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THIS LITTLE VOLUME IS INSCRIBED TO THE MEMORY OF DR. WILLIAM BEDELL, OF ESSEX, SOME TIME FELLOW OF EMANUEL COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE ; MANY YEARS CHAPLAIN TO THE BRITISH EMBASSY IN VENICE ; PROVOST OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN, AND LORD BISHOP OF KILMORE AND ARDAGH. IN Italy, during a defigned feceffion from the Rotnifh Church, this worthy Proteftant prelate gained the confidence of the leaders in that critical movement towards religious reform. In Ireland, during longer and harder trials, he enjoyed the univerfal refpect due to his pre-eminent qualities. To Other vaft intelle6):ual acquirements he added familiarity with the ancient language of the Irifh people, fo as to be venerated by the lowlieft among them. In the awful Rebellion of 1641, when he died at an advanced age, his remains were followed to the tomb by "wild Kerns," eager to do honour to his memory. By a life of piety, toleration, and good works. Bishop Bedell had even calmed feme of the terrors of a fearful time. His admirable example, then, and his marvellous fuccefs may well encourage us in our tafk of ftaying dangers only lefs fearful, by a rule of juftice in the fame troubled land. THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. I, In Ireland, during all ages, elements have exifted for uniting all its people, of every origin, and every creed. The ancient faft on that head confirmed by the recent experience of Thomas Drummond. lUuftrations of the fa£l in the laft two centuries, — the cafe of the Ulfter Settlements by citizens of London ; and the prodigious moral power of Dr. Bedell of Effex, Lord Biftiop of Kilmore, from 1629 to the Rebellion of 164.1. II. The Anglo-Irifh family of the Sheridansof the 17th century — fruits of both influences. III. The Trail of 1677 andi685,on Parliamentary and all fecial reforms, byThomasSheridan, a member of that family. IV. Thomas Sheridan, Secretary to the Government and a Privy Councillor in Ireland, 1687. His exile in Francej and his hiftory of the reign of James II., a MS. preferved in the Royal Library at Windfor. The Stuart MSB. at home and abroad. I. I HE hiftory of Ireland is fhown in the few contents of this little volume, not to be wanting in evidence favourable to the advent of a peaceful and profperous union of that ifland of Celts, or by whatever name its mixed inhabitants of many origins are to be Vlll Preface. known, with the people of Great Britain, compofed of no lefs diverfe races. HithertOj indeed, fuch union, although earneftly fought by the wifeft, has been utterly unattainable in confequence of the deep-feated vicious defire of territorial conquefts prevailing over the better fenfe of conftitutional duty, fignified by the folemn declaration in an Ad of Parliament, that, " to make wars for conquefl's fake is repugnant to the wifhes and genius of the Britifh people." ' That welcome evidence will, however, be accepted without reludlance. Yet, notwithftanding its force, good writers continue to hold to this day, and they are fupported by a common belief, that fbme myfterious adverfe temperaments naturally divide our refpeftive populations, fixing them eternally in " hoftile camps." Long ago, on the other hand, in a like controverfy, it was maintained fagacioufly, that ftriking difcrepancies in the focial conditions of different nations, have a more intelli- gible fource in the character of governments, not in climate or parentage. Surely, moreover, even the few authentic fads here produced muft, although much negleded by ftatefmen, tend triumphantly to filence the wretched ftrife fo long ruinous to Ireland, " 1784, 24 Geo. III. c. 25, fedl. 34; and 1793, 33 Geo. III. c. 52, fedl. 42. Preface. ix nor lefs coftly to Great Britain. Nor is any thing here offered for confideration, eflentially inconfiftent with the vaft hiftorical ftores now at length opening among us officially in order to clear up all pafl obfcurities in the national annals. The fpeculative profpedt too, of a hopeful ifTue in our onward career, is wonderfully ftrengthened by the teftimony of the very ableft adminiflrator ever engaged in the holy miffion of popular conciliation in Ireland. This was the late Thomas Drummond, who won the hearts of the whole Irifh people. He it was who declared, with fatal truth, that, to our mutual damage, Ireland is ftill unknown to the Britifh people.' He did better. By familiar fludy of the Irifh popular charafter from his early manhood to the clofe of his too fhort career, he learned to know it well. Then he as bravely fpoke out what he knew to the credit of the people, fo as to obtain large afTent to his intelligent defigns for the benefit of the hard-tried land. His elaborate teflimony before a Parliamentary Committee — the Roden Committee of 1 839 ; his famous maxim, that "property has its duties as well as its rights ; " ^ and his official meafures, ' M'Lennan's Life of Thomas Drummond, Edinburgh, 8vo., 1867, p. 354- ° Ibid. p. 322. X Preface. might be cited with confidence on- this head. But all this was fimply the fruit of his keen infight into the truftworthinefs of the peafantry as he met them in their wild mountains during the Irifh furvey fo long ago as in 1823. "I am fure," he faid, in effedl, " that all fear of mifchief to our work from thefe Irifh is unfounded. They will not damage a man expofed on the hills." "^ His wife conclufion was, that Ireland needs only juftice for her regenera- tion, and that with juft meafures vigoroufly carried out, our union will never be broken. His perfonal experiences alone feem to have led this eminent ftatefman of our day, to ad upon a ftrotig confidence in native Irifh capabilities, un- aware as he may have been of genial conviftions like his own having in lefs aufpicious times induced others as worthy as himfelf, to flruggle for better rule in Ireland only to be difappointed. The objedt of this volume is to reproduce a good work of one of the moft memorable of thofe older worthies exadtly as he originally wrote it, with a brief (ketch of fome of the happier antecedents, and probably the feeds of his labours. The recently publifhed able record of Thomas Drummond's great fuccefs when relying on the ' M'Lennan's Life of Thomas Drummond, p. in. Preface. XI better fide of Irifh popular life, is Angularly oppor- tune, imperfedt as its contents unavoidably are.' This frank ftatement of the year 1867 "^'"^ ^^^~ tainly be expunged from an enlarged edition of this book, to be called for under the more promifing Irifh influence of 1 870. We have reached the dawn of brighter things than thofe which were accom- pliftied fo well by the laft generation with their lights ; and the whole truth concerning the paft can now be told with advantage on all fides. For this end, all of the paft that ought to have been general, muft be held up to honour now. Its record is richer and richer every day. In the laft century much in that way was well begun. The great Houfe of Ormond was then itt forth in bril- liant colours ; although its earlier ftory was by no means exhaufted. The Houfe of Ivery too, did juftice to the good Percevals of Ireland. In the Hibernica valuable documents from the Conqueft downward, were fet forth by Walter Harris. In the Anthologiuy publifhed in Dublin in 1793, young Colonel Arthur Wellefley, ever ready in his place ' " Drummond's political correfpondence during his tenure of office in Ireland, carried on with fome of the moft important political perfonages of the time, I have not had at my difpofal." — Preface to M'Lennan's Memoir of Thomas Drummond. xii Preface. for the duties of civil life, ranked himfelf freely witl the foremoft of the enlightened heads ^ and hopes^ o: popular Ireland, to inftrud and encourage her people The times are improving upon even thofe. Th( Splendid work upon the Irifti Forte/cues in their juf connexion with a kindred Englifti worthy, is ever) way a moft important contribution to our unitec hiftory; whilft already in the firft report of thf Royal Commiflion on our Hiftorical MSS., we hav( official notice of the invaluable Charlemont paperi on the laft century's Irifh events, and efpeciall] of others of equal intereft pofTefl^d by the Lore Talbot de Malahide refpedting the revolution o 1688. In both will be found genuine material to corredt grave errors in the pages of our bef hiftorians. Age after age exhibits diftindtly the better Irifl tendencies, but only to be thwarted by the monftrou rule of conqueft, — a vulgar repetition of brut " force," — the ^in of the ancients, rejedled by th^ very Pagan philofophers as an unworthy principl of government. Two comparatively modern ex ' e. g. Dr. Troy and Theobald Wolfe Tone, found among th fubfcribers to this Anthologia. ■" " Mafter Thomas Moore, of Trinity College," and " Mi Owenfon " are among firft fubfcribers. Preface. xiii amples of wifer policy here offered from the annals of Ireland eftablifh beyond difpute, the great truth, that even the leaft refined of her people efti- mate corredly the benefit of juft relations with their fellow men. The Ulfter Settlements by citizens of London. The firft example belongs to the reign of James I. It is the cafe of the fettlements in Ulfter ma- naged by citizens of London. In that reign a partial paufe occurred in the deadly conflifts between the native Irifh and their conquerors. In Ulfter new fettlementSj Englifti and Scottifti, were formed upon conditions, partaking, indeed, too much of the fpirit of hoftility to the natives, but at the fame time with material tendencies to peaceable union ; fo that the advice of Sir John Davies on the occafion, to crufti the Irifti by the fword, was not literally adopted by King James in a project aiming at mixed tenancies. Exprefs provifion was made in that projedt for grants to the new colonifts — to the civil and military fervants of the crown — and alfo to fome Irifli freeholders and leafeholders, who were to occupy the lower lands of Ulfter — not the more defenfible hills. The " Sword-men " only among the Irifli were to be difperfed in new homes xiv Preface. in a remote province.' The City of London adopted warmly the part of the enterprife which gave large tradls of land in the north for fettlements. The original memorial fubmitted by the citizens to the king indicates the noble charadter of their views by an extremely interefting recital. At the conqueft of Ireland by Henry II. they fay, when Dublin, a ruin under the ravages of the Efterlings, was granted to the citizens of Briftol, one objed of the colonifts of that early time was to " civilize " the native Irifh ; and the citizens of London now accepted the cited precedent for their own guidance. Indeed, this official ufe in the feventeenth century of the fingle word " civilize " to charadberife a work of five hundred years before, fpeaks volumes for the intention being deliberately formed by the new colonifts, to follow the good example fet by our people of old. Nor is it without fignificance to find this ftate paper with its key-word con- fpicuous, in a colledtion of documents juft reftored to us by the North- American government, and de- pofited with due acknowledgment in our Public Record Office. It conftitutes a grave adminif- trative document of more than hiftorical value, and it is come opportunely, not only in relation to ^ Hibernica, by Walter Harris. Dublin, 1 770, pp. 237-243. Preface. xv Ireland, but throughout our whole empire be- yond fea, where our duty to " civilize " millions of lefs advanced men has been forgotten thefe thirty years. The civilization thus promifed by Briftol, as an advantage to the Iriftij had its various elements ; and at the earlier period of the conqueft, marriage was not uncommon, even between the nobleft of the invaders and the daughters of the native chiefs, whilft thefe chiefs often fought to form free and integral political union with the Englifh. At length in that earlier period, the lefs conciliatory rule prevailed; and in 1367, the Statutes of Kilkenny prohibited fuch marriages, which had become fre- quent. This was done in the identical evil fpirit which led the French colonial flave-owners, in the laft century, to make the marriages of negroes with white women, capital offences. In both cafes, the fpirit of afTumed fuperiority was ftruggling againft natural inftind: and wife policy. From that time is to be dated the decline of Englifh power in Ire- land during one hundred and fifty years ; and then under the Tudors for another century, wars were carried on to fet up a new tyranny, not lefs coflly to England than hateful to the Irifh people. Never was domination bought fo dear. xvi Preface. Among the undertakers of the more promii plantation of James I. in the north of Ireland, citizens of London were confpicuous; and t fucceeded by liberally taking Irifh among tl tenants. So profperous was this pra(5tice tha fierce oppofition to it was got up by fome v would willingly crufh thofe natives. The name the leader in that oppofition has cotne down us; and the incident merits larger expofure tl can be given in thefe pages. His own fl:atement the cafe fufficiently confutes it. " The citizens , London," he fays, " finding the natives willing overgive rather than remove, and half the pn only could be got from the Britifti, whilft the Ir would pay and be ufed at the Londoners' pleafu took them as tenants," thus laying the Engl open to be furprifed and maflacred.' But according to documents of later date in Public Record Office, this ill-will had its pro] punifhment. In 1 630 the Secretary of State writes : " I the great bufinefs of the plantations of the Lc doners. Sir Thomas Philips has fent me fuch a he of papers. They are well worth the labour. T ' Hibernka, Letter of Sir Thomas Philips to the King, p. 2 Preface. xvii Londoners are powerful." ' Afterwards the Secretary writes: — "I have met Sir Thomas Philips. It grieves me to fee him fo much dejedted, having fpent all he had, doing the king good fervice ; but difrefpefted. Speedy comfort is moft urgent to him."" The ftruggle againft the Londoners in Ulfter, indicated in thefe few lines, lafted a whole genera- tion, until they were juftified ; and their ultimate management of their lands is believed to be excellent, contributing, perhaps, to the good underftanding between the wealthier people in this province and the occupiers of the land, under the fomewhat obfcure term of Ulfter-right. Few books would be more ufeful than a narrative from the abundant fources extant, of the Londoners' fettlement in Ire- land the laft 250 years, with its bearing on that famous right. Dr. Bedell, Lord Biflwp of Kilmore. This Englifh divine, born in Eflex in 1570, and a fellow of Emanuel College, Cambridge, was for eight years chaplain to our embafly in Venice. ' Public Record Office, Domeftic, Charles I., vol. clxzii. No. 72. P- 33°- * Ibid. vol. clxxv. No. 121. xviii Preface. There he was diftinguiflied for the deepeft learning, by his aptitude for modern languages no lefs than for claffical and Biblical attainments. He fpoke Italian fo fluently that great fcholars in Italy eagerly fought his converfe, and the time of his refidence there being that of a contemplated fe- paration of Venice from the Church of Rome, his familiar relations with ecclefiaflics and others of the higheft repute, tended much to promote the ex- pedted fchifm. In 1626 he was appointed by King Charles I. provofl: of Trinity College, Dublin, in order to reform fome diforders there. In 1628, at the mature age of fifty- eight, he was made Bifhop of Kilmore. This fee he held until his deceafe, thirteen years later, in the height of the Irifti re- bellion of 1 641, The exemplary difcharge of all the duties of his diocefe gained him the affediionate veneration of the wildeft people at a moment of fanguinary uprifing unexampled even in Ireland. At his death, fo great was the alarm of crowds of Englifli vidlims flieltered under his roof, that they durfl not attend his body to the grave. The rebels however took that duty upon themfelves. " He is the laft Englifliman," they faid, " to be a Bifhop here. Neverthelefs he was our friend, our father. No honour at our hands can enough prove Preface. xix the love we bore him." A Roman Catholic prieft who had often been the prelate's gueft, took part in the burial ceremony, and declared at the brink of the grave that he fervently trufted his own fpirit would be permitted to meet Bifhop Bedell's blefled fpirit in the better world. Even the Romifli prelate who was to occupy the fee of Kilmore after his expulfion, befought him earneftly to flay and be his gueft in the epifcopal palace. This really marvellous triumph in. a feafon of awful difafter, muft be attributable, fays his bio- grapher, Bifhop Burnet, to miraculous agency ; but the narrative carefully written from the mouths of eye-witnefTes, leaves no doubt refpefting its natural caufes. Dr. Bedell after his great exemplar, lived a life of doing good. His lordfhip rapidly learned the Irifh language fo as to ufe it not only in his church fervices, but in his daily intercourfe with the people. He alfo tranflated into Irifh, religious tracfts for popular reading. He even procured the Bible to be tranflated; and at his death he was prepared to publifh that tranflation at his own coft. Three years later, what he had prepared was pub- lifhed by the care of Robert Boyle. By his own example in refigning his additional fee of Ardagh, and by his ftrid: difcipline, his lord- XX Preface. fhip put a flop to the great fcandal of plurality in his diocefe, and enforced refidence. Converts to Proteftantifm from among the priefts were frequent under his miniftry ; and he carefully provided them with livings. His hofpitality was unbounded, and the meaneft Irifh found him their advifer, entertainer, and friend. At the fame time his intercourfe with the higheft officials was dignified and independent — his care to avoid excefles in the ecclefiaftical courts, was unfparing. Above all, Biftiop Bedell enforced the duty of concord with all whofe religious opinions he moft difliked, as fhown in a fermon preached foon after fome heats in the Houfe of Commons in the Par- liament of Ireland, in which there were many Papifts; and in it the fenfe he had of the way of treating all differences in religion, whether great or fmall, is thus laid down : — " Is it not a fhame that our two bodies, the church and com- monwealth, ihould exercife mortal hatred (or immortal rather), and being fo near in place ihould be fo far afunder in afieflion ? It will be faid by each that other are in fault ; and perhaps it may truly be faid, that both are ; the one, in that they cannot endure with patience the lawful fuperiority of the worthier body ; the other, in that they take no care fo to govern, that the governed may find it to be for their beft behoof to obey: until which time it will never be, but there will be repining and troubles, and Preface. xxi brangles between us. This will be done, in my opinion, not by bolftering out and maintaining the errors and unrulinefs of the lower officers or members of our body, but by feverely puniftiing them ; and, on both fides, mull be avoided fuch men for magif- trates and minifters, as feek to dafh us one againft another all they may. " And would to God this were all ; but is it not a fhame of Ihames, that men's emulations and contentions, cannot ftay themfelves in matters of this fort, but the holy profeffion of divinity is made fuel to a public fire ; and that when we had well hoped all had been either quenched or raked up, it ftiould afrelh be kindled and blown up with bitter and biting words? God help us ! we had need to attend to this leflibn of Chrift, ' Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart ; ' or to that of the apoftle, ' It behoves the fervant of God not to contend, but to be meek towards all, inftrufting with lenity thofe that be contrary affefted, waiting if at any time God will give them a better mind to fee the truth.' 2 Tim. ii. 25. " And this is my poor opinion concerning our dealing with the Papifts themfelves, perchance difiering from the praftice of men of great note in Chrift's family, Mr. Luther and Mr. Calvin, and others ; but yet we muft live by rules, not examples ; and they were men who, perhaps by complexion or otherwiie, were given over too much to anger and heat. Sure I am, the rule of the apoftle is plain, even of fuch as are the flaves of Satan, that we muft with lenity inftruft them, waiting that, when efcaping out of his fnare, they ftiould recover a found mind to do God's will, in the place I quoted before. " But now when men agreeing with ourfelves in the main (yea, and in profeffion likewife enemies to Popery) ftiall, varying never fo little from us in points of lefs confequence, be thereupon xxii Preface. cenfured as favourers of Popery, and other errors; when mole- hills fliall be made mountains, and unbrotherly terms given : alas ! methinks this courfe favours not of meeknefs ; nay, it would hurt even a good caufe, thus to handle it ; for where fuch violence is, ever there is error to be fufpefted. Affeftion and heat, are the greateft enemies that can be to foundnefs of judgment or exaftnefs of comprehenfion ; he that is troubled with paffion, is not fitly difpofed to judge of truth." In how remarkable a manner thefe enlightened views were in harmony with Bifhop Bedell's general principles may be inferred from the following account of 'his fhare in the Irifti tranflation of the Old Tefta- ment. This letter was written in 1688 by the Biftiop of Meath for Mr. Boyle, when preparing to publifti that tranflation. " As to the hiftorical account of it all I can add is that in the convocation held at Dublin, 1634, there were no fmall debates about the verfion of the Bible and the liturgy of the church into the Irifti tongue for the benefit and inftrudlion of the natives ; Dr. Bedell, biftiop of Kilmore, being for the affirmative, and Dr. Bramhall, bilhop of Derry, oppofing it. The reafons of the former were drawn from the principles of theology and the good of fouls ; of the latter from politics and maxims of ftate, and efpecially from an aft of parliament paffed in this kihgdom in the reign of King Henry VIII. for obliging the natives' to learn the Englifli tongue. However, the reafons of Biftiop Bedell were thought fo fatisfaftory that the convocation thought fit to pafs two canons concerning it ; the one that the minifter ftiould Preface. xxiii read the liturgy in Irifli, where moft of the people were fo, (Can. 8) ; the other for the parifti clerk to accompany the minifter in reading his part of the fervice in IrilTi, (Can. 66.) " Upon thefe foundations the pious Bifhop Bedell determined to make farther fuperllruftures ; and accordingly fet himfelf to the verfion of the Old Teftament into the Irifti tongue, taking to his affiftance one Mr. King and Mr. Dennis Sheridan, both Irifti- men and clergymen, and excellently (killed in the language of their own country, whofe office it was to tranflate the then Englifh verfion into Irilh, whilft the bifliop (who was excellently learned in the Hebrew and the Irifh languages) revifed the whole work, comparing it with the original, and either expunged or added as he faw it nearer or more remote from the original. The work thus happily finiflied was left by Bilhop Bedell with Mr. Sheridan the tranflator (who furvived him), and was by him delivered to the late Biftiop of Meath, Dr. Henry Jones, by him communi- cated to Dr. Andrew Sail, from whom I received it before his death, and gave it to your predeceflbr. Dr. Marlh ; and what fate it hath met with fince, he and others whofe hands it hath pafled can bell relate. " Some part of this narrative I have read in the life of Bifhop Bedell, lately publiflied by one Clogy, who is fomewhere bene- ficed in England (if he be alive) and married the faid bilhop's daughter; what relates to Mr. Sheridan you may receive a more ample account of from the Bifliop of Kilmore, who is his fon. The title of this Bible as printed ; The Books of the Old Tefta- ment tranjtated into Irifi by the care and diligence of Dr. William Bedell, late Bifliop «/" Kilmore in Ireland, and now printed for the public good of that Nation. London." A point of unexpefted intereft arifes upon the xxiv Preface. confideration of Bifhop Bedell's intelleftual work. May we hope to recover more of his valuable MSS. connedted with Irifh ftory. His early bio- grapher, Bifhop Burnet, writing in 1685, ftates them to have been all deftroyed in the rebellion of 1 64 1. But without infifting upon feveral paffages in that valuable life which tell the other way, we have from the careful hand of Dr. Birch, in the Britifh Mufeum, notes made by himfelf of another biography of the Irifli prelate, dated in 1674, which Bifhop Burnet does not feem to have known. Then it is certain that Boyle had the MS. of the Irifh Bible publifhed by him in 1685 from the re- prefentatives of the Rev. Dennis Sheridan in whofe houfe the great prelate died. AfTuredly the Royal Hiflorical MSS. Commiflioners will find no refearch too careful for the difcovery of the fmallefl: finifhed production of this illuftrious Irifh bifhop. II. The Sheridans of the I'jth Century. Among the befl fruits of Bifhop Bedell's truly apoflolic labours, next to the afFeftionate homage paid to him by the people of all ranks, were many Preface. xxv converfions of Roman Catholic Irifli, fome becoming Proteftant paftors with livings by his lordfhip's gift. Of the laft the moft interefting to us is the cafe of Dennis Sheridan' mentioned in the foregoing letter refpedling a tranflation of the Old Teftament into the Irifli language. This excellent man, a pro- genitor of the family diftinguiflied from his time for rare intelledtual qualities, deferves a far more complete notice than can be offered in thefe pages. Under his roof his venerable infl:ru6lor and friend was ftieltered by him unharmed in the crifis of the rebellion. By his care, too, the learned prelate's MS. was preferved during that cataflrophe to be publiflied a century later by another Irifli worthy, the illuflirious " Chrifl:ian Philofopher," Boyle. The ' This is the careleffly printed " Heridan " of the diflionary by the Rev. Hugh Rofe, art. Bedell. " The bifliop, his two fons, and Mr. Clogy were fuffered by the rebels, who had in>prifoned them, to go to the houfe of an Irifti minifter, Dennis O'Sheridan, to whom refpedl was fhown by reafon of his extraftion, though he had forfaken their religion and had married an Englifhwoman. He continued firm in his religion, and relieved many in their extremity." — Life of Bijhop Bedell by Burnet, izmo. ed. by Dove, p. 205. " The biftiop prevailed on feveral priefts to change, and pro- vided them with benefices; which was cenfured by many as contrary to the interefts of the Engliih nation." — lb. p. 157. XX v; Preface. foregoing letter on the MS. connedts Dennis She- ridan honourably with that important national work. Moreover, by his own kindly nature as well as from the biftiop's example, the Rev. Dennis Sheridan was the ready hoft to whofe " abode want and pain would ever freely repair ; " and whom a country- man as large-hearted, Oliver Goldfmith, might have taken for a type of pure Irifh benevolence. We now have full evidence long fought in vain, for his domeftic tie recorded by Bifhop Burnet, to which may well be traced much of the remark- able career of his fons. Their mother, the Englifti wife of this worthy Irifhman, " a Fofter of good family," would naturally give them fympathies with her own people, without in the flighteft degree weakening their attachment to her hufband and their father's people. There is no reafon to fuppofe that good early training was wanting to the fons of this hopeful family, two of whom were born in the lifetime of Bifhop Bedell, namely, William, the elder, in 1633, and Patrick, the fecond, in 1638. Both were entered as' commoners of Trinity College, Dublin, in 1652, at their refpedtive ages of feventeen and fourteen. They muft have acquired at home the ufual amount of inftruftion to be qualified for ad- Preface. xxvii miffion there ; and the elder, William, bore the baptifmal name of the learned prelate. The youngeft of the three, Thomas, the author of the work which forms the fubftance of this volume, was born in 1646. He was entered as a penfioner in Trinity College, Dublin, in 1660, in his fourteenth year. Being deftined for the law he became a ftudent in the Middle Temple in the year 1670. Profitable employments were however foon found for him in the Irifh revenue depart- ments. In Cork he had a poll in the Cuftoms, charged to him as of the value of more than 9,000/. ; and he took it with a profit of 4,000/.^ Before 1677 he feems to have travelled much on the continent, and in that year he produced the tra6t entitled 'The Rife and Power of Parliaments, here reprinted word for word. This account of the Sheridan family at this early period is come down to us in a form at once authentic and acceptable. It is in a fpeech at the Barof the Houfe of Commons in 1680, by this fon of Dennis, the Irilhman of the old ftock, who allied his race to England voluntarily by a moft happy union with an .Englifh wife. This eminent fon, 1 Sir James Ware on Irifli Writers, by Harris. Folio, 1778. xxviii Preface. when under a grave charge before the Houfe of Commons, vindicated himfelf bravely in thefe terms, from the fcandal of being a bafe, paid adherent of the Duke of York, afterwards King James II. " In clearing myfelf," he faid, " of this afperfion, I mu'ft fay fomething, which nought but neceffity, that has none and breaks all laws, can excufe from vanity, in that I was born a gentleman of one of the ancientett families and related to many confiderable in Ireland. In one county there is a caftle and a large demefne, in another, a greater traft of land for feveral miles together, yet known by our name. I need not fay who has the land as chief, — 'tis too much, that my grandfather was the laft that enjoyed our eftate ; and that my father, left an orphan at the beginning of King James' reign, foon found himfelf difpofleffed and expofed to the world, — that whole county, with five others in Ulfter, being entirely efcheated to the Crown. My parents Proteftants, — my mother a gentlewoman of England, of good fortune, a Fofter, who for my father's fake quitted her country and relations, — both famous for honefty, for their loyalty and fufferings in the late rebellion, when my father efcaped narrowly with his life, and at laft was forced to fly for relieving and protefting very many Englifli. " From my birth I had a fuitable education. I have fome pretenfions to letters. I am not altogether a ftranger to the Civil Law, nor to the Laws of England, the means intended for my livelihood. But, without my feeking, fome friends procured for me the colleftorftiip of the cuftoms of Cork, and the manage- ment of moft of the inland revenue of that countv. This em- ployment, and the incidents attending it, with thofe of the Eaft Preface. xxix India prizes, and others in the laft war with Holland put intp Kinfale, enabled me to bring 9,532/. for my own proportion of advance money to purchafe the revenue farm of Ireland, as appears of record in the Chancery of England. Being by a brother of mine, without my privity or defire, led into this undertaking, and a ftranger to all the partnerfliip, I fold my jntereft for a profit of 4,000/. The money I employed in Cor- poration Bonds and Church Leafes, in mortgages and other fecurities at 10 per cent., the intereft of that kingdom. " After this excufe, if I have no vifible eftate, I hope no man can doubt but I may live independently, though I happen to be a younger brother. So far from that being a prejudice, it's poffible to prove to my advantage, being defigned heir to my two elder brothers, who have not, nor are likely to have, any children. " I do declare that I neither have nor had any relation of fervice to the Duke or Duchefs of York ; nor did I fucceed Coleman in that fervice. " For ray religion, as I was born a Proteftant fo I was bred a member of the Church of England. I have taken the oaths eleven times.'" III. Thomas Sheridan's TraSi ij/" 1677. The charadter of this trad:, put forth at a critical moment without name of author, publisher, or ' State of the Cafe of Thomas Sheridan. London, 1681, 4to. Britifli Mufeum. King's Pamphlets, No. 100, h.-y. XXX Preface. printer, yet adlively circulated, may be fliown in very few words to be even now of great intrinfic intereft. Befides a curious hiftorical fketch upon parliaments, the author recommends a fingle fu- preme legiflation for the three kingdoms ; and his eleftoral reform extends to the " ballot, to avoid heats and fecret grudges " (page 27). Quite an original fcheme is here alfo propofed for bodies of eleStors to the Houfe of Commons, intermediary from the " freeholders of every parifh, and others if they pleafe," for the choice of a member — a fcheme much confidered fince, in other countries (page 25). He would then have a code of laws made, with a fimplification of the courts of juftice. Above all, he would abolifh all death-punifhments, and improve the difcipline of all gaols (pp. 34, 45, and 62). He would have judicial cenfors (page 62); and official hiftorians (page 68). His jea- loufy of France may be readily pafled by (page 114); but what he fays (page 29) as to Ireland (page 139) cannot fail to be read with fatisfadion in the main (page 139), although much weakened by an expedhation of the Irifh language being easily fuppreffed. His views upon taxes, cuftoms, and excife ; with his anticipations as to banks and inland bills, with bonds to be negotiated by indorfement Preface. xxxi only, and the like, give him the credit of being among the very firft to recommend changes of law, now never doubted of (146, to the end). As a political economift, afluredly, if we have outgrown many of his principles, his example proves that in other material points, Adam Smith was by no means the originator of the beft maxims. Three topics, elaborately treated in the tradt, are at this moment of fpecial intereft — namely, a policy of conciliation between Proteftants and Roman Catholics, — of unity among all Chriftians ; the com- plete education of all clafTes in common, and the induftrial employment of the poor. The firft topic is here examined with a conclufion fo abfolutely in the fpirit of Bilhop Bedell's appeal cited above, that the influence of the prelate's work may fairly be held to have traditionally reached Dennis Sheridan's younger fon, the writer : but that good dodlrine is maintained with the powerful logic belonging to that younger Sheridan's original in- telligence ; whilft it is fure to meet in our days with much heartier acceptance than it obtained in the feventeenth century. The fecond topic, popular education, as here prefented, will have a ftill more favourable con- fideration, in harmony as it is with meafures on xxxii Preface. . that head which have been prepared by continually extending efforts thefe laft fixty years. On material points Thomas Sheridan is in perfedt accord with the moft earneft educational reformers. In truth what we are doing painfully but not hopelefsly, on this gigantic topic, the univerfal education of our people, calls for lights from every fource. The thing is not fo much without good antecedents as many have careleffly fuppofed. A fingle example may be cited, replete with the beft experience to build upon. It is over five hundred years ago that clofe to London, an intelligent Roman Catholic minifter, the redtor of Croydon, Richard of Bury, a man famous in his generation, tutor to Edward III. and then his chancellor, declared that " all the nations have hailed the advent of fcience, to be enlightened by her leflbns. All, from the fwarthy Hindoo to Arabians, Greeks, and Italians, prof- pered by her influence awhile and then negledting her, decayed." Age after age, on this very Ipot, great ecclefiaflics were not wanting to a6t, upon thefe excellent dodrines. They were all popular in- ftruftors. At length, one among them founded a modeft home for induftry in need, and with it a fchool for the lowlieft and the loftiefl: in common, fully fufficient for the place at the time and long Preface. xxxiii after. The Archbifliop Whitgift's endowment flouriflied many a year, but then fhared the fre- quent decays of " noble poverty," until a palace has fuddenly fprung up in Croydon, to encourage the demands of tens of thoufands, and of a thriving population eager for inftruftion in it. Surrounded by a crowd of feminaries of every grade, it is the crowning work, declared by Parliament' the other day to belong to all our people together, for their better training, without invidious diftindlions. Rightly adminiftered this old Grammar fchool will receive all and fend forth Thomas Sheridan's " beft capaci- tated" from the huhibleft in wholefome rivalry with the higheft, for the beft culture elfewhere, and thus bridge over the dangerous chafms threatening difcord throughout fociety. Here, as fo often of late, the mifchievous notion of middle clafles, has fprung up in forgetfulnefs of every duty. Every where proof abounds, fhowing how correftly the Schools Inquiry Commiffioners have concluded, that to fucceed in the great work of univerfal education, we muft carry the hearts of the people, parents and children, with us ; and more than half a century ago in this very town of Croydon, the corrednefs of that conclufion was ' The Endowed Schools Aft of i86g, Preamble. c xxxiv Preface, anticipated in a popular fatire upon the abufe of Archbiftiop Whitgift's Grammar School, by making it " a military granary," inftead of « the Univer- fity'" which it formerly was, to the people's great advantage. The third topic, the induftrial employment of the pooreft, opens a bold defign for the refolution of perhaps the moft perplexing of all focial problems ; how to reduce poverty to a mere claim upon indi- vidual pity. This defign is for real work-houfes at any coft, throughout the land, to teach the fufFer- ing, and even delinquent mafles ufeful occupations. The fund for this purpofe was to be, like the Educa- tion fund — the adminiftration in both being with the eledlors chofen by univerfal fufFrage for members of Parliament (page 22a). Thomas Sheridan takes a ftrong view of the falutary influence of thefe combinations ; and there are figns at prefent of his judgment therein being put to a large pradtical teft. > The Devil on Two Sticks at Croydon, printed by T. Hard- ing, High Street, 8vo. 1797, p. 45. Preface. xxxv IV. To this Iketch of Thomas Sheridan's trad of 1677 and its antecedents it is not poffible here to add fuch an account of his later remarkable career and writings as can do juftice to both. The pro- ceedings before the Houfe of Commons and its committee, upon a highly criminal charge againft him, with his fuccefsful defence at the Bar of the Houfe, would alone fill another volume. They involve all the intenfely interefting queftions re- fpefting the plots, real or fidtitious, of the time ; and even the working of the famous Habeas Corpus A61 of the fame period belongs to his cafe. Soon afterwards, in 1688, he re-iflued his tradt, but with a new title-page only, and the name of a publifher. He was now well known in London ; and his " adverfaries," alluded to in the fpeech, had not ceafed to trouble him. Bifhop Burnet mentions his name with a bitternefs not becoming the biographer of Bedell, whofe prin- ciples were fo nobly reproduced by this fon of the family beloved by that venerable prelate. It is plain he now looked for high employment in xxxvi Preface. Ireland under King James II. In the correfpon- dence of the day from London to Dublin, his name occurs in that fenfe.' Soon afterwards, he was appointed Secretary to the Government, and made a Privy Councillor in Ireland. Upon in- telligence of his intended elevation reaching Dub- lin, the Earl of Clarendon, then on the point of being recalled, exprefled himfelf in the harfheft terms to Thomas Sheridan's difcredit.'"* How little this feverity was deferved, feems to have been foon fhown by the fecretary's prudent advice in favour of conciliation between the Irifh of different creeds. Notwithftanding, however, his objeftions to the contrary policy which haftened the ruin of James II.'s caufe in Ireland, Thomas Sheridan adhered to the fallen king, accompanying the exile to France, There he wrote a hiftory of the time, which has had the higheft praife from the higheft autho- rities — Sir James Macintofh and Lord Macaulay, both of whom have made large ufe of the un- printed manufcript now preferved in the Royal Library at Windfor. That work alone juftifies Thomas Sheridan's 2 Sir Henry Ellis, Original Letters. The Clarendon Correfpondence Preface. xxxvii aflertion at the bar of the Houfe of Commons, in 1680, that he "had fome pretenfions to letters." It doeSj and much more. Taken in connexion with the widely fcattered Libraries of Stuart PaperSj of which the Sheridan MS. forms a gem, its right appreciation and ufe may open a field of historical inquiry, vaft indeed, but incomparably more valuable than vaft. The Stuart Papers for many centuries — from the royal captive in Windfor Caftle to the royal exile at St. Germains — from Mary Queen of Scots to the fallen Pretender of '45, can reveal enough indeed to condemn, but more to pity the fallen, of whom the whole truth is not yet told. Above all, thefe papers from abroad and at home, diligently colleded and duly fcanned, will reveal at leaft one " paragon " of the Stuart race, worth erring generations — Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales — " the fame of whofe increafing wifdom, flature, favour with God and man, won the hearts of all " in his very boyhood. Thefe are the words of our chaplain in Venice, addrefled to Sir Adam Newton, Prince Henry's tutor, in the year 1607, in his fourteenth year. That chaplain was no other than Dr. Bedell, our " apoftolic bifhop " of Kilmore, whofe correfpon- xxxviii Preface. dent, Sir Adam, recognizes the correftnefs of this brilliant appreciation of the boy prince."^ It is not rafh to expedb that the Royal Com- miflion upon our Hiftorical MSS. now fitting at the Rolls Houfe, will obtain fpecial inquefts into the Stuart Papers, wide fpread as they are in a hundred repofitories at home and beyond fea. The refearch and its ufes will be but a revival of what that exemplar of our young princes medi- tated a brief fpace later ; and his great name is not without its link with the memory and recol- ledlion of Thomas Sheridan, the author of " The Rife and Power of Parliaments." A high place in the roll of fame may be chal- lenged fafely for Thomas Sheridan, the author of this work upon political and focial progrefs. In a moft critical period of our hiftory he anticipates vital coming reforms, and advocates ably improve- ments ftill wanting. Laborious efforts are now being made to complete electoral and judicial mea- fures which he boldly claimed. In the caufe of Chriftian toleration he preceded Locke ; and in that of a milder criminal code, Beccaria and Howard. * Original Letters of Dr. Bedell from Venice in 1607. Dublin, 1742, 1 2 mo. pp. 80. Preface. xxxix As a financier he was a guide to the founder of the Bank of England, Paterfon ; and he may very well have been Adam Smith's inftruftor upon capital points of political economy held to have been fettled originally by that illuftrious man. If, as a devoted and enlightened fupporter of popular education, he only followed Archbifliop Cranmer and Edward Alleyn of Dulwich, his fine views on that head will be ftudied with advantage by its more fuccefsful friends of the prefent day. The fingle point on which Thomas Sheridan feems to have oppofed the judgment of his father's venerable friend, the Bifhop of Kilmore, was his negledl of the Iriih language, of which he expefted the fpeedy extinftion (p. 153) ; and his Ihortcoming on this capital point has had hopeful compenfa- tions. If he undervalued the ufes of that tongue, the joining its ftudy to other means of enlightening the needieft Irifh, would not be refufed by their later proteftors — like Thomas Drummond of Edinburgh, John Mufgrave of county Waterford (" one of the beft of good men'"^) Frederick Lucas of Surrey and county Meath. Thefe eminent men had im- * Thefe words were applied to John Mufgrave, of Cappoquin, fometime Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge, by Mr. O' Connell many years ago to an Engliih vifitor in Kerry. xl Preface. mediate and more powerful precurfors in their Irifti fympathies, as the late Sir Fowell Buxton, a ripe ftudent in Dublin College, and Archbiftiop Whateley. Nor is there wanting at this moment a legion of patriots among us, as able and eager to promote effedtually the moft urgent claims of humanity without regard to condition or creed in Ireland. All of them are obedient to O'Connell's call, which he never withheld from fimilar Britifh and Irifli reforms — oppofed as they are to needlels and noxious difunion. The fame union was the objedt of Thomas She- ridan's afpirations two hundred years ago; and, even in a purer Ipirit, Bifhop Bedell before him laid deep foundations for the holy fuperftrudture of good-will which, in this nineteenth century fo many of us are ftriving to roufe towards all, but efpecially towards Irifhmen, in even an improved degree, ac- cording to our better lights. The cotemporary biographer of the illuftrious Prelate thus records his good a6ts along with their obftacles : — " He would encourage Irifli converts with pre- ferments according to their capacities. When this was noifed abroad, the bifliop was feverely checked Preface. xli by fome ftatefmen, as if he aded contrary to Eng- liih intereft and policy by making the -conquered and enflaved Irifh capable of preferment in Church and State. That was the portion of the conquering, not of the deprefled Irifti natives. No man did fo much as even attempt this before his lordfhip. To this he replied, that to leave the Irifh hoodwinked and ignorant would be bitternefs in the end. To bring them to a faving knowledge of Jefus Chrift would be a greater feCurity againft all attempts than to found our policy upon Irifh blind obe- dience." ^ Better is to be done in Ireland, and in Wales, and in the Scottifh Highlands, in the matter of human fpeech, than to attempt ignoratitly to deflroy it. We can preferve it with infinite advantage. It is a mafler-key to the hearts of millions of our fellow- men, here and elfewhere. It is the oldefl remains of pre-Roman and pofl-Roman life in thefe iflands and many regions more. The State ought to have > "Speculum Epifcoporum; or the Apoftolic Bilhop. The Life and Death of the Reverend Father in God, Dr. William Bedell, Lord Bifliop of Kilmore, in Ireland." By his ftep-fon, the Reverend — Clogy. Harleian MSS. No. 6,409. Now publiflied by Meflrs. Wertheimer and Co. Paternofter Row. 8vo. 1862, p. 97. xlii Preface. its fpecial fchools in all thefe tongues — not only for young Irifh, and Welfh, and Scots, but alfo for the Manx, and, it may ftill be, even Cornifh remnants. Some, too, of the more apt and refined of our children, Britifti and Englifh, fhould have careful training awhile in thofe pure Celtic fchools. This fyftem has done good beyond fea. Thus, the families of our miflionaries have at once become valuable linguifts and interpreters. For example a great fuccefs has crowned fuch works at Natal in the cafe of an able agent in native affairs in that promifing colony, an acceptable communicant with the Zoolu and Bafutu chiefs in the CafFre language fpoken by millions in all South Africa to the Line. So Lady Raffles' children conveyed their daily orders eaflly to the Hindoo domeflics. So the mofl pleafing incident in Lord Macartney's often mifreported miflion to Pekin was the converfation of young Stanton in Chinefe with the Emperor Kien- Long. The very wifefl ad of the Papacy 500 years ago, was its adoption of the defign of uni- verfal tongue-learning in Rome. It was a humble following of the marvellous gift in Jerufalem when " devout men out of every nation under heaven heard every man his own tongue wherein he was born."i ' The Adls, xi. 5. Preface. xliii Afliiredly all this may ferve as a profitable leffon to us, with our refponfibilities of world-wide em- pire, inftead of letting flip our power by want of will to guide it. What would our univerfal tra- vellers, the fons of Queen Vidtoria, have given to be able to fpeak with the Red Indian, the Hindoo, the Chinefe and Japanefe, the Bafutu, the Auflra- lian, and New Zealander, whom each of them in turn has vifited ! Add to this Divine gift of tongues, which we may eafily command, that other means of commu- nicating great leflbns of humanity to the untaught coloured man which the genius of a colonial go- vernor devifed two generations ago, only to be dis- regarded by the home authorities. It was making the eye do the fl:erner work of the ear and tongue — the artifl; teach the true ufes of life better than the hangman.* ' Appendix. June I, 1870. ERRATA. Page XXXV. line ii,for " 1688" read" 1685." Page 30, line ii,for "That it is idle" read "It is idle." Page 246, line 7,fir " remain for more diligent" read " remain much for diligent." mm, 0£ LvLws (e\S^!9r^s^ ^S s^ ^^^s INDEX. jLLEYN, Edward, of Dulwich, xxxix. Anglo-Saxons, i8. Anthologia, Hibernica, xi. Aquinas, lii. Appendix, 241. Arians, the firft diflenters perfecuted, Ivi. Ballot in Eleflions, 27. Eanks and lombards to be eftablifhed, Z14. Bedell, Bifliop, Dedication to, v. b. 1570, xvii. ; d. 1 64 1, xviii. the Apoftolic Biftiop, xli. his learning, tolerance and public fpirit, generofity and popularity with the Irilh Roman Catholics, xvii. xxxi. and xli. Bellarmine, lii. Bills and bonds to -be circulated and be payable to bearer, 215-7. Boyle, the Hon. Robert, xxii. Britifti, the, 18. Burnet, Biihop, xxv. xxxv. 250 Index. Bury, Richard of, on Education in 1330, xxxii. Buxton, Sir Fowell, xl. Cafaubon, liii. Cenfors, Public, wanted, 66. Charity and Church Funds to be realized and colledlively adminiftered, 107-223. Charles I. prophecy on, 40. Chriftianity, True, li. Civilization of Ireland in 1290 and 1608, xiv. Clarendon Correfpondence, the, xxxvi. Clogy, Rev. Mr., xxv. Coffee Houfes, 4. Coin to be exportable, 209. Companies, privileged, to be put down, 196. Conqueror, William the, 32. Conquefts, evil, viii. xii. xiv. Conftantine the Great, perfecutor, Ivi. Corruption of the time, 2. County Court of old, 65, Courts of Judicature, 4. '■ to be thoroughly recaft, S7-63. Croydon, education in, x^xii. Cuftoms and rates to be remodelled, i6g. Danes, 18. Davies, Sir John, on Irifti conquefts, xiii. Death puniflimeiits, all, to be aboliflied, 44-56. Debates in Parliament, 27. Diffenters to be tolerated, Ix. Documents, Public, returned from the United States, xiv, Index. 251 Druids, 18. Drummond, Thomas, on Ireland x. xi. xxxix. Education to be univerfal, xxxi. and xxxiii. Eleftors of M.Ps., to be chofen by all hundreders, 25. their duties, 26. Ellis, Sir Henry, original letters of, xxxvi. England weak in 1677, 4. Equity and law to be combined as of old, 62. Excife, the beft tax if impofed equally, 172. Faftions odious, 30. Fiflieries to be promoted, 193. Fofter , wife of Dennis Sheridan, 1635, xxviii. France, Louis XIV., ambitious of univerfal conqueft, 1 14, 145. Free ports to be opened, 214. Friefland, Weft, conftitution of, like our own, 19. Goldfmith, O., xxvi. Government, Origin of, 8. Habeas Corpus Aft, xxxv. Harding's Satires on Croydon, xxxiv. Hearth-money to be abolifhed, 1 74. Hibernica, the, xi. Hierocles, 81. Hiftorian, Public, wanted, 68. Hiftorical MSS. Coiiimiffion, xxxviii. Hiftory, 68. Jlolland, wife conftitution of, 14. Impiety to be fupprefled, Ixii. , 252 Index. Ireland to be ruled in all refpeiSs on an equality with England, 138-144. Irenaeus, li. Irifli capabilities, x. friendly union with, vii. Ivery, Houfe of, xi. James I., liii. James II., xxxvi. Judges not to make law, 64. Juftinian code, Ivi. Kilkenny, Statutes of, 1367, xv. Languages to be learned, xli. Laws, 4-34. Code of, wanted, 35. intended by the Long Parliament, but flopped by Cromwell, 38. Common and Statute, 42. Lawyers dillrufted, 40. Lucas, Frederick, M.P., xxxix. Macintofli, Sir James, xxxvi. Macartney, Lord, xlii. Macaulay, Lord, xxxvi. Manichees perfecuted, Iviii. Merit at fchool to be rewarded, xxxiii. Monarchy, rife of, 10. Moore, Thomas, on Ireland, xii. Nations differ in charafter only through government, not through race or climate, viii. Index. 253 Navigation Aft to be repealed as to Ireland and Scotland, 213. Newton, Sir Adam, tutor to Prince Henry Stuart, i6o7,xxxvii. Novatian diflenters, liii. O'Connell, Mr., xxxix. xl. Ormond, Houfe of, MSS. of, xi. Owenfon, Mifs, in Ireland, xii. Parliaments, Rife of, 4-6, 19-zi, 25. • Debates in, 27. to be preferved pure, 3 1 . Patentees to be rewarded, not pTivileged, 191. Paterfon, founder of the Bank of England, xxxix. Perron, Cardinal, liii. Perfecution, the firft religioils, Ivii. Philips, Sir T., 1630, xvi. Poll tax, good, if fairly diftributed, 176. Poor to be employed, xxxi. xxxiv. and 227. Population to be enlarged, 183-190. Property, 4. duties of, ix. Proteftion againft writs to be aboliihed, 206. Public men's duty, 3. Punifhments, 17. Records, 7. Religion, 4, 74. Religious toleration, 75, 88, and 94. Revenues, 12. Riches, public, land and labour the fburce o{, 1 82. Rofe, The Rev. H., xxv. 254 Index. St. Auguftine tolerant, Iviii. — Chryfoftom, Iv. — Hilary, lii. Salvian tolerant, lix. Schools for all, and merit to be advanced, 97 and 108. no whipping in, 105. teaching in, to be governed by popular eleftion, 107. Sheridans of the 17th century, xxiv. and Appendix C. Dennis, xxiii. xxiv. xxv. and xxvii. Thomas, his tradl of 1677, x. xxvii. xxviii. and xxxv. Smith, Adam, xxxix.' Stanton, young, at Pekin, xlii. Statutes cited, 24 Geo. III. 1784, and 33 Geo. III. 1793, viii. Stuart Papers, xxxvii. and Appendix E. Prince Henry, xxxvii. Sumptuary laws wanted, 207. Sword-men of Uliler baniflied, xiii. Taxes, 4, 146-80. Tertullian, li and liv. Theodofius tolerant, liii. in Code, Ivi. Toleration a duty, 1. Tradl of 1677, xxix. Trade, 4. imports not to exceed exports, 183. ^ — retail, women only to be employed in, 192, and 229. a great council of, wanted, 182. Ulfter fettlements of 1609, xiii. xvi. cuftom and right, xvii. Unity among Chriftians a duty, xxxi. Index. 255 Venice, wife conftitution of, 13. Ware, Sir James, on Irifli writers, xxvii. Weights and meafures to be reformed, 205. Wellefley, Col. Arthur, in Ireland, xi. Woollen manufaftures to be encouraged, 194, 199. Whitgift's, Archbiftiop, fchool in Croydon, xxxiii. Windfor, Royal Library at, xxxvi. CHISWICK press: — PRINTED BY WHITTINGHAM AND WILKJNS, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. ill ijiiiiiii. liii I'