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Readers are asked to report all cases of books marked or mijti- lated. . . \ marks and writing. Cornell University Library E483.75 .A24 A calendar of Confederate papers, with 3 1924 032 776 290 Clin Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. A CALENDAR of CONFEDERATE PAPERS WITH A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOME CONFEDERATE PUBLICATIONS ^reltminarp lEleport of W^t ^outfjent iHtsttortcal Msxm&tx\\^ii Commtsitcion PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL LITERARY SOCIETY BY DOUGLAS SOUTHALL FREEMAN Richmond, Va. : W^t Confederate iHlugeum. Wliisi (EMism M Htmtteb to ®nt WgmUmXt Copiese. ^f Wijtci) '^vi 'Volume ii COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY THE CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL LITERARY SOCIETY. WhITTET & SHEPPEBSON, FniMTEBS, RlCHUOND, Va. CONTENTS. PART ONE. Papers Relating to the Medical Department of the Confed- erate States Army, 15 Papers Relating to the Richmond Campaign of 1864: The Harrison Loan, 51. Papers of Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, 75 Journal of Chas. E. Lining, C. S. S. Shenandoah, 126 Miscellaneous Manuscripts, 164 Papers Relating to the Trial of Jefferson Davis: The Shea Memorial, 439 Exhibits Prepared for the Defence of Jefferson Davis, 479 Letters of J. M. Mason to Jefferson Davis, 480 Confederate War Maps, 486 Muster-rolls, Returns and Rosters 491 Ante-Bellum and Post-Bellum Papers, 497 PART TWO. Bibliography of some Confedferate Publications in the Con- federate Museum, 501 LIST OF ABBREVATIONS USED IN DE- SCRIBING MANUSCRIPTS. A. C. S.— A copy, written and signed by the original signer of the paper. A. D. S.— A document, report, receipt, order, etc., written and signed by a known person. A. D. n. S.— A document, report, receipt, order, etc, written by a known person, but not signed. A. F. S.— A customary "form"— report, requisition, return or receipt- written and signed by a known person. A. F. n. S— A customary "form"— report, requisition, return or receipt- written by a known person, but not signed. A. L. S.— A letter, written and signed by a known person. A. L. n. S.— A letter, written by a known person, but not signed. A. S.— A manuscript, not otherwise classified, written and signed by a known person. A. n. S. — A manuscript, not otherwise classified, written by a known per- son, but not signed. C. C A copy of a manuscript, certified as to accuracy by some, legally competent person. Copy. — A manuscript, known to be a copy of another manuscript. D. S. — A document, report, receipt, order, etc., by a known person, but not written by that person. D. n. S. — A document, report, receipt, order, etc., written but not signed. F. S. — A customary "form" — report, requisition, return or receipt — signed by a known person but not written by th?.t person. F. n. S. — A customary "form" — report, requisition, return, or receipt — written but not signed. L. S — A letter, signed by a known person, but not written by that person. L. n. S. — A letter, written but not signed, n. d. — Not dated, n. s. — Not signed. n. p. — No place of sending mentioned. O. C. — Official copy, that is, a copy, used or intended for official purposes and certified as to accuracy by some Itgally competent person. P. D. — A printed document, report, receipt, order, etc. Confederate Calendar. 5 P. D. S. — A printed document, report, receipt, order, etc., signed by a known person. p. F. S. — A printed "form" — report, requisition, return or receipt — signed by a known person. Tel. — A telegram, either the original given the operator, or the copy fur- nished the person addressed. SYMBOLS DESCRIBING THE LOCATION OF MANUSCRIPTS. Following the abbreviation which gives the character of the particular manuscript calendared, will be found a symbol fixing the location of the manuscript in the Archives of the Museum. Where a single letter or com- bination of letters is used, such as "A" or "SM," the reference is to a case in the central collection. The figure following gives the number of the folder in the case. Thus, "B-16" refers to case B, folder 16. Where more than one paper is included in a folder, the number of each paper is given. Thus, "B-37-8" is case B, folder 37, manuscript 8. A small numeral fol- lowing the case letter refers to the serial case, as "B2," that is, the second case in series B. The abbreviations "Va," "Ala," "Mo," etc., refer to the various State collections, while the numerals following give the case or exhibit number. Thus, "NC-247-3" would be, North Carolina collection, exhibit 247, manu- script number 3. INTRODUCTION. Inasmuch as the present vohime marks the beginning of a new venture in the collection of source material relating to the War between the States, it is proper that the nature, need and scope of the undertaking should be stated. For some years students of Confederate history have felt the need of systematic and thorough co-operation in the collection of sources for several reasons. In the first place, in consequence of the death of many participants in the war, numerous collections of papers have fallen into the hands of persons unconscious of their value and unable properly to preserve them. For instance, virtually the entire cor- respondence of a prominent Confederate general was condemned to the waste-heap by his heirs, who did not suspect the character of some of the manuscripts. Fortunately, these were rescued and have since been properly repaired and examined; but instances of this character are not infrequent. Other manuscripts have suf- fered a fate hardly less disastrous, being left to molder in garrets or to rot in cellars, until they have become practically illegible, and are useless to the historical student. Furthermore, the private papers of leaders of the Confederacy are scattered throughout the South in such a manner as to make them virtually inaccessible to the average student. The investi- gator who wishes to collect material regarding Jefferson Davis, for example, will find his letters in at least a dozen libraries and archives, not to mention the fact that numerous important papers are in unknown private hands. Again, while various Confederate leaders, military and civil, have published their memoirs, there have been but two attempts at systematic collection. For some thirty years the Southern Historical Society has issued an annual volume of Papers, rich in valuable material, but constituting, in their entirety, a very small portion of the manuscripts extant in the South. The second Confederate Calendar. 7 attempt was the publication, by the United States Government, of the Official Records of the War of tfie Rebellion, including an enormous mass of material. While eminently fair to the South, and truly monumental in character, the importance of the Records may readily be overestimated. The very magnitude of the task rendered close attention to minor details practically impossible, and the plan of the work necessarily excluded much that was vital to the history of the Confederacy. Accordingly, in the spring of 1907 a plan was agreed upon, whereby this important undertaking was confideid to the Con- federate Memorial Literary Society, in view of the unusual facili- ties possessed by that organization, and to its previous success along similar lines. The Southern Historical Manuscripts Com- mission was therefore formed, and was instructed by the Society to outline some working plan for the collection of material and to make a beginning in the publication of new records. The Commission believes that its operations should not be confined to the period covered by the war, but should take into consideration the years immediately preceding, and the period of reconstruction following the war. In dtealing with material re- lating to the ante-bellum period, it was disclosed that much might be done in collecting sources on two important subjects — State Rights and Slavery. The monographs which have appeared on the former of these subjects show what may be there accom- plished, and it is believed that further study of the doctrine in other States will be equally successful. The printed material for this subject can be obtaiined in most large libraries of the country, but private manuscripts of leading men in the various States can be secured only with the greatest difficulty. As to slavery, adequate material cannot be had at present for the study of either its political, economic or social aspect. Even the laws of slavery, state and municipal, have never been thoroughly codified, and the "comparative method" employed by Hurd has received little attention since his day. The economic side of slavery is even less understood. A glance at the most recent general work on slavery will show that the present results on the subject are based on no more trustworthy authorities than census returns and the observa- tions of hasty travelers; but a careful writer has demonstrated what light may be thrown on the subject by an examination of 8 Confederate Calendar. sources which are essentially local. It is hardly probable that all the records of plantation finance have been destroyed, and the publication of the actual receipts and expenditures of half a dozen farms would throw much light on the larger subject. The Com- mission proposes to make an extended search for records of this character, and to publish such material as is collected. It is evident that many problems await investigation in con- nection with the war period. In the first place, material on the actual formation of the Confederacy is sadly lacking, and the inner workings of the Montgomery Convention "await investiga- tion. One particular class of possible sources suggests itself in this connection. The members of the Convention and df the Pro- visional Congress must have written many letters to their families and friends. If any of these can be recovered, they may give important information on obscure points, as did the Cobb letters which recently appeared in the publication of the Southern History Association. Again, material on the later legislative and executive history of the Confederacy has been greatly neglected. As regards the former, some attempt should be made, first of all, to secure some connected and accessible reports of the debates in the Confederate Congress. It is true that the more important debates in the House of Representatives, and most of the debates in the Senate, were behind closed doors; but despite this fact, a collection of the reports of newspaper correspondents and of letters of Congress- men would appreciably add to the existing information regarding many important enactments. Material on the workings of the Confederate Cabinet and on the movements of the presidential and of the anti-administration parties, might likewise bring valuable facts to light; and a close study of the executive de- partments would certainly yield valuable results. Another great field of investigation, and one in which the Commission proposes to work, is social life during the period of the Confederacy. The patient sufferings of the non-combatants, the quiet demeanor of the slaves, the temper of the press— these were foremost among the forces which contributed to the main- tenance of the Southern armies in the field, and are deserving of close analysis. The materials for such study are obvious and can be gathered m great numbers by concerted eflEort. Confederate Calendar. 9 In connection with military operations, it must not be supposed the Official Records contain all the existing material. There are, for example, several gaps in the correspondence there published, notably in the executive correspondence of 1861-62, and in the confidential communications to the President from generals in the field. It is perhaps useless to hope that these losses may be recovered, even in part ; but occasionally a missing paper is found. Certainly no effort should be spared to make an exhaustive search. Moreover, the Official Records do not contain adequate ma- terial on the organization of the military bureaux of enrollments, conscription, ordnance, subsistence and the like. It is submitted that material should be collected regarding these bureaux, since a thorough knowledge of the operations of at least some of them is essential to a correct understanding of any campaign. Ordnance transportation, for example, in the Pennsylvania campaign of 1863, and Subsistence in the Appomattox campaign were hardly second to any other factors in determining the final outcome. In like manner military topography demands attention, and an effort should be made to accumulate more war maps. The atlas published with the Official Records was a most important addition to the material on military operations, but it contained comparatively few Confederate maps. Others are known to exist, and should either be reproduced or placed where they may be readily consulted by investigators. Nor should the history of particular commands be neglected. It is a truism of military history that the esprit de corps of an army depends on the spirit of each particular command, and the previous career of victory or defeat of even a single regiment may sometimes be intportant. Viewed in this light only, the labor involved in writing the history of a particular brigade, for in- stance, may be well spent, if the only result should be to determine the exact strength and spirit of the command at a critical time. The materials for this class of investigation are not to be found in the Official Records, though they certainly exist in private hands. Finally, material should be collected for military biography. It is useless to emphasize the importance of an intimate acquaint- ance on the part of the investigator with the personal character- istics and methods of the great generals of the period ; only 10 Confederate Calendar. through their private as well as their official papers, can these be disclosed. In connection with the subject of reconstruction, the Commfs- sion believes that emphasis should be placed upon social and economic problems and conditions, and it therefore intends to collect material on these subjects. The principal political papers relating to reconstruction have already been collected and printed in accessible form. In thus outlining the subjects upon which it proposes to collect material, the Commission would not intimate that these are the only matters that should be treated; on the other hand, it is im- possible to foresee the direction that future research will pursue. The Commission merely intends, in the above outline, to indicate some of the more important aspects of the subject that remain to be considered. With these aims in view, then, the Commission believes that its work should be, first, to locate, examine and report on large or inaccessible collections; secondly, to procure originals where possible or accurate copies and to deposit the same in the library of the Confederate Museum, Richmond, Virgjinia, where they may be consulted by all students; thirdly, to publish exhaustive reports of particular collections, when deemed sufficiently im- portant. The Society realizes that this work will require many years, and that its success at any time depends on the support of all persons interested in Southern history. But relying on the loyalty of the Southern people, the Society appeals to them to deposit their papers in the fire-proof Museum, where they may remain as a lasting memorial of those whose deeds they record, and where, at the same time, they are assured early publication and distribution to historical students. Representitig as it does, no particular State, but standing for the entire South, the Museum seems the most appropriate place for the collection and preserva- tion of Confederate papers. Certainly without some such system of co-operation as that proposed, the unpublished records of the Confederacy will be lost beyond reclamation in the course of an- other generation. In carrying out the further instructions of the Society, the Commission begins its work by the publication in this volume of Confederate Calendar. n the manuscripts already collected by the Society and now in the Confederate Museum. These represent the gradual accumula- tions of a decade, and while there have been notable gifts of large collections, the greater part of the papers have come in a few at a time and from many different sources. This Calendar lists all of these manuscripts, with a few excep- tions that should be noted : Mrs. Varina Davis gave the Museum a type-written copy of the executive letter-book of President Davis, but as most of the important papers therein are printed, and as a movement is already on foot to publish the full cor- respondence of Mr. Davis, it was not thought expedient to deal here with this material. Again, the letter-book and order-book of Brigadier-General W. N. Pendleton, now in the Museum, have been but briefly mentioned in this volume. These manuscripts are extensive and extremely valviable, and their publication has been deferred to a later time, when it is intended to issue them in their entirety. Finally, the Florida collection contains som^e important papers and records of the Lake City General Hospital and of Dr. A. S. Baldwin, surgeon in charge there ; but in view of the fact that a large number of medical papers appear in the present volume, it was thought proper to defer detailed report of this material to a subsequent date. In like manner, papers in the Museum that are also printed in the Official Records have not been entered here, except in some special instances, and then with references to the full text as printed. With the above exceptions, however, this report contains an abstract of all the manuscripts received at the Museum prior to September i, 1907. Some of these may appear unimportant, or at most, of small value, but the editor has not felt called upon to pass final judgment on every paper, and has preferred to make brief mention of all, in order to avoid the risk of omitting any- thing that might be of use. Where any considerable number of papers clearly belong to- gether, they have been grouped in sections under a specific title, but the bulk of separate or individual papers will be found under the caption Miscellaneous Manuscripts. To facilitate rapid ref- erence, each section is prefaced by a brief statement, giving the ■ general content of the papers. The arrangement -of each collection varies somewhat with its character. The Shea papers, for ex- 12 Confederate Calendar. ample, are so connected as to form virutally a continuous narra- tive, and for that reason are arranged chronologically, as is the Harrison Loan ; but the Miscellaneous Manuscripts are arranged under the names of the senders of signers, and by date under the various names. Thus, in referring to the letters of T. J. Jackson, all letters and orders signed by him are grouped under his name chronologically. Reference to the index will show at once all letters addressed to, or endorsed by him. Occasionally a number of unimportant papers, such as receipts, returns, etc., are cal- endared under the name of the person to whom the receipt was given or the return was made, though the names of the signers of such papers will be found; separately in the index. Again, entry is under the name of the person addressed when the sender is unknown. The form of calendar-entry has followed closely the model suggested by the American Historical Association, which is now generally accepted by students; and the abbreviations descriptive of the character of the papers are an extension of those proposed by the same body. As many manuscripts are undated, it has devolved upon the editor to supply the proper date when possible. This can some- times be done by the contents of the letter ; and where this readily appears, the date has been placed between brackets by the editor, without comment. Where the date can be ascertained only ap- proximately, or where it is doubtful, an interrogation point has been added; and when the date is supplied from evidence that does not appear in the context, an explanatory foot-note has been added. In quotations, the peculiarities of orthography and diction have been preserved throughout; but where the meaning of the original is not clear, a corrected or suggested form has been placed in brackets. Brackets have likewise been added wherever a word, letter or figure has been interpolated by the editor, and parentheses are employed only where they occur in the original It has been thought best to adopt a uniform system of date and title abbreviation, following the generally accepted military usage. Where such title or date appears in full, the standard abbreviation has been used without comment, but where other abbreviations occur, they have been indicated by brackets. Thus, where the Confederate Calendar. 13 term "General commanding" is spelt in full, the abbreviation used is that commonly found in such a place, "Genl. comdg."; but where the original reads "G. comdg." the change has been noted as "G[enl]. comdg." Throughout the text, foot-notes will be found with more or less frequency. The editor has supplied these purely as an ex- planation of statements made in the text, without comment of his own. While these notes will be of little value to the trained investigator, it is believed that they may be of some service to the general reader. Part Two of the Calendar contains a bibliography of some Confederate publications. This list does not pretend to any de- gree of finality or completeness ; but the Commission has thought wise to publish the titles of the more important books printed during the period of the Confederacy in order to call attention to them and also to secure references to other titles and editions from investigators and bibliophiles. Additions to this list are earnestly requested, as the Commission contemplates the publication of an extended bibliography at some future time. It has been thought best to preserve the terms "octavo" "duodecimo," etc., in describ- ing the books listed, inasmuch as measurements in centrimetres convey no accurate impression of the size of the volume to one unfamiliar with the metric system. The editor wishes, finally, to express his indebtedness to the many friends who have assisted him in the preparation of this edition. Miss Baughman, Chairman of the Committee, has faith- fully and graciously discharged her onerous duties. Misses Maury and Harrison, of the Confederate Museum, gave the editor every possible courtesy in the preparation of the material; Miss L. T. Munford and Mrs. W. N. Hamlet, of Richmond, kindly made accurate copies of lengthy documents, and Miss K. P. Stiles afforded him every facility to the examination of the splendid DeRenne collection. To Mrs. E. C. Minor the editor owes a special debt of gratitude for introducing him to the work and for supporting him throughout. Professor C. M. Andrews, of Johns Hopkins University, has given generously of his time and experience, and has saved the editor from many mistakes of form and of judgment, while the other members of the historical faculty of the same University have been equally kind. Dr. H. J. 14 Confederate Calendar. Eckenrode, archivist of Virginia, has advised the editor upon many technical points, and Dr. Allen W. Freeman, of Richmond, supplied the notes to the medical papers of this volume. Finally, the editor's father has been his unfailing source of information for facts regarding the history of the Confederacy. A word of thanks should be adided to the printers, Messrs. Whittet and Shepperson, and especially to Mr. Robert Whittet, Jr., for their care and courtesy in the performance of their task. D. S. F. Johns Hopkins University, 4 February, 1908. Addenda and Corrigenda. Page 63, note 55, line 2 : For "Corsi's," read "Corse's." The following documentj referred to on page 48, note 116, was accidentally omitted from page 421 : 1861, Sept. 9, Richmond, Va., War Department. Sally Tompkins. Commission as captain in Confederate service. Sig. : L. P. Walker, Sec. of War. p. p. S. Va. A CALENDAR OF CONFEDERATE PAPERS. PAPERS RELATING TO THE MEDICAL DEPART- MENT OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY. In the fire which followed the evacuation of Richmond, the Surgeon- General's office was burned/ and with it, all the archives of the department, including hospital-returns, con- solidated reports and histories of important cases.^ In con- sequence of this loss, material on the medical history of the army is scarce and widely scattered. The collection of this material is demanded not only as a phase of the history of medicine, but as a factor in the general history of the war, since hospital management, field sanitation, prophylactic measures and surgical technique were important considera- tions in determining the effective strength of the army.^ The Museum has been fortunate in securing many medical records, and from them the following selections are made. The letter-books of the Front Royal and Liberty Hospitals are especially important, inasmuch as Surgeon Blackford* 1 The building was located at the western end of Bank street, and was also used by the War Department. In it the Virginia Convention of 1861 had held its early sittings. " For reference to some of these cases, see Proceedings of the Army and Navy Surgeons, infra, p. 37. s Rhodes, Hist. U. S., v. S, pp. 186-87, gives the losses of the Southern armies from disease as about 164,000, as compared with 224,586, in the Federal armies. See also T. L. Livermore, Numbers and Losses in the Civil War in America. (N. Y. and Bos., 1901, 2nd ed.) * Benjamin Blackford, M. D., was a native of Virginia, and was born in 1834. He was Surgeon-in-chief at the Front Royal, Va. General Hos- pital until its abandonment, and was then appointed to the General Hos- pital at Liberty, Va. His commission as Surgeon dates from June, 1862. After the war Dr. Blackford practiced his profession in Lynchburg, Va. i6 Confederate Calendar. entered in them all orders and circulars from the Surgeon- General's office. From these, and from the correspondence, many valuable facts regarding hospital life may be gathered. It should not be supposed, however, that the conditions at Liberty were altogether typical, since a hospital constantly filled with the newly wounded, and situated in an impover- ished country, could hardly maintain the standard of this essentially convalescent hospital. On the other hand, the de- tails of hospital routine were probably the same everywhere. The abstract of the proceedings of the Army and Navy Surgeons gives much information regarding the lines of re- search and investigation followed by the leading surgeons of the army and navy, while the selected miscellaneous papers illustrate the relations of the medical department to the army.° I. OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE OF BENJAMIN BLACKFORD, SURG. C. S. A., IN CHARGE OF GENERAL HOSPITALS AT FRONT ROYAL AND LIBERTY, VA. 2 Vols. 40 20-21. 1861, Oct. 16, Manassas Junction, Medical Director's Office. Thomas H. Williams, Medical Director, Army of the Poto- mac" to Alex. H. Rives, Asst. Surgeon in Charge Genl. Hosp., &c., Front Royal [Va.]. Permission cannot be granted to occupy one of the churches at Front Royar without consent of the Trustees — no more patients will be assigned you than can be accom- modated. 20 p. 9. 1861, Dec. 14, Hd-Qrs. Army of the Potomac, Medical Direc- tor's Office, G. O. No. 13. Sig. Thos. H. Williams, Med. Din, etc. s Other papers of similar character may be found listed in the Mis- cellaneous Manuscripts, infra. « The Army of the Potomac became later the Army of Northern Virginia. ^ Front Royal is a small tov/n in Warren County, Virginia not far from the Shenandoah River. Confederate Calendar. 17 Surgeons in charge of Gen. Hospitals will hire civilians and negroes as nurses instead of detailed enlisted men — when these cannot be had, commandants of posts will press free negroes into service^ — when civilians can neither be hired nor pressed, details may be applied for — condition and num- ber of nurses must be stated. — Enlisted men now acting as nurses will return to their commands when nurses can be had.* 20 p. 23. 1861, Dec. 15, Manassas Junction, Medical Director's Office, Thos. H. Williams, Med. Dir. Army of the Potomac to Actg.- Surg. Benj. Blackford, etc.. Front Royal. Your course in refusing patients permission to visit their homes unless properly furloughed, and in reporting them for deserting the Hospital, is fully approved. — In such cases report the insubordinates at once — require the commandant to send a file to arrest such men and return them to their regiments. 20 p. 24. 1861, Dec. 17, Front Royal, General Hospital. Benj. Black- ford, [Actg.J Surgeon in Charge to Dr. Thos. H. Williams, Medical Director, etc. We can accommodate about 35 new patients — new build- ing nearly ready — plastering progressing — difficulty of pro- curing mechanics — will endeavor to procure civilian nurses — this is difficult, because the militia is in service — no free negroes to be pressed^" — all serve as officers' servants — will -endeavor to procure them rather than ask for details. 20 p. 26. 1861 [1862], Jany. 4, Front Royal [Va.], General Hospital. B[enj.] Blackford, Surg., to Thos. H. Williams, Med. Dir., etc. Reports forwarded — how mistake occurred. — "Thirty-five sick arrived last night between the hours of 12 & i in a snow- storm. The Rail Road Officials failed to supply the Sick Cars 8 See Blackford to Williams, Dec. 17, 1861, infra. See also index, Free Negroes. * See ibid. 1" Ci. Williams to Blackford, Dec. 14, 1861, supra. jg Confederate Calendar. with wood for the Stoves— and some of the seats in the Cars had to be used for firewood."— We have loo beds ready for the sick. 2° P- 32- [1862], Feb. 14. Front Royal [Va.], General Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surgeon, etc., to Thos. H. Williams, Med. Dir., etc. "I have understood that you have been informed that I have given up the Baptist church as a Hospital: this is an error. In consequence of there being no scabies cases in the Hospital, I have ordered that Building to be closed. It is and has been ready to receive all cases of contageous cutane- ous diseases, but I have not deemed it necessary to put other cases in that building, hence the impression that the building had been given up for other cases." " 20 p. 44. 1862, Feb. 19, Manassas Junction, Medical Director's Office. Thos. H. Williams, Surgeon, etc., to Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc. In establishing a general system of vaccination, it is de- sired to accompany the same with notes so arranged that further information may be gathered — these forms are sent you — assign a medical officer to the special duty of vacci- nating new patients, and impress on him the importance of procuring the facts required. — "Crusts of an unexceptional character procured from patients without constitutional dis- ease, and never before vaccinated, will be preserved, and if not needed for use in the Hospital under your charge will be forwarded, properly labelled, to this office." ^^ 20 p. 50. [1862], Feb. 20, Front Royal [Va.], General Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surgeon, etc., to Thos. H. Williams, Med. Dir., etc. ^1 Scabies, commonly known as "the itch," is a minor disease of the skin, contagious only to those in immediate contact with the person or clothing of the patient. Its isolation and control are more matters of comfort than of l.ealth. See Williams to Blackford, Oc^. 16, 1861, supra. 12 See Moore to Blackford, May 13, 1862; see also index, Vaccination Confederate Calendar. 19 Progress of plastering — completion of the second build- ing — stoves being put in — have for two or three weeks had between 100 and 150 unoccupied beds ready for the reception of sick — five wards have never been occupied — nothing left undone to hurry up the three buildings. 20 p. 48. 1862, Feb. 26, Front Royal [Va.], General Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Dr. H[unter] McGuire, Medical Director, A. V. D. We have 150 empty beds — the hospital is under the con- trol of the Medical Director of the Army of the Potomac. 20 p. 52. 1862, May 13, Richmond, Va., Surg.-Genl's Office. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl.^^ to Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc. Detail will be made in every army department to vacci- nate the soldiers. — To procure a fresh supply of pure vaccine virus the officers detailed will, when practicable, vaccinate gratis the healthy children in the vicinity. 20 p. 262. 1862, May 19, Richmond, Va., Surg.-Genrs Office. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., to Surg. Benj. Blackford, Genl. Hospital, Liberty, Va. By authority of the Secretary of War, you may take pos- session of Crenshaw's factory^* to be used as General Hos- pital for the sick of the army. 20 p. 254. 1862, May 21, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surgeon in charge, to Surgeon D. S. Green, C. S. N. [sic] Genl. Hospital, Lynchburg, Va. In view of the large number of patients transferred from your hospital here, who never report, I suggest that the train doors be locked until they arrive — distance is short — I think 13 Samuel Preston Moore of South Carolina, formerly a surgeon in the "old" army. Moore ranked as Brigadier-General in Confederate service. 1* See Blackford to Carrington, Mch. 3, 1863; Blackford to Carring- ton, Oct. 16, 1863, infra. 20 Confederate Calendar. this the only way to insure receiving the correct number sent.- ^° P- 56- 1862, May 22, Lynchburg, Va., Genl. Hospital, C. S. A. W. O. Owen, Surg, in charge, to Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc. I have received letter suggesting the doors of trains be locked to prevent patients leaving the train, when transferred to the Liberty Hospital— an order will be issued to that effect." 2° P- ^70- 1862, May 27, Richmond, Va., Surgeon-General's Office. S. P. Moore, Surg-Genl. etc., to Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc. The hospital accommodations at Liberty" will not be re- quired to exceed 800 or 1,000 beds. 20 p. 255. 1862, May 27, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Dr. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., Richmond, Va. Request the return of steward ordered to report at Lynch- burg— have about 500 sick at present— need the steward's services. ^° P* 59- 1862, June 6, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Genl. S. Cooper, A. & I. Genl. C. S. A. I have received appointment as Surgeon in the Provisional Army — accept — I was born in Virginia — resided in Lynch- burg — am 28 years of age. 20 p. 63. 1862, June 14, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surgeon in charge to Dr. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc., Rich- mond, Va. For some time past large number of soldiers have passed on the Va. and Tenn. R-R. without proper leave. — ^They are from Johnston's and Jackson's armies. — I think it my duty 15 See Owen to Blackford, May 22, 1862 ; Blackford to Moore, June 14, 1862; Blackford to Cooptr, Aug. 9, 1862, infra. 1' See ibid. !■' This town, which is very beautifully located, is the county-seat of Bedford County, Virginia. The name has since been changed to Bedford City. Confederate Calendar. 21 to report it — commandant of the post has arrested a num- ber — I suggest that sentinals be placed on the cars in Lynch- burg to examine the papers of soldiers who enter — conduc- tors have become careless — many "run the blockade" with- out trouble — suggest appointment of a guard here to assist in arresting deserters. 20 p. 66-67. 1862, June [16-18], Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Black- ford, Surg., etc., to Dr. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc. Request the appointment of another medical, officer here — have accommodations for 700 patients — only 4 assistant sur- geons. 20 p. 68. 1862, July 7, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg.,- etc., to Dr. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc., Richmond, Va. Request the appointment of another medical officer here — have nearly 800 sick in. the hospitals — only 5 assistant-sur- geons. 20 p. 76. 1862, Aug. 9, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Genl. S. Cooper, A. & I. Genl. C. S. A. I beg to suggest a guard on the trains at Lynchburg to arrest deserters and stragglers — the post commandant here has arrested and remanded about 500 in the last 6 weeks — deem it my duty to report and assist in preventing desertion — compliments to Capt. Buford, post commandant.^* 20 p. 83. 1862, Sept. 22, Richmond, Va., Surgeon- Genl's Office. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc., to Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc. Examine all soldiers who enter the hospital — if they do not show protection mark of vaccination, have them vacci-. nated at most eligible time during their stay — to procure a continuous supply of reliable virus, vaccinate the healthy children of the vicinity gratis, when opportunity offers. 20 p. 266. 18 A military post seems to have been maintained at Liberty until the close of the war. 22 Confederate Calendar. 1862, Oct. 17, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Genl. S. Cooper, etc., Richmond, Va. Beg to enclose list of soldiers discharged the service by the examining board— 19 names— 14 for Phthisis Pulmo- nalis — 2 for chronic diarrhoea.^' 20 p. loi. 1862, Oct. 17, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Genl. S. Cooper, etc., Richmond, Va. Beg to enclose a list of men furloughed by the examining board — 65 names — leaves 15 to 60 days. 20 p. 102-04. 1862, Oct. 25, Richmond, Va., Surgeon-Genl's Office, S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc., to Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc. In reply to yours as to erecting hospital buildings^"^ — ^the work must be commenced without delay. 20 p. 275. 1862, Oct. 31, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Dr. S. P. Moore, etc., Richmond, Va. The sheriff has been endeavoring to take some of my negro cooks and nurses to work on fortifications around Rich- mond — they are needed here — I ask order forbidding — ^have refused until I hear further.^^ 20 p. 108. 1862, Nov. I, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Genl. S. Cooper, etc., Richmond, Va. Beg to enclose list of men furloughed by the examining board — ^47 names — leaves 15 to 60 days.'"' 20 p. IIO-II. ^* Despite the frequent discharges reported because of consumption, many cases of that disease were undoubtedly cured by the open-air life of the soldiers, anticipating by a generation the modern treatment. Chronic diarrhoea and its frequent concomitant, dysentery, have always been scourges for armies. 20 Not found. ^'^ Blackford was later sued for this refusal and a judgment was se- cured against him. 22 See Blackford to Cooper, Oct. 17, 1862, supra. Similar lists were forwarded Nov. 22 and Dec. 12, 1862; Jany. 9, and Feb. 2, 1863. COKFEDERATE CALENDAR. 23 1862, Nov. 18, Richmond, Va., Surgeon- Genl's Office. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc., to Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc. "With the view of obtaining some additional information on the Surgical Pathology of the nervous system, Med. Direc- tors are instructed to require of the Med. Officers serving in their respective districts specific report of all local or General Diseases of the nerves which may have been treated or ob- served by them, resulting from or subsequent upon wounds or surgical operations." ^^ 20 p. 280. 1862, Nov. 28, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Surg. Thos. H. Williams, Med. Director and Inspector, Lynchburg, Va. I have received your letter as to accommodations of the Front Royal Hospital prior to its abandonment — the two new buildings accommodated 500 — also accommodations for about 200 in the Court House, Baptist and Episcopal Churches and Academy — in all about 750. 20 p. 120. 1862, Nov. 29, Richmond, Va., Surgeon- Genl's Office. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc. Circular. "Medical Directors are instructed to direct all Medical Officers under their control not to recommend furloughs for patients with venereal affections either Syphilis or Gonor- rhoea." 2* 20 p. 281. [1862, Nov. ?], n. d., [Richmond, Va.], Surgeon-Genl's Office. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc. Circular. To prevent the spread of small-pox and varaloid, leaves of absence or furlough on medical certificate are not to be granted to officers or men recently exposed to these diseases. 1863, Jany. 3, Liberty [Va.], Genl. Hospital. Benj. Black- ford, Surg., etc., to S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc. ^•' This and subsequent questions upon the nervous system are of academic interest only. Their discussion at such a time seems strange, in view of the many important practical questions then unsolved regard- ing military medicine and surgery. ^* Regulations regarding these diseases are necessarily strict in all armies. 24 Confederate Calendar. Small-pox has appeared — I deemed it necessary to take an unoccupied building of a Mr. Miller — price $20 per month — building in a ravine — ^isolated and sufficiently remote from village — it will accommodate 15 or 20 patients — only building suitable — will use it until a small-pox hospital can be erected — ^will erect as soon as possible — disease seems to be increasing among patients recently admitted — burying ground some distance from small-pox hospital — I have secured "an uncultivated corner of an old field near the Hospital" — thus will not have to carry bodies through the streets to the gene- ral burying ground — I make this report as some object to the location of the hospital."' 20 p. 141. 1863, Jany. 7, Richmond, Va., Surgeon-Genl's Office. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc., to Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc. Yours received regarding transfer of small-pox patients from the army to your hospital — ^vaccinate all inmates and people of the vicinity. 20 p. 277. 1863, Jany. 9, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Genl. S. Cooper, etc. Beg to enclose 6 names of men discharged the service by the medical examining board — diseases: 2, Phthisis Pulmo- nalis, and one each of Necrosis of Femur, Vulnus Sclopeticla [sic]. Elephantiasis, Fractura."" 20 p. 132. 1863, Jany. 17, Richmond, Va., Surgeon-Genl's Office. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc., to Surg. T. C. Madison, Med. Inspec- tor, Liberty, Va. Attention of directors is called to lavish and unjustifiable expeditures of hospital fund by surgeons, as shown in printed bills of fare, etc. — is condemned — as recommended by sim- plicity and economy and authorised by usage of service, sub- stitute a standard table of full, half, and low diet — I would == The successful control of smallpox in the Confederate army was one of the most brilliant achievements of its medical corps. 2« The reading of the last word is doubtful, but Fractura was probably intended. Vulnus Sclopetica is an archaic medical term for "gun-shot wound." Confederate Calendar. 25 call attention to order that copies of all hospital orders of importance be sent this office^ 20 p. 289. 1863, March 3, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Black- ford, Surg., etc., to Surgeon W. A. Carrington, Med. Director. This hospital was established May ist, 1862 — Following are buildings used as Hospitals with specified rent: Cren- shaw's, Campbell's, Davis', Reese's, Piedmont, Toler's, and Clark's Factories, Small-Pox Hospital — total rent $285.00 per month — capacity is 725 — am now erecting hospital buildings. 20 p. 151. 1863, April 3, Liberty [Va.], General Hospital. Benj. Black- ford, Surg., etc., to Dr. S. P. Moore, etc. Beg to report the amount of hospital fund reverting to C. S. treasury in Dec.-1862-March, 1863 — total $27,545.80. 20 p. 164. 1863, April 27, Richmond, Va., Medical Inspector's Office. Wm. A. Carrington, Medical Inspector, to Surg, in Charge, Genl. Hospital, Liberty, Va. [Circular.] Forward for the information of this office a description of organisation and administration of your Hospital as required by enclosed guide — omit such facts as are known to this office — state such as would be useful and you desire to re- port.^^ 20 p. 297. 1863, May 27, Richmond, Va., Surgeon-Genl's Office. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl. to Surg, in Charge, Genl. Hospital, Lib- erty, Va. Circular. Printed : O. R., s. iv., v. 3, p. 569. 20 p. 300. 1863, June 2, Richmond, Va., Medical Director's Office. W. A. Carrington, Med.-Dir., to Surg., etc., Liberty, Va. [Circular.] I. disposition of property of deceased soldiers. — II. "You are directed to cause such comforts as have from continued use in Hospital during the Past Winter became saturated ^'' No response to this order has been found. 26 Confederate Calendar. with animal effluvia and require cleansing to be ripped open and the infected Padding removed [;] the Calico or cloth re- maining will be made into light coverlets suitable for the Sick during the warm season — III. Disposition of surplus bottles and supplies."* 20 p. 301. 1863, June 19, Richmond, Va., Medical Director's Office. Wm. A. Carrington, Med. Dir. to Surg. [Benj.] Blackford, etc. I wish to establish a Way-Hospital at Liberty where quarters, rations, and attendance may be furnished sick and wounded gomg home on furlough or on discharge — ^it must be furnished with suitable bedding and provisions — regula- tions similar to those of other hospitals — ^have it convenient to R-R depots — select some of smaller hospitals now in use — use them only in emergencies for regular hospital purposes — report when prepared."' 20 p. 306. 11863, June 23, Liberty [Va.], Genl. Hospital, C. S. A. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Surg. W. A. Carrington, Medical Director, Richmond, Va. Have received letter regarding proposed Way-Hospital — I can use a hospital building on R-R near station — it has ac- commodations for 85 patients — ^about 60 beds .occupied — will serve as way hospital very well — is it to be registered and regulated with other Hospitals or separately?'" 20 p. igo. 1863, Oct. 16, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital, C. S. A. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to W. A. Carrington, Med.-Dir., etc., Richmond, Va. I have received letter as to terms on which hospitals are held and whether they are inconvenient, etc. — now occupy four large tobacco factories, two cabinet-shops, one large .brick building once used as an Institute — ^buildings compara- tively new before the war — large, well-ventilated and easily "8 See Carrington to Blackford, Dec. 15, 1863, infra, p. 28. "° See Blackford to Carrington, June 23, 1863, infra. 2° No answer found. Confederate Calendar. 27 heated — last winter when hospital was full, one stove made every part of the ward warm and comfortable — wards in fac- tories and shops large and commodious — There are in the Piedmont Institute two large and four or five small wards — the latter used for offices — rented in May, 1862, when the hospital was established — ^terms of rent — most, if not all, were unoccupied when rented — with exception of Crenshaw's Fac- tory has had no application to relinquish any of them — Cren- shaw applied — Government refused as it needed the build- ing" — no further application — presume this due to fact that there is no further need for factories — ^the tobacco season is over — one large hospital building has been completed and occupied — the second is about completed — these will accom- modate 130 — are on the hill with the Piedmont — together they will form one division of the hospital, 200 patients — dur- ing prevalence of small-pox, erected a small-pox hospital, ac- commodating 30 or 40 — these are all of C. S. buildings at the post. — As to relinquishing any of l^em, I think owners will not want them — very little tobacco being raised — difficult to get labor — is much cheaper to rent at the present figure than to build — respectfully urge against relinquishing any of the buildings — This is the largest hospital on Virginia and Tenn. R. R. — in case of an active campaign in the Southwest, hos- pital would be filled — if army retreats from Abingdon, hos- pital at Emory will be abandoned, which would leave the hospital at Montgomery Springs and this one the only ones on the Va. and Tenn. R. R. — the country is remarkably healthy — men convalesce more quickly than at most hospitals in the State — country well supplied with provisions — cheaper than in Lynchburg or Richmond — 20 p. 230-3. 11863, Dec. II, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Dr. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc., Richmond, Va. Col. Crenshaw has applied for the release of his factory used as Hospital — unless there is an active campaign in S.-W. Va., and East Tenn., making it necessary to send their ^1 See Moore to Blackford, May 19, 1862, supra. 28 Confederate Calendar. wounded here, I think it may be released'^ — new buildings have been occupied for several months — are being ceiled for the winter weather. 20 p. 246. 1863, Dec. 15, Richmond, Va., Medical Director's Office. Wm. A. Carrington, Med.-Dir., etc., to Surg. Benj. Blackford, etc. Remove all hospital and public property from Crenshaw's warehouse — turn it over to its owner — if you do not need the bedding, send it to the purveyor at Lynchburg.^' 20 p. 314. 1863, Dec. 18, Richmond, Va., Office Inspt. & Supt. Vaccina- tion. E. N. Covey, Inspt., etc., to Surg. Benj. Blackford, etc. To supply the department with vaccine virus, in addition to that procured from the men, endeavor to procure supply of scabs from healthy children of your community — forward all good crusts to this office with as little delay as possible.'* 20 p. 315. 1864, Jany. 11, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Dr. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc. Send a supply of vaccine virus as soon as practicable — several children in the neighborhood recently vaccinated with virus furnished by you — it proved worthless.^' 21 p. 4. 1864, Jany. 13, Lynchburg, Va., Medical Purveyor's Office. T. R. Baker, for Surg. R. K. Taylor, Medical Purveyor, C. S. A., to Surg. Benj. Blackford, etc. Your requisition for blankets or comforts received — ^have only on hand about a dozen blankets and no comforts — re- turn the requisition — might get them in Richmond.'* 20 p. 318. 32 See Blackford to Carrington, Oct. 16, 1863, supra. 33 See Carrington to Blackford, June 2, 1863, supra. 3* See Williams to Blackford, Feb. 19, 1862 ; Moore to Blackford, May 13, 1862, supra. 3= Cf. ibid. 36 The stores and supplies of the Medical Department were chiefly in Richmond. Cf. E. W. Johns to J. L. L'Engle, infra, p. 46. Confederate Calendar. 29 1864, Jany. 14, Richmond, Va., Office Inspr. & Supt. Vaccina- tion, Dist. Va., Tenn., and Ga. E. N. Covey to Surg. Benj. Blackford, Liberty, Va. I enclose you one vaccine crust and circular to citizen practitioners — propagate the virus and circular among citi- zens medical friends — ask them to procure such virus as they can and forward it to this office.^' 20 p. 317. 1864, Feb. 16, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Capt. C. K. Mallory, A. Q. M., Liberty, Va. Beg to suggest that the Quarter-Master General be writ- ten to regarding the establishment of a shoe-factory here for men who come to the Hospital without shoes — many are shoemakers by trade — could make shoes for themselves and others during their period of convalescence — a factory could be established without much cost to government — would be benefit to service if it was established only to repair shoes of those sent to the hospital.^^ 21 p. 21. 1864, Feb. 26, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Surgeon Woodall. I have received your list of 55 men transferred — only 4 or 5 reported^* — have accommodations for nearly 500 at this time — when you transfer men, give a day's notice, so that proper persons may be at the train to receive and assign them. 21 p. 23. 1864, March 28, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Black- ford, Surg., etc., to Surg. E. N. Covey, Inspt. & Supt. Vacci- nation, Surgeon-Genl's Office, Richmond, Va. I enclose two vaccine crusts from healthy children, one three months, other six months of age. 21 p. 32. 11864, May 7, Liberty, Va., "by Telegraph from Richmond." W. A. Carrington, Med. Dir., to Surg. B[enj.] Blackford. Take Crenshaw's building*" if actually required — vacate it 3T Cf. Blackford to Covey, Mch. 28, 1864, infra- 38 No reply found. 39 Cf. Blackford to Green, May 21, 1862, and note 15, supra. *" Cf. Blackford to Moore, Dec. 11 1863, supra. 30 Confederate Calendar. as soon as it is not wanted — if you can procure tents, use them. 20 p. 325. 1864, June 13, Liberty [Va., Genl. Hospital]. Benj. Black- ford, Surgeon, etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. F. Nichols, Comdt. Post, Lynchburg, Va. "The enemy are reported at Buchanan." I have nearly 500 men besides my Hospital bedding which requires [sic] transportation. I respy ask that you order a train for me without delay." 21 p. 92. 1864, June 20, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Wm. J. Moore, Surg., etc., to [Brig.] -Genl. [W. F.] Nichols, Commanding [Post] at Lynchburg, Va. Because of recent occupation of this post by the enemy the stores and supplies were sent off — Hospital fast filling with sick Confederates and Yankees — impossible to feed them — I request 10 days rations for 300 men at once — ^vouchers, etc., will be sent." 20 p. 93. 1864, June 28, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Black- ford, Surg., etc., to Wm. A. Carrington, Med.-Dir., etc., Rich- mond, Va. When the enemy left the county, I returned to my post — except in building used as Wayside hospital, nothing had been disturbed — lost about 80 shirts and bed ticks at the Wayside hospital — minor losses of goods not removed — ^was informed the building caught fire accidentally — I am satisfied it was set on fire — it was near the Tannery and Foundry de- stroyed — the medical officers left in charge were paroled, but were informed by Genl. Early when he occupied the Tower that the parole would not be respected — sudden approach of the enemy and lack of transportation made it impossible to remove bedding — requisitions on Lynchburg not honored for *i Buchanan is on the James River, in Botetourt County and is about 17 miles from Liberty. *^ The same sent to "Mr. Leftwich, Agt. Q.-Mr. for tax in kind," with this added: Assuming tie rations to be one-third pound of bacon and one and one-half pounds of flour. The commandant is absent — have no transportation. Confederate Calendar. 31 fear of losing trains — I sent about 230 men to Lynchburg who could do duty in the trenches — others able to march were ordered to Danville — many took the woods and have returned — medical ofHcers have all returned — no medicines, commis- sary stores, or records lost — the sick and wounded left here were not paroled — condition of rail-road and mails — left Surg. Moore in charge.*' 21 p. 95-6. 1864, July 4, Richmond, Va., Medical Director's Office. W. A. Carrington, Med.-Dir. to Surg. Benj. Blackford, etc. Yours of 28th received — your action during raid of enemy on Liberty is approved "with the exception that there need be no anxiety to remove Hospital property or Medical Officers from the scene of action as they are always respected by the enemy, and if any capture is made of them they are given up on demand of our Commissioner. ' Paroles given under such circumstances are invalid, and only when the Captor can hold the captive, until offered at City Point for parole [,] are paroles respected. This rule was first promulgated in a Gen- eral Order by the United States Government, and at once operated to lose the C. S. Govt, some 10,000 men thus paroled irregularly." ** 20 p. 338. 1864, Sept. 24, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to E. S. Gaillard, Med.-Inspector, Richmond, Va. I enclose a statement of number of patients [between specified dates.] Capacity of hospital, allowing 800 cubic feet per man, is 350*° — as this is largely a convalescent hospital, I have not observed this rule strictly — many do not occupy *3 The raid referred to was the Hunter raid. When Hunter reached Bedford, General Early was pressing him, and he hastily moved on. The raid was turned back, June 18, in front of Lynchburg. ** The status of surgeons was at this time an unsettled point of inter- national law. According to the custom now in vogue, medical officers and hospital need not accept parole unless they so desire; and in case they refuse, the captor has either to carry them to the exchange-point or liberate them. *» Cf. Moore to Blackford, May 27, 1862, where the Surgeon-General orders accommodations for 800-1,000 patients ; Cf. also Blackford to Moore, July 7, 1862, where about 800 parents are reported in the hospital. 32 Confederate Calendar. their beds during the day — hospitals are well ventilated, ele- vation is very high — Surg.-Genl. allowed discretion — I allow about 600 cubic feet the man*^ — when I have many sick and wounded, allow 800 feet. 21 p. 141. 1864, Nov. 5, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital, etc. Circular No. 41., II. Sig. : Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc. The hospital librarian will not allow books, newspapers to be taken from the Library between 9:00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M. — after that hour the secular papers will be distributed to the different wards — order does not apply to religious papers. 20 p. 159. 1864, Dec. 8, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., etc. Am in need of more vaccine virus — supply exhausted — demand increasing here. 21 p. 169. 1865, Feb. 4, Liberty, Va., Genl. Hospital. Benj. Blackford, Surg., etc., to Surg. W. A. Carrington, Med.-Dir., Richmond, Va. I received letter regarding observance of Par. II., Cir. No. 7, S. G. O., June, 1864 — have endeavored to carry it out in making assignment according to capacity of officers — skin diseases are assigned to separate wards — cases of hospital Gangrene, Erysipilas [sic], etc., are treated in tents kept for the purpose*^ — ^to economise fuel, I concentrate convalescents in large wards and close others when I can do so — wards are being white-washed and renovated for the Spring campaign. 21 p. 185. *8 600 cubic feet of air per patient was a good allowance under the circumstances; though modern hygiene, in stationary hospitals, allows not less than 1,200 feet. See Whitelegge and Newman, Hygiene and Public Health (Chicago, 1905), pp. 216-17. *'' These cases constituted the real problem of the military surgeon. An enormous percentage of all operative cases succumbed during the war as a result of these diseases. Confederate Calendar. 33 II. ASSOCIATION OF THE ARMY AND NAVY SUR- GEONS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, Minutes of organization and proceedings, from Aug. 22, 1863, to Apr. 23, 1864, and from Feb. 4, 1865, to Mch. 18, 1865. This Association was formed among the staff of the Surgeon- General's Office and the surgeons of the forty-four Hospitals*' in Richmond for the discussion of problems relating to mili- tary medicine and surgery and to hospital management. Its sessions appear to have been spirited, and, though the ques- tions raised were often academic in the main, some idea of methods of treatment may be gathered from these records and the appended questions. The discussions were printed in the "Journal of the Army and Navy Surgeons," but no com- plete set of this has been reported.*' The record appears to be in one hand, probably that of Surg. W. P. Thom, and covers 22 pages."" S-31. Minutes of Proceedings. Aug. 22, 1863. Meeting for Organization at the Medical College — Surgeon- General elected chairman — statement 'of purposes of the meeting — committee on organization ap- pointed — constitution proposed — membership — entrance fee of ten dollars — honorary members may be elected by a present majority — committee on nomination appointed — S. P. Moore elected President — ^vice-presidents appointed — recording sec- retaries, W. A. Davis and W. A. Thom — corresponding sec- retaries — ^publication of proceedings in daily papers — mem- bers of faculty of the Medical College not attached to govern- ment service elected honorary members — Subjects for discus- sion: "I. In gun-shot wounds do such characteristic differ- ences exist between the points of entrance and exit as always to indicate them with unerring certainty? 2d. Have gun-shot *' See list in the Strangers' Guide to Richmond (1863). *° There is but one number of this journal in the Confederate Museum, so Dr. Thom was one of the Recording Secretaries of the Association, and the records were found among his papers. 34 Confederate Calendar. wounds often assumed the appearance of incised wounds, and healed by first intention? 3d. When suppurating, which orifice seems to heal first?" ^^ Sept. 5, 1863. President in the chair — minutes read — resig- nation of Vice-President [W. A. W.] Spottswood received — accepted — resignation of Cor. Secretary laid over — first ques- tion taken up^^ — 11 members discuss it — Surg. [J. B.] Mc- Caw offers this resolution. "That while we cannot with unerr- ing certainty, by observing the physical signs, distinguish be- tween the aperature of entrance of a ball and that of exit ; yet in many instances we can arrive at a correct conclusion, although many collateral circumstances may modify the de- termination." — Moved to substitute "a majority of cases" for "many instances" — moved to add "vast" before the amend- ment^^ — pending at adjournment. Sept. 19, 11863. President in the chair — minutes of last meeting read — answers to questions proposed received from six surgeons — one application for membership received — elec- tion of Vice-President postponed — treasurer to be elected — resolved that when a member proposes a question, the society by a majority vote approving, the President is to appoint a committee to investigate and report on the same — decided to divide the meeting into medical and surgical sections — the first question discussed and passed over undecided," the second also — pending the third, adjournment. Oct. 3, 1863. President in the chair — Vice-President chosen — corresponding Secretary chosen, who resigns as Vice- "1 None of these subjects would seem to be of real practical import- ance, except where is was desirable to know the direction from which the bullet came. "^ See proceedings of Aug. 22, 1863, supra. »3 The guarded language of this resolution indicates the real difficul- ties involved in determining this point. As a general proposition, the aperture of entrance is clean-cut, while the aperture of exit may be las- cerated or jagged, and is usually larger than the aperture of entrance; but the distance from which the shot was fired, the nature of the bullet and its velocity have to be taken into consideration. "* See proceedings of Aug. 22, 1863, supra. Confederate Calendar. gc President — other officers chosen — members to be restricted to ID minutes in discussion — resumes of previous discussions read — a committee to be appointed to report on comparative advantages of hot and cold applications to wounds; best ap- proved plan for their use ; the circumstances under which they are deemed most advantageous as therapeutic agents"' — answers to questions read — first question left undecided — second discussed"* — acljournment. Oct. 17, 1863. President in the chair — application for membership — answers to questions — amendments to constitu- tion accepted — honorary members chosen — second question ■of second series discussed — subject: Shocks — cases reported — third question of same series discussed — third series post- poned — "Surg. Gibson expressed his surprise at the reports of gun-shot wounds healing by first intention" "^ — adjournment. Oct. 31, 1863. President in the chair — minutes read — third series of questions read"' — answers received — a table presented of cases of "Ligated Arteries consequent- upon secondary haemorrhage, prepared from records in Surg. Genl's Office, from October i, 1862, to Oct. i, 1863." — reports pre- sented — a case of "haemorrhage from anterior tibial artery permanently controlled by compressing the femoral artery continually for 15 days, without ligation""" — decided to dis- cuss incidental subjects connected with the general ques- tions — Surg. Campbell discussed cases of haemorrhage "and suggested the propriety of ligating the main trunks in cases of haemorrhage, with a view to controlling the inflammation cis well as arresting the flow of blood" °° — discussion — ad- journment. "" The report of this committee is not found in the records. "° See Questions for Discussion and Report, second series, infra, p. 40. "■^ It is stated that in recent wars, notably tl.e Russo-Japanese, a ma- jority of the wounds inflicted by bullets from small arms healed by first intention. "8 For these questions, see infra, p. 41. "» Ligation would almost certainly have produced infection. «o It is difficult to see how "inflammation" could be controlled by liga- tion of the vessels. 36 Confederate Calendar. Nov. 28, [1863]. President in the chair — minutes read — reported a new method of "flap" amputation"— answers ' to questions received — report on Cicatrices — essay on Hunterian and Guthriean methods of ligating arteries"^— reports on third series of questions — decided to put question on first series at next meeting. Dec. 12, 1863. President in the chair — minutes read — re- port on secondary haemorrhage — case of secondary haemor- rhage arrested |by "styptics, compression and cold applica- tions without ligation." °^ — Resume of previous discussions on first series of questions — "see records of Sept. 5th" — amend- ments rejected — original motion carried — resume adopted as sense of the meeting — report on Water Applications not ready. Jany. 2, 1864. President in the chair — minutes read — replies to questions— case of "traumatic aneurism of the axil- lary, following gun-shot wound" "* — discussed — secondary haemorrhage discussed — third question of series of Dec. 26 discussed — committees appointed to report on: i. Wounds qf the cranial cavity; 2, Wounds of large joints; 3, Wounds of the thorax, involving the lungs. — Paper read on eruptive dis- eases following vaccination.'^ Jany. 16, 1864. President in the chair — minutes read — case of traumatic aneurism of the femoral following gun-shot wound'* — secondary haemorrhage and water applications dis- cussed — resume read of discussion on third question of first series" — adopted — discussion of fourth question of series of '1 Amputation was by far the most common operation during the war, and the methods employed differed essentially with the operator. '2 Not found. '3 This was good treatment, doubly good in view of the enormous mortality following operations. '* Traumatic aneurism is said to have become much more common after wounds caused by modern high-power arms than it formerly was. '" No further report found. "' Not found. '■^ See proceedings of Aug. 22, 1863, supra. Confederate Calendar. 37 Dec. 26°* — tetanus the next subject for discussion — "prepa- ration of a tumor" reported — photographs of a case of excision of the hip-joint.°® Jany. 30, 1864^° President in the chair — minutes read — papers on death from chloroform''^ — on tetanus and tetanic spasm''^ — discussion of previous series of questions'^ — no de- cision. Feb. 13, 1864. President in the chair — minutes read — re- plies to questions — analysis of 26 cases of traumatic tetanus'* from Surgeon-Genl's records — case of diffused traumatic aneurism of the femoral''' — report on wounds of the lungs — read and accepted — .tetanus discussed by 12 members. Feb. 27, 1864. President in the chair — minutes read — re- port on method of amputation — committee appointed to in- vestigate and report on "Syphlitic inoculation, its relation to vaccination" ■" — questions of Feb. 27 discussed." '* For these questions, see infra, p. 42. " Excision of the hip- joint is rather an extensive operation, even to-day. The use of photographs in connection with the report is inter- esting. This method of illustrating a case has since become very general. ''" The ink of the record changes at this point. ■^1 Such deaths were not infrequent in the early days of chloroform. Frequent cases of fatal results from its effects were reported in newspapers before the war and a popular dread of chloroform was thereby aroused, which did not die out for decades. See F. W. Hewitt, Anesthetics, (3rd ed., Lond., 1907), pp. 11, 14, I47- '2 Some of the methods of treating tetanus at that time were extra- ordinary and irrational; and even now treatment is rarely of any avail except in the mildest cases. Osier asserts (Practice, 6th ed., p. 259) that tetanus was comparatively infrequent as a result of wounds during the war between the States. ^^ That is, series of December 26, for which see infra, p. 42. ^* The term "idiopathic" tetanus has passed out of medical literature with the knowledge of the cause of the disease. T5 Cf. Proceedings of Jany. 2, 1864, supra- '"^ This dreadful accident, far too common before the days of calf lymph, has happily been eliminated by modern method of preparing vaccine. ^■^ See Fifth Series, infra, p. 43. 38 Confederate Gvlendar. Mch. 12, 1864. President in the chair — minutes read — re- ports on traumatic tetanus and tetanus — report "of a disease in the South simulating tetanus" "—honorary members chosen — second question of series of Feb. 2^ discussed''' — case of amputation previous to manifestation of tetanic symptoms, and its failure to prevent tetanus^" — third question [series Feb. 27] discussed*^ — discussion on cases of excisions of parts of the humerus.^^ Mch. 26, 1864. President in the chair — minutes read — appointment of surgeons to report on "Site and construc- tion of Military Hospitals. Proper proportion of inmates to cubic capacity. Necessary hygienic measures to insure early & rapid convalescence, embracing ventilation, drainage, &c. Origin, rise, and progress of infectious maladies, particularly obnoxious to Military Hospitals; how communicated; Best preventive & curative measures to be adopted. Disinfectants, how employed, and to what extent successfully, and any other points deemed of interest or of value in the general management of Military Hospitals." *' — embryology and foetal development discussed** — adjournment. April 9, 1864. President in the chair — minutes read — re- ports read and adopted on the wounds of the cranial cavity*' — ^8 It is impossible to determine what disease is meant. Escherich has reported a form of general "tonic contractures of the muscles of the jaw, neck, back and limbs" in children, which occurs as a sequel of some acute infection or occasionally as an mdependent malady. (See Osier, op. cit., 260.) This may possibly be the disease referred to here. '8 See Fifth Series, infra, p. 43. 8» The amputation-stump might very well have been inoculated with tetanus at the time of the operation. 81 See infra, p. 43. 82 Conservative bone surgery was impossible; excision or amputation were the only alternatives. 88 The importance of these subjects is manifest. Unfortunately the re- port has not been found. 8* Evidently this was incidental; such a subject would have no place in the discussions of the Association. 8' See proceedings of Jany. 2, 1864, supra. Confederate Calendar. 39 cases presented — committee appointed to report on "Camp Itch — its distinctive character — its differential diagnosis from true scabies/" and its most efficacious treatment." April 23, 1864. President in the chair — minutes read — paper read and accepted on "wounds of large joints" " — ^hon- orary members chosen. Feb. 4, 11865.** President in the chair — minutes read — resig- nation of Treasurer — Treasurer elected — report on Yellow Fever read and accepted*" — papers on "Syphlitic Inocula- tion" °° and "Pneumonia" announced. Feb. 18, 1865. President in the chair — minutes read — paper on "Endemic Pneumonia of the Confederate States" °^ read — case of resection of radius"^ — a case "of gun-shot wound of right thigh and knee, followed by amputation, subsequent exposure and protrusion of the femur, and removal of this bone." °« March 4, 1865. President in the chair — paper on Syphlitic Inoculation** — moved it be printed in the "Journal" *'' — car- ried — paper to be read on treatment of gun-shot wounds by "Occlusive Dressings, or hermetically sealing" "'' from sta- *' "Army itch" or "camp itch" is now generally regarded as true scabies. See Stelwagon, Diseases of the Skin, (sth ed., 1907), pp. lioo-oi. " See Proceedings of Jany 2, 1864, supra. 58 No records have been found for the period from April 23, 1864, to Feb. 4, 1865. It is probable that another record-book was used. '° Not found. Such a report would be of great interest. Yellow fever was sadly remembered in Virginia after the Norfolk and Portsmouth outbreaks of 1855. »° Cf. Proceedings of Feb. 27, 1864. °i Pneumonia was probably then, as now, of a slightly less fatal type in the South than in the North, else no distinction was to be made. »2 Result not stated. ■ 8' The result is not stated; but bone injuries were almost always fatal at this time. »* Cf. Proceedings of Feb. 4, 1865, and note 90. '5 See page 33, supra, and note 49. »• This was the idea from which Listerism was to develop. 40 Confederate Calendar. tistics furnished — no response to query whether any cases of injury to the face had been seen with paralysis of the same side." March i8, 1865. President in the chair— paper announced at last meeting read— future papers announced — adjournment. Questions for Discussion and Report. [First Series. See minutes for Aug. 22, 1863.] [Second Series, Oct. 3, 1863.] "Association of Army and Navy Surgeons, Richmond, Va., October 3rd, 1863. "Sir; In replying to questions, and in Essays or Papers sent to the Association, a resume is requested, coming to some con- clusion, in order to facilitate taking the vote in the decision on the subject. The Following Questions Are Proposed : I. Any death from Chloroform in your practice; give par- ticulars of the case, if any. Is this agent always used ? °' II. 1st. Does "shock" postpone your surgical interference; at what period of time, after injury, are you usually able to operate ? 2d. Any relation between the character of the injury and the gravity of the shock? 3d. Any death, in your practice, from shock alone ? *® III. Do cicatrices from gun-shot wounds furnish you in- formation as to the nature of the missile which caused the in- jury, and the probable entrance and exit of the same?^™ Further particulars on these subjects, with accounts of any *' The point to be proved is not clear. 98 Ether seems to have been but little used in the Confederate service. 99 The questions would be difficult to determine even now, and are still debatable. i»» Cf. Proceedings Sept. 5, 1863, supra. Confederate Calendar. 41 remarkable course which balls may have taken in transit through the body, in your own practice, are solicited. SAM'L P. MOORE, Pres't Ass'n A. & N. Surgeons." Address ; Surg. Middleton Michel,^"^ Act. Cor. Secretary, Box No. 6, Richmond, Va." P. D. S-31-2. [Third Series, Oct. 3, 1863.] "Association ol Army and Navy Surgeons, Richmond, Va., October 3rd, 1863. "Sir; You are respectfully requested to restrict your answers at present to these questions of Section A, ^Third Series, as those of Section B, on the same subject of traumatic haemorrhage, will shortly be forwarded.^"^ Third Series of Questions ; [A.] I. In your field practice, what number of cases of primary haemorrhage; ratio of these to the hundred Gun-shot wounds; vessel operated on; point ligated and result? In your hospital practice, what number of cases of second- ary baemorrhage; ratio of these to the hundred; and vessel injured? III. In your practice, how long after the arterial lesion from a gun-shot wound does secondary haemorrhage occur? Mention the Artery wounded. IV. Among your wounded, how has secondary haemor- rhage most frequently occurred? by excess of arterial action? or separation of slough? or ulceration of coats of artery? or ^"1 Surgeon Michel was one of the most prominent surgeons connected with the Association, and seems to have been the moving spirit of the debates. After the war he attained prominence as a practitioner in Alabama. 102 No copy of Section B has been found. 42 Confederate Calendar. from exudation from the general surface of a granular wound? Field surgeons will state whether the tourniquet, or any- other ingenious appliance is much resorted to on the battle- field, and whether they have ever met with considerable haemorrhage from gun-shot wounds, when no large or im- portant vessel was opened, requiring to be tied.^°' SAM'L P. MOORE, Pres't Ass'n A. & N. Surgeons." Address: Surg. Middleton Michel, P. D. S-31-1. Act. Cor. Secretary, Box No. 6, Richmond, Va." [Fourth Series, Dec. 26, 1863.] "Association of Army and Navy Surgeons, Richmond, Va., Dec. 26th, 1863. "I. What varieties of Traumatic Aneurisms have you noticed ; how have they been treated ; what results, and what proportion did such accidents bear to the total number of wounds of arteries under your care ? ^°* II. Any instances of Secondary Haemorrhage following amputation, and have such occurred after the flap or circu- lar methods had been performed. Have such accidents been more frequent after the one or the other of these modes of operating? ^°' III. Have you met with any Incised, Punctured, or Sword Wounds; and what features of interest have they pre- sented?"' IV. Which is the most approved mode of treating uncom- 1°' The tourniquet in its simplest form consists of a cord to be twisted around the limb by a piece of wood or the like. It has been the means of saving many from death by hemmorhage. 1"* Cf. Proceedings of Jany. 2 and 16, 1864, supra, p. 36. 10' Cf. Proceedings of >iov. 28, 1863, supra, p. 36. 106 No reports on this subject found. Confederate Calendar. 43 plicated gun-shot wounds? Have warm or cold applications been the more generally resorted to, and with what result? SAM^L P. MOORE, Pres't Ass'n A. & N. Surgeons." Address; Surg. Middleton Michel, Act. Cor. Secretary, Box No. 6, Richmond, Va." P. D. S-31-4. [Fifth Series, Feb. 27, 1864.] "Association of Army and Navy Surgeons, - Richmond, Va., Feb. 27th, 1869. "I. To what causes do you ascribe Idiopathic Tetanus, and have any cases occurred in your hospital or field practice from exposure to severe degree of either heat or cold ? ^"^ II. Has amputation, division of nerves or opening of wounds been resorted to by you for the relief of Tetanus ? "° III. After death, from Traumatic Tetanus, in what condi- tion have you found the nerves, in and about the wound ? ^°* IV. What injuries of nerves, from wounds, amputations, or surgical operations of any kind, have you seen; symptoms that have arisen, and treatment ? ^^° SAM'L P. MOORE, Pres't Ass'n A. & N. Surgeons." Address; Surg. Middleton Michel, Act. Cor. Secretary, Box No. 6, Richmond, Va." "Syphilitic inoculation, its relation to vaccination." ^^^ P. D. S-31-3. [Sixth Series. See Minutes of Mch. 12, 1864.] ^"'^ Cf. note 74, supra. i»s ,cf. Proceedings of Mch. 12, 1864. io» Such changes as occurred would hardly be discernable to the naked eye. 11" The interest in nerve injuries here manifested seems rather curious under the circumstances. Cf. Moore to Blackford, Nov. 18, 1862, supra. m This sentence is added in pencil to the original text. 44 Confederate Calendar. III. MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE MEDICAL SERVICE. 1864, Feb. 2, Dalton, Ga., Hd.-Qrs. Manigault's Brig. T. P. Bailey, M. D., Surg. loth S. C. V[ols.] to Surg. E. A. Fluel- len, Med.-Dir., A[rmy] T[enn.] Protesting against G. O. 17, Jany. 28, 1864,"^ which neglects the medical department in providing transporta- tion — necessity of wagons for our stores. A. L. S. S. C.-421. 11863, July 20-1864, Feb. 4, Lake City, Fla., etc. A. S. Bald- win, Chf. Surg. Dis. E. Fla. Letter-book between these dates, official correspondence. FIa.-lc-46 1865, Jany. 31-May 8, Lake City, Fla., etc. A. S. Baldwin, Surg, and Actg. Med. Dir. Genl. Hospitals Fla. and Quitman, Ga. Order-book between these dates. Fla.-lc-29. 1861, Dec. 10, Amelia C. H. Hospital. Monro Banister, Surg, in Charge to Surgeon-General [S. P. Moore], C. S. A. Request detail of pvt. Thos. E. Morton, Randolph's (Rich- mond) Howitzers, Brown's Co., ^^' to act as steward — Morton has received injuries and will not be able to perform active duty during the winter. A. L. S. M-39-1. Endsd; Forwarded for the approval of the Capt. comdg. company. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl. 1862, July, Richmond, Va., Office Examining Board for In- valid Soldiers. J. H. Bemen, Surg, and Presdt., Archd. Tay- lor, Asst.-Surg., Recorder. 9 notifications of furloughs issued — sent company com- manders. P. F. S. F-17. 112 Not found. 11' J. Thompson Brown, Captain and Company of Howitzers, ist Virginia Artillery. Confederate Calendar. 45 1864, Apr. 8, Orange C. H. Hospital 2nd Corps, A. N. V. H. Black, Surg .in Charge, to Capt. V. Dabney, A. A. G. Pvt. J. McNeely, Co. I, 21st Va., sentenced to execution on the 15th, has been received under orders to remain here uotil that time— the Hospital has no guard — I cannot be respon- sible for his safe keeping. Copy M-25. Endsd: "Capt. V. Dabney, A. A. G. [:] Genl. Steuart re- ' quested Genl. Jones to send this. J. C. Moore. A. S. 1862, Dec. [31,] [Richmond, Va.] W. A. Carringtpn, Med. Dir. "Consolidated Report of the sick and wounded of the army in Hospitals around Richmond, Va." — names of men, com- mands, dates of discharge or death, cause of death and dis- eases. P. F. S. Fla. 1862, Jany. 6, Nelson Hospital. W. H. Coffin, Surg, in Charge to Maj. J. Thompson Brown. J. W. Gibson, ordered on duty, has catarrhal opthalmia — is unfit for duty — "if you still order his return, I will send him, as that relieves me of responsibility." A. L. S. C-22. 1865, Jany. 13, Emory, Va. Thos. W. Colley, Comp. 21st [sic]"* Va. Cav., to Capt. Thos. C. Litchfield. Application to be placed on the invalid corps by reason of gun-shot wound requiring amputation of leg. Approved upon physical examination: James B. Murfree, T. C. Montague, J. L. Henderson, Surgs. Board. Appended: [illegible] certificate of injuries received. 1863, Mch. 28, Richmond, [Va.] A. & I. Genl's Office. S. O. 75, III. Sig. : Jno. Withers, A. A. G. [by command Sec. War.] Asst-Surg. J. C. L'Engle will report to Brig.-Genl. [Jos.] Finegan for duty at Lake City Hospital, [FTa.]"» D. S. Fla.-ga.-9. 1864, Mch. 21, Camp near Orange C.-H., Va. L. J. Cottle, Co. G, 3rd N. C. "* Colley is elsewhere mentioned as belonging to the ist Virginia Cavalry. "5 Cf. E. W. Johns to J. C. L'Engle, infra, p. 46. 46 Confederate Calendar. Certificate of disability of; by reason of wound in knee re- ceived at Chancellorsville, May 8, 1863. Sig. ; Edward H. Armstrong, Capt. Comdg. Approved upon physical examination, D. Herndon, Surg. 3rd N. C, Benj. M. Cromwell, Surg. D. S. C.-39- Endsd ; Give the man a trial on duty. "Med. Ex. Board." 1864, Apr. 3, Camp 23rd Va. J. P. Hall, pvt. Co. E. Certificate of disability for service. Sig.; J. M. Denny, Surg. 23rd Va. — certified by board of examiners — recommend Hall be detailed for making huts. A. S. D.-13. 1862, Aug. 8, Richmond, Va., E. W. Johns, Medical Purveyor. Invoice of medicines, etc., consigned to Surg. J. C. L'Engle, or Surgeon attending, 2nd Fla. Regt. [Elaborate form, with list of all articles issued.] P. F. S. Fla.-ga.-2 1. 1862, Aug. II, Richmond, Va., Medical Purveyor's Office. E. W. Johns, Medical Purveyor, to Surg. J. C. L'Engle, or Surg. Attending 2nd Fla. Regt. Enclose invoice of hospital supplies turned over to Thos. Turner, Aug. 8 — furnish duplicate receipts for same, report date of receipt, number packages and agreement with invoice. P. F. S. Fla.-ga.-14. 1862, Sept. I, Chaffin's BlufiF, [Va.] Geo. A. Keeper, Co. A, 46th Va. Statement of service; enlisted at Lewisburg, June 18, 1861, for the war — ^born at Chambly, Canada — has been unfit for service for six months. Sig. C. Purcell Bigger, Lieut. Comdg. Co. Appended ; Certificate of physical examination ; Keller is incapable of performing military duty because of "constitu- tional syphilis affecting his mouth and throat, with extensive cutaneous eruption" — duration of disease and means required for its cure satisfy us he should be discharged. Sig. : David [ ?] H. Tucker, Surg., Chas. L. Gwyn, A[ctg.] Asst-Surg. in charge. D. S. K.-7. Confederate Calendar. 47 1864-1865, Lake City, Fla. Lake City Hospital. Records as follows ; I. Case-book, Mch. 13, 1864-Jany. 14, 1865 — treatment or- dered — diagnoses. Fla.-lc-i4. II. Account-book of expenditure, Mch. 24, 1864-May 8, 1865. Fla.-lc-i. III. Furlough-book, July 2, 1864-Oct. 24, 1864 — printed forms of furlough on surgeon's certificate. Fla.-lc-g. 1862, Dec. 25, Hd.-Qrs. Maury's Div., 2nd Corps. Dabney H. Maury, Maj.-Genl. to Maj. Waddy, A. A. G. Requesting authority for ordering a detail of surgeons to visit hospitals and return convalescents improperly remaining as nurses — there are many such. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-25. 1863, Mch. 28, Richmond, Va., Surgeon-General's Office. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl., to [Lt.-Genl.]J. C. Pemberton, comdg. Vicksburg. Requesting permission for supplies to be introduced for the Medical Department. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-28. 1861-1865, Richmond, Va., Surgeon- General's Office. S. P. Moore, Surg.-Genl. 19 miscellaneous printed orders, with orders of A. & I. Genl's Office and of Dept. Hd.-Qrs. relating to Medical Dept. P. D. Fla.-ga-26. 1861, Aug. 1-1865, Apr. 2, Richmond, Va. Robertson Hos- pital, Third and Main streets. Register of admissions between these dates — 1,333 names, 73 deaths, numerous transfers — each patient entered by name, command, with date of admission, diagnosis, and outcome — p. 85: Ladies of the Robertson Hospital: Sally B. Tomp- kins, Chief,"', Mrs. E. T. Semmes, Asst., Mrs. Mary A. Page, 118 To this heroic woman more than to anyone else the success of this Hospital was due. She had been possessed of large means before the war, and had devoted herself to philanthropic enterprises. Her resources were freely expended in behalf of the wounded during the war, and the Robert- son Hospital reached a high degree of efficiency. An executive order was 48 ' Confederate Calendar. Miss A. P. Tabb, Miss Eliza Davenport, Mrs. B. Trigg, Mrs. Jas. A. Jones, Mrs. Jno. McGuire, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Bay- lor, Miss Agnes Haxall, Miss Bettie McMurdo, Miss Mollie McMurdo, Miss Kitty Heath, Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. Wm. Bell, Mrs. Sandaige, Miss Rebecca Jones, Mrs. Deas, Mrs. Dr. Wellford, all of Virginia, except Mrs. Sandaige, of Louisiana —p. 86 ; "Surgeons of Robertson Hos." ; A. Y. P. Garnett, of Washington, D. C; C. L. Garnett, Virginia; Thos. S. Lati- mer, Maryland; Geo. H. Roberts, Maryland; W. S. Love, Louisiana; T. W. Hancock, Virginia; J. G. Cabell, n. p. Stewards W. D. Sale, Virginia; Geo. E. Mann, Virginia; Lamar Hollyday, Maryland. 122. p. 86, bound. 186-, Savannah, Ga. Savannah Wayside Hospital. Constitution and list of contributions — bound, unpagi- nated. Ga.-i-88. 1862, Feb.-Aug., n. p. W. R. Smith, pvt. Co. L, 5th Va. Infy., P. H. Hopwood, pvt. Co. H, 5th Va. Infy., R. F. Betterson, pvt. Co. A, 37th Va. Certificates of disability of; Smith for "blindness of one eye," Hopwood for "loss of great toe and lameness," Betterson for "a chronic disease of the spinal marrow and urinary organs." P. F. S., F. S. C.-56-1-3. 1863, June 29, Dept. Miss, and E. La., Inspr.-Genl's Office. Thos. H. Taylor, Inspr.-Genl. and Comdt. Post, to Surgeon Knode, Med.-Inspr. Investigate the report that surgeons of hospitals are "liv- ing off" hospital supplies and paying $1.00 per diem, instead of purchasing supplies. G. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-29. Endsd ; The arrangement was due to a misunderstanding of G. O. from the Surgeon-Genl Knode, Med. Inspr. A. S. issued, placing all hospitals under governmental control, and this meant that the Robertson Hospital would lose its chief supporters. Rather than permit this, President Davis issued Miss Tompkins a commission as Cap- tain; and this she retained throughout the war. Miss Tompkins is still alive. See infra, p. 421. Confederate Calendar. 4g 1862, Jany. i, Fayette Co., Ga. W. H. Tumipseed. Certificate of disability of; because of "chronic rheuma- tism" — recommendation for discharge — sig. ; J. W. Cousins — approved, J. A". Anderson, Maj. comdg. ist Ga. D. S. T.-26-1. 1862, July 20, Camp near Gordonsville, [Va.] Geo. W. Wood- ing, Capt. Danville Arty., to Dr. [Hunter] McGuire, Med.- Dir. V. D. Application for a surgeon for this battery — I have long needed one. A. L. S. F.-17-10. Endsd: i. Referred to Dr. H. McGuire, who will appoint an asst. surg. if he has one; or will make application to the Surg.-Genl. for one. Wm. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. Comdg. A. S. Endsd : 2. [illegible] I have no Asst. Surg. [ ?] If I can get one will send him[?] Many commands are in need of sur- .geons. Hunter McGuire, Med. Dir. A. S. 186-, n. d., Richmond, Va. Albert Wortham, [Surg.?] W. H. Gwathmey, [Surg.?] Fragment (pp-S) of register of hospital under charge of ;"^ — names of patients, commands, dates of admission and of discharge — Mrs. Martha Morris, Matron. [1865, Apr,, Richmond, Va.?] Daniel F. Wright, Surg. P. A. C. S.; Tho. Pollard, M. D.; E. D. Phillips, M. D.; P. H. Starke; E. Nance; J. M. Bibb; E. H. Gill and 108 others to ■"The Genl. Assembly of the State of Va." "The undersigned Physicians and Citizens respectfully pe- tition your honorable body to exempt from military duty such -apothecaries as are now exempted from the same by the Con- gress & Government of the Confederate States. For the necessity of this we would call to mind that the apothecaries thus exempted number only forty-five (45) in the entire State. ^" The Strangers' Guide lists no hospital in the locality assigned to this one, in a MS. note attached to the original, the two nearest being "Gen- eral, No. I," on Second street, and the "Samaritan," on Clay, between "Fifth and Sixth streets. so Confederate Calendar. This number is hardly sufficient to supply the sick in their localities with medicines & instances of suffering — perhaps of a fatal nature — have occured in consequence of inability to procure the usual remedies. The Education and experience necessary to fit the Apothe- cary for his calling is of such a character that his duties can- not be delegated to unskilled persons, and that the difficulty of procuring and bringing Drugs to our Towns is greatly in- creased, & that in addition to the preparation of Physicians prescriptions, it now devolves upon the Apothecary to manu- facture many articles which formerly could be purchased ready for use. It is moreover uncertain at what hour the Apothecary may be called upon to furnish his Medicines. We therefore respectfully ask that the few Apothecaries who are now exempted by the Confederate Government may be allowed to devote their whole time and skill to the per- formance of their important duties, in which the comfort and safety of the sick are so seriously involved." D. S. Wj- Confederate Calendar. 51 PAPERS RELATING TO THE RICH- MOND CAMPAIGN OF 1864: THE HARRISON LOAN. This collection consists of 983 original telegrams relating to military and naval operations around Richmond and Petersburg, Va., during May- September, 1864. The more im- portant messages are printed in the "Official Record" f but the importance of the campaign, and the controversy w^hich is still on regarding all of its movements, call for the publica- tion of all papers which may shed light on events.^ The tele- grams copied below relate chiefly to brigade movements, to the blockading squadron, and to conditions on the Rich- mond defences. The collection contains a large number of ordnance mes- sages, a few of which are here printed, and a mass of personal despatches, besides the military and naval material. Appa- rently these are the originals of telegrams sent from Drewry's Bluff, or thereabouts, by J. D. Potts. They were acquired by the late Hon. W. W. Henry, and deposited by his heirs in the museum. Many of them are the original autographs of lead- ing Confederate generals. The copies below are full. 1864, May 7, n. p. A. Gracie, Jr.,^ Brig.-Genl., to Maj. T. O. Chestney, A. A. G. "Advance guard struck enemy's Infantry picket near Ware 1 See Volumes (Serial) 67, 68, 69, 80, 81, 82, 87, 88. ^ Accounts of this campaign will be found in most books on the War. The views of both sides are given in Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, V. 4, pp. 535-590. E. P. Alexander in the Military Memoirs of a Con- federate, pp. 545-73, gives a critique of the various movements. » For a sketch of Gracie see Confederate Military History, v. 7 (Ala- bama), p. 412. This work will hereafter be cited as C. M. H. 52 Confederate Calendar. Bottom Church* — ^their pickets have not been advanced since yesterday — Their force not ascertained." Tel. 3864, May 7, n. p. S. M. Barton,' Brig.-Genl., to Maj. T. O. Chestney, A. A. G., Richmond. "I received your dispatch' just as I was posting the last troops on the right of the exterior line — It was so late, sunset — and the troops so much fatigued, have been up all of last night, that I have postponed changing them till daybreak to- morrow. The front is very strongly and thoroughly picketed — outposts connecting from flank to flank." ^ 1864, May 8, 11:15 A. M., n. p. S. M. Barton, Brig.-Genl., to Maj. T. O. Chestney, A. A. G. "No force of the enemy is known to be moving toward Chester.* Our cavalry are scouting beyond them. The enemy's cavalry were reported to be moving in that direction last night, but my scouts reported it false." ° 1864, May 8, 6:00 P. M., Hd.-Qrs. Drewry's Bluflf, [Va.] G. H. Terrett,^" Maj. comdg. Post, to Hon. S. R. Mallory, Sec. Navy. "I have no news from the enemy. Everything remains in about the same position as on yesterday." 1864, May 8, 4:00 P. M., Drewry's Bluff. W. H. Stevens, Col. Eng., to Maj. T. O. Chestney, A. A. Genl. "Our pile-driver used in removing the obstructions has ' Ware Bottom Church is located on the south side of the James River, opposite the stretch of land through which Dutch Gap was cut. See War Atlas, Official Records, plate C. " For Barton see C. M. H., v. 3, pp. 579-81. « Not found. T Cf. Barton to Ransom, May 7, 1864, Official Records, s. v. 68, p. 973. The Records will hereafter he cited as "O. R." with the serial volume number. 8 A village in Chesterfield county, on the line of the Richmond and Petersburg railroad. » See Barton to Ransom, O. R., s. 68, p. 973. i" Terrett commands this post during the entire period covered by this correspondence. Confederate Calendar. 53 met with an accident, which will delay the removal of the last crib one day, if we meet with no delay in getting her on the ways at Richmond." [1864, May 8,"] 8:30 P. M., n. p. S. M. Barton, Brig.- Gen., t^ Maj. T. O. Chestney, A. A. G. "An Infantry scout left the vicinity of Ware Bottom Church at 3 P. M. Pickets at same place as yesterday — learned from citizens that main body was encamped on left of Hundred's road^^ — nothing from the cavalry ordered to attack the pickets." [1864,] May 9, "12:30 nt," Hd.-Qrs. Drewry's Bluff. G. H. Terrett [Maj. comdg.] to Hon. S. R. Mallory, Sec. Navy. "If you can possibly spare the two Marine Guards at the Navy Yards please send them immediately. They number about 60 men and should be of incalculable service here." ^' [1864,] May 9, 10:00 A. M., Hd.-Qrs. Drewry's Blulf. G. H. Terrett, Maj. comdg. Post, to Hon. S. R. Mallory, Sec. Navy. "It has been reported to Genl. Barton," that the enemy is advancing. I have no news from the fleet." 1864, May 9, 12 P. M., Drewry['s Bluff?] R. Ransom," Maj.- Genl., to Maj. T. O. Chestney, A. A. G. "Refer all matters of importance to Genl. Bragg." " 1864, May 9, 5:00 P. M., Drewry's Bluff. R. Ransom, Jr., Maj.-Genl., to Genl. [Braxton] Bragg. "From all I can ascertain the object of the enemy seems to 1^ Evidently of the same date as Barton's message to Chestney, May 8, supra. 12 For the location of this road, see O. R., Atlas, plate XCII. 1' See further telegrams of this date from Drewry's Bluflf in O. R-, s. 68, pp. 977-78. 1* Not found, but see O. R., s. 68, pp. 979-80. 1' Genl. Ransom sometimes added "jr." to his name. Entries are here made as they occur in the original. For Ransom, see C. M. H., vol. 4, pp 345-48. 1* General Braxton Bragg was then acting as special military adviser to Pres. Davis, with headquarters in Richmond. 54 Confederate Calendar. be merely to destroy the Rail Road." They have burnt the station at Chester and retired down the Rail Road. I have sent forward two regiments to press them." [1864,] May 9, 9:30 P. M., Drewry's House. R. Ransom, Maj.-Genl., to [Maj.-]Genl. G. E. Pickett, Petersburg. "By direction of Genl. Bragg I telegraph you to know ac- curately the conditions of affairs with you — ^we have heard firing to-day. — Doubtless you have repulsed them." Please give me your force and the prospect of other arrivals, and any other information that may be useful. We have had little demonstration in our front to-day." "Via Burkeville, Dept. Richmond."^' [1864, May] 9,=° n. p. S. M. Barton, Brig.-Genl., to Maj. T. O. Chestney, A. A. G. "The enemy is moving in full force against my south front on Turnpike." "^ [1864, May 8 or 10?]," 5:40 P. M., n. p. S. M. Barton, Brig.- Genl., to Maj. T. O. Chestney, A. A. G. "Nothing from the front. All quiet." [1864, May 8 or 10?]," 12:30 P. M., n. p. S. M. Barton, Brig.-Genl., to Maj. T. O. Chestney, A. A. G. "Dispatch about cavalry received and obeyed.^* It had been anticipated. — Artillery is heard in direction of Port Wal- thall Junction"" — probably beyond at Swift Creek — No artil- lery firing here now." 1^ This was the Richmond and Petersburg railroad. See O. R., Atlas, plate C. 1' For the reports of these engagements, see O. R., s. 68, pp. 213 ff., and correspondence in ibid., pp. 978-79. i» This message was sent via Burkeville probably because direct com- munication was cut off at the time. 20 Date fixed by O. R., s. 68, p. 981. 21 See location of this road in O. R., Atlas, plate C. 22 See O. R., s. 68, p. 981. 23 See ibid., and pp. 973, 975, ff- 2* Not found ; not published in the Official Record. 2= See O. R., Atlas, plate C. Confederate Calendar. 55 [1864, May 10?],=° Richmond. R. Ransom, Jr., Maj.-Genl., to Maj. [G. H.] Terrett. "What is the meaning of the firing in direction of your place? — answer at once." Endsd: i. "Please tell me how to answer this." n. s. 2. "The enemy appear to be shelling our breastwork from about and near Lowmends[?] on the turnpike. G. H. T." A. S. [1864,] May II, 2 30 A. M., Hd.-Qrs. near Drewry's Bluff. R. Ransom, Maj.-Genl., to Col. Maury, Chaffin's. "Be extremely alert and keep a bright lookout in all direc- tions.^^ Notify both Gen. Bragg and me of anything that may occur worthy of note." [1864,] May II, 12 30 A. M., near Drewry's Bluff. R. Ran- som, Jr., Maj.-Genl., to Gen. Braxton Bragg. "Telegram rec'd. Will have Hunton's Brigade^' ready to go up whenever ordered." [1864,] May II, 1 :25 A. M., near Drewry's Bluff. R. Ransom, Jr., Maj.-Genl., to Gen. Braxton Bragg. "Tell me when to leave the garrison & citadel at the Bluff and join you in Richmond with the other troops — should there arise a necessity for it. I send Dunnavant's Battalion dismounted Cavalry^' to Manchester at once." [1864,] May II, 11:30 A. M., near Drewry's Bluff. R. Ran- som, Jr., Maj.-Genl., to Sec. War, Richmond. 28 See O. R., s. 68, p. 986. " See ibid., p. 980; cf. p. 1000. The Maury mentioned is Col. J. M. Maury. His forces were the Goochland, James City, Lunenburg and Pa- munkey Va. Arty. Chaffin's [Bluff] is just across the river from Drewry's Bluff. 28 Eppa Hunton, Brig.-Genl. commanding. This command was com- posed of the 8th, 19th, 25th, 32nd, and s6th Va. Infy., with the 42nd Va. Cav. Batln., Col. Robins. Cf. Ransom to Bragg, O. R., s. 68, p. 990. 29 This was properly Dunovant's Sth S. C. Cav., two companies of which came to Virginia with Genl. Whiting. See Beauregard to Bragg, O. R., s. 68, 1021. 56 Confederate Calendar. "Your dispatch relation to instructions given Genl. Beau- regard just received." ^° [1864,] May II, 12 M., Hd.-Qrs. Drewry's House. R. Ran- som, Jr., Maj.-Genl., to Maj. T. O. Chestney, A. A. Genl. "Your dispatch concerning movements from Petersburg is just received.^^ [1864,] May II, 5:30 P. M., Hd.-Qrs. Camp near Drewry's Bluff. R. Ransom, Maj.-Genl., to Hon. Sec. War, Richmond. "Will you please ascertain when the Iron Clad Gun Boats will be ready for service and inform me." '^ 1864, May II, 5:45 P. M., Hd.-Qrs. Drewry's Bluff. F. Mac- Rae, ist L[ieu]t. C. S. M. C. and Adjt. Post, to Hon. S. R. Mallory, etc. "I have just received the following despatch from the Signal Station at Cox's, W. H. Seabury, comdg. 'The enemy are cutting down a great many trees near Baldwin' [s]'^ apparently blockading the River.' . > >' 1864, May II, Hd.-Qrs. Drewry's Bluff. James T. Browne, A. A. & I. Genl., to Lt. Col. A. Anderson. "Genl. Ransom requests that you will join him immedi- ately. To-night if possible." [1864, May II?],'* n. p. R. F. Hoke, [Maj.-Genl.] to Genl. [Braxton] Bragg, Richmond. "The Brigade'" was ordered two hours ago but I learn has not yet gone. I have sent to hurry it forward." 30 See Seddon to Beauregard, O. R., s. 68, p. 991. 31 Not found. 32 These were probably the gunboats then being fitted out at Richmond. 33 Baldwin's was located on the James, in the stretch later cut oflf by the Dutch Gap Canal. It was close to Ware Bottom Church. See O. R., Atlas, plate XCIII. 3* See O. R., s. 68, p. 988. 35 Probably Hoke's "old" Brigade,— 6th, 21st, 54th and S7th N. C. Regts., and ist N. C. Batln. See ibid., but compare ibid., pp. 986 and 990. Confederate Calendar. 57 [1864, May II P],^" n. p. R. F. Hoke, Maj.-Genl., to Genl. [Braxton] Bragg, Richmond. "The Brigade ordered can reach you before any other of my command. Delay was caused by courier failing to de- liver dispatch. This is now corrected." [1864, May II?]" n. p. R. F. Hoke, Maj.-Genl., to Genl. [Braxton] Bragg. "The brigade ordered will leave here by half-past six 6^." [1864,] May 12, 8:30 P. M., Hd.-Qrs. Drewry's Bluff. G. H. Terrett, Maj. comdg., to Genl. B[raxton] Bragg. "Genl. Kemper's^^ Brig, is here ready to go to Richmond. No boats are here to transport them." 1864, May 12, 10:30 P. M., Drewry's Bluflf. G. H. Terrett, Maj. comdg. Post, to Maj. T. O. Chestney, A. A. G., Gen. Ransom [sic] "But one Brigade has left. One Brigade still here await- ing ' transportation. The Boats are in Richmond. Answer." 1864, May 13, Drewry's Bluff. Isaac W. Smith, Capt. Engs., to Col. A. L. Rives, Actg. Chf. Eng. Bur. "The draw at the Wilton bridge is sixty six feet on the water line, and would answer by removing a row of piles on the west side of the Tree Hill bridge. I can probably secure a lighter twelve or fourteen feet wide. Would not this be top heavy. Please answer to Capt. Mason." 1864, May 13, [Drewry's Bluff.] G. H. Terrett, [Maj., etc.], to Maj. T, O. Chestney, A. A. G. "Kemper's Brig, left here about 2 A. M.'* He has been on the road 2 or 3 hours." 1864, May 13, Hd.-Qrs. Drewry's Bluff. R. F. Hoke, Maj.- Genl., to Genl. Braxton Bragg. "Do you know anything of Gen. Beauregard's movements." '' Ibid., 990-991. " Ibid. '' Jas. L. Kemper, Brig.-Genl. commanding. His brigade was com- posed of the 1st, 3rd, 7th, nth and 24th Va, Regts. 8« See Parker to Bragg, O. R., s. 68, p. 995. 58 Confederate Calendar. [1864,] May 14, 9 A. M., Drewry's Bluff. W. H. Stevens, Col. Engs., to Genl. Braxton Bragg. "Would it not be advisable for you to hear Genl. Beaure- gard's views about affairs here." *° [1864,] May 14, 9:15 A. M., Hd.-Qrs. Post, Drewry's Bluff. G. H. Terrett, Maj. comdg. Post, to Hon. S. R. Mallory, etc. "Brisk Skirmishing both with Artillery and small arms going on along our front." 1864, May 15, Drewry's Bluff. Chas. T. Mason, Capt. Engrs., to Hon. Sec. War. "The iron clad 'Fredericksburg'*^ can pass through the obstructions at High tide tomorrow." [1864,] May 24, 5:00 P. M., Drewry's Bluff. W. H. Stevens, Col. Engrs., to Genl. G. T. Beauregard, Chester, Va. "The Iron clads are through the obstructions." 1864, May 26, Flag-Ship "Virginia." Jno. K. Mitchell," Com- mander Jas. River Squadron, to Hon. Sec. Navy. "Your telegram of the 2Sth is recieved and duly noticed.*' Will be given to Gens. Beauregard and Ransom." 1863, May n. d., Drewry's Bluff. G. H. Terrett, Maj'., etc., to Maj. Jno. M. Otey, A. A. G. "No change in the Enemy's fleet since morning report." [1864,] June 4, Drewry's Bluff. G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Genl. Braxton Bragg, Richmond. "Reed your dispatch of this morning. The officer whom you desire" is on detached service with Genl.. Beauregard's Army. Have forwarded your dispatch to Genl. Beauregard *" Beauregard was then in command of the troops south of the James, General Lee not assuming command of that territory until he crossed the river. *i See O. R., Naval, s. i. v. 10, p. 634, Mitchell to Mallory; ibid., p. 63s, Parker to Mitchell. *2 For Mitchell, see C. M. H., v. 12, 56-59, 92-94. *8 See O. R., Naval, s. c. v. 10, p. 657. ** Lieutenant Barry. See 0. R., s. 69, p. 875. Confederate Calendar. 59 with an explanation of the case, by telegraph. Will inform you as soon as I hear from him. Have no steamer here to send the detachment on, will order them to march, as soon as Genl. Beauregard sends in Lt. Barry." [1864, June 4?], Drewry's Bluff. G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Genl. B[raxton] Bragg. "Genl. Beauregard has ordered Lt. Barry to report to me as soon as he arrives. I will order him with the detachment to march to Richmond and report to you. If there should happen to be a boat here I will send them up in it." [1864,] June 4, 12 :25 P. M., Drewry's Bluff. G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Genl. B[raxton] Bragg, Richmond. "Lt. Barry & detachment have started for the point desig- nated in your order." 1864, June 4, Drewry's Bluff. G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Maj. Jno. M. Otey, A. A. G. "No change in the enemy's fleet since morning. This dis- patch has been unavoidably delayed on account of the weather." [1864, June 3-4?]" 7 :oo A. M., Hd.-Qrs. A. N. V. G. "r. Beau- regard, [Genl.] to Genl. R. E. Lee. "I have ordered a forced rec. to ascertain more of enemy position and condition.** Have ordered Ransom's Brigade to Bottom's Bridge as requested by Genl. Bragg. I am willing to do anything for our succour, but cannot leave my dept. without orders of War Dept." *^ [1864, June 3-4?],*' n. p. G. T. Beauregard, [Genl.], to Gen[l.] Brax[ton] Bragg, Gen[l.] R. E. Lee. "I am just from the front reconnaissance in force of this morning shows it might be dangerous to send away Ransom's brigade constituting over one third available infantry force *5 See O. R., s. 69, pp. 870-71. Cf. ibid., p. 866. *8 Ibid., and also p. 868. *'■ See note 40, supra. *8 See O. R., s. 69, p. 870. 6o Confederate Calendar. now here.*" We must elect at present between bottom bridge and Rail Road communication between Petersburg and Rich- mond." =° [1864,] June 6, Drewry's BlufiE. G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Maj. Jno. M. Otey, A. A. G. ""No change in the enemy's fleet except addition of one (i) tug and two (2) schooners, one lying with the Monitors, the other at the landing." 11864, June 6, n. p. J. D. Potts" to J. R. Dowell, Genl. Supt., R[ichmon]d. "Having learned that both wires were down about a mile and half from here, I went to remedy trouble, and found both lines on ground across the road, which I propped up with limbs of trees. Trouble caused by pole falling." [1864,] June 7, Drewry's Bluff. G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Maj. Jno. M. Otey, A. A. G. "Four (4) monitors, three (3) transports, three (3) tugs lying together in their usual positions. Six (6) schooner rigged vessels below." 1864, June 8, [Drewry's Bluff.] G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Maj. J. M. Otey, A. A. G. "No change in the enemy's fleet since last p. m. report." [1864,] June 8, 8 P. M., [Drewry's Bluff.] G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Maj. [Jno. M.] Otey, A. A. G. "Four monitors, four transports, a large one just having moved up, four Brigs, seven schooners and a bark, in usual position. One of the transports and their picket boats has been reconnoitering in front of fleet, but were driven back by our sharp shooters." 1864, June 9, Hd.-Qrs., Drewry's Bluff. Geo. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Genl. [G. T.] Beauregard. "The following report just rec'd from Howlett's, 'Four <9 Cf. Beauregard to Bragg, O. R., s. 69, p. 870. =« See map in O. R., Atlas, plates XCIII and C. SI See supra, p. 51. Confederate Calendar. 6i Monitors, four tugs, three transports, one Gun boat and one Barque — moved up a little above Howletts, and laid there all night. About twenty row boats attempted to pass Howletts early this morning, but were driven back by our Sharp-Shoot- [1864,] June 9, [Hd.-Qrs.] G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Genl. [G. T.] Beauregard. "No change in the enemy's fleet since morning report." 1864, June 10, 6:00 A. M., [Drewry's BlufiE.] Geo. H. Terrett, (Maj., etc.] to Genl. G. T. Beauregard. "Four (4) Monitors, one (i) tug, one (i) armed transport, three (3) transports. One barque, five (5) schooners. All lying in their usual position below Howletts." [1864,] June 10, 6:00 P. M., [Drewry's Bluff.] G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Maj. [Jno. M.] Otey, A. A. G. "No change in the fleet since morning report, except an in- crease of two (2) tugs." [1864,] June 10, 8:25 P. M., Drewry's Bluff. G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Genl. G. T. Beauregard, and Maj. [Jno. M.] Otey, A. A. G. "Have just received the following dispatch from CoL Maury [,] comdg. Chaffin's Bluff — 'The lookout near Cox's barn reports a large force of the enemy moving in line of bat- tle towards Howletts House.' " [1864,] June 12, [Drewry's Bluff.] G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Maj. [Jno. M.] Otey, A. A. G. "Four Monitors, 2 tugs, 3 transports, 2 armed transports, 7 Schooners and a barque, lying in the same position." [1864,] June 12, 6:00 P. M., [Drewry's Bluff.] G. H. Ter- rett, Maj., etc., to Maj. [Jno. M.] Otey, A. A. G. "Four (4) monitors, four (4) tugs, two transports, two armed transports, five schooners, and one barque, lying in same position." 62 Confederate Calendar. [1864,] June 14, 6:00 P. M., [Drewry's Bluff.] Geo. H. Ter- rett, Maj., etc., to Genl. [G. T.] Beauregard. "Four monitors, Four tugs, Two transports, Four schoon- ers and a barque, in usual position. 1864, June IS, 7 :oo A. M., Hd.-Qrs., Drewry's Bluff. Geo. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Genl. [G. T.] Beauregard. "Four Monitors, Two Tugs, Three Transports, Two Armed Transports, Four Schrs., and a Bark, in usual posi- tions. Report delayed on ac [count] of mist." 1864, June 15, 7:20 P. M., [Drewry's Bl\iff.] G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Genl. [G. T.] Beauregard. "Four Monitors, four tugs, five schooners, one brig, four transports, one armed transport, one monitor dropped down half a mile. All the schooners brought up and lying with the other monitors." [1864,] June 16, Drewry's Bluff. R. E. Lee, by C. Marshall, A. D. C, to "Operator at Chafins Bluff." "Send all dispatches for me to this place."'' Notify comdg. officer where I am." 11864, June 19, 8 :oo A. M., [Drewry's Bluff.] Geo. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Genl. [G. T.] Beauregard. '^Four Monitors, one Tug, one Armed Transport, and one Transport, and one Bark. One Monitor dropped down about three quarters of a mile, the others in usual position." [1864, June 2i,»'] 2:20 P. M., n. p. G. E. Pickett, Maj.-Genl. comdg., to [Brig.-] Gen. G. W. C. Lee.=* "Let me know at once what force the enemy is threaten- =2 General Lee crossed the James River on the i6th, and in consequence moved his headquarters. 5= See O. R., s. 81, p. 674. 5* Brig.-Genl. Custis Lee was at this time in command of the Rich- mond "Local Defense Troops and Reserves.'' Confederate Calendar. 63 ing you with, and if you need other assistance than Cooks brigade — if necessary I will come with my division." '^^ [1864, June 2i,]=« n. p. G. E. Pickett, Maj.-Genl., to [Brig.-] Gen [1.] G. W. C. Lee. "From your telegram" I am induced to believe that you do not wish anything more than Cooks brigade." [1864, June 22,] =« n. p. H. Heth, Maj.-Genl., to Col. W. H. Taylor. "The following dispatch has just been receved 'the Pickts report the Yankees have been steadily Crossing at Swiny's^' during this evening mostly Cavalry. They can be heard plainly talking &c. Signed, M. M. Garry, Col. Comdg.' " [1864, June 22,]«'' 2:00 P. M., "Hancock Hs." C. Pickett, A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. G. E. Pickett] to Brig.-Genl. G. W. C. Lee. "Nothing new in our front — Have you anything new or anything from hampton." [1864, June] 22, Chafifin's Blufif. G. W. C. Lee, Brig.-Genl., to Maj.-Genl. [G. E.] Pickett. "Nothing new here [ ;] enemy a little bolder than here- tofore, and a good deal of shelling by Gun-boats — Good for Mahone." " "5 Pickett's Division was at this time composed of Barton's, Hunton's, Corsi's and Terry's Brigades. Hunton's brigade was detached during part of the summer and served with Genl. Ransom. =« See O. R., s. 81, pp. 674-76. '^ See O. R., s. 81, p. 674, for the text of the message. =8 Heth to Lee, June 25, 1864 (O- R., s. 81, p. 685), refers to a mes- sage which 'corresponds to this as sent "last night"; but see G. W. C. Lee to Pickett, June 21, 1864, ibid., p. 674. 69 Sweeney's is probably meant. The place does not appear on any map available. 60 See O. R., s. 81, p. 680, Cox to Pickett. "1 Mahone, with a part of his division, attacked the Federal troops on the 22nd to the west of the Jerusalem plank-road, and drove them from their first line of works. Some 1,600 prisoners and four pieces of artillery were captured. See Lee to Seddon, O. R., s. 81, p. 678. 64 Confederate Calendar. [1864, June 27,] «2 n. p. W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., to Maj.-Genl. Fitz Lee. "Telegram rec'd"^ and Gen. Lee desires you to shoe up & then move in this direction following Hampton's Division as soon as you can if nothing occurs to detain you on north side of James." [1864, June 27?]" Osborne's Turnpike. Fitz Lee, Maj.-Genl. comdg., to Genl. R. E. Lee. "Am on north side of James near Pontoon bridge— No news from Lower James — Will tomorrow be time enough to cross to southside? Am shoeing up anH grazing my com- mand now." [1864, June 28?]'' n. p. Fitz Lee, Maj.-Genl. comdg., to Genl, R. E. Lee. "Command will march at 12 130 this day & encamp tonight where Richmond & Petersburg turnpike crosses R. R. & P. R. R."" about 6 miles from Petersburg." 1864, Aug. 3, n. p. Jno. M. Otey, Lt.-Col. and A. A. G., to Genl. L. S. Baker, Goldsboro, [N. C] "Genl. Hampton's Cavalry at Stoney Creek has been or- dered by Genl. Lee to cooperate in checking any advance of the Enemy."^ Genl. Hampton is at Stoney Creek." [1864,] Aug. 7, n. p. Jno. M. Otey, A. A. G., to Maj.-Genl. W. H. C. Whiting,«« Wilmington, N. C. "Please explain why you have ordered all the train hands, firemen and negroes of the Manassas Gap Rail Road from Greensboro to Raleigh. The Commanding General desires that I inquire of you." 62 Cf. O. R., s. 81, p. 690. 63 Not found. 6* Cf. O. R., s. 81, p. 690. 65 Probably sent the day after the message above. No other indication of its date to be found in the Official Records. 66 Correctly, the "R[ichmond] & P[etersburg] R. R. This crossing is given as " Williams' " on the war maps. 67 No such order found, but see Lee to Hampton, O. R., s. 88, p. 1165. 68 For Whiting see C. M. H., v. 4, p. 352. Confederate Calendar. 65 [1864,] Aug. 8, Dunns Hill. G. T. Beauregard, Genl., to Col. L. B. Northrop, Com. Genl., Richmond, Va. "I have ordered the Will-O-Wisp"' to be allowed to dis- charge cargo." 1864, Aug. 8, Dunns Hill. G. T. Beauregard, Genl., to Maj.- Genl. W. H. C. Whiting, Wilmington, [N. C] "The demand for Coffee is pressing. Permit the Will-0- Wisp to discharge Cargo at once." 1864, Aug. 8, Ordnance Office, A. N. V. B. G. Baldwin, Lt.- Col., to Col. W. L. Brown, Richmond Arsenal. "The Columbiad platforms cannot be framed. Proper tools and workmen cannot be obtained. Send by first train work- man with tools. Augers, Chisels, Gouges and Broad Axes. Genl. Lee is very urgent. There should not be a moments delay. The guns must be in position tomorrow night. Telegraph operator in Richmond please have this deliv- ered immediately. Send this as soon as handed in." 1864, Aug. II, Petersburg. W. H. Stevens, Col. Engrs., to Capt. T. T. L. Snead, Engr. Adjt., Richmond. "On what day did you send me the torpedo Locks,^° and did you get a receipt from R. road." 118P4, Aug. II, Dunns Hill. Jno. M. Otey, A. A. G., to Col. D. B. Harris, Chief Engr., Weldon, N. C. "Genl. Beauregard says stop a day in Weldon and examine the works for the defence of that place." 1864, Aug. II, Petersburg. R. E. Lee, Genl. [by C. S. Venable, A. D. C], to Maj. D. H. Wood," Supt. Trans., Rich- mond. "Please provide transportation for eight guns with caissons *8 See Beauregard to Whiting, infra. The Will-o'-Wisp was probably a blockade-runner which had come into Wilmington. ■'o Torpedoes are frequently mentioned in connection with the river defenses. See O. R., Nav., s. I, v. 10, pp. 635, 636, 637^ 645, etc. '1 For papers of Maj. Wood, see infra, p. 433. 66 Confederate Calendar. and about six hundred men to Culpeper C. H." by tomorrow evening from Richmond." 1864, Aug. 14, Petersburg. W. H. Stevens, Col. Engrs., to Capt. W. D. Stuart, Engrs., Pickett's Hd.-Qrs. "Lay out gun chambers at Bishops for two or four heavy guns ; put them far apart as possible, so as to get magazines and bomb proofs in the traverses. Genl. Lee finds the guns at Dantylee too crowded, would prefer two properly separated, than four crowded. Get to work on them as soon as pos- sible — Can you not get one or two very reliable men to go in at night opposite the suspected CanaF^ and hide, so as to re- main all day concealed, & watch & listen. Repeat your obser- vations on the Bluff at the head of the Bend where we were yesterday — the spot you suggested for a Battery. Send me, or bring a sketch of your battery as laid out. You had better come down here tonight." 1864, Aug. 14, n. p. W. H. Taylor to Maj. A. L. Land, Dun- lops. "Your telegram received. The two regts. will number about 200 each. Communicate with Genl. Wilcox when they can be transported. After these troops have been taken away, trains for two brigades (say 2,500 men) are to be kept at Lundy's." 1864, Aug. 14, n. p. W. H. Taylor to Mr. [J. D.] Potts, [Operator.] "Gl. Hampton is today on the cars from Richmond to Charlottsville. Send this'* to Richmond and request them to have it delivered to him on the route if practicable. It is very desirable for Gl. Hampton to get it." 1864, Aug. 15, ID P. M., n. p. Jas. L. Corley, [Q. M.] to Mr. Gill, Supt. Richmond and Petersburg R. R. T2 These arrangements were for Genl. Wade Hampton's command, ordered to report to Lt.-Genl. R. H. Atiderson at Culpeper. See O. R., s. 88,' pp. 1171-72. '3 Cf. Lee to Ewell, O. R., s. 88, p. 1173. '* A telegram to Genl. Hampton, recalling him. See the text in O. R., s. 88, 1177. Confederate Calendar. 67 "In addition to the trains already ordered by Maj. Branch & Maj. Land — Gen. Lee wants trains for (2,500) twenty five hundred men kept at Lundy's Xing to move troops at a mo- ments notice." 1864, Aug. 16, II :oo P. M., n. p. W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., to Col. C. Marshall, A. D. C. [to] Genl. Lee, Chaffins Bluff. "Telegram rec'd — will send articles requested at once. Tell General brigade left for Richmond ten minutes to ten. All quiet here." 1864, Aug. 17, Hd.-Qrs. A. N. V. B. G. Baldwin, Lt. Col., to X.t.-Col. W. L. Broun, Richmond Arsenal. "Have you sent four Napoleon Guns to Capt. Gregory, Earlys Command.'^' If not can you do so and when." 1864, Aug. 17, Hd.-Qrs. A. N. V. B. G. Baldwin, Lt.-Col., ■etc., to Lt.-Col. W. L. Broun, Richmond Arsenal. "Please send immediately to Capt. Wilkinson five hundred hand grenades with leather or thick canvass tails as agreed between yourself and Genl. Alexander." 1864, Aug. 18, Ord. Office A. N. V. B. G. Baldwin, Lt.-Col., «tc., to Lt.-Col. W. L. Broun, Richmond Arsenal. "Please send immediately to Maj. P. B. Stanard, Dunlops Crossing, One hundred thousand (100,000) rounds ammuni- tion Calibre fifty eight." " 1864, Aug. 18, Ord. Off. A. N. V. B. G. Baldwin, Lt.-Col., to Capt. I. M. Gregory, Fisher's Hill, via Staunton. "^ave directed four Napoleons to be sent you from Staun- ton. Get an order from General Early on Maj. Leyden at Staunton to give you four Napoleons recently sent him. No chance of getting guns in any other way at present." 1864, Aug. 18, Burwell's Bay, via Petersburg. F. Stringfel- low to Genl. R. E. Lee, Chaffins. "Yesterday 17th two boats passed up the river loaded with troops — one a steamship, the other a transport. All quiet this morning." ^° Cf. Baldwin to Commanding Officer, Staunton. O. R., s. 90, p. 995. T8 Orders similar to this are frequently found in this collection. 68 Confederate Calendar. 1864, Aug. 19, Petersburg. G. T. Beauregard, Genl., to J, L. Morrow, Esq., Supt. R. & D. R. R., Richmond. "No information yet reached me, that your Road is in danger.''^ It would however be advisable to leave as little moveable property exposed as possible." 1864, Aug. 22, n. p. W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., to Chas. G. Tal- cott, "Supt. Danville Railroad," Richmond, Va., and H. D. Bird, Supt. So[uth] Side Railroad, Petersburg, Va. "The report of enemy's cavalry having crossed Weldon road & taken direction of Dinwiddle C. H. lacks confirmation. It is not thought to be true." 1864, Aug. 24, 2 :45 P. M., near Petersburg, Va. G. T. Beaure- gard, Genl., to Maj.-Genl. [W. H. C] Whiting, comdg., Wil- mington, N. C. "In case of urgent necessity, call on Genl. Baker at Golds- boro' for assistance. I believe 'twill prove to be only a feint.''" [1864,] Aug. 25, 12:36 A. M., Hd.-Qrs. A. N. V. W. H. Tay- lor, A. A. G., to Maj.-Genl. C. W. Field," via Chaffins Blufl. "Your telegram of 9 P. M. rec'd. Two brigades & 2 regi- ments of infantry and W. H. Lee's division of Cavalry are on their way to you. The infantry left by raif at 7.30 & 9.30 P. M. The cavalry will move right on. Send an officer to meet it with instructions to Gl. W. H. Lee where he is most required — Hampton is moving down from other side. Keep Richmond advised of movement of the enemy's cavalry. "Mr. Potts Please date this— I don't know the hour. W. H. T." TT The R[ichmond] and Dlanville] R. R. was one of the |nost impor- tant lines of communication to the western part of Virginia and to North Carolina. Cf. L. E. Harvie to J. R. Edmunds, infra, p. 271. '8 Cf. Baker to Vance, O. R., s. 88, p. 1203. See Beauregard to Whit- ing, infra. 78 Cf. Lee to Field, O. R., s. 88, p. 1201. For Field, see C. M. H., v. 9 (Kentucky), p. 236. Confederate Calendar. 69 11864, Aug. 26, 2 45 P. M., near Petersburg, Va. G. T. Beau- regard, [Genl.], to Brig.-Genl. Baker, comdg, 2nd District, Goldsboro, N. C. "General Whiting is authorised to call on you for assist- ance should he be hard pressed. Aid him as much as your means will permit." 1864, Aug. 26, Hd.-Qrs. Engrs. A. N. V. W. H. Stevens, Chf. Engr., to Capt. T. T. L. Snead, Engr. Adjt. "Let me know how many negroes were left on the Rich- mond defences after sending the two hundred and lorty to this place, and where employed. Answer immediately." ^° 1864, Aug. 27, Petersburg. R. E. Lee to Hon. Jas. A. Seddon, Sec. War, Richmond. "Genl. Archer is on duty with his brigade. Officers capable of duty cannot be spared. Genls. H. H. Walker at Savannah & A. L. Long at Lynchburg, at present incapacitated for field service, might be available for a court. Genl. J. G. Martin with Holmes also." 1864, Aug. 30, near Petersburg, Va. G. T. Beauregard [Genl.] to Maj.-Genl. Sam Jones, comdg. Dept., Charleston, S. C. "Renew rope obstruction near Sumter & put down new ones near mouths of Ashley & Cooper Rivers with proper pilings — Farragut may soon pay you a visit." ^'^ [1864,] Sept. 2, 2:30 A. M., n. p. W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., to [Brig.-] Genl, Jno. Gregg,'^ Chaffin's Bluff. "Telegram received.*' Endeavor to ascertain accurately the strength of the enemy reported to have crossed & keep me advised." 1864, Sept. 2, 1 :45 P. M., near Petersburg, Va. G. T. Beau- *° These negroes were employed on the fortifications as laborers. No answer to this message found. " Printed, O. R., s. 66, p. 617. *2 For Gregg, see C. M. H., v. 11 (Texas), 234-36- Gregg v\as killed Oct. 7, 1864. "^ Not found. -JO Confederate Calendar. regard, [Genl.] to Maj.-Genl. G. E. Pickett, comdg., Han- cock House. "Answer signal message thus — 'Soon as sufficient wife can be had. Nothing new about canal since last Report' "" 1864, Sept. 2, Petersburg. H. D. Bird, Gen. Supt., to Col. [W. H.] Taylor, Hd.-Qrs. "It has been reported to me by apparently credible au- thority, that the Yankee cavalry have got through our lines and are near our Rail road. Please inform me of the fact. I shall stop our trains until I hear from you." ^^ 1864, Sept. 2, n. p. W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., to Brig.-Genl. Jno. Gregg, Chaffin's Bluff. "Have you any further information of the movements of the enemy. Have they made any demonstration — Can you learn anything of their force." *° 1864, Sept. 9, Petersburg. George Wm. Brent, Col. and A. A. G., to Genl. G. T. Beauregard, Wilmington, N. C. "Gen. Hardee telegraphs Capt. Beauregard's Battery all right. Quiet on lines yesterday. One killed & Seven wounded in trenches." 1864, Sept. 10, Petersburg. George Wm. Brent, Col. and A. A. G., to Genl. G. T. Beauregard, Wilmington, N. C. "All quiet yesterday. Casualties in trenches 5 killed & 8 wounded." [1864,] Sept. 13, Petersburg. George Wm. Brent, Col. and A. A. G., to Genl. G. T. Beauregard, Wilmington, [N. C] "Quiet yesterday. Casualties 2 killed & three wounded." 1864, Sept. 16, n. p. W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., to Brig.-Genl. Jno. Gregg, via Chaffin's Bluff. ** A decoy message. It was intercepted by the Federal Signal Corps and forwarded. See O. R., s. 88, p. 658. For similar messages, see ibid., pp. 468, 479, SCO, 5 18, etc. 85 Cf. Taylor to Bird, Aug. 22, supra, p. 68. 8' No answer found. Confederate Calendar. 71 "Telegram received — Endeavor to ascertain nature of re- ported movements of the enemy as also their strength & of what composed." [18] 64, Sept. 29, Hd.-Qrs. A. N. V. R. E. Lee to Lt.-Genl. [J. A.] Early, Waynesboro, Va., Centl. R-R., via Meachums River. "Telegram received. I do not think enemy's cavalry can be moving in direction you indicate. A movement is now being made by the enemy against Richmond on north side of James." " 1864, n. d. 8, 2 :30 P. M., n. p. S. M. Barton, Brig.-Genl., to Maj. T. O. Chestney, A. A. G. "Dispatch received — will move promptly on receipt of in- telligence." [1864,] n. d. 8, 2:30 P. M., n. p. Theodore G. Barker, Maj. and A. A. G., to Maj.-Genl Wade Hampton, care Brig.-Genl. Jno. S. Preston,** Bureau of Conscription, Richmond. "Battle is ordered by Genl. Robt. Lee to move your Di- vision at daylight this morning to Stoney Creek to intercept the raiding party." *' [1864,] n. d., Petersburg. W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., to Col. E. Waggaman, comdg. "detachment Early's men near Drew- ry's Blufif." "March at once with your men to Richmond apply to Maj. Wood for transportation to Staunton thence Proceed to your command & Report to Genl. Early. Send an officer ahead to see Col. Broun Richmond arsenal & procure arms & accoutrements for your men also to arrange with Col. Wood for transportation Halt your command outside of city until all arrangements are made procure two day's rations at Rich- mond if you have none be Expeditious." 1864, n. d., n. p. F. W. Smith, Maj. comdg., to Capt. [sic] J. M. Otey, Hancock's House. i *' For this movement on Richmond, see O. R-, s. 88, p. l,}0 ff. «8 For Preston, see C. M. F v. 5, pp. 416-17. 8* See Otey to Baker, Aug. 3, 1864, suprd, p. 64. 72 Confederate Calendar. "The signal officer corrects his former dispatch. It sh'd have been one, not eleven, transports at Howlett's. Should messages by the signal line be sent to you?" [11864,] n. d., n. p. F. W. Smith, Maj. comdg., to Capt. [sic] J. M. Otey, Hancock's House. "The following is just rec'd & is '3 monitors, 3 Gunboats, 1 1 Transports, 6 schooners, i Bark off Howletts.' " [1864,] n. d., 7:4s A. M., [Drewry's Bluff] G. H. Terrett, Maj. comdg., to Genl. [G. T.] Beauregard. "4 Monitors 4 tugs 3 transports one armed transport 4 schooners and one barque. Schooners and barque are lying along and near to the buoys." [1864,] n. d., 6:00 P. M., [Drewry's Bluff.] G. H. Terrett, Maj., etc., to Genl. [G. T.] Beauregard. "Four Monitors, One Gun Boat pioper, three transports, seven schooners and one barque — All lying in usual position." [1864,] n. d., [Drewry's Bluff?] G. H. Terrett, [Maj., etc.] to Col. Maury. "Genl. Lee's Hd.-Qrs. are on this side of the river just opposite Wilton bridge. You can communicate with him by telegraph." [1864,] n. d., 6:00 P. M., [Drewry's Bluff] G. H. Terrett, [Maj., etc.] to Maj. [Jno. M.] Otey, A. A. "G. "Four Monitors, Three Tugs, Two Transports, Two armed transports, Six Schooners, and One bark. All lying in their usual position below." [1864,] n. d., Hd.-Qrs. [Drewry's Bluff.] G. H. Terrett, Maj. comdg., to [Operator.] "Fix your line as soon as possible and send the following to the Secy, of the Navy. 'We have been heavily engaged all the morning all along our front. The enemy seem to be trying to get on our right. Shot & shell flying in the lines occupied by my command.' " "" 90 Very hastily written. Confederate Calendar. 73 PAPERS OF BRIG-GEN. W. N. R. BEALL. On Dec. 6, 1864, Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, P. A. C. S., was paroled as a prisoner of war, by agreement between Judge Robert Ould and Lt.-Genl. U. S. Grant/ and appointed agent to supply Confederate prisoners of war. By the agree- ment, one thousand bales of cotton were to be shipped by the Confederate authorities from Mobile to New York, and there sold by Genl. Beall. ^ This collection contains his copies of the correspondence on the subject between Oct. 1864, and Sept., 1865, including his orders and instruction; his commu- nications with Head-Qu-arters ; the negotiations for the ship- ment and sale of the cotton ; and the letters from prison com- mittees chosen to issue the supplies. The "Official Record" ^ contains many papers regarding the shipment of the cotton which are not in Beall's collection, nor did he apparently keep copies of all his communications with Head-Quarters; but the letters from the prison camps appear to be new, and con- tain many valuable hints as to the condition of prisoners. Papers which are printed in the "Official Record," and also found in Beall's copies, are entered merely with reference to the full text.* I. Correspondence with Head-Quarters. II. Correspondence Regarding the Transportation and Sale of Cotton. III. Correspondence with Prison Committees. IV. Accounts of Distributions. 1 See Parole, O. R., s. 120, pp. 1199-1200; see also Robert Ould to U. S. Grant, Oct. 30, 1864, ibid., p. 1063; Grant to Ould, Nov. 6, 1864, ibid-, p. lioi; Ould to Grant, Nov. 11, 1864, p. 1117; Grant to Ould, Nov. 12, 1864, p. 1 122, etc. 2 Ould to Grant, Nov. 11, 1864, s. 120, f. 1117. 3 Volumes (serial) 120, 121; see index of the same under W. N. R. Beall, Ro. Ould, D. H. Maury, F. G. Noyes, H. E. Paine. * For Beall, see C M. H., v. 10 (Arkansas), p. 3Ci. 74 Confederate Calendar. I. CORRESPONDENCE WITH HEAD-QUARTERS. 1864, Oct. 17, Johnson's Island, O. George D. Phillips, Lieut, and A. D. C, to Brig.-Genl. Wm. R. Beall, Prisoner of war. "The Colonel comdg. directs that you be prepared to leave this Post at 3 E. M. this day." A. L. S. Bi-20. 1864, Nov. 28, Richmond, Va., Q.-M. Genl's Office. A. R. Lawton, Q.-M. Genl., to Maj.-Genl. [I. R.] Trimble or Brig.- Genl. W. [N.] R. Beale [sic] "Enclosed you will find copies of communications,^ which will show you the understanding had in regard ta supplying Prisoners of War, through the agency of their respective governments. The fund referred to is designed to provide clothing and other necessary supplies, and it hoped that it will be realized in time to avert the severity of winter. Your own judgment will best guide you in the purchase of such articles as will contribute most to the comfort of our soldiers now in captivity. Blankets and woolen clothing, es- pecially the former, will, of course, be their chief want. You are requested on completing the purchase and dis- tribution of these supplies to make to this Office a report thereof, coupled with a summary account of the sale of the cotton and the disbursement of the proceeds." L. S. B^-26-3. 1864, Nov. 30, Washington, [D. C] H. E. Paine, Brig.-Genl., Vols. [U. S. A.], to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, P. A. C. S., Prisoner of War. "Brig.-Gen. W. N. R. Beall is expected, by the U. S. Gov't to observe the following orders and restrictions under the last paragraph of his parole. 1st. While he will be permitted to visit places in the United States, where he believes he can effect more advan- tageous sales of Cotton or purchases of Supplies than in New York, he will only leave New York to effect such sales '> Ould to Grant and Grant to Ould, see note I, supra. Confederate Calendar. 75 or purchases, and will, in no event, visit any place at which Confederate prisoners of War are detained. His arrangements with Confederate prisoners of war at the several Depots of prisons, for the distribution of Supplies, will be made by correspondence, which will be subject to the inspection of Brig.-Gen. HT. E. Paine and the Commanders of Such Depots and will be transmitted through Genl. Paine and Such Commanders. 2nd. He will give Gen. Paine timely notice of required transportation of Supplies, to enable him to procure the same through the U. S. Qr. Mr. Department. 3d. He will report according to his parole to Genl. Paine, daily, at such places as Gen. Paine may designate. (Signed) H. E. PAINE, Brig. Gen. Vols." "Fort Warren, December 6th, 1864. "I agree to observe the within orders and restrictions, ac- cording to the terms of my Parole this day signed. (Signed) WM. R. BEALL, Brig. Gen. P. A. C. S., Prisoner of War." C. C.^ Bi-25-2. [1864, Nov. 30, Washington, D. C, OfRce of Com. Genl. of Prisoners. W. T. Hartz, A. A. G.] Statement of Confederate prisoners of war — returns Oct. 17-N0V. 25, total, 56,345. Compare list in O. R., S. 121, pp. 998-99. C. C. B1-19-2. 1864, Dec. I, City Point, Va., Hd.-Qrs. Army of the United States. F. T. Dent, Lt.-CoL, U. S. A. [and] A. D. C. Staff of Lt.-Gen., to [Brig.-] Genl. W. N. R. Beall, P. A. C. S. Yours of Nov. 26 to hand — Genl. Grant received notice that * Genl. Beall's autograph. 76 Confederate Calendar. you and Gen. Trimble were selected — ^he suggested the change — you are not forgotten though on opposing side — "I hope this war will soon be over and that we may meet again as of yore" — Family news — You have probably been informed of the appointment — Congratulations on your escape from longer durance. A. L. S. 6^-38-1. 1864, Dec. 6, Fort Warren, Boston, Mass. W. N. R. Beall, Brig.-Genl. Parole. Printed: O. R., S. 120, pp. 1199-1200. A. C. S. B,-2S-i. Endsd: i. "Suspended and Gen. Beall placed in Fort Lafa- yette on 5th Jany., to remain till arrival of cotton." ^ 2. "Renewed on the 24th January & Gen. Beall permitted to recommence his duties the cotton having arrived." ' 11864, Dec. 19, New York. W. N. R. Beall to Maj.-Genl. H. W. Halleck, etc., U. S. A. [Request permission to buy and ship supplies on credit until the arrival of cotton consigned to me.° Printed: O .R., S. 120, 1246-47. Copy. 6^-37. 1864, Dec. 20, Washington, D. C, Hd.-Qrs. Army. H. W. Halleck, Maj.-Genl. and Chief of Staff, to Brig.-Genl. H. E. Paine, New York. Copy. 6,-23-1. Printed : O. R., S. 120, 1249. 1864, Dec. 22, New York. W. N. R. Beall, Brig.-Genl., etc., to Maj.-Genl. H. W. Halleck, etc., U. S. A. [Request permission to visit Washington to consult with you regarding my duties.]^" Copy. Bi-37. 1864, Dec. 25, New York. H. E. Paine, Brig.-Genl. U. S. V., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Printed: O. R., S. 120, p. 1273. L. S. Bi-23-2. ■f Genl. Beall's autograph. 8 Genl. Beall's autograph. » Beall's copy is a fragment- ry "memorandum of telegrams sent." 10 Ibid. Confederate Calendar. 77 1864, Dec. 26, New York. H. E. Paine, Brig.-Genl. U. S. V., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Printed : O. R., S. 120, p. 1279. A. L. S. Bi-23-3. 1864, Dec. 28, New York. H. E. Paine, Brig.-Genl. U. S. V., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Printed: O. R., S. 120, p. 1288. L. S. B^-23-4. 1864, Dec. 29, New York. W. N. R. Beall, Brig.-Genl., to Col. D. T. Van Buren, Chf. of Stafif, Hd.-Qrs. Genl. Dix. Printed : O. R., S. 120, p. 1295. A. L. S. B^-so. 1865, Jany. 3, New York. H. E. Paine, Brig.-Genl. U. S. V., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Printed : O. R., S. 121, p. 14. L. S. Bj-23-4. 1865, Jany. i-Apr. i. New York. W. N. R. Beall. Memorandum book of Confederate prisoners of War. Returns in O. R., S. 121, p. looo-iooi. B^-21-i. 1865, Jan. 5, City Point, Va., Hd.-Qrs. Army of the United States. F. T. Dent, Lt.-Col., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, P. A. C. S. I beg you use your influence to have Major Norman Fitz Hugh, brother-in-law of my wife, released on parole from Fort Delaware to serve as your assistant — would appreciate the favor — Residence of my wife. A. L. S. Bi-38-2. 1865, Jany. 23, New York. H. E. Paine, Brig.-Genl. U. S. V., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, Fort Lafayette. Printed: O. R., S. 121, 114. C. C. Bi-23-5. 1865, Jany. 28, New York. H. E. Paine, Brig.-Genl. U. S. V., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Printed: O. R., S. 121, 139-40. O. C. Bi-23-6. [1865, Feb. 3, New York. H. E. Paine, Brig.-Genl. U. S. V., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall.] [Enclosed] List of Confederate prisoners of war, "up to the latest received." 78 Confederate Calendar. Printed: O. R., S. 121, p. 174. O- C Bj-ig-S- Duplicate. O- ^ B1-19-1. 1865, Feb. 3, New York. S. M. Van Vleet[?], Bt. Brig.-Genl. and Q.-M., U. S. A., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, New York. Certain boxes of tobacco have been consigned to you— What disposition is to be made of them?— Will ship suppHes to Elmira and Fort Delaware as soon as you state number to be sent— Supplies for Point Lookout will be despatched to- morrow—How many shall be sent ?" " L- S. BjSa. Rc'd N. Y. 3 Feb. [65.] 1865, Feb. 21, Washington, D. C. W. Hoffman, Com. Genl. Prisoners, to Brig.-Genl. [H. E.] Paine, [New York]. Genl. Foster is directed to exchange prisoners at Fort Pu- laski and other places of his department— There are about 60D officers at Fort Pulaski. Endsd: i. "for inspection of Gen. Beall." 2. Rc'd N. Y. 21 Feb. Tel. Bi-23-7. 1865, Mch. II, New York. W. N. R. Beall, Brig.-Genl., etc., to Brig.-Genl. H. E. Paine, U. S. A. "I have the honor to state that I have just rec'd a commu- nication from the Committee to Distribute SuppUes to Pris- oners of War at Camp Morton, Indianapolis, Ind., in which they state, 'In view of the supply of Blankets generously fur- nished by the authorities for prison use, as well as the fact that those to be issued by us are to be retained here for future use, we have thought best not to issue any Blankets until we hear further from you.' ^^ From this it appears that the prisoners are not to take with them, when going on exchange, the Blankets furnished under the late arrangement, as this is the reverse of what my ideas were in reference to the matter, and having no definite instructions on this point, will you please give this matter your early attention and inform me what the instructions are? Enclosed I send communication per Comdg. " No answer found. 12 See Atkins, et al to Beall, Mch. 6, 1865, infra, p. 97. Confederate Calendar. 79 Officer, Camp Chase, Rock Island, Point Lookout & Elmira & Alton, which please forward." "P. S. I enclose a letter from committee at Rock Island for your information &[c.]"^' A. L. S. Bj-23-8. Endsd: i. "Respectfully referred to Gen. Hoflfman, Com. Gen. Pris." 2. "Respectfully returned to Brig.-Gen'l H. E. Paine. In- structions have been given to Commanders of Prison Camps not to retain blankets that have been issued, when prisoners who have blankets are leaving, and those who remain require blankets, they are retained for the use of the latter. The letter of Col. Siemens has been referred to the Com'dg Officer at Rock Island for a report." W. Hoffman, Bt. Brig.- Genl., etc. Mch. 14, 1865. A. S. 3. "Respectfully returned to Gen. Beall." H. E. Paine, Brig.-Genl., etc. Mch. 16, 1865. A. S. 1865, Mch. 13, Richmond, [Va.] Ro. Ould, Agent, etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Printed : O. R., S. 121, 389. L. S. Bj^-29. 1865, Mch. 22, New York. W. N. R. Beall, etc., [Brig.-] Genl. R. O. Tyler, U. S. V. I request that my A. A. G., Capt. Beall Hemstead, prisoner at Johnson's Island, be paroled to assist me here — Letter from Col. R. Ould on this point, as follows : Your note concerning your nephew Capt. Beall Hempstead received — as I allowed Genl. Hayes to select his assistants, I take it for granted U. S. authorities will extend same favor. I have no assistant now. A. L. S. Bj-28. Endsd: i. March 22. Approved "since Gen. Vance has been exchanged." R. O. Tyler, Brig.-Genl. Vols. A. S. 2. "March 24. Submitted to Secty. of War & refused by him." H. W. Hl:alleck,] M[aj.]-G[enl.]." A. S. 1865, May 6, Washington, War Department, Adjt. Genl's Office. W. A. Nichols, A. A. G., to Maj.-Genl. John A. Dix, comdg. Department of the East, New York City. 15 Probably W. F. Siemens to Beall, Feb. 27, 1865, infra, p. 121. 8o Confederate Calendar. Bvt. Maj.-Genl. R. O. Tyler reports that Gen. Beall has nearly completed his work — Secretary of War directs Beall will proceed at once to close his accounts "and that he will then be returned to imprisonment." O. C. B^-33-i. Endsd: i. Referred to Genl. Tyler, to report when Beall has closed his accounts. D. T. Van Buren, Col. and A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. Dix. A. S. 2. Referred to Genl. Beall — will report when he has closed his accounts. R. O. Tyler, Bt. Maj.-Genl. A. S. 1865, July 27, New York, Hd.-Qrs. Dept. of the East. D. T. Van Buren, Bvt. Brig.-Genl. and A. A. G. [U. S. A.]. Permit to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall to visit Washington for the settlement of his accounts and to return to New York. D. S. Bi-33-2. 1865, July 28, Washington, D. C, Office of the Com. Genl. of Prisoners. W. Hoffman, Bvt. Brig.-Genl. U. S. A., etc., to [Brig.-] Genl. W. N. R. Beale [sic], New York. Instructions have been sent to Maj.-Genl. Hooker to order your release "on the same terms as other General Officers." [Cf. Hofifman to Maj.-Genl. Jos. Hooker, O. R., S. 121, 713.] L. S. Bi-33-3. n. CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THE TRANS- PORTATION AND SALE OF COTTON. 1864, Nov. 19, Washington, [D. C.,] Hd.-Qrs. of the Army. H. W. Halleck, Maj.-Genl, etc., to Maj.-Genl. Gordon Granger, or comdg. officer. Mobile Harbor. In accordance with agreement between Robert Ould and Genl. Grant, Genl. Maury or commander at Mobile will ship 1,000 bales of cotton on U. S. transport to Gen. Beall, at New York. Notify Maury of your readiness to receive and receipt for it — your officer will accompany the cargo till delivered to Genl. Beall — and will then return to his post — I enclose copies of Quid's and Grant's agreement. Copy. Bj-24-i. Confederate Calendar. 8i 1864, Dec. ^, Fort Gaines, Hd.-Qrs. Dis. W. Fla. and S. Ala. G. Granger, Maj.-Genl. U. S. A. comdg., to Maj.-Genl. [D. H.] Maury, comdg., Mobile. Printed: O. R., S. 120, 1200-01. C. C. B^-24-2. 1864, Dec. 12, Mobile, Ala., Hd.-Qrs. Dis. of the Gulf. Dab- ney H. Maury, Maj.-Genl. comdg., to Maj.-Genl. Gordon Granger, U. S. A. Printed: O. R., S. 120, 1217-18. C. C. 6^-24-3. 1864, Dec. 19, Mobile, Ala. N. H. Broun, Special Agt. War Dept., C. S. A. Invoice of 1,000 bales of cotton, weight 515,770 lbs., good middling and below, shipped this day by U. S. S. "Atlanta" to JSTew York, consigned to Maj.-Genl. Trimble or Brig.-Genl. W. R. Beale [sic] P. F. S. Bi-24-8. 1864, Dec. 22, New York. D. G. Farragut, Rear Admiral [U. S.-N.], to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. In reply to yours of today, beg to inform you no instruc- tions as to passing cotton from Mobile under conditions spe- cified in yours had been received prior to my departure. A. L. S. B^24-4. 1864, Dec. 22, Mobile, Ala., Hd.-Qrs. Dept. of the Gulf. Dab- ney H. Maury, Maj.-Genl., etc., to Maj.-Genl. Gordon Granger, TJ. S. A., etc. Printed: O. R,. S. 120, p. 1261. O. C. Bi-24-s. 1864, Dec. 25, Hd.-Qrs. Dis. W. Fla. and S. Ala. G. Granger, Maj.-Genl. U. S. A., etc., to Maj.-Genl. D. H. Maury. Printed: O. R., S. 120, p. 1271-72. O. C. Bi-24-6. 1864, Dec. 26, Mobile, [Ala.] N. H. Broun, Sp. Agt. War Dept., C. S. A., to Maj.-Genl. Trimble, or Brig.-Genl. Wm. R. 3eaU, C. S. A., New York. In accordance with instructions from Sec. of War, I have shipped 1,000 bales cotton to you, per U. S. S. "Atlanta" — the proceeds of its sale are for purchase of supplies for Con- 82 Confederate Calendar. federate prisoners of war — You have doubtless received in- structions — I enclose Invoice and Bill of Lading." A. L. S. Bi-24-7. 1865, Jany. 8, City Point, Va., Hd.-Qrs. Armies of U. S. F. T. Dent, Lt.-Col., U. S. A. [and] A. D. C. [to Lt.-Genl. U. S. Grant] to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Yours of 5th received — I gave it to Genl. Grant. He said order was given to receive the cotton at Mobile — a letter was received from Judge Ould saying it was there, but ships had no order to receive it. Grant at once telegraphed Sec. of War, who said orders had been given — a duplicate forwarded — Genl. Grant thinks the cotton will soon arrive in N. Y. — I regret your confinement at Fort Lafayette — case of John C. Dent, my brother, confined in prison at Columbia, S. C. — could have retaliated but did not — I ask you have Major Norman Fitz Hugh appointed your assistant and paroled — Family news. A. L. S. Bj-24-g. 1865, Jany. 15, Mobile Bay, U. S. Transport "Atlanta." Frank G. Noyes, Capt. and C. S. V., U. S. A., to Maj.-Genl. D. H. Maury, com'dg. at Mobile, Ala. I enclose duplicate Bills of Lading for 997 bales of cot- ton — it was in bad condition, marks on many bales were illegible — ^have receipted accordingly — number of bales was checked by two men — will make affidavit as to number — not altogether impossible mistake has been made — if so found upon reaching New York, mistake will be corrected. Copy. Bj-24-io. 1865, Jany. 15, Mobile Bay. Frank G. Noyes, Capt. and C. S. v., U. S. A., to Maj.-Genl. Trimble, or Brig.-Genl. W. R. Beale [sic], C. S. A., [New York.] Bill of Lading for 997 bales cotton "in bad condition" from N. H. Broun, Sp. Agt. War Dept. C. S. A., per U. S. S. "Atlanta," Pennington, Master. Endsd : U. S. S. transport "Atlanta" : Owing to incapacity of the "Atlanta" to carry all, 170 bales turned over to Asst. ^* See Noyes to Beall, Jany. 15, 1865, infra. Confederate Calendar. 83 Q.-M., U. S. A., at Fort Morgan, Ala., for shipment to me at N. Y. Frank G. Noyes, Capt. & C. S. V., U. S. A. A. S. 6^-24-11. 1865, Jany. 24, New York, U. S. Transport "Atlanta." Frank G. Noyes, Capt. and C. S. V., U. S. A., to Maj.-Genl. Trimble, or Brig.-Genl. W. R. Beale [sic] I have under my charge a cargo for delivery to you, by orders Maj.-Genl. Gordon Granger, U. S. Army, pursuant of Ould-Grant agreement and of instructions from Maj.-Genl. Halleck, etc. I received 997 bales on Jany. 13 from the "Waverley." The "Atlanta" could carry only 827 bales be- cause of bad condition of the cotton — rest will be forwarded and delivered — ready now to deliver 827 bales — enclose cor- respondence on the subject. Reed N. Y. 25th Jany. 65. A. L. S. B1-24-12, 1865, Jany. 24, New York. H. E. Paine, B[rig.-]G[enl.] V[ols.] to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, Printed: O. R., S. 121, p. 124. L. S. Bj-24-is. 1865, Jany. 26, New York. Duncan Sherman & Co. to [Brig.-] Genl. [W. N. R.] Beall, etc. It will probably be necessary for you personally to pass the cotton through the custom-house — unless this is done, it will be liable to seizure by the custom-house authorities — In the meantime it can be landed, sampled and made ready for sale. Rec'd N. Y. 26 Jany. 65. L. S. Bi-24-i6. 1865, Jany. 27, New York. Duncan, Sherman & Co. to Brig.- Genl. [W. N. R.] Beall. We can give no credit while there is any question of get- ting absolute possession of the cotton — It was for this reason that we suggested you personally attend to it — we will, how- ever, see the authorities and report. L. S. B1-24-17. 1865, Jany. 27, New York. Duncan, Sherman & Co. to Brig.- Genl. [W. N, R.] Beall. We find upon inquiry at the custom-house that as the cot- 84 Confederate Calendar. ton was consigned to the U. S. Q.-M. he will deliver it to us without difficulty — We only await report on its condition — Think with you "that it should be pushed to an early sale." Rec'd N. Y. 27 Jay 765. L. §. B1-24-18. 1865, Jany. 28, New York. Duncan, Sherman & Co. to Brig.- Genl. [W. N. R.] Beale [sic] In answer to yours, you are at liberty to draw on us for $100,000 current money, against the consignment per "At- lanta." L. S. Bj-24-19. 1865, Jany. 28, New York. Robt. Dillon, Bill to Duncan, Sherman & Co. for mending and packing 828 bales of cotton, rebaling 5 from loose cotton, $2986.85. Copy. Bi-24-22. 1865, Feb. I, New York. Duncan Sherman and Co. to Hon. Joseph J. Lewis, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Wash- ington, D. C. Printed: O. R., S. 121, 283. Copy. 6^-24-30. 1865, Feb. 3, Washington, D. C, Office of Internal Revenue. Joseph J. Lewis, Commissioner, etc., to Duncan, Sherman and Co., New York. Printed: O. R., S. 121, 283-84. Copy. B1-24-31. 1865, Feb. 8, [New York.] W. B. D[uncan] [to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall.] Auction-sales account of cotton sold — ^44 bales good mid- dling @ $.93 per lb — 180 bales ordinary @ $.75 per lb — 833 bales averaged $.8448 per lb. Pickings sold @ $.42 to $.47. "I consider this a very satisfactory result." A. L. S. B ^-24-23. 1865, Feb. 8, [New York.] Duncan, Sherman & Co. to Brig.- Genl. W. N. R. Beall.] Sales No. 557 — 828 bales cotton received Jany. 28, 1865, per "Atlanta." Gross sales, $348,622.34. Sales charges, mend- ing, revenue tax, etc., $25,060.78. Return you our commis- sions — net total $331,789.66 placed to your credit. D. S. Bi-24-24. Confederate Calendar. 85 1865, Feb. 8, New York. Burdett, Jones & Co. Printed announcement of sale of "Mobile cotton for the benefit of Southern Prisoners of War." Broadside. B^-24-26. 1865, Feb. 10, New York. Burdett, Jones & Co. Auction sales by order Duncan, Sherman & Co. — see B^- 24-34- D. S. B1-24-2S. 1865, Feb. 13, New York. Duncan, Sherman & Co. to Brig,- Genl. [W. N. R.] Beall. We enclose account of sales of 833 bales cotton, per "At- lanta" — net $331,789.66 — placed to your credit — Internal Revenue authorities insisted on payment of Tax @ $.02 per lb. We applied for a remission under the circumstance — it was declined — ^we enclose correspondence. Rc'd N. Y. Feb. 14th, 1865. L. S. B1-24-21. 1865, Feb. 14, New York. Frank G. Noyes, Capt., etc., U. S. A., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. I request a copy of Duncan, Sherman and Co.'s statement to you of the number, weight and classification of the cotton delivered them by me, pursuant of your order of Jany. 25. Rc'd 15 Feb: 65. A. L. S. B1-24-13. 1865, Feb. 25, New York. Halbert E. Paine, Brig.-Genl. [U. S. v.] to [Brig.-]Genl. W. N. R. Beall. To make my report, I request statements of consignment of cotton, price, purchasers, etc. — also list of goods purchased, from whom, and the prices ; also amount, transportation, dates and destinations of shipments — also contributions received. Rc'd N. Y. 25th Feb : 65. L. §. Bi-24-20. 1865, Feb. 25, [New York.] W. B. . . . Duncan to Genl. [W. N. R. Beall.] I was not entirely correct in my reply to Genl. Vance as to cotton tax — it has not actually been paid, though return was made — liable to payment at any time. Rec'd N. Y. 25 Feb : 65. A. L. S. Bi-24-32. 1865, Apr. 3, New York. Duncan, Sherman & Co. to Brig.- Genl. W. N. R. Beall. 86 Confederate Calendar. In reply to yours, the government tax on the Mobile cotton has been paid — say $8,589.68 — the collector applied for it. Rec'd N. Y. 3d Apl. 765. A. L. S. Bi-24-33. A 1865, Apr. 6, Washington, D. C, Hd.-Qrs. of the Army. H. W. Halleck, Maj.-Genl. and Chf. of Staff, to Brig.-Genl. R. O. Tyler, New York. In reply to yours of 3rd — I am directed to say that the War Department has no control over collection of Internal Revenue — the decision of Treasury Dept. must be complied with. Rec'd N. Y. nth Apl. 765. O. C. Bi-24-34. 1865, Apr. 7, New York. Frank G. Noyes, Capt. and C. S., U. S. A., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. Beg to inform you that the balance of the cotton from Maj.-Genl. Maury has arrived — am ready to turn it over to you. Rec'd N. Y. 7th Apl. 65. A. L. S. B1-24-14. 1865, Apr. 12, Washington, Office Internal Revenue. Joseph J. Lewis, commissioner, to R. O. Tyler, Brig.-Genl., New York. Yours of 6th to Sec. of Treasury asking reversal of com- missioner's decision on cotton shipped to General Beall, was referred to this office with orders to refund — the assessor of New York has been instructed to afford all necessary facili- ties for presenting the claim in due form. Rec'd N. Y. 14th Apl. 65. Copy." Bi-24-35. 1865, Apr. 18, New York. Duncan, Sherman & Co. to Brig.- Genl. [W. N. R.] Beall. Sales report of cotton sold this day — middling sold @ $.375 ; ordinary @ $.2425.^' Rc'd N. Y. i8th Apl. /6s. L. S. Bi-24-27. 1" In Genl. Beall's autograph. 1* Cf. the prices for the first consignment, supra, p. 84. The decline was doubtless due to the reverses of the Southern armies and the prob- ability of an early peace. Confederate Calendar. g^ 1865, Apr. 18, New York. John H. Draper & Co. Printed announcement of proposed sale of "Mobile cot- ton, forwarded by the commissioner of exchange for the bene- fit of the Southern prisoners of war." Broadside. 3^-24-28. 11865, Apr. 24, [New York. Duncan, Sherman & Co. to Brig.- Genl. W. N. R. Beall.] Sales No. 590—170 bales cotton received Apr. 8, per "Em- pire City." Gross sales, $25,319.67. Sales charges, mending, revenue tax, etc., $1,917.11. Return you our commissions- net total $23,944.76 placed to your credit. D. S. 3^-24-29. 1865, Aug. 26, Washington, D. C, [Office of] Internal Reve- nue. Wm. Orton, Com[missioner], to The claim of Duncan, Sherman & Co. for refund of $8589.68 has been examined and rejected, by order of the Sec. of Treasury "on the ground that the so called 'Confederacy* having ceased to exist the United States is the legitimate suc- cessor to all its property and rights, claims & eflfects." C. C. Bi-24-36. [Note in Genl. Beall's handwriting] : "On Gen Beall presentg. the claim referred to in this letter to the commis- sioner on the 27th July, the commissioner informed him that the claim was correct and that a draft for the amount would be forward to Beall at N. Y. in ten days." A. n. S. 1865, Sept 7, New York City. John T. Martin's Son & Co., Joseph Lee, Balch W. Pierce, M. Minzesheimer & Co., Lock- wood Bros. & Underbill to Sec. Treasury, Washington, D. C. Review Beall's claim for return of revenue tax — he is our debtor on this account — commissioner's letter^'' quoted — We contracted the debt with authorized Confederate agent during its existence, and "under your authority that the tax money would be refunded" — and under agent's assurance — we ask refund to Beall that he may pay us. Copy. Bi-24-37. " See J. J. Lewis to R. O. Tyler, supra, p. 84. 88 Confederate Calendar. III. CORRESPONDENCE WITH PRISON COMMITTEES. 1864, Dec. 9, New York. W. N. R. Beall, Brig.-Genl. and Agent to Supply Prisoners of War to Confederate Prisoners of War. Circular.^* "Under the late arrangement made between the Confed- erate States and the United States, to each supply their own Prisoners of War with necessary supplies, I have been se- lected to carry out, on part of the Confederate States, this arrangement. I therefore desire that you will, at once, de- termine, by a committee or otherwise, the suppHes (Cloth- ing, Blankets, and Provisions,) you most need ; give the num- ber of blankets and each article of clothing, naming those articles first that you need most. 2d. Give the number of officers, privates, and citizens, separate. 3d. Select officer, give name, rank and regiment in full, who you desire to re- ceive and issue to you the supplies on their arrival." P. D. S. B1-17-1. 1864, Dec. 9, New York. H. E. Paine, Brig.-Genl. Vols., U. S. A., to "Commanding Officer and Superintendant of Pris- oners of War at "" "Will the Commanding Officer and Superintendent of Prisoners of War at have the enclosed requests of Gen. Beall, P. A. C. S., presented to the Prisoners of War. And in forwarding the Report called for through me, make such remarks and suggestions as may be of service." P. D. S. B1-17-2. Alton, 111. 1864, Dec. 18, Alton, [111.,] Mil. Prison. John F. Rucker, Major, P. A. C. S., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. Yours of 9th received — enclose number of prisoners and their needs — men in "greatest need of the articles named" — I do not think I overestimate it — not knowing what provisions are to be issued — do not list them. 18 This was sent to all the Prison Camps. 1' This was sent to the commanders of all the Prison Camps, with Beall's circular. Confederate Calendar. 8p List: Enlisted men, 1084; citizens, 257; officers 51; total 1392."° Supplies needed: Blankets, 800; Coats or Blouses, 800; Pants, 900; Shirts, 1250; Drawers, 1250; Shoes or Boots, 850; Socks, 1600; Hats or Caps, 750. Endsd: Reed 24 Jany 65. A. L. S. Bj-12-i. 1864, Dec. 18, Alton, 111. "Report of Confederate Prisoners of War confined at Military Prison, Alton, Ill's., December i8th, 1864," [n. s.] Field and staff officers, 3; company officers, 36; enlisted men, 1084; citizen soldiers under sentence, 36; lady prison- ers under sentence, 7; company officers under sentence, 13; field and staff officers under sentence, 2; citizens under sen- tence, 218; aggregate 1399. A. N. S. 6^-12-2. 1865, Mch. 7, Alton, 111. J. F. Rucker, Maj., etc., to [Brig.-] Genl. [W, N. R. Beall.] Have received invoices — need instruction: "Will the sen- tenced men receive any of these supplies" — almost 300 men here under sentence — Since requisition was made, 750 men were forwarded for. exchange — about iioo remaining. What are the prospects for early exchange of officers here — as this is not an officers' prison, they are discouraged — most of officers here for exchange are wounded. Rec'd N. Y. II Mar/65. A. L. S. B1-12-3, 1865, Mch. 20, Alton, 111. John F. Rucker [Maj., etc.] to Brig.-Genl W. N. R. Beall. I enclose receipts — will complete work in few days — un- derstanding of my instructions — I received invoices of Mch. 7 — when these goods arrive, will have more than enough for present prisoners, as "great numbers" are now "being re- leased from this prison" — I request instruction — can supply Gratiot St. Prison, St. Louis, 20 miles away, H so desired — can take clothing from here. A. L. S. Bj-12-5. 1/865, Mch. 20, Alton 111. Mil. Prison. J. F. Rucker, Maj., etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall for supplies, as fol- 2" Cf. list below, same date. 90 Confederate Calendar. lows : 300 blankets, 300 jackets, 330 prs. pants, 500 prs. pants, 500 prs. drawers, 490 shirts, 500 prs. shoes, 471 prs. socks. P. F. S. Bj-i2-4. 1865, Apr. I, Alton, 111. J. F. Rucker, Maj., etc., to Brig.-GenL W. N, R. Beall, etc. Yours of 23d received — There are 611 Confederate prison- ers here, 380 prisoners of war, 231 "are prisoners that are sen- tenced" — will complete my work this week, making report — can store surplus goods — will report arrivals and departures — Supplies of Mch. 7 not yet arrived. Rc'd N. Y. 6th Apl/6s. A. L. S. B^-ia-e. 1865, May II, St. Louis, [Mo.] J. F. Rucker, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. I enclose list of issues since last report. The Genl. comdg. has given me permission to supply Gratiot St. Prison — will do so from surplus at Alton. [List, p. 3:] Distributed 215 prs. pants; 183 coats; 175 prs. shoes ; 149 prs. drawers ; 194 shirts ; 194 prs. socks ; 17 blankets. A. L. S. Bj-ia-S, 1865, May 22, St. Louis, [Mo.] J. F. Rucker, Maj., etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies, in- voiced from New York, as follows : 500 jackets ; 500 prs. pants ; 277 prs. drawers; 200 prs. socks; 300 prs. shoes; 271 lbs. tobacco. Received at Alton, 111., Apr. 4, 1865. A. D. S. B1-12-7. 1865, May 22, St. Louis, Mo. J. F. Rucker, [Maj., etc.] to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Enclosed receipt for your shipment of March 7^^ — at sug- gestion of the Provost Marshall [sic] General, I have had surplus supplies at Alton shipped here '^n order to furnish destitute paroled Confederate prisoners, who are now at this time, coming [sic] in by hundreds from all parts of the South" — I think this is the best arrangement, as no new prisoners are to be sent to Alton — address through Provost Marshal's office. Red 26th May 65. A. L. S. B1-12-9. '"• See list below, same date. Confederate Calendar. gi 1865, Sept. 14, New York. W. N. R. Beall, late Brig.-Genl., to "The Confederate Prisoners of War." Printed: O. R., S. 121, p. 748-49. Baltimore, Md. 1865, May 14, Baltimore, Md., U. S. General Hospital. A. Chapel, Surgeon U. S. V., in charge, to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. In answer to yours of loth, all clothing sent here by you has been issued, as per enclosed rolls^^" — I have on hand 16 pairs pants and 6 short coats. As I have no prisoners and am to close hospital, I suggest I be authorised to send them to Fort McHenry. — Some prisoners are there whose wounds will detain them a long time. L. S. 6^-16. Camp Chase, O. 1864, Dec. 21, "Camp Chase Ohio Pr[ison] i." Ro. F. Dennis, Capt. & A. Q.-M. C. S. A., Jas. P. Riely, Lieut. Co. G, ist Md. Cav., J. P. Shiffey, Capt. Co. A, 8th Va. Cav. At an election of the prisoners held in Prison i by the en- tire encampment, the following officers were elected as comm. of distribution: Col. Wm. S. Hawkins, ist. Tenn. "Mounted Scouts," Col. J. E. Josey, isth. Ark Infy. and Capt. C. T. Smith, 36 Va. Batt. of Cavalry. D. S. Bj-6-i. 1864, Dec. 22, Camp Chase, O. Wm. S. Hawkins, Col. etc., J. E. Josey, Col. etc., C. T. Smith, Capt. etc. to Brig.-Gen'l. W. N. R. Beall. Have entered on our duties — There are 5,272 prisoners at the post, of these 286 are in the hospital ; 166 are officers, 4,987 are enlisted men, 119 are citizen prisoners — most press- ing need is an increased bread ration — sutler furnishes pepper after today — straw has been issued, making need of blankets less — considerable clothing has been issued, in whole and part suits — commandant of post states an occasional ration of molasses will also be issued — will men be allowed to receive boxes from the south? — this will much decrease the wants — are paroled to the limits of the camp — L. S. Bj-6-2. 22 Not found. 92 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Mch 2, Camp Chase, Ohio. Wm. S. Hawkins, Col. etc.. Chairman of Comm. Receipt to Brig.-Gen'l. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies, from New York, as follows: 984 blankets; 200 prs. "pantaloons"; 260 jackets; 840 prs. socks; 600 prs. canton flannel drawers; 29 "packages of sundries for prisoners." P. F. S., Bi-6-3. 1865, Mch 8, [Camp Chase, O.] Office of C. S. Agency. Wm. S. Hawkins, Col. etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. I enclose invoices for first shipment of supplies — it has been distributed — ^have received second invoice — delay in re- ceipt of supplies unexplained — agent said he did not know where to send them — we need supplies for the sick — the ten boxes of tobacco would be a basis for a fund in their benefit. A. L. S. B^-6-4. 1865, Mch II, Camp Chase, O. Wm. S. Hawkins, Col. etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies, from New York, as follows: 1,000 blankets; 1,000 jackets; 1,010 prs. pants; 1950 shirts; 500 prs. drawers; i960 prs. shoes; 10 boxes of tobacco. P. F. S. B^-6-5. 1865, Mch 14, Camp Chase, O., Office C. S. Agent. Wm. S. Hawkins, Col. etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. . The first invoice was at once distributed — the second was slow in arriving — short in some shoes and clothing — the third has not yet arrived — applicants for "the oath" have been separated from those desiring exchange, the latter in Prison 3, of 25 barracks, with 125 to 200 men — I make pro rata distribution on ration return of each barrack — inspection^ made and distribution only to the needy — issue blankets as men file out on exchange — tobacco reported was short. A. L. S. Bi-6-6. 1865, Mch 15, [Camp Chase, O.] Wm. S. Hawkins, Col. etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. I enclose receipts for second invoice^' — part of the third 28 See certificate of White, et al, below. Confederate Calendar. nj has come and is being distributed — have received circular of the 9th,''* — will make return accordingly — A. L. S. Bi-6-7. 1865, Mch 16, Camp Chase, [O.] Certificate sig: J, D. White, D. F. Mahood, Wm. Prince, F. M. Ross, John H. Ward, John B. Sherrard, and 23 others in charge of Barracks. Specifications of pro rata issue of clothing sent by Brig.- Genl. W. N. R. Beall. D. S. Bj-e-S. 1865, Mch 17, Camp Chase, O. Wm. S. Hawkins, Col., etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall for supplies in- voiced March 13, 1865, as follows: 500 blankets; 500 jackets; 1014 prs pants ; 330 shirts ; 300 prs. drawers ; 500 pairs socks ; 520 prs. shoes. p. p. S. Bj-e-io. 1865, Mch 17, Camp Chase, O., Office C. S. Agent. Wm. S. Hawkins, Col. etc., [to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall.] Certificate of the distribution of private boxes sent to pris- oners at this post — 29 boxes. A. S. Bj-G-g. 1865, Mch 28, Camp Chase, O. Wm. S. Hawkins, Col. etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. In accordance with circular of the 23rd, I report that the seventh detachment of prisoners left on the 26th — each de- tachment numbered 500 men — are yet 3200 to go — this does not include applicants for the oath — are over 1500 of these — I have distributed the bulk of articles sent — reserved a few for patients in the pest-house and other hospitals — further wants — in the last week 125 men have come in from hospital around Nashville — these are very destitute — ^heaFth of prison- ers is much improved — now average 5 deaths per diem — a month ago it was 20. L. S. Bj-e-ii. 1865, Apr. 5, Camp Chase, O. Wm. S. Hawkins, Col. etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Since my last letter, 40 prisoners have come from Wheel- ing — also 160 from the Hospitals in and near Franklin and Nashville — from an appeal made for sick prisoners I have re- 2* Not found. 94 Confederate Calendar. ceived $200 in the last month — also books, etc. — Miss Mcll- waine of Ky. sent 180 shirts, 80 prs. drawers, 50 prs. socks and 25 blankets — services of Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Thayer, Miss Wills and others are doubtless known to you — I hold Sun- day service for the sick regularly in each ward, and on special occasions when sent for — invoices of the 2Sth received — have not received the goods — have distributed all the tobacco — can more be sent? A. L. S. 3^-6-12. 1865, Apr. 10, Camp Chase, O. Wm. S. Hawkins, Col. etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall for supplies, in- voiced Mch. 2Sth, as follows: 120 prs. pants; 400 prs. draw- ers ; 1,104 prs. socks ; 120 prs. shoes. P. F. S. B1-6-13. 1J865, Apr. 16, Camp Chase, O., Office C. S. Agt. Wm. S. Hawkins, [Col. etc,] to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. I have delayed forwarding receipts, because of desire to send rolls with them — illness of my chief clerk and the news of the week has delayed him. "On yesterday after the read- ing of the bulletins confirming the assassinations of Messrs. Seward & Lincoln, a mob of paroled men in the camp be- came quite unruly & a detachment was sent to hoist the Fede- ral Flag over my office. I was fortunately absent — but my wife met them & by her courtesy disarmed their wrath. The Comdt is very kind & extra guards are now in readiness to repress any outbreak. I remain perfectly calm & trustful, doing or saying nothing to exasperate, yet in no wise abating my position. Have you any information as to the status of Prisoners now — or as to what arrangements are proposed in reference to them?" A. L. S. Bj-6-14. 1865, Apr. 24, [Camp Chase, O.] Wm. S. Hawkins, Col. etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. 17 pairs of pants missing in invoice of March 27th — more shoes and socks than invoiced — ^box did not appear to have been tampered with — greatest need is hats — can anything be done in that respect — I have received $100. from Mrs. Sulli- van, and a box of clothing from her and other ladies through Confederate Calendar. gg Mr. Jennings — The Genl. comdg. has given permission to re- ceive supplies for the hospitals — do all I can in that direction —still 300 sick. A. L. S. 616-15. Camp Douglas, 111. 1864, Dec. 19, Camp Douglas, Chicago, 111. A. W. Cockrill, "of Livingston, Ala," chairman; Thomas J. Chambers, "of Liberty, Texas"; J. D. Hunt, "of Ky."; W. S[?] Brantley, of "Checkasawhatchie, Ga.," Board of Officers, to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. "Tabular statement of clothing & blankets required for Confederate Prisoners of War" here : blankets, 6,791 ; coats, 3,652 ; prs. pants, 4,767 ; shirts, 8,052 ; prs. drawers, 8,269 ; prs. socks, 13,006; prs. shoes, 3,999; hats, 3,032. "Required in addition to the above" : bacon-sides, 4 oz. per man daily; 4 oz. of flour per man daily; potatoes "35 pounds to the 100 rations" ; full rations of cabbage or kraut, sugar, coffee, onions, pickles, tobacco and red pepper. Number of Confederate Prisoners here: 163 .first ser- geants; 508 Sergeants; 406 corporals; 8,107 privates; 32 citi- zens; aggregate, 9,216. D. S. Bj-y-i. 11865, Feb. 28, Camp Douglas, 111. M. D. Baber, Col., W. C. Clifton, Lt.-Col., A. L. McAfee, Maj., committee, to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Received today your shipment of loth — 5 boxes sundries and 5 boxes tobacco were missing — all in good order. "Is it your understanding that blankets issued to prisoners going on Exchange will be retained by them, please instruct us on every point & new development." Reed N. Y. 4 Mar. L. S. Bi-7-2. 1865, Mch. 9, Camp Douglas, 111. M. D. Baber, Col., W. C. Clifton, [Lt.-]Col., A. L. McAfee, Maj., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. We have received to date: 1484 blankets; 850 prs. draw- ers ; 2000 prs. socks ; 200 prs. pants ; 1260 jackets ; 2,000 shirts ; 640 prs. shoes. _ Red N. Y. 13 May/65 L. S. Bi-7-3. 96 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Mch. 15, Camp Douglas, 111. M. D. Baber, Col., W. C. Clifton, [Lt.-]Col., A. L. McAfee, Maj., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. tBealL] Received today the following: 500 blankets, 1004 jackets; 1020 prs. shoes ; 660 shirts ; 894 prs. drawers ; 2000 prs. shoes ; 400 lbs. tobacco. All supplies, heretofore received, distrib- uted. L. S. Bi-7-5. 1865, Mch. 27, [Camp Douglas, 111.] M. D. Baber, Col. etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Have drawn on you for express to date. Reed 31 Mar 65. L. S. B^-j-z^. 1865, Mch. 27, Camp Douglas, 111., Head Quarters Post. E. R. P. Shurly, Capt. & A. A. A. G., to "William N. R. Beal [sic] Agt. to Supply Pris. of War." I have received yours of 15th. Prisoners of war on ex- change are permitted to take one blanket sent by you for issue. All U. S. blankets issued "are taken away & reissued to needy prisoners." L. S. Bi-7-6. 1865, Mch. 29, Camp Douglas, 111. M. D. Baber, Col., W. C. Clifton, [Lt.-]Col., A. L. McAfee, Maj., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Enclose report clothing "mostly needed" in this prison. Are 7230 prisoners here. Your shipment of the 15th not re- ceived. L. S. Bj-7-7a. Estimate appended : Socks, 2515; shirts 1848; drawers, 2386; shoes, 1222; pants, 1738; jackets, 1398; blankets, 1129; hats, 2181. D. S. Bi-7-7b. 1865, Apr. 6, Camp Douglas, 111. M. D. Baber, Col., W. C. Clifton, [Lt.-]Col., A. S. McAfee, Maj., to Brig.-Genl. [W. N. R.] Beall, etc. We have received these supplies: 500 jackets; 500 pants; 900 shirts; 300 prs. drawers; 200 prs. socks; loio prs. shoes; "5 Pckges Sundries from the South." L. S. 8^-7-8. 1865, Apr. 14, Camp Douglas, 111. M. D. Baber, Col., W. C. Confederate Calendar. 97 Clifton, Lt.-Col., A. F. McAfee, Maj., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Enclose duplicate receipts of articles received and dis- tributed"" — will forward rolls by express showing name, rank of each prisoner and the clothing each has received. L. S. Bi-7-9. Camp Morton, Ind. 1865, Mch. 6, Camp Morton, In[dianapolis, Ind.] U. S. Mili- tary Prison. Thomas M. Atkins, Lt.-Col. 49th Tenn., V. G. Wynne, Lt.-Col. 47th Tenn., M. L. Brittain, Maj. 47th N. C. Batn., Committee Supplies, to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Prior to our arriyal and assumption of duties, two detach- ments of 500 prisoners had been sent South — the third about to leave, but furnished with all desired clothing except blan- kets "by the kindness and assistance of the commandant of the Post." In view of blankets furnished for prisoners,, and as those hereafter issued are to be retained here — will not distribute blankets until hear from you. What shall be done with undistributed clothing — ^what with blankets"? L. S. B^-ii-i. Reverse : Acknowledge new invoices. The Post com- mandant, Col. Stevens, has loaned shoes for issue to be re- placed by those furnished by you. Sig : Thos. M. Atkins. A. S. 1865, Mch. II, Camp Morton, near Indianapolis, Ind. Thomas M. Atkins, Lt.-Col., etc, to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Acknowledge shipments received, except packages to Prisoners of War — Blankets still unopened — I think there will be a surplus after all are supplied — Col. Stevens, comdt. of Post, has furnished several hundred prs. of shoes to be re- placed by us — most of shoes received too small — We need 9s and los. Red. N. Y. Mar 65. A. L. S. B^ii-a. 1865, Mch. 16, Camp Morton, [Indianapolis, Ind.] Thomas M. Atkins, Lt.-Col., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. 25 See receipt, Apr. 6, 1865, supra. 98 Confederate Calendar. Acknowledge further shipments — prisoners' boxes not re- ceived — nearly through with distribution to prisoners — could have used few more jackets and pants — trouble with sizes of shoes — squad of 500 left for exchange yesterday — issued blankets to 104 invalids of these — what is to be done with surplus? and when will our mission be fulfilled? Will send certificates. I Red N. Y. 23d Mar. 65. A. L. S. B^-ii-s. 1865, Mch. — , Camp Morton, Ind. Thomas M. Atkins, Lt.- Col., V. G. Wynne, Lt.-Col., M. L. Brittain, Maj., to Brig.- Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. Yours of 23rd received — are 1,433 prisoners here — the com- mandant expects more — 2,000 have been forwarded for ex- change, 500 more enrolled and awaiting orders — Send dupli- cate certificates — surplus supplies packed and awaiting your orders — valuable assistance of commandant of Post — distribu- tion of sundries — all given out except those sent to men already forwarded for exchange — these given to needy men — two to whom boxes were sent, have died — ^hopes for early ex- change. L. S. B1-11-4. 1865, Mch. 30, Camp Morton, Ind. Thomas M. Atkins, Lt.- Col., V. G. Wynne, Lt.-Col., M. L. Brittain to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Certify that we have issued: 104 blankets; 1580 jackets; 1585 prs. pants; 1653 shirts; 1585 prs. drawers; 1720 prs. socks ; 1329 prs. shoes. ■ The rolls will show this fully. We have on hand 1396 blankets, 71 flannel shirts, 491 prs. shoes, awaiting whatever disposal the agre'^ment in the premises may direct. L. S. B1-11-5. 1865, Apr 5, Camp Morton, Ind. Thomas M. Atkins, Lt.-Col, V. G. Wynne, Lt.-Col., M. L. Brittain, Maj., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Enclose full rolls of issue — certain goods slightly short in count — no prisoners have arrived since statement was for- warded. As we know nothing of wants of such as may ar- Confederate Calendar. go rive, request we may be forwarded for exchange, or returned to Johnson's Island. Red N. Y. ID Apr. /6s. L. S.^" B,-ii-6. Ehnira, N. Y. 1864, Dec. 15, Ehnira, N. Y. Arthur H. Edey, Co. A, 5th Texas ; Wm. Key Howard, Co. E, 4th Va. Cav., Jos. A. Bris- tow, Co. C, 24th Va. Cav., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. Undersigned appointed at a meeting yesterday write re- garding your circular of the 9th— there are no commissioned officers here — who shall be selected — we believe competent agents may be found among the enlisted men in the camp — A. L. S. B -15-1. 1865, Feb. 12, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. I beg to acknowledge, for the Comm. of officers sent to dis- tribute supplies, the receipt of three boxes with clothing for prisoners recovering from small-pox — will be distributed — your boxes of the 3rd have arrived but have not been received by us — enclose proposition of J. Gladke to supply clothing — he had made it up when permission was refused — he has now raised his prices but the quality is good — Reed. N. Y. 18 Feb. 65. A. L. S.B1-15-2. 1865, Feb. 12, Elmira, [N. Y.] Henry I. Price, Lt. Col., and Danl. S. Printuss, Maj. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall for supplies, as fol- lows : 984 gray blankets, 1,000 prs. gray socks. P. F. S. B1-1S-3. 1865, Feb. 15, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. I enclose our hotel bifl at Elmira — ^hope it will be honored — we could make no other arrangement as intercourse with the prisoners was positively declined — the Post Commandant will now give us closer quarters, where the costs will be -nominal. Reed N. Y. 18 Feb. 65. A. L. S. B1-15-4. 26 Autograph of Thos. M. Atkins. loo Confederate Calendar. 1865, Feb. 28, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies, as fol- lows : 995 jackets ; 1,530 prs. pants ; 550 shirts ; 780 prs. draw- ers; 1,000 prs. socks; 1,040 prs. shoes. P. F. S. B1-1S-5. 1865, Mch. 6, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies as fol- lows : 464 blankets ; 980 jackets ; 900 prs. pants ; 950 shirts ; 1,200 prs. drawers; 500 prs. socks; 1,020 prs. shoes; "196 packages of Tobacco for Prisoners of war." P. F. S. B1-15-6. 1865, Mch. 7, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. I enclose accounts and list of small-pox convalescents who received the first 150 suits of clothing — 120 prs. shoes charged, furnished by the Federal authorities — shipment of the 15th arrived yesterday — will forward lists as made out from time to time. A. L. S. 6^-15-7. 1865, Mch. 7, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc. ,to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. We wish extension of our parole — we have to get special permission for any matter of business — as we are forced to visit various parts of the city daily, is inconvenient to us and troublesome to the comdg. officer — we notice Federal officers in the south are allowed the limits of the city — A. L. S. B^-i5-8. 1865, Mch. 12, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. Yours of 9th and loth received — instructions will be obeyed — ^thanks for attending to a request — have distributed nearly all the clothing — have no more shirts — underclothing and shoes are most needed — clothing distributed immediately upon its receipt — I enclose receipts for shipments of the 15th." A. L. S. Bj-i5-9. 2' Probably dated Feb. 28 or Mch. 6, 1865, see supra. Confederate Calendar. ioi 1865, Mch. 25, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies as fol- lows: 500 blankets; 450 jackets; no prs. pants; 600 shirts; 300 prs. drawers ; 100 prs. socks ; 200 prs. shoes. P. F. S. B1-15-10. 1865, Mch. 25, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. I enclose receipts for shipment of March 11. Have on hand [specified] clothing, including 1225 blankets — all ship- ments agreed with invoice — ^have kept the supplies to give to those from the hospitals and those overlooked — demand still much greater than the supply — have tried to carry out in- structions — private boxes distributed — ^have not reported be- fore because of severe illness. A. L. S. Bi-is-ii. 1865, Mch. 27, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Gen'l. W. N. R. Beall. Yours of 23 received — the information sought was sent in a letter of two days ago — except as to the number of prison- ers — there are here 5,133 prisoners — have not written sooner because of ill-health — need underclothing, pants, and shoes — have enough blankets. A. L. S. B.1-15-12. 186s, Mch. 30, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. Yours of 28th received — I am surprised Col. Price did not send receipt for the money sent — urged him to do so at once ; according to his usual method, he made no receipt — thought his endorsement was enough — enclose dupHcates — Reed N. Y. i Apr. A. L. S. B1-15-13. 1865, Mch. n. d, Elmira, N. Y. [Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall.] "List of Articles Issued to Patients discharged from Small Pox Hospital Elmira Prison Camp by Confederate Commit- tee for distributing supplies to Prisoners of War." 150 names, with command, rank, and articles distributed— to each man a jacket, pr. pants, sEirt, pr. drawers, pr. socks, pr. shoes and blanket. D. n. S. B^-is-iS. 102 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Apr. 8, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Enclose duplicate receipts for clothing sent — do you de- sire the rolls of men receiving clothing — can be shortly sent — we need shoes and pants more than anything else — about 5000 prisoners here now. A. L. S. Bj-15-14. i'865, Apr. 8, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall for supplies, as fol- lows : 190 prs. pants ; 744 shirts ; 400 prs. drawers ; 1080 prs. socks ; 60 prs. shoes. P. F. S. Bj-15-15. 1865, Apr. 14, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. I enclose receipts for funds sent for the comm. — clothing all distributed except a few suits for small-pox convalescents — pants and shoes are much needed — if more supplies are to be sent, send as many of these as possible — about 5,000 prison- ers still here. A. L. S. Bj-i5-i6. 1865, May 16, Elmira, N. Y. Danl. S. Printuss, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. I regret not having sent requested receipts — I thought they had been sent — I have distributed all the clothing and the blankets for which there was no use — thousands of these will be left — I am converting them into other needed articles, with consent of Post commandant — hope soon to see you. A. L. S. B1-15-17. Fort Columbus, N. Y. 1865, Feb. 20, Fort Columbus, N. Y. James H. Hill, Maj., etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall for supplies, in- voiced Feb. 17, as follows : 25 coats ; 120 shirts ; 90 prs. draw- ers ; 20 prs. pants ; 1 1 1 prs. socks ; 50 blankets ; 60 prs. shoes. P. F. S. B,-i-4. 1865, Feb. 21, Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor. James H. Hill, Maj : P. A. C. S., Prisoner of War, to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Confederate Calendar. 103 Have received the clothing sent— small surplus stored — what shall be done with it — invoices returned — acted by direc- tion of comdg. officer of Post — shall account be made in any- other form? Inform me "also as to the price, & how to be paid for." Rc'd N. Y. 23 Feb : 65. A. L. S. B,-i-i. 1864, Feb. 24, Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor. James H. Hill, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Have received your letter and invoices of tobacco — goods received and distributed to the prisoners. Rc'd N. Y. 27th Feb : 65. A. L. S. B1-1-2. 1865, Feb. 26, Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor. James H. Hill, Maj., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Have issued clothing to "some Texas pris's" a small amount — a surplus still on hand — will send it to you. Rc'd N. Y. Feb : 28. A. L. S. B1-1-3. Fort Delaware, Del. 1865, Feb. 17, Fort Delaware, Del. John M. Maury, Lt.-Col. etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall for supplies, in- voiced [blank], as follows: 984 blankets, 840 prs. socks, 309 prs. pants. P. F. S. Bj-8-i. 1865, Feb. 18, Fort Delaware, [Del.,] Prisoners' Barracks. Jno. M. Maury, Lt.-Col., Prisoner of War, etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Acknowledge invoices and letters — mistake in invoice of Feb. 8 — will examine other accounts — I have not yet received packages for particular soldiers. A. L. S. Bjh8-2. 1865, Feb. 20, Fort Delaware, [Del.,J Prisoners' Barracks. Jno. M. Maury, Lt.-Col., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. I enclose receipts for articles shipped 8th inst. — have cor- rected error in the account — part of articles shipped 14th has arrived — will be immediately issued. Rc'd N. Y. 23d Feby., 65. A. L. S. Bi-8-3. 104 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Mch. II, Fort Delaware, Del. R. C. Morgan, Col., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. R. N. [sic] Beall. Acknowledge yours of the 7th with invoices for 88 pack- ages of sundries for [individual] prisoners — clothing has been issued — will finish issuing blankets by the 13th — received tobacco, etc., from the South — all disposed of except 6 boxes for prisoners at Elmira and Camp Chase — nearly all prison- ers have left former place — shall I return these boxes to those for whom they were intended or distribute to most needy here? will report as soon as possible. Rc'd N. Y. 14 March 65. A. L. S. Bi-8-4. 1865, Mch. 13, Fort Delaware, Del. R. C. Morgan, [Col., etc.] to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Yours of 9th is received — I will comply with instructions — have completed issue of supplies sent prior to the 7th — the latter have not yet arrived — will report tomorrow — I think all have at least one blanket — greatest suffering is for want of shirts, drawers and socks — beg to suggest issue of about 2,000 of each of these — "about 2,000 prisoners arrived here on yes- terday ; those captured in the Valley of Va." — also about 600 confined at Hilton Head since August^' — "the latter in quite a destitute condition." Rc'd N. Y. 16 March, 65. L. S. 6^-8-5. 1865, Mch 18, Fort Delaware, [Del.] R. C. Morgan, Col., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beal [sic] Yours with invoice of the isth to hand — enclose duplicate certificates of issues — excess in issues of all articles except socks, which are short 21 prs. — one invoice must have been lost in mails — I have all papers turned over by officer who first distributed — can make no correct statement of blankets issued — ^the ones taken from those leaving were reissued — This was "done by order Genl. Grant, but Genl. Scharf assures me it will not be done hereafter — will charge each individual with articles given and send books to you or to Qr. Master at Richmond, if they are to be placed upon clothing acct. or paid , 28 These were probably the survivors of the "Immortal Six Hundred" who suffered such severe hardships at Hilton Head, South Carolina. Confederate Calendar. 105 for — Both shipments of tobacco issued — Will send receipts for invoice of 15th when issued. Red N. Y. 22 Mar. 65. L. S. B^-S-;. 1865, Mch. 21, Fort Delaware, [Del.] R. C. Morgan, Col., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Invoice of the 15th has arrived — ^will be issued us tomor- row — invoice of 17th received, but supplies have not arrived — have enough shoes and blankets — greatest want is for 500 jackets and 500 prs. pants — drawers, shirts and socks here and en route will make all comfortable — constant calls for hats. L. S. Bi-8-8. 1865, Mch. 27, Fort Delaware, [Del.,] R. C. Morgan, Col., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Circular of 23rd received — commissary of post informs me there are now 1,807 officers and 5,910 privates here — Will notify you of changes — no blankets or clothing on hand — will send certificates for invoices — to make all comfortable need at least 1,000 jackets and same number of pants — if practicable send at least 2,000 prs. drawers, 1,000 prs. socks and 1,000 shirts — if hats are furnished, "a very great many stand sadly in need of them." Red N. Y. 29 Mar 65. L. S. B^-S-g. [1865, Mch. n. d.. Fort Delaware, Del. R. C. Morgan, Col., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall.] Report of distribution of supplies invoiced Mch. 15 and 17, as follows: blankets, 1,000; jackets, 788; pants, 1,005 P^^> drawers, 800 prs; shirts, 920; socks, 1,200 prs; shoes, 830. Red. N. Y. 8th Apl. 765. D. S. B^-S-e. [1865, Mch.] n. d.. Fort Delaware [Del.] R C. Morgan, Col., etc., [to Brig.-Genl, W. N. R. Beall.] "Consolidated Report of Issue of Blankets & Clothing to Prisoners of War" — specified for officers, privates and hospi- tal patients: blankets, 2,017; jackets, 1,081; pants, 1,700; drawers, 1,344; socks, 1,479; shoes, 1,459. D. S. Bj-S-ii. io6 Confederate Calendar. 1865, May 13, Fort Delaware, [Del.j R. C. Morgan, Col., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Lt.-Col. Maury will make returns called for — I have sent all certificates except those of last invoice — that was lost when we were moving to barracks, Apr. 15, "at which time our paroles were taken from us" — please send copy. Reed May 17th 765. A. L. S. B^-S-io. Fort Lafayette, N. Y. 1864, Dec. 12, Fort Lafayette,^' [N. Y.] R. T. Thorn, Capt. and A. I. Genl., Prisoner of War, [to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall.] In sending list, is my duty to represent certain wants not contemplated in your commission. Under existing regula- tions, we are furnished "only a ration of bread, meat & soup." This does not suffice for necessities — for preservation of health, we require "at least an occasional contribution of sugar, coffee, tobacco, onions, potatoes, vinegar, pepper and molasses.'' Beg to suggest if Confederate government could procure permission for us to receive donations and purchase supplies in North, "such a remission of the rigor of existing rules, would contribute incalculably to our comfort" — ^be- lieve this would be accorded us if allowed Federal prisoners in the South — please communicate to Confederate govern- ment. L. S. Bj-g-i. 1865, Feb. 8, Fort Lafayette, [N. Y.] R. T. Thorn, Capt, etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Am in need of a pair of trousers — personal matters — hope soon for a parole — error in clothing statement. A. L. S. Bi-9-5. 1865, Mch. 6, Fort La'fayette [,N. Y.] R. T. Thom, Capt., etc., to [Brig.-] Genl. [W. N. R.] Beall. Request a suit for Lieut. Warren. L .S.'" Bj-9-6. 29 The name is written La Fayette in some communications and Lafayette in others. 30 The handwriting is not the same as that in other letters over the same signature. Confederate Calendar. 107 1864, Dec. 17, Fort Lafayette, [N. Y. Harbor] to Brig.- Genl. W. N. R. Beall. "List of Articles needed by Prisoners of War about to be removed to Fort Warren from Fort La Fayette" — 20 ofificers including "D. D. Carter, Surg. Morgan's comd." — are also four officers of Fla. Militia who need about the same — pro- visions needed. We wish to be allowed to purchase for our- selves — could thus support ourselves — "and let the funds go to the absolutely destitute." A. D. n. S. Bj-9-4. 1864, Dec. 19, Fort Lafayette, N. Y. Harbor. Clifton H. Smith, Capt., etc., to [Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall.] "List of Articles needed by [13] Prisoners of War trans- ferred from Fort La Fayette to Ft. Warren Dec. 17, 1864" — table — minor wants — "These officers desire also an allow- ance of Tobacco, Sugar Coffee potatoes &c &c." A. D. S. Bi-9-3. 1865, Mch. n. d.] Fort Lafayette, [N. Y.] R. T. Thorn, Capt., etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies, by in- voices of Feb. 25, Mch. 7 and 15, as follows: 33 jackets; 27 [prs.] pants; 30 shirts; 46 [prs.] drawers; 50 [prs.] socks; 22 [prs.] shoes ; 20 blankets. A. D. S. B^-g-y. Fort McHenry, Md. 1865, Jany. 3, Fort McHenry, Md., Office of Commissary of -Prisoners. George Atcheson, Lieut. 4th U. S. Infantry and Com. Pris., to Capt. T. "G. Ramsey, A. A. G., etc. Suggest that Brig.-Genl. Payne, U. S. V., agent to sup- ply prisoners of war, be informed that 16 officers have been transferred to Fort Deleware and 117 privates to Point Look- out — requisitions to supply most of these were sent Genl. Payne on Dec. 24. A. L. S. Bj-is-i. 1865, Feb. 14, Fort McHenry, Md. J. W. Anderson, Capt. Co.' A, i2th Ga. Batl., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. As committee beg to report receiving through Hopkins, io8 Confederate Calendar. Hall & Co. of Baltimore, 50 prs. pants ; 20 coats ; 50 prs. draw- ers ; 60 prs. socks ; 50 prs. shoes ; 50 blankets. — I have issued them and return vouchers. As this is not a regular prison but a depot for receiving and forwarding, I suggest 200 or 300 suits of clothing, etc., be sent for passing prisoners. Red N. Y. 16 Feb. 65. A. L. S. 6^-13-4. 1865, May 10, New York. W. N. R. Beall, Brig.-Genl., etc., to Committee to Distribute Supplies to Prisoners of War at Fort McHenry, Baltimore. As I desire to close my account, ask receipts for shipments March 23, viz: 97 jackets; 164 blankets, 21a prs. pants, 300 prs. drawers, 300 prs. "stockings"; 120 prs. "Bootees"; 12 boxes for the South. A. L. S. 6^-13-5. Endsd: Forwarded from New York to Fort McHenry and returned. Rd N. Y. 19th May 65. [Bj-13-6] The receipt, as of Mch. 23, 1865, for the above. Sig: Junis C. Brower, ist Lt. N. Y. V. Arty & A. A. Q. M. Fort Warren, Mass. 1864, Dec. 12, Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Geo. V. Moody, Capt. and of Comm. etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. In accordance with yours of Dec. 9th, I report the follow- ing needed by privates and citizens: 64 prs. shoes; 50 flannel shirts; 29 prs. drawers; 65 prs. socks; 6 hats; 16 jackets, 43 prs. pants; 5 prs. blankets. Privates and citizen prisoners now have U. S. blankets — will not need others — If you have surplus after supplying other prisons, we shall be glad to re- ceive them — If funds are sufficient, desire tea, coffee, sugar and tobacco. The following prisoners of war are here: 12 army officers ; 14 naval officers ; 76 privates ; 47 seamen ; 29 Citizens; 39 Citizens captured at sea, exclusive of 23 foreign blockade runners. L. S. Bj-io-i. Endsd: [Same place, same date:] Forwarded to Brig.- Genl. H. E. Paine, U. S. Vols — ^This requisition made with due consideration that many can be supplied by friends, and that the funds may be expended for the more needy. A. A. Gibson, Maj. 3 U. S. Art. comdg. A. S. Reed 21 Dec. 64. Confederate Calendar. 109 1865, Jany. 2, Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. Geo. V. Moody, Capt., etc., to [Brig.-]Genl. [W. N. R.] Beall. Since my last report 75 prisoners have arrived, who need: 37 pairs shoes, 40 prs. drawers, 32 prs. pants, 40 prs. socks, 42 undershirts, 30 overshirts, 3 overcoats, 9 coats, 10 hats. Of these prisoners, 49 are ofiScers, 26 citizens. A. L. S. Bj^-io-2. Reed 3 Jan. 65. 1865, Feb. 25, Fort Warren, [Boston Harbor, Mass.] A. Jack- son, Jr.," Col., etc., G. V. Moody, Capt., J. M. Gary, Capt. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies, as follows : 50 blankets ; 100 prs. pants ; 200 shirts ; 50 jackets ; 100 prs. drawers; 150 prs. socks; 160 prs. shoes; "7 boxes tobacco etc for Prisoners of War." "Received all above articles except the tobacco which was not delivered to us." ^^ P. F. S. B1-10-3. 1865, Mch. 25, Fort Warren, Boston Harbor [Mass.] A. Jackson, Jr., Col., J. M. Gary, Capt., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. In compliance with yours of Mch. 23, beg to state the number of prisoners here is 300 ; no articles of clothing neces- sary — none on hand or stored. L. S. Bj-io-4. Rc'd N. Y. 27 Mar 65. 1865, Mch. 27, Fort Warren, Boston Harbor. A. Jackson, Jr., Col., J. M. Gary, Capt., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. II prisoners arrived here Mch. 25 — their wants — tobacco "would be very acceptable" to prisoners unable to buy it. Red N. Y. 28 Mar 65. L. S. Bj-io-s. 1865, Mch. 28, Fort Warren, [Boston Harbor,] Mass. A. Jackson, Jr., Col., J. M. Gary, Capt. 31 This was Col. Andrew Jackson, Jr., a descendent of Andrew Jack- son, the adopted son of "Old Hickory." He was colonel of the ist Tenn. Regt. 32 The words "except the tobacco,'' etc., have been stricken out of the original. The ink used in the erasure is similar to that used by A. A. Gibson, Maj. 3rd U. S- Arty., comdg. Post, and unlike that used by the Committee. no Confederate Calendar. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall for minor supplies requested [in Bj-io-S-] P. F. S. Bj-io-6. D865, Apr. I, Fort Warren, [Boston Harbor, Mass.] A. Jack- son, Jr., Col., J. M. Gary, Capt., to Brig.-Genl. [W. N. R.] Beall. Enclose invoice and roll of issue — for the specified requi- sition for 28 new prisoners — also small further requisition for those already here — think this should be granted "seeking at the same time to avoid wholesale demands upon the govmt.'' Red N. Y. 3d Apl /6s. L. S. B^-g-S. Johnson's' Island, O. 1864, Dec. ig, Johnson's Island, U. S. Military Prison. John A. Fite, Col., James W. Bowles, Lt.-Col., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. We have been elected to conduct the distribution — have examined the wants of every prisoner on the island — under- stand you have only the proceeds of 1,000 bales of cotton — the part o7 each man is then very small — nine-tenths of the men would prefer it be spent in provisions — authorities still issue some clothing — can still write for clothing; for pro- visions only when have surgeon's certificate — the average wants of each man — need 162 blankets, 65 coats, 178 prs. pants, 324 prs. drawers, 236 shirts, 463 prs. socks, 121 prs. shoes — this do not include those with soldiers' jackets only, or jackets partly worn — even some of these prefer "something to eat" — are 2,677 oificers here, 136 privates, 48 citizens, 2 servants — provisions desired — i 1-2 lbs. flour and i lb. of bacon per week per man will make enough with the issue — money deposited here for the use of prisoners in the Hospital would save much suffering and some lives — ^hope we may come to New York and report — L. S. Bj-5-1. 1864, Dec. 28, Johnson's Island, O. John A. Fite, Col., J. W. Bowles, Lt.-Col., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Repeat former requisition [B1-5-1]. 336 new prisoners have come, their wants greater than those of men now in Confederate Calendar. m prison — boxes from the South are not delivered — said to be because they are not prepaid — ask investigation — tobacco ad- dressed to Col. Clay & Maj. Holliday not received — was sent for the Kentuckians here by E. M. Bruce, from Richmond — hopes for parole — a few hundred lbs. of sole-leather would help us. A. L. S. B^-s-2. 1865, Jany. i, Johnson's Island, Prison Hospital. J. G. W. Steadman, M. D., Col. ist Ala. Vols., Actg. Surg, in charge Prison Hospital, to Col. [A. W.] Harman, Chairman Sani- tary Commission. In consequence of great need of hospital supplies, I sug- gest Gen. Beall be requested to furnish specified provisions, — flour, hams, lard, crackers, sugar, coffee, tea, molasses, con- densed milk, dried fruit, butter, brandy-^small amounts — vegetables and poultry bought at Sandusky would help greatly — I suggest $500 be deposited for that purpose — money spent in the prison hospital will be more beneficial than if spent in the prison at large — Dr. Everman, Surg, in charge, will do every thing to further this — has been con- sulted— A. L. S. Bi-5-4. 1865, Jany. 3, Johnson's Island, [O.] A. W. Harman, Col. etc.. Chairman Sanitary Comm., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. I enclose letter from Col. Steadman, C. S. officer in charge of the Prison Hospital. — Steadman estimates it to be a month's supply — I hope it can be allowed — from experience in the Hospital and a knowledge of present conditions, I know it is necessary and approved it — would take little from the general fund — prisoners in hospital receive only a little sugar and coffee in addition to regular rations — more prison- ers than ever before — sickness greater — seems to have pros- pect of increasing — A. L. S. 6^-5-3. 1865, Feb. 8, Johnson's Island, O., Hd.-Qrs. U. S. Forces, Johnson's Island and Sandusky. Chas. W. Hill, Col. comdg. Post, to Brig.-Genl. W. N .R. Beall. I acknowledge letter of the 3rd — enclose duplicate receipt for $200, payable to Col. Jno. H. Fite. L. S. B1-S-5. 112 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Feb. 9, Johnson's Island, U. S. Military Prison. Jno. A. Fite, Col. etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Acknowledge receipt of $200 sent — had interview with Col. Hill— he had no power to parole us for outside pur- chase — he telegraphed for orders — said you were to be in- formed to get the orders forwarded — if only one is to be paroled, I hope that may be myself — transactions proposed with Rosenthall & Co. — news of your mess — they have moved. A. L. S. Bj-5-6. Lincoln Hospital, D. C. 1865, Feb. 26, Washington, D. C, Lincoln U. S. General Hos- pital. M. V. Lindsby, Asst.-Surg. in charge [pro tem.] to Brig.-Genl. W. [N.] R. Beall. In compliance with your request of 22nd, I forward list of prisoners of war here,'^ with their needs — directions for sending — cannot estimate possible number of prisoners — larg- est was 170. L. S. B,-3-i. Appended: List — 19 prisoners. D. S. B^-s-ib. 1865, Mch. 13, Washington, D. C, Lincoln U. S. General Hos- pital. J. C. McKee, Surgeon in charge, to [Brig.-Genl.] W. N. R. Beall. Acknowledge yours of 3rd — The clothing^* you forwarded was distributed as desired. L. S.B 1-3-2. Nashville, Tenn. 1865, May 24, Nashville, Tenn., Hd.-Qrs. Department of the Cumberland. J. G. Parkhurst, Col., and P[rovost] M[arshal] G[eneral] to Brig.-Genl. Wm. N. R. Beall, etc. The clothing you forwarded here Mch. 16, 1865, and men- tioned in your letter of the loth inst, addressed to "Comm. to Distribute Supplies to Prisoners of War," is in store here, not yet issued. Inform me what disposition to make of it. A. L. S. B1-2-1, [1865], July 7, Nashville, [Tenn.] Hd.-Qrs. Mil. Divn. of the '' List appended to the original. 8* List of the clothing appended to the original. Confederate Calendar. uj Tennessee. J. G. Parkhurst, Bvt. Brig.-Genl. and P. M. G., to Brig.-Genl. Wm. N. R. Beall, etc. The 24 boxes of Quartermaster Stores sent here "for dis- tribution to rebel prisoners of war" have been turned over to Q.-M. of Military Prison — part of clothing has been issued. A. L. S. Bi-2-2, Point Lookout, Md. 1865, Jany. 28, Point Lookout, Md. A. Morgan, pvt. Indpt. Sig. Corps, Wm. H. Laird, pvt. Co. A, 2nd Mo. Infy., Thos. Crymes, Co. B, 15th Ga. Regt., H. J. Carter, Engr. Serv. ist Cav. Brig., Pres. of Christian Association, Geo. Russell, Co. H, 3rd Ga. Regt., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. In compliance with your circular of Dec. 9th, we are to act as your agents in distribution of supplies — we need: 11,000 blankets; 11,000 prs. drawers; 8,000 prs. pants; 8,000 prs. shoes; ii,coo prs. socks; 5,000 coats; 11,000 shirts; 2,000 hats — recommend articles of diet for the 1,200 men under medical treatment, not in the hospital — "It is also the opinion of our Surgeons that the health of the prisoners generally, would be greatly promoted by a moderate supply of vegetables" — are not at liberty to state the number and classification of prison- ers — if you approve our action, please send blank-books for our accounts — enclose note of explanation.'^ L. S. B1-4-1. Endsd: i. Comm. from most intelligent prisoners — articles and qualities "requisite and necessary." A. G. Bradey, Maj. and Pro.-Mar. A. S. 2. Approved and forwarded. J. Barnes, Brig.-Genl. comdg. A. S. 1865, Feb. 16, Point Lookout, Md. A. Morgan, Geo. Russell, H. J. Carter, Thos. Crymes.'« Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall for suppHes in- voiced Feb. 4, as follows: 1,900 gray blankets, 1,000 prs. gray socks. P- F- S. Bj-4-2. 8» Not found. 8« "Wm. H. Laird has gone South for exchange. A. Morgan"— note added to the original. 114 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Feb. 18, Pt. Lookout, Md. A. Morgan, Chairman, to Brig.-Genl. [W. N. R.] Beale [sic] Report enough blankets have been sent "to supply such beds with sufficient covering to allow two blankets to cover two men[,] and three blankets to cover three men, with a blanket or its equivalent to lie upon" — we are engaged in the distribution. Rc'd N. Y. 2d March, 65. A. L. S. Bi-4-3. 1865, Mch. I, Pt. Lookout, Md. A. Morgan, Geo. Russell, H. J. Carter. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall for supplies, as fol- lows: 188 blankets; 1,050 jackets; 995 prs. pants; 900 shirts; 600 prs. drawers, 988 prs. socks; 1980 prs. shoes. P. F. S." B3^-4-4. 1865, Mch. 14, Pt. Lookout, Md. A. Morgan, Geo. Russell, H. J. Carter to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Yours of 9th received — enclosed certificate^^ shows we have distributed all of two first invoices except 588 blankets and 460 prs. shoes — many carried south for exchange before blankets arrived — this and change in weather makes it un- necessary to issue more to prisoners in camp — daily demands for blankets by new prisoners — are distributing shoes etc., only taking time to discriminate between needy and im- posters — take name, rank, co. and regt. of all to whom we issue — have vouchers for all. "No man has left this prison without all he was entitled to, of the articles we had on hand, at the time of his departure." Third invoice has arrived — are distributing it — enclose receipt.^" Endsd : Forwarded. Red. N. Y. 17 March 765. L. S. Bi-4-5. 1865, Mch. 14, Point Lookout, Md. A. Morgan, Geo. Rus- sell, H. J. Carter to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Certify that we have distributed "to the most destitute '^ Autograph of A. Morgan. 28 See B,-4-6, infra. 3» See Bj-4-8, infra. Confederate Calendar. h^ prisoners of war at this point," the following::, 560 blankets; 1,050 jackets; 995 prs. pants; 900 shirts; 600 prs. drawers; 1,988 prs. socks; 1,520 prs. shoes. Signed in duplicate. D. S. Bj-4-6. [1865, Mch. 14,] Point Lookout, Md. A. Morgan, Geo. Rus- sell, H. J. Carter. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall for supplies, invoiced Feb. 25, 1865, as follows: 1,418 shirts, 500 blankets; 1,545 jackets; 1,555 prs. pants; 300 prs. socks; 1,000 prs. shoes. D. S. Bi-4-8. 1865, Mch. 27, Pt. Lookout, Md. Alonzo Morgan, H. J. Carter, Geo. Russell, comm. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies, in- voiced Mch. 15, 1865, as follows : 542 jackets; 537 prs. pants; 900 shirts; 300 prs. drawers; 200 prs. socks; 950 prs. shoes. P. F. S. Bi-4-7. 1865, Mch. 28, Point Lookout, Md. A. Morgan, pvt. Indpt. Sig. Corps ; Geo. Russell, pvt. Co. H, 3rd Ga. ; H. J. Carter, pvt. Co. A, 3rd Ala., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. "We have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your circular of the 23rd inst, and beg leave to submit the follow- ing report, — There are Six thousand (6000) prisoners confined at this place, about Seventy five (75) per cent of whom are bona fide prisoners of war*" waiting exchange. New prisoners are arriving about as fast as the old are removed. You will per- ceive from our certificates of the 14th inst. and of the present date, that we have distributed all the articles on your first three invoices (Feb. 4th, 17th & 25th) except Six hundred and ninety Six (696) Blankets and two hundred (200) prs. shoes. The shoes left on hand are fives & sixes; 300 prs. 8s 9s los & IIS will restore the just proportion. — Yesterday evening we received all the articles invoiced on. the nth & 15th of March, with the exception of one case (100 prs.) Shoes; we enclose *" The probable meaning is that seventy-five per cent, were military and naval prisoners, and not citizen prisoners. ii6 Confederate Calendar. receipts for the invoice of the nth inst. and only wait the arrival of the missing case of shoes to forward those of the 15th. We have not yet received the one hundred & seventy one (171) packages Sundries from the South, the invoice of which reached us about ten days since. We have the use of a house near our quarters. in which to store all goods untill issued. This house is guarded by a U. S. Sentinel assisted by several trusty men of our own number. We have made every effort to supply the most destitute in camp with the supplies received. Pants and under clothing are in great de- mand, very few prisoners having a change of the latter. We have been prisoners from sixteen to twenty months, and have the promise of exchange as soon as our work is done ; we are willing to serve you in this capacity, as long as you think our services will be necessary, but would like to have from you an expression of opinion as to the time of our release." L. S. 6^-4-9. 1865, Mch. 28, Pt. Lookout. A. Morgan, Geo. Russell, H. J. Carter [to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. BealL] Certify that we have distributed since last report, Mch. 14, 1865, the following supplies: 400 blankets; 1,545 jackets; 1,555 prs. pants; 1,418 shirts; 300 prs. socks; 1,260 prs. shoes. D. S. B1-4-10. 1865, Mch. 28, Pt. Lookout, Md. A. Morgan, Geo. Russell, H. J. Carter. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies, as fol- lows: 500 blankets; 500 jackets; 500 prs. pants; 600 shirts; 600 prs. drawers ; 200 prs. socks ; 350 prs. shoes. P. F. S. Bi-4-ii. [1865, Mch.] Pt. Lookout, Md. A. Morgan, Geo. Russell, H. J. Carter. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies, in- voiced Feb. 25, 1865, as follows: 500 blankets;. 1,545 jackets; 1,555 prs. pants; 1,418 shirts; 300 prs. socks; 1,000 prs. shoes. P. F. S. B,-4-8. 1865, May 17, Pt. Lookout, Md. Alonzo Morgan, H. J. Carter and Geo. Russell to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Confederate Calendar. 117 Report in, reply yours of the loth : — goods shipped Mch. 15 arrived 27th, except 100 shoes — delayed forwarding receipt for their recovery — not arriving by Apr. 17, we corrected re- ceipt and forwarded with certificate of distribution — enclose receipts, with certificate of distribution of 100 prs. No. 5 shoes*^ — This, with certificate of Mch. 14, 18, and Apr. 17, includes all received to date. B1-4-12. Endsd: Forwarded. Red N. Y. 20 May. 1865, May 17, Pt. Lookout, Md. Alonzo Morgan, H. J. Carter, Geo. Russell [to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall.] Certify that we have distributed since statement of Apr. 19, 1865, 100 prs. shoes. D. S. B1-4-13. Rock Island, 111. 1864, Dec. 19, Rock Island, 111., U. S. Military Prison. W. H. Middleton, Dept. Q.-M. ; W. J. Ferryman, ist sergt. 4th La. Batln. ; Thos. A. Cocke, ist sergt. Co. B, 29th Miss., to Brig.- Genl. W. N. R. Beall, etc. "General: — We, the undersigned. Confederate Prisoners of War, having been duly elected by our comrades to "re- ceive and issue supplies on their arrival," (as per your circu- lar dated 'New York City, December 9th, 1864,' having thoroughly inspected the prison, beg leave to make the fol- lowing report: Number of prisoners in Barracks, Dec. 14th, 6106. Number of prisoners in Hospital, Dec. 14th, 629. Total, 6735. Of this number, there are, reporting themselves citi- zens, 350. Leaving the whole number of enlisted men, 6385. Clothing and Blankets Needed. "Shoes, 2585 pairs; Pants, 3490 pairs; Socks, 6402 pairs; shirts, 5235 pairs; Drawers, 5093 pairs; Jackets, 2407; Hats, 1853 ; Blankets, 2130 pairs. "In this examination we have complied strictly with your instructions, so that, after the above named articles have been distributed,*^ each man will have only one whole suit of outer ■*^ Cf. Atkins to B^all, Mch. 11, 1865, supra, p. 97. *2 The words "After . . . distributed" underlined in the original. ii8 Confederate Calendar. garments, a change of under clothing, and, with few excep- tions, only two blankets. A" majority of us have been prison- ers since November, 1863, and many even for a longer period ; a greater portion of us are from the extreme South, and en- tirely cut off from all home supplies — hence, the great demand for clothing; but, great as it is, we are forced to suggest a change of over shirts in addition. We assure you that, in making the above estimates, we have not been unmindful of the expense and inconvenience our Government is subjected to in carrying out their arrangements, and have made them as low as, in our opinion, the necessities of the men will admit. Provisions. "The diet now issued to the prisoners is composed of the following articles and quantities, viz: Fresh or Salt Beef, in- cluding tongues, livers, hearts and bones, 14 ounces per day, which, when cooked and issued, will not average more than six ounces to the man; Soft Wheaten Bread, when weighed fresh from the bakery, 16 ounces per day; Corn Bread, (infe- rior quality.) when fresh, 18 ounces per day; Hominy, 2 ounces per day; also, a small quantity of Vinegar and Salt. No Bacon or Pork has been issued to us since July last. The foregoing list comprises everything that is issued to us with the exception of Soap, of which we receive a sufficient quan- tity. "You see, from the above, that the quality and quantity are deficient. Especially is the list deficient in vegetables: so much so, that a large per cent, of the prisoners are suffering from scurvy. You see, also, that no fat is issued, except the small amount that is attached to our beef. This subjected us to no inconvenience during the summer months ; but now, during the extreme cold of this climate in winter, we feel much the need, and suffer for the stimulating and warming properties of meat containing fat. Our diet, confined as it is to so few articles, and such small amount of each, is pro- ducing, in many instances, torpidity of the hepatic system, and consequently torpidity of the bowels, with the long catalogue of symptoms attending that departure from the law of nature. This could be entirely remedied by issuing vegetables pos- Confederate Calendar. ug sessed of anti-scorbutic properties, which, while relieving us from the dreadful scourge of scurvy, would at the same time effectually counteract any tendency that salted pork or bacon would have to keep alive in our systems the germs of disease already there ; Vegetables would not only counteract this ten- dency, but a sufficient amount would free us entirely from its ravages. We would respectfully, but especially, call ]|fOur attention to this fact, as we have suffered much from scurvy, and many of our number have fallen victims to it. It is true that we have been permitted, within the last month, to pur- chase vegetables from the prison sutler; but prices are so high, and so few prisoners have money, that comparatively little benefit is derived from the privilege. Our condition and com- fort would also be enhanced to a great degree by the addition of Sugar and Coffee. In fact, we need the stimulating proper- ties of Coffee or Tea, to support us against the rigors of a climate so much colder than the one to which we have been accustomed. "In addition to the quantity of food we are already receiv- ing, we think that the health and comfort of the prisoners de- mand the following: "Rations of Coffee and Sugar ; 4 ounces Bacon or Pork per day; 4 ounces Flour; Rations of Navy Beans. "This additional quantity, together with a few vegetables, would restore to the men the health and vigor they possessed last winter when abundant rations 'of the articles named were issued to them by the United States Government. Medicines. "If not incompatible with the arrangement that has been entered into by the two Governments, we would call your attention to the fact that a small supply of medicines is much needed in the prison. There are many articles of medicine needed by prisoners when in the incipient stage of disease, which they are, under the present arrangement, entirely cut off from. Owing, often, to the crowded condition of the hos- pital, and to the fact that the prison is visited only once a day by the Surgeons, and to other causes, men are debarred the advantages of early treatment, when a little judicious 120 Confederate Calendar. attention, and a small amount of medicine properly admin- istered, would save the prisoner much suffering, and often life itself. We think the health and comfort of the prison would be enhanced by "depositing a small lot of drugs inside, placed at the disposal of Confederate physicians, of whom we have some, judged competent to prescribe and dispense. Should this suggestion meet with your approval, and that of the Federal authorities, we will forward to you a list of such medicines as are believed to be necessary. Tobacco. "The comfort of the prison would be much improved by the addition of Tobacco, as it is out of the power of many, who are inveterate chewers and smokers, to procure it. "In the foregoing, we have given you a statement of what we consider our actual necessities. We need not assure you, General, that we experienced much satisfaction, mingled with emotions of gratitude to our Government, when we learned that those wants were likely to be supplied. Hoping that the articles needed will soon arrive, with all the necessary in- structions from yourself." Endsd: L. S. 3^-14-1. "Respectfully forwarded with the following remarks. The ration issued to Prisoners of War is as follows 10 oz Pork or Bacon ; 14 oz. Fresh Beef ; 16 oz Flour or soft Bread ; 14 oz Hard Bread (in lieu of Flour) ; 16 oz Corn MeaT (in lieu of Flour) ; 12^ lbs Beans or Peas ; 8 lbs Rice or Hominy ; 4 lbs of Soap; 3 qts 'Vinegar; 3f lbs Salt, to 100 rations. — Sugar and Coffee or Tea will be issued to the sick &c. — ^The quality of the ration is exactly the same as issued to the troops of the Garrison, no distinction being made at all. The increase of 4 oz on Bacon and Flour as recommended in the within statement would increase the ration to two oz more than is issued to the troops of this Garrison. The scurvy patients have been always separated, and put in a Barrack by them- selves, and vegetables issued to them, and allowed to be sold to them by the Prison Sutler on the Recommendation of the Surgeon in Charge, this system has been in force many Confederate Calendar. 121 months. The question of Medicines being issued to them in Barracks has been tried and found a failure, as it only tends to waste, and if a patient found sick in Barracks is allowed to Doctor himself, instead of being immediately taken to the hospital, the spread of disease would soon take place. — The call of a Surgeon once per day has reference to those sick in Quarters. — The charge of crowded accommodations in the Hospital cannot be sustained, as there are accommodations here for 900 sick; and the sick Report only shows 629, and most of those are the late arrivals from Price's Army. — The Corps of Surgeons here comprises One Surgeon and Eleven Assistants, there is neither a lack of Medicine or Attendance and the Hospitals Dep't has attained a celebrity for the splen- did manner in which it is conducted. — The Prisoner's Hos- pital especially challenges admiration from all." A. J. Johnson, Col., comdg., Dec. 23, 1864. L. S. B1-14-2, 1865, Feb. 27, Rock Island, 111. W. F. Siemens, Col. etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Reached here on 20th to distribute supplies-^Col. George & Maj. Messick with me — cost $30 to reach here — are paroled "without a dollar" — please send us $200 or authority to draw for current expenses. There are 3,500 men to be supplied here — 1,000 left last week — more have followed — about 4,000 have taken the oath, ,been released, or joined the Federal army — this leaves 3,500 — 500 to 1,000 will be released weekly — renew request for remittance — I was commanding brigade in Dagan's Division, when captured near Fort Scott, Kansas, in October." A .L. S. B1-14-3. 1865, Feb. 28, Rock Island, [111.] W. F. Siemens, Col. etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies in- voiced Feb. II, as follows: 1,000 blankets; 600 prs. drawers; 1,200 prs. socks; 565 prs. pantaloons; 550 jackets; 770 gray *5 Slemons commanded a brigade, with rank of colonel, as early as Dec. 1862. See O. R., s. 25, p. 717. For further reference to him, see O. R., s. II, p. 577; s 25, p. 902; s. 38, pp. 844, 885, 898, 905, 906, 912, 916, 934, 1024, 1032 1046. 122 Confederate Calendar. flannel shirts ; 22 boxes sundries for prisoners ; "except one box of jackets." P. F. S. B1-14-4. Re. N. Y. 26 Mar. 1865, Mch. 5, Rock Island, 111. W. F. Siemens, Col. etc. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies, in- voiced Feb. 22, 1865, as follows : 480 blankets ; 1,000 jackets ; 1,080 prs. pants ; 1,990 shirts ; 500 prs. drawers ; 200 prs. socks ; 10 boxes tobacco — "except one box drawers, 200 prs. not found." P. F. S. B,-i4-5. [1865,] Mch. IS, Rock Island, 111. W. F. Siemens, Col. etc., to [Brig.-]Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Yours of 7th received — distribution progresses — one box missing — have had difficulty because applicants for release under the oath refuse to be exchanged — these are not sup- plied — have no intimation of what is to be sent. Rec N. Y. 26 Mar. 65. A. L. S. B1-14-6. [1865,] Mch. 16, Rock Island, 111. W. F. Siemens [,Col.] to [Brig.-jGenl. [W. N. R. Beall.] Complain that no allowance was made us for expenses here^ — ask $50 for former and preliminary expenses. Re N. Y. 26 Mar. A. L. S. B1-14-8. 1865, Mch. IS, Rock Island, 111. W. F. Siemens [,Col.] Receipt to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for supplies, in- voiced Feb. 28, as follows: 200 jackets; 240 prs. pants; 300 prs. drawers; 300 prs. socks; 1,100 prs. shoes. Re N. Y. 27 Mar. P. F. S. B1-14-7. i86s, Mch. 30, Rock Island B[arrac]ks, 111. W. F. Siemens, Col., etc., to [Brig.-]Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Yours of 23rd received — all supplies distributed — are about 1500 prisoners here — none have arrived for some months — no prisoners sent forward for exchange since 18th — commandant has no orders to do so — require for prisoners already here 200 jackets, 200 prs. pants, 200 prs. drawers and 175 prs. shoes — forward returns tomorrow. Rec'd N. Y. 30 Apr. 65. L. S. B^-i4-io. Confederate Calendar. 123 1865, Apr. 2, Rock Island B[arrac]ks, 111. W. F. Siemens, Col., etc., to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Yours of 27th with check for $75 received — enclose dupli- cate receipts — forwarded full returns to 30th ulto. on that date — are glad you intend to make effort to get our exchange — Col. George and Maj. Messeck have already written you on that subject — Maj. [Messick] and I wish exchange to Trans-Miss. Dept. — our commands are there. R'cd. N. Y. 17th Apl. 65— L. S. 3,-14-11. [1865,] Apr. 5, Rock Island, 111. W. F. Slemons, [Col., etc.] to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Your shipment of nth ulto., 13 boxes from South, is re- ceived — our work is done, everything is issued. Rc'd N. Y. to Apl. 765. A. L. S. B1-14-12. III. ACCOUNTS OF DISTRIBUTIONS. 1864, Dec. 19-1865, Feb. 14, [New York.] W. N. R. Beall, Brig.-Genl., etc. Memoranda of telegrams sent, relating chiefly to pur- chases of supplies. A. C. 6,-37. 1865, Jany. 4-Apr. 26, [New York.] Abstract of Clothing and Supplies purchased by Brig.-GenL W. N. R. Beall. Entries between these dates for purchases of supplies from various dealers. The largest single account is that of M. N. Rogers, voucher 42, for $118,640.24. Excluding minor items for office furniture ,etc., the total purchases are: 17,759 blankets; 248 coats; 18,505 jackets; 21,790 prs. pants; 26,531 shirts; 16,638 prs. drawers; 25,317 prs. socks; 21,840 prs. shoes. Total expenditure, $362,751.29. D. n. S. B1-22-1. Vouchers attached [Nos. 1-48"] for all accounts listed. [1865, Jany. s-May 26, New York.] "Abstract of Disburse- ments on account of Quarter Mr's Deptm't by Brig.-Gen. W. N. R. Beall, P. C. S. A., Agent to Supply Prisoners of War." ** No. 32 missing. No. 41 in duplicate. 124 Confederate Calendar. Entries between these dates for contingent expenses, in- cluding rent, insurance, clerk's hire, mileage, etc., with the expenses of his assistant Brig.-Genl. R. B. Vance, and the ex- penses of various distributing committees at the camps. 25 vouchers, 2 statements and 2 insurance policies covering the same. D. Bj-34. 1865, Jany.-Feb., ^New York.] List of the Contracts made by Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall, for clothing supplies. Awarded on sample to various northern firms: 6,000 jackets @ $5.10; 6000 prs. grey mixed pants, @ $3.40; 3,000 prs. brown mixed pants @ $3.60; 10,000 prs. grey pants @ $3-875; 10,000 grey infantry jackets @ $5-375; 4°° prs. shoes @ $2,025; 4,000 shirts @ $2,166; 4,000 prs. drawers @ $1.175 ; 2000 jackets @. ... . ; 2,000 prs. pants @ $8.50; 4,000 prs. shoes @ $1,975. A. D. n. S. Bj-27-i. 1865, Feb. i-Mch. i, Baltimore, Md. Hopkins, Hull & Atkin- son to Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. 10 letters relative to purchases in Baltimore and else- where — the advisibility of purchasing shoes from George Johnson of Boston — proposed expenditures by women of Bal- timore — unimportant. A. L. S. 6^-31. [1865, Feb.-May, New York.] Entry-book of Shipments to prisoners of war, by Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Arranged by places, and by dates, agreeing with detailed summary B^-21-3, and general summary, Bj-21-2. Page i, Index. B1-21-1. [1865, Apr. 24-May 2, New York.] List of Sales of stock of Brig.-Genl. W. N. R. Beall. Evidently his surplus-stock — includes furniture, clothing, etc. Total sales, $3,442.90. A. n. S. 6^—35. 1865, May 24, New York. Duncan, Sherman & Co. to "W. N. R. Beall, Esq." Enclose your account, showing debit balance of $53.70. P. F. S. B1-36-1. Confederate Calendar. 125 The account shows credit by net proceeds of sale of 828 bales of cotton, per Atlanta, Feb. 15, 1865, $331,789.66; and net proceeds of sale of 170 bales of cotton per Empire City, $23,944.76. Credit account, with interest, $355,788.12. D. S. Bi-36-2. Endsd: "$53.70 due (settled about 26th May 765." 1865, Feb. 4— Apr. 25, [New York.] "Abstract of Clothing & Supplies furnished Confederate Prisoners of War from February 4th, 1865, to Apr. 25, 1865, by B'g Genl. W. N. R. Beall, P. C. S. A.— Prld. Pris. & Agt. to Supply Prisoners of War." Gives complete list of shipments. Printed, see O. R., S. 121, 750. A. n. S. Bj-2i-2. 126 Confederate Calendar. JOURNAL OF CHAS. E. LINING, C. S. S. SHENANDOAH. This volume contains the daily journal of Chas. E. Lining, Past Asst. Surg., C. S. N., kept during the entire cruise of the Shenandoah. It adds little to the present information re- garding the chief events of the long voyage of the cruiser, but gives many interesting side-lights on the conditions un- der which the cruise was made, the character of the crew, the personalities of the officers — in a word, it gives a care- ful and graphic picture of daily life. The statements regard- ing the discussion as to the disposition of the ship are of especial interest, as are the comments on the threatening in- terning of the "Shenandoah" at Melbourne. It has been thought expedient to make daily entries from this record, even when there is "no news," in order to show the exact position of the ship day by day during what was one of the most memorable cruises of the war. Lining was a native of South Carolina, and served in the United States navy on the "Cyane," until i860. Returning then to America, he resigned and joined the Confederate navy, with commission as Asst.-Surgeon. From his "Cyane" journal, his movements can be accurately followed until 1862. No record has been found however, in which he is mentioned, until he is listed in the prospective crew of the "Shenandoah." A few hints in his journal seem to indi- cate that he was in England a portion of this time.^ MS. pp. 173. 25. Oct. 18, 1864. Arrived in the "Laurel" off Funchal, Island of Madeira, on night of the 14th— signalled the "Sea King" on the night of the 17th — clearance issued the next morning for the 1 The OMcial Records, Naval, (s. i, v. 3, pp. 749-836), contain a partial abstract of the log of the Shenandoah, with a narrative of Commander J. I. Waddell, and some miscellaneous material. Scharf's account of the Shenandoah (History Confederate Navy, N. Y., 1887, p. 809 flf.) is unsat- unsatisfactory. Confederate Calendar. 127 the "Laurel" — joined the "Sea King" off the Pugio — trans- ferred cargo off that island — officers working with crew — the "Sea King" a fine vessel — accommodations for officers rare. Oct. ig, 1864. The officers worked till last midnight — the crew until i A. M. — everything transferred by 2 o'clock — difficulty in pro- curing a crew — only 20 men shipped — these for a vessel of 1 160 tons and 8 guns — disappointment among the officers — difficulty in loading ship — strange sail in sight — the "Laurel" intercepts it — two more men and a carpenter ship from the "Laurel" — the Confederate flag run up — "Laurel" salutes and sails — the ship in commission — get up steam and leave — "our only trust being in a just God, and in our cause." Oct. 20, 1864. Lat. 31-17-0N. Long. 17-53-0W. Steam only by day — only three firemen — I am made ca- terer of the ward-room — every one at work — ship beginning to shape up — passed many sail — did not speak any of them. Oct. 21, 1864. Lt. 29-52-oN. Long. 17-55-0W. Mounted five guns today — Palmas in sight — Oct. 22, 1864. Lat. 29-22N. Long. 19-0-0W. Guns mounted — they point towards cabins — no ports made one carpenter aboard — battery of 5 8-inch shell guns, 2 whitworth rifle 32-pounders, 2 12-pounder Howitzers — October 23, 1864. Lat. 27-54-oN. Long. 19-52-0W. Engine run most of day — am making out ration sheet — Oct. 24, 1864. Lat. 26-49N. Long. 19-52W. Working in getting ship in order — squaH at night. Oct. 25, 1864. Lat. 24-17N. Long. 23-16 [W.] Summary of the week's work — much done — much yet to be done — Oct. 26, 1864. Lat. 22-33N. Long. 24-34W. , Get my cabin in shape — sighted a vessel — looked like a Yankee — she outsailed us. 128 Confederate Calendar. Oct. 27. [Lat.] 21-05N. Long. 25-43W. First regular chase — ship proves to be "Mogul" of Lon- don — English owned — show our coloi-s. i Oct. 28, 1864. Lat. 18-58-30N. Long. 26-10-30W. Magazine stored — suspicious ships sighted — lost at dark — Oct. 29, 1864. Lat. 16-47N. Long. 26-43W. Overhauled the barque "Alina" of Searsport, Maine — her cargo — many valuable fittings taken off — scuttled and sank her — some of her crew ship — her captain a rascal — Oct. 30, 1864. Lat. is-2sN. Long. 26-44W. Seven of the "Alina's" crew have shipped — a great help — Oct. 31, 11864. Lat. 13-34-20N. Long. 27-18-50W. Rain during the night — ship sighted — shows English flag — leave her. Nov. I, 1864. Lat. 12-22N. Long. 27-51W. Squally — Nov. 2, 1864. Lat. (DR)io-36N. Long. (DR)27-S7W. Squally — rains — officers do their washing. Nov. 3, 1864. Lat. (DR)9-5oN. Long. (DR)28-2o[W]. Rain — no wind — under steam. Nov. 4, 1864. Lat. 8-23N. Long. 27-54W. Under sail — cleaning ship — O'Shea the carpenter feigns sickness — clothes-drying — sail in sight — suspicious. Nov. s, 1864. Lat. (DR)7-38N. Long. (DR) 27-49 W. At 7 A. M., overhauled the "Charter Oak" of San Fran- cisco — thirty days out from Boston — cargo — furniture par- ticularly needed from her cargo — the captain's family aboard — transfer of cargo— effort to save preserved fruit— ice aboard deceptive — all had melted — vessel burned. Nov. 6, 1864. Lat. 7-27-isN. Long. 27-13W. General muster — articles of war read — lady prisoners very well satisfied — Confederate Calendar. 129 Nov. 7, 1864. Lat. 6-28-35N. Long. (DR)27-6-W. Overhaul the barque "D. Godfrey," Boston to Valparaiso — valuable cargo — mess beef could not be reached — fired — nearly all of her crew shipped — Nov. 8, 1864. Lat. 4-42N. Long. 28-24W. One month ago boarded the "Laurel" — one Hindu from the "Alina" signs and becomes steward — the messes arranged ward-room cleared up — sail in sight — Nov. 9, 1864. Lat. 4-43N. Long 26-S2W. Sighted and overhauled the Danish brig "Anna Jane" bound for Rio — she accepted eight of the prisoners — impolicy of shipping them so soon — will probably inform the enemy — overhaul but did not board the "Royal Saxon" of New Sid- ney — guns run out, but no ports yet made — Nov. 10, 1864. Lat. 4-20-30 [N]. Long. 29-36W. Overhauled under sail the brig "Susan" of New York bound from Cardiff to Rio Grande del Sul — cargo of coal — little taken off — a smart vessel — dogs taken off her — one kept as pet — one or two sail in sight — Nov. II, 1864. Lat. 3-118N. Long. 27-35-30W. Good breeze — little happening. Nov. 12, 1864. Lat. 1-45N. Long. 29-22W. Overhauled "Kate Prince," of Portsmouth, N. H., Cardiff to Bahia, loaded with coals — cargo neutal — ^bonded for $40,000 — prisoners transferred — ^her captain sends two barrels of potatoes — overhaul the "Adelaide" — condemned, cargo trans- ferred — mistake found, and released — cargo owned by South- ern sympathiser — bonded for form — the vessel evidently neu- tral — will cause complications — Nov. 13, 1864. Lat. 1-40N. Long. 28-24W. First muster in uniform — overhaul schooner "Lizzie M. Stacy," Boston to Honolulu — miscellaneous cargo — transferred and ship burned — danger of fouling the "Shenandoah" — Nov. 14, 1864. Lat. 1-39-20N. Long. 28-oiW. Fair — good breeze — 130 Confederate Calendar. Nov. IS, Lat. 0-2-30S. Long. 29-31W. Crossing the -Line — "Neptune" comes aboard — ^the officers who had not crossed ducked and shaved — relieves monotony — Nov. 16, 1864. Lat. 2-46S. Long. 30-07W. In the trades — have a talk with Whittle about "the skip- per"— Nov. 17, 1864. Lat. S-39S. Long. 30-50-30W. Orders issued for officers not to leave ward-room without uniform gray jackets and caps — Nov. 18, 1864. Lat. 8-36-30S. Long. 31-13W. Fine breeze. Nov. 19, 1864. Lat. 11-458. Long. 31-23W. A month aboard — sail sighted — Nov. 20, 1864. Lat. 14-508. Long. 31-33W. Sunday muster — overhaul an English vessel — another sail in sight — Nov. 21, 1864. Lat. 16-368. Long. 31-58W. The sail proves a Dutch barque — four sail in sight — no prize among them — Nov. 22, 1864. Lat. 18-36S. Long. 31-51W. Sight the English ship "Harwhich" — passed her north of the line — Nov. 23, 1864. Lat. 21-25-308. Long. 32-02W. "Harwhich" again — fine breeze. Nov. 24, 11864. Lat. 24-418. Long. 31-28W. Overhaul Norwegian ship "Rubens" — sight another barque — Nov. 25, 1864. Lat. 27-38-268. — Long. 30-12W. Sight English barque — name not given — ^have lost trade- wind — Nov. 26, 1864. Lat. 28-54S. Long. 28-48W. Changing weather. Confederate Calendar. 131 Nov. 27, 1864. Lat. 29-038. Long. 26-36W. Inspection — no muster. Nov. 28, 1864. Lat. .30-43-55S. Long. 26-40 W. Sharp blow. Nov. 29, 1864. Lat. 3a-34-3o[S]. Long. 2S-ii[W.] Squalls — rain — Nov. 30, 1864. Lat. 34-21-30S. Long. 23-43-45W. No news — Dec. I, 1864. Lat. 35-53-308. Long. 21-50W. In whaling grounds. Dec. 2, 1864. Lat. 37-22-408. Long. 19-33W. Fair wind — no sail. Dec. 3, 1864. Lat. 38-7-108. Long. 15-29W. Only 160 miles from Island of Tristan de Cunha — we per- suade the Captain to go there — Dec. 4, 1864. Lat. 27-478. Long. 12-30-30W. Sight and overhaul the Italian ship "Dea del Mare," Genoa to Rangoon — sight a suspicious craft — dispute as to its na- ture — thought to be a gunboat — steer off — overhaul and take the whaling barque "Edward" of New Bedford — much valu- able provisions aboard — prize crew left — Dec. 5, 1864. Lat. (DR.)37-55-4oS. Long, (DR.) 10-44-30 W. Engaged in transferring the "Edward's" cargo — much needed delicacies — Dec. 6, 1864. Lat. 37-45-12S. Long. 10-53-4SW. Finish transferring cargo — chase of an English vessel — the "Edward's" whale boats^ — sail for Tristan d'Cunha to land prisoners — Dec. 7, 11864, Lat. 37-478. Long. 12-30-30W. Tristan d'Cunha — landing prisoners — description of the island — trade with the Islanders — provisions left behind for the prisoners — their gratitude — 132 Confederate Calendar. Dec. 8, 1864. Lat. 37-05-40S. Long, 10-02-30W. Out of sight of Tristan— trouble with the coupler-band of the propeller shaft — repairs. Dec. 9, 1864. Lat. 37-29-30S. Long. (DR)7-i4-3oW. Work on coupler-band— had been cracked before— pro- peller house repaired — Dec. 10, 1864. Lat. 37-35-46S. Long. 5-38-15W. Propeller house repaired— no damage— the geese refuse to eat — Dec. II, 1864. Lat. 38-34-40S. Long. 2-38W. Thoughts of home — good-feeling among the officers — Smith the life of all — Dec. 12, 1864. Lat. 39-20S. Long. 0-15-30E. Rolling — cross opposite — Greenwich line — Dec. 13, 1864. Lat. 40-17S. Long. 3-37-15E. Heavy sea — accidents to Chew.^ Dec. 14, 1864. Lat. 40-55-30S. Long. 7-47-30E. Heavy sea — rolling. Dec. IS, 1864. Lat. 41-35S. Long. 12-26-30E. Making 10 knots — Dec. 16, 1864. Lat. 41-35S. Long. 17-09E. Passing Long, of the Cape today — fearful rolling. Dec. 17, 1864. Lat. 41-39-20S. Long. 22-34-30E. Misunderstanding between Chew and the Captain — it is arranged — peace restored — Dec. 18, 1864. Lat. 42-00-ooS. Long. 25-53-30 [E.] Better sea. Dec. 19, 1864. Lat. 42-12S. Long. 30-02E. Signs of squall — no news. 2 Francis T. Chew, Lieutenant, C. S. N. See O. R., Naval, s. I, v. 3, P- 757- Confederate Calendar. 133 Dec. 20, 1864. Lat. 42-108. Long. 34-44E. Fine day — run to noon the longest yet made. Dec. 21, 11864. Lat. 42-5-30S. Long. 38-18-30E. Delightful day — the mess is chess mad — Dec. 22, 1864. Lat. 42-00-ooS. Long. 41-34E. Very cold — Dec. 23, 1864. Lat. 42-26S. Long. 44-04E. No news. Dec. 24, 1864. Lat. 43-27-30S. Long. 47-31E. Running before a gale — Dec. 25, 1864. Lat, 42-578. Long. 53-25E. Heavy sea floods the ward-room — everyone in good humor — fine dinner — thoughts of England and of home — "What an awful thing this war is, and how terribly those at home have suffered — may it soon cease!" Dec. 26, 1864. Lat. (DR)4i-5s8. Long. (DR)S9-05E. Much warmer — water 9° warmer — sight a brig — outrun her — Dec. 27, 1864. Lat. 41-41-20S. Long. 60-47E. Pleasant day — regulation of meal-hours — Dec. 28, 1864. Lat. (DR)4i-3oS. Long. (DR.)65-soE. Squally. Dec. 29, 1864. Lat. 39-13S. Long. 68-33E. Overhaul and take the barque "Delphine" of Bangor, Maine, from London to Akyab — almost empty — her Captain tries to prevent burning ship because of a sick wife — the wife brought aboard — not sick — ship burned — crew late in return- ing. Dec. 30, 1864. Lat. 38-41-408. Long. 70-19E. Items about the prisoners — a boy aboard from the prize — Dec. 31, 1864. Lat. (DR.)38-39[?]8. Long. (DR)72-5oE. Thoughts of the year. 134 Confederate Calendar. Jany. i, 1865. Lat. 38-24-07S. Long. 75-02E. Fair day — the captured Capt. Nicholds' [Nichols'] premo- nitions of trouble — Jany. 2, 1865. Lat. 38-39S. Long. 77-33E. Island of St. Paul — captain gives permission for officers to go ashore — land in whale boat — French fishing settlement — purchase and barter — fishing off the island. Jany. 3, 1865. Lat. 38-52-13S. Long. 80-06-4SE. Good breeze — Mrs. Nichols agreeable — whist-party. Jany. 4, 1865. Lat. (DR.)39-oo-ooS. Long. (DR.)85-i3E. Fine run — the Quartermaster in a fight — Jany. 5, 1865. Lat. 38-58-35S. Long, 88-19-15E. Chew made Prize-Master to keep him off watch — quarrel for precedence — Jany. 6, 1865. Lat. 38-21-05S. Long. 8g-5gE. Flirtations with Mrs. Nichols — her husband jealous — my birthday — Jany. 7. Lat. 39-08-20S. Long. 93-25-45E. Fine day — Chew made ordnance officer — Whittle protests with the Captain against telling where he is bound — fears trouble aboard yet. Jany. 8, 1865. Lat. 39-48-20S. Long. 98-12E. Steward sick — Jany. 9, 1865. Lat. (DR)39-48S. Long. (DR.)io2-5iE. No news — Jany. 10, 1865. Lat. 39-54S. Long. 104-50E. Lieut. Bulloch's eyes affected — changes in the watch — Chew takes his place — Jany. 11, 1865. Lat. 40-10-12S. Long. 107-11-30E. Approaching Australia— trying to persuade the Captain to coast — chess mania still on — Confederate Calendar. 135 Jany. 12, 1865. Lat, 39-58-39S. Long. 111-09E. Writing letters — curious sky — ^beautiful sunset — playing chess. Jany. 13, 1865. Lat. 38-58-46S. Long. 113-38E. Cleaning ship — Captain insists on making port — Jany. 14, 1865. Lat. 38-ii-iiS. Long. 114-31E. Beautiful day — efforts to pull the mate's tooth — fencing — Jany. 15, 1865. Lat. 39-34S. Long. 118-03E. Rainy-"— no quarters — no inspection — Jany. 16, H865. Lat, 39-56-59S. Long. 119-38-15E. Under steam towards land — useless expenditure — falling block injures a prisoner — Jany. 17, 1865. Lat. 39-32-14S. Long. 122-16-52E. Overhauled and examined the "Nimrod," of London, formerly the "Sancho Panze" of Maine — her transfer valid — her captain sends brandy — trouble with the engines — Jany. 18, 1865. Lat. 39-24-16S. Long. 124-51-15E. Under sail — propeller gives way on former injury — mak- ing preparations to repair — small gale blowing — Jany. 19, 1865. Lat. 38-22-32S. Long. 125-43-30E. Weather — Capt. Nichols' opinion of Capt. Waddell — tender remembrances of "Miss Mary S." one year ago — Jany. 20, 1865. Lat. 36-34-27S. Long. 126-37-4SE. Clearing ship — shifting magazines — whist — Jany. 21, 1865. Lat. 36-22-53S. Long. 128-09-4SE. Making ten knots — painting ship — appearance of a comet — Jany. 22, 1865. Lat. 37-06-33S. Long. 131-03-45 [E], Three sail in sight — captain passed one — one proves a Swede, the other English — remarked the mail date at Mel- bourne — ^the captain resolves to make it — thinks it unwise as burning coal uselessly — would also spread our whereabouts — 136 Confederate Calendar. Jany. 23, 1865. Lat. 37-58-188. Long. 135-34-45E, Ship sighted — no chase — captain wishes to make the mail station — form of parole changed — prisoners not only pledge not to serve against the Confederacy, but also not to give any information leading to the detriment of the ship — Capt. Nichols signs — his wife speaks her mind — Jany. 24, 1865. Lat. 38-30-39S. Long. 140-17E. Fine run. Jany. 25, 1865. "Running in for Melbourne." Making the bay — clear quarantine bill — appearance of Hobson's Bay — came to anchor about 6:30 — sensation among the shipping — curious visitors — custom-house boat wishes to treat us as merchantmen — Captain permits a step in that direction — Grimball sent ashore with a communication for the Governor — did not see him — Jany. 26, 1865. Hobson's Bay, off Melbourne. Besieged by visitors — refuse them admission until two o'clock — ^then all admitted — their curiosity and . interest — went everywhere — Governor sends permission to repair — asks the nature of the repairs^ — Jany. 27, 1865. Same station. Visit to the Melbourne Club — official call on the Gover- nor, Sir Charles Darling, by the captain and chief officers — he did not fulfill his engagement — ^visits in the city — celebra- tions — dining out — night ashore — Jany. 28, 1865. Same station. Return early to the ship — visitors aboard all day — Jany. 29, 1865. Same station. Church ashore — unpleasant afternoon — return on sun- down boat — immense crowds aboard — the rail-road brought down 7,000 — said to have been so numerous that the decks were full — ^two steamboat loads could not get aboard — ' See the correspondence regarding repairs in O. R., loc. cit., pp. 761- 766. Confederate Calendar. 137 Jany. 30, 1865. Same station. Visit ashore — unimportant — Jany 31st, 1865. "Same station. Visitors again — the officers dined at the Melbourne Club — successful affair — no responses to toasts — night on shore. Feb. I, 1865. Same station. Unimportant — Feb. 2, 1865. Same station. Ship under sailing orders — went ashore for dinner with Dr. Rowe — a real sympathiser with the South. Feb. 3, 1865. Same station. Gunner Guy came aboard after deserting — was kicked into his boat. Feb. 4, 1865. Same station. Ship goes over to Williamston — stores to be discharged into lighters — visits to medical friends — a night on shore. Feb. 5, 1865. Same station. Return to the ship — visitors. Feb. 6, 1865. Same station — Begin to discharge stores — gale comes up — danger to the ship — Feb. 7, 1865. Same station. Ship moved into the bay — dull day ashore — Feb. 8, 1865. Same station. Efforts to get the ship into the slip — ashore for visits — Feb. 9, 1865. Same station. Visit to Ballarat — return evening of the nth. Feb. 12, 1865. "On slip at Williamston." Ship in the slip — rushing repairs — Feb. 13, 1865. Same station. Visits ashore — 138 Confederate Calendar, Feb. 14, 1865. Same station. Visit ashore — find ship in great commotion on my return — officer came down yesterday with a warrant for one Charlie, claiming he had shipped on the Shenandoah — GrimbalT showed shipping articles, but refused to allow search — officer re- turned today — Captain met him — also refused to allow search, but denied the man was aboard — said no one had shipped, no one would be allowed to ship here — about 5:30 a body of 200 police with royal artillery took possession of the slip — the council ordered all work stopped on the ship — great hu- miliation aboard — In the afternoon, Jas. G. Francis, Commis- sioner of Trade and Customs, sent a letter stating that because of Waddell's refusal to allow the proper service of the warrant all facilities afforded would be suspended, and urging with- drawal of the refusal — Waddell called council — decided to re- ply that no such man was aboard, and again to refuse search — I suggested the ship be searched by an officer — done, no one found aboard — wrote the letter myself — Bullock later reported storeaways still aboard — reported to Whittle — the men found and sent ashore* — Feb. 15, 1865. Same station. Police still around the ship — newspapers state that one of the men sent ashore was Charlie — the ship ready to move — the Chief of the slip refused to move her, claiming the ship was in the possession of the government — a letter sent to Francis' — he replies releasing the ship" — ^trip ashore — unim- portant — am glad the difficulty is over ; anticipated at one time that ship would have to be given up — Feb. 16, 1S65. Hobson's Bay — Ship busy in taking coal from the "John Fraser" — Feb. 17, 1865. Same station — Finished coaling — the "Great Britain" arrives from Liver- * See correspondence in O. R., loc. cit., pp. 761-766. 761-766. ° See ibid., p. 771. • See ibid., p. 772. Confederate Calendar. 139 pool — letters expected — efiforts made to trap the "Shenan- doah" into shipping men contrary to law — all offers refused — Feb. 18, 1865. "Steaming out of Hobson's Bay." Steam up at Haylight — safely out of the bay — soon after the pilot was discharged, 42 stowaways come above decks — all gladly shipped — useful men among them — Feb. 19, 1865. Lat. (DR.)38-S3S. Long. 147-25E. Pass Bass' strait — under sail — ships in sight — Feb. 20, 1865. Lat. 38-15S. Long. 149-37E. Trying to make Cape Howe — use a new galley — Feb. 21, 11865. Lat. 38-06S. Long. 150-23E. Out of sight of land by night — one sail in sight — not a Yankee — Feb. 22, 1865. Lat. 38-32-18S. Long. 152-15-30E. Drank the fourth anniversary of the inauguration of the President — Feb. 23, 1865. Lat. 38-14-18S. Long. 155-49-15E. No news. Feb. 24, 1865. Lat. 36-50-59S. Long. 160-17E. No news. Feb. 25, 1865. Lat. 35-19S. Long. 164-S4E. No entry. Feb. 26, 1865. Lat. 34-23S. Long. 167-15-15E. Read articles of war to the new crew — Feb. 27, K865. Lat. 34-0-oS. Long. 167-58E. No wind. Feb. 28, 1865. Lat. 32-21S. Long. 169-17-30E. No sail since leaving Cape Howe — thought we were bound for New Zealand — complaint at vascillation of the Captain — Mch. I, 1865. Lat. 30-31-49S. Long. i7o-4g-45E. Caulking — fired loaded guns for the first time — ^ 140 Confederate Calendar. Mch. 2, 1865. Lat. 28-12-56S. Long. 171-04-15E. Some men went through the propeller tunnel and tapped a barrel of rum — more than 50 gallons gone — two men found drunk — Mch. 3, 1865. Lat. 25-50-14S. Long. 171-12E. No news. Mch. 4, 1865. Lat. 23-07-43S. Long. 170-42-33E. Began to steam — is blowing hard — steam stopped — Mch. 5, 1865. Lat. (DR)24-io-25S. Long. 171-19-33E. Heaviest gale yet experienced — Mch. 6, 1865. Lat. 25-29-518. Long. 171-37-45E. Moderating somewhat. Mch. 7, 1865. Lat. 26-43-17S. Long. 172-32E. Weather better. Mch. 8, 1865. Lat. 27-05-78. Long. 172-36E. Gale broken — have worn considerably to the South — Mch. 9, 1865. Lat. 26-258. Long. 173-46E. Bullock back on duty — will relieve Chew — pity for the latter — Mch. 10, 1865. Lat. 25-23S. Long. 174-34E. Under steam. Mch. II, 1865. Lat. 23-14-45S. Long. 173-43E. Stop steam. Mch. 12, 1865. Lat. 21-238. Long. 173-08E. Articles of war read — sick — Mch. 13, 1865. Lat. 118-56S. Long. 173-30-30E. Filling shells — I hope they never will be used — Mch. 14, 1865. Lat. 15-32-45S. Long. 174-07E. Sick — no news — Confederate Calendar. 141 Mch. 15, 1865. Lat. 13-37S. Long. 175-06E. Rain — light and contrary winds — Mch. 16, 1865. Lat. 12-53S. Long. 173-57E. Not even a bird in sight — Mch. 17, 1865. Lat. 12-40S. Long. 174-27E. No news. Mch. 18, 1865, Lat. 11-18S. Long. 173-36E. No entry. Mch. 19, 1865. Lat. 11-05S. Long. 172-28E. Little rain — first time it did not pour for months — Mch. 20, 1865. Lat. 10-26S. Long. 171-58E. Captain disgusted — we get up steam — heading for Drum- mond's Island — Mch. 21, 1865. Lat. 8-35-30S. Long. 172-57E. Very hot — Mch. 22, 1865. Lat. 5-43S. Long. 173-40E. Still under steam. Mch. 23, 1865. Lat. 2-30-20S. Long. 173-02E. Near Drummond's island — Captain expects to catch seven whalers — Mch. 24, 1865. Lat. 1-21S. Long. 174-22E. In sight of Drummond's island — thre'e naked natives ap- proach the ship — state no whalers have been there for a long time — Captain disgusted again — Mch. 25, 11865. Lat. 0-23S. Long. 173-05E. No captures yet — believe it due to bad management — Mch. 26, 1865. Lat. 0-9-30N. Long. 170-55E. Cross the line — my fourth time — only want to finish cruise and get out of the ship — Mch. 27, 1865. Lat. 1-18N. Long. 170-57E. Blowing hard — many thought they saw a sail — 142 Confederate Calendar. Mch. 28, 1865. Lat. 2-36-45N. Long. 168-59-30E. No news. Mch. 29, 1865. Lat. (DR.) 3-43N. Long. (DR.) 166-55E. Sight and overhaul an Hawaiian schooner — can give no news — says no ships are at Strong's Island — Mch. 30, 1865. Lat. 5-0-45N. Long. 163-46-30E. Sight and coast Strong's or Oualan Island — no sail — make for Ascension — Mch. 31, 1865. Lat. 6-6-16N. Long. 160-17-15E. Sight and pass McKeskell's island — Ascension in sight — no news — April I, 1865. Ponassi Island, (Ascension.) Pilot comes off — make the middle harbor — four vessels there — take possession of and condemn all — one claims to be Ha- waiian — ^think myself the transfer is valid, but she was con- demned — description of the islands — the captains put in irons on the ship — cargoes and supplies transferred — ships left to their crews — April 2, 1865. Same station. A visit from the king — a visit in return — descriptions of the natives — April 3, 1865. Same station. Two of the prizes visited — had been looted by their crews — further cargo shipped — one set afire — April 4, 1865. Same station. Two of the vessels burned — April 5, 1865. Same station. Shooting-party ashore — rain — April 6, 1865. Same station. Fishing-trip — no news — April 7, 1865. Same station. No news. Confederate Calendar. 143 April 8, 1865. Same station. Visit to "the celebrated ruins." April g, 1865. Same station. Visit to the king — April 10, 1865. Same station. Last prize brought alongside — her supplies shifted — ves- sel then burned — a fishing trip — April II, 1865. Same station. Preparations for departure. April 12, 1865. Same station. Departure postponed — visit to "Susannah Banana" the King's sister. April 13, 1865. Lat. 7-04[N.] Long. i58-3o[E.] Cleared harbor — I suppose Guam is prospective point — April 14, 1865. Lat. 9-3S-35N. Long. 156-03E. Fine wind. April 15, 1865. Lat. 12-15-45N. Long. 154-15-30E. Not going to Guam — course straight north — April 16, 1865. Lat. 14-45-12N. Long. 152-23E. Inspection. April 17, 1865. Lat. 17-35N. Long. 150-27-15E. On the lookout for ships from California to China — this their track. April 18, 1865. Lat. ig-4iN. Long. 150-01E. Really cruising — have run across other vessels — April 19, 1865. Lat. 19-4S-56N. Long. 150-10E. No news. April 20, 1865. Lat. 19-30-30N. Long. 150-29-30E. "Same old thing." 144 Confederate Calendar. April 21, 1865. Lat. 20-21N. Long. 150-30E. No news. April 22, 1865. Lat. 20-11-20N. Long. 150-05E. No entry. April 23, 11865. Lat. 18-43-30N. Long. 150-37-30E. No sail in sight. April 24, 1865. Lat. (DR)20-02N. Long. 150-44E. Cloudy — captain says he will course northwards. April 25, 1865. Lat. 22-09 [N.] Long. 150-16-15E. Thoughts of a year ago — still going northward. April 26, 1865. Lat. 23-56-30N. Long. 150-11E. ISTo news. April 27, 1865. Lat. 25-15-45N. Long. 150-18-isE. No news. April 28, 1865. Lat. 26-4S-15N. Long. 150-14E. Good wind. April 29, 1865. Lat. 29-57-30N. Long. 150-19-30E. Variable winds. April 30, 1865. Lat. 31-3SN. Long. 150-26-15E. No news. May I, 1865. Lat. 33-01-20N. Long. 150-48-15E. Gale in clear weather — choosing a caterer — a dance at night — May 2, 1865. Lat. 33-29-27N. Long. 150-52-30E. Smith Lee's jokes — May 3, 1865. Lat. (DR)35-47N. Long. 150-osE. No news — talks of home — May 4, 1865. Lat. 37-7-48[N.] Long. 149-17E. Rolling — prospects of a gale — Confederate Calendar. 145 May 5, 1865. Lat. 39-06N. Long. 149-39-30E. Barometer down. May 6, 1865. Lat. 39-28N. Long. 149-47E. No news — reading Thiers. May 7, 1865. Lat. 39-27-soN. Long. 149-S3-45E. No news. ' May 8, 1865. Lat. 39-44N. Long. 149-32E. Fight among the crew — May 9, 1865. Lat. 39-45-26N. Long. 149-51E. No news — reading and playing games — May 10, 1865. Lat. (DR.)4o-i7N. Long. 150-23E. Heavy blow. May II, 1865. Lat. 39-53-52N. Long. 151-S5-30E. Gale during the day — May 12, 1865. Lat. (DR)40-38N. Long. (DR)i52-25E. Heavy rains. May 13, 1865. Lat. (DR)42-o8N. Long. (DR)i53-2iE. Heavy blow — lose a top-sail — May 14, 1865. Lat. 41-28-45N. Long. 153-21-15E. No general quarters or inspection — too wet. May 15, 1865. Lat. 42-31N. Long. 154-2S-30E. No news. May 16, 1865. Lat. 43-29N. Long. 155-46E. Fine day — no news. May 17, 1865. Lat. (DR)45-36N. Long. (DR)iS5-52E. Very cold. May 18, 1865, Lat. (DR)46-29N. Long. (DR)iss-52E. Colder still. May 19, 11865. Lat. 47-32N. Long. 156-09E. No news. 146 Confederate Calendar. May 20, 1865. Lat. 49-04N. Long. 155-40E. Sight island of Onekotan — try to make the entrance to the Okhotsk's [sic] sea — May 21, 1865. Lat. 49-49-30N. Long. 155-09E. Sight the strait of Amphitrite — pass between islands — May 22, 1865. Lat. 51-36-30N. Long. 152-53-30E. Too far from the shore to catch whalers. May 23, 1865. Lat. (DR)53-23N. Long. 153-15E. No news. May 24, 1865. Lat. (D)54-05N. Long. (DR)i53-22E. Barometer very low — Scales sick. May 25, 1865. Lat. S4-55-40N. Long. 153-01E. Waddell on watch — with two lieutenants without watches — May 26, 1865. Lat. (DR)56-3oN. Long. 152-29E. No news. May 27, 1865. Lat. 27-07N [57-07N.] Long. 153-05E. Floe ice — sight and capture the "Abigail" of New Bed- ford, whaler — she had sent the greater part of her cargo home — prize crew put aboard — contains many interesting Japanese curios — officers appropriate them — liquor aboard — the crew gets drunk — great disorder — May 28, 1865. Lat. (DR)57-i7N. Long. (DR)i52-47E. Transferring the "Abigail's" cargo — her provisions much needed — set her afire — much drunkenness aboard the ship — May 29, 1865. Lat. (DR)57-27N. Long. (DR)i52-3iE. Many of crew and several officers drunk — Scales suspended for bringing liquor aboard — May 30, 1865. Lat. S7-48-16N. Long. 1S2-24-1SE. Disorder aboard — Blacker sent to "the sterrage — false charges made by him against the Captain — no more smoking in the engine-room — Confederate Calendar. 147 May 31, 1865. Lat. S7-08N. Long. 152-59-4SE. Scales back on duty-T-reading newspapers — June I, 1865. Lat. 58-00-30N. Long. 153-25E. In sight of the coast of Siberia — a mirage — stories of the Captain of the "Abigail" — fine day — June 2, 1865. Lat. 58-a8N. Long. 151-21E. No news. June 3, 1865. Lat. (DR)58-o-oN. Long. (DR)i5o-45E. No news — cold. June 4, 1865. Lat. 57-51N. Long. 150-18E. Portrait of Scales on watch — in the midst of ice-floe — the ship weathers it well. June 5, 1865. Lat. (DR)58-05N. Long. 150-27E. Still in the ice — a council decides against going to St. Jonas' Island — June 6, 1865. Lat. 58-28-48N. Long. 150-49-15E. Fine day — June 7, 1865. Lat. 58-15-20N. Long. 152-19-00E. No news. June 8, 1865. Lat. 56-S5-10N. ' Long. 153-36 [E.] Think now we are bound for the Arctic — decided again against going to St. Jonas' — June 9, 1865. Lat. (DR) 55-09N. Long. 153-58E. Speculations as to the course — June 10, 1865. Lat. 54-18N. Long. 153-47E. Whales in sight — still going south — second mate Manning of the "Abigail" ships — June II, 1865. Lat. 53-27N. Long. 154-10E. General muster — June 12, 1865. Lat. 51-08N. Long. (DR) 154-10E. No news. 148 Confederate Calendar. June 13, 1865. Lat. 49-50-4SN. Long. 155-53-30E. Out of the Okhotsk — twenty-two days there and no re- sults — June 14, 1865. Lat. so-47[N.] Long. (DR.) i58-28[E.] No news. June IS, 1865. Lat. (DR.) 51-59N. Long. (DR.) 163-06E. Fine wind — gymnastic exercises take the place of chess. June 16, 1865. Lat. (DR)53-55[N.] Obs. 54-3o[N.] Long. (Dr.) 167-55 [E.] Obs. 160-0-0 [E.] Fine speed — land in sight — ^theft of dispensary wine. June 17, 1865. Lat. 54-23N. Long. 170-08 [E.] No news. June 18, 1865. Lat. 55-47N. Long. (DR) 171-28E. No news. June 19, 1865. Lat. 57-19N. Long. 175-06E. Fine wind. June 20, 1865. Lat. 60-04 [N.] Long. 178-16E. Heavy rain — higher north than ever before. June 21, 1865. Lat. (DR.) 62-iiN. Long. (DR.) 179-S7E. Sight Cape Naverin — appearance of shore — Captain gives a feast. June 22, 1865. Lat. 62-23N. Long. 179-46-30E. Sight and capture the ships "William Thompson" and "Euphrates" — fine appearance of the former — "Heard through papers which were on board a batch of bad news, which if it proves true wHl be terrible — First that Charleston was cap- tured. This, I was expecting, as I did not think we could hold it against Sherman's army. Next that Richmond & Petersburg were taken. I was looking for their evacuation, so it did not surprise me much. But, when I heard that Gen. Lee had surrendered with the whole of the Army of Northern Virginia, I was knocked flat aback — can I believe it? And after the official letters which are published as being written Confederate Calendar. 149 by Grant & Lee can I help believing it? It is either true, or the Yankees are again publishing official lies. God grant it may not be true!" — I remained on the "Thompson" — efforts to keep the men ?rom the liquor — June 22, 1865, Lat. 62-40-48N. Long. 178-50W. Sight six ships — capture of the bark "Milo" — the "Sophia Thornton" takes to the ice — but returns — capture the "Jireh Swift" — burn her at once — the "Milo" bonded for $48,000 to carry the prisoners ashore — June 23, 1865. Lat. (DR) 62-48[N.] Long. (DR) 179-04W. Capture the Brig "Susan Abigail" from San Francisco — engaged in trading and whaling — immense cargo of liquor, gunpowder, guns, etc., to trade for furs and ivory — Captain does not wish ship to be burned — other sail reported in sight — June 24, 1865. Lat, (DR) 63-26N. Long. (DR) 176-16W. Heavy fog — ^horn brought out and blown — no answer — June 25, 1865. Lat. 63-50N. [Long.] 172-58W. Sight two sail — one hoists Hawaiian flag — pass her — other appears to be a Frenchman — did not follow her — come up with and capture the ship "Genl. Williams" — ^burn her in three hours — Esquimaux alongside — Manning navigating through the ice — June 26, 1865. Lat. (DR.) 64-21 [N.] Long. (DR.) 172-20W. Manning's tfine navigation — capture barks \ "NSmirod," "W. C. Nye," and "Catherine," all of New Bedford— took off what was wanted and fired all — capture barks "Genl. Pike," "Isabella," and "^Gypsy"— bonded the "Pike" and transferred prisoners — repairs to engine — fire the prizes — June 27, 1865. Lat. 6S-19N. Long. 170-39W. Ten sail in sight — no prizes — June 28, 1865. Lat. 6S-39N. Long. 170-08W. Capture the bark "Waverly" — ^burn her — capture eight barks — names not given — peculiar courage of the "Favorite's" captain — two bonded to carry prisoners — others burned — 150 Confederate Calendar. June 29, 1865. Lat. 66-14N. Long. 169-06W. Ice thick — turn southward again — sight and chase a ship — proves to be French — strike the ice. June 30, 11865. Lat. 64-24N. Long. 171-04-07W. No news. July I, 1865. Lat. (DR) 63-09N. Long. 173-56W. Great danger from floating ice — the rudder-chain shackel [sic] broken — under steam. July 2, 1865. Lat. 60-13 [N.] Long. 174-08 [W.] Articles of war read. July 3, 1865. Lat. (DR.) 56-S6N. Long. (DR.) 173-19W. Stop steaming. July 4, 1865. Lat. 53-52 [N.] Long. i73-oo-oo[W.] Speculations as to our destination — difficulty in reaching Europe. July 5, 1865. Lat. 52-02 [N.] Long. i7i-i2[W.] Land in sight — an active volcano. July 6, 1865. Lat. 51-37N. Long. 170-56W. Preparations in case of a fight — making shot-plugs — I hope they will not be used. July 7, 1865. Lat. (DR.) 49-33N. Long, (DR.) 172-06W. No news. July 8, 1865. Lat. 47-49N. Long. 170-00-00W. Left Liverpool nine months ago. July 9, 1865. Lat. 46-43N. Long. 168-03W. Melancholy — reading the "Deerslayer." July 10, 1865. Lat. (DR.) 45-37 [N.] Long. 166-32-30 [W.] Learning navigation. July II, 1865. Lat. 44-37N. Long. 165-33 [?]-3oW. No news. Confederate Calendar. 151 July 12, 1865. Lat. 44-10-30N. Long. i6a-39-3oW. Painting ship. July 13, 1865. Lat. (DR) 42-17N. Long. 168-38W. Waddell's birthday — he is 41 — celebration in honor of it — a gale blowing. July 14, 1865. Lat. 41-21-35N. Long. 155-30W. Accident to one of the crew — Grimball side — July 15, 1865. Lat. 39-39N, Long. 153-38W. Fine day — home sick. July 16, 1865. Lat. (DR) 38-33N. Long. (DR.) 151-14W. No news. July 17, 1865. Lat. 37-1 6N. Long. 147-38W. No news. July 18, 1865. Lat. 36-03-48N. Long. 144-31-30W. No news. July 19, 1865. Lat. 35-16-45N. Long. 142-05-30W. Exercise at general quarters — two rounds fired from star- board battery. July 20, 1865. Lat. 34-39-30N. Long. 139-32W. General quarters — no firing — discover leg -ulcer on the cook — he is deposed. July 21, 1865. Lat. 34-12N. Long. 138-24W. Broke out and restowed the after hold — whiskey served out again — melancholy. July 22, 1865. Lat. 32-55-30N. Long. 13S-41W. Swift sailing. July 23, 1865. Lat. 30-14N. Long. 133-07W. Ship made 13 knots for four consecutive hours — July 24, 1865. Lat. (DR) 27-12N. Long. (DR) 129-S6W. No news. 152 Confederate Calendar. July 25, 1865. Lat. 25-25-25N. Long. 128-04W, Dreamed I was married to "Miss Mary S." — lost the fine wind — July 26, 1865. Lat. 24-40N. Long. 127-16W. Reading Maury's Physical Geography — I determinel to keep thermometer and hydrometer for him — as I have not the latter, will use urinometer — Maury can change it — July 27, 1865. Lat. 23-22-20N, Long. 125-56W. Fine breeze. July 28, 1865. Lat. 21-19N. Long. 123-01-30W. Heavy wind — ship pitching — July 29, 1865. Lat. 19-17N. Long. 122-00-00W. No news. July 30, 1865. Lat. 17-49N. Long. 122-00-00W. Caught a small shark. July 31, 1865. Lat. 17-52N. Long. 122-33-30W. Calm. Aug. I, 1865. Lat. 17-10N. Long. 121-58-30W. No news. Aug. 2, 1865. Lat. 16-20-10N. Long. 121-11-16W. "This is doomed to be one of the blackest of all the black days of my life, for from to-day I must look forward to be- gin life over again, starting where I cannot tell, how I can- not say — but I have learned for a certainty that I have no country. About i P. M. we made out a sail on our lee [sic] beam, & as the wind was light, & there was every probability of her being a prize, got up steam & started for her — Came up to her about 5 P. M. when she hoisted English Colours. Hailed her, asked her name, & sent aboat on board to get some news from her. She proved to be the Eng. Bark 'Bara- conta' [?] of Liverpool, thirteen days out from San Fran- cisco. 'Bullock' boarded her and brought off the news that the Southern Confederacy was a thing of the past, all her Confederate Calendar. 153 Armies having surrendered, Mr. Davis & Mr. Stephens pris- oners, which was also the case with most of the prominent men. I now see no reason to doubt it & it remained for us to see what we ought to do. It is the opinion of the Majority of the Officers that we ought to take her to 'Australia,' turn her over to the Government & we ourselves leave for England. Waddell, at last, came round to this opinion & the Ship's Course was changed for Sidney much to the delight of every body — or nearly every body, for some still think we ought to go to England with her — Thus ends our dream ! — But I am too sad to think of it." Aug. 3, 1865. Lat. 15-52N. Long. 121-44W. Sadness is deeper with further appreciation of it — general grief — Waddell changes course — is steaming for Liverpool — says would be foolish to land crew penniless in Australia — Lee and Bulloch urge him to go to Australia — ^he is stubborn ^even thinks he ought to run into a "Yankee" port and sur- render the ship, or run into an English port and surrender it to the consul — think myself ship should be turned over to the English government until the home government is heard from — "Put all our guns etc. down in the hold — so now we are de- fenseless." Aug. 4, 1865. Lat. 14-11N. Long. 126-29W. The crew much disturbed over the news — present a peti- tion' to the captain — he calls all hands aft — makes a speech telling them the south had been conquered — they were in a position such as no ship had ever occupied — their cruise would go down in history — he would run the ship into the first English port — promised them "he would stick by them & only ask them to stand by him" — seems the petition asked to be carried to the first English port, but if he thought otherwise, they would stand with him. Aug. s, 1865. Lat. 12-43-45N. Long. 121-03-30W. Under steam to run out of the calm — ^bid adieu to the Eng- ' The petition is probably that printed in O. R., Naval, s. i, v. 3, pp. 782-83. 154 Confederate Calendar. lish bark which brought the bad news — are glad we got it, however. Aug. 6, 1865. Lat. 10-07N. Long. 119-13W. Stopped steaming — under sail. Aug. 7, 1865. Lat. 9-14-30N. Long. 116-29-30W. No news. Aug. 8, 1865. Lat. 8-41-40N. Long. 113-22W. Captain still talking of giving the ship to the U. S. author- ities — says he will go to U. S. as soon as they land — I will not. Aug. 9, 1865. Lat. 8-07N. Long. 111-17W. Ill luck continues — going far to the east — Aug. II, 1865. Lat. (DR.) 6-19N. Long. 107-4S-30W, I believe we are bound for the Cape, or some place short of England — Aug. II, 1865. Lat. (DR) 6-19N. Long. 107-45-30W. Rain — are "catching it." Aug. 12, 1865. Lat. 5-57N. Long. 108-13W. Wind changing — going on right course — ^but wind draws us too tar South. Aug. 13, 1865. Lat. S-57N. Long. 108-13W. Adverse wind still. Aug. 14, 1865. Lat. 5-20N. Long. 112-19W. Ill-luck still — repair and get under steam — Aug. 15, 1865. Lat. 3-09-30N. Long. 113-27W. Steam until the right wind is caught — hope we can keep it— Aug. 16, 1865. Lat. i-ioN. Long. 1 15-29 W. Good wind — ought to cross the line about ten o'clock — following usual routine — Confederate Calendar. 155 Aug. 17, 1865. Lat. 0-48S. Long. 116-56W. We crossed the line for the fifth time — McNulty' drunk — the liquor of the sterrage officers stopped as McNulty got it from them. Aug. 18, 1865. Lat. 3-05S. Long. 1 18-46-30 W. Wind favorable and strong. Aug. 19, 1865. Lat. 6-1 iS. Long. 120-52-30W. Reduce sail. Aug. 20, 1865. Lat. g-o8S. Long. 121-54W. Captain wishes to know if I can dispense with McNulty's services — the latter is drunk on every occasion — I said yes — Aug. 21, 1865. Lat. 12-20-20S. Long. 123-07W. No news — wind strong — Aug. 22, 1865. Lat. 15-30-358. Long. 124-40W. Good luck is still with us — officers making bags to carry their beds ashore — Aug. 23, B865. Lat. 19-028. Long. 126-12W. Discussion of the reason why the Captain does not carry heavier sail — Aug. 24, 1865. Lat. 22-268. Long. 127-15-30W. Trouble aboard — Scales oversleeps himself — ^the Captain says that as he is now only master of the ship, he could not punish him — relieves him from duty — Blacker to take the watch — ^various troubles — Aug. 25, 1865. Lat, 25-06-308. Long. 127-19W. More trouble between Scales and Capt. Waddell — Aug. 26, 1865. Lat. 27-288. Long. 127-20W. Fine wind. Aug. 27, 1865, Lat. 30-068. Long. 124-50W. No news. * Acting Assistant Surgeon. See list in O. R., Naval, s- i, v. 3, p. 785. 15G Confederate Calendar. Aug. 28, 1865. Lat, 31-05-30S. Long. 1 23-52 W. No wind. Aug. 29, 1865. Lat. 33-058. Long. 123-36W. Scales restored to duty — rumor among the men that only IS on the pound is to be paid them — Hunt responsible for it — confine him to his quarters — Aug. 30, 1865. Lat. 36-44-35S. Long. 123-01W. Making my bed-bag — comparing the trip of the "Sovereign of the Seas" with our voyage — Aug. 31, 1865. Lat. 39-18-158. Long. 120-04W. Lee caught smoking on his watch — Captain tries to get him to promise not to do so — Lee refuses and is relieved of duty — 8ept. 1, 1865. Lat. 42-01-408. Long. 117-08W. The captain has further trouble — Grimball and Scales side with Lee, who is restored to duty — 8ept. 2, 1965. Lat. 43-078. Long. 116-39W. Wind dead ahead — my reading — Sept. 3, 1865, Lat. 43-8-25S. Long. 116-46W. Calm. 8ept. 4, 1865. Lat. 43-15S. Long. 116-40W. Break out and restow the store-room — 8ept. 5, 11865. Lat. 43-41-408. Long. 114-38W. Still at work on the store-room — lost boxes found — 8ept. 6, 1865. Lat. 45-43S. Long. 111-14W. Making a chart of South America — 8ept. 7, 1865. Lat. (DR) 47-168. Long. (DR) 108-46W. Captain sick — 8ept. 8, 1865. Lat. 49-428. Long. 105-41W. A record sail. Confederate Calendar. 157 Sept. 9, 1865. Lat. 51-50S. Long. 99-40-30W. Kept sail on all night — have made the best [daily] run yet, 260 miles — Sept. ID, 1865. Lat. (DR) 52-49S. Long. 94-20W. Very calm sea. Sept. II, 1865. Lat. 53-46S. Long. 89-24W. Trouble between Scales and Waddell about a hammock hung by the former in the ward-room — I would not submit if the navy still existed — hope soon to be out of the ship — Sept. 12, 1865. Lat. 54-36S. Long. 84-52W. No news. Sept. 13, 1865. Lat. 55-46S. Long. 78-31W. A passing ship outsails us — two other sail sighted— Sept. 14, 1865. Lat. 56-50S. Long. 71-39W. Chagrin at being outsailed — pass another ship — Sept. 15, 1865. Lat. 57-24S. Long. 65-31W. Heavy blow — pass line of Cape Horn — Sept. 16, 1865. Lat. (DR) 57-22S. Long. (DR) 62-09W. Going too far south — if continue, must look out for ice- bergs — Sept. 17, 1865. Lat. 56-26-508. Long. 55-22W. No news. Sept. 18, 1865. Lat. (DR) 54-17S. Long. (DR) 49-39W. Rain— sight "Shag Rocks" »— Sept. 19, 1865. Lat. (DR) 52-46S. Long. (DR) 46-13W. Storm abating — reading Saint-Simon. Sept. 20, 1865. Lat. 51-15-42S. Long. 41-39W. Ice in sight — ' Shag Rocks are situated about 100 miles west of the British islands of South Georgia. 158 Confederate Calendar. Sept. 21, 1865. Lat, 50-48-50S. Long. 38-36W. More ice — Sept. 22, 1865. Lat. 49-1 1 S. Long. 36-ooW. Out of the ice. Sept. 23, 1865. Lat. 47-58S. Long. 32-17W. Everyone sewing. Sept. 24, 1865. Lat. (DR) 46-S4S. Long. (DR) 29-55W. Stiff blow- Sept. 25, 1865. Lat. 44-49S. Long. 28-23W. Discussion as to destination — some say Cape Town — others, some European port" — Sept. 26, 1865. Lat. 43-41-30S. Long. 2S-20W. Still discussing our destination — the views of Grimball, O'Brien and Scales — Sept. 27, 1865. Lat. 41-14S. Long. 24-40W. Opinion now that we are not bound for Cape Town — Bulloch wants me to sign a petition asking the Captain to make Cape Town — I do not think it will be of any use — the Captain wants to have the record of steering the only Con- federate ship that made the trip around the world — finally consented to sign — Sept. 28, 1865. Lat. 38-25S. Long. 24-38W. Signed the address" — the sterrage and forward officers also present one^" — secret and stormy meeting of Whittle, Grim- ball, Lee, Chew and Scales — ^their decision not known — ship continues on its course — regret signing the petition — it will do no good — Sept. 29, 1865. Lat. 34-2S-40S. Long. 24-30W. No doubt as to destination — the course shows that — party 1" It will be observed that in the position of the vessel at this point, it might have been making for either of these places without a noticeable change of course. ^1 See the address, O. R., Naval, s. i, v. 3, pp. 789-80. 12 Ibid., pp. 781-82. Confederate Calendar. 159 feeling is very high — some of the officers present another peti- tion^' — the captain sends the mess a bottle of champagne to drink to the passage of the ship around the world — some of the officers leave the table — I think they might have strained a point — ^the Captain's action was kind and polite — Sept. 30, 1865. Lat. 32-23S. Long. 24-27-30W. Coolness in the mess — it is dividing into cliques — Grimball particularly partisan — ' Oct. I, 1865. Lat. 30-37S. Long. 24-32W. Coolness continues — Oct. 2, 1865. Lat. 28-46-30S. Long. 24-34W. Better feeling prevailing — water cut down — 99 gallons [daily?] to the 134 aboard — scandal on Hunt — it proves utterly unfounded — learn from Chew the nature of the meeting of the watch officers on, Sept. 28 — the Ca'ptain announces he had in- tended to go to Cape Town but had thought later of going to a European port — had also received petition on the sub- ject — would abide by their advice — majority of three to two favored Liverpool — very clever work of the Captain in choos- ing the council — he knew the result in advance — had pre- viously included Bullock and myself in the council — Oct. 3, 1865. Lat. 26-oiS. Long. 24-43W. Better feeling — puzzles in order — Oct. 4, 1865. Lat. 23-518. Long. 24-27W. Light winds — partial eclipse of the moon — Oct. 5, 1865. Lat. 22-22S. Long. 24-20W. No news — Oct. 6, 1865. Lat. 19-01S. Long. 24-28W. Talk with Whittle about plans on reaching England — the pitiable circumstances of that officer, burdened with a family — Oct. T, 1865. Lat. 15-26S. Long. 24-35W. Sight a ship — do not speak her — 1' O. R., Naval, s. i, v. 3, p. 782. This was signed by five officers and expressed entire approval of Waddell's course. i6o Confederate Calendar. Oct. 8, 1865. Lat. 11-14S. Long. 24-48W. Fine run — fear scurvy aboard-^ Oct. 9, 1865. Lat. 7-00-ooS. Long. 25-00-00 W. Left England on the "Laurel" one year ago — the changes in that time — Oct. 10, 1865. Lat. 3-27S. Long. 25-08W. Quarrel between McNulty and Blacker — ^Whittle takes a pistol from the former — Oct. II, 1865. Lat. 0-5-30S. Long. 25-06W. Cross the line again — pass an English bark — do not speak her — difficulty between Whittle and McNulty — probability of a duel between them — Oct. 12, 1865. Lat. 2-42N. Long. 25-24W. McNulty challenges Whittle — difficulty in avoiding a duel aboard — agreed to settle the matter when we reach port — Oct. 13, 1865. Lat. 4-38N. Long. 24-45W. Rain — enough water for the time being — Oct. 14, 1865. Lat. 6-07N. Long. 24-36W. Still raining — changeable weather — squall, lose our first spar — Oct. 15, 1865. Lat. 7-59N. Long. 24-21W. No news — Oct. 16, 1865. Lat. 9-23N. Long. 24-32W. The Captain in bad humor — no news — discovery of "bed- bugs"— Oct. 17, 1865. Lat. 10-22N. Long. 24-42W. War on the "bugs" — painting ship — Oct. 18, 1865. Lat. 11-21N. Long. 25-^5 W. Transferred cargo and guns to this ship a year ago today — Oct. 19, 1865. Lat. (DR) 13-37N. Long. 27-29W. Hoisted the flag a year ago — sad changes in that time — more quarrels — total eclipse of the sun — Confederate Calendar. i6i Oct. 20, 1865. Lat. 16-30N. Long. 29-30W. Rain — outsail a passing ship — further quarrels — Oct. 21, 11865. Lat. 19-23N. Long. 31-21W. Speak an English ship — a dance aboard — Oct. 22, 1865. Lat. 22-ioN. Long. 32-56W. No news — Oct. 23, 1865. Lat. 2S-30N. Long. 34-16W. Two men very ill — Oct. 24, 1865. Lat. 29-16N. Long. 35-06W. The sick seem better. Oct. 25, 1865. Lat. 31-40N. Long. 35-24W. Sight a suspicious craft — put on steam to avoid her — Oct. 26, 1865. Lat. 33-54N. Long. 35-oo-ooW. William Bell, a seaman, dies — cause probably constitu- tional syphilis — the first of the ship's crew to die — Oct. 27, 1865. Lat. 36-49N. Long. 34-48W. Under sail-^sight another suspicious craft — Bell buried — Oct. 28, 1865. Lat. 40-20N. Long. 33-07W. Squalls — fight in the sterrage — Oct. 29, 1865. Lat. 42-36N. Long. 30-22W. Still squally — McNulty and others drunk — Oct. 30, 1865. Lat. 43-47N. Long. 26-46W. Sgt. Canning dies — ^cause phthisis, superinduced by an old gun-shot wound — ^his strange history — said to have served on Polk's staff at Shiloh, where he was wounded — Oct. 31, 1865. Lat. 44-36N. Long. 24-25W. Canning buried with Catholic service — Inventory medi- cines and settle accounts — Nov. I, 1865. Lat. (DR) 46-16N. Long. (DR) 22-04W. Prospects of a blow — sight and avoid another brig — i62 Confederate Calendar. Nov. 2, 1865. Lat. 46-43N. Long. 18-15W. Pass two sail in fine order — Nov. 3, 1865. Lat. 48-oiN. Long. 14-43W. Restless— paid oS today— I received $77.06 of $547- ^9 due — Nov. 4, 1865. Lat. 50-17. Long. 10-44W. Am packing up — fine run — Nov. 5, 1865. Lat. 52-25N. "Going up the Irish Channel." Land in sight at daylight — chronometers right to almost a minute — pass numerous sail — pay off the men — only a few dis- satisfied — later rumor that they intend to demand more — "bosh" — they know the officers too well — difficult sailing — lights misleading — Nov. 6, 1865. "Running up the Mersey & anchored off Liver- pool." Pilot came aboard about midnight — gave him a false name to prevent being reported — the pilot knew little — said the war was over and the South doing better than had been expected — efforts to cross the bar result in grounding — get off about seven o'clock — anchor about 9 o'clock near Rock Ferry and the guard ship "Donegal" — no one goes ashore — a Lieuten- ant from the "Donegal" boards — has a conference with Wad- dell — customs' authorities later take possession of the ship — no one can leave till the government is heard from — a detach' ment of marines come aboard to render assistance — all hands relieved of duty — officers send ashore and have a feast on fresh provisions — customs' officers made drunk — Capt. White- head, an old man, sends off fine provisions — ^blessings on him — all hands feast. Nov. 7, 1865. "Lying off Liverpool." More supplies from Capt. Whitehead — steamers loaded with people come out to view the ship — Capt. Paynter of the "Donegal" has wired for our release — ^the gun-boat "Goshalk" makes fast to prevent our going to sea. The customs' officers drunk again — Waddell and [British] Lieut. Cheek dine with the ward-room mess — celebrations — Confederate Calendar. 163 Uov. 8, 1865. "Off Liverpool." No news in morning — various officers leave the ship with- out their baggage — guard doubled at night — a steamer comes alongside while we are at supper — a shout raised — Capt. Paynter reads the order for the release of all who were not British subjects — general muster — all swear they are South- erners'^* — ^baggage examined by the customs' officers — pass to the steamer — adieu to the "Shenandoah" — I think the govern- ment acted very liberally — chagrin at being detained by ■customs' officers, but the latter acted most courteously. "It is all over & I thank God for it. We were the last thing that flew the Confederate flag, & that is something to be proud of." Landing — ^hotel accommodations — visit the theatre — hear news. "So ends my Shenandoah Journal."^" [Blank to p. 180. Contemporary entry.] List of vessels cap- tured; entered by date, with name, name of captain, ton- nage, and value.". Total valuation, $1,294,081.30. '[p. 183. Later entry.] "Officers remembered as being on "Shenandoah." " 1* Cf. Feb. 18, 1865, supra. 15 For Waddell's letter of surrender to Earl Russell, see O. R., Naval, -s. I, V. 3, pp. 783-84. When the officers left the Shenandoah, the family of Com. Matthew F. Maury was living in retirement at Birkenhead, near Liverpool. The officers visited them there, and presented many interesting souvenirs to the daughters of the great navigator. Among them Lieut. D. -M. Scales gave Miss Eliza H. Maury the flag of the ship, which he had himself taken from the halliard when the crew had learned of the over- throw of the Confederacy. For some years it was not deemed safe to en- trust the flag to the vicissitudes of custom's inspection, but it was finally irought to America and has been quite recently presented to the Confed- erate Museum. — Note of Mrs. las. R. Werth to the Editor. 18 The printed list, O. R., Naval, s. i, v. 3, p. 792, does not include the names of the captains of captured vessels or the tonnage of the prizes. These are given in Lining's list. He omits, however, the Adelaide, cap- tured and bonded Nov. 12, 1864, though he mentions its capture in the Journal. The official valuation is $1,172,223. i'^ Incomplete, ranking the lieutenants as first, second, etc, as the names are arranged in the printed list, O. R., Naval, s. i, v. 3, p. 785. Lining also gives the native states of the officers, as follows: Waddell, N. C. ; Whittle, Va. ; Grimball and Lining, S. C. ; Lee, Va. ; Scales, Miss. ; Chew, Mo.; Bullock, Ga.; O'Brien, Miss.; Smith, La.; Mason and Browne, Va. McNulty's state is not given. • i64 * Confederate Calendar. MISCELLANEOUS MANUSCRIPTS. In this section are included all manuscripts in the archives of the Museum, which are not of sufficient extent to be classed by themselves or which have no connection with other papers listed. These manuscripts have been derived from many sources, but four particular collections should be mentioned. The Taliaferro papers represent practically all the papers and documents preserved by Major-General William B. Taliaferro, of Virginia, in his career as Colonel, as Brigiadier-General in Jackson's Division, as District Commander in South Carolina and Florida, andl as Commander at Charleston. Many interesting facts are disclosed in them regarding army conditions anid movements in which General Taliaferro participated. The Stuart collection belonged to Brigadier-General George H. Stuart, of Maryland, and also contains many valuable papers. The large mass of manuscripts left by Colonel J. Thompson Brown is of importance for the move- ments of the artillery in the Army of Northern Virginia ; while, finally, the De Renne collection includes many ori'ginal letters of prominent Confederate leaders. Many letters from private soldiers are calendared at length, among whith should be men- tioned the Routt and Baughman collections. The former of these, from a private of Longstreet's corps, are truly remarkable speci- ments of unconscious literary instinct. Baughman's letters are of value for movements in the Valley of Virginia and for events during the Petersburg Campaign. The circumscriptions of space have compelled brief reference to many papers which will, at a future time, be printed in their entirety. Confederate Calendar. 165 1862, June 19, Hd.-Qrs. E. P. Alexander,^ Maj. Arty., Chf. Ord. A. N. v., to Col. J. T[hompson] Brown," Chf. Arty. Longstreet's Div. Yours received, and forwarded to Genl. Lee with this en- dorsation: Letter of 7th from Col. Brown — just received — written before application of Capts. Bearing, Carter and Strib- ling for guns reached me. It is an appeal from my distribu- tion, made when I did not think any of the batteries engaged wanted any of the guns. Its statements are not now correct — guns applied for assigned at once to Bearing and Carter — ex- changed two with Stribling. "I have always given captured guns to the Batteries engaged except where it would produce an injurious mixture of Calibres and weights of metal." Hope this is information, if new, will be satisfactory. A. L. S. B-34-21. 1865, May 4, [Washington, Ga.?] Edward P. Alexander,' Capt. Engineers. Receipt for one month's pay and bounty, — $149. Paid by Maj .-Genl. J. F. Gilmer.* A. S. Ga.-gm-42. 1863, Oct. 7,-11865, Feb. 7, [Richmond, Va.] Office of Commis- sioner of Taxes, Va. Thompson Allan, Commer., to Chas. J. Sinton, Collector 10 Va. Bistrict. 8 acknowledgements of tax collection statements, with amounts. A. S. 8-51-1-8. 1 86 1, Oct. 7, Fairfax, [Va.] J. W. Allan, Col. comdg. Special requisition lor 5,060 percussion caps for 2nd Va. ■■ Later Brigadier-General and Chief of Artillery, Longstreet's Corps, A. N- Va. He was properly at this time a Lieutenant-Colonel. For a brief sketch of his life, see C. M. H., v. 6, pp. 389-91. Genl. Alexander has recently published a critical volume on the campaigns in which he par- ticipated : Military Memoirs of a Confederate, (N. Y., 1907) . 2 For Col. Brown, see infra, p. 203. ' Not to be confused with the Alexander referred to in note i, supra. General Alexander sometimes signed himself "E. Porter Alexander." * Jeremy Francis Gilmer, Major-General and Chief Engineer, C. S. A. See C. M. H., v. 4, p. 309 ff. 1 66 Confederate Calendar. Approved, T. J. Jackson," Brig.-Genl. P. A. C. S., comdg. Brig. Receipt for the above. Sig: Robt. W. Hunter, Adjt. 1865, July 24, Elmira, N. Y. John Amot, Mayor of Elmira.' Receipt for $600 paid by U. S. Government for two half- acre lots in Woodlawn cemetery for "burying ground for de- ceased prisoners of war." Copy. 27-i-d. 1861, Nov. 13, Hd.-Qrs. 2nd Brigade. J. Fatten Anderson,'' Col. comdg 2nd Brig., to Maj. Geo. G. Garner, A. A. G., Army, Pensacola. Details of desertion of 3 Louisiana soldiers. A. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-2i-22, 1865, Jany. 15, Hd.-Qrs. Anderson's Brigade, near Robertville, S. C. R. H. Anderson,' Brig.-Genl., to Col. Grigsby, Chief of Staff, Wheeler's Com. Forward charges against certain officers previously with- held by order of Genl. Wheeler. A. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-36. 1861, Oct. 7, Howitzer Camp, S. O. No. — . Sig: Wm. M. Archer, comdg. 2nd Co. How. Batln." Private Patteson, reported asleep on his post on the night of Oct. 6, is ordered on Guard three times a week for two weeks. " Jackson was commissioned a Major-General this day. See Jones, Roster of General Officers, etc. (Richmond, 1876), p. 51. * This document was found with the rolls of the Confederate prisoners buried at Elmira. See infra, p. 241. \ '' James Patton Anderson, of Tennessee, later Major-General. He saw service in the Tennessee and Atlanta campaigns, having been commissioned as Brigadier-General on Feb. 10, 1862. See C. M. H., v. 11 (Florida), pp. 195-97. Cf. Jones, op. cit., pp. 20, 26. 8 This was Robert H. Anderson of Georgia, commissioned Brig.-Genl. Julj 26, 1864. See Jones, op. cit, 26; C. M. H., v. 6, pp. 392-94. He is not to be confused with Richard H. Anderson of South Carolina, commis- sioned Lt-Genl. June i, 1864. ' For Archer, see Contributions to a History of the Howitzers Bat- talion (4 pamphs., Richmond, 1883-86). See also [F. S. Daniel:] Rich- mond Howitzers in the War, (Richmond, 1891). Confederate Calendar. 167 [Appended.] Special Order — Sig: as above, calls atten- tion to order commanding sergeants to report all cases of guards not walking posts, according to guard regulations. A. L. S. B-31-23. 1862, Feb. 16, Harwood's Mill, [Va.] Wm. M. Archer, ist Lieut. 2nd Co. Howitzers, to Capt. [H.] Hudnall.^" Report on a battery horse injured by a fall. Certified by Wm. L. Sheppard, ist Lieut. 2d Co. Howitzers ;^^ Lewis Booker, 2nd Lieut. 2nd Co. Howitzers. A. L. S. B-34-9. 1862, Aug., Camp 2nd La. Brig. Jas. E. Armour, ist Lieut, Co. C, ist La. Vols., to G. W. Randolph," Sec. of War. Hereby resign my command because of ill health as stated in surgeon's certificate. [Appended:] Surgeon's certificate. Sig: J. W. Covert, Surg. 1st La. Armour disabled because of Varicocele." A. S. C156-4. 1864, Nov. 28, Savannah, [Ga.], C. S. Engineer Dept., Office Enrolment of Slaves. Chas. V. Armstrong, Capt. and A. Q. M. Certificate of impressment of four slaves for work on mili- tary defences" — property of John Williamson, Chatham Co. — Valuation. D. S. Ga.-ga-4-5. [18] 64, Feb. 29, La Grange, Ga. F. C. Armstrong to Maj.- Genl. [Jos.] Wheeler, comdg. Cav. 1° Hudnall wrote an interesting article on the Organization of the Howitzers, in Contributions, I, supra, note 9. 11 Later an artist of note. See his illustrations in McCarthy: Detailed Minutiae of Soldier Life in the Army of Northern Virginia. (Rich-, 1882.) 12 A grandson of Thos. Jefferson, and prominent in Virginia politics before the war. He was a member of the Virginia Convention of 1861, held rank of Brig.-Genl. in the Confederate army, and served as Secretary of War from Mch. 24 to Nov. 17, 1862. S^t Journal Va. Convention, 1861, and C. M. H., v. i, p. 607 13 This complaint is at present cause for disability in the United States army. 1* See index, Slaves and Free Negroes. 1 68 Confederate Calendar. Asking information of proposed movements and the dispo- sition of my command. A. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-37. 1863, Dec. 23, near Frederick's Hall, Va. Wm. J. Armstrong, Capt. and A. C. S., to Maj. W. J. Hanks, Chf. C. S. 2nd Corps, A. N. V. Report difficulties with Maj. Kearsley about procuring subsistence stores.^^ A. L. S. B-30-11. Endsd. R. G. Cole, Lt.-Col., etc. : Capt. A. must not forget other troops beside his own must be fed — Major K. will issue as he has supplies. A. S. 1863, Dec. 29-1864, Jany. 4. Wm. J. Armstrong, Capt. and A. C. S., to Col. H. P. Jones, comdg. Arty. 2nd Corps. Reports on subsistence stores issued — details of difficulties in procuring transportation for meat, etc. — troubles with Maj. Kearsley. A. L. S. B-30-7-10. 1864, Jany. 6-14, [Frederick's Hall, Va.] Wm. J. Armstrong, Capt. and A. C. S., to Col. J. Thompson Brown, comdg. Arty. [2nd Corps], A. N. V. Reports on subsistence supplies issued. A. L. S. B-30-7-10. 1862, Feb. 25, Pughtown. Turner Ashby" [illegible] Detail of Holmes Conrad^'' to recruit at Winchester for Co. A. A. S. Ga.-ga-i-i4. Endsd: Transportation furnished to Staunton. D. H; W , Capt. A. S. 1861, Apr. 18, Wilmington, [N. C] W. S. Ashe to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. 1" See infra, Armstrong to Jones. 1* Ashby was at this time a Colonel of Cavalry. He was made Brig.- Genl., May 23, 1862, and killed June 6, followiing. See C. M. H-, v. 3, pp. 577-79 ; Jones, op. cit.) p. 28 ; J. B. Averett : Memoirs of General Turner Askby and his Compeers; (Bake, 1867.) Clarence Turner: General Turner Ashby .... (Winchester, 1907.) " Later U. S. Solicitor-General under Cleveland. A son of Robt. Y- Conrad, one of the most distinguished "old" Whigs of Virginia. See C. M. H., V. 3. 810. Confederate Calendar. 169 I send by mail report of committee which examined the defences of forts — report generally approved — for God's sake send a good and reliable engineer or leave recommendation to comm. — have heard Va. is out^* — "I hope no sensible man will think we are in." " Tel. N. C;-i53- 1861, Apr. 24, Branchville, [N. C] W. S. Ashe to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. It would be gratifying to North Carolinians to have the state well represented in redeeming the Mecca, Washing- ton, "from the Goths and Vandals." — have them go by com- panies and regiments. Boys are "eager for the foray." Tel. N. C.-I53- 1863, June I, [n. p.] Benjn. Ayer, M. D., to the "Officer com- manding the 32 Regt. Geo. Vols." I certify illness in Capt. Phillip's family, which necessi- tated his presence at home. A. S. P-36-2. 1864, Apr. 20, Richmond, Va. P. H. Aylett, Dis. Atty., E. Dis. Va. Statement of fees due — $404.00. D. S. S-44-11. Endsd: Ordered paid out of sequestration funds.^° Apr. 20, 1864. n. s. 1864, Jany. 19, Darlington, Dis., S. C. R. B. Bacot, Jr., and Mary Bacot. Deed of land to J. B. Douglas. D. S. S. C.-86. 1861, June 16, Yorktown, Va. T. R. Baker." Receipts to; for cooking utensils. Sig: chiefs of messes 1* The Virginia Convention passed an ordinance of secession at 4:15 p. M., Apr. 17, which fact was announced the next morning. Journal Vir- ginia Convention, 1861, (Journal Secret Sessions). 1" The close relations of Virginia and North Carolina were as marked at this time as in 1788, when North Carolina deferred action on the Constitution until Virginia's course was known. See H. M. Wag- staff: State Rights and Political Parties in North Carolina. (Balto., 1906: J. H. U. Studies, XXIV, 7-8-) 2" That is, funds procured from the act for the sequestration of the property of alien enemies. See index, Sequestration. 21 Later a pharmacist of Richmond, Va. 170 Confederate Calendar. i-S," as follows : Sam J. Jones, Lewis Booker, S. H. Pendle- ton, H. M. Burnley, S. W. Timberlake,— largest list: i tin bucket; i kitchen knife; i coffee mill; 2 large spoons; 13 tin spoons; I oven; i spider; i frying pan; i coffee pot; 2 iron boilers; 12 tin cups and tea spoons; 2 sheet iron dishes. D. S. H-30-1-5. 1865, Apr. 13, "On the march near Charlotte, N. C." B. S. Baldshear. Receipt for $3,300 from J. F. Gilrner^^ for purchase of horses and mules to haul pontoons from Broad River to Nation Ford on Catawba River. A. S. Ga.-gm-so. 1863, July I, n. p., Sub-Dept. Johnson's Div. Thos. E. Bal- • lard, Maj. and C. S., to Maj. W. B. Stanard, St[e]uart's Bri- gade.^* "Until further orders the ration of Fresh Beef will be one and one quarter (i^) pounds." A. S. S-24-1. 1863, Dec. 25, n. p., Sub.-Dept. Johnson's Div. Thos. E. Bal- lard, Maj. and C. S., to Maj. W. B. Stanard, Steuart's Bri- gade. Until further orders the ration of coffee will be 3 pounds to 100 rations.'* A. S. S-24-2. 11863, Jany 27, Richmond, [Va.] Thos. E. P. Ballard to Brig.- Genl. W. B. Taliaferro, [Guinea Station, Va.] My condition is more serious than was at first thought — condition of injured shoulder — will rejoin as soon as I con- veniently can. A. L. S. T-30-s. 1862, Aug. 13, Barboursville, [Va.J B. J. B [arbour] =' to [Brig.-Genl. W. B. Taliaferro.] 22 Probably the messes of the Howitzer Co. 23 See note 4, supra, p. 165. 2* For Steuart, see infra, p. 402. 25 Coffee was by this time becoming scarce in the Confederacy. See inde^, Coffee. 28 One of the distinguished Virginia family of that name ; a Whig, and elected a delegate to the Nashville Convention of 1850. See Scott, History of Orange County, Virginia, p. 181. Confederate Calendar. 171 Send some books — come and "take the range" of the whole library — arii kept at home by the number of soldiers — would be imprudent to leave — Mrs. Barbour sends a "mess" of tomatoes. A. L. S. T-30-1. 1864, Sept. 5, Augusta, Ga. H. C. Barrow" to [John F.] Myer,^' [Richmond, Va.] Please send the list of Confederate generals I left with you — tell the gentleman in your office to make out the monthly report for our magazine and forward it at once — I have perfected plans to publish the magazine^' here — the first number will soon be out. A. L. S. M-38-1. 1861, May 4, Montgomery, [Ala.] F. S. Bartow^" to [Brig.-] Genl. [A. R.] Lawton.'^ You have been appointed to command the Ga. coast de- fences — no apprehensions of attack — probable forces needed — am at work on a uniform for the army.^^ A. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-33-34. 1863, June 6, Savannah, [Ga.] Hd-Qrs. i8th Ga. Battln. Wm. S. Basinger, Maj. comdg., to Capt. W. T. Taliaferro, [A. A. G.] In accordance with General's'^ permission, by yours of 2nd inst., I broke camp today on Isle of Hope,^* and removed 2'' A publisher, who later issued Smith and Barrow's Magazine. The letter has reference to this venture. 28 The name is correctly, /. F. Mayer, of the Adjt.-Gerfl's Dept. 2' It was, however, finally published in Richmond. ^o Francis S. Bartow of Savannah. He was a member of the Confed- erate Congress, and Captain of the Oglethorpe Infantry of Savannah. This command is said to have been the first to offer its services to the Con- federacy for war. "I go to illustrate Georgia," wrote Bartow to Governor Brown, when his company had gone to Virginia. He was killed at First Manassas. See C. M. H., v. 6, p. 394-95. 31 Later Quartermaster-General, C. S. A. See C. H. M., v. i, p. 618-9. 32 Bartow is said to have been the first to suggest the "Confederate gray" uniform. 33 Brig.-Genl. Wm. B. Taliaferro. 3* A stretch of land partially surrounded by the Skiddaway and Herb Rivers, six miles southeast of Savannah, Ga. 172 Confederate Calendar. here,, near City Hospital — lack of transportation forced me to leave my medical stores and some of my sick — will bring them on in a few days. A. L. S. B2-47-I. 1865, June 7, [Savannah, Ga.] Camp Taliaferro, Hd.-Qrs. i8th Ga. Battln. Wm. S. Basinger, Maj. comdg, to Capt. W. T. Taliaferro, A. A. G. March yesterday prevented my report — now forward it'° — send blanks — may be forwarded through Capt. Mercer. A. L. S. ^2-47-2. 1863, Apr. 26, [n. p.] Joseph W. Bates, Co. D ist Va. Receipt signed by; for clerical service in ofiEce of Genl. R. E. Lee— certified by W. H. Taylor, A. A. G. ; paid by W. O. Harvie, Capt., and A. C. S. — 70 cents per day. D. S. B-26. 1861, May 31, Camp Game Point, near Acquia Creek, [Va.] C. C. Baughman^* to [Greer H. Baughman.] Letters received — brush yesterday with a steamer — said to be the "Pawnee" — no fatalities — need tobacco. A. L. S. B3-1. 1861, Aug. 7, Camp on Valley Mountain, Randolph Ca., Va. C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] We are near the enemy — their Hd.-Qrs. are within twenty- four miles — arrived yesterday — march of 17 miles .on the Sth — our strategic position — expect a fight daily — reinforce- ments arriving — scarcity of tobacco — no supplies besides ra- tions — family matters. A. L. S. B3-2. 1861, Oct. 22, Warm Springs, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] I am Back here — sickness — ^we will winter here — hope s" Bj-47-i, supra, 3* Charles C. Baughman, whose letters follow, was a member of the Otey Battery, of Richmond. His father was George Baughman, St., a man- ufacturing stationer of Richmond. Mr. Baughman had four sons in Con- federate service, — George, Greer H., Charles C, and Emilius A. The family was distinguished for its devotion to the Southern cause. Confederate Calendar. 173 you may "come up" — Col. Gatewood shot in a personal affair — family news. A. L. S. B3-3. 1862, May 9, Shannon's Gap, Pulaski Co., Va. C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Letters received — I advise Emilius not to enlist in this company — Genl. Heth assumes command — his qualities — opinion of Col. Jennifer — we hear it is reported, we were engaged and were captured — no foundation for the story. A. L. S. B3-4. [On back of envelope:] "We have whipped the Yankees. 'Nobody hurt.' " A. S. 1862, May 15, Camp Success, [Giles Co., Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Geo. Baugfiman, Sr.] We had a fight last Saturday at Giles C.-H. — defeated the enemy — drove them six miles to this place — marched two nights before the fight — our gun opened and closed the en- gagement — enemy said to have lost 150 — our loss "very small" — orders issued to cook three 4ays' rations— expect an advance. A. L. S. B3-5. 1862, May 19, Camp Sucess, Giles Co., [Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] The position of the camp — its strength and strategic im- portance — the "Narrows" — movements of our section — details of the engagement of the 9th — capture of the enemy's camp — pursued to within two miles of Princeton — we then withdrew — ordered to move now — do not know the direction. A. L. S. B.3-6. 1862, May 3ij Salt Sulphur Springs. C. [C. Baughman] to Em[ilius] Baughman. Reason for not writing — our defeat at Lewisburg on the 23rd — advance from the Narrows to Greenbrier Bridge — at- tack on Lewisburg — the charge — the infantry left us unsup- ported — only five of us to limber up the gun — my narrow es- cape — ^had eleven pieces in the engagement, and lost four — we lost but one of these. A. L. S. B3-7. 174 Confederate Calendar. 1862, June 26, Camp McCausland. C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Have changed the name of Camp Heth — the enemy re- ported advancing on Sunday — all expected an engagement and hoped to recapture our gun — to our surprise, we retreated — this left almost all oT Monroe county open to the Yankees — we stopped, 2,500 of us, and let 1,800 Yankees drive 800 or 900 head of cattle by us — Loring arrives — his opinion of the action — reported Col. McCausland is placed in com- mand. 1862, July 30, Camp McCausland. C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Letters received — personal matters — foraging — had to go fifteen miles to procure anything — our cavalry capture 72 Yankees at Somerville, Nicholas Co. — We expect to advance shortly. A. L. S. B.3-9. 1862, Aug. II, Camp McCausland. C. [C, Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] All is quiet in camp — letters received — family matters — supplies needed — hope for an early advance — we are tired of "staying in camp without anything to do except drill and stand guard." A. L. S. B3-10. 1862, Aug. 20, Camp Caperton. C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Glad to hear Greer was not hurt — sorry [Co.] "F" suf- fered so heavily — they went in with 112 men, and now have seven for duty — Yankees have left Meadow Bluff — supposed they intend to reinforce Pope — ^think we will advance down the Ka[nawha] Valley — part of our troops have been sent after the enemy — we are receiving reinforcements — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-11. 1862, Nov. 19, Camp Narrows. C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Back here, nearer the rail-road — letters received — are ar- ranging winter-quarters, but may be moved nearer Dublin — Confederate Calendar. 175 hope so, as it will enable us to hear from home more fre- quently — no hopes of a furlough — we have 43 men absent, most of them on sick-leave — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-12. 1862, Nov. 24, Camp Cloyd, near Dublin, [Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to Geo. [Baughman.J Letters written and received — hopes for promotion — our guns and horses in bad condition — we now have good cap- tured tents and can keep comfortable — wish you would visit me. A. L. S. B3-13. 1862, Nov. 24, Camp Cloyd, near Dublin, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Letters received — our hard march back here — upon ar- rival we heard a train blow for the first time in six months — the boys "yelled worse than a party of Indians" — hard fare — have to cook myself — very comfortable in our captured tents — wish "we had the men they were intended for too" — chances of promotion — personal needs — am sorry Pa's stock of paper is exhausted^ — please send me the Southern Illus- trated News. A. L. S. B3-14. 1863, Apr. 25, Camp near Abingdon. C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Directions for sending a box — no news from home — ^very dull here — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-15. 1863, June 6, Shady Spring, Raleigh Co., Va. C. C. Baugh- man to [Geo. Baughman, St.] Box received — ^have moved again — expect our pieces, the 4th and Sth detachments will be joined to McCausland's bri- gade and be sent to the mouth of Cool River, 15 miles from Charleston — will not apply for a transfer until I see "what we are going to do out here." A. L. S. B3-16. 1863, June 21, Camp Shady Spring, [Va.] C. [C Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, St.] Request a felt hat be sent at once. A. L. S. B3-17. 176 Confederate Calendar. 1863, Aug. 10, Camp near Liberty Mills, Orange Co., Va. C. [C. BaughmanJ to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Arrived here yesterday — ^are unattached as yet — address Otey Battery, Wharton's Brigade, Ewell's Corps — am happy to say "that at last we are 'Lee's Miserables' "—location of camp — have not seen Greer or Em[ilius] yet — saw some old friends of the 21st Va. — personal matters — weather very warm. A. L. S. B3-18. 1863, Aug. 14, Camp near Liberty Mills, Orange Co., Va. C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Letter received — many deserters coming in — we have re- ceived several recruits — now number no men — we are hop- ing for new guns — we want 6 lo-pdr. parrots — our guns are of too short range — we will borrow guns if ordered into action — men in fine health and spirits — are having good fare — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-19. 11863, Aug. 20, Camp near Liberty Mills, [Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Letters received — personal matters — do not let disasters affect you — the joy of reunion will only be the greater, even if the war lasts two or three years longer — ^had a draw for a furlough, but missed it — were two furloughs to a hundred men — have divided our mess — please send 4 pounds of coffee and 8 pounds of sugar — will remit for them. A. L. S. B3-20. 1863, Aug. 25, Camp near Liberty Mills, Va. C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Personal matters — is reported we are ordered back to West Virginia — regrets — private affairs. A. L. S. B3-21. 1863, Sept. 14, Wytheville, Va. C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Reasons for not writing — our battery and the home-guard are the only troops here — act as infantry, artillery and cav- alry — courtesy of the people — expect orders to go to Jones- boro, Tenn. — purchase of a horse — family matters. A, L. S. B3-22. Confederate Calendar. 177 1863, Sept. i7j Camp near Saltville, Va. C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, St.] No orders for Tenn. yet — hope to receive them — this place the dullest in West Virginia — the horse is better than I thought — we hear that part of Pickett's Div. is on the way to Tenn., Corse's Brig, is at Glade Spring — personal mat- ters — accident to CHfford Bridges. A. L. S. B3-23. 1863, Oct. 17, on "Thunder Hill," near Abingdon, Va. C. [C. BaugfimanJ to [Geo, Baughman, St.] Letter received — ^have had a disagreeable time — order on Monday to Glade Springs [sic] — loaded guns and horses on the care — left there the 12th (Tuesday) about noon — reached Zollicoffer at dark — unloaded and took position — a strongly fortified place — the Yankees flanked Genl. Williams — ^Wed- nesday we withdrew — ^passed through/ Bristol — reached here Thursday — threw up breast-works — the Yankees withdrew — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-24. 1863, Oct. 26, Camp near Abingdon, Va. C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Under orders to march — do not know our destination — think it either Cumberland Gap or Knoxville — most of the men are bare-footed — unable to use my horse — whereabouts of the horse "in case of accident" — we have not been paid off for four months — do not expect it for two months yet. A. L. S. B3-25. 1863, Nov. 6, Camp in Sullivan Co., Tenn. C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Letters received — you misunderstood — I do not believe I shall be wounded or killed — do not be disturbed — ^have been here two days — no idea how long we shall stay here — short marches — do not believe we are to go to Knoxville or Cum- berland Gap — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-26. 1864, Apr. 23, Camp near Abingdon. C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Arrived here last evening, because of reported advance against the Salt Works — cannot say where we are going — 178 Confederate Calendar. "pretty certain" we will not go to Lee as we expected — wish we could have joined Longstreet and be in the battle of the war which I think will come off near Richmond "in a very- short time" — fear we shall be "running up and down" be- tween nere and Greenville, Tenn. all the campaign — ^horses in bad condition. A. L. S. B3-27. 1864, May 2, Camp near Abingdon, [Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] No letters for nearly three weeks — disagreeable march to- ward Zollicofifer — return without result — scarcity of pro- visions — rations from three-fourths to one pound of meal, and one-third of a pound of bacon — cold weather. A. L. S. B3-28. 1864, May 19, Camp "10 miles of Christiansburg," [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Personal matters — We had hoped to join Lee or Beaure- gard, but on the day we expected orders, were sent off to Saltville, to meet a raid — it was only a feint by Averill — the real attack was on Dublin — this was captured — our troops arriving too late — the bridge over the New River burned — we burned the bridge on the macadamized road — Morgan captures some Yankees near Wytheville — the enemy burned the warehouses and left Dublin — ^their killed and wounded fell into our hands — we go to Lynchburg this evening or to- morrow— ^o not know our destination from that point. A. L. S. B3-29. 1864, Sept. 8, "In the Trenches" [in front of Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Arrived safely — little firing — our gun now on the left of the battery — position very strong — no danger of our being mined — the engineers have sunk wells and joined them with connecting tunnels — personal matters — address 13th Batln. Va. Arty., ist Arty. Corps. A. L. S. B3-30. 1864, Sept. 9, "Trenches," [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to Greer [Baughman.] Personal matters — all goes finely in the trenches — only one man hurt near our gun — private affairs. A. L. S. B3-31. Confederate Calendar. 179 1864, Sept. II, "Trenches," [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to Greer [Baughman.] Security of our position — ^we live well — impress on Ma that there is no danger — personal matters . . . [ends abruptly, part missing.] A. L. n. S. B3-32. 1864, Sept. 14, In Camp, [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] The Yankees shelled Petersburg this morning — several houses struck, no fatalities reported — please send some sweet potatoes — they cost two dollars a quart here, "but they are miserable little things" — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-33. 1864, Sept. 18, "In the Trenches," [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Personal matters — Hampton is said to have capture pris- oners and cattle — hope he did — our beef has just given out — we were issued one day's beef and two day's bacon — bacon every day now. A. L. S. B3-34. 1864, Sept. 23, "Trenches" TPetersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Letters received — you ask how we live — "hugely" — up at half-past five, we draw straws for who shall bring the water, wash and have breakfast — our cooking utensils — then kill time until dinner, about four o'clock — at dark the working parties go out, returning about twelve o'clock — our chief diversion is to watch the shelling — the evening the Yankees heard of Early's defeat, they cheered along the whole line — the next morning they opened on our front line for an hour — Charlie Spencer was badly wounded — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-35. 11864, Sept. 28-29, "Trenches," [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Do not let Early's defeat dishearten you — we will make up for it^— good fare on Hampton's beef — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-36. i8o Confederate Calendar. 1864, Sept. 30, "In Camp," [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C, Baugh- man] to [Miss Minnie A. Baughman.] Letters received — threatened assault yesterday — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-37. 1864, Oct. I, "Trenches," [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Heavy firing for two days — casualties at our gun slight — reported successes on the right — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-38. 1864, Oct. 1-3, [Trenches in front of Petersburg, Va.] [C. C. Baughman.] Notes on daily events — bad weather — news from the right — no news from home. A. N. S. B3-39. 1864, Oct. 4, "Trenches near Petersburg, Va." C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] It is reported that Wheeler has driven Sherman from Atlanta — also said we have regained our lines on the right — all is quiet here — we are "getting along" very well — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-40. 1864, Oct. 9, "Trenches near Petersburg," [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] No letters received — personal matters — a sharp picket skirmish Thursday night — a truce today — I am so used to stooping as I pass the embrasures "I expect that when I get home every time I pass in front of the window I will go on my hands and knees" — private affairs. A. L. S. B3-41. 1864, Oct. 13, "Trenches," [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Little news — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-42. 1864, Oct. 14, "Trenches," [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Private matters — picket firing keeps up — all quiet other- wise. A. L. S. B3-43. Confederate Calendar. i8i 1864, Oct. 15, "Trenches," [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.j Personal matters — all quiet in the trenches — we heard ex- plosions from the direction of the James — deserters say Butler has struck rock in his canal — I think with you we shall have stirring times in the spring — ^when the canal is finished they will attack our right — Genl. Lee, I think, expects it, has moved his Hd.-Qrs. north of the James. The battle will be fierce, and will end~ the war — "I feel very confident [sic] that by next spring we will be again enjoying the blessing of peace." A. L. S. B3-44. 1864, Oct. 20, Trenches, [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Private affairs — ^passes limited — all supernumeraries and half the drivers in the trenches. A. L. S. B3-45. 1864, Oct. 23, Trenches, [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Personal matters — I disagree with you about arming the negroes — the men are unanimous against it — ^half, or more than half, would lay down their arms — I have heard men say they would desert sooner than serve with negroes — I hope Congress will take no action — private affairs. A. L. S. B3-46. 1864, Oct. 25, "Trenches," [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Personal matters — all is quiet — we expected an attack — it did not materialize — I do not see where the Presidential elec- tion "in Yankeedom" will make any difference — we will have peace next summer anyway— private affairs. A. L. S. B3-47. 1864, Oct. 29, "Trenches," [Petersburg, Va.] C. [C. Baugh- man] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Account of the night assault of the 27th — the mistake in recognizing the enemy — the surptise^retaking the line — prisoners — private affairs. A. L. S. B348. 1 82 Confederate Calendar. 1864, Nov, I, "Trenches," Petersburg, Va. C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, St.] An alarm Sunday night — we are finishing our bomb-proof — heavy firing yesterday — I hope you have reconsidered the plan of drafting negroes — it is the "worse thing for our cause that could possibly be done" — approaching election — I fear Lincoln has the "Yankee nation" so much under his power that he will force them to elect him — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-49. 1864, Nov. 10, Camp Walker, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Have moved here and built very comfortable quarters — hope we shall stay here — get along very well — think cam- paign about over for the year. A. L. S. B3-50. 1864, Nov. 13, Camp Walker, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Miss] Minnie [A. Baughman.] We are busy arranging our quarters — are glad to get out of the trenches — details of house-building. A. L. S. B3-51. 1864, Nov. 16, Camp Walker, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Reasons for not writing — details of camp-building — pri- vate affairs. A. L. S. B3-52. 11864, Nov. 21, Camp Walker, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Ceo. Baughman, Sr.] Personal matters — the extra horses of the battalion sent to Lynchburg — tEe detail — hope for a visit from you. Ma and Minnie. A. L. S. B3-53. 1864, Dec. 4, Camp Walker, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Pleasant visit from Pa — personal matters — you have heard of Genl. Grade's death — "he was considered one of the best Brigadiers in the army." A. L. S. B3-54. 1864, Dec. 7, Camp Walker, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Confederate Calendar. 183 Details of movement to Bellefield to meet a raid — hard marching — cold weather. A. L. S. B3-55. 1864, Dec. 20, "Camp H. A." C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] On a visit to Greer — personal matters. A. L. S. B3-56. 1865, Jany. 7, Camp Walker, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Personal matters. A. L, S. B3-57. 1865, Jany. 19, Camp Walker, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Personal affairs — our rations "are as good as we could wish" — flour, pickled beef, sugar, rice and salt — and yester- day, fresh pork, corn meal, and salt — all is quiet — rumors from Richmond regarding peace are anything but pleasant — "we have no idea of submitting after having en- dured all these hardships" — private affairs. A. L. S. B3-58. 1865, Jany 25, Camp Walker, Va. C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Your letter received — I agree with you that if we are true to ourselves, we will gain our independence despite present gloomy prospects — the third Corps has moved to the right — took no artillery — some say it means the evacuation of Vir- ginia — I do not think so — the men left most of their tents standing — is rumored Drewry's Bluff is captured — disbelieved — if it were we should be compelled to evacuate Virginia, "which I should dislike very much" — should it happen, the family had best stay in Richmond — personal affairs. A. L. S. B.3-59. 1865, Feb. I, Camp Walker, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo, Baughman.] Why have none of you written — personal matters. A. L. S. B,-6o. 184 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Feb. 6, Camp Walker, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] Letter received— visit to Greer— the battery moved during my absence but returned— we see the Peace Commissioners accomplished nothing — am not disappointed, did not expect any result — ^you are correct in your conjecture that the "army is all right on the Peace question. It is true that some of the men are discouraged and ready to give up but that feeling is ' not so widely spread as some persons think. The great ma- jority of us [are] determined never to submit" — private af- fairs. A. L. S. B3-61. 1865, Feb. 9, Camp Walker, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Mrs. Geo. Baughman.] We moved to the right on Monday — were slightly engaged — ^gallant conduct of Crenshaw's Battery and Finegan's Bri- gade — returned on Wednesday. A. L. S. B5-62. 1865, Mch. 5, Camp Pegram, [Va.] C. [C. Baughman] to [Geo. Baughman, Sr.] Private affairs. A. L. S. B3-63. 1863, Sept. I, Richmond, [Va.] [Geo. Baughman] to Charley tC Baughman.]" [Fragment.] I sent your bundle today — direction — pur- chase of a horse for you . . . [ends abruptly] [Reverse of B3-24.] B3-24b. 1863, Sept. 13, Richmond, [Va.] Geo. Baughman to Charley [C. Baughman.] No news from you — I heard you got the horse from Lynch- burg, in person or by proxy — do not know your whereabouts — Greer and Em[ilius]'' have been with us — we were advised that Pickett's Div. is ordered to Tennessee [page missing] our health — we have secured about 600 reams of envelope ^^ Scarcity of paper compelled C. C. Baughman to use the reverse of this letter and the one following for his letter of Oct. 17, 1863, supra, p. 177. 3"* Mr. Baughman's other sons. See supra, note 36, p. 172. Confederate Calendar. 185 paper — will make about "5 miU'ri" [envelopes]^" — will last from nine months to a year, "unless we sell some, which we probably will" — business is good — thank God for this and other blessings — personal matters. [Reverse of B3-24.] B3-24C. 1864, Dec. I, [Richmond, Va.] G[eorge] Baughman. Bill to ; for three months' gas, $105.00— less $5.25 for pay- ment in five days — paid. P. F. S. Va.-F-i2. [18] 61, Apr. 14, Richmond, [Va.] G. H. Baughman to [Geo. Baughman.] Regret my silence caused alarm — was very busy — thought 1 would go "down there" when news of intended attack on Sumter was received — glad I did not — could not have been of use — can await war in Virginia — "when the news of the sur- render of Fort Sumter arrived here yesterday evening the people seemed to be perfectly frantic with delight, I never in all my life witnessed such excitement, and never expect to again, the people met in procession, marched to the Capitol and the Fayette Artillery*" fired 100 Guns in honor of the victory. After firing the procession marched to the Gover- nor's house and Letcher made a few remarks,*^ which the peo- ple did. not consider quite strong enough secession, and he was hissed and groaned [.] After leaving the Governor's the procession went to the Capitol when it was proposed that the Confederate flag be raised — in place of the flag of the Federal government and for about 3 hours the Southern flag '° An examination of the envelopes in use at the time will best illus- trate the quality and scarcity of paper in the South. Regimental returns, muster-rolls, descriptive-lists and the like had to be made out on paper of a dark gray-brown hue, of very rough texture. Cf. Routt to his wife, infra, p. 388; Geo. L. Bidgood, infra, p. 192. *" A Richmond volunteer command. *i In these remarks, the Governor, John Letcher, expressed his thanks for the honor done him by the serenaders, but saw no cause for rejoicing in the events which so moved them. When Virginia was assailed, he said, he would not be found wanting. Richmond Dispatch, Apr. 15, 1861. i86 Confederate Calendar. was left floating in the breeze [.]*^ After leaving the Square the procession branched off into 3 parties and went all over town, making bonfires and firing rockets. The Enquirer, Examiner and Dispatch*^ offices were illuminated, business was almost entirely suspended yesterday evening, everybody is in favor of secession, that is all Richmond is, with a very few exceptions. Tomorrow night nearly the whole town will be illumi- nated, and there will be a torch light procession. The people firmly expect war, and are preparing for it, they only await Prest. Davis march to Washington when they will join him" — will postpone my visit to New York — personal matters — will advise Charley when our volunteers are called out — pri- vate affairs. A. L. S. B3-64. 1865, Feb. 24, Fort Lafayette, N. Y. John Yates Beall, Master, C. S. N. Trial and execution of.** Various papers — abstract of de- fence — evidence — correspondence — B2-44. 1862, May 25, Hd-Qrs. Cav. W. D., Corinth, Miss. Wm. N. R. Beall," Brig.-Genl. comdg Cav. W. D., to [Maj.-]Genl. [L.] Polk, comdg ist A Corps. Three companies are on the march to relieve three others on Bridge's Road. A. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-30. 11861, June 1, [n. p.] [G. T.] Beauregard, [Genl.] by A. R. Chisolm, A. D. C. "The conductor of the train from Winchester to Harper's *^ It was hauled down by Gov. Letcher's orders. *^ These were the three Democratic papers of the city. All were clamorous for secession. ** See J. H. McNeilly: John Yates Beall, (Confederate Veteran, 1899) ; see also Trial of John Y. Beall, as a Spy and Guerrillero, by Military Com- mission, (N. Y., 186s) ; Memoir of John Yates Beall: his Life; Trial; Cor- respondence; Diary; and Private Manuscript found among his Papers, including his own Private Account of the Raid on Lake Erie, (Montreal, 1865). *° See supra, p. 73. Confederate Calendar. 187 Ferry will detain train one hour or more for arms in charge of Mrs. Beverly [sic] Johnson." *» A. S. Md-89. 1861, Sept. 5, Manassa[s, Va.] G. T. Beauregard to J. E. Johnston. [Personal.] Proposed changes in the flag — a war and peace flag — the Southern cross*' — military squabbles — letter to Genl. Cooper — cause of the report. A. L. S. La-6. 1862, Jany. 9, Centreville, Va. G. T. Beauregard, [Genl.] to Capt. J. D. Wright, A. Q.-Mr. 5th S. C. Thanks for the scarf sent through you by an "aged South Carolina lady." A. L. S. S. C.-116. 1864, Jany. 20, Charleston, S. C, Hd.-Qrs. Dept. S. C, etc. G. T. Beauregard, [Genl.] to Maj.-Genl. [J. F.] Gilmer, Pres- ent. Please decipher enclosed despatch from Secretary of War — have not the key with me — suppose it is same as that of signal corps — personal matters — A. L. S. Ga.-gm-2S. 1864, Feb. 3, Charleston, S. C, Hd.-Qrs. Dept. S. C, etc. G. O. 15. Sig: Thos. Jordan, Chf. of Staff, by order Genl. [G. T.] Beauregard. Transportation allowed each command — disposition of ex- cess wagons — reserve wagons — markings. P. D. T-30-14. 1864, Feb. 20, Charleston, S. C, Hd.-Qrs. Dept. S. C, etc. S. O. 49, IV. Sig: Jno. M. Otey, A. A. G., by order Genl. fG. T.] Beauregard. Brig.-Genl. W. B. Taliaferro is relieved from duty in 7th district — will receive instructions from these Hd.-Qrs.** — will take his staff with him — Brig.-Genl. Hagood will assume com- mand of 7th district. D. S. Tj-43-3. ** Cf, infra, pp. 222, 312. *'' It w&s at this time that the flag was being designed. General Beau- regard is generally given credit for originating the battle-flag known as the "Southern Cross." *8 See T^-43-4, infra. 1 88 Confederate Calendar. 1864, Feb. 20, Charleston, S. C, Hd.-Qrs. Dept. S. C, Ga. and Fla. S. O. 49, V-VI. Sig. Jno. M. Otey, by command of Genl. [G. T.] Beauregard. Brig.-Genl. Taliaferro will proceed to district of East Flor- ida, assume command of all Confederate troops there, and organise them for the present as follows: i. Brig.-Gen. A. H. Colquitt to command his brigade as now organised. 2. Brig. Gen. Jos. Finegan to command a brigade to be formed of in- fantry of East and West Florida Districts now under him, v/ith troops to be sent from Ga. 3. Col. Geo. P. Harrison will command an infantry brigade transferred from S. C. 4. Light Arty, will be under Lieut-Col. C. C. Jones, siege batteries un- der Maj. Geo. H. Buist. 5. Cavalry will be under Col. R. H. Anderson. VI. . . . "Every effort must be made to have the force organized for immediate offensive movements against the enemy, whose operations are deemed favorable to that end." *» A. D. S. T^-^^-^. 1864, Dec. 10, Charleston, [S. C] G. T. Beauregard, Genl., to Maj.-Genl. Sam Jones, Pocataligo. Notify me when plans for attack are complete — will send 500 more troops."" A. S. Ga.-ga-i-36. 186 [s], Apr. 17, Greensboro, [N. C] G. T. Beauregard, [Genl.] to Genl. Jos. E. Johnston. Genl. B.°^ leaves as soon as practicable — he hopes to ar- rive at II P. M. Tel. S. C. 113. 1862, Nov. 29, Staunton, Va., Q.-M. Office. H. M. Bell, Maj. and Post Q.-M. Certificate of delivery by Lieut. Salyards of 4 men detailed as shoemakers. A. S. T1-47-10. 1864, May 18, Staunton, Va. H. M. Bell, Maj. etc., to Brig.- Gen. A. R. Lawton, Q.-M. Genl. *' See an account of conditions and movements in Florida at this time in C. M. H., V. II (Florida), c. v., p. 82 ff. 50 Printed, O. R., s. 92, p. 947. 51 Genl. John C. Breckinridge. See Breckinridge to Johnston, Apr. 17, l8Cs. infra, p. 198. Confederate Calendar. 189 Upon request I beg to report condition of Major T. L. Broun, Q. M.— he was reported killed in fight at Dublin Depot, but was shot "through the bowels" and taken pris- oner, but left by enemy, too badly wounded to be carried ofif. Surgeon now says he may recover."'' A. L. S. B-18-1. Endsd: Reflferred to Col. [W. L.] Broun, Ordnance De- partment: W. F. Alexander Major & Asst. to Q.-M. G. O. A. S. 1861, Oct. 28, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. J. P. Benjamin,'^ Actg. Sec. War, to Maj.-Genl. Braxton Bragg, Pensacola, Florida. I have received letter from Gov. J. E. Brown of Georgia, stating he needs services of Dr. Jas. T. Knott, Pvt. Co. D, 1st Ga. Batn. — cannot well refuse'* — order his discharge. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-i3. Endsd: "Order to be discharged and to report to Gov. Brown, B. B." A. S. 1861, Dec. 27, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. J. P. Benjamin, Sec. War, to Genl. Jos. E. Johnston, comdg. Dept. N. Va. The Adjt-Genl. has laid Genl. W. H. Whiting's letter be- fore the President — I am instructed to reply — the President reads with displeasure Whiting's "very insubordinate" re- marks — he does not wish to force command on Whiting — you will relieve him of command of the Miss, brigade — as their is no other without commander, will not need his services — order Maj. [sic] W. H. Whiting of the Engineer Corps to re- port to Genl. Jackson, Valley District, for duty — his service will be useful there'^ — the President requests you decline to °2 See Wm. L. Broun to Thos. L. Broun, May, 1864, infra, p. 200. S3 Benjamin served as Secretary of War from Sept., 1861, to Mch. 18, 1862, when he became Secretary of State. For his life, see Max James Kohler: Judah P. Benjamin: Statesman and Jurist, (Balto., 1905; re- printed from Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, No. 12); also Pierce Butler: Judah P. Benjamin, (Phila., 1907). 5* As is well known, relations between Gov. Brown and Pres. Davis were often strained. == Printed, 0. R., s.'v., pp. 1011-12. igo Confederate Calendar. forward communications of subordinates tending to cause a "mutinous and disorganising spirit in the army." L. S. La.-6. [i8]64, Mch, 25, Richmond, [Va.J J. P. Benjamin, [Sec. State] to Hon. A.' H. H. Stewart [Stuart,] '« Staunton, Va. Request you come to Richmond for conference on a mat- ter too delicate to be trusted to mail — do not mention your coming. A. L. S. Va.-C-S3. 1865, Mch. 2, Richmond, Va., Dept. of State. J. P. Benjamin to Hon. J. Thompson. "Sir: i have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your several despatches of 4th, 8th and 22d January, as well as of your full report from hands of Col. Dawson. The President instructs me to forward to you the following directions on the various points embraced in your correspondence — 1st. In regard to our escape?! prisoners. Place in the hands of some person in whom you have confidence such sum of money, not exceeding ten thousand dollars, as you may deem necessary, to be applied solely to the purpose of assisting such of our soldiers as may need aid to return to the Confederacy. No money is to be supplied to any that do not wish to return here. II. In regard to Dr. S. The President does not wish any more money advanced to him, nor does he desire that any enterprise of any kind be undertaken by the Doctor. We are determined not to permit any just complaint to be made of breach of neutral rights by our authority or sanction. III. Pay over to the gentleman referred to in my despatch of 30th December last, twenty thousand dollars to be used by him at his discretion in our service, and to be accounted for by him. Should he hereafter need more money, inform him that I will send it to him on being notified of his wants. IV. Reserve in your hands such sum as you may need to pay your expenses home. 58 Alexander H. H. Stuart was a leader of the old Whig party in Vir- ginia, was in Fillmore's cabinet, and a member of the Virginia Convention of 1861. See hia "Recent Revolution ..." (Rich., 1866). Confederate Calendar. 191 V. Remit the entire remainder in your hands to Mess. Fraser, Trenholm & Co. of Liverpool, to be placed to my credit, in a separate account to be called "Secret Service Ac- count." Make this remittance as soon as possible and let me know the amount of it, as we are in pressing need of these tunds abroad for important service there. VI. Procure for us a complete record of Burley's case that we may make it the basis of oificial action — (from its begin- ning to the final judgment in Appellate Court.) VII. Return to Confederacy as soon as you can. Your own discretion must be exercised as to the best mode — I would however suggest Havana, thence to Matamoros by neutral vessel, thence through Texas. This route is long, but IS the only one that can be considered entirely safe. I believe this covers all points. I am necessarily brief in order to conceal this despatch more securely — As soon as you receive this, publish in N. Y. Herald an advertisement for one week, as follows: For sale : °^acres of Illinois prairie lands. For descrip- tion, price and terms, apply by letter to N. O. DONALDSON, Chicago, 111. Fill up the blank before the word "acres" with the num- ber of pounds sterling that you remit to Fraser, Trenholm &Co. I am. Sir, very respectfully. Your obedient servant," L. S. s m-2.-'8 5^ A search of the files of the daily Herald from March 6 to April 30, 1865, does not disclose this advertisement, though hundreds of similar ones appear daily. 58 This letter was found among the Shea papers, and was evidently one of the exhibits prepared by Judge Shea for the defence of President Davis- Jacob Thompson was a secret agent of the Confederacy, with headquar- ters in Canada. For an account of his operations, see : A Leaf from His- tory. Report of I. Thompson, agent for the late Confederate Govern- ment. (Wash., 1868.) "Dr. S." is mentioned by Thompson {op. cit.) as "Dr. K. I. Stewart of Virginia." There was, however, a Dr. C. L. Stuart and the two may have been confused. See infra, p. 4SS and note. 552. 192 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Jany. 9, Hd.-Qrs. City of Charleston. T. D. Bertody, Maj. and A. A. I. Genl., to Lieut. J. Hunter, A. A. A. G. [to Col. E. C. Anderson.] Report to the Col. comdg. the condition of the guns, am- munitions, garrisons, etc., in the following batterie.s : Ramsey ; Blakely Gun-Battery (Frazier's Wharf on Cooper River) ; Laurens St. (on Cooper River) ; Calhoun St. (foot Calhoun St. on Cooper River) ; Half-Moon (cor. Columbus and Drake Sts.) ; Waring (foot of Tradd St. on Ashley River)— full de- tails for each battery. 9 P- Endsd: Jany. 13, [s. p.] Forwarded to Brig.-Genl. Talia- ferro. Edwd. C. Anderson, Col. comdg. L. S. B2-49. 1864, May 31, LRichmond, Va.] Geo. L. Bidgood.^' Receipt signed by ; for stationery furnished the Confederate States Senate — e. g. 1,000 envelopes, $150; one bottle of ink, $5 ; 3 reams tools-cap paper $175 per ream. Approved: W. E. Simms[?] Ck. D. S. S-39- 1862, Dec. 21 [?J, Hd.-Qrs. 2nd Army Corps. G. H. Bier, Mas. Art. and Chf. Ord. 2nd Corps, A. N. V., to Brig.-Genl. [W. B.] Taliaferro, comdg. ist Div. "Vour weekly ordnance report due yesterday and the spe- cial report called for yesterday by order Lt.-Genl. Jaclcson have not been received — are needed immediately to report to the Chief of Ord. A. L. S. B2-51-1. 1862, Dec. 22, Hd.-Qrs. 2nd Army Corps. G. H. Bier, C. S. N., Mas. Art and Chf. Ord. 2d Army Corps [A. N. V.], to [Brig.-] General [W. B. Taliaferro.'] Capt. H. H. Lee's report of arms in your division has not been received — the others were received promptly — my report is thereby delayed — Capt. Lee must be reflected upon in the report, if it is incomplete — the courier will wait. A. L. S. B2-51-2. Endsd : Forward to Capt. Lee for explanation and for im- mediate attention. W. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. A. S. 58 A Richmond stationer and publisher. His advertisements are fre- quently met with in the Richmond papers of this period. Confederate Calendar. 193 i86x, Aug. 4-1864, June 21, Pinopolis, S. C. Black Oak Sol- diers' Relief Association. Records between these dates — a women's organization for collecting clothing and supplies for the army — minutes, list of donations, etc., 73 pages. S. C-397. 7865, Jany. 20, James Island, [S. C] Jno. L. Black, Col. [comdg.J to Capt. P. N. Page, A. A. G. Firing'" is at a wreck of a steamer of ours grounded near Sumter — a gunboat and monitor also firing on John's Island towards Legareville — have no official report — best ask Genl. Elliott. Tel?" Ti-44-6. 1864, Nov. 21, Petersburg, Va., Camp ist Engineer Regt. Wm. W. Blackford, [Lt.-Col.] to T. W. CoUey, Esq., Cedarsville, Va. Impracticable now to take up architecture — you might enter the Univ. of Va. — an arrangement has been made by the gov- ■ernment with the Univ. whereby disabled soldiers can attend without any charge — clothing and rations given — advice on the subject, f. S. — Wooden legs can be obtained almost free irom the Y. M. C. A. — Write to the Richmond committee. A. U S. Ci-46. 1863, May 7, Washington D. C. C. C. Blacknall to Mrs. V. Blacknall. I was captured at Chancellorsville — am confined in the; Old Capitol — ^have no concern for me. A. L. S. N. C-178-24. 1864, Aug. 18, Washington, D. C, Office of Commissary Gen- 'cral of Prisoners. G. Blagden, Maj., etc., to Miss Mary M. Came, Alexandria, Va. Permission to furnish prisoners with provisions is given 80 See W. B. Taliaferro to J. L. Black, Jany. 20, 1865, infra, p. 415- '1 These messages could be sent either by signals or by telegraph, as "both lines were in use around Charleston. Those from Sumter came by signal; but it is often difficult to decide the exact mode of transmission from other points. Sometimes signal messages were forwarded part of the way by telegraph. 194 Confederate Calendar. near relatives when prisoners are ill ; with clothing, when des- titute. L. S. Va.-E-25. 1862, Aug. 19, Culpeper Co., 20 miles N. E. Gordonsville, Longstreet's Div., Pryor's Brigade. Jloel] C. B[lake] to Laura [BlakeJ, his wife. Continual marching— I know little news — reported narrow escape of Gen. Stuart — other items — family afifairs. A. L. S. Fla.-ga-8. i86[3,]«=' Apr. 30, Thursday, Fitzgerrold [Fitzgerald] House, near Fredericksburg, Va. [J. C. Blake to [his wife?] Details of the Fitzgerald house — the surrounding coun- try. A, L. n. S. Fla.-ga-9. 1861, Aug. I, Camp Greg., Hd.-Qrs. ist Brigade, ist Corps, Army of the Potomac. M. L. Bonham, Brig.-Genl. comdg. ist Brig. 1st C, A. P., to Brig.-Genl. G. T. Beauregard, comdg. 1st Corps A. P. on i8th and 21st July, 1861. 9 p. Report of operations of Bonham's Brigade at Manassas. Printed: O. R., S. I, v. 2, pp. 518-21. D. S. Ga-2-20. 1864; June 8, New Orleans, Hd.-Qrs. Provost Marshal Genl. Dept. Gulf. [James] Bowen, Brig.-Genl., etc., by C. . WiUborn, Col. and Actg. C. S. D., Dept. Gulf, to Mrs. De Bar, alias Hattie Vallee. By direction of Maj.-Genl. comdg. you are requested to leave the department "as soon as you can conveniently make preparations for that purpose." ^ L. S. Mo-i. 1864, June 8, New Orleans, Hd.-Qrs. Provost Marshal Gen. Dept. of the Gulf. [James] Bowen, Brig.-Genl., etc., by C. WiUborn, Col. & C. S. D. Dept. Gulf, to Managers St. Chas. Theatre. By direction of Maj.-Genl. comdg. you are notified that Mrs. De Bar, acting at your theatre under the name of Hattie 82 Evidently 1863, since April 30 fell on Thursday only once during the war. Blake belonged to Company K, Sth Florida Regt. He was killed July 2, 1863. Confederate Calendar. ig^ Vallee, will not be admitted to the theatre under forfeiture of your license. L. S. Mo-i. 1863, Apr. IS, Grand Gulf, Miss., Hd.-Qrs. ist Brig., 2nd Div. A. M. Jno. S. Bowen, Brig.-Genl. comdg., to Maj. R. W. Memminger, A. A. G. Dept. M. & E. La. Please send me printed copies of the Confederate Cipher. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-27. 1864, Apr. 19, [n. p.] T. M. Bowyer, Maj. and Chf. Ord. Officer, A. N. V. Agreement between ; and Jas. B. Smith, Pulaski, Va.— the latter to furnish 5000 horse-shoes and 500 lbs. horse-shoe nails. D. S. Ga.-ga-i-i9. 1862, Feb. 7, Mobile, Ala., Hd.-Qrs. Dept. Ala., etc. S. O. 46. Sig: Geo. G. Garner, by order Maj.-Genl. [Braxton] Bragg. Honorable discharge of Capt. Vans Randall,«= ist, Fla. Vols., whose command has been reduced by re-enlistments for the war. D. S. Fla.-23. 1862, Feb. 12, [n. p.] Hd.-Qrs. Dept. Ala., etc. Braxton Bragg, Maj.-Genl., to [Maj.-JGenl. Sam Jones, comdg. Army of Pen- sacola. A. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-23-4. Printed O. R., S. i, v. 6, p. 824-25. 1863, Jany. 14, Tullahoma, [Tenn.] Braxton Bragg to Col. B. S. Ewell, Chattanooga. [Personal.] Your Kind letter received — I did not answer fully by tele- graph — the idea that I was to resign was based on a letter written to some of my generals asking if they sanctioned the repeated statements by their friends that my movements from Murfreesboro were disapproved by them, and that the enemy was in full retreat at the time— said in that if I was deceived in them, would retire without a regret-^some of these gene- rals did not meet my expectations — indebted to them for fail- ures of Wednesday and Friday evenings on the enemy's left flank — they find themselves responsible for various failures and wish to saddle me with the responsibility for these before ^^ See infra, p. 368. 196 Confederate Calendar. the official reports set the matter right — among them are men who possessed my confidence and owe me all in life — if this goes so far as to impair the confidence of the army or my con- trol of these generals, the cause will suffer irreparably, and I had better retire, at least for a time — I must say there is no man here to command an army — ^the one who aspires to it** "is a good drill master but no more except that he is gallant. He has no ability to organise and supply an army, and no con- fidence in himself when approached by an enemy" — personal good wishes — cavalry is behind the enemy — I hope to hear good reports from them soon. 3 p- A, L. S, Fla.-25. 1863, Apr. 8, Tullahoma, Tenn., Hd.-Qrs. Army Tenn. Brax- ton Bragg, Genl., to Lt.-Genl. L. Polk, comdg. Corps. I plan to commemorate the names of the gallant men who fell in recent engagements, by engraving their names on the guns they captured — send me the names of 4 gallant Tennes- seeans who fell at Murfreesboro and Perryville, for this pur- pose.°' L, S. Ga.-ga-i-32. 1864, May 4, Hd.-Qrs. Batln. Carter M. Braxton, Lt.-Col. comdg., to Col. [J. Thompson] Brown. Have received orders from Genl. Long"* to move — what shall I do with Carpenter's guns*' A. L. S. Va.-E-i8. 1864, May 4, Hd.-Qrs. Arty. Bat[l]n., ist Div. Arty. Carter M. Braxton, Lt.-Col. comdg. Batln., to Col. J. T. Brown, comdg. 1st Div. Arty., 2nd Corps. Certify that my command from Dec. 19, 1863, to Apr. 18, '* Bragg very carefully omits the name. "E See Polk to Mackall, April 20, 1863, infra, p. 366. 68 Brig.-Genl. A. L. Long, Chief of Artillery, Ewell's Corps. See C. M. H., V. 3, pp. 630-31. Long wrote numerous articles on the war. See his General Early's Valley Campaign, (Southern His. Soc. Papers, 1877, V. 3. pp. 1 12-122) ; Memoirs of General John Bankhead Magruder, (ibid., 1884, V. 12, pp. 105-110). He also wrote the w^l-known Memoirs of Gen. R. E. Lee, (New York, 1886). "^ 6^ John C. Carpenter's Battery. Confederate Calendar. 197 1864, encamped on lands of Dr. J. B. Gardner, — Reynolds, — Goodman, and — Claibrooke, near Frederick's Hall, Louisa Co., .Va. — damages allowed, but not reported — certificates given the land holders will be paid when funds are received — rails destroyed were replaced before morning. A. L. S. B-36-6. 1862, Apr. I, [Richmond, Va.] Commonwealth of Va. James Breathed. Commission as ist Lieut, of Arty., Prov. Army of Va. — rank from Mch. 23, 1862 — Sig: John Letcher, [Governor.] P. F. S. Md. 1863, Sept. 25, Camp near Orange C. H. James Breathed, Capt., to Hon. Jas. A. Seddon, Sec. of War. Tender my resignation as Capt. of Stuart Horse Arty, to take effect Oct. i, 1863 — am tired of this arm of service — can do better in another. A. L. S. Md-57. Endsd: i. Forwarded disapproved. Breathed is the best man for managing a battery of horse arty, that I have ever known. W. C . Wickham, Brig.-Genl. comdg. A. S. 2. Disapproved. Breathed is an excellent officer. Can do no better service in another arm. Fitz Lee, Brig.-Genl. comdg. A. S. 3. Disapproved. Will never consent for Breathed to quit horse arty., in which he has earned such distinction, except for certain promotion, which is well earned. J. E. B. Stuart, Maj.-Genl. comdg. A. S. 4. Forwarded not approved. For Gpnl. R. E. Lee, R. H. Chilton, A. A. A. G. A. S. 5. Disapproved by command of Sec. of War. Jno. Withers, A. A. G. A. S. 1864, Apr, 22, Richmond, [Va.] War Dept. James Breathed. Commission as Major of Arty. — rank from Feb. 27, 1864 — report to Genl. R. E. Lee. Sig: Jas. A. Seddon, Sec. of War. P. F. S. Md. TpS CONFEDEBLATE CALENDAR. 1862, Dec. 13, Hd.-Qrs. Breckinridge's Div. John C. Breck- inridge, Maj.-Genl., to Maj. Thos. M. Jack, A. A. G., ist Corps. A[rmy] T[enn.] Report of preperations made to transfer this division to Hardee's Corps. A. S. Ga.-ga-i-32. 1865, Apr. 15, Greensboro, N. C, C. S. A. War Dept. John C. Breckinridge,"* Sec. War, to J. J. Dickinson. You are appointed by the President as Col. Cavalry, P. A. C. S., subject to approval of the senate — report to Maj.-Genl. Sam. Jones, comdg. Dist. Florida. L. S. Fla.-27. 11865, Apr. 17, Greensboro, [N. C] John C. Breckinridge, Sec. War, to Genl. Jos. E. Johnston. Your telegram received"' — I leave in an hour for Hamp- ton's Hd.-Qrs. Tel. S. C.-114. 1865, May 4, [Washington, Ga.] War Dept. C. S. A. John C. Breckinridge, Sec. War. Permission is given to the chiefs of Bureaux of the War Dept. to leave the department and remain where their duties can be discharged until further orders, or until their services are needed. Those having control of public property will make disposition for the best possible interests of the govern- ment.'"' D. S. Ga.-gm.36. 1864, Aug. 8, Legare's Point, Hd.-Qrs. 2nd Arty. Section. W. N. Bridges, Capt. comdg., to Lieut. J. W. Marshall, A. A. A. G. Ask an 8-inch siege-howitzer for use between Batteries Tatum and Haskell — location — importance. L. S. B2-S0. Approved and forwarded: S.[?] I. Johnson, Capt. comdg.; T. D. Twiggs, Lt.-Col. comdg. A. S. '8 Major-General Breckinridge became Secretary of War on Feb. 4, 186s, succeeding James A. Seddon of Virginia. Sec C. M. H., v. i, pp. 609-610. «» See Beauregard to Johnston, Apr. 17, 1865, supra, p. 188. '"> This is one of the last official documents of the Confederate War Department. The various officials separated that day. Confederate Calendar. 199 1864, Dec. 16, Camp Butler's Brigade, [Columbia, S. C.?] J. L. Brisborne to Maj. W. B. Stanard. I have received your report^^ — it is satisfactory — purchase of a horse. A. L. S. S-42-1. 1863, Aug. 7, Richmond, Va., Navy Dept. OfiRce of Ordnance and Hydrography. John M. Brooke, commander in charge, to J. R. Anderson and Co.,'^ Tredegar Iron Works, Present. When will the lo-inch pattern sent you be completed? It is much wanted. L. S. Ga.-ga-3-ii. 1863, Nov. 30, Richmond, Va., Navy Department, Office of Ordnance and Hydrography. John M. Brooke, commander in charge, to Hon. J. L. M. Curry. Invitation to attend examination of acting midshipmen on C. S. S. "Patrick Henry," at Drewry's Bluff, Dec. i." Ala.-Curry. 1865, Mch. 2 1 -May 17. William G. Brooks, ist Asst. Actg. Chf. Engr., C. S. N. Engineer's log of the C. S. Ram "Stonewall" between these dates — coaling, etc.''*. Later entries of the Spanish steamer "Carmel" — Spanish form, entries in English. Ga.-ga-3. 1861, Apr. 24, Kanawha, [Va.] Thos. L. Broun" to Annie Broun. Have joined. Kanawha Rifles, which has unanimously ten- dered its service to the State to go wherever ordered — com- ^^ For further papers of Major Stanard, see Index. ''" The senior member of this firm was Joseph R. Anderson, Brig.- Genl., C. S. A. The works were usually called simply the "Tredegar." A great portion of the ammunition and ordnance used in the army of Northern Virginia was made here. The works are still in successful operation. ''^ A list of other invited guests is appended to the invitation. Mr. Curry was then a member of the Confederate Congress from Alabama. ''* For the Stonewall, see correspondence and reports in O. R-, Naval, s. I, v. 3, index Stonewall. '"> Ci, H. M. Bell to General A. R. Lawton, May 18, 1864, supra, p. 188. 200 Confederate Calendar. pany was formed during John Brown's Raid — all have hand- some uniforms, have 5een drilling for more than a year. "We are all ready, awaiting orders to go wherever the State calls us. Some lo or 12 lawyers belong to the company, in fact, all my friends and intimate acquaintances." "We are all full of the war spirit, and are determined to do our duty in defence of the glorious old commonwealth." I most heartily rejoice at the Secession of Virginia. A united South is all we want to make us a great, happy, and power- ful people. If war is necessary to accomplish this result, then let is come. Our liberty is dearer to us than life. But it is my belief that the Republicans will soon terminate the war, after the whole South is united and presents a bold front to our enemies — ^the Black republicans." Copy. B-18-11. 1864, May [n. d.] [Richmond, Va.] W. Leroy Broun'' to Major Thomas L. Broun, [Dublin Depot?] Forward letter of Major BelF* as evidence of the circumlo- cution of ofificial documents. I have just received official no- tice of your recovery, though have heard it many times. Invi- tation to visit — Good wishes of "Miss Mollie F." "We are here now in the midst of a grand battle, the deep thud, thud, of the hostile cannon is now constantly heard, yet the regular work goes on, all are confident & full of hope." Copy. B-r8-2. 1863, Aug. 26, Richmond, [Va.,] C. S. Arsenal. W. LeRoy Broun, Lt.'Col. comdg., to J. R. Anderson & Co. Can you forge a breech for a Whitworth gun ? We cannot. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-38. '» Kanawha, it will be recalled, is situated in a district where loyalty to Virginia was not altogether general. Virginia had seceded April 17, 1861 ; the ordinance had to be referred to the people, and was approved May 23, i86i. " Colonel Broun was in charge of the experimental work of the Confederate Bureau of Ordnance. He was an able chemist and his results have received praise at the hands of able critics. For some account of his work, see his article on Confederate Ordnance during the Civil War, (Journal U. S. Artillery, Jany.-Feb., 1898; reprinted in Southern His. Soc. Papers, v. 24, p. 365 ff; Richmond Dispatch, April 10, 1898). '8 Cf, H, M. Bell to Genl. A. R. Lawton, supra, p. 188. Confederate Calendar. 201 [1863, Nov. 30] [Richmond, Va., C. S. Arsenal.] Wm. Broun, Lt.-Col. comdg., to Capt. W. N. Smith. Specifying future charges for 12-pdr. Napoleons. Copy." o-io-sb. 1864, Apr. 13, Richmond, Va., C. S. Arsenal. Wm. Leroy Broun, [Col., etc.] to Col. J. Thompson Brown, Adjt. of Arty., 1st Div., Frederick Hall, Va. "Dear Col. I have ordered the fuzes to be made and hope they will be ready in time to give them a fair trial at the Yankees and will also have them worked into seconds. With regard to the fuze igniter I proposed, so as to give both the advantage of the flame of the igniter, no matter how well it would act, it is clearly impossible to have them made for use, & bence I have paid little attention to it. I have now enough brass plugs to last a year, & they can- not be altered, & the shells are made of such hard iron as to prevent drilling. The tumbling of the new 3-in. is obviously [due] to want of centering the case — It is heavier on one side than another. By having the band sawn in four places, & reducing the length it will be practically far better than the present one. The drawing I still think is all right, but the half-skilled me- chanics destroy the whole design. All our improvements have to be adapted to our inferior material & to unskilled workmen — I am yet confident, I can adapt the concussion fuze to Round shell. My expts. here were very satisfactory. , Yours &c." B-36-2. 1864, Apr. 30, Richmond, Va., C. S. Arsenal. W. Leroy Broun, [Col., etc.] to Col. J. Thompson Brown, etc. "Col. In summing up the experiments made here & in the army I find the count stands thus [ :] '" These copies were pasted on heavy paper, and were evidently in- tended for field use. See W. N. Smith, infra, p. 398. 202 Confederate Calendar. With B's Concu's. Fuze 3 inch Rifle, Copper cup shells. I Premature explosion (from an enlarged condemned gun) 8 Failed (four struck in water) 61 Exploded on striking. 70 Total fired. With Parrott guns (Iron cup shell) 14 Premature explosions. 6 Failed. 26 Exploded on striking. 46 Total fired. You thus see the Fuzes are well adapted for 3 Inch Rifle with copper cup shell, with the Iron cup the escape of gas so disturbs the leaden discharges as to cause frequent premature explosions. I hope to obviate this with Iron cups by reduc- ing the weight of the discharges, as I have done from 250 grs. to 150 grs. It acts as well with the Napoleon as with the Par- rott. Let them be used with 3 Inch & copper cup, if prema- ture explosion occurs in Parrott guns. By pressing with the thumb on the lead [load?] it is easily seen whether there is any danger in using an equivalent amount of pressure in inserting the fuze in the shell. You may stand on the fuze pressing in the direction of the axis and fail to explode, & yet explode it by tfirowmg it on hard ground. Let me know of the detects & 1 think I can ov-ercome them. Yours respectfully" B-36-3. [P. S.] I sent you 400 & have ordered more to Gen. Long for distribution." 1864, May 22, Richmond, Va. W. Leroy Broun, [Col.] to Maj. Thos. L. Broun. [Dublin Depot.] Gratification at your safety and hopes for recovery'" — ^news from friends — "Today we received the sad news of the death 8" Maj. Broun had been seriously wounded at Dublin Depot. Col. Broun was evidently replying to some more recent letter than that of Maj. Bell. Confederate Calendar. 203 of Gen. Jenkins.'^ How full of sorrow has our land become." First news of your wound — I hope to visit you — prayers for your recovery. "Our city now has many thousands wounded. You are so much more fortunate than one of the hundred officers here, where individuality is lost in the thousand cares each of which calls for sympathy" — ^visit of the enemy to Capt. Minor's home — "We just have reed, news of the change of the line of Gen. Lee which produces talk, but yet all are confident, hopeful. God will aid us & all will be well in the end." Copy. B-18-3. 1864, Feb. 18, H.-Qrs. ist N. C. T[roops.] H. A. Brown, Col., to Brig.-Genl. G. H. Steuart. r request that Dr. Cromwell be relieved from further duty in the regiment — Prefer no charge, but it is necessary perfect harmony should prevail among the officers — ^wish to accom- modate myself to circumstances, and submit to all becoming a gentleman and soldier, "yet the insolent conduct of this man is intolerable." I have no objection to any other surgeon of the Brigade or Division. Earnestly ask compliance, so as to remove all temptation to violate the Articles of War in a per- sonal encounter. A. L. S. B-io. 1864, Apr. 12, Hd.-Qrs. ist N. C. Troops. H. A. Brown, Col., to Maj. R. W. Hunter, A. A. G., Johnson's Division. I request tfie detail of Pvt. David Cockerham, Co. B, ist N. C, now acting herder, as teamster in Ordnance Train, in place of Pvt. Henderson George, Co. F, ist N. C, an able- bodied man — Cockerham has been ambulance driver. L. S. C-38-1. 1861, May 22-Nov. 29 [n. p.] J. Thompson Brown,'^ Capt., 1st Va. Arty. '1 Brig.-Genl. Micah Jenkins, mortally wounded in the second day's fight at the Wilderness, May 6, 1864. See C M. H., v. 5, pp. 405-06. Long- street was wounded at the same time. See his account of the incident and his tribute to Jenkins, in Manassas to Appomattox, pp. 563-66. '^ J. Thompson Brown was a young lawyer of wealth and ability. He went out as Captain of the second company of Richmond Howitzers, and, rapidly promoted, he- became Colonel of the ist Va. Arty., and Acting Chief of Artillery of Longstreets' Corps. He was killed at Spottsylvania CcVitt-House. For bibliography, see supra, p. 166, note 9. 204 Confederate Calendar. 6 receipts for Q.-M. stores delivered. P. F. S. Q-6-2. 1861, July 1-1864, Apr. J. Thompson Brown, Capt., etc. 18 receipts given to ; for Q.-M. supplies, rolls and ordnance stores, signed as follows: David Watson, Capt. 2nd Co. Richmond Howitzers; John W. Pugh, Lieut, comdg. Brooke's Battery; Thomas A. Bulk- ley and Co., Alex H. Hawkins, Capt. Arty.; James H. Hug- gins, Capt. Co. B, 23 Regt. G. V. [duplicates] ; H. Hudnall, Capt. 2nd Co. Howitzers [duplicates] ; Jas. Emdley[?], Jr., for Capt. Dickinson; J. S. Miller; William T. Tuck; C. L. Smith, Capt. Co. A, ist Va. Arty. ; W. H. Southall, Capt. Albemarle Artillery; R. L. Christian, Capt. and A. Q.-M. ist Arty, [dupli- cates] ; J. W. Wyatt, Capt. Albemarle Arty. ; H. E. Blair, Lt., comdg. Hupp's Battery ; W. J. Dance, Capt. Powhatan Arty. ; W. J. Armstrong, Capt. and A. C. S. B2-37-1-18. 1861, July 18-N0V. II, King's Mul Wharf, etc. J. Thompson Brown, Capt., etc. 5 Receipts to; for Q.-M. and ordnance supplies in com- mand of. Sig : Alex. H. Hankins, Capt. Jas. City Arty. ; W. R. Garrett, Capt. W'msburg-Lee Arty. ; L. E. Jones ; David Wat- son, Lieut, comdg. section Albemarle Arty.; H. J. Miller; A. Adler, Q-M. of W. Arty, [sic]^' D. S. B2-14-1-15. 1861, July 18, King's Mill, Va. J. Thompson Brown, Capt., etc., to Capt. [W. R.[ Garrett. A detail will be ordered from your company to assist in finishing magazine and breast works — the men will proceed to Williamsburg. Copy. B-31-16. 1861, July 18, King's Mill, Va. J. Thompson Brown, Capt. [Special] Order [No. .] For same detail. C. C. B-31-17. 83 Doubtful what battery is meant by the "W. Arty." Woolfolk's Ashland battery was with this command in 1862 and may be here intended. Batteries were frequently called after the names of their commanding officers. Confederate Calendar. 205 1861, Aug. 13-1864, Apr. I. J. Thompson Brown, Capt., etc. 29 receipts for ordnance and ordnance stores delivered. Q-6. [1861,] Sept. 5, [Yorktown, Va.?] J. Thompson Brown, Capt., etc. Appointment of non-commissioned officers — one sergeant, four corporals. A. D. S. Va.-E-is- 1861, Oct.-i862, June. J. Thompson Brown, Maj., etc. 15 special requisitions for supplies, ammunition, clothing, etc., for command. D. S. B^-sg-i-iS.^* 1861, Oct. 4, [Yorktown, Va.?] J. Thompson Brown, Capt. An election will be held by the 2nd Co. of Howitzers'' to supply vacancy caused by the election of the late junior Lieu- tenant to be Captain — and to supply any other vacancies among Lieutenants. D. S. H-28-2. 11861, Oct. 6, [Yorktown, Va.?] [J. Thompson Brown, Capt., etc.,] Appointment and rank of non-commissioned officers. D.n. S. Va.-E.-14. 1861, Nov., [n. p.] J. Thompson Brown, Maj., etc., to [Maj.- Genl. J. Bankhead Magruder.] I ask permission to remove two deserted children from the almshouse and carry them to Richmond, where I will enter them in the Episcopal home and provide for their expenses personally — Their mother is in the North ; their father worth- less and suspected of treason. A. L. S. B-33-4. Endsd: Approved by Genl. Magruder.^' 1861, Dec. 28-31, Yorktown, Va. [J. Thompson Brown, Maj., etc.] «* Except Bjj-39-14. 5° Richmond Howitzers, Brown's own company. "i See Magruder to Brown, Nov. 17, i86i, infra, p. 341- 2o6 Confederate Calendar. 3 morning reports to ; of non-commissioned officers and pri- vates of 2nd and 3rd Cos. Howitzers here — 14 to 17 men— 5 to 6 sick. Dn. S. B-32-24. 1862, Jany, 31, Yorktown, Va. J. Thompson Brown, Maj. comdg. Return of command: Capt. Chas. L. Smith, Co. A.; Capt. L. W. Richardson, Co. B, Ship Point; Capt. W. H. Southall, Co. G, Fort Grafton ; Capt. Henry Hudnall, Co. H, Harwood's Mill — total enlisted men, 359—17 field pieces— 199 horses. D, S. B2-42-1. [1862, Feb. 28, Yorktown, Va. J. Thompson Brown, Maj. comdg. J Return of command: Same as B2-42-1, with exception Co. H, unreported — total enlisted men, 353 — 17 field pieces— 152 horses. Dn. S. B2-42-2. [1862, Mch. 31, Yorktown, Va. J. Thompson Brown, Lt.-Col. comdg. 1st Va. Arty.] Return of command: Capt. Chas. L. Smith, Co. A, York- town; Capt. Wm. H. Southall, Co. G, Redoubt No. 4; Capt. Henry Hudnall, Co. H, Wynne's Mill — total enlisted men, 308 — 14 field pieces — 189 horses. D. S. B2-42-3. 1862, Apr. 13, [Yorktown, Va. J. Thompson Brown, Lt.-Col., etc.] Report to ; of number and condition of artillery horses and mules at Redoubts 4 and 5, Wynne's Mill, Wynne's Mill Dam" — commands listed: Southall's, Maurin's, Nelson's, Richardson's, Page's, Hudnall's, Macon's and Troop Arty. — condition of horses. D.n. S. B2-43-8. [1862,] Apr. 18, [Yofktown, Va. J. Thompson Brown, Lt.- Col., etc.J Consolidated daily report to, of condition of batteries : 2nd, 4th and 7th detachments, 2nd Co. Howitzers; ist-6th detach- *' These posts are all marked on the Federal map of Apr. 21, 1862. See O. R., Atlas, pkte XV, 4. Confederate Calendar. 207 merits, Fayette Arty.; i detachment, Southall's; i detach- ment. Troop; i detachment, Bedford — No. horses, men, guns, amount of ammunition. D.n. S. B.2-43-9. 1862, Apr. 22, Redoubt No. 5, [near Yorktown, Va.] [J. Thompson Brown.^s Lt.-Col.?] to Maj.-Genl. [D. H.] Hill, comdg. Report on weakness of Redoubts 4 and 5 — little progress made by Engineer as the negroes are weakened by sickness and drafts for other work — lack sufficient Arty, for proper de- fence of lives — need four more smooth-bore — no platform to left and rear of No. 4 — Genl. Rodes says infantry "are com- pletely broken down" — think with him a negro force should be ordered to complete the works — two more platforms should be made to the right of No. 4 — ask your written wishes. O. C. B-34-18. 1862, Apr. 27, [Near Yorktown, Va.] Redoubt No. 5. J. Thompson Brown, Lt.-Col., etc., to Maj.-GenL [D, H.] Hill, comdg. Request for official information as to my authority and duty with reference to the Artillery between and in Redoubts 4 and 5. A. L. S. B-32-1. 1862, Sept. 19, near Falling Waters. J. Thompson Brown, Col. comdg., to Capt. R. T. Colston. Have the infantry join me tomorrow by ten — precede them for conference about the roads — I have intelligence of enemy's strength. A. S, Va.-E-i6. 1862, Sept. 27, "Camp D. H. Hill's Division." J. Thompson Brown, Col. ist Va. Arty., to Maj.-Genl. D. H. Hill. I beg to call your attention to the rude manner in which Genl. Jackson's Inspector-General ordered me to vacate the camp assigned me by you. I hope stafiE officers may be re- quested to deliver orders in a less disagreeable manner. A. L. S. B-34-23. 8* Brown was probably in general command of these defences, but as the letter is unsigned and not in his autograph, it cannot positively be assigned to him. See D. H. Hill to Brown, Apr. 8, 1862, infra, p. 274. 2o8 Confederate Calendar. 11862, Oct. 31, Hd.-Qrs. Arty. Reserve. J. Thompson Brown, Col. comdg., to Maj. E. F. Paxton,*' A. A. G. Report of Engle's"" information — course I propose to pur- sue. A. S. B-34-27. 1863, Mch. 10, Bowling Green, [Va.,] Hd.-Qrs. ist Regt. Va. Arty. J. Thompson Brown, Col., to Hon. J. A. geddon, Sec. of War. I apply for transfer to my regiment of Henry B. Robin- son, Co. E, 12 Va. Regt., that he may be made sergeant- major — Robinson has been in the war since its commence- ment — believe him a faithful soldier — ^his commanders object because of the smallness of his Co. — believe it the policy of the government to encourage deserving officers. A. L. S. B-35-10. Endsd : i "Resp. refd to Genl. Lee." 2. Mch. 21, 1863, "Cow commander will prefer charges against Robinson for violating army regu- lations and G. O. No. 3 A. & I. G. O. Cur. Series." By order Genl. Lee. [1863?] Apr. 13, Hd.-Qrs. ist Va. Arty. J. Thompson Brown, Col., to Col. S. Crutchfield, Chf. Arty. 2nd Corps. I return the paper from Gen. Chilton — am informed Chil- ton's manner and language to Capt. Christian were very offen- sive, doubting the accuracy of the latter's requisition — if Christian verifies this, I will take further action — I do not wish my endorsation to commit me to acquiescence. A. L. S. B-35-7. 1863, June 5, Hd.-Qrs. Arty. 2nd Corps. J. Thompson Brown, Col. and Actg. Chf. Arty. 2nd Corps, to Brig.-Genl. [W. N.] Pendleton," Chf. Arty. A N. V. 8' Paxton was at this time A. A. G. and Chief of Staflf to General Jack- son. The latter had recommended Paxton's appointment as Brigadier- General on Sept. 27, and he was so commissioned Nov. I, 1862. See C. M. H., V. 3, p. 644 ; Jones, Roster, etc., p. 60. "9 See Engle to Brown Oct. 31, 1862, infra, p. 241. »i For Pendleton, see infra, p. 362ff., 383. Confederate Calendar. 209 In accordance with your order, I designate Brooke's bat- tery to be assigned to 3rd Corps — I wish it might be left with me — new battalion has Wyatt's Battery from my regiment — this makes the second — Brooke's battery has 3 Napoleons — this leaves me only two — I can send no other — Graham's has the only two "very long" range guns in the corps — other four always belonged to my Regiment — If necessary to send this, send word where it shall report. Answer by courier. A. L. S. B-35-14. Endsd: Col. Walker appointed Chief Arty. 3rd Corps — let Battery report to him "where he was when he started to Chancellorsville where his Hd.-Qrs. are." D. D. Pendleton, Capt. and A. A. G., by command Brig.-Genl. W. N. Pendle- ton. A. S. 1863, Sept. 18, 12 M., Morton's Ford, [Va.] J. Thompson Brown, Col., etc., to Genl. [R. S. Ewell.] I request further artillery at this point — have only one battalion here — commands to be sent. A. L. S. Va.-E-3. Endsd: i. Referred to Col. Pendleton. R. S. E. A. S. 2. Movements ordered as requested. A. S. Pendleton, Lt.-Col. and A. A. G. A. S. 1863, Nov. 19, Near Raccoon Ford, [Va.] J. Thompson Brown, [Col. comdg. Reserve Arty. 2nd Corps, A. N. V.] Field return of command — Hardaway's Battalion of 20 guns: Capt. Dance, Capt. Watson, Capt. Smith, Capt. Gra- ham, Capt. GrifBn ; total present, 7 officers, 390 men ; total absent, 10 officers, 167 men. Nelson's Battalion of 13 guns: Capt. Kirkpatrick, Capt. Milledge, Capt. Massie; total pres- ent, 37 officers, 730 men; total absent, 14 officers, 225 men Sig: S. V. Pendleton, Adjt. D. S. B2-42-6. [1863?] Nov. 27-Dec. I, [n. p.] [J. Thompson Brown.] Memoranda of movements of command. A. n. S. Va.-E-i8. 1864, Jany. 4, Frederick's Hall, Va., etc. J. Thompson Brown, Col. and Actg. Chf. Arty. 2nd Corps. 210 Confederate Calendar. 6 reports to; of time batteries of this command failed to received rations of meat and flour, Dec. 20-28 to Jany. 31. Andrew's Arty. Batln: No flour, one day — hard bread issued; no meat, nine days — procured fresh pork from citizens two days of this time. Jones' Arty. Batln: flour every day; no meat, 4 days — procured in the country. ist Regt. Arty. : flour or hard bread every day; no meat, three days; short rations, two days, of "stock" meat and meat procured in the country. Carter's Batln : flour every day ; no meat six and one-half days; procured meat from country, one other day. D. S. B-30-1-6. n. d., n. p. [J. Thompson Brown.] Draft of announcement of death of Lt.-Col. Coleman. A. n. S. Va.-E-i8. 1864, Mch. 22, Near Richmond, [Va.] Saml. G. Browne, Hospital Steward, 38th Va. Infy. Descriptive list of; sig: John G. Trevilian, Surg., etc. P. F. S. B.2 Endsd : I. G. Graham, Capt. and A. Q.-M., with clothing, etc., issued. 1863, May 9, Savannah, Ga. Henry Bryan, Maj, and A. I. G., to Col. H. D. Capers, comdg. 12th Ga. Batln. I notice great improvement in your command since last report — improve manoeuvres by careful squad-drills — I no- tice a familiarity between some officers and men, especially in Co. A — to be avoided — rifles of Co. D are well-kept — I will pay particular attention at next inspection to skirmish drill — all of the Co. officers must be prepared to act as field-officer and drill the Battalion. A. L. S. T-25-1. 1863, May 9, Savannah, Ga. Henry Bryan, Maj. and A. I. G., to Lt.-Col. G. R. Black, comdg. [63rd Ga.], Thunderbolt, [Ga.J Compliments on improvement of 13th Ga. Batln — is an effective regiment — drill is satisfactory under the circum- stances — have careful squad-drills — take great pains over mili- tary appearance — Co. D a model in this respect — minor de- Confederate Calendar. 211 tails of drill improvement — your Q-Al. should construct a prison — Artillery drill should be perfected — your hospital in remarkably good condition — I hope skirmish drill will be be- gun. A. L. S. T-25-2. 1863, June I, Savannah, [Ga.] Henry Bryan, Maj. and A. I. G., to Brig.-Genl. Thomas Jordan, Chf. of Staff, Charles- ton, S. C. Forward enclosed reports"'' for approval. A. L. S. T-47-8. Endsd: Forwarded and returned through regular chan- nels. 11864, Aug. 8, Hd.-Qrs. N. C. and Southern Va. Henry Bryan, Maj. and A. A. G. Insp.LsicJ to Col. G. W. Brent, A. A. G. Valuation of horse for Capt. A. J. Toutant — application for board of appraisers. A. S. Ga.-ga-i-20. Appended: S. O. 65, II. Sig: Jno. M. Otey, by command of Genl. Beauregard, appointing the board. D. S. 1864, Apr. 20, Mobile, Ala., Naval Commandant's Office. Frank [li]n Buchanan,"' Admiral, etc., to Midshipman P. B. Moore,"* C. S. S. "Gaines," Mobile. Report to office of Orders and Details, through this office, the name of the State and number of the Congressional Dis- trict where you" resided when appointed Midshipman. L. S. Tex.-i34. 1863, Feb. 13, Camp 55th Va. Vols .... to Sydney S. Buck, Asst. Pro. Marshal's Office, Richmond, Va. Statement as to mailing of a "descriptive roll" which does not appear to have reached you. L. N. S. B2. 1863, Apr. 8, Hd.-Qrs. Mobile, [Ala.] S. B. Buckner, Maj.- Genl., to Lt.-Genl. J. C. Pemberton, Jackson, Miss. Introducmg Mrs. Bassett, who wishes to return to Mem- phis — I ask a pass for her. A. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-23. 02 Not found. 83 For Buchanan, see C. M. H., v. i, pp. 7ii-i3. »« Cf, infra, pp. 328, 355. 212 Confederate Calendar. 1863, Jany. 29, Hd.-Qrs. Buford's Cav. Brig. A. Buford,»= Brig.-Genl., to Maj.-Genl. [Jos.] Wheeler, Chief of Cav., Army of Tenn. I send copy of G. O. No. 8— beg your cooperation— hope my command will be strengthened— felicitations— hope for service in Tenn. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-36. 1861, Aug. 19, Coffee Co., Ala. Simeon Buford; B. O. Mus- grove. Call to ladies of Beat No. 4 to organize societies for making clothing for the soldiers under proclamation of Governor. A. S. Ala.-29. 1863, July 3, Savannah, Ga. T. A. Burbe, Actg. Brigade O.-M., to Lieut. H. C. Cunningham,»° Thunderbolt, [Ga.] No tents can be issued without order from the Genl. comdg. — course to be followed — purchase of a horse. A. L. S. T-27-2. 1864, Mch. 2, n. p. T. A. Burbe, Maj. and Q.-M. "Report of the Means of Transportation in Taliaferro's Division, Army of East Florida." By commands: 21 4-horse wagons, 10 2-horse wagons, etc. Genl. Taliaferro and staff, 4 4-horse wagons; 19th Ga. Regt. i 2-horse wagon. Com- mands Hsted: 6th, 19th, 23rd, 27th, 28th, 32nd Ga. ; nth and 19th S. C. ; 59th Va. Regts. 1862, June 8, Rockingham [Co., Va.] Wm. B. Burruss to his wife. "I received your kind and welcome letter by Lieut. Vaughan and was truly glad hear from you all at home and to hear that you and the children were well (I reckon the chil- dren are well as you did not name them,) but I was sorry to hear that Nance had been sick it appears that it is hard for us to get rid of sickness. Well Mary we have had some very hard marching and fighting for the last fortnight, we com- »" Abram Buford of Kentucky, commissioned Sept. 3, 1862. See C. M. H., V. 9 (Kertucky), pp. 228-30. »« Cunningham apparently was doing Quarter-Master duty. Confederate Calendar. 213 menced fighting on friday the 23rd of May about 4 o'clock in the evening at Front Royal and kept it up as long as we could see to run after the Yankees an fire a gun for the Yankees commenced running soon after our guns opened fire upon them. We ran them about five miles and then came back and camped for the night. We made an early start the next morn- ing Saturday the 24th, and overtook them at a little place called Newtown and from there they went on by Strausburg in full tilt leaving their arms and dead behind them ; they were scattered all along the road and in the wheatfields laying some three and for four in a pile together dead they continued their retreat until they got to Winchester where they made a stand and there our infantry was fighting with them all night Sat- urday night and Sunday morning, about a half an hour after sunrise. Our canon opened fire upon them and continued to fire upon them for about four hours. I hear heavy firing of canon close by and must stop writing, for we are ordered to hitch up. June 13th. I will try and finish my letter, after fighting two more hard battles ; as I was telling you about the fight at Winchester our canon fireing upon the enemy for four hours they then commenced running again and our canon after them, we ran them as far as Martinsburg where we stoped in the fight at Front Royal, Newtown and Winches- ter We captured between 3000 and four thousand prisoners besides what we killed and I do not know how many we did kill as they took' of? the most of their killed with them. I suppose though that we killed some 250 or 300 and a good many of our own but how many I do not know the was but one of our men wounded and he very slightly, his name was Counce ; well now for the fight last Sunday and Monday ; the alarm roll commenced beating Sunday morning about nine o'clocis and we were ordered to hitch up our horses imme- diately which we done and went back about two miles to meet the Yankees and commenced fireing upon them about half past eleven o'clock and continued to fire for five hours and a half as fast as we could load and fire. We had four men killed and four wounded and ten or twelve horses killed. Jno. Duke and Tom Goldin were killed. Jno. Duke was killed in- 214 Confederate Calendar. stantly, Tom Goldin lived a few hours ; Giles Courtney was wounded slightly in the hand, and Sam Conway wounded in the side severely, thus ended the Sunday's fight. I cant tell you about the Monday's fight as I was some 25 miles oflf car- rying off the men that was wounded on Sunday but I am told by those that were in it, that the struggle was more des- perate than it was on Sunday. All of our boys was in it but those that were sick and myself, our loss was heavy, some four or five hundred killed and wounded, but the Yankees much heavier than ours, theirs was five times as heavy as ours, we have whipped them bad five times since the 22nd of May." I could tell you a good deal more about the fights but I have marched until I am nearly broke down therefore I will close my letter by sending my best love to you and the children. Your affectionate husband." A. L. S. B-13. 1861, June 4, [Bangor, Me.] Edwin Burt. Commission "' as Adjutant 3rd Regt., ist Brig., 2nd Div. Volunteer Militia. Sig: Israel Washburn, Jr. [Gov.], John Hodsdenf?], A'djt.-Genl., Jos. P. Hall, Sec. of State. P. F. S. Ga.-ga-4-i. [1865, Jany. 10, Sullivan's Island, S. C. Wm. Butler, Col. comdg., to Maj.-Genl."" Wm. B. Taliaferro, comdg.] "Consolidated Reports of events which have transpired on Sullivan's Island for the past ten days commencing ist Jany. and ending on the loth Jany., 1865. Jany. ist. Nothing unusual occurred during the past twenty four hours. The enemy fired 4 shots from Morris Island to the city and one to Ft. Sumter. Seven (7) monitors and (9) nine other vessels inside: five vessels outside the bar. *^ For a critical account of this campaign, see G. F. R. Henderson: Stonewall Jackson . . . (Lond. and N. Y., 1900) v. i, pp. 308-445. *8 This commission was picked up on the battle-field. »9 Taliaferro was made Major-General on Jany. i, 1865, but was not generally so addressed in official communications. Where his former title of Brigadier-General does not occur in documents here quoted, his correct title is given. Confederate Calendar. 215 Jany. 2d. The enemy fired (10) ten shots last night at Ft. Sumter and (24) twenty four at some object near Ft. Johnson. They are (37) Thirty Seven vessels off the bar. Jany. 3d. The enemy fired during the night (10) shots at Ft. Sumter (id) in the direction of Ft. Johnson Wharf (15) in the direction of Castle Pinckney (5) out at Sea, (7) seven monitors (2) Tugs i Tern & 3 Schooners inside and (s) Gun boats & (3) sailling vessels outside the bar. Jany. 4th. The Enemy opened fire on Sumter with Monitors and Guns between one & two o'clock last night, firing 33 Shells, inside the bar (7) Monitors, (4) Tugs, and (6) Sailing vessels. Outside the Bar (5) Blockaders. Jany. 5th. The Enemy fired from Morris Island (24) shots at Fort Johnson (9) at Ft. Sumter (i) at Lutt's Island (32) Vessels off the Bar including (7) monitors. About 7 P. M. two men from Baty. Beauregard one a member of the guard & the other a prisoner deserted. Jany. 6th. The Enemy fired (25) shots from Morris Island at Ft. Sumter., At 5^ A. M. this morning a steamer safely ran the blockade. No report of fleet owing to the mist. Jany. 7th. Mothing of importance to report for past (24) hours. Twenty nine (29) Vessels including, six (6) Monitors in sight. Jany. 8th. The Enemy fired from Morris Island (9) shots at Ft. Sumter and i at James Island. The teport of fleet as follows (6) Monitors, (3) Tugs and (15) Wooden Vessels. Jany. 9th. Nothing of importance to report for past (24) hours. Twenty Seven (27) Vessels in sight, including (6) Monitors. Jany. loth. Nothing of importance to report for past 24 hours. Too foggy to count the enemy's vessels." D. S. B2-48. 1865, Mch. 30, Hd.-Qrs. Taliaferro's Div. [Wm?] Butler, Col., [by R. W. Meminger, A. A. G.] Circular to Lt.-Col. Brown and Lt.-Col. Yates. 2i6 Confederate Calendar. No unauthorized firing by the men of the command will be allowed — when necessary to discharge the guns, make ap- plication to corps Hd.-Qrs., through these Hd.-Qrs. — Brigade commanders will arrest and punish those who violate this" A. S. T-18-15. 1863, Mch. 22, Glade Springs, Va. Wm. B. Bydil to Mrs. CoUey. I have no news of Colley — he would have telegraphed, but the wires are down — hope he is still alive — if he fell, he died defending his country. A. L. S. Ci-45-8. 1862, July 4, Camp Horton. B. E. C to William C The Yankees celebrate the 4th with a bombardment — hope news from Richmond hastens peace — personal affairs — condi- tion of horses — family matters. A. L. S. S. C. 77. 1862, Apr. '15, Lee's Farm, [Va.] Hd.-Qrs. Army of the Pen [insula.] S. O. By order of Henry Coalter Cabell, Col. and Chief of Arty. Lt.-Col. Brown will report the calibre, number, etc., of his pieces — also of those in Redoubts 4 and 5 — if he knows, report same as to the Mathews Artillery at Gloucester Point. Dn. S. B-31-33. 1862, Apr. IS, Lee's Farm, [Va.,] Hd.-Qrs. Arty. S. O. Sig: W. B. Jones, Adjt., by order H. Coalter Cabell, Col. and Clif. of Arty. Ordering report on condition and location of certain bat- teries. A. S. Va.-E-i7. 1863, Oct. 5, Charlottesville, Va., Genl. Hospital. J. L. Cabell, Surgeon, P. A. C. S. Discharge from hospital of Lt.-Col. J. W. Lee [Lea,]*"^ Sth, N. C. — he will report immediately for duty. P. F. S. N. C-178-5. 1"" For further order of this command during the winter of 1864-65, see infra, p. 4i6ff. '»! Cf, infra, p. 313- Confederate Calendar. 217 1861, June ig-Aug. 26, Manassas Junction, Va., Camp Pickens. W. L. Cabell, Maj. and Q.-M. "List of Hired Wagons & Teams Transferred" — arranged by date, owner, no. and value of wagon, amount and value of harness, value of horses, name of driver and value, if slave, with name of person to whom transferred. MS. Bound. Pages 41 written. ^ H-15-1. 1861, June 22, Manassas Junction, Va., Camp Pickens. W. L. Cabell, Maj. and Q.-M. "Inventory of hired teams transferred Geo. T. Jones, A. Q. M. 19th Regt. Va. Vols., commanded by Col. A. B. Strange " 13 teams — specifications as in H-15-1 — drivers not valued. A. S. H-15-2. 1865, Jany. 5, Hd.-Qrs. Sub-Dist. Mount Pleasant, S. C. J. Calhoun Cain, Lieut, comdg. Post, to Capt, W. T. Nance, A. A. Genl., 2nd and 3rd Sub-Dist., etc. Report on the course of roads in the district around Char- leston, on the Wando and Cooper. L, S. T-20-4. 1865, Jany. 5, Hd.-Qrs. Sub-Dist. Mt. Pleasant, S. C. [J. Cal- houn Cain, Capt. comdg. Post, to Capt. W. T. Nance, A. A. G., 2nd and 3rd Sub-Dist.] Report on the garrisons and guns at Mt. Pleasant, Dewey Inlet, Battery Warden and Palmetto Battery — minor posts — garrisons all small. Ln. S. T-20-5. ( 1864, n. d., Washington County, Va. D. A. P. Campbell. Receipt for county levy on property of Thos Colley — 50% on personal property — capitation tax, salary, interest, etc., on State taxes for 1863, $3.75 ; i white and no black tithables @ $2.00. P. F. S. C1-4S-10. 1863, May 13, Chancellorsville, [Va.] John P. Campbell. Bill and receipt for "making and putting in Wagon Tongue," $3.00— paid by Capt. C. White, Q.-Mr. Form 22. P. F. S. Q-7-6. 2i8 Confederate Calendar. 186-, n. d., Mch 17, Camp Near Smithfield, [Va.] J. Cane- field to Maj. [W. B. Stanard-l^o^ Transfer of provision accounts — I will forward them when completed — difficulty of getting supplies — can procure barely- enough to keep the men from starving — hope to be relieved — severe fight by the Division yesterday — difficulties of the wagon train. A. L. S. S-24-7. 1863, Aug. 13, Hd.-Qrs. Carpenter's Battery. John C. Carpen- ter, Capt. comdg. Battery, to Adjt. [S. V.] Southall, Arty 2nd Corps. Report on men absent without leave. Marion Alford re- ported clerking at Norvel Hotel, Lynchburg — badly wounded at first Manassas — 1 do not know to what hospital he was sent — received no surgeon's report — I heard of him only from other men. F. C. Scott first deserted before April, 1862 — next heard from in cavalry — arrested by Capt. Jos. Carpenter about the time of the Battle of Port Republic — deserted again — after Sharpsburg applied for work in shoe-shop at Staunton be- cause of disability — disapproved — recommended as Hospital nurse — then disappeared altogether — neither of these men advertised. Is not 5 men more than my proportion to ordnance train — what action should be taken — I need good drivers for my pieces as well as Capt. Hardy does for his train. A. L. S. B-35-17. Endsd : Request the return of two privates. L. F. Terrell, Maj., "Col. Andrew's Battln." A. S. 1864, Mch. 30, Camp i8th Va. Infy. Robt. F. Carter, ist Lieut, comdg. Co. L, lot'h Va., to Col. R. H. Chiton,'"' Chief of Staff, A. N. V. i report that prisoner J. C. Jenkins, this Co., has left with- 102 Cf, supra, p. 199, 1"* Chilton was General R. E. Lee's Chief of Staff. He had been ap- pointed Brigadier-General Oct. 20, 1862, but the Senate refused to confirm the nomination. He was again appointed Feb. 16, 1864, and . t once con- firmed, to rank from Dec. 21, 1863, but he resigned Apr. i, 1864. See Jones, op. cit, p. 33. Confederate Calendar. 219 out leave — was released on honor — Surgeon advised he be taken from the guard house, as his health was bad — A. S. Ci-43. Endsd: i. E. T. H. Warren, Col. loth Va. : Prisoner released on surgeon's certificate. A. S. 2. Geo. H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl. : Suggest a hospital for reception of sick prisoners, where they could be guarded and .returned to their commands under guard when well. At present, often leave when sent to hospitals. Sometimes they return, and the commanding officers are not informed of the fact. A. S. 3. Ed. Johnson, Maj.-Genl. : Approve Steuart's re- marks. A. S. 4. R. S. Ewell, Lt.-Genl. : Forwarded. A. S. 5. W. H. Taylor, A. A. G. : Forward to Medical Direc- tor, A. N. V. Is there not such a hospital at Orange? A. S. 6. L. Guild, Med. Dif . A. N. Va. : Is no such hospital — I see no need of it — when prisoners are gravely sick, they are sent to the Hospital like others — the Hospital at Orange must receive them. A. S. 7. W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., By order, etc. The en- dorsement of the Med. Dir. is approved. A. S. 1864, Apr. 6, Hd.-Qrs. Arty. 2nd Corps. Wm. P. Carter, Capt., etc., to Lieut. [S. V.] Southall, A. A. G. Report on artillery practice, 2nd corps — used Broun shell and concussion fuze; Broun shell without fuze; "new" shell and Girardy fuze; "new" shell without fuze — recapitulation of results. A. L. S. 1863, Mch, 18, Hd.-Qrs. Arty. 2nd Corps. Wm. W. Chamber- laine, Lieut, and Adjt., to Col. J. T. Brown. Col. Crutchfield directs you call in batteries — send them to their camps tomorrow morning. A. L. S. B-35-11. 220 Confederate Calendar. 1864, n. d., 3 :5o P. M., Grahamville. Jas. Chestnut, Jr., Brig.- Genl., to Maj.-Genl. [Sam] Jones. I have about 500 men at depot almost ready to start for Coosawhatchee — do you need them — what of the enemy? Tel. Ga.-ga-4-6. 1864, n. d., Richmond, [Va.] Chiles and Cheneny. Bill and receipt of ; for goods sold Dr. W. P. Palmer, Jany. I, 1863—14 g [?] Silica, $3.00, 13-8 yds cloth @ $75.00, $103.14. D. S. P-35-6. 1861-1862, n. p. Charles D, Clarke, Capt. and A. Q.-Mr. 9 letters and telegrams to; — unimportant. Sig: C. Mc- Govern, Capt. and A. Q.-Mr.; Dr. Pollard; Lee O. Dunham; A. M. Lean; James Close; Philip M. Tabbyson; Geo. R. Cooke; H. C. Dallum; Thosj J. Dunstun[?] Ci-49. 1861, Aug. 28-B862, Mch. 30. C. D. Clarke, Capt. etc. 48 letters and receipts, regarding team hire, etc. — unim- portant. Q-2. 1864, Nov. 15, Charleston, [S. C] Jno. J. Clarke to Maj.- Genl. J. F. Gibner. I send you a pair of spurs made from sabots of Federal shells thrown into Fort Sumter — ^thought they might be a pleasing souvenir — had pairs made for Beauregard and Col. Harris — Harris died before they could be sent — I propose to send them to his widow — they were made in the Savannah shops.^°* A. L. S. Ga.-ga-27. 1865, May 5, Washington, Ga. Jno. J. Clarke, Col. and Chf. Receipts [duplicates] for $800 specie^"' paid by Maj.-Genl. J. F. Gilmer for engineer services — accountable for it. A. S. Ga.-gm-37. 1861, May 16, Montgomery, Ala. T. L. Clingman to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. lo* This pair of spurs is now in the Confederate Museum. 10= "Chf. Engr." is omitted in the duplicate. i"« ■ jpecie" is omitted in the duplicate. Confederate Calendar. 221 I am commissioned in Confederate army — will probably be ordered to Texas unless you need me. Tel. N. C-153. 1861, Apr. 18, Charleston, [S. C] T. L. Clingman to [Gov.] J. W. Ellis. Take Fayetteville arsenal at once. Also [assist] Gov. Letcher in taking Norfolk.^"^ Tel. N. C-153. 1861, May 16, Montgomery, Ala. T. J. Clingman to Gov. [J. W.J Ellis. Act has passed admitting N. C. on her adoption of the pro- visional constitution^"* — have you received ordinances sent? Tel. N. C-153. 1864, June 29, Macon, [Ga.] Howell Cobb to Miss Katherine C. Stiles, Clarksville, Ga. Your letter received^"" — officers were instructed to seize arms belonging to the army — upon proper proof, private arms will be returned — personal regrets in this case. A. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-20. 1865, Jany. 31, Macon, Ga., Hd.-Qrs. Ga. Reserve and Mil. Dist. of Ga. Howell Cobb, Maj.-Genl., to Maj. Norman W. Smith, Aiigusta, Ga. I wish to inquire about boxes for Capt. Chisolm and my- self — new company on courier line — couriers to report to you. A. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-2i. 1862, Oct. I, n. p. N. Cobb, Maj. comdg. Regt. to Requisition for unspecified forage "for two private horses" from this date to Oct. 31. P. F. S. Q-7-8. Oct. 31. p. F. S. Q-7-8. 1861, June 3, Harper's Ferry, [Va.] G. M. Cochran, Master Ord. Dept. "'^ The attack here referred to was directed chiefly against the Gosport Navy Yard. This was taken and many valuable munitions were secured. ^"^ That is, the provisional constitution of the Confederate States. i»» Miss Stiles had written to General Cobb protesting against the seizure of a certain private arm belonging to her brother. 222 Confederate Calendar. Receipt for 500 rifles, 10,000 cartridges and 3,500 caps from Mrs. J. C. Johnson."" A. D, S. Md-89. 1863, Jany. 15, Camp, Caroline Co., Va. Benj. K. Cocke, ist Sergt. Co. B, 44th Va., to Capt. John F. Lay. Requesting 20 days' leave of absence to visit Bedford Co., Va. L- S. C^. Endsd: i. Approved— Cocke re-enlisted in Mch., 1862,— have never been absent without leave or had a fur- lough. I have twenty-nine men present for duty — none on leave of absence — company numbers thirty-seven available tor duty. J. F. Lay, Capt. A. S. 2. Approved. T. R. Buckner, Capt. comdg. Regt. A. S. 3. Approved. J. R. Jones, Brig.-Genl. 4. Approved. I. R. Trimble, Maj.-Genl. A. S. 5. Approved — 20 days, T. J. Jackson, M[aj.-]G[enl.] [sic] Feb. 9, 1863. A. S. 1864, Apr. 22, Camp ist Regt. N. C. Infy. David Cockerham, [pvt. Co. B.] Application for discharge because of wound received at Cold Harbor, July 27, 1862. Signed by mark. Ci-38-2. Endsd: i. Approved, upon physical examination. Lucius C. Coke, Asst.-Surg. A. S. 2. Forwarded. L. J. Curtis, ist Lieut, comdg. Co. A. S. 3. Forwarded. I think Cockerham can do light work. H. A. Brown, Col. [comdg.] A. S. 1863, Jany. 29, Camp Pioneer Corps. D. H. Cockrill, Lieut, comdg., to Lieut. Oscar Hinricks, Chf. Engineer, ist Div., A. N. V. Enclose list of ist brigade detail, which left work without permission and contrary to orders. O. C. T-30-6a. ii" Cf, Beauregard's order of June i, 1861, supra, p. 187. Confederate Calendar. 223 Appended: List of 15 men, of 4th, 5th, 27th and 33rd [Va?] Regts. A. n. S. 1862, Aug. 20, Arty. Camp. Jno. A. Coke, Capt. W[illia]ms- burg Arty. Receipt for 16 rounds lo-pdr. Parrot ammunition, from Col. J. Thompson Brown. A. S. B-34-2. 1862, Apr. 16, Camp near New Market, [Va.] Jas. L. Cole, Capt. and Q-M., 37th Va. Report on means of transportation necessary for this com- mand : for officers' baggage, cooking utensils, and entrenching implements, 6 four-horse wagons. A. S. Cj-53-i. 1862, Apr. 16, Camp near New Market, [Va.] Jas. L. Cole, Capt. and Q.-M. 3rd Brigade Va. Vols. Report on means of transportation necessary for the 3rd Brigade: for entrenching implements, cooking utensils, tents and officers' baggage, for 23rd Va., 5 four-horse wagons; for 37th Va., 7 four-horse wagons; for Danville Arty., 2 two- horse wagons. A, S. Ci-53-2. 1865, Jany. 17, Elmira, N. Y., Clerks' Office of Surgeon in Charge of Prisoners' Hospitals. Samuel F. Coleman, Harry Adams, B. T. Timberlake, Geo. W. Miley,"' C. Horace Gal- laher. Clerks, to Maj. A. E. Stocker, M. D., Surgeons, U. S. V. in charge. We have seen order requiring all future details of trust to be given to prisoners willing to take the oath of allegiance to the United States — would you prefer persons of that class in our places — if so, while glad to remain and discharge our duties, consideration for your wishes and regard for our own feelings demand we should not remain in our places if by so doing we would be disagreeable to you or compromise our- selves as gentlemen and soldiers."^ Copy. 27-1-6. 1863, Dec. 6, Camp near Orange, C. H. Thomas W. CoUey, [pvt. Co. D, ist Va. Cav.] m The son of this genitleman thinks the Elmira Register, (,infra, p. 241) is written partly in his father's autograph. ^12 See Stocker's reply, infra, p. 407. 224 Confederate Calendar. "Descriptive list" of; Sig: Rus B. Edmonson, Lieut, comdg. P. F. S. C1-4S-11. 1864, Nov. I, Camp near Forestville, Va. Thomas W. CoUey, pvt., etc. "Descriptive list" of; sig.: C. T. Litchfield, Capt. comdg. Co. D, 1st Va. Cav. 1861-1865. n. p. Thomas W. CoUey, pvt., etc. 66 papers relating to war record — unimportant. C-45. 1863, Dec. 10, [James Island, S. C] A. H. Colquitt/^' Brig.- Genl., by Geo. E. Grattan, A. A. G. Report of "Effective Strength of Troops of West Lines, James' Island" — following commands: 4th Ga. Infy., 422 officers and men ; 14th Ga. Infy., 377 ; 23rd Ga. Infy., 432 ; 27th Ga. Infy., 402; 28th Ga. Infy., 347; Lucas' Battery Arty., 245; "new lines, Col. Frederick," 371 ; S. C. Siege train, 401 ; grand total, 2997. D. S. J- 1 8-3. 1862, Sept. 18, "Office of Provost Marshal." R. T. Colston, Capt. comdg. Post, to Col. J. T. Brown, ist Va. Arty. Yours received.^^* I can send 400 additional men — cannot cook rations before morning, as I have to send to country for beef — will send around to the nth Ga. and a portion of Genl. Walker's command here, to satisfy your needs — must keep the 2nd here. I will come down to see you in the morning. A. L. S. B-34-22. 1864, Apr. 29, n. p. John M. Combs, Wm. C. Combs, pvts. Co. G, 37th Va. Charges of desertion against — left command near Pisgah Church, Apr. 24th, — arrested in Charlottesville, Apr. 28th — charges preferred by L. M. Wilson, Lieut, comdg. Co. D. S. W-16-1-2. Endsd: [W-16-1] "This is the second desertion by this man." Jno. F. Terry, Lt.-Col. comdg. "3 For Colquitt, see C. M. H., v. 6, pp. 405-06. 11* Not found, but see Brown to Colston, Sept. 19, 1862, supra, p. 207. Confederate Calendar. 225 [1863, Dec.J [Richmond, Va.J Confederate Congress. Address to the people of the Confederate States — original autographs of members. 24 pages. Printed. Ala-Curry. 1864, Feb. 6, [Richmond, Va.] Confederate Congress. Vote of thanks to the 2nd Florida Regiment for re-enlisting for the war. Sig : Thos. S. Bocock, Speaker, etc. ; R. M. T. Hunter, Pres. pro tem of the Senate; Approved, Jefferson Davis. D. S. Fla-ga-g. 1865, Mch. 4, [Richmond, Va.] Confederate Congress. "An Act to provide for returned prisoners of war." Sig: Thos. S. Bocock, Speaker, etc. ; R. M. T. Hunter, Pres. pro tem of the Senate ; approved, Jefferson Davis. D. S. NC-138. Cooper, Genl. Samuel. [Adjutant and Inspector General's Office.^^"] 11861, Sept. II, Richmond, Va., A. & I. Genl's Office. S. O. 27s, XV. Sig : G. W. Deas, by order, etc. Transfer of private W. L. Harvey from Shield's to Brown's company of [Richmond] Howitzers. D. S. H-32. 1861, Dec. 28, Richmond, Va., A. & I. Genl's Office. S. O. 277, III. Sig: Jno. Withers, A. A. G., by command of Sec. War. Detail of Thos. E. Morton, Brown's Co., Randolph's Howitzers, as Hospital Stewart at Amelia C. H. Hospital ; to report at once. D, S. M-39-2. 1862, Apr. 7, Richmond, Va., A. & I. Genl's Office. S. O. 79, XI. Sig : Jno. Withers, A. A. G., etc. iiB Under this name have been entered all orders and communications from the Adjutant General's Office. Properly speaking, these should be entered under the name of the Secretary of War, and all are indeed signed "by order of the Secretary of War" ; but in practice, the Secretary either gives his orders to the Adjutant-General, or, in routine matters, left orders entirely to the latter's discretion. All orders from the Office, except General Orders, were signed by an Assistant Adjutant-General- The usage here followed was adopted by the editors of the Ofificial Records and is generally accepted. 226 Confederate Calendar. Pvt. Marcellus French, Palmer's [ist] Co. Richmond Howitzers is discharged from the service. D. S. P-35-2. 1862, May 17, Richmond, Va., A. & I. Genl's Office. G. O. 36, II. Sig: S. Cooper, etc. Printed, O. R., s. 127, pp. 1122-23. O. C. C1-50. 1862, June 5, Richmond, Va., A. & I. Genl's Office. S. O. 129, XXIX. Sig: Jno. Withers, A. A. G., etc. Transfer of Pvt. Jno. S. Garthright, Co. F, 23rd Va. Vols., to the Goochland Cavalry, his officers consenting. D. S. G-24. 1862, July IS, Richmond, Va., A. & I. Genl's Office. S. O. 163. Sig : Jno. Withers, A. A. G., etc. Acceptance of resignations of following officers, to take effect this day: 2nd Lieut. B. W. Hinds, Co. F, 48 Ala. Vols.; Capt. A. J. Alldridge, Co. A, 48th Ala. Vols."« P. F. S. S-47-13. 1862, July 17, Richmond, Va., A. & I. Genl's Office. S. O. 165. Sig: Jno. Withers, A. A. G., etc. Acceptance of resignations of the following officers to take effect this day : 2nd Lieut. T. L. Moon, Co. B, 48 Ala. Vols. ; Capt. T. J. Burgessfc Co. B, 48 Ala. Vols. P. F. S. S-47-4-6. 1862, Aug. I, Richmond, Va., A. & L Genl's Office. S. O. 178. Sig: Jno. Withers, A. A. G., etc. Acceptance of resignation of 2nd Lieut. David Nation, Co. A, 48th Ala. Vols. — to take effect this day. Triplicates. P. F. S. S-47-7-9. 1862, Oct. 3, Richmond, Va., A. & I. Genl's Office. S. O. 231, XVIII. Sig: Jno. Withers, A. A. G., etc. Appointment of Corporal Jefferson Taylor,'^^' Wyatt's Bat- tery, 1st Va. Arty., as Ordnance Sergeant — to report to the Col. of the regiment. D. S. T-17. 118 These resignations were doubtless offered in consequence of the re-organization of the Army in the spring of 1862. "' See, infra, p. 420. Confederate Calendar. 227 11862, Dec. 19, Richmond, [Va.,] A. & I. Genl's Office. S. Cooper., etc., to Lt.-Genl. J. C. Pemberton, comdg., Jackson, Miss. You are authorized to furnish escort for couriers carrying funds upon proper certification. L. S. Ga.-ga-i-26. J863, Feb. 20, Richmond, [Va.,] A. & I. Genl's Office. S. O. 43. XXIII."^ Sig: Jno. Withers, A. A. G., etc. Brig.-Genl. W. B. Taliaferro will proceed without delay to Charleston, S. C, and report to Genl. G. T. Beauregard for assignment.^^^ D. S. T^-43-i. J863, May 22, Richmond, [Va.] A. & I. Genl's Office. S. O. 122, XX. Sig: Jno. Withers, A. A. G., etc. Brig.-Genl. G[eo.J H. Stewart [Steuart] will report at once to Genl. R. E. Lee, Fredericksburg, Va., for assignment to duty."" D. S. S-22-1. .1863, May 23, Richmond, [Va.] War Dept. C. S. A. Samuel W. Melton, Maj. and A. A. G., to Brig.-Genl. [H. W.] Mercer. Communications of Col. Way, S4th Ga. and Col. Harrison, .32nd Ga. considered — I am directed by Sec. War to say that the rule is that officers take rank from muster or entry in Con- federate service — state commissions determine only when mustered in on same day — records of these regiments do not show prior existence of either date of mustering in of com- panies — it is decided Col. Way is senior. A. L. S. M-48. 1863, June 22, Richmond, [Va.] A. & I. Genl's Office. Saml. W. Melton, Maj. and A. A. G., etc., to Col. Bradley T. John- son. Authorization to recruit from Marylanders companies, •regiments and battalions to serve for the war as a part of the Maryland Line.^^^ D. S. Md-77. 118 Numbered S. O. 180, XXII in the duplicate. 119 See Nichols, et al. to Taliaferro, Jany. 16, 1863, infra, p. 356. 120 Cf, pp. 300, 322. 121 Cf, infra, p. 300. 228 Confederate Calendar. 1863, July 30, Richmond, Va., A. & I. Genl's Office. S. O. 180, XXI. Sig: Jno. Withers, A. A. G., etc. Appointment of ist Lieut. Robert Aunspaugh, Co. B, loth Batln. Va. Arty., as Asst. Q-M. of that Batln. D. V. Va.-E-23. 1863, Oct. 15, Richmond, Va., A. & I. Genl's Office. Ed. A. Palfrey, Lt.-Col. and A. A. G., etc., to Brig.-Genl Geo. H. Steuart. Your request "^ for the appointment of Maj. Geo. William- son as your A. A. G. received — also request for Lieut. Mc- Henry Howard as Inspr. Genl. — the former approved — your brigade is not entitled to an Inspector — must await regular ap- pointments — as Williamson is with you, no order is consid- ered necessary. L. S. S-20. 1865, Apr. 26, Charlotte, N. C, A. & I. Genl's Office. S. O. . Sig : John W. Riely, Lt.-Col. and A. A. G., by command Sec. War. Unassigned officers and those who have lost their com- mands, together with bureau officials not required by their chiefs, are authorised to go to their respective states and re- port to senior officers there or to the Governors, if they prefer this to going Southward. Soldiers from Maryland whose time has expire3 are honorably discharged — officers without command on duty from that state can offer their service to the governors of any state they choose, or can resign. A. S. Ga-gm-32. 1862, Dec. 8, "Office of Chf. Q.-M., Army of N. Va." Jas. L. Corley, Lt.-Col. and ....... to Report on number of wagons turned over — from these the 2nd corps must be supplied. A. L. S. T-30-2. Reverse : Fragments of report on transportation — loth and 14th La. Regts. mentioned. An. S. 1862, Jany. 5, "Camp in the Field." Chas. E. Cormier, Capt. comdg. 1st La. Regt. 122 Cf, infra, p. 323. Confederate Calendar. 229 I certify that Dr. [J. M.] Covert did not inform me Maj. T. Nelligan refused to show his wound and have it dressed."'' A. S. Ci-52. 1861, Apr. 15, Wilmington, [N. C] R, H. Cowan to Gov. LJ. W.T Ellis. Mo answer to dispatch — can I get Battery if I send to Richmond for it — "Lincoln's proclamation settles the matter with us." "* Tel. N. C.-153. 1864, Apr. 23, n. p. W. E. Cowan, et al., Musicians, Steuart's Brigade, to Brig.-Genl. G. H. Steuart. We request the removal of the negro Bartly from the drum corps — unpleasant to appear in the ranks with him — a full negro drum corps would do very well — but we think we could do without this one — hope for favorable consideration. L. S. S-17-1. 1862, Jany. 5, "Camp in the Field." J. M. Covert, Surgeon 1st La. Regt. I certify I did not report Major [J.] Nelligan as refusing to have his wound dressed — never saw him during the en- gagement of Dec. 13, 1862."= A. S. Ci-52. 1865, Feb. 17, Thomasville, Ga. Benj. E. Crane, Maj. and Q.-M. Invoice of quartermaster's stores this day delivered to Capt. W. P. Webb, A. Q-M. A. F. S. Q-4-28. 1865, Feb. 17, [Thomasville, Ga.] Benj. E. Crane, Maj. and Q.-M. Receipt for quartermaster's stores — forage — this day de- livered by W. P. Webb, Capt., etc. P. F. S. Q-4-27. 1863, Aug. 22, Hd.-Qrs. ist Md. Batln. J. Parran Crane, Capt. comdg, Batln., to [Brig.-] Genl. Geo. H. Steuart. 123 See certificate of J. M. Covert, Jany. 5, 1862, infra. 12* The reference is to President Lincoln's proclamation of April 15, 1861, calling for 75,000 troops. 12'' Cf. certificate of Chks. E. Cormier, Jany. 5, 1862, supra. 230 Confederate Calendar. The officers of this Batln. hold a meeting tonight to express condolence to relatives, etc., of Capt. Wm. H. Murray, comdg. Co. A, of this Batln., who was killed at Gettysburg— you and your staff are invited. A, L. S. M-35-1. 1863, May 25, Prospect Depot, Va. James D. Crawley. Bill of and receipt signed by — for bacon sold Richard Irby, Capt. and A. A. C. S., C. S. A.,— $1.25 per lb. Form 19. P. F. S. Q-7-7. 1862, June II, Camp near Richmond, [Va.J N. W. Crisler, Q.-Mr. ist Brig. Certificate of delivery of 6 "new tent flies" to Col. [J. Thompson] Brown. D. S. B2-41-9. 1863, Oct. 31, n. p. R. L. Christian, Capt. and A. Q.-Mr. ist Va. Arty. "Statement of forage issued to the horses of the First Vir- ginia Arty, each day during the week ending Octr. 30th, 1863." Specified for each day — total : Corn, 24880 lbs ; green corn 1680 lbs; long forage, 330 lbs. A. D. S. B2-43-10. 1863, Oct. 31, Pisgah Church, Va. R. L. Christian, Capt., etc. Statement [as B2-43-10] for week ending Nov. 7, 1863 ; 418 horses — total, 9306 [lbs?] oats; 3344 green corn; 2508 oats and ship-stuff; 11 16 fodder. A. D, S. B-35-19. 1863, May I, [Louisa Co., Va.?] Camp ist Va. Arty. R. L. Christian, Capt., etc. Statement of wood burned and damages done, Feb. 28- Apr. 18, 1864, on lands of Dr. W. J. Pendleton, W. F. Coates and William Thompson. A. D. S. B-36-5. 1/864, June 8, n. p. Ro. T. Crouch, Capt. and A. Q. M., 23rd Va. ; Jno. A. Preston, Capt. Co. K, same ; Thos. T. Taliaferro, Capt., etc. Certificate of survey of 30 pounds of bacon received by Maj. W. B. Stanard, C. S., from Maj. Thos. E. Ballard, C. S.— find it "totally spoiled and unfit for use." D. S. S-24-6. Confederate Calendar. 231 1862, Dec. 17, Hd.-Qrs. 2nd Corps, A. N. V. S. Crutchfield, Col. and Adjt., to Col. [J. Thompson Brown.] Location of Maj.-Genl. D. H. Hill's Hd.-Qrs.— Genl. Jack- son directs you camp near by and report — he feared you might go on to Port Royal — "the Yankees have disappeared" — "no one knows where." ^"^ A. S. Va-E-19. 1862, Dec. 25, H"d.-Qrs. 2nd Corps, A. N. V. S. Crutchfield, Col. and Chf. Arty. 2nd Corps, to [Col. J. Thompson Brown?] Send from Guiney's [sic] all the brass six-pounders and all but two of the twelve-pounder howitzers — they will be recast in Richmond into twelve-pounder Napoleons. A. L. S. B-34-38. 1863, Jany. 29, Hd.-Qrs. Arty. 2nd Corps. S. Crutchfield, Col., etc., to Col. J. T[hompson] Brown. Proposed protest on diiificulty of procuring forage — action of Col. Corley^"^ — I understood we could get hay at Hanover Junction at rate of 90,000 lbs per diem — Major Harman has seen Corley — no answer yet — I send Captain K. A. Gill to see him tomorrow — "I am satisfied we cannot keep the horses alive here." Made fruitless requisition for salt — I proposed to Gen. Jackson to get it by cutting down corp's salt ration for day or two — he objected. A. L. S. B-35-B. [1863, Feb.?] n. p. S. Crutchfield, Col., etc., to Col. J. Thomp- son Brown. Choice of camp left you — inform me of your decision — send to Guiney's and get your 3 12-pdr. Howitzers sent to Richtnond — I have information that the Governor and Genl. Richardson are not to withdraw your guns — such a step would be detrimental to public service^'* — you are authorised to "hold on to them" — glad you are out of this trouble. A. L. S. B-34-29. 128 This was, it will be recalled, four days after the battle of Fred- ericksburg. "■^ Chief Quarter-Master, A. N. Va. 128 See Richardson to Gorgas, Jany. 3, 1863, infra, p. 375; Randolph to Brown, Jany. 14, 1863, infra, p. 370. 232 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Jany.-Feb., Talladega, Ala. J. L. M. Curry. Appraisement of tax in kind on crops of. P. F. S. Ala.-Cur. 1861-1865, n. p. J. L. M. Curry. 5 miscellaneous papers of; — unimportant. Ala.-Cur. 1864, Sept. 8, Near Strong Creek Station. Wm. A. Curtis, > pvt. Co. A, 2nd N. C. Cav. Descriptive list of; Sig: J. V. B. Rogers, Capt. P. F. S. N. C.-178-26. 1863, Mch. 18, Camp 9th Va. Cav. H. W. Daingerfield. Bill of and receipt signed by ; for hire of wagon, team and driver — $4.00 per day. D. S. F-15. 1865, Feb. 14, n. p. R. F. Dallas, [pvt. Co. I, 21st Va. Infy.] "Descriptive list" of; Sig: S. F. Swanson, Capt. comdg. — last payment Oct. 1864. Signed by mark. P. F. S. D-17. 1864, Dec. 31, James Island, Hd.-Qrs. 3rd Sub-Dist., S. C. E. Keith Dargan, A. A. A. G. "Report of deficiencies in arms, ammunition, accoutrements, clothing, &c." in this sub-district — 1500 rounds ammunition; 1004 prs. shoes ; 1546 shirts, etc. D. S. T-25-7. [1864,] May 18, [Charlottesville, Va?] E. G. Davis to Mrs. G. P. Foute. Details of illness of Wm. O. Newman."' A. L. S. Ala-60. 1861, Apr. 19, Montgomery, [Ala.] Jeffn. Davis to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. I have ordered a distinguished engineer and two Arty, offi- cers to report to you. Tel. NC-153. 1861, May 29, Richmond, [Va.] Jeffn. Davis to Gov. [J. W.] ElUs. 129 See J. S. Davis to Mrs. G. P. Foote, May 15, 1864, infra, p. 234. Confederate Calendar. 233 I request your regiments be hastened forward with all speed, armed and equipped. Can you furnish percussion caps ? Tel. NC-153. i85i, July 10, Richmond, Va. JefFn. Davis to Hon. Warren Winslow, Raleigh, N. C. ,1 would express my regret at death of Gov. John W. Ellis.^^" "In this hour of struggle and peril the loss of this true> man must be felt by the whole country." A. L. S. NC-95. 1862, Mch. 22, Fredericksburg, Va. Jeffn. Davis to Genl. J. E. Johnston, comdg. Dept. W. Va. I. Relieve Maj. Genl. Holmes^'^ of his command — direct him to report in Richmond for further orders — II. Detach two brigades of infantry and two companies of Arty to report to Genl. Holmes at his Hd-Qrs. in the field. III. When the troops pass through Richmond they will report to the Adjt. Genl. for instructions. A. L. S. Va-D-29. 1863, Jan, 25, Richmond, Va. Jeffn. Davis to Jno. Handy, [Canton, Miss.J Instructions for annuling a farming contract. A. L. S. Davis-273. 1863, July 23, Richmond, Va. JefFn. Davis to Mrs. J. Nelson. Thanks for a hat and good wishes sent. A. L. S. Va-23. 1864, Feb. 29, Richmond, [Va.] Executive Office. Jeffn. Davis, Pres., etc. Warrant on the Secretary of the Treasury for $290, payable to J. P. Benjamin, from appropriation for "Necessities and Exigencies." D. S. Ga-ga-i-12. 130 Ellis had been elected Governor in 1858 and vas re-elected in i860. He was succeeded by Henry T. Clarke, who was in ofBce until Jany. i, 1863, when Z. B. Vance took oath. "1 Theophilus H. Holmes of North Carolina, later Lt-Genl. See C. M. H., V. I, pp. 673-74. 234 Confederate Calendar. 1864, Dec. 30, Richmond, Va. JefEn. Davis to [Brig.-] Genl. G. W. C. Lee, "comdg. local brigade in the field." Yf^ur letter received — I regret the proposed change from duty on my staff to active command — you are qualified for a higher position — any decision you may make will be accept- able to me. Copy. Davis-104-4. 1865, Apr. 2, [Richmond, Va.J Jeffn. Davis to Mrs. Mary Amelia [?] It would be well to pack and store the furniture in the Executive Mansion^^'' — this is your warrant for doing so — the Mayor will furnish aid and protection.^*' A. L. S. Va-C-53- 1865, Apr. 2, [Richmond, Va.] Jeffn. Davis to Mayor [Joseph Mayo, Richmond, Va.] I commend my housekeeper to your protection and kind- ness. A. L. S. Va-C-53. 1865, May 4, Washington, Ga. Jeffn. Davis. Appointment of Robt. H. Clarke as acting Treasurer of the Confederate States, to act as such during the absence of the Treasurer. D, S."* Va-C-53. [i8]64, May 15, Univ. of Va. John Staige Davis to Mrs. G. P. Foute. Information of the wounding of Wm. O. Newman — ^his chances of recovery.^'^ A. L. S. Ala-60. 1863, Feby. 21, Hd-Qrs. 6th Va. Cavalry, near Mount Jackson, Shenandoah Co., Va. Richard T. Davis, Chaplain 6th Va. Cavalry, to President Jefferson Davis., I ask that a day of fasting and prayer be appointed. "Whilst 122 The Executive Mansion was Federal headquarters after the evacu- ation of Richmond. It is now the Confederate Museum. 183 See Davis to Mayor [Mayo] infra. is< This was one of the last Executive appointments made by Pres. Davis. 136 See E. G. Davis to Mrs. G. P. Foote, supra, p. 232. Confederate Calendar. 235 our national prospects are bright indeed compared with what they have been and gleams of light are seen in various quarters, it cannot be said that our success in the contest is sure, or will be of necessity speedy, seeing that the turns of events both in political and military affairs are often very sudden and sur- prising; and I know that painful apprehensions regarding our future have found a place in the hearts of some, perhaps I might say many, pious persons, when they perceive that just as our imminent danger lessens, so does the sentiment of de- pendence upon the God of our fathers decline in the hearts of many, and a presumptuous self-reliance take its place — a day of prayer might check this — prayers for your welfare. A. L. S. Davis-414. Endsd : "Secty of Treasy. J. D." [1865, May,] "9 O'clock Monday Morning," Washington, Ga. [Mrs. Varina Davis to Jefferson Davis.] The gentleman carrying this goes by Abbeville — grief at "the treacherous surrender of this department" — prayers for your safety — I think we are safer without cavalry — movements — I await the return of the courier — "I have given up hope of seeing you but it is not for long" — Harrison proposes we go in a line between Macon and Augusta — ^will avoid Yankees by sending some of the paroled escort ahead — ^will move towards Pensacola and take ship — have a gentlemanly escort — Capt. Moody will see us through — am short of funds — ^why were the trains of specie given up to the Yankees — family news. A. L. S."« Davis-724. 1861, Oct, 6, [Richmond, Va.] F. H. Deane, M.D."' Certificate of the illness of Frank Deane Hill and his un- fitness for duty. I recommend ten days extension of his leave of absence. A. S. H-27. 1863, Aug. 2, Chatanooga, Tenn., Hd-Qrs. Wither's Div. T. C. Deas, Brig.-Genl. comdg. Dis. to Maj. Thos. M. Jack, A. A. G. i=» Signed with Mrs. Davis' familiar name. The handwriting is cer- tainly Mrs. Davis'. ^^^ One of the most distinguished Richmond physicians of his time. 236 Confederate Calendar. In reply to yours of the 30th ulto.,'^^' there are no super- numerary officers unassigned in this command. L. S. Ga-ga-i-32. 1864, Apr. 16, Hd-Qrs. ist Md. Battery. Wm. F. Dement, Capt. comdg. to Lt-Col. [C. M.] Braxton, comdg. Battln. In reply to yours whether I obeyed circular order of Apr. 5, 1864, from Hd Qrs. Arty. 2nd Corps, while commanding battalion — I know nothing of movements of battalion — it was then under Lt.-Col. Andrews, Capt. Rains was senior captain — my attention was devoted to my own command — made mem- orandum of movements from reports of company officers — left it with adjutant — being on court martial, while in command, I could not find time for report called for. Copy. D-16. 1862, June I, Camp near Shannon's Gap, Giles Co., Va. C. Derrick, Lt.-Col. comdg. [ist] Batln. to Genl. S. Cooper. Having appointed James Harden as Adjutant of this Batln. I request his regular appointment by the Department — he is a graduate of the V. M. I., has been Adjutant of 36th Va. Vols., and is eminently qualified. A. C. S. D- Endsd: Approved and forwarded — seven companies to the Batln, others expected. G. W. Wharton, CoL comdg. A. S. 1862, July 30, Camp, Narrows of New River, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Derrick's Batln. C. Derrick, Lt.-Col. Comdg. to Genl. S. Cooper. Recommending Jas. H. Harden for commission as ist or 2nd Lieut. — his ability and services. C. C. D- Endsd: i. Most cordially recommend Harden for commis- sion — has been acting as Adjt., but as the com- mand is not entitled to a commissioned Adjt., I recommend his regular commission and assign- ment to Derrick's Batln. G. C. Wharton, Col. comdg. Brig. C. C. 138 Not found. Maj. Jack was Genl. Polk's A. A. G. Confederate Calendar. 237 2. I have observed Harden's energy and ability — I recommend his commission. Aug. Forsberg, Lt.-Col. comdg. 51st Va. Regt. Aug. 14, 1862. C. C. 3. Approved and forwarded. W. W. Loring, Maj.- Genl. comdg. C. C. 1862, Nov. 9, camp, Narrows of New River, [Va.J Hd.-Qrs. Derrick's Batln. G. Derrick, Lt.-Col. comdg. to Genl. S. Cooper. Recommend the appointment of Jas. H. Harden as Adju- tant of this Batln. — his services. C. C. D- 1865, Jany. n. d., Royals. L. D. De Sausseur"» [ ?] to Col. P. N. Page, A. A. G. Received report from Col. Black"" as to the number of monitors — Col. Yates reports only seven seen this morning — expect a tug was previously taken for a monitor. Tel. T1-44-10. 1861, May 25, Richmond, Va., Va. State Armory. C. Dim- mock, Col. Ord. Invoice of ordnance and ordnance stores turned over this date to Major Ficklen, for transportation to Capt. J. T[homp- son] Brown, Howitzer Battery, Richmond."^ D. S. B2-40-1. 1862, Oct, 3, near Bardstown, Ky. D. S. Donelson,"^ Brig.- Genl. Weekly return of command, — 3 brigades of infantry, 4 batteries of artillery. D. S-Ga-ga-2-37. 1865, Jany. 25, Richmond, [Va.J Treasury of C. S. Wm. S. Donnan. 138 xhe reading is doubtful. The name is sometimes spelt De Saussure or De Sausseure. 1*" Cf, Black to Page, Jany. 20, 1865, supral, p. 193. 1*1 This was before the Battalion had left for the field. 1*2 Daniel S. Donelson of Tennessee, later Major-General. See C. M. H., V. 8, pp. 307-08. 238 Confederate Calendar. Certificate of deposit by; $1000 on loan— acknowledged, John N. Herndon, Treasurer, C. S. P. F. S. Ga-ga-i-17. 1864, Feb. II, Duncansville, Ga. R. P. Doss, Capt. and A. Q-M. Receipt for 10 mules delivered by Capt. Wm. B. Webb^ A. Q-M. A. F. S. Q-4-26. 1865, Mch. 29, Hd-Qrs., Early's Div. H. K. Douglas, A. A. G, to Col Genl. Walker "=■ directs you move your brigade from its present position after dark— have it cross the Appomattox and relieve Cox'[s] Brigade— look over the new position before night — leave pickets in present position — do not withdraw them till morning. A. S. NC-178-5. 1861, Dec. 6, Richmond, Va. Pay Master Genl's Office. Wm. G. Dunbar, Capt and Paymaster, to L. B. Conway, Esq. Giving notice of transfer to a bank of certain funds of Pittsylvania Bank, for which check is to be sent. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-14. 1864, Aug. 22, Richmond, Va., C. S. War Dept. John Dunnovant. Commission as Brig.-Genl. with temporary rank under Act of May 31, 1864"* — rank from Aug. 22, 1864 — will report to Genl. [R. E.] Lee. Sig : James A. Seddon, Sec. etc. P. F. S. SC-a-54. 1864, Apr. 30, Richmond, Va. C. S. War Dept. Wm. Dun- novant. Commission as Capt. Co. C, 17th S. C. Regt — rank from Apr. 29. 1864 — report to Col. McMaster. Sig: James A. Sed- don, Sec. etc. P. Fi. S. SC-2-S4. 1864, Oct. 19, Fisher's Hill, [Va.] J. A. Early to Col. A. R. Boteler. [Personal.] W3 Brig.-Genl. Jas. A. Walker. See C. M. H., v. 3, pp. 676-80. 1** For similar commissions, see index, Rank, Temporary. Confederate Calendar. 239 Send an article for the Enquirer — decide whether it should be published — I deny the charge of intoxication — the odds against me are responsible for reverses — Sheridan exagger- ates my losses — Sheridan lost 8000, killed and wounded, be- sides 300 prisoners — 5800 wounded sent to Winchester after battles there — meet enemy to-morrow at Cedar Run — "God grant a victory."^*' A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-21. 1863, Feb. 2, Little Rock, [Ark.] Louis Eberhardt. Receipt to Brig.-Genl. D. McRae for $300 to purchase musical instruments for McRae's Brigade. A. S. Ark-4. 1862, Aug. 15, Hd-Qrs. ist Brig., Army S-W. Va. Jno. Echols, [Brig.-Genl.] to Hon. Geo. W. Randolph, Sec. War. Beg to call your attention to application made in favor of Jas. A. Harden for commission — am impressed with his "sol- dierly bearing" — has been acting as Adjutant of Derrick's Batln. without compensation. Copy. E- 1862, Aug. IS, Hd-Qrs. ist Brig., Army S-W. Va. Jno. Echols, [Brig.-Genl.] to Hon. Wm. B. Preston, C. S. Senate. Request your influence in favor of Jas. A. Harden, who lacks influential friends and consequently has not been com- missioned — his services. Copy. E- 1863, June 13, Richmond, Va. R. W. B. Elliott, Lieut, and A. D. C, to Genl. S. Cooper, A. and I Genl. As Genl. A. R. Lawton has been assigned to duty not re- quiring me,^*" I request active appointment with Genl. Ewell. A. L. S. ,Ga-ga-i-i7. Approved by A. R. Lawton, Brig.-Genl. A. S. 1863, Nov. 26, Fort Sumter, [S. C] S. Elliott, Jr.^*' to Lelia [Elliott?] Account of conditions around Sumter. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-39. 1*5 This letter was written, as the date shows, in the midst of Genl. Early's disastrous Valley campaign. The enclosure was not found. i*« Genl. Lawton had been made Quartermaster-General. ^" Stephen Elliott, Jr., of South Carolina, who was later very seri- ously wounded at the battle of the Crater. See C. M. H., v. 5, pp. 390-9i- 240 Confederate Calendar. 1864, Dec. 29, James Island, [S. C] Hd-Qrs. 3rd Sub-Dist. S. C. S. Elliott, Jr., Brig.-Genl. comdg., to Capt. W. F. Nance, A. A. G. Forward list of heavy artillery of my command — names of comdg. officers, dates of appointment, efifective strength of following: Cos. E, G and K, ist S. C. Arty. ; Cos. A, B, E, F, H, G, I and K;, 2nd S. C. Arty. ; Mercer Arty. ; Echol's Arty. ; Cos. B, C and D, S. C. Siege Train ; Cos. A, B and C, Lucas' Batln. Arty. ; Co. E, Palmetto Batln. Light Arty. D. S. E-ii-2. 1864, Dec. 29, Royals, [S. C] S. Elliott, Jr., Brig.-Genl., etc., to Capt. [W. F.] Nance, A. A. G. In to-day's return, I omitted to say that Capt. W. E. Tom- mersnan's Co C, Siege Train, formerly Pee-Dee Arty, had served two years in A. N. V. — sent here because of reduced' numbers — please append. Tel. E-ii-i. 1865, Jany. 4, James Island, S. C, Hd-Qrs. grd Sub-Dist. S. C. S. Elliott, Jr., Brig.-Genl., etc. to Capt. W. F. Nance, A. A. G. In accordance with circular orders of ist, I send list of Arty, of my command — arranged by posts — armament — com- mand — commanders. Posts listed : Fort Johnson and depend- encies, Legare's Point, Secessionville, "New Lines consisting Batteries No. i, 2, 3, 4 and 5," Stono Batteries. "Guns in posi- tion in western extremity 3rd Sub. Dist. St. Andrews" — ar- ranged by batteries and commanders, with armament. D. S. E-11-3. 1865, Jany. 28, [James Island, S. C.,J Hd-Qrs. 3rd Sub-Dist. S. C. S. Elliott, Jr., Brig.-Genl. etc. by Louis D. De Saus- seur [?], A. A. G. "Tabular Statement" of this sub-district — total effective, 2919 ; aggregate, 3065. D. S. E-11-3. Reverse: "Trimonthly Return" of same sub-district — total efifective, 2034, aggregate, 3295; present and absent, ag- gregate, 4402. D.n.S. E-11-4. Genl. Elliott is not to be confused with Stephen Elliott, his father, who was bishop of Georgia, and senior bishop of the Episcopal Church in the Confederacy. Confederate Calendar. 241 [1863 — 65,] Elmira, N. Y. Elmira Prison Register of Deaths. Rolls of Confederate prisoners of war dying and buried at Elmira Prison — alphabetically arranged — commands, places of capture, dates and causes of death — "personal efifects" — "J- S. Otwell, Co. H, 1st N. C. . . . efifects, i knapsack and i jacket"; "Geo. W. Reutz, sergt., Co. K, nth S. C. . . . ef- fects, 10 cts. U. S. and $1 C. S. funds"; "T. Smith, corp., Co. B, 42nd Va. . . . efifects, none." [Vol. 3] List of "applica- tions forwarded." "^ 3V. 27. 1863, Dec. 28, Hd-Qrs. Dept. Richmond. S. O. 357, VI. Sig: T. O. Chesney, by command of Maj.-Genl. A. Elzey. Promotion of 2nd Lieut. R. T. Aunspaugh, Co. B, loth Va. Batln, to 1st Lieut. — rank from Jany. 23, 1863. D. S. Va-E-23. 1862, Oct. 31, n. p. — . — . Engle, Lieut., Co. A, 12th Va. Cav. to Col. [J. Thompson] Brown. Your servant is riding a mare belonging to a man of my company — no question as to ownership.^*' A. L. S. B-34-26. 1864, Mch. 18, Savannah, [Ga.J "Enlisted for the War" to Miss Eloise Campbell, Treasurer of Wayside Home.^°° Enclose $20 for the Home, the proceeds of my first and last game of poker. A. L. S. Ga-ga-4-1. 1861, Feb. I. Essex and Middlesex Convention, Va. Minutes of meeting this day to choose and instruct a dele- gate to the Convention of Va. — The "Miller" Resolutions."^ Sig: Wm. B. Davis, Pres., Thos. W. Lewis, Sec. D. S. Va-E-13. ^** Applications for exchange. This Register is very valuable for list- ing the prisoners at Elmira. The returns of "personal effects" in these volumes are a most pathetic evidence of the poverty of the prisoners, probably eighty per cent, of whom are recorded as having no effects. "9 See Brown to Paxton, Oct. 31, 1862, supra, p. 208. 160 See infra, p. 248. 151 Resolutions on Federal Relations, presented to the Virginia Con- vention of 1861. 242 ' Confederate Calendar. 1864, Apr, 20, Post Office, A. N. V. Jno. L. Eubank/'''' P. M., A. N. V. to Jas. A. Seddon, Sec. War. The army moves soon — I shall not be able to buy provisions — request that I may buy from the commissary the same pro- visions as an officer. A. L. S. SC-26. Endsd: i. Sec. of War will realize difficulties P. M. has to buy in an exhausted country — recommend favor- able consideration. John H. Reagan, P. M. General. A. S. 2. Seems a necessity of service, if Post Office is to be continued — order it. J. A. S[eddon.] 4 May, 64. A. S. 3. Returned to P. M. Eubauk — ^he will be allowed to purchase one ration daily. By order A. & I. Genl., Jno. Withers, A. A. G. et. May 5 [?], 1864. A. S. 1863, Mch. 18, Camp near Dunnsville, Va. R. S. Eubank and C. W. Parish. 2 bills and receipts for forage furnished — certified by S. A. Swann, Capt. Co. B, 9th Va. Cav. — paid by Jas. F. Forbes, Capt. and A. Q-M. — wheat stacks, $115, $150 — corn, $1.75 per bushel ; fodder, $1.95 [per ?] P. F. S. S-38. 186-, n. d. Upper St. John's, S. C. "Eutawville Aid Asso." to Capt. Tarrh, 31st S.^C. Regt., Morris Island. Send specified clothing for needy men of your command. A. N. S. SC-93. 1863, Oct. 27, La Grange, Ga., Hd-Qrs. Post. G. H. Evans [?] Incapacity furlough for 50 days to W. B. Kirkpatrick, pvt. Co. A, ist Fla. Regt. P. F. S. Fla-ga-4. 1862, Jany. 19, Williamsburg, Va., Hd-Qrs. Benj. S. Ewell, Col. comdg. to Maj. J. Thompson Brown. ^" John L. Eu'bank had been Secretary of the Virginia Convention of 1S61, and Captain of Eubank's Battery, of Alexander's Arty. Batln., Long- street's Corps, A. N. Va. Col. Eubank resided for many years after the war at the Warm Springs, Va. Confederate Calendar. 243 Will send carpenters requested — I wish one to remain here. L. S. B-34-3. 1861, July 18, Camp Page, Va. Benj. S. Ewell, Col. comdg. Regt. to Capt. [J. Thompson] Brown, comdg Arty. Reasons for giving the brass field-pieces to Capt. Hawkins' Company. A. S. Va-E-15. i86a [?], Aug. IS, Hd-Qrs. 3rd Corps. R. S. Ewell, Maj.-Genl. to Hon. G. W, Randolph, Sec. War. Recommending Col. Bradley T. Johnson for promotion. Copy. Md-68. J863, Sept. II, 6 P. M., n. p. A. S. Pendleton,^=« A. A. Genl., [by command Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell,] to Col. [J. Thompson] Brown. Lt.-Genl. Ewell directs you be careful of your horses — feed them now^°* — Report to Genl. Early — artillery will remain in position until the enemy retires. A. L. S. Va-E-19. 1863, Sept. 13, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Army Corps. Thos. T. Turner, A. D. C, by order Lt.-Genl. [R. S.] Ewell to Col. J. T. Brown. The enemy's cavalry is reported crossing the Rappahan- nock by several fords — Genl. Lee writes you to be Teady to meet them if necessary — at present see that all officers and men are at their posts and the wagon trains in ■camp. — [P. S.] Genl. Ewell directs that all artillery beyond the Rapidan be recalled to this side. A. L. S. Va-E-19. 1863, Sept. 13, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Corps. A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G., by command Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell, to Col. J. T. Brown, Chf. Arty. &c. Lt.-Genl. comdg. directs a battalion of artillery be sent •each division in case of need — tell the commanders to move 153 Pendleton served successively as A. A. G. to Early (e. g., O. R., s. 48, p. 963), and to Ewell (ibid-, s. 49, p. 271) ; and as Aide-de-Camp to Jackson (ibid., s. 18). 1'* This was just before the Federal advance from the Rappahannock to the Rapidan. Ewell was reported to be at Orange. See O. R., s. 48, -P- 133- 244 Confederate Calendar. slowly and rest their horses to keep them fresh — move reserve battalion back two or three miles to Gordonsville. A, L. S. Va-E-ig. 1863, Sept. 13, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Corps. G. Campbell Brown, A. A. G. [by command Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell,] to Col. J. T. Brown. The Lt.-Genl. directs you move in this direction, as the enemy is reported in large force between Culpeper C.-H. and Brandy — Look out for safety of your pieces — send mounted men in advance to give notice of approach. A. L. S. Va-E-19. 1863, Sept. 13, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Army Corps. G. Campbell Brown, A. A. G. [by order of Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell,] to Brig.- Genl. G. H. Steuart, comdg. etc. The Lt.-Genl. comdg. directs you send two regiments of the brigade nearest Liberty Mills to that point to watch the ford and guard against any approaching enemy. L. S. B-5-1. 1863, Sept. 13, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Army Corps. Thos. T. Turner, by order of Lt. Genl. [R. S.] Ewell, to Brig.-Genl. [Geo. H.] Steuart. The enemy's cavalry is reported crossing several fords of the Rappahannock in force — Gen. Lee wishes you to be in readiness to meet them if necessary — only necessary now to see that officers and men are at their posts, and Q-Mr. and commissary wagon-trains in camp. A. L. S. T-ii. 1863, Sept. 13, 4:30 P. M., Hd-Qrs. 2nd [Army] Corps. A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G., by order Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell, to Brig.- Genl. [Geo. H.] Steuart, comdg. Div. The Lt.-Genl. comdg. directs you post a regiment of Infy. and a section of Arty, on the road from Barnett's Ford on the Rapidan, or on the river as circumstances require — Lt.-Col. Andrews will report with his Batln. of Arty. — call on him for the section. A. L. S. P-2-1. 1863, Sept. 13, 9 :3o P. M., Hd-Qrs. 2nd [Army] Corps. A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G. [by order Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell,] to Brig.-Genl. Geo. H. Steuart, comdg. Div. Confederate Calendar. 245 The Lt.-Genl. comdg. directs you have your command ready to move against the enemy in the morning, if necessary — have at least one day's cooked rations. A. L. S. P-2-2. 1863, Sept. 13, 9 :30 P. M., Hd-Qrs. 2nd [Army] Corps. A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G. [by order Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell,] to [Brig.-] Genl. [Geo. H.] Steuart. The Lt.-Genl. directs you move at daylight down the plank road to the vicinity of corps' review grounds. Inform Col. Brown of the Arty, when you withdraw your infantry, from Liberty Mills. A. L. S. P-2-3. 1863, Sept. 13, 9 :30 P. M., Hd-Qrs. 2nd [Army] Corps. A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G., [by order Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell,] to Col. [J. Thompson] Brown. Send the battalions at daylight — Carter's and Jones' moving to Early's camp — Rhodes' and Andrews' to Genl. Steuart, comdg. Johnson's Div. near Orange — move others to neigh- borhood of Orange. A. L. S. Va-E-19. Endsd : "Reed 12 M." 1863, Sept. 14, Hd-Qrs. 2nd [Army] Corps. A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G., [by order Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell,] to [Brig.-]Genl. [Geo. H.] Steuart. Lt.-Genl. Ewell directs you halt youi^ command in the wood "just this side of where the road forks going by your camp from the plank road" — about one and one-half miles from Orange C. H. — Get your men well sheltered in the wood. A. L. S. P-2-4. 1863, Sept. 15, Hd-Qrs. 2nd A[rmy] Corps. A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G., [by order Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell,] to Brig.-Genl. [Geo. H.] Steuart. The Lt.-Genl. comdg. directs you move into woods near your present position — men are to make themselves comfort- able — if they destroyed fencing to-day, have it repaired before moving — he thinks you had better move into woods beyond you on old turnpike, or those on plank road nearest Orange C. H., on west side in direction your former camp. A. L. S. P-2-S. 246 Confederate Calendar. 1863, Sept. 18, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Corps, A. N. V. G. Campbell Brown, A. A. G., [by order Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell,] to Brig.- Genl. G. H. Steuart, comdg. Johnson's Div. In consequence of news of last night, the Lt.-Genl. comdg. directs your division to be in readiness to move nearer the Rapidan River as soon as weather permits. You will receive further orders. O. C. B-5-2. 1863, Oct. 23, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Corps, A. N. V. G. Campbell Brown, A. A. G., [by order Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell,] to Col. J. Thompson Brown, comdg. ist Va. Arty,. 2nd Corps. Asking information as to number of guns captured by Early at Winchester. A. L. S. Va-E-19. 1863, Nov, 7, 2 P. M., Hd-Qrs. 2nd [Army] Corps. A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G., [by order Lt,-Genl. R. S. Ewell,] to Col. [J. Thompson] Brown. Lt.-Genl. Ewell directs you move forward the artillery — the enemy are in heavy force at Kelly's Ford. A. L. S. Va-E-19. 1863, Nov. 27, Charlottesville, [Va.] R. S. Ewell to Rev. Moses D. Hoge, D.D. Thanks for Bible sent — personal and family matters. A. L. S. SS-C-27. 1862, Mch. 19, n. p. Geo. H. Eyster, cadet 44th Va. Pay voucher, with vouchers of the following officers : T. S. Gepson, 2nd Lieut. Co. G, 44th Va., Apr. 30, 1862 ; John Regan, 2nd Lieut. Co. C, 44th Va., May i, 1862; John S. Hix, 2nd Lieut. Co. B, 44th Va, Aug. 19, 1862 ; Thos. S. Boatwright, 2nd Lieut. Co. C, 44th Va., Sept. 26, 1862; Robt. J. Shelton, ist Lieut., Co. D, 44th Va., July 31, 1862 ; John T. Graves, A. C. S., 44th Va., March 31, 1863; H. G. Richardson, Capt. Co. G, 44th Va., Dec. 4, 1863 ; John T. Martin, Capt, Co. F, 44th Va., Jany. 30, 1864; J. L. Cannon, Asst. Surg., 23rd Va., Feby. 3, 1865; J. M. Brown, ist Lieut. Co. F, 5th Va., Feby. 11, 1865; David Howell, 2nd Lieut. Co. G, 2nd Va., Feb. 25-1865. P. F. S. V.3. Confederate Calendar. 247 1862, Aug. 8, New Orizaba, Hd-Qrs. Falkner's Batln., "Parti- zan Rangers." W. C. Falkner, comdg. to Col. Thos. L. Snead. Request supplies and funds for 200 men organized by me for service. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-26. 1865, Jany. 21, Camp Stafford. Thomas Fanning, pvt. Co. H, loth. La. Certificate of and receipt for pay due; — enlisted July 22, 1861 — entitled to discharge on account of old age and debility — age 58 years — signed by mark. D. S. F-13. 1863, Aug. Richmond, Va. Americus Featherman.^'"' "The Belle of New, Orleans, A Romance of the War writ- ten at the request of Miss Minnie Baughman to whom it is respectfully dedicated by her friend ..." F-5. 1865, Feb. 7, Laurens City, Ga. Hd-Qrs. Cav. Brig. L. W. Ferguson, Brig.-Genl. comdg. to ist Lieut. M. G. Hudson, A. D. C. Despatches received. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-36, 1861, May 5, [Richmond, Va.J Commonwealth of Virginia. B. F, Ficklin. Commission as Major, Va. Vols. — rank from Apr. 25, 1861 — Sig: John Letcher, [Gov.] P. F. S. Va-F-g. 1863, Jany. 20, Camp near Fredericksburg, Va. E. M. Field, Maj. comdg. 12th Va. Certificate of unanimous election of Jas. E. Tyler as Junior 2nd Lieut, of Co. D, — vacancy created by resignation of Junior 2nd Lieut. W. L. Penn. D. S. Va-E-20. 1863, Nov. 19, Milledgeville, Ga. Herbert Fielder, A. D. C, to President Jefferson Davis. By direction of the Governor I enclose letter from Jos. S. Garner, a respectable old man — such letters as these are daily received — add to appeal made by the governor in forwarding the letter from citizens of Rome.^°° A. L. S. Davis-3218-i. i«s Featherman was from Louisiana, and was Assistant Examiner of Applications for Patents, C. S. Patent Office. See infra, p. 272. ^°' See Garner to Brown, Nov. 13, 1863, infra, p. 256-57. 248 Confederate Calendar. 1863, Apr. 7, Lake City, Fla. Hd-Qrs. Dist. E. Fla. S. O. 124. Sig: R. B. Thomas, by order Brig.-Genl. [Jos.] Finegan. Asst.-Surg. J. C. L'Engle, reporting for duty, is hereby as- signed to General Hospital, Lake City — will report to Surg. A. S. Baldwin, Senr. Surg, in charge. D. S. Fla-ga-14. 1863, Apr. 9, Lake City, Fla. Hd-Qrs. Dist. E. Fla. S. O. 224. Sig: R. B. Thomas by order Brig.-Genl. [Jos.] Finegan. Asst-Surg. J. C. L'Engle is appointed a member of the board of examination organized here under G. O. ^2, A. & I. Genl. series 1862. D. S. Fla-ga-14. 1864, Apr. 29, n. p. Chas. M. Finney, pvt. Co. C, 37th Va. Charges against, of desertion Apr. 24, when under sentence of Court-Martial — arrested in Charlottesville, Apr. 28 — charges preferred by Jno. M. Fickle. Capt. comdg. Co. D. S. F-3. Forwarded approved. Jno. F. Terry, Lt.-Col. comdg. A. S. 186—, n. d., n. p. E. W. Finney to Sec. War, C. S. A. Asking transfer from Fenner's Arty, to ist Co. Richmond Howitzers. A. L. S. F-20-1. 1863 [?] Aug. 14, Thomasville, [Ga.] [Mrs.] J. M. Fisher to Mrs. [Eloise] Campbell."^ We are cooking supplies for Fort Wagner — funds collected — our accounts. A. L. S. Ga-ga-4-1. 1863, Aug. 28, Thomasville, [Ga.] [Mrs.] J. M. Fisher to Mrs. [Eloise] Campbell. Notice of supplies sent for soldiers. A. L. S. Ga-ga-4-1. 1863, Dec. 5, n. p. J. P. Fitzgerald, Maj. comdg. Report of action of 23rd Va. Infy. in battle of Payne's Farm, Nov. 27, 1863. A. S. 6-14-5. Printed : O. R., S. 48, 868-69. iBT Treasurer of the Wayside Hospital, Savannah, Ga. See supra, p. 241. Confederate Calendar. 249 1864, Feb. 14, Hd-Qrs. 23rd Va. Infy. J. P. Fitzgerald, Maj. comdg., to Capt. Geo. Williamson, A. A. G. Hawkins of Co. G reported of his own accord today— says he would have reported sooner but for an attack of measles — says he escaped from the guard-house, under the impression that he was to be shot— as he has been acquitted on the charge for which he was confined, I wish to restore him to duty, and not confine him for escaping. Hawkins wishes to make a state- ment to Genl. Steuart. ' A. L. S. W-15-2. 1863, Oct. 31, n. p. Robert Fladigant, Lieut, and A. A. Q-M. "Statement of forage issued to horses of Lt.-Col. Nelson's Batl. of Arty,'' for week ending this day. Approved, Robt. K. Jones, Adjt., by order Wm. Nelson, Lt.-Col. A. S. B -43-11. 1863, Nov. 24, [Tallahasse, Fla.] Legislature of Florida. Resolution thanking Genl. William Bailey, Dr. Henry Bacon and the Augusta Manufacturing Company for their de- votion to the Southern cause, their gifts, etc. Sig: T. J. Eppes, Speaker House ; E. J. Vann, Presdt. Senate ; Approved this date, John Milton, Gov. Cert, copy B. F. Allen, Sec. of State. O. C. Fla-26. 1865, Apr. 30, Richmond, Va. Mrs. Mary A. Fontaine"' to Mrs. Marie Burrows Sayre. "My Dear Cousin, You see I retain a lingering fondness for the Confederate way of doing things, in taking a half sheet of paper to write on. I have not replenished my desk as yet, and this is my last half sheet. I received your letter a few days ago, after Mrs. Hurdle left. Has she arrived safely? Did you receive ^=* This lady was a daughter of Dr. J. L. Burrows, a leading Baptist divine of Richmond. No apology need be made for printing this letter at length. It is correct as to facts and a remarkably graphic description. Dr. Burrows' residence was close to the Capitol Square, the City Hall, and other public buildings. Hence the intimate account of events at these places. Compare Baughman's description of the night of April 13, 1861, supra, p. 185. 250 Confederate Calendar. no letters from me before you left Gordonsville ? I wrote two or three, and once enclosed a big letter from Mr. S. In pass- ing, I might as well say that I have lost sight of Mr. S. I can tell you nothing of him, thereby relieving your mind and get- ting rid of him at once. If you hear from him, tell me all about him, yourself and affairs generally. We R. people have grown calm somewhat. The young ladies keep themselves quietly at home, doing nothing to expose themselves to insult ; and in all cases declining controversy with the U. S. Officers, which I heartily approve. The question is closed for the present, and no lady ought to permit a discussion at all, be- cause they have the advantage of success and law, and it is not a fair contest. For my own part, I tread my own path, utterly ignoring them. I do not seem to see them, careful only not to expose myself to insult. I hardly dare venture a description of the first few days of April, but will attempt to give you an idea. Sunday, the 2nd, was one of those un- usually lovely days that the Spring sometimes brings, when delicate silks that look too fine at other times seem just to suit; when invalids and convalescents venture ovit in the sunshine; when the churches are crowded as never before. So it was on this Sunday. I have never seen a calmer or more peaceful Sabbath morning, and alas ! never a more confused evening. During service messengers tiptoed into the churches after prominent military and civil officers, and when the congrega- tion were dismissed, everybody asked, 'What is it?' but no one could tell. Presently there were rumors that Gen. Lee's line was broken, and the enemy had reached the R. R., and Richmond must fall, etc., etc. We ladies were not contented except in the yard, and all were in the street with troubled faces. Major Williamson came to prepare to leave; then, one by one, the gentlemen hurried up with orders to leave that night. Then Mr. Davis, oh, so bowed and anxious, came, and when he told us he feared Richmond must be evacuated by midnight, the truth was forced upon us. We turned to our rooms to prepare those who were to leave. Mrs. Williamson gave herself to a grief which was terrible. All through that long, Confederate Calendar. 251 long night we worked and wept and bade farewells, never thinking of sleep; in the distance we heard the shouts of the soldiers and mob as they ransacked stores; the rumbling of wagons, and beating of drums, all mixed in a confused medley. Just before dawn explosions of gunboats and magazines shook the city, and glass was shattered, and new houses crumbled beneath the shocks. Involuntarily I closed the shutters, and then everything had become still as death, while immense fires stretched their arms on high all around me. I shuddered at the dreadful silence. Richmond burning and no alarm. It was terrible. I cannot describe my feelings as I stood at a window overlooking the city in that dim dawn. I watched those silent, awful fires, I felt that there was no effort to stop them, but all like myself were watching them, paralyzed and breathless. After a while the sun rose as you may have seen it, a great, red ball veiled in a mist. Again the streets were alive with hurrying men and women, and the [cry] of 'Yankees' reached me. I did not move, I could not, but watched the blue horseman ride to the City Hall, enter, with his sword knocking the ground at every step, and throw the great doors open, and take possession of our beautiful city; watched two blue figures on the Capitol, white men, I saw them unfurl a tiny flag, and then I sank on my knees, and the bitter, bitter tears came in a torrent. May 7th — A week has flown since I wrote the last page, and I have picked up another half sheet with the determination to finish my letter to-night. I was just trying to describe the scenes of the 3rd of April. About eight o'clock, after some thirty Cavalrymen had taken possession of Richmond, hoisted their flag, etc., the Artillery came dashing up Broad street, posi- tively the fat horses came trotting up that heavy hill, dragging the cannon as tho. they were light carriages, the trappings were gay, and I commenced to realize the fearful odds against which our gallant little army had contended. Then the Cav- alry thundered at a furious gallop. We haven't been used to that, you know, and it startled us; indeed I imagined that there never was such riding before, unless at Bull Run. Then 2C2 Confederate Calendar. the Infantry came playing 'The Girl I left behind me/ that dear old air that we heard 'our brave men so often play; then the negro troops playing 'Dixie,' and they certainly were the blackest creatures I ever saw. I am almost inclmedto the be- lief that they were a direct importation from Africa. Then our Richmond servants were completely crazed, they danced and shouted, men hugged each other, and women kissed, and such a scene of confusion you have never seen. Imagme the streets crowded with these wild people, and troops by the thousands, some loaded with plunder from the burning stores, whole rolls of cloth, bags of corn, etc., chairs, one old woman was rolling a great sofa ; dozens of bands trying to drown each other it seemed; gorgeously dressed officers galloping furi- ously about, men shouting and swearing as I never heard men do before ; the fire creeping steadily nearer to us, until houses next to us caught and we prepared to leave ; and above all, inconceivably terrible, the 800,000 shells exploding at the labor- atory. I say imagine, but you cannot; no one who was not here will ever fully appreciate the horrors of that day. I have heard persons say it was like their idea of the judgment day ; perhaps it may be. So many shells exploding for five hours would be fearful at any time; the heavens were black as with a thunder cloud, great pieces of shells flying about, oh! it was too awful to remember, if it were possible to be erased, but that can not be. By night things quieted down ; there were brigade headquarters in the house ; so we were protected from stragglers; and the oppressive stillness and darkness (there was no gas) was as fearful as the confusion had been. Pa and Ma have both been sick from the excitement. Ma is better, but weak. Pa continues feeble.^'*" It seems so strange to say Pa is feeble, but he has lost 20 lbs., walks slowly like an old man, and is completely broken down ; all his friends advise him to take a trip to the country, and I hope we shall get him ofif soon. He was always so hopeful, that the suddenness of the change prostrated him. Howard is here, paroled, and con- nected with the two papers; Times and Bulletin. We had a number of sudden marriages last Sunday. An order being ^^^ Dr. J. L. Burrows. See supra, note 158. Confederate Calendar. 253 issued Saturday, that after Monday, all persons marrying must take the oath before procuring licenses, there was consider- able confusion created among certain Confederate ofificers, who were looking forward to marriage in the Spring: Such walking was done on Saturday to get licenses then, and such fixing up of old white dresses; Pa married Morton Wortham and Alice Thomas on Silnday night to two N. C. gentlemen, and two other couples since. There were said to have been 20 marriages in town that day. But if you are as tired of reading as I of writing, you are glad to see the end of the sheet. Tell Carroll B. that we received his letter, and are greatly obliged for his kind invitation, but my coffers are dry ; I have not one cent, and no prospect of any unless I go to work. You all don't understand how poor we are here, not even a friend to borrow from, for all are alike. Give much love to Mrs. G. and thank her for her kindness to Mr. F. Love to Carrie B, Lizzie, Hattie, Armistead, your mother, Mrs. H, etc. Write soon to Cousin Mary. P. S. Don't let a Yankee see this. P. S. Mr. Fontaine is still in prison ; please write to him. I hope he will stop to see you as he comes home, but you must not keep him longer than just to look at him, because I have not seen him for a year." C. C. F-22. 1861, Nov. 28, Gosport, Va., C. S. Dock Yard. J. Forrest, Commandant, to Com. S. S. Lee, Executive Officer, Navy Yard, Gosport, Va. Direct the stable-keepers to make a nitre-bed in the yard, under direction of an ordnance officer — as soon as heaps are formed, cover with a suitable light roof to turn the rain — will require special gang to form beds of old lime, mortar, street sweepings, blood and bones from slaughter houses, manure, etc. — will need gang to work only at intervals thereafter to collect the nitre."" A. L. S. Va-E-13. 1'" This nitre, it is hardly necessary to add, was regularly collected for use in making gun-powder. 254 Confederate Calendar. i86[4]^" Sept. 19, "12 O'clk. at night," Tuscambia. N. B. Forrest, Maj.-Genl. to Genl I received two notes— await you here— cannot leave as I must join my command to-morrow. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-30. [18] 64, July I, Hilton Head, S. C, Hd-Qrs. Dept. of the South. J. G. Foster, Maj.-Genl. [U. S. A.] comdg., to Maj.- Genl. Sam Jones, comdg., etc. I have forwarded letter sent — enclose one to Brig.-Genl. Seymour, and a box of clothing for him— presume there is no objection to its delivery. L- S. Ga-ga-3. 1862, Dec. [Hd-Qrs. ist Va. Arty.] "Fredericksburg Suffer- ers." List of contributions for;— taken in the ist Va. Arty., 2nd and 3rd Co. Richmond Howitzers— total for the regiment, $1,010 — signed by contributors.^"". D. S. H-29-2-4. 1863, Feb. 20, Sunny Side, Spot [tsylvani] a Co., [Va.] Eliza M. T. French to "The President of the Confederate States." Asking a day of fasting and prayer for "our nation in this great crisis." Endsd : "Secty. of Treasy. J. D." 1862, Oct. 29, Hd-Qrs. Petersburg, Va. S. O. 237, IV.. Sig: Graham Daves, A. A. G., by order of Maj.-Genl. S. G. French. Capt. W. B. Ritter, ist Lieut. W. H. Robertson, ist Lieut. S. G. Crump, 2nd Lieut. W. B. Crump, relieved of duty in Maj. Moseley's Batln. of Light Arty, will report to Maj.-Genl. G. W. Smith, Richmond, Va. D. S. S-53. I1861, Feb. 6, Baton Rouge, La. Geo. H. Frost. Commission as ist Lieut, of Arty., Louisiana Troops — rank from this date. Sig: Tho. O. Moore, [Gov.], Pliny D. Hardy, Sec. State. P. F. S. La. 1' Necessarily 1864, since Forrest was not made a Major-General until after Chickamauga, and did not receive his Lieutenant-General's commis- sion until Feb. 1865. i"2 See T. J. Jackson's Circular of Dec. 27, 1862, infra, p. 297. Confederate Calendar. 255 Appended : Letter of transmission. Sig : S. M. Westmore, Col. and A. A. G. 1861, Apr. 2, Montgomery, Ala., War Dept. Geo. H. Frost. Commission as 2nd Lieut. Arty. — report at Fort Jackson, La. Sig: L. P. Walker, Sec. War. P. F. S. La. 1863, May 16, Richmond, [Va.] War^Dept. Geo. H. Frost. Commission as Capt. of Arty, temporary rank under Act 155— report to Maj.-Genl. M. L. Smith. Sig; James A. Sed- don, Sec. of War. O. C. La. 1863, July 4, Vicksburg, [Miss.] Geo. H. Frost, Lieut and A. D. C. to Maj.-Genl. M. L. Smith. Parole as prisoner of war — sworn before L. Kent, Lt.-Col. 29th 111. Vols. P. F. S. La. 1865, Jany. 18, Augusta, Ga., Hd-Qrs. B. O. Fry, Brig.-Genl. to Maj.-Genl. J. Wheeler, comdg. Cav. Request for information regarding a telegraph operator removed — wish his return. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-36. 1864, Apr. 2, Camp 37th Va. Infy. Henry Fry to Brig.-Genl. Geo. H. Steuart. Enclose a pair of gloves sent with the compliments of ladies from the "backwoods of dear old Virginia."' A. L. S. F-ii-i. 1862, Feb. 20, Winchester, [Va.] Sam. V. Fulkerson, [Col.] to Col. W. B. Taliaferro. Ask pay for the regiments — due from 6 to 8 months — the men need money badly— ist Ga. and 3rd Ark. have been paid— the old organization has been broken — ist Ga. has been or- dered to Tenn. I expect orders to march to Manassas — bad news from Tenn. may send us there, but have no intimation — no news here. A. L. S. F-14-1. 1862, Apr. 21, Hd-Qrs. 37th Va. Sam. V. Fulkerson, Col. comdg. to Capt. W. B. Pendleton, A. A. A. G. 3rd Brig. 1*2 See Steuart to Fry, Apr. 2, 1864; infra, p. 405. 256 Confederate Calendar. There is much sickness, especially measles, among recruits —if sent upon a march, I could not carry them without throw- in? away baggage— call attention of the Brig.-Genl. comdg. to this. A. L. S. F-X4-4. 1864, Dec. 28, Mount Pleasant, S. C, Hd-Qrs. Sub-Dist. C. GaiUard, Col. comdg. to Lieut. [W. T. Taliaferro?] By S. O. 7, II. from Hd-Qrs. 2nd Sub-Dist. I have estab- lished post between Oaudaw [Wando?] Creek and the Santo —troops there— commissary's office is at M'Clelanville— the "other" post kept up — guns moved — will make requisition for small arms. A. L. S. T-20-2. [1864] n. d., Coosawhatchi [sic]. L[ucius] J. GarbreU, "* Brig- Genl. to [Maj.-]GenI. [Sam] Jones. Videttes report three boats coming up Tulapuing River. Tel. Ga-ga-4-6. 1863, Jany. 21. Mt. Pleasant, [S. C] Hd-Qrs. Le Gardeur's Battery. G. Le Gardeur, Capt. comdg. to Capt, H. W. Feilden, A. A. G. I have not received S. O. 6 (C. S.) VII. L. S. L-21. 1862, Apr. 30, York Co., Va. Saml. Garland, Jr."" Col. nth Va. Certificate of election of officers of Co. K, ist Va. Arty (2nd Co. Richmond Howitzers,) in the reorganization ordered. Election this day. A. S. Va-E-17. 1861, Aug. 13, Hd-Qrs. Troops (near) Pensacola, [Fla.j Geo. G. Garner, A. A. A. G. to GenL Braxton Bragg, comdg. Application for 21 days leave to attend to private affairs in Louisiana. A. S. Ga-ga-i-21. 1863, Nov. 13, Tallapoosa, Ga. Joseph T. Gamer to Gov. Jos. E. Brown. Knowing your character and kindness I ask aid for wrong i«* Properly, Lucius J. Gartrell of Georgia, who distinguished himself at this time. See C. M. H., v. 6, pp. 418-20. !«" Samuel Garland, Jr., of Virginia. See C. M. H., v. 3, S9S-97. Confederate Calendar. 257 done me. — There is a man here with a detail seizing our cattle when we are not able to spare them — my relations are all in the army — officer says if we do not let him have the cattle for about half of what they will bring in the market all the cattle will be taken "and actually told me because I told him I could not spare any that he would take my cow & calf and work steers and if I resisted him he would take me to the army" — am an old man — all my sons and sons-in-law in the army — am a loyal supporter of the Confederacy — I ask your protection. A. L. S. Davis-3218-2. Endsd: i. "Sect, of War for attention & report J. D. Nov. 25. 1863" 2. "To Com Genl For early report 26 Nov 63 J.A.S." 3. [missing.] 4. "Col. Johnston when leisure permits please prepare a guarded reply to the within complaint — as in- dicated by the endorsements J. D." 3862, Dec. 7, "Camp near Guinea Station," [Va.] Thos. S. Garnett, Col. comdg. 2nd Brigade, Jno. A. Booker, A. A. A. G. "A List of Gunsmiths & Machinists in Jones (2nd) Bri- gade" — 2 gunsmiths in 48th Va. ; i moulder and i gunsmith in 42nd Va."« D. S. G-23-3. [1864?] Apr, 13, Richmond, [Va.] Walter W. Gasden to Brig.-Genl. Geo. H. Steuart. Request for a recommendation of character and conduct while in your brigade — belonged to Md. Regt. — hope to re- join with improved health. A. L. S. G-g. 1862, Mar. 17, n. p. Samuel Gassoway, pvt. Co. C, ist Md. Vols. Honorable discharge of; — enlisted for one year — descrip- tion. Sig: Bradley T. Johnson, Col. comdg. D. S. Md-i6i. [1863] Nov., Richmond, Va. E. S. Gay, Lieut, comdg. Co. G, Henley's Batln. i«« See infra, pp. 360, 361, 411. 258 Confederate Calendar. Requisition for quartermaster's Stores for this command —frogs, cartridge boxes and belts— I have received no frogs,— belts and cartridge boxes needed for new members — approved, Jno. A. Henley, Maj. comdg. Form 40. D. S. J-24-2. Endsd: As this command disbands in Dec. this requisition should not be granted— if it continues in service, requisi- tion will be granted. Garnett Andrews, by order Maj.- Genl. [A.] Elzey. Nov. 28, 1863. 1863, Oct., Richmond, Va. Hd-Qrs. Co. G, 3rd B. L. D. E. S. Gay, Lieut, comdg. 40 receipts to; for muskets and accoutrements issued this, command."^ D. S. J-24-1. 1862, Apr. 23, Camp near Elk Run Church. S. B. Gibbons, Col. loth Va. Vols., to Capt. W. B. Pendleton, A. A. A. G., 3rd Brigade. List of the commissioned officers of this regiment who were not re-elected "* — 12 names given — some of them desire to reenter the service in different capacities — desire passes to return to the army. A. L. S. G-25. 186-, n. d., n. p. Mrs. Sarah A. C. Gibson to Lieut. Sauntey[ ?J "Dear Sir: I feel under obligations to you and Col. Richardson for sending my little boy to see [me] in the hour of trouble. I am glad to know that you simpathise with with me so deeaply. I have one requesst to ask of you, that is to watch over Charley & take good care of him & if he gets sick pleas send him to me pleas do not let him suffer for any thing I put my little boy under your kinde protection, I will will take [it] as a great favor for you to write to me when you can make it con- venient to do so as he is small & cannot do as a grown per- 167 With the same a letter of Ro. Gilliam to G. Watson James, giving some account of the command. It was composed of young school-boys, or- ganized for temporary local defence. !«« Cf, supra, note 116, p. 226. Confederate Calendab. 259 son^'° & if any of your men wounded let me know & I will send bandages for them Yours respectfully" A. L. S. G-21. 1864, Oct. 9, Charleston, S. C, Hd-Qrs. Dept. S. C, etc. R. C. Gilchrist [?] to Brig.-Genl. W. B. Taliaferro, James Island. Col. Harris has rallied somewhat — is slight hope of his re- covery^''°Genl. Jones^'^ and Maj. Lay"- are not sick. A. L. S. T-30-10, 1862, Sept, 8, Baton Rouge, [La.] John W. Gill, corp., Walter S. Crawford, Thos. B. Bodley, to Sergt. E. W. Finney. On behalf of 4th detachment of this command, we deplore your leaving for Va. — trust your worth will be appreciated there as here — will remember your kindness — commend you to all."= L. S. F-20-2. 1865, Jany, 28, Richmond, [Va.] War Dept. W. A. Gilliam. Commission as Lt.-Col. 6oth Va. Infy. — rank from May 9, 1864. Sig : James A. Seddon, Sec. of War. O. C. Va-32. 1861, Dec. 13, Richmond, [Va.] War Dept. Jeremy F. Gilmer."* Commission as Lieut.-Col., Corps of Engineers — rank from May 16, 1861. Sig: J. P. Benjamin, Sec. War. P. F. S. Ga-t-6. 1861, Dec. 13. The same. O. C. Ga-gm-6. 1862, Oct. 4, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. Jeremy F. Gilmer. i6» Possibly her "little boy" was a drummer, but some enlisted men were young enough to deserve this appellation. "0 Col. D. B. Harris, later Brigadier-General; at this time engaged in the defence of Charleston. Harris is generally given the credit for the excellent system of fortifications around the city. 1^1 Major-General Sam. Jones. 172 Major John F. Lay. ^'' Cf, Robert Saunders to E. W. Feriney, Mch. 20, 1862 ; infra, p. 391 ; see also letter to Mrs. Selden, infra, p. 392. "* See supra, note 4, p. 165. 26o Confederate Calendar. Commission as Col., Corps of Engineers. Sig: Geo. W. Randolph, Sec. War. P. F. S. Ga-gm-7. 1863, Aug. 25, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. J[eremy] F. Gilmer. Commission as Maj.-Genl. of Vols., temporary rank under Act of May 21, 1861"^ — report to Genl. G. T. Beauregard, Charleston, S. C. Sig : James A. Seddon, Sec. War. P. F. S. Ga-gm-8. 1863, Sept. 14, Charleston, S. C. J. F. Gilmer, Maj.-Genl. and Pres. of Board, A. J. Gonzales, Col. and Chf. of Arty., D. B. Harris, Lt.-Col. and Chf. of Engrs., to Genl. G. T. Beauregard, comdg. By S. O. 179, we report proposed armament of new lines on James' Island^^° — no new guns should be sent from old lines to new lines east of Battery Pringle, until these lines are ready for armament, or Genl. comdg. thinks it safe — Ordnance and Q-Mr. should make preparations — no more platforms at Fort Pemberton should be removed — send list of present armament of Fort Lamar, East^" and West.^" Copy. J-18-1. 1865, Apr. 26, n. p.. Engineer Bureau. J. F. Gilmer, Maj.- Genl. and Chf. Engr. Requisition on the Secretary of War for $4,000 in gold to be placed to the credit of Maj. W. F. Foster, Corps En- gineers — he to be accountable — The same for construction and repair of bridges and roads, transportation of tools, etc.^" Approved by John C. Breckinridge, Sec. of War. D. S. Ga-gm-31. 1^" For other commissions under this and similar acts, see index, Rank, Temporary. "« Not found. 1" Not found. "8 J.18-3. "' General Gilmer was in Pres. Davis' escort on the way to the South- The funds here requisitioned were for repairs to enable the train to go forward. Confederate Calendar. 261 1865, Apr. 27, Catawba Bridge, N. C. [S.] O. Sig: J. F. Gilmer, Maj.-Genl. and Chf. Eng. Bur. Maj. J. W. Greer, Engineer Troops, will proceed on roads leading to Washington, Ga. by specified route — making neces- sary repairs to bridges and roads — will carry pontoon train if transportation can be had. A [ ?] C. S.^'° Ga-ga-33. 1865, Apr. 27, Catawba Bridge, N. C. [S.] O. Sig: J. F. Gilmer, Maj.-Genl. and Chf. Eng. Bur. Capt. Geo. M. Helm to accompany the President and Sec-- retary of War on their march as engineer in charge. A. C. S. Ga-gm-33. 1865, Apr. 27, Catawba Bridge, [N. C] [S.] O. Sig: J. F. Gilmer, Major [Genl.] and Chf. of Eng. Relieving Maj. W. F. Porter of charge of the pontoon- bridge building — turn over the work to Capt. H. N. Phan[?] Maj. Porter will proceed to the army of Tenn. and report there. A. C. S. Ga-gm-34. 1865, Apr. 27, Catawba Bridge, [N. C] [S.] O. Sig: J. F. Gilmer, [Maj.-Genl. etc.] Capt. W. A. Ramsey, Engineer Troops, will accompany troops with President and Sec. of War on their march, with the portion of his company here, with tools, etc. — he will take full transportation. A. G. S. Ga-gm-34. 1865, May 5, [Washington, Ga.] J. F. Gilmer, [Maj.-Genl. etc.] Bill of; for $3,300 specie, advanced for purchase of horses and mules, Apr. 13, 1865. Receipt for $3,201 on account of same..!" A. C. S. Ga-gm-38. Note, sig: J. F. Gilmer, Maj.-Genl, etc. The above funds were advanced because in the confusion of the march usual requisitions could not be made, and the animals were essen- 1'° If these copies are autograph, they were probably written some time after this date. The handwriting is somewhat diflferent from Genl. Gilmer's other letters of this date. 1*1 This was at the time of the division of the specie carried with Pres. Davis' wagon-train. 262 Confederate Calendar. tial to haul bridge equipage cross was river. "Time was pressing." A. S. 186-, Feb. I, n. p.. Roberta Pollock [Mrs. Mattie Gilmour] to Narrative of adventures to save Mosby's command.'*^ Copy. G-27. 1861, Jany. 7, [Charleston, S. C] Hd-Qrs. J. R. Gist, Adjt.- Genl. to Capt. Brewer. Telegram received stating "The Star of the West" is ex- pected with reinforcements — keep "sharp lookout" for her."* A. L. S. Ga-3-i6. 1862, Nov. 15, Hd-Qrs. 15th S. C. [Regt.] W. M. Gist, [Major] to his wife. Regret at not meeting you as expected — personal matters — movements of the command — Jenkins' attack. A.L.S. SC-145. 186-, n. d., Secessionville, S. C.[?] [A. J. Gonzales, Col. and Chf. Arty.] to Report on Arty, at James' Island — the bearing of the guns. D. n. S. J-18-4. 1863, Feb. 16, [Richmond, Va.,] Ho [use] of Representatives. John Goode, Jr. to President [Jeffn. Davis.] Enclose a letter from Rev. G. W. Leyburn,^^* a worthy and noble man — I doubt not his suggestion would meet with hearty approval from the great body of the people. A. L. S. Davis-410. Endsd: "Secty of Treasy J. D." 1'* This graphic narrative is fully authenticated, and will be printed in full at some future time. 1'* The Star of the West had been sent to Charleston harbor with 200 troops and ammunition, etc., for the Federal garrison there. She ar- rived Jany. g, and was fired on by the South Carolina forces. See Rhodes, Hist. U. S., V. 3, p. 245 ff. Cf. L. T. Wigfall to Gov. Pickens, O. R-. s. I, 253. 184 See G. F. Leyburn to John Goode, infra, p. 331. Confederate Calendar. 263 1864. June 12, Louisa C. H., Va. D. H. Gordon, [Lieut.] to his wife. Have been captured with seven men of my command— their names— inform their families— reassurances."' A. L. S. SC. 1863, June I, Savannah, [Ga.] Geo. A. Gordon to [Brig.-] Genl. W. B. Taliaferro. [Private.] G. O. 70 abolishes office of regimental commissary- recommend Capt. G. W. Lamar for brigade commissary— re- view of his services. A. L. S. L-22. 1864, Sept. I, Savannah, Ga. Mrs. Nellie K. Gordon to Pres. Jeffn. Davis. My two brothers were captured by Forrest— cannot they be transferred to Savannah and be shown other clemency— my husband, Inspector Genl. to Genl. Mercer, will ask no clemency — personal matters. A. L. S. Davis-416. 1861, Aug. 2, Richmond, [Va.,] Ordnance Office, War Dept. J. Gorgas,"« Maj. and Chief of Ord. to Capt. J. Thompson Brown, comdg. Arty at Williamsburg. Your requisition of the 27th ulto. received, and will be attended to. P. F. S. B-33-2- 1863, Mch. 19, [Richmond, Va., Ord. Off., War Dept.] J. Gorgas, Col. etc. Statement of charges for 8 and lo-pdr. Columbiads. Copy. 0-10-5-c"^ 1863, May 12, [Richmond, Va., Ord. Off., War Dept.] J. Gorgas, Col. etc., by E. B. Smith, Capt. 185 At the time of his capture, Lieut. Gordon hastily wrote this note, and confided it to a Federal sergeant, who generously placed it where it would be found by the advancing Confederates. 180 J. Gorgas, Colonel and later Brigadier-General, Chief of Ordnance, said to have been one of the most efficient officers in Confederate service. See C. M. H., v. i, pp. 622-24; So. His. Soc. Papers, v. 13, 216S. 1" Cf, W. N. Smith, infra, p. 398; W. L. Broun to W. N. Smith, Nov. 30, 1863, supra, p. 201. 264 Confederate Calendar. "Circular [Table of] Projecting Charges for Rifle Cannon" —by calibre, with charge for shell, solid shot, "extra large charges" and size grains powder. Copy. O-io-5-d.' I ise 1861, June 12, Corinth, Miss. J.[?] Gottlieb to S. Abeles, Philadelphia. Delight at getting your letter— thought the mails suspended —personal matters. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-15. 1863, Nov. 18, n. p. A. Graham, Capt. R. A., to Col. J. T. Brown, comdg. Arty, 2nd Corps. Report the bravery of Pvt. W. H. Effinger, this Co., and of a pvt. of the 13th Regt— they fired the Rappahannock bridge after most of the troops had been captured. A. L.S. Va-E-i8. 1864, Feb. 24, Wytheville, Va. R. E. Grant to [Brig.-]Genl. W. B. Taliaferro. Review of my service in your command — ask statement of same. A. L. S. T-30-9. 1864, 'Jany. 28, Savannah, Ga., Hd-Qrs. Dist of Ga. Robt. Grant, Capt. and A. A. & I. Genl., to Capt. G. A. Mercer, A. A. G. Report of satisfactory inspection of Fort McAllister. C. C. Ga-ga-i-34. 11861, May 27, Weldon, N. C. Jno. A, Graves, Capt. comdg. Post, to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. Election of field officers for 3rd Regiment held — Pender, Colonel;"' S. D. Ramsour [sic]"° Lt.-CoL; D. H. Hamilton, Major. Tel. NC-153. "8 Cf. ibid. 189 Wm. D. Pender, later Major-General. See C. M. H., v. 4, pp. 334-37. ISO Stephen D. Ramseur, later Major-General. See C. M. H., v. 4, pp. 341-43. Confederate Calendar. 265 1863, Nov. 17, Hd-Qrs. Army Corps, A. N. V. B. H. Green, [A.] A. [&] I. Genl. to Brig.-Genl. A. L. Long, comdg. Arty. 2nd Corps. Send copy of instructions from Army Hd-Qrs., signed R. H. Chilton, A. A. & I. Genl., calling on the 2nd Corps for re- port on regimental strength, to see if it is in accordance with G. O. TJ (C. S.) This must be known before allowance can be given. A. L. S. B-35-20. 1863, Apr. 2t, near Fredericksburg, Va., Hd-Qrs. 6ist Va., Mahone's Brigade. V. D. Groner to John Your letter received — regret Genl. C. was not "put through" — compliments to Genl. C. — inform me if anything happens regarding Mahone, or any Maj.-Genl. should be appointed — find out what has become of the papers of Lieut. Benj. James who was court-martialed for being absent without leave and broken — application was later m*ade by the regimental officers and his company men for his reinstatement — the papers were duly approved and forwarded to the War Department — what has become of them — what will be done in the case — all are much interested in Longstreet's movements — are afraid he is only after provisions. A. L. S. G-20-1. 1863, May 20, near Fredericksburg, Va., Camp 6ist Va., Ma- hone's Brigade. V. D. Groner to John The congressional election is approaching — is important the District be represented by a man having the interests of Portsmouth and Norfolk in mind — from that section there are three candidates, Mahone, Hume and Godwin; from the up- district Parham and Whitfield — would prefer Parham person- ally, but cannot let such considerations enter — if they do not unite on one of the first three, the district being in Yankee hands, an up-country man will be elected — would be dis- astrous — Chambliss let the cotton loan pass,"^ without mak- ing Norfolk a port of entry — must unite on the strongest — Hume will probably withdraw, Godwin will get but few votes ^»i See discussion of the Congressional legislation regarding cotton in Rhodes, Hist U. S., v. 4, p. 27s ff. 266 Confederate Calendar. — Mahone is strongest — if peace comes in the next congress, he will be needed to push Norfolk's commercial interests — the matter is more important than it appears.^"^ A. L. S. G-20-2. 1861, May 22, Norfolk, Va. Walter Gwyn to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. 1 have received authority from Richmond to call on you for troops — send the second regiment, field battery and as many more as you can — enemy active. Tel. NC-153. 1864, Apr. 30, Camp ist N. C. Regt. John M. Gwyther, ist Lieut, comdg. Co. H, to Maj. R. W. Hunter. Request the return of pvt. Wagoner, detailed as teamster — will substitute a wounded man. A. L. S. W-13. Approved: H. A. Brown, Col. 1864, Aug. 9, Battery Glover. F. M. Hall, Lieut. Engr. Corps, in charge, to Capt. P. N. Page, A. A. G Work on Stono River Bridge and at the pontoon bridge progresses — work of negro laborers at Battery Zynes and Battery No. 3 — no guard has yet reported to prevent their desertion — carelessness of guard on bridge — stolen pass of A. Kennedy is not to be recognized. A. L. S. Bjj-sa. 1864, Mch. 17, Powhatan, C. H. A, J. Hamilton. Certificate of impressment of one mule, property of Jacob Michaux, valued at $900, of which $400 was paid. Apprais- ment disapproved, valued in sum of original payment. Wit- nessed by Jno. Spears and Ed. F. Baugh. P. F. S. A-33. 1862, June 23, Camp [ist S. C. Vols.] near Richmond, [Va.] D. H. Hamilton, Col. comdg. Special requisition for 743 rations of whiskey for 743 men of this command. D. S. Ga-ga-i-15. 186-, [Prison Camps.] Emma Hammerdinger, Alexandria, Va. i»2 Robert H. Whitfield was the member from this district in the second Congress. Confederate Calendar. 267 8 letters to;- requesting clothing, etc., from C. S. prisoners of war. Va-E-so. 1862, Sept. 24, Hd-Qrs. Hampton's Brigade. Wade Hampton, Brig.-Genl., to Col. S. Bassett French, A. D. C."* Thanks for a flag presented by ladies of Fredericksburg. L. S. Ga-ga-i-15. 1864, Mch. 14, Milford, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Hampton's Div., Cav. Corps, A. N. V. Wade Hampton, Maj.-Genl., to Col. Bradley T. Johnson. Enclose you extract of my report showing my appreciation of your services during the late operations around Richmond — ^have urged your promotion.^'* A. L. S. Md-8i. 1864, May 16, Hd-Qrs. Hampton's Div., Cavalry Corps, A. N. V. G. O. 6. Sig: Wade Hampton, Maj.-Genl. Announcing the death of Maj.-Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. D. S. Fla-ga-i2. 1864, Dec. 5, Hd-Qrs. Wade Hampton, Maj.-Genl., to Genl. R. E. Lee. A returned free negro reports the enemy talking of an attack on Hicks ford [sic] — this may be done — recommend moving force from Nottoway Bridge there — put Hicks ford in a condition of defence — if the cavalry moves in that direction, I will follow them. A. L. S. SC-35- 1863, Jany. 9, Canton, Miss. John Handy to Pres. Jefferson Davis. Report progress on the farming matters entrusted to me. A. L. S. Davis-272. 1863, May 25, Beaulieu Battery. C. R. Hanleiter, Capt., Thompson Battery, comdg. Battery, to Capt. Geo. A. Mercer, A. A. G., Savannah. ^»' Printed, So. Hist. Soc. Papers, v. 2, pp. 31-32, with French's letter to Hampton. 19* For further letters to Johnson on the same subject, see index, Johnson, B. T. 268 Confederate Calendar. I returned to my command on the 24th — am grateful for leave — ^will forward monthly returns to-morrow. A. L. S. H-.36. 1864, Apr. 2S, near Barboursville, Va. Robt. A, Hardaway, Lt.-Col. comdg. Monthly return of ist Va. Arty. — commands of Capts. Dance, Smith, Graham, Griffin and Jones— aggregate present and absent, 662—1 officer and 41 men prisoners — 20 guns — 209 serviceable horses. D. S. Bjj-42-9. 1864, Apr. 21, Dalton, Ga. Hd-Qrs. Hardee's Corps. T. B. Roy, A. A. G., by command of Lt.-Genl. [W. J.] Hardee."^' Circular. Battle flags of Corps, known as "Virginia battle flags" "* will be inscribed with No. of regiment in upper angle of cross and with name of State in lower angle. C. C. Ga-ga-i-34. 1864, n. d.. Savannah, [Ga.] W. J. Hardee, Lt.-Genl., to Maj.- Genl. [Sam] Jones. Return the N. C. troops to Genl. Whiting as soon as they can be safely spared. Tel. Ga-ga-4-6. 1864, n. d.. Savannah, [Ga.] W. J. Hardee, [Lt.-Genl.,] to [Maj.-Genl.] Sam Jones. Young's dismounted - men are at Grahamville — subject to your order — Genl. Chestnut has not been ordered off — is still under your command. Tel. Ga-ga-4-6. 1862, Jany. 14, Richmond, [Va.,] War. Dept. Jas. A. Hardy [Harden.] Commission as ist Lieut, and Adjutant, 36th Va. Regt. — rank from May 23, 1862 — report to Lt.-Col. Derrick. Sig: J. P. Benjamin, Sec. War. O. C. H- ^^^ Lt.-Genl. W- J. Hardee of Georgia, known to all soldiers as the author of Hardee's Tactics. See C. M. H., v. i, pp. 670-73. 106 This was the "Southern Cross." Confederate Calendar. 269 1862, Nov. 20, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. Jas, A. Harden. Commission as ist Lieut, and Adjutant, 23rd Va. Batln. — rank from May 23, 1862 — report to Lt.-Col.Derrick. Sig: James A. Seddon, Sec. War.^"^ P. F. S. H- 186-, n. p. James A. Harden, ist Lieut, and Adjt., 36th Va. Regt. Memorandum book, and miscellaneous unimportant papers. Va-C-75- 1862, Sept. 10, n. p. Jas. C. Hardy, pvt., Co. H., 2nd Va. Batln. Vols. Descriptive list of; Sig: Jno. S. Bowles, Capt. P. F. S. H-34. [1865, Jany. 13, St. Andrew's Parish. E. P. Harllee, Cadet and A. A. I. G.] "List of absent officers Conner's Brgd." 119 names in 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, isth and 20th S. C. Regts., and 3rd S. C. Batln — 5 without leave. A. S. T-25-3. 1863, June 7, Camp Sans...., Hd-Qrs. 12th Ga. Batln. G. M. Harny, Maj. comdg. to Capt. W. T. Taliaferro, A. A. Genl. I have no officer at Augusta able to arrest pvt. P. G. Laughly, suggest Sergt. E. F. Clayter be detailed. A. L. S. H-37-1. 1865, Apr. 27, Abbeville, S. C. Burton N. Harrison,!''^ Priv. Sec, to [Brig.-] Genl. [B. O.] Fry, comdg. Post, Augusta, Ga. Send two good ambulances to Washington, [Ga.] to be held by Post Q-M., subject to order — ^by command President. Tel. Ga-t-S4-i9. Endsd: Hd-Qrs. Augusta, Apr. 29. B. O. Fry, Brig.-Genl: Maj. Norman Smith to take any ambulances to fill the above. A. S. ^" Seddon succeeded G. W. Smith as Secretary of War on Nov. 21, 1862. 10s Private Secretary to President Dayjs. 270 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Jany. 30, Charleston, [S. C.,] Signal Office. Geo. E. Harrison, Lieut, comdg. Sig. Corps, to Capt. P. N. Page, A. A. G. Find on looking over my record that following message was sent you, Jany. 27, about 11:00 P. M. — courier says he delivered it to your courier — he was the only person there: [Message] "Two steamers passed out safely about 7:30 this evening — Sig: H. Rhett, Col. comdg" — I am glad to exonerate my line of signals. A. L. S. T-21-5. 1863, Mch. 27, Camp Taliaferro, Hd-Qrs. 32nd Ga. Regt. Geo. P. Harrison, Jr., Col., comdg., to Lieut. R. K. Meade, A. A. G. Beg to report removal of my command here — 7 miles from Savannah, one-half mile from left of Isle of Hope defences — like the change — believe it will improve ^he health of my com- mand. A. L. S. H-39. [i^jes, Apr. II, Raleigh, [N. C] Thos. Harrison to Miss Nannie The approach of the enemy drives me to departure before I can thank you for attentions — thanks, etc. A. L. S. NC-178-6. 1864, Nov. 16, near New Market, Va., Hd-Qrs. Engineer Troops. William T. Hart to Genl. [A. L. Long?] Is my sad duty to inform you of the death of Lieut. M. M. Long, killed during Breckinridge's charge at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19th, while acting as aid to Brig.-Genl. Wharton— loca- tion of his wound — Col. Smith went to his assistance, but was called away before the body could be removed— when his friends again reached him, he was unconscious — in our re- treat, by order, I left him to be buried at Strasburg— mark- ings of the grave— disposition of his effects— his bravery and geniality. A L. S. H- Confederate Calendar. 271 1864, [Oct.] IS, Saturday,^^" n. p. Lewis E. Harvie^""' to J. R. Edmunds. Enemy last night burned 3 depots on Southside road be- tween the Junction and Petersburg — may be moving on Dan- ville road above Junction — better judgment is they are moving towards Dinwiddle — ^vitally important to guard bridges on Danville road, especially that over Staunton river — get to- gether all local forces — on this road being kept open above Burksville [sic], existence of army and safety State depends. Copy. NC-178-2. Appended: People on this side river are collecting to guard the Staunton bridge — all in neighborhood of Barksdale called on to meet here by 6 o'clock Monday morning i6th with four or five days provisions and such arms and am- munition as they have, to go at first call. Every man who can procure a mount, bring it. Sig: Th. E. Barksdale, Littleton Edmunds, C. R. Barksdale, T. Wistar White, C. W. Barksdale, T. M. Niven and 5 others. 1862, Apr. 16-1863, Sept. 6, n. p. W. O. Harvie, Capt. and A. C. S. 5 invoices of subsistence stores delivered to, between these dates — Apr. 16, 1862, bacon @ $.50 per lb. ; Apr. 22, 1862, salt beef @ $.125 per lb. [Forms 22 and 24.] P. F. S. Q-5-I-5- 1863, [Mch. 31,] Gordonsville, Va. W. O. Harvie, Capt. and A. C. S. Abstracts of provisions furnished troops here, Mch. 1-31, 1863 [partial] ; Mch. 12-24, [pages missing.] [Form 2.] P. F. S. Q-5-6. 1863, June 30, n. p. W. O. Harvie, Capt. and A. C. S. Certificate of pay of persons employed by ; in C. S. service i"" Necessarily October, since Saturday fell on the iSth in October only in 1864. See Taylor to Talcott, Aug. 22, 1864 supra, p. 68. 200 Lewis E. Harvie of Amelia, a prominent Democrat before the war and leader of the secession party in the Virginia Convention of 1861. Harvie was at this time President of the Richmond and Danville Railroad. See O. R-, s. 26, p. gsi. 272 Confederate Calendar. —physician, $40; clerk, $75; slaves, $20 each. Examined, R. G. Cole, Lt.-Col. etc. [Form 21.] P. F. S. Q-5-8. 1863, Nov. [30,] n. p. W. O. Harvie, Maj. and A. C. S. Certificate of pay of persons employed by; in C. S. ser- vice. [Form 20.J P. F. S. Q-5-7- 1863, Mch. 13, [Richmond, Va.?] Mrs. Wm. H. Haxall to Col. [J. Thompson Brown?] I have received this application^"^ from my nephew — please do not overlook it. A. L. S. B-35-9. 1864, June 29, Talladega, [Ala.] W. Y. Hendrick, Impressing Agent for Talladega County, to J. L. M. Curry. You are notified to have an able-bodied negro at Talla- dega on July 15, with a good pair of shoes, sufficient clothing, bedding, and 7 days' rations to go to Mobile and work on fortifications until Dec. 20.="=' P. F. Ala-Cur. ' [1862, Feb. 12,] District Court, C. S. A., Eastern Dis. Va. John Henson, Fluvanna Co., Va. Indictment by grand jury for ofiering a bribe of $85 to Americus Featherman, Asst. Examr. of Applications for Patents, to influence an award for patent on a hay-press — 3 counts — sig: P. H. Aylett, C. S. Dis. Atty — true bill certified, John L. Tate, Foreman— not guilty, C. [ ?] T. Winfree.'"'* D. S. I-7-1. Appended: Bond for appearance, in sum $1000 — bondsmen — acknowledgment. 1863, n. p. James R. Herbert. Note-book and diary — occasional entries to July 3rd. Md.-i37. 2»i Not found, but see Brown to Seddon, Mch. 10, 1863, supra, p. 208. The nephew referred to in Mrs. Haxall's letter was probably the Robinson mentioned in Brown's communication. 202 Such impressments were common at this time. 203 por Featherman, see supra, p. 247. Confederate Calendar. 273 1863, July 12, Hd-Qrs. Heth's Div. H. Heth,'"'* Maj.-Genl. to Brig.-Genl. J. H. Lane.^"^ "Genl. I find my line so weak on my right that I am compelled to move my command in that direction. The interval that will be thus left between my left and your right will be the length of a Brigade if not more." ^"^ A. L. S. H-i. 1861, May 16, Bolivar, [Va.] Hd-Qrs. 4th Va. Infy. Vols. Reg. [sic] [S.] O. 2. By order Col. A. P. Hill, comdsr. Calling attention to drills ordered. D. n. S. Va-F-g. 1863, May 29, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Army Corps. S. O. 59, I. Sig : A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. A. P. Hill. In accordance with G. ,0., Brig.-Genl. G. H. Stewart [Steuart] will report to Maj.-Genl. Ed. Johnson for assign- ment to command Colston's brigade. D. S. S-22-3. 1864, Oct. 13, Petersburg, Va. Hd-Qrs. 3rd Corps. A. P. Hill, Lt.-Genl. [comdg.,] to Genl. R. E. Lee. I will make another eflfort to improve Wright's almost worthless brigade — neither of the senior of55cers are suited ior command — recommend Lt.-Col. G. M. Sorrel. O. C. Ga-22. Endsd: i. Efforts to procure an officer — recommend Col. Sorrel. R. E. Lee, Genl. Copy. 2. Approved. S. Cooper, A. & L Genl. Copy. 3. Accept recommendation. J. A. Seddon, Sec. of War. Copy. 4. Appoint to temporary rank — "where is Genl. Wright?" J. D[avis.]2<'^ Copy. "0* For Heth, see C. M. H., v. 3, p. 601. ^o' For Lane, see ibid., v. 4, pp. 323-26. 2o» Cf, infra, p. 434. 20T See G. M. Sorrel, infra, p. 400. 274 Confederate Calendar. 1861, Apr. 18, Charlotte, [N. C] D. H. Hill to Gov. J. W. Ellis. Capt. Reassur [Ramseur] a West-Pointer, late officer of Arty is here — desires to serve you — can you send him to the forts? Tel. NC-153. 1861, Sept. 21, Hd-Qrs., Camp Fayetteville. [S.] O. 6. Sig: J. W. RatcliflFe, A. D. C, by order Genl. D. H. Hill. Special inspection of hospital and company tents and camp grounds will be held on the 22nd. A. D. S. B-31-20. 1861, Sept. 21, Hd-Qrs., Camp Fayetteville. G. O. 6. Sig: J. W. Ratchford, A. A. A. G., by order Genl. D. H. Hill. Appointment of Lieut. R. E. Davis, 2nd La., as Q-Mr. of forces around Cocklestown. — Hd-Qrs. there. A. D. S. Va-E-14. 1862, May 10, n. p. D. H. Hill, Maj.-Genl. Authorization for Col. Brown, appointed as Inspector of Longstreet's Div., to inspect this. A. S. Va-E-17. 1862, Apr. 8, Redoubt No. 5, Hd-Qrs. Left Wing Arty. [D. H. Hill, Maj.-Genl [?] to Col. J. Thompson Brown.^o^ Orders for regulation of Redoubts 4 and 5 : Keep commis- sioned officers in the redoubts — officers' duties — sentinels at each gun — their duties — seven officers to see to full supply of ammunition, etc. Leave-granting — not less than 5 men at each gun — they must remain at guns at night, "unless for very special reasons" — and during the day — senior officer to make daily consolidated report — no gun to be fired except by order commissioned officer — no general firing, or firing at enemy's batteries without order of commanding officers — care that each shot is effective — generally do not fire on any small body of troops — orders to be enforced at once, and read to each Battery and Section. D. n S. B-32-2. 1865, Jany. 24, Hd-Qrs. Dist. Ga. S. O. Sig: D. H. Hill, Maj.-Genl. comdg. 2»8 Cf, Brown [?] to Hill, April. 22, 1862, supra, p. 207. Confederate Calendar. 275 As military exigency requires, animals for artillery are to be impressed — detail for purpose. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-36. 1864, Jany. 4-Dec. 2, [2nd Dis. Ga.] R. K. Hines, Capt. and Dist. P. Q-Mr. 6 lists of "tax in kind" turned over to Capt. Wm. P. Webb,^"" A. Q-M. — corn, fodder, grain-stack, some hay. P. F. S. Q-4-1-6. 1863, July 2, Townesville, Granville Co., N. C. Mrs. John Hipkins to Robert Oul,d, Esq. [Commr. of Exchange.]"" Have you secured exchange of my son, John Hipkins, Jr? — he has been "imprisoned longer than any other South- erner either citizen or soldier." We have all suffered "very much from the vile Yankees" — lost home and property in Norfolk — second son disabled for life by wound at Manassas — oldest son "debarred the light and air of Heaven and kept under Yankee rule for nearly a year and a half; truly I have cause to hate them and I do." Request answer. A. L. S. H-26-2. [1863,] July 19, Townesville, Granville Co., N. C. Mrs. Jno. Hipkins to Judge [Robert] Ould, etc. Repeat my former request [H-26-2] as I have had no an- swer — something "remarkably strange" in Hipkins' case — ex- changed prisoners say he has never been allowed to receive letters from me — he cannot write — "I fear he will feel himself deserted by his family and country." Request reply.^^^ A. L. S. H-26-3. Endsd : "Inform her that several applications have been made for the release of her son, without success. R. O." "Ansd. Aug. 4,763." A. S. 1863, June 12, Savannah, [Ga.] Q-M's Office. Hermann Hirsch, Maj. and Q. M., to Maj, B. F. McKinne, Chf. Q-M. Dist. Ga. ">^ For other papers of Captain Webb, see infra, p. 426. 2i» For Ould, see C. M. H., v. i, pp. 630-31. Hundreds of Judge Quid's letters will be found in O. R,., s. 116-121. 211 Cf, J. J. Limkinjs to John Letcher, infra, p. 331. Cf, O. R., s. 115, p. 343, for one John Hipkins, Jr., who is perhaps the man here referred to. 276 Confederate Calendar. Complaint of conduct of Capt. Brockett, Act. Brig. Q-Mr. for Genl. Taliaferro — his discourteous language in a dispute over cloth issue. A. L. S. H-41. Endsd by McKinne, sustaining Hirsch's contention [il- legible in part.] A. S. 1864, Apr. I, Camp Milton, Fla., Ofi&ce of Commissary of Har- rison's Regt. E. L. Holcombe, Maj. and C. S., to Brig.-Genl. W. B. Taliaferro, James Island, [S. C] I have reached Florida and assumed duties — a very poor and uninteresting country — would have preferred to remain with you — ask return to your staflf — "There is nothing of in- terest going on in this Army that I know of, everything dull and quiet" — I suppose you are at your old command on James Island — Respects to your staff. A. L. S.. H-40. ii864, Dec. 22-31, Pocotaligo, S. C. E. L. Holcombe, Maj. and C. S. Certificate of subsistence stores, pirovisions, delivered be- tween these dates to Maj. W. B. Stanard, C. S.^^^ Form 22. P. F. S. S-42-2. 1864, Dec. 29, n. p. Wm. A. Holland, Maj. comdg., Wm. Hassell, ist Lieut, and A. A. [sic] Report of condition of 40th Batln. N. C. Troops — total effective, 437. 1862, Feb. 14, Richmond, Va. Moses D. Hoge,"' Jno. R. Thompson,^'" William Brown, J. R. Tucker.^i^ Chas. H. Win- ston,2" Alex. H. Sands and others, to Hon. J. L. M. Curry.=" 212 Supra, pp. 199, 218. 213 Moses D. Hoge, D. D., of the Second Presbyterian Church, Rich- mond, Va. See index, Hoge, M. D. See also P. H. Hoge: Moses Drury Hoge, Life and Letters. (Rich., 1899.) 2" A well-known Virginia editor and poet. 215 A prominent lawyer and member of a distinguished Virginia family. Tucker was at one time Attorney- General of Virginia. ^lo A Richmond educator, then President of "^he Richmond Baptist Female Seminary, now Professor in Richmond College, Va. 2" For Curry, see E. A. Alderman, /. L. M. Curry. (Brooklyn, 1903.) Curry was himself a prolific writer. See his Civil History of the Govern- ment of the Confederate States. (Rich., 1901), etc. Confederate Calendar. 277 Requesting copy of your speech of the 13th for publication. A. S. Ala-Cur. 1861, June 22, Richmond, [Va.,] C. S. Navy Dept. Geo. N. Hollins. Commission as Captain, C. S. N. Sig: S. R. Mallory, Sec. of Navy. P. F. S. Md-127. 1862, Oct. 23, Richmond, [Va.,] C. S. Navy Dept. Geo. N. Hollins. Commission as Captain, C. S. N. — rank from Mch. 26, 1861. Sig: S. R. Mallory, Sec. of Navy. P. F. S. Md-128. 1861, Nov. 8-1862, Sept. 15, n. p. R. G. HoUoway, Co. I, 4th Texas. Diary-^important for movements of this command. Tex- 1 03. 1861, Feb. 20, Savannah, Ga. C. M. Homer, Captain. Articles of agreement with crew of the Brig "Hallie Jack- son" for three months' cruise. [Old U. S. form.] P. F. S. Ga-ga-3-45. Appended : Clearance of same. 1862, Dec. 30, Richmond, Va., Post Office Dept. Josephine Hopkins. Commission as Post-Mistress at Glen Allen, Va., — having been appointed Nov. 8, 1862 — bond executed Dec. 16, 1862. Sig: Jno. H. Reagan, Postmaster-General. P. F. S. Va-E-2i. 1864, Apr. 6, Hd-Qrs. Steuart's Brig. McHenry Howard, A. A .[&] I. Genl., to Lieut. Col. [A. S.] Pendleton, A. A. & I. Genl., Ewell's Corps. Request for permission to purchase a captured horse. A. L. S. H-3. Endsd : Approved. Geo. H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl. A. S. 1862, Feb. 8, Harwood's Mill, [Va.] H. Hudnall, Capt. 2nd Co. Howitzers, to Maj. J. Thompson Brown. 278 Confederate Calendar. If I am to establish a hospital at Tignor's, recommend as physician, Dr. Temple of my Co. — ^Temple is a graduate of the Richmond Medical College"' "and also of a college in Paris." Also recommended by A. B. Guigon, S. B. Hughes, Jno. Z.[?] Wharton. A. L. S. B-34-7. [1862,] Feb. 28, n. p. H. Hudnall, Capt. [2nd] Co. Howitzers to Maj. [J. Thompson] Brown. Report on difficulty of procuring forage and of securing a sufficiently competent man for Quartermaster. "If there is a march below, you shall be spared the mortification of my battery being left behind. It shall go if I have to half pull it." A, L. S. B-34-10. [1862?] n. d., n. p. S. B. Hughes to [Col. J. Thompson Brown. Send the names of 12 new recruits who reported Mch. 13-14. A. L. S. Va-E-i8. 1865, Jany. 16, [Fort] Sumter. T. A. Huguenin, Capt. comdg. to Capt. P. N. Page, A. A. G. A monitor sunk about 800 yds. from the Fort, towards Moultrie."" Tel."" Tj-44-2. 1865, Jany. 16, [Fort] Sumter. T. A. Huguenin, Capt. comdg. to Capt. P. N. Page, A. A. G. Was mistaken — only one monitor sunk.''" Tel. T,-44-4. 218 The College was o.iginally a branch of Hampden-Sydney College, but became later a separate foundation. The distinguished physiologist, Brown-Sequard, was for some years a member of its faculty. The Col- lege received national celebrity by receiving the medicM students who "seceded" from the Philadelphia schools in December, 1859. Its corporate title is the Medical College of Virginia. "1* For operations around Charleston during January, 1865, see O. R-. s. 47- 220 See note 61, supra, p. 193. 221 A subsequent report to T,-44-2 was evidently sent, but has not been found. Confederate Calendar. 279 1865, Jany. 16, [Fort] Sumter. T. A. Huguenm, Capt. comdg. to Lieut. [Perrin] Kemp, A. D. C. Nothing more known of monitor— presume it was sunk by torpedo"^— enemy has not approached— will send a boat at dark. ' Tel. T,-44-S. 1862, June 24, n. p. W. Q. HuUihen, pvt. 2nd Co. Howitzers, (Co. K, ist Va. Arty.) "Descriptive list" of— no entries. Sig: David Watson^ Capt. P- F- S. H-33. 1862, Jany. 9, C. S. District Court, Eastern Dis. Va. Thomas Hunt, by John B. Morgan, agent. Petition of receiver, Wm. A. Maury, against ; as proprietor of "Orange Grove Mining Tracts" and "United States Gold Mining Tracts"— under sequestration act"'— notice this date- executed, Mch. 18, 1862."* D. and A. S. S-44-5-6. 1862, Jany. 24, C. S. District Court, Eastern Dis. Va. Hunt, Thomas and Co. Sequestration proceedings against (Thos. L. Hunt, Saml. J. Thomas, L. S. Brickhouse) ; for sequestration of debts due alien enemies— total, $2846.11— notice this date. Loftin N. Ellett, clerk ; Jas. D. Halyburton, Judge, etc."= D. S. S-44-7. 1862, Aug. 18, [Staunton, Va?] "Camp." J. A. Hunter to Capt Request to be detailed as clerk to Capt. Eskridge, commis- sary I2th Va. Cav. — I enclose surgeon's certificate of dis- ability. A. L. S. Ci-56-6. Endsd : Approved. Thos. P.. Eskridge, Capt. A. S. Appended: Surgeon's certificate — Sig: Wm. S. McChesney, Surg. Post St [ail] n [ton, Va.] — disabled following attack of typhoid fever. D. S. 222 For further uses of torpedoes, see index, Torpedoes. 223 See index, Sequestration Act. This act was entitled "... for the Sequestration of the Estates, Property and Effects of Alien Enemies." 22* The promptness with which execution followed the filing of the petition is notable. 220 For other orders of Judge Halyburton, see index. 28o Confederate Calendar. 1864, Aug. 25, Savannah, [Ga.] W. W. Hunter, Flag Officer. Midshipman Preston B. Moore"" will report to Comdr. Jos. Price, P. N. C. S., at Savannah. A. S. Tex-134. 1864, Aug. 26, Savannah, [Ga.] W. W. Hunter, Flag Officer. Midshipman Preston B. Moore is detached from command of Comdr. Jos. Price— will report on the "Savannah" to Comdr. Thos. W. Brent. A. S. Tex-134. 1862, Jany. 24, Pensacola, [Fla.] Osborne M. Ingalls, Kitch- am's Co. Arty., 5th Ala. 30 day furlough to visit Nashville— description — a native of Maine. Sig: J. C. Yuille, ist Lieut, comdg. A. S. Ga-ga-i-23. 1861, July 31, Richmond, Va., Bureau of Ordnance and Hydro- graphy. D. V. Ingraham [sic] to Comdr. A. B. Fairfax, Fnspr. Ord., Norfolk, Va. Plan to adopt night signals similar to Coston red, white and green signals — a Mr. Thompson of your force is supposed to know the manufacture of these — what materials will he want? — can they be had at the Norfolk yard? — forward answer. Copy. Va-E-13. 1862, Feb. 2, "Cantonment W. N. Edwards." Cad. J. Iredell, 1st N. C. Cav., to Fanny Personal matters — the battle of Bethel. A. L. S. NC-178-6. 1862, May 8, Camp near W[illia]msburg, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. 49th Regt. P[enn.] V[ols.] William H. Irwin, Col. comdg. Statement of finding body of Lieut. Snow very near the Federal lines."' Copy. NC-178-5. 1862, June 3, "In line of battle near Richmond," [Va.] J. D. Jackson to his "Father and Mother." Army gossip — prospects of battle. A. L. S. Ga-3- ^26 Cf, Buchanan to Moore, supra, p. 211. "" Originally written on the back of Snow's commission by the Fed- eral officer who found the body. The statement was forwarded to Snow's family. Confederate Calendar. 281 1862, Aug. 7, camp near Liberty Mills, [Va.] J. W. Jackson, Col. comdg. 47th Ala. Vols., to Brig.-Genl. Wm. B. Taliaferro. Send list of detail which is to bring on the men left in Alabama and along the road. A. L. S. Ti-4S-2. 1862, Dec. 3, near Fredericksburg, Va. J. W. Jackson, Col. comdg. 47th Ala., H. A. Garrett, Adjt. Morning report of this command — total present, 343 ; sick, 137; aggregate present and absent, 759.°''° P. F. S. T-32-4. 1861, Apr. 30-May 23, [Hd-Qrs. Post, Harper's Ferry, Va.] T. J. Jackson^ CoL comdg. Order-Book, with later entries of general and special orders of Genl. J. E. Johnston, May 27, 1861-Sept. 17, 1861, and special orders of various commanders to Oct. nth, 1861. Jackson's orders date Apr. 30, i86i-May 23, 1861,^^^ and are as follows: 228 Very inaccurately made up. The totals do not agree. 229 Several pages are missing after the entries of May 23, 1861. With May 27 begins a series of orders signed E. K. Smith, Lt.-Col. and A. A. G., by order of Brig.-Genl. [Jos. E.] Johnston. The Jackson literature is very considerable, and only the more important titles can be mentioned here. See M. Addey, Stonewall Jackson, (N. Y., 1863) ; Wm. Allan, History of the Campaign of Gen. T. J. Jackson in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, (Phila., 1880) ; Wm. C. Chase, Story of Stonewall Jackson, (Atlanta, 1901) ; John Esten v..ooke, Stonewall Jackson, (N. Y., 1894, etc.) ; R. L. Dabney, Life and Campaign of Lt.-Genl. T. J. Jackson, (N. Y., 1866) ; J. W. Daniel, Character of Stonewall Jackson, (Lynchburg, I068) ; J. G. Gittings, Personal Recollections of Stonewall Jackson . . . Cin., 1899) ; J. C. Gorman, Lee's last Campaign, with an accurate History of Stonewall Jackson's last Wound, (Ral., 1866) ; M. D. Hoge, Inauguration of the Jackson Statue, (Rich., 1875) ; C C. Hopley, Stonewall Jackson, (Lond., 1863) ; H. H. McGuire, Address [June, 1897], (Lynchbg., 1897) ; F. H. Smith, Discourse on the Life and Character of Lt.-Genl. Thos. J. Jackson, (Rich., 1863) ; J. P. Smith, The Religious Character of Stonewall Jackson, (Lynchbg., 1897). The important i-orks are Dabney, McGuire, F. H. Smith, J. P. Smith. G. F. R. Henderson, Stonewall Jackson and the Ameri- can Civil War, (2 v., Lond. and N. Y., 1900, etc.), is the best authority. Mrs. Jackson's Life and Letters of Genl. T. J. Jackson, (N. Y., 1901) and her Memoirs of Stonewall Jackson, (L'ville, 1895) give the personal and domestic character of Jackson. 282 Confederate Calendar. 1861, Apr. 30, Hd-Qrs. Div. Harper's Ferry. G. O. 21. > Sig: E. Cunningham, A. A. A. G., by order Col. Jackson. Letter, Apr. 27th, R. E. Lee to [T. J. Jackson?] to take command at Harper's Ferry and organise the treops there.^'" 1861, May 2, same place. Sig: Frank P. Jones, A. A. A. G. by order Col. Jackson. Order for morning reports. 1861, May 2, same place. Sig: as above. Col. A. W. McDonald appointed aid to Col. Jackson. 1861, May 2, same place. Sig: as above. Francis B. Jones to act as A. A. A. G. 1861, May 2, same place. Sig : as above. Hours for calls. 1861, May 2, same place. Sig: as above. Acting field officers and captains of companies will re- port to Hd-Qrs. at 8 o'clock. 1861, May 2, same place. Sig: as above. Troops will lay on their arms to-night. 1861, May 3, same place. Sig: S. Cunningham, A. A. A. G., by order Col. Jackson. Company musters and inspections to be held. 1861, May 3, same place. Sig: as above. Promptness in duties of day, and in forming details. 1861, May 3, same place. Sig: Francis B. Jones, by order Col. Jackson. Detail of officers for guard duty. 1861, May 3, same place. Sig: J. W. Massie, Aid, by order of Col. Jackson. Adjt. to appoint detail for quartermaster duty. 280 See Lee to Conrad, et aU, Apr. 27, 1861, infra, p. 315. For a brilliant accotint of Jackson's work at this post, see G. F. H. Henderson', op. cit., v. I, pp. 103-126. Confederate Calendar. 283 1861, May 3, same place. Sig: E. Cunningham, A. A. A. G., by order of Col. Jackson, Countersign. 1861, May 4, same place. Sig: Francis B. Jones, by order of Col. Jackson, Announcement of appointment of Jas. W. Allen as Col. of Va. Vols, from Jefferson and contiguous counties. 1861, May (4,) same place. Sig: as above. Detail for guard duty. May 4, 1861, same place. Sig: E. Cunningham [etc.,] by order Col. Jackson. Countersign. 1861, May 5, same place. Sig: Francis B. Jones, by order Col. Jackson. Detail of officers for guard duty. 1861, May 4, same place. Sig: as above. Assignment of Lieut. Cunningham to Engineering de- partment. 1861, May 4, same place. Sig: as above. Appointment of Col. Angus McDonald as Inspector General. 1861, May 5, same place. -Sig: as above. Countersign. 1861, May 6, same place. Sig : as above. Parole and countersign. 1861, May 6, same place. Sig: as above. Detail of Maj. J .L. Preston for special staflf duty a.-« military secretary. 1861, May 6, same place. Sig : as above. Detail of officers for guard duty. 284 Confederate Calendar. 1861, May 7, same place. Sig : as above. Prohibition of any shopkeeper selling liquor to a sol- dier. Upon proof of violation, the shop will be closed, and the stock of liquor turned over to the officer of the day. 1861, May 7, same place. Sig: as above. Detail of officers for guard duty. 1861, May 7, same place. Sig: as above. Location of guard mount in Bolivar. 1861, May 8, same place. Sig: as above. Regimental commanders will have company officers report the trades of the men in their commands. 1861, May 8, same place. Sig: as above. Regimental commanders will report at Hd-Qrs. at 6 P.M. 1861, May 8, same place. Sig: as above. Detail of officers for guard duty. 1861, May 7,=" same place. Sig: as above. Countersign. 1861, May 9, same place. Sig: as above. Col. Williams, 4th Infantry, will detail 15 men for com- missary service. 1861, May 7, same place. Sig: as above. Appointment of Jno. M. Lock as Actg. Q-M. and Actg. Commissary of 1st Regt. 1861, May 8, same place. Sig : as above. Guards are to be furnished with fiint-lock muskets, which are to be turned over to new guard. 1861, May 7, same place. Sig: as above. Announcement of appointment of Col. Kenton Harper as Col. of regiment from Augusta and vicinity. 2'^ This order was entered out of its place. The book was evidently "written up" from time to time. Confederate Calendar. 285 1861, May 7, same place. Sig: as above. Announcement of appointment of Lt.-Col. Wm. H. Harman to same command. 1861, May 8, same place. Sig: as above. Appointment of nine cadets from the V. M. I. as drill- masters — names given. 1861, May 8, same place. Sig : as above. Announcement of appointment of Capt. Frank Lack- land as Capt. of Engineers. 1861, May 8, same place. Sig: as above. Ordering quarter-guards at barracks of commands — notification of regimental Hd-Qrs. to be duly returned. 1861, May 8, same place. Sig: [as above?] Announcement of appointment of S. B. Gibbons as Major — assigned to regiment from Shenandoah and Rock- ingham. 1861, May 9, same place. Sig: as above. Assignment of Lieut. Ross as asst. officer of the day. 1861, May 9, same place. Sig: as above. Capt. Williams to send detail for guard-house duty. 1861, May 9, same place. Sig: as above. Regimental commanders will order their music to re- port to Lieut.-Col. Harman "for instruction in perform- ing" at squad drills. 1861, May 9, same place. Sig: as above. Details for engineers' work to report by 8 o'clock to- morrow. 1861, May 9, same place. Sig: as above. Detail of officers for guard duty. 1861, May 9, same place. Sig : as above. Countersign. 2i86 Confederate Calendar. 1861, May 10, same place. Sig: as above. Announcement of appointment of Surgeons H. H. Mc- Guire=^^ and H. G. Davidson to the command. 1861, May 10, same place. Sig: as above. Regimental commanders will superintend drill in their regiments— Captains to hold regular inspection before marching to dress-parade — deficiencies in ammunition to be reported. 1861, May 10, same place. Sig : as above. Detail of officers for guard duty. 1861, May 10, same place. Sig: as above. Countersign. 1861, May II, same place. Sig: as above. Ordering detail of 25 men to report to master of trans- portation for duty from i to 6 o'clock. 1861, May II, same place. Sig: as above. Adjutants to report promptly irregularities in guard detail. 1861, May II, same place. Sig: as above. Detail of Cadet Wright as adjutant of post at Bolivar — to continue as drill-master. Capt. Patton relieved from duty as adjutant. 1861, May II, same place. Sig: as abve. Assignment of regimental surgeons. 1861, May II, same place. Sig: as above. Detail of officers for guard duty. 232 Hunter Holmes McGuire, M. D. He led the "secession" of the medical students from Philadelphia in 1859, and after his appointment to Jackson's command, rose rapidly to the position of Medical Director of the Division and later of the Corps. He attended Jackson when the latter was wounded at Chancellorsville. After the war he attained prominence as a Surgeon, being elected President of the American Surgical and the American Medical Associations. He founded the University QjUege of Medicine at Richmond. Confederate Calendar. 287 1861, May II, same place. Sig: as above. Countersign. 1861, May 12, same place. Sig: as above. Announcement of appointment of Col. Arthur C. Cum- mings — will assume command of 2nd Regiment, com- posed of companies from Shenandoah and Rockingham. 1861, May 12, same place. Sig : as above. G. O. No. 37. "Lt.-Col. J. E. B. Stuart of the Provisional Army of Vir- ginia is assigned to the ist Cavalry Volunteers in this vicinity. He will be obeyed and respected accordingly." 1861, May 12, same place. Sig: as above. Assignment of Capt. W. F. Lee,^'' Provisional Army of Va., to duty with 1st Arty. — will report to comdg. officer. 1861, May 12, same place. Sig: as above. Assignment of Lieut, J. B. Washington, Provisional Army Va., to duty with 3rd Infantry — will report to the Colonel. 1861, May 12, same place. Sig: as above. Cadet Holt, in addition to drill duty, will act as Ser- geant-major at guard-mount in Harpers Ferry. Cadet Tayloe to have similar duties in Bolivar. 1861, May 12, same place. Sig: as above. Detail of officers for guard duty. 1861, May 12, same place. Sig: as above. Countersign. 1861, May 13, same place. Sig: as above.^'* Detail of officers for guard duty. 23' Also written W. H. F. Lee. He was the second son of Gen. R. E. Lee. See C. M. H., v. 3, pp. 625-27. ''^* The handwriting changes with this entry. 288 Confederate Calendar. 1861, May 13, same place. Sig: as above. Calling attention to Art. 1122, Army Regulations (Medical Department). 1861, May 13, same place. Sig: as above. Commandants of battalions to make immediate ord- nance requisition. 1861, May 13, same place. Sig: as above. Detail of Dr. J. B. Deadman as post dentist. i;86i. May 14, same place. Sig: as above. Detail of ofHcers for guard duty. 11861, May 14, same place. Sig: as above. Regimental commanders to hold daily recitations on tactics for commissioned officers between 12 and i P. M. — Arms of diiferent calibres to be returned and standard ones issued in return. 11861, May 14, same place. Sig: as above. Announcement of assignment of Col. A. P. Hill to command of 4th Infy.^^° r86i, May 14, same place. Sig: as above. Surgeon and detail for 4th Infy. 1.861, May 14, same place. Sig: as above. In absence of commanding officer, Col. Jas. D. Sellen, 1st Infy., being oldest commissioned regimental officer, will assume entire command. 11861, May 14, same place. Sig: as above. Countersign. 1861, May 15, same place. Sig: as above. Col. Hill will detail carpenters to report to head- quarters. 235 Later the 13th Virginia Volunteers. See C. M. H., v. 3, p. 679. Confederate Calendar. 289 1861, May 15, same place. Sig: as above. Detail of officers for guard duty. 1861, May 15, same place. Sig: as above. Assignment of Capt. Jas. B. Alexander, Lieuts. Robt. F. Beckham, J. Smith and Jno. L. Morgan to commands. 1861, May 15, same place. Sig: as above. Assignment of 2nd Lieut. J. W. Houck to 2nd Infy. 1861, May 15, same place. Sig: as above. Relieving Q-Mr. Crane, 4th Regt., Col. Moore and all regimental commissaries from duty. 1861, May 15, same place. Sig: as above. Regimental commanders will report at once companies completely equipped "as to uniform patent & calibre of arms." 1861, May IS, same place. Sig: as above. No one to be absent from quarters between Taps and Reveille. 1861, May 15, same place. Sig: as above. Countersign. 1861, May 16, same place. Sig: as above. Appointment of Capt. McAllister to 4th Infy. 1861, May 16, same place. Sig: as above. Detail of officers for guard duty. 1861, May 16, same place. Sig: as above. Relieving Lieut. Ross from special duties; to report to Maj. Kent, 5th Infy. for orders. 1861, May 16, same place. Sig: as above. Col. Hill, 4th Infy. will detail a Lieut, and 6 men to patrol post to-night. 1861, May 16, same place. Sig: as above. Countersign. 290 Confederate Calendar. 1861, May 17, same place. Sig: as above. Field officers for the detail. Attention of adjutants called to irregularities in appearance and arms of guard. 1861, May 17, same place. Sig: as above. Countersign. 1861, May 18, same place. Sig: as above. Field officers for the day. 1861, May 18, same place. Sig: as above. Assignment of Col. W. W. Gordon to ist Arty. 1861, May 18, same place. Sig: as above. Assignment of Lt.-Col. Frank Lackland to ist Infy. 1861, May 18, same place. Sig: as above. All regiments to be in order for inspection by Insptr. Genl. C. S. Army tomorrow. 1861, May 18, same place. Sig: as above. Countersign. 1861, May 19, same place. Sig: as above. Surgeon Haller detailed as Surgeon of Kentucky and Baltimore Vols. 1861, May 19, same place. Sig: as abpve. 2nd Lieut. S. P. Turner assigned to sth Infy. 1861, May 19, same place. Sig : as above. Col. A. P. Hill will detail 10 carpenters to report at guard house, Harper's Ferry, with blankets and 2 days' rations. [1861,] May 21, same place. Sig: as above. Col. Hill will detail 7 carpenters to report at once to Hd-Qrs. [1861,] May 21, same place. Sig: as above. Jas. Bruce appointed transportation agent for Q-M.'s Dept. Confederate Calendar. 291 1861, May 19, same place. Sig : as above. Capt. Sherrard assigned to 4th Infy. 1861, May 19, same place. Sig : as above. Assignment of Capt. White to 4th Infy. 1861, May 20, same place. Sig : as above. Assignment of 2nd Lieut. A. S. Scott to 4th Infy. 1861, May 21, same place. Sig : as above. Col. Hill will order Capt. McAllister to relieve Capt. Williams on the Va. Heights. [i85i,] May 21, same place. Sig: as above. Col. Hill will hold Cos. A, B, C, D and F ready to be mustered into service tomorrow — assembly. 1861, May 22, same place. Sig: as above. Assignment of Surgeon Grymes to 4th Infy. 1861, May 22, same place. Sig: as above. Q-M. is not to be interfered with in discharge of duties except by orders from these Hd-Qrs. 1861, May 22, same place. Sig: as above. Col. Hill will detail 10 carpenters with blankets and i day's rations. 1861, May 23, same place. Sig: as above. Assignment of Cols. Jeremy Morton^^* and H. A. Ed- monson to duty on the staff of the Col. comdg. 1861, May 23, same place. Sig: as above. Commandants of regiments will report amount of am- munitions — care must be taken by the Captains in its issue — to be issued only in case of alarms — attention to orders prohibiting discharge of arms.''" Va-J. 238 Jeremy Morton of Orange, once a Whig member of Congress, but a member of the secession party in the Virginia Convention of 1861. See Scott, History of Orange County, Virginia, p. 192. 237 See supra, p. 281, note 229. 292 Confederate Calendar. 1861, Dec. 21, Winchester, Va., Hd-Qrs. Valley Div. T. J. Jackson, Maj.-Genl. comdg., to Maj. Thos. G. Rhett, A. A. G., Hd-Qrs. Dept. N. Va. Part of the army of Northwest has arrived — more is ex- pected — [Brig.-] Genl. [W. W.] Loring expected Tuesday — I request Loring be continued in command of forces he brings and his command be designated ist Div. Army of Valley. I wish comdg. Genl's. decision. A. L. S. Va-D-29. Endsd: Dec. 23, 1861. Hd-Qrs. Centreville. The desig- nation of Loring's command will depend on its strength — have General Jackson state this. J. E. J[ohnston.]''^* A. S. 1862, Mar. 10, Hd-Qrs. V. D., A. S. Pendleton, A. A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. T. J. Jackson] to Col. S. V. Fulkerson, comdg. Brig. A. N. V. Upon sending receipts, proper blanks for your command will be sent. L. S. F-14-2. 1862, Mar. II, Hd-Qrs. V. D. S. O. 171, III. Sig: A. S. Pendleton, A. A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. [T. J.] Jackson. Capt. Shumaker's Battery of Light Arty, will report to Col. Fulkerson, comdg. brigade. D. S. F-14-3. 1862, Apr. 25, Swift Run Gap [Va.] T. J. Jackson, [Maj.- Genl.J to Brig.-Genl. E. Johnson.^'" A brigade of the enemy is encamped three miles north of Harrisonburg. [P. S.] Condition of my command is such that I cannot keep a company between us and Staunton — ^you will have to rely on your own resources — will give further in- formation. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-13. 1862, June 26, 9 A. M., Merry Oaks, [Va.] T. J. Jackson, Maj.-Genl., to Brig.-Genl. [L. O'B.] Branch. "The head of my column is crossing the Central R. R." A. L. S. NC-178-8. ""« Printed, O. R., s. S, P- 1003. 25" Edward Johnson, later Major-General. See C. M. H., v. 3, pp. 611-12. Confederate Calendar. 293 1862, Aug. 6, Hd-Qrs. V. D. S. O. 251, V. Sig: A. S. Pendleton, by order Maj.-Genl. [T. J.] Jackson. Transfer of Pvt. D. H. Henkel, Co. G, loth Va. to Rice's Battery, and Pvt. K. J. H. Loveday, Co. F, loth Va. to R. P. Chewe's Battery. D. S. S-46. 1862, Sept. 8,"° 3 P. M., n. p. T. J. Jackson, Maj.-Genl., to [Brig.-]Genl. [L. O'B.] Branch. If enemy advances, throw forward Infy. and Arty, to strong position to repel them — take position, if practicable, more than a mile from road "on which we are moving," jor far enough to prevent enemy's Arty, from annoying train. A. L. S. NC-36. 1862, Sept. 14, Hd-Qrs. Valley Dis. E. F. Paxton, A. A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. T. J. Jackson] to Brig.-Genl. [J. R.?] Jones, comdg. Div. You will receipt to Major Harman for arms and accoutre- ments, for which you will send at once. A. L, S. J-19-1. 1862, Sept. 16, Sharpsburg, Md. T. J. Jackson to Miss Fairfield. I have received the "nice breakfast" for which I am in- debted to your kindness — thanks for hospitality. A. L. S. Va-J. 1862, Oct. I, Hd-Qrs. Valley Dis. S. O. 276, I. Sig: E. F. Paxton, A. A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. [T. J.] Jackson. Appointment of Capt. A. M. Garber as Actg. Chf. Q-M. D. S. T-32-1. 1862, Oct. 2, Hd-Qrs. V. Dis. E. F. Paxton, A. A. A. G., by command of [Maj.-]Genl. [T, J.] Jackson. Circular. Division commanders are to send in estimate of trenching tools required — when received these are to be carried in am- munition wagons — tools now here for distribution. D. S. T-32-2. =<» Possibly Sept. 5. 294 Confederate Calendar. 1852, Oct. 8, Hd. Qrs. V. Dis. E. F. Paxton, A. A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. T. J. Jackson] to Col. [J. Thompson Brown,] ' comdg. [ist Va.] Regt. Arty. The Maj.-Genl. comdg. directs, if you can, you cause the two pieces of Artillery designated in the enclosed,"^ to be removed at once from Winchester. The Genl. expects to at- tach Poague's Battery to your Regt. A. L. S. B-34-24. 1862, Oct. 8, Hd-Qrs. V. D[is.] G. O. 105. Sig: E. F. Paxton, A. A. A. G., by command"" of Maj.-Genl. [T. J.] Jackson. Upon recommendation of his division commander, and in view of his gallant services at Cedar Run, Manasas, and Sharpsburg, the sentence of a General Court Martial on Capt. Geo. W. Huston is remitted. A. S. H-35. 1862, Oct. 8, Hd-Qrs. V. D[is.] G. O. 103. Sig: E. F. Pax- ton, A. A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. [T. J.] Jackson. Proceedings of a court-martial convened at camp of 2nd Brigade, by S. O. 241 : Pvt. John L. Sculthrop, Co. C, 21st Va., — ^guilty of cowardice — to forfeit all back pay and allow- ances, to have his head shaved, to be confined at hard labor for 12 months with 12 pound ball and chain to his left leg. Sentence approved as to forfeiture of pay — remainder re- mitted."' D. S. J-I9-3- 1862, Oct. 8, Hd-Qrs. Army Valley District. G. O. 102. Sig: E. F. Paxton, A. A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. T. J. Jackson. Proceedings of a court-martial convened at camp of ist Brigade, by G. O. 58. — Col. A. Grigeby, 27th Va., President" I. Pvt. Daniel Roderick, Co. F, 33rd Va., desertion — no'' guilty. II. Pvt. Litman Sandy, Co. B, 2nd Va., — guilty of de- 2*1 Not found. 2*2 Paxton used "by order" and "by command" in the same sense. The particular wording in each case has been followed here. 2*3 This is significant in view of the fact that Jackson is generally reputed to have been one of the severest disciplinarians of the army. Confederate Calendar. 295 sertion — forfeit 2 months' pay. III. Pvt. John Sandy, Co. B, 2nd Va., guilty of desertion — same penalty. IV. Priv. Thos G. Shaner, Co. F, 27th Va. — guilty of desertion — to receive 30 lashes, have his head shaved, and be drummed out of the service. V. Priv. Laurence McNamara, Co. H, 27th Va., — ■ guilty of "positive and wilful disobedience of orders" — not guilty of "highly insubordinate conduct" — as prisoner has been discharged from arrest by competent authority, dis- charge him. Findings in I. and V. approved. Sentence in II. and III. disapproved, "it being totally inadequate to the offience com- mitted." In IV. sentence remitted, "it being the opinion of the Maj.-Genl comdg. that the execution of it would be detri- mental to the service." "" D. S. J-19-2. 1862, Oct, 9, Hd-Qrs. V. D[is.] A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. T. J. Jackson,] to [Brig.-]Genl. J. R. Jones.2" "Genl. Jackson directs that yovi have your troops — artil- lery inclusive ready to move at any hour to-night or to- morrow morning. You may be called on. Make no changes in your train. Do not keep your troops up to cook rations. If you have pickets in front double them at once." O. C. J-I9-4- 1862, Oct. 10, Hd-Qrs. V. D[is.] E. F. Paxton, A. A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. [T. J.] Jackson. Circular. Division commanders will send in as early as practicable reports of their commands in: i. Battle of Cedar Run. 2. The several battles near Manassas. 3. The capture of Harper's Ferry and the battles in Maryland. D. S. J-19-5. 1862, Oct. 10, Hd-Qrs. V. D.[is.] A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G., "* Cf. G. O. 103, supra. 2*» John R. Jones of Virginia. See C. M. H., v. 3, pp. 614-15. 296 Confederate Calendar. [by order Maj.-'^*" Genl. T. J. Jackson,] to [Brig.-] Genl. J. R. Jones. Send a guard of 3 non-commissioned officers and 24 men to Hd-Qrs., and renew the detail daily. [P. S.] "Draw in the regiments put out last night, but leave a small picket." A. L. S. J-19-6. 1862, Oct. 13, Hd-Qrs. V. D[is.] S. O. 282. Sig: A. S. Pen- dleton, A. A. G., by order Maj.-Genl. [T. J.] Jackson. The 5th Va. Vols, is detailed for special duties— it will prepare to march at once with its baggage and 3 days' rations Maj. Williams [comdg.] will report for orders. O. C. J-I9-7. 1862, Oct. 14, Hd-Qrs. V. D[is.] S. O. 283, V. Sig: E. F. Paxton, A. A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. T. J. Jackson. Pvt. N. B. Logan, Co. I, 4th Va. is detailed for special duties — report to Maj. Jno. A. Harman, Q-Mr. D. S. L-20. 1862, Oct. 14, Hd-Qrs. V. D[is.] S. O. 283. Sig: E. F. Pax- ton, A. A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. [T. J.JJackson. Brig.-Genl. J. R. Jones, comdg. Div., will place a guard of two men at Chapman's Mill to protect the property. D. S. J-ig^. 1862, Oct, 16, Hd-Qrs. V. D[is.] Jas. P. Smith, A. D. C, by order Maj.-Genl. [T, J.] Jackson, to Brig.-Genl. J. R. Jones. ' Keep your troops in condition to march — report the amount and condition of rations on hand. A. L. S. J-19-9. 1862, Oct. 16, Hd-Qrs. V. D [is.] G. O. no. Sig: E. F. Pax- ton, A. A. A. G., by command Maj.-Genl. [T. J.] Jackson. Surg. J. A. Strath, 2nd Va., and Asst.-Surg. J. H. Jones ap- pointed medical board — will pass on all applications for dis- 2*6 Jackson was made Lt.-General on Oct. 11 1862, to rank from Oct. 10, 1862. Leonidas Polk, T. H. Holmes, W. J. Hardee and John C. Pem- berton were commissioned at the same time. Jas. Longstreet and E. Kirby Smith outranked them by one day. Confederate Calendar. 297 charge — hours of examination — when applicant is unfit for duty in the line, and can serve in Medical, Q.-M's., Commis- sary or Ordnance Depts., so state, specifying duty. O. C. J-19-10. [1862,] Nov. 4, 7 P. M., Hd-Qrs. V. D[is.] E. F. Paxton, A. A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. [T. J.] Jackson, to Col. J. Thompson Brown, comdg. Reserve Arty. Remove all your artillery to vicinity of Early's camp — except one section — this will be relieved to-night or to- morrow morning. A. S. Va-E-i6. [18] 62, Nov. 7, Hd-Qrs. V. D[is.] E. F. Paxton, A. A. A. G., by command of Maj. Genl. T. J. Jackson, to Col. [J. Thomp- son Brown.] Detach two guns to report to Maj.- Genl. D. H. Hill, near Front Royal. A. S. Va-E-17. 1862, Nov. 7, Hd-Qrs. V. D[is.] G. O. 117. Sig: E. F. Paxton, A. A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. [T. J.] Jackson. G. O. no is rescinded — commanders of divisions and de- tached brigades will appoint medical boards for their com- mands, subject to all the regulations prescribed for the board now dissolved. D. S. J-19-11. 1862, Nov. 10, Hd-Qrs. V. D[is.] Jas. P. Smith, [A. D. C.,] by order of Maj-Genl. T. J. Jackson, to Col. J. Thompson Brown. When you reach Winchester move on the Martinsville road to some suitable camping ground between there and ' Gen. J. R. Jones' camp — select a camping ground suitable for winter-quarters if the command remains. A. S. Va-E-i6. 1862, Dec. 27, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Army Corps. A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G., by order Lt.-Genl. T. J. Jackson.] Circular. If any of your men wish to make contribution to the relief of the Fredericksburg sufferers, difficulties in sending funds 298 Confederate Calendar. may be obviated by directing to Capt. J. P. Smith, A. D. C, these Hd-Qrs., who will see to proper deHver)'."^ L. S. H-29-1. 1862, Dec. 29, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Army Corps. A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G., [by order Lt.-Genl. T. J. Jackson,] to Brig.-Genl. Wm. B. Taliaferro. The Lt.-Genl. comdg. directs attention to his of the 23rd, asking report of officers detailed as Brig. Insprs. — ^why has it not been seen? — enclose as soon as practicable. A. L. S. T-30-3. 1863, Jany. 21, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Army Corps. A. S. Pendleton, Maj. and A. A. G., [by order Lt.-Genl. T. J. Jackson,] to Capt. [W. T.] Taliaferro, A. A. G. Impress on brigade commanders the importance of a prompt return of papers referred to company and regimental commanders — all applications for leaves of absence and for furloughs for men in hospitals are sent to Hd-Qrs. and then referred — should be no unnecessary delay in returning them — delays may be fatal — see that prompt action is taken. D. S. T-30-7. 1863, Feb. 4, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Corps, A. N. V. T. J. Jackson, [Lt.-Genl.,] to Genl. [S. Cooper?] Recommending Col. Bradley T. Johnson for the command of Taliaferro's Brigade — tribute to Johnson."** L, S. Md-70. 1863, Feb. 4, Caroline Co., Va. T. J. Jackson, [Lt.-Genl.,] to Col. Bradley T. Johnson. Enclose copy of recommendation sent Sec. of War — there will not soon be any more favorable opportunity for urging your promotion — I hope your friends in Richmond will look to your interests"" — hope you will soon return to duty. A. L. S. Md-73. 2*7 See Fredericksburg Sufferers, supra, p. 254. "*' See Hampton to Johnson, jM/>ro, p. 267; and index, Johnson, B. T. 2<» Cf. Echols to Preston, supra, p. 239. Confederate Calendar. 299 i«63, Feb. 7, Caroline Co., Va. T. J. Jackson, [Lt.-Genl.,] to Col. Bradley T. Johnson. Efforts to procure your promotion. A. L. S. Md-71. 1863, Apr. 20, near Fredericksburg, Va. T. J. Jackson, [Lt.- Genl.,] to Col. S. Bassett French.^^" Opinion of Cols. Boteler and Holliday. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-13. 1863, Aug. 26, Canton, Miss., Hd-Qrs. Jackson's Cav. Div. G. O. 9. Sig : George Moorman, Capt. and A. A. G., by order Brig.-Genl. W. H. Jackson. Announcing important services of scouting parties of "Wirt Adams" Regt. Cav., ist Brig., and of 6th Texas Cav., Ross' Cav., in capturing wagon trains. Copy. Tex-166. 1865, Feb. 12, Wilmington N. C. Wm. H. James to Maj.-Genl. J. F. Gilmer. General Whiting told me upon leaving to tell you if he was killed or captured, that he went to Fort Fisher not upon order but because he knew there was going to be fighting there.^"^ A. L. S. Ga-gm-57. 1864, Apr. 30, Columbia, S. C. S. G. Jamison, ""' Chf. of T[reasury] N[ote] Bureau. The Misses Logan^"* will make separate application in their own handwriting for positions in this bureau, with cer- tificate of their ability, etc. L. S. SC-73. 1861, Sept. 4, Richmond, [Va.J War Dept. Bradley T. Johnson. 260 French was aide to the Governor of Virginia. Cf. Hampton to French, supra, p. 267. ^^i The name is also spelt Jameson. See infra, p. 3S3. 2'2 See infra, p. 353. 208 For the attack on Fort Fisher, see Battles and Leaders, v. 4, pp. 642-62. 300 Confederate Calendar. Commission as Lt.-Col. ist Md. Regt.— rank from July 21, 1861— Sig: L. P. Walker, Sec. of War. P. F. S. Md-98. 1862, Apr. 17, Richmond, [Va.] War Dept. Bradley T. Johnson. Commission as Col. ist Md. Regt. — rank from Mch. 18, 1862="— Sig : Geo. W. Randolph, Sec. of War. P. F. S. Md-97. 1863, Dec. 16, Richmond, [Va.] War Dept. Bradley T. Johnson. Commission as Col. ist Regt. Md. Line — rank from June 21, 1863 — report to Maj.-Genl. I. R. Trimble. Sig: James A. Seddon, Sec. of War. P. F. S. Md-95. 1862-63, n. p. Bradley T. Johnson, Col., etc. 4 letters urging promotion of. L, n. S. Md-69-74-75. [1864,] May 16,"° Hd-Qrs. Md. Line. Bradley T. Johnson, [Col., etc.] to W. M. Sutton. Personal financial matters. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-i8. 1863, May 29, Hd-Qrs. Johnson's Division. S. O. 122. Sig: B. W. Leigh, A. A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. Edward Johnson. Brig.-Genl. G. H. Stewart [Steuart] will take command of R. E. Colston's brigade.''^' A. S.u S-22-4. 1863, June 4, Hd-Qrs. Johnson's Div. [H. K.?] Douglas, [A?] A. A. [G.], by order of Maj.-Genl. [Edward] Johnson, to Brig.-Genl. [Geo. H.] Stuart. "You will quietly prepare your Brigade for moving. Have at least two days hard bread prepared. See, as to your trans- 264 See commission of Dec. 16, 1862, infra. 255 Date missing, but evidently 1864, since Johnson's commission as Colonel in the Maryland line dated from Dec. 16, 1863. 156 See also pp. 227, 322. Confederate Calendar. 301 portation, that all surplus articles (trunks, &c.) are imme- diately disposed of. You will receive further orders in the course of the day." 2" A. L. S. J-3-1. 1863, June II, Hd-Qrs. Johnson's Div. B. W. Leigh, A. A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. Edward Johnson,] to Brig.-Genl. Geo. H. Steuart. The Maj.-Genl. comdg. directs the road to Winchester be picketed to-night with one company A. L. S. L-16-1. 1863, June 12, 6:50 A. M., Hd-Qrs. Johnson's Div. B. W. Leigh, A. A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. Edward Johnson,] to Brig.-Geril. Geo. H. Steuart. • An artillery reserve will accompany the Div. this morning — send a regiment in its rear to support it. A. L. S. L-16-2. 1863, June 17, Hd-Qrs. Johnson's Div. B. W. Leigh, A. A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. Edward Johnson,] to [Brig.-]Genl. [Geo. H. Steuart.] The Maj.-Genl. comdg. directs the roads to the right and rear of your camp be picketed — place the men at commanding points about a mile from camp. A. L. S. L-16-3. [1863, July 6? Hd-Qrs. Johnson's Div.] E[dward] Johnson, Maj.-Genl., to [Brig.-Genl. Geo. H. Steuart.] "You will go back to guard the road where we have sta- tioned a guard and to assist Rodes who 1 hear is pressed by the enemy in rear. He is afraid they will .give him some trouble by the road which I ordered you to guard. Therfor go back and strengthen that point and assist Rodes advance. When he joins you can come on." ^'^ A. L. S.^'"* J-3-2. 1863, July II, Hd-Qrs. Johnson's Div. R. W. Hunter, A. A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. Edward Johnson,] to Brig.-Genl. [Geo. H.] Steuart. "Lt. Gen. A. P. Hill has moved a brigade front to the right. 25' Not found. *" See Rodes to Johnson, July 6, 1863, infra, p. 380. 25» Written in great haste. 302 Confederate Calendar. The Major Genl. comdg. directs that you occupy the breast- works vacated by Gen. Hill, detailing for the purpose one Regt. or more as you may find necessary. The Regt. or Regts. to be posted as skirmishers with appropriate intervals and connecting with Hill's left." 1863, Sept. 4, Hd-Qrs. Johnson's Div. R. W. Hunter, [A. A. G., by order Maj.-Genl. Edward Johnson,] to Brig.-Genl. [Geo. H] Steuart. Maj.-Genl. comdg. direction the execution to-morrow at 4 P. M. of the enclosed proceedings of General Court-Martial condemning 10 men of 3rd N. C. to be shot."""— proceedings and sentence are not to be read to them until daylight — take all precautions to secure them — keep the matter secret until the proceedings are read — select good men for the firing- parties from other regiments — enclose a plat of the formation — send chaplains to the men — instruct guard-officers to allow no one else to communicate with them — Maj. E. L. Moore,^" A. A. G., will report to assist you. A. L. S. S-18. 1863, Dec. 29, Hd-Qrs. Johnson's Div. R. W. Hunter, A. A. G., by order Maj.-Genl. Edward Johnson,] to Brig.-Genl. Geo. H. Steuart. Report on alleged uses of ordnance transportation for foraging purposes, of which complaint has been made by the Chief of Ordnance, A. N. V. A. L. S. S-19-1. 1864, Feb. 18, Hd-Qrs. Johnson's Division. R. W. Hunter, A. A. G., by order Maj.-Genl. E. Johnson to Brig.-Genl. Geo. H. Steuart, Presdt. Examining Board, Johnson's Div. The Maj.-Genl. comdg. says in reply to summons for Maj. E. L. Moore^'^ to appear for examination for promotion that he has heard unofficially of Moore's nomination as A. A. G. on his staff — the nomination has been confirmed by the Senate 260 Major Hunter states that if he recalls correctly, these men were shot for desertion. 2»i Cf. Johnson to Steuart, Feb. 18, 1864, infra. 282 See infra, p. 402. Confederate Calendar. 303 — he suggests postponement of the examination until official notification is received — all candidates can then be examined. A. L. S. M-33-2. 1864, Apr. 6, Hd-Qrs. Johnson's Div. R. W. Hunter, A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. Edward Johnson,] to Brig.-jGenl. Geo. H. Steuart. "The Maj. Gen. comdg. directs me to inform you that he leaves to-morrow morning for Richmond to remain absent for 7 days and to request you to assume command of the Divn. The order appointing a Special Board under the Act of Con- gress No. 26 of which you are Prest. he desires to be convened as soon as possible." ^^^ A. L. S. E-5-3. 1864, May 4, Battery Glover. P. C. Johnson, Lieut. Engrs. to Capt. R. N. [P. N.] Page, A. A. G. Request detail of J. L. McAlister, Co. G, and John Goggan, Co. K, 1st S. C. A[rty.] — I need them to rivet guns and do other work — cannot do it without competent men. A. L. S. J-25. 1864, Nov. 30, Thomasville, Ga. Thos. C. Johnson, Sp. Agt. Q-M's. Dept. List of Q-M. stores delivered Capt. W. P. Webb. P. F. S. Q-4-20. [1861, Oct. ?] Hd-Qrs. Camp Phillips, Va. S. O Sig: Wm. A. Perkins, A. A. A. G., by order Col. Johnston, to Maj. [J. Thompson] Brown, Howitzer Batln. Send all your wagons to Yorktown, by direction S. O. 440, Hd-Qrs. A. L. S. B-31-22. 1861, Nov.-Dec, [Columbus, S. C.?] Johnston, Shepherd and Saunders. Proceedings against ; under Sequestration Act. L Petition of C. J. Townsend, Receiver Dis. S. C. ; for proceedings, on account of debt due by John McCullom and Son, Marlboro' 283 See infra, p. 326. 304 Confederate Calendar. Dis. II. Petition to appear and answer, on the part of the defendants— their clerk, John E. Wortendyke, alleged alien enemy, is not a partner — conditions of his contract. III. Order of Court, by H. J. Gray, clerk, in favor defendants.^** A. D. and D. S. S-44-12. 1862, Apr. 22, Richmond, Va. Andrew Johnston, Atty. at Law. "Information" of debts due ahen enemies — $230.54, collec- tions — may recover more — sworn and subscribed before Thos. T. Giles, Receiver, Eastern Dis. Va. — order for payment to Receiver.2«= D. S. S-44-10. 1862, Mch. 14, Jackson, Miss., Hd-Qrs. Army [of the] Miss. Thos. Jordan,^^'' A. A. G., [by order Genl. A. S. Johnston,] to Maj.-Genl. L. Polk, comdg. Humboldt, Tenn. The Genl. comdg. suspects culpable negligence in the re- cent surprise at Paris^"^ — he wishes report by Maj. King, or comdg. officer — was there any infantry at Paris? A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-31. 1862, Apr. 3, Corinth, Miss., Hd-Qrs. Army of the Miss. G. O. 8. Sig: Thomas Jordan, A. A. G., by command Genl. A. S. Johnston. Organization of the command. D. S. Ga-gm— 14. 1862, Apr. 7, Gordonsville, Va. Geo. Johnston, Capt. and A. Q-M. Receipt of Q-M. stores from Capt. [W. P.] Palmer,"' Richmond Howitzers — "one horse, low in flesh," saddle and bridle. D. S. P-SS-S- 2«* See index, Sequestration Act. ^o' Cf. Z. M. Pearman, infra, p. 360. 26« Jordan was made Brigadier-General on April 4, 1862. He served as Chief of Staff to Beauregard and to Bragg. See C. M. H., v. 3, pp. 618-19. 287 See O. R., s. 10, p. 18. 268 por Palmer, see supra, p. 168, note 9. Confederate Calendar. 305 1861, June 22, Hd-Qrs. Winchester, [Va.] S. O. — . Sig: Wm. H. Whiting, Inspr. Genl., by order Genl. [J. E.] Johnston. Thanks to Lt.-Col. Stewart [Steuart], Md. Regt.,"'* for action at Harper's Ferry on the 19th. D, S. Md-85. 1862, Feb. 6, Hd-Qrs. Dept. N. V. Joseph E. Johnston, [Genl.,] to Capt. [E. P.] Alexander,"" Corps of Engrs. Request for information as to defences and forces at Mc- Lean's Ford. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-iS- 1862, Apr. 18, Hd-Qrs. Dept. N. Va. G. O. — . Sig: Thos. G. Rhett, by command of Genl. [Jos. E.] Johnston. "I. Major Genl. J. B. Magruder is assigned to the com- mand of the right of the position commencing at Dam No. i and extending to the Rver. II. Major Genl. D. H. Hill is assigned to the command of Yorktown including the redoubts Nos. 4 and 5. III. Major Genl. Longstreet is assigned to the command ■of the Centre. IV. Major Genl. G. W. Smith is assigned to the command of the reserve." "" O. C. B-31-38. [18] 62, Apr. 22, Lee's Farm, [Va.] Jos. E. Johnston, [Genl.,] to Maj.-Genl. [D. H.]='" Hill. Just received yours of this date — Brig.-Genl. [W. N.] Pendleton left at 10 A. M. to ascertain your needs for Arty. and to supply them if practicable — yesterday Brig.-Genl. Hood desired to see you regarding scouts he promised you. A. L. S. Mo-38. 289 See infra, p. 402. "'"> See supra, p. 165, note i. 2'^ Genl. Johnston was at this time preparing his troops for the de- ■fence of Richmond, and the Peninsula campaign had already begun. For the various dispositions, see O. R., s. 12. 2" Necessarily D. H. Hill, since A. P. Hill's commission as Major- General dated from May, 1862. 3o6 Confederate Calendar. 1863, Jany. 2,"" Jackson, [Miss.] J. E. Johnston, Genl., to Lt.-Genl. [J. C] Pemberton. I request that Col. Prados may accompany a proposed flag of truce to New Orleans. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-i6. 1864, Feb, IS, Dalton, [Miss.] J. E. Johnston, [Genl.,] to Rev. Moses D. Hoge. Thanks for Bible sent — personal good wishes."" A. L. S. SS-C-27. 1864, Apr. 8, Dalton, [Miss.] J. E. Johnston, Genl., to Col. B. S. Ewell, A. A. G., Army of Tenn. Proceed at once to Richmond and explain to commander- in-chief matters orally committed to you. A. S. Va-D-29. 1862, Oct. 8, Camp near Bunker Hill, [Va.] Marmaduke Johnston to Col. J. Thompson Brown. Request for more horses — "You know it is a pity for 4 horses to pull a piece even when they are fresh — it only breaks them down prematurely. But when they are already in feeble condition, with short forage, such heavy work ought not to be imposed upon them" — Harness "is the same old stock." A. L. S. B-34-25. 1863, Jany. i, Hd-Qrs. Arty. Taliaferro's Div. H. P. Jones,, [Maj. and Chf. Arty.,] to Brig.-Genl. [W. B.] Taliaferro. I request the brigade Q-M. will furnish the batteries funds until a Q-M. can be appointed for the Arty. — ^have a good place to winter, with plenty of wood and water — "We are going about the stables first and the men's shelters afterwards" — doubt if I can get enough forage — suppose I can "manage" it with the railroad. A. L. S. J-21-1. 1863, Jany. 9, Hd-Qrs. Arty. Taliaferro's Div. H. P. Jones, Maj. etc., to Maj. Taliaferro. Report Maj. Bruce, Q-M. 2nd Brig, for refusing to forage 273 Possibly Jany. 7. 27* For similar letters to Dr. Hoge, see index, Hoge, M. D. Confederate Calendar. 307 Rain's batteries — moving the batteries does not detach them — trouble with Q-Ms. — Without forage, horses will starve in two days in such weather. A. L. S. J-21-2. 1862, Aug; 13, Hd-Qrs. 3rd Div. J. M. Jones, Inspr. Genl. 3rd Div., to [Brig.-] Genl. [.Wm. B.] Taliaferro, etc. By order of Gen, Ewell I send a private of Carpenter's battery caught in two attempts to desert — Ewell ordered him ironed, but finding he belonged to your command, sends him to you — the sentinel with the prisoner can answer questions in the matter. A. L, S. T^-47-41. ' 1862, Oct. 13, Hd-Qrs. ist Div. J. R. Jones, Brig.-Genl. comdg. Div., to Maj. [E. F.] Paxton, A. A. A. G., V. D[is.] "When citizens are known to have more of any article, such as salt, shoes, &c., than is needed for their own use and is kept for speculation, are Qr. Mrs. and Commissions author- ized to take these articles for the use of the army, by paying fairly for them? Maj. Ballard, Com. of this Div., reports to me that it was so stated to him at Hd. Qr. V. D. this morn- ing. Please answer this question at once as I may be able to benefit this Division by having such authority granted." A. L. S. J-23-1. Endsd: i. Oct. 13, 1862. Forwarded for action of comdg. Genl. T. J. Jackson, Maj.-Genl. A. S. 2. Oct. 14, 1862, "The commanding General does not wish to give the authority asked at present, as it might lead to great exaction and citizens might be injured." By command of Genl. Lee, A. P. Mason, A. A. G. A. S. 1862, Dec. 22, Hd-Qrs. Jones' Brigade. J. R. Jones, Brig.- Genl., to Capt. [W. T.] Taliaferro, A. A. G. By orders of Genl. Taliaferro, I send 10 axes — the allow- ance is 2 axes to 15 men — I have only i to 15 men — this is hardly enough to procure wood — I send therefore under pro- test — I reported 4 picks, 10 now called for. A. L. S. J-23-a. 3o8 Confederate Calendar. 1863, Jany. 9, Hd-Qrs. Jones' Brigade. J. R. Jones, Brig.- Genl., to Capt. [W. T.] Taliaferro, A. A. G. As the Q-M. is not present, I cannot answer the ques- tions=" — forage to be procured — can hardly supply increased demands — would need more transportation. A. L. S. T-30-4. 1862, Mch. 16, Hd-Qrs. Army of Mobile. Chas. S. String- fellow, A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. Sam Jones,] to Lt.-Col. G. A. Smith, ist Regt. Permission is given for [specified] companies to be dis- charged the service if they insist, but I trust they will con- tinue in service until the present crisis is passed. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-22. 1862, Apr. 20, Hd-Qrs. Dept. Ala. and W. Fla. Sam Jones,"* Maj.-Genl., to Genl. S. Cooper, A. & I. Genl. Printed : O. R., S. i., v. 6, pp. 879-880. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-23. 1863, Sept. 28, 5:00 P. M., Carter's Depot, Tenn., Hd-Qrs. Dept. W. Va. and E. Tenn. Sam Jones, Maj.-Genl. comdg., to Brig.-Genl, Jno, S. Williams,^^^ comdg. Cav. Brig. I believe the enemy in your front is mounted and small — I cannot force a fight with the infantry — advance, ascertain the facts and report at once. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-31. 1864, Sept. 19, Charleston, S. C, Hd-Qrs. Dept. S. C, etc. Sam Jones, [Maj.-Genl. comdg.,] to Maj.-Genl. J. F. Gilmer. Private. I have recommended Mackall for a district command — his dislike for Bragg will stand in the way of his appointment — use your endeavors to procure his appointment*^* — it is much 2TB Not found. 2T« For Jones, see C. M. H., v. 3, pp. 615-16. STT For Williams, see C. M. ^., v. 9 (Kentucky), p. 256. 2T8 General Bragg, it will be recalled, was always regarded as a special favorite with President Davis. Confederate Calendar. 309 needed — I also need an officer to command the harbor de- fences — wish you might come — could Custis Lee be spared? — I am unable to "get along" with Ripley — minor vexations of office. A. Lr, S. Ga-gm-26. 1864, Dec. 29, Charleston, S. C, Hd-Qrs. Dist. S. C. Chas. Stringfellow, A. A. G., by order Maj.-Genl. Sam Jones. Circular. Comdg. officers will make returns of the 31st inst. full and complete — the information is particularly important. A. S. T-25-S. 1865, Apr. I, Tallahassee, [Fla.] Hd-Qrs. Dis. Florida. Sam Jones, Maj.-Genl., to Jas. B. Gamble, Tallahassee. Capt. Hobart is the Confederate agent who makes agree- ment as to exportation of cotton and importation of goods — make terms with him — I will afford such military protection as I can — probable terms. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-2S. 1863, Feb. 27, Petersburg, [Va.] Wm. T. Joynes, Pres., to [Brig.-]GenI. [W. B.] Taliaferro, If your horses are at the depot by 6:30 to-morrow morn- ing, they can go through to Wilmington. Tel. T-30-8. 1864, May 17, 12 midnight, Hd-Qrs. Kelly's Cav. Div., Cal- houn and Allairsville road[?] J. H. Kelly,"" Brig.-Genl., to Maj. E. S. Burford, A. A. G. Col. Harmon cannot come — what must be done? A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-30. 1864, Oct. II, near New Market, [Va.] Palmer Kennedy, pvt. Co. H, 23rd Va. Descriptive list of;— Sig: S. D. Bu , Capt. Co. H, etc. P. F. S. P-22. "» For J. H. Kelly, see C. M. H., v. 7 (Alabama), pp. 421-22. Kelly was one of the youngest Brigadiers in Confederate service, being twenty- three years old when he was commissioned. 310 Confederate Calendar. 1862, Mch. 2, [Richmond, Va.] Jas. Ker, Lieut. Infy., Ord Duty, for B. G. Baldwin, Capt. Arty. Invoice of ordnance, i 12-pdr Howitzer carriage, turned over to Capt. D. H. Wood, A. Q-M. for transportation to Maj. J. Thompson Brown, Yorktown, Va. P. F. S. B2-40-2. Appended: Letter of transmission of same. P. F. S. 1862, Apr. 12, [Richmond, Va.] Jas. Ker, Lieut, etc. Invoice of ordnance stores turned over to Capt. D. H. Wood, etc., for transportation to Capt. Wni. P. Palmer, Camp Lee.''*" P. F. S. P-35-4. Appended: Letter of transmission of same. P. F. S. P-3S-S- 1862, May 14, Richmond, Va. James Ker, Lieut., etc Invoice of ordnance stores turned over to Capt. D. C. [sic] Wood, A. Q-M. for transportation to Col. J. Thompson Brown, Dispatch Depot, R. & Y. R. R. P. F. S. 63-40-3. Appended : Letter of transmission of same. P. F. S. 11862, Mch. 27-1863, May, Richmond, Va. Ladies' Defence Association. Proceedings and minutes."'* Wj-23. 1864, Feb. 25, Augusta, Ga. Geo. W. Lamar, Jr., Capt. and A. C. S., to [Brig.-]Genl. W. B. Taliaferro. I have been through Edgefield district and have seen scores of planters — have procured no bacon — all say they have not enough for home consumption — I can find out facts from no other source, as Assessor has not been around — all anxious 280 Camp Lee was located in what were then the western suburbs of Richmond. 281 This organization was formed among leading women of Richmond to assist the government in the defence of the city. They took as their task the building of a gunboat, and by soliciting subscriptions and con- tri^butions of scrap-iron, soon had the boat on the ways. The government assisted, and a branch organization in Lynchburg was active. Since this Calendar was set up, additional papers regarding the Association have been received. Confederate Calendar. 311 and ready to pay the tax in kind, but I could not receipt for it unassessed — am told bacon enough is cured for shipment and immediate issue, but not for storing and later issue — I believe tax will be large enough to last "considerable" time — there is opposition at present to taking the money — further effort useless now — might succeed after assessment' — I ask orders — I write direct as I see you have gone to Florida. A. L. S. L-23. 1864, Oct 5, Fort Fisher, N. C, Hd-Qrs. Confederate Point. Wm. Lamb to Wm. M. Sutton and Co. Acknowledge funds sent — good wishes. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-22. 1863, July 12, Hd-Qrs. Pender's Div. J. H. Lane,"" Brig.- Genl., to [Brig.-]Genl. [Geo. H.] Steuart, "I was ordered last night by Gen. A. P. Hill to close on Genl. Heth. Genl. H. did not move then as he did not deem it necessary, but is about to do so this morning and I will have to close on him. I suppose your orders to fill the gap left between you and myself still hold good. Please have this attended to."^'' A. L. S. H-i. 1863, Nov. 6, Dill's Bluff, James Island, S. C, Q-M's. Office. G. B. Lartigne, Maj. and Q-M., to Capt. P. K. Malony, A. A. G. Report for information of Brig. Genl. comdg. that supplies of clothing are deficient — I am informed jackets and pants are lacking — number needed- — shirts, drawers and shoes deficient — ^blankets also — will to-day distribute 150 prs. shoes to bare- footed men-— have no tents— have sent in estimates — know nothing of supplies for 27th S. C, S. C. Siege Train, Dunne- vant's Cavalry, 54th Ga., or 2Sth S. C. V.— these not procured through me. A. L. S. L-25. 1862, June, Dr. Wm. Latane,=»* Capt. Co. F, 9th Va. Cav. Accounts of the burial of ; statement of Mrs. C. M. Brock- 282 See supra, p. 273, note 205. 283 Cf. H. Heth to J. L. Lane, supra p. 273. 284 For Latane, see University Memorial, 141 ; also an interesting ar- ticle by Campbell in the Confederate Veteran for February, 1897. 312 ' Confederate Calendar. enborough, from whose house he was buried; letters of ladies who posed for Washington's picture, the "Burial of Latane. " L-13. 1863, Dec. 8, n. p. L. C. Latham, Capt. comdg. Report of action of ist N. C. Infy. in the battle of Payne's Farm, Nov. 27, 1863. List of casualties in the command. Printed: 0.^,8.48,864-65. A, D. S. B-14-2. 1861, May 28, n. p. Alex M. Lawrence, Lieut. Arty, and Ord. Invoice of ordnance stores, 500 rifles and accessories, de- livered Mrs. [sic] Bradley T. Johnson this date.'°^ D. S. Md-89. 1861, Sept, 25, Savannah, [Ga.,] Hd-Qrs. Mil. Dis. A. R. Lawton, Brig.-Genl. comdg., to Col. Carey W. Styles, Bruns- wick, Ga. Announcement of visit of Adjt.-Genl. to inspect and strengthen defences at Brunswick — co-operation expected. A, L. S. Ga-ga-i-33. 1861, Oct. 23, Savannah, [Ga.,] Hd-Qrs. Mil. Dis. A. R. Lawton, Brig.-Genl. comdg., to Maj.-Genl. Braxton Bragg, comdg. Report of capture of a deserter from Co. F, 5th Ga. — wish information regarding him. L. S. Ga-ga-i-33. Endsd. with order for the return of the deserter. A. S. 1864, May 2, Richmond, [ Va.,] Q-M. Genl's Office. A. R. Lawton, Q-M. Genl., to Lt.-Genl. [J. C] Pemberton, Colum- bia, S. C. Requesting information as to authority by which Maj. Richard Orme burned certain funds at the surrender of Vicks- burg''*' — the matter is suspicious. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-29. 285 See Beauregard's order of June i, 1861, supra, p. 186; also G. M. Cochran, supra, p. 222. 28« Vicksburg had surrendered on July 4, 1863. Confederate Calendar. 313 1864, June 22, [Richmond, Va.,] Q-M. Genl's. OfSce. A. R. Lawton, Q-M. Genl. Circular. Order for form of receipt to be given future government creditors."' D. S. Ga-ga-i-19. 186-, n. d., n. p. Jno. F. Lay, Maj. and A. I. G., to Brig.-Genl. [Wm. B.] Taliaferro. "The enemy advanced again — I ordered forward Col. Smith's command — they retired without firing a gun. Our pickets occupy original position — I think their object is to draw our advance into Ambuscade — we shall hold present position." A. L. S. L-24. 1862, July [24?], Richmond, Va. John W. Lea, [Capt. 5th N. C. Regt] to [Judge Robert Quid ?]==«« Request for exchange — reasons. A. L. S. NC-178-S. 1862, Aug. 28, Richmond, Va. John W. Lea, Capt. Co. I, Sth N. C. [Regt.], paroled prisoner of war, to Request for leave of absence until exchanged. A. L. S. NC-178-6. Endsd : Leave cannot be granted in such cases — men are on muster-rolls, receive pay and are subject to all orders not inconsistent with parole. Sig: ....... [obscured.] 1863, Jany. 25, Camp sth N. C. [Regt.] Jno. W. Lea, Capt. etc., to Col. Thos. M. Gamett, comdg. Request for 15 days' leave of absence to visit my wife, ill at Danville — ^was parted from her a week after marriage — have had no leave since entering the service. May 16, 1861. A. L. S. NC-178-5. 1863, Apr. 30, Hd-Qrs. 5th N. C. [Regt.] J. W. Lea, Lt.-Col. etc., to Maj. A. S. Pendleton. Requesting to be relieved of duties as Inspector D. H. 287 For some of th«se fofms, see W. P. Webb, infra, p. 426. 288 Judge Ould was Agent for Exchange of Prisoners, and such a re- quest would naturally be made to him. 314 Confederate Calendar. Hill's Div. — I wish to be with my command during the ap- proaching battle. A. L. S. NC-178-51 1865, Feb. 17, Camp Pegram, Va., Hd-Qrs. Johnston's Brigade. John W. Lea, Col. comdg. Brig., to Maj, H. K. Douglas, A. A. G., Early's Div. Report of operations of Johnston's Brig, in engagements of Feb. 5-6, 1865. D. S. NC-178-3. [i8]65, Mch. 22, Hd-Qrs. sth N. C. [Regt.] John W. Lea, Col. comdg. Circular. Comdg. officers will march their commands to Clover De- pot without delay. A. S. NC-178-S. 1865, Mch. 2, Fort Pulaski. "Lee Club Gazette." MS. newspaper. Vol i. No. i — local news, jests, chess-club events, etc. — the caption finely engrossed. Va-E-7. 1863, Jany. 15, Hd-Qrs. Cav. Div. Fitz. Lee to Col. ...... Enclose a letter from Maj. Ball — hope it may be used to his interest — good wishes. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-17. 1864, May 14, Hd-Qrs. Lee's Div., Cav. Corps, A. N. V. G. O, 6. Sig: Fitz Lee, Maj.-Genl. [comdg.] Announcing to the division the death of Major-Genl. J. E. B. Stuart. D. S. Fla-ga-13. 186 [4],"° May 15, II 45 P. M., n. p. Fitz Lee, Maj.-Genl., to Genl. [Braxton Bragg.] My understanding of my duties — need of reinforcements. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-i6. 1861, Apr. 17, [Richmond, Va.] Commonwealth of Va. Jas. K. Lee. Commission as Capt. of Riflemen, ist Va. Vols., 2nd Brig., 28S Necessarily 1864, since Lee was not commissioned as Major-Generd until Sept. 3, 1863, and was confirmed on Jany. 25, 1864. See Jones, Roster, etc., o. 20. Confederate Calendar. 315 4th Div., Va. Militia**" — rank from Apr. 16, 1861. Sig: John Letcher, [Gov.] P. F. S. Va-sg. 1861, Apr. 27, Hd-Qrs. Va. Forces. R. E. Lee, Maj.-GenU comdg., to Robt. Y. Conrad,^'^ Jas. Marshall, Edmund Pendle- ton, Hugh Nelson and Alfred M. Barbour.^*^ Have received your letter of this date — Col. Jackson leaves to-morrow to muster in companies ready at Harper's Ferry'*' — every effort will be made to supply them with batteries. L. S. Ga-ga-1-5. 1861, Dec. 16, Charleston, S. C. R. E. Lee to G. B. Stacy, Richmond, Va. Thanks for a mattress sent. L. S. Mo-i. [r8]62, July 23, Richmond, Va. R. E. Lee, Genl., to Maj.- Genl. D. H, Hill. I submitted to the President the cartel for exchange of 290 Virginia had not at this time joined the Confederacy, hence all commissions issued were signed by the Governor on behalf of the State. 2°i Robert Y. Conrad of Frederick, at this time a member of the Vir- ginia Convention and leader of the conservative party. Conrad was later arrested and imprisoned by the Federal authorities. 2»2 Barbour had been Superintendent of the Harper's Ferry Arsenal. See Richmond Enquirer, Feb. 25, 1861. All the men addressed in this letter were members of the Virginia Convention, and lived in the northern section of the State. '»* The Lee bibliography should be noticed in connection with this and subsequent letters. Of a multitude of works the following are note- worthy : C. F. Adams, Lee at Appomattox and Other Papers (Bos., 1902) ; C. F. Adams, Lee's Centennial . . . (Bos., 1907) ; P. A. Bruce, Robert E. Lee, (Phila., 1907) ; J. E. Cooke, Robert E. Lee, (N. Y-, 1899, etc.) ; J. A. Early, The Campaigns of Gen. Robert E. Lee, (2nd ed-, Balto., 1872) ; J. W. Jones, Personal Reminiscences of Gen. R. E. Lee, (N. Y., 1876) ; J. W. Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee . . . (N. Y and Wash., 1906) ; R. E. Lee, Recollections and Letters of Genl. Robert E. Lee, (N. Y., 1904) ; A. L. Long, Memoirs of Gen. R. E. Lee, (N. Y., 1886) ; Robert Stiles, Four Years under Marse Robert, (N. Y., and Wash., 1903) ; W. H. Taylor, Four Years under General Lee, (N. Y., 1877) ; W. H. Taylor, General Lee, His Campaigns in Virginia, (Brooklyn, 1906) ; H. A. White, Robt. E. Lee and the Southern Confederacy, (N. Y., 1902) ; A. H. Wolseley, General Lee, (Rochester, 1906). 3i6 Confederate Calendar. prisoners, as signed by the commissioners^'* — the 3rd article struck the President as it did me — ^think you can give reasons for its introduction — appointment with the President. A. L. S. Ga-ga-1-5. 1862, Sept 4, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. G. O. 102. Sig: R. H. Pen- dleton, A. A. G., [by order Genl. R. E. Lee.] Printed: O. R., S. i, v. 19, pt. 2, pp. 592-593. O. C. T-19-1. 1862, Sept. 21, on the Opequan, near Smoketown, [Va.] Hd- Qrs. A. N. V. R. E. Lee, Genl., to Maj.-Genl. T. J. Jackson. I return you the letter from gentlemen in Winchester — send an officer to take charge — send the well men to the army — provide a hospital for the sick. O. C. Ga-ga-1-5. 1862, Oct. 4, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. S. O. 209. Sig : A. P. Mason, A. A. G., by command Genl. R. E. Lee. "J 295 'pjjg necessity of the service requires an immediate reorganization of the Artillery of this Army. The combina- tion of the companies hereafter named, is to be considered tem- porary, and subject to the orders of the Secretary of War; their selection has been made entirely with a view to the effi- ciency of the Artillery and implies no blame or degradation to the batteries thus combined. Many of the Batteries have served with distinction, and their enfeebled condition is at- tributable to the dangers and hardships they have encountered. Whenever circumstances will permit, the batteries will again be restored. II. Colonel Walton of the Louisiana Washington Artillery will retain one section of Captain Miller's Battery with the best guns and horses of that company and turn over the re- jected guns, horses, &;c., to the proper Departments. The men of Captain Leake's Battery and those of Captain Anderson's are relieved from duty with the Louisiana Washtg. Artillery, and will be at once returned to their proper companies. =»* See the cartel in O. R., s. 117, pp. 266-68. 2»i5 See O. R., s. 28, pp. 652-54. Confederate Calendar. 317 III. The ten companies of the first regiment Virginia Artil- lery, Col. Brown, will be formed into six. The officers of the Batteries of Captains Wyatt, Coke and Ritler, except ist Lieut. Thormond of Wyatt's, ist Lieut. Robinson of Ritler'is, 1st Lieut. Pendleton and 2nd Lieut. Hawes of Coke's Bat- teries, are relieved from duty with their companies, and the men of those batteries will be distributed by Colonel Brown among the retained companies. Captain Young's company originally belonging to the infantry, will be returned to that branch of the service if it is preferred. Should they wish to continue in the Artillery, the officers will be relieved from duty, and the men distributed by Colo. Brown among the re- tained companies of his regiment. IV. The four companies of Major Jones' Battalion will be formed into two. The officers of Captain Wimbish's and Cap- tain Turner's Batteries are relieved from duty with their com- panies and the men will be distributed by Major Jones among the retained companies. Captain Peyton is relieved from duty with his company and ist Lieut. Fry will assume command of it. Lieut. W. A. Deas is assigned to duty as ist Lieut. Act- ing Lieut. Massie is assigned as Junior ist Lieut., and Lieut. Hawes is assigned as 2nd Lieut, of said Battery. First Lieut, Jno. L. Grubbs of Captain Page's Battery is also relieved from duty with his company. V. The four companies constituting Lieut. Colo. Cutt's Battalion will be formed into three. The officers of Captain Blackshear's Battery are relieved from duty with the company, and the men will be distributed as follows, twenty-two to Cap- tain Ross, twenty-nine to Captain Lane, and the remainder to Capt. Patterson. VI. The four companies of Major Nelson's Battalion will be formed into three. The officers of Captain Ancell's Battery are relieved from duty with their company and the men will be assigned to the two other Virginia companies in suitable pro- portion as Major Nelson may direct. Captain Huckstep and 2nd Lieut. Poatz are relieved from duty with their company, and 1st Lieut. Livingston Massie is assigned to its command. Lieut. Ancell is retained as ist Lieut of this battery, ist 3i8 Confederate Calendar, Lieut. Maddux heretofore attached to Captain Blackshear's Battery, is attached with his section to Captain Milledge's Battery. Lieut. Maddox will be the senior ist Lieut, of the battery, Lieut. Rogers the junior first Lieut, and acting Lieut. Falligant of Lieut. Col. Cutts' Battalion is transferred to Mil- ledges battery as senior 2nd Lieutenant. VII. The three companies of Major Saunder's Battalion will be formed into two. The officers of Thompson's Battery, late Grimes', are relieved from duty with the company, and the men will be distributed by Major Saunders between Moor- man's and Huger's Batteries. VIII. The officers of Captain Lloyd's Battery are relieved from duty with the company and fifty-five of the men will be assigned to Capt. Manley's Battery, Genl. McLaws' division and the remainder to Captain Reily of Genl. Hood's division. IX. The officers of Captain Chapman's Battery of General Featherstone's Brigade are relieved from duty with their com- pany, the men and horses will be assigned to Captain Pegram's Battery. X. The officers of Captain Brown's Battery, "Wise Artil- lery" are relieved from duty, and the men and horses are as- signed to Colo. S. D. Lee's Battalion. XI. The officers of Captain George Washington Nelson's Battery are relieved from duty with their company. Twenty of his men will be assigned to Captain Kirkpatrick's company. Major Nelson's Battalion, and forty to Capt. Woolfolks' Bat- tery, Colo. S. D. Lee's Battalion. XII. The officers of Captain Jno. R. Johnson's Battery are relieved from duty with the company. The men and horses will be distributed equally between Capts. Bearing and Pegram. XIII. The officers of Captain Rogers' Battery Loudoun Artillery are relieved from duty with the company. The men and horses will be assigned to Capt. Stribling's Battery. XIV. The officers of Captain Anderson's Battery Thomas Artillery, except the two senior Lieutenants, are relieved from duty with the company. The men and horses, and two senior Lieutenants are assigned to Captain Caskie's Battery. Confederate Calendar. 319 XV. The officers of Captain Leake's Battery are relieved from duty with the company. The men and horses are as- signed to Captain Thomas Carter's Battery. XVI. The officers of Capt. Thomas Jefferson Page's Bat- tery are relieved from duty with the company. The men and horses will be distributed among the Virginia companies under Colonel S. D. Lee, to whom Captain Page and Lieut. Magruder will report for duty. XVII. The officers of Captain Fleet's Battery, Middlesex Artillery, are relieved from duty with the company. The men heretofore temporarily assigned, will remain with the batteries where they now are serving. The remainder of the men will be assigned to Captain M. Johnson's Company. XVIII. To insure the speedy and proper reorganization of the Artillery as ordered, the Chief of Artillery will direct Colonels Brown and S. D. Lee to assist him in the execution of this order, and will assign to such companies as may not have their complement of officers, such of those hereby re- lieved from duty as he may deem necessary. XIX. In every case, the best guns and horses and equip- ments will be selected for the batteries retained in service. All surplus horses will be turned over to the Chief Quarter Master of the Army, and all rejected guns, equipments, &c., to the Ordnance Department. The guns, &c., will be forwarded to Staunton without delay." D, S. B-31-39. Endsd: "Col Lee will please carry out his orders in regard to batteries merged in companies now in Genl. Long- street's wing, and Col. Brown in those merged in com- panies belonging to Genl. Jackson's wing. W. N. Pen- dleton,"* Brig. Genl. Acting A. G." A. S. 1862, Oct. 9, Hd-Qrs. Dept. N. Va. S. O. 215, I. Sig: A. P. Mason, A. A. G., by command of Genl. [R. E.] Lee. Maj. L. M. Shoemaker, Chf. Arty., ist Div., Valley Dis. is relieved from army duty""^ — will report at once to A. & I. Genl. D. S. T-19-2. 29« See infra, p. 362. 2°" See infra, p. 411, for changes in the artillery in the Valley. 320 Confederate Calendar. 1863, Oct. 12, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. G. O. 117. Sig: A. P. Mason, A. A. G., by command of Genl. R. E. Lee. Ordering a court-martial to meet at camp of [Maj.-]Genl. T. J. Jackson, Oct. 14, 1862"*— detail for the court. A. D. S. T-19-4. 1862, Oct. 13, Hd-Qrs. Dept. N. Va. S. O. 218, IV. Sig: A. P. Mason, A. A. G., by order Genl. [R. E.] Lee. Pvts. Lucius M. Estis, Co. C, and M. C. Luthell, Co. D, 4th Va. Cav., detailed as guides, are relieved — will rejoin their command. D. S. T-19-3. 1:862 [ ?] Oct. 22, 3 P. M., n. p. C. S. Venable, Maj. and A. D. C, [by order Genl. R. E. Lee,] to [Brig.-] Genl. [Geo. H. Stuart.] Genl. Lee desires you send word to Col. Chambliss that the wagons and railroad working parties have recrossed the river — ^he need not hold his position longer than he advan- tageously can. A. L. S. S-16. Reverse: Pencil sketch of the country around Hagerstown — Bloomfield to Romney, Cumberland to Lancaster.'*' 1862, Dec. 31, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. R. E. Lee, Genl., to Maj. N. R. Fitzhugh, A. A. G., Cav. Div. Send word to Col. Wickham to advise Genl. Stuart of the reported movement against him — he is to do everything in his power to arrest it — I will send up infantry in the morning on this side the river which will support his cavalry. L. S. Fla-ga-20. 1863, Mch. I, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. S. O. 60, II. Sig: W. H. Taylor, [A. A. G.,] by command of Genl. [R. E.] Lee, Having passed the examination, Leonidas Points is ap- pointed actg. ist Lieut, and Ord. Officer of Garnett's Batln. D. S. Ga-ga-i-i8. 2'* Cf. Jackson's G. O. 102-103, supra, p. 294. ao» Probably drawn by General Steuart. Confederate Calendar. 321 1863, Apr. 22, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. S. O. 112. Sig: W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., by command Genl. [R. E.] Lee. "II. In accordance with the Act of Congress (No. 26, appd. 13 Oct. 1862) as published in Genl. Orders No. 93, A. & I. G. O. of Nov. 22nd, '62, a Board of Examiners, to consist of Col. J. Thompson Brown, Lt. Col. Thos. H. Carter and Lt. Col. H. P. Jones is hereby appointed for the artillery of the 2nd Army Corps, to meet at the camp of that command, on the 27th April, 1863, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into the cases of such ofi&cers of the command as may be brought to their attention, for the purpose of determining their qualifications for the discharge of the duties properly ap- pertaining to their several positions, whether they are careless or inattentive in the discharge of the same and their fitness for promotion to any existing vacancies in their respective commands. The Board will be sworn, will have power to summon witnesses, will keep a record of its proceedings, will give an opinion in each case and will be careful to conform to the requirements of Genl. Orders No. 50 from these Hd. Qrs. of 29 March, 1863." D. S. B-31-11. 1864, Mch. 29, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. G. O. 50. Sig: W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., by command Genl. [R. E.] Lee. "The attention of all Examining Boards is called to the following instructions received from the War Dept. : 'When the board shall be of the opinion that the officer is clearly unfit to perform his legitimate and proper duties, or is careless or inattentive in the discharge of the same ; the report should be separate and complete as to each case ; show- ing the order under which it acted ; that the officer was pres- ent before the board, or notified to attend, and giving the evi- dence taken in the case and the examination of the officer if one was made. Should the unfitness of the officer to perform his legitimate and proper duties proceed from physical disability, the char- acter of that disability as to performance should be shown. In the examination of an officer for promotion by seniority to fill a vacancy, the Board will consider as an element in their 322 Confederate Calendar. inquiry, the reasonable probability of improvement on his part, so that though he may be at the time unfit for promotion to a higher office he may not be clearly unfit to fill his present position. Should the board desire to test the officer's knowledge of tactics practically, the result of their observations and the military exercise performed, should be properly stated. The Act of Congress does not require, when the decision of the board is favorable to the officer, that anything more than the decision should be forwarded. Each board can, therefore, include in one report, all the cases it has passed on favorably. As many vacancies may be created by the result of these examinations, it is desirable that the names of subalterns and enlisted men, deserving promotion, should be furnished by the board, that the vacancies may be filled by those who are most entitled and will promote the efficiency of their respec- tive organizations. The authority vested in Brigade Commanders by Par. VI, General Orders No. 43, Adjt. & Inspr. Genl's. Office, 1862, is limited to promotion by seniority when competency is not questioned.' "">• D. S. B-31-14. 1863, May 28, Hd-Qrs. Dept. N. Va. S. O. 144, IX. Sig : W. H. Taylor, by command of Genl. [R. E.] Lee. Brig.-Genl. G. H. Stewart [Steuart] will report to Maj.- Genl. A. P. Hill, comdg. 2nd Corps, for assignment to com- mand of Colston's old Brigade — loth, 23rd, 37th, Va., ist and 3rd N. C. A. D. S. S-22-a. 1863, July 30, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. R. E. Lee, [Genl.,] to Maj.- Genl. J. E. B. Stuart, comdg. Cavalry. Requesting report on necessary transportation, under the general reduction order'"^ — enclose report of signal officer that may furnish information. L. S. Fla-ga-4. soo This order, dated 1864, seems properly to belong to 1863. 3»i See the order in O. R., s. 45> PP- 101S-16. Confederate Calendar. 323 1863, Aug. 20, Hd-Qrs. Dept. N. Va. S. O. 206, X. Sig: W, H. Taylor, A. A. G., by command of Genl. [R. E.] Lee. Detail of Capt. Geo. Williamson,^"^ Steuart's Brig, to re- port to Ins. Genl's. Dept. for duty with his Brigade. D. S. W-15-1. 1863, Apr. 23, Hd-Qrs. Dept. N. Va. S. O. 113, XI. Sig: W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., by command of Genl. [R. E.] Lee. Order for a board on the 27th inst. to examine and express opinion as to the Tredegar-made 20-pdr. Parrotts — whether those captured are "more esteemed" than the 10 and 30-pdr. Parrott.s — the value of the "Boermann" compared with the "Worden" fuze^°* — board to consist of Cols. J. Thompson Brown, E. P. Alexander, R. L. Walker, Lt.-Col. Thos. H. Carter and Maj. R. Hardaway. A. S. B-31-12. 1864, Feb. 18, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., [by order Genl. R. E. Lee,] to Lt.-Genl. R. S. Ewell, comdg. Corps. Yours of i6th received, relating to your disabled men — Genl. comdg. thinks the best disposition that can be made is to "detail them as teamsters to relieve able-bodied men." A. L. S. E-6. Endsd: Forwarded to [Brig.-] Genl. G. H. Steuart, "are there any men among those reported unfit for Infantry [sic] service amony those whom you recommend for trans- fer to Cavalry — that are still unfit for teamsters." R. S. E[well.] A. S. 1864, Mch. 10, Camp Orange Co., [Va.] R. E. Lee to Rev. M[oses] D. Hoge, D.D. Thanks for Bible sent — congratulations on large number obtained in England.'"* A. L. S. SS-C-27. 302 Cf. supra, p. 228. 30= Cf. W. L. Broun to J. T. Brown, Aug. 13, 1864, supra, p. 201. 30* For similar letters, see index, Hog^, M. D. Dr. Hoge had secured a gift of several thousand Bibles and portions of Bibles in England and ran the blockade with his sacred cargo. 324 Confederate Calendar. 1864, Mch. 29, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. G. O. 23. Sig: W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., by command Genl. R. E. Lee. "I. In pursuance of instructions from the War Department the following regulations are published for the information and guidance of the Army. II. The exportation of cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar, mo- lasses, and naval and military stores from the Confederate States, or into any part of the Confederacy occupied by the enemy, except under the regulations of the President, is pro- hibited by law. It is therefore ordered that none of the ar- ticles above enumerated be permitted to pass the lines of this army on the way to the territories of the United States, or to any part of the Confederate States occupied by the enemy, without permission under the authority of the Secretary of War to transport the same. III. Such permission shall be exhibited by the person in charge of the goods to the commissioned officer commanding the pickets at the place where it is desired to pass the lines and the officer shall examine the same, and if they conform in quantity, kind and description with the permission, they shall be allowed to pass, unless the officer shall have been otherwise instructed. In every case where the carrier has a proper permit, such assistance and protection as it may be possible to afiford him consistently with other duties, will be given by those officers to whom he may apply. IV. Should no permission under the authority of the Sec- retary of War be exhibited, or should the goods be greater in quantity or different in kind and description from those mentioned in the permit, the commissioned officer command- ing the picket will take possession of the same, and of the vehicles and teams, or the animals used in conveying the same, and of any slave employed therewith, and deliver them with a detailed report of his action in the premises to his commanding officer, who will turn over the goods and other property seized, to the nearest marshal or deputy marshal oi the Confederate States, taking a receipt for the same, setting forth the quantity, kind and description of the property and person or persons from whom the same was taken, and shall Confederate Calendar. 325 forward said receipt, together with the report of the officer making the seizure to these Head Quarters. V. In the execution of the foregoing regulations, no waste, spoliation, damage, or injury of any kind shall be done to the property, nor shall it or any part of it be disposed of except as above directed. All seizures or examinations will be made only under the supervision of the commissioned officers above mentioned, who will be responsible for the prompt and safe delivery of the property as directed." O. C. G-S-i. 1864, Apr. 4, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. Chas. Marshall], [by order Genl. R. E. Lee,] to [Lt.-] Genl. [R. S.] Ewell. "General, The commanding General directs me to call your attention to the Gen. Order herein enclosed, and to say that it is de- sirable that it shall be executed without letting it become generally known that there is such an order, or that the traffic referred to in it is allowed. It would defeat the object of the Department if the enemy became aware that the trade referred to was assuming systematic form. The Genl. comdg. directs me to say that he thinks the object of the order can be satisfactorily accomplished, if you will communicate it to the brigade commanders, with a caution not to give publicity to it, and direct them to cause general instructions to be given to the pickets to stop any wagons, animals, &c., laden with the prohibited articles that may attempt to pass the lines, or that may be found en route within their commands, and report them at brigade Hd. Qrs. The brigade commander will then be able to see whether the carrier has a proper passport, and otherwise cause the order to be executed without an undue publication of it. He will also see that there is no unwarrant- able interference with the goods, and give such assistance and protection in proper cases, as he can consistently with his other duties. It is the object of the authorities to encourage the importation of supplies by the means indicated, and you will appreciate the importance of concealing the fact that the trade is carried on under its sanction. The trade itself must be known to the enemy, but those engaged in it will probably 326 Confederate Calendar. be able to manage that difficulty if they appear to be engaged only on their private ventures." Endsd: For information of Brigade Commanders — the order will not be published to the troops — when necessary communi- cate it in confidence to officers in charge of pickets and out- posts. R. W. Hunter, by command Maj.-Genl. Johnson. Apr. 20, 1864. O. C. G-8-2. 1864, Apr. 4, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. S. O. 93, XVII. Sig: W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., by command Genl. R. E. Lee. Appointing Brig.-Genls. Geo. H. Steuart, J. A. Walker and J. M. Jones a board of examiners for Johnson's Div.^"' D. S. E-5-1. 1864, Apr. 27, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., [by order Genl. R. E. Lee,] to Col. J. Thompson Brown. Batlns. of Arty, are entitled to the same allowance of candles as Regis, of Infy. or Cav., under G. O. 32, C. Series. O. C. B-36-4. 1864, May 4, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. G. O. 38, Sig: R. E. Lee, Genl. Printed : O. R., s. 68, 946. D. S. Fla-ga-20. 1864, June 9, 2^ P. M., Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. R. E. Lee [Genl.,] to Genl. [Braxton] Bragg, Richmond, [Va.] Beauregard's telegrams received — am aware of no troops leaving Grant's army — regiment seen by Ware is a small force — Hoke's troops now in the trenches — they cannot be with- drawn until night under any circumstances Ransom's Brigade is on the right bank of the Chickahominy, protecting the bat- teries there — I know of no necessity for the removal of these troops — will send them if directed — no troops have left Grant's army to my knowledge — none could have crossed the James without discovery — I think it very improbable Grant would weaken his army under existing circumstances — Stanton's despatches say all available troops have been withdrawn from Butler, except enough to hold the line — a letter from someone 305 For the proceedings of a similar board, see infra, p. 402. Confederate Calendar. 327 connected with Butler says the troops collected at Point Look- out to reinforce Butler were diverted to Grant — couriers seem to reach me from Richmond more promptly than telegrams — [P. S.] Intended the above to be sent by telegraph, but I send it by the courier to save time. A. L, S. Ga-ga-i-s. 1864, June 22, Hd-Qrs. Dept. N. Va. S. O. 151, HI, Sig: W. H. Taylor, by command of Genl. R. E. Lee. Detail of Maj. N. R. Fitzhugh as Q.M. of the cavalry com- mand, under general direction of the Q-M. Genl. D. S. Fla-ga-3. 1864, July 7, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. R. E. Lee, Genl., to Maj. James Breathed,'"" Richmond, Va. Regret to hear you are wounded — sympathy and hopes for early recovery — compliments on gallantry. L. S, Md-s6. 1864, Sept. 28, Petersburg, [Va.] R. E. Lee, [Genl.,] to [Brig-] Genl. R. E. Colston, Lynchburg, Va. Diligently instruct all your troops, local, militia and artillery. [Tel?] A. S. Ga-ga-i-6. 1864, Sept. 29, 7:45 A. M., Petersburg, [Va.] R. E. Lee, [Genl.,] to Capt.'"^ [J. K.] Mitchell, Chaffin's Bluff, [Va.] The enemy is said to be moving against Signal Hill — fire on them from the gunboats if you can. [Tel?] A. S. Ga-ga-i-i6. 1864, Nov. 3, Hd-Qrs. Dept. N. Va. S. O. 265, VI. Sig: W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., by command Genl. R. E. Lee. Assigning Brig.-Genl. G. M. Sorrel'"* to command of Wright's "old" Brigade, Mahone's Division, 3rd Corps. D. S. Ga-22. 308 See supra, p. 197. 307 Mitchell was at this time senior flag-officer of the James River Squadron. See C. M. H., v. 12, p. 92. 308 Cf. infra, p. 400. 328 Confederate Calendar. 1864, Dec. 23, Petersburg, [Va.] R. E. Lee, [Genl.,J to [Lt.-] Genl. J. Longstreet, Osborne Turnpike. Lomax reports enemy in line of battle at Somerset, this side the Rapidan — he has taken position two and one-half miles west of Gordonsville — at 8 145 none of your troops had reached Gordonsville — keep out scouts to ascertain if Gregg crosses James and endeavors to unite with Torbert.*"* [Tel?] A. S. Va-Lee. 1865, Jany. 20, Hd-Qrs. A. N. V. R. E. Lee, Genl., to Lt.-Genl. A. P. Hill, comdg. Calling attention to the condition of Hill's corps — and its lack of clothing, etc. O. C. Ga-ga-1-7. 1865, Apr. 9, [Appomattox, C. H., Va.] R. E. Lee, Genl.; W. H. Taylor, Lt.-Col., A. A. G.;Chas. S. Venable, Lt.-Col., A. A. G., H. E. Peyton, Lt.-Col., A. & Inspr. Genl.; Chas. Marshall, Lt.-Col., A. A. G. ; Giles B. Cooke, Maj., A. A. I. G.; H. E. Young, Maj., A. A. G., .... [illegible.] Parole as prisoners of war — agree not to serve further in the armies of the Confederate States, or in any military capa- city against the United States, or render aid to enemies of the latter until properly exchanged as shall be mutually ap- proved by the respective authorities.'^" P. F. S. Va-Lee. 1863, Dec. 10, Richmond, [Va.] Navy Dept., Ofifice Orders and Detail. S. S. Lee, Capt. in charge Midshipman P[reston] B. Moore*^^ is detached from the school-ship Patrick Henry — will proceed to Mobile, Ala., and report to Admiral Buchanan, comdg., for duty. P. F. S. Tex-134. 1864, Aug. 4, Richmond, [Va.] Navy Dept., Office Orders and Details. S. S. Lee, Capt. in charge. Midshipman Preston B. Moore is detached from the Mo- "" Cf. Longstreet to Lee, Dec. 23, 1864 ; O. R., s. 89, p. 1295. 'i" This document was found among the papers of Judge Robert Ould, Confederate Agent for the Exchange of Prisoners. 8" Cf. infra, p. 355. Confederate Calendar. 329 bile squadron — will proceed to Savannah, Ga., and report to Flag-Officer W. W. Hunter, comdg. P. F. S. Tex-i34- Endsd: Forwarded; delivered; reported. 1864, Dec. 30, Richmond, [Va.] Navy Dept. Office of Orders and Details. S. S. Lee, Capt. in charge, to Capt. J. Tattnall,'" C. S. N., Savannah. Yours of the 24th received — orders have been given to turn over your officers and men — make report of the destruc- tion of public property, including vessels on the stocks, and those not completed, with report of property saved — what became of ordnance and naval stores? L. S. Ga-ga-3-13. 1861, May 8, Richmond, Va. John Letcher, [Gov.,] to Gov. [J. W,] Ellis. Gwyn needs reinforcements at Norfolk — will you strengthen him to extent of your means with number called for — the "defence of Norfolk is the defence of North Caro- lina." '^^ Tel. NC-153. 1861, May 27, Richmond, Va. John Letcher, [Gov.,] to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis, After consultation with Genl. Lee I have sent dispatch to operator at Weldon to communicate to commanding officer of camp of instruction there to send all available force to Suffolk to await orders — we are threatened on line Norfolk and Peters- burg R. R. — between 3,000 and 4,000 troops were landed this morning at Newport News — troops are also advancing from Alexandria on line Orange and Alexandria R. R. Tel. NC-153. 1861, June 26, [Richmond, Va.] John Letcher, [Gov.] Inspr.-Genl. Baldwin will muster into service, Tucker Ran- dolph,^" under 18, his father consenting. A. S. Tenn. S12 For Tattnall, see infra, p. 419. 3" a. Walter Gwyn, to Gov. J. W. Ellis, supra, p. 266. 21* See infra, p. 360, 371. 330 Confederate Calendar. 1863, Jany. 20, Richmond ,Va. John Letcher, [Gov.,] to Conscript laws do not exempt bank directors. A, L, S. Ga-ga-i-15. 1861, Sept. 6, Hd-Qrs. Forces near Harod's Mill. [G.] O. i. Sig: Wm. M. Levy, Col. comdg. 2nd Lieut. L. Flournoy is appointed A. A. A. G. of the command. A. D. S. Va-E-14. 1861, Sept. 7, Hd-Qrs. Forces near Harod's Mill. G. O. 2. Sig: L. Flournoy, Adjt. By order Wm. M. Levy, Col. comdg. There will be battalion drill of 2nd La., and 15th Va., daily, from 9:30 to 11 A. M., and company drills daily for one hour at 4 P. M. — all officers and privates present, not on special duty and not excused by commanding officers of their commands, must be present.. Guard mounting at 9 A. M. — number that may be granted leave from camp — permits must be signed by Col. comdg. regiment — sinks for 2nd La. and 15th Cav. to be dug at least 200 yards from rear of lines — thin layer of dirt to be thrown daily over deposits in sinks — work to be done by prisoners of respective regiments — if are no prisoners, by detailed regimental fatigue parties. "The health of the Regiments is of paramount importance and it can best be promoted by scrupulous neatness and cleanliness in the encampments; therefore commanding officers of Regi- ments, detachments and companies are particularly enjoined to preserve such cleanliness in their camps." A. D. S. B-31-19. 1861, Sept. 7, Hd-Qrs. Forces near Harold's Mill. G. O. 3. Sig: L. Flournoy, Adjt., by order of Wm. M. Levy, [Col. comdg.] Officers are to see that private property is not disturbed by the men — prisoners to do police duty. A. D. S. Va-E-15. 1864, Oct. 29, n. p. Jas. F. Lewis, John [ ?] F. Bowers. Oath before F. C .Cox, Capt. and A. A. G., Terry's Brig. — loss of weight in cattle killed due to mistake in estimate — Confederate Calendar. 331 Lewis clerk, and Bowers butcher, to Maj. W. B. Stanard."=* D. S. -S-24-4-5. 1863, Jany. 24, near Lisbon, [Va.] G. W. Leyburn to [Hon. John Goode.] Requesting that Congress call on the Executive to appoint a day of fasting and prayer. A. L. S. Davis-4iib. 1862, May 29, n. p. [Camp ist Va. Batln.] Jonathan Lilly, Capt. Co. B; Neville C. Beckley, ist Lieut. Co. B; Wm. H. McDonald, Capt. Co. F ; D. B. Baldwin, Capt. Co. D ; John M. Scott, 2nd Lieut. Co. F; Thos. A. Snider, 3rd Lieut. Co. F, and 15 other officers, to Lt.-Col. Derrick, comdg.'" Requesting the appointment of Lieut. Jjas. H. Harden as Adjutant of the Regiment. D. S. L- [1863,] Mch. 27, n. p., "Office." J. J. Limkins, to Governor [John Letcher.] I hear political prisoners are being exchanged — do not forget young Hipkins,'^' confined almost two years at Fort Warren — "His release will take a load of anguish from the patriot mother; and send another good soldier into the field." Endsd: "Ex. Dept. Va. Apr. 3, '63— refd. to Hon. Ro. Ould,'^' by order the Governor, S. Bassett French, Col. and A. D. C." A. L. S. L- 1862, May 18, Vicksburg, Miss. Lon Lindsay, Mayor; S. Phillips Lee, U. S. N. Correspondence as to bombardment of Vicksburg. Printed: O. R., S. I, v. 15, pp. 12-14. Copy [?] Miss-III-33. 1864, June 25, Sparta, Ga. Frank L. Little, Sec. Comm. to Rev. Jno. W. Talley, Ch'n., Jas, H. Middlebrooks[?], W. H. Brantly, Geo. W. Bass, Archy Jackson and Tom Whaley. 315 Cf. pp. 199, 218. am See supra, pp. 236, 239, 268-69. ^" See supra, p. 275. 8" See ibid. 332 Confederate Calendar. You are appointed Comm. to collect supplies in the neigh- borhood for the wounded of Genl. Johnston's army — articles to be collected — disposition — accept money where provisions cannot be secured — the latter greatly preferred. A. L. S. Tex-74. 1864, Dec. 7, Hd-Qrs. Tex. Brigade. M. Livingston, Capt. Co. C, 4th Texas; J. B. Boyd, 2nd Lieut; R. M. Franks [?], 2nd Lieut. Co. D ; R. J. Tedford, 3rd Lieut. Co. H ; G. E. Lyck, ist [Lieut.] Co. H; T. J. McLaurin, Capt. Co. B; E. T. Terrell, Asst. Surg., and seven others to Pres. Jefferson Davis. Asking appointment of Lt.-Col. C. M. Winkler, 4th Texas, as Brig.-Genl. to succeed deceased Genl. John Gregg"^' as comdg. officer, Texas Brig. — ist, 4th, sth Tex. and 3rd Ark., Field's Div., Longstreet's Corps, A. N. V. L. S. Tex-56. 1861, July 31, Camp Crescent Rifles. Danl. D. Logan to Julia P. Logan, [his sister. Glen Cameron, N. C] Movements of the command — impressions of the Army. A. L. S. SC-155. 1861, Oct. 3, Va. D[anl.] D. Logan to Julia [P. Logan.] Personal matters — army and home friends. A. L. S. SC-154. 1861, Nov. 6, Williamsburg, [Va.] Danl. D. Logan to Julia [P. Logan.] Movements — health — personal matters. A. L. S. SC-iss. 1863, Oct. 13, Hd-Qrs. Arty. 2nd Corps, [A. N. V.] S. V. Southall, [A. A. A. G.,] by order Brig.-Genl. [A. L.] Long,"* comdg., etc. Circular. Order for choice of camps by Battalions on the march. A. D. S. B-35-3. 3ie Gregg had been killed Oct. 7, 1864. See C. M. H., v. 11 (Texas), p. 236. sso For General Long, see supra, p. 196, note 66. Confederate Calendar. 333 1863, Oct. 26, Hd-Qrs. Arty. 2nd Corps, [A. N. V.] S. V. Southall, A. A. A. G., by order of Brig.-Genl. A. L. Long, comdg. [Circular.] Battalion commanders are to make requisitions for con- scripts at once — make recommendations where vacancies exist for field office of promotion — take steps to fill existing com- pany vacancies. A. D. S. B-35-4. 1863, Nov. 3, Hd-Qrs. Arty. 2nd Corps. S. V. Southall, A. A. A. G., [by order Brig.-Genl. A. L. Long,] to Col. J. T. Brown. Genl. Long desires, owing to press upon his time, that you will select camps near Slaughter's Mountain to-day for the Battalions — get supplies from nearest depots — place camps as near together as possible. B-35. 1863, Nov. 5, Hd-Qrs. [Arty.] 2nd Corps, [A. N. V.] S. O. 103. Sig: W. A. Pere[?], A. A. G., by order Brig.-Genl. A. L. Long. Appointment of Col. J. T. Brown as Chf. Arty. 2nd Corps, in absence of Brig.-Genl. comdg. A. D. S. B-31-13. Endsd : "Reed. 12 M. Nov. 5, 1863." [J. T. B.] 1864, Apr. 28, Hd-Qrs. Arty. 2nd Corps, [A. N. V.] S. M. Cooper, Capt. and A. I. G. [sic] by order Brig.-Genl. A. L. Long. Circular. Report condemned horses to Maj. R. H. Carter, A. L Field Transportation. D. S. B-35-s. 1864, Nov. ig, Staunton, Va. A. L. Long to Col. B. B. Long, Philadelphia, Penn. I have just learned that Melchior [M. Long], always dis- tinguished for gallantry, was killed in the engagement near Middletown, Oct. 19 — heard rumor of it, which is just con- firmed — he fell in a just cause, deeply lamented by many friends — he was ist Lieut, of Engrs. by his own efforts and "was in a sure way of further advancement." A. L, S. L- 334 Confederate Calenjiah, 1861, Aug, 27, n. p. Melchior M. Long. Certificate of appointment as Fifth Sergeant Co. F, ist Va. Vols. — rank from this date. — Sig: P. F. Moore, Col., Saml. P. Mitchell, Adjt. P. F. S. L- 1862, Jany. 31, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. M[elchior] M. Long. Commission as Captain of Infantry, under Act No. 356, approved Jany. 22, 1862. Sig: J. P. Benjamin, Sec. War. P. F. S. L- 1864, Apr, 30, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. M[elchior] M. Long. Commission as ist Lieut. Engineer Troops — rank from this date — report to Lt.-Col. Presstman, comdg. Sig : James A. Seddon, Sec. War. P. F. S. L- 1862, May 8, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Corps, [A. N. V.] G. O. — . Sig: G. M. Sorrel,'" A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. [J.] Longstreet. Orders to prevent straggling — no men to be allowed to leave their commands without permission. D. S. Va-E-i6. 1864, Dec. 13, Hd-Qrs. ist Corps, A. N. V. J. Longstreet to Rev. Dr. [Moses D.] Hoge, Richmond, Va. Thanks for Bible sent'^^ — apologies for delay in acknowl- edging it — reasons. A. L. S. SS-C-28. 1862, Mch. 3, New Orleans, La., Hd-Qrs. Dept. No. i. S. O. 48, VIII. Sig: Ed. A. Palfrey, Maj. and A. A. G., by com- mand Maj.-Genl. [M.] Lovell. Assignment of 2nd Lieut. G. H. Frost'" to duty in the city — report to Maj.-Genl. comdg. D. S. La. 321 See infra, p. 399. 322 See supra, note 304, p. 323. 32S See supra, p. 254. Confederate Calendar. 335 1864, Aug. II, Cobham, [Va.] Wm. M. Loving to R. M. Kent, [Louisa C. H., Va.] Will you procure a certificate from the enrolling officer at the Court-House that the application for furlough of my brother, P. S. Loving, Hughson's Co., Va. Reserves, has been favorably acted upon by the county board. A. L. S. K-6-1. 1864, Feb. 12, Fort Pemberton, James Island, S. C. J. Jona- than Lucas, Maj. comdg. Stono Fortifications, to Capt. [P. N.] Page, A. A. G., etc. In view of the military situation of John's Island, I beg to call attention to the armament of this Post — has only 2 smooth-bore and 2 rifled 32-pdrs — by order Genl. Beauregard, left platform for i 8-inch and 2 lo-inch Columbiads, when the guns were removed to Tynes and Pringle — emergency may arise — ask for i lo-inch Columbiad — nearest landing below the fort is at Gervais', about 4250 yards — this is in range of lo-inch Columbiad and of rifled 32-pdrs. — shells from the former would be fairly effective — would like an 8-inch Col- umbiad also. A. L. S. J-18-5. 1863, Mch. 3, near Petersburg, Va., camp 38th Va. Regt. Jas. N. McAlpine, Surg. 38th Va., to Maj. G. M. Sorrel, A. A. G. Request 20 days' leave of absence for Saml. Y. Brown, Hospital Steward — he enlisted Apr. 20, 1861, and re-enlisted for the war — has never had furlough or commutation, never absent from his Regiment. A. L. S. M- Endsd : 4 approvals ; fourth, G. M. Sorrel, A. A. G. — transport- ation furnished — returned. 1864, [Apr. 18,] Morton's Ford, [Va.] E. S. McCarthy, [Capt.] comdg. ist Howitzer Co. 15 days' leave of absence to Edwin F. Barnes, this com- mand, to visit Richmond. D. S. Va-C-ss. Endsd: Approved, H. C. Cabell, Col. comdg.; R. S. Ewell, Lt.-Genl. comdg. ; W. H. Taylor, A. A. G., by order Genl. R. E. Lee. A. S. 336 Confederate Calendar. 1861, May 31, Richmond, Va. Bruce McClelland [?], Asst. Q-M. Invoice of quarter-master stores turned over to Mrs. Bradley Johnson/" by request of Gov. Letcher— 2802 yds. tent cloth ; 200 blankets ; 2 pr. vs^rappers ; 4 gross buckles. D. S. Md-86. 1861, May 26, Fairfield, Rockbridge Co., Va. E, J. McClurg to Capt. C. Y. Litchfield. Inquiry as to my "friends and correspondents," A. M. Crockett and Mr. Colley — have heard nothing of them since fighting began — please communicate with them.'^' A. L. S. C1-45-1. Appended: C. L. Litchfield communicating the above to Colley. Ci-45-ib. 1862, Jany. 17, Hd-Qrs. 24[?] Div., Columbus, Ky. J. P. McCown, Brig.-Genl., to Maj. Report of various troops sent out in obedience to orders — no enemy seen — positive information they were in the locality yesterday. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-31, 1863, Sept. 21, Richmond, Va., C. S. Patent Office. Z. Mc- Daniel, Glasgow, Ky. Patent to ; for "Improvement in torpedoes." '^° Sig : T. H. Watts, Atty.-Genl. ; Rufus R. Rhodes, Commr. of Patents. P. F. S. Ga-ga-3-41. Specifications for the same. D. n. S. . Ga-ga-3-43. 186-, n. d., n. p. McEvoy's Time Fuze for Rifled Shells. Description of — preparation of shrapnel for rifled guns. n. s. D. n. S. Va-E-4. 1863, May 19, Camp Hill, Va. McGehee to his father. 321 Cf. supra, pp. 186-87, 222, 312. 320 The writer was evidently a woman. The Colley referred to is Thos. W. Colley, see supra, p. 223. 326 See index, Torpedoes. Confederate Calendar. 337 My wound — details of deaths in the command — fight with Sickle's command. A. L. n. S. SC-447. 1862, Jany. 20, n. p., Office of Chf. Q-M., Dept. N. Va. C. M. McGivern to Capt. Colin D. Clarke, A. Q-M. Maj. Cabell requests the return of his book with lists of wagons and teams'^^ — he suggests you make a copy of the entries — he wishes the book by Wednesday, when he moves. A. L. S. Q-2-48. 1862, Jany. 18, Centreville, [Va.,] Camp Allen. John K. Mclver, Capt. to Col. Movements of the campaign — personal matters. 1861, July 18, near Williamsburg, Va., camp Hd-Qrs. L. McLaws, Col. loth Ga. Regt., to Maj. G. B. Cosby, Adjt. Genl. Requesting the return of the carpenters engaged in con- structing the magazine — they went off with their commands yesterday — ^the magazines are unfinished. A. L. S. B-33-1. Endsd. with order for detail until the carpenters return. 1863, Jany. i, camp 15th La. Vols. C. W. McLellan, Capt. Co. F, 15th Regt. La. Vols., to Lt.-Col. McG. Goodwyn. Request that Priv. P. Dowd may be returned to duty — was sent on detail for 10 days and kept 5 months. A. L. S. M-41. Endsd: i. Forwarded. W. B. Taliaferro: Order Dowd's re- turn if this brigade is doing excessive detail duty. 2. Edmd. Pendleton, comdg. Starke's brigade : There is no way of ascertaining what details are fur- nished by the different brigades. 1862, Mch. 31, [Wynne's Mill, Va?] M. C. Macon, Capt. Co. I, ist [Va.] Arty. Return of command for this month — 3 officers, 109 en- listed men, present and absent — 13 absent. D. n S. Bj-42-4. '" For the book, see W. L. Cabell, supra, p. 217. 338 Confederate Calendar. [1862,] Apr. 5-7, Wynne's Mill, [Va.] M. C. Macon, Capt. comdg. Arty. Report of ammunition fired these days — Fayette Arty., 102; Howitzer Co., 89. D. S. W-22-19. 1862, Apr. ii-May 2, Wynne's Mill, Va. M. C. Macon, Capt. tomdg. Arty. 18 daily consolidated reports of artillery here^-men pres- ent — number and condition of horses — amount and character of ammunition. In station: Richmond Howitzers, Fayette Artillery, Southall's, Troop, Bedford and Stribling's Arty., with minor changes — Missing: Apr. 13, 18, 20 and 28. D. S. W-22. 1861, Feb. 9, Montgomery, [Ala.] C. J. McRae to Chas. Walsh, Mobile, (Ala.] Davis elected Pres. — Stephens of Ga. Vice-Pres. — com- mittee appointed to revise tariff and report immediately — imtil then old tariff remains in force'''* — "what is doing in cotton." Tel. Ala-165. 1861, Feb. 21, Montgomery, [Ala.] C. J. McRae to Chas. Walsh. Toombs Sec. of State; Memminger, of Treasury; L. P. Walker, of War— others not appointed — Slidell, Yancey and probably Manning of S. C. will be sent to Europe. Tel. Ala-165. 1861, Apr, 17, Charleston, [S. C] D. K. McRae to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. Governor will furnish 11 mounted guns, 100 lbs. shot and shell for each, 20,000 lbs. powder, if at Wilmington'^'— leave to-morrow— require outlay to forward— have obtained 8 ar- tillery [sic] — ask approval. Tel. NC-153. 1861, Apr. 18, Charleston, [S. C] D, K. McRae to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. '28 That is, the former United States tariff. '28 Cf. Pickens to Ellis, April 18, 1861, infra, p. 364. GONPEaXERATE CALENDAR. 339 Officers advise twelve men be detailed and sent here from an Arty. Co. to be drilled in handling Columbiads — will be familiar with them by the time the guns are_ ready — report to Gov.'s Hd-Qrs. — leave to-night with 4 guns and supply of ammunition. Tel. NC-1S3. 1861, Apr. 21, n. p. John C. McRae to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. Major Whitney, C. S. A., leaves to-night to report to you for duty — Jones is with you Tuesday. Tel. NC-1S3. 1865, Jany. 24, Charleston Race Course, [S. C] B. W. Mc- Tureous[?], Capt. comdg. Detachment. Report of arms, ammunition, horses, equipment, etc. of de- tachment Butler's Brig., S. C. Cav. — 3 officers, 34 enlisted men. A. S. T-25-8. 1861, June 3, Div. Hd-Qrs. Yorktown, [Va.] G. O. — . Sig: G. B. Cosby, A. A. A. G., by order Col. [J. B.] Magruder,''- comdg. Placing Capt. Brown, Howitzer Batln, in command of all Arty., except Peyton's company. D. S. Va-E-15. 1861, July 5, Hd-Qrs. Bartletts, [Va.] J. B. Magnider, Brig.- Genl. comdg., to [Capt. J. Thompson Brown.] You are placed in charge of the Arty. — where the guns are to be posted — advisability of entrenching the hill occupied by Norwood's batln. A. S. Va-E-15. 1861, July 5, Bartlett's, [Va.] J. B. Magruder, Brig.-Genl. comdg., to Capt. [J. T.] Brown, comdg. Arty. Ordering the two Arty, pieces which arrived yesterday to be placed for the protection of the right flank — their location. A. S. Va-E-is. 1861, July 15, Hd-Qrs. Williamsburg, Va. S. O. 141. Sig: G. B. Cosby, Maj. and A. A. G., by order [Brig.-] Genl. [J. B.] Magruder, to Capt. J. Thompson Brown. '^f J. Bankhead Magruder. For his career see C. M. H., v. 3, pp. 632-34; Long in So. Hist. Soc. Papers, v. 12, p. 105 ff. 34° , Confederate Calendar. Report to Col. McLaws, in charge Arty, near Williams- burg — drill the artillery there — ^procure wagons for caissons — arrange the ammunition — detail to accompany you. A. S. B-31-1S. 1861, July 26, Williamsburg, [Va.,] Dept. Hd-Qrs. S. O. 195. Sig: H. M. Stanard, Lieut, and A. D. C, by order [Brig.-] Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Assignment of guns to companies of Garrett, Hawkins and Cosnehan. — Capt. Brown of Howitzers is to drill the com- panies, and in co-operation with Capt. Rives, Chf. Engrs., they will be protected by Col. Hunt's regiment — guns to be located on Gore wharf for drill, but to be removed to "this side" of Utopia Bottom in case enemy approaches or attack — Col. Hunt will so order — the artillery companies are exempted from all .special duties except guard duty over their pieces and stables. A. S. B-31-18. 1861, Sept. 27, Camp Phillips, [Va.] S. O. 408, n. s., by order [Brig.-] Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Assignment of Col. Johnston''^ to command of forces at and near Harrold's Mill — Genl. Hill's command is relieved by orders from Hd-Qrs. D, n. S. B-31-21. 1861, Oct. 26, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. J. Bankhead Magruder, Maj.-Genl. comdg., to Gov. John Letcher. Requesting the consolidation of Montague's and Tomlin's Batlns, and Waddell's Co. into a regiment — Montague as Col. L. S. Va-E-4. 1861, Nov, 6, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. S. O. 495- Sig: Jn. Jones, A. A. G., by order [Maj.-] Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Assignment of Capt. de Goumay to duty — his command — to establish regular drill — to receive orders direct from Col. Randolph, comdg. Arty. D. S. B-31-24. 881 See supra, p. 303. The mill to which reference is made is spelt both "Harrold's" and "Harold's." Confederate Calendar. 341 1861, Nov. 17, Hd-Qrs. ^itmy Peninsula, in the Field near Bethel, [Va.J G. A. Cary, A. D. C, [by order Maj.-Genl. J. B. Magruder,] to Maj. J. Thompson Brown, Bethel. Acknowledge your letter to Genl. Magruder'^' — enclose you his endorsation, with approval. A. L. S. B-33-5. 1861, Dec. 17, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. S. O. 549. Sig: Henry Bryan, A. A. G., by order Maj.-Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Maj. [J. T.] Brown is to mount and equip six pieces of field artillery — to remain as at present until arrival of Glouces- ter militia — terms of division then. D. S. B-31-2S. 1861, Dec. 20, Dept. Hd-Qrs., Dept. Peninsula. Henry Bryan, A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. J. B. Magruder.] General Magruder requests close perusal of S. O. No. 552, conveying his plans of defence — keep it strictly private. D. S. Va-E-14. 1862, Jany. 18, Yorktown, Va., Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. G. O. 132. Sig: Henry Bryan, A. A. G., by order [Maj.-] Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Appointment of Cadet G. A^ Magruder as Actg. Inspr. Genl. of the department. P. D. S. B-31-1. 1862, Jany. 19, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. G. O. 133. Sig: Henry Bryan, A. A. G., by order [Maj.-] Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Comdg. officers will make known that ship-carpenters and joinei s are needed for Navy Dept. — names to be furnished and forwarded. P, D. S. B-31-2. 1862, Jany. 21, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. G. O. 134. Sig: G. A. Magruder, A. A. A. G., by order [Maj.-] [Maj.-] Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Office-hours of comdg. Genl. P. D. S. B-31-4. 332 See Brown to Magruder, Nov., 1861, supra, p. 205. 342 Con-federate Calendar. 1862, Jany. 23, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. G. O. 139. Sig: G. A. Magruder, A', A. A. G., by order [Maj.-]Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Modifying G. O. 136, Jany. 22, 1862, so as to limit afternoon drill to one hour, for infantry — artillery and cavalry as usual. P. D. S. B-31-S. 1862, Jany. 26, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. G. O. 136 [sic]. Sig: G. A. Magruder, A. A. A. G., by order [Maj.-]Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Repeating G. O. 133 — ^names will be forwarded at once. P. D. S. B-31-3. 1862, Jany. 29, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. G. O. 140. Sig: G. A. Magruder, A. A. A. G., by order Maj„- Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Regulations for preparation of Company Monthly Returns — how forwarded. P. D. S. B-31-6. 1862, Jany. 30, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. G. O. 141, Sig: G. A. Magruder, A. A. A. G., by order Maj.- Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. , No official communications to be received without regula- tion endorsation. P. D. S. B-31-7. 1862, Jany. 30, Yorktown, Va., Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. S. O. — , Sig: G. A. Magruder, A. A. A. G., by command Maj.- Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. "The following letter from the Secretary of War to Major General Magruder is published for the information of the forces in this Department. 'Richmond, War Dept., Jany. 25, 1862. 'Sir:— I have received your letter of the 15th inst., making two enquiries concerning the recent law of Congress, relating to re-enlistments. To your first enquiry, I reply, that in the call upon any State, for its quota for the common defence, the Volunteers CONiFEDERATE CALENDAR. 343 from that State who enlist for the War, will be considered as forming a portion of said quota. To your second enquiry, I reply, that such Troops, as are re-enlisted under the recent Act of Congress, are forces raised by Congress, by virtue of a plain provision of the Constitu- tion. The re-enlisted Regiments are authorized by the law to elect their Field Officers; and it is not supposed that any objection will be made in any quarter, to an enactment so clearly within the power of Congress. Your obd't serv't., (Signed) J. P. BENJAMIN, Sect, of War.' " P. D. S. B-31-10. 1862, Feb. 3, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. G. O. 142. Sig: G. A. Magruder, A. A. A. G., by order Maj.- Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Appointment of John Donnell Smith, of Baltimore, Md., as Actg. A. D. C. P. D. S. B-3I-8. 1862, Feb. 4, Yorktown, Va., Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula, G. O. 143. Sig : G. A. Magruder, A. A,. A, G., by order Maj.-Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Office of Genl. comdg. is besieged by officers and enlisted men presenting applications for leaves of absence and fur- loughs. This is contrary to orders — must be forwarded by mail or express through comdg. officers-^disobedience to this order will not be tolerated — no applications will be entertained unless number of officers and men absent is stated, with their post offices — form specified. P. D. S. B-31-9. 1862, Mch. 14, Yorktown, [Va.] Henry Bryan, A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. J. B. Magruder,] to Maj. J. Thompson Brown. Decision of the Genl. comdg. on requisition for artillery horses. A. L. S. B-34-12. 1862, Mch. 25, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Dept. of Peninsvila. S. O. 698. Vm. Sig: Henry Bryan, A. A. G., by qrder Maj.- Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. 344 Confederate Calendar. Maj. [J. T.] Brown is to furnish full report of artillery- horses on left wing. D. S. B-31-26. 1862, Mch. 27, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. S. O. 701. Sig: J. L. Brent, A. D. C, by command Maj.-Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Order for mustering out of ist La. Batln — disposition of their equipment — appreciation of their services. — The "enemy in vast numbers" is at the front — the Genl. comdg. hopes the command will not emulate the Pennsylvanians at Manassas "who moved to the rear to the sound of the enemy's cannon" — while publishing this order, the Genl. comdg. is satisfied no company will avail itself of it, until reinforcements have arrived to "meet successfully the impending blow" — thanks to Lt.-Col. Righton and the Batln. D. S. F-20-4. 1862, Mch. 30, Lee's Farm, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. S. O. 704, VII. Sig: Henry Bryan, A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Maj. J. Thompson Brown is to supervise the artillery from Yorktown to Lee's Farm, consulting the comdg. officers in their respective territories. A. D. S. B-31-27. 1862, Mch. 31, Lee's Farm, Va., Hd-Qrs. Dept. Peninsula.- S. O. 706. Sig: Henry Bryan, A. A. G., by order of Maj.- Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Lt.-Col. Cabell having returned, Major J. T. Brown will turn over to him arrangement and supervision of Arty, at Lee's Farm, retaining same from Lee's Mill to Yorktown, in- cluding Arty, in Col. R. A. Pryor's position. A. D. S. B-31-28. 1862, Apr. I, Lee's Farm, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Dept. Peninsula. Henry Bryan, A. A,. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. J. B. Magruder,] to Maj. J. T[hompson] Brown, Yorktown, [Va.] The Genl. comdg. approves your suggestion — a detach- ment of Capt. Nelson's battery -vvill report to you to-morrow to be assigned to the proposed position — Col. Pryor will con- struct the redoubt. A. L. S. B-34-IS. Confederate Calendar. 345 1862, Apr. 7, "In the field." A. G. Dickinson, A. A. G., by command Maj.-Genl. [J. B.J Magruder, to [Brig.-]Genl. [G. J.] Rains.='» As Capt. Page's rifle-piece is small, out of order and not of range, give him one of Capt. Nelson's rifle pieces. O. C. B-31-29. 1862, Apr. 7, "In the field." S. O. — . Sig: A. G. Dickinson, A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. [Brig.-] Genl. [G. J.] Rains will send the 24-pdr. arriving to-day, to Redoubt No. 4, to be exchanged for one of Capt. Richardson's 32-pdrs. O. C. B-31-29. 1862, Apr. 9, Lee's Farm, Va., Hd-Qrs. Dept. P[eninsul]a. S. O. — . Sig: Henry Bryan, A. A. G., by command Maj.- Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Lt.-Col. J. Thompson Brown will report to Brig.-Genl. J. A. Early, 3rd Div., as Chief of Artillery of that Div. — ^he will continue to supervise Brig.-Genl. [Howell] Cobb's Artillery A. S. B-31. 1862, Apr. 4, Lee's Farm, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Arty, of P[enin- sul]a. S. O. — . Sig: Henry Coalter Cabell, Col., etc., by order Maj.-Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Directions for the protection of the artillery horses from the enemy's fire — horses to be unharnessed at night, D. S. Va-E-17. 1862, Apr. 14, Lee's Farm, Va., Hd-Qrs. Dept. P[eninsul]a. S. O. 731, XIV. Sig: Henry Bryan, A. A. G., by command of Maj.-Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Capt. Hardaway's battery will report to Maj.-Genl. Hill at Yorktown, to relieve Carter's Battery — the latter will re- port to Genl. Rodes. In absence of Genl. Hill, Genl. Rains will order this. Copy? B-31-32. 38» For Rains, see C. M. H., v. 4, p. 339 S. 346 Cqwfedesate Calendar. 1862, Apr. 14, Lee's Farm, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Dept. P[emnsul]a. S. O. 732, IV. Sig: Henry Bryan, A. A. G., by command Maj.-Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. "Rifle Guns and Parrot Guns will only be fired at long range, smooth bore guns are more effective at short dis- tances." O. C. B-31-31. 1862, Apr. 14, Lee's Farm, [Va.] Henry Bryan, A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. J. B. Magruder,] to Lt.-Col. J. T[hompson] Brown. General Magruder directs that you ascertain if any shell with copper discs have been fired from the 24-pdr. in Redoubt 4. Col. Gorgas has directed such to be used, hence the query. A, L. S. B-34-I6. 1862, Apr. IS, Lee's Farm, [Va.] Henry Bryan, A. A. G., [by order Maj.-Genl. J. B, Magruder,] to Lt.-Col. J. T[ho^p- son] Brown, Chf. Arty., 3rd Div., Army Peninsula. Requesting a copy of Magruder's order of the night of the 13th, from Early's Hd-Qrs., arranging the Arty. A. L. S. B-34-17. 1862, Apr. 15, Lee's Farm, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. 5. O. 733, X. Sig : W. A. Alston, A. A. G., by command Maj.- Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Detailed acting surgeons of Batteries of detailed Companies are authorized to make requisitions on metiical purveyor at Williamsburg ; the latter to issue with approval of the comdg. Co. officer — ^brigade commanders will make this known. A. D. S. B-3I-3S. 1862, Apr. 16, Lee's Farm, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Dept. P[eninsul]a. S. O. 733, VII. Sig: W. A. Alston, A. D. C, by command Maj.-Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Maj. [S. D.] Ramseur'" will take charge of the Artillery in Redoubts 4 and 5,'" reporting to Maj.-Genl. [D. H.] Hill at Yorktown. A. D. S. B-31-36. "* For Ramseur, see C. M. H., v. 4, pp. 341-43. 'S" Cf. Brown to Hill, Apr. 22, 1862, supra, p. 207. Confederate Calendar. 347 1862, Apr. 17, Lee's Farm, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Army Peninsula. S. O. 734. Sig : A. G. Dickinson, A. A. G., by command Maj.- Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Lt.-Col. [J. T.] Brown to furnish certain horses to Capt. Stanley, Troop Arty. A. D. S. B-31-37. Endsd : Executed. [1862, Apr.?] n. d., n. p., Hd-Qrs. Army P. A. [sic] S. O. — . Sig: Henry Coalter Cabell, by order Maj.-Genl. [J. B.] Magruder. Maj. [S. D.] Ramseur^'° will report to [Maj.-] Genl. Magruder — it was so ordered yesterday — probably did [not?] receive the order. A. D. S. B-31-34. 11863, July 17. Talladega, [Ala.,] Office A. Q.-M. Jno. Maguire, Capt. and A. Q-M. Receipt to Hon. J. L. M. Curry for 2214 bushels of oats on account of tax in kind, present crop. A. S. Ala-Cur. 1862, Dec. 30, Hd-Qrs. Mahone's Brig., Anderson's Div. S. O. — . Sig: R. Taylor, A. A. G., by order Brig.-Genl. [Wm.] Mahone.'^^ 2nd Lieut. Jas. E. Tyler'^^ is promoted ist Lieut., vacant by promotion — rank from Aug. 15, 1862. Copy, Va-E-20. 1863, Jany 21, Hd-Qrs. Mahone's Brig., Anderson's Div. S. O. 10, I and II. Sig: R. Taylor, A. A. G., by order Brig.- Genl. [Wm.] Mahone. Jas. E. Tyler is promoted Capt. Co. G, 12th Va. Infy., having passed examination — appointment subject to approval of War Dept. O. C. Va-E-20. 1864, July 26, [Hd-Qrs.] Anderson's Div. Wm. Mahone, Brig.-Genl. etc. "« See S. O. 733, VII., supra. 3W For Mahone, see C. M. H., v. 3, pp. 634-36. For his Crater charge, see Wm. H. Stewart, infra, p. 500. 388 See infra, p. 428. 348 Confederate Calendar. Certificate of gallantry and good conduct of Pvt. Nash, I2th Va. Infy, A, S. Va-E-20, 1861, Apr. 22, Montgomery, Ala., Navy Dept. S. R. Mallory, Sec, etc., to Paymaster Henry Meyers, C. S. N., New Or- leans, La. Giving heads under which requisitions should be made. L. S. Fla-ga-13. 1862, July 24, Richmond, Va., Navy Dept. S. R. Mallory, Sec, etc., to Flag Officer Josiah Tattnall,^'* C. S. N., Rich- mond, Va. Enclose decision of court-martial before which you were brought — will see that after a full and satisfactory investiga- tion, you were honorably acquitted of all the charges against you. L. S. Ga-ga-3-19. 1863, Feb. 21, Richmond, [Va.,] Navy Dept. S. R. Mallory, Sec. etc., to Comdr. J. D. Bulloch,^*" Liverpool, England. Letter in cipher: The movements and whereabouts of the Alabama. L. S. Ga-ga-3-13. 1863, May 23, Richmond, Va., Navy Dept. S. R. Mallory, Sec. etc. to Comdr. J. D. Bulloch, Liverpool, Eng. List of regular paid spies of U. S. doubtless -known to you — get information of one Delafield, called "the Count" — sub- scribe to, and send certain papers. L. S. Ga-ga-3-13. 1863, Sept. 25, Richmond, [Va.,] Navy Dept. S. R. Mallory, Sec, to 2nd Lieut Matthew P. Goodwjm, C. S. N. Notification of appointment as 2nd Lieut., C. S. N., for gallant conduct in the capture of the U. S. gunboats "Satellite" and "Reliance," on Rappahannock River, Aug. 23, 1863, in ex- pedition under Lieut. John T. Wood, C. S. N.^" L. S. Va-I-44. SS9 For Tattnall, see infra, p. 419. 8*0 See C. M. H., v. i, pp. 631-33. See Bulloch's own narrative: The Secret Service of the Confederate States in Europe . . . (N. Y., 1884). 3*1 Goodwyn was at this time a midshipman. For mention ol him see Wood's report, O. R., Naval, s. i, v. 5, pp. 344-45. For the Federal reports and investigation of the capture, S2e ibid., pp. 332-44. Confederate Calendar. 349 [1861, Feb. 22, Montgomery, Ala.] Rev. Basil Manly, D.D. [Prayer at Inauguration of Jefferson Davis, Pres. C. S. A.]»« A. n S. Ala. 1861, Feb. IS, Baton Rouge, [La.] Thos. C. Manning. [Gk)v.] Pliny D. Hardy, Sec. State. P. F. S. La. Commission as supervisor of State Seminary and Military Academy, for term ending Oct. i, 1864. Sig: Tho. O. Moore, 1861, May 8, Baton Rouge, [La.] Thos. C. Manning. Commission as junior 2nd Lieut., Rapides Co. Vols. — five year term — rank from this date. Sig: Tho. O. Moore, [Gov.] P. D. Hardy, Sec. State. P. F. S. La. 1861, May 20, Baton Rouge, [La.J Thos. C. Manning. Commission as Aid-de-camp to the Governor, with rank of Lt.-Col. — rank from this date. Sig: Tho. O. Moore, [Gov.] Pliny D. Hardy, Sec. State. P. F. S. La. 1862, Mch. 6j Baton Rouge, [La.] Thos. C. Manning. Commission as Aide-de-camp to the Governor, with rank" of Lt.-Col. — rank from May 20, 1861. Sig: Tho. O. Moore, [Gov.] P. D. Hardy, Sec. of State. P. F. S. La. 1863, Sept. 16, Shreveport, [La.J Thos. C. Manning. Commission as Brig.-Genl. and Adjt.-Genl., La. State troops— rank from this date. Sig: Tho. O. Moore, [Gov.] P. D. Hardy, Sec. State. P. F. S. La. 1862, Aug. 18, Camp 2nd Brigade. Jacob A. Marks, ist Lieut, comdg. Bat., to Maj. Seddon. A vacancy of 2nd Lieutenancy exists in Jackson Arty., Cutshaw's Battery, because of death of Lieut. C. M. Barton killed at Winchester — the company unanimously chose David Barton for the place — recommend him accordingly. A. L. S. M-49. **2 Dr. Manly was at this time pastor of Baptist church in Montgom- ery. See T. A. Owen, Dr. Basil Manly . . . (Montgomery, 1904; Ala. His. Soc. Rep., No. s). 3SO Confederate Calendar. Endsd: "Approvd and forwd." D. R. Dunn, A. A. A. G., by order of Maj. Seddon. A. S. 1862, May 16, Shaws Fork [sic] Sam M. Marshall to Gen. Taliafero [Brig.-Genl. W. B. Taliaferro.] Enclose list of damages, $67.50 — less than what the ap- praisers allowed — disposition of the funds. A. L. S. T,-47-7. 1863, May 8, n. p., Hd-Qrs. Martin's Cav. Div., Wheeler's Corps. Will T. Martin,**^ Brig.-Genl. comdg. Div., to Maj. E. S. Burford, A. A. G. Condition of this command. A. L. S. Ga-ga-4-11. 1862, Jany. i-June 18, n. p. Ben. T. Marvin, Co. D, 44th N. Y. Diary between these dates — entries irregular.'" Va-C-73. 1861, May 22, Harper's Ferry, [Va.,] Div. Hd-Qrs. J. W. Massie"'' to Capt. [Thompson] McAllister. Report at sunrise at Col. Hill's Hd-Qrs. to act as Com- missioner in taking vote of 4th Infy. on the Ordinance of the Convention. D. S. Va-F-g. 1862, Mch. 26, Camp Rondally, [Va.] V. Maurin, Capt. [of Artillery,] to Maj. [J. Thompson] Brown. Report on hand 80 horses and 10 mules — 10 of these unfit for service — I expect 30 horses and 10 mules from Richmond, with harness to use six horses "to each piece and caisson." A. D, S. B-34-14. 1862, May I, near Yorktown, [Va.] V. Maurin, Capt. Donald- smith Arty., Independent Co. Return for April, 1862 — total enlisted, 129^-95 horses, 26 mules, 5 field pieces. D. S. B2-42-5. 343 For Martin, see C. M. H., v. 7 (Miss.), pp. 264-65. 344 Found on the battlefield. 34= Cf. supra, p. 282. Confederate Calendar. 351 1863, July 30, Mobile, Ala., Hd-Qrs. Dept. of Gulf. Dabney H. Maury,'" Maj.-Genl. comdg., to Genl. S. Cooper, A. & I. Genl. Condition of affairs here demands the Department be ac- curately informed — I therefore send Maj. Cummins, I. Genl. to give full report. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-2S. Endsd : "If President's engagements allow, Maj. Cummings [sic] would like a personal interview. J. A. Seddon, Sec. of War. 7 Aug. '63." A. S. 1861, Aug. 2, Richmond, Va. M. F. Maury.'" Plan for peace — a letter to be sent Washington — note by Maury on the same. A. S. Ga-ga-3-24. 1865, Jany. 19, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. R. I. Maury. Commission as Lieut.-Col. 24th Va. Infy. — rank from Apr. 9, 1863. Sig: Jas. A. Seddon, Sec. War. P. F. S. Va-69. 1863, Apr. 9-1864, Jany. 17. Wm. L. Maury, Lieut. C. S. N. comdg. Log of the C. S. S. "Georgia" between these dates — weather, station, supplies bought, etc. Written in a U. S. N. log-book form. ^ Ga-ga-3. 1863, Apr. 7, Camp near Port Hudson, La., Hd-Qrs. Maxey's Brig. S. B. Maxey,'" Brig.-Genl., to Maj.-Genl. F. Gardner,'" comdg. 8*8 For D. H. Maury, see his Recollections of a Virginian . . . (N. Y., 1894). He wrote frequent articles on the war. See his Defence of Mobile in 1865, (So. His. Soc. Papers, v. 3, pp. 1-13) ; Grant as a Soldier and Civilian, (ibid., v. S, pp. 227-39) ; Recollections of a Campaign against Grant . . . 1862-3, (ibid., v. 13, pp. 285-311) ; Recollections of the Blk- horn Campaign, (ibid., v- 2, pp. 180-192). »*' Matthew Fontaine Maury's contributions to Geography and Navi- gation are well known. Unfortunately there is no satisfactory biography of this premier of Southern scientists. See In Memoriam Matthew Fon- taine Maury, V. M. I. (n. p., 1873). The Maury genealogy has been worked out in R. A. Brock: Documents . . . relating to the Huguenot Emigra- tion to Virginia . . . (Richmond, 1886). 3*8 For Maxey, see C M. H., v. 11 (Texas), pp. 246-48. 3*» For Gardner, see ibid., v. 10 (Louisiana), pp. 297-98. 352 Confederate Calendar. Calling attention to the unarmed condition of this com- mand. L. S. Ga-ga-i-29. 1861, Apr. 22, Weldon, [N. C] Horace Mayfield to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. Tender services of troops of Warrenton to be included in the 10,000 volunteers. Tel. NC-153. 1862, Aug. 19, n. p. R. J. Mayrant, 2nd Lieut. Co. H, 9th La., to Col. L. A. Stafford. Having resigned because of ill-health, I ask 20 days' leave of ^absence. A. L. S. C^-56-5. Endsd: Approved; L. A. Stafford, Col. comdg. and W. E. Starke, Brig.-Genl. comdg. 2nd La. Brigade. 1861, Apr. 6, Montgomery, Ala., Treasury Dept. C. G. Mem- minger. Sec. etc., to S. R. Mallory, Sec. Navy. At an early date treasury notes will be issued — when these are distributed by the ofRcers of your department, have the date entered on the back of each, for from the date of dis- tribution, interest begins — ^the Government will not pay in- terest for the time these notes are in the hands of the dis- tributing agents, unissued. Copy. Fla-ga-13. 1861, Aug. 26, Richmond, [Va.,] Treasury Dept. C. G. Mem- minger to Rev, Dr. Andrews. Your address received'^" — exchange of prisoners — South always willing — exemption from capture of surgeons and chaplains''^ — religious feeling in the army. A. L. S. SC-448. 1863, Mch. 18, Richmond, [Va.,] Treasury Dept. C. G. Mem- minger. Sec et.c, to Lt.-Genl. J. C. Pemberton, Jackson, Miss. Requesting escort for treasury funds to be sent to reposi- tory in Arkansas.'" L. S. Ga-ga-i-28. aio Not found. 801 Cf. supra, p. 31. 852 This repository was near Little Rock, Ark. Confederate Calendar. 353 1864, May 9, Richmond, [Va.,] Treasury Dept. C. G. Mem- minger, Sec. etc. to Miss Julia Logan, Columbus, S. C. You are appointed clerk in this department — salary $1,000, increased for the present to $3,000'°' — report to S. G. Jamison, Chf. Treasury Note Bureau, Columbia, S. C. P. F. S. SC-iii. Appended : Announcement of S. G. Jamison to same effect. 1863, Feb. 2, Savannah, [Ga.,] Hd-Qrs^ Dis. Ga. G. O. 6. Sig: W. W. Gordon, Capt. and A. A. G., by command Brig.- Genl. [Hugh W.] Mercer.'" Conveying thanks of Genl. Beauregard, ordered by tele- graph, to defenders of Fort McAllister, for gallant action Feb. I, 1863. D. S. Ga-t-51. 1863, Mch. 9, Savannah, [Ga.,] Hd-Qrs. Dis. Ga. G. O. 21. Sig: Geo. A. Mercer, Capt. and A. A. G., by command Brig.- Genl. [Hugh W.] Mercer. Announcing and commending successful defence of Fort McAllister, on Mch. 3. Copy. Ga-ga-i-33. 1863, Mch. 18-28, [Savannah, Ga,. Oglethorpe Barracks.] H. W. Mercer, Brig.-Genl. ; W. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. ; W. H. T. Walker, Brig.-Genl., Board of General Officers. Proceedings under S. O. 64, IV. Genl. Beauregard, to con- sider necessary defences of Savannah. Pages 3-16, Proceed- ings and evidence; pp. 17-23, Report, recommending large increase of forces, [pp. 21-22 missing.] Sig: W. W. Gor- don, Capt., etc.. Recorder. T-34. 1863, May 16, Savannah, [Ga.,] Hd-Qrs. Dis. Ga. Geo. A. Mercer, Capt. and A. & I. [sic], [by order Brig.-Genl. Hugh W. Mercer, comdg.,] to Brig.-Genl. W. B. Taliaferro, comdg. etc. Brig.-Genl. Walker's last report dates May 2, 1863, and gives Lt. Col. Pritchard's command as 329 — yours of to-day "8 Cf. Rhodes, Hist. U. S., v. s, p. 369. 364 For Mercer, see C. M. H., v. 6, p 434. 354. Confederate Calendar. gives it 275 — Genl. Mercer requests the difference be ac- counted for, as report cannot be properly made with such dis- crepancy—report 63rd Regt. [Ga?], i8th Ga. Batln and Pritchard's command as heavy artillery — enclose copy of Walker's report — return it. , A. L. S. T-25-9. 186-, n. d., Aug. 28, n. p. C. G. Merritt, Capt., J. H. Boughan, J. W. Bell, Capt. etc. Unsigned issue of forage to. P. F. n. S. Q-7-5. 1864, Feb. 13, n. p. Ro. H. Miller, Capt., John S. Hix, Lieut, comdg. Co. B, 44th Va. Regt. 2 Requisitions and receipts to Capt. Christian White for stationery, Jany. i-Mch. 31 — each 2 quires foolscap paper, 3 steel pens, 15 envelopes, i^ lead pencil. P. F. S. Q-7-3-4. 1862, Feb. 18, Richmond, [Va.] Chas. Minnigerode'" to Pres. [Jefferson Davis.] I suggest, in view of the critical situation of affairs, that immediately after taking the oath, and before delivering your inaugural, you publicly implore Divine Blessing. A. L. S. Davis-412. 1863, Feb. 20, Fredericksburg, Va. A "Mississippian" to Pres. Jefferson Davis. I suggest that another day of fasting and prayer be ap- pointed, in view of the fact that "our enemies are strengthen- ing themselves against us, and are now threatening more than one important point of our Confederacy." A. L. S. Davis-413. [11861, May, Lake City, Fla.] Mrs. C. A. Mitchel to Capt. W. R. Moore, Columbia Rifles. s"' Dr. Minnigerode was rector of St. Paul's Church, Richmond, and was Pres. Davis' spiritual adviser. Minnigerode's career was extremely interesting. See a sketch in the Parish Register (Rich.), Jany., 1903, pp. 9-18. Confederate Calendar. 355 Present a flag to your command, on behalf of my sisters and myself, for your ready enlistment. A. L. S. Fla-ga-ii. 1863, Jany. 19, Thomasville, Ga. Geo. W. Mitchell. Receipt of ; for supplies purchased by Capt. Wm. P. Webb, A. Q-M.— fodder @ $4.00 per C, hay @ $3.50 per C. [Form 12.] P, F. S, Q-4-15-16. 1863, Sept. 16, Richmond, [Va.,] Navy Dept., Office Orders and Details. John K. Mitchell,"' Capt. in charge. Midshipman P[reston] B. Moore is detached from the batteries at Drewry's Bluff — he will proceed to school-ship "Patrick Henry"' and report to Wm. H. Parker, Lieut, comdg., for duty on that ship. P. F. S. Tex- 134. Endsd: Forwarded; Reported. Oct. 3, 1863. [1861, July 27,"^ Richmond, Va.] Rev. Dr. Moore. Prayer at opening of the Confederate Congress. 1864, Apr. 29, Hd-Qrs. Braxton's Braxton's [sic] Batln. Arty. M. N. Moorman, Maj. comdg. Monthly return of this command — Cooper's, Carpenter's and Hardwick's batteries — total present and absent, 389. ■"Since last monthly report, Dement's and Chesapeake Bat- teries were ordered to the Maryland line and Capt. Cooper's Batty, ordered to this Batln. in their stead." A. D. S. B2-42-10. 1864, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, Corinth, [Miss.] John B. Morris. 8 newspaper [ ?] reports of military operations. A. S. Ala. 1861, Apr. 23, Norfolk, Va. P. M. Murphy to Gov. [J. W.] -Ems. 85" See C. M. H., v. 11, pp. 92-94, etc. Mitchell's official correspondence ■can be found in O. R., Naval, s. i, v. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. SOT Prayer was offered daily by the clergy of Richmond. Dr. Moore's name appears in Journal Congress, v. i, p. 287, at this dat^e, 356 Confederate Calendar. I have resigned my federal commission — am useful here, but my services are at the command of North Carolina, my native state. ' Tel. NC-153. 1864, Apr. 28, Camp near Somerville Ford, Va. Wm. Nelson, Lt.-Col. comdg. Batln. Monthly return of this command— Kirkpatrick's, Milledge and Massie Batteries — aggregate, 480. 1864, Apr. 28, Camp near Somerville Ford, [Va.] Wm. Nel- son, Lt.-Col. comdg. Batln. "Report of number and kind of Guns, and number and con- dition of Wagons, Forges, Ambulances, &c. to accompany Monthly Return" — 13 guns, 203 serviceable horses. A. D. S. Bj-42-7. [11862,] Mch. 27, Camp Davis, near Savannah, [Ga.] [Mark Newman, Adjt. 49th Ga. Regt.] Report of guard-mount.'" D. n. S. Ga-t-s3. [1863, July,] n. p. Mark Newman, Adjt. 49th Ga. Regt. Report of casualties in this command at Gettysburg. D. S. Ga-t-S3. [1865, June, Johnson's Island, O.] Mark Newman, Adjt. 49th Ga,, A. N. V. Autographs of prisoners here — pp. 18. Ga-t-s3. 1864, Oct. 28, Weldon, N. C, Provost Marshal's Ofifice. Robert Neville. Permit to visit Petersburg, [Va.,] "upon honor not to com- municate in writing or verbally, any fact ascertained, which, if known to the enemy, might be injurious to the Confederate States of America." Sig: Robert Major, for J. H. Irving, Lieut, and Pro. Mar. P. F. S. P-27-1. 1863, Jany. 16, near Front Royal, Va., camp Jackson's Div. Francis T. NichoUs, Brig.-Genl. 4th Brig., L. G. Picau [?] 858 Xhis was the first guard-mount of this regiment after it had been mustered into Confederate service. Confederate Calendar. 357 Capt. comdg. and La. Regt., M. A. Grogan, Maj. 2nd La. Regt., James F. Metz, Capt. Co. B [sic], R. E. Burke, Lt.-Col. 2nd La. Regt., D. L. Griffin, Capt. Co. C, 2nd La. Regt. and 54 other officers, to [Brig.-]Genl. [W. B.] Taliaferro.==» We desire to concur in a testimonial of appreciation of your services, in a form most agreeable to you — ^we believe a letter setting forth the reasons for our esteem is the best form — you have long been connected with this division, as Colonel, as Brigade Commander, as Division commander — Since Winder's death your name is indissoluble from the divi- sion's glory — you participated in every possible conflict and bear signs of a severe wound, "and scars are the signs by which the Veterans of the division are known" — your skill, vigilance and solicitude for the troops — ^your maintenance of discipline "by combining with firmness that courteous and gentlemanly bearing, which makes obedience a pleasure" — we hope you will be made a Major-General. L.S. T-31. 1863, Mch. 14, n. p. J. J. Northcutt, A. Q-M., ist Ga. State Troops. Special requisition for forage for "public horses" — spet^i- lied — present supply is exhausted. F. S. N-7. 1863, Jany, 23, Richmond, Va., Subsistence Dept. L. B. Northrup,**" C. S., to Hon. J. A. Seddon, Sec. of War. Report of mismanagement and loss of subsistence stores at Vicksburg and Port Hudson. L. S. Ga-ga-i-17. 1865, Jany. 4, Richmond, [Va.] N. L. Norton to John F. Meyer.**^ Enclose list of officers appointed about Feb. 27, 1863, of whom I wish information: Capts. Wm. T. Clarkson, R, H. Carter, W. G. [?] Tayne, George Haymaker, N. L. Norton, '»» Genl. Taliaferro was about to be sent to Savannah, Georgia, where he assumed command in March, 1864. See supra, p. 227. s"" For Northrup, see C. M. H., v. i, p. 620. '•1 Cf. supra, p. 171. 358 Confederate Calendar. Horace Branch [?], Lieut. F. A. Rogers, — the last in artillery, others in recruiting service — how many accepted, and how many resigned? — I wish copies of appointment of Norton and Haymaker, their papers burned in Arkansas — I resigned nearly a year ago, have received no return. A. L. S. M-38-2. 1864, Sept. 28, Richmond, Va., War Dept. Ro. Oiild,'"'' Agent of Exchange, to Capt. James Anderson, 35th Va. Cav., Fort Delaware. Yours of Sept. 14th to Sec. Seddon, has been referred to me — ^you are mistaken in supposing the government makes special exchanges — we have steadily refused to make them as they are unjust to those not selected — when prisoners are sent South, the Federal authorities make the selections, not we — ready to return equivalent for any officer in confinement, but cannot designate those sent — would show partiality when all have done their duty well — if the Federals send you to City Point, will give an equivalent for you — will do same in the case of any other officer — show this to the others. A. L. S. O-ii. 1862, Mch. 18, Yorktown, [Va.], New. Genl. Hospital. J. R. Page, [M.D.,] to Maj. [J. Thompson Brown.] St. George Bryan, age 18, wishes to enlist in the Howitzers — ^has been in Quarter-Master's department at this place for some time — will call with him for your advice on Monday. A. L. S. B,-38. Endsd : "I would certainly advise his enlisting in the com- pany. J. Thompson Brown." A. S. [1861, May 27, New Orleans, La.] Rev. Dr. B. M. Palmer. Address to the Washington Arty.'*^ on their departure for Virginia. A. C. C. La-6. 1862, May I, Richmond, Va. Chas. T. Palmer, [pvt. 2nd Co. Richmond Howitzers,] to Col. J. Thompson Brown. Have secured a sergeancy in the Co. [J. L. Eubank's Light '»'' See supra, p. 275, note 210. s8' This famous command of three and later of five companies was one of the most efficient in Confederate service. Confederate Calendar. jgg Arty.] to which I, desire transfer — I hojje for another promo- tion, if transferred— I saw Actg. Sec. of War— he said trans- fers are granted — please approve my application and use your influence with Genl. McGruder [sic]. A. L. S. P-21. 1861, May 27, Richmond, Va., Commonwealth of Virginia. Wm, P.* Commission as ist Lieut., 1st Co. Howitzer Brig., 4th Regt. Arty.— rank from May 10. Sig: John Letcher, [Gov.] P. F. S. Ga-ga-4-8. 1861, Oct. 31, Leesburg, Va. Wm. P. Palmer, Lieut, comdg. Howitzer Co. Monthly return of this command — total present, 98; total present and absent, 109. P, F. S. Va-E-o. 1861, Dec. 21, [Richmond, Va.,] Commonwealth of Virginia. Wm. P. Palmer. Commission as Capt of Howitzers attached to 4th Regt. Arty.— rank from Nov. 17, 1861. Sig: John Letcher, [Gov.] P. F. S. Ga-ga-4-8. 1861, Apr. 18, Norfolk, [Va.] Marshall Parkes to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. Harbor obstructed by sunken vessels — we are making ar- rangements for taking navy-yard — state troops expected to- day. Tel. NC-153. 1861, May 21, Norfolk, [Va.] Marshall Park[e]s to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. Engagement last evening between our Point Battery and steamer "Monticello" — steamer badly injured— towed away — we had one man injured. Tel. NC-153. 1864, Sept. 16, Raleigh, [N. C] Thos. Parks. Commission as Capt. nth N. C. Troops — rank from Dec. 3, 1863— Sig: Z. B. Vance, [Gov.] By the Governor, M. S. Robins, Priv. Sec. P. F. S. NC-178-11. s«* See supra, p. 166, note 9. 360 Confederate Calendar. 1863, Nov. 22, near Chatariooga, Tenn. W. D. Paul, Co. D, 38th Regt. Ala. Vols. "Descriptive list"— Sig: Jno. J. Jenkins, comdg. Co. P. F. S. Ala-117. 1862, Dec. 5, Camp near Guinea's Station, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. Paxton's Brig. E. F. Paxton.^'^* Brig.-Genl., to A. S. Pendle- ton, A. A. A. G., 2nd Corps, A. N. V. In obedience to circular from Hd-Qrs. enclose list of machinists and gunsmiths of this command : 24th Va., 2 ma- chinists; 4th Va., I gunsmith, i machinist; 27th Va., i [un- specified], I gunsmith; Carpenter's battery, i gunsmith; none in 5th and 33rd Va.»«« L, S. G-23-2. 1862, Feb, 14, Petersburg Va. Z. M. Pearman. "Register of Accounts and Notes Due, Northern Credi- tors" ="" — $7,707.40 — sworn before Alexander Donnan, Not. Pub. A. S. P-14. 1864, Mch. 18, Richmond, Va. John Pegram, B[rig.-] G[enl.] to Sec. Navy, [S. R. Mallory.] I recommend Lieut. Tucker Randolph'*' of my staff, for a commission in the volunteer navy — his ability. A. L. S. Tenn. 1864 22, near Petersburg, [Va.] W. J, Pegram to [his mother,] Mrs. Jas. W. Pegram, Richmond, Va. Return to command — ^health — personal matters. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-19. 1861, Nov. 26, Centreville, [Va.] Jno. Pelham, ist Lieut, comdg. "S Horse" Arty. Receipt for ordnance supplies from Capt. E. P. Alexander, Chief Ord., A. P. D. S. Ga-ga-i-14. «»o For Paxton, see C. M. H., v. 3, p. 644. »«« Cf. pp. 257, 361. 411. *•' Cf. Andrew Johnston, supra, p. 304. 8*8 Cf. pp. 329, 371- Confederate Calendar. 361 1863, Apr. 4, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. John Pelham. Commission as Lt.-Col. of Arty, under Act of Jany. 22, 1862 — rank from Mch. 2, 1863 — report to Genl. R. E. Lee. Sig : James A. Seddon, Sec. War. P. F. S. Ala. 11863, June 7, Vicksburg, Miss. R. W. Memminger, by order Lt.-Genl. [J, C] Pemberton. Circular. "In order to correct the gross exaggeration of the number of troops entitled to draw rations and reduce the number of men reported to the actual strength of the command. Here- after companies will draw rations for no other men than those actually in the trenches and the cooks for such men. Regi- mental Qr. Mrts. will draw for all detailed men except cooks for men in the trenches and those detailed in General Hospi- tals. The subsistence returns of General Hospitals will be approved by Brig. Genl. Taylor, commandant of Post. The subsistence returns for regimental and Brigade Hospitals will be approved by Division Commanders. It is requested of Division and Brigade Commanders that they give their personal supervision to this matter and en- deavor by every means in their power to correct this abuse." L. S. Davis-818. 1862, Dec. 9, Hd-Qrs. Starke's Brig. Edmd. Pendleton, Col. comdg. to Lieut Nearly one half of the brigade is absent without leave"* — many known to be in Richmond — in order to "reclaim" them, and bring them to Court Martial, I propose to send a detail of 2 commissioned and 3 non-commissioned officers from each brigade — their names — I propose to give them five days to do the work. A. L. S. P-26. [1862, Dec.,] n. p. Edmd. Pendleton, Col. comdg. Report of gunsmiths in Starke's (4th) Brigade — i in 2nd La., I in isth La."" D. S. G-23-4. *•" The brigade ivis at this time advancing to participate in the Fred- ericksburg campaign. 3T0 Cf. pp. 257. 360, 411. 362 Confederate Calendar. 186-, n. d., n. p. J. H. Pendleton, Maj. and Q-M., to [Brig.-] Genl. [W. B.] Taliaferro, ist Div., A. V. Protest against use of such a number of forage wagons — this leaves none in camp for use. A. L. S. P-30-2. 1862, Apr. 2, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. Wm. B. Pendleton. Commission as Capt. in Adjt.-Genl's. department — report to Genl. Taliaferro. Sig: Geo. W. Randolph, Sec. War. P. F. S. P-24-1. 186-, n. d., n. p. Wm. B. Pendleton to [Brig.-Genl. W. B. Taliaferro.] [Fragment of letter, pp. 5-6] — appearance before Medical Board for placement on Invgilid Corps — ask that application be forwarded. A. L. S. P-24-3. 1862, June 5-1865, Apr. i. W. N. Pendleton, [Brig.-Genl. and Chief of Arty., A. N. V.] Letter book between these dates,''^ pp. iii. Va-D-6. 1862, June 17-1865, Apr. 5. W. N. Pendleton, [Brig.-Genl. and Chief of Arty., A. N. V.] Order book between these dates. D. D. Pendleton,*" A. A. G., — pp. 120. Va-D-5. 1862, May I, near Lee's Farm, Va., Hd-Qrs. Arty. Corps. W. N. Pendleton, Brig.-Genl. and Chief of Arty. [S.] O. — . Announcement of officers elected in reorganization of Co. H, ist Va. Arty. Copy. Va-E-17. 1862, May I, near Lee's Farm, Va., Hd-Qrs. Arty. Corps. W. N. Pendleton, Brig.-Genl. and Chf. of Arty., to Lt.-Col. [J. Thompson] Brown, Chf. of Arty., Left Wing. In the regular service of the Confederate States, no com- s'l See Introduction, p. 11. ^'"' A few of these orders are signed by other Adjutants. Confederate Calendar. 363 missions as officers are issued to men under 21 years of age — I know of no such rule in the provisional army — no difficulty in this case, if age of appointee is near enough maturity to promise discretion and vigor. A. L. S. B-34-19. 1863, May 25, Hd-Qrs. Arty. Corps. W. N. Pendleton, etc., to Col. J. Thompson Brown, Actg. Chf. of Arty., 2nd Corps. The captured Napoleon assigned Major Mcintosh goes to Johnson's Battery, as others are full — this releases for you one of the Richmond Napoleons, assigned Johnson. [P. S.] Where did Crutchfield assign the lo-pdr. Parrott which Caskie left — must take it for ist Corps — perhaps a Napoleon in ex- change. A. L, S. B-35-22. 1863, June 9, Hd-Qrs. Arty. Corps. W. N. Pendleton, etc., to Col. J. T[hompson] Brown, etc. Proposed transfer of guns. A. L. S. Va-E-19. 1863, Dec. 19, Hd-Qrs. Arty. Corps. W. N. Pendleton, etc., to Col. J. T[hompson] Brown, etc. Where will the batteries have winter-quarters — where your Hd-Qrs? — I have written Genl. Ewell about retirement of two remaining batteries — asked him to inform you — Major Harman is away this evening — I wrote him about the im- portance of your having lorig forage — next week I expect to take first leave absence since war began — my duties in part fall on you — details of this arrangement — will notify you. A. L. S. B-35-21. 1863, Dec. 21, Hd-Qrs. Arty. Corps. W. N. Pendleton, etc., to Col. J. T[hompson] Brown, etc. I expect to leave on furlough to-morrow — my Hd-Qrs. are at Louisa C. H. — take for granted you act in my place — attend my Hd-Qrs. daily or remove yours there — routine — relieve Col. Cabell about Jany. 15 — send him to Louisa C. H. — ^bat- teries then do duty in succession. A. L. S. B-35-23. 1861, Apr. 15, Wilmington, [N. C] S. J. Person to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. 364 Confederate Calendar. Our people will take the forts — send your orders or we take them without, and hold against all comers. Tel. NC-IS3. 1862, Feb. 12, C. S. District Court, Eastern Dis. Va. Chas. Petz, Richmond, Va. Indictment for having in his possession counterfeit C. S. treasury notes — a true bill, John L. Tate, Foreman — Exhibit: Counterfeit $20 notes, serial A, Richmond, Sept. 2, 1861 — not printed on reverse."^ D. S. I-7-3. 1862, Mch. 26, Grafton Church, [Va.] Green Pe3rten, Lieut, comdg. Alb[emarle] Arty., to Maj. J. Thompson Brown. Report on horses and mules of Southall's battery. A. D. S. B-34-13. 1863, June 3, Camp Bee. J. A, Phillips, Capt. Co. G, 32nd Regt., to [Brig.-] Genl. [W. E. Taliaferro.] Have returned to camp — called twice but found you re- moved — ^was 24 hours late — due to illness in my family, en- close physician's certificate.'^* A. L. S. P-36-1. 1861, Apr. 18, Charleston, [S. C] F. W. Pickens'" to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. Telegram received — rejoice to hear your State is moving — McRae received to-day 11 cannon of large calibre, also 5 large Columbiad[s], shot and 20,000 lbs. ammunition — "You have my heart and hand. Let me hear often." Tel. NC-IS3. 1864, Mch. 31, Hd-Qrs. Dept. N. C. S. O. 51, H. Sig: C, Pickett, by command Maj.-Genl. [G. E.] Pickett. Transfer of two privates 44th Va. Battln. to Capt. Taylor 's Battery. D. S. S-33- S78 No Statement of the verdict on the indictment. ='* Appended to the letter. »'5 For Pickens, see LeRoy F. Youmans, A Sketch of the Life and Services of Francis W. Pickeni, (Charleston, 187?). Confederate Calendar. 365 1864, Dec. 12, Pike Co., Ala. Isham Pilant. Certification and oath of, as to value of crop — one-tenth for tax in kind,"* $114.50 — Duncan Finlay, Assessor. P. F. Ala-ioi. 1864, May 29-Dec. 14. Thomas Pinckney of South Carolina, C. S. A. Diary between these dates, with later additions — from Aug. 13 the narrative is continuous, with no daily entries. A most interesting narrative by a close observer. Excellent pic- tures of Fort Deleware life, the experiences of the "Six Hun- dred," the falsification of war news, etc.'''' Copy. P-28. [1863, Mch., Richmond, Va., Treasury Dept.] John Adair Pleasants, Pvt. Sec. to Sec. Treasury. List of contributions to Treasury under joint resolution of Congress, No. 162, approved Mch. 13, 1862. Memo, book.'" Va-E-o. 1863, Mch. 25, Hamilton's Crossing, Va. W. T. Poague, Capt. etc., to Col. J. T. Brown, comdg. ist Va. Arty. My battery is becoming deficient in means of transporta- tion — because of bad condition of horses, battery is not effi- cient — majority of horses received were "very indifferent" — of November lot of 28, only 3 or 4 fit for service — compelled to take them to remove two heavy guns from Winchester — reported their condition — since Dec. 20 — ^have received about 4000 lbs. hay, 12,000 lbs. straw — never lack for corn, but it has been "very inferior" — it has been impossible to secure shelter — I have no horse-medicines."* L. S. B-35-12. "* Cf. p. 232. 2'' Publication of this Diary was reserved by Captain Pinckney. 8'8 This act authorized the acceptance by the Treasurer of voluntary contributions from the public. The list will be printed in full at some future time. »'» This was the Rockbridge Battery. See E. A. Moore, The Story of a Cannoneer . . . (N. Y. and Wash., 1907). 366 Confederate Calendar. 1862, May 12, Camp near Chickahomaney [sic] River. G. B. Pocksess to Joeph [sic] Millhiser. News of the army — recent marches — no news from my family — minor matters. A. L. S. Ala. 1863, Apr. 20, Hd-Qrs. Polk's Corps. L. Polk, Lt.-Genl. comdg., to Brig.-Genl. [W. W.] Mackall, chf. of Staff. In obedience to orders,^^" forward names of 4 Tenn. sol- diers, conspicuous for bravery, who fell at Murfreesboro and Perryville — the names to be engraved on the guns of Maury's Div. — submit the following from long list — I believe no in- justice is done others: Col. H. L. W. Bratton, 24th Tenn. Vols, Maury's Brigade, killed at Murfreesboro ; Q. T. Mitchell, color-bearer, ist Tenn. Vols., Preston Smith's Brigade, killed at Perryville; Lt.-Col. W. E. Morgan, 13th Tenn Vols., D. S. Donelson's Brigade, killed at Murfreesboro; Col. Wm. M. Moore, 8th Tenn. Vols., killed at Murfreesboro — have not re- ceived names of Miss, men — engraver ready to proceed. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-32. 1863, Feb. 21, Savannah, [Ga.] A. Porter to Col. J. F. Gilmer, Richmond Va. Report of certain gold sold for you — advise you to buy Confederate 8 per cent, bonds. A. L. S. Ga-gm-23. 1864, Mch. 23-29, Savannah, [Ga.] A. Porter. 3 certificates of deposit in the C. S. Depository of $6,500, $40,000, $3,500 — for which 4 per cent, bonds will be issued. Sig: J. R. Sneed, Jno. C. Ferrill, "Depository." P. F. S. Ga-gm-24. 1863, May 8, Hd-Qrs Camot Posey,'" [Brig.-Genl.,] to his wife. Details of Chancellorsville — personal matters. A. L. S. Miss. III-34- 1863, June 27, Camp Franklin Co., near Chambersburg, Penn. Carnot [Posey, Brig.-Genl.,] to his wife. 880 See Bragg to Polk, supra, p. 196. 881 For Posey, see C M. H., v. 7 (Miss.), pp. 263-66. Confederate Calendar. i 367 Advance into this state — the forbearance of the army. A. L. S. Miss-13. 1862, Dec. 23, Camp 3rd Brigade. E. E. De Preist, Capt. Co. H, 23rd Va. to Lieut. Kesling[?] A. A. A. G., 3rd Brigade. I request the return of Pvt. Carline, who has been detailed on ordnance train for a month — my company is very small — need him. A. L. S. D-18. Endsd: Forwarded, approved. 1863, May 20, [Richmond, Va.] Nannie Overton Price. Appointment as "Aid de camp" to Genl. Stuart. Sig: J. E. B. Stuart, Maj.-Genl. "K. G. S" ; Heros von Bocke, Maj. and A. A. G.»«=' D. S. Ga-ga-2-33. 1864, Dec. 29, Charleston, [S. C] Motte A. Pringle, Maj. and Q-M., to Capt. W. F. Nance, A. A. G. Have 6,000 bushels of corn, 141 bales of fodder — Maj. G. W. Grice conducts the forage bureau — districts assigned — have 50 cords of wood. A. L. S. P-23-1. 1864, Dec. 30, Charleston, [S. C] Motte A. Pringle, Maj. etc., to Capt. P. N. Page, A. A. G. 1 enclose report of wheel transportation of 2nd and 3rd Dists.^*' — reason for delay. A. L. S. P-23-2. 1864, Dec. 30, Charleston, S. C. Motte A. Pringle, Maj. etc. 2 reports of transportation, by stations, — horses, mules, wagons and ambulances. D. S. P-23-34. 1865, Jany. 2, Charleston, [S. C] Motte A. Pringle, Maj. etc., to Capt. W. F. Nance, A. A. G. 382 Evidently given in jest. Von Borcke wrote later of his experiences. See his Zwci Jahre im Sattel und am Fende; Erinnerungen aus dem Unab- hangigkeitskriege der Konfoderirten, (Berlin, 1886). This was published originally in English as Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence, (Edin. and Lond., 1866; Philf., 1867). In collaboration with Justus Scheib- ert he also wrote Die grosse Reiterschlact bei Brandy Station, p Juni, 1863 . . . (Berlin, 1893). 883 Second and Third Sub-Districts, District of Charleston, Depart- ment of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. 368 Confederate Calendar. In reply to yours of to-day, beg to quote my report of 29th in relation to wood [P-23-1] — have about same amount. A. L. S. P-23-5. [1862, Feb- I,] n. p. Mrs. Stephen Putney to Maj. [sic] [J. Thompson] Brown. Inquiry as to health of pvt. John B. Langhon [sic]. Tel. B-34-1. 1862, Jany. 2, Yorktown, [Va.,] Hd-Qrs. ist Div., Army Pen- insula. P. N. Page, A. D. C, [by order Brig.-Genl. G. J. Rains] to Maj. J. T. Brown. Request for detail of pvt. Chas. U. Williams, 2nd Co. Howitzers. A. L. S. B-34-4. 1865, May 2, Abbeville, S. C. W. A. Ramsey, Capt. Engrs. Receipt for $1,000 silver from Genl. J. F. Gilmer for en- gineers service in the field — to be accounted for.^** D. S. Ga-gm-35. 1864, Aug. 26, Tallahassee, [Fla.] Vans Randall.^^^ Commission as Capt. of Cavalry Company of Madison Co. — having been so elected, July 29. Sig: John Milton, Gov. Hugh Archer, A. & I. G. P. F. S. Fla-23. 1861, June 29, Yorktown, [Va.] Geo. W. Randolph,'^' Maj. of Arty., to Col. D. H. Hill, comdg. at Yorktown. I am informed that the requisitioned 32-pdr. navy guns cannot bei supplied — ask that requisition be made on the Navy dept. for 2 nine-inch shell guns and i 32-pdr. of the 57 cwt. size — I suggest the shell guns be mounted on either side of the Hampton road, or that the 32-pdr. be placed in the English redoubt, to fire over the head of the troops at any enemy ap- proaching by the Hampton road or by the Apple Orchard route south of the N. C. camp — if these guns cannot be fur- 38* Cf. supra, pp. 260, 261. 386 Cf. supra, p. 19s. '80 For Randolph, see supra, p. 167; note 12. Confederate Calendar. \ 369 iiished, any long range heavy guns will do — as it is important the guns be procured, I will, with your permission, detail an •officer to go to Richmond for them. A. L. S. R-23-1. 1861, Oct. 2, Yorktown, [Va.J [S.] O. — , n. s., by order Col. [G. W.] Randolph. An election of Capt. of 2nd Co. Howitzers will be held Oct. 3, — the men from Ship Point to come up in wagons, and return immediately after the election. D, n S. H-28-1. 1861, Nov. 20, [Richmond ,Va.,] Convention of Va. G. W. Randolph to [Maj. J.] Thompson [Brown.] Have been indisposed — but hope to return when the cam- paign opens — Q-Mr. Genl. refuses to give lumber for winter- •quarters without Magruder's approval — no hopes of getting that — am in a quandary — if a house cannot be gotten, let me know so that I can have sash made and be looking for lumber — had better have Hd-Qrs. at Yorktown — have told Christian that unless his health improves and he returns to his duties as Q-Mr. he must resign — expect he will return — Hd-Qrs. for him — appointment of an Asst. Surgeon — on my return will make inspection — hope to get the regiment into condition for good service — I fear for the heavy artillery unless there is practice — ^the convention will soon adjourn.*''' A. L. S. B-33-6. 1862, Mch. I, Suffolk, [Va.] G. W. Randolph to Maj. J. T[hompson] Brown. You misunderstood my letter about Howitzer's debts — ex- planation — "I wish most heartily that you were here with at least one of the Howitzer Batteries and that we had two or three Regiments from the Peninsula. We are fearfully weak, all the able bodied men seem to have gone home, leaving a mere fragment of the great army that took the field a year ago." A. L. S. B-34-11. 38' It adjourned, sine die, Dec. 6, iSfii. See Journal Convention, 1861, V- 459. 370 Confederate Calendar. 1863, Jany. 14, Richmond, [Va.] G. W. Randolph to Col. J. Thompson Brown. "Dear Thompson Yours of the 12th inst. as well as your very kind letter from Winchester were duly received, and I should have writ- ten to you long ago if I had known where to direct my letter. I enclose back to you the letter from Genl. Richardson in reference to the Parrote Gun.^** He is right about it. Genl. Smith brought it from Lexington and I got it from him as a loan to the Howitzer Battalion. I obtained another from the Armory and assigned one to the second and the other to the third Howitzer Company. The Gun belonging to the third company opened the fight at Bethel, and is the piece wanted by Genl. Richardson. I think I would let it go and get an- other in its place. It will be kept as a trophy at Lexington with suitable inscriptions, and .notwithstanding Genl. R.'s confidence in the company I think that it will be less liable to the accidents of war at Lexington than in the service. I am not to be Governor as you hope. That office will be embraced in some log rolling distributions of the various of- fices about to become vacant.'*" I do not desire it, preferring infinitely the gentlemanly ease of private life to the care-worn feverish existence of the Politician. I want nothing in the shape of office. Upon resigning my post of Secretary I felt it my duty to report for service in the field not because I stood in need of the salary or desired command for its own sake, but because I thought it right to render such service as might be in my power. They referred my letter to the At- torney General, to try and get me out of commission, and failing in that I was informed after a delay of three weeks that 1 might take my choice between Echol's brigade or one pro- posed to be formed under Humphrey Marshall. Not thinking it right to displace Echols or the acting Brigadiers' Wharton and McCausland, and not desiring to care a command out of Humphrey Marshall's brigade, which had not men enough S88 See Richardson to Gorgas, infra, p. 375. 389 William Smith was elected, for whose career, see J. W. Bell, Me- moirs of Gov. Wm- Smith, (N. Y., i8gi). Confederate Calendar. 371 by half for one brigade, I sent in my commission and am now a private citizen. I regret that I can do nothing for the cause, but I have the satisfaction of knowing that it is not my fault. Having lost a part of my wife's fortune in the South by the careless- ness of a trustee, I shall be pinched to make both ends meet, and I have accordingly converted my basement diningroom into a law office and gone back again to the bar. I feel entire confidence in my capacity to get along and find the burdens I have now mere trifles compared with those under which "I grunted and sweated" while in office. I hope that this wretched war will soon wear itself out and that'our old Rich- mond society may flourish as of old. It must be confessed that at present the social advantages of the Metropolis are few and far between. Can't you run down and see us, I can give you genuine tea and coffee and a wee drop of liquor." A. L, S. B-35-2. 1861, Apr.-i862. Tucker Randolph,^'" orderly sergeant, Co. F, 2 1st Va. Vols. Diary between these dates. Tenn. 1861, Aug. 18, Yorktown, [Va.] W. C. U. Randolph, Surg. How. Batln. ; T. R. Baker, 2nd Co. Howitzers. We empower Maj. G. W. Randolph to receive and receipt for all funds due us by the State for services rendered. A. S. B-33-3. 1864, Dec. 25, [Station] "A. & G. R. R." E. J. Raney, Lieut, and A. A. Q-M. Receipt for forage for 40 mules and 600 horses for one week from this date. Approved : A. Hood, Lt.-Col. comdg. — Issued by W. P. Webb,'" Capt. and A. Q-M. [Form 33.] P. F. S. Q-4-24. 1862, Dec. 10, Office Q-M's. Dept., 4th Brig., ist Div., 2nd Army Corps. Francis Rawle, Maj. and Q-M., to Lieut. Alex. Marks, A. A. A. G. '»" Cf. supra, pp. 329, 360. »oi See infra, p. 426. 372 Confederate Calendar. Report on transportation of this brigade — 14 horses needed — wagons wanted — have reported but received nothing — com- mand is I St, 2nd, loth, 14th and 15th La., and Rockbridge Battery. A. D. S. R-26. Endsd: Edmd. Pendleton, Col. comdg: Horses have died since this report — brigade cannot move without addi- tional transportation. A. S. 1863, June 24, Camp near Shepardstown, Va. L. S. Reid, Maj. and Q-M. Davis' Brig. Invoice of $26,316.70 pay funds turned over to Capt. W. P. Webb, A. Q-M., etc. D. S. S. Q-4-18. 1863, July 26, Culpepper, [sic] Va. L. S. Reid, Maj. etc. Invoice of $1,000 pay funds turned over to Capt. W. P. Webb, A. Q-M., etc. P. F. S. Q-4-19. 1865, Jany. 13, St. Andrews Parish. [ — . — . Reid,] Capt., [to E. P. Harllee,'"^ Cadet and A. A. I. G.] Report of inspection of Connor's S. C. Brigade — 3rd, 7th, 8th, 15th and 20th S. C. Regts., 3rd Batln — 28,690 rounds am- munition — no public horses, no wagons — 71 officers, 927 men. P. F. n S. T-2S-4. 1862, Apr. 26, Camp, near Yorktown, [Va.] E. P. Reeve, Secretary. Minute of a meeting held this day to pass resolutions on the death of E. M. Ferneyhough, late corporal Co. D, ist Va. Arty. — died Apr. 23 — resolutions — G. F. Norton, Lieut., chair- man. D. S. F-7. 1862, Mch. 28, Burnsville, Miss. Jesse Reeves, [pvt. Co. D,] to Col. [W. W. Gordon?] Asking to be transferred to Buchanan's Co., Gordon's Cav., because of advanced age. A. L. S. R-22. Endsd: Approved. W. W. Gordon, Lt.-Col. comdg. Batln., 17th [?] Bat., [sic] Crittenden's Div., Carrol's Brig. A. S. »»= See supra, p. 269. Confederate Calendar. i 373 1864, Oct. 12, Hd-Qrs. Davis' Brig. A. G. Reynolds, Col. comdg., to Capt. Sam D. Davis, A. A. A. G. Reporting names of two privates who deserted yesterday. A. L. S. Miss-2i. 1865, Jariy. 2, [Sullivan's Island, S. C] Alfred Rhett, Col. comdg., S. Cordes Boylston, A. A. A. G. Report of field artillery detailed: Co. A. ist S. C. Arty., Capt. F. D. Blake; Santee Light Arty., Capt. C. Gaillard— both at Mount Pleasant — these the only ofificers detailed for light artillery. D. S. T-21-2. 1865, Jany. 7, Sullivan's Island, S. C. A. Rhett,^*^ Col. comdg., to Capt W. F. Nance, etc. A one-stack steamer is outside the bar — shows Federal flag above— British flag at half-mast. Tel[ P]^"* Tj-44-i. 1865, Jany. 14, Sullivan's Island, Hd-Qrs. 2nd Sub-Dis. S. C. A. Rhett, Col. comdg., to Capt. P. N. Page, A. A. G. The following will be my staff should the Brigade be or- dered to take the field: Lieut. S. Cordes Boylston, A. A. A. G.; Lieut. Iredell Jones, A. A. I. G.; Capt. T. M. Barker, Brig. Q-Mr. ; Maj. J. R. Robertson, Brig. C. S. ; Surg. M. S. Moore, Brig. Surg. ; Lieut. C. M. Creswell, Brig. Ord. Of. L. S. T-21-3. 1865, Jany. 14, Sullivan's Island, [S. C] S. C. Boylston, A. A. A. G., [by order Co. A. Rhett,] to Capt. [P. N.] Page, etc. Steamer Syren passed out safely about 8:00 P. M. Tel? Tj-44-ii. 1865, Jany. 16, Sullivan's Island, [S. C] A. Rhett, Col. comdg., to Capt. P. N. Page, etc. .A monitor was sunk at 7:30 last night — cause unknown — explosion heard — no flash seen. Tel? Tj-44-3. 383 Rhett commanded the brigade, but was never commissioned as a Brigadier. He was captured during the retreat of Taliaferro's Division into North Carolina. 3S4 See supra, note 6l ; p. 193. 374 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Jany. 22, Sullivan's Island, [S. C] [A.] Rhett, Col. etc., to Capt. [P. N.] Page, etc. Another steamer ran in safely about 2 :oo P. M.**° Tel? T,-44-9. 1865, Jany. 28, Sullivan's Island, [S. C] [A.] Rhett, Col. etc., to Capt. [P. N.] Page, etc. Two steamers passed out last night. Tel? Tj-44-12. Duplicate adds: "at 7:30." Tel? T144-13. 186s, Jany. 31, Sullivan's Island, [S. C] [A.] Rhett, Col. etc., to Capt. [P. N.] Page, etc. A steamer has just passed safely. Tel? T^-44-14. 1863, July 23, Hd-Qrs. Richmond Defences. F[?] S. Rhett, Col. and Chf. Arty, to ist Lieut. R. F. Aunspaugh, Co. B, loth Batln. Heavy Arty. Notification of election to ist Lieutenancy. A. L. S. Va-E-23. 1863, Nov. 20, [Richmond, Va?] F. S. Rhett, Col. "List of projectile charges. Ordered 20 March, 1863." D. S. O-io-sa. 1862, Apr. 29, Camp Valley Mills, Augusta Co., Va. R. Sidney Rice, 1st Lieut, comdg. Rice's Battery, to [Brig.-] Genl. Wm. B. Taliaferro. Report reorganization on the 7th — ^battery numbers no — recruits arrive daily — will soon have maximum — have 4 6-pdr. smooth bore g^ns — ^will be entitled to 6 — company of good material, well-drilled — Capt. Wm. H. Rice reelected — all wish to be attached to your command, since serving with you in Greenbrier — will you accept us — how can we be transferred. A. L. S. R-2S. 1863, Oct. 26, Gordonsville, [Va.,] Q-M's. Office. W. B. Richards, Jr., Post Q-M. by D. Johnston, clerk, to T. W. CoUey, Abingdon, Va. "° Similar reports are to be found in O. R., s. 66, 92 and gg. Confederate Calendar. 375 Under recent orders of A. & I. Genl's Office, I cannot transfer or furlough detailed men — they must report at once —your detail is of Sept. 29, 1863— I need all the men "I can get" — come at once. A. L. S. 0^-45-9. Appended : S. O. 295, III., A. N. V., ordering as above. 1861, Oct. 29, Richmond, Va. Richardson & Co. Petition of Thos. T. Giles, Receiver, Eastern Dis. Va., for sale at their warehouse of certain sequestered goods surrend- ered. Ordered, Oct. 31. J. D. H[alyburton, Judge.] ^»« A. D. S. S-44-8-9. 1862, Nov. 3, Holly Springs, Miss. R. V. Richardson, [Col.,] to Lt.-Col. [J. C] Pemberton. Conditions in West Tenn. — ^troops collected by me — inap- plicability of conscript laws to them. 4 p. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-27. 1863, Jany. 3, [Richmond, Va.] Adjt.-Genl's. Office, Va. Wm. H. Richardson, Adjt.-Genl., to Col. J. Gorgas, Chf. Ord., C. S. A. "Colonel In acknowledging receipt of your communication of 2d inst. with endorsement of Col. Brown in reference to a Par- rott gun loaned to Capt. Geo. W. Randolph, formerly of the Howitzers, I have to say that with all respect for that gentle- man and for the natural feeling of attachment of the company which has it in charge, it is nevertheless my duty to insist upon its return — I have no option, acting under instructions of the Governor and the Board of Visitors of the Virginia Military Institute. The piece is invested with peculiar interest to the State and the Institution from the fact that it was the first gun of the war fired upon the enemy in Virginia, and from other interesting antecedents. It was loaned to Capt. Randolph as a matter of personal favor by Genl. Smith, the superintendent, together with the '»» Cf. supra, p. 279. 376 Confederate Calendar. i2-pdr. Bronze Howitzer of a peculiar cast, a part of the Cadet's Battery upon the express condition that the pieces should be returned when called for.-^It was not a military transaction between the Confederate and State Governments, but between individual ofificers: — one of whom, Genl. Smith, had no authority to make the loan. A breach has, as you know, been made in the Cadets battery by the Revd. Genl. Pendleton having carried off, in defiance of orders, and lost to the enemy, one of the Howitzers. This loss is irreparable. Allow me to say, that under the circumstances, it would afford me the greatest pleasure to meet fully the wishes of Col. Brown, for whom I entertain the highest respect and esteem, and of the gallant Company of his regiment, whose attachment to the piece is so natural and so honorable to them. All that I feel authorized to do is to consent that Col. Brown may retain present possession of the gun, upon his pledge to return it when called for — I feel this to be a respect due to him and the Company, which may be safely accorded, since I have no shadow of apprehension that the enemy can capture it from them. At the same time I trust and believe that our gallant troops will have conquered a peace, before it will be needful for the piece to be turned in. Col. Brown must un- derstand however that it must finally be returned to the mili- tary academy of the State, where with the other pieces of artillery which have been loaned for the service of the Con- federate States it will be preserved, with an inscription desig- nating the battles in which each one of them has been used against the enemy. I have only the history of the Parrott gun to and including the battle of Bethel and Col. Brown will greatly oblige me by enlarging it to the period when the piece shall be returned to the state.^*' I am. Colonel, with high respect and regards, very truly yours" Copy. B-35-I. Endsd: "Respectfully referred to Col. J. Thompson Brown, com'g first Va. artillery, Lt. Genl. Jackson's army corps who is requested to correspond with Genl. Richardson SO' Cf. Randolph to Brown, Jany. 14, 1863, supra, p. 370. Confederate Calendar. 377 and in his own behalf furnish such an engagement as he desires in regard to this gun. The Government is anxious to comply with all that may be required by the State of Virginia and if detained after it can be returned it must be under some personal engagement between him and Genl. Richardson." Jany. 3, 1863. S. Gorgas, Chf. of Ord. A. S. 1862, Mch. 24, Richmond Va. Richmond City Council. Resolution authorizing the Treasurer to pay Capt. Wm. P. Palmer/"* upon draft of the Auditor, $17.00 for each of the original members of the ist Howitzer Co. — Capt. Palmer to certify the same and distribute the funds. Copy. H-48-1. 1864, Nov. 8-1865, Mch. 23, Richmond, Va. Richmond Soup Kitchen Association. An association for the "relief of the poor of Richmond." Nov. 8, 1864. Rev. Dr. Chas. Minnigerode^'" chosen Presi- dent; Wm. D. Gibson, Treasurer; Wm. F. Gray, Secretary. Committee appointed to get the Soup House into condition; another committee to solicit contributions. Nov. 10, 1964. The President reported a form of constitution. He was instructed to confer with the ladies of the "Union Benevolent Society" and' secure their aid as visitors. A sum of "between $8,000 and $9,000" was reported collected by the committee; ample funds in sight; Major Maynard promises wood at government cost-prices ; the government will sell meat, heads at $2, shins at $1. No purchasing agent yet chosen. Wm. A. Irving chosen Superintendent of the Soup house at $200. per month. Abstract of the constitution : Art. i : name — Art. 2 : "The object of the Association is, to aid in the relief and support of the poor of the city of Richmond and its suburbs, by secur- ing to them the daily supply of good and wholesome soup on such terms as will put it within the reach of all." Art. 3, Sec. i : 398 See supra, p. 359. 3»9 See supra, p. 354, and note 355. 378 Confederate Calendar. Officers. Sec. 2: Duties of the Superintendent of the Soup House — to act as steward. Art. 4. Sec. i : There shall be daily one or two distributions of soup, time of which is to be pub- lished, no distribution on Sunday. Sec. 2: Soup to be dis- tributed by the guard on presentation of a ticket, received by the Superintendent. These tickets to be issued by the Treas- urer on order from the poor visitors — visitors may also secure tickets and personally distribute them. Sec. 3: Tickets are not to be gratuitous — a quart soup ticket to cost not more than 25 cents, with the price fixed monthly by the executive committee. Treasurer to give notice of the hours of sale of tickets. Treasurer is not obliged to sell less than $1.00 of tickets. Sec. 4: Soup shall be of most "substantial and nour- ishing character." Art. 5 : Annual meetings to be held — date fixed — report. By-laws : i. Ladies of the Union Benevolent Society are to act as Visitors and distribute tickets. 2. Two of the visitors shall attend the Soup house daily during the hours of distribution. Nov. 24. "The Ladies" have accepted and will act as visi- tors — supply agent chosen. Soup house to be opened Dec. i. Dec. 9, 1864. W. P. Munford, Chairman Richmond Re- lief Committee, and the President given power to issue orders for tickets. Measures to be taken for the issue of bread — monthly meeting fixed. Dec. 20, 1864. Another depository of tickets to be chosen — no more tickets to be sold at the Soup house — ^board reports pleasure at the quality of the soup and the condition of the House. Superintendent to provide for the sale of offal — to make regular reports of sales — ^tickets to be returned to the Treasurer by the Superintendent every second day. Jany. 10, 11865, The supply agent reports, showing that additional funds will be needed.^A committee appointed to procure them. Feb. 21, 1865. Committee appointed to visit the house and report the quality of soup being served. Two members re- port $14,298 collected by them — contributions in kind to be published. Mch. 23, 1865. Committee to visit the soup house report Confederate Calendar. 379 they favor a reduction in the price of the soup — ordered to .me sold at 50 cents the quart from this date. — Committee ap- pointed to wait on the Council of the city and ask appropria- tion of $10,000 per month for two months. "On motion, Re- solved that in view of the increased applications, the Treas- urer is requested to furnish the President with a statement to the 25th inst. of the financial condition of the Association. There being no further business, on motion adjourned. Wm. V. Gray, Secy." Appended: List of contributions in kind: "Shins," Vege- tables," Turnips — 7 entries. 15. [1864,] n. d., Adam's Run. B. H. Robertson,*'"' Brig.-Genl. comdg., to Maj.-Genl. Sam Jones. Enemy advancing in heavy force across James' Island — have sent all my available force — cannot troops be thrown across the Stono from James' Island. A. L. S. Ga-ga-46. Endsd: Sam Jones, etc. "Sent between July i and July 8, 1864." A. S. 1864, Sept. 13, [Sullivan's Island, S. C] J. R. Robertson, Maj. and C. S. [Weekly] Report of subsistence stores on hand here — 14,294 lbs. bacon; 167 lbs. coffee; 9,519 lbs. sugar; 5360 lbs. soap, etc. D. S. S-14. 1864, Dec. 27, [Sullivan's Island, S. C] J. R. Robertson, Maj. and C. S. [Weekly] Report of subsistence stores on hand here — 70 lbs. bacon; 167 lbs. coffee, [other stores ample.] A. D. S. T-21-1. 1865, Jany. 24, [Sullivan's Island, S. C] J. R. Robertson, Maj. and C. S. [Weekly] Report of subsistence stores on hand here — [supply ample.] A. D. S. T-21-4. 1864, July 7, Rich[mond, Va.,] E[nrolling] 0[ffice.] H. Rodenkircher. *»» For Robertson, see C. M. H., v. 3, pp. 656-57. 380 Confederate Calendar. Exemption from' military service "by reason of being a subject of Prussia" — exemption invalid when he ceases to be such. Sig: W. H. Blackford, Lieut, and Enrolling Officer etc. Approved : Jno. A. Coke, Capt. etc. P. F. S. E-9. [1863?] July 6, Hd-Qrs. Div. R. E. Rodes/"! Maj.-Genl. to [Maj.-] Genl. [Edward] Johnson, [comdg.] Div, "I have only three Brigades with me — the other two being ofif on detached service. As the enemy is extending his lines, I think you had better leave one of your brigades with me." *"* A. L. S. J-3-3- 1862, June 12, Arty. Div., 3rd Brig., Huger's Div. Arth[ur] L. Rogers, Capt. comdg. Loudoun Arty., ist Brig., 2nd Div., to Maj.-Genl. [J.] Longstreet. At request of Genl. Blanchard, I report condition of my battery — it has been on picket duty six days — men weakened by sickness — I have not four men to a piece — Genl. comdg. desires a battery of rifled guns, and asks my relief as I have only I rifled gun and 30 rounds after Tuesday's engagement — but if there is to be a general engagement to-morrow, I pro- test against being relieved.*"" A. L. S. R-24. 1862, June 13, [near Richmond, Va.?] Arthur L. Rogers, Capt. comdg Light Arty., to Col. J. T. Brown. Morning report of this company — 74 present for duty — 13 sick — animals in good condition — men much exhausted from a week's picket duty in the Chickahomony Swamp. A. S. 3-32-25. 1862, Aug. 14, Hd-Qrs. ist Brig., V. D. Chas. A. Ronald, [Col?] comdg., by Jno. H. Fulton, A. A. A. G. to In obedience to circular, report Dr. Harvy Black as senior Surg, this Brig. — his commission dates July i, 1861.*°* A. L. S. Tj-47-6. *<•! For Rodes, see C M. H., v. 7 (Ala.), pp. 441-43. *''2 Cf. Johnson to Steruart, July 6, 1863, supra, p. 301. 403 No general engagement took place until June 26, when the battle of Mechanicsville was fought. *»« Cf. p. 401. Confederate Calendar. 381 1863, Jany. 7, Guinea Station, [Va.] D. M. Ross. Receipt for $4,000 from W. J. Johnson, Maj. and C. S., Cav. Div., for the purchase of beef, cattle and other subsist- ence stores. D. S. J-22. [1864, Dec.,] n. p. A. P. Routt to [Mrs. Wm. H. Routt.] Directions for sending the box to W. H. Routt*"^ — "We are all well here, tho awful tired of the war. If another cam- paign is likely the Army of N. Va. will be much reduced in numbers — the men appear much dissatisfied." A. L. S. R-2-2ib. 1862, Nov. 25, Camp near Fredericksburg, [Va.] [Wm. H. Routt to his wife.]*''^ We left Culpeper on the 19th — reached here 22nd — heavy rains all the time — glad to receive the butter and sausage — am surprised the people at home are getting alarmed — there is no cause for it — ^the Yankees will not venture so far from their gun-boats — "they are too smart for that, they are not going to leave them for Jackson to come in behind them if they can help it" — we arrived just in time to save Fredericks- burg — the Yankees were to enter Sunday morning at 9 o'clock — ^had given the citizens until then to move — they had 90 guns trained to "tare the town to pieces" — we are placing our guns — Gen. Lee has told the citizens to vacate, as the town will be injured by his fire — 3 brigades occupy the town — artillery is one mile this side — some men said to have crossed the river — I think all will have to cross "before we can get a big fight out of them" — have been appointed cook to Capt. Eubank*"'' — details of the first meal — Eubank was Secretary of the Con- vention [ends abruptly.] 4 p. A. L. n. S. R-2-1. *05 See infra. *"* Routt was a private in Eubank's battery, Alexander's Artillery Bat- talion, Longstreet's Corps, A. N. Va. The Battalion was composed of Moody's, Woolfolk's, Gordon's, Eubank's, the Ficklin and the Parker bat- teries. The events described by Routt are treated in full in Longstreet's From Manassas to Appomattox. *'>'' Routt seems to have held this position throughout the war. 382 Confederate Calendar. 1863, Jany. 25, Hd-Qrs. Artillery. Wm. H. Routt to his wife. Letters received — we have had a hard time since my last letter — marched back to Fredericksburg on the i6th, as the Yankees were trying to cross the river again — "put out and landed" about noon of the 17th — marched nearly all night — returned yesterday — rained nearly all the time — had no camp equipage — as soon as we reached the scene the enemy re- treated — ^they must have thought "we had gone clean out of their reach [,] but they were most awfully deceived" — If they had crossed, they would have been more defeated than before — "the army was in the mood for it, and mad because they had to leave comfortable quarters" — personal home affairs — I hope for a furlough. A. L. S. R-2-2. 1863, Mch. 13, Hd-Qrs. Arty. Wm. H. Routt to his wife. I reached camp safely — sold my surplus clothing — draw- ers, $5.00 a pair; shoes, $16; pants, $25; vest, $10 — make more and send them to me for sale — details of the makine. A. L. S. R-2-3. 1863, Mch. 26, n. p. Wm. H. Routt. Account-book with entries for 1853-56 — sale of effects this date,*"* household goods, library, *°' etc. — few entries for slave hire. 12 p. R-2-23. 1863, May 10, Camp near Salem Church, [Va.] Wm. H. Routt to his wife. Letters received — personal news — "no one takes any in- terest in the soldiers but those who have relatives to inquire after, though but for the soldiers they would have been over- run long ago" — I believe a day is coming "when every tub will have to stand on its own bottom" *^° — Genl. Pendle- *"8 Routt's references to his domestic affairs, which have been omitted in these abstracts, seem to indicate that he was a small farmer, owning one slave and perhaps more. *»» Cf. infra, letter of May 27, 1863. ^i" It must be remembered that Routt did not belong to the large slave-holding class. His reference may be to social changes which would follow a peace. Confederate Calendar. i 383 ton*^^ preached to-day at Genl. Lee's request for a general thanksgiving, "In the course of his remarks he spoke with much feeling of the immortal Jackson, who he said was now lying bleeding and desperately ill, and said if he should be removed from earth*^^ we would sustain a great loss, though he knew it would be to Jackson's gain. Spoke of his pure Christian virtue and lofty patriotism. He also spoke of Lee in the same tone, held them up as lights for men [to] walk by. As he spoke of Jackson, many a strong heart gave way to their feelings in a flood of tears and none felt the force of his remarks more than myself and in conclusion he offered up a feeling and eloquent prayer in behalf of both Lee and Jackson our army and our country, the men paid marked at- tention to what he said. He preached out in an open field, the men sitting on the ground around him, officers and all. It was a picturesque looking scene." A. L. S. R-2-4. 1863, May 27, Arty. Camp. Wm. H. Routt to his wife. Receipt of letters — personal news — to-morrow is election day — little interest taken by my Battalion — most of the Vir- ginians will vote for Smith — he will get a larger vote than any of his competitors in the army — almost all the Orange men in the Batln. will vote for Patton for the Senate over Early — the latter admits opposing the soldiers' voting — all friends of army should oppose him — Letters written home — no fur- loughs for more than two days — Genl. Ewel[l] married last night — ^good news from Vicksburg, all attacks repulsed — do not sell my "cloth coat for less than $50," nor your silk dress for less than $75 — one like it would cost $150 — sell the "big" dictionary for $20, — Benton's works for $30, "if you get a chance" — clothes and shoes needed. A. L. S. R-2-S. 1863, June 23, Camp near Milwood, Clarke Co., Va. Wm. H. Routt to his wife. *" Brig.-Genl. W. N. Pendleton, an Episcopal divine, later Rector of General Lee's church in Lexington. It is said that when Genl. Pendleton ordered the artillery to open fire at Manassas, he cried, "Fire, boys," and reverently added, "and God have mercy on their souls." *i2 Jackson died the same day. See Henderson op cit., v. 2, pp. 470-71- 384 Confederate Calendar. Orders received to start for Maryland — troops already in Pennsylvania — Genl. Jenkins sent a lot of fine horses and some negroes from there— he took all he could catch — caught 500 Yankee conscripts drilling — orders issued not to destroy private property in Maryland — "but the wrath of Southern vengeance will be wrecked upon the Pennsylvanians and all property belonging to the abolition horde which we may cross we will try and pay them for what they have been doing to the innocent and helpless in our own ..[obliterated] Southern land" — Yankees have left this part of the country — a little cavalry fight yesterday — took 43 prisoners — the people much relieved — Yankees took everything but the land — took all of the property of Mr. Bur [we] 11 [?] — offered to return it if he took the oath — he refused — a rich country — great pity it is given over to war — the Batln. returns from drill — orders say all enemy property is to be respected*^' — is thought we are bound direct for Maryland — do not worry — will fare better there than here — "can get more to eat, &c." — it is said Jenkins made them open the stores in Chambersburg, sell at regula- tion price and take Confederate money. "I reckon there will be old scampering amongst them when our main army gets amongst them" — I have received your letters — we march at two in the morning — I am told we go direct to Penn., "the men are in great glee" — personal affairs. R-2-6. 1,863, July 16, Camp near Bunker Hill, Frederick Co., Va. Wm. H. Routt to his wife. "We have landed safe again upon the soil of the old do- minion, though many of our men sleep under the soil of the enemys country. & many of our wounded are left in the hands of our enemies, we crossed the potomac on the 25th June & recrossed back again on the 14th July, with our ranks very much thinned We had quite A heavy skirmish with the yan- kees the morning we crossed back, their cavalry attacked our rear, Genl. Pettigrew of S. C.*" was badly wounded in the affair, supposed to be mortal, we have stopped here to recu- *" See G. O. 72, A. N. Va., June 21, 1863; O. R., s. 45, pp. 912-13. *i* Properly of North Carolina. See C. M. H. v. 4, pp. 337-39. Confederate Calendar. ; 385 -perate A little the men & horses are very much exhausted, ;since the fight, we have had A tough time of it, we have had wet weather nearly the whole time we were out, & frequently marching & meneuvring [sic] all night, we crossed back on the pontoons about midnight, pouring down rain & as dark as pitch, built large lights each side the river so we could see, no accident happened whilst crossing save an ambulance & horse which went over board the horse of course drowned the pon- toons were as steady & solid as any bridge I ever crossed not A particle gave way though the bridge was crowded with artillery; wagons, horses, & men for more than twentyfour hours." — the building of pontoons — ^tbe destruction of this one — "now the question is which side got the best of the fight. I believe we did, though at heavy cost our loss cannot fall much short of thirty thousand in killed wounded & missing, their papers already admit A loss of forty two thousand on their side, it is said to have been the most terrific artillery fight on record, they had much the better of us in position, they on the mountain & we in the plains, we opened on them with •one hundred & ninety pieces of Artillery at one time & for three hours I never heard such a roar of artillery in my life the earth seemed to tremble under us. the air was sulphurious [sic] from their shells an projectiles. & then the shrieks of the wounded & dying rendered the scene more appaling & heart -rending the like I never saw. the like I never want to see again." — letters written — the death of Col. Louis B. Williams of Orange — the wounding of Genl. J. L. Kemper — his ser- vant's fidelity — the wounding of Col. Patton — "I hope our army will not attempt invasion again the invading party labours under two many disadvantages, the yankees of course will say they made us retreat back to our own country, it is not so. our ammunition gave out & we couldn't get any were two far from ■our base of supplies had to be brought from Richmond to Staunton & then hauled by wagons to us but for that we would have undoubtedly pressed onward, prisoners say if we had kept up our fire half an hour longer we would have driven them from the heights, but our ammunition failing we of course had to withdraw, they also said we killed & wounded aiearly all of there canoniers & horses said they had to detail 386 Confederate Calendar. men from the infantry to work their guns during the fight, our men dont like the fall of Vicksburg much though they are not disheartened in the least at it are as determined as ever." — news of a friend — difficulties of writing-^news to conscripts — directions for writing. A. L. S. R-2, 1863, Aug. I, Mitchell's Station, Culpepper [sic] Co., Va. Wm. H. Routt to his wife. Left Culpeper Court-House yesterday and came here — better grazing here — no hopes of furlough — last night received orders to march — =cooked all night — orders countermanded to-day — I expect we will go to Fredericksburg — personal affairs. A. L. S. R-2-8. 1863, Sept. 6, [Culpeper Co., Va?] Wm. H. Routt to his wife. Reached camp safely — accident to the butter — I see no prospect of a move — Genl. Lee has gone to Charleston and Chattanooga, "so I judge we will stand still until he returns, as he is the masterwheel of the whole" — I hope for further leave — preachers who address us — 40 men are to be bap- tized."" A. L. S. R-2-9. 1863, Sept. 26, Camp near Ringgold, Catoosa Co., Ga. Wm. H. Routt to his wife. Reached here after journey of 7 days and 5 nights*^* — accident to the train — poverty of the country— of the crops — Va. the greatest state of the Confederacy — you have heard of Bragg's defeat of Rosecrans*^' — great praise given Long- street— is said that but for him, Bragg would have fallen back — we are camped where the battle began — ^hospitalities of Augusta, which is said to have had 30,000*^* people until the *i' This was one of the remarkable spiritual revivals which swept over the army several times during the course of the war. See C. M. H., v. 12, p. 163. *!' See Longstreet, op. dt., pp. 436-37. *" Ibid; pp. 439-60. *i8 Augusta's population by the United States census of i860 was 12,493. Confederate Calendar. 38;^ war began — scarcely io,cxx) now, so many are in the army — 1 hope to return to Va. — do not like this country. A. L. S. R-2-10. 1863, Sept. 28, Camp near Ringgold, Catoosa Co., Ga. Wm. H. Routt to his wife. Further details of battle of i8th and 19th — the Yankees badly whipped — men who visited the field say it is covered with "unburied Yankees" — were more arms stacked there than ever they had seen — ^40 pieces of Arty, were captured — Forrest*^® has captured 200 loaded commissary wagons — Yankees still have confidence in Rosecrans — the men from Va. are very anxious to return — will probably do so if we defeat the enemy. A. L. S. R-2-11. , 1863, Oct. 4, Camp near Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., Tenn. Wm. H. Routt to his wife. Frequent letters home — cold weather — hog-killng — ^per- sonal news — desire to return home. A. L. S. R-2-12. 1863, Oct. 8, "Camp at the foot of Lookout Mountain in sight of Chatanooga." Wm. H. Routt to his wife. We are at the foot of the mountain — up a little higher we can see Chattanooga and the Yankee camps — we have some "big guns up the mountain" — occasionally exchange shots with the Yankees, who have a very large force — Rosecrans is strongly fortified and is said to be receiving renforcements — we are to make a strong flank movement, and are building a bridge six miles below the town — Chattanooga does not seem as large as Charlottesville*^" — "I judge we will have rough *i» Several excellent works on Forrest have recently appeared: J. A. Wyeth, Life of Genl. Nathan Bedford Forrest, . . . (N. Y. and Lond., 1899); J. H. Mathes," Genero/ Forrest, (N. Y., 1902). The earlier work is T. Jordan and J. P. Pryor, Campaigns of Lt.-General N. B. Forrest, (N. Y., 1868). ^^o The population of neither town is given separately in the census of i860. Albemarle County, Virginia, in which Charlottesville is located, had a population of 26,625 5 Hamilton County, Tennessee, in which is Chat- tanooga, had 13,258 residents. 388 Confederate Calendar. work with old Rosy when we cross the river" "i_all are anxious to get to Va.— troops from other states all praise Va. —great abundance of wood— this the only thing plentiful- theft of my clothes— home affairs. A. L. S.R-2-13. 1863, Oct. 28, Camp near Chattanooga, [Tenn.] Wm. H. Routt to his wife. Personal affairs— we have heard that Lee defeated Meade at Manassas and took 7000 prisoners*"— I am relieved, for I feared they might reach home— no news from you. ! , :,, A. L. S. R-2-14. I 1863, Oct. 28, Camp near Chatanooga, [Tenn.] Wm. H. Routt to his wife. Letters received — rain almost every other day — a slight skirmish yesterday, 13 captured — home affairs — destruction of trees makes federal camp plain — enemy's position strong and well-defended — religious sentiments. A. L. S. R-2-16. 1864, May 21-23, Arty. Camp near Spottsylvania C.-H., [Va.] Wm. H. Routt to his wife. I have procured half-a-dozen sheets of paper, for which I paid $2.50*"^ — we have been busy for 17 days — "and none can tell the hardship and privations we have undergone except those who have participated in it our men though are as cheerful and as bouyant as ever all seem determined to do or die" — you have doubtless read of the battles — the Yankee papers admit a loss of 60,000 to date — our "loss will not ex- ceed" 15,000 — "we have whipped them at every point" — stop here as orders are received to move — [continued same day] personal sickness and recovery — expect a big battle every day — reinforced to-day by Hoke's Div. — it is said Breckinridge will come in to-night — Butler, failing on the Peninsula, is land- ing at Port Royal — Beauregard is waiting "and will pounce «i See O. R., Atlas, plate XLIX. *22 A gross exaggeration. Such rumors were frequently circulated and had great temporary effect in raising the spirits of the troops. *^s The paper is a rough, legal-sized folio, of very inferior quality. Confederate Calendar. 389 on him as soon as he shows his head" — Genl. Lee in his orders says this is the last effort of the enemy — ^we will see that our comrades have not died in vain — prisoners say this is the last attempt — they intend to make McClellan President and close the war — have written all I should ; the enemy might get the letter — [Continued May 23] have moved to Hanover Junction — marched all night, but had moonlight — fell back because of the inconvenience of supplies and because too many men were required to guard the rail-road — "we are ready for the enemy when he appears we have the Northana river between us They will have a happy time crossing it." A. L. S. R-2-17. 1864, July 20, Howlitts, [Va.] Wm. H. Routt to his wife. A visitor from home — his news discussed — had a fine rain yesterday — no news that is not in the papers — Yankee pickets insist Grant is killed — no one believes it-r-sell my coat — I be- lieve my jacket will sell for $75 or $100 by cold weather — I hope you can "make out without breaking up" — ^will buy Ann's shoes here for $8.00. A. L. S. R-2-18. 1864, Oct. 9, "In the Trenches." Wm. H. Routt to his wife. Dangers at home — cowardice of the conscripts — hope they will have to try the realities in the trenches — we have built a log hut with brick chimney and glass windows — it is within 20 feet of the gun — most of our men have built winter quar- ters — hope and expect we can remain here — boxes from home — family news — "our prospect is very bright." A. L. S. R-2-19. 1864, Oct. 18, "In the Trenches." Wm. H, Routt to his wife. All is quiet, "but I reckon the storm will burst upon us soon" — many new men are coming in — most of them young men who have managed to keep out — is said Lee's army will be increased 30,000 by the last call — newcomers from home — tell them I am "glad they are beginning to get at them at last, I hope justice will be done now" — ^your socks are selling for $10 a pair — personal and family affairs. A. L. S. R-2-20. 39° Confederate Calendar. 1864, Nov. 26, [In the Trenches in front of Petersburgf, Va.] Wm. H. Routt to his wife. My flannels must be sent — directions — if you have killed hogs, send a "small piece of cooked chine and send me A loaf of saltrising bread" — If they do not cost more than $60, have a pair of boots made for me. "Send a little red pepper." A. L. S. R-2-2ia. 1864, Dec. 7, "In the Trenches." Wm. H. Routt to his wife. Received letters and the box — accident to the latter — do not buy the boots if they cost more than $60 — I fear a raid may reach you — family afiEairs — ^will bring you a "pair of fine shoes" and a "pair of nice gloves." A. L. S. R-2-22. 1862, Oct. 22, "In the Army of the Potomac." Frank Dunbar Ruggles to [his father] Henry B. Ruggles, Boston, Mass. I wish to communicate my whereabouts — the awfulness of the war in separating kin — belief in the justice of the Southern cause — details of enlistment in the Washington Arty. — ^battles participated in — God's mercy and protection — determination to finish the struggle — hope for the independ- ence of the South — hope for a winter campaign — news of friends."* A. L. S. La-3. i86-,"» n. d., n. p. [Albert Rust, Brig.-Genl.] "Report of Artillery and Artillery Horses" in this com- mand, — 4 batteries. D. n. S. 1863, Nov. 28, Richmond, Va. Thos. M. Rutherford, Beverly Dan. Tucker, Mumford Harrison. Receipts signed by ; for canteens and haversacks.**' *2* Ruggles was born in 1837, of an old and distinguished Boston family. Business interests carried him to New Orleans, where he settled and became an ardent supporter of the Southern cause. He was killed in the battle of Fredericksburg, not two months after this letter was written. 426 Not earlier than 1863, since Rust's commission as Brigadier dated from Mch. 4, 1862. See C. M. H., v. 10 (Ark.), pp. 414-16. *2e See E. S. Gay, supra, p. 257. The signers of these receipts were school-boys, enlisted for local defence. Confederate Calendar. 391 1863, May 24, 10:00, A. M. Guinea's Depot. Jno, S. Ryan to Capt. L. W. Spratt. Notification of provisions sent. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-15. 1863, May 9, Big Black, Hd-Qrs. 3rd Mo. Regt, 2nd Brig. D. T. Samuel, Lt.-Col. comdg. to Maj. Memminger, A. A. G., Dept. Miss, and E. L?^. Request that my command of dismounted cavalry be re- mounted. A. L. S. Gfi-ga-i-^g. 1864, Dec 20, Mount Pleasant, S. C. JI. H. Sams, Capt. and A. C. S. "Report of subsistence stores (provisions) on hand" here — small amount of nieat and flour, 17,852 lbs, meal. A. F. S. T-20TI. 1865, Jany, 10, Mount Pleas^t, S. C. H. H. Sams, Capt. and A. C. S. "Report of subsistence stores (provisions) on hand" here — 1368 lbs. salt beef; 33,674 lbs meal; 161 lbs. coffee, etc. A. F. S. T-20-6. 1864, Nov. 13, Rocky Mount, Va. John J. Saunders to Mrs. CoUey. Have you procured the salt for which you were given an order? It is now selling at the works for $15 a bushel. A. L. S. C,-45^7.- 1862, Mch, 20, Williamsburg, Va. Ro. Saunders, Mayor, to Sergt. Finney,*" La. Batln. etc. Thanks to you and your guard, on behalf of the inhabitants, for guard duty here^efficiency of the command— your own conduct. A. L. S, F-20-5. 1861, Jany. 13, Fort Pulaski. John Screven, comdg. Sav[an- nah] Vol. Guards, Hamilton Couper, Lieut. V. L. I., to Capt. John K. Anderson, comdg. Fort Pulaski. Report on proposed defences of Tybee Island^with 2 diagrams. D. S. Ga-ga-i-35. *2^ See supra, p. 248. 392 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Jan.> [Hd-Qrs. 2nd and 3rd Sub-Dists. S. C] Henry Seabrook, Capt. Arty, and Ord. Officer. "Consolidated report of number and kinds of small arms, in hands of troops" here — sum total, 4,997. A. D. S. T-25-6. 1I862, Jany. 9, C. S. District Court, Eastern Dis. Va. F. W, Seabury's Sons (A. L. and W. H.,) Norfolk, Va. Proceedings against; under sequestration act — debts due Northern creditors, $31,224.93 — answer admits claim but pleads stay of executions provided by Section 16, Amendatory Act — filed, Jany. 9, 1862."" D. S. S-44-1-4. 1864, Mch. I, [Richmond, Va.] J, A. Seddon, Sec. War. Permission to Col. J. T. Thompson Brown to collect a company of furloughed men for temporary service in repelling the enemy — ordnance officers will furnish arms and ammu- nition. A. S. Va-E-i8. [1864, Nov. 28,]«» [Richmond, Va.] J. A. Seddon, Sec. War, to [Maj.-]Genl. S[am] Jones. Can afford no reinforcements — all troops of the depart- ment being pressed forward to intercept the enemy — must rely on your own resources. Tel. Ga-ga-i-21. 186-, Aug. 10, Camp, Orange Co to Mrs. Selden. Thanks for communicating the news of William Finney*'" — his fine character — sources of consolation. L. n. S. F-20-3. 1862, Jany. 12, Camp, near Fredericksburg, [Va.] John A. Selden, Capt. and A. C. S., to [Capt. W. O.] Harvie. I have heard you were at Gordonsville — know there is plenty of the "main stay of life" there — please send a barrel *28 Cf. supra, pp. 279, 303. *2« Printed in O. R., s. 92. P- 963. *="> Cf. supra, pp. 248, 391, etc., Confederate Calendar. 393 of whiskey or other spirits — if you cannot spare a barrel, send a half-barrel — very dry here — send the best you have — the Colonel approves — enclose receipts — "dull as the devil here." A. L. S. S-40. Appended, receipt form [Form 21] for 44 gallons whiskey. 1862, Nov. 19, Fort de France, Martinique. C. S. S. Alabama. R. Semmes, [Comdr.[ to Comdr. J. D. Bulloch,"^ C. S. N. Received your letter — arrived here — the enemy warned — the "San Jocinto" of? the harbor — propose to run by her at night — no cruise off New York — personal matters. A. L. S. Ga-ga-3-1. 1862, Nov. 25, Fredericksburg, Va., Hd-Qrs. Semmes Brig. Paul J. Semmes,"'' Brig.-Genl. to Maj. J. M. Goggin, A. A. G. The officer of the day reports the enemy throwing up works on the hill opposite the mill in the upper part of the city — arrested two soldiers yesterday for selling liquor to the men — seized the liquor, intending to turn it over to the medi- cal department — found in the afternoon that the officers of the guard were drinking and giving liquor to the guard and to other officers — some of the officers and part of the guard were drunk — arrested four of the five officers — poured out the liquor — ^turned the two men first arrested over to the provost guard — took precautions not to let drunken men go on duty — town is very quiet, few officers or men in the streets. L. S. S-34- 1865, Apr. 8, Hd-Qrs. 8th and 12th Ky. Cav. S. O. — . Sig: A. R. Shacklett, Col. comdg. Regt. Lieut. Overton, Co. F, 8th and 12th Cav., appointed Adjt. until further orders. A. D. S. Ky-22. 1862, Aug. 7, Camp near Liberty Mill[s, Va.] J. L. Sheffield, Col. comdg. 48th Ala., J. W. Jackson, Lt.-Col. comdg. 47th Reg. Ala. Vols. Examining Board. *3i See supra, p. 348, note 340. *32 por Semmes, see C- M. H., v. 6, pp. 435-36. 394 Confederate Calendar. Certificate to Brig.-Gejil. Wm. B. Taliaferro that as board appointed to ascertain the qualifications of officers, 2nd Lieut. Gaston G. Turner, Co. H, 47th Ala. Vols., was called before us — "We find him ignorant of all his duties" — recommend his immediate reduction for the good of the service. D. S. Tj-4S-i. [1861,] n. d., n. p. Nannie Clapton Shelton, nee Brown. "The Seven-Starred Banner"— MS. poem, 5 quatrains. A. S. 1864, June I, Richmond, Va., Conscript Office. Circular No. 40. Sig: Jas. H. Biijford, L[ieu]t. and Adji, by order Col. J. A. Shields. Order and directions for conscription of 5,000 free negroes to work on the Richmond defences.*'' D. S. Ga-ga-i-ig. 1862, Mch. 14-1863, Mch. 2. James Shields, Maj.-Genl. U. S, A. Order book of Third Brigade between these dates — cap- tured — chiefly orders of ist Va. Infy. Va-C-79. 1864, Nov. I, n. p. Geo. Shrewth, pvt. Co. B, Lucas' Bat. Arty. Charges and specifications against; for attempted deser- tion, Oct. 27-28, 1864; for mutinous conduction; for second attempted desertion — charges preferred by Ginwald[?] Rich- ardson, Capt. eomdg.^ist of witnesses. D. S. T-30-13. Endsd: Forwarded — [regular channels.] 1865, Jany. 19, Charleston, S. C, Torpedo Service. John H. Simon, Capt. in charge, to [Brig.]Genl. [W. B.] Taliaferro. I have begun to blockade the Hog Island channel with tor- pedoes, a short distance above Battery Bee, Sullivan's Island — it will not be prudent for heavy draft crafts to pass*'* — small boats can pass safely by keeping near the shore. A. L. S. S-37. 433 poj- Qther employments of free negroes, see in 'ex, Free Negroes. Many orders for the conscription of negroes for work on fortifications ap- pear in O. R., s. 127-29. *^* For the location of this channel, see O. R., Atlas, plate CXXXI. Confederate Calendar. 395 1863, July 4, Hd'Qrs. Monroe, La. E, Kirby Smith, Lt.-Genl. to Genl. J. E. Johnston, comdg. Vicksburg, etc. "General: On the 29th ultimo, I received at Shreveport a letter from Gen. Elgy, Vol. Aid to Gen. Taylor, conveying information from you of the critical condition of the garri- son at Vicksburg. I proceeded immediately to this point, on the road I met Lt. Cunningham with your despatch of the 26th June. I find it impossible to do anything from this side for the relief of Vicksburg. When Gen. Taylor with all the disposable force of the District was ordered opposite Vicksburg I believed much would have been achieved. Gen. Taylor was instructed to spare no exertions in throwing supplies into Vicksburg. His efforts were vain, the main ob- jects of the expedition, the relief of Vicksburg was unaccom- plished. Gen. Taylor reporting it impossible to do anything more, returned to Alexandria, proposing to conduct in person the operations opposite Port Hudson. I approved of Gen. Taylor's course, as the troops were not withdrawn from op- posite Vicksburg, but were left under the command of Maj. Gen. Walker, and as Gen. Taylor's presence was needed be- low, and as a communication had just been received from you announcing the investment of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, stating that you were arranging for the relief of the former place and calling upon me to do all that I could for the re- lief of the Garrison of Port Hudson. At the time of Gen. Taylor's arrival here, the force con- centrated at his disposal numbered about 7000; operating in the swamps of the Mississippi, sickness has reduced them to less than 4000 effective — The enemy here, reinforced and are prepared and on the lookout. The relief of Vicksburg from this side which Gen. Taylor with his force found impossible, is with the means now at my command absolutely imprac- ticable. I enclose you a copy of a communication on this subject from Gen. Walker. I have taken steps for communi- cating with Gen. Pemberton, and for throwing in a supply of caps which I hope will prove successful; I have written him that he can expect no aid from this side, that his sole hope is in cutting his way through the enemies line, that he 39^ Confederate Calendar. must by sending out information determine the day when by a simultaneous attack of both your forces on same point, the garrison may be extricated; that on his information, I will in advance make some demonstration, with the hope of drawing to this side a portion of the investing force. Any escape of the garrison by the river is I believe impracticable, it, with the character of the Peninsula opposite, is an insur- mountable obstacle to success. Finding nothing is to be done opposite Vicksburg, I have ordered Gen. Walker to occupy a point above Lake Provi- dence, which, while his flanks are protected, and his retreat secured, offers advantages for interrupting communications on the river." A. L. S. Fla, 1863, May 3, Hd-Qrs. Army of the Miss. J. E. Slaughter,"' Brig.-Genl. and Inspr.-Qenl., to Inspr.-Genl., Maj.-Genl. Polk's Division. See that muster rolls bear the proper certification, whether the men are entitled to clothing and bounty. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-30. 1862, Oct. 8, Charleston, [Va.] B. H. Smith, Capt. 3rd How- itzer Co., to Col. J. T. Brown. We are still in position — repulsed the enemy — in need of funds — good feeding for horses, but they improve little — harness kept on all the time — men are well. A. L. S. Va-E-17. 1861, Nov. II, Ship Point, [Va.] C. L. Smith, Capt. Wash- ington Arty. Receipt for artillery tools furnished by Col. [G. W.] Ran- dolph for the use of this command. A. D. S. R-23-2. 1865, [ ?] Jany. 5, Hd-Qrs [obliterated.] L. Jaque- lin Smith, Capt. Arty. etc. to Lieut. O. Cohen, Actg. Ord. Of- ficer, Cosawhatchie, [Ga.] Directions for regular report. L. S. Ga-ga-i-36. *»' For Slaughter, see C. M. H., v. 3, pp. 662-63. Confederate Calendar. ^07 1863, Feb. 14, n. p. M. L. Smith,"« Maj.-Genl. to Lt.-Genl. [J. C] Pemberton, comdg. I enclose two notes*"— I suppose the second relates to your inquiry whether Genl. Holmes would cooperate with the Army on this side. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-as. 1863, May 9, Vicksburg, Miss., Hd-Qrs. Smith's Div. M. L. Smith, Maj.-Genl. comdg. to Maj. R. W. Memminger, A. A G. Dept. Requesting additional copies of G. O. 69 for distribution to this command, as it is chiefly concerned in the court-martial proceedings. A, L. S. Ga-ga-i-2g. 1864, Feb. 15, Richmond, [Va.,] House of Delegates. T. J. Smithes to [Brig.-] Genl. Wm. B. Taliaferro. As the legislature adjourns shortly, and as I do not now belong to the army, I wish to serve as a voluntary [sic] aid on some General's staff — would be glad to serve on yours — will equip myself, if necessary — ask an early reply. A. L. S. Tj-49-9. i86i, Jany. 19, Milledgeville, Ga. Wm. D. Smith,"" Capt. 2nd U. S. Dragoons, to Col. S. Cooper,"" Adjt.-Genl., U. S. A., Washington. Georgia having this day severed its connection with the Union, I hereby tender by resignation as captain, U. S. A. A. L. S. Ga-20. 1862, June 28, Hd-Qrs. R[andolph-] M[acon] College, Va. Wm. H. Smith, comdg. Corps Cadets, R. M. C. A. D. S. Ga-ga-i-15. *36 For Martin L. Smith, see C. M. H., v. 11 (Fla.), pp. 210-11. <" Not found. *38 Smith represented Russell, Wise and Buchanan Cos. *38 For Smith, see C. M. H., v. 6, pp. 437-38. **» Col. Samuel Cooper, United States Adjutant-General, left the service shortly after this time and became Adjutant and Inspector General, C. S. A. He was senior General in Confederate service. 39^ Confederate Calendar. Leave of absence to Cadet R. H. C. Brock until Sept. i6, unless ordered to rejoin before that time."^ 1862, Mch, 14, Richmond, [Va.] War Dept. Wm. D. Smith. Commission as Brig.-Genl. — rank from Mch. 7, 1862 — re- port to Maj. Genl. [J. C] Pemberton. Sig: J. P. Benjamin, Sec. War. P. F. S. Ga-20. 1862, June 12, Richmond, Va. W. N. Smith, Lieut. C. S. A., Supt. C. S. Laboratory. Table of "Calibres and Weights of Balls and their charges" — by arm, with charge and weight of ball. Copy. O-10-3. 1862, Sept. 6, Richmond, Va. W. N. Smith, Capt. and M. S. K. "A Statement of the No. of pounds Powder, required to fill Shells, and service bursting charges" — arranged by kinds of shells. Copy. O-10-4. Appended: "Ammunition for Columbiads; Sea-coast Guns; Mortars and Howitzers for ordinary service." Copy. 1862, Sept. 6, Richmond, Va. W, N. Smith, Capt. and M. S. K. "Statement of Small Arm Ammunition, Balls, Charges, etc." — 19 arms listed, with calibre and weight of ball and charge in grains — ^blank for diameter of ball. P. F. S. 0-10-6. [1862?] n. d., n. p. [W. N. Smith, Capt. etc.?] "Size of Cartridge Bags and the amount of powder re- quired to project the following rifle projectiles" — specified by gun, diameter of cartridge bags and number pounds of powder. O-io-i. Reverse : "Receipt for making Confederate cement for filling **^ The students of the college were enrolled as cadets, under quasi- military discipline. Confederate Calendar. 399 case shot. Coal Tar, i Gal: Rosin, 3 lbs. To be boiled until it becomes sufficiently hardened for the purpose, which will be determined by the operative prepare " N. S. [1862?] n. d., n. p. [W. N. Smith, Capt. etc?] [I] "Table showing proportional bearings of projectiles to weight of Guns" — specified by kind of gun, its weight, weight of projectile and proportional weight. [II] Table of "information relating to Rifle Guns" — speci- fied by calibre, weight, length of bore, number and depth of grooves, etc. [III] "Proportional bearing of Charges to Projectiles of Rifle Guns" — specified by kind of gun, weight of projectile, weight of powder, proportional weight, etc. [IV] "Range of Whitworth Guns" — specified by weight of shot and of guns, by elevations, with median and greatest range." A. n. S. O-10-2. 1863, Nov. 21, n. p. Willoughby N. Smith, Capt. and A. Q-M. "Statement of forage issued to the animals of Lt.-Col. Wm. Nelson's Battalion of Artillery" daily fOr week ending this day — daily specifications — -no long forage issued. A. D, S. B2-43-12. 1863, Dec. 2, near Orange C.-H., Va. Willoughby N. Smith, Capt. etc. Statement of forage issued as above — week ending Nov. 25 — 301 animals. A. D. S. B-35-6. 1864, Feb. 18, Richmond, [Va.] W. P. Smith, pvt., E. C. Mc- Carthy's Co., 1st Richmond Howitzers. Honorable discharge upon surgeon's certificate of disabil- ity- — Sig: J. W.[?] Pegram, A. A. G., by order Brig.-Genl. Jno. H. Winder. P. F. S. Va-E-21. 1862, July 24, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. G. M. Sorrel. Commission as Major, Adjt.-Genl's Dept. — rank from May 5, 1862 — report to Genl. Longstreet. Sig: Geo. W. Ran- dolph, Sec. War. P. F. S. Ga-22. 400 Confederate Calendar. 1863, June 23, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. G. M. SorreL Commission as Lt.-Col., Adjt.-Genl's Dept.— rank from June 18, 1863— report to Genl. Longstreet. Sig: James A. Seddon, Sec. War. P. F. S. Ga-22. 1864, Oct. 31, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. G. M. Sorrel. Commission as Brig.-Genl., with temporary rank under Act of May 31, 1864*"— rank from Oct. 27, 1864— report to Genl. R. E. Lee, to command D. R. Wright's Brig. Sig: James A. Seddon, Sec. of War. P. F. S. Ga-22. 1863, May 16, Hd-Qrs. Arty, and Corps. S. V. Southall to Col. J. Thompson Brown. Genl. Hill wishes to see you about your relations — con- trol of Arty, ofificers— position of Genl. [W. N.] Pendleton in the matter. A. L. S. 3-35-15- 1861, Oct. 2, Fort Magruder, [Va.] W. H. Southall,*" comdg. Albemarle Arty., to Col. [G. W.] Randolph. I enclose requisition for harness [B2-39-13] — need it for 8 horses — harness for the mules is "exceedingly indifferent" second-hand plough harness — climate affecting the men very seriously — "fifty odd men" sick. A. L. S. B2-39-14. 1862, Apr. 13-30, [Stations around Yorktown, Va.] W. H. Southall, Sen. Capt. comdg., Thos. H. Carter, Capt. comdg. to Lt.-Col. J. T[hompson] Brown. Consolidated morning reports of artillery in and between Redoubts No. 4 and No. 5 — the same and to the Right of No. 5. — present for duty — No. of guns, caissons and horses — their condition — 23 papers. D. S. B-32-1-23. i860, Dec. 20, Charleston, S. C. South Carolina Convention. "An ordinance to dissolve the Union between the State of South Carolina and other states united with her under the **2 For the text of this Act, see O. R., s 129, p. 496 ; No. 17. *<3 For other mention of Capt. Southall, see index. Confederate Calendar. 401 compact entitled 'The Constitution of the United States of America' " — engrossed — signed by members.*" D. S. SC-21. 1864, June 5, Staunton, Va. Rev. Wm. Sparrow, D. D. "All Things Are Yours" — sermon — MS., pp. 50 — written on Federal blank regimental returns, stitched. A. n. S. S-2. Endsd: p. i. "Ps. 120, 3vv. Hy. 102, ist, and last 3vv.".p. 51. Staunton, June 5, i864[.] Seminary, Jan. 21, 1866.*" _,^j 1862, Aug. 14, Hd-Qrs. 2nd La. Brig. A. M. Gordon, A. A. A. G., by ord[er] L. A. Stafford, Col. comdg. to W. T. Talia- ferro, A. A. A. G. Senior surgeon of this brigade is Dr. Stevens, 2nd La. — commissioned May 17 or 26, 1861 he is now absent**' — reasons for not sending reports. A. L. S. Tj^-47-5. 1862, Sept. 5, Hd-Qrs. Jackson's Division. G. O. 20. Sig: T. G. Pollock, A. A. A. G., by command of Brig.-Genl. [W. E.] Starke,**^ comdg. Div. L Capt. W. N. Starke having arrived, he will assume duties of A. A. G. on the staff of Brig.-Genl. comdg. II. Capt. T. W. Doswell and Capt. S. M. Routh are accepted as voluntary aids on the same staff. D. S. S-36. 1863, Aug. 6, Hd-Qrs. 3rd Army Corps. W. N. Starke, Capt. and A. A. G., to John Meier,*** Richmond, Va. What was the disposition of the approved request of J. Allensworth, Co. A, 14th Tenn. for transfer to Co. E, ist Ky. Cav. A. L. S. A-30. *** One of six copies engrossed at the time and signed by the members. The original was on parchment. **" Evidently the places and times of delivering the sermon. Cf. infra, p. 438. **« Cf. supra, p. 380. **'' For Starke, see C. M. H., v. 3, p. 663. **8 John F. Mayer? See p. 171, n. 28. 402 Confederate Calendar. 1864, Feb. 18-23, Hd.-Qrs. Johnson's Div. George H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl., J. R. Jones, Brig.-Genl., Z. York, Col. 14th La. Regt., Board of Examiners. "Proceedings by virtue of the following order. [S. O. 33, VII.] In accordance with the Act of Congress No, 26, appd. 13 Oct. 1862, as published in Genl. Order No. 93, (A. & I. Genl's Office, 1862) a Board of Examiners to consist of Brig. Genl.- Geo. H. Stewart, Brig. Genl. John M. Jones and Col. Z. York, 14th La. Regt., is hereby appointed to meet at the Camp of Johnson's Division on the 8th day of Feby. 1864, or as soon thereafter as practicable, 'to examine into the cases of such officers of the Division as may be brought to their attention, for the purpose of determining their quali- fications for the discharge of the duties properly appertaining to their several positions, whether they are careless or inat- tentive in the discharge of the same, and their fitness for pro- motion to any existing vacancies in their respective com- mands.' The Boards will be Sworn, will have power to sum- mon witnesses, will keep a record of its proceedings, will give an opinion in each case, and will be careful to conform to the requirements of Genl. Order No. 50 of 29th March, 1863, from these Hd. Qrs."" By command of Genl. R. E. Lee, (Signed) W. H. TAYLOR, A. A. Genl. "Camp of Steuart's Brigade, Feby. i8th, 1864. ID o'clock A. M. "The Board met pursuant to the above order. Present all the members. It was impossible for the Board to meet at any time since 8th of Feby, 1864, on account of two of the officers having been on Picket duty. A communication was received from Brig. Genl. Walker, comdg. Stonewall Brigade 'that the possition of the Lt. Col. in 2nd Va. Regt. was vacant, and that he desired that Maj. E. L. Moore of said regt., now serving on Genl. Johnson's staff be examined for promotion.' Maj. E. L. Moore serving at present as Acting Inspector **» See supra, p. 32^- Confederate Calendar. 403 General, was summonded to appear before the Board. A com- munication was afterwards received from Maj. R. W. Hunter, Asst. Adjt. Genl. Johnson's Division, to the effect that Maj. Genl. Johnson instructed him to say that he had received au- thentic information that Maj. E. L. Moore's nomination as Asst. Adjt. Genl. on his staff had been confirmed by the Sen- ate, and that he expected in a few days to be notified of his appointment, and suggesting that the examination be post- poned."" As the examination could not proceed without examining the senior officer and Maj. Moore not appearing, the Board then adjourned subject to the call of the President. GEO. H. STEUART, Brig. Genl. Presdt Board Examiners. "Camp of Steuart Brigade, Feb. 23, 1864. 10 o'clock A. M. "The Board met at the call of the President. Present Brig. Genl. Geo. H. Steuart, Col. Z. York, 14th La. Regt and Col. H. A. Brown, ist N. C. Regt, who was detailed in place of Brig. Genl. J. M. Jones by the following order. 'Hd. Qrs. Dept. N. Va. 19th Febry, 1864. '[S. O. 48,] XII. Brig. Genl. J. M. Jones is relieved from duty as a member of the Board of Examiners convened by virtue of Par. VII, S. O. No. 33, current series from these Hd. Qrs. and Col. H. A. Brown, ist N. C. Regt. of Stewarts Bri- gade is detailed in his stead. By command of Genl. R. E. Lee. (Signed) W. H. TAYLOR, A. A. General.' Maj. E. L. Moore, 2nd Va. Regt. appearing, the Board was sworn in his presence. Witnesses were sworn and examina- *»o Cf. J. A. Walker to Steuart, Feb. 18, 1864, infra, p. 425- 404 Confederate Calendar. tion made. The Board find Maj, E. L. Moore, 2nd Va. Regt. qualified to fill the position of Lt. Col. in said regiment.*"^ GEO. H. STEUART, Brig. Genl. Presd't Board Examiners. Capt. J. W. Rowan, 2nd Va. Regt. senior Captain, declin- ing to appear before the Board, Capt. Charles H. Stewart, Co. "K" the next officer in rank appeared, and the Board was sworn in his presence, witnesses sworn and an examination made as to his qualifications for promotion to the rank of Major. The Board find Capt. Charles H. Stewart of Co. "K" 2nd Va. Regt. qualified to fill the position of Major in 2nd Va. Regt. GEO. H. STEUART, Brig. Genl. Presdt Board Examiners. There being no further business at present the Board ad- journed subject to the call of the President. GEO. H. STEUART, Brig. Genl. Presdt Board Examiners." D. S. E-5-2. 1863, June 16, Hd-Qrs, Steuart's Brig., Johnson's Div., 2nd Corps, A. N. V. Geo. H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl. [comdg.] to Request for permission to purchase a captured horse — 1 need another. A. L. S. S-21-8. Endsd : i. Approved and forwarded. Genl. Steuart has two horses, but thinks he needs another. E. Johnson, Maj .-Genl. A. S. 2. Approved and returned by order Lt.-Genl. Ewell. A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G. A. S. 1863, June 19, Hd-Qrs. Steuart's Brigade. [Geo. H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl. comdg.] to Maj. B. W. Leigh, A. A. Genl. John- son's Division. "1 Cf. ibid. Confederate Calendar. 405 Report of the action of this command in the operations around Winchester, Va., June 13th, with a list of the casual- ties — killed, 9 ; wounded, 34. A. n. S. W-14. Printed, O. R., S. 44, 507-08. 1863, Aug. 20, Hd-Qrs. Steuart's Brig. S. O. 28. Sig: Geo. H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl. comdg. Announcement of death of Capt. Wm. H. Murray, Co. H, 1st Md. Batln. — ^his career and ability. A. S. M-35-2. 1863, Dec. 12, n. p. [Geo. H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl. comdg.] Report of action of Steuart's Brigade in the battle of Payne's Farm, Nov. 27, 1863. Printed : O. R., S. 48, 862-64. D- n. S. B-14-1. 1864, Jany. 30, n. p. Geo. H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl. Receipt of purchases for mess of; — turkeys, $8.00 each — Sig: H. F. Propst. A. S. S-31-3. 1864, Feb. 10, Gibson's House. [Qeo. H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl. etc?] "Suggestions for the formation of the picket lines from Raccoon Ford to Morton's Ford" — posts — duties of pickets. A. n. S. G-5. 1864, Feb. 26, Hd-Qrs. Steuart's Brigade. G. O. 45. By order [Brig.-] Genl. [Geo. H.] Stuart. Hours for regimental calls. A. n. S. S-21-1. 1864, Feb. 26, n. p. Steuart's [Brigade] Minstrels to Brig.- Genl. G. H. Steuart. "Sir you are respecy solicited to attend a concert this even- ing 6^ Oclock in the loth Va. Regiment to be given by Steuart's Minstrels." A. n. S. S-21-7. 1864, Apr. 2, Hd-Qrs. Steuart's Brigade. [Geo. H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl. comdg.] to Lieut. Henry Fry, 37th Va. Thanks for gloves sent by a lady through you*" — compli- ments, etc. A. L. n. S. F-11-2. *°2 See Fry to Steuart, supra, p. 255. 4o6 Confederate Calendar. 1864, Nov. 27-Dec. 31, n. p. Geo. H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl 3 accounts of mess of ; with J. Canefield, Capt. and A. C. S. — provisions ; flour, fresh beef, bacon, salt pork, salt, potatoes, candles, hard bread, soap, rice, molasses, vinegar, and lard.*" D. n. S. S-2 1-4-6. 186-, n. d., n. p. Geo. Williamson, [A. A. G.] by command of Brig.-Genl. [Geo. H.] Steuart. "Instructions for the brigade guard" — ^eleven sections — de- tails of routine duty. A. S. S-21-2. 186-, n. d., n. p. [Geo. H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl.] "Table of Evolutions of the Line Divided into six lessons, each containing three pauses" — ist lesson, ist pause. "To take a general alignment. To open and close the ranks. Loading and firing by the front and by the rear rank. To cause the line to rest," etc. pp. 7. A. n. S.*" S-23. 1863, Feb. 7, Rome, Ga. J. R. Stevens to R. M. Kent, Esq., [Cedar Town, Ga.] Will have 1,500 or 1,600 lbs. of bacon for sale on Tuesday next at $.65 per lb. — shall we save it — ^bacon will sell for $.75 per lb. before Mch. i, and for $1.00 before [next] winter—bad weather — heavy snow — news of victory at Sabine Pass*""* — "we are whipping them now both on land and water" — per- sonal matters — "no fresh news from Virginia." A. L. S. K-6-2. [1861,] Nov. 15, Columbus, Ky. Phil {D. Stevenson] to News of recent engagement — one of the hardest of the war — details. A. L. S. M0-3. 1864, Apr. 29, In camp 5th Co. Washington Arty. Phil [D. Stevenson] to "Tilly" *" The last three items are on an undated account attached to the above. *"* A rough draft. *■>" See reports of this engagement in O. R-, s. 41, pp. 302-12. Lieut. R. W. Bowling's report is reprinted in C. M. H., v- 11, pp. 108-10. Confederate Calendar. 407 Welcome news of friends — good prospects of the army — general satisfaction — love making in the army — details of friends. A. L. S. Mo-6. 1864, July I, Marietta, Ga., "In line of Battle," 5th Co. Wash- ington Arty. Phil [D. Stevenson] to his mother. Delight at receiving letters from home — minor matters — praises for the Washington Artillery — their bravery and sol- dierly characteristics — ^joy over your picture — thoughts of home — news of friends. A. L. S. Mo-s. 1865, Feb. 5, Columbus, Miss. Phil [D. Stevenson] to "Tilly" Pleasure at writing — safe return from Tenn. — details ot Capt. B[artlett*]s wounding — the fine character of the man — thoughts of home — no hopes for peace — peace only on the terms of the South, if the whole country is made a "howling wilderness." A. L. S. M0-5. 1865, Jany. 18, [Elmira, N. Y.,] Office of Surgeon in Charge, Prisoners Hospital. Anthony E. Stocker, M.D. Surgeon, etc. to [Samuel F. Coleman,"' etc.] I take pleasure in returning your letter — it gives me op- portunity to express entire satisfaction with your work — the order is meant to be prospective in character — I would be glad to see you all of same political faith, but am yet liberal enough to allow every man his own opinion — differences will not prejudice me — should be sorry to part with any of you — do not anticipate it — ^hope you will be satisfied with this ex- pression of feelings, "and that I am each day trying to pro- mote your comfort" — your friend and well wisher. Copy. 27-i-C. 1863, Mch. 7, Jackson, Miss., C. S. Arsenal. P. M. Stockton, Col. comdg. to Lieut. Morrison, A. D. C. Will take Pierson's wrought iron at $.10 per lb. — do not need cables, chains or boiler. A, L. S. Ga-ga-i-27. *'• See Coleman, et al to Stocker, supra, p. 223. 4o8 Confederate Calendar. 1862, Aug. 7, Hd-Qrs. loth Va. Vols. J. Stover, Maj. comdg. to [Brig.-] Genl. [W. B .Taliaferro.] Request detail of Lieuts. J. W. Rallston and D. M. Ream, this Regt., to apprehend and bring in deserters. A. L, S. S-48. 1862, June 7, Camp on Harrison's Farm, Va. Robt. M. Strib- ling, Capt. Faquier Arty., Wm. C. Lawes, ist Lieut, same, S. Horace Hawes, 2nd Lieut. W[illa]msb[ur]g Arty. Valuation of a bay mare of Lt.-Col. [J. T.] Brown at $425. D. S. B-34-20. 1862, May 26, Johnson's Island Prison, near Sandusky, O. Fr. Strube and Theodor Schneider, 2nd Lieut., Co. D, 20th La. Vols, to Col. [Aug.] Reichung[?], comdg. 20th La. Vols. Requesting effort be made for our exchange. L. S. J-20. Endsd: Aug. Reichung[?], Col. etc. The whereabouts of Dr. Breedlore [doubtful.]*" 1863, May 10, Hd-Qrs. Cav. Div., A. N. V. G. O. 15. Sig: J. E. B. Stuart, Maj .-Genl. Announcing the death from wounds of Maj. R. Channing Price, A. A. Genl., Cav. Div. — ^his bravery and ability — staff to wear usual badge of mourning for 30 days. Copy. P-34-I- 1863, Nov. 21, near Orange C.-H. J. E. B. Stulirt [to Moses D. Hoge, D.D,] Thanks for bible sent — enclose $36, for which I wish copies of Gospels sent for distribution among my friends — religious thoughts.*"^ A, L. S. SS-c-27. 1864, Mch. 21, Hd-Qrs. Cav. Corps, A. N. V. J. E. B. Stuart, Maj.-Genl. to Capt. Jas. Breathed,"' Stuart Horse Arty., Charlottesville, Va. *°^ This endorsation was probably misplaced. It seems to have no connection with the subject-matter of the letter, ♦"s See also pp. 246, 323, 334. *=» See supra, pp. 197, 327. Confederate Calendar. 409 I regret you were not appointed among field-officers, A. N. V. — hope for further promotion for you — compliments and good wishes. L. S. Md. 1861, Nov. 22, Hd-Qrs. Post Ship Point, [Va.] V. Sulakowski, Col. comdg. Post, to Maj.-Genl. [J. B.] Magruder, comdg. etc. I enclose and call your attention to requisition for muni- tions to complete Capt. C. Smith's Battery — the pieces are unserviceable without them. A. L. S. B2-41-6. 1861, July 17, [Richmond, Va.,] Commonwealth of Virginia. Robert Swan. Commission as Maj. of Cavalry, Va. Vols. — rank from July 16, 1861— Sig: John Letcher."" P. F. S. Md-104. 1864, Dec. 14, "In the field near Petersburg, Va." Macon Sykes, pvt. Co. K, 44th Regt. N. C. Troops. "Descriptive list" of; last paid, June 30, 1864 — Sig: Wm. P. Oldham, Capt. P. F. S. NC-178-25. 1862, Jany. 24, Hd-Qrs. 15th T[enn.] V[ols.] R. A. T [Col. comdg.] to Maj.-Genl. [L.] Polk, comdg. ist Div. West- ern Dept. Protest against release of three privates of Co. I, confined for attempt to desert. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-31. 1861, July 21, Hd-Qrs. 3rd Brig., A. V. R. K. Meade, A. A. A. G., by order Col. Wm. B. Taliaferro.*" Circular. Commanders of loth, 23rd and 37th Va. will furnish complete list of men captured by enemy since the battle of Carrick's Ford — inspection to-morrow after squad-drill to as- certain number of improved captured arms — report the same. A. D. S. T1-47-1. 1861, Nov. I, n. p. [Wm. B. Taliaferro, Col. comdg.] "Regular officers Fifth Brigade Army of Northwest cor- 460 por Letcher, see supra, p. 329. **i A sketch of General Taliaferro may be found in C. M. H., v. 3, pp. 670-72. 410 Confederate Calendar. rected to this date" — z^rd, 25th and 37th Va. Regts — names, commands, dates of commission and of mustering into service — names of some Lieutenants in 2Sth Va. not known, they "being prisoners on parole." D. n. S. T1-42-1. [1861J n. d., n. p. [Wm. B. Taliaferro, Col. comdg.] "List of commissioned officers of Col. Wm. B. Taliaferro's (5th) Brigade" — dates of commissions and of mustering into service — officers of 2Sth Va. captured at Rich Mountain given without dates — Lieutenants of six companies not given — com- mand as above. D. n. S. Ti-42-2. [1861?] n. d., n. p. [Wm. B. Taliaferro, Col. comdg.] "Register of officers of Col. Taliaferro's Brigade" — ar- ranged as above — command listed: ist Ga. Regt., 3rd Ark. Regt. D. n. S. Ti-42-3. 1862, Mch. 10, Richmond, Va. [S.] O. — . Sig: Wm. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. Lieut. W. B. Pendleton, 23rd Va., is appointed A. A. G. on my staff*"" — ^he will report at once. A. D. S. P-24-2. 1862, Aug. 13-15,*°' n. p. Wm. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. comdg. Div. 7 brigade morning reports to; as follows: ist Brig., Va. Vols., Chas. H. Ronald, Col. comdg. — Aug. 13-15 — aggregate present, 2028, 2074, 2100 — absent without leave, 904, 900, 864. 2nd Brig., Vol. Div., John Seddon, Maj. comdg. — Aug. 14-15 — aggregate present, 1302, 1313 — absent withot leave, 432, 433- 3rd Brig., J. W. Jackson, Col., A. G. Taliaferro, Col. comdg. — Aug. 13-14 — aggregate present, 1523, 1644 — absent without leave 614, 582. 3rd Brig., E. F. H. Warren, Col. comdg. — n. d. — aggregate present, 1547 — absent without leave 624. P. F. S., A. F. S. T-23-1-7, *'2 Taliaferro had been appointed Brigadier-General on Mch. 6, 1862. He had ranked as Major-General in the Virginia militia. 468 The date of these reports explains the reason for the large number of men absent without leave; Jackson had just finished the fights around Cedar Mountain. Confederate Calendar. 411 1862, [Aug.?] n. p. [Wm. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. comdg. Div.] Division report, ist, 2nd, 3rd Brigs. — aggregate present, 4050 — absent without leave, 1985. F. n. S. T-23-8. 1862, Dec. 4, Hd-Qrs. Taliaferro's Brig. W. T. Taliaferro to Capt. Page, A. A. A. G. In obedience to orders of Dec. 4, transmit list of gunsmiths and machinists in this command: 37th Va. Vols., none; 23rd Va. Vols., none; loth Va. Vols., 2; 47th Ala. Vols., 6; 48th Ala. Vols., I — all gunsmiths, no machinists.^"* A. L. S. G-23-1. 1862, Dec. 31, Hd-Ors. Jackson's Div. [Wm. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. comdg. Div.] to Brig.-Genl. [R. H.] Chilton, A. A. G., A. N. V. Recommending Lieut. J. M. Garnett for promotion and appointment as chief, ord. officer — have received order a.s- signing Capt. L. Marye to the position — if it is consistent with the [ends abruptly; probably unsent.]*"" A. L. n. S. T-29-1. 1863, Jany. i, Hd-Qrs. Jackson's Div. Wm. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. etc., to James A. Seddon, Sec. War. Requesting promotion of Maj. H. P. Jones, Chf. Arty, this Div., to be Lt.-Col. — ^Jones' ability and long service — has 20 guns under him. A. L. S. T-24. 1863, Jany 7, Camp near Morse Neck, Hd-Qrs. Jackson's Div. Wm. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. etc. to James A. Seddon, Sec. War. Career of Lieut. J. M. Garnett — recommend he be made captain. A. L. S. T-2g-2. 1863, Jany. 9-24, n. p. [Wm. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. comdg. Div?] 5 brigade morning reports to; as follows: Starke's Brig., *»* Cf. supra, pp. 257, 360, 361. *°° A rough draft. 412 Confederate Calendar. Jackson's . Div., M. Nolan, Lt.-Col. comdg. — Jany. 9-10, ag- gregate present, 1089, 1086. The same, Edmd. Pendleton, Col. comdg. — Jany. 15, aggregate present, iioo. Jones' Brig., J. R. Jones, Brig.-Genl. comdg. — ^Jany. 10, Jany. 14,**° aggregate present, 887, 11 17. Nicholl's (Fourth) Brig., Francis T. Nicholls, Brig.-Genl. comdg. — Jany. 24, aggregate present, 1202. D. S. T-32-5-9. 1863, Jany. 11, Hd-Qrs. Jackson's Div. Wm. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. etc. to [Lt.-]Col. [Jas. L.] Corley, Q-M. Genl.. A. N. V. Is there any prescribed manner for estimating damages to property caused by soldiers cutting fuel, etc. — have referred citizens to G. O. 131, D. N. V. — is the Q-M. appraiser, or a board of survey — or 3 disinterested free-holders before a Jus- tice of the Peace— which Q-M. acts ? *" A. L. S. T-29-3. Not endorsed. 1863, Jany. 15, Hd-Qrs. Jackson's Div. [Wm. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. etc.] to Maj. A. S. Pendleton, A. A. G. Papers have been returned for endorsation — I thought Circular of Jany. 6, 1863, applied only to applications for leave of absence. A. L. n. S. T-29-4. 1863, Jany. 26, Hd-Qrs. Jackson's Div., 2nd Corps. Wm. B. Taliaferro, Brig.-Genl. etc. to Lt.-Col. Jas. L. Corley, Chief Q-M., A. N. V. Does the appointment of the Board ordered to assess damages to injured property suspend payment of * Colonel William Lamb, distinguished for his defence of Fort Fisher. See C. M. H., v. 3, pp. gSp-go. Lamb's article on Fort Fisher, in Battles and Leaders, v. 4, pp. 642-54, is important. 430 Confederate Calendar. Commission as Col. 38th Va. Regt. — rank from July 3, 1863 — assigned to Barton's Biigade. Sig: James A. Seddon, Sec. War. P. F, S. Va-F-14. 1863, Nov. 14, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. Powhatan B. Whittle. Commission as Col. of Cavalry — rank from Nov. 15 — to report as member military court attached to A. P. Hill's Corps. P. F. S. Va-E-27. The same. O. C. Va-F-19. 1861, Apr. 17, Charlotte, [N. C] L. S. Williams, Capt., by J. H. Wayte, to Gov. [J. W.] Ellis. "Hornet's Nest Riflemen tender 80 men for immediate use by order." Tel. NC-153. [1862, June,] n. d., n. p. T. V. Williams, Col. comdg. 37tli Va., Jas. L. White, Adjt. List of casualties ' in this command, engagements at Mc- Dowell and Richmond — total: killed, 11, wounded, 32, pris- oners, I. D. S. 1863, Sept. 8, Camp Steuart's Brig. T. V. Williams, Col. 37th Va., S. D. Thruston, Lt.-Col. 3rd N. C, John Preston, Capt. and A. Q-M., 37th Va. Appraisement, as board of a black mare and a bay horse [belonging to Brig.-Genl. Steuart?] — $1,000 each. D. S. Sj-57. 1863, Dec. 7, Hd-Qrs. 37th Regt. Va. Infy. T. V. Williams, Col. comdg. Report of action of this command in the battle of Payne's Farm, Nov. 27, 1863. A. D. S. B-14-6. Printed : O. R., S. 48, 869-70. 1863, Dec. 8, Hd-Qrs. 37th Va. Regt. [Infy.] T. V. Williams, Col. comdg., to Col. R. H. Chilton, Chief of Staff, A. N. V. List of deserters from this Regt. in other commands — 64 names, with companies, counties, congressional districts, dates of desertion, and names of commai^ds in which they are sup- posed to be. Also 210 names of deserters not in other com- mands — receipts of bounty. D. S. D-14. Confederate Calendar. 431 Endsd: Request they may be arrested with due care as to manner of arrest, as at the first alarm, "many may get off and conceal themselves in the mountains." Geo. H. Steuart, Brig.-Genl. A. S. 1862, June 19, Camp near Richmond, [Va.] W. M. Willcox to Mrs. Wm. E. Hinton. News of the army— expedition to Charles City C-H.— the condition of the men — minor matters. A. L. S. Md-167. 1861, Sept. 2, [Milledgeville, Ga.] Claudius C. Wilson.''''^ Commission as Col. 14th Ga. — Sig: Joseph C. Brown, [Gov.] By the Governor, Henry C. Wayne, Adjt.-Genl. P. F. S. Ga-ga-2-39. Appended : Circular of enclosure. 1863, Nov. 18, Richmond, [Va.,] War Dept. Claudius C. Wilson. Commission as Brig.-Genl. — rank from Nov. 16, 1863 — to report for assignment to Walker's Brig. Sig : Jas. A. Seddon. Sec. War. p. p. S. Ga-ga-2-39. 1863, Nov. 7, Royals, James Island, S. C. Hd-Qrs. Telegraph Office. N. J. Wilson, Manager, to [Brig.-] Genl. [Wm. B.] Taliaferro, conidg. "Sir In compliance with your instructions in regard to opening Telegraph Offices at Secessionville and Battery Haskell, I have communicated with Mr. Jas. W. Kates, Genl. Supt. of the Harbor Defence Telegraph Line and am requested by, him to say that if requisition is made through him or to Department Hd. Qrs. direct, he will immediately upon receiving the order proceed to do as you desire. We have wire sufficient to do the work and can probably procure the necessary Instruments for those offices. The greatest difficulty under which the Supt. labors is in getting the services of competent operators. The line at present and for some time back has been very BOS For Wilson, see C. M. H., v. 6, pp. 453-54- 432 Confederate Calendar. short of capable Telegraphist so much so that at each station one oper has to do the work and watching of three. The refusal on the part of the Government to pay the same sal- aries paid by the Telegraph Companies caused this state of things. As over half of the operators quit finding that they could not 'sustain themselves on the amount paid while cost of living, &c., was increasing. The demand for good opera- tors throughout the Confederacy is great and on the increase and they pay from 2 to 300$ salary per month on those civil lines, according to position and expenses. As long as the military lines will not pay as much as the civil lines this — difificulty will exist, more particularly as the labors on this line in point of night as well as day are so much more labori- ous and if anything the importance of correct and faithful service being rendered, competent men are more needed here, and men of small experience would be of little avail and might do our cause a serious injury. You asked me this A. M. about learning men and making them competent — I will an- swer the question by saying that the Supt. has given a fair opportunity to new beginners under Gov. auspices (Signal Corps of Savannah) and in but one instance they had to be returned to their positions for want of a thorough knowledge of the business. Some it's true learn to read and write by Telegraph in an incredible short time, but the mere knowledge of being able to manipulate does not fit him to take charge of an instrument, and a much longer time is necessary than one not familiar with the business would think. Causes con- tinually arising from the elements, &c., may exist and prevent the working of the lines, that Experience and a thorough knowledge of atmospheric Electricity and the governing laws of Electricity, can only remedy, and if such should be the case an incompetent man would do you no good when you would most want the services of the Telegraph. The position of afifairs with us demand men of capacity because they are needed at once. I have taken the liberty of making these remarks, which are somewhat irrevolent to the subject matter with the hope that you might deem it ex- pedient to make some suggestions to the Dept Hd Qrs in / / Confederate Calendar. 433 order to procure additional aid on the Government Tele Line &c. The above is very respectfully submitted." A. L. S. J-18-2. 1861, Dec. 16, Richmond, [Va.,] Dept. of Henrico. W. S. Winder, A. D. C. to List of 8 members of Richmond Howitzers discharged from the service on surgeon's certificates. D. S. H-31. 1863, Sept. 30, Camp near Chattanooga, [Tenn.] C. M. Winkler to Miss Angie V. Smith, Dover Mills, Va. Write on captured paper"" — disgusting tone of captured letters — possibility of attack — our lines strengthened — we may have to attack — our mistake in not following up the victory. A. L. S. Tex-42. 1861, July 8, Richmond, Va., Q-M. Dept., Transportation Of- fice. D. H. Wood, Capt. and A. Q-M. to Col. Dodamead. Genl. Lee wishes the N. C. Regt. to go to Staunton this evening — the 8th, and Ala. [sic] and 38th Va. are to go to- morrow — I propose you borrow [rolling-] stock from the Fred- ericksburg road and stop passenger trains a day or two if necessary — appointment. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-37. 1864, Nov. II, Richmond, Va., Q-M. Dept., Transportation Office. D. H. Wood, Maj. and Q-M. Order on the Richmond and Danville Railroad to furnish transportation for one horse to Surg. Chas. Selden, from Rich- n)ond to Danville on government account. "No. 314673." P. F. S. Q-3-1. Appended : Similar order — Danville to Greenwood. P. F. S. Q-3-2. 1865, May 5, n. p. R. R. Wood, Maj. and Q-M. Receipt to Maj. R. I. Moses for three boxes, containing bullion, estimated at $10,000 — certification of count to be made.^""^ D. S. Ga-t-S4. ^"^ Small folios of peculiar cut and fine quality. "^ Cf. supra, p. 261, n. 181. 434 Confederate Calendar. Appended: W. F. Alexander, Maj. and Asst. to Q-M. Genl: Order for the above transfer. A. S. [1861?] n. d. Pearisburg, Va. [Mary Woodram.] List of contributions to purchase a flag for the "Giles Guards" of this village — contributions 25 cents to $2.00. A. D. S. O-7-1. Appended: Newspaper account of presentation of the flag. Speech of presentation by Miss Woodram, accepted by J. E. Bane, color-sergt. 1861, Apr. 17, Goldsboro, [N. C] Council Wooten to Gov. J. W. Ellis. Has the arsenal been taken — if not, when will it be? Will arms be sent to Fort Macon? Can arms be had for cavalry Co. for Lenoir? Tel. NC-153. 1864, Feb. 7, Hd-Qrs. Anderson's Div. A. R. Wright^"^ to his daughter, [Sarah H. Wright.] Personal matters — advance of the enemy. A. L. S. Ga-ga-i-17. 1864, July 27, Petersburg, [Va.] R. A. Young to Maj. R. Tannahill, C. S. "Dear Sir In behalf of the Board of supplies for the city of Peters- burg for the relief of the Poor, and the Soldiers' families, of our city, we would most respectfully ask, that you allow our Committee to purchase a portion of the Toll meal, ground for the Government in order to give relief, to that portion of our population, who are now in great destitution and want. Since our City has been beseiged, there has not been any Corn ground on individual account, and none brought to market for sale, in consequence of the interruption of our Roads by the Raiders. We deem it proper to state, that our millers when grinding, on toll for individuals, sold the toll meal, at $10 pr. Bushel, and in one or two instances it has been given »08 For Wright, see C. M. H., v. 6, pp. 4S6-S8. Confederate Calendar. 435 to the Committee without charge. We hoped the vegetable crop would have afforded great relief, but in that we are dis- appointed, as the late drought has all most entirely destroyed the crop. We trust that since our Roads have commenced nmning again, that the receipt of corn will be sufficient for you to allow us to purchase such quantity of the Toll meal as can be spared without detriment to the Army. We feel assured that you will render us all the assistance you can, in behalf of the Board, Very Respectfully Yours" A. L. S. B2-46. A.ppended: "City Petersburg, Va. To Wit— The suffering of the families of soldiers, and of the poor of the city, is at this time greater than I have ever known. I do not know where any ■ relief is to come unless from the .source appealed to by the President of the Board of Supplies. I consider it not only a meritorious, but an urgent and necessary application: These people must be provided for, and it only can be done by the assistance of the Govt, in some form and all other means but this have been exhausted." W. W. Townes, Mayor. July 28, 1864. A. S. -Endsd: i: "Off. Chf. C. S., ist Dist. Va. Petersburg, Va. "Respectfully refd to Lt. Col. Cole, Chf. C. S., A. N. Va. Under instructions from the Chf. of this Bureau, no toll in kind is allowed millers at this Post, but the value of same commuted. I know that the statement made by Mr. Young is in accordance with facts and that the poor of this city to a considerable extent are suffering for and in want of bread. I would therefore suggest that author- ity be given me to allow the millers here to retain the toll in kind of meal three days out of every seven, during the month of August, to be sold at rates not to exceed the terms herein mentioned, and exclusively to the needy, the issuing of same to be immediately under the direction of the 'Board of Supplies.' " Robt. Tannahill, etc. July 28, 1864. 2. "This appeal is respectfully referred to Genl. R. E. Lee, 436 Confederate Calendar. Comdg. &c. Many of these poor people have been driven from their homes and have lost all of their supplies — their gardens have been destroyed by our own troops in many cases — many have been deprived of all means of support from the stopping of operation in many of the factories of the city. The case seems to me to deserve a favorable consideration. I believe it can be granted without . ... ..... injury to the Government. The amt. asked for in one month, supposing corn meal was issued to the troops each day, would not exceed one day's ra- tions to. the army and I recommend that the suggestion of Major Tannahill, C. S. be allowed viz: that the millers be allowed to sell to this committee the regular toll three days in seven." R. G. Cole, Lt.-Col. A. S. 3. "Respectfully forwd. and recommd. Numerous appli- cations have been made to me by women and children for bread — I have no means of supplying them. The soldiers of this army will willingly relinquish if necessary the amount of meal asked for." R. E. Lee, Genl. Aug. 2, 1864. A. S. 4. "To Commy. Genl. This application demands immediate attention. I rec- ognize the necessity of supplying the wants of these suf- fering poor and do not see how it can be better done than in the mode suggested. So unless you have a preferable mode of supplying to suggest." J. A. S[eddon]. Aug. 4, 1864. A. S. 5. "Resp'y retd. to Hon Sec. of War. On the 15th April, the C. G. S. placed the following endorsement on a letter of Genl. Braxton Bragg, directing, by the order of the Presi- dent, that in future the millers grinding for this Bureau, in this city, should not be allowed to sell their toll meal to the poor of the city, but should burnish the whole product of their mills to the Gov't. The argument then used was independent of seasons, ripening crops or facili- ties of transportation. 'Resp'y refd. to Sec. of War. The judgment of the Pres'd't that the meal now allowed to Messrs. Haxall & Confederate Calendar. 437 Crenshaw as toll, shall be appropriated to the use of Gov't as a military necessity, can be executed; for while the contract protects the toll from impressment, a clause in it provides for the purchase of the toll, at a price fixed by appraisers selected by the two parties to the contract. Such will be greatly to the interest of Haxall & Crenshaw, for they have sold their toll to citizens at a price half that ruling in the market, but in my judgment, the ab- straction of that amount of bread-stuff from them will be injudicious, while not adding materially to the re- sources of Gov't, for: ist: The poor are greatly aided by the liberality of the firm employed by Gov't, and 2nd, the people must live, and what would be brought to them here from the south and from other portions of this state, would be available for collection by our agents, and its collection by them would just so much diminish the de- mand for transportation from the south. This is merely a consideration of quivalents, but the moral consideration, that the Govt, will is auxiliary to the wants of the poor, is of value, and is effected without any expense to Gov't. I resp'y suggest to the Sec. of War that he endeavor to sustain his own decision previously given, as sounder than any other less matured.' "C. G. S. can see no difference between the two cases. He has no alternative plan of supplying poor of Peters- burg, to suggest, and remits the question to the Hon. Sec. of War, for his directions." L. B. Northrup, C. G. 5. Aug. 4, 1864. A. S. 6. "Com. Gen. As the action of the President was confined to the toll here, let them in Petersburg, which is now strictly in a state of seige and the people more straitened, be ap- plied to their use." J. D. S[eddon], Sec. Aug. 4, 1864. 1864, Apr. n. d., Camp near Pisgah Church, [Va.] D. Zable, Lt.-Col. 14th La., Oscar White, Lt.-Col. 48th Va., A. S. Stone- bathe [?], Capt. and A. Q-M., Board of Appraisers. Appraisement of one horse at $1433.00, and one mare at $2133.00. D. S. Sj-58. 438 Confederate Calendar. ANONYMOUS. 1863, Apr. 15, Vicksburg, Miss., Hd-Qrs. ist La. Regt to Report on filling of companies F and K. Ga-ga-i-30. 1863, Dec, Enterprise Sermon preached before Genl. [L.] Polk — text, St. John's Gospel, i, 29. M^-53. Endsd : p. 12 — places where preached — 7 times. 186-, n. d., n. p [Fragment] Reasons for placing Confederate military- prison at Andersonville, Ga. Ga-ga-49. 186-, n. d., n. p Diagrams of armament of Batteries Pringle and Dill, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. T-28-1-3. 186-, n. d., n. p. Army of Tennessee Notebook of an anonymous scout. Ga-3-00. Confederate Calendar. 439 PAPERS RELATING TO THE TRIAL OF JEFFERSON DAVIS: THE SHEA MEMORIAL. The heirs of the late George Shea, Chief-Justice of New York, have deposited in the museum those papers of that emin- ent lawyer which relate to the trial of Jefferson Davis. In conjunction with Charles . O'Conor, also of counsel for Mr. Davis, Mr. Shea began correspondence with the friends of the prisoner in July, 1865; and this continued, without intermis- sion, until the hearing of the motion to quash the indictment. These papers, as preserved by Shea, consist of autograph copies or drafts of letters written by him, together with the originals of letters sent him by other persons connected with the defence. The file is not complete, but the preparation of the defence, the gathering together of evidence and the plans for the betterment of Mr. Davis' condition can be followed somewhat in detail. The lack of information on some essen- tial points is doubtless due to the fact that important matters were decided in personal interviews between counsel, while, at the same time, they were careful not to express themselves freely in writing from a fear that their letters might be intercepted.^"* S09 Published material on the Davis trial is not abundant. Davis speaks of it briefly in his Rise and Fall, v. 2, (N. Y., 1881), and Mrs. Davis gives some facts in her Jefferson Davis, v. 2, (N. Y., 1890). Doddiniiis Jefferson Davis (Phila., 1907), gives a similarly brief account. Gen. Bradley T. Johnson prepared an elaborate Report, which is, unfortunately, very rare. C- M. Blackford's article. The Trials and Trial of Jefferson Davis (Rich., 1900), is an excellent review of the trial from the standpoint of an able lawyer. He has little to say, however, of the preparation of the defence. George Shea, in an article in the New York Tribune of Jany. 24, 1876, which was reprinted in the So. His. Soc. Papers, v. i, pp. 316-325, and published separately as Jefferson Davis: A Statement concerning the Imputed Special Causes ... (Lond., 1877), gives an excellent summary of the preliminary proceedings. 440 Confederate Calendar. 1865, May 27, "On Steamer Clyde." Mrs. V. C. Clay to Hon.' Ben. Wood. My Dear Sir, The circumstances of my husband's voluntary surrender to the U. S. authorities are well known to you. You will pardon me if I add a line explanatory. Mr. Clay was en route to Texas when he first saw the astounding proclamation. He retraced 175 miles and presented himself to Gen. Wilson's H. Qrs. at Macon/'^^" Mr. Davis and party arriving next day. We were all sent via Atlanta and Augusta to Sav. There we Embarked, as we tho't for the scene of trial, Washington. After anchoring in Hampton Roads for five days and nights, Mr. Clay was taken to Fortress Monroe, and I left aboard ship without a single male acquaintance, and under guard. I meant of course to go to Washington to engage counsel for my husband, and assist him in every and any manner pos- sible. Judge my surprise to learn that I cd. not even land to see the prison, nor cd. I go anywhere, but back to the South! Nor for days were we permitted any communication ashore, nor even to see a paper. But we were boarded by two women, a Maj. and 4 guards, and thoroughly searched, cabin, bag- gage, and person, wh. you may imagine amazed me, a poor private lady , passenger, who accompanied her husband by permission of Gen. Wilson, without order or restriction. But prisoners must expect and endure indignities, and I do not not complain. The object of this hasty note is to invoke your kindly aid in behalf of my dear and noble husband. I rejoice that you know him however slightly, for you cannot have failed to discern his sterling and admirable character. His Honor is far dearer to him than life, and he could not live under the foul brand of assassin. That you, and indeed the great majority of the northern people believe him innocent and ignorant of the means and manner of the heinous crime imputed to him I cannot doubt."*^ But as some shadow of "1* Clement C. Clay, Jr. For the accusations against him, the reports of his confinement, etc-, see O. R., s. 121. "11 Complicacy in the assassination of Lincoln, etc. See the charges in O. R., s. 121 pp., 69S-98, 708, etc. Confederate Calendar. 441 testimony seems to inculpate him, he must be vindicated. All I ask for him, is the "full, fair, and impartial trial'" he expects to receive and I "shall fear no evil." May I beg that you will assist him in obtaining that as far as possible without com- promising yourself? You might see and confer with Mr. F. Peirce,"= and Judge Black.=" I wish Mr. Carlile"* of Wash- ington, and Mr. Chas. O'Conor"" of your city employed as counsel, and will be obliged if you will see and enga'^e the latter's services. I will immediately set to work and obtain monies to defray all expenses, so do not hesitate to make any outlay necessary to summon witnesses, etc. Meantime, I know you will by strong but moderate ar- ticles, exert all your influence to bias public opinion favorably towards all the prisoners now held by Federal power. My husband's opinion of you, as often expressed to me, is my only apology for this inelegant note. We are in a transport ship, without any comforts, and this the 12th day! I have agonized in seasickness until to-day, when being at anchor, I have risen and written you this incoherent letter. Pardon error and may God bless you forever for any aid He may put in your heart to give me at this hour. Do write me a line to Macon, Geo. under cover to Richard Cuyler and greatly oblige me. Respectfully Yr friend. I hope to be allowed to go to Washington at the trial, but fear denial to heart-sickness." A. L. S. SM-6-1. "2 Cf. infra, p. 481. "1' Doubtless Judge J. S. Black of Buchanan's cabinet. 151* Probably John S. Carlile, formerly of Virginia. Carlile's political views, however, little suited him for such a task. "i" Charles O'Conor, "premier of the American bar." He was born in 1804, and early took up the practice of his profession, which he pursued until his death. His first famous cause was the Forrest divorce case, in which he appeared as counsel for Mrs. Forrest. He later acted for Vir- ginia in arguing the case of Napoleon vs. Lemmon, — the so-called "Lemmon slave case,"— before the Supreme Court of New York. He also acted in the Jumel will case, in the prosecution of the Tweed ring and appeared before the Electoral commission as one of Tilden's advisers in 1877. He was a Democrat, and gladly took up the Davis and Clay cases. He died in 1884. 442 Confederate Calendar. 1865, July 3, New York. Geo. Shea to Mrs. V, C. Clay. Yours of May 27 handed me by Wood — affected by it — I gladly acquiesce in Wood's desire that I act as Clay's counsel, and see that he had trial or is discharged for want of prose- cution — am already engaged to defend Jefferson Davis and in communication with O'Conor thereon — have but recently returned from Washington — saw Attorney-GeneraP^" and went to War Department — is very clear Davis will not be tried in Washington — if at all, either in Baltimore, before Chase, or in Pennsylvania— "But it is by no means certain that Mr. Davis will be tried." — most certainly not by a mili- tary tribunal — if this is the course with Davis, Clay and the others need have no trouble — Asst. Atty. Genl.^^^ promises every facility and ample time for defence when trial is deter- mined upon — No person of influence believes the charges against Clay a& to the assassination of Lincoln — Greeley fre- quently expressed want of belief — O'Conor has written you — he had asked and been refused for the present an interview with Davis — I do not know whether the same strictness will be enforced in Clay's case — will apply for an interview — no cause for anxiety as to Clay's ultimate release — government will not follow bad policy attributed to it by some papers — could give reasons for this view — felicitations. "I hope that another Fourth of July will see us all of one heart as well as of one Nation." "« A. C. S. SM-19-1. 1865, July 3, New York. Geo. Shea to Mrs. Varina Davis. Was asked by leadings gentlemen of the city, about middle of May, to act professionally for Davis — accepted — had my views as to what was best for the country in the case — knew these views were also held by influential men whose aid might be invoked — the honor of the nation was bound up in the method of trial, especially in Davis' case — I heard with great pleasure that the trial was to be civil and that communications should go to the Attorney General, not the War Department ^1' Jam^es Speed of Kentucky. 5" J. Hubley Ashton. See O. R., s. 121, p. 782. ^'^^ The letter probably was not sent until July 4. Confederate Calendar. 443 — am also informed trial will not be in Washington, but in Baltimore, under Chase, or in Pennsylvania— thought until to-day there would be no trial, but certain gentlemen want some issues of public law decided — think this trial might ef- fect it with no harm to Davis — do not think government will "aid this notion." — conferred with O'Conor before going to Washington — enclose letter from him — O'Conor's great ability — my friend Greeley showed us your letter of the 22nd ulto°^° — he did not think its private character meant to apply to ccmnsel — I wish to ask certain questions — ^will wait for an answer — do not know what surveillance may be over your correspondence — you ask about Davis' treatment — At my re- quest Truman Smith asked Stanton "who answered 'that there was no truth in the newspaper stories, and that he knew of no mis-treatment' "°^° I trust this is true — believe Davis is constantly confined at Fortress Monroe — if on any vessel, a gun-boat — correspondence with Mrs. Clay — no just cause for anxiety — government will not follow advice of some news- papers. — Asst. Atfy. Genl. assures facilities for defence — if Davis is not brought to trial, steps for his release will be taken — reassurances of Davis' safety — have hopes for a gen- eral amnesty. A. C. S. SM-19-3. 1865, July 14, Savannah, Ga. Mrs. Varina Davis to Geo. Shea. "My dear Sir, Your kind letter of the 3rd inst"^ was duly received, but must have met with a good deal of detention upon the road, perhaps in the "circumlocution office" for a copy of Mr. O'Conner's letter to me which you enclosed, and which he had dispatched through a channel which I suggested to him, reached me some days earlier. I forwarded Mrs. Clay's letter [to] her immediately, I am very sure it will be very welcome. Please believe I feel more deep gratitude than language is granted me to express for [y]our disinterested desire to serve Mr. Davis. 518 See infra, pp. 448-49. "0 Cf. O. R., s. 121, p. 712. »" Supra. 444 Confederate Calendar. ' The poor make no new friends, But oh they love the better far The few their Father sends.' Measure my thanks by my forlorn condition, and helpless womanhood. I perceive that you concur with Mr. O'Connor in the belief that Mr. Davis may not have a trial at all, but eventually may be pardoned, or transported, or something so. Perhaps a long imprisonment. The prospect is not inviting. I inferred from Judg Bingham's reiteration of the charge that Mr. Davis was accessorj' to Mr. Lincoln's assassination, made in his closing argument against the prisoners before the 'What is it?' that the government would certainly proceed to indict- ment, and trial for that crime.^^^ Perhaps it is proposed to pardon him this punative crime because the real assassin slain before a confession of his accomplices could be made, did not kill Mr. Lincoln's alternate. I have little patience with the false accusers, or their hollow pretences of magnanimity. If he is saved from an inquisitorial tribunal, it is only because the people would not have submitted to such a violation of the dearest right of a freeman. The manacles showed the animus of the government.""' Again, if Mr. Davis is tried for treason, and should happen to prove by that absolute in- strument the constitution, that the federal government could not coerce a state, because all the powers not ceded to the federal government in the Constitution were reserved to the States, Mr. Johnson would find it awkward to pardon him for (if you choose to so characterise our secession) an inexpedient assertion of an undeniable right. For the rest — he has not even $20,000 left now,""* and has stolen the property of no »22 Cf. the charges against Harold et al, in Genl. Ct-Mar. Order, No. 356, July 5, 1865; O. R., s. 121, pp. 696-98. •i^s See C. A. Dana's order of May 22, 1865, in O. R., s- 121, p. 563; N. A. Miles to C. A. Dana, May 24, 1865: "Yesterday I directed that irons be put on Davis' ankles ..." O. R., s. 121, pp. S70-7I- Cf. ibid., P- 577- For Davis' prison life, consult J. J. Craven : Prison Life of Jeffer- son Davis, (N. Y., 1866, 2nd ed., 1905). See also T. K. Oglesby: Captor and Captive; the Shackler and the Shackled . . . (Atl., 1899). "2* Mr. Davis' fortune had never been great, and after the war he was sometimes in straitened circumstances. Confederate Calendar. 445 person living or dead, nor yet of any fat corporation, conse- quently he is utterly contemptible; and beneath a pardon. How long oh Lord, how long! Falsely accused of every baseness, and inhumanity which could disgrace mankind with- out a shade of proof, a brave soldier, a devoted patriot, and honest gentleman lies in prison awaiting the next vier in pop- ular opinion — In that helpless condition he has been pusilani- mously insulted by a personal enemy who is now by accident "dressed" in a little brief authority." ^^^ Col. Pritchard^"" re- ports of Mr. Chase' answer to his question 'what will be done with Mr. Davis' was 'I do not know, it remains to be seen what the feelings of the people will indicate.' Not whether he was guilty but how the people would decide to dispose of him. I was gravely asked if I thought I could find counsel for him! I do not think the administration know any more than you do what they are going to decide upon. They arc mousing among the archives of our government"^' for some- thing upon which to support accusations, and it depends upon their success whether Mr. Davis is done to death by ill treatment, a "military court," or a public trial. — And com- bining business with pleasure. Quidnuncs are polluting with their unhallowed gaze the precious records of my few happy hours, and turning an honest penny by selling garbled extracts from my Husband's letters, and mine to those papers whose leaders needing a gentle excitement are willing to pay for "readable matter." Mr. Stanton's assertion that he knew of no ill treatment is disgusting. What is his standard of decency. Mr. Davis was taken from his family, every male protector having been pre- viously withdrawn from them, and sent to dififerent prisons, he was not advised that his was a final separation, put upon a tug boat with a high fever upon him, and placed in a case- "2= Reference is doubtful, probably Miles or Johnson. 528 B. D. Pritchard, Lt.-Col., 4th Mich. Cavalry, who had charge of the prisoners and their families when they arrived at Fort Monroe. See O. R., s. 121, p. 558. '27 That is, among the papers captured. The secret journals and special correspondence were not found by the Federal authorities. See Shea, op. cit., (So. His. Soc. ed., p. 321). 446 Confederate Calendar. mated cell, though he had been forced while Sec. of War to remove strong men from those very casemates because they died of diseases superinduced by the dampness."' He was there offered coarse food, such as a healthy man in constant habitual exercise might become hungry enough to consume but which a sick man, immured in a dungeon could not eat. I know this is so because Genl. Miles told me that he received soldier's rations and would be allowed to buy nothing. The destination of his helpless family was kept a secret from him as from them — ^And when mental and physical agony exerted themselves in impatience, he was manacled like a felon or a madman. The opinion of the. world compelled Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Stanton to feed his body better, but his mind is given over to their tender mercies. In looking forward to his future, I pray that 'the wicked may cease from troubling' but I know that if they do not very soon cease, 'the weary will be at rest,' and then the strength and glory of my house will have passed away, but, 'as thy day is, so shall thy strength be,' watching, and praying as one whose only hope is in the God of justice, and love, I know he doeth all things well,' and though he slay us yet will I trust in him.' Ever since Mr. Davis' incarceration I have been detained here — I was brought here against my will, had never been here before, and knew no friend to whom I could turn. Left with no other support than the small sum which the cupidity of the enemy, our captors had failed to ferret out and steal — I have been forced to spend as much in one month as I could have lived upon in a cheap place for a year or until Mr. Davis' case could be decided. Denied the comfort of telling him how his baby prisoners are°^° or of sending one word of love to him. When his life was apparently hanging upon a thread, the government had not the humanity to send me notice of it, but every agony of his was published accompanied with jeers of the valiant editors, and hawked about the streets in extras. — I applied three days ago to go to Augusta to see 528 See Craven, op. cit. Many reports of Davis' condition are to be found in O. R., s. lar. "28 Mrs. Davis' youngest daughter was born in 1864. Confederate Calendar. 447 my family, leaving all my children in Savannah, but was re- fused permission, because a prisoner within the limits of Savannah. Yet the government does not pay my expenses. 1 am accused of no wrong, yet am I confined here without redress, as I was conveyed here guarded by men armed with Spencer rifles, and bayonets and up to the hour of leaving Fortress Monroe, they guarded my door. If not relieved from the coerced visit to Savannah I fear I shall bury one of those precious ones who seem to cumber the ground now that their dear Father is no longer able to protect them. My infant who came here rosy, and gay is now drooping, and suffering from the whooping cough, contracted here where it is epidemic. — All the children are failing as well as I. Can Mr. Greeley do nothing for me — Can it be that the name of the unarmed help- less sufferer in Fortress Monroe is 'worth a thousand men.' Is it sought to prevent me from communicating with the outer world least the plea for justice may not be overpowered by the cry of 'crucify him.' For our down trodden people I crave the 'amnesty' whatever that may be, it is Protean and I cannot define it, unless it is their Adamic legacy confirmed to them by President Johnson — permission to breathe God's air, and to gain their bread by the sweat of their brows. But as for me, and for mine, we crave no amnesty. We have been robbed of everything except our memories — God has kept them green. Friends, brothers. Husband, home strength, hope, even the graves of my dear children do not belong to me. There is no bond uniting us to the Northern- ers — A great gulf of blood rolls between and my spirit shrinks appalled from attempting to cross it. I am strong to suffer, but quite unable to offer friendship, or receive amnesty at the hands of the Federal "many headed monster thing" which has usurped the place of our grand old compact. If we get jus- tice, I desire no favors. Mr. Johnson may pardon us like the Revd. Mr. Chadband whether we wish it or not, but he will never be asked. Byron somewhere describes my sensations as I look at the swarms of armed negroes, and Yankees who are standing like 'the abomination of desolation' where they 'ought not' — I quote from memory, and perhaps do not quote 44^ Confederate Calendar. aright — 'It is as though the dead could feel, The icy worm around him steal. Without the power to scare away, The cold consumers of the clay' °^° — If I am bitter against your people, it is because not only my men have been slain in battle, but one of my women kin has been deliberately mur- dered. However enough of this, I am unhinged by sorrow, and forget you have not lived in an invaded country and that consequently your ire has not been lighted at the funeral pyre of friends, and homes lost forever. Living in the closest friendship with Mr. Davis, I am cognizant of a great deal relating to his official conduct, and where I cannot speak from personal knowledge, could tell you in most instances where to apply to those who participated in his action. I have also a very valuable record in his letter book, but it is impossible for me to trust that in the Federal reach as it is now the only record which he has left of his official life°" — Files of the Richmond papers will best show the falsity of the accusations of cruelty to prisoners — For they contain one unbroken tirade against him for not consenting to emulate the Federal gov- ernment in such atrocity. Please if you write, direct your letter on the first envelope to Carrie Belle, on the next to W. F. Sergeant of this place, and I will certainly receive them speedily, and intact. If so illustrious a combination of talent, energy, and good will as yours with Mr. O'Connor's fail to extricate Mr. Davis, vain is the help of man. Confident of your whole power being exerted in the case, satisfied if justice can flow from a rock, that your rod will open the way, grateful beyond expression for your manly out- spoken sympathy, pray consider me in any event yours very gratefully and sincerely — P. S. The only injunction of secrecy which I intended to impose upon that kind, and fair minded old gentleman Mr. Greely, was that the newspaper people about his' office should oso The editor has been unable to identify this mutilated quotation. B»i See supra, note 527. Confederate Calendar. 449 not see my letter and cause me to be further persecuted by the powers that be." ^^'^ A. L. S. SM-ii-i. 1865, July 17, New York. Geo. Shea to Mrs. V. C. Clay. Enclose letter of O'Conor referred to in mine of srd."" — I trust letters sent to Savannah have reached you — disap- pointed at no answer yet received — none from Mrs. Davis — C. E. L. Stuart, said to have been on Davis' staff, calls and professes your confidence"^* — is commended by B. Wood — Stuart says you are now in Augusta — I prefer to write under cover to Richard Cuyler of Macon till otherwise directed — hope to hear my letters have reached you — matters relating to the trials in about the same state — The Tribune is making "a humane and nobly politic stand" for a general amnesty.""' A. C. S. SM-19-3. 1865, Aug. 3, P[?]alensville[?], Catskill Mountains, [N. Y.] Geo. Shea to Mrs. Varina Davis. Welcome to New York — ^while here are your husband's chief political enemies, you will find your chief personal friends — wrote that I hoped for general amnesty — rather hopes for general oblivion, as after Pharsalia"'* — ^whatever may be the future will do my best in the present mission — breakfasted with Greeley on Monday — he told me to say to you that "he had just received assurances that all was right at last, at Washington and that he felt very comfortable as to the result" — ^hope you have seen him ere this — "he is a good and firm friend of those who need a friend and unswerv- 532 See this letter mentioned in Shea to Mrs. Davis, July 3, 1865, supra, P- 443- ='3 Supra, p. 442. Enclosure not found. "* See infra, pp. 455, 478. 535 This was, of course, the work of Horace Greeley. A limited am- nesty, excepting all persons of prominence, had been declared May 29, 1865. See text in O. R., s. 121, pp. 578-80. 538 Fought Aug. 9, B. C. 48, between the forces of Caesar and Pompey, resulting in the defeat of the latter and the practical destruction of his army. Lucan wrote an epic on the subject. 450 Confederate Calendar. ing in the day of defeat and danger." — I will see you to-mor- row — P. S. may not arrive until too late. A. C. S. SM-19-4. 1865, Aug. 4, Macon, Ga. Mrs. V. C .Clay to Geo. Shea. Thanks for yours of the 3rd°'' — received O'Conor's letter — I hope you or he may be able to converse wth Clay — ^begin to fear confidence in the government is misplaced, since Clay is so vigorously dealt with that I am prohibited visiting Wash- ington — ^have applied to Judge Black for permission to do so — have received no answer — I believe his release would be ac- complished if my friends and the authorities might be seen — Have comfort in the defence to be made by "the good and pure and great men of the North." I cannot think of personal violence to Clay — do not believe it in the case of Davis — but solitary confinement without any books but the Bible and Prayer-book is very hard — Clay is not permitted to write me — ^future address. P. S. have received your second letter of the 15=^* — mails prevented speedier reply — I do not know Mr. Stuart — ^blessings on Greeley for his efforts for Justice and Peace — so strange that only "an hour ago" he was regarded as the most implacable foe and fanatic — Please send me the news-papers. A. L. S. SM-6-2. 1865, Aug. 12, N[ew] Y[ork.] Ch[as.] O'Conor to Geo. Shea. Yours of 12 received"'* — I wish to write as little as possible that must go by mail — cannot prevent indiscretion in others — will do my best in that direction. Your policy is doubtless most hopeful of good results "mine may be expressed in a single sentence. Externally respectful and obedient acquies- cence in the goodwill and pleasure of the powers that be[,] so long as that course has any tendency to mitigate suffering or save life, precisely an opposite line of action, pursued with all the inveteracy that indignant feeling can suggest and fear- less resolution prompt, the moment a military commission is formed for the purpose of throwing over a wicked assassina- 58T July 3^ ^ee supra, p. 442. "s See supra, p. 449. The letter is correctly dated July 17. »»» Not found. Confederate Calendar. 451 tion the flimsy disguise of its worthless and lawless sanction." — If any tools of the authorities read this, they will understand I have no intention of concealing this much — future personal movements — hope for a conference at Saratoga, if I leave the city. A. L. S. SM-17-1. "Reed at Saratoga, Augt. 17/65." 1865, Aug. 14, New York. Mrs. M, L. Howell'*" to Geo. Shea. Acknowledge letter — I plan to go to Montreal — my plans for my [grand?] children — I saw O'Conor — ^but did not tell him your views — my son Jeff arrived yesterday — ^he says our friends are still in Augusta'^^-^a part of their plans having fallen through. A. L. S. SM-14-1. "Reed, at Saratoga, 17/65." 1865, Aug. 21, Caldwell, Warren Co., N. Y. Ch[as]. O'Conor to Geo. Shea. Thanks for yours of 22nd — the morning papers show some other "queer things on the Wirz"'' case." The Ch[ief] J[us- tice] is in Washington — "If you could get a letter to him from our friend^" and could spare time to see him some valuable information might be elicited." I go to visit some persons in Baltimore who may be able to render service. A. L. S. SM-17-2. "Reed. Augt. 28/65." 1865, Aug.' 22, Saratoga Springs, [N. Y.] Geo. Shea to Mrs. M. L. HoweU. I have had a conference with O'Conor on views expressed 5*" A sister of Mrs. Jefferson Davis. »*! Mrs. Davis and family are probably meant; but see Shea to Mrs. Davis, Aug. 3, supra, p. 449. "* Major Henry Wirz, Confederate commandant at Andersonville, Ga. For the government side of the case against him, see Advocate-General Holt's summary, in O. R., s. 121, pp. 775-81 ; the charges and specifications in ibid., pp. 785-89; the finding and sentence in ibid-, pp. 789-91- The Southern view is set forth in a series of articles in the So. Hist. See J'apers, v. i on the Treatment of Prisoners. 5*8 Greeley is probably meant, but the reference is doubtful. 452 Confederate Calendar. to you — lie accords — we unite in hope of "a happy, if not speedy accomplishment" — I am determined to try all proper methods to effect Davis' release not by pardon or clemenc)' but "by due process of law" — this method has advantages for all which none other has, with reasons already given you — no decisive news, but favorable gossip from Washington — address — should "our friend at Augusta" °** arrive in Canada, telegraph me at New York — I will then come at once for conference — caution against confidence in adventurers in Can- ada — do not have communication with them — personal news. A. C. S. SM-19-5. 1865, Aug. 28, New York,] 44 Bible House. Horace Greeley to Geo. Shea. "I cannot judge whether this letter of Mrs. D would do more good or harm if printed.^*^ There are parts of it that would do good; parts that would not; if properly edited, it could [ ?] be published with benefit. The worst of it is that J. D's proclamation to hang Butler, also other [?] officers who should be captured while commanding negro troops, &c., &c., are in opposition to its spirit.'*" There would have been no trouble about exchanges if they had been willing to ask no questions, but exchange all they had." A. L. S. SM-12-2. 1865, Aug. 29, New York, Office of The Tribune. Horace Greeley to Francis P. Blair,"' Esq., Present [Washington.] "The bearer is Charles O'Conor, Esq., eminent at our Bar, whose reputation is of course familiar to you, though his per- son is not. He has undertaken the defence of Jefferson Davis, and visits Washington with reference thereto. I com- mend him most trustfully to your highest consideration." A. L. S. SM-12-5. '^** Mrs. Jefferson Davis. 5*5 Not found, but cf. an earlier letter mentioned in Shea's article (So- His. Soc. ed. p. 320). See Shea to Mrs. Davis, Aug. 31, 1865, infra. 5*« Gen. Benj. F. Butler is meant. 5*' Francis Preston Blair, Sr., one of President Johnson's confidential advisers, not to be confused with his, son, Maj.-Genl. Francis P. Blair, U. S. A. Confederate Calendar. 453 1865, Aug. 31, New York. Geo. Shea to Mrs. Varina Davis. I want to write little by mail — reticence is to be taken as favorable — if Davis were to be tried by military tribunal, or where just administration of law was interfered with, or if he were in personal danger, I would write freely — am assured everything is going well — if I could communicate in person could give you much that would comfort you — ^^do not believe what you read in the papers about trials — whenever a trial upon indictment is announced, "fair weather has set in" — a civil trial, even before Chase, is most fervently hoped for — still believe there will be no trial — certainly none before a military tribunal — take it the government has unequivocally declared this — have no forebodings — "Before a civil tribunal we are safe in our defence." — more cannot be said — I go with O'Conor to-morrow to Baltimore and Washington — a chance for "further good" presenting itself there — will write on my return — send this as Mrs. Waller promises safe delivery — P. S. If there is a trial, be assured you will be enabled to at- tend — I have read your letter to Genl. Lee'*' — O'Conor showed It to me — Greeley also read it — we all think it had better not be published now — there are hints in this which should be kept "very private." A. C. S. SM-19-6. 1865, Sept. 5, Washington, D. C. Fred [eric] k A. Aiken to Geo. Shea. I did not write yesterday as Judge Hughes told me of meeting O'Conor in Baltimore and giving such information as O'Conor desired of the Chipman conversation — this confirmed my first impression that it was not important. Nothing of interest this week in the Wirz trial — I think the government will soon close — did not try to learn anything of the Davis trial — I presume when you wish me to do so, where positive information can be obtained, you will inform me — P. S. Have arranged fully for the report of the trial. A. L. S. SM-i-i. "Reed. Sept. 6,/65." "*' See fireeley to Shea, Aug. 28, 1865, supra. 454 Confederate Calendar. 1865, Sept. 9, Silver Spring, [Md.] F. P. Blair to Geo. Shea. I saw the President yesterday — gave him your views, tell- ing him whence they came — ^he gave no answer, but talked freely on the subject. — I think it would be well, if you intend to press the matter as you suggested, to write out your views and submit them to the President — they might thus be dis- cussed in the Cabinet and in all likelihood the law officer might apprise you of the result. A. L. S. SM-3. 1865, Sept. 10, Washington, D. C. Fred [eric] k A. Aiken to Geo. Shea. "My dear Sir : — Mr. Sutton, the official Reporter of the Senate who will report Mr. Davis' trial when it takes place, had, a day or two since an interview with Chief Justice Chase the substance of which he had given to me with the permission to communicate it to you. The conversation is kept close here. It is not known outside of the parties named as I believe it your wish and Mr. O'Conor's that matters relating to the trial shall not be made public prematurely. The Chief Justice's long inti- macy and friendship with Mr. Sutton led him to speak quite freely and fully and I deem it of great importance that you should have the substance of the interview both for informa- tion and to see how it squares with what was said in youi visit. In the first place the Chief Justice said that he had no knowledge of any arrangements for the trial of Mr. Davis and that he had no expectation of presiding at such a trial at Norfolk as the newspapers have represented. He inti- mated that he could not preside in any of the seceeding states until there had been some legislation in relation to them by Congress. Congress will not meet until the first Monday tn Dec. next. The Supreme Court of the United States will meet on the same day and the Chief Justice said positively that he should not absent himself from the Bench of that Court during the Term. In the course of the conversation, as Mr. Sutton had intimated his intention to report the trial and to get it out in a creditable manner in book form, the Chief Confederate Calendar. 455 Justice replied, "If you wait for that purpose until I try the case you will wait a long time." This remark gives a peculiar significance to the remark made to me by yourself that there might not be any trial at all. The Metropolitan Record alluded to when you were here, I have mislaid. Can't find it. When do you think I had better visit New York for a day or so ? As I have not written a similar letter to Mr. O'Conor I presume it would be well to tell him of this. The Wirz Trial is getting a little more interesting from the fact that, to use the classic words of Col. Chipman, the Judge Advocate, they are now implicating 'bigger fish.' With my kind regards I am very truly yr. ob't serv't" A. L. S. SM-ii-2. 1865, Sept 13, Chambly. Mrs. M. L. H[owell] to Geo. Shea. Have received your letter of 22 — have been preparing my grandchildren for school — their destination — have not heard from "our friend" "' since Aug. 19 — she was then well and in Augusta — I have been afraid "our dear friend" °°° was to have a military trial — wish information about my son — I have taken your suggestions as meant"''^ — will say nothing to embarrass our cause — Dr. Chas. E. Steuart [sic] is a "confidence man" "^ — his dishonorable actions. A. L. S. SM-14-2. "Reed. Sept.. 18/65." 1865, Sept. 19, Mill View, near Augusta [Ga.] Mrs. Varina Davis to Geo. Shea. Have received your letter^"* — my anxiety for Mr. Davis' health has been greatly allayed by an unrestrained letter from him and by a telegram from Genl. Miles — I hope his health will improve — trust by exercise of great caution to continue °*' Mrs. Jefferson Davis. 550 Jefferson Davis. ' °5i See Shea to Mrs. Howell, Aug. 22, 1865, supra, p. 452. =52 Cf. pp. 191, note, 58, 449, 478. 5=5 Shea to Mrs. Davis, Aug. 31, 1865, supra, p. 453. 456 Confederate Calendar. my correspondence with him and relieve his mind upon domes- tic subjects — ^poHtical matters may not be written him — as to their use, it were better so — you must not take my sister's letters too seriously^"* — I myself have perfect confidence in you and O'Conor — will assist if I can — otherwise will be patient — like you, I regard a trial as a boon — I only fear its postponement "until a reliese [sic] will be the end" — my debt to Mr. O'Conor — have faint hope of being allowed to see Mr. Davis — directions for writing — ^hope you will communicate developments. A. L. S. SM-11-2. 1865, Oct. 20, New York. Geo. Shea to Mrs. Varina Davis. Yours of Sept. 19th received"'"' — most pleasing that you are in correspondence with Mr. Davis, especially as his letter is "unrestrained" — this confirms what I heard at Washington — in September I went to Washington to confer with "old Mr. Blair" ■"" on a plan to expedite the trial — I had a plan which O'Conor approved — Blair laid it before the President — re- ceived not unfavorably — I also urged Blair to procure corres- pondence for you with Davis — ^went to Washington again last Monday — asked that myself and O'Conor have access to Davis for conference — Stanton denied this — said policy was un- changed on this point, but granted Gen. J. R. Davis' request that suitable winter clothing be sent Davis — I called on Blair again — O'Conor or myself will go to Washington shortly — hope it will be O'Conor — Montgomery Blair'"^ said his mother had seen the president with request that you might see Davis — they had great hopes of it — Blair would have written you but would not anticipate, for fear of failure — everything that can make in favor of Davis is employed — "All is going well" — I think the government will enter civil prosecution from which Davis need fear nothing — as you may soon be on the way to see him, I will delay further news — congratulations on happy »" Mrs. M. L. Howell. "5" Supra. '" Francis P. Blair, Sr. See note 547. 55T A son of Francis P. Blair, Sr. He had been Postmaster-General under Lincoln, but resigned and became a Democrat after the war. Confederate Calendar. 457 change in Davis' favor. P. S. Had a full talk about Davis with Judge Black."» A. C. S. SM-19-7. [1865, Oct.] [n. p.] Mrs. M. L. Howell to [Geo.] Shea. Did you receive my letter — please send information about my friends. A. L. S. SM-14-3. "Reed. Octr. 14/65." 1865, Nov. 12, [Newport, R. I.?] Jos, R. Davis='» to Geo. Shea. I regret not seeing you before I left New York— when can we meet? A. L. S. SM-io-i. "Reed, Nov. 15/65." [1865,] Dec. 20, Newport, R. I. Jos. R. Davis to [Geo. Shea.] Have just returned from Canada — received the letters sent — I wish I might have remained in Montreal and examined the books°'° — if you wish to go there and do so, have a con- versation with Mr. B=»' — will postpone my trip South. A. L. S. SM-io-2. "Reed. Dec. 25/65." 1865, Dec. 28, Newport [R. I.] Jos. R. Davis to [Geo. Shea.] Have received your letter of 26 — I plan to meet you "on Wednesday" ''*=' — ^and proceed to Montreal. A. L. S. SM-10-3. 1865, Dec. 30, New York. Ch[as.] O'Conor to Wm. Preston Johnston. "My Dear Sir This letter will be presented to you by my friend George Shea, Esq. of this City. Mr. Shea is a member of the bar and 868 Judge ''. S. Black. See supra, note 513. ==» Brig.-Genl. Jos. R. Davis, a nephew of Pres. Davis. ">"> The secret journals of the Confederate Congress and the Executive letter-books. See Shea's article, loc. cit., p. 321. "^i John C. Breckinridge, last Confederate Secretary of War. See supra, p. 198; Shea's article, loc. cit., p. 321. s" Jany. 3, 1866. 4S8 Confederate Calendar. has zealously promoted all measures tending to the relief of Messrs. Davis and Clay ever since the commencement of their captivity. He now proceeds to Canada to confer with the friends of these gentlemen there and to gather such information in aid of the defence as may be accessible.'^^ Of course you will be pleased to meet Mr. Shea and to further his objects as far as may be in your power. It now seems highly probable that Mr. Davis at least, if not both of these gentlemen, will soon be tried in a Civil Court under some novel arrangments in acts of congress now in progress which are designed to facilitate their conviction. There is but one ground on which a doubt of their early trial would be warranted. A game of cross-purposes in Congress between the President's own proper party, and the extreme radicals might arise and might lead to delays, and an ultimate abandonment of the prosecution. Strange as it may seem the persons most likely to urge the prosecution are of that faction in the Republican party which is likely to be the Republican Wing of Mr. Johnson's legion. The last out-giving from Washington is an assertion of Mr. Stanton that Mr. Mallory°°* would be tried in a civil court within thirty days. He did not say that this would be the first trial, but I infer that such was his meaning. I am Dear Sir Yours Truly" A. L. S. SM-17-3. i866,''«= Jany. 6, Montreal. Geo. Shea to Chas. O'Conor. I have been here for three days — two gentlemen for whom 1 had letters are not here — hope to hear from the more im- portant by to-morrow — "The business upon which I am here is already satisfactory in results.''^"" — ^have much to say — ^had "'^ Shea, loc. cit., 321. »«* Stephen R. Mallory, Confederate Secretary of the Navy. For papers regarding his proposed trial, see O. R., s. 121. <«"i Improperly dated 1865 in the original. "«« That is, the examination of the Confederate archives. Confederate Calendar. 459 better deliver it in person — will be home Wednesday after- noon. A. C. S. SM-19-8. 1866, Feb. 12, New York. Ch[as.] O'Conor to Geo. Shea. "Dear Sir, Thanks for your note of the 9th inst.°*' The only question is whether some [one] ought to be sent to Washington, and, if need be, thence to Raleigh to investigate the premises. There is some difficulty in getting the right person to do this. Forney^** has just written a very bloody military commis- sion article. But in point of reasoning it is very feeble. It demonstrates the utter unfitness of a civil tribunal to meet the exigencies of the case and at the same time prove the utter in applicability of any judicial process civil or military. In a word it establishes my doctrine that Power is remediless in the premises unless it dares to slay without form or ceremony. Yrs Truly" A. L. S. SM-17-11. 1866, Feb. 14, N[ew] Y[ork.] Ch[as]. O'Conor to Geo. Shea. "Our sincere thanks are due to the enemy. By and by, we may think it prudent to have them presented. A leather-medal is the form usually suggested in vulgar speech as suitable for such cases ; but a hempen collar might be at once more decor- ous and more appropriate. It is marvellous to me that he seems so perfectly blind to the perfection of his own reasoning. It is seldom that so good a player moves in a series so artistic toward an inevit- able check-mate. You have rendered a great service by thus drawing their fire. It might be well to prosecute the controversy a little further. Please to let me know the date of the Chicago paper in which this article appeared." '«' A. L. S. SM-17-4. "Reed. Feby. 16/66. Answ. Feby. 17/66." ^" Not found. =*' John W. Forney' editor of the Washington Chronicle. Forney did not long support Johnson's policy. See Shea, loc. cit., 323. Forney wrote interesting Anecdotes of Public Men, (2 v., N. Y., 1873-81). "'^ The article to which reference is made was not found. 460 Confederate Calendar. 1866, Mch. 27, n. p. [Chas.] 0'C[onor] to Geo. Shea. "Dear Sir Is not the controvers}' touching the invention of "Uni- versal Amnesty and Universal Suffrage" very amusing ? ^'"' Would it be worth while to give a reprint from the Tribune of last summer, showing that it is a plagiarism. Perhaps Horace would not incliae to pluck any feathers from the tail of republican daw, but Ben. Wood of the News"^ would have no such scruple. I perceive that the Dead Duck has joined in chorus with the Black Douglass about traitors remaining unhanged. What a pity it is that all scoundrelism could not be promptly and vigorously punished by bonds the lash or the gallows. If so Forney-cation would have become as infamous by this time as the Dead Duck wishes to make treason. Washington's example of its being a virtue notwithstanding. Yrs" "Reed. 28/66." A, L. S. MS-12-5. 1866, May 14, New York. Truman Smith"" to Hon. Wm. H. Seward, Sec. State. "My dear Sir:— Mr. Geo. Shea is one of the counsel of Mr. Jefferson Davis recently indicted for treason in Judge Underwood's court at Norfolk, Va. Mr. Shea visits Washington in that connection (i) to ascertain, whether it is in fact the intention of the Government to bring Davis to trial and if yes then (2) to se- cure the ordinary privilege of counsel — that of access for him- self and for his associate (Mr. Charles O'Conor) to his client. I cannot conceive of a reason to justify a denial of this privi- lege and I feel sure that such an extreme measure will not be countenanced or sustained by the Hon Head of the Depart- "^o That is, the controversy as to who was the author of the policy and of the slogan. 5^1 Benj. Wood of the New York News, who later signed Davis' bail- bond. He was intimate with Greeley, Shea and others. 572 Former Senator from Connecticut and at this time Judge of the Slave-trade Court in New York. Confederate Calendar. 461 ment of State. The truly liberal course of Mr. Shea on some important subjects appertaining to your administration of our foreign affairs induces me to take a particular interest in the realization of his wishes and purposes as above indicated. I have the honor to be with high respect truly and faith- fully Yours" A. L. S. SM-22. i856, May 16, Washington. Geo. Shea to Mrs. Varina Davis. I am here at O'Conor's request on certain preliminaries of the trial — it is likely to be brought on before the Chief Jus- tice the latter part of next month in Richmond — it now be- comes advisable for myself and O'Conor to see Davis — have Davis write a letter designating us as of his counsel — we can talk over other counsel when we meet — we will then make the usual application for permission to see him. [The follow- ing scratched through: Send this by Genl. Q. A. Gillmore on a visit to Fortress Monroe — he will deliver through com- manding officer — and bring answer.] P. S. Will await an- swer here — I hope for it by next mail — or by special hand. A. C. S. SM-19-9. 1866, May 17, Fortress Monroe. Mrs. Varina Davis to Geo. Shea. Have received yours of 16 — glad you are to be associated with O'Conor"^ — Mr. Davis' thanks — In regards to a letter for permission for an interview with counsel, Davis says ap- plication has been filed since June 7, in answer to a letter from O'Conor offering services — In this Davis said : "Though reluctant to trouble you with the labor of coming here, I must for the considerations indicated request you to obtain the requisite authority to visit me for the purpose of a free conference" °^* — A sentence in the letter was objected to — the request declared "premature" by Seward — letter recopied ex- actly, without the sentence — explanation of facts annexed — "^ The formal tone of this note was due to the fact that it was to be sent through official channels. '"'* Cf- Townsend to Miles, June 8, 1865, O. R., s. 121, p. 647. 462 Confederate Calendar. If the request was then thought premature, it may be granted now — upon application to the Department, you may probably see the letter — Time for preparation is so short, that no time should be lost in seeing Davis. A. L. S. SM-11-3. 1866, May 21, Washington. Geo. Shea to Mrs. Varina Davis. I return to New York to-night — ^yours of the i6th re- ceived^^^ — congratulations that my visit here was successful — will immediately communicate with O'Conor — in a few days we go together to Fortress Monroe to confer with Davis — from present indications we will not be hurried in preparation — are assured at least one month's previous notice of trial. A. C. S. SM-19-10. 1866, May 27, Fort Monroe, Va. Geo. Shea. Military pass to; at main and postern gates — good until revoked. Sig: John S. McErran, Capt., A. D. C, and A. A. A. G. P. F. S. SM-8-3. 1866, June I, New York. Office of the Tribune. Jno. Russell Young, Managing Editor, to Geo. Shea. I beg to introduce Kane O'Donnel who goes to Richmond to "watch" the Davis Trial — I commend him to you."* A. L. S. SM-26. 1866, June 9, Washington, D. C. Horace Greeley. "I authorize George Shea to appear in behalf of me and in my name to enter into a recognizance in such sum as he may think proper for the due personal appearance of Jefferson Davis in any court of the United States at any term during the present year 1866°" to answer to anjrthing which may be alleged against him by the United States." D. S. SM-12-6. "" Supra. Properly May 17. "'• It was generally thought at this time that Mr. Davis would be tried at once in Richmond. His counsel did not share this opinion. BT7 "1866" pencilled in the original. Confederate Calendar. 463 18^2, Apr. 17, Norfolk, [Va.,] C. S. S. "Virginia. Josiah Tatt- I beg to introduce Wm. G. Swan, a friend of Jefifn. Davis, and a member of the C. S. Congress"'' — communicate to him freely regarding the trial — introduce him to O'Conor, if the latter is in town. A. L, S. SM-10-4. 1866, July 19, New York. D[aniel] H. London"* to Geo. Shea. Have called to see you with letter from Greeley^'" — as I was leaving Richmond to remove here, heard through F. H. Wynne that Davis' health and condition were not satisfactory — reaching here, I determined to see if a memorial originating with Greeley, his friends, and others wishing Davis' release might not be used successfully — Greeley says you leave to- morrow — can you call at my office or write Greeley to go ahead — I regard mself as Davis' personal friend — as wishing for his release by means suggested, cannot a prompt decision regarding the petition be made? A. L. S. SM-15. 1866, July 20, New York. Office of the Tribune. Horace Greeley to Geo. Shea. "The bearer, Mr. D. H. London, proposes that a few of us unite in a memorial to the President to parole Jefferson Davis. I think it desirable that nothing be done in the prem- ises that does not meet the hearty approval of Mr. D's counsel. He calls on you in accordance with that suggestion." A. L. S. SM-12-1. 1866, Aug. 6, New York. Ch[as.] O'Conor to Geo. Shea. "Your note of the 2nd inst."*^ reached me this morning. I spent last night in the rail car, and during my solitary vigil the very project now suggested by Mr. Greeley"*^ occurred 078 Swan represented Tennessee in the first and second Congresses. "''» London had been a leading merchant of Richmond before the war, and was for several years president of the "Central Southern Rights Asso- ciation." His advertisements are frequently met with in the Richmond Enquirer. 080 Greeley to Shea, infra. 081 Not found. 082 See Greeley to Shea, July 20, 1866, p. 463. 464 Confederate Calendar. to me. The coincidence is a favorable one. I approve of the measure most decidedly and very much desire that it be pro- ceeded in without delay. My recent, visit to Fort Monroe was for the purpose of comparing views in relation to the defense. I found Mr. Davis much weaker and greatly fear that he may sink under the hardships of his imprisonment. Hence my anxiety for speed. The memorial should be as strong in point of numbers as time and other circumstances may permit. I presume Gerritt Smith would sign it. I do not understand the quotation with which your letter commences and consequently cannot re- spond to it. Hoping that your stay at the Springs is attended both as to Mrs. Shea and yourself with much pleasure." A. L. S. SM-12-6. 1866, Aug. 13, New York. Geo. Shea to Chas. O'Conor. Your telegram received and answered — I came here Sat- urday night — saw Greeley yesterday — this evening he will get the memorial with signatures he procures meanwhile — to-morrow afternoon, unless you telegraph the contrary, I go to Boston to procure signatures of Gov. Andrews, Wendell Phillips, Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Henry Wilson and others"'^ they may be able to get — will be back Thursday — Henry Ward Beecher will sign — Greeley will see to Gerrit Smith's signature — in addition to these abolitionists, I propose, you approving, to give the President's prominent friends oppor- tunity to sign — will therefore call on Henry J. Raymond, and Senators Dixon and Doolittle"'* — give your directions and sug- 1583 All of these were prominent abolitionists of Massachusetts. '8* Henry J. Raymond was editor of the New York Times, and was a warm supporter of Johnson. He wrote the address issued by the Phila- delphia Convention of 1866. See A. Maverick : Henry J. Raymond and the New York Press, (n. p., 1870). James Dixon was Senator from Con- necticut and was thoroughly loyal to Johnson. He was named by the latter to be minister to Russia but declined the post. James Rood Doolittle was Senator from Wisconsin, an original free-soiler and author of the call for the Republican Convention of i860. His support of Johnson drew forth a request for his resignation from the Wisconsin Legisilature, but he de- clined to retire. Confederate Calendar. 46^ gestions as to this — take for granted Cornelius Vanderbilt will sign — some reason to believe Alex T. Stewart*"" would not refuse — ^would like your suggestions by Thursday — ad- dress. A. C. SM-19-11. 1866, Aug. 14, New York. Geo. Shea to Chas. O'Conor. Enclose copy of memoriaP*' — is proposed Gerrit Smith and one or two like him present it to the President — what say you? — I do not know object of Johnson, who wishes an op- portunity "to spit his venom towards Davis." — Tribune an- swers this morning. Greeley recognizes the great political struggle at hand — has disengaged from everything else to give his time to advocating and disseminating his views — will hereafter issue daily extra of the Tribune of 100,000 copies — it will be circulated throughout the states — this is done that the people may know the cause for which he wishes their support — in New England I am to have Gov. Andrews' cordial support in procuring signatures."*' A. C. SM-19-12. 1866, Aug. 14, New York, OfiSce of the Tribune. Horace Greeley to Gov. John A. Andrew, Boston, M[as]s. "The bearer is my friend George Shea, Esq. of counsel for Jefferson Davis, who visits new England hoping to secure sbme support from leading Abolitionists to his .... [illegible] that his client be either tried or bailed. I beg you to hear Mr. Shea, and to commend him to the personal favor of such friends as he may wish to see." A. L. S. SM-12-4, 1866, Aug. 16, Saratoga Springs, [N. Y.] Ch[as.] O'Conor to Geo. Shea. "Your favor of yesterday"** is just received. It is not 585 Alexander Turney Stewart, a native of Ireland and a leading mer- chant of New York. He was reported to have the largest income of any man in New York. 588 Memorial for the trial or liberation of Mr. Davis. See infra, p. 467. 587 Cf. Shea to O'Conor, Aug. 20, 1866, infra. 588 Not found. 466 Confederate Calendar. necessary to add a word beyond what was conveyed in my telegram. The sooner the better consistently with securing strength among the opponents of the President and his non-democratic supporters. The moment it is ready let it go by some sure hand who will himself deliver it to the President. It is not necessary to await any action on my part. It is not necessary that I should see it although by way of providing 'material for his- tory' a copy might properly be preserved. Even this I do not insist upon. I am Dear Sir Yours Truly" A. L. S. SM-17-7^ 1866, Aug. 20, Caldwell, Warren Co., N. Y. Chas. O'Conor to Geo. Shea. "Your Boston telegram is just received. I apprehended on reading the document that there was an access [sic] of fainting in the work. All I now desire is that with such names as may be gotten in N. Y. be it only one or two the document"" be at oncel transmitted. The moment this is done I pray to be informed of it." A. L. S. SM-17-8. 1866, Aug. 20, New York. Geo. Shea to Chas. O'Conor. Am back from New England — I saw all but one I went to see — success not equal to what had been hoped — memorial not yet in condition to be presented — mission not a failure — had from one of Johnson's responsible and chief advisers a letter to the President"'" — this ought to be quite as potential as a me- morial from his opponents — this substantially the result of the week's work — will relate details when see you — notice the President's proclamation of peace"'^ in this morning's paper 688 That is, the Memorial. »»" Not found. "'I See text in McPherson, Political History of Reconstruction, (Wash., 187s) pp. 194-96. Confederate Calendar. 467 — that removes all objection to Chase's granting Habeas Cor- pus, and "if he holds to his expressed opinions, relea;sing JVIr. Davis on bail" — shall it be tried again — or shall we wait the effect of the letter referred to — will act as you direct — mean- while I will work on the memorial. P. S. "The Chief Justice said he would act and admit to bail if such a proclamation was issued." A. C. S. SM-19-13. 1866, Aug. 22, Caldwell, Warren Co., N. Y. Ch[as.] O'Conor to Geo. Shea. "Yours of the 20th is received.^'^ To its various sugges- tions but one reply occurs to me. The non-transmission of the memorial, be it good or bad, strong or weak, is an evil. I want it delivered to the President as soon as possible. I do not think it advisable to apply to Judge C.°°^ for a Hab. Corp. I was misled about the memorial. I expected it to recom- mend a parole. This opinion induced action on my part which I regret and which rnay be producing some embarrass- ment. I will explain the more fully when we meet. But, I repeat, the action now most desirable is the immediate de- livery of the memorial if it has only one name to it. Yrs &c." A. L. S. SM-17-9. 1(866, Aug. 22, New York. Geo. Shea to Gerrit Smith. Enclosing Greeley's memorial to the President. Printed: O. B. Frothingham's Gerrit Smith (2nd ed., N Y. 1879) P- 306. A. C. S. SM-19-14. [1866, Aug. 22, New York.] Horace Greeley. Memorial to President Johnson for the trial of Jefferson Davis.'''* A. n. S. SM-12- 1866, Aug. 22, New York. Horace Greeley and Gerrit Smith. Memorial to President Johnson for the trial of Jefferson Davis. S92 Supra. *'' Qiief Justice Salmon P. Chase. "»* A rough draft of SM-13, infra. 468 Confederate Calendar. Printed: O. B. Frothingham's Gerrit Smith (2nd ed., N. Y. 1879) p. 308. A. L. S. SM-20-7. 1866, Aug. 24, Peterboro, N. Y. Gerrit Smith to Pres. Andrew Johnson. Printed: O. B. Frothingham's Gerrit Smith (2nd ed. N. Y. 1879) P- 308- ^ ^- ^- SM-20-7. 1866, Aug. 24, Peterboro, [N. Y.] Gerrit Smith to Horace Greeley. "As requested by Mr. Shea, I send to yourself the accom- panying memorial. You will see that a word is omitted on the first page. I also send to you a letter to Mr. Shea and one to President Johnson. Please read them both. You will see that it is to turn on your and Mr. Shea's judgment whether the letter to President Johnson be sent or withheld." A. L. S. SM-20-2. 1866, Sept. 26, New York, Law Institute. Ch[as.] O'Conor to Geo. Shea. "Dear Sir A statement in yesterday's Tribune^'" renders it doubtful whether any court will be opened, even pro forma, in Rich- mond on Tuesday. Again a doubt exists in another direction. There is some indication of intent to open some kind of a court at Norfolk on that day. This coupled with some other circumstances places the affair in an awkward predicament. If practicable I wish you could go on to Washington to- night and by seeing Chase, Underwood,"'" Ashton,°°' the Atty. General or some of them find out the actual condition of things and telegraph' me about it to-morrow. I will see you before you leave. Yrs &c." SM-17-10. o»5 N. Y. Tribune, iept. 25, 1866. ^^' John Curtiss Jnderwood, Judge of the United States District Court of Virginia. =»' J. Hubley Ashton, Asst. Atty.-Genl. Confederate Calendar. 469 1866, Sept. 26, Washington, [D. C] Alex M. Davis to John Russell Young, Managing Editor, New York Tribune. Have received 5 and 6 — it is now 7 :2a — Chandler and Un- derwood are at Alexandria — I cannot go to-night — have tele- graphed them for answer — I shall go down early in the morn- ing.598 Tel. SM-7-1. 1866, Sept. 27, New York. Geo. Shea to Chas. O'Conor, Court of Appeals, Albany, [N. Y.] "Received your note""' — regret did not see you as had al- ready sent a very competent person to Alexandria. Just re- ceived the following dispatch: 'Alexandria^ Sept. 26. 8:20 P. M. No court next month. John C. Underwood.' Is this enough or shall I learn more?" Tel. Copy. SM-19-15. 1866, Sept. 28, Washington, D. C. Alex. M. Davis to John Russell Young, Managing Ed[itor], [N. Y.] Tribune.^"" Jefferson Davis will not be tried in October or November — Counsel will be so notified to-morrow "(that private)" — Likely Dis[trict] Court will be held at Richmond and Nor- folk in November — not improbable Circuit Court will be held in Richmond in November — cannot say whether Davis' coun- sel will appear there or not — may know in day or two "(Pri- vate)" — Underwood undecided about going to Richmond at all — He, Chase, and Chandler are all decided there was a con- spiracy to murder Underwood, who fears for his life — hence indecision about holding courts. "That editorial Ufnder- wood], C [handler] and C[hase] say covered the whole ground of objection — Underwood will not go to Richmond this fall if by any legal quibble he can keep away." °°^ Tel. SM-7-2. 1867, Mch. 15, Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Varina Davis to Geo. Shea. Please come over here for conference — my address. A. L. S. SM-11-4. li's Cf. Shea to O'Conor, infra; A. M. Davis to J. R. Young, infra. =«» Not found. »<"• In an envelope addressed to Geo. Shea. 0°^ That is, for fear that his life would be endangered. Underwood, unlike Chase, was anxious to try Mr. Davis. 470 Confederate Calendar. 1867, Mch, 16, Washington, [D. C] Geo. Shea to Mrs. [Var- ina] Davis. Hospitalityi kept me in Richmond*"^— arrived yesterday af- ternoon — after conferring with those whose judgment is es- teemed, I think we had better not commit anything to aid Davis' release to the hand of the gentleman of whom I at first thought so welP°^ — it will only be mixed with some scheme for a general confiscation of southern property — this, if introduced, will be signally defeated in Congress — deter- mined on another course — it' cannot have a tendency to em- barrass the President, if rightly regarded — and will "facilitate a disposition, if any exists," on the part of the President to "manumit" Davis — I will draft the resolution "in the spirit of Mr. Gerrit Smith's letter" °°* — will be ofiFered this afternoon or Monday by Senator Wilson — compliments to Miss Howell. A. C. S. SM-19-16. 1867, Mch. 17, Washington, [D. C] Geo. Shea to Henry Wilson, U. S. S. "The resolutions which I left with you last night at the Capitol,""' were not intended to be offered in the form pro- posed ; but were purposely drafted more full than the occa- sion requires, so that you may have the whole case before you, and thus be enabled to make a resolution better suited to the temper of the Senate. In my judgment it would be well to have the resolution rest chiefly on the gross want of prose- cution in the case." — I return to New York to-morrow — ^will see Greeley — the Tribune will very warmly second the reso- lution when offered — I know Greeley had long wanted some- thing done in the matter — and as the President will not act, I hope congress will not adjourn without showing that it at least has no part in the unjust and impolitic delay. A. C. S. SM-19-17. '°2 Shea had been to Richmond to arrange the preliminaries of the trial. «»' Shea gives no intimation of the identity of this person, who was evidently a member of Congress. '"* Smith's letter to Johnson is probably meant. See supra, p. 468. eoo Not found. Wilson presented no such resolutions in the Senate. Confederate Calendar. 471 1867, Mch. 17, Washington, [D. C] Geo, Shea to Mrs. [Var- ina] Davis. Drafted the proposed resolution — presented it to Wilson — he will offer it — I leave for New York — ^the Tribune will support the resolution and "bring to bear any auxiliary aid apt to help" — enclose a copy of the resolution — ^it was thought too strong — anticipated as much — will probably be curtailed in length — I am promised the spirit will be preserved — please return the enclosed copy, as I have no other.*"' A. C. S. SM-19-18. [1867, Mch., Fortress Monroe, Va.] Jefferson Davis, "To Geo. Shea, Esqr. from his friend and fellow citizen Jefferson Davis." A. S. [On the fly leaf of a Bible presented Shea this date.] Miss. II. 1867, May I, [Washington?] n. p. Geo. Shea to The Chief Justice [Chase.] "If convenient to the Ch. Justice will he please state a time and place where he will see Mr. Geo. Shea during this day. He wishes to make an application for a Writ of Habeas Corpus to have Jefferson Davis before the Court at Richmond on the 6th inst. Or, if it be agreeable to the Ch. J. Mr. Shea will leave the petition so that the application can be consid- ered and passed upon now." [Reverse. The following in Shea's handwriting, — ink""''] "Ch. Justice . I can answer this in a second. The applica- tion must be made to Judge Underwood""^ at the Court in Richmond. S. We have preferred to make it to you, Sir, as you are the Circuit Judge, and your jurisdiction is at least equal in this matter to Judge Underwood. Ch. Justice, The case is not in my jurisdiction — it is in Judge Underwood's — ^you must make your application to him. «»« Not found. '"^ Evidently a minute taken by Shea at the time. »08 That is, to the District Judge, in whose district the case was called. 472 Confederate Calendar. S. The ground of the application is to have Jefferson Davis brought before the Court at Richmond on the 6th of this month — so that the civil authority can deal with the case. Ch. J. Whatever the ground of your application is — the case is not in my jurisdiction — it is in Underwoods. S. I hope the Ch. Justice is well this morning. Ch. J. Quite well, thank you — and glad to see you." "" A. D. n S. SM-19-19. 1867, May 2, Washington, [D. C] Ch[as.] O'Conor to Geo. Shea. "It would be well to give immediate attention to procuring the attendance of loyal anti-slavery recognitors for Mr. D. at the return day. Unless Underwood kick, the deed will be done. As there is not a great deal of time it would be well to see Mr. Greeley and to commune in some way with Mr. Smith. We may want some of that influence to induce assent on the part of Judge U. Of course you know I will make proper arrangements to pay travelling expenses. It might be well to consider whether the gentlemen would prefer a trip by land or voyage by sea. At all events let the matter receive prompt and full atten- tion."" Yrs Truly" A. L, S. SM-17-12. 1867, May 12, New York. Gerrit Smith to Geo. Shea, Ex- change Hotel, [Richmond, Va.] "Too late to get proxy to you°^^ — will be in Richmond Tuesday — I sign bond." Tel. SM-20-9. 1867, May 14, Petersburg, [Va.] [Chas.] O'Conor to Geo. Shea, Exchange Hotel, [Richmond, Va.] "Get Chandlers*" consent and add Ben Wood."«^' Tel. SM-17-13. ">* The last clause underlined by Shea. ^1" No answer found. O'Conor's wishes were carried out, however, by the appearance of Horace Greeley, Gerrit Smith and other abolitionists. '11 Proxy to sign Davis' bail-bond. 812 Possibly Senator Z. Chandler. He did not sign the bail-bond. «i3 Benj. Wood of the New York News. Confederate Calendar. 473 1867, June 10, Niagara. J. M. Mason to Geo. Shea. "I will meet you at Clifton House by train this morning.""* Tel. SM-16. "Reed, at Clifton House." 1867, Aug. 20, Baltimore, [Md.] James M. Buchanan"' to Geo. Shea. Introducing my son, Wm. Jefferson Buchanan, attached to my legation at Copenhagen. A. L. S. SM-4. "Reed. Sept. 7/67." 1867, Sept. 4, Albany, State of New York, Constitutional Con- vention. Horace Greeley to Geo. Shea. Movements on Saturday and Sunday — when I will be in the Tribune office. A. L. S. SM-12-3. 1867, Oct. 18, New York. Geo. Shea to Gerrit Smith, Peter- boro, N. Y. "We are just informed and officially that Mr. Davis will have to appear in Richmond on Novr. 25th ; and that the trial will commence on that day. Of course the accused and his counsel are ready. But it is clear to me that a great public benefit can even at this late day be elicited from the trial itself of Mr. Davis; and in this view of the case I wish to solicit your patriotic services. Their effective performance may need your personal attendance in Baltimore, for a day or so, and not later than next week. It will not do to commit it to letter-writing. The object is important and its success would be a great triumph for you personally, and a great benefaction to the Nation. If you can be in N. York next week we will meet here — if you should like to be fully possessed of the object I have in my mind before leaving your home, telegraph me here and I will at once go to Peterboro'. But I am sure the object is one that you will promptly and indeed, enthusiastically un- dertake. [P. S.] Our friend H. G. fully approves of the idea.""« A. C. S. SM-19-20. •1* Ex-Senator James M. Mason of Virginia, then residing on the Can- adian side of Niagara. 6i» United States Minister to Denmark, 1858-1861. He succeeded Henry Bedinger at Copenhagen. 8" See Smith to Shea, Oct. 21, 1867, infra. 474 Confederate Calendar. 1867, Oct. 20, New York. Geo. Shea to Genl. Jos. R. Davis. (Private). We are officially notified by Dist-Atty Chandler that Davis will have to appear in Court at Richmond, on Nov. 25 and that the trial will commence — the papers have inklings — I hope for the present they will have no more — ^have just had a conference with those who can and will aid towards a "tri- umphant acquittal" of Davis — will require the same careful selection as to topic and person that was found eflfective in Richmond last May°" — more depends on that now — arguments must be presented by those with no local squabbles with the court'^* — you agree on this — your presence is therefore desired in Richmond not later than the 15th prox., as preliminaries have to be fixed — "All will be well" — but we must not be burdened with men "despising and execrating" the judge, and themselves hated by the judge — no matter how ardent their friendship or great their abilities, these must not come into the trial — sEow this to Atty. Genl. Hooker^^' — Gov. Hum- phreys ought to be informed so that Miss may be repre- sented by its Atty. General at least. A. C. S. SM-19-21. 1867, Oct. 21, Canastota, N. Y. Gerrit Smith to Geo. Shea. "Do visit me. I write you a letter to-day." °'° Tel. SM-20-10. 1867, Oct. 21, Peterboro, [N. Y.] Gerrit Smith to George Shea. "I am happy to get a letter from you: — and yet, I am pained to learn by it that Mr. Davis is really to be put upon his trial. I feared from what the newspapers were saying, that it would be so — and yet, I continued to hope that this «i^ Mr. Davis' case had been called and the hearing had been postponed, •18 In other words, it was desirable that Virginia lawyers, who despised Underwood, should not risk their client's cause by pleading before the judge. »i» Attorney-General o' Mississippi. «2o Infra. Confederate Calendar. 475 great wrong would not be done him; that our Nation would be saved from the dishonor of charging Treason in the case of a Civil War; and saved from setting, in this respect, an example for despots to plead and profit by. I am convinced that I have done all in this matter that I can do, and that I can be of no further use in it. Of no avail could it be for me to go, as you propose, to Baltimore or New York. But let me assure you, that it would afford me great pleas- ure, and not a little to Mrs. Smith also, to receive a visit from you. Why cannot Mrs. Shea accompany you? Peterboro is within three or four hours of your Brother and Sister Bruel[?]. If I could know when you will be at Canastota, I would have my carriage there for you. We are but 9 miles from there, and the road is very good. Do come! P. S. I send you Telegram also." A. L. S. SM-20-3. 1867, Nov. 3, Canton, Miss. Jos. R. Davis to Geo. Shea. "My dear Sir Yours under cover to Col. Hooker was received a few days since, and would have been promptly answered, but that I waited in the hope of being able to say, I would join you in New York or Richmond. I fear it is not possible to meet you in either place. My negroes have not worked well, in my absence, and the consequence is, my cotton crop is not more than sufficient to pay current expenses, to get money for future operations, I have therefore, to rely on the sale of property (lands and lots). At the time of the reception of your letter I was negotiating for the sale of a summer resi- dence on the sea shore, and hoped to realize from that enough to take me to Richmond and meet other demands, but find it will require some weeks yet to consummate the sale, and fear it will be too late to attend my Uncle's trial in Richmond. I would make any sacrifice to be with him on that occasion, and fancy that in some respects I might be useful, as a skir- misher or scout, for the main defensive line, at least. I was 476 Confederate Calendar. both amused and disgusted at Chase's letter to his 'Dear Underwood' and on first reading thought it was a hoax, is it possible that the Chief Justice of the U. States wrote such a letter? I infer from the day named by you for the trial, that coun- sel have declined to avail themselves of the Chief Justice's kind ofifer, to remain a day or so, to hear a case of petty lar- ceny, and rejoice at the declension. To appear before Under- wood is bad enough, but on the whole, I would prefer him to Chase. I would give much to hear what you have to say about the case, and deeply regret that as matters now stand, it is impossible to be with you at Richmond. It is barely possible I may be able to join you, but I scarcely hope it. Since my return to Miss, have been constantly on my planta- tion gathering the small crops of cotton and corn made by my freedmen this season, and am near enough the end of havesting to see that I will fall short of expenses, and how to go on another year, I don't exactly see. If it was possible would sell out, and let my former slaves go where they are fast hastening, to the devil. You have no idea of the im- providence, and the worthlessness of the negro in his present condition. To give you the facts in my own case — This year I made contracts, with about twenty-five or thirty of my former slaves, selecting the best men and women, on the share system, giving them one third and one half of the crops, and I furnishing land, meat, corn, team, houses and farming implements, and the result is, I have lost several thousand dollars and the negroes will not have enough to buy winter clothes. By the way I am sorry to see that the functions of the 'Freedman' Bureau, are about to expire, it is unfor- tunate for the negro as within the next few years they will greatly need the charity of the Government, and won't you please say to Mr. Greely, that I as a Southern man, beg he will use the influence of his paper to continue the Bureau, and ask an appropriation from the Government of at least fifty millions of dollars per annum, for its support. I know it's a large sum, and much of it will be stolen by the patriotic agents of the Government, but it is my deliberate conviction Confederate Calendar. 477 that it will be needed to save the negro from starvation. If he is to be saved from ignorance, poverty and death, he must have the fostering care of the Government, as well as its protection, from the vicious. We are to have an election in Miss, the present week. Few respectable white men take any interest in it and the convention will be composed of a few adventurous speculating Yankees, negroes, and perhaps a very small number of re- spectable white men. What a miserable farce will be Re- construction in Miss. But enough of this. One word on personal matters. I see there has been Incorporated a Plant- ers' Loan and Relief Association of which Mr. Greely, Mar- shal Jewell, Chas. Partrige, Horace F. Clarke, John T. Hoff- man, W. R. Beebe, C. Brainard and E. M. Lee are Incor- porators. The object is said to be to loan money to Planters on mortgage, that they may give employment to freedmen. As I would be glad to get money for that purpose, would make application to the company mentioned and give mort- gage on a good plantation. Will you do me the favor to enquire of Mr. Greely or some of his associates, if it is a Bona fide concern, and if money can be obtained and at what rates, &c., &c. If I can get money will plant cotton next year, not on the system of this, but another from which I would hope for a reasonable success. If I do not plant, and cannot sell, will try my fortune somewhere else. Could you suggest anything in your city? 1 have inflicted on you a long rambling letter, and my only excuse is, I did not intend it, and beg you will excuse its length. Please write me at your earliest convenience. With best respects to Mrs. Shea. I am Res. your friend." A. L. S. SM-io-s. "Reed. Nov. 9/67." 1867, Nov. 8, New York. Horace Greeley. "I authorize Charles O'Conor to appear in behalf of me and in my name to enter into a recognizance in such sum 478 Confederate Calendar. as he may think proper for the due personal appearance of Jefferson Davis in any Court of the United States at any term thereof to answer to anything which may be alleged against him by the United States." D. S. SM-12-7. 1867, Nov. 8, New York. Augustus Schell. Power of attorney as above. D. S. SM-18. 1867, Nov. 8, New York. Gerrit Smith. Power of attorney in same form, except Geo. Shea is named as proxy. D. S. SM-20-8. The same. A. D. S. SM-2o-8b. 1867, Nov. 8, New York. B[enjarain] Wood. Power of attorney to Chas. O'Conor as above. D. S. SM-25. 1867, Nov. 16, New York. H. F. Clarke. Power of attorney as above. D. S. SM-5. 1867, Nov. 16, New York. C[ornelius] Van Derbilt. [sic] Power of attorney as above. D. S. SM-24. 1867, Nov, 20, Peterboro, [N. Y.] Gerrit Smith to George Shea. "This day's mail brings me yours of 12 instant. I wish I could have seen yourself [with] your letter. I prize the Paper you sent to me — and it will leave at 6 to- morrow morning for Richmond — to your address. I herewith enclose a duplicate of it to you at New York, fearing the other may possibly miscarry. For the honor of my country and for what is done to him, I pray that Mr. Davis may not be put on trial for Treason." "P. S. I send to you at Richmond a copy of this letter." A. L. S. SM-20-5. 186-, n. d., Saturday,, [New York.] C. E. L. Stuart to Geo. Shea. I received your note — will meet you at New York Hotel at one o'clock — thanks for your promptness. A. L. S. SM-23. Confederate Calendar. 479 EXHIBITS PREPARED FOR THE DE- FENCE OF JEFFERSON DAVIS/'" 1863, July 2, Richmond, Va. Jefferson Davis to Alex H. Stuart. Printed: O. R., S. 119, pp. 7475. Copy.*''^ SM-86. 1863, July 2, Hd-Qrs. Richmond, Va. Jefferson Davis, Com- mander-in-Chief, etc. to Abraham Lincoln, Commander-in- Chiel, etc. Printed: O. R., S. 119, pp. 75-76. Copy.^^' SM-8a. 1865, Mch. 2, Richmond, Va., Dept. State. J. P. Benjamin, Sec. etc. to Hon. J. Thompson. See supra, p. 190 and note 58. '"'^ See Shea's article in So. His. Soc. Papers, y. i, p. 320 ff. •22 In Shea's autograph. «23 In Shea's autograph. 480 Confederate Calendar. LETTERS OF J. M. MASON TO JEFFERSON DAVIS. Among the letters of Ex-President Jefferson Davis were found a number written to Mr. Davis by J. M. Mason, Confed- erate Commissioner to England, during the years 1867-68. These are of interest as illustrating the relations of former Confederate leaders and their concern for Mr. Davis. Mason's comments on the treason proceedings are especially valuable. Abstracts of all of these letters are given below. 1867, May 14, Toronto, [Can.] J. M. Mason to Jefferson Davis. I saw from the papers that you were to be in Richmond yesterday — sent a letter to you in care of Randolph Tucker at that place — thought he would have access to you as a member of your counsel and could give it to you — hope you received it — I find by this morning's papers that you were released on bail — is a great relief to know that you are at last at liberty "and under circumstances on which I confidently rely, that you will not again be molested" — I remained in England a year after the sad reverse in our fortunes — wrote often to O'Conor — found he did not have access to you — hope he told you of the letters, that you may know the concern of your friends — hope you may come to Canada — I see little prospect of return- ing to Virginia "and of all things I should desire once more to be with you, and to talk over what may be the future of our unhappy country" — personal affairs — residence at Niagara — advantages of St. Catherine's — it may be to you, as to me, a matter of some moment "to be and remain in a country, freed from the tyranny and brutality now dominant, at our once happy homes" — write at your leisure — regards — [P. S.] Address me in the name of "John C. Ambler, Esq." — he is my little grandson. [May 16] — I hear you are en route to Mon- treal — Corse is to telegraph me of your arrival — ^will soon see you. L. S. and A. L. S. M,- Confederate Calendar. 481 1867, June 7, Niagara, Canada West. J. M. Mason to Jefferson Davis. Letters sent — hope your run down the Lake was pleasant — you should have remained with us — fine weather — excellent fishing — "Ah, what you have lost by the perverse habit of having your own way" — hope you will return. L. S. M,- 1867, June 17, Niagara, [Canada West.] J. M. Mason to Jef- ferson Davis. Did you receive my last letter? — I have one from Genl. Franklin Pierce in which he asks if Mrs. Davis received a let- ter sent her in care of Judge Lyons Richmond — Pierce has received no reply — personal matters. A. L. S. Mj- 1867, June 22, Niagara, C[anada] W[est.] J. M. Mason to Jefferson Davis. Your letters received — I sent you McRae's letter — am sorry it was not explicit — now forward letter from Benjamin — let me hear if you have news of the trial — send this under cover to Corse — sent you a letter from Mr. Beresford Hope — good wishes. A. L. S. M^- 1867, June 28, Niagara C[anada] W[est.] J. M. Mason to Jefferson Davis. Letters sent you — enclose one from McRae — I gather from it that you should send over the bills you have in hand, both Nos. I and 2, and then the matter can be arranged by Brewer as McRae proposes — the transaction was placed in Brewer's hands for safety — I think the best mode of remittance would be to send bills similar to those returned, payable to some friend whom you might name at Montreal — pardon these suggestions — I am much interested that the business should be safely transacted — hope you will visit us soon. L. S. M,. 1867, July 13, Niagara, C[anada] W[est.] J. M. Mason to Jefferson Davis. 482 Confederate Calendar. Letter from Col. Mann— his address— I have yours return- ing McRae's letter — the extract you give of his letter to you was never intended to give the impression that what he did was at your request or intimation — ^you say this construction might be put on his letter — McRae's action was at the prompting of his own mind — ^he would be mortified at any other construction of it — as soon as he beard of your arrest, he sent instructions to O'Conor to defend the members of your Cabinet and others of like grade, as well as yourself — visit of "J- T." to Montreal — if he mentions the subject to me, I shall tell him what I told you on Benjamin's report to me in London — hope you can visit us — let me know how the trial goes. L. S. M,- 1867, July 17, Niagara, [Canada West.] J. M. Mason to Jef- ferson Davis. Beg to introduce Mr. Jas. E. Macfarland, who was Secre- tary of Legation to the Confederate Commission to London. He is now returning to England. L. S. M^- 1867, Aug. 12, Niagara, Canada West. J. M. Mason to Jef- ferson Davis. Col. Helm is much disappointed at not having any response to. his invitation for you to visit him — we yet hope you will come — I note what you say of your interview with "Jacob T." — ^was perhaps as well not to mention what I told you as coming from Benjamin — I shall tell him if he comes here — ^he has never been in this quarter — I heard he was twice in Lon- don while I was there, but did not know it until he was gone — hope the matter pending in Europe can be arranged — I have had nothing recently on the subject from McRae — enclosed you letters from Slidell and Mann — plans for the future — opinion of Johnson's policy — personal matters. L. S. M,- 1868, Nov. 6, Niagara, Ontario. J. M. Mason to Jefferson Davis. We hear your trial is postponed until May that the Chief Confederate Calendar. 483 Justice may be present — can rely but little on newspaper writers, but I credit this — it accords with my settled convic- tion that as the matter was under the control of the Chief Justice, "he dared not rule the offence imputed. Treason" — ^be- lieved he never would allow a trial where he was to preside — hope you may not have to appear in Richmond — how this may be arranged — let us hear of any changes — Col. Helm says you are not to visit us^— hope you yet may do so. L. S. M,- 1868, Aprl. 22, Niagara, Canada [West.] J. M. Mason to Jef- ferson Davis. Letters received — had not heard of your return to Canada — ^have observed the finding of a new indictment — have read the counts — "Those ignorant brutes who now govern affairs act so strangely, to delude the mob at their heels, that it is impossible to know the object of their movements — In one thing only are they consistent — pertinacity in malice. The real pinch is, and that which has led me always to believe they would never venture to try, that by no standard of law could they make out the crime of treason. The complicated and muddy idea now put out, of conspiracy to resist the laws, or to levy war, does in no sense modify the rule of law. Before the Federal tribunals, I should have no reliance on a defence, resting on a construction of the Government, or the Sove- reignty of the States, however tenable in the minds of Jurists. The principle, which they can never get round, or get over, is, that whatever you did in wielding the Army, and whatever others did in counsel, were acts of war — immediately and at the time recognized as such, by all the authorities, civil and military, of the enemy — all the time authorized by a power competent in law, to conduct war, and entitling those bona fide so acting, to all immunities arising from acts of war and then comes the co-relative principle, that for such acts, the belligerent power is alone responsible, the individuals com- mitting them, irresponsible. That the occasion was one of war, was recognized in the judgment of the Courts, including the Supreme Court, by the Executive, and by the Military, in 484 Confederate Calendar. consistent, uniform action, in every case presented, as well as by the unanimous declaration and acting, of every Power in Europe. The Cheif [sic] Justice stands committed to hold the Court before his Country, unless his presence is dispensed with by yourself, and whatever my opinion of the man, or of his complication with party, yet he stands at the head of the Judiciary, is undoubtedly an able lawyer, and responsible for the character and reputation of the Department over which he presides — and I thus have relied, and yet rely, that on such a trial, with the world looking on, he cannot rule that to be law, which he knows, and which the entire enlightened world is aware he knows, is not law. That he has shirked and evaded the Court at successive terms is undoubted, and could have had no reason to do so, but to evade this responsibility. Should they profess to be ready for trial in May^ I trust that your counsel will have reasoned as I do, and will insist on the presence of the Cheif [sic] Justice as a right, to say noth- ing of his committals, direct and indirect, to preside, should the accused desire it. I have observed the proceedings in Con- gress in regard to the eligibility of persons who have ex- pressed opinions — a measure in flagrant contempt of every principle of justice known to criminal jurisprudence — but my impression is, that though the Bill passed the House, it had not been finally acted on — the disgrace of negro jurors, is the disgrace of the brutes, who force it on the South. Recurring again to Ch^se, I should have the more hope of him because of his present political attitude — Whatever hopes he may have had of the Presidency, they are for present at least extin- guished, and he to that extent remitted to independence. I think, too, his whole course whilst presiding on the impeach- ment, has shown him observant, and careful, of the dignities and duties of his position — manifestly independent of any party pressure. Bad as it all is, I am yet encouraged in the double aspect, first that there will be not trial, or if there is, that the Cheif Justice dare not pronounce it treason." I can- not understand why you have to return to Richmond — the law in the case — gratified that O'Conor is "attentive and diligent" in your cause — ^the Richmond counsel can "supply sound Confederate Calendar. 485 views, connected with the locality" — prayers for ypur welfare — wish that I might be with you in Richmond — ^persopal affairs. L. S. M,- 1868, June 13, Niagara, Canada [West.] J. M. Mason to Jefferson Davis. Regret at not hearing from you — doubt as to your where- abouts — disgrace of the administration in neither trying nor releasing you — cannot you visit us. We have a large and attractive Confederate circle — Genl. John S. Preston is here with his family — Breckinridge is expected — "I have nothing to say of things passing in the South — ^we have but one hope, that bondage wiir become too vile at the North, for even the vilfe to bear, & an internecine [sic] war there may follow — then we may come to our own." ^ L. S. M^- ^ This letter concludes the correspondence between Mason and Davis as f)resefved in the Confederate Museum. Mason returned shortly to Vir- ginia, arid thete, in 1871, death ended his interesting career. His biography has been written by his daughter, Virginia: The Public Life and Diplo- tnatic Correspondence of James M. Mason (Roanoke, Va., 1903). 486 Confederate Calendar. CONFEDERATE WAR MAPS. The chief feature of this collection is the series of maps of the late Maj.-Genl. Jeremy F. Gilmer, Chief of Engineering Bureau, C. S. A. These maps, either originals from war sur- veys, or official contemporary copies, are chiefly of Virginia, and particularly of the Richmond and Petersburg defences. Many of them are beautifully executed, and all are well prcr served. The printed maps are, for the most part, very roughly drawn. The official copies were made by a photographic process. General. United States of North America : (South Eastern Division.) The Confederate States, with the Border States and the Ad- joining Portion of the Federal States, by J. Bartholomew, F. R. G. S. Geo. Philip and Son, London and Liverpool, n. d. Folding map, 21^x25^^. Finely engraved. Apparently a section of an old U. S. map recolored. Used in the Confederacy. Ga-2-12. Mississippi. The District around Monterey. Corinth, Apr. 3, 1862. Original, 8 x 10. Ga-gm-17. "The Siege of Vicksburg, Its Approaches by Yazoo Pass and other Routes. Published by S. H. Goetzel & Co., Mobile, Ala. May i, 1863." With location of armies, explanatory notes, etc. W. R. Robertson, Mobile, Ala. Lith. T. S. Hardee, Del. Rough wood-cut. V-4. Pennsylvania Campaign, Sketch of Routes of Cavalry Div., A. N. Va., from Culpeper C. H. Va. to Carlisle, Penn., and Return. June-Aug. 1863. Original, 14 x 16. Ga-2g-6. Confederate Calendar. 487 Sketch of Routes of Third Corps, A. N. Va., from Fred- ericksburg, Va., to Gettysburg, Penn., and Return to Orange, June 14-Aug. 4, 1863. Ga-29-7. Original, 14X 13. The same; a copy. Ga-29-'8. Virginia — General. "Photographic Map of the Seat of War, 1861. Evans and Cogswell, Charleston, S. C." Folding, with roughly colored cuts from photographs of Battlefield of Bethel, Chesapeake Bay, Western Virginia, Eastern Virginia and Approaches to Washington. Ga-t-si. "Map of the Seat of War. Published by T. A. Burke, Morning News Office, Savannah, Ga. (Compiled & drawn by M. B. Grant, C. E.) (Lithographed by R. H. Howell, Savannah.)" Folding, 18x23. Includes the district from Washington South to the James, East to Norfolk, West to Grafton and beyond. Ga-2-17. "Map of the State of Virginia containing the Counties, Principal Towns, Railroads [,] Rivers, Canals & all other In- ternal Improvements. Published by West & Johnston, Rich- mond, Va. 1862." Folding. Includes all railroad lines, completed, in progress and proposed ; plank roads ; canals ; "roads, small roads ;" and telegraph lines. Table of length of railroad lines. Lithograph. V-2. Virginia — Bethel. Topographical Sketch of the Battle of Bethel, June 10, 1861. Va-so. Original, 13^4^ 9^2- Rough outline. "Battlefield of Bethel. Surveyed and drawn by Lieut. W. G. Lewis, copied by Harold Pender." NC-112. Copy, 15 X 18, with dispositions of troops. 488 Confederate Calendar. Virginia — Drewry's Bluff. "Progress sketch of a Reconnaissance of the Flank and Rear of Drewry's Bluff." Aug. n. d. P. W. Oscar Koerner, Lieut. Engrs. Ga-29-is. Original, 34 x 24, outline only. Virginia — Eastern. "Map of a Portion of Eastern Virginia (From a Map in Progress) Compiled from Surveys and Reconnaissances made Under the Direction of Capt. A. H. Campbell, P. E., in charge Topi. Dept. D. N. V." Fla-2. Photo, copy. Folding, 39x36. Drawn by J. Houston Patton, Asst. Engr. Virginia — Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. Battlefields of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. Sur- vey by B. L. Blackford, Asst. Engr. Ga-29-5. Original, 36 x 25, with lines of advance. "Battle of Fredericksburg." F-i. Sketch, 6x8, found among papers of Brig.-Genl. Geo. H. Steuart. Virginia — "Greenbrier River." "Map of the Battle Ground of Greenbrier River, Drawn and Published by A. T. McRae, C. S. A., Quitman Guards, First Reg't. Ga. Vols. Engraved by J. Baumgarten . . .Rich- mond, Virginia." Va-E-i. Woodcut, 12 XI 8, very roughly executed, with graphic representations of camps, etc. Virginia — Henrico Co. "Part of Henrico Co., Va. Approved, Albert H. Campbell, Chief Topo. Dept." Ga-29-3. Original, 48x26, very detailed and carefully drawn, six inches to the mile, with location of batteries and infantry cover. Confederate Calendar. 489 Virginia — ^James River, etc. Location of signal stations along the James and Appomat- tox Rivers. Ga-2g-g. Original ? Virginia — Manassas. "Map of Battles on Bull Run near Nanassas. . . . 21st of July, 1 861. . . . Made from Observation by Solomon Bam- berger, Published by West arid Johnston, Richmond, Va." Md-133. Lithograph, 2 x 18, with descriptions. "Military Map showing the works erected at Manassas Junction and at Centreville. ... by Lieut. Thos. W. Wil- liamson, Chf. Engr." Va-48. Copy, 29 X 16. Virginia — Montgomery Co. Map of Montgomery County, Va. Approved, Jany. 12, 1865. Ga-29-ii. Tracing, 34x24, carefully executed. Virginia — Orange and Spottsylvania Cos. Map of Orange and Spottsylvania Counties, Va. n. d. Original, 28 x 10. Fla-i. Virginia — "Peninsula." , Map of the Peninsula of Virginia [Counties between the James and York Rivers.] Ga-29-2. Copy, 34 X 19, outline only. Virginia — ^Petersburg. "Map of Approaches to Petersburg and their Defences, 1863." Ga-29-14. Original, 34x24. The most perfect map of the collection, giving the location of 55 numbered batteries. "Vicinity of Petersburg, made from Survey under tlie direction of A. H. Campbell, Capt. R. E. C. S. A. 1864." Photo, copy. Fla-ga-6. 490 Confederate Calendar. "Sketch of Confederate and Federal Lines" [in front of Petersburg, Va.,] by D. E. Henderson, Lieut. Engrs. Aug. i6, 1864. Ga-29-4. Original, 33 x 21, with location of batteries. Plan of the Defences of Petersburg ... by Chas. H. Dimmock, Capt. Engrs. [1864?] n. d. Ga-29-2. Original, 34 x 18, with location of batteries ; outline only. Virginia — Richmond. Map of Northwest District of Richmond . . .Approved, A. H. Campbell, Capt. etc., Oct. 16, 1862. Ga-gm-2i-22. Original, 36x28, covers about six miles. "Map of the Vicinity of Richmond, from surveys made under the direction of A. H. Campbell, Capt." etc., Nov. 27, 1862. Ga-29-13. Original, 38 x 32, finely executed ; roads, infantry caver, etc. "Map of the Vicinity of Richmond, from Surveys made under the direct of A. H. Campbell, Capt.. etc., July, 1863. Original? [A revision of Ga-29-13.]' Ga-13. "Map of the Vicinity of Richmond and Part of the Penin- sula from Surveys made under the direction of A. H. Campbell, Capt., etc. Tex-139. Photo, copy. Property of Brig.-Genl. John Gregg. "Map of the Vicinity of Richmond, from Surveys under the direct of A. H. Campbell, Capt. etc. n d. Ga-29-i. Original? Very distinct and elaborate. Virginia — Shenandoah Valley. [Field map of the Valley of Virginia, with location of villages, streams, roads, railroads, etc.] Va-J. Original, on oil paper. Property of Lt.-Genl. T. J. Jackson. Confederate Calendar. 491 MUSTER-ROLLS, RETURNS AND ROSTERS. (Arranged Alphabetically by States and by Arms of the Service.) Alabama. 1865, Apr., n. p. 38th Ala. Vol. Infy. Muster-roll of field staff, non-commissioned staff and band — ^A. R. Lankford, Col. — last muster Feb. 28, 1864. D. S. Ala-ii6. 1862, Jany., n. p. Co. B, Laurens Battalion. Muster-roll of; John G. Williams, Capt. D. S. Ala. Florida. 1863, Apr., near Fredericksburg, Va. and Florida Infy. Muster-rolls of Cos. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M this date [except Co. B, Feb. 28.,] Lewis G. Pyles, Col. ; W. R. Moore, Maj. P. F. S. Fla-ic-24. 1862, June, n. p. Lang's Co., 8th Fla. Regt. Muster-roll of; David Lang, Capt; R. F. Floyd, Col. P. F. S. Fla-37. 1862, May, Camp McCarthy, Putnam Co., Fla. Ocklawaha Rifles. Muster-roll of ; John W. Pearson, Capt. — Original muster — enlisted for the war. P. F. S. Fla-ga-26. 1864, Apr., n. p. 38th Ga. Vols. Chestam Light Arty., muster-roll of; Wm. Hendrix, Capt. S. S. 1861, Sept. n. p. Waring's Ga. Hussars. Muster-roll of ; Ga. Vols, unattached — mustered in this day for the war— J. F. Waring, Capt. P. F. S. Ga-12. 492 Confederate Calendar. Louisiana. 11862, Dec, n. p. ist La. Infy. Roster of officers of; Wm. R. Shivers, Col.; M. Nolan, Lt.- Col. comdg. D. S. R-27-2. 1862, Dec, n. p. 2nd La. Infy. Roster of officers of ; J. M. Williams, Col. ; M. A. Grogan[ ?] Maj. comdg. D. S. R-27-3. 1864, Apr., n. p. Co. B, gth La. Infy. Muster-roll of; R. A. Pearsons, Capt. S. S. 1862, Dec, n. p. 10th La. Infy. Roster of officers of; M. de Montigny, Col. D. n. S. R-27-4. 1862, Dec.^ n. p. 14th La. Infy. Roster of officers of ;' Z. York, Col. ; W. K. Penny, Capt. comdg. D. S. R-27-5. 1862, Dec, n. p. 15th La. Infy. Roster of officers of; Edmund Pendleton, Col. D. n. S. R-27-6. Maryland. 1861, May., Richmond, Va. Clarke's Md. Guards. Muster-roll of; J. Lyle Clarke, Capt. — Light Iniantiy Co. — mustered in this day for one year's service. Md. Missouri. 186-, n. d^ n. p. Co. E, sth Mo. [Vol.] Infy. Return of; attached to ist Mo. Brigade — from memory, by E. H. Jeflfries, 1st Sergt. l^d-^- 1865, Apr., n. p. Co. E, loth Mo. Vol. Infy. Muster-roll of ; Alex. Trammell, Capt. ; John W. Williams, 1st Lieut, comdgj; Wm. M. Moore, Col. — last muster, Feb. 28, 1865. P. F. S. M0-9. North Carolina. i86-[?], n. d.„ n. p. 5th N. C. State Troops. "Recapitulation of roll of;" aggregate joined, 1591 ; total deaths, 549; deserted, 143. D. n. S. NC-178-5. Confederate Calendar. 493 1862, Apr., n. p. Co. B, 23rd N. C. Vols. Muster-roll of ; Geo. W. Seagle, Capt. comdg. S. S. 1864, Apr., n. p. Co. A, 52nd N. C. Infy. Muster-roll of; J. M. Alexander, Capt. comdg. S. S. Texas. 1861, July, Corsicana, Tex. Co. I, 4th Tex. Infy. Roster of; attached to Hood's Texas Brigade — raised at this place — roster recent. Tex-194. 1862, Dec, n. p. Rountree's Partisan Rangers. Muster-roll of L. C. Rountree, Capt. P. F. S. Tex-158. 1862, Dec, n. p. Co. E, Spright's Regiment. Muster-roll of; J. L. Halbent, Capt; J. W. Spright, Col. comdg. P. F. S. Tex-156. Virginia — Infantry. [1865, Apr., Appomattox, Va.] 12th Va. Infy. Roster of ; at this date ; newspaper clipping. R-30. 186-, n. d., n. p. Co. I, 23rd Va. Infy. Muster-roll of; M. T. Hughes and J. P. Fitzgerald, Captains. S. S. r862, Dec, n. p. Co. E, 27th Va. Infy. Muster-roll of; P. F. Frazer, Capt. S. S. 1862, Dec, n. p. Co. F, 27th Va. Infy. Muster-roll of; G. C. Smith, Capt. — Fragment of field re- turn of 27th Va. appended. S. S.-90. 1861, Aug., n. p. Co. G, 31st Va. Infy. Muster-roll of ; J. C. Aebogast, Capt. S. S.-91. 1862, Apr., n. p. Co. E, 38th Va. Infy. Muster-roll of ; T. M. Tyree, Capt. S. S.-93., 1863, Sept., n. p. The same. S. S.-93. 494 Confederate Calendar. 1862, Feb., n. p. Co. I, 38th Va. Infy. Muster-roll of; J. S. Wood, Capt. S. S. 1861, Dec, n. p. Co. — , 41st Va. Infy. Muster-roll of; company unassigned — J. D. Maury, Capt. S. S.-iio. 1864, Oct., n. p. Co. G, 42nd Va. Infy. Muster-roll of ; J. C. Forbes, Capt. S. S. 1862, Apr., n. p. Co. F, 44th Va. Infy. Muster-roll of; T. K. Weiseger, Capt. S. 8.-94. 1861, Aug.-Dec, n. p. Co. I, 44th Va. Infy. 3 muster-rolls of ; W. H. Marshall, Capt. Rolls of August, October and December. S. S.-109. 1862, June, n. p. Co. C, 49th Va. Infy. Muster-roll of ; B. M. Randolph, Capt. S. S.-95. 186-, n. d., n. p. Co. D, s6th Va. Roster of; "Buckingham Yancey Guards, Hunton's Brig., Pickett's Div." — from memory, by S. F. Abraham, pvt. Co. D. R-31. 186-, n. d., n. p. Co. K, 6oth Va. Infy. Muster-roll of ; W. A. Gilliam, Capt. S. S. Virginia — Cavalry. 11862, Oct., n. p. Co. C, ist Va. Cav. Muster-roll of ; C. F. Jordan, Capt. S. S.-97. 1861-1865, n. p. Co. A, gth Va. Cav. Roster of; Thos. Waller, Thos. Touson, E. M. Henry and Hugh Adie, Capts. — killed, wounded, missing — roster recent. Mj-ss. 1863, Aug.-Oct., n. p. Co, F, 12th Va. Cav. Muster-roll of; J. L. Clarke, Capt. S. S. Confederate Calendar. 495 1864, Aug., n. p. Co. E, 43rd Va. Batln. Cav. Muster-roll of; J. S. Mosly's command — Saml. Chapman, Capt. S. S.-98. Virginia — Artillery. 1862, Jany. 20, n. p. Co. D, 2nd Va. Heavy Arty. Roster of ; organized this day. Copy. R-20. 1862, Dec, n. p. Carpenter's Battery. Muster-roll of; Light Arty. — Jos. Carpenter, Capt. S. S.-102. 186-, n. d., n. p. Fluvaima Arty. Roster of; names qi members, places of birth, dates of en- listment, personal descriptions — full and comprehensive. Bound. S. S. 1 86 1, June, n. p. Grimes' Mounted Arty. Muster-roll of; attached to 4th Va. Vols. — C. F. Grimes, Capt. S. S. 1865, Feb., n. p. Co. A, Huger's Batln. Muster-roll of ; J. D. Smith, Capt. Copy. S. S. [1865, Apr., Appomattox, Va. The same. Supplied from paroles. Copy. S. S. 1861, Aug.-Dec, n. p. Jordan's Heavy Arty. 3 muster-rolls of ; T. C. Jordan, Capt. — musters of August, October and December. S. S. 1862-1864, n. p. Jordan's Co., Alexander's Batln. 12 muster-rolls of; T. C. Jordan, Capt. — musters of Aug., Oct., Dec, 1862, Feb., Apr., June, Oct., Dec, 1863, Jany., Mch., Aug., Oct., 1864 — re-enlistments, etc. Copy. S. S. 1861, Aug., n. p. King William Arty. Muster-roll of; Thos. H. Carter, Capt.— also called "Tay- lor's Arty." S. S. 1861, Dec, n. p. Richmond Howitzers, ist Co. Roster of; Wm. P. Palmer, Capt. — from the pay-roll of 496 Confederate Calendar. this date — careers of members — by J. V. L. McCreery, Sergt. 6 p. D, S. H-48-2. 1861, n. d., n. p. The same. Roster of ; Wm. P. Palmer, Capt. — certificate to Auditor of Richmond. H-48-1. 1861, Apr., n. p. The same, 2nd Co. Muster-roll of; J. Thompson Brown, Capt. — with field re- turn of 1st Va. Batln. Arty., Dec, 1861. S. S.-99. [1865, Apr. 9, Appomattox, Va.] The same, 2nd Co. Roster of ; including deserters and absentees. C. C. H-24. Miscellaneous. 1862, Sept. 13, Alexandria, Va. Alexandria Prison. List of soldiers confined in the "Slave Market" — 32 nam^s. D. n. S. Va-C-ia^o. 1862, Dec. 21, n. p. Lusk's Battery. Roster of officers of; attached to Starke's Brigade. D. n. S. ^Jzj-i. 1863, Sept., n. p. Maj. Caleb Smith's Command. Return of; no place mentioned. S. S. 186-, n. d., n. p. Steuart's Brigade. List of field-music of ; caMrffllS'iuIs listed: ist and 3rd N. C, 23rd and 37th VarRegfs; D. n. S. S-17-2. Confederate Calendar. 497 ANTE-BELLUM AND POST-BELLUM PAPERS. The following papers have been selected from the Archives of the Museum as of special interest in connection with some phase of the war: John Brown Raid. 1859, Nov, 23, Wheeling, Va. "F." to Col. A. M. Barbour, Harper's Ferry, Va. Confidential. Hasten to transmit letter handed me by a friend — circum- stances known to you and the Governor will enable you "to form an opinion which may have a tendency to prevent the contemplated attack. This would be the natural course for these fellows to pursue." Person attempted to mail the letter at Harper's Ferry — it got in the railroad mail and was brought here — details of its discovery. A. L. n. S. T-22-1. 1859, Dec. 9, [Richmond, Va.,] Adjt.-Genl's Office. Wm. H. Richardson, Adjt.-Genl., to Genl. W. B. Taliaferro. In reply to yours of the 7th, I am instructed to say that the Sheriff has jurisdiction of the jail — the military control the exterior guard — recommendation to the sheriff will throw the responsibility on him — your report of 7th received and ap- proved — I sent detail for relief on the 6th — Anthony's Co. is to take the place of Borst's (Page Co., 97th Regt.,) found unprepared for service — efforts to procure overcoats. A. L. S. T-22-3. 1859, Nov. 26, Charlestown, [Va.] John Scott, Capt. comdg. Post, to Genl. [W. B.] Taliaferro. [Obliterated] . . . scouts for the day — each detail to be composed of three men — each party to extend its observations eight or ten miles on principal roads from Charlestown. A. L. S. T-22-2. 498 Confederate Calendar. 1859, Dec. 10, Charlestown, [Va.] D. A. Weiseger, Col., Pres. C[ourt] M[artial]. Officer of the day will send Pvt. Moffatt, Woodis G. Rifles, to the Court Martial now in session. A. S. T-22-4. 1859, Dec. lo-ii, Charlestown, Va. F. M. Wright, Lieut, comdg. Petersburg City Guard, 39th Va. Militia. "Report of a guard mounted" here — supplies of guard- house — parole and countersign — list of guard and of prisoners. A. S. T-22-5. John Brown, Execution of. Diagram of the route to the scaffold, with an account of the vicinity, by T. W. Tomlinson, Charlestown, W. Va. Recent. Ga-ga-4-7. William Davis. Land grant to; and to William Sturges — 1,000 acres of land surveyed Jany. 2, 1789 — situated in the Beaufort District — Recorded, Grant Book yyyy, page 393 — Examined, Peter Freneau, Secretary — Sig: Charles Pinckney, Gov. Appended: Certificate of survey. Sig: J. Bremar, Sur. Genl., Jany. 31, 1789. Governor's Guard. Original bonds of members of; given Jos. R. Anderson, Capt., for swords, pistols and holsters — sword, valued at $9.00 — Colt's Navy Pistol and holsters, $32 — Names of members — Feb., i860, Feb., 1861. D. S. Chas. E. Lining, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. N. Diary a:nd Journal, Augst. 3rd, 1858, to Dec 31st, 1862. Lining was Asst. Surgeon on the U. S. frigate "Cyane" from Aug., 1858, to Dec. 10, i860. He has regular entries for this period. The vessel sailed from Hampton Roads Sept. 24th, 1858, touching at Rio, and coasting the western coast of South America. Panama was reached March nth, 1859. With the exception of a trip to San Francisc6, June, i860, the vessel remained in Central American and Mexican waters until the relief crew arrived, Dec. loth, i860. Lining then crossed the Confederate Calendar. 499 Isthmus, and reached New York on Christmas day, i860. After leaving Panama the entries are fragmentary, appear to be in a different hand, and from the ink were all entered at the same time. Jany. 19th, 1861, his resignation in the United States Navy was accepted, and after serving for some weeks around Charleston, he was appointed Asst. Surgeon in the Confederate Navy, and sent to New Orleans. He engaged in various river escapades and minor fights, principally on the gunboat "Pontchartrain," Lieut.-Commander J. W. Dunning- ton, and on the gunboat "Tuscarora." The journal is of minor importance for events occuring while he was in the Confeder- ate Navy during this period. Bound MS., pp. 144. 24. Mrs. St. Julian Ravenel. ^ - "The Defence of Charleston Harbour, 1861-1865." Based on personal reminiscences, and rich in local color. Written in 1899. Bound MS., pp. 32. R-io. Lt.-Col. Wm. H. Stewart, 61 st Va. Infty. "The Charge of the Crater, Personal recollections of par- ticipants in the Charge of the Crater at Petersburg, Va., July 30th, 1864." Contains 74 statements made in 1903 by sur- vivors of Mahone's Brigade, Anderson's Division, A. P. Hill's Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. These statements agree with one another completely, except as regards the number of flags on the works and the speech of General Mahone before the charge. Col. Stewart collected them with the intention of writing a history of the charge. The most important state- ments are those of : Francis M. Whitehurst, Lieut., 6th Va. ; Major Wm. H. Etheredge, comdg. 41st Va. ; Major John T. Woodhouse, i6th Va. ; John T. West, Lieut., 6ist Va. ; Lt.-Col. R. O. Whitehead, comdg. i6th Va. ; James E. Phillips, Capt, I2th Va. ; Major R. W. Jones, comdg. 12th Va. ; and Lt.-Col. Wm. H. Stewart, comdg. 61 st Va. 30. J. E. B. Stuart. 1850, June 3, Washington, D. C. J. E. B. Stuart to his cousin. Impressions of public men — Congress in debate. 4 p. A. L. S. Va-E-4. 500 Confederate Calendar. t85s, Aug. 10, On Board Steamer for St. Louis. J. E. B. Stuart, to ,. . his cousin. Personal experiences and impressions. A. L. S. Va-E-7. PART TWO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOME CONFED- ERATE PUBLICATIONS IN THE CONFEDERATE MUSEUM. This Bibliography, as was stated in the Introduction, does not pretend to be comprehensive or final, and lists only those books and important pamphlets published or used in the Con- federacy and now in the Confederate Museum. The books and pamphlets gathered by Mrs. Mary De Renne of Savannah, and known as the De Renne Collection, are the most valuable of the Library. At a time when Cpnfederate publications were much more numerous and more easily acquired than at pres- ent, Mrs. De Renne, with rare judgment, gathered a collection of Confederate publications second to none in the country. Other private individuals have also made substantial gifts to the Library. Owing to the limitations of the present volume, it has been impossible to include any extended critique on the various volumes listed, and, for the same reason, unimportant tracts, sheet music, and similar publications have been omitted altogether from this list. The Commission hopes, at a future time, to publish an exhaustive Bibliography of Confederate publications ; but, in the meantime, it offers the following titles as a contribution towards such a Bibliography. I. Official Publications of the Government of the Con- federate States of America. II. Official Publications of the Governments of Southern States. III. Unofficial Publications Relating to War Organization. S02 Confederate Calendar. IV. Contemporary History and Biography. V. Literary Works. VI. Confederate Text-Books. VII. Political Miscellany. VIII. Religious Publications. IX. Periodicals. X. Almanacs and Miscellaneous. I. OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE GOVERN- MENT OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. a. Legislative Publications. b. War Department. c. Other Departments. A. Legislative Publications. Acts and Resolutions | OF THE | FIRST SESSION | OF THE I PROVISIONAL CONGRESS [ OF THE | CONFED- ERATE STATES. I 1861 1 MONTGOMERY, ALA.: | BARRETT, WIMBISH & CO., PRINTERS AND BIND- ERS. I 1861. I ^ S", pp. 131. Acts and Resolutions | OF THE | SECOND SESSION ] OF THE I PROVISIONAL CONGRESS | OF THE | CON- FEDERATE STATES. I 1861. I MONTGOMERY, ALA.: | BARRET WIMBISH & CO., PRINTERS AND BINDERS. | 1861. 1 => 8°, pp. ICO. Ga-2-13. Inner title page has Shirter and Reid, Printers and Binders. [See Public Laws of the Confederate States, infra.] 1 The first session of the Provisipnal Congress was held in Montgomery, Alabama, from Feb. 4 to March 16, 1861. The Congres's was formally organized on Feb. 9, 1861, sitting before that date as a convention of the Southern States represented. This Journal is reprinted in Senate Docu- ments (U. S.) s8th Congress, 2nd Session, Document No. 234, vol. i. * This was the first called session, lasting from April 29, to May 21, 1861. Reprinted in Ibid, vol. I. Confederate Calendar. 503 ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS | OF THE | THIRD SES- SION I OF THE I PROVISIONAL CONGRESS | OF THE I CONFEDERATE STATES, | HELD AT RICH- MOND, VA. I RICHMOND: | ENQUIRER BOOK AND JOB PRESS. I BY TYLER, WISE & ALLEGRE, | 1861. ] » 8°, pp 78 and index, [16]. P-io-i. Certified : James M. Matthews, Law Clerk, Department of Justice. [See Public Laws of the Confederate States, infra.] ADDRESS OF CONGRESS | TO THE | PEOPLE OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. | JOINT RESOLUTION IN RELATION TO THE WAR. | * 8°, pp. 8. Half title-page. THE CONSTITUTION | OF THE | CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, | ADOPTED MARCH 11, 1861. \ [n. p., n. d.] 8°, pp. 16. 182, 1:85, 186. CONSTITUTION | OF THE | CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. | Adopted unanimously by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, March | 11, 1861. I RICHMOND : I WYATT M. ELLIOTT, PRINTER. | 1861. I 8°, pp. 17. [See Permanent Constitution, infra.] EVIDENCE I TAKEN BEFORE THE | COMMITTEE OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, | AP- POINTED TO ENQUIRE INTO THE TREATMENT | OF PRISONERS AT CASTLE THUNDER. | (Saturday, April nth, 1863, to April 29th, 1863.)' 8°, pp. 58. Half title-page. ' The third session of the Provisional Congress was held in Richmond, from July 20 to Aug. 31, 1861. The Journal is reprinted in Ibid, vol. i. * Reprinted, So. His. Soc. Papers, vol. i, p. 24 ff. * Castle Thunder was a Richmond Military Prison, used chiefly as a detention camp for deserters and as a prison camp for Confederate soldiers under sentence. 504 Confederate Calendar. PERMANENT CONSTITUTION | OF THE CON- FEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA | ADOPTED BY THE I CONFEDERATE CONGRESS, | MARCH ii, 1861. | RICHMOND: | PRINTED BY JAMES E. GOODE, | 1861. j 6°, pp. 19. Ga-2-14. PROVISIONAL AND PERMANENT | CONSTITU- TIONS, I TOGETHER WITH THE | ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS | OF THE THREE SESSIONS | OF THE PROVISIONAL CONGRESS | OF THE | CONFEDER- ATE STATES. I RICHMOND: | TYLER, WISE, ALLE- GRE AND SMITH, PRINTERS. | 1861. 8°, pp. 94. 199. Arranged by sessions. PUBLIC LAWS I OF THE | CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, | PASSED AT THE FIRST SESSION | OF THE I FIRST CONGRESS; | 1862. | Carefully collated with the Originals at Richmond. | EDITED BY | JAMES M. MATTHEWS, | ATTORNEY AT LAW, | AND LAW CLERK IN THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. | TO BE CONTINUED ANNUALLY. | RICHMOND: | R. M. SMITH, PRINTER TO CONGRESS. | 1862. ] 8°, pp. 56; with index and private laws. Ga-2-153. PUBLIC LAWS I OF THE | CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, 1 PASSED AT THE SECOND SESSION | OF THE I FIRST CONGRESS; | 1862. | Carefully collated with the Originals at Richmond. | EDITED BY | JAMES M. MATTHEWS, | ATTORNEY AT LAW, | AND LAW CLERK IN THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. | TO BE CONTINUED ANNUALLY. | RICHMOND: | R. M. SMITH, PRINTER TO CONGRESS. | 1862. | 8°, pp. 92, with index and private laws. Ga-2-153. PUBLIC LAWS I OF THE | CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, I PASSED AT THE THIRD SESSION ] Confederate Calendar. 505 OF THE FIRST CONGRESS; | 1863. ] Carefully collated with the Originals at Richmond. | EDITED BY \ JAMES M. MATTHEWS, I ATTORNEY AT LAW, | AND LAW CLERK IN THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. | TO BE CONTINUED ANNUALLY. | RICHMOND: | R. M. SMITH, PRINTER TO CONGRESS. | 1863. | 8°, pp. [87], with index and private laws. S-26. Ga-2-153. PUBLIC LAWS I OF THE | CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, | PASSED AT THE FOURTH SESSION | OF THE I FIRST CONGRESS; | 1863-4. | Carefully collated with the Originals at Richmond. | EDITED BY | JAMES M. MATTHEWS, | ATTORNEY AT LAW, | AND LAW CLERK IN THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. | TO BE CONTINUED ANNUALLY. | RICHMOND: | R. M. SMITH, PRINTER TO CONGRESS. | 1864. 8°, pp. [81], with index and private laws. PUBLIC LAWS I OF THE ] CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, | PASSED AT THE FIRST SESSION | OF THE 1 SECOND CONGRESS ; | 1864. | Carefully collated with the Originals at Richmond. | EDITED BY | JAMES M. MATTHEWS, | ATTORNEY AT LAW,' | AND LAW CLERK IN THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. | TO BE CONTINUED ANNUALLY. | RICHMOND: | R. M. SMITH, PRINTER TO CONGRESS. | 1864. | 8°> PP- [35] > with index and private laws. Ga-2-153. REPORT I OF THE | COMMITTEE ON FINANCE | ON THE BILL (H. R. 18) TO LAY TAXES FOR THE COMMON DE|FENCE, AND CARRY ON THE GOVERN- MENT OF I THE CONFEDERATE STATES. 8", pp. 14. Ga-2-7. "Senate Report No. 9. April 6, 1863. Three hundred copies ordered to be printed." So6 Confederate Calendar. THE I STATUTES AT LARGE | OF THE | PROVI- SIONAL GOVERNMENT | OF THE [ Confederate States of America, | FROM THE INSTITUTION OF THE GOV- ERNMENT, February 8, 1861, TO ] ITS TERMINATION, FEBRUARY 18, 1862, INCLUSIVE. | ARRANGED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. | TOGETHER WITH | THE CONSTITUTION FOR THE PROVISIONAL GOV- ERNMENT, I AND THE PERMANENT CONSTITU- TION OF I THE CONFEDERATE STATES, | AND | THE TREATIES CONCLUDED BY THE CONFEDERATE | STATES WITH INDIAN TRIBES. | EDITED BY | JAMES M. MATTHEWS | ATTORNEY AT LAW, | AND LAW CLERK IN THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. | RICHMOND: | R. M. SMITH, PRINTER TO CONGRESS, I 1864. I 8°, pp. 411 -|- xlviii. Ga-2-iS2. "By authority of Congress." PRINTED IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. MESSAGE I DU PRESIDENT | JEFFERSON DAVIS | AU SENAT ET A LA CHAMBRE | DES | ETATS CON- FEDERES. I (Message of Jany. 12, 1863 ; Paris. Imprimeries de Duboisson et Ce.) 8°, pp. 12, double columns. Ga-2-43. B. DEPARTMENT PUBLICATIONS. B. War Department, arranged alphabetically. THE I FIELD MANUAL | FOR | THE USE OF THE OFFICERS I ON ORDNANCE DUTY. | PREPARED BY THE ORDNANCE BUREAU. | RICHMOND : | PRINTED BY RITCHIE & DUNNAVANT. | 1862. | 12°. Ga-i-8g. GENERAL ORDERS ] FROM | ADJUTANT AND INSPECTOR-GENERAL'S OFFICE, | CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY. I IN 1862 ; I PREPARED FROM FILES Confederate Calendar. 507 OF HEAD-QUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF | S. C, GA., AND FLA. I WITH A FULL INDEX. ] CHARLESTON : | EVANS AND COGSWELL, No. 3 BROAD STREET. | 1863. I G-17. A concise collection, approved by Thos. Jordan, Brig.-Genl. and Chief of Staff, Dept. of S. C, Ga., and Florida. Includes " General Orders Nos. i (Jany. i, 1862) to iii (Dec. 24, 1862.) The index is very full. GENERAL ORDERS | FROM THE | ADJUTANT AND INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, | CONFEDER- ATE STATES ARMY, | For the Year 1863, | WITH A FULL INDEX. I COMPILED AND CORRECTED UNDER AUTHORITY OF 1 GEN'L S. COOPER, A. & I. G. | BY R. H. P. ROBINSON, | OF THE ADJUTANT AND IN- SPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE. | The Orders as they appear in this book have explanatory notes | calling attention to each Paragraph or Order that has | been modified, amended or revoked; and to the Paragraph and | Order by which the change has been caused. | RICHMOND: | A. MORRIS, Publisher. | 1864. | G-18, G-19. A MANUAL ! OF | MILITARY SURGERY. | PRE- PARED FOR THE USE OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY. | ILLUSTRATED. | BY ORDER OF THE SURGEON-GENERAL. | RICHMOND: | AYRES & WADE, I ILLUSTRATED NEWS STEAM PRESSES. | 1863. I 205-07. 12°, pp. 297 -)- plates. Plates: Arteries, 8; amputation, 14; resection, 8. Pre- pared by officers under direction of the Surgeon-General. Preface dates Richmond, Va., Oct., 1863. An out-line manual of surgical diagnosis, operative technique, etc. REGULATIONS | FOR THE \ Army of the Confederate States, I AND FOR | THE QUARTERMASTER'S AND PAY DEPARTMENTS. I THE UNIFORM AND DRESS I So8 Confederate Calendar. OF I THE ARMY. | As Published by Authority of the Sec- retary of War. I THE ARTICLES OF WAR, | As Amended by Act of Congress. | Also ALL the | LAWS APPER- TAINING TO THE ARMY. | Revised Edition. | NEW- ORLEANS: ] BLOOMFIELD & STEEL, Publishers, 60 Camp-street. | 1861. | * . Ga-2-3. 12°, pp. 262 + forms [95] -j- index [5]. REGULATIONS | FOR THE | ARMY OF THE CON- FEDERATE STATES, I 1862. I (Certification. Sig.: J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of War, Mch. 13th, 1862.) | J. W. RAN- DOLPH, I 121 MAIN ST., RICHMOND, VA. | 1862. | 8°, pp. 420. 198. REGULATIONS 1 FOR THE | ARMY OF THE CON- FEDERATE STATES, I AUTHORIZED EDITION. | 1862. | RICHMOND, VA. | WEST & JOHNSTON, 145 MAIN STREET. I 1862. I Ga-2-6. 197. 8°, pp. 420. Page iii. Certification. Sig. : Geo. W. Randolph, Secretary of War, Nov. i, 1862. Includes "Articles of War." REGULATIONS | FOR THE | ARMY OF THE CON- FEDERATE STATES, 1 AUTHORIZED EDITION. | 1862. ] ATLANTA, GA., | JAMES McPHERSON & CO. | 1862. | 12", pp. 408 [pages missing] including articles of war. Page 3, Certification. Sig. : Geo. W. Randolph, Secretary of War, Nov. i, 1862. Ga-2-4. REGULATIONS | FOR THE | ARMY OF THE CON- FEDERATE STATES, I 1863. 1 CORRECTED AND EN- LARGED WITH I A REVISED INDEX | [THE ONLY CORRECT EDITION.] | (Certification. Sig. : James A. Sed- « The Army Regulations were published, with the consent of the War Department, by a number of firms in different cities of the South. In some instances the editions are identical, except for the publishers' names. Confederate Calendar. 509 don, Secretary of War, Jany. 28th, 1863.) | J. W. RAN- DOLPH, I 121 MAIN ST., RICHMOND, VA. | 1863. | 12°, cloth, pp. 420. Ga-2-8. SC-24S. REGULATIONS FOR THE | ARMY OF THE CON- FEDERATE STATES. I WITH A FULL INDEX. | BY AUTHORITY OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT. | (Certifi- cation. Sig. : Jas. A. Seddon, Secretary of War. Jany. 28, 1863.) I RICHMOND : | WEST & JOHNSTON, 145 MAIN STREET. I 1864. I Ga-2-g. 12°, pp. 432. Includes "Articles of War," and "Addenda." REGULATIONS | ADOPTED | BY THE WAR DE- PARTMENT, I On the 15th of April, 1862, | FOR CARRY- ING INTO EFFECT THE | ACTS OF CONGRESS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, | RELATING TO | IN- DIAN AFFAIRS, I &c., &c. I [PUBLISHED BY AUTHOR- ITY.] I RICHMOND: RITCHIE & DUNNAVANT, PRINTERS. I 1862. I ■• 1-6. 12°, pp. 81. General regulations and the "Law of Intercourse," April 8, 1862. REGULATIONS | FOR THE | MEDICAL DEPART- MENT I OF THE C. S. ARMY. | RICHMOND : | RITCHIE & DUNNAVANT, PRINTERS. | 1862. | Small 12°, pp. 58. 1208. Page 3, certification by Geo. W. Randolph, Secretary of War. April 10, 1862. Contains general orders for management, supply-lists, etc. ^ This volume is one of the few sources of information for an interest- ing phase of the history of the Confederacy. The Cherokees, the Creeks and Seminoles and the Choctaws were in alliance with the Confederacy, and rendered valuable service as partizan rangers. 510 Confederate Calendar. REGULATIONS | OF THE | ORDNANCE DEPART- MENT I OF THE I CONFEDERATE STATES | FOR THE USE OF I TROOPS IN THE FIELD. | RICHMOND: | WEST & JOHNSON, 145 MAIN STREET, | 1861. | 12°, pp. 12. Ga-2-ioo. With ordnance forms. REGULATIONS [ FOR | THE GOVERNMENT ] OF THE I ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT | OF THE | CON- FEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. | RICHMOND: | WEST & JOHNSTON. | 1862. | 12°, pp. 122. Ga-2-5. Certified by J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of War, Feb. i, 1862. REGULATipNS | FOR THE | SUBSISTENCE DE- PARTMENT I OF THE I CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. I RICHMOND: | 1861. | 12°, pp. 55. Ga-2-98. Including specimen forms. Page i, certification and order for use of these regulations. SECOND REPORT [ OF THE | Board of Artillery Offi- cers, I ASSEMBLED AT AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, | By Special Orders, No. 278, Head Quarters Dep't S. C, Ga. & Fla., I dated December 19th, 1863, for the purpose of determin- ing I the proper Charges for Heavy Guns, the highest allow-| able angles of Elevation, and other matters con-|nected with the service of Artillery in general. | 8°, pp. 15. Ga-2-7. Tables included. SKIRMISH DRILL | FOR | MOUNTED TROOPS. | PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT. | MOBILE, ALA. | 1863. 16°, pp. 57. Si-59. Confederate Calendar. 5" UNIFORM AND DRESS | OF THE | ARMY OF THE | CONFEDERATE STATES [ (Authorisation. Sig.: S. Cooper, A. and I. Genl., Sept. 12, 1861.) | RICHMOND: | CHAS. H. WYNNE, PRINTER, 94 MAIN STREET. | LITHOGRAPHS BY E. CREHEN. | 1861. | « 2°, pp. 5 + [14] plates. Includes G. O. No. 9, A. and I. Genl's Office, June 6, 1861. THE SAME. Ga-2-8. The plates uncolored. C. Other Departments. Confederate States of America, | POST OFFICE DE- PARTMENT. I INSTRUCTION TO POST MASTERS. | RICHMOND, VA. | PRINTED BY RITCHIE & DUNNA- VANT. I 1861. I iz", pp. 24. 1-3. RULES AND DIRECTIONS | FOR | PROCEEDINGS | IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES | PATENT OF- FICE. I RICHMOND: | RITCHIE & DUNNAVANT, PRINTERS. I 1861. I 16°, pp. 48. Ga-2-72. Official. Sig. : Rufus R. Rhodes, Commissioner of Patents. II. OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE GOVERN- MENTS OF SOUTHERN STATES, 1861-65. Arranged alphabetically by States. JOURNAL I OF THE | CONVENTION OF THE PEOPLE I OF I SOUTH CAROLINA, | HELD IN i860, 1861, AND 1862, I TOGETHER WITH THE | ORDI- NANCES, REPORTS, RESOLUTIONS, ETC. | COLUM- BIA, S. C: I R. W. . . .ES, PRINTER TO THE CONVEN- TION. I 1862. I Large 8°. SC-246. * This volume contains lithographs, in colors, of the uniforms first adopted for the army. 512 Confederate Calendar. REGULATIONS | ADOPTED FOR THE | PROVI- SIONAL FORCE I OF THE | TENNESSEE VOLUN- TEERS, I TOGETHER WITH THE | ACT OF TEN- NESSEE LEGISLATURE OF 1861, | ORGANIZING SAID PROVISIONAL FORCE. | NASHVILLE, TENN. : | J. O. GRIFFITH, PRINTER, UNION AND AMERICAN OF- FICE. I 1861. I 12°, pp. 457 + appendix [12]. Ga-2-2. ACTS I OF THE | GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1 OF THE | STATE OF VIRGINIA, | PASSED IN 1861-2, J IN THE I EIGHTY-SIXTH YEAR OF THE COMMON- WEALTH. I RICHMOND: | WILLIAM F. RITCHIE, PUBLIC PRINTER. | 1862. | 8°, pp. 142, with resolutions and index [40]. 182, 185, 186. ACTS I OF THE | GENERAL ASSEMBLY | OF THE [ STATE OF VIRGINIA, | PASSED AT CALLED SES- SION, 1862, I I NTHE I EIGTHY-SEVENTH YEAR OF THE COMMONWEALTH. | RICHMOND : | WILLIAM F. RITCHIE, PUBLIC PRINTER. ] 1862. | 8°, pp. 29 with index [7]. 182, 187. THE I PUBLIC OR GENERAL ACTS | PASSED BY THE 1 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF VIRGINIA, | AT | THE CALLED SESSION | 1863. I 8°, pp. 38. G-3. ACTS I OF THE | GENERAL ASSEMBLY | OF THE | STATE OF VIRGINIA, | PASSED AT CALLED SES- SION, 1863, I IN THE I EIGHTY-EIGHTH YEAR OF THE COMMONWEALTH. | RICHMOND : | WILLIAM F. RITCHIE, PUBLIC PRINTER. | 1863. 8°, pp. 107. 190. Includes election precincts, court terms, and state balance sheet. Confederate Calendar. 513 ACTS I OF THE | GENERAL ASSEMBLY | OF THE | STATE OF VIRGINIA, | PASSED AT ADJOURNED SES- SION, 1863, 1 IN THE I EIGHTY-SEVENTH YEAR OF THE COMMONWEALTH. | RICHMOND: ] WILLIAM F. RITCHIE, PUBLIC PRINTER. | 1863. | 8°, pp. 130, with index [24]. 182. Governor's Message and other Documents of the House of Delegates of Virginia, 1863. 8°, 14 documents, no continuous pagination. 195. Binder's title : MESSAGE | AND | DOCUMENTS | 1863. JOURNAL I OF THE | HOUSE OF DELEGATES | OF THE 1 STATE OF VIRGINIA, | FOR THE | CALLED SESSION OF 1862. I RICHMOND: | WILLIAM F. RITCHIE, PUBLIC PRINTER. | 1862. 8°, pp. 71 -I- index [14]. 194. The Governor's [Opening] Message (Doc. No. i) ap- pended [pp. xiv]. JOURNAL I OF THE | HOUSE OF DELEGATES, | OF THE I STATE OF VIRGINIA, | FOR THE | ADJOURNED SESSION, 1863. 1 RICHMOND : | WILLIAM F. RITCHIE, PUBLIC PRINTER. | 1863. | 8°, pp. 302 -f- index [19]. 194. The Governor's [Opening] Message (Doc. No. i) ap- pended [pp. xxxii] . JOURNAL I OF I THE SENATE | OF THE | COM- MONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA: | BEGUN AND HELD AT THE CAPITOL | IN THE CITY OF RICHMOND, | ON MONDAY, THE SECOND DAY OF DECEMBER, IN THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUN-|DRED AND SIXTY-ONE— BEING THE EIGHTY-FIFTH YEAR OF THE COMMONWEALTH. | RICHMOND : | JAMES E. GOODE, SENATE PRINTER, | 1861. | 8°, pp. 335 + documents [45] + index [34]. 182. 514 Confederate Calendar. JOURNAL I OF I THE SENATE | OF THE | COM- MONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA: | BEGUN AND HELD AT THE CAPITOL | IN THE CITY OF RICHMOND, | ON TUESDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF APRIL, IN THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED | AND SIXTY-TWO— BEING THE EIGHTY-SIXTH YEAR OF THE COMMONWEALTH. | EXTRA SESSION. | RICH- MOND. I JAMES E. GOODE, SENATE PRINTER. | 1862. | 8°, pp. 454 + [31] documents -f- index [44]- ^83. Sessions from Apr. i, 1862, to May 19, 1862; September 15, 1862, to Oct. 6, 1862 ; Jany. 7, 1863, to Mch. 31, 1863. Includes the Secret Journals. The Documents have no continuous pagination. THE 1 NEW CONSTITUTION OF VIRGINIA, ] WITH THE AMENDED | BILL OF RIGHTS, | AS ADOPTED BY THE I REFORM CONVENTION OF 1850-51, | AND AMENDED BY | THE CONVENTION OF 1860-61. | 8°, pp. 29. 182, 188, 189. THE NEW I CONSTITUTION OF VIRGINIA. | PRO- POSED FOR ADOPTION, | BY THE CONVENTION. | 1861. I ' 8°, pp. 32. [n. p.] L-ii. Official copy attested by the Governor. ORDINANCE | TO AMEND THE | CONSTITUTION OF VIRGINIA I ON THE SUBJECT OF | TAXATION. | 12°, pp. 8 [n. p.] " V-5. ORDINANCES | ADOPTED BY | THE CONVENTION OF VIRGINIA, I AT THE | ADJOURNED SESSION | IN 1 NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 1861. | 8°, pp. II. [Richmond, 1862.] 182, 185, 186. ' Probably printed in Richmond in 1861. , Confederate Calendar. 515 REGULATIONS | FOR | THE MEDICAL DEPART- MENT I OF THE 1 ARMY OF VIRGINIA. | RICHMOND, VA. I RITCHIE & DUNNAVANT, PRINTERS. | 1861. | " S°, pp. 55. V-6. Includes official forms. SPEECH I OF 1 GEORGE W. RICHARDSON, | OF HANOVER, I IN | COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. | ON THE I REPORT ] OF THE | COMMITTEE ON FEDERAL RELATIONS, | IN THE | CONVENTION OF VIR- GINIA, I APRIL 4, 1861. I RICHMOND: | PRINTED AT THE WHIG BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. | 1862. | " 8°, pp. 32 -|- covers. R-34- III. UNOFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO WAR ORGANIZATION. (Alphabetically Arranged.) ARMY REGULATIONS, | ADOPTED FOR THE USE OF THE I Army of the Confederate States, | IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH LATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. | REVISED FROM THE ARMY REGULATIONS OF THE OLD UNITED STATES | ARMY, 1857; RETAINING ALL THAT IS ESSENTIAL | FOR OFFICERS OF THE LINE. I TO WHICH IS ADDED, | AN ACT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND ORGANIZATION OF | THE ARMY OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES | OF AMERICA. I ALSO, | ARTICLES OF WAR, | FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ARMY OF THE CONFED-| ERATE STATES OF AMERICA. | RICHMOND, VA.: | 1° These regulations were adopted for use by the authorities of Virginia after the passage of the Ordinance of Secession and before Virginia joined the Confederacy. ^^ This speech was one of a series delivered in the Convention of Vir- ginia by advocates of secession. It was begun on the afternoon of April 3, and was concluded April 4. An elaborate digest of its principal arguments was printed in the Richmond Dispatch April 4 and S, 1861. 5i6 Confederate Calendar. WEST & JOHNSTON, PUBLISHERS, | NO. 145 MAIN STREET. I 1861. I Narrow 8°, pp. 198 + index [2]. Ga-2-1. CHIEF POINTS IN THE LAWS | OF | WAR AND NEUTRALITY, | SEARCH AND BLOCKADE; | WITH THE CHANGES OF 1856, AND THOSE NOW PRO- POSED. I BY I JOHN FRASER MACQUEEN, ESQ., | ONE OF HER MAJESTY'S COUNSEL. | RICHMOND : | WEST AND JOHNSTON. \ 1863. | I 12°, pp. 95 + index [7]. M-21-23. Pages 82-83, the Paris Declaration, Apr. 16, 1856; pp. 84-86, the Queen's Proclamation, May 13, 1861 ; pp. 87-91, Sir Roundell Palmer's Speech on the Effect of the Queen's Procla- mation, London Times, Feby. 21, 1862. INFANTRY TACTICS, | OR | Rules for the Exercise and Manoeuvres | OF THE ] CONFEDERATE STATES IN- FANTRY I IN THE EVOLUTIONS OF THE LINE. | COMPILED, ARRANGED, AND ADAPTED TO | HAR- DEE'S DRILL. I BY COL. JNO. H. RICHARDSON, | of the Provisional Army C. S. | RICHMOND, VA. | WEST & JOHNSTON, 145 MAIN STREET. | 1862. | 24°, pp. 211 -f- viii. 310. ELEMENTS | OF | SEAMANSHIP. | PREPARED AS A TEXT BOOK FOR THE MIDSHIPMEN OF | THE C. S. NAVY. 1 BY WM. H. PARKER, | COMMANDING C. S. SCHOOL-SHIP PATRICK HENRY. | RICHMOND: | MACFARLANE & FERGUSON, PRINTERS. | 1864. | ^» 12°. Ga-1-3. INSTRUCTION | FOR | HEAVY ARTILLERY; | PRE- PARED BY A I BOARD OF OFFICERS, | FOR THE USE 12 This was one of the text-books written for and used in the Confede- rate Naval Academy. Captain Parker, superintendent of the academy, wrote an interesting chapter on the academy in C. M. H., v. 12, p. 96 S. C»NFEDERATE CALENDAR. 517 OF THE I ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. | RICH- MOND, VA. : I WEST & JOHNSTON, 145 MAIN STREET. I 1862. 12°, pp. 272. 203. Excellent plates. Printed by Evans & Cogswell, Charles- ton, S. C. Certified by a Board of U. S. Officers, B. Huger, et al., and authorized by C. M. Conrad, Secty of War, May 10, 1851. THE I JUDGE ADVOCATE'S | VADE MECUM: | EM- BRACING A GENERAL VIEW OF | MILITARY LAW, | AND THE I PRACTICE BEFORE COURTS MAR- TIAL, I WITH AN EPITOME OF THE | LAW OF EVI- DENCE, I AS APPLICABLE TO MILITARY 'TRIALS. | BY I C. H. LEE. I RICHMOND: | WEST AND JOHN- STON, I No. 145 MAIN STREET, | 1863. 8°, pp. 251. 196. With forms and notes. A MANUAL I OF | Infantry and Rifle Tactics, | WITH | HONORS PAID BY THE TROOPS, | INSPECTIONS- REVIEWS, &c. I ABRIDGED AND COMPILED BY | LIEUT. COL. WM. H. RICHARDSON, | Graduate and formerly Assistant Instructor of Tactics, Virginia | Military Institute. I RICHMOND, VA. | PUBLISHED BY A. MOR- RIS. I 1861. I 12°, pp. 360. 216. Includes folding lithographic plat of regimental formation, Lith. of Hoyer & Ludwig, Richmond, Va. Chas. H. Wynne, Printer, Richmond, Va. Preface dates June, 1861. MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION | FOR THE | VOLUN- TEERS AND MILITIA | OF THE | STATE OF TEXAS. | TAKEN FROM GILHAM'S MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION FOR I THE VOLUNTEERS AND MILITIA OF 1 THE 5i8 Confederate Calendar. UNITED STATES. | Galveston, Texas: | PRINTED AT THE "NEWS" OFFICE, BY D. RICHARDSON. | 1861. [ 16°, pp. 116. T1-51. Includes the "Articles of War." Approved, by H. McLeod and S. Sherman. 2nd edition, July i, 1861. MANUAL OF INSTRUCTION 1 FOR THE | VOLUN- TEERS AND MILITIA I OF THE \ CONFEDERATE STATES. I BY | WILLIAM GILHAM, | COLONEL OF VOLUNTEERS, INSTRUCTOR OF TACTICS, AND COMMANDANT OF CADETS, | VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. I RICHMOND: | WEST & JOHNSTON, | 145 MAIN STREET. | 1862. | 8°, pp. 559- 201-02. 82 excellent plates. Printed by Evans & Cogswell, Charles- ton, S. C. A I MANUAL I OF | MILITARY SURGERY, | FOR THE USE OF I SURGEONS IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY; | WITH AN APPENDIX OF THE | Rules and Regulations of the Medical Department | OF THE | CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY. | BY | J. JULIAN CRISHOLM, M. D., | PROFESSOR OF SURGERY IN THE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, | SURGEON IN THE CONFEDERATES STATES ARMY, ETC. I SECOND EDITION — REVISED AND IM- PROVED. I RICHMOND, VA. : | WEST & JOHNSTON, 145 MAIN STREET. | 1862. | 12°, pp. 514. Ga-3-io. MILITARY LAWS | OF THE | CONFEDERATE STATES, I EMBRACING ALL THE | LEGISLATION OF CONGRESS APPERTAINING TO MILITARY AFFAIRS | FROM THE FIRST TO THE LAST SESSION INCLU- SIVE, f WITH A COPIOUS INDEX. | J. W. RANDOLPH: I 121 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA., | 1863. | 12°, pp. 92 -f- xvi. M-20. Printed in Atlanta, Ga. Confederate Calendar. 519 THE OFFICER'S MANUAL. | NAPOLEON'S | MAX- IMS OF WAR. I RICHMOND, VA.: | WEST & JOHN- STON. I 1862. I " 16°, pp. 159- Va-J. THE PRACTICE OF WAR: [ BEING A TRANSLA- TION OF A 1 FRENCH MILITARY WORK | ENTITLED I "Maxims, Counsels and Instructions on the Art of War, or Hand\book for the Practice of War. For the use of Military- Men of all I Arms and Countries. From a manuscript written, in 1815, by a | General of that time, and revised in 1855, to be put in Harmony | with the Knowledge and Organization of the Present Day. 4th | Edition, pocket size, 15 plates. 1857: Paris." TO WHICH THE TRANSLATOR HAS ADDED | MARSHAL BUGEAUD'S LETTER OF INSTRUCTION \ TO THE FIFTY-SIXTH REGIMENT OF FRENCH IN- FANTRY; I ALSO, I THE SECOND APPENDIX OF BARON JOMINI TO "PRECIS | DE L'ART DE LA GUERRE." I BY C. F. PARDIGON. ] RICHMOND: | WEST & JOHNSTON. | 1863. | " 16° pp. 216. 217. A I REVISED SYSTEM | OF | CAVALRY TACTICS. | FOR THE USE OF THE | Cavalry and Mounted Infantry, C. S. A. I BY I MAJOR GENERAL JOSEPH WHEELER, Chief of Cavalry, Army of Tennessee, C. S. A. | MOBILE : | S. H. GOETZEL & CO. | 1863. | 24°, pp. 220 4- 104 + 47 + [11] -\- index [xiv]. Ga-2-66-67. The music of the "bugle-calls" is paged 97-108, and is evi- dently taken from another work. 15 This interesting volume was found in the haversack of Lieutenant- General T. J. Jackson, after he had been wounded at Chancellorsville. i*The Begeaud referred to was T. R. Begeaud de la Piconnerie, Marechal de France, Due d'lsly, whose Memoirs (1789-1849) were edited, in 1884, by Comte H. d'Ideville. The editor of Jomini's Precis was proba- bly the Paris edition of 1855. 520 Confederate Calendar. RIFLE 1 AND | INFANTRY TACTICS, | REVISED AND IMPROVED | BY | BRIG-GEN. W. J. HARDEE, C. S. ARMY. I FIFTH EDITION. | Vol. I. | SCHOOLS OF THE SOLDIER AND COMPANY; | INSTRUCTION FOR SKIRMISHERS. ; MOBILE: | S. H. GOETZEL & CO. j FIRST YEAR OF THE CONFEDERACY. 24°, pp. 250. "The only copyright edition." Ga-2-68. RIFLE I AND \ INFANTRY TACTICS, | REVISED AND IMPROVED ] BY | MAJ. GEN. W. J. HARDEE, C. S. ARMY. I EIGHTH EDITION. | Vol. I. | SCHOOLS OF THE SOLDIER AND COMPANY : | INSTRUCTION FOR SKIRMISHERS. | MOBILE : | S. H. GOETZEL. | 1863. | 24°, pp. 224. "The only copyright edition." Ga-2-70. RIFLE I AND | INFANTRY TACTICS, | REVISED AND IMPROVED | BY | MAJ. GEN. W. J. HARDEE, C. S. ARMY. I SEVENTH EDITION. | Vol. II. | SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION. | MOBILE: | S. G. GOETZEL & CO. | 1863. I 24°, pp. 232. "The only copyright edition." Ga-2-69. RULES I AND | REGULATIONS | OF THE | BER- RIEN 1 Mounted Home Guard. | SAVANNAH: | POWER PRESS OF JOHN M. COOPER & CO. | i86i[?]. 12°- Ga-i-71. THE I School of the Guides, | FOR THE USE OF | THE ARMY OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, | WITH QUESTIONS. I Twenty-eight Illustrations. | GRIFFIN, GEO. : I BRAWNER & PUTNAM. | SAVANNAH, GEO. : j JOHN M. COOPER & CO. | 1861. | 24°, pp. 71. Ga-2-6s. THE I SPIRIT I OF | MILITARY INSTITUTIONS, | BY MARSHAL MARMONT, | DUKE OF RAGUSA. j TRANSLATED FROM THE LAST PARIS EDITION Confederate Calendar. 521 (1859), AND AUGMENTED BY BIOGRAPHI-|CAL, HIS- TORICAL, TOPOGRAPHICAL, AND MILITARY NOTE; WITH A NEW VERSION | OF GENERAL JOMINI'S CELEBRATED THIRTY-FIFTH CHAPTER, OF PART I, I OF TREATISE ON GRAND MILITARY OPERATIONS. I BY | FRANK SCHALLER, | COLONEL 22D MISSISSIPPI INFANTRY, CONFEDERATE ARMY. I COLUMBIA, S. C. : \ EVANS AND COGSWELL. | 1864. |^» 12°, pp. 278. Ga-2-99. THE TROOPER'S MANUAL: | OR 1 TACTICS | FOR | Light Dragoons and Mounted Riflemen. | COMPILED, ABRIDGED AND ARRANGED BY COL. J. LUCIUS DAVIS, I Graduate of the United States Military Academy, West Point; for-|merly an Officer of the United States Army; and for many | years commander and instructor of Volunteer Cavalry. | Third Edition. | RICHMOND, VA. ] PUBLISHED BY A. MORRIS. | 1862. | 24°, pp. 276. Ga-2-71. Includes index and bugle-calls. IV. CONTEMPORARY HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. HISTORY : a. General. b. Particular Campaigns. c. Personal Narratives and Observations. BIOGRAPHY: a. Collected. b. Individual. ^^ Auguste-Frederic-Louis Viesse de Marmont (1774-1852), one of Napoleon's generals, was made Due de Raguse in 1808, and Marechal de France in 1809. He published his Esprit des Institutions Militaires in 1845. The best-known English edition of this work is that published in the Royal Service Journal, 184s, pt. i, pp. 161-182, 370-387, 500-511; pt. 2, pp. 28-43, 221-228, 350-363. Marmont's Memoirs were published in 1856. 522 Confederate Calendar. History — General. THE I FIRST YEAR OF THE WAR. | BY | EDWARD A. POLLARD, I AUTHOR OF "BLACK DIAMONDS," ETC. I CORRECTED AND IMPROVED EDITION. | RICHMOND: | WEST & JOHNSTON, 145 MAIN STREET. ! 1862. I " 8°, pp. 406. Ga-2-32. [See "Southern History of the War," "The Second Year of the War," etc., infra.] THE I Historic Significance | OF THE | SOUTHERN REVOLUTION. | A LECTURE | Delivered by Invitation in Petersburg, Va., March 14th | and April 9th, 1864. And in Richmond, Va., | April 7th and April 21st, 1864. | BY | REV. WILLIAM A. HALL, | OF NEW ORLEANS | BAT- TALION WASHINGTON ARTILLERY. | PETERS- BURG: I PRINTED BY A. F. CRUTCHFIELD & CO., BANK STREET, | 1864. | 8°, pp. 45. H-io. PRESIDENT DAVIS | AND | HIS ADMINISTRA- TION. I BEING I A REVIEW OF THE "RIVAL ADMIN- ISTRATIONS," I LATELY PUBLISHED IN RICHMOND, AND I WRITTEN BY E. A. POLLARD, AUTHOR | OF THE "FIRST AND SECOND | YEARS OF THE WAR." | BY A. S. ABRAMS, | AUTHOR OF "A FULL AND DE- TAILED HISTORY OF THE SIEGE OF VICKSBURG." | ATLANTA, GEORGIA: | PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR. I 1864. I " 12°, pp. 20. THE RIVAL ADMINISTRATIONS: | RICHMOND AND WASHINGTON | IN | DECEMBER, 1863, | BY E. A. POLLARD, 1 Author of "The First and Second Years of the 1* Pollard's narrativics of the war, though marred by a strong prejudice, are perhaps the most lucid and ablest of the contemporary accounts. 1' See The Rival A(hninistrations, infra. Confederate Calendar. 523 War." I [Motto: Justinian.] | RICHMOND: | PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR. | 1864. | 8°, pp. 32. P. 12. Preface states this is a chapter of the third volume of the author's "First and Second Years of the War" [q. v.,] being printed in England because of the scarcity of paper in the Con- federacy. Page I, strong criticism of Davis' "want of capa- city" ; p. 2, his bad choice of Generals, etc. THE I Second Year of the War. | BY EDWARD A. POL- LARD, I AUTHOR OF "BLACK DIAMONDS," ETC. | (Motto: Aeneid) | RICHMOND: | WEST & JOHNSTON, 145 MAIN STREET. | 1863. | 8°, pp. 326. Ga-2. PRINTED IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. SOUTHERN HISTORY | OF THE | GREAT CIVIL WAR I IN THE I UNITED STATES. | BY | EDWARD A. POLLARD, I MEMBER OF THE CONFEDERATE CON- GRESS. I TORONTO : I P. R. RANDALL, PUBLISHER. | 1863. I LOVELL AND GIBSON, PRINTERS, YONGS STREET, TORONTO. | Ga-2-36. U. S. copyright, Kentucky, 1863 ; Canadian, 1863. SOUTHERN HISTORY OF THE WAR. \ THE | THIRD YEAR OF THE WAR. | BY | EDWARD A. POLLARD, I AUTHOR OF "FIRST AND SECOND YEARS OF THE WAR." ] NEW YORK: | CHARLES B. RICHARDSON, [ 540 BROADWAY. | 1865. 8°, pp. 391. Ga-2-3S. B. Particular Campaigns. The Battle of Fort Sumpter | AND | First Victory of the Southern Troops. | April 13th, 1861. | Full Account of the Bombardment, with Sketches oi the Scenes | Incidents, etc. Compiled chiefly from the detailed | Reports of the Charleston 524 Confederate Calendar. Press. I PUBLISHED BY REQUEST. | CHARLESTON, S. C: I PRINTED BY EVANS & COGSWELL, NOS. 3 BROAD AND 103 EAST BAY STS. | 1861. | F-18. Reprint of newspaper accounts. Appendix contains official correspondence. BATTLE OF YOUNG'S BRANCH ; [ OR, | MANASSAS PLAIN, I FOUGHT JULY 21, 1861. | WITH MAPS OF THE BATTLE FIELD MADE BY ACTUAL SURVEY, AND THE VARIOUS | POSITIONS OF THE REGI- MENTS AND ARTILLERY COMPANIES PLACED THEREON, I WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE MOVE- MENTS OF EACH, PROCURED FROM THE ] COM- MANDING OFFICER, OR AN OFFICER OF THE REGI- MENT. ALSO, I AN ACCOUNT OF THE BATTLE. | ALSO, THE BATTLE GROUND OF THE 18TH JULY, 1861, WITH GENERAL | BEAUREGARD'S REPORT OF SAID BATTLE. | By T. B. Warder & Jas. M. Catlett. | RICHMOND: | ENQUIRER BOOK AND JOB PRESS, j TYLER, WISE, ALLEGRE AND SMITH. | 1862. 24°, pp. 156. B-4. Two important contemporary maps; much local color and numerous incidents. The action of each Confederate com- mand is followed in detail. THE I CAMPAIGN ] FROM ] TEXAS TO MARYLAND I [WITH THE I BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG]. ] BY REV. NICHOLAS A. DAVIS, | CHAPLAIN FOURTH TEXAS REG. C. S. A. | RICHMOND: | PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF THE PRESBYTERIAN COMMITTEE | OF PUBLICATION OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. I 1863. I 12°, pp. 158, pages missing. Tex-105. With a' muster roll of 4th Texas Inf. MAJOR-GENERAL MAGRUDER'S | REPORT | OF HIS I OPERATIONS ON THE PENINSULA. I AND OF Confederate Calendar. 525 THE I BATTLES OF "SAVAGE STATION" AND "MAL- VERN HILL," I NEAR RICHMOND. | RICHMOND: | CHAS. H. WYNNE, PRINTER, 94 MAIN STREET. | 1862. | 8°, pp. 46. M-13. Reports of May 3, 1862, and Aug. 12, 1862. Pages 34-35, Magruder's defence. Appendix with orders, etc. No. 12, his command. RAIDS I AND I ROMANCE | OF | MORGAN AND HIS MEN, I BY I SALLY ROCHESTER FORD. | SECOND EDITION. I MOBILE : | S. H. GOETZEL. | 1864. | Historical background of doubtful accuracy. PRINTED IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. CAMPAIGNS I IN | VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, | ETC. ETC. I BY CAPT. C. C. CHESNEY, R. E., | PROFESSOR OF MILITARY HISTORY, STAFF COLLEGE. | VOL- UME THE SECOND. | (CONTINUING THE HISTORY TO THE END OF THE THIRD YEAR OF THE WAR.) | WITH MAPS. I LONDON : | SMITH, ELDER AND CO., 6s CORNHILL. | 1865. | Ga-2-164. A continuation of "A Military View," infra. A MILITARY VIEW | OF | RECENT CAMPAIGNS | IN VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND. | BY CAPT. C. C. CHESNEY, R. E., | PROFESSOR OF MILITARY HIS- TORY, SANDHURST COLLEGE. | WITH MAPS. | LON- DON: I SMITH, ELDER AND CO., 65, CORNHILL. | M.DCCC.LXIII. i 12°, pp. 230. Ga-2-163. Covers events from the Peninsula Campaign, 1862, through Chancellorsville, May, 1863. THE CRUISE I OF | THE ALABAMA [ AND THE | SUMTER. I FROM THE PRIVATE JOURNALS AND 526 Confederate Calendar. OTHER PAPERS OF | COMMANDER R. SEMMES, C. S. N. I AND OTHER OFFICERS. 1 LONDON : | SAUNDERS, OTLEY AND CO., | 66, BROOK STREET, W. | RICH- MOND, VA., WEST & JOHNSTON. | 1864. | [All Rights. Reserved.] 12°, pp. 338. 209. Harrild, Printer, London. Based chiefly on official docu- ments and on Semmes' Journal. The latter largely reprinted. 1 C. Personal Narratives and Observations. MARGINALIA; | OR, | GLEANINGS FROM AN ARMY NOTE-BOOK. | BY "PERSONNE," | ARMY COR- RESPONDENT OF THE CHARLESTON COURIER. | COLUMBIA, S. C: ! STEAM POWER-PRESS OF F. G. DEFONTAINE & CO. | 1864. | 8°, pp. 248. Ga-2-15. OBSERVATIONS | IN | THE NORTH: | EIGHT MONTHS IN PRISON AND ON PAROLE. | BY | ED- WARD A. POLLARD. I RICHMOND: 1 E. W. AYRES, CORNER NINTH AND MAIN STREETS. | 1865. | 8°. Ga-i-54. THREE MONTHS | IN | THE SOUTHERN STATES: | APRIL, JUNE, 1863. I BY LIEUT.-COL. FREMANTLE, | COLDSTREAM GUARDS. | MOBILE : | S. H. GOETZEL. I 1864. I 12°, pp. 158. Ga-i-51. Bound in wall paper. PRINTED IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. MY IMPRISONMENT | AND THE | FIRST YEAR OF ABOLITION RULE | AT WASHINGTON. | BY MRS. GREENHOW. | LONDON: | RICHARD BENTLEY, | PUBLISHER IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY. | 1863. | 8°, pp. 352. Ga-2-59. ConfeOERate Calendar. 527 THREE MONTHS | IN | THE SOUTHERN STATES | APRIL-JUNE, 1863, I BY | LIEUT.-COL. FREMANTLE | COLDSTREAM GUARDS | WITH PORTRAITS EN- GRAVED FROM PHOTOGRAPHS | WILLIAM BLACK- WOOD AND SONS I EDINBURGH AND LONDON J MDCCLXIII I The Right of Translation is reserved. ] ' 12°, pp. 316. Ga-2-i66. BIOGRAPHY. A. Collected. THE I WAR AND ITS HEROES, | ILLUSTRATED. | RICHMOND: | AYRES & WADE. | 1864. | " 8°, pp. 86. W1-2S. Contains sketches, illustrated with rough wood-cuts, of Generals S. Cooper, R. E. Lee, T. J. Jackson, Wade Hampton, G. W. Smith, Jas. Longstreet, A. P. Hill, R. S. Ewell, Jos. E. Johnston, Jas. H. Lane, John C. Pemberton, John B. Hood, T. C. Hindman and M. L. Smith ; Majors J. S. Mosby and John Pelham ; Commander Geo. N. Hollins. B. Individual. THE CHRISTIAN SCHOLAR AND SOLDIER. | ME- MOIRS I OF I LEWIS MINOR COLEMAN, | PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA— LIEUT. COL. OF I FIRST REGIMENT VIRGINIA ARTILLERY. | BY J. L. BURROWS, D. D. | RICHMOND : SMITH, BAILEY & CO., PRINTERS. I 1864. I [Virginia Baptist S.-S. & Publi- cation Board, Richmond, No. 109.] i6«, pp. 44. C-5. A sketch of Coleman's career, with moral lessons. A SKETCH I OF | THE LIFE | OF | RANDOLPH FAIRFAX, I A PRIVATE IN THE RANKS OF THE ROCKBRIDGE ARTILLERY, ATTACHED TO | THE ^' This volume is practically a reprint of a series of articles which appeared in The Southern Illustrated News. 528 Confederate Calendar. "STONEWALL BRIGADE" AND SUBSEQUENTLY TO THE iST I REGT. VA. LIGHT ARTILLERY 2ND CORPS ARMY OF I NORTHERN VIRGINIA; INCLUDING A | BRIEF ACCOUNT OF | JACKSON'S CELEBRATED VALLEY CAMPAIGN. | BY THE | REV. PHILIP SLAUGHTER, | Editor of the "Army and Navy Messenger." | RICHMOND, VA. | TYLER, ALLEGRE & McDANIEL, ENQUIRER JOB OFFICE | 1864. | 12°, pp. 48. S-io. Based largely on Fairfax's letters ; a beautiful sketch. 2nd edition. SKETCH OF I DABNEY CARR HARRISON, | Minister of the Gospel | AND CAPTAIN IN THE ARMY | OF THE | CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. | BY WIL- LIAM J. HOGE, D. D. I AUTHOR OF "BLIND BARTI- MEUS." I TWENTY-FIFTH THOUSAND. | RICHMOND, VA. I PRESBYTERIAN COMMITTEE OF PUBLICA- TION I OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. | 1863. 16°, pp. 48. SC-377. DISCOURSE I ON THE | LIFE AND CHARACTER | OF I LT. GEN. THOS. J. JACKSON, | (C. S. A.) | LATE PROFESSOR OF NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY I IN THE VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. I BY FRANCIS H. SMITH, A. M. | SUPERINTENDENT OF THE VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. I Read before the Board of Visitors, Faculty and Cadets, July ist, 1863. | WITH | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION, | IN HONOR OF THE ILLUSTRI- OUS DECEASED. | [Published by order of the Board of Visitors.] | RICHMOND: | RITCHIE & DUNNAVANT, PRINTERS. I 1863. I 12°, pp. 23. Va-D-i8. Important as giving a view of Jackson as a professor.^" '" See supra, p. 281. Confederate Calendar. 529 THE LIFE I OF [ STONEWALL JACKSON. | FROM OFFICIAL PAPERS, CONTEMPORARY NARRATIVES, AND I PERSONAL ACQUAINTANCE. | BY A VIR- GINIAN. I [Motto: Lee to Jackson, at Chancellorsville.] | RICHMOND : | AYRES & WADE. | Illustrated News Steam Presses. | 1863. | 120, pp. 305. Va-D-24. CAPT. THOMAS E. fclNG; | OR, | A WORD TO THE ARMY I AND THE COUNTRY. | BY REV. JOSEPH C. STILES, D. D. 1 CHARLESTON, S. C. : | The South Caro- lina Tract Society. | 1864. | 24°, pp. 56. Ga-2-7. Based on letters of King; with moral lessons. PRINTED IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. "STONEWALL" JACKSON, | LATE ] GENERAL OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY. | A BIOGRAPHI- CAL SKETCH, I AND AN | OUTLINE OF HIS VIR- GINIAN CAMPAIGNS. I BY | THE AUTHOR OF "LIFE IN THE SOUTH." | SECOND EDITION. | LONDON : | CHAPMAN AND HALL, 193, PICADILLY. | 1863. | 12°, pp. 178. Ga-2-6i. Cover, p. I, a rough portrait of Jackson taken when in U. S. service. Dedicated to Sir Henry de Hogton, of Hoghton Tower, Co. Lancaster, by the authoress. The work shows some use of contemporary sources, — orders, newspaper ac- counts, etc. LITERARY WORKS. a. Prose. b. Verse. A. Prose. CLARIMONDE: | A | TALE, OF NEW ORLEANS LIFE, I AND OF | THE PRESENT WAR. | BY | A Member of the N. O. Washington Artillery, | RICHMOND : | M. A. 530 Confederate Calendar. MALSBY, CORNER OF 14TH AND MAIN STREETS. | 1863. I 12°, pp. 79. Advertisements of • forthcoming books appended. 7 copies. GRANDPA I AND | ONE OF HIS STORIES. | RICH- MOND : I ENQUIRER BOOK AND JOB OFFICE, i 1863. | 32°. Ga-i-70. A child's story. HENRY VIII. AND HIS COURT, | OR, | CATHERINE PARR. I A Historical Novel. | BY L. MUHLBACH. | From the German, | BY REV. H. N. PIERCE, D. D. | VOLUME I. I MOBILE: | S. H. GOETZEL, PUBLISHER. | 1865. j 12°, pp. 142. Ga-2-73. Covers of wall-paper. Vol. 2 bound with Vol. i ; 12°, pp. 143- JOHN MARCHMONT'S LEGACY. | A NOVEL. 1 By Miss M. E. BRADDON. | AUTHOR OF "AURORA FLOYD," "LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET," | &c., &c., &c. ] RICHMOND: | WEST & JOHNSTON, Publishers. | 145 MAIN STREET. | 1865. | 8°, pp. 168. Double columns, advertisements. 6 copies, JOSEPH II. I AND HIS COURT. | An Historical Novel, | BY L. MUHLBACH, |- From the German, | BY ADELAIDE DeV. CHAUDRON. | VOLUME I. | MOBILE:. | S. H. GOETZEL, PUBLISHER. | 1864. 1 12°, 4 Vol. in 2. Ga-2-71. Bound in wall paper.^" "0 Nothing better illustrates the impoverishment of the South than the deterioration in the quality of paper. Until 1862, the books published were printed on paper already in stock, and compared favorably with similar publications in the North. From that time paper became scarce, and its quality became very inferior. ' Confederate Calendar. 531 MACARIA; [ OR, | ALTARS OF SACRIFICE. | BY THE AUTHOR OF "BEULAH." | [Motto: Melvil.] | SECOND EDITION. ] RICHMOND: | WEST & JOHN- STON, 145 MAIN STREET. | 1864. | 8°, pp. 183. Ga-2-69. LES MISERABLES. | (THE WRETCHED.) | A Novel. | BY I VICTOR HUGO. | A NEW TRANSLATION, RE- VISED. I IN FIVE PARTS : | I. FANTINE. III. MARIUS. I II. COSETTE. IV. ST. DENIS. | V. JEAN VALJEAN. | PART I. I FANTINE. | RICHMOND : | WEST & JOHN- STON. 1863. I 8°, pp. 204. . NC. LES MISERABLES. | (THE WRETCHED.) [ A Novel. I BY I VICTOR HUGO. | A NEW TRANSLATION, REVISED. I IN FIVE PARTS: | I. FANTINE. III. MARIUS. 1 II. COSETTE. IV. ST. DENIS. | V. JEAN VALJEAN. I PART III. | MARIUS. \ RICHMOND: | WEST & JOHNSTON. | 1863. | 8°, pp. 151. . NC. LES MISERABLES. | (THE WRETCHED.) | A Novel. | BY I VICTOR HUGO. | A NEW TRANSLATION, RE- VISED. I IN FIVE PARTS : | I. FANTINE. III. MARIUS. | II. COSETTE. IV. ST. DENIS. | V. JEAN VALJEAN. | PART IV. I SAINT DENIS. | RICHMOND: | WEST & JOHNSTON. I 1863, 1 8°, pp. 173. . V NC. LES MISERABLES. | (THE WRETCHED. | A Novel. | BY I .VICTOR HUGO. | A NEW TRANSLATION, RE- VISED. I IN FIVE PARTS: | I. FANTINE. III. MARIUS. | II. COSETTE. IV. ST. DENIS. | V. JEAN VALJEAN. | PART V. I JEAN VALJEAN. | RICHMOND : | WEST & JOHNSTON. I 1864. I 8°, pp. 173. NC. 532 Confederate Calendar. MISTRESS AND MAID. | A Household Story. | BY MISS MULOCH, I AUTHOR OF | "JOHN HALIFAX, GENTLEMAN," "OLIVE," "THE OGILVIES," \ "THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY," "NOTHING NEW," | "AGATHA'S HUSBAND," &c., &c. | RICHMOND | WEST & JOHNSTON, 145 Main Street. | 1864. 8°, pp. 121. S. S. SILAS MARNER, ] THE WEAVER OF RAVELOE. [ BY THE AUTHOR OF | "ADAM BEDE," "THE MILL ON THE FLOSS," AND | "SCENES OF CLERICAL 3LIFE." I MOBILE: | S. H. GOETZEL, PUBLISHER. H 1863. I 8°, pp. 276. Ga-ga-3-68. Ga-2-70. Bound in wall paper. A STRANGE STORY. | BY | SIR E. BULWER ' LYTTON. I MOBILE: | [S.] H. GOETZEL & CO. | 1863. | 8°. Ga-i-94. PRINTED IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. BORDER AND BASTILLE. | BY | THE AUTHOR OF ''GUY LIVINGSTONE." | (Geo. A. Lawrence.) | SECOND EDITION, REVISED. | LONDON: ] TINSLEY BROTHERS, 18, CATHERINE ST., STRAND. \ 1863. | [The Right of Translation is Reserved.] 8°, pp. 277. Ga-2-19, Interesting pictures of leaders and conditions,, North and South. "OLD JACK" I AND HIS FOOT-CAVALRY; | OR, A | VIRGINIAN BOY'S PROGRESS TO RENOWN. | A' Story of the War in the Old Dominion. | With Illustrations. | NEW YORK: I PUBLISHED BY JOHN BRADBURN, | (SUC- CESSOR TO M. DOOLADY,) | 49 WALKER STREET. | 1864. I 12°, pp. 300. Ga-2-60. Confederate Calendar. 533 B. Verse. ADVENTURES | OF THE ] MARION HORNETS, | CO. H, 7th REGT. FLA. VOLS. 1 Knoxville, Tenn. : | PUB- LISHED FOR THE AUTHOR. | 1863. I 24°, pp. 32. Fla-Vc-20. ABRAM. I A MILITARY POEM, | BY | A. YOUNG REBELLE, ESQ., | OF | THE ARMY. | RICHMOND: | MACFARLANE & FERGUSON. | 1863. | 16°, p. 66. A-17. Pages 5-8, "Dedicatory Epistle"; 9-15, Canto I; 16-19,. Canto II, Stonewall ; 20-24, Canto III, McClellan ; 24-30, Canto IV, Pope; 31-34, Canto V, Burnside; 35-37, Canto VI, The West; 38-46, Canto VII, Confederate Navy; 47-52, Canto VIII, The Dream. This begins : "One night last week, I had a dream, I may as well now give it, I dream'd I saw old Abraham, A-s winging on a gibbet ; And who do you think, boys, held the rope, 'Twas Mr. Jefferson Davis, And as he pulled, old Abram cried For a writ of corpus Habeas." MOTHER'S LAST WORDS. | A BALLAD, j BY MRS. SEWELL, I Author of "The Children of Summer-|brook," "Our Father's Care," &c. | FROM THE THIRTIETH LON- DON EDITION. 1 RICHMOND, VA. : | PRESBYTERIAN COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. | 1865. | 16°, pp. 28. Ga-2-ii6, WAR: I A POEM, | WITH COPIOUS NOTES, f FOUNDED ON THE REVOLUTION OF 1861-62, (UP TO THE BATTLES BEFORE RICHMOND. INCLU- SIVE) I BY I JOHN H. HEWITT. | [Mottos,— Shakespeare 534 Confederate Calendar. and Byron.] | RICHMOND, VA.: | PUBLISHED BY , WEST & JOHNSTON, | No. 145 MAIN STREET. | 1862. | 8°, pp. 85. Page 85, Note. "The 2d Canto of the Poem of War is in course of completion, and will be issued as soon as circum- stances will permit." H-4g. War Songs of the South. | EDITED BY "BOHEMIAN," | CORRESPONDENT RICHMOND DISPATCH. | [Motto: Fletcher's Political Works.] | RICHMOND: | WEST & JOHNSTON, 14s MAIN STREET. | 1862. | 12°, pp. 210. 210. A valuable collection, made up largely of poems clipped from newspapers, — includes many well-known Southern writers. PRINTED IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. LES I CONFEDERES. [Par Alfred Cauwet,] PARIS. [ IMPRIMERIE DU BUISSON ET Ce | 5, rue Coq-Heron, 5 I 1864. I 8°, pp. 4. Ga-2-86. ( VI. CONFEDERATE TEXT-BOOKS. a. Readers. b. Spellers. c. Arithmetics. d. Geographies. A. Readers. THE I CHILD'S FIRST BOOK. | BY | CAMPBELL AND DUNN. I APPROVED BY THE EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA | THROUGH THEIR COMMITTEE. | RICHMOND : | AYRES & WADE. | 1864. | 12°, pp. 48. Ci-62. Page 4, cut of a cannon firing, with third Confederate flag. Page 31, story of a brave drummer-boy, emphasizing the duty of defending the country. No other references to the war. Confederate Calendar. 535 THE I CONFEDERATE FIRST READER: \ CON- TAINING I SELECTIONS IN PROSE AND POETRY, | AS READING EXERCISES | FOR THE YOUNGER CHILDREN I IN THE | SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES | OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. | RICHMOND, VA. | PUBLISHED BY G. L. BIDGOOD, | No. 121 Main Street. | 1864. I 12°, pp. 120. Ci-63. Contans no reference to the war; the selections are largely- Biblical. Seutf^eS 91-58-6 | unb ] 6rjte§ 2efe=S5uc&, | ;&erau§gegeben Don SB. ©affel, I JKi^monb, SSo., | 1863. | 16°. Ga-i-64. Bound in "Virginische Zeitung." THE I First Dixie Reader; | DESIGNED TO FOLLOW | THE I DIXIE PRIMER. | BY | MRS. M. B. MOORE. | RALEIGH : | BRANSON, FARRAR & CO. | 1863. 24°, pp. 63. Ga-2-113. ILLUSTRATED ALPHABET. | [cut] LITH. & PUB- LISHED BY B. DUNCAN & CO., Columbia, S. C. | [n. d.] 16°. Ga-2-ii2. No pagination, elaborately colored. NEELY'S I CHILD'S PRIMER | BEING A PORTION OF THE I FIRST PART | OF THE | AUTHOR'S SPEL- LER AND READER | DESIGNED TO PREPARE THE YOUNG LEARNER, | BY EASY STEPS, TO ENTER ON WORDS 1 OF THREE SYLLABLES. | FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. | By REV. JOHN NEELY. I SECOND EDITION— REVISED. | AUGUSTA, GA.: I PUBLISHED BY A. BLEAKLEY, BROAD ST. | 1865. I 16°, pp. 36. Ga-2-iii. 536 Confederate Calendar. OUR OWN I FIRST READER: | FOR THE USE OF [ SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. | BY | RICHARD STERL- ING, A. M., I PRINCIPAL OF EDGEWORTH FEMALE SEMINARY, I AND | J. D. CAMPBEL, A. M., | PROFES- SOR OF MATHEMATICS AND RHETORIC. | STEREO- 'TYPE edition. I GREENSBORO, N. C. | PUBLISHED BY STERLING, CAMPBELL AND ALBRIGHT. | RICH- MOND, VA.: W. HARGRAVE WHITE. | [1862.] 12°, pp. 96. Ga-2-io6. B. Spellers. CHAUDRON'S | SPELLING BOOK, | CAREFULLY PREPARED FOR | FAMILY AND SCHOOL USE, | BY | A. De V. CHAUDRON. ] MOBILE: | S. H. GOETZEL. | 1865. I 16°, pp. 48. Ga-2-105. Decorated with old wood-cuts. One is of a man of war, full rigged, floating a U. S. flag. Fifth Edition, 40th thousand. THE I CONFEDERATE | SPELLING-BOOK, | WITH READING LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG, | ADAPTED TO THE I USE OF SCHOOLS | OR FOR | PRIVATE IN- STRUCTION. I FOURTH EDITION. \ RICHMOND, VA. : I PUBLISHED BY GEORGE L. BIDGOOD. | 1864. | 12°, pp. 159. 211. Compare the fifth edition. The cut, p. 58, is different; the text is identical. THE I CONFEDERATE | SPELLING BOOK, | WITH | READING LESSONS FOR THE YOUNG, | ADAPTED TO THE I USE OF SCHOOLS | OR FOR | PRIVATE IN- STRUCTION. I FIFTH EDITION. | RICHMOND : ] PUB- LISHED BY GEORGE L. BIDGOOD. | 1865. | 12°, pp. 162. Ga-2-103. Very rough paper; page 58, cut of four soldiers and an officer. "A soldier is a man who fights for his country. It is Confederate Calendar. 537 the duty of every man to love his country, and to defend it bravely against its enemies." THE I DIXIE SPELLER.. | TO FOLLOW THE | DIXIE READER. I [cut.] By MRS. M. B. MOORE, | AUTHOR OF THE DIXIE SERIES. | RALEIGH, N. C. : | BRANSON & FARRAR. I 1864. I [Outer t-p] THE | DIXIE | ELEMENTARY | SPELL- ING BOOK. I FOR THE USE | OF | COMMON SCHOOLS. I BY M. B. MOORE. | RALEIGH, N. C, | BRANSON & FARRAR. I FAYETTEVILLE STREET. 1864. 12°, pp. 120. Ga-2-104. The Revised Elementary Spelling Book. | THE ELE- MENTARY I SPELLING BOOK, | REVISED AND ADAPTED I TO THE YOUTH OF THE | SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY, | INTERSPERSED WITH THE BIBLE READINGS ON DOMESTIC SLAVERY. | BY | ROBERT FLEMING. I [Cut, the Bible verses beginning: "Holy Bible, Book Divine,"] ATLANTA, GEORGIA: | FRANKLIN STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, | J. J. TOON & CO., PRO- PRIETORS. I 1863. I 12°, pp. 168. Ga. C. Arithmetics. AN I ELEMENTARY [ ARITHMETIC, | DESIGNED I FOR BEGINNERS : | EMBRACING | THE FIRST PRIN- CIPLES I OF I THE SCIENCE. | BY L. JOHNSON, A. M., | PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN TRINITY COL- LEGE. I RALEIGH, N. C, | BRANSON & FARRAR, FAY- ETTEVILLE STREET. I 1864. 1 12°, pp. 154. Ga-2-io8. Page I2iflf : "Confederate Currency." THE I SOUTHERN SCHOOL ARITHMETIC; | OR, | YOUTH'S ASSISTANT. | CONTAINING | THE MOST CONCISE AND ACCURATE RULES FOR I PERFORM- 538 Confederate Calendar. ING OPERATIONS IN | ARITHMETIC, \ ADAPTED TO THE EASY AND REGULAR INSTRUCTION OF YOUTH, I FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS, &c., BY A. & J. FOWLER, I REVISED BY M. GIBSON. | TO WHICH IS ANNEXED AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING | MENSUR- ATION OF SURFACES, TABLES OF FOREIGN MONEY, I AND BOOK-KEEPING. | STEREOTYPE EDI- TION. I RICHMOND : | WEST & JOHNSTON, 145 MAIN STREET. I 1864. I 12°, pp. 184. 213-14. Binding leaves are made from plates giving the insignia of naval officers. U. S. copyrights, 1834 and 1850 ; C. S. copy- right, 1864. OUR OWN I SCHOOL ARITHMETIC. | BY | S. LANDER, M. M. | GREENSBORO, N. C. : | PUBLISHED BY STERLING, CAMPBELL & ALBRIGHT. | RICH- MOND, VA., W. HARGRAVE WHITE. | 1863. | Small 12°, pp. 216 [pages missing]. Ga-2-107. D. Geographies. THE I GEOGRAPHICAL READER, | FOR THE | DIXIE CHILDREN. | BY | MRS. M. B. MOORE, j RALEIGH: | BRANSON, FARRAR & CO., PUBLISHERS. I BIBLICAL RECORDER PRINT. | 1863. | Square 12°, pp. 42, double columns. Ga-2-101. To be used as a reader and geography. Maps: rough wood(?) cuts of the different states, uncolored. Page 39 : "Q. If the people of the United States had always elected good men for rulers what would have been the result? A. We should have had no war. Q. Why? A. Because every man would have been willing to treat others justly, and there would have been no cause for war. Q. Are these judgments for our sins alone? Confederate Calendar. 539 A. They are partly for our sins, and partly for the sins of our forefathers. Q. Then how shall we expect peace, since sin has brought war? A. We must repent of our sins, and ask God to bless our efforts to defend our country. Q. Why so? A. Because, "If God be for us who shall be against us?" [See "Primary Geography," infra. A I GEOGRAPHY FOR BEGINNERS. | BY THE | REV. K. J. STEWART. | [cut] PALMETTO SERIES. | ILLUSTRATED WITH MAPS AND ENGRAVINGS. | RICHMOND, VA. : J. W. RANDOLPH. | M.DCCC.LXIV. | [Outer title-page.] STEWART'S | COURSE OF GEOG- RAPHY: I COMPRISING I A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF INSTRUCTION | CONCERNING THE NATURAL AND POLITICAL DIVISIONS OF THE WORLD; | DE- SIGNED I TO AID THE STUDENT IN OBTAINING ACCURATE AND SYSTEMATIC INFORMATION | UPON ALL GEOGRAPHICAL SUBJECTS : AND SO AR- RANGED AS TO AVOID TAXING | THE MEMORY WITH UNNECESSARY STATISTICAL DETAILS.''^ 16°, pp. 223. Ga-2-ioo. PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY, | ARRANGED AS A | READING BOOK | FOR | COMMON SCHOOLS, | WITH I Questions and Answers Attached. | BY | M. B. MOORE. | (SECOND EDITION.) | RALEIGH, N. C, | BRANSON & FARRAR, I FAYETTE VI LLE STREET. | 1864. | ^^ The "Palmetto Geography" had a most interesting history. Con- vinced that a satisfactory geography could not be issued in the South, the publishers determined to have Mr. Stewart's book printed in England. Accordingly they sent the manuscript and $1,000 in gold to England. The book was printed in handsome style, and a few copies of it, sent to Virginia by the first blockade- runner, duly reached their destination. The rest of the edition, however, fared badly: the ship upon which it was sent was captured by the Federal blockading-squadron, and the edition was de- stroyed. 540 Confederate Calendar. Square 12°, pp. 47, double columns. Ga-2-102. An enlargement of the "Geographical Reader" (supra). Part One is identical with the Reader, Part Two is an expan- sion of the text of the Reader, the maps are colored. Page 29: [Reader, Tennessee] "7, Many hard battles have been fought here during the war for independence. But though she is oppressed now, and suffers much, no one fears for Tennessee. She is nobly doing her part, and when the war is ended, she will be one of our best States. Many pure spirits are praying for peace, and if we all huble ourselves as we should, we shall soon be blessed with the glorious news Peace ! Peace!! Peace!!! O who will not appreciate Peace when it comes ? Page 47: [Part II. Commerce.] Q. Has [sic] the Con- federate States any commerce? A. A fine inland commerce, and bids fair, sometime, to have a grand commerce on the high seas. Q. What is the present drawback to our trade? A. An unlawful blockade by the miserable and hellish Yankee Nation." " A SYSTEM I OF | MODERN GEOGRAPHY, | COM- PILED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | KND \ ADAPTED TO THE PRESENT CONDITION OF THE WORLD ; | EXPRESSLY I FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES | IN THE | CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. I In which the Political and Physical Condition of the States composing the Confederate | States of America are fully treated of, and their progress in Commerce, Educa- tion, I Agriculture, Internal Improvements and Mechanic Arts, prominently set forth. | BY JOHN H. RICE. | 1862. | Atlanta, Georgia: | FRANKLIN PRINTING HOUSE. | WOOD, HANLEITER, RICE & CO. | 1862. ] 4°, pp. 91. Ga-2-iog. ^^ See further extracts from this interesting volume in S. B. Weeks' Bibliography of Confederate Text-Books (Report of U. S. Commissioner of Education, 1898-99, c. 22, p. 1150.) Confederate Calendar. 541 No maps. Page 12, c. 2 : "What is the best example of a republican government in the world? THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA." VII. POLITICAL MISCELLANY. CAUSE AND "CONTRAST: | AN ESSAY | ON THE | AMERICAN CRISIS. | BY | T. W. MACMAHON. | RICH- MOND, VA. I WEST & JOHNSTON. | 1862. | 8°, pp. 192. Ga-2-7. FACTS I AND | SUGGESTIONS | RELATIVE TO | FINANCE & CURRENCY | ADDRESSED TO THE | President of the Confederate States. | BY DUFF GREEN, j AUGUSTA, GA.; | J. T. PATERSON & CO., LITHOG- RAPHERS AND PRINTERS. | 1864. | 8°, pp. 80. Ga-2-7. MS corrections to the text. "Government or No Government," | OR | The Question of State Allegiance. | A Tract for Churchmen. | MOBILE: | 1861. 8°, pp. 16. G-29. Maryland's Hope ; | HER TRIALS AND INTERESTS | IN I CONNEXION [sic] WITH THE WAR. | BY | W. JEFFERSON BUCHANAN. | "Depressa Resurgit." | WEST & JOHNSTON, I 145 Main Street, Richmond. | 1864. 8", pp. 62. B-is. Reasons why Maryland would ultimately join the Confederacy. THE I OATH OF ALLEGIANCE | TO THE | UNITED STATES I DISCUSSED IN ITS | MORAL AND POLITI- CAL BEARINGS. I BY REV. B. M. PALMER, D. D. | 542 Confederate Calendar. LATE OF NEW ORLEANS. | PUBLISHED BY THE SOLDIERS TRACT ASSOCIATION M. E. | CHURCH SOUTH. I RICHMOND : | MACFARLANE & FERGUSON, I 1863. I 16°, pp. 22. P-39. "WHAT WILL HE DO WITH IT?" | AN ESSAY, [ DELIVERED IN | MASONIC HALL, SAVANNAH, | On Thursday, October 27, 1863, ] And again by special request, on Monday, December 7, 1863, | FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE I WAYSIDE HOME, IN SAVANNAH, | AND RE- PEATED I With sHght alterations for similar objects in | AUGUSTA, MILLEDGEVILLE, MACON, ATLANTA, | LAGRANGE AND COLUMBUS, | By GEORGE A. GOR- DON, I Col. 63d Regiment Georgia Volunteei;s. | PUB- LISHED BY REQUEST. | SAVANNAH, GA. | GEORGE N. NICHOLS, PRINTER. | 1863. | 12°, pp. 28. Ga-2-84. PRINTED IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. LA CRISE I AMERICAINE | SES CAUSES, | SES RE- .SULTATS PROBABLES, | SES RAPPORTS | AVEC L'EUROPE ET LA FRANCE | PAR | MARC DE HAUT, | AVOCAT A LA COUR IMPERIALE DE PARIS. | PARIS, I DENTU, LIBRAIRE-EDITEUR, | Palais-Royale, gakre d'Orleans. | 1862. | 8°, pp. 168. Ga-2-42. With diplomatic correspondence. ENGLAND | AND | THE DISRUPTED STATES | OF | AMERICA. I BY | THOMAS COLLEY GRATTAN, | 'formerly HER MAJESTY'S- CONSUL FOR THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS ; | AUTHOR OF "CIVIL- IZED AMERICA." 1 LONDON : | RIDGWAY, 169, PICA- DILLY. I 1 861. I 8°, pp. 42. Ga-2-87. Copy presented the former owner by Wm. L. Yancey. Confederate Calendar. 543 LA FRANCE | LE MEXIQUE | ET LES | ETATS CON- FEDERES. I PARIS 1 E. DENTU, LIBRAIRE-EDITEUR | GALERIE D'ORLEANS, 17 ET 19, PALAIS-ROYAL | 1863 I Tous droits reserves. | 8°, pp. 31. Ga-2-41, ON I THE RECOGNITION | OF THE | SOUTHERN CONFEDERATION. | BY | JAMES SPENCE, | AUTHOR OF "THE AMERICAN UNION." AND THE "S." LET- TERS TO "THE TIMES" | ON AMERICAN AFFAIRS. | SECOND EDITION. | LONDON: | RICHARD BENTLEY, NEW BURLINGTON STREET, | Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty. | SOLD ALSO BY WEBB & HUNT, LIV- ERPOOL. I 1862. I 12°, pp. 48. Ga-2-7. Argues the reasons for recognition of Southern inde- pendence. VIII. RELIGIOUS PUBLICATIONS. a. Scripture Texts. b. Prayer-Books. c. Books of Devotions. d. Sermons and Religious Discourses. e. Miscellaneous Publications and Proceedings of Reli- gious Bodies. A. Scripture Texts. THE I NEW TESTAMENT | OF OUR | LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. | TRANSLATED OUT OF [ THE ORIGINAL GREEK; | AND WITH THE FORMER | TRANSLATIONS DILIGENTLY COMPARED ANDRE- VISED [sic] I AUGUSTA: | CONFEDERATE STATES BIBLE SOCIETY, | INSTITUTED IN THE YEAR 1862. | PRINTED BY WOOD, HANLEITER RICE & CO., AT- LANTA, GA. I 1862. I 32°, pp. 303, -f- Psalms [80]. Va-C-42. Ga-2-26. 544 Confederate Calendar. THE I NEW TESTAMENT | OF OUR | LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST [ TRANSLATED OUT OF | THE ORIGINAL GREEK | AND WITH THE FORMER TRANSLATIONS DILIGENTLY COMPARED AND REVISED I AUGUSTA: | CONFEDERATE STATES BIBLE SOCIETY, | INSTITUTED IN THE YEAR 1862. | Franklin Steam Printing House, Atlanta, Georgia. | J. J. TOON & CO., PROPRIETORS. | 1862. 24°. Ga. B. Prayer Books. THE I ARMY AND NAVY | PRAYER BOOK. | Dio- cesan Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Virginia. | RICHMOND : | CHAS. H. WYNNE, PRINTER. I 1865. I 32°, pp. 96. A-14-15, Ga-2-7. Rough unmarked paper covers. Pages 8-14, Psalter "Selec- tions." No. I, Psalms 42 and 51 ; No. 2, Psalms 32, 121 and 130; No. 3, Psalms 23 and 34. Pages 19-20, "A Prayer for the President of the Confederate States, and all others in civil authority"; pp. 23-32, "A Second Service," including the Litany; pp. 32-57, "A Third Service," including the General Confession and the Antecommunion ; pp. 37-49, "Occasional Prayers," including "For Persons under Affliction," "In Time of War and Tumults," "The Prayer to be said before a Fight against any Enemy," "Thanksgiving for Victory," and "A Prayer for the Army and Navy." THE BOOK OF | COMMON PRAYER, | AND ADMIN- ISTRATION OF I THE SACRAMENTS, | AND OTHER | RITES AND CEREMONIES QF THE CHURCH, | AC- CORDING TO THE USE OF THE | Protestant Episcopal Church I IN THE | CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA: | TOGETHER WITH THE | PSALTER, OR PSALMS OF DAVID. | RICHMOND, VIRGINIA: ] J. W. RANDOLPH. I M.DCCC.LXIII. | 32°. Ga-i-92. Confederate Calendar. 545 THE ORDER | FOR DAILY | MORNING AND EVEN- ING PRAYER I ACCORDING TO THE USE OF THE | Protestant Episcopal Church | IN THE | CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, ] TOGETHER WITH THE | ANTE-COMMUNION OFFICE | AND A SELECTION OF I OCCASIONAL PRAYERS | FROM VARIOUS OF- FICES OF THE I BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. | Pub- lished by authority of the Joint Committee on the BOOK OF COM-|MON PRAYER, appointed by the first General Council of the Church in | the Confederate States of America. | AT- LANTA, GEORGIA: | R. J. MAYNARD, PUBLISHER. | 1863. I 8°, pp. 47. Ga-2-i20. Includes hymns. Certified by Stephen Elliott, Chairman of Joint Committee on the Book of Common Prayer. Very rough paper. PRAYER BOOK | FOR THE | CAMP. | DIOCESAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY PROTESTANT | EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN VA. | RICHMOND: | MACFARLANE & FERGUSON, I 1863. I 16°, pp. 64. SC-4S4. Pages 12-13, Prayer for the President df Confederate States, and all in civil Authority. THE I SOLDIER'S | PRAYER BOOK. | [Texts] | CHARLESTON: | PUBLISHED BY THE SOUTH CARO- LINA TRACT SOCIETY. 1 1863. 24°. Fla-mc-2i. C. Books of Devotions. BALM I FOR THE | Weary and the Wounded. | BY | REV. C. T. QUINTARD, | Chaplain ist Tenn. Regt., C. S. A. I COLUMBIA: | EVANS & COGSWELL, PRINTERS. | 1864. I 24". Ga-i-96. 546 Confederate Calendar. THE CONFEDERATE SOLDIER'S | PRAYER BOOK: I A MANUAL OF DEVOTIONS | COMPILED MAINLY FROM I THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER | AND | Arranged for Public and Private Use | IN CAMPS AND HOSPITALS. I BY | REV. JOSEPH W. MURPHY. | CHAPLAIN 32D REGT. N. C. T. | AND | PUBLISHED BY I ST. PAUL'S CONGREGATION, PETERSBURG: | J. B. EGE, PRINTER, 1863. | 32°, pp. 32. M-50. Pages 14-15, "A Prayer for a Happy Death." THE I CONFEDERATE SOLDIER'S | POCKET MANUAL I OF | DEVOTIONS. | COMPILED BY | REV. C. T. QUINTARD. | Chaplain ist Tenn. Regiment. | CHARLESTON : 1863. 16°, pp. 96. Q-8. THE I Soldiers' Pocket Bible | ISSUED | FOR THE USE OF THE ARMY | OF | OLIVER CROMWELL, | A. D. 1643. I [n- P-> n. d.] 32°, pp. 32. Ga-ga-i-38. THE I Soldiers' Pocket Bible, | ISSUED | FOR THE USE OF THE ARMY. ] [n. p., n. d.] 24°, pp. 16. Va-C-34. Apparently a modification of the "Cromwell Bible." THE I Soldiers' Text-Book; | OR, | CONFIDENCE IN TIME OF WAR. | BY | J. R. MACDUFF, D. D. | Author of "The Morning and Night Watch-|es," "Mind and Words of Jesus," etc. | [Texts.] 32°, pp. 48. Va-C-74. D. Sermons and Religious Discourses. ADDRESS I DELIVERED BY THE | RIGHT REV. JOHN JOHNS, D. D., | AT ST PAUL'S CHURCH, RICH- Confederate Calendar. 547? MOND, ON THE OCCASION OF THE | FUNERAL OF THE I RIGHT REV. WILLIAM MEADE, D. D., | MARCH 17th, 1862. I RICHMOND: | MACFARLANE & FERGU- SON, PRS. I 1862. I 8°, pp. 8. J.28. ADDRESS t OF THE | RT. REV. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, D. D., I TO THE THIRTY-NINTH | Annual Convention | OF THE I Protestant Episcopal Church, | IN THE | DIO- CESE OF GEORGIA. | SAVANNAH: | POWER PRESS OF JOHN M. COOPER & COMPANY. | 1861. ] ^^ 12°, pp. 19. Ga-2-ii8, 151. THE CHRISTIAN SOLDIER: | A SERMON | COM- MEMORATIVE OF THE DEATH | OF | ABRAM C. CAR- RINGTON. I [Motto, Samuel x:i2.] | PREACHED AND PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SESSION OF COL- LEGE CHURCH, DEC, 1862. | BY | ROBERT L. DAB- NEY, D. D. I PRESBYTERIAN COMMITTEE OF PUB- LICATION, I RICHMOND, VA. : | 1863. | 8°, pp. 15. D-8. The sketch of Carrington is meagre. COERCION AND CONCILIATION. | A SERMON, | Preached in Camp, at Centreville, Virginia, by the | REV. P. SLAUGHTER, | CHAPLAIN OF 19TH REGIMENT VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS. | Condensed by request, into a Tract for the times. | Richmond, Va. : [Macfarlane & Fergus- son, Printers, n. d.] 8°, pp. 7. S-50. EXTRACT I From a Sermon preached by BISHOP ELLIOTT, on the i8th of September, | containing a TRIBUTE to the Privates of the Confederate Army. | [n. p., n. d.] 8°, pp. 4. Ga-2-150. ^^ See supra, pp. 239-40, note 147. 548 Confederate Calendar. EZRA'S DILEMNA. [sic] | A SERMON | Preached in Christ Church, Savannah, | On Friday, August 21st, 1863, | BEING THE DAY OF | HUMILIATION, FASTING AND PRAYER, I Appointed by the President of the Confederate States, I BY THE | RT. REV. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, D. D., I RECTOR OF CHRIST CHURCH, AND BISHOP OF THE I DIOCESE OF GEORGIA. | "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man." — Ps. 118, v. 8. | Savannah, Georgia: | POWER PRESS OF GEORGE N. NICHOLS. 1 1863. I 12°, pp. 26. Ga-2-ii8, 151. FUNERAL SERVICES | AT THE BURIAL OF THE | RIGHT REV. LEONIDAS POLK, D. D. | TOGETHER WITH THE SERMON | DELIVERED | IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, AUGUSTA, GA., | ON JUNE 29, 1864. | BEING THE FEAST OF ST. PETER THE APOSTLE. | They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. — Psalm cxxvi, 6. | COLUMBIA, S. C. I PRINTED BY EVANS & COGSWELL. | 1864. | 12°, pp. 28. Ga-2-ii8, 151. Important for its personal view of Polk. — An account of his death, obsequies, etc. GIDEON'S WATER-LAPPERS. | A SERMON | Preached in Christ Church, Savannah, | On Friday, the 8th day of April, 1864. | THE DAY SET APART BY THE | CONGRESS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, | AS A DAY OF I HUMILIATION, FASTING AND PRAYER. | [PUBLISHED BY REQUEST.] | "And the Lord said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save | you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand." JUDGES VII: V. 7. 1 Macon Ga.: | BURKE, BOYKIN & COMPANY. I 1864. I 12°, pp. 22. Ga-2-ii8, 151. By Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott, Bishop of Georgia. Confederate Calendar. 549 God's Presence with the Confederate States. | A SERMON I PREACHED IN | CHRIST CHURCH, SAVANNAH, ] ON THURSDAY, THE 13TH JUNE, ] BEING THE DAY APPOINTED I AT THE REQUEST OF CONGRESS, | BY THE 1 President of the Confederate States, | AS A DAY OF ] Solemn Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer. | BY THE RT. REV. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, | RECTOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. I Published by Request of the Vestry. | SAVAN- NAH : 1 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. | 1861. | 12'*, pp. 21. Ga-2-ii8, 151. God's Presence with our Army at Manassas. | A SERMON, I PREACHED IN | CHRIST CHURCH, SAVANNAH, | On Sunday, July 28th, ] BEING THE DAY RECOMMENDED BY THE I Congress of the Confederate States, | TO BE OB- SERVED AS I A DAY OF THANKSGIVING, | IN COM- MEMORATION OF THE I VICTORY AT MANASSAS JUNCTION, I On Sunday, the 21st of July, 1861. \ BY tHE | RT. REV. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, D. D., | RECTOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. | And Joseph called the name of the first born Manasseh: For God, said he, hath made | me forget all my toil, and all my Father's house.— GEN. XLI. 51. | SAVAN- NAH: I W. THORNE WILLIAMS. | 1861. | 12°, pp. 23. Ga-2-151. THE SAME, 2nd edition. Ga-2-118. How to Renew our National Strength. | A SERMON | PREACHED IN | CHRIST CHURCH, SAVANNAH, | On Friday, November isth, 1861, | BEING THE DAY OF ] HUMILIATION, FASTING, AND PRAYER, \ AP- POINTED BY I THE PRESIDENT OF THE CONFED- ERATE STATES. I "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." | —ISAIAH XL: 31. | SAVANNAH: | STEAM POWER PRESS OF JOHN M. COOPER & CO. j 1861.I 12", pp. 16. Ga-2-ii8, 151. 550 Confederate Calendar. NATIONAL RECTITUDE | THE | ONLY TRUE BASIS I OF I NATIONAL PROSPERITY: | AN | APPEAL TO THE CONFEDERATE STATES. | BY THE REV. J. C. STILES, D. D. I PETERSBURG: | EVANGELICAL TRACT SOCIETY. | 1863. | 8°, pp. 43. Ga-2-7. "NEW WINE NOT TO BE PUT INTO OLD BOTTLES." I A SERMON | Preached in Christ Church, Savannah, | On Friday, February 28th, 1862, | BEING THE DAY OF 1' HUMILIATION, FASTING, AND PRAYER, [ Appointed by the President of the Confederate States. | BY THE I Rt. Rev. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, D. D., | RECTOR OF CHRIST CHURCH, AND BISHOP OF THE | DIO- CESE OF GEORGIA. | "And no man putteth new wine into old bottles."— ST. LUKE V: 27. | SAVANNAH: | STEAM POWER PRESS OF JOHN M. COOPER & CO. | 1862. | 12°, pp. 18. Ga-2-ii8, 151. OBSEQUIES I OF THE | Rev. Edward E. Ford, D. D., 1 AND I SERMON BY THE BISHOP OF THE DIOCESE, | AT I ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, AUGUSTA, | ON THE SUN- DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS. | 1862. | AUGUSTA, GA.: | STEAM PRESS OF CHRONICLE & SENTINEL. 1 1863. | 12°, pp. 21. Ga-2-151. With obituary notices, resolutions of respect, etc. OUR CAUSE IN HARMONY WITH THE PURPOSES OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS. | A SERMON | Preached in Christ Church, Savannah, | On Thursday, September i8th, 1862, 1 BEING THE DAY SET FORTH BY THE | PRESI- DENT OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, | AS A DAY OF I PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING, | FOR OUR MANIFOLD VICTORIES, AND ESPECIALLY FOR THE FIELDS OF I MANASSAS AND RICHMOND, KY. | BY THE I Rt. Rev. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, D. D., | Rector of Christ Church, and Bishop of the Diocese of Georgia. | "Why Confederate Calendar. 551 do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing" | PSALM II : V. i. | Savannah : | POWER PRESS OF JOHN M. COOPER & CO. I 1862. I 8°, pp. 23. Ga-2-ii8, 151. POPULAR LECTURES | ON | BIBLICAL THEMES: j BY REV. WM. H. FOUERDEN, M. D. | NUMBER ONE. I RICHMOND : | PRINTED BY CHAS. H. WYNNE. | i860. 12°, pp. 46. F-2S. RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION | OF THE | NEGROES. | An Address delivered before the General Assembly of ] the Presbyterian Church, at Augusta, Ga., December | 10, 1861. | BY REV. C. C. JONES, D. D. | PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. | RICHMOND: | PRESBYTERIAN COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. | [1862.] 24°, pp. 25. Ga-2-ii6. Half title-page. "SAMSON'S RIDDLE." | A SERMON | Preached in Christ Church, Savannah, | On Friday, March 27th, 1863. | BEING THE DAY OF | HUMILIATION, FASTING AND PRAYER, I Appointed by the President of the Confederate States. I BY THE | Rt. Rev. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, D. D., | RECTOR OF CHRIST CHURCH, AND BISHOP OF THE 1 DIOCESE OF GEORGIA. | "Out of the eater cometh forth meat, and out of the strong cometh forth sweet-|ness." — JUDGES XIV: 14. | Macon, Georgia: | BURKE, BOYKIN & CO., STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. | 1863. | 12°, pp. 24. Ga-2-ii8, 151. A SERMON I DELIVERED | In the Government Street Church, I ON THE | NATIONAL FAST [ APPOINTED BY JEFFERSON DAVIS, [ President of these Confederate States, I JUNE 13, 1861. | BY REV. J. C. MITCHELL, | 552 Confederate Calendar. PASTOR OF 2D CHURCH, MOBILE. | MOBILE: | FAR- ROW & DENNETT, PRS. | 1861. | 8°, pp. 24. M1-S7. SERMONS I PREACHED IN ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, MOBILE, I On the 13th of June, 1861, | THE NATIONAL FAST 1 APPOINTED BY | HIS EXCELLENCY JEFFER- SON DAVIS, PRESIDENT OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA; | BY THE RECTOR, | REV. H. N. PIERCE. I MOBILE: | FARROW & DENNETT, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, | 1861. | 8°, pp. 12. P-38. TWO SERMONS | ON THE TIMES, | PREACHED IN I ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, | TALLAHASSEE, | BY THE RECTOR. I [n. d.] 8°, pp. 17. < Si-io. The Silver Trumpets of the Sanctuary. | A SERMON [ PREACHED TO | THE PULASKI GUARDS | IN | CHRIST CHURCH, SAVANNAH, | ON THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. ] BEING THE SUNDAY BEFORE THEIR DEPARTING TO JOIN THE ARMY IN VIRGINIA, I BY THE | RT. REV. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, D. D., I RECTOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. | PUBLISHED BY REQUEST. | SAVANNAH: | STEAM POWER PRESS OF JOHN M. COOPER & COMPANY. | 1861. | Text: Numbers x, 9. 12°, pp. 12. Ga-2-ii8, 151. "VAIN IS THE HELP OF MAN." | A SERMON j PREACHED IN | CHRIST CHURCH, SAVANNAH, | ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1864, | BEING THE DAY OF I FASTING, HUMILIATION, AND PRAYER, | AP- POINTED BY I THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. I BY | THE RT. REV. STEPHEN ELLIOTT, D. D., I RECTOR OF CHRIST CHURCH. I "God is our Confederate Calendar. 553 refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble:" | PSALM XLVI: I. I MACON, GA.: 1 BURKE, BOYKIN & COM- PANY. I 1864. I 12°, pp. 13. Ga-2-ii8, 151. THE I WAR AND ITS CLOSE. ] A DISCOURSE, | DELIVERED AT CENTENARY CHURCH, RICHMOND, VA., I FRIDAY, APRIL 8TH, 1864, | BY REV. D. S. DOG- GETT, D. D., PASTOR, | ON THE OCCASION OF THE | NATIONAL FAST. | Published by the Soldiers' Tract Asso- ciation, M. E. Church, South. | Richmond: | Macfarlane & Fergusson, | 1864. | 12°, pp. 20. D-20. The evil effects, the issues and the probable outcome of the war. The writer holds [p. I5ff] that the war must and will end soon; that there can be no compromise; that mediation cannot be expected ; that the South must finally triumph ; that victory will speedily come. E. Miscellaneous Publications and Proceedings of Religious Bodies. ADDRESS TO CHRISTIANS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, [n. p., n. d.] A-36. 8°, pp. 12. Signed by numerous clergymen of the Protestant churches. The address maintains the justice of the Southern cause, and gives assurance of the independence of the Confederacy. The fifth theses [p. 7] is, "The moral and religious interests of the South ought to be appreciated by Christians of all nations." Pagea2 [n. 2] : The number of colored communicants in the South is "about five hundred thousand." BENEFICIARY | MINISTERIAL EDUCATION; | THE SUBSTANCE OF A REPORT ADOPTED BY THE j GENERAL ASSEMBLY | OF THE | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 1 IN THE | CONFEDERATE STATES OF 554 Confederate Calendar. AMERICA, I AT ITS SESSIONS IN | CHARLOTTE, N. C, 1 In May, 1864. | PREPARED BY THE | REV. JOSEPH R. WILSON, D. D., AUGUSTA, GA., | And Published by Order of the Assembly. | RICHMOND : | PRESBYTERIAN COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. | 1864. | 12°, pp. 12. P-8. PASTORAL LETTER | FROM THE | Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church [ TO THE | CLERGY AND LAITY I OF THE | Church in the Confederate States | OF AMERICA. I DELIVERED BEFORE THE GENERAL CpUNCIL, I IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, AUGUSTA, | Sat- urday, Nov. 22d, 1862. I AUGUSTA, GA. : | Steam Power Press Chronicle & Sentinel, | 1862. ] 12°, pp. 15. Ga-2-isi. Attributed to Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott. JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS | OF THE | TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL CONVENTION | OF THE I PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH | IN THE | STATE OF FLORIDA, | Held in St. John's Church, Jackson- ville, I May 2d, 1861. I JACKSONVILLE: | C. DREW, PRINTER AND PUBLISHER. | 1861. | 8°, pp. 30. F-26. DIOCESE OF GEORGIA, | Fortieth Annual Convention. I 1862. I Savannah: | 1862. | 8°, pp. 59. G-30. Diocese of Georgia. | EXTRACT | FROM THE | BISHOP'S ADDRESS. | With Minutes of Proceedings there- on. I [n. p., 1865.] 8°, pp. 8. G-31. JOURNAL I OF THE | THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION | OF THE | Protestant Episcopal Church | IN THE I DIOCESE OF MISSISSIPPI. 1 HELD IN Confederate Calendar. 555 CHRIST CHURCH, HOLLY SPRINGS. ] APRIL 25, 26, AND 27, 1861. I JACKSON : [ MISSISSIPPIAN BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. 1 1861. 8", pp. 104. Mi58. JOURNAL I OF THE PROCEEDINGS | OF THE | SEVENTY-SECOND ANNUAL CONVENTION | OF ] The Protestant Episcopal Church in South Carolina, | HELD IN TRINITY CHURCH, ABBEVILLE, | On the 19th and 20th of June, | 1861. | Charleston, S. C. : | 1861. 8°, pp. 74. S2-61. Diocese of Texas. [ TWELFTH ANNUAL CONVEN- TION. I HELD IN I ST. DAVID'S CHURCH, AUSTIN, | April nth, i2th, and 13th, | 1861. | SAN ANTONIO: | 1861. 8°, pp. 49. T1-S2. Diocese of Virginia. | SIXTY-SIXTH | ANNUAL CON- VENTION, I 1861. I RICHMOND: | 1861. | 8», pp. 123. V-7. JOURNAL I OF THE | SIXTY-SEVENTH | ANNUAL CONVENTION | OF THE | Protestant Episcopal Church | IN I VIRGINIA, I HELD IN | ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, RICHMOND, I ON THE | 21st and 22d May, 1862. | RICH- MOND : I MACFARLANE & FERGUSON, PRS. | 1862. | 8°, pp. 80. S-14. Important for condition of the church ; contains numerous reports. PROCEEDINGS | OF THE | Southern Baptist Conven- tion, I AT ITS I EIGHTH BIENNIAL SESSION. | HELD IN THE I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, | SAVANNAH, GA., I MAY loTH, iiTH, 12TH AND 13TH, 1861. | RICH- MOND : I MACFARLANE & FERGUSSON, PRINTERS. | 1861. I 8°, pp. 71. Ga-2-7. 5S6 Confederate Calendar. IX. PERIODICALS. (Alphabetically Arranged.) The Bohemian. Richmond, Va. Vol. i, No. i ; n. d. Literary and military. The Children's Friend. Richmond, Va. Vol. 2, No. 18; July i, 1864. The Children's Guide. Macon, Ga. Vol. 2, No. 4; Oct., 1864. The Commission. Richmond, Va. Vol. 6, No. 2; Aug., 1861. Official organ of the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. C^-yo. Confederate States Medical and Surgical Journal.^* Richmond, Va. Vol. i. No. 4; Apr., 1864. Contains : "On the Miscroscopic Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the Human Liver," by H. D. Schmidt, Surgeon, P. A. C. S. ; Report of the Eruptive Fevers treated in the Gen- eral Hospitals, Department of Virginia, from October i, 1862, to January 31, 1864. Consolidated by Surgeon Wm. A. Car- rington. Medical Director." [Erysipelas: cases treated, 1,386; deaths, 108. Variola: cases treated, 2,513; deaths, 1,020, etc.] "Confederate States Hospital Reports." "Transactions of the Army and Navy Surgeons, Debate on Tetanus." Fla-Ic-23. DeBow's Review. New Orleans, La. Vol. 5, No. 2 ; Vol. 6, No. i ; Vol. 7, Nos. 3-4; new series; Feb., 1861, July, 1861, Mch.-Apr., 1862. D-30. Hutton and Freligh's Southern Monthly. Memphis, Tenn. Vol. i, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6; Oct.-Dec, 1861, Feb., 1862. ' H-49. "* See supra, p. 33, and note 49. Confederate Calendar. 557 The Index. A Weekly Journal of Politics, Literature, and News; Devoted to the Exposition of the Mutual Interests, Political and Commercial, of Great Britain and the Confeder- ate States of America."" London, Eng. Vol. i, Nos. 1-26; May-Oct., 1862; Vol. 4, No. no; June 2, 1864. Published by the Confederate Commission. 18. The Key- Stone. A Monthly Masonic Magazine. Raleigh, N. C. Vol. i. No. i ; January, 1865. Literary and Masonic. K-g. Magnolia Weekly. Richmond, Va. Vol. i. No. 38; Vol. 2, Nos. i, 2, 9, June, Oct-Nov., 1863. Missouri Army Argus. "Camp at Springfield, Missouri." Vol. i. No. 16; Feb. 13, 1862. A two-page, three-column newspaper. Contains many items from foreign newspapers, predicting speedy recognition of Southern independence. M-45. The Record of News, History and Literature. Richmond, Va. Vol. i, Nos. i, 3-9, 12, i6, 19, 20, 25, June- Dec, 1863. The Richmond Age, A Southern Eclectic Magazine. Richmond, Va. Vol. i, Nos. 1-3; Jany.-Mch., 1864. Title-page changes with second number. 312. Smith and Barrow's Monthly Magazine. Richmond, Va. Vol. i. No. i ; May, 1864. A note below the table of contents states that the delay in the appearance of the first number was due to calls made on the employees for military service. S2-62. "" Since this Bibliography was put in type, additional numbers of The Index have been received, practically completing the file. The Index is an important source for contemporary comments on the war, for financial statistics, marine happenings, etc. James M. Mason was editor. 558 Confederate Calendar. Southern Churchman. Richmond, Va. Vol. 31, Nos. 5-10; Feb.-Mch., 1865. Southern Illustrated News. Richmond, Va., [Weekly]. Vol. i, Nos. 1-31, 34-42; Vol. 2, Nos. 1-25; Vol. 3, 1-31, Sept., 1862-Oct., 1864. A very popular paper; much read in the army."' Southern Monthly. Memphis, Tenn. Oct.-Dec, 1861, Feb., 1862. The Southern Presbyterian Review. Columbia, S. C. Vol. 15, No. i, July, 1862. 8,-63. Southern Punch. Richmond, Va., [Weekly.] Vol. i, Nos. 1-3, 8-16, 21-25; Vol. 2, Nos. 1-2, 5-12, 14-24, 29; Vol. 3, No. 3; Aug., 1863-Nov., 1864. X. ALMANACS AND MISCELLANEOUS. a. Almanacs. b. Guide-books. c. Miscellaneous. A. Almanacs. THE I CONFEDERATE STATES | ALMANAC, | AND I Repository of Useful Knowledge, | For 1862. | COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY H. C. CLARKE, ] VICKSBURG, MISSISSIPPI. I FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS IN THE CONFEDERACY. ] Small 8°, pp. 176. A-12. Pages 5-16, almanac, calendar and astronomical notes; pp. 17-22, Formation of the Southern Confederacy ; pp. 32-33, The Origin of Secession, tracing it to a speech of Josiah Quincy, 26 Cf. C. C. Baughman to Mrs. George Baughman, Nov. 24, 1862, supra, p. 17s. Confederate Calendar. 559 January 14, 181 1; p. 33, Pay of Volunteer Officers and Pri- vates; p. 34, State Governments of the Confederate States, including Maryland and Kentucky as "Southern States not yet in the Confederacy"; p. 35, Organization of the Confederate Army, Nov., 1861 ; pp. 36-37, the Representation and Electoral Vote of the Confederate States in the First Congress; pp. 38- 51, Constitution of the Confederate States; pp. 70-71, cotton supply; pp. 72-74, Cotton Crop in the United States, for the year ending August 31, 1861 ; p. 75, Supply and consumption of cotton in Europe and the United States, for the decade 1850- 60; pp. 76-79, Sugar Crop of Louisiana for i860; pp. 78-85, The Tobacco Industry, [valuable tables] ; pp. 86-87, Confed- erate postal rates ; pp. 88-104, "Chronicle of Events and Diary of the Present Revolution; pp. 105-111, The Battle of Manas- sas; pp. 1 13-176, APPENDIX I TO THE | CONFEDERATE STATES ALMANAC. | ABOLITIONISM FROM 1787 TO 1861: I A COMPENDIUM OF HISTORICAL FACTS, SHOWING I The Causes that have led to a Dissolution of the Union. | STATE SOVEREIGNTY, | AND | THE RIGHT OF SECESSION. | TO WHICH IS ADDED THE FINAN- CIAL AND COMMERCIAL INDEPENDENCE OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. | By A. O. P. NICHOLSON, Esq. I COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY H. C. CLARKE, I VICKSBURG, MISSISSIPPI. | pp. 11 5-122, "Pol- itical Review of the Old Union" ; pp. 123-160, History of Aboli- tionism in the Northern States; pp. 166-169, Southern and Northern Commerce ; pp. 170-176, The Commercial and Finan- cial Independence of the Confederate States. THE I Confederate States | ALMANAC, | AND | REPOS- ITORY OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, | FOR 1863. | Being the Third Year of the Independence of the Confederate | States of America. | AUGUSTA, GA., VICKSBURG, MISS., | H. C. CLARKE, | PUBLISHER, | 1863. | Vol. 2nd. ist Series. | Outer title-page reads: THE I CONFEDERATE STATES | ALMANAC, | AND 560 Confederate Calendar. I REPOSITORY OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, | FOR THE YEAR ] 1863. | H. C. CLARKE, | VICKSBURG, MISS. 12°, pp. [100]. "Vol. 2d. First Series." A-5. Pages 2-16, Almanac, calendar and astronomical notes; pp. 34-36, "Our Indian Relations"; pp. 36-42, Industrial and Financial Statistics; pp. 59-60, "Hog Statistics"; p. 66, Rail- roads of the South ; pp. 63-64, Dates and locations of sessions of the Confederate Courts ; p. 65, Colleges and Education in the Confederate States; pp. 66-98, "Diary of the War for Separation," Jany i, 1862-Nov. 19, 1862. THE I CONFEDERATE STATES | ALMANAC, | AND I REPOSITORY OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, [ FOR THE YEAR I 1864: I Being EBSEXTILE or LEAP YEAR; the FOURTH of SOUTHERN INDE-|PENDENCE; and until July 4th, the EIGHTY-EIGHTH of the | INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES. | Astronomical Calculations for the Latitude and Meridan of Augusta, Ga., and Richmond, Va., I BY T. P. ASHMORE, AMERICUS, GA. ] COMPILED BY H. C. CLARKE, [ MOBILE, ALA. | 8°, pp. 119. "Vol. Third. First Series." A-4. Calendar contains dates of various battles of the War; pp. 71-101, "Diary of the War and Chronology of the Remarkable Events of the Present Revolution"; pp. loi-iii, Statement of the Losses, etc., in the Confederate and Federal Victories, 1861-63; p. Ill, "Comparative .Statement of the Killed, Wounded and Prisoners" on both sides to Sept. 20, 1863. Total Confederate losses, 217,465; from disease and sickness, 130,000. Federal killed, etc., 262,720; died from disease arid sickness, 290,000. THE I CONFEDERATE STATES | ALMANAC, | AND I AND I REPOSITORY OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, | FOR THE YEAR | 1865. | BEING THE FIRST YEAR AFTER BISSEXTILE OR LEAP YEAR, | AND THE FIFTH OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF | THE CONFED- ERATE STATES. I VOLUME IV. | COMPILED BY H. C. CLARKE, I MOBILE, ALA. | Confederate Calendar. 561 Outer title-page reads: THE I CONFEDERATE STATES | ALMANAC [ AND I Repository of Useful Knowledge, ] FOR THE YEAR |' 1865. I VOLUME IV. I H. C. CLARKE, | PUBLISHER, | MO- BILE, ALA. I 12°, pp. 96. "Volume . . . Fourth." A-3. Pages 27-28, Assessment of the war tax under act of Aug. 19, 1861 ; pp. 28-29, officials of southern state governments ; pp. 32-35, postal system of the Confederate States; p. 35, Deaths in the Confederate Army to Dec. 31, 1863 — total given as 57,895, Georgia having the heaviest losses, 9,504; pp. 36-37, Confederate Treasury notes, giving total issue of non-interest bearing notes since the establishment of the government as $973>277.363-5o— outstanding, $796,254,403.00; pp. 37-41, "The Amended Tax Law" ; pp. 42-72, Diary of the War, Sept. 9/10, 1863, to Oct. 13, 1864; pp. 73-79, Confederate and Federal vic- tories, 1861-63, with losses — Gettysburg: Confederate killed, 2,200; wounded, 13,470; captured, 4,000; Federal killed, 2,834; wonuded, 14,709; captured, 7,000; pp. 80-84, "Comparative View of the Capital, Wealth, and Annual Products of the Northern and Southern States"; pp. 85-88, "The New Tax Law." POCKET I ALMANAC | 1862. ] PUBLISHED BY | EVANGELICAL TRACT SOCIETY, | Petersburg, Va. j DEPOSITORY, I NO. 38 BOLLINGBROOK STREET, PETERSBURG, VA. | 32". Ga-i-93. [RICHAJRD [SON'S] | [VIRGINIA & N]ORTH CARO- LINA I [ALM]ANAC, I [FOR THE YEAR] OF OUR LORD I 1861, I BEING THE FIRST AFTER BISSEXTILE OR LEAP YEAR, AND EIGHTY-FIFTH OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. | [Wood-cut of Va. State Capitol.] 1 CALCULATED BY DAVID RICHARDSON, OF LOUISA COUNTY, VA. | RICHMOND, VA. | A. MOR- RIS, I PUBLISHER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. | CHAS. H. WYNNE, PRINTER,] 12°, pp. 36. A-13. 562 Confederate Calendar. Pages 2-16, Almanac, calendar and astronomical notes; p. 17, Government of the United States; p. 18, Rates of Postage; p. 19, Government of Virginia, with lists of judges, court- circuits, court-days, etc.; p. 24, Virginia Representation in Congress; p. 24, United States Courts in Virginia; pp. 25-28, corresponding information regarding North Carolina. RICHARDSON'S | VIRGINIA & NORTH CAROLINA | ALMANAC, I FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD | 1862, | BEING THE SECOND AFTER BISSEXTILE OR LEAP YEAR, THE EIGHTY-|SIXTH OF AMERICAN INDE- PENDENCE, AND THE FIRST | OF THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY, j CALCULATED BY DAVID RICH- ARDSON, OF LOUISA COUNTY, VA. | WEST & JOHN- STON, I PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS AND STA- TIONERS, I 14s MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. ] CHAS. H. WYNNE, PRINTER. | 12°, pp. 35. "Wynne's Edition." RICHARDSON'S | VIRGINIA & NORTH CAROLINA I ALMANAC, I FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1863, | BEING THE THIRD AFTER BISSEXTILE OR LEAP YEAR, THE EIGHTY-|SEVENTH OF AMERICAN IN- DEPENDENCE, AND THE SECOND | OF THE SOUTH- ERN CONFEDERACY. | [Wood-cut of Va. Capitol] | CAL- CULATED BY DAVID RICHARDSON, OF LOUISA COUNTY, VA. I J. W. RANDOLPH, | PUBLISHER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, | 121 Main Street, RICHMOND, VA. | CHAS. H. WYNNE, PRINTER.'] 12°, pp. 36. "Wynne's Edition." A-g, 10. Pages 19-21, Confederate government officials ; p. 34, Loca- tion of government buildings and offices. RICHARDSON'S | VIRGINIA & NORTH CAROLINA I ALMANAC, I FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD | 1864, 1 BEING BISSEXTILE OR LEAP YEAR, THE EIGHTY- EIGHTH OF AMERICAN | INDEPENDENCE, AND THE Confederate Calendar. 563 THIRD OF. THE | CONFEDERATE STATES. | [Wood- cut of Va. Capitol.] | CALCULATED BY DAVID RICH- ARDSON, OF LOUISA COUNTY, VA. | A. MORRIS, | PUBLISHER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, | 97 Main Street, RICHMOND. | CHAS. H. WYNNE, PRINTER. I 12°, pp. 36. "Wynne's Edition." A-7. Pages 21-21, Members of the Confederate Congress; pp. 28-30, Members of the Virginia Legislature. RICHARDSON'S | VIRGINIA & NORTH CAROLINA I ALMANAC, I FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD [ 1865, ] BEING THE FIRST AFTER BISSEXTILE OR LEAP YEAR, EIGHTY-NINTH | OF AMEBSCAN INDEPEND- ENCE, AND THE FOURTH OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. I [Wood-cut of Va. Capitol.] | CALCULATED BY DAVID RICHARDSON, OF LOUISA COUNTY, VA. | WEST & JOHNSTON, | BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS AND STATIONERS, | 145 Main" Street, | RICHMOND. | 8°, pp. 36. "Wynne's Edition." A-6. THE I SOLDIERS' ALMANAC. | 1863. | PUBLISHED BY THE I Soldiers^ Tract Association, of the M. E. | Church South. I DEPOSITORY 161 MAIN ST., RICHMOND, VA. | RICHMOND : J CHARLES H. WYNNE, PRINTER. | 1863. j 16°. Ga-i-91. THE I SOLDIERS' | ALMANAC | FOR | 1863. | PRE- PARED BY I GEORGE B. TAYLOR, | STAUNTON, VA. | 16°, pp. 24. A-8. Includes religious articles and poems, lists of Confederate government ofHcials and of the Governors of Southern States. WARROCK'S I Virginia and North Carolina | AL- MANAC | FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD | 1865, [BE- ING THE FIRST AFTER BISSEXTILE OR LEAP YEAR, THE EIGHTY-|NINTH OF AMERICAN INDE- 564 Confederate Calendar. PENDENCE, AND THE FOURTH OF THE | CONFEIX ERATE STATES. | Calculated by David Richardson of Louisa County, Va. | FIFTIETH EDITION. | RICHMOND : I Printed by James E. Goode, | Main street, opposite Farmers Bank. | 12°, pp. [36]. A-35. Practically the same as Wynne's Edition. B. Guide Books. THE I CITY INTELLIGENCER; | OR, | STRANGER'S GUIDE. I BY V. & C. I RICHMOND : | MACFARLANE & FERGUSSON, PRINTERS. | 1862. | 16°, pp. 24. T-8. Pages 3-4, names and residences of Heads of Confederate government departments; p. 5, names, addresses and Rich- mond residences of members of the Confederate Senate; pp. 6-7, standing committees of the Confederate Senate; pp. 8-11, names, addresses and Richmond residences of members of the Confederate House of Representatives ; pp. 12-14, standing committees of Confederate House of Representatives; p. 15, Virginia State officials ; p. 16, List of Army hospitals in Rich- mond, 44 listed ; pp. 17-21, Location of Confederate, State and city offices; p. 21, Location of army supply depots of different states; p. 22, Railroad depots; p. 22, Richmond hotels; p. 23, Bank discount days. THE STRANGER'S GUIDE ] AND ] OFFICIAL DI- RECTORY I FOR THE I CITY OF RICHMOND. | [cut.] ] Showing the Location of the Public Buildings and Offices of the I Confederate, State and City Governments, Residences | of the Principal Officers, etc. | GEO. P. EVANS & CO., PRINTERS, WHIG BUILDING. | 1863. ] 16°, pp. 31. "No. I, Vol. I, October, price 50 cents." , T-io. Page 3, Situation of Public Buildings; pp. 4-16, Officials of the Confederate government ; pp. 16-20, Officials of the Vir- ginia State government; pp. 21-23, Officials of the Richmond Confederate Calendar. 565 city government ; p. 24, Post Office hours, and hours of closing the mails; p. 24, Location of the Banks; pp. 24-25, Railroad depots, train-schedules ; p. 25, Principal hotels ; p. 26, Location of army depots ; pp. 27-28, Hospitals ; p. 28, Masonic Direc- tory; p. 29, Odd Fellows' Directory; p. 30, Newspapers and Periodicals, location of their officers; p. 31, Location of mis- cellaneous points of interest. THE SAME. T-4. Different cut on title-page, and different type. The text is identical. C. Miscellaneous. THE CAMP I JESTER, | OR, | AMUSEMENT | FOR THE I MESS. I PUBLISHED BY | BLACKMAR & BROTHER, I AUGUSTA, GA. | 1864. | i6°,pp.7i Ga. Jokes and stories. CONFEDERATE | RECEIPT BOOK. | A COMPEN- DIUM I OF I OVER ONE HUNDRED RECEIPTS, | ADAPTED TO THE TIMES. | WEST & JOHNSTON, RICHMOND. I 1863. I G. W. GARY, Printer, 21 Pearl Street.] 8°, pp. 28. Ga-2-i2i. Recipes for dishes made of economical quantity of ingre- dients, substitutes, etc., "Adapted to the Times." Page 7, "Apple pie without apples"; p. 7, "Artificial oysters"; p. 9, Table beer made of treacle ; p. 10, Vinegar from molasses, etc. ; p. 13-15, Remedies, etc. ; p. 16, "Preserving meat without salt"; p. 19, "To improve pale black ink"; p. 17, "Substitute for cream in Tea or Coffee"; p. 17, "Substitute for Coffee, Take sound ripe acorns, wash them while in the shell, dry them, and parch until they open, take the shell off, roast with a little bacon fat, and you will have a splendid cup of coffee." THE END. INDEX. This Index includes in one alphabet, all names given in the text, and references to all subjects mentioned in the abstracts. Each letter is entered alphabetically under the names of the sender and of the receiver. Immediately after each name entry will be found the references to pages where that name occurs. Then follow in order, the letters written by that person, with the dates, the orders and endorsations by him, letters addressed to him, and lastly, particular references to him. The abbreviations used are self-explanatory: e. g., "L to ," Letter addressed to ; "L. to: from ," Letter addressed to, from ; etc. All references are to pages, and are printed in black type, e. g., 432. A. Abbeville, S. C, Trinity Church, 555- of Abbreviations, of dates, 12; titles, 12-13; list of, 4- Abeles, S., L. to: from J. Gott- lieb, June 12, '61, 264. "Abigail," the, 146. Abingdon, Va. — withdrawal from, 27. Abolitionism, rise of, 559. "Abolitionism from 1787 to 1861," 559- Abraham, S. F., 494. "Abram, A Military Poem," S33- Abrams, A. S., author, 522. Absentees, list of, 410. Abstracts, of provisions, 271. "Acts and Resolutions of Con- gress," 502-503. "Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia," 512-513. Adams, Harry, see S. F. Coleman. "Address delivered by the Right Rev. John Johns, D. D." 546. Address of Congress to the peo- ple, 225, 503. "Address of the Rt. Rev. Stephen Elliott," 547. "A4dress to Christians Through- out the World," 553. "Adelaide, the," 129, i63n. Adie, Hugh, 494. Adjutant, appointment of, 228, 302, 330, 401; comn. for, re- quested, 236. "Adventures of the Marion Hor- nets," 533- Aebogast, J. C, 493. Aid, request to act as, 397. Aiken, F. A., L. to George Shea, Sept. S, '65, 453; Sept. 10, '6S, 454- Akyab, 133. Alabama, troops brought from, 281. Alabama, The, * movements of, 348, 393; account of, 525. Alabama Infy., 5th. 280; 38th. m. r. of staff, 491; 47th, 281, 393, 411; 48th, 226,393,4"; Laurens' Batln., m. r. of staff, 491. Albemarle Arty, 204, 426; sick in, 400. ' Alexander, E. P., 67; 165, n. i.; 323; L. to J. T. Brown, June 19, '62, 165; receipts to, 360; L. to from J. E. Johnston, Feb. 6, '62, 305- 568 Index. Alexander, E. P., receipt sig: by, 165. Alexander, Jas. B., 289. Alexander, J. M., 493. Alexander, W. F., 434; Endor. by, i8g. Alexandria Prison, soldiers in, 496. Alford, Marion, absent, 218. Alien enemies, debts due to, 279, 304. Allan, J. W., requisition by, 165. Alldridge, A. J., resigns, 226. Allen, B. F., 249. Allen, J. W., 283. AUensworth, J., transfer of, 401. "All Things Are Yours," sermon, 401. Almanacs, 558if. Alston, W. A., 346. Alton, 111., prisoners at, 89; sup- plies semt to, 89-go; see J. F. Rucker. Ambler, J. C, 480. Ambulance, invoice of, 428. Amelia, Mrs Mary, L. to: from Jeffn. Davis, Ap^. 2, '65, 234. American Historical Asso., 12. Ammunition, charges of, 398; fir- ing of, 338; receipt for, 223; sent to Dunlop's, 67. See Ord- nance. Amnesty, advocated by Tribune, 449; controversy regarding, 460. Amot, Jno., rec. sig: by 166. Amputation, methods of, 36, 37, 42; of leg, 45; does not prevent tetanus, 38. Ancell, Lieut., 317. Ancell's Battery, 317. Anderson, A., to report to Ran- som, 56. Anderson, E. C, L. to: from T. D. Bertody, Jany. 9, '65, 192. Anderson, J. A., 49. Anderson, J. P., L. to G. G. Gar- ner, Nov. 13, '61, 166. Anderson, Jas., L. to: from R. Ould, Sept. 28, '64, 358. Anderson, Jos. R., 498. Anderson, Jos. R. & Co., L. to: from J. M. Brooke, Aug. 7, '63, 199; from W. L. Broun, Aug. 28, '63, 200. Anderson, Robert H., 166, n. 8; L. to Col. Grigsby, Jany. 15, '65, 166. Anderson, Col. R. H., command of, 188. Anderson's Battery, 316, 318. Anderson's Divn., movements, 347, 434- Andersonville, Ga., reason for prison at, 438. Andrew, Jno. A., 464 r L. to: from H. Greeley, Aug. 14, '66, 465. Andrews, C. M., 13. Andrews, Garnett, 258. Andrews, Lt.-Col. 236, 244; Batln. of, 218, 236. Andrews, Rev. Dr., L. to: from C. G. Memminger, Aug. 28, '61, 352. Aneurism, tramatic, of the axil- lary, 36; of the femoral, 36, 37; forms of, 42. "Anna Jane," the, 129. Anthony's Co., Va. Militia, 497- Apothecaries, exemption of, 49- 50. Apple-Orchard, Va., 368. Applepie, without apples', 565. Applications, for invalid corps, 362; for transfer, 372. for dis- charge, 296. Applications, surgical, advantages of, 35; uses, 36; report on, 36; discussed, 36; value of, 43. Appomattox Campaign, subsist- ence during, 9. Appraisers, board ot, 430, 437. Archer, Gen'l, 69. Archer, Hugh, 368. Archer, W. M., 116, n. 9; L. to H. Hudnall, Feb. 12, '62, 167; S. O. Oct. 7, '61, 166. Architecture, study of, 193. Archives, location of papers in, 4. Arithmetics, 537-38. Arkansas Infy., ist, 255; 3d, 332, 410; isth, 91. Armour, Jas. E., L. to G. W. Ran. dolph, Aug., '62, 167. Arms, captured, inspected, 409; discharge of, 291; furnished, 293; men without, reported, 418; seized, 221; uniformity of, 289. Armstrong, C. V., cert, sig: by, 167. Armstrong, E. H., cert, sig: by, 46. Armstrong, F. C, L. to J. Wheel- er, Feb. 29, '64, i67-'68. Index. 569 Armstrong, W. J., 204; L. to J. T. Brown, Jany. '64, 168; to W. J. Hanks^ Dec. 23, '63, 168; to H. P. Jones, Dec. '63, 168. Army, of Northern Va., route of Cav. Corps, 486; of 3rd Corps, 487. Army, organization of, 559. "Army Regulations Adopted for the Use of the Army," 515-16. "Army and Navy Messenger," 528. "Army and Navy Prayer-Book, The," 544- Army and Navy Surgeons, publi- cation of, 556. see Asso. of the. Army Depots, in Richmond, 564. Arrest, for desertion, 248. See Desertion. Arteriesj ligation of, 35, 36; com- pression of, 35 ; advantages' of ligating, 36; control of, 42. "Articles of War," 508. Artillery, at Wynne's Mill, 338; camps for, 332; furnished, 305; in Peninsula Campaign, 339; names engraved on pieces of, 366; officers of, their status, 400; organization of, 346; reor- ganization of, 316; requisition for horses, 343; reserve, 301; transfer of, 209. Artillery, A. N. V., order book of, 362. Ascension Islands, "Shenandoah" at, 142. Ashby, Turner, order of, Feb. 25, '62, 168. Ashe, Wm., Tel: to J. W. Ellis, Apr. 18, 24, '61, 168-69. Ashton, J. H., 442, 443, 468. Association of the Army and Navy Surgeons, records, 33-43; membership, 33; discuss ion, 33ff; proceedings, Aug. 22, '63, 33-34; Sept. S, '63, 34; Sept. 19, '63, 34; Oct. 3, '63, 34; Oct. 17, '63, 3S; Oct. 31, '63, 35; Nov. 28, '63, 36; Dec. 12, '63, 36; Jany. 2, '64, 36; Jany. 16, '64, 36-37; Jany. 30, '64, 37; Feb. 13, '64, 37; Feb. 27, '64, 37; Mch. 12, '64, 38; Mch. 26, '64, 38; Apr. 9, '64, 38-39; Apr. 23, '64, 39; Feb. 4, '65, 39; Feb. 18, '65, 39; Mch. 4, '65, 39-40; Mch. 18, '65, 40-. Di- vided, 34; rules for discussions', 34; officers, 33, 34-35; applica- tions, 34-35; questions for dis- cussion and report, 33-34, 38, 40-41, 41-42, 42-43, 43-44. Atcheson, Geo., L. to R. Ramsey, Jany. 3, '65, 107. Atkins, T. M., et al., L. to W. N. R. Beall, March 6, 11, 16, '65, 97; Mch. — . Mch. 30, Apr. 5, '6S, 98. "Atlanta," U. S. S., 81, 82. Attorney's fees, 169. Augusta Co., Va., troops, 284. Augusta, Ga., Arty, board at, 510; population of, diminished, 386; St. Paul's Church at, 548. Augusta Mfg. Co., 249. Aunspaugh, R. F., L. to from F. S. Rhett, July 23, '63, 374; ap- pointment of, 228; promotion of, 241. Austin, Texas, St. David's Ch., 555- Axes, allowance of, 307. Ayer, Benj., L. to, June i, '63, 169. Aylett, P. H., 272; cert, sig: by, 169. Ayers & Wade, publishers, 507, 529, 534- Ayres, E. W., printer, 526. Baber, M. D., et al., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Feb. 29, Mch. 9, '65, 95; Mch. 15, 17, 29, Apr. 6, 14, '65, 96. Bacon, curing of, 311; prices, 230, 406; receipt for, 230; survey of, 230. Bacot, R. B. and Mary, deed of, 169. B., Carroll, 253. Bahia, 129. Bailey, T. P., L. to E. A. Fluellen, Feb. 2, '64, 44. Bailey, Wm., vote to, 249. Baker, L. S., 68; Tel. to: from G. T. Beauregard, Aug. 3, '64, 64; Aug. 26, '64, 69. Baker, T. R., L. to B. Blackford, Jany. 13, '64. 28; cert. sig. by, 371; receipts to, 169. Baldshear, B. S., receipt, 170. Baldwin, A. S., papers of, 11, 44. Baldwin, B. G., Tel: to W. L. Broun, Aug. 8, '64, 65; Aug. 17, '64, 67; J. M. Gregory, Aug. 18, '64, 67. 570 Index. Baldwin^ D. B., 331. Baldwin, J. B., 329. Baldwins', Federals at, 56. Ball, Maj., 314. Ballard, T. E., L. to W. B. Stanard, Dec. 25, '63, 170. Ballard, T. E. P., L. to W. B. Taliaferro, Jany. 27, '63, 170. "Balm for the Weary," 545. Baltimore Volunteers, 290. Banister, Monro, L. to S. P. Moore, Dec. 10, '61, 44. Bane, J. E., 434. Bangor, Me., 133. Bank Street, Richmond, 15, n. Banks, transfers between, 238. Baptist Ch., Front Royal, Va., 18. "Baraconta," the, 152. Barbour, A. M., L. to: from "F," Nov. 23, '59, 497; see R. Y. Con- rad. Barbour, B. J., 170, n. 26; L. to W. B. Taliaferro, Aug. 13, '62, 171. Barker, T. G., Tel: to W. Hamp- ton, n. d., 71. Barker, T. M., 373. Barksdale, C. R., 271. Barksdale, C. W., 271. Barksdale, T. E., 271. Barnes, E. F., leave to, 335. Barnes, J., 113. Barques, on James River, 6r, 62. Barr & Coale, see Coale and Barr. Barrett, Wimbish & Co., Pbs., 502. Barry, Lt., ordered, 58-59. Bartlett, Capt., 407. Bartholomew, J., 486. Bartly, negro, 229. Barton, C. M., death of, 349. Barton, David, promoted, 349. Barton, S. M., 53; brigade of, 430; Tel: to T. O. Chestney, May 7, '64, 52; May 8, '64, 52-53; May 9, '64, 54, n- d., 71. Bartow, F. S., 171, n. 30; L. to A. R. Lawton, May 4, '61, 171. Basinger, W. S., L. to W. T. Tal- iaferro, June 6-7, '63, 171-72. Bass, G. W., 331. Bassette, Mrs., pass for, 211. Bates, J. W., rec. sig: by, 172. Battery Bee, 394; Dill, 438; Glov- er, 303; Haskell, 431; Marshall, 423; No. 3, 266; Pringle, 260, 438; Warden, 17; Zynes, 266. Batteries, recalled, 219; report on, 216; weakness of, 316. Battle, Genl., 71. "Battle of Young's Branch," 524. "Battle of Fort Sumpter," 523. Battles, chronology of, 559, 560. Baugh, E. F., 266. Baughman, C. C, L. to his family, 172-84; see Otey Battery. Baughman, E. A., 184; see C. C. Baughman. Baughman, Geo., Jr., 175. Baughman, Geo., Sr., L. to C. C. Baughman, Sept. i, 13, '63, 184; bill to, 185; L. to: see C. C. Baughman. Baughman, G. H., L to George Baughman, Apr. 14, '61, 185. Baughman, Miss M. A., 180, 182, 184, 247. ^ Baumgarten, J., 488. Baylor, Mrs. 48. Beall, John Y., trial, etc., 186. Beall, W. N. R., L., to Comm. at Fort McHenry, May 10, '65, 108; H. W. Halleck, Dec. 19, '64, 76; Dec. 22, '64. 76; W. Hoff- man, July 28, '65, 80; L. Polk, May 25, '62, 186; H. E. Paine, Mch. II, '65, 78; R. O. Tyler, Mch. 22, '65, '79; D. T. Van Bu- ren, Dec. 29, '64, 77. Circulars: Dec. 9, '64, 88, Sept. 14, '65, 91; endorsations by, 87, 125; L. to: from T. M. Atkins, (q. v.), from M. D. Baber (q. v.), 95; N. H. Broun, Dec. 26, '64, 81; A. Cha- pel, May 14, '65, 91 ; R. F. Den- nis, Dec. 21, '64, 91 ; F. T. Dent, Dec. I, '64, 75-76; Jany. 5, '65, 77; Jany. 8, '65, 82; Duncan, Sherman & Co., (q. v.), 83, 85, 86, 124; A. H. Edey, Dec. 15, '64, 99; D. G. Farragut, Dec. 22, '64, 81; J. A. Fite (q. v.), 110, 112; A. W. Harman, Jany. 3, '65, m; W. S. Hawkins (q. v.), 91-94; C. W. Hill, Feb. 8, '65, 78; J. H. Hill (q. v.), 102-03; Hopkins, Hull & Co. (q. v.), 124; A. Jack- son (q. v.), 109-110; A. R. Law- ton, Nov. 28, '64, 74; M. V. Lindsby, Feb. 26, '65, 112; J. C. McKee, Mch. 13, '65, 112; J. M. Maury, Feb. 17, 18, 20, '6s, 103; W. H. Middleton, Dec. 19, '64, 117; G. V. Moody (q. v.), 108- Index. 571 09; A. Morgan (q. v.), 113-17; R. C. Morgan (q. v.), 10,406; F. G. Npyes (q. v.), 82^ 83, 85- 86; R. Ould, Mch. 13, '65, 79; H. E. Paine, (q. v.) 74-77, 83, 85; J. G. Parkhurst, May 24, July 7, '65, 112; G. D. Phillips, Oct. 17, '64, 74; D. S. Printuss, (q. .v.) 99-102; E. R. P. Shurly, Mch. 27, '65, 96; W. F. Slemons, (q. V.) 121-23; C. H. Smith, Dec. 19, '64, 107; R. T. Thorn, (q. v.) 106-07. Parole and work, 73; di- rections to, 74; limitations on, 74-75; parole suspended, 76-82. would buy on credit, 76; tobac- co sent to, 78; to be again im- prisoned, 80; released, 80; to visit Washington, 80; shipment of cotton to, 80; invoice, to, 81; bill of lading to, 82; receives cotton, 83; to report, 85; re- ceives second consignment, 86; instructs prisons comms., 88; memoranda of, 123; accounts, ' 123-24; sells stock, 124. Beauregard, Capt., 70. Beauregard, G. T., 56, 58, 64, 227, 260, 335, 353, 524. L. to L. S. Baker, Aug. 3, '64, 64; Aug. 26, '64, 69; D. B. Harris, Aug. 11, '64, 65; J. E. Johnston, Sept. s, '61 187, Apr. 17, '65, 188; Sam Jones, Aug. 30, '64, 69; Dec. 10, '64, 188; R. E. Lee, June 3-4, '64, 59; L. B. Northrop, Aug. 8, '64, 64; J. L. Morrow, Aug. 19, '64, 68; W. H. C. Whiting, Aug. 7, '64, 64; Aug. 8, '64, 65; Aug. 24, '64, 68; J. D. Wright, Jany. 9, '62, 187; J. F. Gilmer, Jany. 20, '64,187; L. to: from M.L.Bon- ham, Aug. I, '61, 194; J. F. Gil- mer, et al., Sept. 14, '63, 260; W. H. Stevens, May 24, '64, 58; G. H. Terrett^ June 9, '64, 60; June 9-10, '64, 61; June 14, IS, 19, '64, 62, n. d., 72; G. E. Pickett, Sept. 2, '64, 69. Whereabouts of, 57; orders reconnaissance, 59; can- not leave dept, 59; forces of, 59. Orders: June i, '61, 186; G. O. IS, series '64, 187; S. O. 49, IV.-VI., Feb. 20, '64, 187-88. S. O. 5. n., 211. Beckham, R. F., 289. Beckley, N. C, see Jonathan Lilly. Bedding, in hospitals, 25; for- warded, 28; scarcity of, 28; re- moval of, 30; loss of, 30. Bedford Co., Va., sheriff of, 22; Arty. Co., from, 207, 338. Beeke, W. R., 477. Beecher, H. W., 464. Beef, ration of, 170; Hampton captures, 179. Beer, from treacle, 565. Bell, H. M., 200; L. to A. R. Lavy- ton. May 19, '64, 188-89; Cert, sig: by, 188. Bell, J. W., forage issued to, 354^ Bell, Wm., death of, 161. Bell, Mrs. Wm., 48. Belle, Carrie, 448. "Belle of New Orleans, The," 247. "Beneficiary Ministerial Educa- tion," 553. Benjamin, J. P., 259, 268, 334, 398, 482, 508, 510. L. to B. Bragg, Oct. 28, '61, 189; to J. E. John- ston, Dec. 27, '61, 189; J. B. Ma- gruder, Jany. 25, '62, 342; A. H. H. Stuart, Mch. 25, '64, 190; J. Thompson, Mch. 2, '65, 190-91, 479- Benton's Works, sale of, 383. Bernen, J. H., cert, sig: Ijy, 44. Berrien Mounted Guard, 520. Bertody, T. D., L. to E. C. An- derson, Jany. 9, '65, 192. Bethel, Va., battle of, 280; first gun at, 370; maps' of, 487. Betterson, R. F., disabled, 48. "Beulah," 531. Bibb, J. M., 49. Bible, presented Geo. Shea, 471. Bibles, gift of, 323, 334; furnish- ed, 306; purchase of, 408; sent generals, 246. Bibliography, contents of, 501. Bidgood, G. L., 535, 536; receipt of, 192. Bier, G. H., L. to W. B. Taliafer- ro, Dec. 21-22, '62, 192. Bigger, C. P., cert, sig: by, 46. Binford, J. H., 394. Bingham, Judge, 444. Biography, military, importance of, 9; works on, 52ifr. Bird, H. D., Tel. to W. H. Tay- lor, Sept. 2, '64, 71; Tel. to: from R. E. Lee, Aug. 22, '64, 68. Bishop's, Ordnance, at, 66. Black, G. R., L. to: from H. 572 Index. Bryan, May 9, '63, 210. Black, H., L. to V. Dabney, Apr. 8, '64, 45. Black, Dr. H., 380. Black, J. L., 237; L. to P. N. Page, Jany. 20, '6s, 193. Black, J. S., 441, 450, 457. Black Oak Soldiers' Kelief Assc, records, 193. Blacker, Engr., 146, 155, 160. Blackford, B. L., 488. Blackford, Benj., L. to W. A. Carrington, Mch. 3, '63, 25; Apr. 3, '63, 25; June 23, Oct. 16, '63, 26; June 28, '64, 30; Feb. 4; '65, 32; to S. Cooper, June 6, '62, 2b; Aug. 9, '62, 21; Sept. 22, '62, 21; Oct. 17, '62, 22; Nov. I, '62, 22; Jany. 9, '63, 24; to E. N. Covey, Mch. 28, '64, 29; E. S. Gaillard, Sept. 24, '64, 31 ; D. S. Green, May 21, '62, 19; H. Mc- Guire, Feb. 26, '62, 19; C. K. Mallory, Feb. 16, '64, 29; S. P. Moore, June 14, '62, 20; June 16-18, '62, 21; July 7, '62, 21; Oct. 31, '62, 22; Jany. 3, '63, 23- 24i Dec. II, '63, 21; Jany. 11, '64, 28; Dec. 8, '64, 32; T. W. ■Williams, Dec. 17, '6i, 17; Jany. 4, '62, 17-18; Feb. 18, '62, 18; Feb. 20, '62, 18; Nov. 28, '62, 23; L. to: from T. R. Baker, Jany. 13, '64, 28; from W. A. Carring- ton, Apr. 27, '63, 25; June 2, '63, 25; June 19, '63, 26; Dec. 18, '63, 28; Jany. 14, '64, 31; from E. N. Covey, Dec. 18, '63, 28; Jany. 14, '64, 39; from S. P. Moore, May 19, '62, 19; May 27, '62, 20; Sept. 22, '62, 21; Oct. 25, '62, 22; Nov. 18, '62, 23; Jany. 7, '63, 24; May 27, '63, 25; from W. O. Owen, May 22, '62, 20. Circular of, 32; sketch of, 15, n. 4; accepts' ap- ptmt. as surgeon, 20; corre- spondence, 16-32; returns to duty, 30. Blackford, W. H., 380. Blackford, W. W., L. to T. W. CoUey, Nov. 21, '64, 193. x Blackmar, & Bro., pbs., 565. Blacknall, C. C, L. to Mrs. V. Blacknall, May 7, '63, 193. Blacknall, V., see C. C. Blacknall. Blackhear's Batty., 317. Blagden, G., L. to Miss M. M. Carne, Aug. 18, '64, 193. Blair, F. P. 456; L. to Geo. Shea, Sept. 9, '65, 454; L. to: from H. Greeley, Aug. 29, '65, 452. Blair, H. E., 204. Blair, Montgomery, 456. Blake, F. D., 373; L. to: from W. G. Vardell, Dec. 30, '64, 423. Blake, J. C, L. to L. Blake, Aug. 19, '62, Apr. 30, '63, 194. Blake, Laura, see J. C. Blake. Blanchard, Genl., 380. Blankets, lack of, 28; for prison- ers, 78, 92, 93, 96, 97, loi, 104, 114. Blanks, to be reported, 418; requi- sitioned, 292; used for sermon, 401. Bleakley, A., printer, 535. "Blind Bartimeus," 528. Blockade, "unlawful," 540. Blockade runners, 270; at Charles- ton, 270. Bloomfield & Steel, printers, 508. Bloomfield, 320. Board of Examiners, see Examin- ing Board, 302. Board of V^uations, proceedings, 211. Boatwright, T. S., 246. Bocock, T. S., 225. Bodley, T. B., see J. W. Gill. Boerman fuze, 323. "Bohemian," author, 534. Bohemian, The, 556. Bolivar, guard in, 284. Bonard's Battery, 414. Bonds, purchase of, 366. Bonham, M. L., report of, Aug. i, '61, 194. Booker, Jno. A., cert, of, 257. Booker, Lewis, 167, 170. "Book of Common Prayer, The," 544- . . Books, prices of, 383; publication of, abroad, 539. Boots, prices of, 390. "Border and Bastille," 532. Borst, P. B., 424. Borst's Co., Va. Militia, 497. Boteler, Col., 299. Boteler, A. R., L. to: from J. A. Early, Oct. 19, '64, 238. Bottom's Bridge, Va., 60; forces ordered to, 59. Index. 573 Boughan, J. H., forage issued to, 354. Bounty, receipt of, 430; vouchers for, 165; to be certified, 396. Bowen, Jas., L. to Mrs. De Bar, June 8, '64, 194; to Mgrs. Thea- tre, June 8, '64, 194. Bowen, Jno. S., L. to R. W. Mem- minger, Apr. 15, '63, 195. Bowen, Mrs. 48. Bowers, J. F., cert, sig: by, 330. Bowles, Jno. S., 269. Bowyer, T. M., agreement, Apr. 19, '64, 195- Boyd, J. B., 332. Boyleston, S. C, report by, 373. Brackett, W. B. (Brockett), com- plaint against, 276; promotion of, 413. Bradley, A. G., 113. Braddon, Miss M. E., author, 530. Bragg, Braxton, 54, 55, 59, 386, • 436; L. to B. S. Ewell, Jany. 14, '63, 195; J. Jones, Feb. 12, '62, 19s; L. Polk, Apr. 8, '63, 196; 5. O., 46; series '62, 195; Endor. by, 189, 312; L. to: from G. T. Beauregard, June 3-4, '64, 595 J. P. Benjamin, Oct. 28, '62, 189; G. G. Garner, Aug. 13, '61, 256; R. F. Hoke, May 11, '64, S6-57; A. R. Lawton, Oct. 23, '61, 312; Fitz Lee, May 15, '64, 314; R. E. Lee, Juije 9, '64, 326; R. Ran- som, May 9, '64, S3; May II, '64, 55 ; W. H. Stevens, May 14, '64, 58; G. H. Terrett, May 12, '64, 57; June 4, '64, 59; W. H. C. Whiting, n. d., 429. Influence of, 308; matters referred to, 53; opinion of subordinates, 19S; should consult Beauregard, 58. Brainard, C, 477. Branch, Horace, 358. Branch, L. O'B., L. to: from T. J. Jackson, June 26, '62, 292; Sept. 6, '62, 293. Branson, Farrar and Co., 537-38. Brantley, W. S., see A. W. Cock- rill. Brantley, W. H., 331. Bratton, H. L. W., bravery of, , 366. Braxton, C. M., L. to J. T. Brown, May 4, '64, 196; return of com- mand of, 355; L. to: from W. F. Dement, Apr. 16, '64, 236. Breathed, Jas., Comns., 197; L. to J. A. Seddon, Sept. 25, '63, 197; L. to: from R. E. Lee, July 7, '64, 327; from J. E. B. Stuart, Mch. 21, '64, 327. Opinions of, 197; wounding of, 327. Breckinridge, J. C, 260, 388, 485. L. to J. J. Dickinson, Apr. 15, '6s, 198; T. M. Jack, Dec. 13, '62, 198; J. E. Johnston, Apr. 17, '65, 198; circular. May 4, '65, 198; arrival of, 388; sent Johnston, 188. Breedlove, Dr., 408. Bremar, J., 498. Brent, G. W., Tel: to G. T. Beau- regard, Sept. 9-10, '64, 70; L. to: from H. Bryan, Aug. 8, '64, 211. Brent, J. L., 344. Brent, T. W., C. S. N., 280. Brickhouse, L. S., 279. Bridges, W. N., L. to J. W. Mar- shall, Aug. 8, '64, 198. Brigade Guard, instructions for, 406. Brisbourne, J. L., L. to W. B. Stanard, Dec. 16, '64, 199. Bristow, J. A., see A. H. Edey. Brittain, M. L., see T. M. Atkins! Broad River, passage of, 170. Brockenborough, Mrs. C. W., 312- Brooke, J. M., L. to J. R. Ander- son, Aug. 7, '63, 199; J. L. M. Curry, Nov. 30, '63, 199. Brooke's Battery, 209. Brooks, W. G., log on C. S. S. Stonewall, 199. Broun fuze, 219. Broun, Annie, L. to: from T. L. Broun, Apr. 24, '61, 199. Broun, N. H., invoice of, 81 ; L. to W. N. R. Beall, Dec. 26, '64, 81. Broun, T.L.,L. to Miss A.Brown, Apr. 24, '61, 199; L. to: from W. L. Broun, May, '64, 200, 202; condition of, i8g. Broun, W. L., 71 ; L. to J. R. An- derson & Co., Aug. 28, '63, 200; T. L. Broun, May, '64, 200; May 22, '64, 202; J. T. Brown, Apr. 13. 30, '64, 201; W. N. Smith, Nov. 30, '63, 201. Tel. to: from B. G. Baldwin, Aug. 8, '64, 65; Aug. 17, '64, 67. Brower, J. C, endor. by, 108. Brown, G. Campbell, 244, 246. Brown, H. A., 266, 403. L. to R. 574 Index. W. Hunter, Apr. 12, '64, 203; endor. by, 222. Brown, Jno., execution of, 498; guard over, 497; papers regard- ing, 497-8; troops organized af- ter raid of, 200. Brown, J. C, 419, 431; letter by order of, 247; L. to: from J. T. Gamer, Nov. 13, '63, 256. Brown, J. E., 189. > Brown, J. M., 246. Brown, J. T., 44, 164, 223, 310, 317, 321, 323, 376, 408, 420, 425, 426, L. to R. T. Colston, Sept. 19, '62, 207; S. Crutchfield, Apr. 13, '63, 208; R. S. Ewell, Sept. 18, '63, 209; W. R. Garrett, July 18, '61, 204; D. H. Hill, Apr. 22, 27, '62, Sept. 27, '62, 207; J. B. Ma- gruder, Nov., 61, 205; E. F. Pax- ton, Oct. 31, '62, 208; W. N. Pendleton, June S, '63, 208; J. A. Seddon, Mch. 10, '63, 209. Receipts by, 205; requisitions by, 205; S. O., July 18, '61, 204; Sept. 5, Oct. 6, '61, 205; memor- anda of, 209, 210. L. to: from E. P. Alexander, June 19. '62, 165; from C. M. Braxton, May 4, '64, 196; W. L. Broun, Apr. 13, 30, '64, 196; W.W. Chamber- laine, Mch. 18, '63, 219; W. H. Coffin, Jany. 6, '62, 45! K- T. Colston, Sept. 18, ,'62, 224; S. Crutchfield, Dec. 17, '62, 231; Jany., Feb., '63, 231; Lieut. En- gle, Oct. 31, '62, 241 ; B. S. Ewell, Jany. 19, '62, July 18, '61, 242; R. S. Ewell, Sept. 11, 13, '63, 243, 245; Oct. 23, Nov. 7, '63, 246; J. Gorgas, Aug. 2, '61, 263; A. Graham, Nov. 18, '63, 264; Mrs. W. H. Haxall, Mch. 13, '63, 272; D. H. Hill, Apr. 8, '62, 274; H. Hudnall, Feb. 8, '62, 277; Feb. 28, '62, 278; S. B. Hughes, n. d., 278; T. J. Jackson, Oct. 8, '62, 294; Nov. 4, 7, 10, '62, 297; M. Johnston, Oct., '61, 303; Oct. 8, '62, 306; R. E. Lee, Apr. 27, '64, 326; A. L. Long, Nov. 3, '63, 333- J- B. Magruder, July 5, '61, 339; Nov. 17, '61, 341; Mch. 14, '62, 343; Apr. I, '62, 344; Apr. 14, IS, '62, 346; V. Maurin, Mch. 26, '62, 350; J. R. Page, Mch. 18, '62, 358; C. T. Palmer, May i, '62, 358; W. N. Pendleton, May i, '62,362; May 25, June 9, Dec. 19, 21, '63, 363; Green Peyten, Mch. 26, '62, 364; Mrs. S. Putney, Feb. i, '62, 368; G. J. Rains, Jany. 2, '62, 368; G. W. Randolph, Nov. 20, '61, Mch. I, '62, 369; Jany. 14, '63, 370; A. L. Rogers, June 13, '62, 380; B. H. Smith, Oct. 8, '62, 396; S. V. Southall, May 16, '63, 400; B. B. Temple, Feb. 8, '62, 421; F. P. Turner, May 13, '63, 422. Return of command, 206, 209; receipts to, 203-04; reports to, 206, 2og, 400. Endor. by, 333, 358. Acts as Chf. Arty., 333; authorized to inspect, 274; command of, 344; commands Arty., 339; empow- ered to raise force, 392; offers to relieve orphans, 205; orders to, 319; ordered to report, 216; reinforced, 224; to choose quar- ters, 297; to mount Arty., 341; to report to Early, 345. Brown, N. C, see N. C. Shelton, 394- Brown, Lt.-Col., 215; , R. L., 421 ; , S. Y., 335. Brown, Wm., see Hoge, M. D., et al. Brown's Battery, 316. Brown, J. T., L. to A. Anderson, May II, '64, 56. Browne, Midshipman, 163. Browne, S. G., desc. list of, 210. Bruce, E. M., iii; , Jas., 306; , Maj., 306. Brunswick, Ga., inspection of, 312. Bryan, H., 341, 343, 344, 346. L. to G. R. Black, May 9, '63, 210; G. ' W. Brent, Aug. 8, '64, 211; H. D. Capers, May 9, '63, 210; T. Jordan, June i, '63, 211. Bryan, St. Geo., 358. Bu , S. D., Capt., 309. Buchanan^ F., 328. L. to P. B. Moore, Apr. 20, '64, 211. Buchanan, J. M., L. to Geo. Shea, Aug. 20, '67, 473. Buchanan, W. J., 473, 541. Buchanan, Va., Federals at, 30, n. 30, n. 41. Buck, S. S., L. to: Feb. 13, '63, 211. Buckingham, Yancey Guards, of, . 494- Index. 575 Buckner, S. B., L. to J. C. Pem- berton, Apr. 8, '63, 211. Buckner, T. R., endor. by, 222. Buford, A., L. to J. Wheeler, Jaiiy. 29, '63, 212. Buford^ Capt., 21. Buford, Simeon, address of, 212. Bugeaud, T. R., 519. Bugle-Calls, music of, 519. Buist, G. H., command of, 188. Bulkley, T. A. & Co., 204. Bulloch, Irvine, 134, 138, 140, 163, n. 17. Bulloch, J. D., L. to: from S. R. Mallory, Feb. 2, May 23, '63, 348; from R. Semmes, Nov. 19, '62, 393. Burbe, T. A., report, 212; L. to H. C. Cunningham, July 3, '63, 212. Bureaux, administrative, 9. Burford, E. S., L. to: from J. H. Kelly, May 17, '64, 309; from W. T. Martin, May 8, '63, 350. "Burial of Latane," 311. Burdett, Jones & Co., 85. Burgess, T. J., resigns', 226. Burke, Boykin & Co., Pbs., 548, 551. 553. Burke, Maj., 324. Burke, R. E., 357. Burke, T. A., 487. Burley's Case, record in, 191. Burnley, H. M., 170. Burrows, J. L., 249, n. 158, 252, 253; author, 527. Burruss, W. B., L. to his wife, June 8, '62, 212-214. Burt, Edwin, comn. of, 214. Burwell, Mr., 384. Butler, B. F., 326, 388, 452. Butler, Wm., report, 214-15; cir- cular, 215-16. Butler's Brig., 339. Bydil, W. B., L. to Mrs. CoUey Mch. 22, '63, 216. C. C, B. E., L. to Wm. C, July 4, '62, 216. Cabell, H. C, 335, 344, 345, 363; S. O., 216. Cabell, J. G., 48; , J. L., 216; , W. L., 217. Cain, J. C, L. to W. T. Nance, Jany. 5, '65, 217. Caissons, wagons as, 340. Calls, hours for, 405. Camp, regulations, 330; removal of, 207; selected, 297, 332, 333. Camp Chase, 79, 104; prisoners at, 91-95; number of prisoners at, 91; rations at, 91; supplies sent to, 92, 93, 94; prisoners at, take the oath, 92, 93; deaths, at, 93'; demonstrations at, on Lincoln's assassination, 94. Camp Douglas, prisoners at, 95- 97; number of prisoners at, 95; supplies needed at, 95; supplies sent to, 95, 96. "Camp Jester, The," 565. ' Camp Morton, prisoners at, 78, 97-99; prisoners from, sent South, 97; supphes sent to, 97, 98; kindness of commandant of, 97- "Campaigns in Virginia, Mary- land," 525. "Campaign from Texas to Mary- land, 524. Campbell, Surgeon, 35. Campbell and Dunn, authors, 534. Campbell, A. H., 488, 489, 490; , D. A. P., 217. Campbell, Miss Eloise, L. to: from "Enlisted," Mch. 18, '64, 241 ; Mrs. J. M. Fisher, Aug. 28, '63, 248. Campbell, J. D., 536; , J. P. 217. Canada, soldier from, 46; officers in, 485. Candles, allowance of, 326. Canefield, J., 406; L. to W. B. Stanard, 218. Canning, Sgt, death of, 161. Cannon, J. L., 246. Cape Howe, 139; Naverin, 148; Town, 158. Caps, percussion, 165-66, 233. Carlile, J. S., 441. Carline, Pvt., 367. Carpenter, J. C; L. to S.V. South- all, Aug. 13, ',63, 218. Carpenter, Jos-, 218, 495; battery of, 195. 307, 355, 360; m. r. of, 495- Carpenters, detailed, 243, 288, 337; for ships, 341. Carrick's Ford, Va., 409. Carrington, W. A., circulars, Apr. 27, June 2, '63, 25; L. to B. Blackford, June 19, '63, 26; Dec. 576 Index. IS, '63, 28; May 7> '64, 29; July 4, '64, 31. L. to; from B. Black- ford, see B. Blackford. Report by, 48; author, 556. Carrol's Brig., 372. Carter, D. D., 107; , H. J., see A. Morgan; , J. A., 424. Carter, R. F., L. to R. H. Chilton, Mch. 30, '64, 218. Carter, R. H., 333, 357- Carter, T. H., 321, 323, 49s; re- port of, 400; battery of, 165,319, 345. Carter, W. P., L. to S. V. South- all, Apr. 6, '64, 219. Carter's Depot, Tenn., 308. Cary, G. A., 341; , J. M., see A. Jackson, Jr. Caskie, Maj., 363. Caskie's Battery, 318. Castle Thunder, 503. Catawba River, fording of, 170. "Catharine, The," 149. Catlett, J. M., author, 524. Cattle, lose weight, 330; purchas- ed, 381; seized, 257, 424. "Cause and Contrast," 541. Cauwet, Alfred, 534. Cedar Creek, Va., charge at, 270; Mountain Troops after, 410; — Run, Early expects fight at, 239; reports' on, 295. Cement, receipt for, 398. Central Railroad, 292. Centreville, Va., movements around, 337; map of, 489. Certificates, of damages, 197, 230. Chaffin's Bluff, Va., 55, 62. Chamberlaine, W. B., L. to J. T. Brown, Mch. 18, '63, 219. Chambers, T. J., see Cockrill, A. W. Chambersburg, Pa., 384. ChambHss, Col., 320; — , Mr. 265. Chancellorsville, Va., battle, 366; map of, 488; see' 314- Chandler, Dis; Atty., 474; .Z., 468-69. Chapel, A., L. to W. N. R. Beall, May 14, '6s, 91. Chaplains, exempt, 352. Chapman, Saml., 495. Chapman's Mill, Va., 296. Charles City C. H., 431. Charleston, S. C, defences of: 192, 394; armament, 198, 232, 240. 335. 392, 414; stores on, 3", 367. 379. 391; transporta- tion on, 367, 423; Evacuation of, 415; harbor of, 270, 279, 499; operations around, 193, 215, 237, 373-74, 413; roads around, 217. Charlestown, W. Va., 497. Charlottesville, Va., 66. "Charter Oak, The," 128. Chase, S. P., 451, 468-69, 476; L. to: from Geo. Shea, May i, '(^, 471; Mason on, 484; refuses' writ, 471; to try Davis, 442; will not hasten trial, 445, 454. Chatham Light Arty., 414. Chattanooga, Tenn., forces at, 387-88; movements around, 420, 433- Chaudron, A. de V., 530, 536. "Chaudron's Spelling Book," 536. Cheek, Lieut., R. N., 162. Chesapeake Batty., 355. Chesney, C. C, author, 525. Chester, Va., 52, 54. Chestam Light Arty., m. r. of, 491. Chestney, T. O., Tel to: from A. Grade, May 7, '64, 51; S. M. Barton, May 7-8, '64, 52-53; May 9, '64, 54; R. Ransom, May 9, '64, 53. Chestnut, Jas., 268; L. to Sam Jones, '64, 220. Chew, F. T., 132, 134, 140, 158,159, 163, n. 17. Chickamauga, battle of, 386-87. "Chief Points in the Laws of War," 516. "Child's First Book, The," 534. Children, lessons to, 534, 536-37, 538; 540-41; vaccinated, ig, 21, 28, 29. Children's Friend, The, per., 556. Children's Guide, The, per. 556. Chiles and Chenery, bill of, 220. Chilton, R. H., 208, 265; Endor. by, 413; L. to: from R. F. Car- ter, Mch. 30, '64, 218; W.B. Tal- iaferro, Dec. 31, '62, 411; T. V. Williams, Dec. 8, '63, 430. Chipman, Col., 452, 455. Chisolm, Capt. 221. Chloroform, deaths from, 37; n. 71, 40. Christian, R. L., 204, 208, -369; statements of, 230. "Christian Scholar and Soldier, The," 527. Index. 577 "Christian Soldier, The," 547. Chronicle and Sentinel Press, 550, 554- Churches, as hospitals, 16, 18, 23. Cipher, requested, 195; used, 187. Citizens, defend R. R., 271; as nurses, 17. "City Intellingencer, The," 564. City Point, Va., exchanges at, 31. Claiborne, Mr., 197. "Clarimonde," 529. Clarke, C. D., Letters, 220; L. to: from C. M. McGiven, Jany. 20, '62, 337. Clarke, H. C, 558-60; , H. F., 477; power of Atty., 478; , J. J., receipt of, 220; L. to J. F. Gilmer, Nov. 15, '64, 220; , J. L., 492-94; , R. H., 234. Clarke's Md. Guards, m. r. of, 492. Clay, Col., III. . Clay, C. C, arrest of, 440; trial of, 442; confinement of, 442. Clay, Mrs.V.C, L. to Ben Wood, May 27, '65, 440; George Shea, Aug. 4, '6s, 450; L. to: from Geo. Shea, July 3, '65, 442; July 17, '6s, 449- Clayter, E. F., 269.. Clergy, 424, n. 490. ' Clerks, pay of, 172, 419; disabled, 419. CUfton, W. C, see M. D. Baber. Clinch, H. A., 422. Clingman, T. L., Tel. to J. W. Ellis, May 16, '61, 220-21; Apr. 16, '61, 221. Close, James, 220. Cloth, purchase of, in. Clothing, deficiencies of, 311; prices of, 124, 382, 383, 389. Clover Depot, troops at, 314. Coale & Barr, 424. Cobb, Howell, 345; L. to N. W. Smith, Jany. 31, '65, 221; Miss K. C. Stiles, June 29, '64, 221. Cobb, N., Requisition, 221; , T. R. R., papers, 8. Cochran, G. M., rec. sig: by, 221. Cocke, B. K., L. to J. F. Lay, Jan. '6"^ 222 Cocke, T.' A., see W. H. Middle- ton. Cockerham, David, application of, 222; detail of, 203. Cocklestown, N. C, 274. Cockrill, A. W., et al., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Dec. 19, '64, 95; — D. H., L. to O. Hinricks, Jany! 29, '63, 222. "Coercion and Conciliation," 547. Coffee, 371; scarcity of, 65, 379;' for prisoners', 107; ration of, 170; for soldiers, 176; substitute for, 565. Coffee Co., Ala., women of, 212. Coffin, W. H., L. to J. T. Brown, Jany. 6, '62, 45. Cohen, O., L. to: from L. J. Smith, Jany. 5, '65, 396. Coke, J. A., 380; rec. sig: by, 223; battery of, 317. , L. C, En- ■ dor. by, 222. Cole, J. L., report, 223; , R. G-. 435, 436; Endor. by, 168. Coleman, L. M., death of, 210; sketch, of, 527. Coleman, S. F., et al., L. to A. E. Stocker, Jany. 17, '65, 223; L. to: from same, 407. Colleges, in C. S. A., 560. CoUey, T. W., 336; L. to T. C. Litchfield, Jany. 13, '62, 45; de- scriptive list of, 223-24; papers of, 228; L. to: from W. W. Blackford, Nov. 21, '64, 193; re- ported death of, 216. CoUey, Mrs., L. to: from W. B. Bydil, Mch. 22, '63, 216; J. J. Saunders, Nov. 13, '64, 391. Colquitt, A. H., report, 224; com- mand of, 188, 414. Colston, R. E., 300, 32i2; L. to: from R. E. Lee, Sept. 28, '64, 327- Colston, R. T-, L. to J. T. Brown, Sept. 18, '63, 224. Columbia Rifles, 300. Columbiads, charges' for, 263. Columbus, Ky., 336, 406. Combs, J. M., and W. C-, desert- ers, 224. Commerce, children taught im- portance of, 540; with Federals, 324, 325- Commissary, 263; requested, 429. Commission, The, per. 556. Commissions, C. S. A., 14, 197, 238, 254-55, 259, 268, 300, 334, 351, 361, 362, 398, 399, 430, 431; C. S. N., 277; age when issued, 363; friends to secure, 239; urged, 236; Fla., 308; Ga., 419, 578 Index. 431; La., 349; N. C, 359. 423; Va., 247, 314, 359, 409, 429. Confederate Commission, in Eng- land, 557. Confederate Congress, Address' of, Dec, '63, 225; vote of thanks to Second Fla. Regt, Feb. 6, '64, 225; Act to provide for return- ed prisoners, Mch. 4, '65, 225; books regarding, 502ff; election to, 265; members of, 563, 564; representation in, 559. Confederate Memorial Literary Society, work of, 7, 10. Confederate Museum, 5, 10, 11. Confederate Officers, in Canada, 485- "Confederate Receipt Book," 565. "Confederate Soldiers' Pocket Manual," 546. "Confederate Soldiers' Prayer Book," 546. "Confederate States Almanac," 1861-65, 558-60. Confederate States, government publications, •511. Confederate States, map of, 486. "Confederate States Medical and Surgical Journal," per., 556. "Congress," U. S. S., 420. Congress, U. S., representation in, 561; Stuart, on, 499. Connor's Brigade, 269, 372. Conrad, C. M., 517; — Holmes, 168. Conrad, R. Y., et al., L. to: from R. E. Lee, Apr. 27, '61, 3i3- Conscript Laws, exemptions, 375. Conscripts, increase army, 389; requisitioned, 333. "Constitution of the Confederate States," 503, 559. Contributions, to tlie Treasury, 365- Convalescents, to make shoes, 29; to return, 47- Conway, L. B., L. to: from W. G. Dunbar, Dec. 6, '61, 238; Sam., 214. Cooke, G. B., paroled, 328; , G. R., 220. Cooking utensils, issued, 169-70. Cooks, corps of, organized, 418. Cooper River, 6g, 217. Cooper, J. M. & Co., 520, 547, 549. 55°, 551. 552. Cooper, S. (A. & I. Gen'l's office), 187,290,511; orders, series 1861, S. O. 27s, XV; S. O. 277, III., 225; series 1862, S. O. 79, XI., 22s. G. O. 36, II; S. O. 129, XXIX; S. O. 163; S. O. i6s; S. O. 178; S. O. 231, XVIII, 226; series 1863, S. O. 122, XX., 227; S. O. 180, XXI., 228; series 1865, S. O. — ,228; printed, 567. L. to J. C. Pemberton, Dec. ig, '62, 227; to H. W. Mercer, May 23, '63, 227; B. T. Johnson, June 22, '63, 227; to G. H. Steuart, Oct. 15, '63, 228; L. to: from B. Blackford, June 6, '62, 20; Oct. 17, Nov. I, '62, 22; Jany. 9, '63, 24; G. Derrick, July 30, '62, 236; Nov. 9, '62, 237; R. W. B. ElU- ott, June 13, '63, 239; T. J. Jackson, Feb. 4, '63, 298; S. Jones, Apr. 20, '62, 308; D. H. Maury, July 30, '63, 351; W. D. Smith, Jany. 19, '61, 397; W. B. Taliaferro, May 13, '63, 413; en- dor by, 197, 242, 273; sketch of, 527- Cooper, S. M., 333. Cooper's Battery, 355. Corinth, Miss., operaJtions at, 355. Corley, J. L., 231, 422; Tel. to Gill, Aug. IS, '64, 66; L. to, 228; L. to: from W. B. Taliaferro, Jany. 11, 26, '63, 412. Cormier, C. E., cert, sig: by, 228- 29. Corn, price of, 242. Cosby, G. B., 339; L. to: from L. McLaws, July 18, '61, 337- Cosnehan's Battery, 340. Coston signals, 280. Cottle, L. J., disabled, 45-46. Cotton, exportation of, 309; , for prisoners, 73; sale of, 8off, shipment of, 80, 82; invoice of, 81; bill of lading of, 82; passes customs, 83; price and auction of, 84, 85, 86, 87; tax on, 84, 85, 86, 87; loan, 265; — prices of, 388; prospects of, 477; statistics, 559. Counce, Pvt., 213. Couper, Hamilton, report, 391. Counterfeiting, indictment for, 364. Countersign^ at Harper's Ferry, 282. Index. 579 Couriers, escort for, 227; regula- tion of, 221. Court-Martial, acquittal by, 348; charges for, i56; assignment to, 430; for desertion, 394; for stragglers, 361; for requesting transfer, 208; in Jackson's Div., 294; law for, 517; ordered, 320; ruling of, suspended, 294. Courts, location of, 560. Courtney, Giles, wounded, 214. Cousins, J. W., 49. Covert, J. M., cert, sig: by, 167, 229. Covey, E. N., L. to B. Blackford, Dec. 18, '63, 28; Jany. 14, '64, 29; L. to: from B. Blackford, Mch. 28, '64, 29. Cowan, R. H., Tel. to J. W. Ellis, Apr. IS, '61, 229. Cowan, W. E., et al., L. to G. H. Steuart, Apr. 23, '64, 229. Cowardice, court-martial for, 294. Cox, F. C, oath before, 330; — 's Barn, 61; 's Station, 56; 's Brig., 238. Crane, B. E., 289; receipts, 229; , J. P., L. to G. E. Steuart, Aug., '63, 229. Cranial cavity, wounds of, 36, 38. Crater, charge of the, 499. Crawford, W. S., see J. W. Gill. Crawley, J. D., receipt, 230. Crehen, E., 511. Crenshaw's Batty., 184; 's Warehouse, 19, 27, 28, 29. Crescent Rifles, 332. Creswell, C. M-, 375. Crisholm, J. J., 518. Crisler, N. W., cert, to, 230. Crockett, A. M., 336. "Cromwell, Bible, The," 546. Cromwell, Dr., 203; , B. M., 46. Crops, tax on, 232. Crouch, R. T., et al., cert., 230. "Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter, The," 525-26. Crump, W. B., 254. Crutchfield, A. F. & Co., 522. Crutchfjeld, S., 363; L. to J. T. Brown, Dec. 17, Dec. 25, '62, Jany. 29, Feb., '63, 231; L. to: from same, Apr. 13, '63, 208. Crymes, Thomas, see A. Morgan. Culpeper, Va., fofce sent to, 66. Cumberland, Md., 320. Cummings, A. C, 287. Cummins, Maj., 351. Cunningham, E., 282, 395. Curry, J. L. M., speech of, 277 ; L. to : from J. M. Brooke, Nov. 30, '63, 199; from M. D. Hoge, et al., Feb. 14, '62, 276; notice to, 272; receipt, to, 347; crops of 232; papers of, 232. Curtis, L. J., 22; , W. A., 232. Cutshaw's Battery, 349. Cutt's Artillery Batln, 317. Cuyler, Richard, 441, 449. "Cyane," U. S. S., 126; diary on, 498. D Dabney, R. L., author, 547; , v., L. to: from H. Black, Apr. 8, '62, 45. Dagan's Divn., 121. Daingerfield, H. W., rec. sig: by, 232. Dallas, R. F., Desc. list of, 232. Dallum, H. C., 220. Damages, assessed, 350, 412; cer- tification of, 197, 230. Dance, W. J., 204. Danville, Arty., 49, 223. Dargan, E. K., report of, 232. Darling, Sir Charles, 136. Davenport, Miss Eliza, 48. Davidson, H. G., 286. Davis, A. M., L. to J. R. Young, Sept. 26, 'te, 469; Sept. 28, 'de, 469; , E. G., L. to Mrs. G- P. Foute, 232; , J. L., au- thor, 521. Davis, Jefferson, 315-16, 43°, 533; L. to Mrs. Mary Amelia, Apr. 2, '6s, 234; J. W. Ellis, Apr. 19, '61, 232^ May 29, '61, 232; Jno, Handy, Jany. 25, '63, 233; J. E. Johnston, Mch. 22, '62, 233; G- W. C. Lee, Dec. 30, '64, 234; A, Lincoln, July 2, '63, 479; Mayor Mayo, Apr. 2, '65, 234; Mrs. J. Nelson, July 23, '63, 233; A. H. Stephens, July 2, '63, 479; War- ren Winslow, July 10, '6r, 233. Endor. by, 254, 257, 262, 273, 471; L. to: from R. T. Davis, Feb. 21, 'd-i, 234; Mrs. V. Davis, May, '65, 23s; E. M. T. French, Feb. 20, 'dz, 254; Nellie K. Gor- don, 263; Jno. Handy, Jany, 9, '63, 267; M. Livingston, et al., 58c Index. Dec. 7, '64, 332; J. M. Mason (q.v.); C. Minnigerode, Feb. 12, '62, 354; H. C. Wayne, May 10, 61, 426. Appointment made by May 4, '65, 234; warrant signed by Feb. 29, '64, 233. Papers relating to retreat of, 170, ig8, 220, 234, 235, 260, 261, 269, 368, 433. See J. F. Gil- mer. Papers relating to trial of, 439-479: probability of trial of, 442; treatment of, 443; un- just charges against, 444; mis- treatment of, 445-46; trial of, not feared, 449; counsel of, en- couraged, 452; acquittal of, ex- pected, 452; report of trial of, 453; trial not to be hastened, 454; health of, improves, 455; attempted betterment of condi- tion of, 456; prospects of trial of, 456; mistakes in prosecution of, 459; counsel wishes and seeks interview with, 459-61 ; ac- ceptance of counsel, 461; prox- ies for, 462; proposed parole of, 463; health of, f,ailing, 464; me- morial for release of, 464-66; trial of, postponed, 468-69; re- newed efforts for, 470; resolu- tion in behalf of, 471; Chase re- fuses h. c. for, 471; bondsmen for, 472-74; appearance of, as- sured, 473; trial of, postponed, 474; bondmen for, 477-78; ex- hibits for defence of, 479; Ma- son's opinion of legality of trial of, 483. Acts sig: by, 225; at evacuation of Richmond, 250- 51; directs military operations, 233; farm of, 233; financial af- fairs of, 481-82; instructions to secret agents, 190; land grant to uncle of, 498; material for trial of, collected, 458; prayer at in- auguration 'of, 349; presents' Bible to Shea, 471; records of, 448; Shenandoah ce;lebrates in- . auguration of, 139, and hears of his captor, 153. Davis, J. R., 456; L. to Geo. Shea, Nov. 12, Dec. 20, 28, '65, 457; Nov. 3, '^T, 475; L. to: from Geo. Shea, Oct. 20, 'dy, 474. Movements of, 457. Davis, John S., L. to Mrs. G. P. Foute, 234; , R. E., 274; — , R. T., L. to Jeffer'n Davis, Feb. 21, '(iz, 234; , N. A., 524; — , S. D., L. to: from A. G- Reynolds, Oct. 12, '64, 373. Davis, Mrs. V., 449, 452; L. to J. Davis, May, '65, 235; Geo. Shea, July 14, '65, 443-49; Sept. 19, '6S, 455; May 17, '66, 461; Mch. 15, 'dj, 469; L. to: from Geo. Shea, July 3, '65, 442; Aug. 3, '65, 449; Aug. 31, '65, 453; Oct. 20, ,'65, 456; May 16, '66, 461; May 21, '(>(>, 462; Mch. 16, '67, 470; Mch. 17. '(>T, 471- Davis, Wm., grant to, 498; , W. A., 33; -, Wm. B., 241. Dawson, Col., 190. Day, W. H., L. to: from Z. B. Vance, Aug. 19, '63, 423. "Dea del Mare, The," 131. Deadman, J. B-, dentist, 288. Dearing's Arty., 165, 318. Deas, G. W., 225; , Mrs., 48; , T. C, L. to T. M. Jack, Aug. 2, '(sz, 235; , W. A., 317- Deaths, at Elmira, 241; of prison- ers, 93; from disease, etc., 560- 61. DeBar, Mrs., L. to: from J. Bow- en, 194. DeBow's Review, per, 556. Debts, due Northern creditors, 360. Deed, of land, record in, 169. DeFontaine, F. G. printer, 526. Delafield, alias, the Count, 348. Dement, W. F., 355; L. to C. M. Braxton, Apr. 16, '64, 236. Dennis, R. F., et al., L. to: from W. N. R. Beall, Dec. 21, '64, 91. Denny, J. M., 46. Dent, F. T., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Dec. I, '64, 75; Jany. 5, '65, 77; Jany. 8, '65, 82; , J. C, 82. Dfentist, at post command, 288. Dentu, printer, Paris, 542-43. Deposit, cert, of, 366. Depository, escort to, 352. DePreist, E. E., L. to Kesling, 367. DeRenne, Mrs. M., 501; papers of, i3,Soi- Derrick, G., 268-69; L- to S. Coop- er, July 30, Nov. 9, '62, 236-37. DeSausseur, L. D-, L. to P. N. Page, 237. Index. 581 Descriptive Lists, 210, 211, 224, 232, 279, 360, 409. Deserters, arrest of, 224, 269, 307, 312; charges' against, 224, 248, 294, 394; execution of, 302; in other commands, 430; from hos- pitals, 17; en route to hospitals, ig, 20, 21, 29; from Louisiana troops, 166. Desertions, probability of, 381; reports on, 218, 423. Details, carpenter, 288; clerk, 279; delivery of, 188; to fortify, 204; leave work, 222; length of, 337; no furloughs to, 375; ordnance, 218, 303; requested change in, 203; request for, 368; return of, 367; teamster, 266; to arrest stragglers', 361. "Deutsches A-B-C Buch," 535. Dewey Inlet, 217. Diarrhoea, discharges for, 22. Diaries, of R. G. Halloway, 277; of J. R. Herbert, 272; of B. T. Marvin, 350; Thos. Pinckney, 365; of Tucker Randolph, 371; of C. Walker, 424. Dickinson, A. G-, 345-47; , J- J.. 198. Dillon, Robert, bill of, 84. Dimmock, C, 237; — , H. C, 490. Din'widdie, Va., 68, 271. "Diocese of Georgia, Fortieth Convention," 554. "Diocese of Texas, Twelfth Con- vention," 555. "Diocese of Virginia, Sixty-Sixth Convention," 555. Directors, not exempt, 330. Disability, causes for, 45, 46, 48, 49; cent, of, 399; clerks under, 419; from fever, 279; officer un- der, 425; -work of men under, 46, 218, 222, 323. Discharges, applications for, 222, 296; at end of term, 257; at Gov- ernor's request, 189; cert, of, 423; for disability, 22, 24, 399, 423, 433; for officers without commands, 228; from hospitals, 216; on account of old age, 247; permitted, 308. "Discourse on the Life of T. J- Jackson," 528. Disease, deaths from, 15, n; 560. Disinfectants, use of, 38. Dispatch, Richmond, 186. Dix, John A., L. ito: from W. A. Nichols, May 6, '65, 79. "Dixie," 252; — "Spelling Book," 537- Dixon, James, 464. Dodamead, Col., L. to: from D. H. Wood, July 8, '61, 433. Doggett, D. S., 553. "Donegal," H. M. S., 162. Donaldsmith Arty., return of, 350. Donelson, D. S., return by, 237. Donnan, A., 360; , W. S., 238. Doolittle, J. R., 464. Doss, R. P., rec. sig: by, 238. Doswell, T. W., 401. Douglas, H. K., 300; L. to Col. Mch. 29, '6s, 238; L. to: from J W. Lea, Feb. 17, '65, 314. Dowd, P., 337. Dowell, J. R., Tel. to: from J. D. Potts, June 6, '64, 60. Draper, Jno. H. & Co., 87. Drewry's Bluff, Va., force needed at, 53; quiet at, 54, 58; action at, 55, 58, 72, 183; map of, 488. See James River. Drills, ordered, 273, 286, 340, 342. Druggists, see Apothecaries. Drum corps, negro in, 229. Dubisson et Ce., 506, 534. Dublin, Va., Otey Battery at, 175. Dumfries, Va., movement against, 429. Dunbar, W. G., L. to L. B. Con- way, Dec. 6, '61, 238. Duncan, B. & Co., 535. Duncan, Wm. B., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Feb. 8, '6s, 84; Feb. 23, •65, 85. Duncan, Sherman & Co., remit commissions, 85; L. to W. N. R. Beall, Jany. 26, 27, 28, '65, 83; Jany. 28, Feb. 8, '65, 84; Feb. 13, Apr. 3, '65, 85; May 24, '65, 124; J. J. Lewis, Feb. i, '65, 84; L. to : from J. J. Lewis, Feb. 3, '65, 84. Dunham, L. O., 220. Dunnington, J. W., 499. bunnovant's Cav. (Dunnevant), 55, 3"- Dunnovant, John, Comn., 238. Dunstun, T. J., 220. Dutch Gap Canal, 66, 70, 181. E Early, J. A., L. to A. R. Boteler, S82 Index. Oct. 19, '64, 238-39; arty, with, 297; explains his losses in the Valley, 239; guns captured by, 246; movement against, 71; ord- nance for, 71; ordnance officer for, 345; troops sent to, 71; sig- nificance of defeat of, 179; L. (to: from R. E. Lee, Sept. 29, '64, 71- Early, Mr., 383. Eberhardt, Louis, rec. sig: by, 239- Echols, Arty, 240; 's Brig, 37°- Echols, John, L. to G. W. Ran- dolph, and W. B. Preston, Aug. IS, '62, 239. Eckenrode, H. J., 13. Edey, A. H., et al., L. to W. N. R. Beall, 99. Edmondson, R. B., 224; , H. A., 291. Edmunds, J. R., L. to: from L. E. Harvie, Oct. 15, '64, 271; , L., 271. Education, statistics of, s6o. "Edward, The," 131- Edward's Ferry, Va., 424. EfEnger, W. H., bravery of, 264. Ege, J. B. printer, 546. Eichelberger's Co., 413. Election, in the army, 383; notifi- cation of, 374; of officers, 256. "Elementary Arithmetic, An," 537. "Elements of Seamanship,'' 516. Elgy, (Elzey), Genl., 395. Eliot, George, 532. Ellett, L. N., 279. Elliott, Lelia, L. to: from S- Elliott, Jr., Nov. 26, '63, 239. Elliott, R. W. B., L. to S. Cooper, 239- Elliott, Stephen, address, 547; au- thor, 548-52, 554- Elliott, Stephen^ Jr., L. to Lelia Elliott, (q. v.); to W. F. Nance, Dec. 29, '64, Jany. 4, '65, 240; to L. D. DeSausseur, Jany. 28, '65, 240. Elliott, Wyatt M., 503. Ellis, J. W., Tel. to: from T. L. Clingman, Apr. 18, May 16, '61, 220-21; R. H. Cowan, Apr. 15, '61, 229; Jeffn. Davis, Apr. 19, '61, 232; J. A. Graves, May 27, '61, 264; Walter Gwyn, May 22, '61, 266; D. H. Hill, Apr. 18, '61, 274; J. Letcher, May 8, 27, '61, 329; J. C. McRae, Apr. 21, '61, 339; D. K. McRae, Apr. 17, 18, '61, 338; H. Masrfield, Apr. 22, '61, 338; P. M. Murphy, Apr. 23, '61, 355; M. Parkes, Apr. 18, May 21, '61, 359; S. J. Person, Apr. IS, '61, 363-64; F. W. Pick- ens, Apr. 18, '61, 364; F. L Thomas, May 29, '61, 421; Z. B. Vance, June i, '61, 423; J- D. Whitford, Apr. 18, '61, 429; L. S. Williams, Apr. 17, '61, 430; Council Wooten, Apr. 17, '61, 434; death of, 233. Elephantiasis, discharge for, 24. Elmira Prison, clerks at, 223, 407; register of deaths at, 241; pris- oners at, 79, 104, 99-102; sup- plies sent to, 99-102; number of prisoners at, 100; number of officers at, 99; expenses of agents at, 99; burying-ground for, 166. Ely's Ford, Va., forces at, 428. Elzey, A., S. O., 241; endor. by, 258. Embryology, discussed, 38. Emdley, James, 204. Emory, Va., Hospital, 27. Empire City, U. S. S., 125. Endorsations, forwarding of, 298; required, 342; wlien used, 412. Enfield District, S. C, 310. Engineers, Comns. of, 259, 334; on Davis' retreat, 260. "England andlthe Disrupted States of America," 542. England, spies in, 348; publica- tion of commission in, 557. Engle, Lieut., 208; L. to J. T. Brown, Oct. 31, '62, 241. Enlisted Men, promotion of, 322; nurses, 17. "Enlisted for the War," L. of, 241. Enlistment, 344; terms of, 342-43; under age, 329. Enquirer, Richmond, 186. Enquirer Book and Job Office, 530. Envelopes manufactured, 184. Eppes, T. J., 249. Erysipelas, cases treated, 556; cases, 32. Eskridge, T. P., 279. Essex and Middlesex Convention, minutes, 241. Index. 583 Estis, L. M., 320. Etheredge, W. H., 499. Eubank, J. L., 381; L. to J. A. Seddon, Apr. 20, '64, 242. Eubank, R. S-, L. to C. W. Par- ish, Mch. 18, '62, 242. "Euphrates, The," 148. "Eutawville Aid Asso.," 24a. Evacuation of Richmond, 249-53. Evangelical Tract Soc, 550, 561. Evans, G. H., 242; , G. P. & Co., 564-65. Evans & Cogswell, 507, 518, 521, 524, 545, 548. "Evidence Taken Before the Committee of the House, to In- quire Into the Treatment of Prisoners at Castle Thunder," 503- Evolutions, table of, 406. , Ewell, B. S., L. to J. T. Brown, July 18, '61, Jany. 19, '62, 243; L. to: from B. Bragg, Jany. 14, '63, 195; from J. E. Johnston, Apr. 6, '64, 306. Ewell, R. S., 239, 335, 363, 383, 404. L. to J. T. Brown, Sept. 11, , 13, '63, 243, 245; Oct. 23, Nov. 7; 63, 246; M. D. Hoge, Nov. 27, 63, 246; G. H. Steuart, Sept. 13, IS. 18, '63, 244-46; endor by, 209, 219, 323, 425; L. to: from J. T. Brown, Sept. 18, '63, 209; R. E. Lee, Apr. 4, '64, 325. Examiner, Richmond, 186. Examining Board, appearance be- fore, 302; appointment of, 326; powers of, 321; proceedings of, 402; report of, 425; urges reduc- tion, 394. Examination, for promotion, 320, 347- Exchange, cartel for, 315-16; re- quest for, 275, 313, 408; special, 358; at Fort Pulaski, 78. Execution, of deserters, 302; of soldiers, 45. Executive Mansion, 234. Exemption, for Prussian, 380; for. apothecaries, 49-50. Exportation, regulations for, 324, 325- "Extract from a Sermon," 547. Eyster, G. H., voucher of, 246. "Ezra's Dilemma," 548. "F," L. to A. M. Barbour 497. "F," Miss MolUe, 200. "Facts and Suggestions Relative to Finance and Currency," 541. Factories, as hospitals, 27, 29. Fairfax, A. B., L. to : from D. V. Ingraham, July 31, '61, 280. Fairfax, Randolph, sketch of, 527. Fairfield, Miss, L. to: from T. J. Jackson, Sept. 16, '62, 293. Falkner's Partizan Rangers, 247. Falkner, W. C, L. to T. L. Snead, Aug. 8, '62, 247. Falligant, Lieut, 247. Falling Waters, Va., 207. Fanning, Thomas, 247. Farm, of Mr. Davis, 267. Farmers, unwilling to sell, 422. Farragutt, D. G., may attack Charleston, 69; L. to W. N. R. Beall, Dec. 22, '64, 81. Farrish, C. W., 242. Farrow & Dennett, 552. Fasting, Day of, 234, 254, 331, 354. Fauquier Arty., 408. "Favorite, The," 149. Fayette Arty., 338- Fayetteville Arsenal, 221. Featherman, A., 247, 272. Federal forces, advance into Rich- mond, 251; at Buchanan, 30; burn houses at Liberty, Va., 30; at Ware Bottom Church, 51; at Signal Hill, 327; moving on Chester, 52; along James river, 52, 69, 71; to seize railroad, 53; move against Barton's Brig., 54; at Baldwin's, 56; at How- lett's', 61. Feilden, H. W., L. to: from G. LeGardeur, Jany. 21, '63, 256. Fenner's Arty., 248. Femur, necrosis of, discharge for 24. Ferguson, L. W., L. to M. G. Hudson, Feb. 7, '6s, 247. Ferneyhough, E. M., death of, 372. Fevers, eruotive, reported, 556. Fickle, J. M., 248. Ficklin, B. F., Comn. of, 247; — , Maj., 237. Field, C. W., L. to: from R. E. Lee, Aug. 25, '64, 68; E. M., 247. 584 Index. Field, H., L. to J. Davis, Nov. 19, '63, 247. "Field Manual for Use of Officers on Ordnance Duty," 506. Finance, Dufif Green's views, 541; statistics of Confederate, 560. Finegan, Jos., 45, 414; command of, 184, 188; order of, 248. Finlay, Duncan, 365. Finney, C. M., deserter, 248. Finney, E. W., L. to Sec. of War, 248; L. to: from J- W. Gill, et al., 259; Robt. Saunders, Mch. 20, '62, 391; death of, 392. "First Dixie Reader, The," 535. "First Year of the War, The," 522. Fisher, J. K., 391. Fisher, Mrs. J. M., L. to Miss E. Campbell, 248. Fite, J. A., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Dec. 19, 28, '6s, no; Feb. 9, '65, 112. Fitzgerald House, 194. Fitzgerald, J. P., 493; report of, 248; L. to G. Williamson, Feb., '64, 249. Fitzhugh, Norman, imprisoned, 77, 82. Fitzhugh, N. R., L. to: from R. E. Lee, Dec. 31, '62, 320; detail of, 327. Fladigant, Robt, statement of, 249. Flag, presentation of, 355; pur- chase of, 434; marking of, 268; design for, 187; of ist Md. 'Regt., 421. Flag-of-Truce, 306. Fleet's Battery, 319. Fleming, Robt, 537. Florida, conditions in, 276; troops in, 413; preparations for defence of, 188; resolution of Legisla- ture of, 249. Florida Cav., Second, 413. Florida Infty., ist Regt., 195, 242; 1st Batln, 414; 2d, m. r. of, 491; 2d, vote of thanks to, 225; 6th, 413; 7th, 533; Lang's Co., m. r. of, 491; Ocklawaha Rifles, m. r. of, 491. Florence, Ala., hospital, 421. Flower, A. & J., authors, 538. Floyd, R. F., 491. Fluellen, E. A., L. to : from T. P. Bailey, Feb. 2, '64, 44. Fluvanna Arty., roster, 495. Fontaine, Mary A., L. to Mrs. M. B. Sayre, Apr. 30, '65, 249. Forage, abstracts of, 429; collec- tion of, 231, 306; for horses, 221, 36s; issued, 230, 249, 354, 399; -prices of, 355; procured, 308, 363; receipt for, 371; re- fusal of, 306; requisition for, 357; sale of 242; scarcity of, 306. Forberg, Aug., endor. by, 237. Forbes, J. C, 494; , J- F-, 242. Ford, S. R., author, 525. Foreigner, exemption of, 380. Form, for receipts, 313. Forrey, J. W., 459, 460. Forrest, J., L. to S. S. Lee, Nov. 28, '61, 253. Forrest, N. B., 263, 387; L. to, 254- Fort Delaware, 78; diary of life at, 365; prisoners at, 103-06; supplies' sent to, 103, 104, 105; number of prisoners at, 105; transfers to, 107. Fort Columbus, prisoners at, 102- 103; supplies to, 102-103; Tex- ans at, 103. Fort Donelson, 421. Fort Fisher, Whiting at, 299. Fort Grafton, Va., 206. Fort Jackson, 255. Fort Johnson, S. C, 240. Fort Johnson, 414. Fort Lafayette, 76; prisoners at, 106-107; rations' to, 106; sup- plies sent to, 106-107; transfers from, 107. Fort Lamar, 260. Fort McAllister, defence of, 353; inspected, 264. Fort McHenry, prisoners at, 107- 108; transfers from, 107; sup- plies to, 107-108. Fort Macon, N. C, 434. Fort Monroe, pass at, 462. Fort Pike, officers sent to, 422. Fort Pulaski, defence of, 39i; force at, 426; ne-wspaper at, 314; prisoners at, 78. Fort Sumter, 193; affairs around, 239; capture of, 185, 523; sink- ing of monitor near, 278. Fort Wagner, supplies for, 248. Fort Warren, prisoners transfer- red to, 107; prisoners at, 108-10; Index. 585 supplies requested for, 108; sup- plies sent to, 109-10. Fortifications, at Fort Pulaski, 426; on James' Island, 262; ne- groes to work on, 167, 272,-394. Foster, Genl., 78; , W. F., 260. Foster, J. G., L. to S. Jones, July I, '64, 254. Fouerden, W. H., 551. Foundry, destruction of a, 30. Foute, Mrs. G. P., L. to: from E. G. Davis, May 18, '64, 232; J. S. Davis, May 15, '64, 234. Francis, J. G., 138. Franklin, Tenn., prisoners from, 93- Franklin Printing House, 540, 544. Franks, R. M., 332. Fraser, Trenholm & Co., 191. Frazer, P. F., 493. Frederick, Col., 224. ' Fredericksburg, Va., advance on, 381, 386; contributions for peo- ple of, 254, 297-98; Federal re- treat from, 231, 382; ladies of, 267; m,ap of battle-field of, 488; quiet at, 392; to be bombarded, 381. Free Negroes, as nurses, 17; as officers' servants, 17; conscript- ed, 394- Freeman, A. W., 14; , W. B., 14. Freedmen's Bureau, 476. Fremantle, Lt.-Col., 526. French, E. M. T., L. to Jefferson Davis, Feb. 20, '63, 254; , M., 266. French, S. B., Endor. by, 331; L. to : from W. Hampton, Sept. 24, '62, 267; T. J. Jackson, Apr. 20, '63, 299. French, S. G., order of, 254. Freneau, Peter, 498. Front Royal Academy, 23. Front Royal, Va., engagement at, 213; troops at, 297; hospital at, 16; accommodations, 17, 18, 19, 23; enlargement of, 17, 19; aban- doned, 23. Frost, G. H., comns. of, 254-55; , parole of, 255; assigned to duty, 334; order to, 422. Frothingham, O. B., 467-68. Fry, B. O., L. to J. Wheeler, Jan. 18, '65, 255; endor. by, 269; L. to: from B. N. Harrison, Apr. 27, '6s, 269. Fry, Henry, L. to G. H. Steuart, Apr. 2, '64, 225; L. to: from same, Apr. 2, '64, 405. Fry, Lieut., 317. Fulkerson, S. V., L. to W. B. Tal- iaferro, Feb. 20, '62, 255; W. B. Pendleton, Apr. 21, '62, 255-56; L. to : from T. J. Jackson, Mch. 10, '62, 292. "Full and Detailed History of the Siege of Vicksburg, A," 522. "Funeral Services at the Burial of L. Polk," 548. Furloughs, applications for, 298, 335; difficulty of securing, 175, 176, 386; for convalescents, 17, 22, n. 22; for temporary dis- ability, 242; notification of, 44; to visit Nashville, Tenn., 280. Fuzes, Boerman and Worden, 323; McEvoys, 336. Gaillard, C, 373; L. to W. T. Taliaferro, Dec. 28, '64, 256. Gaillard, E. S., L. to: from B. Blackford, Sept. 24, '64, 31. Gallaher, C. G., see S. F. Cole- man. Gamble, J. B., L. to: from Si Jones, Apr. i, '65, 309. Gangrene, cases affected with, 32. Garber, A. M-, 293. Gardner, J. B., 197; , F., L to: from S. B. Maxey, Apr. 7, '63, 351- Gardeur, G. Le, L. to H. W. Feil- den, Jany. 21, '63, 256. Garland, Samuel, Jr., 256. Garner, G. G., L. to B. Bragg, Aug. 13, '61, 256; L. to: from J. P. Anderson, Nov. 13, '61, 166. Garnett, A. Y. P., 48; , J- M., 411. Garnett, T. M., L. to: from J. W. Lea, Jany. 25, '63, 313. Garnett, T. S., list sig: by, 257. Garrett, H. A., L. to : from J. W. Jackson, Dec. 3, '62, 281. Garrett, W. R., 204; 's Batty., 340- Garrison, W. L., 464. Garthright, J. S., 226. 586 Index. Gartrell, L. J., L. to S. Jones, 256. Gary, G. W., printer, 565. Gas, illuminating, bill for, 185. Gadsden, W. W., L. to G. H. Steu- art„ Apr. 13, '64, 257. Gassoway, S., discharge of, 257. Gay, E. S-, doc. sig: by, 258. "General Orders from Adjutant and Inspector-Gen'I's Office," 506. "General Pike, The," 149. "General Williams, The," 149, George Henderson, 203. Georgia, C. S. S., log of, 351. Georgia, coast defences of, 171; poverty of, 386; secession of 397; troops from, 561. Georgia Cavalry, 4th and sth, 414; Warring's Hussars, 491. Georgia Infty., 414; ist, 255, 410, 488; 3rd, 113; 4th, 224; 6th, 212; nth, 224; i2th Batln., 210; 13th Batln., 210; 14th, 224; isth, 113, 312; i8th Batln., 354; 19th, 212; 23d, 212, 224; 27th, 212, 224; 28th, 212, 224; 32d, 169, 212, 227, 270, 413. 414; 38th, 491; 49th, 356; S4th, 227,311; 63 d, 354.414. "Geography for Beginners, A," 539- Geographies, 538!!. "Geographical Reader, The," 538. Gepson, T. S., 246. Gettysburg, casualties at, 356, 561; description of, 384; routes to, 487. Gibbons, S. A. C, L. to Lieut. Sauntey, 258. Gibson, A. A., 109; endor. by, 108; . C, 258; . J. W., 45; , W. D., 377- "Gideon's Water-Lappers," 549. Giles, C. H., 173; — , Guards, 434. Giles, T. T., 304, 375- Gilham, Wm., author, 517, 518. Gill, E. H., 49; — , supt, Tel. to: from J. G. Corley, 66-67. Gill, J. W., et al., L. to E. W. Fin- ney, Sept. 8, '62, 259. Gilliam, W. A., 494; comn. 259. Gilmer, J. F., 164, n. 4; 170; or- ders of, Apr. 27, '65, 261 ; bill of, 261; comn. of, 259-60; report of, 260; requisition of, 260; maps of, 486; L. to: from G. T. Beau- regard, Jany. 20, '64, 187; J. .T. Clarke, Nov. 15, '64. 220; W. H. James, Feb. 12, '65, 299; S. Jones, Sept. 19, '64, 308; A. Por- ter, Feb. 21, '63, 366; E. B. Tay- lor, Aug. 16, '62, 420; receipts to, 220, 368. Gilmour, Mrs. M., L. of, 362. Girardy fuze, 219. "Girl I Left Behind Me, The," 252. Gist, J. R., L. to Capt. Brewer, Jany. 7, '61, 262. Gist, W. M., L. to his wife, Nov. IS, '62, 262. Gladke, J., 99. Glen Allen, Va., 277. Gloucester (Va.) militia, 341. "Godfrey, D., The," 129. "God's Presence With Our Army,,' 549. "God's Presence with the Confed- erate States," 549. Godwin, Mr., 265. Goetzel, S. H., 525, 526, 530, 532, 536; & Co. 486, 519, 520. Goggan, John, 303. Goggin, J. M., L. to: from P. J. Semmes, Nov. 25, '62., 393. Gold, sale of, 366. Goldin, Thos., killed, 213. Goldsborough, L. M., L. to: from J. Tattnall, Apr. 17, '62, 419. Gonorrhoea, soldiers with, 23. Gonzales, A. J., reports, 260, 262. Goochleind, cavalry, 226. Goode, Jas. E., 504, 513, 564. Goode, John, Jr-, L. to Jefferson Davis, Feb. 16, '63, 262; L. to: from G. W. Leyburn, Jany. 24, '63, 331. Goodman, ., 197. Goodwyn, M. P., L. to: from S. R. Mallory, Sept. 25, '63, 343- Goodwyn, McG-, L. to: from C. W. McLellan, Jany. i, '63, 337. Gordon, D. H., L. to his wife, June 12, '64, 263. Gordon G. A., 542; L. to W. B. Taliaferro, June I, '63, 263. Gordon, N. K., L. to Jeffn. Davis, Sept. I, '64, 263. Gordon, W. W., 290, 353; eiidor. by, 372; L. to: from J. Reeves, Mch. 28, '62, 372. Gordon's Cavalry, 372. Gordonsville, Va., 328, 392. Gorgas, J., 346; L. to J-T. Brown, Aug. 2, '61, 263; circulars, 263; Index. 587 endor, by, 377; L. to: from W. H. Richardson, Jany. 3, '63, 375. Gosport, Va., arsenal at, 253. Gottlieb, J., L. to S. Abeles, June 12, '61, 264. Gournay, de, Capt., 340. "Government or no Government," 541- Governor's Guard, of Va., 498. Gracie, A., Tel. to T. O. Chest- ney, May 7, '64, 51; death of, 182. Graham, A., L. to J. T. Brown, Nov. 18, '63, 264; — 's Battery, 209; , I. G., 210. "Grandpa and One of His Sto- ries," 530. Granger, G., 83; L. to D. H. Maury, Dec. 7, 25, '64, 8i; L. to from H. W. Halleck, Nov. 19, '64, 80; D. H. Maury, Dec. 12, 22, '64, 81. Grant, M. B., 487; — , Robt., 264. Grant, R. E., L. to W. B. Talia- ferro, Feb. 24, '64, 264. Grant, U. S., 73, 75-76, 80, 82, 104, 149, 326, 389. Gratiot St. Prison, 90. Grattan, T. C, author, 542. Graves, J. A., Tel. to J. W. Ellis, May 27, '61, 264; , J. T. 246. Gray, Capt., 420; , H. J., 304; , W. F., 377, 379. Greeley, Horace, 443, 447, 448, 449. 450, 460, 463, 465, 470, 473, 477; L. to J. A. Andrew, Aug. 14, '66, 465; F. P. Blair, Aug. 29, '65, 452; Geo. Shea, Aug. 28, '65, '67. 473; memorial of, 467; pow- 452; July 28, '66, 463; Sept. 4, er of attorney of, 462, 477; L. to from Gerritt Smith, Aug. 24, '66, 468. Green, DufF, author, 541. Green, D. S., L. to: from B. Blackford, May 21, '62, 19. Greenbner River, Va., map of, 488. Greenhow, Mrs. author, 526. ■Greensboro, N. C-, 64. Greer, J. W., 261. Gregg, Jno., 332, 490; Tels. to: from R. E. Lee, Sept., '64, 69-70. Gregory, Capt., ordnance for, 67. Grenades, sent Williamson, 67. Grice, G. W., 367. Griffin, D. L-, 357. Griffith, J. O., printer, 512. Grigeby, A., 294. Grigsby, Col., L. to: from R. H. Anderson, Jany. 15, '65, 166. Grimball, Lieut., 136, 151, 156, 158, 163, n. 17. Grimes, C. F., 495; 's Batty., 318; 's Mounted Arty., m. r. of, 495- Grogan, M. A., 357, 492. Groner, V. D., L. of, 265. Grubbs, John L., 317. Grymes, Surgeon, 291. Guard, at prison, 420; instructions for, 406; duty, at Harper's vFerry, 282ff; house, escape from, 249. Guigon, A. B., 278. Guild, L., endor. by, 219. Guinea's Station, Va., 231. Gunboat, built by women, 310. Gunshot wounds, characteristics of apertures, 33, 34, 40; appear- ance of, 33; healing of, 34, 35; suppuration of, 34; aneurism following, 36; cases', with com- plications, 39; treatment of, 42- 43- Gunsmiths, lists of, 257, 360, 361, 411. Gwathmey, W. H., surgeon, 49. Gwyn, C. L., 46; , Walter, 329; Tel. to J. W. Ellis, May 22, '61, 266. Gwyther, J. M., L. to R. W. Hun- ter, Apr. 30, '64, 266. "Gypsy, The," 149. H. Haemorrhage, and ligation, 35; from anterior tibial artery, 35; surgical applications in cases of, 36; discussed, 36; traumatic, 41; cases of, 41; forms of, 41. Hagerstovm, Md., 320. Hagood, J., 187. Halbent, J. L., 493. Hall, F. M., L. to P. N. Page, Aug. 9, '64, 266; , J. W., 46; , W. A., 522. Halleck, H. W., L. to G. Granger, Nov. 19, '64, 80; H. E. Paine, Dec. 20, '64, 76; R. O. Tyler, Apr. 6. '6S, 86; Endor. by, 79; L. to: from W. N. R. Beall, Dec. 19, '64, 76; Dec. 22, '64, 76. q88 Index. Haller, Surgeon, 290. Halyburton, Judge J. D., 279, 375. Hamilton, A. J., 266; , D. H., 264, 266. Hamlet, Mrs. W. N., 13. Hampton, Wade, 63, 64; L. to S. B. French, Sept. 24, '62, 267; B. T. Johnson, Mch. 14, '64, 267, R. E. Lee, Dec. s, '64, 267; G. O. 6, Series 1864, 267; Tel. to from T. G. Barker, n. d., 71; at Stony Creek, 64, 71; location of, 66; advance of, 68; beef-raid of, 179. Hancock, T. W., 48. Handy, Jnc, L. to Jeffn. Da!vis, Jany. 9, '63, 267; L. to: from same, Jany. 25, '63, 233. Hankins, A. H., 204. Hanks, W. J., L. to: from W. J. Armstrong, 168. Hanleiter, C. R., L. to G. A. Mer- cer, May 25, '63, 267. Hanover Junction, Va., Lee moves his army to, 389. Hardaway, R. A., return by, 268; Batln. of, 209; Batty, of, 345. Hardee, W. J., 70; L. to S. Jones, 268; Circular of, Apr. 21, '64, 268; author, 520; — ' — 's Tactics, 520. Hardee, T. S., 486. Harden, Jas., 236, 239, 331 ; Comn. of, 268-69; papers of, 269. Hardy, J. C, 269; , P. D., 349, 254-55- Harllee, E. P., 269; L. to: from Capt. Reid, Jany. 13, '65, 372. Harman, A. W., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Jany. 3, '65, iii. L. to: from J. G. W. Steadman, Jany. I, '65, iii; , J. A., 296; , Maj., 293, 363; , W. H., 285. Harmon, Maj., 309. Harness, inferiority of, 306; re- quisition for, 400. Harny, G. M., L. to W. T. Talia- ferro, June 7, '63, 269. Harod's Mill (Harold's), 330. Harper, Kenton, 284. Harper's Ferry, Va., Jackson sent to, 315; post orders at, 282 ff; proposed attack on, 497; re- ports of, 295; Steuart at, 305. Harrington's, S. C, 416. Harris, Col., 22; , D. B., re- port on armament, 260; Tel. to: from G. T. Beauregard, Aug. II, '64, 65; virounding of, 259. Harrison Loan, arrangement of, 12; contents' of, 51. Harrison, B. N., 235; L. to B. O. Fry, Apr. 27, '65, 269; Col., 227, 413. , D. C, sketch of, 528; , G. E., L. to P. N. Page, Jany. 30, '65, 270; , G. P., Jr., L. to R. K. Meade, Mch. 27, '63, 270; , Geo. P., 188; — — , Mumford, 390; , Miss S. B., 13; , Thos,, L. to Miss N , Apr. 11, 'Cs, 270. Harrisonburg, Va., Federals at, 292. Hart, W. T., L. to A. L. Long, Nov. 16, '64, 270. Hartz, W. A., Cert, of, 75. Harvey, W. L., transfer of, 225. Harvie, L. E., L. to J. R. Ed- munds, Oct. IS, '64, 271. Harvie, W. O., 172; invoices and rolls of, 271-72; L. to: from J. A. Selden, Jany. 12, '62, 392. "Harwich," The, 130. Harwood's Mill, Va., 206. Haskell, Battery, 198. Hassel, B., 535. Hassell, Wm., report by, Dec. 29, '64, 276. Haut, Marc de, author, 542. Hawes, Lieut., 317; , S. H., 408. Hawkins Battery, 340. Hawkins, Pvt., 23rd Va., 249. Hawkins, W. S., 91 ; L. to W. N. R. Beall, Dec. 22, '64, 91; Mch. 2, 8, II, 14, IS, '65, 92; Mch. 17, 28, Apr. s, '65, 93; Apr. 10, 16, 24, '64, 94- Haxall and Crenshaw, 436-37; , Miss Agnes, 48; , Mrs. W. H., L. to J. T. Brown, Mch. 13, '63, 272. Hayes, Genl., 79. Haymaker, Geo., 357. Hay-press, patent on, 272. Heath, Miss Kitty, 48. Heavy Artillery, instructions, 516. Helm, Col., 482, 483; , G. M., 261. Hemstead, Beall, 79. Hender, D. E., 490. Henderson, J. L., 45. Hendrick, W. Y., 272; , Wm., 491. Index. S89 Henkel, D. H., transfer of, 293. Henrico, Co., Va., map of, 488. Henry, E. M., 494; , W. W., 51; generosity of heirs of, 51. "Henry VIII and His Court,..." 530. Henson, John, 272. Herald, New York, 191. Herbert, J. R., diary of, 272. Herndon, D., 46. , J. N., 238. Heth, Henry, 311; L. to J. L. Lane, July 12, '63, 273; assumes .command in W. Va., 173; opin- ion of, 174; command of, 273. Hewitt, John H., 533. Hick's Ford, Va., attack on, 267. Hill, A. P., 289, 290, 291, 311, 322, 400; L. to R. E. Lee, Oct. 13, '64, 273; S. O. 2, May 16, '61, 273; assigned to duty, 288; com- mand of, 301, 328; L. to: from R. E. Lee, Jany. 20, '6s, 328; sketch of, 527. Hill, C. W., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Feb. 8, '6s, m. Hill, D. H., 340, 345, 346; Tel. to J. W. Ellis, Apr. 18, '61, 274; L. to J. T. Brown, Apr. 8, '62, 274; S. O. 6, Sept. 21, '61, 274; S. O., Jany. 24, '65, 274; author- ization of, 274. L. to: from J. T. Brown, Apr. 22, 27, Sept. 27, '62, 207; from J. E. Johnston, Apr. 22, '62, 305; from R. E. Lee, July 23, '62, 315; from G. W. Randolph, June 29, '61, 368; assignment of, 305; Arty, sent to, 297; division of, 313; loca- tion of, 231. Hill, F. D., illness of, 235. Hill, Jas. H., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Feb. 20, 21, '65, 102; Feb. 24, 26, '6s, 103. Hilton Head, S. C, forces at, 415; prisoners from, 104. Hindman, T. C, sketch of, 527. Hines, H. K., 427; lists of, 275. Hip Joint, excision of, 37. Hipkins, Mrs. Jno., L. to R. Ould, July 2, 19, '63, 27s; , Jno., Jr., exchange of, 275; imprison- ment of, 331. Hinricks, O., L. to: from D. H. Cockrill, Jany. 29, '63, 222. Hinton, Mrs. W. E„ L. to: from W. M. Willcox, June 19, '62, 431- Hirsch, Hermann, L. to B. F. McKinne, June 12, '63, 275-76. "Historic Significance of the Southern Revolution, " 522. History, contemporary -works on, 52ifr. Hix, John S., 246, 354. Hobart, Capt., 309. Hobson's Bay, 136, 139. Hoffman, J. T., 477; , W., L. to W. N. R. Beall, July 28, '65, 80; H. E. Paine, 78; Endor. by, 79- Hog Island, S. C, 394. Hog statistics, 560. Hoge, M. D., et al., L. to J. L. M. Curry, Feb. 14, '62, 276; L. to: from R. S. Ewell, Nov. 27, '63, 246; J. E. Johnston, Feb. IS, '64, 306; R. E. Lee, Mch. 10, '64, 323; J. Longstreet, Dec. 13, '64. 334; J. E. B. Stuart, Nov. 21, '63, 408. Hoge, W. J., author, 528. Hogton, Sir H. de, 529. Hoke, R. F., Tel. to B. Bragg, May II, '64, 56, 57; May 13, '64, 57; command of, 57, 388. Holcombe, E. L., L. to W. B. Taliaferro, Apr. i, '64, 276; Cert, of, 276. HoUaday, L., 48. Holland, W. A., report by, 276. HoUiday, Col., 299; . Maj., III. Hollins, G. N., sketch of, 527; comns. of, 277. HoUoway, R. G., diary of, 277. Holly Springs, Miss., 555. Holmes, Tl H., 69, 233, 397. Holt, Cadet, 287. Homer, C. M., 277. Hood, A., 271. Hood, John B., 305, 527; com- mand, 318. Hooker, Col., 475; , Jos., 80. Hopkins, Josephine, Comn., 277. Hopkins, Hull & Co., 107-08; L. to W. N. R. Beall, 124. Hopwood, P. H., disability of, 48. Horses, condition of, 350; con- demned, 333; for Arty., 365; forage for, 230, 231, 357, 365, 399; injuries to, 167; protection of, 34S; purchase of, 199, 277, 404; report on, 206, 364, 390; requisition for, 343; scarcity of. 59° Index. 278, 306, 372; shoes for, 195; supply of, 422; starving, 307; to be impressed, 275; transfer of, 347; transportation of, 309; val- uation of 199, 211, 430. Hospitals, accommodations at, 20, 21, 23, 26, 29, 30; account book of, 47; appointment of surgeon in, 421; arrangement of, 38; at Amelia C. H., 225; at Florence, Ala., 421; at Richmond, 564; at Tignor's, 278; bedding in, 25; case-book of, 47; churches as, 18; conditions in, 16, 27; con- tagious, 18; convalescents in, 17, 29; deaths in, 47; destruc- tion of records of, 15; dis- charges from, 22, 24; effects of soldiers dying in, 25; establish- ment of, 316; fare and diet at, 24; for prisoners, conditions, 119-20; for regiment, 211; for sick prisoners, 219; form of dis- charge from, 216; furlough- book of, 47; inspection of, 274; isolation wards at, 32; library of, 32; material on, 11; no guards at, 45; nurses in, 17. nurses in, do military service, 32; patients with certain dis- eases in, 23; registers' of, 47, 49; removal of, at approach of enemy, 30; reports of, around Richmond, 45; reports of, to be prepared, 25; seizure of build- ings for, 22; small-pox at, 24; steward of, gets leave of ab- sence, 335 ; supplies in, 25-26; supplies for, 46; surgeons in, use supplies, 48; tents at, 30; ventilation of, 31-32; Way , 26, 30, 48. Houck, J. W., assigned, 289. House of Representatives, mem- bers of, 564. "How to Renew our National Strength,..." 549. Howard, McHenry, 228; L. to A. S. Pendleton, Apr. 6, '64, 277. Howard, W. K., see A. H. Edey. Howell, David, 246; ,Mrs.M. L., L. to Geo. Shea, Aug. 14, '6s, 451; Sept. 13, '6s, 455; Oct. '6s, 457; L. to, see Geo. Shea. Howell, R. H., 487- Howitzers, Richmond, see Rich- mond Howitzers. Howlett's, Va., advance on, 61; forces near, 60-61, 72. Hudnall, H., 204, 206; L. to J. T. Brown, Feb. 8, 28, '62, 277-78; L. to : from W. M. Archer, Feb. 16, '62, 167; from L. W. Fergu- son, Feb. 7, '65, 247. Huger, B., 518; , Genl., 420. Huger's Arty., m. r. of, 495. Huggings, J. H., 204. Hughes, M. T., 493. Hughes, S. P., L. to J. T. Brown, n. d., 278; L. to: from J. Taylor, 420. Hughson's Co., Reserves, 335. Hugo, Victor, author, 531. Huguenin, T. A., L. to P. N. Page, Jany. 16, '65, 278; to P. Kemp, Jany. 16, '65, 279. HuUihen, W. Q., list of, 279. Hume, — . — ., 265. Humerus, excision of the, 38. Hundred's Road, forces on, 53. Hunt, Col., 340; - — , Engr., 156, 159; . J- D., see A. W. Cockrill. Hunt, Thos., petition against, 279; , Thomas and Co., 279. Hunter, J., 192; , J. A., 279. Hunter, R. M. T., 225. Hunter, R. W., 301-02, 326, 403, 428; Receipt of, 166; L. to: from H. A. Brown, Apr. 12, '64, 203; from J. M. Gwyther, Apr. 30, '64, 266. Hunter, W. W., 329; orders of, 280. Hunter's Raid, at Liberty, Va., 31; at Lynchburg, Va., 31, n. 43- Hunton's Brig., to advance, 55. Hurdle, Mrs., 249. Huston, G. W., court-martialed, 294. . Hutton and Freligh's Southern Magazine, per., 556. Hydrography, Bureau of Naval Ordnance and, 199. "Illustrated Alphabet," 535. "Immortal Six Hundred." 104. Importation, rules for, 309. Impressment, a p p 1 i c a tion for, 307; of mule, 266; disapproved, 422. Index. 591 Inauguration, prayer at, 349. Incapacity, temporary, 235, 242. Incompetency, regulations for as- certaining, 321. "Index, The," per, 557. Indian affairs, regulations for, 509; , relations, 560. Indictment, for bribery, 272. "Infantry Tactics," 516. Ingalls, O. M., furloughed, 280. Ingraham, D.V., L. to A. B.Fair- fax, July 31, '61, 280. Ink, price of, 192; to brighten, 565. Insignia, plates of, 538. Inspection, authorized, 274; of de- fences, 312; of hospitals', 274. Inspectors, appointed, 228; re- ports of, 298; relief of, 313. "Instructions for Heavy Artil- lery," 516-517. Interest, on government sec, 352. Intoxication, at evacuation of Charleston, 415; Early denies, 239- Invalid Corps, placement on, 362. Invoice, delivered Mrs. Johnson, 312; for ambulance, 428. Irby, Richard, receipt to, 230. Iredell, Cad. J., L. of, 280. Irving, J. H., 356;— W. A., 377. Irwin, W. H., statement, 280. "Isabella," The, 149. Jack, T. M., L. to: from J. C. Breckinridge, Dec. 13, '62, 198; T. C. Deas, Aug. 2, '63, 235. Jackson, A., Jr., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Feb. 25, Mch. 25, 27, 28, '65, 109; Apr. I, '65, no. Jackson, Archy, 331 ; — Arty, 349. Jackson, J^ D., L. of, 280. Jackson, J. W., 393, 410; L. to H. A. Garrett, Dec. 3, '62, 281; W. B. Taliaferro, Aug. 7, '62, 281. Jackson, T. J., 189, 207, 231, 320, 376, 381; L. to L. O'B. Branch, June 26, '62, 292; Sept. 8, '62, 293; J- T. Brown, Oct. 8, '62, 294; Nov. 4, 7, '62, 297; Nov. 10, '62, 297; S. Cooper, Feb. 4, '63, 298; Miss Fairfield, Sept. 16, '62, 293; S. B. French, Apr. 20, '63, 299; S. V. Fulkerson, Mch. 10, '62, 292; B. T. Johnson, Feb. 4, •63, 298; Feb. 7, '63, 299; E. Johnson, Apr. 25, '62, 292; J. R. Jones, Sept. 14, '62, 293; Oct. g, '62, 295; Oct. 10, '62, 295; Oct. 16, '62, 296; T. G. Rhett, Dec. 21, '61, 292; W. B. Taliaferro, Dec. 29, '62, 297; W. T. Talia- ferro, Jany. 21, '63, 298. Orders: series 1862, S. O. 171, 292; S. O. 251, v., 293; G. O. 102, 103, 105, 296; G. O. no, 296; G. O. 117, 297; endor. by, 166, 222, 307; or- der-book of, at Harper's Ferry, 1861, 281-291; L. to: from R. E. Lee, Sept. 21, '62, 316; at Sharpsburg, 293; biographies of, 528-29; deserters from army of, 20; effect of wounding of, 383; has Napoleon's Maxims, 510; map used by, 490; sketch of, 527; Valley campaign of, 212-14, 528; circulars of, 293, 29s, 297. Jackson's Division, 356-57. Jackson, W. H., order of, 299. James, Benj., 265; , W. H-, L. to J. F. Gilmer, Feb. 12, '65, 299. James' Island, advance against, 379; armament of, 260; ord- nance on, 262; troops on, 224. James River, 64; canal on, 66; Federal forces on, 52, 71; fleet on (May-June,' 64), 53, 58, 59, 60, 60-61, 62, 63, 67, 70-72; Lee crosses, 62; map of, 489; ob- structions on, 52, 53, 56, 58. Jamison, S. G., 299, 353. Jefferson Co., Va., troops, 283. Jeffries, E. H., 492. Jennings, , 95. Jenkins, J. C, 218; , J. J., 360; , Micah, 384; wounding of 203. "Jireh Swift, The," 149. "John Frazer," The," 138. "John Marchamont's Legacy," 531- John's Island, 193, 335. Johns, E. W., 46; L. to J- C. En- gle„ Aug. II, '62, 46; , Jno., 546. Johnson, Andrew, 447, 458; L. to: from Gerrit Smith, Aug. 24, '66, 488; expresses no opinion on Davis trial, 454; Mason on pol- icy of, 482; memorial to, 467; prejudice of, against Davis, 444. 592 Index. Johnson, A. J., 121; , Mrs. B., 187. Johnson, B. T-, 257; comns. of, 299-300; L. to Wm. Sutton, May 16, '64, 300; L. to: from A. & I. G. O., 227; W. Hampton, Mch. 14, '64, 300; T. J. Jackson, Feb. 4. 7. '63, 298-99. Promotion of, 300; recommended, 298, 423; in- voice, 312. Johnson, Mrs. B. T., 336; L. to: from A. Tolson et al., 421. Johnson, E., 273, 326, 403; L. to G. H. Steuart, June 4, '63, 300; June II, 12, 17, July 6, 11, '63, 301; Sept. 4, Dec. 29, '63, 302; Feb. 18, '64, 302; Apr. 6, '64, 303; 5. O. 122, series 1863, 300; en- dor, by, 219, 404; L. to: from T. J. Jackson, Apr. 25, '62, 292; R. E. Rhodes, July 6, '63, 380. Johnson, Mrs. J. C, 222; , J. R., 318; , L., 537; , M., 319- Johnson, P. C, L. to P. N. Page, May 4, '64, 303; , S. I., 198; , T. C, 303, 427; , W. J., 381 ; 's Batty., 363. Johnson's Island, prisoners at, 110-12; autographs, 356; , prefer provisions, no; , number of, no; in hospitals', III. Johnston, A., 304. Johnston, A. S., L. to L. Polk, Mch. 14, '62, 304; G. O. 8, series '62, 304. Johnston, D., 374; , G., 304. Johnston, Joseph E., 281 ; L. to E. P. Alexander, Feb. 6, '62, 305; B. S. Ewell, Apr. 4, '64, 306; D. H. Hill, Apr. 22, '62, 305; M. D. Hoge, Feb. 15, '64, 306; S. O., June 22, '61; G. O., Apr. 18, '62, 305. Endor. by, 292; L. to: from G. T. Beauregard, Sept. '61, 187; Apr. 17, '64, 188; J. C. Breckinridge, Apr. 17, '65, 198; Jefifn. Davis, Mch. 22, '62, 233. Sketch of, 527; wishes his posi- tion explained, 306. Johnston, M., 303, 340; L. to J. T. Brown, Oct. 8, '62, 306. Johnston, Shepherd & Saunders, 303. Johnston, W. P., L. to: from Charles O'Conor, Dec. 30 '6^ 457- ' Johnston's Brigade, operations of, ^ 314. Jomini, Baron, 519, 521. Jones, , 339; , c. C, 188, 551; , Col., 422; , F. B., 282fif; , G. T., 217. Jones, H. P., 321, 373; l. to W. B. Taliaferro, Jany. i, '63, 306; Maj. Taliaferro, Jan. 9, '63, 306; promotion of, 411. Jones, John, 340; , Mrs. J. A., 48; , J. H., 296. Jones, J. M., 402, 403; L. to W. B. Taliaferro, Aug. 13, '62, 307. Jones, J. R., 296, 297, 412; L. to E. F. Paxton, Oct. 13, '62, 307; W. T. TaUaferro, Dec. 22, '62, 307; Jany. 9, '63, 308; L. to: from T. J. Jackson, Sept. 14, '62, 293; Oct. .9, '62, 29s; Oct. 10, '62, 295-96; Oct. 16, '62, 296. Report by, 402; endor. by, 222. Jones, L. F., 204; , Miss R., 48; , R. K., 249; , R. W., 499- Jones, Samuel, 198, 259; L. to S. Cooper, Apr. 20, '62, 306; J. B. Gamble, Apr. i, '65, 309; J. F. Gilmer, Sept. 19, '64, 308; G. A. Smith, Mch. 16, '62, 308; J. S. Williams, Sept. 2?, '63, 308; en- dor. by, 379; L. to: from G. T. Beauregard, Dec. 10, '64, 188; B. Bragg, Feb. 12, '62, 195; J. Chestnut, n. d., 220; J. G. Fos- ter, July I, '64, 254; L. J. Gar- trell, n. d., 256; W. J. Hardee, n. d., 268; B. H. Robertson, n. d-. 379; J. A. Seddon, Nov. 28, '64, 392; W. B. Taliaferro, July 3, '64, 414. Jones, S. J., 170. Jones' Arty., 317; Brig-, 295- 96. Jordan, T. C, 495; 's Arty., 495- Jordan, Thos., 304, 507; L. to: from H. Bryan, June i, '63, 211. "Joseph II. and His Court," 530. Josey, J. E., see W. S. Hawkins. Journal, of the Army and Navy Surgeons, 33; of the Con- vention of . . . South Carolina, 511; of the House of Dele- Index. 593 gates (i862-'63), 513; — of the proceedings of the 22nd con- vention, 554; — of the proceed- ings of the seventy-second con- vention, 555; — of the Senate of Virginia (i86i-'62), 513-14; — of the sixty-seventh annual convention, 555; of the thirty-fifth convention, 554. Joynes, W. T., L. to W. B. Talia- ferro, Feb. 27, '63, 309. "Judge Advocate's Vade Mecum," 517- K Kanavrha Rifles, volunteer, 199. "Kate Prince, The," 129. Kates, J. W., 431. Kearsley, Maj., 168. Kelly, J. H., L. to E. S. Burford, May 17, '64, 309. Kemp, Perrin, 417-18; L. to: from T. A. Huguenin, Jany. 16, '65, 279. Kemper, Jas. L., 385; brigade of, 57- Kennedy, A., Pass, 266. Kennedy, Palmer, desc. list, 309. Kent, Maj., 289. Kent, R. M., L. to: from W. M. Loving, Aug. 11, '64, 335; J. R. Stevens, Feb. 7, '63, 405. Kentucky, a Southern State, 559- Kentucky Cavalry, ist, 401; 8th and I2th, 393. Kentucky Volunteers, 290. Ker, Jas., invoices sig: by, 310. Kesling, Lieut., L. to: from E. E. DePreist, E)ec. 23, '62, 367. Keystone, The, per, 557. King, Thomas E., sketch of, 529. King, Maj., 304. King, William Arty., m. r. of, 495- Kirkpatrick's Battery, 280, 318. Kitcham's Artillery, 280. Knode, Surg., L. to: from T. H. Taylor, June 29, '62, 48. Knott, J. T., discharge of, 189. koerner, P. W. O., 488. Lackland, F., 285, 290. "La Crise Americaine," 542. "Ladies' Defence Asso., 310; , of Richmond, relieve the poor, 378-79. "La France, le Mexique et les Etats Confederes," 543. Laird, W. H., see A. Morgan. Lake City Hospital, Fla., 47, 248. Lake Providence, 396. Lamar, G. W., 263; L. to W. B. Taliaferro, Feb. 25, '64, 310. Lamb, William, 429; L. to W. M. Sutton & Co., 311. Lander, S., 538. Lane, J. H., 527; L. to P. K. Ma- lony, Nov. 6, '63, 311; L. to: from H. Heth, July 12, '63, 273. Lang, David, 491. Langhorn (Langhon), J. B., 368. Lartigne, Maj., 423. Latane, Wm., burial of, 311. Latham, L. C, report of, 312. Latimer, T. S., 48. Laughly, P. G., 269. Lawes, W. C, cert, sig: by, 408. Lawrence, A. M., 312; , G. A., 532. Lawton, A. R., 239; L. to W. N. R. Beall, Nov. 28, '64, 74; B. Bragg, Oct. 23, '61, 312; J. C. Pemberton, May, 2, '64, 312; C. W. Styles, Sept. 25, '61, 312; L. to: from F. S. Bartow, May 4, '61, 171; H. M. Bell, May 18, '64, 188. Lawyers, in service, 200. Lay, John F., 259; L. to W. B. Taliaferro, 313; endor. by, 222; L. to: from B. K. Cocke, Jany. IS, '63, 222. Lea, J. W., 216; L. to H. K. Doug- las, Feb. 17, '65, 314; T. M. Gar- nett, Jany. 25, '63, 313; R. Ould, July 24, '62, 313; A. S. Pendle- ton, Apr. 30, '63, 313; to , 313; circular, Mch. 22, '65, 314. Leake's Battery, 316, 319. Lean, A. M., 220. Leaves of Absence, applications' for, 298; for officers, paroled, 313; granting of, 343; infre- quency of, 335; recommended, 235; return from, 364; request- ed, 22, 256; when granted, 274. Lee, C. H.. 517; , E. M., 477. Lee, Fitzhugh, 64, 314; L. to B. Bragg, May 15, '64, 314; R. E. Lee, June 27-28, '64, 64; Col., 314; order, May 14, '64, 314; L. to: from R. E. Lee, June 27, '64, 64. 594 Index. Lee, G. W. C, 309; Tel. to (j. E. Pickett, June 22, '64, 63; L. to: from G. E. Pickett, June 21, '64. 63; from Jefln. Davis, Dec. 30, '64, 234. Lee, R. E., 64, 66, 67, 71, 165, 227, 238, 243, 335, 361, 381. 400, 433, 453, 527; L. to H. D. Bird, Aug. 22, '64, 68; B. Bragg, June 9, '64, 326; James Breathed, July 7, '64, 327; J. T. Brown, Apr. 27, '64, 326; R. E. Colston, Sept. 28, '64, 327; R. Y. Conrad, et al., Apr. 27, '61, 315; J- A. Early, Sept. 29, '64, 71; R. S. Ewell, Feb. 18, '64, 323; Apr. 4, '64, 325; C. W. Field, Aug. 25, '64, 68; N. R. Fitzhugh, Dec. 31, '62, 320; Jno. Gregg, Sept. 2, '64, 69, 70; Sept. 16, '64, 70; A. P. Hill, Jany. 20, '6s, 328; D. H. Hill, July 23, '62, 315; M. D. Hoge, Mch. 10, '64, 323; T. J. Jackson, Apr. 27, '61, 282; Sept. 21, '62, 316} Fitzhugh Lee, June 27, '64, 64; J. Long- street, Dec. 23, '64, 328; J. K. Mitchell, Sept. 29, '64, 327; "Operator at Chaiins,'' June 16, '64, 62; J. A. Seddon, Aug. 27, '64, 69; G. B. Stacy, Dec. 16, '61, 315; J. E. B. Stuart, Oct. 22, '62, 320; C. G. Talcott, Aug. 22, '64, 68; E. Waggaman, 71; D. H. Wood, Aug. II, '64, 65; orders, series 1862, G. O., 102, 316; S. O. 33, vii. 402; S. O. 209, 316-19; S. O. 215, i-, 319; G. O., 117, 320; S. O. 218, iv., series 1863, S. O. 60, ii., 320; S. O. 112, 321; G. O. SO, 321-22; S. O. 144, ix., 322; S. O. 206, X., 323; S. O. 113, xi., 323; series 1864, G. O. 23; S. O. 93, xvii., 326; G. O. 38, 326; S. O. 151, iii., 327; S. O. 26s, vi., 327; endor. by, 197, 208,219,273, 307, 436; L. to: from G.T. Beau- regard, June 3-4, '64, 59; A. P. Hill, Oft. 13, '64. ?73; Fitz Lee, June 27, 28, '64, 64; changes front, 203; crosses the James, 62; recrosses, 181; "master wheel," 386; on Jackson's wounding, 383; rumored defeat of, 250. Lee, S. D., 318, 319; , S. P., 331; , S. S., orders of 328, 329; L. to: from J. Forrest, Nov. 28, '61, 253; , S. S., Jr., 144, 158, 163; , W. H. F., 68, 287. "Lee Club Gazette," 314. Lee's Farm, Va., 344; "— 's Mis- erables," 176. Leftwich, , 86. Legare's Point, S. C, 240, 414. Leigh, B. W., 300, 301, 404. L'Engle, J. C, 45-46, 248. Lenoir Co., N. C, 434. , "Les Confederes," 534. "Les Miserables," 531. Letcher, John, 185, 221, 247, 315, 336, 359, 409, 429; L. to J. W. Ellis, May 8, 27, '61, 329; , Jany..20, '63, 330; order, June 26, '61, 329; L. to: from J. J. Lim- kins, Mch. 27, '63, 331 ; J. B. Ma. gruder, Sept. 27, '61, 340. Levy, W. M., orders, 330. Lewis, J. F., 330; , J. J., L. to R. O. Tyler, Apr. 12, '65, 86; , T. W., 241. Lewisburg, Va., fight at, 173. Leybum, G. W., 262; L. to J. Goode, Jany. 24, '63, 331. Leyden, Maj., 67. Libby Prison, guard at, 420. Liberty General Hospital, accom- modations, 20, 25, 26, 29, 31; staff needed at, 20, 21; si-ck at, 20, 21, 30; buildings for, 22, 25, 28; nurses of, used for military service, 22; small-pox at, 24; heating of, 27, 32; advantages of, 27; shoemaking at, 29; crowded, 30; temporary aban- donment of, 30-31; return to, 31; ventilation in, 31-32; library of, 33; isolation of cases in, 32. Liberty, Va., post at, 21; com- mandant of, 21; factories at, 25; Federals at, 30; fire at, 30; tow- er at, 30. * Library, hospital, 33; private, 171; sold, 38a. "Life in the South," 529. "Life of Stonewall Jackson," 529. Ligation, see Arteries. Lilly, Jon., et al. Memorial of, 331- Limkins, J. J., L. to J. Letcher, Mch. 27, '63, 331. *■ Lincoln, Abraham, 182, 444; de- monstration at Camp Chase on assassination of, 94; doggerel Index. 595 on, 533; effect of War Procla- mation, 229; L. to: from Jeffn. Davis, July 2, '63, 479. Lincoln Hospital, prisoners at, 112; supplies sent to, 112. Lindsby, M. V., L- to W. N. R. Beall, Feb. 26, '65, 112. Lindssay, Lon., papers of, 331. Lining, C. E., diary on Cyane, 498; diary on Shenandoah, 126- 163; record of, 126; ships on the "Sea King," 126; lands in Aus- tralia, 136; visits Ascension, 142; learns of Lee's surrender, 148; learns navigation, 150; leaves the ship, 163; see Shenandoah, C. S. S. Liquor, not to be sold soldiers, 284. Litchfield, C. T., 224. Little, F. S., L. to J. W. Talley, et al., June 25, '64, 331. Liver, Anatomy, etc., 556. Livingston, M., et al., L. to Jeffn. Davis, Dec. 7, '64, 332. "Lizzie M. Stacy, The," 129. Lloyd's Battery, 318. Lock, J. M., 284. Lockwood Brothers & Underbill, see J. T. Martin's Son & Co. Logan, D. D., L. to Julia P. Lo- gan, '6r, 332. Logan, Julia P., L. to: from D. D. Logan, (q. v.); from C. G. Memminger, May 9, '64, 353; , Misses', 299; , N. B., 296. Lomax, L. L., report of, 328. London, D. H., L. to Geo. Shea, July 19, '66, 463. Long, A. L., 69, 196; L. to J. T. Brown, Nov. 3, '63, 333; B. B. Long, Nov. 19, '64, 333; circu- lars, 332-333; L. to: from B. H. Green, Nov. 17, '63, 268; from W. T. Hart, Nov. 16, '64, 270. Long, B. B., L. to: from A. L. Long, Nov. 19, '64, 333. Long, Melchoir, M., cert, of, 334; comns. of, 334; brave death of, 270. 333- Longstreet, James, 386, 400; U to M. D. Hoge, Dec. 13, '64, 334; G. O. May, '62, 334; L. to: from R. E. Lee, Dec. 23, '64, 328; A. L. Rogers, June 12, '62, 380; as- signment of, 305; command of, 164, 165, 274; sketch of, 527. Lookout Mountain, forces around, 387. Loring, W. W., 177, 292; endor. by, 237. Losses, estimate of, 560; at Get- tysburg, 385, 561. Loudoun Arty., 318, 380. Louisiana, Comns., 349; State Seminary, 349. Louisiana, Infy., 166; ist, 167, 228, 292, 372, 438; 1st Batln., 344; 2d, 330, 357, 361, 372, 401, 492; 4th, Batln., 117; 9th, 252; loth, 228, 252, 272, 492; 14th, 228, 372, 437, 492; isth, 372, 492. Love, W. S., 48. Loveday K. J. H., 293. Lovell; M., order of, 334. Loving, W. M., L. to R. M. Kent, Aug. II, '64, 335; , P. S., 335- Lucas, J. J., L. to P. N. Page, Feb. 12, '64, 335; Batty, of, 224, 240. Lumber, for winter quarters, 369. Lundy's Crossing, Va., 66, 67. Lusk's Battery, officers of, 496. Luthell, M. C, 320. Lynchburg, Va., in danger, 30; raid on, 31; forces sent to, 31; forces at, drilled, 327. Lyons, James, 481. Mc. McAfee, A. L., see M. D. Baber. McAlpine, J. N., L. to G. M. Sorrel, Mch. 3, '63, 335. McAlister, J. L., 303. McAllister, Capt., 289, 291; , T., L. to: from J. W. Massie, May 22, '61, 350. McCarthy, E. S., Cert. Sig. by, 335. McCausland's Brig., 175, 371. McCaw, J. B., 34. McChesney, W. S., Cert. Sig. by, 279. McClelanville, S. C, post, 256. McClellan, Geo., election of, 415. McClelland, B., invoice sig. by, 336. McClurg, E. J., L. to C. Y. Litch- field. May 26, '61, 336. McCown, J. P., L. to, 336. 596 Index. McCrady, Jno., endor. by, 413. McCrerry, J. V. L., 496. McCulIom, Jno. and Son, 303. McDaniel, Z., patent to, 336. McDonald, Angus, 283; , A. W., 282; , W. H., 331. McDowell's, casualties at, 430. McEwan, J. S., 462. McEvoy's Fuze, 336. McGehee, — , L. of, 336. McGivern, C. M., L. to C. D. Clarke, Jany. 20, '62, 337. McGovem, C, 220. McGuire, H. H., 286; Endor. by, 49; L. to: from B. Blackford, Feb. 26, '62, 19; G. W. Wood- ing, July 20, '62, 49. McGuire, Mrs. Jno., 48. Mcllwaine, Miss, 94. Mcintosh, Major, 363, 422. Mclver, J. K., L. to Col , Jany. 18, '62, 337. McKee, J. C, L. to W. N. R. Beall, Mch. 13, '65, 112. McKeskell's Island, 142. McKinne, B. F., Endor. by, 276; L. to: from H. Hirsch, June 12, '63, 275-76. McLaurin, T. J., 332. McLaws, Col., 340; ', Divn., 318. McLaws, L., L. to G. B. Cosby, July 18, '61, 337- McLean's Ford, defences at, 305. McLellan, C. W., L. to McG. Goodwyn, Jany. i, '63, 337. McMaster, Col., 238. McMecken, Maj., 416. McMurdo, Miss Bettie, 48; — — , Miss MoUie, 48. McNamara, L., court-martialed, 295- McNeely, J., sentenced, 45. McNeill's Co., 413. McNulty, Asst.-Surg., 155, 160, 163, n. 17. McPherson, Jas. and Co., 508. McRae, — . — ., 481; , A. T., 488; , C. J., L. to Chas. Walsh, Feb. 9, 21, '61, 338; — , D., 239; , D. K., 364; Tels. to J. W. Ellis, Apr. 17, 18, '61, 338-39; . F-, Tel. to S. R. Mallory, May 11, '64, 56; , J. C, Tel. to J. W. Ellis, Apr. 21, '61, 339- M. "Macaria, " 531. MacDufF, J. R., author, 546. Macfarlane and Ferguson, pub- lishers, 533, 542, 545, 546, 547, 553. 555. 567- Machinists, lists of, 257, 360, 411. Mackall, Col., 308; , W. W., ' L. to: from L. Polk, Apr. 20, '63, 366. MacMahon, T. W., author, 541. Macon, M. C, reports by, 337. Macqueen, J. F., author, 416. Maddux, Lieut., 318. Madison, T. C, L. to: from S. P. Moore, Jany. 17, '63,, 24. Madison Co., Fla., 368. Magazines, construction of, 337. Magazines, publication of, 171; material for, 171; see Periodi- cals, 556fr. "Magnolia Weekly," per., 557. Magruder, G. A., 342!!; assigned to duty, 341. Magruder, J. B., 359, 369; L. to J. T. Brown, July 5, 15, '61, 339; Nov. 17, '61, 341; Mch. 14, '62, 343; Apr. I, '62, 344; Apr. 14, IS, '62, 346; J. Letcher, Oct. 26, '61, 340, G. J. Rains, Apr. 7, '62, 345. Orders, series 1861, G. O. — , June 3, S. O. 141, 339; S. O. 19s, 408, 495, 340; 549, 341. Series 1862, G. O. 132-34, 341; G. O. 139, 136, 140, 141, G. O., — , Jany. 30, '62, 342; G. O. 142-143, 343; S. O. 698, VIIL, 343; S. O. 701, 704, VII., 706, 344; S. O. — , Apr. 4, 7, 9, 345; 731, XVI., 345; 732, IV., 733, VII. and X., 346; 734, 347; n. d., 347. L. to: from J. T. Brown, Nov., '61, 205; V. Sula- kowski, Nov. 22, '61, 409. Au- thor, 524-25; command of, 305; office-hours of, 341. Magruder, Lieut., 319. Maguire, Jno., rec. sig. by, 347. Mahood, D. F., cert, of, 93. Mahone, Wm., 265; orders, series '62, Dec. 30, 347; series '63, 10, i-ii, 347. cert. sIg. by, 347-48; command of, 327, 347. Mails, from the North, 264; hours of closing, 565. Index. 597 Maine Infy., 3rd Regt., 214. "Major-General Magruder's Re- port, " 524-25. Major, Robert, 365. Mallory, C. K., L. to: from B. Blackford, Feb. 16, '64, 29. Mallory, S. R., 277; L. to J. D. Bulloch, Feb. 21, May 23, '63, 348; M. P. Goodwyn, Sept. 25, '63, 348; H. Meyers, Apr. 22, '61, 348; J. Tattnall, July 24, '62, 348. L. to : from F. McRae, May II, '64, 56; C. G. Mem- minger, Apr. 6, '61, 352; Jno. Pegram, Mch. 18, '64, 360; G. H. Terrett, May 8, '64, 52; May 9, '64, S3; May 14, '64, 58; n. d., 72. Trial of, 458. Malony, P. K., L. to: from G. B. Lartigne, Nov. e, '63, 311; H. D. D. Twiggs, Oct. 28, '63, 423. Malsby, M. A., publisher, 529-30. Malvern Hill, Va., Magruder on, 525- Manassas, Va., advance to, 255; contemporary account of battle of, 524; rnaps of, 489, 524; Pennsylvania troops at, 344. reports of, 194, 295; , Gap R. R., 64. Manchester, Va., troops sent to; 55- Manly, Rev. Basil, prayer, 349. Manley's Battery, 318. Mann, Geo. E., 48. Manning, 338; , Mate, 147; , T. C, comns. of, 349. "Manual of Infantry and Rifle Tactics " 517. "Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers ," 517, 518. "Manual of Military Surgery, A," 507, 518. Maps, field, 350; war, 486S. See name of locality, e. g.. Bethel, Vicksburg, Virginia. "Marginalia," 526. Marine guards, needed, 53. Marks, Alex., L. to: from F. Rawle, Dec. 10, '62, 371; , Jacob, L. to Maj. Seddon, Aug. 18, '62, 349. Marmont, A. F. L., author, 521. Marshall, Chas., Tel. to: from W. H. Taylor, Aug. 16, '64. 67; parole of, 328; , Humphrey, 370; , Jas., see R. Y. Con- rad; , J. W., L. to: from W. N. Bridges, Aug. 8, '64, 198; , S. M., L. to W. B. Taliaferro, May 16, '62, 350; , W. H., 494. Martin, J. G., 69; , J. T., 246. John T., Son & Co., et al., L. to Secty. of Treasury, Sept. 7, '65, 87; , W. T., L. to E. S. Burford, May 8, '63, 350; command of, 350. Martinsburg, engagement at, 213. Martinsville, Va., 297. Marvin, B. T., diary of, 350. Marye, L., 411. Maryland, a Southern State, 559; connection of, with the war, 541; forces from, at Suffolk, 421; campaign in', reports, 295; troops prepare to enter, 384. Maryland Cav., ist, 91. Maryland Infy., ist, 300; 421; ist Bathi., 229, 405; Clarke's Guards, m. r. of, 492. Maryland Line, organized, 227; 1st Regt., 300. "Maryland's Hope," 541. Mason, A. P., 307, 316, 320; , C. T., Tel. to J. A.. Seddon, May IS, '64, 58. Mason, J. M., 557, n. 25; L. to Jeffn. Davis, May 14, '67, 481; June 7, 17, 22, 28, July 13, '67, 481; July 17, Aug. 12, Nov. 6, '67, 482; Apr. 22, '68, 483; June 13, '68, 485. Tel. to Geo. Shea, June 10, '67, 473. Arranges fin- ancial affairs with Davis, 481- 82. on Davis' trial, 483-84; opin- ion of Johnson, 482; personal affairs of, 480; return of, to Canada, 480. Mason, Midshipman, 163, n. 17. Masonic Directory, 565; jpublica- tion, 557. Massie, J. W., 282; L. to J. T. Brown, Mch. 26, '62, 350; , L-. 317; . Lieut., 317. Massie Battery, 356. Matamoras, 191. Matthews, J. M., ed., S04-o5- Matthews Artillery, 216. Maurin, V., 350; command of, 206. Maury, D. H., 86; L. to S. Cooper, July 30, '63, 351; G- Granger, Dec. 12, 22, '64, 81; Maj. Waddy, Dec. 25, '62, 47; 598 Index. L. to: from G. Granger, Dec. 7, 2S, '64, 81; command of, 366. Maury, Miss I., 13. Maury, J. M., Tel. to: from R. Ransom, May 11, '64, 55; G. H. Terrett, n. d., 72. Maury, John M., 106; L. to W. N. R. Beall, Feb. 17, 18, 20, '65, 103. Maury, Matthew F., 163, n. 15; peace plan of, 351; , R. I., comn. of, 351. , W. A., peti- tion of, 279; , W. L., log kept by, 351. Maury's Physical Geography, 152. Maxey, S. B., L. to G. Gardner, Apr. 7, '63, SSI- Mayer, J. F., L. to: from H. C. Barrow, Sept. s, '64, 171; W. Starke, Aug. 6, '63, 401. Mayfield, H., Tel. to J. W. Ellis, Apr. 22, '61, 352. Maynard, R. J., 545; , Maj., 377- Meade, R. K., 409; L. to: from G. P. Harrison, Jr., 270; , Wm., 547. Meal, price of, 434. Measles, prevalence of, 256. Mechanics, pay of, 426. Medical boards, appointed, 296, 297; College of Va., 33; Department, of Va. army, 515; papers relating to the, 15-50; regulations, 288; supplies of, 28, n. 36; transportation for, 44; Directors, to order reports, 23; officers, parole of, 30, 31 ; removal of, requested, 203; ^purveyors, supplies to, 28; stores, requisitioned, 346. Medicines, for horses, 365; for prisoners, 119-20; invoice of, 46. Meechum's River, Va., 71. Melton, S. W., 227; , Arty., 413- Memminger, C. G., 338; L. to Dr. Andrews, Aug. 26, '61, 352; S. R. Mallory, Apr, 6, '61, 352; Julia Logan, May 9, '64, 353; J. C. Pemberton, Mch. 18, '63, 352. Memminger, R. W., 215, 361, 418; L. to: from J. S. Bowen, Apr. I5> '63, 195; M. L. Smith, May 9> '63, 397. See J. C. Pember- ton. Memorial for the parole of Jef- ferson Davis, 465-67. Mercer, Capt., 172; , G. A., 353; L. to: from Robt. Grant, Jany. 28, '64, 264; C. R. Han- leiter. May 25, '63, 267; W. B. Taliaferro, Mch. 26, '63, 413. Mercer, H. W., 263; Order of, 353; report of, 353; L. to W. B. Taliaferro, May 16, '63, 353; L. to: from A. I. G.'s O., May 23, '63, 227. Mercer Artillery, 240. Merritt, C. G., forage issued to, 354. Mess, accounts of a, 406. "Message du President Jeilerson Davis," 506. Messick, Maj., 121. Methodist Episcopal Church, 563. Metz, J. F., 3S7. Meyers, H., L. to: from S. R. Mallory, Apr. 22, '61, 348. Michaux, Jacob, 266. Michel, M., 41, 42, 43. Middlebrooks, J. H., 331. Middlesex Arty., 319; , Conv., 241. Middleton, W. H., L. to W. N. R." Beall, Dec. 19, '64, 117. Midshipmen, examination of, 199; to report their State, etc., 211. Miles, N. R., 446, 455. Miley, G. W., see S. F. Coleman. Militia, in service, 17. Milledge Arty., 318, 356. Miller, , 24; , H. J., 204; , J. S., 204; , R. H., 354; . Batty., 316. "Miller Resolutions," 241. Millhiser, Joseph, L. to: from G. B. Pocksess, May 12, '62, 366. "Military Laws of the Confeder- ate States " S18. "Military View of the Recent Campaigns, A " 525. "Mile," The, 149. Milton, John, Gov., 249, 368. Minnigerode, C, 377; L. to Jeffn. Davis, Feb. 18, '62, 354. Minor, Capt., 203; , Mrs. E. C, 13. Minstrel Show, by Steuart's Brig., 405. Index. 599 Minzesheimer, M. and Co., 87. Mississippi, conditions of labor of, 47Sff; election in, 477; map of Monterey, 486. Mississippi Infantry, 22nd, 521; 29th, 117. "Mississippian, A," L. to JefEn. Davis, Feb. 20, '63, 354. "Missouri Army Argus," per., 557- Missouri Infy., 2nd, 113; Sth, 492; loth, 492. "Mistress and Maid, " 532. Mitchel, Mrs. C. A., L. to W. R. Moore, May, '61, 354. Mitchell, G. W., rec. sig. by, 355. Mitchell, J. C, author, 551. Mitchell, J. K., orders of, 355; Tel. to S. R. Mallory, May 26, '64, 58. L. to: from R. E. Lee, Sept. 29, '64, 327. Mitchell, S. P., 334; , Q- T., 366. Mobile, Ala., conditions in, 351; cotton from, 73; defences of, 272; church in, 552. Moffitt, Pvt, Woodis Rifles, 498. "Mogul," The, 128. Money, farmers refuse to receive, 311; not preferred as contribu- tion, 332. Monitors, on James River, 60-62, 72; sinking of, .278, 373. Montague, T. C, 45; 's Batln. 340- Monterey, Miss., map of, 486. "Monticello," The, fired on, 359. Montigny, M. de, 492. Montgomery County, Va., map, 489; Springs, Hospital, 27. Moody, Capt., 236; , G. V., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Dec. 12, '64, 108; Jany. 2, Feb. 25, '65, 109. Moon, T. L., resigns, 226. Moore, Col., 289; , E. L., 402, 403, 424-25; , J. C, 45; . M. B., 535, 537, 538, 539; - — . M. S., 383; . P- B., orders to, 280, 328, 329, 355 ; . Rev. ^^•' 355- „ „, , Moore, S. P., 33; L. to B. Black- ford, May, '62, 20; Nov. 18, '62, 23; Jany. 7, '63, 24;'- to T. C. Madison, Jany. 17, '63, 24; Cir- culars, Nov., '62; 47; Endor. by, 44; L. to: from B. Blackford, (q. v.); from M. Banister, Dec. 10, '61, 44. Moore, P. F., 334; T. O., 254-55, 349; . W. J., L. to Leftvirich, June 20, '64, 30; W. F. Nichols, June 20, '64, 30; , W. M., 366, 492; , W. R., 491; L. to: from Mrs. C. A. Mitchell, (q. v.) Moorman, Geo., 299; , W. N., 355- Morgan, A., et al., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Jany.-May, '65, 113-17; , J. L., 289; . R. C, L. to W. N. R. Beall, Mch., '65, 104-05; May 13, '65, 106. Morning reports, sent, 206. Morris, A., printer, 517, 521; , J. B., reports by, 355; , Mrs. Martha, 49. Morris Island, S. C, federals on, 414. Morrison, Lieut., L. to: from P. M. Stockton, Mch. 7, '63, 407. Morrow, J. L., Tel. to: from G. T. Beauregard, Aug. 19, '64, 68. Morton, Jeremy, 291; , T. E., 44, 225; -^ — 's Ford, 209, 405. Mosby, J. S., sketch of, 527; com- mand of, 262. Moses, R. I., 433. Moseley's Light Arty., 254. "Mother's Last Words, " 533. Mount Pleasant, S. C;, 217, 373, 391- Mounted troops, drill of, 510. Mourning, staff to wear, 408. Muhlbach, L., author, 530. Mules, delivery of, 238. Muloch, Miss, author, 532. Munford, Miss L. T., 13; , W. P., 378. Murfree, J. B., 45. Murfreesboro, Tenn., Bragg on, 195; men distinguished at, 366, Murphy, J. W., 546; , P. M., Tel. to J. W. Ellis, Apr. 23, '61, 356-57- , ^ Murray, W. H., 405; death of, 230. Musgrove, B. O., 212. Musical instruments, purchased, 239- Musicians, declme to serve with negro, 229; of Steuart's Brig., 496. Muskets, flint-lock, 284. 6oo Index. Muster-rolls, 491-96; see particu- lar command desired, e. g., Vir- ginia Arty,, 1st Regt. To be certified, 396. "My Imprisonment and the First Year ....," 526. N. Nance, E., 49; , W. F. (W. T.), L. to: from J. C. Cain, Jany. 5, '6$, 217; S. Elliott, Jr., Dec. 29, '64, Jany. 4, '65, 240; M. A. Pringle, Dec. 29, '64, Jany. 2, '65, 367. Nannie, Miss — , L. to, 270. Napoleons, casting of, 231; charges' for, 261. "Napoleon's Maxims of War," Jackson's copy, 519. "Narrows," Va., 173. Nash, Pvt., 348. Nashville, Tenn., prisoners from, 93; supplies for prisoners at, 112-13. Nation, David, resigns, 226. "National Rectitude, " 550. Naval Academy, text-book, 516. Naval signals, Coston, 280. Navy, Volunteer, 360. Navy Yards, at Richmond, 53. Neeley, John, author, 535. "Neeley's Child's Primer," 535. Negroes, at evacuation of Rich- mond, 252; enlistment of, 181, 182; communicants among, 553; instruction of, 551; on fortifica- tions, 22, 69, 266, 272; musi- cians, 229; wagon drivers, 217. Nelligan, Maj. J., 229. Nelson, Capt., 344, 345; , G. W., 318; , Mrs. J., L. to Jeffn. Davis, July 23, '63, 233; , Wm., 249, 356, 399. Nelson's Arty. Batln., 206, 209, 317, 318, 356. Nervous diseases, reports on, 23; evidence of, 43. Neutrality, treatise on, 516. Neville, Robt., permit, 356. "New Constitution of Virginia, The," ...., 514. New Orleans, 306; actress sent from, 194. Newman, W. O., 232, 234; , Mark, 356. "New Wine... Into Old Bottles," 550. Ney York Infy., 44th, 350. News, falsification of, 365; in bus- iness letter,- 406. Newspapers, MS., 314; at Hospi- tals', 32. Newtown, Va., engagement at, 213. Nichols, Capt., 134, 135; , G. N., 548; . H. N., 542; , W. A., L. to Jno. A. Dix, May 6, '6s, 79. , W. F. L. to: from B. Blackford, (q. v.); from W. J. Moore (q. v.). Nicholls, F. T., 412. et al., L. to W. B. Taliaferro, Jany. 16, '63, 356. Nicholson, A. O. P., author, 559. "Nimrod," The, 135, 149. Nitre, collection of, 253. Niven, T. W., 271. Nolan, M., 412, 492. Noland Ferry, 424. Norfolk, Va., attack on, 359; in- terests of, must be preserved, 266; navy yard at, 280. Norfolk and Petersburg R. R., 329. North Anna River, 389. North Carolina, admission of, to Confederacy, 221; assisted by S. C, 364; forces of, requested, 329; officers from, not pro- moted, 423; officials of, to visit S. C, 339; statistics of, 561-62; troops from, requested, 233; troops from, sent Whiting, 268; troops from, to assist Virginia, 221; volunteers in, 430; -wil) fol- low Va., 169; North Carolina Infantry, ist, 241, 312, 322, 403, 423; 2nd, 493; 3rd, 302, 322, 421, 430; Sth, 313, 314, 492; nth, 359; 23rd, 493. 32nd, 546; 40th, Batln., 276; 44th, 409; 47th, 97; S2nd, 493. North Carolina Cavalry, ist, 280; 2nd, 232. Northcutt, J. J., 357. Northrop, L. B., L. to J. A. Sed- don, Jany. 23, '63, 357; Endor. by, 436-37; Tel. to: from G. T. Beauregard, Aug. 8, '64, 65. Northwest, army of the, 292, 409. Northern Virginia, army of, pre- Index. 60 1 pares to enter Maryland, '384; returns from Pennsylvania, 384- 85; artillery of, reorganized, 316. Norton, G. F., 372; , N. L., L. to J. F. Mayer, Jany. 4, '65, 2S7- Norwood's Arty. Batln., 339. Norvel Hotel, Lynchburg, Va., 218. Notes, treasury, interest on, 352. Nottoway Bridge, Va., 267. Noyes, F. G., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Jany.- Apr., '65, 86; D. H. Maury, Jany. 15, '65, 82; Endor. by, 83. Nurses, enlisted men as, 17; de- tail of, to return, 47. "Nye, W. C," The, 149. Oath, prisoners take the, 92, 93, 121, 122. "Oath of Allegiance, The," 541- "Obsequies of E. E. Ford," 550. "Observations in the North," 526. "Occlusive dressings," 39. Ocklawaha Rifles, m. r. of, 491. O'Brien, 158, 163, n. i7- O'Conor, Chas., 441-42, 453. 454- 55 ; 456, 460, 482; L. to W. P- Johnson, Dec. 30, '65, 457; Geo. Shea, Aug. 12, '65, 450; Aug. 21, '6s, 451; Feb. 12, 14, '6s, 453; Mch. 27, '66, 460; Aug. 6, '66, 463; Aug. 16, '66, 465; Aug. 20, '66, 466; Aug. 22, '66, 467; Sept. 26, '66, 468; May 2, '(^, 472; May 4, 12, '67, 472; L. to: from Geo. Shea, (q, v.) O'Donnell, Kane, 462. O'Shea, 128. Odd Fellows' Directory, 565. Officers, absent, 269; election of, 247; familiarity of, with men, discouraged, 210; names of, not known, 410; ordered to report, 232; rank of, 227. "Officers' Manual," 519. Okhotsk, Sea of, 148. Oldham, W. P., 409. "Old Jack and His Foot Cav.," 532. "On the Recogtnition of Southern Confederation," 543. Opthalmia "catarrhal," 45. Orange and Alexandria R. R., 329. Orange County, Va., map of, 89. ^ movement against by Federals, 245. Orange Grove Mining Tracts, 279. "Order for Daily Prayer," 545. "Ordinances Adopted by the Convention of Virginia," 514. Ordinance to Amend the Consti- tution," 514. "Ordinance of Secession of S. C," 400. Ordnance, assigned, 340, 363; at Charleston, 240; at Bisho'p's, 66; at Gettysburg, 385; at Peters- burg, 65; . captured, 165, 246; charges for, 263-64, 398; details for, 303; equipment of, 356; ex- change of, 346; experiments in, 201, 323, 346, 510; for York- town, 368; horses' for, 306; man- ual for officers of, 506; patterns for, 199; recasting of, 231; stores for, requisitioned, 419; surplus equipment of, 319; re- port of, requested, 216; reor- ganization of, 316; sent Early, 67; stores of, invoiced, 310; stores, reported, 420; supplies, issued, 237; receipts for sup- plies, 205; train, detail of, 218; train, divided, 425; use of cer- tain, 346. Orme, Richard, 312. Orphans, relief of, 215. Orton, Wm., L. to, 87. Otwell, J. S., 241. Otey Battery, at Acquia Creek, 172; in Randolph Co., 172; at Warm Springs, 172-73; in skir- mish, 173; engaged at Giles C. H., 173; at "The Narrows," 173; at Lewisburg, 173; disappoint- ed, 174; in Nicholas county, 174; wants active service, 174; moves, 174-75; in Raleigh Co., 17s; joins Lee, 176; at Wythe- ville, 176; at Saltville, 177; moves to Glade Spring, 177; in Tenn., 177; at Abingdon. 177; hopes to join Lee, 178; defends' Dublin, 178; on Petersburg de- fences, 178-184; routine of, 179; move to Bellefield, 183. Otey, J. M., Tel. to: from F. W. Smith, n. d., 71, 72; G. H. 602 Index. Terrett, May-June, '64, 58-61. See G. T. Beauregard. Ould, Robert, 73, 79, 80, 82, 331; L. to Jas. Anderson, Sept. 28, '64, 358; to W. N. R. Beall, Mch. 13, '6s, 79; L. to: from Mrs. J. Hipkins, July 2, 19, '63, 275; from J.W.Lee, July 24, '62, 313. "Our Cause in Harmony with the Purpose of God," 550. "Our Own First Reader," 536. "Our Own School Arithmetic," 538. Owen, W. O., L. to B. Blackford, May 22, '62, 20. Oysters, artificial, 565. Page, Capt., 319; L. to: from W. B. Taliaferro, Dec. 4, '62, 411; , Mrs. M. A. 47; , J. R., L. to J. T. Brown, Mch. 18, '62, 358; , P. N., 368, 415, 416; L. to: from J. L. Black, Jany. 20, '6$, 193. L. D. De Sausseur, Jany., '65, 237; F. M. Harrison, Aug. 9, '64, 266; G. E. Harrison, Jany. 30, '65, 270; T. A. Huguenin, Jany. 16, '6$, 278; P. C. Johnson, May 4, '64, 303; J. J. Lucas, Feb. 12, '64, 335; M. A. Pringle, Dec. 30, '64, 367. Page, T. J., battery of, 319. Paine, H. E., 107; L. to W. N. R. Beall, Nov. 30, '64, 74; Dec. 25, '64, 76; Dec. 26, 28, '64, 77; Jany. 3, 23, 28, Feb. 3, '63, 77! Jany. 24, '65, 83; Feb. 25, '65, 85; Circular of, 88; Endor. by, 79; L. to: from W. N. R. Beall, Mch. II, '6s, 78; H. W. Halleck, Dec. 20, '64, 76; W. Hoffman, Feb. 21, '64, 78. Palfrfey, E. A., 228, 334. Palmer, B. M., 541, address by, 358; , C. T., L. to J. T. Brown, May i, '62, 358. , W. P., 310, 377; 495-96; Comn. of, 359; return by, 359; receipt to, 304; bill to, 220. Palmetto Battery, 217; Light Arty., 340. "Palmetto Geography,'' 539. Paper, captured, 433; prices of, 192, 388, 428; scarcity of, 184- 85. 249. 523; texture of, 545. Paralysis, query regarding, 40. Parham, Mr., 265. Parkes, Marshall, Tel. to J. W. Ellis, Apr. 18, May 21, '61, 359. Parker, W. H., 355, 516. Parkhurst, J. G., L. to W. N. R. Beall, May 24, July 7, '65, iia. Parks, Thomas, Comn. of, 359. Paris, Tenn., surprise at, 304. Parole, losses by, 31; of agents, 100, 106, 112; of Medical Offi- cers, 30, 31; of naval prisoners, 420; of prisoners at Vicksburg, 255; on "Shenandoah," 135. Parrott Guns, ammunition for, 223; experiments with, 202, 323. Partige, Charles, 477. Partizans, supplies for, 247. Pass, 356; at Fort Monroe, 462; for railroad, 433; for Memphis, 211; stolen, 266. Passenger-trains, stopped, 433. "Pastoral Letter from the Bishops," 554. Patents, attempted bribery in issue of, 272; for improvements in torpedoes, 336. Pathology, surgical, material for, 23. Patrick Henry, C. S. S., 199, 328, 355. 516. Patrols, to arrest stragglers, 418. Patteson, Pvt., sentenced, 166. Patterson, Capt., 317. Patton, Capt., 286; , Col., 385; Houston, 488. Paul, W. D., descr. list of, 360. Paxton, E. F., 293, 294, 295, 296; L. to A. E. Pendleton, Dec. S, '62; 360; L. to: from J. T. Brown, Oct. 31, '62, 208; J. R. Jones, Oct. 13, '62, 307. Pay, certificates of, 247, 271-72; delayed, 255; funds, 372; of of- ficers, 559; of operators, 432; poweer to collect, 371; printed regulations in re., 507; vouch- ers for, 165; when received, 409. Payne's Farm, Va., Battle of, re- ports, 248, 405; 1st N. C. at, 312, 3rd N. C. at, 421; loth Va. at, 425; 37th Va. at, 430. Peace, at terms of the South, 407; hopes of, 216. Maury's plan for, 351; prospects of, 176, 266, 389; rumors of, 183, 184. Index. 603 Pearman, Z. M., oath of, 360. Pearson, J. W., 491; , R. A., 492. Pee-Dee Artillery, 240. Pegram, Jno., L. to S. R. Mal- lory, Mch. 18, '64, 360; , J. W., 399; , Mrs. J. W., L. to: from J. W. Pegram, 360; , W. J., L. to Mrs. J. W. Pegram, 360; 's Battery, 318. Pelham, Jno., Comn. of, 361; re- ceipt of, 360; sketch of, 527. Pemberton, J. C, 395, 398; Cir- cular, June 7. '63, 361; L. to: from A. R. Lawton, May 2, '64, 312; C. G. Memminger, Mch. 18, '63, 352; R. V. Richardson, Nov. 3, '62, 375 ; M. L. Smith, Feb. 14, '63, 397; R. Taylor, Mch. IS, '63, 420; sketch of, 527. Pender, Harold, 487. , W. D., 264; 's Division, 311. Pendleton, A. S., 243-44, 246, 292, 293, 295, 296, 298, 404. Endor. by, 209; L. to: from McH. Howard, Apr. 6, '64, 277; J. W. Lea, Apr. 30, '63, 313; W. B. Taliaferro, Jany. 15, '63, 412. Pendleton, D. D., 362. Pendleton, Edmund, see R. Y. Conrad. Pendleton, Edmund, 42, 492; L. to . . . ., Dec. 9, '62, 361; report by, 361; Endor. by, 372. Pendleton, J. H., L. to W. B. Taliaferro, n. d., 362; , Lieut, 317; , R. H., 316; , S. H., 170; , W. B., 410; Comn. of, 362; L. to: from S. B. Gibbons, Apr. 23, '62, 258; , W. J., 230. Pendleton, W. N., 305, 400; L. to J. T. Brown, May i, '62, 362; May 25, '63, 363; June 9, '63, Dec. 19, '63, Dec.' 21, '63, 363; order and letter-book of, 11, 362. Endor. by, 209, 319; fur- lough of, 363; preaches, 382. Peninsula Caiapaiga, Va., Arty. on,38o; dispositions during, 305; orders preliminary to, 339£f; news of, 431; movements dur- ing, 366; map covering, 489. Peninsula of Virginia, small force on, 369. Penn. W. L., 247. Pennington, Master, 82. Pennsylvania Campaign, 366-67; routes during, map, 486; orders, to exempt enemy property dur- ing, 384. Pennsylvania, troops prepare to enter, 384; soldiers from, at Manassas, 344. Pennsylvania Infantry, 49th Vols: 280. Penny, W. K., 492. Pere, W. A., 333. Periodicals, listed, S56fF. "Permanent Constitution of the Confederate States," 504. Permit, to visit Petersburg, 356. Perryman, W. J., see W. H. Mid- dleton. Perryville, troops distinguished at Battle of, 196, 366. Person, S. J., Tel. to J. W. Ellis, Apr. 15, '61, 363-64. "Personne," author, 526. Petersburg, Va., assault on, 181; defences, 389-90; defences con- not be mined, 178; forces around, increased, 181; material on defence of, 164; movements on, 56, 180-82; operations around, 54; poor in, 434£f; quiet at, 70. shelled, 179. Petersburg and Weldon R. R., 68. Pettigrew, Genl., 384. Petz, Chas., indictment against, 364- Peyten, Green, L. to J. T. Brown, Mch. 26, '62, 364. Peyton, Capt., 317; Batty, of, 339; , H. E., parole of, 328. Phan, C. G., and C. H., 261. Philip, Geo., and Son, 486. Phillips, Capt., 169; , G. D., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Oct. 17, '64, 74; . J- A., L. to W. B. Taliaferro, June 3, '63, 364; , J. E., 499; , Wendell, 464. Photographs, of maps, 486; of surgical case, 37. Phthisis Pulmonalis, deaths from, 22; discharges for, 22, 24. Physician, pay of a, 272; to assist in vaccination, 29; certificate of, 169. Picau, L. G., 356. Pickens, F. W., Tel. to J. W. Ellis, Apr. 18, '61, 364. 6o4 Index. Picketing, of road, 301. Pickett, G. E., Tel. to G. W. C. Lee, June 21, '64, 62; S. O. 51, II., series '64, 364; Tel. to: from G. W. C. Lee, June 22, '64, 63; R. Ransom, May 9, '64, 54; Command of, 177, 184. Picks, allowance of, 307. Piedmont Institute, 27. Pierce, B. W., 87. , F., 441, 481; . H. N., 530, 552. Pierson, — . — ., 407. Pilant, Isham, oath of, 365. Pinckney, Chas., 498; — ^. Thos., diary of, 365. Pittsylvania Bank, 238. Planters' Loan and Relief Asso., 477- Plastering, at hospitals, 17, ig. Pleasants, John A., 365. Pneumonia, discussed, 39. Poague, W. T., L. to J. T. Brown, Mch. 25, '63, 365; Batty, of, 294. Poatz, Lieut., 317. Pocataligo, troops sent to, 188. "Pocket Almanac 1862," 561. Pocksess, G. B., L. to J. Mill- hiser. May 12, '62, 366. Poems, of the war, 533. Point Lookout, Md., 78, 79 ; trans- fers to, 107; prisoners at, 113- 17; citizen-prisoners at, 115; association at, 113; supplies needed at, 113; supplies sent to, 113-17. Points, L., promotion of, 320. Polk, L., 438; L. to W. W. Mac- kail, Apr. 20, '63, 366. L. to; from B. Bragg, Apr. 8, '63, 196; A. S. Johnston, Mch. 14, '62, 304; R. A. T , Jany. 24, '62, 409; L. Tilghman, Jany. 29, '62, 421. Sermon at funeral of, 548. Politics in Virginia, '63, 265. Political Miscellany, 541-43. Pollard, Dr., 220; . E. A., author, 522, 523, 526; , Tko. 49. Pollock, Roberta, see Mrs. Mattie Gilmour; , T. G., 401. "Pontchartrain." C. S. S., 499. Pontoon, across the Potomac, 385. "Popular Lectures on Biblical Themes," 551. Porter, A., L. to J. F. Gilmer, Feb. 21, '63, 366; cert, of, 366; , W. F., 261. Port Hudson, La., 395; troops at, 352; waste pf stores at, 357. Port Royal, Va., 231. Port Walthall Junction, firing at, 54- Posey, Carnot, L. tO' his Wife, May 8, June 27, '63, 366. Post-Office, Coran. in, 277; es- tablished, 242; regulations of, 511; rate for service of, 559. Post, at Harper's Ferry, Va., rou- tine of, 282ff. Potts, J. D., 68; Tel. to J. R. Dowell, June 6, '64, 60; Tels. sent by, 51. Powder, materials for making, 253- "Practice of War, The " 519. Prados, Col., 306. Prayer, at opening of Congress, 355; day of, requested, 234, 254,. 331. 354; for soldiers, 544. "Prayer Book for the Camp," 545. Presbyterian Church, Review of, 558. "Presbyterian Comm. of Publica- tion," 524, 528, 533, 547, 551, 554, 558. President, election of Federal, '64, 181, 182, 389. "President Davis and His Admin- istration," 522. Presstman, Lt.-Col., 334. Preston, Jno., 430; , J. A.^ 230; , J. L., 283; , J. S., 71, 485; , W. B., L. to: from Jno. Echols, Aug. 15, '62, 239. Price, H. I., 99, loi; , Jos., C. S. N., 280; , Nannie O., 367; , R. C, 408. Prices, of boots', 390; of clothing, 382, 389; of cloth, 220; of corn, 242; of drugs, 220; of fodder, 355; of hay, 355; of horses, 430, 437; of iron, 407; of mule, 266. of paper, 428 (see paper), of salt, 391; of shoes, 389; of socks, 389; of table supplies, 405; rise in, 428; schedule of^ 427. "Primary Geography," 539. Prince, W., 93. Princeton, Va., engagement near, 173- Pringle, M. A., L. to W. F. Nance, Dec. 29, '64, Jany. 2, '65, 367; to P. N. Page, Dec. 30, '64, Index. 60s 367; reports of, 367. Printers, do military service, 557. Printuss, D. S., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Feb.-May,'6s, 99-102. Prisoners of War, as clerks, 407; at Alton, 88-91; at Baltimore, 91; at Camp Chase, 91-94; at Camp Douglas, 95-97; at Camp Morton, 97-99; at Elmira, 99- 107; at Fort Columbus, 102-03; at Fort Delaware, 103-06; at Fort Lafayette, 106-07; ^t Fort McHenry, 107-08; at Fort War- ren, 108-10; at Johnson's Island, 110-12; at Lincoln Hospital, 112; at Nashville, 112-13; at Poim Lookout, 113-17; blankets for, 78, 96, boxes for, 98, loi, 103, 104, 116; conditions of supply- ing, 193-94; deaths among, 93; enlisted, 414; employment of, 223; escaped, 190; exchange of, 352; from Valley of Va., 104; from Hilton Head, 104; hear of Lincoln's death, 94; kindness of women to, 94; number of, 75, 77; parole of, 25s; property of, deceased, 241; provisions toi returned, 225; purchases for, 123-24; relief of, 74; reported, 263; return of, 90; sale of cot- ton for, 8off; sufferings of sick, 110-11; supplies for, 254 (see W. N. R. Beall) ; take the oath, 92, 93, 121, 122; to be reported, 417; wish to receive charity, 106. Pritchard, B. D., 445; , Lt.- Col., 353. Private property, not to be dis- turbed, 330. "Proceedings of the Southern Baptist Convention, " 555. Projectiles, charges for, 374. Promotions, announced, 347; ex- amination for, 402; hoped for, 357; regret at failure to re- ceive, 409; requested, 413; transfer to secure, 3595 UP°" examination, 320; for gallantry, 348; urged by friends, 298; re- commendations for, 333; regu- lations for, 321; requested, 411. Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocesan Missionary Soc. of, 544-45; proceedings of Conven- tions of, 5S4-55- Provisions, abundance of, 27; ac- counts of, 218; for sick, 30, 92; scarcity of, 390; sending of, 391; substitutes for staple, 565. "Provisional and Permanent Con- stitutions,'' 504. Prussian, exemption of a, 380. Pryor, Roger A., 344. "Public Laws of tiie Confederate States, ...." 504-05. "Public or General Acts Passed by the General Assembly of Virginia, ...." 512. Pugh, J. W., 204. Pulaski Guards, the, 552. Putney, Mrs. S., L. to J. T. Brown, Feb. i, '62, 368. Pyles, L. G., 491. Quartermasters, accounts of, 426- 427; appointment of, 228, 274, 293; difficulty in procuring, 278; forms for, 217; No. 12, 355; No. 21, 393; No. 22, 426; Nos. 2, 24, 25, 26, 31, 427; No. 31, 429; No. 33, 371; of cavalry, 327; of post, 282; receipts' of, 313; regula- tions for, 507; service in dept. of, 426. Quartermaster-General, 29, '369' Quincy, Josiah, as author of se- cession, 558. Quintard, C. T., 545-46. Quitman Guards, 488. Raccoon Ford, Va., 405. Radcliffe, J. W., 274. "Raids and Romance of Morgan and His Men," 525. Railroads, 65, accommodations of, 17-18, desertions on, 19, 20, 29; danger to, 30, 68; employees of, 64; hospitals near, 26; im- portance of, for forage, 306; seizure of, 54; working party on, 320. See separate com- panies, e. g. Richmond and Danville R. R. Rainey, E. J., account of, 427. (See Raney.) Rains, Capt., 236; , G. J., L. to J. T. Brown, Jany. 2, '62, 368; L. to: from J. B. Magru- der, Apr. 7, '62, 345. 6o6 Index. Raleigh, N. C, 64; advance on, 270. Rallston, J. W., 408. Ramseur, S. t)., 264; assigned duty, 346-347; recommended to Ellis, 274. Ramsey, T. G., L. to: from Geo. Atcheson, Jany. 5, '65, 107. Ramsey, W. A., rec. sig. by, 368; ordered to accompany Davis, 261. Randall, Vans, comn. of, 368; dis- charge of, 195. Randolph, G. W., 167, n. 12, 300, 340, 362, 375, 396, 399, 400, 508, 509; L. to J. T. Brown, Nov. 20, '61, Mch. I, '62, 369; Jany. 14, '63, 370; D. H. Hill, Junt 29, '61, 368; order of, Oct. 2, '61, 369; L. to: from J. E. Ar- mour, Aug., '62, 167; Jno. Echols, Aug. IS, '62, 239; from R. S. Ewell, Aug. 15, '62, 243; from S. V. Southall, Oct. 2, '61, 400. Randolph, J. W., 508, 539, 544; , Tucker, 329, 360, 371. , W. C. U., 371- Randolph, Steamer, 415. Randolph-Macon College, 397. Raney, E. J., rec. sig. by, 371. Rank, Temporary, comns, under act providing for, 238, 255,, 273. Ranks of officers commissioned same day, 227. Ransom, R., 55, 56, 58; Tel. to B. Bragg, May 9, '64, 53; May II. '64, 55; T. O. Chestney, May 9, '64, 53; May 11, '64, 56; J. M. Maury, May 11, '64, 55; G. E. Pickett, May 9, '64, 54; J. A. Seddon, May 11, '64, 55-56; G. H. Terrett, May 10, '64, 55; command of, 59, 326. Rapidan River, advance to, 243- 45- Rapides Volunteers, Fla., 349. Rappahannock River, advance from, 244; engagement on the, 348. Ratchford, J. W., 274. Rations, 183; difficulty of secur- ing, 218; issued, 242; of beef, 170; of coffee, 170; of whiskey, 266; reports on failure to re- ceive, 210; size of, 30; to pris- oners, 91, 106, no-ii, ii8-ig, 120. Ravenel, Mrs. St. Julien, 499. Rawle, F., L. to A. Marks, 371. Raymond, H. J., 464. Readers, 534-36. Reagan, J. H., 277; Endor. by, 242. Ream, D. M., 408. "Rebelle, A Young," 533. Receipts, for accoutrements 258. for canteens, 390; for Q. M. stores, 204, 229; for rifles, 222; for ordnance stores, 205; for wagon hire, 232. Receipts, for cooking, 565. Recitations, Jackson ordered, 288. Recommendation, requested, 257, 264. "Record of News, History " 557- Recruits, list of, 278. Recruiting service, comns. in, 358; detail for, 168. Reduction to the ranks, 394. Re-enlistments, terms of, 342. Reeve, E. P., minute kept by, 372. Reeves, Jessee, L. to W. W. Gor- don, Mch. 28, '62, 372. Regan, John, 246. "Regulations adopted for Car- rjdng into Effect ," 509. "Regulations adopted for tht Provisional Force ," 512. "Regulations for the Army of ihe Confederate States," (5 eds.), 507-09. "Regulations for the Government of the Ordnance Department," 510. "Regulations for the Medical De- partment ," 509, 515. "Regulations for the Subsistence Department " 510. "Regulations of the Ordnance Department " 510. Reichung, Aug., L. to: from F. Strube and Theo. Schneider, May 26, '62 408. Reid, Capt., L. to E. P. Harllee, Jany. 13, '65, 372; , L. S., 372- Reily, Capt., 318. Reliance, The, captured, 348. Religion, in the army, 352, 386. "Religious Instruction of the Ne- groes " 551. Religious Publications, 543. Religious services, rituals for, 544. Index. 607 Re-organization (of 1862), elec- tion after, 256, 258, 362. Reports, directed, 396; errors in, 353; forwarded, 172, 211; of am- munition, 338; of Arty, horses, 390; of battles, 295; of equip- ment, 339; of Yorktown Arty., 400; of regimental strength, 265; ordered sent in, 192. Requisitions, denied, 258; dispute over, 208; for caps, 165-66; for engineers' work, 260; for for- age, 221, 357; for Q. M. stores, 258; for stationery, 354; for tools, 293; headings for, 348; receipt for, 263; special, 205. Reserves, Virginia, 335. Resignations, accepted, 358; for ill-health, 167, 352; from U. S. service, 397, 421; on reorgan- ization, 226. Returns, 49ifF; preparation of, 309, 342. Reutz, G. W., death of, 241. Reveille, 289. "Revised Elementary Spelling Book, The " 537- "Revised System of Cavalry Tac- tics, A " 519. Reynolds, A. G., L. to S. D. Davis, Oct. 12, '64, 373; , 197; 's Co., 413. Rhett, A. (H.), 270; L. to W. F. Nance, Jany. 7. '6S. 3735 L- to P. N. Page, Jany. 14, 16, '65, 373; Jany. 22, 28, 31, '6S, 374- Report by 373; staff of, 273. Rhett, F. S., L. to R. F. Auns- paugh, July 23, '63, 374; order, 374. Rhett, T. G., L. to: from T. J. Jackson, Dec. 21, '61, 292. Rhodes, R. R., 336, 511- Rice, John H., 540; , R. S., L. to W. B. Taliaferro, Apr. 29, '62, 374; . W. H., 374; 's Batty., 293, 374. Rich Mountain, officers captured at' 410. ^ __, Richards, W. B., L. to T. W. CoUey, Oct. 26, '63, 374- Richardson, Capt., 345; . Col., 258; , D., 518; -. .David. 561, 562. 564; . Ginvrald, 394; , G. W., 515; — -> H. G., 246; , J. H., S16; — -, L. W., 206; , R. v., L. to J. C. Pemberton, Nov. 3, '63, 375; , W. H., 370, 375, 517; L. to J. Gorgas, Jany. 3, '63, 375; W. B. Taliaferro, Dec. 9, '58, 497.. "Richardson's Virginia and North Carolina Almanac," (1861-65), 561-62. Richmond, Va., army depots at, 564; arsenal at, 231; news of campaign of '62, in front of, 280; celebration in on fall of Sumter, 185-86; city council of, 377; decisive battle before, ex- pected, 178; defences of, neg- roes work on, 69; evacuation of, orders at, 234; evacuation of, and condition in, 250-52; guide books to, 564; hotels in, 564; map of vicinity of, 490; marriages' in, 252; medical col- lege at, 278; quiet in, 200; re^ lief of poor in, 377; railroad stations in, 564; social life in, 371 ; "Shenandoah" hears of fall 148; Soup Kitchen Asso., 377; St. Paul's Church in, 555; tem- porary defence of, 392; troops sent to, 57, 67; women of, build gun-boat, 310; wounded in, 203. "Richmond Age," The, per., 557. Richmond and Danville R. R., 68, 433; and Peterburg R. R., 64, 66, importance of, 60; seized 54.; and York River R. R., 310. Richmond Campaign of 1864, papers, 51-72. Richmond Hovyitzers, 44, 167, 170, 204, 248, 279, 304, 335, 358, 368, 421, 426, 433; action of 3rd Co., 396; bibliography of , 166, n. 9; comns. in, 359; condition of, 369; contribute to Fredericks- burg sufferers, 254; discharge from, 226; election in, 205, 256, 369; guns of, 370; loan of guns to, 375; m. rs. of, 495-96; orders of, 166; ordnance supplies for, 237; present to, 377; private of, asleep on post, 166; return of, 359; report of, 206; transfer of private of, 225. Riely, J. P., see R. F. Dennis. Rifle Cannon, charges for, 264. "Rifle and Infantry Tactics," 520. Ripley, R. S., 309- 6o8 Index. Ritchie, W. F., 512; and Dunnavant, 506, 509, 511, 51a, 528. Rider's Battery, 317. Ritter, W. B., 254. "Rival Administrations, The . . . ," 522- Rives, A. H., L. to: from T. H. Williams, Oct. 16, '61, 16; , A. L., Tel. to: from J. W. Smith, May 13, '64, 57. , Capt., 340. Roberts, G. H., 48. Robertson, B. H., L. to Sam Jones, n. d., 379; , J. R., 373, 379; , W. H., 254. Robertson Hospital, register, 47; ladies of, 47-48; surgeons of, 48; stewards of, 48. Robertsville, S. C, 166. Robins, M. S., 359. Robinson, B. H., 208; , Lieut. 317- Rock Island, 79; prisoners at, number, 117, 121; supplies needed for, 118-20; medicine needed for, 119-20; tobacco needed, 120; supplies sent to, 121, 122, 123; term of imprison- ment at, 118. Rockbridge Battery, 365, 372, 527. Rockingham County, Va., 285. Rodenkircher, H., exempt, 379. Roderick, D., 294. Rodes, R. E., 207, 301, 345; L. to E. Johnson, July 6, '63, 380; position of, 380. Rogers, A. L., L. to J. T. Brown, June 13, '62, 380; J. Longstreet, June 12, '62, 380; , F. A., 358; , J. V. B., 232; , Lieut., 318. Rogers' Battery, 318. Roll-calls, five daily, 418. Rome, Ga., citizens of, 247. Romney, Va., 320. Ronald, C. A., L. to , Aug. 14, '62, 380; , C. H., 410. Rosecrans, Genl., 386. Ross, Capt, 317; , D. M., 381. F. M., 93; , Lieut., 285, 289. Ross' Cavalry, 299. Rosters, 49ifF. Rountree, L. C, 493; command, 493- Routh, S. M., 401. Routine, of battery, 179. Routt, A. P., L. to Mrs. W. H. Routt, Dec, '64, 381. Routt, W. H., 164; L. to Mrs. W. H. Routt, Nov. 25, '62, 381; Jany. 25, '63, 382; Mch. 13, Mch. 26, May 10, '63, 382; May 27, June 23, '63, 383; July 16, '63, 384-85; Aug. I, Sept. 6, Sept. 26, '63, 386; Sept. 28, Oct. 4, Oct. 8, '63, 387; Oct. 28, '63, May 21-23, '64, 388; July 20, Oct. 9, Oct. 18, '64, 389; Nov. 26, Dec. 7, '64, 390, Routt, Mrs. W. H., L. to: from A. P. Routt, Dec, '64, 381. from W. H. Routt, (q. v.) Rowan, J. W., 404. Rowe, Dr., 137. "Royal Saxon," The, 129. Roy, T. B., 268. "Rubens," The, 130. Rucker, J. F., L. to W. N. R. Beale, Dec 18, '64, 88; Mch.- May, '6s, 89-90. Ruggles, H. B., L. to: from F. D. Ruggles, (q. v.); , F. D., L. to H. B. Ruggles, Oct. 22, '62, 390. "Rules and Regulations of the Berrien Mounted Guard," 520. Rumors, of Confederate victory at Manassas, 388. Russell, Geo., see A. Morgan. Rust, Albert, report of, 390. Rutherford, T. M., receipt of, 390. Ryan, J. S., L. to L. W. Spratt, May 24, '62, 391. S. S., Miss Mary, 135, 152. Sabine Pass, battle of, 406. Salary, of Treasury clerk, 353. Sale, W. D., 48. Salt, necessary for horses, 231; price of, 391; works, 177. Saltville, Va., 177. Salyards, Lieut., 188. Sams, H. H., reports by, 391. "Samson's Riddle," 551. "San Jocinto," U. S. S., 393. "Sancho Panze," The, 134. Sandaige, Mrs., 48. Sandidge, L. D., 422. Sands, A. H., see M. D. Hoge et al. Sandy, Jno., 295; , L., 295. Index. 609 Santee Light Arty., 416; River, bridge over, 416. Satellite, U. S. S., 348. Saunders, J. J., L. to Mrs. CoUey, Nov. 13, '64, 391; , Robt, L. to E. Finney, Mch. 20, '62, 391. Saunders' Arty. Batln., 318. Sauntey, Lieut., L. to: from S. A. C. Gibson, 258. Savage Station, Magruder on battle of, 525. "■ Savannah, Ga., churches, 548ff., 5SS; defences of, 353, 413; de- struction of property at, 329; shops at, 220; Wayside Home at, 48, 241, 542. "Savannah," The, 280. Savannah Guards, 391. Sayre, Mrs. M. B., L. to: from Mrs. M. A. Fontaine, Apr. 30, '6s, 249-53. Scabies, ward for, 18; forms of, 39- Scales, D. M., 146, 147, 155, 156, 157. 158, 163, n. 15, 17. Schaller, Frank, 521. Scharf, Genl., 104. Schedule, of prices, 427. Schem's Creek, S. C, 423. Schmidt, H. D., 556. Schneider, Theo., L. to A. Reich- ung. May 26, '62, 408. Scott, A. S., 291; , F. C, 218; , Jno. L. to W. B. Talia- ferro, Nov. 26, '59, 497; . J- M., 331. Screven, Jno., report by, 391. Scriptures, text of, 543-44. Sculthrop, J. L., 294. "Sea King," The, 126-27. Seabrook, H., report by, 392. Seabury, F. W., Sons, 392; , W. H., 56. Seagle, G. W., 493. Secession, almanac on origin of, 558; of S. C, ordinance, 400; of Va., vote, 350. Secessionville, S. C, 240, 414, 431. "Second Report of the Board. . ." 510. "Second Year of the War, The," 523- Secret service, methods of, 190. Seddon, James A., 197, 238, 255, 257. 259. 260, 269, 300, 334, 351, 361, 400, 430, 431, 508, 509; L. to Sam. Jones, Nov. 28, '64, 392. Endor. by, 242, 273, 351, 436, 437; permit sig. by 392; L. to: from J. Breathed, Sept. 25, '63, 197; J- L. Eubank, Apr. 20, '64, 242; E. W. Finey, n. d., 248. C. T. Mason, May 15, '64, 58; L. B. Northrup, Jany. 23, '63, 351; R. Ransom, May 11, '64, 55-56; W. B. Taliaferro, Jany. I, 7, '63, 411. Seddon, John, 410; , Maj., L. to: from J. A. Marks, Aug. 18, '62, 349. Selden, Charles, 433; , J. A., L. to W. O. Harvie, Jany. 12, '62, 392; , Mrs., L. to: from ...., 392. Sellen, James D., 288. Semmes, Mrs. E. T., 47; , Paul, L. to J. M. Goggin, Nov. 25, '62, 393. Semmes, R., 526; L. to J. D. Bul- loch, Nov. 19, '62, 393. Senate, C. S. A., 564. Sentinel, Richmond, 423. Sequestration Act, proceedings under, 279, 303, 304, 392; sur- render of goods, 275. Sergeant, W. F., 448. Sergeants, appointed, 205. "Sermon delivered in the Govern- ment Street Church," 551. Sermons, delivered, 438; printed, 546-553- "Sermon preached in St. John's ...•," 552. "Seven-Starred Banner, The,- 394- Seward, W. H., L. to: from T. Smith, May 14, '66, 460. Sewell, Mrs. 533. Seymour, Genl., 254. Shacklett, A. R., order, 393. Shaner, T. G., deserter, 295. Shea, George, 461, L. to S. P. Chase, May i, '&;, 471; Mrs. V. C. Clay, July 3, '65, 442, July 17, '65, 449; J- R- Davis, Oct. 20, '67, 474; Mrs. Varina Davis, July 3, '65, 442; Aug. 3, '6s, 449; Aug. 31, '65, 453; Oct. 20, '65, 456; May 16, '66, 461; May 21, '66, 462; Mch. 16, '67, 470; Mch. 17, '67, 471; Mrs. M, L. Howell, Aug. 22, '65, 451; Charles O'Conor, Jany. 6, '65 458; Aug. 13, '66, 464; Aug. 14, 6io Index. '66, 465; Aug. 20, '66, 466; Sept. 27, '66, 469; Gerrit Smith, Aug. 22, '66, 467; Oct. 18, '67, 473; Henry Wilson, Mch. 17, '67, 470. L. to: from F. A. Aiken, (q. v.); from F. P. Blair (q. v.); from J. M. Buchanan, (q. v); from Mrs. V. C. Clay (q. v); from J. R. Davis, (q. v.); from Mrs. V. Davis, (q. v.); from H. Greeley, (q. v.); from Mrs. M. L. Howell, (q. v.); from D. H. London, (q. v.); from J. M. Mason, (q v.) ; from Chas. O'Conor, (q. v.); from Gerrit Smith, (q. v.); from C. E. L. Stuart, (q. v.) ; from J. R. Young (q. v.). Interviews Greeley, 473, and Mason, 473; reports progress, 458; visits Canada, 457, New England, 465- 66, and Richmond, 470. See Davis, Jefferson, trial. Shea Papers, contents of, 439. Sheffield, J. L., cert, of, 393-94- Shelton, N. C, author, 394; , R. J., 246. Shenandoah Co., Va., 284; , Valley, map of, 490. Shenandoah, C. S. S., bibliog-' raphy, 126; is commissioned, 127; sails, 127; location of, daily from Oct. 18, '64, to Nov. 8, '6s, 126-63; small crew of, 127; passes sail, 127-28; captures the "Alina," 128; captures to the "Charter Oak," 128; general muster on, 128; captures the "D. Godfrey," 129; the "Susan," 129; the "Adelaide," 129; the "Kate Prince," 129; the "Lizzie M. Stacy," 129; crosses the line, 130, 141, 155; overhauls various neutrals, 130, 135; reaches whaling grounds, 130; captures the "Edward," 131; visits Tritan d'Cunha, 131; is injured, 132; Christmas' aboard, 13s; captures the "Delphine," 133; at St. Paul, 134; nears Australia, 134; overhauls the "Nimrod," 135; makes Mel- bourne, 136; is permitted to re- pair, 136; visits aboard, 136; goes on slip, 137; search of, re- fused, 138; in danger of seizure, 138; leaves Melbourne, 139; iires loaded guns, 139; rum aboard, tapped, 140; weathers heavy storm, 140; sights Drum- mond's Island, 141; makes As- cension, 142; captures several ships, 142; sails, and cruises, 142-43; goes northward, 144-50; captures the "Abigail," 146; enters the Okhotsk, 146, and leaves, 148; sights Cape Nav- erin, 148; captures two ships, 148; crew of, hear of Lee's sur- render, 148; makes numerous captures, 149; turns southward, 150; fine sailing of, 151; learns of the overthrow of theA'Con- federacy, 152; makes for Aus- tralia, 153; but changes for Liverpool, 153; disarms, 153; crew of, disturbed, 153; wears south, 153; dissention aboard, 155. 156, 159; makes fine run, 157; wears far south, 157; passes' Shag Rocks, 157; crew of, doubtful as to destination, 158; petitions circulated aboard, 158-59; council aboard, 158; passes around the world, 159; course of, decided, 159; quarrel aboard, 160; first anniversary of, 160; deaths aboard, 161; crew of, paid, 162; makes Liver- pool, 162; abandoned, 163; flag of, 163; prizes of, 163, n. 16; officers of, 163, n. 17. Sheppard, W. L., 167, n. 11. Sheridan, P. H., losses of, 239. Sheriff, of Bedford Co., 22. Sherman, 'W. T., reported defeat of, 180. Sherrard, Capt., 291; , J. B., 93- Shields, J. A., circular of, 394; , Jas., order book of, 394. Shiffey, J. P., see R. F. Dennis. Ship Point, Va., 206, defences of, 409; troops from, 369. Shirter & Reid, 502. Shivers, W. R., 492. Shocks, surgical, 35, 40. Shoemaker (Shumaker), L. M., 319- Shoes, price of, 389; for prison- ers, 97; making of, 29. Shumaker's Battery, 292. Shurly, E. R. P., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Mch. 25, '6s, 96. Index. 6ii ■Shrewth, Geo., 394. Sick, arrival of, 17; number of, at Liberty, 20, 30; at Johnson's Island, III; at Point Lookout, 113; leave for, 175; left on ad- vance, 172; prisoners, 92; sup- plies for, 30; will not report, 19, 20. Sickle's Division, 337. Sickness, amount of, 400; deaths from, 560; prevalence of, 256. -Signal Hill, Va., 327. Signals, operation of, 270; decoy, 70. Siege Train, S. C, 224. "Silas Marner," 532. ""Silver Trumpets of the Sanctu- ary." 552- Simon, J. H., L. to W. B. Talia- ferro, Jany. 19, '65, 394. Sinks, to be dug, 330, 417. Sinton, C. J., 165. ^'Sketch of Dabney Carr Harri- son," 528. 'Sketch of the Life of Randolph Fairfax," 527. ""Skirmish Drill for Mounted Troops," 510. Slaughter, J. E., L. to , 396; , Philip, 528, 547. Slaughter's Mountain, 333. Slaves, hire of, 382; impressed, 167; pay of, 272. •Slavery, probable effects of the ■wa.r on, 382; readings on, 537. Slemons, W. F., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Feb.-Apr., '65, 121-23. Slidell, John, 338, 482. Smallpox, soldiers exposed to, 23; at Elmira, 100, loi; at Liberty, 24. "Smith, Angie V., L. to: from C. M. Winkler, Sept. 30, '63, 433; , B. H., L. to J. T. Brown, Oct. 8, '62, 396; , C. H., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Dec. ig, '64, 107; , C. L., 206, 396; , C. T., 91; , Caleb, 496; , Col., 313; , E. B., 263; , E. K., L. to J. E. Johnston, July 4, '63, 395 ; , F- H., author, 528; , F. W., Tel. to: from J. M. Otey, n. d., 71- 72; , Gehl., 370. "Smith, Gerrit, 464; L. to A. John- son, Aug. 24, '66, 468; H. Greeley, Aug. 24, '66, 468; Geo. Shea, May 12, '67, 472; Oct. 21, '67, 474; Nov. 20, '67, 478; power of Atty. of, 478; L. to: from Geo. Shea, Aug. 22, '66, 467; Oct. 18, '67, 473. Memorial of, 467. Opinion of Davis' trial, 474; will appear in Richmond, 472; will present Memorial, 465. Smith, G. A., L. to: from S. Jonesj Mch. 16, '62, 308; , G. C, 493; , G. W., 254, 305; sketch of, 527; , I. W., Tel. to A. L. Rives, May 13, '64, 57; , J., 289; , J. D., 343. , Jas. B., 195; , J. L., L. to: from F. P. Turner, Dec. 22, '63, 422; , J. P-, 296, 297; , L. J., L. to O. Cohen, Jany. s, '65, 396; , Lieut., 132, 163, n. 17; , M. L., L. to R. W. Memminger, May 9, '63, 397; to J. C. Pemberton, Fel3. 14, '63, 397; sketch df, 527; , Norman, 269; , N. W., L. to: from H. Cobb, Jany. 31, '65, 221; , Preston, 366; , R. M., 504-05; , T., death of, 241; , T. J., L. to W. B. Taliaferro, Feb. 15, '64, 397; , Truman, L. to W. H. Seward, May 14, '66, 400; , Wm., 383; , W. D., comn. of, 398; L. to S. Cooper, Jany. 19, '61, 397; , W. H., pass sig. by, 397; , Willoughby, N., statement of, 399; , W. N., circular of, 398-99; L. to: from W. L. Broun, Nov. 30, '63, 201; , W. P., discharge of, 399; , W. R., 48. "Smith and Barrow's Monthly Magazine," 557. Smith, Bailey and Co., 423, 427. Smith's Battery, 409. Snead, T. L., L. to: from W. C. Falkner, Aug. 8, '62, 247; , T. T. L., Tel. to: from W. H. Stevens, Aug. 11, '64, 65. Sneed, J. R., 366. Snider, T. A., 331. Snow, Lieut., 280. Socks, price of, 389. "Soldiers' Almanac, 1863," 563. "Soldiers' Pocket Bible," 546. "Soldiers' Prayer Book," 545. "Soldiers' Text-book," 546. 6l2 Index. Soldiers' Tract Asso., 542, 553, 563. Somerset, Federals at, 328. Somerville, Va., brush near, 174. Songs, of the war, 534. "Sophia Thornton," The, 149. Sorrel, G. M., 334; comns. of, 399- 400; appointed to temporary- rank, 273; assigned to Wright's Brig., 327; recommended, 273. Soup Kitchen, Richmond, 377!!. South Carolina, assists N. C, 338, 364; convention of, 511; ordi- nance of secession of, 400; troops cannot be sent to, 392. South Carolina Arty., ist, 240, 303. 373; 2nd, 240; siege train, 240, 311, 414. South Carolina Cavalry, 6th, 429; Butler's Brig., 339. South Carolina Infy., ist Regt., 266; 2nd, 269; 3rd, 269, 372; 3rd Batln., 269, 372; 7th, 269, 372; 8th, 269, 372; nth, 212, 241, 414; 14th, 372; isth, 262, 269; 17th, 238; i8th, 414; i8th Militia, 416; 19th, 212; 20th, 269, 372; 2Sth, 311; 27th, 311; 31st, 242. South Carolina Tract Soc, 529, 545. Southall, S. v., 332, 333; L. to J. T. Brown, May 16, '63, 400; G. W. Randolph, Oct. 2, '61, 400; L. to: from J. C. Carpen- ter, Aug. 13, '63, 218; W. P. Carter, Apr. 6, '64, 219. Southall, W. H., 204, 206; report by, 400; command of, 338, 364. "Southern Churchman," per., 558. "Southern History of the Great Civil War," 523. "Southern History of the War," 523-' "Southern Illustrated News," per. 175, 558. "Southern Monthly," per., 558. "Southern Presbyterian Review," per., 558. "Southern Punch," per., 558. "Southern School Arithmetic, The," 537- Southern States, publications ofT 5". Southside Railroad, advance on, 70, 271. "Sovereign of the Seas," The, 156. Sparrow, Wm., sermon by, 401. Spears, Jno., 266. "Speech of George W. Richard- son," 515. Speed, James, 442. Spellers, 536-37. Spence, Jas., 543. Spencer, Charles, 179. "Spirit of Military Institutions, The," 520. Spottswood, W. A. W., 34. Spottsylvania Co., Va., 388, map, 489. Spratt, L. W., L. to: from J. S. Ryan, May 24, '62, 391. Spright, J. W., 493. Springfield, Mo., newspaper, 557. Spurs, from sabots of shells, 220 Squad-drills, recommended, 210. Stacy, G. B., L. to: from R. E. Lee, Dec. 16, '61, 315. Staff, of Pres. Davis, 234. Stafford, L. A., L. to W. T. Taha- ferro, Aug. 14, '62, 401; L. to: from R. J. Mayrant, Aug. 19, '62, 352. Stanard, H. M., 340; , P. B., 67; , W. B., 230, 331; L. to T. E. Ballard, July i, '63, 170; J. L. Brisbome, Dec. 16, '64, igg; J. Canefield, n. d., 218; stores, delivered to, 276. Stanley, Capt., 347. Stanton, E. M., 326, 443, 445, 458. "Star of the West," expected, 262. Starke, P. H., 49; , W., L. to J. F. Mayer, Aug. 6, '63, 401; , W. E., order, Sept. 5, '62, 401; Endor. by, 352; command of, 337. 361, 372. 4", 496; , W. N., 401. Stationery, issue of, 354; prices of, 192. See paper. "Statutes at Large of the Provi- sional Government, The," 506, Staunton, Va., 67, 292, 433. Steadman, J. G. W., L. to A. W. Harman, Jany. i, '65, iii. Stephens, A. H., 153; election of, 338; L. to: from Jeffn. Davis, July 2, '63, 479. Sterling, Richard, 536; , Campbell and Albright, 536, 538. Steuart, G. H., 164, 326, 403, 404. 430, 488; L. to H. Fry, Apr. 2, Index. 613 '64, 40s; B. W. Leigh, June 19, '6s, 404; to , June 19, '63, 404; orders of, 405; reports of, 402, 405; actounts of, 406; mis- cellaneous papers of, 406; En- dor, by, 45, 219, 277, 419. L. to: from H. A. Broyn, Feb. 18, '64, 203; J. P. Crane, Aug. 22, '63, 229; R. S. Ewell, 323, Sept. 13-1S, 18, '63, 244-46; H. Fry, Apr. 2, '64, 25s; W. W. Gasden, Apr. 13, '64, 257; E. Johnson, June- July, '63, 300-01; Sept. 4, Dec. 29, '63, 302; Feb. 18, '64, 302; Apr. 6, '64, 303; J. H. Lane, July 12, '63, 311; R. E. Lee, Oct. 22, '62, 320; "Steu- art's Minstrels," 405; N. M. Tanner, Jany. i, '63, 419; J. A. Walker, Feb. 18, '64, 324-25; J- A. Wharton, Mch. 4, '64, 428; receipts' to, 405. Assigned to duty, 227, 273, 300, 322; com- mand of, 300-03, 323. 428, 496; thanks to, 305. Stevens, Col., 97; , Dr., 401; J. R., L. to R. M. Kent, Feb. 7, '63, 406. Stevens, W. H., Tel. to G. T. Beauregard, May 24, '64, 58; B. Bragg, May 14, '64, 58; T. O. Chestney, May 8, '64, 52; T. T. L. Snead, Aug., '64, 65, 69; W. D. Stuart, Aug. 14, '64, 66. Stevenson, P. D., L. to his Mother, July i, '64, 407; to Tilly Apr. 29, '64, 406; Feb. 5, '6s, 407; to , Nov. IS, '61, 406. Stewart, A. T., 465; , C. H., 404; , Dr. K. I., 190; , K. J., 539; , W. H., 499. Stiles, Jos. C, 529; , Miss Katherine C, 13; L. to: from H. Cobb, June 29, '64, 221. Stocker, A. E., L. to S. F. Cole- man, et al., Jany. 18, '65, 407; L. to: from same, Jany. 17, 'SSi 223- Stockton, P. M., L. to Lieut. Morrison, Mch. 7, '63, 407. Stonehathe, A. S., cert, of, 437- "'Stonewall' Jackson, late Gen- eral " 529. Stonewall, C. S. S., 199; log. i99- Stoney Creek, Va., 64, 71. Stono River, bridge, 226; bat- teries, 240; fortifications, 335, 414. Stores, destruction of, 329; deliv- ery of, 303. Stover, J., L. to W. B. Taliaferro, Aug. 7, '62, 408. Stowaways, on the "Shenandoah," 138, 139- Stragglers, arrest of, 361, 418. Straggling, prevention of, 334. "Strange Story, A." 532. "Stranger's Guide, The ," 564. "Stranger's Guide and Ofhcial Directory " 564. Strasburg, Va., engagement at, 213. Strath, J. A., 296. Stribling, R. M., 408; Battery of, 165, 318, 338. Stringfellow, C. S., 308, 309; , F., Tel. to R. E. Lee, Aug. 18, '64, 67. Srong's Island, 142. Strube, Fr., L. to A. Reichung, May 26, '62, 408. Stuart, A. H. H., L. to: from J. P. Benjamin, Mch. 25, '64, 190; , C. E. L., 449, 455 ; L. to Geo. Shea, n. d., 478. Stuart, J. E. B., 367; L. to Jas. Breathed, Mch. 21, '64, 408; M. D. Hoge, Nov. 21, '63, 408; to , June 3, 'so; Aug. 10, 'S5. 500. Endor. by, I97- Assigned to duty, 287; death of, 314; death of, announced, 267; es- cape of, 194; movement against, 320. Stuart, W. D., Tel. to: from W. H. Stevens, Aug. 14, '64, 66. Stuart Horse Artillery, 360, 408; opinions of, 197. Sturges, Wm., grant to, 498. Styles, C. W., L. to: from A. R. Lawton, Sept. 25, '61, 312. Subsistence Department, regula- tions of, 510; forms for, 276. Subsistence stores, delivered, 276; at Vicksburg, 361; injustice of seizure of, 257; invoice of, 271; purchased, 230, 310-11; report on, 367. Suffolk, Va., troops for, re- quested, 329. Sugar, for soldiers, 176; statistics of crop, 559; stores of, 379. 6i4 Index. Sulakowski, V., L. to J. B. Ma- gruder, Nov. 22, '61, 409. Sullivan, Mrs., 94. Sullivan's Island, S. C, 423; events on, Jany '65, 215; oper- ations around, 373; stores on, 379- "Sumter," The, C. S. S., 525-26; , Fort, see Charleston; Fort Sumter. Supernumeraries, presence of, 236. Supplies, collected by women, 248; difficulty of procuring, 422; to be procured, 333. Surgeons, appointed, 369; at Rob- ertson Hospital, 48; exempt from capture, 352; imprisoned, 107; reports of senior, 380, 401; request to act as, 421; manual for, 507; requisition for, 346; to return enlisted men, 47; scarcity of, 49; use hospital supplies, 48. Surgeon-General's Office, manual from 507; reports from records of, 37; see Moore, S. P. "Susan," The, 129. "Susan Abigail," The, 149. "Susanna Banana," 143. Sutton, W. M. and Co., L., to: from B. T. Johnson, May 16, '64, 300; Wm. Lamb, Oct. 5, '64, 311. Swan, Robt., comn. of, 409; , W. G., 463. Swann, S. A., 242. Swanson, S. F., 232. Swift Creek, Va., firing near, 54. Sykes, Macon, desc. list of, 409. Syphilis, soldiers with, 23, 46, 161. SyphiUtic inoculation, 37, 39, 43. Syren, Steamer, 373. "System of Modern Geography, A, ...."540. T., R. A., L. of, 409. Tabb, Miss A. P., 48. Tactics, recitations in, 288. Talapuing, advance on the, 256. Taliaferro, A. G., 410, 425; , T. T., 230. Taliaferro, W. B., 212, 276, 362; L. to J. L. Black, Jany. 20, '65, 415; R. H. Chilton, Dec. 31, '62, 411; S. Cooper, May 13, '63, 413; J. L. Corley, Jany. 11, '63, 412; Jany. 26, '63, 412; Sam Jones, July 3, '64, 414; G. A. Mercer,. Mch. 26, '63, 413; A. S. Pendle. ton, Jany. 15, '63, 412; J. A. Sed- don, Jany. i, '63, 4"; Jany. 7, '63, 4"; G. H. Walter, Feb. 28.. '65, 416; Col. — , 415; circulars, July 21, '62, 409; Feb. 22, 28, '65, 418; Mch. 25, 27, '65, 417; Mch. 28, 29, '6s, 418; S. O., Mch. 30, '62, 410. Endorsations by, 49, 192, 337; L. to: from T. E. P. Bal- lard, Jany. 27, '63, 170; B. J. Barbour, Aug. 13, '62, 170; G. H. Bier, Dec. 21, 22, '62, 192; Wm. Butler, Jany. 10, '65, 214; S. V. Fulkerson, Feb. 20, '62, ^55; R- C. Gilchrist, Oct. 9, '64, 259; G. A. Gordon, June i, '63, 263; R. E. Grant, Feb. 24, '64, 264; E. L. Holcombe, Apr. i, '64, 276; J. W. Jackson, Aug. 7, '62, 281; T. J. Jackson, Dec. 29, '62, Jany. 21, '63, 298; H. P> Jones, Jany. i, 9, '63, 306; J. M. Jones, Aug. 13, '62, 307; W. T- Joynes, Feb. 27, '63, 309; W. W. Lamar, Jr., Feb. 25, '64, 310; J. F. Lay, n. d., 313; S. M. Mar- shall, May 16, '62, 350; F. T. NichoUs, et al., Jany. 16, '63, 356; J. H. Pendleton, n. d., 362; J. A. Phillins, June 3, '63, 364; R. S. Rice, Apr. 29, '62, 374; W. H. Richardson, Dec. 9, '59, 497;- Jno. Scott, Nov. 28, 'S9, 497; J- H. Simon, Jany. 19, '65, 3945 T. J. Smith, Feb. 15, '64, 397! J- Stover, Aug. 7, '62, 408; N. J. Wilgon, Nov. 7, '63, 431. Order- ed to S. C, 227; relieved of duty, 187; ordered to Florida, 188; forces of, 188; report of, on defences, 353; Rice's Battery tO' join, 374; list of officers of com- mand of, 410; reports to, 410, 411, 415; L. to: anon, 413, 414, ,415; memoranda of, 414, 419; brigade of, com.mand, 298; offi- cers, 410; division of, withdraw- al of, 416; on retreat, 216. Taliaferro, W. T., L. to: from C. Gaillard, Dec. 28, '64, 256; G. M. Harvey, June 7, '63, 269; J. R. Jones, Dec. 22, '62, 307, Jany. Index. 615 9, '63, 308; L. A. Stafford, Aug. 14, '62, 401. Tallahassee, Fla., St. John's Ch., 552- Tallcott, C. G., Tel. to: from R. E. Lee,. Aug. 22, '64, 68. Talley, John W., 331. Tannahill, R. A-, endor. by, 435- L. to: from R. A. Young, July 27. '64, 434- Tanner, N. M., L. to G. H. Stew- art, Jany. i, '63, 419. Tannery, distinction of, 30. "Taps," 289. Tariff, revision of, 338. Tarrh, Capt., L. to, 242. Tate, J. L., 272, 364. Tattnall, J., L. to L. M. Golds- borough, Apr. 17, '62, 419-20; L. to; from S. S. Lee, Dec. 30, '64, 329; S. R. Mallory, July 24, '62, 348; I. Toucey, Feb 21, '61, 421; comn. of, 419. Taxes, acknowledgments of, 165; assessment of, 561; — in-kind, 217, 275. 3", 347. 365; report on, 505; Va. ordinance on, 514. Tayloe, Cadet, 287. Taylor's Arty., m. r. of, 495. Taylor, Brig.-Genl., 361. Taylor, Archibald, 44. Taylor, E. B., L. to J. F. Gilmer, Aug. 16, '62, 420; — , G. B., 563. Taylor, Jefferson, 266; L. to S. P. Hughes, Dec. 11, '62, 420. Taylor, R., 334; . R- K., 28. Taylor, Richard, 395; L. to J- C. Pemberton, Mch. 15, '63, 420. Taylor, T. T., L. to Surg. Knode, June 29, '62, 48. Taylor, W. H., 172, 219, 320-21, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 335, 402. Tel. to A. L. Land, Aug. 14, '64, 66; J. D. Potts, Aug. 14, '64, 66; C. Marshall, Aug. 14, '64, 67; Tel. to: from H. D. Bird, Sept. 2, '64, 70; parole of, 328; see R. E. Lee. Tayne, W. G., 357- Teams, hiring of, 217, 220, 337. Teamsters, detail of, 266; dis- abled men as, 323. Tebbs, S. I. F., cert, sig: by, 420. Tedford, R. J., 332- Telegraph lines, difficulties of es- tablishing, 431-33; not in ope- ration, 216; operator of, remov- ed, 255; repairs to, 60. Temple, B. B., 278; L. to J. T. Brown, Feb. 8, '62, 421. Tennessee, Army of, officer or- dered to, 261; dissentions in, ig6. Tennessee Infty., 366; ist, 366, 545-46; 8th, 366; 13th, 366; 14th, 401; 47th, 97; 49th, 97; scouts, 1st, 91. Tennessee Troops, bravery of, 196, 366; prisoners, 103. Terrell, E. T., 332; — , L. F., 218. Terrett, G. H., Tel. to G. T. Beau- regard, June, '61, 60-62; n. d. 72; B. Bragg, June, '64, 60-61; n. d., 72; T. O. Chestney, May 12-13, '64,57; S. R. Mallory, May 8, '64, 52; May 9, '64, 53; May 14, '64, 58; J. M. Maury, n. d., 72; J. M. Otey, May-June, '64, 58-61; n. d., 72; J. D. Potts, n. d., 72; endor. by, 55; Tel. to: from R. Ranson, May 10, '64, 55- Terry, J. F., 224, 248. Terry's Brigade, 330. Tetanus, discussed, 37; traumatic cases' of, 37; nerves in, 43; pseudo — , 38; appearance of, af- ter amputation, 38; "idiopathic," causes, etc., 43. Texas Cavalry, 6th, 299; Roun- tree's Partizans, 493. Texas Infty., ist, 332; 4th, 277, 332, 493. 524; Spright's Regt., 493- Text-Books, publ. of, 534ff. Thayer, Mrs., 94. Thom, R.T., L. to W.N.R. Beall, Dec. 12, '64, Feb. 8, Mch. 6, '65, 106; Mch. n. d., '65, 107; . W. P., papers of, 33. Thomas Arty., 318. Thomas, Miss Alice, 253. Thomas, F. I., Tel. to J. W. Ellis, May 29, '61, 421; R. B., 248; , S. L., 279. Thompson, , 280; 's Bat- tery, 318. Thompson, Jacob, 482; L. to: from J. P. Benjamin, March 2, '6s, 190, 479. Thompson, J. R., see M. D. Hoge, et al. Thormond, Lieut., 317. 'Three Months in the Southern States," 526-27. Thruston, S. D., 421, 430. 6i6 Index. Tilghman, Lloyd, L. to L. Polk, Jany. 29, '62, 421. Timberlake, B. T., see S. F. Cole- man; , S. M., 170. Tithables, taxes, on, 217. Tobacco, little raised, 27; for prisoners, 78, 92, 93, 103; for prisoners, withheld, 109; need- ed, log, iii; requested, 172; sta- tistics of, 559. Tobbyson, P. M., 220. Tolson, Albert, 421. Toll, from mills, 434ff. Tomlinson, T. W., 498. Tommersnan's Arty., 240. Tompkins, Capt. Sally, Comn., 14, 47, note 116. Toombs, Robt., 338. Toon, J. J. & Co., 537, 544. Torbert, Genl., 328. Torpedoes, locks for, 65; sinking of monitor by, 279; improve- ments in, 336. Toucey, I., L. to J. Tattnall, Feb. 21, '61, 421. Tourniquet, uses of the, 42. Touson, Thos., 494. Townes, W. W., 435. Townsend, C. J., 303. Trains, attacks on, 293. Trammell, Alex., 492. Transfers, punishment for re- questing, 208; of enlisted men, 226; of ordnance, 363; granted, 364; requests for, 248, 372, 401. Transportation, brigade, 372; ar'd Charleston, 423 ; at Lundy's, Va., 66,67; compared, 212; field, 333; for detail, 168; for medical dept., 44, 171; in S. C, 187; limitation of, 301; need of, 172, 308; on Davis' retreat, 170; on James river, 57,58; order for, 433; ord- nance, 302; reports on, 223, 228, 367; securing of, 217; to Cul- peper, 66. Transports, on James river, 60- 62;, 72, Treasure, delivery of, 433. Treasurer, appt. of, 234. Treasury, deposits in, 238, 366; contributions to, 365; funds of, deposited, 352; — Note Bureau, 299; — notes, amount of, 561; — notes, interest on, 352; — notes counterfeit, 364. Tredegar Iron Works, 199, 323. Trenching tools, requisitioned, 293. Trevilian, J. G., 210. Tribune, The, advocates amnesty, 449; extras of, published, 465; will advocate Davis' release, 471. Trigg, Mrs. B., 48. Trimble, I. R., 74, 81, 82, 83, 300; endor. by, 222. Tristan de Cunha, igi. Troop Arty., 338, 347. Troopers' Manual, The,'' 521. Tucker, B. D., 390; D. H., 46; , J. R.; see M. D. Hoge, et al; , R., 480. Tumor, preparation of a, 37. Turner, F. P., L. to J. T. Brown, May 13, '63, 422; J. L. Smith, Dec. 22, '63, 422; G. G., 394. Turner, S. P., 290; , T. T. 243-44. Turnipseed, W. H., disabled, 49. Tuscarora, C. S. S., 499. Twiggs, D. E., order of, 422. Twiggs, H. D. D., L. to P. K. Ma- loney, Oct. 28, '63, 423; , T. D., 198. "Two Sermons on the Times," 552- Tybee Island, defences of, 391. Tyler, Geo., 421 ; , J. E., elec- tion of, 247; promotion, 347, 428. Tyler, AUegre & McDaniel, 528. Tyler, Wise & AUegre, 503. Tyler, Wise, AUegre & Smith, 504, 524- Tyler, R. O., endor. by, 79, 80; L. to: from W. N. R. Beall, Mch. 22, ■6s, 79; H. W. Halleck, Apr. 6, '6s, 86; J. J. Lewis, Apr. 12, '65, 86. Tyree, A. W., 423; — , T. M., 493. u. Underwood, J. C, 460, 468, 469, 471. 472. "Uniform and Dress of the Army," 511. Uniform, regulations for, 507. United Benevolent Soc, 377-78. United States- Gold Mining Tracts, 279. University of Va., 193. Upper Dam, Va-, Arty, at, 426. Utopia Bottom, Va., 340. Index. 617 V. Vacancies, number of, 322. Vaccination, notes on, 18; crusts for, i8, 19, 21; of hospital pa- tients, 24; virus for, worthless, 28; by citizen practitioners, 29; eruptive diseases following, 36; syphilitic inoculation, and, 37. Vaccine, from children, 29; need of, 32. "Vain is the Help of Man," 552. Vallee, Hattie, alias Mrs. De Bar, q. V. Valley, Army of, 292; campaign, 528. Van Buren, D. T., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Dec. 29, '64, 77; endor. by, 80. Vance, (R. B.), 85. Vance, Z. B., 359; L. to W. H. Day, Aug. 19, '63, 423; J- A. Seddon, Mch. 19, '63, 423; Tel. to J. W. Ellis, June i, '61, 423- VanVleet, S. M., L. to W. N. R. Beall, Feb. 3, '63, 78. Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 478. Vanii, E. J., 249. Vardell, W. G., L. to F. D. Blake, Dec. 30, '64, 423. Variola, cases of, treated, 556. Vaughan, Lieut., 212. Venable, Charles S., 65, 320; pa- role, 328. Venereal diseases, soldiers with, 23- Ventilation, of hospitals, 31-32. Vicksburg, Miss., news from, 383; attempts to relieve, 395; bom- bardment of, 331; burning of funds at, 312; issue of .rations in, 361; map of, 486; parole at,- 255; recruiting at, 438; supplies sent to, 420; waste of stores at, 357- Victory, South will secure, 390. Villipigne's Light Arty., 414. Vinegar, from molasses, 565. Virginia, battle-flags, 268; CapitoJ, seized, 251; convention, ordi- nances, 424; convention, ad- journs, 369; convention, sources, 241, 514; convention, speech in, 515; commissions (q. v.); elec- tion of Governor of, 370, 383; Governor's Guard of, 498; gov- ernment of, 561-62; General As- sembly, 49, 397, 563; maps of, general, 487; Bethel, 487; Drew- ry's Bluff, 488; Eastern Va., Fredericksburg and Chancel- lorsville, 488; Greenbrier river, 488; Henrico Co., 488; James river, 489; Manassas, 489; Mont- gomery Co., 489; Orange and Spotsylvania, 489; Peninsula, 489; Petersburg, 489, 490; Rich- mond, 490; Shenandoah Valley, 490; militia of, 497, 498; provis- ional army of, 197,515; reserves' of, 335; secession of, 200, 429; requests aid of North Carolina, 266; departments of, 424; Treas- ury, accounts of, 512; troops of, organization, 315. Virginia, C. S. S., 419. Virginia Arty., ist, 256, 268, 287, 290, 317. 337, 362, 527, 528; 2nd, heavy, 495; 4th, 359; loth Batn., 228; loth Heavy Batln., 374; 13th Batln., 178. Virginia, Cavalry, ist, 223, 287, 494; 4th, 99, 320; 8th, 91; 9th, 242, 311, 494; i2th, 494; 24th, 99; 36th, Batln., 91; 43d Batln., 495. Virginia Infy, ist, 288, 290, 334, 547; 2nd, 165-66, 246, 287, 289, 296, 402, 424; 2nd Batln., 269; 3rd, 247; 4th, 273, 284, 288, 289, 291, 350. 360; Sth, 246, 290, 296, 360; 6th, 499; loth, 258, 293, 322, 405, 409, 425; 1 2th, 347, 348, 493, 499; 15th, 330; i6th, 499; 2ist, 371; 23d, 223, 226, 246, 248, 309, 322, 367, 409, 410, 411, 493; 24th, 350, 361; 2Sth, 410; 27th, 294; 295, 360, ■ 493; 31st, 493; 33rd, 294, 360; 37th, 223, 295, 322, 405, 409, 410, 411; 38th, 430, 433, 493, 494; 41st, 241, 494, 499; 42d, 257; 494; 44th, 246, 354, 494; 44th Batln., 364; 46th, 414; 48th, 257, 437; 49th, 494; S6th, 494; S9th, 212; 6oth, 259, 494; 6ist. 499. Virginia and Tennessee R. R., 20 27. V. M. I., cadets of, as drill mas- ters, 285; guns of, 375; proceed- ings of, on death of T. J. Jack- son, 528. "Virginian, A," author, 529. "Virginian, The," Tel. of, 424. Von Borcke, Heros, 367. Vote, on secession of Va., 350. 6i8 Index. W. Waddell, J. I., 126, 131, 132, 135, 139, 141, 146, 155. 156, 163, n. 17; refuses to permit search of the Shenandoah, 138; birthday of, 151; agrees to sail for Austra- lia, 153; but changes course for England, 153; asks support of his crew, 153; thinks the ship should be surrendered, 154; has difficulties with his officers, 156- 57; is' petitioned to change course, 158; announces his deci- sion, 159; surrenders the ship, 162-63. Waddell's Company, 340. Waddy, Maj., L. to: from D. H. Maury, (q. v.) Waggaman, Col., Tel. to: from R. E. Lee, n. d., 71. Wagoner, Pvt, 266. Wagons, capture of train of, 299; difficulties of train of, 218; for- age, 362; for A. N. Va., 228; hired, 217, 232, 337; ordnance, 419; removal of, 303; repair of, 217; report on, 417; used as ' caissons, 340; withdrawal of, 416. Walker, Col., 209; , Corne- lius, diary of, 424; , Genl., 209, 224, 295, 402; , H. H., 69; , J. A., 238, 326; L. to G. H. Steuart, Feb. 18, '64, 425; , L. P., 255, 300, 338; at leged discourtesy of, 426; , R. L., 323. , R. S., L. to . . . ., June 13, '63, 42s; . W. H. T., report of, 353. Walker's Brigade, 431. Waller, Mrs., 452 ; , Thos, 494. Walsh, Charles, Tel. to: from C. J. McRae, Feb. 9, 21, '61, 338. Walton, Col., 316. "War: A Poem, " 533. War, causes of, in geography, 538; close of, predicted, 553; opinion of length of, 200; out- come of the, 390; people weary of the, 381. War Department, C, S. A., dis- bands, 198, 228; publications of, So6ff. "War and Its Close, The," 553. "War and Its Heroes, The," 527. "War Songs of the South," 534. Ward, Jno. H., cert, of, 93. Warder, T. B., author, 524. Ware Bottom Church, force* near, 53; skirmish near, 51. Waring, J. F., 491 ; command, 491, Warrant, on Treasury, 233. Warren, E. T. H., 410. 4255 L- to Geo. Williamson, Feb. 23, '64, 425; Endor. by, 219. Warrenton, N. C, troops, 352. "Warrock's Virginia and North Carolina Almanac" (1865), 563- 64. Washington Arty., 316, 406, 407; enlistment in, 390; address at departure of, 358. Washington, — ., 312; , J. B.,^ 287. Washington, D. C, map of ap- proaches to, 487; The "Mecca," 169; "Chronicle," 424; Washington, Ga., ambulance senf to, 269; engineer ordered to, 261. Watson, David, 204, 279, 426. Watts, T. H., 336. "Waverley," The, 83. "Waverly," 149. Way, Colonel, 227. Wayne, H. C, 419, 431; L. to Jeffn. Davis, May 10, '61, 426. Wayside Home, Savannah, 241. Wayte, J. H., 430. Webb, W. P., 229, 238, 27s, 355, 371, 372; lists of, 426; purchases by, 427; acknowledgements of, 427; receipts to, 426; stores de- livered to, 303. Weiseger, D. A., order, 498; , D. H., 428; , T. K., 494. Weldon, defences of, 65. Wellford, Mrs. Dr., 48. Werth, Mrs. Jas, R., 163, n. 15. West, John T., 499; and Johnston, publishers', 487; 489, 508, 509, 510, 516, 517, 518, 519, 522, 523, 526, 527, 530, 531, 53a,. 534. 538, 541. 561-62, 565; rec. sig. by, 428. Wharton, G. W., 236; , J. A., 270; L. to G. H. Steuart, Mch. 4, '64, 428; command of, 370 J , J. Z., 278. "What will He do with It?" 42. Wheeler, Jos., 166, 168, 181; L. to; from F. C. Armstrong, Feb. 29, '64, 167; A. Bufotd, Jany. 29, '63, 212; B. O. Fry, Jany. Index. Sig' l8, '6s, 25s; orders to, 428; au- thor, 519; command of, 530. Wheeling, Va., prisoners from, 93- Whig Book and Job Office, 515. Whiskey, rations of, 266; order for, 393. White, Christian, 291, 354; re- turns' by, 429; invoice of, 428; , J. D., 93; , J. L., 430. , Oscar, 437; , W. H., 536, 538. Whitehead, Capt., 162; , R. O., 499. Whitehurst, F. M., 499. Whitfield, R. H., 265-66. Whitford, J. D., L. to J. W. Ellis, Apr. 18, '61, 429. Whiting, W. H. Q., 69, 305; L. to B. Bragg, n. d., 429; to , 429; Tel. to: from G. T. Beau- regard, Aug., '64, 64, 65, 68; or- dered to Jackson, 189; repri- manded, 189; troops returned to, 268. Whitner, J. N., record of, 429. Whitney, Maj., 339. Whittle, P. B., comns-. of, 429-30; , Lieut, 130, 134, 138, 158, 159. 160, 163, n. 17. Whitworth Gun, breech for, 200. Wickham, W. C, 320; Endor. by, 197. Wilcox, Genl., 66. "Will-o-Wisp," The, 65. Willcox, W. M., L. to Mrs. W. E. Hinton, June 19, '62, 431. "William Thompson, The," 148. Williams, Capt., 291; , Col., 284; , C. U., 368; , J. M., 492; , J. R., 177; . J. S., L. to: from S. Jones, Sept. 28, '63, 308; . J. W.. 492; , L. B., 385; , L. S., Tel. to J. W, Ellis, Apr. 17, '61, 430; , Maj., 296. Williams, T. H., G. O. 13, 61, 16; L. to B. Blackford, Dec. 15, '61, 17; Feb. 19, '62, 18; to A. H. Rives, Oct. 16, '61, 16. L. to: from B. Blackford, (q. v.) Williams, T. V., report by, 430 ; L. to R. H. Chilton, Dec. 8, '63, 430; , W. T., 549. Williamsburg, Va., defences of, 204, 391; officer at, 263; Arty., 204. Williamson, Capt., 67; , Geo.,. 228, 406; L. to: from J. P. Fitz- gerald, Feb. 14, '64, 249; E. T.- H. Warren, Feb. 23, '64, 425; , Maj., 250; , Mrs. 48; , T. W., 489. Wilmington, N. C, 169, 309; am- munition sent to, 338; senti- ment of, 364. Wilson, C. C., comn. of, 431 ; ,. Genl., 440; , Henry, 464; L. to: from Geo. Shea, Mch. 17, '67, 470; to present resolu- tions' in Davis' behalf, 470;- , J- R-. 554; , L. M., 224; , N. J., L. to W. B. Taliaferro, 431-33. Wimbish's Battery, 317. Winchester, Va., 297, 316; Arty, at, 294; engagement at, 213 r recruiting at, 168; report of operations around, 405^ road to, 301. Winder, Genl., 357; , J. H., 399; , W. S., L. to , Dec. 16, '61, 433. Winfree, C. T., 272. Winkler, C. M., 332; L- to A. V.- Smith, Sept. 30, '63, 433. Winslo'w, Warren, L. to: from Jeffn. Da-vis, July 10, '61, 233.. Winston, C. H., see Hoge, M. D., et al. Winter-quarters, lumber for, 369; location of, 363; selection jaf,. 306; supplies in, 422. Wirt Adams Cavalry, 299. Wirz Trial, influence of, on Davis' trial, 451; reports of^ 453, 455- Wise Artillery, 318. Withers, Jno., 225, 226, 228; see Cooper, S. Wood, abundance of, 388; supply of, 367-68. Wood, Benj., 442, 449, 460; power of Atty. of, 478; L. to: from- Mrs. V. C. Clay, May 27, '65, 440. Wood, D. H., 71, 310; L. to Col. Dodamead, July 8, '61, 433; pass sig. by, 433; L. to: from R. E. Lee, Aug. 11, '64, 65; ^ Hanleiter, Rice and Co., 540; 543; , J- S., 494; . J- T.,. 348; , R. R., 433- 620 Index. Woodall, Surg., L. to: from B. Blackford, Feb. 26, '64, 29. Wooden legs, furnished, 193. Woodhouse, J. T., 499. Wooding, G. W., L. to H, Mc- Guire, July 20, '64, 49. Woodis Rifles, 498. Woodlawn Cemetery, 166. Woodram, Mary, cert. sig. by, 434- Wooten, Council, L. to J. W. Ellis, A'pr. 17, '61, 434. Women, of Richmond, Ijuild gun- boat, 310; organized, 193; aid soldiers, 212. Worden Fuze, 323. Wortendyke, J. E., 304. Wortham, Albert, 49; , Mor- ton, 253. Wounded, a mother offers ser- vices for, 258-59; provisions for, 332- Wounds, incised, 42; reports on, 36, 37- Wranek, W. J., 421. Wright, A. R., 416; L. to Sarah H. Wright, Feb. 7, '64, 434; , Cadet, 286; , D. F., 49; , D. R., 400; , F. M., 494; . J- D-. L- to: from G. T. Beauregard, Jany. 9, '62, 187; , Sarah H., L. to: from A. H. Wright, (q. V.) Wright's Brigade, 273, 327. Wyatt, J. W., 204. Wyatt's Batty., 204, 226, 317. Wynne, C. H., 5", 5i7, 525. 544. 561-62, 563; , F. H., 463; , V. G., see T. M. Atkins. Wynne's Mill, Va., 206, 338. Wytheville, Va., troops at, 176. Yancey, W. H., 338; , W. L. 542. Yazoo Pass, map, 486. Yeates, Lt.-Col. 215. Yellow-fever, discussed, 39. York, Z., 492; report, 402. Yorktown, Va., 303; defence of, 339ff; ordnance at, 368, 400,207; plan of defences, 341 ; regulation of defences, 274; retreat from, 420. Young, H. E., paroled, 328. Young, J. R., L. to Geo. Shea, June I, '66, 462; L. to: from A. M. Davis (q. v.). Young, R. A., L. to R. Tannahill, 434- Y. M. C. A., 193. Yuille, J. C, 280. Z. Zable, S., cert, sig: by, 437. ZollicofBer, Tenn., 177. CORRIGENDA. Page 13, lines 31-32, for "Miss K. P. Stiles," read "Miss Katherine C. Stiles." Page 67, note 76, for "his," read "this." Page 138, line 19, for "storeaways," read "storeaways [sic]." Page I38fl, for "Bullock," read "Bullock [sic]." Page 370, line 34, for "care," read "carve." Page 463, line i, for "1862, Apr. 17, Josiah Tatt-" read "1866, June 18, New Orleans, [La.] Jos. R. Davis to Geo. Shea." Page 479, line 4, for "Stuart," read "Stephens." Page 519, note 14, line 3, for "editor," read "edition." Page 553, line 26, for "theses," read "thesis." Ill