BY-LAWS 1802-1898 Stljara, New ^nrfe FROM THE BENNO LOEWY LIBRARY COLLECTED BY BENNO LOEWY 18S4-19I9 BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY ^ J'Ayiy ^J // Cornell University Ubrary HS758.B74 B741 1898 3 1924 030 324 515 olin.anx The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. BY-LAWS LIST OF MEMBERS Boston Commandery KNIGHTS TEMPLARS AND THE APPENDANT ORDERS CHARTERED MARCH 3, lSo6 BOSTON NATHAN SAWYER & SOX, PRINTERS No. 70 State Street 1S9S A, '1/7^U CONTENTS. TAGE Charter . ..... 3 Certificate of Grand Commandery . 7 BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. Constitution ARTICLE n. Sect. i. Stated Conclaves . . . . . -9 Sect. z. Annual Conclave 9 ARTICLE III. Sect. 1. Election of Officers . . . . .10 Sect. 2. Installation of Officers . . 10 Sect. 3. Vacancies . . . .10 ARTICLE IV. Duties of Officers. Sect. i. Eminent Commander . . 10 Sect. 2. Generalissimo . ... i Sect. 3. Captain General . . Sect. 4. Prelate Sect. 5. Wardens . . . Sect. 6. Treasurer . . Sect. 7. Recorder . Sect. S. Sword Bearer . . 13 Sect. 9. Standard Bearer . ... 13 Sect. 10. Warder .... 13 Sect. ii. Guards .... -13 Sect. 12. Musical Director . . 13 Sect. 13. Armorer ..... 13 Sect. 14. Sentinel • 14 11 CONTENTS. ARTICLE V. PAGE Sect. i. Candidates for the Orders 14 Sect. 2. Expenses of Special Conclaves .... .15 ARTICLE VI. Sect. i. Membership • iS Sect. 2. Neglect to sign the By-Laws .16 Sect. 3. Resignations ... .16 Sect. 4. Honorary Members . 16 ARTICLE VII. Sect. i. Life Membership 17 Sect. 2. Permanent Fund . . . . 17 Sect. 3. Board of Trustees 18 Sect. 4. Vacancies .... .18 Sect. 5. Duties of Trustees 19 ARTICLE VIII. Sect. 1. Decease of Members 19 Sect. 2. Donation to the Widow of a Deceased Member, 20 ARTICLE IX. Fees and Dues. Sect. i. Fee for Orders .20 Sect. 2. Diploma 20 Sect. 3. Fee for Membership . 20 Sect. 4. Fees to Recorder, Sentinel, and Armorer 21 Sect. 5. Annual Dues .... .... .21 Sect. 6. Remission of Dues ..... 22 Sect. 7. Extra Assessments 22 Sect. 8. Forfeiture of Membership . .... 22 ARTICLE X. Appropriation of Funds . ... 22 ARTICLE XI. Sect. i. Uniform . . -23 Sect. 2. Uniform to be worn . . 23 Sect. 3. No Regalia to be loaned . . . . . 24 Sect. 4. Admission to the Ranks . . . . 24 CONTENTS. lU ARTICLE XII. PAGE Parades ARTICLE XIII. Sect. i. Committees 24 Sect. 2. Reports and Expenses of Committees 25 ARTICLE XIV. Committee on Finance .... 25 ARTICLE XV. Sect. 1. Amendment or Repeal of the By-Laws 26 Sect. 2. Amendments to be referred to a Committee 26 Rules of Order . . 27 Approval of By-Laws ... 29 Organizations . . . . . . 33 Commanders 77 Honorary Members ..... 7^ List of Members ....... 81 Addenda .... . , . 138 List of Present Members . , ^ . , . . 139 Addenda 165 Deceased Members ...... 165 (Kopg of the (Khart^r 4 loalon (Bncampm^nt. To ALL Whom it may Concern : — T/ie United States General Grand JEncampment of Knights of the Red Cross, Knights Templars, and Knights of Malta, convened and assembled in the town of Providence, in the State of Rhode Island, on the third day of March, Ainio Domini 1806, Send GREETrxo : '^hexsaa, a petition has been presented to this Grand Encampment, from Henry Fowlk, Samuel BiLLTNGS, Benjamin Smith, Joshua Eaton, Thomas Jackson, Andrew Sigournev, Edward lioRSMAN, and Benjamin Hurd, Jr., residents of the town of Boston and its vicinity, in the St;ite of Massachusetts, all true and courteous Knights of the Red Cross, Knights Templars, and Knights of IMalla, stating that they have heretofore assembled together, as was the custom of the Knights previous to the establishment of the General Grand Encampment, and exercised the privilege of forming and opening an occasional Council of Knights of the Red Cross, and Encampment of Knights Templars and of !Malta, for the benefit of the Institution and its members ; but being deeply impressed with a sense of the necessity and importance of discipline and subordination, and persuaded that, in order to support the honor and dignity of the Institution, it is essentially necessary that there should be an acknowledged head and tri- bunal of superior authority, to protect their rights 4 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. and privileges, and to redress their wrongs and inju- ries, — they therefore pray for a Charter of Recogni- tion, extending and confirming unto them the rights and privileges of a regularly constituted Encamp- ment. Slom be it ^no«rw, That we, the General Grand Encampment aforesaid, considering that the interest of the Institution will be promoted by granting the prayer of the said petition, have authorized and empowered, and do by" these presents authorize and empower the said Henry Fowle and his associates, aforenamed, to form, open, and hold a regular and constitutional Encampment of the valiant and mag- nanimous Orders of Knights of the Red Cross, Knights Templars, and Knights of Malta of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, by the name, style, and title of the Boston Encampment No. 2 ; to con- fer these Orders, respectively, upon tried and worthy candidates ; to make by-laws and ordinances for their own government ; to admit members ; and to do and transact all such matters and things as are lawful and proper to be done and transacted in such an assembly. And, furthermore, we do hereby declare the rank and precedence of the said Boston Encampment, in the Grand Encampment and elsewhere, to be the second from us ; and from said Boston Encampment we do nominate and appoint Sir Henry Fowle . Sir Samuel Billings Sir Benjamin Smith Sir Joshua Eaton . Sir Thomas Jackson To be the first Grand Master. To be the first Generalissimo. To be the first Captain-General. To be the first Senior Warden. To be the first Junior Warden. Sir Andrew Sigourney . To be the first Treasurer. Sir Edward Horsman . To be the first Recorder. COPY OF CHARTER. 5 And we do hereby enjoin it upon the said Boston Encampment to see that these officers are regular in their attendance upon the assemblies of the General Grand Encampment, in person or by proxy ; to be punctual in making their returns to the Grand Recorder, and the payment of their dues to the Grand Treasurer ; and to conform in all their doings to the Constitution and the edicts of the General Grand Encampment : otherwise this Charter and the privileges hereby granted to cease and to be of no further effect. ^n ®B9timonB SBhereof we have hereunto set our hands, and caused the seal of the General Grand Encampment to be hereunto annexed, the clay and year above written. THOMAS SMITFI WEBB, General Grand Master. HENRY FOWLE, Grand Generalissimo. JONATHAN GAGE, Grand Captain-General . Attest, Otis Ammidon, Gra)id Recorder^ fi. t. [seal. J GRAND ENCAMPMENT Inights ©frnplars and Jipf(«ndant ©rtlers MASSACHUSETTS AND RHODE ISLAND. '^heveae, m the conflagration which occunctl to Free Masons' Hall, on the corner of TrL-inont and Boylston Streets, in Boston, on the evening of the fifth of April, A.D. 1S64, the original Charter of Boston Encampment of Knights Templars \\ as destroyed ; and whereas, at an assembly of said Grand Encamp- ment, holden in the City of Providence, Rhode Island, on the fifth day of May, 1S64, it was " \''oted, that a copy of the original Charter of Boston Encampment be engrossed upon parchment, with the order or vote of the Grand Encampment indorsed thereon signed by the present Grand Officers, and that this copy, when so indorsed, shall have the full force and effect of the original." Blow ©iretefojre be tt Slnonin, that the within is a true and faithful copy of the original Charter of Boston Encampment, and that by virtue of said vote of the Grand Encampment, and of this indorsement, the same shall have, from the date of these presents, the full force and effect of the original Charter. 8 BOSTON COMMANDERY. Un ®e»titt«onB ^heveai, we have hereunto set our hands and caused the seal of the Grand Encampment to be hereunto annexed, at Providence, Rhode Island, this fifth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. WILLIAM S. GARDNER, Grand Master. CHARLES H. TITUS, Deputy Grand Master. WILLIAM W. BAKER, Grand Generalissimo. THOMAS A. DOYLE, Grafid Captain- General. Solon Thornton, Grand Recorder. [seal. ] BY-LAWS. articlp: I. CONSTITUTION. The Boston Cominandery of Kni. The Wardens shall pre});u(' the c-in- didatcH, accompany them through the ceremonies, and introduce them into the Commandery. TKEASHREIV. Sf.ct. 6. The Treasurer shall demand and col- U^ct all the funds from the Recorder at each conclave, give his receipt for the same, pay all demands against the Commandery, \vhen dul\- approved hy the Standing Committee on Finance, and keep a correct account of all receipts and dis- bursements, lie shall deliver to his successor in 12 BOSTON OOMMANDERY. office, immediately after the election and installa- tion of his successor, all the property of the Com- mandery remaining in his possession. RECORDER. Sect. 7. The Recorder shall issue to all the members notifications of the conclaves, inserting the names, places of abode, and occupations of all the candidates, and the special business of the conclave. He shall observe with attention the transactions of the Commandery, and keep an accurate record of them. He shall carefully preserve in some safe place, and in good order, all the papers and books of the Commandery which are not required for immediate use, keeping a full and minute inventory thereof. He shall promptly collect the revenue, and pay it to the Treasurer at each conclave of the Commandery. At the annual conclave, he shall exhibit a fair statement of all his receipts and payments, and read the names of all the members who are in arrears for dues for one year or more. He shall sei^ve the chairman of each committee with a copy of the vote by which they were appointed, and attend their sessions in the capacity of a Secretary, if required ; and in the month of January of each year he shall furnish every member with a printed list of the members of the Commandery. BY-LAWS. 13 SWORD-BEARER. Sect. 8. The Sword-Bearer shall assist in the protection of the banners of the Order ; watch all signals from the Eminent Commander, and see his orders duly executed. STAND ARD-BBARKR. Sect. 'J. The Standai'd-Bearer shall display, support, and protect the banners of the Order. WARDKR. Si'XiT. 10. The Warder shall see the asylum securely guarded, and the sentinels at their posts : communicate to the Eminent Commander all peti- tions and requests for admission and favors, and return his answers. GUARDS. Sect. 11. The Guards shall challenge with spirit, examine with caution, admonish with can- dor, relieve with alacrity, protect with fidelity, and valiantly defend their respective posts. MUSICAL DIRECTOR. Sect. 12. The J\Iusical Director shall ha\(i the control and direction of the music. ARMORER. Sect. lo. The Armorer siiall have the eare of the ^Vrmory, and the general charge of all the furniture, regalia, and arms of the Commander\-, and see that they are kept in good order and tit for use. He shall make to the Commandeiy, at 14 BOSTON COMMANDERT. the Annual Election of Officers, a return in writ- ing of every article in his department, and at all times render such assistance to the officers as may be required. SENTINEL. Sect. 14. The Sentinel shall guard with vigil- ance the avenues to the Commandery, give the alarm when necessary, and discharge such other duties as may be required of him by the Eminent Commander. AETICLE V. CANDIDATES FOE THE ORDERS. Section 1. Every candidate for the Orders shall make application in writing, stating his age, residence, and occupation, enclosing the fee of seventy-five dollars, and accompanied by a certi- ficate from three Royal Arch Masons, certifying that he has regularly received the degree of Royal Arch Mason, and is of good moral character and respectability. Every application shall be referred to a committee of three, who shall be immediately notified of their duty by the Recorder. The candidate shall stand proposed from one conclave to another, and his name shall be insetted in the notifications of the conclave at which the balloting is to take place. He shall be reported upon by the investigating committee, or a majority thereof, and the unanimous ballot of the members present shall be necessary for his admission. If he is not accepted, the fee shall be returned. BY-LAWS. 15 Note. — Article V., Section 1, formerly contained a provision that the candidate should stand proposed "not less than fourteen days intervening." This provision has been omitted from the By-Laws because it has been superseded by Article II., Section 8, of the Constitution of the Grand Commandery, which is as follows : — ' ' No candidate for the Orders shall l)e balloted for until he shall have stood proposed at least four weeks, unless by written permission of the Right Eminent Grand Commander. If a candi- date be rejected, no new petition for the Orders shall be presented until after the expiration of six months from the time of such rejection." \_November 20, i8/8.] EXPENSES OF SPECIAL CON'C'LAVKS. Sect. 2. When a special conclave of the Com- mandery shall be called at the request of a candi- date, for the purpose of his receiving the Orders, he shall defray the expenses, or such of them as the Standing Committee on Finance shall think proper, in addition to the usual fees. ARTICLE VI. MEMBERSHir. Section 1. All Knights receiving the Orders in this Commander\- and immediately thereafter signing the By-La>vs shall thereby become mem- bei's thereof. Those who have been members, others not kuighted in this Commandery, and 16 BOSTON COMMANDERY. Knights not signing the By-Laws as above pro- vided may be admitted members at stated con- claves. They shall make application in writing, enclosing the admission fee, and stand proposed one month. Their names shall be inserted in the notifications for the conclave at which the ballot- ing is to take place. They shall be reported upon by an investigating committee, or a majority thereof, and the unanimous ballot of the members present shall be necessary for their admission. No one shall be entitled to the privileges of membership until he has signed the By-Laws. \_September ij, i88o.'\ NEGLECT TO SIGN THE BY-LAWS. Sect. 2. Any Knight Templar elected to mem- bership, neglecting to sign the By-Laws within six months after his election, must submit to the forms of being re-proposed and again balloted for, in order to gain membership. resignations. Sect. 3. Any member wishing to resign his membership shall pay his indebtedness to the Com- mandery, and give the Recorder a written notice of his intention to withdraw. A dimit may after- wards be granted by a majority of the members present at any stated conclave. honorary members. Sect. 4. All Past Eminent Commanders of this Commandery shall be Honorary Members. BY-LAWS. 17 Knights Templars who have been eminently useful to the Masonic Fraternity, or have rendered important services to this Commanderj^ may be admitted Honorary Members. They shall stand proposed one month. Their names shall be inserted in the notifications for the regular con- clave at which the election is to take place, and the unanimous consent by ballot of the members present shall be necessary for an election. Honorary Members shall be exempt from dues, and sliall enjoy all the rights and privileges of members, except that the right to vote shall not pertain to those who were not previously members of this Commandery. ARTICLE VII. LIFE M E:\rUKKSIl I P. Section 1. Life Members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of full membership, and shall be exempt from assessments for the support of the Commandery. Any member of the Commandery whose dues are settled shall, upon the payment of a fee of fifty dollars, be constituted a Life Member. PEKJLVNENT FUND. Sect. 2. The Permanent Fund shall be styled "The Permanent Fund of Boston Commandeiy." 18 BOSTON COMMANDERY. The Fund shall consist of all moneys received for Life Membership, of all donations and bequests to the Commandery, of one-tenth of the entire annual receipts of the Commandery excepting the fees for Life Membership and the income of the Permanent Fund, and of such additions as shall from time to time be made by vote of the Com- mandery. It shall not be considered good knightly faith in the Commandery to diminish the rate of increase hereby established. " The principal of the fund shall never be expended." BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Sect. 3. The Permanent Fund shall be held in the name of the Eminent Commander and mem- bers of Boston Commandery, but shall be under the direction and control of a Board of Trustees, consisting of the Eminent Commander, Treasurer, and three members who hold no other office in the Commandery. At each annual conclave the Com- mandery shall elect one member of the Board for the term of three years. Each trustee, however, shall hold his office until his successor is elected. The Board thus constituted shall be styled ' ' The Trustees of the Permanent Fund of Boston Com- mandery." VACANCIES. Sect. 4. Should a vacancy occur in the Board of Trustees, by reason of death, or otherwise, it shall be filled by an election by ballot at the next BY-LAWS. 19 succeeding stated conclave, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, due notice of the election being borne on the notifications. DUTIES OF TRUSTEES. Sect. 5. The Board of Trustees shall carefully and judiciously invest the Permanent Fund in such manner as in their best judgment shall be safest and most productive, and shall select a suitable place of deposit for the securities and vouchers, where their absolute safety from Ki'e and theft shall be ensured. The Board of Trustees shall keep a full and accurate record of the investments of the Pemia- nent Fund, and at eacli annual conclave they shall submit to the Commandery a correct stutomcnt of the Fund in detail, exhibiting its exact nature and condition. They shall semi-annually pay to the Treasurer, for the use of the Commandery, all incomes derived from the Fund as far as the same can be deteiTuined, provided the Standing Com- mittee on Finance so require, otherwise the said income shall be added to, and constitute a part of, the Permanent Fund. ARTICLE VIII. nECEASE OF :memrers. Section 1. On the decease of a member of tlio Commander\', the Eminent Commander shall 20 BOSTON COMMANBEEY. immediately appoint a committee of five or more to attend the funeral services, and through the Recorder notify them of the time and place of the funeral, provided it be held within accessible dis- tance. Should any member of the committee be unable to attend the obsequies, it shall be his duty to procure a substitute, unless excused by the Eminent Commander. DONATION TO THE WIDOW OF A DECEASED MEMBER. Sect. 2. The Eminent Commander may direct the Treasurer, on the decease of any member, to pay his widow or orphan thirty dollars. ARTICLE IX. fees and dues. Section 1. The fee for the Orders conferred in Boston Commandery shall be seventy-five dollars. {^November 20^ 1878.'] DIPLOMA. Sect. 2. Every candidate receiving the Orders in this Commandery shall receive a Diploma with- out charge. [^F'ebruary 21, 1894.] FEE FOE MEMBERSHIP. Sect. 3. The fee for membership for a Knight Templar not knighted in this Commandery shall be fifty dollars ; for one knighted in this Com- BY-LAWS. 21 mandery and neglecting to sign the By-Laws within six months thereafter, twenty-five dollars ; for one who has dimitted, the fee shall be a sum equal to one-half the annual dues accruing since said dimit. For one whoso membership has been declared forfeited, a sum equal to the amount due from him to the Commandery at that time and one-half of the annual dues accruing since ; the money to accompany the proposition in all cases. [_Septeml>cr /j, 1880.] FEES TO RECORDER, ETC. Sect. 4. The Recorder shall receive, as com- pensation for his servicics, four hundred dollars per annum, payable quai-terly. [A^oiwm/icr /j, iSgj. February 21^ l8g4.'\ The Sentinel shall bo paid five dollars for each conclave of the Commandery he attends. The Armorer shall be paid one hundred dollars per annum for taking care of the Armory, and five dollars for every meeting he attends. ANNUAL DUES. Sect. f). Every member, except Honorary and Life Members, shall, at the annual conclave in each year, pay the Recorder five dollars for the support of the Commandery : provided, however, that the Prelate, Treasurer, Recorder, INIusical Director, Armorer, and Sentinel shall be exempt from (^uaiteragos. 22 BOSTON COMMANDERY. REMISSION OF DUES. Sect. 6. The Standing Committee on Finance shall have full authority to remit from time to time the dues of any member whose age, infirmity, misfortune, or deserts may in their good judgment entitle him to the remission. They shall, how- ever, submit a detailed report of the dues remitted for entry on the Eecords of the Commandery. EXTRA ASSESSMENTS. Sect. 7. No extra assessment shall be made, except at a stated conclave ; nor unless a notice of the proposed assessment shall be inserted in the notifications for said conclave. rOREEITURE OF MEMBERSHIP. Sect. 8. Any member neglecting to pay his dues or assessments for one year shall forfeit his membership, unless a satisfactory excuse be offered, two months' notice of the time when, and the place where, action will be taken in his case being first given by the Recorder to said delinquent. Notice mailed to the last known address shall suf- fice. When the residence is unknown, the notice may be omitted. ARTICLE X. APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS. No expenditure involving the funds of the Commandery shall be incurred by any oflicer or BY-LAWS. 23 member without the previous sanction of the Com- mandery, except as provided in these By-Laws. ARTICLE XL UNIFORM. Section 1. The Uniform of Boston Com- mandery shall he an follows : — - DRESS. Black dress or frock coat, black pantaloons, black vest, black cravat, and hoots. REGALIA. Black f.hapeau with black foal hers, tjinip, and rosette. Black velvet baldric and triiuiiiulav apron doco- ratod agreeably to jnist usage. Black enamelled leather belt with siher clasj) and chains, and sword with a black leather scab- bard with silver mountings. Buff gauntlets with a red passion cross on the outside of each cuff, to be worn on public parade ; and white gloves at conclaves for work. UNIFORM TO BE WORN. Sect. 2. It shall be the bounden dut}- of every member to promptly provide himself with the uniform of the Commandery, and to wear it when 24 BOSTON COMMANDERY. he is present with the Commandery at its conclaves and on its public parades. No Knight shall be admitted into the line unless he presents himself in full uniform. NO EEGALIA TO BE LOANED. Sect. 3. The Armorer shall not loan any of the regalia belonging to the members of the Commandery without their written order authoriz- ing him so to do. ADMISSION TO THE RANKS. Sect. 4. Knights Templars whose uniform does not conform to the uniform of Boston Com- mandery shall not be admitted to the ranks, with- out the permission of the Eminent Commander. ARTICLE XII. PARADES. No public parade in uniform, except at funerals, shall be made without a vote of the Commanderjr at a stated or special conclave ; nor unless a notice of the proposed parade is inserted in the notifications for said conclave. ARTICLE XIII. committees. Section 1 . The Knight first appointed on any committee shall be the chairman thereof ; he shall BY-LAWS. 25 furnish his associates with a copy of the resolu- tion or subject confided to them by the Com- mandery, and notify them of the time and place of their meeting. Members appointed on committees shall be in duty bound to attend to their duties promptly, faithfully, and at the time and place designated liy the chairman. REPORTS AND KXPENSES OF COMMITTEES. Sect. 2. All committees, except Standing Com- mittees, shall report their doings at the next conclave after their appointment, unless other- wise authorized. The necessary expenses of coni- mittees shall be defrayed liy the Commandery. ARTICLE XrV. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE. The Eminent Commander, (ieneralissimo, and Captain-General shall constitute a Standing Com- mittee on Finance, who shall examine all bills and demands against the Commandery : approve them with a niaiority of their signatures, if they are found correct ; inspect and audit the books and accounts of the Treasurer, Recorder, and Trustees of the Permanent Fund ; and superintend gener- ally flic financial affairs of the Commander}^ unless it is otherwise specially ordered. At each annual conclave they shall submit a 26 BOSTON COMMANDEKY. detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures of the past year, and furnish a list of the debts due by or to the Commandery. This Standing Committee shall examine and de- cide all excuses for the breach of these By-Laws. ARTICLE XV. AMENDMENT OR REPEAL OF THE BY-LAWS. Section 1 . These By-Laws shall not be amended or repealed unless the proposition to amend or repeal be submitted to the Commandery, in writing, at a stated conclave, read in open Commandery, stand at least one month previous to the discus- sion, and be inserted in the notifications of the conclave at which it is to be acted upon. Sect. 2. Every proposition to amend or repeal shall be referred to a committee of three, who shall report thereon at the next stated conclave, and the proposition may then be adopted by the consent of two-thii'ds of the members present ; provided, however, that any proposition to amend or repeal Article VII., relating to the Permanent Fund, or this provision, shall not be adopted, unless the proposition be made in writing at a stated conclave, borne on the notifications for the three succeeding stated conclaves, and then adopted by four-fifths of all the members present. RULES OF ORDER. 1 . The Comuiandery shall 1 ic formed precisely at the time appointed by the Eminent Commander, and shall be disbanded at or before ten o'clock p.m. , unless urgent business requires a later attendance. 2. "Order is Heaven's first law," and no society can exist without a due obsei-vance of it ; the orders, therefore, of the Eminent Commander shall be implicitly obeyed. He shall be addressed by the Knights standing, uncovered, and by the title of Eminent Commander. o. The Knights shall address each other by the title " Brother Knight," " Knight," or " Sir," and shall on all occasions observe the most kind and couiieous behavior towards each other. 4. All debates shall be determined by a major- ity of the members present, unless otherwise specially ordered. 5. No member shall interrupt another wliile speaking, or be permitted to speak more than twice upon the same question, except to explain. t). Should disputes unhappily arise, it shall be the duty of the Eminent Commander, upon the application of the party aggrieved, or of any three 28 BOSTON COMMANDERY. of the members, to convene the Commandery ; when a careful, patient, and impartial investiga- tion of the cause of complaint shall be made, and the decision thereupon of a majority of the mem- bers present shall be conclusive. AND Afpendant Orders of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. In Grand Commandery, October 28, 1874. The foregoing code of By-Laws was this clay examined and approved. [Signed] ALFRED F. CHAPMAN, Grand Recorder. [seal.] In Grand Commandery, May 23, 1879. The amenchnent of the foregoing code of By-Laws, was this day examined and approved. [Signed] ALFRED F. CHAP^L\X, Grand Recorder. [seal.] .__ In Grand Commandery, October jy, 1880. The amendments of the foregoing code of H^-Laws were this day examined and approved. [Signed] ALFRED F. CHAPMAN, Grand Recorder. [seal.] In Grand Commandery, May J4, 1894. The amendments of the foregoing code of By-Law > were this tlay examined and approved. [Signed] B. W. ROWELL, Grand Recorder. [seal.] Missing Page Missing Page ORGANIZATIONS. COUNCIL OF THE ORDER OF THE RED CROSS. Henry Fowie James Harrison Benjamin Smith Henry Purkitt Samuel Billings . Hezekiah Hudson Andrew Sigourney Robert Newman . Henry Fowle . . James Harrison Benjamin Smith . Henry Purkitt . . Samuel Billings Hezekiah Hudson William Bentley Elisha Sigourney . Andrew Sigourney Robert Newman . Henry Fowle . Samuel Billings Henry Purkitt . Andrew Sigourney Robert Lash, Jr. . Thomas P. Jackson Hezekiah Hudson Nathaniel Brown . William Learned . John B. Hammatt John Swett William Eaton . 1802-03. . Royal Sovereign. . . Most Excellent Master. . . First Generalissimo. . Second Generalissimo. . . Master of Ceremonies. Captain of Guards. . Secretary. . . Sentinel. 1804. . Royal Sovereign. Most Excellent Master. First Generalissimo. Second Generalissimo. Master of Ceremonies. Captain of Guards. . Commissary. . . Paymaster-General. Secretary. Sentinel. 1805. Royal Sovereign. First Generalissimo. Second Generalissimo. Grand Master of Finance. Grand Master of Dispatches. Grand Master of Ceremonies. Captain of Guards. Commissary. Herald. Guard. Guard. Sentinel. 34 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. ENCAMPMENT OF KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. To June, 1806. Henry Fowle M. E. Grand Master. Samuel Billings Generalissimo. Benjamin Smith Captain General. Joshua Eaton Senior Warden. Thomas P. Jackson Junior Warden. Andrew Sigourney Treasurer. Edward Horsman Recorder. William Eaton Sentinel. 1806-08. Henry Fowle M. E. Grand Master. Joshua Eaton Generalissimo. Thomas P. Jackson Captain General. Edward Horsman Senior Warden. John B. Hammatt Junior Warden. Andrew Sigourney Treasurer. Robert Lash, Jr Recorder. Henry Purkitt Marshal. William Barry Sword Bearer. William Learned Standard Bearer. William Eaton Sentinel. i8o8-og. Henry Fowle M. E. Grand Master. Thomas P. Jackson Generalissimo. Henry Purkitt Captain General. John B. Hammatt Senior Warden. William Barry Junior Warden. Andrew Sigourney Treasurer. Robert Lash, Jr. Recorder. Thompson J. Skinner, Jr. . . . Sword Bearer. William Learned . .... Standard Bearer. Seth Johnson Commissary. William Eaton Sentinel. ORGANIZATIONS. 35 i8og-io. Henry Fowle . Henry Purkitt . . John B. Hammatt William Barry . . William Learned . Andrew Sigourney Robert Lash, Jr. . Joseph Gardner . A. Dumesnil . . Seth Johnson . William Eaton . . M. E. Grand Master. Generalissimo. Captain General. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Commissary. Sentinel. 1810-11. Henry Fowle . Henry Purkitt . . John B. Hammatt William Barry . . William Learned . Andrew Sigourney Robert Lash, Jr. . Elisha Wheeler James Gilchrist Seth Johnson . . Ebenezer Oliver . M. E. Grand Master. Generalissimo. Captain General. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Commissary. Sentinel. 1811-15. Henry Fowle . . Thomas P. Jackson Henry Purkitt . . John B. Hammatt William Learned . Andrew Sigourney Robert Lash, Jr. . Elisha Wheeler . James Gilchrist Seth Johnson . Ebenezer Oliver M. E. Grand Master Generalissimo. Captain General. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer Commissary. Sentinel. 3(5 BOSTON COMMANDEKY. 1815-16. Henry Fowle . . Thomas P. Jackson Henry Purkitt . . Robert Lash, Jr. Alexander Bowers Andrew Sigourney John J. Loring . Elisha Wheeler James Gilchrist Seth Johnson Ebenezer Oliver . Henry Fowle . . Thomas P. Jackson Henry Purkitt Robert Lash, Jr. Alexander Bowers John J. Loring . Andrew Sigourney Elisha Wheeler Samuel Howe William Barry Z. G. Whitman Ebenezer Oliver M. E. Grand Master. Generalissimo. Captain General. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Commissary. Sentinel. 1816-17. M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Sentinel. 1817-18. Henry Fowle . . Thomas P. Jackson William Barry . . Robert Lash, Jr. . Alexander Bowers John J. Loring . Andrew Sigourney . Elisha Wheeler . William Learned Samuel Howe Z. G. Whitman Nathaniel Hammond E. V. Glover M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Master of Wardrobe. Commissary and Sentinel. ORGAMZATIOXS. 1818-19. Henry Fowie . Robert Lash, Jr. William Barry. . . Rev. John R. Cotting Alexander Bowers John J. Loring . . Andrew Sigourney Elisha Wheeler Samuel Howe . Simeon Copps . . Charles C. Nichols . Nathaniel Hammond E. V. Glover . . Henry Fowle . Robert Lash, Jr. William Barry . Rev. John R. Cotting Alexander Bowers Isaac McGaw . Samuel Howe . Simeon Copps . L. Q; C. Bowles . . Nathaniel Hammond E. V. Glover . . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Master of Wardrobe. Commissary and Sentinel. i8ig-2o. M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Master of Wardrobe. Commissary and Sentinel. 1820-21. Henry Fowle . Robert Lash, Jr. . William Barry . . . Rev. Cheever Felch . Alex.inder Bowers John J. Loring . Andrew Sigourney* Elisha Wheeler . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. * Deceased. John J. Loring Treasurer from Xoveinbi r 4, iSa^ 38 BOSTON COJDHANDEKY. Samuel Howe . Simeon Copps . L. C^C. Bowles . . Nathaniel Hammond Ebenezer Oliver . . Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Master of Wardrobe. Commissary and Sentinel. 1821-22. Henry Fowle M. E. Grand Commander. Robert Lash, Jr. Generalissimo. William Barry Captain General. Rev. John R. Cotting .... Prelate. Alexander Bowers Senior Warden. Samuel Howe Junior Warden. Henry Purkitt Treasurer. John J. Loring Recorder. Galen Holmes Sword Bearer. Simeon Copps Standard Bearer. Jacob Amee Warder. William Bittle Third Guard. Samuel Wales Second Guard. James Morgan . First Guard. Ebenezer Oliver Commissary and Sentinel. 1822-23. Henry Fowle M. E. Grand Commander. Robert Lash, Jr Generalissimo. William Barry Captain General. Rev. John R. Cotting .... Prelate. Alexander Bowers Senior Warden. Samuel Howe . . .... Junior Warden. Henry Purkitt Treasurer. John J. Loring Recorder. Galen Holmes Sword Bearer. Simeon Copps . . .... Standard Bearer. Jacob Amee Warder. William Bittle Third Guard. Samuel Wales . . ... Second Guard. James Morgan . . . . First Guard. Ebenezer Oliver . ... Sentinel. ORGANIZATIONS. 39 1823-24. Henry Fowle Robert Lash, Jr. . Alexander Bowers Rev. John R. Getting Asa Raymond . . Abraham A. Dame William Barry . . John J. Loring Michael Roulstone Galen Holmes . . Jacob Amee . James Morgan . William Bittle . . William Pierce, Jr. Ebenezer Oliver M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Sentinel. 1824-25 Robert Lash, Jr. . John J. Loring Alexander Bowers Rev. John R. Cotting As.i Raymond Abraham A. Dame William Barry Samuel Howe Michael Roulstone Galen Holmes Jacob Amee . . William Bittle Sewall Fisk . James Morgan . Ebenezer Oliver M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior W.irden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Sentinel. John J. Loring . . . Edward A. Raymond Abraham A. Dame 1825-26. M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. 40 BOSTON COMMANDERY. Rev. John R. Cotting Thomas Power William J. Whipple Jacob Amee . Samuel Howe Galen Holmes Sewall Fisk . James Morgan William Emerson William Weir, Jr. . Luther Parker . William Bittle . Ebenezer Oliver . Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Sentinel. 1826-27. John J. Loring . . Edward A. Raymond Abraham A. Dame . Thomas Power . . William J. Whipple . Jacob Amee .... Samuel Howe . . Galen Holmes . Sewall Fisk .... Alexander Bowers M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. 1827-28. Abraham A. Dame . Edward A. Raymond Thomas Power . . Robert Lash, Jr. . Alexander Bowers William J. Whipple . Jacob Amee . Samuel Howe Galen Holmes John Nichols Samuel Wales John Hews . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. ORGANIZATIONS. 41 1828-29. Abraham A. Dame . Edward A. Raymond Thomas Power Robert Lash, Jr. . . John Hews .... Benjamin Graves . Jacob Amee . . Samuel Howe . . . Michael Roulstone Galen Holmes . John Nichols Gilbert Nurse . Charles Williams . Samuel Wales . . . Gardner Greenleaf William Bittle . Ebenezer Oliver M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Sentinel. 1829-30. Abraham A. Dame . Edward A. Raymond Thomas Power . . Robert Lash, Jr. . . John Hews . Benjamin Graves . . Jacob Amee . Samuel Howe . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. 1830-31. Edward A. Raymond Thomas Power John Hews .... Robert Lash, Jr. John J. Loring . . Abraham A. Dame . Jacob Amee . . Samuel Howe . . . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. 42 BOSTON COMJIANDERy. Michael Roulstone Sword Bearer. Galen Holmes Standard Bearer. John Nichols Standard Bearer. Gilbert Nurse . Warder. Charles Williams Third Guard. Samuel Wales Second Guard. Gardner Greenleaf First Guard. William Bittle . . .... Armorer. Ebenezer Oliver .... Sentinel. 1831-32. Edward A. Raymond Thomas Power John Hews Robert Lash, Jr. . John J. Loring Abraham A. Dame Jacob Amee . . Samuel Howe Charles Williams . Galen Holmes . Peter Dunbar Gilbert Nurse . Gardner Greenleaf Charles W. Moore William Eaton . Ebenezer Oliver M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Sentinel. 1832-33. Thomas Power Gilbert Nurse . James Esterbrook Robert Lash, Jr. . John Flint . . . Charles W. Moore Jacob Amee . . . Samuel Howe . . Charles Williams . William Eaton . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. ORGANIZATIONS. 43 Daniel Harwood . . . . Warder. Winslow Lewis, Jr. . . . Third Guard. Ruel Baker Second Guard. Nahum Capen . First Guard. Winslow Lewis, Jr Armorer. Ebenezer Oliver Sentinel. 1833-34- John Hews . M. E. Grand Commander. Gilbert Nurse Generalissimo. John Flint Captain General. Charles W. Moore Prelate. Daniel Harwood . . . . Senior Warden. Winslow Lewis, Jr. . . Junior Warden. Jacob Amee Treasurer. Samuel Howe Recorder. Charles Williams Sword Bearer. Gardner Greenleaf Standard Bearer. William Eaton . Standard Bearer. Ruel Baker . . Warder. Peter Dunbar Third Guard. Galen Holmes . . . . Second Guard. Amos Stevens . ... First Guard. William C. Martin Sentinel. 1834-35- John Hews M. E. Grand Commander. Gilbert Nurse . . . Generalissimo. John Flint Captain General. Charles W. Moore Prelate. Daniel Harwood Senior Warden. Winslow Lewis, Jr Junior Warden. Jacob Amee Treasurer. Samuel Howe Recorder. Charles Williams Sword Bearer. Gardner Greenleaf .... Standard Bearer. William Eaton Standard Bearer. Ruel Baker . Warder. Peter Dunbar Third Guard. 44 BOSTON COMMANDERY. Galen Holmes . . Amos Stevens . . William C. Martin Gilbert Nurse . . John Flint . . . Charles W. Moore Daniel Harwood . . Winslow Lewis, Jr.* Ruel Baker . . Jacob Amee . Samuel Howe . Charles Williams . . William Eaton . . . Benjamin D. Baldwin John R. Bradford . . Simon W. Robinson . Peter Dunbar . . Galen Holmes . . William C. Martin Second Guard. First Guard. Sentinel. John Flint Charles W. Moore Daniel Harwood . John B. Hammatt. Ruel Baker . . . John R. Bradford . Jacob Amee . Samuel Howe . . Charles Williams . William Eaton . Benjamin D. Baldwin Simon W. Robinson William Bittle . . . Winslow Lewis, Jr. . Samuel Wales . William C. Martin 1835-36. M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Sentinel. 1836-37. M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Sentinel. * winslow Lewis, Jr., was cliosen Librarian and Armorer Nov. iS, 1835. OKGANIZATIONS. 45 1837-38. John Flint . Charles W. Moore Daniel Harwood John B. Hammatt Ruel Baker . . John R. Bradford . Jacob Amee . Samuel Howe . Simon W. Robinson William Eaton . . Benjamin D. Baldwin Hugh H. Tuttle Edwin Barnes Samuel Wales . Luther Hamilton Winslow Lewis, Jr. William C. Martin M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer and Librarian. Sentinel. 1838-39. Charles W. Moore . Daniel Harwood . John B. Hammatt Luther Hamilton . Ruel Baker . . John R. Bradford . Jacob Amee . Samuel Howe . Simon W. Robinson . William Eaton . . Benjamin D. Baldwin Hugh H. Tuttle Edwin Barnes Samuel Wales . William Bittle . . . Winslow Lewis, Jr. William C. Martin RL E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer and Librarian. Sentinel. 46 BOSTON COMMANDERY. 1839-40. Daniel Harwood John B. Hammatt Ruel Baker . . Luther Hamilton John R. Bradford Hugh H. Tuttle Jacob Amee . . Samuel Howe . Joshua Tucker . William Eaton . Charles Williams Winslow Lewis, Jr John Flint . . Charles W. Moore Simon W. Robinson Winslow Lewis, Jr. Hugh H. Tuttle . William C. Martin M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Armorer. Sentinel. 1840-41. Daniel Harwood . ... M. E. Grand Commander. John B. Hammatt* Generalissimo. Ruel Baker Captain General. Luther Hamilton Prelate. John R. Bradford Senior Warden. Hugh H. Tuttle Junior Warden. Jacob Amee . Treasurer. Winslow Lewis, Jr Recorder. Smith W. Nichols . . . Sword Bearer. Charles Williams Standard Bearer. Simon W. Robinson . . . Warder. Edwin Barnes Third Guard. George L. Oakes .... . Second Guard. William Ward First Guard. William C. Martin . . . Sentinel. * John B. Hammatt resigned the office of Generalissimo and John J. Loring was elected and installed to fill his place May 19, 1S41. OEGANIZATIONS. 47 1841-43. Ruel Baker . Simon W. Robinson Winslow Lewis, Jr. Abraham A. Dame Edward A. Raymond Edwin Barnes . . Jacob Amee . . . Theodore A. Dame* Smith W. Nichols Charles Williams . Francis L. Raymond William Eaton . . George L. Oakes . William Ward . . John Flint . . . William C. Martin . M. E. Grand Commander. . Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. . Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. . Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Sentinel. 1842-43. John B. Hammatt Winslow Lewis, Jr. . William Eaton . Charles W. Moore Edwin Barnes . . . George L. Oakes . . Jacob Amee . . . . Gilbert Nurse . . . Simon W. Robinson Charles Williams . . John R. Bradford . Hugh H. Tuttle . Samuel Wales . . . Francis L. Raymond Ruel Baker .... William C. Martin . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Sentinel. ' Gilbert Nurse acted as Recorder from May 4, 1S43. 48 BOSTON COMMANDERY. 1843-44. John B. Hammatt . . Win slow Lewis, Jr. . John R. Bradford . Luther Hamilton George L. Oakes Hugh H. Tuttle Jacob Amee . . Gilbert Nurse* . Joshua Tucker . Charles Williams . . Francis L. Raymond. Smith W. Nichols Joseph W. Wardt . Osgood Eatont Ruel Baker . . William C. Martin . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Sentinel. 1844-45. Winslow Lewis, Jr. John R. Bradford . George L. Oakes . . . Rev. Eleazer M. P. Wells Hugh H. Tuttle . William O. Parker . Jacob AmeeJ . . Calvin Whiting John H. Lord . Charles Williams Samuel Pearee . Peter C. Jones . . . Freeman C. Raymond Hamilton Willis M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo- Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. * Gilbert Nurse resigned as Recorder and Calvin Whiting was elected March 20, 1S44. t Joseph "W. Ward, Second Guard, and Osgood Saton, First Guard, resigned, and F. C. Raymond was installed Second Guard and Peter C. Jones First Guard. X Deceased. Ruel Baker elected and installed Treasurer December 18, 1S44. ORGANIZATIONS. 49 Horace G. Barrus . Ruel Baker . . . William C. Martin Winslow Lewis, Jr. . John R. Bradford . Samuel Pearce .... Rev. Eleazer M. P. Wells Hugh H. Tuttle . Gilbert Nurse . Ruel Baker . Calvin Whiting Smith W. Nichols Charles Williams . . George W. Warren Peter C. Jones .... Freeman C. Raymond . Hamilton Willis . William B. Oliver William C. Martin Organist. Armorer. Sentinel. 1845-46. 1846-47. John R. Bradford . . Samuel Pearce . . . Hugh H. Tuttle . . Charles W. Moore Peter C. Jones . . . Gilbert Nurse Ruel Baker . Calvin Whiting . . Freeman C. Raymond Charles Williams . Hamilton Willis . . Smith W. Nichols . Albert Griswold . . Albert H. Kelsey . William B. Oliver Winslow Lewis, Jr. William C. Martin . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Sentinel. M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Assistant Armorer. Sentinel. 50 BOSTON OOSEHANDERY. 1847-4S. John R. Bradford . . . M. E. Grand Commander. Samuel Pearce . Generalissimo. Hugh H. Tattle Captain General. Rev. Addison Searle .... Prelate. Albert H. Kelsey - . . Senior Warden. Gilbert Nurse .... . . Junior Warden. Ruel Baker* Treasurer. Calvin Whiting Recorder. Freeman C. Raymond .... Sword Bearer. Charles Williams Standard Bearer. Hamilton Willis Warder. George Tucker Third Guard. Joseph Barnard ... . Second Guard. William W. Baker .... First Guard. William B. Hawes Armorer. William C. Martin Sentinel. 1848-49. Samuel Pearce .... . . M. E. Grand Commander. Daniel Harwood Generalissimo. Nahum Ball ... .... Captain General. Rev. Addison Searle . . . Prelate. George M. Thacher Senior Warden. William W. Baker Junior Warden. Ebenezer Smith . .... Treasurer. Calvin Whiting Recorder. Freeman C. Raymond .... Sword Bearer. Peter C. Jones Standard Bearer. John McClellan Warder. Third Guard. Elisha v. Glover, Jr Second Guard. Joseph Barnard First Guard. Winslow Lewis, Jr Armorer. William B. Hawes . . Assistant Armorer. Hugh H. Tuttle Sentinel. * Deceased. Ebenezer Smith elected Treasurer February 16, 1S4S. ORGANIZATIONS. 51 1849-50. Samuel Pearce . . Daniel Harwood . Nahum Ball . . . Rev. Stephen Lovell George M. Thacher . William W. Baker . Ebenezer Smith . . Calvin Whiting . . Freeman C. Raymond Noah Butts .... John McClellan . Smith W. Nichols . Joseph Ellis .... Henry M. Woodward William C. Martin M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Sentinel. 1850-51. Daniel Harwood . . Nahum Ball .... William W. Baker . Rev. Stephen Lovell John McClellan . . Hugh H. Tuttle . . Ebenezer Smith . Calvin Whiting . . Freeman C. Raymond . Noah Butts Peter C. Jones .... Joseph Ellis Nathaniel Y. Culbertson Jonathan Peirce . . . George Tucker . . William C. Mai-tin . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Sentinel. 52 BOSTON COMMANDBKY. 1851-52. Daniel Harwood . . William W. Baker George M. Thacher* Rev. Stephen Lovell John McClellan . William Ellison Ebenezer Smith Calvin Whiting Freeman C. Raymond Noah Butts .... Charles B. F. Adams Benjamin F. Tenney Samuel G. Tower George Stimpson, Jr.f George Tucker William C. Martin M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Sentinel. 1852-53. Daniel Harwood . . William W. Baker Peter C. Jones . Rev. Stephen Lovell John McClellan . William Ellison Ebenezer Smith Calvin Whiting Freeman C. Raymond Noah Butts .... Charles B. F. Adams Benjamin F. Tenney Calvin M. Thompson Sanford M. Hunt . Winslow Lewis William C. Martin . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Sentinel. * Resigned Novemberip, 1851, and Peter C. Jones installed as Captain General December 17, iSsi. t Resigned. Calvin M. Thompson installed as First Guard December 17, 1S51. ORGANIZATIONS. 1853-54. Daniel Harwood . Winslow Lewis Gilbert Nurse . . Rev. Stephen Lovell John McClellan William Ellison . Ebenezer Smith . . Calvin Whiting . . Freeman C. Raymond Noah Butts .... Charles B. F. Adams Benjamin F. Tenney Sanford M. Hunt . Henry F. Durant . Horace G. Barrus William C. Martin M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Organist. Armorer. Sentinel. 1854-55. Daniel Harwood Winslow Lewis . . Gilbert Nurse . . . Rev. Stephen Lovell John McClellan . William Ellison Ebenezer Smith . Calvin Whiting . . Freeman C. Raymond Noah Butts .... Charles B. F. Adams Benjamin F. Tenney Sanford M. Hunt . . Henry F. Durant . Horace G. Barrus William C. Martin . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Organist. Sentinel. 54 BOSTON COMMANDERY. 1855-56- Daniel Harwood . . . Winslow Lewis . . . Gilbert Nurse .... Rev. Stephen Lovell John McClellan . . . William Ellison . . . John K. Hall .... Calvin Whiting . . . Freeman C. Raymond . Noah Butts Charles B. F. Adams . Benjamin F. Tenney William H. L. Smith . Solon Thornton . . . Horace G. Barrus . . . William C. Martin . . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Organist. Sentinel. 1856-57. Daniel Harwood . . Winslow Lewis . . Gilbert Nurse . . . Rev. Stephen Lovell John McClellan . . William Ellison . . John K. Hall . Calvin Whiting* . . Freeman C. Raymond Noah Butts .... Charles B. F. Adams Benjamin F. Tenney William H. L. Smith Solon Thornton . . Winslow Lewis Horace G. Barrus . William C. Martin . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. ♦ Deceased. Stephen Lovell was installed as Recorder on Sept. 16, 1S57, ORGANIZATIONS. 55 1857-58. William Ellison Winslow Lewis Charles B. F. Adams Rev. William R. Alger John K. Hall . . . Wyzeman Marshall . John McClellan . . Stephen Lovell John F. Edwards . Noah Butts .... Andrew Lanergan Solon Thornton . James M. Burgess Henry C. Stratton Winslow Lewis Horace G. Barrus William C. Martin M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. 1858-59. William Ellison Winslow Lewis . . Charles B. F. Adams Rev. William R. Alger John K. Hall . . . Wyzeman Marshall . John McClellan . . William H. L. Smith Freeman C. Raymond Noah Butts . . . Andrew Lanergan Solon Thornton . . James M. Burgess Henry C. Stratton Horace G. Barrus . William C. Martin M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Organist. Sentinel. 56 BOSTON COMMANDEKY. 1859-60. William Ellison . John K. Hall . . . . Charles B. F. Adams Rev. Noah M. Gaylord . Wyzeman Marshall . Andrew Lanergan Benjamin F. Tenney William H. L. Smith William Bogle . Freeman C. Raymond Charles C. Dame . James M. Burgess William Pearce George Haslett Jacob C. Phelps . . Horace G. Barrus . William C. Martin . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. 1860-61. William Ellison . . John K. Hall . . . Wyzeman Marshall . Rev. William R. Alger Charles C. Dame . . Nicholas Hathaway . Benjamin F. Tenney Solon Thornton William Bogle . . . Samuel W. Clifford . William Pearce Edward A. White . . Sylvester Trull . . Benjamin F. Wilson . Eben F. Gay . . . Horace G. Barrus . . William C. Martin . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden . Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. ORGANIZATIONS. 57 1861-62. John K. Hall . . . Wyzeman Marshall Charles C. Dame . . Rev. William R. Alger Edward A. White . . Charles E. Powers Benjamin F. Tenney Solon Thornton . . Thomas S. Leland William H. Kent . William Pearce George Haslet . . . Lemuel D. Mudge George W. Appleton Eben F. Gay . . . Horace G. Barrus . William C. Martin M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. 1862-63. John K. Hall . . Wyzeman Marshall Charles C. Dame . . . Rev. William R. Alger . Edward A. White . . . Charles E. Powers . Benjamin F. Tenney Solon Thornton . Thomas S. Leland . . William Say ward . George Haslet . Lyman B. Meston . . George W. Appleton Henry Endicott . . Eben F. Gay .... Horace G. Barrus . . . Luther L. Tarbell . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. 58 BOSTON COMMANDERY. 1863-64. John K. Hall M. E. Grand Commander. Wyzeman Marshall Generalissimo. Charles C. Dame Captain General. Rev. William R. Alger .... Prelate. Edward A. White Senior Warden. Charles E. Powers Junior Warden. Benjamin F. Tenney .... Treasurer. Solon Thornton Recorder. George W. Appleton .... Sword Bearer. William Sayward Standard Bearer. Lyman B. Meston Warder. Henry Endicott Third Guard. Thomas S. Leland Second Guard. George E. Cook First Guard. Eben F. Gay Armorer. Horace G. Barrus Organist. Luther L. Tarbell Sentinel. 1864-65. Wyzeman Marshall . Charles C. Dame . Charles E. Powers . Rev. William R. Alger Edward A. White . . Elihu C. Baker . . Benjamin F. Tenney Solon Thornton . . I. M. Rodocanachi . William Sayward . . Lyman B. Meston Henry Endicott Thomas S. Leland Samuel Mason, Jr. Eben F. Gay . . Horace G. Barrus Luther L. Tarbell M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. ORGANIZATIONS. 59 1865-ee. Wyzeman Marshall . . Charles C. Dame . Charles E. Powers . . Rev. William R. Alger . , Rev. John P. Robinson Edward A. White . . . . William Sayward . . . Benjamin F. Tenney . , Solon Thornton . . . . Sylvester Trull . . , Henry C. Hunt . . . , Henry Endicott . . Samuel Mason, Jr. . . , Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr. George E. Hall . . . . Eben F. Gay Horace G. Barrus . . . Luther L. Tarbell . . . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Assistant Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. 1866-67. Charles C. Dame . . Charles E. Powers . Edward A. White . . Rev. William R. Alger Rev. John P. Robinson William Sayward . . Henry Endicott . . Benjamin F. Tenney Solon Thornton . . Sylvester Trull Henry C. Hunt Samuel Mason, Jr. . Zephaniah H. Thomas, Samuel W. Clifford . J. Francis Lotts Eben F. Gay . Horace G. Barrus . Jr. M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Acting Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. 60 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. 1867-68. Charles E. Powers William Sayward . William H. Kent . . Rev. John P. Robinson Henry C. Hunt . . . Samuel Mason, Jr. Benjamin F. Tenney Solon Thornton . . Thomas S. Leland . Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr. Gideon Haynes . . Samuel B. Hildreth . . Nathaniel A. Woodbury Seranus Bowen Eben F. Gay . Horace G. Barrus . . . George H. Pike . M. E. Grand Commander. . Generalissimo. . Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. . Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. 1868-69. Charles E. Powers William Sayward . Henry Endicott . . . Rev. John P. Robinson Gideon Haynes . . Samuel Mason, Jr. Benjamin F. Tenney Solon Thornton . . Thomas S. Leland . . Nathaniel A. Woodbury Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr Samuel B. Hildreth . . Seranus Bowen James H. Upham Eben F. Gay . John B. Rhodes . . . George H. Pike M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. ORGANIZATIONS. 61 1869-70. William Saywaid . Henry Endicott Gideon Haynes . . . Rev. John P. Robinson Samuel Mason, Jr. . . . Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr. Edward A. White . J. Francis Lotts Seranus Bowen Alexander K. Bryer James H. Upham . Joseph N. Peirce, Jr. John L. Stevenson Edward J. Long Eben F. Gay . . John B. Rhodes George H. Pike . . . M. E. Grand Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. . Prelate. Senior Warden. . Junior Warden. . Treasurer. . Recorder. . Sword Bearer. . Standard Bearer. . Warder. . Third Guard. . Second Guard. . First Guard. . Armorer. . Organist. . Sentinel. COMMANDERY OF KNIGHTS TEMPLARS. 1870-71. William Sayward . . Henry Endicott . Gideon Haynes . . . Rev. John P. Robinson Samuel Mason, Jr. . . Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr Edward A. White . . . J. Francis Lotts Seranus Bowen Alexander K. Bryer . . James H. Upham . Joseph N. Peirce, Jr. . John L. Stevenson Edward J. Long Eben F. Gay John B. Rhodes . . George H. Pike Eminent Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Gu.-a-d. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. 62 BOSTON COMMANDEKY. 1871-72. Henry Endicott . . . Gideon Haynes Samuel Mason, Jr. . . Rev. John P. Robinson Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr. James H. Upham . . Edward A. White . George S. Eastman . Samuel C. Lawrence John L. Stevenson . Joseph N. Peirce, Jr. Edward J. Long . . William F. Peirce Edward T. Nichols . Alexander K. Bryer . John B. Rhodes . . Frederick A. Pierce . 1872-73. Henry Endicott . . . . Samuel C. Lawrence Samuel Mason, Jr. . . . Rev. John P. Bland . . . Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr. James H. Upham . . . . Edward A. White . . . . George S. Eastman . . . J. Francis Lotts . . . . John L. Stevenson . . . Edward J. Long . . . . William F. Peirce . . . Edward T. Nichols . Joseph Williams . . . . Frederick A. Pierce . . . 1873-74. Samuel C. Lawrence . . Samuel Mason, Jr. . . . Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr. Eminent Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Armorer. Organist. Sentinel. Eminent Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. Sentinel. Eminent Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. ORGANIZATIONS. 63 Rev. John P. Bland ... . Prelate. James H. Uphara Senior Warden. J. Francis Lotts Junior Warden. Edward A. White Treasurer. William Ellison Recorder. John L. Stevenson Sword Bearer. Edward J. Long Standard Bearer. William F. Peirce Warder. Edward T. Nichols .... Third Guard. Joseph Williams Second Guard. Francis Doane First Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Benjamin F. Nurse Sentinel. 1874-75. Samuel C. Lawrence .... Eminent Commander. Samuel Mason, Jr Generalissimo. Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr. . . Captain General. Rev. John P. Bland Prelate. James H. Upham Senior Warden. J. Francis Lotts Junior Warden. Edward A. White Treasurer. William Ellison Recorder. John L. Stevenson Sword Bearer. Edward J. Long Standard Bearer. Edwin Wright Warder. Edward T. Nichols Third Guard. Joseph Williams Second Guard. Francis Doane First Guard. William J. Stevens First Assistant Guard Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Benjamin F. Nurse Sentinel. 1875-76. Samuel Mason, Jr. . . . . Eminent Commander. Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr. . Generalissimo. James H. Upham . . Captain General. 64 BOSTON COMMANDEKY. Rev. John P. Bland Prelate. J. Francis Lotts .... Senior Warden. John L. Stevenson Junior Warden. Edward A. White . ... Treasurer. William Ellison Recorder. Edward J. Long .... Sword Bearer. Caleb Bowker . .... Standard Bearer. Edwin Wright Warder. Edward T. Nichols Third Guard. Joseph Williams . . . Second Guard. Francis Doane ... . . First Guard. William J. Stevens First Assistant Guard. Eugene H. Richards Second Assistant Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Benjamin F. Nurse Sentinel. 1876-77. Samuel Mason, Jr. . . Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr. James H. Upham . Rev. John P. Bland J. Francis Lotts . John L. Stevenson Edward A. White . William Ellison . Edward T. Nichols Caleb Bowker . . Edwin Wright . Joseph Williams Francis Doane . . William J. Stevens Eugene H. Richards James M. Gleason William A. Bunton Alexander K. Bryer John B. Rhodes . Benjamin F. Nurse Eminent Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden . Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. First Assistant Guard. Second Assistant Guard. Third Assistant Guard. Armorer. Musical Director. Sentinel. ORGANIZATIONS. 65 1877-78. James H. Upham . . . Eminent Commander. J. Francis Lotts . . . Generalissimo. John L. Stevenson .... Captain General. Rev. John P. Bland Prelate. Edwin Wright Senior Warden. Eugene H. Richards Junior Warden. Edward A. White Treasurer. Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr. . Recorder. Joseph Williams Sword Bearer. Caleb Bowker Standard Bearer. John H. Lakin Warder. James M. Gleason . . . ~ . . Third Guard. William A. Bunton Second Guard. George W. Bunton . . . . First Guard. J. Frederick Sampson .... First Assistant Guard. Eugene A. Holton Second Assistant Guard. Edward Coggins .... . Third Assistant Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Benjamin F. Nurse Sentinel. 1878-79. James H. Upham Eminent Commander. J. Francis Lotts . ... Generalissimo. John L. Stevenson Captain General. Rev. John P. Bland . . . Prelate. Edwin Wright Senior Warden. Eugene H. Richards. . . . Junior Warden. Edward A. White Treasurer. Zephaniah H. Thomas, Jr. . . Recorder. Joseph Williams Sword Bearer. Caleb Bowker Standard Bearer. John H. Lakin Warder. James M. Gleason . . . Third Guard. William A. Bunton .... Second Guard. George W. Bunton First Guard. J. Frederick Sampson . . . First Assistant Guard. Eugene A. Holton . . Second Assistant Guard. 66 BOSTON OOMMANDEKY. Edward Coggins Third Assistant Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Benjamin F. Nurse Sentinel-i 1879-80. J. Francis Lotts Eminent Commander. John L. Stevenson Generalissimo. Edwin Wright Captain General. Rev. John P. Bland Prelate. Eugene H. Richards Senior Warden. James M. Gleason Junior Warden. Edward A. White Treasurer. Zephaniah H. Thomas .... Recorder. Joshua F. Sampson Sword Bearer. Joseph Williams Standard Bearer. William A. Bunton Warder. George W. Bunton Third Guard. Eugene A. Holton Second Guard. Edward Coggins First Guard. Charles F. Atwood First Assistant Guard. William L. Lathrop Second Assistant Guard. Charles H. Baldwin Third Assistant Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes ...... Musical Director. Benjamin F. Nurse Sentinel. i88o-8i. J. Francis Lotts Eminent Commander. John L. Stevenson Generalissimo. Edwin Wright Captain General. Rev. John P. Bland Prelate. Eugene H. Richards Senior Warden. James M. Gleason Junior Warden. Edward A. White Treasurer. Zephaniah H. Thomas .... Recorder. J. Frederick Sampson .... Sword Bearer. Joseph Williams Standard Bearer. William A. Bunton Warder. OEGAIOZATIONS. 67 George W. Bunton Third Guard. Eugene A. Holton Second Guard. Edward Coggins First Guard. Charles F. Atwood First Assistant Guard. William L. Lathrop Second Assistant Guard. Charles H. Baldwin Third Assistant Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Benjamin F. Nurse Sentinel. 1881-82. John L. Stevenson Eminent Commander. Edwin Wright Generalissimo. Eugene H. Richards .... Captain General. Rev. John P. Bland Prelate. James M. Gleason Senior Warden. William A. Bunton Junior Warden. Edward A. White Treasurer. Zephaniah H. Thomas .... Recorder. George W. Bunton Sword Bearer. Thomas F. Temple Standard Bearer. Frederick T. Comee Warder. Eugene A. Holton Third Guard. Edward Coggins Second Guard. Charles F. Atwood First Guard. Otis Eddy First Assistant Guard. George G. Stratton Second Assistant Guard. Edgar F. Hunt Third Assistant Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Benjamin F. Nurse Sentinel. 1882-83, John L. Stevenson Eminent Commander. Edwin Wright Generalissimo. Eugene H. Richards Captain General. Rev. John P. Bland Prelate. James M. Gleason Senior Warden. William A. Bunton Junior Warden. 68 BOSTON OOMMANDEEY. Edward A. White Treasurer. Zephaniah H. Thomas .... Recorder. George W. Bunton Sword Bearer. Thomas F. Temple ..... Standard Bearer. Frederick T. Comee Warder. Eugene A. Holton Third Guard Edward Coggins Second Guard. Charles F. Atwood First Guard. Otis Eddy First Assistant Guard. George G. Stratton Second Assistant Guard. Edgar F. Hunt Third Assistant Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Benjamin F. Nurse Sentinel. 1883-84. Edwin Wright Eminent Commander. Eugene H. Richards Generalissimo. James M. Gleason Captain General. James H. Upham Prelate. William A. Bunton .... Senior Warden. Frederick T. Comee Junior Warden. Edward A. White Treasurer. Zephaniah H. Thomas .... Recorder. Sidney M. Hedges Sword Bearer. Emery D. Leighton Standard Bearer. Leonard B. Nichols Warder. Otis Eddy Third Guard. George G. Stratton Second Guard. Edgar F. Hunt First Guard. John H. North . First Assistant Guard. Edgar O. Dewey Second Assistant Guard. George P. Eustis Third Assistant Guard. Charles O. Burrill Chief of Division. Edward C. Neal Chief of Division. Thomas Merrill Chief of Division. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Benjamin F. Nurse Sentinel. ORGANIZATIONS. 69 1884-85. Frederick T. Comae . Eugene H. Richards . James M. Gleason James M. Upham . . William A. Bunton . Eugene A. Holton . Edward A. White . . Zephaniah H. Thomas'* Charles F. Atwood . Thomas Waterman . Leonard B. Nichols . Otis Eddy .... George G. Stratton . Edgar F. Hunt . John H. North . . . Martin A. Munroe . Edward C. Neal . . Alexander K. Bryer . John B. Rhodes . . Benjamin F. Nurse . Frederick T. Comee Eugene H. Richards James M. Gleason James H. Upham . William A. Bunton Eugene A. Holton Edward A. White . Charles F. Atwood Otis Eddy . . . Thomas Waterman Leonard B. Nichols George G. Stratton Edgar F. Hunt . Harvey N. Shepard Martin A. Munroe Eminent Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. First Assistant Guard. Second Assistant Guard. Third Assistant Guard. Armorer. Musical Director. Sentinel. 1885-86. Eminent Commander. Generalissimo. Captain General. Prelate. Senior Warden. Junior Warden. Treasurer. Recorder. Sword Bearer. Standard Bearer. Warder. Third Guard. Second Guard. First Guard. First Assistant Guard. * Deceased. Charles F. Atwood was elected June t;, iSSs. 70 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. Edward C. Neal Second Assistant Guard. Charles I. Litchfield Third Assistant Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Benjamin F. Nurse Sentinel. 1886-87. Eugene H. Richards .... Eminent Commander. James M. Gleason Generalissimo. Eugene A. Holton Captain General. James H. Upham Prelate. Leonard B. Nichols Senior Warden. Charles I. Litchfield Junior Warden. Edward A. White Treasurer. Charles F. Atwood Recorder. George G. Stratton Sword Bearer. Otis Eddy Standard Bearer. Charles E. Phipps Warder. Edward C. Neal Third Guard. Edgar F. Hunt Second Guard. Henry H. Litchfield First Guard. George A. Gillette First Assistant Guard. Horace P. Blackman .... Second Assistant Guard. Edward F. Jacobs Third Assistant Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Benjamin F. Nurse* Sentinel. 1887-88. Eugene H. Richards Eminent Commander. James M. Gleason Generalissimo. Eugene A. Holton Captain General. Rev. George L. Perin .... Prelate. Leonard B. Nichols Senior Warden. Charles I. Litchfield Junior Warden. Edward A. White Treasurer. Charles F. Atwood Recorder. George G. Stratton Sword Bearer. * Deceased. Edward MacDonald was installed February 16, 18S7. ORGANIZATIONS. 71 Otis Eddy Standard Bearer. Charles E. Phipps ... . Warder. Edward C. Neal Third Guard. Edgar F. Hunt Second Guard. Henry H. Litchfield First Guard. Horace P. Blackman . . . First Assistant Guard. Edward F. Jacobs Second Assistant Guard. Augustus Ridgeway Third Assistant Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes . . . . Musical Director. Edward MacDonald Sentinel. i888-8g. James M. Gleason Eminent Commander. Eugene A. Holton Generalissimo. Leonard B. Nichols Captain General. Rev. George L. Perin .... Prelate. Charles I. Litchfield Senior Warden. Henry H. Litchfield . . . . Junior Warden. Edward A. White Treasurer. Charles F. Atwood Recorder. Edgar F. Hunt Sword Bearer. Edward C. Neal Standard Bearer. William B. Lawrence .... Warder. J. Oilman Waite Third Guard. Horace P. Blackman .... Second Guard. Augustus Ridgeway First Guard. DeWitt Shaffer First Assistant Guard. George W. Storer Second Assistant Guard. Edward G. Tilton Third Assistant Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Edward MacDonald Sentinel. i88g-go. James M. Gleason Eminent Commander. Eugene A. Holton Generalissimo. Leonard B. Nichols Captain General. Rev. George L. Perin* .... Prelate. * Resigned. James H. Upham was installed M.irch 19, 1S90. 72 BOSTON OOMMAKDEEY. Charles I. Litchfield Senior Warden. Henry H. Litchfield Junior Warden. Edward A. White Treasurer. Charles F. Atwood Recorder. Edgar F. Hunt Sword Bearer. Edward C. Neal Standard Bearer. William B. Lawrence .... Warder. J. Oilman Waite Third Guard. Horace P. Blackman Second Guard. Augustus Ridgeway First Guard. DeWitt Shaffer First Assistant Guard. George W. Storer Second Assistant Guard. Edward G. Tilton Third Assistant Guard. Alexander K. Bryer Armorer. J. Frederick Sampson .... Assistant Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Edward MacDonald Sentinel. 1890-91. Eugene A. Holton Eminent Commander. Leonard B. Nichols Generalissimo. Charles I. Litchfield Captain General. James H. Upham Prelate. Henry H. Litchfield Senior Warden. William B. Lawrence .... Junior Warden. Edward A. White* .... Treasurer. Charles F. Atwood Recorder. Edgar F. Hunt Sword Bearer. Edward C. Neal Standard Bearer. J. Oilman Waite Warder. Augustus Ridgeway Third Guard. Horace P. Blackman .... Second Guard. DeWitt Shaffer First Guard. George W. Storer First Assistant Guard. Edward G. Tilton Second Assistant Guard. Warren B. Ellis Third Assistant Guard. J. Frederick Sampson .... Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Edward MacDonald Sentinel. * Deceased. James M. Gleason was elected June 19, 1S91. ORGANIZATIONS. 73 i8gi-g2. Eugene A. Holton Eminent Commander. Leonard B. Nichols Generalissimo. Charles I. Litchfield Captain General. James H. Upham Prelate. Henry H. Litchfield Senior Warden. William B. Lawrence .... Junior Warden. James M. Gleason Treasurer. Charles F. Atwood Recorder. Edgar F. Hunt Sword Bearer. John H. Bowker Standard Bearer. J. Gilman Waite Warder. Augustus Ridgeway Third Guard. Horace P. Blackman .... Second Guard. DeWitt Shaffer First Guard. George W. Storer First Assistant Guard. Edward G. Tilton Second Assistant Guard. George E. Savory Third Assistant Guard. J. Frederick Sampson . . . Armorer. John B. Rhodes ... . Musical Director. Edward MacDonald Sentinel. 1892-93. Leonard B. Nichols Eminent Commander. Charles I. Litchfield Generalissimo. Henry H. Litchfield Captain General. James H. Upham Prelate. William B. Lawrence .... Senior Warden. J. Gilman Waite Junior Warden. James M. Gleason Treasurer. Herbert A. Rhoades Recorder. Otis B. Oakman Standard Bearer. Francis M. Learned Sword Bearer. Augustus Ridgeway Warder. George W. Storer Third Guard. Edward G. Tilton Second Guard. George E. Savory First Guard. Edgar F. Hunt First Assistant Guard. Richard A. Atwood Second Assistant Guard. 74 BOSTON COMMANDERY. Edward P. Upham Third Assistant Guard. J. Frederick Sampson .... Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Edward MacDonald Sentinel. 1893-94. Charles I. Litchfield .... Eminent Commander. Henry H. Litchfield Generalissimo. William B. Lawrence .... Captain General. James H. Upham Prelate. J. Gilman Waite Senior Warden. Augustus Ridgeway Junior Warden. James M. Gleason Treasurer. Herbert A. Rhoades Recorder. Otis B. Oakman Standard Bearer. Edgar F. Hunt Sword Bearer. Francis M. Learned Warder. Edward G. Tilton Third Guard. George E. Savory Second Guard. Richard A. Atwood First Guard. Edward P. Upham First Assistant Guard. Joseph Hubbard Second Assistant Guard. Thomas J. Emery Third Assistant Guard. J. Frederick Sampson .... Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Edward MacDonald Sentinel. 1894-95. Charles I. Litchfield Eminent Commander. Henry H. Litchfield Generalissimo. William B. Lawrence .... Captain General. James H. Upham Prelate. J. Gilman Waite ...... Senior Warden. Augustus Ridgeway Junior Warden. James M. Gleason Treasurer. Herbert A. Rhoades Recorder. Otis B. Oakman Standard Bearer. Edgar F. Hunt Sword Bearer. Francis M. Learned Warder. Edward G. Tilton . . . Third Guard. ORGANIZATIONS. 75 George A. Savory Second Guard. Richard A. Atwood First Guard. Edward P. Upham First Assistant Guard. Thomas J. Emery Second Assistant Guard. George W. Storer Third Assistant Guard. J. Frederick Sampson .... Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Edward MacDonald ... . Sentinel. 1895-96. Henry H. Litchfield Eminent Commander. William B. Lawrence .... Generalissimo. J. Oilman Waite Captain General. James H. Upham Prelate. Augustus Ridgeway Senior Warden. Francis M. Learned Junior Warden. James M. Gleason Treasurer. Herbert A. Rhoades Recorder. Otis B. Oakman Standard Bearer. Edgar F. Hunt Sword Bearer. George W. Storer Warder. Edward G. Tilton Third Guard. George E. Savory Second Guard. Richard A. Atwood First Guard. Edward P. Upham First Assistant Guard. Thomas J. Emery Second Assistant Guard. Charles S. Damrell Third Assistant Guard. J. Frederick Sampson .... Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Edward MacDonald Sentinel. Henry H. Litchfield . William B. Lawrence J. Oilman Waite . . Rev. George L. Perin Augustus Ridgeway . Francis M. Learned . James M. Gleason 1896-97. . Eminent Commander. . Generalissimo. . Captain General. . Prelate. . Senior Warden. . Junior Warden. . Treasurer. 76 BOSTON COMMANDERY. Herbert A. Rhoades Recorder. George E. Savory ... . Standard Bearer. Edgar F. Hunt Sword Bearer. John H. Bowker Warder. Rinaldo B. Richardson .... Third Guard. Richard A. Atwood Second Guard. Charles S. Damrell First Guard. James S. Blake First Assistant Guard. Jesse E. Ames Second Assistant Guard. Will A. Murtfeldt Third Assistant Guard. J. Frederick Sampson .... Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Edward MacDonald Sentinel. 1897-98. William B. Lawrence .... Eminent Commander. J. Gilman Waite Generalissimo. Augustus Ridgeway Captain General. Rev. George L. Perin .... Prelate. James H. Upham Associate Prelate. John H. Bowker Senior Warden. Rinaldo B. Richardson .... Junior Warden. James M. Gleason Treasurer. Herbert A. Rhoades ... . Recorder. John H. Houghton Standard Bearer. Edgar F. Hunt Sword Bearer. Richard A. Atwood Warder. Charles S. Damrell Third Guard. James S. Blake Second Guard. Jesse E. Ames First Guard. Will A. Murtfeldt First Assistant Guard. Joseph T. Paul Second Assistant Guard. John H. MacAlman Third Assistant Guard. Abbott L. Aldrich Fourth Assistant Guard. J. Frank Hadley Fifth Assistant Guard. Leon M. Abbott Sixth Assistant Guard. J. Frederick Sampson .... Armorer. John B. Rhodes Musical Director. Edward MacDonald Sentinel. COMMANDERS. From Organization to A.D. 1898. NAMES. ELECTED. *Rt. E Sir Henry Fowle March, 1802 *Rt. E Sir Robert Lash . . . . May, 1S24 *Rt. E Sir John James Loring . October, iS^S *Rt. E Sir Abraham Annis Dame . . October, 1S27 *Rt. E Sir Edward Asa Raymond . . October, 1830 *E Sir Thomas Power ... October, 1832 *Rt. E Sir John Hews ... April, 'S33 *E Sir Gilbert Nurse October, 183s *Rt. E. Sir John Flint December ,1836 *Rt. E. Sir Charles Whitlock Moore October, 1838 *Rt. E. Sir Daniel Harwood .... October, 1839 *Rt. E. Sir Ruel Baker . . . . October, 1841 »Rt. E. Sir John Barrett Hammatt . October, 1842 *Rt. E. Sir WiNSLOw Lewis .... October, 1844 *Rt. E. Sir John Rufus Bradford . . October, 1S46 *E. Sir Samuel Pearce October, 1S4S •Rt. E. Sir Daniel Harwood . October, 1850 *Rt. E. Sir William Ellison .... October, 1857 E. Sir John Kettell Hall . . . October, 186 1 *E. Sir Wyzeman Marshall . . . October, 1864 E. Sir Charles Chase Dame . . October, 1866 *E. Sir Charles Edward Powers . . October, 1S67 *E. Sir William Sayward . . . . October, 1869 E. Sir Henry Endicott . . . . October, 1871 Rt. E. Sir Samuel Crocker Lawrence . October, 'S73 *E. Sir Samuel Mason, Jr October, iS7S E. Sir James Humphreys Upham . . October, 1877 E. Sir Jacob Francis Lotts . . . October, 1879 »E. Sir John Lindsay Stevenson . •^ Deceased. October, 1881 78 BOSTON COMMANDEET. NAMES. ELECTED. E. Sir Edwin Wright October, 1883 E. Sir Frederick Thomas Comee . October, 1884 Rt. E. Sir Eugene Hervey Richards . October, 1886 E. Sir James Mellen Gleason . . October, 1888 E. Sir Eugene Alexander Holton . October, 1890 E. Sir Leonard Bailey Nichols . . October, 1892 E. Sir Charles Ira Litchfield . . October, 1893 E. Sir Henry Howland Litchfield, October, 1895 E. Sir William Badger Lawrence . October, 1897 HONORARY MEMBERS. *s *s *s *s *s *Rev. S *Rev. S *S: *S *S: *S *S ♦E. S *S *Rt. E. S *Rt. E. S *Rt. E. S: *Rt. E. S *Rt. E. S *Rt. E. S *Rt. E. S *Rt. E. S: *E. S *Rt. E. S: E. S *E. S E. S *E. S *Rev. S *E. S ♦Rev. E. S E.S HONORARY NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. r Nathaniel Weld Dec. 11,1805 r Samuel Billings Nov. 26, 1S06 r Henry Purkitt Feb. 26,1807 r Benjamin HuRD, Jr Mar. 25, 1807 r Benjamin Smith Mar. 25, 1S07 r John R. Cotting ... . May 20, 1818 r Cheever Felch ... . . May 20, 1818 rSETH Johnson May 1,1819 r Thomas P. Jackson . . May 12, 1819 r William Learned . . . May ;o, 1820 rjAMEs Gilchrist . . Nov. 6, 1S22 r Charles C. Nichols Oct. 13, 1S24 r Gilbert Nurse ... . . Oct. 19,1836 r Samuel Wales .... . Sept. 20, 1S4S rJoHN Barrett Hammatt . Nov. 21, 1849 r John Hews . Mar. 20, 1S50 rRoBERT Lash Dec. 21,1853 r Abraham Annis Dame .... Sept. 15, 1855 rJoHN RuFUS Bradford . . Sept. 15, IS^5 r John Flint Dec. 17, 1856 r Daniel Harwood . . . Dec. 17,1856 rWiNSLOW Lewis . . . Dec. 17, 1856 r Samuel Pearce . . Dec. 17, 1S56 r William Ellison ... . Mar. 16, 1870 rJoHN Kettell Hall ... . Mar. 16, 1S70 rWvzEMAN Marshall ... . Mar. 16,1870 r Charles Chase Dame . . Mar. 16,1870 r Charles Edward Powers . . . Mar. 16,1870 tEleazer Mather Porter Wells, Jan. 17, 1S72 ir William Sayward Sept. iS, 1872 T Lucius Robinson Page . . . Sept. iS, 1S72 r Henry Endicott .... Nov. 19, 1873 * Deceased. 80 BOSTON COMMANDERY. •E. S Rt. E. S: *E. S: E. S E. S: *E. S: E. S E. S Rt. E. S E. S: E. S E. S E. S E. S E. S: r Thomas Arthur Doyle . . ;r Samuel Crocker Lawrence ir Samuel Mason, Jr. . . . r James Humphreys Upham !r Jacob Francis Lotts . . rJoHN Lindsay Stevenson T Edwin Wright .... r Frederick Thomas Comee r Eugene Hervey Richards r James Mellen Gleason . r Eugene Alexander Holton r Leonard Bailey Nichols rJoHN Hoffman Collamore r Charles Ira Litchfield r Henry Howland Litchfield HONORARY MEMBERSHIP. Jan. 20, 1875 Oct. 20, 1875 Oct. 17, 1877 Oct. IS, 1879 Oct. 19, 1881 Oct. 17, 1883 Oct. 15, 1884 Oct. 20, 1886 Oct. 17, 1888 Oct. 15, 1890 Oct. 19, 1892 Oct. 18, 1893 Oct. 18, 1893 Oct. 16, 189s Nov. 17, 1897 LIST OF MEMBERS AND OF THOSE WHO HAVE RECEIVED THE ORDER OF KNIGHTHOOD IN BOSTON COMMANDERY FROM THE ORGANIZATION IN iSo6 TO THE PRESENT TIME, WITH THE DATE OF THE RECEPTION OF THE ORDER OF THE TEMPLE AND OF MEMBERSHIP. NAMES. KNIGHl TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Abbott, Samuel . May 22, 1805 Abbot, John ■ Jan. 13. 1S09 Allen, Wilkes . . . June 13. 1819 Amee, Jacob . Mar. 29- 1820 ♦May 3- 1820 Austin, William . . Mar. 29, 1820 tjuly 14. 1S21 Adams, Lowell . . Nov. i5i 1826 •Jan. 12, 1S27 Abbot, Abiel . . . Oct. 5> 1S27 Adams, Henry W. ■ July 17. 1S50 Adams, Charles B. F . . Dec. 13. 1850 •Mar. i9i 1851 Alger, William R. . . Mar. 29. I8S4 tApril 19. 1854 Atkinson, Theodore . . June 2, 1S54 JSept. 20, iS=;4 Armington, Horace ] Z, . Apri! 2, 1858 tMay 19- 1858 Adams, Abel A. . . Oct. s, 185S tjan. i9i ■S59 Alden, Henry C. . . Mar. 4- 1859 JMay 18, '859 Amory, Charles L. . May 5! I §59 •June '5' 1S59 Almy, Charles H. . . Jan. 28, i860 Anderson, William P . May 16, 1S60 tSept. '9. 1S60 Aldrich, Charles E. •Sept. 19. i860 Appleton, George W . Mar. i5> 1S61 •May 15- 1861 Abbott, Benjamin F. . Mar. IS. 1S61 Allen, Caleb C. May I.v 1S61 •Sept. 18, 1 861 * Deceased. § Charter Members. t Dimittcd. II V onorary Members. X Discharged. §§ Life Members. Expelled. 82 BOSTON COMMjUSDEET. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. Ayres, Robert . . Ames, Calvin . . Adams, Samuel P. Adams, Ebenezer Atwood, Rufus K. Austin, David . . Alesworth, Henry C. Adams, William T. Adams, Aquila . . Atwood, Havires . Ashton, J. Harrison Atwood, Charles F. Annable, Charles D. Asmus, John H. M. Adams, Luther Allen, Lucius W. Atvirood, Charles H. Arey, Reuben, Jr. Ames, Frank M. . Ames, Frank Waldo Alghieri, Simon . Alford, Frederick Amsden, Daniel . Averill, Leonard M. Arnett, Henry . . Allen, Albert F. . Atw^ood, George E. Atwood, Richard A. Adair, Charles H. Atwood, Charles H. Austin, Cyrus P. . Adams, Charles E. Ashton, Henry G. Almy, Robert T. . Atkinson, Amos . Adams, Ivers W. . Alger, Alpheus B. Atkins, Freeman S. Feb. Feb. Mar. April June June Feb. May June Jan. Feb. April April April Feb. Feb. June Feb. Dec. June April Feb. Feb. Jan. Jan. June Oct. Oct. Oct. Mar. May Sept. Sept. Feb. Sept. Mar. 21, 1865 21, 1865 29, 1865 19, 1865 IS. 1865 18, 1866 20, 1867 15, 1867 19, 1867 20, 1869 16, 1870 20, 1870 20, 1870 20, 1870 8, 1872 8, 1872 19, 1872 18, 1874 15. 187s 21, 1876 18, 1877 19, 1879 18, 1880 18, 1882 18, 1882 21, 1882 16, 1882 16, 1882 i6, 1882 21, 1883 16, 1883 16, 1885 i6, 1885 15, 1888 19, 1888 20, 1889 MEMBERSHIP. ♦Jan. 21, 1863 *Feb. IS, 1865 fApril 19, 1865 tApril 19, i86s ♦June 21, 1865 tSept. 20, i86s tSept. JMar. ♦Sept. Sept. ♦Feb. Mar. ♦May §§May ♦May ♦Mar. ♦Mar. tSept. §§Mar. April Oct. May ♦Feb. tFeb. ♦Jan. §§Jan. June Oct. Oct. Oct. Mar. ♦May Sept. Sept. Feb. ♦Sept. Mar. 19, 1866 20, 1867 18, 1867 18, 1867 15, 1869 16, 1870 18, 1870 18, 1870 18, 1870 20, 1872 20, 1872 18, 1872 18, 1874 19, 1876 18, 1876 16, 1877 19, 1879 iS, 1880 18, 1882 18, 1882 21, 1882 16, 1882 16, 1882 16, 1882 2:, 1883 16, 1S83 i6, 188s 16, 1885 IS, 1888 19, 1888 20, 1889 LIST OF MEMBERS . 83 Avay, Louis R. Atwood, Harrison H Addicks, Frederick P Ashley, Thomas C. Allen, John D. Allen, Charles W. Allen, Theodore F. Allbright, Henry G. Ames, Winfred S. Aldrich, Abbott L. Abbott, Fred W. . Alden, Morton Abbott, Leon M. . Anthony, Frank N. Atwood, Frank W. Atwood, Timothy A. Allen, Frederick . Armstrong, Ambrose Ames, Jesse E. . . Austin, Charles P. Ayres, Isaac H., Jr, Ames, Charles F. Amee, Albert F. . Billings, Samuel . Barry, William Bean, Stephen Bell, Shubael . . Bascom, Ezekiel L. Bray, Oliver . . Bartlett, John . . Baldwin, Sylvanus Bowers, Alexander Bowles, L. Q^ C. . Briggs, Darius Bean, Aaron . . Ball, Benjamin Barker, Samuel B. D Sept. June June June Dec. Feb. Feb. April April Sept. Dec. Dec. Feb. April June June June July April Feb. April Sept. April Mar. Oct. April Dec. June Dec. Dec. May Mar. Feb. Tune July Mar. TEHFLAK. 17, 1890 18, 1S9O 19, 189I 15, 1892 21, 1892 iSi 1893 IS- 1893 19, 1893 i8, 1894 28, 1894 19, 1894 19, 1894 20, 189s i7> 189s 19, 1895 19, 1895 19, 1895 19, 189s 15, 1896 17, 1897 21, 1897 17, 1897 20, 189S MEMBERSHIP. §§Sept. 17, 1890 June June June 15, 18 Dec. §§Feb. §§Feb. 26, i8o6 29, 1806 22, 1807 16, 1807 14, 1808 21, 1S08 12, 1812 ^7. iSis 28, 1816 5. 1817 4, 1817 30, 1817 25, 1818 18, 1890 19, 1891 2 21, 1892 IS. 1893 IS. 1S93 April 19, 1893 April 18, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Dec. 19, 1894 Dec. 19, 1894 Feb. 20, 189s tApril 17, 1895 June 19, 1895 June 19, 189s June 19, 1895 July 19, 1895 April 15, 1896 Feb. 17, 1897 April 21, 1897 Sept. 17, 1897 April 20, 1S98 •§||Mar. 3, 1806 tjune 4, 1806 •Aug. ID, 1816 tJune 3, 1S15 tFeb. 10, 1819 *Dec. 24, 1817 *Sept. 27, 1820 *May 19, 1824 84 BOSTON C03EMANDERY. NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMI 5ERS HIP. Brown, David . . Nov. 28, 1819 Bittle, William . . . Sept. 27. 1820 *Mar. 21, 182I Blake, Nathaniel . . . Oct. 8, 1821 Bird, George . . . . Mar. 28, 1822 tMay 19. 1824 Bruce, Thomas . . • Jan. 29, 1823 tApril 20, 1825 Barstow, Jacob . . . . Nov. 26, 1823 *Jan. 21, 1824 Brigham, Peter . . . April 28, 1824 JNov. 16, 1825 Balch, Daniel . . . . Mar. 21, 1827 Bragg, Maynard . . . June 20, 1827 Baxter, Daniel, Jr. . Jan. 24. 1831 tjan. 18, 1832 Baker, Ruel .... April 10, 1832 *May 16, 1832 Bridges, Amos . . . . . April 10, 1832 Baldwin, Benjamin D. . May 16, 1832 *June 20, 1832 Bradford, John R. . Dec. 17. 1834 *||Feb. 18, 183s Bugard, Bertrand F. . • Jan- 3. 1837 tFeb. 15. 1837 Barnes, Edwin . . . . Feb. 22, 1837 tMay 17) 1837 Brown, Francis B. . Feb. 21, 1838 Bancroft, Luther S. . . Mar. II) 1841 tMay 18) 1842 Braman, Jarvis . Feb. 16, 1842 *April 20, 1842 Barrus, Horace G. . May 17. 1843 tMar. 20, 1844 Brown, Samuel W. . . Nov. 6, 1846 tFeb. 19. 1851 Barnard, Joseph . Nov. 18, 1846 *Dec. 16, 1846 Bates, Charles . . Nov. 18, 1846 Ball, Nahum . . . . April 2I> 1847 *Nov. 17) 1847 Baker, William W. . . April 21, 1847 tNov. 17) 1847 Browne, Charles Allen . Feb. 16, 1848 tApril 19. 1848 Bigelow, John . . . . April 12, 1848 Bedlow, Joseph . . . May 17. 1848 tJan. IS) IS5I Butts, Noah .... . Nov. 15. 1848 *May 16, 1849 Bell, Edward D. . . . Feb. 28, 1849 Bowman, Sylvester . . Jan. 21, 1852 Bogle, William . . . May 20, 1853 *Sept. 21, i8S3 Baxter, Sylvester . . *Nov. 16) 1853 Buttrick, Cyrus . . . April 3°) 1854 *June 21, i8S4 Beard, Itharaar W. . . May 12, 1854 *June 21, i8S4 Barker, Richard M. . . Nov. 29, 1854 *Dec. 20, i8S4 Bradley, Joseph H. . . Dec. IS) 1854 *Mar. 19. 1856 Bradford, Justus F. . Dec. 20, 1854 ♦Jan. i7> iSss LIST or MEMBERS. 85 NAMES. Brackett, DeWitt C. . Bryer, Alexander K. . Butterfield, William P Balch, John .... Bullock, William W. Burlingame, Anson . Burgess, James M. . Briggs, Richard . . Beal, Thacher . . . Banfield, Addison W. Borrowscale, John Barnes, Horace . . Baker, Elihu C. . Barr, George Lyman Blanchard, Merrick Bush, Francis . . Baxter, John A. . Blaney, Henry Bacon, Steuben T. Batchelder, William L Baker, Freeman. . Barrows, Horace G. Bean, Ivory . . . Bullen, James C. . Banks, Nathaniel P. Brastow, George O. Bugbee, James R. Brown, Henry A. Bridge, Abel E. . Bowman, Oliver P. . Baird, George . . . Baker, Joseph K. . . Brooks, Henry T. Ball, Stephen B. . Brabiner, William A. Brighton, Thomas Boyce, Cadis B. . . Brown, Josiah W. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Jan. 25. 185s *Mar. 21, 1855 Feb. 14. i8ss Mar. 28, iSss Feb. 21, i8ss *April 18, 185s Feb. 27. 185s tApril 18, 1855 Mar. 21. •855 JMay 16, IS55 Oct. 5. 185s Jan. 8, 1856 *Mar. 18, 1857 Jan. 16, 1856 19. 1856 Jan. 16, 1856 •Mar. 19- IS56 Apri: i6. 1856 tOct. 15, 1856 Apri 30. 1856 ♦Oct. i5> 1856 May I. 1857 •Mar. 17. 1858 June II, 1857 JOct. 21, 1857 June 11. i8s7 *Oct. 21, 'S57 Nov. n, 1857 tjan. 20, IS58 *Xov. 18, 'S57 Feb. i-o. 1858 •April 21, iS^S Mar. 12, 1858 •April 21, 1858 May 9. 1858 Sept. 15. iSsS May 19. 1S58 tSept. 15. I85S Sept. 29i 1858 tDec. "5. 1858 JOct. 20, 1858 Nov. 17. 1858 tJan. 19. IS5V Mar. 4i 1859 tMay 18, 1859 Nov. 9. i8s9 *Feb. 20, IS6I Feb. 29. i860 •May 16, i860 Mar. 21, i860 tMay 16, IS60 Nov. 21, i860 tSept. iS, IS6I Nov. ^i. 1S60 tFeb. 20, I86I Jan. 9- 1861 tFeb. 20, IS6I Jan. 9. 1S61 •Feb. 20, I86I Mar. 29. 1S61 •Feb. 19. IS62 April 17. 1861 tMay 15. IS6I May IS. 1861 •Sept. iS, I86I Feb. 7. 1862 Sept. 27. 1862 JNov. 19. 1862 Oct. 4. 1862 Nov. 19. 1862 Oct. II, 1862 •Nov. 19. 1862 86 BOSTON COMMANDEKY. Brown, Caleb D. . Brigham, Charles E. Botume, John, Jr. Bradford, Edward S. Bancroft, George . Berry, Aaron W. . Button, N. L. . . Boyden, Walter W. Brigham, George O. Bothamly, Williara B Beal, Joseph H. Brackett, John W. Barry, Henry A. . Bond, Sewall B. . Barnes.J. W. F. . Butterworth, John Brooks, Luther F. Brooks, William G., Barnes, Lewis A. Bayley, Augustus R Bride, Charles E. . Bride, William J. . Badger, Almarin F. Boyce, William Brown, James . . Bicknell, Walter F. Bowen, Seranus . Braman, Jarvis D. Barnard, Coolidge Burrill, Charles Otis Beals, Thomas . . Burditt, Charles A. Blackie, John . . Buzzell, Augustus F. Brown, George P. Bowers, Charles E. Bunton, Henry S. Bailey, William H. KNIGHT TEMFLAK. MEMBERSHIP. Nov. 12, 1S62 *Mar. 18, 1863 Feb. 7. 1863 Feb. 19, 1863 *Mar. 19. 1863 April 24, 1863 June 17, 1863 tSept. 16, 1863 Feb. 17, 1864 May 11, 1864 Jan. II, 1865 §§Feb. IS. 1865 Jan. II, 1865 tFeb. IS. 1865 Jan. 13' 1865 JApril 19, i86s Jan. 13. 1865 JMar. IS. 1865 Jan. 23, 1865 April 19. 1865 Jan. 30, 1865 tMar. IS. 1865 Jan. 30, 1865 *Mar. IS. 1865 Feb. 9, 1865 Feb. 9. 186s *May 18, 1870 Mar. 29, iS6s May 17. i86s Mar. 31. 1865 tNov. IS. 186s Mar. 31. 186s June IS. 1865 §§Sept. 20, 1865 Dec. 20, 1865 Dec. 20, 1865 §§Feb. 21, 1865 Jan. 16, 1867 *Mar. 20, 1867 Feb. 20, 1867 *Mar. 20, 1867 *Feb. 20, 1867 Apri! 17, 1867 May IS. 1867 Apri 17, 1867 tMay IS. 1867 June 19, 1867 *Sept. 18, 1867 Dec. 18, 1867 §§May 20, 1868 Feb. 19, 1868 §§May 20 1868 Sept 16, 1868 *Oct. 21 1868 Mar. 17, 1869 Apri 21, 1869 §§May 19 1869 Nov. 17, 1869 Apri 20 1870 Apri 20, 1870 §§May 18 1870 Dec. 21, 1870 tjan. 18 1871 Apri 19, 1871 tMay 17 1871 Nov. IS 1871 LIST OF JIEMBEES. 87 Beal, Charles W. . . Bloom, Charles A. T. Bowdoin, Samuel C. Bullock, Charles . . Bland, Rev. John P. Brigham, John L. Burrows, William H. Bowker, John E. Briggs, Oliver L. Buss, Charles H. Bacon, Henry J. Bird, Herman . Brewer, Nathaniel, Jr. Blanchard, Edward O. Brown, George A., Jr. Bailey, Amasa W. Badger, Eliab W. . . Batchelder, Henry L. Bowker, Caleb . . Bunton, George W. . Bunton, William A. Briggs, Bodwell S. . Bowker, S. Dexter Barnes, Charles H. . Boyden, Edward C. . Bicknell, Emery O. . Baldwin, Charles H. Blackman, Horace P. Barker, William A. . Brown, Samuel W. . Butler, William F. . Bennett, Luther W. . Burleigh, Albert P. . Brooks, Charles O. . Berry, William F. Bishop, John T. . . Brown, Charles E. . Blish, George W. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Dec. 20, I87I Jan. 17, 872 Dec. 20, I87I Jan. 17. 1872 Feb. 8, 1872 JMar. 20, [872 Feb. 8, 1872 Mar. 20, ■ 872 April 17. 1872 §§May IS. 1872 May 2. 1872 •Sept. 18, .872 Nov. 20, 1872 §§Dec. 18, 1872 Jan. IS. 1873 JFeb. 19. ■873 Jan. IS. IS73 §§Feb. 19. 873 Jan. 15. 1873 •Feb. 19. ■873 May 21, IS73 •June 18, ■873 May 21, 1873 June 18, .873 May 21, 1873 tjune 18, S73 Sept. 17. 1873 Nov. 19. 873 Feb. 18, 1874 April iSi 1874 •May 20, .874 June 17. 1874 §§Sept. 16, .S74 May 19. 187s •June 16, 'S7S May 19. 1875 •June 16, ■S7S Jan. 19. 1876 §§Feb. 16, 1S76 Jan. 19. IS76 tFeb. 16, 1876 Mar. iSi 1876 April i9> 1876 May 17. 1S76 Feb. 21, 1877 §§Mar. ^1, .S77 April iS, 1877 June 20, 1S77 May iS> JS7S June 19. 1S7S May IS. IS7S June 19. 1S78 Dec. 18, IS7S Jan. iv 1879 June 18, 1879 June iS, 1879 April 21, iSSo tApril 21, iSSo June 16, iSSo §§June 16, 18S0 Nov. i7> 18S0 •Nov. i7> 1880 Feb. 16, 18S1 •Feb. 16, 1 881 June 15. iS8i •June IS. 1S81 June IS. 1881 June IS, 1 881 June IS. 1S81 •June IS, i8Si Jan. iS, 1882 §§Jan. 18, [882 Jan. iS, 1882 Jan. 18, [882 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. Buflfum, Edgar . . . Babcock, Lysander F Bliss, James F. . . Baldwin, J. Thomas . Boutwell, Roland H. Brigham, Albert W. Bancroft, Robert B. Bishop, Charles H. Brown, Oran . . Browne, Albert A. Baker, Edward L. Bates, George C. . Bowles, Frank H. Burton, William J. Bradford, William Bliss, Frederick W. Braird, William H. L Bright, Elmer H. . Bowker, John H. . Bliss, George D. . Bailey, Jason S. . Bates, George H. W Brigham, George E. Berwick, James Beane, Enoch . . Bell, George R. . Barbour, Walworth O Barker, Forrest E. Blake, James S. Berwick, Robert . Boyden, Herbert E Burbank, Alfred S. Burdett, Albert F. Boardman, William S. Brown, Eugene M. Badger, James B. . Bicknell, Rev. George W Barr, William A., Jr. KNIGHl TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. June 21 1882 §§June 21 1882 Oct. l6 1882 *Oct. 16 1882 Mar. 21, 1883 §§Mar. 21 1883 May i6. 1883 May 16 1883 May i6. 1883 May i6. 1883 May i6. 1883 May 16, 1883 Jan. i6. 1884 *Jan. 16, 1884 Jan. 21, 1885 Jan. 21. 1885 Jan. 21, 1885 *Jan. 21, 1885 June 17. 1885 TJune 17. 1885 Sept. i6. 1885 §§Sept. i6. 1885 April 21, 1886 tApril 21, 1886 June i6, 1886 June 16, 1886 Dec. IS. 1886 Dec. IS. 1886 *Feb. 16, 1887 April 20, 1887 April 20, 1887 June IS. 1887 tjune IS. 1887 Dec. 21, 1887 §§Dec. 21, IS87 Feb. IS. 1888 §§Feb. IS. 1888 Sept. 19. 1888 Sept. 19, 1888 Jan. 16, 1889 §§Jan. 16, 1889 Jan. 16, 1889 Jan. 16, 1889 Mar. 20, 1889 Mar. 20, 1889 Mar. 22, 1889 Mar. 22, 1889 June 19. 1889 June 19, 1889 June 19. 1889 *June 19. 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 June 18, 1890 June 18, 1890 Mar. 18, 1891 Mar. 18, I89I June 19. 189I §§June 19. I89I Dec. 17, 1891 §§Dec. 17. 1891 §§Nov. 18, I89I Feb. 17. 1892 Feb. 17. 1892 June IS. 1892 June IS. 1892 Dec. 21, 1892 Dec. 21, 1892 Feb. IS. 1893 Feb. IS. 1893 Nov. IS. 1893 Feb. 21, 1894 §§Feb. 21, 1894 LIST OF MEMBEKS. .S!-l Brownlow, Joseph J. Brownlow, William A Bean, James . . Bevan, Thomas W. Brown, Joseph C. Badger, Daniel B. Briggs, Frederick L. Bradley, Charles H. Bridge, John H. . Billings, Orsamus N Blake, Walter E. . Bliss, George W. . Bryne, Andrew W. Blake, Perley H. . Barney, Henry E. Bailey, Eben H. . Berry, Thomas L. Beedle, Melville C. Bird, John L. . . Burnham, Prescott Bennett, Allen B. Bryne, James L. . Bryne, George M. Burke, Alexander C. Burke, George E. . Babcock, Thomas J. Brook, Thomas A. Bell, John A. . . Bright, Charles E. Bechtel, Nicholaus F Brock, Ossian H. . Crehore, Thomas Correa de Aguiar, A. M Carrique, Richard Coffin, Hector . . Cole, Thomas . . . Cummings, Thomas W KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Feb. 21, 1S94 §§Feb. 21, 1894 Feb. 2Ii 1894 §§Feb. 21, 1S94 April iS, 1894 April iS, 1S94 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1S94 June 20, 1894 §§June 20, 1S94 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Nov. 21, 1S94 Dec. i9i 1894 Dec. i9> 1S94 Dec. 19. 1894 Dec. 19. 1S94 Feb. 20, 189s Feb. 20, 1895 April 17. 189s April 17. iSy5 June 19. 1895 §§June 19. 1895 June 19. 1895 June 19. 1895 July 19. 1895 July 19. 1S9S July 19. 1S95 July 19. 1S9S July 19. ■89s July 19. 1S95 July 19. 189s July 19. 1S95 April iSi 1896 §§April IS. 1896 April 15. 1S96 April 'Si 1896 Dec. 16, 1S96 Dec. 16, 1896 Dec. 16, 1896 Dec. 16, 1896 Feb. 17. 1897 Feb. 17. 1S97 Feb. 17. 1897 Feb. 17. 1897 Feb. i7i 1897 Feb. 17. 1897 April 21, 1897 April 21, 1897 June i6. 1897 June 16, 1S97 Dec. i5i 1S97 Dec. IS. 1S97 Dec. 15. 1897 §§Dec. 15. 1S97 April 20, 1898 April 20, 1898 Mar. 26, 1806 ♦Jan. 22, 1814 Dec. 7, iSio Feb. i7> i8n *Jan. 22, 1814 June 12, i8n tjan. 22. 1814 July 17. 1815 •May I, 1816 90 BOSTON COMMANDBKY. Copps, Simeon . . Cotting, Rev. John R Clarke, Gilbert . Cobb, Ethan . . Cogswell, William Cunningham, N. F Coggins, George Cushing, Samuel Cobb, Amos Curtis, William Crehore, Edward Cooper, George Cook, Daniel A. Carlisle, Theodore Clapp, Maynard B. Capen, Nahum Chanlatte, William Chickering, Jonas Calvert, Francis A. Clark, Henry G. . Cushing, Prentice Culbertson, Nathaniel Y. Cook, James M. . Chesley, Curtis P. Cummings, J. A. . Calrow, William H. Cross, Amos W. . Chapman, Joseph Cleveland, Elisha J. Child, George H. . Caneday, Charles E Cook, Justin E. Covington, Edwin Clap, Samuel G. . Clapp, William Cobb, Moses G. . Cotting, Charles U. Clapp, William W., Jr KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. May 14. 1817 *July 30, 1817 April 22, 1818 tllMay 20, 1818 Jan. 16, 1822 Jan. 3h 1822 Mar. 28, 1822 June 17. 1822 Nov. 26, 1823 JJune 16, 1824 June 2. 1824 tjune IS. 1825 Nov. 10, 1824 Mar. 30. 1825 tDec. 20, 1826 June IS. 1825 JSept. 21, 1825 Oct. 27. 1825 tDec. 21, 1825 Dec. 19. 1827 April 18, 1832 tjan. 18, 1837 April 18, 1832 May 16, 1832 tJune 20, 1832 Sept. 23. 1842 Oct. 9> 1844 tNov. 20, 1844 May i9i 1847 Feb. 9. 1848 tSept. 20, 1848 May 17. 1848 *Oct. 17. 1849 May 16, 1849 *Sept. 19. 1849 Jan. 16, 1850 *Jan. 18, i860 Nov. 29, 1850 Dec. 26, 1850 Feb. 8, 1854 tJune iSi 1859 April 30. 1854 tJune 21, i8S4 Feb. Hi i8S5 *Mar. 21, 1855 Mar. 29, 1855 *May 16, 185s May 9> i8ss *Sept. i9> 185s Oct. 26, i8ss |Dec. 19, I8S5 Mar. 18, 1857 |Nov. 16, 1859 Mar. 25. 1857 *Oct. 21, 1857 May ii> 1857 tOct. 21, i8S7 Nov. 18, 1857 Jan. 20, 1858 Dec. 4. i8s7 tJan. 20, 1858 Jan. 19. 1858 Mar. 26, 1858 tMay 19, 1858 LIST OF 3IE3IBERS. 91 Crook, William, Jr. . Clifford, Samuel W. . Candler, John W. . Currier, John F. . . Capen, William W. . Case, John G. . . . Cheney, Arthur . . Calrow, Frederick H. Cunningham, Thomas Colby, Albert . . . Cushing, James W. . Cox, George P. . . Conery, Daniel E. Coolidge, William D. Cunningham, Thomas Cate, Isaac M. . . . Cook, George M. . . Child, Linus M. . . Chapman, John W. . Clapp, Joseph H. . . Copeland, Charles Carpenter, George O. Copeland, George W. Cogswell, John F. . Cutter, Benjamin F. Cleaves, N. Porter . Carpenter, James E. . Cleaves, Nathaniel . Crowell, Charles H. . Coker, John J. . . . Carleton, Amos D. . Carpenter, William . Collamore, Horace . Conn, George H. Coverly, George T. . Clarke, Louis D. . . Carter, George W. . Crosby, Charles H. . KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. April 2, 1858 tMay 19) 1858 May 19. 1858 ♦Sept. 15. 1858 May 19. 1858 Jan. 31. 1859 tMar. 16, i8S9 Feb. i3> 1859 *Mar. 16, 1859 tFeb. 16, 1859 ♦April 20, 1859 May s. 1859 JJune i5i 1859 Jan. 28, i860 *April 18, 1S60 tFeb. IS. 1S60 Mar. 30. i860 tMay 16, 1S60 Mar. 30. i860 tMay 16, i860 April 18, i860 Dec. 28, i860 Jan. 9i 1861 *Feb. 20, 1861 Feb. 19, 1S62 tMar. 19. 1862 Apri! 16, 1862 tSept. 17. 1862 Sept. ^7. 1862 Oct. 4. 1863 tNov. 19. 1862 Feb. 191 1863 *Mar. iS, 1863 Feb. 19. 1S63 * 18, 1863 Feb. 28, 1863 •April i5i 1863 Mar. 7. 1S63 tApril IS. 1863 JMar. 18, 1S63 Mar. 21, 1863 §§April IS. 1863 June 18, 1863 tSept. 16, 1863 tOct. 21, 1S63 Feb. 17. 1 86+ *Mar. 16, 1S64 Mar. 28, 1S64 April 20, 1864 Nov. 291 1S64 tjan. 18, 1865 Dec. 26, 1864 tMar. iS> 1865 Jan. III 1865 ♦Feb. 16, 1865 Jan. "5 i86s •Feb. 16, 1865 Jan. 13. 186s tMar. IS. 1865 Jan. 30, 186s :Mar. IS. 1865 Mar. 31. 186s tJan. 21, 1865 Mar. 31. 1865 •Sept. 20, 1865 92 BOSTON COMMANDERY. Crosby, Matthew, Jr. Clarke, Henry S. . . Clarkson, Thomas G. Chamberlain, Daniel U. Coverly, Edward . Champney, George F Chapman, John N. . Coon, Chauncey . . Clark, Orus .... Carter, George P. Cook, Henry A. . . Chapman, John C. . Comee, Frederick T. Conn, Charles K. . . Cade, George L. . . Champney, Benjamin H. Coy, Samuel I. . . . Caldwell, George W. Cleaves, Joshua . . Cobb, Sylvanus, Jr. . Carson, William G. . Casey, John F. . . Curtis, Alonzo P. Carpenter, William L. Carswell, Charles W. Cunio, Anthony . Clark, William Albert Comstock, Hiram M. Capper, Thomas H. . Cutter, Gershom, Jr. Chapman, Amos . . Clark, William P. . Coggins, Edward . Cunningham, Benjamin P Cook, Marcus C. . . Clark, Henry N. . . Carruth, George C. . Clapp, Horace B. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. April 12, 1865 June 15, 1865 June 21, 1865 Jan. 17, 1866 Nov. 21, 1866 MEMBERSHIP. April May May May Feb. June April Dec. Dec. April April May May May June Dec. Jan. Mar. May May April June Dec. Dec. May 17, 1867 15, 1867 20, 186S 19, 1869 16, 1870 15, 1870 ig, 1S71 20, 1871 20, 1871 17, 1872 17, 1872 2, 1872 23, 1872 23, 1872 19, 1S72 17, 1872 15. 1873 i9> 1873 21. 1873 21, 1873 i5> 1874 17, 1S74 16, 1874 16, 1874 19. 1875 *April tNov. Dec. tFeb. tjune tjan. Mar. JMay *June June Sept. II Mar. tSept. *May *Jan. Jan. 19, 1865 15, i86s 20, 1865 21, 1866 18, 1866 16, 1867 20, 1867 15, 1867 17, 1867 17, 1868 15, 1869 16, 1870 21, 1S7O 17, 1871 17, 1872 17, 1872 May 15, 1878 Dec. 18, 1878 Dec. 18, 1878 Dec. 18, 1878 JSept. tSept. Sept. *Mar. *Feb. April tjune *June *May §§Sept. §§Feb. §§June *June *June June *Jan. *May 18, 1872 iS, 1872 18, 1872 18, 1874 19, 1873 16, 1873 18, 1873 18, 1873 20, 1874 16, 1874 17. 187s 16, 1875 16, 1875 20, 1877 19, 1878 IS. 1879 9, 1879 LIST OF MEJIBERS. 9a NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAK. MEMBERSHIP. Childs, William . . . May 21, 1879 June 18, 1S79 Churchill, Gardner A. . Feb. i8. 1880 ♦Feb. 18, 1S80 Cheswell, William T. . Feb. i8, 1880 Feb. 18, 1880 Cooper, John G. Feb. i6, 1S81 §§Feb. 16, 1881 Cilley.John J. . . June IS. 1881 §§June 15, 18S1 Cotton, Henry H. . June 21, 1S82 §§June 21, 1S82 Carter, George N. . Dec. 20, 1882 JDec. 20, 1882 Cumner, Harry W. . Oct. l6. 1882 Oct. 16, 1SS2 Connery, Walter J. Mar. 21, 1883 §SMar. 21, 1SS3 Chapin, Preston V. . May i6. 1883 §§May 16, 1SS3 Curtis, Charles • July i8. 1883 July iS, 1SS3 Carter, Thomas W. . . . May i6. 1883 May 16, 1S83 Clarke, Augustus P. Jan. i6. 1 884 Jan. 16, 1884 Comstock, Allen L. . June i8. 1884 June 18, 18S4 Cobb, John R. . . June iS, 1884 ♦June 18, 1SS4 Colby, Erastus B. . . Jan. 21, 1885 §§Jan. -1. 1885 Cutler, Edward H. . . Dec. IS. 1886 Dec. IS, 1886 Churchill, John H. . April 20, 1887 tApril 20, 1SS7 Colby, Augustus . . . . April 20, 1887 April -o, 18S7 Chadbourne, Charles W. . Mar. 20, 1889 Mar. 20, 1S89 Cloutman, Alvah . . . . June 19. 1889 ♦June 19, 1S89 Cook, Edgar A. . . . . Sept. 18, 18S9 Sept. iS, 18S9 Churchill, Frederick S. ♦Sept. 18, 1889 Carter, Thomas M. . . Sept. 18, 18S9 Churchill, John W. . . §§Nov. 20, 1889 Chick, Edward E. . . ■ Jan- IS. 1890 Jan. IS, 1890 Collamore, John H. . . . June 18, 1890 ♦Iljune IS, 1890 Cutter, George H. . . • Jan. 21, 1S91 Jan. 21, 1S9I Conant, Charles M. . . . Feb. 17. 1892 Feb. 17. 1892 Colman, Sumner E. . June IS. 1S92 tjune 15. 1S92 Cushing, J. Stearns . June IS, 1892 June 15, 1892 Church, Walter L. . Feb. IS, 1S93 Feb. IS, 1893 Carpenter, Fred H. . . . June 21, 1S93 June 21, 1893 Cortis, Dwight T. . . . April 18, 1S94 §§April iS, 1S94 Chapman, Albert L. . June -0, 1894 June 20, 1894 Cutter, Charles S. . . . June 20, 1894 §§June 20, 1S94 Colby, Homer H. . Sept. 2S, 1894 §§Sept. 2S, 1894 Campbell, John A. . . . Sept. 28, 1S94 Sept. 28, 1894 94 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Crowell, Samuel . . . April 17) 1895 April 17. 189s Conant, Roger W. . . Feb. 20, 189s Feb. 20, 1895 Cottle, Henry C. . . . Feb. 20, 189s §§Feb. 20, 189s Cassie, William H. . . April 17, 1895 April 17. 189s Creamer, William P. . April 17. 1895 April 17. 1895 Clark, J. Henry . . . June 19. 189s June 19. 189.5 Crane, William , . . June 19. 189s §§June 19. 189s Cutler, Benjamin W. . . July 19, 189s tjuly 19. 189s Capper, Frederick H. • July 19, 189s §§JuIy 19. 1895 Cheney, Charles W. . . Dec. 18, 1895 Dec. 18, 189s Cotton, Henry B. . . Dec. 27. 189s Clatur, George W. . . Dec. 16, 1896 §§Dec. 16, 1896 Chandler, John B. . . Dec. 16, 1896 Dec. 16, 1896 Caswell, Albert S. . . Dec. 16, 1896 §§Dec. 16. 1896 Cadwell, Jerome F. . . Feb. 17. 1897 Feb. 17. 1897 Clarke, Thomas . , . . April 21, 1897 April 21, 1897 Cheever, Ralph P. . . April 21, 1897 April 21, 1897 Conant, George A. . . June 16, 1897 §§June 16, 1897 Child, Samuel M. . . June 16, 1897 June 16, 1897 Chase, Henry W. . Sept. 17. 1897 Sept. 17. 1897 Coldwell, Harding T. . Sept. 17. 1897 Sept. 17. 1897 Case, Winthrop T. . . Sept. 17. 1897 Sept. 17, 1897 Codman, Franklin L. . Feb. 16, 1898 Feb. 16, 1898 Dumesnil, Anthony . . Mar. 8, 1806 ♦Mar. 19. 1806 Dean, Rev. Paul . . . May I. 1816 Driscol, Cornelius . Jan. 3h 1822 tFeb. 6, 1822 Dame, Abraham A. . . Feb. 13- 1822 * 11 Mar. 12, :822 Domett, Charles M. . . Sept. 29, 1824 Davenport, Gorham . . Sept. 29, 1824 Davis, Gustavus F. . . Feb. H. 1825 Dyer, Timothy J. . . . Nov. 16, 1826 Dunbar, Peter . . . . April 18, 1827 *Jan. i7> 1844 Dame, Theodore A. . . . June 16, 1841 tSept. IS 1841 Derby, James . . . . April 10, 1844 JMay iSi 1844 Davis, Henry . . . . . Feb. 16, 1848 tApril 19. 1848 Davis, William R. . . . May 15. 1850 JNov. 20, 1850 Durant, Henry F. . . Oct. 20, 1852 tjan. 19. 1853 LIST or MEMBEES. 95 NAMSS, Dupee, James A. . Day, Thomas C. . Davis, Wendell T. Darling, Charles K. Damrell, John S. . Dillaway, Charles H Davis, William F. Davis, Phineas S. Dyer, Micah, Jr. . Dame, Charles C. Demmon, Reuben E. Davis, Robert L. . Dana, Charles F. . Dunham, Jeremiah Drew, Caleb . . Draper, Lucius D. Damon, Samuel G. Delano, Charles M. Denton, Eben . . Davenport, Ira D. Dunbar, Frederick W, Dike, Lyman . . Danforth, William S Davis, Samuel M. Davis, J. Alba . . Dike, Charles C. . Darrow, Charles . Dewing, Seth, Jr. Drew, S. Watson . Dickinson, Alexander Dwelley, Lucius H. Dunham, Charles H. Dearborn, John B. Devereaux, Charles J Dean, Jarvis W. . Dodd, George D. . Dorr, George W. . Dewey, Edgar O. . KNIGH- r TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Feb. 6, 1854 tApri 19 1854 May 26, 1854 ♦Sept. 20 I8S4 Oct. 10, i8S4 Dec. 20, i8S4 •Jan. 17. I8SS Dec. 20, 1854 Jan. 17. i8ss Jan. 8, 1856 Mar. 18, 1857 Jan. 21, 1857 Oct. 21. i8S7 Mar. 26, 1858 •May 19. 1858 April 2, 1858 •May 19. 1858 Oct. 8, 1858 II Dec. IS. 1858 Jan. 31. I8S9 Mar. 16, I8S9 Feb. 13. 1859 •Feb. 16, 1859 Mar. 16, 1859 •May 18, 1859 Nov. 9. i8s9 •Jan. 18, i860 Feb. 3. i860 JApril 18, i860 Mar. IS. i860 •May 16, 1S60 April 11, i860 JMay 16, i860 May IS. 1861 tSept. 18, 1861 May 24. 1 861 •Sept. 18, 1861 Feb. 28, 1863 Mar. 7. 1S63 tApril 15. 1S63 June 17. 1863 Nov. 2S. 1864 tjan. 18, 1 86s Dec. 26, 1S64 §§May 17. i86s Jan. 13- 1865 Mar. 8, 1865 May 17. 1865 May II. 1865 •June 21, 1865 May 31, 1865 •Sept. 20, 1 86s June 15. 1865 tOct. 18, 1865 April 13. 1866 May 16, 1866 Jan. 16, 1867 •Mar. 20, 1867 May 20, 1S6S tjune 7, 1868 May I9r 1S69 §§Sept. 15. 1869 May 19. 1869 tSept. 15. 1869 May 19. 1869 Sept. 15' 1869 Feb. 16, 1S70 TMar. 16, 1870 Nov. 1, 1870 •Nov. 16, 1870 96 BOSTON C0M3IAKDERY. NAMES. Dexter, D. Gilbert Doane, Francis Dean, Horace W. Danforth, Charles H. Davis, Stark Henry . Doane, Seth S. . . Davis, H. Alric . . Dorr, James C. . . Dwinell, James F. Doyle, Thomas A. Durkee, Lauriston C. Dow, William Henry Dyer, Josiah T. Day, Charles H. . Dyer, Samuel N., Jr. Dennis, Charles B. Davis, Frank P. . . Dillaway, William E. I Dillaway, William S. Daggett, Harry C. Delano, Harry D. Dana, Napoleon B. . Davenport, George W. Davis, James A. . . Duren, Marcus S. Dunbar, Eugene F. . Ditson, John G. . Dey, Charles H. . . Durfee, George B. Davis, Henry B. . . Davis, Ernest L. . Dingley, James E. Donald, James W. Damrell, Charles S. Damrell, John E. S. . Dutton, Nathaniel A. Doolittle, Warren H. Davis, Henry A., Jr. KNIGHT Dec. Dec. April Dec. Feb. Nov. Mar. May Dec. TEMPLAR. 21, 1870 21, 1870 19, 187I 20, 1871 21, 1872 20, 1872 19) 1873 21, 1873 16, 1874 June 21, 1876 Mar. 20, 1878 Feb. 18, 1880 June 16, 1S80 Feb. 16, 1887 April 18, 1888 Jan. 16, 1889 Mar. 22, 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 Mar. 18, 1891 June 19, 1891 Dec. 17, 1891 June April June June June June Sept. Dec. Dec. June June June June June 15, 1«92 19, 1893 21, 1893 20, 1S94 20, 1894 20, 1894 28, 1894 19, 1894 19, 1894 19, 1895 19, 189s 19, 1895 19, 1895 19, 1895 MEMBERSHIP. §§Jan. 18, 1871 Jan. 18, 1871 *May 17, 1871 §§Jan. 17, 1872 Mar. 20, 1872 Dec. 18, 1872 §§April 16, 1873 *June 18, 1873 Oct. 20, 1S75 *|ljan. 20, 1875 ♦Oct. 18, 1876 ♦April 20, 1878 Feb. 18, 1880 ♦June 16, 1880 ♦Dec. 20, 1876 ♦Feb. 16, 1887 §§April 18, 1888 §§Jan. 16, 1889 §§Mar. 22, 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 §§Mar. 18, 1891 §§June 19, 1891 Dec. 17, 1891 Oct. 13, 1892 June 15, 1892 ♦April 19, 1S93 tjune 21, 1893 June 20, 1894 §§June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Dec. 19, 1894 Dec. 19, 1894 June 19, 1895 June 19, 1895 June 19, 1895 June 19, 1895 June 19, 1895 LIST OF MEMBEKS. 97 NAMES. Douglas, Ora M. . . Dearborn, Edward E. Decrow, Israel E. . . De Veber, William A. F, Dyer, Walter R. . . De Coster, James C. . Eaton, Joshua . . Eaton, William Eaton, Asa . . . Emerson, William Edson, Theodore . Eaton, William Easterbrook, James Eaton, Osgood Edwards, John F. . Ellis, Joseph . . Ellison, William . Eldridge, Frank O. Emmons, Theodore I Emerson, William H Emmons, John A. Eaton, Jacob F. . Endicott, Henry Endicott, Augustus B Emerson, Thomas, J: Elliott, William W. Ellsworth, Oliver . Eastman George S. Eddy, Otis . . . Eustis, George P. Everett, J. Mason . Eddy, Isaac H. Eastwood, Benjamin Eveleth, Solon H. Everett, Thomas M. Eddy, J. Lodge Emerson, William C. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. June 19, 1895 June 19, 1895 Feb. 19, 1896 §§Feb. 19, 1896 June 17, 1896 June 17, 1896 April 21, 1897 April 21, 1897 Sept. 17, 1897 Sept. 17, 1897 Feb. 16, 1898 Feb. 16, 1898 •§ Mar. 8, 1806 Sept 16 1807 Feb. 20, 1824 •April 14. 1S.4 Feb. 20, 1828 Jan. 24, I83I tOct. 19, 1831 tMay 16, 1832 May i7i 1843 tOct. 18, 1S43 Dec. 20, 1844 tjan. 20, 1847 Nov. IS. 1848 tMay 16, 1849 May 21, 185 1 •llOct. IS. 1851 Jan. 29, 1858 *Mar. 17. 1858 Nov. 9. i8S9 Jan. 18, i860 Nov. 13. I8S9 tJan. 18, i860 Mar. IS. 1S60 tMay 16, i860 Mar. 29, 1861 *Sept. 18, 1861 May iS> 1861 II Sept. 18, 1861 Jan. 21. 1863 Mar. 18, 1863 Feb. 28, 1863 •April iSi 1863 Apri! 12, iS6s tMay 17. 1865 May 31. i86s May IS. 1867 tSept. 18, 1S67 Dec. 18, 1S67 May 20, 1S68 Feb. 21, 1872 Mar. 20, 1872 June 19. 1872 tSept. 18, 1S72 Dec. 17, 1873 tMar. 18, 1874 Feb. 18, 1880 tFeb. i8, 1880 June 16, 1880 tjune 16, 1S80 Feb. 16, 1887 Feb. 16, 1887 June IS. 1887 June IS. 1887 Feb. 15. 1888 *Feb. 15. i888 98 BOSTON COMMANDERY. Ellis, Warren B. . Evans, George D. Evans, John . . Emerson, Henry P. Eddy, Isaac H. Emery, Thomas J. Eaton, Solomon . Ellis, Walter B. . Emery, John A. . Emerson, George F. Eadie, William Eldridge, John H. Fowle, Henry . Fuller, Amasa . , Felch, Rev. Cheever Fiske, Josiah J. Fay, Otis . . . Fiske, Sewall . Furley, John F. . Fisher, Albigence W, Flint, John . . , FoUinsbee, Edward F, Foster, Eben B. . Fowle, William B., J] Fitch, Jonas . . Forristall, Philander French, Benjamin Fogg, John S. H. Forristall, Ezra . French, Samuel L. Fifield, Sanborn . Foye, George F. . Fox, James A. . . Fisher, Aaron E. . Frederick, Eleazer Furber, Samuel N. Foss, Frederick J. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. Jan. i6, 1889 MEMBERSHIP. Jan. Jan. June April Feb. Feb. April Dec. Dec. 15, 1890 15, 1890 15, 1892 19, 1893 21, 1S94 21, 1894 17. 1895 15, 1897 iS> 1897 Feb. April April April Sept. Sept. Mar. Mar. Jan. May Dec. Nov. May April April Nov. Feb. Feb. May Jan. Mar. Mar. April Oct. 17. 1815 2, 1817 2, 1817 4, 1S21 3. 1823 21, 1825 21, 1827 16, 1832 21, 1846 15. 1850 13. 1850 2, 185s 21, 1856 24. 1857 9, 1858 17, 1858 8, i8s9 13. 1859 5. 1859 9, 1861 29, 1861 29, 1861 16, 1862 29, 1862 Jan. §§Oct. Jan. §§Jan. §§May §§June April §§Feb. §§Feb. April Dec. Dec. *§ 16, 1889 12, 1889 IS, 1890 15, 1890 21, 1890 15, 1892 19, 1893 21, 1894 21, 1S94 17. 189s IS. 1897 IS) 1897 817 tllDec. 24, 1817 fMar. 17, 1824 •IIApril 18, 1832 *Feb. 18, 1846 tFeb. 18, 1852 *Dec. 19, 1855 *Oct. 15, 1856 JMay 19, 1858 *Jan. 19, 1859 *Mar. 16, 1859 *Mar. 16, 1859 JNov. 16, 1859 tFeb. 20, 1861 *Sept. 18, 1861 Sept. 17, 1862 LIST OF MEMBERS. 99 Frost, George . . Fay, Henry G. Frost, Thomas P. Fellows, John I. . Fuller, Horace W. Foster, Walter H. Fessenden, William H. Fitts, Daniel F. . Fisher, Louis H. . Foster, Edson H. . Fifield, Abial F. . Fox, Charles E. . Field, Charles H. . Folger, George H. Fessenden, Charles B. French, William A. . Fairbanks, Charles A. Favor, Ferdinand Francis Folsom, Albert A. . Follansbee, Charles E. Flagler, John H. Frost, William S. Frost, George W. Fowie, Leonard Ferdinand, Lorrin W. Frasher, James H. Fenn, Lyman . . Folger, George P. Fillmore, Wellington Fisher, Louis H. Fuller, George C. W. Folsom, Charles R. Furbish, Frederick B. Fottler, Jacob . Ford, Robert F. Farnsworth, Thomas ' Fessenden, Horace C. Foss, Louis . . W KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Nov. 12 1862 tMar. 18, 1863 Dec. 26, 1864 April 19. 1865 April 24, i86s tSept. 20, 1865 Mar. 21, 1866 April 18, 1866 April 17, 1867 |May IS. 1867 June 19. 1867 May 20, 1868 tjune 17. 1868 tjune 17. 1868 Jan. 20 1869 J Feb. 17. 1869 Feb. 16, 1870 •Mar. 16, 1870 May 26, 1871 tSept. 20, IS7I June 21 187 1 •Sept. 20, I87I Feb. 8, 1872 §§Mar. 20, 187:! Feb. 8, 1872 tMar. 20, IS72 Jan. iS> 1873 •Feb. 19. ■873 Mar. 19. 1873 June 18, 1873 May 21, 1873 June 18, 1873 Feb. 18, 1874 Mar. 18, IS74 Feb. 21, 1877 Mar. 21, 1877 April 18, 1877 May 16, 1877 May 151 1878 tjune 19. I87S June 18, 1879 June 16, i88o June i6, 1880 Jan. iS. 1882 Jan. 18, 1882 Oct. 9. 1883 Oct. 9. 1883 Jan. 21, 188s •Jan. 21, 1885 Jan. 21, 1885 Jan. 21, 1885 June 19. 1S89 •June 191 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 Reinstated. Nov. 20, IS89 Jan. IS. 1890 Jan. IS. 1890 June 18, 1890 §§June 18, 1890 Sept. 17. 1890 Sept. 17, 1890 Mar. 18, 1 891 Mar. 18, I89I June IS. 1892 §§June IS. 1892 June IS. 1892 June IS. 1892 April 19. 1893 April 19. 1893 June 21, 1893 June 21, 1893 100 BOSTON COMMANDEKY. Forrestall, James F. . French, William C. . Fiske, William B., Jr. Frost, Irving B. Findlay, John L. . . Ferguson, Eben R. . Field, Arthur W. . . Frost, W. Wallace . Faunce, Myron Fessenden, Rufus G. Foster, Willis B. . . Farrell, George R. . Farrell, Perley C. Gardner, Joseph . . Gilchrist, James . . Gardner, Jeremiah Glover, Elisha V. . . Gray, Charles . Gallup, Lewis F. Graves, Benjamin, Jr. Gray, John, Jr. . . Greenleaf, Gardner. . Gates, Abraham . . Griswold, Albert . . Glover, Elisha V., Jr. Gibson, George M. . Gardner, William S. Gay, George L. . . Grows, David P. . . Gilman, John T. . . Gaylord, Noah Murray Gilley, John E. M. . Gardner, Henry J. Gilbert, Sylvester P. Guild, Curtis . . Garfield, Moses . . George, George W. . KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MBMBERSHXF. Dec. 20, 1893 *Dec. 20, 1893 Feb. 21, 1894 Feb. 21, 1894 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 April 17. 189s April 17. 189s April 17. 189s *April 17, 189s J"iy 19. 189s July 19. 189s Feb. 19. 1896 §§Feb. 19. 1896 Feb. 19. 1896 §§Feb. 19. 1896 April 21, 1897 April 21, 1S97 June 16, 1897 June 16, 1897 June 16, 1897 §§June 16, 1897 Feb. 16, 1898 Feb. 16, 1898 Jan. 28, 1807 *Mar. 25. 1807 Dec. 21, 1808 *||June 2, 181O Feb. 21, 1809 Feb. 5. I8I7 July 7> I8I7 *Nov. 4i 1817 Nov. 4. I8I7 Mar. 15. 1826 JNov. IS. 1826 Jan. 19. 1827 Jan. 19> 1827 tApril 18, 1827 April i5i 1827 April ID, 1844 tMay iS> 1844 April 12, 1848 tSept. 20, 1848 Dec. 29, 1853 *Feb. IS. 1854 May 12, 1854 May 26, 1854 Oct. 18, 1854 tDec. 20, iSS4 Dec. IS. i8S4 Jan. 17. isss JFeb. 21, 1855 April 30. 1856 *Oct. iS> 1S56 June II. 1857 tApril 21. 1858 Dec. 4. 1857 tjan. 20, 1858 Mar. 4. 1859 tjune 15. i8S9 tDec. 21, 18S9 tDec. 21, 1859 LIST OF MEMBERS. 101 Greenwood, Thomas J. Green, William Henry Gardner, James R. Gillett, John B. . . Graves, Jacob . . Gilbert, John M. . . Gregory, Frederick W. Geldowsky, Ferdinand Gilmore, Othniel . . Gale, William T. . . Gore, Theodore A. . Gordon, Francis C. Gray, Edward T. . Greene, Malcolm C. Gillis, William K. Goddard, John J. . Guild, William H. Gregory, Daniel Gore, David . . Greeley, Leander . Gleason, James M. Gardner, J. Warren Gove, Charles S. . Gallison, Henry H. Gates, Alfred . . Graves, Theodore C. Gillette, George A. Gilbert, Edward W. Gale, John D. . . Griffith, George A. Gould, Nathaniel S. Gould, Augustus D. Gilmore, Henry H. Gilpatrick, Charles L, Goodrich, Wallace Gosse, Charles S. Graffam, Nelson L. Goddard, Abel . KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. tMay i6, i860 Mar. IS. 1861 Dec. 28, 1861 Oct. 4, 1862 tNov. 19. 1862 Oct. II, 1862 tNov. 19, 1862 Feb. 28, 1863 JApril IS, 1863 Feb. 17. 1864 Mar. 16, [864 Mar. 30. 1864 •Sept. 21, 1S64 April 20, 1864 tSept. 21, [864 Oct. IS. 1864 Dec. 14. 1864 •Jan. 18, 1S65 Jan. II, 1865 tFeb. IS. 1865 April 12, 1865 Sept. 20, 1S65 May 19, 1869 §§Sept. IS. 1869 May 19. 1869 tSept. IS, 1S69 Feb. 16, 1870 |Mar. 16, 1870 Nov. I, 1870 §§Nov. 16, 1870 Aug. 16, 187 1 §§Sept. 20, 1871 Dec. 20, 1871 tjan. 17, 1S72 June 19. 1872 •Sept. 18, 1872 Nov. 20, 1872 §§l|Dec. 18, ■ 872 May 21, 1873 •June 18, 1S73 Dec. 17. 1873 §§Mar. iS, [874 June 17. 1874 Dec. 16, 1S74 May 19. 187s •June 16, ■S7S Dec. IS, 187s April 19. 1876 June 21, 1876 •Oct. 18, [876 Nov. 17. 18S0 Nov. 17. [8S0 Feb. 16, iSSi Feb. 16, [SSi April 20, I88I April 20, 881 Dec. 20, IS82 Dec. 20, [882 Oct. 16, 1882 §§Oct. 16, 882 •April 18, 883 June 17. 1885 June 17. 885 Dec. 16, 1885 §§Dec. 16, 88s April IS, 1888 •April 18, 888 Sept. 19, 1888 •Sept. 19. 888 Feb. 17. 1892 Feb. 17. 892 102 BOSTON COMMANDBRY. NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Greene, J. Alonzo . . April 20, 1892 tApril 20, 1892 Greene, Henry A. . . June IS- 1892 *June IS. 1892 Gordon, William . . . June IS. 1892 June IS. 1892 Goodale, Darwin C. . . Feb. iS> 1893 Feb. iS> 1893 Greeley, Otis W. . . . June 21, 1893 §§June 21, 1893 Gleason, Albert A. . . Dec. 20, 1893 §§Dec. 20, 1893 Glidden, Alexander C. . Dec. 20, 1893 Dec. 20, 1893 Gilmore, William J. . . Dec. 20, 1893 Dec. 20, IS93 Gallagher, Hugh C. . . June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 Gleason, Chester E. . . Feb. 20, 1895 §§Feb. 20, 189s Gwynne, William H. Feb. 20, 1895 Feb. 20, 189s Griffin, William W. . . June 19. 189s June 19. 189s Gates, Thomas B. M. . July 19. 189s July 19. 1895 Goldthwaite, Charles H. July 19, 189s July 19. 189s Gale, John S April iSi 1896 April IS. 1896 Gleason, Charles S. . . June 17, 1896 §§June 17. 1896 Gordon, James B. . . April 21, 1897 April 21, 1897 Gridley, Joseph . . . June 16, 1897 June 16, 1897 Garland, Ernest A. . . Sept. 17. 1897 Sept. 17. 1897 Grant, W. Herbert . . Dec. iSi 1897 Dec. IS. 1897 Giles, Charles E., Jr. . Feb. 16, 1898 Feb. 16, 1898 Gleason, Harry C. . . April 20, 1898 April 20, 1898 Hurd, Benjamin, Jr. . . *§ll Horseman, Edward . . *§ Hammatt, John B. . . Mar. 8, 1S06 * II Mar. 19. 1806 Harris, Thaddeus M. April i3i 1808 Holden, Edward . . . Jan. 13. 1808 Howe, Samuel .... Feb. i) 1809 tjune 3. I8I5 Higgins, Edward H. April 27. 1810 Hutchinson, James . . Sept. H. 1814 Hutchinson, Henry . . Sept. 29. 1814 Hammond, Nathaniel . Feb. s. 1S16 tMay 28, I8I6 Holmes, Galen . . . Feb. s. 1817 tMar. Si I8I7 Harvey, John .... July 7. 1817 Hammond, Timothy July Hi 1821 Huntington, Benjamin . April 28, 1824 tSept. IS. 1824 Hale, Nathan .... Dec. 231 1824 JSept. 21, 1825 LIST OF MEMBERS. 103 NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Hooker, George . . . Mar. 30. 1825 Hews, John .... . May 24. 1825 *||Nov. 15. 1S26 Haskell, Caleb . . . May 24, 1825 Harwood, Daniel . . . April 3> 1832 * 11 May 16, 1832 Hamilton, Luther *Feb. 22, 1837 Hawes, William B. . • Jan. 3°. 1844 ♦Mar. 20, 1844 Hall, Joseph . . . . Dec. IS) 1847 *Jan. 19. 184S Hennessey, Edward . . Feb. 16, 1848 tApril 19. 1848 Heard, John T. . April 19. 1848 tApril i9i i8S4 Hall, John K. . . . . Oct. 3o> 1848 llOct. 17. 1S49 Hirsch, Francis A. . April 18, 1849 tSept. 19. 1S49 Holman, Oilman C. . May 16, 1849 Hunt, Sanford M. . Mar. 17, 1852 *Sept. 15. 1852 Hanson, Henry R. . . Nov. 17. 1852 tjan. i9> i8s3 Howard, Joseph W. . . Jan. 13- 1854 •Feb. 157 1854 Hutchinson, Samuel K. . Mar. 3> 1854 Heard, Franklin F. . . June 1854 tSept. 2, 1854 Herring, Thomas J. . . Feb. 27> 185s tApril 18, i8ss Hunt, Thomas . . . Jan. 3. 1856 *Mar. 19, 1856 Hewes, Joseph J. . . . April 24. 1857 Oct. 21, 1857 Hewes, Jabez F. . May "> 1857 *Oct. 21, 1857 Haslet, George . . *Oct. 21, 1857 Hough, William E. . . Nov. II, 1857 tJan. 20, 1858 Huston, William R. . . April 2, 185S •May 19) 1S58 Hall, Charles B. . . . Sept. -9, 1858 •Jan. 19. I8S9 Hobbs, William, Jr. . . Sept. 29. 1858 tJan. 19. 1859 Hamilton, Nathaniel . Oct. s. 1858 tDec. 15. 1858 Holcomb, Lester . . . Oct. 20, 1858 JDec. 15. 1858 Hall, Francis A. . . . Feb. 8, 1S59 •Mar. 16, I8S9 Hathaway, Nicholas . . Nov. 9. 1859 JFeb. IS. i860 Howard, Edwin L. . . Nov. 16, I8S9 •Jan. 18, i860 Hill, Noble H. . . . Feb. 3. i860 *Feb. 20, 1861 Holmes, Jonathan H. JFeb. IS. i860 Hunt, Henry C. . . . May 30. i860 tFeb. 20, 1861 Hall, Frank A. . . . Dec. 28, i860 tFeb. 20, 1861 Hersey, Benjamin A. . Oct. 8, 1862 •Nov. 19. 1862 Hills, William S. . . . Oct. 8, 1862 §§Nov. 19. 1862 Hersey, George E. . . Feb. 7. 1863 IMar. 18, 1863 104 BOSTON COMMAITDEEy. Hayden, Joseph Hill, John . . . Hurd, William . . Hallett, Henry L. Hooker, Anson P. Holbrook, Peter D. Higgins, Richard R. Hobart, Henry . . Holbrook, William H Hall, Charles . . Hall, George E. . Hills, Joel H. . . Hayden , Charles J. Holt, Joseph G. . Haley, Tobias A. . Hubbard, Joseph . Harlow, Jairus . . Hall, Horace Dudley Hall, Walter Scott Hill, Charles A. . Hayden, Joseph H. Haynes, Gideon . Holland, John . . Hagen, Oscar . . Hildreth, Samuel B. Hincke, J. H. Julius . Henshaw, Frederic H. Hodgdon, Micah W. Hayden, S. Worcester Hall, Henry . . Hixon, Edward, Jr. . Hill, Varnum H. . . Haskins, Leander M. Hartwell, Jacob F. . Hurd, Webster . . . Houston, James . . Hocking, John . . . Hubbard, Daniel B. . Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. April April Oct. Jan. Oct. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. April June Oct. Mar. April June June Feb. May May May TEMPLAR. 19, 1863 7. 1863 1, 1863 18, 1863 24, 1863 24, 1863 21, 1863 12, 1864 15, 1864 11, 1865 13. 1865 23, 1865 30, 1865 30, 1865 21, 1865 8, 1865 8, 1865 29, 1865 31. 1865 19, 1865 IS. 186s II, 1865 21, 1866 13, 1866 18, 1866 18, 1866 19, 1868 20, 1868 19, 1869 19, 1869 MEMBERSHIP. *Mar. 18, 1863 tjune 17, 1863 tjune 17, 1863 tApril 15, 1863 ♦Sept. 16, 1863 Dec. §§Feb. *Nov. *Feb. Mar. JJune §§April April ♦Sept. §§Sept. *May fMay tMay 16, 1863 17, 1864 16, 1864 IS. 1865 15. 1865 19, 1867 19, 1865 19, 1865 20, 1865 16. 1868 17. 1865 17, 186s 17. i86s tSept. 20, i86s *Nov. 15, 1865 Dec. 20, 1865 Nov. April Dec. Dec. 17, 1869 20, 1870 21, 1870 21, 1870 Sept. *Sept. *Sept. IJune *Mar. §§June tSept. JSept. Nov. *Nov. *April *May tjan. Jan. 19, 1866 19, 1866 19, 1866 19, 1867 20, 1868 17, 1868 IS. 1869 IS, 1869 17, 1869 17, 1869 20, 1870 18, 1870 18, 1871 18, 1871 LIST OF MEMBERS. 105 Hine, Elijah B. Holt, Albert N. Hannurn, Leander M, Horton, Charles H., Hall, Horatio G. . Hooker, Henry Hardy, Francis D., Ji Humphreys, Dexter Hayes, William T. Hickok, Gilman C. Hawkins, Alvin C. Hebbard, Albert . Hills, Joseph A. . Hills, Arthur T. . Holton, Eugene A. Hanford, Melancthon Hicks, Samuel D. Horton, Myron J. Hodges, William A. Hunt, Edgar F. . Howe, Benjamin . Hooper, George R. Harris, Isaac . . Holman, Rufus Hall, Walter D. . Henderson, James D Huff, James H. Hill, A. Bartlett . Ham, John F. . . Hedges, Sidney M. Hano, Samuel . . Hapgood, Lyman S. Hewett, George F. Hardy, John H. . Hall, Albert B. . Hubbard, Samuel F. Hazen, Daniel M. Hersey, George E. Jr KNIGHT ' TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. June 21, 1871 Sept. 20, 1871 Aug. i6, 1871 tSept. 20, 187 1 Feb. 8, 1872 Mar. 20, 1872 Feb. 8, 1872 Nov. 18, 189I April 17. 1872 May IS. 1872 April 17. 1872 §§May IS. 1873 May 2, 1872 June 19. 1S72 June i9t 1872 •Sept. 18, 1872 Nov. 20, 1872 Dec. 18, 1872 Jan. IS- 1873 Feb. 19. 1873 Mar. 19. 1873 JApril i6, 1873 Mar. 19. 1873 •April 16, 1S73 Mar. 19. 1873 §§April IS. 189I Mar. 19. 1873 May 21, 1873 §§IIJune 18, 1873 Dec. 17. 1873 JMar. 18, 1874 Dec. 17. 1873 §§Mar. 18, 1874 Dec. 17. 1873 Mar. 18, 1874 April iS> 1874 §§June 17. .S74 Dec. 16, 1874 Jan. 20, 187s May 19. 1875 •June 16, 1S7S June 21, 1876 •Oct. 18, 1876 April 18, 1877 May i6. 1877 June 20, 1877 §§Oct. 17, 1877 May IS. 1878 tjune 19. 1878 June 16, 1880 June 16, 1880 June 16, 1880 June 16, 1880 June IS. 1881 June IS, 18S1 June IS. 1881 •June IS. 1881 Jan. iS, 1882 Jan. 18, 18S2 Mar. IS. 18S2 §§Mar. IS. 18S2 June 21, 1882 •June 21, 1882 June 21, 1882 §§June 21, 18S2 Dec. 20, 1882 tDec. 20, 1882 Oct. 18, 1882 Mar. 21, 1883 §§Mar. 21, 1883 Mar. 21, 1883 Mar. 21, 1883 Reinstated. •Feb. 21, 1883 106 BOSTON COMMANDBEY. KNIGHT TEMPLAK, Hall, Henry C. . Hall, George D. . Hatch, James . . Hammond, J. Frank Hunt, Alfred H. . Hurd, Matthew L. P, Howe, Lemuel H. Hilton, James M. . Hoyt, Edward H. . Hewes, William O. Hazen, James W. . Hooper, George W. Hall, Walter L. . Howe, Harry G. . Holbrook, Robert S. Howe, C. Fred . Hubley, James M. Heywood, Charles Hamilton, Howard H Hatch, Edward O. Hill, Lew C. . . Hemmenway, Henry Hoak, Newton A. Hemmenway, Eugene S. Hurd, John C. . . Hall, Herbert C. . Houghton, John H. Harriman, George B Heald, Joseph F. . Hatch, E. Mertain Howland, Frank H. Howe, John H. Hall, William M. . Howell, Augustus F. Hall, William L. . Hoifman, Frederic G Heath, William S. Howlett, Clarence M Mar. June April June Dec. June Dec. June Sept. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. June June Sept. June Sept. June Sept. Sept. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. June Dec. June June Dec. Feb. Feb. June Feb. April June 19, 1004 18, 1884 21, 1886 16, i885 15, 1886 15, 1887 21, 1887 20, 1888 19, 1888 20, 1889 20, 1889 22, 18S9 22, 1889 22, 1889 19, 1889 19, 1889 18, 1889 18, 1890 17, i8go 18, 1890 17, 1890 17, 1890 21, 1891 18, 1891 18, 1891 18, 1891 19, 1891 17, 1891 15, 1892 15, 1892 21, 1892 IS. 1893 IS. 1893 21, 1893 21, 1894 18, 1894 20, 1894 MEMBERSHIP, Mar. 19, 1884 ♦June 18, 1884 *April 21, 1886 June 16, 1886 Dec. 15, 1886 JJune 15, 1887 §§Dec. 21, 1887 June 20, 1888 Sept. 19, 188S Feb. 20, 1889 §§Mar. 20, 1889 §§Mar. 22, 1889 tMar. 22, 1889 Mar. 22, 1S89 June 19, 1889 §§June 19, 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 tjune 18, 1890 Sept. 17, 1890 June 18, 1890 §§Sept. 17, 1890 Sept. 17, 1890 Jan. 21, 189 Mar. i8, 189 *Mar. 18, 189 §§Mar. 18, 189 §§May 20, 189 §§June 19, 189 Dec. 17, 189 §§June 15, 1892 June IS, 1892 §§Dec. 21, 1892 Feb. IS, 1893 Feb. IS, 1893 ♦June 21, 1893 Feb. 21, 1894 §§April 18, 1894 June 20, 1894 LIST OF MEJIBEES. 107 NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Hill, Edgar D. ... Nov. 21, 1894 Harlow, Frank . . . Nov. 21, 1894 Howe, George E. . . . . Dec. I9l 1894 Dec. 191 1894 Hardy, Edward E. . . . Feb. 20, 189s Feb. 20, 189s Homer, George E. . . Feb. 20, 1895 Feb. 20, 189s Hollis, Henry B. . . . . Feb. 20, 189s Feb. 20, 189s Hubbard, William B. . . April 17. 189s §§April 17. 189s Henry, George E. . . June 19. 1895 June 19. 189s Houghton, Charles W. . April 17. 189s April 17. 189s Hagar, Frederick H. . . . June 19. 189s June 19. ■89s Hardy, Freeman H. . . June 19. 189s June 19. 189s Ham, Frank W. . . . June 19. 189s June 19. 1895 Hicks, Joseph .... June 19. 189s Harvey, Charles A. . . June J9> 189s Holman, Selden V. . . July 19, 189s July 19. 189s Harrison, Charles H. . . June 17. 1S96 June 17. 1896 Holden, Albert E. . . June 17- 1896 June i7i 1896 Hapgood, Richard . . June 17. 1896 §§June 17. 1896 Hayden, Frederick W. . Feb. 17. 1897 Feb. 17. 1897 Higgins, John J. . . . April 21, 1897 April 21, 1897 Heintzemann, Carl H. . April 21, 1897 April 21, 1897 Hadley, J. Frank . . . April 21, 1897 April 21, 1S97 Howell, Charles L. . . Sept. 17. 1897 Sept. '7. 1S97 Harvey, George W. . . Sept. 17. 1897 Sept. 17. 1897 Hayward, Fred P. . . Feb. 16, 1898 Feb. 16, 1898 Heimer, Frank L. . . April 20, 1898 April 20, 1898 Ingalls, William . . June 15. 182s tjan. 16, 1833 Ivers, Francis .... June i9> 1889 •June 19. 1889 Ivers, Frank H. Mar. 18, 1 891 Mar. 18, 1891 Jackson, Thomas P. . . . *§ll Johnson, Seth .... May 3I1 1806 •II Oct. h 1806 Jenkins, Joseph . . . . May H. 1S17 •Dec. 24. 1817 Johnson, Walter R. . . May 12, 1819 Jones, Charles H. . . . May 12, 1819 Jones, Richmond . . . . April 16, 1828 Jones, Peter C Nov. s. 1843 tjan. 171 1844 Johnson, DoUiver . . . Feb. 28, 1849 tApril 18, 1849 108 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. Jones, William K. Jepson, Samuel Johnson, Joseph P, Jocelyn, Henry E. Joy, Albion K. P. Jennings, John D. Jones, George Stevens Jackson, William F. Jackman, Charles G. Jones, Allen H. Jewell, Harvey . . Jones, Eben D. Jocelyn, Dana I. . Josselyn, Freeman M, Jones, Charles A. Joyce, Charles E. Jarvis, John F. Jones, Gilman F. . Jordan, Thomas B. Jones, George A. . Jones, Charles B. . Johnson, Francis H. Jacobs, John S. Jones, Andrew J. . Jackson, George H. Jones, Charlie A. . Jacobs, Edward F. Jacobs, J. Arthur . Jones, Oscar A. Jones, George Howard Jackson, Gilman D. Jacobs, James H. . Jones, Claudius M. Jenks, William W. James, Frank M. . Jordan, Horace A. Jones, Edward W. S, Jones, W. Clifton . KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Oct. 19. i8S3 tjan. 18. i8S4 Jan. 131 I8S4 *Feb. IS. i8S4 Mar. 21, I8SS *Sept. 19. I8SS Dec. 19. I8SS *Mar. 19, 1856 May I> I8S7 tjan. 20, 1858 June II. i8S7 tOct. 21, I8S7 Nov. 9i i8S9 *Jan. i8. i860 Mar. IS. i860 *May 16. i860 Jan. 21, 1862 |Mar. i8. 1863 Sept. 27. 1862 *Nov. 19. 1862 tDec. 17. 1862 Feb. 7. 1863 *Mar. 18, 1863 Mar. 18, 1863 tApril IS. 1863 Feb. 17. 1864 Mar. i6, 1864 Dec. 21, 1864 tFeb. IS. 186s Mar. 8, 186s JMay 17, 1865 Mar. 21, 1866 *April 18. 1 866 Nov. 17. 1869 Jan. 19. 1870 June IS. 1870 JSept. 21, 1870 Feb. IS, 1871 Mar. IS. 1871 Dec. 20, 1871 *Jan. 17, 1872 Dec. 17. 1873 §§May 20, 1874 Dec. IS. 187s Feb. 16, 1876 Dec. IS. 187s *Feb. 16, 1876 Mar. iSi 1876 tMay 17. 1876 Mar. IS. 1876 June 20, 1877 April 20, 1 881 April 20. 1881 April 20, 1881 April 20, i88i Jan. 18, 1882 Jan. 18. 1882 Mar. 21, 1883 Mar. 21, 1883 J"iy 18, 1883 July 18, 1883 Sept. 18, 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 April 16, 1890 ♦April 16, 1S90 June IS. 1892 §§June IS. 1892 Feb. IS. 1893 Feb. IS. 1893 June 21, 1893 June 21, 1893 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 April IS. 1896 April IS. 1896 LIST OF MEMBERS. 109 NAM£S. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. King, James C. . . • • July 17. 181S Kennedy, Artemas . . May 12, 1819 If Jan. 5) 1820 Kingsbury, Eleazer . . . June 2 1824 Kempton, Ephraim . . . Nov. 16 1826 Keith, LucienB. . . "Aug. 24. 1840 Kelsey, Albert H. . April 15. 1846 tSept. 16, 1846 Knapp, William . . . . Jan. 17. 185s *Mar. 21, 1855 Keith, Nathaniel . . . Jan. 14. 1857 *Feb. 17. 1858 Kimberly, L. A. . . • June 12, i8s7 Kennedy, Samuel . Jan. 29. 1858 •Mar. 17, 185S Knowles, William F. . Nov. 17. 1858 tjan. 19. 1S59 Kimball, Ambrose L. JDec. 21, 18S9 Keyes, Hamlin W. . . Feb. 29, i860 •May 16, i860 Kent, William H. . . Dec. 28, i860 tFeb. 20, 1861 Kennedy, Frank A. . Nov. 29, 1864 §§Jan. 18, 186s Knapp, George B. . Jan. II> 1865 Kelley, Joseph . . . . Mar. 21, 1866 •April 18, 1866 Kakas, Edward . . . April 17. 1867 May IS- 1867 Kimball, J. Wayland . June 19. 1867 tSept. 1 8, 1867 Kendall, Isaac B. . . . June 10, 1868 Sept. 16, 1868 Kelley, Blanchard B. . Nov. 17, 1869 JSept. 18, 1872 King, Joseph . . . April 20, 1870 •May 18, 1870 Kimball, Henry H. . . April 20, 1870 May 18, 1870 Knowlton, George P. . June IS. 1870 tSept. 21, 1870 Kemp, Robert H. . . . Nov. 1 , 1S70 •Nov. 16, 1870 Kelley, Alexander P. . May 21, 1873 §§June 18, 1873 Kimball, Martin V. B. . Feb. 18, 1880 •Feb. 18, 18S0 Knowlton, Asa S. . Feb. 18, 1880 •Feb. 18, 1880 Kimball, Edgar R. . . June 21, 1882 June 21, 1SS2 Kramer, Eugene . . ■ Jan. 16, 1884 tJan. 16, 1884 Knight, William H. . . June 20, 1S88 June 20, 18S8 King, George A. . . . Sept. 19. 1 888 Sept. 19. 1 888 Keating, William H. . Mar. 20, 1889 Mar. 20, 1SS9 Kopf, Henry M. . . . April 16, 1890 •April 16, 1890 Kramer, Henry C. . . Sept. 17. 1890 Sept. 17. 1890 King, Stillman B. . . June 18, 1890 •June 18, 1890 Keating, George . . • Jan. 21. 1891 Jan. 21, 1891 Kent, Edward F. . . . . June 19. 1891 June 191 1891 110 BOSTON COMMANDBRY. NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAH. MEMBERSHIP. Knight, Howard N. . . . June 19, 1891 June 19, 1891 Knowles, Reuben C. *Dec. 17, 1891 Koch, Adam A. . . June IS, 1892 June 15, 1892 Kemlo, David E. . Feb. 15. 1893 tFeb. iS> 1893 Keay, Warren S. . Dec. 20, 1893 Dec. 20, 1893 Karcher, Jacob, Jr. Dec. 19, 1894 Dec. 19, 1894 Koop, Christian F. June 19, 189s June 19. 189s Kilgour, Dwight F. Dec. 18, 1895 Dec. 18, 1895 Kenny, James F. . April 21, 1897 April 21, 1897 Kelley, Herbert L. June 16, 1897 June 16, 1897 Keever, Davis T. . Feb. 16, 1898 Feb. 16, 1898 Lash, Robert . . Mar. 8, 1806 *l|Mar. 19, 1806 Learned, William Mar. 8, 1806 * II Mar. 19, 1806 Lisle, Henry M. . Mar. 26, 1806 Loring, John J. Mar. 27, i8is *tjune 3. 181S Leman,John . . Feb. 5. 1817 *Mar. 5. 1817 Latham, Bela . . July II, 1817 Lee, Roswell . . June 12, 1818 Lincoln, Jotham . Dec. 22, 1820 Lyon, Amos . . Mar. 30. 1825 tAug. 17, 1825 Lauriat, Lewis A. Mar. 30, 1825 JNov. 15, 1826 Lewis, James, Jr. . Oct. 16, 1828 Lewis, Winslow, Jr. Mar. 2, 1832 *||May 16, 1832 Leeds, Benjamin I. Jan. 18, 1837 *May 17. 1837 Lewis, Winslow . *May 20, 1839 Lord, John H. . . Nov. 8, 1843 tjan. 17, 1844 Lovejoy, Loyal Nov. 13, 1844 tDec. 18, 1844 Lawson, Peter . . Nov. 6, 1846 tFeb. 19. 1851 Lovell, Stephen . Dec. 19, 1849 *Feb. 20, 1850 Lanergan, Andrew Apri! 12, 1854 *June 21, 1854 Lord, John W. . . Oct. 18, 1854 tMar. 2I> 185s Long, Martin W. . Dec. IS. 1854 *Jan. 17. i8ss Lincoln, James L. Jan. 30. 1857 *Mar. 18, 1857 Lee, James W. . . Nov. 18, 1857 tJan. 20, 1858 Lawrence, Samuel C §§l|May 19. 1858 Litchfield, Harvey T. Jan. 31. 1859 *May 18, 1859 Lawrence, Daniel W Mar. 4. 1859 §§May 18, 1859 LIST or MEMBERS. Ill NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSH IP. Leland, Thomas J. . . May s. i8S9 ♦June IS. [8S9 Lendholm, Frederick . Jan. 28, i860 •April 18, [860 Lord, Thomas H. . Feb. 3i i86o April 18, [860 Leland, Thomas S. . . Feb. 29, i860 ♦May 16, [860 Locke, William H. . . Mar. IS. 1861 Locke, Samuel B. . Feb. 19. 1862 Mar. 19. [862 Locke, James W. . . . April 16, 1862 Sept. 17. [862 Lincoln, Charles S. . . Oct. 8, 1862 Sept. 19. [866 Le Francis, Thomas, Jr . Oct. 2I> 1863 Nov. 16, [863 Lawrence, H. S. . . . Dec. 16, 1863 tFeb. 17. [864 Lewis, Thomas . . JMar. 16, 1S64 Lembke, John A. . . . . Nov. 29, 1864 ♦Jan. 18, [86s Leach, William H. . . Nov. 29, 1864 ♦Jan. 18, 1 86s Lotts, J. Francis . . • Jan. II, 1 86s llFeb. IS. 1 86s Lincoln, John L. . . Jan. 30, 1865 tMar. IS. [865 Lynde, Leander F. . . Feb. 9. 1865 JMar. IS. [86s Lauriat, Charles P. . . June IS. i86s ♦Nov. IS. 1 86s Lathrop, William L. Jan. i6. 1867 JMar. 20, [S67 Lovejoy, Alvan L. . May IS. 1867 Lewis, William H. . • June 19. 1867 tjune 16, >87S Long, Edward J. . . . May 19. 1869 ♦Sept. IS. 1869 Lakin, John H. . . . May 2, 1872 June 19. 1S72 Litchfield, Parker R. . May 21, 1873 June 18, 1873 Loring, Freeman A. . . May 21, 1873 §§June iS, 1873 Lane, Peter .... . June i7i 1874 ♦Sept. 16, 1S74 La Pointe, William H. . May 19. 187s June 16, '87s Lighthill, August P. May 19. 187s Dec. IS. 187s Lovejoy, Daniel H. . April 18, 1877 Libby, Charles A. . May IS. 187S Feb. 19. [S79 Lamb, William Dan Feb. 19. 1879 §§Feb. 19. 1879 Leighton, Emery D. . June 16, 1880 June 16, 1880 Lawrence, William B. . June 16, 1880 §§June 16, [880 Lawrence, Rosewell B. . June i6. iSSo §§June 16, 1880 Lane, Walter L. . . . Nov. 17. 1880 Nov. 17, 1S80 Locke, John . . . . Mar. IS- 1SS2 ♦Mar. IS. [882 Leeds, Francis . . June 21, 1882 Locke, Samuel D. . Oct. 16, 18S2 tOct. 16, 1882 Lovell, Warren D. . . May i6. 1883 May 16, 1883 112 BOSTON COMMANDEKT. NAMES. KNIGHl ■ TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Lawrence, Ambrose . . • July i8, 1883 *July 18, 1883 Litchfield, Horace D. . . Jan. i6. 1884 Jan. 16, 1884 Litchfield, Henry H. . §§l|Nov. 21, 1883 Litchfield, Charles I. . §§lljan. 16, 1S84 Littlefield, George S. . June i8. 1884 §§June 18, 1884 Longley, Edwin P. . . Jan. 21, i88s §§Jan. 21, 1885 Locke, Elmore E. . . Mar. i8, 1885 tMar. 18, 1885 Lloyd, Andrew J. . . Feb. i6, 1887 tFeb. 16, 1887 Levi, William G. . . . Feb. 16, 1887 Feb. 16, 1887 Look, George L. . . . Sept. 19. 1888 §§Sept. 19. 1888 Lockhart, Joseph S. . . June 19. 1889 June 19. 1S89 Lyons, Walter S. . . . April 16, 1890 April 16, 1890 Leonard, Francis M. June 18, 1890 §§June 18, 1890 Leavitt, Fred H. . . . June 18, 1890 June 18, 1890 Lawrence, Henry A. Sept. 17. 1890 Sept. i7i 1890 Lowney, Walter M. . . June 19. 1891 June 19. 189: Lynch, Samuel B. . . June 19. 1891 June 19. 1891 Lott, William H. . Feb. 17. 1892 Feb. 17. 1892 Locke, Henry A. . . . Feb. 15. 1893 Feb. IS. 1893 Lamson, William G. April 18, 1894 April 18, 1894 Lincoln, Arthur A. . June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 Littlefield, Arthur H. . June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 Lane, Albert C. . . . Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Lewis, William A. . . April 17. 1895 April 17. 1895 Lyon, Albert W. . July 19, 189s July 19. 189s Lovejoy, Ernest F. April iS> 1896 April 15. 1896 Lincoln, Fred H. . . . Feb. 17. 1897 Feb. 17. 1897 Lowe, George H. . . . Feb. i7i 1897 Feb. 17. 1897 Lyman, Anson M. . April 21, 1897 April 21, 1897 Lombard, Willard D. . June 16, 1897 §§June 16, 1897 Landers, John N. . . . June 16, 1897 June 16, 1897 Latimer, Charles F. . . June 16, 1897 June 16, 1897 Moore, Abraham . . . Nov. h 1809 ♦May 1) 1816 Morgan, James Oct. 26, 1816 *Dec. 4. 1816 McGaw, Isaac . . Feb. Si 1817 tMar. S> 1817 Manson, George E. . . May 16, 1827 Mann, Thomas S. Dec. 19. 1827 LIST OF MEMBEES. 113 NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Moore, Charles W. . • Jan. 19. 1831 tjan. 18, 1832 Martin, William C. . . Jan. 24, 1831 McClellan.John . April 30, 184s *Sept. 17. 184s Morril, Jesse . . . June 22, 1846 tSept. 16, 1846 Marston, Jonathan M. . April 18, 1849 •Sept. 19. 1849 McGreavy, George . Nov. 17. 1852 tJan. 19. 18S3 May, William B. . . . Jan. 19. 1853 •Sept. 20, 1854 Moore, Edward B. . Nov. 9. 1853 •Jan. 18, i8S4 Marshall, Wyzeman . . Mar. 3, 1854 •IIApril 19. 1854 Moulton, George . April 30. i8S4 tjune 21, i8s4 Morss, Charles A. • Jan. 25) i8ss Mar. 21, ■sss Mahoney, Jeremiah . . Jan. 3. 1856 JMar. 19. 1856 Maynard, James A. . Mar. 4. 1856 tOct. '5) 1856 Mattson, Morris . . April 4i 1856 JOct. 15. 1856 Mason, Samuel, Jr. . . April 16, 1856 •llOct. IS. 1856 Mclntire, Peter . . . Jan. 7) .858 Feb. 25- 1858 Marston, George . . . Feb. 10, 1858 •Oct. 20, 1858 Melius, Henry . . . . Feb. 17. 1858 *April 21, 1858 Morrill, Jonathan E. . . Feb. 25. 1858 JApril 21, 1858 Morey, William C. . Mar. I-. 1S58 tApril 21, 1858 Macomber, John F. . April 9. 1858 May 19. 1858 Moore, Marcus A. Sept. 29, 1858 •Jan. 19. I8S9 MuUiken, Henry . . . Oct. 8, 1858 tJan. 19. 1859 Mudge, Lemuel D. . . June IS. 1859 •Nov. 16, 1859 McCartney, William H. . Sept. 21, 1859 Mann, Eben Nov. 16, 1859 •Jan. 18, i860 Marsh, James E. Jan. 28, i860 •April 18, i860 Morrill, Lucius H. . JFeb. IS. i860 Morse, John C. . . . April 11, i860 May 16, 1S60 Meston, Lyman B. . April II, i860 JMay 16, i860 Maine, William H. . . Nov. 20, 1861 •Mar. 19. 1862 Mitchell, Edward L. . . June 18, 1862 •Sept. 17. 1862 McCully, Hugh . . . June 18, 1862 Sept. 17. 1862 Merrill, Albert J. . . . Oct. 8, 1862 •Nov. 19. 1862 Moseley, Thomas E. . Jan. 21, 1863 •Mar. 18, 1863 Messenger, Frank A. . Mar. 21, 1863 tApril IS. 1863 Manley, Sidney . . Mar. 21, 1863 Mclntire, Joseph . . . Mar. 21, 1863 April IS. 1863 114 BOSTON COMMAKDEEY. KNIGHT TEMPLAK. McDonald, Alexander . Marrow, John F. . Marsh, George . . . Morse, Isaac S. . . . McDuffee, Lewis P. . . Miller, William M. . . Markoe, George F. H. . Morrill, Asa .... Mingay, Edward . . . McDaniel, John W. . . Melendj, Henry J. Meacham, George F. Mansfield, Gideon T. Morton, John D. . . . Morrison, Nahum M. Mills, James .... Marks, Charles H. . . Meserve, Isaac H. . , McKown, John A. . . Morse, Mason W., Jr. . Morrill, Samuel S. . . Mann, Sewell R. . . . Martin, James A. . . . McKown, William George Morrill, Alfred .... Mansfield, George Henry Minor, H. B Minot, George S. . . . McKusick, Amasa A. Murphy, John J. . . . Mace, Lyman R. . . . Marble, Nathan F. . . Mann, Sewell R. . . . Mendum, Charles A. Marvin, Leonard P. . . Merrill, George S. . . Milligan, James . . . MacDonald, Edward . . Oct. Feb. Feb. Nov. Dec. Jan. Mar. Mar. May Dec. Jan. June Jan. April May Feb. Mar. May June Feb. Feb. June June Feb. May June June 21, 1863 6, 1864 6, 1864 29, 1864 26, 1864 n, 1865 8, i86s 31. 1865 311 1865 20, 1865 17, 1866 18, 1866 16, 1867 17, 1867 IS, 1867 19, 1868 17, 1869 19, 1869 4, 1869 i5i 1871 15. 1871 21, 1871 21, 1871 8, 1872 2, 1872 19, 1872 19, 1872 *May ♦May Jan. 15, 1873 April 15, 1874 Dec. 15, 1875 April 19, 1876 Reinstated. June 21, 1876 June 20, 1877 May 15, 1878 Dec. 18, 1878 April 21, i88o MEMBERSHIP. *Nov. 18, 1863 Mar. 16, 1864 *Jan. 18, 1865 tSept. 20, 1865 Feb. IS, i86s 17, 186s 17, 1865 *Sept. 20, 1865 tFeb. 21, 1866 JFeb. 21, 1866 JMar. May §§Sept. *May April §§Sept. Nov. fMar. *Mar. tSept. ♦Sept. fMar. §§June §§Sept. tSept. Dec. ♦Feb. §§May §§Feb. 20, 1867 IS, 1867 18, 1867 20, 1868 21, 1869 IS, 1869 iS> 1871 IS. 1871 15. 1871 20, I87I 20, 1871 20, 1872 19, 1872 18, 1872 18, 1S72 18, 1872 19, 1873 20, 1874 16, 1876 ♦April 19, 1876 tOct. 18, 1876 ♦Oct. 17, 1877 Jan. IS, 1879 April 21, i88o LIST OF MEMBERS. 115 Munroe, Martin A. Merrill, Thomas . Mansur, Henry W. Mann, Charles . . Marsh, William H. Montgomery, Alexander Merkel, G. Hermann Marshall, Frank . . Mills, William N. Metcalf, Robert C. . Mclndoe, James W. . Mason, Harrie E. Merritt, William, Jr. Morrill, Charles F. . Merritt, Herbert . . Moulton, Beverly S. . McGaw, John . . . Moore, Charles McRae, Finley . . . Mclntyre, Charles D. Mattson, John . . . Main, Charles E. . . Maginnes, William C. Mason, Eber L. . . McGonagle, Arthur . Mitchell, Clarence B. Maley, Henry A. . . Murtfeldt, Will A. Mainland, John Y. . MacAlman, John H. Miller, Marquis S. McLellan, James D. . Marrs, John H. . . Muldowney, Edward V. Murphie, Hiram P. . Morrell, Ralph W. . Marks, George M. Margeson, Richman S. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. June i6 1880 §§June 16 I8S0 June IS. 1881 June IS, I88I Jan. i8, 1882 ♦Jan. 18, ISS2 June 21, 1882 June 21, 1882 Oct. i6 1882 tOct. 16 ISS2 May i6, 1883 §§May 16, I8S3 July 1 8, 1883 •July 18, 1883 Oct. 9 1883 Oct. 9. 1883 Jan. i6. 1884 *Jan. 16, 1884 June i8. 1884 June 18, ISS4 Jan. 21, 1885 §§Jan. 21, 1 88s Dec. IS- 1 886 Dec. IS. 1886 Feb. iS> i888 Feb. IS. 18SS Mar. 20, 1889 Mar. 20, 1889 June 19, 1889 June 19, 1SS9 June i8, 1890 June 18, 1890 June i8, 1890 §§June 18, 1S90 Mar. i8, 1891 Mar. i8, 1891 Feb. 17. 1892 §§Feb. 17. 1S92 Feb. 17, 1892 ♦Feb. 17, 1S92 Feb. 17. 1892 Feb. 17. 1S92 Feb. 17. 1892 §§Feb. 17. 1892 June IS, 1892 June IS. 1892 June IS, 1S92 June IS, 1892 April 19. 1893 April 19. 'S93 Dec. 20, 1S93 Dec. 20, 1893 Dec. 20, 1S93 Dec. 20, 1893 Dec. 20, 1893 Dec. 20, 1S93 Dec. 20, 1893 Dec. 20, 1893 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1S94 June 20, 1894 §§June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Dec. 19, 1894 Dec. 19. 1894 Dec. i9> 1894 Dec. 19, 1894 116 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Morrill, George H., Jr. . §§April 17. 1895 Milk, William E. . . . . April 17, 189s §§April i7i 1895 McAlpine, Charles A. . . April 17, 189s April 17. 189s Morton, Francis F. . . April 17, 189s April 17. 1895 Maxwell, William R. . . April 17, 1895 April 17. 189s Macdonald, Rev. Peter I tl. . June 19, 189s *June 19. 189s Mitchell, John L. . . . . June 19, 189s June 19. 1895 McKenzie, Angus G. • • July 19, 189s §§July 19. 1895 McKay, Nichols L. . . July 19, 189s July i9> 189s Miller, Clement G. . . Feb. 19, 1896 §§Feb. 19. 1896 McDonald, David A. §§Mar. 18, 1896 Mansfield, Walter H. . April 15, 1896 §§April 15. 1896 Moffitt, William A. . . April 15, 1896 April IS. 1896 Moseley, Elisha H. . . . June 17, 1896 June 17. 1896 Manfull, John S. . . . Dec. 16, 1896 Dec. 16, 1896 Manchester, William A . Feb. 17, 1897 §§Feb. 17, 1897 Merrick, Frank W. . . . April 21, 1897 April 21, 1897 Moran, Martin W. . . Sept. 17, 1897 Sept. 17. 1897 Morris, Henry D. W. . Sept. 17, 1897 Sept. 17) 1897 MacDonald, William R. . April 20, 1898 April 20, 189S Nichols, Charles C. . . Oct. 26, 1S16 *||Dec. 4. 1816 Nye, Jonathan . . . . . Dec. 10, 1817 Nurse, Gilbert . . Sept. I, 1824 *||Nov. 19! 1828 Nichols, John . . . . Oct. 13, 1824 *Dec. IS. 1824 Newhall, Chauncey . . Jan. 12, 1827 Nichols, Smith W. . . Sept. 18, 1839 tNov. 20, 1839 Nichols, Timothy S. . Mar. 27, 1844 *May IS. 1844 Nourse, Benjamin F. . Feb. 27, i8ss ♦April 18, isss Nutter, Thomas F. . . Sept. 21, i8S9 tjan. 18, i860 Newcomb, Solomon . . Nov. 9, 1859 *Jan. 18, i860 Newton, John F. . . . May 24, i860 tSept. 19) IS60 Nutting, J. Dwinal . . Oct. 8, 1862 JNov. i9> 1862 Nash, Micah . . . . May 12, 1863 Newton, George L. . . Nov. 25, 1864 Nash, William W. . . April 18, 1866 *May 16, 1866 Norris, Edward L. . Feb. 20, 1867 Mar. 20, 1867 Norris, Rufus G. . Feb. 20, 1867 *Mar. 20, 1867 LIST OF MEMBERS. 117 NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Nichols, Curtis C. . . ♦May 20, 1 868 Nichols, Edward T. May 20, 1868 *June 17. 1868 Neal, Edward C. . June 21, 1871 Sept. 20, 1871 North, Charles H. . . June 21, 1871 Sept. 20, 1871 Nevons, Hiram . . April 17. 1872 •May IS- 1872 North, John H. . . April 17. 1872 May IS. 1S72 Nichols, Leonard B. . June 19. 1872 II Sept. 18, 1872 Nickerson, Albert W. . Nov. 20, 1872 •Dec. 18, 1S72 Norcross, J. Henry May 21, 1873 June 18, 1873 Neale, Otis S Feb. 19. 1879 Feb. 19. 1S79 Nichols, George L. . . Oct. 9. 1883 Oct. 9. 1883 Nichols, Edward L. . . Oct. 9. 1883 •Oct. 9. 1883 Newman, John R. . . Jan. 21, 1 88s §§Jan. 21, 1885 Norris, Elza .... June 18, 1890 June 18, 1890 Nickerson, William E. . Jan. 21, 1891 §§Jan. ^i. 1891 Nickerson, Isaiah . . April 18, 1894 §§April 18, 1894 Nettles, Stephen . . . Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Noble, William H. C. . Dec. 19. 1894 Dec. 19, 1894 Nordland, Lawrence June 19. 189s June 19. 1895 Neal, John R. . . . June 19. 189s June 19. 1895 Neale, William . . July 17. 1S9S Newton, Joseph L. . . Dec. 18, 189s Dec. 18, 1895 Noone, Everett P. . April IS. 1896 April IS. 1896 Nickerson, Richard H. . April 21, 1897 April 21. 1S97 Nowell, Frank J. . . Feb. 16, 1898 Feb. i6, 1898 Oliver, Francis J. . . Mar. 26, 1S06 Oliver, Ebenezer . Feb. 17, 1808 •Mar. 10, i8o8 Oliver, Samuel C. . . June 20, 1827 Oakes, George L. Feb. '9, 1840 tAug. 24. 1840 Oliver, William B. . Jan. IS. 184s •Feb. 19. 184s Ober, John P April 19. 1848 tSept. 20, 1S48 Ordway, John P. . . . Feb. 8, i8s9 Osborne, Thomas W. . Dec. 16, 1863 Osborne, Alvin W. . . JMay -I, 1873 Olys, Thomas J. . . . Feb. 16, 1S81 Feb. 16, 1881 Odell, Ira H. . Oct. 16, 1882 Oct. 16, 1882 Oakman, Otis B. . . . Dec. 17. 1891 §§Dec. 17. 1891 118 BOSTON COMMANDEET. NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Purkitt, Henry .... Mar. 8, 1806 *||Mar. 19, 1806 Pennjman, John R. Dec. 1, 1819 Peirce, William, Jr. Oct. 8, 1821 *Feb. 6, 1822 Parker, William . June 17, 1822 *July 24, 1822 Parker, Luther June 17, 1822 *July 24, 1822 Parker, Daniel Sept. 19, 1822 Parker, Thomas L. Feb. 18, 1824 Peabody, Francis . June 2, 1824 tAug. 13, 1824 Power, Thomas . Aug. 2, 1824 tSept. 15, 1824 Phillips, John L. . Dec. 4, 1824 tjan. 19, 1825 Peirce, James . . Dec. 4, 1824 Parker, Robert F. Dec. 17, 1824 Pond, Shubael . . May 18, 1825 Parker, William May 24, 1825 tNov. 19, 1825 Peirce, Willard July 15, 1826 Phelps, Jesse . . April 16, 1828 Porter, Zachariah B. April 25, 1832 *June 20, 1832 Proctor, Uriah . . June 19. 1833 *Oct. 17. 1833 Parker, William O. Mar. 8, 1844 *May IS, 1844 Pearce, Samuel . *||Mar. 20, 1844 Pollard, Abner W. Nov. 17, 1847 *Jan. 19, 1848 Parkman, William Feb. 9, 1848 tApril 19, 1848 Perkins, James April 26, 1848 tSept. 20, 1848 Prouty, Lorenzo . Dec. 20, 1848 Peirce, Jonathan . June 7. 1850 tSept. 18, 1850 Patten, George W. Dec. 29. 1853 *Feb. 15. 1854 Phelps, Jacob C. . April 30. 1854 JSept. 20, 1854 Parmenter, Daniel June 2, 1854 *Mar. 21, 185s Putnam, Augustus A June 2:, 1854 Pearce, William . Nov. 29, 1854 *Dec. 20, 1854 Pattee, Jesse P. . Jan. 17. i8ss *Feb. 21, 185s Page, Chauncy Jan. 31. 185s *May 16, 1855 Prescott, Alfred A. Mar. 29. 1855 |May 16, 185s Peirson, George H. Dec. i9> 185s tMar. 19, 1856 Pratt, Stephen M. S. Jan. 14. 1857 tMar. 18, 1857 Pember, Thomas . June ii> 1857 tOct. 21, 1857 Patch, Sidney . . June 12, 1857 *Oct. 21, 1857 Parmenter, William I Oct. '13. 1857 tJan. 20, 1858 LIST or MEMBERS. 119 NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Pratt, George L. . . Nov. i7> 1858 tjan. 19. 1859 Prince, Frederic O. . . Jan. 31. 1859 Pierce, William W. . . . Feb. 8, 1859 *May 18, i8S9 Phinney, Sylvanus B. . Mar. 16, 1859 May 18, 1859 Prescott, George Watson . Mar. 16, i8S9 June iS> 1859 Plimpton, Edson E. . . . Sept. 21, i8S9 •Jan. 18, i860 Pickett, George B. . . . Sept. 21, 1859 Jan. 18, i860 Pennell, D. S. . . . . Nov. 9. I8S9 ♦Jan. 18, i860 Pippey, Benjamin Y. . . Nov. 13. 1859 Jan. 18, i860 Pierce, John F. . . . . Nov. 13. 1859 JJan. 18, i860 Powers, Charles Ed war d . Nov. 16, 1859 •Iljan. 18, i860 Park, William D. . . . . Mar. 30. i860 May 16, i860 Plimpton, Frederick S. . . April II, i860 tMay 16, i860 Paige, Enoch . May 30, i860 Sept. 19. i860 Porter, Frank E. . . . . May IS. 1861 Pickett, James B. . May 29, 1861 fSept. iS, 1861 Pope, Rufus S. April 16, 1862 tApril 21, 1869 Patee, Moors . . . Oct. 4. 1S62 tNov. 19. 1862 Potter, Asa P. . . . Jan. 21, 1863 §§June 17, 1863 Proctor, Joseph . . . Feb. 19. 1863 *Mar. iS, 1863 Phillips, Enos B. . . . April 23. 1863 *June 17. 1863 Pote, Elisha . . . . Oct. 21, 1863 tNov. 18, 1863 Pollard, Byron A. . . Dec. 16, 1863 tFeb. 17. 1S64 Parker, Joseph G. Oct. 15. 1864 JNov. 16, 1864 Pote, Jeremiah H. . . Nov. 25> 1864 tJan. 18, 186s Pope, Benjamin . . Jan. 23> 1865 tApril 19' 1865 Pope, Ivory H. . . §§Feb. IS. 1S65 Patten, I. Bartlett Mar. 8, 1865 May 17, 1865 Packard, Alonzo . . . . May II, 186s Oct. 18, 1865 Pattee, William H. . . . June IS. 1865 Nov. IS. 1871 Prouty, Dwight . Mar. 2, 1866 April 18, 1866 Pratt, Laban . . . . . April 13. 1 866 §§May 16, 1866 Peirce, William F. . . . April 18, 1 866 tMay 16, 1866 Peirce, Joseph N., Jr. . . April 18, 1S66 ♦May 16, 1866 Potter, Zebedee D. . . . April 18, 1866 •May 16, 1 866 Prescott, Edward . . . . April 18, 1866 Perkins, James D. . . . Feb. 20, 1867 tMar. 20, 1867 Pycott, William S. . . Feb. 20 1867 tMar. 20, 1867 120 BOSTON COMMANDEKY. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. Pratt, William . . Parker, Charles W Potter, H. Staples Prescott, Ebenezer C Page, John L. . . Porter, Charles H. Pitman, Joshua H. Phillips, Charles W. Plaisted, Lewis H. Pierce, Phineas Pratt, David G. . Paige, Rev. Lucius R Palmer, J. Frank . Pierce, J. Winslow Pierce, Edward J. Palmer, Irving S. Phinney, James P. Poor, Daniel E. . Phipps, Charles E. Pierce, Fred B. . Parazina, William B. Prescott, Edwin . Parker, George F. Pierce, David R. Page, Francis E. . Page, George P. . Perry, William A. Perkins, Walter S. Page, Wesley L. . Pray, Albert G. . Perin, Rev. George L, Park, William T. . Porter, Benjamin F. Pope, Ahrend C. J. Puffer, Luther W. Preston, Andrew W. Patterson, Henry W Peirce, William W. Feb. April June Dec. Dec. May May June Dec. Aug. Dec. 20, 1867 17, 1867 19, 1867 18, 1867 18, 1867 19, 1869 19, 1869 4, 1869 21, 1870 16, 187 1 20, 1871 MEMBERSHIP. *Mar. 20, 1867 May IS, 1867 Sept. 17, 1S73 Dec. 17, 1873 Feb. 18, 1874 Dec. 16, 1874 Feb. 17, 1875 June 15, 1881 Jan. 18, 1882 Jan. i8, 1882 Oct. 16, 1882 Dec. 20, 1882 Feb. Feb. June Dec. Feb. June June June Dec. Dec. Mar. June Jan. June 17, 1886 17, 1886 16, 1886 IS, 1886 i6, 1887 IS, 1887 IS, 1887 IS, 1887 21, 1887 21, 1887 22, 1889 19, 1889 IS, 1890 i8, 1890 JFeb. *May fMay ♦Sept. tDec. tFeb. tSept. Jan. * II Sept. *Nov. tMar. tMar. Jan. Mar. IJune tjan. Jan. §§June Oct. §§Dec. tMar. §§Feb. §§Feb. June Dec. Feb. June June *June Dec. Dec. Mar. June Jan. June 16, 1870 20, i868 IS, 1872 IS, 1869 15, 1869 15) 1871 20, 1871 17, 1872 18, 1872 19, 1873 18, 1874 18, 1874 20, 187s 17, 187s 15, 1881 18, 1882 18, 1882 21, 1882 16, 1882 20, 1882 19, 1884 17, 1886 17, 1886 16, 1886 IS, 1886 i6, 1887 IS, 1887 IS, 1887 IS, 1887 21, 1887 21, 1887 22, 1S89 19, 1889 IS, 1890 18, 1890 LIST OF MEMBERS. 121 Plumer, Horace B. Patrick, John C. . Polio, Edward T. . Parker, Joseph S. Peck, Lucius T. . Parke, Lewis G. . Pearson, Henry C. Potter, William, Jr. Phillips, John M. . Perkins, George A. Pace, Edwin E. . Phillips, Alvin Prescott, John W. Pond, Robert L. . Peak, Irvin E. . . Parmenter, Charles W. Piper, Charles R. Pendleton, John C. Pendleton, Walter E, Perry, Orlando D. Parmelee, Charles E, Plummer, Walter I. Prescott, Allan C. Phillips, Edward W. Paul, Joseph T. . Phelps, Thomas J. Pratt, George E. . Packard, Herman A. Piper, Frank E. . Palmer, Harrie H. Quimby, Leone S. Quinsler, George J. Richards, George . Ruter, Martin . . Robinson, Jonathan Richardson, Joseph KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Sept. 17, 1890 Sept. 17. 1890 Sept. 17. 1890 Sept. 17, 1S90 Mar. 18, 1891 Mar. 18, 1891 Dec. 17. 1891 Dec. 17. 1891 Feb. 17. 1892 •Feb. 17. 1S92 Sept. 28, 1894 §§Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 §§Sept. 28, 1S94 Dec. 19. 1894 •Dec. 19. 1894 Dec. 19. 1S94 Dec. 19, 1S94 April 17, 189s April 17. 1895 June 19. '895 June 19. 1S95 June 19. 189s •June 19, 189s July 19. 189s Julv 19. 189, Dec. 18, 1895 §§Dec. 18, 18.^5 Dec. 18, 189s Dec. 18, 1S95 Dec. 16, 1S96 §§Dec. 16, 1896 Dec. 16, 1S96 Dec. 16, 1S96 Dec. 16, 1896 Dec. 16, 1896 Dec. 16, 1896 Dec. 16, 1S96 Feb. 17. 1897 Feb. 17. 1S97 Feb. 17. 1S97 Feb. 17. 1S97 Feb. 17. 1897 Feb. 17. 1897 Feb. 17. 1897 §§Feb. 17. 1897 April 21, 1897 §§April 21, 1897 April 21, 1897 April 21, 1897 June 16, 1S97 June 16, 1897 Dec. IS. 1897 Dec. 15. 1S97 Feb. 16, 1898 Feb. 16, 1898 April 20, 189S April 20, 1898 Dec. 16, 1874 JFeb. 17, 1875 Dec. 17, 1891 Dec. 17, iSgi Sept. 27, 1806 Mar. 10, 1S13 Dec. 10, 1817 Dec. 22, 1820 122 BOSTON COMMANDEET. Roulstone, Michael Ross, John . Raymond, Asa E. Reed, Thomas . . Rice, Charles . . Rutter, Micah M. . Robinson, Simon W, Raymond, Francis L. Rozier, T. . . Raymond, Freeman C. Rice, Lewis . . . Robbins, Charles . Rawson, Levi . . Renton, Peter . . Robertson, John C. Restieaux, Thomas Ross, Joseph L. . Robertson, John A. Richardson, William Rice, Homer . . Robbins, Robert L. Rice, Hamilcar Robinson, Josiah S. Roberts, David Richmond, Andrew A. Robinson, George I. Robinson, Charles E. Richards, Joseph R. . Ring, Gardner T. Ridgeway, Philip R. Randall, Benjamin . Robinson, William E. Rickerby, Daniel . . Rodocanachi, John M. Robertson, Joseph W. Reed, Edwin . . . Rouell, Alfred L. . . Romney, Charles W. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Feb. 13. 1822 tMar. 12, 1822 Mar. 28, 1822 tMay 8, 1822 Oct. 2, 1822 *tDec. 2, 1822 April 14. 1824 *Feb. 16, 1S25 Aug. 2) 1824 JNov. 10, 1824 Feb. 18, 1S29 tjan. 19. 1831 April 10, 1832 *tjan. 21, 183s June 16, 1841 tSept. IS. 1841 Sept. 27. 1842 Nov. IS. 1843 *Jan. 17, 1844 Feb. 26, 184s *April 16, 184s Feb. 26, 184s *t April 16, 184s April 16, 1S4S April IS) 1846 Nov. 18, 1846 tDec. 16, 1846 Feb. 9. 1848 tApril 19. 1848 Dec. 20, 1848 JFeb. 18, 1852 May 6, 1854 *June 21, i8S4 May 12, 1854 Feb. 21, I8SS *May 16, i8SS May 21, 1856 tOct. IS. 1856 May 20, 1857 Oct. 21, 1857 Dec. Ji, 1857 ♦May 19) 1858 *Mar. 17. 1858 tMay 19. 1858 Feb. 13. 1859 tMar. 16, i8s9 May s. 1859 Nov. 9. i8S9 Dec. 19) i860 Nov. 131 1859 *Jan. 18, i860 Feb. 3) i860 *April 18, i860 Feb. 29, i86o *May 16, i860 Mar. 21, i860 *May 16, i860 April 18, i860 ♦May 16, i860 Dec. 21, i860 tSept. 19) i860 Mar. 29. 1861 ♦Sept. 18, 1861 May 24, 1861 Feb. 19. 1862 Nov. 20, 1 861 Nov. 12, 1862 §§Dec. 17. 1862 LIST OF MEMBERS. 123 NAMES, KNIGHT Russell, Daniel .... Mar. Ray, Joseph G Mar. Robinson, John F. . . . June Rand, Caleb Jan. Ray, Timothy W. . . . Feb. Rice, William Mar. Reid, Peter Mar. Riley, James M Mar. Reed, Enos W May Rowell, George P. . . . Riley, Frederick .... Nov. Richardson, James P. . . June Robie, John Feb. Rhodes, John B June Ryder, Albert C June Risteen, Frederick S. . . May Rich, Matthias Feb. Richardson, Albert L. . . May Russell, Isaac H Randall, William H. . . Mar. Ronimus, James D. . . . Mar. Richards, Eugene H. . . May Robinson, Rufus S. . . . May Russell, Walter .... May Riley, Isaac Dec. Rice, James B., Jr. . . . Jan. Rawson, Elbridge M. . . Nov. Rymes, Christopher E. . Feb. Robinson, William L. B. . Feb. Ridgeway, Augustus . . Jan. Rowe, Henry M Jan. Ricker, James A Jan. Russell, Charles L. . . . Mar. Rundlett, R. S Oct. Ross, John C Robinson, William B. . . Jan. Roberts, James S. ... Jan. Richardson, Henry M. . . April TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. 7i 1863 tApril IS. 1863 i8. 1863 tApril IS. 1863 17. 1863 *Sept. 16, 1863 11, i86s tFeb. IS. 1865 9. 1865 JMar. IS. 1865 8, 1865 29, 186s tMay 17. 1865 29, 1865 III 1865 *Oct. 18, 1865 §§May 16, 1866 21, 1866 Dec. 19. 1866 19. 1867 May 20, 1868 19. 1868 May 20, 1868 ID, 1868 Sept. 16, 1868 10, 1868 ♦Sept. 16, 1868 19. 1869 Sept. IS. 1869 16, 1870 Mar. 16, 1870 =3. 1872 Sept. 18, 1872 •Sept. .8, 1872 19. 1873 •April 16, 1873 19. 1873 April 16, ■S73 21, 1873 lljune iS, 1873 21, 1873 -I, 1873 §§June 18, 1873 16, 1874 §§Jan. 20, 187s 16, 1S78 Feb. 20, 1S78 17. 1880 Nov. 17. 1880 16, iSSi Feb. 16, iSSi 16, I88I •Feb. 16, I88I iS, ISS2 §§Jan. 18, IS82 iS, 1882 Jan. 18, 1882 iS, 1882 Jan. 18, 1882 15. 1882 Mar. IS. 1882 9. 1883 tOct. 9. 1883 §§Nov. 21, 1883 16, 1884 •Jan. 16, 1884 21, 1885 Jan. 21, 1885 21, 1886 HApril 21, I88& 124 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Rockwell, John W. . . Mar. 20, 1889 Mar. 20, 1889 Rollins, George E. . . Mar. 20, 1889 *Mar. 20, 1889 Richardson, Rinaldo B. . Mar. 22, 1889 Mar. 22, 1889 Rhoades, Herbert A. . June 19. 1889 June 19) 1S89 Root, Albert B. . . . Sept. 17. 1890 Sept. 17. 1890 Reed, Edgar H. . . . Sept. i7> 1890 Sept. 17, 1890 Rice, Albert D. . . §§Nov. 18, 1891 Rounds, William J. . . June 15. 1892 June IS. 1892 Roberts, William F. . . June 15) 1892 June IS. 1892 Rich, J. Bartlett . . . Dec. 21, 1892 *Dec. 21) 1892 Richards, Frank W. . . Dec. 21, 1892 §§Dec. 21, 1892 Rhoades, Frank P. . . April 19. 1893 April 19. 1893 Robey, William H. . . Dec. 20, 1893 Dec. 20, 1893 Rand, David L. . . . Feb. 21, 1894 Feb. 21, 1894 Russell, Franklin E. . Feb. 21, 1894 Feb. 21, 1894 Rand, William B. . . Sept. 28, 189+ Sept. 28, 1894 Rogers, Charles A. . . Feb. 20, 189s Feb. 20, 189s Riggs, Eben . . . . April 17, 189s §§April 17. 189s Rayner, Artemas W. July 19, 1895 July 19) 189s Robinson, Increase . Aug. 14. 189s Roberts, Edgar M. . . April IS. 1896 April IS. 1896 Richmond, Charles E. . April IS. 1896 April IS. 1896 Robinson, John C. . . Dec. 16, 1896 Dec. i6. 1896 Rowe, Levi L. . . . Feb. 17) 1897 Feb. 17. 1897 Rovfley, Clarence W. . Feb. 17. 1897 Feb. 17. 1897 Ross, Joseph H. . . . April 20, 1898 April 20, 1898 ■Sigourney, Andrew . , •§ Smith, Benjamin . . '§11 Skinner, Thompson I. . May 31. 1806 *Oct. I. 1806 Spoiford, Richard S. ■ Jan. 16, 1815 Swett, Stephen . . . Nov. 13. 1815 Stearns, William . . . Sept. 22, 1818 Sanborn, David W. . . May 12, 1819 Sheppard, John H. . . Sept. 21, 1820 Searle, Addison . . . April 28, 1821 ♦Oct. 20, 1847 Steele, Richard . . . Nov. 14. 1821 Sandford, Sewall . . . Oct. 2, 1822 LIST OF MEJIBERS. 125 Sabine, James . . Shepard, Thomas, Jr Smith, Jerome V. C. Spear, Isaac . . Smith, George G. Spear, Ephraim Smith, John, Jr. Stow, Truman Stevens, Solon . . Stevens, Amos Stewart, William . Southworth, Constant Sweetser, Samuel . Stevens, Moses Stevens, John . . . Savage, Jacob S. . . Simpson, John K. Sturgis, Josiah . . . Stevens, Justin E. Smith, Joseph Belknap Smith, Ebenezer . . Stimpson, George, Jr. Stedman, William M., J Stratton, Henry C. . Spalding, Joel . . . Spoor, Elijah K. . . Smith, William H. L. Sanderson, Chester . Spinney, Samuel R. . Sleeper, Alfred . . Straw, Levi .... Surette, Louis A. Seavey, Stephen S. . Spalding, Jonathan X Svi'asey, George B. . Smith, Charles A. . Smith, George W. . Shepard, Isaac F. KNIGHT TKMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Feb. i8. 1823 April 30> 1823 June 21, 1823 Feb. i8. 1824 Sept. I, 1824 May 24, 1825 Oct. 27. 1825 April 15. 1827 Mar. 19. 1828 Mar. 29. 1832 •June 20, 1832 •Feb. 20, 1833 Mar. 20, 1833 •Mar. 18, 1840 June 29. 1833 Oct. 2, 1838 April 17. 1839 •Nov. 20, 1839 May IS. 1839 •June 19. 1839 Sept. 6, 1840 JJune 16, 184 1 May 191 1841 •June 16, I84I May 24, 184s •Sept. i7> 184s May 24, >S4S tSept. 17. 184s May 19. 1847 •Nov. 17. 1847 Nov. 21, 1849 JFeb. 20, 1850 June 7, 1850 tOct. 20, 1852 Nov. 9, 1853 •Jan. 18, i8S4 Dec. 21, I8S3 tjan. 18, i8S4 Dec. 29. 1853 tFeb. IS. 18S4 April 12, 1854 •May 17. 1854 April 12, 1854 •June 21, 1854 April 30. iSs4 tSept. 20, 1854 May 6, 1S54 tjune 21, i8S4 Mar. 21, 185s April II, i8sS tMay 16, isss April 30' 1855 •Sept. 19. 185s Sept. 26, 185s tDec. 19. 185s Oct. 5. 18S5 •Dec. 19. iSss Jan. 30. 1S56 •Mar. 191 1856 Jan. 30. 1S56 •Mar. 19. 1856 April 4. 1856 tOct. IS. 1856 126 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Sanders, Orus S. . . . Jan. 21, 1857 fOct. 20, 1858 Savory, Thomas C. . . . Mar. 18, 1857 *Dec. 16, 1857 Stevens, Charles T. . . . Mar. 25,1857 *Oct. 21,1857 Southard, Charles C. . . April 9, 1858 §§May 19, 1858 Skillings, Daniel N. . . . May 7, 1858 *Sept. 15, 1858 Sawyer, Edwin R. . . . May 7, 1858 *Sept. 15, 1858 Scudder, Marshall S. . . Oct. 20, 1858 fMar. 16, 1859 Sanford, Charles Benjamin, Jan. 31,1859 fMar. 16,1859 Sayward, William . . . Sept. 21, 1859 *||Nov. 16, 1859 Stetson, Joshua, Jr. . . . JNov. 16, 1859 Sherman, Bradford . . . Nov. 26, 1859 tjan. 18, i860 Sawyer, Stephen L. . . . April 11, i860 *May 16, i86i Stedman, Daniel B. . . . Jan. i6, 1861 Feb. 20, 1861 Somerby, Gustavus A. . . Jan. 16, 1861 *Mar. 20, 1861 Stacy, Lucien P Mar. 15, 1861 tSept. 18, 1861 Saville, Henry M. . . . Mar. 29, 1861 fSept. i8, i86i Stiles, Isaac A May 29, 1861 JSept. 18, 1861 Silsby, Ithiel H Nov. 20, 1861 *Mar. 19, 1862 Stockman, Thomas M. . . Sept. 27, 1862 JMar. 18, 1863 Sprague, Fisher A. . . . Nov. 12, 1862 *Dec. 17, 1862 Smith, Joseph W. . . fMar. 18, 1863 Sawin, Nathaniel D. . . April 23, 1863 *June 17,1863 Stoddard, Albert A. . . . April 23, 1863 *June 17, 1863 Syffermann, Charles F. . June 17, 1863 fSept. 16, 1863 Sullivan, George S. . . . June 18, 1863 *Oct. 21, 1863 Sanderson, Clarence M. . §§Nov. 18, 1S63 Swinerton, Charles E. . . Feb. 6, 1864 JMar. 18, 1864 Stone, Amos Mar. 30, 1864 fSept. 21, 1864 Sawyer, William . . . Nov. 25, 1864 *Jan. 18, 1865 Spiller, George .... Nov. 25, 1864 Jan. 18, 1865 Sawyer, Henry N. . . . Jan. 11,1865 ^^b. 15,1865 Sanderson, Elbridge L. . Jan. 23, 1865 *April 19, 1865 Saunders, William . . . Jan. 23, 1865 fMar. 15, 1865 Storer, Edward .... Feb. 9, 1865 fMar. 15, 1865 Suck, George Fred. . . . Feb. 21, 1865 *April 19, 1865 Smyth, Edwin R. . . . Feb. 21,1865 Sept. 20, 1865 Sawyer, Charles A. . . . Mar. 29, 1865 May 17, 1865 Sawin, George L. ... April 19, 1865 LIST OF MEMBEES. 127 NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Smith, Benjamin F. . . . April 24, 186s §§June 21, 1865 Simpson, David S. . April 24, i86s *Oct. 18, 1865 Smith, Eliphalet . . May 31. 1865 tSept. 20, 1865 Snow, Seymour B. . June 21, 1865 ♦Sept. 20, 1865 Story, William Henry Dec. 13. 186s §§April i9> 1865 Sherburne, John S. . April 18, 1866 JMay 16, 1866 Sparrell, E. Kirkwood June 18, 1866 Smith, William J. . Jan. 16, 1867 tMar. 20, 1867 Snow, Simeon . . . Jan. 16, 1867 §§Mar. 20, 1867 Stevenson, John L. . May 20, 1868 *||June 17. 1868 Smith, Francis M. . May 20, 1868 *Nov. 16, 1870 Swift, Ezra O. . . May 20, 1868 June 17. 1868 Squires, Sidney June 10, 1868 tSept. 16, 1 868 Skelton, Charles L. . Nov. I7l 1869 *Jan. i9i 1870 Selwyn, John H. . April 20, 1870 *May 18, 1870 Swan, Phineas W. June IS. 1870 JFeb. IS. 1871 Smith, Henry . Feb. 15> 1871 tMar. IS. 1S71 Stevens, William J. June 21, 1871 *Sept. 20, 1S71 Seaverns, Francis, Jr May 23. 1872 Sept. 18, 1S72 Smith, Henry M. . May 231 1873 Sept. iN, 1S72 Seavey, Joseph W. C June i9i 1S72 Sept. 18, 1872 Smith, Alfred M. . Jan. 15- 1873 Feb. 19. 1873 Shattuck, Ralph W. May 21, ■873 *June 18, 1S73 Smith, Alpheus K. May 21, 1S73 tjune 18, 1873 Smith, J. Charles . Feb. 18, 1874 *Mar. i8, 1874 Solomon, William •Oct. 21, 1874 Shattuck, George D. . Dec. 16, 1S74 Mar. 17. 187s Stratton, Flavel C. . Mar. 15. 1876 §§May 17. 1876 Sampson, J. Frederick June 21, 1876 §§Oct. 18, 1876 Stewart, John G., Jr. . Dec. 20, 1876 §§Oct. 17. 1877 Stratton, George G. . . May IS. 1878 June 19. 1S7S Sawyer, Walter L. . tOct. 16, 1S7S Somes, Richmond L. May 21, 1879 June 18, 1879 Shillaber, Jonas G. . . Feb. iS, 1S80 ♦Feb. i8, 1880 Smith, Robert . . . June 16, i88o ♦June 16, 1880 Stoddard, Franklin H. Feb. 16, 1881 ♦Feb. 16, i88i Sherman, James T. . June IS. 1881 §§June IS. i88i Smith, Julius A. . . Jan. 18, lSS2 §§Jan. 18, 1882 128 BOSTON C05IMANDEEY. NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Stacy, William H. . . Jan. i8. [882 Jan. 18, 1882 Stevens, Edmund G. Oct. i6. [882 *Oct. 16, 18S2 Smith, George L. . . June 21, [882 June 21, 1882 Sylvester, John E. . . Oct. i6. 1882 tOct. 16, 1882 Storer, George W. . . Oct. i6, [882 Oct. 16, 1882 Savage, Frederick C. May i6. [883 §§May 16, 1883 Shepard, Harvey N. . . May 23. 1883 tjuly 18, 1883 Schaefer, John F. R. . July 18, [883 tjuly 18, 1883 Snow, Fred A. ... Oct. 9) 1883 Oct. 9. 1883 Smith, Edward F. . . Oct. 9. 1883 Oct. 9i 1883 Shaffer, De Witt . . . Jan. 16, [884 Jan. 16, 1884 Stearns, Joseph S. . . Mar. 19. [884 Mar. i9i 1884 Sawin, Arlan W. . . . Mar. 19. [884 JMar. i9i 1884 Slade, Lucius .... June 18, [884 June 18, 1884 Stark, William R. H. . Jan. 21, [885 Jan. 21, i88s Siegemund, Charles A. Sept. 16, 1885 §§Sept. 16, 1885 Smith, F. Warren . . Dec. 16, 1885 tDec. 16, 1885 Smith, Elmer W. . . . April 21, 886 April 21, 1886 Stearns, Harry P. . . April 21, 886 April 21, 1886 Spears, J. Evarts . . June 16, 886 tjune 16, 1886 Somerby, Samuel E. June 16, [886 ♦June 16, 1886 Smith, Eben . . Feb. 16, [887 *Feb. 16, 1887 Studley, Edward H. Feb. 16, [887 Feb. 16, 1887 Saxton, Edward H. . . April 20, [887 tApril 20, 1887 Smith, Daniel A. . . April 20, 1887 April 20, 1887 Storer, Amos R. . . . June 15. 1887 §§June IS. 1887 Stone, Frank P. . . . Dec. 21, 1887 §§Dec. 21, 1887 Stanwood, Gus G. R. . Feb. i5> [888 Feb. IS. 1888 Spence, George W. . . June 20, 1888 June 20, 1888 Stone, William S. . . Sept. i9> [888 §§Sept. 19. 1888 Stoddard, Charles F. . June 20, [888 *June 20, 1888 Shepard, Willis S. . . June 20, [888 June 20, 1888 Samuel, Henry . . . Mar. 20, [889 Mar. 20, 1889 Smith, George H. . . Mar. 22, [889 Mar. 22, 1889 Stocker, William H. . June i9i [889 June I9r 1889 Smith, Marcell N. . . Jan. IS. [890 Jan. ISl 1890 Stearns, Marshall N. June 18, [890 *June 18, 1890 Stedman, George . . June 18, [890 June 18, 1890 LIST OF MEMBERS. 129 NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Souther, Emery F. . . Sept. 17. 1890 Sept. i7> 1890 Stearns, Albert H. . . June 19. 1891 June 19. 1891 Stevens, George L. . . June 19. 1891 §§June 19. 1891 Smith, Ira P June 19. 1891 June 19. 1891 Savory, George E. Sept. 16, 1891 Sumner, Alphonso . . Dec. 17, 1891 Dec. 17. 1891 Smith, Fred E. . . Feb. 17. 1892 Feb. 17. 1892 Sherman, Frank H. April 20, 1892 April 20, 1892 Stalker, John . . . April 20, 1892 April 20, 1892 Shurtleff, Frank M. . . June IS. 1892 June tS. 1892 Scott, Joseph F. . . . April 19. 1S93 §§April 19) 1893 Spear, Horace E. . . . June 21, 1893 Smith, William E. . . Dec. 20, 1893 Dec. 20, •893 Stillings, Charles A. April 18, 1894 April 18, 1894 Small, Isaac H. ... Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Stearns, George C. . . Dec. 19. 1894 Dec. 19. 1894 Strous, Julius .... Feb. 20, 1S9S Feb. 20, 189s Sears, Harry B. . . Feb. 20, 189s §§Feb. 20, 189s Sias, George W. . . . April 17, 1895 April 17. 189s Southward, John P. . . April 17. 189s April 17. 189s Spaulding, Elmer H. . April 17. 189s April 17. 189s Street, John D. . . . April 17. 1895 April 17. 1895 Sweatt, Joseph S. G. April 17. 1895 April 17. 189s Soule, Alfred .... June '9. 1S9S June 19. ■89s Spoilbrd, John E. . . June 19, 189s June 19. 189s Seward, George R. . . June 19. 189s June 19. 189s Solomon, John P. . . June 19. 1S9S June 19) 1895 Stuart, Harold E. . . July 191 189s July 19. 189s Schirmer, Frank A. . . July 19, 1S95 §§July 19. 189s Sands, Martin W. . July 30. 189s Smith, Merrill A. . . April 15. 1S96 April IS. 1896 Scott, John W. June 17. 1S96 §§June 17. 1896 Sherry, Eugene C. . . Dec. 16, 1896 Dec. 16, 1S96 Shattuck, Edward H. Feb. 17. 1S97 Feb. 17) 1897 Seavey, Edward A. Feb. 17. 1897 Feb. 17) 1897 Stetson, Myron J. Feb. 17. 1897 Feb. 17. 1897 Scott, Willard F. . . . Feb. 17) 1897 Feb. 17. 1897 Smith, Alfred C. . . April 21, 1897 April 21, 1S97 130 BOSTON COMMANDERT. Stone, Gregory E. . . Simpson, Charles S. Stevens, Alfred . . . Smyth, Ralph M. . . Schuchmann, Frank E. Stevens, Charles E., 2d Stainsby, Charles . . Stevenson, George L. H. Thompson, James Thom, Isaac . . Thom, James . . Tuck, Daniel . . Tuttle, Worster . Thomas, James Train, Isaac . . Taylor, Samuel P. Train, Charles . . Tolman, Thomas . Thompson, Simeon, Tuttle, Hugh H. . Ticknor, Benajah . Tucker, Joshua Thatcher, George M. Thompson, Abner B Thompson, Nevrell A Tucker, George . Thayer, Charles L. Tukey, Francis Thompson, Calvin M, Tucker, Lyman Tenney, Benjamin F, Tower, Samuel G. Thayer, David . . Turner, T. Larkin Thornton, Solon . Thompson, Charles Train, William G. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBBRSHXF. June i6, 1897 June 16, 1897 June 16, 1897 June 16, 1897 Sept. 17, 1897 Sept. 17. 1897 Dec. IS. 1897 Dec. 15. 1897 April 20, 1898 April 20, 1898 April 20, 1898 April 20, 1S98 April 20, 1898 April 20, 1898 April 20, 1898 April 20, 1898 Dec. II, 1806 . Nov. 4, 1807 May 9, 1812 . May 28, 1816 *Feb. s. 1817 . Nov. II, 1817 . April 10, 1818 . May 12, 1819 JDec. i) 1819 Aug. 7, 1822 tSept. 19. 1822 Feb. 20, 1824 • Jan. 18, 1826 . Oct. S. 1827 *Jan. i8, 1837 . Feb. 22, 1837 . Mar. 20, 1S39 tjune 19. 1839 . Mar. 8, 1844 *May 15, 1844 . Mar. 22, 184s . May 24, 1845 *Sept. 17. 184s • Jan. 20, 1847 *Mar. 17- 1847 . June 7i 1850 . Nov. 20, 1850 JDec. 18, 1850 . Dec. 26, 1850 tApril 16, 1851 ■ Jan- iSi 1851 • Jan. ■2"b, 1851 Mar. 19. 185 1 . Mar. 19, 1851 JApril 16, 1851 . April 20, 1853 *Sept. 21, 1853 . Mar. 29, 1854 JApril 19, 1854 . Oct. 10, 1854 JNov. i5> I8S4 . Feb. 14- 185s April 30. 185s tSept. 19. i8ss LIST or MEMBEES. 131 NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Tenney, Moses, Jr. . . Oct. 13. i8s7 I April 21, iSvS Taggart, Alfred G. . JNov. 18, ISS7 Trull, Sylvester . . . Oct. 20, 1858 tjan. i9i 1859 Todd, Jacob . . . . Oct. 20, 1858 tDec. IS. 1858 Thayer, Edward P. . . Sept. 21, 1859 §§Feb. IS. 1S60 Thayer, J. Gorham . . Nov. 131 1859 •May 10, 1S60 Thayer, Jarius . . . . Mar. 21, i860 tMay 16, 1 860 Thomas, Zeph. H., Jr. . Mar. 21, i860 •May 16, i860 Thompson, Levi P. . . May 30, i860 •Sept. 19. i860 Tyler, John .... . May 16, i860 •Sept. 19. 1S60 Thomes, William H. . May 24, 1S60 •Sept. 19. 1S60 Thayer, Samuel G. . . May 24, i860 tSept. 19, i860 Tuxbury, George W. . Nov. 21, 1S60 Turner, Henry E. . Oct. 4. 1S62 Tilton, Joseph S. . . • Jan. 21, 1863 •Mar. 18, 1S63 Tapley, Joseph W. . . April 23- 1S63 tjune 17. 1863 Thaxter, Samuel B. . May I2> 1863 Temple, Charles E. . . June 18, 1863 tSept. 16, 1S63 Thomson, John H. . . Oct. 21, 1863 •Nov. 18, 1863 Thacher, George W. . Dec. 16, 1S63 •Feb. 17. 1864 Thompson, Abijah, 3d • Jan- "1 1S65 Feb. IS. 1S65 Tucker, James C. . . ■ Jan. 13. 1865 tMay 17- 1 86s Trowbridge, George W. . Feb. 9' i86s |Mar. IS. 1865 Thomas, William R. . Feb. 21, 1865 •April 19. 1865 Tucker, Harrison A. . Dec. 20, 186s Temple, Thomas F. . . April 13. 1866 §§May 16, 1866 TilIson,JohnD. W. . . Dec. 18, 1S67 Taylor, Horace B. . . Feb. 19. 1868 §§May 20, 1868 Taft, Orry A.,Jr. . May 20, 186S •Sept. 16, 1868 Titcomb, Joseph P. . . June 4. 1869 tOct. 20, 1S69 Tidd, George A. . . . Feb. 16, 1870 JMar. 16, 1870 Tourtelot, James E. . . . June i5i 1S70 tSept. 21, 1S70 Tryon, Benjamin F. . . April 19. 1S71 Tufts, George D. . . . June 19. 1872 •Sept. 18, 1S72 Trask, George W. . • June i7i 1874 tSept. 16, 1874 Trull, Samuel F. . . . Mar. 15. 1876 tMay 17. 1876 Thurston, John H. . . Dec. 20, 1876 Mar. -I. 1S77 Tower, Charles B. . . Feb. 21, 1877 tMar. 21- 1877 132 BOSTON COSIMANDEEY. Towne, Augustus Tilton, Edward G. . Tucker, Harrison A. Tyler, William P. Trull, Ezra J. Thomas, J. Gushing Thayer, Edward K. Twombly, John S. Thayer, Lewis C. Talbot, Edmund H. Tupper, H. William Tilton, Fred G. Titcomb, George A. Trifet, Ferdinand M. Thomas, Henry G. Taylor, Collins B. Topham, George W. Townsend, Everett Trumbull, Nathaniel Thomas, Charles H. Tubbs, Albert W. Taylor, Arthur Temby, Henry B. Townsend, Walter L Teel, Arthur F. . Tobey, Robert G. Tripp, John Tucker, Charles B. Townsend, Jackson H. Upham, James H. Ullman, William C. . Underwood, Francis H. Utley, James . . . Upham, Henry A. Upham, Edward P. Ulman, William T. . KNIGHT TEMPLAR. Mar. 20, 1878 Feb. 16, 1881 Oct. 16, 1882 June 17, 1S85 April 21, 1886 June 20, 1888 Mar. 20, 1S89 Jan. 15, 1890 Sept. 17, 1890 Dec. 17, 1891 Feb. 17, 1892 June 15, 1892 Feb. 15, 1893 June 21, 1893 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Dec. 19, 1S94 April 17, 1895 June 19, 1895 Feb. 19, 1896 Sept. 17, 1897 MEMBERSHIF. *April 20, 1S78 Feb. 16, 1881 *July 21, 1882 tOct. 16, 1882 *Jan. 17, 1S83 June 17, 1885 April 21, 1886 §§June 20, 1888 Mar. 20, 1889 Jan. 15, 1890 Sept. 17, 1890 Mar. 18, 1891 Dec. 17, 1891 Feb. 17, 1892 ♦June 15, 1892 §§Feb. IS, 1893 June 21, 1893 §§Sept. 19, 1894 *Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1S94 Sept. 28, 1894 Dec. 19, 1894 April 17, 1895 §§April 17, 1895 June 19, 189s July 17, 1895 Dec. 30, 1895 Feb. 19, 1896 Sept. 17, 1897 June 15, 1859 §§||Nov. 16, 1859 Mar. 21, 1863 April 24, 1865 Red Cross. April 20, 1892 Dec. 19, 1894 April IS, 1863 §§Dec. 20, 1865 **Jan. 17, 1883 April 20, 1892 Dec. 19, 1894 ** Died before receiving the Orders of the Temple and Malta. LIST OF MEMBERS. 133 NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Vinal, James W June IS. I88I June IS. iSSi Vinal, Warren D. . . . Mar. 21, 1883 Mar. 21, 1883 Van Derlip, WiUard C. . Mar. 19. 1884 Mar. 19. 18S4 Vegelahn, Fred O. . . . June 18, 1884 June 18, 1884 Vargas, H. Jorge . . . Feb. 21, 1894 Feb. 21, 1894 Vaughn, Harry H. . June 19. 189s June 19. 189s Weld, Nathaniel . * II Dec. II, iSos Wheeler, Elisha . . . . Sept. 27. 1809 tjune 2, 1810 Whipple, Henry . . . Jan. 22, I8I4 Whitman, Zachariah G. . June 17. 1815 tjuly 17. 1S15 Wing, Warren P. Aug. 21, I8I6 Washburn, Seth . . . Dec. II, I8I6 Withington, Alpheus M. May 12, I8I9 Wales, Samuel . . . May 12, I8I9 •II Dec. i , 1S19 Wright, William . . Feb. 13. IS22 JApril 30. .823 Wheeler, Joseph . . Mar. 12, IS22 tOct. 13. 1S24 Wise, John June 17. 1822 tJuly -4. 1S22 Wilson, James, Jr. • June 26, IS22 Wise, Isaac K. • Aug. 7. 1822 tXov. 6. 1822 Weir, William .... . Sept. 19. 1822 •Nov. 6, 1822 Wiley, Ephraim . . . . Sept. 19. IS22 Whipple, William I. . April 14. IS24 •M.iy 19, iS:4 Wolcott, Lodwick S. . . June 2, 1824 Wolcott, Henry D. . . . Sept. I. 1824 Williams, Charles . . . Dec. 4> .S24 •Mar. 16, 1S25 Wilson, Luther T. . . . Dec. 21, IS26 Wells, John D. . . . Jan. 19. IS27 Wetherbee, Caleb . April 15. IS27 Wells, Eleazer M. P. . . Jan. 24, 1839 •II Nov. 20, 1S44 Ward, William . . . April IS. IS40 tAug. 24. 1S40 \\'ard, Joseph W. . . . May 20, 1840 tAug. 24. 1840 Walker, Wildes P. . . . Sept. 16, 1840 tjune 16, 1S41 Whiting, Calvin . . . Jan. 17. IS44 •Mar. 20, 1844 Willis, Hamilton . . . Mar. 27, IS44 tMay 15. 1S44 Warren, George W. . . Nov. 20, IS44 tDec. 18, 1S44 Wright, John .... May 24, 1845 ISept. 17. 184s Wilson, George . . . July IS. 1846 Woodward, Henry M. . April 18, IS49 tSept. 19. 1849 134 BOSTON COMMANDERY. NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Winchester, William P. . Jan. 20, 1851 West, Benjamin F. . tjan. 13. 1854 Wentworth, Tappan . . Nov. 29, i8S4 Worcester, James A. D. . Feb. 21, i8S5 ♦April 18, I8SS Whytal, Thomas G. . . Oct. 10, iSss tDec. 19. I8SS Whitcomb, William B. . May 20, 1857 Nov. 18, I8S7 Watts, Caleb B. . . . Dec. II, i8s7 tJan. 20, 1858 Weston, Samuel E. . . Feb. 17. 1858 ♦May i9> 1858 Wentworth, George S. . Feb. 25. 1858 tApril 21, 1858 Weeks, George H. . . April 9. i8s8 ♦May 191 1858 Welch, Albion K. P. . Dec. i5> 1858 ♦Jan. 19. I8S9 Woodman, George . . Feb. i3> 1859 ♦Mar. 16, 1859 White, Edward A. . . June IS. i8S9 ♦Jan. 18, i860 Wilson, Benjamin F. . Nov. 16, i8s9 tFeb. IS. i860 Winston, Orsamus . . JFeb. iS> i860 Williams, George B. . Mar. IS. i860 tMay 16, i860 Waitt, Joseph H. . . . Mar. 30. 1S60 tMay 16, i860 Walworth, C. C. . . . April II. i860 tMay 16, i860 Watts, Isaac . . . . May 16, i860 Sept. i9> i860 Wilder, Henry A. . May 16, i860 tSept. 19. i860 Wells, George D. . . . Oct. 10, i860 Washburn, Nehemiah . Nov. 21, i860 tDec. 20, i860 White, Jeremiah D. . . Sept. 27l 1862 JNov. 19. 1862 Ward, Herbert D. . . Oct. 11, 1862 JNov. 19, 1862 Wilder, Marshall P. . . Oct. 29, 1862 ♦Dec. 17) 1862 Wilcox, Elijah D. . . Mar. 18, 1863 JApril IS. 1863 Watson, Daniel W. . . Mar. 21 1863 §§April IS, 1863 Wetherbee, Levi . . . April 24, 1863 ♦June 17. 1863 Whitmarsh, William W . June 17) 1863 Whitman, Samuel P., Ji . . June 18, 1863 tSept. 16, 1863 Whidden, Henry F. . • Jan. 12, 1864 ♦Feb. 17. 1864 Warren, Henry . . • Jan. 12, 1864 JFeb. 17. 1S64 Wilder, William H. . . Feb. 6, 1864 §§Mar. 16, 1864 West, Levi H. . . . . Mar. 28, 1864 tSept. 21, 1864 Winship, Thomas . . Mar. 30. 1864 tSept. 21, 1864 Walton, Daniel G. . . Mar. 30, 1864 ♦Sept. 21, 1864 Wilde, William A. . . May II, 1864 Wade, Rufus R. . . . June IS. 1864 tOct. II, 1865 Woodbury, Nathaniel A . . Dec. 14. 1864 tJan. 18, 186s LIST OF ME3IBEES. 135 NAMES. KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Wyman, Charles F. . April 12, 186s JMay 17. 1865 Webb, Thomas H. . April 12, 186s tMay 17. 1865 Wait, Elijah S. . . . . April 19. 186s tjune 21, 1865 Woodward, Edw. T. . . . April 191 1865 ♦Sept. 10, 186s Wells, Benjamin T. . . . April 24. 1865 June 21, 1865 Woodbury, Isaiah . . . May II. 1865 Wade, Henry F. . . . . May 3I) 1865 §§Oct. 18, 1865 Whitney, Joseph . . May 31. 1865 :Oct. 17, 1 866 Wyman, J. Henry . . • Jan. 17) 1866 »Feb. 21, 1866 Washburn, George Miles . Mar. ii. 1866 •April 18, 1866 West, William H. . April 13. 1866 May 16, 1866 Whiting, Albert T. . . . June 18, 1866 §§Sept. 19, 1 866 Wadleigh, Edwin A. Jan. 16, 1867 *Mar. 20, 1S67 Wilder, Salem .... • Jan. 16, 1867 Mar. 20, 1S67 Weymouth, Aurelius L. . Feb. 20, 1867 lApril 17. 1867 White, Davis J. . . . . June IV, IS67 •Sept. iS, 1S67 Wentworth, Alonzo B. . :Feb. 17. 1S69 Williams, Joseph . . . Mar. 17. IS69 April 21, 1S69 Woods, Benjamin O. Feb. 16, 1870 •Mar. 16, 1S70 Whiting, Amasa . • Aug. 16, IS7I •Sept. 20, 1S71 White, L. Merton Dec. 20, 1871 Jan. 17. .872 Wade, J. Augustine . May 2, IS72 June i9i 1S72 Wilde, Hiram . . . May ■=1 1S72 tJune 19. 1S72 Webb, Charles Henry . . May 23. IS72 tMay 21, 1S73 Webster, Frank G. . . . May -3. 1872 tDec. iS, 1872 Wilcox, David . . . May ^3. 1S72 Sept. 18, .872 Wild, Henry M. . . . . June 19. IS72 •Sept. 18, 1872 Wood, Rufus C. . . . . June 19. 1872 •Sept. 18, 1S72 Wedger, Benjamin M. . . Nov. 20, IS72 •Dec. 18, 1S72 Waite, J. Gilman . . . . May -I) 1873 June 18, 1873 Warden, John J. . . . . May 21, IS73 June 18, 1S73 White, Charles D. . . . Feb. 18, 1874 §§Mar. 18, 1874 Wright, Edwin . . . . April IS. 1S74 §§||May 20, 1S74 Willis, Horace E. . . . Feb. 17. iS7S Mar. 17. 1875 Wyeth, Benjamin F. . Mar. iS> 1S76 Woodberry, Charles D. . April 19, 1S76 •May 17. 1876 Wakefield, Thomas H. . . June 21. 1876 Wooddill, Charles . . . May 15. 1878 •June 19. 1878 Waterman, Thomas . . May IS. 1878 June 19. 1878 136 BOSTON COMMANDEEr. Weston, Charles D. . Wellington, Homer . Wall, Ariel C. . . . Whitcomb, William H. White, Henry M. Woodberry, William H Woodard, Bainbridge W Whittemore, Samuel B Wardwell, Frank W. Willey, C. A. . . . Webber, Moses H. . Wheelock, Edwin C. Whitaker, Joseph W. Woodward, Charles W. Wadsworth, Edward B. Whiting, William S. Webber, Charles H. . Wentworth, Alonzo B. Whitman, Albert L. . Wyman, George A. . Wood, William H. . Whyte, Oliver . . . Weatherby, George R. Webster, Osman C. . Worcester, William E. Walker, Frederick L. Work, Joseph W. . . Wadsworth, Edwin D. Wilson, George W. . Wilson, John W. . . Wadsworth, Dexter E. Welden, George H. . White, Martin L. . . Whitney, Leland A. . Wheat, Herbert E. . Wilson, William A. . Watts, William B. . Wedger, Walter L. . Wood, Charles B. . KNIGHT TEMPLAR. MEMBERSHIP. Dec. i8. 1878 *Jan. IS 1879 Dec. i8 1878 JMar. 13) 1879 June i8 1879 June 18 1879 June i6 1880 *June 16 1880 June i6, 1880 §§June 16, 1880 June 15. I88I June IS i88i Jan. 18, 1882 Jan. 18, 1882 Jan. 18, 1882 tjan. 18 1882 Mar. iSi 1882 §§Mar. 15. 1882 June 21, 1882 tjune 21 1882 June 21, 1882 June 21, 1882 Oct. 16, 1882 §§Oct. 16, 1882 Oct. 16, 1882 §§Oct. 16, 1882 Oct. 16, 1882 Oct. 16, 1882 May 16, 1883 May 16, 1883 July 18, 1883 §§Julj 18, 1883 Jan. 16, 1884 Jan. 16, 1884 Reinstated. tNov. 19. 1884 June 16, 1886 June 16, 1886 Dec. IS. 1886 Dec. IS, 1886 June 20, 1888 June 20, 1888 Mar. 22, 1889 Mar. 22, 1889 Mar. 22, 1889 Mar. 22, 1889 June 19. 1889 June 19. 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 Sept. 18, 1889 Jan. IS. 1890 Jan. IS. 1890 April 16, 1890 April 16, 1890 June 19) I89I §§June 19, 1891 June 19. IS9I June 19, 1891 Feb. 17. 1892 Feb. 17. 1892 April 20, 1892 tApril 20, 1892 June IS. 1892 June IS, 1892 June IS. 1892 June IS. 1892 June IS. 1892 June IS, 1892 Feb. IS. 1893 Feb. IS. 1893 June 21, 1893 June 21, 1893 June 21, 1893 June 21, 1893 LIST OF aiEMBEES. 137 Wilder, Harrison, Jr. Whitcher, George A. Wood, Benjamin D. . Whitney, Harrie H. . Williams, William H. Wyman, Charles E. . Wyman, Walter E. . Whall, Harry B. . . Winsor, Edward H. . Winchester, George D. Weingartner, John, Jr. Wright, Charles D. . Wilcox, Elbert P. Waldron,John . . Wetherald, James T. Wardrop, George W. Witt, George H. . . Watts, Charles A. . Weston, George M. . West, Edward N. . . Wallace, Archibald C. Wood, Clark D. . . Wright, Josiah Sturgis Walker, William . . Walker, George W. . White, Daniel L. . . Wright, Harry E. Woodbury, John W. Young, Ammi B. Yates, Giles F. . . Young, George . . Young, Rynear S. Young, J. Harvey Young, Louis W. Young, George M. . Young, Bartholomew M Yates, Harry G. . . . Young, Freeman N. . KNIGHT TEMPLAR. Dec. 20, 1S93 Dec. 20, 1893 Feb. 21, 1894 June 20, 1894 June 20, 1S94 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Dec. 19, 1894 Dec. 19, 1894 Feb. 20, 1895 April 17, 1895 April 17, 1895 April 17, 1895 June 19, 1895 June 19, 1895 June 19, 1895 July 19, 189s July 19, 1895 April 15, 1S96 Dec. 16, 1896 Feb. 17, 1897 April 21, 1897 June 16, 1897 June 16, 1897 Sept. 17, 1897 Jan. 19, 1842 Oct. 17, iSss Jan. 23, 1865 Nov. 20, 1872 Dec. IS, 1S75 Jan. 21, 1885 Dec. 20, 1893 Dec. 15, 1897 MEMBERSHIP. Dec. 20, 1893 Dec. 20, 1S93 21, 1894 Feb. June 20, 1S94 §§June 20, 1S94 Sept. 28, 1S94 Sept. 28, 1S94 Sept. 28, 1894 Sept. 28, 1894 Dec. 19, 1894 Dec. 19, 1S94 Feb. 20, iSv5 April 17, 1S95 April 17, 1895 §§April 17, 1S95 June 19, 1895 June 19, 1895 §§June 19, 1895 July 19, 1895 July 19, 1S95 April 15, 1S96 Dec. 16, 1896 Feb. 17, iSy7 April 21, 1S97 June 16, iSy7 June 16, 1897 §§Sept. 17, 1897 Mar. 9, 1898 fNov. 20, 1839 §§Dec. 19, 1S55 *June 21, 1865 §§Dec. 18, 1872 {May 17, 1876 Sept. 20, 18S2 Jan. 21, 1SS5 Dec. 20, 1S93 Dec. 15, 1897 ADDENDA. Childs, Edwin O. Bennett, Joseph I. Blair, James R. . . Eliot, H. Wight . . Enebuske, ClaesJ. . Johnson, John M. Johnson, Horace H. . Kramer, Walter S. . McLaughlin, Fred H Morse, William A. . Perkins, James M. . Robinson, Alexander M Ross, Thomas A. Sawyer, Albert C. . Stephenson, Harris G. Stephenson, H. Walter Thompson, Francis E Traiser, Charles H. . KNIGHT TEMPLAR. June 15, June 15, June IS, June 15, June 15, June 15, June 15, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, 898 MEMBERSHIP May 18, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, ;§June IS, June 15, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, June IS, 898 LIST OF PRESENT MEMBERS. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Abbott, Fred W December 19, Abbott, Leon M February 20, Adair, Charles H October 16, Adams, Charles E March 21, Adams, Ivers W February 15, fAdams, Luther May 18, tAddicks, Frederick P June 19, Alden, Morton December 19, Aldrich, Abbott L September 28, Alford, Frederick October 18, Alghieri, Simon April 19, Allbright, Henry G April 19, t Allen, Charles W February 15, Allen, Frederick June 19, Allen, John D December 21, fAUen, Theodore F February 15, Alray, Robert T September 16, Amee, Albert F April 20, Ames, Charles F September 17, tAmes, Frank W March 18, Ames, Jesse E April 15, Ames, Winfred S April 18, Amsden, Daniel May 16, Annable, Charles D March 16, Armstrong, Ambrose D July 19, Ashley, Thomas C June 15, Ashton, J. Harrison September 18, Atkins, Freeman S March 20, Atkinson, Amos September 16, Atwood, Charles H October 16, t Life Member. [j Honorary Member. 894 89s 882 8S3 888 S70 89 1 894 894 876 876 893 893 89s 892 893 885 S98 897 874 896 $94 877 870 89s 892 867 889 88s 882 140 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Atwood, Frank W June 19, 1895 tAtwood, George E January 18, 18S2 Atwood, Harrison H June 18, 1890 Atwood, Richard A June 21, 1882 Atwood, Timothy A June 19, 1895 Austin, Charles P February 17, 1897 Austin, Cyrus P October 16, 1882 ■fAvay, Louis R September 17, 1890 Ayres, Isaac H., Jr April 21, 1897 Babcock, Thomas J February 17, 1897 Bacon, Steuben T September 15, 1858 tBadger, Daniel B June 20, 1894 i-Badger, Eliab W September 16, 1874 Badger, James B February 15, 1893 Bailey, Eben H July 19, 1895 -fBailey, Jason S January 16, 1889 Bailey, William H November 15, 1871 -f Baker, Edward L September 16, 1885 Baldwin, Charles H June 19, 1878 Baldwin, J. Thomas May 16, 1883 Barbour, Walworth O September 18, 1889 Barker, Forrest E June 18, 1890 Barker, William A June 18, 1879 -fBarnard, Coolidge May 20, 1868 -fBarnes, Charles H March 21, 1877 Barney, Henry E June 19, 1895 fBarr, William A February 21, 1894 Bates, George H. W January 16, 1889 ■[■Bayley, Augustus R September 20, 1865 Beal, Charles W January 17, 1872 Bean, James April i8, 1894 Beane, Enoch June 19, 1889 ■fBechtel, Nicholaus F December 15, 1897 Beedle, Melville C July 19, 1895 Bell, John A June 16, 1897 Bennett, Allen B April 15, 1896 Berry, Thomas L July 19, 1895 LIST OF PEESENT JIEJIBERS. 141 NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Berry, William F June 15, 1881 Berwick, James March 22, 1889 fBerwick, Robert June 19, 1891 Bevan, Thomas W June 20, 1894 Bicknell, Emery O June 19, 1878 Bicknell, Rev. George W November 15, 1893 Bicknell, Walter F May 15, 1867 Billings, Orsamus N. . .... December 19, 1894 Bird, Herman June 18, 1873 Bird, John L. . July 19, 1895 Bishop, Charles H January 21, 1885 tBlackie, John May 16, 1869 Blackman, Horace P . January 15, 1879 Blake, James S March 18, 1891 tBlake, Perley H June 19, 1895 Blake, Walter E. ... ... December 19, 1894 Blanchard, Edward O November 19, 1S73 tBland, Rev. John P May 15, 1872 Blish, George W January 18, 1SS2 Bliss, Frederick W April 20, 18S7 Bliss, George D September 19, 1888 Bliss, George W February 20, 1895 tBliss, James F March 21, 1883 Bloom, Charles A. T January 17, 1872 Boardman, William S June 15, 1892 Boutwell, Roland H May 16, 1883 tBowker, John H February 15, 188S Bowker, S. De.xter May 17, 1876 Bowles, Frank H June 16, 1886 Boyce, Cadis B November 19, 1862 Boyden, Edward C June 20, 1877 tBoyden, Herbert E December 17, 1891 tBoyden, Walter W February 15, 1865 Brackett, John W April 19, 1865 Bradley, Charles H September's, 1894 fBride, William J February 21, 1865 Bridge, John H November 21, 1894 Briggs, Frederick L June 20, 1894 142 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. tBriggs, Oliver L. ....... February 19, 1873 Brigham, Albert W May 16, 1883 Brigham, George E March 20, 1S89 Bright, Charles E December 15, 1897 tBright, Elmer H December 21, 1887 Brock, Ossian H. . April 20, 1898 Brook, Thomas A April 21, 1897 Brooks, Luther F May 17, 1865 tBrown, Charles E January 18, 1882 Brown, Eugene M December 21, 1892 fBrown, George P May 18, 1870 Brown, Joseph C June 20, 1894 tBrownlow, Joseph J February 21, 1894 fBrownlow, William A. .... February 2i, 1894 Bryer, Alexander K March 28, 1855 Bryne, Andrew W April 17, 1895 Bryne, George M December 16, 1896 Bryne, James L December i6, 1896 fBuffum, Edgar June 21, 1882 Bullock, Charles March 20, 1872 fBunton, George W February 16, 1876 fBurbank, Alfred S November 18, 1891 Burdett, Albert F. ...... . February 17, 1892 Burditt, Charles A April 21, 1869 Burke, Alexander C February 17, 1897 Burke, George E February 17, 1897 fBurnham, Prescott April 15, 1896 tBurrill, Charles O May 20, 1868 fBurrows, William H. ..... . December 18, 1872 Burton, William J December 15, 1886 Bussell, Augustus F April 20, 1870 tButler, William F. ...... . June 16, 1880 Cadwell, Jerome F February 17, 1897 Campbell, John A September 28, 1894 tCapper, Frederick H. ..... . July 19, 1895 Carpenter, Fred H June 21, 1893 Carter, Thomas M September i8, 1889 LIST OF PRESENT MEMBEES. 143 Carter, Thomas W. Case, Winthrop T. Cassie, William H. tCaswell, Albert S. Chadbourne, Charles W *Chamberlin, Daniel U Chandler, John B. . tChapin, Preston V. Chapman, Albert L. tChapman, Amos . . Chapman, John C. . Chase, Henry W. Cheever, Ralph P. . Cheney, Charles W. Cheswell, William T. Chick, Edward E. . Child, Samuel M. . Childs, William . . Church, Walter L. . tChurchilI,John W. . tCilley,JohnJ. . Clapp, William Clark, J. Henry . tClark, William P. Clarke, Augustus P. Clarke, Thomas . tClatur, George W. Codman, Franklin L Colby, Augustus . tColby, Erastus B. tColby, Homer H. Coldwell, Harding T llComee, Frederick T. Comstock, Allen L. Conant, Charles M. tConant, George A. Conant, Roger W. tConnery, Walter J. MEMBERSHIP. . May i6, SS3 . September 17, 897 April 17, 89s . December 16, 896 . March 20, 889 . December 20, [86s . December 16, 896 . May 16, SS3 . June 20, [89+ . February 17, 187s . September 15, [S69 . September 17, 1S97 . April 21, 1S97 . December 18, '89s . February 18, 1S80 January 15, 1890 . June 16, 1897 . June iS, (S79 February 15, '893 . November 20, 1889 . June IS, 1881 . January 20, 1S5.S . June 19, 189s . June 16, 1S75 January 16, 1SS4 April 21, 1S97 . December 16, 1S96 . February 16, 1898 April 20, 1SS7 January 21, 1 88s . September 2S, 1894 . September 17, 1S97 . March 16, 1S70 . June 18, 18S4 February 17, 1892 . June 16, 1897 . February 20, 1895 . March 2 1 , 1883 144 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. NAMES. MBMBBRSHIP Cook, Edgar A September i8, Cook, Henry A June 17, Cook, Marcus C June ig, Coon, Chauncey March 20, tCooper, John G February 16, tCortis, Dwight T April 18, tCottle, Henry C February 20, Cotton, Henry B December 27, tCotton, Henry H June 21, Coy, Samuel I January 17, fCrane, William June 19, Creamer, William P April 17, Crowell, Samuel April 17, Cumner, Harry W October 16, Cunio, Anthony April 16, Curtis, Alonzo P September 18, Curtis, Charles July 18, Cushing, J. Stearns June 15, Cutler, Edward H. . December 15, fCutter, Benjamin F August 15, fCutter, Charles S. June 20, Cutter, George H January 21, fCutter, Gershom September 16, Daggett, Harry C September 18, IIDame, Charles C December 15, Damrell, Charles S June ig, Damrell, John E. S June 19, Damrell, John S January 17, fDana, Napoleon B June 19, fDanforth, Charles H January 17, Darrow, Charles May 17, Davenport, George W December 17, Davis, Ernest L September 28, tDavis, Frank P April 18, f Davis, H. Alric ........ April 16, Davis, Henry A., Jr June 19, Davis, Henry B. ....... . June 20, 868 878 867 881 894 89s 895 882 872 89s 89s 89s 882 873 872 883 892 886 863 894 891 874 858 89s 89s 85s 891 872 86s 891 894 888 873 89s 894 LIST OF PRESENT 3IE3IBERS. 145 NAMES. MEMBERSHIP, Davis, James A. . . . ... October 13, fDavis, J. Alba . . ... May 17, Davis, Stark H. March 20, Davis, William F. . October 21, fDearborn, Edward E. . . . . February 19, De Coster, James C. . . . February 16, Decrovir, Israel E. . June 17, fDelano, Harry D. . March 18, Demmon, Reuben E March 16, De Veber, William A. F. .... April 21, fDevereaux, Charles J September 15, fDexter, D. Gilbert January 18, Dey, Charles H June 20, Dillaway, Charles H March 18, fDillaway, William E. L January 16, fDillaviray, William S March 22, Dingley, James E December 19, Doane, Francis January 18, Doane, Seth S December 18, Dodd, George D. . September 15, Donald, James W December 19, Doolittle, Warren H. June 19, Douglas, Ora M June 19, Duren, Marcus S June 15, tDurfee, George B June ;o, Dutton, Nathaniel A June 19, Dwelley, Lucius H May 16, Dwinell, James F October 20, Dyer, Josiah T February 18, Dyer, Walter R September 17, Eadie, William December 15, Eaton, Solomon April 19, tEddy, Isaac H. May 21, Eddy, J. Lodge June 15, Eddy, Otis May 20, Eldridge, John H December 15, tEllis, Walter B February 21, S92 865 872 857 896 S98 896 891 859 897 869 871 894 857 889 S89 894 871 S72 869 894 89s 89s 892 894 89s 866 87s 880 897 897 893 890 S87 868 897 894 146 BOSTON OOMMANDEEY. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Ellis, Warren B. ....... . January i6, Emerson, George F April 17, fEmerson, Henry P January 15, tEmery, John A February 21, fEmery, Thomas J June 15, Emmons, Theodore H January 18, Endicott, Augustus B March 18, IIEndicott, Henry September 18, Eustis, George P March 20, fEvans, George D October 12, Evans, John January 15, Everett, Thomas M February 16, Fairbanks, Charles A June Farnsworth, Thomas W June fFarrell, George R June Farrell, Perley C February fFaunce, Myron February Favor, Ferdinand F March Fay, Henry G April Fellows, John I April Fenn, Lyman ......... January Ferdinand, Lorrin W October Fessenden, Horace C April Fessenden, Rufus G April Field, Arthur W July tField, Charles H March Fillmore, Wellington September 18, Findlay, John L April 17, Fisher, Louis H . November 20, Fiske, William B., Jr January FoUansbee, Charles E May Folsom, Albert A March fFolsom, Charles R. ...... . June tFord, Robert F June Foss, Louis June Foster, Willis B June Fottler, Jacob March 89s 890 894 892 860 863 861 872 S89 890 887 18, 1873 IS. 1892 16, 1897 16, 1898 i9> 1896 18, 1874 19. 1865 18, 1866 21, 1885 9. 1883 19. 1893 21, 1897 19. 1895 20, 1872 89s 20, 1894 16, 1877 21, 1877 18, 1890 iSi 1892 21, 1893 16, 1897 18, l8qi LIST OF PEE8ENT MEMBERS. 147 NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Fowle, Leonard January i8, 18S2 French, William A June 18, 1873 French, William C February 21, 1894 Frost, George W June 16, 1880 Frost, Irving B January 20, 1894 tFrost, W. Wallace February 19, 1896 Fuller, George C. W January 15, 1890 Furber, Samuel N September 17, 1862 Furbish, Frederick B September 17, 1890 Gale, John D February 16, 1881 Gale, John S April 15, 1896 Gallagher, Hugh C June 20, 1894 Gallison, Henry H December 16, 1S74 Garland, Ernest A September 17, 1897 Gates, Thomas B. M July 19, 1895 Gilbert, Edward W November 17, 18S0 Giles, Charles E., Jr February 16, 189S Gilman,JohnT January 17, 1855 Gilmore, William J December 20, 1893 Gilpatrick, Charles L June 17, 18S5 fGleason, Albert A December 20, 1893 tGleason, Charles S . June 17, 1896 fGleason, Chester E February 20, 1S95 Gleason, Harry C April 20, 1S9S tllGleason, James M December 18, 1S72 Glidden, Alexander C December 20, 1893 Goddard, Abel February 17, 1S92 Goldthwaite, Charles H July 19, 1895 Goodale, Darwin C February 15, 1893 fGoodrich, Wallace December 16, 1SS5 Gordon, James B . April 21, 1897 Gordon, William June 15, 1892 fGould, Augustus D October 16, 1882 Gould, Nathaniel S December 20, 1882 fGove, Charles S March 18, 1874 Grant, W. Herbert December 15, 1897 Graves, Theodore C April 19, 1876 148 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP, Gray, Edward T September 20, tGreeley, Otis W June 21, tGreene, Malcolm C September 15, tGregory, Daniel September 20, Gregory, Frederick W March 16, Gridley, Joseph June 16, Griffin, William W June 19, Griffith, George A April 20, tGuild, William H November 16, Gwynne, William H February 20, Hadley, J. Frank April 21, Hagar, Frederick H June 19, Hall, Albert B October iS, Hall, George E March 15, tHall, Henry . . June 17, Hall, Henry C. March 19, tHall, Herbert C March 18, Hall, Horatio G May 15, llHall, John K October 17, Hall, William M February 15, Ham, Frank W June 19, Hamilton, Howard H September 17, Hammond, J. Frank June 16, Hannum, Leander M March 20, tHano, Samuel March 15, tHapgood, Richard June 17, Hardy, Edward E February 20, Hardy, Francis D., Jr June 19, Hardy, Freeman H June 19, Harlow, Frank November 21, tHarriman, George B June 19, Harris, Isaac May 16, Harrison, Charles H June 17, Harvey, Charles A June 19, Harvey, George W September 17, Haskins, Leander M. . . . . . November 17, fHatch, E. Mertain June 15, 865 893 869 871 864 897 89s 881 870 89s 897 89s 882 86s 868 872 849 893 895 890 886 872 882 896 89s 872 89s 894 891 877 896 895 897 869 892 LIST OF PRESENT MEMBERS. 149 NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Hatch, Edward O. ... June i8, 1890 ♦Hatch, James . . April 21, 18S6 tHayden, Charles J. .... April 19, 1S65 Hayden, Frederick W February 17, 1897 Hayes, William T December iS, 1872 Hayward, Fred P February i6, 1898 Hazen, Daniel M. .... March 21, 1883 tHazen, James W March 20, 1889 Heald, Joseph F. . .... December 17, 1891 tHeath, William S April 18, 1894 Hedges, Sidney M. . . . . January 18, 1SS2 Heimer, Frank L April 20, 1S9S Heintzemann, Carl H April 21, 1S97 Hemmenway, Eugene S March 18, 1891 Hemmenway, Henry C September 17, 1S90 Henderson, James D. . .... June :6, 18S0 Henry, George E. . . ... June 19, 1895 Hewes, Joseph J October 21, 1857 Hewes, William O. ... February 20, 1SS9 tHewett, George F June 21, 1SS2 Hickok, Gilman C. . ... February 19, 1873 Hicks, Joseph June 19, 1895 ■fHicks, Samuel D March iS, 1S74 Higgins, John J April 2i, 1897 Higgins, Richard R December 16, 1S63 Hildreth, Samuel B September 19, 1866 Hill, A. Bartlett June 15, 18S1 Hill, Edgar Dwight November 2 1, 1894 t Hill, Lew C September 17, 1890 tHills, Joseph A April 15, 1891 + Hills, William S November 19, 1S62 Hilton, James M June 20, 1S88 Hine, Elijah B September 20, 1871 Hoak, Newton A January 21, 1S91 tHobart, Henry February 17, 1864 •fHodges, William A June 17, 1874 Hoffman, Frederic G February 2i, 1894 Holbrook, Robert S June 19. 1889 150 BOSTON C0M3IANDERY. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Holden, Albert E June 17, 1896 Holland, John December 20, 1865 Hollis, Heni-y B February 20, 1895 tHolnian, Rufus October 17, 1877 Holman, Selden V July 19, 1895 Holt, Joseph G April 19, 1865 tllHolton, Eugene A June iS, 1873 Homer, George E February 20, 1895 tHooker, Henry May 15, 1872 fHooper, George W March 22, 1889 Horton, Charles H.,Jr November 18, 1891 Horton, Myron J March 18, 1874 Houghton, Charles W April 17, 1895 tHoughton, John H May 20, 1891 tHowe, C. Fred June 19, 1889 Howe, George E December 19, 1894 Howe, Harry G March 22, 1889 tHowe, John H December 21, 1892 tHowe, Lemuel H December 21, 1887 Howell, Augustus F February 15, 1893 Howell, Charles L September 17, 1897 Howland, Frank H June 15, 1892 Hewlett, Clarence M June 20, 1894 Hoyt, Edward H September 19, 1888 Hubbard, Daniel B. January 18, 1871 tHubbard, Joseph September 16, 1868 tHubbard, Samuel F March 21, 1883 tHubbard, William B April 17, 1895 Hubley, James M September 18, 1889 HufF, James H June 16, 1880 Hunt, Alfred H December 15, 1886 Hunt, Edgar F January 20, 1875 Ivers, Frank H March 18, 1891 Jackson, Gilman D July 18, 1883 Jacobs, Edward F April 20, 1881 Jacobs, J. Arthur April 20, 1881 Jacobs, James H. . September 18, 1889 LIST OP PEESENT MEMBERS. 151 NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Jacobs, John S. February i6, James, Frank M February 15, tjenks, William W June 15, tjohnson, Francis H May 20, Jones, Charlie A June 20, Jones, Edward W. S June 20, Jones, George A March 15, Jones, Oilman F January 19, Jones, G. Howard March 21, Jones, Oscar A January 18, Jones, W. Clifton April 15, Jordan, Horace A June 21, Josselyn, Freeman M. . . ... March 16, Kakas, Edward May 15, Karcher, Jacob, Jr. .... . December 19, Keating, George January 21, Keating, William H March 20, Keay, Warren S December 20, Keever, Davis T February 16, tKelley, Alexander P June iS, Kelley, Herbert L June 16, Kendall, Isaac B September 16, fKennedy, Frank A January 18, Kenny, James F April 21, Kent, Edward F June 19, Kilgour, Dwight F December iS, Kimball, Edgar R June 21, Kimball, Henry H May 18, King, George A September 19, Knight, Howard N June 19, Knight, William H June 20, Koch, Adam A June 15, Koop, Christian F June 19, Kramer, Henry C September 17, Lakin, John H June 19, tLamb, William Dan February 19, Lamson, William G April iS, 876 893 892 874 877 894 871 870 883 882 896 893 S64 S67 894 S91 SSg 893 898 S73 897 S6S 86s S97 891 89s 882 S70 388 891 888 892 89s 890 872 879 894 152 BOSTON COMMANDEKY. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Landers, John N June i6, 1897 Lane, Albert C September 28, 1894 Lane, Walter L November 17, 1880 LaPointe, William H June 16, 1875 Latimer, Charles F June 16, 1897 fLawrence, Daniel W May 18, 1859 Lawrence, Henry A September 17, 1890 fLawrence, Rosewell B June 16, 1880 tllLawrence, Samuel C May 19, 1858 fLawrence, William B June 16, 1880 fLearned, Francis M June 18, 1890 Leavitt, Fred Hayes June 18, 1890 Leeds, Francis ... .... June 21, 1882 Le Francis, Thomas, Jr November 18, 1863 Leighton, Emery D June 16, 1880 Levi, William G February 16, 1887 Lewis, William A April 17, 1895 Libby, Charles A February 19, 1879 Lighthill, August P December 15, 1875 Lincoln, Arthur A June 20, 1894 Lincoln, Charles S September 19, 1866 Lincoln, Fred H February 17, 1897 til Litchfield, Charles I January i6, 18S4 fllLitchfield, Henry H November 3i, 1883 Litchfield, Horace D January 16, 1884 Litchfield, Parker R June 18, 1873 Littlefield, Arthur H June 20, 1894 fLittlefield, George S June 18, 1884 Locke, Henry A February 15, 1893 Locke, James W September 17, 1862 Locke, Samuel B March 19, 1862 Lockhart, Joseph S . June 19, 1889 fLombard, Willard D June i6, 1897 fLongley, Edwin P January 21, 1885 f Look, George L September 19, 1888 Lord, Thomas H April iS, i86o fLoring, Freeman A June i8, 1873 Lott, William H February 17, 1892 LIST or PRESENT MEMBERS. 153 NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. II Lotts, J. Francis February 15, 1865 Lovejoy, Alvan L May 15, 1S67 Lovejoy, Ernest F April 15, 1896 Lovell, Warren D May 16, 1883 Lowe, George H February 17, 1897 Lowney, Walter M June 19, 1891 Lyman, Anson M April 21, 1S97 Lynch, Samuel B June 19, 1891 Lyon, Albert W July 19, 1895 Lyons, Walter S April 16, 1890 MacAlman, John H June 20, 1894 MacDonald, Edward April 21, 1880 MacDonald, William R April 20, 1898 tMace, Lyman R February i5, 1S76 *Macomber, John F. . . . . May 19, 185S Maginnes, William C . June 15, 1892 fMain, Charles E February 17, 1S92 Mainland, John Y December 20, 1893 Maley, Henry A December 20, 1893 fManchester, William A February 17, 1S97 ManfuU, John S December 16, 1896 Mann, Charles . June 21, 1882 tMansfield, George H . September 18, 1S72 tMansfield, Walter H April 15, 1S96 *Margeson, Richman S December 19, 1S94 Marks, Charles H April 21, 1869 Marks, George M December 19, 1894 Marrs, John H. June 20, 1894 Marshall, Frank October 9, 1883 Mason, Eber L June 15, 1S92 Mason, Harrie E December 15, 18S6 Mattson, John . . February 17, 1892 Maxwell, William R April 17, 1895 McAlpine, Charles A April 17, 1895 McCully, Hugh September 17, 1862 tMcDonald, David A March iS, 1896 +McGaw, John June 18, 1890 154 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. McGonagle, Arthur April 19, 1893 fMcIndoe, James W January 21, 1885 Mclntyre, Joseph April 15, 1863 Mclntyre, Peter February 25, 1858 McKay, Nichols L July 19, 1895 tMcKenzie, Angus G July 19, 1895 McKown, John A November 15, 1871 fMcLellan, James D June 20, 1894 fMcRae, Finley February 17, 1892 Merrick, Frank W April 21, 1897 Merrill, Thomas June 15, 1881 Merritt, Herbert June 19, 1889 Merritt, William February 15, 1888 Merrow, John F March 16, 1864 fMeserve, Isaac H September 15, 1869 Metcalf, Robert C June 18, 1884 tMilk, William E April 17, 1895 tMiller, Clement G February 19, 1896 Miller, Marquis S June 20, 1894 Miller, William M February 15, 1865 Milligan, James January 15, 1879 Minot, George S December i8, 1872 Mitchell, Clarence B December 20, 1893 Mitchell, John L June 19, 1895 Moffitt, William A April 15, 1896 tMontgomery, Alex May 16, 1883 Moore, Charles March 18, 1891 Moran, Martin W September 17, 1897 Morrell, Ralph W September 28, 1894 jMorrill, Alfred June 19, 1872 Morrill, Charles F March 20, 1889 tMorrill, George H.,Jr April 17, 1895 Morris, Henry D. W September 17, 1897 fMorrison, Nahum M September 18, 1867 Morse, John C May 16, i860 Morss, Charles A March 21, 1855 Morton, Francis F April 17, 1895 Morton, John D May 15, 1867 LIST OF PBESENT MEJIBEES. 155 NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Moseley, Elisha H June 17, 1896 Moulton, Beverly S June iS, iSgo Muldowney, Edward V September 28, 1S94 fMunroe, Martin A June 16, iSSo Murphie, Hiram P September 28, 1S94 jMurphy, John J May 20, 1S74 Murtfeldt, Will A December 20, 1893 Neal, Edward C. . September 20, 1871 Neal, John R June 19, 1S95 Neale, Otis S February 19, 1879 Neale, William July 17, 1895 Nettles, Stephen September 28, 1894 tNewman, John R . January 21, 1885 Newton, Joseph L December 18, 1895 Nichols, George L October 9, 1883 IINichoIs, Leonard B September iS, 1S72 fNickerson, Isaiah April 18, 1894 Nickerson, Richard H. . . . . . . April 21, 1S97 fNickerson, William E January 21, 1891 Noble, William H. C December 19, 1S94 Noone, Everett P April 15, 1896 Norcross, J. Henry June 18, 1873 Nordland, Lawrence June 19, 1895 Norris, Edward L March 20, 1867 Norris, Elza June 18, 1890 North, Charles H September 20, 1871 North, John H May 15, 1S72 Nowell, Frank J February 16, 1898 tOakman, Otis B December 17, 1891 Odell, Ira H. . . October 16, 1882 Olys, Thomas J February 16, 1881 Pace, Edwin E April 17, 1895 Packard, Alonzo October 18, 1865 Packard, Herman A December 15, 1897 tPage, Francis E February 17, 1886 156 BOSTON OOMMANDEEY. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP, tPage, George P February 17, Page, Wesley L February 16, Paige, Enoch September 19, Palmer, Harrie H April 20, Palmer, Irving S January 20, tParazina, William B June 21, Park, William D May 16, tParke, Lewis G September 28, Parker, Charles W May 15, -fParker, George F December 20, Parker, Joseph S. . December 17, Parmelee, Charles E February 17, Parmenter, Charles W December 18, Patrick, John C September 17, Pattee, William H November 15, Patten, I. Bartlett May 17, Patterson, Henry W January 15, fPaul, Joseph T April 21, +Peak, Irvin E December i8, Pearson, Henry C September 28, Peirce, William W June i8, Pendleton, John C December 16, Pendleton, Walter E December i6, Perin, Rev. George L June 15, Perkins, George A December 19, Perkins, Walter S December 15, Perry, Orlando D December i6. Perry, William A. June i6, Phelps, Thomas J April 2i, Phillips, Alvin June 19, •fPhillips, Edward W February 17, Phinney, James P March 17, Phinney, Sylvanus B May i8, Pickett, George B January 18, Pierce, Fred B January i8, tPiper, Charles R December i6. Piper, Frank E February i6, Pippey, Benjamin Y January 18, 886 887 860 898 87s 882 860 894 867 882 891 897 89s 890 871 86s 890 897 89s 894 890 896 896 887 894 886 896 886 897 S9S 897 87s 8S9 860 882 860 LIST OF PEE8ENT MEJIBEES. 157 NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Plumer, Horace B September 17, 1S90 Plummer, Walter I February 17, 1897 Polio, Edward T March 18, 1891 Pond, Robert L July 19, 1895 Pope, Ahrend C. J December 21, 1887 fPope, Ivory H February 15, 1865 Porter, Benjamin F December 21, 18S7 tPotter, Asa P. . . June 17, 1863 fPotter, William, Jr September 28, 1894 Pratt, David G . January 17, 1S72 Pratt, George E June 16, 1897 tPratt, Laban May 16, 1866 Pray, Albert G June 15, 1SS7 Prescott, Allan C February 17, 1897 Prescott, Edwin October 16, 1882 Prescott, George W June 15, 1859 Preston, Andrew W June 19, 1889 Prouty, Dwight April 18, 1S66 Puffer, Luther W March 22, 1S89 Qu'nsler, George J . December 17, 1891 Rand, David L February 21, 1894 Rand, William B September 28, 1894 Rawson, Elbridge M November 17, 1880 Rayner, Artemas W July 19, 1895 Reed, Edgar H September 17, 1890 Reed, Edwin February 19, 1S62 Rhoades, Frank P April 19, 1S93 Rhoades, Herbert A June 19, 1889 Rhodes, John B September 16, 1868 tRice, Albert D. November 18, 1891 Rice, Hamilcar October 21, 1857 Rice, James B February 20, 1878 Rich, Matthias March 16, 1870 IIRichards, Eugene H June 18, 1873 tRichards, Frank W December 21, 1892 Richards, Joseph R December 19, i860 158 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP, Richardson, Albert L. SeptemberiS, Richardson, James P May 20, Richardson, RinaldoB March 22, Richmond, Charles E April 15, Ricker, James A January 18, fRidgeway, Augustus January 18, fRiggs, Eben April 17, Riley, Frederick December 19, fRiley, Isaac January 20, Risteen, Frederick S September 15, Roberts, Edgar M April 15, Roberts, James S January 21, Roberts, William F June 15, Robey, William H December 20, Robie, John May 20, Robinson, Increase August 14, Robinson, John C December 16, Rockwell, John W March 20, Rogers, Charles A February 20, fRomney,- Charles W December 17, Ronimus, James D April 16, Root, Albert B. . September 17, fRoss, John C November 21, Ross, Joseph H April 20, Rounds, William J June 15, Rowe, Henry M January 18, Rowe, Levi L February 17, fRowell, George P May 16, Rowley, Clarence W February 17, Russell, Charles L March 15, Russell, Franklin E February 21, tRussell, Walter June i8, Rymes, Christopher E February i6, tSarapson, J. Frederick October 18, Samuel, Henry March 20, fSanderson, Clarence M November 18, Sands, Martin W July 30, 872 868 889 896 882 882 89s 866 875 869 896 88s 892 893 868 895 895 862 873 890 892 882 897 866 897 882 894 873 876 889 863 895 LIST OF PRESENT MEMBEES. 159 MEMBERSHIP. tSavage, Frederick C. ..... . May i6 Savory, George E. . September i6 Sawyer, Charles A May 17 Sawyer, Henry N February 15 fSchirmer, Frank A July 19 Schuchmann, Frank E April 20 tScott, John W June 17 tScott, Joseph F. April 19 Scott, Willard F February 17 fSears, Harry B. . . February 20 Seaverns, Francis September 18 Seavey, Edward A February 17. Seavey, Joseph W. C September i Seward, George R June 19. Shaffer, De Witt . . January 16. Shattuck, Edward H February 17 Shattuck, George D March 17 Shepard, Willis S June 20. Slierman, Frank H. April 20. fSherman, James T June 15. Sherry, Eugene C. December 16 Shurtleff, Frank M June 15 Sias, George W April 17 tSiegemund, Charles A September 16 Simpson, Cliarles S June 16 Slade, Lucius June 18 Small, Isaac H. September 28 Smith, Alfred C. April 21 Smith, Alfred M. . . . . . February 19 tSmith, Benjamin F. . June 21 Smith, Daniel A. . April 20 Smith, Edward F October 9 Smith, Elmer W. . April 2 Smith, Fred E . February i Smith, George H. . . . . . March 2 Smith, George L. . . ... June 2 Smith, Henry M September i Smith, Ira P. . June 19, 1883 1S91 186s 1865 1895 189S 1896 1893 1S97 1895 1S72 1897 1S72 189s 1SS4 1897 1S75 iSSS 1892 i88i 1896 1S92 1S95 1885 1S97 1SS4 1894 1897 1S73 1865 1 887 1SS3 1S86 1S92 1889 1SS2 1872 1S91 160 BOSTON COMMANDEKY. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP, fSmith, Julius A. . January i8, 1882 Smith, Marcell N January 15, 1890 Smith, Merrill A April 15, 1896 Smith, William E December 20, 1893 Smyth, Edwin R September 20, 1865 Smyth, Ralph M December 15, 1897 Snow, Fred A October 9, 1883 fSnow, Simeon . . March 20, 1867 Solomon, John P June 19, 1895 Somes, Richmond L June 18, 1879 Soule, Alfred June 19, 1895 tSouthard, Charles C May 19, 1858 Souther, Emery F September 17, 1890 Southward, John P April 17, 1895 Spaulding, Elmer H April 17, 1S95 Spear, Horace E June 21, 1893 Spence, George W June 20, 1888 Spiller, George January 18, 1865 Spofford, John E June 19, 1895 Stacy, William H January 18, 1882 Stainsby, Charles April 20, 1898 Stalker, John . . April 20, 1892 Stanwood, Gus G. R February 15, 1888 Stark, William R. H January 21, 1885 Stearns, Albert H June 19, 1891 Stearns, George C December 19, 1894 Stearns, Harry P April 21, 1886 Stearns, Joseph S March 19, 1884 ♦Stearns, Marshall N June 18, 1890 Stedman, Daniel B February 20, 1861 Stedman, George June 18, 1890 Stetson, Myron J. February 17, 1897 Stevens, Alfred September 17, 1897 Stevens, Charles E., 2d ..... April 20, 1S98 tStevens, George L June 19, 1891 Stevenson, George L. H April 20, 1898 tStewart, John G., Jr. .... October 17, 1877 Stillings, Charles A April 18, 1894 LIST OF PRESENT MEMBERS. 161 Stacker, William H tStone, Frank P. . Stone, Gregory E. tStone, William S. tStorer, Amos R. . Storer, George W. fStorey, W. Henry tStrattan, Flavel C. Stratton, George G. Street, John D. . Strous, Julius . Stuart, Harold E. Studley, Edward H. Sumner, Alphonso Sweatt, Joseph S. G. Swift, Ezra O. . . Talbot, Edmund H. . Taylor, Arthur . . fTaylor, Collins B. tTaylor, Horace B. Teel, Arthur F. . . Temby, Henry B. tTemple, Thomas F. . Tenney, Benjamin F. Thayer, Edward K. . tThayer, Edward P. Thayer, Lewis C. Thomas, Charles H. Thomas, J. Gushing Thompson, Abijah Thurston, John H. Tilton, Edward G. . Tilton, Fred G. Titcomb, George A. Tobey, Robert G. . Topham, George W. fTownsend, Everett . MEMBERSHIP. June 19. SS9 December 21, 1SS7 June i6, [Sy7 September 19, 888 June IS. [887 October 16, 1882 April '9. 865 May 17. S76 June 191 S7S April 17. S95 February 20, '895 July 19. 1 8^5 February 16, 18S7 December 17. 1S91 April 17. 1895 June 17. 1868 January '5. l^'JO December 19. 1894 February IS. 1S93 May 20, 1868 June 19. [895 April 17. '895 May 16, [866 March 19. 1851 April 21. (886 February 15. 860 March 20, SS<;> September 2S, 1S94 June 17. 88s February IS. [865 March 21, [877 February 16, [881 March 18, 1S91 December 17. [891 July 17. [89s June 21, 1893 September 19, 1894 162 BOSTON COMMANDERY. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Townsend, Jackson H September 17, 1897 tTownsend, Walter L. . . April 17, 1895 Trifet, Ferdinand M February 17, 1892 Tripp, John . . .... . December 30, 1895 Tubbs, Albert W. .... September 28, 1894 Tucker, Charles B February 19, 1896 Tupper, H. William September 17, 1890 fTwombley, John S June 20, 1888 Ulman, William C April 15, 1863 Ulman, William T December 19, 1894 Upham, Edward P April 20, 1892 t||Upham, James H. November 16, 1859 fUtley, James December 20, 1865 Van Derlip, Willard C March 19, 1884 Vargas, H.Jorge February 21, 1894 Vaughn, Harry H June 19, 1895 Vegelahn, Fred O June 18, 1884 Vinal, James W. . June 15, 1881 Vinal, Warren D March 21, 1883 tWade, Henry F October 18, 1865 Wade, J. Augustine June 19, 1872 Wadsworth, Dexter E June 19, 1891 Wadsworth, Edward B May 16, 1883 Wadsworth, Edwin D January 15, 1890 Waite, J. Oilman June 18, 1873 Waldron,John April 17, 1895 Walker, Frederick L September 18, 1889 Walker, George W June 16, 1897 Walker, William . April 21, 1897 Wall, Ariel C June 18, 1879 Wallace, Archibald C April 15, 1896 Warden, John J June 18, 1873 Wardrop, George W June 19, 1895 tWardwell, Frank W March 15, 1882 Waterman, Thomas ..'.... June 19, 1878 LIST OF PRESENT 5IEMBEES. 163 NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. tWatson, Daniel W. April 15, 1863 tWatts, Charles A. .... June 19, 1895 Watts, Isaac . . September 19, i860 Watts, William B February 15, 1893 Weatherby, George R March 22, 1889 Webber, Charles H January 16, 1884 Webber, Moses H. . .... June 21, 1882 Webster, Osman C. . June 19, 1889 Wedger, Walter L June 21, 1893 Weingartner, John, Jr December 19, 1894 Welden, George H February 17, 1892 Wells, Benjamin T. . . . . June 21, 1865 West, Edward N. July 19, 1S95 West, William H May 16, 1866 Weston, George M July 19, 1895 fWetherald, James T April 17, 1895 Whall, Harry B September 28, 1894 Wheat, Herbert E June 15, 1S92 tWheelock, Edwin C. ... October 16, 1SS2 tWhitaker, Joseph W October 16, 1882 Whitcher, George A. . . December 20, 1893 Whitcomb, William B. . . . November 18, 1S57 tWhite, Charles D. . . March iS, it.74 White, Daniel L. . . . . June 16, 1897 tWhite, Henry M June 16, 1880 White, L. Merton . . . January 17, 1S72 fWhiting, Albert T September 19, 1866 tWhiting, William S. . . . July 18, 18S3 Whitman, Albert L. . . . June 16, 1886 Whitney, Harrie H June 20, 1894 Whitney, Leland A June 15, 1892 Whyte, Oliver March 22, 18S9 Wilcox, David . . September 18, 1872 Wilcox, Elbert P April 17, 1895 Wilder, Harrison . ... December 20, 1893 Wilder, Salem . . March 20, 1867 tWi!der, William H March 16, 1864 Williams, Joseph ....... April 21, 1869 164 BOSTON COMMANDEEY. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. tWilllams, William H June 20, 1894 Willis, Horace E March 17, 1875 Wilson, George W April 16, 1890 fWilson, John W June 19, 1891 Wilson, William A June 15, 1892 Winchester, George D December 19, 1894 Winsor, Edward H September 28, 1894 Witt, George H June 19, 1895 Wood, Benjamin D February 21, 1894 Wood, Charles B June 21, 1893 Wood, Clark D December 16, 1896 Wood, William H June 20, i888 Woodard, Bainbridge W January 18, 1882 Woodberry, William H June 15, 1881 Woodbury, John W March 9, 1898 Woodward, Charles W October 16, 1882 Worcester, William E September 18, 1889 Work, Joseph W September i8, 1889 Wright, Charles D February 20, 1895 tllWright, Edwin May 20, 1874 fWright, Harry E September 17, 1897 Wright, Josiah S February 17, 1897 Wyman, Charles E September 28, 1894 Wyman, George A December 15, i886 Wyman, Walter E September 28, 1894 Yates, Harry G December 20, 1893 Young, Bartholomew M January 21, 18S5 Young, Freeman N December 15, 1897 tYoung, George December 19, 1855 Young, George M September 20, 1882 tYoung, J. Harvey December i8, 1872 ADDENDA. NAMES. MEMBERSHIP. Bennett, Joseph I June 15, i8g8 Blair, James R June 15, 1898 Childs, Edwin O May 18, 1898 Eliot, H. Wight June 15, 1898 Enebuske, ClaesJ June 15, 1898 Johnson, Horace H June 15, 1898 Johnson, John M June 15, 1898 fKramer, Walter S June 15, 1898 McLaughlin, Fred H June 15, 1898 Morse, William A. . June 15, 1898 Perkins, James M June 15, 1898 Robinson, Alexander >.! June 15, 1898 Ross, Thomas A. . June 15, 189S Sawyer, Albert C June 15, 1898 Stephenson, Harris G. June 15, iSyS Stephenson, H. Walter June 15, 189S Thompson, Francis E. June 15, 1898 Traiser, Charles H June 15, 1898 DECEASED. Hatch, James Jilny 7, 1S98 Stearns, Marshall N May 18, 1S98 Margeson, Richman S May 18, 1S98 Macomber, John F June 4, 189S Chamberlin, Daniel U June 6, 1S98 Honorary and Life Members .... 238 Exempt by By-Laws 4 Paying Annual Dues 724 Membership July I, 1S9S . . . 966