FJSSIJ. afenJSKSEst m CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIEIRARY - FROM NB80.B86°B8" """""">' "-'"""^ ++ ^™Hmiiil?Kii.te. V}f flutes of Shaltnan 3 1924 030 664 712 -" Overs \^\ <\ XI Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. THE GATES OF SHALMANESER OXFORD PLATES AND LETTERPRESS PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY HORACE HART M.A. BRONZE RELIEFS PROM THE GATES OF SHALMANESER KING OF ASSYRIA B.C. 860-825 EDITED BY L. W. KING, M.A., LiTT.D. ASSISTANT KEEPER OF EGYPTIAN AND ASSYRIAN ANTIQUITIES WITH EIGHTY PLATES LONDON FEINTED BY OEDER OF THE TRUSTEES SOLD AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM, AND BY LONGMANS & CO., 39 Pateknosteb Row ; BERNARD QUARITCH, 11 Geafton Street, New Bond Steeet, W. ; ASHER & CO., 10 Bedfoed Steeet, Covent Gaeden ; AND HUMPHREY MILFORD, Oxfoed Univeesity Peess, Amen Coenee, E.C. 1915 [All rights reserved] PREFACE THE present volume contains a complete reproduction in collotype of the hammered and engraved bronze bands which ornamented a pair of wooden gates set up at the entrance to a palace of Shalmaneser, King of Assyria b.c. 860-825. In it are also included reproductions of two bronze bands from a smaller pair of gates, which we now know were made by Ashur-nasir-pal, from whom Shalmaneser inherited the palace. The scenes upon these larger gates illustrate the principal incidents of a series of campaigns which were conducted by Shalmaneser during the first thirteen years of his reign, and the scenes upon the bands from the smaller gates are also of a military character. In the year 1876 the natives of the district of Nimrud (the Calah of Genesis x. 11) discovered these bands, and some fragments of them were dispatched to London and Paris for examination by experts and sale. In the following year the Trustees of the British Museum sent the late Mr. Hormuzd Rassam to M6sul to continue their excavations at Kuyunjik. Whilst there he acquired for the Trustees the bronze reliefs published herein, as well as a stone altar, and a stone coffer contaim'ng two inscribed stone tablets of Ashur-nasir-pal. These tablets commemorated the building of the city of Imgur-B^l, and the founding of the Temple of Makhir within it. Therefore it was believed that the bronze gates came from the doorway of that temple. All these objects, according to the native stories, were found in the mound near the village of Tell Balawat, which is situated on the east or left bank of the Tigris, from 15 to 20 miles south-east of M6sul. When I was in Assyria in 1888 I endeavoured to acquire any further fragments which might possibly be in the hands of natives, but it was not until I was in Mesopotamia on my third Mission in 1890-1 that I was able to visit Balawat. Having examined the mound I found it impossible to believe that this insignificant site could have contained an Assyrian temple. In 1901 6 PREFACE Mr. L. W. King was sent to Assyria to examine Assyrian sites, including Balawat, with a view to further excavations, and in his official report he expressed a similar opinion arrived at independently. Meanwhile the Bronze Gates have become commonly known as the ' Gates of Balawat '. Matters stood thus until the present publication was undertaken, when it became necessary to examine the inscriptions systematically. In the course of this work Mr. King obtained evidence which showed that the smaller gates at all events, stood in a palace of Ashur-nasir-pal. This fact finally disproves the statements of the natives about their place of origin, for it is quite impossible that Tell Balawat contained an Assyrian Palace as well as a temple. Therefore we must conclude that the site of Imgur-Bel is still problematical, and that the place where the bronze reliefs published herein were found has not yet been ascertained. The importance of the Bronze Gates of Shalmaneser for the study of ancient art cannot be overestimated, and it was necessary that accurate reproductions of them should be available for students. The green-tinted photographs published under the title ' The Bronze Ornaments from the Palace Gates of Balawat', London 1880-1902, were made from plaster casts much restored, and a great deal of the sharpness of outline of the original disappeared in the moulding. The reproductions in the present volume have been photographed direct from the metal, and though the scale has, necessarily, been reduced a little less than one-half, the smallest detail of costume, &c. is now apparent. Full descriptions of the bronze reUefs are given in the Introduction, and short labels have been printed on the Plates to facilitate their use. A com- plete translation of the cuneiform text, engraved on the bronze sheathing which protected the edges of the gates of Shalmaneser, has also been given. All these are the work of Mr. L. W- King, M.A., Litt.D., Assistant Keeper in the Department. E. A. WALLIS BUDGE. Depaetment of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum, January 21, 1915. CONTENTS PREFACE INTRODUCTION THE GATE-INSCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF PLATES COLLOTYPE PLATES:— Band I. Campaign in Armenia, 860 b. c. . Band II. Campaign in Armenia (continued) Band III. Campaign in Phoenicia, 859 b. c. Band IV. Campaign in Northern Syria, 858 b. c. Band V. Campaign in Northern Syria (continued) Band VI. Campaign in Northern Syria (continued) Band VII. Campaign in Armenia, 857 b. c. Band VIII. Campaign in N.-E. Mesopotamia, 855 b Band IX. Campaign in Syria (Hamath), 854 b. c. Band X. Expedition to the Source of the Tigris, 853 Band XI. Campaign in Southern Babylonia, 851 b. c Band XII. Campaign in Northern Syria, 850 b. c. Band XIII. Campaign in Syria (Hamath), 849 b. c. APPENDIX : THE GATES OF ASHUR-NASIR-PAL Band I. The conquest of Elipi . . . . . Band II. The conquest of Bit-Iakhiri B.C. PAGE 5 9 17 21 PI-ATES I-VI VII-XII XIII-XVIII XIX-XXIV XXV-XXX XXXI-XXXVI XXXVII-XLII XLIII-XLVII XLVIII-LIII LIV-LIX LX-LXV LXVI-LXXI LXXII-LXXVII LXXVIII LXXIX, LXXX INTRODUCTION THE thirteen bronze Bands, which are reproduced on Plates I-LXXVII, formed part of the decoration of a massive pair of gates from an entrance to a palace of Shalmaneser III, and they represent the finest example of work in bronze repousse which has survived from so early a period. They are said to have been found by an Arab, while engaged in digging a grave in the mound near Balawat,^ a village about fifteen miles south-east of M6sul and some nine miles north-east of NimrCid. A fragment of the engraved bronze was sent to this country, and, after his return to Mosul in 1877, the late Mr. Hormuzd Rassam recovered the greater part of the bands, as well as portions of the other bronze fittings of the gates, for the British Museum. Ten small fragments, including a part of the inscription, were sent by a dealer in Mosul to Monsieur Gustave Schlumberger of Paris, who purchased them ; ^ one of these belongs to the missing portion of Band VIII (see PI. XLIIl). Twenty other small fi:agments, which have since been joined up to form seven separate pieces, were acquired in Paris for the Louis de Clercq Collection, and have now passed into the possession of M. le Comte Louis de Boisgelin ; ^ one of these also restores a further portion of Band VIII. And there are two separate fragments in the Museum at Constantinople.'' But all these are comparatively small fragments, and, with the exception of those from Band VIII (see above), are apparently from ^ Cf. Rassam, Trails. Soc. Bibl. Arch., vol. vii (1882), p. 45 ; but see below, p. 11 . ^ See Lenormant, Gazette Archeologiqtie, vol. iv (1878), PI. 22-4, for seven of the reliefs, reproduced half-scale, and the inscription-fragment, of which the latter is republished in Collection de Clercq, vol. ii, PI. 28 (bis), No. 1 ; and Unger, Zum Bronzetor von Balawat, p. 8 f., PI. II, for the two remaining relief-fragments of this group. ^ See Collection de Clercq, vol. ii, PI. 29-33, Nos. 6-25, reproduced actual size ; four small fragments of the inscription are given on PI. 28 (his), Nos. 2-6. * Cf. Unger, op. cit., p. 9, PI. II. Three small fragments appear also to have remained in Mr. Rassam's possession. B 10 THE GATES OF SHALMANESER three Bands only. The British Museum, on the other hand, possesses thirteen nearly complete bands, and other bronze fittings, as well as parts of the bronze coverings of a pair of smaller gates, of which specimens are given as an Appendix on Plates LXXVIII-LXXX. These smaller gates have hitherto been ascribed to Shalmaneser, but it is now certain that they were set up in the palace by Shalmaneser's father, Ashur-nasir-pal (b.c. 885-860).^ From a study of them in comparison with the larger gates it will be seen that the Assyrian metal-workers made a considerable advance in technical skill and composition during the interval. A series of photographs of the bands from the larger gates was published by the Society of Biblical Archaeo- logy from a partly restored plaster cast ; ^ the collotype plates of both sets of gates in the present volume have been taken direct from the bronze itself. Each door of the larger pair of gates measured about 6 ft. in width and over 20 ft. in height. They were made of wood, probably cedar, and the flat portion of each was fixed to a massive post or cylindrical shaft, 1 8 in. in diameter, the lower end of which projected below the bottom of the door and was shod by a heavy bronze pivot working in a stone socket. The posts or shafts were surmounted by great caps and knobs of hoUow bronze, and they moved within bronze collars which were fixed into the sides of the doorway near the top. Across the flat portion of each door and around the attached shaft the bronze bands were nailed, separated from each other by blank spaces showing the wood of the door. The metal of which the bands are made is only about ~ in. in thickness and was obviously intended for decoration, not to strengthen the gates against attack. But the end of each band, at the centre of the doorway, was covered by a sheathing of thicker bronze, which bound the edge of each door from top to bottom. Upon each of these bronze edgings the Gate-Inscription = was engraved in duplicate. If we may accept the tradition that the two pairs of gates were found ^ See below, p. 15 f. ^ The Bronze Ornaments of the Palace Gates of Balazvat; Introductions by Samuel Birch and Walter de Grey Birch ; descriptions, &c., by T. G. Pinches (1880-1902). A later study of the gates has been published by Billerbeck and Delitzsch, Die Palasttore Salmanassars II aits Balawat, in the Beitriige zur Assyriologie, Bd. VI, Heft 1 (1908) and has been supplemented by linger, Zum Bronzetor von Balawat (1912). 3 See below, p. 17 ff. INTRODUCTION 11 together, their difference in size may perhaps be explained by the fact that they closed the outer and the inner opening of a double gateway, such as has been found in the Anu and Adad Temple at Ashur.^ In that case the palace in which they were set up had been inherited by Shalmaneser from his father, who had decorated the inner doors with bands of bronze reliefs, leaving his son to complete the decoration of the pair which closed the outer entrance. The fact that we may now identify the building in which they were set up as a royal palace ^ adds to the difficulty of accepting the original story of their discovery, which has been felt by all who have visited Balawat. That so insignificant a mound should have covered the temple of Makhir and the city of Imgur-Bel was hardly credible ; that it should also have contained a royal palace reduces the story to an absurdity. We may conclude that the native finders of the gates took good care to conceal the actual site of their discovery.^ The scenes upon the larger doors are devoted entirely to Shalmaneser 's military expeditions, while hunting-scenes are included on Ashur-nasir-pal's smaller pair of doors. Each bronze band from the larger gates measures some 8 ft. in length and about 11 in. in height. On each the engraved scenes are arranged in two registers between plain bands, edged by line-borders and ornamented with rosettes. The beaded circle of each rosette is stamped in the bronze around each nail-hole, the heads of the nails, used for fastening the bronze to the woodwork, forming the centres of the rosettes. The process by which the reliefs were produced seems to have been the following. The design was first engraved in outline on the bronze, which was then bedded face down- wards in bitumen. In consequence of the thinness of the metal the engraved outline would show through, so that it would have been a comparatively simple task for the engraver to mould the figures by hammering out the bronze as it lay on its yielding bed. There was probably little, if any, touching up with a graver after the figures had been rendered in relief. That this was the process is clear from the fact that occasionally details are left ^ Cf. Andrae, Der Anu-Adad-Tempel in Assur (1909), p. 48 fF. ^ See below, p. 15. ^ Indeed, the gates need not have been found with Ashur-nasir-pal's coffer and tablet (cf. Budge and King, Annals, p. 167 f., n. 2); they may have been found at Nimrud and afterwards buried by their discoverers in the neighbouring mound of Balawat. The provenance of the stone coffer and tablet remains even more uncertain. B 2 12 THE GATES OF SHALMANESER engraved only and have not been hammered into reUef. The flat appearance of the scenes after engraving and before the process of hammering may be seen from two figures on Plate XXI. On the other hand, the inscriptions in the field of the registers were evidently added after the plates had been fastened to the doors. For the surface of the bronze has here been left indented, which would not have been the case had they been engraved at the same time as the figures. The bands may be recognized as having belonged to the right-hand or left-hand door, by the position of the circular portions which enclosed the shafts or posts. Of the thirteen bands in the British INIuseum, seven (Bands I-IV, VIII, XT, and XIII) belonged to the right-hand door ; and six (Bands V-VII, IX, X, and XII) belonged to that on the left. Of the remaining three bands,^ ends of which have been recovered, one is from the right-hand and two from the left-hand door. Thus each door must have carried at least eight bands. The thirteen bands in the British Museum are here published in the chronological order of the scenes engraved upon them. The following table gives the subject of each band, the date of the expedition represented, and the texts ^ relating to it : Band. Bate of Expedition. Region. Principal places. Texts. ^ I. 860 B. c. Armenia. Lake Van ; Sugunia. Mon., Obv., 11. 23-7. }) II. 860 „ Armenia. Cities of Urartu. Mon., Obv., 1. 25. ^ III. 859 „ Phoenicia. Tyre, Sidon ; Khazazu. Gate Inscr., II. 11. 3-5; Mon., Rev.,11. 5-7, 10-12; andcf. Bl.Ob.,11.26-31. itj IV. 858 „ Northern Syria. Dabigu. Mon., Rev., 11. 13-18 ; Bl. Ob., 11. 32-5. t, V. 858 „ Northern Syria. Unku. Mon., Rev., 11. 21-4, and possibly 11. 24-7. ' See above, p. 9 f. ^ For a translation of the Gate-Inscription, see below, pp. 17 ft". ; and for the text, see Pinches in Gates of Balawat, Appendix, pp. 1 ft'., and cf. Delitzsch, Beitrdge :s. Assyr., VI, i, pp. 133 ff. andUnger, Zmtu Bronzetor von Balawat, pp. 16 ft'. ; for the Monolith-Inscription, see Rawlinson, Cun. Inscr. West. Asia, vol. Ill, pi. 7 f. ; for the Black Obelisk, see Abel and Winckler, Keihchrifttexte, pp. 7 ff. ; and for the Bull-Inscription, see Layard, Cuneiform Inscriptions, pi. 12-16, 46 f., and Delitzsch, op. cit., pp. 144 ft". INTRODUCTION 13 Band. 2?a the city of Arame, son of Gusi, I captured.' The Black Obelisk, 1. 85 f., gives the following brief account of the campaign in which Arne was captured : ' In the tenth year of my reign I crossed the Euphrates for the eighth time. The cities of Sangara of Carchemish I conquered. To the cities of Arame I drew nigh ; Arne, his royal city, together with a hundred of its cities, I captured.' The Bull-Inscription, 11. 84-7, gives a parallel account, with a few variants in the conventional phraseology. It is probable that the lower register refers to events of this campaign (see below) ; but it may possibly depict episodes in the Syrian campaign of the following year, 849 b.c, in the course of which cities of Arame were captured. The Bull-Inscription, 1. 90 f., reads : ' In the eleventh year of my reign I departed from Nineveh. For the ninth time I crossed the Euphrates in its time of flood ; ninety-seven cities of Sangar I captured ; one hundred cities of Arame I captured, I destroyed, I devasted, I burned with fire.' After describing how he invaded Hamath (cf. Band XIII) and defeated Adad-'idri of Damascus and his allies, the Bull-Inscription, 1. 94 f., continues : ' On my return I captured Apparazu, the stronghold of Arame.' Upper Register : The capture of Arne, the royal city of Arame. The city, the walls of which are defended by bowmen, is shown on PI. LXIX ; it is being attacked on both sides by Assyrian archers, some of whom are in chariots (PI. LXVI-LXVIII, and LXIX- LXXI), under Shalmaneser's leadership (PI. LXX). In the right-hand section of the attack slain archers from the city lie prone beneath the horses (PI. LXIX-LXXI). The register is closed on the right by the Assyrian camp (LXXI). LowEK Register : The conquest of other cities of Arame. The register is divided into two scenes by the Assyrian camp on PL LXIX. In the left-hand scene (PL LXVI- LXVIII) an armed Assyrian escort is conducting a column of male and female captives, with spoil of herds and flocks, from their city to the Assyrian camp. In the right-hand scene a fortified city, the name of which is broken (see above), is being attacked by archers, some of whom shoot from chariots under Shalmaneser's leadership (LXIX). W^ounded warriors from the city lie in various attitudes beneath the horses (PL LXIX-LXXI). To judge by analogy from other Bands we may probably connect this register directly with the upper one, and regard the cities represented as two of the hundred cities of Arame, captured at the same time as Arne, in 850 b.c. (see above). 34 THE GATES OF SHALMANESEE, PLATES LXXII-LXXVII. BAND XIII. CAMPAIGN IN SYRIA (HAMATH), 849 b. c. Texts : The inscription in the field of the upper register (PI. LXXII-LXXIV), which gives the subject of the whole Band, reads ' Ashtamaku, the royal city of Irkhuleni of [Hajmath, together with eighty-six cities, I captured'. The Black Obelisk, 11. 87-88, includes the following short summary of this portion of the campaign of 849 b. c. : ' In the eleventh year of my reign I crossed the Euphrates for the ninth time and captured cities without number. To the cities of Khatti, of Hamath, I went down, and eighty-nine cities I captured.' The text then goes on to record the defeat of Adad-idri and his allies. The Bull-Inscription, after describing the conquest of Arame's hundred cities (see above. Band XII), continues in 1. 91 f. : ' The flank of Mt. Amanus I held ; I crossed over Mt. laraku ; to the cities of Hamath I went down. Ashtamaku, together with ninety-nine cities, I captured ; I slew their people, I carried off their spoil.' Upper Registee : Tlie capture of Ashtamaku and two other cities of Hamath. The register contains three scenes ; the first two are separated from each other by the Assyrian camp on Plate LXXIII, the third beginning with the chariots on Plate LXXV. Each scene represents an attack on a separate city, that on Plate LXXII f. being Ashtamaku, the royal city of Irkhuleni. Two of Irkhuleni's three-horse chariots, which have fled from the battle outside the walls, have just reached the city, in spite of spent horses and damaged wheels. They are pursued by Assyrian chariots and cavalry, who shoot as they gallop across the plain strewn with the dead. Ashtamaku is still being assaulted by archers, but is on the point of surrendering. The city in the second scene (PI. LXXV), which is sur- rounded by trees on the bank of a stream, is being assaulted by sappers with scaling-ladders, while Assyrian archers continue to shoot from a distance ; they are supported by chariots (PI. LXXIV), in the first of which is the King. The city in the third scene is smaller and is surrounded by a single wall (PI. LXXVII). A figure raises a hand in token of surrender, while he points to the aged ruler of the city, who reclines on a couch in the presence of his women ; by a legitimate convention the engraver has represented the whole of this episode as taking place upon the wall. Lower Register: Shalmaneser''s reception of prisoners from, a captured city of Hamath. The King (PI. LXXIII), who has left his royal pavilion and the Assyrian camp (PI. LXXII), has descended from his chariot and stands surrounded by his personal attendants and body-guard, while the ruler of the city does obeisance at his feet. The rest of the scene (PI. LXXIV-LXXVII), is taken up with files of male and female captives, who are being escorted from their city by Assyrian infantry, cavalry, and chariots. The city is unlike the other cities of Hamath, since its walls are without battlements, and peaked roofs protect its gates and their flanking towers from the weather. APPENDIX THE GATES OF ASHUR-NASIR-PAL (PLATES LXXVIII-LXXX). PLATE LXXVIII. BAND I. ASHUR-NASIR-PAL RECEIVING CAPTIVES FROM THE CITY OF ELIPI. Texts : The text which is engraved in the upper field of the register, behind the king and above his chariot and body-guard, reads : t^JJJ ^]*- J ^~ Ar I]f K^ I KK V' *"" Tf ][^ »^ « V^ »^ TH "^^f^ KK ^^ *^ ^I' ' Palace of Ashur-nasir-pal, King of the world. King of Assyria, the son of Tukulti-Ninib, King of Assyria, the son of Adad-nirari, King of Assyria.' TTiat which is engraved above the Assyrian officials, who are introducing captives into the King's presence, reads : ^ ^J ^J ^ *'^J] t^J} *'^I^T '^I*" V [ J, ' Captives from Elipi, the city of [ ].' It should be noted that the portion of the band, which is preserved, ends with the Assyrian official who raises his hand, pointing to the captives behind him. The portion of the band on which the captives were engraved, and on which the text was continued, is wanting ; the three joined fragments above, engraved %vith a raised hand, and the heads of two horses, as well as the detached piece of border below, were incorrectly affixed by the original restorer of the bronze and do not actually form parts of the band. Registee : Ashur-nasir-pal, accompanied by the royal chariot and body-guard, stands under a light canopy and receives a deputation of Assyrian officials, who are introducing into his presence captives from the conquered city of Elipi. The line of captives was engraved on the curved portion of the band, which encircled the cylindrical shaft of the door, but is now entirely wanting. 36 THE GATES OF SHALMANESER PLATES LXXIX, LXXX. BAND II. ASHUR-NASIR-PAL AT THE CONQUEST OF A CITY OF bIt-iakhiri. Text : The text, which is engraved in the upper field of the register reads : -^TH ]<< •J 5 ._^ sc = r5 P S "o c C -5 O M p c O c3 Kl B^ e J 8 m PLATE II VICTIMS FOR SACRIFICE; AND ASSYRIAN CHARIOTS AND ARCHERS PLATE II ■n >~. O •a c « o CO CO Ph <1 a Q O be S o c3 01 cC > C^ ci D p y-l z m jS -< 3 o « ■-3 'S o ci L-' -d > O ^ 5^- fii "^ OD '^ •i ^ bJD -^^ ,C '3 Q '^ © cq 2 ^ -t^ O o ^4-1 00 t o ^ o o £ ~. 1) O :s ^ OJ g -^ o o o o 4^ m c5 c (D bJj c5 CO ^ r-' < n 5 P5 o 3 « '■4-1 CB 1^ >> g K j- < "3 > «^ 1i\ ce M >— 1 o Oi ^: ■^ > c c5 US <; cS Ah m a TS ■< © Q ce M i~ O kH -* 1— i -5 PLATE V ASSYRIAN CAVALRY AND INFANTRY; AND CAPTIVES FROM SUGUNIA PLATE V o 56 o » i CO -^ ^ t> o Is '43 > 9^ ce cS lO O O l-H i- 5^ « ^ -M ^ =i) ft? 0^ V ^ s ^ Si ^ o to ^-^ *w? PLATE VII CAPTURED CITY OF URARTU WITH IMPALED INHABITANTS PLATE VII CO 4^ f^ 43 ^ 2 ■3 ts a a s *+-< o TJ s 8 d p2 ^3 .a a s m .^ 43 o 5 o ^ U ^ CO r^ 43 ■< 5 43 M MH ;? o >! +3 ce w > <1 'S T3 !? £ "2 1— 1 C3 O CM cS ■g ^ 3 Q a o ^ ce 1— 1 ^ ■^ I— i o CO in n ?; PLATE VIII BURNING OF A CITY OF URARTU AND DESTRUCTION OF ITS DATE-PLANTATIONS PLATE VIII « ;h ^^ "a P o ?i -C E>> '"£ a3 -*i 4^ '3 o "nJ ^4H O d rH o M g &c o ^ ^-^ tJ •^ CO CI 00 60 F-1 r^ o -*s -fl^ -^ CO h-l -*-3 J5 S 0) M o :S H T) -1 3 CO J5 s" *^ ^ Sz; c3 P 2 C5 c3 ^ TJ a "^ < .^ B o o C-! c5 c3 1— i O t— 1 &D r^ p fl cS :a ■g '^ -7^ a 5 ^ cS ^ .a rO CC o o 6 3 m ^ S ,9; 5 X 'm f-J rS c3 < s "3 w •-^ --+-I c <, < '^ >-. -;^ la < '3 t— 1 K% c« "A -^ --1-I (i o <; tSj C4 .^ p s -p t^ :z; tJ (D C6 ct > M o < m Ah C fcjj cc o ci c t5 W o 1— ; s> J^. 1— 1 2 a d "*"" ,c -*^ B -*^ ^ OS c © in X K% X H 0) < ^ ® 3 ^ -C P -*-' a i4-« ^ o a J 5 +^ O 5! ^ a t— 1 •rH ,ss ^ O o 2 -^ '5 P < _r> S en 4^ < O O H < I— I PS o <; I PLATE XIV TRIBUTE FROM TYRE AND SIDON ; AND CAPTIVES FROM KHAZAZU PLATE XIV 02 03 1^ o o O O O -2 O 3 N CO c^ O N "^ J w o W Pi fl s .3 O > 1 g t 5 O :S g f M 1^ M s -TS a ^ Qt 1 P^ CD ■2 H -1 S §1 ■4-1 R m 3 ^ PLATE XV SHALMANESER RECEIVING TRIBUTE; AND CAPTIVES FROM KHAZAZU PLATE XV O '2 M r^ C c5 O c- K% H ^*-< o Q w-i. ^1^ ^ -^ Qj ^* ^ ?t -C -4^ K fcJD o C^ o ;^ o o 'S c o o c- tu 03 ri h £ o 4^ o A LO o; CO c3 "tiD < J3 M o Ti i-fl o w fc; o PM c3 ■4^ g 5b 'C Tj » -fl ^ ^ O t3 tsl O" N is ci CO o ^ k^ KH "o Ph 1— 1 iw 1— ( ^ S a o Iz; HH -a) c m pq cS 'a - s; o en: S] ■"" d ,c3 d m *o «4H CO 00 O o ■< Ph o o .S Q ^ 44-4 o .2 O w *Ph PM J g o 'a fe O c ■p cc M >^ <1 rj Q,' Ph ■jj •-^ ¥=> < H < o K ^ Q < ft5 Ct; to^ I to PLATE XVII ASSYRIAN CHARIOTS AND CAVALRY; AND SLAUGHTER OF MEN FROM KHAZAZU PLATE XVII S o o o o . > % a ^ s -^ > 35 rj A. icn • '~ N f ao b S 3 o 1 W o W s 5 fM a; d 1 .;^ •^ z .o © % *Eh 3 1 ^ S o i < u © 1 3 +3 -e f-{ < ■| Ml 5 o 3 (3 < M lO 1—5 '■% 1 — f ."^ •1 'Sj ^ o a !iJ 2; 0^ Rh ^ •i^ S ^ ^ o b ^ « •& PLATE XVIII ASSYRIAN CAVALRY AND CAMP; SLAUGHTER OF MEN FROM KHAZAZU PLATE XVIII "t: o Q; ^ ?- d § w Jg Ol c o CO r^. „ § pj <1 -t^ t^ M s (a! (—1 o p 1-^ K .1-^ ^ 3 t; o !2; 1— 1 t-i ct '-M S5 >■ w "3 <1 > o o c^ 4^ ^ 'E. bC «5 CC ^ ci hH s 1— 1 l-H K fi ^ 15 "^ •& "^ ■& fP ft? fe ■i) a* ►^ 1 to ^ PLATE XIX ASSYRIAN INFANTRY, CHARIOTS, AND FORTIFIED CAMP PLATE XJX c5 ft -i 1 d ^ ri cc o ^ p. CO P S ci < Oi o C4 Oi » m ■|. 1 -^ at 55 n a: ^ ^ CO £ "S ri 1 w a ct ■g o ^ ^ O ^ g p; 64^ o ct Ml o ■4: 15 >> C t C ^ '3 1 ■. 00 =+-! '3 < >•- rt 3 ."T^ ^_j K- o o cc o ^ Izi M ci 6q CO H O 5 ^ 'S tc Is Ph ^^ M :^ •^ 15 e o ZJ C fi 5" 0^ =* ti ;_( ;_, g o ^ © o H> in ui fi S S ^ -< •3 ,co pq Si 0^ ft; jj ^ 5 lO ^^ ■^ I "fe. to PLATE XXI THE STORMING OF DABIGU; AND IMPALE!) SYRIANS OUTSIDE THEIR CITY- WALL PLATE XXI to g o o ^ P3 CO r*'. in X 6 >~. pH ,J2 02 o ^; « ci ca '-*-( o w c :S K ^ 'k 3 o *3 c ;2i q:) ^ ^ g fe O :s e bp c3 M < .^ r^ Ch ^ ■ t— < S < o O o © 1— 1 CO H HH ^-^' K- 1— 1 •^ '& ■& pq Q^ Rh ti ^ 03 PLATE XXII ASSYRIAN ARCHERS AND CHARIOTS; AND YOKED CAPTIVES UNDER ESCORT PLATE XXII ^ t« '« 2 ^ a s Q '•S: =4-1 5j ^^^ •^ d t^ -*-=' m M o CO «: j^ 0^ « 00 4^ C 1 Q. < +3 .;!:; a t .■5 K K% c? CO "^ .1 :3 :? « -^ 'S "5 1 H '^ n- « <6 O S c o :2; 2 .. 1 fc O d; i M ■"T^ *^ O '.-H 1— i §^ g^ ft5 fi^ «! IVJ ^ ff) «1 PLATE XXIII ASSYRIAN ARCHERS AND CHARIOTS; FEMALE CAPTIVES, MULE, AND DROMEDARIES ON THE MARCH PLATE XXIII s s 'I c S o CO ^ >o o so &c © -d d o p ft 0) S '^ * 00 ft .2 « a. I I ■& PLATE XXV TRIBUTE OF THE UNKIANS AND OF A PRINCE OF SYRIA PLATE XXV o 1^ 'o ri o .'^ a> 00 r:3 1— 1 o 'S S s -ff p M © K ^ o (>l (i- 02 -1^ 'p_l 3 0-> !? -O 1— H « 'S d H -(^ c3 W be .3 t « m O f~i ;25 c3 cS ^ ««-< Iz; o M w ri o Iz; c8 -t^ 4 1— ( Oh a fl »=n O S C^ C^ s PLATE XXVI TRIBUTE OF THE UNKIANS AND OF A PRINCE OF SYRIA PLATE XXVI 53 •2 v^ r^ o o ^f-j o 'S d HH '3 m o M CO CD S »o cc O '~^ < ^ ci M o 33 ^ .^ fe; f^ M ES b/} & O .3 02 !2; 3 o ct S5 nO o 1 — 1 .y} o 'A 3 -4^ I— 1 3 ^ a, D -d O ^ ;^ ■iJ > ^ Ci 'ij' ^ij > 0? ft? Q pq 5^ 2^ .^^ s ti ^ 0. I w^ s PLATE XXVI I TRIBUTE OF THE UNKIANS AND OF A PRINCE OF SYRIA PLATE XXVII 3 D d -^^ w O CO lO >; CO '3 ■< rg o CO © .^ 4^ Z 1 fi< c3 ^ B o ■op 1 ;2i cS ^ rQ O M M ffi a 1— ) +3 -i^ ,^ < ^ ■^ Ah P H o pq Q^ Bq % T ■3 0! PLATE XXVIII SHALMANESER RECEIVING TRIBUTE FROM THE UNKIANS AND THE DAUGHTER OF A SYRIAN PRINCE PLATE XXVIII 13 PLATE XXIX THE ROYAL CHARIOT AND ESCORT, AND THE ROYAL PAVILION PLATE XXIX o o d .2 ffl a; ^ r-] O CO , 1 F d" +^ K-. o o « o rH GO o ^ t^ 'X^ "*-' PS ^ w " ^ w •j-j o H ^O rt o c3 > ^ ^ fc "^ "3 >. >■. !5 C3 O o M O Oi <5 -d H H »=5 <1 o ^, ^ ' lO '&. ^ ■^ =lj > ftn Q; 2; 1 l3 s PLATE XXX ASSYRIAN CAMP ON A RIVER IN SYRIA; AND ASSYRIAN CHARIOTS AND INFANTRY PLATE XXX rJ2 O o >. •g 00 cS CO fa ffl e M O !5 O -£3 2 2 s-" t> .s ^ § o 42 a I ^^ Q^ ft? to ^ a. I PLATE XXXI A TRIBUTARY CITY OF CARCHEMISH, AND TRIBUTE OF KING SANGAR PLATE XXXI '^ cS S, bo bx) g fl C 5* cS ,-^ '■<-? CE t/2 '-M HH 3 O o u Qj Q -i^ +^ o p ^ pi^ 00 4^ ■r; o . r> . « CO ^ r-{ m «i < 'P M S >1 ^ ^ 02 g § O a H S4H "M-i w o O o ^- ^ •^ ;z; 'S o -p 4^ :2; ^H r^ M © © T3 t; ^; H p^ cb a> © M Ph & Q^ ft^ P 5h i •s ^S5l pq b ^ PLATE XXXII TRIBUTE OF KING SANGAR AND THE CITY OF CARCHEMISH PLATE XXXII IS .:^ J ^ p CO 0) 53 — ,£3 r^ o o o !-l 5s cS ,=? m o O X ., 1 --4-4 in o o X J^ K^- <- < ■4^ •3 03 Oi D t« J ^ X' -w -t^ ^ ^ U M ce c8 H bD &B lU fl c H ce cS K !» m O ^ O O •A -g ^ 1— 1 ^ s •a ,J= S 'S ^ ^ H H a^ O .2 P 'A < PLATE XXXm THE CITY OF CARCHEMISH AND THE TRIBUTE OF SANGAR PLATE XXX III -TS •jSi ;h h "^ cS c8 "^ so M e cS 02 CQ d ^H «4H ffl o O CO +3 ■4^ lo 3 s 00 ^ ^ • I-* •rt ^-l H <1 -i^ H^ ^ rd A Ul OQ m 1 a -§ ^ [^ o o w S s ce J « o o Izi o o 2; cs ft ») TS fH OJ ■^ Xi S! ,£) o ^3 _^ ■^ d «' ^ CO la o iXt -i= ^ f-T ■< aj l-H ->i o; rfl t-i bC :n , § 55 02 n3 (A CO 'a 3 H ^ tiD rt p 1 o 1 ;? ^4H ID I-H O !h CD 1 ft m CM •^ s 60 o a g cS c« CO o M* S— 1 ^H o o 1— i -g o s 'St !z; 'm 'ji^ <) -^j c8 eq « &p rr, rr, *i (in a, Mh g to S l- "fe. PLATE XXXV SHALMANESER RECEIVING THE TRIBUTE OF SANGAR, KING OF CARCHEMISH; THE ROYAL PAVILION, CHARIOT AND ESCORT^ PLATE XXXV o "o ac . CO =4-1 +=" o .o 3 ^ "3 S cS >i ,J« .u\ K^ ft s !>j a o .c3 t> Xi !>5 o .S o a CO 2 <1 O ^ cii Co ."^ CTi Ss ^ (ij Q^ ft? ■s PLATE XXXVII URARTIANS ADVANCING INTO BATTLE ; AND A CITY IN THE LAND OF GILZANI PLATE XXXVII o B c6 d 0^ =4H m -g O t^ 9 CO 3 p 43 --+i! < 4^ M © H ■ ^ B <1 O 77^ 4^ o ^ r^ ^4H 'A M O M 'o © <) m rJ3 o cS 4^ 03 ^ fl .s p— ( c3 >S '43 43 '3 f> t- >''. €C H h-i • • t—t > ."=1 "go (^ fi? m 50 ij t3 ^ t PLATE XXXIX THE BURNING OF ARSASHKU; AND TRIBUTE OF HORSES FROM GILZANI PLATE XXXIX I «J ffi s ,£( s -ts •oft r^ I. K egiste egiste m csi a^ s ^ b l-^l ■3 05 PLATE XL SLAUGHTER OF URARTIANS ; AND TRIBUTE FROM GILZANI INCLUDING BULLS AND DROMEDARIES PLATE XL •TS s o § e3 o o t3 t3 c3 1~ 00 |3 •A 00 bc ^ -1 ■^ ^-• g 5. pi a a -♦^ <2 &c 1^ m .s -a) g &0 o cs d 1'^ ^1 ^ b ?» s? 1:1 8 PLATE XLI SLAUGHTER OF URARTIANS ; AND SHALMANESER RECEIVING TRIBUTE FROM GILZANI PLATE XLI s s ca a c3 p£j OQ >. rS "S TJ S dJ s ^^ ss W ^- ■?* -t^ 1 o .0 — -§ d (^-( i:! m cS i^ U g lO CO fi X CO 1— 1 < a> -i ^ M >i -ti 2; Xi a <4H rt nM ^-j -£1 ■^ -. lO ,n P 2 _^ ^ < ft < 3 >^ O ft cS i '0 c c5 05 cS n OQ ^ 13 g '+-* ^■5 « H ^ 'S i r/l +3 C +3 ;z; ce (» 1— ' P j3 ;zi 03 g C; OJ ce 1— ( <0 J .s 3 W cc s 1 B O O ^ ;zi 1 ;zi C M cS a> M CM 't > •43 m < O s <) o CO P cq "fe. >3s PLATE XLVI ASSYRIAN ARCHERS IN CHARIOTS ; AND CAPTIVE SHUBRIANS UNDER ESCORT PLATE XLVI "TS a o CO H O o W o o n a o ^ 2 ^ ^ |3 m ^ !■/) fl rii 1) > P, -^3 m Ph < O O 1^ I PLATE XLVTI ASSYRIAN ARCHERS IN CHARIOTS; ARRIVAL OF SHUBRIAN CAPTIVES UNDER ESCORT PLATE XL VII s s o d m CO ■< H O Hi O 05 o 12; Pi t^ c6 o a .2 -=i !2; " a Q O a _ ■a g «■ -* m lO QQ M-4 12; o M ja ^i ■§ § C5 M a •J c8 PM M ^ ^ o § tS r— 1 a ^g (— 1 +3 £ o o o S0 z o < M m i 02 <(J f^ ft? PLATE XLIX SLAUGHTER OF THE MEN OF HAMATH; AND THE BURNING OF KARKARA PLATE XLIX bO M o ^ hi o M tij o ft o o a" & 53 <1 PLATE L THE STORMING OF PARGA IN HAMATH; AND CAPTIVES FROM KARKARA / / PLATE L •s a S M o 00 CO 12; M I— I o O g -a ^ R ■*^ 3 ft -" <1 S ■2 -2 ft? fi- ^ . I: s t PLATE LI ASSYRIAN ARCHERS AND FORTIFIED CAMP; SPOIL FROM THE CITY OF KARKARA PLATE LI I— I ^ a cS O «3 bO .a 'S ca g tzj O o ft? ft^ "fe. PLATE LII THE STORMING OF ADA IN HAMATH; SHALMANESER RECEIVING THE SPOIL OF KARKARA PLATE LII ^ £> 03 fl cS J li IS CO >» s >^ !^ ,J2 8 p — ' cS ^ . -in- 4^ C? d s «■ m a ^ IC5 w^ GO fl '° ■1=1 ft in" ^ CC =S |) ^ 1— 1 !>^ '1 -ti -^ 2 he ci rece fe -^^ M a CD , =e <( -+^ M ■n «! ^ ° -s PH a. .2 m :g § 1^ g" 9- c6 ^ EM CO CO CO CO <5 * o •s -s <35 &i Upper Lower .1 PLATE LIV ASSYRIAN INFANTRY AND CAVALRY; SHALMANESER LEAVING CAMP IN HIS CHARIOT PLATE LIV o m CO in 00 W o H o M t^ O CQ W H O H O R Pi M -i' 3 c3 I o Q T3 O c3 .g o3 > a c3 0) 1=1 c6 M fe-S fi? ft? a, s to >-:i t PLATE LV ASSYRIAN CHARIOTS, INFANTRY AND CAVALRY ; SHALMANESER RECEIVING NEWS OF THE FALL OF KULISI PLATE LV a o o W CO W H O H o « o CO W O H I?; o M . O 50 A PI S n Oh p pq 0^ ft^ 1^ s 05 PLATE LVI AN ASSYRIAN ESCORT OF CHARIOTS; THE BURNING OF KULISI AND THE IMPALING AND MUTILATION OF ITS INHABITANTS PLATE LVJ f" ^ -5^ Jd ^ & ■S, •S j:3 ® o 1 ^J -^^ s d « d o .-S m 4^ CO g C lO ft o 00 ® -43 co" h-i © '-+3 « > P '-0 3 Eh 2 r^ w pq H -^ U) ft o s 1 1^ o m a o .g o 11 H W 3 - H ? ;g O H l§ O 1 o P ° R H fl 3 dn 3 b •a- M ^ CO J3 -^ <1 H p <1 S= g^ PQ f^ c§ ^ ^ S |:i b i-ci PLATE LVII SHALMANESER RECEIVING THE SUBMISSION OF A LOCAL CHIEF; THE ROYAL ESCORT AT THE SOURCE OF THE TIGRIS PLATE LVJI '^ o w CO 00 =^^ o j-i :i3 o W r— 1 w H o 1^ O ce o « o 02 CO 'S 60 Xi ,g o ■n d CH -a CD -*i o o &D CO M ,g -j^ ^ ^ t> o i PM s © t»j M an W ;h "f-i M d CO "3 '3 CD to ^ t "fe PLATE LVIII THE ROYAL CHARIOT AND ESCORT; SHALMANESER ON HORSEBACK AT THE SOURCE OF THE TIGRIS PLATE LVni O j:1 ^ TS ■-^ c -^ ce t-i o -y •ii- o cS rO o 0) 03 PQ o ^ CO lO fl 00 o oT g M s « CI C5 0) ^ . CO +3 CQ o tH O O 'r^ H o o o s s W S -3 -^ o f* GQ p .o O c3 -+^ !zi M-i O ^ r2 M .2 M H M § .S P 1*1 -£3 !> PM O c3 > ^ ^fl ,i3 o ^4-1 O 4^ « 1 V, p -( -p fl cS cS H >> Cl4 a o 6<1 ^ ^ H CD 1 1 — 1 ft+H CD _c3 o 'E3 bB M jg o O m I: s PLATE LX ASSYRIAN CAVALRY AND INFANTRY CROSSING A STREAM AND LEAVING CAMP PLATE LX ci O ^ --4-H Q 1) 60 Q ^ m ^ r~i c^ un CO t>l X> M o g ►^ g CO g i-i '^ <^ ■S ° ^ ^ 1— 1 g s ^ t^ Q > ^ S 's o .3 s f" h-i cS S M ■r-< -^ FP ^ &- ■^ S =0 OD •f?* -.^ '^ !SS ^' ^ ^ ■fe PLATE LXI ASSYRIAN CHARIOTS IN A DATE-PLANTATION; SHALMANESER AND HIS ESCORT APPROACHING A BRIDGE OF BOATS PLATE LXI m ■♦= O SO is o in CO 2; o >^ Op 2; M W ffi H O a, o o 03 O -|3 -li Ph O O HH o j3 M -i ,j3 I I ^1 "& PLATE LXII SHALMANESER RECEIVING TRIBUTE FROM THE CHALDEANS PLATE LXII s rO 'f^ ■ V -4^ 'IS S &c ,g r^ ■^ . cS O ^ ^ ^ © 2 a d S 3 j3 * •^ S ca o ^ -< a; a ffl -is n Z a ^ 03 S o n +s cq ^ •£ H -a g & -^ M O ^„ o GQ M H S cS »; s' a l-H ^ c6 ;?; ffi S 5Q M <; n =« £ ® o a A5.i^^ •s. PLATE LXIV THE TRIBUTE OF CHALDEA PLATE LXIV T PLATE LXV THE TRIBUTE OF CHALDEA; ASSYRIANS SHOOTING IN A DATE-PLANTATION PLATE LXV O '•+3 CS -t= (-H i— I cS "ft i += c3 ^-^ tS ci s ^ a .^ *p^ J5 a t3 o H o '^ tiC d d • M ffl . % 1 — I ^^ ITS •-. m CO " m d o a CO t" o <15 n M ^ < «4H m II "A ^ O M "C ^ n H fl a O m -J -1—1 5 rH z P" -g S ^ cj c3 a> « ^ ^ 4^ Xi < o m 'S "t! 'w O o M s § p c3 ^ ^ O !? O O TO PLATE LXVI ASSYRIAN INFANTRY AND CHARIOT ; SYRIAN CAPTIVES UNDER MILITARY ESCORT PLATE LXVI 1=^ ^" -p c8 •^ -^ d O ^ m o m o Z -s lO ri 00 O t>i -fc. ""T ■^ o M M >< +3 QQ cS M § ^ 1 i tj infan imde r— H X 2 & * ^ &> d 1 rr. •A 42 a o " 5s S H o fl M O Xi ^ ^ ^ M -f? S -^ ^ -d <= o c3 -O (^ g i 5 c3 U^ Ol 4^ "3 c3 c-; <1 O h- H !-. 5-. 4 ^~' la CD X a ^ CIS < tel B^ m S s ll t) K^ ■3 PLATE LXVIII ASSYRIAN ARCHERS AND CHARIOT; FLOCKS AND CATTLE BEING DRIVEN INTO CAMP PLATE LXVni ^ a "^ ^M ^ «i o o Si > i s S3 '^ o o ffl o ^ o fl s> m o j:3 o o o lO cS 4J CO s .a c3 < J g += Tl m +3 ^ \^ cS bC F>4 4^ o •i 1 1 O o -*J ^ t3 a +3 g cd 03 tJ s fl !? c cS C5 Xi *H o CO < Fh ,y Oi cS o r1 o o ■^ § n pq 03 tJ ^1" 'I 'I 03 PLATE LXIX ATTACK ON THE CITY OF ARNE; ASSYRIAN CAMP AND CHARIOTS PLATE LXIX a ^ (p a rC Ci -+^ ^ ^M <©■ ° o a s o .a ^ T? t-i 1 1^ 1— 1 M ^< fi .. 12! fe *-' <( ■fi^ ^ pq •2 .2 rS S" fi^ G^ fe ^ ^ ^ t) h3 PLATE LXX ASSYRIAN ARCHERS AND CHARIOTS; ATTACK ON A CITY IN SYRIA PLATE LXX o m o 00 B H M O !2i o o M o pq o o o 4i) o o a o &"° o o _4 "^^-^ !=! o a 6 tg m m O o ^ g >o O 00 m ^ ^ p« cS GG o © !5 >5 -t^ K 4^ •r-H Ji H 2 -1^ rt -^ o o -(-^ 'S ;zi o -^ ^ o M ;Ei c3 fl S :g « s ffl PM a S a :9 -^ < ■^ F o * § cS to ^1 M •§ & H =^ ^ N 1— ( '^ 6 ^ fi ^2; -' i pq ■1 ■§ ^ '^ ^ Jto (^ ft^ ?^ i b iq PLATE LXXII PURSUIT OF THE CHARIOTS OF HAMATH; ASSYRIAN CHARIOTS AND HORSEMEN LEAVING CAMP PLATE LXXII o m OS 00 M El CO 3 -d o o S ft a 03 bo 00 ?; ft M 12; o pq > o ^ 2 o ,Si •- .2 M -CI •2 -S t PLATE LXXIII THE CAPTURE OF ASHTAMAKU ; SHALMANESER RECEIVING THE SUBMISSION OF A RULER IN HAMATH PLATE LXXIII cS a tS ^ w 'T3 S .g 5; >> "-^ 4^ s: '3 (S M-i d ffl . s 05 ^1 -* 00 § © ^ '5" f^ ^ c-i -^ CO M ^ 'i OQ ^ 1 a M • - s 02 3 " ^ c3 .J^ g ^ c3 bJ3 < r^ .g EN ^*H (n S -< S P 02 +3 (B «■ 1— i " a 1— 1 ^1 1— 1 5^ ?^ f^ •1-2 0^ Q^ 1 - to k| I to PLATE LXXIV SHALMANESER LEADING HIS CHARIOTS TO THE ATTACK; AND CAPTIVES UNDER MILITARY ESCORT PLATE LXXIV c8 a M •i-H CO ° a W -t3 ." Hi J3 CO f5 a, a o a pq -e o o 3 CD CZ2 O .=9 « PLATE LXXV ASSAULT ON A CITY IN HAMATH ; ASSYRIAN CHARIOTS IN ACTION AND ESCORTING PRISONERS PLATE LXXV T3 S S o o m CO H a w 1=1 .-;: o cS a o 4> m 44 -^ ^ o ^ 00 ce -p 4^ fH -tJ o 'm" c3 o H > ■< "S * M cS ^ S 2 g ix cS T3 CC T3 9 ^2; M !2; .2 1 ^ tH 5 (S S Ph -S3 p 3 o s S ft CO CO 8 8 APPENDIX THE GATES OF ASHURNASIEPAL PLATE LXXVIII ASHUR-NASIR-PAL RECEIVING CAPTIVES FROM THE CITY OF ELIPI PLATE LXXVriT Band I. Oaptives! from Elipt. Left end of Begister : The royal chariot and bodyguard, in attendance upon the king. Continuation of Register : Ashur-nasir-pal beneath a canopy receiving Assyrian officials who led the captives into the royal presence. Oates of Ashur-nasir-pal. British t^useum. — Photo. Oxford University Press, PLATE LXXIX ASHUR-NASm-PAL AT THE CONQUEST OF A CITY OF BIT-IAKHim PLATE LXXIX Band II. Conquest of a City op Bit-Iakhiei. Left end of Register : Ashur-nasir-pal leading his chariots into action. Continuation of Register : A sortie from a city of Bit-Iakhiri. Gates of Ashur-nasir-jmL British Miiseum.—Photo, Oxfoi-d Uiiiuersity Press. PLATE LXXX THE CONQUEST OF A CITY OF BIT-IAKHIRI PLATE LXXX Band II. Conquest of a City of BIt-Iakhiei {continued). Continuation of Register : A sortie from a city of Bit-Iakhiri. Right eml of Register : Assyrian chariot advancing to the attack. i scale Oates of Ashur-iioiir-pal. Bfiiiah Museum. —Photo. 0.\foid Uuiveisiiu Pre.'is