-^V i:mm». -'^i /.^W j"^ ^•^ .i*-, :. r ^^J QJatneU UtttoECOttg Siibtarg 3tt)aca, ^tm fath FROM THE BENNO LOEWY LIBRARY COLLECTED BY , BENNO LOEWY ^ 1854-1919 -'', BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/cletails/cu31924031351665 CATALOGUE OF A ^apilw^ttt THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN OF NEW YORK WHO HAS TAKEN UP HIS RESIDENCE ABROAD. Now on Sale at the Prices affixed. BY J. W. BOUTON, 416 BROOME ST., NEW YORK. NEW vork; PRINTED FOR THE PUBLISHER. 1868. IJtcfatorg. In presenting the following Catalogue to the public, there is little occasion to draw the attention of the experienced col- lector to its special treasures. The most careless glance of the practised eye will detect volumes of rarity and worth ou every page. The collection is remarkable for its general excel- lence. It is seldom that one so perfect in many essential par- ticulars is placed at the disposal of the purchaser. In the number of rare books, in the choice of editions, in the careful selection of copies, in costly and judicious bindings, in the perfect condition of the whole, it is believed the Library has not been equalled by any offered for sale in this country. Its formation has been the work during twenty years of a diligent collector, a gentleman of wealth and culture, who spared neither labor nor expense in bringing together for his own use and enjoyment volumes increasing every season in value, and which purchasers of the amplest resources find it constantly more difficult to procure. In estimating the value of the books in dollars and cents, two things are to be remem- bered — this steady rise in price in Europe, where only they can be obtained, and the important circumstance of the increased high tariff, adding twenty-five per cent, in gold to the first enhanced cost abroad, payable, of course, in the same metal. When these elements are considered, it is believed that the prices fixed upon will be thought very reasonable, it having been the aim of the publisher of this Catalogue to keep them below the average value, and in a majority of cases it will be found that the prices are considerably less than at which the books can at present be imported. It has been lemarked — and a reference to the London and other priced Catalogues will maintain the truth of the asser- IV PEErATOUY. tion — that books of high value purchased at any time at the full market price, during the last quarter of a century, have proved one of the best investments of money that could have been made ; and what is true in this respect of the last twenty- five years, it may, from existing causes in operation, be confi- dently predicted will hold good in the future. The Catalogue embraces a wide range of subjects in His- tory, Biography, Travels, Poetry, The Drama, Philosophy, Antiquities, Fiction, and is rich in Fine Art, and Illustrated Literature. In every case the best edition has been secured without regard to cost. The Library includes many of the choicest gems from the numerous collections which have been disposed of at public and private sale during the period of its forma- tion, among which will be found the whole of the most valua- ble portion of the Balmanno Collbchos:. To the connoisseur in fine bindings, the present afiTords an opportunity of securing fine specimens of the handiwork of the following distinguished artists ; Wright, Hayday, Aitken, Rividre, Pratt, Lewis, Bedford, Matthews, Mackenzie, Grieve (of Edinburgh), Silani, Cape, David, Niedriee, Pettit, Thou- venin, De Menseil, Alio, Du Planil, etc,, etc. 416 Bboome Street, New Yoek, March 20th, 1868. Catalogue. BAILARD ET HJ^LOISE, Lettresde. Traduitessur les manusorits de la Bibliothfeque Rojale, par E. Oddoul ; pr6- c6d6ea d'un essai Historique par M. et Mme. Guizot. Beavr tifully illustrated with the engravings from designs ly Gijoikx. India Pkoofs. 2 vols. Royal 8fo., splendidly lound in green TtvrTcey morocco, super extra, gilt lacks, sides, and inside borders, and marhled and gilt leaves, hy Datid. $25 00. Paris, 1839 Edition de Luxe. Abelaed and Heloise, Letters of. With a particular account of their Lives and Misfortunes. With Poems by Pope, Madan, etc., etc., Edited by John Hughes (?). Front. l%mo., red morocco, gilt. $4 00. London, 1815 Adelakd and Heloise, Letters of. With a Particular Ac- count of their Lives, Amours and Misfortunes. With Poems by Pope, Madan, etc. Vignette. l%mo., calf, extra. $2 00. Chisvi'iok Pbess. London, 1824 Abelaed and Eloisa, Letters of. With a Particular Account of their Lives, Amours, and Misfortunes, by John Hughes. Numerous copperplate engravings. 12mo., half morocco. $3 00. London, 1788 About, Edmond. La Question Romaine. 8vo., half green morocco, gilt leaves, hy David. $2 75. Bruxelks, lSb9 ADAMS, JOHN, Woeks of. With Life of the Author. Notes and Illustrations by his Grandson, Charles Francis 1 2 Adams. Portrait. 10 vols. Imp. ^vo., half russia, gilt top, edges uncut, ly Matthews. $40 00. Boston, 1856 Large Papbk. See also Franklin, Washington, Everett, Bancroft, etc. 7 Adamson, John. Memoiks of the Life and Writings of Luis DE Camoens. Portrait. 2 vols.. Royal %vo., handsomely lound in polished, calf extra, ly Bedford. $30 00. Large Paper. Very scarce in this size. London, 1820 An elegant and elaborate performance, for which the author was elected an honorary member of the Eoyal Academy of Portugal. 8 ADDISON'S WOEKS, complete. Baskerville's BBAUTirtrL Edition, in large type. Portrait and engravings ly Grignon from Haymanh designs. 4 vols.. Royal 4to., magnificenUy hound in polished calf, richly gilt lacks and inside borders, and marbled gilt leaves, in Bedford^s best manner. Very scarce. $60 00. A MAGNIFICENT COPT, absolutely free from stains. Birmingham, 1761 Lowndes says ; " A beautiful and esteemed edition. Copies are rarelv found free from stains." 9 Abler, G. J. Dictionary of the German and English Lan- guages, with Accentuation, etc. Compiled from the Works of Hilpert, Flugel, Grieb, and others. Thick imp. 8vo., half morocco. Mat. $4 00. JVew York, 1857 10 ^SOP'S FABLES. With Life. Stookdale's Magnificent EmTioj^, printed in large type, with 112 leautiful engravings by Blake, Stothard, Landseer, etc. Beautipul Impeessions. 2 vols.. Imp. 8»o., handsomely hound in sprinkled calf, extra gilt, yeUow leaves, ly Bedford. An elegant copy. Scarce. $30 00. London, 1793 11 ^sop, Fables op, and other Eminent Mythologists, with Morals and Reflections by Sir Kobert L'Estrange. Fine portrait and frontispiece ly Vander Qucht. 2 vols., %vo., sprinkled calf, extra, yellow edges, ly Riviere. $12 00. London, 1724 12 Aiken, Lucy. Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo., calf. Neat. $4 00. London, 1818 3 13 (A KEMPIS) L'IMITATION DE JESUS CHRIST. IV. Livres de I'imitation de Jesus Christ. Qu'acuns attribuent k Jeffen, d'autres k Gerson, et d'autres k Thomas k Kern- pis, fidelement traduits {Marillac). (1626.) Appendiqe a L'Imitation, contenant, I. Une notice de M. Jules Janin, sur I'imitation. II. Auteurs pr6sum6s de I'imitation, par M. l'Abb6 Delaunay. III. Histoire de L'Ornamenta- tion des Manuscrits, par M. Ferdinand Denia. IV. Cata- logue Bibliographique indiquant les manuscrits reproduits dans I'imitation et les imprimes cit6s dans I'histoire de I'ornamentations des manuscrits. V. Index des manuscrits. VI. Grande Danse Macabre, etc. Most leautifully prinied in antique characters, each and every page ornamented with an illuminated border in coloes, of the most elaborate description {eachpage of a different design), in- cluding numerous heautiful miniatures, vignettes, a/nd initial let- ters. The Appendix also illustrated with photographic portraits of the supposed authors, and several hundred woodcuts, including the Lance of Death. H volumes, imperial 8vo, most elegantly bound in brown TURKEY MOROCCO, SUPER EXTRA, BEAUTIFULLY EMBOSSED, WITH HEAVY MOUNTINGS AND CLASPS OF SOLID SILVER, Uticd with green moire-antique, within horders of gold, gilt tops, uncut edges, each page mounted on silJc guards. The whole enclosed in heautiful case of the same colored morocco, lined throughout with maroon velvet, with loci and Tcey. $300 00. Paris, Ourmer, 1858 Edition de luxe. Forraing at once the most sumptuous edition of this well known classic ; and a complete history of illumination. The ornaments made use of in this magnificent edition were selected from upwards of 300 of the most celebrated manuscripts, preserved in the Bibliotheques Iraperiale, du Louvre, Strasbourg, Heidelberg, Brux- elles, Rouen, Koyale Munich, British Museum, etc., etc., and are arranged, as far as possible, in chronological order. The translation made use of in this edition is that of Marillac, of which the editor states : " J'ai choisi de preference la traduction de Ma- rillac et le texte de 1626, parce qu'il donne dans toute la puret6 cette excellente interpretation du livre latin ; la naivete de son Ian- gage, qu'un illustre academioien appelle une divine enfance, rend fidelement la candcur du latin, et la sainte des preceptes n'en est point nltcree.'' ^~- J ' ^ 14 A Kempis. The Christian's Pattern; or, A Treatise on the Imitation of Christ. To which are added Meditations and Prayers for Sick Persons. Translated by Stanhope. Fine engravings ly Vanier Guckt. 4 vols., ?,vo., Cambridge calf, extra, rei edges. Fine copy. $15 00. London, 1708 -- -' 15 ALBOISB ET MAQUET (Mm.) Les Prisons db L'EuKOPB. Bicetre, La Conciergerie, La Force, Saint Lizare, Pierre en Cize, Poissy, Ham, Le Chateau D'lf, Les lies Sainte Margarite, La Tour de Londres, Le Spiel- berg, Les Mines de Siberie, Les Cachots de I'lnquisition, etc., etc. Histoire des prisoniers d'etat, Int6rieur des Bagnes, TraTaux et Punitions des Eorgats, et Details ine- dits sur toutes les Prisons 6lev6es par le Despotisme. .Ma&nteicent Edition. Profusely illustrated with fine engrav- ings on steel. 8 mis. in 4, Royal %oo., half morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut edges. $20 00. Paris, 1853-54 .hX't- 16 Alcook, Sir E.. Japan, Capital of the Tycoon ; a nar- rative of a three years' residence in Japan. Maps and 16 illustrations in chromo-lithography ; also numerous woodcuts. 2 thich vols., Svo., half calf, extra. $7 50. London, 1863 ■^ 17 Alexander, William. History of Women from the Earliest Antiquity to the Present Time. 2 vols., 8t>o., old calf. $4 00. Lublin, 1779 18 Alhot, M. Lbs Bagnbs. Histoire, Types, Moeurs, Mystferes, etc. Illustrated Edition, with several hundred large engravings on wood and numerous vignettes, many of the large plates beauti- fully tinted. Imperial 8«;o., half blue morocco, gilt top, un- cut edges, by David. $10 00. Paris, 1845 "'^ 19 ALISON, AKCHIBALD. History of Europe, from the Com- _.,\ mencement of the French Revolution to the Bestoration of the Bourbons in mdoccxv. ITew edition, with Portraits. 14 vols, royal Svo. , polished calf, extra, marbled edges. $100 00. Large paper : 100 copies printed and published in boards at 24:1. 3s. All the portraits are proofs before the letters. ^ Edinburgh, 1849 ■'■> o , 20 Alison's History or Europe, Atlas to. Constructed under the direction of Mr. Alison, by Alex. Keith Johnston, with -Z-. U.. ,vv !'■'-•- . t'- -'^ a vocabulary of Military and Marine Terms. Ollong Mo., calf, extra. Very scarce. $40 00. Hdinbv/rgh, 1850 LAEaB PAPER : uniform with the preceding lot. 21 Almanaoh de Gotha. Annuaire Diplomatique et statistique, 1860-66, incluiing numerous Portraits. 7 vols, thich d2)no., cloth. $3 50. Gotha, 1860-66. This celebrated Almanac is now in its one hundred and fourth year; ' no greater testimony of its value is needed. 22 (AiMON, John.) Anecdotes of the Lufb of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, with his Speeches in Parliament from 1736-78. 3 vols., ivo., new, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Fine copy. $10 00. London, 1810 23 ALPHABET by the Mastbk os 1466. A series of 23 Photo- graphs of the Original Etchings in the Munich Gallery after an unknown artist called the Master of 1466. 23 plates, folio, mounted on card-board. $20 00. The letters composing this alphabet (to wit a, b, c, d, e, f, g, (2) h, i, Ic, I, m, 11,, 0, p, /', s, t, u, w, X, y, z) are of the old German form, and are com- posed of grotesque figures of Men and Animals in various attitudes. Each letter is an emblematical representation of some Historical or Mythological Event. For an interesting account of this celebrated alphabet and its designer, see — Bartsch ("Peinture et Graveur "), who bases his claims for the priority of engraving in Germany on the works of this artist. The above set is the only one in the country, and was procured from the Museum Authorities in Munich by Mr. Emil Seitz, the well-linown print-seller of this city, on express con- dition that it should not be sold in Europe. 24 Amort. Life of John Bdncle, with many extraordinary revelations. Best Edition. 3 vols., post Svo., half calf, gilt. $7 50. London, 1825 25 AMOUES DB HENKY IV. Par M. de Lescure. Beauti- fully printed on India Paper, and extended ly the insertion of 30 fine and scarce Portraits {those published with the work are in two states). Imperial 8vo., superhly hound in crimson morocco, with extra tooled loch and inside borders, and marbled and gilt edges, by David. |45 00. Paris, 1864 Only 100 copies printed. 77ie above is No. 6 of the 12 copies printed on India Papek. 26 Amours of the Koman Empresses. History of the Lives and 6 Secret Intrigues of the Wives of the Twelve Caesars, translated by Molesworth from the French of De Serviez. 3 voh., 12mo., calf. Very scarce. $5 00. London, 1752 27 Anbekson, C. J. Lake Ngami; or, Explorations and Discoveries during Pour Years' Wanderings in the Wilds of South Western Africa. Map, and numerous fine engrav- ings on steel ; also many woodcuts. Royal ivo., cloth, uncut. $6 00. London, 1856 28 Anqblo, Henry. {Fencing Master.) Eeminiscencbs, with Memoirs of his Father and Friends. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo., half calf , gilt. Fine copy. $5 00. iojM^wj, 1830 Contains original Anecdotes and Curious Traits of the most celebrated characters who have flourished during the last eighty years (Fox, Sheridan, Gainsborough, Dr. Dodd, Byron, etc.). 29 Anstib, Fkancis E. Stimulants and Nakcotios, their mutual relations, with Special Eesearches on the Action of Alcohol, ^ther, and Chloroform on the Vital Organism. %vo., cloth, uncut. $4 00. London, 1864 30 Anthon, Charles. System of Ancient and Mediaeval Geography, for the use of Schools, etc. Thiclc Bvo., cloth. $2 00. Nm York, 1850 31 Anthon, Charles. Classical Dictionary ; containing an Ac count of the Principal Proper Names mentioned in Ancient Authors. Very thick Royal 8jjo., edf. $4 00. New York, 1844 32 AptJLEius, Lucius. Golden Ass. Translated from the scarce edition of 1709. Revised and corrected. Frontispiece. 2 vols., ivo., half calf , extra. Very scarce. $10 00. London, 1821 This work is a reprint of " The New Metamorphoses ; " being the Golden Ass, altered and improved to the modern size and manners, by Carlo Monte Scio (2 vols.), and was intended and passed off as a translation of Apuleius ; lilse its prototype, many of its stories are of a character Ires libre. 33 Apuleius' Metamorphoses, or Golden Ass, and Philosophical Works. Translated with Notes by Taylor. 8vo., Ids., uncut. Scarce. $4 00. Loiidon, 1822 Best Edition. This is one of the copies having the suppressed passages printed on an extra sheet, inserted at the end of the volume. 34 ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTEETAINMENTS. Translated by Foster. Bulmee's Large Type Ediiion. With the heautiful series of engravings from designs hy Smirke. Fine impressions. 5 vols., 8vo., red moroeco, full gilt. $60 00. Large Paper. Fine copy. London, 1802 35 Arabian Nights' Entertainments. Knight's Pictorial Edition. Translated with Copious Notes by E. "W. Lane. Many hundred beautiful engravings by Williams, Jackson, Landells, etc. From designs by William Harvey. 3 volt., Royal 8po., leautifully hound in yellow calf, extra, gilt leaves, etc. $45 00. C. Knight, London, 1841 A Fine Copy. With the most Irilliant impressions of the cuts. " The Notes of Mr. Lane throw more light upon the mystery of Arab Life than perhaps all other works in the language." — Athen^um. 36 AuoHERY. A series of 24 plates of Outline Illustrations of Archery hy W. S. Broohe. Mounted, 8vo., cloth. $4 00. JV.D. Balmanno Collection. " With the kindred regards of ' Old Harry ' to his dear friend ' Kobin,' seated by the fire-side in company with the two precious Wives. Deo. 2, 1840." 37 Armbngaud (J. G. D.) Les Galeribs Publique de L'Europe. EoME. Beautifully printed and illustrated with severed hundred fine engravings on wood of the most cdehrated Pictures, Statues, Vases, etc., etc., of Rome, particularly those of the Vatican, Farnese and Borgliese Oalleries. Small folio, half red morocco, extra, gilt leaves. $10 00. Paris, 1859 88 Arnold, Thomas, D. D. History of Rome. 3 vols. History of the later Roman Commonwealth. 2 vols. Together 5 vols., 8vo., half calf, extra. $20 00. London, 1845 Best Editions. 39 Art and Nature under an Italian Sky, by M. J., M. D. Fine Frontispiece. Beautifully printed. Imperial '&vo., half calf, extra. $7 50. Edinburgh, 1852 40 ARTHUR OF LITTLE BRITAIN. History of that Valiant Knight Arthur of Little Britain. A Romance of Chivalry. Translated by Lord Berners. With a series of plates in facsimile of illuminated drawings from an ancient MS. Beaut f idly colored and heightened with gold. Imperial_ 4:to.,fidl olive morocco, with richly tooled, sides, laclc and inside lorders, gilt leaves. $100 00. Reprinted, London, 1914: Veey kake. Large Papee : only 25 copies printed. The work was edited from the extremely rare original edition by E. V. TTtterson, who uses extraordinary diligence in tracing out the name of the original writer of the Romance, the time of its com- position, and other much-wished-for particulars. 41 ASCHAM, KOGEK. The Schoolmastek, or plaine and perfite way of teachyng children to vnderstand, write, and speake the Latin tong, but specially purposed for the priuate brynging Tip of youth in lintlemen and Noble mens houses, etc. Fine perfect copy. 4io., green c 71 Beckiord. Vathbk, Walpole's Castle of Otranto, Lewis' (BI. G-.), ' Bravo of Venice.' Numerous vignettes, in 1 vol., 12mo., half morocco, uncut. $2 50. London, 1834 - 72 Beckford, Wm. Italy, with Sketches of Spain and Portugal. 2 vols., 8vo., calf, gilt. $6 00. London, 1834 / 73 Beckmann. History of Inventions and DisooTeries. Trans- 13 lated from the German, by Wm. Johnson, and revised by W. Francis, and J. W. Griffith. Portrait. 2 vols., 12mo., half calf, extra. $4 00. London, 1846 74 Bell, Sir C. Anatomy and Philosophy op Expression, with numerous very beautifully executed physiognomical engrav- ings, ORIGINAL impressions. 4to., half russia, very neat. Scarce. $10 00. London, 1824 75 BELOE, WM. Anecdotes op Literature, and Scarce Books. 6 vols., ivo., tree calf, extra, gilt leaves. Fine copy. $35 00. London, 1807-12 76 Beloe, W. Sexagenarian, or The KecoUections of a Literary Life. 2 vols., %vo., half morocco. Neat. $4 00. London, 1818 77 BELTZ, Geo. F. [Lane. Herald.) Order oe the Garter, Memorials of, from its Foundation to the Present, in- cluding also Biographies of the Knights, and many partic- ulars relating to English and French History, cuts of Arms, thick royal %vo., half morocco. $5 00. Pickering, 1841 " Beltz's Memohials deserve, for research and ability, to be ranked with the worlss of his predecessors (Camden, Anstia, Dugdale), and no historical library can be complete without them." — Atlienceum. 78 Benger, Miss. Memoirs or Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia (daughter of James I.) With sketches of the state of Society in Holland and Germany in the 17th Century. Portrait. 2 vols., small 8vo., half calf, gilt. $5 00. , London, 1825 79 Bi^RANGER, P. J. Db. Chansons pr6e6des d'une notice sur I'auteur et d'un essai sur les Po6sies par M. P. F. Tissot. Best Edition. Most profusely illustrated with beautiful en- gravings on steel after designs by Tony Johannot, Chrenier, Granville, etc., etc. Fine impressions. 6 vols, in 3, 12mo., bound in morocco, ornamented with a goth'c design, inlaid with morocco of various colors, full gilt. By Thouvenin. $120 00. Unique. Paris, 1829 Beranger's own copy, containing numerous supplementary Chansons and corrections to the previous edition in the handwriting of the Author. - 14 Appended to the 3d vol. will be found the music to [the Chansons, en- titled "Mniveau Bemeil conienant torn les Airs des Chanson de Beranger dont les plus joli sont avec accompagnement de Piarwi ou Guitare," -which is very scarce. 80 Berangek, p. J. Db. (Eutres completes de. Nouvelle Edition revue par I'auteur. Ilkistrated with a Portrait, facsimile, and 53 elegant engravings on steel from designs Ig Cha/rlet, Johannot, Bauligny, Jacques, De Rudder, etc. 2 vols., 8»o., half morocco, gilt leaves. $18 00. Best Edition. Paris, 1856-57 81 BERNAKD, PIERE JOS. (surnomm6 Gentil), (Buvkes De. Beautifully printed in large character on papier-velin fort d'Angouleme, and Illustrated with a medallion portrait of the elder Didot and the exquisite series of engravings from de- signs hy Pkoudhon. Brilliant Proofs before letters. Royal Ato., magnificently hound in crushed crimson morocco, svper extra, with Iroad and very elaborately tooled borders of gold, extra gilt lacks, and marbled and gilt leaves. By Cape. $35 00. Paris, de Vlmprimerie de P. Didot L'Aine, 1797 Only 150 copies printed. A superb copy of the best and only complete edition of the works of this Author. " Cette Edition, imprim^e sur papier-v61in fort d'Angouleme, et qui con- tient les op4ra de I'auteur, A ete tiree A 150 exemflaikes pour £tre JOINTS AUX EPREnTES DES FIGnEES AVAMT LA LETTRE." Note on hack of title. 82 Bertrand du Gubsclin, The Life and Times of. A History of the Fourteenth Centusy, by D. F. Jamison, of South Carolina. Portrait and beautiful head-pieces to each chapter. A very fine specimen of Typography. 2 vols., 8^0., cloth. $7 50. Charleston, {London^ 1864 This admirable specimen of book-making made its first advent into this country through the instrumentality of one of the numerous blockade runners captured in 1864. 83 Besoherelle, MM. Feeres. Dictionnaire Usuel de tons les Verbes Erangais tant reguliers qu'irreguliers enti^rement conjug6s, contenant parordre alphabetique les 7,000 Verbes de la Langue Fran9aise. 2 thick vols., Svo., half calf, neat. $4 00. Paris, 1860 15 : 84 BEWICK'S HISTORY OF QUADEUPEDS. With beautiful impressions of the celebrated woodcuts. Imperial 8wo., beautifully bound in sprinkled calf, extra, yellow leaves, by Bedford. $25 00. Newcastle upon Tyne, 1800 Large Paper. Very scarce in this State. .Jji The Fourth and Bed_Editvm, containing more cuts than any of the previous Editions, and the First Edition of which any copies were printed on imperial paper. 85 BIBLE (GENEVAN or BREECHES BIBLE.) The I "> Bible and Holy Scriptures, translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, and conferred with the best Translations in diuers Langages. With moste profitable Annotations vpon all the harde Places and other Things of great Im- portance. 4to., newly bound in morocco, extra, gilt back, and carmine and gilt leaves, by Bedford. $175 00. Geneva, Rowland Hall, 1560 A VEEY riNE PERFECT COPY OF THE FlEST AND MOST RARE EDITION OF THE FAMOUS Genevan version (Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth). It was for many years the most popular one in England (where it ran through about fifty editions in the course of thirty years). The translators were Bishop Coverdale, Anthony Gilby, William Whitingham, Chris- topher Woodman, Thomas Sampson, and Thomas Cole ; to whom some add John Knox, John Bodleigh, John Pullein, and others. It diifers in many respects from the subsequent editions printed by Barker, 86 Bible. Bagsteb's Large Type Paragraph Bible, in separate Books. Beautifully printed, numerous maps, etc. 4 vols, thick crown 2:vo., blue morocco, antique, bevelled edges, with stamped gilt leaves. $20 00. London This valuable edition has an index at the end, each book enabling the reader to compare together the visions and prophecies. 87 Bible. Old and New Testaments arranged in Historical and "^ *■ Chronological Order, with copious Indexes by the Eev. George Townsend. 4 vols., 8z)o., beautifully bound, crimson morocco, extra, gilt leaves. Fine copy. Scarce. $24 00. London, 1821-25. This very elaborate performance is characterized by Archdeacon Nares as being digested with such skill, and illustrated with such notes, as prove the author to have studied his task with deep attention and distinguished judgment. Williams' copy fetched £5 10s. ,« ., .0 -, t.V ..-■:', 16 88 BIBLE. New Testament of otte Lord and Saviouk Jesus Christ. Illustrated with Borders, Ornaments, and Initial Letters, copied from Italian MSS. of the 15th and IQth Centuries, and by numerous other Engravings on Wood from the Old Masters; viz., Andrea Orcagna, Era Angelico, Leonardo da Vinci, Pietro Perugino, Francesco Francia, Lorenzo di Credi, Pinturiochio, Fra Bartolomeo, Alberti- nelli, Titian, Eaphael, Gaudenzio Ferarri, Fra Sebastiano del Piombo, Andrea del Sarto, Daniele da Volterra, Barocci, Paolo Veronese, Jacopa Bassano, Annibale Caracci, Gruido Eeni, Nicholas Poussin, Antony Van Dyck, Luca Griordano. Royal 410., half morocco, rough edges. $120 00. London, 1865 Large Paper : very few printed. This is undoubtedly the finest book of wood engravings ever produced in any country. In addition to the large subjects, which are numerous, each page is decorated with borders, ornaments, initial letters, copied from the finest Italian Manuscripts of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and numerous Medallions are introduced in the margins. The work was produced under the general superintendence of Mr. Hknbt Shaw, F. S. A. " As a specimen of English workmanship in the arts of wood engraving and printing — arts which have ever called for and rewarded the application of invention, taste, and skill, as much as those which especially claim to be the fine arts — ^it will take rank as one of the most remarkable examples of the perfection to which they have been brought. . . Printing and engravings alike show the same com- bination of strength, evenness, and completeness of finish. All the parts correspond : there is no contrast between high and original de- sign in one department of the work, and coarse and uneven execu- tion in another. Everywhere there is the same care, the same con- scientiousness, the mastery over work; and the result is a book which hardly has its like in goodness, variety, and perfection of adornment among the productions of the English press." — Guardian, See also Dor6, lot 329. 89 BiBLiA Pattpbrum. Keproduced in fac-simile from one of the Copies in the British Museum, with an Historical and Bibliographical Introduction by J. Ph. Berjeau. Numer- om Facsimiles printed with brown ink. Folio, half morocco, uncut. $20 00. 17 Only 250 copies rniNTED. Uniform with Sotheby''s Principia TypograpMca, and the Cantioum Canticorum. J. R. Smith, London, 1859 90 BiBLioTHECA Anglo PoETicA ; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of '^ a Rare and Eich Collection of Early English Poetry. Illustrated by occasional extracts and remarks, critical and bibliographical. Compiled by A. F. Griffith. Numer- ous portraits, initial letters, etc, ivo., old calf, gilt leaves. $10 00. London, 1815 This was the Collection made by T. Park, with additions by Th. Hill. " Deserving a place in every good library from the interesting informa- tion which it affords of the works of our early poets." — Lowndes. 91 BiBLiOTHEQUE DB PocHE. Par une society de gens de letters / o et d'6rudits. Contenant Curiosit6s Militaires, Litteraires, Bibliographiques, Biographiques, Des Traditions, Phlo- logiques, Anecdotiques, Historiques, etc. Together 10 vols., 12mo., half red morocco, marhled edges. $10 00. Paris, 1855 92 Bijou (The) ; or, Annual of Literature and the Arts for <' .) 1828. Beautifully printed and illustrated by 15 beautiful engravings by Finden, Worthington, etc., after Pictures by Stothard, Sir Thomas Lawrence, Pickersgill, and Westall. Proof impressions, before the letters, on India paper. Thiekl2mo., half morocco, uncut. Verg scarce. $25 00. PicJcering, London, 1828 A Unique Copt from the Balmanno Library. The only one printed on heavy drawing paper, for Mr. Balmanno, (who selected the illustrations for the work). The set of illustrations (Proofs) to this work were sold separately at £2 2s. per set. 93 BiON, MoscHus, etc. Idtlles de Bion bt be Moschus. Traduits en Frangais par J. B. Gail. With the fine series of illustrations hy Ba/rhier, in two states, to wit : The Etching, and Unlettered Proof, Papier velin. 12mo., half calf, gilt. $7 50. Paris, L'An Troisieme (1794) Scarce in this State. 94 BLAKE, WILLIAM. " Songs of Innocence." The exces- 18 sively Rare Original Edition (1789) 36 p. 8i!0.,printed on one side only, with a duplicate impression of " The Echoing Green,^'' coloured ly the Author. Also, one of the celebrated reverse etchings in broadside, entitled, " Little Tom the Sailor." Printed for and sold by the Widow Spicer, for the bene- fit of her orphans, October 5, 1800. " A descriptive Cata- logue of Pictures, Poetical and Historical Inventions, painted by William Blake in. Water Colors," etc., etc. 12mo., pp. 66. — " The Prologue and Characters of Chau- cer's Pilgrims, selected from his Canterbury Tales, intended to illustrate a particular design of Mr. William Blake, which is engraved by himself, etc." In one vol., post 8»o., half green morocco. $100 00. London, 1789-1812, etc. A RAEE AND VALUABLE VOLUME, from the Balmanno collection. Gilchrist, in his recent Life of Blake, (see following lot,) says of the " Songs of Innocence." " The designs, simultaneous offspring with the Poems, which, in the most literal sense, illuminate the Songs of Innocence, consist of poetized domestic scenes. The drawing and draperies are grand in style as graceful, though covering few inches space. The costumes of the period are idealized, the landscape given in pastoral and symbolic tints. Sometimes these drawings almost suffer from being looked at as a book and held close, instead of at a distance as pictures, where they become more effective. In composition, colour, pervading feeling, they are lyrical to the eye, as the Songs to the ear." Of the " Catalogue," he says, " It abounds in critical passages on paiuting and poetry, which must be ranked without reserve among the very best things ever said on either subject." 95 Blake, Wm. (" Pictor Ignotus "), Liib or, with selections from his Poems and other writings, by the late Alexander Gilchrist. Illustrated from BlaMs own worlcs, in facsimile, hy W. J. Linton, and in photo-lith)gra/phy, with a few of Blake^s original plates. 2 vols., 8ot., cloth, uncut. 88 00. London, 1863 96 Blake, Wm. " Fictor Ignotus." Illustrations to Blair's " Grave." The series of 12 engravings and Portrait of Blake, ly Schiavonetti. Brilliant Proof Impressions on India Paper. Together IS plates, folio, sheets. $20 00. Large Fave^: few printed. London, 1813 19 97 Blakbt's Historical Sketches of the Angling Literature of all Nations, with a Bibliography of English Writers on Angling. Thiclc 12mo., chth, uncut. $2 00. London, 1856 98 BLANC, CHARLES. Histoire des Peintres de toutes LES fcoLES, depuis la renaissance jusqu'i nos jours. Les Ecoles Franyaise et Hollandaise 2 vols., ficoles HoUandaise et Flammande 1 toL, Ecoles Italienne, Allemande, Anglaise, et Espagnole 1 vol. Together 4 vols, imperial ito., comprising upwards of 1,500 fine portraiti of the artists and specimens of their most celebrated works. Most leautifully engraved on wood hy the lest modern engravers. Finely hound in half dark gros-grained morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges, hy David. 160 00. Paris, 1857-65 This magnificent work waa commenced by J. G. D. Armengaud, and was published in numbers of 8 pp. each to subscribers only. 99 Boccaccio's Decameron, freely Translated with Life, etc., (by Dubois). Fine Portrait, and a complete set of Stothard's Illustrations. Peoofs, inserted. 2 vols., Svo., sprinkled calf extra, yellow edges, hy Bedford. Fine copy. $17 50. London, 1804 100 Boccaccio's Decameron, or Ten Days' Entertainment. Sharpens Miniature Edition, with many of the suppressed pas- sages. Portrait. 4vols., 16mo., half calf, extra. $10 00. London, 1822 101 B(oBWBK,) T(homas.) Life and Death of the Merry Devil of Edmonton, with the Pleasant pranks of Smug the Smith, Sir John, and Mine Host of the George, about the Stealing of Venison. (4£ (!L(E)mm(S>lX |)U2llP|(2m. Pickering's // J- Splendid Reprints of the Seven various Editions from Edward VI. to the present time, printed in large llaoh-letter type, in red and black inks, ly C. Whittingham. 7 vols., folio, hound in full white vellum, uncut edges. $115 00. Fine Copy. Pickering, 1844 This choice set comprises ; 1. First Prayer-Boofc of Edward VI., Whitchurch, 1549 2. Second Prayer-Book of Edward ¥1., ib. 1652 3. First Prayer-Book of Q. Elizabeth, Grafton, 1659 4. King James's Prayer-Book, Barker, 1604 B. Scotch Prayer-Book of Charles I., (Laud's) 1637 6. K. Charles II. Prayer-Book, (Sealed Book), 1662 1. Edition of 1662 adapted to the present Reign, 1844 109. BoscoBEL Tracts, relating to the escape of Charles II. after -^ the Battle of Worcester, and his subsequent Adventures. Edited by Hughes. Sno., cloth, uncut. $3 00. Best Edition. Edinlwgh, 1857 110 BossuET. DiscouRS suR L'HisTOiRE Univbkselle, depuis le '^ '^^, commencement du monde jusqu'A, I'Empire de Charlemagne. {Impr. povr Veducationdu I)awphin^2vols.,Svo., sumptuously- 22 louni in llm levant morocco, crushed, handsomely tooled lacks and joints, and inside lorders, ly Cape. $25 00. Pa/ris, Didot L'AM, 1786 " Belle Edition, tireb a 350 exbmplaibes. Brunei. •' A most valuable epitome of Ancient History." 111 Boswbll's Lise of Dr. Johnson, with the Tour to the He- brides. Greatly enlarged, with Notes by the Rt. Hon. J. Wilson Croker. Fine Portraits ly Finden. Best Edition. 5 vols., %vo., polished calf, gilt. Fine copy. $45 00. Murray, London, 1831 112 BOtJEBONS. Amoues Secrets des Bourbons, depuis le mariage de Marie Antoinette jusqu'i la Chute de Charles X. par la Comtesse du G*** 12mo., neatly lound in light Hue morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Scarce. $5 GO. Paris, 1830 A SUPERB SPECIMEN OF PRIZE BINDING. 113 BOURASSE, ABB^I J. J. LA TOURAINE, Histoire BT Monuments. Ouvrage public sous la direction de M. l'Abb6 J. J. Bourass6, illustrations par Karl Giradet et Franjais. Comprising 15 large and leautifiMy executed en- gravings on steel, Proop Impressions ; dso a duplicate set, Proofs before the Letters. 4 large chromo-lithographic . plates, beautifully colored and heightened with gold AND siLTER, olso fiumerous engravings on wood ly MM. Best, • , Chariot, Deschams, Grandidier, HUdelrand, Pannemahert '.Piaud, Pisan, etc., etc. Folio. $300 00. -, "■ Tours, A. Mame et Cie, 1S55 To give some idea of the exquisite beauty of the binding of this volume, it is only necessary to state that it was the contribution of M. Capb, OP Paris, to the Wokld's Pair at London, (1862), who, perhaps, of all others is entitled to the foremost rank among Bibliopegists. It ia bound in claret morocco, crushed and polished, and inlaid with black morocco, in two parallel lines, IJ inches apart, forming a bor- der, within which are stamped, in compartments, the Arms of Tours, Chinon, Loches and Amboise, the large centre field beautifully im- pressed with Arms of Touraine, surrounded with emblematical figures. The back is panelled with the same colored morocco, uni- form with the sides, and enclosmg the Arms of the same Cities. It is lined with green morocco, tooled with an ornamental letter F, and the Fleur-de-lys, and surrounded by broad borders of gold. Fly- 23 leaves of green moire-antique, gilt edges, etc., etc. The volume is encased in an extra cover of jewellers' chamois, covered to imitate a half-bound volume, and the whole enclosed in a neat case. This magnificent volume was not intended to represent France in the department of Bookbinding alone, but was produced as a specimen of all the arts thai enter into the manufacture of books, from those of the paper maker and type founder. Appended to this copy will be found an extra leaf, giving the names of some 40 or 60 firms and individuals who have been engaged in the production of the work. 114 BouRRiENNE, M. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, with a continuation embracing an account of the hundred days, and of his residence and death at St. Helena, etc. Nu- merous fine portraits and engravings. 2 thick volumes, 8»o., calf, gilt. Fine copy. $12 00. Hdinlwgh, N. B. 115 BowDiTCH, N. J. Suffolk Sdrnames, beautifully printed in Iwrge type, portrait, very thick, ivo., cloth. $3 00. 1861 116 BowRiNG, John. Minor Morals for Young People, illus- trated in Tales and Travels. Numerous etchings, ly George Cruikshank, thick 12mo., half morocco, uncut. Scarce. $5 GO. London, 1834 117 BOYDELL'S SHAKESPEARE GALLERY. 100 very large and leautifully executed plates to illustrate Shakespeare, from Paintings ly Narthcote, Smirhe, (including the Seven Ages), Westall, Reynolds, Opie, Fuseli, Stothard, West, etc. Brilliant impressions. 2 vols, in one, imp. folio, hand- somely hound in full ffreen morocco, gilt lack, and broad borders of gold on tJie sides, gilt leaves. $140 00. Zondon, 180S A SUPERB copy, the impressions of the plates being almost equal to proofs. The Publisher of the present Catalogue has no hesitation in declaring this to be the finest copy that has yet come under his notice. 118 Brand's Popular Antiquities, chiefly illustrating the origin of our Our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Supersti- tions, enlarged by Sir Henry Ellis. 3 vols., 12mo., calf, gilt. $8 50. London, 1841 119 jBEOlNa:, 0(1EJB!31SO!^IS'. THE SHIP OP FOOLES, ,y WHEREIN IS SHEWED THE FOLLY of oll StllteS, tOitl) bioetS otl]er tDorkea adiosnel) nnto tl)e satat, oer^ profitable aviii fruUfnll for all men. SCranolateb ont of Catin . - 1- 24 into (EltglialjC bg Alexander Barclay, |)rie0t. Folio. Slurk letter* Nvmeroiix rude woodcuts. Magneficbnt COPT. Yery tall. Bound ly Cla/rTce and Bedford in red russia, extra gilt. $140 00. Vert rare. Joseph Lilly advertised a copy in the same style of linding as above, at ISl. IBs. On the title-page of this copy are the autographs of Isaac D^ Israeli and 0. Gilchrist. Imprinted at London in Panics Churchyarde ly lohn Cavvood printer to the Queenes Maiestie. An. Bo. 1570. " The ' divers other workes adioyned ' to this edition are also by Alex- ander Barclay, viz : The Mirrour of Good Manners (which, as well as the Ship of Fools in this and Pynson's edition, has the Latin text) and Certayne Egloges, which by Warton are supposed to have been the first that appeared in the English Language." — Bib. Ang. Poetica. " All antient satirical writings, even those of an inferior cast, have their merit, and deserve attention, as they transmit pictures of familiar manners, and preserve popular customs. In this light, at least, Barclay's Ship of Fools, which is a general satire on the times, will be found entertaining. His author, Sebastian Brandt, appears to have been a man of universal erudition ; and his work, for the most part, is a tissue of citations from the ancient poets and hists- rians." — Warton. " The design of this work was to ridicule the prevailing follies and vices of every rank and profession, under the allegory of a ship freighted with fools, and in his metrical translation Baeclat has GIVEN A VARIETY OF CHAEACTEES DEAWN EXCLDSIVELT PEOM HI3 OWN couNTErMEN, and added his advice to the various foola, which possesses at least the merits of good sense and sound morality." In Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities, vol. ii. p. 431 and following, will be found a full description of this curious work with fac-smiiles of the woodcuts. 120 Bridokwatee Treatises.— A complete set of these highly- valuable Works, on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation. 12 vols., 8»o., cloth, uncut. $55 00. Pickering, 1835, etc. Comprises : Chalmers on the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man, 2 vols. ; Kidd on the Physical Condition of Man, 1 vol. ; Koget's Animal and Vegetable Physiology, 2 vols, ; Buckland's Geology and Mineralogy, 2 vols. ; Kirby's Habits and Instincts of Animals, 2 vols. ; Prout's Chemistry, Meteorology, etc., 1 vol. : 25 Bell oa the Hand, 1 vol. ; Whewell'a Astronomy and General Physics, 1 vol. 121 Britain. The Light or Beitayne. A Record of the Hon- ourable, Originall, and Antiquitie of Britaine. Portrait of Q. Elkabeth,f.9iVO.,loards, uncut. Very scarce. $2 50. London, 1588 Reprinted {for W. JJpcott). 1814 Large Paper. Only 26 copies thm printed. The whole Edition was but 135 copies, 107 on small, 26 on large paper, and 2 on vellum. 122 British Flag Triumphant ; or, the Wooden Walls of Old England ; containing Accounts of the Great Victories and Gallant Exploits of the British Fleets, to which is prefixed an Address to the Officers and Seamen of his Majestie's Fleets. Portrait of Admiral Radstock inserted, ^vo., pp. \(i%, half morocco, neat. $3 00. London, \%(iQ Scarce. On the fly-leaf occurs the following autograph note, by Lord Kad- stoclc : " The excellent address to this little work is written by James Allan Park, Esq., Kings's counsel. The rest was compiled and put together by Admiral Lord Eadstock." (Signed), Badstock. 123 British Poets ; Pickering's Beautiful Aldine Edition complete, with Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, J. Mitford, A. Dyce, and others. Elegantly printed ly Whittingham. Portraits. 53 vols, foolscap %vo., calf, extra, marbled edges. $150 00. Pickering, 1839, etc. Fine copy. Scarce. This is the most beautiful edition of the Poets ever printed, containing many pieces of each author hitherto unpublished. 124 British Poets. A complete collection of the British Poets, from Chaucer to Wordsworth, accompanied with Biographical, Historical, and Critical Notices. New Edition, with numerous additions. Portraits on India Paper, 1S4: vols., post Svo. sheets, folded. $275 00. Large Paper (No. 51) only 100 copies. Boston, 1865 Includes the Ballads, 8 vols. 4 26 125 British Novelists. Baebauld's excellent Edition com- plete, comprising the works of the most esteemed Novelists, with Biographical and Critical Prefaces. 50 voh., 12mo., blue morocco, extra. $75 00. London, 1820 Fine copy. Includes the best novels of De Toe, Fielding, Richardson, Miss Burncy, Johnson, Goldsmith, etc. 126 Britton's ArTOBiOGRAPHY. Appendix to. Containing Biographical, Archaeological, and Critical Essays. Numerous engravings. Royal 8«o., cloth, uncut. Scarce. Si 00. London, printed for distribution to the Subscribers to the Britton Testimonial, 1849 Comprises Essays on the Merits and Characteristics of Wm. Shake- speare, Stratford-upon-Avon, Stonehenge, etc., etc. ; also a classified list of his (Britton's) Publications. 127 Browne, Sir Thos. Complete Works, containing — 1. En- quiries into Vulgar and Common Errors. 2. Eeligio Medici; with Annotations, etc. 3. Hydriotaphia ; or, Urn Burial. Together with the Garden of Cyrus, and Alphabetical Tables. Fme portrait by White. Folio, handsomely bound in Cambridge calf, full gilt back, and red leaves. $12 50. London, 1686 Fine copy. 128 Browne, Sir Thos. Works complete. Vulgar Errors, Keligio Medici, etc. Edited with Life and Notes by S. Wilkin. Portrait. 3 vols, post Svo., half calf, gilt, marbled edges. $8 00. London, 1852 129 Browne, Sir Thos. Eeligio Medici; A Letter to a Friend; _ii Christian Morals ; Urn Burial; and other Papers. Edited by James T. Fields, Esq. Portrait upon Lndia paper. 8eo., cloth, uncut. $10 00. Boston, 1862 Large paper : 25 copies printed, 2 of which were destroyed by fire at Bichardson^s. Very scarce in this size. A beautiful specimen of American typography. 130 Brown, Tom. Works, Serious and Comical, in Prose and Verse, with his Remains and Life, and Key to the whole, by Dr. Drake. Curious engravings. 4 vols., 12mo., new, half calf, extra, marbled leaves. $15 00. London, 1760 131 Brown, Goold. Grammar of English Grammars, with an 27 Introduction, Historical and Critical. Thiclc %vo., calf, U 00. New York, 1851 132 Brougham, Heney, Lord. Lives of the Men of Letters and Science, who flourished in the Time of George III.. Fine portraits. Large Paper. Imperial 8»o., eloth, uncut. *5 00. London, 1845 133 Bruce, Robert. A Letter from the Nobility, Barons, and Commons of Scotland in the year 1320, yet extant under all the seals of the Nobility, directed to Pope John (22d), wherein they declare their firm Resolutions to adhere to their King, Robert the Bruce, as the Restorer of the Safety and Liberties of the People, etc. Aio., pp. 7, cloth. Rare. $5 00. Edinhurgh, 1689 Not mentioned by Lowndes. 134 Brunei, Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur de Livres, cinquifem 6dition originate, enti^rement refondue, et augment^e d'un tiers par I'auteur. Numerous woodcut fac' similies, of Devices of Ea/rly Printers, etc. 12 parts, royal %vo. paper, forming ^ thick vols. $30 00. Paris', Bidot, 1860-65 This is an entirely new edition of this invaluable bibliographical work, greatly enlarged and improved, elegantly printed on fine paper. The edition was quite small. 135 Beuscambille. Pensees Faoetieuses, et Bon Mots de Brus- cambille, comedien original. Frontispiece. 12mo., half calf. $5 00. Cologne, 1709 Very scarce. " ' There are not three Bruscambilles in Christendom,' said the stallman, ' except what are chained up in the libraries of the curious.' My father flung down the money quick as lightning — too^ Bruscambille into his bosom — hied home from Piccadilly to Coleman street with it, as he would hied with a treasure, without taking his hand once off from Bruscambille all the way." — Tristram Shandy, chap. xixt. 136 Brydgbs, Sir E. Censura Literaria, containing Titles, Ab- stracts, and Opinions of Old English Books, with original Disquisitions, Articles of Biography, etc. 10 vols., 8vo., new, half calf, neat. $45 00. London, 1805-9 137 Bridges, Sir E. Rbstituta ; or, Titles, Extracts, and Char- 28 acters of Old Books in English Literature, reyived. 4 vols., %vo., calf, neat. Scarce. $25 00. Zondon, 1814 Only 250 copies printed. " Works justly held in high estimation by all antiquaries in litera- ture." 138 Brydges, Sir Egerton. Imaginative Biography, comprising Twenty-four interesting Biographical Sketches. 2 vols., post Svo., half bltce morocco, extra, %1 00. London, 1834 " By Imaginative Biography I mean an Imaginary Superstructure on the known facts of the Biography of eminent characters." 139 Brydges, Sib Egerton. Select Poems, with Preface. 4^o.> hoards., uncut, pp. 40. $5 00. Lee Priory Press, 1814 Only 100 copies printed. 140 Brydges. Autobiography, Times, Opinions, and Con- temporaries. Portraits. 2 vols., 8«o., cloth, uncut. Scarce. $6 00. London, 1834 141 Budget de la Marine et des Colonies, pour 1829. Rapport au Roi, par M. Hyde de Neuville. BoydUo., red morocco, extra, with the arms of the JDuie of Orleans impressed on the sides, gilt leaves, and lined with Hue silk. $10 00. Paris, Irtvprimerie Royale, 1828 The Duke of Orleans' copy, with the autograph of M. De NeuTille, Minister of Marine, (not published). 142 Bulwer Lytton. Poetical and Dramatic Works complete. Portrait after Maclise, and vignettes. 5 vols., post 8vo., half calf, gilt. $15 00. London, 1852-54 Only complete uniform edition. 143 ButwER Lytton. Novels, new edition, with frontispieces ly >, Browne (' Pte '). 17 vols., square 12mo., half calf , gilt. $20 00. London, 1849-52 Best Edition. Containing Paul Clifford, Bienzi, Godolphin, Felham, Eugene Aram, Last of the Barons, Last Days of Pompeii, Pilgrims of the Rhine, Ernest Maltravers, Devereux, Zanoni, Lucretia, etc., etc. 144 (Bdlwer.) Weeds and Wildflowers. By S. E. L. B. Royal ^vo., half green morocco, gilt edges. Very rare. $10 00. Privately Printed. Paris, 1826 This is one of the earliest productions of this popular author, It was 29 issued the same year that he graduated from Trinity Hall, Cam- bridge. 145 Bunyan's Pilgetm's Progkess, with a Memoir by Dr. Cheever. Fine portrait and several hundred woodcuts hy the brothers Dahiel, from designs ly William Sarvey. BeautifvMy printed on thick toned paper. Sm. 4to., cloth, uncut. $17 50. Large Paper. London, 1850 From the Balmanno Collection. 146 Buntan's Pilgrim's Progress, with a Life of the Author. Beautifully illustrated with engravings from WestalPs designs. 12mo., Hue morocco, full gilt sides and lack. Scarce. 15 00. London, 1820 147 Buonapartiana, ou Choix d'Anecdotes Curieuses. Petite compilation pour servir k une grande histoire. 32mo., half hound. Scarce. $1 25. Paris, 1814 148 BuRQOTNE, Lieut-Gen. Dramatic and Poetical Works, to which is prefixed, Memoirs of the Author. 2 vols., 8vo., boards, uncut. $10 00. Chiswich Press, 1808 Large Paper. Scarce. 149 BuKKE, Sir Bernard. Romance of the Aristocracy ; or. Anecdotes and Becords of Distinguished Families. 3 vols., post 8w., cloth, uncut, $5 00. London, 1855 150 BURNET, GILBERT, D. D. A History of the Reforma- tion of the Church of England, with a General Index. 6 vols., imperial 8vo., half olive morocco, extra. Fine copy. Best edition. $75 00. Clwrmdon Press, Oxford, 1816 Large Paper : only 50 copies. 151 Burnet's History or the Reformation and History of his OWN Time. New edition, with Historical and Biographical Notes, embellished with nearly 100 fine portraits on steel. 4 ■vols., royal 8»o., calf, extra, marbled edges. $30 00. London, 1850 Pine copy. 152 Burns, Robert. Poetical Works, including the Pieces pub- lished in his correspondence and reliques, with his Songs and Fragments. Sharpens Beautiful Miniature Fdition with WestalVs exquisite designs. IQmo., calf, extra. $4 00. London, 1813 30 153 BuuNs' Works. Landscape Illustrations to the Life and Works of Kobert Burns, with Descriptions by Allan Cunningham. Fine portrait and 16 exquisitely beautiful engravings on steel. Proof impressions. 8vo., half morocco, uncut. Very scarce. $7 50. London, ISBb 154 BcETON, RoBEET. The Anatomy op Melancholy, what it is, with all the Kinds, Causes, Symptoms, Prognostics, and several Cures of it. A new Edition, corrected and enriched by Translations of the numerous Classical Ex- tracts. 3 vols., Svo., half morocco, extra, edges uncut, by Matthews. Best edition. $24 00. Large paper : only 75 copies printed. Very scarce. Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1861 155 Burton, Jno. Hill. The Book Hunter, his Nature, his Func- tions, his Club, Book-Club Literature, etc. Beautifully printed. Sni. 4to., half roxburgh morocco, uncut. $35 00. Large paper; only 'ih copies printed. Edinburgh, 18Q2 156 Burton, John Hill. The Scot Abroad. Beautifully printed on laid paper. 2 vols., fcap, 8vo., half morocco. $3 50. Edinburgh, 1864 157 Butler, S. Works, tiz., Hudibras, with Annotations by Grey, Portrait, and engravings by Sogarth, 2 vols. ; and Genuine Eemains, in Verse and Prose, by Thyer, 2 vols., together 4 vols., Svo., beautiftdly hound by Wright, in crushed crimson morocco, extra. $25 00. London, 1744-59 A beautiful Set of the Best Editions, with brilliant impressions of the eDgravings. 158 BYEON, LOED. Poetical Works, complete, 8 vols., with LIFE, by Tom Moore, 3 vols. Best Large Type Library edition. 11 vols., thick Svo., beautifully bound in pale brown morocco, super extra, gilt leaves, etc. By Riviere. $130 00. London, Murray, 1839 Superb copy. Extra illustrated, having, in addition to the illustrations published with the Work, a complete set of Find/en's Illustrations, and Byron Beauties, inserted, also nu- merous portraits and engravings. AU brilliant impressions. 159 Byron's English Bards and Scotch Eeviewers. A Satire. New Edition, edited, with Preface, by E. A. Duyckinck, 31 Esq. Beautifully printed, on heavy toned paper, ly Alvord, Uo., hoa/rds, uncut. $5 00. Wew York, 1865 Large Paper. Only 75 copies thus printed. {No. 12.) 160 Byron's CoNvBKSAitoNS with the Countess of Blessington. Portraits. %vo., half morocco, neat, unczct edges. $3 50. London, 1834 161 Btron, Lord. (Dr. Polidori ?) The Vampire, a Tale, with an account of Lord Bjron's Kesidence, Introduction, etc. 12mo.,pp. XXII. and 80. BeautifuUy lound in sprinkled calf, extra, hy Riviere. Very scarce. $5 00. Paris, 1819 " During a week of rain at tliis time (September, 1816), haying amused themselves with reading German Ghost Stories, they agreed at last to write something in imitation of them. ' You and I,' said Lord Byron to Mrs. Shelley, ' will'publish ours together.' He then began his tale of the Vampire ; and, having the whole arranged in his head, repeated to them a sketch of the story * one evening, but subsequently made but little progress in filling up his outline. The most memorable result of their story-telling compact was Mrs. Shelley's wild Romance of 'Frankenstein.'" — Moohe's Life of Byron. * " From his remembrance of this sketch, Polidori afterwards vamped up his strange novel of the 'Vampire' (the above work), which, under the supposition of its being Lord Byron's, was received with such enthusiasm in France. Some French writers have asserted that the appearance of this extravagant novel among our neighbors, first attracted their attention to the genius of Byron." — Note to ABOVE. AMPBELL'S (T.) Poetical "Works, complete, with Notes, elegantly printed and illustrated with the series of beautiful engravings from designs ly Turner. Sq. Svo., richly hound in turkey morocco, extra, by Mathews. $15 00. Moxon, 1854 This elegant edition is printed and illustrated in the same exquisite manner as Rogers' Italy and Poems. 163 Cantioum Canticorum, reproduced in fac-simile, from the Scriverius copy in the British Museum, with a Historical and Bibliographical Introduction, by J. Ph. Berjeau. Beautifully printed on heavy paper, folio, full vellum. $15 00. Only 150 copies printed. London, 1860 For interesting accounts of this celebrated work, see Sotheby's " Prin- 32 cipia Typographioa," and Ottley's " History of Printing and Engrav- ing." See also " Biblia Pauperum." 164 Carltle, Thos. Past and Present. Two parts in one vol., 12mo., cloth. |1 00. New York, 1847 165 Caroline, Queen. The Book, or the Proceedings and Cor- respondence upon the Subject of the Inquiry into the conduct of Her Eoyal Highness the Princess of Wales. 8vo., half calf, neat. $3 00. London, 1813 166 Caroline, Queen. Trial and Memoirs op, by J. Nightin- gale. Best edition, with numerous portraits. 4 vols., 8vo., calf, neat. Scarce. $12 00. London, 1821 157 Catacombes de Paris. Description des, prec6d6e d'un pr6eis Historique sur les Catacombes de tous les peuples de I'ancien et du nouveau Continent, par 0. H6ricart de Thury. Numerous engravings, plans, etc, 8«o., half calf, neat. $5 00. Paris, 1815 168 Catalogue. Bibliotheca Askeviana. sive Catalogus Libro- rum Earissimorum Antonii Askew, M.D., quorum auotio fiet apud S. Baker and Gr. Leigh. 8vo. pp. 149. (3570 lots.) Priced throughout. Half calf . Scarce. S3 00. London, 1775 Inserted is an Autograph Note of W. H. Chatto to R. Balmanno. " This Catalogue, without any doubt, contMns the best, the rarest, and most valuable collection of Greek and Latin Books that was ever sold in England." The sale produced upwards of £4,000. — Dihdm'i Bibliomania. 169 Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Crofton Croker, Esq., P. S. A., with a Memoir and Portrait. Svo., pp. 55. Also his collection of Antiquities, pp. 38. 8vo., cloth. $3 00. London, 1854 170 Catalogue of a valuable Collection of Books, comprising an extraordinary assemblage of Autograph Letters, Manu- scripts, Books, etc., of Thomas Gray, the Poet. (1845.) 8vo., pp. 42. Priced and named, with Notes, Newspaper cuttings, etc. 8vo., cloth. $3 00. London, 1845 171 Catalogue of the Choice Collection of Books belonging to William F. Fowle, Esq., of Boston, sold at auction 33 Dec. 20, etc., 1864. Priced throughout. Imperial Svo., half olive morocco, uncut. |7 50. Boston, 1865 Lakge Paper: only ib copies printed. Scarce. 172 Catalogue of the Library of Wm. Upcott, Esq. Eight days' sale. Svo., pp. Ti, sheets stitched. 75c. London, \9>^& 173 Catalogue op the Autogkaph Lbtiebs addressed by Thomas Moore to his Publisher, James Power, 1808 to 1836. Transcripts from 57 of which only (with omissions) have been published. Sold at auction June, 1853. 8t'o., tm- cut. Scm-ce. $2 00. London, 1853 174 Catalogue of the Collection oe Prints anp Drawings op the late William Upcott, Esq. Sold at auction June, 1846. Svo., uncut. 25c. London, 1846 175 Catalogue of the Curious and Valuable Manuscripts and Autograph Letters of William Upcott, Esq. Sold at auction June, 1840. 8vo., tmcut. 75c. London, 1846 176 Catherine II. of Russia. Authentic Memoirs of the Life and Reign of, from Authentic MS., etc, Frontispiece. Vlmo., half calf , extra. $2 75. London, 1797 177 CATLIN, GEO. Illustrations op the Manners, Customs, and Condition op the North American Indians. Up- wards of Hiree Bund/red and Sixty engravings. Beautifully Colored, /row the Original Drawings hy the Author. 2 vols., imperial Svo., half red morocco, emblematically tooled, gilt leaves. $60 00. London, 1857 But few copies were issued witli the plates colored. 178 Cavendish. Life op Cardinal Wolset. Edited from the original MS., with Notes and Illustrations by S. W. Singer. Fine portraits and engranings. Svo., leautifully hound in polished calf, extra, gilt leaves, ly Bedford. $10 00. London, 1827 179 CAXTON. Life and Typography op William Caxton, England's first Printer, with evidence of his typographical connection with Colard Mansion, the Printer at Bruges. Compiled from original sources by W. Blades. With 62 plates, comprising fao-simile pages from most of Caxton's looks, and other illustrations. 2 vols., 4:to., half morocco, un- cut. $45 00. London, 1861 5 34 Of this talcable woek only 250 copies have been printed. It de- scribes 94 separate works or editions, being thirty-one more than are noticed in Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities, with collations of them, and a list of those now in public and private libraries. It also includes the whole of his Prologues and Epilogues, and his own historical work " Policronicon." . 180 Caxton, Wm. The First English Printer. A Biography by Charles Knight. Portrait and fao-similes. I'Imo., half morocco, uncut. $1 75. London, 1844 181 Catlus {Marthe-Marffuerite de Valois, Marquise de Vilhtte). Sbs Soutenies. Nouvelle edition, avec une introduction et des notes, par M. Chas. Asselineau. Beavtifully printed on Pa/p. de Hollande, engravings, etc. ivo., most superbly hound in crimson levant morocco, with magnificently tooled sides atid hack, and inside borders of gold, hy Cap^. $15 00. Paris, 1860 This is one of the very few copies printed on Papier de Hollande, and contains vo., half calf , gilt. Fine copy. $4 00. London, 1840 Formerly in the Collection of Richard Grant White. 224 Cousin, M. Victok. La Societe Fean9aise au XVII™^ SiECLB, et Etudes sur les Femmes Illustres et la Societ6 du Siecle. Numerous illustrations. Together 8 vols., 8vo., half crimson morocco, extra, gilt tops, uncut edges, ly Datid. $25 00. Paris, 1856, etc. Comprising . — La SociSt^ Franfaise du XVII"" Mme. De Chevereuse, 1 vol. SiSele, . . . .2 vols. Mme. De Sable, . . 1 " Mme. de Longueville, . . 1 " Mme. De Hautefort, . 1 " La Jeunesse, . . . 1 " Jacqueline Pascal, . 1 " 225 CoueiN, M. Victor. Course of the History of Modern Phi- losophy translated by 0. W. Wight. 2 vols., %vo., half calf, gilt. $6 00. New York, 1853 226 Crabbe, Geo. English Synonymes, with copious Illustrations and Explanations. 8vo., calf. $1 25. JVew York, 1848 227 Craik, G. L. Eomancb or the Peerage, or, Curiosities of Family History. Portraits. 4 vols., post Svo., polished calf, extra. Fine copy. $18 00. London, 184:8-50 An interesting work, containing curious Histories and Anecdotes of the great English families for the last three centuries. 228 Creasy, Sir Edw. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, from Marathon to Waterloo. Large Type, Library Edition. Svo. , polished calf , extra, marhled edges. 86 00. London, 1864 44 229 Ceokbk, T. Ceofton. Faiby Legends and Teaditions of the South of Ireland. The Theeb Sbkibs, with Mmorous en- gravings and woodcuts, ly W. H. BrooTce. 3 vols., 12mo., half red morocco, neat, uncut edges. Scarce. $12 00. London, 1826-8 From the Balmanno Library. A Fine copy, containing the extra Tract, entitled, " Daniel O'Rourke, or, Rhymes of a Pantomime," and two very interesting Autograph letters from the Author to the late Mr. Balmanno. Also, numerous paper cuttings, etc., etc. 230 Ceokee, T. Cropton. The Keen of the South of Iebland, as Illustrative of Irish Political and Domestic History, Manners, Music, and Superstitions. Post 8fo., pp. 108, paper. Scarce. $2 00. Percy Society, 1844 Only 250 copies. The above is a Presentation Copy from the Author to Mr. Balmanno. 231 Ceokee, T. Ceofton. Killaenet Legends; arranged as a Guide to the Lakes. Numerous leautiful steel engravings. 12mo., half morocco, uncut. $3 00. London, 1S31 Balmanno Collection. 282 CnOKEK, T. C. A Christmas Carol, with Music. A large folio Broadside, with an ornamental horder, designed and etched hy Wm. B. Scott. Ibc. Unpublished. A Presentation Copy to Mr. Balmanno. 233 Ceokee, John Wilson. History of the Guillotine. Frontis- piece. 12mo,, hoards, uncut. Scarce. $3 00. London, 1853 234 Ceoly, Ret. Geoege. Salathiel, a Story of the Past, the Present, and the Future. 3 vols., post 8vo., half calf, extra, yellow edges. $6 00. London, 1848 235 Crosby. Irish Musical Repository. A Choice Selection of esteemed Irish Songs, with Music. Frontispiece. 12mo., half morocco, gilt, uncut edges. Scarce. §4 50. London, 1808 236 Ceuden's Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testa- ments, and the Apocrypha. Enlarged and corrected, with Life, by Alex. Chalmers. Portrait. ThicJc Ato., half russia, marlled leaves. $8 00. London, 1824: 237 Cruikshank, Leech, and " Phiz ; " a Collection of TJiirty 45 Charaoteristio jEngrmings, hy these Artists, neatly mounted in a Serap-Book Evo., half morocco. $10 00. Balmanno Collection. 238 Cruikshank. The Article on, from the Westminster Keview. With upwards of 50 of his most Characteristic Engravings. 60 pp., ivo., cloth. $5 00. London, (1845) See also, Engravings, lot 863. 238* Cunningham, Allan. Songs oe Scotland, Ancient and Modern ; with an Introduction and Notes, Historical and Critical, and Characters of the most Eminent Lyric Poets of Scotland. 4 vols., crown Svo. Scarce. Green levant morocco. Finely tooled. $30 00. Splendid copy. London, 1825 239 Curtis, W. T. Potiphar Papers. Illustrated by Hoppin. 12mo., cloth. Ibc. New Tori, 1853 240 Cutiee's Animal Kingdom, arranged after its Organization. Translated and Enlarged by Carpenter and Westwood, with upwards of 300 Colored and other Engravings. Imp. 8«o., half calf , antiqite, red edges. $10 00. London, 1849 jI'Abrantes, Duchess. (Madame Junot). Memoirs op Napoleon, his Court, and Family. Numerous fine por- traits. 2 vols., 9iV0., half calf, gilt. $7 50. New York, 1855 242 Daqley's Death's Doings, with Original Contributions in Prose and Verse, by Barry Cornwall, L. E, Landon, H. Stebbing, etc. 30 fine and remarlcable engravings after the manner of Holbdn. 2 vols., %vo., hoards, uncut. Fine copy. Scarce. $4 50. Boston, 1828 243 Daniel's Rural Sports. Hunting, Hawking, Fowling, Shoot- ing, Angling, etc., with the Supplement. Nearly 100 very heautiful engravings of, of Animals of the Chase, Game, etc., ly J. Scott and Landseee. Proof impressions. 3 vols., 4io., splendidly hound in hlue turJcey morocco, extra gilt hacks, leaves, and inside horders, ly Silani. $50 00. A MAGNIFICENT COPT. Original edition. 244 Dante. L'Enfer. (See Bori, lot 330). 245 Dante. Vision of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Translated, with Life and Notes, by Eev. Henry F. Carey. La/rge type, lihrmry edition. 3 vols., 8j>o., handsomely hound in moroeeo, gilt leaves. Scarce. $17 50. London, 1819 246 D'Akblat, Mme. Diaky and Letters complete, including the period of her Kesidence at the Court of Queen Char- lotte. Portraits. 7 vols., post 8fo., polished calf, extra, marlled edges. $25 00. London, 1842-46 Original Edition. " Sparkling with wit, teeming witli lively anecdotes and delectable gossip, and full of sound and discreet views of persons and things." 247 Daklet, F. 0. C. Coopek Vignettes. A series of 64 ex- quisite engravings from Drawings by Darley, engraved hy the best artists. India Proofs beiokb Letters. 8 parts, folio, hoards. $25 00. Mw York, 1862 Large Paper : few printed. " A series of subjects entirely national in theme, the product of the foremost of our Draughtsmen, and executed entirely by American Engravers." 248 Da Vinci. The Last Supper. A Biography of the Saviour and his Apostles. Illustrated with engravings on steel by Ormshy^s machine. \2mo., half morocco. $1 00. New Torlc, 1835 249 Davy, Sir Humphrey. Consolations in Travel ; or, The Last Days of a Philosopher. Numerous cuts. 12mo., crimson morocco, richly gilt. $3 75. London, 1851 250 Davy, Sir Humphret. Salmonia; or. Days of Fly Fishing; in a series of conversations, with an account of the Fishes of the genus Salmo. Illustrated. 12mo., cloth, uncut. $2 00. London, 1851 251 De Bury, Eiohard. Philobiblon. A Treatise on the Love of Books, with the literal English translation by John B. Inglis. Collated and corrected, with Notes, by Samuel Hand. Beautifully printed hy Munsell. Svo., haif olive morocco, red edges. Scarce. $10 00. Albany, 18G1 Large Paper : only 30 copies printed. 252 Db Clery. {Due De Montpensier, et De Riouffe). Memoirs DB. Avec Avant-propos et Notes, par M. F. Barri&re. Numerous portraits. 12mo., half morocco, gilt leaves. $5 00. Paris, 1847 47 253 DE FOE, DANIEL. NOVELS AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, with Life, Prefaces, Notes, etc., by Sir Walter Scott. 20 vols., 12mo., half morocco, uncut. Fine copy. Scarce. $50 00. Oxford, 1840-41 Best Edition. The only complete edition of the works of De Foe, uniform with Scott's Novels. 254 De Foe, Daniel. Complete Works, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by W. Hazlitt. Portrait. 3 voh., royal 8w., tree calf, extra. $22 50. London, 1840 Fine copy. Very scarce, nearly all the copies having been destroyed by fire. 255 De Foe, Daniel. Memoirs of the Life and Times of, with a review of his writings and his opinions on a variety of important matters. By Walter Wilson. Portrait. 3 vols., 8i;o., clouded calf, extra, marhled edges. Fine copy. $15 00. London, 1830 256 De Foe, Daniel. Eobinson Crusoe. Cadbll's Fine Edition, in large type, with 23 engravings hy Heath, from Designs hy Stothard. 2 vols., royal 8eo., tree-ma/rhled calf, extra, ma/rlled leaves. $20 00. London, 1^20 Large Paper. 257 De Foe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. Stockdale's Fine Edition, with fine impressions of the heautiful engra/oings ly Stothard. 2 vols., Ato., hoards, uncut. Scarce. $25 00. Large Paper. London, 1804 258 De Grimm and Diderot. Historical and Literary Anecdotes of, selected from their correspondence with the Duke of Saxe-Gotha. 4 vols., 8vo., half calf, neat. $10 00. London, 1814 259 Delepierre, Octave. Histoire Litteraire des Fous. Post Svo., half morocco, uncut. London, 1860 260 Delorme, Marion. Confessions de, par Eugene de Mirecourt, pr^c^d^es d'un coup d'oeil sur le rfegne de Louis XIII. Par Mery. Illustrated with fine engravings on steel, and nu- merous woodcuts. 2 vols., imp. Svo., handsomely hound in half hlue morocco, full gilt, gilt tops, uncut edges. $12 00. Pm-is, 1860 48 Mile. Delorme was the Mistress of Cinq Mars, who was put to death for conspiring against Richelieu, in the reign of Louis Xin. These confessions record her intrigues with the courtiers of the day, and she is even said to have visited the Cardinal himself, under various disguises. 261 De Louvillb. Memoires Seckets suk L'etablissbment de liA MAISON DE BoUKBON EN EsPAGNB. 2 VOls., 8»0., half calf. $3 50. Paris, 1818 262 Dennistoun, J. Memoies oe ihe Dukes oe Ubbino, illustra- ting the Arms, Arts, and Literature of Italy from 1440 to 1630, with appendix of Original Documents, Poetry, etc. Finely Illustrated with Engraved Views, Portraits, etc. 3 vols., sj. 8vo„ elegantly hound in full maroon morocco, super-extra, with richly-tooled sides and hacks, and gilt leaves, hy Grieve. $20 00. London, 1851 A Splendid copy of one of the most elegant and interesting works on Italy ever published ; it contains copious details of the Literature of the time. 263 DE QUINCEY'S WORKS, Complete, comprising : English Opium Eater ; Critical and Biographical Sketches ; Studies on Secret Records, Personal and Historic ; Essays, Sceptical and Anti- Sceptical ; Leaders in Literature ; Classic Records ; Autobiographical Sketches ; On Style and Rhetoric ; Speculations, Literary and Philosophic ; Letters and Miscellanies ; also, a copious Index to all the worlcs. Beautifully printed, with portraits, etc., together 15 vols., crown 8oo., pale yellow calf, extra gilt, marhled haves, contents lettered. $45 00. Edinburgh, 1863 Splendid copy op the Best Edition. This second edition in 15 vols, has some advantages over the first edition in 14 vols, It contains an unpublished paper on 'Political Parties,' and the series of Biographies contributed to the Encyclo- pedia Britannica, including the Essay on Shakespeare, of which the author writes, " No paper ever cost me so much labour : parts of it have been reoomposed three times over." It further contains a general Index. — Quarterly Review. " We have no richer prose, in at least the present day, than that of De Quincey ; and no other writer, not even Carlyle himself, of more decided individuality." — Dean Trench. 264 Deterbux, Hon. W. D. The Eauls op Essex, Lives and 49 Letters of, in the reigns of Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I. Port. 2 vols., 8»o,, cloth, uncut. $7 50. Mwrrm/, 1853 ' Three highly interesting Biographies, illustrating an important period of English History ; the work is very ably written, and abundantly supplied with original letters from public and private collections." 265 DiABLE A Pakis. Paeis et les Parisiens, moeurs et coutumes, Characters et Portraits des Habitants de Paris. Par MM. Geo. Sand, Gozlan, Pascal, Ch. Nodier, De Balzac, Gautier, Houssaye, etc., etc. Profusely illustrated with engravings and woodcuts, after the celebrated designs of Gavarm. 2 thich vols., imp. 8vo., half red morocco, gilt leaves. $17 50. ^^, „. Pam, 1845 DIBDIN'S WORKS, ON iLARGE PAPER. ^ 266 DiBDiN, Rev. T. F. The Bibliographical Decameron, or, Ten Days Pleasant Discourse, upon Illuminated Manu- scripts, and Subjects connected with Early Engravingj Typography, and Bibliography. Nmwrom portraits and ' '~' illustrative plates, many of them v^on India pa^er. ^ vols., imp. %vo. Elegantly hound in crimpled olive morocco, super extra, gilt edges. London, 1817 Large Paper, only 50 copies printed. " This worli may be Considered as a continuation of the Bibliomania, the same characters being introduced in the dialogues. From the in- formation which it contains, and the splendor of the decorations and priniing, it will ever be considered as a model of excellence and good taste in typography and the Arts. Both the copper-plates and the woodcuts which embellished the work were destroyed."— Lowndes. A similar copy of the above, on Larqb paper, was recently priced at £46 8s. in London. 267 DiBDiN, Rev. T. F. Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany. Portraits and numerous highly finished engravings, many being upon , India paper ; also, Lewis' Etchings, illustrating the Man- ners, Customs, etc., of the people of France md Germany . 60 plates, India Proofs. 3 very thick vols., imp. Svo., elegantly hound in crimpled oUve morocco, extra, gilt leaves. Large Paper. Only 100 copies printed. London, 1821 1 50 This fine copy, in addition to Lewis' etchings, has his " Observations on his treatment by Dr. Dibdin in relation to the Prints for the BibliograpUcal Tour," which is now very rare, as he was prevailed upon by mutuarfriends to suppress it, after some few copies had been dispersed. It also contains the extra plates, " EaU of the Pilgrims," and " View of the Prater at Vienna," engraved by Corbould. Drury, ill 10s. 268 Dibdin, Rev. T. E. BiBLioaRAPmcAL, Piciueesqub, and Antiqttaeian Tour in the Northeen Counties, and in Scotland, leith mtcards of 100 beautiful plates and woodr cuts, iUustratwe of Ancient Architecture, Facsimiles of rare prints, etc., etc. Pkooes on India paper. 3 vols. imp. Svo., elegantly lound in crimpled oUve morocco, super extra, gilt leaves. London, 1838 Large Paper. Only ^2 copies printed. ^ sL ■'- Signature 2 N. of this copy has been very neatly inlaid, otherwise it is in splendid condition. ' 269 Dibdin, Ebt. T. P. Typographical Antiquities, oe the HiSTOEY OE Printing in England, Ireland, and Scot- land, enlarged on Ames and Herbert, Portraits and nu- merous facsimiles of em-ly Printing, Printers'' Monograms, etc. 4 vols., royal 4:to., half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, (backs tooled uniformly with the preceding lots). London, 1810-19 This is a very fine copy, having, in addition to the plates belonging to the work, upwards of 56 extra portraits, engravings, etc., many of which are very scarce. 270 Dibdin, Ret. T. P. Bibliotheca Spenoeriana. A Descrip- tive Catalogue of Books printed in the Pifteenth Century, and of many valuable Pirst Editions, in the Library of Earl Spencer. 4 vols., imperial Svo., half olive morocco, uncut edges. London, 1814-15 This valuable work unquestionably stands at the head of its class as the best bibliographical description of one of the most extensive and finest collections of rare early literature ever formed. 271 Dibdin, Rev. T. P. ^des ALTHOEPiAN.a! ; or. Account of the Mansions, Books, and Pictures, at Althorp {Sari Spencer'' s). 51 Nwnerous fine portraits, and specimens of early engraving on wood, 2 vols., imperial 8w., half olive morocoo, uncut edges. London, 1822 272 DiBDiN, Eev. T. p. Descbiptivb Catalogue op Books PRINTED IN THE FIFTEENTH Centurt, lately forming part of the Library of the Duke di Cassano Serra, with a ■^^■—-^i- General Index of Authors and Editions, contained in the Bibliotheca Speneeriana and ^des Althorpianae. 1 vol., imperial 8w., half olive morocco, uncut edges. London, 1823 273 DiBDiN, Rev. T. F. Reminiscences of a Literary Life. i( With Anecdotes of Books, and of Book Collectors. J ^ Portraits, etc. 2 vols., imp. 8vo., half olive morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, Major, 1836 Large Paper. Excessively Rare, only 39 copies printed. 274 DiBDiN, Rev. T. F. Bibliomania, or Book-Madness ; a Bib- liographical Romance. Illustrated with cuts. New Edition, {Edited ly Walmsley, with a. Supplement, and Key to the assumed characters in the Drama). 2vols., Imp. 8vo., hoards, uncut. ' ' London, 1842 Large Paper, only 55 copies printed. Very scarce. 275 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. The Same. Small Paper. Royal 8»o., half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1842 276 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics, ,^ Polyglot, Hebrew, and Greek Bibles, Greek Testaments, and the Greek and Latin Fathers. Best Edition. 2 vols., imperial 8vo., half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Large Paper : only 250 copies. London, 1827 This edition is entirely rewritten, and contains for the first time an account of the best editions of the Hebrew Bibles, Greek and Latin Fathers, etc. 277 Dibdin, Rev, T. F. Library Companion; or, The Young Man's Guide and the Old Man's Comfort in the Choice __, of a Library. 2 vols., imperial Svo., half olive morocco, gilt "'■^ top, edges uncut. London, 1824 Large Paper. This is the first impression, having the celebrated Cracherode Breeches story on p. 394, of vol. I, which was omitted in the second edition. 52 278 DiBDiN, Kev. T. F. Poems. 8vo., pp. X. 117, neatly inlaid in imperial 8w., hound in half olive morocco, gilt top, etc. London, 1797 Stjppkbssbd bt the Authok. "In the first edition of the Jji&'omawza is a curious note respecting these poems, from which it appears that 500 copies were printed, the major part of which were destroyed. ' My only consolation is,' (says the author), ' that the volume is exceedingly rare.' Brockett's copy sold for £1 2s., and Bindley's for £1 IBs."— 279 DiBDiN, Kev. T. F. Bibliophobia. Kemarks on the Present Languid and Depressed State of Literature and the Book- trade, etc. Boyal Svo., with extra llanTc letwes, stilted to imperial 8«;o., half olive morocco, gilt top, etc. London, 1832 Laege Paper : only 100 copies. 280 (DiBDiN, Kev. T. E). The Dieectoe. A weekly Literary Journal, containing— L Essays on Subjects of Literature, etc. II. Bibliographiana, account of rare and curious books, and of the book-sales, from the close of the Seven- teenth Century, III. Koyal Institution. IV. British Gallery. 2 vols., 8w., stilted to imperial 8w., half olive morocco, gilt tops, edges uncut. London, 1807 The Bibliographical portion was written by Dr. Dibdin. 281 Dibdin, Rev. T. P. History op Cheltenham, and an account of its Environs ; with a concise display of the County of Gloucester, and an Appendix containing a copious and accurate Itinerary, etc., etc. Frontispiece. 8»o., stilted to imperial Svo., half olive morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. t>^G,k IVb^^. Very scarce. London, 1803 282 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. A'Kempis. Imitation oe Jesus Cheist. ./ Translated from the Latin original ascribed to Thomas A'Kempis, with an Introduction and Notes by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, D.D. 6 leautiful engravings, including Sdkator Mundi by Guercino, the Last Supper ly Da Vinci, etc. Lmperial 8»o., half oUve morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London: dickering, 1828 Laege Paper : only 50 copies printed. 283 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. More, Sir T. Utopia. Translated by Robinson. New Edition, with copious Notes (including the 53 whole of Br. Warner'' s), and a Bibliographical Introduc- tion by Dr. Dibdin. Portrait ami engramngs. Small ^to., stilted to imperial 8»o., lialfoUiie morocco, giU top, uncut edges. Laege Paper : only 40 copies. London, 1808 This copy has the extra plate of " More's Family " engraved in out- line. 284 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Qfaeles (Francis). Judgement and Mercy for Afflicted Souls ; or, Meditations, Soliliqnies, and Prayers, with a Bibliographieal and Critical Introduction hy Reginald "Wolfe, Esq. (Br. Bibdin). Portrait, sq. 12mo., calf, extra. London, 1807 285 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Roxburghe Revels, and other relative papers, including Answers to the Attack on the Memory '" ' ofthelate Joseph Haslewood, Esq., F.S.A., with specimens of his literary productions. 4fo., halfoKve morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Edinburgh : Prirdedfor Private Circulation, 1837 Only 50 copies printed. Very scarce. Uniform with the Koxburghe Club Books. E. A. Crowninshield's copy. 286 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Bibliography. A Poem, in Six Books. Not Puhlished. 8vo.,pp. 24, uncut, lound in an imperial 8vo. vol., half oUve morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1811 Only 50 copies printed, most of which were destroyed ly the dvihor. 287 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. The Lincolne Nosegay. Here begyneth a little tome and hathe to name The Lincolne Nosegay ; <-''' beynge a brefe table of certaine Bookes in the possession of Maister Thomas Frognall Dibdin, clerk, which Bookes be to be sold to him who shal gyve the moste for ye same. Foolscap 8vo.,pp. 16, uncut, bound in an imperial Svo. vol., half olive morocco, gilt top, etc. London, 1811 Very scarce. Only 36 copies printed. 288 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Specimen Bibliotheca Britannioa. Specimen of a Digested Catalogue of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, in the English Language, or Appertaining to British Literature and Antiquities. Imp. 8vo., pp. 77, half morocco. London, 1808 Only 40 Copies printed. Not published. Presentation Copy, from the Author. 54 289 DiBDiN, Ebv. T. F. Specimen of an English De Buee. Svo., pp. 32, half morocco. London, 1810 Only 50 copies printed. Presentation copy from the Author. 290 DiBDiN, Rev. T. F. Book Rarities ; or, a Descriptive Cata- logue of some of the most Curious, Rare, and Valuable Books of Early Date ; chiefly in the Collection of Earl Spencer. 8«)o., pp. 34, half morocco. London, 1811 Only 36 copies printed. Presentation copy. 291 DiBDiN, Rev. T. F. PEOor Sheets, Book Raeities, etc. A collection of 60 leaves of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Proofs of the alove^amed Tract, eteey page covered with the MSS. Annotations, and Corrections op the authoe. 8»o., half calf. 1811 Unique and very curious. This volume belonged formerly to Dawsou Turner, who has inserted a prirate portrait of the author, etched by Mrs. Turner. The following Note occurs on the fly-leaf, " The Poimdation Stone of the Bibliotheca Spenceriana." — T. F. D. 292 DiBDiN, Rev. T. F. Feyldb, Thos. The Complaint of a Lover's Life. Controversy between a Lover and a Jay. Black Letter. Ato., half morocco, unewt. London, ISIB Only 36 copies printed. Dibdin's Contribution to the Eoxbnrghe Club. E. A. Crowninshield's copy, with his Book-plate. 293 DiBDiN, Rev. T. F. Bibliomania, and Catalogue of Dibdin's •^^ LiBEAEY. 2 parts in one vol., Svo., half calf, neat. London, 1809, and 1817 This is a unique volume, containing the First Edition of the Biblio- mania (pp. 87), the Title-page of which is on India paper, an en- graved Book-plate of Bibdin, his Autograph ; and illustrated by the insertion of 14 fine portraits and vignettes. Catalogue of Dibdin's Library, sold in 1817, interleaved with the prices and purchasers' names, Notes, etc., in Dr. Dibdin's own handwriting. 294 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Proof Sheets, or Printer's Revise to the Bibliographical Decameron. Consisting of the First Day, pp. 225, and 50 pages of the Sixth and Sev- enth Days, the margins of each page covered with the Manuscript Revisions, and Corrections of the author ; Printers Suggestions, etc., etc. Royal 8to., half morocco, uncut. 55 UNIQUE. This is an exceedingly curious and interesting volume, giving an insight, as it does, into the author's mode of composition, etc. The revise of the First Day's pages appears to have been sent to a friend of the author, who has offered many important suggestions, and made numerous corrections, all of which appear to have been adopted. 295 DiBDiN, Eev. T. F. Banquet donne a Paris la 17 Juin, 1818, JOUE Annivekbairb de la Pondation du Rox- BUEGHB Club ; par Eev. T. F. Dibdin, Vice-Pr6sident de cette Institution, [par S. MUlin). %vo., pp. 1 , half calf . Very rare. Paris, 1818 Privately printed. Presentation copy to Sir Francis Freeling. 296 Dibdin, Eev. T. F. Lent Lectures, preached in the Church / of St. Mary, Bryanston Square, by the Eev. T. F. Dibdin, '■ < Eector. 2 vols., imperial 8»o., half olive morocco, gilt top, in-^-^ ' uncut edges. London: Printed for the Author, 1%%% Large Paper: only 12 copies printed. 297 Dibdin, Eev. T. F. A Sermon preached in the Church of St. Mary, Bryanston Square, on the demise of His Eoyal Highness the Duke of Sussex, April 30th, 1843. %vo., pp. 15. London, 1843 Presentation copy from the author to E. A. Crowninshield, Esq. 298 Dibdin, Eev. T. F. The Old Paths : being Two Sermons preached on the First and Second Sundays in Advent, in St. Mary's Church, Bryanston Square, by the Eev. T. F. Dibdin. 8«o., pp. 30, sheets. London, 1844 Presentation copy to E. A. Crowninshield. 299 Dibdin, Eev. T. F. Sermons, Doctrinal and Practical; preached .in King Street, Brompton, Quebec and Fitzroy Chapels. Swo., calf, neat. London, 1820 300 Dibdin, Eev. T. F. Sermons preached in the Church of St. Mary, Bryanston Square. 8w., hoctrds, uncut. Scarce. Only a limited edition. London, 1843 301 Dibdin, Eev. T. F. Lines to the Duke of Wellington, and Chancellor of the University of Oxford, on his visit to the University Press, June 12th, 1834. A broadside printed sheet. 1834 To E. A. Crowninshield, Esq., with the compliments of George Liver- 56 more. The following Note, in the Autograph of Dr. Dibdin, occurs on the bottom of the page. " These lines were written by me, at the New Clarendon Press, Oxford ; on the morning when the Duke of Wellington was installed at Oxford, they may be called the first edition of what appears in the Bibliomania." — ^T. F. Dibdin. 302 Dibdin, Eev. T. P. Sale CAiALoauE of Drawings, madb EOR Dibdin's Bibliogeaphioal Toue, with Prices and Purchasers Names. 8vo., pp. 5, mterlemed, unbound. This copy was priced and named by George Lewis, who executed the Drawings, and who accompanied Dibdin on his Tour. It contains numerous marginal notes, and an explanatory note to Robert Trip- hook, bookseller, also, in the Autograph of the Artist. Paper cuttings, etc., etc. 303 Dibdin, Kev. T. F. Bibliotheca Norfolcuna, 1681. Uo., old calf. London, 1681 Dr. Dibdin's Copy, with his Book-Plate. * Together 57 vols. $2,500 00. London, V. D. It may be asserted without fear of contradiction that the foregoing set of "Dibdin," included in lots 266 to 303, is the most complete and desirable erer offered for sale in this country, and presents an opportunity to collectors which may not again occur in a lifetime. Taking into consideration the high prices which detached portions of the set now realize, particularly those on Laege Paper, the price asked for the present remarkably complete collection must be con- sidered exceedingly reasonable. " The Literary Keminiscences " (2 Tola., Imp. 8to.), is so scarce that a gentleman of this city has had an unlimited commission to purchase a copy, in the hands of ^ an agent in Europe for the last ten years, which remains unexecuted to this day. 304 Dibdin, Rev. T.F. Voyage Bibliographique, Archaiologique et Pittoresque en France, traduit avec des Notes par Thiod. Licquet. Large Vellum Paper, with the Imrge Portrait of the Author, and numerous engra/oings from the JEnglkh edition, inserted. 4 vols., imp. 8»o., half maroon morocco, jUt tops, uncut edges, hy Riviere. $45 00. Paris, 1825 This Translation contains numerous curious notes, exposing the errors of the author, and a Supplement, supplying his omissions. 305 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Bibliography, a Poem. Preface, pp. 24, Boyal 8»o., crimson morocco, gilt edges, ly Machnzie. 57 Pkitately printed : and only 50 copieg. JE. A. Crownin- shield's copy with his book-plate. $10 00. London, 1812 "There is no title-page to this effusion from the pen of Dr. Dibdin." — Martin. 306 Dibdin, Kev. T. F. Poems. 8vo. pp. x. 117, Calf, gilt. From the Crowninshield library. $10 00. Suppressed by the Author. London, 1797 307 Dibdin, Rev. T. F. Bibliophobia. Remarks, on the present languid and depressed state of Literature, and the Book Trade, in a letter addressed to the Author of the Biblio- mania, by Mercurius Busticus. 8»o., half morocco, uncut. 18 00. London, 1882 Balmanno copy, with Newspaper cuttings. ' 308 Dibdin, Thomas Pkognall. A Preliminary Disquisition on THE Early State op Engraving and Ornamental Printing in Great Britain, to be published in his edition . of Ames' Typographical Antiquities. London : Printed for the author by William Miller, 1809. 4to., pp. xvii. Bound up with this are 112 additional illustrations, collected and described by Mr. Balmanno, being mostly rarities in wood engraving of the choicest description. Among them will be found a fine impression of the title page, with portrait of Queen Elizabeth on the reverse, from Camden's Annals, 1635 ; rare cuttings from old volumes. It also includes upwards of 75 beautiful Proofs on India Paper of the Illustrations to Jackson and Chatto's Wood-engraving. 1 vol., royal Ato., half green morocco. $40 00. A Unique Volume. original mss. by chas. dickens. 309 DICKENS, CHARLES. "HUNTED DOWN." The Original Manuscript. 15 pp. 4fo., neatly mounted on Moritingpapm-, handsomsly bound in full green crimped morocco, extra, by Matthews. $100 00. A highly characteristic and interesting specimen. Presented to the Sanitary Fair by Robert Bonner, Esq. 310 Dickens, Charles. Complete Works. The Handsohb Household Edition, beautiftdly printed on laid paper, and 8 58 illustrated with engrmings from designs hy Barley and Gil- bert. 55 vols., post 8vo., neatly hound in half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges, hy Matthews. $115 00. [Riverside Press), New YorTc, 1860 311 Dickens, Chaeles. Sunday ; Undee Thebe Heads. As it is ; as Sabbath Bills would make it ; as it might be. By Timothy Sparks. \%mo.,pp.^^. $150. Zondon, 18SQ This little work, dedicated to the Bishop of London, Tindicating the right of the poor to rural enjoyment on the Sunday, was written by Dickens, though never publicly acknowledged by him. From the Balmanno Collection, with Autograph Notes by W. H. Chatto. 312 DiCTIONNAIEB DE L'ACADEMIE FRAN9AISB, aVBC UHB COmple- meat par une membre de I'Academie. Sixiemb Edition. 3 thick vols., 4to., calf. $20 00. Paris (1856) The Dictionary of the French Language. 313 DiCTIONNAIEB Univbesbl DBS CoNTilMPOEAiNS, contenant toutes les personnes notables de la France et des pays etrangferes, par Gr. Vapereau. New Edition. Very thicJc (pp. 184:0), royal 8vo., half morocco, $6 00. Paris, 1861 314 Dictionary. Flemming and Tibbin's Royal Dictionary, English and French, and French and English, compiled from the Dictionaries of Johnson, Todd, Ash, Webster, and Crabb, 2 thick vols., 4fo., half morocco. $25 00. Paris, 1857 315 DiDEEOT, Denis. Eomans St Contes, 3 vols. Salons, 3 vole. Together 6 vols., post 8vo., new half calf, neat. |15 00. Paris, 1821 316 Diderot. La Relioieuse. Numerous fine engravings hy L. Ba/rhier. 2 vols, in one, 12mo., half morocco, gilt. $5 00. Paris, An. lit. de la Pepubliqm 317 DiDRON, M. Christian Iconography; or, the History of Christian Art in the Middle Ages. Translated by Millington. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols., post 8vo., cloth, uncut. $3 00. London, 1861 318 DiQBY, Sir Kenelm. Private Memoirs op, written by himself. Published from the Original Manuscript, with an Introductory Memoir. Fine portrait after Millard. 59 "With the Castrations. Very rare. Swo., hmdsomely hound in Um crushed levant morocco, exbra, gilt hacks, leaves, and inside borders. $15 00. London, 1827 " Thia singular piece of autobiography is written as a romance — a key to the characters is given by the editor, N. Harris Nicolas, pp. Ixxxviii. and 328." — Lowndes. This fine copy contains the " Castrations from the private Memoirs of Sir Kenelm Digby. Not published. 1828. 8to., pp. 50, containing title and introduction. A copy of this tract was recently priced in a bookseller's catalogue at £2 10s. 319 DiODORUs SicuLUS. Diodori Siculi Historiarum Priscarum a Poggio in Latinum traducti, liber primus incipit, etc., etc. Folio, vellum. Scarce. $25 00. Impressi Venetiis, per Andrea Jacobi Katharesen, etc. MCCOCLXXVI. A remarkably fine and clean copy of the second edition of the Latin translation of Poggio. (That of Bologna, 1472, being the first.) For a collation, etc., see Dibdin's Cassano Catalogue, pp. 46. 320 D'IsEABLi, Isaac. Curiosities of Literature, with a View of the Life and Writings of the Author, by his Son. Portrait. 4 vols., 8«o., hdf Roxhwgh morocco. Finest EDITION. $24 00. Lae&e paper: only 100 copies printed. Riverside Press, Boston, 1864 Uniform in size and style of binding with the large paper edition of the "Amenities of Literature " by the same author. 321 D'IsHAELi, Isaac. Curiosities op Literature, Illustrated by Bolton Corney. Second Edition, with the Ideas on Contro- versy. Post ^0,, half morocco, uncut edges. Scarce. $3 00. London, 1838 322 D'IsRAELi, Isaac. Curiosities op Literature. New Edition, Fine portrait and vignette. 1 vol., royal 8vo., half calf, extra. $5 00. Moxon, London, 1840 323 D'Israeli, Isaac. Amenities op Literature, consisting of Sketches and Characters of English Literature. New Edition, edited by his son, the Eight Hon. B. D'Israeli. 2 vols., %vo., half morocco, uncut, by Matthews. $12 00. Large Paper : only 100 copies. Boston, 1864 Uniform with lot 320, 60 324 D'IsEAELi, Isaac. Miscellanies os Litekatuee. Contain- ing Literary Miscellanies, Quarrels of Authors, Calamities of Authors, Literary Character, etc. Royal 8«o., half calf, extra, marbled leaves. $5 00. Moxon, London, 1840 324* DiTSON, G. L. Ciecassia, or, a Tour in the Caucasus. Front- ispiece. 8vo., cloth. $1 50. Mu! York, 1850 325 Dixon, William Hbpworth. The Personal History of Lord Bacon. From, unpublished Papers, by William Hepworth Dixon of the Inner Temple. Author''! edition. 8w., boards, unmt $7 50. Boston, 1861 Large paper : 75 copies printed. This work is uniform in size with the large paper edition of Bacon, printed at the Riverside Press. 326 DoDD, Kbv. W. Beauties of Shakespeare, regularly selected from each Play, with a general Index, etc. Numerous fine woodcuts. 12mo., calf, extra, marbled edges. $3 50. Cheswiclc Press, 1818 327 DorsLET, Robert. Old Plays. A Select Collection ; new edition, with Additional Notes and Corrections by Isaac Reed, Octavius Grilchrist, and the Editor (John Payne Collier). 12 vols. 8fo,, half olive morocco, gilt tops, uncut ei^es. $100 00. Large paper : extremely scarce, Prowett and Pickering, London, 1825-33 " This valuable work contains 60 of our best and scarcest Early Plays, beginning with the first Dramatic Performances, entitled, " Moral- ities or Mysteries." Interspersed with much valuable information respecting our early Dramas, and Poetry. 328 DoRAN, Dr. Annals or the Stage, from Thomas Betterton to Edmund Kean. — Actors, Authors, Audiences, with nu- merous Portraits, etc. 2 vols., imp. %vo., cloth, uncut. $12 00. New York, 1865 Large Paper : onhf 160 copies printed. Beautifully printed on a hand-press, by Alvord. 329 DoEE, G-irsTAvB. La Sainte Bible, selon la Vulgate, traduc- tion nouvelle. 228 leauiiful engravings, after designs ly Bore, and every page ornamented by Giacomelli. Original edition. 2 vols., folio, cloth, uncrtt. $125 00. Paris, 1366 61 The original edition is now very scarce, and is every day increasing in price. There were some 12 engravings in this edition, that were suppressed, and replaced by others, in the new edition. 330 DoKE, GrtiSTAVE. Dante. L'Enfbk. Traduction FranQaise de Pier-Angelo-Fiorentino, accompagnee du Texte Italien, with 76 large full page Ulmtrations ly Bore, and a magnificent Portrait. Atlas folio, svi/perhh) hound in full olive morocco, richly gilt, with Iroad inside lorders of gold. $75 00. A Splendid copy. Paris, 1862 There have been several subsequent editions of this work. 331 DoKE, GrusTAVB. Cervantes ; Don Quichotte db la Manohe, traduit par Louis Viardot, avec un notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages sur I'auteur. With upwards of 360 la/rge illustrations and vignettes by Dore, engraved ly Pisam, fine impressions. 2 vok., Atlas folio, splendidly houndinfull olive morocco, richly gilt sides and back, and heavy inside borders of gold. $125 00. Paris, 1863 Fine copy. The volumes, the last two lots, are each put up in strong cloth-paper boxes. 332 Douce, Francis. Illustrations of Shakespeare, and of Ancient Manners ; With Dissertations on the Clowns and i . -, Fools of Shakespeare ; on the collection of Popular Tales entitled G-esta Eomanorum ; and on the English Morris I'cji- Dance. The engravings on wood hy tT. Perryman. 2 vols., 8vo., half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. $7 50. London, 1839 " I look upon this work as a, sort of Hortus Shakespearianus ; the research and learning bestowed on it are immense." — Dibdik. 333 Drake, N. Shakespeare and his Times, Criticisms on his Genius and Writings, a new Chronology of his Plays, a Disquisition on the Objects of his Sonnets, and a History of the Manners, Customs, Amusements and Supersti- tions of his Age, by Dr. N. Drake. Portrait and facsimiles of Autographs, etc. 2 vols., ito., half turkey morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. $35 00. London, 1817 Large paper. Fine copy. This masterly production contains a mass of agreeable and well digest- 62 ed information, and is particularly valuable for its full account of the contemporary writers and their works, the different editions, etc. 334 Drama : — The London Stage ; a Collection of the most Ee- puted Tragedies, Comedies, Melo-Dramas, Farces, and Interludes, printed from the Acting Copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal. Fortraits, and numerous iUmtra- thus. 4 vols., 8wo., hdf calf, extra. Fins copy. Scarce. $15 00. London, (1825) 335 DRAMATIC BIOaRAPHY. A Fine Series, including all the Best Editions of the most interesting Biographies of Celebrated Actors and Actresses, Anecdotes, etc. Comprising : Life of Edmund Kean, 2 vols. — Life of Munden, by his Son, 1 vol. — Life of Grimaldi, by Boz, (Dickens), mth CruikshanJc's etchings, 2 vols. — Bernard's Retrospection of the Stage, 2 vols. — Life of the Duchess St. Albans, [nee Mellon), by Mrs. Wilson, 2 vols. — Anec- dotes of Actors, by Mrs. Matthews, 1 vol. — Life of Mat- thews, 4 vols. — Boaden's Life of Mrs. Jordan, 2 vols. — Raymond's Life of W. EUiston, {Cruihshank's plates), 2 vols. — Peake's Memoirs of the Coleman Family, 2 vols. — Campbell's Life of Mrs. Siddons, 2 vols. — Adolphus' Life of Bannister, 2 vols., and Boaden's Life of J. P. Kemble, 2 vols. Together 26 vols, 8»o., and p. 8w., uniformly hound in half calf, extra. Many hundred portraits andiClm- trations. $100 00. Lmdon, 1830, etc. A splendid series. Many of the works included in the above are quite scarce. 336 Du Bakki, Madame. Memoirs of. Written by herself. Trans- lated. {Mistress of Louis XV.) 4 vols., l&mo., half calf, gilt. Fine copy. $7 50. London, 1830 337 Dcoas, Theo. Travels in Various Countries in Europe, at the Revival of Letters and Art, edited by Charles Mills. 2 vols., ^vo., half calf, gilt. $5 00. io«rfo«, 1822 338 DUOHATBLET, PARENT. HiSTOIRE DE LA PROSTITUTION danS la Ville de Paris, consid6r6e sous le Rapport de I'Hygi^ne Publique, de la Morale et de 1' Administration. Folding tables. 2 vols., 8vo., half coif , gilt. $4 50. Pam, 1836 63 339 Dototjr, Pierre. {Pseudonyme). Histoibe de la Prostitu- tion chez tous les Peuplea du monde, depuis I'antiquite la plus recul^e jusqu'4 nos jours. Numerous engrmings on steel. 6 vols., 8vo., calf, very neat. Scarce. 125 00. Paris, 1851 340 DutAuRE, J. A. Histoiee physique civile et morale de Paris, depuis les premiers temps historiques jusqu'i nos jours. SixEME I^DiTioN. Augmeut^e par J. L. Belin. Numerous fine engrmings. 8 vols^, Svo., half red morocco, neat. Sccwce. S25 00. Paris, 1837 " Get ouvrage estime, est le fruit de longuea recherches." — Brunei. 341 Dumas, Alex. Emmanuel-Philibert; or, the European Wars of the XVIth Century. Thick 12mo., cloth. 11 00. New Tori, 1854 342 DuNTON, John. The Life and Errors of, with the Lives and Characters of more than a thousand contemporary Divines, and other Persons of Literary eminence. To which are added Dunton's Conversation in Ireland, selections from his other genuine works, and a faithful Portrait of the author. 2 vols., %vo., half calf, extra. |7 50. London, 1813 Contains a very curious account of Boston and New England, with characters of all the remarkable persons in the colony when visited by Dunton in 1686. 343 DupoNT, Paul. Histoire de L'Imprimerie. Beautifully printed within floriated borders. 2 thick vols., imperial ivo., handsomely bound in crimson morocco, super extra, gilt leaves, etc. $30 00. Paris, 1854 A splendid copy. 344 DuKER. " Albert Duiker." A rare collection of choice im- pressions of Albert Durer's famous series of cuts of the " Passion," from the original wood blocks preserved in the British Museum, etc. "A perfect and very fine set, 20 OP which are proofs of the first edition before the Latin verses on the backs." With fine engraving of Albert Durer, head of Bilibald Pickheims, and various other engravings by Durer, Van Meeken, Behm, etc., PROOFS AND fine impressions, in all 84 engravings, illustrat- 64 ing Albert Bwer and Ms school. \2mo., hound in old red morocco, gilt, $100 00. A Unique volume, from the Balmanno Collection. Prefixed to this interesting volume is an elaborate catalogue of its conte nts, and a transcript of the Preface of Henry Cole to the fac- simile reprint of the "Passion," published at London in 1844 — most beautifully written by Mr. Balmanno on his Sixty-sixth Birth- day—Dec. 30, 1846. 345 DuREK. The Humiliation and Exaltation Of oue Re- deemer, in 32 prints representing the original wood-hloeJcs of Allert Durer. Edited ly John Allen, M. A. Square 12mo., cloth. $1 50. London, 1856 346 DuKEE. Das Leiden Jesu CBristi, comprising 23 plates, photographed from the original engravings by Burchard. Small Uo. sheets. $10 GO. Berlin, 1862. 847 DuREB. Another Set of 13. Photo-lithographed from the originals hy Burchard of Berlin. $6 50. 348 Durer. Passion op Christ. A series of 17 large engramings on wood. The original impressions. Rare. $17 00. 349 D'UKPBY, TOM. Wit and Mirth; or, Pills to Purge Melancholy ; being a collection of the best Merry Ballads and Songs, Old and new. Fitted to all Humours, having each their proper tune for either voice or instru- ment, most of the Songs being new set. Fine portrait ly Verttie. 6 vols., 12mo., sprinkled calf, gilt, red edges. $90 00. J. Tonson, at the Shakespeare's Sead. Very fine copy. Very scarce. London, 1719 The above is a perfect set, having the 6th volume which is often want- ing entirely, or is replaced by " Pills to Purge State Melancholy," which has no connection with the work. " The pieces of this author are remarkable for licentiousness, loose- ness of sentiment, and indelicacy of wit, yet are very far from being devoid of merit." 350 DwiGHT, M. a. Grecian and Roman Mythology, with an Introductory Notice by Prof. Lewis. Numerous illustra- tions, Svo., cloth. $2 50. Mw York, 1849 DWARDS, JAMES. Catalogdb or the Library op, containing a splendid assemblage of early printed books upon vellum, curious and important Mss., etc. (Sold by Auction, by R. H. Evans, April 5-10, 1815). Hachpage 65 neatly inlaid on writing paper, with the prices and purchasers names leautifully written by Mr. JBalmanno, and illustrated with 2 PINE WATER-COLOR DRAWINGS FROM THE BEDFORD Missal, by Mrs. Balmanno ; also illustrations of the celebrated Greek Vase known as the Vaso del Capo di Monte, etc. 4:to,, half morocco, uncut. Unique. $10 00. London, 1815 The proceeds of this sale amounted to £8,362. Is. 6d. Mr. Edwards was the " Einaldo " of Dibdin's Decameron. " Never was there a braver spirit evinced in the acquisition of precious tomes ; and his Vellum Litt, the long and fondly cherished object of his heart, produced a sum to satisfy the most sanguine expectations (£903). But there were other articles which comparatively produced much greater sums ; and, upon the whole, if, of all the days in any one sale of Books by auction, I were called upon to select that which should be the most regaling to my palate, it would be the last day of the sale of the Library of Rinaldo." — Dihdin. 352 Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles. In the British Museum. Several hundred woodcuts. 2 vols., 12mo., half red morocco, uncut. 13 00. London, 1838 Balmanno copy, with cuttings inserted. 353 Elizabeth, Queen. Secret History of the Most Kenowned Queen Elizabeth and the E(arl) of E(ssex). By a Per- son of Quality. Cv/rious frontispiece. 16»jo., jip. 115, half morocco. Scarce. $2 75. London : Printed for R. Wellington, 1702 354 Ellis. Specimens or Early English Metrical Romances, with an Historical Introduction. New Edition. Revised by J. 0. Halliwell. Illuminated frontispiece. 12mo., crim- son calf, gilt. $3 50. London, 1848 355 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC A; or, Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. Eighth and last Edition. Complete. Several hundred fine engravings. 21 thick vols, and Index, 4to., cloth. $125 00. Edinburgh, 1861, etc. Has also the extra Dissertation. 356 Englefield, Sir H. Vases, drawn and engraved by H. Moses, with Descriptions. 40 very beautiful engravings. 5 66 Pkoop impressions, ito., half morocco, gilt tops, vneut edges. 812 50. London, 1819 Large Paper. Balmanno copy, with cuttings inserted. 357 English and Scottish Ballads, with numerous Notes and Grlossaries. Edited by F. J. Child. 8 vols., crown 8w., green morocco, extra, ly Riviere. $40 00. £oston, 1860 Large Paper. " The best collection of Ballads extant." — Athencmm. 358 Engravings. A choice volume, of rare beauty, prefaced by the following certificate in the autograph of the collector, Mr. Balmanno. Uo., calf, gilt. $25 00. " This volume has 102 leaves, and contains 296 engravings. The greater portion of them are engravers proofs, of the greatest possible rarity, obtained by me in cousequence of having for many years gratuitously filled the office of Secretary to the Artists' Benevolent Fund. They are engraved on copper, long, long be- fore steel was introduced, which has made engravings so common and cheap, whilst copper is soon destroyed by the friction of the printer's hand in wiping the ink from the plate. Certified by me, Robert Balmanno, F. S. A., London, 1828." 369 Engravings. Wood Engravings. Various. An octavo volume, bound in half morocco, so lettered by Mr. Bal- manno. Containing 364 separate engravings, with six ORIGINAL DRAWINGS. Amoug the latter is a pen and ink sketch, a fine female head, by the celebrated British painter, James Barry ; another, the head of an old man, by the celebrated designer on wood, John Thurston. The illustrations collected in this volume are of various kiads, including many choice proofs on India paper, gems by Thompson, the American Anderson, and others from designs by Stothard, etc. $25 00. 360 Engravings. Brooke, W. H. Designs and Engravings. An octavo volume, containing 255 engravings prepared by Mr. Balmanno, whose acquaintance with the artist and the publishers of his works enabled him to form this interesting collection, enriched with autographs and numerous choice proof impressions of the designs for 67 Croker's Fairy Legends, and other books of a similar character ; also 2 Okioinal and Highly Characteristic Pen and Ink Drawings. 8vo,, morocco. $15 00. 361 Engravings. A choice collection of upwards of 80 leaviiful engravinge on steel and wood, nearly all Proof Impressions- The woodcuts all on India Paper. In one vol., royal 8«o., cloth. $6 00. Includes some of the finest specimens of wood-engraving ever executed — many of whicli were presented to Mr. Balmanno by Mr. Chatto. 362 Engravings. Another choice collection, comprising over One Ekndred gems of wood-engraving. Brilliant Proofs on India Paper, including a leaviiftd series of illustrations to Shakespeare, engraved hy Thurston. %vo., red morocco, gilt. 115 00. Balmanno Collection. 363 Engravings. Wood Engravings. Cruikshank's Works, ETC. 8vo.,half red morocco. $20 00. From the Balmanno Collection. This volume contains Thaclceray's Illustrated Article on Cruiksbank, from the Westminster Review, with additional engravings; the Il- lustrated Article on Wood Engraving, from the same Review, etc., etc., embracing, in all, 213 engravings, with Autograph of George Cruikshank. Many proofs on India paper. A choice collection. 364 Engravings. Wood Engraving, Illustrated. A Series of Papers from the Polytechnic Journal, with numerous de- signs after Martin, and others. $5 00. London, 1839 From the Balmanno Collection. 365 Engravings. " Pen and Pencil," by Mrs. Balmanno. Choice India Impressions of the Designs for this Popular Volume. Sm. 4:to., half morocco. $4 00. From the Balmanno Collection. 366 Engravings. Illustrations to British Annuals, 1825-29. J. Fine Collection of vpwa/rds of 60 very elegant Engravings, after the Best Artists ; engraved hy Seath, Finden, Erlom, Romney, etc. Proofs before Letters. Imp. 4o., half calf, neat. Scarce. $5 00. London, 1848 373 Evans, John. Excursion to Windsor, through Kew, Rich- mond, and Twickenham, including an account of Straw- berry Hill, and of Hampton Court. Plates inserted. Post 8fo., half calf, gilt. Scarce. $3 CO. London, 1827 Balmanno copy. 874 Evelyn, John. Diary and Correspondence, Edited from the Original MSS., by W. Bray. Portraits. 4 vols., post 8vo., calf, extra. Fine copy. $16 00. London, 1850. 375 Everett, Edw. Orations and Speeches on Various Occa- sions. Portrait. 3 vols., imp. Svo., half russia, uncitt. $15 00. Boston, 1850 Large Paper. 69 ABER, G. S. ORIGIN OF PAGAN IDOLATRY ascertained from Historical Testimony and Circumstan- tial Evidence. Map and plates. 3 vols., Mo., elegantly hound in polished calf, extra gilt, marbled leaves, hy Cecil. $75 00. Very scarce. London, 1816 This iinportact, and now scarce work, represents all the Keligious Sj'stems of Antiquity. " The writings of this learned divine are held in high esteem." — Lowndes. 377 Facetiae, (Detilish ?) Comprising : The Devil's Walk, by Coleridge and Southey ; The Real Devil's Walk, by Per- son ; The Devil's Progress, and " Satan in Search of a Wife." Numerous illustrations, hy Cruikshanh and Flm. 12mo., half morocco, neat. Scarce. $5 00. London, lS31,etc. 378 Facetia Comprising : " Monsieur Tonson," by Taylor ; "Monsieur Nongtongpaw; " "The Yorkshire Hunt," by Cowper, and " The Show Folks," by Pierce Egan, with Lllustrations, hy George Cruikshanh. 12mo., half morocco, neat. Scarce. $3 50. London, 1830, etc. 379 Faikholt, F. W. Notes of a Journey through the South of France to Rome, during the Autumn of 1856 (in a letter to C. Roach Smith). Profusely illustrated. Royal 8»o., uncut. Rare. $3 00. London: Privately printed, [only 50 copies), 1858 Presentation copy from the Author to Mr. Balmanno. 380 Fairholt, F. W. Dictionary of Terms in Art, with 500 En- gravings on Wood, by the Author. Post Svo., half calf, gilt. $3 00. London. (ISQO ?) 381 Fanshawe, Lady. Memoirs, written by herself, with Extracts from the Correspondence of Sir R. Fanshawe, Ambassador from Charles II. to Madrid. Portraits. Svo., handsomely hound in citron morocco, extra, gilt hack, and inside borders. $7 50. London, 1829 Edited by Sir Harris Nicholas. " These Memoirs may be ranked among the most interesting specimens of Autobiography," 382 Faraday, M. Six Lectures on the Chemical History of the 70 Candle, to which is added A Lecture on Platinum. Profusely illnstrated. 12mo., cloth, uncut. $1 50. London, 1861 383 FAUBLAS. LES AMOUKS DU CHEVALIER DE PAUBLAS ; par Jean Bapt. Louvet de Couvray, precedee d'une notice sur Louvet, par MM. *** Illus- trated with the beautiful series of engravings on steel, from designs ly Collin. Pkoof impressions on India paper, BEFORE THE LETTERS, and a duplicate set of the etchings, also, numerous extra plates inserted. 4vols.,royal9tVo., superily bound in crushed crimson levant, super extra, gilt backs, leaves, and inside borders, by Cape. $100 00. Paris : A. Tardieu, 1825 Large Paper. The extra plates inserted in this magnificent copy, include a complete set of the Illustrations published in the edition of 1798, hj Monsiau Gerard, Dutertre, and others. Proofs, with a duplicate set, 'with- out THE LETTERING. The Series by Rogier, Proofs ; and another Series by Deviera, Matsard, etc., India Pboofs before Letters, Together, upwards of 100. " La plus belle des nombereuses editions de ce roman licencieux." — Becnet. 384 Facstus : His Life, Death, and Doom ; a Romance in Prose, translated from the German. 12mo., cloth. $2 50. London, 1864 385 Fellowes, W. D. Historical Sketches op Chas. I., Cromwell, Charles II., and the principal Personages of that Period, including the King's Trial and Execution. 50 engravings and facsimiles, ^io., half red morocco, neat. Scarce. $20 00. London, 1828 From the Balmanno Collection, with extra plates, including a. private print of the swords of Cromwell, Fairfax, etc., piercing one of King Charles' " Benevolences," as preserved in the collection of Walter Fawkes. " This interesting work includes an account of the sums exacted by the Commonwealth from the Royalists, the names of those who compounded for their estates," etc. 386 Feltham, Owen. Resoltbs, Divine, Moral, and Political. Fcap 8vo., brown morocco, extra, by Riviere. $5 00. ' Pickering, 1840 71 , 387 Fenelon. Les Aventures de Telemaque. Beautifully printed, (sous la direction de M. Didot le Jeune, avec les nouveaux caractferes de sa Fonderie, sur papier T6lin d'Annonay), and illustrated with upwards of 20 heautiful mezzotint engravings, after designs ly Monnet. Proofs be- roRE Letters. 2 vols., imp. 4to., crimson mcyrocco, extra, gilt haves. $25 00. Paris, 1788 Vert scarce. " Assez belle Edition, qui a et6 faite pour reoevoir les gravees par Tillard sur les dessins de Monnet." — Brdnet. 388 Feuriar. Illustrations of Sterne, with Miscellaneous Es- says and Verses, (giving a Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Books from which Sterne pillaged in com- posing " Tristram Shandy.") 2 vols., post 8»o., boards, uneut. $4 00. London, 1812 " Dr. Ferriar, with most singular patience, has traced Sterne through the hidden sources whence he borrowed most of hia learning, and many of his more striking and peculiar expressions." — Sm W. Scott, 389 Fielding, H. Works, Complete, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Murphy. Fine portrait. 10 vols., 8»o., clouded calf, gilt, marbled leaves. Very scarce, $50 00. A Fine Copt op the Best Edition. London, 1821 390 Fielding, H, Histort op Tom Jones, a Foundling. Best Edition. Beautifully printed on heavy Hutch paper, by Bidot. Large Paper. 4 volt., royal 8«o., bound in green morocco, extra,, gilt backs and leaves, and silk linings. Fine copy. Scarce. $20 00. Paris, 1780 To prevent mistakes, to which foreign printers are liable, Didot has avoided the division of words at the end of lines throughout this edition. 391 Finden's Landscape and Portrait Illustrations to the Life and Works op Lord Btron, with Descriptions by Brockedon. Upwards o/" 150 highly ^finished engravings, early impressions. 3 vols., royal 4io., fidl green levant mo- rocco, richly gilt. $50 00. Zo»(fo», 1833-4 Large Papee. These beautiful engravings are from drawings by StanGeld, Roberts, Cattermole, Callcott, Westall, etc. r Z •.■> 72 392 FiNDLAT, Alex. Ocassical Atlas of Ancient Geography, with an Index to Ancient and Modern Names. Royal ivo., half morocco. $3 50. New Torlc, 1849 393 Fisher, P. ANaiBR's Souvenir. Elegantly printed on very heavy paper, every page surrounded by emblematical woodcuts, and Peoops before the Letters [on India paper), of the numerous exquisite steel engraving^. Post 8ko., handsomely hound in olive morocco, antique, gilt leaves. $10 00. Very scarce in this State. London, 1835 394 Flagellants. Memorials of Human Superstition ; being a Paraphrase and Commentary on the Historia Flagel- lantium of the Abbe Boileau, by one who is not a Doctor of the Sorbonne. Curious plates, 8«o., half green morocco, gilt top, uncut leaves. Very sca/rce. $5 00. London, 1784 395 Forster's British Gallery of Pictures, containing select specimens from the Masters of the Italian, Flemish, Butch, and English Schools, from various private collections. Largest Paper. Atlas folio, half crimson morocco, extra. Scarce. $35 00. London, 1807 Brilliant Open Letter Proofs, Published at £44 2s. in boards. The usual copies of this beautiful book are very inferior, the plates having been worked off a second and third time under the old date. The last two leaves in the above copy are slightly stained by water. 396 Forsyth, Joseph. Eemarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters, during an excursion in Italy in 1802—3. Engraved frontis- piece. 2 vols., crown Svo., calf, neat. $3 00. London, 1824 397 Forsyth, Wm. Life of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Portraits and engravings, beautifully printed, 2 vols., imperial 8vo., cloth, uncut. ^10 00. {Riverside Press), New Torlc, 1865 Large Paper : only 100 copies. 398 Foster, John. Arrest of the Five Members by Charles I. A chapter of English History rewritten. Beautifully printed, crown 8»9., cloth, uncut. $2 75. London, 1860 399 Franklin, Benj. Works, containing several Political and Historical Tracts not included in any former editipn, and many letters. Official and Private, not hitherto published, 73 with Notes by Jared Sparks. Portraits and Phtei. 10 vols., imperial 8vo., half russia, gilt top, uncut edges, hy Matthews. $125 00. Boston, 1840 Large Papbk. Scarce. -'' Fowle's copy brought $250 00. COLLECTION DES CLASSIQUES FEANQAIS. 400 Kacine. (Euvres CoMPLfeTES DB. Avec les Notes de toutes les Commentateurs, par M. L. Aime Martin ; Fourtli Edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee des etudes de Kacine sur rOdyss6e d'Homfere et sur les Olympiques de Pindare. Illustrated. 7 very thick royal 8vo. vols., most sumptuoiisly bound by Cape in crushed crimson levant, extra gilt backs, broad inside borders of gold, and marbled and gilt leaves. Paris, Lefevre (Imp. de J". Didot), 1825 Large Paper. This superb copy has, in addition to the beautiful series of engravings belonging to the work after Gerard, Girodet, Proudhon, etc. {all of which are Proofs before the Letters), several hundred extra plates inserted, comprisiug numerous Portraits and the complete series of designs by Dessenne (mJA the etchings), Moreau, le Jeun {with a duplicate set of Unlettered Proofs), Gravelot, Peyron, and others. 401 Pascal, Blaise. Lettres ]Scritbs a un Provincial ; pre- cedees d'un essai sur les Provinciales et sur le style de Pascal (par Frangois de Neufchateau). Fine portraits. Unlettered Proofs. Royal 8»o., bound uniformly with the preceding lot. Paris, Zefevre, 1826 Large Paper. 402 La Fontaine, Jean de. CEnvRES db, preoed^es d'une nouvelle notice sur sa vie. Nouvelle Edition, revue, mise en ordre et accompagne de notes par C. A. Walckenaer. 6 vols., thick royal Svo., uniformly bound in the same sumptuous manner as the preceding lots. Paris, Zefevre, 1826-27 Largb Paper. This copy has nearly 100 extra portraits and engravings inserted, com- prising the complete set of Moreauis designs, Proofs before Letters, also the series by Bergeret. The plates are in every in- stance proofs, and in many cases are accompanied by the etchings. 10 74 403 MoNTESQmBU, Ch. Baron db. (Bdvbes completes, aveo les variantes des editions originales et les notes de tous les commentateurs, recueillies et mise en ordre par M. Parelle. 8 vols., royd 8»o., uniformly hound with the preced- ing lota. Paris, Lefeore, 1826 Large Paper. Numerous portraits and plates inserted, all of which are in the proof state, and many before the letters. The precedino four lots are all the Best Editions, ahd are most BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED ON papier jesti vHin, Large Paper {but very few thus printed), and bound uniformly in the most sumptuous MANNER BY Capb. A MAGNIFICENT SERIES. Together 22 vols., royal 8vo. |560 00. " Cette belle collection est fort recherch^e, et plnsiers des ouvragea qui la composent sont de venus rares. 11 y a des exemplaires en papier nom de Jesus, qu^on ne trouve plus que difficilem£nt." — ^Brunet. 404 Fkbnoh Classics. Collection dds Petits Classiqubs Fran- 9AIS, dedi6e k S. H. R. Madame Duehesse de Berry. beautifully printed on toned paper, hy Didot. 8 vols., IQmo., superlly hound in pale brown morocco, with extra tooled inside hordes, and marbled gilt edges, by David. $42 00. Only a very limited edition printed, Paris, 1825-26 " Cette collection, qu'on pent regarder comme un fort joli joujou lit- t^raire, a 6t6 dlrigSe par Ch. Nodif.r. It comprises the following works : ' Madrigaux de Mons. de la Sabli^re ;' ' Corguration du Comte de Fiesque, par le Card, de Betz; ' ' Voyage de Chapelle et de Bachaumont ' ; ' Diverses Petits Poesies du Cher. d'Aceilly (Jacq. de Cailly)' ; ' La Guirlande de Julie ' ; ' Oeuvres choisies de Senec6.' ' Relation des campagnes de Bocroi et de Fribourg, par Henri de Bessa.' (Euvres choisies de Sarrazin." 405 French Revolution : a Collection of Tracts on, Brissot's Address to his Constituents ; Desmoulin's History of the Brissotins ; Du Pan's Considerations, etc. In one vol., 8w., half cdf, neat. $1 50. London, V.D. 406 Feoissart. Chronicles op England, France, and Spain, etc., with Homphrht's Magnificent Illuminated Illus- trations, inserted at the proper phoes, 2 vols., extended to 4. Royal %vo,, handsomely hound in russia, richly gilt sides amd backs, and gilt leaves. $75 00. London, 1845-8 A sumptuous copy : the illuminations alone were published at £10 10s., the plates of which were destroyed, and they are now very scarce. 75 407 Fuller, Thos. History of the University of Cambridge, from the Conquest to the year 1634. Fine map. 9>vo., dark green morocco, gilt back and leaoee. $5 00. Cambridge, 1840 408 Fuller, Thos. Good Thoughts in Bad Times, and other Papers. Beautifully printed, with a fine portrait {India proof before letters), 8w. $7 50. TTniioersUy Prea, Large Paper : only 30 copies printed. Boston, 1863 ARDENS AND MENAGERIE op the Zoological So- ciety, delineated, with numerous beautifid engramngs, by Sarvey. Superbly printed throughout on India paper. 2 vols., Svo., half morocco, uncut. $25 00. Uhiswick Press, London, 1831 Excessively rare in this state. " This is the most perfect specimen of India paper I have ever seen, not one speck or fibre being observed throughout the volumes, a very rare thing indeed, as India paper generally abounds in imper- fections," — Egbert Balmanno. Pubished at £7 Is. 410 Gay's Fables, with Life. Stookdalb's Fine Edition, printed in la/rge type, with 70 beautiful engravings, by Blake, Stoth- ard, Wilson, Audinet, etc. Brilliant Impressions. 2 vols,, imp. 8»o., handsomely bound, in tree calf, extra, by Riviere. Very scarce. $20 00. London, 1793 Of the 70 engravings in the above worlc, some 20 are by the celebrated Blake, ' Pictor Ignotus.'' This is uniform, in size and binding, with copy of .fisop's Fables, see lot 10. 411 George IV. Diary, Illustrative of the Times of, by Lady C. Bury, Miss Sheridan, etc., edited by John Gait. Both Series complete. 4 vols., 8»o., cloth, uncut. Scarce. $8 00. London, 1839 412 German Novels and Romances. Comprising : Roscoe's Ger- man Novelists, with Biographical and Critical Notes, 4 vols. — (Carlyle's, Thos.) German Romance, or. Specimens of its Chief Authors, with Notes, 4 vols. — and German 76 Stories by K. P. Gillies, 3 vols. Together 11 vols., crown Svo., calf, extra, marbled edges, uniform. 133 00. EdMywrgh and London, 1826, etc. Comprises all the best collections of German Romance yet publislied. 413 German Theatre, containing the Most Favorite Plays, by Kotzebue, Schiller, Babo, Iffland, Goethe, etc., translated by Thompson. Fine engravings. 6 vols, in 3. 8»o., half calf, neat. $18 00. London, 1801 414 Gibbon, Edward. History op tbe Decline and Fall of THE KoMAN Empire. Portrait on India pa^er. 8 vols., royal 8fo., morocco, extra,fv,ll gilt sides, and lacks. $160 00. Large paper: only 50 copies printed. Very scarce in this size. W. Pickering, London, 1827 415 Gibbon, Edward. Decline and Pall of the Boman Empire. Best edition. Handsomely printed in la/rge type. Fine portrait. 8 vols., 8vo., calf, extra, marlled edges. $35 00. London, 1848 416 Glanville, Key. Jos. Sadducismus Tbiumphatus ; or, a Full and Plain Evidence concerning Witches and Apparitions, with Large Additions, by Dr. More. Frontispiece and Title, ly Faithorne. 8vo., halfcdf, neat. $3 50. London, 1700 A notice of this Work, written to prove the real existence of Witches and Apparitions, will be found in the Retrospective Review, — v. 5, p. 87—136. 417 Glossary op Architecture ; Terms used in Grecian, Boman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture, with 1,700 engravings ly Jewitt. 3 vols., 8oo., eloth, uncut, $15 00. Last and Best Edition. London, 1850 418 Godwin, Wm. Lives op the Necromancers ; or, an account of the most eminent persons in successive ages, who have claimed for themselves, or to whom has been imputed by others, the exercise of Magical Power, ivo., half russia, very neat. Sea/roe. $5 00. London, 1834 419 Goethe's Autobiography. Truth and Poetry from my own Life, 2 vols., and Dramatic Works, 1 vol, Translated by Sir Walter Scott and John Oxenford. Portraits. 3 vols, post Sec, calf, extra. $8 00. London, 1848 420 Goldsmith's Works. Edited by P. Cunningham. Large 77 type. Portrait and vignettes. Best Libbart Edition. 4 vols., 8«o., calf, extra. Fine copy. $18 00. Murray, London, 1854 421 Goldsmith's Poetical Works, with Biographical Memoirs and Notes by Bolton Corney. beautifully illustrated by engrweings on wood from drawings hy Cope, Creswick, and members of the Etching Club. Sm. iio., cloth, uncut. 16 00- London, 1846 422 Geammont. Memoires du Comte Gkammont par Antoine Hamilton, pr6e6dee d'une notice Biographique sur le Comte Hamilton. 64 fine portraits by Scriven. 2 vols., 8vo., calf, gilt. |9 00. Londres, 1811 " Le texte a 6t6 revu par Bertrand de Moleville." 423 Geammont's Memoirs, by Hamilton. Translated, with Life, etc., with Brilliant Impressions of the 64 fine portraits of the Court Beauties and notorious characters of the Court of Charles II. 2 vols., 8»o., bound in French gros- grained morocco, extra gilt. $20 00. London, 1811 424 Grammont. Memoirs op, by Anthony Hamilton. 64 fine portraits of the Court Beauties and celebrated characters of the Court of Charles II. 2 vols., 8»o., calf, extra. Fine copy. $16 00. London, 1811 425 Gray, Thos. Works ; containing his Poems and Correspond- ence, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo., beautifully printed on laid paper, half morocco, neat, gilt tops, uncut edges. Fine copy. Scarce. $17 50. Large Paper. London, 1825 From the Balmanno Collection. 426 Gray's Bard. Beautifully printed and illustrated from drmoings by the Son. Mrs. Talbot ; engraved by Kobert Branston. Fine impressions. Sq. 8vo., cloth. Very scarce. $3 50. London, 1837 427 Gray's Elegy, written in a Country Church Yard. Original Edition. Frontispiece and plates, 8vo., pp. 16, bound in crimson silk. $5 00. London, 1788 From the Balmanno Oollection. " Many manuscript copies of this exquisite poem were handed about among Gray's friends before it came into the hands of Mr. Dodsley, but this is the first edition." — R. B. 78 428 Gray, Mrs. Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruria in 1839. Profmely illustrated {some plates colored), thich 12mo., half calf, gilt. $5 00. London, 1843 429 G-RBAVES, John. Pjramidographia ; or, a Description of the Pyramids in Egypt, pp. 142, am. 8»o., morocco. Very scarce. $5 00. London, 1646 " The works of this learned traveller and Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford are much esteemed." The above tract has been reprinted in several modern collections of Toyages and Travels. 430 Greek and Latin Poets. Translations of, by some of the most eminent British Poets. Sharpb's 'EiN.rias, printed ly WTiittingham, with numerous heautiful engrmings from pictures ly Westall, Miseli, Stotha/rd, etc. 34 vols, in 17, ISjmo., Hue morocco, gilt, contents lettered. Fine copy. $30 00. Chiswich Press, London, 1811 Separate sets of the translations are seldom met with. These translations are by Dryden, Pope, Polwhele, Eowe, Cooke, Pitt, Grainger, Meen, etc. 431 GEOSE'S ANTIQUITIES OF ENGLAND, WALES, Scotland, and Ireland, and Peovincial Glossary. The Original Large Paper Edition, with brilliant im- pressions of the several hundred fine engravings of Castles, Abbeys, Churches, etc., etc. 13 vols., folm; finely hound in russia, gilt. $100 00, London, 1797 This magnificent set comprises England and Wales, with the Supple- ments, 8 vols. ; Scotland, 2 vols. ; Ireland, 2 vols. ; and the Fbo- TiNciAL Glossast, 1 vol. The latter is very scarce. 432 Grose's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. New Edition. Enlarged and corrected by Pierce Egan. Portrait. 8vo,, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Scarce. $6 00. London, 1823 433 Grose's Lexicon Balatronicum. Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit, and Pickpocket Eloquence. Altered and enlarged, with Modern Changes and Improvements. 8vo., half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Scarce. $6 00. London, 1811 Uniform with the preceding Ipt. 79 434 Guise, Henry, Duke or. See lot 609. 435 GuTENBEKG, J. First Printer. His Acts, and most Eemark- able Discourses, and his Death ; from the German, by C. W. Finely printed. Sm. 4fo., hdf morocco, uncut. $5 00. London, 1860 Large Paper. Only 100 copies of this quaint and curious record of Gutenberg were printed. ADDON Hall. Evenings at ; a Series of Romantic Tales of the Olden Time, edited by the Baroness de Calabrella. Numerous lewutiful engrcmings on sted, from drawings hy Cattermole. 8vo., cloth, gilt. Scarce. $7 50. Zondon, l8iS 437 HAGHE, LOUIS. PORTFOLIO OF SKETCHES IN BELGIUM AND GERMANY in 1850. 27 very large and elaborately executed lithographic plates, highly colored, and mounted on heavy card-hoard, to resemlle the original draw- ings. Imp. folio, in a neat portfolio. lS50 00. London, 1850 Published at £10 10s. " This work is an honor to the Artist, and credit to the Country, as containing first-rate specimens of artistic skill." 438 HAGHE, LOUIS. SKETCHES IN BELGIUM AND GERMANY. 52 very large and elaborately executed litho- graphic plates, COLORED to resemble the original draw- ings, and mounted on heavy ca/rd-board. Both Series. ^ vols., imp. folio, in portfolio. $100 00. Zondm, lS4:0-5 The aboTe two lots are executed in the same style as Nash's Mansions of England, to which they form a desirable accompaniment. 439 Hakbwell and Turner. Picturesque Tour in Italy, with Classical Descriptions. 63 highly finished engravings, by CooJce, Goodall, ff. Moses, etc., from drawings by J. M. W, Turner, and Hakbwell. Fine impressions. Large paper. Imp. 4:to., half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. $12 00. London, 1820 440 Hallam, Henry. Historical Works, complete. Europe during the Middle Ages, 3 vols. ; Literary History of Eu- rope, 3 vols. ; and Constitutional History, B vols. 9 vols., Svo., half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. $40 00. Best Library Edition. London, 1854, etc. 80 Orisinai, MSS., by Halleck. 441 HALLECK, FITZ-aREENB. " YOUNG AMERICA." The Originai, Manuscript. 14. pp. folio, neatly mount- ed on writing paper, with extra Manic leaves. FoUo, hound in full green crimped morocco, hy Matthews. $50 00. A fine specimen of the delicate peculiar hand-writing of Halleck, doubtless the most Valuable manuscript from his pen in existence. "Young America" was his latest published Poem, or rather, series of Poems. It includes a number of choice lyrics and several of the Author's most eloquent and humorous descriptive passages. The Poem appeared in the Ledger, in 1864 ; Mr. Bonner paying for it the handsome price of $500 00. It was subsequently published in book form, with illustrations. 442 Halliwell, J. 0. Historical Sketch of the Provincial Dia- lects of England, Illustrated by numerous Examples. Beautifully printed. Royal Svo., cloth, uncut. $5 00. Munsell, Albany, 1863 443 HALLiwELt, J. 0. DiCTioNARt OF Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Cus- toms, from the XlVth Century. 2 vols., Svo., new chth. $6 00. io»*)»,1852 An indispensable book to the reader of our old Poets, Dramatists, Theologians, and other writers, whose works abound with allusions , of which explanations are not to be found in ordinary Dictionaries. " No work of the kind has yet appeared, so copious in its explanations and variety of references to examples of the Archaic and Provin- cial words used by English authors, nor is there any more frequent- ly quoted by antiquarian writers." See also, Shakespeare, lot 115. 444 Hall, Joseph. ViRaiDEMiARUM : Satires, in Six Books. The first three entitled Toothlesse Satyres; the others, Byting Satyrs. By Joseph Hall, Bishop of Exeter and Norwich, with Glossary. Reprinted from the edition of 1599. Crown 8»o., green levant morocco, super extra, choicely tooled, by Wright. Elegant copy. $5 00. Only 100 copies printed. Very scarce. W. Pickering, London and Edinlwgh, 1824 " Pope, on presenting Mr. West with a copy of the above work, ob- served, that he esteemed them the best poetry and truest satires in 81 the English language, and that he had an intention of modernizing them, as he had done some of Donne's satires." 445 Hall, Mrs. S. C. Pilgrimages to English Shrines, with Notes and Illustrations, by F. W. Fairholt. Beautifully printed on toned paper. Sm. 4:to., half morocco, antique. $7 50. JVew TorTc, {London,) 1854 443 Hali,, C. E. Arctic Reseakohes, and Life among the Es- quimaux ; being the Narrative of an Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, in the years 1860, '61, and '62. Maps and illustrations, thich 8vo., cloth. $2 50. Nm York, 1865 447 Hamilton, Comte Antoinb. (Euvees Completes, avec des Suite des deux contes, " Les Facardins," et " Z6neyd,' par M. de Lewis. Numerous portraits and engravings, from designs ly Moreau. Z vols., p. ^vo., calf, extra. $10 00. Paris, Renoum-d, 1812 " Edition la plus belle et la plus correcte que nous ayons de cet aimable conteur." — Brcnet. 448 Hamilton, Count. Fairy Tales and Eomances, translated by Monk Lewis, Ryde, etc. Fine portrait. Post ivo., half calf, extra. %2 00. London, 1849 449 Hamilton, Lady. Memoirs of ; with Illustrative Anecdotes of many of her most particular Friends and Distinguished Contemporaries. Fine portrait, ly Romney. Post ^vo., half calf , gilt. Scarce. $4 00. London, 1815 450 Hamilton, Lady Anne. Secret History op the Court oi? England, from the Accession of George III. to the Death of George IV., with a full Account of the Mysterious Death of the Princess Charlotte. 2 vols in one. 8vo., half calf, extra. Scarce. $6 00. London, 1832 451 HARLEIAN MISCELLANY : a Collection oi? Scarce, Curious, and Entbraining Pamphlets and Tracts, as well in Manuscript as Print, selected from the Library of the Earl of Oxford. Best edition, with the supple- ment, and large additions and Notes, ly T. Parle. 10 vols., royal ito., whole lound in russia, full gilt, ly Herring. Very scarce. $160 00. Splendid copt. London, 1809 " This valuable political, historical, and antiquarian work, an indispen 11 82 sable auxiliary in the illustration of the Literature, Manners, etc., of the British, contains between 600 and 700 rare and curious Tracts." — Lowndes. 452 Hakrison, W. H. Humoukist, a Companion for the Christ- mas Fireside, with 80 humowow engravings, hy W. S. Brooke. 12mo., morocco, gilt. $2 00. London, 1832 Presentation copy to Mr. Balmanno, by W. H. Brooke. 453 Haetwig, Dk. G. The Sea, and its Living Wonders, trans- lated from the German. Numerous woodcuts, vo., calf, extra. $6 00. London, 1846 481 Hood, Thos. Poems, and Poems of Wit and Humour. Beauti- fully printed. Portrait. 2 vols., 12mo., calf, extra. $5 00. Moxon, London, 1852 432 Hook, Theodore. Life and Eemains, by the Rev. R. D. Barham {Author of the Ingoldsby Legends). Fine portrait. 2 vols. 8vo., half calf, extra. $5 00. London, 1849 483 Hooker, J. D. Himalayan Journals ; or Notes of a Natu- ralist in Bengal, the Sikkim, the Nepal Himalays, the 88 Khasia Mountains, etc. Numerous tinted plates and wood- cuts. 2 vols., Svo., half calf, ffilt. $10 00. Zondon,lSb4: " Few books of travel contain so large an amount of scientific inform- ation, and so much interesting narrative, as are to be found in these volumes." 484 HoRNE, T. Hartwell. Introduction to the Study of Bib- liography, with Memoir on the Public Libraries of the Ancients. Engraved facsimiles. 2 vols., 8«o., new, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Fine copy. $10 00. London, 1814 The second volume contains a most complete list, and description of works on Bibliography and Literary History. 485 Houssaye, Arsenb. Lb Roy Voltaire, sa jeunesse, — sa cour — ses ministres — son peuple — ses conqufetes — sa mort — son Dieu — sa dynastie. Sao., half Irown morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. $7 50. Paris, 1858 486 Houssaye, Arsene. Mademoiselle db la Valliere et Madame db Montbspan. ifitudes Historiques sur la cour de Louis XIV. Two heautifully engraved portraits. 8»o., handsomely lound in half green morocco, fiil gilt. $6 00. Paris, 1860 487 HowiTT William. Visits to Remarkable Places, Old Halls, Battle Eields, and Scenes illustratiYe of Striking Passages in English History and Poetry. Numerous fine engravings. Both series. 2 vols., %vo., calf, extra, mariled edges. Scarce. $9 00. London, 1842-43 488 Howitt, William. Homes and Haunts op the Most Eminent British Poets, with numerous leautiful woodcuts of Famous Localities, Lwellings, etc. 2 vols., 9ivo., maroon morocco, extra, gilt leaves. $16 00. London, 1842 489 Huish, Robert. Memoirs op Gteorge IVth, descriptive of the most interesting Scenes of his Public and Private Life. Num^ous fine portraits. 2 vols., %vo., half calf, gilt. Very scarce. $10 00. London, 1820 490 Humboldt, Alex. Von. Cosmos ; Sketch of a Physical De- scription of the Universe, translated from the German, by E. C. Ott6. Portrait. 4 vols., 12mo., half calf, gilt. $9 00. London, 1849 89 491 Hunt, Leigh. The Palfrey, a Love Story of Old Times. Beautiful engravings on wood, ly Williams, Linton, etc. 8vo., pp.80, half morocco, uneut. Scmrce. $3 50. Xowrfow, 1842 492 Hutchinson, Col. N. Dog Breaking. The most expeditious, certain, and easy method, with odds and ends for those who love the Dog and Gun. Numerous fine woodcuts. Sq_. 12mo., cloth, uncut. $2 00. London, 1856 ILLUSTKATION DE L'ANCIENNE IMPKIMEEIE TEOYENNE. 210 Gravures swr Bois des XVe, XVLe, Xrile, et Xrille, Siicles, Publtees par V. L. Uo., half red morocco, uncut. Bare. $12 50. Troyes, cIo.c.c.clo.L. (1850) Only 80 copies printed. (No. 3.) " Nous croyons etre agr^ables aux amateurs, en publiant ce recueil de Gravures sur bois, des Woeriot, Rochienne, Vernier et autres Artistes, dont les Planches ont illustr^ les ouvrages sortis des Presses des Leeoq, des Oitdot et Gamier, notammeut la Bibliotheque BUue, si rdcherch^e des Bibliophiles, la Grande Danse Macabre ; Gallien Reslaure, la Bible, les Fables," etc. Preface. Inserted is an Autograph letter from Dr. Joseph G. Cogswell, of the Astor Library, with reference to this worlt . 494 Index Geoqraphicus ; being a List, Alphabetically arranged, of the Principal Places on the G-lobe, with the Countries and Subdivisions of the Countries in which they are sit- uated, their Latitudes and Longitudes, etc. Thick imp. 8vo., cloth, uncut. $6 00. Edinburgh, 1864 Compiled with special reference to Keith Johnston's Atlas, (see lot 520), but applicable to all modern Atlases. 495 International Law. Letters, by Historicus, on some Ques- tions of Keprinted from the London Times, with Additions. 8vo., cloth, uncut. $2 50. London, 1863 496 Ireland, "W. H. Confessions, containing the Particulars of his Fabrication of the Shakespeare Manuscripts, together with Anecdotes and Opinions. Frontispiece. Post 8vo., half calf, gilt. Scarce. $5 00. London, 1805 Balmanno Copy. 497 IRVING, WASHINGTON. COMPLETE WORKS. A New Edition Revised. Printed on thick tinted paper, and 12 .. 90 elegmitly illustrated with portraits and other engravings. 26 vols., 8vo., finely hound in green morocco, extra, gilt tops, uncut edges, ly Pawson and Nicholson. $275 00. New York, 1861-63 Large paper : only 100 copies printed. j|ACKSON and Ohaito's Treatise on Wood Engraving, Historical and Practical. Upwards of 400 fine engravings and fae-similes from the works of Purer. Bewick, etc. Imperial Svo., new, cloth, uncut edges. $12 50. London, 1861 An entirely new edition, with a cliapter on the artists of the present day, by H. G. Bohn. See also Chatto, lot 197. 499 Jameson, Mrs. Legends or the Madonna, as represented in the Fine Arts, with 55 d/rawings hy the author and 152 woodcuts. 8m. ito., crimson morocco, extra. $11 00. London, 1857 500 Jameson, Mrs. Legends or the Monastic Orders. Second Edition enlarged, with 11 etchings ly the author and SS woodcuts. 8m. 4to., crimson morocco, extra. $11 00. London, 1852 501 Jameson, Mrs. Sacred and Legendary Art. Illustrated with 16 etchings and numerous woodcfuts. 2 vols., sm. 4to,, crim- son morocco, gill. $22 50. London, 1857 502 Jameson, Mrs. Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poetical, and Historical, with vignettes. 2 vols., 8vo., crimson morocco, extra. $11 00. London, 1836 The above four lots are uniformly bound. 603 Jameson, Mrs. and Lady Eastlake's History of Our Lord, as exemplified in Works of Art ; with that of His Types, St. John the Baptist, and other Persons of the Old and New Testament. 31 etchings and 281 wood engravings of Paintings, Mosaics, Ancient Ivory Carvings, Byzantine and other Miniatures. 2 thick vols., sm. 4to., cloth, uncut. $16 00. London, 1864. 504 Jameson, Mrs. Memoirs of Early Italian Painters, and of the Progress of Painting in Italy. New Edition. Enlarged by the author, with 60 illustrations from their 91 worTcs. Post 8vo., pink ealf, gilt, marbled edges. $6 00. London, 1859 505 Jameson, Mrs. Common Place Book of Thoughts, Memories, and Fancies, original and selected. Numerous heautiful vignette illustrations. 8tio., cloth, uncut. $3 00. London, 1855 506 Jameson, Mrs. BBAniiEs of the Court op Charles II. Memoirs of, with 21 heautiful portraits after Sir Peter Lely. Fine Original Impressions. 2 vols., imperial 2ivo., crimson calf, extra, marhled leaves, $20 00. London, 1838 507 Jameson, Mrs. Visits and Sketches at Home and Abroad, with Tales and Miscellanies, and the Diary of an Ennuy6e. 4 vols., post Svo., half calf, extra, marhled edges. SIO 00. London, 1834 508 Jarves, J. Art Studies ; The Old Masters of Italy, Paint- ing, etc. Beautifully printed on heavy toned paper, with 43 'J outline engravings of Altar Pieces, Groups, etc., selected from the Old Masters, 1200 to 1517. 2 vols, in one, 8wo., cloth, uncut. $5 00. New York, 1861 Includes the Byzantine and best periods of Art in Italy. 509 Jerrold, Douglas. Works ; ' St. Giles and St. James,' ' Cakes and Ale,' ' Punches Letters to his Son,' and ' Cau- dle Lectures,' etc. 5 vols., croion 8e)o., cloth. $5 00. London, 1852 510 JESSE'S HISTOKICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL WRITINGS, complete, comprising the " Court op Eng- land under the Stuarts," 4 vols. ; " History op the House of Hanover," 3 vols. ; " London and its Celeb- rities," 2 vols. ; " Memorials of London," 2 vols. ; " Me- moirs op Geo. Selwtn and his Contemporaries," 4 vols. ; " Memoirs of the Pretenders," 2 vols., and " Memoirs op Richard III.," 1 vol. Together 18 vols., %vo., profusely illustrated with portraits and engravings on steel, and superbly hound in full polished calf, s/uper -extra, yellow leaves, by Bed- ford. $125 00. London, 1840-62 Sets of the above are novf very scarce. 511 Jesse's Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign 92 of the Stuarts, includiDg the Protectorate. Numerous portraits. 3 vols., 12mo., calf, extra. $9 00. London, 1857 512 Jesse's Life or Geo. Beummell, commonly called Beau Brummell. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo., half red morocco, neat. $5 00. London, 1844 513 Jesse, Edw. Gleanings in Natural Histoky, with Local Kecollections and Maxims and Hints for an Angler, and Extracts from the unpublished MSS. of the Author of the " Natural History of Selbourne." Engravings. The Three Series complete. 3 vols., post %vo., handsomely hound in green tiirhey morocco, full gilt, tooled inside lorders, etc., iy Qni:EY-E of Edinburgh. $13 50. London, lSS4r-Sb 514 Jesse, Edw. Gleanings in Natural History, and the Sagacity and Instinct of Animals. Sixth Edition. 12mo., calf, extra, gilt leaves. $2 75. London, 1845 515 Jesse, Edw. Favorite Hattnts and Eural Studies, including visits to spots of interest in the vicinity of Windsor and Eton. Numerous illustrations. Post 8ko., calf, extra, gilt leaves. $5 00. London, 1847 516 Joanna or Sicily (Queen of Naples). Historical Memoirs of, with correlative details of the Literature and Manners of Italy and Provence in the Xlllth and XlVth Centuries. 2 vols., 8»o., half calf, gUt. $5 00. London, 1824 517 Johnson, Samuel. Works, complete, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Murphy. Best Edition. Portrait. 12 vols., 8vo., calf, gilt, contents lettered. Fine copy. $35 00. London, 1820 518 JoHNSONiANA ; Anecdotcs and Sayings of Dr. Johnson, not included in Boswell. 45 highly finished portraits, engra/o- ings, and autographs hy Mnden. Largest Paper. Ato., calf, extra, gilt leaves. Scarce. $25 00. London, 1836 Best Edition, containing many Imndred Anecdotes collected from a great variety of sources, edited by J. W. Croker. 519 Johnson's Typographia, or the Printer's Instructor ; includ- ing an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biblio- graphical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton 93 to the close of the Sixteenth Century. 2 thick vols., Svo., hoards, uncut edges. $20 00. London, 1824 Largest Papee ; scarce in this size. Contains the essence of Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities, and other valuable works ; a History of Printing and Printers, etc. 520 Johnston, A. Keith. Koyal Atlas of Modern Geography ; exhibiting, in a Series of entirely Original and Authentic Maps, the Present Condition of Geographical Discovery and Kesearch in the several Countries, Empires, and States of the World. With Special Index to each Map. Atlas folio, half morocco, neat. $35 00. S!dinhurffh, 1S61 521 Johnston, A. Keith. Physical Atlas of Natueal Phenom- ena, Geology and Orogeaphy, Hydrography, Meteor- ology AND Magnetism, Botany, Natueal History, Ethnology and Statistics. New Edition, containing 42 large colored plates, with copious letterpress, and Index. Atlas folio, half green morocco. $50 00. Edinburgh, 1856 " A perfect treasure of compressed information." — Sir John Herschel. 522 Joinville. Memoirs de Messiee Jean, Siee de Joinville. Tdmoin oculaire de la vie de Saint Lotlis, avec la Ge- nealogie de la maison de Bourbon. 12mo., splendidly bound in blue levant morocco, with tooled inside borders, by Cape. Very scarce. |20 00. Paris, 1666 Brunet makes no mention of this edition. " The perspicuous and interesting picture which is exhibited of tlie manners of that period, renders these memoirs peculiarly valuable." 523 JoNSON, Ben. Dramatic Works and Poems, complete, with a Bibliographical Memoir, by William Gifford. Fine por- trait and vignette. Thich royal Sco., oalf, extra. 16 00. Moxon, London, 1853 524 Journal of the British ARCHiEOLOGiOAL Association. No. 15, October, 1848. Profusely illustrated. 8vo., paper. 50«. London, for the Association, 1848 Presentation copy, from T. Crofton Croker. (Not published.) 525 JouENAL OF Frances Anne Butler (Fanny Kemble). 2 vols., post 8vo., boards, uncut. Scarce. $3 00. Philadelphia, 1835 94 526 Junius Letters, including those under other Signatures, and his Private Letters to Woodfall, with Notes, by Dr. Mason Good, and facsimiles. BjgsT Edition. 3 vols., 8tu, calf, extra. Fine copy. Scarce. $20 00. London, 1814 ANE, E. K. Narrative of U, S. Grinnell Expedition (1st), in Search of Sir John Franklin. Numerous fine engravings and woodettts. Thick 8vo., half calf , neat. $4 00. Mw YorJc, 1853 528 Kay, J. Poetkaiis and CAEicATURjiS, with Bibliographical Sketches and Anecdotes. Vpwm'ds of 300 very cwrious copperplate engramngs of Portraits mid Caricatures of the principal celebrated or notorious living cha/raoters, chiefly of Edinburgh, during the latter part of the last century. Fine impressions. 2 vols., 4to., leautifully bound in heavy gfos- grained morocco, extra gilt. $45 00. Edinbwgh, 1837-40 Pine copy. Scarce. " Probably ■ho other city can boast of so curious a chronicle as this extraordinary series of engravings exhibits." 529 Ker, John Bellenden. Essay on the Archaeology of our Popular Phrases, Terms, and Nursery Khymes. 2 vols., Vhno., half morocco, extra. Scarce. %1 00. Andover, 1840 530 KiNGLAKE, A. "W. Invasion op the Crimea, its Origin, and an Account of its Progress, down to the Death of Lord Baglan. Fourth and best edition, with additional Notes. 2 thick vols., 8vo., cloth, uncut, $10 00. Edinburgh, 1863 531 KNIGHT, KICHD. PAYNE. A Discourse on the Wor- SHIP OF Priapus, and its connection with the Mystic Theology of the Ancients. By Richard Payne Knight, Esq. A New Edition. To which is added An Essay ON THE Worship op the Generative Powers during the Middle Ages of Westebn Europe. Illustrated with 138 Engravings (many of which are full page), from Ancient Gems, Coins, Medals, Bron%es, Sculpture, Egyptian Figures, Ornaments, Monuments, etc. 1 vol., royal 4io., half morocco, uncut. $75 00. Privately printed, on heavy toned paper, at the Chiswich Press. Large Paper. Only 20 copies. London, 1866 The extreme rarity of the original edition of Payne Knight's curious 95 essay on the Mystic Theology of the Ancients is well known to collectors, copies having been recently sold at $150 in this city. This is a new and elegant edition, edited by two very distinguished English scholars, and embraces the original work entire, with much highly important additional matter. 532 Knight's Pictorial History ov London, Ancient and Modern, with 700 engravings of Celebrated Buildings, Antiquities, Costumes, Curiosities, etc. Original Edition. 6 vols., imp. %vo., half ealf, antique, red edges. $30 00. London, 1841-44 533 Koran .or Mahomet, translated from the Original Arabic, with Explanatory Notes, from the most approved Com- mentators. With a Preliminary Discourse, by George Sale. 2 voh., 8w., lound in tree calf, swper extra, ly Riviere, $10 50. London, 1812 534 Kugler's Hand-book of Painting, comprising the German, Flemish, Dutch, Spanish, and French Schools. Edited, with Notes, by Sir Edmund Head. Beautifully illustrated. 2 vols., post Qvo,, crimson calf, extra. $10 00. London, 1854 535 KuGLBR. The Schools or Painting in Italy. Edited, with Notes, by Sir Charles Eastlake, loith upwards of 100 Illustrations from Celebrated Pictwres of the Old Masters. 2 vols., post Svo., calf, extra, marbled leaves. $15 00. Best Edition. London, 1851 ABARTE'S ILLUSTRATED HAND-BOOK or the Arts or the Middle Ages, and Renaissance, as applied to the Decoration of Furniture, Arms, Jewels, etc. Translated from the French. 200 fine woodcids. 8yo., cloth, uncut. $7 50. London, 1855 537 Lafayb. Dictionnaire des Synonymes de la Langue Fran- ^aise, avec une Introduction sur la Th6orie des Synonymes. Thick royal 8vo., half morocco. $4 50. Pm«, 1858 " Ouvrage dont la premiere parte a obtenu de I'institute le prix de Lingistique en 1843. 538 Lafayette, Mme. de. Memoirs de Hollande. Histoire Particuli^re en forme de Roman, par Mme. La Comtesse de Lafayette. Nouvelle Edition. Avec notes par M. 96 Parisoa et Barbier. Pbooe Portraits. 12mo., splen- didly bound in green morocco, extra gilt, with tooled inside lordm-s, and marlled gilt leaves. $15 00. Paris, 1856 The above contains a supplement entitled " Nouveau Eclaircissements sur les M^moires de Holland," par Briquet, pp. 40. 539 La Fontaine. CEctvees be. Nouvelle Edition, revue, mise en ordre, et Accompagn6e de Notes par C. A. Walckenaer. Portrait, etc. 6 vols., 8»o., half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. $18 00. Paris, 1827 Best Edition. See also ' French Classics,' lot 402. 540 LA FONTAINJL CONTES ET NOUVELLBS, en vers. (Edition executie auxfrais des fermiers generatjx; avec une notice par D. Diderot.) Proofs before Let- ters of the celebrated engravings ly Eisen. Original Edition. Very sca/rce. 2 vols., sm. 8vo., old red morocco, gilt, gilt leaves. $100 00. Amsterdam {Paris, Parlou), 1762 Farmer General Edition, tvith the plates in the first state, {before the Fig-leaf.) So fine a copy as the above very seldom occurs. 541 Lamartine, a. de. History of the Girondists ; or, Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution. Por- traits. 3 vols., post 8»o. calf, extra. $9 00. London, 1847 542 Lamartine, A. de. Histoire de la Eevolution de 1848. Beautifully printed. 2 vols., 9,vo,, half green morocco, extra, gilt top, rough edges. $7 00. Paris, 1849 543 Lamartine, A. DE. History of the Restoration of Monarchy in France, translated. Portrait. 2 vols., post, %vo., cloth, uncut. $3 50. London, 1852 544 Lamb, C. Works, complete ; Poems, Play, Essays of Elia, Letters, and Final Memorials by Judge Talfourd. Fine Portrait. Thick royal Svo., calf, extra. $6 00. Moxon, London, 1852 545 Lamb, Chas. Complete Works, and Eliana. Beautifully 97 printed on toned paper. Together, 5 vols., 8»o., lidlf morocco, uncut edges, ly Matthews. Best Edition. $30 00. Large Paper. Only 100 copies printed. Riverside Press, Boston, 1865 Uniform with the works of Bacon, Burton, D'lsraeli, Montaigne, etc. 546 Lamb, Chas. See Shakespeare. Lot 785. 547 Lamballb, Princess. Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family of Prance during the Revolution. Fine portrait and cypher. 2 vols., ivo., half calf , extra, uncut edges. $7 50 London, 1826 548 Landon, L. E. The Easter Gift; A Religious Offering. Lllmtrated with fourteen exquisite engravings from pictures ly the Old Masters. 8»o., green watered silk, gilt leaves. Sea/rce. $2 50. London, 1833. 549 Landor, Walter Savage, Works, complete; Imaginary Conversations, Pentameron, Pericles and Aspasia, Plays, Poems, etc. 2 vols., thick Svo., polished calf , extra. $17 50. London, 1853 Fine copy of the Best Edition. 550 Laneham. Magnificent Pageants, presented before Queen Elizabeth in Kenilworth Castle, in 1575 ; also Gas- coigne's Princely Pleasures, with copious introductions and Notes. Portrait and Cuttings. Post ivo., half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. $4 50. London, 1821 From the Balmanno Collection. 551 Langdalb, Lord. Memoirs op Mrs. Fitzherbert, with an account of her Marriage with the Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV. Fine portrait. 8vo., half calf, gilt. Fine copy. $4 00. London, 1856 552 LA NORMANDIE ILLUSTRlfiE : Monuments, Sites, ET Costumes Pittoresques, Anciens et Moderns, des- sin6s d'aprfes nature, par Felix Benoist. Text par une Booi6t6 de savants et de litterateurs de Normandie. 150 beautiful chromo-lithographic plates of Scenery, Antiquities, Costumes, etc., heautifully tinted, in imitation of the original drawings. 3 vols in 2, atlas folio, half morocco, neat. Scarce. $60 00. Paris, 1852-55 " ' Get Ouvrage,' dit M. Frere, ' est particulierement remarquable par 13 98 I'exactitude des recherches historiques et des descriptions locales ; les costumes, et les monuments, sent repr^sent^s avec una £d6Iit^ minutieuse.' " 553 L'Aet de Plumer la Poule Sans Crier. 12mo., handsomely hound in green morocco, crushed, with tooled inside lorders, and marlled gilt leaves. Very rare. $20 00. Cologne, Rolt. le Turc, au Cocq Sardi, 1710 " Historiettes satiriques des hommes de finance, du temps." — ^Bettnet. 554 LAVATEK, J. CASPBK. ESSAYS ON PHYSIOGNO- V MY, and Lavater's Physiognomical Sketches. Trans- lated by Hunter. Numerous leautifid engravings, ly t Molloway, JSartolozzi, and others. Original and Irilliant impressions. Together 6 vols., imp. 4:to., russia, extra, mar-' lied lea/ees. $125 00. London, 1810 ' So fine a copy of this splendid work as the above seldom occurs, and the extra volume of Physiognomical Sketches from the author's drawings, is very scarce. The ordinary copies with the worn plates, are hardly worth possessing. 555 Legrand D'Aussy. Fabliaux ou Contes, Fables et Romans DU XIP ET DU XIII^ SiEOLE, traduits ou extraits par Legrand d'Aussy. Troisieme edition, considerable- ment augment6e (aveo un avis de I'editeur, signe Ant. Aug. Eenouard). Illustrated with 18 leawtifully executed engravings, after Moreau and Desenne. Proof Impressions, with the outline lettering. 5 vols., 8w., half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges, ly Vogel. $30 00. Paris, 1829 " Belle Edition."— Beunet. 556 Lenclos, Ninon de. Memoirbs de, par Eugene de Mirecourt. Illustrated Edition. Numerous leautiful portraits and engravings, on steel and wood. 2 vols., imp. %vo., leawti- fully hound in half dwrlc, green morocco, extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. $20 00. Faris, 1857 Fine copy. 557 Le Sage. Gil Blas, translated by Smollett. Illustrated Edition, With several hundred spirited engravings, ly Gigoux. 2 vols., royal Svo., calf, antique, very neat. $15 00. Fine copy. London, (1836) 99 658 Lb Sage. Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane. Illustka- TED Edition, homing, in addition to the 594 spirited engrav- ings on wood, after Gigoux, a complete set of 24 engravings, after Smirkb. India Proofs. Thick imp. ivo., half mo- rocco, gilt tops, etc. $10 00. Paris, 1836 559 Le Sage. Histoire de G-il Blas de Santillane. Beautifully printed, and illustrated with the 24 engravings, from designs ly Smirke. Fine impressions. 4 vols., 8vo., tree calf, extra, marbled leaves. $20 00. London, 1809 560 Le Sage. Histoire de Gil Bias de Santillane. Thick 12mo., calf. $1 00. Paris, 1843 561 Le Sagb. Le Biable Boitbaux. Pr6c6d6 d'une notice sur Le Sage par M. Jules Janin. Illustrated Edition, with the numerom spirited engravings, hy Tony Johannot. Imp. %vo., half green morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, hy David. $8 00. Paris, 1842 562 Leslie, C. R. Autobiographical Recollections, with Pre- fatory Essay on Leslie as an Artist, and Selections from his Correspondence, by Tom Taylor. 2 vols., 8w., half calf, gilt. $6 00. London, 1860 563 Lever, Chas. Bodd Family Abroad. With humorous illus- trations ly Phiz. 2 vols., royal 8vo., half calf, gilt. $5 00. London, 1854 564 Lewis, M. G. The Monk, a Romance. Original Edition. 3 vols., 12mo., calf, extra. Fine copy. Very scarce. $25 00. London, 1796 "An extremely seductive and dangerous Komance, the outline of which is taken from the Story of the Santon Barissa, related in the Guardian, No. 48." The later editions are all more or less castrated. 565 Liber Amokis ; or, the New Pygmalion, (by Wm. Hazlitt.) Vignette. V2mo., hewutifvMy hound in Hue levant morocco, extra, ly Matthews. Scarce. $5 00. London, 1823 566 %!%%% lODmN. (gmilJiStoaES. The Anatomy of Wit. Very pleasant for all gentlemen to reade, and most neces- sary for them to remember, etc., with the Euphvbs and HIS England. Both parts complete in one vol. J3£!^(KJt 100 C®®;®®^. S'm. ito., heautifidly hound in sprinkled calf, extra, yellow leaves, hy Bedford. $40 00. London : Printed by John Beale, for John Parker, 1623 A very fine, clean, and perfect copy. " The Euphres of Lilly deserve notice on account of the influence it had upon the Court of Elizabeth and the public taste, which ia manifested in the Literature of the age." 567 Lindsay, Loed. Sketches of the History of Christian Art. 3 vols., 8»o,, half calf , extra. Very scarce. $40 00. Fine copy. London, 1847 568 Lippincott's Complete Pronouncing Gazetteer, or Geograph- ical Dictionary of the World, edited by Messrs. Thomas and Baldwin. 2 thick vols., 8«o., half morocco, antique. $9 00. Philadelphia, 1855 569 Llorbnte, Jean-Antoine. Histoire Critique de l'Inquisi- TiON d'Espagne depuis l'6poque de son etablissement par Ferdinand V. jusqu'au rfegne de Ferdinand VII. traduite de I'espagnol par Alexis Pellier. Portrait. 4 vols., 8»o., calf $7 50. Pans, 1817 570 Lloeentb. History of the Inquisition of Spain, from the time of its establishment to the Keign of Ferdinand Vllth. %vo., half calf . $2 50. London, I'&ll 571 Lloyd, L. Scandinavian Adventures, during a residence of up- wards of Twenty Years. Upwards of 100 illmtratimis, {many of which are tinted^ of sporting adventures. 2 vols., royal^vo., half calf, gilt. $15 00. London, IBbi 572 LocKHART, J. G. Ancient Spanish Ballads, Historical and Romantic. Profusely illustrated with engravings, from draw- ings hy Roberts, Warren, Wm. Survey, etc., and each page surrounded hy an ornamental border printed in gold and coLoiis, designed by Owen Jones. Sm. 4do., green turkey morocco, extra, richly gilt. Scarce. $20 00. First and Best Edition. London, 1841 673 Lodge's Portraits op Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, with Bibliographical Memoirs. 240 portraits, fine early impressions. Ttfy^ols., imp. 8»o., half morocco, gilt. $80 00. !% 1840 A desirable copy of this beautiful and interesting work, engrared from 101 authentic pictures in the Galleries of the NobUity, and the public collections of the country. 574 LONDESBOKOUGH. LadT. COLLECTION OP AnOIENT AND MeDI- iETAL Rings, and Personal Ornaments. Catalogue of, Arranged and Described by Tbomas Crofton Croker. Profusely illustrated. 4to., half green morocco, extra. Very scarce. $7 50. Printed for private reference, London, \2ib% " Robert Balmanno, Esq., with Lord Londesborough's best compli- ments." 575 LoNGus. Les Amours Pastokales de Daphinis et Chloe, traduit du Grec de Longus par Amyot. Beautifully print- ed, and illustrated with 9 la/rgeand heautiful engravings, after designs hy Gerard and Prudhon. Pkooes before letters. Royal 4:to., heautifully hound in polished crimson levant, super exi/ra, the hack and sides elaborately tooled, inside borders of gold, and gilt leaves, hy Cape. $25 00. Paris, Didot, I'aM. An VIII. (1800) Copies of this splendid edition, with the unlettered plates, are very scarce. 576 LOUIS XV. Le Sacre de Lodis XV., Eoi de France 'et de Navarre, dans I'Eglise de Reims, le Dimanche XXV Octobre, 1772 (r6dig6 par Danchet). Comprising up- wards OF 240 BEAUTirULLT EXECUTED ENGRAVINGS ON COPPER, of the Coronation and its attendant Cer&monies, Re- joicings, Banquets, Regalia, Portraits, etc., etc., with engraved Letterpress descriptions, printed on Papier de Sol- lande. Forming 2, vols., folio, and elephant folio. Unbound, in 2 elephant portfolios. $75 00. Paris : Mmee Imperiale du Louvre, 1772 This magnificent work was gotten up by the French Government, re- gardless of expense ; the greater part of the edition was disposed of in presents. It seldom occurs for sale. " Ce volume est recherche k cause des belles planches qu'il renferme." Brunei. 577 LovAT, Lord. Memoirs of tbe Life of. 8t)o., half red morocco. Scarce. $1 50. London, 1746 578 Lovelace, Richd. Poetical Works. Now first edited, and the Text carefully revised. With some account of the 102 Author, and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. Beautifdh/ printed ly WTdttingham. Portraits. Post 8«o., cloth, uncut. $3 00. Russell Smith, London, 1864 Large Paper. 579 Lover, Saml. Legends and Stories of Ireland. With etchings, by the Author. 2 vols., 12mo., green calf, extra. $6 00. London, 1864 580 Lowndes. Bibliographers' Manual of English Literature, containing an Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, relating to, or published in Great Britain and Ireland. New Edition, enlarged, ly S. G. Bohn. 11 parts in 6 vols., post 8t)0., halfrussia, gilt. $15 00. London, 1864, etc. 581 Lybll's Manual or Elementary Geology ; or the Ancient Changes of the Earth and its Inhabitants, Numerous illustrations. Thick 8w., cloth. 2 00. New Yorl, 1853 ABERLY. The PRINT COLLECTOR, an Introduction to the Knowledge necessary for forming a Collection of Ancient Prints, containing Suggestions as to the mode of commencing Collector, etc. Monograms, etc. Sm. ito., cloth, uncut. Scarce. $4 50. London, 1844 Balmanno copy. Maberly's Collection of Prints realized nearly £5,000 sterling. 583 Maoaulay's History of England, from the Accession of James II. Best Library Edition. 5 vols., 8vo., cloth, uncut. $20 00. London, 1855 534 Macfarlane, C. Lives and Exploits of Banditti and Robbers in all parts of the World. Frontispiece, and numerous en- gravings. 2 vols., foolscap 8i)o., polished calf, extra, yellow leaves, by Bedford. $10 00. London, 1833 585 Machiavel. Works of, translated, with Lifie, Anecdotes, and Dissertations, by Farnesworth. Mne Portrait inserted. Best Edition. 4: vols., 8vo., half cdf, extra. |17 50. Fine copy. Scarce. London, 1775 586 Mackenzie, H. Whole Works. Best Edition. Beautifully printed. Mne portrait. 8 vols., sm. 8vo., handsomely hound in polished calf, with full gilt hacks, and yellow leaves, hy Bedford. Scarce. |30 00. Minhurgh, 1808 Fine copy : comprising, the " Man of Feeling," " Man of the World," 103 / " Julia de Koubign^," " Papers from the Mirror," " The Lounger," Poems, Dramatic Pieces, etc., etc. 587 Maokib, Chas. Castles, Palaces, and Peisons, of Mart, Queen op Scots. History and Description of, with 48 highly finished engravings. Thick royal 8»o., crimson moire- antiqve, full gilt, with the Arms of the Royal Family im- pressed. $7 50. London, 1854 The above is a presentation copy from the Author to the late Mr. Balmanno, with an interesting autograph letter, which states that the above copy is bound similar to those presented to the Queen. 588 Mackie, Chas. History of the Abbey, Palace, and Chapel- Eoyal of Holybood House. Including a Description of the Buildings as they now exist. Maps, and numerous steel engravings. %vo., calf, neat. Scarce. $7 50. JEdinhurgh, 1829 589 Macklin, Chas. Memoirs of the Life of, principally com- piled from his own Papers and Memorandums, which contain his Criticisms on, and Characters and Anecdotes of Betterton, Booth, Wilkes, Cibber, Garrick, Mossop, Foote, Quinn, etc., by James Thomas Kirkman. 2 vols., 8vo., hoards, uncut. $3 50. London, 1799 ' 590 Madden, K. R. Phantasmata ; or, Illusions and Fanaticisms of Protean Forms productive of G-reat Evils. Fine frontis- piece. 2 vols., 8w., leautifully hound in tree calf, extra, hy Cecil. $10 00. London, 185V 591 Mahon, Lord. Life of Belisarius. Large Map, etc. ivo., handsomely houndin sprinkled calf, extra, ly Riviere. $6 00. London, 1829 592 Malte-Bkun and Balbi's System of Universal Geography, embracing the History of Geographical Discovery, the Principles of Mathematical and Physical Geography, etc., etc. Very thiol 8vo., cloth. $5 00. Edinhwrgh, 1844 593 MARGUERITE DE NAVARRE. L'HEPTAMERON V FRANQOIS DE. Profusely illustrated with engravings, w*«T^- hy LongUieil, after designs hy IVeudenherg. Proofs before Letters. 3 vols. 8«o , magnificently hound in crimson mo- rocco, fill gilt hacks, with the Monogram and Arms of Mar- , 104 gmrd leautifully impressed on the sides ; hemy inside borders of gold, gilt edges, etc., ly Cape. Scarce. $75 00. Splendid copy. Berne, 1780-81 " Jolie Edition, publi^e sous la direction de J. Rodolphe de Sinner, Lea Estampes, fleurons et vignettes (ces derniers gray, par Dunker) sont d'une fort belle execution." — Brunei. " Lea nouvelles publiees sous le nom de Marguerite de Valois sont I'ouvrage d'une Societ6 qui se r^unisaait chez cette princesse : il est probable que Bonaventure Des Periers n h. pas 6t6 stranger i, leur composition, et Marguerite elle-meme a y avoir une grande part." A copy, in a recent London catalogue, is priced at £6 6s. 594 Markham, Col. SnooiiNa in the Himalaya Mountains, a Journal of Sporting Adventures and Travel in Chinese Tartary, Ladae, Thibet, Cashmere, etc., with 25 tinted plates, and woodcuts. Eoyal 8«!0., half calf, extra. $7 50. London, 1854 595 Maelowe, Chris. Poetical and Dramatic Works, with Notes, and an Account of his Life and Writings, by Alex. Dyce. 3 vols., post 8f o., half morocco, neat, uncut edges. $35 00. Pickering, 1850 A Mne Copy of the Last and Best Edition. Scarce. 596 Marmion, Shakbelt. Cdpid and Psyche ; or, an Epic Poem of Cupid and his Mistress. Vignette, llmo., half morocco, gilt. $2 50. London, 1637 Reprinted ly Whittingham, Chiswich, 1820 597 Martineau, Harriet. History op the Peace; being a History of England, from 1816 to 1854, with an Intro- duction, by the Author. 4 vols., %vo., cloth, uncut. $16 00. Boston, 1864 Large Paper. Only 75 copies. The only complete edition. The English edition is brought down to 1846 only. 598 Maseres, Baron. Select Tracts relating to the Civil Wars in the reign of Charles I., by contemporary writers who witnessed the events they describe. 2 vols, royal 8vo., leautifully lound in tree-calf, extra gilt, marllei edges, ly Riviere. Scarce. $11 00. London, 1815 Contains the works of May, Hollig, Fairfax, Hobbes, Price, etc. 105 599 Mason, William. Complete "Works, Poems, Plays, Essays, etc. Best Edition. 4 vols., 8vo., leautifvMy hound in polished calf, extra, yellow leaves, contents lettered, ly Riviere. $17 50. London, 1811 600 MASSINGEK, PHILIP. PLATS, with Notes, critical and explanatory, by W. Gifford. Fine portrait on India paper. Second edition. 4 vols., royal Swo., calf, extra, marhled edges. Very fine copy. Extremely scarce. $45 00. Zotidon, 1813. Large Paper : few printed. " Best edition, but not perceptibly different from the previous one of 1805, of which it has been said, ' that a more perfect edition of an old poet than this never issued from the press.' " — Lotvndes. 601 Massinoer and Ford. Dramatic Works, complete, with Introductions and Glossaries by Hartley Coleridge. Tor- trait and Vignettes. Thick royal %vo., calf, extra, marhled leaves. $6 00. Moxon, London, 1840. 602 Mathews, Charles. Sketches from Mr. Mathews at Home ; Sketches of the youthful days of; Mr. Mathew's celebrated Trip to Paris ; Sketches of Mr. Mathew's Trip to America; Mr. Mathew's Invitations ; Selections from his Memorandum-Book ; Home Circuit, etc. 8 Tracts, with CruihshanKs engravings. 12mo., hoards, uncut. $2 75. London, 1825, etc. 603 Maximilian. Travels in the Interior of North America, BY Maximilian, Prince of Wied. 4to. volume of letter- press, translated hy N. E. Lloyd, Esq., with map, and numerous cuts, also, a folio Atlas of 80 plates, most hemtifully colored after the Original Drawings, half green morocco, neat. $120 00. London, 1843 It may be safely asserted that this surpasses all other works dedicated to the delineation of the scenery, the manners, portraits of the aboriginal tribes, the Natural History, etc., of America. The drawings were made by an artist who accompanied the Prince in his travels, and are exactly reproduced in the beautiful plates of the work. A small edition only was printed of the text in English, which has long been exhausted, and copies are now quite rare. 604 Maxwell. Life of the Duke of Wellington. With numerous highly-finished line engravings after Cooper and 14 106 others ; portraits and plans of battles ; Pkoofs on India Paper. 3 vols., royal 8»o., hmdsomdy hoimd in tree-calf, extra, gilt leases. $25 00. London, 1839 Lakge Paper. " Mr. Maxwell's Life of the Duke of Wellington has no rival. It is free from flattery and bombast, Succint and masterly." — Times. 605 Mayhew, H. London Labour and London Poor, including the Extra Volume relating to Peostitction, and those who will not work. With numerous portraits and street semes, from daguerreotypes. 4 vols., 8«/'o., half calf, gilt, and cloth. $25 00. Zo«(Zore, 1861-62 This copy has (bound with the third volume) all the answers to cor- respondents originally printed Upon the covers of the numbers, and comprising an amount of matter sufScient for another volume. 606 Mbiner. History or the Female Sex, comprising the Habits, Manners, and Influence of Women, among all Nations, from the earliest ages, translated by Shorbel. 4 vols., post 8vo., half calf, gilt. Scarce. $10 00. London, 1800 607 Memoires du Due de Lauzust (1747-1783), publics enti^re- ment conformes au manuscrit, avec une Etude sur la vie de I'auteur. Sans suppressions, et augment^e d'une Preface et des Notes nouvelles pkf Louis Lacour. Small 8vo., handsomely hound in half levarit morocco, gilt top. $4 00. Faris, 1858 608 Another Copy, extended, and illustrated ly the insertion of some 20 fine portraits, many of which are hrilliant Proofs before Letters, including Lafayette, Marie Antoinette, Catharine II. of Russia, etc., etc. Superhly hound in crimson morocco, extra, fuit gilt hades, and tooled inside lorders, hy Alio. $25 00. Paris, 1858 609 Memoires de Feu M. le Due (Henri) de Guise (rediges par Phil. Groibaud, Sr. Du Bois, et publics par Saint-Yon). Beautifully printed in the Elievir character. 2 vols., Vimo. superhly hound in green morocco, extra, full gilt hacks, with crimson morocco linings, most elahorately tooled, hy Datid. $25 00. Cologne, 1669 This work is much in demand among collectors of Elzevir Editions. Tbe Libri copy brought £3 18«., in 1869. 107 610 Memoires, Nouvbllb Collection des, eelatifs a l'His- ToiRE DH France depuis le XIII°. si^cle jusqu'i la fin du XVIII". sifecle, pr^c^d^s de notices Biographiques et Litt6raires sur chaque auteur des memoires, et accom- pagn^S d'6olarissements Historiques, par MM. Michaud et Poujoulatj'avec la collaboration de MM. Bazin, Cham- poUioD, etc. NorvELLE Edition. Illustrated with up- wardi of 100 fine portraits on steel. 33 vols., imp. 8fo.) half morocco, marlled edges. $90 00. Paris, 1857 Best Edition. 611 Memoirs of the Empress Josephine, with Anecdotes of the Courts of Navarre and Malmaison. 2 vols., post Sfo., half calf, gilt. Scarce. $6 00. London, 1829 612 Memoirs op Sophia Dorothea, consort of George I., in- cluding a Diary of the Conversations of Illustrious Per- sonages of the Courts of Hanover, Brunswick, Berlin, etc. Portrait, 2 vols., Svo., half calf, extra. $5 00. London, 1846 613 Memoirs of the Margravine op Barbith, Princess Koyal of Prussia (sister of Frederick the Great), by herself. 2 vols., 8vo., Jialf calf, gilt. $4 00. Lotidon, 1812 614 Memoirs of the Margravine of Anspach, by herself. Portrait. 2 vols., 8vo., half morocco. $5 00. London, 1826 615 Meres, Francis. Witts Academy, a Treasurie of Goulden Sentences, Similies, and Examples. Mne frontispiece, by Jo. Drceshoct, thick 12mo., olive morocco, full gilt, gilt leaves. Scarce and curious. $20 00. Printed at London, for Richard Royston (1634), 1636 "A noted school-book, set forth chiefly for the benefit of young scholars." — Ant. d Wood. The most interesting and curious part of this work — originally pub- lished in 1598 — is that called " A Comparative discourse of our English Poets, with the Greeke, Latin, and Italian Poets," in which are several allusions to Shakespeare, to wit : " As the soule of Euphorbus was thought to live in Pythagoras, so the sweete, wittie soule of Ovid lives in mellifluous and boney-tongued Shakespeare ; witnesse bid Venus and Adonis, his Lucrece, his sugred Sonnets, among his private friends," etc. This portion of the work was reprinted in 1815. 108 616 METKICAL TALES (EAELY), Edited by Da vib Laing, including the History of Sir Egeir, Sir Gryme, and Sir Gray Steill, printed on thick paper, mth proof impressions > of the portraits. Thick \2mo., boards, uncut. 120 00. Very Eaeb. Edinlmrgh, 1826 Only 12 copies printed on thick paper, and 175 on common paper. Presentation copy from the Author to the late Mr. Balmanno. This interesting volume contains, ako, " The Three Priests of Peblis," "Ane Godlie Dreame," "The King of the Koy Kobert," "King Estmere," " Battle of Harlaw," " Lichtonn's Dreame," " The Murning Maiden,'' "Eoswall and Lillian," "Poem by Glassin- berry," and "Sir John Barleycorn." 617 MiCHAUD. History op the Crusades, from the French, by W. Robson. Map. 3 vols., post 8vo., half calf, extra. 16 00. JVw Tork, 1853 618 Michaux and Nuttall. North American Sylta; or, Description of the Forest Trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, with a description of the most useful of the European Forest Trees. Nearly 300 mag- nificently colored engravings. Best Edition. 6 mis., imp. 8^0., half morocco, extra, gilt top, uncut edges. $75 00. PhUa., 1858 Fine Copt, with margins over an inch taller than the copies that usually occur. 619 MiCHELET, M. J. Woman. Translated by G. W. Palmer. Vlmo., cloth. $1 25. New York, 1861 620 MiCHELET. History op France, from the earliest period to the present time, translated by G. H. Smith. 2 vols., ^vo., half calf , gilt. $6 00. New Tork, l%b\. 621 MIDDLETON, THOMAS. Dramatic Works, now first Collected, -with some Account of the Author, and Notes by the Rev. Alexander Dyoe. Portrait on India paper. 5 vols., 8vo. Fine Copy. Bound in half olive morocco, extra, gilt tops, uncut edges, contents lettered. Large Paper : the copies in this size were privately PRINTED (Lumley's statement), and but very few (probably not over 25) in number. Very Scarce. $100 00. Edward Lumley, London, 1840 Uniform with Dodsley's Plays. See lot 327. 109 622 Miller, Joe. Jests ; or, the Wit's Vade Mecum, being a Collection of the most Brilliant Jests, the most ex- cellent Bon Mots, and most pleasant Short Stories in the English Language, with a choice Collection of Moral Sentences, Epigrams, etc. Portrait. 12/no., morocco. Very Searee. $6 00. London, N. B. 623 Miller, Joe. Jests; or, the Wit's Vade Mecum, being a Collection of the most Brilliant Jests, the politest Be- partees, the most elegant Bon Mots, and most pleasant short stories in the English Language. An interesting specimen of remarkable facsimile. Sw., hilf morocco, old Butch paper sides. $4 00. London: Printed ly T. Read, 1739 Meprirded, London, 1862 The book is well known, or rather the jests are, for the veritable _/?»■«< edition of Joe Miller is one of the rarest books in the English language. With regard to the contents of Joe Miller's Jests, the plain-spoken words are neither better nor worse than those in any other similar collection of the period. It is to be regretted that the author did not employ expressions a little less coarse than he has done. His wit and pungency, however, it is impossible to deny. Only a very few copies of this humorous book have been re- produced. 624 MiLLiN, A. L. Galeeie Mythologique. Kecueil de monu- ments pour servir k l'6tude de la Mythologie, de I'Histoire, de I'Art, etc., etc. Several hundred outline engravings. 2 vols.jSvo., hoards, uncut. 84 50. Paris, ISll Balmanno copy. 625 Mills, Charles. Works. Historv or Chivalry, 2 vols. ; History op the Crusades, 2 vols. ; and History op MuHAMMEDANiSM, Comprising the Life and Character of the Arabian Prophet, 1 vol. Together 5 vols., Sfo., handsomely hound in polished calf, extra gilt hacks, yellow edges, hy Bedford. $25 00. London, 1818-'22 Fine uniform set. 626 MILTON'S PAKADISE LOST. A Poem in Ten Books. First edition. Sm. Ato., calf, gilt. $100 00. London: Printed hy 8. Simmons, for T. Selder, 1669 This is a perfect copy of the first edition, with what Lowndes terms a 110 Seventh Title-page; the address to the reader, arguments, and table of errata, etc., pp. 356. This copy formerly belonged to E. Blakeway, the Historian of Shrewsbury, England, and has his autograph. 627 Milton. Poetical Works, complete ; with Memoir and Critical Eemarks on his Genius and Writings, by James Montgomery. Illmtrated with one hundred and twenty engravings on wood, ly Thompson, S, ^ T. Williams, Orrin Smith, J. Linton, etc. Beautifully printed THROUGHOUT ON India PAPER. 2 vols. in One, ivo., half morocco, gilt, gilt leaves. $20 00. London, 1843 Only two copies of this beautiful edition were printed on India paper, at £10 10*. See Lowndes. 628 Milton. Poetical Works. Baskerville's Fine Edi- tion, printed on hot-pressed paper ; with the Life and Verbal Index, hy Todd, Together 3 vols., ito., ricUy lound in blue morocco, gilt borders, etc. $75 00. London, 1759-1809 Large Paper. Scarce. This splendid copy is further enriched by the insertion of a complete set of Stothaed's Illustrations ( proofs), also an Unlettered Proof set of FcsEn's designs. 629 Miltoniana : a Collection of Portraits, Engravings, Tracts, Newspaper Cuttings, etc., etc., illustrative of Milton's Life and Works. Mo., half morocco. $7 50. Includes the scarce portrait by Faithorne, taken from life at the age of 64. Also, an India Proof set of Fuseli's Illustration to Milton, presented to Mr. Balmanno by Anker Smith, the engraver, etc. 630 Milton. (Viscount), and Cheadale, W. B. North West Passage by Land, being a Narrative of an Expedition from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Numerous fine illusira- tions. Thick Swo., cloth, uncut. $3 50. London, 1865 631 Missal. The Thrice Shipwrecked Missal, from the Bal- manno Collection. Originally a fine Specimen, but now much damaged by water. Sm. 4.to., in an envelope. $10 00. 632 Magadok Celeste. Memoirs de. 4 vols., crown %vo., in 2, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. $10 00. Faris, 1858 633 MOLIERE, (EUVRES DE. Nouvelle Edition. Fine Ill portrait, and the leautiful series of engravings ly Law. Cars, and Joullain, from the celebrated designs of T. Bouclier. 6 vols., royal ito., magnificently hound in crimson levant, crush- ed ami polished ; the sides and hacks perfectly plain, hut having hroad inside herders of gold, elaborately tooled, gilt leaves, hy Petit [successor to Db Simiee). $75 00. Paris, 1734 A SUPERB COPY. "Edition assez belle, et la premiere un remarquable que I'on ait donnie de notre grand comiqne; elle a et6 dirigee par Marc-Ant. Joly, auteur de plusieurs coniedieB, qui en a revue le texte Bur Ifs Editions originales des places de Moli^re. La notice sur le poete est d'un M. de Serre. 634 Monstrelet's Chronicles or England and Wales, in con- tinuation of Froissart's. Translated by Col. Johnes, with Notes. Upwards of 100 woodcuts. 2 vols., imp. 8»o., calf, antique, red edges. $14 00. London, 1840 See Froissart. 635 Montagu, Lady M. Wortley. Letters and Works, edited by Lord Wharncliffe. Fine portraits. 3 vols., Svo., calf, extra, marhled edges. $15 00. London, 1837 636 Montaigne, Michael de. Works or, comprising his Essays, Journey into Italy, and Letters, with Notes from all his Commentators, Biographical and Bibliographical Notices, by W. Hazlitt. New Edition, revised by 0. W. Wight. Portrait on India paper, Montaigne's Arms in gold and colors on the titles. 4 vols., 8»o., half morocco, uncut, hy Matthews. $45 00. Biverside Press, Cambridge, 1864 Best edition. Large Paper. 75 copies printed, 4 of which were destroyed hy fire, at Richardson's. Tliis copy has the extra illuminated title-pages. 637 Montesquieu. (Euvres de. See French Cl»ssics, lot 403. 638 Montholon, Count. History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena. Best Edition. Portrait, i vols., 8vo. , calf , extra. $15 00. London, 1846 639 Monuments of Art, shewing its Development and Progress, from the Earliest Artistic Attempts to the Present Pe- 112 riod, with Descriptive Text by Messrs. Voit, Guhl, Caspar, and Dr. W. Luebke. Upwards of 156 large plates, comprising several thousand examples in outline, from the most celebrated Paintings, Sculptures, Architectural Remains, etc., etc. 2 vols., oblong Ato., and an 8vo. vol. of text, half morocco, neat, marbled edges. $30 00. New York, 1865 640 Moore's Ikish Melodies, Illustrated by Maclise, every page ornamented with exquisitely beautiful engravings. Pkoop Impkessions. Sm. Mo., beautifidly bound in green twhy morocco, richly gilt sides and back. $35 00. London, 1846 The original edition. The text is engraved throughout. 641 MooKE, Tom. Suppressed Letters. Notes from the Letters of Thomas Moore to his Music Publisher, James Power, with an Introductory Letter from Thos. Crofton Croker. Vlmo., cloth. Scarce. $1 62. New York, 1855 Bcdmanno Collection. This copy contains a pamphlet, entitled, " Correspondence between the Eight Hon. J. W. Croker and Lord John Russell, on some passages in ' Moore's Diary.' " pp. 34. Also cuttings from the ' Times: 642 iH®E(£, SJlEl a;i5®ilH3lS. The Workes of Sm Thomas More, Knyght, sometime Lord Chauncellour of England, written by him in the Englysh tonge. jBlack £eUer. Folio, blue morocco, super extra, gilt leaves, hy Sayda/y. $165 00 Printed at London, at the costes and charges of John Cawody John Waly, and Richarde Tottell. Anno, 1557. With the rare autograph of John Donne upon the title-page. Vert bare. Entirely perfect, having the unpaged leaf between leaves 1138 and 1189, also, the eight leaves at the commencement, containing the poems " Mayster Thomas More wrote in his youth for his pastime," namely, " A mery jest how a sargcant would learne to playe the frere." Another of the poems is to a Pageant representing the various ages of a man's life, which Shakespeare, no doubt, must have perused, and on which he founded his cele- brated description of the seven ages of man's life. " A rueful lamentacion (writen by Master Thomas More in his youth) of the deth of queue Elizabeth, mother to king Henry the eight, wife to king Henry the seveth, and eldest doughter to king Edward the 113 fourth, which quene Elizabeth dyed in child-bed in February in the yere of our lord, 1503, and in the 18. yere of the raigne of king Henry the seventh." Also, " Certain meters in english written by Master Thomas More in hys youth for the boke of Fortune, and caused them to be printed in the begynnyng of that boke." For a thorough account of this rare volume see Oldy's British Libra- rian, pp. 194-Y. 643 Moke, Sik Tnos. Life or, by his Son-in-law, William Koper, with an Appendix of Letters. Beautifully printed hy Whittingham. Numerous extra portraits inserted. Post 8«o., half red morooeo, neat, uncut edges. $10 00. Ghiswieh, 1817 Balmanno Library. 644 MoBGAN, Ladt. Italy. A Journal of a Residence in that Country, exhibiting a View of the State of Society and Manners, Arts, Literature, etc. 3 vols., 8»o., polished calf, extra, marhled edges. Fine copy. $12 00. London, 1824 645 MoKGAN, Lady. Book of the Boudoir. 2 vols., post 8vo., half calf, extra, uncut edges. $5 00. London, 1829 646 MosBS, Henry. Collection of Antique Vases, Altars, Paterae, Tripods, Candelabra, Sarcophagi, etc., from various Museums and Collections. 170 plates. Fine impressions. Sm. 4:to., cloth, uncut. $10 00. London, 1814 647 MusARUM Delicijs; or, The Muse's Recreations, Wit Re- stored AND Wit's Recreations, with a thousand out- ^ ^. landish Proverbs printed from the Edition of 1640, to J which are added Memoirs of Sir John Mennis and Dr. Jas. Smith, with a Preface. 2 vols., post 8vo., beautifully hound in green morocco, extra, ly Lewis, Scarce. $40 00. Only 150 copies printed. London, 1817 Edited by Thos. Park and Edward Dubois. In this volume are the lines — " For he that fights and runs away, May live to fight another day," Generally ascribed to ' Hudibras.' 648 MusEB Royal (Secrete) dB Naples. Peintures, Bronzes, et Statues Erotiques du Cabinet Secret. Avec leur ex- plication par le Colonel Famin. Best Edition, comprising 15 114 60 engrmied plates, colored after the original examples. Ato., half red morooco, gilt. Very scarce. $75 00. Paris, fwr VAtdem, 1867 Only 100 copies privately printed, of which this is No. 11. This is a revised and enlarged edition of that of 1832, contaimng upward of twenty additional plates, and much additional matter. 649 Mysteres des Vieux Chateaux be France, otj Amours Se- cretes DES Eois ET des Keines, dcs Princes et Princesses, ainsi que des grands personnages du Temps, Aventures Myst6rieuses, Scenes Dramatiques, Apparitions, Fan- tomes, etc., par une Soci6te d'Archivistes sous la direc- tion de H. B. Le Franpois. Numerous fine portraits and woodcuts. 6 vols., 2ivo., half red morocco, gilt. Scarce. 124 00. Paris, N. D. APIER. HISTORY OF THE WAR IN THE PENINSULA, and in the South of France, from 1807 to 1814. Plans of battles, etc. Best Library Edi- tion. 6 vols., Svo., handsomely hound in tree calf, extra, marlled edges. Scarce. $75 00. London, 1?&2, etc. 651 Napoleon. Historical and Unrevealed Memoirs op the Political and Private Lipe op Napoleon Buonaparte, by Mademoiselle R. D'Ancemont. Translated from the French by W. Kenny. Facsimiles. 12mo., half morocco, mat. Scarce. $2 50. (London f). May, 182Q " To be had of the author only, 27 Portland Place." 652 Napoleon. Journal of the Private Life and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon at Saint Helena, by Count de Las Cases. Maps and plans. 4 vols., thieh Sw., handsomely hound in green morocco, extra, gilt leaves. 818 00. London, 1823 653 Napoleon Bonaparte : Vie Privee, Amoureuse, Secrete, et Authentiqub de, et des Princes et Princesses de sa Famille, Faisant connattre leurs liasons particuliSres et leurs intrigues Ctalantes aveo divers personnes de tout rang, etc. Deuxi^me iSdition, augmentee. Folding plates. 2 vols, in one, 12»jo., handsomely lound in half green morocco, extra, gilt. Very scarce. $7 50. Parw, 1839 " Seul ouvrage impartial et complet, Publi6 d'aprea des renseignements 115 exacts et les divers m^moires du temps, et notamment ceux publics par Consiam ex valet de chambre de TEmpereur." 654 Na8es. Hbealdio Anomalies ; or, Rank Confosion in our Orders of Precedence, with Disquisitions on all the ex- isting Orders of Society, 2 vols,, post 8vo., polished calf, extra gilt, ly Bedford. Scarce. $7 50. London, 1823 A very amusing work, containing much curious information. 655 NASH. MANSIONS OF ENGLAND AND WALES IN THE OLDEN TIMES, as at present existmg. The Four Series Complete, comprising 100 Iwrge and beadti- FULLT colored plates, MOUNTED ON HBATY CARDBOARD, IN IMITATION or THE Orimnal DRAWINGS, of HJcterioT and Interior Views of Celebrated existing Edifices, with Grovps illustrative of the Customs, Manners, and Amusements of our Ancestors. Avols.,folio, in neat portfolios. $200 00. London, 1839-40 But few copies were colored like the above, which were published at £42. 656 National Atlas op Historical, Commercial, and Political Geography, from the latest and most authentic sources. 41 large and finely executed Maps, with copious Index, ly A. Keith Johnstone. Atlas folio, half morocco, neat. $25 00. Hdinlurgh, 1851 657 Nichols. Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, 9 vols. ; and Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century, 8 vols. Together 17 vols., 8w., calf extra. |175 00. London, 1812-59 Choice copy. It is impossible in a small space to give anything like an adequate idea of the vast amount of curious information which these volumes contain. The hundreds of literary celebrities who are brought forward, not merely by passing anecdotes, but by highly valuable memoirs and sketches, and the extensive bibliographical and liter- ary matter which it contains, render it one of the most permanently interesting sets of books ever published. 658 Notes and Queries. A complete set of this Valuable Work, . -**- from its commencement to the end of 1863. 28 vols., / 116 4fo., uniformly lorn/id, in half vellum, totally uncut. (Both Indexes, cloth.) $125 00. London, 1850-63 One of the finest sets of this important work ever offered for sale by a bookseller. 659 NoKTHCOTB. Fables ; Both Series. Upwards of 200 Fables, illustrated with 560 very leautiful wood engravings after designs by Ha/rvey. Brilliant Impressions. 2 voh., imp. %vo., dark green morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Very scarce. |30 00. London, 1828-9 Original Edition on Large Paper. Few printed. 660 NouvBAu Testament de notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ. ( Version d' Ostervald.) 32mo., morocco. $1 50. Valence, 1844 jlLD Maids. A Philosophical, Historical, and Moral Essay on, by a Friend to the Sisterhood. 3 vols., 12mo., calf, gilt. Scarce. $4 50. London, 1785 662 Oliver, Stephen. (W. A. Chatto.) The Old English Squire, a Song, with Music, by D, Blake. Illustrated with six characteristic etchings, by Phi%. Post ^vo., boards. Scarce. %l 25. London, 1838 The de.slgn3 by " Phiz," are some of the best he ever produced. Presentation copy from the Author to Mr. Balmanno. 663 O'Meaea. B. Napoleon in Exile, or a Voice from St. Helena ; being the Opinions and Reflections of Napoleon ou the most important events of his Life and Government, in his own words. Portraits and engravings. 2 vols., Sw., half cdf, neat. $5 00. London, 1827 664 Oraisons FuNisREs de Bossuet, Flechier, et Autres Ora- TEURS ; avec un discours preliminaire et des notices par M. Dassault. Illustrated with 37 exquisitely engraved por- traits and vignettes, after designs hj Desenne, H. Vernet, Deveria, and otJiers. Brilliant Proofs betore the Let- ters. 4 vols., Svo., beautifully bound in red polished morocco, extra gilt, and lined with green moire-antique within morocco borders, and gilt leaves, by Doplanil. $30 00. Parii, 1820 Large Paper. Papier vUin. Very few printed. 665 Orleans, Dnc De. Journal de l'Expedition des Portes- de-Fer, (sur les notes du Due d'Orleans), par Ch. Nodier. 117 Beautifvlly printed on papier de Chine, and illustrated with nearly 200 large and finely executed engravings on wood, from drawings ly Dryatz, Baffet, etc., engraved Ig JDesmareis, Piaud, Pisan, etc. On India Paper. Imp. 8»o., sump- tuously hound in blue levant morocco, super extra, elaborately tooled sides, backs, and inside borders, and marbled gilt edges, by Petit, (successor to De Simier). $25 00. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1844 Pkivately printed. " Volume tir^ h. petit nombre, et qui iCa pas He mis dans le com- merce." — Brunei'. "Ch. Nodier, que la saperiorit^ de son esprit, l'originalit6 de sea idees, la raret6 de ses connaissances, et surtout le merite de Bon style, placent dans notre litterature au premier rang des hommes distingu^s de son ^poque." 666 Oklbans. Helen de Mecklenbourg-Schwerin, Duchesse DE. Memoirs de, (par la Comtesse d'Harcourt ?) Beau- tifully printed. 8vo., bound in full crimson morocco, super extra, with elaborately tooled inside borders, by David. Scarce. $15 00. Paris, 1859 Laroe Paper. (No. 29.) " Edition Sp^ciale, tirSe d cent exemplaires sur velin superieur colle." 667 Orleans, H. de. Les Zoitates et Les Chasseurs a Pied (Esquisses Historiques.) Beautifully printed on heavy paper. Sm. 8vo., superbly bound in full crimson morocco, crushed and polished, elaborately tooled sides, backs, and inside borders, d, la dentelle, with the author's monogram impressed, by Cape. $15 00. Paris, 1855 Magnificent Copy. 668 Orr's Circle of the Sciences ; a Series of Treatises on the First Principles of Science, with their Applications to Practical Pursuits. Complete in 9 vols., sm. 8fo., cloth, uncut. $13 50. London, 1854-56 Contains Treatises on Organic Nature by Professor Owen and Dr. Latham ; Mathematical Science by Twisden and Jaidine ; Elemen- tary Chemistry by Dr. Scoffern ; Astronomy and Navigation by Professor Young; Inorganic Nature by Professor Ansted and others ; Practical Chemistry by Gore ; Photography by Starling ; Mechanical Philosophy by the Rev. M. Mitchell; Mechanical Drawing by Imlay. ^ 118 669 Ossian's Poems, etc., including the Works of James Mac- pherson in Prose and Verse, with Notes and Illustra- tions by Malcolm Laing. Best Edition. 2 vols., 8»o., polished calf, extra, marbled edges, ly Riviere. $15 00. Hdinbwffh, 1805 670 Otwat's Dramatic and Poetical Woeks, with his Letters and Life. Best Edition. 2 vols., 8vo., calf, neat. $10 00. London, 1812 671 OvBKMAN, Feed. Treatise on Metallurgy, comprising Mining, and General and Particular Metallurgical Operations. Numerous cuts. Thick 8w., cloth. $3 00. New Tori, 1852 ^ 672 Overman, Fred. Manufacture of Iron in all its Branches, with an Essay on the Manufacture of Steel. Profusely Mustrated. 8w., cloth. $3 50. PhUa., 1851 673 Oxford CHRONOLoaiCAL Tables. Annales Antiquitatis ; — TaWes of Ancient History synchronistically and ethno- graphically arranged. Compiled from the best authorities. Sm. folio, half morocco. $5 00. Oxford, 1885 llALLisER, Mrs. Bury. History of ^Lace from its first invention. Profusely illustrated with several hundred beautiful engravings on wood, many of which are jprinted in tints. Square 8vo., new cloth, gilt. $7 00. London, 1865 675 PAKADIN, Claude. Devises Heroiques. Fine impressions of the cuts. 8vo. (12mo.), crimson morocco, gilt, gilt lecwes. $30 00. Lion. Ian de Tournes, etc., 1557 A splendid copy from the Balmanno Collection, with MSS. Notes. For a long account of this pleasing collection see Dibdin'a Decameron, Tol. I., p. 264 to 272, also Douce's illustrations to Shakespeare, vol. n., p. 126-128. 676 Pardoe, Miss. Court and Reign op Francis I. of Francjb. Nurnerousfine portraits {including that of Diana of Poictiers) . 2 vols., 8vo., crimson morocco, extra, gilt. $10 00. London, 1850 677 Pardoe, Miss. Louis the XIVth and the Court of France in XVIIth Century. Portraits and engravings. 3 vols., 8eo., handsomely bound in polished calf, extra, marbled edges. 113 50. London, 1847 119 678 Pardoe, Miss. Life of Maeib de Medicis, Consort of Henry IVth of France, and Eegent of that Kingdom under Louis Xlllth. Fine portraits, 3 vols., %vo.^ half calf, antique, red edges. $9 00. London, 1852 679 Paris. The Public Buildings of Paris and its Environs in the Middle of the XlVth Century. Illustrated, from a series of original drawings, with Topographical and Historical Descriptions, by W. I. Bicknell. Fine impres- sions of the numerous leatdiful engra/vings. 2 vols., ^vo., elegantly lound in twhey morocco, with elaborately tooled sides and hacTcs, and gilt leaves. $12 00. London, W. B. 680 Park, Thos. Lyre of Love ; a Selection of the most elegant Amatory Poems by English Authors. Frontispiece. 2 vols, in one,12mo.,halfmorocco,unei(t. Scarce, $3 50. ChismcTc Press, London, 1806 681 Pascal. Provincial Letters, containing an Exposure of the Beasoning and Morals of the Jesuits, to which is added a View of the History of the Jesuits. Translated, ^vo,, half calf , neat. $2 00. Zo» teres au XVIP Si^cle. bth Edition augmentie. Beauti- fully printed, and illustrated with fine photographic port/raits. BioycA Svo., superhly hound in dark purple levant, the sides and. back perfectly plain; broad inside borders of gold, and marbled and gUt leaves, by 'Di.viT). $15 00; Paris, 1B58 Edition de Lcxe. Only a few printed in this sumptuous manner. 714 Refebtorium Bibliographicum ; or, an Account of the most celebrated British Libraries, by W. Clarke, with numer- ous portraits. Imp^ 8vo., half russia, uncut edges. $16 00. London, 1819 The late Mr. Beckford assisted in the compilation of this work, par- ' . ticularly in the description of his own library at Fonthill. 715 RiiBOBPBCiiTE Review, and Historical and Antiquarian 124 , J Magazine. Consisting of Criticisms upon, Analyses of, and Extracts from Curious, Valuable, and Scarce Old Books. Both series complete. 16 voh, Sw., tree calf, extra, marbled edges, ly Sitiebe. $125 00. Londm, 1820-6, 1828 " An excellent Review of early English Literature. The Criticisms in the first series were written by George Robinson, Esq., W. Gray, Esq., Mr. Sergt. Talfourd, Joseph Parkes, Esq., etc., the whole being under the superintendence of H. Southern, Esq. The second series was edited by Henry Southern and Nicholas Harris Nicolas. The papers in the third series were chiefiy written by Thomas Wright, Esq., J. 0. Halliwell, Esq., and M. A. Lower, Esq." — Loancka. 716 E.EYNARD THE Fox — Beiueke Fuohs. Goethe's celebrated Version, elegantly printed and illmtrated with the beautiful engravings from Saulhach's Designs, engraved by Sahn and Schleich. 4to., half morocco, gilt. $10 00. Stuttgart, 1846 A beautiful specimen of German graphic and typographic art. 717 Retnard the Fox, after the German Version of Goethe, by Thomas Arnold. Elegantly printed in large type, by Whit- tingham, and illustrated with the exquisitely beavMful engrav- ings, from designs by Wolfe. Peoofs on India Paper. 8vo., polished calf, extra, marbled edges, $7 50. Piehering, London, 1853-55 718 Reynard the Fox, translated from the German, by E. W. HoUoway, with 37 engravings on steel, after, designs by S. Zeutmann. 4to., polished morocco, extra, gilt sides and back $12 50. London, K D. 719 Reynard the Fox, a renowned Apologue of the Middle Ages, j^ , reproduced in Rhyme. Elegantly printed on. heavy paper, with colored mid floriated capitals. Thick sq. Svo., calf, t antique, red edges. $12 50. London, 1845 This copy has a series of 24 engravings in tint, from Wolfe's designs, inserted. 720 Reynolds, Frederick. A Playwright's Adventures. Illus- trated with engravings, by W. S. Brooke. 16mo., half nwrocco. London, 1831 Presentation copy to Robert Balmanno, from W. H. Brooke, the artist. 125 721 Richardson. Account of some Statues, Bas-Reliefs, Drawings, and Pictures in Italy, etc. Svo., old calf. $2 00. London, 1722 Balmanno cop;. 722 Richardson, Dr. C. Dictionary of the English Language combining Explanation with Etymology; with copious Quotations from the Best Authors, arranged chronologi- cally. New Edition, augmented. 2 tkiek vols., ito., half russia, neat. $30 00. London, 1863 723 Richmond and its Vicinity, with a glance at Twickenham, Strawberry Hill, and Hampton Court, by John Evans. Maps and numerous fine engravings inserted. 12mo., half morocco, uncut. $3 00. Chiswick Press, London, 1825 Balmanno copy, with notes, etc. 724 Richter, Jean Paui,. Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces ; or. The Married Life, Death, and Wedding of Firmin Stanislaus Siebenkas. Translated by Noel. 2 vols., 12>»o., half calf, gilt. Scarce. $3 50. London, 1845 725 Richter, Jean Paul, Levana ; or. The Doctrine of Educa- tion. Translated from the German. Post 8eo., half calf, gilt. $2 50. London, 1848 726 Rimbault, E. F. Little Book of Songs and Ballads, gathered from Ancient Music Books, Printed and MS. Beautifully printed. CrotcnSvo., half morocco, uncut. $2 50. London, 1851 727 Rio, A. F. De l'Art Chretien. Nouvelle Edition, entifere- ment refondue et considerablement augmentee. 3 vols., Svo., half calf , neat. $4 50. Paris, ISQl 728 Rio, A. F. Poetry of Christian Art. Frontispiece. PostSvo., half calf, neat. $3 50. London, 1854 729 Ritson, Jos. Remarks, Critical and Illustrative, on the Text and Notes of the Last Edition (Johnson and Stevens') of Shakespeare. 8w., half morocco, gilt top, uncut leaves. Scarce. $4 00. London, 1783 " To the labors of StcTcns and Halone, Eitson made objections in several publications, -which have not hitherto been satisfactorily answered." — G. Chaimkrs. Missing Page Missing Page 128 This edition contains the Preface to Cardinal Richelieu, by De Silhoun. 739 RoscoB, Wm. Life and Ponhficatb op Leo Xth. large type library edition. 6 voh., Svo., handsomely hound in tree calf, extra, ly Za%endorf. $17 50. Londm, 1806 740 Rose's New Bioqraphical Dictionary, the Articles contribu- ted by the most eminent Scholars of the day. 12 voh., 8«o., handsomely bound in calf, extra, marbled edges. Searce. $65 00. London, 1857 The best general Biographical Dictionary in the English Language, comprising upwards of 20,000 names. 741 Rousseau, J. J. CBuvebs Completes. Aveo des Notes Historiques (par Petitain). Beautifully Printed and Illustrated with Engravings, from the celebrated designs op Desennb, and others. Also, an extra SERIES of Portraits and Engravings, after De Veria, Alf. Johannot, etc., etc. 25 vols., Boyal 8»o,, splendidly hound in half crimson morocco, extra gilt bach, top edges gilt, and uncut leaves, hy Cape. $250 00. Large Paper: {only 60 copies printed). Paris: Zefevre, 1819-20 The engravings inserted in this superb set are all in the finest possible condition, nearly every plate being in three different stages of pro- gress, to wit : THE Etching, the Uklettered Peoof, and the Finished Plate, on India Paper. " :^ditiou bien imprim^e, et qui offre un bon texte bas^ en grande parti sur celui de Geneve, et purgS des pr^tendues ameliorations de I'^dit. de 1801. La Correspondence y est augmentee d'un gros nombre de lettres In^dites. Parmi les additions dont Petitian a enriche cette Edition, on distingue un Appendiee aax Confessions de J. J. Rousseau, et plusieurs autres opuscules de I'editeur. Un Vocabulaire des mots, expreasioiis et locutions remarquables em- ployees par J. J, R ; une Tahle glnerale et analitique des matieres ; la Notice desprincipaux ierits relatifs d la personne et aitx ouvrages de J. J., par H. A. Barbier ; enfin le 22e vol. r^unit un choix de ce qui a 4te ^crit de plus remarqiiable pour ou contre I'auteur d'Emile." — BRnNET. Contents : — Confessions, S vols. — Disoours, 1 vol. — ^Politique, 1 vol. — Nouvelle Heloise, 2 vols. — ^Emile, 2 vols. — Lettres et Theatre, 2 vole. — Melanges, 1 vol. — ^Ecrits sur Musique, 1 vol. — Dictionnaire du Musique, 2 vols. — Dialogues, 1 vol. — Correspondence, i vols. — 129 7 Vocabulaire, etc., 1 vol. — Supplement, 1 vol. — (Euvres Iii4clites,-2 vola. — and Histoire de Rousseau par Musset-Pathay. The last three volumes are supplemental, and are seldom found with sets. 742 RoussBATj, J. J. NoTJVELLE Heloise ; Lettres de deux Amans, habitans d'une petite Ville au pied des Alpes. Numerous engravingg, ly Gravelot. 3 thieh vols., 12mo., calf, gilt. $6 00. Amsterdam, 1761 743 RoxBURGHB Ballads, (Popular Ballads of the Reign of Elizabeth, James, and Charles). Edited by J. Payne Collier, elegantly printed in the old style, with 50 curious woodcuts. Sm. 4:to., half morocco, uncut. $9 00. London, 1847 744 RoxBUKGHE Club. La Contenancb de la Table. Presented ^ to the Roxburghe Club, by G. H. Freeling, Esq. JB£31CIK £(Egi:a:®Il. -S'^. IQmo., oUw morocco, extra. $35 00. The Crowninshield copy. Londres, 1816 Only 31 copies were printed, one on vellum. "I must not, however, omit to notice a strange and ' right merrie con- ceit ' of my friend, Mr. George H. Freeling. From his intimate knowledge of witchcraft, he kept up a sly intercourse with the imps of Mr. Bulmer, and caused a most mysterious black-letter morceau to be printed, by way of supplying the place of a French-roll, with the napkin upon each of our plates. The hit was a happy one, and the surprise and delight of each member, upon discovering the said morceau, was 'right pleasaunt ' to behold." — Decameron, vol. S, pp. IS. 745 Royal George. True Stories of H. M. Ship, Royal George, from 1746 to 1841. Illustrated. B2mo., hoards. $1 50. Ryde, Isle of Wight, 1841 The covers of this little volume were made from some of the timbers of this ill-fated ship. 746 Rubens, Sir Peter Paul. Catalogue of the Works of Art in the possession of, with a facsimile of an unpublished letter, ly himself, ivo., pp. 22, cloth. Newspaper cuttings, etc. $2 50. For private circulation, 1889 Privately printed, ly Dawson Turner, Usq. 747 RusKiN, John. Modern Painters, with 84 engravings on 17 130 steel, and 216 on wood, from drawings ly the Author. 5 vols., imp. 8vo., new half calf, gilt, marhled edges. $85 00. London, 1856-60 748 EnsKiN, John. Stones op Venice. Complete, with 53 large engravings on steel, and numerous woodcuts. 3 vols., imp. Svo., new half calf, gilt. $55 00. Zora(fo«, 1853-58 749 KcrsKiN, John. Seven Lamps op Arohitectuke. Illustrated with 14 etchings, hj the Author. Imp. 8w., wiw, half calf , gilt. Ill 00. London, 1855 The above 3 lots are all uniformly bound. 750 EusKiN, John. The Two Paths. Being Lectures on Art, and its application to Decoration and Manufacture. En- gravings. 12mo., polished calf, extra, hy Riviere. 15 00. London, 1859 751 Eussell's History of Modern Europe, with an account of the Eise and Fall of the Eoman Empire, the Progress of Society, etc. Best Edition. 4 vols., 8w., new tree calf, gilt. $18 00 London^lihO Fine copy. 752 EirssELL, John, Earl. Essay on the History of the English Constitution, from the Eeign of Henry YII. to the pres- ent time. Foolscap Swo., cloth, uncut. $2 00. London, 1865 AINT-PIEEEE. jACQnES-BBKNARBiN DE. La Chau- MiEKE Indiennb. 12»8o., each page inlaid on heavy paper, within ornamental 'borders, crown Suo., red morocco, extra, gilt leaves. Fine copy. Scarce. $15 00. Faris, P. Fr. Lidot le Jeune, 1791 754 Saint-Pierre. Paul and Virginia. Translated by Helen M. Williams. Sharpe's leautiful Edition, with engravings from WestalVs designs. 12mo., green morocco, extra. $2 50. London, 1820 755 SAINT-SIMON. MifiMOIEES COMPLETES et AU- THENTIQUES du Duo de Saint-Simon. Sur le Sifecle de Louis XIV. et la Eegence, collationnes sur le inanus- crit originale par M. Ch6ruel, et pr6c6des d'nne notice par M. Sainte-Beuve. Profusely Illustrated. 20 vols, thick Imp. Spo., handsomely hound in half red morocco, gilt 131 tops, uncut edges, ly David. $450 00. ' Pa/ris, L. Sachette et Cie, 1856-58 Large Paper. Of this magnificent edition only 100 copies were printed on heavy calendered paper. {7%e above is No. 8.) Inserted in this copy is a complete set of the series of 180 portraits, Proofs before Letters (on Ikdia Paper), intended to illustrate these Memoirs (these plates alone were published at 125 fr.) " Cette Edition mdrite done d'etre consid^ree comme la veritable editio princeps des Memoirs de Saint-Simon." — Pref.NoU. " Nous ne croyons pas qu'aucunes Memoires du temps puissant etre lus avec autant de plaisir que ceux du Due de Saint-Simon. Le style est toujoursvif, piquant, 6nergique ; ses tournures sont neuves et hardies. Son talent marqu^, c'est celui des portraits, et il les fait de main de maitre." — Barbier, Bib. Hun Homme de Gout. 756 Saintinb, X. B. Picciola. Illustrated Edition, comprising numerous fine engrcnings on steel and wood, ivo., half morocco, gilt leaves. $6 00. Paris, W. B. 757 Satarin. Hand-Book of DiDing ; or, Corpulency and Lean- ness, scientifically considered. Translated by L. F. Simpson. \1mo., cloth. SI 00. New Yorl, 1865 758 ScHEiTER, Art. Memoir of the Life of, by Mrs. Grote. Portrait and facsimile. %vo., cloth. $3 00. London, 1860 759 Schiller's Works, comprising Early Dramas and Romances, Historical Dramas and Histories, etc. Translated. 4 vols., 12mo., calf, extra, marlled leaves. $12 00. London, 1853 760 ScHLEaEL's Lectures on the History of Literature, Ancient and Modern. 12mo., half calf, gilt. $2 00. Edinburgh, 1846 761 ScHLOssER, F. C. History of the Eighteenth Centhry, and of the Nineteenth till the overthrow of the French Empire, with particular reference to Mental Cultivation and Progress. Translated from the German by D. Davison. 8 vols., Svo,, handsomely hound in calf, extra, marlled leaves. $30 00. London, 1852 762 ScoTT, Thos. Vox Populi ; or, Newbs from Spayne. Trans- lated according to the Spanish coppie, which may serue to forwarne both England and the Vnited Provinces how 132 farrc to trust to Spanish pretences. Curious copperpkU engravings. Sm. 4to., calf, neat. Scarce. $12 50. {London^ Imprinted in the yeare 1620 " The political tracts of Thomas Scott are valuable and curious beyond most other tracts of this period, on account of the light they throw upon the policy of the latter years of K. James's reign. The Author, after undergoing many persecutions, was assassinated at Utrecht, by a soldier, in 1626." 763 ScoTi, SiK Walter. Watzrlt Novels. The Splendid Abbotsfoed Edition, with 120 highly finished engravings on steel and 2fiQQ fine woodcuts. Earliest impressions. 12 vole., royal 8fo., half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. $175 00 Minburgh, 1842 This copy was bound from the original numbers by the present owner. 764 Scott, Sir Walter. Miscellaneous Works, in Poetry and Prose, comprising Life of Napoleon, Biographies, Essays, and Letters, and Tales of a Grandfather. Magnificently illustrated. 4 thick vols., royal Svo., half olive morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. $25 00. Edinburgh, 1852, etc. Uniform with the preceding lot. 765 Scott, Sib Walter. Waverly Gallery. Portraits of the principal Female Characters in his Writings. 36 highly finished engravings by Heath. Fine impressions. Royal 8w., morocco, full gilt. $9 00. London, 1855 766 Scott, Sir Walter. Bijkger's Chase, and William and Helen ; two Ballads from the German (by Walter Scott). 4fo., half morocco, uncut. Scarce. $5 GO. Edinburgh, 1796 " This is the First Edition of the first work published by Sir Walter Scott, and was presented to me by W. A. Chatto, Esq." — ^K. Bal- UANNO. 767 ScoTT, Sir Walter. Catalogue of the various Editions of Scott's Works. Illustrated. 8vo., pp. 20. 60c. Edinburgh, 1847 768 Scrope, Wm. Art op Deer-Stalking ; with an Account of the nature and habits of the Bed Deer, and Description of the Scottish Forests; Legends, Superstitions,, etc. Jftcmerous tinted plates, after Sir Edw. Landseer. Eoyal 133 8vo., green turkey morocco, extra, gilt lacks, sides, and inside borders, hy Grieve, of Edinburgh. Scarce. $10 00. London, 1839 769 ScROPE, Wm. Days and Nights op Salmon Fishing in the Tweed, with an Account of the Natural History and Habits of the Salmon. Tinted plates, after Landseer. Royal 8vo., morocco, etc. Scarce. $10 00. Zondon,185i The above two lots are uniformly bound. 770 Secundus. Basia ; or. Kisses of Johannes Secundus, in Latin and English Verse, with Life, and Notes. Portrait of the Author, and of his Mistress Julia, by Picart. 12mo., cdf. Fine copy. $2 75. London, 1731 771 Secundus. Basia. The Kisses of, with Selections. Vignette. S2mo., cloth, gilt. 62c. London, N. D. 112 Selden's Table-Talk, with a Biographical Preface, and Notes by S. W. Singer. Portrait. Beautifully printed by Whittingham. Post 8w., eloth, uncut. $3 00. Large Paper. Russell Smith, London, 1860 773 Setigne, Mmb. db. Lettkes db sa Famillb, et de ses Amis. Augmentee de plusieurs lettres in^dites, des 105 lettres publi^es en 1814, des notes et notices de Grourelle, et des reflexions de I'Abbe de Vauxelles ; preced6es d'une nouvelle notice Biographique sur Mme. de Sfirign^, ao- compagnees de notes par M. Gault de Saint-Germain. Illustrated with 25 beautiful portraits, by Deveria. Proofs BEFORE Letters, and numerous other extra plates inserted (including a complete set of the series published by Blaise, in his Edition of 1820). 12 thicJt vols., royal Svo., half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges, by Datid. $75 00. Large Paper. Paris, Balibon, 1823-24 Splendid copy of the Best Edition. 774 Shaftesbury's Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, and Times. Baskervillb's Fine EDiTioN,^«»fo(f in large and beautiful type, with portrait and vignettes, by Grignon. 3 vols., royal 8vo., naif, gilt. $15 00. Birmingham, 1776 775 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. The "Works of; The Text ' formed from a new Collation of the Early Editions, to which are Added all the Original Novels and Tales on /J" •^r. 134 whioli the Plays are Eounded ; Copious Arohasological Annotations on each Play; an Essay on the Eormation of the Text ; and a life of the Poet ; by Jakes 0. Hal- LiwELL, Esq. The lUustrationa and wood-engrmmgs ly Fkedbkick William Faieholt, Esq. 16 vols. Folio, half morocco, edges entirely untrimmed. 8800 00. Frivatelt printed : and only 150 copies ; see Mr. SdllitceU's and Mr. Adhrd's (thl printer) autograph attestations on the fly-leaf. This is No. lb. io»(?o», 1853-65 " The impressions of the present edition have been strictly limited to 150 copies, great care having been taken that not a single perfect copy should be made up from the waste sheets, of which very few were printed in excess, to take the place of any that might be soiled or damaged." The only object in adhering so strictly to the limits, was to protect, to their full extent, the interests of the original subscribers to the work, not from any views of exclusiveness. Every copy of each of the first 9 volumes of the work is certified as to the extent of the impressions, and a number assigned and entered in every copy. Dedicated to the ablest and the most neglected of Shakespearian critics. — Edward Capell. In the original Prospectus the Editor says, " Each play will be ac- companied by every kind of useful literary and antiquarian illus- tration, copious philological notes, complete copies of all novels, tales, or dramas on which it is founded, entire impressions of the first sketches and all documents of a really illustrative charac- ter. Some of these will be novelties to the student ; others will be collected from a variety of sources not readily accessible, being dis- persed through a number of volumes, some of great rarity ; while the reprints of ancient tracts already well known to Shakespearian readers, the insertion of which is of course a matter of absolute necessity in a monograph design, will be carefully re-collated with the originals. In fact, no pains will be spared to render this edi- tion the most complete in every respect that has yet been pro- duced; superseding entirely the variorum edition of 1821, with the addition of all Shakespearian discoveries of any importance which have been made since that period. The work will be copi- ously illustrated by fac-similes and wood-cuts, the direction of which has been undertaken by Mr. Fairholt, who has also most kindly promised to assist me in the selection. "The engravings throughout will be rigidly restricted to subjects 135 which really elucidate the text, giving representations of articles mentioned by Shakespeare, or to which he may refer, however slightly, thus serving as pictorial notes to his works. In the case of the historic plays, monumental effigies of the principal characters, personal reliques, or antique views of places alluded to, will be ad- missible ; but in no case will truthfubiess be sacrificed, or a false taste for meretricious picture-making he allowed. The engravings will be rigid fac-similes of the original subjects in all cases, and will depend on their own intrinsic merit as Shakespearian illustrations." 776 SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. The Works of. The Plays edited from the Folio of mdcxxiii., with various Read- ings ■ from all the Editions and all the Commentators, Notes, Introductory Remarks, a Historical Sketch of the Text, an Account of the Rise and Progress of the Eng- lish Drama, a Memoir of the Poet, and an Essay upon his G-enius. By Richard Grant White, Esq. Portraits and wood-cuts. 12 vols., 8yo., half olive morocco, gilt tops, red paper sides, edges uncut. $200 00. Large paper : only 48 copies printed. Excessively scarce. Boston, 1857 " Each play is preceded by an Introduction, remarkably well digested and condensed, giving an account of the text, and of the sources from which Shakespeare helped himself to plots or incidents. We cannot but commend highly the self-restraint which marks these brief and pithy prefaces, and the pertinency of every sentence to the matter in hand. We yield the more credit to Mr. White's self- denial in this respect, because his notes prove him to be capable of profound as well as delicate and sympathetic exegesis, and we think that a careful collation justifies us in saying that in acute discrimination of esthetic shades of expression, and often of text- ual niceties, Mr. White is superior to any previous editor." Lowell. Ill Shakespeare, William. Memoirs of the Life of, with an Essay toward the Expression of his G-enius, and an Ac- count of the Rise and Progress of the English Drama, by Richard Grant White. Fine proof portrait. 8ko., cloth, uncut. $7 50. Boston, 1866 Large paper : 100 copies printed. (No. 20.) 778 SHAKESPEARE'S DRAMATIC WORKS, Poems, Doubt- ful Plays, and Biography, also Mrs. Cowden Clarke's Concordance. Chas. Knight's Original Pictorial Edition, with the most remarkably Irilliant impressions of the 136 many hundred leautifid engravings on wood, of Views, Cos- tumes, Old Buildings, Antiquities, Portraits, etc., etc. To- gether 9 thich vols., royal 8ot., sumptuously hound by Hayday in heavy French gros-grained morocco, with hroad borders of gold, extra gilt hacks, inside borders, and gilt leaves. $225 00. London, 1839, etc. A MAGNIFICENT COPY, formerly in the collection of Kiehard Grant White, Esq., (selected from the original numbers, with special ref- erence to the impressions of the cuts.) It contains, in addition to the illustrations belonging to the work, numerous extra engravings, among which is a fine proof set of the " Shakespeare Heroines," Kenny Meadows' illustrations, and miscellaneous portraits. " About five years ago I bought a copy of Mr. Knight's Pictorial Edition, and having studied Shakespeare himself alone for so many years, I thought that I might with indiOercnce read a commentator again. From Mr. Knight's labors I derived great satisfaction ; his were altogether different comments from those which still fretted in my memory. I found that his Shakespeare and mine were the same ; and I read with a new pleasure his remarks upon the differ- ent Plays — a pleasure which I need hardly say was repeated and heightened by subsequent acquaintance with the criticisms of Cole- ridge, Wilson, Schlegel, and Hazlitt. But I learned from him a fact of which my determination had kept me ignorant, or rather, made me forgetful, that the text of Shakespeare before the date of his edition was filled with the alterations and interpolations of those very editors whose labors had impressed me so unpleasantly ; and finding that, in some of the few passages which had been ob- scure to me, the obscurity was of their creating, not of Shake- speare's or even his printers, I instantly began the critical study of the text." — KiCHARD Grant White. 779 Shakespeare's Works. Original Edition op 1623. A re- production in exact facsimile of the Famous First Folio, by the newly-discovered process of Photo-Lithpgraphy, at the suggestion and under the supervision of H. Staunton. Imperial folio, calf, extra, emblematically tooled, gilt leaves. $45 00. London, 1866 Very Limited Hdition. This magnificent reprint (the only one which can justly claim to be an exact facsimile) was photographed by express permission of Lord EUesmere and the Trustees of the British Museum, from the matchless copies in Bridgewater House and the National Library. 780 Shakespeare. Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, His- 137 tories, and Tragedies. Published according to the True Original Copies. A facsimile reprint of the First Folio. Photograph of the Droeshout portrait on the title. 4to., half vellum, uncut edges. $12 00. London ; Isaac Iggard and Ed. Blount, 1623 Reprinted, London, 1864 Larqe Paper : only 200 copies. 781 Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, with Glossary. Superhlg printed in diamond type hy CoraU on the iiNEST India Paper, with the Portrait and 38 engravings after Stothard. India Proofs. Foolscap, 8vo., richly bound in green levant morocco, extra, gilt sides and back, and red-gilt leaves, by Nutt. $30 00. W. Pickering, London, 1826 Spi-endid Copy. Very scarce in this state. 782 Shakespeare's Dramatic Works. Pickeringh Celebrated Biamwid Edition, printed by Corall. 9 vols., 32mo., full morocco, gilt. $25 00. Pickering, London, 1825 This beautiful miniature edition is now quite scarce. 783 Shakespeare's Dramatic Works and Poems. Pichering''s fofoorite Large Type Edition, beautifully printed. Por- trait. 11 vols., post 8»o., beautifully bound in tree calf, extra, marbled edges, by Grieve, of Edinburgh. $50 00. Pickering, London, 1825 784 Shakespeare. Halliwell, J. 0. Life of William Shakespeare, including many Particulars respecting the Poet and his Family never before Published. Upwards of 70 woodcuts and facsimiles (50 of which are now for the first time published), from drawings by Fairholt. Beauti- fully Printed on thick Paper. Extra portraits in- serted. Seo., half morocco, gilt, uncut edges, $25 00. London, 1848 Only 6 copies printed in this style, of whieh this is No. 6, attested by the Publisher. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 belong re- spectively to the Queen, the Duke of Devonshire, and the Earl of Ellesmere. From, the Balmanno Collection. Inserted are two interesting autograph letters from the Author and 18 1- 138 Illustrator to Mr. John Russell Smith (the publisher), respecting the work. 785 Shakbspeake's Poems. 18mo., Uw morocco, gilt, red edges. $25 00. Lmdon, 1714 This copy belonged to Charles Lamb, and was bought by Mr. Balmanno at the sale of a portion of Lamb's books in New York, in 1858. It contains " Venus and Adonis," " Tarquin and Lucrece," etc. It is enriched with several pages of poetical extracts, m.-»rginal notes, etc., in the handwriting of Chas. Lamb, and Kr. Balmanno has added the rare portrait of Shakespeare belonging to the edition of the poems, 1640, and inserted a priced catalogue of the books of Lamb sold in New York. -' 786 Shakespeare Society's Publications, consisting of Works illustratiye of Shakespeare, Old Plays, Poems, Curious Tracts, Memoirs, etc., either now Printed for the first time, or from their Rarity difficult to be procured. Edited by Eminent Literary Men. 47 Parts in 19 volumes. Sso., half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges, contents lettered. Beauti- ful copy. $125 00. London, 1841-53 '■■•■■'h 787 Shakespbakb Society's Papers. 3 vols., 8«o., cloth, uncut. $4 50. London, 1844 / ' tv 788 Shakespeake. Merry Wives of Windsor, edited by J. 0. HalliTvell. ^vo., cloth, uncut. $1 50. London,lM2 / '^■i 789 Shakespeare. Marriage of Wit and Wisdom, edited by Hal- liwell. Svo., cloth, uncut. $1 50. London, 1846 ' 790 Shakespeare's Library. A Collection of the Eomances, Novels, Poems, and Histories used by Shakespeare as the Foundation of his Dramas, edited, with Notices, by J. Payne Collier. 2 vols., Bvo., elegantly hound in polished calf, extra, gilt, hj Bedford. $20 00. Scarce. On thick paper : only 13 copies printed. London, 1850 Presentation copy from the Publisher. '■■' • 791 Shakespeare's Jest Books. Being Reprints of the Early and very Rare Jest Books, supposed to have been used by Shakespeare. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by W. C. Hazlitt. Beautifully printed on toned paper. 2 vols., thich foolscap 8vo., half mor., uncut. $6 00. London, 1864 Comprising, 1st Series: "A Hundred Merry Taly's" and "Merry 139 Tales and Quicke Answeres." 2nd Seeies : " Merie Tales of Skel- ton," " Jests of Scogin," " Sackful! of Newes," "Tarleton's Jests," " Merrie Conceited Jests of George Peele," and " Jacke of Dover.'' 792 Shakespeake. The Songs of Shakespeare, illustrated ly the Etching Cluh. India Pkoots ; and Shakespeare's Seven Ages of Man, comprising 8 very large and fine engravings, ly Bromley, after Stothard''s designs, leautifully tinted. In \vol., folio, half morocco. $15 00. Zondon, 18iS, etc. 793 Shakespeariana, Catalogue of all the Books, Pamphlets, etc., relating to Shakespeare, with a particular Account of the Early Quarto Editions of the Great Dramatist's Plays and Poems, and the Prices at which many of the copies have been sold. 12mo., half morocco. Scarce. $2 50. London, 1827 794 Shakespeariana. A Collection of 13 Fine Portraits of Shakespeare, Early Newspaper Cuttings, Play Bills, Prospectuses, etc., etc. Jn 1 vol., 8vo., half morocco, with a manuscript Index, by Mr. Balmanno. $4 50. 795 Shakespeare. Letter to the Rev. Richard Farmer, D.D., relative to the Edition of Shakespeare published in 1790, and some Criticisms on that Work, by E. Malone. 8vo., pp. 39, loards. Scarce. $3 00. London, 1792 796 Shakespeare's House at Stratford-on-Avon, Particulars of. Engravings and woodcuts, ito., half morocco. $2 50. London, 1847 797 Shakespeare's Merry Tales. IQmo., loards. 50c. London, 1845 798 SHAW, HENRY. ILLUMINATED ORNAMENTS. Selected from Manuscripts and Early Printed Books, from the sixth to the seventeenth Centuries. Drawn and engraved by Henry Shaw, F. S. A. With Descriptions by Sir Frederick Madden. Numerous plates, superbly PAINTED BT HAND, WITH OPAQUE COLORS, IN THE HIGHEST STYLE, AND ILLUMINATED WITH GOLD. Imperial Ato., half olive morocco, red paper sides, edges uncut. $70 00. Large paper : only 50 copies printed. W. Pickering, London, 1833 A SPLENDID WOEK. Only the large-paper copies of Mr. Shaw's works 140 were colored and gilded by artists. The plates in those upon tmall paper were merely printed in colors. " An elegant assemblage of specimens of all that is most graceful in design and gorgeous in coloring, among the productions of the ancient illuminators of books." 799 SHAW, HENKY. DEESSES and DECOEATIONS op ^^ THE MIDDLE AGES, from the Seventh to the Seven- teenth Centuries, with an Historical Introduction and Descriptive Letterpress. Illustrated with Copperplates, numerous Woodcuts, and Initial Letters, every page leing highly Decorated. 2 vols., imp. 4to., half olive morocco, red paper sides, edges uncut. $200 00. Laege paper : only 12 copies were got up in this manner. W. Pickering, London, 1843 A MAGNincENT COPT, with all the plates highly illuminated, and the whole of the initial letters and many of the wood-cuts fin- ished in COLORS and heightened with gold. The Original Large Paper copies of these splendid works are so incomparably superior to those on " small paper," that in point of fact they are different works ; the execution of the beautiful illu- minations in these Large Paper copies, being equal to the choicest miniatures. 800 Shaw, T. G. Wine ; the Vine, and the Cellar ; or an exact Account of all known Wines, with Instructious how to keep and improve them, and many interesting Statistics. Woodcuts. 8t»o., cloth, uncut. $5 00. London, 1863 801 Shaw's Wood-cut Testament. See lot 88. 802 Shelley, P. B. Poetical Works, edited by Mrs. Shelley. Fine portrait and frontispiece. Royal %vo., cloth, uncut. $3 50. Moxon, London, 1844 " At my request, the publisher has restored the omitted passages of Queen Mab. — I now present this edition as a complete collection of my husband's Poetical Works, and I do not foresee that I can hereafter add to or take away a word or line." — Mrs. Shelley. 803 Shelley, Mrs. Frankenstein ; or the Modern Prometheus, with an Introduction by the Author. Engraved title and frontispiece. 12mo., half red morocco, gilt top, edges uncut. $2 50. London, 1831 Balmauno Copy. 141 804 Sheridan, E. Bkinsley. Works op, 2 vols. ; and Memoirs of Thomas Moore. 2 vols., Bed Editions. Portraits, fac- similes, ete. 4 vols., 8vo., beautifully hound in olive morocco, antique, gilt leaves, etc. Fine rNiFOKM set. $30 00. London, 1826 805 Sheridan, K. Brinsley. Works of, edited by Tom. Moore. Best Edition. 2 vols., ?>vo., half calf, neat. Scarce. $10 00. London, 1821 806 Sidney, Sir Philip. Countess or Pembroke's Arcadia ; to which is added, " Astrophel and Stella," " Defence of Poesie," and Sonnets. A very fine, la/rge, and clean copy. Splendidly hound in polished calf, richly gilt hacTc, sides, and inside herders, and red edges, hy Riviere. $17 50. Fine copy. London, 1627 807 Sidney, Sir Philip. The Miscellaneous Works of, with a Life of the Author and Illustrative Notes, by Wm. Gray. Beautifully printed. Fine laid paper. 8»o., half roxburghe morocco, uncut. $7 50. Riverside Press, Boston, 1860 808 Singer, Samuel W. Text op Shakespeare Vindicated from the Interpolations and Corruptions advocated by J. Payne Collier. 8fo., half green morocco, gUt tops, uncut leaves. $3 50. Pickering, London, 1853 809 Slang Dictionary ; or. The Vulgar Words, Street Phrases, and " Fast " Expressions of High and Low Society. New Edition, Post 8»o., cloth, uncut. $2 75. London, 1864 810 Smeeton's Reprints op Bare and Curious Tracts. Numer- ous portraits and engravings. Sm. Ato., Cambridge-calf, ex- tra, red edges. S15 00. London, 1820, etc. Scarce : only 250 copies printed, and of those many were de- stroyed ly fire. Contents : — Memoirs of Villiers, Duke of Buckingham ; Life of Hugh Peters ; Weldon's Court and Character of K. James I. ; Life of Col. Blood ; The Fatal Vespers ; No Jest like a True Jest ; Life of Capt. Simpson ; Life of Diekory Cronk ; Gunpowder Treason ; Vickar's England's Worthies {with the portraits) ; Count Gondomar's Transactions in England, etc. 811 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and 142 Mythology. Several hundred woodcut illustrations. 3 vols., very thich 8»o., half morocco, giU tops, uncut, contents lettered. $30 00. London, 1861 812 Smith's Dictionary oe Gbeek and Koman Antiquities. En- larged Edition. Profusely illustrated. 1 thick vol., 8i>o., half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. $10 00. London, 1859 813 Smith's Dictionary op Greek and Eoman Geography. Numerous woodcuts. 2 thick vols., 8vo., half mwoceo, uncut. $20 00. London, 1854 814 Smith's Dictionary of the Bible ; its,' Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History, by many distinguished scholars. Woodcuts. 3 thich vols,, Svo., half morocco, un- cut. $80 00. London, 1868 The above 4 lots are uniformly bound. 815 Smith, James and Horace. Kejected Addresses ; or, the New Theatrum Poetarum. Best Edition. Portrmts. 12mo., half morooco, totally uncut. $7 50. London, 185^ Balmanno OoUection. Inserted in the above copy ia an autograph letter to Mr. Balmanno by Horace Smith, and an interesting account of Mr. B.'s visit to the brothers, in his own autograph. 816 Smith, Albert. Natural History of the Ballet-Girl, with illtistrations by Senning. 16mo., half morocco, extra. 7 bo. London, 1847 817 Smollett's Works Complete, with Life by Moore. Fine por- trait by Sblloway. Library Edition, Large Type. 8 vols., Svo., tree calf, extra, marbled edges, by Cecil. $40 00. London, 1797 818 Smollett's Complete Works, -with Memoir by Thpjnas Koscoe. CruikshanVs inimitable illustrations. Thick royal 8vo., calf, extra. $7 50. Lqtidon, 1851 819 Smyth, Prop. Lectures on Modern History, from the Irruption of the Northern Nations, 2 vols. ; and Lectures on the French Revolution, 3 vols. Together 5 vols., Svo., half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. $25 00. Pickering, London, 1848 No historical works have ever given more enlightened and perspicuous views of the course of great events than these celebrated Lectures. 143 820 Seoank's, Newman and Bakbetti's Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. New Edition, by Velasquez, Spanish and English, and English and Spanish. Thich royal %vo., hdf morocco. $4 00. New Fori, 1857 821 SOTHEBY, S. LEIGH. Principia Typoqraphica. The Block-Books, or Xylographic Delineations of Scripture History, issued in Holland, Flanders, and Germany, dur- ing the Fifteenth Century, Exemplified and Considered in Connection with the Origin of Printing, to which is added an Attempt to Elucidate the Character of the Paper-Marks of the Period. A work attempted by Samuel Sotheby, and carried out by his son, Samuel Leigh Sotheby. 3 vols., folio, half morocco, uncut. Numer- ous plates in facsimile ; some colored. $90 00. London, 1858 Pbivately pkintbd : and otdy 250 copies, 30 of which were presented to Public Lihraries. " This is one of the most important works ever produced upon the HiSTOET OF Eaklt Pbintino." Uniform in size with Sotheby's ' Typography of the Fifteenth Century.'' 822 SouLAViE, John Lewis, the Elder. Historical Memoirs OE THE Court of France during the Favor of Madame de Pompadour, with Explanations of twelve Engravings, executed by herself, illustrating the Events of the Reign of Louis XV. 8w., half morocco. Scarce. $5 00. London, 1811 823 SouTHEY, Robert. The Doctor, etc. Edited by his son- in-law, John Wood Warter. Crown ivo., calf, extra, vmrhled edges. $7 50. London, 1848 824 Southey's Life of Nelson, with illustrations. 12mo., half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. $1 50. London, 1830 825 South, Dr. Sermons, Complete, including his Posthumous Discourses. Best Edition. 5 vols., 8vo., sprinkled calf, extra, marbled edges, by Nutt. $35 00. Oxford, 1822 " The sermons of this wittiest of English Divines will always rank among the standard productions of the English Church." — Re- trospective Ekview. 826 South Sea Bubble, and the numerous Fraudulent Projects to 144 which it gave rise in 1720. Historically detailed as a Beacon to the Unwary against Modern Schemes. Curious frontispiece and title. 12mo., half calf. $3 00. London, 1825 827 Southwell, R. Marie Magdalen's Funerall Teares of the Death of Our Saviour. Beautifully printed. Portrait. Sq. 16oto., Camhriige calf, extra. $5 00. Baldwin, London, 1823 828 Spekb, Capt. Jno. M. Journal of the Discovert of the Source op the Nile. Maps and portraits ; also nwmerow illustrations, from drawings ly Captain Grant. Thick Swo., cloth, uncut. $6 00. Minburgh, 1863 829 Spence's Anecdotes. Observations, and Characters of Books and Men, from the Conversation of Mr. Pope, and other eminent Persons. With Notes, by S. W. Singer. lUus- trated ly the insertion of bQfine portraits of the most celebra- ted characters, many of which are very scarce. Thick 8m., calf, extra, gilt leaves. $20 00. Londmi, 1820 This copy formerly belonged to Joseph Haslewood, to whom it was presented by the Editor. 830 Spencer, Herbert. Works ; comprising Principles of Psy- chology, 1 vol. ; First Principles, 1 vol., and Scientific and Political Essays, 2 vols. Together 4 vols., 8»o., half calf, extra. $12 00. London, 1855-58 831 Spencer, Herbert. Essays ; Scientific, Political, and Spec- ulative. 2d Series. 2>vo., cloth, uncut. $1 50. New York, 1864 832 Spikrs and Surenne's French and English Pronouncing Dictionary, with various Vocabularies, Revised and Cor- rected by G. P. Quackenbos. Thick royal 8to., half morocco. $4 00. New York, 1852 833 Spooner's Dictionary. A Biographical History oe the Fine Arts ; or Memoirs of the Lives and Works of Emi- nent Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, and Architects, alphabetically arranged and condensed from the best authorities, including the works of Vasari, Lanzi, Kugler, Dr. Waagen, Bryan, Pilkington, Sir Chas. Eastlake, and Mrs. Jameson. Witii Chronological Tables of Artists 145 and their Schools, Plates of Monograms, Dictionary of Terms, Essay on Engraving, etc., etc. 2 vols., ito., with 100 photoffra^hie portraits. $50 00. JVeto Tori, 1865 Largi: papek. Of this edition, only ninety copies were printed, for subscribers, for the purpose of illustration. 834 Stanhope, Eari. Life of the Eight Honorable William Pitt. Fine portraits. 4: vols., post 8vo., half calf , extra. $9 00. Murray, London, 1860-2 835 Stephens, Henry. Catalogue of my English Library. 12nio., cloth, uncut. Scarce. $5 00. London, 1853 Printed by Wbittingham, for private distribution. 836 Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petrsea, and the Holy Land. JUngravings. 2 vols., post ^vo., cloth. $2 00. New York, 1854 837 Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Bussia, and Poland. Maps, etc. 2 vols., 12mo., cloth. 82 00. Mw York, 1854 838 Sterne's Works. Complete, with Life, by himself. Portraits. Large Type Library Edition. 4 vols., 8»o., clouded calf, evtra. Fine copy. $20 00. London, 1819 839 Stoke Park, (BccKiNaHAMSHiRE, Country Seat of the Hon. Thomas Penn, JEsq., son ofWu. V-e^s, founder of Pennsyl- vania). Historical and Descriptive Account of. Unique Copy, extended and Mustrated hy the insertion of many fine portraits and views, etc., including a portrait of John Penn, {unlettered) ly Schiavonetti, and manuscript notes, by its former owner. ivo., half morocco, neat, uncut edges. $10 00. London, 1813 Privately Printed. " This Tract is exceedingly rare, having been privately printed at the expense of John Penn, Esq., proprietor of Stoke Park, — few copies were given away, and none sold — this one was presented to me by Granville Penn, Esq., 1820."— R. Balmabno. 840 Stonehengb. (J. H. Walsh.) Manual of British Rural Sports ; Shooting, Hunting, Coursing, Fishing, Hawking, Racing, Boating, Pedestrianism, etc. Profusely illustra- ted. Thick 12mo., half morocco, uncut. $3 00. London, 1859 19 146 841 SioNEHENaB, (J. H. Walsh.) The Hobse, in the Stable and the Field, his Varieties in Health and Disease, Anatomy, Physiology, etc. Upwards of one hundred and seventy en- gravings. Thich royal 8»o., half roan. $7 50. London, 1862 842 Stothakd, Thomas. Liie and Works of, by Mrs. Bray. Il- lustrated. 2 vols., ito., half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. $75 00. London, 1851 TTie extra volume of plates contains over 200 choice engravings, many of them Proofs, of the rarer works of this eminent Artist. Among them are a complete set of the illustrations to the " Pilgrim's Pro- gress,'' the wood-cuts to Rogers' Poems, engraved hy Clennell, Early Engravings from the ^^ N'ovelists' lAbrary," etc., etc. Also, an Original Drawing by Stothard. 843 Stothard, Chas. ALrRBD. Memoirs oe, including Original Journals, Letters, Papers, and Antiquarian Tracts, hy Mrs. Chas. Stothard. Portrait. Svo., half morocco, uncut. 65 00. London, 1823 844 Strawberry Hill. A Description of the Villa of Mr. Horace Walpole, with an Inventory of the Furniture, Pictures, Curiosities, etc. Newspaper euttings. 8»o., pp. 42, uncut. 50c. London, 1842 845 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest. Large Type Library Edition. With portraits of every Qiieen. 8 vols., %vo., heautifully hound in polished calf, h:tra, gilt leaves. $65 00. Best Edition. London, 1851 846 Strickland's Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Princesses connected with Begal Succession of Britain, complete. Fine portraits. 8 vols., Post 8vo., purple morocco, antique, with stamped gilt leaves. Fine copy. $35 00. Edinburgh, 1852-59 847 STKUTT, JOSEPH. A Complete View of the Dress and Habits of the People of England from the Establish- ment of the Saxons in Britain to the Present Time. Illustrated by engravings taken from the most Authentic Eemains of Antiquity. To which is prefixed an Intro- duction, containing a general Description of the Ancient 147 Habits in Use among Mankind, from the Earliest Period of Time to the conclusion of the Seventh Century. A new and improved edition, with Critical and Explanatory Notes, by J. E. Planch6, Esq., F. S. A. 153 jMei. 2 voh.^ royal 4:to., half olive morocco, extra, gilt tops, edges un- cut. $90 00. Zondon, 1842 Very scarce. All the Plates extra finished by hand in gold and colors in the style of the Ancient Missals. Only 25 copies were executed in this manner. 848 Stkypb, John. Ecclesiastical Memorials, relating chiefly to Beligion, and the Reformation of it, and the Emer- gencies of the Church of England, under King Henry "VIII., King Edward VI., and Queen Mary I., with large Appendices containing Original Papers, Kecords, etc. 6 vols., royal Svo., sprinUed ccHf, extra, marbled edges, ly Hay day. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1822 Laeqe Paper : only 50 copies printed. 849 Strtpe, John. Annals of the REroRMAiioN and Establish- ment of Religion, and other Various Occurrences in the Church of England, during Queen Elizabeth's happy Reign ; together with an Appendix of Original Papers of State Records and Letters. 7 vols., royal Svo., sprinkled calf, extra, marbled edges, by Say day. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1824 Large Paper : only 50 copies printed. 850 Strype, John. A General Index to the Historical and Bio- graphical Works of John Strype, A. M., by the Rev. R. T. Lawrence. 2 vols., royal 8»o., sprinkled calf, extra, marbled edges, ly Eayday. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1828 Large Paper: only 50 copies printed. Together 15 vols. $200 00. The above three lots are uniform in size and style of binding. 851 Strype, John. Memorials or Arbp. Ckanmer, wherein the History of the Church, and the Reformation of it during the primacy of the said Archbishop, are greatly illustrated. 2 vols., imperial Svo., half olive morocco, extra, marbled leaves. |30 00. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1812 Large Paper : only 50 copies printed. ,, ^ 148 852 Stuaet. Ljettres, Instructions et Memoikes de Makib Stuart, Keine D'ificosse ; publi6s sur les originaux et les manuscrits du state paper office de Londres, et accom- pagn6s d'un r^sum6 chronologique, par le Prince Alex. Labanosf. 8 vols., 8»o., half brown morocco, gilt tops, un- cut edges. $21 00. London {Paris), 1844-59 The 8th volume was published in 1859, and is wanting in many sets. 853 Suckling, Sib John. Works, containing his Poems, Letters, and Plays. Qvo., clouded calf, neat. Fine copy. |7 50. Buhlin, 1766 854 Suetonius. History of the Twelve CiESARS, Emperors of Kome. Translated into English. Portraits. Thick 12mo., old calf, very neat. Scarce. $4 50. London, 1677 855 Sully, Duke ojf. Memoirs. Translated by Lennox. Best Edition. Enlarged with Notes and Historical Intro- duction. Fine portraits. 5 vols., royal 8»o., edf, extra. $20 00. London, 1810 856 Swift, Dean. Complete Works, containing Interesting and Valuable Papers hitherto unpublished. Edited, with Life, by Eoscoe. Portrait. 2 thici; vols., 8»o., calf, extra, marbled leaves. $15 00. London, 1851 857 Swift, Dean. Gulliver's Travels, with Life, Notes, and an Essay on Satirical Fiction, by W. C. Taylor. Illus- trated Edition, with upwardt of 4:00 engravings by Grande- ville. Royal Svo., calf, extra. Fine copy. $10 00. London, 1840 858 Swift, Dean. Voyages de Gulliver dans les Contrfies Lointaines, avec une Notice Biographique par Walter Scott. Profusely illustrated with engravings from designs ly GrandevUle. Post %vo., hdf calf, uncut edges. $2 00. Pom, 1838 859 Syntax's, Dr., Three Tours in Search of the Picturesque, in search of Consolation, and in search of a Wife (in Hudibrastio verse), by William Combe. Illustrated with 81 humorous colored engravings by Powlandson. 3 vols., royal 8vo., hf calf, extra. $20 00. London. (1851) 149 jjAINE, H. Voyage aux Pyeenees. Third Mition. Pro- fusely illustrated with engravings from designs ly Gustave DoKE. 8»o., handsomely hound in half red morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by David. |6 00. Paris, 1860 861 TALLEMENT DES El^AUX. Les Histobiettes de Tallement DES Reaux. Troisi^me Edition. Enti^re- ment revue sur le Manuscrit Original et DispoE^e dans un Nouvel Ordre par MM. de Monmebque et Paulin Pabis. 7 vols., 8vo., ieautifidly hound in half red morocco gilt tops, uncut edges, by David. $125 00. Paris, 1854 One op the eew copies feinted on papier velin. " Edition la meilleure de ce Sottisicr historique, vraiment curieux." — Bkunet. 862 Tasso's Jeeusalem Deliveeed, Illustrations to. A series of 46 beautiful line engravings after Cookings designs. Brilliant impressions. 4:to., hoards, uncut. $20 00. iV. D. 863 Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered, translated into Spenserian Verse, with a Life of the Author, by J. H. WifFen. Fine portrait, and numerous heaviifvl woodcuts by Williams, and others. 2 vols., imp. 8vo., polished calf, extra, yellow edges, by Nutt. Fine copy. $17 50. London, 1824 Best Edition, contains a list of English Crusaders. 864 Tasso's JJGodfeey of Bulloigne, or Jerusalem Delivered, translated by Edw. Fairfax. - Bensley's beautifully PRINTED edition. Numerous extra port/raits, etc., inserted. 2 vols., 12mo., half red morocco, uncut leaves. Scarce. $15 00. London, 1817 BaXmanno copy. " Nearly the whole of this most beautiful impression was destroyed in the great fire, which consumed Mr. Bensley's premises, 26th June, 1819. The work is now become exceedingly rare." — Note by Mr. Balmanno. This copy is further enriched by the insertion of a duplicate impression of the portrait of Tasso, proof on India paper. Another portrait, also, on India paper (the one prefixed to Wifien's Translation). A complete set of the exquisite illustrations to Wiffen's Translation (20 in number), on India paper, of which only 30 sets were STRUCK OFP. A proof portrait {before Utters) of Queen Elizabeth, also, one of Samuel Rogers, etc., etc. 865 Taylor, W. C. Memoirs of the House of Orleans, includ- 150 ing Distinguished Characters during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Numerous fine portraits. 3 vols., 8«o., calf, extra. $12 00. London, 1849 866 TArLOR, W. C. Eomantic Biogeapht of the Age of Eliza- beth ; or, Sketches of Life from the Bye-ways of History. Fine portrait. 2 vols., ^vo., half calf, gilt. $5 50. London, 1842 867 Tennbnt, Sir E. Ceylon. An Account of the Island, its Natural History, Antiquities, Productions, etc. Maps and engravings, 2 thiclc vols., 8»o., cloth, uncut. $8 00. London, 1860 868 Tennyson's Poetical Works. Comprising, " Poems," " In Memoriam," " Maud," and other Poems ; " The Princess," and " Idylls of the King." Best Editions. Together 5 vols., 12oto., heautifulhf lound in olive morocco, antique, with gilt leaves, ly Matthews. $15 00. Moxon, London, 1862-63 869 Texibr, Edmond. Tableau de Paris. Upwards of el^en hundred engravings on wood, from drawings hy Blanchmrd, Champin, Qava/rni, Grandville, Lami, Horace Fernet, etc., etc. With Descriptive Text. 2 vols., folio, half morocco, neat. $15 00. Paris, 1853 870 Thackeray, W. M. Works. Comprising, " Luck of Barry Lindon," 2 vols. — Paris Sketch Book, 2 vols. — Confes- sions of Fitz-Boodle, 1 vol. — Men's Wives, 1 vol. — ^Book of Snobs, 1 vol. — and Yellowplush Papers, 1 vol. To- gether 8 vols., 12mo., cloth. $4 00. Nm Tori, 1852, etc. ,871 Thackeray, W. M. The Humorist, and the Man of Letters. The Story of his Life, including a Selection from his Characteristic Speeches, by Theodore Taylor. Photo- graph from Life, and Numerous illustrations. Post 8w., cloth, uncut. $2 75. London, 1864 872 Thackbeay, W. M. Four Georges. Illustrated. 12mo., cloth, uncut. $1 75. London, 1861 ^ "' 873 Thackeray, W. M. History of Pendennis, his Fortunes and Misfortunes, etc. Illustrated. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth. $2 00. New Tori, 1863 - '• 874 Thiers' History op the French Kevolution, translated, with Notes and Illustrations, by Shoberl. Numerous fine por- 151 traits and engravings. 5 vols., 8po., calf, extra, marbled edges. $22 50. London, 1846 875 Thomson, Richd. Historical Essay on the Magna Chakta OE King John, to wliich are added various Old Charters, with Translations and Notes. Every page swrounded hy an elegant and differently designed harder. Original Edition. 2 vols., imp., %vo. half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Fine copy. $20 00. Major, London, 1829 Large Paper. From the Balmanno Collection, with Newspaper cuttings. 876 Thomson's Seasons, with Life, by Murdoch, and Notes, by Bolton Corney. Elegantly printed, and Illustrated hy the members of the Etching Club. Sq. Svo., cloth, uncut. |6 00. London, 1842 877 Thompson, Waddt, U. S. Minister. Recollections of Mexico. Bvo., cdf, extra. Scarce. $4 00. Wew York 1846 878 Thoms, Wm. J. Collection or Early Prose Romances. Unique copy, printed on very heavy paper. 3 thick volumes, , ... post ^^0., half morocco, uncut edges. $75 00. ' Piclcering, London, 1828 From the Balmanno Collection. " This copy is unique, heing expressly printed for me, on extra thick drawing paper, aa a curiosity, by my friend, Mr. White, the printer." — E. Balmanno. The above has the Prospectus and corers to the parts as they were originally issued. 879 Tracts. Biographical Memoir of Henry Fuseli, R. A., 1825, pp. 41. Abstract of the Rules and Orders of the Society of Engravers, 1804, pp. 24. Letter to a Member of the Society of Encouraging the Art of Engraving, by John Landseer, pp. 77, 1810. In one vol., Bvo., half calf, uncut. $4 00. London, 1804, etc. With an Autograph letter of Walter Henry Watts, the Author of the Memoir of Fuseli, to Mr. Balmanno. 880 Tracts. " Comprising, Recollections of Old Christmas."— A Masque, performed at Grimston, (1850). — Index to the Objects of Science, Art, and Antiquity, exhibited or col- lected at 144, Piccadilly. Compiled for the use of Lord ^ 152 Londesborough's visitors ; and 5 others. Sm. 4io., uncut. 83 00. London, 1850 " The two first Tracts were privately printed for the Bight Hon. Lord Albert Conyngham, Baron Londesborough. They were written and illustrated by T. C. Croker, Esq., F. S. A." — K. Balmanno. 881 Traite des Eunuques dans lequel on explique toutes les dif- f6rentes sortes d'Eunuques, quel rang ils ont tenu, et quel cas on en a fait, &o. On examine principalement s'ils sont propres au Mariage, et s'il leur doit fetre permis de se marier. Et I'on fait plusieurs Remarques curieuses et divertissantes k I'occasion des Eunuques, &o. Par M*** J)*** (D'Ollincan ?) 12mo., leautifully hound in crushed crimson morocco, extra gilt haclcs, inside borders, and gilt edges, hy Cape. $20 00. (Cologne ?) Imprim;e Van M.BCC. VII. Rare : not mentioned ly Brunei. This curious little Treatise is dedicated to Bayle, and Is signed C. D'Ollincan — probably a nom de plume. On the title is the monogram of Pierre Marteau, a printer of Cologne. 882 Teenok, Bakon. Lije of, by himself; translated from the German. Portrait. 1 vols, in 1, post ^vo., vellum. $3 00. London, 1788 883 Turner Gallery oi Pictures. A series of 60 large and heautiful line Engravings, from the most famous Paintings of J. M. W. Turner, R. A., executed ly WUlmore, Brandard, Cousen, and other celebrated engravers. Choice Pkoops BEFORE Letters, on India Paper, with a Memoir of the Painter, and Description of each Picture, by R. N. Wor- num, Esq., Keeper of the National Gallery. A large and splendid volume, atlas folio, superhh/ hound in full russet le- vant, super extra, with elaborately tooled had, joints, and inside borders, gilt hatoes, etc., hy Matthews. $225 00. Only 100 copies in this size. London, 1860 This magnificent copy has never been used by the owner, it having been placed in the hands of Mr. Matthews, for binding, but a short time previous to his departure for Europe. »,* The binding, alone, cost $60 00. This is the only work containing the grandest productions of Turner's unrivalled pencil. It is not only remarkable for the excellence of 153 the engravings, but for its containing many fine specimens of his ■ Landscape and Marine Scenery which hare not been hitherto en- graved. It is uniform in size and excellence of execution with the Musee Franfais. 884 Turner, J. M. W. A Complete Set of the beautisul Se- ries OF Illustrations by Tuener, to Scott's Complete Works, engrared by the best Artists. Large Paper. Proofs before Letters. Folio, unhound. $100 00. JEdinhurffh, 1854 Vert Scarce. A very few copies only were strueh off in this manner. 885 Turner, J. M. W. A series of 15 lar^e andheautifulh/ exeotded Engramings of the Rivers of France. All Proofs on India Papeu, some before the Letters. Imp.foUo. $15 00. 886 Twining, Louisa. Symbols and Emblems of Early and MEDiaivAL Art, with Descriptions. ^2 plates, containing many hundred outUne figures from Ancient Sculpture, Paint- ed Glass, Mosaics, etc., chronologically arranged. Thick Mo., half calf, gilt. $15 00. London, 1852 A carefully compiled work, giving examples of all the important symbolical representations of a Christian character in the most uni- versal sense of the term. 887 Tyndall, John. Heat considered as a Mode of Motion. A Course of Twelve Lectures delivered before the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Illustrated. Post 8»o., cloth, uncut. $2 00. New York, 1863 RE, Dr. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. New Edition, greatly enlarged, ly B. Sunt, with nearly 2,000 woodcuts. 3 thick vols., 8»o., half morocco, gilt tops, uncut leases. $30 00. London, 1863 889 Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, contain- ing a clear exposition of their Principles and Practice. Upwards of 1600 engravings on wood. 2 thick vols., 9>vo., cloth. $6 00. Boston, 1858 ilASARI. Vies des Peintres, Sculpteuus et Architectbs. Traduites par L. Leclanche et comment6es par Jeanron, etc. 121 fine portraits on steel, ly Bouquet, etc. 10 vols. 8eo., half calf, neat. $30 00. Paris, 1841 Best French translation. 20 154 891 Vecellio, Cbsaeb. Costumes, Anciens et Moderns, pr6c6des d'un EssAi Ttpographiqub et Bibliogeaphique sub l' HiSTOiEE DB liA Graturb SUB Bois, par M. Ambroise Firmin Didot. Ital. et Fr. Upwards of 500 lemdifully exeouted engravings. 2 thich vols., Svo., half green morocco gilt fops, uncut edges. $40 00. Pa/ris, 1860-63 " Oette nouvelle Edition reproduit exactament tous les costumes (au nombre de 518), figures dans les trois premieres, mais cette foia dessinSs plus correctament par M. Seguin, et graves sur bois avec plus de aoin par M. Huyot et sea aides. On a joint au texte Italien une traduction Fran9aise, et, ce qui [est surtout remarquable, un excellent travail de M. Ambr. Didot, qui n'occupe pas moina de 316 colonnea en tr^s-petita oaracteres, et qui contient la mati^re de plus de 500 pp. in 8, imprimees k caracterea ordinairea. Ce morceau capital eat 5, lui seul un livre tout entier, dans lequel I'auteur qui, comme on le aait, eat h la fois artiste habile et amateur passionnS a su faire un excellent emploi des connaissancea que lui ont acquises aa longue experience et I'usage constant de la precieuse collection d'estampes et de livres h. gravurea dont il a enrichi sa ceUbre bibiloth^que." — Brunei. 892 Venus and the Graces. An Interesting Collection ; compris- ing a Series of 4 Facsimiles in Ink, of the Oeiginal Tracings ly Nollekins, of the Venus de Medicis, at Flor- ence, made in June, 1770, when she was off the pedestal. With a copy of Nollekins' certificate. (The measurements are of the most minute and exhaustive character, and include the Front, Eeai, and Side Views.) Also, an unlbtieebd proof of RaphaeVs " Adam receiving the Forbidden Fruit from Fve." "■Venus de Medicis," engraved ly Massard ; " I%e Three Graces," ly Raphael UrUn ; an OPEN LETTER Peoof, engraved ly Forster, etc., etc. In one vol., folio, half morocco. $30 00. N. B. From the Balmanno Collection. 893 VERNON GALLERY. Edited by S. C. Hall, Esq., comprising the famous collection of Pictures by the most eminent British Artists, presented to the British Nation by Mr. Vernon. The 5 Series Complete, containing 125 lemtiful and highly finished engravings, with descriptions. 155 Atlas folio, in 5 portfolios. $400 00. (Published at =£131.) London, 1849-53 Largest Paper. Brilliant Artists' Proofs on India Paper, before any words under the Plates. Copies in the " middle state " (i e., with the engraver's name under the plate), are often mistaken for copies in the best state, similar to the above — though the difference in the appearance, size, and power of the impressions is very considerable. This splendid Collection was formed by that eminent patron of art, Robert Vernon, Esq., by whom it was presented to the British Nation. It comprises some of the chief Works of Turner, Landseer, Stanfield, Leslie, Cooper, Collins, Roberts, Webster, Cooke, Callcott, Etty, Mulready, Stothard, and other eminent British Artists. 894 ViDocQ. Memoirs op ; Principal Agent of the French Police. Written by himself. Translated. 4 vols., l&mo., half calf, esctra. $8 00. London, 1835 895 Virtue, George. Descriptive Account of Four Ancient Pictures. 4fo., pp. 28, half morocco. Very scarce. $5 00. Privately Printed, London, 1740 " These descriptions of English paintings were printed by Virtue at his own expense, to aid him in the collection of pictorial anec- dotes." " The present impression, being only printed on one side, is probably a proof-sheet and unique." — R. Balmanno. 896 Voltaire. (M. de). CBuvRES,avec Avertissemensetdes Notes par Condorcet, etc. Numerom fine engramngs ly Moreau, etc. 70 vols., royal 8w., calf, gilt leaves. $125 00. Be V Imprimerie de la Soeiite litteraire et typographique. Large Paper. A magnificent copy. Kehl, 1785-89 " This famous edition of Beaumarchais eclipsed everything of its kind on a similar scale of magnitude." " Beaumarchais began with buying the whole of Baskerville's types, punches, and matrices. He re-established ruined paper mills in the Vosgee, about fifteen miles from Kehl ; was nice to excess in the paper to be manufactured, and employed the most knowing work- men engaged in the manufacture of Dutch paper. His printing- office and establishment were immense. Many millions of livres were expended, and the ultimate loss of a million was the result of his vast project." — Dibdin. 2 > 156 " Cette Edition c^^bre 6tait la plus complete, la plus belle et lamieux ordonn^e qui eiit paru jusqu' alorB des (Euvres de Toltaire ; on y a donn6 pour la premiere fois la Tolumineuse correspondance de I'auteur, ainsi que plusieurs pieces de theatre et autres morceaux curieux qui 6taient rest^s in^dites." — Bnmet. 897 VoLTAiKE. La Pucellb D'Orlbans, dans 21 Chants. Por- trait and frontispiece, and a leautiful series of engravings (ly Moreau ?), earliest impressions, pbinted on vellum. ISmo., handsomely/ hound in Hue levant morocco, extra, with tooled inside borders, ly Hardy. $20 00. Geneva, 1777 Eabe. This was one of the first complete editions of the Poem. With the ex- ception of that of lllZ-li, all of the preceding editions have but 18 Chants. 898 Voltaire. La Henriade, Po^me en dix Chants, etc., etc. PortraU. 12mo.. half calf. $1 25. Didot, Paris, 1853 899 Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionabt. Translated from the French. Fine portrait ly Worthington. 6 vols., 12»jo., half calf , extra. Fine copy. $15 00. London, l?&'k ilALKEK'S ANALYSIS of BEAUTY in WOMAN, with general Hypotheses respecting Beauty, by Da Vinci, Mengs, Winckleman, Hume, Hogarth, Burke, Alison, etc. 22 heautiful plates by Gauci and Lane, after draw- ings from Life by H. Howard. Royal 8»o., cloth. $7 50. 1852 901 Walker, A. Woman, Physiologically considered as to Mind, Morals, Marriage, Matrimonial Slavery, Infidelity, and Divorce. Post 8«>o., half calf, extra. $4 50. London, 1839 902 Walker's Manly Exercises; containing Eowing, SaUing, Biding, Driving, Bacing, Hunting, Shooting, and other manly Sports. NvMerous illmtrations. Sq. 12mo., cloth. $2 00. London, 1851 903 Walker, Thos. The Original. A Series of interesting Sketches, etc., on a variety of Subjects. 8vo., half calf, neat. $4 00. London, 1836 Published in serial form, in numbers of 12 p. r 157 904 Walpolb's Anecdotes or Painting in England. Enlarged by Dallaway. Major's beautiful edition. Upwards of 150 very fine portraits and engravings by Worthington, Finden, etc. Magnificent Pboofs on India Paper. 5 vols., royal 8i)o., handsomely lound in polished calf, extra gilt, gilt leaves, etc., ly Nutt. $75 00. London, 1828 Pkoof copies like the above are scarce. They were originally pub- lished at £15 15s. in boards. 905 Walpole's Anecdotes op Painting. A complete set of the {about 170) portraits and vignettes to Major's Beautiful Edition. Finely engraved ly Finden, Scriven, Soiinson, and Worthington. Large Paper. Magnificent Proofs ON India Paper, before the Letters. 3 vols., royal 4to., half blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. $90 00. Very scarce. London, 1828 "In the good old times of the Bibliomania, this work would have walked of its own accord into the mahogany book-cases of half the collectors in London." — DihdirCs BiUiomania. 906 Walpolb, Horace. Letters, including many now first pub- lished, edited from the Original Manuscripts. Fine por- trait. 6 vols., 8vo., calf, extra, marbled edges. $24 00. London, 1840 Includes Letters to Montague, lYSB-tO, Cole and others, l'745-82. Earl of Hertford and Zouch, and Sir Horace Mann, 1741-60, and many others hitherto unpublished. 907 Walpolb, Horace. Kbminiscences, written in 1788, for the Amusement of Miss Mary and Miss Agnes B***y. Vignettes. 16mo., cdf, extra. $2 50. London, 1819 908 Walpole's Castle of Otranto, a Gothic Story, with Critical Introduction. 4:to., half morocco, neat. $7 50. Fdinbwgh, 1811 909 WALTON and COTTON. The Complete Angler, or the '' . Contemplative Man's Eecreation; being a Discourse of ' ' -i-r Rivers, Fish Ponds, Fish, and Fishing ; written by Izaak Walton ; and Instructions how to Angle for a Trout or X--'- ^Grayling in a Clear Stream, by Charles Cotton. With" . Original Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Por- traits. Views and portraits of Fish. Bvirieated titles. 2 158 voh., imp. Svo., eleganth) hound in maroon levant morocco, extra, gilt edges. $110 00. W. Pichering, London, 1836 Splendid copy. This copy contains an additional set of the plates, printed upon plate paper separate from tiie text, in Artist's pkoop state, upon India papee. Very few were issued in this manner. 910 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler ; or the Contem- plative Man's Recreation. With a Bibliographical Pre- face, giving an Account of Fishing and Fishing Books, from the Earliest Times ; Catalogue of Books on Angling, etc., etc. Edited by the Rev. Dr. Bethune. Fine por- traits and engravings. Imp. 8«;o., half riissia, neat, uncut edges. $17 50. Mw York, 1847 Laese Paper. Scarce. 911 (WAEBniiTON.) Eothen; or Travels in the East. Colored illustrations. Svo., sprinkled calf, extra, ly Riviere. Sca/rce. $5 00. London, 1845 912 Ward's Shakespeare. Diary of the Rev. John Ward, Vicar of Stratford-on-Avon, extending from 1648 to 1679, from the Original MSS. 8»o., half dark green morocco, gilt top, • uncut lea/oes. $5 00. London, 1839 913 Warwick, Sir Philip. Memoirs oe the Reign or Charles I., together with a Continuation to the Restoration of King Charles II. %vo., polished cdf, full gilt. $10 00. Large Paper, with Proof Portraits. London, 1702 Reprinted, Edinlv/rgh, 1813 914 Washington, Geo. The Writings or, being his Corre- spondence, Addresses, Messages, and other Papers, Official and Private ; selected and published from the Original Manuscripts ; with Life of the Author, by Jared Spiirks. Plates. 12 vols., imp. ivo., half russia, gilt tops, rough edges, ly Matthews. $120 00. Boston, 1837 Large Paper. Tlie Fowle copy, cut, brought $300 00. 915 Washington, Geo. Corrbspondenob op the American Rev- olution ; being Letters of Eminent Men to Washington, from the time of his taking command of the Army, etc. 159 ^ Edited by Sparks. 4 vols., imp. Svo , hdlfrussia, gilt tops, ' I uncut edges, hy Matthews. $20 00. Boston, 1853 Large Papbe. 915*Washington. Ibving's Lieb op George Washington. A ' SPLENDID copy. With the Beautiful series of Portraits and Views, on India paper, many of which are before the Letters. 5 vols., Royal ito. Handsomely bound in darh brown morocco, si/per extra, inside linings of moire antique, within heavy borders of gold, gilt leaves, Sfc, by Pawson and Nicholson, $150 00. New York, 1856 1 Large Paper, only 110 copies printed. <■ 916 Waterton, Chas. Essays on Natural History, chiefly 1 Ornithology, with an Autobiography of the Author. I Both Series. 2 vols., I'Imo., cloth, uncut. $2 50. London, 1854 i i 917 Webster, Daniel. Works ; with a Biographical Memoir of his Public Life, by Edward Everett. Portraits and en- \ \ gramings. 6 vols., imp. 8vo., half russia, uncut edges, by I I Matthews. $60 00. Boston, 1851 ] J Large Paper. 1 I The Fowle copy brought |120 00. ! ! 918 Webster, Daniel. The Private Correspondence of, Edited ! i by Fletcher Webster. Portraits. 2 vols., imp. Svo., half I I russia, uucut edges, by Matthews. $20 00. Boston, 1851 Large Paper. ! i 919 Webster, John. The White Deyil; or, The Tragedy of I 1 Paulo Griordano Ursini, Duke of Brachiano; with the Life and Death of Vittoria Corombona, the famous Ve- ! I netian Courtesan. Original Edition. Text inlaid through- I out. Ato., half calf . Scarce. $4 00. London : Printed at the Popeh Head Palace, 1612 history op block printing and engraving before ddrbr. 920 WEIGEL, T. O. COLLECTIO WEIGELIANA : die An- fange der Druckerkunst in Bild und Schrift ; an deren friihesten Erzeugnissen in der Weigel's schen Sammlung erlautert von T. 0. Wbigel und Dr. Ad. Zesteemann. 2 vols., folio, with 145 facsimiles, and many woodeids in the text. $100 00. Leip%ig, 1866 Only 325 copies were printed of this most important publication, the b e 160 necessary companion to "Sotheby's Principia Typographiea, 3 Tols., folio, 1858," but executed with infinitely more critical saga- city and learning. Every distinguished collector of Books and Prints, and every Public Library must have this book as the standard work of information and reference on the subject of the History of Printing before the art of printing with movable types was invented by Guttenbeeg at Mentz. The text to this grand work was written by D. August Zestermann with the assistance of Mr. T. 0. Weigel, and they have now placed before the world, in the above work, a, complete History of the Graphic Arts, theik Invention and Citliitaiion during the FiETEENTH Century, illustrated throughout by the •Art-Monuments of the Weigel collection^ thus displaying a vivid picture of ike thoughts, feelings, and superstitions of the Christian world previous to the Reformation, readily understood, and fully revealing the state of mind of Christian Miurope during that period. The artistic execution of the 145 fac-similes has been accomplished with marvellous fidelity, — and even the most rigid and fastidious critic would find himself compelled to acknowledge and extol their absolute correctness. Both the re-engraving and the coloring of all the facsimiles of Block prints have been effected with scrupu- lous accuracy, and the very spirit and quaint expression of the mediaeval artists have been caught and reproduced. 921 Wheeler, R. B. Histoey and Antiquities of Strattord- upoN-AvoN ; comprising, a Description of the Collegiate Church, the Life of Shakespeare, and an Account of the Stratford Jubilee. Nwmerom aqua-tint engravings and plates inserted. Post 8»o., half calf, neat. $7 60. Stratford-wpon-Avon, 1805 922 Wheeler, Wm. A. Explanatory and Pronouncing Dictionary of Noted Names of Fiction. 12»80., eloth. $1 25. Boston, 1865 923 Whistle-Binkib ; or, the Piper of the Party ; a collection of Songs for the Social Circle, chiefly original. Both series. In one vol., 32mo., green morocco, gilt. Scarce. |2 50. Glasgow, 1838 924 White, Ret. Gilbert. Natural History op Selbourne, with Notes by the Rev. Leonard Jenyns. Brilliant im- pressions of the numerous beautiful woodcuts. 12mo., morocco, antique, gilt homes, ly Hay day. $5 00. io«(fo», 1843 161 925 Whith, Rev. Jas. Histoky or England, from the Earliest Times to the year 1800. ThickVlmo.^half cdf,giU. $2 00. Lotidon, 1864 926 White, Eiohard G-eant. Essat on the Authorship of the ^/, Three Parts of King Henry the Sixth. Beautifully printed on heavy paper. 8»o, half olive morocco, uncut. $15 00. Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1859 Only 25 copies printed. tJDiform with, and forming an interesting supplemental volume to, White's Shakespeare. 927 White, Richard Grant. Shakespeare's Scholar; being Historical and Critical Studies of his Text, Characters, and Commentators, with an examination of Mr. Collier's Folio of 1632. 8»o., uncut. $5 00. New TorJc, 1854 928 Wieland's Oberon, a Poem. Traijslated from the German, in Verse by W. Sotheby, with 12 fine engravings from de- signs hy Fmeli. 2 vols, in one, 12mo., half morocco, uncut. $4 50. London, 1805 Bahuanno Copy. 929 Wilkinson, Sir G. Ancient Egyptians, the Manners and Customs of. Both Series, with nwn&rous engra/oings, many of which are colored. 6 vols., 8»o., hhte calf, extra, marbled leases. Scarce. $75 00. London, 1837-41 Best Edition. P 930 Willis, N. P. Prose Works, Complete. Uniform Edition, comprising Hurry -Graphs ; Fun Jottings ; Summer Cruise ; Life Here and There ; Pencillings by the Way ; Rural Letters ; Famous Persons and Places ; People I have Met ; and Health Trip to the Tropics. Together 9 vok., post %vo.,half calf, antique. $18 00. New York, 1851, etc. 931 Willoughby, Lady. Diaries (by Hannah M. Rathbone.) Both Series, splendidly printed with large antique type on very heavy laid paper hy Whittingham. 2 vols., sm. 4:to., beautifully bound in tree-calf, extra, marbled leaves, by Cecil. $25 00. London, 1844-48 These curious Diaries illustrate the Domestic History, and the eventful and stirring periods of the Beign of Charles I., the Commonwealth' and the Eestoration. 21 162 932 Wilson, Prop. John. Noctes Ambkosian^. New Edition, with Memoirs and Notes, and a History of Blackwood's Magazine, by Dr. Shelton Mackenzie. Fine portrait. 5 vols., post 8»o., cloth, uncut. $9 00. New Torh, 1863 The Best Edition. 938 Wilson, Pkoe. John. " Christopher North." Works, com- prising Kecreations, 3 vols. ; and Poems, 2 vols. Together 5 vols., post 8»o., handsomely hound, in tree calf, extra, marlhd edges. $20 00. Minlwgh, 1842 934 Wilson, Mrs. Our Actresses ; or. Glances at Stage Favorites, Past and Present. Numerous fine portraits. '2^ vols., post 8»o., half calf, extra. $5 00. London, 1844 935 Wilson, Gen. Sir K. Narrative of Events during the In- vasion of Eussia by Napoleon Bonaparte, and the Ke- treat of the French Army. 8»o., cloth, uncut. $4 50. London, 1860 936 WiNCKLEMAN's EErLEOTiONS ON THE Paintino and Sculpture of the Greeks, with Instructions for the Connoisseur. Translated by Fuseli. 8«o., old calf. $1 75. London, 1865 937 WiNBus, Thomas. New Elucidation op the Subjects on THE Portland Vase, formerly called the Barberini, and the Sarcophagus in which it was discovered. Numerous large plates. Folio, cloth, uncut. $5 00. Pickering, London,, 1845 Balmanno Copy, with Notes. See also Portland Vase, lot 693. 938 Witchcraft. The Wonderful Discoverie of the Witchcrafts of Margaret and Philip Flower, executed at Linoolne, March 11, 1618. Cwious woodcuts. 8vo., pp. 25, hoards. Scarce. $3 00. London, 1619, Keprinted (1820 ?) Only 250 copies printed. 939 WoLSTONCRAiT, Mrs. Memoirs of, by Wm. Godwin. 12mo., boards, uncut. Scarce. $2 00. London, 1798 940 Woman — as she is, and as she should be. 2 vols., 12rm., calf, neat. $8 00. London, 1835 941 Wonderful Magazine (The New), a collection of Remarkable 163 Trials, Biographies, Histories, Adventures, etc. Numer- ous engravings. 2 thiclc vols., ivo., half edf, gilt. $8 00. London (1850) 942 WOOD, ANT A. Athene Oxoniensbs; or, History of Oxford Writers, with the Fasti or Annals of the Univer- sity. Best Edition. Enlarged bt Bliss. 4 wis., royal 4:to., splendidly hound in polished calf, extra, yellow leaves, ly Bedeord. Very scarce. $100 00. London, 1813 A MAGNII'IOBNT COPT. This valuable body of English Biography contains upwards of Two Thousand Too Hundred Lives. The present edition is enriched with a vast number of Notes by Bishops Humphreys, Kennett, and Tanner, Sir P. Sydenham, Dr. Rawlinson, Baker, Gray, Peck, "Wanley, Whalley, etc., etc. 943 Worcester, Jos. E. Dictionary of the English Language. New Edition. Thick imp. 4:to., full turkey, gilt. $10 00. Boston, 1860 944 Wordsworth, Christopher. Greece; Pictorial, Descrip- tive, AND Historical. Profusely illustrated, upwards of three hundred amd fifty engravings on wood and twenty-eight on steel, ly Fielding, Creswick, Sarvey, Paul Suet, Baubigny, etc., etc. Prooes beeoke Letters, and the woodcuts on India paper. A MAGNincBNT copy, ^to., maroon morocco, extra, gilt. Scarce. $60 00. London, 1841 Large Paper. Very few copies were printed in this sumptuous manner. 945 Wordsworth, Wm. Poetical Works, complete. Fine por- trait and frontispiece. Royal %vo., cloth, uncut. 15 00. London, Moxon, 1851 946 Wraxall, Sir N. Historical and Posthumous Memoirs of his Own Time (1772-90.) Both Series complete. Numerous fine portraits. 7 vols. 8i»o., polished calf, extra, ly Nutt. $30 00. London, 1836 Full of the most amusing anecdotes of the celebrities of the last century. 947 Wraxall, Sir N. Memoirs op the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna, 1777-80. 2 vols., %vo., calf, neat. $5 00. London, 1806 V 164 948 Wkight, Thos. Tornambnt of Totbnham and the Fbest. Two Early Ballads, printed from a Manuscript preserved in the Public Library of the University of Cambridge. Edited, with Prefaces, Notes, and G-lossaries, by Thomas Wright, Esq., M. A., etc. Square 18mo., superhly hound in Hue levant morocco, choicely tooled, gilt hemes, by Sioiere. $5 00. W. Pichering, London, 1836 Only 100 copies printed. 949 Wright, Thos. Sonos and Carols. Printed from a Manu- script in the Sloane Collection in the British Museum. Edited, with a Preface, Notes, and a Grlossary, by Thomas Wright, Esq., M. A., etc. Squwre 18mo., superhly loand in Hue levant morocco, choicely tooled, gilt leaves, hy Hiviere. $5 00. W. Pichering, London, 1836 Only 100 copies printed. 950 Wright, Thos. Nutbrowne Maid. From the earliest Edi- tion of Arnold's Chronicle. Edited, with a Preface, Notes, and a Glossary, by Thomas Wright, Esq., M. A., etc. Superlly hound in hl/ue levant morocco, choicely tooled, gilt lea/ves, hy Hiviere. Square 18»w. $5 00. Only 100 copies printed. W. Pickering, London, 1836 951 Wright, Thos. Tale of the Basyn and the Fkerb and the Boy. Two Early Tales of Magic. Printed from Man- uscripts preserved in the Public Library of the Univer- sity of Cambridge. Edited, with Prefaces, Notes, and Glossaries, by Thomas Wright, Esq., M. A., etc. Superhly hound in hhte levant morocco, choicely tooled, gilt leaves, hy Ri- viere. Square 18»m>. $5 00. W. Piolcering, London, 1886 Only 100 copies printed. 952 Wright, Thos. La Mort d' Arthur. The History of King Arthur and the Knights of the Bound-Table, with Intro- duction. Beautifully printed. S vols., post Svo., half morocco, uncut. $7 00. Bussell Smith, London, 1858 953 Wtohbrly, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar's Dramatic Works. Edited, with Biographical and Critical Notices, by Leigh Hunt. Fine portrait and vignette. Royal Sjjo. calf, exbra, maMed haves. $6 00. Moxon, London, 1840