ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY New York State Colleges of Agriculture and Home Economics at Cornell University Cornell University Library QC 88.C6 Weights, measures, '^Jgj'lff 3 1924 002 965 840 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND MONEY, OF ALL STATIONS. COMPILED BY F. W. CLARKE, S.B., PBOFESBOB OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY IN THE UNIYEB8ITY OF CINCINNATI. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON & COMPANY, 1, 8, and 5 BOND STREET. 1885. ( Ehteeed, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by D. APPLETON & COMPANY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. (3.6*f1t CONTENTS PART FIRST. PAGE I.— Introduction . ....... 5 II. — The Weights, Measubes, and Money, of all Nations, al- phabetically ARRANGED ACCORDING TO LOCALITY . T PART SECOND. I.— Measures of Length . . . . . .85 II. — Eoad Measures ........ 91 III. — Square Measures . . . . . . .92 IV. — Land Measures ....... 93 V. — Cubio Measubes . . . . , . .95 VI.— Liquid Measures ...... 96 VII.— Det Measubes . . . . . . .101 VIII.— Weights ........ 106 IX.— Monet 116 INTEODUCTION. In the following pages the compiler has sought to ar- range, in a manner convenient for reference, the weights, measures, and money, of all nations. The work is naturally divided into two parts : first, a classification according to countries, arranged alphabetically; and, second, a set of tables in which the value of each unit is given both in English and in metric standards. This use of the metric system, coextensively with the ordinary system, may be regarded as the characteristic feature of the book. Of course, its introduction on so broad a scale doubled the labor of constructing many of the tables in the work, but the writer believes the labor to have been profitably spent. The metric weights and measures are now legal in this country, and are used by at least twenty nations besides ; surely, then, they deserve as much attention as our own more locally familiar but more bungling systems. Our three sets of weights, our three different gallons, and our 6 INTRODUCTION. two dissimilar bushels, all unrelated to each other, or to the units of length, must soon give way before the sim- plicity and elegance of the metric system. That this event may soon happen, and that the weights and measures of the world may before long be reduced to metric uniformity, is the sincere wish and hope of the writer. F. W. C. WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND MONEY. PART FIRST. The tables given in this part of the work need no explanation save in one particular. In the tables which relate to coinage the weight is expressed in troy grains, and the fineness in thousandths. Thus a gold coin is 900 fine when it contains in 1,000 parts 900 of pure or " fine " metal. It will be noticed in many cases that the absolute metal value of a coin varies from its assumed the- oretical worth. Variations of this sort are, however, generally trifling, although obviously unavoidable altogether. Abyssinia. Length. — The pic = 27 inches, or 0.686 metre. liquid Measure. — The kuba, or cuba, = 0.2684 gallon, or 1.0166 litres. Dry Measure. — For grain, the chief measure is the ardeb; which at Gondar in the interior is divided into 10 madegas, and at Massowah on the sea-coast into 24 madegas, _ At Gondar, the ardeb equals 0.11465 bushel, or 4.039 litres ; at Massowah it is 0.33333 bushel, or 11.745 litres. Weight. — 10 dirhems make 1 wakea. 12 wakeas " 1 rotl, rottolo, or liter, = 4,800 grains. 32 rotl " 1 mond, or maund. 12 dirhems " 1 mocha, = 1 troy ounce. 8 AGE IN. For coinage, Abyssinia depends upon foreign countries. Ve- netian sequins, Spanish dollars, and the " Maria Theresa dollars," of Austria, are chiefly in circulation. The last-named coins are also called patakas, or patacks. 23 harfs = 1 pataka. 2\ patakas = 1 sequin. Large payments are made in gold ingots, weighed by the wakea. A wakea of gold commonly rates at a little less than 12 patakas, but of course the value fluctuates. Jn some localities small bricks of salt, and strings of beads, serve as currency. Achin, or Acheen. See Sumatra. Afghanistan. The money, weights, and measures of Afghanistan are like those of Persia, Arabia, and India. In length, 1 goess = 46.6? inches, or 1.16 metres. Algeria. Since the French conquest, the French coinage, weights, and measures, have been used. The earlier, native values were about as follows : Length. — The Turkish pic = 24.92 inches, or 0.633 metre. " Arabic " = 18.96 " " 0.482 " Each pic is divided into eight parts, called robi. laquid Measure. — The khoulle = 4.4027 gallons, or 16.66 litres. Dry Measure.— The tarrie = 0.56296, the saa = 1.36215, and the caffiso = 9.00718 bushels. Weights. — The karob = 3 grains. The mitkal or metical = 72.06 grains, used in weighing gold, etc. The wakea = 12.04 oz. The roti attari, for spices, = 1.20396 lb. ; the rotl feuddi, for gold and silver, = 1.096714 lb. ; the rotl gheddari, for fruits, = 1.354458 lb. ; and the rotl khebir, ='2.03167 lbs., or a little less than one kilogramme. There are also corresponding quontars, or cantaros, equal respectively to 100 of each rotl Money. — The former silver rial-boudjou was equal to $0.3617. The pataca chica, money of account, was worth about $0,223. ARABIA 9 Amboyna. See Moluccas. Annam. Length. — Here there are two systems ; the first used for cloth measure, the second employed by architects and builders. 10 Iy = 1 phan ; 10 phan = 1 tac ; 10 tac = 1 thuoc ; 10 thuoc = 1 truong ; 3 truong = 1 that ; 10 that = 1 gon. In this system the phan = 0.2858 inches. In the architect's scale the phan = 0.1918 inches, and is subdivided as in cloth measure. Above the thuoc, 5 thuoc = 1 ngu ; 3 ngu = 1 sao ; 10 sao = 1 mau. Jtoad Measure. — 2 ly = 1 dam, of about 0.55 mile. Surface.— Squares of builder's long measure are used in meas- uring land. Capacity. — No authentic system. Weight. — The ly, = 0.6 grain, is decimally subdivided down to its millionth part. Of course these minor weights are imaginary. Above the ly, 10 ly = 1 phan ; 10 phan = 1 dong ; 10 dong = 1 luong ; 10 luong = 1 nen ; 1.6 nen = 1 can. The can = 1.878 lbs., or 624.838 grammes. 10 can = 1 yen ; 6 yen = 1 binh ; 2 binh = 1 ta ; 5 ta = 1 quan. The quan = 688.76 lbs. Money. — 60 sapeks = 1 mas ; 10 mas = 1 kwan. The kwan equals $0.6698. Antigua* See West Indies. Arabia. — Mocha ; See also Muscat. Length. — The guz, gez, or goess = 25 inches, or 0.63498 me- tre. The cobido or covid = 19.0 inches, or 0.4826 metre. The kassaba = 4.1 yards, or 3.75 metres. Road Measure. — The baryd, of 4 farsakh = about 12 miles. Liquid Measure. — 16 vakias = 1 noosfia or nusfiah ; 8 noosfias = 1 gudda or cuddy; = 1.999 gallon, or 7.567 litres. Dry Measure.— 40 mecmedas or kellas = 1 t email or tomand ; 1 teman of rice weighs 168 lbs. avoirdupois. Weights. — 40 vakias = 1 maund or maon, = 3 lbs., or 1.3608 kilogrammes. 10 maunds = 1 frazil, = 30 lbs., or 13.61 kilo- 10 ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. grammes. 15 frazils = 1 bahar, = 450 lbs., or 204.12 kilo- grammes. At Bet-el-faki the maund is equivalent to 2.039 lbs., and at Jidda to 1.830078 lbs. In the former place the bahar con- tains 400 maunds, and at the latter only 100. These towns also have a rotl, equal at Bet-el-faki to 1.019531 lbs., and at Jidda to 0.366016 lb. At Mocha the wakega, used in commerce, = 1 lb. avoirdupois ; the wakega for gold and silver being only 0.68571 lb. Minor weights are the danik, 7.86 grains troy ; the coffala, used in weigh- ing gold and silver, 48 grains ; and the miscal, 72 grains. Money. — Accounts are kept in piastres of 80 caveers; the value of the piastre being about $0.8337. Another authority makes it 90 ceuts. Payments may be made also in Spanish dol- lars. The commassee is a small native coin containing 7 carats silver, and worth about 40 to the dollar. Argentine Confederation. The metric system of weights and measures has recently been introduced, and is now the only system recognized in the custom- houses of the republic. The former weights and measures were as follows, being of Spanish origin : Length. — 4 palmas = 1 vara ; 2 varas = 1 braza. Also, 3 pies = 1 vara. The vara = 34.1208 inches, or 0.866 metre. Road Measure. — The legua = 600 varas, or 0.3231 mile. The nulla = 1.149 miles, or 1.85 kilometres. Used upon rail- roads. Liquid Measure. — 32 frascos = 1 baril. The frasco = 0.6274 gallon, or 0.2374 litre. Dry Measure. — The lastre = 2 toneladas, or 15 fanegas. The fanega = 3.8936 bushels, or 137.195 litres. Weight. — 25 libras = 1 arroba ; 4 arrobas = 1 quintal ; 20 quintals = 1 tonelada. The libra = 1.0127 lb., or 0.45936 kilo- gramme. The arroba of Buenos Ayres "= 25 Castilian libra, or 25.3583 lbs. The marco, for gold and silver, = 3544.4 grains. Money. — 8 reales = 1 peso fuerte; 16 pesos = 1 onza. The United States value of the peso fuerte (Secretary of the Treasury, 1874) is exactly $1.00. The gold onza, of 1813 to 1832, according AUSTRIAN EMPIRE. 11 to the United States assay, = $15.5146. That from 1S28 to 1832, $14.6579. Australia. Generally the same as Great Britain. The value of certain gold coins is given as follows by the Director of the United States mint: Pound of 1852, weight .281 ounce, 9164 fine > Talue $5,324. Of 1855, weight .256 ounce, 916J fine, value $4.8501. Sovereign of 1855 to 1860, weight .2565 ounce, 916 fine, value $4,857. Anstrian Empire. . After January 1, 1876, the metric system will be the legal one. See also, Bohemia, Hungary, and Poland. Length. — 12 punkte make 1 linie. 12 linien " 1 zoll. 12 zoll " 1 fuss = 1.03713 feet, or 0.31611 metre. 6 fuss " 1 klafter. The elle = 2.465 fuss, = 30.676 English inches. The rathe = 12 fuss, = 12.44556 English feet. Engineers and surveyors use a system derived from the ruthe, in which -fa ruthe = 1 decimal fuss, xJtt ruthe = 1 decimal zoll, an( i lu ' un ruthe = 1 decimal linie. Road Measure. — 4,000 klafter, or 24,000 fuss = 1 meile. The meile = 4.714227 miles, or 7.5866 kilometres. Surface. — Commonly, squares of the measures of length. In measuring land, the joch (which is divided into three metzen), = 1,600 square klafter, or 57,600 square fuss. The joch = 1.4223 acres, or 57.55 ares. Jjic/wd Measure. 2 pfiff make 1 seidel. 2 seidel " 1 kanne or halbe mass. 2 kannen " 1 mass, = 1.49525 quarts, or 1.4149 li- tres. 10 mass make 1 viertel. 4 viertel " 1 eimer, = 14.9525 gallons, or 56.5997 litres. 24 eimer make 1 dreiling. 32 eimer " 1 fuder. 12 AUSTRIAN EMPIRE. Dry Measure. — For coke and coal the stiibich, = 2 metzen, ia used; for lime, the kalkmiitkel, = 2J metzen; for wood, the cord of i cubic klafter. Ordinary dry measure is as follows : 2 becher make 1 kleines massel. 2 kleine massel " 1 grosses massel. 2 grosse massel " 1 miiller-massel. 2 mtiller massel " 1 achtel. 2 achtel " 1 viertel. 4 viertel " 1 metze,= 1.74512 bushels, or 61.49 litres. 30 metzen " 1 muth. Weight. — 1st. Ordinary Commercial: 4 pfennige make 1 quentchen. 4 quentchen " 1 loth. 2 loth " 1 unze. 4 unzen " 1 vierding or vierling. 2 vierding " 1 mark, = 0.6173 pound, or 280.0 grammes. 2 mark make 1 pfund, = 1.2346 pounds, or 560.0 grammes. 20 pfund make 1 stein. 5 stein " 1 centner, = 123.4615 lbs. 4 centner " 1 karch. 20 centner " 1 schiffslast (shipping ton). 40 centner " 1 last (ordinary). The saum = 275 pfund. The saum (of 2 lagel) for Styrian steel = 250 pfund. The zollpfund of the Zollverein, for customs, = 500 grammes. The miinzpfund also = 500 grammes. 2d. Weights for Predmts Metals : 4 pfennig make 1 quentchen. 4 quentchen " 1 loth. 16 loth " 1 mark, = 4,333 grains, or 280.0 grammes The karat for jewels = 8.1799 grains, or 0.206085 gramme. 3d. Apothecaries 1 Weight, in which the pfund is 1J mark. 20 gran make 1 scrupel. 3 scrupel " 1 drachme. 8 drachmen " 1 unze. 12 unzen " 1 pfund = 6,499 grains troy. AUSTRIAN' EMPIRE, 13 -Formerly, 4 pfennige made 1 kreutzer ; 60 kreutzer 1 florin or gulden ; 2 gulden 1 thaler. The ducat was 4£ gulden, 20 gulden were coined from the Cologne mark of fine silver, each one being worth $0.5054. The new florin or gulden of 100 kreutzer ia equal to *V of a munzpfund (500 grammes) of fine silver. The vereinsthaler of ■fa munzpfund is 1£ florins. This florin is worth $0.4803, and rates in the United States custom-houses at $0.4760. The following table gives the chief coins, their value, weight in troy grains, and fineness in thousandths : Former four-ducat piece. Legal " " " By TJ. S. mint assay. Souverain or sovrano. No longer coined " " " By TJ. 8. mint as- say Yereinskrone Halbe vereinskrone , Ducat Before 1865 Four-florin piece. By U. S. mint assay Hungarian ducat Old scudo. By U. S. mint assay. , . . Former Conventions or specie - thaler. Before 1857. Former Conventions or specie - thaler. By TT. S. mint assay Maria-Theresa-thaler. Still coined with date 1780 Maria - Theresa-thaler. By U. S. mint Vereinsthaler ** " By TJ. S. mint assay. . Three-gulden piece Two ll " Gulden before 1653 (Conventions-florin). " " u Kate in TJ. S. customs " " " TJ. S. mint assay... New gulden or florin " " " TJ. S. mint assay. Quarter-gulden. Weight 5 grammes. 10 kreutzer. " 2 " 5 " "1 « 4 " Kreutzer Half-kreutzer Gold. Silver. Billon. Bronze. Weight. 215.04 986 900 174.24 900 171.27 900 85.64 900 9S6 49.92 900 401.23 902 432.96 833 429.60 838 286.08 900 570.91 900 8S0.61 900 216.43 833 190.56 900. 77.15 520 30.86 500 15.43 375 201.59 50.39 25.20 $9.1502 6.7788 6.7540 6.6462 8.3231 2.2871 1.9350 3.2946 1.0260 1.0109 1.0230 1.0109 1.0210 0.7204 0.7810 1.4409 0.9606 0.5054 0.4S50 0.5110 0.4803 0.4860 0.1201 0.0480 0.0240 0.0192 0.0048 0.0024 Azores Islands. Generally like Portugal. Dry Measure. — 2 quartos = 1 meio ; 2 meios = 1 alquiere ; 14 BADEN. 4 alquieres = 1 fanga, of 1.35959 United States bushels, or 47.90? litres. Money. — The milreis, in U. S. custom-houses, rates at §0.835. Baden. See also German Empire. Length. — The ruthe, = 3 metres, is divided decimally into 10 fuss, 100 zoll, 1,000 linien, and 10,000 punkte. The elle = 6 deci- metres. In United States measure the fuss = 11.811 inches. The klafter = 3 ellen. Road Measure. — The wegstunde (£ meile) = 14814.8148 fuss. The meile = 5.5234 English miles. Surface. — 100 square ruthen = 1 viertel ; 4 viertel = 1 morgen. The morgen = 36 ares, or 0.8897 acre. Liquid Measure. — The fuder is divided decimally into 10 ohm, 100 stiitzen, 1,000 mass, and 10,000 glaa. The value of the mass is 1.5 litres, or 1.585 quarts. Dry Measure. — The malter (of 150 litres) is divided decimally into 10 sester, 100 masslein, and 1,000 becher. 10 malter = 1 zuber. In United States measure the malter = 4.257 bushels. Weight. — 1 centner =: 10 stein =: 100 pfund = 1,000 zehnling, = 10,000 centass = 100,000 dekass or pfennig = 1,000,000 ass. The pfund, which is the same as the zollpfund or miinzpfund of Germany in general, = 500 grammes, or 1.1023 lbs. For apothecary's weight, see German Empire. Money. — The table gives the more important coins of Baden, their material, fineness, and value in United States dollars : Former Ludwig d'or " doppelthaler (8J gulden). Before 1857. " 2 guldenstuck . " " " gulden of 60 kreutzer " " " " " " in U. S. custom-houses Vereinsthaler (If gulden) Gulden (60 kreutzer) iguldenstiick 8 kreutzersttick Kreutzer i kreutzer. Material. Fineness. Gold. Silver. n u u 900 " 900 " 900 Billon. Bronze. $8.4388 1.4409 0.8252 0.4126 0.4000 0.7204 0.4117 0.2054 0.0206 0.00686 0.00343 BA VARIA. 15 Bahamas. See West Indies. Balearic Islands. See Spain. On these islands there are various local measures and weights. Even the more general standards, as the libra, the cantaro, palma, etc., have, however, different values on the different islands of the group, the discrepancies being sometimes very great. Peculiar to Minorca is the gerrah = 3.18599 gallons. Majorca has the quartes, 1.10274, the quartin, 7.16781 gallons ; and the oder of 100.2178 lbs. For length, the palmo = 7.697 inches. For weight, the libra = 0.882 lb. Bantam. See Java. Barbadoes. See West Indies. Barbary States. See Algeria, Tripoli, and Tunis. Barbuda. See West Indies. Batavia. See Java. Bavaria. See also German Empire. Length. — 121inienmakel zoll. 12 zoll " 1 fuss, = 11.49 in., or 0.29184 metre. 6 fuss " 1 klafter. 10 " " 1 ruthe. The elle = 34.25 zoll. By engineers and surveyors the fuss is decimally divided. Local values of the fuss and of the elle are known at Augsburg and Nuremberg. Road Measure. — The meile = -fa of an equatorial degree, = 4.6143 miles. The Anspach meile = 5,3652 miles. Surface. — The juchart, morgen, or tagewerk = 40,000 square fuss, and is decimally divided. It equals 34.0536 ares, or 0.8416 acre. Liquid Measure. — 64 mass make 1 eimer. For wine, the eimer = 16.9444 gallons; for beer, 18.07505 gallons. The mudde of Augsburg, an old measure, = 14.92156 gallons ; the Nuremberg visirmass = 0.30302 gallon; and the schenkmass of the same 16 BAVARIA. city = 0.28505 gallon. In old times almost every large town seems to have had its own local system. Dry Measure. — 2 dreissiger make 1 masslein. 2 masslein " 1 massel or achtel. 4 massel " 1 viertel. 2 viertel " 1 metze. 6 metzen " 1 scheffel, = 6.31002 bush- els, or 222.34 litres. For wood, the klafter is used, = 126 kubik fuss, or 3.1325 cu- bic metres, or 110.6305 cubic feet. Weights. — 4 quentchen make 1 loth. 4 loth " 1 halber vierling. 2 halbe vierling " 1 vierling. 4 vierling " 1 pfund. This is the pfund of the Zollverein, of 500 grammes, or 1.102364 lbs. avoirdupois. The commercial pfund = 560 grammes, is divided into 16 unzen, 32 loth, and 128 quentchen, and is equal to 1.2346 lbs. avoirdupois. For apothecary's weight, the old apothecary's pfund of Nuremberg, with its subdivisions, is used throughout Germany. See German Empire. Money. — 4 pfennige = 1 kreuzer ; 60 kreuzer = 1 florin or gulden; 16 gulden = 1 krone. The table gives the more impor- tant coins, their material, weight in troy grains, fineness in thou- sandths, and value in United States dollars : COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Gold. it Silver. Billon. V. Bronze. u u 171.444 85.722 900 900 $6.5872 8.2936 4.9920 3.3414 2.2876 Vereins - Zweithalerstiicfc ( 2 - Thaler 571.481 285.742 826.561 16S.2S2 81.641 70.650 88.005 19.002 12.988 88.575 19.282 102.224 900 900 900 900 900 520 1.4409 .7204 .8234 .4117 .2058 8 " .1029 .0412 0206 .0069 Heller .0034 .0017 BOHEMIA. 17 Belgium. The weights and measures are the metric weights and measures of France. Sometimes different names are used, as aune for me- tre, litron for litre, livre for kilogramme. Money. — The lawful currency is in francs and centimes, pre- cisely as in France. The value of the franc, as a money of ac- count, is in the United States $0,193. The franc formerly rated at $0,186. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Gold. SUver. 121.92 385.81 1S3.60 899 89T 835 $1.7200 5 " .9800 2 " .86K> Beloochistan. Like Afghanistan - . Bengal. See India. Bermudas. See West Indies. Birmah. (Rangoon.) Length. — The palgat or paulgaut =: 1 inch, or 0.0254 metre ; 18 paulgauts = 1 taim or cubit ; 22 paulgauts = 1 saundaung or royal cubit. Jtoad Measure. — 1 saundaungs =: 1 dha or bambou; 1,000 bambous = 1 dain or taing. The taing = 2.4306 miles, or 3.9116 kilometres. Weight. — 100 ticals or 3 catties = 1 vis ; 150 vis = 1 candy. The candy = 500 lbs., or 226.801 kilogrammes. Bohemia. (Prague,) See also Austria. Length. — The Prague fuss = 11.88 inches, and the elle 23.2 inches. Surface. — 2 strich = 1 Austrian joch. Liquid Measure. — 4 seidel = 1 pinte ; 32 pinten = 1 eimer ; 4 eimer = 1 fass. The fass = 64.5598 gallons. 18 BOKHARA. Dry Measure. — 12 seidel = 1 massel ; 4 massel = I viertel ; i viertel = 1 strieh. The strieh = 2.65618 bushels. Weight, — 20 pfund = 1 stein ; 6 stein = 1 centner. The pfund is subdivided as in Vienna, but is a trifle lighter than the Imperial standard. These are only local weights and measures. The legal system is, of course, that of Austria. Bokhara. See Tubkestan. Bolivia. The metric system is recognized at the custom-houses. The other weights and measures are of Spanish origin. Weight*. — 4 arrobas = 1 quintal. The quintal = 46 kilo- grammes, or 101.4179 lbs. Money. — 10 cents = 1 real ; 10 reals = 1 peso. The peso is rated in the United States (Secretary of the Treasury, 1874) at $0.9651. Its theoretical value is about $1.03. COIN TABLE. corns. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value, Onza or doubloon (1S27-1S36). Legal Goia; Silver. (4 $15.6018 15 508 Onza or doubloon (1 827-1886). By XS. 8. 418.16 808.61 207.86 381.48 8T0 9031 667 900 Peso. Former. By TJ. S. mint assay. . 1 peso w u u « u New peso " " * " 0.791 0.892 0.961 Borneo. The island contains English and Butch settlements, in which the corresponding weights and measures are known. Dry Measure. — The gantang = 0.73782 bushel. Weight*. — The pecul = 135.6354 lbs. Minor weights seem to be something as follows : 3 malaborong = 1 tica ; 1J tica = 1 copang; 4 copang = l mace ; 4 mace = 1 pahaw ; 4 pahaws = 1 tael. The tael =s about 614 troy grains, or 39.828 grammes. BREMEN. 19 Bourbon, Isle of. French colony, using French weights and measures. Brazil. The metric system is now the legal system of weights and measures. The former scales were essentially Portuguese, with va* nations, these being different in different parts of the empire. The alquiere = 1.13512 bushels ; the vara = 1.18878 yards ; the arroba (of 32 arratels) = 32.3792 lbs. ; the quilate, a weight for gems, — 3.075 grains ; and the outava, for topazes, = 57.17 grains. Money. — The milreis, as a money of account (Secretary of the Treasury, 1874), is rated in the United States at $0.5456. COIN TABLE. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. 20 Milreis. Legal rate «* " By U. 8. mint assay 10 " 5 " Former Joao 2 milreis. Legal rate " u By 0. 8. mint assay Milreis 60l> reis 200 » 20 " 10 " Gold. Silver. Copper. 276.00 HIT* 138.80 916 69.15 916 393.89 916 393.60 918} 196.64 916 98.82 916 89.83 916 $10.9235 10.906 5.4617 2.7809 8.7195 1.0924 1.025 0.5462 0.2781 0.1092 0.0109 0.0055 Bremen. See also German Empire. Length. — 10 linien= 1 zolL 12 zoll = 1 fuss, = 11.386 inches, or 0.2892 metre. 2 fuss = 1 elle. 3 ellen = 1 klafter. 8 " = 1 ruthe. Bond Measure.— The meile of 20,000 Kheinfuss = 3.9 miles, or 6.28 kilometres. Surface. — The morgen = 120 square ruthen = 30,720 square fuss. The morgen — 0,6343 acre. Solid Measure.— Ihe faden = 72 kubikfuss. 20 BRUNSWICK. Liquid Measure. — 4 mingel make 1 quartier. 9 quartier " 1 viertel. 5 viertel " 1 anker. 4 anker " 1 ohm, = 38.2965 galls., or 144.964 litres. 6 ohm " 1 fuder. The stiibchen = 4 quartier. " oxhoft = 6 anker. Dry Measure. — 4 spinten make 1 viertel. 4 viertel " 1 seheffel, = 2.10196 bushels, or 74.064 litres. 40 seheffel make 1 last. 4 ort make 1 quentehen. 4 quentehen " 1 loth. 2 loth " 1 unze. 8 unzen " 1 mark. 2 mark " 1 pfund, = 1.09906 lbs., or 0.498 kilogramme. The schiffpfund (of 20 liespfund) = 290 pfund. The fracht- pfund or pfundschwer = 300 pfund. The centner = 116 pfund. Money. — 5 schwaren=lgrot ; 72 groten=l thaler. The value of this thaler is $0.7476, but it was recognized in the United States, under the law of March 3, 1843, at $0.71. By the law of 1842, the silver rix-thaler, worth $0.7911, was rated at $0.7875. The old gold thaler, of which about 8-^ equal the modern vereins- krone, = $0.7912. Brunswick (Braunschweig). See also German Empire. Length. — 12 zoll = 1 schuh ; 2 schuh = 1 elle. The schuh = 11.235 inches, or 0.285 metre. The ruthe = 8 ellen. Road Measure. — The meile (of 34,424 Rhenish feet) = 6.7136 miles. Surface. — The morgen = 120 square ruthen, or 30,720 square schuh. English value, 0.6208 acre. CANARY ISLANDS. 21 Liquid Measure. — 2 nossel = 1 quartier ; 4 quartier = 1 stub- chen ; 40 stubchen = 1 ohm ; 6 ohm = 1 fuder. The fuder also = 4 oxhoft. The fass of beer (4 tonnen) = 108 stubchen. The stubchen = 0.988 gallon, or 3.74 litres. Dry Measure. — 4 becher or locher = 1 vierfass ; 4 vierfass = 1 himt ; 10 himt = 1 scheffel. The scheffel for wheat = 8.6672 bushels ; for oats, 10.40064 bushels. 4 scheffel make 1 wispeL Weight. — 2 heller = 1 pfennig ; 4 pfennigs = 1 quentchen ; 4 quentchen = 1 loth ; 16 loth = 1 mark ; 2 mark = 1 pfund. The pfund = 1.0306 lbs., or 0.46% kilogramme. The schiffpfund = 20 liespfund = 280 pfund. For apothecary's weight see German Empire. Money. — The former gold pistole, = 5 gold thaler, was worth $3.96. The silver thaler of 24 gute groschen was worth $0.7254. In the TTnited States, by law of 1846, it rated at $0.69. Buenos Ayres. See Argentine Confederation. Cambodia. See Annam. Canada, including Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfound- land, Prince Edward's Island, and the other British Pos- sessions in North America. Weights and measures as in Great BBnAiN. In Lower Can- ada, however, one or two old Erench measures are occasionally met; as the roinot, for wheat, = 1.11111 United States bushels; and the arpent, for land, = 0.8449 acre. Money.— The standard is the dollar of 100 cents, equal in value to that of the TTnited States. The silver 20 and 25 cent pieces are 925 fine, with the following weight and intrinsic value : 20 cent, weight 72.0 grains, value $0.185 ; 25 cent, weight 90.0 grains, value $0,231. Under United States statutes, prior to act of March 3, 1873, the pound of the British Provinces rated in our custom- houses at $4.00. Canary Islands. The measures, weights, and coins, are derived from Spain, though somewhat varied. For length, the pie or Castilian foot = 11.126 inches. In weight, the libra = 1.0148 lbs. 22 OANDIA. Candia. See Ckete. Cape of Good Hope, or Cape Colony. Weights and measures those of Great Britain. The currency '19 also British, although occasionally the former Dutch values are encountered. Cape Verde Islands. See Portugal. Celebes. The pecul = 135.64 lbs. In general, the weights and meas- ures resemble or are indentical with those of the other neighbor., ing islands under the sway of the Netherlands. Central America. (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, San Salvador, and Costa Rica.) The weights and measures are of old Castilian origin, but varied. Length. — The vara = 32.874 inches, or 0.835 metre. Liquid Measure. — The cantara of 4 cuartillas = 4.2631 gal- lons, or 16.137 litres Dry Measure. — The fanega of 4 cuartillas = 1.5745 bushels, or 55.48 litres. Weight.— 25 libras = 1 arroba ; 4 arrobas = 1 quintal. The libra = 1.043 pounds, or 0.4731 kilogramme. Money. — The unit is the pezo or dollar of 100 centavos. , Its value in the United States (Secretary Treasury, 1874) is $0.9650. coinage table. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Onza of 1833, by U. S. mint assay Costa Rican half-onza of 1850. U. S. Gold, it it u Silver.^ $14.9658 7.6232 2 escudos, or i onza. TJ. 8. mint assay. Pezo, or & onza, 1825-1849. IT. 8. mint 100.32 S53J 3.6375 8295 i Reals. U. S. mint assay. . . . Pozo, 1840— 1872. ' 12.96 853} .4S80 1.0311 " 1855 " " " 1.0187 415.68 850 .9810 CHINA. 23 Ceylon. Generally, British measures of length and surface are used. The covid, when employed, = 18.5 inches. For liquids, the seer = 1.2 quarts ; and the parrah = 6.75 gallons. In dry measure, the chundoo = nearly half a pint. The amo- mam = 5.7757 bushels. The candy, or bahar, for weight, = 500 lbs. Old measure = 520.675 lbs. The public accounts are kept in sterling money ; but, in or. dinary commercial transactions, the sicca rupee is the standard. 8se India. Chili. The metric system of weights and measures is now legal. Old standards, of Spanish origin, are as follows : The vara = 2.78 feet ; the quartillo = 0.2906 gallon; the fanega = 2.575 bushels; the libra = 1.043 lbs. Money. — The peso or dollar of 100 centavos is the exact equiv- alent of 5 francs, French currency. Value in United States cus- tom-houses (1874), $0.9123. The gold condor — 10 pesos. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Gold. it Silver. $9.1225 9.1360 236.16 412.T2 893 908" Old peso or dollar. By U. S. mint as- 1.0460 0.964S » a » h By u. 8. mint assay. 384.4S 900} 0.981 China. Length. — The yan is decimally divided into 10 cheung, 100 chik, 1,000 tsun, 10,000 fan. The official chik, as fixed by the Mathematical Board at Pekin, = 13.125 inches, or almost exactly % metre. The surveyor's and engineer's chik = 12.7 inches ; and the commercial chik of Canton = 14.76 inches, but varies a little. 24 0IB0AS8IA. Itoad Measure. — The itinerary chik = 12.17 inches ; of these, 1,800 make 1 li, = 1,825.5 feet, or 556.41 metres. Capacity. — Since in China almost every thing is sold by weight, the wet and dry measures are seemingly superfluous. There are, however, two systems, in which the measures are similarly named, the names being distinguished by the affixes tsong and shi. These series stand to each other in value as 65 to 100 ; the former being for liquids, the latter for grain. In the liquid, or tsong series, the tau is divided into 10 shing and 100 kop. The shing-tsong = 0.1375 gallon. The dry-measure shing (shing-shi) = 0.02177 bushel. Another measure, the sei, = 3.4716 bushels. Weights. — 10 mace = 1 tael ; 16 tael = 1 catty or kan ; 2 cat- ties = 1 yin ; 50 yin = 1 pecul or tarn. The catty = 1 J£ lbs., or 604.8 grammes. Hence the pecul = 133% lbs. The shik is a weight of 160 lbs. Money. — The tael is decimally divided into 10 mace (tseen), 100 candereens (fun), and 1,000 cash (le). The tael now rates in United States customs at $1.61. Old rate, $1.48. In parts of China some coins from the English mint are used ; these are of silver, 901 fine. The dollar of this series weighs 415.68 grains, and is worth (by United States mint assay) $1.04. The corresponding ten-cent piece weighs 41.76 grains, and is worth $0.10£. Circassia. See Russia. Cochin China. See also Annam. Here the covid = 15 inches. The tael — 590.75 grains. Cologne. See German Empire, and Prussia. Until recently the Cologne mark was used throughout Ger- many in weighing the precious metala. This should equal 8,609 troy grains ; but the standard copy at Hamburg is 1 grain lighter. Colombia, or New Granada. The metric system of weights and measures has recently been adopted. The former system was of Castilian origin. CYPRUS. 25 Money. — The peso, or dollar, is exactly equal to five franca French currency. It is divided into 10 decimos and 100 centavos. 10 pesos make 1 gold condor. The value of the peso in United States customs is $0,965. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material Value. Gold. M K Silver. $15.6106 15.3775 9.6476 9.6T51 0.9726 0.9692 Corea. See China. Corsica. See France. A few liquid measures of Italian or Spanish origin may be met with. Costa Rica* See Cextral America. Crete, or Candia. For length, the pic = 25.09 inches, or 0.6373 metre. For liquids, the oke = 0.3458 gallon. The mistate, for oil, = 2.948 gallons. The carga = 4.32311 bushels. For weight, the cantaro of 100 rottoli or 44 oka = 116.57 lbs The currency is essentially Turkish. Cuba. See West Indies. Curacoa. See West Indies. Cyprus. For length, the pic = 26.45 inches, or 0.6718 metre. For liquids, the cass = 1.25 gallons. For grain, etc., the medinno = 2.1312 bushel§. 2 26 DEMERARA. Weights.— 'The oka = 2. 1 795T lbs. The rotolo = 1% oka, and 100 rotolos = 1 kantar or cantaro. Hence the kantar = 624.2 lbs., or iSl.11 kilogrammes. The moosa is a weight of 112 lbs. Demerara. See Guiana. Denmark. Length. — 12 linie = 1 tomme. 12 tomme = 1 fod = 12.358 inches, or 0.3139 metre. 2 fod = 1 aln. 3 aln = 1 favn. 5 " = 1 rode. Road Measure.— The miil (=12,000 aln) = 4.6812 miles, or 7.5335 kilometres. Surface. — The tondeland (= 14,000 square aln) = 1.3635 acres, or 55.2 ares. Liquid Measure. 4 poegel make 1 pot, — 1.0208 quarts, or 0.9666 litre. 2 pot " 1 kande. 39 " " 1 anker. The pot = ^ cubic fod. The tonde (for beer) = 4.25 cubic fod. The tonde (of tar) = 1 20 pot. Dry Measure. — The tonde used for coal and charcoal = 5.5 cubic fod. Eegular measures are as follows : 2 halvotting make 1 ottingkar. 2 ottingkar " 1 fjerdingkar. 2 fjerdingkar " 1 skoeppe. 8 skoeppe " 1 tonde, = 3.U11 bushels, or 139.098 litres. This tonde = 44- cubic fod, or 144 pot Weight. — 10 ort make 1 quint. 10 quint " 1 pund, = 1.102368 pounds, or 500 grammes. 100 pulid make 1 centner. In this scale the pund is the pfund of the German Zollverein. The old pund was defined as the weight of ^ cubic fod of rain- water at 16$° Centigrade ; or about 1.100885 lbs. avoirdupois. ECUADOR. 27 16 old pund = 1 lispund ; 20 lispund = 1 skippund. For precious metals — 4 ort make 1 quintin. 4 quintin " 1 lod. 16 lod " 1 mark, = 0.5149 lb., or 233.66 grammes. Apothecary's weight — 60 gran make 1 drachme. 8 drachme " 1 unze. 12 unze " 1 pund, = 0.1S89H lb. avoirdu- pois. Money. — The rigsdaler equals 6 marks, and each mark is di- vided into 16 skillings. 2 rigsdalers make 1 specie daler. The krone is a money of account, worth in United States cus- toms $0,268. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight Fineness. Value. Dobbelt Christian d'or (14f rigsdalers)... Frederick d'or, or pistole (7f rigsdalers). . Gold. M U ll Silver. u 11 » Billon. Bronze. 204.96 188.24 444.96 896 896 895 900 ST9 875 8T7 875 $8.0124 4.0062 20 krone. w " « u " " By V. S. mint assay. . 1.0926 1.0840 0.5408 0.5800 875 500 250 0.2781 0.0910 0.0228 1 " 0.0057 j. « 0.0029 Dominica. See West Indies. East Indies. See India, Ceylon, Annah, Birmah, Siam, Ma- lacca, Moluccas, Philippine Islands, Sooloo Aechipelago, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, etc. Ecuador. Formerly, Spanish weights and measures were employed. Now the metric system is in vogue. 28 EGYPT. The peso, or dollar, is the equivalent of the French 5-frano piece, and is rated in United States customs at $0,965. The 4 escudo gold piece, by United States mint assay, weighs 207.84 grains, is 844 fine, and is worth $7,555. Egypt. Since 1871 the metric system has been legal. Length. — 4 karats make 1 abdat. 3 abdats " 1 kadam. 2 kadam " 1 derah, deraa, or pic. 4 derahs " 1 Of the derah there are six different kinds, as follows : The Nile pic = 0.2545 metre ; the native pic (derah baladi) = 0.5682 me- tre; the Constantinople pic (derah Istambuli) = 0.6691 metre; the cloth pic (derah hendazeh) = 0.6479 metre ; the builder's pic (derah meimari) = 0.7500 metre ; the itinerary or road-measure pic =0.7389 metre. The derah Istambuli = 26.34 inches. Ancient measures were the natural cubit, 17.71 inches, and the royal cubit, 20.66 inches. Road Measure. — For the itinerary derah or pic, see table of length. 2 baah make 1 cassaba (equal to 5 derahs). 500 cassabas " 1 mili, = 1.148 miles, or 1.847 kil- ometres. 3 mili " 1 farsakh or league. 4 farsakh " 1 baride. 2 baride " 1-1 Safar y0me ' ° f which ** make I J 1° of the meridian = 60 mili. j Surface. — Land is partly measured by the squares of the derah meimari, and of the cassaba. (The cassaba, in length, = 3.55 metres.) The feddan = 333J square cassabas, and is divided into 24 kerat. Value of feddan, 1.038 acres, or 42.008 ares. Liquid Measure. — The guirbeh = 70.4467 quarts, or 66| li- tres. EGYPT. 29 Dry Measure. — 2 kSrat make 1 kharroubah. 2 kharroubah " 1 thoumn-kaddah. 2 thoumn-kaddah " 1 roub-kaddah. 2 roub-kaddah " 1 nisf-kaddah. 2 nisf-kaddah " 1 kaddah, = 1.735 quarts, or 1.91 litres. 2 kaddah " 1 malouah. 2 malouah " 1 rcubouh, or rob. 2 roubouh " 1 kele. 2 kele " 1 ouebeh. 6 ouebeh " 1 ardeb, = 2.603 bushels, or 91.72 litres. These values are from the report of the United States Com- missioners to the Paris Exposition of 1867. Other authorities give the ardeb = 5.1648 bushels, and the ardeb of Alexandria = 7.6907 bushels. WeigJUs. — i kamha make 1 kerat. 24 kerat " 1 darhim or drachm,=: 47.73 grains, or 3.0929 grammes. 400 darhims make 1 oke, oka, or occa, = 2.7275 lbs., or 1.237 kilogrammes. 144 darhims make 1 rotl, or rottolo = 0.9819 pound, or 445.41 grammes. 100 rotl make 1 cantaro = 98.19 lbs. The harsela, used for weighing silk, is the oke. The darhim, when used for weighing gold, silver, or gems, is also known as the mitkal or meticaL Money. — 40 paras make 1 piastre. As a money of account, the Egyptian dollar of 20 piastres now rates in United States cus- loms at $1.0039. (Secretary of the Treasury, 1874.) BO ENGLAND. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Tslu. Bedidlik, orlOO-piastre piece. Legal rate. " " " U.S. mint Gold. 11 Silver. u 11 Copper. K 11 181.761 132.00 66.881 6464 429.691 214.796 107.898 20.888 19.2110 10.441 5.221 799.490 899.745 199.872 99.986 875 875 875 875 675 888i 888* 633} 750 755 750 750 $4.9690 4.9740 2.4845 0.9940 0.2475 0.9900 0.495 0.2475 0.0475 20 " " rt " 5 " " " " Very rare.. TaHari or dollar, 20 piastres. Legal rate. Half-tallari, 10 " ' " u Quarter" 5 " " " 1 piastre, " ** J " " " 0.0124 10 " " " " 0.0124 5 " " " " 0.0062 England. See Great Britain. Fayal. See Azores. Finland. See Russia. Formosa. See China. France (including Corsica). Colonial Possessions: Alberia, Senegal, Isle of Bourbon, Island of St. Marie near Mada- gascar, Pondicherry and other towns in India, several of the West India Islands, French Guiana or Cayenne, the Islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon near Newfoundland, the Marquesas Islands, and New Caledonia. The metric system of weights and measures originated in France, just before the beginning of the present century. All its units are derived from the unit of length. Length. — The unit here is the metre, which/ was intended to represent the ten-millionth part of the distance from the equator to the pole, measured over the surface of the earth. It slightly varies from this, however, and can therefore be regarded only as a unit of length represented by a bar of platinum in Paris, meas- FRANCE. 31 ared at the temperature of melting ice (0° Centigrade, or 32* Fahrenheit). 10,000 metres make 1 myriametre,=: 6.214 miles. 1,000 " " 1 kilometre, = 0.6214 " 100 " " I hectometre, = 328.09 feet. 10 " " 1 decametre, = 32.809 " The metre = 39.37079 inches. 1 metre equals 10 decimetres. Decimetre = 3.937079 inches. 1 " " 100 centimetres. Centimetre = 0.3937 " 1 " " 1,000 millimetres. Millimetre = 0.03937 " Surface. — Squares of the metre and its derivatives are used. Also the are, equal to a square of ten metres to the side. 100 ares, or 10,000 square metres, make 1 hectare = 2.4714 acres. The are of 100 square metres = 1076.43 square feet. The Tfoj of an are, 1 sq. metre, is the eentare = 1550.06 square inches. Capacity. — The litre is the unit for both wet and dry measure, and equals one cubic decimetre. 10,000 litres make 1 myrialitre,= 2641.8 U. S. gallons. 1,000 " " 1 kilolitre, = 264.18 " " 100 " " 1 hectolitre, = 26.418 " " 10 " " 1 decalitre, = 2.6418 " The litre = 1.05672 quarts, XS. S. measura 1 litre equals 10 decilitres. Decilitre =0.211344 pint, " " 1 " " 100 centilitres. Centilitre=0.021 13 " " " 1 " " 1,000 millilltres. Millilitre = 0.002113 " " " In dry measure the kilolitre = 28.3782 IT. S. bushels ; the hec- tolitre = 2.83782 bushels; the decalitre = 1.13513 pecks'; the litre = 0.227 half-peck, and so on. In measuring wood and coal the kilolitre is known as the stere, the myrialitre as the decastere, and the hectolitre as the decistere. Weight. — The standard of weight is the gramme, which repre- sents the weight of one cubic centimetre of distilled water at its maximum density. 62 FRANCE. -Avoiidupolfc 1,000,000 grammes make 1 millier or tonneau, = 2204.62 lbs. 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 quintal, 1 myriagramme, 1 kilogramme, 1 hectogramme, : 1 decagramme, : The gramme : .- 220.462 : 22.0462 : 2.20462 : 3.52739 0.35274 " 15.432349 grains. oz. 1 gramme equals 10 decigrammes. Decigramme =1.543235 " 1 " " 100 centigrammes. Centigramme=0.15432 " 1 " " 1,000 milligrammes. Milligramme =0.01543 " The " Systeme TJsuel," interdicted since 1840, was a popular compromise between the ancient system and the present one. In it, the metre was divided into two pieds or feet of twelve pouces each. Two metres made one toise, and twelve decimetres, one aune or ell. In weights, the livre or pound of 500 grammes was divided into two marcs, sixteen onces, one hundred and twenty, eight gros, and nine thousand two hundred and sixteen grains. The ancient French pied-de-roi was equal to 12.79 inches ; six of these pieds made one toise, and two thousand toises one lieue-de- poste, or league. The ancient pound (poids-de-marce) previous to 1795 was equal to 1.0793 lbs. avoirdupois. Money. — 10 centimes make 1 d6cime ; 10 decimes make 1 franc. The theoretical value of the franc in United States money is $0.1946. The value recognized in United States custom rates is $0,193. COIN TABLE. 100-franc piece. Legal rate 60 " " " " 2o " " « " 20 " " By TJ. 9. mint assay! '. .' 10 " " Legalrate 5 « H U 41 Louis (Tor, 1785 " " 1810tol840. 5-franc piece. Legal rate " " By TJ. 8. mint assay. . 2-franc " Legal rate " 1867-'8. By V. S. mint assay. Material. Weight. Fineness. Gold. 49T.742 900 " 248.871 900 H 99.648 900 kl 99.360 899 " 49.774 900 Silver. 24.882 900 385.760 900 " 884.000 900 » 154.320 835 it 153.600 835 $19.2955 9.6478 8.8591 8.8470 1.9296 0.9648 4.6604 S.825S 0.9726 0.9600 0.8S90 0.8560 FEANKFORT-OF-TEE-MAINE. coin table. — Continued. 33 Material. Weight Fineness. Value. Silver. 77.100 835 $0.1945 u 38.580 835 0.0972 u 15.432 835 0.0889 Bronze. 154.820 0.0195 " TT.160 0.0097 tt 80.8C4 0.0039 " 15.432 0.0019S Franc, weight 5 grammes. Legal rate. Piece of 50 centimes. " " « » 20 " « " 10 " " " 5 " » " 2 « tt U 1 u Equivalent in value to the French franc are the francs of Switzerland and Belgium, the lira of Italy, the peseta of Spain, and the drachma of Greece. These should weigh 5 grammes apiece, the minor silver coinage being proportionately heavy. Several of the South American states now have silver pesos or dol- lars weighing 25 grammes, and equivalent to the B-franc piece of France. Of the bronze coins, whose weights in the above table are given in grains, the weight of each one is represented in grammes by the number of centimes ; 10 centimes weighing 10 grammes, and so on downward. Frankfort-on-the-iHain. See also German Empire. Length. — 12 linien make 1 zoll ; 12 zoll make 1 werkschuh or fuss. This fuss = 11.205 inches. The elle = 21.55 inches. Sur- veyors use a fuss (feldfuss) of 14.006 English inches. This is decimally divided into 10 zoll or 100 linien. 10 feldfuss make 1 ruthe. Surface. — The morgen = 16,000 square feldfuss = 0.5004 acre. Liquid Measure. — i eichmass, or 4£ neumass = 1 viertel ; 20 viertel=l ohm; 6 ohm = 1 fuder. The viertel = 1.8945 gal- lons. The mass is divided into 4 schoppen. Dry Measure. — 4 schrott = 1 masschen; 4 masschen = 1 ge- scheid ; 4 gescheid = 1 sechter ; 2 sechter = 1 metze ; 2 nietzen = 1 simmer ; 4 simmer = 1 malter or achteL The malter = 3.25626 bushels. Weight*. — 2 heller = 1 pfennig ; 4 pfennige = 1 quentchen ; * quentehen = 1 loth ; 2 loth = 1 unze ; 8 unzen = 1 mark ; 2 34 FRENCH GUINA. mark = 1 pfund. There were in Frankfort two different pfunds, this one (= 1.114073 lbs. avoirdupois) being about 8 per cent, heavier than the other. Apothecary weight has been long uniform throughout all Germany. Money. — 2 heller or pfennige = 1 kreuzer ; 4 kreuzer = 1 batzen ; 15 batzen = 1 gulden or florin ; 1-J- florins or 90 kreuzer = 1 thaler. The former gulden (1837) was worth $0.4126. In United States customs it rated at 40 cents. The value of the former gold ducat was $2.2876. French Guiana. See Guiana. German Empire* See also Baden, Bat aria, Bremen, Bruns- wick, Cologne, Frankfort, Hamburg, Hesse, Hanover, Lij- beck, Mecklenburg, Prussia, Saxony, and Wurtemberg. For old or local systems of weights, measures, and coinage, see these various headings. Recently the metric system has, been adopted as the lawful system of Germany, with merely some trifling modifications. Length. — The meter or stab, zentimeter or new zoll, millimeter or strich. Surface. — The ar and hektar. Capacity. — The liter or kanne, the hektoliter or fass. 50 liters make 1 scheffel ; -J liter is called a schoppen. Weight. — The kilogramme, of 2 pfund ; the dekagramme or neu-loth ; dezigramme, zentigramme, and milligramme. 50 kilo- grammes make 1 zentner ; 1,000 kilogrammes make 1 tonne. For the values of the above measures and weights, see the tables given under France. Under the Zollverein the weights were a zollpfund of 30 zoll- loth, = 500 grammes or -J- kilogramme ; the zollcentner of 100 zollpfund ; the zollstein of 2 zollcentner. The miinzpfund, used for gold and silver, and divided into 10,000 ass, also equaled 500 grammes. Throughout Germany the apothecaries have used the apothe- cary weights of Nurnberg, or Nuremberg. The pfund of this ays- GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 35 tern is subdivided exactly as in English apothecaries' weight, and equals 0.788974 lb. avoirdupois. Money. — The present standard is the mark of \ of a thaler. In United States customs it now rates at $0.2382. The vereins- thaler equals ^ of a miinzpfund of fine silver, and in Northern Germany is divided into 30 silbergroschen. In Southern Germany the florin or gulden rates 52J to the miinzpfund of fine silver, and is divided into 60 kreuzer. coin table. {See also the various German States.) COINS. Material. Weight Fineness. Value. Ten-thaler piece. By TT. 8. mint assay.. Vereinskrone. Should weigh just 10 Gold. Silver. 204.960 154.820 TT.ICO 122 880 285.600 895 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 $7.9000 6 6442 Vereinskrone. By TT. 8. mint assay 6.6420 8.8281 1.4409 7204 " By TJ. 8. mint assay 0.7140 0.7220 " " " By IT. 8. mint assay Gulden or florin of 8outh Germany be- fore 1857 341.760 750 0.7120 Gulden or florin of South Germany since 1857 4117 Gulden or florin of South Germany since 1857. By U. S. mint assay 108.200 900 408 Great Britain and Ireland. — Colonial Possessions: Helgo- land, Gibraltar, Malta and Gozo, in Europe ; Gambia, Si- erra Leone, parts of the Gold Coast, Cape Colony, Natal, the islands of Fernando Po, St. Helena, Mauritius, and the Seychelles, in Africa ; Aden, British India, parts of Far- ther India, Ceylon, Penang, Malacca, Singapore, Labuan, and Hong-Kong, in Asia; Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward's Island, Newfoundland, Labrador, Hudson's Bay Territory, Balize, most of the West India Islands, Bermudas, Guiana, and Falkland Islands, in Amer- ica; Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, Auckland Islands, and the Feejee Islands, in Polynesia. 86 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Length. — 3 barleycorns make 1 inch. 12 inches " 1 foot = O.ZQit metre. 3 feet " 1 yard = 0.91438 metre. 5^ yards " 1 rod, perch, or pole. 4 poles or 100 links " 1 chain. 10 chains " 1 furlong. 8 furlongs " 1 mile = 1.6093 kilom'rs. The old Scotch mile was 1 J, and the old Irish mile 1-ft- English miles. A line = -fa inch. A nail = 2\ inches (cloth measure). A palm = 3 inches. A hand (in measuring height of horses) = 4 inches. A span= 9, a cubit 18, a Scotch ell Z1.0&, and an English ell 45 inches. A fathom is 6 feet, and a cable's length 120 fathoms. A league = 3 miles. A degree of the equator = 69.1613 miles, and a degree of meridian = 69,046 miles. Surface. — 144 square inches make 1 square foot, = 9.29 sq. decimetres. 1 " yard, = 0.836 sq. metre. 1 " rod. 1 chain. 1 rood. 1 acre, or 43,560 square feet. 1 square mile, = 259 hectares. The acre = 0.405 hectare. Liquid Measure. — The imperial gallon is here taken as the standard, and defined as the bulk of ten pounds of distilled water at the temperature of 62° Fahr. Its cubic capacity is 2V'7.2'74 cubic inches. The gallon of the United States is 231 cu- bic inches ; the old com-gallon contained 268.8, and the old beer, gallon 282. Wine Measure. — 4 gills make 1 pint, = 0.56Y932 litre. 1 quart, = 1.135864 litres. 1 gallon, = 4.543458 litres. 1 tierce. 1 hogshead. 1 pipe, butt, or puncheon. 9 " feet 30* " yards 16 " rods 40 " M 4 roods 640 acres 2 pints 4 quarts 36 gallons 64 " 108 " GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. 37 But these larger measures are not always to be trusted. In practice, they are actually measured in gallons. Ah and Beer Measure. — Up to the gallon, like wine measure. 9 gallons make 1 firkin. 2 firkins " 1 kilderkin. 2 kilderkins " 1 barrel. 3 " "1 hogshead. 2 hogsheads " 1 butt. 2 butts " 1 tun. The ralue of such terms as barrel, pipe, hogshead, butt, pun. cheon, tun, etc., varies with circumstances. Thus, a hogshead of claret is about 46 gallons, one of brandy 55 to 60 gallons. Tha pipe, for different wines, ranges from 90 to about 120 gallons, and so on. These terms are not rigidly denned. Apothecaries' Measure. — 60 minims make 1 fluid drachm ( 3 ). 8 drachms " 1 " ounce ( § ). 20 ounces " 1 pint. 8 pints " 1 imperial gallon. Dry Measure. — Up to the gallon, the same as in liquid mea& ore, the value of the gallon being the same. 2 gallons make 1 peek, = 9.0865 litres. 4 pecks " 1 bushel, = 36.3460 " 4 bushels " 1 coomb. 2 coombs " 1 quarter, = 8 bushels. 6 quarters " 1 wey or load, = 40 bushels. 2 weys " 1 last, = 80 bushels. A strike is 2 bushels. A pottle is half a gallon. Cubic Capacity in general. — A cubic foot = 1,728 cubic inches A cubic yard = 27 cubic feet. 42 cubic feet make 1 shipping ton (British). Weight. — The standard is the pound, which is divided into 7,000 grains. These grains are of equal value in all the following tables : 38 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Avoirdupois Weight.- make 1 ounce (oz.), = 28 - 35 grammes. " 1 pound (lb.), = 453.6 " 1 stone. " 1 quarter (qr.), 28 pounds. " 1 hundred-weight (cwt.), 112 pounds. 1 ton, 2,240 pounds. 16 drachms 16 ounces 14 pounds 2 stone 4 quarters 20 hundred-weight Troy Weight. — 24 grains make 1 pennyweight (dwt.). 20 pennyweights " 1 ounce, = 480 grs., or 31.15 gram'es. 12 ounces " 1 pound, = 5,760 " or 313.16 " By this scale, gold, silver, platinum, and some gems are weighed. Pearls and diamonds are weighed by the carat of 4 grains ; 5 diamond grains being equal to 4 grains troy. 7 ApotJiecaries' Weight. — 20 grains make 1 scruple. 3 scruples " 1 drachm. 8 drachms " 1 ounce j Same as in troy weight, as is also 12 ounces " 1 pound ( the grain. These weights are used in compounding prescriptions. Drug- gists buy by avoirdupois. 4 farthings make 1 penny. 12 pence " 1 shilling. , 20 shillings " 1 pound or sovereign, = $4.8666. In United States custom-houses it rates at $4.84. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Pound. Newly coined. By U. S. mint Gold. 123.14T 123.264 123.024 61.5T4 916 Olfi* 916} 916 $4.8666 4.8650 Pound. Average worn. By U. 8. mint 4.8560 2.4383 GREECE. coin table. — Continued. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Gold. Silver. Bronze. o a 3d sa is *§ 435.E97 217.948 174.359 87.179 87.600 85.440 41.SS9 29.060 21.794 14.530 7.265 925 925 925 925 924} 925 925 925 925 925 925 $1.1105 Half-c Florin Shillk aesa Shillii assa Sixpe Fourf Three Twop Pennj Penn Halfp Farth 0.5552 0.4522 0.2261 Newly coined. By TJ. 8. mint 0.2250 g. Average worn. By TJ. S. mint 0.2190 0.1130 0.0723 0.0E65 0.08T7 0.0188 0.0188 " " 0.0094 nff " " 0.0047 Greece. The present system of weights and measures is chiefly metric. Lergth. — Formerly there were twdvpiki, one for silks of 25 English inches, another for linen and woolens of 27 inches. The present piki is the metre, with the usual subdivisions. The kilo- metre is called stadion. In ancient Greece the foot was equal to 11.81 English inches ; the cubit was 1£ feet, the stadium was 400 cubits'. Capacity. — The litra, or litre ; the kailon, or hectolitre. The former staro of 3 bachels was equal to 2.54835 bushels. Weight. — 400 drachms or 44 oke make 1 cantaro. In different places the cantaro has different values, ranging from 112 to 128 lbs. The gramme is known as the drachme, the kilogramme as mina, and 1J kilogrammes as talanton. Money. — 100 lepta or centimes make 1 drachme or franc. The drachme is the exact equivalent of the French franc, and rates ill the United States at $0,193. Formerly its value was only $0.1761. 10 GREENLAND. In gold, the 20-drachme piece, by United States zoint assay, ia 900 fine, weighs 88.8 grains, and is worth $3,442. The silver 5-drachme piece, by the same authority, is 900 fine, weighs 345.12 grains, and is worth $0,863. The true value of the present coinage is, of course, somewhat higher. Greenland. See Denmark. Grenada. See West Indies. Guadeloupe. See West Indies. Guatemala. See Central America. Guiana, British. See England. Guiana, French. See France. Guiana, Dutch. See Netherlands. Guinea. Length. — The jaktan =: 4 yards, or 12 feet. Weight.-r-2 media-tabla = 1 aguirage ; 2 aguirages = 1 piso or uzan ; 4 pisos = 1 benda-offa ; 2 benda-offas — 1 benda. 3 media-tabla make 1 quinto; 6 media-tabla 1 seron; lOf media- tabla 1 eggeba. The media-tabla = 31.02 grains troy. The akey is a weight of 20.03 grains. The rotl = 0.9538 lb. avoirdupois. Money. — Beckoning is mostly in dollars. Hamburg. See also German Empire. Length. — 8 achtel = 1 zoll ; 12 zoll =: 1 fuss ; 2 fuss = 1 elle. The fuss = 11. 21 inches. Surveyors use the Rheinfuss (12.357 inches) decimally divided. Road Measure. — The meile of 24,000 Rhenish feet is equal to i.68 miles. Surface. — Themorgen = 117,600 square fuss, = 2.3852 acres. Liquid Measure. — 2 ossel = 1 quartier ; 2 quartier = 1 kanne; 2 kannen = 1 stiibchen ; 2 stiibchen = 1 viertel ; 5 viertel = 1 anker ; 4 anker = 1 ahm ; 6 ahm =: 1 fuder. The eimer = 4 HANOVER. 41 viertel ; the tonne = 24 viertel ; the oxhoft = 30 viertel. The viertel = 1.90737 gallons. Dry Measure. — 4 spinten = 1 himt ; 2 himt = 1 fass ; 2 fass — 1 scheffel ; 10 scheffel = 1 wispel ; 3 wispel = 1 last. The scheffel = 2.98811 bushels. Weight. — 4 pfennige = 1 quentchen ; 4 quentchen = 1 loth ; 2 loth = 1 unze ; 8 unzen = 1 mark ; 2 mark = 1 pfund ; 14 pfund = 1 liespfund ; 20 liespfund = 1 schiffpfund. The pfund = 1.067886 lbs. avoirdupois. Money. — 12 pfennige == 1 schilling; 16 schilling = 1 mark; 3 mark = 1 rixdollar. This mark = $0.2972 ; old United States customs rate $0.28. 34 marks are coined from the Cologne mark (3,608 troy grains) of fine silver. Banco is an imaginary value of account, in which the Cologne mark is divided into 27} marks banco. The mark banco = $0.3642 ; old United States customs rate, $0.35. The gold ducat = $2.2715. Hanover. See also German Empire. Length. — 12 linien or 8 achtel = 1 zoll ; 12 zoll = 1 fuss ; 2 fuss = 1 elle ; 8 ellen =: 1 rathe. The fuss = 11.496 inches. Moad Measure. — The meile of 25.400 fuss = 4.6086 miles. Surface. — 60 square ruthen = 1 vorling ; 2 vorling = 1 morgen of Calenberg. Also, 1J drohn = 1 morgen of Calenberg. This morgen = 0.6472 acre. Liquid Measure. — 2 nossel = 1 quartier ; 2 quartier = 1 kan- ne ; 2 kannen = 1 stiibchen ; 2 stiibchen = 1 viertel ; 5 viertel = 1 anker ; 4 anker = 1 ahm ; 6 ahm =: 1 fuder. 8 viertel = 1 eimer ; 30 viertel = 1 oxhoft. The viertel = 2.07198 gallons. For beer, 26 stiibchen =: 1 tonne ; 4 tonnen = 1 fass. Dry Measure. — 4 vierfass or 3 drittel = 1 himt ; 6 himt = 1 malter ; 8 malter =r 1 wispel ; 2 wispel = 1 last. The malter = 5.30559 bushels. Weight. — 4 brtchen = 1 quentchen ; 4 quentchen = 1 loth 2 loth = 1 unze ; 8 unzen = 1 mark ; 2 mark = 1 pfund. The pfund = 1.079444 lbs. avoirdupois. 12 HA WAIL Money. — The thaler of 24 gute groschen. The former silver thaler was worth $0,722. The former gold Louis d'or.Wilhelm d'or, or pistole, = $3.9593. Hawaii. See Sandwich Islands. Hayti. See West Indies. Hesse-Cassel. See also German Empire. Length. — 12 linien = 1 zoll ; 12 zoll = 1 fuss (waldfuss or standard foot). This fuss =11.324 inches. The landfuss or surveyor's foot — 11.217 inches. 2 landfuss = 1 elle; 7 ellen = 1 ruthe. Surface. — The acker (of 29,400 sq. landfuss) = 0.5897 acre. Liquid Measure. — 4 schoppen = 1 mass ; 4 mass = 1 viertel ; 20 viertel = 1 ohm ; 6 ohm = 1 fuder. The mass for wine = 0.52423 gallon; for beer, 0.57667 gallon. Dry Measure. — 4 masschen = metze ; 4 metzen = 1 hunt ; 2 himt = 1 scheffel. The scheffel = 2.3 bushels. Weight. — 4 quentchen = 1 loth ; 2 loth = 1 unze ; 16 unzen = 1 pfund. The pfund = 1.067534 lbs. avoirdupois. For apothecaries' weight, see German Empire. Money. — The former gold pistole or Wilhelm d'or, value 5 tha- ler, = $3.9822. Modern pistole or Friedrich-Wilhelm d'or = $4,009. Silver as in Hesse-Darmstadt. Hesse-Darmstadt. (System of 1821.) Sec also German Em- pire. Length. — The fuss, = J metre or 9.8427 inches, is divided decimally into 10 zoll of 10 linien each. 10 fuss make 1 klafter. The elle = $ metre. Surface. — 40,000 square fuss or 4 viertel make 1 morgen, = 0.6178 acre. Solid.— The steeken for wood = 100 cubic fuss, or 55.177 cu- bic feet. Liquid Measure. — 4 schoppen = 1 mass ; 4 mass = 1 viertel ; 20 viertel = 1 ohm ; 6 ohm = 1 fuder. The schoppen = £ litre, or 0.52836 quart. HUNGARY. 43 Dry Measure. — 4 masschen = 1- gescheid ; 4 geschcid = 1 kiimpf ; 4 kiimpf = 1 simmer ; 4 simmer = 1 matter. The mass- chen = I litre, or 0.001419 bushel. The raalter = 36.326 bushels. For lime, the kalkbiitte = 10 cubic fuss, or 5.5177 cubic feet. Weight. — 4 richtpfennig = 1 quentchen ; 4 quentchen = 1 loth ; 32 loth = 1 pfund; 100 pfund = 1 centner. The pfund = 600 grammes, or 1.1023 lbs. Before 1821 the weights and measures were those of Frank- fort. Money. — Florins or gulden, of 60 kreuzer, of 4 pfennig. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Fineness. Value. Gold. Silver. « u u Billon. u u Copper. 900 900 900 900 900 J4.08T1 4.9920 1.4409 0.72(14 0.8284 0.411T 0.2058 0.0720 0.0860 1 " 0.0120 0.0030 Iliudostau. See India. Hollands See Netherlands Honduras. See Central America. Hungary. See Austria. There are some local weights and measures, and some local variations from general standards. In length, the arsin = 23.01084 inches, and the stab — 5.18565 feet. For liquids, the fass = 52.545 gallons ; and the eimer varies from 15.03 gallons in Lower, to 19.37 gallons in Upper Hungary. The metze = 1.77354 bushels. The oka is a weight of from 2.78 to 3.082 pounds. 44 ICELAND. Iceland. See Denmark. The alen = 22.4 1 ? inches. India, British. The Presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay. India, French. Pondiciierry and other minor cities. India, Portuguese. Go a and other cities. For Farther India, see Birmah, Annam, Siam, and Malacca. See also Ceylon. Originally, the weights and measures of India were extremely discordant, every petty state or city having its own system. For present purposes only the chief headings can be given, taking first the three Presidencies in their order. 1. Bengal (Calcutta). Length. — 3 jows or barleycorns make 1 unglee. 4 unglees or fingers " 1 moot. 3 moots or hands " 1 span. 2 spans make 1 cubit, covid, or haut = 18 inches. 2 covids " 1 gez, guz, or yard, =36 inches, or 0.914 metre. 2 guz make 1 fathom. Another table divides the haut or covid into 8 gheria of 9 jaob each. The guz of Patna = 42.5 inches. lioad Measure. — The coss of 1,000 fathoms = 1.1364 miles. Surface.— 20 square covid = 1 chattack ; 16 chattack = 1 cottah; 20 cottah = 1 biggah. The biggah =0.3306 acre, or 13.38 ares. Grains and liquids are generally measured by weight. Still, some dry measures can be given : 6 chattack = 1 khoonke ; 16 khoonke = 1 raik ; 4 raik = 1 pallie; 20 pallie = lsoallee. The soallee = 2.3378 bushels. The kahoon, of 42.44 bushels, represents 2,986J pounds weight of grain. In the Mahratta country the koorah = 4.0615 bushels. Weights. — There are two sets of values for these, the factory values and those of the bazaar. The latter are ten per cent, heavier than the former. The factory-weights are the ones given INDIA. 46 6 siccas make 1 chattack. 16 chattacka " 1 seer. 40 seera " 1 maund, = 74.66? lbs., or 33.87 kilogrammes. In the Mahratta country the maund = 26.249 lbs. ; and at Mal- da it =; 100.45 lbs. The pussaree is a weight of 10.27 lbs., and the pao for grain = 0.816114 lb. For gold and silver, the new sicca weight or tola is used, of 180 grains ; being \ grain heavier than the bazaar tola. For pearls, the ruttee = 2.825 grains. At Delhi the ruttee is used for precious metals and gems, and is 1.25 grains; another weight for similar purposes being the val, of 5.63 grains. Still another set of weights for precious metals exists, as follows : 2 punko = 1 nely ; 2 nely — 1 dhan ; 25 dhan = 1 anna of 14.04 troy grains. Money. — 12 pies or pice make 1 anna ; 16 annas make 1 Com- pany's rupee = $ 0.46217. The sicca rupee is worth slightly more than the old rupee, and weighs just one new sicca or tola ; 80 sicca rupees, or 36 cop- per annas, weigh one seer. The gold mohur = 15 sicca rupees. In United States customs the Company's rupee formerly rated at 44} cents ; the sicca rupee is now received at $0.4584. By United States mint aaaays the rupee and gold mohur rank as fol- lows : Silver rupee, weight 179.52 grains, 916} fine, value $0,457. Gold mohur, weight 180 grains, 916} fine, value $7.1059. 2. Madras Presidency. Length. — The covid, cubit, or haut, is here very variable. At Madras it is 18.6 inches, nearly; at Masulipatan it is 19.125 inches ; and, at Mysore, 19.1 inches. Two of these, at Mysore, make 1 gujah. At Travancore the kole =: 29.065 inches ; and on the Malabar coast the ady = 10.46 inches. Road Measure. — At Seringapatam, the coss = 3.6458 miles. At Mysore, the hardary = 2.7344 miles, and the gavada 14.5833 miles. Surface. — 24 maoney make 1 casseney or cawney, of 240 square covid. At Madras the cawney =: 1.3223 acres ; in the Car- natic it is 1.0047 acres. 46 INDIA. Capacity. — 8 ollucks make 1 puddy. 8 puddies " 1 marcal, — 0.34884 bushel. 5 mareals " 1 parah or chunam. 80 parahs " 1 garce, = 139.535 bushels. At Masulipatan the marcal = 0.403 bushel. At Mysore the candaca = 11.13 bushels. Both wet and dry measures are de- termined by weight. Weight. — 10 pagodas make 1 pollam. 8 pollams " 1 seer. 5 seers " 1 vis (visay). 8 vis "" 1 maund, =: 25 lbs., or 11.34 Ml. ogrammes. 20 maunds make 1 candy, = 600 lbs. The candy (also called baruay) is 485.5 lbs. at Mysore and Seringapatam, and 695.5 lbs. on the Malabar coast. The mangal, for pearls, = 6 grains. Money. — Essentially the same as in Bengal. The star pagoda formerly rated in United States customs at $1.84. Its real value is $1.9102. The gold mohur of Madras = $7.0696. 3. Bombay Presidency. Length.. — 16 tussoos make 1 hath or cubit, = 18.12 inches. 24 " " 1 guz " yard, — 27.18 " At Guzerat, the guz = 23J inches. The hath, haut, or covid^ at Surat, = 20.9 inches ; at Ahmednuggur, 14 inches. Surface. — The biggah = 0.6074 acre. Capacity. — 16 adoulies make 1 parah. 8 parahs " 1 candy, = 25 bushels. At Anjar 4 mapp make 1 shye, = 0.88243 bushel. At Mangalore the mudi = 1.3019 bushels. Weights. — 30 pice or 72 tanks make 1 seer. 40 seers " 1 maund, = 28 lbs. 20 maunds " 1 candy, = 560 " At Surat the candy = 340.16 lbs.; at Ahmednuggur, 1577.14 lbs. The maund is 26.23 lbs. at Anjar, 75.87 lbs. at Aurungabad, 79.78 lbs. in the Deccan, and 39.74 lbs. at Gujerat. Tor pearls, the ruttee = * grains. ITALY. 41 Money. — 100 reas make 1 quarter. 4 quarters or 16 annas make 1 rupee, = $0.46217. 100,000 is a lac, and 10,000,000 a crore of rupees. The gold mohur of Bombay = $7.1061. 4. PoNDICHERRY. The covid = 18 inches. The garce = 103.967 bushels. The maund = 25.9.1bs., the candy = 588.04 lbs. For gold and silver, the nello = 0.37 grains. The gold moon pagoda = $1.6015. 5. Goa. The covado or cubit = 26.8 inches. The maund = 24.75 lbs. ; the candy or bahar = 495 lbs. Portuguese weights and measures are somewnat used. Ionian Islands. With the exception of some scattered weights and measures of Italian or of Turkish origin, the British standards have been adopted. Length. — The Jarda Ionia = 1 yard. The Btadio = 22 yards. JAquid Measure. — The dicotoli = 1 imperial pint ; the gallone = 1 imperial gallon ; the barile = 16 imperial gallons. Dry Measure. — The chilo = 1 imperial bushel. Weight. — The libbra sottile = 1 lb. troy ; the libbra grosso = 1 lb. avoirdupois ; the centinajo or talento = 100 lbs. avoirdupois. In old weights, the oke = 2.6998 lbs. ; the cantaro s= 118.8 lbs. Money. — 104 oboli = 1 Spanish dollar. Ireland. See Gbeat Britain. Italy. For former local systems of coinage, weights, and measures, see Modena, Pakma, Koman States, Naples, Sardinia, Venetian IiOMBARDY, and Tuscany. For weights and measures, the French metric system is em- ployed. The monetary system is also like that of France, the lira being the equivalent of the franc. 48 JAMAICA. The present value of the lira in United States customs is 80.1930. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight Fineness. Value. Gold. Silver. $3.8691 99.36 884.00 76.80 899 900 885 5 U if U U k J '" 0.9600 Lira. " " « « Jamaica. See West Indies. Japan. Length. — The ino = 6.25 feet, or 1.906 metres. The sals = 11.9291 inches, or 0.303 metre. Capacity. — 5 itchigau make 1 gonghau. 2 ghongau " 1 ischiomassS. 10 ischiomasse " 1 ittomasse (or sjoo ?). The itchigau is about 1.68 litres, or 1.115 quarts. Weight. — The monme = 27.007 grains. The rjoo = 116J grains, or 7.525 grammes. Money. — Gold and silver ingots, whose value varies with the demand, are used in circulation'; also coins of varying values, those of brass and copper having central holes. The chief value in commerce now is the yen, the equivalent of our trade dollar, and which is received in the United States customs (1874) at $0,997. The kobang, itzebu, and itakane, are no longer coined. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Kobang-, J Two assays at XT. S. mint Gold, it Silver. ti it 17S.T6 13S.72 514.56 cm 572 900 $4.4400 8.5760 19.9440 2.9280 0.3650 183.92 416.016 192.96 890 900 800 0.8310 Ten. " " " " 1.0400 60 sen. " " " « 0.4880 LTJBECK. 49 Java. Old Dutch weights and measures are somewhat in use. Other weights and measures vary, having, perhaps, one value at Bantam, and another at Batavia. Length. — The covid = | of a yard. Other units are old Dutch. Capacity. — The kanne = 0.394 gallon. The legger, for arrack, = 160.0 gallons. The bambou, at Bantam, = 0.09223 bushel, and the koyang = 147.566 bushels. At Batavia the koyang = 62.432 bushels. This measure is for rice. Weight. — 10 catties make 1 gantang (for coffee) ; 100 catties make 1 pecul. The pecul = 135.6312 pounds. The bahar at Bantam = 396 lbs., that used for pepper = 406.78 lbs. ; at Bata- via its value is 610.17 lbs. The timbang, for grain, = 677.9625 lbs. At Bantam the tael = 0.1511 lb., and at Batavia it equals 0.0847 lb. Money. — See Netherlands. Prior to January 1, 1874, the rix- dollar of Batavia was rated in United States customs at 75 cents. It is divided into 48 stivers. Liberia. Weights, measures, and money, like the United States. The dollar of Liberia rates in United States customs at $1.00. Jjombardy. See Venetian Lombabdy, and Italy. Lubeck. See also German Empire. Length. — 12 punkte = 1 linie ; 6 linien =: 1 zoll ; 12 zoll = 1 fuss ; 2 fuss = 1 elle. The fuss = 11.335 inches. Liquid Measure. — 2 ort — 1 planke ; 2 planken = 1 quartier ; 2 quartier = 1 kanne ; 2 kannen = 1 stiibchen ; 3 stttbchen = 1 viertel ; 5 viertel = 1 anker ; 4 anker =s 1 ahm ; 6 ahm — 1 fu, der. The eimer is 4, and the oshoft 3.0 viertel. The viertel = 1.9787 gallons. Ihy Measure.— {Fqt wheat,) 4 fass = 1 sobefM ; 4 scheffel ■= 1 tonne 5 3 tonnen = 1 drGmt ; 8 dromt = 1 last. The soheffel 3 50 MADAGASCAR. = 1.0091 bushels. For oats and fruit, the scheffel = 1.1213 bushels. Weights. — 4 pfennige = 1 quentehen ; 4 quentehen = 1 loth ; 2 loth = 1 unze ; 8 unzen = 1 mark ; 2 mark — 1 pfund. The pfund = 1.068744 lbs. Money. — 12 pfennige = 1 schilling; 16 schilling = 1 mark (Hamburg standard). The former gold ducat = $2,271, and the silver thaler of 2-J mark = $0,722. Madagascar. But little is known of the weights and measures of this island. Length. — The rahf = 46.46 inches, or 1.18 metres. In the northern part of Madagascar its value is double this. Capacity. — The bambou = 0.0568 bushel. Weight. — For gold and silver, 3 nanki = 1 vari ; 2 vari = 1 sompi. The sompi = 60 grains. Madeira Islands. See Portugal. Some of the standards vary slightly from those of the mother country. The libra = 1.011 lbs. For wine, the pipa = 110 gallons. Prior to 1873 the milrea of Madeira rated in United States customs at $1.00. Malabar Coast. See India. Malacca. Including Straits Settlements. Length. — At Singapore the covid or hasta = 18 inches. An- other covid = 18.0529 inches. The jumba = 14.4 inches. Surface.-r-ThB orlong = 1.3223 acres. Weight. — 100 catties = 1 pecul ; 3 peculs = 1 bahar or candy. The catty = 1.35 lbs. ; that used for gold and silver, 2.049143 lbs. The mace, or miam = 44.83 grains ; at Singapore, 52 grains. The buncal, for gold (Singapore), = 822 grains. For tin, the tampang (an equivalent of the catty) = 1.356 lbs. ; and the. kip = 40.678 pounds. Malay Archipelago. See Borneo, Celebes, Java, Sumatra, the Moluccas, etc. MEXICO. 51 Malta. Length,. — The canna = 8 palmi of 10.3 inches each. The foot = 11.17 English inches. Capacity. — For oil, the caffiso = 5.499 gallons. For wine, the barile = 10.997 gallons. For corn, the salma = 8.224 bushels. Weight.— The libbra or rottolo = If lbs. The cantaro = 100 rottoli. Money.— 20 grani = 1 taro ; 12 tari = 1 scudo. The scudo of Malta used to rate in United States customs at 40 cents. SO tari = 1 Sicilian dollar. Both dollars and doubloons circulate. The former gold doppia or pistole of 10 scudi (before 1800) was worth $4.6512 ; and the silver oncie (also before 1800) was worth $1.6955. Manilla. See Philippine Islands. Marquesas Islands. Now a French Colony. Martinique. See West Indies. Mauritius. The weights and measures of Great Britain, and also those of the metric system, are used. Money. — The current dollar of 100 cents. In public accounts the pound sterling is the standard. The Spanish dollar, French napoleon of 20 francs, and East India rupees, are also in circu- lation. Mecklenburg. See also German Empire. The weights and measures are those of Hamburg ; except in the case of measures of capacity, which come from Liibeck. Mexico. The weights and measures are Spanish, with many local va- riations. The metric system is now legal. In length, the vara = 32.9 inches. In liquid measure, the frasco = 2i quarts, and the baril = 20 gallons. In dry measure, the fanega = 1.55 bushels. Weight. — 25 libra = 1 arroba ; 4 arrobas = 1 quintal The tercio -- 160 libra. The libra = 1.01418 lbs. 52 MOCHA. Money. — Formerly, the dollar was divided into 8 reals ; now, the usual division into 100 cents is employed. The dollar is rated in United States custom-houses at $1.0476- COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight. Fineness. Value. Gold. U u u Silver. $15.7471 15 6110 " Newly coined. By U. S. mint 416.40 416.40 870} 866 Doubloon. Average worn. By U. S. mint 15 5300 " " of Maximilian. By U. 8. mint 521.28 518.88 875 873 19.6430 20 pesos of Republic. By U. S. mint as- 19 5150 1.0567 " <•<• " Average. By U. S. mint 415.68 901 1.0400 " " " By U. B. mint assay. 413.28 902} 1.0550 mocha. Modena. I Arabia. ■ee also Italy. Length, — 6 piede = 1 cavezzo. The pie = 20.593 inches. The braccio = 22. Ml inches. Surface. — 36 square piede = 1 square cavezzo ; 4 square ca- vezzi = 1 tavola ; 72 tavole = 1 biolca. The biolca = 0.7009 acre. Liquid Measure. — 2 boccali = 1 fiasco ; 20 fiasci = 1 barile. The fiasco = 0.56028 gallon. Dry Measure. — 2 staja = 1 sacco. The stajo = 1.9978 bushels. Weight. — 16 ferlini = 1 oncia ; 12 oncie = 1 libbra or lira. The libbra = 0.7044 lb. Money. — 15 lire Modenesi = 1 scudo. The scudo = $ 0.8058. Moldavia. See Roumania. Molucca Islands. The chief islands are Gilolo, Amboyna, Cerajt, Ternate, and the Banda group. Being under control of the Netherlands, tho NAPLES. 53 modern Dutch weights and measures are somewhat used. Still, there are other standards resembling those of Java, Sumatra, etc. In Amboyna, the bahar = 597.61 lbs., the mace = 28$ grains, and the tael = 455.8 grains. Hence, 16 mace = 1 tael. The koyang = 55.3371 bushels. In Ternate, the catty == 1.3017 lbs. Montenegro. Coinage, weights, and measures, of the neighboring countries. Montserrat. See West Indies. Morocco. Length. — The codo, covid, covado, cadee, or dhra'a, as given by different authorities, varies from 19.85 to 22.48 inches. Per- haps 20.92 inches, or 0.5313 metre, isthe best value. The pic = 26 inches. Capacity. — The muhd or mud — 5.184 bushels. Weight. — 100 rotl = 1 cantaro. The rotl of commerce = 1.19 lbs. ; that of the markets = 1.7 lbs. Money. — Spanish dollars and doubloons circulate. The gold boutki or bendoki = $1.9952. The silver rial of 1776 = $1.0449. Unseat. Length. — The covid = 39.13 inches. Capacity. — 34 sidios = 1 ferren. The ferren == 7.9254 gallons. Weight. — 24 kotschas = 1 maund; 60 maunds = 1 candy. The maund = 8$ lbs. y. — As in Persia and Arabia. Naples. See also Italy. Length. — 5 minuti = 1 oncia ; 12 oncie = 1 palmo ; 8 palm! = 1 canna. The palmo = 10.381 inches. 7£ palmi make 1 per tica or passo. Road Measure. — The miglio of 7,000 palmi = 1.147 miles. Surface. — The moggio of 50,625 square palmi = 0.8584 acre. Liquid Measure. — 60 caraffi= 1 barile ; 12 barile — 1 botta, 2 botti = 1 carro. The caraffa = 0.1929 gallon. This scale is 54 NATAL. for wine and spirits. For oil, 6 misurelle = 1 quarto ; 16 quart! = 1 stajo ; 16 staja = 1 salma. The stajo is sometimes divided into 20 pignate. The stajo = 2.61633 gallons. Dry Measure. — 24 misure = 1 tomolo ; 36 tomoli = 1 carro. The tomolo = 1.6646 bushels". Weight. — In general commerce the rotolo of 2 J libbre is used, the libbra = 0.70722 lb. avoirdupois. The same libbra occurs in the following tables : 1. Weight for gold, silver, silk, spices, drugs, and colors. 20 accini = 1 trapeso ; 3 trapesi or scrupoli — 1 dramma ; 10 dramme = 1 oncia ; 12 oncie = 1 libbra. 2. Apothecaries' weight. 20 accini = 1 scrupolo ; 3 scrupoli' = 1 drachma ; 10 drachme = 1 oncia ; 12 oncie = 1 libbra. Money. — 10 grani = 1 carlino ; 2 carlini = 1 taro ; 5 tari = 1 ducato. The ducat, by United States law of 1846, rated at 80 cents. The gold oncetta, or 3-ducati de regno, = $2.5067. The silver ducato = $0.8265. Scudo or piastre, of 12 carlini, = $0.992 ; or, by United States mint assay, $0.9437. Natal. See Cape op Good Hope. Netherlands. Colonial Possessions : Java, Sumatra, parts of Borneo, Banc a, Celebes, the Moluccas, other smaller islands • in the East Indies, and part of New Guinea. In America, Dutch Guiana, Curacoa, and other West India Islands. Since 1817 the weights and measures of Holland have been of the metric system ; merely some of the old Dutch names have been retained. Compare France. Length. — The streep or millimetre, duim or centimetre, palm or decimetre, el or metre, roede or decametre, and mijle or kilo- metre. Before 1817 the voet was a measure of 11.15 inches, and the old Amsterdam el was 27.08 inches. Barf ace. — The vierkante roede or are, and the bunder or hec- tare. liquid Measure. — The vingerhoed or centilitre, maatje or decilitre, kan or litre, and vat or hectolitre. NEW CALEDONIA. 55 Dry Measure. — The maatje or decilitre, kop or litre, schepel or decalitre, mudde or hectolitre, scheepston (wisse) or kilolitre, and last or 30 hectolitres. WdglU. — The korrel or decigramme, wigtje or gramme, lood or decagramme, ons or hectogramme, Niederlandscb. pond or kilo- gramme, and centnaar of 100 kilogrammes. In apothecaries' weight a pond of 375 grammes is subdivided into ounces, drachms, scruples, and grains, exactly as in the United States and Great Britain. Money. — 5 cents make 1 stiver. 20 slivers " 1 florin or guilder, = $0.4084. 50 stivers " 1 rijksdaaler. Formerly, 12 groot made 1 schilling. In United States cus- toms the florin now rates at $0,405. Formerly it rated at $0.40. COIN TABLE. Double William. 20 florins, about, Doable ducat William. 10 florins, about " By U. S. mint assay.... Ducat Half- William Eijksdaaler. 2} florins. Weight 25 grammes Kyder. (For colonial trade.) Guilder, or florin. 10 grammes weight. Half-guilder. 5 " ^-guilder. (For colonies). tV " (" ," ) is " (" " »■ 25 cents. ( Pays-Bas. 10 " ( " " 5 " fun 2| " ( Colonies. Cent. ( " " ( Fays-Bas. J-Cent. ( » " " ( Colonies. Material. Weight. Fineness. Gold. 207.657 900 " 107.825 983 tt 103.82S 900 " 103.200 899 " 53.912 933 u 61.914 900 Silver, u 385.750 945 154.320 945 It 77.160 945 Billon. 49.067 720 " 19.315 720 it 9.414 720 it 55.162 640 u 21.605 640 " 10.570 G40 Copper. 192.875 74.064 it 59.328 29.664 u 35.494 $8.0514 4.5663 4.0257 8.9970 2.2S34 2.012S 1.0212 1.3189 0.4084 0.2042 0.1021 0.0403 0.0204 0.1021 0.0408 0.0204 0.0102 0.0011 0.0041 0.0020 0.0020 Nevis. See West Indies. New Brunswick. See Canada. New Caledonia. (French Colony.) 56 NEWFOUNDLAND. Newfoundland. See Canada. New Granada. See Colombia. New South Wales. See Australia. New Zealand. Same as Australia. Nicaragua. See Central America. Norway. {See Sweden for modern system.) Length. — 12 linie make 1 turn. 12 turn " lfot,=11.6904inches,or0.297metre, 2fot u 1 aln. S aln t* 1 famn, 6 " u 1 rode. Soad Measure. — The miil of 36,000 fot, and grenzmul of 80,000 fot. The latter = 5.6352 miles. Surface. — The tunna or tondeland = 56,000 square fot. 4 kappland = 1 fjerding ; 4 fjerding = 1 spannland ; 2 spannland = 1 tondeland. The tondeland = 1.2132 acres. Solid.— 1 vedfamn = 108 cubic fot, or 99.858 cubic feet. Liquid Measure. — 4 jungfrus make 1 qwarter. 4 qwarters " 1 stop. 2 stops " 1 kanna, = 0.69106 gallon, or 2.617 litres. 48 kannas make 1 tunna. Dry Measure. — 4 orts make 1 qwarter. 4 qwarters " 1 stop. 2 stops " 1 kanna. 1 kannas " 1 fjerding. 4 fjerdings " 1 span, = 2.0786 bushels, or 73.2419 litres. 2 sjans make 1 tunna. The tunna also = 32 kappe. PALESTINE. 57 Weight. — i qwintin make 1 lod. 2 lod " 1 untz. 16 untz " 1 skalpund, = 0.93V3 lb. This pund is divided into 8,848 as. 20 skalpunds make 1 lispund. 400 " " 1 skippund. Apothecaries use a pund of 7,416 as, which is divided into untz?, drachmas, scrupels, and grans, as in England. For gold and silver, the mark, of 4,384 as, is divided into 8 untzs, 16 lods, and 64 qwintins. Money. — 12 runstycken make 1 skilling. 120 skilling " 1 riksdaler, = $1.0929. Former value of the riksdaler in United States custom-houses, $1.06. The crown now rates (Secretary of the Treasury, 1874) at $0,268. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight Fineness. Value. « « " By TT. 8. mint Silver. 41 «( U u Bronze. s.t u ft 446.688 444.960 223.841 92.129 44.598 875 87T 875 878 878 $1.0929 1 « £ « 0.0046 Nova Scotia. See Canada. Nubia. See Egypt. Oldenburg. See also German TSmpim, The former gold pistole = $3,9593. Ottoman Empire. See Turkey. Palestine. See Turkey. 58 PARAGUAY. Paraguay. The peso of Paraguay rates in United States customs at $1.00. Weights and measures of Spanish origin. Parma. See also Italy. Length. — 12 atomi = 1 punto ; 12 punti = 1 oncia ; 12 oncie = 1 braccio di legno ; 6 braccia = 1 pertica. This braccio = 21.344 inches. The pie is a measure of 22.428 inches. Surface. — 12 tavola = 1 staro; 6 stari = 1 biolca of 288 square pertica. The biolca = 0.7528 acre. Liquid Measure. — As at Milan. See Venetian Lombabdt. Dry Measure. — 8 quarteroli = 1 mina ; 2 mine = 1 stajo or staro. The stajo = 1.334 bushels. Weight. — 24 grani = 1 denaro ; 24 denari = 1 oncia ; 12 oncie = 1 libbra ; 25 libbre = 1 rubbio. The libbra = 0.7197 pound. Money. — The gold sequin, or zecchino, = $2.2691. Gold pis- tole = $4.2676. Gold 20-lire — $3.8591. Silver ducato (prior to 1815) = $0.9933. Persia. No regular system of weights and measures applies to the whole country. Length. — The archin arisen = 38.28 inches, and the archin schah = 31.46 inches. At Ispahan, the guerze or gueza = 37.39 inches, or 0.949 metre. Capacity. — i sextarios make 1 chenica. 2 chenicas " 1 capicha. 25 capichas " 1 artaba, or arta, = 1.8514 bush- els, or 65.236 litres. The artaba also equals 8 collothun. Weight. — 2 mascais make 1 dirhem. 50 dirhems " 1 rattel. 6 rattels " 1 batman. In Tauris the batman = 6.3408 lbs. ; in Shiraz its value is double the above. In Ispahan, the mahnd shah = 13.6601 lbs. ; while in Shiraz, Bushire, and Gamri, its value is 27.3202 lbs. In Teheran, the rik of 1,600 miskal = 17.075 lbs. POLAND. 59 '. — 5 dinars make 1 kasbequis. 2 kasbequis " 1 dinar-bisti. 5 dinars-bisti " 1 shatree. 2 shatrees " 1 mahmoodi. 2 mahmoodis " 1 abassi. 50 abassi " 1 tomaun. In gold, = $2.2437. There is also a half-tomaun in gold. In silver, the sahibkiran of Mohammed Shah = $0.2243 ; but this coin varies in value un- der different rulers. Pern. Weights and measures of Spanish origin. The vara = 33.367 inches. The libra = 1.014286 lbs., the quintal = 100 libra, and the fanega = 140 libra. Money. — A system based on the French was adopted in 1863, In it the sol (divided into 100 cents) is the equivalent of 5 francs. In United States customs the sol now rates at $0.9650. COIN TABLE. corns. Material. Weight Fineness. Value. Gold. Silver. $19.2958 it u u » By TJ. S. mint assay Old doubloon. " " " " 506.40 898 19.2130 15.5567 Old dollar. " " " " Dollar of 185S. " " " « Half-dollar, 1836-1S3S. By U. S. mint 415.6S 307.68 207.S4 384.96 9(Ji 909 650 900 1.0430 0.92S0 0.S750 0.9600 0.9726 Philippine Islands. (Colony of Spain.) The pecul = 139.45 lbs. The caban of rice = 133 lbs. ; of cocoa, 83^ lbs. Poland. See Russia, Austria, and Prussia. The former standards of Krakau (Cracow, in Austrian Poland) are worth partially citing. Length. — The stopa (of 12 calow, etc.) = 14.032 inches. 60 PORTO BIOO. Liquid Measure. — The garniec z= 0.99145 gallon. That of WarBaw was 1.05671 gallons. Dry Measure. — The korzeo = 3.4082 bushels. At Warsaw, 8.6324 bushels. Weight. — The funt (of 2 mark or 48 skoyciec) = 0.895 lbs. Money. — The former gold ducat (25 zloty) =: $2.9887. The silver zloty = $0.1146. There were also pieces of 2, 5 and 10 zloty. Porto Rico. See "West Indies. Portugal. Colonial Possessions. — The Madeira, Azoees, and Cape Vebde Islands, Island op St. Thomas, parts of Guinea, Mozambique, Goa, and other cities in India, Macao in China, Timor and other islands in the Malay Akchipelago. The metric system has lately been adopted. The old style was as follows : Length. — 12 pontos make 1 linha. . 12 linhas " 1 pollegada. 8 pollegadas " 1 palmo da craveira. 3 palmos " 1 covado. 5 palmos " 1 vara, = 43.28 inches, or 1.099 metres. 2 varas " 1 braca. The grao = 2 linhas, and the dedo = 8 linhas. Poad Measure. — 8 estadios make 1 milha, = 1.2786 miles. 3 milhas " 1 legoa. /Surface. — The geira is 4,840 square varas, = 1.4287 acres. Cubic. — Timber is measured in cubic pollegadas, earth in cubiu bracas, brick and stone work in cubic palmas. Liquid Measure. — 4 quartilhos make 1 Canada. 6 canadas " 1 alquiere, pote, or cantaro. 2 alquieres " 1 almude. In Lisbon the alquiere = 2.18475 gallons, or 8.6299 litres. " Oporto " " = 3.31279 " " 12.5399 " 26 almude make 1 pipa or bota. 2 pipas " 1 touelada. PORTUGAL. 81 Dry Measure. — 2 maquias make 1 outava. 2 outavas " 1 quarto. * 4 quartos " 1 alquiere. 4 alquieres " 1 fanga. 15 fangas " 1 moio. The fanga of Lisbon = 1.534'? bushels, or 54.0768 litres. " " " Oporto = 1.9374 " " 62.2663 " For coal, in Lisbon, the fanga = 21.1667 bushels. Weight. — 24 graos make 1 serupulo. 3 scrupulos " 1 outava. 8 outavas " 1 onca. 16 oncas " 1 arratel, = 1.01186 lbs grammes. 32 arratels " 1 arroba. 4 arrobas " 1 quintal. 13} quintals " 1 tonelada. or 459 For gold and silver, a mareo of -J- arratel is used. Apothecaries have a libra of 12 oncas, or $ arratel. Money. — The rei is an imaginary money of account, the sum of 1,000 reis being called a milreis. A million of reis is a conto of reis. 20 reis make 1 vintem. 100 " " 1 tostao or testoon. 320 " " lpataca. 400 " " 1 crasado. 480 " " 1 sello or new crasado. 1,000 " " 1 milreis. The milreis now rates in United States customs at $1.0847. The British pound rates in Portugal at 4,500 reis, and the French franc at 180 reis. COIN TABLE. COINS. Material. Weight fineness. Valne. Ooroa. (Crown, 5,000 reis.) Gold. Silver. 85.S25T 147.84 912 192.00 912 0.4360 62 PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND. Prince Edward's Island. See Canada. Prussia. See also German Empire. Length. — 12 scrupel = 1 linie ; 12 linien = 1 zoll ; 12 zoll = 1 Kheinfuss. This fuss = 12.357 inches, or 0.3138 metre. 12 Kheinfuss = 1 ruthe. The elle = 2£ fuss. Surveyors divide the ruthe decimally into 10 decimal fuss, 100 zoll, and 1,000 linien. Road Measure.— -The postmeile of 24,000 Rheinfuss = 4.6807 miles, or 7.532721 kilometres. Surface. — The morgen of 180 square ruthen = 0.6309 acre. Liquid Measure. — 2 ossel = 1 quarlier ; 30 quartier = 1 an- ker ; 2 anker = 1 eimer ; 2 eimer = 1 ohm ; 6 ohm = 1 fuder. The anker = 9.07319 gallons, or 34.345 litres. Dry Measure. — i miisschen = 1 metze ; 4 metzen = 1 viertel; 4 viertel = 1 scheffel ; 12 schefFel = 1 malter ; 6 malter = 1 last. The wispel = 18 scheffel. The scheffel = 1.5597 bushels, or 54.9577 litres. Cubic Measure. — The klafter = 108 cubic Eheinfuss, = 117.8 cubic feet. The haufen = 4£ klafter. Weight. — Formerly, the pfund (= 1.03118 lbs. avoirdupois) was divided into marks, unzen, loth, and quentchen, as in most of the other German states (for example, Hanover and Ham- burg). This pfund was represented by ^ of a cubic Kheinfuss of distilled water, weighed in vacuo, at the temperature of 65$° Fahr. 16J pfund made 1 liespfund, and 20 liespfund made 1 schiffpfund. 22 pfund made the stein, and 5 stein the centner. The more mod- ern scale is as follows : 10 zent = 1 quentchen ; 10 quentchen = 1 loth ; 30 loth = 1 pfund ; 100 pfund = 1 centner ; 3 centner = 1 tonne. This pfund is the Zollverein pfund of 500 grammes, or 1.1023 lbs. For gold and silver, the mark of ^ the old pfund is divided into 16 loth or 288 gran. Apothecaries' weight as in Nuremberg. See German Empire. Money. — For recent system, see German Empire. Formerly, 12 pfennige made 1 groschen, 30 silbergroschen made 1 thaler. Still earlier, the thaler was divided into 24 gute groschen. The thaler equals in weight fy of a Cologne mark of fine silver. ROMAN STATES. 63 COIN TABLE. Old ten-tlialer piece. By XJ. S. mint assay. Old Friedrich d'or Old ducat . ; M ereinekrone Halbekrone Doppeltchaler. 2 thalers Thaler " By U. S. mint assay " Old. Before 1857. By U. 8. mint assay Seehst el thaler, or 5 groschen 2&-si)bergrnschen&tizck Silbergroscben j silbergroschen 4 pfenmge 8 " 2 " 1 u Material. Welgbt. Fineness, Gold. M SUrer. <( Billon. u it u 204.960 908 171.278 85.687 571.555 285.778 285.6(10 841.760 900 900 900 900 900 750 620 875 220 220 $7.9710 4.0096 2.0043 6.64615 8.82808 1.4409 0.7204 0.7140 0.7120 0.1201 0.0600 0.0240 0.0120 0.008O O.OOliO 0.0040 0.0020 Queensland. See Australia. Roman States. See also Italy. Length. — The commercial palmo = 8.796 inches ; the mer- cer's palmo = 8.347 inches ; the architects palmo = 8.79 incheB. The pie = 11.592 inches ; at Ancona, ] 5.384 inches. The canna = 78.4 inches, the braccio of Rome = 30.732, and the braccio of Ancona=- 25^ inches. Architects divide their palmo into 12 oncie of 10 decimi each ; 10 of these palmi make 1 canna, and the catena of 10 stajoli is 57^ palmi. There is also an architect's pie or foot of 16 oncie, = 11 72 inches. Surface. — The rubbio of 370,300 square architect's palmi = 4.5658 acres. It has various subdivisions. Liquid Measure. — 4 quartucci = 1 foglietta ; 4 fogliette = 1 boccale ; 32 boccale = 1 barile ; 16 barile = 1 botte. For wine, the barile = 15.412, and for oil 15.185 gallons. In Bologna, 4 fogliette = 1 boccale ; 15 boccale = 1 quarterone; 4 quarterone = 1 corba. This boccale = 0.346 gallon. The soma = 18.49 gallons at Ancona, and 43.386 gallons at Rome. Dry Measure. — 4 quartucci = 1 scorzo ; If scorzi = 1 sta- rello ; 4 starelli = 1 quarta ; 4 quarte = 1 rubbio. At Rome, the 64 ROUMANIA. rubbio = 8.355 bushels ; at Ancona, 1.914: bushels. In Bologna, 4 quarticini = 1 quarterone ; 4 quarterone = 1 Btajo ; 2 staja = 1 corba. This corba is the same as in liquid measure, and = 2.232 bushels (20.7617 gallons, liquid). Weight. — 24 grani =: 1 denaro ; 24 denari=l oncia; 12 on- *ie = 1 libbra. In Bologna, 4 grani =3 1 earato ; 10 carati = 1 ferlino ; 2 ferlini = 1 ottavo ; 8 ottavi = 1 oncia ; 12 oncie = 1 lib- bra. The libbra = 0.1411 lb. at Rome, 0.7984 at Bologna, and 0.1211 at Ancona. Money. — 10 bajocchi = 1 paolo ; 10 paoli = 1 scudo. The scudo (of 1835) = $1.0465. The Madonna scudo of Bologna = $1.0445. In gold, the 10 scudi Bomani of 1853 = $10.47 ; and the zecchino of Rome and Bologna prior to 1835 = $2,276. A modern piece of 2| scudi, by United States mint assay, is worth $2.6047. Roumania. (Moldavia and Wallachia.) Length. — The palma = 10.89 inches. The khalebi, for wool- ens, = 26.43 inches, and the kot, for silk and linen, = 24.86 inches. The endaseh is 26.08 inches. Capacity. — The viadra of 10 oka = 3.7434 gallons, or 14.1699 litres. The kilo = 12.345 bushels, or 434.98 litres. Weight. — 4 litra = 1 oka or occha ; 44 okas == 1 cantaro. The oka = 2.818 lbs., or 1.2786 kilogrammes. Money.— 100 ban para = 1 piastre or lei. The lei is meant to be the equivalent of the franc. The silver piece of 2 lei, by United States mint assay, weighs 154.56 grains, is 835 fine, and worth $0,358. Russia. Length. — 12 linia make 1 duime. 12 duimes " 1 foute, = 1 English foot, or 0.304761 metre. 7 foutes make 1 sagene, sashen, or sachine. 4 verschoks make 1 tchetverk. 4 tchetverk " 1 archeen, archine, or arsheen. 3 archines " 1 sachine, = 7 feet, or 2.1335 metreB. BUS8IA. 65 Road Measure. — The verst or werst = 500 sacliines, or 3,500 feet. The Lithuanian meile = 4.9958 miles, or 8.039816 kilo- metres. Surface. — The deciatine = 2,400 square sachines, or 2.6997 acres. IAguii Measure. — 100 tcharfcas = 1 vedro ; 3 vedros = 1 an- ker ; 40 vedros = 1 sarakowaja. The vedro = the volume of 750.57 cubic inches of distilled water, or 30 pounds weighed in vacuo at the temperature of 16f° Centigrade. 2 quars make 1 polou-stoff. 2 polou-stoffs " 1 stoff. 4 stoffs " 1 polou-vedro. 2 polou-vedros " 1 vedro. The kronchka is -fa vedro. The vedro = 3.249 gallons, or 12.299 litres. Dry Measure. — 2 garnetz make 1 tschetverka. 4 tschetverkas " 1 tschetverik. 2 tschetveriks " 1 pajak. 2 pajaks " 1 osmina. 2 osminas " 1 tschetviert, or chetviert. The tschetverik = 0.7446 bushel, or 26.2367 litres. Weight. — 96 dolis make 1 zolotnick. 3 zolotnicks " 1 loth. 8 " " liana. 12 lanas " 1 funte, = 0.9028 lb., or 0.4095 kilogramme. 40 funtes " 1 pood or pud. 10 poods " 1 berkowitz or berkovetz. 3 berkovetz " 1 packen. Ir pharmacy, the funte is $ of the commercial funte, and is sub- divided, as in England and Germany, into ounces, drachms, scru- ples, and grains. Money. — 100 copgcks make 1 ruble or rouble. The ruble =s $0.7779 ; or, in United States customs (1874), $0.7717. Before 1800 the ruble was of somewhat greater value. G6 ST. BARTHOLOMEW. COIN TABLE. Material. Weight. Half -imperial. 5 rubles " B> U. 3. mint aBsay Euble 11 By TJ. 8. mint assay Half-ruble, or poltinnik Quarter-ruble, or tschetvertak Fifth-ruble, or abassis. 1 5 copecks, or zloty-polski 10 " " grivenik 5 " " piatak Copeck Doneschika Polusbka Gold. Silver. 100.842 ] 00.800 820.862 820.160 159.S38 80.948 04.827 43.020 82.923 16.464 916 883 875 833 833 883 820 8.9760 0.7779 0.7780 0.8889 0.1945 0.15S6 0.116T 0.0778 0.0890 0.0078 0.0039 0.0020 St. Bartholomew. See West Indies. St. Christopher's or Kill's. See West Indies. St. Eustatius. See West Indies. St. Helena. (British Colony.) St. John. See West Indies. St. Martin. See West Indies. St. Thomas. See West Indies. St. Vincent. See West Indies. Sandwich Islands. Weights, measures, and money, as in the United States. The barrel of whale-oil = 31£ gallons. San Salvador. See Central America. Santa Cruz, or St. Croix. See West Indies. Santa Lucia. See West Indies. Santo Domingo. See West Indies. SARDINIA. 67 Sardinia. See also Italy. Lergth. — 12 atomi = 1 punto ; 12 punti = 1 oncia ; 12 oncie = 1 pie liprando. This pit; = 20.228 inches. In Genoa there is a pie manuale = f the above. In the same city, 5 J oncie — 1 palmo ; 2% palmi = 1 braccio ; and about 9 palmi = 1 canna. In Turin and Piedmont generally, 6 piede liprando = 1 trabucco ; 2 trabucci — 1 pertica. The raso = 14 oncie. Road Measure. — The miglio (4333J piede liprando) = 1.3835 miles. Surface. — In Piedmont the giornata of 100 square pertica = 0.9393 acre. Liquid Measure. — In Genoa, 90 amole or 50 pinte = 1 barile ; 1 barili = 1 mezzaruula. This barile = 17.084 gallons. In Piedmont (Turin), 2 quartini = 1 boccale ; 2 boccali = 1 ■>inta ; 6 pinte = 1 rubbio ; 6 rubbi = 1 brenta ; 10' brente = 1 carro. The rubbio = 2.4804 gallons. Dry Measure. — In Genoa, 12 gombette = 1 quarto ; 8 quarti =r 1 mina. The mina = 3.4257 bushels. In Turin, 20 cuechiari = 1 copello ; 4 copelli = 1 quartiere ; 2 quartiere = 1 mina ; 2 mine = 1 stajo ; 3 staje = 1 sacco. The sacco = 3.2635 bushels. Weight. — In Genoa, 24 grani = 1 denaro ; 24 denari = 1 oncia ; 12 oncie = 1 libbra ; 1J libbre = 1 rottolo. The libbra = 0.70021 lb. ; in peso grosso it is Vj higher. In Piedmont (Turin), 24 granotini = 1 grano ; 24 grani = 1 denaro ; 3 denari = 1 ottavo ; 8 ottavi = 1 oncia ; 12 oncie = 1 libbra. This libbra = 0.81332 lb. The marco, for gold and sil- ver, is | libbra. The apothecaries' libbra is lj marco. Money. — 100 centesimi = 1 lira nuova. The lira = $ 0.193. The silver livre of Genoa formerly rated in United States custom- houses at 21 cents. Former Coinage. — la Genoa, the gold zecchino or sequin, coined for the Levantine trade, = $2.2906. The gold dopia or Genovine, old, = $23.5913 ; new, = $14.9082. The doppie (20 lire nuove) of Sardinia = $3.8591. The carlino of Piedmont (1786) = $27.4582 ; of Sardinia (1773) = $9.4586. The silver scudo (6 lire Piedmontese), before 1800, = $1.3689. The seudo or scutcheon dollar of Sardinia (2£ lire of S.), 1773, = $0.9091. 68 SAXONT. Saxony. See also German Empire. Length.— 10 linien = 1 zoll ; 12 zoll = 1 fuss ; 2 fuss = 1 elle ; 8 ellen = 1 ruthe. The fuss = 11.148 inches, and the ar- chitect's fuss of Leipsic = 11.13 inches. Road Measure. — The postmeile (24,000 fuss) =: 4.223 miles. The polizei-meile (32,000 fuss) = 5.6303 miles. Surface. — The morgen of 76,800 square fuss = 1.6216 acres. Liquid Measure. — 4 quartier = 1 nossel ; 2 nossel = 1 kanne ; 63 kannen = 1 eimer ; 2 eimer = 1 ohm ; 6 ohm = 1 fuder. Also, 64 kannen = 1 anker ; 3 eimer = 1 oxhoft ; 6 eimer = 1 fass. The kanne = 0.3181 gallon. In Dresden the measures are I- smaller than the above, which belong to Leipsic. Dry Measure. — 4 masschen = 1 metze ; 4 metzen = 1 viertel ; 4 viertel = 1 seheffel ; 12 seheffel =: 1 matter ; 2 malter = 1 wis- pel. The seheffel = 2.9485 bushels. Weight. — 15 gran = 1 pfennig ; 4 pfennige = 1 quentlein ; 4 quentlein = 1 loth ; 2 loth = 1 unze ; 8 unzen = 1 mark ; 2 mark = lpfund. The pfund = 1.0306 lbs. The centner = 110 pfund. For apothecaries' weight, see German Empire. Money. — 12 pfennige = 1 neugroschen ; 30 neugroschen = 1 thaler. Values as in Prussia. The former August d'or (and double August d'or in same pro- portion) = $4.0098. The former specie-thaler of 24 gute groschen (l£ thaler) = $1,091. Sennaar. See Egypt. Servia. Length. — The archine = 28.0 inches, or 0.711 metre. Weight. — 100 drachm = 1 litra ; 4 litra = 1 oka. The oka -ss 2.8188 lbs., or 1.2786 kilogrammes. Money. — 80 para = 1 piastre. The piastre = $0.0794. Siam. Length. — 2 soks make 1 ken. 2 kens " 1 vouah, = 6.306 feet, or 1.922 metres SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 69 Road Measure. — The roenung of 2,000 vouahs = 2.3886 miles, sr 3.84401 kilometres. Capacity. — 40 sats make 1 sesti, = 0.33462 bushel, or 11.7908 litres. 40 sesti " 1 cohi. In liquid measure the cohi = 13.385 gallons, or 50.6662 litres. Weight.— 4 ticals make 1 tael. 20 taels " 1 catty. 50 catties " 1 pecul, = 133.35 lbs., or 60.488 kilo- grammes. Money. — Gold ticals, each equal to 10 silver ticals. The latter is worth about 61 cents, United States coinage. Siberia. See Russia. Sicily • See also Naples, and Italy. Length.. — 8 palmi = 1 canna. The palmo = 9.5297 inches. Liquid Measure. — The salma = 22 gallons. Dry Measure. — The salma generale =7.8 bushels ; the salma grosso = 10 bushels. Weight. — The libbra of 12 oncie = 0.70723 lb. The rottolo grosso of 33 oncie = 1.925 lbs. ; the rottolo sottile of 30 oncie = 1.75 lbs. Money. — 20 grani = 1 taro ; 12 tari = 1 scudo ; 2£ scudi = 1 oncia. The silver Sicilian scudo of 1785 = $0.9833. Prior to 1873 the oncia rated in United States custom-houses at $2.40. Sierra Leone. {British Colony.) Society Islands. (French Colony.) Sooloo Archipelago. The mace = 58.33 grains. The tael = 0.0833 lb. The lachs* = 66$ lbs., or 30.236 kilogrammes. Soudan. See Egypt. South Australia. See Australia. 70 SPAIN. Spain. Colonial Possessions. — Canary Islands, Cuba, Poeto Rico, etc.; Philippine Islands, part of New Guinea. See also Balearic Islands. The metric system of weights and measures is now the legal system. Its units have Spanish names, however, as " litro," " me- tro," etc. The following tables belong to the old system, as used in Madrid : Length.— 1 2 puntos = 1 linea ; 12 lineas = 1 pulgada ; 6 pul- gadas = 1 sesma ; 2 sesmas = 1 piS (foot) ; 3 pies = 1 vara ; 4 varas = 1 esladal. The pie = 11.128 inches ; also, 9 lineas = 1 dedo ; 12 dedos = 1 palma. Pood Measure. — The legua of 8,000 varas = 4.2151 miles. Surface. — The yugada, of 50 fanegadas, or 460,800 square varas, = 79.355 acres. Liquid Measure. — 4 copas = 1 quartillo or cuartillo ; 4 quar- tillos = 1 azumbre ; 8 azumbres = 1 arroba mayor or cantara. This arroba = 4.26304 gallons, and is supposed to contain the weight of 35 libras of pure water. The arroba for oil, divided into 4 quartillos or 100 panillas, = only 3.31853 gallons. Dry Measure. — i ochavillos = 1 racion ; 4 raciones = 1 quar. tillo ; 2 quartillos = 1 medio ; 2 medios = 1 almude ; 12 almudes = 1 fanega ; 12 fanegas — 1 cahiz. The fanega = 1.599 bushels. Weight. — 12 granos = 1 tomin ; 3 tomines =r 1 adarme ; 2 adarmes = 1 ochava or dracma ; 8 ochavas = 1 onza ; 8 onzas := 1 marco ; 2 marcos — 1 libra. The libra = 1.016097 lbs. The apothecaries' libra = 0.7615 lb. 25 common libras = 1 arroba ; 4 arrobas =: 1 quintal ; 20 quintals = 1 tonelada. Money. — The peseta of 100 centimes = 1 French franc. Formerly, 20 reals vellon, or 10f reals of plate, made 1 duro, piastre, or dollar. Also, 10 reals made 1 escudo j each real being divided into 10 decimes. SWEDEN: 71 COIN TABLE. Potion. 10 escudos " " " By XT. S. mint assay, 4 escudos 2 " 100 reals. By IT. S. mint assay 80 '* u u u u Doblon de Isabel 4 pistoles, or onza de oro Becent duro or dollar. 2 escudos Dollar of 5 pesetas. By U. S. mint assay. Escndo Peseta. Former " Present. By U. S. mint assay. Media peseta. Former Beal ftS,? 1 ) These coins contain 95 832?- [ gfisr- 4 * 1 ' Media-decima. ) ana 1 2me - Material. Weight. Fineness. Gold. 129.411 900 " 129.984 896 u 51.T64 900 m 25.882 9U0 " 128.640 896 Silrer. 103.200 896} 400.513 900 " 884.000 900 ii 200.281 900 .t 80.118 810 u 76.800 885 u 40.057 810 " 20.028 810 Bronze. 192.900 " 96.450 u 88.5S0 u 19.290 $5.1678 5.0150 2.0088 1.0019 4.9640 8.8S40 4.9861 16.1154 1.0100 0.9600 0.5049 0.2020 0.1780 0.1010 0.0505 0.0252 0.0126 0.0050 0.0026 Sumatra. Length.. — 2 jankal — 1 etto ; 2 etto = 1 hailoh ; 4 hailoh = 1 tung. The tung =: 4 yards, or 12 feet. Capacity.— The koolah = 0.11M bushel. The pakha=0.14535 gallon. Weight. — The catty — 2.118 lbs. ; the maund, 11 lbs. ; the pe- cul, 133 J lbs. ; the candil, 423J lbs. For camphor, the ootan=4 lbs. Surinam. See Giiana. Sweden. See also Norway. The systems here are decimal, but based upon former units. Length. — 10 linien make 1 turn. 10 turn " 1 fot, = 11.679 inches, or 0.2966 metre. 10 fot " 1 stang. 10 stang " 1 ref. Surface.— The square ref, of 10,000 square fot, = 0.2175 acre, or 8.8007 ares. Capacity. — Si both wet and dry measure cubes of the measures of length are used ; as, the cubic turn, cubic fot, etc. In both wet and dry measures the canna is tV of » cubic fot, and equals 72 SWITZERLAND. 2.617188 litres. In dry measure this = 0.7428 bushel. In liquid measure it = 0.6914 gallon. Weights. — 100 korns make 1 ort. 100 ort3 " 1 skalpund, 423.57 grammes. 100 skalpunds make 1 centner. 100 centners •' 1 last. Money. — 100 ore make 1 riksdaler-ryksmint, or crown, former riksdaler silfver was 48 skillings of 12 ore each, crown now rates in United States custom-houses at $0,268. riksdaler, prior to 1873, rated at $1.06. 0.93379 lb., or The The The COIN TABLE. COINS. Weight. Material. Fineness. Value. Gold. tt Silver. u Bronze. it u 214.909 107.455 63.727 53.280 49.920 528.581 261.765 180.887 181.040 52.353 976 976 976 975 900 750 750 750 750 750 $9.0420 Two " Carolin (10 francs). By U. S. mint assay. 1.9350 5512 0.2756 " By XJ. S. mint assay. 0.2780 0.1102 0.0551 0.0220 Ore 0.0110 0.0055 Switzerland. Prior to 1856, almost every canton in Switzerland had its own system of weights and measures. The present uniform system 13 upon a semi-metric basis. Length. — 10 traits make 1 ligne. 10 lignes 10 pouees " timetres. 2 pieds " 2 braches " 3 aunes " The perche 1 pouce. 1 pied, = 11.8112 inches, or SO cen- 1 brache. 1 aune. 1 toise. = 10 pieds. TRINIDAD. 73 Road Measure. — The lieue of 16,000 pieds = 2.983 miles, o« 4.8 kilometres. Surface. — Thearpent, 400 pieds square, = 3.558 acres, or 1.44 hectares. Liquid Measure. — 25 pots make 1 setier. 4 setiers " 1 muid. The pot is subdivided into -J, £, and -J-. It represents -jV cubic pied, or the bulk of 3 livres weight of pure water at the tempera- ture of 4" Centigrade. The pot = 1.585 quarts, or 1.5 litres. Dry Measure. — 10 emines make 1 quateron (usually divided into \ and -j^). 10 quaterons make 1 sae. There is a double quateron also. The quateron, $ of a cubic pied, is the volume of 30 livres of pure water at 4° Centigrade. It is equal to 0.4257 bushel, or 15 litres. Weight. — The Hvre or pfund of the Zollverein is used, equal to 1.1023 lbs., or 500 grammes. 100 livres make 1 quintal. 2 loth = 1 once ; 16 onces = 1 livre. The livre of pharmacy = 375 grammes, and is divided into 12 onces, and these again are subdivided into drachmes, scrupules, and grains, as in England. Money. — 100 rappen make 1 franc. This franc is foe exact equivalent of the French franc. See France. By United States mint assay, the silver 2-franc piece of Swit. zerland weighs 153/6 grains, is 835 fine, and worth $0,356. Syria. See Turkey. Tahiti. See Society Islands. ■ Tasmania. Like Australia. Tobago. See West Indies, Tonquin. See Annam, Tortola. See West Indies. Trinidad. See"WsST Indies. 4 74 TRIPOLI. Tripoli. Babca and Fezzan have the same weights and measures. Length. — The dra'a or pik of 3 palmi 26.42 inches. The arbi dra'a or lesser pik 19.029 inches. Liquid Measure. — The mataro, for oil, 6.163 gallons. Dry Measure. — 4 orbahs make 1 temen. 4 temen- " 1 ueba or hueba, 8.0452 bushels. Also, 20 tibeii 1 cafiso, 1.152 bushels. Weight. — 16 kharoubas make 1 drachma. 10 drachmas " 1 uekia. 16 uckias " 1 rotl. 100 rotls " 1 cantaro, 109.714 lbs. Also, 40 oke " 1 cantaro or kantar. The metical, for gold and silver, 73.6 grains. Money. — 100 para 1 gersh {plural, gurush). The gersh = = 10.1046. Under Mahmoud II. (1808) the gersh = $0.1865. The mahbub of 20 piastres = $0.8709 in United States custom- houses. Tunis. Length. — The dra'a hendaseh, for woolen goods, 26.49 inches; The pik, for linen, 18.62 inches ; for silk 24.83 inches. Liquid Measure. — The metter or mitre 2.6417 gallons. Dry Measure. — The cafiz or caffiso 14.0753 bushels. Weight. — 16 uokia make 1 rotl ot rottolo, 1.1175 lbs. For meat, etc., the rotl suckyl.2532 lbs., and the rotl ghredari for vegetables 1.4098 lbs. The cantaro 100 rotl. For gold and silver, the metical 59.7 grains. Money. — 1 6 kharoubas make 1 piastre, $0.1286. In United States customs it rates at $0,125. The gold 25-piastre piece, by United States mint assay, weighs 77.28 grajns, is 900 fine, and worth $2.9954. The silver 6-piastres (same authority) weighs 245,28 grains, is 898J fine, and worth $Q.«12. TURKEY. 75 Turkestan. Length. — The hasch = 28 inches, or 0.711 metre. Weight. — 8 seer make 1 batmann, = 276.41 lbs., or 125.38 kilogrammes. Money. — 44 pools make 1 tenga. 21 tengas " 1 tilla, = $2.7155. Turkey. In Turkey (both European and Asiatic) the weights and meas- ures vary in the different provinces, and with the nature of the substances to be measured. The following system is that used in Constantinople : Length. — Builders' and surveyors' scale — 12 nock tats make 1 hatt. 12 hatts " 1 pannack. 24 parmacks " 1 archine, = 29.528 inches, or 75 centimetres. Scale for measuring cloths — 2 guirahs make 1 ouroub. 8 ouroubs " 1 endaseh,=:25.7 inches, or 0.6523 metre. At Smyrna the endaseh — 24.65 inches, and the pic = 26.29 inches. The pic = 26.63 inches at Aleppo, and 22.83 inches at Damascus. Capacity. — 4 chiniks make 1 kilo, = 1.00075 bushels, or 35.26 litres. 4 kilos " 1 fortin. For liquids, the almud = 1.381 gallons. Weight. — 4 karats make 1 deuke. 4 deukes " 1 dirhem or drachm. 100 dirhem " 1 chequi. 4 chequis " 1 oke or occa, = 2.8337 lbs., or 1285.4 grammes. 44 okes make 1 kantar or cantaro. In Asia Minor and Syria there is also the batman of 6 okes. Also the rottolo, which ranges from 1.2656 lbs. at Smyrna to 5.0643 lbs. at Aleppo. 76 TUSCANY. Money. — 40 paras make 1 piastre. The piastre is also divided into 100 aspers. Its value is $0.04325. United States custom, house rate, $0.0439. COIN TABLE. 500-piastres, or becheyuslyk 250 " " ykiyuslyk 100 " " yusilykmedjid 100 " By TJ. 8. mint assay. 50 " " ellyklyk 25 " " yirmibechlyk.. 20 " " yrmilykmedjid 20 " By U. S. mint assay. 10 " " onlyk 5 " " bechelyk 2 " " ikylyk Piastre, or kourouehe ^-piastre, or yaremlyk 40 paras (= 1 piastre) 20 " 10 " 5 " Fara Material. Weight. Fineness. Gold. 657.552 910} u. 278.776 916* " 111.224 910} 11 110.380 915 " 55.612 916} » 271806 916} Silver. 371.224 830 " 869.600 830 " 185.612 830 u 92.806 830 " 87.194 830 » 18.597 830 " 9.298 830 Bronze. 881.860 it 165.680 u 82.840 u 41.420 1( S.2S4 $21.6250 10.8125 4.3250 4.3700 2.1625 1.0812 0.8650 0.8520 0.4325 0.2162 0.0365 0.0432 0.0216 0.0482 0.0216 0.0108 0.0054 0.0011 Tuscany. (Florence and Leghorn.) See also Italy. Length,. — 12 denari = 1 soldo; 10 soldi = 1 palmo; 2 palmi = 1 braccio ; 4 braccia = 1 canna. The palmo = 11.49 inches. The architect's canna — 5 braccia. Road Measure. — The miglio of 2,833 J braccia = 1.0277 miles. Surface. — The saccato of 16,500 square braccia = 1.389 acres. Liquid Measure. — For wine, etc., 2 quartucci = 1 mezzetta ; 2 mezzette = 1 boccale ; 2 boccale — 1 fiasco ; 20 fiasci = 1 barile. The barile = 12.0444 gallons, and should weigh 1S3J- libbre. The barile of spirits weighs 120 libbre. For oil, the barile is only 16 fiasci, and weighs 120 libbre. 2 barile of oil = 1 soma. Dry Measure. — 2 bussoli = 1 quartuccio ; 2 quartucci = 1 mezzetta ; 2 mezzette = 1 metadella ; 4 metadelle = 1 quarto ; 2 quarti = 1 mina ; 2 mine = 1 stajo ; 3 staja = 1 sacco ; 8 sacci = J moggio. The moggio = 16.5904 bushels. Weight. — 24 grani = 1 denaro ; 3 denari = 1 dramma; 8 dramme = 1 oncia ; 12 oncie = 1 libbra. The libbra = 0.7486 lb. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 77 ■y. — 100 ceutesimi = 1 lira. Lira = $0.1637. Formerly rated in United States custom-houses at $0.16. The deni of 10 lire = $1.6341. The francescone, of 10 paoli or 4 fiorini (before 1839), = $1.0904. The fiorino or florin (before 1850) •= $0.2728. In Lucca, the silver 5-lire nuove Leucchesi of 1840 = $0.7221. United States of America. In weights and measures, the United States differs but little from Great Britain. By an act of Congress, passed in 1866, the metric system was legalized, but as yet it has not come into use. Some of the units in this country are slightly varied from the true units, however, as for instance the metre, which is really 39.37079 inches, is legalized at 39.37 inches. These variations will be given in their proper places below. length. — The ordinary system as in Great Britain. Iu the metric system the metre is legal at 39.37 inches. The standard of length is a brass copy of the English standard yard, by Troughton of London, and is deposited in the office of weights and measures at Washington. The scale is 82 inches long, the standard yard being from the 27th to the 63d inch. At 62° Fahr. it exceeds the true British standard yard by 0.00087 inch. Surface.— As in Great Britain. The hectare is legal at 2.471 acres, and the are at 119.6 square yards. Cubic Measure. — For wood, 16 cubic feet make 1 cord foot, and 8 cord feet make 1 cord. Shipping Measure.— 40 cubic feet make 1 United States ship- ping ton. 100 cubic feet make 1 register ton. The latter value is merely to facilitate computation. Wheat in bulk is a good standard of comparison, since the long ton of 2,240 pounds of this grain occupies just about 40 cubic feet. The register tonnage of a vessel represents her entire internal capacity. Her real car- rying capacity for cargo is, however, 20 to 25 per cent, less than this ; so that her actual measurement cargo in shipping tons is from 1 \ to 2 times the number indicated in the register. liquid Measure. — The standard is the Winchester gallon of 231 cubic inches. In Great Britain the imperial gallon is 277.274 cubic inches. Hence the imperial gallon =: 1.2003 United 78 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. States gallons. The litre is legal at 1.0567 quarts. The follow- ing table is the usual one for wine measure : (hhd.) 4 gills make 1 pint. (pt.) 2 pints u 1 quart, (qt.) 4 quarts u 1 gallon (gal.) 42 gallons It 1 tierce. 63 " <( 1 hogshead. (1 84 " cc 1 puncheon. 126 " u 1 pipe. 252 " u 1 tun. 10 " (( 1 anker. 18 " (1 1 runlet. 31* " (1 1 barrel, (bbl. Tn some of the States 32 gallons make a barrel. Beer measure as in Great Britain. Apothecaries' measure also as in Great Britain, except that its gallon and subdivisions are of the Win- chester scale. Dry Measure. — The bushel is 2150.42 cubic inches, that of England being 2218.192 cubic inches. Hence the imperial bushel = 1.0315 United States bushels. In dry measure the litre is legal at 0.908 quart. The following is the usual table : 2 pints make 1 quart. 4 quarts " 1 gallon of 268.8 cubic inches. 2 gallons " 1 peck. (pk.) 4 pecks " 1 bushel, (bush.) 36 bushels " 1 chaldron. (For coke and coal.) Weight. — The three scales, avoirdupois, troy, and apothecaries', are the same as in ' Great Britain. The standard avoirdupois pound of the United States, copied from the British standard, is 0.00734 grain too heavy. The gramme is legal at 15.432 grains, and the kilogramme at 2. 2046 lbs. For postal purposes, at pret- ent, 15 grammes is reckoned the equivalent of the half-ounce. As for the ton, in some States it rates at 2,240 lbs., and in others at only 2,000. The latter value is the more usual and the more ra- tional one. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 79 Money. — 10 mills make 1 cent. 10 cents " 1 dime. 10 dimes " 1 dollar. 10 dollars " 1 eagle. In the West and South, 12£ cents make a bit. In New York this sum is called a shilling. The shilling of the New England States is 16 J cents. These values, however, are not legal. The present nickel five-cent piece represents the metric sys- tem ; being 2 centimetres in diameter, and weighing 5 grammes. com TABLE. ti- iV Double-eagle. $20. Eagle. $10. Before July 81, 1834.. " Since " " " .. t-Eagle. $5. Before » » » .. " Since " " " .. }-EagIe.$2.60. Before " " " .. Since " " " .. Three dollars One dollar. Trade dollar Dollar. Before Jan. 18, 183T " Prom " " " to 1853 Half-dollar. Before " " " Byactof » " " Since March 81, 1853 " By act of 1878, weighs 12J grammes. Quarter-dollar. Before Jan. 18, 1837 " Byactof " " " u Since March 81, 1853. " Act of 1878, weighs 64, grammes Dime. Before Jan. 18, 1837. « Byactof " " " " Since March 81, 1853 : " By act of 1873, weighs 2J grammes Half-dime. Before Jan. 18, 1*47 " Byactof " '■ " " Since March 31, 1853 Three-cent piece. Before 1S53 " " Since " Copper and nickel Five-cent Three-cent Two-cent Cent. Copper, tin, and zinc. . . Weight variable for different dates. . Copper and nickel " Copper, tin, and zinc Half-cent. Obsolete. Weight variable — Gold. Silver. Alloy. Bronze. Copper. Alloy. Bronze. Copper. Weight. 516.000 270.000 253.0U0 135.000 129.000 67.500 64.500 77.400 25.800 420.000 4I6.0C0 412.500 208.000 208.000 192.000 192.900 104.0J0 103.125 96.400 96.450 41.600 41.250 88.400 38.530 20.S00 20.625 19.200 12.375 11.520 77.160 30.000 96.000 72.000 45.000 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 WO 900 900 909 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 80 URUGUAY. The following tables give the standard weight and least current weight of gold coins, both singly and in sums. 1. In sums. Coins over $1.00 in value : Sum of $100. Standard, 5.375 oz. Least current weight, 5.348 oz. " $500. " 26.875 " " " " 26.741 " " $1,000. " 53.760 " " " " 53.481 " " $5,000. " 268.750 " " " " 267.407 " Of the gold dollar, 5,000 pieces are current when weighing not less than 266.145 ounces troy. 2. Single coins : Name of Coin. Standard. Least Current Weight. Double-eagle, 516.0 grains, 513.42 grains. Eagle, 258.0 « 256.71 " Half-eagle, 129.0 u 128.36 " Quarter-eagle, 64.5 (( 64.18 " Three dollars, 77.4 (( 77.02 " Dollar, 25.8 " 25.55 " Uruguay. Weights and measures of Spanish origin. The fanega = 7.776 bushels, or 274 litres. The libra = 1.014286 lbs. In money, the pataoon rates in United States custom-houses at $0.9498. Tan Diemen's Land. See Tasmania. Venetian Lombardy. (Venice and Milan.) See also Italy. Length. — 12 atomi = 1 punto ; 12 punti = 1 oncia ; 12 oncie == 1 braccio. Also, 2 piede = 1 braccio. The pie = 15.61 inches at Milan, and 13.69 at Venice. The metre and its divisions are also used, under Italian names. Road Measure. — The miglio = 1 kilometre, or 0.6214 mile. Surface. — 100 square palmi make 1 tornatura, = 1 are, or 0.0247 acre. Also, 1 campo — 0.6881 acre. Capacity. — 10 coppi = 1 pinta ; 10 pinte = 1 mina ; 10 mine = 1 soma. The pinta is the French litre, or 0.26418 gallon. WEST INDIES. 81 Weight. — 10 grani = 1 denaro ; 10 denari = 1 grosso ; 10 grossi = 1 oncia ; 10 oncie = 1 libbra metrica, or kilogramme. This libbra = 2.2046 lbs. 10 libbre = 1 rubbio. For gold and silver, 24 grani = 1 denaro ; 24 denari = 1 on. cia; 8 oncie = 1 marco. The marco = 7.5562 troy ounces. Money. — 5 centesimi = 1 soldo Austriaca ; 20 soldi = 1 lira. This lira = 20 Austrian kreuzers ; hence, 3 lire = 1 Austrian florin. In gold, the sovrano = $6,778. The zecchino, or sequin, by French mint assay, is worth $2.2704. In silver, the scudo nuove = $1.0109 ; the scudo Cisalpine = $0.8971 ; and the croisat, or scudo della croce of the Venetian Republic, = $1.2839. The Filippo of Milan (1786) = $1.1408 Venezuela. Weights and measures of Spanish origin. The vara = 32.874 inches, or 0.835 metre. The arroba = 17.052 quarts, or 16.137 litres. The quintal of 4 arrobas — 101.4381 lbs., or 46.012 kilo grammes. The peso of 100 centajos = $0.7836. In United States cos. torn-houses it rates at $0.7773. Victoria. See Australia. Wallachia. See Roumania. West Australia. See Australia. West Indies. 1. Spanish. — Cuba, Porto Rico, Isle of Pines, and Cvlebra. 2. French. — Martinique, Deseada, Guadeloupe, Marie Galante, Lee Saintes, and part of St. Martin. 3. Swedish. — St. Bartholomew. 4. Dutch. — Part of St. Martin, Bum Ayre, Curafoa, Oruba, and Tcrtuga. 5. Danish. — Santa Cruz, St. Thomas, and St. Jan or John. 82 WURTEMBERG. 6. British. — Jamaica, Barbadoes, Grenada, Santa Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Tobago, Antigua, Barbuda, Dominica, Nevix, Montserrat, St. Kitfs, Tortola, the Bahamas, and various minor islands. 7. Independent. — Hayti, including the separate republic of Santo Domingo. In the Spanish West Indies, Spanish weights and measures are used, with slight variations. The vara = 33.375 inches. The fanega = 3.12361' bushels. The arroba = 4.1 gallons. In money, the peso of Cuba and Porto Eico now rates in United States custom-houses at $0.9258. In the French possessions, the old weights and measures of France are used. In Martinique, the aune = 1.30148 yards ; the barique = 50 gallons; the livre = 1.079176 lbs.; the carre = 3.1909 acres. Les Saintes has the British system. In St. Bartholomew, Swedish values are used. In the Danish possessions the weights and measures are those of Denmark ; although English standards of length are also used. In the Dutch West Indies, except Ccrasoa, the weights and measures of Holland are employed. Curacoa has a Spanish sys- tem, in which the vara = 33.375 inches. In the British possessions, the weights and measures are practically those of the United States. In Jamaica, 102.023 gal- lons make a puncheon. The pound of Jamaica rates in United States custom-houses at $4,865. In Hayti and Santo Domingo are still the old French weights and measures, as in the French West Indies. The dollar of Hayti is the same in value as the dollar of the United States. Wnrtemberg. See also German Empire. Length. — 10 punkte = 1 linie ; 10 linien = 1 zoll ; 10 zoll = 1 fuss ; 10 fuss = 1 ruthe. The klafter is 6 fuss. . The fuss .= 11.26 inches, and the Stuttgart elle = 24.18 inches. Surface. — The morgen of 38,400 square fuss = 0.7789 acre. Liquid Measure.— ri schbppen = 1 mass ; 10 mass = 1 immi; 16 immi = 1 eimer ; 6 eimer = 1 fuder. The mass = 0.4853 gal- 'on. ZANZIBAR. 83 Dry Measure. — i viertlein = 1 ecklein ; 2 ecklein = 1 mass- lein ; 2 masslein = 1 achtel ; 2 achtel = 1 viertel ; 4 viertel = 1 Bimri ; 8 simri = 1 scheffel. The scheffel = 5.0292 bushels. Weight. — As in the Zollverein, whose pfund is 600 grammes. For gold and silver, the mark = 233.855 grammes. The apothe- caries' pfund (subdivided as in Germany generally) — 357.6337 grammes. Money. — 60 kreuzers = 1 florin ; 5J florins = 1 ducat. COIN TABLE. Vierfac-he j ubilaum s-dukaten Former Friedrich (Tor. 11 gulden Dukaten , Doppelterereinstbaler Zwei-gulden Yereinsthaler. Gulden or florin Half-gulden 6-kreuzer 8 " 1 " 4 " i " Material. Fineness. Value, Gold. Silver. Billon. Copper. 9S6 986 900 900 900 900 3335 16T| $9.4898 4.5410 2.3725 1.4409 0.8242 0.7204 0.4126 0.2063 0.0413 0.0206 0.0069 0.0034 0.0017 Yucatan. See Mexico. Zanzibar. Length. — The ohra = 22.48 inches, or 0.671 metre. Capacity. — The djezla = 7.305 bushels, or 257.4 litres. Weight. — The bazla = 34.226 lbs., or 15.525 kilogrammes. The mane = 3.0071 lbs. The franzella of 36 rotoli = 35.2822 lbs. Money. — The Austrian " Maria Theresa thaler " is here knowr as the " Janurio dollar." PART SECOND. I. — MEASURES OF LENGTH. Is the following table the unite of length of various nations are arranged alphabetically ; the value of each one being given in English or American feet or inches, and in French metres. The metre is now a legal standard in the Argentine Confederation, Belgium, Brazil, Chili, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Ger- many, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, and the United States. After January 1, 1875, it will also be the standard in Austria. Any value in feet may be converted into Russian sachines by simply dividing by seven. MEASURES. Locality. Feet or Inches. Melrea. Ady Malabar Coast.... 10.460 24.716 22.470 23.3808 19.029 38.2S 31.46 23.00 28.00 29.5231 46.SSS3 47.2449 0.33334 7.218 25.3333 20.9635 22.741 27.508 inches. 44 44 44 44 44 44 feet. inches. 44 0.26568 Aln 0.62T77 44 0.57078 44 0.59386 0.48333 0.97229 0.79907 0.71119 0.71119 14 0.750U0 Great Britain 1.19005 1.20000 0.000S5 2.2O007 0.61346 44 0.53221 (| 0.57761 u 0.69869 86 MEASURES OF LENGTH. MEASURES. Locality. Feet or nchfis. Metros. 21.344 inches. 80.732 " 22.98 27.38 " 23.6225 " 5.6868 feet. 7.8553 6.8667 " 6.9207 " 6.5834 " 6.8531 " ' 10.2965 " 0.893708 inch. 10.9375 feet. 18.125 inches. 12.7 14.76 " 12.17 « 19.000 26.800 " 25 968 14.0000 " 18.0000 " 12.1200 " 18 50UO " 15.0000 27.0000 » 18.6000 " 20.9200 " S9.1800 " . 18.0000 18.0000 « 20.9000 " 32.80399 feet. 3.937079 inches 0.7212 «■ 0.67923 » , 0.54018 0.78079 11 0.53114 II Argentine Confed. 2.09293 11 II 1 S9185 11 1 93689 0.01000 Uhik. Official ;... 11 n " Itinerary it Goa 68071 - Ahmednugg'ur... 0.85559 45719 0.46026 46989 " Cochin-China. ... 38099 it 0.47243 " codo, covado, cadree, 0.53186 Muscat 0.99388 M 0.45719 0.45719 0.53085 10. 000000 0.10000 Dedo 0.01882 0.01773 Derah, deraa, dhra'a, and 0.3987 1.00000 89.37079 45.0000 37.0600 '80.6758 23.62^5 32.2235 22.772 22.470 22.543 22.992 22.434 81.4966 22.670 23.200 26.2536 inches. ii (i u (1 it 11 0.01000 0.02540 El England.... 1.00000 KU 1.14209 0.94131 Elle 0.77915 0.60000 n 0.81847 0.57S88 u 0.57013 u 0.57251 ■ 11 0.58398 u Hesse-Darmstadt. 0.56981 tl 80000 u 0.57581 u 0.58927 u 0.66696 MEASURES OF LENGTH. 87 MEASURES. Locality. Feet or nebca. Metros. Mile 22.296 24.130 24.65 26.08 25.70 11.128 18.0000 70.1424 0.18125 6. 74.148 inches. » u feet. Inches. 41 inches. 56631 0.61416 0.62610 Turkey 0.66242 (i 0.66227 8.8S275 Etto 0.45719 1 .76158 33 1.-82877 1.88881 Fod 12.858 12.000 11.17 12.000 11.61104 11,679 12.0000 12.4456 11.811 11.490 11.386 11.205 14.C06 11.27 11.496 11.824 9.84"7 11. ft 5 11.680 12.357 11.148 11.260 u w it tt u It u It 0.81889 Foot 0.80476 0.2E871 it United States .... 0.80476 Fot 0.29693 0.296C4 0.S047C1 0.816111 u 0.80000 it 0.29184 t; 0.28919 0.28460 0.85575 0.2S626 i. 0.29199 Hesse-Cassel...... H esse-Darmstadt. 0.2«763 0.25000 u 0.28790 a 0.-80174 0.31386 it 0.2SS16 (C ' 0.26599 2.25 " 0.05715 G89.49S 0.1803 87.89 1.6062 feet. inch. inches. 194.91606 0.00458 0.94S69 0.04077 Bengal 45.6700 86.0000 27.1800 23.3834 24.9998 83 2000 815.0000 4.0000 28.0000 it it it 1.16 0.91438 0.69086 it 0.5'I266 it 0.68498 0.97026 0.91483 Great Britain . . . 0.10160 0.71119 0.1025 19.1250 19.1000 326.0S99 6.25 feet. tiirat, or hath. See also covid 0.48577 0.4S518 100.00000 1 1.90624 68 MEASURES OF LENGTH. Inch Jaktan Jaiikal Jaob Jarda Ionia Jow Jumba Kassaba Ken Khalebi, for woolens.. Kilometre Klafter Kole Kot. For silk and linen . . liigne Line Linea Linha Linia Linie Link Mail Metre Millimetre Moot Nail Ngu Kocktat Ohra Ouroub Pa Iff at, or paulgaut., Palm Palma. . Pal mo.. Great Britain Guinea Sumatra Bengal Ionian Isles Bengal Singapore Mocha Siam . . '. Boumania France Austria Baden Bavaria Bremen Hesse-Darmstadt. "Wurtemberg Travancore. . Kou mania Switzerland . . . Great Britain Spain Portugal., Russia Austria Denmark Norway Sweden Great Britain Annam Feet or Inches. feet. feet. France . Parmack Perch. See mi Perche Phan. Cloth measure.. Bengal Great Britain.... Annam Turkey Zanzibar Turkey Birmah Great Britain Netherlands Kouraania Argentine Confed. Balearic Isles Genoa Malta Naples Portugal Rome Sicily Spain Tuscany Turkey Great Britain.... Switzerland Annam 1.0000 Inch. 12.0000 feet. 9.0000 incites. 0.250 86.0JOO " 0.250 " 14.400 12.800 8T.S36 inches. 20.43 8230.839 6.22278 5.9056 " 5.765 " 5.698 " 8.202 " 5.68 " 29.065 inches 24.86 " 0.11811 " 0.08883 " 0.07728 " 0.09016 " 0.08388 " 0.08648 " 0.0855 " 0.03118 " 0.1168 " 8.0:100 " 0.02553 " 289.75 feet. 89.87079 inches 0.039871 8.00000 2 2500 7.991T O.O0S54 inches. 22.48 8.2125 1.0000 8.00000 8.937079 10.89 8.5302 7.697 8.9797 10.3000 10.381 8.656 8.796 9.5297 8.846 11.49 1.2808 16.6667 9.8426 0.2558 inch. 0.02540 8.65753 0.22859 0.00635 0.91433 0.011635 0.86575 8.74S97 0.96101 0.67131 1000.00000 1.89667 1.80000 1.75104 1.78514 2.50000 1.71599 0.73S24 0.03143 0.00300 0.01)212 0.00197 0.00229 0.00212 0.00219 0.00218 0.00206 0.00297 0.20819 0.00065 78.07448 1.00000 0.00100 0.07620 0.05714 2.43583 0.00022 0.57098 0.0S153 0.02640 0.07620 0.10000 0.27660 0.21666 0.19550 0.22809 0.261C2 0.26367 0.21936 0.22849 0.24705 0.21199 0.29057 0.08126 5.07991 - 8.00000 0.00649 MEASURES OE LENGTH. 89 MEASURES. Locality. Feet or Inches. Metros. 27.0000 inches. 20.630 " 24.92 " 25.09 " 26.45 " 22.83 " 9.0198 " 22.3705 " 25.5083 " 29.5281 " 29.0911 " 26.0000 " 26.42 " 24.83 " 11.3736 " 11.126 " 11.128 " 15.384 " 20.223 " 13.485 " 15.61 " 20.593 " 22.428 " 11.592 " 13.69 " 11.8112 " 89.37079 " 16.6667 feet. 1.082 inches. 0.0075 " 1.18112 " 0.00720 " 0.9273 " 0.0064 " 7.7438 feet. 8.8716 " 97.825 » 8.115 inches. 16.6667 feet. 10.2988 " 9.7420 82.80899 12.44556 " 9.8427 " 9.575 " 15.181 " 14.960 " 11.6717 " 15.328 " 13.0865 " 12.357 " 14.865 " 9.3833 " 7.00000 " 11.9291 inches. 23.975 feet 22.0000 inches. 0.63579 it 0.67689 u 68296 u 63727 tt 0.67182 » 0.57987 « Nile 0.2545 j 0.5682 * cloth H 0.0479 it 0.7500 » road u 0.7889 «t 0.66089 «t Tripoli Tunis...: 0.67106 . " for silk 0.68067 pie Argentine Confed. 0.28888 28259 it 0.28265 pig 0.89075 0.51 87T 0.34251 0.39649 tt 0.523115 it 0.56966 ti 0.29443 it 0.84772 Pied 30000 piki 1.00000 Great Britain.... 5.07991 0.02748 0.00019 0.03000 Punkt 00018 0.02855 0.00017 Eahf N. Madagascar... S. " 2 86012 U 1.18006 Eef. 29.66412 0.07912 Great Britain.... 5.1.7991 Eode 8.13885 » 2.96930 10.00000 Etlthe 3.79832 3.000110 «i 2.91841 « 4.62704 u 4.56534 u S.5574S It 4.67184 u 3.98867 11 8.76635 (I 4.58048 u 2.85999 Sachine, sag6ne, or sashen . . Sals 2.18856 0.80299 Sao 7.8074S Bsundaung, or royal cubit. . 0.55873 90 MEASURES OF LENGTH. MEASURES. Locality. Feet or Inches. Mctrea. 11.285 inches. 5.564 18.918 " 9.0000 " 9.0000 89.87079 " 62.2278 " 66.000 feet. 8280.699 " 9.7825 " 0.08SI87 inch. 0.03937 " 2.558 " 18.0000 " 7.00000 " 63.9498 feet 25.58 inches. 11.8112 feet. 1.02983 inches 0.011811 " 21.8166 fret. 1.3125 inches. 0.9742 " 1.1679 12.0000 feet. 0.7500 inches. 84.1208 " 42.7961 " 82.674 " 33.867 " 88 875 " 83.875 " 82.9 " 88.367 " 43.28 " 83.384 " 82.874 1.75000 " 6.306 feet. 0.28536 0.14182 Sok 0.48051 0.22859 Great Britain 0.22859 1.00000 1.5S055 20.11644 1000.00000 2.96641 0.00100 0.00100 Tac 0.0649T 0.45719 0.17780 That. 19.49161 0.64972 Toise 8.60000 0.02610 0.00030 6.49720 Tsun China 0.08834 Turn 0.02474 0.02966 8.65753 0.01905 Argentine Gonfed. 0.86664 1.08700 u Central America. . Chili.... ..... 0.83493 ti 0.84756 (4 Cuba 0.84771 11 0.84771 U 0.83564 u 0.84756 u 1.09928 11 0.84794 li 0.88498 0.04445 1.92203 Great Britain 109.375 " 3.0000 " 0.3987 inch. 1.03713 " 1.1811 " 0.9575 " 0.9488 " 0.9862 " 0.98375 " 0.9891 " 0.958 " 0.9437 " 0.9446 « 1.02975 " 0.9290 " 1.1260 " 83.8869 Yard 0191438 Centimeter. See centimetre Zott 0.01000 0.02634 0.08000 ii 0.02482 ii 0. 02409 u 0.02R78 ii 0; 02872 ii 0.02385 ii 0.02483 u Hesse-Cassel. . .. 0.02897 u 0.02899 ii 0.02615 ii 0.02859 u 0.02859 ROAD MEASURES. 91 II. — KOAD MEASURES. The value of each unit is here given in English miles and French kilometres. MEASURES. Locality. Miles. Kilometres. 12.0000 (about). 13.776 1.1864 3.6153 0.55 (about). 0.1598 8.0000 3.411 0.125 14.5333 5.5352 2.7314 S.OUUO 8.8858 0.3231 4.2151 0.3457 2.9826 0.275 4.7142 5.5231- 4.6143 3.9DI6 6.7136 4.6807 4.61)86 4.9958 4.6307 4.2227 5.6303 0.6214 1.1469 1.3685 1.0277 4.6312 6.6122 0.6214 1.001)00 1.27273 1.1250 1.27S6 1.143 1.149 2.8386 2.4306 0.6628 2.7617 19.311780 22.169928 1.8.M*>26 Seringapatam 5.867241 0.835x23 0.257168 4.827915 t. 5.542431 Great Britain 0.201164 28.16J123 8.91783 4.40051 4.827945 6.172044 Argentine Confed. 0.51997 6.783424 Li Ly :.. 0.55641 4.80000 0.442561 7.536613 8.8S858 u 7.42S85 (( 6.27729 a 10.804297 « 7.532721 u 7.416626 tt 8.039S1G tt post u it 7.532721 6.79565 u 9.060372 1.000UO 1.84572S it 2.226187 il 1.653S9 Miil 7.53852 10.68989 Miilo Mile 1.00000 1.609315 2.048219 « 1.810479 Milha 2.057348 Mili Egypt........... Argentine Confed. 1.847194 Milla 1.849108 8.81401 3.911601 1.066654 4 11111 92 SQUARE MEASURES. III. — SQUARE MEASURES. The value of each unit is here given in English square inches or square feet, and in square metres. MEASURES. Locality. Feet or Inches. Metres. Turkey 6.0549 feet. 15.5006 " 0.1550 inch. 1.1959 feet. 1076.43 " 15.5006 inches. 1.0605 foot. 1.0000 " 0.9484 " 0.9472 " 1.0000 " 1.0757 " , 0.9688 " 0.9168 " 0.9003 " 0.8719 " 1.3623 « 0.8820 " 0.9178 " 0.8905 " 0.6728 " 0.8922 " 1.0605 " 0.8638 " 0.8805 " 9.0000 " 88.7283 feet. 34.8763 " 88.2352 " 81.6969 " 10.7643 " 0.00155 inch. 0.520S foot. 0.4836 " 0.8600 " 1.6485 " 2.8415 " 1.2628 " 1.6922 " 2.9449 " 8.4981 " 0.9831 " 1.8015 " 0.9688 " 266.6222 " 106.0519 " 94.9066 " 154.8980 " 96.8787 " 91.6806 " 230.4628 " 0.5625 h 1.4400 » (i chik. Mathematical 0.1111 it Great Britain » 0.0100 ti fod 0.09884 0.09288 it it fot it 0.08799 (4 09288 (1 0.09998 it 0.09000 (1 tt 0.08517 tt U 0.08362 tt it " (feldfuss) 0.08099 0.12656 08194 it H 0.08524 (1 Hesse-Cassel Hesse-Darmstadt 0.08273 it U 0.06250 (1 U 0.08289 11 1( 0.09834 « 0.06018 u 0.08184 it 0.88859 11 klafter 3.59782 (I 8.24000 u u 8.06614 it u 2.94465 it 1.00000 0.000001 it 0.06565 H tt 0.04494 «( u 0.07989 tt 0.15268 11 0.tfiS!16 u a 0.11731 it 0.15721 tt u 0.27858 it tl 0.32456 (I it 0.08669 tt 0.12091 tt LI Great Britain 0.09000 25.80588 tt 9.86288 tt 8.81674 11 14 SS912 ft 9.00000 it 8.51712 u H 21.40918 LAND MEASURES. MEASURES. Locality. Feet or Inches. Metres. Frankfort 224.4004 feet. 186.2286 " 234.9476 " 111.2565 " 152.6964 " 2i0.9682 " S8.0465 " 49.0000 " 0.8766 " 8.0710 " 12.6594 7.5049 " 7.7315 " 7.7354 " 7.5165 " 7.7315 " 18.00S0 " 7.7395 " 7.5049 9.00(10 " 1.0757 inch. 1.8950 0.9168 " 0.9003 " 0.S766 " 0.8719 0.8820 " 0.9178 " 0.8905 " 0.5922 " 1.0605 " 0.8638 " 1.2679 20 84689 12.55545 tt tt 21.82572 tl tt 11 14 14.1S539 11 it 20.52543 8.17958 4.55108 Argentine Confed. Brazil 0.08143 0.75106 1.17603 it U Central America. Chili 0.71720 it It 0.71834 It (I 0.71861 U tl 0.69814 tl 11 0.71834 U 11 Portugal 1.20S46 U (1 0.71910 41 U " zoll Great Britain 0.71720 0.88592 0.00069 0.00090 U 11 0.00059 tl li 0.00058 ii n 0.00056 tl it 0.00056 tt it U (1 0.00057 0.00059 tt it 0.00057 it tt 0.00057 tl it 0.00063 tt tt 0.00055 It it 0.00082 IV. — LAND MEASUKES. Here the value of each measure is given in English acres and in French ares. MEASURES. Locality. Acres. Ares. Hesse-Cassel Great Britain.. ) United States., f Lower Canada... 0.5897 1.0000 1.0000 O.024T 0.0247 0.8449. 3.5588 28.8610 40.4629 40.4629 Ar 1.0000 1.0000 84.1912 144.0000 91 LAND MEASURES. MEASURES. Locality. Acres. Ares. 0.3806 0074 0.7009 0.7528 2.4714 0.6981 1.0047 1.8228 0.00025 0.00103 0.0165 2.6997 0.4315 1.5371 1.0382 0.15165 1.4287 0.9898 2.4714 2,4714 1.4228 0.08791 0.04826 0.0551 1.8201 0.8584 0.8897 0.8416 0.6348 0.6208 0.5004 2.3852 0.6472 0.6178 0.6809 1.5216 0.7789 1.8228 0.2175 0.2500 4.5658 1.8890 0.6066 0.1255 0.7111 0.00978 0.01045 1.8635 1.2132 0.0247 0.0247 0.2234 0.1544 0.3286 79.8550 13.3770 24.5772 28.3605 30.4605 Ven. Lombardy. . 100.0000 27.8425 u it .. 40.6531 58.5042 ' 0.0100 0.0417 Cottah ii 0.6676 119.2498 17.4597 64.2188 Egypt 42.0084 6.1342 57.8094 38.0068 100.0000 100.001)0 1.5839 Egypt 1.7504 2.2295 53.4152 34.7334 86.0000 u iucbart, or tagewerk u 840536 25.6656 ti Hesse-Darmstadt. 25.1194 it 20.2476 u 96.5123 11 26.1876 24.9980 II 25.5281 II 61.5686 11 81.5166 53.5042 8.8007 Great Britain 10.1157 184.7459 56.2031 24.5448 5.0781 28.7783 0.3937 0.4328 55.1713 49.0S97 Yen. Lombardy.. Hesse-Darmstadt 1.0000 1.0000 9.0000 6.2474 13.0988 8210.941 CUBIC MEASURES. 95 Y. — CUBIC MEASURES. The following table is inserted merely to facilitate many calcu- lations, and does not pretend to be even approximately complete. The value of each cube is given in English cubic feet or cubic Inches, and in either cubic metres (m.), cubic decimetres (dm.), or cubic centimetres (cm.). MEASURES. Locality. Feet or Inches. Metric. Turkey 14.8996 feet. 0.0610 inches. 1.3034 feet. 62.449 inches. 1.0922 foot. 1.0000 0.9246 0.9219 1.0000 " 1.1156 0.9585 " 0.8778 " 0.S542 " 0.8141 " 1.5S99 " 0.82S4 0.8792 " 0.8408 " 0.5518 0.8420 " 1.0919 " 0.801 T 0.8261 " 1.0000 inch. 85.315 feet. 618.56 inches. 581.35 0.79T4 feet. 2.1070 4.7888 " 1.4191 " 2.1970 " 5.0537 " 6.5287 " 0.9015 " 1.4848 " 0.9535 " 0.8185 " 27.0000 " 1.1421 inches. 16476 0.87S0 " 0.8541 " 0.8206 " 0.8140 " 0.421875 m. China 1.00UOO cm. " ehik (mathematical).. 13.70159 dm. Great Britain. .... 1.000 " » foot 80.842 • 28.807 " » fot. 26.179 " 11 I. 26.108 " » foute 2S.30T " 81.558 " U 1. 27.000 " u ii 24.S56 " u ii 24,185 " H 11 23.052 " M u 45.020 » u tl 23.458 " U 11 24895 » (1 it Hesse-Darmstadt. 23.796 " u u 15.625 " U II 23.863 " II II 80.9:1 " 11 It 22.704 " It « Great Britain. 28.891 " " inch 16.88T cm. 10.628 dm. 9.52T " *» 22.581 " « pie 59.662 " 185.620 " " "manual 40.181 " it u 62.885 " « u 143.090 " 11 11 1S4.860 " u u 25.524 » H II 42.048 " " pied 27.000 " " schnh 23.287 » " yard 0.764 m. " zolL 18.275 cm. M (l 27.000 " U U 14.835 " U II 18.980 " U U 13.44T " u u 13.846 u 96 LIQUID MEASURES. Cubic zoll., Locality. Hamburg 1 Hanover Hesse-Cassel. Lu beck Prussia Saxony Wiirtemberg-. Feet or Inches. Metric. 0.8282 inch. 18.598 en 0.8792 14.402 " 0.S404 18.772 » 0.8428 18.807 " 1.0919 17.882 " 0.8017 13.128 " 1.4276 . 28.944 " VI. — LIQUID MEASURES. In this table the value of every measure is given in United States or Winchester quarts or gallons, in English imperial quarts or gallons, and in litres. The litre is a legal standard in the Ar- gentine Confederation, Belgium, Brazil, Chili, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, and the United States. After January 1, 1876, it will be the standard in Austria. MEASURES. Locality. TJ. S. Measure. English Measure. Litres. 88.1472 gnlle. 41.4395 " 39.5788 " 1.88086 " 4.8695 " 6.62558 " 2.18475 " 3.81279 " 0.1898 " 9.5741 " 9.9528 " 9.6868 " 10.3599 " 9.8935 " 9.0782 " 17.1768 " 10.0000 " 4.100 " 4.26304 " 8.31S58 » 4.268 " 0.5329 " 20.0768 " 20.0000 " 19.2096 " 81.7735 galls. 34.515S " 83.1288 " 1.1517 " 8.6894 " 6.5186 " 1.8197 " 2.7593 " 0.15S9 " 7.9744 " 8.2898 " 7.9434 " 6.6289 " 8.2405 " 7.5572 " 14.8064 " 8.8208 " 8.4141 " 8.5507 " 2.7640 " 8.5507 " 0.4439 " 16.7223 " 16.6416 " 16.0000 " 144.8988 156.8609 a 149.7986 6.2269 16.5899 25.07S8 8.2699 12.5899 0.7184 86.2408 87.6748 u 86.0996 H 89.2153 U 87.4498 U 84.3447 (I 65.0174 ct United States Cuba 87.6523 15.5197 16.1369 12.5615 11 Argentine Confed. 16.1369 Baril 2.0172 75.9966 75.7046 Ionian Islands. . 72.7146 LIQUID MEASURES. 97 MEASURES. Locality. United Ststes Measure. English Measure. Litres. Barile. For wine. . II V " Malta 10.997 gulls. 11.0056 " 11.574 " 15.412 " 17 034 " 12.0444 " 50.0000 " 43.2126 " 81.5000 " 0.27514 " 0.4816 " 0.2067 " 0.3011 " 113.631 " 128.878 " 246.593 " 129.6643 " 129.6643 " 5.499 " 0.36412 " 4.2631 " 9.1505galls. 9.1667 u 9.6402 " 12.8809 " 142295 " 10.0319 " 41.6040 " 86.0000 " 26.2363 " 0.2291 " 0.4011 " 0.1721 " 0.2503 " 94.6451 " 107.8446 " 205.3906 " 108.0000 " 108.0000 " 4.5302 " 0.3038 " 8.5508 " 41.6259 41.6594 u W U 43.8110 u u « 68.3390 u 64.6680 45.5916 Great Britain .... United States 139.2615 163.5725 119.2369 1.0415 1.8226 it 0.7824 u 1.1397 Bota. jfeepipa... 430.1272 437.8416 .. U II 933.4242 Bntt. For wine... 14 "beer Great Britain.... ii i* Malta 490.8199 490.8199 20.8153 1.4788 Central America. 16.1371 Gantaro. "alquiere 0.77156 qts. 257.757 galls. 14S.322 '■ 1 25 u o!l057 qts. 13.385 galls. 0.1382 qts. 1.0567 " 20.7617galls. 1.0658 " 0.5329 qts. 0.2684 galls. 1.9990 " 2.6418 " 0.1057 qts. 0.6003 " 353.86 galls. 14.9525 " 16.9444 " 7.6295 " 16.5753 " 7.9147 " 16.1887 " 1S.1464 " 20.0384 " 77.6494 " 106.7045 " 26.418 " 107.7430 " 52.5150 " 64.5598 " 100.1737 " 7.9254 " 2.2011 qts. 0.6427 qu. 214.6901 galls. 123.9563 " 1.4114 " 0.0830 qts. 11.1486 galls. 0.1109 qts. 0.8302 " 17.2921 galls. 0.8877 " 0.4439 qts. 0.2236 galls. 1.665 " 2.2004 " 0.8302 qts. 0.5000 " 298.9 galls. 12.4583 » 14.1132 " 6.3547 " 13 8062 " 6.5923 " 13.4416 » 15.1144 " 16.6903 " 04.6755 " 88.8756 " 22.004 " 89.7409 " 43.7656 " 53.7729 " 83.4864 " 6.6012 " 1.8333 qts. 0.73059 975.687 563.3356 4.7316 0.0100 50.6662 0.1274 Yen. Lombard}'. . Soman States Central America. . 0.1000 78.5392 4.0344 0.5053 Cuba or tuba. Caddy. See gudda. 1.0159 T.6668 Ionian Islands. . . 10.0000 0.1000 0.5634 1858.4 ii 56.5997 " For wine... 64.1896 28.8799 «. 62.7443 u 29.9595 It 61.0398 It 68.6895 It 75.8513 (I German Empire.. 293.93 403.91 100.00 » 407.84 U 198.9 It 244.88 u 879.187 80.0000 2.0842 98 LIQUID MEASURES. United Stales Measure. English Measure. Fiasco. , Firkin Fluid-drachm.. " ounce . . . Foglietta Frasco Fuder. . Gallon. Beer mens. " Winchester. " Imperial... GUI " "Winchester. . . Glas Gonghau Gudda or cuddy. Guirbeh Hectolitre Beer. . Wine.. Ischiomasse. Itchigau Ittomasse.,.. Jungfru Kan Kande Kanna Kaone., Khoulle Kilderkin Kilolitre Kop K uba or cuba . . Logger. For arrack Litre , Maatje Mass Tascany Great Britain .... United States Eoman States Argentine Gonfed. Mexico. Austria Baden Bremen Brunswick Frankfort Hamburg Hanover Hesse-Cassel Hesse -Darmstadt. Lubeck Prussia Saxony Wiirtemberg United States.... Great Britain United Sta_tes Baden Japan Mocha Egypt France, etc Great Britain... United States... Japan Norway Netherlands .... Denmark Norway. Sweden Austria German Empire. Hamburg Hanover Java Lubeck Saxony Algeria Great Britain... France, etc China Abyssinia Java France, etc Netherlands Austria 2.4089 qtfl. 10.8051 galls, 0.0039 qts. 0.0S125 " 0.4816 " 2.5096 " 2.500 " 478.479 galls. 896.27 " 229.779 " 237.121 " 227.846 " 228.884 »• 248.683 " 251.524 " 253.618 " 287.448 " 217.788 " 240.461 " 465.904 " 1.2251- " 1.0000 " 1.2006' " 0.1501 qt. 0.125 " 0.1585 " 2.2191 galle. 1.9990 " 17.6117 " 26.418 " 64.8324 « 64.8824 " 63.0000 " 4.4382 " 1.7752 qts. 44.3822 gaiu 0.0S64 qta. 1.0567 " 2.0416 " 2.7642 " 2.7656 " 0.7477 " 1.0567 " 1.9074 « 2.0720 " 1.5760 " 1.9787 " 1.2728 " 4.4027 galls. 21.6103 " 264.3 S " 0.0550 qts. 1.0736 » 160.0000 galls. 1.0567 qts. 0.1057 « 1.4954 '• ! 2.0064 qts, 9.0000 galls. 0.1.0325 qts. 0.02603 " 0.4011 2.0908 898.533 Till.. 830 00 U 191.887 " 197.501 II 189.8(H) " 190.641 II 207.095 " 209.499 u 211.238 « 197.768 II 181.899 " 200.284 •I 209.499 11 1.0204 •I 0.8829 1.0000 It II 0.125 qts. 0.1041 0.1820 ii 1.8488 toll,. 1.6C5 " 14.6685 « 22.004 i> 54.0000 •I 54.0000 " 52.4737 ii 8.6967 " 1.4786 qts. 86.9667 gal Is. 0.O720 qts. 0.8S02 1.7005 " 2.3023 ii 2.3035 ii 0.6228 " 0.8802 " 1.5SST " 1.7258 " 1.3127 » 1.64S9 ii 1.0597 it 8.6671 galls. 18.0000 u 220.04 " • 0.0458 qts. 0.8942 ii 133.207 gulls. 0.8302 qts. 0.0380 u 1.2455 " 1 2.2809 40.01C6 0.00 !7 0.0296 0.4560 2.8749 2.3672 1811.19 1500.00 869.78 897.67 860.06 866.89 941.17 952.09 960.00 910.22 1768.58 4.6400 3.7858 4.5435 0.1421 0.1184 0.1500 8.4000 7.5663 66.6655 100 000 245.410 245.410 288.474 16.8000 1.6800 168.4000 0.0818 1.0000 1.9832 2.6174 2.6172 0.7079 1.0000 1.8061 1.9620 1.4914 1.8737 1.2047 16.6655 81.8038 1000.0000 0.0521 1.0166 605.65 1.0000 0.1009 1.4149 LIQUID MEASURES. 99 Mass " For beer. . . 14 Eichmass.. " Neumass... " For wine. . . Mataro. For oil... Metter or mitre.. . . Mezzarnola Mezzetta Millilitre Mini Mingel Mistate Misurella. For oil Muid NCssel Koosfiah or nusflah Oessel Ohm. (Compare ahm.) u " For beer. Oka..'.'.'";!!'.;'.'.'. Oke Ort Oxhoft u Pakha.!!!!!!!!!!! Panilla Parrah Pflff. Pint. Imperial... " Winchester, Pinta Pipa. For wine. . Pipe...'.'..!!!!!!!! Planke'.'.'. !!!!!!'.! Poegel Pot Baden Bavaria Frankfort Hesse-Cassel Hesse-Darmstadt. Wurtemberg. Tripoli Tunis Sardinia Tnscany France, etc Ven. Lombard)-. . Bremen Crete Naples Switzerland Brunswick Hanover Saxony Mocha Hamburg Prussia Baden Bremen Brunswick Frankfort. Hesse-Cassel Hesse-Darmstadt. Prussia Saxony Boumania Crete Lubeck Bremen Brunswick Hamburg Hanover Lubeck Saxony Sumatra Spain Ceylon Austria Great Britain United States — Sardinia. Turin.. Yen. Lombard)' . . Madeira Portugal Great Britain United States Lubeck Denmark Switzerland 1.585 qfe. 1.1296 " 1.8945 " 1.6844 " 2.0969 " 2,1134 " 1.9412 " 6.1 630 galls. 2.6417 " 84.1680 " 0.60212 qla. 0.00106 " 2.6418 e aU.. 0.2131 qta. 2.948 galls. 0.1114 qt«. 89.627 call.. 0.4940 qts. 0.5180 " 0.6362 " 0.999T " 0.4T68 " 0.6049 " 89.627 pills. 88 2965 " 89.5202 " 87.8910 " 46.1838 " 42.26S8 " 86.2928 " 40.0806 " 1.4974 qta. 1.8832 - 0.2475 " 57.4448 galls. 59.2802 » 57.2210 " 62.1598 " 59.3608 " 60.1158 " 0.5314 qti. 0.1327 " 6.T5 galla. 0.1869 qta. 0.6008 " 0.5000 " 1.6586 " 1.0567 " llO.OOOOgalli. 56.8035 " 129.665 126.0000 0.4960 qts. 0.2552 1.0203 1.585 qta 1.820 0.9408 1.5779 " 1.4029 " 1.7465 " 1.7604 " 1.6168 " 5.1338 galls. 2.2008 " 28.4591 " 6015 qti. 0.00088 " 2.2004 galls. 0.1776 qta. 2.4505 galli. 0928 ql.. 83.006 galla, 0.4115 qts. 0.4314 " 0.5549 " 0.8351 " 0.8971 " 0.5088 " 33.006 galls. 31.8969 " 82.917 " 81.560 " 88.425 " 85.2064 « 80.229 " 83.883 " 1.2472 qta. 1.1521 « 0.2061 " 47.8467 galls. 49.8755 " 47 6603 " 51.7785 " 49.4426 " 50.0710 " 0.4S43 qts. 0.1105 " 5.6222 gails. 0.1557 qla. 0.5000 " 0.4164 " 1.3778 " 0.8802 " 91.621 galls. 47.3126 " 108.0000 " 104.9475 " 0.4128 qta. 0.2126 " 0.8502 " 1.320 " 1.5000 1.0696 1.7989 1.5949 1.9855 2 0000 1.SS38 23.32S8 9.9996 129.8366 0.5701 0.0010 10.0000 0.2018 11.1590 0.1055 150.0000 0.46T8 0.4905 0.6024 0.9466 0.4515 0.5728 150.0000 144.9637 149.5958 148.4287 174.6283 160.01100 187.3790 151.717 1.41T9 1.3097 0.2384 227.446 224.394 216.598 285.291 224.698 227.554 0.5600 0.1256 25.5507 0.1770 0.5679 0.4734 1.5658 1.0000 416388 215.018 490.82 476.95 0.468T 0.2416 0.9666 1.5000 100 LIQUID MEASURES. Puncheon . Quart. Beer meas , " Imperial... " Winchester Quarter Quarterone Quartier Quartilho. . Quartillo. . . Quartino , Quarto. For oil.. Quartuccio. Wine Rubbio Runlet Salma Schoppen. . Seidel.. Betier Shing-tsong . . . Sidio Soma " For oil. Stajo. Tor oil. Stop Stiibchen Stutz. . . Tau Tierce. , Tonelada Tiinde. Of beer. , "tar.. Tonne Tun. . Locality. Great Britain-., United States.. .. Great Britain.... United States Norway Roman States Bremen Brunswick Hamburg- Hanover Lubeck Prussia Saxony. Portugal Chili Spain , Sardinia Naples Roman States Tuscany Piedmont United States.... Sicily Frankfort German Empire.. Hesse-Cassel Hesse-Darmstadt Wurtemberg Ceylon Austria. Prague Switzerland China Muscat Roman States.... Tuscany Ven. Xombardy.. Naples Norway Bremen Brunswick. Hamburg. Hanover Lubeck Baden China Great Britain United States Portugal Denmark United Statu Measure. Brunswick Hamburg Hanover Great Britain. United States . qt 129.665 palls. 84.0000 " 1.2251 qts. 1.2006 " 1.0000 " 0.8455 " 5.1904 galU, 0.8524 qt. 0.98S0 " 0.9536 " 1.0360 " 0.9900 ,L 1.209S " 0.51904 " 0.8641 " 11624 " 0.5829 " 0.4134 " 0.6541 » 0.1204 " 0.8011 " 2.4804 galls 18.0000 u 22.0000 " 0.4T36 0.5284 0.5-i42 0.5284 0.4S53 1.2000 0.3T38 0.5044 9.90.37 galls 0.55 qt 0.9824 " 43.886 galls. 19.271 " 26.418 " 2.6163 " 1,8821 qts. 3.4096 " 8.9520 " 8.814T " 4.1439 " 8.9574 " 8.9627 galls. 1.125 48.2216 42.0000 113.607 84 7072 30.624 26.676" 45.7771 41.2646 259.33 252.0000 English Measure. 108.0000 galls. 69.97 • " 1.0204 qt.. 1.0000 » 0.8B29 u 0.2878 » 4.8282 galls. 0.7099 qt. 0.8229 u ' 0.7942 (L 0.8629 « ' 0.8246 11 1.0077 it 04323 U 0.8032 U 0.9632 " 0.4438 u 0.3443 u 0.5448 " 0.1003 K 0.2508 " 2.0659 galls 14.9925 " 18.3242 « 0.3945 qt. 0.4401 0.4306 " 0.4401 " 0.4042 " 0.9995 l - 0.8118 " 0.4201 u 8.2515 galls. 0.4581 qt. 0.7766 u 86.187 galls 16.0511 ** 22.004 " 2.1791 (i 1.1512 qts 2.8399 8.2917 " 8.1773 u 8.4515 it 8.2962 " 8.8006 galls 0.987 " 36.000D u 8.4932 " 94.6252 " 28.91)82 u 25.5072 " 22.2189 u 8S.12S5 II 34.8708 u 216.0000 It 209.895 1. 490.82 817.965 *«t.l600 1.1853 0.9469 0.8271 19.6407 0.8071 0.9855 • 0.9029 0.9810 0.9374 1.1455 ' 0.4914 0.3448 1.1007 0.4946 0.3914 0.0104 0.1140 0.2851 9.8388 63.1341 88.2766 0.4484 0.5000 0.4964 0.5000 0.4595 1.1363 0.8539 0.4776 87.5000 0.5407 0.8S29 164.225 72.9464 100.0000 9.9035 1.8087 8.2285 8.7421 8.6121 8.9323 8.7478 15.0000 4.2585 163.606 153.98 429.993 181.877 115.9209 100.9766 178.279 156.1609 981.641 953.895 DRY MEASURES. 101 MEASURES. Locality. United States Measure. English Measure. Litres. 88.1709 e»!K 0.0624 qt. 26.413 gulls. 8.249 ■>' 8.7i34 " 8.7831 " 1.9143 " 1.S945 " 1.9074 " 2.0719 " 2.0369 " 2.1184 " 1.9787 " O.OIOG qt. 27.62SS gills. 0.05197 qt. 22.004 call-. 2.7061 " 8.1179 " 8.1135 " 1.5949 " 1.5771 " 1.5887 " 1.7257 " 1.7465 " 1.7608 " 1.6431 " 0.0033 qt. 0.0591 Vat. 100.0000 14.1609 14.1498 7.2102 u 7.1712 H 7.2208 U 7.8423 u Hesse-Cassel Hesse-Darmstadt. 7.9874 u 8.0000 « 7.4899 0.0100 VII. — DRY MEASURES.. The Talue of every unit is here given in British or imperial bushels or pecks, United States or " Winchester " bushels or pecks, and litres. For the list of countries in which the litre is recognized, see the note at the head of the Liquid-Measure table : Locality. United States Measure. English Measure. Achtel. i massel.. malter... Adonlie.. Alinude. . Alquiere . Amomam . Ardeb Artaba. . . Bamboo. . Becher. , " or ldcher Bushel. Imperial... " Winchester Caffiso or cofiz. . Cahiz Candaca. . Austria Bavaria Frankfort WQxtemberg. . . Bombay Spain Brazil Portugal. Ceylon Egypt Gondar Massowah Persia Bantam Madagascar Austria ........ Baden Brunswick. Great Britain.. United States. Algeria Tunis..., Spain I Mysure 0.3726 peck 0.8459 peel. 0.8143 peck. 0.7818 " 0.5830 " 1.13512 hu. 1.5847 peck. 5.7757 bush. 2.603 " 0.45 iS peck. 1.8333 " 1.8514 bush, 0.3639 peck 0.2272 « COM4 " 0.0170 " 0.2167 " 1.0315 bush. 1.0000 9.0072 14.0753 19.1897 I 11.18 0.3047 peck. 0.7574 ' 0.5167 1.1004 bush. 1.4873 peck. 5.5993 bosh. 2.5285 0.4446 peck. 1.2926 " 1.7943 bush. 0.8576 peck. 0.2203 ' 0.0527 0.0164 0.2101 1.0000 bush. 0.9694 " 8.7821 " 13.6454 " 18.6087 " 10 79 " T.6368 8.6496 6.8S25 4.6592 39.9965 18.5192 20.9924 91.7196 4.0398 11.7458 65.2361 3 2396 2.0014 0.4792 0.1500 1.9089 36.3460 85.2361 817.88 495.96 676.20 892.18 302 DRY MEASURES. MEASURES. Candy Capicha Carga Cairo Centilitre Chattack Che Liiea Chilo Chinik Chundoo Cohi Collothun Coomb Corba Cuartilla Decalitre Decilitre Djezla Dreisaiger Drlttel Dn'Jmt Ecklein Einine Fanega it it Fanga Fass u Fjerd'ing Fjerdingkar. .. Fortin Gantang Garce u Garnctz Gombetta... . Gonghau Grosses massel Halvotting.... Hectolitre Hirat it Isc'hioniiLssc.. . Itckigau Ittomass6 Kaddah Eahoon Kanna Locality. Bombay Persia Crete Naples France, etc Bengal Persia Ionian Isles Turkey Ceylon Siam Persia Great Britain Bologna, Central America. . France, etc Zanzibar Bavaria Hanover Lubeck Wiirtemberg. Switzerland Argentine Confed. Central America. . Chili Cuba Mexico Spain Uruguay Lisbon Oporto Hamburg... Liibeck Norway Denmark... Turkey Borneo Madras Pondicherry Russia Genoa Japan Austria.. .... Denmark . . . France, etc.. Brnnswick. . Hamburg... Hanover.... Hesse- Japan.. .. u Egypt. . Bengal . Norway, Sweden. United States English Litres. Measure. Measure. 25.00 bush. 24.2850 bush. 880.9 2.9632 peck. 2.8716 peck. 26.1292 488811 bu. 4.1911 busb. 152.829 56.3258 " 61.6057 " 1984.7 0.03135 pk. 0.0011 peck. 0.0100 0015 " 0.0014 " 0182 0.14812 " 0.1486 " 1.8048 1.0315 bosh. 1.0000 bush. 86.3460 1.00075 pk. 0.9702 peck. 8.8156 0.03125 " 0.0307 " 0.2758 18.3848 bush. 12.9760 bush. 471.162 0.9257 peck. 0.8974 peck. 8.1545 4.1260 bush. 4.0000 bush. 145.884 2.282 " 2.1541 " 78.6847 1.5745 peck. 1 5264 peck. 13.8698 1.1352 " 1.1005 " 10.0000 0.0IS5 " 0.0110 " 0.1000 7.805 bush. T.08l9busb. 257.4 0.1316 peck. 0.1276 peck. 1.1598 1.1790 " 1.1480 " 10.«S58 12.1164 bush. 11.7464 bush. 426.98 0.0078 peck. 0.00.5 peck. 0.0687 0.1703 " 0.1651 " 1.5000 3.8936 bush. 8.7747 busb. 187.19 1.5745 " 1.5264 " 55.479 2.575 " 2.4963 " 90.788 8.1287 " 8.0268 " 110.067 1.55 " 1.5026 " 54.6159 1.599 " 1.5502 " 56.8425 7.776 " 7.5885 " 274.0 1.534T " 1.4878 bush. 54.0768 1.9874 " 1.8782 " 62.2668 1.4941 " 1.4484 " 52.6162 1.0097 peck. 0.9778 peck. 8.8944 2.0786 " 2.0151 " 18.8104 0.9869 " 0.9567 " 8.6936 4.0080 bush. 8.8807 busb. 141.05 2.9513 peck. 2.8612 peck. 25.998 189.535 bull. 185.274 bush. 4916.66 103.967 " 100.792 " 8663.39 0.3923 peck. 0.3803 peck. 8.4553 14274 " 1.8838 " 12.5789 0.9547 " 0.9256 " 8.4000 0.2181 " 0.2114 " 1.9212 0.2467 " 0.2892 " 2.1782 2.838 busb. 2.7512 busb. 100.0000 3.4669 peck. 8.3610 peck. 80.5399 2.9881 " 2.S963 " 26.8222 8.5371 " 3.4291 " 81.1588 4.5615 " 4.4222 " ■ 40.1822 1.9095 •' 1.8512 " 16.8000 0.1909 " 0.1851 " 1.6600 4.7788 bmb. 4.62S0bush. 168.00 0.2169 peck. 0.2103 peck. 1.9104 42.44 busb. 41.144 busb. 1495.42 0.2969 peck. 0.2878 peck. 2.6154 2.9712 " 2.8804 " 26.1719 DRY MEASURES. 103 Kele Kella. See mecmeda Kerat Kharroubah Khoonke Kilo Kilolitre, or stere . Kleines massel. . . Koolah Kop Koyang. . Kumpf.. Last Lastre Litre Maatje Madega Masschen . Malouah . Malter... Maquia. . Marcal... Massel or achtel. Mc-iinno . Medio Motze Mina. . Locality. Egypt. . Mocha. . Egypt.. Bengal Ronmania Turkey France, etc... Austria Sumatra. China Netherlands... Bantam Batavia The Moluccas. Hesse-Darmstadt Bremen Great Britain Hamburg Hanover. Lubeck Netherlands....... Prussia Argentine Gonfed. France, etc Netherlands Abyssinia Frankfort Hesse-Cassel Hesse-Darmstadt. Prussia Saxony Baden Bavaria..-. Wiirtemberg . Egypt Baden Frankfort Hanover Hesse-Darmstadt. Prussia Saxony Portugal Madras Masulipatan Bavaria Prague Cyprus Spain Austria Bavaria Frankfort Hesse-Cassel Hungary Prussia Saxony Parma United States Measure. 0.8685 peek 0.0068 " 0.0186 " 0.0078 " 12.345 bosh, 1.00OT5 " 28.38 " 0.1090 peck. 0.4692 " 0.008T " 0.1185 " 147.566 bash. 62.482 " 55.8371 " 0.9082 peck. 84.0779 bush. 82.5200 " 89.6488 » 84.8894 " 96.9312 " 85.14 " 112.2917 " 58.4040 " 0.1135 pock. 0.0118 « 0.0459 " 0.0509 " 0.2876 " 0.0567 " 0.0975 " 0.1S43 " 0.1708 " 0.2682 " 0.1572 " 0.4887 « 4.2570 bash. 8.25626 " 5.30559 " 3.6326 " 18.7164 " 85.3S20 » 0.0959 peck. 1.85936 " 1.612 " 0.5264 " 0.6640 " 2.1312 bush. 0.2664 peck. 1.7451 bush. 4.2067 peck. 1.6281 " 1.1500 " 1.7735 bush. 0.3899 peck. 0.7371 " 0.6670 bush. English 0.8419 peck, 0.0066 " 0.0132 " 0.0071 " 11.963 bush 0.9702 " 27.5121 " 0.1057 peck 0.4548 " 0.0084 " 0.1105 " 143.059 bush. 60.525 " 53.647 " 0.8S04peok. 81.5103 bush. 80.0000 " 86.9057 " 82.2970 " 98.9710 " 82.54 " 108.8624 " 56.6204 " 0.1105 peck. 0.0110 " O.0445 " 0.0493 " 0.27S8 " 0.0550 " 0.0945 " 0.1786 " 0.1651 " 0.2551 " 0.1524 " 0.4204 « 4.1268 bnsh. 8.1568 " 5.1434 " 8.5216 " 18.1448 " 34.3050 " 0.0929 peck. 1.8178 " 1.5628 " 5108 " 0.6437 " 2.0661 bush. 0.2534 peck. 1.6913 busb. 4.0782 peck. 1.5784 " 1.1149 " 1.7193 bnsh. 0.3779 peck, 0.7146 " 0.6466 bush 7.6506 0.0599 0.1198 0.0643 434.98 85.2624 1000.00 0.9602 4.1332 0.0766 1.00 5199.64 2199.85 1949.86 8.00 2962.57 2907.68 3153.63 .17 8415.46 8000.00 3956.72 2057.92 1.0000 0.1000 0.4043 0.4434 2.5335 0.50 JO 0.8539 1.6235 1 .5000 2.3185 1.S84S 8.3205 150.0000 114.787S 186.943 128.000 659.492 1246.7 0.8448 11.9749 14.2001 4.6371 5.8492 75.0951 2.3467 61.4904 87.0568 14.3419 10.1304 62.4912 8.4346 6.4931 23.5025 104 DRY MEASURES. Mina. . Minot. Old measure Mism-a Moggio Moio Mudde Mudi Muhd Miiller-massel . . Muth Ochavillo Olluck Orbah..... Ort Osmina Ottingkar. Ouebeh " or neba .... Outava Paiak Pallie Parah " or chunam.. . . P eck. Im perial .... " "Winchester. Puddy Quarta Quarter Quarterolo Quarterone Quarticino Quartillo Quarto Quartuccio Quateron Bacion Kaik Roubouh or rob Rubbio Baa.... !.'.'.'.".'.'.' Sacoo Balma " generate. . " grosso.. . . Sat Scheepston Bcheffol Locality. Sardinia.... Turin Tuscany. Ten. Looibardy. Lower Canada. . . Naples Tuscany Portugal Netherlands Mangalore Morocco Austria United States Spain Madras... Tripoli Norway Russia. Denmark Egypt...* Tripoli Portugal.. :..-.. Russia Bengal Bombay Madras * Great Britain.. United States. Madras Borne Great Britain . Norway... Parma. ....... Bologna Spain Genoa Portugal Borne Switzerland . Spain Bengal Egypt Ancona Borne Algeria Modena Turin Tuscany Malta Sicily Siam Netherlands. . Bavaria Bremen Brunswick.. 8.4257 bush. 0.6627 1.6590 peck. 1.1352 " 1.1111 bull. 0.2607 peck. 16.5904 bush. 28.0202 " 2.838 " 1.3019 " 5.1840 " 0.4362 peel. 52.3536 bush. 0.0084 peck. 0.0217 " 0.7613 " 0.0088 " 2.97-4 bush. 0.9869 peck. 1.4020 " 8.0452 bush. 0.1918 peck. 1.4892 bush. 0.4676 peck, 8.125 bush, 1.7442 " 1.0315 peck, 1.0000 " 0.1744 " 2.0887 btnli. 8.2520 " 0.0389 peck. 0.3335 " 1.1160 « 0.2790 " 0.1 882 " 1.7129 " 0.3886 " 0.3798 " 1.7028 " 0.08SS '.' 0.1169 ■» 0.4339 " 7974 buth, 8.855 " 1.8621 " 8.9956 " 3.2635 " 2.0788 " 8.224 " T.8 " 10.0 " 0.3346 peck, 28.38 bosh, 6.81002 " 2.10195 " 8.6072 " English Measure. 8.8211 bosh. 0.632S " 1.6083 peck. 1.11105 " 1.0772bosb. 0.2527 peck. 16.0887 bush. 22.8172 " 2.7512 " 1.2621 " 5.0257 " 0.4229 peck. 50.7548 bush. 0.0081 pock. 0.0210 " 0.7881 " 0.0090 " 2.8874 bush. 0.9567 pock. 1.8592 » 2.9522 bush. 0.1859 peck. 1.4437 bush. 0.4588 peck. 8.0295 bush. 1.6909 " 1.0000 peck. 0.9694 " 01691 " 2.0249 bush. 8.0000 " 0.0877 peck. 0.8283 " 1.0819 " 0.2704 " 0.1291 " 1.0606 " 0.3719 " 0.8682 " 1.6504 " 0.0828 " 0.1188 " 04206 " 7.7805 " 8.0998 " 1.8205 " 8.8786 » 8.1638 bush. 2.0104 " 7.9728 " 7.5618 " 9.6946 " 0.8244 peck, 27.5121 bush. 6.1178 " 2.087T " 8.4025 " 120.703 22.9986 14.6141 10.0000 89.1503 2.2965 584.58 811.141 100.000 45.874 182.663 8.8425 1844.78 0.0740 0.1912 6.7063 0.0819 104.95 8.6986 12.8502 107.80 1.6896 52.4785 4.1191 110.118 51.4515 9.0865 8.8090 1.5868 78.5976 290.8 0.3427 2.937S 9.8308 2.4577 1.1784 15.0889 8.8791 8.3457 15.0000 0.2983 1.0298 8.8222 280.972 294.897 47.9950 140.789 114.992 78.0725 289.781 274.841 853.26 2.9475 1000.00 222.84 74.0645 305.3'JS DRY MEASURES. 105 MEASURES. Locality. United States Measure. ' English Measure. Litres. German Empire.. 1.4190 bush. 2.9881 " 2 3 u l!o097 " 1.1213 ". 1.5537 " 2.9485 " 5.0292 " 1.1352 peck. 0.0127 " 1.5191 " 0.8140 " 3.4716 bosb. 0.0554 peck. 1.7028 " 1.3385 " 0.0370 " 3.6297 " 8.2568 « 8.6326 " 2.5146 " 1.9788 " 2.3378 bmb. 2.8860 " 2.078C " 0.5255 peck. 0.7470 " 1.1169 braA. 1.9978 " 1.3387 " 1.0878 " 0.6915 " 2.0888 peck. 0.1656 " 2.65618 bo. 2.2518 peck. 0.S708 " 2.9784 " 0.7446 " 5.9521 boab. 3.0452 peck. 8.9477 bosh. 1.5646 " 29.2020 " 4.0388 " 4.. 572 " 8.0452 " 0.6S44peck. 1.7451 " 2.1CS3 " 2.1019 " 2.6562 " 1.5697 " 2.9485 " 0.6284 " 0.0019 " 41.260 bosh 1.8756 bosb. 2.8968 " 2.2297 " 0.9788 " 1.0S71 " 1.5121 " 2.65S4 " 4.8756 • 1.1005 peck. 0.0123 " 1.4727 " 0.7691 " 8.3656 bmb. 0.0537 peck. 1.6504 " 1.2975 " 0.0358 " 8.4219 " 8.1568 " 8.5216 " 2.4378 " 1.9185 " 2.2664 bosh. 2.7512 " 2.0151 " 0.5094 peck. 0.7242 » 1.0817 bosb. 1.9868 " 1.2929 " 1.0546 " 0.6704 " 2.0250 peck. 0.1508 *■ 2.5751 boab. 2.1880 peck. 0.8442 " 2.8874 " 0.T219 " 5.7703 " 2.9528 " 8.8271 bosb. 1.5163 " 28.8102 " 8.9154 " 4.0302 " 2.9522 " 0.8574 peck 1.6918 " 2.0891 " 2.0877 " 2.5751 " 1.5121 " 2.S5S4 " 0.6092 " 0.0018 " 40.0000 bosb 50.0000 105.2808 81.-25 " . for wheat.. 86.5778 89.5102 i. 64.9577 ii 108.8685 11 Frankfort 117.2098 10.00 0.1119 13.8817 Frankfort 7.1705 122.3256 Seidcl 0.4680 15.0000 11.7903 0.3259 31.0931 Frankfort.. Hesse-Darmstadt. 28.6847 u 32.0000 22.1611 17.3672 82.3749 Yen. Lombard}'.. Norway 100.0000 Span 78.2419 4.6291 6.6308 Btajo '.". 89.3164 70.3946 ii 46.9944 it Turin 8S.3288 ii 24.3658 Starello 18.4002 Stop 1.8707 Strich 93.5905 19.8371 7.6709 26.2367 6.5592 ii 2C9.728 26.82E2 TGnde Argentine Confed. 139.098 55.1308 1029.3 142.512 140.448 107.801 7.7907 Viertel. 15.3724 18.5280 u 16.5156 II 23.3985 II 13.7894 u 25.9783 II Great Britain... 5.5356 0.0167 Wey. 1458.84 106 WEIGHTS. MEASURES. Locality. United States Measure. English Measure. Litres. 84.6638 bail. 29.8811 " 42.4447 " 28.0746 " 70.7641) " 42.5700 " 83.6101 bush. 28.91)86 " 41.1485 " 27.2172 " 68.4328 " 41.2632 " 1221.59 1052.89 1495.59 w 989.i2 (i 2493.45 1590.00 VIII. — WEIGHTS. In this table the value of every weight is given in English or American avoirdupois, and in metric grammes. Each value in grammes may be converted into pfunds of the German Zollverein by dividing by 500. The gramme and its derivatives are legal standards in the Argentine Confederation, Belgium, Brazil, Chili, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mex- ico, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United States. After Janu- ary 1, 1876, the metric system will be the legal system in Austria. Locality. Avoirdupois. Accino . . . Adarme . . Aguirage. Akey Anna. .... Arratel. . . Arroba. As. Bahar. See also candy. . At Bet-el-faki. . " Jidda " Mocha Ordinary For pepper Naples . Spain. . . Guinea.. Bengal Brazil Portugal Argentine Gonfed, Brazil Bolivia Central America. Mexico Portugal "V enezuela.. Norway Baden 0.69 27.78 62.04 20.08 14.04 1.0119 1.0119 25.8175 82.8792 25.8536 26.0750 25.3645 82.8795 25.4024 25.3595 0.74 0.77 gram, 0.044T 1.8001 4.0202 1.2979 0.9098 459.00 459.00 11441.8 14687.4 11500.4 11827.7 11505.4 14687.4 11522.6 11503.1 0.0479 O.05O0 Amboyna, . Arabia Bantam . 597 607 8x5.625 188.003 450.000 396 000 406.780 lbs. 271076. 86U970. 87018. 204121. 179627. 184517. WEIGHTS. 107 MEASURES. Locality. Avoirdupois. Graumies. 610.170 lbs. 276776. 12.6816 " 17.0022 6.8408 276.41 84.226 " 2.2689 oz. 1.1344 " 360.6764 lbs. 68.8760 " 1.9017 oz. 183.000 lbs. 83.500 1.3775 " 428.5 1577.140 500.000 " 560.000 " 600.000 496.000 " 500.000 " 695.500 405.000 " 525.000 " 4e5.500 " 588.040 " 840.160 5750. S 7712.2 u 2876.2 u 125880. 16526. 64.8288 82.1605 163608 Binli 31242. Philippine Isles . . 58.9186 60829. 87876. Can 624. S3R 192101. Ahmednuggur... 715395. 226S01. u 254018. it 226801. it 224538. u 226801. u 315481 . « 188709. u 238142. M 220» 20 2 8 4 2H 4 6 4 6K 1 1^ 8 2* 110X 1 8 11? 4 6' T 105 6 8 4 \% 2H* 3 8 2 ny 11 IX 9 i% 4 8K 1.7066 27.6917 1.1109 2.7764 rk Italy 0.8000 0.8000 1.0000 1.5188 2.2615 it 4.4962 6.63S3 29.4508 Pa 8.9370 0.8000 Pe I (I u 1 i; it Argentine Gonfed. 4.1450 4.0000 Central America. Chili 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.8801 PI 4.1450 8.2481 0.2052 Bi s 8.4558 8000 0.3291 0.1790 Tnnis Great Britain 0.5330 20.1726 2.2615 4.2829 5.6626 1.1023 0.2756 0.7779 0.4622 0.2438 0.9650 1.0926 1.9102 1.6100 1.0089 0.7204 0.791a 0.7204 2.7155 2.2437 1.0400 4.5691 K ryks mint u 1.1423 8.2646 Ei 80 & St Til 1.9100 Great Britain 1.0085 1 4.0000 4 5289 7.9179 6.6735 4.1612 8.0000 4.U796 Ti T< T u Vereins Ha Germany Turkestan 8.0000 11.2560 9.8008 4.8108 THE E ND APPLETONS' SCHOOL READERS, WM. T. HARRIS, LL. D., Sup't of Schools, St. Louis, Ho. A. J. RICKOFF, A. M., Sup't of Instruction, Cleveland, Ohio. MARK BAILEY, A. M., Instructor in Elocution, Tale College. CONSISTING OF FIVE BOOKS, SDPEEBLT ILLUSTEATED. Appletons' First Reader. Child's Quarto. 90 pages. Id the First Reader the combined word and phonic methods arc ad- mirably developed and carefully graded. 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The selection of " comparatively common words," yet such as are easily and usually misspelled, numbering about five hundred, given at the close, is a feature of very great practical value, and answers beyond cavil the question sometimes asked, " Ought not a speller to accompany or precede the series ? " JsEE KEXT PAGE.] APPLETONS 1 SCHOOL READERS.— (Continued.) Introductory Fourth. Reader. By William T. Habkis, A. M, IX. D., and Andrew J. Rickoff, A. M. 12mo. Designed for those pupils who have finished the Third Header, and are yet too young or too immature to take up the Fourth. Appletons' Fourth. Reader. VI mo. 248 pages. It is here that the student enters the domain of literature proper, and makes the atquaintance of the standard writers of " English undefiled " in their best style. Having received adequate preparation in the previous books, he is now able to appreciate as well as to assimilate the higher classics now before him. 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