4+X CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Date Due APR 161! RR OCT m rT 8 54 ^iWHrriOTIP H^V-tS7-^^e-^CTf;^gr^' MA^J i^^ .H^Y 2:,^ Cornell University Library HX86 .C24 A capitalist's view of socialism api i olin 3 1924 030 332 294 The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924030332294 A CAPITALIST'S VIEW OF SOCIALISM A CAPITALIST'S VIEW ' OF SOCIALISM the author of "from boyhood to manhood" WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY BENJAMIN PAUL BLOOD NEW YORK PARKE, AUSTIN & LIPSCOMB, Inc. MCMXVI f\%\1^%0 Copyright, 1916, by PARKE, AUSTIN & LIPSCOMB, Inc. ,i;ii''iM