with the profit- able and fortunate accidents to be found there for the support of man (whether native or foreign). Also the manners and un- usual qualities of the savages or Aborigines of the Land. And a particular Account of the marvellous nature and habits of the Beavre : to which is added a discussion on the situation of New Netherland, between a Netherland Patriot and a New Netherlander. Described by Adrian Vander Donck, Doctor of Laws, who still resides in New Netherland.] FiEST Edition, with an engraved view of " t'Fort nieuw Am- sterdam op de Manhatens " on "page 9, not in the second edition. Fine large, clean mid perfect copy, in ivhite vellum hy Pratt, see AsHEE, N. 7. 4° Evert Nieuioenhof Amsterdam, 1655 What " the first folio " 13 to an English Collector, a Vander Donch is to the Amer- ican. When he has once screwed his courage to the price of a Vander Dosck, he seldom flinches at any other rare \Y0rk that may turn up. This first edition usually commands from £12 to £W in Europe. 590 Don Quixote at College ; or a History of the Gallant Ad- ventures, lately Achieved by the combined Students of Har- vard University, with some facetious reasonings. By a Senior. Uncut. 8° Boston, 1807 591 Douglass (William) Summary, Historical, etc. of the Brit- ish Settlements in North America. 3Iap, 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1755 592 Douglass (W.) A Summary of the First Planting, Progres- sive Improvements and Present State of the British Settle- ments in North America. Map, 2 vols, calf, fine copy. 8° London, 1755 593 Douglass (William) Another edition, 2 vols, fine copy, calf. 8° Londoti, 1760 594 Douglass (William) A Summary Historical, &c., of the British Settlements in North America. 2 vols, calf. 8" London, 1760 595 DOWNING (Sie Geoege one of the First Graduates of Harvard College.) Deductie Ingestelt tot onderrichtinge vanden Coningh van Groot Brittannien op verscheyden Poincten vervatt in seeckere Antwoorde van wegen Syne maj- Bibliotheca Historica. 4-9 esteyt gegeven aenden Anibassedeur vande Heeren Staten Geiierael. Morocco. 4° Graven Hage, Nov. 1664 596 DRAKE (Mrs. Joana) Trodden down Strength, by the God of Strength, or, Mrs. Drake Revived, showing her strange and rare Case, great and manifold afflictions, for tenne years together. Related by her friend Hart On-hi. Vellum, short copy, some leaves clipped. 16° London, 1647 The interest to New Englanders of this curious boolc centres not in the main subject but in what is incidentally told of one of her spiritual advisers. Mrs. Drake was a half crazed religious enthusiast, whose spiritual health required constant wrestling with Satan and Doctors of Divinity. Possessed of property, her husband procured the Kev. IMr. Dud, who for three years disputed con- stantly with all her temptations and objections, " and was able to answer all," but being obliged to leave, he looked about for another helper. " In which in- terim, notice was given unto him of one Mr. Hookeii then at Cambridge, now in New England: A great Scholar, an acute Disputant, a strong learned, a wise modest man, every way rarely qualified; who being a Non-conformitan in judgment, not willing to trouble himselfe with Presentative Livings, was eon- tented and persuaded by Mr. Dod to accept of that poore Living of 40/. per annum; Mr. Drake her Husband being a worthy well-beloved Gentleman, and able to procure his liberty, and retaine him still "in the same: This worthy man accepted of the place, having withall, his dyet and lodging at Esher Mr. Drake's house." p. 117. " This man, Mr. Hooker being a good, acute, smart Preacher ■when he listed, besides that information Mr. Dod had given him, was so wise, first to try her spirit," etc. p. 119. " For Mr. Hooker being newly come from the University had a new answering methode (though the same things) where- with shee was mervellously delighted," etc. p. 120. Mr. Hooker lived long in this family, till she imagined " her time on earth was but of small continuance. About which time it fell out, that Mr- Hooker also having acted his part with her, and done his best, to comfort, uphold and rectiiie her spirit, so fitting her for mercy, as nothing remained to be done but a full gaile of spirituall winde to blow upon her, to bnng forth her fruit, that by God's providence he was mar- ried unto her waiting-woman : After which both of them having lived some time after with her, and he cal'd to be Lecturer at Chelmsford in Essex, they both left her," etc. These early glimpses of one of the most honored of our New England fathers, are refreshing. 597 DRAKE (Sir FRANCIS) and NORRIS (Sir John) War- hafftige vnd griindtliche Historia desz Ziigs, Welchen die Edele vnd Gestrenge Herrn, Norwitz vnd Drak (nach jhrer gliicklechen widerkunfft ausz den Occidentalischen Insulen) ausz vero-iinstigung der Durchleuchtigsten vn Vnvberwind- lichsten, Elisabeth, Konigin ausz Engelland, &c., in Portugal fiirgenomnien haben : In welcher auszfiihrlich angezeigt wiidt, was gemaldte Obersten von Tag zu Tag gehandelt, vnd wider den Fiendt erhalten haben. 30 pp. fine copy. With a spirited full length wood-cut portrait of Norris on the reverse of the title. Excessively rare. 4° Franchfort am Mdyn, 1590 This is an account of the celebrated Expedition, unfortunate for England, under Sir Francis Drake and Sir John Norris against Portugal. 598 Drake (Sir Francis) The English Hero : or, Sir Francis Drake Reviv'd. Being a full account of the Dangerous Voy- ages, admiralle Adventures, Notable Discoveries &c., 1572- 1595. The 8th edition enlarged. By R. B. Sallow, g^lf 16° Nath. Orouch, London, 1710 50 Bihliotheca Historica. 599 Drake (Sir Fr.) The English Hero, or Sir Francis Drake Reviv'd. 9th Edit. By R. B. Half calf. 12° N. Crouch, London, 1716 600 Drake (Sir F.) The English Hero : or, Sir Francis Drake reviv'd. 16th Edition, portrait. 16" London, 1762 601 Drake (Sir Francis) The English Hero, or Sir Francis Drake Revived, with an account of his dangerous voyages, etc., 16th Edition, wanting pp. 5-14, morocco. 16° G. Hitch, London, 1762 602 Drake (Samuel G.) Sketches of Northwood, New Hamp- shire (MS. Notes by the Author). From the Historical Society's Collections. Interleaved, half calf 8° 603 Draper (E. A.) An Address . . on the Case of Gen' Pictou, late Governor of Trinidad ; with Observations on the Conduct of Wm. Fullarton, Esq., and the Right Hon. John Sullivan. Half calf. 8° Zonrfora, 1806 604 Drummond (W., of Hawthorn den) The Poetical Works, Edited by W. B. Turnbull. Portrait. Cloth. 12° London, 1856 605 Drusius (Joannes) Qusestionvm Ebraicarvm Libri tres. 8° Franckerm, 1599 606 Drusius (J.) QuEestionum Ebraicarum Libri tres. Portrait, calf. 8° Franchera, 1599 607 Drusius (J.) Annotationvm in totum Jesu Christi Testa- mentum libri decern. Calf. 4° Franckerm, 1612 608 Drusius (J.) Veterum Interpretum Grsecorum in totum Vet. Test, collecta, cum notis. Calf. 4° Arnhemiae, 1622 609 Duboccage (Bladame) La Colombiade, ou La Foi port^e au Nouveau Monde. Poeme. Copper-plates, fne copy. Half brown mor. uncut. 8° Paris, 1756 610 DuCHB (Jacob, Chaplain of the Continental Congress) Caspipina's Letters ; with Life of William Penn. 2 vols in 1, calf gilt. 12° Bath, 1777 611 DucHE (Jacob) Discourses on Various Subjects. 3d edition. Frontispiece. 2 vols, half mor. uncut. 8° London, 1790 612 Dudley Observatory, Albany. Inauguration, Aug. 28, 1856. Eulogy by W. Hunt. — Remarks by Prof Bache. — Mrs. Dudley's Letter. — The Uses of Astronomy, by Edward Ev- erett, etc. i" Albany, \?ib^ 613 DuMUER (Jeremiah) A Defence of the New-England Char- ters. 8° I^ondon, n. d. 614 DuMMER (Jer.) A Defence of the New England Charters. Half roan. 8° London, 1770 615 Dunn (H.) Guatimala, or the United Provinces of Central America in 1827-8. Boards. 8° New York, 1828 616 DuNTON (John) Life and Errors. 2 vols, half mor. uncut, with many portraits and other extra illustrations inserted. 8° London, 1817 617 Du Perier (M.) Histoire Universelle des Voyages, faits par Bibliotheca Historica. 51 Mer et par Terre dans I'Ancieii et dans le Nouveau Monde. Plates, calf. 8° Paris, 1707 This volume relates entirely to America. 618 Du Pratz (Le Page) Histoire de la Louisiane, contenant la Decouverte de ce vaste Pays; I'Histoire Naturelle ; les Moeurs, Coutumes etc., avec deux Voyages dans le Nord du nouveau Mexique etc. 3Iaps and 40 Plates. ^, ^^S°''- 8° Paris, 1758 619 DuTANT (J.) The Salvation of the Saints, by the Appear- ances of Christ. 1. Now in Heaven. 2. Hereafter from Heaven. Portrait, calf. 8" London, 1653 620 DwiGHT (Timothy, D. D.) The Conquest of Canaan, a Poem in Eleven Books. 12° Hartford, 1785 621 DwiCxHT (T. Z>. D.) Greenfield Hill, a Poem' in Seven ^arts. 8° New York, 1794 622 DwiGHT, (T. D. D.) Greenfield Hill ; a Poem, in Seven Parts. Boards. 8° New York, 1794 623 DwiGHT {President T.) Fourth of July Discourse, 1798. Illustrating the Duty of Americans at the Present Crisis. Uncut. 8° New Haven, 1798 624 DwiGHT (Theodore) History of the Hartford Convention ; with a Review of the Policy of the United States Government, which led to the War of 1812. Half morocco. 8° Boston, 1833 625 !Es^^a]cHARD (Lawrence) The Gazetteer's, or Newsman's Interpreter. Being a Geographical Index of all the considerable Provinces, Cities, &c., in Europe. 15th edition, corrected, and very much enlarged. TiDO Parts in 1 vol. calf. 8° London, 1741 626 EAST INDIA Company (Dutch.) Begin ende Voortgangh van de Vereenighde Nederlantsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-In- dische Compagnie. Vervatende de voornaemste Reysen, by de Inwoonderen der selver Piovincien derwaerts gedaen. Alles Ne- vens de beschrijvinghen der Rijcken, Eylanden, Havenen, Revie- ren, Stroomen, Rheeden, Winden, Diepten ende Oidiepten, etc. [Anglice. The Origin and Progress of the chartered East India Company of the United Netherlands, containing the principal voyages undertalien by the Dutch, comprising descriptions of the empires, islands, ports, rivers, roads, winds, etc., as also the religion, manners, customs, government, &c. jllustrated with maps and copperplates. Divided into 2 volumes, of which the first contains 14 Parts [and the second twelve] the larger part inedited.] Very fine copy in vellum, ivith clasps, 2 vols. Oblong 4°, Amsterdam, 1646 When the collectors, bibliographers, librarians and public librariesof this country shall turn their attention to the collection of tha true sources of early American historj', regardless of the language in which they are written, this magnificent collection of voyages, compiled by Isaac Commelin of Amsterdam, will be better appreciated than it is now. A mere glance at the table of Contents will show its inestimable value to the historian and geographer of the East as well as the West. When it ia comprehended that more than one half of these important voyages are here printed for the first time, even Committees who can- not read a word of the language in which they are printed, and Librarians who 52 Bibliotheca Ilistorica. cannot catalogue the works, will venture to buy them on trust, on the new and growing principle that a public library should lead and not follow the demands of scholars. Isaac Commeliii was born in Amsterdam in 1598, and died there in 1676. He was an author of some eminence, but this is his magnum opus, rivalling, if not exceeding in intrinsic value the better known and more famous collection of DeBry and Hulsurs. These two volumes contain the following voyages : — 1 Voyages to the North in 1594-95, written by G. de Veer, with appendix con- taining the Voyage of Henry Hudson in 1609 2 Vovages of Cornelis de Houtman to the East Indies, 1595-1600 3 Voyage of Van Neck and Van Warwijtk to the K. Indies 1598-1600, with vocabulary of Java and Malacca 4 Voyage round the world by Sebald de Weerl, 1598-99 5 Voyage of Oliver van Noort round the world, 1598-1G03 6 Voyage to the E. Indies under Fieter Both and Paul van Caerden, 1599-1601 7 Second Voyage of Van Neck and Van Foreest to the E. I. 1600-160i 8 Vovage of S. vander Hagen, Seneschel, and J. van Heemskerk to the E. I. 1599-1603 9 Voyages of Harmensz, van Warwijck & S. de Wcert to the E. I. 1601-1604 10 First Voyage of J. van Spilbergen to the East, with description of Java by Pontanus, 1601-1604 11 Voyage to the East ). by van Warwijck and de 'Weert, 1602-1604 12 Second Voyage of van der Hagen and P. van Solt to the E I. 1603-1606 13 Voyage of C. Matelief, 1605-1608, and Letters of J. I'Hermite, May 1607 14 Voyage of Paulus van Caerden to the East, 1606-1609 15 Voyage of P. W. Verhoeflf to the East, 1607-1616 16 Voyage of P.^vanden Broecke to the Coasts of Africa and to the East, 1605-1630 17 Description of Hindostan by J. van Twist, 1638 18 Second Voyage of J. van Spilbergen round the World, 1614-1618, and of Schouten and Lemaire, 1615-1617 19 Voyage of J. I'Hermite round the World, 1623-26, and other papers 20 Vovage of W. Schram, and meeting with C. Compaen, 1626, of van Kechteren, 1628-32. Naval combat off Goa, 1639 21 Voyage of H. Hagenaer, 1631-37, Caron's Japan, 1636, Martyrs of Japan by Gysbertsz, etc. 627 EAST INDIES. Historie van Oost Indien, vervattende, behalven de Zeer nette beschryving der vergelegene landen, een omstandig verhaal van het wedervaren der Franschen aldaar. Plates. Half vellum. 12° Amsterdam, 1696 628 Eaton (Amos) Philosophical Instructor or Webster's Ele- ments of Natural Philosophy, etc. 8° Albany, 1824 629 Economy of Human Life ; Translated from an Indian Man- uscript. 18° Richmond, 1825 630 EcTON (J.) Thesaurus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum ; being an Account of the Valuations of all the Ecclesiastical Benefices in the several Dioceses of England and Wales. Calf. 4° London, 1763 631 EcuYER (W. S.) Lettres d'un Cultivateur Americain, 1770- 81. Traduites de I'Anglois. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1785 WEDNESDAY FORENOON. 632 (p'^^JDEN (Richarde) The Decades op the new WORLDE or WEST India, Conteyiiyng the naviga- tions and conquestes of the Spanyardes, with the particular description of the nioste ryche and large landes and Ilandes lately found in the west Ocean perteynyng to the inheritance of the kinges of Spayne. Wrytten in the Latine tongue by Peter Martyr of Angleria, and translated into Englysshe by Rycharde Eden. Half calf. 4" Londini. In cedihus Gulielmi Powell, 1555 First Edition. Fine large clean and perfect copy, measuring TJ by 5J inches. Pierced by a worm, but -when sized, mended and bound by a Bedford or a Pratt will make a matchless copy. The gi-eat historical importance of this book is not yet fullj' appreciated. Besides the first three Decades of Peter Martyr it contains a translation of that Author's paper on the recently discovered Islands, first printed in 1521 to supply the loss of Cortes's First Relation. It also con- tains the Bull of Pope Alexander {in Latin and English) dividing the world be- tween Spain and Portugal; as well as translations of the most important parts pertaining to maritime discovery and the new world, of Ziegler, Paulus Jovius, Vespucci, iVIaximilianus Transylvanus, Oviedo, Gomara, Andreas de Corsali, Cadamosto, Butrigarius, the Classic Authors, etc. 633 Edinburgh Advertiser (The) for the Year 1774. Half blue morocco gilt, uncut. 4° Edinburgh, 1774 A VERY RAPE volume of Scotch Newspapers, containing much about America at the beginning of the Eevolution. 634 P:dward (D. B.) History of Texas. 12° Cincinnati. 1836 635 Edwards (Bryan) Historical Survey of the French Colony in the Island of St. Domingo. Half calf. 4° London, 1797 636 Edwards (Bryan) History of the British Colonies in the West Indies ; with Historical Survey of St. Domingo. Mop. 8° London, 1798 637 Edwards (Bryan) The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. Map, half calf. 8° London, 1798 638 Edwards (Bryan) The History of the British Colonies of the West Indies. 3 vols, 3d edition. Large Paper, calf. 8° London, 1801 639 Edwards (Bryan) Burgerlyke Handelkundige Geschiedenis van de Engelsche Volkplantingen in de West-Indien. fi vols, half blue mar. gilt, uncut. 8° Haerlem, 1794-99 54 Bihliotheca Historica. 640 Edwards (Bryan) Burgerlyke en Handelkundige Geschied- enis van de Engelsche Volkplantingen in de West-Indien, uit het Engelsche. 6 vols, half calf, uncut. 8° Haarlem, 1794-99 641 Edwards (Bryan) Geschiedkundige Beschoiiwing van St. Domingo. Half blue morocco, uncut. 8° Haarlem, 1802 642 Edwards (Jonathan, of Northampton) ■ The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God. A Discourse at New- Haven Sept. 10, 1741, the day after Commencement. Pub- lished with great enlargements, with a Preface [of 18 pages] by Eev. W. Cooper of Boston. Salloiv, rough leaves. 12° Kneeland ^ Green, Boston, 1741 With three autographs of Winslow Tracy, Dec. 8, 1741, and one of Lucy Carver. 643 Edwards (Jonathan) Some Thoughts concerning the present Revival of Religion in New England. 12° Boston, N. E. 1742 644 Edwards (Jonathan) Enquiry into the modern prevailing Notions of that Freedom of Will supposed to be essential to Moral Agency, etc. Calf. 8° Boston, N. E. 1754 645 Edwards (Jonathan) The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin defended. 8° Boston, N. E. 1758 646 Edwards (Jonathan) A Treatise concerning Religious Af- fections, in Three Parts. Boards. 8° Boston, 1763 647 Edwards (Jonathan) The Life and Character of, Together with a number of his Sermons. 2 vols, half calf. 8° Boston, 1765 648 Edwards (Jonathan) The Life of the late Rev. Jonathan Edwards. 8° S. Kneeland, Boston, 1765 Sermons on various important subjects. 2 vols in 1, gilt-calf fine copies. 8° S. Kneeland, Boston, 1765 649 Edwards (Jonathan) History of the Work of Redemption, containing the Outlines of a Body of Divinity, entirely new. 8° New York, 1786 650 Edwards (Jonathan) An Account of the Life of the late Reverend Mr. David Brainerd, Minister of the Gospel and Missionary to the Indians who died at Northampton, in New England, Oct. 9, 1747, in the 30th year of his age. Chiefly taken from his Diary and other private writings written for his own use. Oalf. 8° Edinburgh, 1765 651 Edwards (Jonathan) An Account of the Life of David Brainerd, with his Journal ; also Mr. Beatty's Journal of a Two Months' Tour. Calf 8° Edinburgh, 1798 652 Edwards (.Jonathan) Account of the Life of David Brainerd with Mr. Brainerd's Journal. To this edition is added Mr. Beatty's Mission to the westward of the Alleghany mountains. Half calf. 8° Edinburgh, 1798 653 Ellis (Henry) Voyage to Hudson's Bay in 1746-47. Map, «■«?/■• 8° London, 1748 Bihliotheca Historica. 55 654 Ellis (Henry) Voyage h la Baye de Hudson fait en 1746 & 1747 ; pour la Decouverte du Passage de Nord-Ouest. 2 vok in 1. 3faps and plates, calf , fine copy. 8° Paris, 1749 655 Ellis (Heni-y) Voyage k la Baye de Hudson, 1746-47 tradiiit et augment(5 de quelques Remarques. Half olive mo- rocco, gilt, ttncut. 8° Leide, 1750 656 Ellis (Henry) Voyage a la Baye de Hudson, fait en 1746-7, par les Navires le Dolls- Galley et la California pour la Decou- verte d'un Passage au Nord Quest. Plates, half morocco, w"c;(^ 8° Paris, 1750 657 Ellis (John) Directions for bringing over Seeds and Plants from the East Indies, and other distant Countries. GoV- 4° London, 1770 658 Ellis {Rev. W.) Three Visits to Madagascar during the Years 1853-54-56. Illustrated, cloth. 8" London, 1858 659 EjMBLEMS. El Espejo de la Muerte, en que se notan los aiedios de preparase para Morir, per Consideraciones sobre la Cena, la Passion y la Muerte de Jesu Christo, con muy Curiosas Empresas Emblematicas. Explicadas por Don Carlos Bundets. Fine copy, calf 4° Jorgio Gallet, Amleres, 1700 This veiy desirable volume of Emblems contains forty-two exquisite line engrav- ings on copper, each tilling a quarto page, being poetical repiesentations of Death. The editor says they need only to be seen to be appreciated as the work of a master, but he declines to give the name of the artist, but says that the designs are due to a monk of the order of Saint Francis. 659* Emerson (E. W.) Centennial Discourse, delivered before the Citizens of Concord 12th Sept. 1835. Uncut. ' 8° Concord, 1835 660 Emigration from Ireland into the United States. 8° 1828 661 Emigrant's (The) Guide to and Description of the United States of America ; by S. H. Collins. 4th edition. Map. 16° ^iJZ[1830] 662 Emory (Lieut. Col.) Eeconnoissance in Mexico and New California. 8° Washington, 1848 663 Enchiridion Cosmographicus : dass ist ein Handbuchlein der gantzen welt gelegenheit. Blach letter, half roan, 4° Colin amPhein, 1604 664 English Colonies. Geschichte der Englischen Kolonien in Nord-Amerika, bes auf den Frieden 1763. 2 vols, half morocco. 8° Leipzig, 1777 665 English Liberties, or the Free-Born Subject's Inheritance, compiled first by Henry Care, and continued with large Ad- ditions by W. N. Fifth Edition. Small 8° Printed by James Franklin, Boston, 1721 This book was printed when Benjamin Franklin was an apprentice to, and had principal charge of his brother James* business. 666 Epictetl's. Enchiridion : una cum Cebetis Tabula, Grsec^ et Latin^, cum Notis Casauboni. Calf 8" Londini, 1659 667 Episcopact Examined, and Ee-examined. Cloth. 12° New TorJc, 1835 56 Bibliotheca Historica. 668 ENS (Gaspar) "West-vund Ost Indischer Lustgabt ; Ey- gentliclie Erzehlung "^annvnd von wemdie Newe Welterfun- den. Polished calf gilUhy Bedford. 4° (7o«e», 1618 Gaspar Ens was one of the Editors employed by the DeBrys in their Collection of Voyages, 1590-1634, and was well read in the history and bibliography of the New World. This volume is a Summary of the most interesting sources of American History. 669 Epitome of Mr. Forsyth's Treatise on Fruit Trees ; also Notes on American Gardening and Fruits, etc. by an American Farmer. Plates. 8° Philadelphia, 1803 670 Erasmus (D.) Life of, with an Account of his Writings. From the larger Work of Dr. Jorten, by A. Laycey. Portrait after Holbein ; half calf . B" London, 1805 671 Ercilla (Don Alonzo) La Araucana. Portrait, 2 vols in 1, neat calf. 8" Madrid, 1776 672 Erskine (Bev. Ealph) Gospel Sonnets : or Spiritual Songs. In six parts. Second American Edition from the 24th Eng- lish Edition. To which is now prefixed, an Account of the Author's Life and Writings. Fine clean copy. 12° Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, Jun. Feb. 1798 673 ESPINOZA (Frat Isidoro de) Compendio de la Vida Mirabillosa del gloriosissimo Padre S. Francisco de Assis, Patriarcha, y Fundador primero del Orden de los Menores : Deducido de la Chronica Seraphica, y entresacado de lo que escribi6 el II. Sr. D. F. Damian Cornejo, For Fray I. de Espinosa, Indigno Frayle Menor. Calf, fine copy, exces- sively BARB. 4° Mexico, por Joseph Bernardo de Hogal, 1735 The Compiler of this handsome volume (of 770 pages, with 9 prelirninar>^ and 18 sequent leaves of tables and indexes) was a Franciscan Missionary^ of high stand- ing in Mexico, being the President of the New Hospice of St Ferdinando. There is a full length portrait of St Francis engraved in Mexico by Sotomaior. 673* Essay (An) on the Nature and Glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ : on Spiritual Blindness, and Divine Illumination. A Supplement to the Author's Letters and Dialogues, etc. 4 copies, fine and clean. 12° Isaiah Thomas, Worcester, 1797 674 Euripides. Tragoedise, Graece et Latine, cum Brodaei An- notationibus, e-own morocco. 8» Glasgow, 17 b\ ^ctTh!LTV^ "^ ."'?. Cfo^P^' i,° America. Pages 348-351 purport to be «x- feDorts „f th« w "i ' ^''fT'V'J? Pro^den^i^s, Part I. Ch. 18," containinctho lln i%l i^FT^"' °l^^^ ^""^'""^ collected and taken down by Daniel Goo- 798 Gillies (John) Memoirs of the Life of George Whitefield. Calf, title MS. 12° 1798 799 Gilpin (William) of Queen's College, Oxford, Life of Ber- QnA°o ^''P'"- ^^'^""'^ Edition. Calf. 8° London, 1753 8UU Gilpin (W.) Observations, relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, made in the year 1776, in several Parts of Great Britain ; particularly the High-lands of Scotland. Illustrated with numerous Engravings. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1789 801 GiSBORNE (Lionel) The Isthmus of Darien in 1852. Jour- nal of the Expedition of Inquiry for the Junction of the Atlan- tic and^ Pacific Oceans. 4 Maps, cloth. 8° London, 1853 802 GIUSTINIANO (Agostino) Castigatissimi Annali della Ecclesia et Illustrissima Republica di Genoa ; con la loro cop- iosa Tavola. Engraved title, calf gilt. Folio, Genoa, 1537 " Par commun." — Brunei. This volume contains early references to Columbus. 803 Glastenbuet for Two Hundred Years, a Centennial Dis- course, May 18th 1853, by Rev. Alonzo B. Cliapin, with Ap- pendix. Cloth. 8° Hartford, 1853 804 Glover (Mr.) Substance of the Evidence on the petition presented by the West India Planters to the House of Com- mons, 16 March, 1775. Half roan. 8° London, n. d. 805 Golden Cabinet (The) being the Laboratory, or handmaid to the Arts, containing such Branches of Useful Knowledge, as nearly concerns all kinds of people, from the squire to the peasant. The 3 Parts. Sheep. 12° Phil. W. Spotswood, 1793 806 Goldsmith (Oliver) The Vicar of Wakefield. 2 vols in 1. 12° E. Bushnell, Norivich, Gt. 1791 807 GOMARA (Francesco Lopez de) Historia de las Con- quistas de Hernando Cortes traducida al Mexicano y aprobada por verdadera por D. Juan Bautista de San Anton Munon Chi- malpain Quauhtlehuanitzin, Indio Mexicano. Publicada por C. M. de Bustamante. 2 vols. 4° Mexico, 1826 808 Gonzales de Mendoza. Histoire dv Grand Royavme de la Chine, contentant trois Voyages fait vers iceluy en I'an 1577-79-81. Trad, par Luc de la Porte. Vellum. 8° Paris, 1588 68 Bibliotheca Historica. 809 G0N5ALEZ DE Mendoza. Histoire dv Grande Royavme de la Chine. Calf. 8° Paris, 1589 810 Goodhue (Rev. J. F.) History of the Town of Shoreham, Vermont, from the Date of its Charter, 1761, with Historical Accounts of the County of Addison, by S. Swift. Portraits. Cloth. 8° Middlehury, 1861 811 Goodwin (N.) Genealogical Notes, or Contributions to the Family History of some of the First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts. Cloth. 8° Hartford, 1856 812 Goodwin (N.) Another Copy. Cloth. 8" BaHford, 1856 813 GORTON (Samuel, of Rhode Island) A Copie of an Answer sent to Nathaniel Morton of New- Plimouth concerning some part of his Bookb intuled New Eng- lands Memoriall, rfoierf Warwick, June 30th, 1%%'i, and signed W me Samuell Gorton. The original Autograph Manuscript in the well-knoivn beautiful penmanship of Gorton, on six large pages, very closely written with about 75 lines on a page, in good preservation, and richly bound in red morocco by Pratt in his best style. ■ Folio, 1669 This important historical manusceipt, one of the archetypa of the Old Colony is deserving of a permanent abiding place. Notwithstanding its vicissi- tudes it has seen good company. It bears the endorsements of Thojias Prince and Governor Hutchinson, showing that it has been under the hands of those distinguished historians. In 1842 the writer purchased it in Connecticut, and soon after lent it for a short time to Col. Peter Force who made good use of it. It next, in 1844, passed into the hands of Edward A. Cruwninshield at a cost of $50, in our golden days. After having rested there for tifteen years it passed over to London with Mr. Crowninshield's library, being estimated in that purchase at fifteen guineas. It has since been richly bound at a cost of two guineas, and is now looking out for another situation, having re-crossed the Atlantic. 814 GosTLiNG (W.) A Walk in and about Canterbury, with many Observations, etc. Map. Calf 8° Canterbury, 1779 816 Gottfried (J. L.) Newe Archontologia Cosmica, dasist Beschreibung aller Kayserthumhen Konigreichen und Repub- licken der gantzen Welt, die Keinen Hohern erkennen. Maps and numerous fine Views, by Merian. Vellum. Folio, Franckfurt, 1646 816 Graham (John A.) Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont. Portrait. Marbled calf. 12° London, 1797 817 Grainger (J.) The Sugar-Cane; a Poem, in four Books, with Notes. 8° London, 1766 818 GRANADOS Y GALVEZ (Joseph Joaquin) Tardes Americanas, Gobierno Gentil y Catolicon : Breve y particular Noticia de toda la Historia Indiana : sucesos, cosos notables, y cosas ignoradas, desde la entrada de la Gran Nacion Tulteca •k esta tierra de Anahuac, hasta los presentes tienipos. Tra- bajadas por un Indio, y un Espanol. Vellum. Excessively rare and important. 4° Mexico, D. Felipe de Zunega y Ontiveros, 1778 See Nuggets No. 1286. The author of this interesting history of Mexico was stationed in the Province of Michoican, and was guardian of the Convent of Xiquilpan, Valladolid, and Rioverde, and Superintendent of all the Missions Bibliotheca Historica. 69 nmons the IndiRns in that IVpartment. The book is in the form of a dialogue oetween an Indian and a Spaniard. There is a good deal respecting carlj' Mexican Archaiolosy nnd Antiiiuities, especialh' respecting the Mexican Calen- Q "A "*'"''* "'" "'" ''^'"*^'' "*' "'" l^nipire of Tezcnco, etc. 19 CtRay (F. C.) Oration before the Legislature of Massachu- setts, on the hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of George QOrt yf"^^^"^'""" ^'"""- 8° Jioston, 1800 820 Gray-Cap (A), for a Green-head in a Dialogue between Father and Son. First American Edit. „„ (""Jf- W PhU. S.Longcope,\19?, 821 Grkswell (Rev. W. P.) Annals op Parisian Typog- raphy, containing an Account of the earliest Typograph- ical Establishments of Paris ; and Notices and Illustrations of the most remarkable Productions of the Parisian Gothic Press ; Cuts of Printer's Marks. Half morocco, uncut. Large paper. 8° London, 1818 822 Griffet (H.) Traits de Preuves, de la veritd de I'Histoire. <^<:df. 8° Liege, 1770 823 Griffith (W.) Annual Law Register of the United States, for 1821-2. Vol. IIL and Vol. IV. 2 copies, 3 vols. L\cut. 8° Burlington, N. J. 1822 824 Groan (A) from a True Blue Presbyterian, who is no Lover of Independency, nor an Admirer of High Flown Pres- betry ; who would drown the ignorant zealous Professor, and pour burning Coals on the lukewarm Laodicean Temper. Sewed. 8° Edinb. 1735 825 Geotius (Hugo) Excerpta ex Tragoediis et Conicediis Grae- cis quas exstant, tenvo qute periervnt. Latinis versibus red- dita cum Notis et Indice. Calf. 4° Parisiis, 1626 826 Geynaeds (Simon) Novvs Oebis Regionvm ac Insvlarvm, etc. Old calf. Folio, Basilice, 1537 A grand old book of reference, containing, in a fair Latin version the Voyages, 1 of Codamosto, 2 Columbus, 3 Alonzo Niiio, 4 Vincent Pinzon, 5 Aniericus A'espucci, 6 Pedro Alvarez Cabral, 7 Joseph the Indian, 8 the Portuguese to India described in a letter of Emanuel to Leo X, 9 Varthema, 10 the Holy Land by Brocard, 11 Marco Polo, 12 Haython's Tartars, 13 Sarmatia by Matthew Miechow, 14 Muscovie by Paulus .Tovius, 15 Peter Martyr's New Isl- ands, 16 Stella's Prussia, 17 Maximilian of Transilvania, his Account of Magel- lan's Voyage. 827 Guiana. An Essay on the Natural History of Guiana in South America ; with Account of the Religion, Manners and Customs of its Indian Inhabitants. Boards. 8° Londo7i, 17 69 828 GuiociARDiNi (Jr.) Historia d'ltalia . . . gli ultimi quattro libri. Mentions Columbus. Vellum. 4° Venezia, 1564 829 GuiLLEEMiN (Gilbert) Precis Historique des derniers Ev^- nements de la Partie de I'Est de Saint-Domingue, depuis le 10 Aout 1808 jusqu'a la Capitulation. Map and Engravings. Half mor. uncut. 8° Paris, 1811 830 GuMiLLA (Joseph) Histoire Naturelle, Civile et Geogra- phique de l' Oeinoque, et des principales Rivieres qui s'y jettent. Traduit de I'Espagnol, par M. Eidous. Map, 3 vols, calf. An important work. 8° Avignon, 1758 Bihliotheca Historica. liADDON (WalteeJ Contra Hieron. Osorium eiusq; odiosas Insectationes pro Eiiangelica Veritates ne- cessaria Defensione, Eesponsio apologetica, contin- uata per J. Foxum. Wants the Title Page ; commencing with Bi. Calf. 4° J. Day, London, 1577 " Q. Elizabeth being asked whether she preferred Haddon or Buchanan as men of learning? she replied, Buchananum omnibus antepono, Haddonum neinini postpone." — Lowndes. 832 Hacke (William) A Collection of Original Voyages. Maps, calf. 8° Zoracfow, 1698 833 Hackett (J.) Narrative of the Expedition which sailed from England in 1817, to Join the South American Patriots. Half morocco. 8° London, 1818 834 Hale (Salma) History of the United States. 2d Edition. Half calf. 8° London, 1827 835 Hale (Samuel) Annals of the Town of Keene, from its Set- tlement in 1734 to 1815. Map, cloth. 8° Keene, 1851 836 Hales (J. G.) Survey of Boston, and its Vicinity. Frontis- piece and map, half roan. 12° Boston, 1821 837 Halibueton (T. C.) Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. Map and engravings, 2 vols, half morocco, fine uncut copy. 8° Halifax, 1829 838 Hall (Basil) Extracts from a Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, in the years 1820, 1821, 1822. Third Edition. Map, 2 vols, half mor. 8° Edinburgh, 1824 From the library of Louis Philippe at Neuilly. 839 Hall (Basil) Voyage au Chili, au P^rou, et au Mexique. 2 vols, half calf. 8° Paris, 1825 840 Hall (Basil) Extracts from a Journal written on the coasts of Chili, Peru and Mexico, in the years 1820-1, 2. 4th Edition. 2 vols, map, half calf . 8° Edinburgh, 1825 841 Hall (Basil) DAaBOCK gehouden op eene Reize lanjs de Kusten van Chili, Peru en Mexico 1820-22. 2 vols, half hrown morocco, uncut. 8° Delft, 1826 842 Hall (Basil) Voyage au Chili, au Pdrou, et au Mexique. 2 vols in 1, hoards. ^ 16° Za Haye, 1835 843 Hall (Basil) Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de I'Amerique du Nord, et dans le Haut et le Bas-Canada. Map, 2 vols, half calf. 8° Paris, 1854 844 Hallidat (J.) Life of William late Earl op Mans- field. Portrait, half maroon morocco. 4° London, 1797 Contains observations relating incidentally to America and its bibliography. 845 HAMILTON. Memoirs of Lady Hamilton, with Illus- trative Anecdotes of many of her most particular Friends and distinguished Contemporaries. Portrait after Romney ; boards, uncut. Large Paper, ^ne copy. 8° London, 1815 Rigidly suppressed in London, but reprinted the same year in New York. This London edition has become very rare, especially in the fine condition of the pres- ent copy. Bibliotheca Historica. 71 846 Hamilton (Alti^xander, Late Secretary of the Treasury) Ob- servations on Certain Documents contained in No. V. & VI. of _" The History of the United States for the year 1796," in which the charge of Speculation against Alexander Hamilton, late Secretary of the Treasury, is fully refuted. Written bt Himself. Clean copy on a foul subject, rough leaves, sewed. 8° John Fentio, Philadelphia, 1797 " AVritten bj' himself," oi- tliis little book of 96 pages would most likely have been pronounced the greatest libel upon the greatest man New York ever pro- duced. It has been claimed to the honor of his friends that they endeav- ored to suppress it. It was copyrighted, and never reprinted until recently, but scarce as it has become, it is "now part of the literature of the land. The author writes on p. 5 : " Merely because I retained an opinion once common to me and the most influencial of those who opposed me, That the public debt ought to be provided for on the basis of the contract upon which it was created, I have been wickedly accused with wantonly increasing the public burthen many mil- lions, in order to promote a stock-jobbing interest of myself and friends." Having been cleared of all these accusations by Committees of Congress com- posed mainly of his most intelligent and active enemies, he was finally charged with ** a connection with one James Reynolds for purposes of improper pecuniary speculation." To extricate himself from this jimfiscal corner Mr. Hamilton wi'ote this book. Clear himself he did, most assuredly, of the charge, but in doing so it has been thought by some that he sawed off a leg to cure a corn. " My real crime," confesses the late Secretary not without a blush, " is an am- orous connection with his [Reynolds] wife for a considerable time, with his privaty and connivance," and that was how he came to be the private banker of Mr. James Reynolds, the husband of Mrs. RejTiolds, " ti-om whose conversa- tion it was quickly apparent that other than pecuniary consolation would be acceptable," p. 18. Truth never appeared so naked as m these confessions of Alexander Hamilton. 847 Hajcilton (Alexander) Report of the Secretary of the Treasury in the United States, on manufactures Dec. 5 1791. Half roan. 8° London, 1793 848 Hamilton (Alex.) Letter to Major Gen. Alex. Hamilton, containing Observations on his Letter, concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams. Velhim. 8° Ml!) Torh, 1800 849 Hamilton (Alex.) Letter concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams. New Edition with Preface. Vellum, fine copy. 8° -Bosiow, 1809 850 Hamilton (Alex.) Letter from, concerning the Public Con- duct and Character of John Adams Esq., written in the year 1800. Vellum, fine uncut copy. 8° i?ostoi, 1809 851 Hamilton (Alex.) Another, New Edition with a Preface. Vellum, uncut. 8° Boston, 1809 852 Hamilton (F.) Account of the Kingdom of Nepal, and of the Territories annexed to this Dominion by the House of Gorkha. Illustrated with Engravings. Calf. i" Edinb. 1819 853 Hancock (John) An Oration ; delivered March 5, 1774, at the request of the Inhabitants of the Town of iSosTON : To Commemorate the Bloody Tragedy of the Fifth of March 1770. Very large 3f beautiful copy, sized paper, in white forrel hy Pratt. 4° Edes and Gill, Boston, 1774 72 Bibliotheca Historica. 854 Hansen (Leonardus) Vita mirabilis et Mors pretiosa vener- abilis Sororis Eosae de S. Maria Limensis. Boards. 16° Rome, 1664 855 Haedt (F.) Memoirs of the Political and Private Life of James Caulfield, Earl of Charleraont. Portrait. Second Edi- tion, 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1812 856 Harleian Collection of Voyages and Travels, com- piled from the Library of the Earl of Oxford, interspersed and illustrated with Notes. 7)%)s and plates, 2 vols. Folio, London, n 45-7 This Collection forms a Supplement to the Churchill Collection. 857 Harris (T. M.) Journal of a Tour into the Territory North- west of the Alleghany Mountains, in 1803. Half bound. 8° Boston, 1805 858 Harris (William) Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of James I, Charles I, Cromwell, and Charles II. New Edition. 5 vols, half calf. 8° London, 1814 859 HARRISSE {Monsieur Henri, Avocat) BIBLIOTHECA Americana Vetustissima. A Description of Works re- lating to America published between the years 1492 and 1651. Large Paper, 99 copies -printed, uncut, and not cut open. Unhound. 4° Geo. P. Philes, Publisher, New York, 1866 860 HARRISSE (Henri) BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA Vetustissima, 1492-1551. 400 copies printed, uncut and not cut open or bound. Im. 8° G. P. Philes, New York, 1866 " No Library is complete without it." Some six or eight months after the publication of this Magrmni Opus in New York it was taken up warmly by the members of the Geographical Society of Paris, and, after the manner of that learned Body, referred to a Committee to examine and report upon it. The report was drawn up by that distinguished geographer, savant, and man of sense, INI. Ernest Desjakiiins, and read at the sitting of tlie Central Commission, the 18 Jan. 1867, and published in the Bulletin of the follow- ing April. Monsieur Harrisse had permission accorded to him to have 600 copies struck otf separately, at his own expense (Bulletin, p. 406). From this elaborate Keport, the following translated extracts will mingle amusement with instruction. " Permit me, Gentlemen," says M. Desjardins, '' to greet with pleasure, on its appearance, the first work of solid erudition which American Science has produced, and which is due to the patient research, to the ardent love of high historical studies, and to the criticism as sagacious as methodical, of a young savant, M. Harrisse, a Frenchman by origin. 1 am happy to add that the first duty of your reporter is to render to the author, in the name of the Geographical Society of Paris, an homage, let us rather say a justice, which to the present hour, has not been rendered to him elsewhere than in France. I am not here to examine for what reason the country to which this useful work does so much honor has remained indifferent to the publication of this new and unique repertory which will henceforth serve as the necessary guide to the future historians of the discovery and conquest of the New World." .... '' The well known impartiality of our Society makes it my duty to declare at once that there has not hitherto been published a more useful book for the prep- aration of the American history of the sixteenth century, and I hasten to add that this judgment, for it is not a personal opinion, is already confirmed by the special men of both worlds, who pass as the best arbiters in these matters, M. Icazbalceta of Mexico, whose most complete approbation without any re- striction, I have now before me; M. d'AvEZAC, a judge so competent in learned bibliography, who has presented M. Harrisse's works to the Academy of Inscriji- tions and Belles Lettres (Session of the 10th Aug. 1866) accompanying this Bihliotheca Historica. 7^ homnge with explanations so luminous and praises so merited; IM. Vivien de Saint-Maktin, who reserves to them aworthy place in his Anniie geogrnpkique ; M. LE Due DE MONTPENSIER, who interests himself so much in the history of discoveries, and particularly in whatever touches Christopher Columbus ; MM. Gavangos and Zakco del A'alle, of Madrid, not to cite the favorable testi- monies of savants who are particularly known to me. M. Harrisse has, as we see, something in the applause of sucli judges to support unjust or flimsy criti- ?i'^"' ""'' *.° ''"'*''' confidence in a work to which the future belongs." .... That which cannot enough be praised in this immense work, is the vigorous method which the author has followed, and which it will be permitted to us to call by its true name, the French Method. He has not lost sight, even in his long dissertations, that he is a bibliographer, as such, charged witli oifering to the erudite public all the documents, and accompanying them with their historical justification, never thinking that he was permitted to set forth his own opinion. He applied himself to correct all the errors running through the history, but iil- ways in bringing forward proofs by facts, and never conjecture by reasoning. Everj' book is desci-ibed de nsu," etc. — " It will be imderst'ood that Si. Harrisse's work, in spite of the exceptional interest which the numerous dissertations it comprises present, is not one of those which can be read consecutively and all at a breath. I shall add that there are very few readers sufficiently competent in each of the branches of American history to discover the eiTors of a man so learned as M. Harrisse." . ..." I must still add, to be just, that M. Har- risse has applied to the accomplishment of his task as much abnegation as zeal and intelligence. He has given, without pretending to derive from it any ma- terial fruit, all his time to the editing and typographical direction of an admira- ble collection, the first specimen of Awebican erudition, and the repertory henceforth indispensable to all serious study of the conquest oi^ America," — ani so on through a dozen pages. It will perh'aps be an act of simple justice to ane of the half dozen " arbiters " named above to add that he told the writer, that his indorsement and recommendation of the book consisted in a barely civil acknowledgment of a presentation copy with a few commonplace compliments. He could not, he thought, under the circumstances, have written less, and was consequently much surprised at the use made of his letter. As there are two sides to the Atlantic, so there appear to be two opinions as to the merits of this book. M. Harrisse throughout his work had played swagger to a certain Vermonter who had for some time resided abroad, and to whom he was much indebted. M. Harrisse undertook to befoul him with many untruthful flings, insomuch that in the London Athenceum of the 6th of Oct. 1866, this G. M. B. felt it a duty to himself as well as to the public to apply publicly the beech senl^ a remedy which the early Green Mountain Boys always found effectual with trespassing Yorkers. After bringing him to with a blank cartridge and cur- sorily examining his papers, and taking poor Andek Schiffahkt under his rotection, this obscure writer concludes his four columns with the following rief summary. "The book at bottom is not a bad one; but the author has made it a mere fact-bag and crammed it with no end of extraneous matter. Like the jackdaw he does not appear to be able to resist anything bright, but picks it up regardless of its use or relevancy. The style of printing the titles in apparent facsimile misleads, and is a mistake. The collations are often obscure and not precise enough. There is a distressing want of uniformity in the orthog- raphy of names of places and persons. The mis-spelling of names is astound- ing. ' It is no exaggeration to sa}' that the errata of names alone will make a list of 500. Two persons are made of one ; one is made of two. Some are created altogether, witness Ander Schiffahrt. Chronology is set at defiance. Geography is obscured. History is in a muddle. Grammar and the Queen's English tortured, if not murdered. Acknowledgments are generally wanting where most required, and often given where not deserved. The index, though extremelv full, is not trustworthy, names being left out of it purposely, or cer- tainly not by accident. Evidences of bad temper are abundant, and flippant flings, which can always be parried, are plenty. M. Harrisse quotes largely at second-hand, and omits to mention the books most used. His general and par- ticular scholarship is lamentably deficient, his pedantry and plagiarism manifest, his want of courtesy to predecessors and fellow-laborers, his spite and obscure vision as to the wants of others, are apparent thoughout. These are some of the faults which should be looked to in a future edition. I hear with feeling akin to national pride that the author of the Bibliotheca Americana Vetustis- SIMA is not an American, and that therefore this book cannot fairly be charged to American scholarship." One hundred extra copies of this number of the I 1^ Bibliotheca Historica. Athenceum went to the chief geographers and bibliographers of Paris, and hence, after due button-holing of the great and the learned the beech-seal was removed and a son of France stood before the world whitewashed by the Geographical Society of Paris. Who will whitewash the whitewasher? 861 Harrop (Mr.) The History of the Iri.sh Rebellion in the year 1798, &c. 2 vols in one, calf, gilt. 8° Philadelphia, 1815 862 Hartford Convention. Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates, convened at Hartford, Conn. Dec. 1 5th, 1814. Second Edition. 8° Boston, 1815 863 Hartford Convention. Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates from the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, etc, convened at Hartford, Conn. December 15th, 1814. Uncut. 8° Hanover, 1815 864 Hartley (T.) A Discourse on Mistakes concerning Religion, Enthusiasm, Experiences, etc. 8° Reprinted hy C. Soiver, Germantown, 1759 865 Hartsinck (Jan Jacob) Beschrtving van Guiana of de Weldekust in Zuid-America. llaps and plates. 2 vols, half morocco, uncut. 4° Amsterdam, 1770 866 Hasenmullee (M. E.) Historia Jesvitici Ordinis, cum dn- plici Polycarpi Lysars Prefatione. Ccdf 8° Francofurti, 1595 867 Haven (Samuel F.) An Historical Address at Dedham, 21st Sept. 1836, being the Second Centennial Anniversary of the Incorporation of that Town. Uncut. 8" Dedham, 1837 868 Hawkin (R. B.) Account of the Public Charities of the Town of Bedford. Portrait, half calf . 8° Bedford, 1828 869 Hawkins (Sir R.J Observations ot, in his Voyage into the South Sea in the Year 1593. Edited by Capt. Drinkwater Bethume. Cloth. ?>" Printed for the Hakluyt Society, Lond. 1847 870 Hawksworth (John) Geschichtb dbr See-Reisen und Entdeckungen im Sued-Meer von Commodore Byron, Cap. AYallis, Carteret und Coock, im Dolphin, der Swallow, und dem Endeavour ubersetzt von G. F. Schiller. Maps and plates. 3 vols, calf 4° Berlin, 1774 871 Hawksworth (J.) Relation des Voyages, executes par By- ron, Carteret, Wallis et Cook, d'apres les Journaux tenus par les differens Commandans et les Papiers de M. Banks. Map and plates. 4 vols, calf. 4° Paris, 1774 872 Hatvksworth (J.) Relation des Voyages autour dii Monde, executes par le Commodore Byron, et les Capitaines Carteret, Wallis et Cook. 4 vols, calf. 8° Paris, 1774 873 FIAZARD (Ebenezer) HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS CONSISTING OP State Papers, and other authentic Docu- ments : intended as materials for an History of the United States of America. 2 volumes. A matchless Copy, sized paper, pure and clean, perfectly uncut, gilt tops, hound in best gros grained, red morocco gilt backs, by Bedford. The sizing and binding alone cost S35. • 4° T. Dobson,for the author, Philadelphia, 1792-94 Excessively rare in this condition. Bibliotheca Historica. 7-5 874 Hatwaed (J.) New England Gazetteer. 12° Boston, 1839 875^ Heakne (Samuel) A Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort m Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean, for the Discovery of Copper Mines, a north west Passage, &c. in 1769-1772. Fine copy, on Large Paper, uncut, half red morocco, ^o-P^- Roy. 4° London, 1795 876 Heahne (Samuel) A Journey from Prince of Wales Fort ^ into the Northern Ocean, 1769-72. Maps. 8° Dublin, 1796 877 Heaene (S.) Landreis van't Prins van Wallis Fort aan Hud- sons Bai, naar den Noorder-Ocean, in 1769-73. Map, 2 vols _ in 1, half calf uncut. 8° Den Haage, 1798 878 HEARNE (Samitel) Voyage du Foet du Peince de Galles dans la Bale de Hudson, a I'Ocean Nord. Map and plates. 2 vols, calf fine copy. 8° Pam, 1799 The interesting tradition which lias drifted down to ns through Albert Gallatin, about the romantic manner in which La Perouse, the celebrated French naviga- tor, caused the publication of the invaluable Journal of Hearne, which he found in a pigeon-hole in Fort Prince of AVales, after it had been surrendered to him, is traced to and confirmed in the prolosomena of this French translation. 879 Hebeet (R.) The Poetical Works. Portrait, neat calf 12° London, 1854 880 Heeeen (A. H. L.) Political System of Europe and its Col- onies from the Discovery of America, to the Independence of the American Continent. 2 vols. 8° Northampton, 1829 881 Helms (Ant. Zach.) Voyage dans I'Amerique Meridonale, par Buenos Ayres et Potosi jus'qu'a Lima. Cloth. 8° Paris, 1812 882 Helps (Aethur) The Spanish Conquest in America ; and its Relation to the History of Slavery and to the govern- ment of Colonies. Vols 1, 2, 3. Cloth. 8° London, 1855-57 883 Hemmen"wat (Moses) Seven Sermons, on the Obligation and Encouragement of the Unregenerate to labour for the Meat which endureth to everlasting Life. Unlound. 8" Boston, N. E.llQl 884 Hemmenway (Moses, of the First Church in Welles) A Vindication of the power of the Unregenerate. Against the Exceptions of Rev. Mr. Samuel Hopkins. Calf. 8° J. Kneeland, Boston, 1772 885 Hemmenwat (Abby Maria) Vermont Gazetteer, A Historical Magazine, a Digest of the History of each Town, Nos. 1 to 6. 8° Ludlow, Vt. July 1860 to Aug. 1863 886 HENNEPIN (R. P. Louis) Noutelle Decouveete d'un tees Grand Pays dans l'Ameeique, entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale ; avec un Voyage quil contient une Relation exacte de I'Origine, Mceurs, Coutumes etc. dee Ca- raibes par le Sieur De la Borde. Maps and Plates. Calf, rare. 8° Amsterdam, 1704 887 HENNEPIN (Louis) Voyage, ou Nouvelle Decouverte d'un tres grand Pays dans I'Amerique entre le Nouveau Mex- ique et la Mer Glaciale. Maps and Plates. Old calf very fine copy, scarce. 8° Amsterdam, 1704 76 Bibliotheca Historica. 888 Henrt (John Joseph) An Accurate and Interesting Account of the hardships and sufferings of the Band of Heroes who traversed the Wilderness in the campaign against Quebec in 1775. Sheep. 12° William Greer, Lancaster, Pa. 1812 889 Herbert (Thosias) A Description of the Persian Mon- archy Now beinge the Orientall Indyes. Curious Plates. Calf. Folio, London, 1634 On page 217 begins " A Discourse and proofe that Madoc ap Owen Gwynedd first found out that Continent now cali'd America." 890 Herbert (Thomas) A Description of the Persian Monarchy, Now beinge the Orientall Indyes. A Relation of some Yeares Travaile, begvnne 1626. Plates. Calf. Folio, London, 1634 891 HERNANDEZ (Francisco) De Materia Medica Nou.e HisPANiiE Philippi Secundi Hispanearum ac Indiarum Regio invictissimi iussu collecta a Doctore Francisco Hernando noui Orbis primario, ac in ordinem digesta a Doctore Nardo An- tonio Recio eiusdem Maiestatis medico, libris quatuor. 4° The Original Autograph Manuscript of Dr. Nardo Antonio Reccio, com- prising about 450 closely written quarto pages, bound in old red morocco, with the Arms of Cardinal Zelanda, from whose library the volume came. Hernandes the celebrated Naturalist was sent to New Spain by Philip the Second about 1595, where he remained exploring for several years, and returned to Europe with an herbarium the very richness and magnitude of which overwhelmed the men of science. A small 4o volume, containing a synopsis of the work, was printed in Mexico in 1604. After the death of Hernandes the collections were placed in the hands of Dr. Nardo Antonio Reccio, who with many collaborateurs completed, edited, and printed the great work at Rome, in folio, in 1628, but for some reason which has not yet been fully explained, was not published till 1651. The above MS is of the highest historical and scientific importance. It is not the work as finally printed. 892 HERRERA (Antonio de) Historia General de los Castellanos en las Islas i Tierra Firme del mar Oceano. Descripcion de las Indias Occidentalis. BottndinA vols, fine cofy, calf. Folio, Madrid, 1730 893 HEDRES. LES PRESENTE HEURES a lusaige de ROMME FDRET a- I CHEUES LE. X X. lOUR DE DeCEBRE. LaN MIL ciNC cens & DEUX ] POUR SiMON TOSTRE : Libraire demourat a Paris a la rue | neuiie nostre dame a lenseigne sainct Jehan leuageliste. | 8° Phil. Pigouchet, pour Simon Vostre, Paris, 1502 A Book to delight the eye and unbutton the pocket of the collector of fine Books. This is an edition not mentioned by Beunet, whose publisher, M. Fermin Dedot, has paid special attention to this department of bibliography. The present copy is in small octavo, measuring 7i by 4i inches, 92 leaves, in Gothic type, with signatures a to Mn eights, and m in four leaves. On the title page is Philipe Pigouchet, the printer's device, and the date in full, 1502, and on the reverse an Almanac for 20 years, 1501-20. There are 15 exquisite full-paged woodcuts, and everj' page throughout the volume is surrounded b}' beautiful borders, composed of woodcuts large and small, representing scriptural subjects, arabesques, hunt- ing parties, love scenes, the story of Susanna and the Elders, scenes from the life of Joseph, of Mary, and of Christ; grotesques, and games of old andvoung; boys at play at blind man's buff, tennis and hocky ; the dance of death, etc.- etc in endless variety and indiscriminate order. It is a charming specimen of Ihe best style and best time of Simon Vostee's wonderful art and taste; in perfect preservation, in the original calf binding, somewhat worn, with gaufred gilt edges, and in a brown morocco case. None of the woodcuts are colored. Bibliotheca Historica. 77 . 894 Hey (Richard) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty and the Principles of Goverment. Half roan. 8° T. Oadell, London, 1776 The author does not hitend his book to be an answer to Dr. Price's on same sub- ject, though both have a bearing on American questions. 89o Heythtjysen (F.) The Equity Draftsman. boards. go j^i^^ York, 1819 896 HiCKERiNGiLL (Capt. Edm.) Jamaica Viewed: with all the Ports, Harbours, and their several soundings, Towns, etc. 3d edition. Map. Very fine copy, polished calf, by F. Bed- ford. ' 4" B. Bragg, London, 1705 897 HICKESIUS (George) Institutiones Grammatic^e An- glo-Saxonijj: et Moeso-Gothicag. 4° Oxon, 1689. Jonas (Runolphus) Grammatica Islandica Rudimenta. 2 i-oh in 1. 4° Oxon, 1688 898 Hildreth (Richard) Geschiedenis van de Vereenigde Staten van Noord America. 6 vols, half green mor. gilt, xmcut. 8° Gravenhage, 1854-8 This edition is translated out of the American with a Preface, and with notes, by M. Keijzer of Delft, a monument of Dutch enterprise deserving of respect and commendation. 899 HiNJiAN (Royal R.) Letters from the English Kings and Queens to the Governors of the Colony of Connecticut, with the Answers thereto from 1635 to 1749. 12° Hartford, 1836 900 HiNJiAN (R. R.) Historical Collection of the Part sustained by Connecticut during the War of the Revolution, with Ap- pendix containing important Letters etc. Cloth. 8° Hartford, 1842 901 HiNTON (J. H.) History and Topography of the United States. New and improved Edition by S. L. Knapp. Illus- trated loith numerous engravings. 2 vols, half mor. ^° Boston, lUSib This American Edition, edited witli many corrections and additions by S. L. Knapp, is far superior to the English Edition. 902 HippiSLEY (G.) Narrative of the Expedition to the Rivers Orinoco and Apure in South America ; which sailed from England in November 1817. 8° London, 1819 903 HiSTOiRE DEs Drogves, Espiceries, et de certains Medi- cames simples qui naissent dans les Indes et en I'Amerique. Woodcuts, seconde edition. 8° Lyons, 1619 A curious and rare work in four parts, by Garcie du Jardin, Christ, de la Coste, and Nicholas Monardus, translated by Ant. Colin. 904 HiSTORiiE Romans Sceiptores, partim Grseci, partim La- tini, in vnuni velut corpus redacti. 2 vols, calf. 8° Henricus Stephanus, Paris, 1568 905 Historical Magazine and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History and Biography of America. Vol. I. Nos. 1, 4, 5, 8. IIL No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7. IV. No. 2, 3. VIL No. 11, and Vol. VIII. No. 8. New Series Vol. L No. 3. Vol. II. No. 6. In all 16 numbers, uncut. 4° JSFew Fork, Jan. 1857-iV^oy. 1867 78 Bihliotheca Ilistorica. 906 Historical Magazine, &c. Vol. I. No. 4, April 1857 & Vol. III. No. 4, April 1858. 4° 907 HiSTOiEE et Commerce des Colonies Angloises, dans I'Ame- rique Septentrionale. Ou Ton trouve I'etat actuel de leur popu- lation, & des details curieux sur la constitution de leur gou- vernement, principalemeut sur celui de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, de la Pensilvanie, de la Caroline, & de la Georgie. Nouv. Ed. Half red morocco. Scarce. 12° A La Hay e, 17^5 908 History of the Reign of Queen Anne, Digested into An- nals. Year the Fourth. Galf. 8° London, 1706 909 History (The) of the Island of Dominica. By Thomas Atwood. Half calf. 8° London, 1791 910 History. A short history of the Opposition, [relating chiefly to American Affairs.] 3d Edit. Half roan. 8° London, 1779 911 History (A) of the War with America, France, Spain and Holland. Begun in the Year 1775 and ended in 1783. Very rare. Calf. 8° London, 1787 912 History (The) of the United States from their first settle- ment as Colonies. Hcdf calf. 8° London, 1826 913 History of Modern Europe, 1802-15, in a series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son. Boards, uncut. 8° Keene, N. H. 1822 914 Hitchcock (E.) Report on a Re-Examination of the Eco- nomical Geology of Massachusetts. Uncut. 8° Boston, 1838 915 tlOBART (J. H. Bishop of New York, Sfc.) Sermons on Re- demption. 2 vols, half mor. gilt, uncut. 8° London, 1824 916 HoBART (A.) Historical Sketch of Abington, Mass. with an Appendix. Cloth. 8° Boston, 1839 917 Hodges {Rev. C. W.) Sermons. Portrait, cloth. 12° Burlington. 1850 918 Hodgson (A.) Remarks during a Journey through North America in the Years 1819-21. 8° New York, 1823 919 Hodgson (A.) Letters from North America, written during a Tour in the United States and Canada. 2 voh, neat, half calf. 8° London, 1824 920 Holmes (Ariel) Life of Ezra Stiles D. D. President of Yale College. Portrait. 8° Thomas Sf Andrews, Boston, 1798 921 Holmsby (Oopt John) The Voyages, Travels, and Wonder- ful Discoveries in his voyage to the Southern Ocean in 1739. Calf 12° London, F. ^ J. Noble, n. d. 922 Holy, Sacred and Divine Roll and Book from the Lord God of Heaven, Revealed in the United Society at New Leb- anon, N. Y. Boards. 12° Ganterhury, N. H. 1843 923 HoLYOKE (E.) Sermon Preach'd to the Convention of Min- isters of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay N. E. at Boston on Thursday, May 28, 1741. 8° Boston, nil 924 HoLYOKE (Thomas) A Large Dictionary. Folio, London, 1677 Bihliotheca Historica. 79 925 Homer. Ilias v.t Odyssea ; Graece ; opera J. Micylii et J Camerarii recognitum. Galf. Folio, Basilece, 1641 926 HOMER & Eustathius. "E.vl 86 Bibliotheca Historica. 1009 Jefferson (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia, with an Appendix. Portrait. 8° New York, 1801 1010 Jefferson (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia with an Appendix. 9th American Edition. Portrait and Map. 16° H. Sprague, Boston, 1802 M. Bai-b(5,Marbois then residingin Philadelphia as Secretary of the French Le- gation first suggested to Mr. Jefferson this work. 1011 Jefferson (Thomas) Memoirs of, containing a concise History of the United States, from the Aclinowledgment of their Independence ; with a View of the Rise and Progress of French Intiuence and Principles, &c. 2 vols, hoards. 8°w.jB. 1809 1012 Jefferson (Thomas) A Summary View of the rights of British America- Jlatf calf, scahce. 8° Williamsburg, printed: Philadelphia, reprinted. 1785 1013 JEFFERYS (Thomas) West-India Atlas. 40 Maps. Half calf. Folio, London, 1775 1014 Jesst (II.) A Description and Explanation of 268 Places in Jerusalem and the Suburbs thereof as it flourished in the time of Jesus Christ. Half calf (wanting map and frontispiece). 4° London, 1654 1015 Jesuits. Travels of the Jesuits, into various parts of the World, compiled from their Letters, with Extracts from other Travellers and Notes by Mr. Lockman. Maps and plates. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1743 1016 Jewell (iJtsAo;? John) Works. Folio, London, 1611 1017 Jk.wett (M.) Family Physician ; the Latroleptic Practice of Medicine. Cloth, 2 copies. 8° Columbus, 0. Wd?, 1018 Jogues (Le R. p. Isaac) Novum Belgium, Description de Nieuw Netherland. Cloth, uncut. Large Paper, Tire a 100 exemplaires. Imp. 8° New Ym-h, 1862 1019 Jogues (Le R. P. Isaac) Novum Belgium, Description de Nieuw Netherland, et Notice sur Rene Goupil. Cloth, uncut. Tire a 100 exemplaires. 8° New Yorlc, 1862 1020 Johansen (Andrew) A Geographical and Historical Ac- count of the Island of Bulaina, with Observations on its cli- mate, &c., with an account of the Bulam Association and of the Colony itself : To which are added authentic Documents, and a descriptive map of the Island and adjoining continent. Map, SCARCE. 8° Martin S; Bain, London [1794] The indifferent reader who is desirous of knowing the origin and progress of this Royal British Colony of Bulama, and where in the wide world it was or is, is respectfully referred to this scarce book, where, on the annexed map he will find that it is one of the Bisago Islands. 1021 Johnson (Charles) A general History of the Pirates. Fine copy, calf gilt. 8° London, 1724 1022 Johnson (Dr. Samuel) Life : to which is added Johnson- ianae, or a Selection of Dr. Johnson's Bon-Mots, etc. Por- trait, calf. 12° London, 1785 Bibliotheca Historica. 87 1023 Jones (Charles C.) Historical Sketch of Tomo-clii-chi, Mico of the Yamacraues. Uncut. 8° Mimsel, Albany, 1868 For the rare original portrait of ToMOCHiciii the celehrated Georgia Chief, see in this Ladilogue under UiiLSPUHGiiU. 1024 JoNKs {Paul) Life, from original Documents in the posses- sion of J. II. Sherburne. Boards. 12° London, 1820 1025 Jones (Paul) The Life, Travels, Voyages, and Daring Engagements of Paul Jones. Half morocco, some leaves mu- tilated. 12° N. Coverley, Milk Street, Boston, n. d. 1026 Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Phila- delphia Sept. 5, 1774, containing the Bill of Rights, a List of Grievances, &c. To which is added (being now first printed by authority) an Authentic Copy of the Petition to the King. Half morocco. 8° London, 1775 Dk. Franiclin, it is believed, caused this volume to be issued in London, in January, 1775. Its effect was startling, for it proclaimed to the discriminating British Public (if there was at that time such a body) that the English lan- guage had acquired new vigor and clearness in being transplanted to the AYestern shores. The pith, point, and force of these Public Papers, astonished the politicians and statesmen of Westminster, and delighted the friends of the Colonies. The Original Petition of the Continental Congress to the King dated Oct. 26, 1774, from which the above was printed, containing the signatures of fifty of the Delegates, after the manner of the Declaration of Independence, and second only in historical importance to that Document, is now in the pos- session of the writer, it having been signed in duplicate, one copy being care- fully preserved by Dr. Franklin, the other sent to the King. Thelatter copy is still preserved in the State Paper office in London. No copy was retained by the Congress. 1027 Journal of the House of Representatives and Senate of the United States 1st Congres.s, 3rd Session, 1790. Begun and Held at Philadelphia. 2 vols. Folio, Philadelphia, 1791 1028 Journal of the Expedition to La Guira, and Porto Caval- los in the W. Indies, under Commodore Knowles. I^cdf mor. 8° London, 1744 1029 Journal d'un Voyage dans ITnterieur le I'Amerique Sep- tentrional. [By Anbury .J Map and plates. 2 vols. 8° London, 1793 1030 Journal of the Bishop of Montreal, during a Visit to the Church Missionary Society's North West American Mission. 12° London, n. d. 1031 Journal of a Young Man of JIassachusetts, captured at Sea by the British, May 1813, and confined at Melville Island, Halifax, Chatham in England, and at Dartmoor Prison. Plate. 12° Boston, 1816 1032 Journal of a Voyage of Discovery to the Arctic Regions in H. i\L Ships Hecla and Griper, 1819-20. By A. Fisher. Map, calf gilt. 8° London, 1761 1033 Journal of Convention for forming a Constitution of Gov- ernment for the State of Massachusetts Bay, 1799-80. 8° Boston, 1832 1034 Journals of each Provincial Congress of Massachusetts in 1774 and 1775, with Appendix. 8° Boston, 1838 88 BihUotheca Eistorica. 1035 Journal of the Voyage of the Sloop Mary, from Que- bec, Together with an account of her Wreck off Montank Point, L. I. Anno 1701. With Introduction and notes by E. B. O'Callaghan. " Edition, 100 copies." Sewed, uncut. 4° Munsell, Albany, 1866 1036 JOUTEL (M. T.) Journal Historiqub du dernier Voy- age que feu M. de la Sale fit dans la Golfe de Mexique, pour . trouver FEmbouchure et le Cours de la Riviere de JNIississippi. Redige et mis en ordre par M'. De Michel. Fine co-py, very rare in this state, calf. 8° Pans, 1713 1037 JouTEL (M. T.) Diario Historico del ultimo viaje que hizo M. de la Sale para descubrir el Desembocadero y Curse del Missicipi. Contiene la Historia tragica de su Muerte y muchas cosas curiosas del Nuevo Mundo. Escrito en idioma Frances por M. T. Joutel, uno de los compafieros de M. La Sale en el Viaje. Traducido al Espanol por el Coronel Jose Maria Tomel, Ministro de Mexico en los Estados Unidos. 12° Jose Desnoues, Nueva Yorh, 1831 With a preface and some valuable notes by the translator. This edition thoagh printed in New York was for the Mexican market. 1038 Juan et Ulloa. Voyage Historique de l'Amerique Meridionale, fait par Ordre du Roi d'Espagne. Numerouf maps and plates. 2 vols, calf. Fine copy. 4° Amsterdam et Leipzig, 1752 1039 JuAN (Geo.) and Ulloa (Ant.) A Voyage to South Amer- ica. Plcdes, 2 vols, calf. 8" DuUin, 1758 1040 Juan (George) and A. de Ulloa. Historische Reisbe- SCHRYVING VAN GEHEEL ZuiD- AMERICA. Maps and platCS. 2 vols, half crimson morocco, very hemiliful ; tmcut copy. 4." Te Goes, by Jacobus Huysman, 1771 1041 JuAN (G.) AND Ulloa (Ant. de) A Voyage to South America. 3d Edit. Maps and plates. 2 vols, half calf. 8" London, 1772 1042 Juan and Ulloa. Voyage to South America. Trans- lated from the original Spanish ; with Notes and Observations, and an Account of the Brazils by J. Adams. Map and plates. 2 vols, half green mor. uncut. 8° London, 1807 1043 JUAN DE LA ANUNCIACION {del Monasteria de San Augustin de Mexico) DOCTRINA CHRISTIANA mvy Com- PLiDA, donde se contiene la exposicion de todo lo necessario para Doctrinar a los Yndios, y administralles los Sanctos Sacramentos. Compuesta en lengua Castellana y Mexicana. Wanting the lower half of the title, and pierced by a worm, other- wise a fine large copy. 4° en Casa de Pedro Balli, Mexico, 1575 Of this excessively rare early Mexican Book the text comprises 274 pages, in double columns, in Spanish and Mexican. There are six preliminary and seven sequent leaves. A copy in condition not so good as this was recently sold in London by auction for a very high price. Bihliothcca Historica. 89 1044 Juan and Ulloa. A A^iy-ige to South America. 5th Ed. ^ vols, half blue mor. gilt, uncut. 8° London, 1807 1045 Judiciary. Debates in the U. S. Senate on the Judiciarv. -f'"J'"'^«' """■"'• 8° Philadelphia, 180"'2 1046 Julius (N. H.) NoRDAsrERiKAs sittliche Ziistande ; nach eigenen Anschanungen in den Jahren 1834-5-6. Plates, 2 vols, half green mor. nnnit. 8° Leipzig, 1839 1047 Julius (N. S.) Nord-amerikas Sittliche Zustande ; nach eigenen Anshanungen 1834-6. 2 vols, half green morocco, ^If, nncut. 8° Leipzig, 1839 1048 JUNIUS. The Genuine Letters of Junius with' Anec- dotes of the Author. First Edition. Calf. 8° London, 1771 1049 JUNIUS ; including Letters by the same writer, under other Signatures, (now first collected.) To which are added his Confidential Correspondence with Mr. "Willces and his Private Letters addressed to Woodfall ; with Preliminary Essay. Notes, Fac-similes, etc. 3 vols, calf extra. Large Paper. Fine copy of this best Edition. Royal 8° London, 1812 1050 Junius; including Letters by the same Writer, under other Signatures ; his confidential Correspondence with Mr. Wilkes, and his Private Letters to Mr. Woodfall ; new and enlarged Edition, by Wade. 2 vols, cloth. 8° London, 1856 1051 Junius Americanus. The political detection : or, the treachery and tyranny of Administration, both at Home and Abroad. Half calf . 8° London, 1170 1052 Juvenal et Persius. Satyrse. Edidit B. Antumnus. Half hound. 8° Parisiis, 1 607 1053 Kalm (Peter) Travels into North America. 3fap. 3 vols, half calf. 8° Warrington & London. 1770-71 1054 Kalm (Peter) Travels into North America. Translated by J. R. Forster. 3fap. 2rf Edition. 2 vols, calf 8° London, 1772 1055 Kalm (Peter) Travels into North America, containing its Natural History, Account of its Plantations, etc. Map. 2 vols, boards, uncut. 8° London, 1772 1056 Kalm (Peter) Reis door Noord Amerika. Large map and plates. 2 vols in 1, half calf vnciit. 4° Utrecht, 1772 Unusually fine copy; far superior to the Swedish or English Editions. 1057 Kalm (Peter) Reis door Noord Amerika. 3Iap and plates. 2 vols in 1, uncut, fine copy. 4° Utrecht. 1772 1058 Kemble (J. p.) Macbeth and King Richard the Third ; an Essay, in answer to remarks in some of the Characters of Shakspeare. Cloth. 12° London, 1817 1059 Ker (John) Memoirs of John Ker of Kersland, containing his Secret Transactions and Negotiations etc. 2 vols, calf containing much about America. 8° London, 1726 90 Bibliotheca Historica. 1060 KEYMIS (Lawrence) A Relation of the Second Voyage [of Sir Walter Raleigh] to Guiana. Performed and written in the year 1596. By Lawrence Keymis. Fine large copy, uncut, but unfortunately wanting F 4 and all after, excessively rake. 4° Thomas Dawson, London, 1596 1061 Kingdom (Wm.) America and the British Colonies. Useful Information relative to the United States and the Brit- ish Colonies. Half blue morocco, uncut. 2d Edition. 8° London, 1820 1062 King's Chapel, Liturgy of. 2d Edition. S," Boston, 1%\1 1063 KiRKLAND (J. T.) Discourse occasioned by the Death of George Washington. Delivered December 29, 1799 ; to which is added Washington's Valedictory Address. Vellum, uncut. 8° Boston, 1800 1064 KiRKLAND (J. T.) Discourse &c., on Washington. Sec- ond Edition. J'elhmi. 8° Boston, 1800 1065 Knapp (S. L.) Biographical Sketches of eminent Lawyers, Statesmen and Men of Letters. 8° Boston, 1821 1066 Knight (Charles) Knowledge is Power ; a view of the Productive Forces of Modern Society. Illustrated ivith en- gravings. Cloth. Post 8° Tendon, 1859 1067 Koster (Henry) Voyages dans la Partie Septentrionale du Bresil, depuis 1809 jusqu'en 1815. Traduits de I'Anglais par M. A. Jay. Map and colored plates. Calf 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1818 1068 Krusenstern (A. J. von) Reize om de Weeeld gedaan in de jaren 1803-6. Plates. 4 vols, half calf. 8° Haarlem, 1811-15 1069 j^^^ (M. DE) Histoire impartiale des Evenements Mili- taires et politiques dans la derniere Guerre dans les quatre parties du Monde. 3 vols, calf 12° Paris, 1785 1070 LABAT (Jean B.) Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de l'Amerique, contenant I'Histoire Naturelle de ces Pays, rOrigine, les Moeurs, la Religion et le Gouverneraent des Habitans ; les Guerres et les Evenements singuliers qui y sont anivez pendant le long sejour que I'Auteur y a fait. 2 vols. Maps and numerous plates. Half morocco, uncut, fine copy. 4° A la Haye, 11 U 1071 Labat (Jean B.) Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de l'Ame- rique. 6 vols. Numerous maps and plates. Calf. 8° Paris, 1722 1072 Labat (.L B.) Another Copy. 6 vols. 12° Paris, 1722 1073 Labat (J. B.) Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de l'Amerique, J> vols. Maps and plates. Fine copy. 8" Paris, 1722 1074 Labaume (Eugene) A circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Russia, embellished with Plans of the Battles of Billiotheca Historica. 91 the Moswka and Malo-Jaroslavitz. 3d Edition improved. Half calf. 8° London, 1815 1075 Lackington (James) Memoirs of the forty-five first Years of the Life of James Lackington. Written by Himself. Por- trait, half morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1794 1076 La Condamink (M. de) Relation d'un Voyage dans I'lnte- rieur de I'Amerique Meridionale jusqu' aux Cotes du Bresil et de la Giiyane. Frontispiece and map. Half maroon morocco, uncut. 8" Maestricht, 1778 1077 La Croix (M. de) Review of the Constitutions of the Prin- cipal States of Europe, and of the United States of America. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1792 1078 LAET (Johannes de) Novvs Orbis sen Descriptionis Indiae Occidentales Libri 18. Maps and plates. Fine copy, old calf gilt. Folio, apud Elzeviros, Lug. Batav. 1633 1079 LAET (Joannes de) Historic ofte Taerlijcli Verhael van de Verrichtinghen der Geoctroyeerde West-Indische Corapagnie. Elach Letter, fine copy, many maps. Half calf . Folio, Elzevir, Ley den, 1644 1080 LAET (Joannes de) Historie ofte laerlijck Verhael van de Verrichtingen der Geoctroyeerde West-Indische Com- pagnie. Black letter. Calf. Folio, Leyden, 1644 1081 LAFITAU (Joseph Franqois) De Zeden deb Wilden VAN Amerika. 2 voh in one. Maps and numerous engrav- ings. Calf. Folio, Gravenhage, 1731 1082 Lafitau (J. F.) Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquetes des Portiigais, dans le Nouveau Monde. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Calf, fine copy. 4° Sangrain, Paris, 1733 1083 Lafitau (J. F.) Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde. 4 vols. Plates. 8° Paris, 1733 1084 Lafitau (J. F.) Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portuguais dans le Nouveau Monde. 4 vols. Maps and plates. Fine copy. 8° Paris, Sangrain, 1734 1085 LA HONTAN (Baron de) Nouveaux Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. 3 vols. Map and plates. 8° A la Haye, 1703 1086 La Hontan (Baron de) Voyages dans I'Amerique Septen- trionale. 2 vols. Maps and numerous plates (2 wanting). Old calf. 8° Amsterdam, 1705 1087 LA HONTAN (Baron de) Voyages dans I'Amerique Sep- tentrionale. 2 vols, calf gilt, fine copy. Maps and plates. 8° La Haye, 1705. 1088 LA HONTAN (Baron de) New Voyages to North America, to which is added a Dictionary of the Algonkine Language. Done into English. Second Edition. 2 vols. Map and plates. Calf; very fine clean copy. 8° London, 1735 92 Bihliotheca Historica. 1089 Lambert (Abbe) Curious Observations upon the manners &c. of Asia. Africa and America. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, n. d. 1090 Lampson (Alvan, D. D.) History of the First Church and Parish in Dedham, on occasion of the Completion, Nov. 18, 1838, of the Second Century since the gathering of said Church. Uncut, sewed. 8° Dedham, 1839 1091 Lancashires Valley of AcnoR, is Englands Doore of Hope : Set wide open, in a brief History, of the wise, good, and Powerful hand of Divine Providence, Ordering and Man- aging the Militia of Lancashire, etc. Vellum, scarce. 4° Luke Faione, London, 1643 1092 LANCIEGO y EGUILAZ {Fr. Joseph de, Ar90bispo DE Mexico) Carta Pastoral, Escribe a sus aniadas Hijas las Religiossas de toda su Filiacion. Title and 46 leaves, fine copy. 8° Mexico, 1716 1093 Lands of the U. S. General Public Acts of Congress respecting the sale and disposition of the Public Lands, with Instructions by the Secretary of the Treasury and Commission of the Land Office and Official Opinions of the Attorney General. 2 vols, sheep. 8° Washington, 1838 1094 La Perouse (M.) Voyage de La P^rouse autour du Monde, redigee par M. L. A. Milet-Mureau. 4 vols, calf. 8° Paris, An. 6, 1798 1095 LA RIVAS (Z>. Manuel Joseph de) Grammatical con- STRDCCiON DE LOS Hymnos Ecclesiasticos, dividida en siete libros, por el orden del Breviario Romano. Explicacion y ine- dida de sus versos. l&-\-\(SA: pp. ; fine copy, old calf. Excessively scarce. 8° JSn Mexico, in la Imprenta. de D. Francisco Xavier Sanches, 1738 1096 LAS CASAS (Bartolomeo de). D Bartholom^i de Las Casas, Episcopi Chiapensis, viri in omni Doctrinarum genere exercitatissinii, erudita & elegans explicatio Quaestionis: Vtrum Reges vel Principes iure aliquo vel titulo, & salva conscientia, Gives ac Subditos k Regia Corona alienare, & al- terius Domini particularis ditioni subijcere possint? Ante hac nunquam abvllo Doctorum ita luculenter tractata. Edita cura & studio WolfFgangi Griesstetteri. Fine copy, calf. Excessively scarce. First Edition. 4° Apud Georginm Corvinum, Francof. ad Moen. 1571 This Piece of Las Casas was ]iot included in liis Spanish Works, first issued in 1552-3, and has never been printed in Spain. 1097 LAS CASAS (Bartolomeo de) Seer cort Verhael vande destructie van dTndien Vergadert deur den Bischop don fray Bartolome de las Casas, oft Casaus, van sinte Dominicus orden, in Brabantsche tale getrouwelick uyte Spaensche ouer- geset. 70 leaves. Of the highest Degree of rarity ; fine large clean copy, in vellum by Pratt, 4° ^Brussells'] 1578 Of all the translations of this famous work of Las Casas into foreign languages this one into the dialect of Brabant is the earliest, and perhaps the most difS- cult to find. Bibliotheca Historica. 93 1098 LAS CASAS (Bartolomeo de) Tyrannies et Crvavtez des Espagnols perpetrees e's Iiides Occidentales, qu'on dit Le jS'oiuieau nionde ; fidelenient traduictes par laqves de Mig- gi-ode. First Edition in French, /we copy, ««{/"• 8° Chez F. de liavelenghien, Anvers, 1579 1099 LAS CASAS (B. de) Spieguel der Spaensciier tyran- nye in West-Indien, &c. with map of the new hemisphere on the title. Fine copy in white vellum by ^■«"- 4° Cornelis Claesz, Amst. 1610 1100 LAS CASAS (B. de) Istoria o Bkeuissima Relatione della Distrvttione dell' Indie Occidentali. Tradotta in Ital- iano dall' Kc. Sig. G. Castellani. [Printed in double columns, in Spanish and Italian.] Matchless copy, sized paper, perfectly i(ncnt. vellum by Pratt. 4° M Ginammi, Venetia, 1643 1101 LAS CASAS (B. de) II Svpplice Soiiiavo Indiano. Tradotto in Italiano per opera di Marco Ginammi [in Spanish and Italian]. Fine large copy, rough leaves. 4° Venetia, 1657 1102 LAS CASAS (B. de) La Decouverte des Indes Occiden- tales, par les Espagnols. Calf. 8° Paris, 1697 1103 Las Casas (B. de) La Decouverte des Indes Occidentales, par les Espagnols. Frontispiece, calf. 8° Paris, 1697 1104 Las Casas (B. de) Relation des Voyages et des Decou- vertes, que les Espagnols ont fait dans les Indes occidentales. Calf. 8° Amsterdam, 1698 1105 Las Casas (B. de) Breve Relacion de la Destruccion de las Indias Occidentales. Calf. 16° Filadelphia, por Juan F. Hartel, N" 126 Calle Segwido, 1821 This very rare edition contains a preliminary Discourse of 35 pp. upon the life and character of Las Casas. Printed for tiie Mexican market. 1106 Lastrom (Aug. Th.) Swea och Gotha Hofdinga-Minne sedaro 1720. Uncut. 8° Upsala, 1842 1107 Law (W.) The Way to Divine Knowledge. 8" London, 1752 1108 Law (W.) An Humble, Earnest and Affectionate Address to the Clergy. 8° London, 1764 1109 Lawrence Academy. Jubilee of, at Groton, Mass. July 12, 1854, with General Catalogue. 8° New York, 1855 1110 Lawrence (William) Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, Physiology, Zoology and Natural History of Man. 12 en- gravings of heads and skulls. 9th Ed. Cloth. S" London, 1844 Buckle's Copy, with his Booliplate, and autograph. " Henry Tliomas Buckle, London, 25 Sept. 1844." 1111 Lea {Lt. Albert M.) Notes on Wisconsin Territory, with a map. 12° Philadelphia, 1836 1112 Le Beau (S'' C.) Voyage Curieux et Nouveau, parmi les Sauvages de I'Amerique Septentrionale. 2 vols. Plates, half vellum. 8° Amsterdam, 1738 The author in this interesting book describes the manners and customs of the Iroquois, the Hurons, the Algonquins and other tribes of Canada and south towards old Louisiana. 9"^ Bibliotheca Hisforica. 1113 LE CLEECQ (Le P. Cheistien) Nouvelle Eelation DE LA Gaspesie, qui coutient les Moeurs et la Religion des Sauvages Gaspesiens Porte-Croix adorateurs dii Soleil, et d'autres Peuples de rAmerique Septentrionale dite la Canada. Calf, scarce. 8° Paris, 1691 This is perhaps the most important book ive have on Northeastern Canada and the Province of New Brunswick. 1114 Lee (Charles) Memoirs of tlie late C. Lee, Aid de Camp to the King of Poland, &c, in the Service of the U. S. of* America during the Eevoliition. Half blue morocco, gilt, uncut. 8° Dublin, 1792 1115 Lees (.L) Laws of the Customs, with the Tariff and Cus- toms. Cloth. 8° London, 1859 1116 Lb Gentil (M.) Le Gentils Reisen in der Indischen Meeren 1761-69. Half mor. gilt, zincv.t. 8° Hamh. 1781 1117 LEIBNITZ (GoDF. Guliel.) Novissima Sinica Histo- riam temporis illustratura &c. 2da Edit. Portrait of the Emperor of China. 8° n. p. 1699 De SucCESstr Evangelii apcd Indos Occidentales. In Nova Anglia, Epistola. A Ceesentio Mathero apud Bos- tonienses V. D. M. Vltrajecti, 1699 De Successu Evangelii apud Indos Orientales Epistolae k H. Specht & A. de May, &c. Icon Regia Monarchae Sinarvm nunc Regnantis. 1699 Four voUimes in one, small 8vo. This piece of Increase Mather is rare, es- pecially to find it growing in the middle of this collection where it belongs. it was reprinted from the London Edition of 1688. 1118 Leigh (Evans H.) Observations concerning all the Roman and Greek Emperors. With engravings. Calf. 8° London, 1663 1119 Leighton (R.) Praelectiones Theologiae. 4° London, 1693 1120 LE JEUNE (IPaule) Relation de ce qvi s'est passe EN LA NovvELLE FRANCE en I'annee 1638. Avee Relation de ce qvi s'est pass(5 dans le pays des Hvrons es ann^es 1637 & 1638, par F. J. Le Mercier. The two parts in one volume, fine copy in ivliite vellum, gilt edges, hy F. Bedford. Excessivelt SCARCE. 8° Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, Paris, 1638 To form a complete collection of the JiekitloTis or annual reports of the Jesuit missionaries in Canada, on the Borders, and in the Great North West from about 1630 to 1680 has been the laudable ambition of many American collectors, but few if any have succeeded. Including the various editions there are nearly 50 volumes. A perfect set is the^oms asinarum of the American collector. The historical and geographical importance of these volumes cannot well be over- stated. 1121 LE JEUNE (Paule) Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la NovvELLE France sur le grand Fleuue de S. Laurens en I'annee 1634. Fine copy in old green morocco, gilt bach and borders {wanting title and preliminary leaves). 8° Chez Sebastien Cramoisy, Paris, 1635 1122 Leland (J. D. D.) View of the Principal Deistical Writers that have appeared in England, in the last and present Cen- tury. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1754 Bibliotheca Historica. 95 1123 Lendkum (J.) History of the American Eevolution ; pre- fixed is a Genuine History of Nortii and South America. 2 I'oh. 8° I. Thomas, Boston, 1795 1124 LEON D'AFRIQUE (Jean) Histouialb Description de TAfrique, tierce Partie dv INIonde. Calf. 8° Anvers, 1556 1125 Le Sage (M.) The Adventures of Robert Chevalier, call'd De Beauchesne. Captain of a Privateer in New France. •2 vols, calf. S" London, 1745 1126 Letter (A) Addressed to two Great Men, on the Prospect of Peace ; and the Terms necessary to be insisted upon in the Negotiation. 2d Ed. corrected. Half morocco. 8" A. Miller, London, 1760 Attributed to Junius. Belates mainly to American Affairs. 1127 Letter (A) addressed to two Great Men on the Prospect of Peace [by Junius ?] 2d Ed. Half roan, uncut. 8° London, 1760 1128 Letter. Remarks on the Letter Address'd to Two Great Men. In a Letter to the Author of that Piece. [On Amer- ican Affairs.] Half roan. 8° London, [1759 ?] 1129 Letters upon Learning, wherein is shewn the Insufficiency thereof, etc. Half calf. 4° London, 1738 1130 LETTER (A) to a Member op Parliament on the Reg- ulation of the Plantation Trade [Signed J. B.] Fine copy, in white vellum, by Pratt. 4° Printed in the year 1701 An excessively rare tract. The writer J. B. complains " That several of our American Colonies, as Rhode Island, Conecticut, East and West Jersie, Pen- silvania, &c., are like so many Independent Sovereignties, having the Election of Governors, either amongst themselves annually, as Rhode Island, and Con- ecticut ; or depending on some Persons in England. ... As the Jersies and Pensilvania," etc., and are likely to divert Trade from the Mother Country, by running tobacco and other produce to Scotland, Holland, and elsewhere, con- trary to the recent laws against piracy, that is illegal trade. He prays Parlia- ment therefore to "remove all the Calamities that attend these Colonies, through their want of Unity bj reassuming that part of the Grants pretended to by the Proprietors of Conecticut, Rhode Island, East and West Jersies, Pen- silvania, etc., by which they claim the powers of governing, or chusing Gov- ernors, and laying them under the immediate direction of the King." 1131 Letters. Three Letters to the People of England on Na- tional Affairs. 6th Edition. Calf. 8° London, 1756 1132 Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies, with a Preface by the Dublin Editor. Half calf 8° [Dublin^ 1768 1133 Letters to the Ministry from Governor Bernard, General Gage, and Commodore Hood. And also Memorials to the Lords of the Treasury, from the Commissioners of the Cus- toms. "With sundry Letters and Papers annexed to the said Memorials. Scarce, Aa//"roa«. 8° Udes Sr Gill, Boston, 17 Q9 1134 Letters, efc. [By Sagittarius] "The Boston faction have professed themselves to be of a peaceable and quiet spirit. As a proof of this they pulled down the Lieut. Governor's house, broke open the Secretary's house, and demolished the 96 Bihliotheca His tor tea. Stamp and Admiralty Offices." p. 1. Very Rare, wants title and last 3 leaves after p. 120. Half calf. See Nuggets, N" 2425. 8° Boston, 1774 1135 Letteus. a Series of Letters between Rev. J. Buckmin- ster, D. D., Rev. Jos. Walter, and Rev. Hosea Ballou. Board. 38° Windsor, 1811 1136 Letter (A) to Harrison Gray Otis on the present State of our National Affairs. By John Quincy Adams. Uncut. S" G. W. Nichols, Walpole, N. IT. 1808 1137 LETTERS. Choix des Lettres Edifiantes, ecritesdes Missions Etrangeres ; avec des Additions des Notes Cri- tiques, etc. Par AI. * * * 8 vols, polished calf gilt, hand- some copy. 8° Paris, 1808-9 1138 Lettsom (J. C.) Memoirs of John Fothergill,M. D. Fourth Edition. Portrait of Franklin by Heath. Calf gilt. 8" London, 1786 1139 Lewis and Clarke. Travels from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean. Half green morocco, gilt. 8° London, 1809 1140 Lewis and Clarke. Travels to the Source of the Mis- souri River. Half calf , gilt. 8" London, 18H 1141 Lewis & Clarke. Reize naar de Bronnen van den Missouri in de jaren 1804-6, uit het Engelsch vertaald door N. G. van Kampen. Maps, 3 vols, half brown morocco, gilt, cloth sides, uncut, fne copy. 8" Bordrecht, 1816 1142 Lewis and Clarke. Reize naar de Bronnen van den Mis- souri in de jaren 1804-5-6, Uit het P^ngelsch vertaald door N. G. van Kampen. Map, 3 vols, half maroon morocco, fne uncut copy. 8" Bordrecht, 1816 1143 LiL (Herman Van) Het Levan van William Penn. 2 vols, half green morocco, uncut. 8° Amsterdam, 1820 1144 LiNDLEY (Thomas) Reise nach Brasilien und Aufenthalt daselbst in den Jahren 1802-3. Nebst einer Beschriebung der Porto-Seguro und San Salvador. Half morocco, uncut. 8° Weimar, 1806 1145 LiNGARD {Rev. J.) Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. Second Edition. Map. calf. 8° Newcastle, 1810 1146 Linn (William, B. B.) Sermons, Historical and Character- istical. 12° New York, 1791 1147 Linn (William, B. B.) A Funeral Eulogy on General Washington, delivered Feb. 22, 1800, before the New York State Society of the Cincinnati. ( Wanting p. 33 and all after.) 8° New York, 1800 1148 LINSCHOTEN (Jan Huyghen van) Itinerario, Voyage ofle Schipvaert van Jan Huygen van Linschoten naer Cost ofte Portugaels Indien. 6 maps and 36 colored plates, black letter, vellum. First Edition, ^we complete copy. Folio, Amstelredam, 1596-95 For a full account and collation of this very rare first edition of Linschot, eee that invaluable l)ook entitled " M^moire Bibliographique sur les Journaux des Bibliotheca Historica. 97 Navigateiirs N(?er1andnis riSiinpriirn's dans lea Collections de DkBkt ct de Hul- sius, etc., en la possession de FredtTick Muller a Amsterdam. RfSdig^ par P. A. lifle, pp. 8:!-9i. Few bibliographers in this country have had the opportunity to see this first edition eutirely complete like the present copy. 1149 LINSCHOTEN (John Huyqhen van) his Discourse OF Voyages into ye Easte and West Indies. Fine large, clean, and perfect copy, with a brilliant impression of the frontis- piece, and with all the twelve maps, several of them the rare early impressions before the pagination was added. Old calf rebacked. Very scarce in this genuine state. Folio, John Wolfe, London, 1598 1150 LINSCHOTEN (.Ian Huyghen van) Historie Naturael ende Morael van de Westersche Indien : Ghecomponeert door losEPHUM DE AcosTA, del" Jesuitscher Oorden. Ende nu eerstinael iiyt den Spaenschen in onset- Nederdiiytsch tale ou- ergheset : door Ian Huyghen van Linschoten. Very fine copy. Vellum. Black letter. 8° Tot Enchuysen, by Jacob Lenaertsz, 1598 This earliest translation of Acosta into Dutch by Linschoten is one of the rarest books of this time pertaining to America. 1151 Lisle (Major J. G. Semple) Life of, written by Himself. Portrait, calf. 8° London, 1799 1152 Litchfield County. Centennial Celebration of, August 13 and 14, 1851. 8° Hartford, 1851 115.3 Literary Souvenir, 1832-5. Edited by Alaric A. Watts. Plates, 2 vols, morocco, gilt. 1 6° London 1154 Livingston (R. R.) Essay on Sheep. Boards. 12" Concord, JV. H. 18i 3 1155 Livius (Titus) Librorum Epitome. Lucius Florus, in 1 vol. Vellum. 8° Aldus, Venetiis, n. d. 1156 Livius (Titus) Librorum Epitome: Lucii Flori LibriTres; Polybii Histor. Libri Quinque in Latinam conversi in uno vol. Calf. 8° Aldus, Venetiis, 1521 1157 LIVIUS (Titus) The Historie of two of the moste noble Captaines of the worlde, Anniball and Scipio, of their divers battailes and victories, excedyng profitable to reade, gathered and translated into English, out of Titus Livius, and other Au- thors, by Antonie Cope esquire. Anno M.D.LXV^III. [^should be 1548] Splendid copy on Large Paper, clean and perfect, with rough leaves. Excessively rare in this state. 4° Londini, in Aedibus Thomce Bertheleti, typis excusum, 1548 The title is surrounded by a copy of Holbein's beautiful wood-cut border of a pro- cession of rollicking boys, and on the reverse are three eight-line stanzas by Thomas Berthelet the printer, on this Historie. Few books afford better speci- mens of Knglish philology and orthography than this translation and compila- tion of Master Anthonie Cope. 1158 Lloyd (Thomas, Stenographer) The Trials of William S. Smith and Samuel G. Ogden for Misdemeanors, in the Circuit Court of the U. S., for the N. Y. District, July, 1806. Calf. 8° ^ew York, 1807 7 98 Bibliotheca Historica. H59 LoccENius (I.) Historic Svecanae, a priino Eege vsque ad Caroluni XI: accedunt Antiquitatum Sveogothicarum Libri Ti-es eideiu Auctore. Calf. Thick 4° Le-psia, 1676 1160 Locke, Algernon Sidney, and Lord Shaftesbury. Original Letters of, by T. Forster. Boards. 8° London, 1830 1161 Locke (J. L.) History of the Town of Camden, Maine ; with References to the neighboring Places and adjacent Waters. Cloth. 12° Hallowell, 1859 1162 Logarithms. A Treatise on the Construction of Loga- rithms, to which are added. Tables of Logarithms, sines and tangents. Boards, uncut. 4" T. Dohson, Philadelphia, 1802 1163 London. Post Office London Directory 1854 & 1855. 2 vols. Thick 8° London 1164 London Directory for 1855. Thick 8° London 1165 London. An exact Delineation of the Cities of London and "Westminster and the Suburbs thereof, with the Borough of South wark, and all the Through-fares, Highwaies, Streets, Lanes, & Common Allies within the same, composed by a scale, and Ichnographically described by Richard Newcourt. Wm. Farthorne, sculpsit, London, 1658. Engraved from the original by G. Jarman in 1857, and Published by Stanford. London, 1863. Size of the original, & ft 4 by 3 ft 5 inches, mounted on cambric and folded in blue morocco cover in 4° Published in this form at £3 3s 1166 Long (J.) Voyages chez differentes Nations Sauvages de I'Amerique Septentrionale. Map, calf. 8° Paris, 1794 1167 Long {Major S. H.) Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, etc., in the year 1823. Compiled by W. H. Keating. 2 vols, plates, half mar. uncut, fine copy. 8° Philadelphia, 1824 1168 Los A (Fran9ois, cure de lEglise Gathedrale de Mexico^ La Vie de Gregoire Lopez dans la Novvelle Espagne. 2d Edition. Vellum. 16° Pans, 1655 Gvegovy Lopez was one of the most successful of the Jesuit Missionaries among the Indians of Mexico. He is said to have been a bye-child of Philip the Second. 1169 LoosJES (A.) Gedenkzuil ter gelegenheid der Vry-Verk- laaring van Noord-Amerika. Hay" brown morocco, uncut. 8° Amsterdam, 1782 1170 LosKiEL (Georg Heinrich) Geschichte der Mission der evang. Bruder unter den Indianern in Nordamerika. Half green morocco, gilt, uncut. 8° Barhj, 1789 1171 LosKiEL (G. H.) History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America. Translated by C. J. Latrobe. Map, half mor. uncut. 8° London, 1794 1172 LovELAND (Samuel G.of Reading,Vt.) A Greek Lexicon, adapted to the New Testament with English Definitions. Cloth. 16° Woodstock, Vt, by David Watson, 1828 1173 Lowe (Joseph) An Inquiry into the State of the British West Indies. 4th Edition, calf. 8° London, 1808 Bibliotheca Historica. 99 1174 Lucas (S.) A Prize Essay, read in the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, June 4th, 1845. 8° London, 1845 1175 LuciANUS. Opera omnia qute extant, Gr£ec6 ; cum Latina doctiss. Virorum Interpretatione, J. Bordelotius emendavit. Old calf . Folio, Parisiis, 1615 1176 Lucretius. De Eerum Natura Libri sex : cum Paraphras- tica Explanatione J. Nardii. Calf. 4° Florentice, 1647 1177 Lucretius. De Rerum Natura Libri VL Vita Lucretii Commentariis, ete. edidit Lambinus. Calf. Folio, Liitetice,\QlQ 1178 LUDOLPHUS (Parochialis ecclesie in Suchen rector) De terra sancta et itinere jherosoloniitano et de statu eius et alijs mirabilibus que in niari conspiciutur videlicit niediterraneo. Very fine copy, in Black letter, long lines, 41 to a page, 34 leaves. An edition of the highest rarity. Folio, without date or place, hid \_Argent. H. Eggensteyn, circa 1475] 1179 LuNT (^Y. P.) Two Discourses, Sept. 29, 1839, on the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Congregational Church, Quincy ; with an Appendix. 8° Boston, 1840 1180 LussAN (Raveneau de) Journal du Voyage fait k la Mer du Sud avec les Flibustiers de I'Amerique en 1684. 2d Edition, calf gill. 8° Pam, 1693 1181 Lycophron. Alexandra, sive Cassandrae uersiones duae; una ad uerbum a G. Cantero ; altera Carrraine expressa per J. Scaligerum. Half calf. 8° Basilece, 1566 1182 Lycophron. Alexandra. L Meursius recens. et Commen- tario illustrav. Calf. 8° Elzevir, Lugd. Batav. 1599 1183 Lyon {Oapt. G. F.) Private Journal, during the recent Voyage of Discovery under Capt. Parry. Map and plates, half maroon morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1824 1184 Lyon (G. F.) Journal. Another copy, half maroon morocco, uncut. ' 8° London, 1824 1185 Lyttleton (Lord) Letters. First American Edition. 8° Troy, N. T. 1807 1186 IK^^V'^Iably (Abbe de) Remarks concerning the Gov- ernment and Laws of the United States, in four Letters addressed to Mr. Adams. Half morocco. 8° London, 1784 1187 Mably (Abbe de) Remarks concerning the Government and the Laws of America, addressed to Mr. [John] Adams. Qgjf 8° Dublin, 1785 It was the questions in this book which caused Mr. Adams to write his Defense ofthe Constitution of the United States. ^ t^ , , 1188 Macaulay (Catharine) Address to the People of England, Scotland, and Ireland, on the Present Important Crisis of Affairs. Half morocco. 8° London, 1775 100 Bihliotheca Historica. 1189 McCALL (Hugh) The History of Georgia, containing brief Sketches of the most remarkable Events up to the present Day. 2 vols. 8° Savannah, 1811 1190 McClure (David) and Parish (Elijah) Memoirs of the Kev. Eleazar Wheelock, D. D., Founder and President of Dartmouth College. Portrait, calf. 8° Neiohuryport, 1811 1191 McCoy (J.) History of Baptist Indian Missions, and the Condition of the Aboriginal Tribes. Cloth. 8° Washington, 1840 1192 McDouGALL (Geo. J.) The Eventful voyage of H. M. Ship Resolute, in search of Sir John Franklin. Mop and engrav- ings, half calf . 8° London, 1857 1193 McKiNNON (D.) Tour through the British West Indies in 1802-3. Map, calf. 8° Xowrfora, 1804 1194 McKenney (T. L.) Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians, and of Incidents connected with the Treaty of Fond du Lac ; also, a Vocabulary of the Algic or Chippeway Language. Illus- trated with engravings, half morocco, uncut. 8° Baltimore, 1827 1195 Mackenzie (Alexander) Voyages from Montreal, through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans, 1789-93, with Account of the Fur Trade of that Country. Portrait and maps, calf. 4° London, 1801 This book of MacKenzie is one of the best of the kind we have, and is already of very considerable value to the American historian and topographer, but when the vast country over which he travelled shall have been developed it will become indispensable. 1196 Mackenzie (A.) Another Copy. Calf 4° London, 1801 1197 Mackenzie (A.) Voyages from Montreal, through the Continent of North America. Portrait and maps, calf, fine copy. 4° London, 1801 1198 Mackenzie (Sir Alex.) Voyages from Montreal, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans in the Years 1789 and 1793. Por- trait and 7naps, 2 vols, half calf. 8° Philadelphia, 1802 1199 Mackenzie (A.) Voyages dans ITnterieur de I'Amerique Septentrionale, faits en 1789, 92, 93. Tradiiits de 1' Anglais par J. Castera, avec des Notes des Papiers du vice-amiral Bougainville. 3 vols, maps, half calf , uncut, fine copy. 8" Paris, 1802. This is another instance in which a translation with notes becomes even more valuable than the original, or at least greatly enhances the value of the original. 1200 Mackenzie (Alexander) Eeizen von Montreal durch Nordamerika nach dem Eisraeer and der Sud-See in den Jahren 1789 und 1793. Portrait, half brown morocco, gilt, uncut. 8° Hamburg, 1802 1201 Mackenzie (E.) View of the United States of America, and of Upper and Lower Canada. Map and engravings, cnlf 8° Newcastle, n. d. 1202 Mackenzie (Roderick) Strictures on Lt. Col. Tarleton's History of the Campaigns, in the Southern Provinces of North America, of 1780 and 1781. Calf, fine copy. 8° Land. 1787 Bibliotheca Historica. 101 1203 Mackinzie (AV. L.) Lives and Opinions of Benjamin Franl?e copy, calf. Folio, Ambers, 1755 The above are two ot the best editions of this most extraordinary worli; a com- plete biography of the Viegin, giving the most minute and authentic details of her life, and as it i§ asserted, written by a special revelation. It records facts, dates, events, and divers proceedings, such for instance as the visit of the Vir- gin to Santiago, the fights between her body-guard of two angels and the devil, who vainly endeavored to impede her progress. One of these angels after- wards served in the guard of the Madre Agp.eda. The work narrowly escaped the Index, for it was at first bitterly opposed by many of the Church, and as warmly advocated by others. At first it was condemned by the Inquisition, but afterwards was licensed. Many works have been written for and against it. Fi- nally it triumphed over all its enemies, and is now received as thoroughly ortho- dox. It is a standard work in the libraries of almost all the Convents of Catho- lic countries. Both editions are now fortified with page after page of licenses, approvals, and recommendations. 1387 ^^^APIER (Lieut. Gen. Sir W.) Life and Opinions of Sir Charles James Napier, G. C. B. 4 vols. Portraits, cloth. 8° London, 1857 1388 Narrative of the Expedition of Com. John Byron round the World, containing an Account of the great Distress suf- fered by Himself and his Companions on the Coast of Pata- gonia 1740-6. With a Description of St. Jago de Chili, etc. Frontispiece, half maroon morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1768 1389 Narrative (A) of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington, Baltimore, and New Orleans, 1814 and 1815. Half morocco. 8° ZoMC?on, 1821 1390 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY of Distinguished Americans. Conducted by J. Herring and J. B. Longacre. 4 vols, dark blue morocco, gilt edges, many portraits, fine original complete set. Royal 8° New York, 1834-1840 Billiotheca Historica. 123 1391 NAVARRETE {Don M. F. de) Relations des Quatre N'OYAGES entrepris par Chiistophe Colomb pour l;i Decoii- verte du Nouveau Monde de 1492 a 1504 ; 3 vols, map, half morocco, uncut, Jine copy. 8" Paris, 1828 This important work was translated into Frencli bv MM. de Vernouil and de la Ivoquette, ivlio liad tha advantage of having theirlabor revised by the original Compiler M. Navarrete. The Chief Jlembers of the Geographical Society of ^aris took an active interest in it and Messieurs Kc^musat, Balbi, le baron Cuvier, Jomard Labonderie, Letronne, de Rossel, Saint-Martin, Walckenaer, Humboldt, etc., added notes and explanations, so that, on the whole, the work is a moat valuable companion for the Student of the Original Spanish, or substitute for it. 1392 XAVARRE;TE (Pedro Fkrnandez) Concervacion de MoNARQYjAS y Discvrsos Politicas sobre la gran Consulta que el Consejo hizo al Sefior Rev Don Filipe III. al Presidente, y Consejo Supremo de Castilla. Fine copy, '■ellum. jPoUo, Madrid, 1626 This beautiful book comprises a system of Tolitical Economy, calculated for the meridian of the Kingdom of Old Castile. It is most interesting and contains incidentally many allusions to America and its influence upon Spain. The au- thor considers in his seventh and eighth Discourses the two great causes of the Decrease of Population of Spain, and particularly Castile. The one is the Expulsion of the Moors and the Jews, and the other "is the new Discoveries and Colonies in America. The title-page designed by F. Agus. Leonardo, and en- graved by Alardo de Pompa is peculiar^ being an architectural design sur- mounted by the arms of Leon and Castile supported on either side by figures of M isdom and Prudence, while between columns one on eacli side stand portraits of the two brothers of the author: Alonso Mena NavaiTete the eldest brother, and Alonso Xavarrote, proto-Martyr, both of the Order of Saint Domingo in Japan. 1393 Neal (Daniel) The History of New England, an Im- partial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Country to 1700, with Appendix. Map, 2 vols, calf, fine old copy. ^o London, \1 20 1394 Neal (D.) The History of New England, with Appendix. Map, 2 vols in 1, half calf. 8° London, 1720 1395 Neal (Daniel) the JHistory of the Puritans from the Ref- ormation to the Death of Q. Elizabeth. 4 vols, calf. 8° DuUin, 1759 1396 Nelson (J.) History, Topography, and Antiquities of the Parish of St Mary Islington in the County of Middlesex, in- cluding Biographical Sketches. Illustrated by Engravings ; half calf 4° Zonrfon, 1811 V 1397 Newell (TV.) A Discourse on the Cambridge Church Gathering in 1636. Delivered in the First Church, Cambridge, February 22, 1846. 8° Boston, 1846 1398 NEW ENGLAND. The Dat-Breaking if not the Sun-Rising of the Gospel, with the Indians in New England. 77ie title mended, the pagination of some leaves cropped, and the top line of D, cut off, otherwise a fair copy, half roan. 4° Rich. Cotes, London, 1647 124 Bihliotheca Historica. 1399 NEW ENGLAND. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT REC- ouDS of the Corporation for Ne-vv England, in London, (afterwards called) The Company for Propagation of the GosPELL in New England, from the sixteenth of February 1655 to the 4th of February 1 685, being the original autograph minutes of the Proceedings of the Corporation, for thirty years, by five successive Secretaries, comprising 120 leaves, or 240 folio pages, generally in good preservation and legible, but some leaves at the beginning slightly mutilated. Bound in white vellum, never printed, and never skimmed with permis- sion by any editor or writer. Folio, 1655-1685 It is not easv to overestimate tlie liiatorical value and literary importance of original unpublished manuscripts of this kind. When it is remembered what this Corporation of New England was in London, what good friends of New England composed it, for whom it labored, how much money it raised and re- mitted to Boston, how mucli good it accomplished; how it befriended, encour- aged, and backed the Commissioners of the United Colonies; how it found out, elected, and supported Eliot, and befriended Mayhew; how it clothed, fed, physicked and educated the praying Indians; how it encouraged and paid for the printing of the Bible, and many other books, in the Indian language; how it selected and sent over Marmaduke Johnson to print at Cambridge; how it helped the College, and supported Missionaries both to the Colonists and the Savages; how it kept the Church at home alive to the wants of the Mission in New England and printed all the Progresses of Ike Gospel among the Indians: when all these memories are brought home to our business and bosoms-, perhaps some other Corporation in New Knyland will see enough in the Volume to secure it, and give to the world, through the press, its contents in a neat volume, and so repay an instalment of the interest on the great debt of gratitude so long over-due to that brave Old Cromwellian Corporation. This volume has long sued in vain for appreciation and a home in this country, like the Hakluyt Man- uscript of 1584, the Walter Ludd of 1507, the Logbook of Capt. Luke Foxe, the Dinwiddie and Washington Papers of 1751-1758, the Private Eecord Book of Dieskau and Montcalm of 1755-1759, and honest old Gorton's answer to Morton in 1669. As they become lost to America they become precious and worthy of printing. It is impossible to give any adequate idea of the value of this volume by a mere description, for though it contains 'much that is now irrelevant to New England history, yet it all illustrates the history of the Corporation. A few extracts may interest the reader. '' 11 April 1660. That it be considered by Mr. Tresr and such others as hee shall thinke fitt to prepare some propositions in writing agt the next Cort to be made unto the printer for the obleidginge of him to carry on the printinge of the Bible in the Indian language in N. E. for tlie best advantage of the worke." " 21 of April 1660. " Mr. Tres"^ reports that in pursuance ol^ the Order and desire of this Court of the 11 instint hee hath treated with the printer [Marginal note, Marmaduke Johnson is the Printer's name] about going into N. E. to print ye Bible in [he Indian Language & reportls that the printer is willing to go and bee employed in that service at the salary of £iO per Ann. besides dyett, lodginge C&: washinge, & a Quarter's salary in advance & his tyme to bee there for three yeares & more if the Corporation or Com" for the United Colonies please to command from the tyme of his going on shippe board & the Corporation to pay his passage thither. And the s* Marmaduke Johnson is contented and williiige to give security vnto the Corporation to perform these Agreem'" abovementioned. And it is ordeied that Articles bee forthwith prepared accordinge to the agree- ment abovenamed." " May 22, 1660. Whereas it appeares that Mr. Tho. Bell, one of the Memb« of this Corporation hath pd five pounds for the passage of Marmaduke Johnson shipped on board the Prudent Mary bound for New England and more the sume of 18s for a Bed, Boulster, rugge & one Blankett for his accomoda" in his voyage to N. Engld afores"!. It is ordered that Mr. Henry Ashurst Tres' of the Corporation bee desired to pay the sd Mr. Tho. Bell for sd severell sums by him disbursed accordingly." Memorandum in the margin in another hand, ""Mem. Marmaduke Johnson went from Gravesend of 14 May 1660, from w°li tyme his salary is to begin at £40 pr Ann." Bibliotheca Historica. 125 1400 NEW ENGLAND. Strength ovt of Weaknesse : Or a Glorious Manifestation of the further Progresse of the Gos- pel among the Indians in New England, formerly set forth by Mr. Henry Whitfield. Fine, large, clean copy, in white forrel Ml P''"tt- 4° 31. Simmons, London, 1652 ''^-rnr^^'^™ *'''''"' ^'^'t'ons at least of this tract in 1652. This ono begins with MKENGIH, in large capitals, and the Preface to the Christian Reader is dated 28th Feb. 1651. 1401 NEW ENGLAND. Strength out op Weakness. Or a Glorious Manifestation of the further Progresse of the Gos- pel amongst the Indians in New England, etc, formerly set forth by Mr. Henry Whitfield late Pastor of Gilford in New England. The pagination of some leaves clipped, otherwise a good copy. 4° M. Simmons, London, 1G52 The title of this edition begins with Strength in Italics, and the date at the end of the Preface is 2Sth of April, 1651. The Epistle to the Reader is signed by 18 names. 1402 NEW ENGLAND. A Declaration of the Sad and GREAT Persecution and Martyrdom of the People of God, called Quakers, in New England for the Worshipping of God. Whereof 22 have been banished, 3 martyred, 3 had their right ears cut, 1 burned on the hand with the letter H, 31 re- ceived 650 stripes, 1 beat while his body was like a jelly, sev- eral beat with Pitched Ropes, 5 Appeals to England denied, £1044 worth of Goods taken from them, and One now lyeth in Iron-fetters, condemned to dye. Also, Some Considerations in Answer to the Petition of the Court of Boston, subscribed by J. Endicot, the Chief Persecutor, etc. Fine large copy, bx- CESSIVELT rare. 4° London, for Eohert Wilson, [1660] 1403 NEW ENGLAND. Propositions concerning the Subject op Baptism and Consociation of Churches ; Col- lected and Confirmed out of the Word of God, by a Synod of Elders and Messengers of the Churches in Massachusets-Col- ony in New-England. Assembled at Boston, according to the Appointment of the Honoured General Court, in the Year, 1662. Whereunto is anext the Answer of the Dissenting Brethren and Messengers of the Churches of New England, etc. Good copy in white forrel hy Pratt, title-page in admirable facsimile. \_i° Cambridge,N. F.'\ Printed\by Samuel GreenJ in the year 1662. One of the rarest and most important books pertaining to New England History and Church Courses. It opens with an historical Preface addressed especially to the Churches of Massachusetts Colony giving a history of the Platfurm of Church Discipline agreed upon by a Synod at Cambridge in 1648, and quoting the works of raanj' of the Lord's Worthies in New England, respecting the great subject of the baptism of infants and the infants of Church Jlembers, and the Consociation of Churches, 12 pp. Then follows " The Answer of the Elders and other Messengers of the Churches, assembled at Boston, 1662, to the [two] Questions propounded to them by Order of the Honoured General Court," re- specting Baptism and a Consociation of Churches, 18 pp. But the Synod was not unanimous. There was a Minority who made an adverse Report which fills 38 pp. and is entitled: " Anti-Synodalia Scripta Americana, Or a Proposal of the Judgment of the Dissenting Messengers of the Churches of New England, Assembled by the Appointment of the General Court, March 10, 1662, whereof 126 Bibliotheca Historica. there were several Sessions afterwards. This Script or Treatise falling into ths hands of a Friend to the Truth [Chauncy ?] and the contents thereof, &c., was published for the Churches good, although without any Commission from the Dissenting Brethren ; which they are desired not to be offended with. Where- in tliere is an Answer to the Arguments alleadged by the Synod." The first 7 pages of this is a Preface signed Philalethes [President Chauncy of Harvard Col- lege] giving reasons for publishing this dissent. Then on p. 8 comes the Re- port addressed to Gov. Endicott. It pertains only to the first question of Bap- tism, the two parties agreeing substantially about Consociation. The ques- tion of Baptism then a political one, exercised the Great and General Court as much as the sale of liquor has recently. 1404 NEW ENGLAND. A Vindication of the Divine Au- thority of Ruling Elders in the Churches of Christ : Asserted by the Ministers and Elders met together in a Provincial As- sembly [in Cambridge] Nov. 2, 1649. Whereunto is added, An Answer to the Question, Whether are not the Brethren, and not the Elders of the Churches only, to Judge, &c. By the Eev. Increase Mather, in his Book entitled, The Order of the Gospel. Excessively rare. Fine copy, vellum. 12° Reprinted for Public Good \_Boston, 1700] 1405 NEW ENGLAND. Magnalia Christi Americana : or THE Ecclesiastical History op New England, from its First Planting in 1620 to 1698. In seven Books. I. An- tiquities. II. Lives of the Governors: III. Lives of Sixty famous Divines : IV. Account of Harvard College : V. Acts and Monuments of the Churches in New England : VI. A Faithful Record of Wonderful Providences : VII. The Wars of the Lord, with an Appendix of Remarkable Occurrences which New England had in the Wars with the Indian Salvages from 1688 to 1698. By the Learned Cotton Mather, M. A. Good sound perfect copy, with the map. Folio, Thomas Parkhurst, London, 1702 1406 New England Judged, by the Spirit of the Lord. In Two Parts. First, Containing a Brief Relation of the Suffer- ings of the People call'd Quakers in New England, from the Time of their first Arrival there in 1666 to the Year 1660. Second Part, Being a further Relation of their Cruel and Bloody Sufferings from 1660 to 1665, Beginning with the Sufferings of William Leddra whom they put to Death. For- merly Published by George Bishop, and now somewhat Ab- breviated. With an Appendix containing the Writings of several of the Sufferers ; also An Answer to Cotton Mather's Abuses of said People. Imperfect, wanting some leaves in the middle. 8° London, 1703 1407 New England. A Platform of Church Discipline, the Synod at Cambridge, 1808. The Original of New England Churches. 1812 Confession of Faith of the Churches at Boston. 3 vols in one, calf. 12° Boston, 1808-12. 1408 New England Patriot (The) being a candid Comparison of the principles and conduct of the Washington and Jeffer- Bibliotheca Historica. 127 son Administrations. Tlie whole founded upon indisputable facts and public Documents. Uncut. 1484-12 pp. 8° Boston, 1810 1409 Nkw Hampshire. Collections of the New Hampshire Historical Society. Vol. III. Boards, uncut. 8° Concord, 1832 1410 New Hampshire Festival. A Collection of Interesting Extracts relating thereto. 4» 1849 1411 New Hampshire. Transactions of the State Agricultural Society for 1850-52. Cloth. 8° Concord, 1853 1412 Newport {Col. Andrew) Memoirs of Col. Newport, who served as a Cavalier in the army of Gustavus Adolphus, aud in that of Charles I. containing anecdotes of the principal persons in the army. New Edition, with additions. Portrait, half calf. 8° London, 1792 1413 NEAVSPAPERSof Vermont. 37 TOfo,AaZ/ioMnrf. Folio, viz. Beattleboi:o Eagle, Nov. 27, 1848 to Dec. 22, 1854. 7 vols. Bratthboro Green Mountain Farmer, March 14, 1856 to Feb. 27, 1857. 1 vol. Randolph Vergennes Independent, Dec. 8, 1854 to Due. 27, 1856, in 1 vol. Vernennes Star of Vermont, Oct. 21, 1854 to Oct. 20, 1855, in 1 vol. Nvrtlijhkl Vermont Journal, June 24, 1853 to June 12, 1857, in 2 vols. Windsor North Union, June 10, 1854 to Dec. 5, 1856, in 1 vol. West Charleston Vermont Patriot, Dec. 26, 1850 to Dec. 16, 1852, in 1 vol. Muntpelier American Journal, March 10, 1855 to April 10, 18B7. 1 vol. Simnton Vergennes Citizen, Jlaj' 11, 1855 to Nov. 15, 1856. 1 vol. Verr/ennes Rutland Herald, June 16, 1851 to Dec. 7, 1854. 2 vols. Rutland Northern Farmer, April 6, 1855 to March 7, 1856. 1 vol. Woodsteck Burlington Free Press, Sept. 27, 1850 to June 25, 1858, in ivols. Burlington Vermont Watchman, Dec. 5, 1850, to Nov. I'J, 1858, in 4 vols. Montpelier Green Mountain Freeman, Jan. 5, 1854 to Dec. 9, 1858, in 3 vols. Montpelier Caledonian, July 17, 1852(to June 26, 1858, in 3 vols. St. Johnsiurtj North Star, June 4, 1851 to Dec. 25, 1858, in 4 vob. Danville 1414 NEWSPAPERS. The Northern Centinel, vol. I. No. 1, Dec. 13, 1810 to Dec. 25, 1829. Bound in 15 vols. Also for the years 1832 and 1833,2 vols. Folio, Burlington, 1810-33 A very nearly perfect set of one of the rarest and best of the early Vermont News- papers. For the period of the War of 1812 the collection is valuable. 1415 NEWSPAPERS. Vermont Centinel, Dec. 22, 1803 to March 18, 1808. 3 vols. Folio, Burlington Vermont Centinel, April 2, 1806 to March 18, 1808. 1 vol. Burlincjton Vermont Centmel, April 2, 1806 to March 25, 1807. 1 ml. Burlington Burlington Gazette, vol. I. No. 1, Sept. 9, 1814 to Feb. 16, 1817, scarce, 1 thick vol. Burlington Gazette, Sept. 16, 1814, to Feb. 13, 1817, 1 vol. In all 7 vols, bound 1416 NEWSPAPERS. Christian Register, May 17, 1822, to Aug. 8, 1823. 1 vol. Boston Massachusetts Spy, Jan. 4, 1804 to May 8, 1805. 1 vol. Worcester New England Farmer, Julj' 15, 1854 to Jan. 17, 1857. 2 vols. Boston Weekly Messenger, Oct. 25, 1811 to Oct. 15, 1813. 1 vol. Boston Boston Daily Advertiser, Jan. 2, to Dec. 31, 1857, in 1 thick vol. Boston Independent Whig, Dec. 2, 1851 to April 7, 1857. 5 vols. Lancaster, Pa. Cotton Planter, April 24, 1852 to Aug. 4, 1853, in 1 vol. Washington Independent, Jan. 4, 1855, to July 2, 1857. ivols. N.York Daily Statesman, June 7, 1855 to .Tune 27, 1857. 1 vol Concord, N. H. State of Maine, Dec. 12, 1854 to Nov. 16, 1858. 2 vols. Portland Lancaster Times, Jan. 6, 1858 to June 1, 1859. 1 vol. Lancaster, Pa. Patriot and Union, Jan. 6, 1857 to Aug. 26, 1858. 1 vol. Harrisburg, Pa. New York Evangelist, Aug. 6, 1835 to Dec. 30, 1837. 6 vols, {some dups)' N. Y. In all 26 vols bound 128 Bihliotheca Historica. 1417 NEW TESTAMENT. The English Hexepla. Six English Translations, by Wyclift'e, Tyndale, Cranmer, the Genevan, Rhemish, and the Authorized. Very fine copy. Lakgb Papeb, hound by Hayday, in brown morocco, gilt edges. SCAECE. Large 4° Bagster, London, 1841 Large paper copies of this worli have now become scarce. 1418 New Testament ; an improved Version on the Basis of Archbishop Newcome's Translation, with Notes. Half roan. 8° Boston, 1809 1419 NEW WORLD. Die New welt der landschaften vnnd Insulen, so bis hie her alien Altiweltbeschrybern vnbekant, Jungst aber von den Portugalesern vnnd Hispanierh jm Nidergenglichen Meer herfunden. Fine copy, very eare, half vellum. Folio, Straszburg, 1534 The contents of this early collection of Voyages are the same as the Novus OiiBis edited by Simon Grynaeus and published at Basil in 1532, this being translated and edited by Michael Herr. This is by far the rarer of the two works. For an account of the contents of the third Latin edition see No. 145G, and for the very rare Brabant edition see No. 6 of this Catalogue. 1420 New York. Acts of Assembly passed in the Province of New York from 1691 to 1718. Calf, gilt. Folio, London, 1719 1421 New York. Acts of Assembly, Passed in the Province of New York from 1691 to 1718. Folio, London, 1719 1422 NEW YORK. Jodrnal of the Votes and Proceed- ings of the General Assembly of the Colony of New York. 2 vols. Vol. I, April 1691 to Sept. 1743. Vol. II, from Nov. 1743 to Dec. 1765. Half morocco. Volume II, excessively scarce. Folio, Hugh Gaine, New Torlc, 1764-1766 1423 NEW YORK. Joornal op the Votes and Proceed- ings of the General Assembly of the Colony of New York. Began the 8th Day of November, 1743, and Ended the 23d of December, 1765. Vol. II. Published by order of the General Assembly. Folio, Hugh Gaine, New Torlc, 1766 This volume much rarer than the first is wanting to complete most sets. 1424 New York. Laws of New York from the Year 1691 to 1773 inclusive. Published according to an Act of the Gen- eral Assembly. An uncommon edition. Folio, Hugh Gaine, New Fork, 1774 1425 NEW YORK. The Documentary History of the State of New York, arranged by E. B. O'Callaghan. 4 volumes. Cloth. 4° Alba7iy, 1850-51 1426 NEW YORK. Documents relating to the Colonial His- tory of the State of New York, procured in Holland, Eng- land and France, by J. R. Brodhead, Agent. Eleven volumes, a complete set including the Index. 4° Albany. 1850-51 1427 NEW YORK. Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Colony of New York from 1766 to 1776 inclusive. Fine copy, calf. Folio, Albany, 1820 In March 1820, on finding that only one copy of the original Journals from 1766 to 1776 was known to exist, the General Assembly of New York voted to reprint a small edition of 50 copies only The volume has now become excessively rare. Bibliotheca Ilistorica. 129 1428 New York. Longworth's American Almanac. New York Register and City Directory for 1807. Good clean copy. 7° New Tori; 1807 1429 New Yoek. Collections of the New York Historical Society. Vols I, II. 2 vols. 8° New Tork, 1811-14 1430 New Yokk Historical Society. Proceedings of, for the Years 1844 and 1846. 2 vols. 8° New Tork, 1844 1431 New York Spelling, or Fourth Book. Wood-cuts, boards, scarce. 18° New Tork, 1813 1432 New York. Census of the State of New York for 1855, Prepared by F. B. Hough. Half morocco. Folio, Albany, 1857 1433 NEAV YORK Brasier's and PHILADELPHIA Jew- eller's Engraved Cards. 4° 1. jAMEg BuvELOT, Brasinr, At the Sign of the Three Kettles Hanover Square New York. Makes and Sells Copper Stills, Brewing Coppers, Copper and Brass Kettles, Fish Kettles, Tea Kettles, Kettlepots, UoiFeepots, Warmingpans, Saucepans, Pyepans, Stewpans, Chafingdishes and all Sorts of Kitchen furni- ture & Brasiery Ware ; Mends and Tins Copper and Brass after the best Man- ner, at Reasonable Rates; Also Sells best London Pewter; And gives Ready Money for Old Copper, Brass, Pewter, and Lead. Engraved on. copper by J. Lewi!:, 1751, within a beautiful Jlural border, surmmmted by the Sigh of the Thkeb Kkttlks. Size 5 inclles by 6. Unigue, Specimen of early New York Art. 40 2. Edmund Milne, Goldsmith, at the Crown and Pearl, near the Market, in Second-Street, Philadelphia. Makes and Sells all sorts of Gold and Silver Work, at the Lowest Prices, Likewise Jewellers Work Perform'd in the Neatest Manner, and Gives the Best Prices for Old Gold, Silver and Jewells, -fc'n- gi-aved by Henry DamKns, of Philadelphia, not dated, but about 1750, within a beautifully designed border, llighly ornamented, with various articles of silver and gold plate hung on a richly chased frame,the whole surmounted by the Crown and Peaf.l. Size S byl inches. A most creditable specimen of early Philadelphia, art. No other copy known. 1434 NiCKOLLs (Sir John) Remarks on the Advantages and Disadvantages of France and Great Britain with respect to Commerce, etc. Translation from the French Original [of Plumard de Dunguel]. Calf. 8° London, 1764 1435 NiCKOLLs (John) Remarques sur les avantages et les des- avantages de la France et de la Gr. Britagne, par Rapport au Commerce, et aux autres Sources de la Puissance des Etats. Traduction de I'Anglois du Chevalier John Nickolls. Seconde Edition. Calf, fine copy. 8° Leyde, 1754 Notices the Hudson's Bay, Africa, East India, and South Sea Companies. It is not a little curious that the Original French Edition purports to be translated from the English while the First English Edition istranslaled from the iTench. 1436 NicoLAUS DE CusA. Opera Theologica, Philosophica et Juridica. Old calf. Folio, Ex Officina Henriepetrina, BasilecB, 1565 1437 NILES (Hezekiah) The Weekly Register: Contain- ino- Political, Historical, Geographical, Scientific, Astronom- ical, Statistical and Biographical Documents, essays and facts ; together with notices of the Arts and Manufactures, and a record of the events of the times. Vols 1-50, from Sept. 1811 to Sept. 1836, in 50 volumes, royaZ 8w .• General Index to the first 12 vols 1811-1818, in 1 vol, and from Sept. 9 ISO Bibliotheca Eistorica. 1836 to Sept. 1843 in 14 vols 4to. Together 65 vols, an un- usually qood clean copy, well hound in half calf. Roy. 8° ^ 4° Baltimore, 1811-1843 1438 NiSBET (Charles) Monody to the Memory of Rev. Dr. Charles Nisbet, late President of the College of Carlisle in Pennsylvania. Half morocco, uncut. 8° Edinlurgh, 1805 1439 North (Lord) A View of the History of Great Britain during the Administration of Lord North to 1781. In two Parts, with a statement of the Public Expenditure in that period. Title, 2 + 412 pp. fine copy, uncut. 8° London, 1782 This volume relates almost entirely to American Affairs, and is one of very con- siderable importance and rarity. 1440 NoETH America. The Present State of North America, etc. Part 1. 2d edition with emendations. Scarce, half roan. '^ London, 1755 1441 North America. The present state of Great Britain and North America Considered. Half red morocco uncid. Scarce. 8° T^ondon, 1767 1442 North America. The History of North America, with the present state of the different Colonies. Map, calf 12° Ljondon, 1776 1443 North American Eevib-w. No. 58 (Jan. 1828), Nos. 60 to 67, 69 to 72, 74, 78 to 81, 83 to 85, 87 to 89, 105, 121, and 122, (Jan. 1844.) Together 27 numbers, uncut. 8° Boston, 1828-1844 1444 North American Eetiew. Nos. 62, 64, and 67. 1829-30 1445 North Eastern Boundary {Maine) Considerations on the Claims of the United States. Map, half calf. 8° London, 1826 1446 Northern Tour. A Guide to Saratoga, Lake George, Niagara, etc. Half morocco. 16° Phila. 1825 1447 North Georgia Gazette (The) and Winter Chronicle. Half brown morocco. 4° London, 1821 1448 NoBTHMORE (T.) Washingtpn, or Liberty Restored, a Poem in Ten Books. Boards, uncut. 12° London, 1809 1449 North Pole. The Possibility of Approaching the North Pole asserted. By the Hon. D. Barrington, with Appendix on a Northwest passage by Col. Beaufoy. Map, half morocco, uncut. 8° New York, 1818 1450 NOTICIA del Establecimiento y Poblacion de las Colonias Inglesas en la America Septentrional ; Religion, orden de go- bierno, leyes y costumbres de sus naturales y inhabitantes ; etc. Por Don Francisco Alvares. 196 ^5^. Calf. 4° Madrid, 1778 Don Francisco has made a very amusing book, if not absolutely instructive. It was compiled mainly from the best English authors, with a careful examination of standard maps and charts. It was just in the time of the American Revolu- tion, when Franklin was in Paris, Adams in Holland, and Jay in Madrid. Everybody in Spain was thirsting for reliable topographical and geographical information. This work was inten ded f o supply just what was wanted. As a fair sample of the topography we give this brief extract from Chapter V. devoted Bibliotheca Historica. 181 to a description of New England, translated literally ; " New England is divided into eleven riovinces and tour Counties. Tlie I'rovinces are as follows: Mas- sachnsels, Essex, Middlesex, Suifolck, Hampshire, Plimouth, Barnestaple, Bris- tol, Warwik, Connecticut, and Newaveii. The Counties are: New London, llartlort, Newhaven, and Fairtield." New York, New Jersey and Virginia »*re described with similar accuracy. 1451 NovANGLus and Massachusettensis ; or Political Essays published in 1774 and 1775. Boards, uncut. 8" Boston, 1819 1452 Nova Scotia. The Memoeials of the English and French Commissioners, concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia, or Aca- dia. Maps, calf. 4° London, 1755 This Work, containing the various Papers drawn up by the English and French Commissioners, respecting the history and geography of Eastern Canada, Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, etc., is of the utmost importance to the hiitorian of these districts. This lot should go with No. 1275 of this Catalogue. 1453 Nova Scotia. The Present State of Nova Scotia; with a brief Account of Canada and the British Islands on the coast of North America. Second edition. Half calf. 8° Bdinburgh, 17 87 1454 NOVUS ORBIS, Eegionum ac Insularum, Veteribus in- cognitarum (collegit J. Huttich, edidit Simon Grynaeus). Vel- lum, no map. Folio, Basilece, 1537 1455 NOVUS ORBIS, etc. Another copy, very fine, pig shin, with the very rare map of the world by Sebastian Munstee. Folio, Basilece, 1537 This large collection of Voyages, compiled by J. Huttich, and edited by Simon Grynteus, with a Geographical Preface by Sebastian Munster, all of the old University of Basle, at the expense of a Jo. Hervagius, a Basil Piiblisher, should find a place in every public library, inasmuch as the original editions of the Papers of which it is made up, are now almost unfindable. Considering the date of the first edition of 1532, the reader should study some of the voy- ages with both of his eyes open, the one to detect the mistranslations and the other the misconceptions of inland geographers, who misread the reports of the navigators. The volume contains, 1- The voyages of Cadamosto down the coast of Africa in 1454-1455 ; 2. The first three voyages of Columbus, 1492- 1498 ; 3. Of Vincent Pinzon to Brazil in 1499 ; 4. The four voyages of Ves- pucci, 1497-1504 ; 5. Of Pedro Alvarez Cabral, 1500-1501 ; 6. Letter of King Emanuel to Leo X respecting the discoveries of the Portuguese in India, 1513 j The Voyages of Varthema ; 7. Description of the Holy Land in the 13th cen- tury, by Brocard ; 8- The Relation of Joseph the Indian ; 9. The three works of Marco Polo ; 10. Havthon'» account of the Tartars; 11. Sarmatia, by Mathew Miechow; 12. Muscovie, by Paulu« Jovius ; 13. Peter Martyr's newly discovered Islands ; 14. Stella on the Antiquities of Prussia ; 15. Letter of Maximilian of Transylvania, Secretary of Charles V, to the Cardmal of Saltz- burg dated Oct. 24, 1622, giving an account of the voyages of Magellan, 1519- 1522. This last piece is in none of the three previous editions of 1532 (Basil andParis), and in German. 1534; (see No. 1419 swpra). _ _ 1456 NOVUS ORBIS ; id est, Navigationes primie in Anier- icam ; quibus adjunximus Gasparis Varrerii Discvrsvm super Ophyra Regione. Galf, gilt, scarce. 8° Eoterodami, 1616 1457 NuTT (David) Catalogue of Foreign Theological Books, Liturgies, Rituals, Hebrew and Syriac Literature, etc. Half morocco. 8" London, lib? 182 Bibliotheca Historica. 1458 rp^^^BSEEVATIONS on the Conduct of Great Britain witli regard to tiie Negotiations and other Transac- tions Abroad. Half roan. 8" London, 1729 Kelates to "Admiral Hosier's, and other British Expeditions to the West Indies against the Spaniards. A very imijortant historical volume, containing many interesting facts and statistics, not elsewhere readily found. 1459 ODESPUN (L.) Concilia Novissbia Galliai. Folio, Paris, 1646 1460 Ogle {Sir Chalouer) Tryal . . . Ijefore the Chief Justice of Jamaica for an assault on Gov. Trelawney, July 22, 1743. Half morocco. 8° London, 1743 1461 Oexmbun (Alexandre-Olivier) Histoire des Avanturiers Fili- busters qui se sont signalez dans les Indes. Maps and plates. 4 voh in 2 ; vellum. 8° Trevoux, 1744 1462 Oldmixon. The British Empire in America, containing the History of the Colonies. 2d edition. 2 vols, calf gilt, fine copy. 8° London, 1741 1463 Oliver (B. L.) The Eights of an American Citizen, boards, uncut. 8° Boston, 1832 1464 Oliver (B. L.) The Law Summary. 8° Hallowell, 1833 1465 Omana y SoTOMAYOE (Dr. Gregorio) Obras de Eloquencia y Poesia premiadas por la Real Universidad de Mexico en el Certamen Literario que celebro el cha 28 de Diceimbre de 1790. Con motivo de la Exaltacion al Trono de Nuestro Catolico Monarca el Sr. D. Carlos IIII, Key de Espana y de las Indias. 4° Mexico, 1791 1466 Opposition. A short history of the Opposition during the last Session of Parliament. 3d edition. Half roan. 8° London, 1779 An interesting volume relating mainly to American affairs. 1467 Orange. Bref recueil de I'Assasinat, commis en la per- sonne dv tresillvstre Prince, Monseigneur le Prince d'Orange, Comte de Nassau, etc. par Jean Jauregui Espagnol. Fine copy, half calf , scarce. 4° G. Plantin, Anvers, 1582 1468 Orange. Discovrs svr la Blessvre de Monseignevr le Prince de' Orange. Fine copy, half morocco. 4° n. p. 1582 1469 Orbigny (M. Alcide d') Voyage pittoresque dans les Deux Ameriques. Portraits and plates, half brown morocco, gilt. 4° Paris, 1836 1470 Oriental Society (American) Journal, Vol. VI, No. 1. 8" New Haven, 1859 1471 Origin and Progress of Despotism in the Oriental and other Empires of Africa, Europe and America. Red morocco, gilt. 8° Amsterdam, 1764 1472 Orinoco. Histoire de I'Orenoque, et des principales Ei- vieres qui s'y jettent. Par J. Gumilla. Map and plates. 3 vols, boards. 12° Avignon, 1758 Bihliotheca Histonca. 133 U73 ORTELIUS (Abraham) Tiieatevm Orbis Terrarvm. Theatrh, ofte Toonnel des Akrdt-bodems waer inne te seine sijn de Landt-tafelen van de geheele Weerelt ; met een corte Verdarenge der seluer. Fine comjAete copy, ivith all the orii/inal maps, volored, half calf . Folio, Antwerpen, 1571 First and excessively rare edition, in Dutch, almost unknown to bibliog- raphers. Though the Srst Latin edition bears the date of 1570, and may have seen the lif^lit a short time before this, yet thure are evidences that this Dutch edition \vas the one in which the work was composed. The maps are precisely the same in the two. There were several other etlitions in Latin between 1570 and 1000 with new maps, and retouches of the original ones, some dated, and others not, so that one feels not entirely safe in investigating the earliest geog- raphy of America till he can eye this or the Latin of 1570, or both. A thorough study of Ortelius is of the last importance to the student of the geography of the western hemisphere. He was a bibliographer, a cartographer, and an anti- quarian, as well as a good mathematicinn and geographer, and what is of infinite imjiortance to ns now, he gave his authorities. Many of the rampant errors that disturb and puzzle us can be treed and flayed by the help of Orte- lius. It was Ortelius' famous list of authorities that first gave to Humboldt the hint that llylacomilus and Waldseemuller were one and the same persoUj the key to his investigations upon the St Die^ fraternity, and the Vespucci voyages. When in 1862 that other valuable key, AV alter Lud's Orbis Specu- lum, printed in 1507, was discovered by the writer, and found to disclose the secrets of several of the St Die' books, and when he could find no record of it elsewhere, he was delighted to find that it had not escaped Ortelius, but was recorded bj' him under the title,. (iuALTERUS LuDOVicus. The book by Lud explained this reference, and gave us still more confidence in the List though there are still other books recorded in it of which bibliographers as yet know nothing-. 1474 0RTP:LIUS (Abraham) Epitome dv Theatre dv Monde d' Abraham Ortelivs : Auqiiel se represente, tant par figures que Characteres, la vraye situation, nature & propriety de la terre vniverselle. Revue, corrige et augmentee de plusieurs Cartes, pour la troisienie fois. Oh. 8° Plantin, Anvers, 1588 1475 OsBORN (Benjamin) Truth Displayed, or a Series of Ele- mentary Principles, with Practical Observations. 626 pp. 8" Fay and Davidson, Rutland, Vt, 1816 1476 OsBORN (B.) Another copy. 8° Rutland, 1816 147? OSSAT (Cardinal d') Lettres au Roy Henri le Grand, 1594-1604. Folio, Paris, 1624 1478 Otis (James) The Rights of the British Colonies, Asserted and proved. The second edition. Half morocco. 8° Reprinted hy J. Almon, London, n. d. 1479 Otis (James) The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and proved. 3d edition, corrected. Half roan. 8° London, 11 66 1480 Otis (James) A Vindication of the British Colonies. Half roan. 8° Almon, London, 1769 1481 Otis (James) A Vindication of the British Colonies as- serted and proved. 8° Lo^idon, 1769 1482 OTTENS (Reinier en Jostja) Atlas van Zeevabrt en KOOPHANDEL DOOR DE GEHEELE WeERELDT. Half mOrOCCO, uncut. Atlas folio, Amsterdam, 1745 Contains numerous fine colored maps, several pertaining to America, with de- scriptive and historical text. 1S4i Bibliotheca Historica. 1483 OTTENS (Regner et Josue) Atlas Nouveau, contenant toutes les Parties du Monde,ou sont exactement Remarquees les Empires, Monarchies, Royaumes, Etats, Republiques, etc. etc. Ill large double colored maps. Atlas folio, Amsterdam, n. d. 1484 OVALLE (Alonso de) Historica Relacion del Reyno DE Chile, y de las missiones, y ministerios que exercita en el la CompaSia de lesvs. Fine perfect copy, with all the maps, plates, portraits, and wood-cuts. Folio, En Roma,por F. Canallo, 1646 There is even yet a doubt -whicli is the origiDal edition, the Italian or Spanish, both having been printed at Rome the same year, but this Spanish edition con- tains several more copperplates than the Italian. Jn this copy there is a second title, of the highest rarity, beginning " Varias, y Curiosas Noticias del Keino de Chile," etc. 1485 OVAGLIE (Alonso d') Historica Relatione del Regno di Cile, Yj delle missioni, e ministerij che esercita in quelle la Compagnia di Giesv. Map ^ plates. Folio, Roma, 1646 1486 OVIEDO (Joannes Antonio de) Succus Theologiae Moralis pro majori poenitentium, et confessariorum expeditione diligenter expressus. xvi -\- 342 -(- vi pp., splendid copy in the original vellum. S° Mexici, Typis Viduce Josephi de Hogal,'\lbi 1487 Owen (John D. D.) Two Discourses concerning the Holy Spirit and his Work [with a Preface by Nathaniel Mather.] 8° London, 1693 1488 |l3j*«5^^*** [«"• «• M- de PauwJ Recherches sur les Ameri- cains [with the] Defense, etc. 3 vols, calf. 8° Berlin, 1770 148'J P*** [M. de PauwJ Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains, ou Memoires intdressants pour servir a I'Histoire de I'Espece humaine. 3 vols, half green morocco, gilt, uncut. 12° Berlin, 1771 1490 P***. Recherches sur les Americains. 2 vols calf, gilt. 8° Lmidres, 1771 1491 P***. Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains. 2 vols, fine copy, calf. 8° Olive, 1772 1492 P***. Defense des ^Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains. Nouvelle Edition, corrig<5e et augnient^e. Fine copy, calf. 8° Berlin, 1772 1493 Pag£;s (M. de) Voyages autoiir du Monde et vers les deux Poles par Terre et par Mer, 1767-76. 2 vols, calf. 8" Paris, 1782 1494 Paine (M.) Letters on the Cholera Asphyxia, as it has appeared in New York. Half morocco. 8° Neiv York, 1832 1495 Paine (Robert Treat) Works in Verse and Prose, with Notes and Sketches of his Life and Character. Portrait. 8° Boston, 1812 1496 Paine (Thomas) A Letter to Abbe Raynal on the Affairs of North America. Half morocco. 8° G. Billy, London, 1782 Bibliofheca Historica: \85 ^^^I ^'^™,'^ (''^''°"''^®) Reuiarques sur les Erreurs de I'Histoire iiqq'^-d'' ^'^y"'^'- Half morocco, uncut. 8° Amsterdam, 1783 liJfi J.A1NE (Thomas) Common Sense, addressed to the Inhab- U99 Paine (i.) Eights of Man. 5th edit. Half 1 ^OA ^" .-T. s T,. . 8° iorarfoji, 1791 1500 Paine (T.) Eights of Man, and other Tracts. Half 1 KnT-L ,rr., ^ 8° London, 1792 ]lal S^'*"" £-^ ^°'''''- ^°^<'-«»''; <'»¥■ 8° Zo«rfo», 1792 10U2 Paine (Ihomas) Tracts. 2 vols, half calf 8° namely, Tho American Crisis, r„„j lai. Letter to Washingto ., ^T' isIt Public Good, *• j817 Miscellaneous Letters and Essays, a] igig hue. 2d iLdition, ;i .ooi Case of Officei-3 of Excise, ih irTq Letter to Abb<5 Raynal, Jj {l^ Prospects on tho Kubicon, ,-j' join Letters to the Addressers London, Wn Letters to Citizens of the United States, jj 1818 Miscellaneous Poems, ^| Igig 1503 Paine (T.) Observations on Paine's Eights of Man by Publicola [i.e. John Quincy Adams.] Ca^. 5 Tracts in one vol. viz : 8° Hdinb. n. d, Paine's Principles and Schemes of Government examined and his Errors Detected, Edinb. 1792 A VVord m Season. 6th Edition, ib. 1792 Ten Minutes' Reflection, n.p. 1792 Hill. The present Happiness of Great Britain, Edinb. 1792 1504 Paine (T.) Eulogy at Newbury Port, January 2, 1800, on the Life of Gen. Geo. Washington. 8° Newhuryport, 1800 1505 Palet (Wm.) Works. Fine copy, calf, 7 vols, 8° namely. Principles of Moral Philosophy. 2 to?s, Land. 1796 Evidences of Christianity. 5th Edition. 2 vols, ib. 1796 Natural Theology. 1 vol, ib. 1802 Horas PaulinEB. 1 vol, ib, I794 Sermons. 1 vol, ib. 1808 1506 Palmer (John) Journal of Travels in the United States of North America, and in Lower Canada, in 1817. 3Iap, half blue morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1818 1507 Pamphlets. Innes' Present State of the British West India Colonies, 1840. Early Life and Conversion of Wm. Howe, by his Son, 1841. India and Lord Ellenborough. Fourth edition, 1844. Eeply to the Same by Zeta. Second ed. 1845. Trial, Cooper vs. Wakley, for Libel, 1829. In 1 vol, half calf . 8° London. 1508 Pancirollus (Guido) The History of many Memorable Things Lost, which were in Use among the Ancie.nts. 2 vols in 1, calf. 8" London, 1715 This work contains incidentalh' many interesting allusions to America, especially the early use of the term New World, Novus Orbis, etc. long before Columbus and Vespucci. 1509 Papers Eelative to the Rupture with Spain. In French and English. Half Hue morocco, uncut. S" London, 17 62 136 Bibliotheca Hisiorica. 1510 Papers Eelative to the Rupture with Spain. In French and English. Half calf . 8° London, 17 62 Relates mainly to the disputes between the English and Spanish as to the West Indies. 1511 Paraguay. The History of Paraguay, containing a full and authentic Account of the Establisliment formed there by the Jesuits from among the Savage Nations, in the very centre of Barbarism. Establishments allowed to have realized the sublime Ideas of Fenelon, Sir Thomas More, and Plato. By Father Charlevoix. 2 vols, fne copy, old calf. 8° Zowrf. 1769 1512 PAREDES (El P. Antonio de) Carta Edificante, en que el P. A. Paredes de la extinguida Conip. de Jesus, refiere la Vida Exemplar de la Hermana Salvadora de los Santos, India Otomi, que reimprimen las parcialidades de San Juan y de Santiago de la Capital de Mexico. 12° Mexico, 1791 1513 Parke (John) The Lyric Works of Horace translated into English verse : to which are added a number of Original Poems. By a Native of America [Lt. Col. John Parke.] 8° Printed by Elizabeth Oswald, Philadelphia, 1786 This is perhaps the rarest and oddest of all the American Books of Poetry. The present copy is in fine condition in the original red morocco, gilt edges, bearing on the fly-leaf in the handwriting of Colonel Parke, the following inscription: "To the Honorable Robert IVIorris, Esq. Member of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, from his very humble Serv'. The Author. Philadelpliia, Feb. 10, 1787." It came from the library of the late E. D. Ingraham, who wrote on another fly-leaf, " For an account of John Parke, the author of this volume, see Mr. Fisher's ' Early Poets, etc. of Pennsylvania.^ Mem. Penn. Hist. Society, Vol. 2, part 2, p. 100." The work is dedicated to General Washington, has a learned preface addressed to the subscribers whose names fill sixteen pages, and a Life of Horace inscribed to Dr. Franklin. It is adorned with an extraordinary fi-ontispiece designed bj' Peter Markoe, of Philadelpliia, and en- gi-aved bv James P. Malcom. Parke was a Delaware poet, born about 1750, educated in the College of Philadelphia, in 1768, entered the army at the begin- ning of the war, and was probably attached to Washington's Division. His Odes (for they are not Horace's), are dated from 1769 to 1780, at various places, as Philadelphia, Newcastle, Head Quarters, Clove, Arundel, Camp at Middlehrook, Dover, Valley Forge, Boston, New London, Brandywine, Roxburj-, New York, Brunswick, Cambridge, Baltimore, etc. etc. generally in Camp at Head Quar- tets, and are inscribed to almost all the officers of the army, and prominent men and women of the country, not forgetting even his personal friends the servants. Epode X, To Majvius is "addressed to His Excellency the Right Honorable John Eakl of Dunmoke, late Governor of Virginia, Pirate, Kidnapper, and Negro Merchant, on his departure for England." 1514 Parkinson (Richard) A Tour in America, in 1798-1800. 2 vols, half calf. 8° London, 1805 1515 Parkinson (Sydney) A Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas. Portrait, calf. 4° London, 1773 1516 PARKINSON (Sydney) Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas in H. M. Ship the Endeavour. Edited by Stanfield Parkinson. 27 fne plates, calf . Large Paper, i" London, 177 3 " Parkinson was draughtsman to Sir Joseph Banks, and the engravings from his drawings have been esteemed a valuable addition to the Journal, as no other plates convey so faithful a representation of the originals." 1517 Passarellus (C.) Bellum Lusitandm, ejusque Regni Separatio. Boards, uncut. Folio, Lugduni, IGSi Bibliotheca Historica. 187 1518 Patent Case. Argument of William Whiting, Esq., in the t;^ase of Ross Winans vs. Orsamiis Eaton, et al. T^iQ V .T i" Boston, 19,b& 1019 ■t'ATTiE (James, of Kentuchy) Personal Narrative, during an iixpediuon from St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean, etc. during Journeyings of six Years Conflicts with the Indians, etc. Ed- 119?;^ ^A?TT .o"''' 8" Cincinnati, 1^?'^ lo^u rA LI L (Simon) Commentarius de Abusu Tabaci Ameri- canorum Veten, et herbae Thee Asiaticorum in Europa Novo, quas ipsissima est Chanialeagnos Dodonai, Myrtus Biabantica, iJanice Porsz, German. Post, Gallice Piment Royal, Belgice t^argel dicta ; cum Figuris aneis, utensilica quadam Chinen- sivm eaq; pretiosissima repra;sentantibus. 2 copperplates. foArgentorati, Sumpt. Authoris FiUj, S. Paulli. Bihlop. 1665 10^1 Tadlus Apostolus. Sanctitvdo in vtero, extra, in Solo, if;oo"-n ' ^ '^^ I^avsgvio. Galf. 8° Pamw, 1627 i-tiil i ADW (M. de) Recherches Philosophiques sur les Amer- icams. 2 vols, half calf 8° Berlin, Xll=i 1623 Penn (William) Brief Account of the Rise and Progress °* ^5^ People called Quakers. Ninth edition. 1524 PENNSYLVANIA. An Account of the Great Divis- ions Amongst the Quakers in Pennsylvania, &c. as ap- pears by their own Book printed in 1692, Intituled, The Plea of the Innocents, S^c. being a Vindication of George Keith and his Friends from Calumnies of Sanmel Jennings, John Simcock, Thomas Lloyd, and others, in number 28. Directed to faithful Friends in Pensilvania, East and West Jersey, and elsewhere [signed at end. by George Keith, and Thomas Budd.] Fine large clean copy, with rough leaves, in white vellum, by {^™"- 4° London, 1692 1525 Pennsylvania. Etat present de Pensilvanie, ou Ton trouye le Detail de ce que s'y est passe depuis la defaite du General Braddock jusqu' k la prise d'Oswego, avec una carte. Vert rare; map wanting. 12° n.p.l75& 1526 Pennsylvania. An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania from its Origin. Ca(f- 8° London, 1759 1527 Pennsylvania. An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania [by Dr. Franklin.] Calf, gilt. 8° London, 1759 1528 Pennsylvania State Trials : containing the Impeach- ment, Trial and Acquittal of Francis Hopkinson and John Nicholson, Esquires, the former. Judge of the Court of Admi- ralty, the latter Comptroller General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Vol. I. All published. 8° Philadelphia, 179 4i 1529 Pennsylvania. Proceedings and Debates of the Convention of Pennsylvania, to propose Amendments to the Constitution, held at Harrisburg, May, 1837. 6 vols. 8° Harrishurg, 1837-8 138 BihKotheca Historica. 1530 Pennsylvania. Proceedings and Debates of the Conven- tion held at Harrisburg, commencing May 2, 1837. Vols I, II, III. 3 vols. 8" Harrishurg, 1837-8 1531 Pennsylvania. Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, vol. I, containing the Proceedings of the Coun- cil, from March 10, 1683, to Nov. 27, 1700. 8° Harrisburg, 1838 With the autograph of Thaddeus Stevens on the fly-leaf. 1532 Pennsylvanian Farmee. A New Essay on the Constitu- tional Power of Great Britain of the Colonies in America. Half roan. 8° London, 1774 1533 Pbnsadoe Mexicano [i. e. Jose Joaquin Fernandez de Lisardi] El Periquillo Sarmiento por el Pensador Mexicano 5a Edicion, corregida, aumentada, ilustrada con notas y adorn- ada con 60 laminas finas. 4 vols in 2, half morocco. 8° Mexico, 1845 The author of these volumes, Don J. J. F. de Lisardi, has been styled the Cervan- tes of Mexico by some, while Dr. Beristain in his Biblioteca Hispano Americana Septentrional, calls him the American Quevedo. He has written much, and on the whole ranks perhaps as the best Mexican writer. The present work is one illustrative of Mexican character, satirizing the faults of the people, but always true to liberal and republican principles. This copy has his portrait inserted. The 60 litliographs illustrating the work are spirited and amusing. Lisardi was bom in Mexico in 1771, and during the period of the Revolution wrote very much, and chiefly as the Pensador Mexicano. 1534 Pensador Mexicano. Observaciones que el Pensador Mexicano [Senor Lisardi] hace k las Censuras que los Senores Doctores D. Ignacio l\Iaria Lerdo, y D. Ignacio Grageda, hi- cieron de sus Conversaciones sexta, vigessima, y vigisema secun- da, entre el payo y el sacristan. Con arreglo a los decretos del sefior Provisor, de 7 de junio de 1825. 87 pp. close type. 4° Mexico, 1825 1535 Pension Rolls. Letter from the Secretary of War trans- mitting a Report of the name, rank and line of every person placed on the Pension List, Jan. 20, 1820. Boards, uncut. ' Scarce. 8° Washington, 1820 1536 Pensioners. A Census of Pensioners for Revolutionary or Military Services ; with their names, ages, aiid places of Resi- dence. 4° Washington, 1841 1537 Peregrinacion Christiana for el Camino Real de la Celeste Jerusalem, Dividida en nueve Jornadas, con quatro Hospicios, que son imas Estaciones devotas al modo del Via- Crucis, y Guirnaldas a la Sagrada Passion de Chri.sto, y Do- lores de su Santissima Madre, etc. Dispuesto todo por Fr. JoACHiN OssoNA, Religioso Descalzo de la Santa, y Seraphico Provincia de vS. Diego de Mexico. Vellum. 8° Mexico, en la Imprenta de Bihliotheca Mexicana, 1756 A kind of Jlexican Pilgrim's Progress, but quite a different work from Old John Bunyan's. 1538 Perkins (N.) Discourse at Wethersfield, April 30th 1794, at the Ordination of the Rev. Calvin Chapin. 8° Hartford, 1794 Bibliotheca Historica. 189 1539 Perkins (N.) Discourse in Newington, January 16th 1805, at the Ordination of the Eev. Jacob Brace. Uncut. 8° Hartford, 1807 1540 Pernettt {Dom.) Dissertation sur I'Amerique et les Ainericains. Calf. 8° Berlin, n. d. 1541 Pkrnetty (Dom.) Histoire d'un Voyage aux Isles Mal- ouines, 1763-4. Nouv. Edit. 2 vols, half calf. 8° Paris, 1770 1542 Perky (W.) The only sure guide to the English tongue. 4th Worcester Ed. Tow cloth. 12° I. Thomas, Worcester, n89 1543 Persius (A. F.) Satyrae Sex, a Frischlino fide Paraphrasa illustratae ; Variorum Conimentariis explicatiE. CaV- 4° Basileae, 1582 1644 Peru, nach seinen gegenwaertigen Zustande, dargestellt aus dem Mercurio Peruano. ^ vols, half roan. 8° Weimar, imi 1545 Peters (Hugh) An Historical and Critical Account of Hugh Peters. After the manner of Mr. Bayle. Half mo- rocco, uncut. 8° London, 1751 1546 Petronius Arbiter, Sattricon, super profligatis Nero- neanae tempestatis moribus ; Commentariis Notis" Indicibus, etc. noviter recensente J. P. Lotichio. Calf Thick 4° Francofurii, 1629 1547 Phavorini (V.) Lexikon (Greek.) Fine copy. Folio, Basil, 1538 1548 Phelps (N. A.) History of Simsbury, Granby and Canton, Conn, from 1642 to 1845. 8° Hartford, 1845 1549 PHILOPONUS (Honorius) Nova Typis transacta navi- gatio. Novi Orbis India Occidentalis. 19 copperplates. Fine copy, half rmsia. Folio, n. p. 1621 This is one of the impudentest books known. The author's real name was Cas- par Plautus, a monk at Lintz in Austria. In the most fulsome style, under his assumed name of Philoponus, he inscribes the work to himself in a long and highly complimentary Dedication. He accuses the DeBrys, in their great col- lection of Voyages, of telling outrageous lies, forgetting apparently his own whackers. One of the plates represents a ship stranded on the back of an enor- mous whale. The sailors could not get her oif until the monks on board de- scended from the ship to balaena-firma and with full ceremony performed the grand mass, whereupon the monster descended gently and all were afloat again. 1550 Philadelphia Directory for 1808. Containing the Names, Trades and Residence of the Inhabitants of the City, Southwark and Northern Liberties, also a Calendar from 1st Feb. 1808 to Feb. 1, 1809. By James Eobinson. 8° Phil. [1808] 1551 Philadelphia Directory for 1811, containing the names, trades & Residences of the Inhabitants of the City, South- wark, Northern Liberties and Kensington. By James Robin- son. 8°PAt7. [1811] 1552 PHOTOGRAPHS by Roger Fenton, taken for and at the expense of the Trustees of the British Museum, from the Antique Sculptures in that National Institution, pub- lished at 7s. 6d. each, and but a few copies taken off. J^ar(/e folio in portfolio. For some unaccountable reason the discerning public did not purchase these art l^O Bibliotheca Historica. treasures, and the negatives were destroyed. They are now very scarce. To artists and libraries they are of great value, especially in this country, where we, coming late in the annals of the world, are obliged to put up with copies. Among the collection are the following, some in duplicate, and some taken in several positions: Actseoii, Aelius CVsar, Antinous as Bacchus, Antoninus Pius, Aratus, Atys, Bacchante, Barbarian Captive, Caracalla, Cupid, Diogenes, Dione, Gordianus Africanus, Greek Hero, Hercules, Hermaphrodite, Heroic Head, Hip- pocrates, Homeric Hero, Jupiter, Laughing Child, Laughing Satyr, Lucius Verus, Muse, Nero, Periander, Portrait of a Roman Boy, Roman Patriot, Tibe- rius, Venus, etc, 1553 PHOTOGRAPHS by Eogbr Fenton, of English Archi- tecture and Landscapes, large size, magnificent works of art, published in London, at lbs. each. Few copies talten off, and the negatives destroyed. In large portfolios. Among them are the following: — Bolton Abbey, Pool below the Strid. The Cherwel, Oxford. Salmon Pool on the Kibble. Village of Foulder. Mill at Hurst tlreen. Raglan Castle. Salmon Pool on the Eibble. Bolton Abbey, Waterfall. Hardwick Hall from the Park. Park, Crix Hall. Apsley House, Hyde I'ark. Buckingham Palace. Valley of the Kibble. Hardwick New Hall. View of the Hodder, Stonyhurst. Hardwick Old Hall. The Keeper's Rest, Ribbleside. Paradise on the Hodder. Old Oak, Crix Park. Achilles to Wellington. Pool in the Ribble. Hack Falls, Yorkshire. Magdalen College, Oxford. Sale Wheels Ribble. 1554 PICAED (B.) Cekemonies et Cotjtdmes Religieuses de tous les Peuples du Monde, Representees par des Figures. Avec ime Explication Historique et quelques Dissertations curieuses. 4 vols, fine copy, calf. Folio, Amsterdam, 1723 This book contains much about America, with reproductions of the rare plates from DeBry and others. 1555 Pickering (John) Collections of Words and Phrases which have been supposed to be Peculiar to the United States of America. Boards, uncvt. 8° Boston, 1816 1556 Pickering (Timothy) Review of the Correspondence be- tween the Hon. John Adams, and Wm. Cunningham Esq. 1805-12; Second Edition. Uncut. 8" Salem, 1824 1567 Pierce (J.) Second Century Discourse at Dorchester 17th June 1830. 8° Boston, 1830 1568 Pierpont (John) The Portrait; a Poem delivered before the Washington Benevolent Society of Newburyport, Oct. 27, 1812. 8° Boston, 1812 1559 PIGAFETTA (Antonio) Primo Viaggio intorno al Globo Terracqueo ossia Ragguaglio della Navigazione, alle Indie Orientali per la via d'Occidente, 1519-22. Maps and plates, half green morocco. Large Paper ; fine uncut copy. 4° Milam, 1800 This is the fullest account we have of the Voyage round the World of Magellan in 1519-1522. 1560 Pigafetta (Antonio) Primo Viaggio intorno al Globo Terracqueo ossia Ragguaglio delta Navigazione alle Indie Orientali per la via d't)ccidente. Maps and plates, fine copy, boards. 4° Milano, 1800 Bihliotheca Historica. 141 1561 Pike (N.) New Complete System of Arithmetic. 12° Worcester, 1798 1562 PIKE {Jfajor Zebulon Montgomery) Voyage au Nou- veaii-Mexique, a la suite d'une Expedition ordonnee par le Goiivcrnement des Etats-Unis, pour reconnoitre les sources des Rivieres Arkansas, Kanses, La Plate et Pierre-Jaune, dans I'intericur de la Louisiane Occidentale. Precede d'une Ex- cursion aux Sources du INIississippi pendant les ann^es 1 SOS- ISO?. Traduit de I'Anglais par M. Breton. 2 vols, fine cop I/, half morocco, uncut. 8° Paris, 1S12 This l>ook, though a translation, shouM be in every public library in Ibis coun- try. M. Breton, the translator and editor, was a geographrr and well up in his subject. He at once detected the innumerable errors in the Spanish and French names of persons and places, and set himself to correct them. Meanwhile Humboldt in the J/ofli(e«r, complimenting the work highly, as a whole, pointed out that his own map of New Mexico, ii copy of which he had left'with the Sec- retary of State at \\ ashington in 1804, had been appropriated with many er- roneous additions, the responsibility of which additions he disclaimed. This brought out the Philadelphia editor to explain that I'ike's work passed through the press in the author's absence on duty. 1563 Pike {Major Z. M.) Voyage au Nouveau-Mexique pour reconnoitre les Sources des Rivieres Arkansas, Kanses, etc. 2 vols, half roan. 8° Paris, 1812 1564 Pilgrim's Progress. By John Bunyan. With copious notes, &c. by J. Newton, Dr. Hawker, and others. Wood-cuts, toanting the last leaf. 12° Boston, by Isaiah Thomas, Jim. 1817 1565 Pilgrim's Progress (The) In Two Parts. By John Bun- yan. With original notes by Thomas Scott. Portrait and plates, calf. 12° Hartford, Silas Andrus, 1829 1566 Pilgrim's Progress, in 2 Parts. Phdes ; a beautiful edition, calf. 16° Phil. P. W. Pomeroy, 1830 1567 PiscATOR (Johannes) Ad Conradi Vorstii Parasceven Responsio Apologetica ; Ejusdem ad Vorstii amicam Colla- tionem etc. Notae, in 1 vol. calf. 4° Herhornoe, 1613 1568 PISO (Gdlielmus) Historia Natdralis Brasilia, etc. De Medecina Brasiliensi Libri quatuor ; Historiae Rerum Naturalium Libri octo. Numerous plates. Folio, Amstelodami, apud Elzevirium, 1648 1569 Piso (Gulielmus) HiSTORiiE Naturalis et Mbdiojl In- Di^ OcciDENTALis, Libri quinque. Numerous wood-cuts, calf. Folio, Amst. 1658 1570 PliSTORIUS (Joannes) Reuum Gkrmanicarum veteres jam primum Publicati Scriptores VI. Folio, Francofcrti, 1607 Germanicorum Scriptorum qui Reriini a Germanis per mvltas iEtates, gestarvni liistorias vel Annales Posteris re- linqverunt, cum Indice locuplet. Folio, calf^ Together 2 vols, g^lf Folio, Hanovia, 1613 1571 Pitkin (Timothy) A Statistical View of the Commerce of the U. S. of America. Half calf . 8° Hartford, 1816 1572 Pitkin (Timothy) Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America (with Tables illustrative of the Work.) Half red morocco. 8" Hartford, 1816 142 Bibliotheca Historica. 1573 Pitkin (Timothy) Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America. 2d ed. Half light blue morocco, uncut. 8" New York, 1817 1574 Pitkin (Timothy) View of the Commerce of the United States of America. 2d edition. Half calf. S" New Jbri-, 1817 1575 Pitman (R. B.) On the Practicability of joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by a Ship Canal across the Isthmus of America. Map, calf. 8° London, 1825 1576 Plan of a Proposed Union between Great Britain and the Colonies, produced by one of the Delegates from Pennsyl- vania. Half morocco. 8° [^Loiidon, 1775] 1577 Plantations. An Abridgment of the Laws in Force and Use in H. M.'s Plantations, viz : Of Virginia, Maryland, New England, New York, Carolina, etc. Calf. 8° London, 1704 1578 Plantations. Two Letters of the Lord Bishop of London [Edm. Gibson] : The First to the Masters and Mistresses of Families in the English Plantations abroad, exhorting to pro- mote instruction of their Negroes. The Second to the Mis- sionaries, instructing the same. Fine copy, half roan. 4° London, Ylil 1579 PLATO. Opeka Omnia quse extant, Graced et Latin^, Marsilio Ficino Interprete. Old calf Folio, apud C. Marnium, Francofurti, 1602 1580 PLATO. Opera Omnia quae extant, Marsilio Ficino interprete ; Graec^ et Latine. Argumentis perpetuis, Com- mentariis et Indice locuplet. Calf. Folio, Francofurti, 1602 1581 Platfair (W.) Commercial and Political Atlas. Illus- trated with 40 copperplates, half morocco. Oblong 4° London, 1787 1582 Pleasures (The) of Imagination ; a Poem by Dr. Aken- side. To which is added the Art of Preserving Health, a Poem, by Dr. Armstrong. Clean copy. 12° New York, Wayland ^ Davis, 1795 1583 Plumier (P. C.) Nova Plantarum Americanaeum Genera. Plates, half green morocco. 4° Parisiis, 1703 1584 POINTIS (M. de) Relation de ce qui s'est fait a la prise de Cartagene S9ituee aux Indes Espagnoles. Calf. ist edition, scarce. 16° Bruxelles, 1698 1585 PoLARi (Constant) Herinneringen eener Reize naarNieuw York in 1831 en 1832. Half morocco, uncut. 8° Leiden, 1833 1586 PoLiTiANUS (Anglius) Opera omnia ; quibus accessit Historia de Conjuratione Pactiana in familiam Medicam. Vellum. Folio, apud Nic. Episcopium, Basilice, 1553 1587 Political Register, or Proceedings in the Session of Congress, Nov. 3, 1794, to March 3, 1795. With Appendix by J. T. Callender. Vol. I, uncut. 8° Phila. 1795 1588 POLITICAL TRACTS. Letter of R. Goodloe Harper to his Constituents, 1801 ; Giles and Bayard's Speeches on the Repeal of the Judiciary Law, 1802 ; Speech of Josiah Quincy Bibliotheca Historica. 148 in 1812 on Maritime Protection ; Webster's Address before the Waslnngton Benevolent Society at Portsmouth, July 4, 1812 ; scarce. Perpetual War the Policy of Mr. Madison, by a New England Farmer, 1812 ; Jlr. Madison's War, a Dispas- sionate Inquiry, by a New England Farmer, 1812 ; and sev- eral others, 8°. 158i) Political (The) Writings of Joel Barlow. New Edition. 12° New York 1796 1590 PoLYBiDS. Ex libris selecta de Legationibus et alia,' nunc primuni in lucem edita. Ex bibliotheca F. Vrsini. 1 KQ1 1^ ^° ^* ^ffi'^- P^antin, Antverpim, 1582 1591 i OMPONius Mela. Jvlivs Solinvs, Itinerarium Antonini Avg., Vibibvs Seqvester. P. Victor .... Dionysius Afer. In 1 vol. calf gilt edges. 8° Aldus, Venet. 1518 ■I en -> 11 '">°"'«'' e'lition of FomponiuB Mela, see under Mela, supra, No. 1272. 1692 lOMPONiDs Mela. De Sitv Orbis Libri Tres. And Schottvs recens. 8° Ex Officina Plant, AntverpicB, 1582 1593 Pond (Enoch) The Mather Family. Portrait, half ,/°""- 16° Boston, 1844 lo94 PONTANUS (Johannes J.) Reeum et Urbis Amstelo- damensium Histoiia. Maps and plates, ^■ellum. Folio, Amsterodami, 1611 FrusT Edition of considerable raritj', and great importance to tlie goograplier and to the liistovian of tlie East and West Indies. As a part of the historv of Amsterdam Pontunus gives an actount of all the early voyages to the North and elsewhere littcd out from that port, among others naming Henry Hudson. 1595 PONTANUS (Johan. J.) IIistokische Beschktvinghe der seer wyt beroemde Coop-Stadt Amsterdam. Ende nuert des Autheurs laetste Copije in Nederduyts overgheset, door Pet. Montanum. Maps, and fine engravings, black letter, calf. First Edition in Dutch. Folio, Amsterdam, 1614 1596 Poor Richard Revived ; Or, Barber & Southwick's Al- manack : for the year 1799. Calculated for the meridian of Albany. By Old Father Richard. 8° Albany, 1799 1597 Pope (Alex.) An Essay on Man : To which is added the Universal Prayer, Messiah, &c. 12° Windsor, ]% Farnsworth Sf Clmrchill, 1810 1598 PoPHAM {Sir Home) A Description of Prince of Wales' Island, in the Straights of Malaca. 8° London, 1805 1599 POPPLE (Henry) A Map of the British Empire in America, with the French and Spanish Settlements. Engraved by Wm. Henry Toms on 20 sheets, bound in one volume, half red basil. Folio, London, 1733 The largest and best map of America, at this date, 1733. This copy contains the rare Index map, on the 21st sheet. On the 1st sheet is a large view of the Falls of Niagara, nearly 20 years before Kalm's accurate description, claimed as the (irst. See No. 1339 of this Catalogue. On sheet iv are views of New York and Quebec. On plate 12 are charts on a large scale of the harbors of New York and Charleston, while on plate 8 is perhaps the earliest known complete survey of Boston Hakbok, with the Islands, ship channel, depth of the water, etc. 144 Bihliotheca Historica. 1600 PORCACCHI (Thomaso) L'Isole piv famose del Mondo descritto da, et intagliate da Girolamo Porro. With many cop- perplate maps, fine copy, vellum. First Edition. Folio, Venetia, 1576 1601 PoRCAccHi (Th.) L'Isole piv Famose del Mondo des- critto da, et intagliate da Girol. Porro. Numerous maps, vellum. Folio, Venetia, 1576 1602 PoRCAcCHi (Th.) L'Isole piu Famose del Mondo. Nu- merous finely engraved maps and views by Gir. Porro. Vellum. Folio, Venetia, 1580 1603 PoRCAOCHi (Th.) L'Isole piv famose del Mondo, etc. Folio, Venetia, 1580 1604 PoRCACCHi (Th.) L'Isole piv famose del Mondo, etc. Splendid copy on Large thick Paper, measuring 14 by 10 inches, excessively rare in this state, vellum. Folio, Padova, 1620 1605 PoRCACCHi (Tomaso) L'Isole piu famose del Mondo. Maps not inserted in the text, but separate. A scarce edition ; half green morocco. 4° Venetia, 1686 1606 Porcupine (Peter, i. e. W)n. Oobhet) Works [comprising six tracts] 4th Edition. Fine copy, calf. 8° Philad. 1796 1607 Porcupine (Peter, i. e. Wm. Gobbet) The Rush-Light, loth Feb.-Aug. 30, 1800. Scarce, half calf. 8° W. Gobbet, New York [1800] This highly spiced and Cobbety publication comprising six numbers, begun in Philadelphia and finished in London, fills 309 pages, and is perhaps the most difficult of all Gobbet's many personal squibs to find complete. It grew out of a lawsuit with Dr. Benj. Rush "the noted bleeding Physician," of Philadel- phia, in which Gobbet was mulcted $5,000 damages for slander. He took it out in spice. 1608 PORTER (Eliphalet, o/^oceJitry) An Eulogy on Gen- eral Washington, delivered Jan. 14, 1800, before the Inhab- itants of the Town of Roxbury. Fine clean copy, sized paper, white forrel by Pratt. 8° Manning ^ Loring, Boston, 1800 1609 Porter (.Jacob j Topographical Description and Historical Sketch of Plainfield, in Hampshire County, Massachusetts, May 1834. {Portrait of the Author inserted.) Uncut. 8° Prince ^ Rogers, Greenfield, 1834 THURSDAY AFTERNOON. 113U |B!?SSS!0RTEUS (B.) A Letter to the Governors, Legis- latures, in the British West India Islands. Half fnor. 8° London, 1808 1615 PoRTLOCK (Nat. en Geo. Dixon) Reis naar de Noord- West Kust van Anierika in de jaren 1785-6, 7, 8. IJap and pJaies, lialf green morocco. 40 Amsterdam, 11 ^b 1616 PORTRAITS. Eighty-four small oval portraits of poets, historians, dramatists, statesmen, etc. by various engravers, published by Harrison & Co. of London, in 1794, and 1795, printed uniformly on octavo sheets, with brief biographies, printed underneath. Loose in a cover. 8° London, 1794-5 1617 Portuguese Inquisition. Authentic Memoirs concerning ; with Remarks on the infamous Character given of the British Nation by a late Apologist for that horrid Tribunal. Oalf. 8° J^ondon, 1769 1618 PoRTus (Simon) Dictionarum Latinum Graeco-Barbarum et Litterale. 4° Paris, 1635 1619 PosTLETH-\VATT (Malachy) Britain's Commercial Interest, Explained and Improved. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1757 1620 POSTILLE MAIORES in Epistolas & Edangelia: tam dominicaliu feriatorumq; dierum : q; festoR sanctorumq; omniu per totius anni decursum : vna cu passione Jesu christi e qttuor euangelistis cocinnata. In his oibus preclara pluri- morii doctorum enucleatio. Very Jine large clean copy, with rough leaves: 364 leaves. 4° Basilice, 1514 If these "well-known PosTiLLS of Guillermtjs are growing a little out of date among theologians, this edition is becoming much sought for by lovers of ancient art in consequence of its being adorned with a beautiful title-page, one large cut, and 156 small "wood-cuts, nearly all of them bearing the signature of the celebrated wood engraver Ukse Graff. These small cuts, measuring about 1^ by If inches, are very spii'ited, and clever. They represent chiefly the events in the life of our Saviour and his Apostles. Some few of the cuts are not signed and some of them are repeated, but on the whole, this book is a mine of beauty of design. Few artists of his day surpassed in fertility of genius Urse Graff. He sprang up on a sudden about ten years before Holbein. 1621 Potter (C. E.) History of Manchester, N. H. formerly Derryfield, including that of ancient Amoskeag of the Middle Merrimack Valley ; with the Proceedings of the Centennial Celebration Oct. 22, 1851. Portraits and Engravings. 8° Manchester, N. II. 1856 10 146 Bibliotheca Historica. 1622 Potter (Israel R.) Life and Remarkable Adventures of, Boards. 16° Providence, 1824 1623 POWNALL (Thomas) The Administration of the Colo- nies. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. Calf. 8° London, 1766 1624 PowNALL (T.) The Administration of the Colonies (The Fourth Edition), wherein their Rights and Constitution are dis- cussed and stated. Calf. 8° London, 1768 1625 Pownall (T.) The Administration of the British Colonies (4th Edition). Oalf. 9>° London, 1768 1626 Pownall (T.) The Administration of the Colonies. 4th Edition. Half calf , gilt. 8° Zowtion, 1768 1627 Pownall (T.) The Administration of the British Colonies. Fifth Edition, wherein their Rights and Constitution are dis- cussed and stated. 2 vols, half morocco, uncut. 8° Jjondon, 1784 Best Edition. The various editions of this excellent work are a pood index of the prof^ress of knowledge in England of the affairs of the Colonies. Got. PownJill's experience in America, and his position after his return, enabled him to speak with authority. 1628 POWNALL (Thomas) A Topographical Description of such Parts of North America as are contained in the (an- nexed) Map of the Middle British Colonies, etc. in North America. Fine copy on Lakge Paper, 17 hy lOf inches, with the map colored. Very rare in this state. Half calf. Folio, London, 1776 1629 "POYNTZ (John) The Present Prospect of the Famous and Fertile Island of Tobago; with a Description of its Situ- ation, Growth, Fertility, eic. Second Edition. Half roan. 4° London, 1 695 1630 Pradt (M. de) Les trois derniers mois de I'Amerique Meridionale et du Bresil. Half morocco, xmcut. 8° Paris, 1817 1631 Pradt {M. L'Abbe de) Lettres a M. L'Abb^ de Pradt par un Indigene de L'Amerique du Sud. Half blue morocco, uncut. 8° Pans, 1818 1632 Pratt (Pev. E.) History of Eastham, Wellfleet and Or- leans, County of Barnstable, Mass. from 1644 to 1844. Oloth. S" Yarmouth, 1844 1633 Pratt (Phinehas) A Declaration of the Affairs of the Eng- lish People that first inhabited New England. Edited with notes by Richard Frothingham, Jr. 8° Boston, 1858 100 copies printed for private distribution. Pratt arrived in New England in May 1622, and died at Charlestown, 19 April, 1680. 1634 Preacher. The American Preacher; Or a Collection of Sermons from some of the most eminent Preachers now living in the United States of different denominations. Vols III and IV. Sheep. 8° Mw Haven, by Abel Morse, 1793 1635 Prentiss (S. W.) Narrative of a Shipwreck on the Island of Cape Breton, in a Voyage from Quebec 1780. Fourth Edi- tion. Calf. 12° London, 17 Sd Bibliotheca Historica. 14*7 1636 Pbescott (James) Report of his Trial by Impeachment. Jsoards, unctit. 30 ^ogton 1821 1637 Present (The) State of Great Britain and North Am'erica. ^a^fif -^^ . ,. 8° Zonrfon, 1767 Irll ^^'^si»'=''T s Messages, 1812. 8° Washington, 1812 1639 Price (Richard) Essats. 5 vols in 1, '^'^V- 8° London, 1773-80 viz : P«frSM° the Third Edition of a Treatise on Reversionary Payments. 1773 p J^^ /p\' PJ'iv"'"?"-?."" '^"''' Liberty. 6th Edition. < 1776 i^iiiCECh.) Additional Observations. 2d Edition. 1777 iDE.v. Four Letters to the Earl of Carlisle. 1779 l-KiCE (R.) Essay on Population. 2d Edition. 1780 1640 Price (R.) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Government, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America. Half morocco. 8° London, 1776 1641 Price (R.) Another copy. Half mor. 8° London, 1776 1642 Price (R.) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty. Kj^o^tF'^"'""" ^<^V ^oan. 8° Lmdon, 177 6 1643 Price (R.) Additional Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty and the War with America. 2d Edition. Half morocco. 8° London, 1777 1644 Price (R.) Three Letters to Dr. Price, containing Remarks on his Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Jus- tice and Policy of the War with America, etc. Half morocco. 8° London, 1776 1645 Price (R.) Remarks on a Pamphlet lately published by Dr. Price, entitled Observations, etc. Half roan. 8° London, 1776 1646 Price (R.) Remarks on Dr. Price's Observations on the Nature of Liberty, etc. Half roan. 8° London, 1776 1647 Price (R.) Additional Observations on the Nature and Value of Civil Liberty and the War with America, etc. Sec- ond Edition. Half morocco. 8° London, 1777 1648 Price (R.) Observations on the Importance of the Amer- ican Revolution, and the Means of making it a Benefit to the World. Half calf. 8° Reprinted, Boston, 1784 1649 Price (R.) Two Tracts on Civil Liberty; The War with America and the Debts and Finances of the Kingdom. Oalf 8° London, 1788 1650 Price (R.) Sermon at Hackney 10th Feb. 1779, on the General Fast. 3d Edition. Half roan. 8° London, 1779 1651 Prideaux (J.) Lectiones decern de totidem Religionis Capit- t ibus, praecipue hoc tempore Controversis prout publice habe- bantur Oxoniae in Vesperijs. Half hound. 4° Oxonicc, 1626 1652 Prideaux (J.) Lectiones. Another, Vellum. 4° Oxonice, 1626 1653 Prideaux (J.) Viginti-duae Lectiones, Oxoniae in Vesperiis quibus accessurint Tredecim Orationes Inaugurales ; Sub- nectuntur Lex Condones pro More habitae, etc. Calf. Folio, Oxonice, 1648 148 Bibliotheca Historica. 1654 Priestley (Joseph) A General History of the Christian Church. 2 vols, half green morocco. 8° Northumberland, Pa. 1803-4 1655 Prior (M.) Miscellaneous Works. Portrait, 2 vols, cglf 8° London, 1760 1656 Proclus. In Platonis Tim^on, Commentatiorum, Libri quinque, Graece. Very fine copy, calf. Folio, Frohen, Basilice, 1534 1657 PROCEEDINGS of a Board op General Officers. Held by Order of His Excellency Gen. Washington, Com- mander-in-Chief of the Army of the United States of Amer- ica, respecting Major John Andre, Adjutant General of the British Army, September 29, 1780. To which are ap- pended, The Several Letters which passed to and from New York on the Occasion. Published by Order of Congress. Fine copy, perfectly uncut. 8° Providence : Printed and sold hy John Carter [1780] 1658 Proposal (A) for humbling Spain. Written in 1711 [relating to the West Indies.] Half roan. 8° London, [1739] 1659 Prospect (The) before us. Vol. I. " But, Sir! it has an awful Squinting ! It squints at Monarchy." Uncut. 8° Richmond, Virginia, 1800 1660 PROUD (Robert) History of Pennsylvania, in North America, from its original Settlement under William Penn in 1681, till after the Year 1742. Portrait and maps. 2 vols, half calf. 8° Philadelphia, 1797 1661 PSALTERIUM, HEBR^UM, Gr^cum, Arabicum, & ChaldjECM cu tribus latinis interpretationibus & glossis. \_At end~\ Impressit miro ingenio, Petnis Paidus Porrus, genuce in cedibus Nicolai lustiniani Pauli, anno 1516 mense Vllllhri. Very fine large clean copy. Vellum. Folio, Genoa, 1516 James the Antiquary of Milan, in April 1506, suggested to the Dominican monk Giustiniani of Genoa, then 36 years of age, to occupy his leisure {otiura cum negotio) in collecting, collating, and publishing in one volume ; the Psalms of David, in Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, and Chaldean, together with three of the best Latin versions extant, and with comments of his own. Ten years were devoted to this great work, and the present volume, the first Poly- glot of the Psalms, "was the result. It is inscribed to Leo X by Giustiniani from Genoa in August 1516. In the notes there are several historical and geographical references to contemporary events of considerable interest, such as that to Ps. 29, v. 6, where he interprets the unicorn to be a rhinoceros, and says that he had seen a picture of one lately brought to the King of Portugal from India. But the most interesting of all the notes is the very long one on the 4th verse of the xix Psalm, wherein Giustiniani gives an account of the life and voyages of his fellow-townsman Columbus. There are several points in this notice which we do not find elsewhere printed so early, especially respecting the second voyage, and the Survey' of the south side of Cuba, as far as Evange- lista in May and June, 1494. Almost all other accounts of the Second Voy- age, except that of Bernaldez, end before this Cuba exploring expedition. Ferdinand Columbus accuses Giustiniani of telling fourteen lies in this paper, but they are small ones. 1662 PSALMES. The Whole Booke of Psalmes. Collected into English meter by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins and Bibliotheca Historica. 14^9 others, conferred with the Hebriie, with apt Notes to sing them withall. Black Letter, polished calf, extra, hy W. Pratt. Folio, Printed hy the assignes of Richard Day, London, 1585 A beautiful edition of excessive rarity, not more than tliree or four copies be- ing; known. 1663 Psalms. A New Version, fitted to the Tunes used in Churches with Hymns collected chiefly from Dr. Watts. By Brady and Tate. 12° Boston, hj S. Ball. 1791 1664 Psalms. A New Version, by Brady & Tate, First Worces- ter Edition. Good copy. 12° fVorcester, Mass. hy Isaiah Thomas, 1788 1665 Psalms. A New Version of the Psalms of David, etc. By N. Brady and N. Tate. First Worcester Edition. With Hymns. 12° Worcester, Mass. hy Isaiah Tltomas, 1788 1666 Psalms. A New Version of the Psalms of David fitted to the Tunes used in Churches. By N. Brady and N. Tate. Fine copy. Scarce. 12° Boston, hy John Perkins, 1773 1667 Psalms. A new version by Tate & Brady. With a Col- lection of Hymns from Dr. Watts (wants title and next leaf.) A very rare edition. 12° Boston, Mc Alpine ^ Fleming, 1765 1668 Psalms. A new version of the Psalms of David. Fitted to the Tunes in Churches. By N. Brady and N. Tate. [With Appendix containing a number of Hymns taken chiefly from Dr. Watts.] Old calf. Very hare. 8° Boston, hy Edes S^ Gill, 1755. 1669 Psalms of David Imitated etc. by Isaac Watts, corrected and accommodated to the use of the Church of Christ in America, with Hymns and Spiritual Songs. 2 volumes in 1. Very fine clean copy. 16° Newhuryport, hy John Mycall, n. d. [1795 ?] 1670 Psalms (The) of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament. By Isaac Watts. Hymns and Spiritual Songs. In three books. By Isaac Watts. 2 voh in 1. Fine clean copy ; scarce. 16° Walpole,hy Isaiah Thomas Sf Co. J. G. Watts, printer, 1812 1671 Psalms. Sacred Poetry: Consisting of Psalms _ and Hymns adapted to Christian Devotion, in public and private, selected from the best authors, with variations and additions. Bv Jeremy Belknap, D. D. A new edition, with additional Hymns. 12° Boston, by Th. Wells, 1820 1672 PSALMS of David imitated by Dr. Watts. New edi- tion, in which the Psalms omitted by Dr. Watts are versified, local passages are altered, and a number of Psalms are ver- sified anew, in proper metres. By Timothy Dwight, X>. Z). President of Yale College. At the request of the General Association of Connecticut. To the Psalms is added a se- lection of Hymns. Fine copy, ^ ,,„„, gjiggp 16° Hudson Sf Goodwin, Hartford, 1801 On the 'principle embodied in the advice of the old Translators, to be ever watch- ful to keep our candlesticks polished, the General Association of Connecticut, 150 Bibliotheca Historica. after the American Revolution, in burnishing up their Psalmodj^ among other works, discovered on it many species and defects. Accordingly, in June, 1795, Dr. Dwight was requested to revise, improve, complete and adapt Dr. Watts' Psalms, and add thereto a collection of Hymns, from Watts, Doddridge, and others. In 1798, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of the United States initiated steps to accomplish the same object; but subsequently learning what was in progress in Connecticut, postponed the matter. Dr. Dwight having completed his great work by the middle of 1799, it was referred to a Joint Committee appointed by both the Association and the General Assem- bly to examine and report upon. This Joint Committee met at Stamford, in Connecticut, 10th of June, 1800, and approved and recommended this new ver- sion for the use of the Churches in the United States. 1673 Psalms. By Dr. "Watts. New edition by Dr. Dwight. Witli Hymns. . 16" Hartfwd, by Hvdson ^ Goodwin, 1803 1674 Psalms. By Dr. Watts. New edition by Dr. Dwight. With Hymns. 16° Hartford, Hudson Sf Goodwin, 1808 1675 Psalms. By Dr. Watts. New edition by Dr. Dwight. With Hymns. Fine copy, sheep. 16° Hartford, Hudson Sf Goodwin, 1811 1676 Psalms. By Dr. Watts. New edition, by Dr. Dwight. With Hymns. 16° Hartford, Hudson Sf Goodwin, 1814 1677 Psalms. By Dr. Watts. New edition, by Dr. Dwight. With Hymns. 24° New York, McDermot ^ Arden, 1816 1678 Psalms. By Dr. Watts. New edition, by Dr. Dwight. 24° Hartford, 1817 1679 Psalms. By Dr. Watts. New edition, by Dwight. 24° Hartford, hy Silas Andrus. 1817 1680 Psalms. By Dr. Watts. New edition, altered, etc. by Timothy Dwight. 24° New York, 1822 1681 Psalms. By Dr. Watts. New edition, by Dr. Dwight. With Hymns, etc. 24° New Haven, 1827 1682 Public Lands. Laws of the United States and the Doc- uments respecting the Public Lands. 8° Washington, 1828 1683 Public Lands. Laws, Instructions, and Opinions. 2 vols. 8° Washington, 1838 1684 PUEBLA {Mexico) Constituoion Politica del Estado libre y soberano de Puebla, sancionada por su Congreso Constituyente en 7 de Diciembre de 1825. Con las reformas que le dio la Ley de 1° de Junio de 1831. 46j!?p. 16° PjjeWa, 1848 In the same volume are the following scarce boohs, viz ; Aeancel de los honorarios y derechos judiciales que se ban de cobrar en el departamento de Puebla por los Secretaries y empleados de su Tribunal superior, Jueces de primera mstancia. Alcaldes, Jueces de Paz, Escribanos, etc. Mandado observar por la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Republica Megicana, conforme a lo prevenido, en el Articulo 55 de la ley de 23 de Mayo de 1837. iO pp. 16° Puebla, 1841 NoTiciA del editor sobre el establecimiento del ofioio de escribano, etc. pp. 15-34. ' '^^ Elemests of the English and Spanish Grammar, with a Vocabulary of the words most used in both languages. 80 pp. 16" Puebla, by John Valle, 1848 1685 PuFFENDORP (S.) Introduction to the History of the Principal States of Europe. Portrait, calf. 8° London, 1700 Bibliotheca Historica. 151 1686 PuLLEiN {Rev. Samuel) The Culture of Silk, or an Essay on its rational Practice and improvement. In four parts. <^«(^ gilt- 8° London, 1758 1687 PuLTENEY (Richard) Historical and Biographical Sketches of the Progress of Botany in England from its origin to the Introduction of the Linnaean System. 2 vols, c«^ 8° Lmidon, 1790 This copy is from the library of James Kennedy, who has added many manu- script notes, givmg bibliographical and biographical notices of many of the botanists, considerably enhancmg the value of this particular copy. 1688 PuLTENET (William) Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America, and the Means of Conciliation. Half morocco. 8° London, 1778 1689 PuLTENEY (W.) Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America, and the Means of Conciliation. M edition, half morocco. 8° London, 177 S 1690 PuLTENEY (W.) Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America. 4th edition, half roan. 8° Dodsley, London, 1778 1691 PuLTENET (W.) Thoughts on the Present State of Affairs with America. Ath edition, half roan. 8° Londcm, 1778 1692 '^^^"'UAKERS. Newe Schwarmgeister-Bruit, oder His- torische Erzhlung. I. Von den Quakern. II. Der Ranter. III. Dess Robins Sect. IV. Der Wieder einnehmung der Juden in Engeland. V. Der Indianek in New-Engeland. Half crimson morocco. 12° in Jahr, 1661 1693 Quakers. A Collection of Memorials concerning . . Quakers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, ete. 1787. Calf. 8° Land. 1798 1694 QUARITCH (Bernard) A General Catalogue of Books, arranged in Classes. Half red mor. 8° Land. 1868 No public library, or well-posted collector, should be without this portly cata- logue, the best one of the kind issued during the present decade. 1695 Quince Dias en Londres, o seacorto viage de un Frances a Inglaterra a fines de 1815. Traducido al Castellano. GaJf. \_As good as a play.'] 12° Mexico, 1826 Chapter XIV. El museo britanico. Other chapters are headed: El caf^, el domingo, la taberna, los jtHfes, goddam, los periodicos, caricaturas, la Torre de Londres, el suicido, etc. 1696 Quinctilianus. De Institutione Oratoria. Emend, atque Lectiones varant. adjecit E. Gibson. Calf. 4° Oxonice, 1693 1697 QuiNCY (Josiah) Observations on the Boston Port Bill. Half roan. 8" Lond. 1774 1698 QuiNCY (J.) Address to the Board of Aldermen, City of Boston, Jan. 3, 1829, on taking final Leave of the Office of Mayor. Uncut. 8° Boston, 1829 1699 QuiNCY (J.) Centennial Address to the Citizens of Boston, Sept. 17, 1830. Dhcut. 8° Boston, 1830 152 Bibliotheca Historica. 1700 '|q«j^|ALEIGH {Sir Walter) Judicious and Select Essays and Observations. Upon the first Invention of Shipping, The Misery of Invasive Warre, The Navy Royal and Sea-Service. With his Apologie for his Voyage to Guiana. Portrait hy Vaughan, fine copy. 16° Lond.for Humphrey Moseley, 1650 1701 Ealeigh (Sir Walter) The Prerogative of Parliaments in England, [also, Maxims of State — Instructions to his Son and to Posteritie, corrected and enlarged — A dutiful Advice of a loving Son to his Father — The Skeptic — On the Opulence of Cities — On the Seat of Government — Letters on his Voy- age TO Gdiana — Poems — Dying Speech.] Portrait by Vaughan. 16° Land. W. Sheares, 1661 1702 Raleigh (Sir Walter) Judicious and Select Essayes and Observations, etc. with his Apologie for his Voyage to Guiana. Portrait by Vaughan, fine impression, calf, very fine copy. 12° London, for A. M. 1667 1703 Raleigh (Sir W.) Remains. Portrait, calf. 16° Land. 1675 1704 Raleigh (Sir Walter) An Abridgement of. . History of the World, by Philip Raleigh, his Grandson. Calf 8° London, 1700 1705 Raleigh (Sir W.) Remains; with the Addition of some Letters never Printed before. Portrait, calf. Small 8° London, 1702 1706 Raleigh (Sir W.) Remains . . . With the addition of some Letters never before Printed. Fine copy, calf. 12° Land. 1702 1707 Raleigh (Sir Walter) Works . . . together with Let- ters, Poems, and Life. By Thos. Birch. Portrait, 2 vols, calf, fine copy. 8° Land. 1751 1708 Ramirez (D. Jose Fernando) Proceso de Residencia con- tra Pedro de Alvarado. Ilustrado con estampas sacadas de los antiguos codices Mexicanos, y Notas y Noticias biogra- ficas, criticas y arqiielogicas. Lo publica paleografiado del MS. original el Lie. Ignacio L. Rayon. Portrait of Alvarado, and plates of Mexican picture writings, colored, half calf. 8° Mexico, 1847 Pedro de Alvarado was Cortes' right-hand man, not only in the conquest of Mexico, but in his subsequent career, as explorer and governor of provinces. Hence, this book supplying original, authentic material of history, is of im- portance. 1709 RAMSAY (David) History of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State. 2 vols, calf. 8° Irenton, 1785 1710 Ramsay (David) History of the Revolution of South Caro- lina. 2 vols, fine copy, sheep. 8° Trenton, 1785 1711 Ramsay (David) The History of the American Revolution. 2 vols, half calf gilt, very fine copy. 8° Philad. 1789 Bibliotheca Historica. 153 1712 Rams AT (David) Geschiedenis van de Noord Amerikaan- sclie Staats-Oniwenteling. 4 vols, half green morocco, fine uncut copy. 8° Campen. 1792-94 1713 Rajisat (David) Geschiedenis van de Noord Amerikaan- sclie Staats-Omwenteling. 2 vols, half brown morocco, uncut. 8° Campen. 1792 1714 Ramsay (D.) History of the American Revohition. 2 vols, marbled calf. 8° London, 1793 1714* Ramsat (D.) Another. 2 vols, calf. 8° Lond. 1793 1715 Ramsay (David) The History of the American Revolution. New Edition. 2 vols, fine copy, half brown levant morocco, uncut. 8° Lond. 1793 1716 Ramsay (David) The Life of George Washington. Calf. 8° Lond. 1807 1717 Ramsay (James) An Essay on the Treatment and Con- version of African Slaves, in the British Sugar Colonies. Russia. 8° London, 1784 1718 Eajisay (James) An Essay on the Treatment and Conver- sion of African Slaves in the British Sugar Colonies. Calf 12° Dublin, 1784 1719 Ratjmeb (F. von) De Vereenigde Staten van Noord- Amerika. 2 vols, half maroon morocco, uncut. 8° Deventer, 1849 1720 Rawlinson (R.) The Deed of Trust and Will, containing his Benefactions to the University of Oxford. 8° I^ondon, 1755 1721 Raymond (R. W.) Mineral Resources of the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains. Cloth. 8° Washington, 1869 1722 RAYNAL {Abbe Guilaume Thomas) A Philosophical His- tory of the British Settlements in North America. 2 vols, calf 12° Edinb. 1776 1723 Raynal {Abbe G. T.) History of the British Settlements and Trade in North America. Map. 2 vols in 1, half calf. 12° Edinb. 1776 1724 Raynal {Abbe G. T.) Revolution de I'Amc^rique. Fine portrait of the author, half morocco. 8° Londres, 1781 1725 Raynal (Abhe G. T.) R(5volution de I'Amerique. Calf 8° Lond. 1781 1726 Raynal {Abbe G. T.) The Revolution of Amerika ; a New Translation. Half roan. IT Lond. 1181 1727 Raynal {Abbe G. T.) The Revolution of America. 8° Lond. 1781 Josephus (F.) A Short Abridgement of the History of. 2 vols in l,calf. 8° ^o»^- 1806 1728 Raynal (Abbe G. T.) StaatsomwenteUng van America. Half red morocco, uncut. 8° Amst. 1781 1729 Raynal (Abb(i G. T.) Staatsomwenteling van Amerika. Half morocco, uncut. 8° Amst. 1781 1730 Raynal {Abbe G. T.) The Revolution of America. Half c^lj^ ^ 12° Edinb. 1782 l^-i Bibliotheca Historica. 1731 Eaynal (Abbe G. T.) Histoire Philosophique et Politique des Etablisseniens et du Commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes. Portrait and plates. 10 vols, calf. 8° Geneve, 1780 1732 Ratnal (Abbd G. T.) History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. Por- trait. 6 vols, calf. 12° Edinburgh, 1782 1733 Read {Gen. J. Meredith) Historical Inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, his Friends, Relatives, and early Life ; his Connection with the Muscovy Company, and Discovery of Delaware Bay. Uncut. 8° Mimsell, Albany, 1866 1734 Ready. Federal Ready Reckoner. 12" Worcester, 1795 1735 REAL COMPANIA Guipuzcoana de Caracas : Noticias Historiales Practicas de los sucessos, y adelantimientos de esta Compaiiia, desde su fundacion afio de 1728, hasta el de 1764, por todos los Ramos, que comprehende su Negociacion. Unense en este libro los Anteriores impressos, que andaban divididos, conio Piezas instructivas, y defensivas de la Com- paiiia, etc. Dispuesto todo por la Direccion de la misma Real Compaiiia Aiio de 1765. 183 pp. fine copy, vellum, 4° 1736 Recollections of Samuel Rogers. Second Edition. Cloth. 12° London, 1859 1737 RECUEIL de Voyages au Nord, contenant divers Md- moires tres utiles au Commerce et h la Navigation. Nou- velle Edition, corregee et niise en meilleur ordre. 10 vols, fine copy, half blue morocco, yellow edges, maps and plates. 8° Amsterdam, J. F. Bernard, 1731-1738 The best and barest edition of this important Collection of Voyages to the North. To the first volume is prefixed an historical Introduction by J. F. Ber- nard, of 186 pages, in ivhich is traced in a masterly manner, the progress of Geography, with a chronological account of voyages, from Columbus to the early part of the 18th century. This Introduction is not in the earlier editions. 1738 Reeves (John) History of the Government of the Island of Newfoundland. Half blue morocco, uncut. 8° iojirf. 1793 1739 Reflexiones sobre el Bando de 25 de Junio ultimo contraidas a lo que dispone para con los Eclesiasticos Re- beldes, y al recurso que en solicitud de su revocacion dirigieron, en 6 de Julio a este Illmo. Cabildo, varios clerigos y cinco religiosos de Mexico. Escribialas D. Pedro de la Puente, Oidor de esta Audiencia y Superintendente de Policia.- 243 pp. with 4 prelim, and 2 sequent leaves, fine copy, calf. 4° Mexico, 1812 A Book of the highest interest for the modern history of Mexico. By the cele- brated Banco, of the 25th June, 1812, the clergy who joined the Rebellion were ordered to be punished like other chiefs of the Army of Independence. On the 6th of July Allowing the insurgent clergy claim their old immunity. It is the object of this book to combat that claim. All history, sacred and profane, is ransacked for [precedents. Every rebellion, from that successful one of Lucifer down, is laid under contribiition for authorities and examples. The Bible, the councils, the fathers, the doctors, and the bishops, in tremendous biblio- graphical array, are quoted and referred to. As a bibliography of the subject alone the volume is of considerable value. Bihliotheca Mistorica. 155 1740 Reglamento para el Ejercicio y Maniobras de la Iiifan- teria. ■^2" Mexico 1840 1741 Regulations lately Made concerning the Colonies, and the Taxes Imposed upon them, considered. Half itaT^T"' ^° London, 1765 1742 RELATION de ce qvi s'est passe en la Novvelle France de plvs Remarquable aux Missions de la Compagnie de Jesus es anntJs 1656 et 1657 {pp. 21-33 in MS.) Scarce. 8° Paris, Seh. (Jramoisy ^ Gabriel Cramoisy, 1658 J his Relation comprises Letters of P. Paul le Jeune, P. Le Mekciee, and V. Paul Eagueseau. See No. 1120, myra. 1743 Relation d'un Voyage du Pole Arctique au Pole Antarc- tique par le Centre du Monde. Avec la Description de ce perilleux Passage, et des choses niarveilleuses et ^tonnantes qu'on a decouvertes sous le Pole Antarctique. Avec Figures. Fine copy, calf. 8° Paris, 1723 1744 Relation abreg(^e d'un Voyage fait dans I'interieur de j'Amerique Meridionale. Depuis la Cote de la Mer du Sud, jusqu' aux Cotes du Brdsil et de la Guiane, en descendant la Riviere des Amazones. Par M. de la Condamine. Map. 8° Paris, 1745. Lettre a Madame .... sur I'emeute popu- laire excitee en la Ville de Cuenga au Perou le 29 dAout, 1739. 2 vols in I, calf. 8° [Paris] 1746 1745 Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes du Chili, du Perou et du Bresil 1712-14. Par M. de Fresier. Maps and plates. 2 vols in 1, vellum, fine copy. 8° Anist. 1717 1746 Religious Courtship. 12° Montpelier, Vt. 1810 1747 Remarks on the Review of the Controversy between G' Britain and her Colonies. Half roan. 8° Zond. 1769 1748 Remarks on the Rescript of the Court of Madrid, and on the Manifesto of the Court of Versailles ; with Appendix con- taining the Rescript, the Manifesto, and a Memorial of Dr. Franklin to the Court of Versailles. Half morocco. 8° Lond. 1779 1749 Rengger et Longchamp. Essai Historique sur la Revolution du Paraguay. Half brown morocco, uncut. 8° Paris, 1827 1750 Report on Indian Affairs, comprising Narrative of a Tour in the Summer of 1820. By Rev. J. Morse. 8° New Haven, 1822 1751 Republic of the United States ; embracing also a Review of the late War between the United States and Mexico. Cloth. 12° New York, 1848 1752 RERUM GERMANICARUM, Cum Tndicibus copiosissi- mis Omnia recensuit et edidit H. Mebomius, 3 vols in 2. Portrait, vellum. Folio, Helmastadii, 1688 A book of great historical value, now become scarce. 1753 Resolutions (The) of the House of Commons on the great and Constitutional Questions between the Privileges of the House of Commons and the Prerogative of the Crown, 1783- 84. Half roan. 8° Londcm, 1784 156 Bibliotheca Historica. 1754 REVIEW (A) op the Military Operations in North- America from the Commencement of the French Hostilities on the Frontiers of Virginia in 1753 to the Surrender of Oswego, on the 14th of August, 1756. Interspersed with various Observations, &c. on the American Transactions in general, and more especially on the Political Management of Affairs in New York. [By Wm. Livingston of New Jersey & "Wm. Smith of New York.] Fine large clean copt/. 4° /. Dodsley, London, 1757 1755 Revolution de I'Amerique. Par I'Abbe Raynal. Calf, gilt. 8° London, 1781 1756 Revolution de I'Amerique. Par I'Abbe Raynal. Half hrown morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1781 1757 Rhoads (Asa) New Instructor, or American Spelling- Book. Boards. 12° Stanford, 1804 1758 Rich (Jeremiah) Rich Redivivus, Or Short Hand Improved. In a More Briefe and Easie Method than hath been set forth. Now made publique by Nathaniel Stringer, a quondam Scholar. Portrait, fine copy, engraved throughout. S'-ZonrfoM, [1686?] 1759 Rich (J.) The Pen's Dexterity, or the Ingenious and use- ful Art of writing Short-Hand, containing Twenty Copper- plates. 16° Leeds, 1792 1760 Richardson (John) Account of his Life, and Services in the Work of the Ministry in England, Ireland, America, etc. Calf. 8° London, Xlbl Treats chiefly of his first and second visits to America. 1761 Richardson (John) An Account of the Life of that An- cient servant of Jesus Christ, John Richardson, his trials and services in England, Ireland and America. 3d Edition. Qalf. 8° London, 1774 Richardson sailed from London for Maryland in 1700, and spent two or three years in travelling through Virginia, Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, New England, etc. 1762 Richardson (W. H.) The New Hampshire Town Officer. 12° Concord, 1829 1763 RiDGELT (David) Annals of Annapolis, from its first Set- tlement in 1649 until the War of 1812: with various Inci- dents injthe History of Maryland. Cloth. 12° Baltimore, 1841 1764 RiDGELY (David) Annals of Annapolis. Another copy. Cloth. 12° Baltimore, 1841 1765 Rights (The) of the British Colonies asserted and proved. 3d edition corrected. Hcdf roan. Scarce. 8° London, 1766 1766 Rights (The) of Great Britain asserted against the Claims of America. Being an Answer to the Declaration of the General Congress. 3d Edition, with additions. Half roan. 8° London, 1776 1767 Rios (Epitacio de los) Compendio de la Historia de Mex- ico desde antes de la Conquista hasta los tiempos presentes. Bihliotheca Historica. ItTI Adornacla con 16 estampas lithograficos que repiesentan los hechos mas interesantes de la historia. Publicala Simon Blanquel. Half calf. 12° J/fo-Zco, 1862 In the Appendix is a convenient list of all the Viceroys and Governors of Mexico from the Conquest by Cortes in 3620 to 1812. 1768 EiPPON (John) A Selection of Hymns from the best authors intended to be an appendix to Watts' Psalms and Hymns. Good copy. Scarce. 16° Elizabethtou-n, N. J. hy Shepard Kollock, 1792 1769 RippoN (John, D. B.) A Selection of Hymns from the best authors, intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watts' Psalms and Hymns. Half morocco, fine copy, uncut. 12° For the Au- thor. London, and sold by the Baptist Ministers at Philadelphia, Boston and Neio York, n. d. [1800?! This is one of the author's own copies, carefully revised by himself, and cor- rected with a pen in very many places, in his own handwriting" Some of the alter- ations and corrections are interesting if not amusing, as /. i. in the 41st Hymn, verse 6, "Again the spirits lifts his sword " is altered to " Again the Spirit lifts his sword.' 1770 RippoN (John) A Selection of Hymns from the best au- thors. Second Edition. 12° London, n. d. The author's own copy, with many Manuscript notes preparing this for a new edition. 1771 RippoN (John) A Selection of Hymns. A new edition, with eleven original hymns not inserted in any other Selection. Calf. 16° London, [1800] 1772 EiPPERDA (Dude de) Memoirs of, with Account of the most remarkable Events between 1715 and 1736. 8° London, 1740 1773 RiTTER (A.) History of the Moravian Church in Philadel- phia, from its Foundation in 1742. Portraits and Engravings. Cloth. 8° Philadelphia, 1857 1774 RiMius (Henry) History of the Moravians. Vol. I. London, 1759 Narrative of the Herrnbinters, &c. 2d Edition. 2 vols, half calf. 8° London, 1753 1775 RIVERO (E. de) and Tschudi (J. D. de) Antiquidades Peeuanas. 58 colored plates, 2 vols. Text 4°, Plates, oblong folio, Vienna, 1851 This large and costly work is perhaps the most elaborate and valuable one that has hitherto appeared on the archeology and antiquities of Peru, prior to the Conquest by the Spaniards. 1776 Roberts (George) The four years voyages of Captain G. Roberts. Written by himself Map, calf. 8° London, 1726 1777 Robertson (William) The History of America. First Edition. 2 vols, calf 4° London, 1777 The list of authorities used by Robertson in this great work, constitutes one of the best Catalogues of Books relating to America, made up to the time of the American Revolution. 1777* Robertson (W.) The History of America. Z vols. Portrait, Boards, uncut. 8° London, 1778 158 Bibliotheca Historica. 1778 Robertson (W.) The History of America, Books IX and X, containing the History of Virginia to the Year 1688; and of New England to the Year 1652. Boards, uncut. 8° Philadelphia, 1799 1779 Robertson (W.) Geschiedenis van Amerika. 5 vols, vellum. 8° Amst. 1778-1801 1780 Robertson (W.) Histoire de I'Amerique. 4 vols, maps, half calf. 8° Amsterdam, 1779 1781 Robin (Abb^) Nieuwe Reize door Noord- America, in . . . 1781. Half calf, uncut. 8° Amst. 1782 1782 RoBisoN (J.) Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Relig- ions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free Masons, Illuminate, etc. Fourth ■ Edition. 8° New York, 1798 1783 RoBisoN (J.) Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the Secret Societies of Free Masons, Illuminate, etc. Third Edition. Russia. 8° London, 1798 1784 Robinson (Wm. Davis) Gedenkschriften der Omwenteling in het Rijk van Mexico. Half morocco. 8° Haarlem, 1823 1785 Robinson (W. D.) Gedenkschriften der Omwenteling in het rijk van Mexico. Portrait, half brown morocco, uncut. 8° Haarlem, 1823 1786 Robson (J.) Account of Six Years' Residence in Hudson's Bay, from 1733 to 1736, and 1744 to 1747. Boards. 8° London, 1752 1787 ROCHEFORT (C^sar de) Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Antilles de I'Amerique. Avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. Plates. 4° Rotterdam, 1658 First Edition, of very considerable historical value, though Le P6re Du Tertee asserts, in the preface of his larger work in 1667, thatM. de Rochefort, a minister of the gospel at Rotterdam, stole his manuscript in 1654, from the printer?, and published it as his own. 1788 Rochefort (C. de) Naturlyke en zedelyke Historie van d'Eylanden de Voor-Eylanden van Amerika. Plates. Calf, gilt edges. 4° Rotterdam, 1662 1789 Rochefort (C. de) Histoire Natvrelle des lies Antilles de I'Amerique. Vignette and plates, 2 vols, calf. 16° Lyon, 1667 1790 Rochefort (C. de) Histoire Naturelle des lies Antilles de I'Amerique. 2 vols, many copperplates in the text, calf. 16° Lyon, chez C- Fovrmy, 1667 1791 Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (Due de la) Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de I'Amerique, fait en 1795-6-7. 8 vols in 4, half crimson morocco. 8° Paris, 1799 1792 RODRIGUEZ {El P. F. Manuel, of Portugal) Explica- cion de la Bvlla de la Sancta Crvzada y de las claiisulas de los lubileos y Confessionarios que ordinariamente fue le conceder su sanctidad, muy prouechosa para Predicandores, Curas, y Confessores, aun en los Reynos donde no ay Bulla. Bibliotheca Historica. 159 Diuidese este Hbro en tres partes. En la primera se trata de la Explicacion de la Bulla concedida h los viuos. En la secunda la de los defunctos. En la tercera de la Composicion : y a la postre se declava el Motu proprio de Pio V. en el qual se prohibe la entrada de las mugeres en lo interior de los Monas- tenos de Frayles, etc. Old calf. 4° Salamanca, 1594 If any Protestant desires really to get back to first principles and to know pre- cisely wliereot he charges the Catholics of Rome, a careful perusal of this book will help him, as it is intended for the guidance of the priests rather than the instruction of the people. 1793 RODRIGUEZ de Aeispe (D. Pedro Joseph) Colosso Eloquente, que en la solemne aclamacion del D. Fernando VI. erigio sobre brillantes columnas la reconocida lealtad, y fidelissima gratitud de la Imperial, y pontififia Universidad Mexicana, Athenas del Nuevo Mundo; Dedicalo a sus reales plantas, etc. el Dr. y Mr6. D. Thomas de ' Cuevas, Garzez de los Fallos, Colegial, etc. 20 prel. leaves; Text xcviii and 174 pp. Vellum, fine copy, hut some leaves wormed. 40 Mexico, 1748 Probably no monarch ever had erected to him in honor of his accession to the throne such a tower of brilliants as this volume contains in honor of Ferdinand the VI of Spain. The whole University of Mexico, the Athens of the new world, as they delight to call it, seems to have conspired to outdo and overleap itself by iDgeniciis trifling in prose and verse, and prosy verse. The volume is filled with epigrams, polygrams, roundrobins, romances, gratulations, distiches, octaves, tentaves, puns, jokes, redondillas, anagrams, programs, chronograms, puzzles, catches, drolls, boustrophedons, sonnets, odes, acrostics, double acrostics, treble acrostics, stanzas, suns (v. pp. 40-41), saphics, acrostics of letters, acros- tics of syllables, acrostics of words, poems of whole lines, half lines, first halves, last halves, up-readings, down-readings, to be read to the left of us, and to the right of us, in Latin and Spanish, in sense, in nonsense, indeed, in everything but common sense. The university of Mexico seems on that occasion to have thrown its entire Faculty into wit, "with a solemn determination to express all the wit it had, even if compelled to live witless ever after. 1794 Rodriguez de San Miguel (Juan) La Republica Mex- icana en 1846, 6 sea Directorio-general de los Supremos Poderes, y de las Principales Autoridades, Corporaciones y Oficinas de la Nacion. 198 and 123 pp. 8° Mexico, 1845 An excellent book of reference, with important statistics and historical events. There is also considerable bibliographical information, not easily found else- where. 1795 Rogers (Ammi) Memoirs of the Rev. Ammi Rogers, A.M. a clergyman of the Episcopal Church, educated at Yale College, ordained in New York, persecuted in the State of Connecticut for twenty years, and finally falsely accused and imprisoned in Norwich Jail for two years. Also an Index to the Holy Bible. 3d Edit, with additions, omissions, and alterations. 8° J. W. Copeland, Middlebury, Vt, 1830 1796 Rogers (N.) The Wild Vine : or an Exposition on Isaiah's Parabolical Song of the Beloved. 4° London, 1632 1797 Rogers {Major Robert) A Concise Account of North America. Calf. 12° Dublin, 1769 1798 Rogers {Capt. Woodes) Voyage autour du Monde en 1708-11. Traduit del'Anglois. 2 vols, map and engravings, fine copy. Calf. 8° Aimterdam, 1716 160 Bibliotheca Historica. 1799 Rogers {Oapt. Woodes) A Cruising Voyage round the World ; First to tlie South Seas, thence to the East Indies, and homeward by the Cape of Good Hope. Maps. Calf. 8° London, 1718 1800 K(JSA (Santa) Kurtze Erzehlung desz Wunderlichen Lebens, vnd viel werthen Tods der Gottseeligen Schwester Rossb de S. Maria von Lima gebiirtig, aus der dritten Kegel desz Heyligen Vatters Dominici. Scarce. 16° Prag, 1668 1801 Rosa (Santa) Admirabilis Vita, Virtus, gloria S. Rosie k S. Maria Virginis Limanse Ordinis Praedicatorum primi ex Occidus Indiis Amoenae sanctitalis Fructus, &c. Fine copy. 8° »S^. Uzschneider, Augusta Vindel, [1672] American female saints are so rare tliat tliis Life of Santa Rosa of Lima has passed through more editions probably than that of any other saint in the same time. 1802 Eoscio (J. G. Citizen of Venezuela) El Triunfo de la Libertad sobre el Despotismo, en la Confesion de un pecador arrepentido de sus errores politicos, etc. Half calf. 4° Oajaca, en Mexico, 1828 1803 Ross (Alexander) View of all Religions in the World (in- cluding America.) Calf. 12° London, 1653 1804 Ross (Alexander) 's Weerelds Gods-Diensten, of Ver- torg van alle de Religien en Ketteryen in Asia, Africa, America en Europa. 25 edition. Copperplates, vellum. 8° Dardriclit, 1692 1805 Ross (Arthur A. of Newport) A Discourse, embracing the Civil and Religious History of Rhode Island : delivered April 4th, 1838, at the Close of the second century for the first Settlement of the Island. Chih. 12° Providence, 1838 1806 Ross. The Speeches of Mr. Ross and Mr. Morris, 16th of February, 1803, in the Senate of the United States, on the right of free navigation of the Mississippi River. 48 pp. Scarce. ' 8° n. p. 1803 1807 ROTHELIN (Abbe) Catalogue des Livres de feu M. I'Abbe D'Orleans de Rothelin, par G. Martin. Priced. Calf. Thick 8° Paris, 1746 The Abbe Rothelin was the first bibliographer of distinction who collected and collated the Voyages of the DeBrys. His famous set was sold in this sale, and produced about as many cents then as it would bring dollars now. This Catalogue contains many voyages and travels. The prices of many of the lots are given. Few catalogues of this period are so difficult to meet with as this. 1808 RoziERE (E. de) Formules Inedites publiees d'apres un Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque de Saint Gall. Ihicut. 8° Paris, 1853 1809 Rdbalcava (Joseph Gutierrez de) Tratado historico, po- litico, y legal de el Comercio de las Indias Occidentales, per- tenecientes a los Reyes Catholicos, conforme al tiempo de Paz, y Guerra, en interpretacion de las Leyes de la Nueva , Recopilacion a ellas. Prima Parte. Compendio Historico Bibliotheca Historica. 161 del Comercio de las Indias, desde su principio hasta su actual estado. Cadiz [1750.] 54 and 351 pages: [followed by a Second Part.'] Proyecto para Galeones, y Flotas de el Peru, y Nueva Espana, y para Navios de Registro, y Avisas que Navegaren a ambos Reynos. Aiio 1720. 2 vols in one, fine copy, vellum. 8° Cadiz, [1750] This is one of the rarest and most important rolumes of this collection. One has but to glance at the table of contents of the 19 chapters of the first part, and the 8 chapters of the I'rot/eclo, to convince himself of its high historical value. 1810 RuFAHL (Ludwig) Die Gescliichte der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. 3 vols, boards. 8" Berlin, 1832 1811 RuuAL Magazine, or Vermont Repository. Vol. 2. 8° Rutland, Vt, 1796 The second volume only, fine copy, extremely rare, by Williams, Author of the History of A' ermont. 1812 Rush (Benjamin) Essays, literary, moral and philosoph- ical. Calf. 8° Philadelphia, 1798 1813 Rush (B.) Three Lectures upon Animal Life, delivered in the University of Pennsylvania. Calf 8° Philadelphia, 1799 1814 Russell (W. S.) Guide to Plymouth, and Recollections of the Pilgrims. With engraving. Cloth. 12° Boston, 1846 1815 IJy^r^j' (I.) A BRIEF AND PERFECT JOURNAL of the late jproceedings and Success of the English Army in the West Indies, continued until June the 24th, 1655 ; together with some queries inserted and answered. By I. S. an Eye-witness. Half roan. 4° London, 1655 The result of this grand Cromwellian expedition of 10,000 men under Gen. Vena- bles and Admiral Penn (the father of our William), was the acquisition of Jamaica to the English Commonwealth. The Glory of God, the Propagation of the Gospel, and the discomfiture of the wicked of a False Churcli, were the high-soundinc; rallying cries, while private gains, wholesale thievings, unchristian selfish'cruelties, out-Spanishinp the Spanish iniquities of the pre- vious centurv, were the mainsprings of action. They aimed at Hispaniola and Cuba, and barelv secured Jamaica. This tract fills an important gap in the history of English possession in the West Indies. 1816 Sacka Nemesis, the Levites Scourge, or Mercurius (Britan. Civicus) Disciplin'd. Calf. 4° Oxford, 1644 1817 Sadeur (Jacques) Les Avantures de Jacques Sadeur dans la Decouverte et le Voyage de la Terre Australe, etc. Very fine large copy, calf gilt. 12° Mortier, Amst. 1732 18l'8 Sagean (Mathieu) Extrait de la Relation des Avantures et Voyao-e. Larqe paper, bound in white vellum, by F. Bed- ford. 8° A la Presse Cramoisy de J. M. Shea, N. York, 1863 1819 St John (J. H.) Letters from an American Farmer: de- scribino- certain Provincial Situations etc. of the British Col- onies in N. America. New Edition, with an accurate Index. Map, half morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1783 1820 St John (J. H.) Letters from an American Farmer to a Friend in England. 12° M. Carey, Philadelphia, 1793 11 16-2 Bibliotheca Historica. 1821 Salazar y Olarte (Ignacio de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, Seciinda Parte [De Solis' History being the first part.] Vellum, some leaves mutilated. Folio, Cordova, 1743 1822 SALLUST. La Conjuracion de Catilina y la Guerra de Jugerta (in Spanish and Latin.) Fine copy, old ■calf. Folio, Ibarra, Madrid, llTi The best specimen of fine printing ever executed in Spnin. What Baslservilla did at Birmingham, Didot in Paris, Bordone in Italy, Ibarra did in Spain, witli this difference, that Ibarra rested his abilities on this one book. 1823 Sanctius (Franc) Minerva, sive de Causis Latinae Linguae, Commentarius. 8° Amstelod. 1664 1824 Sanderus (N.) Origine ac Progressu Schismatis Angli- can!. Calf. 8° Colon. Agrip. 1585 1825 San Fermin (EI P. Fr. Antonio de) Defensa del Homo Attritus. Compuesta por el P. Fr. A. de San Fermin, Carmelita Descalzo. Fine copy, calf. 4° Guadalaxara por D. Mariano Valdes Telles Giron, 1802 A very pretty quarrel between the Carmelites and Dominicans, in which a large" number of Mexican books and authorities are referred to, and no little Mexican biography and bibliography are incidentally brought out. The book is dedicated to Dr. J. M. Bekestain, the distinguished author of the Bibliotheca Htspano-Americana Septcntt-ional. 3 vols, ito, Mexico, 1810-19. 1826 SAN JOSEPH BETANCUR (P. Fr. Pedro) Regla, t CONSTITUTIONES DE LA SaGRADA ReLIGION BeTHLEMITICA, FUNDADA EN LAS Indias Occidentalbs. 4 prel. leaves {the first blank) and 90 pp. Fine copy, calf. 4° Fn Mexico, por la Viuda de D. J. Bemarda de Hogal, 1751 A book of very great rarity, as well as of considerable importance in the Church History of New Spain. Father San Joseph Betancur died at Guatemala the 25th of April, 1667, in the 41st year of his age. Following the title is a full- page, well-executed copperplate engraving by Troncoso, an artist of Mexico, dated 1748, representing Father Betancur on his knees before the Infant Saviour, in the lap of his mother, in the stable at Bethlehem, with Saint Joseph in attendance. 1827 Sanson (Joseph) Travels in Lower Canada. View of Quebec. London, 1820. — Mollien (G.) Travels in Africa, to tlie Sources of the Senegal and Gambia. 2 vols in 1, micut. 8° London, 1820 1828 SANSON (Le Sietjr, Geographe du Eoy) Atlas. 120 large folded maps, colored, half morocco. Thick atlas Folio, Paris, 1691 1829 Santagnello (M.) Dictionary of the Peculiarities of the Italian Language. Cloth. 8° London, 1820 1830 Santa Teresa (Fr. Manuel de, cle los Convenios de Zehya y Toluca, Mexico) Instrcctobio Espiritual de los Terceros, Terceras, y Beatas de Nuestra Sefiora del Carmen. oeiv-\- 226 pp. followed by Novena de la Soberana Emperatriz de Cielo y Tierra Maria Santisima del Carmen. 24 leaves, fine copy, vellum. Scarce. 8° En Mexico, Jose Jauregui, 1787 Following the title is a well-executed engraving of the Qaeen of Heaven, by M. Villavicencia, a Mexican artist. Bibliotheca Historica. IBS 1831 SANTO DOMINGO. Vida de J. J. Dessalines, Gefe de los Negros de Santo Domingo ; con notas niuy circiinstan- ciadas sobre el origen, caracter y atrocidades de los principales Gefes de aquillos Rebeldes desde el principio de la Insurrec- cion en 1791. Traducida del Frances por U. M. G. C. Alio de 1805. Reiniprimese por Don Juan Lopez Cancelada, Editor de la Gazeta de esta N[iieva] E[sparia.] Fine copy. 4° Mexico, Oficina de Mariano de Zuniga y Ontiveros, 1806 This extraordinary' book to be appreciated must be seen. Tt ia adorned with ten elaborate and highly-Hnished copperplate lino engravings, four of them large oval portraits of Biason, Louvekturk, Cristobal and Dksalinks the tirst Emperor of Havti, exceedingly well engraved by Rea of Mexico. The remaining six are historical prints,' designed and engraved by Manuel Lopez, artist of Mexico. Though intended for serious high art, there is a grotesque absurdity about some of the scenes truly laughable. Witness the murder of the younp mother in the tield in the foreground, and a landscape of trees and moun- tains m the background (p. 33), and the coronation scene (p.73) whereDesalines is represented ' high on a throne ' with his loyal supporters of sable hue on either side, so dark that nothing but the whites of their eyes relieve the pic- ture. 1832 Santo Thomas (Fray Diego de, Padre de la Provincia de San Diego en JVueva Espana, y Guardian del Gonvento de Santa Maria de los Angeles de Ocholopozco) Cekemonial t Manual Sacado del Missal Romano de Pio V. Reformado por la San- tidad de Clemente VIII y Vrbano VIII, Ajustado al estilo estrecho, y reformado de los Religiosos de Descal^os de N. P. S. Francisco de la Provincia de San Diego desta Nueua Espana. viii -^'i,72-\-vi pp. Fine copy, morocco, gilt sides. 4° Impresso in Mexico : En la Imprenta de Juan Ruyz, 1660 This fine book from the library of the Convent of Santa Barbara de Peubia, of the highest degree of rarity, is of great importance in the Ecclesiastical History of Mexico. 1833 SARDO {Fr. Joaquin) Relacion Historica y moral de la Portentosa Imagen de N. Sr. Jesuchristo crucificado aparecida en una de las Cuevas de S. Miguel de ChaJma, hoy Real Convento y sanctiiario de esta nombre, de religiosos Ermitanos de N. G. P. y Doctor S. Agustin, en esta Nueva Espaiia, y en esta Provincia del Santisimo nombre de Jesus de Mexico. Con los Compendios de las Vidas de los dos Venerables Religiosos legos y primaros Anacoretas de este santo desierto, F. Bartolme de Jesus Maria, y F. Juan de San Josef. Nuevamente escrita por el R. P. Predicador Jubilado y Prior actual de este Real Convento, F. Joaquin Sardo. Fine cvpy, calf. 4° Mexico, 1810 A book of considerable historical interest outside of the particular religious sub- ject treated. It fills 8 prelim, leaves and 38B pp. The Apparition of the Santo Cristo de Chalma, representing which there is a copperplate frontispiece prefixed to this volume, occurred in Mexico in 1539, and from that day to this its history has been interwoven with the ecclesiastical, and is sometimes insep- arable from the political, history of Mexico, especially so far as the manage- ment and education of the Indians intrusted to the missionaries of the Order of St Augustin are concerned. The large number of the earliest and rarest books relating to New Spain, referred to and quoted in this work, renders it indispensable to the historian. It is furthermore replete with biographical notes and references, not easily found elsewhere. 164 Bibliotheca Historica. 1834 Sarmiento de Gamboa. (Pedro) Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes, en los Annos de 1579 y 1580. Plates, calf. 4° Madrid, 1768 1835 Sarjiiento dk Gamboa (Pedro) Viage al Estrecho de Ma- gallanes. Plates, half calf , gilt. A" Madrid, 1768 1836 Sartine (M. de) The Green Box of Monsieur de Sartine, found at M'"" de The's Lodgings. Fifth Edit. Land. 1779 An English Green Box : Or the Green Box of the R — t H — e E — d L — d Churdlow, given by Mrs. Harvey to Roger O'Tickle Valet de Chambre to Esq., M. P. 2d Ed. corrected. 2 vols in 1, half calf . 8° London, 1779 These two political squibs both pertain incidentally to American affairs. In the former Franklin plays a prominent part. The latter is a feeble imitation appli- cable to Knglish affairs, printed with the usual dashes of the printers who had not the courage at that time to print the names of English Statesmen in full. In this copy several of these blanks are filled up in MS. by W. Cole. 1837 Sauvius (A.) Staate-Buch. Verfasst und fortgesetst durch Hermann Adolph Authes. Vellum. Thick 4° Franchfurt, 1656 1838 Savage (J.) Our Living Representative Men. Cloth. 12° Philadelphia, 1860 1839 Saxius (S.) Onomastici Literarii Epitome. Boards, uncut. 8° Traj. ad Rhenum, 1792 1840 Say (Thomas) A Short Compilation of the Extraordinary Life and Writings of Thomas Say, in which is faithfully copied from the Original Manuscript the Uncommon Vision which he had when a young man. Calf 12° BuddSf Bartram, Philadelphia, 1796 1841 ScHAEPFER (Den Ridder von) BRASiLiii als onafhankelijk Rijk. 'i vols, half olive morocco, uncut. 8° Amsterdam, 1825 1842 ScH.MiDTMEYER (Peter) Travels to Chili over the Andes, in the Years 1820 and 1821. 3Iap and plates, calf. 4° Lojid. 1822 1843 ScHMiTZ (L.) History of Rome to the Death of Commodus, A. D. 192. 8° London, 1849 1844 Schoolcraft (Henry R.) Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake. Map, cloth. 8° New Fork, 1834 1845 SCHOTT (Andreas) Hispanic Illustrate, seu Rerum, Urbiumque Hispaniae, Lusitaniae, Aethiopise et Indise Scrip- tores. Maps, complete in 4 vols, fine copy, scarce, calf. Folio, Francofiirti, 1603-8 " Get ouvrage est tres estim^, et I'on s'en procure difficilement des exemplaires complets; il faut avoir, soin de verifier si, dans le tome IV. se trouvent lea dix demiers jivres de I'Histoire, de Mariana en latin: ces dix livres qui forment une partie separ^e, avec un titre particulier dat^ de 1606 manquent souvcnt, ce qui diminue alors le prix des exemplaires." — Brunei. This is a fine complete copy with the rare fourth volume (the last ten books of Mariana) bound at the beginning of the third volume. This rare and important Body of Spanish History is frequently referred to by Spanish writers, especially Muiios and Navarrete, under the name of EscoTO. Besides other papers refer- ring to the New World, Columbus' Letter to Raphal Sanxis, translated by de Cosco, is reprinted in full. Bihliotheca Historica. 165 1846 Scott (Job) A Journal of his Life, Travels and Gospel La- ,.,!?°"''s- \r London, n^7 lb47 Scott (Job) The Same, with Corrections and Additions. , o .?"¥ *""'"^- 8° London, 1815 1848 Scott (J.) The Christian Life. Calf. 8° London, 1685 1849 ScuLTERius (A.) Annaliiim Evangelii per Europam Decas prima ab anno 1516 ad an. 1526. Calf. 8° Heidellerga, 1618 1850 Seaman (E. C.) Essays on the Progress of Nations. ^^°*^- 12° New York, 1846 I80I Seebohm (F.) The Oxford Reformers of 1498 ; a History of the Fellow-work of John Colet, Erasmus and Thomas More. yiotK 8" London, 1867 1852 SELDEN (Almira) Effusions op the Heart, contained in a number of Original Poetical Pieces, on various subjects. 152 pp.fne copy, scarce. 12° Bennington, Darius Clark, 1820 1853 SELDEN (Johannes) Fleta ; seu Commentarius Juris Anglicani, sic nuncupatus, sub Edwardo Rege etc ; subjun- gitur, etiam ad Fletam Dissertatio Historica. Golf. A" Londini, 1U7 First Edition. " Tliis methodical and learned work derives it name from the circumstance of having been composed, when its author was a prisoner in the Fleet." — Lowndes. 1854 Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the University of Ver- mont. A Historical Discourse by Rev. John Wheeler, an ad- dress by J. R. Spalding, a Poem by Rev. 0. G. Wheeler, with an Account of the Proceedings. 8° Burlington, 1854 1855 Semler (J. S.) Algemeine Geschichte der Ost und Westin- dischen Handlungsgesellschaften in Europa. Numerous maps and plates, 2 vols, calf. 4° Halle, 1764 1856 Senators. Sketches of United States Senators, of the Session of 1837-38. Cloth. 12° Washington, 18Z^ 1857 Sepp (Antony) Reiss-Beschreibung, wie selbe auss Hespan- ieii in Paraquariam kommen, etc. Boards. 16° Bressau, 1699 1858 Settlements in America. An Account of the European Settlements in America. 2d Edition. 2 vols, calf. 8" London, 1758 1859 Settlements, e^c. 2d Edition, with improvements. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1758 1860 Settlements, etc. 3d Ed. 2 vols, calf. 8° Lond. 1760 1861 Settlements, etc. 5th Ed. 2 vols, calf. 8° Lond. 1770 1862 Settlements, etc. 5th Ed. 2 vols, calf. 8° Lcmd. 1770 1863 SEWALL (Samuel) Phenomena Qujedam Apocaltp- TiCA ad aspectum Novi orbis configurata. Or some few Lines towards a description of the New Heaven as it makes to those who stand upon the New Earth. The top outer corner fatigued and rotten, hut none of the text gone. 'Id Edition. 4° B. Green, Boston, 1727 1864 Seybeet (Andrew) Statistical Annals of the United States of America ; founded on Official Documents. Half red morocco. 4° Philadelphia, 1818 166 Bibliotheca Historica. 1865 Seybert (A.) Statistical Annals of the United States of America ; founded on Official Documents. 4° Phila. 1818 1866 Shaik Mansur. History of Seyd Said, Sultan of Muscat; with an Account of the Countries and People on the Shores of the Persian Gulf, particularly of the Wahabees. Map, half calf. 8° London, 1810 1867 Sham Patriot (The) Unmasked : Or an exposition of the fatally successful Arts of Demagogues who exalt themselves by flattering and swindling the people, etc. Being a series of Essays by Hisloricus and first published in " The Balance." [By Ezra Sampson.] 16° Sampson, Chittenden ^ Croswell, Hudson, N. Y. 1802 1868 Sharp (Bartholomew) The Voyages and Adventures of, and others in the South Sea. Published by P. A., Esq. Calf. 8° London, 1684 1869 SHEA'S Publications. Rare Tracts on Canada and OLD Louisiana. 8 vols, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut, 100 copies only of each printed. 8° Cramoisy Press, Nouvelle York, 1855-59 Relation de ce qui s'est pass^ de plvs remarqvable dans la Mission des Abna- quis a I'Acadie, I'Ann^e 1701 par le Pere Vincent Bigot de la Comp. de Jesus. Relation du Vo^'age, par feu M. Robert Cavalier, Sieur de la Salle pour de- couvrir dans la golf'e du Mexique I'embouchure de Missisipy. Relation du Voyage des premieres Ursulines a la Nouveile Orleans et de leur etablissement en cette ville, par la Rev. M6re St. Augustine de Tranchepain. Journal de la Guerre du Micissipi, contre les Cbicbachas, en 1730 et finie en 1740. Par un OfEcier de I'Arm^e de M. de Nouaille. Journal du Voyage du R. P. Jacques Gravier de la Comp. de Jesus en 1700, depuis les pays des Illinois jusqu'a rembouciiure du Mississipi. Eegistres des Baptesmes et Sepultures, qui se sont faits au Fort Duquesne pendant les annees 1753-54-55 et 56. La Vie du R. P. PieiTe Joseph Marie Chaumont de la Comp. de Jesus, Missionaire dans la Nouvelle France. Kcrite par lui-meme I'an 1688. Suite de la Vie du P. Pierre Joseph Marie Chaumont, par un Pere de la meme Compagnie. 1870 Shebbeare (J.) Le Peuple Instruit ; ou Alliances de la Grande Bretagne, etc. depuis le commencement des troubles sur rOhio. Half morocco. 12° 1756 1871 Shebbeare (J.) An Essay on the Origin of National So- ciety. Half roan. 8° London, 1776 1872 Sheffield (John, Lord) Observations on the Commerce of the American States, with Appendix. Half calf. 8° London, 1787 1873 Sheffield (John, Lord) Observations on the Commerce of the American States ; with an Appendix. Sixth Edition en- larged. Half morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1784 1874 Sheffield (John, Lord) Observations on the Manufactures, Trade and present State of Ireland. Calf. Large Paper. 8° London, 1785 1875 Sheil (J.) Plain and Eational Account of the Catholic Faith: First American Edition. 8° Albany, 1814 Bibliotheca Historica. 167 1876 Shelvocke (Geo.) Voyage round the world, by way of the Great South Sea, in 1719-1722. 2d Edit. Map and plates, fine copy, calf gilt. 8° London, 1757 1877 Shepard (C. W.) Report on the Geological Survey of Con- necticut. 8° Neiv Haven, 1837 1878 Shepard (Thomas Late Pastor of the Church of Christ at Cambridge in Nexo England.) The Parable op the Ten Virgins. Calf. Folio, London, \mb 1879 Shepard (Thomas) The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Half calf. Folio, Reprinted \_London'] 1695 1880 Shepard (Thomas) The Sound Beleever, a Treatise of Evangelical Conversion. Calf 8° London, 1670 1881 Shepard (Thom.as) The Sincere Convert. Newly cor- rected. 12° Gideon Lithgow, Edinburgh, 1647 An edition of uncommon rarity. 1882 Shepard (Thomas, Preacher of God's Word in New Eng- land) The Sincere Convert; Discovering the small number of true Beleevers, etc. The Fifth Edition, corrected and much amended by the author. 8° London, M. Simmons, 1650 The Sound Beleever, a Treatise of Evangelicall Conver- sion, e/c '2 vols in one. %" London, R. Dawlman, \M9 1883 Shepard (Thomas) The Sincere Convert discovering the small Number of true Beleevers, &c. corrected and much amended by the Author. 8" London, E. Cotes, 1655 1884 Shepard (Thomas) The Sincere Convert discovering the small Number of True Beleevers. Corrected Ed. Calf. 8° London, 1664 1885 Shepard (Thomas) The Sincere Convert, Discovering the small Number of Beleevers and the great difficulty of Saving conversion ; whereto is now added the Saint's Jewel. 8° London, 1659 1886 Shepard (Thomas) Another Edition. Calf. 8° London, 1672 1887 Shipley {Dr. Bishop of St Asaph) Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charter of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Hcdf morocco. 8° Boston, 1774 1888 SHIRLEY (.James) The Maids Revenge. A Tragedy, as it hath been acted with good applause at the private house in Drury Lane, by her Majesty's Servants. VeUum. 4° London, 1639 1889 Shirley (William, Governor of Massachusetts Bay) Let- ter to the Duke of Newcastle ; with a Journal of the Siege of Louisbourg, and other Operations of the Forces, during the Expedition against the French Settlements on Cape Breton. Imperfect, wanting after D 2. 4° Boston, Printed by J. Draper for D. Henchman, [1746] 168 Bibliotheca Historica. 1890 Short (A) Introduction to the Latin Tongue; being the Accidence, abridged and compiled in that most easy and ac- curate method, wherein the famous Mr. Ezekiel Chkevek taught, and which he found the most advantageous, by 70 years experience. 18th Edit. Fine copy. 16° John Mycall, Newluryport, 1785 1891 SiciLT. A Tour through Sicily and Malta. In a Series of Letters to Wrn. Beckford, from P. Brydone, 2 vols in one, '6 copies jftue and cleaji as new. 12° Thomas Dichnan, Greenjield, Mass. 1798 1892 SiDONS (C.) De Vereenigde Staaten van Noord-Araerika. Half blue morocco, uncut. 8° Leeuwarden, 1828 1893 SiLVA (J. M. P. da) Parnaso Brazileiro ou Selec^ao de Poesias dos melhores Poetas Brazileiros desde o descobri- mento do Brasil precedida de uma Introduc5ao Historica e Biographica sobra a Literatura Brazileira. 2 vols, half maroon morocco, uncut. 12° Eio de Janeiro, E. ^ H. Laemrmrt, 1843 * The Historical and bibliographical Introduction (pp. 7-45) tracing the literary history of Brazil from the year 1500 to 1800 is a curious and interestin? record. At the end of vol. 2, is bound an interesting catalogue of 64 pages, comprising the books published by E. & H. Laemmert, Eua da Quitanda 77 Eio de Ja- neiro. 1894 Sketch of the Internal Condition of the U. States of America and of their Political Eelations. By a Eussian. Uncut. 8° Baltimore, 1826 1895 Skinner (J. S.) Journal of Agriculture July 1847 to July 1 848. With Illustrations, cloth. 8° New York 1896 Slade (William) Vermont State Papers; a Collection of Records and Documents connected with the assumption and establishment of government by the People of Vermont, with the Journal of the Council of Safety, the First Constitution, ' &c. Sheep. 8° Middlehury, 1823 FRIDAY FORENOON. 1897 I^^IMPLE COBLER (The) of Aggawam in Ajiekica. Willing to help 'mend his Native Countrey, lamentably tattered, both in the upper- Leather, and sole, with all the honest stitches he can take. By Theodore de la Guard [Nathaniel Ward of Ipswich.] The Third Edition, with some Additions. 4° Printed by J. D. ^ R. I. for Stephen Bowtell, Land. 1647 There ivere five distinct editions, with considerahje alterations and additions, of this witty work issued in the year 1647, the first two without the edition being indicated, followed by the '2d, 3d and ■1th. This third edition, as far as the ex- perience of the writer goes, is the most difficult of the five to find. " No King can King it right. Nor rightly sway his Rod ; Who tvuelv loves "not Christ, And truly fears not God." — Page 73. " So farewell England old, If evill times ensue, Let good men come to us, ^yee'l welcome them to New." — Page 79. {^Specimen bricks.) 1898 SiJiPLE CoBLEE of Aggawam in America. Cloth. W Boston, 1843 1899 Slavery. An Essay on the Slaver}' and Commerce of the Human Species, particularly the African. With additions. Hcdf brown morocco, uncut. 8° Dublin, 1786 1900 Smith (C.) Classical Atlas containing Distinct Maps of the Countries described in Ancient History, both sacred and pro- fane. 4° London, 1809 1901 Smith (J.) Chronicon Rusticum Commerciale; or Memoirs of Wool, etc. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1747 1902 Smith (J.) Another Copy. ^ vols, calf. 8" London, 11 41 1903 SMITH (Captain John, sometymes Govemour of Virginia, and Admirall of New England) The Geneeall Histoeie op Virginia, New-England and the Summer Isles : with the names of the Adventurers, Planters, and Governours, from the first beginning, An° 1584 to this present 1 626. A fine large clean tall copy {measuring 11 by 7^ inches) with a brilliant impression of the beautiful title-page engraved by John Berrd, and the four maps, mounted on. the finest muslin ; bound in the best French gros grained red morocco, by Pratt, in every respect a desirable copy, with none of the usual defects, except a little restoration by 170 Bibliotheca Historica. Harris, hardly to he seen, in the centre of the title, and in the margins of the large Map of Virginia. Fol. Printed by I. D. & I. H. for Michael Sparlces, Lond. 1627 Of the three impressions of the large map of Virginia, first published in 1612, this is the second, and the right one for this edition, before Sparlces Point was put in. Of the nine editions of the map of New England, with the portrait of Ciipt. Smith this is the Uiird^ before the portrait was retouched, before Charles River was extended, and before Salem and Boston were put in. Very few copies of the editions of 162-1, 1626, and 1627 have all the right maps. The plate of the map of New England was much altered after 1627, and names of places added which were not given till 1628, 1630, or later. It is very important to have the right maps, corresponding to the date of the edition. 1904 Smith (M.) A Geographical View of tlie Province of Upper Canada, with a Description of Niagara Falls, and remarks relative to the situation of the inhabitants respecting the War. 12° For the Author, Hartford, 1813 1905 Smith (S. S.) Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Com- plexion and Figure in the Human Species. 2d edition. ^ 8° New Brunswick, 1810 1906 Smith (S. S.) An Essay on the causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species. Second Edition. Calf. 8° New Brunswick, 1810 1907 Smith ("William of Philadelphia) Discourses . . . during the War in America. Calf. 8° London, 1759 1908 Smith (W.) Discourses on Public Occasions in America. 2d edition. 8° London, 1762 1909 Smith (W.) Discourses on Public Occasions in America. With an Appendix. 2d edition. 8° London, 1762 1910 Smith (William) The History of the Province of New York. Half calf. 8° London, 171 & 1911 SMITHSONIAN Contributions to Knowledge. Vols I and III to VI. Illustrated with numerous engravings. 5 vols. 4° Washington, 1848-54 Vol. I. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. By Squier and Davis. Out of print and SCARCE. Vol. III. Observations on Terrestrial Magnetism by J. Locke, M. D. Mono- graph of the Fresh Water Cottoids of North America, by C. Girard. Nereis Boreal i-American a, by W. H. Harvey, M. D. Part I. Melanosperma;, Plantse Wrightiana; Texano-Neo-Mexican£e, by Asa Gray, M. D. Part L Occulta- tations visible in the United States, 1852, b}' John Downes. Vol. IV. Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language. Edited by Kev. S. R. Rigps. Vol. V. A Flora within Animals, by J. Leidy, M. D. Memoir on the Extinct Species of American Ox, by J. Leidy, M. D. Anatomy of the Nervous System of Eana Pipiens, by Jeffries Wyman, M. D. Nereis Boreali Americana, by W. H Harvey, M. D. Part II. Rhodospermse Plantse Wrightianse Texano- Neo-Mexicanse, by Asa Gray, M. D. Part II. Vol. VI. Plantse Freraontianse, by J. Torrey. Marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan, by W. Stirapson. Winds of the Northern Hemisphere, by J. H. Coffin. Ancient Fauna of Nebraska, by J. Leidy, M, D. 1912 Smyth (J. F. D.) A Tour in the United States of America. 2 vols, calf. 12° Dublin, 1784 1913 Smyth {Capt. William Henry) Life and Services of Capt. Philip Beaver, late of H. M. Ship Nisus. Half calf , uncut. 8° London, 1829 Bibliotheca Hiatorica. I?! 1914 Snellius ("Willebrordus) Descriptio Cometae, 1618. 4° Lug. Bat. 1619 1915 Snowden (Richard) History of North and South America, to the Death of Washington. Maps. 2 vols in 1. 12° Philadelphia, 1806 1916 SOCIETAS JESU. Litterae Apostolicae quibus Institutio, Confirniatio et varia Privilegia continentur. And many other works in 1 1 vols, half bound. Scarce and valuable. 8° Antuerpice, 1635 Besides the above title these eleven volumes contain many other books and tracts, printed separately, relating to the Jesuits, forming altogether a collection of great value. 1917 SoLAZzi (D. Juan Antonio) Avisos de Santa Maria Mag- dalina de Pazzis, a varias Religiosas, y Reglas de perfeccion, que ella recevi6 de Jesu-Christo. Dadas k luz en lengua Toscana por Don Juan Antonio Solazzi. Traducidas en Es- pana, por vn Religioso de la Compania de lesvs. Stained. 12° Mexico, 1721 1918 SoLiNUS. In Solini Polyhistorem Emendationes. Mart. Ant Delrio. Solini Vita per I. Camertem. Solini Polyhistor ; in uno vol. vellum. 4° Plantin, Antverpia, 1572 1919 SoLiNUS. Another copy, with Manuscript Index and Notes. Calf. 4° Antverpice, 1572 1920 SoLis (Don Antonio de) Historia de la Conqvista de Jlexico. Poblacion, y Progresses de la America Septen- trional. Vellum. Folio, Madrid, 1704 1921 SoLis (Ant. de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. 2 jjo^s. 8° Barcelona, 1771 1922 SoLis (Ant. de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. 2 i,oig_ 8° Barcelona, 1771 1923 Sons (Ant. de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. 3 vols, calfgiU. 12° Madrid, 1791 1924 SoLis (Ant. de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. 3 vols, half brown morocco, uncut. 12° Madrid, 1791 1925 SoLis (Ant. de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. 3 vols, paper. 12^ 3Iadrid, 1819 1926 SoLis (Ant. de) Histoire de la Conqugte du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne. Plates, calf 4° Pam, 1691 This first edition in French of De Solis is seldom met with. _ 1927 SoLis (Aut.de) Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique. 2 vols, plates, calf gilt, fine copy. 8° LaHaye, 1692 1928 Sons (Ant.de) Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique a 1 i) . „„if S" Pans, 1704 2 vols, plates, calf. , , ^ a. j tvt • 1929 SoLis (Ant. de) Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique. 4-= Edit. 2 vols, calf ^ ^ 8' Parts, 17 U 1930 SoLis (Ant. de) Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique. 5« Edit. 2 vols, map and plates, calf. » J^ans, l/rfU 1931 Solis (Ant. de) Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique 6° Edit. 2 vols, map and vlates, calf, » i^ans, noy 172 Bibliotheca Historica. 1932 SoLis (Ant. de) Histoire de la Coiiquete du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne par Fernand Cortez. 6° Edition. 2 vols, calf gilt. 8° Paris, 1777 1933 SoLis (Ant. de) Histoire de la Conqiiete du Mexique. 6° Edition. 2 vols, maps and plates, calf gilt. 8° Paris, 1774 1934 Sons (Ant. de) Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique, par Fernand Cortez. 6° Edition. 2 vols, calf. 8° Paris, 1774 1935 SoLis (Ant. de) The History of the Conquest of Mexico. 2 vols, calf. 8° Dublin, 1727 1936 SoLis (Ant. de) The History of the Conquest of Mexico. 2 vols, maps and plates, calf. 8° London, 1738 1937 Sons (Ant. de) History of the Conquest of Mexico. 2 vols, map and plates, calf. 8° London, 1738 1938 SOLORZANO PEREYRA (Juan de) Obras Varias. Fine copy. Scarce. Folio, Madrid, [1676] Dr. Soloezano, a member of the Council of the Indies, ivas a voluminous legal ■writer of distinction, in Spain. His great work was the Pniiiica Indiana in two volumes folio, but his various minor productions collected in this large volume, nearly all relate more or less to American affairs. 1939 SoMERS (Lord) The Judgment of whole Kingdoms and Nations concerning the Rights, Power, and Prerogative of Kings and the Rights of the People. 12th Edition, corrected. Half calf. 8" Solomon SoutJnvick, Newport, R. L 1774 1940 SoMMER (J. G.) Beschrijving der Nieuwe Staten van America. 2 vols, frontispiece, half brown morocco, uncut. 8° Amsterdam, 1828 1941 Sophocles. Tragoediae, cum omnibus Graecis Scholiis, et cum Latinis J. Camerarii. Calf. Folio, H. Stephani, 1568 1942 South Carolina. Reports of Judicial Decisions of the Constitutional Court of S. C. 1817, 1818. 2 vols, half calf 8° Charleston, 1819 1943 South Carolina. An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. [By Mr. Hewitt.] 2 vols, half maroon morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1779 1944 SouTHET (Robert) Lives of the British Admirals, with the Naval History of England. Vols 1, 2, and 5, and duplicate of vol 2. 4 vols, cloth. London, 1833-40 1945 SouzA (Pero Lopes de) Diario da Navega^ao da Armada que foi k terra do Brasil, en 1530, soba Capitaiiia-Mor de Martini Alfonso de Souza, escripto por sen irmao Pero Lopez de Souza. Publicado por Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen. Portrait, fine copy, uncut. 8° Lisbon, 1839 1946 Spafkoed (Horatio Gates) Gazetteer of the State of New York. 8° Albany, 1813 1947 Spain. Historia der Konigreich Hispanien, Portugal und Aphrica. Curious plate of a naval Engagement. Vellum. Folio, Munchen, 1589 Bihliotheca Historica. lys .1948 SpAm A proposal for humbling Spain [by robbing her of the West Indies.] 2d Edition. Half roan. ,„.„ „ ^ , . 9," London [1739] 1949 bPAiN. Papers relative to the rupture with Spain. In b rench and English [about the West Indies.] iqrcn f""^^'^'^'- ^. 9," London, m2 1J50 Spanhemius. Dissertationum Historici Argumenti Qua- , o .^^'■"'''- ^"V- 8° Lugd. Batav. 1 679 Ui>\ Spanish America. A concise History of, containing a succinct Relation of the Discovery and Settlement of its several 1 0=0°^®^' ®^*^" ^'"^ ""Py^ ""V- 8° London, 1741 1952 Spanish America. Outline of the Revolutions in Spanish America ; or, an Account of the Origin, Progress, and actual state of the War carried on between Spain and Spanish America. By a South American. Half green morocco. 12° New York, 1817 1953 Spanish America. Outline of the Revolution in Spanish America, etc. 12° New York, 1817 1954 Spofpord (J.) Gazetteer of Massachusetts. -''%'• 12° Newhuryport, 1828 1955 Sprague (William B.) Sermon on the Twenty-fifth An- niversary of his Installation at Albany. 8° Albany, 1854 1956 Speengel und Forster. JSTewe Beitrage zur balker und Landerkunde, 12 vols in 6. 8° Leipzigf.1790 1957 Spring (G.) Sermon, Preached in the North Church, Hartford, Dec. 1, 1824, at the Ordination and Installation of Rev. C. Wilcox. 8° Harford, 1825 1958 Stamp Act. A short history of the conduct of the pres- ent Ministry with regard to the American Stamp Act. Half roan, uncut. 8° London, 1766 1959 Stamp Act. Protest against the Bill to repeal the Ameri- can Stamp Act of Last Session. Half roan. 8° Paris, 1766 1960 Stark (Caleb) History of Dunbarton, N. H. from the Grant by Mason's Assigns 1751 to 1860. Cloth. 8° Concord, 1860 1961 Stark (Caleb) Memoir and Correspondence of Gen. John Stark; with Notices of several other Officers of the Rev- olution ; also a Biography of Capt. Phiuehas Stevens and Col. Robert Rogers. Cloth. 8° Concord, 1860 1962 State. The Present State of Great Britain and North America, xvi and 2(>3 pp. Half calf . ii" London, 17 %7 1963 State of the Protestants of Ireland, under the late King James's Government, in which Their Carriage towards him is Justified, etc. With Appendix. Calf. 4° London, 1691 1964 Stedman (C.) Histoht of the Origin, Progress, and Termination of the American War. 2 vok, maps, calf. 4° London, 1794 174< Billiotheca Hiatorica. 1965 Stedman (C.) History. Another copy. 2 vols, maps, half russia. 4° London, 1794 1966 STEDMAN (C.) The History or the origin, prog- ress, AND TERMINATION OF THE AMERICAN WaR. By C. Sted- man, who served under Sir William Howe, Sir H. Clinton, and the Marquis Cornwallis. A matchless copy, sized paper, pure and clean, perfect, Vt^CTJT edges, yi'ft tops; bound by F. Bedford in best gros grained green morocco, gilt backs ; with all the maps complete. The sizing and binding alone cost $35. Excessively rare in this condition. 4° J. Murray, For the Author, London, 1794 1967 Stedman (Capt. J. G.) Narrative op a Five Years' Expedition against the Eevolted Negroes op Suri- nam, from the Year 1772 to 1777, elucidating the History of that country, and describing its Productions, Natural History, etc. with an Account of the Indians of Guiana. 2 vols. Illustrated with 80 fine Engravings. Calf. 4° London, 1796 1968 Stedman (Capt. J. G.) Narrative of a five years' Ex- pedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam in Guiana, from 1772 to 1777, describing its Productions, Natural History. 2 vols, maps and plates, calf. 4° London, 1796 1969 STEEL'S Complete Marine Atlas. An extensive Col- lection of Charts, made from Observations and Surveys of the most experienced Navigators, both British and Foreign. 60 large folded charts, 2 vols, half calf. Published at £16 16«. Fine copy. Atlas Folio, London, 1812 Complete sets of these charts published under the authority of the Admiralty have become very rare. 1970 Steele (Sir E.) Epistolary Correspondence ; now first printed from the Originals, with Literary and Historical An- ecdotes by Nichols. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1787 1971 Stenography. An Improved System of Stenography : con- taining analogous abbreviations, adapted to the convenience of Instructors and Practitioners. 3d Edition, enlarged and im- proved. By Phinehas Baily. Stitched. 12° Poultney, (Vt,) Smith Sr Shute, 1822 1972 Stephen (J.) Speech in the House of Commons March 6, 1809, on Mr. Whitbread's Motion relative to the late Over- tures of the American Government. Half morocco. 8° London, 1809 1973 Stephens (William, First Secretary and Historian of the Colony of Georgia, and Keeper of its Black Book) The Castle- Builders ; or the History of William Stephens of the Isle of Wight, Esq. lately deceased. A Political Novel, never before published in any language. Scarce. Galf. S" For the Author, London, 1759 ; Stephens resided sixteen years in Georgia where he died. See No. 352 of this Catalogue. Bihliotheca Ilistorica. VJ5 1974 STEVENS (Henrt, rd,n57 9. State of the British and French Colonies in North America. London, 1755 10. Price. A discourse on the love of our Country'. ib. 1790 11. Priestley. Letter to Rt. Hon. W. Pitt. 2d edit. ib. 1787 12. Bealev. Observations on Mr. Owen's Sermon. Warrington, 1790 13. The Danger of repealing the Test Act. Lond. [1789] 14. Episcopal Opinions on the Test and Corporation Acts. ib. 1790 15. The Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compared. 2d edit. 2 parts. ib. 1749 16. A Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry, ib. 1744 17. Proceeding of a Court Martial . . upon Lord George Sackville. ib. 1760 18. Fownes. An Enquiry into the Principles of Toleration. 3d edit. Shrewd). 1790 19. The Evidence of the Resurrection cleared. Lond. 1744 20. The Nature of Patronage and the Duty of Patrons. ib. 1735 21. Waterland. Discourse of Fundamentals. Cambr. 1735 2094 Tracts. A Collection, in one volume. 8° 1764-70, viz: 1. Thoughts on the Origin and Nature of Government, occasioned by the late dispute between Great Britain and her American Colonies, written 1766. Lond. 1769 2. The Rights of the British Colonies asserted and proved. By James Otis. ib. n. d. 3. The Justice and Necessity of Taxing the American Colonies demonstrated. a. 1766 4. The Grievances of the American Colonies candidly examined. ib. 1766 6. The Objections to the Taxation of Our American Colonies by the Legisla- ture of Great Britain briefly considered. ib. 1765 6. Some Thoughts on the Method of improving and securing the advantages which accrue to Great Britain from the Northern Colonies, imperfect. ib. 1765 7. An Examination of the Rights of the Colonies. By a Gentleman of the Bar. ib. 1766 8. A Succinct View of the Origin of Our Colonies, with their Civil State. ib. 1766 9. The necessity of Repealing the American Stamp Act demonstrated. ib. 1766 10. Plain and Seasonable Address to the Freeholders of Great Britain on the Present Posture of Aflairs in America. ib. 1766 11. Considerations which may tend to promote the Settlement of our new West India Colonies. ib. 1764 12. Letters from a Farmer ia Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. ib. 1768 Bihliotheca Historica, 189 13. Observations on Several Acts of Parliament. Published by the Merchants of Boston. Lmd. 1770 14. The Regulations lately made Concerning the Colonies and the Taxes im- posed upon them. ib. 1765 Together, 14 important tracts in one volume, half morocco, lettered contents, from the library of the late Joseph Parkes. 2095 Tracts, 7 in one volume, half calf, 8" vis: : — 1. Candid and impartial narrative of the transactions of the Fleet under Lord Howe. land. 1779 2. Pulteney. Considerations on present state of Public Affairs. " 1779 3. Letter from Gen. Burgoyne to his Constituents. " 1779 4. Opposition mornings with Betty's Eemarks. " 1779 5. A Short history of the Administration during the Summer recess. " 1789 6. Eden. Four letters to the Earl of Carlisle. " 1779 7. Facts addressed to the Landholders, etc. of Gt. Britain. 2d edit. " [1779] 2096 Tkacts, 26 in 3 volumes, half calf . 8° viz: — 1. Price. Observations on Civil Liberty. 6th ed. J^nd. 1776 2. ■\VoUstonecraft. Vindication of the Rights of Man. 2d edit. " 1790 3. Thelwall. The Rights of Nature. 3d edit. " 1796 4. Morgan. An Appeal to the People of G. B. " 1796 5. Adair. Letter to C. J. Fox. 3d edit. " 1802 6. Dyer. Address . . on the doctrine of Libels. " 1799 7. Mackintosh. Discourse on the Law of Nature, etc. 3d edit. " 1800 8. Anti-Jacobin Review, Oct. 1798. " 1798 9. Curtis. Sequel to the Printed Paper. " 1792 10. Louvet. Narrative of Dangers. " 1795 11. Gieves. Life of. '• 1795 12. Fox. Speech, March 24, 1795. " 1795 13. Erskine. View of the . . War with France. 5th edit. " 1797 14. Boissy d'Anglas, Speech on policy of the French Republic. " 1795 16. Battle of Lodi. [Historical Picture.] " 1803 16. Wakefield. Reply to Bp. . . of Landaff. 2d edit. " 1798 17. Letter to the Ld. Mayor. " 1799 18. Observations on a pamphlet, —" Why do we go to War ? " " 1803 19. Home Tooke. Letter to the Times. " 1807 20. Trial of Joseph Gerrald. Edinb. [1794] 21. Holcroft. Narrative of facts relating to a prosecution for High Treason. Land. 1795 22. Holcroft. Letter to the Rt. Hon. W. Windham. " 1795 23. O'Connor. State of Ireland. «• P- 1798 24. Life of Rev. Jas. Coigly. " 1798 26. Fenwick. Observations on the Trial of Jas. Coigly. Land. 1798 26. Letter to William Pitt. " 1799 2097 Tracts. Facts and their Consequences, by the Earl of Stair, 1782. Origin and Narrative of the Marratta and Eohilla Wars in 1773 and 4^1781. Interest^ of Great Britain with regard to her American Colonies, with Appendix, by James Anderson, 1782. In 1 vol, half calf. 8° London 2098 Trade. A New Discourse of Trade. By Sir Josiah Child. 4th edition. Calf gilt. 8° iowrfow, [1690] 2098* Transactions of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Western Literary Institute and College of Professional Teachers, held at Cincinnati, Oct. 1835. Cloth. 8° Cincinnati, 1836 2099 Trkatt of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, between his Britannic Majesty and the United States of America. 2d edition. 8° Philadelphia, 1795 2100 Tregelles (S. P.) The Jansenists : Their Rise, Persecu- tions by the Jesuits, and Existing Kemnant. Half ij- 12° London, 1851 190 Bibliotheca Historica. 2101 Trewen (El. Constant) Fasti Roraanorum Liviani ; hoc est juxta Hisloriam et Calculum T. Livii Patavini. Calf. 4° Gedani, n. d. 2102 Trial of Thomas 0. Selfridge, for Killing Charles Austin, August 4, 1806. 8° Boston, [1806] 2103 Trial. By Special Commission. The Trial of Antichrist, otherwise the Man of Sin, for High Treason against the Son of God, Tried at the Sessions House of Truth, before the Rt. Hon. Divine Revelation, Lord Chief Justice, the Hon. Justice Reason, the Hon. Justice History, etc. Taken in short-hand by a Friend to St. Peter. First American edition. 12° Boston, 1810 2104 Trial of Jonathan Syntax, for the Murder of the King's English. 8° Scatter and Squabble, New York, 1835 2105 Trial of Prof. John Webster, for the Murder of Dr. Geo. Parkman in the Medical College, Nov. 23, 1849. 8° Boston, 1850 2105* Tkiomphe (Le) du Nouveau Monde; R^ponses Acade- miques, formant un nouveau Systeme de Confederation, fonde sur les besoins actuels des Nations Chretienns-commer5.antes, & adapte k leurs diverses formes de Gouvemement. Par I'Ami du Corps Social [Jean Brun.] 2 vols in 1, calf. 8° Paris, 1785 A very funny production, and one that even now some of the hide-bound polit- ical economists of the old world might study with profit. The aim and general scope of the author may be seen in his earnest replies to the three questions pro- posed in 1783 by the Academy of Lyons, namely, — 1. Has the Discovery of Amer- ica been an advantage or a disadvantage to the Human Family? If the results have been favorable, what means should be employed to secure and transmit them to our successors ? Or if they are bad what means ought to be adopted to remedy them ? These and similar questions, proposed to or by the Academies of Berlin, Be5an9on, Metz, Li^ge, Chalons, Angers, Manheim, Madrid, Arras, Bordeaux, Mentone and Toulouse, are all so discussed and handled by our Author, Jean Brun, as to render the answers a perfect Triumph to the New World. Indeed, from these learned answers one can see that the Americans, native and foreign, are indeed useful to the Human Family, if in fact they are not a part even of that family. 2106 Trotter (John Bernard) Memoirs of the latter years of Charles James Fox. Cloth. 8° London, 1811 From the library, with book-plate, of the late H. T. Buckle, who has written on the fly-leaf, "An ill work by a weak man. H. T. B." The author was private Secretary to Mr. Fox. 2107 Trumbull (Benjamin) A Discourse Delivered at the An- niversary Meeting of the Freemen of the Town of New- Haven, April 12, 1773. 8° New Haven, 1773 2108 Trumbull (CoZ. Jonathan) Memoir of. Portrait. 8° 1841 2109 Trumbull (John) M'Fingal : a Modern Epic Poem. First complete Edition. 12° Hudson Sp Goodwin, Hartford, 1782 2110 Trumbull (John) M'Fingall, a Modern Epic Poem. Fifth edition, with explanatory Notes. Half morocco. S" London, 1792 2111 Trumbull (John) M°Fingall, a Modern Epic Poem; with Notes. 18° Boston, 1799 Bibliotheca Historica. 191 2112 Trumbull (John) Poettcal Works, containing M'Fingal with Notes ; Progress of Dullness ; and a Collection of Poems on various Subjects. 2 vols in \, half nissia. 8° Hartford, 1820 2113 Truth Displayed : in a Series of Elementary Principles, by Benjamin Osborn. 626 p-p. oi 1 ^^^'^' ®° Rutland, Vt, hy Fay 8f Davidson, 1816 2114 TucKKR (John, of the First Church in Newbury) Remarks on a Sermon of Rev. Aaron Hutchinson, of Grafton, Valour for the Truth, preached at Newbury Port, April 23, 1767. Half roan, uncut. 8° T. Sf J. Fleet, Boston, [1767] 2115 Tucker (John) Two Discourses, occasioned by the Death of the Rev. Mr. John Lowell, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Newburyport. Delivered June 7th, 1766. Half mo- rocco, uncut. 8" Printed by Thos. Sf John Fleet, Boston, 1767 2116 Tucker (Josiah) Four Tracts, together with two Sermons [partly on American affairs.] Calf gilt. 8° Gloucester, 1774 2117 Tucker (Josiah) An Humble Address and Earnest Appeal, etc. Whether a connection with or separation from the Conti- nental Colonies of America be most to the National Advantage of these Kingdoms. Half roan. 8° Gloucester, 1775 2118 Tucker (Josiah) An Humble Address to Personages in Great Britain and Ireland. Connection with or Separation from the Colonies of America. Half roan. 8° Gloucester, 1775 2119 Tudor (H.) Narrative of a Tour in North America, com- prising Mexico ; with an Excursion to Cuba. 2 vols. Gloth. 8° London, 1834 2120 TuoMET (M.) First Biennial Report of the Geology of Ala- bama. 8° Tuscaloosa, 1850 2121 TuppER (Ferdinand Brock) Family Records, containing Memoirs of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, K. B., Lieut. C. W. Tupper, and Col. W. De Vic Tupper, etc. and Life of Te- Cum-Seh, etc. 2 plates, half brown morocco, uncut. 8° Guernsey, 1835 2122 Turell's (Mr.) Brief and Plain Exhortation to his People on the late Fast, Jan. 28, 1747-8, title mended. Half roan. 8° Rogers Sf Fowle, Boston, 1748 2123 TURKS. De thurcib destructio subuersionesq; ac euulsione libellus fatidicus mirabilisq; ac admirandus Sump- tus & excerptus ex quodti mirabili tractatu que quidam doctissimus viroru ac theologie doctor & edidit atq; compos- uit. 4° Gum mira arte per Johannem Froschouer in ciuitate Augv^te impress. 1498 With illuminated letters, heightened with gold, and with a miniature of the Infant Christ, colored and gilt. 2124 Turner (Sharon) History of the Anglo-Saxons, from their first Appearance above the Elbe, to the Death of Egbert. Map, half calf, uncut. 8° London, 1799 2125 TusTiN (Josiah P.) A [Historical] Discourse delivered at the Dedication of the New Church Edifice of the Baptist 192 Bibliotheca Hiatorica. Church and Society in Warren, R. I. May 8, 1845 [with an historical Appendix], 193/1/7. and The History of Warren, R. I. from the Earliest Times ; with particular notices of Massasoit and his Family. By G. M. Fessenden. 125 pp. 2 vols, in 1, cloth. 12° Providence, 1846 2126 Twiss (T.) The Oregon Question Examined, in respecJ to Facts and the Law of Nations. Map, cloth. 8° Land. 184( 2127 TWIST (JoHANNEM van) Beschrijving van Guseeatte, . . . anders genaemt den grooten Mogoll. Very fine copy, uncut, white vellum, hy Pratt. Scarce. 4° Hendrick Doncker, Amsterdam, 1647 This valuable work contains an account of the early voyages to India generally, and a full description of the kingdom of Guseratta in particular. 2128 Tyler (Royal, Chief Justice of Vermont) The Algerine Captive, or Adventures of Dr. Updike Underbill. 2 vols, in 1. 16° Hartford, 1816 2129 Igsa^giCHTERITZ. Kuetze Reise Hr. Heinrich von Uchteritz, Worinnen vermeldet, was er auf dersel- ben fur UnglUck und Gluck gehabt, sonderlichwie-, er gefangen nach West Indien gefuhret, zur Sclav- erey verkaufft, und aufF der Insel Barbados, etc. \_See Nug- gets, No. 2719.] Scarce. 4° Schleszwig, 1666 2130 Ulloa (Ant. de) Noticias Americanas : Entreteni- mientos Phisicos-Historicos sobre la America Meridional, y la Septentrional Oriental. Half blue morocco, uncut. 4° Madrid, 1772 2131 Ulloa (Ant. de and Geo. Juan) A Voyage to South America. 5th Edition. Maps and plans, 2 vols, half blue morocco. 8° London, 1807 2132 Ulloa {Don) Memoiees Philosophiques, Historiques Phy- siques, concernant la Decouverte de I'Amerique, ses anciens Habitans, etc. 2 vols, half calf . 8" Paris, 1787 2133 Ulloa (Don) Memoires Philosophiques, Historiques Phy- siques, concernant la Decouverte de I'Amerique, ses anciens Habitans, leurs Moeurs, Usages, etc. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1787 2134 Umfreville (Edward) The present state of Hudson's Bay, containing a description of the Fur Trade. Half morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1790 2135 United States of America. The Constitutions, etc. Calf. 8° Philadelphia, printed : London, reprinted, 1782 2135* United States. The Constitutions of the several Inde- pendent States of America, the Declaration of Independence, &c. &c. Portrait of Washington, calf. 8° London, 1783 2136 United States. A Collection of the Constitutions of the Thirteen United States. Ccdf. 8° Glasgow reprinted, 1783 2137 United States. Constitutions des treize ^iltats-Unis de I'Amerique. Half calf. 8° Philadelphia, [Paris^ 1783 Bibliothcca llistorica. 19^ 2138 United States. The Constitutions of the United States; the Declaration of Independence ; and the Federal Constitu- tion, with the Amendments tlieieto. This edition contains the Constitution of Vermont, not in any former one. Calf, fine copi/. 12" P/iiladclp/na,'Carey, Steicart ^ Co. 1791 2139 Unitid States. Return of the whole number of Persons within the United States, 1800. Scarce, half morocco, iincut. 8° Washington, 1802 2140 United States. Message from the President of the United States accompanying a Statement of Expenditures from the 1st of January, 1797, by the Quarter-Master General and the Navy Agents for the Contingencies of the Naval and Military Establishments, and the Navy Contracts. 23d December 1802 ordered to lie on the Table. Half calf, very RARE. Folio, Washington, 1803 2141 United States. The Constitutions, Declaration of Inde- pendence, etc. Calf 8° Philadelphia, 1806 2142 United States. Rules and Regulations of the Field Ex- ercise, etc. of Infantry, in 1814. Oalf 8° New York, 1815 2143 United States. Commercial Regulations of the Foreign Countries with which the United States have Commercial In- tercourse. Sheep. 8° Washington, 1S\9 2144 United States. History of, by a Citizen of Massachu- setts. 12° Keene, K H. 1823 2145 United States. A General Outline of the United States of North America, her Resources and Prospects. Haf red morocco. 8° Philadelphia, 1824 2146 United States. History of the United States from their first Settlement as Colonies to 1812. Half calf . 8° London, 1826 2147 United States. Abstract of the Fifth Census, 1832. Half morocco, uncut. 8° Washington, 1832 2148 United States. Fifth Census; or Enumeration of the Inhabitants of the United States, 1830. To which is prefixed a Schedule, etc. taken according to the Acts of 1790, 1800, 1810 1820. Folio, Washington, 1832 2149 United States. Sixth Census, or Enumeration of the In- habitants in 1840. Half sheep. Folio, Washington, 1841 2150 United States. Sixth Census, another c^py^ Folio, Washington, 1841 2151 UNITED STATES. Official Register 1822, 1830, 1832, 1833, 1835, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1843. 9 voh. 8° Washington. 2152 United States. The same for 1832, 1833, 1839, 1841. 4 "vols 2153 United States Official Register. 8° Washington, 18m 2154 United States Bonds and Securities; by Belding, Keith, & Co. Cloth. 8° ^"'"^'"'^ ^^^^ 13 19 i Bibliotheca Historica. 2155 UNITED STATES (the) Magazine: A Repository of History, Politics and Literature. For the Year 1779. Vol I. {All published ?) Fine clean copy, uncut, half red morocco. 8° Francis Bailey, Philadelphia, 1779 2156 Upham (C. W.) Lectures on Witchcraft, comprising a History of the Delusion in Salem in 1692. Cloth. First Edition. 12° Boston, 1831 2157 Upham (T. C.) American Sketches' Boards, uncut. 12° New York, 1819 2157* Upper Canada. A Short Topographical Description of his Majesty's Province of Upper Canada. To which is an- nexed a Provincial Gazetteer. Half blue morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1799 2158 URLSPER6ER (Samuel) Ausfuhrliche Nachricht von den Saltzburgischen Eniigranten, die sich in America niedergelassen haben, \_wiih thel Continuations 1 to 5. 2 vols, vellum. 4° Halle, 1735-40 Volume I. has a fine impression of tlie rare portrait of Tomo Chachi Mice, or King of Yamacrau, engraved by John Jacob Kleinschmidt, from a painting by C. Verelst. 2159 USSELINX (Willem) Naeder Bedenckingen, over DE zee-vaerdt, Coophandel ende Neeringhe, als mede de versekeringhe vanden Staet deser vereenichde Landen, inde teghenwoordighe Vrede-handelinghe met den Coninck van Spangnien ende de Aerts-hertoghen. Excessively kaee. 4° Ghedruckt in het Jaerons Heeron, 1608 This is one of the earliest and most important publications of Wm. TJsselinx, that clear-headed, far-seeing political economist, to -whom Holland is perhaps more indebted than to any other one man, for her rapid growth and prosperity, between 1600 and 1635, through the encouragement of her East and West India Trade. 2160 USSELINCX (Willem) Vertoogh, hoe nootwendich, nut ende profijtlick het sy voor de vereenighde Nederlanden te behouden de Vryheyt van te handelen op West-Indien, In- den vrede metten Coninck van Spaignen. [An Essay show- ing how necessary and profitable it is for the United Nether- lands to preserve freedom of trade to the West Indies, in the peace with the K' of Spain.] 4° \_Amst. 1608] For an account of the rarity, historical importance, and intrinsic value of the writings of Usselincx, see Asher's Bibliographical Essay, pp. 73-97, No. 99 of this Catalogue. 2179 [^^^ADiANUS (Joachimus) Epitome trivm Terrs Par- tivm, Asiae, Africae et Europas compendiariam lo- corum descriptionem Continens, etc. Very fine large clean copy, calf. 8° Tigvri, apud Ch. Froschouerum, 1534 The general opinion among the German Geographers of this date was that what- ever parts of the world did not properly pertain to Europe and Africa somehow belonged to Asia. Up to 1533, Vadian, Schoner, Fine, and many others placed the discoveries of Cortes, and all before him, in Asia. This book, therefore, be- comes important to the student of American History, not so much to trace out actual geographical information, as to see how befogged the learned were even twenty years after Columbus was in his grave. Bihliotheca Historica. 19<5 2180 VAENUS (Otho) Amorvm Emblemata, figvris aeneis incisa stvdio Othonis ViEiii Batavo-Luddunensis. Oblong 8° Antverpice, Venalia apud Auctorem, 1608 Contains 124 Copperplnte Emblems, illiistrntive of the freaksand fancies of Mas- ter Dan CupiJ, with descriptive letter-piess in Latin, Dutch, and French. 2181 Vaillant (J.) Scripture compared with itself in proof of the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity. 8° London, 1819 2182 Valle (Juan N. del) El Viagero en Mexico 6 sea capital de la Eepublica encerrada en un libro. Plates and large map of the City of Mexico. Balf calf. 12° Mexico, 1869 2183 VALLETTE (Elie) The Deputy Commissary's Guide with- in the Province of Maryland. Calf. 8° Annapolis, 1765 Very rare. The title-page of the present copy is mutilated, the lower outer corner being torn off. 218-4 VALVERDE (Don Antonio Sanchez) Idea del Valor de la Isla Espanola, y utilidades, que de ella puede sacar su Mon- arquia. 4° Madrid, 1785 Valverde (A. S.) La America vindicada de la calumnia de haber sido Madre del Mai Venerio : Por el autor de la Idea del Valor de la Isla Espanola. 2 vols in 1. Pine copies. Vellum. 4° Madrid, 1785 In this latter book many authors are quoted with early references to America, most of whose books are referred to by no writer on American bibliography. 2185 Valverde (D. Antonio Sanchez) Idea del Valor dela Isla Espanola and La America Vindicada. 2 vols in 1. Another copy, vellum. 4° Madrid, 1785 2186 Vandek Linden (J. A.) De Scriptis Medicis Libri Duo. 8° Amstelaed. 1662 2187 Van Schaack (Henry C.) The Life of Peter Van Schaack, embracing selections from his Correspondence during the Rev- olution, and his Exile in England. Portrait. Cloth. 8° New York, 1842 2188 Vaux (Roberts) Memoirs of the Life of Anthony Benezet. Balf green morocco, gilt. 12° York, 1817 2189 Vargas (D. Ignacio) Elogio Historico de Maria Santissima de Guadelupe de Mexico. En tercetos endecasilabos. Con notas instructivas y curiosas de lo escrito de la Maravillosa Aparicion y Milagros obrados hasta el dia en beneficio del Reyno. 26 pp. with 2 prelim, and 2 sequent leaves, uncut. 4:" Mexico, 17 9i 2190 Vargas (D. Ignacio) Elogio Historico, etc. Another edition. Corregido y anadido por el mismo. 2 prelim, leaves, and 28 pages. ■*" Mexico, 1798 This production consists of a poem of 10 pages in honor of Our Lady of Guada- lupe, preceded by a finely engraved copperplate representation of the vision, followed by IG or 18 pages of valuable historical notes. The edition of 1798 contains considerably more than that of 1794. 2191 VASQUEZ (Gabriel) Commentariorum ac Disputati- ONUM in S. Thomam, etc. 8 vols in 4. Very fine copy, of the HIGHEST RARITT. Folio, Lugdvni, 1 631 With the exceedingly beautiful frontispiece representing the Veil of the Temple 196 Bibllotheca Historica. tliroiigli the rent of which the reader is invited to a glimpse of tlie learned and wonderful contents of this boolc. The usual price in London is £20. 2191* Vechnerus (D.) Hellenolexia, sive Parallelismus Graeco- Latinus. Vellum. 8° Lipsice, 1680 2192 VEGA (EI Ynca Garcilasso de la) Prima Parte de los Coniinentarios Reales que tratan del origen de los Yncas, Reyes que fueron del Peru, etc. Secunda Impresion, emen- dada ; y afiadida la Vida de Inti Cusi Titu Jupanqui, penultimo Inca. Fine copy. Folio, Madrid, Officina Real, 1723 "With (he above are the following works, viz: PIiSTORiA general del Peru, trata el descubrimiento de el, y como lo ganaron los Espaiioles. Folio, Madrid, 1722 La Florida del Inca. Historia del Adelantado Hernando de Soto, governador y Capitan General del reino de la Florida. Y de otros heroicos cab.alleros Espa- iioles e Indios. Foiio, Madrid, 1723 Caedena (Gabriel, i. e. Antohio Gonzales Bakcia) Ensayo Clironologico para la historia general de la Florida. Contiene los descubrimientos y principales sucesos, acaecidos en esta Gran Reino, a los Espaiioles, Franceses, Suecos, Dina- marqueses, Ingleses, y otras naciones entre si y con los Indios, etc. Y los Viages de algunos Capitanes, y pilotos para el mar de el Norte, a buscar Paso a Oriente, 6 union de aquella tierra, con Asia, desde el aiio de 1512, que descubrio la Flor- ida, .Juan Ponce de Leon, hasta el aiio de 1722. Folio, Madrid, 1723 TiKjetlur 4 volumes, folio, bound in 2, in calf, good copy. Complete sets of these works from the editorship and revision of Barcia have become scarce. 2192* Vega {Tnca Garcilasso de la) Histoire des Yncas Roys du Perou ; contenant leur origine, depuis le premier Ynca Manco Capac, etc. Traduite par J. Baudoin. 2 vols, maps and plates, fine copy, calf. 8° Amst. 1704 2193 VEGA {Don Pedro de la) La Rosa de Alexandria, entre flores de humanas, y divinas letras, Sta. Catalina Virgen regia, virtudes de sv vida, trivnfos de sv Mverte. Dedicala la Pa- rochia de sv titvlo de esta Ciudad de Mexico, el Dr. Alonso Alberto de Velasco, Avogado de la Real Audiencia de esta Nueva Espana, y el Doct. Antonio de la Torre, al Capitan Don Christoval de la Mota Ossorio, etc. Fine copy, calf gilt. 4° Sevilla, [1727] This work though printed in Spain is essentially Mexican, being intended, no doubt, for the Mexican market. The author, the editors, and the dedicatee are all Mexicans, as appear by the several official papers in the prologomena. 2194 VELASCO {El Dr. Z). Alfonso Alberto de) Exaltacion de la divina Miseracordia en la milagrosa renovacion de la Soberana Iraagen de Christo Senor Nuestro Crucificado, que se venera en la Iglesia del Convento de Seiior San Joseph de Religiosas Carmelitas Descalzas de la Antigua Fundacion de esta Ciudad de Mexico. Vellum. 4° Mexico, 1790 Important and interesting for the Ecclesiastical History of Mexico. 2195 Velasquez db Cardenas (Carlos Caledonio) Breve Practica, y Regimen del Confessionario de Indios, en Mexicano y Castellano para Instruccion del Confessor princi- piante. &c. Sheep. 16° Mexico, 1761 2196 VENEGAS (Miguel) Noticia e la California. Maps, 3 vols, fine copy, vellum. 4» Madrid, 1767 Bihliotheca Ilistorica. 197 2197 Venegas (Miguel) A Natural and Civil History of Cali- fornia. 2 vols, calf, gilt, fine copy. 8° London, 1759 2198 Venegas (Miguel) A Natural and Civil History of Cali- fornia. 2 roh, red calf, fine copy. 8° London, 1759 2199 Venegas (Miguel) History of California. Map and Plates. -2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1759 2200 Venegas (Miguel) Natural and Civil History of California. Translated from the Spanish. Maps and Plates. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1759 2201 Venegas (Miguel) Natuurlyke en Burgerlyke Historie van California. Map and Engraving. ■ 2 vols, half calf, uncut. 8° Haarlem, 1761 2202 Venegas (Miguel) Natuurlyke en Burgerlyke Historie van California. 2 vols, maps and plates, calf, fine copy. 8° Amsterdam, 1777 2203 VESPUCCI (Alberico) Newe vnbekanthe landte UND EIN NEWE WELDTE IN KURTZ VERGANGER ZBYTHE ERFUN- DEN. \^At end'2 Also hat ein endte dieses Buchlein welches auss vi'ellischer sprach in die dewtschen gebracht vnd gemachte ist worden, duroh den wirdige vnd hochgelarthen herre Jobsten Ruci-iamer. Vnd durch niich Georgen Stuchs- sen zu Nilreinhergh, Gedriickie der 20° tage des Monadts Septem- bris, 1508. Folio. Fine large copy, measuring llj by 7| inclies, in half ruBsia binding, with many rough leaves. Small holes by a worm and a nail (easily mended) slightly dis- tigure the volume, but not so as to obscure the text. Will make a splendid copy when cleaned, sized, and bound. This, one of the earliest and most im- portant books relating to the Great Discoveries of the East and West, is a trans- lation of the Paesi novamente retrmaii of 1607, and, like that book (which has latelv sold as high as £lb), contains the voyages of Cadamosto, 1454-55, of de Cintra in 1462, of Vasco da Gama, 1497-1500, of Cabral in 1500-1501, of Colum- bus, 1492-1498, of Alonso Negro and the Penzons, of Vespucci, third voyage, 1501-1502, of Cortereal, 1500-1501, etc. 2204 Vespucci (Alberico) Americus Vespucci, eines florenzis- chen Edelmannes, Leben, und nachgelassene Briefe, worinnen- dessen Entdeckungen der newen "Welt und die Merkwurdig- keiten seiner Reisen historich und geogrnphisch beschrieben werden. Aus dem Italienischen des Herrn Abts Angelus Maria Bandini iibersetzet, und mit Anmerkungen erliiu- tert. Portraits of Vespucci and Dante. 8° Hamburg, 1748 This German edition of Bandini is much rarer than the original Italian, and is particularly valuable for new views expressed by the German editor. The able article on Vespucci in the North American Review, by Caleb Gushing, in 18—, was based on this translation, he then not being able to procure the original. 2205 Vespucci (Amerigo) Elogio d'Amerigo Vespucci che ha riportato il premio dalla nobile Accademia Etrusca di Cortona Nel di 15. Ottobre dell' anno 1788. Con una dissertazione giustificativa di questa celebre Navigatorfe del P. Stanislao Canovai delle Scuole Pie pubblico Professore di Fisica- Mathematica. Terza Edizione Con illustrazioni ed Aggiunte, e 198 Bibliotheca Hisiorica. con una Seconda Dissertazione sulla Vicende delle Longi- tudini Geografiche. Fine copy, uncut, half morocco. 4° Firenze, 1790 2206 Vespucci (Amerigo) Elogio di, con una Dissertazione Giustificativa di qiiesto celebre Navigatore del P. Stan. Cano- TAi. Boards. Quarza Edizione. 4° Firenze, 1798 2207 Vermont. A List of Arrearages of Taxes, due from the several Towns in the State of Vermont, Sept. 15, 1795. Un- cut, clean copy. Scarce ; 200 copies only printed. [1795] 4° Western District : Vt, Rutland : for the use of the Members. 2208 Vermont. Descriptive Sketch of the Present State of Vermont. By John A. Graham. Portrait. Calf. 8° London, 1797 2209 Vermont. Official Papers ; Containing the Governor's [Isaac Tichenor] Speech to the Legislature of Vermont ; their Answer, with the Proposed Amendment ; and the Protest of the Minority on the Acceptance of the Answer, by the House. Uncut. 8° Montpelier, hy Samuel Goss, 1808 These important papers relate chiefly to the Embargo. 2210 Vermont. Natural and Civil History of Vermont, by Sam- uel Williams. Second Edition. 2 vols. ( Wanting the map.) 8° Burlington, Vt, 1809 2211 Vermont. Committee's Report, on the Vermont State Bank. 8° Montpelier, 1812 2212 Vermont. H. C. Denison's Resolutions calling on the Governor for copies of any Correspondence he may have had with Military Officers, relative to detaching the Militia; &c. Half calf. 9," Montpelier, Walton and Goss, lili This important tract has now become very rare. The correspondence reflects the highest credit upon the Green Mountain Boys, who flocked over to Platts- burg, and joined the small force under the Command of Genieral Macomb. The British fleet soon struclc to the gallant Macdonough, and the " Noble Lads of Canada" soon changed their song to — " We are too far from Canada, run for life, boys, run." 2213 Vermont. History of the State of Vermont, from its Dis- covery and Settlement to the Year 1830. By N. Hoskins. 12° Vergennes, 1831 2214 Vermont State Papers, from 1779 to 1786 inclusive : with the Proceedings of the First and Second Councils of Censors. Edited by William Slade. 8° Middlebury, 1823 2215 Vermont. History of the State of Vermont from its ear- liest settlement to the close of the year 1832. By Zadok Thompson. 12" Burlington, 1833 2216 Vermont. The same, 3 copies. 12° 1833 2217 Vermont. Journal of the Council of Censors, held at Montpelier June and Oct. 1841, and at Burlington in 1842. 8° Burlington, 1842 2218 Vermont. The Revised Statutes of the State of Vermont passed Nov. 1839. To which are added several Public Acts Bibliotheca Historica. 199 now in force, and to which are prefixed the Constitutions of the U. S. and Vt. Oalf. 8» Burlington, 1840 2219 Vermont Quarterly Gazetteer ; a historical Magazine, a Digest of the history of each Town. Edited hy Abby Maria Hemmenway. Nos. 1 to 6. 8° Ludlow, Vt, July, 1860, to Aug. 1863 2220 Vermont Quarterly Gazetteer. Another copy. Nos. 1-3, 5 and 6. 5 Nos. 8° 1860-63 2221 ViCARio (El) de Wakefield, Novella escrita en Ingles por Oliverio Goldsmith. Half morocco. B," Mexico, l^b2 In the same volume is the following : — El Amor de Una Nina. Novela Original de T. A. Garcia de Quevido. 8» Mexico, 1852 2222 VIDA de la Extatica Viuda, y humilde Princesa Santa Brigitta (vulgo Brigida) de Suecia, Fundadora del Orden del Salvador. Su Autor : EI Lie. D. Josef Antonio de Tra- vesedo y Peredo, Presbytero, etc. Anadese al fin un compen- dio de la Vida de la Venerable Dofia Marina de Escobar, Fundadora de esta Religion mitigada en Espana. Por el mismo Autor. Vellum, very rare. 4° Pamplona, 1783 2223 View of the Constitution of the British Colonies in North America and the West Indies at the time the Civil War broke out on the Continent of America. By Anthony Stokes. Half brown morocco, gilt, uncut. 8° London, 1783 2224 View of the Constitution of the British Colonies at the Time the Civil War broke out on the Continent of America. By A. Stokes. Half brown morocco, uncut, 8° London, 1783' 2225 ViGNOLES (Charles) Observations upon the Floridas. Half crimson morocco, uncut. 8° New York, 1823 2226 ViGNOLES (Charles) Observations on the Floridas. Half green morocco. 8° N. York, 1823 2226* ViGNOLES (Charles) Observations upon the Floridas. Half green morocco, uncut. 8° N. York, 1823 2227 ViLAPLANA (P. Fr. Hermenegildo, del Colegio de la Santa Oruzde Queretaro) Historioo, y Sagrado Novenario de la Milagroso Imagen, del Pueblito, de la Santa Provincia de Religiosos Observantes de San Pedro y San Pablo de Micho- ACAN. 16 prel. leaves, and 192 pp. fne copy, vellum. 8° Mexico, en la Imprehta de la 'Bibliotheca Mexicana, 1765 2228 VILLAGRA (Gasparde) Historia de la Nveva . Mexico. Vellum. Excessively scarce. Sm. 8° Alcala, l&ld 2229 Villalpand^us (G. C.) Apologia Indictionis Concilii Tridentini adversus J. F. Montanum. Boards. 4=° Ingohtadii, 1563 2230 VILLEGAS (Alonso de) Libeo de la Vida y Mila- gros de N. S. lesu Christo en dos Lenguas, Atmara y Ro- mance, traducido de el que recopilo el Licenciado Alonso de Villegas, quitadas, y anadidas algunas cosas, y acomodado a la ^00 Bibliotheca Ilistorica. capacidad de los Indios. Por el Padre Lvdovico Bertonio. 4° Impreso en el Pueblo de Jiili, de la Provincia de Ghucuyto, con la empreta de Francisco del Canto, 1612 An Excessively rare book in the Aymaea, or one of the great languages of Peru. A perfect copy, comprises 8 prelim, and 3 sequent leaves, with 666 pp. of text. This copy unfortunately wants '23 leaves, viz. all before p. 9 (A5) also pp. 11 to 22, 29-30, 659-660, and the sequent leaves. 2231 VILLEGAS (D. Francisco de Quhvedo) Poesias, que public6 D. Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, Cavallero del Or- den de Santiago, Seiior de la Torre de Juan Abad, con el nombre del Bacheller Francisco de la Torre. Anadese en esta Secunda edicion un Discurso, en que se descubre ser el verdadero Autor el mismo Don Francisco de Quevedo : Por Don Luis Joseph Vilazquez, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago, de la Academia Real de la Historia. Fine copy, vellum. 4° Madrid, 1753 2232 VIMONT (P. Barthelemt) Relation de ce qvi s'est PASsi EN LA NovvELLE France cu I'annee 1640 [with an extra chapter (13th) in continuation, by Paul Le Jeune.] Relation de ce qvi s'est passe dans le pays des Hvrons Pays de la Novvelle France [Par Hierosme Lalemant] Juin 1639-Juin 1640. 2 vols in \, excessively scarce. Fine copy in vellum. 8° S. Gramoisy, Pan's, 1641 Fer others of these Relations see Nos. 1120-and 1121 of this Catalogue. 2233 Vindication of the Result of the late Council at Ipswich ; by all the Members of the Council. 8° Newhuryport, 1805 2234 ^^RGINIA. Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, as represented by Themselves ; with a Vindication of the said Representation. Half morocco. 8° London, 1733 2235 VIRGINIA. The Case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia, as represented by themselves. Half morocco. 8° J. Roberts, London, 1733 223G Virginia. Abridgement of all the Public Acts of the Assembly of Virginia. By John Mercer. Half calf, uncut. 8° Glasgow, 1759 2237 VIRGINIA. Journal op the House of Burgesses from 10 Feb. to 11th April 1772. Fine copy, of the high- est RARITY AND HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE. FoUo, WilUamS- burgh: Printed by William Rind, Printer to the Colony, 1772 2238 Virginia. Proceedings and Debates of the Virginia State Convention of 1829-30 ; to which are subjoined the New Constitution of Virginia and the Votes of the People. Pol- ished calf. Royal 8° Richmond, 1830 2239 Virginia. List of Non-Coramissioned Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia State Line, and Non- Com missioned Officers, Seamen and Marines of the State Navy. Uncut. 4° Richmond, 1835 Bibliotheca Historica. 201 2240 Virginia. Report of the Revisers of the Code of Virginia, made to the General Assembly Dec. 1847. 8° Bichmond, 1848 — Report of the Revisors, etc. made Jan. 1849 — Report of the Revisors, etc. made in July 1849, being their final Report, and relating to the Criminal Code. Riehnond, 1849 — Amendments made by the Joint Committee of Revision, etc. Together 4 vols, seived, excessively rare. 8" Richmond, 1848-50 2241 Virginia Military Institute, Regulations of Half roan. 12° Richmond, 1854 2242 ViRGii.ics. Opera Omnia, Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis, Civis et Culex : cum Commentario F. Taubmanni, edento C. Taubmanno. Calf. A" Apud C. Schvrervm, 1618 2243 VivES (Juan Luis) Dialogos de J. L. Vives, traducidos en Lengua Castellana por el Dr. Cristobal Coret y Peris. Calf. !&" Mexico, 1827 2244 VocABULART. Nuevo Vocabulario Filosofico Deniocratico. Indispensable para todos los que deseen entender la Nueva Lengua Revolucionaria. 2 vols in 1. Calf. 12° Mexico, 1834 The diy sarcasm of this book is something delightful, wlien applied to the Mexicans just after their great struggles for independence. These are some of the new words taught and explained to the new-fledged Repub- licans just emerged from the ignorance and barbarism of the Old Empire into the broad light of the Revolution: Aristocracy, Citizen, Constitution, Democracy, popular elections, emigration, education, farmer, frugality, governor, honor, humanity, Jacobin, liberty, law, literature, public opinion, pacto social, patria, patriot, politics, republic, religion, reason, rents, sans- culottes, truth, virtue, etc. all explained in a Pickwickian or Noviomagian manner. 2245 Voltaire. Letter to several of his Friends. Translated by Rev. Dr. Francklin. 12° DuWin, 1770 2246 VOS (Jan) Aran en Titus, of Wraak en Weerwraak ; Den vijfden Druk. S'ine copy, with copperplate frontispiece, vellum. 4° Jacob Lescaille, Amsterdam, 1656 A VEKY KAEE Plaj', based upon Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus. The first edition was printed in 1641. 2247 Vossius (J.) De Septuaginta Interpretibus, eorumque Tralatione et Chronologia Dissertationes. Calf. 4° Bag. Comitum, 1661 2248 Voyages. Recueil de divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en I'Amerique. Calf 4° Pans, 1 674 2249 VOYAGES. Recueil de divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en I'Amerique, qui n'ont point este encore publiez ; Con- tenant I'Origine, les Moeurs, les Coutumes & les Commerce des Habitans de ces deux Parties du Monde. Maps and plates. Calf 4° Paris, 1684 The volume contains a translation of Ligon's History of Barbadoes with the map laying down the estates and names of the different planters; also, De la Horde's Account of the Manners and Customs of the Caribs, an Account of Guiana and what can be done there (anonymous), the Description of Jamaica with the Ob- servations of Governor Thomas, Account of the Island of Barbadoes (anony- mous), and a Description of St. Christopher's (anonymous). 202 Bibliotheca Historica. M50 Voyages. A Collection of Voyages undertaken by the Dutch East-India Company, to find out the North-East Pas- sage, etc. Maps, calf. Scarce and valuable. 8° London, 1703 2251 Voyage. A new Voyage to the North: Containing a full Account of Norway, etc. Galf. 8° London, 1706 2252 Voyage. Relation du Voyage de la Mer du Sud aux Cotes de Chili, etc. par M. de Fresier. Plates. 2 vols in 1, calf. 8° Amst. 1717 2253 VOYAGES. Recueil des Voiages qui ont servi k I'etab- lissement, &c. aux progres de la Compagnie des Indes Orien- tales, form(^e dans la Provinces-Unies des Pais-Bas. Seconde Edition, reveu6, & augment^e. Maps and plates. 5 vols. 8° Amsterdam, 1725 The Dedication is signed De Constantin. The 1st volume contains a brief history of the rise and progress of the East-India Company. 2254 Voyage de la Baye de Hudson. Fait en 1746-7. Par H. Ellis. Map and plates, 2 vols, calf. 8° Paris, 1749 2255 Voyage Historique de TAmerique Meridionale. Par M. Juan et M. Ulloa. Maps and plates, 2 vols, calf, gilt. Very fine copy. 4° Amsterdam et Leipzig, 1752 2256 Voyage d'un Philosophe [M. Poivre] ou Observations sur les moeurs & les arts des peuples de I'Afrique, de I'Asie et de I'Amerique. Calf. 8° Tverdon, 1768 2257 Voyageur Americain, ou Observations sur I'Etat, la Cuture, la Commerce des Colonies Britanniques en Amerique. Traduit et augmente par M. J. M. Boards. 8" Amsterdam, 1782 2258 Voyageur Americain, ou Observations sur les Colonies Britanniques en Amerique. Map, calf. 8° Amsterdam, 1783 2259 Voyage to South America, describing at large the Spanish Cities, Towns, Provinces, etc. on that extensive Continent. By Juan and Ulloa. Translated with Notes, etc. by J. Adams. Maps and plates. 2 vols, half blue morocco, fine uncut copy. 8° London, 1807 2260 VRIES (Simon de) Cdrieuse Aenmerckingen der bysonderste Oost en West-Indische berwonderens-waerdige- Dingen ; Nevens die van China, Africa en andere Gewesten des Werelds. Maps and numerous plates. 4 vols, calf. 4° Utrecht, 1682 2261 l^'^^iJADDINGTON (John) John Penry, the Pilgrim Martyr, 1559-1593. Frontispiece, cloth. 12° London, 1854 2262 Wafer (Lionel) New Voyage, and Description of the Isthmus of America, giving an Account of the Author's Abode there, the Indian Inhabitants, etc. Map and plates, calf. 8° London, 1699 Bibliotheca Historica. 20S .2263 Wafer (Lionel) New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America, giving an Account of the Author's Abode there, etc. Plates, calf. H" London, 170 i 2264 Wafer (Lionel) Les Voyages, contenant une Description de risthme de I'Amerique et de toute la Nouvelle Espagne. Traduits par M. de Montirat. Map. 8° Paris, 1706 2265 Wakefield. Correspondence of, with the Right Hon. Charles James Fox, 1796-1801. Half calf. 8" London, 18\ 3 2266 Walker (J.) Ehetorical Grammar. First American Edition. Boards, uncut. 8° Boston, 1814 2267 Walsh (Robert) Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain, respecting the United States of America. 8" Philadelphia, 1819 2268 Walsh (Vicomte) Lettres Vendeennes. 2 vols, calf, gilt. 12° Paris, 1829 2269 WALTER (Nehemiah, of Roxhury) A Discourse con- cerning the Wonderfulness of Christ. Delivered in several Sermons. [With an Introduction by Increase Mather.] Wants pp. 83-94. Boston, B. Green, for Eleazer Phillips, 1713 2270 'Walter (Rev. Nehemiah, Pastor of the First Church in Roxhury) Discourses on the whole LVth Chapter of Isaiah, preparatory to Communion at the Lord's Table. To which is added the Author's last Sermon. Calf. 8° Printed by D. Fowle, in Ann Street, Boston, K E. 1755 2271 Walter (R.) Voyage round the World, 1740-4, under Commodore George Anson, compiled from his Papers and Materials, by R. Walter. Sixth Edition. Half calf. 8° London, 1749 2272 Wansey (Henry) An Excursion to the United States of North America, in the Summer of 1794. 2d Edition. Por- trait of Washington, calf. 12° Salisbury, 1798 2273 Wanset (Henry) An Excursion to the United States of North America in 1794. 2d Edit. Portrait of Washington, calf. 12° Salisbury, 1798 2274 War. A Complete History of the late War, to the Peace, 1763. 2 vols, calf, gilt, fine copy. 8° London, 1764 2275 War of 1812. Exposition of the Causes and Character of the late War between the U. States and Great Britain. [At- tributed to Mr. Secretary Dallas.] Uncut. 8° Mddlebury, 1815 2276 War in Disguise, or the Frauds of Neutral Flags. Boards. 8° London, 1806 2277 Ward (J.) Dissertations upon several Passages of the Sacred Scriptures. Calf. 8° London, 1761 2278 Ward (Edward) The London-Spy. Complete in Eighteen Parts. The third edition. 2 vols, calf. 8° London, 1706 This Compilation contains Ned Ward's famous Voyage to New England, and description and character of Boston about 1690. 201 Bihliotheca Historica. 2279 "VYakden (D. B.) Description Statistique, Historique et Politique des Etats-Unis, des premiers Etablisseraens jusqu'a nos jours. Maps. 5 vols, half maroon morocco, uncut, fine copy. 8° Paris, 1820 2280 Warden (D. B.) Statistical, Political, and Historical Ac- count of the United States of N. America, from the Period of their first Colonization to the present Day. Map. 3 vols, half crimson morocco, uncut. 8° Edinburgh, 1819 2281 Warden (D. B.) A Statistical, Political, and Historical Ac- count of the United States. Map. 3 vols; fine copy, half maroon morocco, uncut. 8° Edinburgh, 1819 2282 Ware (Henry, Pastor, First Church in Hingham) Sermon on the Death of George Washington, Supreme Commander of the American Forces during the Revolutionary War, &c. died Dec. 14, 1799, delivered at Hingham, Jan. 6, 1800. Uncut, sized paper, vellum, hy Pratt. 8° S. Hall, Boston, 1800 2283 Warren (John) An Eulogy on the Hon. Thomas Russell, late President of the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, etc. 4° Boston, 1796 FisKB (Oliver) An Oration pronounced at Worcester on the Anniversary of American Independence July 4, 1797. 2 vols in 1, half calf. 4° Isaiah Thomas, Worcester, 1797 2284 Warren {Mrs. Mercy) History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution. 3 vols, calf, fine copy. 8° Boston, 1805 FRIDAY AFTERNOON. 2285 [jj»^^A_sniNOTON (George) Letters from George AVash- ington to several of his Friends, in June and July, 1776, in which is set forth an interesting view of Americiin Politics at that all important Period. Fine copy, uncut. Sized paper, white vellum by Pratt. 8° Republished at the Federal Press, PMladelpMa, 1795 2286 Washington (Gkorge) Official Letters to the American Congress, written during the War between the United Colonies and Great Britain. 2 vols. 8° London, 1795 2287 Washington (George) Epistles Domestic, Confidential, and Official, written about the Commencement of the American Contest, when he entered in Command of the Army. Boards. 8° New Fork, 1796 2288 Washington (George) Another copy. Boards. 8° New Fork, 1796 2289 Washington (George) Epistles Domestic, Confidential and Official. Half morocco, Jine uncut copy. 8° New York,1796 2290 Washington (George) The President's Address to the People of the U. States, 17th Sept. 1796. Fine copy, uncut, vellum. First Edition, 16 pp. 8° n. p. n. d. lldG 2291 Washington (George) An Address to the People of the United States. White vellum by Pratt. 8° S. Sf J. Adams, New- Castle, Del. 1796 2292 Washington (G.) Collection of Speeches to both Houses of Congress at the Opening of every Session, with their Answers. Also the Addresses to the President and his Answers ; with Appendix. 12° Boston, 1796 2293 Washington (G.) The Last Will and Testament. Vellum. Fine, clean, uncut copy. 8° Boston, 1800 2294 Washington (G.) The Address to the People of the United States, ou declining being considered a Candidate for their fu- ture Suffrages. Fine copy, sized paper, white vellum by Pratt. 8" J. Cushing, Salem, 1800 2296 Washington (G.) An Address in Latin by Joseph Willard, President, and a Discourse in English by David Tappan, in Cambridge, Feb. 21, 1800, in Commemoration of George Washington. Fine copy, uncut, bound in white vellum. 8" S. Etheridge, n. p. 1800 2297 Washington (George) A Poem. Sacred to the Memory of George Washington, adapted to the 22d of February, 1800. 8° Hartford, 1800 206 Billiotheca Historica. 2298 Washington (G.) Political Legacies, with Appendix, con- taining an Account of his Illness, Death, and the National Tributes of Eespect paid to his Memory, with a Biographical outline of his Life and Character. Neat calf. 8° Boston, 1800 2299 Washington (G.) Letters to Arthur Young, Esq., and Sir John Sinclair. Boards, uncut. 8° Alexandria, 1803 2300 Washington (G.) The Conduct of Washington compared with that of the present Administration, in a series of Letters, etc. By a Friend of Truth. Vellum. 8° Boston, 1813 2301 Washington (G.) Constitucion Federal de los Estados Unidos de America, con dos Discursos del General Washing- ton. Sewed. 12° Mexico, 1823 2302 Washington (G.) Life of, with Cuts. 12° Phila. 1838 2303 Washington (G.) Diary of, from 1789 to 1791, embrac- ing the Opening of the First Congress ; with his Journal of a Tour to the Ohio in 1753. Edited by B. J. Lossing. Cloth. 12° N. York, 1860 2304 Watson (J. F.) Annals of Philadelphia, being a Collec- tion of Memoirs, Anecdotes, and Incidents of the City and its Inhabitants, from the Days of the Pilgrim Founders. Boards. 8° Philadelphia, 1830 2305 Watteeston (George) New Guide to Washington. Map and many plates, cloth. 12° Washington, [1847-48] 2306 Watterston (George) New Guide to Washington, with 17 Engravings and a Map. 12° Washington, 1847-8 2307 Watts (Isaac) Appendix containing a Number of his Hymns. Half calf. 12" Boston, 11 %5 2308 Watts (I.) Hymns and Spiritual Songs. First Worces- ter Edition. 8° /. Thomas, Worcester, 1786 2309 Watts (I.) Another Copy. I. Thomas, Worcester, 1786 2310 Watts (I.) Hymns and Spiritual Songs. First Worces- ter Edition. 8° Worcester, I. Thomas, 1786 2311 Watts (I.) The Rational Foundation of a Christian Church. Calf. 8° London, 1747 2312 Watts (Isaac) The Psalms of David. Imitated in the Language of the New Testament and apply'd to the Christian State and Worship. The Third Edition with the Preface and Notes. Scarce. Morocco. 8° London, for John Clarlc, 1722 2313 Watts (I.) Psalms. 14th Ed. 12° London, J. Oswald, 1747 To this copy are added 8 pages of " Tunes in the Tenor Part fitted to the Several Metres. Engraved by Francis Hoffman." 2314 Watts (I.) The Psalms of David. Imitated, etc. 12° Hartford, by Patten ^ Webster, 1780 2315 WATTS (I.) Psalms of David imitated, etc. The for- tieth edition, corrected, and accommodated to the use of the Church of Christ in America. Pine clean copy, scarce. 12° Newbury-Port, by John Mycall, 1781 At the end of this copy is bound a rare little book of 16 pages, engraved on cop- Bibliotheca Historica. ^(fj per. ''A Select number of plain Tunes adapted to ConKregational Worihip. By Andrew Law, A. B. Joel Allen, Sculpsit." 2316 Watts (I.) Psalms. 40th Edition, corrected, „„ «'<'• 12° Newbury.Port, by John Mi/call, 1781 2317 Watts (I.) Psalms and Hymns. 12° Boston, J. Bumstead, for J. Boyle * D. We$t, 1792 2318 Watts (I.) Psalms and Hymns. 16° Exeter {N. H.) hy John Lampson, 1794 2319 Watts (Isaac) The Psalms of David imitated, etc. To- gether with Hymns and Spiritual Songs. With Tables Com- plete. 8° Northampton Mass. by Wm. Butler, 1799 2320 WATTS (Isaac) The Psalms of David, etc. Corrected and accommodated to the use of the Church of Christ in America. With Hymns and Spiritual Songs, etc. 2 vols in one, good copy. 16° Brookfield, by E. Merriam Sr Co. Oct. 1802 2321 Watts (I.) Psalms and Hymns. Corrected and accom- modated to the use of the Church of Christ in America. 16° Brookfield, Mass. by E. Merriam Sf Co. Oct. 1802 2322 Watts (Isaac) The Psalms of David Imitated, etc. and Hymns and Spiritual Songs. 2 vols in one, large type, a scarce edition, calf. 12° Boston, by Manning ^ Loring, 1803 2324 Watts (I.) Psalms and Hymns. 12° Boston, Manning Sf Loring, 1806 2325 Watts (I.) Psalms and Hymns. Eine clean copy, sheep. 16° Sutton (Mass.) by Sewall Goodridge,for Caleb Burbank, 1808 2326 Watts (I.) Psalms and Hymns. 12° Boston, by Manning ^ Loring, 1808 2327 Watts (Isaac) The Psalms of David, imitated in the lan- guage of the New Testament and applied to the Christian State and Worship. Fine clean copy. 16° Isaiah Thomas ^ Co. Walpole, N. H. 1812 2328 Watts (Isaac) The Psalms of David imitated in the lan- guage of the New Testament, etc. Fine clean copy. 16° Isaiah Thomas Sf Co. Walpole, N. H. 19,12 2329 Watts (I.) Psalms and Hymns. 12° Boston, N. Willis, 1813 2330 Watts (I.) Psalms and Hymns, etc. Corrected and accom- modated to the use of the Church of Christ in America. 16° Cambridge-Port, by Thomas Barker, 1816 2331 Watts (I.) Psalms and Hymns. Carefully revised, with directions for Musical Expression. 12° Boston, by S. T. Armstrong, 1819 2332 Watts (I.) Psalms and Hymns. 24° Exeter, N. R, J. L Williams, 1819 2333 Webb (D.) An Inquiry^ into the Beauties of Painting ; and into the Merits of the most celebrated Painters. Fourth Edition. Calf. 8° London, 1777 208 Bibliotheca Historica. 2334 Webster (Noah) A Collection of Essays and Fugitive Writings. 8° Boston, 1790 2335 Webster (Noah) Grammatical Institute of the English Language. Third Con. Ed. 12° Hartford, 1792 2336 Webster (Noah) Grammatical Institute of the English Language ; Thomas and Andrews' third Edition. 12° Boston, 1794 2337 Webster (Noah) An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking. 8th Connecticut Edition. Calf. 12° Hudson and Goodwin, Hartford, 1793 2338 Webster (Noah) Grammar of the English Language. Boards. 12° New York, 1798 2339 Webster (Noah) American Lessons in Reading and Speaking. Cashing and Appleton's Edition. Boards. 12° Salem, 1801 2340 Wedgwood (H.) A Dictionary of English Etymology. Vol. L (A. D.) Cloth. 8° London, 1859 2341 Weib (R. W.) Picture of the Embarkation of the Pil- grims from Delft-Haven. 8° New York, 1843 2342 Weld (Isaac, Jun.) Travels through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. 2d edition. 2 vols, calf, gilt. 8° London, 1799 2343 Weld (Isaac, Jun.) Travels through the States of North America, and Upper and Lower Canada, 1795-7. Third Edition. Maps and plates. 2 vols, calf gilt. 8" Lotidon, 1800 2344 Weld (Isaac, Jun.) Reizen door die Staaten van Noord- Amerika, en de Provintien van Opper-en Neder Canada. Maps and plates. 3 vols, half hrown morocco, uncut. 8° Jn den Haage, 1801 2345 Weld (Isaac, Jun.) Reizen door de Staaten van Noord- Amerika en de Provintien van Opper-en Nedder-Canada, 1795-7, uit het Engelsch door S. van Hoek. Plates. 3 vols, half roan. 8° Ben Haage, 1801 2346 Weld (I. Jr.) Reizen door de Staaten van Noord-Amerika, en de Provintien van Opper-en Nedder-Canada, 1795-7. 3 vols, half yellow morocco, uncut. 8° Den Haage, 1801-2 2347 Weld (I.) Statistical Survey of the County of Roscommon. Map, cloth, uncut. 8° Dublin, 1832 2348 Welwood (Andrew) Meditations representing a glimpse of Glory, or a Gospel-Discovery of Emmanuel's Land. Impt. in index. Calf. 12° Rogers ^ Fowle, Boston, 1744 2349 Welvtood (J.) Memoirs of the most Material Transactions in England, for the last Hundred Years preceding the Revo- lution in 1688. Second Edition. Calf 8° London, \1 00 2350 Wesley (.John) A Calm Address to our American Colo- nies. Half morocco. 8° London, 111 ^ 2351 Wesley (John) A Calm Address to the Inhabitants of England [on American Affairs.] Half roan. 12° Lond. 1111 Bibliotheca Historica. 209 2352 Wksley (J. and C.) Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Twenty- fo^fth edition. 12° London, 1786 23o3 West (H.) Bidrag til Beskrivelse over St. Croix, med en oyer St. Thomas, St. Jean, Tortola, Spanishtown, og Craben- eiland. 8° Kiobenliaven, 1793 2354 West (Stephen) An Essay on Moral Agency, containing Remarks on Edward's Freedom of the Will. 2d edition. Calf. 8° Thos. Gushing: Salem, 1794 2355 West (Stephen) Another copy. Calf. 8° Salem, 1794 2356 West Indies. A brief and perfect Journal of the late Proceedings and Successe of the English Army in the West-Indies. Fine copy, calf. 4° London, 1655 See note under S. (I.) No. 1815. 2357 AYest Indies. Extracts from Parliamentary Papers, rela- tive to the West Indies. Cloth. 8° London, 1846 2358 West India Company (Dutch) Anderde Discovrs by forma van Missive [in which is concisely shown the necessity of the East and West India navigation, and the importance of the wealthy inhabitants contributing largely to the newly char- tered West India Company, &c.] Very fine copy, uncut, in polished calf, by Bedford (see Asher, No. 95.) 4° n. p. 1622 2359 West India Company (Dutch) Consideratien ende Red- enen [Considerations and Reasons of the Directors of the chartered West India Company, on the Present Truce with Spain.] Asher, No. 130. JFine copy, polished calf by Bedford. A" Haerlem, 10,29 2360 West India Planters. Substance of the Evidence on their Petition. Half roan. 8° Loud, lllb 2361 Wetmore (A.) Gazetteer of the State of Missouri. Boards. 8° St. Louis, 1837 2362 WHEELOCK (Eleazar, Founder of the Indian Charity School, or Dartmouth College) A sermon at North -Haven, Dec. 25, 1760, at the Ordination of Benjamin Trumbull [Historian of Connecticut] to the Pastoral Office there. Half morocco, uncut. 8° S. Kneeland, Boston, 1761 2363 Wheelock {Rev. Eleazar) Memoirs of Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, D. D. Founder and President of Dartmouth Col- lege. By David McClure and Elijah Parish. Portrait. 8" Newburypo7-t, 1811 2364 Whisperer (The) Containing the most spirited papers ever yet published : By an Enemy to Oppression and Tyranny. [In 25 numbers, from February to July, 1770.] Calf scarce. 8" Loud. [1770] Two of Junius' Letters appear in this bold publication, and many more by other authors in a similar spirit. 2365 Whiston (Wm.) Primitive Christianity Reviv'd. 4 vols, calf. 8° London, 1711 14 '■2^0 Bibliotheca Historica. 23G6 WniTE (G. S.) Memoir of S. Slater; and History of the Cotton Manufacture in England and America. Second Edi- tion. Cloth. 8° Philadelphia, 1836 2367 WHITE (Ret. Nathaniel, Pastor of a Congregation at Summer Islands) The Pastors Charge and Cure, or a sermon at first preached in Latin at Oxford, afterwards translated by the Author. The preaching of which created the Author much trouble, and in the winding-up of all, sus- pension from the Ministry, and thereupon inforcement to leave his native country. Maroon morocco. Very rare. 4° 31. Simmons, London, 1645 Dr. Belknap says that this Mr. White was one of the earliest graduates of Har- vard College, Class of 1646, but the preface of this book shows that the Doctor was mistalten. 2368 Whitefield (George) Journal of a Voyage from London to Savannah, in Georgia. 5th Edition. London, 1739 Continuation from his arrival at Savannah. 2d Edition. ionA 1739 Continuation from his arrival at London. 3d Edition. ib. 1739 Continuation during the time he was in England. 2d Edition. ib. 1739 4 tracts in 1 volume. Calf. 8° 2369 Whitefield (George) The two first Parts of his Life, with his Journals. Calf, gilt. 12° Lond. 1766 2370 Whitefield (G.) The Two first Parts of his Life, with his Journals. Calf. 8° London, 1756 2371 WHITING (John) A Catalogue of Friends' Books; written by many of the People, called Quakers, from the Be- ginning or First Appearance of the said People. Very fine clean copy, perfectly uncut, sized paper, polished calf extra, by F. Bedford. Unique in this condition. 8° J. Sowle, London, 1708 A large portion of the titles recorded in this volume relate to America. Few bibliographical works exist, on any subject, more exhaustive, or more honestly done. It has been incorporated, after the manner of latter-day bibliography, entire (but with reverent hands) in Joseph Smith's great work on Quaker Lit- erature, but it is refreshing to consult old Whiting, in his truthful simplicity, in his own volume. 2372 Whiting (John) Persecution exposed in some memoirs relating to his sufferings. 2d Edit. Calf. 8° Lond. 1791 Contains much respecting the Quakers, and their happiness and sufferings in New England, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Rhode Island, &c. 2373 Whitman (B.) Index to the Laws of Massachusetts ; from the Adoption of the Constitution to 1796. 12° Thomas, Worcester, 1797 2373* Whitman (Benjamin) An Index to the Laws of Massa- chusetts ; from the Adoption of the Constitution to 1796. Sheep. 12° Worcester: ITiomas Sp Co. 1797 2374 Whitworth (Sir Charles) State of Trade of Great Britain, from 1697. Half brown morocco. Polio, London, 1776 2375 Wilberforce (William) A Letter on the Abolition of the Slave Trade. Calf. 8° London, 1807 2376 Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) On Color, and a general Diffusion of Taste among all Classes. Illustrated by Colored Plates and wood-cuts, cloth. 8° London, 1858 Bihliotheca Historica. 211 2377 WiLLARD AND Tappan. Latin and English Addresses, be- fore the University in Cambridge, Feb. 21, 1800, in Commem- oration of Gen. George "Washington. Vellum. 40 Boston, S. Etheridge, 1800 2378 Willard (D.) History of Greenfield. <^<^- 16° Greenfield, 1838 2379 WiLLAKD (Emma) History of the United States. Third Edition. go jyTew Torh, 1830 2380 WiLLDENOw (C. L.) Historia Amaranthorum. Colored plates, scarce. J^olio, Turici, 1790 2381 Williams {Rev. J.) Two Essays on the Geography of Ancient Asia. Map, boards. 8° London, 1829 2382 Williams (Samuel) The Natural and Civil History of Vermont. First Edition. Map. 8° Walpole, N. H. 1794 2383 Williams (Samuel) The Natural and Civil History of Vermont. Map. 8° Walpole, N. H. 1794 2384 Williams (Samuel) The Natural and Civil History of Vermont. Map, 2 vols. Id Edition. 8° Burlington, 1809 2385 WiLLETS (Jacob) An easy Grammar of Geography. 2d ed. corrected and enlarged. 12° Poughkeepsie, hy P. Potter, 1815 2386 Willis & Southekan. Catalogue of upwards of 50,000 volumes of ancient and modern Books. Good. 8° Lond. 1862 2387 Wilson and McKean. Commentaries on the Constitu- tion of the U. States of America, in which are unfolded the Principles of Free Government, and the superior Advantages of Republicanism Demonstrated. Half morocco, uncut. 8° London, 1792 2388 Winchester (Elhanan) A Plain Political Catechism. WTierein the great principles of Liberty, and of the Federal Government are laid down. Fine copy. 16° Greenfield {Mass.) T. Bickman, 1796 2389 Winchester (E.) The Universal Restoration, in Four Dialogues. 8° London, 1792 2390 WiNGFiELD (Edward Maria) " A Discourse of Virginia." By E. M. Wingfield the first President of the Colonie. Now first printed from the Original Manuscript in the Lambeth Library. Edited with notes and an Introduction by Charles DeANE. 100 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED. Cloth, gilt edges. 8° Boston, 1859 2391 WiNTERBOTHAM (W.) Historical View of the American United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the West Indies. Portrait and Maps. 4 vols, calf. 8° Lond. 1795 2392 WiNTERBOTHAM (W.) View of the United States of America, and of the European Settlements in America and the West Indies. First American Edition with Additions and Corrections. Portrait of Washington. 4 volt, calf. 8° New Tork, 1796 Qi2 Bibliotheca Historica. 2393 WiNTERBOTHAM (W.) View of the American United States, and of the European Settlements in America and the "West Indies. Portrait and Maps. 4 vols, half morocco, fine uncut copy. 8° London, 1799 2394 WiNTHROP (John, Professor of Math, in Harvard College) Relation of a Voyage from Boston to Newfoundland for the Observation of the Transit of Venus, June 6, 1761. Wanting all after p. 22, uncut. 8° Edes ^ Gill, Boston, 1761 2395 WiNTHROP (John) Arrangement of several Scripture Prophecies relative to Antichrist ; with their Application to the Course of History. Uncut. 8° Boston, 1795 2396 WiNTHROP (John) An Attempt to arrange in the Order of Time those Scripture Prophecies, yet remaining to be fulfilled. Uncut. 8° Cambridge, 1803 2397 WiNTHROP (Robert C.) Fourth of July Oration, on laying the Corner-stone of the National Monument to the Memory of Washington. 8° Washington, 1848 2398 Wisconsin. Observations on the Wisconsin Territory. Map. Cloth. 12° Philadelphia, 1838 2399 Wisconsin Gazetteer, Alphabetically arranged by J. W. Hunt. 8° Madison, 1853 2400 WISE (J.) A Vindication op the Government of the New England Churches. Small 8° Boston, 1772 2401 Wisner (B.) History of the Old South Church in Boston, in Four Sermons, Delivered May 9 and 16th, 1830. Uncut. 8° Boston, 1830 2402 Witchcraft. Lectures on Witchcraft, Comprising a His- tory of the Delusion in Salem, in 1692. By Charles W. Uphani. First Edition. Calf, gilt. 12° Boston, 1831 2403 Wither (Geo.) Hymns and Songs of the Church ; with an Introduction by Ed. Farr. Frontispiece. Cloth. 12° London, 1856 2404 WITSIUS (Hermann) Hermauni Witsii Exercitationuni Academicarum Maxima ex parte historico- & critico-theo- logicarum, duodecas. Vellum. 8° Ultrajecti, 1695 This learned book seems to have escaped the notice of American Bibliographers. Of the tirelve Dissertations in it, the first two, filling 118 pp. pertain to America, the subject being: I. Qua disputatur Evangelium per Apostolos Amcrieanis olimpr^dicatum fuisse. II. Qua ostenditur probari non posse quod Euangelium per Apostolos Americanis praedicatum sit. 2405 Wolcott (Oliver) Address to the People of the U. States on the Subject of the Report of a Committee of the House of Representatives, presented 29th April, 1802. Uncut. 8° Hartford, 1802 2406 WooLMAN (J.) Journal of his Life, Gospel Labors, and Christian Experiences ; with his Works containing his last Epistle and other Writings. Calf. 8° Dublin, 1794 2407 Wollaston (William) The Religion of Nature Delineated Portrait inserted. Calf. 4° London, 1726 Bihliotheca Historica. !^13 ;J408 WOLLASTON (Wii-liam) The Edigion of Nature De- lineated. Calf, gilt, hy Bedford. 4° London, 1726 This is the Book upon which Franklin, in his Autobiography, says he worked when first in London with Palmer, at the age of 18. From Wollaston he imbibed those ideas which the same year he gave to the Press in his Liberty and Neces- sity, and soon after in most of the copies of that little book to tho^rc. 2409 WoLLSTONECRAFT (Mary, Mistress of Imlay of Kentucl-y) Vindication of the Rights of Woman. 12? Philadelphia, 1794 2410 Word (A) to Federalists, and to those who loved the Memory of Washington. Vellum. 8° n. d. 2411 World in Miniature, or Entertaining Traveller. Map and plates. Third Edition. 1 vols, calf, gilt. S" London, 17 52 2412 Wright (J.) The American Negotiator, or the Currencies of the British Colonies in America, etc. Calf. 8° London, 1761 2413 Wright (.7.) The American Negotiator, or the Various Currencies of the British Colonies in America. Calf. 8° London, 1761 2414 Wright (J.) The American Negotiator, or the Currencies of the Colonies. Third Edition. Calf. 8° London, 1765 2415 Wright (J.) American Negotiator, or the Various Curren- cies of the British Colonies. Third Edition. Calf. 8° London, 1765 2416 Wright (Miss Fanny) Voyage aux Etats-Unis de Amer- ique, ou Observations sur la Soci^td, les Moeurs, etc. en 1818- 19-20. Traduit par J. T. Paresot. 2 vols, half maroon mo- rocco, uncut. 8° Paris, 1822 2417 Wright (Miss F.) Another copy. 2 vols, half calf. 8° Paris, 1822 2418 Wright (Miss F.) Tafereelen van Noord Amerika, of Reize door de Vereenidge Staten. Frontispiece. 2 vols, half maroon morocco, uncut. 8° Amsterdam, 1822 2419 Wylie (Hev. J. A.) The Papacy, its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects. Cloth. 8° Edinburgh, 1851 2420 Wynne (J. H.) History of the British Empire in Amer- ica, including all the Countries in North-America, and the West Indies, ceded by the Peace of Paris. 2 vols, map, calf 8° London, 1770 2421 Wynne (J. H.) General History of the British Empire in America. Map, 2 vols, calf, fine copy. 8° London, 1770 2422 'ErgOTloRiCK (Mr. i. e. L. Sterne) A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. First Worcester Edition with engraved frontispiece. 2 vols in 1. 8° Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, 1793 2423 York (Thomas) Practical Treatise of Arithmetick. Old calf. 12° London, 1687 2424 Young (A.) Preliminary Report on the Natural History of the State of Vermont. 8° Burlington, 1856 21 4> Bibliotheca Historica. 2425 ^^^g»A.LiKOGLOs (Greg.) Lexikon tes Gallikes Glosses (Greek and French Dictionary.) Half hound. So^al 8" JSn JSenetia, ISl 5 2426 ZARATE (Augustin) Le Histoeie dello Scopbimen- TO BT CoNQUiSTA DEL Perv. Fine copy, vellum, of very great rarity and hislorieal merit. 8° Venegia, 1563 2427 Zarate (Augustin de) Histoire de la Decouverte et de la ConquSte du Perou. Traduite . . par S. D. C. Plates and maps. 2 vols, old calf. 8° Pam, 1716 2428 Zarate (Augustin de) Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou. Traduite par S. D. C. 2 vols. Maps and plates. Fine copy, calf. 8° Part's, 1716 2429 Zarate (Augustin de) Histoire de la Decouverte et de la Conquete du Perou. Maps and plates. 2 vols, calf. 8° Paris, 1774 2430 ZARZA {D. Juan Antonio Gonzales de la, Br. en Sa- grada Theologia, Cura y Juez Ecclesiastico, de los Partidos de Yztapalapam, y Xalatlaco ; y actual de Huitzuco, y Tlaxmalae) Siestas Dogmaticas, en las que con estylo dulce, claro y llano, por un Niiio, es cabalmente instruido un Ranchero en los quatro partes principales de la Doctrina Christiana. 12 pre- lim, leaves and 507 -|- 10 pp. vellum. Scarce. 4° Mexico, 1765 Tbis dogmatical religion in after-dinner naps is an extraordinary book. 2431 Zavala (Z). Lorenzo de) Ensayo Historico de las Revo- luciones de Mexico desde 1808 hasta 1830. 2 vols, uncut, stained. 8° Paris \_for the Mexican Market'], 1831 This is said to be a well-written and impartial history of Mexican independence. After having freed itself from the despotism of the princes of Old Spain, this author, after recapitulating the struggles for independence, advocates the bold doctrine that even worse tyrants are to be overthrown in Mexico before she will be a free country. He pronounces the power of the clergy even more intoler- able than the despotism of princes, and hence the work "could not have been printed in Mexico. ADDENDA. 243ii I^^^GUiRRE (Z)on Manuel Benito) Lo8 Niiios Pintados por ellos misnios, obra arreglada al Espatiol por D. M. B. Aguirre, Vice-Director de la Academia de Instruccion Priniaria. Piiblicala en Mexico Vicente Garcia Torres. With 20 large lithographs of boyish life in Mexico. 8° Mexico, 1843 Las Ninas Pintadas por ellas mismas ; siis tripos, caracteres y retratos. Obra escrita en Frances por A. Saillet, y traducida al Espancl por algunos Mexicanos afectos A la tierna ninez. Publicada por V. G. Torres. With 18 large lithographs repre- senting girlish life. 2 vols in 1, half mar. 8° Mexico, 1844 2433 Alcozer (in R. P. Fr. Joseph Antonio, del Colegio de Propaganda Fide de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe de Zacatecas) Carta Apolog^tica a favor del Titulo de Madre Santisima de la Luz, que goza la Reyna del Cielo Maria Purisima Senora nuestra, y de la Iniagen que con el mismo Titulo se venera en algunos Lugares de esta Ami5rica. Fine copy, calf. 4° Mexico, 1790 Facing the Dedication is a fine copperplate engraving by Tomas Suria, Mexico, 1790, representing the Queen of Heaven, surrounded by her attendant angels, rescuing a young man from the jaws of Hell. 2434 Alexander (Caleb) A Grammatical System of the Eng- lish Language. 12° Rutland, Vt', by Fay Sf Burt, 1819 2435 APOLOGIA de los Asnos, compuesta en Eenglones asi como versos por un Asn61ogo aprandiz de poeta. Fine copy, half morocco. 16° Asnopolis, 18349 Elogio del Rebuzno, 6 sea Apendice a la Apologia de los Asnos. 2 vols in 1. 16° Eebusnopolis, 18349 There is a good laugh on eveiy page of this little book. The take-ofl' of Spanish dedications, licenses, censuras, etc. is sufficiently amusing. The list of authors quoted and referred to fills 9 pages, many of whose names appear nowhere else. The poem itself fills about 80 pages, while the notes, built up in the truly asinine order, fill about 175 pages, and almost take away the breath of tlie reader with their learning and profound scholarship. Asses, and their bouts and whereabouts, are traced in every part of the world, but how, not being indigenous, they come to occupy the New World so extensively is a puzzle which the author has given his mind to most euccessfully. Lege — l^ A quien debe la America la dicha 'De hallarse ya poblada de.jumentos? A la Espana lo debe, si, a la Espaiin: Es gloria nuestra que en el hemisferio, Nuevo-Mondo llamado, ya se encuentren Asnos, que el descubrirse bien sabemos No haberse conocido. ; Americanos, Semejante favor ngradecednos ! Si los nombresde Franklin y de Jenner Tanta fama y tal gloria se adquivieron ; 216 Bibliotheca Historica. Si el de Cortes y Am^rico ban dejado A la posteridad recuerdo eterno, ^Porque el nombre de un fraile Franciscano, Del Padre Cordov^s^ que al Mundo-Nuevo Acia el Sur el priinero fue con Asnos, Kn bronces esculpido no le vemos? etc. — Page 17. 2436 Ariosto. Orlando Furioso. Chateaubbiand. Los Natchez, trad, por Flamant. Chateadbkiand. Los Martires, trad, por Flamant. Fernandez y Gonzales (M.) El Condestalle Don Alvaro de Luna, novela hist6rica. 4 vols in 1, illustrated edition. Imp. 8" Madrid, 1851 2437 AuBERTEUiL (M. Hilliard d') Essais Historiques et Poli- tiques sur les Anglo-Am^ricains. 4 vols in 2, fine paper, calf. Plates and colored maps. 4° Bruxelles, 1782 2438 Barlow (James) Una Nueva Gramatica del Idioma In- gleses. Calf. i° Mexico, IWi 2439 BERGANO y Villegas (D. Simon) La Vacuna, canto dirigido d los Jovenes por D. Simon Bergano y Villegas. Cc. , una Silva de Economia Politica, del mismo autor. Fine .clean copy. 1 6° Nueva Guatemala, por D. Ignacio Beteta, 1808 It seems to have been reserved for this poet of Guatemala to first commit the praises of cowpox or vaccination, and Dr. Jenner to immortal verse. He had not only to overcome the prejudices of the people, but the dogged [dograa'd) conservatism of the Church. If we may judge of his services by the beautiful ^ontispiece to the volume, engraved bv Francisco Cabrera of Guatemala, it must have been complete. This engraving is 3^ by 2^ inches square. In the foreground on the right stands the friendly cow tied to a tree in the open pas- ture, and bv her the Doctor; on the left, seated on a bank, with fingers on the musical strings is the poet doing his pastoral, while the children, all naked and bare, come rushing over the hills, Asi corren los niiios, por librarse De la peste feroz, a Vacunarse. The two poems fill 70 pages, besides 4 prelim, leaves. Bound in the same volume are the following scarce works: — Plan de la Constitucion Politica de la Nacion Mexicana, 86 pp. 16» Mexico, 1823 Caticismo de la Independencia en siete Declaraciones, por Ludovico de Lato- Monte, 71 pp. 16» Mexico, 1821 Maximas y Reglas de Educacion y Urbanidad, con un tratadu de Ortographia Castellana para el uso da las Escuelas de primeras Letras, 68 pp. _ 16» Guadalaxara, 1822 Not a bad idea this to teach spelling along with good manners. 2440 Bible. Authorized Version. Fine copy, calf. 8° Boston, W. Greenough, Printer, for Lincoln Sf Edmands, 1817 2441 Bible. Authorized Version. Good copy. Sheep. 8° Hartford, for H. Hudson, 1827 2442 BOTURINI Benaduoi (Lorenzo) Idea de una Nueva Historia General de la America Septentrional. Fundada sobre material copioso de Figuras, Symbolos, Caracteres y Gerogli- ficos, Cantares, y Manuscritos de Autores Indios, ultimamente descubriertos [with Catalago del Museo Historico Tndiano del L. B. B. quien lleg6 a la Nueva Espana por Feb. del afio 1786, etc.'] Fine copy, portrait, calf. 4t° Madrid, 1746 2443 BOTURINI Benaduci (Lorenzo) Idea de una Nueva Historia, etc. Another copy , fine and complete, with the catalogue of manuscripts, maps, and printedhooks. Vellum. ^° Madrid, 11 i^ Bibliotheca Ilistorica. 21J 2444 BowDiTCH (Nath'l) The New American Practical Nav- igator. 12th new stereot. edition. 8° N. York, 1841 2445 Boyle (Capt. Eobert) The Voyages and Adventures of. intermix'd with the story of Mrs. Villars, an English Lady with whom he made his surprising Escape from Earbary ; The history of an Indian Captive, etc. With the Voyage of Rich- ard Castleman and a Description of the City of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania [in 1710.] 2d Edition. Frontispiece, <^"lf- 8° London, 1728 2446 Brackenridge (H. M.) Voyage to South America per- formed by Order of the American Government in 1817 and 1818, in the Frigate Congress. 2 vols, half calf [ Vol. I wants sheet X.] 8° London, 1820 2447 BuLFiNCH (Thomas, A. M. Nov-Anglicanm) Dissertatio Medico Inauguralis de Crisibus. Quam ax auct. D. J. Gowdie, Acad. Edinb. Praef. etc, Pro Gradu Doctoratus, etc. Ad diem 6 Oct. 8° Edinburgh, 1757 2448 Byron {Oom. John) The Narrative of in a late Expedi- tion round the "World. Half calf. 8° Lmidmi, 1768 2449 Calatayud (^M P. Pedro de) Method© Practico, y Doctrinal, dispuesto en forma de Cathecismo por preguntas y respuestas, para la Instruccion de las Religiosas en las obliga- ciones de su Estado, y en el camino de la perfeccion, y para que sus Confessores puedan con mas expedicion, practica, y alivio entender, y governar sus conciencias. Fine clean copy, vellum. . 4° Valladolid, 1749 2450 Calvillo {El P. D. Juan Bautista Diaz) Discurso sobre los males que puede causar la Desunion entre Espanoles ultra- marinos y Americanos, aprobado por el ilustre Claustro de esta real y pontificia Universidad en el que se junt6 la tarde del 4 de Octubre de 1810. \^ pp. sewed. 4° Mexico, 1810 2451 CALVILLO {El P. Dr. Don Juan Bautista Diaz) Ser- mon que en el aniversario solemne de gracias a Maria Santis- sima de los Remedies, celebrado en esta santa iglesia catedral el dia 3° de Octubre de 1811 por la victoria del Monte de las Cnices. 60 pp. 4° Mexico, 1811 NoTiciAS para la Historia de Nuestra Senora de los Remedies desde el afio de 1808 hasta el corriente de 1812. Ordenabalas el Autor del Sermon antecedente. pp. 61-269. 2 vols in l,fine copy. 4° Mexico, 1812 An extraordinary volume, of considerable historical interest. According to this pious author Our Lady of Mexico, between 1808 and 1812, seems not only to have taken an active interest in the spiritual welfare of the faithful, but seems to have done her best to thwart the schemes of the rebels and republicans in the various provinces of Mexico. She set her face firmh' against the spirit of Mex- ican Independency, and became quite a politician, but always attached to the royal party. The pious political frauds contained in this volume must ever Rive it a prominent place among the books relating to the Historj' of the Mex- ican Revolution. 218 Bibliotheca Historica. 2452 Campillo t Cosia (Joseph del) Nuevo Sistema de Gobierno Econdmico para la America. Con los males y daSos que le causa el que hoy tiene, de los que participa copiosamente Espana ; y remedios universales para que la primera tenga considerables ventajas, y la segunda niayores intereses. 32 and 297 pp. Very uncommon, Jine copy. Vellum. 12° Madrid, 1789 2453 CA.YET (Pierre Victor) Histoire de la Guerre sovs le Regne dv tres Chrestien Roy de France et de Navarre Henry IIII. — Chbonologie NovENAiRE, e prominent part of the world-renowned " Grenville DeBry." A glance at the drawings will show that they are the works of an artist, and portraits whether of men, women, animals, fish, fowls, fruits, or plants. Thev are highly finished. DeBry's copies are very close, but not embellished. The following extracts Bibliotheca Ilistorica. 2^5 from the writer's report on the collection, dated aSd Mui-ch, 1866, when offering It to the Trustees of the British .Museum, are given with tlie hope of removing some of the aspersions that have been of late cast upon this famous collection, aiid encouraging collectors to repose confidence in tlie honestx- of the great Frankfort family of engravers. The drawings are beautifully liound in two volumes in red morocco. " To A. I'anizzi, Ksq. etc. etc. British Museum The two volumes, with some aids from the Grenville Library, will speak for themselves, but the following notes may facilitate your researches. They are chieflv drawn out of Hakluyt, Purchas, DeBry, Harlot, Captain John Smith, and othe'rs. " The larger volume contains 76 Original Drawings in colore, done for Sir Walter KaleiKh by .lohn White, the English Painter who was sent by tiueen Elizabeth in 1585 to Virginia, as principal draughtsman in Ealeigh s famous Second Expe- dition for exploring the country and planting his ' First Colonic.' This Expe- dition of seven ships was under the command of Admiral Sir Richard Gienville, the ancestor, I believe, of the founder of the Grenville Library. Thomas Can- dish, or Cavendish, was also of the fleet, and Master Ralph Lane was the Governor of the Colonie. This ' First Colonic,' consisting of 109 men, remained in Virginia one whole year, and then returned to England in July, 1586, in Sir Francis Drake's fleet returning victorious from the West Indies, because the long expected supplies and reinforcements I'rom England had not arrived. Fourteen days after their departure Sir Richard Grenville arrived with new stores and new planters, to find the Old Colonie deserted. "To Thomas Hariot and John White, two of these 109, we owe nearly all we know of that grand and most unfortunate expedition, and it is not too much to say, I think, that to them alone we may fairly ascribe nearly all the accurate knowledge we have of the Indians, and the natural liistory of that country for a full century later. " Nothing is recorded of John White in Modern Dictionaries of art or biography, yet from DeBry and Hakluyt we learn that he was both an eminent artist, and an influential man in his day. He made no less than four voyages to Virginia; was an 'adventurer' in the 'First Colonie;' the Governor of the ' Second Col- onie ' in 1587; and tlie grandfather of Virginia Dare, the first English child born in North America; the friend and agent of Raleigh, and the associate of Hariot. Many of Governor White's Letters and Journals are preserved by his friend Hakluyt. His last voyage to Virginia was in 1590, as chief of Raleigh's ' Fifth Expedition,' to aid and reinforce the Colonie of 1587. He returned un- successful the same year, and retired to Ireland, whence he dated a letter, long and important, to his friend Hakluyt, ' from my house at Newtowne in Kyl- more the 4th of Febrnary, 1593.' "Theodore DeBry in his second visit to London in 1588, was introduced to White by Hakluyt, who suggested to that eminent engraver, then projecting his Grand Collection of Voyages, to reprint Hariot's ' Report of Virginia,' then just issued, and illustrate it with the pictures of John White. Hakluyt also persuaded DeBry to delay his Floiida and make the Virninia his First Part. White's pictures were copied, and the artist returning to Frankfort, with incredible enterprise completed the engravings in a masterly manner, and issued the work in 1590, in folio, four editions, in four languages, English, French, German, and Latin, a monument of Beauty and Art to himself, to Hariot, and to .lohn White. Not more than five or six copies of the English edition are now known in England, and for the last century have never sold complete for less than 100 guineas, and would now bring probably 200 guineas. The copy in the Grenville Library is the fioest I have seen. " These drawings now offered to the Trustees are no doubt the identical paint- ings that were copied by DeBry and published in 1590. Beautiful as DeBry'a work is, it seems tame in the presence of these original drawings. DeBry copied only about one third of the drawings. The rest have never been en- graved, though some of them were used in the Ftitrida, and in the third and sixth Parts. There is a volume of White's [perhaps partly Le Moine's] draw- ings in the Sloane Collection (N° 5270) but they are not duplicates of these. A few of them are similar designs. The price of this volume is 200 guineas (£210.) The price of the smaller volume, if the other be taken, is 25 guineas (£2B 5s. Of/. ; together £236 5s. Od.) The siory of the smaller \olume is.very curious. At the fire at Sothebv's in June, 1865, the drawings were saturated with water, and remained so for three weeks under heavy pressure, which pro- 15 226 Bibliotheca Historica. diiced these remarkable * off-tracts.* T have had them carefully preserved, reversed in the binding and sized, at no little cost of time and money. "1 am, Dear Sir, Yours faithfully, Hemky Stkvens." Such is the brief histor}' of this remarkable book, the only copy of which it is believed that has ever been offered by auction in this country. Its authenticity cannot be doubted. It contains nearly all we know of Raleigh's Old Colonie, ^vhich he himself never saw, and which resulted in an entire failure, probably owing to the unfortunate limitation of the enterprise to six years. No such ex- pen-^ive efforts were ever after made by any expedition or Colony to collect such vivid and picturesque material of the New World, its inhabitants, and natural products. 2488 HEHCKMANS (Eltas) der zee-vaert lof Hande- lende van de gedenckwaerdighste Zee-vaerden met de daer- aenklevende op en onderganghen der Voornaems te Heerschap- peijen der gantscher Wereld. In VI Boecken Beschreven. Fine copyy vellum, FoliOy Amsterdam^ hij Jacob Pieterss Wachter^ 1634 The author of this excessively curious and rare work was Vice-Admiral of the celebrated expedition of the Dutch in 1643, under Admiral Hendrick Brouwer, against the Spaniards of Chili; first printed at Amsterdam in 1646, and three years later forming the 25th Part of the Collection of Hulsius. Brouwer dying on the passage out, the command fell upon Hekckmans, who was probably the amateur compiler and editor of the various Journals. This Zee Vaert Xj)/ is an elaborate historical poem in six books in honor of Navigation. All the cele- brated voyages of the world from Noah to 1632 are recorded in chronological order. The voyages of discovery, leading up to the discovery of America, are mentioned with considerable detail, and after Columbus are recorded most of the voyages both to the east and the west, especially the expeditions of the Dutch navigators. The voyages to the north are hU mentioned in ihe text and notes. The volume is beautifully illustrated by an engraved title and eighteen exquisite etchings in the text. The one at the beginning of the third book bears the mark of Rembrandt, with the date 1633. 2489 HERNANDES (Franciscus) Francisci Hernandi, Medici atque Historici Philippi II. Hisp. et Indiar. Regis, et totius Novi Orbis Archiatri, Opera, cum edita, turn inedita, ad au- tograph! fidem et integritateni expressa, impensa et jussuregio, 3 vols, calf. Scarce. 4° Madrid, lharriented, his discoveries denied, his deeds ascribed to others, and calumnv has flung its fillh on his memory." Now, without attempting to become a champion of "Historic Truth," being fa- miliar with all the materials used in compiling this book, and much more of kindred character, we cannot forbear, here, for the want of a better place, to book our earnest protest in behalf of the memory of John Cabot and Christopher Columbus, against such wholesale assumptions. There is no warrant in the , documents that Mr. Nicholls has used to justify him in placing Sebastian Cabot on this pedestal. What we know of him is verv slight. It is only by making his hero tell a fiat lie that Mr. Nicholls makes him an Englishman instead of a Venetian, and in the face of the most valuable contemporary papers brought to light by Mr. Rawdon Brown and Mr. Bergenroth, he appropriates honors lo the son which rightfully belong to the father, John Cabot. The simple truth is that all those papers of ]497 and 1498 refer only to John Cabot, and the voyage of 1497. They allude to the larger expedition of 1498 as having gone forth, John Cabot with it, but not yet returned. That Sebastian Cabot was in both voyages there is little doubt, but in a subordinate capacity. As nothing more is heard of John Cabot it is not unlikely that he died during the voyage of 1498, and so his son took command — but this is not certain. We have no distinct account of the voyage of 1498, nor have we of any subsequent vovage from England of Sebastian Cabot. If he 'surveyed and depicted 3000 miles of a coast,' it must have been in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. In the fall of 1512, having received no further encouragement from Henry VII or VIII, Sebastian Cabot took service under the King of Spain, where he re- mained for a great number of years, thouj;h, perhaps, visiting England occasion- ally. If he made the voyage of 1517 it ' took none effect,* and we have no ac- Bihliotheca Historica. ^31 count of it. In his old age he returned to England after the death of Holbein and was made use of in getting up a trading company (o Russia, but ot Ibis honorable enterprise very little has come down to us of a character to lift him to the high position claimed \>y the author of Ihis book. Documents niav turn up hereafter, justifying in a degree tlie high encomiums of Mr. Nicholls.'but at present we know of them not. Nor do we know of any one whose "calumny tias flung its filth on his memory." On the page of hislorv, if one iinds very little in favor of Sebastian Cabot to raise him far above (he level, vet no one baa found anything against him. His record, so far as we know it," is honorable. loall intents and purposes Christopher Columbus was the discoverer of Amer- ica, and is entitled to that honorable distinction. The grand idea of sailing west to find the east was bis, and tlie success was bis; let the honor be bis. It is true he did not fiist see the Island of Cape Breton nor the norlbcin const of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, yet he pointed out the wav to his friend and fellow- townsman, John Cabot. As to the excellent portrait in this book it is a welcome contribution, but it ought pf rhaps to be explained Ihat what niav have been true fortv vears ago is not true now, " from the original in the possession of Charles Josh fla'rford Ksq." Near- ly 40 years ago tlie original portrait passed into the bands of Mr. Eiddle, it is understood at the cost of £500, and was brought by him to this country. A good copv was taken and is now preserved in the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety. The original was destroyed by the great fire in Pittsburgh. There ap- pears to be a mistake in ascribing it" to Holbein, as that celebrated painter is now proved to have died before S. Cabot returned to England from Spain. The Latin inscription on the portrait to us seems to point to John Cabot as the first discoverer of the new land [primi inventoris terra; novoj] and riot to the son Sebastian. As to the extract of the map of Sebastian Cabot which Mr. Nicholls has given, it is difficult to account for the errors Ihat have crept into and all over it. Out of 65 names given in and about the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Kova Scotia, more than 40 of them are misspelled, and several of them hopelessly disguised. The typographical errors aud literary slips throughout the book are as unpardonable as they are numerous. They are such as properly belong to the author and not the printer, witness the date 1474 in heading of Chap. Ill and repeated, the dates 1543 on page 67, &c. &c. Still with all its fauhs the book is an interesting one. 2520 Pakcel of odd volumes of Old English Magazines, etc. 20 large volumes. 8° Lond. v. y. 2521 Patino {Fr. Pedro Pablo) Disertacion Critico-theo-filoso- fica sobre la Conservacion de la Santa Iniagen de Nuestra Seiiora de los Angeles, que se venera extraniuios de esta Ciu- dad de Mexico, y con motivo de un Novena que se ha dispiiesto apropiada a la dicha conservacion, se consideia necesaria para prevenir la sabia critica de las personas doctas. Fine copy, calf. 4° Mexico, 1801 2522 PuENTE (Pedro de la) Eeflexiones sobre el Bando de 25. de Jnnio ultimo, contraidas a lo que dispone para cnn los Eccle- siasticos Eebeldes, &c. Fine copy, calf. 4° Mexico, 1812 A very interesting and important book. See note under No. 1739 of this Cata- logue. 2523 San Antonio Abad. Flores del Yermo, Pasmo de Egypto, Assombro de el Mundo, Sol del Occidente, Portento de la Gracia, Vida, y Milagros de el grande S. Antonio Abad. Es- crita por el Maestro Bias Antonio de Cevallos. Vltima im- pression, corregido y emendada. Vellum, margins of some leaves slightly mutilated. Scarce and curious. 4° Madrid, 1713 2524 San Anastasio (.El JR. P. Fr. Juan de) Coloquios Canonico de Eegulares. Compuestos por el R. P. Fr. Juan de San 232 Bibliotheca Historica. Anastasio, Provincial que fue de los Carmelitas Descalzos, en esta Provincia de Nueva Espana, &c. Obra postiima. Fine copy, calf. . 4° Mexico, 1816 An interesting book of 226 pp. with 10 preliminary and 5 sequent leaves. Pre- ceding the text are 8 pages containing Breve Noticia del Aulor de esta Obra. 2525 SoLis (Antonio de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico. Fine copy, vellum. 4° Madrid, 1790 This excellent edition, in good type, contains a Life of the Author and a good Index. No book has yet appeared to supersede de Solis's " Conquest of Mexico." 2526 TESTAMENT. Das Neiie Te.stament unsers Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi, nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers, mit Kurtzem Inhalt eines jeden Capitels, iind vollstandiger Anweesiing gleicher Schrift-Stellen. Wie auch aller Sonn-und Fest. tagigen Evangelien und Episteln. Zweyte Auflage. Fine clean copy, original binding. 8° Philadelphia, bey Carl Gist, 1796 This very rare edition is not noticed by O'Callaghan. 2527 TIJADA (Miguel Lerda de) Comei'cio Esterior de Mexico ' desde la Conquista hasta hoy. Small folio, Mexico, 1853 The historical portion (6'! pp.) of this valuable work is divided into three pe- riods; 1st, 1519-1777; 2d, 1778-1821; 3d, 1822-1853. Then follows the main bulk of the volume, entitled, "Documentos que se citan en esta obra." 2528 THACKERAr (Wm. Makepeace) La Feria de las Vanidades, por W. Thackeray. 638 pp. uncut. 4° Mexico, Andrade y Escdlante, 1860 2529 Ulloa {Don Antonio de) Noticias Americanas : Entre- tenimientos Fisico-Historicos sobre la America Meridional, y la Septentrional Oriental: Comparacion General de los terri- torios, Climas y producciones en las tres especies vegetal, ani- mal y mineral : con una relacion particular de los Indies de aquellos paises, sus costumbres y usos, de las petrificaciones de cuerpos marinos, y de los antiqiiedades. Con un discurso sobre el idioma, y conjeturas sobre el modo con que pasaron los primeros pobladores. Fine copy. Calf. 4° Madrid, 1792 2530 Universal Magazine (The) of Knowledge and Pleasure, containing news, debates, poetry, history, biography, geography, voyages, criticism, mathematics, cookery, trade, navigation, architecture, etc., from 1749 to 1792, 39 vols. Maps and plates, many of which relate to America. Not uniform, and some vol- umes imperfect and duplicate. 8° London, 1749-1792 2531 Vallejo {Don Josef Ignacio, Presbiterio, Natural del Obispado de Guadalaxara en el Reino de Mexico) Vida de la Madre de Dios y siempre Virgen Maria. Fine copy on thick paper, half calf 4° Fhi Cesena, 1779 Fine line engraved portraits of the author and the Virgin, by Angelo Ferri, in- serted. On the portrait of Vallejo his death is recorded as having taken place on the 30th May, 1785, six years after the publication-of this volume. 2532 Vallesius (Franciscus) Francisci Vallesii Covarrvbiani, Professoris Complutensis, in Aphorismos, & libellum de Ali- mento Hippocratis, Commentaria. Vellum, scarce. 8° Compluti, Andreas ab Angelo, 1561 The first aphorism commented upon is our old friend Vita brevis, ars tonga, etc. Bibliotheca Ilistorica. 2S8 2533 Velasco {M Dr. Fr. D. Pedro Andres de) Vida, y Mil- agros de San Juan Nepomnceno, canonigo de la cathedral de Praga, Proto-Martyr del Sigilo de la Confession, singula- rissinio Abogado de la Honra, buena Fama, y Credito, y Pro- tector de la Esclarecida Religion de la Coinpania de Jesus." Fine copy, calf. Thich 4° Madrid, 1736 2534 Vermont Register and Almanac for the years 1812, 1814, to 1822, 1825 (imperfect), 1826 to 1835, 1837 to 1849, 1852, 1854, 1857 to 1861, and 1863, in all 42 vols. A very scarce and unusually full set. 16° Burlington and Montpelier, 1812-1863 2534* Vermont Registbr, another set, for the years 1812, 1815, 1817 to 1819, 1827 to 1836, 1838 to 1846, 1848, 1852, 1858, in all 27 vols. Burlington and Montpelier, 1812-58 2535 Washington. Eulogies and Orations on the Life and Death of General George "Washington, first President of the United States of America. Portrait inserted, fine copy, calf. 8° Boston, Manning i; Loring, 1800 2536 WATTS (Isaac) The Psalms of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and apply'd to the Christian State of Worship. Fine clean copy, calf. 12° London, for J. Clark, and others, 1719 First Edition, of excessive rarity. It is permitted to but few in these tlays even to see, much less to possess, a fine copy of the first edition of Dr. AVatts's Psahns. No Enplish book probably, except the Bible, has passed through so manv editions, and taken so strong a hold of the people of New England oa this book. 2537 WATTS (L) Psalms of David, Imitated, etc. The Second Edition. Good copy, hut wanting one leaf, pp. 125, 126. 12° London, for J. Clark and others, 1719 2538 Watts (I.) Psalms, etc. The Seventh Edition [with 4 leaves of tunes inserted, engraved by F. Hoffman.] half roan. 12° London, for John Clark, 1729 2539 Watts (I.) Psalms, etc. The Fifteenth Edition, with the Preface and Notes. [The Tunes in the First Part, engraved by F. Hoffman, inserted.] Very fine large clean copy, half roan. 8° London, J. Oswald, 1748 2540 Watts (I.) The Psalms, etc. Fine copy. 16° I^ondon,for J.Sf F. Eivington, 1773 This copy possesses peculiar interest from the fact that Dr. Rippon has gone care- fullv tlirough it and noted the many variations he found in collating this with the'first and many other editions. This copy has at the end four leaves of Tunes, engraved. 2541 Watts (I.) Psalms of David, imitated, etc. Together with Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Printed in double columns, sheep. 8° Boston, hy Thomas ^ Andrews, 1791 2542 Watts (L) Hymns and Spiritual Songs. 9th Edition. 4 leaves mutilated, and table at end imperfect. Q^lf 16" Lond. for M. Ford, 1725 2S4i Bibliotheca Historica. 2543 XALISCO {State of, Mexico) Catecismo Politico i in- structive, paraiiso de los iiabitantes del Estado libre de Xalisco. Su autor el Ciudadano Victoriano Eoa. 14S pp. 1%" Guadalaxara,\%'iZ CoNSTiTUCiON politica del Estado de Xalisco, formada y presentada al Congreso Constituyeiite del mismo Estado per su Comision de ConstUucion. 100 pp. 16" Guadaluxara, 1824 Reglamento para el gobierno Interior del Congreso Constituyente del Estado de Xalisco. 28 pp. 16» Uuadalaxara, 1824 Maximas de Prudencia que escribid un sabio, y las dan nuevamente a la luz publica dos Ciudadano de Xalisco. 12 pp. 4 vols in 1, Jine copies, half calf', 16° Guadalaxara, 1824 2544 Zimmerman (Mr.) Strictures on Natural Pride. 8" Philadelphia, 1778 2545 ZODIA.CO MARIANO, en que el Sol de Jiisticia Christo con la salud en las alas visita come Signos, y Casas proprias para beneficio de los hombres, los templos, y lugares dedicados k los cultos de su SS. Madre por medio de las mas celebres, y Milagrosas Imagenes de la misnia Sefiora, que se veneran en esta America Septentrional, y Reynos de la Nueva Espafia. Obra posthiima de el Padre Francisco de Florencia, de la Compania de Jesus, reducida k compendio, y en gran parte aiiadida por el P. Jvan Antonio de Oviedo, etc. 12 prelimina- ry leaves and 328 pages, Jine copy, vellum. 4° Mexico, 1755 A worlt of considerable importance for the Ecclesiastical history of Spanish North America, like all the worlds of this distinguished author, Father Florencia. The work is divided into five parts. Part I, contains the history of the miraculous appearances of Our Lady in the Province and Bishopric of Yucatan; II, in the City of Mexico and its neio;hborhood; III, in tlie Cities of Puebia, Oaxaca, Cal- ifornia, etc.; IV, in the Kingdom of Guatemala; V, in the Provinces of Micho- acan, Guadalaxara, and Guadiana. The details are narrated with great fullness, with names, dates, and circumstances, with authorities and bibliographical cita- tions. Te'A.os ll«.