^^ V"! tet6 (KXib Sour S^^uBtratione* OLonbon : Bemrose & Sons, Limited, 23, Old Bailey ; AND Derby. i8q7. H 5 i ^ ConttniB^ PAGE. INTRODUCTORY CHAPTERS— Chapter I. — Historicai, Sketch up to the Dissolution OF the Monasteries ix Chapter II. — The Sixteenth and Seventeeth Centuries xx Chapter III. — The Parish xxxviii Chapter IV. — The Registers and their Story . . . . liii the register of hawkshead, 1568-1704 i appendix- Burials IN Woolen 395 index of names 407 illustrations- Archbishop Sandys Frontispiece. Hawkshead Hall To face p. xiii View of the Town To face p. xxxviii George Black (a portrait) To face /. liij 1f>ttf(XCU IN 1 89 1 the Editor first projected the transcription of the earHest Register Book of Hawkshead ; but, owing to a variety of reasons, it had to be abandoned for a time. In 1893, however, he was enabled to commence work, and a verbatim and literatim transcript was proceeded with as quickly as possible, until in October, 1895, the manuscript was placed in the hands of the publishers and circulars sent out. Owing no doubt to the rural character of the district, subscribers' names came in but slowly, so that it was not until the commencement of this year that the editor and publishers considered that they were justified in sending the work to press. From those whose names appear in the list of subscribers, the editor feels that he should ask pardon for the delay (unavoidable though it was) in the publication of the present volume. Though the labour of transcription and proof reading of such a work is by no means light, the editor does not despair of one day issuing the other Register Books of Hawkshead, down to the end of the eighteenth century. These are 1. From Baptisms, 1705, to Baptisms, 1787. 2. From Births and Baptisms, Dec. 9th, 1787, to Death and Burials, 1802. 3. Marriages, 1754 to 1790. 4. Marriages, 1790 to 181 2. That these later registers are well worthy of publication may be seen by the following extract, which shows the large amount of information occasionally gathered into a single entry. viii PREFACE. Christenings 1778. " George son of Robert Robinson of Great boat Ferryman son of Thos Robinson of Bownes Taylor by Marg' his wife Daughter of Geo Dawson Millner The mothers name Jenet Daughf of Matthew Baisbrown weaver at Bowness By Margaret Daughter of John Gibson Born Octo"" ye 21st Baptised ye ist of Nov." The Editor cannot conclude without acknowledging his gratitude to the Vicar of the Parish, the Rev. E. W. Oak, who not only took much interest in the work, but afforded every facility in his power towards its accomplishment. He cannot help also congratulating himself on having placed his work in the hands of his present Publishers, for it is unques- tionably the case that without their spirited co-operation the work might have been longer, and perhaps indefinitely, delayed. H. S. COWPER. Hawkshead, July, 1897. I. HISTORICAL SKETCH. 1. Zo tbe 2>i66olution of tbe flDonaetericB. ONE day probably in the ninth or tenth centuries, there came over the fells from the sea a wild Norse sea-rover, who, with his companions, tall fellows with floating yellow hair and skins brown from the sea, cut themselves a road through the valley at the head of our lake, now called Esthwaite Water, cleared themselves a broad " thwaite " at the foot of the fells, and there built a long, rambling tenement of timber, and a great hall of the same make with dab and wattle. Then he christened it Haukr-setr, '■' the habitation and farm of the bold Viking Haukr. Thus sprang to life our Hawkshead. Probably he came from Man, then a strong settlement of these Norsemen, and perhaps landed at Hammerside or Hilpsford on Walney, places whose names bear evidence of his fellow countrymen ; but with this we have nothing to do here. What we must note, though, is this, that although the home of Haukr was destined eventually to give its name to a parish thirteen miles long and six miles wide, this was but an accident, for many another Norseman took up land and settled it within the same district, and their names can with great probability be traced in the less important place names * Or Haukr = sida, or possibly as Mr. Collingwood has suggested, Hakonar- setr, preserved it may be in the old form of the place name Haukenshead. X HISTORICAL SKETCH. of the parish. It is especially necessary that we should understand what a part this Norse settlement (unrecorded in history, yet none the less certain) played in the formation of the character of the inhabitants of the district : that is, of those whose names are recorded in the Register books of the Parish of Hawkshead. Originated thus, we have to wait a long while before we get any direct evidence in any form about the place : not that this is of consequence at present, for in this sketch we only attempt to indicate the progress of Hawkshead as a unit of population ; and though we have pointed out that Hawkshead originated in the ninth or tenth century in a Norseman's farm, it does not follow that it developed into anything much more important for some time to come. The name does not occur in Doomsday, but it would certainly be rash to conclude from this that the place was too insignificant for notice ; for the surveyors stopped short at the Fells altogether, believing, probably, that such a rugged country must be destitute of corn-lands to be surveyed, if not, indeed, of inhabitants ; yet we know that the length and breadth of the present parish was occupied by a Norse-speaking people, even though sparsely, for a large proportion of the place- names bear witness to this. Probably Haukrset had begun to grow in a sort of way, for the old Northern pirate's family would have increased, scrub and forest round the lake head would have been felled, and the younger branches of the family finding that better land was not easily to be got in the vicinity, would build their new " Sets " close to their grandsire's older house, and so in this primitive timber-built hamlet began the growth of Hawkshead. It should be borne in mind, however, that this was not the only place within the limits of our present parish where this was going on : and we must guard against imagining Haukrset at this early period to have been the only place of habitation, because it eventually gave name to a parish — for this was only an accident. Rus- land (the land of Rollo or Rolf), Finsthwaite (Finni's clearing), Bouth, Arnside (Arneset), Haverthwaite (oat lands HISTORICAL SKETCH. xi clearing), Nibthwaite, * Satterthwaite (Setrthwaite), Grise- dale, t Skelwith fold, :J: Sawrey, Oxenpark, Hawkshead hill, and Outgate, are all places of the same character, and no doubt of similar origin ; but, owing to its situation, Hawkshead grew into a market town, and gave name to a manor and parish ; while the other hamlets remained clusters of farms — in origin the homes of the first settlers and their progeny, and even in some cases until quite recent times almost entirely owned and occupied respectively by people bearing one family name. So much for the origin of Hawkshead as a centre of population. Let us now turn our attention to it as an ecclesiastical division. In 1 127 Furness Abbey was founded by Stephen, Count of Bologne and Moreton, who endowed it with the Lordship of Furness, which had belonged to Roger of Poictou prior to his banishment. In consequence of the vague wording of the foundation charter, in which no boundaries were mentioned, nor even High Furness alluded to, it was not long before diputes arose between the Abbot and William de Lancaster, first Baron of Kendal, as to the delimitation of Furness Fells (Montanse de Fourneis) and the adjacent Barony. The decision eventually arrived at determined the boundaries of Hawkshead Parish and Manor. The dispute was settled by a reference to thirty sworn men, and their decision, afterwards ratified by a Royal Charter of Henry II., can be seen in the coucher book of Furness Abbey. In this confirmation it is stated first that the mountains of Furness are divided from Kendal by the boundary line. " From where the water descends from Wrynose into Little Langdale, and thence to Elterwater, and from there by Brathay into Windermere, and so by Windermere as far as the Leven, and so by the Leven even to the sea." The country between this line and the Duddon was the disputed territory. * The new burgh thwait. f The wild pigs' dale. X The shed's wood. xii HISTORICAL SKETCH. The Abbot then drew a division line from North to South. "From Elterwater by the valley to Tilberthwaite, and from there by Yewdale beck to Coniston, and thence to the head of Thurston water, and by the bank of the same water as far as the Crake, and thence to the Leven." * The Abbot drew the line, so the Baron chose. He elected as his share the part which joined the Abbot's line on the west, i.e., the Coniston and Duddon side, to hold from the Abbot by a yearly rent of 20S., and it was arranged that the Baron's son was to do homage to the Abbot. The east division, forming the present parishes of Hawkshead and Colton, was to be the Abbot's, except only the sporting rights, which the Baron reserved.! It appears, then, that the Abbot's share constitutes Furness Fells proper {i.e., the Fells belonging to Furness Abbey), and that to apply the term to the Coniston and Torver Fells is not, strictly speaking, correct. About the beginning of the thirteenth century we first hear of the Chapelry of Hawkshead. It appears that the Arch- deacon of Richmond gave leave to the Abbot of Furness to celebrate mass with wax candles at their private altars when the country was lying under a Papal interdict ; and for this purpose he assigned the Chapelry of Hawkshead with one bovate of land, and four tofts in Dalton : in other words, the revenues of the chapelry were to be applied to the purposes of the Abbey ritual.+ This was most probably the interdict in the reign of King John in the year 1208. 'Now interdicts varied in severity, but even in the less severe ones all masses * This agreement is embodied in several deeds in the Furness coucher book, from which the above extracts are Englished, and the spelling of the place-names modernized. This spelling varies much in the different deeds, but is of interest as a guide to the original meaning of these place-names. + A generation later these hunting rights were given up by Gilbert, son of Roger Fitz Reinfred who had married the Baron's heir, in exchange for holdings in Ulverston. + There is a great deal of difficulty about dating this transaction exactly, owing to an apparent contradiction in the documents in the coucher book. It is discussed in Mr. Atkinson's excellent edition (Chetham Society, vol. xiv., p. 646). It is sufficient here to state that the date must be between 1 198 and 1208, HISTORICAL SKETCH. xiii were forbidden except on great festivals. But in this par- ticular case we find a curious piece of local evidence bearing on this grant of Hawkshead chapel to the monks. First, by the determination of the suit between the Abbot and the Baron of Kendal their boundary was settled ; and then the chapelry (how old at that time we cannot guess) had fallen into their hands : and accordingly, as, we may conclude, they would be forced into inactivity to some extent by the interdict, they took the opportunity of erecting their manor house of Hawkshead Hall, where a few monks and lay brethren could reside to attend to both the spiritual and civil business of Furness Fells. In support of this we find in the old Court House at Hawkshead Hall some architectural work of characteristic thirteen century style.* Soon after this (1219-20) we come to some important documents in the coucher book bearing on the consecration of a burial ground at Hawkshead. It would appear from these, first, that the population was rapidly increasing ; and secondly, that the chapel had already existed for some time — long enough, as Dr. Whitaker remarks, for its rights and dependencies to call for the testimony of ancient clerks and laymen, and thirdly, that although the chapelry was immediately dependent on the mother church of Dalton, there was also some claim on it by Ulverston. In the first place the inhabitants seem to have com- plained, and with good reason, of the necessity of removing their dead from Furness Fells to Dalton, a distance of about twenty miles. On this it appears the Abbot attempted to separate the chapelry from Dalton, probably with the intention of attaching it independently to the Monastery. But this elicited opposition from the Vicars of Urswick and Dalton, and an appeal was then made to the Papal Court. The Pope in reply issued a commission appointing the Priors of St. Bees, Lancaster, and Cartmel, to enquire into the merits of * See the Editor's paper on Hawkshead Hall in vol. xi. of the " Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society." xiv HISTORICAL SKETCH. the case, and to adjudicate. In their decision they state that the Abbot and monks had sufficiently proved by witnesses and deeds that Hawkshead Chapel should be free, and is separate (that is, at a distance) from Dalton Church ; and that the Vicar of Dalton had renounced his appeal in order that a burial-ground might be formed at Hawkshead. This amounted to a verdict in favour of the Abbot. Yet in spite of this, it does not appear that a formal division was made, for as late as the Dissolution we find in the certificate of Revenues of Furness Abbey the Chapelry of Hawkshead styled " parcell of the personage of Dalton." At the same time we find the Parson of Ulverston abandoning a claim which he had before upheld, on the Chapelry, but which was proved on the testimony of " ancient clerks and laymen " to have been entirely without foundation. Yet for some reason the document chronicling this ends — " Yet the aforesaid Robert shall hold the chapel of Hoxet from the Church and Parson of Dalton, fully and quietly in all things, except bodies {i.e., funerals) which belong to Dalton, all his life by the acknowledgment of half a pound of incense at the feast of St Michael." After the details of this ecclesiastical wrangle, we find that a bull of privilege was issued by the same Pope for a cemetery and chaplain " for our Chapel of Hawkshead." It will be useful to take a glance at the condition of Furness Fells under Monastic rule. Hawkshead, a chapelry of some age, as we have seen, as early as the beginning of the thirteenth century, and dignified about the same time with a manor place, was the capital, and no doubt it pre- sented in the fourteenth century a fair type of a feudal village. The tenants were at first villeins, serfs, for the most part, though emancipated at a later date by indulgence of the Abbots. Can we picture to ourselves the little grey hamlet of cottars' huts, all jumbled and tumbled together (more so even than to-day), mostly one-storied, and one or two-roomed, half of stone, half of roughly chopped timber, and roofed most likely with ling and rushes rather than with HISTORICAL SKETCH. xv slate : on the hill above, the chapel, then not very old, as large in area as to-day, but low roofed, and dark inside ? * Above all, can we call up to mind the grim gibbet (true emblem of medisevalism) standing out black and clear on the hill half way between the town and hall, which still men call Gallowbarrow. South of the town, and extending some distance along the margin of Esthwaite lake, lay the com- mon fields, which the tenants were bound to till for the Abbey, and the grain from which would be carried to be ground at the manor mill at the hall. These fields would originally be divided into narrow parallel strips of an acre each, divided by unploughed divisions or balks. But these divisions have long since disappeared, the holdings have been amalgamated, and the name of Hawkshead Field, and the parallelism of stone fences, are all that remains to tell of this ancient form of agriculture. But the inhabitants of this hilly country were no doubt always, as at the present day, shepherds rather than agricul- turists. The corn lands round the vill were scanty — sufficient indeed for their own wants in good years, but liable no doubt to give short supplies in bad seasons. They would occupy the original thwaites or clearings made by the first Norse settler, but they would extend farther in all directions. The slopes of the hill sides were still covered with ancient woods, but the fell tops were clear, and hither the tenants drove their flocks of herdwick sheep. It was the face of the country that dictated the sites of our picturesque fell side homesteads, for the population of high Furness has never — and will never — draw together into centres of any size for this reason. Villeins as they were, bound down in a servile tenure, and fettered to drudgery and labour, the life of the dalesman in these early days was, as compared with that of the tenant of a midland manor, probably much superior. Fresh and sweet air * I venture to adhere to the old opinion, which of late years has been questioned, that the columns and arches at Hawkshead are of early date, and part of the original church. This, however, is not the place to discuss the arguments for and against. xvi HISTORICAL SKETCH. he always breathed, and his diet of mountain mutton, cheese, milk, oat bread, and porridge, was a diet from which a race of giants ought to spring. But there were other industries and occupations which employed the inhabitants of the parish besides agriculture and herding. In Stephen's original charter of foundation Furness is mentioned as a forest, and this in all likelihood applied especially to the high ground, for in Furness Fells many of the valleys are still thickly grown with coppice : and it was this growth that led to a special industry. At what period the smelting of iron began in Furness is unknown, but from the numerous traces of smelting forges {bloonieries) still to be found in High Furness, it is probable that the industry had an early origin. Mounds of scoriae are numerous, and place-names often reveal a site when no other evidence is to be found. Very probably they are of different date, and some may be of remote antiquity, but at any rate the industry was one of the sources of revenue to the Abbot of Furness. It appears that the ore, mined in Low Furness, was conveyed to the Fells, because the plentiful supply of wood fuel made it worth while. The method of transport would be partly by pack-horses and partly by the great water- ways of Coniston and Windermere. After the Dissolution of the Monasteries these forges were suppressed at the request of the inhabitants, as they were so destructive to their woods, the croppings of which were required for cattle. Another important industry during the days of the Abbey must have been the fisheries. These consisted at one time of Windermere and Thurston water (Coniston), Esthwaite water and Blelham Tarn ; * and the Priest's Pot, at the head of Esthwaite, was no doubt a private fishpond for the hall. The right to have a fishing boat with twenty nets, and a large one for carriage of goods on each of the large lakes, was granted to the Abbot about 1240, but the fishing right on * Fisheries at Haverthwaite and Finstiiwaite are also mentioned in the Certi- ficate of the Revenues of the Abbey, 1537. HISTORICAL SKETCH. xvii Windermere was afterwards lost.* The fisheries in the Hawkshead manor had no doubt to supply not only the modest board at Hawkshead Hall, and the granges in the fells, but also the refectory tables at the Abbey itself These two great waterways of Coniston and Windermere no doubt took the place of wagon and pack-horse roads, and were of great use in facilitating traffic and commerce in early times. In the same way huntsmen and hawkers would be main- tained in the fells to supply the Abbey with game. This had become the right of the Abbey by exchange with Gilbert, son of Roger Fitz Reinfred, in 1196, and this was afterwards con- firmed by a grant of free warren from Edward HI. The buck, doe, and falcon mentioned in the early charters give a clue to what some of the most prized game was. The first two were probably the red deer, and the falcon (ancipiter) must refer to a breed domesticated and trained for hawking — perhaps similar to the highly valued Manx breed. The wild boar must have still abounded, and the black and red grouse still remain. Of the land tenure under the Abbey we find traces in the farm names. Dotted about in Furness Fells, and chiefly at the northern end, are numerous farms called " grounds," which have, in every case a family name prefixed — as Sawrey Ground or Thompson Ground. I have collected a total of no less than fifty-three names of this sort, of which thirty-six are in Furness, and no doubt the list is not complete. In nearly every case these farms are upon what was formerly Abbey land, and we may take it that each instance records the en- closure of a piece of land to a farm by a tenant of the Abbey. West, indeed, says : " The Abbots permitted the inhabitants to enclose quillets to their houses, for which they paid encroachment rent," but he does not quote his authority nor suggest a date. Another trace of monastic rule to be found in place names * Beck: " Annales Furnesienses," p. 204. xviii HISTORICAL SKETCH. is the word " Park," which is common in Furness Fells, and signifies nothing more than an enclosure of fell or woodland larger and more important than the " Ground." " Some writers state that an Abbot in the time of Edward I. obtained a license from the King to enclose large tracts in Furness Fells, but I can find no authority for this ; t in the Coucher book, however, there is a license from the third Edward (1338) for parks to be made at Clayf, Furness Fell, and other places. But the days of the Abbey were numbered, and in its old age, in those days of confusion which heralded the impending Dissolution, the management of secular matters became lax, and the tenants of the distant chapelry of Hawkshead and Furness Fells took advantage of the condition of affairs, and made greater enclosures to their farms than they had a right to. Accordingly, two agreements were made, one between the Abbot and Convent and the tenants of Furness Fells (1509), and the other between the same authorities and the tenants of Hawkshead (1532). These agreements, which have been printed by West and Beck, limited, on behalf of the Convent, the size of the enclosures according to the annual rental of the tenants, who, on their part, undertook not to exceed these limits, to fence their enclosures, and to forfeit their tenant right if they broke their agreement. At the date of the Dissolution the Chapelry of Hawkshead was the richest of all the spiritualities in the possession of the Abbey ; for it yielded between two and three times the value of Dalton, although it was but a chapelry under it, and four times the amount of the ancient parish of Urswick. This sufficiently accounts for the fact that evidence * The principal " parks " are Oxen, Abbot, Hell, Stot, Dale, Elterwater, Water- side, Lawson or Lowson, and Robert Bank Parks, also Park-a-moor. All these are enumerated in Abbot Rogers' Rental (Beck's "Annales Furnesienses, ' p. 329) among the Granges of Furness Fells. There are also Hawkshead Hall Parks. In 1516 it appears that Abbot Banks made a real deer park five miles in circum- ference in Grisedale "of the tenements of Richard Myellner and others." "Duchy of Lancaster Pleadings and Depositions," quoted by Dr. T. K. Fell ; and by Mr. W. G. CoUingwood, in his " Book of Coniston, 1897." t West, and his copyists, but I cannot find the authority. HISTORICAL SKETCH. xix is not wanting that before the break-up the King conde- scended to beg of the Abbot the presentation. A slavish letter from this dignitary has been preserved and published by Beck, which well illustrates the relations then existing between King and Abbot. In this letter, which is addressed to Cromwell, Roger Pele sticks neither at fulsome adulation nor even at bribes, for he sends him " ten Ryalles for one token," and complaining that the King has desired him to send " our letters of presentacione under our convent sealle," he invokes Cromwell's intervention, arguing that Hawkshead never was " ony personage or benefice, bott of long tyme haithe been one chapelle of ease within the perochene of Dalton ; " further, that in consequence of its distance from the mother church, license had been given to celebrate sacra- ments within the chapel ; and, " if it shulde fortune that ony suche presentacione be had to the seid Hawkeshed both I and my brethren be utterly undone, and thereby shulde be com- pelled to leve of such power hospytalite as we have heretofore kept in the seid monastery." 11. HISTORICAL SKETCH. 2. Zl)c Siyteentb an& Seventeentb (Tcnturiea. THE Dissolution of the Monasteries must have been a blow severely felt in all the ecclesiastical districts, and trade and agriculture throughout Furness was probably para- lyzed for the moment. The Abbey was the market for all the produce of the fells. Mountain mutton, wool, raw and spun, smelted iron, crates of trout and char, all were con- veyed, we may feel sure, by pack-horse and barge to supply the necessities of the Abbey, or of the town of Dalton, which had grown under her wing. Grain was supplied by the tenants of plain Furness, for the hill men grew no grain but what was sufficient for themselves. Thus, as their old market was gone, so their life changed, and new outlets for their produce must be found. As Dalton fell to decay, Ulverston rose to importance, which helped Hawkshead, as Ulverston wanted mutton and wool like the Abbey, and access was handier than to Dalton. Kendal was the great centre of the weaving industry, and its traders wanted the fleeces from the sheep farms of Furness, so that Hawks- head became a wool market. But the inhabitants were not content with selling wool and yarn, so they started weaving themselves. Looms existed in various parts of the parish, and old people will yet tell you where they formerly stood — as at Hannikin, Hawkshead Hill, and elsewhere. Very old people can still tell us also something about these industries, as they were still practised at the com- mencement of this century, and remember more from the talk of their fore-elders ; for the ways and methods in use in the eighteenth century probably differed but in a few details from HISTORICAL SKETCH. xxi those of the seventeenth. In the first place the yarn was always spun at home by the farmers' wives and daughters, with distaff and wheel, or even in the most out of the way places in the older days with the spindle and whorl only.*" The yarn thus spun was either sold in open market in Hawkshead, or in the shops, t or was bought by wool badgers who came round from Kendal and elsewhere for this purpose. Flax, to some extent, was also spun. The local weavers who bought the yarn manufactured chiefly linsey petticoats of various colours, and this and woven web was taken by carrier to be disposed of to the Kendal merchants and shearmen dyers. + The introduction of machinery towards the end of the eighteenth century, and the consequent selling of the wool in the fleece, caused the death blow of the local spinning and weaving, and the market began to sink in importance. But as the extinction of the weaving trade had much to do with the downfall of the market, so probably its rise did, in the first case, create it. In the days of the Abbey the market was, as we have shown, the town of Dalton, but when this was all over, and our dalesmen had to shift for themselves, the advantages of a central depot of their own, which would be easily accessible for the inhabitants of Amble- side, Kendal, Ulverston, and Broughton, became at once apparent. Accordingly we find that letters patent were granted, in the time of James I., for a weekly Monday market and two fairs in the year ; one on the feast day of * Miss Pepper, manageress of the revived linen industry at Langdale, has a spindle of this primitive form, vifhich is a replica of one that originally belonged to her family in Borrovi'dale. It is all of wood, and is believed to have been used some three or four generations ago. f Shop windows for the display of goods did not probably exist. But produce of all sorts was exposed on market day, under pent houses, which were numerous, or in the recessed front of certain buildings which were built on pillars. X Linsey woolsey (coarse cloth of mixed linen and wool), kersey and duffel (both coarse woollen cloths) are mentioned in the Churchwardens' Accounts of 1792. xxii HISTORICAL SKETCH. St. Matthias and the day following,* and the other on the feast of the Ascension and the day following ; with all tolls, customs, privileges, and free customs belonging to such fairs and markets, with a pie powder court, etc., for the relief of the poor of Hawkshead. For the obtaining of these privileges the town was indebted to Adam Sandys, one of the family of Graythwaite to whom Hawkshead owes so much, and nephew to the Archbishop whose pious work at Hawkshead we shall have occasion to notice further on. We have already noticed tl^e iron smelting industry in Furness Fells. There is every reason to believe that during the existence of the Monastery this was of a valuable and important character, for not only is there evidence of this in the Furness Coucher book, which, though somewhat meagre, is eminently suggestive, and of considerable value,t but the numerous existing traces of " bloomeries " all point to this conclusion. We find, indeed, by the certificate of the revenues of Furness Abbey in 1537, that the King's Commissioners were able to lease three bloomsmithies only to William Sandes and John Sawrey for no less a sum than ;£'20 — a considerable sum in those days. It is evident that the lessees in this case took up the manufacture of iron with the laudable intention of supplying the forged metal to the tenants of the Manors of the Abbey, the needs of the tenants in this respect having been satisfied, at any rate to some extent, direct from the Abbey itself prior to the Dissolution. But the concern or speculation was not destined to be a success, for in the 11 Eliz. (1560) the smithies were put an end to by a royal decree, in con- sequence of the destruction of the woods, which were required for the flocks of High Furness. That there was much truth in this we need not doubt, but it is also probable that the * The fairs are now nominally on Easter Monday (cattle, sheep, and hiring) ; Hallow Monday, that is the Monday before Ascension day {sheep and cattle), and October 2nd (sheep and cattle). t This is well discussed by Mr. Atkinson in his preface to his valuable edition of the Coucher book (Chetham Society, vol. xiv. ) HISTORICAL SKETCH. xxiii tenants were naturally somewhat aggrieved at finding them- selves compelled to buy from a private firm what up to that date they had probably received freely from their feudal lords in payment for their services. As long as the destruc- tion of the woods entailed by the manufacture directl)/ benefited the Abbey, and indirectly themselves, as part and parcel of that institution, it had never occurred to them to grumble, but their case they naturally felt to be different when the profits were passing into the purse of a private firm. In that interesting document, " A Decree for abolish- ing the Bloomeries in High Furness," printed by West, we find that the rent of the smithies to be abolished was to be paid by the tenants of Hawkshead and Colton to the Crown, and other regulations with reference to musters and fines were enacted at the same time. And also as after the abolishment of the smithies the tenants " shall hardly come by iron, by reason that seldom any is brought from the partes beyond the seas, into any of the coa.sts near adjoin- ing and when any shall happen to be brought .... yet the same cannot .... be carried because that the ways be so strait and dangerous, and do ly over such high mountains and stoney rocks, that no carriage of any weight can there pass ; " it was also further enacted that the tenants themselves were at liberty to make iron for themselves, using only the " shreadings, tops, lops, crops, underwood," but not the timber. It was this decree that gave rise to the bloomsmithy rent, which was paid by the tenants of High Furness until quite recently ; and is so still in some townships. At the end of the 17th century we find that charcoal smelting furnaces were re-introduced into the district as private ventures, and wood for charcoal becoming valuable, the tenants enclosed portions of their woods to preserve them for this purpose. Ironworks were commenced at Force Forge by Captain William Rawlinson, who died in 1680, and furnaces were erected by Myles Sandys of Graithwaite, probably on the site of the old ones abolished by the xxiv HISTORICAL SKETCH. above mentioned decree, and also at Backbarrow and Low- wood.* Although an account of the manorial system would be out of place here, some mention is necessary of the pro- cess by which the people of Furness Fells attained the position they held during the 17th and i8th centuries. The tenure by which the land was mostly held was of the kind called " customary freehold," which was in origin nothing more than a species of villenage. A military service, besides rents and payments, was required of these tenants by the lord — in this case, the Abbey — rendered necessary in these parts, as well as Cumberland and Westmorland, by the proximity to the Scottish Border. Thus we find that in 1553, the following numbers of armed men were upon the general muster roll for Lancashire : — Ballev eke of Hawkeshead Nybthwaite Grisdall Gythwt Claife xvij vnj vij X vij in all 49 men.t And in the decree for abolishing the Bloom- eries (1560) the tenants are ordered to furnish at their own cost " forty able men horsed harnised and weaponed " to serve in war for the defence of the Peel of Fondray or otherwise on that coast, "without allowance of wages cost, or conduct money," or elsewhere if necessary with these allow- ances "as inland men have." And in the muster of 1608, we set a more detailed account : — * In the Report on the Manuscripts at Rydal Hall by the Historical MSS. Commission is the following, being an entry in Sir Daniel Fleming's account book : " 1674-5. ^'^'^- 24. Given as earnest unto Charles Russell, hammer-man now at Conswick, to be hammer-man at Coniston Forge, for 35s. per tun, to have grease only for the bellows, and leave for some sheep to go on the Fell. .;^oo s.05 d.oo. " f Harl. MS. 2219; but Baines (Hist, of Lanes., I. 506) quoting another MS. gives also Colton, 8. HISTORICAL SKETCH. Bills. Hawkesheade ... ii Graythwaite ... ... lo §5 . C Nibthwaite baliffe 5 '> ?s } Hawthwaite* baliffe rchers . Shott. Muskett. Pyke. Unfur I 84 2 I 67 I 33 I 70 60 ■^ '^ < jnawtnwaite'- baline 3 ^ '^ (Coulton baliffe 4 or a total of 39 armed men and 314 unarmed.! Now, in the certificate of the revenues of Furness Abbey we find a list of forty-three farms and hamlets, with their various rentals, and we may conclude that it was these that supplied the men-at-arms. The fact is, that each of these hamlets had grown up from a single tenement, some founded in the old Viking days, and some later, but all in the same manner. Sons and sons' sons had built their houses by the parent homestead, and so many of these hamlets presented a type of the patriarchal system, inhabited almost entirely by people of the same name and blood, united by the same interests, following the same employments, and rendering suit and service at the same court. Now, the customary tenure by which the greatest part of the land was held in Furness Fells became in course of time very little inferior to an ordinary freehold.J Certain rents the tenants had to pay, and certain rights of minerals and timber were held by the lord, but the estate, by custom, passed from father to son, and a right (not often exercised till after the 17th century) grew up to convey the estate, subject to certain fines due to the lord on such an occasion. § Thus we find that from the end of * Haverthwaite. t Harl. MS. 2219. X The bailiwicks of Nibthwaite, Colton, Haverthwaite, Satterthwaite, Sawrey {i.e., Claife), and Graythwaite, were bought free 1 1 James I. The remainder of the parish, Hawkshead, Monk Coniston, and Skelwith, remain customary. § These rights were confirmed by a code of customs and bye-laws 27 Eliz. The tenure was, of course, closely akin to the tenant-right of Westmorland and Cumberland, but it does not appear that Hawkshead took any part in the struggle between James H. and the northern tenants. This dispute, which was bravely fought by the statesmen of the crown manors of Cumberland and Westmorland, ended eventually in a confirmation of their rights. For details the reader should refer to "Elton's Custom and Tenant-right," 1882, p. 32-40. xxvi HISTORICAL SKETCH. the 1 6th century till the beginning of the present one, our parish was inhabited by, and, with the exception of one or two squirearchal families, owned by a numerous class of small proprietors, whose interest lay entirely in their land and flocks, and whose pride it was long to keep intact the little demesnes they had inherited. These were the Furness statesmen, a class, alas ! which has now, as nearly as possible, disappeared. The clan system — the living together of many folks of the same name — will be further discussed in the part of the introduc- tion treating of the Registers themselves, but it is necessary to make a brief mention of it here. West in his "Antiquities of Furness," has noted that it appears from the Court Rolls of the time of Henry VIII., that Braithwaites then lived about Brathay, Sawreys at Sawrey, Hirdsons at Bowith (Bouth), RawHnsons at Haverthwaite, Turners at Oxenpark, Rigges at Hawkshead. Tomlinsons were found at Grisedalc, Redheads at Nibthwaite, Taylors at Finsthwaite, and Satter- thwaites at Colthouse. On examining the register we find that out of nearly four hundred surnames, a very small pro- portion, some thirty, occupy by far the most important place, and were borne by a very large percentage of the people. The commonest of these thirty are to be found in twelve surnames, each of which occur over four hundred times. Thus we find the Bensons cropping up in dozens in the Skelwith district, the Braithwaites by scores all over the northern half of the parish, but especially at Sawrey, and the Dodgsons in considerable numbers in various parts. The Holmes were a clan about Tilberthwaite and Oxenfell, and the Knipes spread widely in the north-west of the parish. The Mackereths were abundant at Skelwith and elsewhere, while the Rigges clus- tered in multitudes round Hawkshead. The name of Sandys, as might be expected, abounded in the south-east, while the Satterthwaites, springing from Satterthwaite itself, occupied the more central district. The Sawreys, rather less prolific than the Satterthwaites, had spread to Graythwaite, Sawrey ground, and the Monk Coniston side, while the Taylors swarmed in the lower ground, about Finsthwaite, Colton, and Penny HISTORICAL SKETCH. xxvii Bridge. The Walkers, a largish clan, were spread widely, but occur most commonly in the north.* Although I have called this the clan system, it must be distinctly understood that it went no further than the co- habitation of a district or hamlet by a group of families of the same name and of a common origin. There was, as far as we know, nothing akin to the Scottish clan system in it, and the term is only used here for want of a better. The families were mostly statesmen of greater or less degree, equal in rank, and owning no allegiance to any chief, other than the ancient rents and services due to the lord of the manor. Each little farmer landowner tilled his little holding and shepherded his flocks, with the aid of his sons and his herd, and on market day he met his fellow dalesman on an equal footing to haggle with him on the price of herdwicks, or on the wrestling green to throw his man or to be cross- buttocked, as the case might be, without any feeling of spleen, whether his adversary was richer or poorer than himself It is probable that in some of the more secluded parts where all the families were of one name, the states- men were known by the name of their homes instead of by their patronymics, as was the case till comparatively recently about the head of Langdale and Seathwaite, where all were Tysons, and where, in consequence, the different members were distinguished by such names as " Daniel of Cockley Beck," " Harry o' t' Hinging House," etc.f What the home life of these fell folks was prior to the Dissolution we have little evidence to show. There is indeed very little to tell us what the farms and cottages themselves were like earlier than the end of the 17th century, for although there are few modern tenements % even yet in the parish, there are hardly any older than that date. Here and there you will find a barn or farm house varying but little * There were probably other groups of families in Colton ; but although the Register of the Parish has been published, it is not indexed, t See Dr. Gibson's "The Old Man," 1849, p. 45. X Excepting gentlemen's houses. xxviii HISTORICAL SKETCH. externally from the others, but differing in construction from the usual type. In these, the principal beams which support the roof are not supported by the wall plate in the ordinary way, but spring from a footing in the wall, two or three feet, or even less, from the ground. They are always of massive oak, and curved, so as to meet at the ridge of the roof and form a wide arch. The framework of these houses would stand if the side walls were pulled down to the footing the beams rest on, and it would then look something like the ribs of an inverted and dismantled ship.* In this, the ancient type of tenement, the walls may have been often constructed of timber, or dab and wattle, or of stone ; but the last would not be quarried, but picked from the beds of the streams. The cottars' huts would be even less pretentious. The roofs would at one time be thatched. But the position of the tenant was established by the Code of Customs and Bye-laws of 27 Eliz., and from that date his prosperity steadily increased, so that about 1650 a fashion for rebuilding set in with such vigour that during the ensuing sixty years nearly every homestead appears to have been rebuilt, or adapted to the new fashion, and furnished throughout. Till of recent years, when the craze for col- lecting old oak, china, and bric-a-bac generally became fashionable, there were few fell farms which did not contain heirlooms in the shape of rudely carved oaken chairs, tables, settles, and kists. Thanks to the fact that one piece of furniture — the great oaken bread cupboard — was generally fixed in the wall, or partition opposite the fire-place, not a few of them have escaped the rapacity of the Semite. When- ever these pieces of furniture are dated, which is generally * Of course this account applies only to the architecture of the farms whicli were originally the holdings of the villeins. In the manor house of Hawkshead Hall we have work earlier than the Dissolution, of a difterent and more pretentious sort. See a paper on Hawkshead Hall by the present writer in Vol. xi. " Cumber- land and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archseological Society." Examples of the early work above described may be seen in a house and barn at Hawkshead Hill, barns at Fieldhead and Sawrey Ground, and elsewhere. HISTORICAL SKETCH. xxix the case, the date, in nine cases out of ten, is between 1650 and 1 7 10. The reasons for all this are not far to seek. In the first place, the Border warfare smouldering for a long while, and fanned to a flame by Henry VIII. and Wolsey, was destined at last to die out. While " The Troubles " and the Civil War held the country in agitation and distress, no small landowner could put his hand to the improvement of his estate or the building of a homestead ; but the pacification of the Border had commenced at the end of the i6th century, and the reduction of Scotland by General Monk, followed by the Restoration of Charles II. in 1660, opened up to the dales- man a prospect more peaceful and encouraging than he had ever yet known. Added to this was the spread of education, consequent on the founding of the Grammar School by Archbishop Edwin Sandys nearly a hundred years earlier, which we may be bure had by this time told its tale upon the residents of the parish. At the end of the 17th century, then, the men of Furness Fells with one accord pulled down their old low, dark, and ill-built houses, and built them new ones, always two stories high, well made of stone, strongly roofed with heavy slates, and snug internally with rude panelling and cumbersome oaken furniture. They as often as not faced them to the fell instead of to the smiling landscape, for the winter storms would drive through the chinks of the solid but ill-fitting doors and window-frames, and to men whose life was on the fells, a snug fireside was better than a view from the parlour window. Little as we know of the home life of the dales- man prior to these changes, we can, to some extent, realise what it was in these new homes. The low, dark house place, so low that the large-boned dalesmen must stoop beneath the beams ; the heavy carved oaken chairs, and bread cupboard, on whose well polished surface the gleam of the great turf fire, and flicker of the tiny rush candle fell intermittingly ; the rows of hanging mutton hams ; the groan of the malt mill, and the ceaseless whirr of the spinning-wheel : is it XXX HISTORICAL SKETCH. difficult to picture all this? The home life was simple enough. Abroad, on the fells and meadows by day, the men shepherded, tilled the lands, graved peats, or cleared the intack of ling and gale with the push plough. At the steading, the women spun thread, pressed cheeses, churned' ground the malt mill, and, as the evening came on, tended and milked the cattle. In the long winter evenings all collected in the dark parlour to simple fare and simpler amusements. In these days, when books were little read, for recreation at any rate, in such society as we are now con- sidering, tales and gossip were the chief forms of pastime, and we may rest assured that they formed no inconsiderable feature in the long evenings of our farm houses. An occa- sional ghost would enliven proceedings in a particular hamlet, and certain forms of " dobbies " were not uncommon ; but superstitious the dalesmen never were, that is when compared with many other districts.* Market day came round every week, and thither went everyone who could. Many got drunk, but as now, in an innocent sort of way, and since they were too much of gentlemen to beat their wives (as is now the fashion in civilised towns), and since it was only on rare occasions that they even " lamed " their equals in strength, little harm was done. For recreation they had their wrestlings (as capital a sport as ever existed, until the tide of tourists filled the ring with professionals instead of ama- teurs), their foxhunting, their cockfights, their fairs, merry nights, and latings. Sometimes an occasional badger baiting was held. Hawkshead, the market town, is a place which has moved so slowly that we need not find it difficult to picture it in the 17th century. The houses were probably all two-storied rough-cast as now, and the streets were for the most part coarsely paved with cobbles, which must have caused a fine clatter under the feet of the pack-horses or the clogs of * See the Editor's paper on " Superstition, Charms, and Witchcraft in Hawks- head Parish," in Vol. xiv. of the " Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society's Transactions." HISTORICAL SKETCH. ' xxxi the Grammar School boys. Through the Square ran the Vicarage Beck (uncovered and smelly, for sewage systems are a 19th century nicety), spanned here and there with bridges for transit. The Market-house was not rebuilt ; and the Institute and Police-station did not strike the eye with their glaring incongruity. All was harmonious, primi- tive, and perhaps insanitary. Shops there were none as we understand them, but penthouses, projecting from the walls of some of the houses, served the double purpose of hanging up yarn to dry in, and on market day to stack the farm produce, and that of the spinning wheel and loom, for the inspection of would-be purchasers. For the same reason some of the houses were built with the groundfloor recessed, and the upper part supported by rough stone pillars, the recess here forming the primitive market day shop : * for market day in former times was not as now in Hawkshead. The little town was then a centre for a large pastoral district, and great-boned states- men and buxom farm wenches thronged in from far and near. Inns were then, as now, a feature in Hawkshead, and good cheer was plentiful, and, in a word, times were better in this out-of-the-way corner of Lancashire in the 17th cen tury, before the civilising power of steam and Free Trade had made their appearance. But quiet enough was the town during the rest of the week — quieter even than now, when in the season every mor- ning brings in its char-a-banc loads of tourists on their way from Windermere to Coniston. Little there was to wake it up, except the strings of pack-horses, which came jangling their bells twice a week past the school into the town on their way from Kendal. Others, no doubt, from Ulverston, Ambleside, Broughton, and even, perhaps, from Ravenglass.* * Such a building still exists on the Church hill, on the right of the visitor approaching the Church. The house which the Institute replaced was of the same character. * Before 1752 there were six pack-horses twice a week from Hawkshead to Kendal, and eighteen a week from Whitehaven ; but the latter town only sprang into importance at the end of the 17th century. The old port was Ravenglass. xxxii HISTORICAL SKETCH. Coaches there were none, for not even in later days, when the coaching system became fully developed, did a coach road pass through Hawkshead, and such as made a journey to Kendal, Lancaster, or Ravenglass, did it a-horse back, with their women-folk on a pillion, if they were a-mind to go with them. As for roads, they did not exist in the sense we know them, for wheeled conveyances of any sort were probably unknown in these parts till a comparatively modern time. The best of them, those that were the lines of traffic, were no better than our roughest fell roads in the high ground, while in the valleys they became spongy, miry tracks, along which the traveller and his steed floundered, and occasionally perhaps stuck fast. An exception possibly existed in parts of the road from Ambleside to Hawkshead, and thence, via Dale Park and Rus- land, to Spark and Lowick Bridges, for although this is now anything but the best road in the parish, it is the oldest — possibly, indeed, originally laid out by the Romans, as a con- nection between the fort at Dalton and the camp at Ambleside. It is not suggested that the present road follows throughout the old line, or that the original road was a military way and elaborately engineered ; but the Romans, even when making their vicinal or branch roads, followed the best, driest, and most practical routes, clearing obstacles where necessary, draining bogs where they intercepted them ; and paving and bridging, perhaps, here and there, where abso- lutely necessary. But the Norse settlers, with their innate independence, struck out from the old line of road and squatted wherever their fancy dictated, and gradually tracks of communication were formed between their thwaites and tuns, and sets, which are now represented by our modern bridle paths and cross roads. Another Roman road, that from Roman Ravenglass to Ambleside, by Hardknott, Wrynose, and the Little Lano-dale Valley, probably skirted through a corner of the parish at Skelwith, but it had no importance as regards the history HISTORICAL SKETCH. xxxiii of Hawkshead. The pack-horse route to Kendal followed the modern road, crossing Windermere by the Ferry, an in- stitution in itself, perhaps, Roman. Another old track led by Esthwaite and Graithwaite to Newby Bridge, and the ancient town of Cartmel. It was most probably by this and the ancient road from Ulverston which entered the old parish at Penny Bridge and went by Bouth to Newby Bridge, that the ore from Low Furness was brought on pack-horses, to the furnace at Cunsey. Another road, now little used, and only just passable by a two-wheeled trap, leaves the old Amble- side-Coniston road at Borwick-ground, and winds over Bor- wick-ground Fell to Oxenfell, and thence goes to Little Langdale. This road is built up and constructed in a way that shows it had once more importance than now, and was probably the pack-horse road from Ravenglass (and after- wards from Whitehaven) to Hawkshead and Kendal. For a caravan of pack animals, with no wheels to consider, a considerable saving of distance was thus made. Most other roads which now are important are in origin easements, which from their convenience and adaptability have ousted the older lines of traffic. Thus, the features of the ground on the eastern margin of Coniston soon led to a track which gradually caused the partial abandoment of the Dale Park Road.* The tracks leading to the old chapelry of Satter- thwaite had the same tendency. In like manner, in quite modern times, the formation of the Yewdale road, leading from Coniston to Ambleside, took much of the tourist traffic from the road over High Cross, the ancient line of communication between Broughton and Ambleside. The dalesmen then, as now, found little need to go long journeys, and even the roads that existed saw few passengers except the pack-horse caravans and the local people. An * The bloomeries which we find on both sides of Coniston at the beck mouths, prove that tracks must have existed from the ore country since those bloomeries were made. Taking into consideration the difiSculty of navigating heavily laden vessels on these lakes in ill-weather, we may feel sure that some portion of the ore for the bloomeries in Coniston and Windermere was brought by land. C xxxiv HISTORICAL SKETCH. occasional journey to Kendal, Ulverston, and Ambleside, and still more rarely to Keswick or Lancaster, was the furthest afield the statesman stirred. Most of these he would tramp, and think little of it ; and for the longer journeys his horse and small leather saddle-bag were all he wanted. Yet the roads had then a romance. Sometimes, as in 1686, a storm would come on that cut the roads to pieces, and carried away the bridges, so that nothing could pass along them. On one occasion the ferry boat upset, and about fifty people and several horses were all drowned at the same time.* There were no highwaymen, for there were few travellers worth robbing ; but the roads were so universally bad, so ill- marked, and so devious, that easy it was at night to lose the way, and then woe betide the luckless traveller on the Fells, without compass, guide book, or ordnance map. Crime of any sort was rare, as it is now, through all the dales of Cumberland, Westmorland, and Furness. Certain sorts of misdemeanours, especially those which were partly done in the spirit of bravado, such as illicit spirit making, poaching, etc., were well known in later days, and were no doubt common enough in earlier times. Immorality, as evi- denced by the birth of illegitimate children, was common, but the fault was sanctioned by immemorial custom ; but crime, brutal, savage, and blackguardly, was most scarce in the dalesman. Murder was but little known, but very occasionally, when instigated by drink or excessive hatred, was committed with great ferocity. This is a trace of the Norse Berserking Viking, half of whose time was spent in domestic happiness and the peaceful crafts of agriculture, but who when raiding a village thought it but sport to toss, in devilish play, the babes of his enemy from spear-point to spear-point. f Suicides appear to have been fairly common. * These incidents will be further referred to in the Introductory chapter relating to the Registers. fBeck in his " Annales Furnesienses " gives an account of a quarrel between two yeomen of Finsthwaite, which ended in the barbarous murder of one by the other. It took place shortly before the dissolution of the abbey. HISTORICAL SKETCH. xxxv But though in these old days the life of the Hawkshead statesman and villager was rustic and simple in the extreme, it must not be supposed that there was no illuminating ray of learning — no striving after better things, among them. During the time of Edward VI. and Elizabeth there was throughout Westmorland and the neighbourhood a great ten- dency towards the advancement of knowledge, by the founda- tion of rural grammar schools, at which the elements of the Latin and Greek tongues could be learnt. This fashion spread rapidly, and Mr. Hodgson in his " Description of the County of Westmorland " tells us that, " Before the conclusion of the 17th century, seminaries of this kind were commenced in every parish, and almost in every considerable village in Westmorland ; and education to learned professions, especially to the pulpit, continued the favourite method of the Westmorland yeomanry of bringing up their younger sons, till about the year 1760, when com- merce became the high road to wealth, and Greek and Latin began reluctantly and by slow gradation to give way to an education consisting chiefly of reading, writing, and arith- metic." In this movement our little town was not behindhand, for in the loth year of Queen Elizabeth (1584-5), Edwin Sandys, Archbishop of York, sprung from the ancient family of that name, still resident at Graithwaite, and himself probably a native of the parish, obtained letters patent for a grammar school to be established at Hawkshead. The foundation charter and statutes, which are dated three years later, show well what was considered a good education in those days, and contain many other points of interest. We note that the education was to consist of " Grammar and the Principles of the Greek Tongue, with other sciences necessary to be taught in a Grammar School ; " and that nothing was to be charged for these advantages. We see also, what long hard hours of work were considered necessary, for between the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michael the Archangel, it was ordained that work on every work day xxxvi HISTORICAL SKETCH. should commence " at 6 of the Clock in the Morning, or at furthest, within one Half Hour after, and to continue until Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon ; and to begin again at one of the Clocke in the Afternoon, and so continue until Five of the Clocke at Night." And, between Michael- mas and the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, the hours were from seven or half-past seven till eleven in the morning, and then from half-past twelve till four in the afternoon. Special prayers were composed to be read before and after work, and before sitting down to dinner the scholars had to " Sing a Psalm in metre in the said School." Holidays were few and far between. The first was from a week before Christmas to the next working day after the Twelfth day of Christmas ; and the other was a fortnight at Easter. Also it was ordained that at the breaking-up time " The chiefest Scholars of the said School shall make Ora- tions, Epistles, Verses in Latin, or Greek .... that thereby the said Schoolmaster may see how the said Scholars have profited." Provision was made to keep the wilder spirits among the Scholars within bounds, for we read that, " Also they shall use no weapons in the School, as Sword, Dagger, Waster, or other like, to fight or brawl withal, nor any unlawful gaming in the School. They shall not haunt Taverns, Alehouses, or playing at any unlawful Games, as Cards, Dice, Tables, or such like."* Thus we see that by the pious act of the good Arch- bishop, the path to knowledge was first laid open to the ignorant dalesmen and inhabitants of this retired corner of Lancashire. During the 17th and great part of the i8th centuries, the School flourished,! for those were the days when the classic tongues were esteemed, and " good mercan- tile educations " were unknown. The old monkish tradition of reading and writing in Latin was not yet extinct. Rome * The Foundation Charter and Statutes are printed in full in Abingdon's "Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester," 1 7 17. t Mr. Beck, in an unpublished MS., observes that the most flourishing time of the Grammar School was about 1785, when there were over 100 Scholars. HISTORICAL SKETCH. xxxvii yet lived in a way, even here in the far North. Boys scribbled in Latin on the first page of their task books ; parsons kept their parish registers in Latin ; even auctioneers' sale schedules were partly made out in the same tongue. To patter Latin was, in the local vernacular, " collership," and the father whose son possessed this accomplishment was a proud and happy man. But the system came too late, for it came just before that great trade stimulus which was to stir the English people from end to end, and through which England was destined to climb to that mercantile supremacy which she now holds, or which, must it be said, she has hitherto held. For this new life the dead tongues were not wanted, and so Hawkshead, and other Grammar Schools founded on similar principles, lost, to a great extent, the reputations they had gained, and were ultimately com- pelled to seek re-organisation on newer and more modern principles. III. ^^TE have already seen that early in the 13th century ' » there was a dispute about the Chapelry of Hawks- head between the Abbot of Furness and the Vicars of Urswick and Dalton, which was referred to the Papal Court, with the result that a decision was given which to all appearance freed the Chapelry from any dependence on the mother Church of Dalton. For some reason, of which all evidence has disappeared, this severance was never made absolute, and we find from various sources that Hawkshead was indeed, even at the Dissolution, still a Chapelry under that Church. Roger Pele himself, in the letter we have quoted at the end of Chapter I., especially states that it never was " ony personage or benefice, bott of long tyme haithe been one chapelle of ease within the perochene of Dalton." The Chapelry, then, up to this date was large, and, as we have already seen, valuable. It was conterminate with the Manor, and was, in fact, the Abbot's share, as settled by the controversy between him and William de Lancaster. It there- fore included the whole of the old parish of Hawkshead and the present parish of Colton, which fills up the triangle be- tween the foot of Coniston Lake and Windermere, and has its apex at the junction of the Crake and Leven at Greenodd. Now the first step, in what may be called the modern history of the Parish, was made in 1578, when Archbishop Sandys (who afterwards founded the School) constituted Hawkshead an independent parish by an act of Metropolitan power. At the same time he made Colton parochial and consecrated the Chapel. THE PARISH. xxxix Now this parochial Chapelry of Colton was destined to become an independent parish in 1676, and it is necessary to say here a few words about it and the minor chapelries within the parish before we proceed. As regards Colton, there appears to be little doubt that a chapel existed here in the time of the Abbey — "a mean un- consecrated chapel," Bishop Gastrell calls it, and as such it is mentioned as early as 1531. There is, however, some evidence that its antiquity is greater than this.* At the Dis- solution it was placed under Dalton, that is, we may presume, in conjunction with Hawkshead, for when the latter place was made a parish the Colton Chapelry was undoubtedly con- sidered a dependency. The Chapelry of Satterthwaite is sup- posed to have been consecrated about the time of the Reformation ; and as an unconsecrated Chapelry may be older.f It certainly existed in 1650, for in the Parliamentary Surveys of Church Lands of that year (Inquisition June 19, 1650) we find the inhabitants praying that " Saturthwaite Chapel may be made a Parish Church, and that Graisdale, Daleparke, Graithwaite, and Risland, consisting of 100 families, or there- abouts, and four miles distant from the Parish Church, may be added thereunto." This petition was ignored, as is evi- dent from the fact that the inhabitants continued to register till 1766 at Hawkshead. Another ancient chapel, of which nothing but the most meagre record remains, existed at Graithwaite. Bishop Gas- trell, in his " Notitia Cestriensis," has preserved the follow- ing (our only) memorial of it : — " This was formerly a chapel, but not made use of in ye memory of man. One Rob. Saterthwaite, w'" a Boy heard his Grandf. say he had been sev. times at Worship there. Certif by Min. An. 1722. A poor mean building, about 12 yards long, not six within. The walls made use of for a * See "The Rural Deanery of Cartmel, its Churches and Endowments," 1892, p. 83. There is, among other things, a pre-Reformation Bell at Colton. fSee Gastrell's "Notitia Cestriensis," ed. by F. R. Raines for the Chatham Society, vol. xxii. ; also Tweddell's "Furness, Past and Present," vol. i., p. 107. xl THE PARISH. Maltkiln and Turf room, by a Quaker in whose possession it now is. An. 1722." It is unknown when, or for what reason, Graithwaite Chapel was abandoned ; nor, indeed, can the present writer point out its site. Not improbably it also owed its origin to the Arch- bishop.* It is difficult to tell at what period the Parish was broken up into the quarters, townships, or divisions, as they existed through- out the 1 8th century, for no Parish account book is extant earlier than 1696. It is possible that prior to the separation of Colton no further subdivision was considered necessary than that of the old Chapelries ; but it was probably at that date that the quarters were formed for the organising of parochial business, as we find that both Hawkshead and Colton Parishes were each constituted of four quarters. The divisions in Hawkshead were as follows : — 1. Hawkshead, which included Hawkshead Field and Fieldhead. 2. Monk Coniston and Skelwith. 3. Claife, including Colthouse and the Sawreys. 4. Satterthwaite, which included Dalepark, Grizedale, and Graithwaite. In Colton the four divisions were : — 1. Coulton, or Colton East side of Colton Beck, or Colton East. 2. Colton West side of Colton Beck, or Colton West. 3. Haverthwaite, Finsthwaite, and Rusland. 4. Nibthwaite, which includes parts of Bethecar Moor. To the actual use of these divisions we shall revert later. The following are the officials in whose hands the conduct of parochial affairs rested at Hawkshead : — * The other Ecclesiastical Establishments are of modern date, and do not enter into the scope of this introduction. They are as follows : — Finsthwaite, erected 1724. Rusland ,, 1745- Haverthwaite ,, 1826. The Churches of Brathay, Wray (in Claife), and Sawrey, are of quite recent date. THE PARISH. xli The Minister or Curate. The four Churchwardens. The twenty-four Sidesmen. The Overseers of the Poor. The Overseers of the Highways. The Parish Clerk. The Incumbent was a stipendiary Minister or Curate, for no Rectory or Vicarage was ever ordained. His stipend during the 17th century depended on various bequests of money and the rents of some land and houses in London.* No parsonage house appears to have existed prior to about 1650, when Dr. Walker, Incumbent of St. John the Evangelist, in Watling Street, a native of Hawkshead, and an eminent Puritan divine, gave the house called Walker ground for this purpose. The present vicarage is probably the same building. Dr. Walker also made an allowance of ;^20 annually to the minister then in charge.f The twenty-four Sidesmen were a sort of committee ap- pointed by the vestry for the management of parochial affairs. It has been conjectured that " Sidesman " was originally " Synodsman," because these officials had the power of pre- senting any offender against religion at the Episcopal Synod. Though no list of the twenty-four at Hawkshead remains, earlier than 1694, I suspect they were appointed before Hawkshead and Colton were separated, and not improbably, before Hawkshead was constituted a Parish. They were chosen from the most responsible men, gentle and simple, * These were, 1625 — £'Zoa, left by Henry Banister, for maintenance of a preaching minister at Hawkshead. 1640 — ;£^200 left by Martha Hindley for same purpose, with ;^I40 of which, property in London was bought. 1669 — Mr. Dan Rawlinson, interest of ;^ioo, the third year in every five to the Minister. 1677 — Mr. Dan Rawlinson £"] per annum, six of which were to go to the Minister for reading service on Monday (Market-day) and one to the Clerk, t For a brief biographical sketch of Dr. Walker, see Mr. Raine's edition of Bishop Gabtrell's " Notitia Cestriensis." xlii THE PARISH. within the Parish, and were portioned out six to each quarter. Their duties were manifold. They were to help the Church- wardens generally, and to advise them in all matters relating to the well-being of the Parish. They presented Parish officers who neglected their duty, and fined themselves for non- attendance at their meetings.* Charities and endowments seem, to some extent, to have passed under their hands — and, to put it in a nutshell, they constituted a sort of Parish Council of those days. The Churchwardens were four in number, one for each division or quarter. They were elected annually at Easter, and most resident statesmen came in sooner or later for his term at the office. Owing to the fact that no Church- wardens' accounts exist prior to 1696, we are in ignorance what the precise arrangements were prior to the division of Hawkshead and Colton, but the probability is that before that date the latter place had its own chapelwarden, and that Churchwardens were appointed for the less distant parts of the Parish.t Although the first book of Churchwardens' accounts com- mences in 1696, they are most meagre in detail till about 1720, and it is perhaps doubtful if earlier books were kept. We have, therefore, no contemporary records from which we can ascertain the duties of these officials, and we can only judge from those of the i8th century. There can, however, be little doubt that in most matters, the duties of the Churchwardens in a rural parish in the 17th and i8th cen- turies were but little different. The account book of the 1 8th century includes general expenses, bread and wine at Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide, mending the clock, flagging and strawing the Church, new ropes for the bells, seeing to the steeple, mossing the leads to keep out the * The general Parish meetings were held on St. Stephen's Day, and Tuesday in Easter-week. f The first actual mention of the Churchwardens I have noted is in 1683, in an order of the Kirkbys to the Churchwardens to fine parishioners for non- attendance of Church. THE PARISH. xliii damp, ringing the bells at festivals, whipping dogs out of Church, glazing the windows, general repairs, paying for the destruction of foxes and ravens, washing the Church linen, buying Books of Articles and Forms of Prayer, mending the surplices, leathering the bell tongue, smithy work, lime and carriage, loads of sand, journeys to the Sessions at the end of the Wardens' term of office, cleaning the Church plate, making and mending the Communion cloth, and cushions, and pews. Much ale was charged for ringing at festivals and on other occasions. The dues payable for burials within the Church are continually mentioned. It was also the duty of the Churchwardens to collect fines imposed for non-attendance at Church, to aid in the suppression of Quaker conventicles, and probably also to see that all shops were closed during Divine service, and to herd any idlers from the public-houses or churchyard into the Church at the commencement of the service, and of the sermon. The Overseers of the Poor were four in number, and were elected, like the Churchwardens, at Easter. There are, as in the case of the Churchwardens, no accounts extant earlier than the i8th century. Through their hands went the various little charitable bequests which had at different times been left to the poor. Their accounts were examined at the Easter Vestry, and probably passed at the same time as the Churchwardens at the Sessions. Their duties were to provide relief for the poor in the shape of clothing, clogs, and sometimes meat. Old and destitute females were furnished with spinning wheels to give them a chance for earning their living ; treatment for the sick ; * lying-in and midwife expenses ; boarding poor people, and conducting them to their homes ; funeral expenses ; shifts, coffins, arval, etc.f * Though the Parish accounts commence 1696, I have found no mention of a doctor prior to 1769. t In 1732 a woman's coffin cost 4/9, her winding-sheet 3/-, the expenses of winding 1/6, Arvall was 6/2, the sale of her clothes 6d., Church dues i/io. — " Hawkshead Poor Account." xliv THE PARISH. The Overseers of the Highways, sometimes called Surveyors, were always elected the 26th of December, and were probably originally four in number, one for each ward. During the 1 8th century their number was increased, and they were elected to represent hamlets instead of divisions, and some- times even private estates. It is an office of no great anti- quity, and one no doubt very loosely administered in former days. Their chief duties would be to see that the pack-horse tracks were kept in some sort of repair. The duties of the Parish Clerk at Hawkshead seem to have been of a varied description. The registers appear to have been sometimes kept by him ; he blew the pitch-pipe to give the keynote to the Psalms ;* he cleaned the Church, and no doubt dug the graves. A special allowance of £,\ a year was left him in 1677, under the will of Mr. Daniel Rawlinson, to attend at the Monday (Market day) service, which was instituted under the same bequest. No list of Parish Clerks exists for the 17th century, but we find that George Rigg registered off and on from 1640 till close to the end of the century. This faithful old servant of the Church deserves to be remembered by the people of Hawkshead, for by his will in 1706 he left a sum of ^100, the interest of which was to go to the poor of the Parish. What an example of humble industry and rare charity ! Further mention of him will be made in the ensuing chapter. A word should be said here about the tithes. At the time of the Dissolution, we have two valuations, one in Abbot Rogers' rental, and the other in the Commissioners' Certificate of the Abbey revenues in 1537. The first gives their value as ^£'87 odd, and the other ^£'90, and they con- sisted of lambs' wool, corn, Lenten tithes, offerings, etc. After the Dissolution they were impropriated and leased to various persons. About the 29th Eliz. they were let to Adam and Edwin Sandys for thirty-one years, they paying J[,go per annum for the first thirteen years, and ;^ioo per annum for the *The last pitch pipe was made in 1764, and still exists. There is no record of the earlier one. THE PARISH. xlv remainder of the term. In the 3rd Jas. I. they surren- dered their lease, with a fine, and obtained a new one for forty years at the rent of ;!^ioo per annum: but before the ter- mination of this lease the tithes changed hands, for in 16 Jas. I. we find Francis Moris and Edmund Sawyer, citizens of London, disposing of them by indenture to Roger Kirkby of Kirkby Hall for ;!^i,550. In that family they remained for some time, so that in 1650 the Parliamentary Inquisitors reported that " Hawkshead hath neither Vicarage nor Par- sonage, only some tithes of wool, lamb, and other small tithes the value of which is unknown. Profits to the Minister are nothing worth, but only what the people please to contribute, save ;^20 p. an. paid by Rev. Mr. Walker." In 1689 Roger Kirkby, great-grandson of the last-named, mortgaged the tithes for ;^2,ooo, and the mortgage being foreclosed, they passed into the hands of London bankers, who disposed of a portion of them in 17 19 to some of the inhabitants of the Parish. Thus we see that the Curate in charge of the Parish never received the tithe, which was simply bandied about from squire to money-lender as a sort of speculation.* In Colton the inhabitants purchased the tithes from the Impropriator about the end of the 17th century, t In the 17th century the inhabitants made an abortive attempt to prove that they had no liability to pay tithe on two technical points, one of which was the supposition that all lands held of the Cistercian Abbeys were exempt from that charge. This opposition was not confined to High Furness, for many fruitless and vain attempts to prove the exemption were made in various districts where the inhabitants held what had been Abbey land. West, in his " Antiquities of Furness," has much interesting information on this subject, including the statement of the case of Hawkshead, and the opinion of Sir Matthew Hales, who was made Chief Baron of * The writer is partly indebted to an unpublished MS. by the author of "Annales Furnesienses," for some of the details about the tithe. t Rev. A. A. Williams, in " The Rural Deanery of Cartmel (Parish of Colton) " and elsewhere. xlvi THE PARISH. the Exchequer* soon after the Restoration, and afterwards Chief Justice of the King's Bench. Hawkshead played a small part in the futile rising of 1537, called " The Holy Pilgrimage," or the " Pilgrimage of Grace," which followed on the dissolution of the smaller monasteries, being no doubt fomented by many of the lately dispossessed clergy. As the history of this rising can be found in our histories, and as the local connection with it has been treated at length already in two local works, the briefest mention is only necessary here, t The leader of this revolt, in which 40,000 took part, was one Robert Aske, by some called a gentleman of Yorkshire, and by others a man of low parentage. Their object was to bring before the King a series of vague and ill-considered charges. To the contingents raised at various places, Aske issued proclamations, and that despatched to Hawkshead is still preserved, and although it has already been more than once printed, we venture to again reproduce it. " To the Commyns of Hawkeside Parish, Bailiffs, or Con- stables, with all the Hamletts of the same *' Well beloved, we greet you well ; and whereas our brother Poverty and our brother Roger goith forward, is openly for the aide and assistance of your faith and holy church, and for the reformation of such abbeys and monasteries now dissolved and subpressed without any just cause. Wherefore gudde brethers forasmuch as our sayd brederyn hath sende to us for ayde and helpe, wee do not only effectualy desire you, but also under the paine of deadly sinne we comaunde you, and eury of you, to be at the stoke Greene beside Hawkeside Kirke, the Saturday next being the xxviii day of October, by xi of the clock in your best array ; as you will make *See West's "Antiquities of Fumess," ist ed., p. 75 et seq. f Clarice's " Survey of the Lakes," 1789, p. 149. Tweddell's " Furness, Past and Present," i. p. 75. See also "Aske's Rebellion," 1536-7, by George Watson, "Transactions Cumberland and Westmorland Arch, and Antiq. Soc," Vol xiv. p. 335 «' -f^?- THE PARISH. xlvii answer before the heigh judge at the dreadfull day of dome, and in payne of puUing doune your houses, and leasing of your gudds, and your bodies to be at the Capteyn's will : for at the place aforesaid, then and there, yee and wee shall take further directions concerning our faith, so farre decayed, and for gudde and laudable customes of the country, and such naughty inventions and strange articles now accepted and admitted, so that our said brother bee subdued, they are lyke to goe furthwards to utter undoing of the Comynwealth." " Our brother Roger," mentioned in this queer document, has been conjectured to be the last Abbot of Furness, while "our brother Poverty," is said to have been a Hawkshead fisher- man.* The rioters eventually met the Duke of Norfolk at Doncaster, and through him a long list of demands was laid before Henry VIII. The King replied by a somewhat deri- sive letter, but pardoned the rioters, who dispersed. Aske and the Lords Darcy and Hussy were afterwards beheaded, and so also, according to Clarke's " Survey of the Lakes," " the Abbot and Prior of Sawrey, near Hawkshead." This must surely be an error for Salley, the last Abbot of which, as well as of the neighbouring Abbey of Whalley, suffered capital punishment. Let us leave Hawkshead, with its smouldering memories of Popery in 1537, and turn to it as a centre of Nonconformity in the 17th century. During the period which had elapsed between these two dates. Popery had again for a brief period replaced Protestant Episcopacy, and had again given way to it. In the time of Charles I. a new religious change had taken place, and Presbyterianism had superseded Pro- testant Episcopacy. Through the agency of the " Westminster Assembly of Divines," t the Parliament in 1646 divided * According to Mr. A. Craig Gibson, in the " North Lonsdale Magazine," 1866, p. 259. More probably, however, " our brother Poverty " was one of the four Penrith captains (Hutton, Beck, Whelpdale, and Burbeck), known respectively as Charity, Faith, Poverty, and Pity. See Mr. Watson's Paper, already cited. f Dr. George Walker before mentioned was a member. xlviii THE PARISH. Lancashire into nine classical Presbyteries, the ninth of which consisted of Aldingham, Urswick, Ulverston, Hawkshead, Colton, Dalton, Cartmel, Kirkby, and Pennington. With Charles II. Protestant Episcopacy once more became the state religion, and at this date also commenced the history of modern dissent. The earliest evidence of Nonconformity is thus chronicled in the Register : — " Burials 1658. ffeb x*. Agnes the wife of Edward Rigge de Hye wray a Quaker which was buryed at Coulthouse in George Braithwt packe (parrock) the same beinge an intended buryinge place for that sect, and shee the first Corpse which was layde therein." Now George Fox did not make his first visit to Furness till 1652, and his own chapel was not built at Swarthmoor till 1688. Yet, although the above entry shows how rapidly the earnest doctrines of this remarkable man took root in High Furness, it is no proof that the Hawkshead meeting- house is older than that at Swarthmoor. The deeds, which are kept at Kendal, do not actually state the date of erection, but they prove that while the land for the burial-ground was acquired in 1658,* that for the meeting-house was not pur- chased until 1688 : and also that previous to 1698 most of the meetings were held in Hawkshead, while in 1698-9 they were at Coulthouse. t It may be that it was in one of these years that the meeting-house was first completed and used. The necessity for a burial-ground was in all cases more urgent than that for a special meeting-house, for in these early days the Friends generally gathered in the private house of one of the more prominent of their number. * The conveyance is dated 4 March, 1658. f The old meeting-house, an interesting structure, is still in use. Baines says it was erected in 1653, probably a clerical error for 1658, which we have seen was only the date of the formation of the burial-ground. It is curious to note that in the conveyance of the land for this purpose, it is stated that the parcel of ground was then known as the " Buriall place," although the first interment had only taken place less than one month before. THE PARISH. xlix It was in 1664 that there began the persecution of Non- conformists by the " Conventicle Act," which ordained that every person above sixteen attending any dissenting meeting after that date was liable to imprisonment for three months or a fine of £,^ for the first offence, double for the second offence, and for a third, a fine of ;£ioo, or seven years' trans- portation to the American Plantations, from which escape was death. That this tyrannical Act was no dead-letter at Hawks- head, a warrant for the suppression of such a meeting at High- wray, which is now in Kendal Museum, well illustrates. This warrant is dated i6th January, 1684, and is signed by Roger Kirkby of Kirkby Hall, the lay impropriator of the Hawks- head tithes, and the son of that Colonel Kirkby who was the relentless persecutor of George Fox and Margai-et Fell. The meeting took place on the 30th day of the previous November at the " mansion house of George Braithwaite," who is de- scribed in the warrant as " husbandman," which then meant farmer. The following were the convictions and fines : — " George Braitewaite for suffering the con- venticle above mentioned to bee kept in his said house the sume of ... ... ;£"20 00 00 William Atkinson, of Monke Coniston, tanner, for his being present at the con- venticle aforesaid, and for his having before committed (and been duly con- victed of) the like offence ... ... 00 10 00 William Satterthwaite, Coulthouse, mercer, for the like ... ... ... ... 00 10 00 Edward Satterthwaite, of Town end, tanner, for the like offence ... ... ... 00 10 00 Charles Satterthwaite, of Greene end, hus- bandman, for the like... ... ... 00 10 00 Thomas Rawlinson of Graithwaite, gen., for his beinge present at the conventicle aforesaid, being his first offence ... 00 05 00 John Park, of Skelwith, hatter, for the like 00 05 00 D 1 THE PARISH. John Birkett, of the same, carpenter, for the like ... ... ... ...i^oo 05 00 Myles Birkett, of Cartmelfell, yeoman, for the like ... ... ... ••• 00 05 00 Agnes Sattcrthwaite, wife of the said Edward Satterthwaite, for the like ... 00 05 00 Barbary Satterthwaite, wife of the said Charles Satterthwaite, for the like ... 00 05 00 And because the said Agnes Satterthwaite, and Barbary Satterthwaite, are feme coverts severally cohabiting with their said husbands, I have therefore adjudged the said severall ffines of five shillings (imposed on each of them the said Agnes Satterthwaite and Barbary Satterthwaite) to bee levied of the severall goods and chatells of their said husbands respectively. A certaine man, unknowne, for his teachinge and preach- inge in the conventicle aforesaid, hath forfeited (by virtue of the said statute) the sume of twenty pounds, and because the same man is a stranger, and his name and habita- tion unknowne, soe that the said sume of twenty pounds by him soe forfeited cannot bee levied of his goods and chattells, I have therefore (by my discretion) adjudged the same twenty pounds to be levied of the severall goods and chattells of the respective persons (who were also present at the same conventicle) whose names are hereunder next mentioned, in manner following (that is to say) The said William Atkinson, of Monke Coniston (in parte of the same ^^20) the sume of ... ... ... ... ;^os 00 00 The said William Satterthwaite of Coult- house (in further parte thereof) other ... 05 00 00 The said Thomas Rawlinson, of Graithwaite (in further parte thereof) other ... 05 00 00 The said Myles Birkett of Cartmell (the residue thereof) other... ... ... 05 00 00" THE PARISH. li Even earlier than this date fines were imposed for non- attendance of Church, for it was presumed that noncon- formity was the cause of such neglect. Fifteen months earlier we find the following : — " This is to the Churchwardens of Hawkshead to fine the persons named within for not attending Church 3 Sundays. " 17 Oct . 1683. " Com. Lanes. Foreasmuch as the several persons hereunder named did not upon Sunday the sixteenth of September last past nor upon Sunday then next following, nor upon Sunday then next following, resort or repair to any church, chappell or any other place appointed for common prayer, and there heare divine service according to the form of the statute in that behalfe (made) and being called before us did not make sufficient excuse for their said defaulte to our satisfaction these are therefore to will and require you or one of you doe levye by distresse and sale of the goods of their several persons hereunder named respectively three shillings for their defaulte aforesaid to be employed to and for the use of the poor of your parish (ren- dering to every of them the overplus of the money) raised of the goods aforesaid respectively soe to be sould. And in defaulte of such distresse that you doe certify us or one of us thereof with all convenient speed to the end we may further proceed therein as to Justice do appertayne. Hereof fail not at your perils. " Give'd under our hands and seals ye seventeenth day of October Anno Regni Regis Caroli Secundi vicesimo quinto Anno Domini 1683." This mandate is signed by Roger and William Kirkby, and bears two impressions in wax of the Kirkby coat of arms. The list of names of the delinquents numbers about sixty- one, many of them married couples ; and we recognise among them several who appear at the High Wray Conventicle, viz. : lii THE PARISH. John Birket, William Atkinson, George Braithwaite, William Satterthwait, Edward Satterthwaite and his wife, and Thomas Rawlinson. The next oldest Nonconformist establishment in the dis- trict is the Baptist church or chapel at Tottlebank in Colton. This was established at the house of one William Rawlinson "on the i8'h day of ye sixth month called Aug^t 1669," and among the members joining at that time were the Reverend Gabriel Camelford or Camerford, who had already been ejected from Stavely chapelry by the Act of Uniformity, and Roger Sawrey of Broughton Torver, an old Cromwellian officer already nicknamed " Praying Sawrey." Camelford became the first Pastor, and during his time the place was visited by George Fox. In 1678 a small Baptist Chapel was founded at Hawks- head hill, and about the same time and in connection with it, one at Sunnybank in Torver. The one at Hawkshead hill, recently re-edified, appears to have been formed out of an old cottage. Its old records are unfortunately entirely lost. Its small graveyard can still be seen, but contains no inscrip- tion prior to 1750. The most recent of the old Nonconformist Chapels is that of the Friends at Rook How in Colton, which was founded in 1721.* It was erected as a convenient centre for monthly meetings : and it is believed that there were at that date but few, if any, resident Quakers in this immediate vicinity. * The Roolc How Meeting House is also called Abbot Oak, in which name we can trace, as in the neighbouring " Abbot Park," a relic of the Monastic rule. It is interesting to note that in all the Quaker Meeting Houses in this part of the world the same plan of building is universal, although their dates are often considerably apart. These in our own parish, Colthouse and Rookhow, are exactly of the same structural design as that at Swarthmoor and the one at the " Height" in Cartmel. The Baptist Chapel at Hawkshead hill and the Church at Tottlebank are, however, totally different from them and from each other, and both have probably been altered from dwelling-houses. A Fell-Side Farmer. Mr. George Black, aged 92, February, 1897. IV. tTbe IReaieters anb tbeir Stori?. ^ I ^HE oldest Register Book of Hawkshead consists of ^ ninety-eight pages of parchment, bound in a modern leather binding, and measuring with this binding twenty-one inches by seven inches : the actual skins being about one inch less in each direction. Within, on a modern paper leaf, is written : — This book was rebound in the year 1836 Tho^ Alcock Beck \ Henry Forrest ^ , ^ ) Churchwardens. John Inman John Creighton / It is probably to the first-named of these — the industrious compiler of " Annales Furnesienses " — that we may attribute the present excellent condition of the volume. The skins upon which the register is written vary some- what in character in different parts of the book. Thus, from the commencement to Burials 1599, the handwriting is un- changed and the skins bear a certain glaze, having evidently been prepared in the same way, and being of the same period. In the centre of the book the character of the skins is somewhat different, and they are in general somewhat thinner and whiter. After about 1680, the quality deteriorates, and the inferiority is shown by the way they have frayed at the edges in use, while they also lack the glaze of the older skins. From all this it is evident that the book is a com- position of several old registers, which have been bound up together. The enactments on the subject of Parish Registers, which will be hereafter referred to, bear this out. liv THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Without going deeply into the history of Parish Registers, a subject that has been ably treated in more than one work,* it is necessary to mention the chief Acts and enactments, and see in what way they are illustrated in the book before us. The first injunction for regular registration was made in 1536, and was the occasion of much foolish alarm on the part of the people, who ignorantly assumed it to be a novel method of taxation. It even became one of the grievances of the Pilgrimage of Grace " that no infant shall receiue the blessed Sacrament of Baptisme, bott onlesse an trybett to be payd to the King." This injunction was, nevertheless, fol- lowed up by a second in 1538, ordering every minister to keep a book in which he should write the day and year of every wedding, christening, and burial, and that the book should be kept " in one sure coffer, with two locks and keys," one for the minister and one for the wardens : and " which Book," the injunction proceeds, "ye shall every Sunday take forth, and in the presence of the said Wardens or one of them, write and record in the same, all weddings christen- ings and burials, made the whole week afore, and that done to lay up the Book in the said coffer as afore." From this date, 1538, no less than 812 Parish Registers begin, and no doubt many others did, but the earlier parts have been lost. In other cases, however, it is extremely doubtful if the injunction was properly complied with. In 1597 a constitution was made by the Archbishop, Bishops, and Clergy of Canterbury, with the intent of the better pre- servation of these documents, and this was embodied in an ecclesiastical mandate of 1603. By this canon it was enacted that a parchment book should be provided in each parish, and the old register, which had hitherto been kept on paper, was to be transcribed therein, and that every page was to be signed by the minister and churchwardens. Furthermore it * " The History of Parish Registers in England," by John Southerden Burns (London, 1862), and "Parish Registers in England, their History and Contents," by R. E. Chester Waters. To both of these authors I am much indebted for use- ful information. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Iv was ordained that the book should be kept in a coffer with three locks, the minister and churchwardens each holding a key, and that yearl_y transcripts were to be made and sent to the Bishop or to his Chancellor. The first part of the Hawkshead volume, that from 1568 to 1599, is accordingly the transcript made in accordance with these enactments, and as there is a somewhat important heading to begin with, it is a question whether an earlier register had been kept. It is worth notice also that Hawks- head was not made into a parish until ten years after this date. A rather interesting feature is also found in the word- ing of the heading, which is evidently a copy of one on the older paper register, and also shows that the register from that date was kept in a book, and not on mere paper slips. Of the two remaining enactments in these orders we find that one was observed and the other neglected at Hawks- head. The coffer with three locks still remains in the church tower, though the registers are of course no longer kept there. The signing of the registers on each page by minister and churchwardens was never done at Hawkshead until 1722, in the ministry of the Reverend William Bordley. The episcopal transcripts of the Hawkshead register are now at Lancaster, as Hawkshead was in the old archdeaconry of Richmond and diocese of Chester. They commence in 1676. At the beginning of this first section of the Hawkshead register are several memoranda of later date, some of which are interesting. The first is an order with reference to Church dues, in consequence of an Act of 1694. This entry is now somewhat difficult to read, but fortunately it was printed in Thomas Hearne's " Antiquities of Glastonbury."* The parts in italics are supplied from that work, and are not now legible. Hearne also notes that the entry was then at the end of the register, so that it was probably inserted in its present place in 1836. * Octavo, Oxford, 1722, p. 282. The entry was communicated to the Editor of this work by Thomas Rawlinson, Esq. Ivi THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. " October ji i6g^ " Whereas There hath beene of late some difference (concerninge)* the Church dues due within the pparish of Hawkshead " It is this day for the ascertaneng the said dispute for the future by the consent of Roger Kirkby Esqi<^ Impropriator there, and of the four and twenty of the said pparish : Ordered that the dues ffollowing Shall be paid to the said Roger Kirkby and his Successors in manner and forme as formerly they have beene paid time out of mind That is to say ffor every marriage of fforeiners by lycence ... i 4(1 ffor every Buriall in the chancell 6 8^ ffor every Churchinge of wives livinge within) the Bailliwicke of Hawkshead i ° 4^ ffor every Buriall in any part of the churchy (except in the chancell) and alsoe in the' churchyard of all persons dyinge within the| Bailiwicke of Hawkshead ffor every marriage when either the man or the) woman lives within Hawkshead Bayliwicke^ ^"^ '^ (The Chancell belonging to M^ Sandys Quire) ^ Southinge t burialls excepted ) Alsoe all ffreeholds to pay as usually for reges- teringe for every churching % ... ... ^d ffor every marriage ... ... ... ... aA ffor regesteringe every Buriall ... ... ... ^d Roger Kirkby Sam Sandys Myles Sandys Thomas Sandys William Braithwaite William Sawrey Adam Rigge 8d * Hearne reads "touchinge. " f Hearne reads " touching." J Hearne reads " christeninge. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ivii Henery Sawrey + mke George Kirkby + mke William Benson Robt Braithwait* Willm Sawrey t James Taylor m'^e + John Braithwaite Robt Benson James Braithwaite (illegible) X Myles Sands . . yles Strickland Thomas Braithwt George (?) Banks William Satterthwaite John Sawrey Richard Harrison Gawin Braithwait " On the same page is the following list of sidesmen for 1702. " The names of the twenty foure of the Parish of Hawks- head aforesaid § and made up the 7* day Aprill 1702 Myles Sandys Esq^ M"^ Thomas Sandys John Sarey William Braithwaite Robert Satterthwaite Adam Rigge Robert Benson William Sarey (illegible) II r * Hearne reads " Setterthwaite." t Hearne reads " Caures," evidently wrongly. X Omitted altogether by Hearne. § This list is also in Hearne, and reads here " appointed." II Omitted by Hearne. Iviii THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Will Benson Richard Harrison Oliver Sandys Willia Sarey William Mackereth George Banks William Satterthwaitc William Knipe George Borwicke Anthony Atkinson James Braithwaite Robert Robinson George Braithwait William Mackereth (of Brovve) March xxiiij die Isabell Sands of Fowlyete Affidavit Dinah Knipe ? Myles Sandys ? April ye \o^^ 1704 The names of ye 24 of the of Hauxhead Satfthwaite divition Myles Sandys Esq Robt Satftwhaite W™ Sawrey W™ Knipe Rob* Tayler W"i Townson Claife divition W™ Braythw' W™ Sawrey OliV Sandys Wm Satterthwt James Braythw' Win Satterthwt Hauxhead Baylewick THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. lix Field head Quarf Thomas Sandys gent Adam Rigg W™ Benson George Berwick Rob' Robinson Wm Mackereth? Skelwith Quart" W™ Mackreth Rob' Benson Gawen Braythw' George (?) Banke John Sawrey Richard Harrison * After which is the following half-destroyed entry : To w'^ii nomination the 24 have agree .... day above written & Likewise .... . . . animouse consent agree y' a fine shall be Imposed by every . . . upon notice . . . On the third page is the following curious entry about a man servant, in which Dr. Craig Gibson has suggested that we see a faint trace of serfdom.! "M° That the 13* day of June 1664 James fifisher of Ambleside yeoman, came to mee, with a certificate under the hands of Thomas Braithwaite of Hawkshead sadl .... Richard Knype of Coniston constable and Balth(azar) Puth parker and George Kirkby of Conistone afifores(aid) which declared unto mee that James Nicolson late servante to William Sawrey of Conistone Waterhead hadd the free con- sente of her sayd master to departe out of his service Ita test * In the Parish Account Books there are other lists for 1716, 1751, and 1766. t "The North Lonsdale Magazine," 1866-7, P- 260. Ix THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Christoph Edmonson pastor Emx June 24* 1664" The next entry shows how the volume was added to by new leaves in the 17th century. " M. That us foure churchwardens did add to this booke 34 leaves and covered it this p>"sent yeare An° Dom 1664 Robert Satterthwait \ John Braythwait / T^ , , T,. ^Churchwardens." Robert Rigge I Richard Walker ) Then follows one of the most interesting entries in all the register — a most graphic account of a terrible storm : " * Bee it remembered that upon the Tenth day of June att nighte in the yeare of our lord the one thousand sixxe hundred eighty and sixxe there was such a fearefull Thunder with fyre and rayne which occasioned such a terrible flood as the like of it was never scene in these parts by noe man liveinge ; for it did throwe downe some houses and milles and tooke Away seuerall briggs ; yea the water did run through houses and did much hurte to houses ; besydes the water wash't upp greate trees by the roots and the becks and gills carried them with other greate trees stocks and greate stones a greate way off and layd them on men's ground ; yea further the water did soe fiercely run doun the hye-ways and made such deepe holes and ditches in them that att seuerall places neither horse nor foote coulde passe ; and besydes the becks and rivers did soe breake out of their races as they * The writer of this account was not romancing, for in a small MS. volume containing an account of the disbursement of a Claife Charity, occurs the following note : — " 1686 The great thunder lightening and flood The 10 day of June betwixt 6 and 10 in the afternoone." This little volume, which is in the possession of Miss Hodgson, of Green-end, had been used as a private account book before any entries were made of the charity. The earliest of the latter is dated 1697-8. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixi broughte exceedinge greate sand beds into men's ground att many places which did great hurte the neuer like was knowne ; I pray God of his greate mercy graunte that none which is now liveinge can never see the like againe." Such terrible devastation from a thunder storm has never been recorded before or since in the annals of the parish, although the tremendous gale of December the 22nd, 1894, almost equalled it in its destructive effects. Such an entry as this well illustrates the value of our old parish registers, and makes us regret that no similar manner of recording extraordinary events exists at the present day. Our news- papers, printed as they are on paper which will probably last but a comparatively short period, and which are not filed in any local depository for permanent preservation, and future information, can but poorly supply the place of the old vellum registers.* The first section of the register, that from 1568 to Burials 1599, is written in a most careful and beautiful hand of the end of the i6th century. Omissions of any sort are ex- tremely scarce, and corrections are almost unknown. The names are written in their English form, but the headings are in Latin, as : " Baptizationes Infantiu Ano Domi 1568" The days of the month are generally shown in Roman numerals, although occasionally Arabic figures are used. The contraction used in these cases is always " th," even if they be ist, 2nd, or 3rd, these being written i^h, ijth^ and iij'h. Occa- sionally we get Firste instead of i*. Down to 1580, we get no further information than the names of the persons baptised, buried, or married, with the exception of a plague year in 1577, which will be further noticed. In 1580, however, the system of giving the residence * On the formation of Parish Councils it was decided, on the suggestion of the present writer (then on the Council), to keep an historical record of matters of general interest occurring in the parish. The writer was elected the first Parish Historian. The keeping of it is now in the hands of a small committee of the Council, and it is intended to continue the work from year to year. Ixii THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. of the person buried is first found, although only in one instance — May viij* W™ Rigge de Churchfield and in the same year we find the occupation of the deceased given in one case — June xxviij'h Thomas Satterthwaite scolarus In the following year we find the name of the father of the baptised frequently inserted, and this becomes general in 1582. Soon after, it is found, though not universally, in the burials. The placing of the residence of the deceased after his name is, however, very unusual until 1597, when there are several examples. After that date it is often found both in burials and baptisms. Although it was not until the Act of 1653 that lay regis- trars (or registers as they were called) were ordered to be appointed, we find a notification in the Hawkshead register at the beginning of 1640, " Registered by George Rigg as followeth," and the handwriting accordingly appears to change here. At January, 1653, there is a marginal note, " New Register begins," but as the handwriting does not change, it would seem that this was but a little subterfuge, a precaution against any examination of the book, and that a new register did not begin then, George Rigg having apparently had that duty relegated to him in 1640. This George Rigg was for many years the parish clerk, who by his will, 1706, left a considerable sum to the parish. It appears that he also acted for a long period as registrar, for in 1668 we find under burials an entry, " Jan 30'^ Agnes Rigge my ant." And as late as 1697 we find two marriages inserted in a strange hand, with a memorandum that " Geo Rigg forgot these." It is not improbable that when by the Act of 1653 lay registers were appointed, Rigg obtained the appointment, and on the death of the clerk, John Satterthwaite, in 1656, suc- ceeded him : " November v* John Satterthw' Clarke of the parish." THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixiii Thus he might register both before and after the restoration : but as we find him registering as early as 1640, he may also have been clerk before as well as after Satterthwaite.* At this date, i.e., between the Act of 1653 and the restoration, marriages were celebrated by a civil form before a Justice, and accordingly we find them omitted in the Hawkshead volume from 1653 to 1655. In 1644 The Directory of Public Worship was substituted for the Book of Common Prayer, and on the same occasion it was enacted that, besides the names of the children baptised, there should be entered in the register the names of the parents and also the time of birth and baptism. The times of marriages, deaths, and burials, were also ordered to be inserted. In the Act of 1653, births only, and not baptisms, are mentioned, and consequently at this date the registers often contain the former instead of the latter. This is, however, not the case at Hawkshead, and this lends colour to the supposition that here this Act was partly shirked. At the Restoration, 1660, the registration devolved on the clergy again : and about this date the handwriting changes in a somewhat puzzling way. In 1679 was passed the curious Act enforcing the burial of all bodies in woolen. Originally enacted in 1666, with the ridiculous object of encouraging and protecting the woolen trade, it had been generally disregarded. Accordingly, by the new and more strict regulation, it was ordered that an affidavit was to be produced within eight days of the burial. Fortunately a large number of these affidavits have been preserved at Hawkshead, and the present writer himself rescued from the old parish chest no less than ninety, which were all more or less decaying from the damp and inroads of mice. They are of great interest as they serve to check the register itself and enable the student to fill up all gaps where the register is damaged or unreadable. The one * There are, however, numerous changes in handwriting in the latter half of the book, all of which are notified in their proper places by footnotes. Ixiv THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. hundred and ninety-four which still exist all belong to the years 1680 to 1696 inclusive. An abstract of them will be found printed as an appendix. It is supposed that a much larger number of these certificates were in existence at Hawkshead until a com- paratively late date. It is said that some years ago, on the occasion of some alterations or restorations at the Church, the old chest was moved or opened, and many of those documents got loose and were blown about the roads leading to Hawkshead and lost in the mud. This story is apparently not without foundation, as the present writer has seen examples of woolen certificates in houses in the town. Although certificates exist for the years 1680-1, 1683-91, and 1693-6, there is no alteration in the form of burial entries in the register itself, except in the years 168 1-3, during which the names of the parties making affidavit is added to the name of the deceased. In 1694 an Act was passed imposing a scale of dues to be paid for five years on all births, deaths, and marriages, " for carrying on the war against France with vigour." In consequence of this we find the list of dues already quoted, which is written at the beginning of the register book.* The original scale as provided for by the Act is given in Burns' " Parish Registers," p. 30., and provides a separate rate for burials, births, and marriages, of the different degrees of nobility, as Duke, Marquis, and Earl. This is, of couse, all omitted in the scale of dues at Hawkshead and it varies considerably otherwise. In the following year, 1695, it was enacted that all births were to be registered in a distinct Register ; but this was no more noticed at Hawkshead than elsewhere, and the register of births is neither found in the Parish register or separately. This Act was allowed to expire, and the system was not revived until civil registration was started in 1836. As it is of some interest to compare the numbers of * See p. Ivi. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixv baptisms, marriages, and burials during the years over which this volume of the register extends, a table showing the figures is here given. Bishop Gastrell says that Colton continued to bury at Hawkshead till 1722, but the register of that parish commences with burials 1623, and I suspect it was about that date when they commenced to bury there. The year 1623 was a plague year, and in the Colton register the minister of the parish S"" Willm Greenupp forms the first entry. Probably the residents of Colton parish buried tlieir dead wherever it was most convenient for them, for Colton Church was somewhat inacessible to those residing in the north-east part of the parish, and the roads were steep and bad.* 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 Note that this year the order of the entries changes, and the burials are placed after the baptisms instead of the marriages. 1576 ... 34 16 38 1577 ... 46 14 86 This is noted in the register as the year of a " pestelent sicknes." 1578 ... 41 7 44 1579 •■• 35 5 35 Note that this year the order changes, and becomes burials, baptisms, marriages. ptisms. Marriages. Burials. 52 14 45 41 7 42 47 9 56 SI 14 38 38 14 60 52 16 67 34 8 42 57 14 49 * The Colton register seems fairly complete from 1623 to 1643. The years 1644-50 have lost a good many entries. And then there is a complete gap to 1673- E Ixvi THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Baptisms. Marriages. Burials. 1580 23 14 52 1581 48 6 31 1582 38 9 33 1583 34 16 SI 1584 32 7 39 1585 26 9 41 1586 31 8 42 1587 30 21 49 1588 30 8 l^ 1589 37 9 32 1590 40 17 28 I59I 26 14 67 1592 46 17 42 1593 52 12 44 1594 33 14 43 1595 47 8 31 1596 36 14 50 1597 24 16 84 1598 44 8 66 1599 56 10 29 1600 35 7 22 I60I 41 II 33 1602 32 9 27 1603 32 6 36 1604 40 9 29 1605 23 7 22 1606 29 13 23 1607 35 17 42 1608 31 15 47 1609 41 17 26 I6IO — — 28 I6II 51 14 15 I6I2 44 10 61 This year the order is changed to baptisms, burials, marriages. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixvli This Baptisms. Marriages Burials. I6I3 38 17 65 I6I4 41 13 41 1615 37 19 37 I6I6 55 II 41 I6I7 44 10 31 I6I8 4S 12 31 I6I9 59 8 31 1620 39 18 33 162 1 64 15 37 1622 43 14 56 1623 19 9 97 1624 — — — 1625 58 6 27 1626 39 17 29 1627 53 ^5 33 1628 51 13 27 1629 44 14 28 1630 54 II 51 I63I 37 13 35 1632 54 16 29 1633 39 9 36 year the ; order reverts to baptisms, marriages, burials 1634 57 10 46 1635 58 16 37 1636 35 10 67 1637 47 12 39 1638 46 9 27 1639 46 10 44 1640 45 10 46 1641 49 5 15 1642 43 9 32 1643 41 9 44 1644 53 2 39 1645 40 6 30 1646 48 2 35 1647 33 5 40 Ixviii THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Baptisms. Marriages. Burials 1648 42 7 47 1649 24 3 31 1650 46 6 ^o 165 1 39 2 ZZ 1652 30 I 47 1653 25 — 43 1654 38 I 27 The marriage entered in another hand, but none ir ordinary course. Space for marriages has been left for 1654 and 1655. 1655 29 — 31 1656 35 5 48 1657 21 14 35 1658 33 7 37 1659 26 8 50 1660 31 8 34 1661 30 9 51 1662 32 IS 37 1663 45 8 38 1664 36 16 28 1665 35 13 32 1666 32 16 40 1667 31 12 41 1668 19 6 60 1669 30 12 65 1670 24 10 63 1671 22 7 54 1672 21 10 69 1673 40 5 36 1674 24 3 44 167s 13 3 35 1676 18 5 26 1677 25 9 26 1678 30 II 23 1679 15 8 23 1680 27 II 23 Baptisms. Marriages. Buria i68i 26 10 48 1682 29 9 43 1683 23 5 29 1684 32 10 23 The order of this year is : marriages, burials, christenings. Four christenings were at Satterthwaite. 1685 ... 28 21 32 Order — baptisms, burials, marriages. 1686 ... 27 12 34 Reverts to the old order, baptisms, marriages, burials. 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 The order here becomes baptisms, burials, marriages. 1701 ... 23 14 29 The order reverts to baptisms, marriages, burials. 1702 ... 33 13 24 1703 ... 22 II 28 1704 ... 14+7 = 21 9 21 32 9 34 35 9 42 27 8 40 32 8 36 21 7 27 27 18 26 28 10 40 23 14 41 26+11-- = 37 16 43 24 10 53 28 13 41 40 9 28 22 9 37 31 7 26 Ixx THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. From this table we can deduce the following averages: — Years in which the Burials were lo over the average. Average No. Average No. of Baptisms of Burials Years. per year. per year. 1568-I577 ••• 45i 52fV 1578-I587 - 341 4IT0 1588-I597 ... 37tV 46 I 598-1607 ... 36tV 321% 1608-16 1 7 Births 1610 missing, average for 9 years ... 42f 39i- 1618-1628 (1624 missing throughout) 1629-1638 I 639- I 648 1649-1658 1659-1668 1 669- 1 67 8 1679-1688 1689-1698 I 699- I 704 47i% 44 32 3ii 24I 271 27t'< 25i 40T0 39f 36^ 36J 41T0 43i 33tc 37i 27i 1573 • • ^7 1577 • . 86 1580 . . 52 (1583 ■ • SI) I59I . . 67 1597 • . 84 1598 . . 66 1607 . • 42 I6I2 . . 61 I6I3 . • 6s 1622 . . 56 1623 . . 97 1630 . • 51 1636 . . 67 1640 . . 46 1648 . • 47 1652 . • 47 1656 . . 48 I66I . • SI 1668 . . 60 1669 . • 65 1670 . • 63 I67I . • S4 1672 . . 69 I68I . .. 48 1682 . •• 43 1696 . .. 53 1699 . •• 37 It thus appears that from 1568 to 1704, the ten years of highest mortality were: 1573, 67; 1577, 86; 1591, 67; 1597, 84; 1598, 66; 161 3, 65; 1623, 97; 1636, 67; 1669, 65; 1672, 69, and that the averages fluctuate in a very remarkable THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixxi manner, for if we take the average mortality of the years 1669 to 1678 we find it only 48^, while for the five years from 1668 to 1672 we get an average of no less than 623-, and in the following eight years it drops to 33!-. These years of excessive mortality show that Hawkshead escaped the plague no more than other northern parishes. This fearful scourge was, indeed, never absent in these counties from 1570 to 1598, and did not finally disappear from the English bills of mortality till 1679.* It was bad at Newcastle in 1570 and is supposed to have come to Cumberland from there. The mortality shown in the above table at Hawkshead proves that in 1572 and 1573 it reached Furness, although there is no mention of it in the register. The following three years — 1574-5-6 — were healthy at Hawkshead, although in the last year it was again at Newcastle. Apparently, it spread south through Cumberland in the same way, for the next year we find the heavy mortality of 86 at Hawkshead, against 38 of the previous year. It broke out in November, when we find the following entry in the register : — " * In this monthe begane the pestelent sicknes in o"" pishe w'^'' was brought in by one George Barwicke wherof is depted all those yt are thus marked * " Thirty-eight names are accordingly starred as victims. The first plague burial was on the 19th November, the last on the 25th February. There were two deaths in November, sixteen in December, sixteen in January, and four in February. The thirty-eight deaths were in but eight families, or at any- rate among only eight surnames, and we may therefore con- clude that the pestilence was confined to a few households. The greatest sufferers were the Tomlinsons, of whom no less than twelve succumbed, two being buried on December 18th, and three on January 17th. Among the Hodgsons there were eight deaths. The Barwicks, who had brought it in, got off * I am indebted to a paper on " Visitations of the Plague in Cumberland and Westmorland," by Henry Barnes, M.D., F.R.S.E., in vol. xi. "Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian Society," p. 158, for much useful information on this subject. Ixxii THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. with six, the Kirkbys with five, the Wattersons with three, the Walkers with two, and the Rigges and Dixons with one each. From the i8th December to the 31st there were twelve burials from the plas^ue in thirteen days. There was then a pause of four days without a burial, and then from January 5th to 17th the burials averaged one per day. On the last-named day there were no less than four burials, of whom three were Tomlinsons. After the 13th February there is only one name starred (also a Tomlinson) on the 25th. The next year the mortality was normal. A curious entry during this plague year is on January yjjjth . << * Anthony Dixson buried in Langdall the last day of December and taken up agayne and brought to Hauxhead the xj'h day of January." Perhaps Dixson was a Hawkshead man who died at Langdale of the plague, and the Langdale people finding the ravages the plague was making at Hawks- head, thought that a plague-stricken corpse should not remain in their parish. It looks, in fact, as if the plague had not attacked that valley at that date. In 1580 and 1583 the mortality was again considerably above normal, and in 1591 it attained to 67; and although there is in no part of the book any special memoranda referring to the causes of this, there need be no doubt as to what they were, even if it were only by the number of individuals of one surname who succumbed. In 1597 the mortality suddenly jumped to 84, only two less than the plague year of 1577. This year is known as a plague year, for the disease raged with disastrous results at Newcastle, Carlisle, Penrith, Appleby, and in fact all over Cumberland and Westmorland.* At Hawkshead the deaths were more numerous in the early part of the year, being ten in April, twelve in May, and ten in June ; but it seems to *For many details of this disastrous visitation see Dr. Barnes' paper already alluded to. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixxiii have remained throughout the year and into the next year, when there were also sixty-six burials. This plague of 1597 broke out in September, at Penrith, where it was brought by a " foreigner," and it has been said that its route was Newcastle, Kirkoswald, Penrith, Appleby, Kendal. The mortality being heavier at Hawkshead in the earlier months of the year, it would however appear to have reached Furness by some other line. These days of calamity told their tale in another way in the register. The average number of marriages recorded per year from 1570 to 1599 inclusive, is just under twelve. But it is curious to find the effect of the epidemics. The years in which the mortality was above normal, the number of weddings were also above normal, but the ensuing years in each case were the reverse. Thus in 1572 and 1573 the marriages were fourteen and sixteen, but in 1574 they dropped to eight. In 1577 they were fourteen, in 1578 only seven. In 1580 they were fourteen, in the following year only six. In 1583, sixteen, and in 1584 only seven. While in 1597 we find sixteen, and in 1598 only eight. Of course the month of the year in which the epidemic commenced sometimes influenced this. The visitation of 1577 broke out in November, and the first plague burial took place on the 19th of that month. The number of marriages in that year were already above the average, but no more were celebrated until September in the ensuing year, although the plague had ceased. The plague of 1597 was more general throughout the year, and at Penrith, where the population was infinitely larger, no wedding was celebrated during the summer. At Hawkshead, no one ventured on matrimony, except three couples, until October, yet by the end of the year there had been sixteen. The plague had not yet completed its work. Although there is no regular record of another visitation until 1623, there is no doubt that it lingered in the district ; indeed, Bishop Henry Robinson died of it at Rose Castle in 1616. Before this, however, we notice the high rate of mortality Ixxiv THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. evinced by the Hawkshead register in 1612 and 1613, which were most probably less virulent outbreaks. In 1623, however, the burials numbered 97, much more than double the average of the years 1618-1628. This epidemic was common all over Cumberland, Westmorland, and even the South of Scotland. Dr. Barnes, in a paper already referred to, has published a tabular statement of the mortality at certain places in the district, during the various plague years, and from this it appears that many spots were even worse off than Hawkshead, the mortality at Greystoke, for instance, being more than five times the average in that year.* The year preceding had been much above the average, but it was from August to December, 1623, when the visitation was at its worst at Hawkshead. The following shows the burials for each month : — March April May June July August September As there is no special note in the register, or mark showing which individuals died by the plague, it is not easy to say much about this epidemic locally, severe as it was. It does not, however, appear to have been so confined to certain households as that of 1577, though there seems to be six or seven examples of both husband and wife succumbing. It is curious that the following year is omitted from the register, except four or five entries which are inserted in the space for 1624, which is left blank. These are in different hands. In 1625 the register is resumed in the usual hand. Perhaps the Registrar himself was a sufferer. In 1625 there were. I October 9 ■• 3 November •• 13 •■ 7 December •• 7 •• 5 January I •• 7 February . II .. 21 March 2 .. 10 * In 1623 there were no less than 270 burials at Lancaster, although the plague ceased a month before the end of the year. — J. S. Slinger, in " Lancaster Guardian," April nth, 1896. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixxv however, only six marriages, from which it is possible that 1624 as well as 1623 was a bad year at Hawkshead. Of the other years of high mortality, I have at present no means at hand for comparing Hawkshead with other parishes. The year 1636 was isolated, the mortality being normal in the years preceding and following. In 1656, a year, however, of average mortality, we find the following entry : — March xx^h Barbary Braithw^ xxjth Jane Braithwaite and Sybell Braithwaite All three children of Willm Braithwt of Narr Sawrey and dyed of the Pocks. After this the mortality remained fairly equable until 1668, when there were a series of bad years, the average mortality from that to 1672 inclusive, being, as already noted, no less than 62I, and the highest of the five being 69 in 1672. That these years were plague years seems to be proved by the three entries in 1668. September 1 1 : George Attkinson fil Thomas de Keene ground in ye Church 22 : uxt" Joseph Keene de Keene ground e5d die : Thomas Keene fil Leonard de Keene ground. The same year : Marche 5 : Charles Wilson of Arnesyde found dead at Eltarwater parke In the following year, in September, three Braithwaites of Sawrey extra were buried on the 13th, 14th, and 17th, two of them being man and wife. In 1670, on September i6th and i8th, Henry and Margaret Williamson, father and daughter. In 1671, June 17th and July 15th, a son and daughter of William Braithwaite of Brathay. February 13th and 15th the same year, Ellen and Mar- garet Knype of Keeneground. In 1672 we find no less than four deaths in April, Ixxvi THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. May, June, and July, at the isolated farm of Thompson ground. These entries are picked out without any special search, but are sufficient to show that it was a true epidemic. Again, it is noticeable that although the marriages went on as usual in these years of sickness, they dropped in num- bers when the mortality lessened. Thus — 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 6 12 10 7 10 5 3 3 5 Dr. Barnes gives no details of a visitation during these years in the north, but the prolonged period over which it lasted makes it more important than some of the shorter but more acute plague years. It will be noticed that it followed pretty soon the great visitation of London in 1665. As that was practically the last of the epidemic in the capital, so these years were practically the last in the 17th century at Hawks- head, for a much lower average mortality followed. During the 17th century it was usual to bury in the church as well as in the churchyard. This is always notified in the register after 1607, but only in a few instances earlier, although no doubt burials in church were as common before that date. Before 1630 these entries were in English, " buried in the Church," or " in the Church," but at that date we find " in templo," which is often used afterwards. From 1601 to 1704 inclusive, 1,109 persons are notified in the register as buried in the church, giving an average of about 11^ per year. We find by the table of duties at the beginning of the book, the date of which is 1694, that no extra due was then payable for interment in the church, excepting in the chan- cel, where the due was 6s. 8d. Here many representatives of the squirarchal families, and one or two of the better-to- do statesmen, were interred. There are altogether forty-nine burials specially noted as having taken place in the east end of the church in the whole book. Amongst these the greater number arc representatives of the Sandys family of Grath- waite, who are generally entered in the register as buried in THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixxvii the " Sands quire," or sometimes in the " Htle quire." We find in all — litle chancell " or Sandys 27 Bensons 6 Nicholsons 4 Edmondsons ... 3 Rawlinsons ... 2 Gilpins 2 Sawrey Fleming Copley Bordley Sadler The Bensons were an old and very well-to-do family of statesmen settled in this parish chiefl)' at Skelwith fold, but the family was somewhat widespread and owned the manor of Baysbrown in Westmorland. The Nicholsons were of Hawkshead Hall for about six generations, and members of the family were well-to-do merchant adventurers in New- castle. The Gilpins were of course of the Kentmere stock, and were connected by marriage with the Nicholsons. The Copleys were a West Cumberland family who came into the Hawkshead Hall property by marriage. " Jane fleeminge de Amblesyde," buried in 1683, was no doubt one of the Rydal family. Mr. William Bordley, 1669, was the head-master of the Grammar School and was perhaps father of William Bordley who was head-master of Lancaster Grammar School 1690 to 1708, who again was probably identical with William Bordley incumbent at Hawkshead after 1720. Christopher Edmundson was also one of the incumbents from 1664 to 1675. The Sawreys were a widespread family. Mr. John Sadler (1691) was another of the schoolmasters appointed 1672. The Rawlinsons were the Graythwaite family, neighbours of the Sandys. Marriages by license are often noted in the latter part of the book. The first entry of this sort is November 4th, 1662. Ixxviii THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. There are a few entries of marriages celebrated elsewhere than at the Parish Church, as the following : 1582. Septemb : Received for ye weddinge of John Croud- son of ye pishe of Kirkby & Margaret Christall of this pishe married at Torver ye xix'^ of Sep- tember 1695 September 9: M^ Thomas Sands & M^s Ann Sands married att Crostwaite Church November 21 : William Braithwait and Mary Cooke- son married att Grassmyre. 1701 September 30: W™ Braithw^ & Margaret Harrison married at Cartmell Church In the same way we sometimes find baptisms out of the parish recorded. Thus in 1684 and 1697 we find short lists of infants baptised at Satterthwait Chapel. It should be remembered that the regular register book of this chapelry does not begin till 1766. Occasionally baptisms are recorded as having taken place at home instead of the Church. 1682 June 5 Samuell Sands )fil Samuell de Haukeshead and Bridgett Sands ^ hall chrisned at home There is one other case the same year, and four cases in 1685. In 1681 "Christenings" and "Weddings" are substi- tuted for the words " Baptisms " and " Marriages," or " Bapti- zationes " and " Nuptiae " ; but the old fashion is immediately reverted to. Illegitimacy is noted in the register in a variety of ways : Bapt 1575 May xij'^ Agnes Rigge suscepto"^ June xj"i puer Rowlandi Strickland susceptus est. 1629 March xxij"i William Asheburner fil Adam base begotten 1674 Jannuary 17 : James the base begotten son of Dorothy Dodgson suposed to bee the son of one James Martin a Scotchman. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixxix 1632 June xj* Lament Banke the supposed daughter of Geo : Burd 1634 March xxjt^i puer abort, sine patre noto. 1703 February : 28 : William fil of Agnes Sarey without any known fath^ a bastard. Bapt 1656 January viij'^^ George the base childe of Doro- thye Nicolson. Triplets are occasionally recorded in Baptisms — 1589 January xxvit"^ Jenatt Braithwaite] r, . code die Cathren Braithw' [■ M" Vi 1 ' eode die Margaret Braithw^j 1594 Decemb : xxijth Elsabeth ffleminge\ ^i. •'^^ •' '^ omnes hlise eode die Margaret fflemingel ^^j eode die Mary ffleminge | After 1599 omissions and alterations are much commoner than in the earlier part of the book. Sometimes the Chris- tian name is omitted, and occasionally the surname. Inser- tions are now and then found added, in another hand, in the margin ; and, in the same way, omitted names are sometimes found filled up in a different writing. This carelessness is shown in Marriages 1635 — July xxijti^ John Holme and John Woodburne, and in 1590, where we get the heading, " Sepulturse Infantii." About 1580 it became usual in registering the burial of married women, to use this form (omitting the Christian name of the deceased) — 1616 Aprill ly-^ uxr Jo: Braithwt. Earlier than 1580 this method was very seldom used, the full name of the deceased woman being simply entered. Occasionally we get glimpses of the trades and occupa- tions of the inhabitants in the register — Burials 1599 Septemb : xix Jenatt Braithw* Badger wif. (A Badger is a pedlar.) Ixxx THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Burials 1613 March xxiij'^ W^ Braithwait, Sheareman. He would probably be a member of the Guild of Shearemen Dyers at Kendal, an important and influential body at that date. Burials 161 8 June xx"^ ux*" Ric Tailor Cowp " Cowp " is here a contraction of " Cowper," probably meaning a horse cowper or dealer. Burials 1623 May iij"^ Jo : Tailor thrower. A " thrower " is a turner of wood. Thus in a sale schedule of a Grasmere farmer, in 1710, I find "A throwen chair," meaning evidently a chair in which the balusters, and perhaps back, were " thrown " or turned on the lathe, instead of being roughly cut or chopped out of wood. Burials 1636 July xxiiij'^ George Holme miller. Baptisms 163 1 June xix"' Barbaric Braythwait fil : W™ de Sawrey whistler. Burials 1654 ffebruary xxvij"' William Hyrdson pyper. Burials 1660 Aprill x''' Elisabeth Rigge ye daughter of Rigge pipper who dyed at Consay. Burials 1691 May 16 : Agnes Holme fil George Holme fidler. These were no doubt the village musicians. In the days when most of the people's apparel was home made Hawkshead boasted a hatter. Burials 1668 September 9 : Issabell the wife of W"" Braithw' hatter in the church * * Hats were made at Hawkshead Hill till a comparatively late date. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixxxi The making of swills or baskets of laths of wood is not yet extinct. Burials 1673 May 13 : John Harrison Swiller who dyed at Grysdall A record of smuggling days is seen in the following : Baptisms 1694 July firste. Elsabeth the base begotten childe of Edward Hall gaiger Baptisms 1700 ffebruary 23 : Thomas son of Thomas Daniell of Hawks- head ganger 1695 Jannuary 14 Thomasin Twentyman fil : Thomas a whitesmyth. A charcoal burner was a " colier." Burials 1 701 December 10 Clement Holm colier de Deal park. Paupers, mendicants, cripples, and insane people are occasionally mentioned. Burials 1680. October 3 : Issabel the wife of John Penyson a poore woman that beg(ged) her meate Burials 1661 Aprill xix"^ W"?? Browne a poore criple borne at Newcastle upon Tine Burials 1655. June XV* Margrett Townson fil . Willm Ideot. We only get one allusion to that hardly used race of nomads, the gipsies. Baptisms 1632 January xiij'^i Thomas Washington fil Henry an Egiptian. Quakers are occasionally alluded to, but the interesting entry in the Burials 1658 has already been quoted in the chapter on the Parish. We find also : Christenings 1695 Jannuary 6 : W'" Atkinson quaker chrisned his son William Ixxxii THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Burials 1690 September 6 : Robert Pennington fil . Thomas buried att buryinge place. The bailiff was a manorial ofificer. Burials 1587 Aprill vij'^ uxr Robtc Tayler baylif. Baptisms 1599 January xvj* Agnes Tomlinson Thomae filia de bailifcs. Burials 1672 Jully 1 1 William Sawrey balife in the Church In the Commissioners' Survey of the Lordship of Furness, 1649, printed in West's "Antiquities of Furness," 1774 (p. 170 et seq.), we find : — "To William Sawry 2/. 13s. 4d. as did appear unto us by a patent, bearing date 9° Feb. Anno 8° Car. whereby he was made bailiff of Hawkshcad, with Hill Hawkshead, Robert, Water Park, and divers other hamlets thereunto belonging durante bene placito." Burials 1672 Jully 29 : Myles Sawrey schoolc master at Haukeshead in church. Burials 1656 November v* John Satterthwt Clarke of the Parish. The Register contains a long " chapter of accidents," and as the entries are often curious and interesting, they are reproduced here to save the reader the trouble of searching them out. 1596 January i'^ Edward Robinson interfectus est 5 die ante sepult .... No other details are known of this murder. 1599 March x* John Braithwt : dround 1623 ffebruary iiij''^ ux'' Robert Braithw' slayne in her owne house buried in the church xxiij''' a wench found at the Bracken- thwait. The latter perhaps a plague death. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixxxiii 1629 ffebruarie v''' Edward Vickars w^^" was drouned at Satterthw'. 163 1 Januarie xv'*^ Edward Satterthw' de Coulthouse drowned beneath Poole stong Pool stong (or stang) is the place where the road from Hawkshead to Colthouse crosses the beck. In 1836 some- tliing like an ancient wooden causeway, apparently constructed to cross what was once a bog, was discovered near here. 1633 Aprill xxix"' Leonard Oxenhouse whoe hanged himselfe in Nathaniell Nicolsons stable. Nathaniel Nicolson was of Hawkshead Hall. 1636 July xv'^ James Taylior fil Richard de Lending drowned by a boate in Windermere water 1637 July xxvij"^ Ux"" George Taylior de Plowme greene in the Church killed by a Bull 1639 October xxv'*" Elsabeth the wife of George Braithwt de Tockhowe killd with the fall of a horses. March xij"' 1640 Robert Parke of Torver drowned hard beneath Ambleside and found at Windermer Watterhead and brought to Hawkeshead to be buryed the i''' day of May 1641. The year, of course, began the 25th of March, and fifty days elapsed between the death and burial. From the words, " hard beneath Ambleside," it seems probable that the deceased was drowned in the Rothay in flood time. 1645 Aprill iiij'h George Satterthwaite wife whoe hanged herselfe in her owne house fifebruary xxiij'^^ uxo^" John Robinson found dead betwixt Graythw' and Dalepke. 1647 ffebruary iij''^ John Satterthwaite fil Clement drowned in the Thirse Gill Ixxxiv THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. ffebruary vj'^ Thomas Townson fil Peter killed with the fale of a greate stone and buried in the Church. 1649 March xxjth John Jackson found att Consey nabb drowned in Windermeere watter. 1650 May xxiiij"^ Agnes Rownson uxo"" Willm found dead at Estwhaite intacke yeat & buryed in ye church 1653 Juh' ii*h George Braithw' son of Willm of the fould supposed to be Slaine by they fale of a horse Backe. 1654 Md. That William Braithwaite of Skellwith de- parted from his owne house in Skellwith on Wednesdaie the 5'^^ of Aprill and was found drowned in the water att Arthure Benson field foote neare or aboute the Dubb : Ings : and was brought to be Buried at Hauxheade on friday the 2dfi^ of this present Aprill 1654 : as above. 1655 August viij'h Agnes Braithwt fil Edward drowned betweene Sawreys. This is between near and far Sawrey. The next is a most pathetic record — 1657 March xxjth Elisabeth the Daughter of Willm Hodgshon of ffieldhead a younge childe under three yeares ould whoe went with her brother from Borwicke ground where they lived till Willm Mackreths house : And as shee was gooinge home againe by herselfe shee lost her way and wandered to the Hye greene and their was stervd to Death : And could not be found though sought by many untill foure days after that shee was lost, the day first menconed beinge the day on which shee was found and Buried. Where the "Hye greene" is, I am not able to ascertain. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixxxv 1658 November viij"^ Jennett the wife of Willm Benson of Brow in Church whoe lived but six weeks & three days after shee was married. 1660 Aprill iij'i^ John Robinson son of Henery a poore younge child who dyed by the highway side in Claife in his mother's armes Aprill ye 4*^ 1664 : Md That their was a man drown^ in Thurston = water which was found casten upp att the water = head neare to the yeate in the High = way who hadd layde soe long in the sayd water untill the haire was com^ of his head and his face was sore eaten and disvigered with fishes : hee beinge a stranger and not knowne by any was broughte to Haukeshead Church by a horse in a Carr and buried in his Close (clothes?) in the Church = yard att the north syde of the Steeple the day and yeare firste mentioned and expressed : 1665 Jannuary 25'^! Charles Satterthwaite of Coulthouse drowned in the pool as hee was goeinge home from Hawkesheade and buried in the Church. The " pool " is the beck running into Esthwaite at its North end. 1666 fifebruary 11 : Thomas Rooke who hanged himself in a hoUinge (holly) in Robert Satterthwaite Allan Ryddinge. i.e., in Robert Satterthwaite's (field called) Allan Ryddinge. 1668 Marche 5 . Charles Wilson of Arnesyde found dead att Elterwater pke. 1669 Aprill 22 : Ann Braithwaite the Relict of George Braithwt (de ?) Bristoe found drowned in the Oas in the foote of Easthwaite water where the fford lyes betweene Esthwaite and nearer Sawrey. In this entry the " de " is supplied, the presumption being that it has been frayed away with the edge of the page, which Ixxxvi THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. is here much worn. I know, however, of no place in the parish called Bristoe. " Oas " is now called Ees bridge, being the place where the stream runs out of Esthwaite to Out Dubs and is crossed by the road to Sawrey. 1672 Aprill 8 : Thomas Lancaster who for poysonninge his owne family was Adjudgt at the Assizes att Lancaster to bee carried backe to his owne house att Hye = wrey where hee liv'd : and was there hang'd before his owne doore till hee was dead, for that very facte then was brought with a horse and a carr into the Coulthouse meadows and forthwith hunge upp in iron Chaynes on a gibbet which was sett for that very purpose on the south = syde of Sawrey Casey neare unto the Pooll = stang: and there continued untill such tymes as hee rotted everye ? bone from other. . . . The perpetrator of this crime was first brought up before Sir Daniel Fleming, of Rydal Hall, and afterwards was tried and sentenced at Lancaster Assizes. The following interesting letters on the subject were published some years ago in the Twelfth Report of the Historical MSS. Commission, Appendix Part vii, devoted to the Rydal Hall Manuscripts. Extract of letter from Sir Daniel Fleming, of Rydal, to Sir Joseph Williamson, in London, November 24^^', 167 1 : " Being lately in Lancashire I received there — as a justice of the peace of that county — an information against one Thomas Lancaster, late of Threlkeld in Cumberland, who, it is very probable, hath committed the most horrid act that hath been heard of in this countrey. He marryed the 30th of January last a wife in Lancashire, who was agreed to be marryed that very day, or soon after, to another ; and her father afterwards conveyed all his reall estate to this Lan- caster upon him giveing security to pay severall sums of money to himselfe and his daughters. And through covetousness to save these and other payments it is very THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixxxvii probable that Lancaster hath lately poysoned — with white arsenic — his wife, her father, her three sisters, her aunt, her cosingerman, and a servant boy, besides poyson given to severall of his neighbours — who are and have been sick — that people — as it is presumed — might think the rest dyed of a violent fever. I have committed him prisoner unto Lancaster Castle, and shall take what more evidence I can mert with or discover against the next assizes that he may there have a fair triall, and — if he be found guilty — such a punishment as the law shall inflict on such like offenders." On April 3, 1672, Sir Daniel Fleming, writing to Sir George Fletcher, at Hutton, mentioned that at Lancaster Assizes Thos. Lancaster had been found guilty of poisoning eight persons, and was to be hanged in chains. Writing on April 24, 1672, to Sir William Wilde, Justice of the Common Pleas, Sir Daniel Fleming intimated that Thomas Lancaster had confessed that he poisoned " the old woman " with arsenic, for a bribe of £2^ from the heir to her estate, worth £16 per annum. The place where the gibbet stood at Pool Stang is still sometimes called Gibbet Moss, and elderly people remember the stump of the gibbet still standing. Folklorists will be interested to know that a portion of the stump placed in a bad tooth was formerly considered at Hawkshead, a " maist terrible sure thing for t'toothwarke " (toothache). 1674 : October 19 : William Dixeson who hang'd himself in his dwellinge house att Braithey and did lye three days dead in the sayd house before that hee was buried 1682 : August 17 : Willm Hyrdson of Dale pke slayne with a stone which fell on his head out of the higer end of that house in Hawkshead in which Rosa- mond Knype lately dwelled. (Mary Taylor '■Dorothy Satterthw' 1689 December 16 : Bernard Swaineson who was Edward Ixxxviii THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Braithwaite Apprentice went with William Stamper a greate while within nighte into William Braith- waite shopp in Haukeshead for to beare him Com- pany a little, and att there meeteinge these three younge youths were all very sober and in good health : and Aboute twelve o'th Clocke o'th nighte ; they made a Bett ; that if this Bernard Swaineson coulde drinke of nyne noggins of brandy : then William Braithwaite and William Stamper was to pay for them ; but if Bernard fayld and coulde not drinke of nyne noggins of brandy then hee was to pay of his owne Charges for that hee had drunke ; now this Bernard drunke of those nyne noggins of brandy quickly : and shortly after that fell doune upon the floore : and was straightway carried to his bed where hee layde two and Twenty hours : dureinge which tyme hee coulde never speake ; noe nor never did knowe any body though many Came to see him and soe he dyed. 1 69 1 May 15 : Clement Holme who was cuttinge downe a tree att Coniston water-head & slayne by the fall of it. 1692 March 11 : John Mackereth of Skellwith was drownd in Skellwith dubs and a boate was fetcht from Bownas and putt on the sayd dubs for men to seeke him ; and when he was found he was draune out of the water into Gawine Braithwait lyifee(?) Knott. 1693 June 30 : Michaell Nolon a workeman which wrought in the mynds on Coniston fell that was slayne when hee was burstinge a cragg with Gun pouder. 1697 September 16: James Braithwait late of Crofthead did goe to the waterfoote for a boate load of lyme stones for William Braithwait of briers, and as hee was comenge backe Againe was drownd in Winder- mere water : and three men that was with him by Gods greate mercy gott all out of the water THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Ixxxix and sav'd there lives ; the boate which they were in beinge loaden with lyme stones was lost & did sinke into the bottom of the sayd water : and hee was buried the day of the moneth first mentioned. " Briers," formerly a farm-house at Sawrey, but transformed into the residence called " Brierswood." The " lyme stones " were no doubt quarried in the Cartmel district and carted to Lake side (" the waterfoote "). 1699 July 9 : John Satterthwait de Sawrey extra who hang'd himselfe in his own house. Out of this record we find : Drowning accidents 14 Suicides by hanging ... 5 Murders I * Deaths from various accidents ... 7 From excessive drinking I Found dead ... 5 Executed for murder ... I Various 3 The large number of deaths by drowning is remarkable : it is very probable that some of them were also suicides. While on the subject of drowning accidents, it is curious to remark that no notice is taken in the Hawkshead register of the serious fatality that took place on Windermere in 1635, when nearly fifty people perished. The occasion, according to local tradition, was a wedding at Hawkshead Church, and the victims the entire wedding party ; but in Burn and Nicholson's "Westmorland" they are only alluded to as returning from Hawkshead market. Curiously we have information on the subject from more than one source, although our register book ignores it. The most authentic of these is an entry in the Grasmere parish register, which has been most courteously copied and supplied me by the vicar of that parish, Mr. Jennings. It runs as follows : "The sixth of Octob. 1635 these were all drowned in xc THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Windermer Water in one boate coming over from Hawks- head Mf George Wilson of Kendall John Beck, his wife, his son, and a servant maide of Kendall Thomas Powe of Kendall Randall Noble of Kendall John Kitchins son of Strickland feild John Pearson and his wife of Skelsmore Christofer Phillipson of Ashes Gervis {sic) Stricklands wife of Staveley Mary daughter of John Phillipson Thomas Milner boateman and his 2 daughters Henry Pearson and Dorothie his sister Tho : Bateman of Crooke James Warriner of the same John Satterthwayte of the same Christopher Willans wife Rolland Strickland Myles Powe Anthony Sewart Anthony Elleray Richard Robinson Thomas Parke son of Rolland Willm Park of Colgaith James Sewart Myles Birkehead— son of Myles Willm Roberts son of Thomas Christoph : Parke of Colgarth Willms brother Willm Rawes Thomas Woods wife Nicholas Bell wife George Baxter and his wife John Rowanson Willm Holme Richard Robinson Willm Sewarts wife THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. xci Richard Scills daughter Marke Harrinsons wife Arthur Ellis Myles Rigge and 2 more or 3 and 7 horses and one that escaped." Amongst the verses of Thomas Iloggart of Troutbeck, commonly called " Aid Hoggart," we find the following on this subject : " Upon the 191'' day of October 1630 {sic) the great Boat upon Windermeer water sunck about sun setting, when was drowned fforty seaven persons and cleaven {sic) horses : ffrom suden Death Libera nos. Epitaph Weepe not sweet friends, but wipe away all teares, We are delivered from all human feares ; Let no man rashly judge of this our fall. But rather let't a warning be to all, And let none censure what we did Our thoughts were known to God, to mortals hid ; And though our bodyes sunk into the deepe ; Our soules did mount, and therefore do not weepe." * The " great Boat " was the public ferry-boat of that date, perhaps so called in distinction to a ferry-boat for foot passengers at Millerground, which formerly existed, and which may have been generally known as " little boat." Lastly, in the " English Topographer," published in 1720, I find the following curious reference to the catastrophe. The book or pamphlet mentioned must be very rare, as after many enquiries I have absolutely failed to see or hear of a copy, even at our National Library, t " Of Hawkshead we have some short account in the Preface * From " Remnants of Rhyme, by Thomas Hoggart, of Troutbeck, selected from an old MS. collection of his writings preserved by his descendants." Kendal, 1853- f I would esteem it a great favour if any reader who knows of a copy would communicate with me. xcii THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. to a Book entitled, ' The Fatal Nuptiall ; or the mournefull Marriage. Relating the heavy and lamentable Accident lately occurring by the drowning of 47 Persons, and some of these of Especiall Quality, in the water of Windermere in the North, October 19 1635. Lond. 1636. 12^°.'"* Here and there in the register entries give the old spellings of place names or preserve names now otherwise lost. Burials 1668 August 12 : Richard Asshburner de Annykin Syke The present spelling of this place, which is on the west side of Esthwaite, is Hannikin, and the Syke must be some covered-in beck. There does not appear to be any house now specially known as Hannikin-syke. Baptisms 1670 Aprill 17 : Ester Sawrey fil Anthony de Robert Banke Pke. Robert Bank park, besides being several times mentioned in the register, occurs in the certificate of the Revenues of Furness Abbey, 1537: and as we know from Abbot Roger's Rental (Beck's " Annales Furnesienses," p. 329) it was an Abbey Grange. As a place name it is not now known : but it was no doubt the Park attached to Bank {i.e., Bank's) ground in Monk Coniston. * In a common place book, kept by the late Mr. Thos. Taylor, of Sawrey, I find further confirmation on the subject. He gives a transcript of the Grasmere entry with the date xx"" instead of sixth, which latter is probably incorrect. He also says that traditionally the couple whose marriage was being celebrated were Thomas Benson and Elizabeth Sawrey, who were married at Hawkshead, Oct. 15th, the first being a Bowness yeoman, the latter of Sawrey. Traditionally also he tells us that the unfortunate couple were buried under the yews in Bowness Church : but as the names do not occur among the Grasmere list, we may doubt the truth of this part of the story. The writer further notes that Burn & Nicholson call the victims a market party, and that the 19th October, 1635 (old style), was a Monday, which was market day, which leaves the balance of evidence in favour of a market rather than of a wedding party. The same storm, however, is referred to by Wharton, the Chronologist of Kendal, who says : " Eighteenth of October, 1635, the river Kent came into the vestry. And 19"! Thomas Miller boatman, and 47 men and women were drowned in Windermere water, with 9 or 10 horses, having been at a wedding." THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. xciii Baptisms 1682 Jully 23 : Mary Hugill fil James de Pull-Bame Pull Barne was most probably a cottage or farm near Pull Wyke on Windermere, and it may now be incorporated in the buildings of one or other of the modern residences in that locality. " Crosse," which occurs in a solitary entry, is also unknown to the writer. There is Crosslands near Rusland, and High Cross on the road from Hawkshead to Coniston, but there is no house at the latter place. The reader who is interested in the distribution and origin of surnames can make his own deductions from this volume and its index. There are, however, certain points which may be noticed here. In examining the index, what is most noticeable is the extreme commonness of a few names, which monopolise, indeed, a large portion of the register. Something has already been said about this and the cause of it in the Historical Chapter, and it needs only to point out here the evidence of it. Thus we find by the following table that there are thirty- three families of members of which there are over one hundred mentions, out of which there are fourteen witli between two and four hundred ; twelve over four hundred ; and eight over six hundred. Three families alone are mentioned over a thousand times, and of these Braithwaite is easily first as the most numerous clan, being mentioned no less than two thousand five hundred and thirteen times, while the Rigges, who come next, have but one thousand six hundred and thirty-one. Clans of which there are more than 100 mentions : Ashburner ... 209 Atkinson 269 Bank, Banks 272 Benson 489 Berwick 133 Braithwaite ... 2,513 xciv THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Dickson 284 '^Dodgson 433 ffisher 205 ffrearson 199 Harrison 127 Hodgson 247 *Holm, Holmes 789 Jackson 254 Keen, Keene 294 Kirkby 289 *Knipe 412 ' Mackereth ... 796 Rawlinson ... 213 *Rtgge, Rigg •• 1,631 Robinson 125 * Sandys .. 761 * SattertJnvaite •• 1,539 "'•Sawrey 830 Scale, Scales 274 Strickland ... 190 * Taylor 649 Tomlinson ... 190 Townson •• 363 Turner 241 * Walker 432 Watterson . . . 108 Wilson 283 This paucity of surnames is well shown in the marriages for the year 1570, where out of nine marriages there are four in which husband and wife have the same surname. The names are Walker, Hodgson (twice), and Rigge. In 1577 there are fourteen marriages registered : of these there are four consecutive brides bearing the name of Braithwaite (two being Isabels) ; there are two bridegrooms Braithwaites ; three brides * Those starred in italics are mentioned over 400 times. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. xcv and one bridegroom are Walkers ; and there are three bride- grooms of the name of Rigge. The following notes about the widespread families in the above list may have some interest : Ashburner. — The home of this family is further south in Furness out of the parish. The name has been con- jectured to be derived from the occupation of working the bloomeries. It appears, however, more probable that it is the representative of the old Norse personal name Asbiorn (Asbiornr, the divine bear). Atkinson. — Widely spread over the parish. Elterwater Park, Monk Coniston, Stottpark, Outgate, Eel House, etc. Atkin is a short form of Adam. Bank, Banks. — This family is perhaps of purely local origin. It left its name at Bank-ground in Coniston. The name may possibly be originally Bankhouse. Benson. — This was an old stock of statesmen seated chiefly at Skelwith fold, Bull close, and Stang end in Hawks- head, but extending into Westmorland, where they owned Baysbrown Manor, and estates at Loughrigg and Hugill near Windermere. Some branches of them were con- nected with the important local families of Braithwaite of Ambleside, Gilpin of Kentmere, Sandys of Grathwaite, Preston of Holker, Rawlinson, etc., and in all the older documents concerning Hawkshead, members of the family figure conspicuously. Foster, in his Lancashire pedigrees, deduces their descent from a Yorkshire family who were Lords of Ryssup in the twelfth century ; but I have never come across any evidence of this descent, and from their mumbers would rather consider them a purely local growth. There was also a family of the name at Blackbeck in Colton. Benson may originally have been Bennetson, Furness Abbey having been at first Benedictine i.e.., of the order of St. Benedict or St. Bennet. xcvi THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Berwick. — This family probably sprang from Berwick near Lancaster. In the parish they existed at Monk Coniston, Hawkshead, and Fieldhead, and they left their name at Borwick-ground. Braithwaite. — This, the most numerous and characteristic of our surnames, did not probably, however, originate in the parish, but must have sprung from one of the north country villages of the name. The supposition that they took their name from the river Brathay is ridiculous. The most important stock of this name was the family of Ambleside Hall just outside the limits of our parish, who, with collateral branches, became large landowners in Westmorland. But the name was so widely spread in Hawkshead, that it would appear that these squirearchal families were but branches of the Hawks- head stock who had risen to affluence. A good idea of the geographical distribution of this family within the parish can be got from the Calendar of Wills, proved within the Archdeaconry of Richmond from 1457 to 1748, published by the Record Society. By this, we find that out of about one hundred and seventy-seven wills of Braithwaites, about one hundred and twenty-four are those of members of the family residing in Hawkshead Parish. There are no less than thirty-five which can be identified as inhabitants of Sawrey, nine of Wray, six of Skelwith and the vicinity, four of Brathay and the vicinity, and of the remaining seventy, a considerable portion are not identified as belonging to any special part of the parish, and would probably belong to the Sawrey clan. The Skelwith Wray and Brathay groups are perhaps, to some extent, offshoots of the Ambleside stock ; but the Sawrey group is probably distinct, or, to speak more accurately, were probably branched off at an earlier date. Dickson or Dixon. — This is a widespread name found at Sattcrthwaite, Keen-ground, and out of the parish at Tilberthwaite. The name of Richard would no doubt THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY, xcvii give rise to several stocks of Dicksons. They left their name at three places called Dixon-ground. One in Hawkshead (afterwards called High house and the Castle, the writer's own home), Coniston and Dalton. Dodgson. - About half of the wills under this name in the Richmond Calendar are from this parish. They left their name at Dodgson-ground between Sand-ground and Sawrey-ground. They were also of Hawkshead Hill, Hawkshead, Nibthwaite, and elsewhere. Dodgson, like Hodgson, was originally Rogersson. Fisher. — Although fairly numerous in the parish, there are but few local wills of this family, and they probably came from the banks of the Morecambe Bay, where they obtained their name. Frearson. — There are but a kvi wills extant of this name, and most of the earlier are from this parish. The name may be originally Friarsson. Harrison. — Like Dickson the name is common throughout the Archdeaconry. In Hawkshead they belonged to Colinpit, Low Wray, Howhead, Tarnhows, Waterhead, etc. Hodgson. — Another name common in the Archdeaconry. Found locally at Tarnhows, Bouth in Colton, Gallow- barrow, Hollinbank, Watterson ground, Tilberthwaite, Oxenfell, etc. See Dodgson. Holm, Holmes. — Holme-ground, in the fell at the north-west corner of the parish, was the chief settlement of this family in the parish : and they are found rather thickly within and without the parish boundary in that quarter, at Oxenfell, Hodgeclose, Tilberthwaite, and Yewtree, and elsewhere at Claife, Outgate, and Colton. The name signifies an island, or a piece of ground liable to be flooded into an island, and not improbably their original home is near the coast. Jackson is so common everywhere that it needs no com- ment. G • xcviii THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Keen, Keene. — This name seems almost peculiar to Hawkshead in the Archdeaconry. They were chiefly settled close to Hawkshead, at Keene-ground, Thompson-ground, etc., but also occur at Ycwtrec, Cowpark, and Oxenpark. The name is probably Norse. Kirkby, Kirby. — These were all branches of the ancient stock of Kirkby of Kirkby Hall, who strayed north-east. They are found at Holling bank, Monk Coniston, Sawrey- ground, Rusland, etc. Knipe. — This name belongs to the parishes of Cartmel and Hawkshead, and it has been derived from old Norse hnipr, Suio-Goth. Knip, a sharp or narrow ridge.* In Hawkshead they are found in Monk Coniston, Grize- dale, and elsewhere. Gnype occurs as a name in the Furness Coucher-book {temp. Ric. H.), and there is a place of the name in Broughton. Mackereth. — This is a very characteristic local name, about twenty-six out of thirty wills proved in the Archdeaconry being in Hawkshead. They were chiefly of Sawrey, Skelwith, Outgate, and Thompson-ground. The meaning of the name is obscure, but the family may well be autochthonous. Rawlinson. — This was a very strong high Furness clan, who are still represented as landowners in the district. They existed as an armigerous family at Grathwaite, where they supplanted the Sawreys, and at Carke Hall in Cart- mel. Besides these places the name was scattered all over the parish, but was especially strong in Colton, where they were to be found at Greenhead and Rus- land. Grizedale Hall belonged also to them at one time, and in Monk Coniston they left their name at Rawlinson ground. They are probably of purely local origin. Raw- lin is a form of Rawland or Rowland. * Robert Ferguson: "Northmen in Cumberland and Westmorland" (London, 1856). Mr. W. G. Collingwood, in a paper on "Some Manx Names in Cumbria" (in Vol. XIII. "Transactions Cumb. & Westm. Arch, and Antiq. Soc"), gives " gnipa," — a peak. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. xcix -This is the second strongest of all the families in Hawkshead in point of numbers, and out of one hundred and forty-four wills proved in the Archdeaconry ninety- seven are of Hawkshead. They were chiefly located about Hawkshead itself, where in fact there appear to be few farms which was not at one period or another inhabited by a Rigge. Further afield they were found at Satterthwaite, Sawrey, Haverthwaite, Wattcrson-ground, Penny Bridge, etc. They strayed to Bouth and Nib- thwaite, but seldom got out of the old parish. Keen- ground, at the beginning of the last century, belonged to a family of the name, which is now represented by the Rigges of Woodbroughton in Cartmel. The family pro- bably grew upon the land, and took their name from some local feature. A place called " rig " occurs in the boundary of Furness Fells, as set out in the agreement of 1196, between the head of Thurston water and Crake river ; but it is also found elsewhere. Robinson. — Not specially belonging to the parish. Robin is, of course, a diminutive of Robert. Sandys. — This ancient family migrated from St. Bees in Cum- berland, and settled at Grathwaite about the 15th century, where they are still represented. The name occurs also at Bouth, Hawkshead, Grizedale, and Finsthwaite, and no doubt all are of the same stock. Satterthwaite. — This, the third strongest family in Hawks- head, is one of the few which evidently takes its name from a place in the parish : and is, of course, of purely local origin. The meaning of the place name is, without doubt, the setr or settlement in the thveit or woodland clearing. This name seems to have spread less than the other great stocks, and out of eighty wills in the Archdeaconry seventy are of this parish. They were found at Satterthwaite itself (where, however, they were less strong than at other places), Sawrey, Colthouse, c THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. Parkamoor, Roger-ground, etc. Colthouse was the main stronghold of the name, and the family, which is still represented there, have long been members of the Society of Friends. Sawrey. — Is another purely indigenous stock, but not so prolific as Satterthwaite and Rigge, and now unfortunately nearly extinct. In the time of Henry VI 1 1, there was an armigerous family of this name at Low Grathwaite, who migrated to Plumpton Hall near Ulverston, and were supplanted at Grathwaite by the Rawlinsons. Originally, of course, they were of Sawrey, but out of forty-three wills of Sawreys within the parish, but five are of that place. On the other hand they did not stray out of the parish, for there are but sixty-one wills of the name between 1457 and 1748. In the north of the parish they left their name at Sawrey- ground, where they disappeared about 1700. The name was also widely spread elsewhere in the parish. The origin of the place name is doubtful. It may be Saur-a, the Sour or Muddywater — a derivation not peculiarly applicable ; or possibly South Wray, in dis- tinction to Wray proper at the north end of Claife. Sourer and Sourei are among the old forms of the word. Scale, Scales. — The Scales family no doubt migrated from Scales in Aldingham. They are mostly found in the south part of the parish at Colton and Grizedale. Strickland. — There was a colony of Stricklands in Colton chiefly at Iconthwaite, Rusland, etc. They may well have been a branch from the distinguished family of Sizergh. Taylors. — This was a very prolific stock over the south part of the old parish at Finsthwaite, Nibthwaite, Thwaite- head, Colton, Penny Bridge, etc. The name is of course by no means confined to the district. THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. ci Tomlinson. — The name is numerous outside the parish. Within it they were found at Grizedale, Hawkshead, Roger-ground, etc. Townson. — This name is probably originally a contraction of the last. They left their name at Townson-ground in Monk Coniston. This house probably stood where the present Tent cottage is. Turner. — Belongs chiefly to the south part of the parish, being found at Colton, Rusland, Satterthwaite, Nibthwaite, and Haverthwaite, and further north at Outgate and Knipe fold. This is an occupation name, and in the Certificate of the Revenues of the Abbey (37 Hen. VIII.), there is mentioned the industry of making " sadeltrees, cartwheles, cuppes, etc., wrought by Cowpers and Turners." Walker. — This name is widely spread. There is Walker- ground near the town. Watterson. — This name, the first stage in the process of con- traction from Walterson to Watson, seems peculiar in the Archdeaconry to Hawkshead, as three out of the four wills under this name belong to the parish. Although the stock was not very prolific, we find Watterson-ground near Outgate. Wilson. — This name is common in Westmorland and Furness. In Hawkshead they existed at Colton, Crosslands, Rusland, Oxenfell, Fieldhead, Skelwith, etc. The family of Wilson, who have now been for many generations at High Wray, originally came from Langdale.* Among the many other names to be seen in the index, the one or two occurrences of the name of Besbrown may be noticed, as the stock, which must have sprung from Baisbrown, in Great Langdale, appears to be practically extinct now. The name Blealelme, which occurs once (1606), is interesting, as it appears to be the same as Blelham, the small sheet of water * The name Blumer is always spelled with a mark of contraction above the ii ; for what reason I am at a loss to say. cii THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. near Wray. This name Blelham is of some interest as being one of the very few place names in High Furness bearing the Saxon suffix ham. It is of course possible that the tarn received its name from some family early extinct of the name of Blelham, or, as we have it here, Blealelme, instead of having given its name to that family. Another series of names will strike the reader as curious, differing as they do in every way from the rest. These are Godmunt (or Godmunte), Moser (or Mozer), Phemcke, Puthpker (Pughpker or Poughpker), and Raylesley (or Relsle). These are names brought into the lake district in the i6th century by the German copper-mining colonies at Keswick, and per- haps also at Coniston. The names got sadly mauled and altered in the lakes, and many and curious were the variations they went through in the hands of the keepers of the parish registers : — * Baptisms, 1608. Aprill ith Hans Mozer fil : Martini Burials, 1609. December xxv^'i Michaell Suckmantle a Dutchman Entries in the following form occur occasionally, and pro- bably denote illegitimacy : — Baptisms 1635. August iijt'i Rowland ffleemeing alias Rawlinson Amongst the less common Christian names we find Abraham, Ambrose, Balthazar (Pughpker), Barnard, Bartle and Bartho- lemew, Cornelius, Ferdinando, Gawen, Hopkin, Huan, Jenkin, Jepthah, Jeremiah, Johnathan, Joell, Josuah, Lament, Nathan, Oswald, Renald, Sander, and Theophilus. Amongst the women, Barbary, Bathsheba, Christibel, Deborah, Dinah, False, Emmas, Emmott, Gebaye, Gilliane, Judeth, Luck, Magdalen, Naamah, Obedience, Prudence, Rachel, Radagunga, Rebecca, Rosamond, Tomalin, Towsy, and Zuriall. * See "The German Miners at Keswick," by J. Fisher Crosthwaite, F.S. A. ("Transactions Cumb. and Westm. Arch, and Antiq. Soc," Vol. VI., p. 2':A)- THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. ciii Elizabeth in the early registers is always Elsabeth, but an early example of the modern spelling occurs in 1600. An early example of the use of a surname for baptismal name is found in 1703: — Baptisms. June : 8 : Wilkinson Braithw' fil Gaun de Braithway We find a few instances of nicknames, but the}^ are not common : — Burials, 1604. Marche viij* Christopher Satterthwt called Toy Burials, 1673. May 25^11 Issabell Rigge who dyed att fieldhead called greate Ibee .... Christenings, 1695. March 15: Agnes ffisher fil John bright Anthony daughters bastard. Burials, 1696. March 30 : Agnes fifisher alias Riggc bright Anthony daughters bastard. The next is evidently a foundling : — Burials, 1608. November xvij* John w* God sent us. Burials, 1620. Aprill xxix'h ffearful Allen fil. Geo : Sands The next curious entry may possibly have some such meaning as the titles given to prominent statesmen in the Westmorland fells, viz.. King of Mardale and King of Patterdale : — Burials, 1638. January ij^^i Queenc of Clappersgate The last is even more difficult of explanation : — Burials, 1699. ffebruary xxvij''^ Jo : Rigg lord. civ THE REGISTERS AND THEIR STORY. With regard to the foregoing, I can only state the following curious facts, which may throw some light on it. As late as a generation ago there was held at the hamlet of Outgate, within this parish, a curious mock Court, which may possibly have been of great antiquit}^, although in the belief of those who are now living and have heard of it, it was not so. Certain residents of the little hamlet were elected to the following posts : — *John Martin ... ... ... The Bishop. William Warriner of Birkwray Lord Short of Birkwray. tjohn Rigg ... ... ... Justice. Rowley Scales ... .. ... Parson. This quorum sat upon and really adjudicated minor offences, imposing (as far as I can ascertain) small fines on cases of drunkenness, etc. The Court did not, it appears, sit on any special day of the year, and those who remember it regard it as a sort of frolic. It may really, however, have acted as a slight check on the behaviour of the wilder spirits, in the days when Petty Sessions were held no nearer then Ulver- ston on Lake Side. The above entry, however, may refer to something of the sort two hundred and sixty years ago, and the whole thing may have some analogy to the mock Mayors formerly elected in various parts of the country. * His son, Thomas Martin, of Fieldhead, only died in 1895 at an advanced age. By the death of " Tommy," as he was generally called, the parish lost one whose simple and honest nature made him beloved by all who knew him. Thomas Martin in earlier years was a man of great personal strength ; and the upright massive form and handsome head of the old labourer, as we last knew him in his old age, will remain long in the memories of all who were acquainted with him. f Father to the present Mr. James Rigg, of Outgate. )§6S ^0 1704. THE Register Booke for the pishe of haukeshead Intended for the Registeringe of all such Marri(ages) Chrisinings and Burialls as shall hereafter happen within the sayd pishe made the Twenty fifte day of March in the tenth yeare of the Raigne of our most gratious Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Queen of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the ffaith &c Ano Domi 1568 Inpris BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU Ano Domi 1568 March xxv'h Jane Banks eode die Elsabeth Satterthwaite Aprill iiij* James Sawrey eode die Margarett Braithwaite vth William Rawlinsone vij* Clement Townesone xxiij* Margrett Banke xxiiij'h Ellinoer Braithwaite xxviijti> Ann Jacksone May firste Myles Mackareth iiij"^ John Rigge xiijth William Rigge xviij* Issabell Mackareth June firste John Rigge xiiij* William Rigge Jully second John Mackareth v^^ Robert Braithwaite HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xj* Symond Kirkby xxjth Grace Townesone August vj* Dorothy Satterthwaite vij* Ann Braithwaite September viij"^ Margrett Satterthwaite code die Richard Rigge xth Margrett fifell xvj'h Margrett Braithwaite October iij* Jennett Benson vij"^ Agnes Satterthwaite xt'J Sybell Satterthwaite xxiiijth Margrett ffisher November iij'^' George Braithwaite vij* Clement Towneson xix'h George Borwick december vij'^^ Robert Walker xiijth Clement Rigge xix* Margrett Braithwaite January v"^ John Knype vij"^ Issabell Braithwaite xxx* Christofor Kirkby ffebruary iiij* Katherine Holme xjiii Agnes Walker eode die Bernard dixeson xiiij'h Issabell Braithwaite xvj* Sybell Walker xxiijth Elsabeth Townesone xxjiij* Issabell Satterthwaite March iijth George Rooke vij'h George Holme xiijth Margrett Braithwaite xviij"^ Jennett Mackereth xxj'h Agnes Tyson xxiijth Margrett Braithwaite xxiiij* Ellinor Satterthwaite HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO. July iij* Robert Greave & Jennett Braithwaite eode John Greave & Issabell Braithwaite August 2^ Anthony Dixeson & Jennett Borwicke vijth William Rigge & Issabell Rigge eode John Taylor and Jennett Ashburner xiv* Richard Rigge & Jennett Robinson xxijt'i Bryam Satterthwaite & Ellino^ Walker Septemb'' xix'^ James Braithwaite & Mary Garnett October x'h Rowland Turner & Elsabeth Kirkby xxiiijth George Rigge & Alice dodgson November vij^h William Banke & Elsabeth Hodgson xiiij'b Willm holme & Jennett Walker xxjtb Allan Pennington & Issabell Scale fifebruary v'^i Thomas Grigge and Margrett Rigge SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill iiij* Jennett Benson eode die Jennett Rigge x'^i James Scale xviiijt'i William hyrdson May vfi^ Margrett Johnson . . . Robert Kirkby viiiti" Agnes .... xiijth Willim Ashburner eode die Jane dodgson xv'ii Roberte Rawlinsone xvijt'^ Steven Watterson June iiij'h Sibell Rigge xix'b John Hirdson xxviij"^ Mabell Rigge July firste Elsabeth Satterthwaite iij'h Issabell Walker \\\f^ Margarel hirdson ix'i" Mabell Rowlinson xxt*! Walter Willson Auguste i* Roberte Blumer HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. \\f^ John Tayler viij* Hughe Braithwaite xxij'h Margaret Banke Sept vij'h Myles Sands eode die John Turner xxviij* AHce Holme Novemb: iiij'h Elsabeth Tayler Decemb: iij'^'^ Willme Dracke January x"i Roberte Rigge eode die Emmas Pennington xijth Margarett Satterthw'« xiiijiii Antonie Dodgson xvij* Oswald Keen February ij'^h Elsabeth Knype V* John Rigge XX* Robert Tailer xxiij* Jenatt Tompson March vj'^'^ Jenatt Holme viijth Willme Hirdson x''^ Agnes Watterson xj"^ Alice Pennington xijth wm Braithwaite xiij'^ Roberte Walker xiiij'h Richard Holme xviij* Elsabeth Rawlinson xix''^ Thomas Keen finis BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU 1569 March xxvj* Issabell Holme xxviijth John Hodgson Aprill iiij* Roberte Taylor xxiij'^ George Braithw' xxv^^i^ Willme Satterthwaite xxix*'' Ann Sawrey May ix''^ Margaret Macrethe xj'^* George Dixson xix''^ Clement Rigge HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxvj'^ Roberta Ashburner xxviijth Jenatt Tow(nesone) xxx^i^ EUiner Braithwaite July xj'ti Margaret fifisher xiijtb James Sattert^t xx'h Sibell Rigge xxiij'b Thomas Holme eode die Agnes Rigge xxv'h xpofer Nicholson eode die Rowland fifrearson Auguste xxviij"^ xpofer Walker September vij^'^ George Dodgson ix^^^ Isabell Rigge xiiij'^* Ealse. Banke xvj'ti W"i Satterthwaite xix*^ Issabell Ashburner October xiiiji^^ Willme Macrethe xviij'*^ (?) John Tailer Novemb: iiij* Cuthberte Rigge xvj''^ Ellino"^ Tayler Decemb: xxjj'h Jenatt Banke xxiiijth Jenatt Satterthw'e eodem die Jenatt Macrethe January xxix'^ Rowland Pennington eode die Leonard Dodgson xxx"^ Margaret Tayler ffebruary xx^^ Mabell Jackson Marche v*'' Margaret Banke eode die Issabell Dodgson viijt^ Roberte Tompson xiiij'b Williame Walker xvij'*! George Benson NUPTI^ AO PREDICTO Auguste vijth Hughe Jackson & Margaret Walker xxj^'' Thomas Macrethe & Issabell Hirdson xxviijth John Braithwaite & Elline Braithwaite 6 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Septembe xi'^ Anthonie Satterthwaite & Mabell Jackson Octob: xvith Roberte Tayler & Mabell Walker xxiijth John Braithwaite & Issabell Braithwaite xxx"^ Bryam Benson & Mabell Benson SEPULTURE Ao PREDICTO Aprill ix'h John Macrethe xth Willme Sands xix''^ Mabell Rigge eode die Williame Turner xxiijth Jenatt Satterthw^e xxviij'^ Roberte Hirdson eodem die Agnes Macrethe May \f^ Thomas Dodgson xiijth Issabell Holme xix"^ George Dodgson xxj'f^ Elsabethe Keen xxv'!^ Issabell Rigge xxviijth Cathren Rawlinson xxix'*' Richard ffleminge June XV* James Brathwaite xxj"i Holme {sic) July ix^ti Alice Willson xiiijA John Stamforthe xviijth Robert Hobson Auguste xij'f' Clement Banks xiiijtf^ Agnes Benson xvij* Elsabeth Towers Septemb: i'*^ Issabell Rigge iijth Rowland Walker xviij* Hughe Blumer Octobr: i'^^ Agnes Tayler viij'b Margaret Braithw' xxxtti Renald Macrethe Novemb: viijt'i Margarett Towenson x'h Cathren Pennington xx"^ John Tayler HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxviij*^ Charles Macrethe Decemb: xvij^h James Satterthw' January ixt'^ Allice Kellatte xij* John Ashburner xv'^^ Richard Ashburner xvij* Roberte Davide xviijt'i Margarett ffleminge ffebruary xij* Agnes Hirdson xviij''' Mabell Dodgson xxvij* Rowland Pennington March iiij^^^ Margaret Tyson finis BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ 1570 March xxviij'^ Agnes Tayler Aprill xxiij'h Leonard Dodgson xxvj'ii Thomas Scale May xxix'i^ Elsabeth Tyson June ijth Margarett Braithwaite vjth Agnes Scale code die Issabell sine patre note xxxtti Sibell Walker July xvij'b Issabell Braithwaite Auguste i"i Robert Banks v'li James Benson xxixti> Roberte Rigge Octob: xxij'h Agnes Macrethe xxviij'ii Willme Sawrey eode die Willme Walker Novemb: ijth George Braithwaite xijA Issabell Braithwaite xiijth Agnes Braithwaite xixth Myles Howson xxvj'h Mabell Parke xxvij'h Issabell Rigge Decemb iit^ Willme Satterthwaite v'h Margarett Benson ix'h Cathren Holme HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER xxiiijtii Agnes Hodgson xxvj'^ Alice Macrethe January iijt^ Elsabeth Towenson x"^ Emmas Tayler xiij'h Margarett Braithwaite xxiiij'^i Ellino'' Pepper xxvj'^" James Satterthwait xxvij'i^ Williame Satterthwaite xxviij"^ Thomas Satterthwaite ffebruary ij''^ Clement Holme iijt'i George Macrethe iiijth James Braithwaite xiijth Edward Bownes xyj'^" Thomas Braithwaite xix'h Michaell Benson eode die Jenatt Jackson xxv''' Margarett Tomson xxvij'*^ Margarett Braithwaite eode die Henery Sawrey March ii* George Satterthwaite xjth Charles Satterthwaite xix'^ Williame Sands NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July ij"i John Benson & Margaret Sands xvj"' Mathewe Joppson & Alice Rigge Auguste xiij'h George Harrison & Elline Banke Septemb. iij'"^ Richard Rigge & Agnes Holme x'h Edward Walker & Ann Walker Octob : i'^i Anthonie Kirkby & Issabell Rigge xxij'^i W™ Hodgson & Cathren Hodgson xxix'^ W"! Rigge & Elline Rigge January xxviij"^ Roberte & Agnes Hodgson SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Marche xxvij'^ Rowland Tayler Aprill iiijt^ Richard Rawlinson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. code die Agnes Rigge code die Agnes Dixson v''^ Thomas Sands vjth Issabell Readheade ix^b John Braithwaite xxiij'^> Sibell Rigge xxvij**^ John Hodgson May ij* William Towers vth Elsabethe Hodgson vij* Agnes Holme •xS^ Roberte Satterthwaite eode die Agnes Hodgson xiiij'** Jenatt wreighte xvij''* Elsabethe Willson June vij* Elsabethe Hodgson xjtii ux Willme Hirdson July xviij''^ Jenatt Hobson eode die Leonard Dodgson xxvjtb Catherine Rigge Auguste ix'h Margaret Towenson xv'h Rowland Strickland Septemb : xvij'*^ Issabell fifisher xxvijth Myles Walker Octob : yS^ Margaret Turner Novemb : iiij"^ Jenatt Hirdson vjth xpofer Hodgson xj'^ Charles Benson xviij"^ Johne Rawlinson xix'^* Alice Hobson xxx^h Myles Howson Decemb: iij'^^ Rowland Ashburner iiijth Leonard Knype ix*h Thomas Willson x'*" Thomas Jackson xv'h Agnes ffleminge xix'h Mabell fifrearson xxvj'*^ Jenatt Walker HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. January vij''* Xpoper Scotson ix'h Agnes Scale yS^ Robte Rawlinson XV* Issabell Rigge xviij'^ Roberte Benson xxiij"^ Margaret Sands ffebruary viijt'i Margaret Tayler eode die Elsabeth Towenson ix"i Jenatt Braithwaite xxth Margaret Tayler xxj'^i Jenatt Scale xxiij*"^ Agnes Macrethe xxv'*^ George Macrethe Marche i'*' Margaret Jackson V* Elsabethe Tayler XV* Xpofer Hirdson xvij* Williame Jackson finis hujus Ann BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ 1571 Aprill xj* George Rigge XV* John Towenson xvj* Roberte Barwicke xxij* Robte Hodgson xxvij* George Benson May j* Rowland Braithwaite iiij* Myles Willson eode die Issabell Tayler XX* Issabell Braithwaite XXV* Elline Kirkby XXX* Margarett Tayler xxxj* Edmund Walker June iij* Robte Dixson x* Gyles Dodgson XX* Richard Kirkby July v* Elsabeth Macrethe xiiij* Emmas Holme HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxiij* John Willson xxix'h Rowland Braithwaite Auguste XYJ*"^ Agnes Satterthwaite xix"' Renalde Satterthwaite xxij**^ Agnes Newby xxvj'h Robte fifisher Septemb: iij'^^ Edward Blumer xijth W™ Braithwaite xvjA Margaret Dodgson Octob : vjtii George Banke ix'^ Margaret Braithwaite x^h Elsabeth Dodgson xxi'h Jenatt Rigge Novemb : xi* James Watterson eode die Richard Keene xx"^ James Satterthwaite Decemb : xvj'^ Jenatt Braithwaite eode die Elsabeth Braithw' xxj'h Sibell Rigge xxx"^ Roberte fifrearson January vj"^ Bryame Satterthwaite xv^Ji Thomas Knype xvijtii Richard Crosfielde eode die Willme Crosfielde xviij'h Emmas Macrethe xix'^i Agnes Tayler fifebruary xxij'^ Issabell Braithwaite Marche v'^i Roger Satterthwaite eode die George Satterthw' vj^b Cathren Rigge vij'^ Leonard fifell xvj'h Elsabeth Rigge xxij'^ Elsabeth Dodgson xxiij^'i John Tomson I HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July xxviij'h Thomas Satterthw' & Sibell Rigge Auguste iij"> Renald Braithw* & Issabell Sands xij'h Richard Satterthw^ & AHce Walker xix^ii John Keen & Agnes Rigge Septemb : ij'^ John Watterson & Margaret Sawrey ix'^ Barnard Walker & Margaret Stainbank xvj"^ John Tonson & Cathren Tayler xxxth John Grave & Agnes Dodgson eode die Robte Dixson & Agnes Braithwaite Octob : xiiij* Edward Rawes & Agnes Sands Novemb : xj'^^ Richard Keene & Issabell Sands xxv'*^ W"^ Turner & Sibell Walker xxvj'h Renald Bateman & Agnes Braithwaite Decemb : i* John Watterson & Mabell Pennington SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill viijf^ Issabell Rawlinson xiij* Margaret Turner xxj'^i Myles Dixson xxiijth Margaret Stricklande May xjth W™ Satterthwaite xviij* Issabell Rawlinson xxiiij"^ Agnes Braithwaite June xxij't* Cathren Turner July i"^ Anthonie Satterthwaite xiiijth Agnes Holme XX ... . Issabell Kellate xxviijt'^ John Willson Auguste iij"' Jenatt Blumer eode die Ealse Pennington eode die Emmas Holme xvij'*^ Issabell Rigge x'h Margaret Pennington xiij'*^ Jenatt Watterson xiiij'h Agnes Sands HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 13 Septemb : xvij'h Agnes Braithwaite Octob: XV* Richard Tayler xxix'h Mabell Pennington Novemb : xvj"^ Edward Blumer xxyj'*^ W™ Dodgson Decemb i^h Robte Kellatte iij'b John Braithwaite code die Mabell Pennington xxixth Jenatt Braithwaite January vij'*^ William Dodgson x"^ John Robinson xiiij'h Cathren Dodgson xxij"' Margaret Pennington xxiijt^ John Turner ffebruary xxij* Margaret Satterthwaite xxv'^ Willme Pennington Marche i'^ Elsabethe Partrigge code die pd for Edmund Blumer vij'"^ Mabell Robinson finis hujus anni BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU 1572 Aprill ij* Alice Hobson ix'^i Margaret Rigge x'h Dorathy Dodgson xviij"' Jenatt Tayler xx''^ Barnard Benson xxv*'^ Grace fifrearson May viijtb Margaret Tayler xxijtii Thomas Banke June ijt'i Elsabeth Holme iij* Barnard Macrethe xvj''* Dorathy ffleminge xxiij* Issabell Macrethe July xvijtf> Issabell Holme iiij'h Mabell Braithw^ Septemb. xxijii^ Issabell Walker 14 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxiij'ii Charles Braithwaite xxvj* Arthure Macrethe xxviij* Roberte Willson Octob : v'^ Margaret Macrethe xxj'h Issabell Walker xxvj''^ Clement Turner Novembr. xxviij"^ Adame Walker Decemb : \\f^ Ellino'' Sands v'h Elline Satterthwaite xiij'f' Anthonie Dodgson xxij'h Willme Nicholson xxiij'^i Issabell Kirkby January x'^ Richard Walker xij"J Agnes Rigge xxijiii George Rigge ffebruary i'^^ George Tayler v'h Margarett Nicholson xjtb Henery Banke xijt^" Barnard Benson xiiijth Issabell Tonson xviijih Dorathy Blumer xxiiij'h James Rigge Marche xxvijt'' Jenatt Braithwaite NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July xiij'fi Leonard Towenson & Emmas Blumer eode die Cuthberte Blumer & Jenatt Ashburner xx"i Thomas Bownes & Elsabeth Barwicke xxvij''^ Rowland Pennington & Elsabeth Walker August : iijfi Edward Holme & Jenatt Holme x^ii Edward Sawrey & Jennatt Braithwaite xvij'h Rger ffisher & Agnes Prette Octob : v'f> George Ashburner ? & Margaret B xijtb Gyles Walker & Isabell xxxitb Wm Satterthwt & Novemb : vf^ John Walker & Margaret Scale xxix* John fifrearson & Elsabeth ffrearson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 15 January xviij'^ Symond Rigge & Mabell Tayler xix^h Wm Sawrey & Jenatt Braithwaite SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Marche xxx'^i Elsabeth Banks Aprill viij* Willme Keene code die Issabell Macrethe xijth Williame Howson June xx'^i Elsabethe Dodgson July viijt'i Rowland Scale xxith John Turner Auguste ij"^ Elsabeth Rigge v'h Alice Braithwaite xi"^ Jenatt Braithwaite xiij''^ Jenatt Strickland xxij''i Leonard Rigge eode die W"^ Tayler xxxi'^ Clement Holme Septemb i'^ Margaret Braithwaite eode die John Tayler v"^ Margaret Hirdson Octob : v^i^ Grace ffrearson xxij'i^ Agnes Sawrey xxvij*^** John Watterson Novemb : xix* Jenatt Rigge xxj*'^ Margaret Braithwaite xxiij'h Lawrence Rigge xxvj*^^ Agnes Chamney xxx^"^ George Sands Decemb : iij"' Elsabethe Dodgson \\\f^ Margaret Todde xij"^ James Braithwaite eode die Agnes Chamney xviij* Agnes Scale eode die ux W™ Rawlinson xxij**^ Agnes Rigge eode die Margaret Macrethe 1 6 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxiij''^ Williame Robinson xxvjt*! Jenatt Chamney xxix'b Issabell Willson xxx't" James Rawlinson xxxj"i Alice Kirkby January Y^ Agnes Newby xth Myles Holme yjf^ Agnes Tonson xiiijt'i Rowland Pennington xviij'h Issabell Satterthwaite xx'h John Scale xxiij'f' W™ Nicholson eode die Jenatt Brockbanke xxviijth George Rigge ffebruary v"^ George Chamney ix"^ Cathren Turner xxv"' Jenatte Walker eode die Jenatt Dodgson xxvjt'^ Alice Strickland Marche vii'ti John Braithwaite xiiij* Cathren Braithwaite xv''' Edward Pennington xviij* Margaret Braithwaite eode die Issabell Dodgson xix"> Richard Walker xxij'ii Agnes Blumer xxiij* John Atkinson finis hujus Anni BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU AO 1573 Marche xxix* Leonard Knype Aprill jth Thomas Satterthwaite x'h James Pepper xv'"^ Symond Blumer eode die Thomas Scale xvjth Elsabeth Satterth^t xxj'h George Braithwaite HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 17 May iij* Willme Kirkby xvj'^ Nicholas Tayler xxjth George Braithwaite xxiiijth George Dixson June xxv^i^ Barnard Benson May \\f^ John Pennington xijth Robte Walker xiij'h Issabell Watterson yi\yfi^ Margaret Banks Auguste xviijth George Rigge xxj* Willme Benson xxix^h David Rooke Septemb : ix^^^ Dorothy Ashburner xiijt*^ Bryame Macrethe eode die Elsabethe Satterthw' xx'^ Issabell Braithwaite eode die Myles Parke xxiii* Jenatt fifrearson XXX* Elsabethe Ashburner Octob : j'b Roberte Borowe xvj'*i Brigett Satterthwaite eode die Sibell Holme xviijtf^ Margaret Satterthwaite xix* Xp5fer Willson xxvij* Issabell Benson Novemb : iij* Willme Sawrey iiij"^ Margaret Satterthwaite xi'ii Rowland Gregge Decemb : xvj* Issabell Holme xixth Issabell Satterthwaite xx''' Myles Braithwaite eode die Issabell Tonson xxiijti^ Issabell Braithwaite xxv''^ Elsabethe Knype XXX* Elsabethe Rigge January x* ffrancis Banke xvij* Percivell Holme 1 8 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxix* Mabell Scale ffebruary xiij'^ Roger Tomson xxvi'h Mabell Dodgson xxvij'h Henery Rigge March j'^ Elsabethe Macrethe \yS^ John ffisher xijt'i xpofer Tayler code die Rowland Tailer xvij'*^ Willme Satterthw' NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July xix'h W™ Hirdson & Elsabethe Blumer eode die Robte Jackson & Agnes Braithwaite xxvj'^ Thomas Robinson & Elsabethe Tonsone Auguste ij* Jefferay Braithwt & Mabell Watterson eode die Robte Tonson & Jenatt Atkinsone xvjth Willme Braithw' & Margaret Sawrey eode die Cuthberte Birkheade & Jenatt Sands xxiij'h Brya Braithwaite & Issabell Tonson eode die Thomas Howie & Issabell Sawrey Septemb : vj^^i Roberte Tayler & Cathren Rigge xth Richard Jackson & Jenatt coke xxth John Hodgson & Jenatt Benson xxvij'h W™ Rigge & Alice Keene Octob : xvijt^ Rowland dodgson & Mabell Dodgson Novemb : xv''^ James Braithw' & Jenatt Rigge ffebruary xiij* Renalde Holme & Issabell Dixson SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxviijt'^ Leonard Braithwaite xxxj'h Elsabeth ffleminge April \\^ James Rigge vif^ Margaret nill vj**^ Agnes Tonson viijt*^ Margaret Parkinson xijth Mabell Holme xv^Ji Elsabeth Hodgson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 19 code die Jenatt Dodgson eode die Margarete Dodgson xvi"^ Allexander Holme xxijtii Thomas Willson xxiij'^ Williame Satterthwaite xxx'^ Issabell Satterthwaite May iij"^ Thomas Benson ix^b Robte Rigge xiijiii Thomas Hodgson xvj't> John Tayler xx**^ John Nicholson xxvj'h George Braithwaite xxviij''^ Leonard Holme xxxj't" Willme Kirkby June i* Edward Rawlinson vii'b Mabell Blumer xv'b Willme Hodgson xxjtb Jenatt keene xxijtt^ John Birkhead xxiiij*^ Robert Holme xxxtti John Hirdson July x'fi Alice Rooke xiij*!^ Gilbert Pennington eode die George Dixson xiiij* Jenatt Sawrey XX* Jenatt Tayler Augusta iiij* Myles Keen xij'b John Pennington xiij'ti^ Cathren Holme xxviij* Issabell ffleminge Septemb : iiij'^ Emmas Ashburner viijt'J Issabell Robinson eode die Elsabeth Turner xxiijtb Cathren Braithwaite Octob: iiij'i^ Jenatt Walker xijth Wm Hodgson xx'h Roberta Walker HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxvj''^ Alice Towers Novemb : j'"^ Myles Rigge xv't" John Willson xxv"^ W™ Sawrey Decemb : vj"^ Alice Braithwaite xi"^ Emmas Tayler xvijt'i Alice Tayler xxx'h Issabell Hirdson January iij'^ Issabell Braithwaite iiijt'^ Jenatt Macrethe vij"^ Sibell Brockbanke xxvij'"^ Elsabethe Braithwaite xxx'i* Elsabeth Knype ffebruary xxt*» Margaret Walker xxij* James Braithwaite eode die Agnes Dodgson xxvij'ti Mariane Moore Marche iijt^ Mabell Pole iiijth Wm Tayler xvijt'^ Jenatt Turner xxijtii Myles Braithwaite finis hujus Anni BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU AO 1574 Aprill vij'h Xpofer Sands xviij'i^ Sibell Tayler eode die Robte Braithwaite xxx'h Elline Rigge May iiijth Jenatt Tonson x'^i Anthonie Sawrey xxijtt" Agnes fifisher June vij* Dorathy Holme xth Wm Walker eode die Clement Hirdson xxth Elline Tayler xxiiij'h John fifleminge July xxiij* Willme Braithwaite HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. i Auguste xxiiij''^ Bartholemewe Rigge Septemb : vij^^ James Braithwaite xij* George Satterthwaite xxvj'^ Elsabethe Tonson xxix'h Thomas Hawe Octob: jA Robte Walker xiijth Mabell Sadler Novemb : viijt^ Richard Rigge Decemb : xiij"^ Mabell Hodgson January i^i^ John Sawrey x"^ James Braithwaite xiiij'h W™ Tayler xviij* W™ Walker eode die Agnes Nicholson xiij"^ Edward Satterthwaite xxvtii Margaret Walker xxviij^'^ Edmund Sands eode die George Walker ffebruary xiij^'^ Margaret Benson Marche x* Willme Benson xjth Elsabeth Braithwaite NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July viij'h Robte Willson & Elsabethe Satterthwaite eode die George Atkinson & Agnes Satterthwaite xviij* John Bowes & Agnes Holme Auguste itti Ed wine Rigge & Jenatt Rigge Septemb: v''' Myles Braithw' & EUine Rigge Octob : xvijth W™ Watterson & Jenatt Holme Novemb: vij'^i W"^ Macrethe & Agnes Rigge ffebruary xiiji^^ George Macrethe & Jenatt Satterthwaite SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Marche xxv*^ George Readheade Aprill ixth Mabell Macrethe xvij*^ George Willson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxvj* Elsabeth Turner May xxx"^ Issabell Hirdson June viijtt' Jenatt Walker xvij'h ux Thomas Walker xxvj'*^ Roger Tayler eode die Elline Satterthw' July xxv'l^ Williame Burnes xxix'ti Robte Dodgson Auguste xiiij'^ Anthonie Sawrey Septemb : i"^ Jenatt Turner xviiij'h Mathewe Tayler Octob : iiij''i Jenatt Walker xvt'i Mabell Braithwaite Novemb : iij"> Richard Rigge yijf^ Sibell Newton xxij'^i Edward Rawlinson Decemb : vij*^ Issabell Turner ■id^ John Readhead xix^'' Robte Holme xxiij'h Alexander Pennington xxvijti^ John Benson eode die Arthure Benson xxix^h Margaret Burnes January iii'^ Jenatt Banke vj'^ Rowland Scale xvij''^ Issabell Holme xxv"^ Alice Scotson xxxi'b Jenatt Holme ffebruary i"^ James Walker xiij"^ Jenatt Walker xv*"^ Thomas Benson xxij'h Williame Keen xxviij* Elsabeth Walker Marche xij"^ Jenatt Dodgson xviijfi Agnes Walker xvth Wm Rigge xYJ^ii John Turner HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xvii'ii Jenatt Ashburner xxt'i Edward Satterthwaite finis hujus Anni BAPTIZATIONES INFANTiO A^ 1575 Aprill vith EUine Sawrey xvii^'^ George Walker code die George Macrethe xviij'^ John Scale xix'*^ James Satterthwaite xx"^ Margaret Sands xxvitt" Roger Rigge May xijth Agnes Rigge suscepto"" xxiiij* George Crosfielde eode die Rowland Crosfielde xxyth Elsabeth Tayler xxvij* Edward Satterthwaite June x'*^ Elsabethe Dodgson xjf^ puer Rowlandi Strickland susceptus est xxit^i Elsabeth Macrethe xxix*^ W™ Barwicke July yth Margaret Rigge suscepto"^ xiii"^ fifrancis Dodgson xvij'^ Margaret Braithwaite Auguste xjA W™ Rigge xxiij* Thomas ffleminge xxiiij''^ Myles Sands Septemb: viij"^ ffardenando Sawrey ix^h John Turner xxi"i Elsabeth Sawrey xxiiij'h Margaret Watterson xxv"^ Cathren Braithw' xxixtii Ann Walker Octob: vi* Wm Sands ixtii Margaret Benson xviij'^ Issabell Satterthwaite xx"i Henery Kirkby 24 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxiiij* Barnard Braithwaite Novemb : ii* Margaret Benson x'h Issabell Braithwaite Decemb : iiij'h James Satterthwaite xxjth Mabell Benson xxij* George Dodgson code die Issabell Rigge xxiij'h Elsabethe Macrethe January ij'^^ George Brockbanke vjth Mabell ffisher xijth Wm Walker eode die Agnes Rigge xvth Mabell Braithwaite eode die John Ashburner eode die John Walker xxvij'*^ Margaret Rigge ffebruary v'h Margaret Pepper viij'^ Xpofer Tayler ix'ii Elsabethe Macrethe xth wm Satterthwaite xxiijtt" Agnes Rigge xxv^i^ Edward Satterthwaite eode die Margaret Holme xxvjf^ Mabell Willson Marche iiij'^^ George Dodgson xij'^i George Dodgson SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Marche xxxj^^^ Issabell Tayler Aprill xxiiiiti^ George Ashburner xxix'h Symond Blumer May xj'*^ Charles Braithwaite xij"i Rowland Hirdson eode die Margaret Knype xyt'^ Margaret Tayler xvj"i Cathren Scale xxiijth George Knype HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 25 xxv'ii Jenatt Tompson xxix"^ John Scale xxxi'h Issabell Braithwaite June ijt^ Richard Walker eode die James Brockbanke eode die George Walker iij"i Jenatt Braithwaite xv'h Elsabeth Satterthwaite xxviii"' Jenatt Braithwaite July i^b Margaret Sands iiij"> John Turner xijth Willme Satterthw' xxiiij'"^ Willime Benson Auguste xviij^'i Clement Hirdson xxvj* John Harrington Septemb : v'*' Margaret Rigge xij"^ Ealse Rooke eode die filia eius Octob : vij'ti Edward Roundson xiiijth Mariane Ashburner xviijt'^ Jenatt Rigge xix^h Myles Sands xx"' Renald Blumer Novemb : iij"^ Elsabethe Willson xiiij'h Elsabethe Benson xviijtb Jenatt Turner xxvij''^ Jane Rigge Decemb : xxij''^ Elsabethe Dodgson xxvijth Rowland Dodgson January viij"^ Sibell Walker xith Wm Pennington xv'*" Agnes ffisher xvj'^ Elsabeth Hirdson xix* Jefferay Hodgson xxixt^ Mabell Braithwaite ffebruary xxv''^ Jenatt Blumer Marche iij'^' Elsabeth Ashburner 26 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. vj* Agnes Rigge ix* Jenatt Tayler xxiij"^ W™ Hirdson NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July xxiij"^ W™ Sands & Margaret Rigge xxxj'^^ Richard Holme & Margaret Rigge Auguste vij Brya Braithwaite & Elsabeth Braithwaite xiiijth Myles Aashburner & Ealse Banks xxi^h Edward Braithw' & Margaret Satterthw' eode die Edward Walker & Margaret Hodgson xxviijth James Rigge & Issabell Satterthwaite Septemb : xxv* Richard Tonson & Margarett Rigge Octob : j''' Myles Walker & Agnes Rawlinson eode die W™ Walker & Jenatt Rawlinson ix'i' Renald Blumer & Jenatt Hodgson xvj'^ Edwine Borwicke & Mabell Kirkby xxiij'i^ W™ Satterthw' & Agnes Walker Novemb : xiij''' Anthonie Atkinson & Agnes Satterthwaite finis hujus Anni BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU 1576 Aprill xjti^ Ann Tompson xvij"^ Xpofer Satterthwaite May iij''^ Jane Sawrey vjth w™ Benson xiij"^ Agnes Kirkby xv"^ Agnes Tayler xxiijtii W™ Satterthwaite xxvj'f' John Jackson xxvij'h Thomas Braithwaite eode die Elsabeth Rigge June xth Robte Boutkinge xvij'*^ Willme Penny eode die Margaret Atkinson August xiij'h Elsabeth Satterthwaite xix'^i Thomas Tyson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 27 xxii'b Issabell Walker xxvj'^ W™ Walker Septemb : ij''^ Issabell Rigge iijt'i Elsabeth Satterthwaite iiijth Agnes Blumer xvj'h puella Mabelli Tompson xviijth Myles Rigge xxixtii Ann Banke jth ^^m Atkinson : eode die Margaret Holme *Octob : xxxi"^ Leonard Rigge Novemb : xxv* Issabell Tayler January vi'^ Myles Macrethe ffebruary ii'h Ealse Keen xvi'ii Cathren Braithwaite xxiith W"i Rigge eode die Jenatt Satterthwaite Marche vij'"^ Issabell Satterthwaite xix'^ Rowland Strickland xxiiij'ii Edward Watterson SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Marche xxx''^ James Satterthwaite Aprill ij"^ Issabell Benson xxv''^ Elizabethe Turner yiS^ Jenatt Rawlinson xv'h Agnes Willson xxvij'ii W™ Kellatte June xxviij* W™ Strickland eode die John Rooke eode die Agnes Kirkby July i'^ John Swainson Auguste v*^ Margaret Kellatte xiiij'h Edward Satterthwaite xvj* Elsabeth Satterthwaite XX* Margaret fifell * "Octob: " probably should have been inscribed opposite the preceding entry marked i* 28 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Septemb : xxi*'^ Edward Ashburner xxix Mabell Holme Octob : xij Elsabeth Satterthwaite x't> Myles Rigge eode die Margaret Pennington xvjth Jenatt Roundson xxij"i John Champney Novemb : v* Elsabeth Barwicke xxjf^ W" Walker Decemb : \^^ Agnes Hartley xxijti^ W™ Taylor xxvj'^i Edward Robinson January iiij'ti Elline Tyson viij"^ George Rigge xxiij'ii Sibell Hodgson xxvij"^ Jenatt Rawlinson xxviij'ii Leonard Hirdson xxxi'h Agnes Readhead fifebruary \\^^ Xpofer Satterthwaite eode die Issabell Benson xvif"^ Agnes Hirdson xj'ii Richard Ashburner Marche v'li Elsabethe Willson NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July xv^i^ Oswold Keen & Issabell Keen eode die Jefferay Hodgson & Jenatt Penny xxijti^ W™ Rigge & Elsabeth Sands Auguste V* George Tonson & Margaret Atkinson eode die Anthonie Holme & Issabell Holme eode die Hughe Jackson & Agnes Braithwaite xix'ii Robte Satterthwaite & Elsabeth Braithwaite xxvj* W"" Braithwaite & Cathren Braithwaite Septemb : ii^'^ John Braithw' & Gilliane Kirkby ■x.v'f^ Richard Dodgson & Agnes Hodgson xxx'^ Thomas Sands & Agnes Scotson eode die Roger ffisher & Margaret Sands HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 29 October vij*^ Robte Satterthw' Sz: Margaret Macrethe January xxvij''^ Adame Stonbanke & Jenatt Rigge xxviij"^ Leonard Hirdson & Agnes Hirdson fifebruary iij^h Richard ffell & Jenatt Knype finis hujus Anni BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU 1577. March xxvij* Ann Braithwaite xxix'ti Jenatt Braithwaite Aprill yth Adame Tomlinson x^^ Rowland Scale May ytb RoUe Walker xii'^ Ann Satterthwaite xxiiij'^ Agnes Holme June xxix'^i Clement Rigge July V* Xpofer Tayler xvth W" Banks Augusta xvj Xp5fer Sands xxytii Bartholomewe Rigge xxxi"^ Richard Satterthwaite Septemb : i**^ Margaret Braithwaite vjth w™ Braithwaite susceptc viijt'^ Mary ffleminge xiijth Elsabeth Tomlinson xxjt^i Agnes Holme xxvij Agnes Satterthwaite eode die Jane Benson Octob : xxvj"^ Charles Walker xxvij'^ti Edward Satterthwaite eode die Elsabeth Tompson eode die Xpofer Banks Novemb : viij'*^ Xpofer Rigge xiijt'i Issabell Braithwaite xixtf* George fifell Decemb : viij'*^ Myles Sawrey xxiij'h W"" Blumer xxvitb Margaret Birkheade 30 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. January xxiiij^h James Braithwaite xxvj'h Adame Sawrey code die Barnard Benson xxxth Willme Rigge ffebruary i"^ Mabell Rigge xviii'h W"^ Satterthwaite xxiith W™ Readhead xxiiij"^ Edwine Nicholson code die Leonard Hirdson March ij'h Mabell Walker iiij* Agnes Braithwaite vjth Elsabeth Braithwaite viij^'i Clement Rigge eode die Agnes Walker xviij^'^ Mabell Braithwaite eode die Mabell Holme SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxviij'^ W™ Pennington iij^^ Mariane Sawrey iiij'ti Myles Macrethe xviij'^'^ Margaret Borowe xix'^i Alice ffisher xx''! Leonard Rigge xxiijt'' Elsabeth Blumer xxv''^ Anthonie Sawrey xxx'^i Margaret Rigge May i* Agnes Rigge xii"i Cathren Rigge xvij* Margaret Pennington eode die puer eius xxiiij'h Edward Rawlinson June i'^' Rowland Strickland v^'i Elsabeth Tayler July ii'h Agnes Braithwaite vith Bryam Tayler xiij* Issabell Rawlinson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 31 xx'h Richard Scale xxijt^ Ann Satterthwaite Auguste vi'*^ Clement Rigge viij'h John Strickland ix'h Elsabeth Braithw' xjth Alice Hirdson xvtii Agnes Prett alias Holme Septemb : viij"^ Margaret Howson xij'*^ Edward Scale xxijfh Agnes Holme Novemb : xvij'^ Edward Braithwaite * In this monthe begane the pestelent sicknes in o"" pishe w'^i^ was brought in by one George Barwicke whereof is depted all those y' are thus marked " * xixth Elsabeth Barwicke * xxiiij'ii Richard Barwicke xxv'h Issabell Tayler xxx^i^ Jenatt Rigge Decemb : * iiij'^ Lathren {sic) Hodgson xi* John Dodgson * eode die Edwine Barwicke * XV* Richard Barwicke eode die Allan Pennington * xvij* Agnes Hodgson eode die Agnes Tayler * xviij'^ Myles Tomlinson * eode die Jenatt his wif * eode die Agnes Rigge * xixt"^ Adame Tomlinson eode die Thomas Satterthwaite * xxiijth W"i Hodgson xxiiij'h Elsabethe Scale * xxvjtii James Watterson * xxvij* Jenatt Walker * eode die George Barwicke w'^*^ brought in the sicknes * jcxviij* Cathren Hodgson 32 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. * eode die Sibell Kirkby * xxix"^ Elsabethe Kirkby xxx'^ Hughe Rawlinson * xxxi* Rowland Walker January * v^h Robte Tomlinson * vj'^ John Tomlinson * viijt'' Clement Tomlinson * eode die Edmund Hodgson * eode die Margaret Barwicke * Anthony Dixson buried in Langdall the last day of December & taken up agayne & brought to Hauxhead the xj^ii day of January * xij"^ Edmund Kirkby xiij*"^ Cathren Tayler * xiiijt'^ Anthonie Watterson * eode die Margaret his daughter * xvijt'^ Margaret Kirkby * eode die George Tomlinson * eode die Margaret Tomlinson * eode die Elsabeth Tomlinson * XXV* Jenatt Tomlinson * xxvii^h Issabell Kirkby xxviij''^ Myles Borwicke * eode die Elsabeth Hodgson ffebruary * i* John Tomlinson * xi"^ Cathren Hodgson * xiij'*^ Agnes Hodgson xxi'h Elsabeth Tomlinson xxiij* Agnes Rigge eode die puer Georgis Macrethe eode die Mabell ffisher * xxv'h George Tomlinson xxvijt'^ Jenatt Rawlinson March xiij'^ Issabell Tayler x'h Issabell Canny xvijt*5 Elsabeth Hyrdson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 33 NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May xxvj Xp5fer Braithw' & Alice Macrethe July xvj"^ Richard Johnson & Jenatt Howson Auguste iiij* Thomas Tomlinson & Agnes ffrearson xjth vVin Sawrey & Jenatt Robinson xvjth w™ Rigge & Mabell Walker xxv'^ Edwine Walker & Agnes Satterthwaite code die Nicholas Benson & Issabell Holme Septemb : i''^ Richard Dixson & Issabell Braithwaite code die Leonard Hirdson & Jenatt Braithwaite viij'^ James Rigge & Issabell Braithwaite Octob : xx^"^ John Walker & Issabell Braithwaite xxvii"^ Thomas Braithw' 8: Margaret Walker Novemb : iiij'^ John Blumer & Issabell Rigge xvij''^ John Rigge & Sibell Walker finis hujus Anni BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ 1578 Aprill xxix'b James Ashburner May viij^'^ Elsabeth Sawrey xiij''^ Agnes Kirkby June iij''^ Alice Watterson hd^ Roger Barwicke xxv*!^ EUine Benson July ii* Margaret Dixson xyt'i Robte Jackson code die Robte Satterthwaite code die Elsabeth Braithwaite xxijtb John Braithwaite xxvjtb Agnes Holme xxviij"^ puer Nicholai Tayler August '-fi^ Agnes Braithwaite xt'i Issabell Walker xxiiijth Agnes Satterthwaite Septemb : xvij"^ Agnes Braithwaite Octob : v'h Cathren Hodgson 34 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. code die Edward Walker xijtii Thomas Keen xviijth Robte Dodgson xxvjtii W™ Sawrey eode die George ffisher Decemb: \]^'°- Rowland Walker xiiij'h Clement Rigge xx'h W™ Turner xxj'^i Margaret Braithwaite xxvij'h Ellino'' RawHnson eode die Grace Macrethe xxxj* George Walker January vj'^ Elsabeth Satterthwaite xviij'h W™ Kirkby ffebruary ij^^ Elsabethe Benson viij* Clement Dodgson xvj"^' Agnes Dodgson Marche vij'^i Elsabeth Pepper xxixtii Agnes Braithwaite Aprill ii'b Wni Benson x'^i Alexander Tomlinson xxij^^i W"* Dodgson May xvijt'^ Jefferay Hodgson SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO ffebruary xxiij'^ puer Georgii Macretli eode die Mabell ffisher xxvij* Jenatt Rawlinson March x"^ Issabell Canny xviij**! Elsabeth Hirdson xxviij^i" Margaret Dodgson xxx"> puer Richardi Dodgson Aprill iiijiii Margaret Bland xxij''^ John Scale xxvij'h Margaret Robinson May xxvj'"^ Jenatt Saddler June iij'h John Hirdson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 35 x^ii John Powe July 'ivp^ Agnes Braithwaite viij*'' Issabell ffleminge xijt'i Elsabeth Barwicke xxiiij* Issabell Tayler xxv"^ John Hirdson xxvij Margaret Strickland Auguste i'h Elsabethe Rollinson Septemb : iiii*'* Robte Braithwaite vij'^ Issabell Braithwaite xiiiith Agnes Braithwaite xvijt'i Myles Macrethe xxii'ii Myles Hirdson xxixt'i Elsabethe Braithwaite Octob : iiii^"^ Robte Walker xv^t' Jenatt Pennington xxij''^ Elsabeth Hobson Novemb : viij''^ Agnes Tayler x^h Elsabeth Sawrey xiiij't' puer Jacobi Crosfielde Decemb : xiiij"^ Margaret Braithwaite eode die Leonard Robinson January xxiij^^ Richard Rigge ffebruary viii''^ Jenatt Rigge ixth Elsabeth Macreth Marche vi'h W™ Rigge xii''^ Agnes Banke xxv'h John Scale Aprill xvith Robte Walker xxvj'h Agnes Hirdson xxvij th Jenatt Rigge May iiijth Cathren Braithwaite NUPTIyE ANNO PREDICTO Septemb : xvij* Henery Ayrey & Mabell Barwicke xxviijtb Cuthberte Dodgson & Jenatt Tayler eode die George Townson & Issabell Tayler 36 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Octob : xij'h Brya Harrison & Alice Braithwaite xviijth Leonard Rigge & Issabell Holme Decemb vijth Richard Walker & Mabell Holme Xp5fer Braithwaite & Agnes Braithwaite^' finis hujus Anni SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1579 March xxv^^^ John Scale xxvitfi Agnes Hirdson xxvijth Jenatt Rigge May \\vf^ Cathren Braithwaite June xijth John Walker xxix^h Willme Braithwaite July x"i Thomas Burnes Auguste i* Leonard Rigge vij'b Margaret Rigge xiij'*" Jenatt Knype xviij"^ Cuthberte Dodgson eode die Robte Tayler xxvi*^ puer Rowlandi Nicholson xxvij*^!^ Margaret Nicholson xxxth Margaret Tayler eode die Ellice Rigge Septemb : xviij* Brya Macrethe xxiiij''^ puer Nicholai Holme Octob : ij^ii Elsabeth Holme eode die W"^ ffleminge Novemb : vj'h puer Adami Stonbanke eode die puer W"" Holme Decemb : ix"^ Sibell fibreste xxitii Richard Braithwaite January vi"^ Xpofer Taylor xix'^ John Turner xxviijt^ puer Leonardi Rigge xxixth Mabell Walker * No day given to this marriage. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 37 ffebruary vj* puer Brya Benson xijt*i Robte Watterson sdilY^ Robte Dodgson xv*"^ George Braithwaite xx"i Margaret Dodgson xxiii* Jenatt Towenson code die Agnes Holme BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU ANNO PREDICTO Marche vii'^ Elsabeth Pepper xix'^i Agnes Braithwaite Aprill ij'b W" Benson x^b Alexander Towenson xxijt^ Willme Dodgson May xvij^'i Jefferay Hodgson June iiijt'i Elsabeth Satterthwaite xxij ffrancis Sawrey xxviij^h Margaret Banke July xix^'i Elsabeth Macrethe xxijiii George Sands Auguste xvj"^ Isabell Dodgson xxij John Braithwaite xxx**! Xpofer Walker eode die Mabell Watterson Septemb : vj'*' Xp5fer Holme eode die Howson {sic) October xxviii'^^ Robert Sands eode die James Braithwaite eode die Thomas Satterthwaite Novemb : i"^ James Towenson Decemb : vj'^ Thomas Rigge eode die Edward Satterthwaite eode die Mabell Dixson xiiijtii Margaret fifell xxviijt'^ George Rigge January iiij"^ W™ Satterthwaite xiiijth W™ Walker 38 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxiiij'^ Barbary Braithwaite code die Leonard Holme xxx'h Ellice Kirkby code die Elsabeth Braithwaite eode die John Rigge ffebruary xv"^ Mabell Holme xxviij* Sibell Rigge NUPTIiE ANNO PREDICTO June xxvij"^ Arthure Askew & Agnes Holme July vij'h Edward Tayler & Elsabethe Benson Septemb : vj'^ George Macreth & Issabell Barwicke January xxiij* Thomas Bragge & Agnes Braithwaite ffebruary ix'^ Clement Rigge & Elsabeth Braithwaite finis hujus Anni SEPULTUR.E ANNO DOI 1580 Marche viij'^ AUice Rawlinson x* Jenatt Goodbarne xvitt" Lawrence Tayler xvij"^ Elsabeth Pennington xxij^i W™ Braithwaite xxiiij* Xpofer Tayler xxyj'*^ Ellice Dodgson Aprill ij"^ Jenatt Hodgson v'^ Edmund Holme xxx'b Ellino"" Willson May i'^ Adame Readheade ij'^ Jenatt Sands viijth \Ym Rigge de Churchfield xxxt^' John Towenson June viijtfJ Robte Braithwaite xijth Leonard Dodgson xvij'^ Jenatt Braithwaite xxi'h Adame Atkinson xxviij* Thomas Satterthwaite scolarus July viii* Agnes Benson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 39 xxiijt^ Mabell Watterson Septemb : ij*'* Margaret Braithwaite yth Myles Rigge Clarke xiijth Elline Benson xix'^ James Tompson xxiiij ux Milonis Walker Octob : xviij'"^ Thomas ffleminge Novemb : ii'^^ puer Richard Readhead xi* John Parke xiiij^'i Henery Hobson xvijt'i Richard Howson eode die John Knype xxvijth ux Georgii Dixson Decemb : iij* ux Myles Braithwaite \^^ Anthonie Dixson viij'^ ux Robte Braithwaite January i''* ux W™ Johnson \\\-f°^ ux Brya Satterthwaitc vjth Brya Satterthwaite xj'h John Holme xij* Elsabeth Walker xiijth Xp5fer Burnes XV* Elsabeth Kitchinge XX* Barnard Walker xxi* ux George Tyson xxviij* John Ashburner & Joan Ashburner ffebruary ii* W™ Scale vij* Anthonie Atkinson xvij* ux Robte Tayler Marche i* George Rooke xj* Genatt Rollingson BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU ANNO PREDICTO Marche vii* John Braithwaite X* Elsabeth Towenson xvth W"> Macrethe 40 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxvij'^ Mabell Benson xxxi"i Margaret Macrethe eode die Richard Rigge Aprill i* Charles Braithwaite ijt^i Issabell Birkhead X* James Rigge XYJ'*! Isabell Walker May i'^ Adame Atkinson xxij''^ James Tompson July iijt'^ W"" Johnson x'^" Rowland ffisher xxiiij'^i Elsabeth Rigge xxxi'*! Xp5fer Magson August vijt"^ W"» Walker Septemb : x* Agnes Satterthwaite eode die Jenatt Holme eode die Elsabeth Shacklocke * xi'ii John Rigge January vj'^ Thomas Keen eode die W'" Braithwaite NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO. July xxxitti George Rigge & Elsabeth Ashburner eode die W™ Swaynson & Mabell Macreth Auguste ij"^ Thomas Braithwaite & Agnes Atkinson v'if^ Richard Satterthwaite & Jenatt Bland xxviij'h John Partrigge & Agnes Holme Septemb : xiii'^^ Thomas Satterthw' & Margaret Satterthw' Octob : ij''^ James Jackson & Mabell Benson ix*"^ John Watterson & Elsabeth Rigge xvjtii Myles Watterson & Jane Dodgson Novemb : xij'^ Rowland Nicholson & Elsabeth Rigge XX* Oliver Knype & Jenatt Jackson * Opposite this entry is written in a different, but apparently nearly contem- porary, hand : J. R. \ \ his armes. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 41 Decemb : ij'^ Clement Barwicke & Elsabeth Rigge \\\f^ Richard Dodgson & Elsabeth Banke ffcbruary vij'^ W™ Dodgson & Elsabeth Satterthwaite finis hujus Anni SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1581. March xxvij Agnes Holme Aprill i^*^ James Braithwaite vi*'' Richard Dodgson viijt'^ Richard Horsfall xxj"i Issabell Sands xxytli W™ Holme May ix* George Dodgson xjtb Elsabeth Holme June xvijt^ Issabell Readhead xviij'h George Dodgson XXX* Elline Walker July iij'^ Rowland Braithwaite xxt'i Issabell Townson xxxt'i Margaret Braithwaite Auguste xij"^ John Kirkby xxxj'b Richard Hobson Octob : xj* John Green xix* John Smaythwaite Novemb : xxt*^ W'^ ffleminge xxiijth John Leyce Decemb : xjth Thomas Dodgson xix* Thomas Howson January \f^ Myles Tomson xxiijtb uxr John Turner xxiiijtb puer George Holme xxvij "^ W'" Rawes ffebruary xviii*^ ux'' Oliver Borrow Marche Vf^ George Satterthwaite vijt'^ ux"" Symond Sands xjt'i Thomas Rawlinson fil : Robte xiijtii Agnes Macreth 42 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ PREDICTO. Aprill xvj'^ John Blumer eode die Elsabeth Townson xxiij* Michaell Benson xxvth Anna Borwicke May viij''^ James Braithwaite ixtt' Agnes Staynbank xth wm Braithwaite xxviij John Watterson June vij'*^ Rowland Braithwaite xij"^ George Dodgson xix'ii Issabell Holme July xix'^i Jenatt Jackson xxx'h Willme Satterthwaite Auguste xx'^ Anthonie Atkinson Septemb : iij'^ Richard Braithwaite xth \Ym Satterthwaite eode die John Walker eode die W™ Pepper xvij* Sibell Satterthwaite eode die Anna Borwicke XX* George Tyson xxvij''^ Margaret Townson xxix'ti John Banke Octob : xv"^ Margaret Readhead xxix* Issabell Rigge fil : Johannis November v"^ Edward Braithwaite fil Ric. xij'b Agnes Rigge fil Guliel : xixt'i Elsabeth Sands eode die Richard Rigge eode die Margaret Braithwaite eode die Edward Braithw^ fi! Joh : xxvjt'^ Thomas Dodgson eode die Elline Holme xxx'^ Myles Dodgson eode die Elsabeth Dodgson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 43 code die George Satterthwaite Decemb : Richard Walker filius Edw. eode die James Sands fil. Cha. xxiiij* Thomas Macreth fil. Tho. xxvj''' Jenatt Braithw' fil : Robte January vi'^ Mathewe Braithw' fil : Brya vij''' Jenatt Rigge filia Symond xxij"^ Robte Braithw' filius W™ xxviij'^ Issabell Tompson fil. W™ ffebruary xi* Margaret Satterthw' fil : Richard xviij'^ ffrancis Magson eode die Anna Dixson fil : Ric. Marche iiij* George Ashburner fil : Geo NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO June xviij'^ W™ Braithw' & Issabell Dodgson July ix''^ Charles Rigge & Agnes ffisher xvj''' John Birkhead & EUine Rigge August xxix* Adame ffleminge & Elsabeth Dodgson Octob : viij* Myles Walker & Issabell Tayler ffebruary ix* Xpofer Sands & Jenatt Burgoase finis hujus Anni SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1582. March xxx'*" puer Nicholai Benson Aprill ij''' Sander Dodgson iij'^ John Walker X* Cathren Rigge May iij"" ux"^ Edward Rollinson iiij'^ uxi^ Thomas Dodgson x''' John fifisher xij* Issabell Birkhead xvij* Oliver Knype July vj* Agnes Blumer xx"' ux"" Robte Tyson xxyj"" Margaret Walker 44 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. code die filia Rowland! Nicholson ex secunda uxore Auguste xiiij* puer Jefferay Hodgson xxvij* ux"" John Atkinson Septemb : v'*" James Braithwaite xxiiij* Myles Tayler xxx''* ux"" W"" Satterthwaite Octob : xiiij''' Roberte Walker Novemb : iij"' Agnes Rigge xvij* ux"" Edward Robinson xxij'*' Issabell Watterson xxix*'' ux"" Robte Grane Decemb : ix* Robte Dodgson xj"' Clement Atkinson xiij''' uxi^ Robte Holme code die Edmund Holme xx'^ Agnes Dodgson xxviij''' Edward Tayler January xxx''' Lawrence Keen eode die W"" ffisher ffebruary ix* ux^ Richard Rigge xviij'*^ Thomas Braithw' BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU ANNO PREDICTO Aprill i'l' Myles Macrethe fil : Geo : iiij'*' Jenatt Tompson fil : Geo : May xiij* John Hodgson filius Cuthberti xx'^ John Knype fil Jacobi xxiiij* James Braithwaite fil : Milonis xxvij'^ George Watterson fil. Johis June xvij* Henery Kirkby filius Anthonii xxiiij* EUine Rigge et Agnes filise Char : July viij'*' ffrancis Sands fil : Geo : XV* Mabell Sawrey filia Heneri xviij* George Dodgson fil : Richardi xxvj'^ John Towenson fil : Geo : August v'^ Xpofer Tayler fil : il HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 45 Septemb : xvj"' Margaret Tomlinson filia Thomse XXX* John Towenson fil : Tho : eode die Elsabeth Banke fil : Xpoferi Octob : vij'^ George Walker fil : Edw : eode die Adame Banke fil : Geo : xxxi''' Agnes Satterthw^ fil : Robte : Novemb : ' iiij"' Myles Sands fil : Adami eode die Edward Hirdson fil : W"" xi"» Margaret Braithw' : filia Thomae xviij'*' Cathren Holme fil : Geo : xxv"' John Shacklocke fil : Johis XXX* Cathren Sands filia Oliveri Decemb : xxvj* George Braithw^ fil. Geo : XXX* Xpofer Tayler fil. Geo : January i* John Walker fil : Robti eode die Myles Rigge fil : W"" eode die Agnes Walker filia Gyles vi* Thomas Dodgson fil : W"" eode die Elsabeth Ashburner fil : Milo : xiij* W"" Braithwaite fil : Johis XX* ffrancis Walker fil : Ric : eode die Elline Rigge fil : Xpofi-i xxvij* W-" Kirkby fil : W» eode die Rowland ffrearson fil : Jacobi fiebruary ij* Myles Braithw^ : fil : Edw : NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July xxix* Thomas Sands & Elsabeth Walker Auguste xij* John Pepper & Elline Rigge xxvj* W"" Rigge & Agnes Kirkby Septemb : xij* George Robinson & Margaret Rowes Received for ye weddinge of John Croudson of ye pishe of Kirkby & Margaret Christall of this pishe married at Torver ye xix* of September Octob : xiiij* W"" Satterthw' & Elline Braithwaite xxj* Myles Braithw' & Elsabeth Rigge 46 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxviij"^ W" Braithw' & Margaret Macrethe Novemb : \\\f^ John Rigge & Issabell Satterthwaite xviij* Adame Atkinson & Cathren Holme finis hujus Anni SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1583 Marche iij'*^ uxJ" Henery Braithwaite eode die Myles Braithw' viii"^ Cathren Watterson xij'^ puer Gulielmi Scale xiij''^ George Strickland XXX* Elsabeth Rollinson Aprill i"> Edward Burnes vi'"^ Leonard Hobson vij'*^ ux"" Edw : Burnes xij* Xpofer Braithw' xxiij''^ ux^ George Sands xxvi'*' ux^ John ffleminge xxx''^ puer Leonard Rigge May ij* Thomas Willson viij''' ux'' John Smaythwaite xvij''' puer Nicholai Braithw' xviij''' Agnes Rawlinson xxvij''' uxr Robte fforest xxviij* Myles Tayler June iiij'h puer Symond Rigge xvij Sibell Braithwaite xxj'h John Hodgson xxxi''' Margaret Ashburner July ii* W- Sands vij'*" Richard Rigge viij'^ Myles Braithwaite ix"^ uxr W" Kirkby xxvj"' Robte Robinson Auguste iiij''^ Biyam Rigge v''' Xpofer Rigge HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 47 jxth M"^ ffrancis Sands* code die ux^ Thomas Sands xvj''' Barnard Macrethe xxiiij'^ Jenatt Atkinson Septemb : vij* Leonard Atkinson xj* ux^ Johis Rooke Octob : ij'^ Elsabeth Willson xix'*^ Emas Partrige XXX* uxr Xpofer Willson Novemb : v'*^ Rowland fiforeste xvij* puer Xp5feri Sands abortus xviij"* ux'' Xpoferi Tayler xxvj* ux^ Gulielmi Hirdson Decemb : xij''' Robte Walker xxij* Jefferay Kirkby XXX* John Willson January xvij* ux'' Robte Braithw^ XXX* Jenatt Pennington ffebruary viij* John Harrison xviij* George Holme XX* Robte Walker BAPTIZATIOxNES INFANTIU ANNO PREDICTO March i* Anthony Watterson fil : Milonis xiij* Richard Johnson fil : Ric : code die Thomas Satterthw fil : James eode die Willme Braithwaite) .,,. ,^ . . ,. ^, -r. . , . \xi\\\ Xpofen eode die Tho : Braithwaite j xxiiij* Robte Dodgson fil : Ric : Aprill i* Charles Satterthw^ fil : W-" XXV* John Birkhead fil : Cuthberti xxviij* James Rigge fil : W" May ix* Richard Banke fil : Geo : June ij* Mabell Walker fil: W'" eode die Cathren Rigge fil : Mathewe * This is the first entry to which is prefixed any title. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xvij* Roger ffisher fil : Rogeri July iiij* James Walker fil : John vij'^ Myles Rigge fil : John eode die Margaret Holme fil : Henerici xxviij'^' Agnes Dodgson fil : Tho : xxxi* George Sands o i,,r r- 1 , fil : Tho & Margaret bands August iiij'*" Richard Hodgson fil Jefferay Septemb : xv* Ann Banke fil : ffrancisci Octob : xiij"' Agnes Pepper fil : John XX* Margaret Rigge fil : Clem : xxvij"^ Jane Rigge fil : John xxx"' Dorathy Benson fil : Brya Novemb : ix* Issabell Watterson fil : W" eode die Issabell Satterthw^ fil : Tho eode die Jane Dodgson fil : Ric : xxx'^ Margaret Holme fil : Rich : Decemb : v* Cicly Satterthw' fil : Char : January xxij* Mabell Braithwt fil : W"" ffebruary x* George Satterthwt fil : W"" xxiij'^ W" Sands fil : George eode die Agnes Dodgson fil : Ric : NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO June ij''' Myles Sawrey & Elsabeth Satterthwaite iij''' Ric : Radclif & Elsabeth Towenson July vij* Thomas Jackson & Jenatt Knype xiiij''' Xp5fer Braithwaite & Elsabethe Sands xxj* Xp5fer Taylor & Margaret Tayler xxvij'^ John Holme & Margaret Tayler August iiij'*' Ric Dodgson & Margaret Keen xj* Robte Satterthw' & Elline Braithw^ eode die Anthonie Rigge & Agnes Braithwt xviij"^ Renald Holme & Cathren Satterthw' XXV* W™ Braithw' & Cathren Braithwaite Septemb : i* Edward Robinson & Elsabeth Tompson xxix* James Jopson & Agnes Rigge HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 49 Octob: vi* Richard Keen & Elsabeth Walker ffebruary v"" Xp5fer Burnes & EUine Walker xvj''" Thomas Troughton & Issabell Rigge finis hujus Anni SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1584. March xj* ux^" R5bte Satterthwaite xvj'*" Brya Borrowe xxiiij* Oliver Borrowe Aprill xij* ux^ Leonard Holme eode die George Sands fil : Tho : xv'*^ ux"" Rowland Walker xviij"" John Braithwaite eode die Anthonie Satterthw' xxvj"^ Margaret ffleminge May XV* Xpofer Blumer xviij'^ Nicholas Borrowe eode die Edwine Rigge xxvij"" puer Renaldi Holme June vj"" John Turner ix* puer Jenetta Tompson xxv'*" ux^ R5bte Walker July viij'^ ux^ Xpoferi Tayler xvj'*^ James Rigge xvij* W™ Turner xviij"' W" Kirkby xxiiij* ux"" John Readhead XXX* ux"" John Sawrey Auguste X* puer Gulielmi Holme Septemb : j"' ux"" Thomas Benson viij* Thomas Holme xviij* John Towenson Octob : ix* Nicholas Tayler xxix* W"" Macreth Novemb: iij* ux^ Percivell Holme ix* John Hirdson xiij* Sibell Walker so HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xix* Agnes Atkinson xxj"^ uxi" Xpoferi Rigge xxij''' W™ Turner XXV* puer Georgii Holme xxvj"" Myles Braithwaite Decemb : xvij'^ Margaret Holme January xiij"' W"" Walker ffebruary xx"" ux"" Myles ffleminge BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ PREDICTO. April! xij"' Grace Magson filia Petri eodc die Agnes Braithw' fil : Edw : xv"^ Brya Macreth fil : W"" xx'h Agnes Pepper fil : Milo : xxviij* W™ Braithw' fil: Robte code die Cathren Jackson fil : Hugh May j* Elsabeth Holme fil : Edw : June xxj'h Michaell Hobson fil: Edmudi eode die Agnes Dixon fil : John July xx'*" James Keen fil : Ric : August xvj* Agnes Atkinson fil : Geo : Septemb : xvj''^ Elline Braithw' fil : Tho : eode die George Banke fil : Geo : Novemb : j* Clement Rigge fil : Symondi xxvj* Arthure Benson fil : Brya xxvij'*' Ann Hodgson fil : Ric : xxix"^ Elsabeth Keen fil : Oliver (?) January j"' Margaret Rigge fil : W"" iiij'^ Issabell Braithw' fil : W™ ffebruary xiij'*' Richard Tompson fil : Thomae xxj* Thomas Benson fil : W"" eode die James Satterthwaite fil : Robte eode die Elsabeth Watterson fil : Milo eode die James Rigge fil : W" eode die Renald Braithw' fil : Bryami xxviij'^ Edward Braithw' fil : W" eode die Edward Satterthw' fil : Tho : HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 51 March iij''' Thomas Holme fil : Renald code die Mabell Tayler fil : Xp5fen vij'*' Agnes Knype fil : Jacobi xiij'*' Leonard Rigg fil : Milonis xxv'^ Margaret Braithw' fil : Edw : NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO. July xxv'^' Thomas Sands & Elsabeth Tayler Auguste ix* Xpofer Tayler & Margarett Rigge XYJ"" Thomas Birkhead & Elsabeth Braithwaite XXX* Rowland ffisher & Agnes Sawrey Septemb : xxvij* Nicholas Bell & Margaret Rigge Octob : iiij'*' George Rigge & Agnes Holme XXV* Leonard Keen & Elsabeth Sands finis hujus Anni. SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1585. March iiij* George Ruke viij* Edward Satterthwaite Aprill ix* ux'' Anthonii Banke XV* ux'' Robte Satterthwaite xxiiij* ux^ James Tompson code die puer Leonardi Hirdson May xiij* Robte Harrison XX* George Ruke xxix* George Sands fil : Tho : June iiij* ux"" Xpoferi Holme V* uxi" Milonis Atkinson xj* Edward Scale fil : John xxij* Elsabeth Willson July viij* Jefferay Holme ix* W" Walker Auguste vij* Richard Tompson Septemb : iiij* George Tyson xiij* Edward Walker xviij* puer Renaldi Macrethe Octob : xxiij* ux"^ Johis Rigge 52 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Novemb : xxi* Margaret Macrethe xxiij* Richard Satterthwaite xxv''' ux'" Johis Towenson xxviij''' Cathren Howson Decemb : v* Xpofer Braithwaite XX* ux"" George Walker xxvj''^ ux'' Anthonii Banke xxviij* Joh" Satterthw' xxx'^ ux"" Johis Satterthw' January iij* ux"^ Jacobi Cliamney ffebruary vj* Henery Braithwaite xij'*" ux"" James Rigge xviij"" ux^ Xpofer Rigge xxtii W" Blumer xxix* John ffleminge Marche iij* Jenatt Cooke eode die Margaret Walker vj"^ John ffleminge ix''' Arthure Ashburner xxiij"' puer Henery Holme xxvij* puer Jacobi Gurnell BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ PREDICTO. Aprill ix* Anthonie Sands filius Adami xviij"^ Thomas Readhead fil : Ric : eode die Issabell Rigge fil : Charlsi xxviij"* John Satterthw' fil : W" May j'^ John Walker fil : Edw : eode die Anne Satterthw' fil : Ric : xvjth w™ Braithw' fil : Geo : July xxx"' Cathren Stonbank fil : Adami eode die Jenatt Rigge fil : W"" Auguste xv"' Elsabeth Tayler fil : Geo : Septemb v''' Agnes Rigge fil : Edwini : xij'^ James Keen fil : Ric : eode die Agnes Towenson fil : Tho : Octob xiij* Arthur Ashburner fil : Geo : HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 53 xviij"' Robte Satterthw' filius W"" Novemb : xv* Anthonie Walker fil : Gyles eode die Anthonie Banke fil : ffrancs. eode die Margaret Dodgson fil : W™ eode die Arthure Rigge fil : Xpoferi Decemb : viij* Jenatt Tayler fil : Leonardi January ix'*" W"" Keen fil : Leonardi xxiiij'*' W"" Sands fil : Myles eode die Elsabeth Satterthw' : fil : Robte ffebruary xiij'*> Myles Sawrey fil : Henerici March xiij'*" W"" Rigge fil : Clementi xxvj'^ Ric : Rigge fil : Geo : NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May xxix'*' James Gurnell & Agnes Birkhead June XX* Arthure Sands & Barbary Braithwaite July iij''' Robte Walker & Agnes Rigge September xix''' W"" Wayles & Agnes Turner Octob : xxx"' Renalde Macrethe & Elsabeth Vayrey Novemb : xxviij* Edward Macreth & Margaret Satterthwaite Decemb : xij"> Anthony Banke & Issabell Walker January xxx'^ Richard Penny & Elsabeth Rigge ffebruary xiij* James Rigge & Elline ffrearson finis hujus Anni 1585 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1586 April] vi''' ux"- Rolland fforeste eode die ux^ Johis Scale xj'*' ux"" Robte Knype xvj"" puer Cuthbert Birkhead May iij'h W" filius Willime* eode die ux"^ Robte Walker xix* ux"^ Johis Tayler xxx'*" Clement Rigge * No surname given. 54 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. June ij'^ Thomas Harrison iij'*" Issabell Scale xj* uxi" W'" Walker xij* uxi" Anthonii Rigge July v''' John Dixson vj'^ Agnes Satterthw' xviij''' uxf Tho : Dodgson yonger August x''' puer W™ Watterson xiiij* puer W"* Braithwaite XX* W"" Johason xxiiij"' Richard Borwicke fil : Clem : Septemb : iiij"' puer George Sands vij'*" Margaret Sands fil : Tho : xijth W" Rigge fil: W" eode die Margaret Benson fil : W" XV* puer Edwini Benson abort : xxij* Edmund Rigge Octob : ix* Issabell Braithwaite X* Agnes Turner xvj* puer W"" Braithw' abort : Novemb : xj* puer Xpoferi Tayler abort : Decemb : ij* puer Leonardi Rigge abort : xix* Issabell Rawlinson xxiiij* ux'' Richardi Rigge eode die John Ashburner xxviij* Robte Willson xxix* uxi" Xpoferi Braithw' January vij* Agnes Rigge viij* Thomas Scale xxiij* ux"^ W"" Blumer ffebruary xxviij* Cathren Partridge March xvij* puer Thomse Turner abort : xxiiij* Margaret Towenson fil : Tho : xxviij* Issabell Blumer HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 55 BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ PREDICTO Aprill xvij"' Elline Watterson fil : WilTme xxiiij* George Braithw' fil : Milonis code die Issabell Satterthw* : fil : W™ May j'^ Agnes Braithw' : fil : W™ iiijth W" Braithwt : fil : Milonis eode die Margaret fifisher fil : Rogeri June v'*" Xpofer Grindall fil : Johis eode die Renald Holme fil Edw : ix"' Agnes Rigge fil : Symondi xix''' Charles Satterthwt : fil : Tho : eode die Robte Johnson fil : Ric : XX* George Kirkby fil : Anthonii eode die W-" Macreth fil : W"* July x"' Margaret Benson fil W™ eode die Barnard Braithwaite filius Renaldi August vii* Myles Sands fil : Geo : eode die Barbary Sands fil : Geo : de foulyeat xxj''' Xpofer Atkinson fil : Geo : eode die Jenatt Wayles fil : W"^ Septemb: ij"^ Cathren Braithw' fil: W" Decemb : xxx''' John Towenson fil : Ric : January ix"' Agnes Rigge fil : Johis xv'*' Robte Walker fil: Johis eode die Margaret Penny fil : Ric : xxix* Mary Magson fil : Petri ffebruary vj'^ Elsabeth Sawrey fil : Milonis xiij"' Elsabeth Braithwaite fil : Robti Marche x* Mabell Towenson fil : Geo : XV* Robte Rigge fil : Charoli xix* RobFe Hodgson fil : Cuthberti XXV* John Hodgson filius Jefferay NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO. June xxvj* Alexander Towenson & Jenatt Towenson July X* Edmund Blumer & Agnes Braithwaite 56 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxx'^ Rowland Pennington & Elline Kirkby August xxj* George Holme & Ann Sawrey Septemb : v''' Randall Ward & Issabell Braithwaite Octob : ix'*" Wf" Addison & Margaret Rawlinson xvij'^ Roger Walker & Issabell Holme XXV* Robte Walker & Agnes Braithwaite finis hujus Anni 1586 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1587 Aprill iij'*" puer Milonis Sawrey iiij"* Richard Blumer vij'*' ux"" Robte Tayler baylif May XV* ux^" Cuthbert Birkhead xxij* Issabell Willson June ij* ux"" W™ Keen xxij* W"' Rigge XXV* Agnes Keen July xviij* James Borrowe Auguste iiij* Robte Satterthw^ xiiij* Michaell Braithw' xvj* Cuthbert Rigge xxvij* ux'' John Leese Septemb : iiij* Xpofer Rigge xj* ux"" George Macreth de Outyeat xiij* John Jackson Octob: ij* Christopher Willson iiij* Issabell Barwicke V* Elsabeth Penny vj* Agnas Keen xvij* ux'' Richard Tompson xviij* puer Adame Atkinson eode die puer Thomse Tompson xxiij* puer Clement Barwicke Novemb: iiij* James Tayler V* Myles Walker xvj* ux"" George Macreth of Skellw* eode die puer Robte Walker HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 57 xviij"' ux"" Myles Burnes XXV* ux"" John Tompson Decemb : iiij'^ ux"" Barnard Benson ix''' puer George Holme xvj* Renald Holme xvij'*' ux"" Ric : Braithw' xxj''' Ric Braithw* January xij'^ ux'' Nicholas Macreth xv"' George Brockbanke xvij'^ John Tayler xviij''' ux"" Gawen Holme XX* ux"" Johis Braithw' xxviij* Elline Ashburner ffebruary iiij* Dorathy ffisher vj* Edward Rawes xxij* George Holme eode die James Brocksbanke xxiij* Hugh Grigge March iij* puer Edwardi Willson XV* W-" Walker xxiij* Robte Benson BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU ANNO PREDICTO Aprill iij* Margaret Macrethe fil : Edwardi eode die Elsabeth Braithw' : fil : W"" May viij* Mabell Braithwt : fil : Geo : XV* Xpofer Rigge fil : Johis eode die Agnes Rigge fil : W" xxiiij* Robte Satterthwt : fil : W" June ix* Agnes Rigge fil : Johis xvj* George Holme fil : Renaldi eode die Cuthberte Rigge fil : Xpoferi July vij* George Rigge fil Anthonii xiiij* Elline Satterthwaite Auguste xij* Issabell Braithw' : fil : Robte XX* John Rigge fil : Johis S8 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Septemb : iiij* Anthony Sands fil : Geo : xij'*" James Satterthw' : fil Robte Novemb : xv"' Xpofer Garner xx'^ Richard Barwickc fil : Clem : xxvij'*' W™ Blumer fil : Edmund! code die John Satterthw' : fil : W™ Decemb : iiij'^ Robte Walker fil : Robte xij* Edward Holme fil : Geo : eode die Agnes Tayler fil : Robte xix* George Macrethe fil : Geo : xxvj'^ Agnes Dixson fil : Ric : January xv"' Richard Dodgson fil : Ric : xxiij"* Leonard Rigge fil : Leo : xxx* W" Braithwt: fil Edw : March x"' W" Walker fil : Rogeri xxiiij"* Agnes Satterthw' : fil : Charoli xxxi"* Clement Towenson fil : Thomae NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO June iij'^ Thomas Tomlinson & Mabell Taylor XXV* Robert Vayrey & Ann Satterthwaite July xvj"' John Kirkby & Agnes Braithwaite xxiij"* W"" Jackson & Margaret Macrethe eode die Robte Partridge & Margaret Braithw' xxx'*" John Slee & Elline Keen eode die James Gurnell & Elsabeth ffrearson eode die John ffrearson & Margaret Satterthw' Auguste vi'*' Edward Macreth & Mabell Benson xiij'i^ Richard Holme & Mabell Walker xxvij"' John Towenson & Agnes Braithwaite Septemb : xvij'^ Barnard Macreth & Cicly Rigge xxiiij'^ Myles Braithw' & Issabell Macrethe Octob : j'^ Adame Rigge & Issabell Macrethe viij* John Satterthw' & Jenatt Greegge XV* Abrahame Rigge & Jenatt Cowper xxij* Edward Robinson & Agnes Rigge Novemb : v* George Satterthw' & Elsabeth Dodgson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 59 January xxvj'*' Thomas Dodgson & Elsabeth Rigge ffebruary vj* Robte Dodgson & Issabell Holme xx"" Richard Willson & Agnes Rigge finis hujus Anni 1587 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1588. Aprill xv"" Christopher Sands XX* ux"" Thomas Rigge xxvj'*' John Tayler fil : Robte xxx'^ Anthony Sands fil : Adami May ij'^ Thomas Rigge June i* ux'' Bryami Satterthw' xij* John fifrearson xiij''' Myles Tayler July xvij'^ ux"' Robte Satterthw' : xix'^ puer Georgii Braithw' : xxj* ux"" Johis Watterson xxij''' ux"^ George Braithw' eode die ux' Ric : Towenson xxviij''' ux"" James Satterthw' xxix''' John Satterthw' : filius W™ Auguste xiij''' Gilliane Batemane xiiij'*' puer Adame Sands abort : xxj* ux"' John Willson XXX* ux"" Xp5fer Tayler Septemb : iij* ux"" W"" Turner xxj* Robte Rigge Octob : viij* ux"" George Macrethe xj* Margaret Rigge fil : Symondi Novemb : ij* ux'' W™ Towenson xij* Leonard Walker xxij* puer Edwardi Macrethe xxix* Agnes Tayler Decemb : vij* ux'' Leonard Walker viij* ux'' Milonis Tayler XX* ux"" Robte Tayler January vij* ux"" Clement Towenson 6o HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xv"' puer Renaldi Braithw* xvij* Elsabeth Satterthw' fil : Jacobi xxiiij* Thomas Kirkby xxvj''' Robte Walker fil : Milonis ffebruary xviij"' puer Richardi Dodgson BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ PREDICTO May xxvj'^ John ffisher fil Milonis June xxiij"' Margaret Braithw' fil : W*" Auguste xiij''' Margaret Braithw' fil : Johis Septemb : xv'*" Myles Rigge fil : Johis eode die Margaret Rigge fil : Symondi eode die Xpofer Braithw' fil : Xp5fer xix* W"" ffrearson fil Johis xxix'^ Thomas Towenson fil : Johis Octob : vj* Thomas Sands fil : Milonis eode die Mabell Macreth fil : Barnardi yijjth 'v^m Braithw' fil : W™ xiij'^ George Barwicke fil Clement xx'^ Gyles Holme fil : Ric : eode die Jenatt Braithw' fil W"" eode die Issabell Rigge fil : Jacobi xxviij''' Agnes Taylor fil George Novemb : xxx'*" Xpofer Braithw' fil : Xpofer Decemb : xxv'^ Michaell Holme fil : Geo : January : j"' Michaell Braithw' fil : Milo xxx"' Margaret Hodgson fil : Ric : ffebruary xij'^ James Borwicke fil : Geo : eode die Issabell Holme fil : Renaldi xvj'^ Robte fifisher fil : Rogeri eode die Xpofer Sands fil : Thomse xix"' W"* Rigge filius W"" eode die James Rigge fil : Jacobi xxviij'^ Jane Watterson fil : Milonis Marche ix"^ Elline Towenson fil : Georgii xxix''^ Agnes Rigge fil : Johis xxxj"" Agnes Dodgson fil : W"" HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 6i NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO June vij'*' John Holme & Jenatt Tompson July xxj"> Edward Jackson & Jenatt Dixson Auguste xxv"' Wni Satterthw* & Ann Braithw' Septemb : xv'^ Nicholas Macrethe & Issabell Blumer xxix"' W™ Macrethe & Margaret Jackson Novemb : xvj* Robte Satterthw'^ & Agnes Rawes xxiij"' John Walker & Cathren Holme xxx''' John Hobson & Issabell Keen finis hujus Anni 1588 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1589 Aprill XXV* puer W" Satterthw^ May xviij'^ Robte Johnson fil : Ric : xxxj'*" W"" Ashburner fil : W"* June iiij''^ puer Leonardi Rigge xxiij"' Cathren Blande xxix* puer Bryami Benson July xj* Willme Rigge xv'h W" Braithwaite eode die Robte Rigge fil : Char : xxj"" puer W"" Ashburner August vij'"^ Robte Braithw' eode die Margaret Rawlinson fil Robte xviij'^ Ric Kirkby eode die Anthony Sands fil : Geo : xxiij"^ Renald Sands fil : Xpofer xxvi* puer Milonis Sands xxvij* ux'' Hugh ffisher Septemb : j"' W"" Dodgson fil : Ric : iiij"" James Rigge fil : Jacobi xviiij* Renald Macreth xxvij''' ux^" Lawrence Braithw' xxx"^ Myles Rigge fil : Edwini Octob : viij"' puer Johis Scale abortive xxiiij* Agnes Macreth fil : Renaldi Novemb: xxix'^ Richard Rigge 62 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. January iij"' Renald Stonbanke v"^ ux'' Robte Tayler xxx'^ ux'' W"* Willson ffebruary xxj"' John Dixson xxiij''' ux'' George Rigge March xvj* Dorathy Dodgson fil : W"" xvij''' Renald Macreth senio'^ BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU Ao PREDICTO Aprill ix'h W" Macreth fil : Edwardi xx'*' Myles Rigge fil : Clementi eode die Agnes Gurnell fil : Jacobi May j"^ Mabell Rigge fil: Charoli eode die Elsabeth Rigge fil: W"" xviij'^ Agnes Satterthw' fil W"" eode die Thomas Robinson fil : Edw : xix"' Clement Rigge fil : Geo : June j* Myles Rigge fil : Edwine July vj"' Ann Magson Petri filia XYJ"" James Braithw' fil : Robte eode die Agnes Macreth fil : Renaldi XXV* John Holme fil : Edwardi Octob : xxviij"' Mabell Rigge fil : Xpoferi eode die Clement Satterthw' fil : Geo Novemb : viij"^^ W"" Walker fil : Johis eode die Elsabeth Scale fil : Ric : Decemb : vij''' Margaret Satterthw' fil : Robte x"" Elsabeth Dixson fil : Ric : xiiij"' Agnes Dixson fil : Johis January j'*' Issabell Braithw' fil : Milonis xxv* Robte ffrearson fil : Johis eode die Mabell Macreth fil: Nicho : xxvj'^ Jenatt Braithwaite | eode die Cathren Braithw' !' omnes fil : Nicholai eode die Margaret Braithw' ' ffebruary j"> John Macreth fil : W"" eode die Margaret Braithw' fil : Milo : HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 63 ix''' George Walker fil : Edw : xv'h W" Satterthw' fil : Charoli eode die Edward Braithw"^ fil : W"" xxij''' Agnes Penny fil : Ric Marche j"' James Walker fil : Milonis eode die Ann Banke fil : Geo : ^jjjth ^^m Braithw' fil : Ric : eode die Dorathy Dodgson fil : W'" xxx"' Margaret Macreth fil : Geo : iNUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO June xvj'^ Anthonie Banke & Elsabeth Watterson July xij* John Scale & Agnes Willson xix'^ John Pepper & Margaret Braithw' Auguste ij'** Renald Walker & Issabell Macrethe Octob : xvij'^ Edwarde Brockbanke & Jenatt Satterthw' xxj"' James Pressy & Sibell Walker Novemb : viij"' Edward Satterthw' & Agnes Banke ffebruary xxij'^ Thomas Walker & Agnes Satterthw' Marche ij* Miles Strickland & Elsabeth Tayler finis hujus Anni 1589 - SEPULTURE INFANTltJ A^ DOI 1590 Aprill xiij'*' puer Milonis Braithw' xix'^ ux'' Ric : Rigge xxvj"' W" Dodgson xxix'*' puer Agnes Knype May j'^ Robte Dodgson eode die Elsabeth Dodgson fil : Ric : ij* Elsabeth Scale fil: Tho : V* Thomas Dodgson xix'^ John Braithw' : June ix"" Rowland Nicholson xxv'*" ux"" Better Tayler July xvij''" John Braithwaite xviii"" puer W"" Braithw' Sepulturse Infantiu : a queer slip on the part of our usually careful calligraphist. 64 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Auguste xvij"* ux'' Leonardi Holme xxx"' puer W™ Dodgson Septemb : v''' James Satterthwaite xiiij'^ fil : Johis Watterson Octob : j'*' ux'' Jacobi Braithw' code die puer W"" Macreth viij'^ ux'' Nicholas Borrowe ' x'^'' ux'' George Rigge xxiiij'^ Michaell Dodgson xxix* W"' Turner de Rusland xvj"' puer Robte Dodgson ffebruary iij''' ux'' Robte Rigge vj'^ fil : Johis Rigge xx'"^ Renald Towenson fil : Row : Marche xxviij* Charles Satterthwaite elder BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU AO PREDICTO Aprill xxij"' Robte Dodgson ) ,,.„,,, T-^ , ffiln Ric : eode die Klsabeth Dodgson ' May vj''' Rowland Braithw' fil : Tho : xxviij''' James Watterson fil : W"" June iiij''^ Elsabeth Ashburner fil : Geo : xxiiij W" Braithwaite fil : W"" eode die Margaret Rigge fil : Ric : July xvj''' Robte Rigge fil: W"" Auguste xvij'*' Issabell Satterthw' fil : Geo : Septemb : xx'*" Agnes Braithw' : fil : Johis eode die Jenatt Towenson fil : Tho : xxiij* ffranceis Benson filia W'" : Octob : iiij"' Jenatt Holme fil : Renaldi xxv''' Christabell Sands fil : Geo : Novemb : viij'"' John Walker fil : Rogeri eode die W"" Satterthw' : fil : Edw : eode die Thomas Strickland fil : Mile : eode die Margaret Rigge fil : Antho : eode die Robte Blumer fil : Edmundi xj'f' Mabell Macreth fil W" HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 65 xviij''* Clement Banke fil Adami xxv"* Jenatt Towenson fil : Tho : Decemb : ix* W™ Towenson fil : Sander code die Elline Holme fil : Johis xiij'*' George Braithw* : fil Xpoferi xx"» Edward Macrethe fil : W"> xxv'^ Robte Tayler fil : Geo : January i'^ George Macreth fil : Renaldi eode die Agnes Rigge fil : W"" code die Issabell Holme fil : Ric v'*" George Satterthw' fil : Robte xiij'*" Elsabeth Towenson fil : Johis xvij'*' Issabell Rigge fil : Jacob : de Sawrcy xxxj"" W" Sawrey fil : Milonis ffebruary xiiij'*' John Holme fil : Renaldi xvij'^ Willme Atkinson fil : Geo : eode die Ann Sands fil : Milonis xxviij''' Anthony Macreth fil : Edw : eode die George Dodgson fil : Robti Marche xxj''' Jane Banke fil : ffrancisci NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July vij''' Lawrence Braithw' & Mabell Saddler xiij'^ W" Towensen & Margaret Knype eode die John Benson & Elsabeth Holme xix'*" Robte Jopson & Mabell Sawrey Auguste ix'^ Robte Mitchell & Elsabeth Knype xxx''' John Macreth & Agnes Blumer eode die Robte Willson & Agnes Scale Septemb : vj''' Myles ffrearson & Issabell Macrethe xxvij''' W"" Braithw' & Jenatt Macrethe Octob : xviij"' W'" Braithw' & Elsabeth Sands xxv"' Michaell Dodgson & Mabell Tayler Novemb: 'f" W" Braithw' & Margaret Braithwaite xv'*" Edward Walker & Issabell Holme Decemb : xx'*" Clement Towenson & Margaret ffrearson 6 66 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. January xvij"' Clement Rigge & Margaret Braithw^ xxx''' James Dixson & Margaret Ashburner ffebruary vii Richard Rigge & Issabell Satterthw' finis hujus Anni 1590 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1591 April i"" ux' W™ Braithwaite xj"" Xpofer Braithwaite eode die George Macrethe xiiij''' ux"^ Charles Satterthw' eode die John Braithwaite xviij* ux"' W"* Sawrey eode die ux"" Lawrence Keen xix'i' ux' Johis Braithw' xxx''' puer Georgii Holme May iij'^ ux"' Georgii Dodgson vj'*" Thomas Holme xij''' Thomas Macrethe xvj"' Issabell Holme xxiij'*' Arthure Sands eode die puer Thomae Walker June ij'*' Richard Dodgson iij'^ ux"" George Satterthw' xvij* W"" Howson xxij"' W"" Dodgson xxviij'*' Richard Rigge xxix''' puer Georgii Macreth July iiij* Clement Turner eode die puer W™ Dodgson vi* ux"" Thomae Dodgson vii'** ux'' Richard Howson Auguste xiij* Agnes Braithw' xvj'*' Edmund Blumer XXV* ux"^ Leonard Braithw' xxvj"' Richard Satterthw' Septemb : j* Anthonie Satterthw' eode die ux"" Xpofer Satterthw' HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 67 ijjth \Ym Scale code die Mabelle Scale code die ux"" Anthony Satterthw' xix'^ Symond Sands xxiiij'*' puer Jacobi Jackson abort : xxix''' ux'^ Jacobi Scale Octob : iiij* Jane Sawrey vj'h ux"^ W" Braithw' xvj'*> W"" Macreth xviij''' ux"" Leonardi Knype xxiiij'** John Sands xxvj* Nicholas Hatfeilde Novemb : x''' Renald Blumer xiij'*' Anthony Sands xx'^ Richard Rigge xxij"^ George Rigge xxvij* W"" Leester fil : Sam : Decemb : vj'*' puer Richardi Rigge xiij'h Robte Rigge fil: W"" xxxj'^ Olliver Sands January xv"' James ffrearson xx''' ux"" Richard Dodgson xxj* John Dodson fil : Ric : xxiiij'^ Thomas Rawlinson XXV* Elline Tayler ffebruary vij'^ George Tayler code die ux"" Rowlandi fifisher code die James Rigge xxij'*' ux Johis ffisher xxiij''' ux'' Richard Lowson xxv'*" ux"" Milonis Tompson xxvij''' ux"" Leonardi Tayler Marche x* Leonard Tayler xx'*' ux'' Edwardi Walker xxvij'^ ux"" Georgii Turner eode die puer Johis Walker finis Sepulturae 68 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ PREDICTO Aprill xj"^ Margaret Braithw' fil : W™ code die George Walker fil : Thomae xviij'i> Robte Walker fil: W" May xvj'^ Dorathy Braithw' fil : Milonis xix* Issabcll Braithw' fil : W'" eode die Margaret Rigge fil : Jacobi July xj"' EUine Gurnell fil : Jacobi Auguste i"' George Macrethe fil : Barnardi xvij''' Jenatt Dixson fil : Edwardi Septemb : ij'"^' George Benson fil : Arthure v"" Issabell ffleminge fil : Adami eode die Elline Rigge fil : Jacobi xix* Agnes Towenson fil : W™ xxij* W" Braithw' fil : W"" eode die Alee Sands fil : Milo : October xviij'^ W" Braithw' fil : W" xxviij'*" Agnes Walker fil : Ric : Decemb : xv* Mabell Towenson fil : Clem : January j'*' Edward Walker fil : Johis vj* Thomas Dixson fil : Ric : xxiij* W"" Tayler fil : Xpoferi xxiiij'*' Issabell Pepper fil : Johis ffebruary vj'*' W'" Rigge fil : Clementi eode die Myles Sands fil : Geo : March j'*" Margaret Satterthw' fil : Xpoferi X* Dorathy Barwicke fil : Clementi NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May xvii'^ Robte Buttler & Grace Magson June xxvij'*' Myles Robinson & Mabell Braithw' July iiij* Richard Bateman & Margaret Braithw' xj''' Edward Dixson & Elsabeth Penny xviij''^ Lanclett Walker & Margaret Knype Auguste i* Rowland Towenson & Elsabeth Kitchinge viij'^ Arthure Chamney & Margaret Newton xxij"^ Thomas Harrison & Margaret Strickland HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 69 xxix* Renald ffrearson & EUine Sattherw' Septemb : xxv* John Tayler & ElHne Ashburner xxvj* Bryam Satterthw' & Cathren Macreth Octob : iij'^ Robte Ashburner & Margaret Tayler Novemb : vij'*' W"" Braithw' & Margaret Tayler January ix"' Robte Tayler Sr Margaret Walker finis hujus Anni 1591 SEPULTURyE ANNO DOI 1592 Aprill viij"' George Walker xj''' ux"" Henery Rigge xv'^ ux'' Edwardi Braithw' xviij* John Tayler XXX* puer Georgii Sands May ij* ux'' Johis Pepp xj''' Robte Tayler xij* Elline ux"" W" Macreth et puer eius June xvj'^ ux"" Robte Rigge xxiij* Edward Sawrey eode die Brya Rigge July i* puer Bryami Satterthw' eode die ux"" Robte Dodgson xviij'^ Mary Rawlinson fil Robte eode die Jenatt Benson eode die ux"" Barnard Macreth Auguste xxix''' puer Robte Braithw' xxx''' Agnes Macreth xxxi"" ux"" Robte Macreth Septemb : iij* ux"" George Satterthw' eode die puer Richardi Keen eode die puer Georgii Rigge xxvj''' Robte Walker xxix'^ Ric : Scale fil : Thomae Octob : vij''' ux"' Leonardi Rigge xx'^ George puer Milonis Braithw' : Novemb : i''' Jenatt fil : Jacobi Knype xvij"^ Xpdfer Banke fil : Adami 70 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxvij"' Brya Braithw' fil : W"" xxx"" Jenatt the wif of Richard Braithw' Decemb : x"^ ux'' Willme Dodgson xvj'^ Robte Tayler fil : Geo : January xvj'*' Fetter Leester fil : Samueli ffebruary vij* Rowland Tayler code die Elsabeth ffrearson fil : Renaldi xj'^ puer Xpoferi Tayler xvij''' puer Johis fifrearson eode die Willme Braithw' March viij"^ Edward Braithw' xj'*^ W'" Willson xxvij'h Renald fifrearson fil Milo : xxx"' John Satterthw' : de Sawrey BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A*^ PREDICTO Aprill x'h Renald Holme fil : Johis xvj''' Thomas Satterthw' fil : Char : eode die George Holme fil : George May xxj"' Sarai Magson fil : Petri xxvij'*" Agnes Towenson fil : Rowlandi xxviij''' Alee Dodgson fil : Richardi xxx'h Brya Braithw' fil : W"" June iiij''' Abrahame Rigge fil : Milonis eode die W™ Keen fil : Richardi xj'^ George Braithw' fil : Milonis July ix"' Rowland Walker fil : Thoma; xix"" Jenatt Knype fil : Jacobi Auguste vj"' Thomas Braithw' fil : Lawrence eode die Margaret Towenson fil : Geo : ix"' Margaret Satterthw' fil : Geo : xx"" Issabell Rigge fil : Geo : xxiiij'^ Renald Tomlinson fil Geo : Septemb : iij'^ Thomas Dodgson fil : W"* x'^ Mabell Jackson fil : Jacobi eode die Ann Keen fil : Elsabeth xvij'^ Margaret Towenson fil Geo : HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 71 xxxj''' Gaytby filia Mariae * Novemb : i'*' Agnes Wayles fil : Willme v'h Myles Braithw' fil: Johis xij"" Fetter Leester fil : Samuell eode die George Holme fil : Edwardi xix"' Robte Rigge fil : Johis xxvj* W"" Penny fil : Richardi Decemb : vj"" Xpofer Tayler fil : Robte xiij"' Margaret Macreth fil : W"' January vj'*' Elsabeth Satterthw' fil : W" x"' Elline Rigge fil : Richardi xiiij'i' Robte Troughton fil : Tho : ffebruary iiij* Elsabeth ffrearson fil : Renaldi vij* James ffrearson fil : Johis xiiij"» James Strickland fil : Milonis eode die Agnes Towenson fil : Alexandri xxiiij* W"" Dodgson fil : Robte xxviij"' Issabell Rigge fil : W"' Marche iiij"' Hester Sands filia Adami vij'^ Thomas Satterthw' fil : Edwardi xj'h Robte Shacklocke fil : Johis eode die Thomas Dodgson fil : Ric : xviij* Myles Walker fil : Milonis eode die Renald ffrearson fil : Milo : XXV* Elline Rigge fil : W" NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO Aprill iiij* Stephen Ellarey & Margaret Threlked July xvj* George Walker & Elsabeth Holme xxiij"' George Dodgson & Issabell Braithw* XXX* W"" Dodgson & Agnes Towenson Auguste xiij* Robte Hodgson & Cathren Benson xxvj* Charles Satterthw^ & Margaret Braithw' Septemb : x* Oliver Benson & Margaret Benson xxiiij* John Askewe & Mabell Benson * No Christian name given. 72 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Octob : i"' Roger Dodgson & Cathren Otiay code die John Parke & Ann Sawre)^ yiijth YV™ Askewe & EUino'' Satterthw^: xv'*' Rowland ffisher & Margaret Robinson xxix* George Dodgson & Mabell Braithw' Novemb: 'f" W"" Braithw' & Dorathy Satterthwt Decemb: iij"> Robte Bell & Elsabeth Kirkby ffebruary xj'*^ George Rigge & Agnes Blumer xxvj* Henery Rigge & Cathren Howson SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1593 Aprill ij* Lanclett Walker vj'^ Thomas Tomlinson yjjth \Ym Rigge fil Symondi xi'*' Jane Birkhead fil : Cuthberti May xiij* Thomas Robinson fil Johis xviij'*' Willme Sawrey xxiiij''' Myles Braithw' June i* Thomas Satterthw' fil : Charl xvij* Thomas Dodgson fil : Richardi xxiiij''' uxi" James Scale xxix* Agnes Turner July XV* puer Thomae Satterthw' : abort : Auguste vij'^ Percivell Holme eode die Agnes the wif of Robte Willson xij* ux'' Johis Satterthwaite xx'^ Margaret Macreth Septemb : i'*^ Agnes Readhead xij"^ Myles Tayler xiiij* Elsabeth Stagge XV* Sibell the wif of Myles Tayler xvj* James Towenson xviij* Leonard Rigge Octob : xij* puer Rowlandi ffisher xxxi* Alee Dodgson fil : Ric : Novemb : ij* Issabell Knype fil : Jacobi vj* Edward Walker fil : Johis HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 73 xxviij''' puer Bryami Satterthw' Decemb : xvj''^ puer Thomae Braithw' xxv"' George Macreth January vii'''' ux'" W™ Tompson xix''' W" Hirdson xx"' George Tomlinson eode die Xp5feri Braithw' xxiiij'^ W'" Walker ffebruary ii'^ puer Edwardi Walker v'*^ ux'' Xpofer Braithw' de Consay xiiij'*" Xpofer Braithw' de Skellw'^ xvj'^ Robte Sawrey xxvj''' Renald fil : Milonis Braithw' Marche x* Cathren ux'' Robte Hodgson xij* puella Johis Watterson xvj* ux' Johis Watterson xxv''' puer Richardi Borrowe XXX* puer Robte Hodgson BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ PREDICTO Aprill i"* Edward Towenson fil : Thonmse eode die Dorathy Braithw' fil : Robti iiij''' Jane Birkhead fil : Cuthberti yijth \Ym Rigge fil : Symondi May vj'*' Edward Rigge fil : Richardi xxvij* Arthure Tayler eode die Cathren Holme fil : Geo : ' June iij"' Xpofer Sands fil : Geo : xx'h W" Rawlinson fil : W"" July xv"' Robte Satterthw' : fil : Geo : Auguste V* Thomas Keen fil : Richardi XV* Margaret Macreth fil: Michaell xix* Mary Tomlinson fil : Thomae Septemb : i* Barbary Ashburner fil : Geo : ix* Issabell Braithw' fil: Milo : xvj* Issabell Knype fil : Jacobi XXX* W-" Hodson fil : Robte 74 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Octob : iij* Margaret Sands fil : Geo : xviij"' Issabell Braithw' fil : W™ Novemb : vii'^ W"" Macreth fil : Edwardi xiiij'*' George Rigge fil : Clementi xxj'^ Elsabeth Holme fil : Johis XXV* Adame Benson fil : Arthure code die John Sands fil : Milonis eode die Elsabeth Robinson filia Johis Decemb : ij"" Myles Braithw' fil : Xpdferi eode die John Rigge fil : Geo : iiij* Edward Satterthwt fil : W™ ix* Ann Dalton fil : Cuthberti xix"' Agnes Braithw* : fil : W™ January xiij"^ Agnes Rigge fil : Geo : xvj'*' Henery Walker fil : Rogeri xx'*" Robte Tomlinson fil : Johis eode die Elsabeth Holme fil : Ric : eode die Mabell Holme fil : Renaldi ffebruary iij'^ Agnes Rigge fil : Anthonii eode die Elsabethe Jopson fil : Robte xj'^' Renald Braithw' : fil : Milonis xvij"^ Ann Rawlinson filia Robte eode die Margaret Walker filia Renaldi eode die Agnes Macrethe fil : Renaldi xx'h John Braithw' fil : W" xxv'^ Edward Sawrey fil : Milonis eode die Margaret Banke fil : ffrancisci Marche iij^'' Issabell Dixson fil : Ric : xvij''' EUine Satterthw' fil : Ric : xxiiij* Thomas Dodson fil : Rogeri eode die Elsabeth Holme fil : Geo : xxvij'^ Robte Chamney fil : Arthure eode die W"" Braithw' : fil : Renaldi xxix"" Elsabeth Satterthw' : fil : Geo : HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 75 NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May xxvij'^ Thomas Sawrey & Margaret Hodgson June xvij* Percivell Preston & Issabell Walker code die W"" Robinson & Elsabethe Braithw' : July viij* Leonard Knype & Jenatt Jopson xv''' James Satterthw' : & Alee Ashburner xxij'^ Leonard Rigge & Margaret Satterthw' Auguste v'^ James Dodgson & Issabell Dodgson xij"' Thomas Dixson & Elsabeth Braithw' Septemb : xxiij"" Richard Hodson & EUine Sawrey xxv* John Robinson & Margaret Hirdson Octob : xxviij'*^ W"" Sands & Elsabeth Macrethe Decemb : xvij''' W™ Rawlinson & Issabell Rawlinson finis hujus Anni 1593 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1594 Aprill j'h WiiTme Banke code die Anthonie fil : Milonis Watterson viij"' Agnes Benson code die Thomas fil : Rogeri Dodgson xij''^ ux'' Jacobi Tomlinson eode die puer Georgii Holme abort : xx'*' John Turner fil : Johis May xj'h Mabell Holme fil : Renaldi xij"' Elline Rigge xv'^ Issabell Scale fil : Richardi June ix* Edward Sawrey fil : Milonis xiiij* Xpofer Rigge eode die Elsabeth ffrearson fil : Milonis XX* ux"" Thomae Kirkby xxix'^ Leonard Willson July ix* ux'' George Satterthw' xxiiij''' Richard Dodgson xxvj''^ Richard Holme xxxj* Xpofer Rigge Auguste iij'*' George Turner viij* W"" Braithwt fil : Renaldi 76 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. code die Agnes Hodgson fil : Ric : xiij'"^ puer Cuthbert Birkhead xxv'^ puer Milonis Braithw' : Septemb : xviij"' Elsabeth puella The : Scale XX* Thomas fforest fil : Johis xxvj* Edward Walker Octob : xiij* Rowland Turner XV* EUine puella W"" Rigge xix* ux"" Milonis Braithw* Novemb : iiij* Issabell Rigge xxvij* Edward Strickland Decemb : xxvij* Mary ffleminge , ,. T-1 1 ,1 t filise Adami eode die Elsabeth iiij* puella Richardi Turner January xxiij* puella Bryami Satterthw' : xxix* Henery Parke fifebruary iiij* Agnes Dodgson xxviij* Margaret Rawlinson ux' Tho : Rawlinson Marche vij* W™ Willson X* Richard Willson xj* ux"^ Leonard Willson BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ PREDICTO Aprill xiiij* Alee Dodgson fil : Richardi xvij* Henery Kirkby sine patre noto xxj* George Rigge fil : Charoli xxviij* Myles Macreth fil : Bernardi eode die Elsabeth ffrearson fil : Milonis May xij* Dorathy Rigge fil : Leonardi eode die Jenatt Braithw' June XXX* Margaret Holme fil : Anthonii July iij* Wm Dodgson fil : W^^ eode die Issabell Rigge fil : Abrahami xxj* Edward Rigge fil : Jacobi xxix* Agnes Hodgson fil : Ric : xxxj* Margaret Satterthw' fil : Tho : y filise Johis HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 77 Auguste iiij* Petter Magson fil : Petri xviij'** George Walker fil : Tho : Septemb : j''' Symond Sands fil : W'" viij'*' Thomas Banke fil : Adami Octob : xiij''' Renald Sands fil : Milonis eode die Ann Satterthw' fil : Charoli Novemb : vj* Elsabeth Walker fil : Richardi Decemb : xxij''' Margaret Dodgson fil : Geo : eode die Elsabeth ffleminge \ eode die Margaret fifleminge [; omnes filiae Adami eode die Mary ffleminge ' January vi''' Elsabeth Macreth fil : Edwardi xij'*" Margaret Jackson fil : Jacobi fifebruary xij'** Dorathy Satterthw' fil : Geo xxiiij'*' Elline Rigge eode die Margaret Rigge xxv'** Thomas Thomlinson fil : Geo : Marche xix'*" Ann ffisher fil : Rowlandi xxiij'^ John Penny fil : Ric : NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May xx''' W"* Rawlinson & Agnes Dixson at Kendall xiiij'^ John Hodgson & Issabell Satterthw' : July vij'*' Renald Braithw' & Issabell Braithw' : eode die John Boronskell & Margaret Jackson Auguste iiij"* Thomas Knype & Elsabeth Rigge xj* Edward Braithw' & Agnes Hodgson xviij'*' Renald Braithw' & Margaret Tompson xxv'^ Robte Hodgson & Margaret Borwicke eode die John Tubman & Elsabeth ffisher Septemb : xv'^ W"i Dodgson & Agnes Bleamoore xxij'h John Holme & Margaret Atkinson Octob : xiij'h Henery Banke & Margaret Braithw* : eode die Thomas Braithw' & Margaret Banke xxvij'h Thomas Satterthw' & Jenatt Satfthw' : finis hujus Anni 1594 78 HA WKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1595 May v'h Elsabeth Holme vj'h Agnes Gurnell Jacobi fil : xviijth Mabell Rigge fil : Johis xxijth puer Edwardi Willson July vjth puer Richardi Hodgson xjth puer Milonis Braithw' xiiijth W™ Banke fil : George xxjth Arthure Tayler fil : Robte Auguste vj'h Elline Readhead x'h Puer Leonard! Knype xx'h ux"" Robte Readhead xxiij'ii ux'' Leonard! Knype Septemb : vj'^ Thomas Nicholson xiiij"^ puer Johis Braithw' xxvt'i Edward Tomlinson fil : Tho : Decemb : xiiij'ii Roger Dodgson fil : Ric : xvij'h puer Richardi Burrey xix'ii Agnes ux'' Johis Scale January i'h George Robinson fil : Johis iij'*^ puella eiusde Johis vij'h Thomas Rigge eode die puer Georgii Kirkby xxjth Jenatt Holme xxiijtii Margaret ux'' Robt Satte'thw^ : fifebruary vj'h Elsabeth Sands fil : Adami eode die Margaret ux"" W™ Towenson eode die puer Cuthberti Birkhead x'l' Gregory filius eiusde Cuthberti xxvjth Henery ffisher Marche xxxj'h George Braithw^ de Sawrey BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ PREDICTO Aprill ix'h Issabell Sands fil : Xp5feri eode die James Braithw' fil : Tho : eode die Kathren Yorke fil : Georgii HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 79 May i'h Myles Rigge fil : Johis xv^*^ Margaret Satterthw' fil : Geo : xxix'b Elsabeth Sawrey fil : Milonis June it'i W"i Holme fil : Georgii July xjth Wm Braithwt fil : Milonis Auguste iijth ffrancis Strickland Milonis fil : eode die Margaret Braithw'^ fil : Milonis xiij"> Xp5fer Tayler fil : Edwardi xxiiijt'i George Rigge fil Ric : xxx'h W" Hollme fil : Johis eode die Elsabeth Rigge Jacobi fil : Septemb : vij'^^ Mabell Tubman fil : Johis x'^ Roger Dodgson fil : Richardi eode die Mary Borwick fil : Clementi xiiij'^i James Braithw' : fil : W"^ xxj"^ Jenatt Holme fil : Edwardi Octob : v'h Margaret Braithw' : fil : Edwardi xxviij'*^ W™ Rigge fil : Johis Novemb : xvj* James Braithw* : fil Renaldi xix* Issabell Tomlinson fil : Tho : xxiijt^i Thomas Dodgson fil : Rogeri xxx'h Thomas Towenson fil : Alexandri eode die Agnes Hodgson fil : Robte Decemb : xxj''^ Dorathy Dodgson fil : W™ xxiiijth Elsabeth ffrearson fil : Johis eode die W"" Satterthw^ fil : Jacobi xxv* Issabell Macreth fil : W™ xxix^h George et Ann Robinson filise Johis January vj'^ John Knype fil : Thomse eode die W™ Keen fil : Richardi xviij'h Robte ffrearson fil : Milonis eode die Elline Rawlinson fil : W"" xxYti^ Elsabeth Sands fil : Adami eode die George Satterthw* fil : Geo : fifebruary ith Edward Walker fil : Renaldi ij'h John Walker fil : Milonis vj"^ Gregory Birkhead fil ; Cuthb ; 8o HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. viij''^ James Dodgson fil : Robte xxv'h Margaret Sands filia W™ xxvij'^ W™ Dodgson fil : Jacobi Marche v'^ Elline Sands fil : Milonis vij"i Margaret Satterthw' : fil : W"! x'h Margaret Braithvv' fil : Johis xxviij'h W™ Braithw' fil : W™ NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July xxvj'h Percivell Hollme & Margaret Walker Auguste x'h Robte ffisher & Elline ffrearson xvij"' Jeremy Walker & Issabell Keen eode die Willme Walker & Issabell Holme Novemb : ij'i^ Rowland Willson & Jenatt Tayler xxx'h Richard Tayler & Agnes Rigge ffebruary xxj'i^ W"" Rigge & Jenatt Rigge xxvij't" Alexander Readhead & Ellice Readhead finis hujus Anni 1595 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1596 April 1 ij'h ux>" W'" ffrearson xij'** George Rigge May vij'h ux"" Edwine Walker xj'h Elsabeth Creaskell June ijt^ W"" Dodgson fil : Jacobi eode die Elsabeth ffrearson fil : Johis July ij'ii Agnes Macreth fil : Michaelli v'h Elsabeth Rawlinson fil : Robte xviij'h ux'' Bryami Braithw' xxv'^ Mabell fil : George Tomlinson Auguste v"i Edward Knype xxijA Mabell Holme fil : Edw : xxiiij Ellinor the wife of Xpofer Burnes Septemb : vij"^ puella George Macreth de Sawrey xiij* Richard Rigge fil : Geo : xxiiij"^ Agnes Rigge HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 8i code die Renald Holme xxv''^ John Braithw* Octob : xij"^ James Dodgson Novemb : x''^ Agnes Rigge fil : Jacobi xviij''^ Agnes Holme puell Johis eode die puer W"" Walker xxvijt'i Jenatt ux"" Johis Kitchinge Decemb : x"^ Nicholas Holme xx^h W" ffrearson xxix'h ux'' Johis Rigge fil : Xp5fer de Satt'thw' xxx'*^ Charles Benson fil : Barnardi January j'^ Elsabeth Braithw' fil : Geo : eode die Edward Robinson interfectus 5 die ante Supul .... ix*'^ Edwine Walker xjth W"! Tayler eode die ux"" Robte Satterthw' xvij'h Rowland ffrearson fil : W™ xix'h Robte Satterthw' xxij* John Braithw' : fil : Xp5feri ffebruary viij'^ Elsabeth Sands fil : Geo : xiijth Ellino'' ux"" Xpoferi Sands xiiijtt' Elsabeth Croudson xix'i^ John Dodgson de hill xxvij'"^ Agnes Braithw' fil : Geo Marche iij'h Elline Satterthw' fil: Ric : vijth Jenatt ux"" Richardi Satterthw' eode die ux"" Milonis Rigge de Churchsteel viijth W" Satterthw' , ,. „ , f- , , fil : Ric ; eode die Dorathy Satterthw' x'l^ Jane Green alias Satterthw' xiij'h ux"" Oswold Keen eode die Myles Pepper eode die W"" fil : Jacobi Satterthw xxvij'h ux'^ Richard Kirkby finis HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ PREDICTO Aprill iiijth Agnes Macreth fil : Michaell ixth Elsabeth Satterthw' fil W"" x'h Charles Satterthw' eode die Elsabeth Rigge xviij"^ Robte Rigge fil : Charoli May xvj'h Richard Rigge fil : Abrahami xxx'^i Elsabeth Sawrey fil : Tho : eode die Elsabeth Sands fil : Geo : June xx'h Elsabeth Rawlinson fil : Johis Auguste iiijth W" Braithw' fil: Tho: viijth W" Satterthw' fil: Robte Septemb: xijth Elsabeth Hodgson fil: Ric: xix"^ Agnes Holme fil : Johis Octob : xxviijt^ Christopher Sands fil : Xp5feri xxxth James Braithw' fil : W" Novemb : vij"^ Myles Taylor fil : Ric : eode die James Banke fil : Geo : eode die John Walker et George filii * xiiijth James Braithw' fil : WilTmi eode die Elsabeth Rigge fil : W"" xxj'ii John Macreth fil : Edwardi eode die Richard Banke fil : fifrancisci eode die Elsabeth Kirkby fil : Geo : Decemb : xijth Thomas Dodgson fil : Geo : eode die W"^ Troughton fil : Tho : xx'h Agnes Tomlinson alias Sawrey January xij'h Grace Dodgson fil : Ric : xxxtii Thomas Satterthwt fil : Tho : ffebruary y^f^ Willme Walker fil : Tho : eode die Margaret Gibson fil : W™ xxtt> Mary Dixson fil : Ric : xxv'h Thomas Braithw^ fil : RoMe Marche vi'^ ffranceis Sands filia Adami ix^h Jane Rigge fil : Clementi * Name of father not given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 83 xvjth John Atkinson Tho : fil : porchiae de Torver * xx'h Ann Bateman fil : Ric NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xiij'h Edmund Sands & Margaret Braithw^ June xiij'h Robte Satterthw' & Agnes Sands July xxv'h Myles Bateman & Elsabethe Braithw' : Auguste viij'^ W^ Tomlinson & Elsabeth Tomlinson xvth David Tyson & Elsabeth Sawrey xxij'ii Leonard Knype & Elsabeth Rigge eode die John Suerte & Issabell ffisher Septemb : xix'i» Robte Boonas & Elsabeth Dodgson xxvj'h Richard Braithw^ : & Issabell Willson Octob: xxxth wm Benson & Agnes Knype Novemb : vij''^ John Watterson & Alee Wood January xxx'h Clement Holme & Agnes Macrethe vith "Wm Tompson & Barbary Boonson Memorandu quod circiter Augusti decimu hujus anni secundo nupti fuerant Willm Raw- linson et Isabella Rawlinson finis hujus Anni 1596. SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1597 Aprill i''' puer Charoli Satterthw' : iiij*'^ puer Bryami Satterthw* : eode die Margaret ux"" Renaldi Macrethe vj*^ Issabell ux'' Edwardi Knype x'h Edmunde Holme fil : Johis xj'h Issabell ux"" Renaldi Holme xv^i^ Gilliane ux'' Milonis Keen xvj'b Barbary ux"" W"^ Tompson xx'h Thomas filius Tho : Sattei'thw' xxjt^i Margaret fil : Geo Holme * The date has been written xxvj* but the first x seems to have been intentionally smeared out. 84 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. May ijth Elsabeth ux'' Rowland Walker eode die puer Rowland! Tomlinson code die Thomas fil : Rowlandi * iij"^ Edward Holme vi'h John puer W™ Walker code die puer Edwardi Braithw' : ix"^ ux'' Johis Satterthw' : de Sawrey xj"i ux"' Thomas Tompson de Satterthw' : xiijth Grace Dodgson puella Ric : de Satterthw' xv't" Margaret puella W™ Gibson xxxjth puer Rowlandi Willson eode die Elsabeth ux"' Row : ffrearson June iiijth Jenatt ux*^ Rowlandi Willson vj'ii Xpofer Rigge fil : Henerici viijth Jenatt Christallson xijt^" Issabell ux'' Robte Braithw' : xiijtii Richard Satterthw' de Newhouse eode die W™ Benson fil : Brya xviij* puer Johis Holme abort : xxv*^!^ Jenatt Burney fil : Ric : xxvijt'^ John Braithw' : fil : W"" de Satterhowe xxviij""' James Willson July vj'*^ Elsabeth fil : Geo : Kirkby viij'*' Mabell ux"" Ric : Holme xxiijth puer Georgii Macrethe Auguste i'h Cathren ux'^ W"i Braithw' vj'h Agnes Braithw' : fil : Ric : xjii^ Xpofer Braithw' : fil Xpofer xv'"^ Jenatt ux"" Xpoferi Holme xvij''^ Anthony Banke xix^i^ ux"" Adami Atkinson XX* W™ Sawrey eode die W"" Braithw' de Satterhowe Septemb i'^ Richard Threshe ij'h Margaret Stonbanke * No surname given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 85 viijt'^ Thomas Sands x^h Margaret ux'' Tho : Rigge xjth Issabell ux'' Ric : Braithw' : xij"i Agnes Atkinson fill : Adami xiiijt'i Clement Rigge fil : Tho : de fieldhead xxtb W" Holme fil : Ric : XXV* Jenatt ux"' Jacobi Macreth xxix'h Geo : Pepper otherwise Sands Octob : vijt'^ Issabell fil : Cuthbert Birkhead xxjth W" Braithw' fil : Bryami xxv'^'^ Thomas Satterthw^ eode die James Gurnell xxvij'"^ Issabell ux'' W"^ Walker eode die Ann ux'^ Robti Rigge Novemb : i"^ Richard Dodgson de Satterthw' V* James Rigge de Sawrey ix"' Issabell ux'' Johis Blumer x'h Agnes fforeste xi* Margaret Satterthw' eode die Leonard Hirdson xiiij'^ puer Ric : Penny xx'"^ Jenatt ux'' Anthony Banke de Coniston Decemb: v'h Issabell Macreth fil: W"" x'h Margaret ffisher fil : Rogeri xiij"^ puer Milonis Braithw"^ xiiij* Robte fifisher xvijth W" Walker de Satterthw' eode die ux'' Xpofer Rigge de fieldhead January xxj* Thomas Braithw' de Braythey xxvj* Agnes Tayler fil : Jacobi xxx'^ Alee Burges ux'^ Jacobi ffebruary i'^ Ann fifisher fil : Roger viij'h Margaret ux'' George Macreth xiij* Issabell Tailer xvii'h ux'' Johis Dodgson de Hill xxv"^ George Macreth Marche ij'^ Agnes ux"" Xpofer Tayler elder 86 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. v'b Dorathy Braithw' : fil : Milonis xxijth Robte Rigge Charoli fil : xxxjth Jane ffoxe of Skelton pochus de Lamplay * BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIU A^ PREDICTO Aprill x'h Barbary Tomlinson Rowlandi fil : code die Ann Tomlinson Richardi fil : May ith John Rigge Milonis fil: June viijtt^ Robte Rigge Gulielmi fil : xix'h Agnes Braithw' : Richardi fil : July xxx'ii Dorathy Brait de breares Auguste vijth Nathaniell Ni(cholson) filius Allani code die Gilliane Rawlinson Roble filius eode die George Pepper suscepter xxj"^ Elline Holme fil : Perciveli xxxj'h Cathren Ashburner fil : Geo : Septemb : vij'^^ Ann Ward fil : Johis xxiijth Thomas Macreth fil : Barnardi Octob : v"> Issabell et ^ Mab 11 [ ^'^ Cuthberti Birkhead xxvjth Renald Braithwt : fil : Renaldi Novemb: xiij'h Margaret Sands Gulielmi filia eode die Leonard Benson fil : W™ xxiijtfi Myles Walker fil : Rogeri Decemb : iiij'ii Edward Braithw^ : fil : Edw : January xv'iJ Michaell Jackson fil : Jacobi xxix'^ Susanna Magson Petri filia ffebruary ijth Agnes Braithw^ : fil : Johis Marche xxv^h James ffrearson fil : Renaldi NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO June xxviij'ii Thomas Tompson & Issabell Macreth Auguste xxjth Clement Towenson & Issabell Crosfield Septemb : iiij"^ Xp5fer Burnes & Issabell Tayler * i.e.. Parish of Lamplugh (Cumberland). HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 87 Octob : ij*"^ John Dixson & Margaret Rigge viijth Robte Crosfielde & Mabell Scale xxiiij''^ Henery Locke & Margaret Satte^'thwt : eode die John Watterson & Elsabeth Robinson xxx'ii W™ Satterthw' & EUino'' Braithw* eode die W™ Braithw' & Cathren Hodgson Novemb : vj"' John Warrinar & Issabell Atkinson January viij'^^ George Sands & Margaret Rigge xv'^ Jefferay Tyson & EUine Holme eode die Rowland Killner & Elline fifrearson fifebruary v''^ Thomas Tomlinson & Agnes Walker xij"i Xpofer Harrison & Issabell Braithw' xxvij'h Leonard Towenson & Issabell Braithw' finis hujus Anni 1597, SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1598 Aprill 'if^ Issabell Holme \\f^ Emas ux'' Leonard Towenson eode die Elline ux'' Ric : Scale viij^'^ John Rigge fil : Milo : xij'^ Jenatt Atkinson xiiij'** Agnes Walker ux"" W™ xvij*^ Cathren ux^ Johis Holme May iij''^ puer Georgii Tomlinson de browe vij't" Elsabeth ux'" Clem : Rigge de roger ground xiij''^ James Scale xyth Arthure Chamnej' eode die Margaret Dixson xviij^h Clement Satterthw^ xix'h W™ Rigge de Wray xxx'^ Agnes Satfthw' : fil : Charoli June ij^'' Thomas Holme fil W"' : v]^^ Edward Satterthw' : fil : Jacobi vij'h Issabell ux"" W™ Dodgson de fieldhead \yS^ Ann Dodgson Ric : fil : xijth Xpofer Sands Geo : fil : de fieldhead eode die James fifrearson fil : Renaldi HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. July x'h Richard Dodgson fil : Ric : de Satfthw' : xij'^i Anthonie Banke fil ffrancis xiiij'b Agnes Holme xix'h Susanna Magson fil : Petri xxiij Agnes ux'' W™ Turner xxiiijth puer Leonardi Knype abort : August : vj'h Mabell ux"" Jefferay Braithw' : de fould xxvjth James Tailer de finsthwaite Septemb : v* Edward Tailer de finsyke eode die Richard Walker de Tarnhouse xvij* James Macreth Octob : ixth George Satfthw^ : fil : W™ dc Satfthw't xxiiij""" W"i Watterson Novemb : i'^ Agnes ux"" Bryami Rigge \f^ Xpofer Holme vij'^" Robte Chamney fil : Arthur xiij* Issabell ux"' Geo : Rigge de Satt'thw' : Decemb : ij* Margaret ux"' W™ Walker de Satt'thw' : ixth Rigge de Satt'thw' : Braithw' : de Lonthw'. xxijth .... Braithw' : fil Renaldi de Satt'how xxviij"^ Lawrence Braithw' de Braythey xxix'^ George Tayler xxx'h Jenatt Braith : fil : W™ : de Satt'howe January i'*^ Issabell the wif of Richard Rigge vijth Willme Satterthw' : de Coulthouse viij'h Margaret Tayler de finstott ix'i^ John Tomlinson fil : Thoma; xiiij''^ George Jackson Michaelli filius xviij'h Issabell ux'' Allani Pennington xxvijth Elsabeth ux"" W'" Sands de foulyeat xxix'^i Leonard Braithw' : de Sawrey ffebruary viij"^ George Ashburner eode die Elsabeth ux"^ Thomae Tompson xiiij'h Thomas Hall xvij* Agnes Rigge fil : Milonis de Churchsteel xxjth Allan Pennington HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 89 xxij'ii puer W™ Satterthw' : de Cragge xxYJ^i^ Elsabeth Knype fil : Edw : xxviij'^" Edward Willson code die Cuthberte Birkhead March iij'^ Mabell Birkhead fil : p^dict Cuthbcrti viij'^i Elsabeth ux"' W"" Braithw' : de brcares xix'^ Issabell ux'' Renaldi Strickland xx''i W"^ Braithw' : de Hauxhead field xxv"^ Robte Scale BAPTIZATIONES ANNO PREDICTO. Aprill ij"^ Richard Dodgson fil : Ric : code die Robte Sands fil : Geo : code die Edwine Sands fil : W"" : May vii''i Henery Rigge fil : Johis code die Elline Tayler fil : Jacobi xxv'h Agnes Kirkby fil : Geo : June viijt'i Agnes Bateman fil : Milonis xj* Thomas ffrearson fil : Renaldi July xvj*'^ Margaret Rigge fil : Geo : de Churchsteel code die Robte Rigge fil : Anthonii Auguste vj'h Rowland Towenson fil : Thomas code die Elsabeth Rigge fil : Johis Septemb : iij"^'^ Susanna Rawlinson Robte filia code die Agnes Braithw' : fil : Edw : xxjth Susanna Satfthw' : fil : Georgii eode die Margaret Sattertw' fil : Thoma; xxix^'i Elsabeth Sands fil : Xpoferi eode die Jenatt Towenson Gulielmi fil : Octob: viij''i Ann Rawlinson fil: Thoma; ix"^'' Margaret Suerte fil : Johis Novemb : v''' Margaret Braithw' fil : Renaldi viij'h Margaret Macreth fil : Georgii xij'^ James Satfthw' fil : Charoli Decemb : \f^ Myles Watters fil : Rowlandi vj'^i John Tomlinson fil : Thomas eode die Agnes Holme fil : Johis 9° HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xth Nathane Keen fil : Ric : xv'h Mabell Satfthw' fil : Jacobi xvij'h Elsabeth Satfthw' : fil : W" xxj'h Elsabeth) et Tenatt \ ^"'^Sson fil : W-" de Pkamoore xxiiijth George Holme fil : Johis xxvij'h George Dodgson alias Jackson January xiiij'h Gyles Walker fil : Geo : xxiiij'h Dorathy ) et Margaret 5 ^^^''^y ^^'^ ^''°"^^ xxvij'h Renald Macreth fil : Edwardi xxviij'h Elsabeth Dodgson fil : Geo : fifebruary xxviij'h Edmund Satfthw' : fil Robti de prk (?) =:^ March xjth John Holme fil : Geo : de Oxenfell xviij'*! Margaret Towenson fil : Clem : xxv'h George Tayler fil : Ric de Lendine code die Elsabeth Penny fil : Ric : eode die Margaret Rigge fil Milonis de Saw(?)f NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July xxiijt'> John Blumer & Agnes Knype Octob : i'h Wn' Braithvv' : & Ealse Braithw' : viij'h Thomas Benson & Mabell Benson xvt'i George Braithw' & Elsabeth Sawrey Novemb : xij'^ W'" Roberts & Margaret Rigge Decemb : xij^i' John Towenson & Agnes Tayler fifebruary vij"' W'" Dixson & Agnes Braithw' xv"i Michaell Jackson & Issabell Dodgson finis hujus Anni 1598 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1599 Aprill iij'h Thomas Keen vij'*' Elsabeth ux"" Rowlandi Turner x'l' Mabell Satfthwt : fil : W" * This word is so bound in that its identification is difficult, t Ditto. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 91 May j*'^ Barnard Benson de Bulcloose ij'b Margaret ux"" W™ Rigge de Wray xiiij'^ Agnes ux"' Rowland Tomlinson xxj*h W"" Dodgson de Parkamoore xxiij''' Clement Tomlinson June xvij"^ Alexander Towenson xxvij'h W™ filius Thomae Troughton July iij'fi Elline ux^ Robte Rigge de Wray xv'b W"» Braithw' de Tockhowe xxiiij'h Cathren ux"" Bryami Walker xxvijtti Jenatt ux"" W™ Scale Auguste xiiijth Elsabeth Braithwt : fil : Milonis xv^'i Margaret ux"" Rowlandi Turner xvij'h Gilliane Rawlinson Robte filia Septemb : xix'^i Jenatt Braithw' Badger wif xxx'h Jenatt ux"" Richardi Satfthw' : Octob : xxix^i^ Richard Rigge de Satfthw' : Decemb : iiij'f" abortivus Gulielmi Turner January i'^ George Crosfield Jacobi filius iiij'h Xpofer Kirkby fil : W" : xxjt'' Cuthbert Dalton xxvj'h Issabell Macreth Edw. fil : fiebruary xix'^ puer Mabell Braithw' : abort : March x»h John Braithw' : dround xjth Robte Readhead de Nibthw^ xv''' fil : Johis Blurher abort : BAPTIZATIONES ANNO P - Aprill i'"^ Agnes Walker Jeromy filia vij*^ Georg Borrwicke Robte filius ix"i Elsabeth Satterthwait Caroli filia xv'h Issabell Strickland Mylonis filia eode die Elsabeth Braithwait Mylonis filia xxij"i Christopher Rawlinson fil : Willm * A new hand takes up the registers here, and the skin is of a different and inferior quality. 9-2 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. eode die Clement Tomlinson fil : Georgii May ix'h Elsabeth Hodgson Robte filia xxiij''^ Ellen Towenson Johis filia xxvij'h Agnes Dodgson filia Robte xxix''^ William Braithwait filia Reynaldi June xvij"' Alles Studdert Gulielmi filia xxviij'h Katherin Hall alias Willson August : vij'h Dorathy Sands Mylonis filia xij"^ Dorathy Satterthw' Georgii filia eode die Arthure Knype leonardi filius xv"^ ffrancis Sands fil : Georgii de fieldhead xxviij'^ Bryam Mackereth Gulielmi filius September ij* John Braithwait Gulielmi filius vij'*^ John Magson Petri fil : xijth Margaret Bateman Milonis fil : xvj'h Anthony Rigge Ric : filius eode die W"> Riggc Johis filius de Satterthw . . eode die Ealse Rigg Clementi filia eode die Agnes Braithw' Robte filia xix'h W"' Hodgson Ric : filius eode die Margaret Braithw' Georgii filia xxiij"'' Arthure Dixson Ric : filius eode die Elsabeth Rigg Johis filia xxx''"" Edward Keene leonardi filius October vij'^'' Issabell Benson Gulielmi filia November iiij"' Margaret Benson Thomse filia xj"^ Agnes Walker Mylonis filia xviijth John ffisher Rowlandi filius xxv"^ Edward Macereth Georgii filius December xij'^ Barbary Rigg Gulielmi filia xvj"^ Georg Dodgson Georgii filius xix"^ Daniel Nicolson Allani filius xxvj"^ Issabell Braithwait Jacobi filia January ix'*^ William Knype Jacobi filius xiij'*^ James Crosfield Robte filius xvj"^ Agnes Tomlinson Thomse filia de bailifes xx'h John Banke Henrici filius HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 93 eode die Barbary Braithw' Gulielmi filia eode die Issabell Makereth Edwardi filia ffebruary ij"^ Agnes Rigge Abrahami filia ix'h Margaret Braithvvait Johis filia March ij'^ Elsabeth Braithw' Edwardi filia eode die Ellen Towenson Johis filia eode die Jenatt ffrearson Mylonis filia vij^'^ Robert Braithw' Thomse filius ix* W™ Tompson filius Gulielmi eode die Susanna Satterthw' Gulielmi filia xj'h Margaret Readhead Johis filia xxjth W™ Rooke Mylonis filius xxiiij'h Mabell Holme Georgii filia xxx'i^ Elsabeth Satterthw' Edwardi filia NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July i"' Willius Sands and Issabell Walker eode die Adam Robinson and Margaret Braithw . . xxix* Georg Macereth and Ellen Macereth August xix^h Edward Robinson and Elsabeth Riggc September ij"^ Edward Scale and Ellen Walker xvj'h Anthony Borwicke & Agnes Strickland xxx'h Thomas Walker & Ann Walker November iiij''^ ffrancis Sawrey & Barbary Wright December ij"' Georg Satterthw' & Margaret Holme January xiij^'^ John Poole & Margaret Walker finis hujus Anni 1599 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1600 Aprill xiijth Elsabeth Dodgson Gulielmi filia de Parkamo . . xxxt'' Margaret the wif of Richard Holme de f May xxj'h Cuthbert Holme de Tilberth(wt) June iij"^ Mabell the wif of Richard Rigge viij"^ Katherin the wif of Hugh(?) Benson 94 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. August xiiijih Issabell Tubman Johis filia xxx'^i Elizabeth Sands Adami filia* September iij'^ Robert Jacksone Michael filius viij'h Barnard Braithw* de Skellw^*^ xiij'h vVm Hodgson Ric : filius October vj^^ Agnes Braithw' Edwardi filia xxx**' Rowland ffisher eode die Edmund Satterthw' Robte filius November i'^ W™ Braithw^ yonger de brears xjtb Elsabeth Willson Roberti filia December xxj''^ John Rigg de Satterthw' Januarie xxj'^ Xpofer Braithw' de Tockehow ffebruary v'h Abraham Willson Roberti filius xx'b Michaell Holme March xj'^' Margaret Rawlinson Thomae filia xvij"i John Rigge de Roger ground xxij'h Clement Tailore BAPTIZATIONES ANNO PREDICTO Aprill ij"' Issabell Ward Johis filia vjt'i Anna Sands Gulielmi filia xx'b John Suerte Johis filius eode die Margaret Holme Johis filia xxvij'*' W"" Sands Georgii filius de Satterthw' May xviijt'i John Rigg Gulielmi filius de Satterthw^ eode die Issabell Satterthw' Georgii filia xxv'^ Georg Holme Percivell filius June i'*! ffrancis Arbure fil Hugh iiij'^ Robert Jackson Michaeli filius xix'h Issabell Knyppe Thomae filia t xxiiij'b John Tubman f Johis July xiijt*> Ann Macereth Johis filia fil • et Issabell Tubman * The first spelling of Elizabeth in the modern way. t The date has been xxix"", but the first x has apparently been purposely eradicated. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 95 August xiijth Alexander ffrearsone Johis filius xvij''^ Elsabeth Sands Adami filia xxxj'b Agnes Braithwait Jacobi filia code die Agnes Braithw^ W™ fil : de Howend September yivixf^ Katherin Rawlinson Willmi filia xxvij'h Agnes Sands Georgii filia October j^*^ Elsabeth Tailore Jacobi filia iiij"^ Margaret Rawlinson Thomse filia xij'ii Margaret Mackereth alias Braithvv' Ric : filia xv'^ Jane Sawrey fifrancisci filia xxvj'b W™ Kirkby Georgii filius xxviij"^ Renald Braithw' Gulielmi filius November ix* John Robinson Edwardi filius Januarie vj^'^ Dorathie Dodgson Georgii filia xxv'h Robert Jackson Jacobi filius fifebruarie ij'h Issabell Satterthw' Caroli filia xviij'h Thomas Borrwicke Robte fil : eode die Issabell Rigg Anthon : fil : eode die Elsabeth Tomlinson Thomse fil : March xxit^i Elsabeth Birkhead alias Walker xxvth Mabell Walker Renaldi fil : NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xx'h Edw : Satterthw' & Elsabeth Satterthw* July xiij'^^ Myles Willson & Margaret Tomlinson xxiijt'i Bryam Braithw' & Ealse Braithw' xxvij"> W"> Atkinson & Ellen Holme August iiij'h John Sawrey & Margaret Braithw' xxiiij"' James Scotson & Issabell Satterthw' October xxvj"^ Robert Rigg & Margaret Bensone SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1601 Aprill xijth ux"" Georg Satterthw^ de Skinerhow xv'** puer Milonis Rigg de Satterthw* xxjtii Georg Satterthw' de Skinerhow xxiiijtfi Jenett Holme ux^ Cuthberti 96 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxv'^ Jefferey Braithw' de fould May v''^ Geo : Satterthw' elder de Skinerhow code die Geo : Walker Thomse filius vij"^ Elsabeth ux'' Rowlandi Nicolson xxj'h Jenett ux"" Xpoferi Braithw' June xx'h Mabell Walker Renaldi filia xxiji^ti Adam Stonebanke de Churchsteele xxx''i John Braithwait July x^h WAm Ashburner Yonger de Stotpke August ij'h Robert Readhead xxvij'^'^ John Tailor de ffinsthw^ buried in the church October xx'^ W" Braithw' de breares elder November xviij* Jenett ux"" Jacobi Satterthw' December viij"^ Jenett ux"" Leonardi Rigge xvij* Ric : Rigg Edwini filius xix^h Margaret Holme Geo : fil : de Oxenfell xx'h ux"" John Knype de Conistone Januarie xvj'^ Willm Walker Willmi filius XXX Leonard Benson ffebruarie iij^^ puer Thom^e Strickland xxiij'h Elsabeth Moser Thomze filia March vi'^ ux'' George Ashburner xiiij'ii Katherin Ashburner fil : Eiusde Geo : xviij* Katherin ux"" Jo : Sawrey de Graithw' xxv'i^ puer Geo: Dodgson de hill elder abort: xxxjfi George Satterthw' Georgii filius May x''^ Susanna Godmunt Mylonis filia code die Katherin Sands Xpoferi filia code die John Tubman Johis filius BAPTIZATIONES ANNO PREDICTO Aprill v"^ Agnes Satterthw' fil Geo : code die Ellen Tomlinson fil : W"^ xxixtt> Margaret Braithw' fil : Johis de Braith . . . May iijt'i Thomas Walker fil Thomas code die Dorathy Boonson alias Ashburner x'h Anthony Atkinson fil : W^^ 8 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 97 xvij''^ Agnes Macereth fil : Edwardi xxjth Agnes Braithw' fil : Ric : June xvijt^ Margaret Satterthw' fil : Geo : xxix'h Margaret Holme fil : Geo de Oxenfell July v"^ Agnes Tailore fil : Jacobi xxij'^ Susanna Godmunt fil : Mylonis xxvj'^ Ann Mozer fil Martin August xxiijth Bartholemevv Macereth fil : Barnard September vj'"^ Issabell Satterthw' : fil : Robte de Parkam .... eode die Agnes Hodgson fil : Ric : xiij Susanna Studdert fil : W"" xx'^^ Ann Braithw' : fil : Renaldi xxiijth Bartholemew Rigg fil : Geo : de Church- steele eode die W"i : Braithvv' : fil : W™ October iiij'^ Katherin Satterthw' fil : Geo : December iiij''^ Issabell Tompson fil : Thomae xjtt» Elsabeth Sands fil : W^ : xxijt'i Leonard Benson fil : Thomae December xij'i^ Elsabeth Mozer fil : Thomse xv'ii John Rawlinson fil : Thomse xxj'h W™ : Satterthwt fil : Jacobi January vj'"^ Myles Rigg fil: Clementi x'^i Agnes Braithw' fil : Geo : xxiij'h Anne Tomlinson fil : Geo : de brow xxx'i" John Braithw' fil : Robte de Skellw^b fFebruarie xv'^ John Ashburner alias Sawrey xvijtii Elsabeth Braithw* : fil : W"» xviij'^i Thomas Jackson fil : Michaell xix'h W™ Hodgson fil : Robte xxt^> Anthony Sawrey fil : Mylonis eode die Georg Rigg fil : Ric : eode die Issabell Tomlinson fil : Clemen . . xxvij'h Katherin Sands fil : Xpoferi March vij*'> Geo : Braithw* fil : Edwardi x'h David Sands fil : Mylonis HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO Aprill ix'h James Tailor & Margaret Chamney July v'h Michaell Benson & Agnes Kirkby xix^b James Dodgson & Elsabeth Dodgson xxvj'"^ W™ : Dodgson & Issabell Dodgson August vf^ Symond Pughpker & Agnes Holme xvj'*^ ffrancis Benson and Mabell Benson xxiij"^ W"! Jackson and Agnes Holme eode die Clement Holme and Jenatt Jackson September vj'h John Blighe & Margaret Scale October xj'^ John Penington & Agnes Penington xxix'ti Henry Sawrey & Elsabeth Tomlinson finis hujus Anni 1601 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1602 March xxxj"^ Geo : Satterthw' : fil : Geo : May ix* Agnes ux^ Tho : Holme -xS^ Susanna fil : Mylonis Godmunte eode die Katherin Sands fil : Xpoferi xvijt'i W" : Hodgson fil : Robte June vijt^ W™ Walker elder de Dalepke ixt*> Issabell ffisher fil : Jasonis xxix'^ Rowland Willsone July v\f^ Elsabeth ux"" John Wattersone xxv'*' Ann Sands fil : Edwyni xxx'h Margaret ux'' Rogeri Braithw' September xxiij'^i Margaret Macereth fil : W"^ xxviijtii W™ : Satterthw' fil : Robt October v^^ Georg Dodgson de Satterthwait xxth Elsabeth Satterthw^ fil : Clement xxviij'h John Satterthw' fil : Caroli Januarie vi"^ Mary Rigg ux"" Mylonis xxiijt'i Nicholas Benson xxiiijt*> Issabell Ward ux"" Randall xxxj**! Edward Robinsone fil : Edwardi fifebruary ijt^ Agnes ux'' James Willson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 99 vijth Elsabeth ux^ Xpoferi Braithw' xij'h Christopher Scale fil : Johis xxij''^ Dorathie Boonson March xvj'i^ John Asheburner aUas Sawrey xxjti' Barbary Suckmantle xxiiij* Roger ffisher BAPTIZATIONES ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xv'i^ Issabell Braithwait fil : Bryan May ij'^ Margaret Dodgson fil : Jacobi xxiij'ti Katherin Jackson fil : W™' xxvj'i^ Issabell ffisher fil : Jasonis xxx"^ John Watters fil : Row : June vj"^ Thos allias Tysone {sic) xxvij'^'^ Robert Rawlinson fil : Robert July xviij"^ Margaret Peney fil : Ric : xxiij"^ Ann Sands fil Edwini August iiij'^ Barbary Sawrey fil : Henric September xxvj''^ Geo : Braithw* fil : Jacobi eode die Issabell Holme fil : Georgii October xvij'^^ John Satterthw' fil : Caroli xxviij"^ Katherin Satterthw' fil : W"* November x'*' Agnes Sawrey fil : Johis xiiijii^ Hester Arture fil : Hugonis xxx'^ Christopher Nicolson fil : Allani eode die Anne Dodgson fil : Geo : December xj'^ Elsabeth Rigge fil : Bartholemew xix"^ Katherin Holme fil : Geo : xxj'^ Edward Benson fil : W™ January \yS^ Mabell Satterthw* fil : W™ eode die Mabell Towenson fil : Johis xij'h John Rigg fil : Robte xvj* Mabell Holme fil : Clement fifebruarie vi"^ Dorathie Ward fil : Johis xyj'*^ Tho : Dodgson fil : Geo : Smithe eode die Ric : Rigge fil : Johis HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. March ij* Charles Satterthwait fil : Edwardi ix^'i Robert Satterthw' fil : Edwardi xx"^ Robert ffrearson fil : Renaldi code die Edward Garnett alias Geldert NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July iijth Christopher Holme & Ann Dodgson eode die Tho : Holme & Elsabeth Holme xjth Willm Richardson & Elsabeth Holme August v'*^ Christofer Rigge & Agnes Braithwait viij'h Edward Satterthw' & Agnes Walker xxijtii James Rigg & Margaret Douthwaite xxix'h W™ Braithwt & Issabell Braithw' October xvij"^ Richard Knype and Jenett Tomlinson ffebruary xx^b Henry Holme & Elsabeth Atkinson finis hujus Anni 1602 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1603 Aprill iiij'h Mabell Satterthw^ fil: W" vj"^ Ellin the wif of John Turner vij'h Elsabeth Rigge fil : Bartholemew -id^ Ann ux'' Georg Sands de fieldhead eode die Elline ux"" Barnard Benson May x"> Georg Holme de Waterhead xvj"^ Edwyne Tailor de ffinsthwait June iij'h George Rigge de Churchsteele xiiij''^ Xpofer Willson fil : Row : xxiiij"' ux'' Anthony Atkinson xxvij'^ Margaret Towenson ux'' Geo de Crosse July ij'h Thomas Braithw' fil : Geo : xiij'h Mary Turner fil : W™ xxiijth Elsabeth ux'' Thomas Dodgson Junio^ August i'^ Margaret Rigge ux'' Richi : iijth Willim Kirkby de Hollinbanke xjt'i Jenett fifrearson fil : Mylo : xxj'h ffranceis Sands Adami filia xxx"^ Anne Towenson fil : Geo : HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. September ix^^" Georg : Braithw' fil : Jacobi October v'f^ Elsabeth ux"" Thomas Holme xxvj''^ John Sawrey de Graithwait November i'^ Myles Walker fil : Rogeri yth wm . Satterthwait vij'i^ Elsabeth wxy Johis Tompson xxijt'i John Braithwait fil : Renaldi December viij'^i William Hollad xj^"^ John Walker de Dalepke xxij'ii Agnes Rigg fil : Clementi January xvij^^^ Christopher Bateman xix^h W™ Turner fil : Johis ffebruarie i'h W™ Satterthw^ de Satterthw' ix'*^ Regnald Braithwait de Satterhow xvj"^ George Mackereth fil : Edwardi xxiiiitii Richard Crosfield de Satterthw' March xxiiij'^ puer Georgii Macereth BAPTIZATIONES ANNO PREDICTO March xxviij''^ John Holme fil : Percivell Aprill -sS^ Georg Holme fil : Johis xxijt'i Richard Hodgson fil : Roberte May viij"' ffrancis Knype fil : Richi June ix't" John Dodgson fil : Robte August vif^ Mary Banke alias Willan x"^ Hester Sawrey filia ffrancisci xxviijt*' Dorathie Walker fil Jeromy September iiij"^ Agnes Colker fil : Thomje xxv'i^ Xpofer Bateman fil : Mylonis xxix'^ Clement Rigg fil : Xpoferi October v'^i John Asheburner fil : Roberti November ix'h Elsabeth Braithwi^ fil : Edw : xxjth Issabell Tomlinson fil : W"i December xj'^ Robert Scale fil : Richi xiiij'*^ Hester Dodgson fil : Rogeri code die Xp5fer Borrwicke fil : Robte January i'^ Margaret Benson fil : Michael HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xv*'^ Myles Bateman fil : Mylo : code die Margaret Braithwait fil : W™ xxij'h Edward Satterthw' : fil : Caroli fifebruary ix^^ Dorathie Rigge fil : Anthony xij'*' Georg Macereth fil : Edwardi code die John Braithwait fil Reginaldi xxvjt'' Geo Rigg fil W™ de Satterthw* xxviijtt> Georg Satterthwait fil : W"i xxix"^ John Godmane fil : Mylonis code die Georg Atkinsone fil : W'" eode die Margaret Holme fil : Xpoferi March xj'" Mabell Sawrey fil : Henrici Junio"" eode die Hester Sands fil : Xpoferi XXV* Jenatt Satterthw' fil : Georgii : NUPTIyE ANNO PREDICTO August vij* Thomas Sands and Margaret Walker xxij"^ John Turner and Issabell Moone September xxv'^ Bartholemew Rigg & Dorathie Ashe- burner November xix"^ Xpofer ffisher and Margaret Atkinsone xxvijth Willm Middlefell and Ann Holme January xvij'*^ Richard Bleamore & Christibell Cookes finis hujus Anni 1603 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1604 April xxiiij* Georg Rigge de ffieldhead eode die Margaret ux'" leonard Braithwait xxv^'i Elsabeth Rigge fil : Jacobi xxixt'> Issabell ux^ John Rigg de Sawrey May xxvij'h Myles ffrearson fil : Jacob xxviij''^ Issabell fil : Thomai Knype June iiij'h Issabell uxi" Gyles Walker ix'i^ Bryam Braithwait de Sawrey xiij'"^ Georg Sands de fouleyeate xvj"^ puer Johis ffisher abort HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 103 July ij**! Katherin ux"" W™ Jackson xxiijth Leonard Knype September v^^^ Henry Rigge de Rogerground xvjtb Jane Pedlay October xxiiijti^ Emas ux"" Johis Pepp November xxjt'' Georg Jackson fil : Jacobi December vj* Oswould Keene xiiijii^ Georg Macereth fil : W™ xxviijth Rowland Scale dc Whaitehead January vj^i^ Issabell ux^ Regnald Walker xv'*^ Issabell uxi" Jo : Braithw' de Braithey xxij^'i Jenett ux"" W"" Sawrey ffebruarie iiij'h Margaret ffell fil : Ric viijt^ Margaret ux"" Edward Scale xiijtii Agnes Peney fil : Ric Marche v''^ puer Adami Sands abort xijtt> Thomas Rigge de Satterthw' v\vf^ Christofer Satterthw^ called Toy BAPTIZATIONES ANNO PREDICTO Aprill x'l^ Agnes Sands fil : Thoma; xj'h Issabell Holme fil : Johis xv'h W™ Satterthwt fil: Caroli May i'h Robert Satterthw' fil : Geo : xx^l* Elsabeth Bateman fil : Mylonis June x*'^ Georg Macereth fil : William xxiiijt'i John Sands fil : W™ eode die Thomse {sic) Rooke fil : Mylonis code die Elsabeth Walker fil : Thomae July xijth* Robert Tailor fil : Jacobi xxix"^ Hester Braithw' fil : Jacobi August v't" Georg Knype fil : Thomae xijth William Rigg fil : Bartholomew xix^h Georg Jackson fil : Jacobi xxvj'h Elsabeth Braithwait fil : Johis * Or xxij"i. I04 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. September ij* Mathew Banke fil Henrici \yS^ Margaret Satterthw^ fil : Edw : October vij*'' Leonard Rawlinson fil : Thomse eode die W™ Braithw' fil : Robte eode die Mabell Benson fil : Thorns eode die Issabell Braithw' fil : Geo : xiiijth Agnes Braithw' fil : Wf" eode die John Ryley alias Brooke ye child of Ales Brooke xxiiijt'i James Satterthwait fil : Jacobi November : vij''^ David Sands fil : Geo : de Satterthw' xjth Richard Crosfield fil : Roberti : December ij'^ Richard Tubman fil : Johis eode die Henry Tailor fil Johis xvjtl^ John Hodgson fil : Ric : xxiijth Agnes Braithw' fil : Thomse xxx'ti W™ Dodgson fil : Georgii Junior January xxvij"^ Jenett Poughpker fil : Symond xxxtt" W™ Dodgson fil : Jacobi ffebruary x''' Nicholas Benson fil Georgii xvij'^ Gaspyre Clocker fil : Xpoferi eode die Leonard Towenson fil : Clementi eode die W"i : Braithwait fil : Edw : eode die Susanna et ) -r, , \ filiai Hugh Arture Barbary ) '^ March x'h Elsabeth Mozer fil: Martin NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xv"i Thomas Bell & Margaret ffisher June i'l' Thomas HawkRigg & Ellen Kirkby July xv'"^ John Towenson & Issabell Satterthw' August v'h AUexander Garnet & Elsabeth Satterthw' xix"^ Roger Borrwicke & Agnes Sawrey September ij"^ Michaell Benson & Mabell Sawrey October xv''^ Gyles Walker & Margaret Satterthw' November iiij^h John Rigg & Jenett Sawrey fiebruarie xj'*^ Barnard Macereth & Issabell Braithw' finis hujus Anni 1604 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 105 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1605 June vijt'i James Satterthw* fil : Jacobi xix'h Jenett Braithw^ de Sawrey xxj'^i Elsabeth Braithw' fil: W™ July ij'^ Hester ux'" Edwini Sands xxvj'h ux"^ Johis Tailor in the church September v"' Abortivus Allan Nicolson in the church xix'ii Robte Satterthw' de Sawrey in the church October xxix'*^ ux"" James Jackson in the church December xxix'^^ Willm Dodgson de fieldhead Januarie iijt'^ Issabell Tailor xviij''^ uxi^ Edwardi Macereth ffebruarie xyj^i^ puella Michaell Jackson xxij'h W"' Braithwte de Braithey xxviij"^ Edw : Tailor de Plowmegreene in the church March x'^^ Ellin ux'' Richard Willson xv'h Myles Borrwicke fil : Rogeri xix'*^ Elsabeth ux"" W"" Tomlinson in the church Aprill x'^i David Sands fil : Geo : xix**^ Myles fifisher de Dalepke xxvj'h Clement Rigge xxviijth ux"" Johis Tailore May i'h Thomas Knype BAPTIZATIONES ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xxj'h Georg Knype fil : Ric xxv'h Agnes Macereth fil : Edwardi xxviij''! Willim Ward fil : Johis eode die W™ Macereth fil: W™ May i'h Issabell Holme fil : Johis June xvj"^ Robert Benson fil : W'" xxiiij'h Ann ffrearson fil : Regnaldi eode die Myles Sands fil : Edw : io6 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. July viijth Georg Satterthw' fil : W"^ code die Barbary Sawrey fil : W™ ix''' John ffisher fil : Johis xiiij* James Keene fil : leonardi xv"^ Ann Sands fil : Thomae xxj'h Dorathie Rigge alias Bensone xxij* Robert Tailor fil : Jacobi August xj'h Bartholomew Rigg fil Clement September xxiij''^ Agnes Walker fil : Roberti xxix'h Jenatt Holme fil : Geo : October iijth W™ Satterthw' fil : Edw : October \'f^ Daniel fifisher fil : Jasonis code die James Braithw' fil : Johis xiijth wm Holme fil : Perciuell eode die Elsabeth Sawrey fil : Johis xxvij"^ Adam Rigge fil : Bartle NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July xiiijt'^ Barnard Grigg & Katherin Jacksone xxviij'*^ ffrancis Walker & Katherin Sands eode die Xpofer Bleamore & Agnes Rigge August xj'^i Richard Bell & Agnes Rigge September vij"^ huen Tailore & Agnes Walker xv"' Georg Rigg & Agnes Sawrey xxix'f^ John Watterson & Jenett Bensone finis hujus Anni 1605. SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1606. July x''^ Hester Sands fil Xpoferi xv"^ Clement Rigge eode die Ann Sands fil : Geo : August xxj'h Margaret Braithw' fil : W™ xxiij'^ John Rawlinson eode die Mabell ux"" Thomas Tomlinson September v'^^ Edward Willsonne xijth Wm Rigge fil Bartle xiij'h Robert Rigge HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 107 code die Edward Hirdson fil : W™ xiiij'^ Leonard Rawlinsone fil Thomae October vj'ii Ann ux^ Adam Sands XYJ'^i Dorathie fil : Thomse Sands December xxv"^ Katherin Willsonne xxix"^ John Boonas fil : Robte Januarie xij* Jenatt Leese xxiij'h Margaret Walker ux"" Gyles xxv''^ Henry Sands fil : Xpoferi ffebruarie x^^ Issabell Rigge fil : W"i xij'h Katherin ux^' Georg Braithw' xvijth Robert Tailore XX* Margaret Macereth March xxiiij'^ Elsabeth Turner BAPTIZATIONES ANNO PREDICTO May xviij''^ Thomas Sands fil : Geo : September xv*'^ W"^ Satterthw' fil : Thomae xxj* Susanna Holme fil : Geo : xxx''^ Georg the supposed son of Edwyne Sands October i* Thomas Satterthw' ) ^, „ ,. } hi : Caroli Grace Satterthw^ ' vih Robert Scale fil : Ric : xix*^ Agnes Walker fil : ffranc : xxvj"^ Dorathy Holme fil : Clement November ij* Issabell Browne fil : * xvij"i Michaell Holme fil : Xpoferi eode die W'" Satterthw' fil : Geo : xxiiij'*^ W"i Satterthwt fi] . Jacobi December i'"^ Georg Dodgson fil : W™ xiij'^ Katherin Dodgson fil : Geo : xxvj* Margaret Satterthw' fil Caroli Januarie i"^ Issabell Braithwait alias Holme iiijth Elsabeth Nicolson fil : AUani * No name given. io8 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. eode die Jenatt Blumer fil : W'" xix'h W"^ Rawlinson fil : Thomae xxvth W" Rigg fil : Xpoferi ffebruary xv"^ John Bensone fil : Geo : xvj'ti Qeo : Walker fil : Thomae xxjt'i Margaret Macereth alias Dodgson March i'^ James Borrwicke fil : Rogeri viijth W™ Kirkby fil : Henrici eode die Issabell Walker fil : Jeromy xv'i^ Henry Savvrey fil : W"i xxv'h W'" Satterthwt fil: W" NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO June xiiij'h John Grave & Issabell Browne xxix''' Henry Bateman & Ann Borrwicke July xiij'ii Richard Hodgson & Margaret Braithw' eode die Robert Seatle & Jenatt ffrearsone xx'h Thomas Keene & Issabell Towensone xxvij"^ Leonard Rigge & Agnes Tailore August vij* Robert Browne & Issabell Rigge xxxj''^ Edwine Macereth & Margaret Wattersone eode die Edward Blealelme & Agnes Ashburner September xiiij'^ W™ Braithwait & Issabell Braithw^ xxvj'^ Edward Macereth & Elsabeth Rigge October iij'^ Anthony Sawrey & Mary Bleamore x'h John Atkinsone & Elsabeth Holme finis hujus Anni 1606 SEPULTURyE ANNO DOI 1607 March xxiiij'*' Elsabeth Turner fil : Johis Aprill viij''' Xpofer Scale fil : Richardi xij"" ux'' W^" Hirdsone May xij'^ ux^" Christofer Sands de Rusland xiij"" Mabell ux"" Symond Rigge in the church xxij"" Anne Sawrey fil : ffrancisci xxvj"' uxr Rowland Willsone eode die Elsabeth Braithw' fil : Edw : HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 109 June vj* Elsabeth Hodgson in the church code die Margaret Willson fil : W^^ July iij'*" ux'' Johis Turner v'*' Nicholas Benson fil : Geo : ■''vj'^ (?) ux"" Jefferay Kirkby in the church XYJ"" John Scale de Whaitehead August ix"" John Benson fil : Geo : September xiij'^ Jenatt ux'' Geo : Rigg de Churchsteele October iiij* Edward Wallas xj"* ux"" Michaell Holme in the church xxij''' Elsabeth ux"" Thomas Tompsone November ix"^ ux^ Bryan Satterthwait code die puer Johis Braithw' eode die Issabell ux^ Regnald Walker in the church xxvj'*" puer Rowland Scale xxix"' Roger Walker in the church eode die ux"" W"^ Macereth in the church December v* Jane ux"" Robte Boonas in the church xj'*' Margaret Tompson fil : Thomae xxvj'^ Rowland ffisher in the church January xxij''' Geo : Satterw' de Newhouse in the church xxiij'i' Elsabeth Satterthw' fil W"" in the church xxiiij''' Mabell ux'" Myles ffisher in the church xxv"' James Dodgson de ffieldhead ffebruarie vij"" Robt ffisher fil : Myles in the church xv'^ Agnes ux"" Richard Tailore xxviij*'' Georg Tomlinson in the church March ij"' Barnard Benson de Skellw'*' in the church v''' Elsabeth Dodgson ux"" Georgii xij'^ Xpofer ffisher xiij* Charles Rigg de Outyeate * Or xvj*. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. May x'*^ Georg Holme alias Bensone xj'*" leonard Towensone the first of July was Georg the son of Georg' Rigg buried BAPTIZATIONES ANNO PREDICTO March xxviij* Susanna Sawrey fil : fifrancisci May iij'*^ Bartholomew Dodgson fil : Geo xxj"" Rowland Tomlinson fil : Johis June xxj'^ Adam Sands fil : Xpoferi July xxv'*' Myles Rawlinson fil : Richardi August ij''' Dorathie Braithw^ fil : Jacobi ix'h W™ : Sawrey fil : Anthonii code die Mabell Dodgson fil : Georgii xvj* Margaret Holme alias Bensone xxiij''^ Issabell Braithw' fil : W"' September xxviij*'' Geo : Satterthw' fil : Edw eode die James Seatle fil : Robte XXX* Agnes Braithw' fil : W" eode die Issabell Atkinson fil : Johis October iiij"' John Dixson fil Gawen * xj* Dorathie Benson fil : Thomae November i''^ ffrancis Sands fil : Thomae eode die Elsabeth Rigge fil Anthonii xvj''' Daniell Godmunte fil : Mylonis eode die John Ward fil : Johis xxiij"^ William Rigge fil : Bartholomew eode die Bernard Boonas fil : Robte December xx'^ Agnes Braithw' fil : Edwardi xxvij* Rebecka Arture fil : Hugh Januarie i'*" Thomas Satterw' fil : Geo : iiij'*" Dorathie Braithw' fil : Robte x'*' Elsabeth Braithw' fil : Thomae XXX* John Satterthwait fil : Edwardi eode die Margaret Knype fil : Ric : * The name "John" has been begun, and then Gawen substituted. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. ii ffebruarie vij* Braithw' fil : Geo : * viij"' Issabell Holme fil : Geo : code die Elsabeth Asheburner fil : Jacobi xxj'*' Katherin Rigge fil : Thomse March ij''' Margaret Holme fil : Percivell iij* Margaret Godmunte fil : Anthony xix'*' John Hodgson fil : Georg : NUPTI.E ANNO PREDICTO May xxvj"* John Holme & Elsabeth Knype June vj'^ John Sawrey & Jane Dodgsone xxviij''' Gawen Dixson & Anne Hodgsone July v'^ W-n Walker & Cicly Satterthw^ vij"^ Geo : Braithw' & Agnes Satterthw^ xij* John Ward & Issabell Wattersone xix* James Braithw' & Agnes Satterthw' code die W'^^ Walker & Margaret Tomlinsone xxvj'^ John Satterthw' & Issabell ffisher August ij* W"" Holme & Dorathie Holme eode die Anthony Higgin & Grace Macereth xxiij"' W™ Hirdsone & Agnes Creakall September xiij* George Dixson & Mabell Macereth xx"^ Edw : Satterthw' & Siball Satterthw' October xxv* W"^ Satterthw' & Agnes Satterthw' November i''' James Keen & Dorathie Braithw' December ij"" James Asheburner & Issabell Towers xiiij'^ Anthony Godmunte & Ann Kirkby finis hujus Anni 1607 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1608 Aprill iij* James Rigg of Sawrey xij"" Richard Rawlinson xiiij''' Nicholas Braithw' in the church May ix''' Regnald Strickland xvij'*" Myles Walker in the church xviij* James Knype * No Christian name given. 112 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. June ij'h Adam Sands of Graithw' Hall * iiij*'' Issabell ux"- Geo : Banke xix"^ ux-- James Walker in the church July iij* Henry Dixson xiij'h W"i Hodgson fil : Ric : xviij'h Issabell Walker fil : Jeromy eode die Elsabeth Satter : fil : W"i de Satterth : xxvj'h Wm Dodgson fil : James August i'h Georg Rigg de Satterthw' ij"' Ann Dodgson fil: Jacob: iij"' Katherin Dodgson fil : Jacob : eode die Susanna Rigg fil : Jacob xxj'h puer Arturi Benson abort in the church xxiij'h ux'- W"i Satterthw' in the church September xvj''' Elsabeth Braithw' alias Macereth October iij'^ W" Poole fil : Johis xvij'h Issabell ux>- Oswould Keene xviij'h Ric: Satterthw' in the church xx"' puer Caroli Satterthw' abort November xvij"' John w^h god sent us xviij'^ Edw : Willsone xxviij* Ellino'" ux"" Ric: Readhead xxix"^ Robte Rawlinson of Grisdall in the church December iij"' Georg Borrwicke vj'h Geo Satterthw' de Sawrey in the church xix'i' EUinor ux>" W™ Satterthw' in the church xxix"' Barbary Rigge de Sawrey Januarie iij'^ Geo Dodgson de fifieldhead vij'*' Gyles Walker ix'h Wm Satterthw' fil : Geo : in the church xj* Margaret Holme fil : Percivell xxix"" Elsabeth Boonas xxxj"i John Scale fil : Johis * The word "Hall" is added in a different hand and at a later period. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 113 ffebruarie iiij'"^ fliia Thomae Rawlinson de Graithw' in the church viij''' Agnes Rigg ux'^ Johis xv''' Jane ux"" Thomae Rawlinson in the church xx"" W" Braithw' fil W" March ij"" Agnes Rigge de Sawrey code die Thomas Walker de Hauerthw' in the church iij"" Robert Tailer de Dalepke in the church xj'"^ Margaret Sands ux^ W™ xxiij''' Robte Satterthw' de Parkeamore in the church BAPTIZATIONES ANNO PREDICTO Aprill i'*' Hans Mozer fil : Martini iiij"" Katherin Dodgson fil : Rogeri ix"" Susanna Rigg fil : Jacob xij''' Margaret Macereth fil : Geo : xxiiij''^ Gyles Walker fil : W"* code die W"^ : Hodgson fil Ric : eode die Elline Colker fil : Thoma; code die John Walker fil : Xpoferi May viij"" Georg Jackson xvj"^ Mabell Holme fil : W"> June xj''' W"" Sawrey fil : ffranc : xij"' Arture Macereth fil : Geo : xix''' Mathew Braithw' fil : Regnaldi July xv'^ Elsabeth Braithw' alias Macereth xvij"' Jane Braithw' fil : W"i : August xxj* Elline Braithw' fil : W™ : xxiiij'^ Issabell Keene fil : Jacob September xj'*^ Issabell Benson fil : Geo : October vij* Mabell Benson fil : Michaell xxx'*^ Issabell ffrearson fil : Regnaldi November vi"' Elsabeth Banke fil : Henric xvj* Anthony Sands fil : Edwini 9 TI4 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xx"' Margaret Crosfield fil : Robert! December iiij'*' Edward Braithw' fil : Jacob xj'h John Dodgson fil : W™ : Januarie i''' Dorathie Sands fil : W"" xxij* Agnes Knype fil : W™ xxix''' Margaret Sawrey fil : Johis ffebruarie v*^'' W'" Satterthw' fil : Johis March xj''^ Margaret ffisher fil : Johis eode die Sibell Seatle fil : Robti xix'^ James Braithw' fil : Johis NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO. May xvij''^ Thomas Rawlinson & Susanna Stonepker July xxij* Thomas Wattson & Dorathie Jackson xxiiij''' Rowland Robinson & Issabell Braithw' xxx"" Geo : Robinsone & Katherin Stonebanke eode die Tho : Satterthw^ & Elsabeth Tomlinso . . . August vij"' Anthony Pattison & Agnes Rigge eode die Geo : Dodgson & Margaret Willson xiiij'^ W™ Braithwt & Margaret Braithw^ xxj* Adam Banke & Ellin Rigge eode die John Rigge & Agnes Braithw* September iiij* Georg Sands & Issabell Walker November xvij''' W™ Walker & Elsabeth Keene ffebruarie xix* Hugh Huthw' & Marian Rawlinson xxiiij* W™ Readhead & Jenett Tomlinson finis hujus Anni 1608 SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1609 March xxxj''' W'" Satterthw' de Sawrey in the church Aprill ix"' John Jackson fil : W™ xx'^ John Scale xxiij"" Edward Braithwait in the church May viij* Thomas Satterthwait in the church xxj''' Margaret Crosfield fil : Robti September xxvij''' W™ Tailore de ffinstw' : xxviij"" puer Georgii Dixson abort : HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 115 October vij'^ Edward Walker de Walker ground xxix"^ puer ffrancis Walker abort : November i"' Margaret Satterthw' fil : Caroli xxviij"' Jane Braithw* : fil : W™ December ix'^ W™ : Macereth xij''' Agnes Holme fil : Geo : XXV* Michaell Suckmantle a Dutchman Januarie iiij''' Elsabeth Sawrey fil : Johis in the church viij'*' Richard Higgin xx''' Jenatt ux"" Abraham Rigge ffebruarie xx'*" Issabell ux^' Geo : Sandes in the church xxiij''' Christofer Banke in the church xxviij''' Robert Rigge in the churche March ij''' Jenett ux^ Edwyne Rigge Aprill ix* Jenett Braithw' fil : Barnardi in the church xxx'^ Adam Braithw^ fil : Mylonis June ix'*' Mabell Rigge eode die John Blumer filius * BAPTIZATIONES ANNO PREDICTO March xxvj* W"" Sawrey fil : W™ eode die Ann Borrwicke fil : Rogeri xxvij''' Xpofer Tailore fil : Edw : Aprill ij* John Jackson fil : W™ eode die Ann Kirkby fil : Henrici v"^ Thomas Pattisson fil : Anthonii xvij'*' Margaret Braithw' : fil : Ric : May vij"- Sibell Macereth fil : Edw : xxj'*^ Elsabeth Tomlinson fil : Rowlandi xxviij'*' Hester Sands fil : W™ : June iiij'^ Elsabeth Holme fil : Geo : xxviij"" Ann Holme fil : Xpoferi eode die Edward Holme fil : W"^ : July ix'*' Elsabeth Rawlinson fil : Thoms x'^ Thomas Satterthw' fil : Thomae * Christian name of parent omitted. ii6 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xvj* Agnes Holme fil : Thomse Auguste vj"^ Dorathie Benson fil : Michael! xiij"> ffrancis Dodgson fil : Geo : xxiiij''' Elsabeth Barrow fil : Edw : eode die Issabell Braithw' fil : W™ : September iij* W™ Sands fil : Thomse eode die Margaret Satterthw' : fil : W™ x'^ Cuthbert Hodgson fil : Ric : eode die Xpofer Satterthw' fil : Jacob October i* Geo : Tomlinson fil : Johis xxix"' Agnes Sawrey fil : Anthonii xxx'^ Elsabeth Sawrey fil : Johis November viij"' W^^ Sands fil : Arthuri xxvj* Adam Rigg fil : Roberti December xj* James Braithw' fil : James eode die Agnes Holme fil : Geo : xviij'^ Adam Braithw^ fil : Mylonis eode die Jenatt Walker fil : W™ xix'"^ Xpofer Sands fil : Edwini January xxj* John Sands fil : Geo : t'february iij''' Geo : Holme fil : Geo : xviij'^ Georg Dixson fil : Gawini March iiij'*' John Hodgson fil : Robti : eode die Mabell Bensone fil : Geo : xjth wm Crosfield fil: Roberti xiij'h Edward Walker fil : W'" xiiij'^ Geo : Atkinson fil : Johis NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July xvj* Rowland Willson and Agnes fifisher xvij* Robert Braithw' & Agnes Braithw' xxiij* Myles Macereth & Agnes Lancaster August vj''' Myles fifisher & Agnes Satterthw' xiij"' Alex Tomlinson & Margaret Satterthw' eode die John Smithson & Agnes Scale XX* Robert Knype & Issabell Rigge eode die Alex : Rigge & Jane Sawrey HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 117 code die Thomas Holme & Elline Holme September x* Arthure Sands & Mabell Tailore xvj* Robert Jackson & Elsabeth Shacklocke xxviij* Anthony Walker & Elsabeth Watterson October viij* Bryam Macereth & Elsabeth Rigge December x'^ Jo : Townson Sz: Agnes Satterthw'^ ffebruarie v"' (?) Geo : Braithw' & Margaret Satterthw' xj'h W™ Walker & Barbary Banke xviij'^ Tho Rigge & Agnes Rigge finis hujus Anni 1609. SEPULTURE ANNO DOI 1610 March xxvj''' W'" Satterthw* fil : Caroli in ye church xxx''' Agnes Rigg fil : Jacob Aprill xviij''' Xp5fer Sands fil : Edwini code die ux^ Xpoferi Rigg xxiiij'*' Roger Sands de ffieldhead May iiij"' Edward Turner fil : Johis vj"> Elsabeth Willson fil : Robti X* Rowland Turner fil : John xvj'*' Jenett Rigg de Churchsteel xxvij''' Jo : Rawlinson fil : Thomse in ye church June ij'*' Xpofer Tailor eldest in ye church x'*" Edwine Tailore de briggend August xij''' puer Caroli Satterthw' abort September xviij* Thomas Dodgson Junio"" in the church xxiij'*' Margaret Pattison October vj'^ ux^ Johis Tubman ix''^ Cuthbert Hodgson in the church XX* puer Willm Willson abort November xvij* Issabell ux^" Ric : Keene December i* Jo : Tailor de Sinderhill in the church ffebruarie ij'*^ W"i Rigge in the church iiij* Agnes Scales fil : Ric : x* puer W^" Bensone de brow abort, xj* Geo Dodgson Smith in the church ii8 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. March v'*' Agnes Tailor de ffinstw' eode die Mathew Turner xj"' Robert Turner fil Johis xx''^ Elsabeth Turner in the church SEPULTUR/E ANNO DOI 1611 Aprill xiij'*- W™ Benson de Skellw* xx'*' Myles Sawrey in the church xxix'*" puer ffrancis Sawrey May iij"' puer Georgii Macereth iiij"" ux^" Mylonis Strickland in the church September xv'*' Robert Holme fil : Percivell xvj''' Edward Satterthw"^ in the church November iij'" Adam Rigge in the church December viij''' Geo : Sands fil : Arthuri x'^ Richard Keene de Cowpke Januarie iiij"' puella Jacob Turner viij* Bryam Benson in the church ffebruarie xxv* ux"" W™ Asheburner in the church xxvij"" Xpofer Braithw* xxviij"^ Thomas Keene fil : Jacob BAPTIZATIONES ANNO PREDICTO Aprill vij* Wm Barrow fil: Edw : eode die James ffrearson fil : Regnaldi ix* Agnes Asheburner fil : Johis xiiij* Agnes Boner fil : W^i eode die Margaret Macereth fil : Bryan eode die Margaret Satterthw* fil : Edw : xv'^ Geo : Dodgson fil : Rogeri xxj* Wra Benson fil : W™ eode die Elsabeth Rigg fil : Alex eode die Barbary Rigg fil : Anthonii eode die Issabell Braithw^ fil : Johis xxviij'** Elsabeth Sands fil : Edwini eode die John Gurnall fil : Allani eode die Nicholas Holme fil : Jefiferey HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 119 May xix'^' W™ Braithw^ fil : Edw : June ix''' Agnes Arture fil : Hugonis x"' Thomas Braithw' fil : Xpdferi July iiij* Oliver Sands fil : Thomse xj"' Xpofer Holme fil : Geo : code die W"> : Borrwicke fil : Rogeri August xxv'*' James Braithw* fil : Jacob eode die Elsabeth Benson fil : Michael : September xxiij* Mabell Blumer fil : W"^ xxix'^ Xpofer Tailor fil : Xpoferi eode die W™ Braithw' fil : W™ : de fould October vi"' Elsabeth et ) ^.. ^ _^ . .,. ■• \ filiae Xpofen - Barbary ) xiij'*" Xpofer Rigg fil : Clement xx'^ Margaret Walker fil : Anthonii eode die Agnes Dodgsonf fil : Robte eode die Margaret Dodgson fil : Mylo November iiij''' Geo : Holme fil : Geo : de Johus December viij* Tho : Braithw' fil : Thomae eode die Elsabeth Atkinson fil : W^n xvj''' W™ Braithw' fil : W™ de breares xxij"' Ann Sands fil : Daniel xxv"^ Huan Pattison fil : Anthonii January xij''' Margaret Satterthw' fil : Caroli xxvj''' John Sawrey fil : W™ ffebruarie ix* Dorathy Kirkby fil : Henrici xvij'^ John Walker fil : John eode die Myles ffisher fil : Mylonis eode die Agnes Poole fil : Petri xxiij"' Thomas Keene fil : Jacob eode die Tho : Holme fil : Tho : March viij'*' Robert Benson fil : W" eode die Ann Braithw' fil : Ric : xv"' John Braithw' fil : Robti * No surname given, f This name is apparently Hodgson changed by the scribe to Dodgson, HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. yiv'f" Dorathy Braithw' fil : W™ xxij''^ Georg Rigg fil : Jacob code die Margaret Tailor fil : Xp5feri NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July iiij'*' Bryam Harrison & Margaret Asheburner vij"' Richard Braithw' & Agnes Towensone xxviij"' John Benson & Issabell Borrwicke eode die W™ ffrearson & Issabell Rigge August iiij'^ John Rigg & Agnes Braithwait xviij''' Xpofer Tailor & Margaret Walker xxv"' Xpofer Walker & Ealse Sands September i"" Geo : Braithw' & Issabell Blumer November xviij'*' W«» Sands & Issabell Macereth xxiij'^ W"™ Braithw' & Emas Asheburner xxv"* Robert Banke & Jenatt Towensone December vij* W'" Towenson & Elsabeth Tompsone ffebruary x'** Clement Rigg & Margaret Rigge xxiij'^ Richard Rigge & Issabell Dodgson finis hujus Anni 1611. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1612 March xxv'^ Joseph Sands fil : Xpo : xxx''' Margaret Harrison fil : Bryan eode die Issabell Braithw' fil : Ric : Aprill xxvj''' Jane Sawrey fil : Johis eode die Agnes Benson fil : Michael xxix"' Margaret Tompson fil : Edw : May xviij''' James Rigge fil : Johis June xix''' Jenett Towenson alias Magson xxj'^ Henry Sawrey fil : Anthonii xxiiij* Barbary Braithw^ fil : Jacob July xiiij'^ Samuell Sands fil : Edwyni xxj'*" ffrancis Ward fil : Johis xxij"" Wm Dodgson fil : W™ August xxiij* Jo : Rigg fil : Mylo : xxx''' W™ Rigg fil : Alexander HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 121 September xiiij* Margaret Towenson fil : W*" xx"' Catherin Rigge fil : Thomse xxviij'*' Geo : Braithw' fil : Geo : October iiij"" Grace Walker fil : Jeromy xj'^ Elsabeth Benson fil : Geo : November viij* John fifrearson fil : W™ eode die Edward Rigg fil : Geo : eode die Barbary Braithw' fil : W™ XV* Geo : Macereth fil : Myles eode die Jefferey Hodgson fil : Ric xxx* Anthony Banke fil : Adami xxxj^'' James Walker fil : W"" eode die Gyles Holme fil : Percivell December xiij* Elsabeth Macereth fil : Geo : *xx* Geo Satterthwt fil : Edw : eode die John Sawrey fil : ffrancisci January xxxj* W™ Asheburner fil : Jacob ffebruary xiiij* Symond Rigg fil : Xpo xxj* John Rigg fil Clement eode die Ann Walker fil Xpo eode die John Sawrey fil : John March viij* W™ Rigg fil : Johis X* Robert Rawlinson fil : Tho : eode die Margaret Walker fil : Tho : xiiij* Myles Sands fil : W" xxj* Geo : Satterthw' fil Johis eode die W^ Rigg fil : W^ eode die W"" Holme fil : Jefferey xxiiij* Margaret Rigge fil : W™ S^PULTUR^ ANNO PRDICTO March xxv* John Scale in the church April! xix* James Walker fil : Mylonis XX* W'" : Satterthw' de berke in the church xxiiij* John Sawrey fil : W"^ xxvj* Jo : Tailor de plowmegreene in the church * This has been written xxx"' but the first x is erased apparently intentionally. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. May i'*' ux"" Jenkin Knypp in the church iiij**^ Edward Scale v'h Ellin Banke ix*^ Margaret Tailor fil : Xpo xx'*' Tho Tailor fil : Edw : xxiiij* Mabell Bensone fil : Jo : xxvij"^ Margaret fforest ux : Jo xxx''' Edward Macereth in the church June xxvj"" Ealse Magson ux'' Petri in the church July ij''' ux'' John ffrearson xx'*' W™ Holme in the church xxviij''' ux'" Edmundi Holme in the church August x"" Jenett RawHnson ux'' Ric xj"^^ Joseph Sands fil : Xpo in the church xij"' Rowland ffrearson xv'*" Margaret Tompson fil Edw xxiij''' Catherin ux'' Clement Satterthw' in the church September vij'** Agnes Rigge code die puella Michael Atkinson abort xiiij* W"i Tailor fil : Hugonis October viij"' Margaret ux"" Charles Satterthw' in the church xiiij"^ Jenett Tovvenson xxiij''' ux"" James ffrearson code die puer Jo : Turner abort November ij"^ Isaac leester vj'^ ffrancis ward fil : Johis xiij"^ John Blumer xiiij''' John Towenson fil T . . . xxij* Rowland Turner xxvij'*' Richard ffell December i''^ Jenkin Knyppe in the church xth Wf" Macereth xxij* John Walker fil : Jo : in the church January i"' Grace Sands ux"" Edwyne ix"' the daughter of W™ Sands de fouleyeate HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 123 xxv"' Ealse ux"" James Satterthwait xxviij* puer W"^ Satterthw' abortiu. fifebruary iij'^ Robert Tailore fil : Xpo : xj'*^ Bryam Satterthw* in the church xiij"" Abortu Rowland Willsone xviij* ux"" Robert Braithw' code die ux"^ Edw. Tailore in the church xxij"" ux"" John Tailore xxiij'^ W™ Bensone in the church xxiiij"' ux"" Jo : Shacklocke in the church March ij'^ Jenett Purte iij"' ux"" leo : Benson in the church code die Jo : Rigge fil : Cle : in the church V* John Willson in the church x''^ Edwyne Sands fil : W"^ code die puer Tho : Walker abort xij* Jefferey Hodgson xiiij* ux"^ Tho : Walker xix'*' ux'' John Rigge xxij'^' ux'' Myles Gurnall xxiiij''' ux"" Row : ffrearson NUPTI^ ANNO pi^DICTO May xvij* Henry Jackson & Elsabeth Turner July v''' Row : Braithw' & Katherin Braithw' August xvj'^ John Turner & Mabell Willson xxij''' John Turner & Jenett Rigge xxx'^ Richard Rigg & Ellinor Satterthw' October vij'^ Edwyne Rigge & Elsabeth Rigge iiij* Myles Sawrey & Margaret Dodgson November xv* Edw : Watterson & Margaret Watterson xxvj'^ Tho : Rawlinson & Hester Sands xxix* John Bancke & Margaret Satterthw' finis hujus Anni 16 12 124 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1613 Aprill V* Samuell Sands fil . Tho vj"" Jane Townson fil : Alexander code die James Keene fil : Jacobi xj"" Margaret Braithw' : fil : W™ code die Jenett Walker fil : W"" May ij'h Myles Rigg fil: Bartle code die Tho : Willson fil : Tho June xiij"^ W™ Dixson fil Gawine xxiiij''' Issabell Phemcke fil : Jo : xxix* Xpo : Atkinson fil : John July xxv"" Regnald Walker fil Regnald August v'*' Margaret ffisher fil Jo : viij'*" Jo : Knypc fil Ric August viij"' Margaret Waterson fil : Edw : September i* W™ Rigg fil : Ric : v'^ Margaret Braithw' fil : W™ xij"' John Borrwicke fil : Roger xiiij"' Jane Rawlinson fil : Tho : xxj* Braithw' fil : Richard * October x''' Tho : Braithw' fil : Row : eode die Elsabeth Satterthw' fil : Edw : eode die Margaret Knyppe fil : ffrancisci xxv'^ Agnes Macereth fil : Bryam xxxj'^ Margaret Bra : fil : W"i : de Satterhow November i* Dodgson fil : Geo : Smith* xiiij* Ann Borrwicke fil : Robte xv"' Tailer fil : Ric : * xxj'^ Geo : Tailer fil : Hugo xxiiij'*' Anne Walker fil : Johis xxviij'*' Xpo : Holme fil : Tho : January xvj'*' Susanna Dodgson fil : Rogeri eode die Ellin Tailor fil : Xpo : xxiij'*^ Susana Tompson fil : Edw : * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 125 code die Elsabeth Sawrey fil : W™ : xxxj* Anthony Sawrey fil : Myles ffebruary xiij'*^ Hester Sands fil David XX* Regnald Townson fil : John xxviij''' John Hodgson fil : Geo : SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxvj'^ Edward Macereth xxviij''' Myles Willson xxx'^ uxr Myles Braithw' xxxj''' Myles Gurnall Aprill j* John Holme in the church code die uxf Barnard Braithw' in the church code die Agnes Willson iiij"' Dorathie Benson fil : Arthure in the church vij* ux"^ Bryam Braithw' viij"" Issabell Tailor fil : Xpo : in the church ix'^ Elsabeth Sands fil . Edwyne xiij"' ux"" W™ Braithw' in the church XV* ux^ James Tailore in the church xvij* ux'' Edw : Satterthw' in the church xviij* Anne Dodgson fil : Rogeri eode die Jo : Sawrey fil : Jo : in the church xix* Agnes Scale fil : Tho : xxij* W™ Townsone eode die Rowland Scale fil : Row xxiiij* Agnes Bateman fil : Myles xxvj* Wm Scale fil : Row : May V* W™ Sands fil : Tho : vij* Dorathie Kirkby fil : Henrici viij* Margaret Braithw' xviij"^ Elsabeth Braithw' fil : W™ xxij* Jo : Braithw' de foulde xxiij* Bryam Braithw' de lonthw' June j* W"" Sands of Graithw' eode die Susanna Studdert eode die Issabell Braithw' 126 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. ij'^ ux"" Christofer Banke de Coniston ix* Ric . Rigge de Wray xvij* Agnes Walker fil : Xpo : xxj* Christopher Banke de Coniston xxiiij'^ uxf W™ Banke code die Elsabeth Walker fil : Tho : xxv'** Geo : Satterthw' in the church July xxvij"' ux'' John Sawrey in the church August V* Samuell Sands fil : Tho : September xij''^ Grace Walker fil : Jeromy October ix"" puer Clement Satterthw' abort, xj''' Jefferey Holme xij'*' Myles Sawrey in the church eode die ux"^ Clem : Satterthw' in the church eode die Xpofer Willson fil : Johne xxvj''' John Braithw' de further Sawrey xxviij* W™ Kirkby de Rusland November xiiij* Clem : Rigge de Wrey xv''' ux'' Xpo : Tailore in the church xviij"" W"i Scale xxiiij'*' Ann fil : Jo : Walker xxvj''' ux'' Stephen Cowpthw' xxx'*^ John Kirkby fil : W™ December v"' Xpo : Willson in the church January v'*' John Kirkby de Rusland vj'*' Abort . W™ : Satterthw' de Newhouse xj'h Margaret Braithw' fil : W"" xxiij"^ John Kitching in the church xxviij"' Robert Braithw' fil : W™ ffebruary vij* Jane Rawlinson fil : Tho : in the church xix''' Ann ux^ xpo : Holme in the church xxij"" Tho : Banke fil : Xpo : xxiiij"' ux"" Robert Knypp in the church xxvij"' Symond Rigg in the church March xxiij'*" W™ Braithwait Sheareman HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. i?7 NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May iij"" W'" Braithw' and Jenett Jackson xyj'*" James Willson & Ann Troughton June xxvij* W'" Tailor & Elsabeth Tailor July viij"^ Clem Satterthw' & Margaret Braithw' xviij"* W"i Rigge & Margaret Rigge xxv"" Jo : Harrison & Ellin Rigge August i"' Regnald Holme & Elsabeth Holme code die leo : Holme & Margaret Walker xv''' Edw : Tailor & Margaret Rigge xxij''' Tho Dodgson & Margaret Satterthw' September iiij"' Ric. Burrey & Agnes Holme October iij'*" Robert Satterthw' & Margaret Braithw' x'*^ Peter Townson & Jenett Townsone xvij'^ James Walker & Ann Sands code die Tho : Hodgson & Mabell Holme ffebruarie xxij''' W"i Satterthw'^ & Issabell Rigge xxiij'** Myles Tailor & Margaret Rigge finis hujus Anni 1613 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1614 March xxvij'*' Margaret Braithw*^ fil Jacob Aprill iij'*' Jo : Higgin fil : Anthony vjth W"'' : Atkinson fil : W™ xx'*' Ealse Holme fil : Geo : May i"' Henry Ward fil : Jo : eode die Anthony Sawrey fil : Jo : viijth vVm Braithwt fil Jo : xv'*" Dorathie Sands fil : Tho : xxij*^ Agnes Gurnall fil : Allan July iij**^ Jo : Shacklocke fil : Tho : x''' Elsabeth Rigg fil W™ xvij''' Geo Walker fil Antho : xxiiij"" Alice Banke fil : Jo August ij"' Agnes Walker fil : W"" xiiij John Walker fil : Jacob eode die Tho : Townsone fil : Petri 128 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. code die Dorathie Braithw' fil : W™ xxviij'h Tho Townson fil Jo : September xxv W™ Turner fil : Jo : October i'^ Michaell Grigg fil: Regnald ij"' Willm Braithwt fil : W™ : de Satterhow ix"^ Issabell Holme fil : leonard xvj"^ Elsabeth Rigg fil : leonard eode die Agnes Braithw' fil W™ de brears November xx''' Margaret Tailor fil : Xpo xxviij"" Jane Dodgson alias Marr : XXX* John Dodgson fil Myles December xix'^ Braithw' fil Tho * xxvj'h Myles Rigge fil : Alexander January viij'^ Daniell Rawlinson fil : Tho : xv'h Wm Rigg fil : Ric : xxiij'h Charles Macereth alias Rigge xxvij'*' Mary et ) Elsabeth 5 Walker fil: Jeromy xxx'h Wm Braithwt fil : James ffebruarie v"' Michaell Holme fil : Clement vj'h Issabell Dodgson fil : Robert x"" Bryam Benson fil : Michaell xx'h Clement Rigg fil : Tho : March i"" Issabell Sands fil : Arthure xix'*- Issabell Satterthw' fil : W^ SEPULTURyE ANNO PREDICTO March xxxj''' Abort Tho : Benson Aprill ij'h W™ Rigg fil: Ric. vj'*" John Higgin fil : Anthony xxx'^ Geo : Townson fil : Jo : May iiij''' Myles Denyson xx''' Richard Readhead xxj'h Geo : Macereth fil : Myles * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 129 June vj'^ uxi^ Geo Rigge de Satterth : X* Jo : Tailor fil : Xpo in the church xvj*^ W" Walker de dalepke xxiij* Michaell Holme fil : Johis in the church August xiij'^ Tho : Holme fil : Tho : xv"" John Walker fil : James xviij* Henry Ward fil : Jo : xxx'^ Margaret ux"" Ric : Satterthw^ in the church October vij"" ux"" W"" Satterthw' de Coulthouse xj* Xpo : Satterthw* in the church xxvij'^ Geo : Walker fil : Antho : code die Issabell Holme fil : Geo in the church November xv"* ux"" Rowland Crosfield xxiij'** Abort Anthony Higgin xxviij* ux"" W'" : Walker December iij* Tho : Strickland v"' ux"" Jo : Walker in the church xvij''' Cuthbert Tailor in the church xxviij* Tho : Walker January xiij'^ ux"" Ric : Scale in the church xviij* ux'" Jo : Turner xxij''' Rowland Willson ffebruarie vj* ux"" Robert Atkinson elder xj'^ James Braithw' fil : Regnald xiiij'*> ux"" Robert Braithw^ in the church xvij''' ux'' Nicholas (?) Benson in the church xx'h Xpo Tailor (?) fil : Robert xxj* ux'' Roger Sands in the church xxvij* Leonard Rigge de Satterthw^ xxviij'^ ux'' Xpo : Willson March i''' Robert Tailor fil : W" : code die ux^ Henry Holme viij"' uxf W'" Satterthwt de Cragge xiij'h ux"" Richard Walker in the church 19 I30 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July iij* Charles Middlefell & Ellin Satterthwt x"' Jo : Gilpin & Jenett Satterthw^ code die Tho Willson & Ann Borrwicke xvij'^ Nichol : Besbrowne & Margaret Rigge code die Robert Satterthw' & Ellin Braithw' xxj'^ Clement Satterthw^ & Issabell Braithw' xxiiij'"^ ffrancis Banke & Elsabeth Ashburner August xiiij"' Xpo : Chamney & Agnes Knype September xxiij"^ Geo : Holme & Elsabeth Banke October xvj* Robert Knype & Agnes Townsone xxvij'^ Robert Braithwait & Issabell Braithw' ffebruary xvj* W"i Rigge & Jenett Jopson XX* Geo Rigge & Jenett Tomlinson finis hujus Anni 1614 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1615 March xxvj'^ Tho : Benson fil : Geo : eode die John Crosfield fil : Robert eode die W™ : Sands fil : Xpo : Aprill ix'h Jo : Willson fil : Tho : xxij*!^ Agnes Tailor fil : Edw : May xviij"" Tho Sawrey fil : Jo : xxij'^ Charles Boonas fil : Robert de langdall xxviij* Dorathie Braithw' : fil : Geo : June xj* ffrancis Macereth fil : Myles xxix"' Edw : Braithw' fil : Regnald eode die W™ Holme fil : Geo : July x'^ Jo Sawrey fil : Antho : xvij"" Margaret Rigg fil : Ric : xxiij'^ Walker fil : Anthony * xxxj'*^ Wm Braithwt fil : Robte August xx''' Geo : Satterthw' fil : Clem : xxvij''' W"i Watterson fil : Edw : September x'^ Tho : Braithw' fil : Ric : xj'^ Robert Benson fil : Tho : * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 131 October i'*" Henry Holme fil : Regnald code die leo : Rawlinson fil : Tho : November iiij"' holme fil : Jefferey * code die Margaret Dodgson fil : W"^ viij* Jo : Walker fil : James XV*'' Dorathy Borrwicke fil : Rogeri xix''" Dorathy Dodgson fil : Tho : xxj'*' Agnes Banke fil : Clem : xxij'*' Margaret Banke fil : Adam December iiij''' Anthony Higgin fil : Antho : eode die Margaret Rigg fil : Xpo : xj''' Agnes Satterthw* fil : Jo : xvij'*' Mary Braithw' fil : W"> xxviij* Issabell Walker fil : Xpo : Januarie xxj* W^ Sawrey fil : Myles March iij'^ Elsabeth Rigg fil: Tho: xvij''' Elsabeth Macereth fil : Bryam eode die Elsabeth Asheburner fil : Ja : SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO xxv"' uxr Tho Troughton June xj* John Walker in the church xvij"' W™ Rigg abort xxvj* Ellin Walker fil ffrancisci July xiiij* ux"" Edward Walker August i''' abort Robert Knyppe iiij"' Myles Rigg fil : Alex viij'*' Agnes Benson fil : Michaell in the church August xxiiij'** John Rigg fil : leonard Sept iiij* Tho : Sawrey fil : Jo : in the church Novemb iij* Sibell Scale xj''^ ux'' Geo : Tailor November xx"' Jo Scale fil : Row : xxviij''' W"" Satterthw* de Cragg December ix"" Robert Willson fil Robte xj'h W" Walker fil : W^" * No Christian name given. 132 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xv"- Jo: Braithw' fil : Tho : xxiij"' ux"" Jo : Watterson in the church xxiiij* W^" Jackson January viij"' Hugh Jackson in the church xv"* Grace TomHnson in the church xxv"' Robert Barrow in the church ffebruary i'^ ux'' Row : Willson vij"' Robert Braithw' in the church xiiij Ellin Strickland fil : Tho : xviij"' Adam Rigg fil : Bartle xxviij"' Geo : Braithw' in the church March xvj"' Agnes Braithw* fil : W™ xxiij"^ James Crosfield xxxj''' ux"" Xpo Tailor in the church Aprill xiij'*" Issabell Braithw' fil : Regnaldi xxvj''' Margaret ffisher fil : Jo : xxix'** Geo : Tailor fil : Hugonis xxx'^ Issabell Satterthw' fil : W"" May viij* Myles Watterson in the church eode die Issabell Dodgson fil : Robte yif" Myles Rigg fil: Bartle NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May iiij'^ Thomas Satterthw' & Mabell Denyson vj'*' David Rooke & Margaret Holme June xxix'^ John Sawrey & Margaret Willson July xxx'^ James Keene & Margaret Keene eode die Geo : Dickson & Dorathy Borrwicke August xiij* Jo : Braithw' & Dorathy Satterthw' xx'** Jo : Tomlinson & Agnes Satterthw' xxvij"' Ric : Johnson & Issabell ffleming eode die Robert Hirdson & Elsabeth Crowdson September xvij"' Xpo : Dawson & Margaret Sands xxiiij* W™ Jackson & Dorathie Benson October i* W™ : Braithw' & Elsabeth Dodgson xvij''' Myles ffleming & Issabell Holme xxix'** Row : Crosfield & Elsabeth Rigg HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 133 eode die Geo : Dixson & Elsabeth Hodgson November vij* Charles Satterthw' & Mabell Walker xix* W'n Sands & Katherin Braithw' xxiij''' Robert Braithw' & Elline Rigg January v* Geo : Rigg & Elsabeth Tomlinson BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1616 March xxv"' Dickson fil : Gawin* eode die Ward fil : Jo : * xxxj'h Issabell Rigg fil : Ric : Aprill i'l^ Agnes Satterthw^ fil : Edw : xiiij* Elsabeth fil : f xxiiij* Issabell et ^ ,^ , fil : W™ Atkinson Margaret ) May xix* W™ Rigg fil : Geo : eode die Margaret Rigg fil : Jo : xxvj'^ Agnes Holme fil : Geo : June ij''^ Sara : Dodgson fil : Rogeri July ij''' ffraunces Sands fil : Dauid viij''' Jo : Turner fil : Nichol : August v"' Dorathie Braithw* fil : W" xviij''' Margaret Tomlinson fil : Jo : xxv'^ Margaret Sands fil : Geo : September i''' Ann Benson fil : Michael viij'^ Issabell Johnson fil : Ric : September xv* W"^ Hirdson fil : Robte xvj* Edward Sawrey fil : Jo : xxix* Hester Sands fil : W™ eode die Agnes Rigg fil : Geo : October vij''' Robert Rigg fil : Clem : eode die Geo : Braithw' : fil : W™ xiiijth W": Braithwt fil W™ November x"^ Robte Tomlinson fil : Alex'' eode die Barbary Sawrey fil : W™ eode die Agnes Dodgson fil : Geo : * No Christian name given. f No Christian or surname given. 134 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xj* Tho : Sands fil : Xpo : xviij"' Elsabeth Banke fil : ffranc code die Elsabeth Braithw* fil : Mathew eode die Margaret Holme fil : leo xxiij*'' Jo Braithw' fil : W™ * eode die Dorathie Braithw' fil : Ja : '^' December i* Geo : Braithwt fil : W™ eode die James Rigg fil : W™ t xxvj"' Elsabeth Tyson fil : W™ t xxv''' Tho : Keene fil : James xxvj* Hester Sands fil : W"" eode die Mabell Rooke fil : Dauid January xij"" Geo : Satterthw' : fil : Edw : eode die James Keene fil : W™ xxvj"' Elsabeth Tyson fil : W™ : eode die Robert Braithw' fil : RoFte eode die Agnes Braithw^ fil : Row : fiebruary x* Jo : Braithw' fil : W"" eode die Agnes Braithw' fil : Edw : eode die Margaret Rigg fil : Jo : xvj''' Margaret Holme fil : Tho : eode die Elsabeth Braithw^ fil : W" xxiij''' Ric : Hodgson fil : Ric : March vij"' W™ : Rigg fil Myles xxiij"' Dorathie Rigge fil : Geo : xxiiij* fil : Jacob % SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill ij"' ux"" Jo : Braithw' eode die ux^ Anthony Watterson * Opposite these two entries, in another hand : No : xxx"^ Sa : Sands fil : Tho : f These two entries have been faint, and have been touched up by a later hand. I am not sure if they have not been erased by the first writer after entered. It is to be noticed that the date of the next entry is not consecutive, as is usual. ;|; Neither Christian or surname given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 135 xv"^ Tho : Sands xvj* ux'' Cuthbert Hodgson in the church xxv''' Jason ffisher xxx'*" Katherin Hodgson May XV* puer Jo : Braithw' abort xix"' Robte Shacklocke alias Johnson xx'h Agnes Braithw' xxix''' ux^ Robert Tailor in the church June xiiij* ux^ Jacobe Sawrey xxiiij"' Ric : Turner xxvj* Elsabeth Satterthw* fil : W"^ July i* ux"" W™: Bensone xxvj"' Jo : Braithw^ fil : Robte xxviij'^ ux"^ Robert Walker August xiiij* ux"^ Jo : Braithw* in the church xvij'h W>" : Atkinson fil : Jo : xxij"^ puer ffrancis Walker abort xxiiij'*' John Tubman September xx* Peter Magson in the church * October vij* Allan Nicolson November iiij'^ Tho Townesone in the church xiiij'*' W™ Kirkby fil : Geo : in the church xix'h ux"" : Wm Kirkby xxx'*^ Tho : Willson December xix'^ ux^ Row : Scale in the church xxviij''' Elsabeth Tomlinson January xvij"^ ux"" leonard Keene xix'*" ux'' Nicholas Macereth XX* Margaret Turner January xxvj* abort W™ Tyson ffebruary ix* Geo : Benson in the church XV* leonard Keene xvj* ux'' Jerome Walker xxj* ux'' Tho : Scale xxiij* ux"^ Geo : Dodgson in the church * The first master of the grammar school, appointed 1585. 136 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxv"^ Ric : Holme in the church code die Jo : Turner March xv"" ux"- Geo : Braithw^ in the church xix"' uxr Wm Satterthw' in the church NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO June ix"' Xpo Sands & Margaret Satterthw' July ij"' Jo: Rawlinson & Elsabeth Rawlinson x"' Jo : Comen & Margaret Satterthw' xiiij''^ Henry Holme & Ealse Macereth xxj'h Wm Sawrey & Elsabeth Mackereth xxviij'h W™ Rigg & Agnes Bateman August iiij* Barnard Dixson & Margaret Banks xj"' Edw : Braithwt : & Margaret Dodgson xviij* Geo : Satterthw' & Margaret Macereth September viii"^ Geo : Satterthwt & Mabell Tailore xvij'h James Satterthwt & Agnes Blumer finis hujus Anni 1616 BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOI 1617 Aprill vj''^ Barbary Tomlinson fil : Jo : XX* Jo : Borrwicke fil : Robert xxj* Robert Asheburner fil : Ja May xxv''^ Susana Rawlinson fil : Tho : xxix"' Edw : Rigg fil : Alex. June v"' Adam f^isher fil : Jo : vij'^ Elsabeth Satterthw' fil : Charles xxij'h Jo : Braithwt fil : W™ August xvij''' Tho : Rigg fil : Ric : xxxj'*" Robte Tailor fil : Xpo : September vij''' Elsabeth Satterthw' fil : Edw : xxx'h Elsabeth Satterthw' fil: W™ code die Margrett Rigg fil : Clem * October v* John Walker fil : W" code die Ealse Holme fil : Regnaldi * The name "Margrett" is filled in by another hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 137 xij"> Elsabeth Troughton fil : ffranc : November ij''' John Sawrey fil : W™ ix'^ leonard Knype fil : ffranc : xvj* Tho : Huntor fil : Robti xxiij"* Ric : Walker fil : ffranc eode die Issabell Rigg fil '■ Ric xxviij'^ EUinor Benson fil : W™ December xxj"' Tho : Atkinson fil : Jo : eode die W"^ Rigg fil : W™ eode die Emas Kirkby fil : Henrici xxviij* Jo : Macereth fil : W™ : xxix"^ Tho : Benson fil : Jo : January i'*' Xpo : Borrwicke fil : Rogeri eode die Agnes Tomlinson fil : Petri iiij* Margaret Braithw' fil : Edw : xj'*' Edmund Turner fil : Jo : xviij'^ James Jackson fil : W"^ XX* Geo : Tompson fil : Edw : ffebruary ij* James Watterson fil : Edw : nf" Dorathie Satterthw' fil : Clem : viij"' Mary Satterthw' fil : James xvij'h Tho : Satterthwt fil . Geo : eode die Elsabeth Sawrey fil : Anthony March i"^ Robert ffrearson fil : W™ : viij''' Nathan Keene fil : Ja : eode die Agnes Holme fil Geo : eode die Margaret Tomlinson fil : Jo : xv'f' ffisher fil : Myles - xvj'^ Elsabeth Sawrey fil : ffranc SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxvj"^ Mabell Walker xxviij'^ Michaell Benson in the church xxx''' Geo : Dodgson in the church Aprill X* Richard Johnson * No Christian name given. 138 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. May xvj'^ ux"" Edw : Satterthw' in the church xix"^ Ric : Knyppe in the church xxj''' Jo : Braithw' de Croftehead xxx"^ W™ Rigg fil Alex June vij"^ W™ Braithw* fil: Jo: July vij'*' Geo : Satterthw' fil : Edw xix'^ Dorathie Braithw' fil : Geo : in the church xxiiij* Elsabeth Satterthw' fil : Edw : August x'^ Issabell Johnson September i'^ Susana Rawlinson in the church October vj"" puer Jefferey Holme abort. xvj"' Adam flfisher fil : Jo : November xxvj"" ux"" Jo : ffisher xxx''' Gyles Walker fil : Geo : December xxx* Robert Asheburner fil : Jo : xxxj''' Robert Dodgson de Arnesyde January iiij'^ puer W"" Braithw^ abort v**" Elsabeth Watterson ix'*" ux'' Geo Rigg de Churchsteele xiij"' puer Willm Rigg abort ffebruary iiij''' puer Edward Watterson xvij'"^ puer Agnes Otleye xviij"* Xpo Borrwicke fil : Rogeri xxij"" David Rooke in the church xxvij'^ ux"" Tho Sands March xvij"' Xpo fisher fil : Myles eode die Tho Tompson NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July vj* Anthony Sawrey & Elsabeth Holme xiij'*" Geo : Dixson & Issabell Tyson xxij"* James Strickland & Margaret Braithw' xxvij'^ Jacob Sawrey & Issabell Braithw^ xxix"' Tho: Medcalffe & Ann Rawlinson August iij"' Xpo Jackson & Mabell Rigge x^h Edw : Satterthwt & Issabell Holme xvij'^ Geo : Dodgson & Jenett Holme HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 139 October v'^ W™ EUerey & Elsabeth Rigge xxvj'^ W™ Dodgson & Jenatt Tomlinson finis hujus Anni 1617 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1618 Aprill vij''' Geo : Braithw* fil Ja : XX* W™ Braithwt fil : Geo : May x"' Ric : Banke fil Jo : code die Agnes Crosfield fil : Row : code die Margaret Rigg fil : Clem : xvij"" W™ Scale fil Edw : xxiiij* W™ Willson fil: Tho : xxv'^ Agnes Sawrey fil : W™ xxvj'*> Satterthw' fil Jo : * xxxj'^ W™ Harrison fil : Bryan June vij'^ Robert Braithw* fil: Ric. xxj'"" Myles Sawrey fil : Antho : xxviij"" W™ Macereth fil : Bryam eode die Edmund Walker fil Henric August ix'h Mary Ward fil : Jo : xvij"' Agnes Holme fil : Jefferey xxiij'*" Margaret Banke fil : Clem : September xiij'^ Ann Walker fil : James October xviij''' Radagunga Rawlinson fil : Tho : eode die Hester Rawlinson fil : Thomse xix"' Geo : Tailor fil : Xpo XX* Ellin Satterthwt fil: Robte xxvj* Agnes Tyson fil : W"i November v* Margaret Sands fil : Tho : December ix* Michaell Holme fil : Geo : xiiij* Agnes Rigg fil : Xpo : xxiiij* W™ Banke fil : fifranc XXV* Issabell Blumer fil : W™ December xxviij* Myles Walker fil : Xpo : January iiij* Ellin Townson fil : Jo : * No Christian name given. 140 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. code die Margaret Rigg fil : W™ xvij"^ Dorathy Braithw' fil : W™ xxv''' John et ) . ^r -r i Dickson fil : Ric Xpoier ) ffebruary i"^ Myles Bra : fil : W™ de tockhow vij* Issabell Higgin fil : Anthony eode die Issabell Troughton fil : ffranc xiiij"' Ric ; Keene fil : James eode die Agnes Rigg fil : Geo : eode die Elsabeth Dodgson fil : Tho : xxij'h Dorathy Wright fil : Willm xxviij"' W™ Braithw' fil : Robert March vij"' Myles Asheburner fil : James viij'*^ ffrauncis Sawrey fil : Jo : eode die Rebecka Sands fil : Dauid xv"' James Braithw' fil : W™ de breares eode die Edw : Braithw' fil : W™ de Satterhow eode die Jenett Rigg alias Walker SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xxiij* ux'' Myles Macereth V* ux'' Geo : Holme in the church vijth wm Braithw' de buske xix* ux"" Jo : Braithw' June vij* Jo : Holme fil : Geo : viij''^ Nathan Keene fil : James xx'h uxf Ric Tailor Cowp * eode die Myles Strickland fil : James xxv"^ Geo : Braithw' in the church eode die leonard Knype fil : ffranc July xxvij'h John Walker August v^^ Barbary Townson fil : John eode die W"^ : Bra : fil : Geo : xijth Agnes Crosfield fil : Row : xxiiij'ti Issabell Rigge fil : Ric : * " Cov/p," i.e. cowper, probably a horse-cowper or dealer. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 141 September ij''' W™ Willson viij'h ux"" Jo : Willson de Crosslands xxjth Elsabeth Rigg fil : Xpo xxvth Margaret Braithw' fil : W'" xxvijtb Jo : Scale fil : Jo : November xxvj''^ ux'' Adam Stonebanke December i* Xpo Tailor de ffinsthwt vjt'i Agnes Holme fil : Jefferey xtli Agnes Tomlinson fil : Petri xj'ii ux"" Tho : Satterthw'^ in the church xx't^ Towsy Wright in the church ffebruary xvij* Ric : Keene fil : James xix"^ Jenatt Parke xxvj"^ puer leo : Holme xxviij''^ Jo : Banke in the church March xix'^ puer Xpo Willson NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May xxj'h Edw : Rigg & Mabell Bensonne June ij* Robert Braithw^ & Issabell Boonas xxj"> John Ellison & Agnes Braithw' July xij'h Richard Kirkby & Ellin ffrearson xix'ti Edw Braithw' & Margaret Braithw' xxvjih W"> Pepp & Katherin Tomlinson September xx'^ W™ Keene & Jenatt Tomlinsone October iiij'^ Geo : Rigg & Margaret Satterthw' November xxix'^ Ric : Tailor & Issabell Holme December vj'^ James Satterthw^ & Ellin Rigg January xxvj'^ W"" lindow & Jenatt Braithw' ffebruary iiij'*^ W"^ Barbon & Agnes Braithw' finis hujus Anni 1618 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1619 March xxviij"^ Tho : Banke fil : Adam xxix'*' Bryam Braithw' fil : Mathew eode die Geo : Jackson fil Xpo 142 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Aprill xviijth Geo Holme fil : leonard code die Issabell Braithw^ fil : W™ eode die Elsabeth Borrwicke fil : Roger May ij'h W™ : Seamer fil: Xpo : ixth Robert Barrow fil : Edw : eode die Jenett Grigg alias Walker xth Issabell ffisher fil: Myles xiiijth Johnathan Sands fil: Arthure xxiiij'h Elsabeth Tailor fil : Myles xxv'h Issabell Satterthw' fil: Edw: xxviijth Elsabeth Walker fil : Antho : eode die Agnes Knyppe fil : John June xiijth James Braithw' fil : Edw : xxix'h Agnes Braithwait fil : W"" : xxxth Agnes Rigge fil : Clem : July vth Elsabeth Satterthw^ fil: W"i xjtii Robert Rigg fil: Ric : eode die leo : Keene fil : W" : eode die Tho : Atkinson fil : W™ : xxvt'i Robert Braithw' fil : Row : eode die Issabell Rigg fil : Jo : August i'b Dorathy Pennington fil : Jo : ix'h Ric : Keene fil : James eode die Ealse Gurnall alias sine patre noto xvth Elsabeth Rigg fil : Edw : xvj'h Anthony Braithw' fil : Ric : xxij'b Issabell Tomlinson fil : Alex xxix* W™ Kirkby fil : Ric : September xxij* W™ Braithw' fil : Edw : eode die Issabell Strickland fil : James October iij*'^ Ann Braithw' fil : Geo : de Windermer iiij"i Jo : Banke fil : Jo : xxiiij^'i Margaret Willson fil : Tho : November i"^ Margaret Rigg fil : Geo : viijth Rigg fil : Wm * * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 143 xv''' Robert Tomlinson fil : Petri xxix'h Agnes Braithw' fil : W"^ : December vj'^ W'" : Sands fil : Xpo xixth Robert Satterthw' fil : W" : code die W"" Braithw' fil : James January ij'^ W™ : Pepper fil : W"i xiiijth Thomas Satterthw' fil : W"i : xvij'*^ Richard Rigg fil : Geo : eode die Jo : Braithw' fil : W"' : code die Agnes Rigg fil : Ric : xviij* Beniamine Dodgson fil : Tho : xxiijth Agnes Holme fil : Clem : eode die Margaret Tyson fil : W™ : ffebruary vij*"^ Issabell Rigg fil : Clem : xiij'h Margaret Walker fil : Xpo : xiiij* Issabell Readhead fil : Allan xxth W™ : Sawrey fil : Antho : eode die Geo : Benson fil W™ : eode die Robert Satterthw' fil : James March v* Susana Keene fil : James vj* Dorathy Rigg fil : Geo : vijth Ellin Satterthwt fi] . W"' SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxvj^h W" : Asheburner in the church xxx"J ux'' Henry Sawrey in the church Aprill xxx"^ Jo : Walker fil : Robert May xxvj''^ Myles Bateman June xxv'h W"" Braithw' fil : Robert July ij* puer Jo : Sawrey abort. iijt^ Myles Gurnall July xviij* ffraunces Sawrey fil : Jo : in the church xxviij'h Myles Tailore fil : Xpo : August ijth Issabell Braithw' fil : Robert xx*'^ Elsabeth Sawrey fil : Jo : in the church eode die puer Ric : Tailor abort 144 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. September ij''^ Issabell Strickland fil : Myles in the church xvj'fi uxf Jo : Tailore in the church xxvj* Robert Braithw^ fil : Row : October iijf' Issabell Satterthw' fil : Edw : xj'h uxr John Suert November xij'h W™ Hirdson de bowkerstead xiij'h ux'' Row : Crosfield xxviijth Charles Middlefell fil : Jo : de langdall in the church December iiij'h Anthony Braithw^ fil : Ric : yS^ Issabell Johnson fil : Ric : January ij* ux'' Jo : Tailor in the church ix'h uxi" Edward Walker de Collw'h xvij'h ux'' Robert Benson in the church xviij"* ux"" Tho : Dodgson in the church xxxj"^ Agnes Braithw' fil : W"^ : eode die ux"' Row : fifisher ffebruary iiij'h Agnes Satterthw' ux"" W™ : in the church xvij"' Barnard Bensone de pke in the church xviij"' Ric : Peney in the church xxvij* Jo : Rigg lord March ijth puer W"i Satterthw^ NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July xxv^'^ Thomas Satterthw' & Margaret Asheburner August \f^ Tho : Willson & Jenatt Tomlinson xv"" Edw : Satterthw' & Agnes Braithw' eode die Roger Dawson & Jane Birkett xxixti^ Anthony Tailor & Margaret Holme November xxj''^ James Askew & Margaret ffrearson December xij''^ Geo : Holme & Margaret Rooke ffebruary xxix'^ Henry Walker & Elsabeth Tomlinson finis hujus Anni 1619 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 145 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1620 March xxvj'^ Geo : Rigg fil : Xpo : Aprill xxiiij* Margaret Sawrey fil : W"" May \\\f^ Elsabeth Macereth fil : Mylo : v''^ Margaret Rigg fil : Tho : viij Edwyne Satterthw^ fil : Jo : xxj"i Jane Macereth fil : Brya eode die Jane Braithw' fil : Robte code die Margaret Troughton fil : ffranc xxiiji*^ ffrancis Magson fil : ffranc xxix'h Myles ffisher fil : Jo : xxx'*! Margaret Satterthw^ fil ; Geo : June xxvijt'^ Margaret Braithw' fil : Johis July ix't" Agnes Tomlinson fil : Jo : xvij* Robert Rigg fil Clem : eode die Agnes Braithw' fil : Robte xxv'*^ James Sawrey fil : Jo : August vjti^ Elsabeth Macereth fil : Geo : xx^h Katherin Holme fil : Tho : xxvij'h Ric : Satterthw*^ fil : Edw : September iij'^ Anne Askew fil : James eode die W'" : Jackson fil : Xpo October i'^^ Margaret Benson fil : Jo : xxij''^ Margaret Satterthw' fil : Clem : November xij*^*^ Agnes Rigg fil : Mylo : December nf"^ W"" : Gilpin fil : Geo : eode die Anne Sands fil : W™ xxv'^ Ric : Holme fil : Jefferay January viijt'^ Samuell Ward fil : Jo : January xvj'h Margaret Rigg fil : W'" xxviijtt' Margaret Tailor fil : Xpo : ffebruary v'^ John Braithw' fil : Ric : xij'h Myles ffrearson fil : W^ xviijt'^ Margaret Sawrey fil : Antho : March iiij'*' Ellinor Kirkby fil : Henric : eode die Issabell Sands fil : Tho : 146 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xj'h Margaret Braithw' : fil : Geo : xij* Ric : Johnson fil : Ric : xviij'h Ric : Tomlinson fil : Jo : code die Henry Sawrey fil : Mylo : SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxvj'h John Watterson xxvij'h ux-- Geo : Banke in the church Aprill xxix'i^ ffearfull Allan * fil Geo : Sands May i'h Geo Tomlinson fil : Jo xx'h ux"" Jo : Clarke xxijti^ Tho : Turner fil : Nichol : xxviij'h Tymothy Sands fil : Arthure June xxix'h Robert Rigg fil : Ric : August xxviij* Jo : Rigg fil : Geo : September viij'h Robert Tomlinson fil : Petri ixth Tyson fil : W" : t xxv'^ Susanna Keene fil : Ja : October i'h Agnes Townson fil : Jo : xxijth uxf Tho : Satterthw' de How code die Johnathan Sands fil Arthure November xix^h Myles Sands fil : Tho : in the church xx* Agnes Braithw' fil : Robert xxviijth Geo : Atkinson in the church December xxv"^ Robert Braithw' fil : Ric : January vj'^" James Wiggame xvjt'^ Jo : Dodgson fil : Mylo : xxiij* ux'' W™ : Satterthw^ in the church xxix'h James Holme of Blawith ffebruary viij^^ QgQ . Readhead fil : Jo : ix'i^ Jo : Pilkington in the church xxij"i Elsabeth Satterthw' fil : Charles xxvj''^ puer Jo : Sawrey abort xxviijt'^ leesse t * This curious name is inserted in another hand, t No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 147 March i'^ Jo: Macereth fil : Myles xijt'^ Issabell Rigg fil : Clem : xiij'h ux"" James Rigge eode die Elsabeth Rigg fil : Jo : xxijth ux'' Jo : Rigg de Sawrey NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May xxj''^ Tho : Dodgson & Elsabeth Satterthw' July xix''! Geo : Satterthw' & Margaret Braithw' eode die Myles Walker & Katherin Holme xxiijth Ric : Rooke & Elsabeth Dodgson xxx"^ Geo : ffell & Agnes Rigge eode die Myles ffleming & Agnes Holme August xiij'h Row : Strickland & Mabell Hodgson xxxj't" John Dixson & Ann Benson September x'^ Ric Rigg & Mabell Macereth xxiiij'h Jo : Willson & Issabell Braithw' October i^h Jo : Dodgson & Mabell Jackson viijt'i \Ym . Townson & Margaret Braithw' xv''^ Edward Robinson & Emas Tailore xxiiijt'' Tho : Braithw' & Ann Bateman xxix"' Jo : Addison & Dorathy Sands November x Jo : Birkehead & Katherin Keene xijth Wm : Macereth & Agnes Braithw' December x'^ Jo : Macereth & Elsabeth Braithw' finis hujus Anni 1620 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1621 March xxv^h Margaret Braithw' fil : W™ Aprill ij* Margaret Asheburner fil : Jo : ix^b Tho : Rawlinson fil : Tho : xvth James Satterthw' fil : James xxtb W™ : Satterthwt fil : Geo : xxijth Wm : Walker fil : W™ eode die Clem : Turner fil : Jo : eode die Mabell Rigg fil : Ric : xxiijth Geo : Braithw' fil : W"' : 148 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. XXV* Tho : Knype fil : Jo : May xxijA Adam Sands fil : Dauid June iiij'h Richard Dodgson fil : Myles xth Issabell Wright fil: W"^ eode die Elsabeth Walker fil : ffranc : xjth ffrancis Braithw' fil : W™ : July xvth W™ : Braithw' fil : Edw : xxij'h Elsabeth Holme fil : Geo : xxix* James Rigg fil : James xxx'h Ric : Dixson fil : Ric : August xijth Mary Braithw' fil: Tho: eode die Agnes ffisher fil : Myles xxj'>i Samuell Rawlinson fil : Tho : September ijt'i Geo Braithw' fil : W"" : eode die Tho : Turner fil : Nichol : ix'h Elline Penington fil : W"" xxiij* Elsabeth Greenvpp fil : Jo : October vij'^ Tho : Dodgson fil : Tho : xiiijth Myles Tomlinson fil : Petri xviij* Wn> : Satterthwt fil : Edw : xxij'i^ Agnes Dodgson fil : Tho : xxiij* James Watterson fil : Edw : November v'h Daniell Magson fil : ffranc : eode die Jo : Turner fil : Geo : XXV* Joseph Keene fil : James eode die Katherin Braithw' fil : Edw : eode die Tho : Borrwicke fil : Roger eode die Jo : Sawrey fil : Antho : eode die Adam Ashburner fil : Ja : December ix* Myles Walker fil : Mylo : January * xvjth Wm : Sawrey fil : Jo : * After " January " the following entry has been written and then lined out : xiij* Geo : Macereth fil : Bryam but the word "January" should also have been erased, as that month begins ten entries lower down. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 149 code die Geo : Rigg fil : Clem : eode die Edw : Macereth fil : Jo : xxiijfi Elsabeth Hirdson fil : Robti xxiiij* Issabell Townson fil : Jo : xxvijtb James Braithw^ fil : Robti xxviijth Ann Pepp fil : W"" : eode die Agnes Kirkby fil : Ric : eode die Dorathie Rigg fil : Ric : January i"^ Barnard Benson fil : W™ vij'ii Cuthbert Hodgson fil : Robti xiijth Geo : Macereth fil : Bryam XX* Elsabeth Rigg fil : Clem : xxvij'^'i Nathan Keene fil : James ffebruary viij"^ Antho : Banke fil : Ric : x''^ Agnes Townson fil : W™ : xjth Elsabeth Rigg fil: W™ xvij* Dorathy Braithw^ fil : Robti eode die Jo : Barrow fil : Edw : eode die Jane Milner fil : Tho : xxiiij"^ Tho : Satterthw' fil : Ja : xxv^'i Jo : Rigg fil : Geo : eode die W™ : Sawrey fil : W™ : March iijti» Agnes Pennington fil : James viijth Wm . Banke fil : James xj*"^ Tho : Banke fil : Clem : SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxv'^ Issabell Rigg fil : W"" : xxx'h ux"" Regnald Braithw' Aprill \\\f^ uxf ffrancis Sawrey in the church xiij'^h uxf Geo : Tomlinson Aprill xx'b Margaret Asheburner fil : James xxvj'*^ ux"" Myles Macereth de Outeyeatc xxx'^i ux"" Jo : Tomlinson May xxv'h ux"" Tho : Tomlinson in the church XXX* ux"^ Clement Tailore in the church June ij'h ux"" Regnald Macereth ISO HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxix'h Wm : Hirdson fil : Ric : August xxjth Clem : Turner fil : Jo : xxx"i Daniell Nicolson October xiiij'^ puella W'" : Sawrey xxvj''! Edwyne Rigg de Churchsteele xxxj'h Row : Tomlinson in the church November i'^ Geo : Braithw' fil : W™ : vj'h ffrancis Braithw' fil : W™ : code die ux'' leo : Holme ix'^ ux"" Jo : Midlefell in the church x'h Elsabeth Bateman xviij^'^ Margaret Macereth fil : Michaell xxij* ux"" Robert Dodgson xxvjth Jo : Atkinson in the church December xiiij*^ Margaret ux^" Edw : Macereth in the church xvij'h ux'' W™ Rigge xxj'h uxi" Myles Asheburner xxixf' Sara Willson January xxiij''^ ux^' Ric : Tailor de lending in the church ffebruary xiiij'^ Ealse Dodgson fil : Geo : xxiit^h Jo : Townson xxiij'h Myles Saw : fil : Antho : March iij'^ Tho : Satterthw' fil: James viij'h ux"" W™ : Turner xvijt^ Agnes Sawrey fil : W"" : xxj"i Jo : Barrow fil : Edw : eode die Issabell Tomlinson fil : Jo : NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May xvth Ric : Banke & Ellin Studdert xxviij'h Geo: Greenup & Margaret Rigge July xv'h W™: Willson & Katherin Holme xxij'h W"': Dickson & Agnes Macereth xxv'ii Nicholas Rayselay & Agnes Kirkby August v»i» Mathew Kirkby & Ellen Towenson xij'h Jo: Boonas & Agnes Rigg HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 151 xixtii Geo : Bowes & Agnes Walker xxix'h Anthony Macereth & Dorathy Dodgson September ix''^ W™ : Sawrej' & Ellinor Sands xvj'^^ W"^ : Dodgson & Katherin Robinson October xv'^ Ja : Hodgson & Margaret Dodgson xxj'h Regnald Holme & Elsabeth Peney November iiij* Clement Satterthw* & Margaret Satter- thwt eode die James Penington & Anne Banke finis hujus Anni 1621 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1622 March xxv^h W™ Braithw' fil : Jo : eode die Anne Troughton fil : ffranc Aprill vij'h Myles Harrison fil : Myles viijth Tho : Braithw* fil : W"^ : May vj'^ Agnes ffisher fil : Jo : eode die Margaret Satterthw' fil : Clem : xiijt'i Jo : Braithwt fil : Edw : eode die Agnes Tailor fil : Mylo : xixth W™ : Braithw' fil : Geo : June x"i Wm : Walker fil : Ja : eode die Margaret Macereth fil : W"" xvijth Geo Braithw' fil : W"> : de fould xxiiij* Agnes Braithw' fil : Mathew eode die Margarett ffell fil : Geo : xxvjth Jo : Satterthwt fil : W™ : July i* Robert Satterthw^ : fil : Jo : eode die W™ : Troughton alias sine patre noto viijt^ James Keene fil : W™ : xxix'h Geo : Walker fil : Anthony August xj'h Agnes Walker fil : Edw : August xviij'h Agnes Satterthw' fil : Tho : xxv^h Dorathy Sawrey fil : Jo : September viij'l^ W™ Greenvpp fil : Jo : XV* Agnes Wright fil : W™ : xxj'h Geo: Braithwt fil: W™ ; 152 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. eode die Barnard Grigge fil : Regnald October vj'h Jo : Holm fil : Regnald eode die Elsabeth Tomlinson fil : Alex : eode die Myles Sawrey fil : W™ : xiijth W"^ : Askew fil : James eode die Ric et ') Willm 5 °'^'°" ^^ ^^^ = November xviij'^ Tomalin Rigge * fil Edw : Rigge December xv'h Katherin Towers fil : Jo : xvj* Edward Dixson alias Partrigge xviijth Margaret Atkinson fil : Antho : Januarie i'h Barnard Macereth fil : Myles xijth Elsabeth Benson fil : Tho : ffebruary ix'h Jo : Macereth fil : Bryan eode die Jo : Rigg fil : Jo : xxiiijth Robert Barbon fil : W«> : March ijt^ Elsabeth Rigge fil: Ric: xxiiijth Margaret Rigg fil Richard SEPULTURyE ANNO PREDICTO March xxv^h W" : Banke fil : James Aprill v'^i ux^ Ric : Braithw' in the church eode die Geo : Holme fil : Percivell viijtii Tho : Banke fil : Adam xjth Ric Keene fil : James xiij''^ Katherin Penington xvij'*^ Ric : Braithw' in the church xviijti^ uxr W™ Kirkby xxvij'^ Samuell Dodgson fil : Tho : xxviij'h Nathan Keene fil : James May v"^ ux"" Clem : Satterthw*^ in the church xv'h Margaret ux"" Robert Banke xx'^'i ux^ Jo : Braithw' in the church xxixth Mabell Rigg fil : Ric : June v"i W™ : Sawrey fil : Jo : in the church xxvj"! W™ Braithwt fil : Jo : * "Tomalin Rigge" in another hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. .53 July ith Wm Tailore fil : Xpo xxvj'h Robert Dodgson de Hill XXX* Ellinor Banke fil : Adam August xvj"^ Jo : Braithw"^ fil : Edw : xxxth W™ : Hirdson fil : W™ : September xviij* Robert Atkinson de finstwait xxixt'> W™ : Sands de Sattcrthw' October xj'^ ux"" Regnald Holme in the church xvj'h Jo : Holme fil : Jo : xxviij"' Jo : Tompson November v* Tho : Bullfull de Wythburne x'h Dorathy Sawrey fil : Jo : December i'*^ W"^ : Troughton vj'h ux'' Jo : Walker de Dalepkc ix"^ ux'' Lawrence Braithw' xv*'' Jo : Braithw' in the church xxj'h ux"" Ric : Penington xxiiij"^ Ric : Dixson fil : Ric : January i''^ W™ : Dixson fil : Ric : code die abort Jo : Knype vj"^ Xpo Banke xj'h abort w™ : Satterthw^ xij* Regnald Braithw' xxij'h puer Ric : Tailor xxiijth ux"" Edw : Satterthw' de Cragg xxviij'*^ ux"" W™ : Watterson xxxt^ii ux'' Edw : Willson ffebruary iiij* ux^ Jo : Braithw' ix'h uxr Michaell Macereth xxiiij'*! ux'' Ric : Braithw* eode die ux"" leonard Knype xxviii^h John Tomlinson de Satterthw' : March vj"i ux^ John Willson xiiij"' ux"" Tho : Hodgson xv'*^ Tho : Dodgson elder xvj'ii ux"" W™ : Rigg eode die ux'' Tho : Scale 154 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. eode die Jo : Rigg de Satterthw' code die ux"" Ric : Johnson xxxiijt'^ Xp5 Bateman NUPTIyE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xxviij* Edw : Turner & Ellin Postlcthwait June xxx'h Myles Plarrison & Barbary Braithw' eode die Anthony Atkinson & Katherin Jackson July xxj'h Roger Birkhead & Agnes Braithw' eode die Barnard Grigg & Margaret Rigg xxviij'h Tho : Rowlandson and Issabell Sands September xxij'^ W™ Banke and Agnes Walker eode die Edw : Harrison & Ann Braithw' October vj'*i Myles ffleming and Mary Borrwicke xv^i^ Charles Braithw' & Jenatt Tyson xviijf^ John Braithw* & Margaret Benson xxvijth Xpo Kellatt & Margaret Satterthw^ ffebruary xviij'^ W"i : Braithw^ & Issabell Rigge eode die John Robinson and Mary Tomlinson finis hujus Anni 1622 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1623 Aprill xiijf' Ann Kellatt fil : Xpo: xiiij* Geo Braithw' fil : James May v'h Issabell Braithw' fil : Jo : xviij'h WilTim Mackereth fil : Antho : xxij'*^ Susanna Magson fil : ffrancisci June xxiiij'h John Braithw' fil : Jo : July vij'h Tho : Keene fil : James xx'h Myles Sawrey fil : John xxijth Grace ct ") • ^ 1 ^, I filiae Adami Banke Mary ) August xti' Tho . Braithwt . fil -. w™ xxviij'h Margaret Satterthw^ fil : James October xij'h Agnes Hodgson fil: Jo: eode die Jenatt Tomlinson fil : W™ : xiijth W" Vickers fil : Robert HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 155 November ix'^ Jenatt Braithw* fil : W™ : xvj"^ Jane Satterthw' fil : Tho : January xx'h W" : Satterthw' fil : Clem : ffebruarie xxiiij'h W™ : Braithw' fil : Geo : xxix'h Issabell fifisher fil Jo : SEPULTURiE ANNO PREDICTO March xxxj'b W™ Kilner fil : W™ Aprill xj'h Geo : Watterson fil : Jo : xijA Ric : Dixson xiiij'h ux'' James Crosfield Ma)^ iij'h Jo Tailor thrower vij'ii ux'' lanclott Walker xj'h Agnes Braithvv^ fil : Ric xijth ux^ Ric Higgin eode die Tho : Scale de whaitemosse xviijtb Mary Magson xxj'h Myles Rooke June ij''^ Geo : Kirkby in the church viij'h Charles Satterthw' in the church xiij* Agnes Walker fil : Edw : in the church xvj"^ uxi" Geo : Dodgson de Hill xviijth James Tailore in the church July vth Bridget Tailor fil : W-" x^h Agnes Hodgson fil : Jo : de Stotpke July xiij'*^ Tho : Rawlinson de Graithw' in the church xviij"^ Elsabeth Tomlinson fil : Clem : xxij'"^ Tho : Turner de Rusland xxvj'i^ Agnes Braithw' fil : Jo : eode die Geo : Dodgson fil : Robti August i'^ Siball Woods ij'h Robert Atkinson in the church viij"' ux"" Geo : Rigg in the church ix'h uxr Tho : Willson xijth Wm Benson in the church xv'i^ Jo : Holme de Hodgclose xvijtb W"! Satterthw* in the church 156 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. eode die Geo : Braithw' til : James xix'h Geo : Rigg de Wrey xx^i"' uxf James Braithw' eode die Tho Tompson xxj"^ W"* Braithwt in the church xxij'!^ Tho : Willson xxv"^ ux'' Geo Atkinson in the church xxvij'h Margaret Benson in the church eode die Tho : Sawrey xxviij"' W"' Dodgson de Hill in the church xxx''^ Nicholas Macereth eode die ux'' Clem : Tomlinson xxxj"^ Mabell Bensone fil : Michaell eode die ux"" James Braithw' de braithey September ij'^ Robert Borrwicke vijth ux'' Myles Watterson viii'^> Katherin Holme ix'h James Braithw' de braithey xvij^i^ Ric Johnson xviij* ux'' W™ Dodgson in the church xix'h Tho : Troughton eode die Geo : Macereth xx'h ux"^ Geo : Macereth xxviij'h abort Tho : Willson October iiij'^ ux"' Myles ffrearson vj"^ Margaret Johnson ix*!^ Edward Barrow xiiij"^ ux"" Myles Bateman xxj'ti Issabell Braithw' fil : Ric : xxiij"' Row : Tomlinson fil : Jo : xxv'i' Henry Holme xxvij'*^ Elsabeth Satterthw' xxxj* W™ Barrow fil: Edw : November iij'^" ux'' Percivell Holme iiij'h leonard Benson vij* Ellin Troughton xtfi Robert Benson fil W"> HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 157 xj"^ ux'' Jo . Scale xiijt'i Samuell Rawlinson fil : Tho : in the church xv'i^ ux"" W"" : Benson xxiij*'^ Anthony Sands fil : Edw : eode die James Satterthw' code die ux'' Robert Borrwicke xxyt'^ abort Tho : Rawlinson xxix^^ a Criple from fieldhead XXX* Tho : ffisher December i^"^ James Satterthw' vj* a child of W"» Blumers vij'^ Xpo Tailor in the church eode die ux'' Ric : Burrey xij'^' ux"" Anthony Holme xxt^ Robert Dodgson de Arnesyde xxij'*^ Edw : Braithw' in the church January xxvj'^^ Tho Holme de Hodgclose ffebruarie i''' Willson fil : Robte * ffebruary ij^h ux'' Barnard Macereth iiijth ux'' Robert Braithw' slayne in her owne house buried in the church viij-h ux'' Tho: Holme xij"^ uxf Jo : Tomlinson xyth W" : Satterthw' fil : W™ : xviij'^ Agnes Borrwicke in the church xxiij'^ a wench found at the Braikenthwait xxiiij* Ellin Willson fil : Jo : eode die W"" : Banke fil Robte xxix'h ux'' Tho : Satterthw' in the church March v'^ Geo : Holme Tanner in the church xtb ux'' W"" Dixson NUPTIyE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xxix'h Michaell Macereth & Margaret Braithw' June iij'h Geo Browne & Susanna Rawlinson * No Christian name given. 158 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. x'h John Dobson & Issabell Burnes July xxth Jo ffisher & Elsabeth Rigge eode die Geo : Dixson & Agnes Rigg August xvijih Edw: Braithw' & Jenatt Tailor October xix'^ W"> : Rigg & Issabell Braithw' xxviijt'i Henry Kirkby & Agnes Holme January xx'h Tho : Barrow & Dorathie Holme finis hujus Anni 1623. [The year 1624 is entirely omitted with the exception of the following five entries, which are written in different hands. The full space was, however, left blank for inser- tion of this year. The old handwriting is resumed in 1625.] July the x'h 1624 was William Magson son of ffrancis Magson baptized ffebruary xv"^ Anno Dom 1624 was James Askewe son of James Baptized ffebruary xxij'^ Ano Dom 1624 was Alexander Wright son of William Baptized eode die Issabell Banke fil William de Easthwaite Water-syde August iiijth 1625 Thomas Greenvppe son of John was baptized * BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1625 Aprill xij'h James Kirkby fil : Henric : xvijth Wm : Keene fil : W^ : eode die Thomas Rigg fil : Clem : eode die Jane Dodgson fil : Tho : xxiij*"^ Issabell Rigg fil : Geo : May ij'h W™ : Turner fil : Nichol eode die Thomas Strickland fil : James * As this entry does not occur in its proper place in 1625, it should probably be dated like those above, 1624. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 159 yif^ Elsabeth Sands fil : David xv'h Geo : Dodgson fil : Tho : eode die W™ : Hodgson fil : Robert xvjth W" : Rigg fil W"' June v»h Tho : Braithw' fil : W"' de brcares xiij'^i Rowland Hirdson fil : Robert eode die a base gotten child of Regnald Holme xxv]'!* Samuell Keene fil : James July iij"3 Elsabeth Harrison fil : Myles iiijiii Issabell Tailor fil : Xpo fil : Robt August i^'^ Geo : Braithw' fil : Edward xv*"^ Geo : Tomlinson fil : John xxij"^ Geo : Pepp fil : W" eode die Jo : Braithw' fil : Robte xxv"^ Agnes Satterthw' fil : Jo : eode die Agnes Braithw' fil : Geo : September iiij'^ Robert Walker fil : James eode die Braithw' fil : Jo : ■ v\f^ Myles Walker fil : WiUim xix'h Agnes Sands fil : W"^ October iij'^ Geo : Rigg fil : Clement eode die Margaret Satterthw' fil : Geo : xth Adam Rigg fil : Ric : xix'h Mary Turner fil : Jo : eode die Issabell Macereth fil : Bryan November iiij'^ Geo : Braithw^ fil : Jo : Emas Walker fil Myles Susana Busher fil : lanclot Geo Kirkby fil . Henrici Jenett Braithw' fil : W-" Elsabeth Walker fil : Edw : t xx^i^ Anthony Dodgson fil : Myl : eode die Agnes Dixson fil : Ric : * No Christian name given. f There is neither a date nor "eode die" put before this entry or the four immediately preceding it. i6o HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. January i'^^ Robert Asheburner fil : Jo : xviijti' Elsabeth Tomlinson fil : Petri xix'^i Ellinor Satterthw' fil : Geo : eode die Elsabeth Satterthw^ fil : Tho : xxx'h Jo : Robinson fil : Thoma; eode die Agnes Rigg fil : Ric : ffebruarie xij* Michaell Macereth fil : Geo : xiiijtii Elsabeth Borrwicke fil : Geo : xix'h Elsabeth Magson fil . ffranc eode die Dorathy ffrearson fil . W"" xxviijth Tho : Braithw* fil : W^^ March v^h Jane Braithw' fil: W"i eode die Elsabeth Sawrey fil : W™ March vj"^ Elsabeth Tailor fil : W"> xix'h Elsabeth Rawlinson fil : Tho eode die Elsabeth Holme fil : Regnald xxv'h Agnes Kirkby fil : Mathew eode die Margaret Sawrey fil : Myles SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO May xviij W™ Pepp. . . in the church xxvj"^'^ ux>' Myles Sands in the church xxx'^ ux"" Jo : Sawrey in the church June xvj"^ Edwyne Sands in the quire xxv'^ Issabell Knypp fill . Jo : xxvijii^ ux'' Myles Tailore de lendinge July ix"^ Margaret Holme fil : Regnald xxvj* Tho : Rigg elder August xxij'*^ leonard Banke xxix'i^ Jo : Watterson xxx'li Richard Rigge October xxij''^ Jo : Sawrey fil : W™ eode die Agnes Pepper November iij"^ Elsabeth Braithw' in the church ix"i John Greenvpp in the church x"i ux'' Nicholas Braithw' in the church xj''^ Mary Turner fil : Jo : HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. i6i xxiiijtii ux'' Willim Barbon xxviij'h puer Jo : Braithw' Junior December xxviij'^^ Nicholas Tailor de ffinstw' ffebruary x'^ Myles Rigge xjti^ Agnes Dixson March viij"^ Agnes Noble code die Tho : Braithw' xv*'^ ffrancis arture xxj*^ Ric : Tailore xxv^l^ Jenett Willson NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May xvj'ii John Kendall & Nailer * June xvj''! W"* Peney & Ellinor Atkinson July xix'^ Jo : Ellis & Alice Holme xxjtii Tho : Holme & Ellinor Holme August vijt'i W"* : Boonas & Susana Holme xxv'b Jo : Rigg & Dorathy Rigge finis hujus Anni 1625 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1626 Aprill x^h Hester Dodgson fil : Jo : xiiijth Margaret ffisher fil : Jo : xxiiij'h Rebecha Richardson fil : Barnard May viijth John Walker fil: Antho : code die Dorathie Braithw* fil : Ric : xxij'^ Geo : Borrwicke fil : Rogeri code die Elsabeth Knyppe fil : Johis June iiij"^ David Keene fil : James xxv'f' Geo Tomlinson fil Alex code die Mary Satterthw* fil : Tho : July vj'h Magdalen Sands fil : Mylo : de Grayth(wt) xvj''^ Katherin Benson fil : Tho : code die Barnard Benson fil : Jo : * No Christian name given. 1 62 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. August xiijtt" Gawine Jackson fil : Xpo xxvijth Xpofer Holme fil : Geo : September xj* Samuell Braithw' fil : W™ code die Dorathy Braithw' fil : Geo : r xvji'h Edward Rigg fil : Jo : ''•'■ xxiiijth Daniel Nicholson fil Nathanielis er xij'h Wilim Atkinson fil : Antho : eode die Margaret Satterthw' fil : Jo : xxvijth Jane Tompson alias Tomlinson mber iij'^ Henry Sawrey fil : Antho : eode die Margaret Braithw' fil : Willm x"^ Tho : Banke fil : Adami eode die Tho Harrison fil : Edw : xjth Tho : Braithw' fil : Jo : xvijth John Braithw' fil : Edward xviij'fi Myles Sawrey fil : Willm xxvj'l^ Samuell Dodgson fil : Tho : (Januar)y xvj'^ Geo Braithw' fil : James xxix'h John Satterthw' fil : Clem : (ffebru)ary \\\f^ Geo : Towenson fil : Willim eode die Tho : Braithw' fil : Tho : xviij'h Edward Tailore fil : Willim xxvj'h James Satterthw' fil : James (Mar)ch ijth Mary Bousher fil : lanclot xjth wm. Braithwt fil: James eode die Issabell Turner fil : Jo : SEPULTUR.E ANNO PREDICTO Aprill i"^ Dorathy ffrearson vj'*^ ux'' Jo : Tailore viij"' ux'" Jason fifisher * At this entry a new page is commenced, but the leaves are so tightly bound in that the terminal letters of the month names only can be read. As it was usual to repeat the month name on a new page if the month was not completed, the " . . . . r " opposite this entry may be either September or October, and they remain equally uncertain to the fourteenth entry lower, where the "y" shows the month January, HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 163 ixth Willim Tailor de Roger Ridding in the church xj'h puer abort Willim Satterthw' xiijth Richard Hodgson xviijth Thomas Rawlinson in the church xix^b ux^ Willim Tailor in the church xxviij* ux^" Edwyne Sands in the quire xxxti* Henry Sawrey in the church May xviij* puer Ric : Tailor June vij* ux'' Xpo : Walker in the church viij't" puer leo : Holme abort xix^'i Willim Rigg fil : Geo : xxvj* ux"" John Walker in the church xxx'h ux"" Willim Rigg de Sawrey July ixt'i Dorathy Rigg fil : WilTm xvj"^ puer Robert Hirdson abort August xij'i^ Edw : Tailore de Plownegreene in the church xiij'h Robte Braithw' de Skellw^i^ in the church xxij"i ux^ James Tailore de Satterthw' September xj"' Clement Holme drowned at Consay forge December vj'^ ux'' Nichol : Tailore in the church xij*!! Edward Macereth in the church January xxjt^* Elsabeth Walker in the church xxix* puer Willim Braithw' abort fiebruary xj*^ puella Ric : Tailor abort xviijth Edward Tailor March xix'^ Jo : Braithw^ de Sawrey NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May xxix*b Jo : Nicolson & Elsabeth Dixson June iiij'h Geo : Macereth & Margaret Grigg xx'h Regnald Braith : & Margaret Macereth July ij'h Jo : Turner & Anne Sands xvj*^ W" : Knype & Elsabeth Townson 1 64 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxiijtti W": Braithwt & Issabell Braithw* code die Jo : Harrison & Jenatt Scale xxx''' Xpo Atkinson & Agnes Pughpker August v'f"^ Robert Braithw' & Jenatt Rigge xx'ii James Satterthw' & Anne Sands code die Clement Rigg & Agnes Atkinson October i'^ Willim Bateman & Issabell Bateman November vt'i Regnald Macereth & Dorathie Braithw' xxviij''^ Edward Turner & Jane Sawrey January xx'^i Nicholas Braithw* & Margaret Braithw' xxx'h Clement Satterthw' & Margaret Holme ffebruary \xf^ Peter Knyppe & Margaret Satterthw' finis hujus Anni 1626 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1627 Aprill xth Elsabeth Sands fil : Dauid xxiij''^ Myles Sands fil : Dauid May iij"^ Isabell Dodgson fil : Georgii vijth wm Braithwt fil : WilTini xiij^'' Geo : Kirkby fil : Henrici code die Margaret Dixson fil : Ric : xiiij'^^ Bryan Macereth fil : Bryan June i"^ Jenett Macereth fil : Michael vijth Agnes Knypp fil : Willim xviij'h Myles Walker fil : James eode die ffrancis Sawrey fil : Jacobe xxv"i Agnes Macereth fil : Willim de Sawrey July i'h Margaret Townson fil : Willim de Grysdall xv'i^ Charles Satterthw' fil : James de Greenend eode die Barnard Macereth fil : Geo : de Outyeat xxij"^ Margaret Braithw^ fil : Robert xxiijt^^ Jane ffrearson fil : Row : eode die Margaret Satterthw' fil: W™ de Sawrey xxv"i Margaret Macereth fil : Geo : xxixtt" Geo . Walker fil : ffrancisci August v^h Jo . Holme fil . The : xix'h Mary Turner fil : Nichol. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 165 September xiij'!^ Mary Holme fil : Geo : de Waterhead xviij'h Willim Atkinson fil : Xpo : de Coniston xxiij Willim Tailore fil : Xpo : de Dalepke xxiiij Mary Askewe fil : James XXV* Agnes Vickars fil : Robte de langdall xxvij* Agnes Rigg fil : Clem de fieldhead xxx''^ Willim Braithw' fil : Edw : de Sawrey October ij* Dorathy Magson fil : ffranc xiiij"^ Issabell Braithw' fil : Mathew de lonthw' xvj'^ Hester Sands fil : Mylo : de Graithw' xxj* Agnes Kirkby fil : Henrici de hollinbank xxix'i^ Margaret Holme fil : Regnald November v'*^ Willim Walker fil : Edwardi de Dalepke xjth Robert Kcllatt fel : Xpo : xviij"^ Dorathie Braithw* fil : W"^ de breares xixth Mary Dodgson fil : Tho : de pkeamore December ix'^ W"i Macereth fil : Regnald xxv'h Bryam Macereth fil Bryam de Haukeshead field (?) xxviij'h Anthony Banke fil : W"^ de Haukeshead field (?)* January xiij'^" Geo : Robinson fil : Tho : xiiij'i^ Tho Keene fil : Willim xx'fi Geo : Holme fil : Jefferey xxviij'h Mary Keene fil : Jacobi ffebruary iij'h Elsabeth Walker fil : Ric iiijth Willim Tailore fil : Henrici yif^ Jane AUatson alias Rigge code die Agnes Knyppe fil : Petri March ij"^ Tho : Rawlinson fil : Willim eode die Dorathie Strickland fil : James xvj"^ Robert Harrison fil : Myles xxj'ii Agnes Sawrey fil : Mylonis * Leaf bound in. 1 66 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. SEPULTURiE ANNO PREDICTO March xxyti^ Xpo : Banke fil : Robert Aprill viijtii Bartholomew Macereth code die Issabell Willson xixtb uxr W™ Sands in the quire xxv'b Myles Sands fil : Jo : Aprill xxix'li ux"" Dauid Sands May iij'b ux^ Robert Satterthw' in the church iiij"^ James Satterthw^ de Parkeamoore xvijtlJ Magdalen Sands fil : Myl : in the quire xix'^ ux"^ Jo : Robinson xx"i ux"" Edward Walker June i'li Geo : Townson fil : Willim xvjtb Elsabeth Sands fil : Dauid in the little quire xviij uxr Edward Willson July xxi'h Roger Dodgson xxxvij"^ Margaret Dixson August xxij'i^ Geo : Kirkby fil : Henrici Septemb xxix"> Margaret Townson fil : Willimi eode die puer abort Jenett Satterthw' de Cragg October v'^ leonard Braithw' in the church November xxvj"^ ux"" Robert Rawlinson in the church xxviij^'i Jane ffrearson fil : Row : December xxj'^ Elsabeth Magson in the church January vj"^ Richard Tomlinson xv^h Clement Borrwicke in the church xxyt*! Issabell Rigge xxvijtb puer Ric : Burrey abortiu ffebruary xiij"^ Anthony Banke in the church xx'ti puer Tho : Strickland abortiu XXV* Elsabeth Willson fil . John xxvijt'i Hopkin Kellatt * March iij'^" John Turner in the church xxiiij'h ux"" Robert Satterthw' de Parkeam(oor) in the church * " Hopkin " is added in a later hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 167 NUPTIiE ANNO PREDICTO May i'i> Willim Rigg & Agnes Harrison July xxij* Willim Sawrey & Hester Braithw' xxix* Richard Asheburner & Agnes Penington code die Robert Tailor & Margaret Braithw' eode die Willim Rigg & Katherin (?) Braithw* August iij* Richard Keene & Elsabeth Hobson X* Geo . Satterthw' & Margaret Robinson eode die James Braithw^ & Agnes Braithw^ xiiij"' Michaell Holme & Agnes Macereth September ij'^ Henry Willson & Margaret Birkhead October xxiij''^ Robert Satterthw' & Elsabeth Knyppe xxx'** Willim Kilner & Agnes Townson January xxvij''' Henry Tailor & Agnes Kilner ffebruary iij'^ Willim Braithw* & Dorathy Rigge v'h Myles Tomlinson & Issabell Rigg finis hujus Anni 1627 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1628 March xxx"* Xpofer Peares alias Satterthw' Aprill ix* James Braithw' fil : Willim de Satterhow xxv'^ Margaret Holme fil : Michael xxvj"' Jenett Borrwicke fil : Geo : de Hill May iiij'*' Jane Hirdson fil : Robti June i"' Edward Braithw' fil : W"» ix"' Robert Rigg fil : Geo : xvj'^ Mary Rigg fil Geo : xxix* Jane Kilner fil W™ July vij* Willm Scale fil : Roberti xij"' Dorathie Macereth fil : Johis xvij'^ Agnes Bateman fil : Willim xxviij'^ Issabell Rigge fil : Ric : eode die Susana Kirkby fil : Henric : August xvij* Elsabeth Nicolson fil : Nathaniel xxiiij"' Elsabeth Holme fil : Georg de Grysdall xxvij''' Elsabeth Birkhead fil : Xpo de Troutbecke base begotten 1 68 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. September iij'^ Willus et i ,^ r I Sands fil : Dan Xpofer vij'i^ Margaret Braithw' fil: Willm code die Margaret Asheburner fil : Ric : * September vij* Margaret Holme alias Rigg xiiij* Mabell ffisher fil: Johis xvij''' Dorathie Bensone fil : Tho : of Skellw"' xxj"' W™ : Tomlinson fil : Johis eode die Elizabeth Tomlinson fil : W™ : xxij"' James Walker fil : Mylonis xxix'*' Margaret Braithw' fil : James October xiij'^ John Braithw' fil : Geo : xxvij"' Michaell Holme fil: Geo: November ij"^ James Walker fil : James ix* Margaret Satterthw' fil: Robert xxx"^ Elsabeth Satterthw' fil : W"^ : de Croftehead December vij"> W™ Rigg fil : Clement de Churchsteele xxvj* Tho : Hodgson fil : Johis Januarie iij'h Margaret Tailore fil : Roberti xijth wm Sawrey fil : W"' de Sawrey xviij"' Elsabeth Keene fil : James xxvj* James Strickland fil : Thomae ffebruary xxvj''' f John Kellatt fil : Xpo xxiij'^ James Braithvv' fil : George March ij"' Regnald Braythwait fil : John eode die Agnes Holme fil : Thomas vj"* Edward Mackereth fil : Barnard viij"^ Edward Rigg fil : Clement eode die Geo : Braithwait fil : Edward ix''' Henry Borrwicke fil : Rogeri xvj'** James Taylor fil : Willimi : eode die Jane Tomlinson fil : Mylonis xxij* Mary Sawrey fil : Anthony eode die Agnes Satterthwait fil : Thomae * Throughout this page the ink is much perished. t The first x has some appearance of having been smeared, with the intention to erase it. It is, however, quite clear. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 169 SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxvij'^ Margaret Atkinson Aprill i'*^ Georg Banke code die Barbarie the wif of Myles Harison in the church iiij"' Katherin Satterthw^ fil : WilHm in the church June xxj''' puer Edw : Braithw' abort : xxiij"' Robert Hunter August V* Jane Hirdsone xj"^ Geo : Rigg fil : James in the church slayne w'"^ a horse leading hay xvj"' Margaret Holme fil : Michaell September xiiij* ux'' Michaell Bensone in the church XX* Mary Rigg xxvij* Agnes Bateman October xxv* Margaret Borrwicke November vij* uxi^ Edward Robinson xiij* Elizabeth Dodgson ux"^ Ric : in the church xiiij* ux'' Willim Satterthw^ in the church code die puella Geo : Satterthw' abort xxix* Mabell fifisher fil : John December xxviij* Margaret the wif of Thomas Sands Januarie i* Elsabeth Mackereth XXX* puer John Knype abort xxxj* Xpo Sandys fil : Dauid in the litle quire ffebruarie iij* Margaret the wif of Hugh Jackson in the church vj* Myles ffisher of dalepke xxj* Alexander Readhead March xij* John Wattersone xviij* Agnes Holme I70 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO June iij''' Robert Place & Margaret Dodgson xxij* leonard Bensone & Jane lindow July iij"" Anthony Bensone & Agnes Mackereth x'^ Willim Taylore & Jenett Pughpker August v'*" John Stephenson & Agme Tomlinsone x"' Geo : Knype & Margaret Holme xxiiij''' John Holme & Issabell Tomlinsone October v"' Willm Robinson & Agnes fifell code die John Dixson & Jenett Braythw' xiiij"^ Wm Banke & Anne? Wilkinson November iiij* John Hodgson & Elizabeth Atkinson xxiij''' Edward Satterthw' & Jenett Rigg xxx"^ John Rigg & Margaret Jacksone finis hujus Anni 1628 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1629 March xxix* John Rawlinsone fil : W™ de Graythwait XXX* Isabell Harrison fil : Edwardi Aprill iij'h Alice Banke fil : Adam v''' George Atkinson fil : Anthony xij* Nathan Keene fil : Willfm xx''' Willim Tomlinson fil : John xxvj"" Agnes Rigg fil : Willim de Wrey May X* Margaret Borrwicke fil : George xiij"' Margaret Satterthwait fil : James de Greenend xxv"" Willim Braythwait fil : Ric : xxxj"^ Margaret Busher fil : Lanclott June viij* Robert Rigg fil : Ric : code die Isabell Walker fil : Ric xxij"' Elsabeth Satterthwait fil : Clement xxvj"^ John Magson fil : ffranc xxviij"" Thomas Knype fil : Geo : July xij* Elsabeth Kirkby fil : Ric : xix'^ Elsabeth Hodgson fil : Roberti xxiiij"" W™ : Dawsone fil : Nichol HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 171 August iij'*^ Agnes Ward fil : Robert de Hackett iiij''' Elizabeth Sands fil : Mylonis de Graythw' X* Willim Braythwait fil : Johis de foulde September xxvij"' Thomas Suert fil : John eode die Elsabeth Rigg fil : Robert xxviij''' Adam Banke fil : Willm paup October iiij'^ Margaret Mackereth fil : George de outeyeat xxij"' Margaret Macereth fil : Bryam November ix'*" Richard Dixsone fil : Jo : xyj'** Mary Walker fil : Edwardi December vij* Margaret Banke fil : Ric : xiij'^ Agnes Hodgson fil : Tho : xxxj'^ Jo : Satterthwait fil : Jo : January ij"' Margaret Harrisone fil : Ric xj'*> Mabell Holme fil: Tho: xxiiij''' Robte Braythw' fil : Willim xxxj'^ Isabell Braythwait fil : Myles ffebruary xv"^ Elsabeth Rigg fil : Clement xxij"' Jenett Rigg fil : Geo : March j"' Isabell Satterthwait fil : Clement viij* Edward Braythwait fil : Edw : xv'^ Elsabeth Mackereth fil : Willim xxij'*" Willim Asheburner fil : Adam base begotten eode die Jenett Stubb fil : Jo : SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xvj''' Margaret Satterthwait fil : Robert May i* Elsabeth Satterthwait iij'*' Isabell Braythwait iiij''' ux"" Jo : Holme in the church v"' Mabell Satterthwait viij'*" ux"^ Willim Jacksone xxiiij''' ux'" Thomas Hodgson in the church July xxvij* Agnes Rigg fil : Willim August xj'*" Thomas Knype xxx"' Robert Braythwait 172 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. October x'^ Barnard Benson fil : Michaell in the church November i'*" Willim Rigg fil : Clement xxv'^ ffrancis Sawrey fil : Jacob December ix* Myles Sands fil : Adam in the quire xxj* Richard Kirkby de Grysdall xxvj* Thomas Parke xxx"' Elsabeth Bateman Januarie xj"' Margaret Harrison xvj"" Willim Sands fil Xpo : in the church ffebruarie v'*' Edward Vickars w'^'^ was drowned at Satterthw' xiiij"" Jo : Satterthw' xv'^ Jo : Taylore de ffinssyke in the church xvj''' Katherin the wif of Roger Dodgson xxiij* Regnald Holme de Oxenfell March v* Margaret the wife of Robert Place xviij'*' Jenett Braythwait fil : Willim de Sawrey xxj* uxf James Ashburner xxx''' puer abort Xpofor Taylior fil : Robli NUPTIiE ANNO PREDICTO May vij'^ Willim Braythw' & Isabell Dodgson July xix'*' Arthure Dixson & Mabell Penney code die Willim Braythw' 8: Isabell Braythwait August ij'^ Bartholomew Dodgson & Alice Troughton xvj* Willim Tayliore & Margaret Woodburne September i"^ leonard Rawlinsone & Mary Wright vj'h Myles fflemeing St Ellin Willson October xxv'^ Robert Newtone & Dorathie Braythw' November iij''' Tho : Hodgson & Margaret Braythwait xxiiij'*" Xpofer Walker & Anne Tomlinsone code die leonard Askew & Elsabeth Taylior Januarie xxiiij'^ John flfbrrest & Anne Holme xxx''' John Satterthwt & Margaret Greenvpp xxxj"" Willim Jopson & Barbaric Braythwait finis hujus Anni 1629 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 173 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1630 March xxv* Agnes Rigg fil Jo : April v"' Regnald Holme fil : Regnald xj"' Edward Braythwait fil : Willim xij"' James Tayliore fil : Robert xviij''' Dorathie Braythwait fil : W"" XXV* Thomas Satterthwait fil : Edward xxvj"' Peter Sands alias Townsone May i'*" John Askew fil : James ix''' Willim Dixsone fil : Arthure x'^ Margaret Tomlinsone fil : Alex May xj'^ ffraunces Bensone fil : Thomae de Skellw'*^ xvij'*" Barbarie Braythwait fil : Willim xxx''' Anne Braythwait fil : Thomae June xx"' Edward Mackereth fil : Regnald xxviij* Christofer Nicolson fil : Nathaniel July v''' Edward Keene fil : Willim xij* Edward Macereth fil : Bryam eode die Agnes Coward alias Satterthwait xiiij'*" Robert Knype & A/r , ^z ' fi^ • Willim Margaret Knype, xxij''' Tho : Rawlinsone fil : Thoma; xxv"" Isabell Knype fil : Geo : August ij'^ flemming fil : Myles * xvj* George Knype fil : John eode die Willim Satterthw' fil : W"i September viij'*' Willim Dodson & ) T\/r ^ T\ A 1 fil Thoma; Margaret Dodson j xxj"' Thomas Walker fil : James xxvj"' John Nicolson fil : Allan October xxij* Agnes Satterthwait fil : Charles xxv'h Elsabeth Banke fil: W™ eode die James Rigg fil : Willim November i''' Robert Rigg fil : Jo : xiij'*^ Elsabeth Robinson fil : Thomse * No Christian name given. 174 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxviij''' Xpofer Tayliore fil : W™ eode die Dorathie Sawrey fil : Mylonis December xxv"^ Thomas Asheburner fil : Ricardi xxvij* Clement Rigg fil : Clementi eode die Margaret Kirkby fil : Henric : January vj"* Dorathy Braythw^ fil: Edw : xj"" James Taylior fil : W™ xij"^ Willim Satterthw' fil : W"i de Newhouse xvj'^ Dorathy Satterthw^ fil : Robti eode die Isabell Satterthw' : fil : Jo : xvij"" Mabell Macereth fil : Barnardi xviij'*" Margaret Towensone fil : W'" xxiij'*" Margaret et Jane Mackereth ffebruarie xxvij'*" Barbarie Bateman fil : W™ xxviij"' Willim Sawrey fil : Jo : March vij"' Thomas Braythwait fil : W™ de fould xiij"' Robert Satterthw"^ fil : Edward XX* W"" : Satterthwait fil : Clement eode die Agnes Holme fil : George SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xx'*' Robert Rawlinsone de Knott in the church xxviij'*" ux"" Edward Dixsone eode die Robert Braythw' fil : W"" May iij'*" James Asheburner xiij'*' George Taylior de plowmegreene in templo xxxj''' ux"" Xpoferi Satterthw' de pkamoore in templo June vij'^ Richard Scale de Whaitehead in templo xxij"^ ux^ W"" Tyson de Gryscdall xxvij'^ uxf Clement Borrwicke July v'^ ux"^ Edward Holme xxiij"' Thomas Rawlinson and his son Tho : August xv"' Michaell Holme fil: Michaell XYJ'*" Edward Braythwait fil : Edw : xxix'^ W™ : Dixsone fil : Arthure HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 175 September iij"* Isabell Penington v"" Tho : Holme in the church xij"" uxr Charles Satterthwait eode die Margaret Knype fil : W™ : October iiij"' ux^ W"" : Jackson de Parke in the church xxvj'*^ ux^ W™ : Rigg de Sawrey November iij"' ux'' W"^ Braythw' de fould eode die ux"" Jo : Rigg in the church v''' a child of Jo : Suckmantle's vij'^ ux^ Myles Walker de Satterthw' ix* Margaret Braythw' de Sawrey XYJ"" Agnes the wif of Richard Surrey xvij'*' Willim Satterthw' de Newhouse in templo xx'^ Willim Braythw' de fould in templo December iij"' Thomas Townsone v''* Jo : Asheburner in the church xvij'*' Georg Holme de Waterhead in templo xxvj"' James Hubersty xxx"' Agnes Satterthwait fil : Charles Januarie i'*' Robert Sands of Graythw* in templo vj* Katherin ux"" Thomas Braythw' ix'*^ James Jacksone in the church xij'"^ Margaret the wif of Henry Banke xiiij Edward Keene xvij'** George Holme in the church xxij'*" W™ : Sands de fouleyeate XXV* Margaret Mackereth fil : Edwini xxv]'** ux"" Myles Sands xxx'*" Jane Mackereth fil : Edwini ffebruarie xx'*" ux^ Edward Barrowe xxij"' Myles Tomlinson in the church xxiiij"' ux"" Robert Tomlinsone xxviiij'^ Daniell Pughpker in the church March vj'*' ux'' W"i : Jacksone in the church vij"' Elsabeth Scale fil : Robti xjth \Ym Sawrey fil : Jo : de Sawrey xx''' Elsabeth the wif of Anthony Banke 176 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER, NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May v'*" John Sawrey & Agnes Rigg ix'^ Michaell Borebanke & Agnes Rigg xxiij''' ffrancis Thwaite & Anne Sawrey June xx"^ Adam Asheburner & Margaret Pykthow July iiij''' Henry Adison & Barbarie Pykthow xxv'** W"i : Atkinsone & Elsabeth Dixsone August i'*' James Crosfield & Agnes Pennye viij* John Suckmantle & Hester Dodgson xvj''^' John Holme & Elsabeth Stewardsone September v''' Edwine Mackereth & Elsabeth Greeneho Januarie vij'*" Thomas Sands & Isabell Bensone finis hujus Anni 1630 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOI 1631 March xxvij''^ James Towensone fil : W™ eode die Elsabeth Jacksone fil : Xpo : Aprill iij'*' Edward Keene fil James eode die Susanna ffrearson fil : Row : viij"' Isabell Braythw' fil : Robti May xv"" James Braythw' fil : James de Braythey June xij''' Willim Braythw' fil : Willim de Grysdall xix* Barbarie Braythwait fil : W'" : de Sawrey whistler xxvj^'^ Margaret Mackereth fil : Anthony July xxiiij'*" Xpofer Holme fil : Micha .... August i"* Clement Holme fil : leonard xxviij'*' Dorathie Satterthw' fil : James September v"" Jephthah Satterthw' alias Gurnell xj'^ James Taylior fil : Xpo xviij''' John Sands fil : Dauid eode die George Rigg alias Raven xxj"' Alice Rawlinson fil : W"" : XXV* Robert Satterthw' .fil : Thomae xxviij'*" Mathew Magson fil : ffrancisci HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 177 October xvj"^ Margaret Strickland fil : James eode die Edward Satterthw' fil : Thomae xxviij'^ Agnes Hopkin fil : Willim November xiij''' Margaret Dodgson fil : Thomae xiiij* John Rigg fil : W^ xxvij* Ellin ffrearsone fil : W"" December xxiiij"' Edward Sawrey fil : W"i January ij'*^ Dorathie Satterthw* fil : Jo : xxviij* James Braythw' fil : James ffebruarie vj'^ Jenett Taylior fil : W™ : xij"* Susana Nicolson fil : Nathaniell XX* Georg Chamney fil : W" eode die George Asheburner fil : Adam xxYJ'*" Elsabeth Satterthwait fil : Geo : eode die Margaret Satterthw' fil : Edw : xxvij'^ WilTim Mackereth fil : Edwini eode die Barbarie Sawrey fil John March xj'^ Robert Rawlinson fil : leonard SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxv'^ Margaret Kirkby fil : Henry xxvij* Isabell Satterthwait fil John Aprill v"" John Hodgson ix'^ Margaret Taylior xix'** Richard Banke the supposed sonne of Jane May i''' Robert Satterthwait fil: Edw: iij'^ uxr W™ : Braythwait fil : Nichol viij"" Agnes Braythwait fil : W"^ June viij''' Richard Braythwait de Satterthwait July xxij''' uxr Xpo : Braythwait de Braythey eode die Richard Rigg de Satterthw' in the church xxv'*' ux"" Xpo : Jacksone de Braythey August xvij''' George Sands de Satterthwait September xxviij* Isabell Asheburner fil : Robti in the church eode die puer abort Jo: .ffisher xxix* puer abort Tho : Sands 13 178 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. October vj* Willim Satterthwait de Newhouse in the church xvj"' Willim Sawrey de forse November ix* ux"" Edwyne Rigge x'^ Margaret Scale de thwaitehead xix* Jerome Walker xxv'^ puella Jo : Suckmantle abort xxx''' Abraham Rigg in the church December iij"^ ux"" Thomas Scale code die ux'' Thomas Sawrey xxij"> Ellin ffrcarsone fil : W™ xxx'*" Thomas Keene fil : James Januarie xv* Susana ffrearsone xv"' Edward Satterthw' de Coulthouse drowned beneath poole stong ffebruary xxij* Dorathy Satterthw' fil : John March iij"' John ffrearsone de Grysdall code die a daughter of Regnald ffrearsone in templo xiij'*' ux'' Richard Kirkby de Hollinbanke xvij'^ Barnard Mackereth xx"" George Townsone de Grysdall NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May xv''' Rowland Crosfield & Alice Crowdsone June xxx'^ Edw : Willsone & Isabell Johnsone July xxxj''' George Rigg & Agnes Robinsone August vij* W"^ : Chamney & Agnes Sawrey xiiij''' ffrancis Strickland & Agnes Rigg September iiij'*" W™ : Jackson & Agnes Walker November vj''' W™ : Chamney & Elsabeth Rigg xx'*' John fifisher & Jenett Atkinsone xxviij'*" David fHemeing & Margaret Neelesone December xxj'^ M William Collyer & Alice Holme Januarie xvij''' Willim Sawrey & Dorathie Braithw' ffebruarie ix* Thomas Barrow & Margaret bigland eode die James Braythwait & Jenett Bigland Finis hujus Armi 1631 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 179 BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOI 1632 March xxv* Edward Hirdsone fil : Jo : eode die Thomas Braythw' fil : Jo : code die Margaret Kellatt fil : Xpo : eode die Edward Braythwait fil : W"i eode die John Braythwait fil : James Aprill xv"^ Dorathie Mackereth fil : W™ xvj* Edward Willsone fil : Edw : xix* Josephe Bentham fil : Geo : xxiij'^ Willim Busher fil : Lanclott May x'^ George Braythwait fil : Geo : xiij'*' Edward Rigg fil : Geo : xx'^ Margaret Sawrey fil : W™ de Sawrey June iiij''' Henry Askew fil : James xj'^ Lament Banke the supposed daughter of Geo : xvij"' Agnes Satterthwait fil : Edw : de Braythey July xxvij'*^ ffrancis Sawrey fil : Anthonii de Hollinbanke August v'^ Mabell Jacksone fil : Willimi xij'h Willim Knype fil : Geo : eode die Mabell Mackereth fil : Geo : xxij* Issabell ffisher fil : Johis September 9'^ Xp5fer Atkinson fil : Antho : eode die W™ Satterthw' fil : Geo : eode die Agnes Taylior fil : Robti eode die Margaret Killner fil : Edw : xj* Henry Vickares fil : Robti de Coniston pishe xvj"' Thomas Braythwait fil : Edw : xxiij* Rowland Nicolson fil : Allani xxiiij'^ Thomas Townsone fil : John October i"^ W^ Kirkby fil : Henry vij''' Susanna Sands filia Tho : xiiijth Wm : Satterthw' fil : Charles xxj* Edward Harrisone fil : Edwardi November v'^ James Knype fil : Willim xjt'i William Sawrey fil : Willim de Sawrey i8o HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xij''' Margaret Knype fil : Jo : xxv"' Susana Suckmantle fil : Jo : xxvj''' George Knype fil : Peter December 3'h Jo : Scale fil : Rowland de Whaitehead xxxj"" James Braythw^ fil : W™ : de lonthw' January xj'^ Geo : Kirkby fil : Mathew xiij''' Thomas Washington fil Henry an Egiptian xiiij"" Isabell Dixson fil : Johnis februarye iij* Elsabeth Keene fil : Willimi x"* John Knype fil : Arthur! code die Anne Ashburner fil : Ric : xviij'^ Agnes Atkinsone fil : Xpo eode die ffrancis Banke fil : Ric : code die Margaret Wattsone fil : Henry xix''' Margaret Mackereth fil : Barnard March iij'^ Elsabeth Dixsone fil : Arthure xj* Charles Satterthwait fil : Clementi xvij* Dorathye Keene fil : James xxiiij'*' Thomas Banke fil : Willmi eode die Margaret Sands fil : Willmi SEPULTURyE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill ix'*" puer abort Geo : Rigg xx'^ Geo : Satterthwait fil : Edw : de Coulthouse May iij"* ffrancis Middleton fil : Ric vj'*" Agnes Taylior fil : Geo : in the church xj'*" ux"" Richard Sands de ffinsthwait xiij"' Myles Braythwait de hye wrey xxvj'*' Jenett Tayliore fil : Willim June ix''' Geo : Braythwait fil : Geo : x'^ Thomas Braythwait fil : John xx''' Geo : Asheburner fil : Adam July v'** Edward Willson fil : Edwardi xyj'*" Mabell Macereth fil : Barnard August viij'^ Dorathie Sawrey fil : Myles September &^ ux"" Jo : Taylior in the church eode die Margaret Dodgson fil : Tho : HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 9* Thomas Robinson October v''^ Xpofer Atkinson fil : Anthony xxij"' Margaret Braythw' de Skellw'^i in the church November x'*> William Sawrey de Waterhead in the church xxvj"' W™ Walker fil : Regnald December xiiij'*" Susana Strickland fil : Tho : in the church xx^'' Mathew Magson in the church Januarie iij''' Edward Satterthw* fil : Thomai xx'** Edward Keene fil : Jacobi februarie xxj"' Willim Mackereth fil : Edwini March iiij"' ux^ W™ Mackereth xiij'*" Nicholas Turner xvj''' Dorathie Walker xxiiij''' John Magson in the church NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO Aprill iiij'*" William Sands & Issabell Poorrson Arthure Richardson & Alice Asheburner June xxiij"^ Willim ffedder & Elsabeth Garner July 14* Robert Lindow & Grace Ayrey 15'** ffrancis Knype & Agnes Sawrey 22'^ Richard Pattison & Katherin Troughton 29"' Robert Walker & Ellin fifawshood August 12'^ Regnald Walker & Isabell Willson 2i)^ Myles Walker & Isabell Sands Septemb'" 4"" Jo : Hunter & Elsabeth Boulton 13* Anthony Sawrey and Mabell Jopson 16'*^ Arthure Knype & Rosamond Tompson als Sands. October i'*" John Taylior & Agnes Pennye iij* Richard Bower & Mabell Dodgson February xij* W"^ Satterthw' & Agnes Suert March iij"" Christopher Holme & Margaret Walker HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. BAP 1633 March xxv''' Thomas Rigg fil : Robti xxxj'^ Tho : Wright fil : Edw : Aprill xiiij'h Elsabeth Holme fil : Georgii xv"' Elsabeth Hodgson fil : Jo : xxix"^ John Braythwait fil : Willim May v''' Dorathie Townsone fil : Jo : xix"^ Christopher Rigg fil : Clement xx'*^ Elsabeth Ashburner fil : Adami June xf" Margaret Tailior fil : Willim x"' Agnes Borrwicke fil : George xvij"^ Agnes Satterthw' fil : Clement July xxj* Dorathie Satterthwt fil : Wilhni August v'l^ Dorathie Mackereth fil : Bryam xix* Jo : Braythwt fil : Myles September 7'^ Susanna Dodgson fil : Thomse xiij'^ Robert Braythwait fil : Ric : xxij'h Richard Knype fil : ffrancisci xxvj'h Samuell Sandes fil Miles de Grathw' Hall * code die ffrancis Satterthvv' fil : Jo October ij* Jane Rawlinsone filia WilHmi ix''^ Elizabeth Rawlinson fil : Roberti xxij'^ Elizabeth Dodgson fil : Thomae xxiiij''' Ellin Partingall fil : Emanuell xxviij"^ Elsabeth Sawrey fil : Anthonii xxxj* Robert Braithwait fil : Robert eode die Ann Braithwait fil Georgii November xxj* Margaret Banke fil : Willim xxiiij''' Killner fil: Wm:f xxvii"' Margaret Kirkby fil : Henrici XXX* Dorathye Nicholson fil : Nathaniel December ix''' Siball Taylior fil : Xpoferi XV* Myles Sawrey fil : Henrici * " de Grathw' Hall " is added in another hand, t No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 183 code die Agnes Satterthw* fil : James code die Elsabeth Borrwicke fil : Geo : xxx"' Agnes Walker fil : Xpdferi febr xvij* W™ Satterthw^ fil: Tho : March xvj"' Margaret Jackson fil : W™ xix'^ George Holme fil Michall xxiiij'^ Thomas Busher fil : Lanclott NUPTI^ 1633 July 7* Edward Scales and Agnes Willsonn Septemb 15''' George Dodshon and Agnes Holme October 22 John Rigg and Elisabeth Braithw' xxxj^*' Clement Satterthw^ and Katherine Rigg November xxj* Robert ffrearson and Issabell Keene January xix* Robert Garner and Margaret Postlethwait xxiiij'*' Martin Penny and Alice Naylor xxviij"" Anthony Sawrey and Marie Braithwait ffebruary xiij* William Sands and Jenett Borrwicke SEPULTURE 1633 March xxvj* John Scales fil : Rowland xxx"' puell abort Robt Walker alias Mackreth xxxj* ux George Holme Aprill XV* William Rigg's wife xviij'*" Issabell Scale fil : Ric : in the Church xix'^' Edward Benson in the Church xxij''' puer abort George Holme xxv*** George Dodshon fil : George xxix* Myles Rigg of Sawrey eodem die Leonard Oxenhouse whoe hanged himselfe in Nathaniell Nicolsons stable May iij* Issabell Dixonn fil : John eodem die ux'' Thomas Holme August ix"' Agnes Mackreth fil Bryan xxj'*" ux Richard Tomlinson de Grysdall Septemb"^ xx* ux fifrancis Banke de Coniston October xxvij'*' Clement Townson de Satterthwait HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxviij* George Kirkbye in the Church Novemb'^ i* Issabell the wife of Myles Walker xxij* puella abort George Knype xxiiij'*^ ffrancis Satterthwait fil Jo : xxx"" Joane Atkinson fil Anthoni Decemb"" viij'*^ puer abort Willm Taylior xiij''' Katherine Rigg de Churchstyle xxiiij"> Agnes Rigg xxxj"' William Penny in the Church eodem die puer abort George Rigg ffebruary iiij''' Agnes Holme de Grysdall vij'*" Dorothie Nicolson fil : Nathaniell in the Church xxj'*" puer abort Edward Satterthwait de Braithey xxiiij'*" Thomas Townson de Howe xxvj''' John Sawrey in the Chancell March iij* Myles Sawrey fil : Henrie x'"^ ux Thomas Mackreth xvj'^ Richard Turner xx"^ Thomas Keene de Cowepke xxiij''' Issabell the wife of John fifisher BAPTIZATIONES 1634 March xxv''' William Townson fil : Willm Aprill xiiij'*' Mabell Crosfyeld fil James xx'*' Dorothie Townson fil William eodem die Katherine Sawrey fil : Jo : Maye xxv"' William Rigg fil John xxvj"" Willm Benson fil Robert June ij'*" John Knype fil John xv'^ Christopher Wright fil Edward xxij'^ Edwine Mackereth fil Edwine July ix'^ Robert Hirdson fil Robert X* Marie Walker and , fil Myles Elisabeth Walker J xiiij''' Marie Dixonne fil Jo HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 185 xxj'^ Elisabeth Hudleston alias Benson August iij''' William Braithwait fil Jo : xiij"" John Hodshon fil Ric xviij* Dorothie Taylior son of Xpofer * xxiiij"' Dinah Sands fil Thomas xxv'^ Thomas Mackreth fil Nicholas September viij* Sara Benthan fil Geo xxv''^ James Braithwait fil Willm 28* Hester Mackreth fil Robert xxix* Dorothie Rawlinson fil Robert October viij* William Atkinson fil Willm xij* Marie Sands fil David xix"' Agnes Jackson fil Geo xxvj'*' Elisabeth Braithwait fil Will junior de Satterhow code die Michaell Suckmantle fil Jo : November ix'^ John Knype fil George eode die Dorothie Kellatt fil Xpofer xvj'*^ Christopher Askewe fil James eodem die Margaret Banke fil Willm paup xxiij''' William Satterthwait fil Clement XXX* Rowland ffrearson fil Robert eode die Elisabeth Braithwait fil Edw : de buske December i''' Barbaric Sawrey fil Willm eode die John Nicholson fil Thomas xxij''' Geo : Satterthw' fil William eode die Robert Nicholson fil Allan xxvij* Ellin Braithwait fil WilTm January vj'*" Elisabeth Rawlinson fil William eode die Elisabeth Knype fil Willm xix'*' Hester Sawrey fil Anthony XXV* William Braithwait fil James eodem die Ann Strickland fil ffrancis ffebruary i* Geo Satterthwait fil Edw : de Braithey eodem die Willm Mackreth fil Jo : * The word "son" has been lined out, and the word "fil" written above. 1 86 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xvj'^ Ann Braithwait fil Willm xxij''' Thomas Braithwait fil Edw : code die George Dixonne fil Arthure xxiiij'^ Issabell Mackreth fil WilTm March i* Dorathye Braithwait fil Geo : ij"> Elisabeth Walker fil Willm ix''^ Dorothye fflemeing fil Myles xvj'^ William Satterthwait fil : The : xvij"" Dorothye Nicolson fil Nathaniell 22 Agnes Taylior fil Willm NUPTI^ 1634 May i''' Rowland Turner and Elisabeth Braithw' June vj'^ William Taj^lior & Rebecca Arture xv"' Thomas Dodshon & Issabell Walker July xx"' Edw : Walker and Margaret Willson August xxxj"' Willm Satterthwait & Elisabeth Rawlinso Septemb'' vij"' Willm Braithwait & Elisabeth Holme October xxi* George Braithwait & Ellin Chanellhouse eodem die Robert Bell and Jane ''•'- November vj'*' William Braithwait & Sibell Mackreth ffebruary ij"^ Geo : Holme and Agnes Rigg SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxvj* George Borwicke Aprill xf" William Satterthwait fil Tho : viij'^ ux William Rawlinson in the Church xj'h William Sawrey in the Church xv'^ ux Edward Mackreth in the Church xx"' puell abort John Sawrey xxj"" Ellin Sawrey fil Myles xxiij'*' Thomas Studart alias Harrison xxix"' Elizabeth Atkinson May iij''' Katherine Sawrey fil John xj"' Elisabeth Dodshon fil Thomas * No surname given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 187 xxvj* ux George Mackreth de Braithey xxviij* Issabell the wife of Geo : Tomlinson June iij* John TayHor of fifinstwait xxj* the wife of Edw : Robinson in the Church July x* ux Robert Hirdson xvj* Issabell Walker fil Myles xix'h Mary Walker fil Myles August ij* Willm Townson fil Willm xiij''' Susanna the wife of Nicholas Mac : in the Church xvij'^ Jo : Jopson son of Willm in the Church xxvj'^ puell abort James Braithwait xxx'*" Mabell the wife of Thomas Strickland September vij"' Elisabeth Rawlinso fil Robert in the Church October xij"^ William Rigg of Sawrey in the Church xix''' ux William Rigg de Sawrey November xxj''' ux John ffrearson de Grysdall xxx'*' Clement Rigg de field head in the Church Decemb"" Elisabeth Hodshon fil Robert xj''' Alice the wife of Mr. Willm Collyer in y^- Church xij* John Nicolson fil Thomas xiij"" Rowland ffrearson fil Robert xxvj''* Christopher Sands de fouldeyate in the Church eodem die Margaret the wife of John Satterthw' January v* Anne Townson XX* puer abort Willm Taylior xxiij'^ Thomas Rigg de Churchstyle in ye Church xxiiij* Tho : Mackreth de Satterthw' ffeb : iij''' Ric Kirkbye de Hollinbanke iiij* Geo : Dodshon fil John xj"' Elisabeth Braithwait fil Willm March vij''' Richard Parke borne in Torver HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. x"* Christopher Rigg fil Clement in ye Church eode die puell abort William Sands XX Regnald ffrearson de Grysdalle xxj'** puer abort sine patre noto BAPTIZATIONES 1635 March xxyj'*" Agnes Satterthwait fil Edward xxx'** William Dodshon fil Thomas eode die Agnes Braithwait fil Edw : Aprill v''' ffrancis Bateman fil Willm eode die Elisabeth Mackreth fil Barnard vj'*" Hester Sawrey fil Henrye xiij* Myles Sawrey fil Myles xix"" Agnes Penny fil Richard xxvj"* Geo : Braithwait fil Willm xxvij* Margaret Dodshon fil George eodem die Jo : Harrison fil Edwardi May i'^ Robert Taylior and , ^, ,-, , ^ ^ '^ fil Robert Margaret Taylior ix'*' Margaret Braithwait fil WilTm xix''^ Richard Wilson alias Hodshon June iiij'*' Elisabeth Atkinson fil Anthony xiiij'^ Elisabeth Dodshon fil John eodem die Alice Suert fil Jo : xxiij'^ Thomas Willson fil John July iij"' Mabell Jopson fil William xix"' Geo : Rigg fil George eode die Geo : Braithwait fil Willm xxvij'^ Laurence Braithwait fil Tho : eodem die Nathaniell Magson fil fifranc August iij* Issabell Rigg fil George eode die Rowland fifleemeing alias Rawlinson x* Issabell Keene fil Willm Septemb"" xviij'*' Agnes Braithw fil Will xxiiij''' William Knype fil Arthur xxx* Michaell Holme alias Knype October v'*' Geo : Mackreth alias Richardson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. vvif^ Agnes Satterthwait fil Clem' xj* Issabell Mackreth fil Geo : xxij"* WiTlm Braithwait fil WilUm eode die Robt : Walker fil Myles November the ix'^ Margaret Braithwait fil Geo : xxix* John Tomlinson fil John eodem die Susan Holme fil Geo : December i* Ellin Mackreth fil Arthure x''^ Agnes ffisher fil John xiij* James ffrearson fil Robert xxiiij"' Elisabeth Sands fil Samuellis xxviij* Agnes Willson fil Richard January xxv'*' Myles Walker fil Regnald xxxj"^ Geo : Atkinson fil Willmi ffebruary vi*'' Thomas Atkinson fil Xpofer vij"" Christopher Sands fil Myles eodem die Willm Satterthwait fil Ja : xiij"' Ann Rawlinson fil Robert xv"" Agnes Sands fil Willm xxv''' Agnes Holme fil Regnald March vj* Ellenor Braithwait fil James vij"^ Dorothye Asshburner fil Adam X* John Asshburner fil Ric : xiiij'*^ Elisabeth Strickland fil James xx'^ Agnes Holme fil Michaell xxj'*^ Margaret Scales fil Rowland xxiij'^ Elisabeth Kirkbye fil Henrye NUPTI^ 1635 May xxv'*^ John Willson & Margaret Brockbanke iiij'*^ Arthure Mackreth & Margaret Mackreth July xij''' John Woodburne & Elisabeth Sands xxiij^'' Edward Braithwait & Issabell Brathw eodem die James ffell & Mabell Satterthw' eodem die John Holme & John Woodburne {sic) August ij"' Edw : Rigg and Agnes Rigg xvj''' Regnald Sands & Ellin Scales I go HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Septembf iij"' Willm Benson & Agnes Braithwait October xv* Thomas Benson & Elisabeth Sawrey xviij* William Sawrey & Thomasin Strickland eode die Richard Willson & Agnes Scales November xxix'^ Will : Satterthw' & Mary Rawlinson January xxiiij''' John Sawrey and Dorothy Braithw^ ffebruary vij'^ Will : Geernodd & Agnes Taylior XXV* Mathewe Banke & Elisabeth Dodsho SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxvj* puer abort David Sandys yonger XXX ux Geo : Sands in the Church May ij'*' Robert Taylior iiij'h William Braithwait in the Church eodem die Margaret Taylior fil Robert vij* John Townson xiiij* Alice Watterson XX* Agnes Satterthw' fil Tho : xxij* James Holme fil Geo xxix* William Braithw^ de Stotpke in Church June iij* William Killner xix* Jennett the wife of Thomas Rigg xxvj* Elisabeth Rigg fil Willm July xxvj* ux Thomas Townson XXX* Ric Sands of ffinstwait August xj* Nathaniell Magson fil ffranc in the Church xij* Richard Burrey Sept xxiij* Geo : Dixon fil Arthure October ix* William Satterthw' fil Tho : xiiij* Robert Brai : of Skellwith in ye Church xxij* Sibell the wife of Willm Braithwait in the Church XXX* puell abort Leonard Askewe November iij* ux Leonard Askew in the Church V* William Satterthw' fil Clem'. XV* ux Richard Penny in the Church HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 191 xxv'*' puell Geo : Rigg xxix* Rowland fflemeing alias Rawlinson December xiiij* ux William Braithwait January vij Henrie Banke ffebruary vj"' ux Geo : Braithwait in the Church xj* ux Myles Sawrey in the Church xviij'^ ux James Rigg de Sawrey XXV* Henrye Askew fil James in the Church March xij'^ John Askewe fil James in the Church xiij"' Christopher Taylior eldest in the Church xix* Dorothye Sands fil Tho : xxiiij"' Dorothye Kellat fil Xpofer BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOM 1636 Aprill iij* William Rigg fil Clement iiij'"' Elisabeth Sawrey fil John x"' Thomas Walker fil Xpofer May ij'*' John Sawrey fil Anthony xxix* Michaell Willson fil John June ij* Agnes Benson alias Dodshon xiij* Elline Taylior fil Xpofer xxvij* Dorothy Mackreth fil Nic July iij James Braithwaite fil Edward iiij Myles Rigg fil Willm vj''' Margarett Benson fil Willm xvij'^ Emmott Dodshon fil Thomas August 14 George Benson fil Tho: xxij* George Braithwait fil Geo : xxvj"' Mary Taylior fil Willm September xiiij* James Satterthwait fil Willm xxvj''' Elisabeth Kirkby alias fountaine October xvj"^ WilTm Rigg fil Edward • xxiiij* Willm Bowes fil M"" Bowes Novembi" Cicily Walker fil Gyles December v"' WilTm Townson fil Jo : xiiij"' Jennett Knype fil ffranc xviij'^ Edwyne Sandys fil Samuell 192 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxj"^ Ann Tompson fil John xxv''' Jane Mackrth fil Arthure January iij'^ John Suckmantle fil Jo : xvj'h Myles Braithwait fil Myles xviij"' Jane Kellatt fil Xpofer xxix''' Agnes Knype fil Geo : XXX* Grace Knotts fil James ffebruary v'^ Robert Braithwait fil WilTm code die Xpofer Rigg fil George xxvij'*' Elisabeth and Issabell fifisher fil Jo xxviij'^ Susann Sands fil Myles NUPTI^ 1636 June xxx"' William Banke and Margarett Ba . . . July iij* John Towers and Jennett Dodshonn x'l^ William Benson and Margarett Rigg xvij''' William Jackson and Elisabeth Mackreth xxj"' ffrancis Benson and Dorothy Braithw' xxiiij'^ George Knype and Issabell Walker October xvj"' Bryann Benson & Margarett Mackreth xxiij'*" Willm Satterthw' and Ellene Satterthw' November xiij'^ Anthony Satterthw' and Elisabeth .... * XXX* George Turner and Elsabeth Gurnell (?) SEPUTUR^ ANNO PREDICTO April! xvij* Elisabeth Kirkbye fil Henrye xix* George Killner fil Willm XX* Marie Braithwaite fil Thomas XXX* Henrie Kirkbye wife in the church eodem die George Braithwait fil Willm May ii* Willm Braithwaite fil WilTm vj* Christopher Sands fil Myles in the Church eodem die puella abort John Holme viij* Margarett Dodshon fil George * Edge of leaf frayed away. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 193 ix* Ann Braithwaite fil Willm xij* Thomas Tomlinson fil John xviij* WilHam Braithwaite fil Willm xxix'*^ Willm Mackreth fil John June ij* Elisabeth Sands filia Xpoferi in the Church iiij''^ Elisabeth Townson son of Willm x'h William Rigg son of John xij'-'i Elisabeth Mackreth fil Barnard xix''^ Willm Townson fil John eodem die Edward Harrison filius Edward XX* puell abort Robert Taylior xxij* Agnes Holme fil Regnald eodem die Agnes ffisher fil John xxv"^ Cicily the wife of Barnard Mackreth xxvij"' Susanna Suckmantle fil John July iiij"^ Thomas Harrison filius Edward vj* Michaell Suckmantle filius John eodem die Willm Satterthwait fil Clement vij"' ux George Walker de Coulthouse xj'*" Elisabeth Strickland fil James xij'^ ux Willm Holme in the Church eodem die puer abort Willm Sawrey xv''' James Taylior fil Richard de Lending drowned by a boate in windermere water xxiiij* George Holme miller eodem die Myles Braithwaite de Highe wrey XXV* Thomasin the wife of Willm Sawrey in Church xxviij* Edward Willsonn August iij* ux"" George Holme XV* Christopher Satterthwait fil James in Church xix* Christopher Holme fil Mic in Church XX* John Sawrey filius Anthony xxxj* Agnes Holme filius Michaell September iij* Hester Walker fil Regnald in Church xviij* ux Richard Taylior xxiiij* Emmott Bounas 14 194 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. October ij* James Satterthwait fil Willm iij* Issabell Jackson in the Church vij''' ux James Knype ix"' Dorothye Braithwait fil Willm xvj* Willm Braithwait de Grysdall November xj''' Mabell Robinson in the Church xvj^'^ ux Thomas Benson in the Church xvij'*' ux Robert Braithwait de Braithey xxviij"^ George Walker eodem die Dorothy Mackreth fil Nic : December iiij'^ Agnes Satterthwaite fil Edward V* George Holme X* ux Rowland Braithwaite in the Church xj* Agnes Blumer in the Church XX* Richard Hodshon in the Church xxxj* December Margarett fifisher January 5* John Suckmantle filius John vj'*" Richard Taylior viij* John Holme in the Church xij"" Myles Sawrey filius Willm in the Church ffebruary x'** Barnard Mackreth March ix* George Braithw fil Willm xxiiij''^ Issabell the wife of Mr. Magson in the Church 1637 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMI 1637 April ix"' William Holme filius John X* Agnes Mackreth filius Barnard xvij"* John Braithwaite fil John May i* Elisabeth Satterthwait fil Clement vij George Braithwait fil Willm xiiij"* Issabell Townson filius Willm xxj"^ Robert Harrison alias Lowkland June xviij'^ Jennett Satterthwait filius Willm eodem die George Dodshon filius George xxv''' Marfraret Mackereth fil Edwine HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 195 July i* John Askew fil James v'^ George et Samuell Mackreth fil Regnald xx"^ William Holme fil Michaell xxj''' Margarett Sands fil Oliver xxiij* ffrancis Sawrey fil Willm xxiiij* Willm Hodshon fil Richard August ix"^ Elisabeth Satterthwaite fil Edward xij''' John Satterthwaite fil John xiij* Ellene et Agne Sands fil Dauid XX* Issabell fforrest fil Edward xxvij''* Rowland Tomlinson fil Willm xxviij'^ Edward Braithwaite fil George September x* Margarett Higgin fil Richard xxj"' Willm Holme fil Edward XXV* Jane Holme fil Regnald eodem die Ann Rawlinson fil Willm October xv* Ellene Taylior filia Robert xxij Thomas Satterthwait fil Thomas xxix* Barnard Benson fil Bryam November xxvj* James Braithwaite fil Willm eodem die Christopher fifisher fil John XXX* Samuell Nicolson fil Nathaniell eode die Barbary Sawrey fil Henrye January i* Jennett Knype fil George eodem die Ann Taylior fil Willm ix* Dorothye Knype filia Petri xviij* Clement Satterthwaite filius Clement xxviij* Jane Rawlinson filia Robert ffebruary iiij* Agnes fflemeinge fil John v* John Braithwaite fil Willm xj* Salomon Sandys fil Samuell eodem die Willm Taylior fil Willm xviij* Robert Braithwaite fil George March v* William Knype fil Willm xj* Christopher Atkinson fil Willm xiiij* Edward Satterthwaite fil Clem* xvj* Elisabeth Strickland fil James 196 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xxx'^ John fflemeing & Elisabeth Barrowe May vij"" Thomas Satterthwaite & Margarett Braithw' July ij* Thomas Watson & Margaret Benson August vj'*' George Roberts and Elisabeth Scales September xvij''' James Keene & Elisabeth Dixonn October x'*' Willm Braithwaite & Barbary Sawry xv"' John ffisher & Katherine Braithw' xxix'*" Roger Walker and Dorothy Holm November ij"' Thomas Benson & Issabell Keene vij'*' Robert Taylior & Mary Assburner ix* Roger ffell & Issabell Taylior xxviij'*' James Birket & Hester Sands SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill XV* John Braithwaite de Sawrey eodem die George Satterthwaite fil Edward XX* Towsie or Balthazer Puthpker in the Church xxj* Willm Rigg in ye Church July iiij* Margaret Banke filia Roberte xviij* Robert Satterthwaite in the Church XXV* EUine Braithwaite fil James xxvij* ux^" George Taylior de Ploumegreene in the Church, killed by a bull Auguste vij* ux"" Charles Taylior xiiij* Alice Robinson fil Edward XXX* Elisabeth Satterthwait fil Edward September iij* Agnes Newtonn de Skellwith viij* Edward Taylior de Watersyde eodem die Agnes Sandys fil Dauid xxj* Ellene Sandys fil Dauid XXV* Elisabeth Satterthwaite fil Clem' xxix* Issabell Rigg fil John October vij* Anthony Walker xxij* Margarett Banke fil Richard November i* William Holme fil Edward viij* William Sawrey fil Anthony HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 197 xj* ux"" ffrancis Knype de Coniston xij'*' puell abort George Holme xxj'^ puella abort George Jacksonn xxvj* wife of Edward Braithw' in Church December i* Robert Wilson de Crosslands January i'^ Edward Mackreth fil Edwine ij'** queene of Clappersgate iij''^ puell abort Richard Penny vj* John Satterthwaite filius John xiij* Sibell Braithwaite in the Church xxvij'*' ux^ Edward Satterthw* in Church xxviij'^ Richard Banke of Coniston fifebruary vj* Wilfm Satterthw' of Sawrey in Church xv'*" William Taylor fil William xx'*" a Creple from ffieldhead xxj''' puella abort Thomas Satterthw^ March j'^ Samuell Mackreth fil Regnald in Church iijth Willm Satterthw' de Coulthouse finis hujus Anni 1637 BAPTIZATIONES 1638 March xxvj"' Agnes Harrison fil Edward eodem die Agnes Holme fil George Aprill i* Dorothye Sawrey fil Myles viij"' Ellener Benson fil Robert xv''' Edward Sawrey fil Anthony xvj'^ William Braithwaite fil Edward xxij* Ellene ffisher fil John xxx"" Grace Mackreth fil Willm June xxj* John Dodgson fil Thomas xxiiij"' John Satterthwaite filius James July xj"^ Thomas Keene filius James August ix"' Thomas Sands filius ffrancis eodem die Thomas Assburner filius Adam xij"' George Knype filius Arthure xxvij'^ John Satterthwaite fil Anthony HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. September ij"^ Issabell Holme fil George de Arnesyde xij"^ Balthazer Puthpker filius Symond xvj* Margarett Sands fil Thomas xvij* William Wilson fil John xxix"^ Dorothye Braithwaite fil George October xxj"' Issabell Turner filius George xxij'^ Margaret Braithwaite fil James November xx"' Will : Jackson filius George xxv"" Hester Walker fil Christopher December ij* Michaell Dixonn fil Arthure eodem die Elisabeth Sawrey fil Anthony xxvij"' Cicily Mackreth fil George January i''^ Susanna Satterthwaite fil John eodem die Elisabeth Atkinson fil George vj'*' Agnes Rigg fil Edward eodem die Margaret Satterthwaite fil Clem' ffebruary iij* George Rigg filius Clement xxiiij'^ Issabell Tomlinson fil John xxvij'^ Agnes Benson fil Willm March ij* Marye Warde filia Robert iiij'^ Mabell Benson fil Bryan vij'^ Dorothye Grigg fil Arthure x''' John Suerte fil John March xj* Dauid Walker fil Regnald xvij* Gyles Walker fil Gyles eodem die Elisabeth Knype fil George eodem die Elisabeth Walker fil Roger eodem die Agnes Robinson fil Eduard eodem die Myles Dickson filius John XX* Thomas Taylior fil Xpofer eodem die Xpofer Sands fil Regnald NUPTI^ ANNO 1638 Aprill xxij'^ Arthure Grigg & Jane Keene June x'h William Sawrey and Hester Sands xxiiij* Edward Robinson & Issabell Tomlinson xxv'^ Myles Harrison and Emmott Braithw HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 199 xxvij* Cuthbert Dodgson & Dorothye Benson July viij**" Thomas Sands and Ellene Knype xj'^ John Satterthw and Dorothye Benson November xiiij* George Braithwaite & Margarett Braithw xxv'*" Charles Williamson & Issabell Holme SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxv'*' Robert Braithwaite fil George xxvj'^ puella aborta George Holme Aprill vj* puer et puella abort Edward Satterthwaite xiij'^ Christopher Kellatt xvj'*' Margaret Scale fil Rowland xvij* George Benson fil Arthure in ye Church xix'*" ux"" Edward Barrowe nup de Cartmell xxix'*' George Mackreth fil Regnald in ye Church May v'** John Harrison fil John xxij'*" ux^ Christopher Holme in the Church June vj"" puella abort Willm Braithwaite September iij'*' ux'" William Taylior xxix"* ux"" Nicolas Turner October xxj* Rowland Scale de Thwaiteheade xxij Thomas Keene fil James xxix"^ ux"^ Clement Rigg in the Church November xv"* ux"" William Walker xxvj"" ux"^ John Blumer December i'^ John Rigg de highewrey xxj* ux'' Robt Taylior de Ploumegreene in templo January iij''' Agnes Townson fil Willm in templo fifebruary xvj"^ William Satterthwaite in the Church xix'*^ Ellene Jopson xxvij'*" ux"" Anthony Higgin March ix* Richard Higgin xx''' ^xyJ Christopher Taylior iri the Church xxij''^ puella abort Cuthbert Hodgshon finis hujus Anni 1638 D HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO 1639 Aprill ith William Banke fil WilTm eodem die Mary Strickland fil Thomas ij'h Mabell Atkinson fil Anthony xxjtb Margaret Mackreth fil Regnald May v'l^ William Braithwaite and ind ") hi 3 Robert Braithwaite filii ^ eodem die Thomas Rigg fil John eodem die Barbary Sawrey fil John xijtii Margarett Sands fil Dauid June ixtb John Braithwaite fil Willm xviijth Ellenor Satterthwaite fil Edward xxx'h William Braithwaite fil Willm eodem die Barbary Benson fil Thomas July xxij'h Samuell Sands fil Oliuer August v't^ Katherine Braithwaite fil Thomas xviij'b Edward Braithwaite fil Willm xxiiij"^ Myles ffrearson fil Robert xxv"^ Robert Taylior fil Willm September xv'i> Elisabeth Holme fil Michaell xvj"^ Issabell Knype alias Storie xxjth William Braithwaite fil Geo : xxiijtb Myles ffisher fil John October ij"^ Elisabeth Atkinson fil Xpofer vij"^ Edward Braithwaite fil Willm eodem die Hodshon fil Jeoffrey* xiijt'i Issabell Keene fil James xviij**^ Anne Wrighte fil Edward xxt^i Thomas Gamlion fi ffrancis xxviij'*^ William Crosfyeld fil James November x"^ William Dawson fil John December v^^ Susanna Bowes fil John January xij"^ Thomas Sands fil Samuell eodem die Issabell Bateman fil Will : xxvj'b Agnes Atkinson fil Willm * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 2c ffebruary ix'h William Dodshon fil George xvj'h Anthony Kiiype fil ffranc xxjth Elisabeth Banke fil Willm xxijih Margarett Braithwait fil John xxiijth Elisabeth Rawlinson fil Robert eodem die Myles Mackreth fil Nicolas eodem die Agnes Willson fil John March '-^"^ Thomas Benson fil Willm eodem die Margarett Braithwaite fil Willm viijt'^ Anthony Sawrey fil Wilfm xv''' Edward Sawrey fil Willm eodem die Agnes Mackreth alias Dixonn NUPTI^ 1639 June xxx'^ Jeoffrey Hodgson & Elisabeth Holme September xv^^ Richard Kellatt & Elisabeth Townson October xx'^ Anthony Higgin & Issabell Wilson November v''^ John Postlethwaite & Mary Sands xxiiijth Rowland Townson and Barbary Rigg January xxvj'h John ffrearson & Margarett Sands xxix^h Thomas Higgin & Katherine Sands M^ that in the said yeare in Sumer tyme John Robinson and Margarett Rigg William Braithw' and Elisabeth Sawrey John Longmyre and Issabell ffrearson were all marryed oute of this pyshe SEPULTURE ANNO DOMI 1639 March the xxix'^ Anthony Satterthwaite in templo Aprill ij'h ux"" George Braithwaite in templo May iiij'h William Taylior de Satterthwaite viij'h Edward Satterthwaite in templo eodem die ux'' John Braithwaite in templo x'h Lyonell * Braithwaite fil Thomas xvj'^ George Satterthwaite de Thwaite mosse xix''" Agnes Rigg fil Robert * "Lyonell" is inserted in another hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. June viij'h William Taylior de finstwaite in tcmplo \&^ Thomas Taylior fil Xpofer eodem die John Suert fil John xxix^b James Strickland fil Tho : in templo July iiijth John ffisher fil John xviij* fil aborta Edward Holme xix'h John Satterthwaite fil Antho : in templo xxvij'h uxi" Rowland Scale August viij"^ ux"^ Christopher Rigg in templo xxij"^ puell abort Arthure Mackreth xxiiij"^ puer abort Robert fTrearson September i"i Robert Taylior fil Willm xxvij'h John Wilson de Crosselands October xxv'i^ Elsabeth the wife of George Braithw* de Tockhowe killd with the fall of a horses November xvij"^ John Satterthwaite fil George xviij''^ Regnald Walker Junior in the Church December viij"^ John Dodgson fil Thomas xiiij"! ux'" John Kirkbye de Rusland xxvij'h ux"" Rowland Taylior in the Church xxix* fifrancis Bankc in the Church xxxj'b George Braithwaite son of Geo : in templo January xvij'^' William Rigg pyper xviijtb Robert Braithwaite fil Willm xxiij'h puer abort Willm Taylior de finstwaite xxiiijt'^ Willm Braithwaite fil George eodem die ux"" John Taylior de fifinstwt in Church xxix'h Willm Jackson in the Church fifebruary v''^ Susanna Satterthwaite fil John eodem die Jane Banke fil Richard xijt'^ Jennett Taylior xvijt'' puell abort James Braithwaite xxj'^i puell abort Arthure Mackreth March vj'*^ Elisabeth Sawrey fil Anthony xx'fi Elisabeth Mackreth HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 203 eodem die Mabell Turner xxijf'i Margarett Holme finis hujus Anni 1639 Registered by George Rigg as followeth * BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMI 1640 March xv'h Susana Satterthwaite fil John Aprill s^h Thomas Townson fil Rowland vj'^ Dorothye Braithwaite fil William eodem die Richard fiforest fil Edward vij"^ Agnes Braithwaite Suposed fil James xij'*^ Margarett Rigge fil George xix'h Mary Satterthwaite fil John May i'h James Mackreth fil Edwine yif^ George Holme fil Geo : de Arnesyde June xiiij* Issabell Mackreth fil Barnard xvj* William Rawlinson fil Willm xx'^ William Braithwaite fil George eodem die George Satterthwaite fil George July V* Samuell Satterthwaite fil John xxv'^ Richard Hodgson fil Cuthbert August xxvj'h George Braithwaite fil Edward September vj'^ Margaret Townson fil Willm xxj'h Henery Askewe fil James eodem die John Turner fil Willm xxv^h Thomas Suckmantle fil John xxx'i^ John Dixon alias Brockbanke October v'^ George Braithwaite fil Willm xxiiij'^'i Issabell Assburner fil Adam eodem die Elisabeth alias Hudson f November iij* Thomas Knipe fil Arthure eodem die Dorothye Satterthwaite fil Thomas ixth Margarett Rigge fil George * This is the first time the registrar is mentioned. The handwriting changes here, and the ink is much faded. f The first surname omitted. 204 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xx*i* John Knipe fil Willm xxij* Edward Harrison fil Edward November xxvj''^ Samuell Wright fil Edward xxx"^ Samuell Sands fil ffrancis September vj^'' John Nickolson fil Nathaniell vijth Robert Kellatt fil Richard eodem die Margarett Dodshon alias Sands XX* Ellenor Benson fil Bryam xxx"^ Rich Holme and Thomas Holme fil Regnald January vj'"^ William Walker fil Gyles xxxj* Margarett Keene fil William ffebruary vij*"^ Barbary Braithwaite fil Willia xiiij* Thomas Tayler fil William xvj* Issabell Mackreth fil Arthure xxj'h George Assburner fil Richard xxviijth Thomas Hodgson fil Richard March xv^'i William Sawrey fil Anthony xxij'h Marye Turner fil Henery NUPTI.E ANNO PR^DICTO June xvj* Christopher Rigge and Elisabeth Rigge July xij'h William Mackreth and Agnes Benson xxvj* Robert Rigge and Elisabeth Satterthwaite eodem die Robert Rigge and Ann Kirkby August xxiij'h George Rigge and Elisabeth Satterthwaite eodem die James Holme and Elisabeth Sawrey December viij"^ Myles Walker and Elisabeth Rowenson ffebruary vij"' John Borwicke and Jane Clarke xiiij'h John Jackson and Elisabeth Tomlinson xvj* William Tompson and Jane Braithwaite married at Patterdall SEPULTURE ANNO PR^DICTO Aprill iij'** Edwarde Dixonne vijth Margarett Satterthwaite fil Edward xvij"^ Issabell Bateman fil William HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 205 xxj'h Christopher Sands fil Regnald May vij'h Alice Suert fil John xijt'^ uxo"^ Arthure Grigge xvij'h Thomas Assburner fil Adam xxixt'i Agnes Atkinson fil William xxxi'h James Walker de Daleparke June v"^ Anthony Mackreth in the Church vij"^ Margarett Rigge fil George x'h Mary Satterthwaite fil John xix'h Lenard Benson fil Tho : in the Church xxj'b Myles Sawrey in the Church eodem die John Russell in the Church xxiijth Myles ffrearson fil Robert xxvij'^' Edward Wilson de Roger Riddinge July xxiiijt'^ Thomas Hoodgson xxxj'h Margarett Mackreth August xviij''^ uxo'' Clement Holme in templo September xx''^ James Turner xxiijth uxor Willm Turner in the Church xxiiijth Agnes Braithwaite suposed fill James (?) * October vij'^ Elisabeth Greenuppe fil John eodem die puella abort John ffrearson x'h Christopher Tayler fil William xxix'h Joseph Scale fil Edward in the Church November xiiij"^ uxo"" Willm Mackreth in the Church xxj'*^ John fifisher of Haukeshead xxviij"^ Alexander Tomlinson December x"^ uxo"" Rowland Wilson xxviij'^ Edward Braithwaite fil George xxx'h puer abort Robert Benson January ij'h Thomas Holme fil Regnald viijth John Robinson in the Church \yS^ John Rigge of Haukeshead xvijth Samuell Wright fil Edward xviiijth Edward Tayler * Leaf bound in. 2o6 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxv"^ Symond Putpker in the Church xxvii^ti Clare Benson til Tho : in the Church xxixth WilTia Mackreth fil Michaell ffebruary xvij'^ William Taylor of Satterthw' xviij**^ Barbary Braithwaite fil William in temple xxj"^ James Tayler fil Willm xxiij"^ ffrances Sands March iij''^ Lenord Holme BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOM 1641 March xxviij'^'^ George Knipe fil George xxix'i' Willia Walker fil Xpofer Aprill iiijt'^ Issabell Burnes fil Edward eodem die Jane Bateman fil Willm V* Ellenn Warde fil Robert xijth Willm Penny fil Richard xxvj* Robert Braithwaite fil James eodem die Mary Holme fil George May ijt^ Elisabeth Robinson fil John de Dalepke ix'h Dorothye Banke fil Willm eodem die Ann Sands fil Regnald eodem die Robert Tayler fil Willm June vij"i Myles Suert fil John xiiij''^ Agnes Holme fil Edward xxvij* Samuell Atkinson fil Willm i'li John Sawrey son of Myles July iiijtti Thomas Mackreth fil Willm xxv^ii Grace Sands fil Samuell August xxii'h Margaret Holme fil George xxix* John Mackreth fil John xxxjth Margarett Braithwaite and Agnes Braithwaite fil Willm de Sawrey September xixt'^ WilTm Rigge fil George xxv'ii Issabell Higgin fil Thomas October iijt'^ WilTm Grigg fil Arthure x"^ Susann Strickland fil Thomas HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 207 xjih James Braithwaite fil George xvij'ti Dorothye Satterthwaite fil Clement November vijti^ Ann Holme fill Michaell xxjth Thomas Braithwaite fil WilTm eodem die Agnes Rigge fil George xxviijth Ellene ffrearson fil Robert December xix^h Willm fifrearson fil John eodem die Ann Russell xxjth Elsabeth Sands fil Oliver xxvijtb Mary Rawlinson fil Robert January xvij'h Dorothye Wilson fil John xixth — Wright fil Edward '^ xx'h John Atkinson fil George xxiijth Thomas Benson fil WTTlm xxx'h Barbary Braithwaite fil WiUm eodem die Thomas Banke fil WilTm fTebruary ij'h Cicily Knipe fil George vjth Elisabeth Borwicke fill John vijth Margarett fflemeinge fil Myles ffebruary xx'*' Cuthbert Hodgson fil Jeefifrey eodem die Agnes Satterthwaite fil Clement eodem die Margarett Satterthwaite fil Willm March xjth Elisabeth Satterthwaite fil John NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO July xj"^ Robert Bare and Sara Mitchell August x'h George Dickson and Ellene Towers October x'h Willm Braithwaite and Agnes Satterthw^ xxxj'ii James Dodgson and Margarett Sands November xviij* Wilfm Braithw' and Margarett Mackreth No Christian name given. 2o8 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xvth Jane Bateman fil William March xijth 1640 Robert Parke of Torver drowned hard beneath Ambleside and found at Windermer Watterhead and brought to Haukeshead to be buryed the i''' day of May 1641 : May xxiijth Issabell Mackreth fil Arthure xxix'h John Tayler de ffinsthwaite July xxijth Mary Turner fil Henery August xvth Margarett Holme October iij'h Elisabeth Strickland fil James xviijth Elisabeth Pennington xxviij"^ James Braithwaite of Crofthead eodem die Issabell Higgin fil Thomas November x^h Henery Askewe fil James in the Church December xiijth George Holme fil Cuthbert January xxx^h Xpofer Rigge de Haukeshead in templo ffebruary xxvt*i ux^ Edward Tayler March iij'h Jacob Sawrey BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMI 1642 ffebruary xix^i^ Robert Skoreinge fil Robert eodem die John Braithwait fil William eodem die John Benson fil Willm xxvj"i Hester Sawrey fil William xxvijtii James Keene fil James eodem die Rigge fil Edward* March iiij*"^ Lucie Turner fil Henery •xXf^ John ffisher fil John xixth George Benson fil Bryam xx^h ffrancis Braithwaite fil Willm xxiiij'^ George Holme fil Cuthbert xxviij''* Willm Braithwaite fil George * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 209 Aprill iijt'i Mabell Benson fil Robert xjth Mary Rawlinson fil Willm May viijih Issabell Jackson fil George xx'J^ Dorothye Braithwaite fil Willm eodem die Robert Dodgson alias * xxix* Rigge fil Clementf July xth Jane Jackson fil Thomas xvij"^ Rowland Braithw' fil Thomas August i'h Willm Holme fil George iiijt'i Myles Sawrey fil Willm xiiijth Agnes Todd fil Johannis September v'^i Elizabeth Mackreth fil George xj'ii Dorothy Sands fil Samuell xij"=' Margarett Dixson fil John xiijtti Agnes Holme fil Xpdfer October xxvj'^ Willm Sawrey fil John November ix''^ Ellene Atkinson fil Anthony xx'i^ Ann Bare fil Robert xxiiijth Myles Sawrey son of ffrancis xxviijtii Agnes Dodgshon fil George xxxt'^ Margarett Braithwaite fil Edward eodem die Ann Bateman fil Willm December iiij"^ Willm Braithwaite fil Willm eodem die Thomas Townson fil John xjtb Thomas Kellatt fil Richard xvjth John Walker alias Addison January xj"^ Dorothy Mackreth fil Willm xx'"^ or xv'h Agnes Braithwaite fil Willm xxij''^ Agnes Johnson fil John xxx*^!^ Willm Townson fil Rowland ffebruary viij't" Daniell Mackreth fil Regnald * The alias surname omitted, t No Christian name given. 15 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO June v^"^ John Todd and Margarett Braithwaite xxiiij"^ Arthure Rigge and Alice Puthpker xxix'ti John Johnson and Agnes Jackeson July xvj"i Edward Rigge and Ellene Rigge August iiij^'^ John Braithwaite and Dorothie Braithw' November xx'^^ John Knipe and Elisabeth Rigge xxiiij''^ Christopher Tayler and Elisabeth Walker December xj^i^ Robert Tayler and Katherine Vicars January xxij'"^ John Garth and Elisabeth Braithw' SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO. Aprill v"^ Barbary Sawrey in the Church xvj'i^ Regnald Walker of Croslands in Church May iiij''^ uxo'' Bryam Braithwaite xv"^ puell abort Willm Dodgson xvjt'' Agnes Atkinson fil Robert xvijt'i Robert Knipe in the Church xxv"> uxo"" Thomas Rigge of Churchsteele June xij'i^ the wife of Thomas Rawlinson in Church July xj"^ Robert Braithwaite fil James xvj"^ Agnes Braithwaite fil George xxvj'^'^i Agnes Rigge of Satterthw' George Knipe son of George xxx^h uxo"" James Jackson in the Church xix''^ Willm Crosfield fil James December vj"^ uxo'' Robert Tyson xxj"^ Jennet Banke xxvj''' uxo'' Christopher Holme xxx"^ George Noble January iij^h uxo^ Christopher Tayler in the Church vij"^ James Braithw' of Tockhow in Church xij"^ uxo"" George Dodgson eodm die uxo' Geo : Satterthw' de Thwaite mosse xvj"^ Margarett Satterthw' fil Charles in the Church HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 211 ffebruary j^h Elisabeth Satterthw' fil George iijt'i Issabell Tayler the wife of Willm of Satterthwaite vijt'^ Ellene Scale fil Rowland eodm die Agnes Braithw' fil Willm ix* Agnes Suert fil John March iij* Mary Walker fil W™ in ye Church vj'h Susan the wife of Allan Nickolson in the quire xiiijth George Asburner fil Richard BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMI 1643 March xxv'^i Agnes ffisher fil John Aprill xij'*' Ellene Nicolson fil Nathaniell xvj'h Issabell Dixson fil John XX Mabell Mackreth fil William xxiij'^'i William Walker fil Roger xxx"i Ellene Robinson fil Barnard May xv'^ Susann Satterthwaite fil John xxijt'i Alexander Wright fil Edward xxjt'^ Elisabeth Knipe fil Arthure June xviij'^ George Knipe fil William xxvj"^ Willm Rigge fil Edward August vj"^ Agnes Hodshon fil Cuthbert xxviij't' William Sands fil Myles eodem die Thomas Rawlinson fil Robert xxxj'^ Thomas Rigge fil Arthure September x'^ George Borwicke fil John xvij'^ Agnes Knipe fil John eodem die Margarett Penny fil Richard xviij"^ William Rigge fil John xxj'^ Agnes fforest fil Edward xxiiij'"^ Jane Tayler fil Xpofer eodem die Regnald Mackreth fil Edward October vij"^ Dorothie ye daughf of Lancelott Newton de Munck Conistone viij'^ Ann Pennington fil Robert HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxix"i Elisabeth Sawrey fil Anthony November xvjt^ Thomas Benson fil Barnard eodem die George Rigge fil James xxj*"! Agnes Rigge fil William xxx'ii Elizabeth Mackreth fil Barnard December xvij'^' Elisabeth Russell fil Charles xxvij'*^ Margarett Braithwaite fil Willm January x'^ George Braithwaite fil George xiiijth WilTm Braithwaite fil WilTm xxij'*' John Holme fil George ffebruary ij'h Henery Dixonne fil Arthure v'h Willm Satterthwaite fil Thomas March i'^ Issabell Sawrey fil Anthony iij"^ Edward Braithwaite fil William vjth Margarett Ashton fil George xvij'*' Willm Strickland fil Francis xxiiij'ti Mary Knype fil ffrancis NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May xiiij'h John Crossfield and Jennett Satterthwaite June xiij'h Willm Rigge and Elisabeth Sands July xxvj^h Edward Sawrey and Elisabeth Braithwaite September xix*'^ Edward Jackson and Margarett Sawrey xxv"^ Edward Rigge and Ellene Sawrey November xij''^ Willm Rigge and Ann Sands January xvij''' Willm Tayler and Elisabeth Rigge ffebruary xix"^ WiTTm She... all and Margarett Thornburgh xx'i^ Willm Warde and Mabell Braithwaite SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO. March xxv"' uxoi^ Robert Crosfield eodem die uxo'' Peter Knipe xxix"^ William Dodshon Aprill iij^^ Katherine Williamson xj«h Dority Braithwaite the wife of Willm in Church HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 213 xij''' uxo"" Nathaniel! Nicolson in the quire xxx^t" Thomas Aighton fil Robert May x'^ uxC Edward Rigge in the Church xviijth John Braithwaite of Skwith in Church eodem die Thomas Strickland in the Church xix* Agnes ffisher fil John xxviij"^ Clement Holme in the Church xxx*"^ Elisabeth Mackreth fil George June v'ti Elisabeth Jopson fil Willm in Church vij^'' Ellene fifisher xiiij'*^ puer abort Willm Atkinson xx'h uxo'' Robert Wilson xxv'^ Edward Rigge fil Edward xxviij'^'^ Margarett the wife of John Jackson July iiijt"^ uxo"" George Sands xx'*' Robert Crosfield xxx'^ uxo"" James Braithwaite of Baraithej^ August xix'h John Walker fil Edward xx^'^ Thomas Scale fil James September xij''^ puer et puella abort Georgii Holme xix'"^ Thomas Rawlinson fil Robert in the Church October xx'^ Willm Tayler of Daleparke November ix'*^ Willm Rigge fil John xiiij'h puella abort Robert Satterthwaite xxv'h uxo"" Charles Rigge December iijt^ Willm Tayler of Ploumegreen in ye Church iiij* Arthure Benson in the Chancell xvjth WilTm Walker fil William xviij* George Mackreth de Outyeate January v* uxo'' Bryam Mackreth ffebruary ix* Agnes ffleminge fil Myles xjth Willm Scale fil Rowland xij'h John Benson fil William in the Church xxiij* Issabell Scale fil Rowland March \\\\^^ John Rigge in the Church 2 14 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. eodem die puella abort Willm Tomlinson yth John Asburner vjth John Tayler vijth Elisabeth Satterthwaite fil John BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOM 1644 July xxviij"^ Margarett Hodshon fil Richard xxix* James Braithwaite fil WiiTm eodem die Margarett Mackreth fil Willm xxxj"^ Margarett Braithwaite fil William August xj'h James Ashburner fil Richard xviij"' Willm Sawrey fil Edward XXV'*' Mary Bare fil Robert September i''' Christopher Tayler fil WilTm xvij* Wilkn Tayler fil William xxij* John Rigge fil Willm xxiij'h Willm Hohne fil Nickolas eodem die Margarett Higgin fil Thomas xxix"' Thomas Rawlinson fil Robert November xvij'^ Willm Beck fil Willm eodem die Margarett Wilson fil Richard xxiiij'h Robert Tayler son of Robert eodem die Elizabeth Shenton fil Willm xxvij'*> Christopher Tayler fil Christopher de December viij'^ Jane Wilson fil John January xiij'^ George fifisher fil John eodem die Hester Sawrey fil WilTm xxvij'^ Jane Braithwaite fil George ffebruary xvj* Thomas Benson fil Robert eodem die Willm Elletson fil George xxiij'h John Braithwaite fil Willm xxvj* George Benson fil Robert xxviij'*" Thomas Satterthwaite fil Clement March vj* Agnes Townson fil Rowland xxj'** Benson fil William * * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 215 More Christenings added to the pi'sent yeare 1646 Aprill vij'^ Willm Sands fil Olivere eodem die Elizabeth Walker fil Gyles xiiij'*^ George Rigge fil George xxij* Elizabeth Atkinson fil Willm xxiiij'*^ John ffisher son of John xxvj"" Elisabeth Clarke alias Satterthw* xxix"' Ann Satterthwaite fil Thomas xxx"' George Braithwaite fil Willm May i'^ ffrancis Banke fil WilTm vj* Thomas Holme fil Michaell viij* Barbary Mackreth fil Willrn May xii"" Dorothye Braithwaite fil Willm xiij^'^ Mary Rigge fil Edward xix'*' Willm Mackreth fil Nickolas edem die Issabell Atkinson fil Xpofer xxij"' Michaell Holme fil Edward xxvj'^ John Satterthwaite fil George eodem die Elizabeth Sands fil Willm June V* John Braithwaite fil Edward vij* Elizabeth Sands fil Thomas xxij"^^ Willm Satterthwaite fil John xxx"" Mabell Crosfield fil John eodem die Richard Burro we fil Richard July xxj'*" Ann Rawlinson NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO fifebruary vj'^ William Mackreth and Margarett ffell x'h Robert Rigge and Margarett Rigge SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill xij"' William Sands fil Oliver eodem die Elizabeth Walker fil Gyles March xxvij'*' James Tayler in Church Aprill iij''' Thomas Rigge fil John xiiij''' Wilkn Braithwaite fil Willm 2i6 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxj"^ Edward Braithwaite fil WilTm xxxj* Willm Robinson May xix'h Margarett Braithwaite fil William xxijth Elisabeth Banke fil Willm June i'h Rowland Scale of Lighthowe eodem die Elisabeth Sands fil Oliver xiiij* Elisabeth Walker fil Willm in ye Church XV* puell abort Clement Rigge puell abort Clement Rigge xvj Richard Sawrey fil Jacob July vij''^ Issabell Jackson fil George xj"' James Knipe fil Peter xij* Margarett Braithwaite fil Edward xv"^ John fifisher fil John August vij* uxo"" Jeefi-ey Hodshon XV* uxor ffrancis Banke in the Church xvj* Agnes Burrowe fil Richard XX* uxo"^ George Satterthwaite xxj* Thomas Townson fil Rowland September i* Issabell Dixonne xxx* Thomas Rawlinson fil Robert in ye Church October xiij* Dorothie ffleminge fil Myles November vj* George Sands in the quire XV* Thomas Townson fil John xxix* John Scale fil Thomas vup'd * December viij* Ed wine Mackreth xiij* Willm Satterthwaite fil John January xxiiij* John Turner ffebruary xij* Willm Mackreth fil Nicolas xxij* William Watterson March xj* uxo"^ Rowland Townson xij* uxor Willm Braithw' in the Church xxviij* George Townson fil John xxiiij* Robert Asburner in ye Church Probably meant for " supd " = "supposed.' HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 217 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOM: 1645: March xxvj* Elisabeth Townson fil . Willm xxxj* Robert ffrearson fil . David Aprill X*'' Elisabeth Jackson fil . George xviij* Margarett Knipe fil . George May xj* Agnes Warde fil . WiUm xxiij"* Alice et , ,, ^. , fil . Clement de fieldhead Issabell Rigge xxyj"- Margaret Mackreth fil . WilTm June i'^ Agnes Braithwaite fil . Edward ix'^ Thomas ffrearson fil . John July XXV* Clement Rigge fil . Robert August iij* Ellizabeth Braithwaite fil . John iiij* Edward Rigge fil . Edward xvij'** Prudence Tayler fil . Willm September iij'^ Jane Braithwaite fil . Adam iiij'*^ Elizabeth Benson fil . Bryam vij'h Myles Walker fil . Xpofer xxvij"" Ann Addison fil . John xxviij* Willm Sands fil . Samuell xxix"' Daniell Rawlinson fil Robert October i* Thomas Knipe fil . Peter ij"" Agnes Benson fil . William v"' Daniell Knipe fil . Arthure x'*" Willm Braithwaite fil . Thomas xij* Christopher Pennington fil . Edw : de Bandrighead xx''' Daniell Turner fil . Henery xxiiij'*' Margarett Rigge fil . George November xxviij* Dorothye ffrearson fil . Robert eodem die Agnes * Benson fil . Thomas eodem die Issabell Braithw* fil . Willia December xxvj'*" Richard Penny fil . Richard January iij'*' Robert fifisher fil . John xj* James Braithwaite fil . Willm * " Agnes " is lined through and " Issabell " written above in another hand. 2i8 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xij* George Satterthwaite fil . Thomas xiij'h Margarett Satterthw' fil . Robert ffebruary xiij"' Roger Sands fil . ffrancis March xvj''> John Tayler fil . Xpofer eodem die Dorothye Keene fil . James xxj'*" Ellene Russall fil . Charles eodem die Thomas Banke fil . John NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO: Aprill xxiiij'h ffrancis Sands and Ann Borwicke xxvij* John Braithwaite and Dorothye Rigge May V* Adam Braithwaite et Margarett Rigge August xxxj* Myles Sands and Rebecka Sands November iij''' Thomas Rigge and Elisabeth Knipe September viij* Symond Rigge et Margarett Walker SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO: Aprill iiij"' George Satterthwaite wife whoe hanged her selfe in her owne house vij'** George Knipe fil WilTm ix'^ Richard Wright in the Church xxj''' Braithwaite fil William * xxiij"' uxo"" James Walker xxiiij''' Robert ffrearson de Grysdall May i'*" uxo'' Arthur Grigge xxiij"' puella abort Clement Rigge June v'^ uxo"" John Braithwaite in ye Church vj'*' Regnald Holme eodem die Edward Rigge ix''' filius Willmi xxix* W™ : Walker of Hauxshead feild in ye Church July xxv'^ Barnard Mackreth of ye Outyeate August vij"' William Lindoe eodem die Thomas Braithwaite of Brathey * The Christian name omitted, t Neither Christian nor surnames given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 219 xj'^ Thomas Satterthwaite in ye Church xxix* uxC James Walker September xiij* uxC James Rigge younger in the Church October xij'*" Prudence Tayler fil Willm November xviij''' ux'' Willm Knipe and abort in the Church December xj"" Willm Scale fil Robert xviij'*' uxo'' Willm Lindoe in the Church xx"" uxo'^ Christopher Borowe in the Church January iij*'' Willm Braithwaite fil Myles in ye Church viij* uxor Willm Benson in the Church X* uxor John Dodgshon in the Church ffebruary vi'*> uxC Adam Banke in the Church xviij* Willm Riddhead \ xxiij''' uxor John Robinson found dead ) ( betwixt Graythwt and Dalepke ( finis hujus Anni 1645. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOM 1646 March xxviij'^ Sybell Rigge fil . Willm Aprill i* George Satterthwaite fil . Willm x'^ Grace Sands fil . Adam xij"' James Penington fil . Robert May xj"^ Katherine Robinson fil . Barnard eodem die Dorothye Sawrey fil . John June i'*" Dorothye Sawrey fil . Willm eodem die Robert Rigge fil . Robert ij* fifrancis Benson fil Barnard xxvij* Hester Sands fil . Myles July xxij* Elizabeth Ellison fil . George August iij''' Agnes Mackreth fil . Willm v''' Agnes Grigg fil . Arthure xxiiij'^ Anthony Sawrey fil . Anthony September xiiij"' Agnes Satterthw' fil . Thomas eodem die Elizabeth fforest fil . Edward xviij'^ Bryam Braithw* fil . Thomas eodem die Agnes Walker fil . Gyles HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. October iiij* James Braithwaite fil . George November ix"' Richard Knipe fil . George eodem die Dorothye Bateman fil Willm xvij'*' Willm Rigge fil . William xxij* William Benson fil . Robert xxx'*" Agnes Rigge fil . Symond eodem die Ellene Tayler fil Willm December viij''' Agnes Satterthw* fil George xx^'' Bryam Mackreth fil . William xxj* Christopher Tayler fil Robert xxiij'^ Thomas Rigge fil . Thomas January i'^ Susann Tayler fil . Willm xvij* Ellene Satterthw' fil . Clement eodem die Agnes Satterthw^ fil . John xxiij* Willm Rigge fil . Arthure ffebruary vij''' Edward Braithw' fil William eodem die Thomas Braithw' fil Willm viij* Margarett Braithw' fil . John xiiij'** Willm Benson fil . Thomas eodem die Katharine Dodgshon fil . George eodem die Anne Rigge fil . James xxj'^ Thomas Braithwaite fil . George xxiiij''' Willm Braithw' fil . Adam March vij'^ Mary Sawrey fil . William eodem die George Braithwaite fil . Willm viijt'i Willm Braithw' fil . John de Lancaster eodem die Issabell Sands alias Strickland xv"' Thomas Rigge fil Robert xxj'^ Thomas Rigge fil George xxij'i^ Ellene Mackreth fil Willm NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO: ffebruary xviij"^ Willm Kirkby and Issabell Rigge March ij* Willm Braithw^ and Elisabeth Sawrey HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 221 SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill i''' Willm Braithw' de howend in ye Church ij'h Willm Sawrey Sone of Willm in ye Church iiij''' ffrancis Walker v''' uxo'' George Borwicke in the Churcii vj'*" George Braithwaite fil George vij'^ Ann Turner fil Edward May iij'^ John fifrearson vj'h Willm Mackreth of Skelwith in ye Church xj'** Thomas Satterthw' fil Edward in Church xxiiij'*" Arthure Sands eodem die uxor Thomas Dodgshon xxix* Thomas Dodgshon June viij* uxo"" Anthony Higgin xvij'^ uxo"" Robert Braithw' in the Church July xiiij* uxo"^ Barnard Benson in the Chancell XX* John Tayler in the Church xxiij''' Anthony Higgin August xxj'^ puer abort Jacobi Rigge alias Sands September viij''' George Mackreth xiiij''' uxor Willm Satterthw^ in the Church xxv'^ Robert Hodgshon in the Church October vj* uxo'' John Addison in the Church xx"" Anthy Rigge de Highwrey November xxvij* uxo"" Tho : Satterthw' younger in ye Church December xx'*" Edward Satterthw^ in the Church January ix''' Thomas Satterthw' in ye Church X* Barnard Benson in the Chancell xxix'"^ George Knipe fil John ffebruary iij* Rowland Wilson de Rodger Riddinge ix"^ Margarett Tayler fil Xpofer in ye Church x'^ George Satterthw^ fil Willm in Church March ij'^ Elizabeth Jones fil W™ in ye Church vij"' Ann Rigge fil James in ye Church '■2 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xv"' uxor George Braithw' de Consey in ye Church xvij* Edward Harrison fil Edward finis hujus Anni 1646. BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOM: 1647 Aprill xj"^ Jane Knipe fil . George xxv'h Agnes Walker fil . Richard June Vf' Margarett Wilson fil . John xiij* Robert Russell fil . Charles eodem die Elizabeth Braithw' fil . Willm July xxv^^ Willm Penny fil . Nicolas xxxj'b Elizabeth Becke fil . WiTlm August ix'h Susann Rawlinson fil . Robert xxix* Dorothye Braithw' fil . Edward eodem die Grace Higgin (?) fil . Thomas * September v"' James Crosfield fil . John xxix'^ John Holme fil . Edward October xvij''^ Elizabeth Tayler fil . Xpofer xxj'h Thomas Barrowe fil . Thomas November i'*' Sibell Braithwaite fil . Willm viij"' John Sawrey fil . Edward xxj''' Ann Tayler fil Xpofer December vj"' Richard Hodgson fil . John xx'"^ George Braithwaite fil . Willm eodem die Elizabeth Braithw' fil . Willm xxvj Margaret Benson fil . Thomas January xvij''' Betteresse Braithw' fil . Robert xxiiij* George Brockbanke fil . John XXX* Margarett Braithw' fil . Willm xxxj"' Willm Kirkby fil . William ffebruary vj* Agnes Benson fil Bryam xiij* Willm Mackreth fil . John xxvij"' Issabell Satterthw' fil Thomas * The writing is here much faded. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 223 March v'^ Edward Braithw'^ fil Thomas xix'^ EUzabeth Knipe fil Peter eodem die Jane Satterthw' fil Robert eodem die Ellenor Sands fil . Adam eodem die Agnes Ashburner fil . John NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO : May xiij'^ Richard Taylor and Issabell Tayler July xxvij* Samuell Sands and Margarett Rigge October xix'^ Willm Braithw' and Issabell Banke xxviij"" Adam Rigge and Agnes Rigge November xxix"' Thomas Braithw' & Elizabeth Braithw' SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO: March xxviij'^ Dorothye Sawrey fil William Aprill vij'h uxo"" Richard Keene viij't' Agnes Warde fil . Willm xj'h Willrn Rigge eodem die James Satterthw' fil . James xxiij'h uxo'' Willm Braithw' . in the Church xxx'^ uxo'' Myles Braithwaite May xiij"^ Margarett Braithwaite fil . George xxvijth Michaell Mackrethe drowned beneath Riddall June xiij'h Edward Tayler fil . Clement in ye Church July xix'^ Willm Satterthw' . fil . Tho. in the Church August x"^ Myles Tayler de finstwhaite September iij* Margarett Braithwaite fil George ix'^^ uxo"" Willm Dodgshon in the Church xxvij"^ Charles Satterthwaite xxviij"^ Willm Jackson of pke in ye Church October xxviij'^ uxo'' Rich. Walker in the Church November iij*"^ Susann Sands fil Myles in Chancell iiijth Elisabeth Tayler fil Geo : in ye Church v^^ George Turner xvij^h Daniell Rawlinson fil Robt : in ye Church 2 24 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxx"^ uxo"^ Richard Dixonne xix'h Elizabeth Becke fil Willm December v'^ uxor John Townson vjth Willm Pennington of Lighthowe vij'h uxo'' Tho : Wilson in the Church eodem die ffrancesse Tayler in Church xxvj'h uxo"" George Holme January vj"^ Elene Townson fil John xxiiij uxo'' Gyles Mowson xxyti' Gyles Mowson xxviij"' uxoi" Willm Sawrey in ye Church ffebruary iij'^ John Satterthwaite fil Clement drowned in the Thirse Gill iiij'^ Agnes Tayler fil . Willm in ye Church v'li uxo^ Willm Tayler in the Church v'f^ Thomas Townson fil Peter killed with the fale of a greate stone and buried in the Church xix''^ Christopher Tayler fil Willm eodem die Robert Banke in the Church xxvjtb Willm Mackreth of Sawrey in the Church March ix'^ John Marre finis hujus Anni 1647 ■ BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOM : 1648 : Aprill ijth Alice Atkinson fil . George \yS^ Elizabeth Benson fil . Willm xvj* Agnes Braithw' fil . Adam eodem die Willm fifrearson fil . Dauid xxiij'ii Margarett Shentall fil . Willm May vijth Clement Rigge fil Clement eodem die Allan Stones fil . Robert xxviij'h Agnes Braithw' fil . John June xviij* George Braithw' fil . Willm xxv^h Robert Wilson fil . Richard eodem die Elizabeth Harrison fil . Willm ' HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 225 July xvjth WilTm Sands fil Samuell eodem die Richard Scale fil . Robert September iijth Robert Knipe fil . John xjth Cicily Rigge fil . Adam xxjth Ann Kirkby fil . Willm October ith Nicolas Turner fil William viijth James Becke fil . Willm xv'h Elizabeth Keene fil . James xxijth Agnts Satterthwt fil . WilTm November vth Elizabeth Braithw' fil . Willm xixth Agnes Rigge fil . Robert December xxiiijth Robert Rawlinson fil . Robert xxvijth Margarett Satterthwt fil Willm xxxjth Mary Walker fil . Gyles January^ vijth Margarett Tayler fil . Robert eodm die Agnes Holme fil . Clement xiiijth John Hirdson fil . Willm eodem die John Pennington fil . Robert xvjth Margarett Bare fil . Robert xx"' John Rigge fil . William ffebruary M'f' John Satterthw' fil George xj* Wilhn Sands fil Myles xixth fFrancis Sawrey fil John * o eodem die ffrancis Sawrey fil John * eodem die Issabell Benson fil Robert March \\f^ Willm Satterthwaite fil Clement iiijt'^ Elizabeth Sands fil ffrancis eodem die Willm Benson fil . Willm xviijth Agnes Braithwaite fil . John xxv'h Christopher fifisher fil . John eodem die Willm Mackreth fil Willm * The first of these two entries, which appear identical, has been at some time tampered with, scratched out, parts rc-written, and possibly altered. The o pre- fixed before the second I am unable to explain. It appears to be original. 16 226 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO: Aprill xij"^ George Braithw' and Jane Kilner May xxx**^ Myles Sawrey and Jane Braithwait June xxix'^ Regnald Walker & Margarett Atkinson July xiij'h James Braithw' & Katherine Tayler November xvj"i Willm Pepper & Dorathye Strickland December vij'^ Lenerd Keene & Elizabeth Sattcrthw' January xxx'^ Robert Scale & Agnes Mackreth SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO: Aprill xiijiii Jcnnett Holme fil Willm xxiiijih Thomas Satterthw' in the Church May ix'ti Agnes AUason widdow in the Church x'h Margarett Rcadhead xijth William Kirkbye xv"^ uxo'' Christopher Tayler xvj'i'' uxo"^ William Blumer xxij* Allan Stones fil Robert xxiij"^ Mr. William CoUyere June ijt'' Gawen Birkett vijtti uxo'' Robert Benson in the Church xvij''' John Satterthwaite fil James xxvijt'^ Alice Atkinson fil George July vj'^ John Birkett xiiijt'i uxo"" Nicholas Holme xv"' uxo"" Willm Simpson in the Church xviij"! uxo"" Samuell Sands in the Church August xiij'h Adam Banke in the Church September xxvj'h uxo"" John Hodgshon eodem die uxo'' Xpofer Wilson October xxjth Myles Holme fil . Willm xxij'ii Elizabeth Wilson fil . Xpoferi xxiij"' George Wilson fil . ffrancis xxix'h Edward Mackreth fil Barnard November xxv^^ Issabell Rigge xxvij'*^ puell abort. Robert Braithwaite HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. December xiiij'^ Agnes Braithw' fil . WillnT xxijt'i ffrancis Braithwaite xxviijt^ Rowland Crosfield xxx^h uxof Clement Rigge in ye Church January x'h William Dodgshon fil . Thomas xj'h Thomas Banke fil . Willm xvijth Clement Rigge of Rogerground xviijth uxo"^ Tho : Mackreth in the Church xxx*!^ Agnes Townson fil Rowland ffebruary vij^^ John Satterthwaite fil George xth uxo'' Michaell Mackreth eodem die uxo"' John Tayler de fifinstthwaite xv'*^ Sara Bare fil . Robert xixt^" ffrancis Sands March iij'*^ uxo'' Edward Satterthw' in the Church iiijth Clement Rigge fil Clement in Church v"^ uxo'' John Sawrey vijt'^ George Brockbanke fil . John xviijt'^ Jane Holme fil Allan eodem die uxo'' Rowland Wilson xx"^ Thomas Atkinson finis hujus anni 1648 : BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOMI 1649: March xxv^'^ Christopher fifisher fil . John Aprill xxij'h Barbary Braithwaite fil George xxiij'ii Robert Braithwaite fil Willm eodem die Thomas Braithw* fil . Willm May xxth Willm Walker fil . John June iijt'' Agnes Rigge fil Thomas xiiijth Dorothy Rigge fil . Willm July v*b Agnes Braithwaite fil . Willm August xxvjth Richard Rigge fil Willm September xxiij^h Regnald ffrearson son of Dauid October j'^ Dorothy Wilson fil Robert xxviij"^ Willm Keene fil Lenard 2 28 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. eodem die Wilkn Sawrey fil Myles January ith 1649 WilTm Jackson son of James of Parke * November xviijtii Issabell Braithwaite fil George December ijth John Scale fil Robert eodem die Edward Braithwaite fil . James ixth Dorothye Braithw' fil John xxiijth Agnes Mackreth fil . Nicholas January xx* John Satterthwaite fil . Thomas ffebruary iijt^ John Benson fil Thomas xijth Bridgett Sands fil Samuel! xviijth WilTm Pepper fil . Willm March xviijth Issabell Penny fil . Richard NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO : June xxvjti' Myles Walker and Jane Townson August xxj'h Edward Sawrey and Margarett Satterthw December iiijth Joseph Keene and Ann Sands: SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO: March xxvij'^ Richard Keene Aprill vij"^ uxo"" Regnald ffrearson x"i WilTm Sands in the litle Chancell eodem die Jeaffrey Holme fil . Nicholas xvj'ti Margarett Bare fil . Robert xxj"^ uxo"" Richard Dixonne xxviijth Willm Mackreth fil . Willm May viijth Edward Watterson xij"^ James Braithwaite xxxj'h Agnes Ashburner fil John June xxiiij'h Thomas Sands fil Xpofer xxx''^ uxo"" Willm Bateman July ix''' Elizabeth Braithwaite fil . Willm eodem die Barbary Braithw^ fil George in the Church * I'his entry is inserted out of place, but in the same hand as the other entries. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 229 eodem die Agnes Dixson alias Mackreth xxiij'h Willm Walker fil . John September xj''^ uxo"" Jeaffrey Holme November viij'h Mary Walker fil Gyles xij'h Christopher Tayler in the Church xvijii^ Robert Tayler fil . Willm in the Church December xxiij'*' Margarett Turner xxvij'^" uxo"' Willm ffrearson January xiijt*^ Elizabeth Holme fil Willm xxix'i^ George Mackreth xxxj'h Barbary Hodgson fil Cuthbert ffebruary v'*^ Willm Braithw' fil . Nic. in the Church eodem die uxo'' John Marre vj"^ Arthure Knipe xxij*!^ Hughe Marre March xxj^^^ John Jackson found att Consey nabb drowned in Windermecre watter. finis hujus Anni 1649 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOM 1650 : Aprill xv"^ Ellene Wilson fil . John xxj"^ Issabell fifrearson fil . Myles xxviij'^ Dorothye Sawrey fil Anthony May xijth Elizabeth Assburner fil . John XX* Edward Mackreth fil . Willm June xvj* Willm Sawrey fil . Edward eodem die Margarett Braithw' fil . Willm xxiij John Warde fil . Willm xxiiij Margarett Rigge fil . James XXX* Willm Mackreth fil Edward July xxviij* Myles Sawrey fil . William eodem die James Braithwaite fil . Willm eodem die Jane Sawrey fil . Henery August iiij* Willm Walker fil Myles xix* Willm Braithwaite fil Robert xxj* George Satterthwaite fil . George 2 30 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. September i'h Agnes Braithwaite fil . Willm xxvijth Willm Rigge fil Georgii xxix'^ Robert Benson fil . Robert xxx'h George Satterthwaite fil . Willm October vj'h Anna Sawrey fil . Willm xxvijth Wilim Wilson fil . William November xj'h Margarett Rigge fil . Symond xiij'h Hester Hodshon fil . Richard xvj*'^ Bryam Braithwaite fil . George xxvth Issabell Tayler fil . Xpoferi December viijth Anthony Atkinson fil . Willm xvij'h George Braithwaite fil . William xxij'h James Braithwaite fil . Willm eod die Margarett Sawrey fil . Anthony January v"i Thomas Satterthwaite et Samuell Satterthwaite fil . Thomas xij'h Willm Benson fil . Bryam xix"' Rebeccha Russell fil . Caroli xxxth John Knipe fil . John fifebruary xvjt'^ Edward Braithwaite fil . Edward eodm die Katharine Banke fil Thomas xxiij'^i Dorothye Mackreth fil Willm March \f^ Charles Shenton fil . Willmii eodm die Hester Sands fil . Adam ix"i Jane Rigge fil Willm yS^ John Braithw' fil . Willm de Briers xvij"' Agnes Hodgshon fil . Richard eodem die Thomas Holme fil . Clement xxiij'h James Penny fil . Nicholas eodm die John Benson fil . Thomas : NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO: Aprill xvijth Willm Rigge and Rigge * xxiij'h Rowland Parke and Elsabeth Harrison * One Christian name omitted. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 231 May xxj'h George Braithw' and Agnes Braithwaite August xv^h Thomas Dodgshon and Agnes Atkinson October x"' George Satterthw' and Dorothye Satterthwaite November xj"' Regnald Holme and Issabell Braithwaite : SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO : March xxx^h Richard Tayler de Lendinge in the Church Aprill i'h James Braithwaite senior in the Church viij'"^ uxo^" James Braithw' senior in the Church xiiij'h Margarett Shenton fil . Wilmii xx'ii Robert RawHnson fil . Willmi in the Church eodm die Ellene Wilson fil John xxijth Robert Wilson fil Richard May x"i uxo'' Willm Braithwaite xijtii *Jeffery Dodgshon fil . George eodm die Issabell Strickland alias Sands xiiij"^ Edward Rigge in the Church xix'h uxo'' James Keene xxiiij''i Agnes Rownson uxo"" Willm found dead at Estwhaite intacke yeat & buryed in ye Church : eodm die Willm Rigge of Sawrey xxvjth James Tayler fil Willm in ye Church July xxviij'*' Susanna Satterthwaite August xx'h uxo"" Willm Readheade October vj'^ Margarett Higgin fil . Richard xij'h uxo"^ Myles ffisher November iij^^ uxo"" Edward Tayler in the Church xiiij* Christopher Tayler in the Church xxtii uxo"" Thomas Braithwaite xxv"^ ffrancis Knipe January v* Richard Penny in the Church ffebruary x'^ Christopher Tayler xvij'h Thomas Mattison * rhe name "Jeffery" is filled in by a different hand. 232 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. March iiijtb WUlm Walker viijtb uxor James Tayler in the Church xijth W Samuell Sands in the Chancell finis Hujus Anni 1650 : BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMI 1651 : Aprill vijtb Christopher Rigge fil Arthure eodem die Edw : Sawrey fil Edward * eodm die Mabell Rigge fil Edward xiij Margarett fforest fil Edward eodm die Willm Holme fil George xxvijth Margarett Scale fil Robert eodem die Elizabeth Dodgshon fil Thomas May iiijth Margatt Braithwaite fil WilTm xjtti Dorothye Braithwaite fil WilTm xij'h Issabell Walker fil John xviij Dorothye Keene fil Josephi eodem die Jane Mackreth fil Willm xxv'h WilTm Braithwaite fil . George de Consey eodem die Cicilie Braithw^ fil Adam June xvth Dauid Tayler fil Xpoferi xxijth Robert Bare fil . Robert eodm die Issabell Braithw' fil WilTm July vjth Willm Satterthwaite fil . Robert eodem die Samuell Keene fil . James August xxxjth Agnes Braithwaite fil . Thomas October xxv'h John Rawlinson fil Robert November ij"i Clement Satterthw' fil George yfi" Margarett Brockbanke fil . John eodem die Elisabeth Holme fil . George xxijth Willm Braithwaite son of James eodem die Robert Rigge fil . Myles December x"^ George Rigge son of Robert January iiij^'i Myles Sands fil . Myles * " Edw. Sawrey " is written in a different hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 233 eodem die Thomas Keene fil Willm XX* James Tayler fil . Robert xxvt'i Willm Addison fil . Willm ffebruary ij* Dorothye Braithwaite fil Willm XV* Edward Sawrey fil . Myles eodem die Margarett Braithw* fil . George eodem die Margarett Braithwt fil . Robert xvj* Willm Tayler fil . Willm xxix* Margarett Mackreth fil Edward March xiiij Mary Rigge fil Willm xxj* James Braithw' fil . Willm eodm die Samuell Strickland fil Rowland NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO : May XV* Willm Keene & Agnes Rigge xxix* Myles Braithwaite and Agnes Dodgshon SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxviij* Willm Holme de Oxenfell Aprill vj* Adam Assburner vij* uxor Edward Sawrey in the Church xiiij* Mr Myles Sands in the quire May iiij* uxo^ Edward Satterthwaite xviij* Willm Braithwaite in the Church xix* Jane Mackreth fil Michaell eodem die Willm Benson fil . Bryam June x* Willm Holme fil . George xj* Willm Sawrey fil Edward in the Church xij* the wife of William Tayler xvij* Agnes Satterthw' fil . James in ye Church xix* Margarett Benson fil John XX* James Braithw' fil . James in the Church xxviij* James Watterson xxxj* uxor Richard Hodgshon in the Church 2 34 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. July xxiiijth uxor John Wilson in the Church xxvth John Mackreth fil . William in ye Church August xvth Willm Braithw' fil George in ye Church September xxiij"^ James Wiggan fil . Regnald xxvijtfi Willm Sawrey fil . Myles in the Church October vj'h Edward Braithw' fil James in the Church xxjth Robert Benson in the Church December xx^h Alice Satterthwaite fil Thomas January iij uxo'' Robert Hodgshon v'^ William Tayler xvijtf^ Edward Satterthwaite xxvjth uxor John Scale in the Church xxvijtfi Willm Mackreth in the Church ffebruary xj'h George Holme in the Church xxix uxor Edward Mackreth in ye Church March ij'h abort Regnald Holme ix'h puer abort. Thomas Braithwaite Finis hujus Anni 165 1 : BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOM 1652 : March xxviij'h Dorothye Benson fil Bryam eodem die Jennet Walker fil . Richard Aprill iiij'h Peter Knipc fil Peter eodem die Edward Becke . fil Willm xviij'h Richard Rigge fil Thomas xxvj'h Charles Satterthwaite fil . Willm May ijtii Willm Braithwaite fil Myles ixth Edward Rigge fil . Willm June vj"^ Elizabeth Kellatt fil Robert xiij'i' Dorothye Kirkbye fil . Willm xiiij* John Sawrey son of Edward July i'*^ Myles Sands fil Samuell of Graythwaite * xviij^'^ John Sands fil : Samuell of Roger Ground '■' August xv''* Jane Rigge fil . Richard xxiij'i' Willm Rigge fil . Willm * The localities in these entries are added in another hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 235 xxiiij'h Thomas Keene fil Lenord eodem die Jane Tomlinson fil Myles September xixti^ John Satterthwaite fil . Willm xxvj'h Elizabeth Walker fil . Myles October xiijth James Braithwaite fil . Adam November ij* Hester Mackreth fil . Edward vij* Elizabeth Braithwaite fil . John xiiijtb Richard Hodgson fil Richard Margratt Braithw' fill John de far Sawrey * December viij* Issabell Parke fil . Rowland xvj'h Agnes Scale fil . Robert ffebruary y.yS^ Ann Mackreth fil . Willm xxvij"! Willm Keene son of Willm March vij^^ Willm Sawrey fil . Willm xv''^ Edward Satterthwaite fil George NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO: July xvijtii William Sawrey and Elisabeth Hodgshon SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO : Aprill ij'^ uxo'' George Braithw' in the Church May x"^ Thomas Satterthw' in the Church v'l^ Thomas Poole fil Thomas vj* abort Willm Riggc June ijth ux'' Edward Scale in the Church July xvijth puell abort Thomas Strickland August xiiij'h Henery Kirkby in the Church xvtii Margarett Holme fil George xxvtb fifrancis Knipe in the Church September vij'^ Agnes Walker xxijt'i Clement Rigge of Haukshead eodm die Agnes Skele uxo^' Rich : de Lighthowe xxvij* uxo"" Anthony Rigge in the Church eodm die Edward Turner in the Church * This entry is interpolated in another hand. 236 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xxx'h James Braithwaite fil Willm October i'^ uxo"^ Richard Knipe in the Church vij'h John Bancke xt'i John Sawrey fil. Edward in the Church xiij''^ uxo"' Charles Satterthwaite eodm die Dorothye Braithwaite fil Willm xv'h Willm Mackreth fil . Edward in ye Church xix"i John Hodgshon xxij"^ William Holme xxiiij'i^ Margarett Satterthwaite November i'^ George Rigge fil James in the Church xxv"^ Thomas Dodgshon in the Church December xxj'*^ Willm Rigge of Roger = Ground xxij Margarett Gilpin in Sands quire January xiiijt^i Issabell Benson fil . Thomas xxj'ii uxo^' Willm Braithw' in the Church xxij'h Mabell Holme in the Church xxiij"^ Clement Satterthw' in the Church xxvij'ii Agnes Scale fil . Robt in the Church xxxjtii Issabell Wilson ffebruary i'^ Willm Knipe in the Church eodem die ffrancis Walker fil Richard iij'h uxo"" George Rigge in the Church vj''^ uxoi" Myles Mackreth viij"^ uxo"" Arthure Benson in the Chancell ix'*^ uxo'' Rowland Strickland eodm die uxo"" Robert Speight March iij'*^ Marie Dixonne iiijth William ffrearson vj"' puell. abort. John Mackreth xv"i uxo'" William Rigge xviij**^ William Keene xx''^ Elene the wife of George Braithw' fil Nic. Finis hujus Anni 1652 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 237 BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOMI : 1653: March xxvijth Willm Braithwt fil . Willm Aprill xvijt'^ Jane Rigge fil . Edward May viij"^ Issabell Scale fil . Rowland eodem die Dorothye Benson fil Willm eodem die George Braithw' fil George June xvij'^i Marie Turner fil . Willm July x'!^ James Pepper fil . Willm xvij"^'^ Agnes Braithwaite fil Willm eodem die Agnes fifisher fil . John August xxviij Richard Braithw* fil . William September iiij John Russell fil . Charles v'h James Braithw' fil . Willm eodem die Margaret Braithw' fil Willm xjt'i George Knipe fil George October vif^ (Joseph Sands et ) ^ & Peter Sands ' ix'** Myles Sawrey fil . Edward eodem die Edward Braithw^ fil . George xxiij'^* Thomas Strickland fil . Thomas eodem die James Braithw' fil . Willm January rnxf"^ Christopher Benson fil Willm xvj'^'^ George Braithwaite fil . Myles xxij"! Margarett Jackson fil James new regester"* v"^ Elizabeth Mackereth fil . Willm begins / ffebruary xiij''^ James Benson fil . Robert SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO : Aprill xv'^i uxo^ Anthony Atkinson in the Church xx'h Edward Satterthwaite fil George xxvij'i' Willim Walker of Grysedall * " Joseph & Peter " is inserted in another hand. 238 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. May ix"^ uxoi^ Clement Rigge in the Church xj'^^ Alice the wife of John Russell in the Church xij'h Willm Atkinson fil . Anthony in ye Church xvj'^ Thomas Satterthw' in the Church xxjth puer abort Willm Rigge fil . Alexander June v'^i Thomas Barrowe x't" uxor Mathew Kirkebye eodem die Dorothye Assburner fil Adam July ii* George Braithw' son of Willm of the fould Supposed to be slaine by they fale of a horse Backe July vij'^ Martina Suerte in the Church eodem die uxo"" Charles Satterthw' in Church xx'h uxo"" Robert Tayler of Satterthwaite August xiij'i^ George Rigge in the Church xxiiijth uxo"" Robert Assburner in the Church xxx^b Thomas Knipe in the Church eodem die Regnald Wiggan September vij'^ uxo"" Willm Braithw^ in the Church xv''^ Roger Borrwicke October ij* Issabell the wife of Tho : Strickland in Church xviij"^ Willm Braithwaite of Parke xx't" uxo"" Richard Hodgshon eodem die Robert Hirdson xxviij* Willm Kirkbye of Rusland November xyj^^^ Elizabeth Brockbanke fil . John xvijt'i Willm Mackreth of Bulclose in the Church xx'i^ Jane Mackreth fil . Willm in the Church xxiij"^ Edward Braithw' fil . Willm in Church xxv"' Agnes Rigge of Roger Ground December ij'^ John Hirdson eodem die a Childe Willm Scales vj^'^ Anthony Sawrey in the Church January ixt^^ uxo^^ Bryam Mackreth in the Church xiii''^ Willm Braithw' of Lowwrey in ye Church HAVVKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 239 New Regester) . hxix'° James Braithw' of Lowwrey in ye Church begins > ■' ^ ffebruary \\\f^ the wife of James Braithw' in ye Church v'b Thomas Benson of fieldheade in Church xij"i Issabell the wife Richard Harrison of Hodgclose xiiij'i^ Margarett ye wife of Clement Rigge in Church xv"^ Margarett the wife of John ffrearson of Grysdall xx'^' Willm Sawrey elder of Wattehead in Church March xxij'^ the wife of John Atkinson in Church Finis hujus Anni 1653 BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOM: 1654: Aprill \f^ Samuell Sawrey and Daniell Sawrey both sons Willm Sawrey son of ffrancis ix^ii Dorothy Sawrey fil Henery of Waterhead xvijth Mary Holme fil . Clement of Daleparke xxjth Richard Briggs fil . Richard of Dalton xxxtb Dorothy Braithw' fil . W™ : ye Smith of Sawrey May vij''> Elizabeth Braithw^ fil . Willm of fould in far Sawrey June iiij'^ Elizabeth Rigge fil . Symond v"^^ Edward Tayler fil . Clement xj"^ Daniell Rawlinson fil . Robert xviij''"' Willm Shenton fil . Willm eodem die Christopher Rigge fil . Robert eode die Thomas Scales fil . Edward July xvj^i Willm Braithwaite fil . George eodem die Margarett Knipe fil . John xxij''! Margarett Satterthw' George {sic) xxiiijt'i Willm Holme fil George * xxx'h Margarett Keene fil James * " Willm " is inserted in another hand. 240 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. August xiijth James Keene fil . Thomas xxih Agnes Sawrey fil . Myles September iijth James Satterthw* fil . George Satt : xxiiijth Samull Sands fill Samuell of Roger Ground October viij'h Benson fil . Bryam * xjth Willm Sawrey fil . Willm eod die Mary Atkinson fil . Willm xxiii'h Issabell Rigge fil . Adam xxx''^ Thomas Walker fil Myles November v^^ James Braithw^ fil John xijt"^ George Kellatt elder fil . Robert xxvj* Willm Atkinson fil . Richard December iijth Agnes Brockbanke fil . John xxxjth Christopher Tayler fil . George January x'h Edward Mackreth fil . Edward xxviijth Ann Parke fil . Thomas eodem die Jane Wilson fil . William fifebruary xijth Braithwaite fil . John * xxv"i Samuell Sands fil . Myles March iiij* Agnes Rigge fil Myles eodem die Elisabeth Braithw' fil . Thomas MARRIAGES 1654 Jully the 8"! 1654: Robert Satterthwait & Agnes Scale t SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxv"^ Margarett Rigge fil Thomas of Roger Ground xxxj"^ Thomas Benson of Oxenfell in the Church Aprill viij''^ Ellene the wife of Emmanuell Portingall xxij'i' Margarett fforest fil . Edward * The Christian name omitted. f This entry, with its heading, is inserted in another hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 241 xxvj'b Thomas Mackreth of Bull Close in the Church Md that William Braithwaite of Skellwith departed from his owne house in Skellwith on Wednes- daye the ^^^ of Aprill and was found drowned in the water att Arthure Benson field foote neare or aboute the Dubb = Ings : and was brought to be Buried att Hauxheade on friday the 22>i^ of this present Aprill 1654 : as above May \yfi^ Agnes Braithw* fil . Willm in the Church xxijth ye wife of Willm Rigge son of Alexander in Church xxiiij'li Myles Sawrey of Waterhead in the Church June xv^h Arthure Mackreth xx^h Samuell Satterthwaite fil John xxvij'h uxo'" Edward Tayler in the Church July xx'ii James Rigge elder of the Highwray August xvij'^ uxo"" George Holme in the Church xxvj"^ James Addison in the Church September xxv* Xp5fer Tayler of Dalepke in the Church November xxij'^i Willm Atkinson in the Church xxiiijtf^ uxo'" Clement Satterthw^ in ye Church December vj^^ Agnes Benson fil . William xiij"^ uxor Clement Satterthw' of Coulthouse in ye Church xxiiij'h George Holme fil Michaell in ye Church xxixth Clement Satterthw' of Coulthouse in Church ffebruary v''' uxo^ James Keene xij*f^ George Holme xxiij* uxo'' Peter Tomlinson in the Church xxvijth William Hirdson pyper March xxj^fi uxo"^ Charles Braithwaite finis hujus Anni 1654: »7 242 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMI : 1655 Aprill xijti^ Elisabeth Walker fil . Richard xxv'h Anthony Mackreth fil . Willm xxix"^ Clement Rigge fil . Willm May V* Ann Rigge fil William xxvij"^ Robert Holme son of Clement June xvijt'^ Richard Bancke fil . ffrancis July i'h John Jackeson fil . James eodem die Elizabeth Tomlinson fil . Myles xxx'h Thomas Braithwaite fil . James eodem die Elizabeth Rigge fil . Robert August yt'i Agnes Dodgshon fil . Thomas eodem die Willm Knipe fil . Robert eodem die Ellene Robinson fil . Willm xix^*^ Jane Braithwaite fil . George September ix"^ Margarett Russell fil . Charles of Consey eodem die Willm Braithwaite fil . George xvj'i> George Walker fil . Richard October xxj'^ John Mackreth fil . Edward * November xj'^^ James Rigge fil . Willm eodem die John Brockbanke fil . Edward December xix*^'^ Barbaric Braithwaite fil . Willm xxxjth George Braithw' fil . George ffebruary xxiiij'^'i Ann Tayler fil . George de Daleparke March iij"^ Thomas Sawrey fil Anthony xix''' Dorothyc Braithwaite fil . Willm xxiij"^ William Pepper fil . Willm eodem die Thomas Braithwaite fil . Myles : March ye 2o'ii 1655 Margrett Satterthwaite fil Robt de Satterth . . . f * Opposite this entry, and those above and below, is written in another hand, "October the 12* 1655 W™ Kirkby fil Wiihn de Satterthwaite" f This entry is inserted in another hand in a space which has been left blank for marriages. Similar spaces are left in 1653 and 1654. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 243 SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO : March xxviij* Richard Hodgshon Aprill iiij'h Dorothye the wife of John Rigge xixth John Tompson xx'h John Rawlinson fil Robert in the Church May ijth uxo^ John Satterthwaite xijth Willm Tayler in the Church xvijth Issabell Walker fil . John June xv'^^ Margarett Townson fil Willm Ideot July xvij'^ William Bownas xviijt^ Margarett Sands fil . Oliver August viij'ii Agnes Braithw' fil . Edward drowned betweene Sawreys XV* Rowland Stillinge September ix*^ John Benson of Outyeate in the Church xxij* uxo'" Willm Sands of ffouldyeatc November xxvj"^ uxo"" Willm Pepper in the Church xxv'h Thomas Walker fil . James December vij'h Thomas Wilson in the Church xiijth Willm Braithw' hatter of Sawrey in Church xvj''i uxo'' Willm Kirkebye in the ye {sic) Church * January ix'h Willm Atkinson fil . Robert xth William Becke eodm die uxo'' James Satterthw^ of parkamorc in ye Church t eod die Pepper fil . Willm in Church % ffebruary ij'^ Rowland Braithwaite of Brathey viijfi Pepper fil Willm in the Church % xyth Thomas Braithwaite fil . Thomas * The superfluous "ye" is inserted in another hand by someone who has gone through many pages of the Register about this date, and inserted "ye" in entries where "the" or " ye " is wanting. f " In ye Church " inserted as above, \ No Christian name given. 244 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xx'^ Edward Braithwaite in the Church xxv'fi Issabell Townson fil . Willm last day Thomas Satterthw' fil Tho : in Church March viij* uxo"" James Strickland in the Church xj'^ uxo"" William Sawrey in the Church finis hujus Anni 1655 BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOM: 1656: April vjth James Keene fil Josephe vijth Elizabeth Rigge fil Thomas xxvij"^ Willm Satterthwaite fil . Charles eodem die John Walker fil . Thomas June i* Agnes Willmson fil . Henery eodem die Elizabeth Rigge fil . Thomas July vij''^ Elisabeth Keene fil . James xiij'h Elizabeth Sawrey fil . Edward August iij'^ Sawrey fil Anthony of Watterhead * viijth Jane & Margarett Knipe daughters of Peter xxiiij'*^ Jane Holme fil . Regnald September xj'^ Elizabeth Benson fil . Willm November v''^ Samuell Sands fil . Samuell de Graythwaite xjth Willm Mackreth fil . Edward de Nar Sawrey xxj* Willm Braithwt fil . John de Crofthead xxYtf" Barbary Harrison fil . Robert de Lowrey October viij* Ellin Asskewe fil . Willm de Dalepke eod die Willm Brockbanke fil . John de Tarnhows xv*"^ Elsabeth Knipe fil . James de Grysdall xxij'h Margarett Keene fil . Lenord de Keen- ground January viij'^ George the base childe of Dorothye Nicolson xix"i John Rigge fil . Thomas de Rogerground ffebruary ij^^ Mary Jackson fil Mathew de Hill iiijth Willm Rawlinson fil . Robert de Grysdall viiij'^ Myles Sawrey fil . Myles de Narr Sawrey * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 245 eod die Robert Rigge fil . Willm de Satterthw' eod : die Tho : Sands fil . Samuell de Rogerground xx^h Ellen Banke fil . ffrancis de Coniston March viij'^ Edward Benson fil John de Haukeshead eod die Agnes Sands fil . Adam de fouleyeate xv"^ Agnes Rigge fil . Edward de Narr Sawrey eod die Margarett Marr fil . Tho de Dalepke xxiij'^'' John Walker fil Myles de Keenground eodm die Alice Keene fil Tho : de Rogerground June xxiij* : 1656: Agnes Crosfield fil . Robert de Satterthw* NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO December xij'^i Isac Bateman and Agnes Satterthwaite January xxvj'^^ Robert Rigge and Sibell Mackreth eodm die James Tayler and Issabell Mackreth ffebruary iij"^ John Hodgshon and Alice ffleminge March xv Robert Turner and Margarett Turner SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO: March xxx'^ uxo'' John Warde of Sawrey Aprill x'h uxo'' Richard Rigge in the Church xijth uxo"" Willm Satterthw' in the Church xvij'h James Becke fil . Willm May ij'^ Elisabeth Braithwaite fil . John in the Church June xv'h Edward Mackreth fil . Bryam eodm die Elisabeth Rigge fil . Thomas July xv^h Willm Braithwaite fil . Myles eodm die Townson fil Myles * August xxvii'^i Anthony Sawrey of HoUingebancke in Church September iij^t" uxo"^ Regnald Holme in the Church vijth Thomas Satterthwaite fil . Clement in Church * No Christian name given. h6 hawkshead parish register. ixth Marie Rigge fil : William xtii uxo-- Josephe Keene in the Church xxiijth Ann Holme fil Michell - in the Church November ij* Thomas Skelldinge fil . Tho : who dyed at Dalepke v'h John Satterthwt . Clarke of the parish viijth Barbary Braithwt . fil Willm de Highwrey xijtb Thomas Braithwaite fil . Wm. de far Saw- rey in Church xiijth Agnes Holme fil . Clement de dalepke xviijth Daniell Braithw^ : fil . John de hyewrey xixth Ann Tayler fil . George de Dalepke in ye Church xxviijtii Wilim Braithw' fil . James de fieldhead December xvth Ester the suposed daughter of WilTm Knipe of Grysdall xvij'ii Ellin Wilson fil . Rowland de Chroslands eodm die James Satterthw' de Parkeamoore in Church xxvj'h James Penny fil . Nicholas de Parkmoore xxviijtfi Samuell Sands fil . ffrancis who dyed at Crofthead January vjth Ellen Scales fil . Robert de Satterthwaite eod die Charles Braithwaite de Skellwith xijth Willm Braithw' fil John de Croftehead xvij'f^ Anthony Sawrey fil . John de Coniston xxij* Willm Satterthwaite fil . Clemt. de Skinerhow xxiiij"^ Ann Rigge fil . Robert de Consay eod die Elisabeth Benson fil . Willm de fieldhead xxviij* Mathew Braithwaite de lonethwaite eod die Elisabeth ye wife of Willm Walker of Hauxehead field ffebruary xxvij"^ Cicely Rigge fil Adam de Hauxhead March j* Willm Sawrey of Crofthead in the Church v'h Edward Braithw' fil . Edward de Low : wrey t This name was originally written " Nichol " and altered. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 247 eodm die Elisabeth uxo'' Willm Braithw^ de fieldhead in Church vj'^ John Satterthwt^ fil . Thomas de Narr Sawrey xij* Jane Knipe fil . Peter de Coulthouse xxt"^ Edward Scales de Thwaithead in ye Church feodem die Barbary Braithw' | All three children of xxjth Jane Braithwaite [ Willm Braithw' [ and Sybell Braithwaite j of Narr Sawrey and dyed of the pocks, xxiij"^ Willm Rigge of hye wrey Finis hujus Anni 1656. BAPTIZACONES ANO DOM 1657 Aprill v"^ Ester Atkinson fil Thomae borne in Satter- thwt eod die Agnes Satterthwaite fil Robert de Satter- thwaite * May iiij* Ann Braithw' :• fil . Tho : de Thompson ground November 1657 xj''^ Cement i^sic) Rigge fil Christopher de ffeildhead May xj"^ Christopher Rigge fil . Symond de Haukeshead hill xvij'!^ Anthony Sawrey fil . Anthony de Oxenfell xviij'"^ Jane Braithwaite fil . Willm de Satterhowe eod die Dorothye Tayler fil . Christopher de dalepke August ij"=' Margarett Knipe fil Robert de Grysdall eodm die James Keene fil . Tho : de parkmoore xvij"^ Thomas Benson fil . Barnard de Tockhowe eodm die Agnes Satterthw' fil Charles de Coulthouse Septb'' xxj"^ James Strickland fil Tho : de Satterthw' : October iij''^ John Rigge fil . Thomas de Roger-ground * Octob'' v'b Robert Braithwaite fil . Robert de Outyeate xj'h Mary Tayler fil . George de Dalepke Novemb"^ i'h John Braithw' . fil. Willm de ffarr Sawrey Bapt. at Windermere * These entries are interpolated by another hand. 248 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Decemb' v't" Edward Banwell fil . Richard borne in Haukeshead vjth Ann Holme fil Clement de Dalepke March xiiijth James ffrearson fil Myles de Grysdall xxjth Issabell Rigge fil . Edward de Hyewrey NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO : May XX* Willm Sawrey and Alice Strickland xxix"' Willm Rigge and Elisabeth Benson eodem die Willm Jackson and Jane Walker xxx"' Edward Rigge and Elisabeth Dixeson June X* Thomas Keene and Margarett Satterthwaite July xj'^ Willm Braithwaite and Agnes Jackson xvj'^ Thomas Jackson and Agnes Mackreth August iiij"' Edward Walles and Judcth Tayler vj'^'' Luck Peareson and Elisabeth Rawlingson viij"' Richard Hodgshon and Agnes Dawes September xxiiij* John Knipe and Agnes Satterthwaite November iij"^ George Rigge and Jennett Askewe ffeb'y xvij James ffrearson and Jane Rawlingson eodem die Richard Townson and Margarett Kirkeby SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO: March xxvj''' Elisabeth Braithw' : fil . Willm de fifould in Sawrey Aprill ij"" Willm : Braithw' fil . George de fTarr : Sawrey vj'h Myles Sawrey fil . Henery de Hollin bancke viij'^ Margarett the wife of Mathew Braithw' de loanthwaite xiiij Margarett Rigg fil : Willm de Narr-Sawrey xxij* Jane Braithw' fil . George de farr-Sawrey xxix* (or xix''') Willm Hirdson fil . Willm de Dalepke May xiij* Elsabeth the wife of Thomas Walker de fieldhead xx"" Agnes the wife of Balthazer Puthpker in the Church HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 249 June xvj"^ Edward Benson fil . John de Haukeshead hill xviij'^'' Willm Satterthwaite of ffarr-Sawrey in the Church July iiij* Agnes Rigge fil . Edward de Narr-Sawrey viij''' Thomas Towneson fil . Myles de Grysdall in the Church August viij"> Willm Shentan de Consey xxv"' Issabell the wife of Edward Robinson de Satterthw' in ye Church xxvj"^ Cuthbert Holme de Holme ground Sept iij'*' Margarett the wife of John Wilson de Russland xj'*' Alice the wife of Willm Holme de Coniston xxiiij'^ Margarett the wife of Tho : Hodgshon who dyed at Braithey Octob"" i"' Edward Walker de Crosselands xxiiij''' Elisabeth the wife of Willm Townson de Coniston in the Church 27"^ George Benson fil Robert de Skellwith Novb'' xij'^ Emas the wife of Myles Harrison in the Church xxix'^ Regnald Mackreth de Sawrey in the Church Decb'' vij"' Ellin Burnes uxo^^ Symond who dyed at Crofthead xxj"' Mathew Kirkbye de Coniston June iij'^ Issabell ye wife of W"i : Braithw' de fould in ye Church xxij'*' Issabell ffisher fil . John de Grysdall decembi" xj''' 1657 Elsabeth the wife of W"i Braithw' of ffarr-Sawrey in ye Church * ffebry vj'*' Anthony Sawrey fil . Henery de Coulthouse xxv'^ the wife of Xpofer of Dalepke in the Church t March xj"' An abortive son of Robert Scales de Thwaitehead * This entry inserted in a different hand, f Name omitted. 250 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xiij''' Two abortive Children of Willm Jacksons of hyewrey xxj'^ Elisabeth the Daughter of Willm Hodgshon of ffieldhead a younge Childe under three yeares ould whoe went with her brother from Borwicke ground where they lived till Willm Mackreths house : And as Shee was gooinge home againe by her Selfe shee lost her way and wandered to the Hye greene and their was Stervd to Death ; And could not be found though sought by many untill foure dayes after that Shee was lost, the day first menconed beinge the day on which Shee was found and Buried finis hujus Anni 1657 BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOMI : 1658: Aprill iiij'^ Alexander Rigge fil Willm de Narr-Sawrey eodem die Elisabeth Braithw' fil . Adam de Loane- thwaite xj"^' Edward Braithw^ fil George de Howe in haukeshead field, xviij* Alexander Rigge fil . Edward de Narr-Sawrey xxv'^ Dorothye Braithwaite fil . John de Crofthead May iij* Willm Dodgshon fil . Thomas de dixson ground xvj"^ George Braithwaite fil George de ffarr-Sawrey XXX* John Knipe fil . John de fieldhead eodem die Willm Sawrey fil . Edward de Crofthead June vj"' Robert Rigge fil . Anthony de loanethwaite xiij* Ester Rigge fil . Willm de Churchsteele eodm die Cicily Braithw^. fil . John de Churchsteele July xviij"' Willm Townson fil . Myles de Grysdall xxv''' Ambrose Hodgshon fil . Richard de Tockhowe xxvij'^' Adm Rigge fil . Willm de Haukeshead field August i* Richard Braithw'. fil . Thomas de Narr-Sawrey viijt'i Willm Kirkbye fil . Willm de Coniston HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 251 Septemb'^ xij'i' Willm Benson fil . John de Haukeshead- hill eodem die Edward Mackreth fil . Barnard de out- yeate xiij Thomas Braithw'*^ fil Will do ffould * xix'^ Willm Sawrey fil . Myles de loancthwaite xxvj"^ Anthony Kellatt fil . Robert de Rawes ground October x* Willm Satterthwaite fil . Willm de Satter- thwaite xxiij"' Ann Sands fil . Myles de Graythwaite eodem die Issabell Braithwt. fil . Willm de Narr-Sawrey December xix"' Dorothye ffrearson fil James de Grysdall eodem die Elisabeth Braithw' fil . Myles de Skiner- howe xxvj* John Braithwaite fil . George de Consey January xxx* Mary Scales fil Rowland de Dalepke March xiij"> Willm Sawrey fil . Henery de Coulthousc t NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO June first Barnard Macreth and Alice Ottley viij"^ Regnald Holme and Elisabeth Vickars Septembr ij'*' George Mackreth and Margarett Mackreth xxiiij* Willm Benson and Jennett Longmyre Novemb'' xviij* Willm Braithwaite and Elisabeth Long- myre xxvij* Edward Keene and Mabell Mackreth Decemb"" ix* Willm Satterthwaite and Issabell Tompson * Interpolated in another hand. f There are three entries in another hand in the margin of the paper : December 8"' W™ Mabreth son of W"' of Hauxhead field November 5 1658, David Sands fil Adam Nober ^'d W" Robinson son of William de Hollin banke chrisened at Coniston 2 52 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. SEPLTURE ANNO PREDICTO : March xxx'*" Ellin the wife of Richard Burrowe de Stot- parke Aprill vj'^ Elisabeth Sawrey fil . Henry de Coniston Waterhead xj"" Richard Burrowe de Sott Parke xvj'h Rowland Tayler de Thwaite mosse in the Church xix'f' the wife of Willm Tayler de Plowme- greene in ye Church * xxiiij"^ Robert Satterthw' of Narr Sawrey in the Church May viij"' Peter Knipe of Coulthouse June i'h Agnes the wife of John Satterthw' Clarke of Haukeshead ii"" Scales fil Willm de Thwaitehead* vj'*^ Margarett the wife of Barnard Mackreth de outyeate July v''' Nicholas Holme de Holmground xxiij* Peter Towneson de Grysdall xxiiij'"^ Charles Satterthwaite elder of Narr : Sawrey August i"' Agnes the wife of Willm Satterthw' of Saw- rey in the Church Septb'' vj"^ Elsabeth the wife of Willm Braithw' de Sawrey ground xxix''' John Sawrey of Narr-Sawrey in the Church October ix'^'' John Blumer de Coniston Waterhead x'^ Mathew Kirkby younger de Coniston xj''' Elisabeth the wife of Willm Sawrey de Tarnhowes xx'^ Susana Arter de ffarr Sawrey November iiij* John Warde de ffarr Sawrey * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 253 viij'h Jennett the wife of Willm Benson of Brow in Church whoe lived but Six weeks & three days after shee was married xviij'^ Willm Townson de Gr37sdall in the Church xix* Elsabeth the wife of Regnald Holme de Oxenfell Decemb"" iiij"' Cicily Braithw^ fil . John de Haukeshead in ye Church vij'h Willm Sands de i^nstthwaite in the Church eodem die Edward Mackreth fil . Barnard de outyeate xxiiij'*' Margarett the wife of Regnald Braithw^ in the Church Jann : i"* Willm Satterthw' : fil . Willm de Narr Sawrey ffebr : x"* James Keene fil . Thomas de Parkamoore eodm die James Benson fil Bryam de Skellwith eodm die Agnes the wife of Edward Rigge de hyewrey a Quaker which was buryed at Coulthouse in George Braithw* packe (? parrocke) the same beinge an Intended buryinge place for that Sect and shee the first Corps which was layde therein xv'*" Elsabeth the wife of John Walker who dyed at Arneside xx'*' Agnes Kirkby fil George de Coniston March v''' An abortive son of Michaell Holmes of Roger ground vij''' Dorothy Sawrey fil . John de Narr Sawrey xviij"" Clement Tayler fil Clement de Ploomegreene finis hujus Anni 1658 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMI : 1659: March xxvij"' Ellin Satterthw^ fil George de Haukeshead Churchsteele Dorathy Braithw* fill John * * This entry is inserted in a diti'ereiit hand. 2 54 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Aprill XXV* John Rigge fil Robert de Rogerground May i'** Agnes Jackson fil Willm de hyewrey June xij"i Agnes Mackreth fil . Edward de Narr-Sawrey xxvij* Thomas Mackreth fil : George de Outyeate July iij'"^ Jane Braithwaite fil . James de ffarr Sawrey August xxviij"' Margarett Braithw' fil . Tho : de Tompson ground Scptemb>' mf" Janne Tayler fil George de Dalepke eodem die Margarett Kecne fil Edward de Outyeate xj'h John Dawes fil . Cristofer who was borne at Haukcshead Octob : ij* Dorothy Satterthw' fil . Charles de Greenend XV* Dorothie Walker fil . Richard de Arneside xvj* Sybell Satterthwaite fil . Robt de Satter- thwaite * Novb'' xxviij* Ann Atkinson fil Myles de Consey Decmb'' xj* Agnes Rigge fil . Christofer de Haukeshead field head xviij* Mary Sands fil Adam de fouleyeate Jann : i* Agnes Rigge fil . Edward de hyewrey viij* Ann Strickland fil . Thomas de Dalepke eodm die Agnes Satterthwaite fil . Willm de Crofthead xxij* George Walker fil . Myles de Keeneground eodm die Elisabeth Keene fil . Lcnord de Kecnground ffeb'^ xij* Ellin ffrearson fil James de Grysdall xxvj* Ellin Kirkby fil : George de Coniston March v* Willm Keene fil . Joseph de Keeneground ffeb 2* 1659 Thomas Satterthwaite fil Charles de Narr Sawrey * NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO : Aprill xvij* Joseph Keene and Elisabeth Satterthwaite . . . . Balthazer Puthpker & Katherine Harrison July xxiij* Clement Holme and Ellin bancke Septbr xij* Willm Benson & Ellasabeth Holme * This entry is inserted in another hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 255 Jann : i"^ Christopher Holme & Dorothye Bancke xvij* Daniell Nicolson and Brigett Pennington xix''' Christopher Nicolson and Elline Knipc xxxi'^ Thomas Auericke and Margarett Holme SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO. March xxvj'^ Edward Sawrey de Narr-Sawrey in the Church xxviij* Margarett Knipe fil . Peter de Coulthouse xxx'^ Jane the wife of Alexander Rigge of Narr- Sawrey eodm die Alexander Riggc fil Willm of Narr Sawrey Aprill vj'*^ Edward Rigge fil Edward of the same Sawrey xij* Margarett the wife of ffrancis Sawrey of ye same Sawrey xv''' Thomas Satterthw' fil Tho : of the same Sawrey xvj* Willm Sands of Lowsonpke in the Church xxvj* George Borwicke de Coniston May iij''' John Rigge fil . Robert de Rogerground v"^ Joseph Wilson fil . John de Barr-yeate viij"^ Mary Scales fil . Rowland de Dalepke xiij* Kathcrine the wife of John fifishcr de Grysdall XV* Mabell ye wife of Henery Kirkbye d-e Satterthw' in Church xxxj* Elline Riggc de outyeate June xviij* Margarett the wife of John Sawrey of Narr Sawrey xxvj* Elisabeth Braithw' fil . Tho : de Braithey July iij''' Mr. Thomas Benson de Skellwith in the Chancell xv"^ Agnes the wife of Richard Assburner of Anykinsj'ke xx'*" James Satterthwaite de greene = end August i* Jennet ux'' John Addison of Newbybridge in ye Church V* Jennett Bancke fil . George de Crosslands in Church 256 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. xvij"" An abortive daughter* of George Braithwaite of hill eodm die Elisabeth Braithwaite fil . Adam de Coulthouse xix'h EUine Satterthw^ fil Geo de Haukeshead Sept xix"^ Elisabeth the wife of Anthony Walker de Waterson ground xx"' Willm Braithwaite late of fouleyeate who dyed att Coulthouse xxv"' Agnes the wife of Willm Rigge who dyed at Hauxhead hall xxix"' Elisabeth Sands who dyed att Holm ground October iiij'^ Robert Kellatt fil Robert de Rawes ground xxv'h George Pepper fil Wilfm de Satterthw' Novemb"" ij"^ An abortive son of Willm Riggs of Satterthwaite vj''' James Braithw* fil . W™ de hye wrey in the Church xiiij"' Elisabeth uxo"" John Assburner de Narr- S a wrey xix''' ffrancis Sawrey of Hollin banck in the Church xx'"" Charles Tayler of ffinsthwaite eodem die Robert Scales de Dalepke eodm die Margarett the wife of George Jackson de Braithey Decemb'' iij'^ Ann borne of the wife of Robert Satterthw* of Narr-Sawrey without any knowne father viij"' Myles Sawrey de Narr-Sawrey in the Church xxj'*" Elisabeth wife of Rowland Townson of Coniston in Church xxix'^ Alice the wife of Rowland Crosfield de Satt * "daughter" has been written in another hand, above the original "fil,'' which has been crossed out. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 257 Jann vif" Willm Sawrey of Hollinbancke in the Church xiij''^ Katherine the wife of W" Baithw' of fould in ye Church xxj"> Elisabeth uxo'" . Rowland Turner de Consey in Church ffeb"" xx"^ Jane uxo>- Myles Sawrey of Sawrey in ye Church March v'^ An abortive son of W^ : Riggs of Narr Sawrey X* Mai-garett Kirkbye fil . George de hollinbancke xiiij* Edward Rigge de hye wrey xxiij* An abortive sone of James Jacksons of Parke finis hujus Anni 1659 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOM 1660.* March xxv*^'' Willm Knipe fil . James de Grysdall eodem die Elsabeth Benson fil . Barnard de Tockhowe Aprill viij* Willm Rigge fil . Symond de Haukeshead hill 25 Myles Walker fil . James de Satterthwaite f June iij''' Agnes Braithw' fil Willm de Satterhowe xxiiij''' Margarett Satterthw' fil Charles de Coulthouse July i"' Robert Benson fil . Willm de brow in Skellwith xxij'^ Cicily Satterthwt fil . George de Coulthouse August xix'^ Elsabeth Benson fil . Robert de Skellwith xxvi'*" Robert Holme fil . George de Oxenfell pke Septbf. xvj''' Willm Braithwaite fil . Adam de Coulthouse eod die Barbary Jackson fil . Thomas de Sawrey infra xxiij"' Clement Satterthw'. fil . Thomas de New- house XXX* Thomas Braithw' . fil Willm de bries in ffar Sawrey eod die Barbary Hodgshon fil . Richard de Tockehowe * The writing changes in character somewhat here ; but it is difficult to say if it is a new hand. The old hand is certainly renewed at Marriages 1661 : but is again changed at Baptisms 1662. t Seems to be an insertion in another hand. 18 2S8 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. October vij"' John Atkinson fil . Richard de Muncke Coniston eod die Willm Braithw^ fil . George de ffoule yeate xvij''' Befvis Nicolson fil . Daniel! de Haukeshead hall xxiiij"' Willm Knipe fil . Robert de Grysedall November "^=xj'i^ Thomas Pepper fil . Willm de Satterthwaite xviij'h Agnes Knipe . fil John de ffieldhead XXV* Margarett Rigge fil Willm de Satterthwaite Decembr iij* Ellin Rigge fil . Clement de Dalepke xxx'h Joseph Keene fil . Thomas de Keeneground January xx* Margarett Keene fil . Willm de Birkery iTebry xvij"» George Braithw' fil . Myles de Keeneground eod die Willm Rigge fil . Robert de Roger ground xxvij"^ Willm Banke fil . Willm de Watersyde March x'^ Thomas Turner fil . John de Nar-Sawrey xvij"^ Myles Sawrey fil . Anthony de Waterhead eodem die Agnes Sawrey fil . Henery de Dixeson ground NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO. Aprill xxx"' William Banke and Agnes Wilson May xiiij* James Strickland and Jennett Taylor July ij* James Towneson and Mary Strickland ix* Willm Ashburner and Ann Braithwaite August iiij* John Holme and Elsabeth Jackeson xvj* John Jackson and Jennett Knipe Septb"^ xxvij* Richard Knipe and Jane Bownas Decmb'' x* Myles Sands and Ellin Tayler SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO March xxv''' Willm Braithw' de fould in Sawrey in the Church xxix''' John Rigge of Roger ground in the Church * In the margin opposite this and succeeding entries : 13 : Edward Braithwaite fil James de Lowwrey HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 259 Aprill iij'^ John Robinson son of Henery a poore younge child who dyed by the highway side in Claife in his mothers armes iiij''' Agnes Satterthw* fil . Charles de Green = end v'*' Issabell ye wife of Willm Sands of Gray- thwaite in Church x''' Elisabeth Rigge ye Daughter of Rigge pipper (piper) who dyed att Consay xxviij''' David Sands eld"" de Graythw' in ye little chancell June i* Henery Sawrey de Coulthouse in the Church June iij'*" Myles Mackreth de Outyeate eod dei Willm Braithw"^ fil Willm base begotten xj''' Ester Braithwaite fil . George de Stottpke xxiij'^ Agnes Rigge fil . Edward de Hyewrey xxiiij'*^ Edward Holme de Hodge-close xxviij* Thomas Brockbancke fil . John de fieldhead July vj* Regnald Holme de Grysedall August ij''' George Satterthw' Smyth de Coulthouse xvij''' James Tayler fil . Christopher de Dalepke Septb^ i"^ Mary uxo'' Anthony Sawrey de Satt : in the Church xvj'*' Margarett Mackreth fil . Anthony de fieldhead October xviij'^ Elsabeth the wife of Willm Walker of Grysedall November ij'^ Myles Townson of Grysedall xxij'^ Ellin the wife of Myles ffleminge de field- head xxvij"' Willm Sands of Graythwaite in the Church Decemb"^ xj"^ Christopher Sands who dyed at Green-end xvij"" Jennett uxo"^ John Turner de Satterthw in ye Church xxj'^ ffrancis Sawrey de Nar-Sawrey xxxj"' Margarett Rigge de Narr-Sawrey January xv"' Myles Walker younger de Satterthw' in the Church 26o HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. ffebruary xiij* the wife of Christopher Sands who dyed at Coulthouse * xxviij"^ Wilkn Satterthwaite de Ash-Slacke in the Church March vj'^ Barnard Braithwt de Skellwith in the Church xij'h Percivell Holme de Oxenfell pke xxj''' Mabell uxo"" Arthur Dixson of Dixson ground xxiij'h Jane Braithwaite daughter of Adam de Coult- house Finis hujus Anni 1660 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMI : 1661 : March 25'^ Mary Robinsone fil . W™ de HolHnbanke Chrisned at Coniston f March xxxj"' George Kellatt younger fil . Robert de Raws ground eod die Margarett Townson fil . James de Grysdall Aprill vij* Mary Sands fil Adam de Graythwaite xiiij'!" Edward Rigge fil . Edward de Narr = Sawrey May v'h Elisabeth Benson fil . John de Haukshead hill xix'h Adam Ashburner fil . Wilkn de ffoule yeate XXX* Elsabeth Braithw' fil . George de Haukeshead hill June xvj'i' Willm Braithwt fil . John de Crofthead July xv'^ Barbary Mackreth fil Edward de Narr Sawrey August xviij"^ David Kirkby fil . George de Hollin- bancke Septb'' viij* George Mackreth fil George de Mosse-foote xxij''' Agnes Holme fil John borne att Sawrey- ground Octob'' V* Edward Keene fil Joseph de Keen-ground xiij"* Agnes Cowperthwaite fil . Geo . borne att Esthwaite * No Christian name given. This entry is inserted in another hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 261 Novemb'' iij"' Margarett Braithwaite fil . George de Conscy xvij"' Robert Atkinson fil . Myles de Consey eodem die Jane Poall fil . Willm de fforsse-Mill xxiiij''' David Sands fil . Myles de Graythwaite Decemb'' viij* James Walker fil . Myles de Keene-ground xxij'^ Henery Williamson fil . Henery de ffarr : Sawrey xxvij'^ John Greene-howe fil. John de Haukeshead hall xxix'^ John Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Tompson ground eod die Christopher Jackson fil . Willm de Low- wrey January xxvj* Willm Dixeson fil . Richard de brow in Skellwith eod die Willm Braithwaite fil W^" : ye smyth de ffarr- Sawrey eod die Issabell Braithw^ fil John de Sawrey infra fifebruary xx''' Agnes Knipe fil . Richard de Munck Coniston xxiij"' Agnes Rigge fil . Willm de Skellwith eod die Agnes Benson fil Will de * March ij* James Satterthwaite fil . Charles de Green end xvij* John Braithwaite fil . Robert de Outyeat NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May vj"^ Alexander Rigge and Elsabeth Deys xxiij''' Adam Rawlinson and Agnes Towers June i'^ Thomas Atkinson and Jane Atkinson July vj"' Richard Dickson and Ellin Robinson October viij* Christopher Harrison and Mabell Benson November vij'*' Anthony Sawrey and Susan Strickland December v'^ George Mackereth and Barbary Sawrey xvj* Joseph Taylor and Margarett Taylor ffebruary iij'^ William Walker and Jane Carter * Writing very faded. 262 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO. Aprill i"^ Emas uxo'' Edward Wilson who dyed att Crosselands viij'^ John Hodgson of Tarne howes xvj* Lenord Keenc de Keene-ground eodem die Susan the wife of Willm Bordley in the Church xviij"^ ElHn the wife of W™ Braithw' elder of Satterhowe xix* W™ Browne a poore criple borne at Newcastle upon Tine xxvij"" John Wilson of Russeland xxix"^ Agnes uxo'' Christopher Sands of ffoulle yeate May xv"' Elsabeth uxo'' Geo : Braithw' de ffarr Sawrey in ye Church xx"' Jennett uxoi" John Harrison of Thwaite head xxvij* Margarett uxo'" Christopher Tayler de dalepke eod die Christopher Rigge fil . Symond de Haukeshead hill xxviij"' Agnes uxo"" Richard Walker of Arncside in ye Church eod die An abortive son of Christopher Holme of Arneside June i'^ Elsabeth Braithw^ fil . George de Haukshead hill ix* Margarett uxo"" Willm Turner de Satterthwaite xij''^ Ellin uxo'' John Brockbanke who dyed at Skell- with xiiij"' Ellin Sands fil . Adam de ffoule = yeate xix'*" John Holme fil . Regnald de Oxenfell July xxvj'^ Issabell Tayler fil . Willm de Thwaite head in the Church August i'*" Arthur Rigge de Coniston in the Church x"' Maudlan Tayler uxo>^ Christopher de Narr=: Sawrey xv'*' Thomas Braithwaite de Braithey xxviij'*' Issabell uxo"" Peeter Knipe of Coulthouse Septb"" XX* Elsabeth uxo"^ Willm Sawrey de Crofthead in the Church HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 263 xxiiij''' Jennett uxo"^ Edward Wilson de Roger- Riddinge xxvj'^ Mary uxo'' Tho : Strickland de Satterthw' in the Church xxviij* Agnes Tayler fil . Rowland de Crosselands xxix* George Satterthw' fil . Christopher de Russeland Octob"^ ix* Edward Keene fil . Joseph de Keeneground xxix* Christopher Tayler de Dalepke in the Church eod die Dorothy Braithw*^ fil . Willm de Sawrey in ye Church xxx'*' Thomas Strickland fil . Thomas de Dalepke in ye Church Novemb'' ij* uxo"" Willm Walker de Dalepke xj"' Ann Strickland fil . Tho : de Dalepke in the Church xx'^ Edward Braithw' fil . W™ de fould in Sawrey in the Church xxij'*' Myles Harrison of Skellwith in the Church Decemb"^ iiij* Mabell Benson fil . Bryam de Tockehowe V* John Benson de Haukshead hill vij'*' Barbary uxo"" Willm Walker who dyed at Parkeamoore xiij* uxo>" John Benson de out yeat in the Church Janny ij'^ Myles ffrearson de Grysdall iijth Willm Rigge de Haukeshead field in the Church xviij'*' George Turner Collyer ffebry ix'^ Ann Braithwaite fil . Willm de fieldhead x'^ Ellin uxor Willm Penny de Tarnehowes in the Church xij'h Willm Sawrey fil . W™ : de Sawrey infi-a in the Church xxiij'^ Ester uxo^ Willm Sawrey de Coniston Waterhead in ye Church 264 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. March xx* John Rigge fil . Robert de Rogerground Finis hujus Anni l66i:" .... l66i Robert Atkinson son of Myles de Conseyf BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMI : 1662 + March xxx'^ Thomas Keene fil . James de Tompson = ground Aprill xiij'i' Thomas Styth fil . Thomas de Satterthwaite May xj'h Margarctt Holme fil . Regnald de Oxenfell xiij'h Judith Nicolson fil . Daniell de Haukeshead hall eodem die John fifisher fil . Christopher de Haukeshead June i'h William Hodgson fil . Richard de Tarnehowes eodem die Charles Satterthwaite fil . WiTTm de Narr = Sawrey July xxvij* Robert Tayler fil . George de Dalepke the Last day Thomas Banke fil . Willm de Waterside August iij* Elizabeth Rigge fil . Christopher de ffieldhead x"' Agnes Satterthwaite fil . William de Coult- house xxj'h George Holme fil . Michaell de Keene = ground xxiiijt'' Kirkby George Chrisned att Coniston § Septb"" vij* Margarett Mackreth fil . Bernard de outyeate xiiij''' John Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Narr = Sawrey Octob"" xij''' Myles Strickland fil . Thomas de dalepke code die Robert Taylor fil James de Dalepke eod die Agnes Satterthwaite fil Charles de Coulthouse eod die Agnes Johnson fil . Robert de Keene aground xix* William Rigge fil . Thomas de Roger = ground November ix'^ John Parke fil . Rowland de Skellwith December xxj''' Jane Ashburner fil . William de ffoule- yeate * In the flourish (which comes at the end of every batch of births, deaths, or marriages) are inserted in this instance the initials W. T. f Is inserted in another hand. J The handwriting changes here. § The Christian name omitted. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 265 eod die Agnes Postlethwaite fil . Thomas de Satterthwaite xxviij''' Issabell Satterthwaite fil . Charles de Sawrey January iiij''' Margrett Rigge fil . Robert de Roger-ground ffebruary the firste John Benson fil . Bernard de Tock- howe eod die Mary Satterthwaite fil . Robert de Satterthwaite March the firste William Sawrey fil . Anthony de Sawrey ground xij'h Agnes Mackereth fil . Thomas de Skellwith xv'*' Samuell Strickland fil . Myles de Roger= ground eod die Agnes Towneson fil . James de Grysdall eod die Agnes Jackson fil . Thomas de Sawrey NUPTIE ANNO PREDICTO : 1662: May xv"* Thomas Mackereth & Margrett Jackson xxiiij'^ George Roberts & Mabell Holme June viij'*' Thomas Braithwaite & Ann Tompson 24 : John Williamson & Elsabeth Ashburner August 13"" William Newby & Grace Mackereth 19'^ Edward Braithwaite & Margrett Sands Novembr. 4"' John Scale & Margrett Gayteskell married with lysence 18''' John Sewarte & Ann Troughton 26 : John Towneson & Agnes Braithwaite 29 : Richard Chattburne & Ann Rawlingson married with lysence January 27''' Thomas Braithwaite & Margrett Robinson 31 : Edward Sawrey & Margrett Sawrey married by lysence ffebruary iij"' Symond Grysdall & Agnes Moore V*'' Robert Braithwaite & Marrgrett Mackereth xxiij"' Thomas Braithwaite & Elsabeth Rigge 266 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO : 1662: March 28'^ Charles Rigge of the Outyeate Aprill &^ Jennett the wife of Thomas Bibbie de fforsse = forge xxij'h Elsabeth Sawrey fil . Anthony de Oxenfell May firste Agnes the wife of John Knype of fieldhead in the Church xxij"^ Ann the wife of Thomas Styth of Satterthw' in the Church June ij"^ Thomas Styth fil Thomas de Satterthw' in the Church Jully 5'^ William Braithwaite fil William Smyth of Sawrey 15'^ Thomas Keene fil James de Tompson ground August 24 a Childe of Richard Townesons of Grysdall who dyed unchrisned 26'^ George Braithwaite fil . W™. de Sawrey in the Church 31 : an abortive Childe of George Braithwaits of hill September 21 : James Strickland of Satterthwaite in the Church October 1 5 : Keene fil Thomas de Parkeamoore * eod die Thomas Braithwaite elder of Tompson ground November ij'^ Edward Rigge of Narr Sawrey 21 Jennett the wife of John Crosfielld November 22* ux'' Robert Satterthwaite who dyed att Grysdall xxvj"" William Rigge of hyewrey Decemb'" iij"' two Abortive Children of Myles Townesons of Grysdall vj'*' ux'' John Braithwaite de Haukeshead field in the Church xij"' Cicily Satterthwaite fil . George de Coult- house 20 : Arthur Benson fil . Arthur de Skellwith in the Chancell * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 267 January firste Robert Jackson fil . George de Braithey iij'*" uxi^ Edward Sands de ffinsthwaite v'"^ ux'" Alexander Rigge de Narr = Sawrey vj'^ Samuell Braithwaite de ffarr = Sawrey xij* ffrancis Troughton of Roger = ground xx'*' ux"" John Locke de Grysdall in the Church xxv'*' ux"" John Knype de fieldhead ffebruary ij'** Agnes Jackson fil . George de Braithey iij''' Issabell Rigge who dyed at Watterson ground x''' Thomas Sands of Rogerground in the Church xij'** George Braithwaite of Consey in the Church 15 : ux'' William Sands de ffinsthwaite in the Church eod die Elline Mackereth fil . W"" de Skellwith in the Church March v* Issabell Strickland de Russland 18 William Sawrey son of Anthony de Sawrey ground in the Church finis hujus Anni 1662 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMI 1663 March 29* Margrett Braithwaite fil . Thomas de fieldhead Aprill 5'^ Bryam Braithwaite fil . Myles de fouleyeate e5d die Daniell Banks fil . Adam de Skellwith eod die Elsabeth Walker fil . William de Dalepke 19: WilTm Mackereth fil . Edward de Narr=: Sawrey May iij* Henery Williamson fil . John de foule = yeate lO''' Jane ffreareson fil . James de Grysdall j^rth Agnes Kirkby fil . William de Coniston JuUy 5* William Holme fil . Clement de Coniston 19"^ Ann Mayberry fil . Richard de Mosse = foote August ij"' Elsabeth Penny fil . Willm de Keeneground S'** Arthur Dixeson fil . Richard Chrisned att Amblesyde 16''' Issabell Keene fil . Edward de Church style 30"^ Jane Attkinson fil . Richard de Coniston 268 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. September 21'^ Satterthwaite fil . W™. de Satterthwaite* cod die Dorothy Rigge fil . Willm of the same 27 : John Braithwaite fil . Edward de Satterhowc October iiij"' Clement Holme fil Clement de Dalepke xj'^ Dorothy Mackereth fil . Edward de Narr Sawrey 18"^ Emas Rowneson fil . George de Coniston November the firste George Attkinson fil . Thomas de Birkrey S'l- William Braithwaite fil . Robert de Skellwith eod die Thomas Knypet fil . James de Grysdall xv"" Dorothy Sawrey fil . John de Haukeshead hill 22 : John Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Haukeshead field 29 : Issabell Holme fil . George de Oxenfell pke December 6 John Turner fil . John de Sawrey eod die Margrett Braithwaite fil . James de low wrey 20'^ James Braithwaite fil . Thomas de hye = wrey 27''' George Braithwaite fil . William de Hye = wrey January iij''^ Margrett Pepper fil . W"' . de Satterthwaite lo"" Samucll Sands fil . Adam de ffoule-yeate 17* Joseph Keene fil . James de Tompson ground 24"^ John Sands fil . Myles de Graythwaite field head eod die John Sawrey fil . Edward de Hollin = banke ffeb ye firste Mary Satterthwaite fil . Robert de Satterthwaite ffebruary 7'^ Edward Braithwaite fil . John de Crofthead 14''' Agnes Rigge fil . James de Skellwith 21 Ann Rigge fil . Anthony de Narr Sawrey 29 Nicolas Turner fil . William de Satterthwaite * No Christian name given. f The name " ffrearson " has been first written, then scratched out, and a blurred name, apparently "Knype," written above. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 269 March &^ John Towneson fil . Myles de Grysdall 10"^ George Benson & Margrett Benson children of William Benson of browe eod die Dorothy Rowneson fil . W™ de Skellwith 20''^ John Hodgson fil . Richard de fieldhead NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO: 1663: May xxvj* Thomas Mackereth & Margrett Mackereth June vj'^ William Penny & Ellin Dixeson xj'^ Willm Sawrey & Issabell Sawrey married with lysence 25* William Woodburne & Agnes Rigge August vj"' Rowland Towneson & Ann Brockbanke 18''' John Braithwaite & Margrett Harrison 31'^ Thomas Sands & Agnes Robinson Jannuary the last Edward Harrison & Jane Walker SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO : 1663 : Aprill 3'! Elsabeth the wife of Samuell Sands of Roger ground 8* Joseph Sands fil . Samuell ibm 26 ffrancis Banke of Coniston in the Church May 10 : Henery Williamson fil : John de foule yeate 13 : Christofer ffisher fil . John de Grysdall 24 : Agnes Hodshon fil . Cuthbert de Tarne = howes 27 : Regnald Sands of Satterthwaite in the Church June the firste : uxo'' George Satterthwaite of Cragg '^^ Richard Kellatt of howe in Haukeshead field 5 : Issabel Relsle who dyed att Narr:= Sawrey 18 : George Braithwaite of ffarr = Sawrey in the Church Jully the ffirste Daniell Banke fil Adam de Skellwith 22'h An abortive Childe of Willm Riggs of Narr Sawrey 17* An abortive son of Symond Riggs of Haukeshead hill 18''' Katherine Godmunt 2 70 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. August Qih Thomas Rigge of Rogerground 23 : An abortive daughter of Thomas Keene of Haukeshead September 9* : Edward Scales of Crosselands ii"' : An Abortive daughter of John Scales of Roger Rydding I2'h : Margrett Mackereth fil . W™. de Haukes- head field 24* . ux'- Myles Attkinson de Sawrey in the Church 25* . Henery Sawrey de Coniston Water-head in the Church October S"' . Robert Kellatt of Skinerhowe lo'h . Ann Mayberry fil . Richard de Mossefoote 29'^ . Postlethwaite fil . Thomas de Satter- thwaite * December 17* . Alice the wife of John Sawrey of Coniston 22* Ellin Gurnall of Satterthwaite 23* . William Rigge of Narr Sawrey 24'h . An Abortive Childe of George Braith- waite of hill 31'^ . David Dixeson of Tarne howes Jannuary iij'h Margrett the wife of Tho : Braithwait of fould in ye Church 5* . John Turner fil . John de Sawrey I2'h . John Satterthwaite de Parkeamoore in the Church 21* . uxr George Braithwaite de Haukeshead hill in ye church ffebruary 4'^ . Margrett Braithwaite fil . WiUm de Satter- howe 25'h . Elsabeth Holme, alias Blinde Bessee 29'h . Margrett ye wife of W™. Turner of Satterthw' in ye Church No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 271 March 22"^ Elsabeth the wife of Christofer Rigge in the Church finis hujus Anni 1663 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI: 1664: March the 27"^ Ester Sands fil Adam de Graythwaite fieldhead Aprill the 3^^ Myles Sawrey fil . Anthony de Sawrey ground 24 : Dauid Dixeson fil . Dauid de Tarnehowes eod die Joseph Dixeson fil . George ibm eod die Margret Williamson fil Henery de Sawrey May the 8"" William Towneson fil Richard de Grysdall e5d die Ann Greenhowe fil . John de Haukeshead hall XV* Elizabeth Braithwaite fil . Willm de Satterhowe June 24 : Adam Walker fil Myles de Haukeshead Church style 26 : Thomas Keene fil Willm de fieldhead eod die Sarah Mackereth fil George de out (yeate ?) Jully 24 : Ruth Sands fil . Thomas de Satterthwaite August 2^ . Elizabeth Towneson fil Rowland de Muncke Coniston 14 : Jane Towneson fil John de Grysdall 28 : Jennett Keene fil . Thomas de Haukeshead eod die : Elizabeth Satterthwaite fil . Charles de Coult- house Septemb^ 4'^ ffrancis Knype fil . Richard de Muncke Coniston e5d die William Taylor fil . George de Dalepke xviij* George Braithwaite fil . Willm de Brathey October 2'^ Margrett Williamson fil . John de field = head ix"' George Mayberry fil . Richard de Mosse-foote eod die Mary Keene fil . Joseph de Keeneground xvj"" Thomas Braithwaite fil Thomas de Tompson ground 272 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. November &^ Thomas Braithwait fil . Thomas de field head 13 : WiUiam Rigge fil . Myles de Satterthwaite 17"^ Adam Satterthwaite fil . W™ . de Green-: end December iiij'^ Mary Postlethwaite fil . Tho : de Satter- thwaite January viij'^ Bryan Robinson fil Willm de Hollin = banke 22 : Ann Braithwaite fil . John de fould in Sawrey extra 29 : William Mackereth fil . Thomas de Skellwith ffebruary 5 : John Ashburner fil . William de Rogerground eod die Ann Warriner fil Mathew de Tarne howes 7 : William Satterthwaite fil . W™ de Coulthouse 27 : Thomas Jackson fil . John de Grysdall eod die Margret Braithwait fil . Edward de Satter- howe NUPTIiE ANNO PREDICTO May the 14''' George Holme and Jane Bownas 21 : Alexander Rigge and Elizabeth Killner June 4 : Thomas Braithwaite & Elizabeth Bornes 27 : William Towneson and Dorothy Satterthwaite Jully the 7 : George Waller and Margrett Rigge 12 : James Braithwaite and Margrett Braithwaite 19 : Charles Russell & Margrett Scotson married with lysence att Coulton August the 1 1 : James Dixeson and Margrett Braith- waite : October 3 : George Rigge & Elsabeth Rigge married with lysence 18 : Ralph Drinkald and Issabell Bornes maried with lysence November 3^ John Dixeson and Agnes Rigge 17 : William Bordley and Agnes Burrow maried with lysence 22 : Lancelott Benson and Sarah Edmondson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 273 24 : Thomas Casson and Mary Knype December ye firste William Towneson and Alice Rigge : Jannuary ye last Thomas Strickland and Elizabeth Braithwaite SEPULTURE ANNO PREDICTO : Aprill ye 4''' 1664 : Md That their was a man drown^ in Thurston = water which was found Casten upp att the water = head neare to the yeate in the high = way who hadd layde soe long in the sayd water untill the haire was covcfi- of his head and his face was sore eaten and disvigered with fishes : hee beinge a stranger and not knowne by any was broughte to Haukeshead Church by a horse in a Carr and buried in his Close in the Church = yard att the north syde of the Steeple the day and yeare firste men- tioned and expressed : May ye 17"^ Jennett Gurnall of the howe in Haukeshead field 29 : Alice the wife of George Braithwaite of Sawrey extra June 3 : Thomas Wilson who dyed at Skellwith : 6 : Robert Rawlingson of Haukeshead in the Church : Jully 2 : James Towneson of Grysdall in the Church 6 : ux'' Anthony Rigge de Sawrey-infra : 9 : Robert Kellatt fil . Robert de Watterson-ground eod die Thomas Keene fil . Thomas de Parkeamoore August 28 : Elsabeth Braithwaite fil Willm de Satterhowe September 5 : James Rigge of Skellwith 18 : an Abortive daughter of Symond Riggs of Haukeshead hill 19 : an Abortive son of George Kirkbys of Hallin=: banke 23 : Agnes Johnson fil . Robert de Grysdall October 19: Daniell Sawrey fil . W™ de Coniston Waterhead November 8 : Rowland Scale in the Church 12 : Jane ffrearson fil : James de Grysdall 19 2 74 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. i6 James Braithwaite son of W™ de Skellwith 17 : John Wilson of Barr-yeate eod die : James Crosfield of Satterthwaite 28 : Dorothy Rigge fil Willm de Satterthwaite 29 : John Dixeson de Satterthwaite December 27 : William Rowneson de Skellwith : Jannuary ye firste : Rowland Turner of Consey 8 : An Abortive son of Michaell Holmes of Keeneground ffebruary 10 : ux"" William Rigge of Rogerground in the Church 14: Willm Kirkby of Satterthwaite in the Church: 20: Mabell Rigge fil . Edward de Sawrey= Infra : finis hujus Anni 1664 BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOMI : 1665 : March 27 : Margrett Sawrey fil . Myles de Coniston Water- head. Aprill xf" George fifisher fil . Christopher de Skinerhowe 23 : Robert ffrearsone son of James de Grysdall 30 : W™ Braithwaite son of Robert de Outyeate May 14: Agnes Rigge fil Robert de Roger = ground June 4 : Charles Russell son of Charles de Consey JuUy 8 : William Turner fil John de Sawrey 30 : Margrett Walker fil . John de Dalepke August 27 : Susan Braithwaite fil . William de briers. Septemb"" 10 : William Rigge fil . W"^ de Satterthwaite 17 : Margarett Scale fil . John de Grysdall October the firste Margrett Holme fil . George de Hodge . Close 8 : Thomas Dixeson fil . Richard de browe in Skellwith eod die Richard Penny fil . W"' de Holme ground 15 : Rachell Kirkby fil . George de Muncke Coniston eod die Elsabeth Banke fil . Willm de Water-Syde November 5 : James Kirkby fil . William de Muncke Coniston 15 : Bridgett Bordley daughter of Willm de Haukeshead HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 275 19 : Elisabeth Knype fil . Robert de Grysdall 26 : Robert Townesone fil . Willm de Grysdall December 3^ Thomas Johnson fil . Robert de Grysdall eod die Willm Sawrey fil . John de Haukeshead hill 27 : Anthony Sawrey fil . Edward de Hollin banke 29 : Thomas Satterthwaite fil . Robert de Satter- thwaite 31 : Thomas Holme fil . Reginald de Oxenfell eod die Mabell Holme fil . Christofer de Skellwith Jannuary the firste Elsabeth Harrison fil . John de Satterthwaite 7 : William Rigge fil . Christofer de fieldhead 24 : Margrett Sawrey fil . Henery de Dixeson ground ffebruary 18 : Margrett Tounsone fil . Rowland de Muncke Coniston 25 : John Jackson fil . Thomas de Sawrey-inft-a eod die Willm Pepper fil . George de Sawrey infra March xj'*> Charles Satterthwait fil . Charles de Sawrey infra eod die John Mackreth fil . George de Skellwith 18 : Thomas Strickland fil . John de Dalepke NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO Aprill 4 : Myles Rigge and Issabell Tyson May 20 : John Strickland & Elsabeth Pennington 28 : William Wilson & Jennett Greave 30 : Rowland Wilson & Elsabeth Braithwaite June 8 : George Mackereth & Ann Attkinson 13 : George Braithwaite & Issabell .... * June 24 : Myles Walker and Agnes Robinsone Jully 8 : Richard Dixeson and Ann Strickland 10 : Henery Barrowe and Elsabeth Braithwaite married by lysence e5d die : James Braithwaite and Mary Rigge xv'*' George Pepper and Jane Braithwaite Septemb"" 24'^ Adam ffleeminge and Issabell Dixeson October 26* William ffleeminge and Agnes Rigge * Ink very aded, 276 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. SEPULTURI.E ANNO PREDICTO March 29'^ Thomas Kirkby de Russland May 6«h ux"- Edward Satterthwaite who dyed at Skellwith 26"' ux>- Anthony Sawrey de Robert Banke pke in Church Jully 30 : Issabell Tounsone who was brought out of Cartmell psh(?)=^= August the firste An Abortive Childe of John Scales of Roger Riddinge 8 Elsabeth Rigge daughter of Robert de field head 21 : Elsabeth Knype fil . Peter who dyed at Watterson ground September 9* Elsabeth Benson fil . Robert de Skellwith 20 : John Dodgson of the hill eod die fifrancesse ffletcher who dyed at Haukeshead hall 24 : Thomas Strickland de Satterthwaite in the Church October '\j : An Abortive Childe of George Kirkbys of Hollin banke November 2^ Richard Penny son of Willm de Holme ground 17"' Margrett Rigge fil . Anthony de Sawrey = infra 22"^ Robert Rigge de Sawrey = infra December the firste An Abortive Childe of Tho : Strickland of Dalepke 4'^ Ann Askewe daughter of William in the Church 29 : John Jackson fil . John de Grysdall Jannuary x"' ux'' John Sawrey who dyed att Green = end eod die Bridgett Bordley fil . Willm in the Church 16'^'' Jane Townsone called Dwarke in the Church 22 ux"" Thomas Benson late of houmes head in the Church 24 : Richard Mayberry de Strickland wife houses e5d die ux^ Henery Sawrey de Dixeson ground in the Church * Leaf bound in. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 277 25'h Charles Satterthwaite of Coulthouse drowned in the pool as hee was goeinge home from Haukeshead and buried in the Church 28'h : John Scale fil . John de Whaitehead ffebruary 13 : Margrett Sawrey fil . Henry de Dixeson = ground 21 : George Rigge who dyed at Hollin = banke March 5 : ux^ Willm Benson de Coulthouse in the Church 9 : ux'' David Sands de Graythwaite in the Church 16 : Arthur Dixeson de Dixeson ground 17 : John Dodgson de ffieldhead in the Church 20 : ux'' Dauid Sands elder in Sands quire finis hujus ani. 1665 : BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOMI : 1666 : Aprill 8 : Elizabeth Braithwaite fil . John de Sawrey-infra 10 : Elizabeth Scale fil . W™. de Whaite-head 15 : William Braithwaite fil . Thomas de hye = wrey: eod die Dorothy Braithwaite fil . Robert de Skellwith 22 : John Wilson fil . Willm de Oxenfell May 6: Willm Dixeson fil . George de Tarne = howes eod die Elizabeth Atkinson fil . Thomas de Keene-ground eod die Jane Brockbanke fil . John de fieldhead 21 : Issac Attkinson fil . Richard de Muncke Coniston eod die Agnes Rigge fil . Myles de Hye = wrey June io : Agnes Capeland daughter of Robert de Parkemoore 17 : Thomas Benson fil . Willm de Skellwith Jully 22 : Elizabeth Braithwait fil . John de Narr-Sawrey August 19 : Dorothy Braithwait fil . James de Sand-ground Septemb"" ii'^ Katherine Benson fil . Lancelott de Haukes- head : October 14: Margrett Braithwait fil . Geo: de Haukeshead hill November 1 1 : Agnes Braithwait fil . James de Crofthead 25 : George Rigge fil . Thomas de Roger-ground eod die Margrett Penny fil . W"\ de Holmeground December 16 : Mary Kirkby fil . George de Hollin-banke eod die Robert Pepper fil . W"'. de Satterthwaite 2 78 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 23 : Jane Rigge fil . Anthony de Narr Sawrey Jannuary 6 : Henry Sawrey fil . Anthony de Sawrey-ground 20 : Thomas Knype fil . John borne at Water-head : 24 : Willm Bordley fil . Willm de Haukeshead : 27 : Willm Greenhowe fil . John de Haukeshead 28 : William Braithwaite fil . Willm de Hye-wrey * ffebruary : 3 : Issabell Braithwaite fil . Edward de Satter-howe eod die Agnes Sands fil . Thomas de Roger-ground e5d die Dcbora Mackreth fil . George de outyeate March 24 : Thomas Knype fil . Richard de Muncke Coniston e5d die Dorothy Sands fil . Myles de Graythwaite NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO: John Knype and Agnes Sawrey married with lysence June 13 : Robert Tayler and Issabell Kirkby Jully 5 : Thomas Benson and Sybell Rigge 8 : Richard Readhead and Elizabeth Nicolson eod die : Rowland Braithwait & Agnes Rawes 26 : Richard Hodgshon and Elizabeth Braithwaite 31 : George Borwicke & Issabell Benson October 31 : William Turner & Elizabeth Wilson November 7 : John Ashburner & Elizabeth Knype ffebruary 7 : Thomas Douer & Agnes Benson SEPULTURI^ ANNO PREDICTO Aprill the firste of the outyeate : f 22 : An Abortive Childe of Berard Benson's of Tock- howe 26 : ux"" Charles Wilson who dyed at Arnesyde eod die Ruth Rownsone fil . George de Coniston May 3 : William Braithwaite de loane = thwaite 7 : Anthony Sawrey taylor who dyed at Hollinbanke 9 : Dorothy ye base Childe of Issabell Satterthw'. widdowe * " William " is filled in in another hand, f The name is omitted. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 279 eod die John Sands of Graythwaite field head 20 : Susana Howard fil . John who dyed at graythwaite June 3 : Ellin Scale fil . John de Roger Ryddinge 16 : John Jackson fil . Thomas de Sawrey infra Jully the 24 : a liveinge daughter of Willm Braithwaite youngest of Satterhowe who dyed imme- diately after she was borne 30 : Agnes Rigge fil . Myles de Hye — wrey August 7 : Richard Washington Schoole Master of Sawrey 15 : ux"" Robert Banke de Crosselands in ye Church 23 : W™ Pepper fil . George de Sawrey = extra 30 : Dorothy Benson fil . Bryan de hye = wrey September 1 1 : Margrett y^ wife of Tho : Mackreth of browe in ye Church 13 : John ffisher de Grysdall 17 : William ffisher de dalepke : 19 : Elizabeth Braithwait fil John de Crofthead October ye firste Margrett Keene fil . Thomas dc Parkeamoore : 21 : Nicolas Turner fil . Willm de Satterthwaite 22 : Issabell Keene fil . Edward de Church = style. 27 : Ann Greenhowe fil . John de Church = style. November 3 : Ann Kirkby fil . W™ de Satterthwaite in ye Church 20 : Ann Holme fil . Clement de Dalepke 26 : Katherine Benson fil . Lancelott in ye Church December 8 : Myles Sands fil . Adam de Graythwaite in Sands quire Jannuary firste Robert fifreareson fil James de Grysdall : 23: Alexander Rigge de Narr = Sawrey: 24 : Margrett Rigge fil . George de Satterthw' : 28: Edward Mackreth de Sawrey = infra in ye Church 29 : An abortive Childe of Michaell Holmes now of Estwhaite ffebruary 6: ux^ Myles Walker who dyed att low = wrey: 8 : Jane Richardson who dyed at birkrey : 28o HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 1 1 : Thomas Rooke who hanged himself in a hollinge in Robert Satterthwaite Allan Ryddinge 25 : Symond Rigge fil . Anthony de Narr = Sawrey March 6: ux-" Clement Rigge de field head in ye Church 8 : ux-- W"' Braithwaite de Eltarwater pke eod die Agnes Taylor fil . Rowland de Crosselands 17: George Dixcson dc Tarne = hous finis hujus ani 1666 BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOMI : 1667 : March 3'^ Agnes Knipe fill . Robert de Grysdall * Aprill xiiij"' Mary Parke fil . Thomas de Keene ground eod die Issabell ffisher fil . Christofer de Haukeshead e5d die Thomas Braithwaite fil . Rowland de Braithey xxviij"' Thomas Townsone fil . Myles de Grysdall eod die Jane Keene fil . William de fieldhead eod die Ester Strickland fil Myles de Roger ground May 5 : John Williamson fil . John de Haukeshead fieldhead eod die Ann Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Sand ground June ixtii James Knype fil . James de ffoule=yeate eod die Thomas Jackson fil . Thomas de Sawrey extra eod die Mary Rownson fil . George de Munke Coniston Jully 17th Alice Jackson fil . Mathew de Haukeshead hill (or hall) August 4th Nicolas and Margarett Turner Children of Nicolas de Satterthwaite 25 : John Holme fil George de Oxenfell pke 15 : Issac Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Tompson (ground) September 29 : Ann Ashburner fil . John de Haukeshead October 6 : John fifreareson fil . James de Grysdall 27 : William Satterthwaite fil W™ de Narr = Sawrey eod die Margarett Keene fil Joseph de Keen = ground November 17 : Ann Dixeson fil . Richard de Dixeson = ground 24 : Jane Sawrey fil . Willm de Haukeshead hill December the firste Margrett Braithwaite fil . James de Lonethw' '' This entry is inserted in another hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 281 Jannuary 5 : Agnes Benson fil . Bernard de Tockhowe 19 : George Attkinson fil . George de Outyeate eod die W'" Townsone fil . Rowland de Munke Coniston 23 : Edward Sawrey fil . Willm de Narr-Sawrey March 15 : Richard Parke fil . John de Skellwith 22 : John Scale fil . John de Grysdall May 22 : 1667 : Thomas Towneson fil . VV™ borne in Ireland NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO May 27 : Henery Sawrey and Elizabeth Keene : June 16 : William Braithwaite & Issabell Ottley : 24 : George Attkinson & Margrett Mackreth : 26 : John Knype and Barbary Braithwaite : Jully 7 : John Parke and Margrett Braithwaite : 9 : William Sawrey and Dorotliy Braithwaite : 14 : William Sawrey & Margrett ffleeminge : 17 : Cuthbert Hodgsone & Dorothy Townsone : October the firste William Sawrey & Agnes Penny : 3 : James Mackreth S: Cicily Mackereth : November 14 : Bryam Mackreth & Agnes Tyson 30 : John Sawrey & Margrett Rigge : SEPULTURI^ ANO PREDICTO : May ix'^ John Coate of the pishe of Boutle 12 : Margrett Walker de Watterson = ground 1 5 : Elsabeth Braithwaite de Braithey : eod die John Satterthwaite who dyed att Sawrey : June 2 : Willm Braithwaite of Sawrey extra in the Church Jully 12 : Thomas Benson fil . Robert de Skellwith 30 : Issabell ffisher fil Christofer de Haukeshead August the firste Robert Harrison of Low-wrey in the Church 7 : Johnathan Wilson de Russland 9 : John Sawrey who dyed att Tarne = hows 12 : Thomas Satterthwaite of Cragg in the Church 26 : John Kirkby of Russland 31 : An abortive Childe of George Peppers of Sawrey extra HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. September 1 1 October 5 8 November 26 November 28 December 1 1 21 23 29 Jannuary 1 1 : eod die 24: 31 : fifebruary 12 : 3 : 4: 16 : 17: 23 : 29: March 22 ux"^ Myles Sawrey de Water head in the Church Barbary Sawrey fil Anthony de Waterhead Richard Newton of Lendinge The wife of the sayd Richard Newton William Knype son of James of ffouleyeate uxr James Satterthwaite de Parkamoore : Issable the wife of Edward Taylor in the Church Thomas Holme son of Michaell in the Church 3 Rowland Turner de Russland 8 Christofer Holme de field head in the Church An abortive Childe of Adam Sands of Graythwaite William Jopson of Clappersgate in the Church John Sawrey son of Edward de Hollin banke Jane Kirby daughter of George de HoUin-banke An abortive daughter of George Borwicke of field-head Dorothy Harrison a younge child of Dauid Harrison who dyed at Hollin banke Richard Walker de Arnesyde Willm Penny fil . Nicolas de Parkamoore John Newton fil . Richard de Lendeing Margrett Hyrdsone fil . John de Satterthwaite uxr George Knype de Hodge close William Sawrey de Sawrey ground in the Church George Attkinson fil . George de Outyeate Dixeson fil . Richard de Dixeson ground* Margrett Satterthwaite fil Robert de Sawrey- infra ux"" George Rigge de Satterthw' in the Church Edward Sawrey fil William de Sawrey-infra Adam Ashburner fil . W™ de Roger ground finis hujus Ani 1667 * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 283 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI: 1668: October 20: 1668 Margrett Taylor fill . James de Dalepke May 3 : Barbary Braithwaite fil . John de Sawrey extra June 7 : Margrett Wilson fil . William de Oxenfell 14 : George Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Tarnehowes eod die John Sawrey son of William de Sawrey infi-a Jully 15: Henery Sawrey fil . Henery de Hye = house September 20 : George Mackreth fil . James de Outyeate eod die John Banke fil . Willm de Eastthwaite watersyde e5d die Ann Braithwaite fil . Thomas de hye = wrey 27 : Jane ffisher fil . Christopher de Haukeshead October 8 : Ann Benson fil . Lancelott de Haukeshead 18 : Thomas Rigge fil : Robert de Roger = ground November 22 : John Williamson fil . Henery de Loanethwaite December 13 : William Mackreth fil . George de Skellwith Jannuary 24 : Dorothy Dixeson fil . Richard de Dixeson ground March 7 : Mary Sawrey fil . John de Haukeshead hill eod die William Satterthwaite son of Charles de Sawrey . . 14: John Borwicke fil. George de Haukeshead field head eod die George Braithwait fil . Rowland de Braithey NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO- May xix'h Thomas Mackreth and Jane Rigby maried att Coniston September 12: John Massicke and Margrett Benson 15 : John Jackson and Elizabeth Sands 29 : Anthony Knipe & Dorothy Jackson married at Langda(le) Nober 12: John Attkinson and Margrett Rigge Jannuary 26 : John Bell & Agnes Wilson married at Coul(thouse) \ * From this point the edges of leaves have been mvich worn away by con- tinuous thumbing, and, consequently, the last words of many of the entries are missing. These have been restored only where, from the context, the true termina- tion is a matter of comparative certainty. t Or Coul(ton). 284 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. SEPULTURI^ ANNO PREDICTO March 27 : Thomas Banke of Coniston in the Church 31 : Thomas Braithw'. fil Willm de fould in the Church Aprill 20: uxoi- John Crosfield de Grysdall 21 : Agnes Banke fil . Adam de Skellwith 24 : George Holme of Oxenfell pke 25 : Satterthwaite fil . W™ de Satterthwaite * May 3 : ux^' Robert Rigge de Sawrey = infra 5 : Edward Braithwaite of buske 6 : Willm Rigge son of Edward de Sawrey = infra 1 1 : Brockbanke fil John de Hawkeshead field * 18: An Abortive son of Christofer Holmes of Skellwith 27 : Agnes Rigge fil . George de Satterthwaite 30 : Richard Rigge de Haukeshead in the Church June 6 : Elline the wife of Richard Rigge of Rogerground 16 : Thomas Benson of Birkrey in the Church 18: Jennett Asskewe fil . W". de Dalepke in y^ Church 29 : Barbary the wife of John Knype de Sawrey extra in ye Church JuUy 3 : Agnes Kirkby fil . W'". de Muncke Coniston 9 : Edward Taylor wife de Ploomegreene August 2 : William Crosfield fil . John de Grysdall 3 : Christofer Taylor de Ploome = greene 9 : An Abortive Childe of Bryam Mackreths of browe 1 2 : Richard Asshburner de Annykin syke 15 : Elsabeth Banke who dyed at Rogerground 18 : Robert Braithwaite fil . Robert de Outyeate September 3 : Edward Taylor de Ploomegreene in the Church 6 : Agnes the wife of Thomas Jackson of fifarr Sawrey 9 : Issabell the wife of W™ Braithw' hatter in the Church September 1 1 : George Attkinson fil . Thomas de Keen ground in ye Church * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAB PARISH REGISTER. 285 22 : ux"" Joseph Keene de Keene = ground eod die Thomas Keene fil Leonard de Keeneground 25 : John ffisher younger de Hawkeshead October 24 : Elsabeth Knype fil . John in the Church November 18: Robert Rigge de Satterthwaite in the Church 19 : Katherine the wife of William Rigge de Sawrey — infra 20 : EUine the wife of Willm Kirkby de Russland in ye Church 27 : EUine the wife of John Birkett de Grysdall December 8 : Dorothy Sawrey fil . Anthony de Coniston Waterhead eod die George Satterthwaite of Cragg 16 : William Satterthwaite of Satterthwaite 23 : Christofer Walker de Dalepke in the Church 25 : William Jackson de Low = wrcy 28 : ux'' Leonard Holme who dyed att Muncke Coniston eod die ux'' Willm Sawrey de Sawrey ground in the Church Jannuary 5 : ffrancis Strickland de Satterthwaite in the Church 17 : ux^ William Satterthwait de Satterthwait in the Church 18: John Lindoe de Dalepke in the Church 20: ux^ W"" Satterthwaite de Sawrey = infra in the Church 26 : ux'' George Rigge who dyed at Crofthead 27 : John Rigge fil . W"^ de Satterthwaite 30 : Agnes Rigge my ant 31 : George Rigge de Hyewrey in the Church ffebruary the firste ux"" Willm Townsone de Grysdall in the Church 3 : Thomas Satterthwaite fil . Charles de Sawrey infra 6: Willm Sawrey Junior de Sawrey = infra 7 : Ambrose Hodgson fil . Richard de fieldhead 286 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Marche the firste Regnald Walker son of Myles de Grasslands 3 : William Turner de Satterthwaite 5 : Charles Wilson of Arnesyde found dead att Elterwater pke 6 : George Rigge of the Outyeate finis hujus Anni i668. BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOMN : 1669 : Aprill 4 : Elizabeth Attkinson fil . George de Mosse foote 1 1 : Elizabeth Satterthw' fil . W™ de Croft-head eod die Oliver Sands fil . Samuell de Sawrey = infra eod die Elizabeth Sawrey fil . W™. de Sawrey = infra 18: Robert Braithwaite fil . James de Grofthead eod die Rigge fil ■ Anthony de Sawrey-infra * 26: Patience Sawrey fil . Edward de Ghurch = steele May 16: William Keene fil. Edward de Church = Steele 19: Dorothy Braithwaite fil . John de Sawrey = infra 20 : George Knype fil . John de fieldhead 31 : Margrett Rigge fil . Thomas de Rogerground June 6 : Dorothy Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Lowwrey 15 : ffrancis Knype fil . Anthony de Hodge-close 27 : Issabell Braithwaite fil Robert de Outyeate Jully 18: William Wilson fil . George de field-head 25 : Willm Braithwaite fil . George de Haukeshead hill August 29: Thomas Attkinson fil. Thomas de Keen = ground eod die John Sawrey fil . Willm de Church style September 14: Elizabeth Sands fil . Thomas de Roger-ground October 3 : Margrett Ashburner fil . John de Anykin-syke November ye firste Issabell ffrearson fil . James de Grysdall 22 : Agnes Greenhowe fil . John de Sawrey extra January 29 : Elizabeth Williamson fil . John de Outyeate ffebruary 6 : Thomas Mossocke fil . John de ffors = forge 9 : John Braithwait fil . Thomas de Haukeshead field 22 : Bridgett Braithwait fil . James de Sandground * Christian name omitted. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 287 March 6 : George Rownson fil . George de Muncke Coniston 14: William Penny fil . William de Arnesyde 13: Elline Tomlinson fil . W™. de Grysdall chrisned att home 21 : Mary Mackreth fil . George de Outyeate . NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO : May 2 : James Rawlinson and Mary Rawlinson married att Coulton 20 : Laurence Harrison and Mary Attkinson June 15: Willm Satterthwait & Mary Braithwaite 20 : William Walker and Margrett Townsone JuUy 25 : Thomas Hodgson & Issabell Winder August 5 : William Braithwaite & Mary Hadwen 8 : George Rigge and Agnes Sands October 18 : William Braithwaite & Agnes Rigge marled by lysence 28 : William Strickland & Elizabeth ffountaine Jannuary 23 : Thomas Holme & Agnes Wilson fifebruary 8 : Richard Banke and Dorothy Sands 9 : Myles Harrison & Mary Braithwaite SEPULTURIiE ANNO PREDICTO Aprill 3 : Agnes Taylor fil . Edward de Ploome greene 5 : Christofer Attkinson de Muncke Coniston in the Church 7 : Mabell the wife of John Addison of Newby bridge in Church 10 : Edward Braithwaite de fieldhead 22 : Elizabeth Braithwaite fil . John de Sawrey infra code die Ann Braithwaite the Relict of George Braithw'. (de ?) Bristoe found drownd in the Oas in the foote of Easthwaite water where the fiford lyes betweene Esthwaite and nearer-Sawrey 24 : George Braithwaite hatter de Sawrey extra 25 : Myles ffleeminge de field head May 3: Thomas Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Low = wrey 288 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 6 : Ml" Solomon Sands in the Chancell eode die Margrett the wife of Robert Braithw* in C^ 9 : Mary Rigge fil . Thomas de Roger-ground 14 : Charles Russell de Consey forge 18 : Elline the wife of Thomas Sands de Coulthouse eod die Barbary Hodgson fil . Richard de fieldhead 24 : Mawdlin Rigge de Hye-wrey 25 : ux'' George Head de Cragg 29 : Issabell the wife of Robert Taylor de Satterthw^ 30 : John Taylor fil . Rowland de Crosslands June 3 : John Braithwaite fil . Edward de Sawrey extra 5 : Dorothy Braithwaite of Braithey 7 : Braithwt fil . Robert de Skellwith in Church * 18: ux^^ James Crosfield de Satterthwaite 2i : Elline the daughter of Edward Sawrey de Holling banke 25 : Thomas Satterthw' de Satterthw' in the Church Jully 12 : Thomas Rigge fil . Robert de Hawkeshead fieldhead 15 : Edward Sawrey fil . W"" de Waterhead in the Church August 14 : ux'' Cuthbert Hodgson de Tarne-hows in the Church 18 : ux"" William Bordley in the Chancell 29 : George Braithwait fil . Nicholas de Sawrey extra 21 : ux'' William Braithwaite senior de Briers September 6 : An Abortive son of Thomas Keens de Haukeshead 8 : ux^" W™ Sands who dyed at Grysdall in the Church 13 : Thomas Braithwaite de Sawrey-extra 14 : Bridgett ye wife of W"» Braithwait de Sawrey- extra 17 : W™ Braithwait husband to the sayd Bridgett eod die uxi" W™ Satterthwaite de Crofthead 20 : Robert Braithwait de Oxenfell pke in the (Church)* * No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Walker de Satterthw^ in the 28 : ux"- Myles (Church)* Mary Keene fil Joseph de Keene-ground William Sawrey junior de Waterhead in (the Church)* EUine Marr de Sawrey-extra ux"^ William Killner de Sawrey-extra William Wilson fil . George de fieldhead in (Church?) Edward Robinsone who dyed at Roger-ground John Sawrey fil . W"^ de Sawrey-infra 20 : William Braithw^ senior de briers in the Church November 6 : Elline Scale fil . Rowland de Whaite-head : An Abortive son of Myles Sands of Graythw' John Knype of Haukeshead Church-style uxr Robert Knype de Grysdall in the Church ux"^ Thomas Keene de Keene-ground ux"" Nicolas Penny de Satterthwaite Mackreth fil . Bryan de Browe t ux^ Myles Sands de Graythwaite in the (Church ?) William Dixeson de Oake = howe in Langdale ; Issabell ye wife of Regnald Walker de Whaite head : James Sawrey fil . Willm de Waterhead Richard Oxenhouse de hollinbanke in the Church Thomas Mackreth de Skellwith fiFebruary 5 : Myles Sawrey fil . William de Water-head 21 : Issabell ye wife of George Satterthwait de green end 28 : Willm Sawrey fil . Willm de Haukeshead March 5 : Mabell the wife of George Roberts of hall garth 14 ; Rebecha the wife of James Kirkby de Satterthwait finis hujus anni 1669 . October 3 ; eod die 6 10 II eod die 16 15 December 2 : 13: 19: 21 : 25: eod die 26: Jannuary 12 19 20 : 31 : * Leaf frayed away. t Christian name omitted. 290 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMFN. 1670 March 27 : Mary Sawrey fil . Edward de Hollin = banke Aprill 3 : George Holme fil . Clement de Muncke = Coniston 5 : William Knype fil . Richard de Muncke = Coniston II : Ester Rigge fil Myles de hye = wrey 17 : Samuell Knype fil . James de fifoule yeate eod die Ester Sawrey fil Anthony de Robert Bankepke eod die Agnes Hodgson fil . Thomas de Sawrey extra 19 : W™. Sands fil . Willm de fould in Haukeshead field . May 29 : Thomas Walker fil . William de Dalepke August 14 : James Braithwait fil . James de Loanethwaite 21 : Elizabeth Rigge fil . George de Skellwith 28 : John Robinsone fil . W™. de Hollin-banke 30 : John Satterthwaite fil . W™. de Coulthouse September ye firste Bridgett Benson fil . Lancelott de Haukeshead 27 : Grace Wilson fil . George de Haukeshead fieldhead November 21 : Susana Postlewhaite fil . Thomas de Satter- thwaite 27 : Dorothy Sawrey fil . W"' de Sawrey-infi-a Jannuary yc firste Dorothy Pepper fil . George de Sawrey = extra 15 : Agnes ffisher fil . Christofer de Haukeshead 16 : Willm Braithwait fil . John de fould in Sawrey extra 29 : Edward Dixcson fil . James de Watterson = ground ffebruary 14 : Edward Strickland fil . Mathew de Tarne- howes 27 : Elizabeth Kirkby fil young'' George de Hollin- banke March 12 : Edward Mackreth fil . James de Outyeate HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 291 NUPTI^ ANNO DOMIN : 1670 : Aprill 4"i John Taylor & Elline ffreareson maried at Olver- ston 12 : Richard Scale and Sybell Benson maried with lycense 26 : Myles Sawrey and Agnes Banke June 2 : John Newton and Jane Dowthall 23 : John Knype and Elizabeth Ashburner 30 : George Towers and Elizabeth Townsone August 28 : Richard Penny and Elizabeth Wattson November 2 : James Kirkby & Elline Turner maried at Satterthw^ ffebruary 20 : William Walker and Margrett Penny March 2 : Myles Sands and Dorothy Sawrey SEPULTURI^ ANNO DOMINI : 1670 : Aprill 6'^ Ester Sawrey fill : W"". de Coniston Water-head 13 : John Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Haukeshead field eod die An Abortive son of Tho : Strickland of Dalepkc 19 : Willm Robinsone fil . W"\ de Hollin — banke May 1 1 : George Braithwait son of George de Stottpke 13 : Richard Hodgson de Haukeshead fields head 15 : Bryam Mackreth young"^ de Skellwith in the Church Jully ye firste William Wilson fil . Edward de Roger Ryd- dinge 3 : Mary Rigge fil . W™. de Satterthwaite 4 : Bryam Mackreth de browe in the Church 16 : Thomas Knype fil . Richard de Muncke Coniston eod die William Satterthwaite of Haukeshead 23 : Thomas Braithwaite fil . W™. de Satterhowe in ye Church August 13 : William Sands fil . Adam de Graythwaite fieldhead 17 : John Scale of Thwaite-head in the Church 292 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 1 8 : Ellinor Nicolson fil . Daniell buried in the Chancell 19 : Robert Taylor de Stottpke in the Church 25 : Sybcll ye wife of Richard Scale in the Church 29 : William Benson of Coulthouse 30 : W"\ Braithwt. son of John who dyed att Satter- how in the Church September 2 : James Pennington of Satterthwaite 3: James Braithw' fil . George de Low=wrey in the Church 4 : ux"" Thomas Satterthw' de Cragg in the Church 5 : Robert Rigge elder de Roger ground in the Church 8 : George Benson fil . William de Skellwith 12 : Margrett Taylor de Russland in the Church 15 : George Holme fil . Clement de Coniston 16 : Henery Williamson de Loanethwaite 18 : Margrett Williamson daughter to the sayd Henery 19 : ux^" Rowland Turner who dyed att Sawrey infra eod die Margrett Harrison fil . Lawrence de Stottpke 21 : ux"" ffrancis Troughton de Roger ground 27 : Issabell Taylor fil . Christofer who dyed att Whaitehead October : 2 : Rowland Townsone de Howe in Haukeshead field 5 : Bernard Robinsone de Skellwith eod die Willm Braithwaite Junior de fould in Haukes- head field 7 : Agnes Keene fil . Thomas de Parkeamoore 12 : Ann Harrison fil . John de Grysdall 17 : Regnald Strickland de Russland in the Church eod die : An unchrisnd childe of which was base = begotten and dyed at Oxenfell * * No name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 293 November : 2 : ux"" Christofer Taylor de ffinsthwaite in the Church 12: A liveinge childe of Myles Strickland of Roger ground 19 : ux"" Robert Crosfield de Satterthwaite 20 : Edward Mackreth fil . W™. de Haukeshead field 24 : Issabell Braithwait de Satterthwaite in the Church 26 : John Mackreth de Sawrey code die Theofilus Edmondson fil Chr : in the Chancell 28 : Elizabeth Sawrey widdowe de Hollin banke in the Church 29 : ux'' Bernard Robinsone de Skellwith December 2 : Barbary Braithwait fil . John de fould in ye Church 6 : Thomas Collison de Sawrey = extra 9: Robert Clarke who dyed att Sawrey = extra II : Thomas Benson fil . William de Skellwith 16 : George Dodgson who dyed att Holme ground Jannuary 20 : Jennett Walker fil . Richard de Arnesyde 23 : George Head of Coulthouse ffebiuary 5 : Lydia Sawrey fil . W™. de Coniston Waterhead 8 : John Townsone de Grysdall in the Church 10 : Wi". Scale fil . Rowland de Roger Ridinge in Church 14 : John Williamson fil . John de Outyeate eod die An Abortive son of Mathew Stricklands March 15: Katherine the wife of Jeoffry Hodgson: 17: William Bellman son of John de Braithey. finis hujus Anni 1670 : BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI : 1671 April 2 : James Knype fil . Robert de Grysdall eod die Thomas Borwicke fil . George de fieldhead 9 : Ann Sands fil . Adam de Graythwaite 23 : William Wilson fil . William de Oxenfell 30: Agnes Knype fil . John de Sawrey = extra 2 94 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. eod die Elizabeth Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Tarn October 8 : James Attkinson fil . George de Mossefoot 29 : Richard Sawrey fil . William de Haukeshead November 21 : William Sawrey fil . William de Sawrey- (infi-a ?) 26 : Jennett Scale fil John de Grysdall December 7 : Christofer Banke fil . William de Watersyde 10 : Thomas Strickland fil . Myles de Roger ground 26: Margrett Braithwaite fil . W". de Hye = wrey 31 : John Ashburner fil . John de Annykinsyke Jannuary 21 : Agnes Rigge fil . Anthony de Sawrey = infi-a ffebruary 1 5 : Thomas Sands fil . Thomas de Eastwhaite 1 8 : Dorothy Braithwaite fil . Edward de Satterhowe eod die Issabell Sands fil . Thomas de Roger ground March 10 : John Sawrey fil : John de Haukeshead hill eod die Thomas ffell fil . Thomas de Grysdall eod die Leonard Keene fil . William de Cragg 24 : Ann Dixeson fil . Richard de Satterthwaite NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1671 : Aprill 25 : William Keene and Agnes Walker May 24 : William Taylor and Agnes Braithwaite JuUy 8 : Thomas Walker & Agnes Holme 1=9''' : George Knype & Margrett Collison November 9 : John Warde and Ann Towers 20 : Chr : Jackson and Agnes Suerte marled in Kendal ffebruary 13 : Edward Watterson & Issabell Braithwaite SEPULTURE ANNO DOMINI 1671 : Aprill 9''i Issabell ffreareson fil Myles de Grysdall 10 : An Abortive Childe of Charles Russell of Consey 22 : George Braithwait son of George de Consey in the Church * Date given thus. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 295 May the 10 : Myles Townsone of Grysdall in the Church 12 : John Townsone of the Crosse in Grysdall in the Church 19 : Jennett the wife of Robert Scale de dalepke 24 : Robert Benson fil . Robert de Skellwith 28 : Mr George Wilson of field = head in the Church June 17 : William Penny of Tarne = howes eod die Margrett Braithwaite fil . W"i. de Braithey Jully 15 : Willm Braithwait fil . W™. de Braithey 26 : William Jackson fil . Richard de Stevenson ground August 2 : Henery Kirkby de HolHn = banke in the Church 17 : An Abortive Childe of Thomas Stricklands of Dalepke eod die a Childe unchrisned of W™. Sawreys of Satter- thwt. 20 : Issabell Mackreth who dyed att Cragg September the first Christofer Taylor de dalepke 1 1 : Robert Wilson de Roger Ryddinge eod die John Bellman de Braithey 21 : William Bateman de Sawrey infra 23 : ux'' Christofer Attkinson de Coniston October 2 : Agnes Dixeson of Cockley = becke 8 : uxr Willm Satterthw^ de New-house in the Church 9 : William Becke who dyed att Hye = wrey 19 : Elizabeth Braithw' fil . John de Hyewrey in the Church 21 : John Rigge de Haukeshead field in the Church November 2 : Michaell Russell son Tom : base begotten 3 : Mabell Sawrey widdow who dyed att Crofthead 5 : Grace Reaper who dyed att Hyewrey 7 : Margrett the wife of Tho : Lancaster in the Church 14 : An Abortive son of W"^. Taylors of Haukes- head 15 : Agnes ye wife of the sayd W". Taylor in the Church 296 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 16: who dyed at Crosselands* 20 : Jane Reaper who dyed at Rogerground 30 : Thomas Sands of Rogerground December the firste M-" Daniell Nicolson in the Chancell 21 : John Knype of Haukeshead field head 22 : W'". Braithwait de fould in Haukeshead field in ye Church 24 : ux'^ William Harrison de Tarnehowes eod die Elline Satterthwaite de Haukeshead in ye Church 28 : uxr John Greenhowe de Haukeshead January 4 : ux"" Robert Braithwait de Oxenfell pke in ye Church 5 : Agnes ye wife of W^. Robinsone de ffield = head 1 5 : Jennett the wife of Thomas Parke de Keen =« ground 30 : Thomas Ashburner de Annykin syke eod die John Townsone de browe in the Church february the firste Henery Coward who dyed att Parkea- moore Thomas Walker fil . Richard de Tarne howes William Rigge younger de Haukeshead George Knype de Coniston in the Church Elline Knype de Keene ground Margrett Knype de Keeneground John Braithwait de Sawrey infra in ye Church W"i Braithwait de Satterhowe in the Church March 15 : James Knype fil . Robert de Grysdall finis hujus Anni 167 1 : BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1672. May y'^ 14''^ Gawine Sands fil . Willm de fould in Haukes- head field 20 : Margrett Hyrde fil . Edward de Outyeate * The name is omitted. II IS 27 28 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 297 * ^ , > fil . George de Dalepke Margrett Taylor ) eod die Rachell Russell fil . Charles de Consey forge June 2 : Thomas ffreareson fil . James de Grysdall 14 : Thomas Towneson fil . Rowland de Muncke Coniston Jully 28 : James Attkinson fil . Richard de Muncke Coniston September the firste : John Hodgson fil . Tho : borne at Keene ground 3 : Ann Warde fil . John de Sawrey = extra * 22 : Ann Cocken fil . Thomas de Roger = ground 29 : William Braithwait fil . W"". de Sawrey = infra eod die Willm Rigge fil . Myles de Hye = wrey October 13 : Ann Walker fil . James de Satterthwaite No.ber 24 Benjamin Braithw'. fil . W'". de Towne-end in Sawrey December 22'^ John Russell fil . Robert de fforsforge eod die John Wattersone fil . Edward de Watterson ground ffebruary 16 : John Mackreth fil . George de Outyeate eod die Elizabeth Mossocke fil . John de Howe March 22: John ffisher fil . Robert de Sawrey = infra March the firste 1672 : Jane Macreth fil . Thomas de browe in Skellwith NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO 1672: Aprill 9. Robert Russell and Elline Taylor married att Coulton 17 : William Walker and Agnes Rigge May 27 : Robert ffisher and Agnes Braithwaite October 3 : George Jackson & Elizabeth Satterthwaite eod die Christofer Langbayne & Elizabeth Edmondson 6 : Robert Braithwait & Mary Sawrey (?) 8 : William Kirkby and Dorothy Kirkby * Opposite this and succeeding entries is written in the margin : Md that Tho : Kirkby son of James de Satterthw'. was chrisoned ye z\ : day of September 1672 298 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. November 28 : William Rigge & Grace Sands married at Coniston eod die Edward Sawrey & Elline Dixeson married at Coniston January 7 : William Strickland and Alice Rawlinson SEPULTURI^ ANNO PREDICTO 1672 : Aprill 2 : Thomas Parke of Keene aground 3 : Jane Benson who dyed at fould in Loughrigg 8 : Thomas Lancaster who for poysonninge his owne family was Adjudg't att the Assizes att Lan- caster to bee carried backe to his owne house att Hye = wrey where hee liv'd : and was there hang'd before his owne doore till hee was dead, for that very facte then was brought with a horse and a carr into the Coulthouse meadows and forthwith hunge upp in iron Chaynes on a Gibbet which was sett for that very purpose on the south = syde of Sawrey Casey neare unto the Pooll = stang : and there continued untill such tymes as hee rotted everye (?) bone from other . . . 10 : An Abortive Childe of Richard Dixesons of Dixe- son ground 16 : Margrett Taylor fil . Chr : de ffinsthwaite 19 : ux"" James Keene de Tompson-ground eod die ux"" George Jackson de Braithey 23 : ux"" William Townsone de Muncke Coniston in the Church 24 : Willm Sawrey fil . W^. de Waterhead in the Church May 4 : William Ashburner de Roger = ground 5 : Thomas ffell fil . James de Grysdall 8 : Agnes Bellman fil . John de Braithey 14 : Anthony Banke de Haukeshead 17 : Samuell Nicolson buried in the Chancell 18 : William Townsone de Muncke Coniston HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 299 26 : ux"^ George Braithwaite de Stottpke in the C(hurch) 29 : James Braithwaite de Sawrey^^ extra in the C(hurch) 31 : John Wilson of Oxenfell in the Ch(urch) June 6 : ux'" Thomas Satterthw' de Satterthw' in the C(hurch) 8 : Issabell the wife of Geo : Braithw' de Haul<:es- head 9 : Samuell Keene de Tompson = ground 14 : Myles Walker nup dc Keene — ground 16 : John Warde de Savvrey extra in the Church 25 : Thomas Townsone fil Rowland de Coniston Jully 7 : John Satterthwaite de Narr = Sawrey 10 : Elizabeth Braithw"^ fil . Thomas de Tompson ground 1 1 : William Sawrey balife in the Church 19: Elsabeth Braithw' fil . Tho : de fould in ye Church 23 : Margrett the wife of Anthony Banke de Haukes- head 25 : Alice the wife of John Dodgson de Haukeshead hill 26 : Samuell Sands fil . Adam de Graythwaite 29 : Myles Sawrey Schoolemaster at Haukeshead in Church 30 : ux'' William Rigge de Hye = wrey 31 : ux"" Thomas Braithw* de Tompson ground August II : Thomas Walker de Holmeground 16 : ux^" Henery Sawrey de Waterhead in the Church 25 : Margrett the wife of Edward Sawrey in the Church 29 : Agnes Jackson fil . Thomas de Sawrey = extra September 5 : Elsabeth Dixeson de Dixeson aground 6 : Leonard Jackson who dyed att Sawrey ground eod die W"^ Walker who dyed att Dalepke 9 : An Abortive Childe of Richard Penys of Tarne Hows (?) 15 : Willm Pepper de Satterthwaite in the Church 300 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. September^ 17 : John Killner who dyed in Haukeshead field eod die M^ Christofer Gilpin in the Chancell 18 : Jennett the wife of James Strickland in the Church 22 : John Wilson of Arnesyde 28 : Katherine ffisher who dyed at Howe in Haukeshead field 29 : James fifairebanke who dyed att the Out- yeate October 20 : ux"" George Satterthwaite de Satterthwaite 23 : James Benson son of Robert de Skellwith November 16 : ux^ John Williamson de Outyeate December 7 : John Jackson who dyed att fforsforge 21 : Agnes Scale fil . John de Whaitehead 23 : M"^ Edwine Sands buried in the Chancell 25 : ux"" Edwine Mackreth de Out = yeate 28 : ux"" ffrancis Sands who dyed att Skellwith Jannuary i8 : ux'' Edward Braithwaite de Sawrey in the Church 29 : ux"' Richard Scale de White stock = howe in the Church ffebruary 5 : Ann the wife of Hugh Marr who dyed at Sawrey eod die Thomas Banke fil . Geo : de Crosselands in the Church 8 : ux"" Anthony Mackreth de Haukeshead field head 16 : Ann Ellatson fil . base begotten * 19 : Mary Postlethwaite who dyed at Skinerhowe March 5 : William Walker fil . Roger de Tarnehows 7 : ux"" Christofer Walker de Dalepke in the Church eod die ux"" George Mackreth de Out = yeate 18 : Hugh Lowder who dyed at Loanethwaite 22 : An Abortive son of Thomas Stricklands of Dalepke finis hujus Anni 1672 * The name is omitted. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 301 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1673: March 30'^ George Rigge fil . Anthony de Sawrey — infra eod die Issabell Braithwait fil . James de Sand = ground eod die Agnes Walker fil . W"" de Haukeshead field head Aprill 13 : Robert Knype fil . Robert de Grysdall 20 : Ann Braithwaite fil . George de Low = wrey May 18 : Mary ffell fil . James de Grysdall June 8 : John Knype fil . Richard de Muncke Coniston eod die Samuell Sands fil . Samuell de Sawrey infi-a 15 : John Dixeson fil Richard de Dixeson = ground eod die William Braithw^ fil . James de Loanethwaite eod die Mary Braithwaite fil . Tho : de Low=wrey August 6 : Willm Sands fil Samuell de Graythwaite 17 : Job Sawrey fil . Edward de Haukeshead eod die Jane Benson fil . Lancelott de Haukeshead eod die Elizabeth Braithwait fil . Robt. de Outyeate 24 : Thomas Satterthwaite fil . W"". de Coulthouse cod die Geo : Kirkby fil . W™. de Muncke Coniston September 7"^ John Coward fil . John de Parkeamoore 21 : Jane Rowneson fil . George de Muncke Coniston October 5 : Mathew Kirkby fil . George de Haukeshead hill November 2 : Agnes Douer fil . Thomas de Birkrey 23 : John Hobson fil . John de Coulthouse 29 : Elizabeth Braithwait fil . Robert de Skellwith December 14: Margrett Borwicke fil. Geo: de Haukeshead fieldhead eod die Elizabeth Knype fil . John de Sawrey = infi-a 28 : Samuell Sawrey fil . W™ de Sawrey = infi-a eod die William Kirkby fil . W™ de Grysdall Jannuary 4 : James Stubbs fil . James de Satterthwaite eod die Mary Dixeson fil . Thomas de Coulthouse ffebruary the firste Elizebeth et ") fil . W"" de Haukeshead Margret Sawrey) field S'h Mary Mackreth fil . James de Outyeate 302 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. ii^h Elizabeth Jackson fil . Mathew de Haukeshead hill 24 . Mathew Banke ^ , , fil . Wm de Watersyde et Lucy JBanke ) March the firste William Tyson fil . William de Grysdall 8 : John Rigge fil . George de Hye = wrey 14 : Joell Russell fil . Charles de Consey 22 : John Braithw' fil . John de fould in Sawrey = extra eod die Mary Sawrey fil Anthony de Sawrey ground September 21 : 1673 Thomas Kirkby fil . James de Satter- thwait NUPTI^ ANO PREDICTO 1673: Aprill 4 : John Williamson and Margrett Braithwaite June 12 : William Knype and Agnes Hodgson Jully 7 : Willm Braithwaite and Ann Rigge August 5 : Thomas Rigge and Elizabeth Sawrey October 9 : Thomas Jackson and Elizabeth Walker SEPULTURI^ ANNO PREDICTO : 1673 March 30"^ Bryam Mackreth de Haukeshead field Aprill 18 : George Holme Taylor de Muncke Coniston May 4 : ux'' John Taylor de Whaite Mosse in the Church 13 : John Harrison S wilier who dyed at Grysdall 25 : Issabell Rigge who dyed att field head called greate Ibee ...(?) June 6 : Elline Newton fil . Richard who dyed att Ploome- greene eod die Gawine Sands fil Willm de Haukeshead in Sands quire 8 : George Rigge son of Anthony de Sawrey = infi-a 12 : Elizabeth Kellatt de Watterson = ground Jully 12: ux"" Wiilm Sands de Satterthwaite 13: Elizabeth Satterthwaite who dyed att Roger = ground 23 : John Walker de Dalepke in the Church August 18: Ann the wife of Mr. Samuell Sands buried in Sands quire. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER, 303 23: Willm Warde de Sawrey = extra in the Church 24: Samuell Sands fil . Samuell de Sawrey = infra e5d die ux'' Willm Satterthw' de Coulthouse in the Church September 15 : Dorothy Braithw' fil . James de browe in Skellwith 24 : Adam Sands of Graythwaite in the Church 30 : John Hodgson fil . Richard de Haukeshead field head October 27 : Elizabeth Jackson widowe who dyed att Skellwith November 16: Edward Taylor de Ploome = greene in the Church 24 : George Taylor fil . W™. de Ploome greene in the Church December 13 : Jeofifrey Hodgson de Tarne hows 14 : Robert ffisher de Sawrey-infra in the Church Jannuary the firste Elizabeth Braithw' fil . Rob' de Skellwith 5 : George Braithwaite of Haukeshead hill 7 : Joseph Keene fil . Thomas de Haukeshead 8: ux'' John Corker de Ash = Slake in the Church 10: W"\ Askewe de Dalepke in the Church 20 : ux>" James Rigge de Hye wrey ffebruary 14: Margrett Braithwaite de Sawrey infra in the Church March 6 : ux^ John Watterson of Watterson grounde in ye Church 8 : William Ashburner de ffinsthwaite 10 : Willm Mackreth of field-head in the Church 12: Willm Keene fil . Thomas de Haukeshead 24 : An Abortive Childe of Tho : Stricklands of Russland finis hujus Anni 1673. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1674: March 29: William Walker fil . W*". de Keene ground May 3 : Thomas Rigge fil . Thomas de Haukeshead field head 304 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 31 : Agnes Sawrey fil . John de Muncke Coniston Jully 5 : Margrett Keene fil . William de Keene ground * eod die Dorothy Jackson fil . Thomas de Sawrey extra 19: Ann Braithwaite fil . W"". de Hye wrey August 4 : Dorothy Sands fil . Willm de Esthwaite water syde 23 : Margrett Hodgson fil . Thomas de Haukeshead f . . . September 20 : W™ Braithwaite fil . Edward de Satter = howe eod die Cuthbert Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Tarne (Hows) October 4: John Sawrey fil . W"i de Narr Sawrey November 8: Wil]m Sawrey fil . Edward de Narr = Sawrey eod die Agnes Rigge fil . W"". de Hye wrey December 20: W". Wattersone fil . Edw : de Watterson = ground 25 : Thomas Braithw' fil Tho : de fould in Haukeshead (- field) ? Jannuary 10: Mary Hyrde fil . Edward de Outyeate 17 : Margrett fifrearson fil James de Grysdall eod die James the base begotten son of Dorothy Dodgson suposed to bee the son of one James Martin a Scotchman 24 : ffrancis Knype fil . W"' de Coniston Water head 31 : Ann Sawrey fil . John de Haukeshead hill fifebruary 28 : James Braithwait fil . James de Brears November 28 1674 Sarah Sawrey fil . William de Satter- thwaite November 29 Jane Crossefield fil Robert de Satterthwaite NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO 1674: May 22 : William Taylor and Elizabeth Hodgson Jully 29 : Richard Burscough and Agnes Braithwaite August 4 : Robert Braithwaite and Elizabeth Rigge * In the margin opposite this and the succeeding entry is : 21 : Rob' Russell fil . Rob' de fiforsforge HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 305 SEPULTURIiE ANNO PREDICTO 1674: March 28 : ux^ W"" Pepper de Satterthwait in the Church Aprill 3 : John Rigge fil . Thomas de Haukeshead field head 9 : ux"" Willm Braithwaite de Loanethwaite 17 : ux"^ W"^ Sawrey de Sawrey in the Church May the firste George Satterthwaite fil . W"* de Satterthwaite May 14 : Thomas Bellman fil . John de Braithey 17 : James Capeland who dyed att Parkeamoore 20 : George Satterthwaite younger of Satterthwaite 27 : John Bellman fil John de Braithey 31 : Elizabeth Sawrey fil . W™ de Haukeshead hill June 16 : Elizabeth Jackson fil . Mathew de Haukeshead hill 17 : Willm Walker fil . W"^ de Keeneground Jully 1 1 : William Keene of Keeneground 24 : ux'' Clement Holme de Dalepke 29 : Mary Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Low = wrey September 4 : Sarah ye wife of Robert Bayre of Haukes- head hill October 6 : Ann Braithwait fil . William de Hye wrey in the Church 12 : Elizabeth Rigge who dyed at Watterson aground 15 : Charles Williamson who dyed att Elterwater pke 17 : William Sawrey fil . ffrancis de Sawrey infra 19 : William Dixeson who hang'd himself in his dwellinge house att Braithey and did lye three dayes dead in the sayd house before that hee was buried November 8 : Ann the wife of James Satterthwaite de Green = end 1 1 : Dorothye the wife of W"* Sawrey of Saw- rey = infra 21 : Elizabeth the wife of Rowland Townsone of the Howe December 12 : William Turner of Satterthwaite 14 : Charles Satterthwaite de Sawrey infra 3o6 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Jannuary the firste uxi^ William Mackreth de Sawrey infra in the Church 10 : Margrett Penny fil . W™ de Tarnehows 13: John Sawrey de Waterhead in the Church 14: ux'' Edward Walker de Russland 17 : uxr James Braithwaite de Browe in Skellwith 22 : John Benson fil . Tho : de Birkrey in the Church 23 : ux"^ John Mackreth de Sawrey infra 30 : David Sands de Graythwaite field head in the Church fifebruary the 7 : Jane the wife of George Wilson de field head in templo 10 : Elizabeth Penny fil de Tarne hows * 1 1 : ux"" Mathew Jackson de Haukeshead hill 14: Mary Sawrey fil . John de Haukeshead hill 20 : Margrett Borwicke fil . Geo . de field head 28 : Agnes Walker fil . W™. de Arnesyde March 6 : ux'' Roger Walker who dyed att Tarnehows 1 1 : Myles Dixeson fil . Richard de Satterthwaite eod die W™ Satterthw' who dyed att Whitstockc how in templo 13: Elizabeth Scale fil . W™ de Whaitehead in templo 14 : Cuthbert Hodgson de Tarne hows 21 : James Braithwait fil . James de Brears finis hujus anni 1674. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1675 : Aprill 4'^ Robert Braithwaite fil Robert de Skellwith May 4 : Issabell Walker fil . James de Satterthwaite June 6 : William Dixeson fil . Richard de Satterthwaite JuUy 4: John Knype fil James de ffouleyeate August 8 : William Turner fil . W™ de Satterthwaite October 4 : Agnes Walker fil . Willm de Keene ground January 16: Willm Knype fil . John de Sawrey infra * The name of the father omitted. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 307 eod die George Borwicke fil . George de Haukeshead field head 30: Mary Hobson fil John de Cragg att Coulthouse March 5 : Hester Dixeson fil . Thomas de Coulthouse 14 : Elizabeth Braithwait fil . W"". de Sawrey-extra * 19 : Jane Capeland fil . Robert de Parkeamoore August the firste 1675 : Obedience Sawrey fil . Edward de Haukeshead NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO 1675: May 5"^ Myles Sands and Margrett Robinsone June 3 : George Braithw' & Agnes Williamson married with lysence JuUy 15 : William ffleeminge and Margrett Attkinson SEPULTURI^ ANNO PREDICTO 1675 : March 5 : Regnald Holme of Oxenfell 26 : ux"" Henery Holme de Oxenfell 27 : Samuell Sawrey fil . W™. de Sawrey == infra 28 : ux'' Willm Walker de Tarnehows in the Church eod die Agnes Knype fil . John de Sawrey-infra Aprill 6 : Thomas Braithwaite of Grysdall 8 : Braithwaite fil . James de Brow in Skell- with f 9 : William Dixeson fil . George de Oxenfell pke 10 : ux"" Robert Hodgson de Tarne = hows 1 1 : ux"^ George Knype de Muncke Coniston in the Church 21 : Daniell Mackreth fil . Edward de Sawrey-infra eod die ux'" W™ Penny de Tarnhows eod die Agnes Scale fil Robert in the Church May 15 : An Greenhowe fil . John who dyed att Green = end 29 : William Rigge of Hye wrey eod die Thomas Sands of Coulthouse * In the margin opposite this and following entries : (Md) that James Knype fil Anthony de Hodgeclose was chrisned the 15"' day of fifeb : 1675 t The Christian name is omitted. 3o8 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. June 3 : My. Christofer Edmundson in the Chancell 9 : William Watterson fil . Edward de Watterson ground Jully 20 : Issabell Satterthwait widdow : alias ould how=^wife August the lirste Edward Addison fil . John de Newby== bridge 28 : Elizabeth Dixeson who dyed att the house belonginge to the schoole 24 : Margrett Satterthwaite fil . John de Satterthw' October 8 : Belthazer Puthpker de Muncke Coniston in the Church 10 : ux"" Regnald Strickland de Russland in the Church 14 : ux'' Edward Braithwaite de buske November 13: John Brockbanke de Haukeshead field head 21 : Bryam Mackereth of Skellwith in the Church 22 : Christofer Taylor of fiflnsthwaite in the Church December 2 : ux"" Jacob Sawrey who dyed att the outyeate 3 : James Jackson of Eltar Water pke in the Church Jannuary 27 : Henery Holme de Oxenfell fifebruary 2 : William Rawlinson fil . Robert de Haukeshead in the Church March 15 : ux'" John Knype de Haukeshead field head 22 : Cuthbert Hodgson of Tarne hows finis hujus anni 1675 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1676: March 26: Edward Watterson fil . Edward de Watterson = ground May 8 : John Turner fil Christofer de Satterthwaite June 4 : Issabell Taylor fil . W"!. de Haukeshead 1 1 : Susana Coward fil . John de Parkeamoore Jully 9 : John Cocken fil . Thomas de Haukeshead field Auguste 13: John Rigge fil . Anthony de Sawrey = infra September 17 : Barbary Braithwaite fil . James de Loane- thwaite 26 : Richard Harrison fil . Lancelott de Coniston water head HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 309 October 8 : Richard Ashburner fil . John de Annykin sykc eod die Margrett Kirkby fil . W"". de Grysdall 17: William Russell fil . Charles de Conscy December 15 : James Knype fil . Richard de Muncke Coniston Jannuary 16 : Robert Sands fil . W"* de Easthwaite Water- syde 20 : Charles Russell fil . Robert de fforsfiforge 28 : Samuell Sawrey fil . W™. de Sawrey = infra ffebruary 18 : Elizabeth Dixeson fil . Richard de Dixcson ground 25 : John ffell fil . John de Grysdall eod die Elizabeth Rigge fil . Thomas de Haukeshead field head NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO 1676: Aprill 4 : Richard Hodgson and Elizabeth Holme 6 : Thomas Borwicke and Mary Rawlinson eod die William Satterthwaite & Maryan Bellman June the firste Gawine Ray and Ellin fifisher married att Ambleside 15 : Thomas Dixeson and Agnes Satterthwaite SEPULTURIiE ANNO PREDICTO 1676: Aprill I St : Joseph Wilson fil . Rowland de Russland 12 : ux"^ Edward Mackreth de Sawrey infra May 5 : Edward Mackreth de Sawrey infra 23 : Bryan Benson of Consey June 3 : Susana Attkinson fil . Richard de Muncke Coniston 15 : Margrett Mackreth widowe de Outyeate 16 : Agnes Tyson de Sawrey = infra 22 : ux"" Hugh Lowther de Loanethwaite Jully the firste Thomas Attkinson of Sandground in the Church 18 : William Dodgson of Roger = ground in ye Church 24 : ux"" William Keene de Haukeshead fieldhead September 14 : John Cocken fil . Thomas de Haukesheacl field 3IO HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER, 1 8 : An Abortive Childe of Thomas Strickland of Dalepke 19 : Agnes ye wife of W"". Banke of Low = wrey in the Church 23 : John fifisher of Haukeshead October 5 : Ann Davis who dyed att the Outyeate 14 : Jane Braithwaite fil . W™. de Sawrey in the Church 18 : ux"^ Robert Braithwaite who dyed att Outyeate December 3 : ux'' William Sawrey hatter in the Church 27 : Margarett Madder fil . Edward de Braithey 30 : Rowland Taylor de ffinsthwaite 31 : Margrett Williamson fil John de Outyeate January 14 : Clement Satterthwaite de Skinerhow in the Church ffebruary 10 : ux^ John Tompson who dyed att Low == wrey 12 : ux'' Arthur Knypc de Haukeshead March 13 : Samuell Sawrey fil . Edward de Sawrey = infra finis hujs anni 1676: BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1677: Aprill 15 : John Hyrdson fil . John de Bowker = stead 29 : William Sawrey fil . Anthony de Sawrey = ground June 20 : Thomas Braithw^ fil . John de Sawrey = extra Jully firste Daniell Sawrey fil . Edward de Haukeshead eod die James Hall fil . Anthony de Hye = wrey August 5 : Mary ffrearson fil . James de Grysdall September 17^^: Ellinor Hyrde fil . Edward de Outyeate 21 : Margrett Walker fil . W™ de Coulthouse* 26 : John Holme fil . Thomas de Graythwaite field head 30 : Knype fil . Thomas de Sawrey infra f cod die Margrett Braithwait fil . Robert de Sawrey infra * Opposite this and following entries is written in the margin : Kdw'' Sawrey fil W'". de Sawrey infra baptised June the 30"' 1677 f No Christian name given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 311 October 14 : Thomas Dixeson fil . Thomas de Coulthouse eod die William Turner fil . Xpofer de Satterthwaite November 4 : Elizabeth Rigge fil . W™. de Hye-wrey 15 : George Banke fil . William de Low = wrey 25 : W™ Jackson fil Thomas de Sawrey extra January 27 : Thomasin Joanes fil . Thomas borne att ffoule- yeate ffebruary 12: Robert Knype fil . W"\ borne at Holme ground 15: Robert Benson &") Children of W"i Benson of Edward Benson ) Skellwith 24 : John Sawrey fil . John de Coniston Waterhcad eod die Alice Cocken fil . Thomas de Haukeshead field March 3 : Henery Borwicke fil . George de Haukeshead field head eod die Margrett Attkinson fil George de Mossefoote NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO 1677: May 16 : Thomas Holme and Agnes Marshall June 28 : William Benson & Elizabeth Brockbanke JuUy 10 : William Banke & Dorothy Dodgson October 30 : William Keene & Elizabeth Lowther November 15 : James Braithwaite & Agnes Dixeson Jannuary 22 : W"! Braithwaite & Issabell Rigge 24 : W™ Braithwaite & Agnes Kirkby 27 : James Walker & Ester Walker ffebruary 4 : W"\ Rigge and Jane Rigge SEPULTURI^ ANNO PREDICTO 1677: March 30 : James ffrearson son of Myles de Grysdall eod die John Pennington de Lighte = howe 31 : George Satterthwaite de Satterthwaite Aprill 15 : Elline the wife of George Braithwaite of Braithcy brigg 22 : Alice Rigge fil . Clement de Haukeshead field head May 2 : David Sands fil . Myles de Graythwaite field head in templo 312 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 5 : Elizabeth ye wife of George Rigge de Haukeshead in temple 2ith Ann ye wife of Edward Walker de Crosselands in templo 29: An Abortive Childe of M>-. Myles Sands in Sands- quire June 9 : Mary Dixeson fil . Thomas de Coulthouse August 5 : Jane the wife of James ffrearson of Grysdall in templo 14 : Willm Braithw' eldest of Satterhowe in the Church September 23 : Elizabeth Dixeson fil . Richard de Dixeson ground 26 : An Abortive Childe of Tho : Holme of Gray- thwaite field head October 1 1 : Ester Dixeson fil . Thomas de Coulthouse 17: Margrett the wife of Robert Wilson of Roger Ryddinge 20 : John Sawrey de Haukeshead hill in the Church 25 : ux"" Richard Taylor de Watersyde in the Church 29 : John Holme fil . Tho : de Graythwaite field head November 7 : A son of Myles Sands of Russland who dyed unchrisned 15: Margrett the wife of Myles Sands of Russland in the Church January 5 : William Wilson de Lighthowe in the Church 10 : Henery Williamson fil . Henery de Loanethwaite ffebruary 18 : Robert Benson fil . William de Skellwith March 8 : Margrett Attkinson fil . George de Mossefoote 9 : George Tyson of Youdall in the Church 24 : Eliz : the wife of Alexander Rigge in the Church finis hujus Anni 1677 : BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1678 * Aprill 10* W"> Braithwait fil . W"". de Sawrey-extra * The handwriting changes here for two pages : but the first three entries are partly filled in and added to in the old hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 313 Aprill 9th James Harrison fill Lanclott de Watterhead 9 Edwin Sandys fil of Thomas de Esthw' May 15: Wiliam Harrison fill Will de Sawrey infra July 7 : John Benson fil . John de Skelwith eod die Margret Mackereth fil . James de Outyeat eod die Dorothy Mackereth fill . Tho : de brow in Skelwith August 15 Ann Pennington fil . James de Satterthw' 18 Agnes Hobson fill John de Green end September 8 : James Braithw^. fill Will de Sawrey infra Daniell Sawrey fil Edward de Sawrey infra Isabell Knipe fil . John de Sawrey infra John Braithwt fil . Thomas de Haukshead field William Rigge fil Will de Haukshead field Ann Sandys fil Myles de Esthwait & Grandau ghtr of Sam : de Graythw' gent : Henery Coward fill . John de Haukshead Hill John Sawrey fil Edward de Haukshead Agnus Hale fil . Anthony de Heighwray William Rigge fill Thomas de Lonthwait Mary Braithwait fil . James de Sandground eod die Jennett Russell fil. Robert de ffors = forge* 12 : Myles Walker fill Will de Coulthouse eod die Jennatt Russell fill Robert de forse fourge 15 : Jane Stubs fill James de Satterthw* March 2 : Edward Atkinson fill George de Mosefoote 9 : Elizabeth Tayler fil Will de Haukshead eod die Thomas Holme fill Thomas de Graithw' 16 Mathew Braithw' fill James de Lonthwait eod die William Sawrey fil John de Rogerground NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO 1678 Aprill 7 : John Sawrey and Ann Mackereth 1 1 : Thomas Garnett and Mary Tayler May 4 : John Berkett and Barbory Parke * This entry is interpolated in the old hand, and apparently refers to the same child as the second entry below. 22 : Octob I : 10 : 20 : November 6 : 24 : Deceber 22 : January 14: february 2 : 9 : 314 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. June 13 : John Holme and Margret Wilson 27 : Robert Bownas and Agnes Rigge Octob 14 : John Braithw' and Ann Braithw' Novemb 28 : Thomas Rigge and Elizabeth Sandes 30 : William Sawrey and Agnes Kirkby eode die George Bancke and Margret Keene februar\' 2 : Thomas Roberts and Elline Bancke 16 : William Nickolson and Margret Keene SEPULTURI.E ANNO PREDICTO 1678 May 9 : An Abortive sone of W™ Robinson of feild head 17 : Susan Walker de Daleparkc in the Church 25 : A childe of Christopher ffisher of Haukeshead June 3 : ux^ Richard Dixon de Satterthw' in the Church 6 : Isabell Denison who died at Muncke Coniston 25 : ffrances Cowperthw' who died at Miller bridge in ye Church July 5 : William Harrison fil W™ de Sawrey infra in ye Church August 23 : An Abortive sone of Thomas Strickland de Ruscland Septemb 8 : ux"" William Braithw' de Sawrey infra in the Church eode die An Abortive sone of William Keene de feild head Octob 4 : Margret Ashburner fil . John de Hanikin sicke 16 : Robert Tayler fil . Rowland de Croslands Novemb 3 : Anthony Sawrey de Sattcrthwait in ye Church 28 : Agnes Braithwait fil . James de Braythey Deceber 20 : Jenat Knipe fil George de Muncke Conyston January 4 : Agnes Sands fil . Adam de fould yeat S : An Abortive sone of Robert Coupland de Pr^mure (?) 16 John Braithwait fill Tho : de fould in Haukes- head field 8 : Agnes Hurdson de Dalepke HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 315 february 10 : Edward Braithw' de Sawrey extra in ye Church March 12 : ux"" Edward Madder de Braythey 13 : Christopher Longbone fill Christo in yc Church 22 : Edward Sandes de ffinsthwaite finis hujus anni 1678 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1679 March 30 : Elizabeth Dixon fill Thomas de Crag Aprill 6: Hanna Rigge fil Anthony de Sawrey infi-a 15 Thomas Satterthw' fill John de Graithw' May 18 Agnes Sawrey fill W™ de Sawrey extra 31 Isabell Braithw' fil John de Sawrey infi-a June 3 Judeth Nickolson fil Henery de Walker ground July 17 Agnes Braithw' fill W"^ de Satterhovv in Sawrey extra October 5 Will Nickolson fil W'" de Keenground 28 John Braithw' fill Robert de Sawrey infi-a Decemb'' 21 W™ Ashburner fill John de Hannikin sicke 27 Zuriell Russell fill Charles de Consay fourge ffebruary 22 Ann Kirkby fill . W'" de Grysdall 23 Lanclot Harrison fill Lanclot de Watterhead 24 Margret Turner fil Christo : de Satterthw' August 17: 1679: W™ Mackreth fil . W™. borne at Lowrc)/ NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTO 1679 Aprill 27 : Stephen Nickolson & IsabcU Hodgshon May 12 John Hutchinson & Elizabeth Tayler 18 John Turner & Elizabeth Turner 20 Richard ffbrest & Elizabeth Walker June 17 John Walker & Elizabeth Keene 24 Edward Sawrey and Mary ffleming 30 Clement Rigge & Elizabeth Knipe Octob 7 William Watterson & Margret Benson SEPULTURI^ ANO PREDICTO 1679 March 28'^ Edward Hurdson de Daleparke May 15 Myles Walker de Satterthw' in the Church 3i6 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 1 8 Anthony Atkinson de Elterwatter p'i< in Church 20 ux^ Robert Braithwait de Outyeat 22 John Dixon de ploume = greene 28 W™ Braithw' de lone = head in Sawrey extra in Church July 3 ux"" Edward Keen de Haukshead August 20 Yc dead borne Childc of Tho : Kinge Sawrey infra 22 Elizabeth Dixon fill Tho : de Crage Setemb 20 Edward Benson fill W"^ de Skelwith 30 Myles Sands de Graithw' feildhead in ye Church October 9 ux'' Thomas Strickland de Ruseland in ye Church II Dorothy Walker who died at lonthwait 27 James Atkinson fill Richard de Conyston in Church No: 15 ux^ John ffisher de Haukshead 26 Isabell Rigge de Haukshead Decemb 5 John Adison de Nuby bridge end in ye Church 6 ux'' Adam Braithw' de Watterson ground 7 W"" Wilson de Oxonfell in ye Church 16 Agnes Braithw' fill Edward de lonehead in Church 22 Mary ffreerson fill James de Grysdall January 23 Elizabeth Brockebanck de feildhead Feb : 10 : Elizabeth Strickland fil Rowland de leightliow finis hujus Anni 1679 BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOMI . 1680* March 28'^ Elizabeth Walker fil John de Keene = ground May 23: Myles Sawrey fil Edward de Muncke = Coniston June 12: Anthony Banke fil W"" de Lowrey 16 : Ann Turner fil John de Satterthwaite 20 : t May keene fil . Wm de Haukshead hill Jully 12 : Martha Scale fil . Richard de White Stocke = hall 18: Wt" Dixeson fil . Thomas de Coulthouse * The old handwriting is resumed here. t Or Mary. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 317 20: Roger Borwicke fil . George de Haukeshead field head eod die John Rigge fil Thomas de Haukeshead field head Jully 25 Edward fiforeste fil . Richard de Haukeshead field head eod die W^ Knipe fil . Thomas de Sawrey = infra November ii* Barbary Braithwaite fil James de Sawrey = extra 23; Sarah Hall fil . Anthony de Hye = wrey December 12: Myles Sawrey fil . Edward de Sawrey-infra e5d die Elizabeth Hutchison fil . John de Sawrey extra 19: Elizabeth Holme fil . Clement de Dalepke Jannuary 16 : Clement Rigge fil . Clement de Haukeshead 23 : Dorothy Hobson fil . John de Coulthouse 25 : Wm. Pepper fil . W". Chrisned att Satterthwaitc eod die Margrett Braithwaite fil . W™ de Sawrey extra 30 : Wn. Walker fil . W". de Dalepke 31 : Susana Sawrey fil . Edward de Haukeshead Church Style ffebruary 20 : Edmond Tompson fil . John de Haukeshead field head March 13: John Rigge fil . John de Sawrey infi-a 20 : Henery Douer fil . Thomas de Birkrey ffebruary 25 : 1680 : James Russell fil . Robert de fforsforge Memorandu that Issabell Sawrey fil . W™. de Sawrey-infra was baptised the thirde day December Ano Domi 1680. ffebruary 8'^ 1680 : James Strickland fil Tho : Strickland de Satterth . baptized suertyes Jac Strickland Righi Rigge & Sibil Satter (thw') ? ^^ NUPTI^ ANNO PREDICTA 1680. Aprill 25 : John Tompson & Ester Rigge May 10 : Nicolas Penny & Ann Turner 13 : Richard Rigge & Agnes Satterthwaite 31 : Roger Peareson & Mary Powe * This entry is in another hand. 3i8 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. June 3 : John Rigge & Agnes Braithwaite 13: George Taylor & Elizabeth Penny 17 : W™ Benson & Margrett Braithwaite 20 : Edward Madder and Jane Dickenson October 26 : W'" Harrison and Elline Bessbrowne married with lysence November the firste James Harrison & Dorothy Walker maried with lysence January 20 : Roger Grigge and Agnes Dixeson SEPULTRI^ ANNO PREDICTA 1680. March 30 : An Abortive Childe of W"i. Watterson of Birkrey Aprill 29 : Ann Jackson who dyed att Grysdall May 26 : Rowland Taylor de Crosselands 28 : James Braithwaite fil . W"". de Sawrcy infra in the Church June 17: Margrett Turner fil . W"". de Satterthwaite Jully 19: Issabell Townson fil . Rowland de Muncke Coniston August 13: Anthony Banke fil . W"i de Low = wrey September 10: M'' W"\ Rawlinson of Graythwaite in the Chancell 18: Thomas ffrearson fil . James de Grysdall 30 : Richard Dixeson of Dixeson-ground October 3 : Issabell the wife of John Penyson a poore woman that beg(ged) her meate 12: John Braithwaite of hye = wrey November 21 : Elizabeth Walker fil . John de Keene ground December the firste ux'' John Satterthwait de Parkeamoore in the Church Dec. 5 : Robert Crosfield of Satterthwaite 21 : Robert Walker of ffinsthwaite January 2 : Elline Walker his wife 4 : William Wilson of Rusland 30 : Thomas Jackson who dyed att Newhouse in the Church ffebruary 16 : George Jackson who dyed att brow in Skellwith in the Church HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 319 March 12: Jane the late wife of Charles Russell of Consey- forge in the Church 21 : Issabell the late wife of Regnald Walker of Crosselands 24 : Issabell late wife of Tho : Sands Elder in the Church finis hujus Anni 1680 : CHRISNINGS IN 1681 January 25: 1681 Christofer Turner fil Christofer de Satter- thwaite ffebruary 5 : Hannah Russell fil . Charles de Consey forge ffebruary 25 : George Braithwaite fil . James de Loanethwaite March 12 : 1681 : John Sawrey fil . John de Haukeshead-hill Memorandum that Edward Braithwaite son of John of fould in Sawrey extra was chrisened the 31th day of may Ano domi 1681 CHRISTENINGS 1681 Aprill 17'b Richard Holme fil . Thomas de Dalcpke cod die Margrett Jackson fil . Thomas de Sawrey-extra 29 : George Rigge fil . William de Haukeshead field May 8 : Elizabeth Hyrde fil . Edward de Outyeate 10 : George Braithwaite fil . Thomas de fould in Haukes- head field 29 : Susana Sawrey fil Anthony de Sawrey ground June 5 : James Watterson fil . Edward de Watterson ground 12 : Mary Braithwaite fil Thomas de Tompson ground 15 : John Watterson fil W™. de Outyeate August 14 : Susana Sands fil . Myles de Sawrey-extra 21 : Allan Coward fil . John de ]*arkeamoore 28 : W™. Sawrey fil . W™. de Sawrey-infra September 1 1 : Agnes Sawrey fil . John de Coniston Water- head 15: Samuell Sandys fil . Myles de Easthwaite grand childe to Samuell Sand5''s of Gray- thwaite gentleman 320 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. October 9 : Daniell Mackreth fil . W™. de Hyewrey 20 : Elizabeth Harrison fil . James de Muncke Coniston 23: Richard Cocken fil . Thomas de Howe in Haukeshead field November 9 : Agnes Scale fil . John Scale de Dalepke eod die Agnes Walker fil . Myles de Dalepke 13 : W™ Rigge fil . William de Hyewrey eodem die Elline Taylor fil . W'". de Haukeshead December 26 : Margrett Benson fil . W"\ de Haukeshead field head WEDDINGS 1681 April 18: W™ Sands and Agnes Satterthwaite May 1 2 : Christofer Dixeson & Margrett Rigge August 4 : Rowland Wilson & Jane Mosse married with lysence September 22 : George Rigge & Margrett Taylor married with lysence October 10 : George Rigge & Elizabeth iiforeste November 16 : Adam Ashburner and Susana Rawlinson Jannuary 13 : M'' John Sadler and Issabell Myre married with lysence 19: George Rigge Clarke and Dorothy Satterthwaite ffebruary 2 : William Satterthwaite and Bridgett Towneson 9 : Thomas Townson & Alice Borwicke married with lysence BURIALS 1681 Aprill ij° die Willm Keene of Hawkshead Cicily Mackereth ^ Affidavit Margaret Nicholson) vij die John Braithwaite of Sawrey Margaret Rigg infra Aff Margaret Braithw' , ^ , ^ ^, ,, . , .„ Margaret Braithw' ^ ix die Elizabeth Jackson of Skellwith Aff „.. ^ . \ Ehz. Jackson ) Sarah Pennington > XV die Robert Scale of Satterthwaite Aff „,. ^^ , Ehz Hyrdson ) HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. .. „,.,,— ^ , , „, . , , ^^ Isabell Harrison XIX die Willm Banks of Waterside Aff „ , ,, ^. bybell Kigg (xxij) die Ester Scale of Satterthwaite An Turner \ Aff Eliz Hyrdson ) May ,..,,. T^ , „ ^ T, , ^^ Jennett Taylor \ (vij) die John Turner of Russlands. Aff , , , ^^^., Elizabeth Wilson i . . . viij die Elizabeth Braithwaite of Agnes Rigge | Outyeate Aff Cicily Mackreth J . , ,. ^ T,. ^ XX , ^^ Elizabeth Braithw' \ (xxix) die George Rigge of Hyewrey Aff , x. . , r ^ ' t. ss 3 y Agnes Braithw^ I eod die Judeth Nicholson of Keene Jenett Holmes ] ground : Aff Agnes Keene ' XXX die Agnes Hodgson of fieldhead Margrett ffisher ) Aff. Margrett Knype ^ June 3 die Jennett Russell de fforsforge in Eliz. Willson templo. Aff. Eliz. Stillin 4 (?) die Margrett Satterthw^ fil Clement buried att buryinge place Aff/ 19 : Robert Russell de fforsforge in Eliz Braithwaite ^ templo Aff: Agnes Satterthwait j June 30 : Issabell Christoferson of hyewrey j Elizabeth Rigge ) Aff. ^ Elizabeth Braithwaite) eod die Rachell Walker de ffellfoote Aff: Agnes Braithw* & Eliz : Wilson Jully /Margrett 2 : Edward Attkinson fil . Roger de Haukeshead J Kirkby Mill AffJElline V Holme 6: James Hall fil Anthony in the (Elizabeth Rigge \ Church Aff. ^Elizabeth Braithwaite) Margrett Knj'pe Ellinor Holme 322 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 8 : Agnes the wife of Tho : Satterthw' of Sawrey infra Aff 13 Elinor Pennington of Haukes- head Aff: 16 : Elizabeth Hyrde fil Edward de Outyeate Aff 29 : Christofer Tayler fil . George de Grysdall Aff: 21 : Elizabeth Rigge fil . W^ de Hyewrey Aff: 25 : Issabell Braithwaite de Ickor- thwaite Aff: August 3 : Agnes Braithwaite fil . James de hill Aff: 18: Agnes Braithwait fil : Rowland de Braithey Aff: 23: Dorothy Satterthw' fil . Edward de Coulthouse Aff: 31 : William Sawrey fil . John de Hill Aff: September 1 8 : Robert Taylor de Satterthw' in the Church Aff: 25 : Eliz: ux"" W™. Scale de Whaite- head in the Church Aff: October 2 : Agnes Howgill fil : James de Pull-barne Aff: 18 : Mary : ux'' W"\ Taylor de Ploome Aff: 24 : Elizabeth Kellatt de Howe in Haukeshead field Aff: 29 : Edward Parke de Skellwith Aff: Jane Borwicke ) Elizabeth Rigge > Ellinor Sawrey ) Jane Attkinson ' Margrett Williamson ] Agnes Rigge ) Margrett Tyson ) Susana Rawlinson ) Elizabeth Rigge ] Agnes Braithwaite ' Mary Dixeson ) Dorothy Burnes J Mary Jackson ] Agnes Sawrey ' Margrett Braithwt | Elizabeth Jackson ' Dorothy Satterthwaite| Elizabeth Dixeson ) Agnes Sawrey ) Mary Jackson ) Issabell Taylor % Dorothy Postlethwaite] Issabell Scale | Mary Taylor ) Regnald Braithwait | James Howgill ' greene in the Church William Taylor \ Ann Turner I Jane Knype . Alice Banke j Barbary Birkett | Margarett Rigge ' HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 323 November 2 : Rowland Townson de Haukes- r Elizabeth Holme \ head hill Aff (Agnes Sawrey > 9 : Agnes Sawrey fil . John de Con- Elline Holme iston Waterhead AfF: Agnes Sawrey 28 : Elizabeth Turner de Satterthw' Dorothy Postlew'^ Afif: Mary Strickland December 12 : Patience Sawrey fil . Edward de rMargrett Benson Haukeshead Aff: I Dorothy Sattcrthw' 17 : Christofer Holme of Muncke | Elizabeth Holme Coniston Aff: vEllinor Holme Jannuary 13 : George Holme de Holme ground jMargrett Evericke ] Aff: ^Jennett Wilson > eod die Eliz. Sands de Graythwaite Hall in Sands quire (Rebecca Sands ) ••Dorothy Braithw' : -* 24 : Margrett Wilson de Crosslands | Mary Wilson ] in the Church Aff: ^ Ellen Wilson ^ ffebruary 5 : 1 68 1 Agnes Satterthw' of Graythwaite field head in the Church , Ellin Walker ) I Dorothy Postlew^ ) 14: Mary ffell fil . James de Grysdall jMary ffell and ) Aff: (Dorothy Townson ' 22 : Barbary Braithwaite de fould in Sawrey extra in the Church f Dorothy Braithw' ) I Issabell Hodgson > March 4: George Braithwaite de Coulthouse (Issabell Hobson | Aff: (EUinor Satterthw' I 10: Issabell Sawrey who dyed at Neddar Newton in the Church (Margrett Braithw' \ ^"- 1 Issabell Braithw' ) 324 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 13 : Agnes Corker fil . John de Ash = slacke in the Church (John Corker ^ EHzabeth Hyrdso finis hujus anni 1681. 'n J BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOMI 1682. Aprill 3 : Ester Knype fil . John de Sawrey infra 30 : Elizabeth Nicolson fil . William de Keene ground May 14 : Edward Braithwaite fil . Robert de Sawrey-infi-a eod die Mary Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Tarne-hows June 5: Samuell Sands |fil . Samuell de Haukeshead-hill and Bridgett Sands) chrisned at home Jully 23 : Mary Hugill fil . James de Pull-barne eod die Agnes Attkinson fil . George de Mosse-foote August 20: Issabell Borwicke fil . George de Haukeshead field head 22 : James Braithwaite fil . Thomas de fould in Sawrey extra September 10 : Edward Rigge fil . John de Sawrey infi-a October 8 : Abraham Banke fil . William de Haukeshead hill eod die Jennett Walker fil . William de Coulthouse eod die Elizabeth Hall fil . Anthony de Hye wrey November 7'^ William Attkinson fil . Anthony de Eltarwater parke 8: Dinah Knype fil . James de ffoule yeate December 3 : Roger Sawrey &) sons of Edward Sawrey de James Sawrey ' Haukeshead 5 : John Benson fil . W"\ de Skellwith chrisned att home Jannuary 21 : Margrett fforest fil . Richard de Haukeshead field head 28 : Ann Tompson fil . John de Haukeshead ffebruary 18 : William Sawrey fil . Edward de Muncke Coniston March 22 : Robert Pepper fil . William de Satterthwaite HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 325 MORE CHRISNINGS IN THIS YEARE 1682 September 24 : John Taylor fil . George de Satterthwaite October 22 : William Coupland fil . Robert de Parkeamoore Jannuary 21 : Jane Satterthwaite fil . William de Satterthwaite ffebruary 1 1 : James Kirkby fil . William de Grysdall March 17: 1682 Bathsheba Sands fil Myles de Eastwhaite grand childe to Samuell Sandys de Graythwaite hall gent. finis hujus Anni 1682 NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1682 Aprill 18 : Richard Rawlinson and Mary Knype married with lycense May 4 : George Mackreth and Agnes Rigge married with lycense 8 : John Bownas and Dorothy Jackson * June 17 : William Dodgson and Ann Rigge 25 : ffrancis Braithwaite and Alice Benson October 23 : Joseph Santon & Agnes Braithw' married with lycense 30 : W™. Jackson and Agnes Sawrey married with lycense November 13 : W"^. Holme and Margrett Grigge Jannuary 30 : William Kirkby and Mary Pennington finis hujus Anni 1682 SEPULTURI^ ANNO DOMINI 1682 Aprill S'Ij. Thomas Satterthwait de Sawrey infi-a (Elizabeth Jackson and) ^Elizabeth Sawrey ) Aprill 8*. William Walker fil . Edward de Crosselands (Edward Walker and -v I Agnes laylor J Aprill 17*. George Braithwait fil . James de Loanethwaite * In the margin : June 15' W"". Frears c& Agnes Taylor Lie eod die M''. Sam Sands & Beatrice Nicholson 326 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. J Issabell Watterson Ussabell Hodgson Aprill 20*. Katharine Edmundson de Haukeshead in ye Chancell r Agnes Sands and Aff • \ (Elizabeth Braithw* Aprill Tff^ John Taylor de Ploome = greene in the Church rjohn Taylor and 1 James Addison May 3 : die . Ester Sawrey fil . Anthony de Sawrey ground aff: (Elline Dixeson & ^Margarett Knype 12: die. Dorothy Nicolson de Low- | Susanna Capeland and son pke Aff: {Elizabeth Redhead 13 die . Rowland Scale of Roger-Ryddinge in ye Church (John Scale and (Rowland Scale 27 : Abraham Rawes de Thrang in (Dorothy Harrison Langdale Aff: (Ellin Greaves June 6 : Samuell Sands fil . Samuell de Haukeshead = hall in Sands quire Aff: (Ann Gilpin & (Rachell Nicolson 15 : Robert Pennington fil . James j James Pennington & de Satterthwaite Aff : I Margaret Rigge 26 : Ester ye wife of David Dixeson (Dorothy Hodgson de Tarne-hows Aff : (Jane Dixeson Jully II : Agnes Holme de Muncke Con- (Agnes Sawrey iston in the Church Aff: i Issabell Atkinson eod die Willm Wilson of Langdalle Chappell Steele ( Dorothy Harrison Aff • \ \ Margrett Tyson 22 : George Townson fil . John de Grysdall in the Church / Elizabeth freares(on) (John Townson HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 327 23 : Susana Sawrey fil . Anthony de Sawrey ground j Anthony Sawrey \ ^ Ellin Dixeson ^ August ist; Jennett Kirkby elder de (Ralph Drinkald Russland Aff: 'Elline Scale 17 : Agnes Towneson de Muncke Issabell Attkinson Coniston Aff: Elizabeth Holme September 10: Agnes Braithw' de Holme = ground in the Church J Agnes Dixeson ^Issabell Holme 17 : Willm Hyrdson of Dale pke slayne with a stone which fell on his head out of the higer end of that house in Haukeshead in which Rosamond Knype lately dwelled (Mary Taylor ^Dorothy Saterthw'. 24: Dorothy Attkinson de Muncke (Agnes Banke Coniston Aff: ^ Agnes Attkinson October 8 : George Rigge de field head in /Agnes Robinson the Church Aff: ICicily Mackreth October 31th Elizabeth Strickland de Oxenfell (Elizabeth Hodgson Aff: ^Ann Strickland November 2* John Braithwaite de Sawrey = (Dorothy Satterthw' infra Aff: ^Margrett Turner 19'^^ Elizabeth Rigge de Coulthouse (Issabell Hobson Aff: 'Ellinor Satterthw' December firste George Braithwait of Braithey- (Margarett Braithw* brigg Aff '•Jane Madder 2 : William Holme of Holme = Jane Holme ground Aff: Dorothy Hodgson 328 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 12: Samuell Sands fil . Myles de Easthwaite in Sands quire Afif (Agnes Birkett ) ^Hanna Nicolson ' 13: Roger Sawrey &[ fil . Edward de j Agnes Keene & James Sawrey ^ Haukeshead Aff. 1 Elizabeth Taylor 17: George Holme de Oxenfell : fjennett Wilson | called Hote George : Afi. ^Eliz : Hodgson ^ 20 : Dorothy Ashburner fil . Adam de Grysdall in the Church jAdam Ashburner ) ^^- (Dorothy Postlethw^ ' eod die ux^ Bryam Benson who (Margrett Tyson ) dyed att Grysdall Aff: ^Eliz: Freareson J 26: Agnes Braithwt de Hye wrey j Agnes Braithwaite | in the Church Aff. (Jane Rigge i 30: Mary Willson fil Rowland de (Mary Willson ) Roger Riddinge Aff: ^Margrett Scales ' January 15: William Satterthwaite de ( Elline Satterthwaite ) Crofthead Aff: llssabell Hobson ^ . . . t Margrett Ashburner de i Margrett Williamson 1 Outyeate Aff: tcicilly Mackreth ' .... f . . . abell Holme de Arne (Margrett Benson ) syde Aff: ICicilly Mackreth t .... t Christofer Attkinson de (Cicilly Mackreth Outyeate in the Church Mi: ( Agnes Mackreth eod die Regnald Walker de ffell= [Agnes Braithwaite ) foote in Langdalle Aff: (Elizabeth Willson \ ffebruary 4 : An abortive daughter Christofer Taylor's of Ploomegreen Jennett Dixeson Aff • Mary Taylor 23 : Elizabeth Nicolson daughter of W"^ de Keene ground jEliz: Walker s Aff: Ij^y Nicolson j * Added in another hand: "& Grandson of Sam: de Graythwt : " f Leaf frayed away. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 329 March 16: Issabell Turner who dyed att Holme ground j Dorothy Knype \ I Issabell Holme I finis hujus anni 1682. BAPTIZATIONES ANO DOMI 1683: Aprill 17th Adam Sadler fil . John de Haukeshead May 20 : '^ Issabell Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Sawrey infra June 4'^ John Braithwaite fil . John de Sawrey-extra eod die Robert Braithwaite fil . James de Loanethwaite Qt'i Edward Rigge fil . George de Hye wrey 17 : James Dixeson fil . Thomas de Crofthead Jully 14 : Jane ye daughter of Hugh Readman fil . Gyles de Kendall August 26 : Dorothy Sawrey fil . Edward de Sawrey = infra September 2 : William Ashburner fil . Adam de Grysdall October 7 : Issabell Watterson fil . William de birkrey 21 : Mary Walker fil . John de Keeneground November 25 : W™. Braithwaite fil . W™. de Satterhowe in Sawrey-extra December 20 : Jane Jackson fil . W™. de Eltarwater pke 26 : Thomas Asshburner fil . John de Anykin syke January 20 : Issabell Rigge fil . Anthony de Sawrey-infra 30 : Margrett Scale fil John de de (sic) Dalepke February 5 : Hugh Cowpthwaite fil . W™. de Haukeshead field head 24 : Agnes Mackreth fill . John de Sawrey = infra eod die Katherine Harrison fil . James de Muncke Coniston March 16 : Barbary Sawrey fil . William de Sawrey-infra 23 : Agnes Dawson fil . William borne in Haukeshead finis hujus anni 1683 March 9 : 1683 : Ellinor Turner fil . Christofer Chrisned att Satterthwaite May first : 1683 John Strickland son of Tho : of Satterthw' baptized * * This entry is inserted in another hand. 33° HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. NUPTIyE ANO DOMI : 1683. Aprill 4^1^ : William Rigge and Agnes Sawrey June S''^ : George Asshburner and Ann Ottley eod die Peter Knype and Agnes Crosfield 10'*^ John Mackreth and Barbary Harrison December 20 : John Braithwaite and Mary Birkett married by lysence finis hujus Anni 1683 : SEPULTURI^ ANO DOMI: 1683: March 28'^. Bridgett Sands fil . Samuell de Haukeshead hall in Sands quire Aff Rachell Nicolson Ann Gilpin Aprill 7 : Daniell Mackreth fil . W™. de Elizabeth Rigge Hyewrey Aff : Dorothy Mackreth eod die William Benson de fieldhead in the Church Agnes Mackreth ^^- Cicily Mackreth 12 : Robert Russell fil . Robert de fforsforge Mary Dixeson Aff • ^" • Eliz : Benson 14 : Agnes Cowpthwait fil . W™. de fieldhead in the Church Agnes Robinsor Margrett Tyson Agnes Robinsone 1 Aff: .^r! .. 'r..„„„ } May 21: Edward Scale who dyed att Agnes Scale | Consey Aff: Issabell Taylor ) June 27 : George Rigge son of George de George Rigge | Satterthwaite Aff: Dorothy Postlethwaitej 29 : An Abortive son of W™. Braithwaite of Sawrey extra (Margrett Rigge | ^^" ^Ann Braithwaite ' HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 331 Jully 10 : Thomas Rigge of Watterson Cicilly Mackreth ground Aff: Issabell Hodgson 13: Agnes the wife of Michaell Holme de Holmes head in ye Church Aff: Margrett Rigge 30 23 Margrett Parke Agnes Ellis Jane Hodgson William Pepper Dorothy Postlethw' 27 : Jane ffleeminge de Amblesyde in Sands quire Aff Robert Pepper fil . W"\ de Satterthwaite Aff September Elizabeth Rawlinson de Russland in the Chancell I Ann Scale 1 Margrett Chatburne October 21 : * Elizabeth Dodgson de Ellin Dixeson Dixeson = ground Aff: Agnes Braithw' November 18: Dorothy the wife of John Bownas de Eltarwater pke ye Church Dorothy Harrison Agnes Grigge 28 : An Abortive son of Myles Walkers of Dalepke 29: Mary Walker fil . John de Keene = ground John Walker Margrett Nicolson December 13: Richard Knype de Muncke Coniston in the Church fKatherine Ashburner Aff: A -R 1 I. Agnes Banke 14 : Jennett Willson de Oxenfell Jennett Willson Aff: Agnes Grigge 16: Issabell Attkinson de Parkea- (Elizabeth Addison moore Aff: ^ Margrett Nicolson (December) 21'h 1683 : Edward f Jane Borwicke Patricke of Sawrey Aff: iMary Borwicke Aff: Aff: These dates are illegible, but are supplied from the woollen certificates. 332 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Jannuary 12: Ann the wife of Nicolas Penny de Holme ground in ye Church Dorothy Knype Eliz : Hodgson 13: An Abortive son of John Birkett jMargrett Parke } of Skellwith Afif: Wary Hodgson ' 14: Eliz: Dodgson de Rogerground Sybell Rigge \ Aff: Jane Asshburner ' / Margrett 25 : ux'' Rowland Scale of Roger Ryddinge in I Strickland ye Church Aff: j Elline I Strickland ffebruary 8 : Mr Samuell Sands of Haukeshead-hall in Sands quire ( Mary Muncaster Aff: , '., . ^Ann Grilpin 13 : Elizabeth Mackreth widdowe de fould in Haukeshead field Aff: jJane Holme | ^Dorothy Sawrey ) March 12: James Braithwaite fil . Tho : de fould in Haukeshead field in the Church (Dorothy Sawrey ) 'Dorothy Cocken ) 20 : Samuell Knype fil . James de ffouleyeate in the Church (Elizabeth Rigge ■ ^Eline Holme finis hujus anni 1683. NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1684. June 2 : James Towers and Jennett Willson of Lowicke green Jully 8 : John Brockbanke & Dorothy Braithwaite of Skellwith 15: James Higgin & Sarah Penington of Crake August 1 1 : John Braithwaite & Margrett Harrison of Holme ground 16 : John Willson & Jennett Dixeson of Langdale HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 333 November 18: Leonard Youdall & Elizabeth Wilkinson of Bardsey eod die My. John Copley & My^ Batrice Sands January 19: William Brockbanke & Agnes Idle of fieldhead 30 : David Tyson & Agnes Penny of Tilberthwaite ffebruary 5 : George Rigge & Margrett Idle of fieldhead finis hujus Anni 1684 BURIALLS ANNO DOMINI 1684 Aprill 3 : Elizabeth Satterthwaite widowe of Crofthead 21 : Agnes Dixeson of Youdall in the pishe of Ulverston 28 : Elizabeth Webb a poore childe vi^ho dyed att Dalepke May 2 : John Rigge son of William de Haukeshead f . . . 4 : William Taylor of Ploome greene 21 : Edward Rigge of Sawrey-infra June 10: Jane vi^ife of Thomas Knype of Sawrey infra 23 : John the son of William Braithwaite of Sawrey 25 : Hugh Addison of Broughton Jully 18: Christofer Dixeson son of Christofer de Stottpke 26 : John Braithwaite of Sawrey-extra in the Church August 22 : George Rigge of Hye-wrey September 15 : Mary the wife & a son Abortive of John Braithwts of Outyeat (?) 22 : A son Abortive of John Attkinsons of Crosselands 25 : Robert Rigge of fieldhead 27 : John Britch of Grysdall October 22 : Margrett Braithwaite of Braithey 30: William Banke of Eastwhaite water-syde November 18: Margrett Taylor fil . George de Dalepke eod die Theophilus Myres de Haukeshead in the Church 25 : Issabell Walker de Watterson ground December 18: George Taylor of Lendin in the Church March 20: James Braithwaite of Hye = wrey in the Church finis hujus anni 1684 334 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. CHRISTENINGS FOR THE YEARE 1684* Aprill 1684 I die Agnes the daughter of Richard Hodgson of Oxen Fell eod die Agnes daughter of William Holme of Oxen Fell parke XX die William son of John Hobson of Colthouse eod die Agnes daughter of Anthony Sawrey of Sawrey ground xxvij die John son of William Rigg of Hawkshead Field eod die Elizabeth Sandys fil Myles de Eastthwaite grand- childe to Samuell Sandys de Graythw' t May 1684 xviij die William son of Thomas Dover of Birkrey June 1684 jo die Jane daughter of Cuthbert Hodgson of Tarne house : X die Margaret daughter of Thomas Knipe of Sawrey infra July vj° die William son of Willm Benson of the Wood xx° die Hester daughter of John Sawrey of the Hill, xxvij die Margaret ye daughter of Willm Rigg of ye Hill 19: 1684 James Kirkby fil : William de Satterthwait f August xxxj° die Miles son of Miles Sands of Sawrey infra September viij die Susanna the supposed daughter of Sam. Strickland Foulyate xxviij die Richard son of William Kirkby of Low wrey eod die Edward son of William Mackereth of High wrey October v° die Adam son of William Taylor of Hawkshead xix die William son of Thomas Rigg of Fieldhead 25 : John Satterthwait fil . William de Satterthwait t Nov"" ix die Margaret daughter of W"^ Nicholson of Keenground * These " christenings," with the exception of three interpolations, and a few at the end, are in a new hand. t Inserted in the old hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 335 Dec'" xxvij die Tho : son of William Braithwaite of Sawrey infra Jan. xiij die Alice daughter of Edward Watterson of Watterson ground XV die Ellinor daughter of Anthony Atkinson of ye Parke Feb. viij die . Margaret daughter of Tho : Cocken de How in Hawkshead Field xxij die Sarah daughter of John Walker de Keen ground eod die John son of John Knipe of Sawrey infra eod die Agnes daughter of Thomas Braithwaite of Sawrey infra Finis hujus anni 1684 CHRISTENINGS ATT SATTERTHWAITE ANO DOMI 1684 : - September 17'^ Jane Woodburne fil . John de Parkamoore . 19 : Robert Rigge fil . Richard de Satterthwaite . 22 : Susana Mossocke fil John de fforsforge November 18 : Agnes Taylor fil . George de Satterthwaite . finis hujus Anni 1684 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1685. Aprill 5 : Anthony Hall fill . Anthony de Hye = wrey May 3 : Jane Sawrey fill . Edward de Muncke Coniston eod die Issabell Knype fil . William de Tarne = hows 5 : James Benson fil : William de Skellwith . 12 : Issabell Sadler fil . John de Haukeshead . 17 : John Brockbanke fil . Willm de Haukeshead field head eod die William Borwicke fil . George de Haukeshead field head June 14 : Edward Brockbanke fil John de Skellwith 24 : Elizabeth Rigge fil . William de Haukeshead field. * The old handwriting recommences here. 336 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Jully 7 : Issabell Braithwaite fil John de Holme ground. 9 : Mary Sandys fil . Myles de Haukeshead grand- childe to Samuell Sandys of Graythwaite gentleman August 1 6 : Margrett Braithwaite fil . John de Sawrey-extra September 20 : Tymothy Ashburner fil . John de Keene- ground 27 : Agnes Robinson fil . Henry de Haukeshead field head October 8 : Ann Copley fil . John de Haukeshead hall 1 1 : Margrett Rigge fil . George de Haukeshead field head 18 : John Sawrey fil . Edward de Sawrey-infra 30 : Naamah Russell fil . Charles de Consey forge Chrisned att home January 6 : John Kirkby fil William de Grysdall Chrisned att home 24 : Christopher Dixeson fil Thomas de Crofthead ffebruary 14 : James Braithw^ fil . James de Satter-how in Sawrey extra eod die Adam Walker fil . George de Haukeshead 16 : George Rownsone fil . William de Coniston Chrisned att home 28 : Alice Watterson fil . William de Birkrey March 9 : Mary Jackson fil . William de Eltarwater-pke 14 : Issabell Braithwaite fil . James de Loanethwaite eod die Richard Rigge fil . George de Satterthwaite chrisned att home finis hujus anni 1685 S^PULTURI^ ANNO DOMINI 1685. March 28 : Richard Ashburner of Muncke Coniston April] 7 : Jennett Keene of Keene-ground 23 : Joseph Keene of Keene-ground May 30 : William Braithw' Smyth of Sawrey-extra June 6 : George Banke younger of Crosselands in the Church HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 337 24 : Margrett Euericke of Holme-ground JuUy 2 : John Watterson of Watterson = ground September 18 : Agnes the wife of Myles Towncson of Grys- dall in the (church) October 3 : Two sons of John Atkinsons of Crosselands who dyed unch(risned) 7 : Margrett Keene who dyed att Haukeshead field head 8 : Elline Kirkby de Satterthwaite in the Church 28 : George Mackreth of Skellwith in the Church November 7 : Dorothy Sands fil . Adam de foule-yeate 27 : Adam Sands of foule yeate 30 : Issabell the wife of W"" Greave of Tock howe in the Church December 20 : Richard Scales of White Stocke hall in the Church 28 : William Hodgson of Skellwith January the firste George Roberts who dyed att the Out- yeate 3 : Alice the wife of George Taylor of Lendin in the Church 8 : John Sands fil . Myles de Graythwaite field head in the Church 14 : Margrett fifisher of Haukeshead 21 : John Hyrdson fil . John de Bowker-stead in Satterthw^ 22 : Symond Rigge of Haukeshead = hill in the Church eod die Agnes the wife of Willm Banke elder in the Church 30 : Dorothy the wife of John Borwicke of field head in the Church ffebruary 27 : An Abortive son of Robert Willsons of Roger Ryddinge 28 : Elsabeth Satterthwaite fil . W™. de Croft head March the firste : Elisabeth Sawrey of Sawrey infra called lame Bessee 23 338 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 4 : John fforreste of Tocke howe in the Church 12 : Elsabeth Gayteskall fil . Edward de Keswicke who dyed at Estwait 14 : John Corker, of Ash = slacke in the Church 15 : Beatrice Pennington fil . Thomas de Haukes- heade quaf (?) finis hujus Anni 1685 NUPTIyE ANNO DOMINI 1685. Aprill 20 : Daniell Denison and Margrett Braithwaite May 4 : George Walker & Jane Pattison 14 : John Attkinson & Jane Towneson 19 : Henery Robinson & Elizabeth Willson 21 : John Braithwaite & Jane Attkinson June 18: William Kirkby & Agnes Knype 22 : Daniell Knype & Jane Denison 25 : John Bownas & Elizabeth Ellis maried at Grasmyre Jully 13 : William Rownson & Agnes Jackson 27 : James Braithwaite & Elizabeth Harrison married with lysence August 10 : George Harrison & Agnes Attkinson married with lysence September 21 : John Braithwaite & Dorothy Attkinson married with lysence 27 : Myles Sawrey & Margrett Satterthw' married with lysence 28 : Isaac James & Julia Willan married with lysence October 27 : Richard fforeste & Margrett Bownas 29: John Braithwaite & Agnes Braithwaite November 12: William Mackreth & Margrett Mackreth with lysence 23 : John Noble & Dorothy Mackreth with lysence 24 : Thomas Knype & Agnes Kellatt January 26 : James Banke and Susana Smyth 28 : William Satterthwaite and Issabell Braithwaite finis hujus Anni 1685. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 339 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1686. March 28th 1686 . Mary Knype fil . Daniell de Roger = ground Aprill the firste Richard Attkinson fil . John de Arnesyde 4: Myles Sawrey &| Children of John Sawrey de Anthony Sawrey^ Water-head 18: George Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Tarne hows 27 : Elizabeth Braithwaite fil . Tho : de fould in Haukeshead field May 19 : Thomas Braithwait fil . John de fould in Haukes- head field. 20 : Agnes Benson fil . Robert de Skellwith 25 : Robert Bownas fil . John de Eltarwater pke Jully 24 : Myles Walker fil . Myles de Dalepke JuUy 25 : Agnes Rigge fil . John de Sawrej^-infra September 19: Issabell Mackreth fil . John de Sawrey infra October 10 : Margrett Holme fil . George de How in Haukes- head field 26 : William Satterthwaite fil . W"". de Bccksyde att Coulthouse August 15"^ 1686 Tho: Strickland son of Tho: of Satterthw* babtiz * December 19: James Braithwaite fil . William de Sawrey-infra 26 : Margrett Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Sawrey- infra January 4 : Dorothy Braithwaite fil Gawine de Braithey 15: Agnes Brockbanke fil . William de Haukeshead- field head 23 : William Mackereth fil . W'". de Newhouse in Haukeshead field 25 : John Robinson fil . Henery de Arnesyde 28 : Rebeccah Sands fil . Myles de Graythwaite field head 30: William Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Gallow = barrow ffebruary 17 : James Walker fil William de Coulthouse 20 : John Lancaster fil Lancelott de Raws ground * This entry is inserted in another hand. 340 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. March 7 : Katherine Sands fil . Myles de Haukeshead grand childe to Samuell Sands of Graythwaite gentleman. 15: Robert Scale fil . John de Dalepke finis hujus Anni 1686 : NUPTI^ ANO DOMINI 1686 Aprill 26'h Lancelott Lancaster and Ann Tyson May 5 : Henery Peareson and EUine Robinson 13 : Cuthbert Hodgson and Mary Sands June 3 : William Knipe and Susana Gilpin 7 : John Dixeson and Elizabeth Braithwaite 14 : Christofer Besbroune and Agnes Jackson 17 : George Taylor and Margrett Rigge August 5 : John Sutton & Elizabeth Stainton married with lysence November 7 : Thomas Burnes and Grace Willis 25 : George Braithwaite & Issabell Sinkinson Jannuary 4 : Edward Robinson & Ruth Sands married with lysence 20 : John Braithwaite and Ann Braithwaite ' finis hujus Anni 1686. S^PULTURI^ ANNO DOMINI 1686 March 27 : 1686 : Richard Rigge of Satterthwaite in the Church 28 : Edward fforeste of Tockhowe in the Church Aprill 2 : Elizabeth Sands fil . Myles Sands gentleman in Sands quire 13 : An Abortive Childe of W™. Kirkby's younger of Muncke Coniston 16 : Mary Gilpin of Haukeshead hall in the Church May 22 : John Scale of Grysdall in the Church 30 : John Hyrdson of Bowker = stead in Satterthwaite eod die Mabell Warde of Sawrey = extra in the Church June 5 : Mary Jackson fil . W"". de Eltarwater pke HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 341 eod die Agnes the wife of Richard Wiilson of Light ==howe in the Church 14 : Margrett Satterthwait widowe de Coulthouse in the Church 18 : Naamah Russell fil . Charles de Consey forge in the Church JuUy the firste Elline Turner fil . Christofer de Satterthwaite 8 : Elline Townsone fil . William de Grisdall 1 1 : Mary the wife of Adam Sands de fifoule yeate August 23 : John Knype of Muncke Coniston September 3 : A daughter Abortive of Myles Sawreys of Crofthead 7 : George Nicolson of Lowson pke October 12: William Jackson of Eltarwater pke in the Church 1 3 : Elizabeth Rowneson de Muncke Coniston in ye Church December 5 : Christofer Sands fil . Dauid de Graythw' field- head in ye Church 15 : Issabell Williamson widdowe de Oxenfell 30 : William Harrison de Tarne hows Jannuary 2 : Jennett the wife of Tho : Mackreth of brow in Skellwith in ye Church 20 : John Sawrey of Sawrey-infra 29 : William Mackreth fil . W™. de Newhouse in the Church ffebruary 9 : Agnes the wife of Thomas Keene of Haukes- head 19: James Walker fil . William de Coulthouse 22 : Edward Sawrey fil . W"i. de Sawrey-infra in the Church 27 : Margrett Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Sawrey-infra March 4 : Roger Peareson de Haukeshead in the Church 1 3 : William Sawrey de Grysdall 16: Agnes Scale who dyed att Stocke = brandan 17 : Issabell the wife of Rowland Scale of Whaitehead in ye Church finis hujus Anni 1686. 342 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1687. March 27 : Dorothy Braithwait fil . John de Sawrey-extra April 7 : Thomas Allattson fil . John de Oxenfell 24: Margrett Kirkby fil . W™. Junior de Muncke Coniston 25 : James Braithwaite fil . Robert de Skellwith May 8 : Dorothy Hall fil . Anthony de Hye wrey 12: Sarah Banke fil . William de Haukeshead hill 15 : William Rigge fil . William de Haukeshead hill June 8 : Margrett Knpe {sic) fil . William de Grysdall 14 : Agnes Jackson fil . William de Eltarwater pke 18 : Robert Copley fil . John de Haukeshead Hall 26 : Dorothy Borwicke fil . George de Haukeshead field head August 14: Richard Newby Thomas de Satterthwaite * September 4 : Agnes Brockbanke fil . John de Skellwith 1 1 : Elizabeth Rownson fil . William de Muncke Coniston 27 : Agnes Attkinson fil . Anthony de Eltarwater- pke October 2 : Mary Dover fil . Thomas de Birkrey 9 : Margrett Sawrey fil . Edward de Muncke Coniston 14: Elizabeth Benson fil . William de Skellwith November the firste Sollomon Sands fil . David de Graythwait field head 14 : Barbary Braithw'. fil . W". de Sawrey-extra Chrissned att home 15 : Hodgson fil Richard de Oxenfell f December 28 : Mary Walker fil . George de Haukeshead hill 29 : Clement Satterthwait fil . Clement de Haukes- head Church style 31 : Katherine Bownas fil . John de Eltarwater pke January 6 : James Brockbanke fil . William de Roger-ground * Above the line between Newby and Thomas is the word " Satterthwait ; " " fil " is omitted. t The Christian name is omitted. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 343 eod die Ester Mackreth fil . William de New =: house in Haukeshead field 15: Oliver Sawrey fil. Edward de Sawrey-infi-a fifebruary 12: Robert Rigge fil . George de Haukeshead field head eod die Issabell Shacklocke fil . William de hye-wrey 14: William Braithwait fil . John de Satter-how in Sawrey-extra 16 : William Braithwait fil . James de Satterhow in Sawrey extra eod die Issabell Taylor fil . Robert de Satterthwaite Chrisened att home NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1687 March 29 : John ffisher and Mary Stevenson married att Satterthwait April 23 : John Jackson and Emmas Jackson married with lysence May 23 : Thomas Mackreth and Katherine Suerte June 18 : Thomas Strickland and Mary Robinson married att Coulton JuUy 7 . John Tomlinson and Margrett Rigge 12 : Clement Satterthwaite and Margrett Keene 15 : William Braithwaite and Jane Wattson married att Grassmire January 30 : Leonard ffleeminge and Jane Tomlinson married with lysence ffebruary 4 : Richard Robinson and Margrett Townson married with lysence (?) S^PULTURI^ ANNO DOMINI 1687. Aprill 8 : William Dixeson who dyed att Watterson ground May 31 : An Abortive son of William Bensons of Haukes- head field head June 12 : Jane Borwicke de Sawrey-infra Jully 18 : Dorothy Benson fil . William de Haukeshead field- head 344 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. August 19 : William Braithwaite de Haukeshead field head 26 : Ml' William Sands who dyed att Amblesyde & buried in Sands quire 28 : Elizabeth the wife of Robert Benson of Skell- with in the Church September 8 : Dorothy Hodgson widowe de Tarne hows 16 : An Abortive son of Myles Sawreys of Croft- head 23 : An Abortive son of Dorothy Kirkbys of Satter- thwaite 30 : Myles Walker of Satterthwaite who dyed att Thorfin = sty in the Church eod die Agnes the wife of Robert Scale of Whaite- head in the Church October 2 : John Williamson fil . Henery de Loanethwaite 30 : Robert Knype fil . Peter de Satterthwaite November 3 : An Abortive son of Adam Ashburners of Grysdall 8 : John Coward de Parkeamoore 10 : James Taylor fil . George de Grysdall 17 : William Ashburner fil . John de Annykin syke December 18 : Elizabeth Knype widdow de Muncke Coniston 19 : Dorothy Pennington fil . James de Satter- thwaite January 2 : William Rigge fil . Richard de Satterthwait in the Church 7 : Rowland Willson of Crosselands 10 : Agnes Braithwait fil . James de Crofthead in the Church 12 : Elline the wife of Clement Holme de Coniston Waterhead 15 : Issabell Sadler fil . John de Haukeshead in the Church 17 : ux"" ffrancis Strickland de Satterthwait in the Church 21 : James Braithwait of Sand-ground in the Church HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 345 eod die Dorothy Strickland fil . Thomas de Russland in the Church 31 : Elizabeth Benson fil . William de Skellwith fifebruary 13 : Elizabeth Holme fil . Clement de dalepke 17 : Robert Copley fil . John de Haukeshead hall in the Chancell 24 : An Abortive daughter of Peter Knypes of Satterthwaite 29 : Margrett Rigge widdowe de Haukeshead hall in the Church March 18 : William Satterthwaite de Whaite mosse finis hujus Anni 1687. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1688 March 25 : 1688 : Leonard Cowperthwait fil . W^". de Haukes- head field head 26 : Agnes Abbay fil Martin de Bonin = yeate Aprill firste Margrett Braithwaite fil . John de ffould in Haukeshead field 4 : Jane Martin fil . Robert borne att Walkerground 17 : Rosamond Knype fil . Daniell de Roger = ground 29 : Agnes Attkinson fil . John de Arnesyde May 4 : Betrice Braithwaite fil . George de High wrey 10 : Jennett ffisher fil . John de Haukeshead 23 : John Strickland fil . Thomas de dalepke eodem die William Braithwait fil . Thomas de Sawrey infra June 5 : William Townsone fil . John de Grysdall July 8 : Elizabeth Braithwait fil . John de Sawrey extra eod die Agnes Scale fil Thomas de Stocke brandon 12: James Harrison fil . James de Muncke Coniston eod die Agnes Knype fil George de Muncke Coniston 24 : Elizabeth Braithwait fil . W"\ de Oxenfell August 5 : William Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Gallow = barrow 12 : William Braithwait fil . George de Sawrey = infra October firste Margrett Mackreth fil . Thomas de Roger- ground 6 : John Braithwait fil . John de Sawrey extra 346 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. November 13 : Agnes Braithwaite fil . Gawine de Braithey Brigg 18: Edward Mackreth fil . John de Sawrey infra December 4 : John fifleeminge fil . Leonard borne att Grysdall 5 : John Holme fil . Michaell de Hodge Close January 3 : Jane Rigge fil . W™. de Haukeshead field 20 : Dorothy Sawrey fil . Myles borne att Crofthead eod die Agnes Braithw' fil . James de Loanethwaite 22 : ffrancis Benson fil . William de Skellwith March 10 : Elizabeth Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Gallow-barrow June 6: 1688: Issabell Satterthwait fil . W"\ de Satterthwait September 9: 1688: Robert Turner fil. Christofer de Satter- thwait September 30: 1688: Dorothy Kirkby fil . W™. de Lowson pke October 24 : 1688 : Issabell Rigge fil . George de Satter- thwait December 19: 1688: William Taylor fil. George de Grysdall JuUy II : 1688: Cornelius Robinson fil . Edward de Roger- ground who was borne att Backe Barrow NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1688. Aprill 18 : Martin Abbey and Barbary Braithwaite married with lysence 24 : Garnett Penigton and Margrett Rigge married with lysence June 16 : William Sawrey and Ann Rigge 18: Myles Gurnall and Susan Penington married with lysence 9: Robert Taylor & Jane Richardson married with lysence . . . Daniell Rigge & Margrett Braithwait married with lysence November 28 : Anthony Banke and Margrett Sawrey December 3 1 : William Townsone and Margrett Scale married with lysence Jannuary 26 : Anthony Sawrey and Elline Banke HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 347 SyEPULTURI^ ANNO DOMINI 1688. Aprill 2 : 1688 : Henery Mossocke fil . John de ffors fiforge 10 : Richard Willson de Lighte-howe in the Church 16: Margrett Willson fil . Robert de Roger-Ridinge 19 . William Rigge de Satterthwaite in the Church May 5 : John Strickland de Dalepke in the Church 9 : Katherine Sands fil . Myles Sands gentleman in Sands quire 1 1 : Jennett ffisher fil . John de Haukeshead eod die Anna Rigge fil . Anthony de Sawrey infi-a 12: Robert Benson de Skellwith in the Church 17 : Thomas Clarke fil John de Satterthwait in the Church 26: William Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Gallow = barrow June 14: Elizabeth Gilpin widdovve de Haukeshead hall in the Church 15: Margrett fforeste widdowe de Tockhowe 19 : Two children of James Braithwaite of high wrey who dyed as soon as they was borne 28 : William Walker of Tarne-hows July 5 : William Sawrey fil . William de Sawrey infra 10 : Issabell Turner wife of John Turner of Satterthwaite 17: Richard Taylor who dyed att Ploome greene in the Church 19: Myles Walker of Satterthwaite in the Church 30 : Robert Coward fil . John de Parkeamoore August 8 : William Townsone fil . John de Grysdall 21 : John Walker de Landend in the Church September 2 : Samuell Herbert a Scholar that dyed in Haukeshead in the Church 13: William Satterthwaite of Green end 14 : Issabell the wife of John Ashburner of Sawrey infra eod die Agnes the wife of James Braithwait of Braithey October 20 : Margrett the wife of Richard Townsone of Grysdall 348 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. November 14 : An Abortive son of W™. Watterson of Birkrey 21 : George Holme of Muncke Coniston December the firste Issabell the wife of W"\ Satterthwait of Whaite Mosse January 1 1 : Margrett Walker widdowe de Land end in the Church 17 : Samuell Strickland fil . Thomas de Satterthw' in the Church eod die Thomas Strickland of Russ- 1 both in the land and Mary his wife j Church 28 : Elizabeth Braithwaite fil William de Oxenfell 31 : Jane Dixeson widowe de Satterthwaite eod die Myles Strickland of ffouleyeate in the Church ffebruary 10 : Margrett Rigge widowe who dyed at Sawrey in the Church 16 : William Taylor of Ploome-greene in the Church 23 : Elinor Attkinson fil . Anthony de Eltarwater pke in Church 24 : Margrett y^ wife of Clement Taylor of Ploome greene in the Church March 16 : Elizabeth Strickland widowe de Dalepke in the Church finis hujus Anni i688 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1689. Aprill 7 : Edward Sawrey fil . John de Coniston Water(head) May 12 : John PooU fil . William de Haukeshead hall June 2 : Agnes Knype fil . John de Sawrey = infra eodem die Ann Sawrey fil . William de Coniston Waterhead 16 : Elizabeth Robinson fil Henery de Arnesyde 18 : John Braithwait fil . William de Sawrey infra 25 : Bryam Walker fil . Myles de Dalepke 30 : Christofer ffisher fil . John de Haukeshead Church August 17: Edward Satterthwait fil . Clement de Haukeshead 18: Margrett Braithwait fil . John de Town — end in Sawrey extra HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 349 September the firste Clement Rigge fil : William de Haukes- head hill 29 : George Dixeson fil . Thomas de Crofthead October 24 : Myles Sandys fil . Myles Sandys de Haukesliead grandchilde to Samuell Sandys of Graythwaite hall gentleman November 7 : Anna Benson fil . Robert de Skellwith 17 : Elizabeth Mackreth fil . Thomas de Roger- ground 18: John Satterthwaite fil. Wt". de becke-syde att Coulthouse 19: John Martin fil. Robert de Haukeshead Church style 20 : Issabell Braithwaite fil . W"". de Oxen-fell 24 : Susan Hobson fil . John de Coulthouse December 8 : Margrett Brockbanke fil . W™. de Eastwhaite water syde 10 : Elizabeth Swaineson fil . Laurence de Gray- thwaite fieldhead 12: Jane Rigge fil . John de Sawrey-infra 18 : Margrett Holme fil . William de Oxenfell pke 22 : William Watterson fil . Edward de Watterson ground October 1 1 John Mabreth (? Makreth) son of W". of Hawks- head field * January 8: 1689: Ann Sands fil . Dauid de Graythwaite field head January 8 : Agnes Bownas fil John de Eltarwater pke ffebruary 9 : John Cowpthwaite fil . W"\ de Haukeshead field head NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1689. Jully 4 : Thomas Todhunter and Mary Kirkby 18: William Dixeson and Ann Braithwaite October 15 : Thomas Clarke and Ann Tyson married att Satterthwait * This entry is inserted in another hand. 35° HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. November 14: John Benson and Agnes Satterthwaite 20 : John Buly and Alice Banke 23 : Myles Sawrey and Margarett Taylor January 14: George Harrison and Jane Holme married att Coniston 16: William Tomlinson and Mary Postlethwaite SiEPULTURI^ ANNO DOMINI 1689. March 25 : James Braithwait fil . Thomas de Hye-wrey 26 : George Rownsone de Muncke Coniston in the Church Aprill 3 : William Braithwait elder of briers in the Church eodem die Elizabeth ye wife of W™ Strickland in the Church 10 : Anthony Knipe of Hodge Close in the Church 15: Christofer Walker of dalepke in the Church 25 : Joseph Taylor of Whaitehead in the Church 26 : Margrett Rigge spinster de fieldhead in the Church eod die Thomas Satterthwaite de Haukeshead in ye Cnurch May 8 : Agnes the wife of W™. Knype of Tarnehows in ye Church 1 2 : Elizabeth Hodgson widdow de Tarne-hows June 2 : A base childe of Margrett Peppers who dyed unchrisned eod die Ann ye wife of W™. Sawrey of Waterhead in the Church 20 : Elizabeth Rownson widdow de Coniston in ye Church 21 : William Ashburner of Parkamoore Jully 4 : Margrett Benson widdow de field head in ye Church 22 : Elizabeth Barrow widdow de Skellwith 30 : Agnes ye wife of George Harrison of Outyeate in ye Church August 8 : Agnes Turner fil . Christofer de Satterthwaite 21 : Samuell Strickland de ffoule yeate in the Church September 12: Richard Hyrdson of dalepke November 2 : Dorothy the wife of Christofer Dixeson of Stottpke HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 351 5 : Thomas Dixeson of Dixeson ground 20 : Ann the wife of Anthony Sawrey de Satter- thwait in the Church (Dece)mber ? 4 : Christofer ffisher fil . John de Haukeshead 1 1 : Elline the wife of Robert Benson de Skellwith in the Church 13 : William Taylor of Haukeshead in the Church 1 5 : Elizabeth Robinson fil . Henery de Arnesyde December 16 : Bernard Swaineson who was Edward Braith- waite Apprentice went with William Stamper a greate while within nighte into William Braithwaite shopp in Haukeshead for to beare him Company a little, and att there meeteinge these three younge youths were all very sober and in good health : and Aboute twelve o'th Clocke o'th nighte ; they made a Bett : that if this Bernard Swaine- son coulde drinke of nyne noggins of brandy : then William Braithwaite and William Stamper was to pay for them ; but if Bernard fayld and Coulde not drinke of nyne noggins of brandy then hee was to pay of his owne Charges for that hee drunke : now this Bernard drunke of those nyne noggins of brandy quickly : and shortly after that fell downe upon the floore : and was straight way carried to his bed where hee layde two and Twenty houres : dureinge which tyme hee coulde never speake : noe nor never did knowe anybody though many Came to see him and soe hee dyed December 27 : Richard Tomlinson of Grysdall in the Church January firste Agnes Brockbanke fil . William de Easthwaite water syde 8 : An Abortive Childe of John Bulys of Estwaite water syde 352 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 15 : John Barbar a poore servant that dyed at Russland 20 : Agnes the wife of Adam Rigge of Haukeshead ffebruaiy 14 : George Rigge elder of Haukeshead field head in the Church 21 : Dorothy Hodgson widdow de Tarnehows 23 : Susan Hobson fil . John de Cragg att Coult- house eod die George ffisher de Haukeshead in the Church March 14 : Mabell Holme widdow de Hodge Close 22 : Mary Ashburner fil . Adam de Grysdall finis hujus Anni 1689. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1690. Aprill 20th William Holme fil . Richard borne att Haukes- head hall 27 : Hannah Rownsone fil . William de Muncke Coniston June 8 : Thomas Watterson fil . William de Birkrey eod die Agnes Banke fil . Anthony de Muncke Coniston Jully 6 : George Alexander fil . James de Sawrey-ground 13 : Dorothy Lancaster fil . Lancelott de Keene-ground 15 : Robert Knype fil . William de Grysdall 18 : Mary Braithwaite fil . Robert de Skellwith 27 : George Walker fil . George de Haukeshead Church Steele e5d die Agnes Knype fil . Daniell de Roger-ground August 3 : Thomas Braithwaite fil . James de Sawrey extra 10 : William Braithwait fil . John de Sawrey-extra September 21 : Jane Braithwaite fil Thomas de Sawrey infra 28 : Jane Kirkby fil . William de Muncke Coniston October 5 : Agnes Rigge fil . George de Haukeshead field head 14: Jane Braithwaite fil . Gawine de braithey 16 : Dorothy Harrison fil . James de Muncke Coniston 19 : Dorothy Braithwaite fil . William de Satterhow Sawrey extra 26 : John Scale fil John de Dalepke HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 353 29: John Copley fil . John de Haukeshead = hall November 5 : John Towneson fil . William de Grysdall 1 1 : Thomas Strickland fil . John de Dalepke 18: Edward Braithwaite fil John de Satterhow in Sawrey extra 30 : Thomas Newby fil . Thomas de Satterthwaite December 14: Margrett Satterthwait fil . Clement de Haukes- head Church Steele January 6 : Thomas Rigge fil . William borne att Haukeshead hall 18: John Walker fil . William de Haukcshead-hill 27 : John Mackreth fil . John de Sawrey-infi-a eod die Barbary Mackreth fil . W™. de Sawrey-infra December 28: 1690 : Agnes Rigge fil . Richard de Satter- thwaite Jannuary 20: 1690: Thomas Scale fil . Thomas de Stocke- brandon Jannuary 25 : 1690 : William Clarke fil . Thomas de Satter- thwaite NUPTI/E ANNO DOMINI 1690. March 30 : Richard Holme and Madlan Gilpin May the firste : ffrancis Knype and Agnes Rigge June 9 : Michaell Mackereth and Elizabeth Kellsecke 28 : John Rowneson and Elizabeth Kirkby Jully 15: John Woodburne and Elizabeth Satterthwaite ffebruary 4 5 15 Johnathan Willson and Dorothy Higgin Charles Middlefell and Mary Satterthwaite John Crosfield and Dorothy Sands S^PULTURIiE ANNO DOMINI 1690. March 30 : An Abortive daughter of Thomas Burnes of Conse(y) Aprill 13: William Rigge fil . William de Haukeshead hill 19: James Mackreth of the Outyeate May 13 : Ralph Trinkall of Russland 21 : Robert Turner fil , Christofer de Satterthwaite 24 354 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. June 13 : Elline Dixeson widdow de Dixeson-ground eod die Ellinor Turner widdow de Satterthwaite Jully 10: Katherine Hodgson spinster de Oxenfell August 12 : Willm Attkinson fil . Anthony de pke in the Church 17 : Margrett Hyrde fil . Edward de Outyeate 29 : Tomasin the wife of George Braithw' in the Church 31 : Agnes '' Penington fil James de Russland September 6 : Robert Penington fil Thomas buried att buryinge place 13: Edward Brockbanke de Skellwith in the Church 23 : Zuriall Russell fil Charles de Consay in the Church eod die John Scale fil . John de Whaitehead in the Church 24 : Issabell Mackreth fil . John de Sawrey-infra 29 : Issabell Harrison widdow de Sawrey-infra Jully 27: 1690 : Agnes Benson fil. Robert de Skellwith Jully 28: 1690 : Adam Ashburncr de Grysdall October 17: Mary Macksfield a poore childe who dyed in Haukeshead 22 : William Braithwaite of Braithey November 16 : William Keene of Haukeshead field head December 1 3 : Margrett Braithwait widdow who dyed att Skiner-how 28 : An Abortive childe of John Attkinsons of Arnesyde 29 : Ellin Crowdson widdow de Parkeamoore ffebruary the firste Bathsheba Sands fil . Myles buried in Sands quire 13 : William Mackreth of Newhouse in Haukshead field 22 : Agnes Mackreth widdow de Skellwith in the Church * Penington is generally spelt Pemington. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 355 23 : Robert Attkinson of Crosselands in the Church 26 : James Knype of ffouleyeate in the Church March 4 : Myles Rigge of Satterthwaite in the Church 5 : Katherine Mackreth fil . Thomas de ffors-mill 10 : Dorothy Braithwait widow who dyed att field head in ye Church 1 1 : John Borwicke de Haukeshead field head 15 : An Abortive Childe of John Hobsons of Coulthouse finis hujus Anni 1690 : BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1691 June 14^'^ Anthony ffisher fil . John de Haukeshead 16 : Ester Scale fil John de Bowker-stead 17 : William Satterthwaite fil . W™. de Satterthwait August 23 : James Taylor fil . Robert de Satterthwait 25 : Dorothy Braithwait fil . W™ de Sawrey-infra September 7 : Richard Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Gallow barrow 22 : Agnes Benson fil . William de Skellwith October 25 ; Thomas Turner fil . Christofer de Satterthwait November the firste Myles Sawrey fil . Myles de Crofthead 8 : Thomas Townsone fil . William de Grysdall December 7 : Mary Braithwait fil . James de loanethwaite January 4 (?) * i Issabell and ") twins Children of Robert (Elizabeth Braithw^ ) de Sawrey infra 26 : Jane Jackson fil . John de Eltar-water-pke fifebruary 4 : Edward Bownas fil . John de Oxenfell pke 7 : John Benson fil : W"\ de Howe in Haukeshead field 16 : Jennett Dixeson fil . Thomas de Oxenfell 21 : George Godfrey fil . William de Keene-ground March the firste : George Robinson fil . Henery de Arnesydc eod die Daniell Pooll fil . William de Haukeshead hall 20 : Thomas Braithwait fil . William de Sawrey extra * The date obscured by a blot. 356 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1691 Aprill 13 : John Studdam and Agnes Dawson 28 : Roger Robinson and Agnes Townsone May 14 : Anthony Harrison and Agnes Mackreth June 9 : WiUiam ffisher and Margrett Nicolson 22 : Robert Holme and Elizabeth Hodgson August 17 : William Benson and Jane Cowper November 2 : James Greaue and Jennett Scale S/EPULTURI^ ANNO DOMINI 1691 : March 30 : Elline Strickland fil . Samuell de Russland Aprill 18: Easter Rownsone fil . John de Muncke Coniston 27 : James Keene who dyed att Tarnehows May 10: John Attkinson of Arnesyde in the Church 1 5 : Clement Holme who was cuttinge downe a tree att Coniston water-head & slayne by the fall of it. 16: Agnes Holme fil . George Holme fidler June the firste Issabell Satterthwait fil . Charles de Sawrey infra 20 : Dorothy Harrison fil . James de Muncke Coniston in ye Church Jully 19: M"" John Sadler in the Chancell August 23 : John Harrison who dyed att Haukshead field head. 24 : Robert Dickenson who dyed att Braithey September 2 : Elizabeth ye wife of George Jackson of Skellwith 12 : Mary ye wife of Cuthbert Hodgson of Gallow- barrow 19 : Richard Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Gallowbarrow October 2 : James Newby fil . Thomas de Satterthwait 4 : Agnes Mackereth the widdow de Cragg head in Skellwith in templo 1 1 : Elizabeth Hodgson fil Cuthbert de Gallowbarrow. October 12: Margrett Satterthwait widdow de Green-end 22 : Agnes the wife of William Braithwait of buske in the Church HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 357 November 27 : Robert Tennan a poore younge Childe which dyed att Skellwith December 13: George Rigge of Ilaukeshead field head in the Church 16 : Robert Rigge fil . Richard de Satterthwait in the Church 17: Madlinge Holme who dyed att Haukeshead in the Church 22 : Richard Scale of Bowker-stead in the Church January 20 : William Sawrey who dyed att Graythwait field head in the Church ffebruary 16: Margrett ye wife of John Willson of Russland finis hujus Anni 1691. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1692. Aprill 5 : Thomas Braithwait fil . Gawine de Braithey 17 : William Harrison fil . James de Muncke Coniston 24: Mary Mackreth fil . W™. de New = house in Haukes- head field June 5 : John Rownsone fil . John de Muncke Coniston 27 : George Townsone fil . de Docker-gards * Jully 17: William Satterthwait fil . Clement de Haukeshead August 9 : Robert Martin fil . Robert de Haukeshead 21 : Elizabeth Attkinson fil . Thomas de Sandground 24: Elizabeth Rigge fil . William de Haukeshead = hall 28 : Susana Sawrey fil . Edward de Sawrey-infra 3 : George Holme fil . Robert de Holme-ground September t 6 : Agnes Greave fil . James de Haukeshead 1 1 : John Rigge fil . William de Haukeshead hill 19 : William Sawrey fil . Anthony de Muncke Coniston November 14: James Taylor fil. George de Grysdall 20 : William Knype fil . Daniell de Roger-ground 27 : Elizabeth Sherran fil . Thomas de Dalepke * The Christian name of the father omitted. f " September " ought probably to stand against the entry preceding. 358 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Jannuary the firste Thomas Clarke fil . Thomas de Grysdall 22 : John Tomlinson fil . William de Grysdall ffebruary 5 : Myles Hobson fil . John de Coulthouse 13 : George Mackereth fil . Thomas de Roger = ground 14: George Kirkby fil . David de Hollin = banke 1 5 : George Braithwait fil . John de Sawrey-extra 26 : Robert Braithwait fil . Thomas de Sawrey-infi-a 28 : Agnes Sawrey fil . Myles de Coniston water-head March 12 : Tamar Braithwait fil . James de Sawrey extra 19 : Myles Townson fil . John de Grysdall* NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1692 - March 28 : William Taylor and Dorothy Sands Aprill 21 : Thomas ffereon and Agnes Knype May 5 : Myles Sawrey and Mary Jackson 14 : David Kirkby & Elizabeth Sawrey married att . . . . 26 : John Townson & Mary Turner married att Satterthwait Jully 4 : Thomas Sherran and Jennett Hyrdson 16 : Richard Jackson and Dorothy Braithwaite August 16 : Richard Comptone & Jane Walker marr 20 : Chr : Swaineson & Agnes Jackson married with (lysence) September 8 : William Rigge & Jennett Stainton 21 : Thomas Ellis and Agnes Kellsecke November 26 : George Braithwait & Ann Airey married att Windermeere 27 : Benjamin Taylor & Dorothy Braithwait December 12 : Edward Troughton & Sarah ffleeminge Jannuary 23 : James Braithwait & Elisabeth Scale 29 : William Braithwaite & Ester Strickland ffebruary 1 1 : William Dodgson & Jane Lindow of ye psh of Urswick March 20 : John Tyson and Elsabeth Gunson * Opposite this, in the margin under " March," is written in another hand — Clement Satterthwaite Bap. Aprill lO 25 May 3 24 June 14 Jully 19 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 359 S^PULTURIiE ANNO DOMI 1692- March 29 : Margrett Braithwait fil . John de Sawrey extra in ye Church 31 : Issabell the wife of Thomas Benson of the Outyeate 10 : William Kirkby of Russland Thomas Higgin of Satterthwait Elizabeth Patriggc widdow de Sawrey-infra Robert Denison who dyed att Roger-ground William Sawrey fil . John de Coniston Waterhead Rowland Strickland of Lighte-howe September 5 : Elsabeth Hyrdson widdow de Bowker-stead 7 : Alice the wife of John Bewley of Esthwaite water .... October 27 : Jane the wife of William Braithwait of Oxenfell November 8 : An Abortive son of George Riggs of Satter- thwait 14 : An Abortive daughter of George Taylors of Grysdall December 3 : Robert Martin fil . Robert de Haukeshead 6 : Joseph Sharpe de Kirkby-Ireleth who dyed att ffoule yeate 23 : Dorothy Rawlinson widdow de Grysdall in the Church 29 : George Mackereth of Skellwith in the Church Jannuary 2 : John Ashburner of Sawrey-infra 7 : William Knype son of Daniell de Roger-ground 10 : Edward Keene of Haukeshead 17: Agnes Rigge fil . Richard who dyed att Haukes- head fieldhead in the Church 26 : Dorothy the wife of Thomas Satterthwait of new-house (Tebruary 1 4 Church Elizabeth Braithwait de Satterhowe in the Church 36o HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. March 1 1 : John Mackereth of Skellwith was drownd in Skellwith dubs and a boate was fetcht from Bownas and putt on the sayd dubs for men to seeke him ; and when he was found he was drawne out of the water into Gawine Braithwait lyifee (?)-Knott March ye i6t'i Thomas Satterthwait of Newhouse finis hujus Anni 1692 . BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1693. Aprill 16 : William Kirkb\' fil . William de Muncke-Coniston 23 : Joseph Dixeson fil . Robert de Oxenfell pke eod die Elsabeth Braithwait fil . John de fould in Haukeshead field May 5 : Christofer ffullthrop fil de Gallowbarrow * 7 : Barbary Mackreth fil . John de Sawrey infra June 1 1 : Ann Watterson fil . Edward de Watterson ground Jully 10: Daniell Mackreth fil . John de Sawrey infra August 17: Robert fil James de Braitheyf August 7 : John Turner fil . William de Sawrey-infra 23 : Jane Attkinson fil . Thomas de Haukeshead field- head September 24 : William Walker fil . George de Haukeshead October the firste : Rachell Richardson fil . Thomas de Crossethwait 15 : John Braithwait fil . John de Satterhowe in Sawrey-extra 19: William Braithwait fil . George de hye-wrey 21 : James Braithwait fil . James de Sawrey-extra 22 : Mary Knype fil . John de Sawrey infra 24: John Taylor fil . William de Ploume^greene 29 : Thomas Godrey fil . William de Haukeshead November 5 : George Hodgson fil . Richard de Oxenfell 7 : John Jackson fil . John de Satterthwait 14 : Elizabeth Knype fil . William de Grysdall * No Christian name of the father given, f No surname given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 361 December 2 : George Rigg & Elsabeth Rigg fil . George de Haukeshead fieldhead Jannuary 3 : John Taylor fil . Benjamin de Sawrey-infi-a ffebruary 6 : William Jackson fil . John de Eltarwater pke 7 : Richard Rigge fil . Richard de Satterthwait 20 : Elline Rigge fil . John de Sawrey-infra March 4: Thomas Holme fil . Robert de ffors==mill September 10 : 1693 • Rachell Knype fil . Peter de Satter- thwaite NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1693: May 20: William Mackreth and Mary Hall 25 : John Dawson and Elline Casson of the pishe of Millam June 8 : John Lancaster & Issabell Tyson of Crossethw' married with lysence 19: Thomas Braithwait and Elizabeth Russell Jully the firste Edward Knott and Agnes Satterthwait 1 5 : William Sherran & Jennett Tyson married with lysence October 23 : Henery ffleeniinge and Ester Tompson November 27 : Leonard Parke and Rachell Russell ffebruary the firste William Jacksone & Agnes Tayler married att Satterthwait 12 : Leonard Parke & Agnes Strickland married with lysence SyEPULTURI^ ANNO DOMINI 1693: March 27 : Rowland Scale of Thwaitehead Aprill 9 : Christofer Taylor of Ploume-greene 22 : Elsabeth Rigge a poore servant that dyed att Haukeshead 30 : Elsabeth Knype fil . John de Sawrey-infra May* : John Crosfield of Grysdall 4 : ffrancis Braithwait of Haukeshead fieldhead Day of month omitted. 362 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 12: John Satterthwait a younge lad which was a sho = maker 18 : Dorothy Sawrey de Howe in Haukeshead field . 28 : Ann Tompson fil . John de Haukeshead . 30 : Ann the wife of William Rigge of Haukeshead June 18: Ann the wife of Christofer Jackson of Braithey 30 : Agnes Dodgson widdow de Tarne-hows eode die Michaell Nolon a workeman which wrought in the mynds on Coniston fell that was slayne when hee was burstinge a Cragg with Gun pouder July 12 : William Kirkby fil . William de Muncke Coniston 13: Dorothy the wife of Myles Sands of Graythwait fieldhead in the Church 25 : Elizabeth Dixeson wife of Thomas Dixeson of Eltarwater pke August 16: Jennett Pool! of Sawrey-extra 26 : Elizabeth Hodgson de Gallow-barrow 27 : George Jackson who dyed at Skellwith 31 : Elizabeth the wife of Edward Braithwait of Haukeshead in the Church September 9 : Jane Jackson widdow of Tockhowe 14: ffrances Brockbanke widdow de Skellwith in the Church 18 : Margrett the wife of John Williamson of the Outyeate 19: Two Abortive sons of William Riggs of Skellwith November 28 : An Abortive son of William Braithwaits of fouleyeate Jannuary 4 : Susan the wife of Robert Capeland in the Church 1 1 : William Satterthwait son of William de Satter- thwait eod die Edward Taylor son of Robert de Ploume greene in the Church 14: Myles Sawrey son of Myles de Crofthead 17 : William Satterthwait son of Clement de Haukes- head HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 363 26 : Ann Sands fil . Adam who dyed att Hye wrey in the Church 31 : William Strickland of Lighthowe ffebruary 8 : John Lindall of Dalepke in the Church 21 : Samuell Attkinson fil . Anthony de Klterwater pke in the Church 23 : Susan Strickland widdow de ffoulcyeatc in the Church cod die John Cowperthwait fil . W"i de field head in the Church 27 : Mary the wife of Robert Braithwait of Skellwith in ye Church March 2 : Dorothy Mackreth widdow de Sawrey in the Church 1 1 : Mary Jackson fil . Xpofer de Braithey 17: Thomas Harryman of Haukeshead field-head finis hujus Anni 1693. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1694 ■ March 25 1694 : George Braithwait fil . William de Satterhowe 28 : Sarah Scale fil . John de Bowker-stead in Satter- thw' Aprill 3 : Mary ffisher fil . John de Sawrey-extra May 8 : Gawine Braithwait fil . Gawine de Braithey 13: Myles Sawrey fil . William de Coniston water-head eod die Lancelott Lancaster fil Lancelott de Walker ground 20 : William Newby fil . Thomas de Satterthwait 29 : William Townson fil . John de Grysdall July firste Elsabeth the base begotten Childe of Edward Hall gaiger 8 : Mary Martin fil . Robert de Haukeshead August 14 : George Holme fil . William de Oxenfell pke eod die Margrett Mackreth fil . William de Skellwith 16 : Barbary Banke fil . Anthony de Muncke Con- iston 21 : Elsabeth Braithwaite fil . William de Sawrey infra 364 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. October 4 : William Benson fil . Robert de Skellwith 16 : Ester Attkinson fil . Thomas de Sandground 27 : Elline Mackreth fil . William de Newhouse November the firste George Kirkby fil . William de Muncke Coniston 6 : Sarah Braithwait fil . William de Sawrey extra II : George Satterthwait fil . William de Satter- thwait Jannuary the firste Elizabeth Townson fil John de Grysdall March 3 : Margrett Rownson fil . John de Muncke Coniston eod die Margrett Britch fil . John de Grysdall NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1694 Aprill 16 : Myles Sands and Mary Sands 19 : John Britch and Ellinor Taylor May 7 : John ffisher and Margrett Braithwait 10 : Christofer Jackson and Jane Thexton June 19 : Thomas Braithwait & Susana Braithwait September 1 1 : Cuthbert Hodgson and Alice Pattison October 7 : Thomas Walker and Agnes Sawrey November 8 : John Braithwait & Margrett Braithwait 9 : John Vickars and Margrett '■■' 22 : James Kirkby and Margrett Braithwait 29 : Edward Benson and Agnes Mackreth December the firste Thomas Townson & Elizabeth Lowther 22 : David Dixeson and Margrett Jenkinson January 20 : William Dixeson and Mary Sawrey SEPULTURIE ANNO DOMINI 1694 • Aprill 7 : Richard Hodgson of Oxenfell 9 : Thomas Braithwait son of Thomas de fould in the Church 1 1 : William Turner fil . Christofer de Satterthwait 15: Myles Sawrey of Water = head in the Church May 10 : John Braithwait fil . John de Sawrey extra in the Church * The surname is not given. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 365 15 : EUine wife of Edward Hyrde of the Out = yeate 20 : John Braithwait fil . John de fould in the Church 26 : Margrett Jackson fil . Christofer de braithey 28 : John Ashburner of dale pke June 2i : Margrett Mackreth widow who dyed at Raws ground JuUy 14: Michaell Holme of Holmshead in the Church 17 : Agnes Mossocke fil . John de fforsforge 19 : Mary wife of Edward Sawrey of Coniston in ye Church 20 : Agnes wife of John Dixeson of Langdale in ye Church August 8 : Jane Holme widow dc How in Haukeshead field September 15: Jane Bancke spinster de Muncke Coniston 28 : Agnes Taylor widow de Ploome = green in y^ Church October 1 1 : Thomas Braithwait of Hyewrey November 6 : Mary Wright fil . John de Roger ground 10 : John Sawrey fil . Anthony who dyed att Russland eod die Elline Mackreth fil . W"'. de Newhouse in ye Church 13 : Robert Braithwait of Skellwith in ye Church 17 : James Walker of Tarnehows 20 : Agnes Brockbanke fil John de Skellwith in ye Church 24 : Thomas Benson of Outyeate in ye Church eod die An Abortive son of William Riggs of Skellwith 25 : Issabell Hodgson widow de Watterson ground * 16 : a boy of Roger Dixesons which dyed unchrisned 30 : Christofer Turner of Satterthwait (December) 20: Issabell Crowdson who dyed att Haukeshead hall 23 : Margrett ye wife of Tom : Keene of Parkamoore * The burial in -woollen certificate shows that this should be in December. 366 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 28 : Issabell wife of John Hobson of Hye wrey. January 9: William Willson of BaiT = yeate 10: John Browne who dyed att Tarnc = hows 13: William Rigge of Haukeshead 27 : Jane wife of William Rigge of Outyeate ffebruary 8 : Edward Sawrey fil . John de Waterhead 13 : Margrett Tyson spinster de Grysdall March 13: William Nicolson of Haukeshead field 19 : Jane Jackson fil . Christofer de Braithey 20 : An Abortive daughter of Myles Sawreys of Coulthouse finis hujus Anni 1694 • BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1695 March 31 : 1695 : Dorothy Kirkby fil . Dauid de Hollin = banke Aprill 7 : Elizabeth Braithwait fil . W™. de fould in Haukes- head field 10: Issabell EUatson fil . Emanuell de Consey fiforge 24 : Myles Gilpin fil . Myles de Satterthwait May 16: John Wilson fil . John de Oxenfell 21 : William Rigge fil . William de Haukeshead-hall 28 : William Braithwait fil . John de Tock-howe June 2 : Jennett Greaue fil . James de Haukeshead Church style 7: jWillm Hodgson & John Hodgson children \ i of Cuthbert Hodgson de Gallow = barrow -' 23 : Robert Mackreth fil John de Sawrey infra Jully 9 : William Taylor son of Benjamin de Sawrey-infra August 18 : Agnes Rigge fil . William de Haukeshead field September 8 : Mary Sawrey fil . Myles de Coniston Waterhead 30 : John Knype fil . Daniell de Roger ground October 6 : Robert Kendall fil . Robert de Coniston Waterhead 21 : Elizabeth Borwicke fil . William de Consey 27 : Agnes Ashburner fil . John de Roger-ground 31 : Myles Taylor fil . William de Graythwait field head November 21 : Edward Braithwait fil . James de Sawrey-extra HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 367 December January 5 19: Mary Strickland fil . Thomas de Dalepke 23 : Margrett Rigge fil . William dc Slcellwith 24 : Myles Townson fil . Thomas de Grysdall 25 : Johnathan Braithvvait fil . John de Haukeshead field 17: William Brockbank fil . John de Skellwith : William Sawrey son of William de Coniston waterhead June Jully 23: 16 3: 1 1 : NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1695. Aprill 30 : ffrancis Jurnall and Elizabeth Williamson May 21 : Daniell Mackreth and Margrett Mackreth George Satterthwait and Dorothy Keene John Asshburner and Margrett Banke John Walker and Elizabeth Robinson William Holme and Issabell Taylor Edward Parke and Elizabeth Capeland September 26 : William Braithwait & Agnes Penny 28 : John Borwicke and Jane Allason 9 : M'' Thomas Sands & M'^ Ann Sands married att Crostwaite Church Henery Coward and Margrett Braithwait William Braithwait and Mary Cookeson married att Grassmyre Robert Wattson and Ann Braithwait John Robinson and Issabell Benson Robert Tomlinson and Issabell Dixeson M'' Richard Archer and Beatrice Copley Noumber January ffebruary 6; 21 : 28 14: 19: SAEPULTURI^ ANNO DOMINI 1695. Aprill 15 : Mary Taylor fil . Robert de Ploome-greene in the Church 30 : George Benson fil . W™ de Hackerd in litle Landale eodem die Dauid Dixeson de Tarnehows May 6 : Elizabeth Rigge de Haukeshead fieldhead in the Church 20 : An Abortive son of Thomas Sherrans of Dalepke 368 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 21 : George Walker of Tarne=:hows 24: Dinah Knype widdow de ffoule=yeate in the Church June 2 : George Mackreth of the Outyeate 8: William Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Gallow-barrow 12: Margrett Rigge fil . William de Haukeshead hill in ye Church 13 : Anthony Sawrey of Coniston Water-head 17 : William Newby fil . Thomas de Satterthwait 18: John Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Gallow = barrow 25 : George Rigge son of George de Haukeshead fieldhead eod die Robert Scale of Thwaitc had a son buried w'^'^ was not baptizd 26 : the sayd Robert Scale had another son buryed which was not baptizd Jully 6 : An Abortive girle of John Wrights the Scotch-man 12: Ester Mackreth widdow de New-house in Haukes- head field August 7 : Jane Sawrey fil Edward de Muncke Coniston in the Church 12 : Bernard Benson of Tockhowe in the Church 25 : Issabell the wife of James Taylor of Satterthwait 26 : Elizabeth Rigge fil . George de Haukeshead field- head 30 : Jennett the wife of Robert Martin of Haukeshead September 20 : Nicholas Penny of Grysdall October 16 : Myles Rigge of Hye-wrey buried att buryinge place 26 : Elizabeth Dixeson of Dixeson-ground buried att buryinge place 29 : John Benson thrower de Walker ground Jannuary the firste : An Abortive son of James Kirkby's of Muncke Coniston 4 : James Braithwait of Crofthead in the Church 6 : Ann the wife of William Satterthwait of Coulthouse in the Church HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER, 369 9 : Margrett the wife of James Kirkby of Muncke Coniston 10 : Mary Taylor widdow de Stottpke in the Church 14: An Abortive son of Myles Sawreys of Coulthouse 17 : Agnes daughter of W"'. Grigge Sarah Mackreth bastard 28 : Adam Braithwait Taylor which dyed att fieldhead 29 : William Walker fil . George de Haukeshead ffebruary 10 : William Rigge fil . W™. de Haukeshead hill March 23 : John Braithwait which formerly livd att Holme ground March 9 Alexander Tubman de Crosselands eodem die William Tayler of Stottpke in the Church 14: Anthony Sawrey son of John de Coniston Water . . . 15 : John Wilson de Arnesyde buried att Grassmyre 20 : Ann Crosfield widdow de Grysdall 22 : Thomas Turner son of William de Sawrey-infra MORE CHRISNINGS IN THIS YEARE 1695 . Jannuary 6 : 1695 : Thomas Satterthwait fil . William de Coult- house eod die W™ Attkinson quaker Chrisned his son William 14 : Thomasin Twentyman fil . Thomas a White- smyth 21 : Margrett Attkinson fil . Anthony de Eltarwater pke 29 : Elizabeth Mackreth fil . William de Haukeshead field 30 : Mary Benson fil . Robert de Skellwith ffebruary 1 1 : John Dixeson fil . William de Haukeshead hill 16 : Thomas Turner fil . William de Sawrey-infra March 6 : Margrett Mackreth fil . Daniell de Skellwith 15 : Agnes ffisher fil . John bright Anthony daughters bastard 19: John Braithwait fil . Gawine de Braithey finis hujus Anni 1695 • 25 370 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1696 : March 26 : Samuell Sandys fil . William de Dalepke Aprill 5 : Dorothy Satterthwait fil . Clement de Haukeshead 21 : Agnes Braithwait fil . William de Oxenfell May 22 : George Borwicke fil . John de Haukeshead fieldhead June 27 : Mary Braithwait fil . James de Satterhow in Sawrey extra June 20 : Myles Sandys fil . Thomas de Easthwaite Jully 22 : James Braithwait fil . John de Satterhow in Sawrey extra August 2 : George Walker fil . John de Tarnehows 12: Ann EUattson fil. Emanuell de Consey forge September 13: George Rigge fil . W™. de Haukeshead-hill 14 : Josuah Mackereth fil . William de Sawrey-infra 27 : Mary Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Gallow-barrow e5d die Deborah Rownson fil . W"\ de Tarnehows October 27 : John Holme fil William de Oxenfell pke December 6 : Benjamin Tomlinson fil . Robert de Grysdall 9 : Beatrice Archer fil . Richard de Haukeshead Hall 16: Jane Jackson fil . John de Eltarwater pke January 28 : Thomas Braithwait fil . George de Hye-wrey ffebruary 2 : George Braithwait fil . John de Tockhowe edd die Joseph Jackson fil . John de Satterthwait 17 : Margrett Rigge fil Gebeye (?) de Satterthwait 23 : James Greenuppe fil . John de Satterthwait March 2 : James Rigge fil . Richard de Satterthwait January 10 : 1696 : Agnes Tomlinson fil . William de Grysdall finis hujus Anni 1696 NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1696: May 23 : Peter Lickbarrow and Jane Dixeson June 22 : Thomas Braithwait and Dorothy Sharpe 29 : Robert Dixeson and Mary Sawrey September 21 : Edward Mackreth and Agnes Rigge eod die : James Mackreth and Elizabeth fifisher November 5 : William Troughton and Bridgett Townsone HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 371 19 : Nicolas Turner & Jennett Lindoe married att Satterthwt 24 : George Dixeson and Sarah Sawrey 30 : John Benson and Agnes Dixeson married with lysence ffebruary the firste WilHam Hyrdson and Issabell Braithwait finis hujus Anni 1696. S^PULTURI^ ANNO DOMINI 1696 : March 27 : Margrett the wife of Daniell Mackreth in the Church 29 : William Rigge son of W™ de Haukeshead hall in the Church 30 : Agnes fifisher alias Rigge bright Anthony daughters bastard Aprill the firste Margrett Tyson widdow de Grsdall 2 : John Rigge fil . Thomas de Roger = ground 5 : Daniell Knype de Roger-ground add die Agnes the wife of Robert Satterthwait in the Church 8 : An Abortive son of Thomas Sherans of dalepke 27 : George Hodgson fil . Cuthbert de Tarnehows in the Church eod die Agnes Rigge of Light = howe May 10 : Elline Tubman widdow de Crosselands 1 1 : Issabell EUattson filia Emanuell de Consey forge eod die Dauid Walker de Crosselands 20 : Margrett ye wife of Robert Knype in the Church 26 : George Banke of Crosselands in the Church 30 : William Braithwait baliffe of Green-end June 4 : Myles Gilpin fil . Myles de Satterthw^ in the Church 10 : Elline the wife of John Britch of Grysdall 11 : Agnes Bayly widowe de Russland 17 : An Abortive son of George Riggs of ffieldhead 24 : John Braithwait of Stott pke in the Church 26 : An Abortive daughter of Anthony Sawreys of hill 372 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Jully i6: William Kirkby younger de Muncke Coniston in ye Church 1 8 : Dorothy the wife of George Rigge Clarke in the Church 24 : Thomas Rigge elder of fieldhead August 15 : two Abortive daughters of W^" Mackereths of Skellwith 17: Jane Attkinson fil . Thomas de Haukeshead fieldhead in the Church 30 : Edward Walker who dyed att Sawrey extra September 1 1 : Ann Ashburner fil . John de Anykin Syke 15 : James Taylor of Dalepke in the Church 20 : Mary Sawrey filia Myles de Water-head October 19: Easter the wife of John Wrighte of Haukeshead 29 : Elizabeth Rigge widowe de loanethwaite. 31 : Margrett the wife of Tho : Mackreth of Bull Close in ye Church November 10 : William Sawrey son of Anthony de Sawrey ground 16 : Myles Sawrey fil . Edward de Muncke Coniston 21 : Issabell Sawrey de Keene ground 24 : Robert Cherry fil . John a poore childe drowned in Consey forge December 9 : Elizabeth Rigge widowe de Haukeshead field head 22 : Katherine Higgin widdow de Satterthwait eod die Agnes Braithwait widdow de Coulthouse Jannuary 8 : William Braithw^ hatter de Sawrey-infra in the Church 19: Mary the wife of James ffell of Grysdall in Church 20 : Margrett Braithwait fil . John de ffould in ye (Church) 23 : An Abortive daughter of John fifishers of Hauks- head 29 : Henery Sawrey of High house in the Church 30 : Elsabeth the wife of George Taylor of Grysdall HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 373 ffebruary 2 : Margrett Benson widowe de How in Haukeshead 17 : Henery Sawrey fil . John de Coniston waterhead March 22 : EHzabeth the wife of Richard Penny in the Church 23 : Josuah Mackreth fil . Wn>. de Sawrey-infra 24 : Robert Hodgson of Tarne hows in the Church January 15: 1696: this day and yeare was George Taylor son of John de Lendinge buried in the Church finis hujus Anni 1696: BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1697. Aprill 7: 1697: Elinor Kilner daughter of VV'". Kilner * 8 : Jane Braithwait fil Willm de Sawrey infra deceased 29 : Thomas Attkinson fil . Thomas de Sandground May 16 : John Harrison fil . James de Muncke Coniston eod die Elizabeth Braithwait fil . Thomas de Graythwait Jully 20: Thomas Mackreth fil . W™. de browe in Skellwith 25 : Anthony Sawrey fil . Myles de Coniston Waterhead August 8 : Edward Madder fil John de Braithey Jully 9 : 1697 : Myles Tompson fil John de Satterthwait August 31: 1697: Jennett Wilson fil John de Oxenfell September 13 1697: Agnes Knype fil ffrancis de Muncke (Coniston) October 12 : Margrett Braithwait fil . William . de .... October 24 : Agnes Godfrey filia William de ffoule yeate Jannuary 30: George Kellatt fil. George de ffoule^yeate ffebruary 23 : Elsabeth Braithwait fil . James de Sawrey extra 27 : Margrett Kirkby fil . James de Muncke Coniston March the firste William Braithwait fil . James de Hye = wrey 10 : Agnes Taylor filia W™. de Graythwait field head 15: Ann Benson filia Robert de Skellwith 20 : William Kirkby fil . Dauid de Hollinbanke * This entry, except the date, is in another hand. 374 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. CHRISNINGS ATT SATTERTHWAIT CHAPPELL IN THIS PRESENT YEARE 1697 November ig : 1697 : Thomas Dixeson fil . George de Satter- thwt. 28 : William Townson fil . John de Grysdall December 15: Mary Barker filia William de Grysdall Jannuary 30 : William Turner fil . Nicolas de Satterthwt ffebruary 13: Susan Knype filia William de Grysdall finis hujus Anni 1697 . ffebruary 22 : Elsabeth Braithwait filia James de Sawrey extra March 23 : 1697 : John Scale fil . John de Bowkerstead in Satterthwt. NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1697 May 6 : Thomas Mackreth and Jane Peareson married att Amblesyde 25 : George Greeneod and Ester Sawrey married with lysence JuUy 17 : John Wrighte & Mary Hyrde married att Kendal* James Kirkby and Dorothy Kirkby married with lysence + October 18 : John Garner and Patience Braithwait married with lysence November ye firste John Woodell and Agnes Willson married with lysence 22 : Robert Knype and married att Broughton % January 6 : Jeremiah Strickland and Jane Lancaster marled with lysence 15 : William Satterthwait & Jane Crosfield John Britch § March 7 : John Strickland and Jennett Willson finis hujus Anni 1697. * " lysence " inserted in another hand after the entry. t Before this entry, in another hand, "not at Hawkshd neither." X The name of the woman not given. § Entry incomplete. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 375 1697 Aprill 12 . Wm. Barker & Sarah Fell of Grysdall Sept 17 : Charles Satterthwaite & Ellinor Beethom of Sawrey Geo Rigg forgott these &c tho pd (?) * S^PULTURI^E ANNO DOMINI 1697. March 27 : 1697 '■ Issabell Turner widow de Satterthwait 30 : Clement Rigge fil . William de Haukeshead hill Aprill the firste Margrett daughter of John Britch of Grysdall 8 : Anthony Sawrey fil . Edward de Hollin banke in the Church 18: Samuell Strickland de Light = howe 21 : Issabell the wife of John Strickland of Russland in the Church 28 : Ellinor Killner fil . William Killner May 3 : Jennett the wife of Thomas Sherran of Dalepke 25 : Samuell Sands de Sawrey-infra in the Church June 15 : Robert Bayly de Russland 29 : Isaac Braithwait de Haukeshead hill Jully 8 : John Kirkby fil . W"^. de Muncke Coniston in the Church eod die William Hall Collyer 19: Mary Martin fil . Robert who dyed att Satterthwait August 2 : Agnes Knype widowe de Muncke Coniston in the Church 3 : Agnes Braithwait fil . William de Oxenfell 13: Henery Sawrey de High House in the Church 21 : Elizabeth Walker de Satterthwaite in the Church September 13 : Agnes the wife of ffrancis Knype of Coniston in the Church 16 : James Braithwait late of Crofthead did goe to the water foote for a boate load of lyme * These two entries and the note are in another hand, in which the remainder of the registers from burials, November, 1697, to the end of the volume are kept. The omitted word appears to be "yet." 376 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. stones for William Braithwait of briers ; and as hee was comenge backe Againe was drownd in Windermeere water : and three men that was with him by Gods greate mercy gott all out of the water and savd there lives ; the boate which they were in beinge loaden with lyme stones was lost & did sinke into the bottom of the sayd water : and hee was buried the day of the moneth first mentioned October the firste Agnes Knype fil . ffrancis de Muncke Coniston in the Church 12: Myles Tompson fil. John de Satterthwait in the Church 1 6 : Elline Rigge widowe de Sawrey infra 23 : Thomas Days who dyed att Satterthwait 29 : Richard Asshburner of Anykin Syke 30* Dorothy the wife of Thomas Clarke of Grysdall November 15 George Kirkby fil . William de Muncke-Coniston* 26 : Jennett Attkinson widdow de Crosslands in the Church December 6 : William Braithwaite de ffould in Sawrey extra in the Church II : Jane the wife of George Pepper of Sawrey in the Church 19 : Barbary Mackereth fil . Edward W^h dyed att Haukshead 21 : Thomas Keene de Parkeamoore 28 : A liueing Boy — of William Mackeths of Sawrey infra, W^^ dyed before he was Christned January 9 : Elline Satterthwaite de Cragg 14 : Elizabeth Pennington widdow de Light howe 23 : Elizabeth Benson widdow de Skellwith in the Church February i : Daniell Sawrey Fill : Edwarde de Sawrey infra 9 : Ann Coward fil John de High-Wrey HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 377 22 : An Abortive Daughter of W™ Braithw' de ffoule yeate 28 An Abortive Child of William Herdson de Bowk(erstead) March 4 : Agnes Taylor Widdow de Crosslands ffinis hujus Anni 1697. BAPTIZATIONES INFANTIUM ANO DNI 1698. Aprill 3 : Samuell Sandys Fil Oliver de Sawrey infra 3 : Mary Mackereth Fili John de Sawrey infra 26 : Jennett Wilson Fil . William de Munck Conistone May 8 : Thomas Walker ffil . George de Haukshead June 5 : William Turner ffil . William de Sawrey infra July 19: Mary Wright ffil . John de Haukshead May 18 : Jane filia Johannis Braithw' de Sawrey extra June 10: Elline Scales iilia Robert de Whatehead September 25 : Agnes Rigge filia William de Hawkshead Hall October 2 : Jane Assburner filia John de Roger-ground 9 : George ffisher ffil . John de Haukshead 19 : Henry Swenson son of Christopher of High House 30 : Dorothy Hodgeon fil . Cuthbert de Gallabarrow 6 : Margarett Dobson fil James de How in Hawks- head ffield November 24 : Regnald T . . . sons of Gawine Braithw' of Braithey 25 : (Margarett &|Son and Daughter of Benjamine ^Joseph ' Taylor of Sawrey infra. 27 : William Townson son of Robert de Grisdall December i : William Rownson fil . John de Muncke-Coniston i: (Miles &!Sons of Richard Archer gentlm of ^Daniell ^Haukshead Hall 22: (Ester &| Daughters of William Dixon of ^Elline ^ Holm Bank January 4 : Issabell Dixon filia James de Sawrey infra 8 : John the Bastard son of John Scale of Grisedall * A new handwriting is commenced here, and, with a few exceptions, the remainder of the volume is kept in it. 378 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 8 : Thomas fil . Thomas Shield of Graithw' by Mr Stubb(s) * 17 : John son of George Braithw' of Skelwith 22 : James son of Edward Mackreth of 'h Outyeate 24: I John &|Son and Daughter of John Borwick of ^Ann /ffield head February 5 : Jane Daughter of Myles Sawrey Taylor of Colt-(house) eodem die Margarett Daughter of Thorn Braithw' of the H .. . 12: James the Son of Oliver Sandys of Sawrey infra 19: William son of Clement Satterthw' of Hawks- head March 2 : George son of Richard Penny de Ewe-Tree 4 : William Son of Tho : Holme of Cunsey Forge 1 5 : Robert Son of Robert Knipe of Grisedall 21 : George Son of William Mackereth of Skelwith December 7 : John Son of John Greenup of Consey mill December 1 1 : Agnes Daughter of Thom : Strickland of Dalepke These brought by M^ Stubbs * after ye book was fill'd up for the year 1698. Finis hujus Anni 1698 NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1698 May 19 : Richard Penny & Deborah Mackreth June 21 : Thom • Braithw' and Agnes Walker July 12: Thomas Sheild and Alice Tyson September i : William Satterthw' and Mary Braithw'. 8 : William Tyson & Mary Jolly Ambleside October 1 1 : Francis Knipe and Isabell Park Coniston November 27 : John Wilson and Agnes Lindow of Rusland December 24 : William Walker & Jane Tomson of Arn(side) ? January 29 : James Fell . . & Margrett Ashburner Finis hujus Anni 1698 * Mr. Stubbs was probably the lay reader at Satterthwaite. The list of incumbents there commences 1766, the same year as the Register. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 379 SEPULTURE ANNO DOMINI 1698 March 27 : Jennett Walker widdow de dale-park May I : Ann Kirkby fill William de Lawson park in ye Church 4 : Jennett Greaue Daughter of James de Haukshead 17: Hannah Atkinson fili Antonii de Eltarwater park 18: William Holm son of Michal w^^*^ dyed at Skelwith June 8 : William Braithw' de High Wrey in the Church 29 : Charles Satterthw"^ de Sawrey infra July I : George Satterthvvait of Thvvaitmosse 6 : John Braithw' of Fould in Sawrey extra In y^ Church 10 : Thomas Berwick of Sawrey infra August 6 : Robert Knipe de Grisdale in the Church 7 : Joseph Robinson who dyed at Hauxhead Septemb : 16: Ester Atkinson de Crosslands in the Church October 24 : James Townson ffil . John de Grisedall November 17: Ann Colthurst widdowe de Lending in the Church December i : An Abortive son of John Rawnsons of Coniston 9 : William Rawnson fil . John de Munck Coniston eodem die : James Kirkby of Satterthw' 26 : An Abortive child of John Garners of Hauks- head Hill January 13: Mary Daughter of John Townson of Grisedall 19: Marjory wife of Will™ Rawlinson of Graithw' Qu-- February 3 : An Abortive son of Thom : Atkinson of Sandground 9 : Jane daughter of John Ashburner of Roger-ground 16: Margarett Tyson widdow of Tarnhows 21 : Miles son of Miles Sandys Esq"^ of Graithw' Hall March 4 : John son of Elizabeth Mason & the supposed son of John Scales of Grisedale March 19: Issabell Daughter of John Braithw' of Sawrey extra fifinis hujus Anni 1698 38o HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1699 Aprill 30: Elizabeth Daughter of W™. Herdson of Force Forge 30: Elizabeth Daughter of John Walker of ye Ewe Tree May 3 : Margrett Daughter of John Townson of Satterthw' 7 : Thomas son of Lancelot Lancaster of "' Out-yeat 8 : John son of Jonathan Strickland of Dale-park 14: Mary daughter of John Braithw' of Buckle yeat Sawrey 28 : Thomas son of William Braithw' of Foul yeat June 1 1 : Elizabeth Daughter of James Braithw' of Sawrey extra 13: William son of George Dixon of Satterthwait 16 : Thomas Braithwait ffil . John de Sawrey extra 25 : Elizabeth Kirkby ffil . James de Munck Coniston July 4 : Elizabeth Rigge daughter of George de Feild-head 16 : Henry Robinson son of Henry de Arnside Septemb"" 5 : Ann Daughter of W™. Rigge Taylor of Skelwith October 22 : Elizabeth daughter of W™. Walker of Arnside December 4'h : Agnes Townson fill John de Grisdale * January 23 : Elizabeth Joyce Daughter of William Joyce February 14 : Daniell son of Barbery Hind John Longstreat supposed ffather in Crosthw' parish 25 : Ann Sandys daugter of Oliver of Sawrey infra March 3 : Thomas the son of John Garner de Haukshead hill 10 : Issabell Atkinson ffil . Thomse de Sandground 24 : Edward Mackreth son of Daniell de Sawrey infra ffinis hujus Anni 1699 NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1699 May 1 1 : Thomas Cockan & Catherine Ellis of Outyeate June 6 : Henry Holm and Elizabeth Robinson married at Lorton * This entry is in another hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 381 12: Edward Jackson & Ellin Borrinscale of Ambleside July 25 : Thomas Jopson and Agnes Robinson August 31 : Matthew Redhead & Ellin Hyrde Novemb 2 : James longmire and Jane Sawrey January 22 : Joseph Keen and Mary Mackreth 30 : Christopher Briscow and Margrett Dover de Outyeate February 5 : Arthur Jackson & Ann Dixon de Ambleside ffinis hujus Anni 1699. SEPULTURE ANNO DOMINI 1699 Aprill 13 : William Wilson son of William de Coniston 20 : Ellin wife of Laurence Harrison of Stotparke 30 : Mary wife of W™. Satterthw'. of Sawrey Carrier May 26 : John Tayler of Finstead May 27 : Margarett Daughter of Benjamin Taylor Sawrey infra June 4: Agnes wife of William Rigge of Hill 8 : Thomas son of Robert Satterthw'. of Satterthwaite 23 : Anthony Hall of High-wrey in the Church 26 : Robert Scale of Whaite-head 27 : William Satterthwaite of Colthouse In the Church July 7 : Esther Chamley widdow de Grisedall 9 : John Satterthwait de Sawrey extra who hang'd himselfe in his own house 18: John Watson of Oxenfell 31 : Rowland Wilson of Russland August 19: Issabell Braithwaite widdow de Greenend Septemb. 5 : Mary wife of Edward Sawrey de Sawrey-infra 10 : Margarett wife of George Knipe de Sawrey extra 14 : George Knipe of Sawrey extra her husband eodem die John Knipe son of Richard de Munck-Coniston 19 John Benson son of William de Skelwith in ye Church October 24 : John Harrison who dyed att Oxenfell 27 : Jennet Wilson widdow de Arnside 382 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. November 9 : James Taylor son of George de Grisedall December 3 : Dorothy daughter of Thomas Postlethw' de Satterthw' 16: Margarett wife of Will>^. Mackreth de Scelwith In Church 28 : Ellin Mackreth de Scellwith widdow in ye Church 25 : An Abortive son of Anthony Sawreys de Hill January 21 : Agnes Sawrey widdow de Grisedall February 7 : Susan wife of W"i Knipe of Grisedall in the Church 20 : John Satterthwaite of Colt-house in the Church eodem die Barbary Hind of Oxenfell in ye Church 25 : George Robinson son of Henry de Arnside 27 : Mary Braithwaite de Sawrey extra March i : Jane Harrison wife of George of Loanthwaite 6 : Robert Hodgeon de Oxenfell eodem die An Abortive child of John Britch's de Grisedall 9 : An Abortive child of Thom : Cockans de Berkrey ffinis hujus Anni 1699 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMI 1700 Joseph son of John Jackson of ye Park Dorethy daughter of William Mackreth de Scelwith Issabell Daughter of John Rigge de Sawrey infra Robert Braithw^ son of William de Scelwith John son of Richard Rigge de Satterthw' Robert son of Robert Taylor de Dale-park 20 : Jane Daughter of Mathew Redhead de Haukeshead August 20 : Annas Daughter of George Braithw' beyond ffeild 25 : Margarett Daughter of Miles Sawrey de Water Head October 6 : Mary Daughter of Edward Powe de Haukeshead 13: William son of Henry Holm of Haukshead-hill 22 : Robert son of John Rigge of Sawrey infra Aprill 23 25 May 26 30 June 4 5 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 383 24 : Allice Daughter of Robert Benson de Holms Head 28: George son of Clement Satterthwt of Hawkshead November 17 : Thomas Braithw'. son of Thomas de Hauks- head Hill 26 : Thomas Sandys hi . Thomai de Easthwaite December 29 : Elizabeth Keen fil . Joseph de Haukshead 31 : John Massack filius Thomse de Consey-Forge January 26 : William Rawnson son of William de Tarn- hows 19: Nicholas son of Nicholas Turner de Satterthw^ ffebruary 2 : John Ashburner son of John de Roger ground 5 : Agnes Daughter of John Scale of Bowkerstead 9 : Issabell Daughter of Robert Townson of Grise(dale) 1 1 Margarett Daughter of George Dixon of Safterthw^ 12 William son of James Kirkby de . . . eodem die Elizabeth Kirkby fil ffebruary 25 : Elizabeth Swenson daughter of Chri(stopher) ffebruary 19: William son of Oliver Sandys de Sawrcy infra 23 : Thomas son of Thomas Daniell of Haukshead Ganger ? March 18: Agnes Daughter of George Braithw' of Scelwith 20 : John son of Christopher Briscow of Berkrey SEPULTURE ANNO DOMINI 1700. March 29 : Issabell Rigge widdow de Satterthw^ in ye Church Aprill 13: An Abortive child of Thomas Midlefell de Oxefell 29 : M"" Samuell Sandys of Graithwaite who dyed att Haukshead May 9 : A child of William Townsons of parkamoore 12 : Jane Rigge widdow de Sawrey in the Church eodem die Issabell Jackson Daughter of Mathew de Hill May 20: Thomas Garner son of John de Haukshead Hill 23 : Rowland Wilson de Light how June 2 : John Schales de Whaite-head in Church 7 : Elizabeth Braithwaite wife of John de Sawrey 384 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 17: William son of William Kirkby de lowson park eodem die William Kirkby of Satterthwaite July 5 : James Threason of Grisedall 19: Margarett Rigg widdow de ffeild-Head August I : William Dixon de Hollin-Bank 6 : Margarett wife of Robert Rigg of Sawrey 22 : Edward Sawrey of Oxenfell 31 : Cuthbert Hodgeon of Tarn = hows October i : Dorothy wife of William Townson of Grisedall 7 : Mary daughter of Edward Pow de Haukshead 30 : George son of Clement Satterthw' de Haukshead Novembr 3 : Jennet Besbrown of Tarnhows eodem die : William Benson of Hackett Forge in Grasmeere January i : An Abortive child of William Herdsons Force Forge 17: David Kirkby of Hollin Bank in the Church ffinis Anni 1700 NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1700 May 2 : Robert Rowlinson & Elizabeth Tyson 23 : William Sharpc & Agnes Hall June 3: Francis Knipe and Agnes Hind November 30 : George Harrison and Margarett Braithwaite January 23 : Robert Leek and Ann Pennington February 2 : George Dixon and Dorothy Sawrey 3 : Thomas Bell and Jane fforest married .... BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1701 John Holme fil . Michael de Hodge-Close Dorythy Taylor fil . Benjamin de Sawrey-infra William Mackereth son of Edward Outyeat Margarett Turner filia William de Sawrey infra Margrett Dixon filia George of the parish Windermere James Braithwait son of Gowen de Braithway Elline Braithwait filia James de Satterhow Jennet Strickland filia Thomas de Sawrey extra March 25 Aprill 16 27 May 6 18 21 June 12 July IS HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 385 30 : John Greaue fil . James de Plaukshead Church Style September 2 : Esther Daughter of John Wright de Haukshead 7 : John son of John Braithwaite of Bucle yeat November 2 Elsebeth daughter of Cudbert Hodshon of Gallabarrow November 9 Margret Atkinson filia Edward de Watterson ground . . . ember 17 Margret Mackereth filia Daniel de Sarew infra . . . mber 25 Antony Atkinson fil . Antony de Elterwater pkc eodem die Thomas ? Borwick son of John de feild head .... Rigge filia William de Fowl yeate 8 : Elsebeth Townson fila William de Grisdale Jannuary 18: Christofer Attkinson filia Thomas de Hauks- head fild head Jannuary 25 : Margeret Massocke filia John de Consey Forge February 26: Edward Readhead fil . Matthew de ilaukshead March i : Hannah Hogard filia Joseph de Hollinbanke March 12: Beniamin Cocken fill Thomas de Haukshead October 28 : Thomas Rigge fil . George de field head * NUPTIyE ANNO DOMINI 1701 May 3 : Edward Atkinson & Elsabeth Atkinson 27 : Rowland son t & Jane Pearson June 16: John Richardson and Cicill Knipe 19: Joseph Hogert and Obedience Sawrey 28 : William Akenson & Elsabeth Sawrey July 6 : John Massacks and Agnes Grigge September 30 : W™. Braithw' & Margarett Harrison married at Cartmell Church November 29 : John Rigge %l Agnes Dodshon December 6 : Ather Mackereth & Elizebeth Hodshon December 9: Thomas Braithwaite & Jane Holm * This entry in a different hand. f This name has been originally written Wilkenson, and the first two syllables have lieen scratched out and something, perhaps Dauid, written above. 26 386 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. December 20: Robert Satterthwaite & Margret Stephenson Jannuary 20 : John Shepard & Dorothy Braithwaite Feberuary firste William Rigge & Elsabeth Sawrey eodem die John Rigge & Elsabeth Hanson SEPULTURE ANNO DOMINI 1701 March 26 : Thomas Keen de Haukshead Church Style 29: Adam Bank de Skelwith Aprill 2 : William Sawrey son of Edward de Munck Coniston 6 : Elsabeth ffrearson widdow de Grisedall 9 : William Braithw' de Stot-park in ye Church 14 : Mary Satterthw' filia Robert in ye Church 23 : William Kirkby son of James de Munck-Coniston May 4 : Elsabeth Atkinson de Munck Coniston in the Church 20 : John Holme de Munck-Coniston 26 : Beltris Braithw' filia George de High wrey in the Church (?) June 13 : Richard Atkinson of Munck Coniston in the Church July 25 : Margarett Turner filia W™. de Sawrey infra August 3 : Jennet Strickland filia Thomse de Sawrey extra 19 : Elsabeth Hodgeon widdow de Oxenfell 20 : Margarett Braithw' filia John de Sawrey extra October 19: Mary Mackereth filia John de Foulyeat October 27 : Jane ye wife of James Hdgson of Newby brigde in Church October 28 : An Abortive son of William Dickinson of Skeleth October 29 : Marget filia John Satterthw' deceased in the Church November 3 : Elsabeth the wife of Thomas Jackson of Sarewy extra November 19 : Margret Mackreth filia Daniel de Sarey extra December 10 : Clement Holm Colier de Dealpark January 9 : William Braithw* de How in Haukshead field January 13 : Jabel Burns filia Edward de Boukerstead HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 387 January 16: Mary Janson filia Matthew de Haukshead hill Feberuary 19 : John Knipe son of John of Sawrey infra 27 : An Abortive Child of Anthony Knipe of Hodge Close March 12: Katherine the wife of Thomas Cocken de Hauks- head hill March 14: Tho : Mackreth of Skelwith in the Church Finis hujus Anni 1701 : BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1702 April 'j^\ Margret Braithw' fil . John de Satterhow April 8th. Bridgett Sewell fil . Sam : de Hawkshead April 15th. Esther Bownes fil . Thom : de Elterwater park April 29th. Betteras Sandys fil Oliver de Sawrey infra June 7th. George Braithw'. fil Will . de ffoulyeat June 23th. Agnes Mackreth fil . Tho : de Brow in Skelwith June 30th. Elizabeth Pool fil . Edward de Hawkshead July 23. William & Ann children of Edward Dixon of ffieldhead August 6. James Satterthw' fil . Clement de Hawkshead August 9th. Isabel Keen fil . Joseph de Hawkshead August il'h. John Johnson baptixed at Saterthw' Septembr. 27th. Dorathy Satterthw* . fil . Will . de Sawrey infra Octob''. 6'K John Braithw' . fil . Willi de fould in Sawrey extra Octbr. 71^. Josua Braithw' . fil . John de Sawrey extra Octobr. lo'b. W™. Braithwi . fil . Thom : de Hawkshead hill Octob^. 13th. Mathew Braithw' . fil . George de Skelwith Octob^. 1 6th. Isabel Holm fil . Henry de High house Octob"". 22th. Ann Strickland fil . Tho . de Sawrey extra Novembr. 3'h. John Benson fil . Robert de Skelwith Novemb''. 17'h. Elizabeth Rownson fil . John de Monk Coniston Novemb"". 25th. John fifisher fil . John de Hawkshead Decemb''. 9'^. Mary Sands fil . Thomas de Esthwaite Decembr. 20. W™. Godfrey fil . Will . de fieldhead Decemb"". 29"^. Anthony Rigge fil John de Sawrey infra 388 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER, January 5'h. John Townson fil . Robert de Grisedall January 2 ith. (George Dixon fil . George de Satterthw' . ■eod die Elizabeth Sawrey fil Myles de Coniston I waterhd Jan. 26*. (James Braithw' fil . W'^^ de Skelwith 'eod die Jane Dickinson fil. W™. de Skelwith ffebruary 24th. Robt. Satterthw' . fil . Robt. de Satterthwaite March . 3th. Martha Stubbs fil . James Curate de Satterthw' * March . 4th James Rigge fil . John de High wrey March. 14"^ James Atkinson fil . Edw^. de Watterson ground March . 22"'. Richard Archer fil . Richard de Hawkshead Hall NUPTI^ ANNO DOMNI 1702 April . 27'h. Thomas Clark & Mary Kirkby May . 5th. Wm Braithwt . & Mary Robinson June . I A. Edward Sawrey & Agnes Sawrey of Coniston June . 2th. Clement Holm & Agnes Kilner marryd at Ulverston June . 6th. John Mackreth & Mary Partridge July . 19th. Job Sawrey & Mary Dixon Septemb'". 29th. Edw^ Herd & Mary Borwick Octob"". 14th. James Noble & Mary Dawson Octobr. i5thf w™. Braithwt. & Decembr. 3ti\ Robert Birket & Elizabeth Rigge January 21'h. Benjamin Taylor & Alice Hall ffebruary 2th J John Mackreth & Agnes Walker 'eod die . John Hodgson & Alice Jackson SEPULTURE ANNO DOMNI 1702 March 31th Margrett Dixon fil . George de Satterthwt April 7'h. An abortive child of Tho : Sherron de Dalepke April 30th. Margret Taylor of Whaithead May nth. George Kirkby of Holinbank May 23th John Scale of Rodger Ridding June 15th. Agnes Ashburn"" widdow of Rogerground * See note to Baptisms Jan. 8th, 169S. f The name of the woman is omitted. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 389 June i8"i Margret Suerte widdovv of Rogerground 22t'\ George Kellet fil . George de Hawkshead - Dorathy Kirkby of Holin bank James Woodburn fil Nicholas de Grisedale br . 8'h James Stubbs Curate att Satterthw'. Octob>-. 2Sth George Taylor of Dalepark. Octobi- 31th George Rigge of Satterthw«. Novemb'- 13th. Tho : Mackreth fil . Will . de brow in Skelwith Novemb'-. 20th. Agnes Pool fil . Edw^ de Hawkshead Novemb'". 25th Edw^. Sawrey of Monk Coniston Decembf . (f^^ Jennet Rigge widdow of ffield head Decembr. 22th Miles Walker fil Will de Hawkshead Hill January 2"'. Wn\ Townson fil . John de Grisedale Jan: 18 . Ann Benson widdow of How in Hawkshead field ffebruary i^h. Dorathy Mackreth fil WlTl . de brow in Skelwith ffeb : 1 2'h. Thomas Vicars a bastard died att Lowrey March 14''^ . Agnes Knipe uxor ffrancis de Hodgeclose March 18''^ Allice Bank fil . George de Croslands ffinis Anni 1702 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1703: March 30'^^ . Isabel Holme dauther of Clement de Consey forge eodem die . Dorithy Tompson dauther of Thomas de Lowson pke Aprill first . Elisabeth Graenap fill John de Consey Mill Aprill : 20'ii : Thomas Birkett fil Robert de Haukshead field head Aprill : 22'^' : Joseph Briskawe fil Christopher de Birkrey Aprill : 28'^ : George Taylor fil W'" : de Graythwaite field head May : 22 : Mary Kirkby fil . James de Munck Conistone June : 8 : Wilkinson Braithw'. fil . Gaun de Braithway June : 20 : Agnes Hoggard fil Joseph de Holin Banke Jully : 13: John Braithw'. fil James de Satterhow Jully : 14: George Braithw'. fil . George Beyon field att wrey * Page worn away. 39° HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. Jully : i8: George Mackreth fil Edward de Outyeat August : 3 : Barbary Sarey fil Job . de hollinbank September : 14: Agnes Jackson fil John de Elterwater park September : 28 : Jane Rigge fil John de Haukshead field head October : 6 : Margrett Sands fil Oliver de Sarey infi-a Octob-- : 31 : William Ashburner fil John de Roger ground December : 28 : William granchild of W^ Sarey Hatter Bastard unknown f(ather)? January : 25 : Ruth Braithwt fil John de fould in Haukshead field ffebruary : 8 : Roger Barwick fil John de field head eodem die William Massick fil John de Consey forge March 5 : Isabel! Turner fil . W™. de Sarey infra NUPTI^ ANNO DOMINI 1703 Aprill 12: Christopher Philipson & Margrett Saull May ye first : John Ashburner & Issabell Berwick June 2&-^ James Holme & Alice Scale married att Ulveston Octob'' 18: Thomas Warriner & Margrett Rigge Novemb'' 1 5 : Charles Shenton & Ann Parke Novemb"" 16 : John Atkinson & Hannah Wilson married at T ... re - Novemb'' 18: John Macketh & Elsabeth Benson eodem die : William Higgin & Margret Benson January : 18 : William Knipe & Agnes Sarey ffebruary : 10: Edward Dixson & Agnes Robinson eodem die : Jonathan Postlethw^ SEPULTURI^ ANNO DOMINI 1703 March : 2&^ : Edward Walker of Crosslands Aprill : 2$^^. John Townson fil . Robert de Grisdalle May : 27 : Agnes wife of John Coward of wrey June : 9 : Thomas Wilson de Oxenfell June : 17 : John Walker of Tarnhows * Torver ? HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 391 June : 23 : William Rigge fil . W™. de liaukshead field August : 3 : Mary wife of Edward Hyrde of Outyeat August : 4 : Issabell Taylor fil Rowland de Whait Moss in Church August : 7 : John Rigge of High wrey Septemb'' : 9 : Mary Pattison of Haukshead Septembr : 17: Margret Harrison widdow de Satterthw' Octob''. 15: An Abortive child of Christopher Swainsone October : 88 : {sic) Margret Braithw' widdow de Briers in ye Church Novemb'^ : 7 : Agnes wife of Christopher Swainson of High House Novemb'" : 1 1 : William Walker of Haukshead Hill November : 19 : Elin Kirkby widdow de Satterthw'. December : 2 : Agnes Hodgshon who dyed at fieldhead December : 16 : Thomas Turner fil . Christopher de Satterthw'. Decemb"" : 27 : Margret Braithw' fil . John in the Church January : 3 : John Sarey fil . John de Conistone water head January : 12: Elisabeth Walker widdow de Tarnhows January : 17 : An Abortive Child of John Hodgsons of Newby Bridge January : 21 : Isabell Wilson widdow who dyed att Haukshead February : 7 : Jane Attkinson widdow de Sandground February : 9 : Agnes Bank widdow who dyed at Clapassgate February : 18 : Jane Jackson widdw of Parke in the Church February . 28 : William fil . of Agnes Sarey without any known fath''. . . a bastard March 18: Thomas Sherran of Dale parke Finis Anni 1703 BAPTIZATIONES ANNO DOMINI 1704 March ye 30'^ Elsabeth Hodgson fil John de Oxenfell May ye 2 John Rigge son of Thomas de fieldhead May ye 16 : Thomas Norish Son of Gilbert born in Sarey May ye 20 : John Christerson fil John born at Lonthwaite May ye 24 : Elsabeth Coupland fill James de Parkamoore July ye 26 : Thomas Jackson son of James a Traveller 392 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. August ye 6 : John Turnr son of Nicolas de Satterthwaite Octobr ye 3 : Elizabeth Gilpin fill of Myles de Satterthw' Octobr ye 7 : Saray Benson fil of Robert de Skellwith Decemb'- ye 19 : George Warriner fill Thomas de ffieldhead Decemb'- ye 30 : Agnes Scale fil . John de Satfthwaite January ye 14 : Elizabeth Holme fil Agnes de Daleparke January ye 18: Agnes Greenop fill . John de Consey February ye 4 : Jack Braithwaite fil . Thomas de Haukshead hill NUPTI^ ANNO DOMI 1704 May ye 26: Henery Sawrey & Dorothy Mackreth June ye 24 : William Sawrey & Margrett Cowperthwaite June ye 29 : Richard Harrinson of Waterhead & Agnes Scale .... ye 3 : Thomas Attkinson & Gennett Dickeson mb'' 21 : Jeremia Grave & Margrett Braithwaite . . mbi". . . . Fisher & Ann Dixson Katherine Moor (?) Marryd at Ha . . h . . * Roger (?) Casson & Issabell Woodburne in ye year 1704 15: Francis Knipe & Elsabeth Rigge SEPULTURE ANNO DOMI 1704 March ye 2 : Esabeth Wilson wife of Robert de Roger Ridding Aprill ye 16 : Isabell Turner fil . W™. de Sarey infra April ye 2i : Dorithy Posthlwaite wife of Thomas de Satter- thwt. May ye 2 : Dorithy Freareson fil . James de Grisdale May ye 6 : Agnes Sarey wife of Miles de Munck Coniston June ye 19''^ Isack Burnes de Sattrthwaite June ye 28 : John Townson of brow in Grisdale in the Church July ye : 6 Elisabeth Rigge de Outyeat * Leaf worn away and the entry an insertion in another hand. HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. 393 July ye 25 : James Kirby son of William de Lowson parke in ye Church August ye 1 1 : William Cowprthwaite of Tockhow in ye Church August ye 25 : Elsabeth the wife of Thomas Rigge de field head Septemb'- ye 18 : William Jackson of Sarey extra Septemb-- ye 20: An Abortive Childe of John Attkinsons of High wrey Octob'' ye 1 8 : John Tompson who dyed att Troutbeck & buried at Hawksh^ Octobi' ye 24 : Adam Rigge of Haushead in ye Church Novemb"" first James Rigge son of John de High wrey code die Agnes the wife of John Braithw' in ye Churche Decemb'' ye 12: Katherine Ashburner widdow de Monk Coniston Decembr ye 24 : Jane Nicoson widdow de farr Coniston ffebru '.ye 16 : George Taylor of Grisdale March 12: Margrett Sawrey widdow de Hollin = banke in the Church * MORE CHRISNINGS IN THE YEARE OF OUR LORD GOD 1704 October : 30: 1704: George Rownson son of John de Muncke Coniston January : 23 : 1704 : Margrett Taylor fil . Benjamin de Sawrey- infra ffebruary : 22 : Ann Satterthwaite daughter of Robert de Satterthwait March: 4: 1 704: George Attkinson fil . Thomas de field head * The handwriting here changes. Since the burials, November, 1697, it has been scrawly and coarse, and apparently, but not certainly, written by the same hand. The new handwriting is very similar to that previous to the above-men- tioned date. 394 HAWKSHEAD PARISH REGISTER. March: 6: 1704: Ann Braithwait fil John de Satterhowe March : 10 : 1704: Barbary Sands . fil Oliver de Sawrey = infra March : 18: 1704: James Keene son of Joseph de Haukes- head finis hujus Anni 1704 1706* Jane Rigge ffill : Clement de Hawkeshead born ye 19 June & baptized ye loth of July 1706 . This entry is written on the last page by itself. (^ppenbt;c» Zbc "Burial in Moolen" Certificates. THESE certificates, already alluded to, are one hundred and ninety-four in number, and in the following pages a list of them is printed. It has not been thought necessary to give the names of the persons making oath, but the reader will find some information which is not contained in the register itself : thus there are among the certificates a considerable number of persons who are not entered at all in the register, and these are printed in italics. In the others there are often points of information not in the register, and sometimes slight discrepancies in dates and other matters, which the reader can examine for himself. It should be remarked that the two persons making oath for each certificate are, in the majority of cases, women, and nearly always they were illiterate, making their mark instead of signing their names. There are, how- ever, exceptions, for in twenty-seven cases there were male witnesses, and in thirteen instances we find signatures instead of marks. Of these thirteen, no less than seven are men. The women occasionally were relations of the deceased : some were widows, but it is common to find others styled "spinster," or "wife" of so and so. The names are so varied that it is evident that they were not professional attendants of the dead, or " streekers," as is suggested in an editorial note to a paper on Hawkshead Church Registers in volume iv. of the "Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Archaeolo- gical and Antiquarian Society." The following is the usual form of the certificate, but the parts included in brackets are in many cases omitted : — "We Isabell Hobson wife of John Hobson of Coulthouse & EUinor Satterthwaite of the same spinster make oath that the corps of George Braithwaite Late of Coulthouse Interred within the pish of Haukeshead in the County of Lancaster the ffourth day of March Instant was nott put in wrapt or wound up or buryed in any shirt shift sheet or shroud made or mingled with fiflax hempe (silke haire 396 APPENDIX. gold or silver), or other then what is made of sheeps wooll onely (or in any Coffin Lined or ffaced with any cloth or stuffe or any other thing whatever made or mingled with fflax hempe silke haire gold or silver or any other materiall but sheeps wool onely) Acording to an Act of Parliemt entituled an Act for burying in woolen onely In wittnes whereof we have hereunto sett our handes & scales this tenth day of March Ano Domi 1681 Ano Regni etc. Capt et Jurat decimo die Isabell Hobson Mensis Martii coram me her + marke Ricardum Rawling curatum Ellinor Satterthwaite de Coniston Anno Dom 1681 her + marke" 1680. 18 Certificates. Entries in Register. Name. Date of Burial. Sworn before. Date of Oath. Rowland Taylor, Crosland... 25 May ... Myles Doddinge... illegible James Braithwait son of 28 May ... Dan : Fleminge... 30 May. William, Sawrey, hatter Isabel Townson, Monk Con- 19 July ... I) >) 31 July. iston spinster ■ Anthony Banke, Lowwrey 13 Aug:... Myles Doddinge... 19 Aug. Batchelor William Rawlinson Gray- 10 Sept.... Dan : Fleming . . 10 Sept. thwaite gent. Curwen Rawlinson Thomas ffrearson infant son 18 Sept.... Myles Doddinge... 20 Sept. of James, Grysdall Richard Dixeson, Dixeson 30 Sept.... Dan Fleming I Oct. ground waller. Jno : Braithwaite Hyewrey 12 Oct. ... Curwen Rawlinson 19 Oct. Yeom. Eliz : Walker dau : of Jno. 21 Nov.... Dan. Fleminge ... 23 Nov. Keene Ground infante. Dorothy Satterthwaite, Parke- I Dec. ... William Kirkby 2 Dec. moore Ashlacke Robert Walker, Finsthwaite... 21 Dec. ... Curwen Rawlinson 22 Dec. Elline Walker Finsthwaite ... 2 Jan. Tho: Preston ... 4 Jan. William Wilson, Rusland ... 4 Jan. ... Myles Doddinge... 4 Jan. Thomas Jackson 30 Jan. ... Dan Fleminge ... George Jackson Skelwith ... 16 Feb.... )> )) 17 Feb. Jane Russell 12 March W" Wilson Rector of Windermere 13 Mar. Isabel Walker 21 March J"°. Armstrong minister — Isabel Sandys 24 March Richard Rawling minister. 29 Mar. APPENDIX. 397 1681. 45 Certificates. 48 Entries in Register. Name. Date of Burial. Sworn before. ate of Oath. William Keene 2 Ap : ... Ric: Rawling Min- 5 Ap. ister Coniston | John Braithwaite 7Ap: ... > ,j 10 Ap: Eliz : Jackson 9Ap: ... Dan Fleming . . . 12 Ap : Robert Scale IS Ap: .. Ric Rawling 19 Ap: William Bancks 19 Ap : ... jj ,, 20 Ap : Easter Scale 22 Ap : ... )) ,, 25 Ap: John Turner 7 May ... John Armstrong... no date Elizabeth Braithwt 8 May .. Ric Rawling ... 14 May. George Rigg 29 May ... )j ,, 30 May. Judeth Nicholson ... „ )) ,, last day May Agnes Hodgson 30 May ... )) ,, ,, Margarett Satterthwaite 4 June ... )) ,, 5 June. Scinerhow Robert Russell 19 June ... ,, )) 20 June Isabell Kasterson ... 30 June ... )> ,, 2 July. Rachell Walker P^" of Gras- 30 June ... ,, 5 July- mere Edward Atkinson ... 2 July ... ,, )) 3 July James Hall ... 7 July ■■■ n ,, II July. Agnes Satterthwt. ... 8 July ... i> ,, 12 July. Elizabeth Hird 16 July ... ,, )) 27 July. Christopher Taylor... 20 July ... )) )) 22 July, Eliz Rigg 21 July ... )> » 20 July. Isabell Braithwt 25 July ... Myles Dodding ... no date. Agnes Braithwaite ... 3 Aug ... Ric Rawling 6 Aug. Agnes Braithwaite dau of 18 Aug. ... Dan Fleming . . . 18 Aug. Rowland Brathay Dorothy Satterthwaite dau 23 Aug.... )) )) 27 Aug. of Edw. Satterthwt Will™ Savvrey 31 Aug.... Ric Rawling last day Aug. Robert Taylor 18 Sept .. )) )) 23 Sept. Elizabeth Scales 25 Sept.... )> )) last day Sept. Agnes Howgill 2 Oct. ... Dan Fleminge ... 2 Oct. Mary Taylor 18 Oct. ... Jno Armstrong... 20 Oct. Elizabeth Kellett 24 Oct. ... Ric Rawling 25 Oct. Edward Parke, Skelleth 29 Oct. ... Dan : Flamming. I Nov. Yeoman Rowland Townson 2 Sept. ... Ric Rawling 3 Nov. Agnes Sawrey, Conyston ... 9 Nov. ... )> )> 13 Nov. EHz Turner, Satterthwt ... 28 Nov. .. 1) !) 4 Dec. Patience Sawrey Hawkshead 12 Dec. ... ,, !I 5 Dec. Christopher Holme Coniston 17 Dec. ... n )) 28 Dec. 398 APPENDIX. Name. Date of Burial. Sworn before. Date of Oath. Geo : Holme Holme ground 13 Jan ... Ric Rawling 25 Jan. Elizabeth Sandys Graithwt.... 13 Jan ... Curwen Rawlinson 16 Jan Margaret Wilson, Crosland... 24 Jan. ... John Armstrong... no date Annas Satterthwaite Field- 5 Feb. ... Ric Rawling 7 Feb head Barbary Braithwaite Sawrey 22 Feb. ... 24 Feb. George Braithwaite... 4 March... 10 March Issabell Sawrey, Neddar 10 March 12 March Newton, Cartmell Agnes Corker, Ashlacke ... 13 March It )) 19 March 1683. 9 Certificates. 29 Entries in Register. Geo : Rigge son of Geo : Satterihwt. Thomas Rigge, Waterson ground Robert Pepper S, of W'"., Satterthw'. Ehz Rawlinson Rusland. ... Eliz : Dodgson Dixon ground Dorothy Bownas John Birkett's son born dead Eliz : Dodgson Roger ground Widdow. EUene Scale AVid. of Roger ground. 27 June. 10 July. . 30 July. . 23 Sept.. 21 Oct. . 18 Nov. . 13 Jan. . 14 Jan. . 25 Jan, . Roger Atkinson... Curate of Torver Thomas Thomp- son Tho ; Myers Min. of Coulton John Byrkett clerk of Coniston Jo : Byrkett Dan : Fleming .. Jo : Byrkett John Armstrong 20 July. 4 Aug. 23 Sept. 24 Oct 20 Nov. 16 Jan 17 Jan. 28 Jan 1684. I Certificate. 23 Entries in Register. George Rigg Hye Wrey ... 22 Aug.... Jo: Byrkett 22 Aug. 1685. I Certificate. 32 Entries in Register. Ric. Ashburner Monk Conis- ton 28 March Jo : Byrkett 29 March APPENDIX. 399 1686. 23 Certificates. 34 Entries in Register. Name. Date of Burial. Sworn before. Date of Oath. Rich Rigge, Satterthwt. ... 27 March Jo: Byrkett 31 March Edwd. Forrest, Tockhowe ... 28 March Roger Atkinson... 29 March Eliz : Tyson, Stottythwaite 24^/: ... torn away. in Ulpha burd. at a " buryinge place near Hawkside " Mary Gilpin, Hawkshead Hall. 16 Ap : ... Jo : Byrkett 19 Ap. Geo Bay ley Russland I May. ... Joh : Armstrong 3 May. Agnes Atkinson dau. 0/ 2 May. ... Joh : Byrkett . . . 6 May Geo : Fieldhead. John? Scale, Grysdall 22 May ... M 27 May John Hyrdson, Satterthwt, 30 May ... „ ,, 31 May Mabell AVard, Sawrey-extra, 30 May ... Jl >, . • • 2 June Widdow. Agnes Wilson. Lighthowe 5 June ... 7 June W. of Ric. Mary Jackson of 5 June ... )> )! 5 June Ellin Turner Sattrthwt. I July ... I July. Mary Sandys, Fouleyeat ... 1 1 July ... Roger Atkinson Cur. of Torver 12 July. Abortive son of Myles 3 Sept. ... Jo : Byrkett 6 Sept. Sawrey Eliz Rowneson Coniston . 13 Oct ... .. ,. 15 Oct One with name torn away Isabel Williamson. sworn to Dec. 17th, probably that of Christopher Sandys Gray- 5 Dec: ... Jo: Byrkett ID Dec. thwt Fieldhead. W™ Harrison, Tame Hows 30 Dec : 2 Jan Jenett Mackreth, Skellwith 2 Jan. ... 3 Jan. W" Mackereth S. of W"'. ... 29 Jan. ... 30 Jan. James Walker, Coulthouse... 18 Feb. ... Jo: Byrkett 20 Feb, Edwd. Sawrey, Sawrey-infra 22 Feb. ... )) 1) 28 Feb. Isabeil Scales, Whaitehead 17 March !> I) 21 March. 1687. 2 1 Certificates. 34 Entries in Register, le, April... Ban : Fleming . . . 20 Ap: of Eskdale Co : Cumberland. Abortive son of W" Benson Fieldhead. 31 May... Jo: Byrkett curat Coniston 4 June Jennett Borwicke, Sawrey- infra 12 June... ,. ••• 13 June 400 APPENDIX. y?." Dixson, Dixeson ground Coniston Dorothy Benson Haukes- head fieldhead William Braithwt. ditto. ... Willm Sands Eliz : Benson, Skelwith Dorothy Hodgson, Tarn Hows Abortive son Myles Sawrey Crofthead. Myles Walker, Satterthwait Agnes Scale wife of Robert VVhaitehead. John Williamson, Loane- thwaite Robert Knype son of Peter, Satterthwaite John Cowerd Parkamoore James Taylor Graysdale ... Willm Ashburner Annykin Syke Eliz: Knype, Coniston Dorothy Pennington William Rigge, Satterthwaite William Grave 2 1 June . . i8 July .. i8 Aug. .. 26 Aug. .. 28 Aug. .. 8 Sept .. 16 Sept... 30 Sept... 30 Sept... 2 Oct. .. 30 Oct. .. 8 Nov. .. 10 Nov... 17 Nov... 18 Dec :.. 19 Dec. .. 2 Jan. .. 14 fan... Jo : Byrkett curat Coniston Curwen Rawlinson Jo : Byrkett James Stephenson Jo : Byrkett 27 June 24 July. 2 1 Aug. 1 Sept. f Sept. 11 Sept. 17 Sept. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 9 Oct. last day Oct. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 20 Nov. 20 Dec. 24 Dec. 2 Jan. 1 7 fan. 1688. 5 Certificates. 41 Entries in Regisi •ER. Agnes Braithwaite, Brathay 14 Sept Jo : Byrkett 2 Sept. Rebecca Benson, d. of 27 Dec. ... 31 Dec. Barnard, Loughrigge. Margret Walker wid. Cross- II Jan ... Jacob Pickthall 13 Jan. lands. cur : Lowick Thomas Strickland, Russ- 17 Jan. .. 1) 11 19 Jan. land Mary Strickland wife of 17 Jan. ... ,, ,, 19 Jan. Thomas. 1689. 4 Certificates. 40 Entries in Register. James Braithwait, Hye Wrey 25 March. Jo: Byrkett I Ap. George Rownsone Monk 26 March )) >> 31 March Coniston Mabell Holme, Hodgclose... 14 March Myles Sandys ... 17 March Mary Ashburner, Grysdale 22 March )> I) 24 March APPENDIX. 401 1690. 32 Certificates. 36 Entries in Register. Date of Burial. Sworn before. Date of Oath. 19 Ap: ... 30 May ... Myles Sandys ... 2 1 Ap. 2 1 May 31 May 13 June... 13 June., J) „ ... 13 June 13 June 10 July ... 2 7 July . . . 28 July ... 12 Aug. ... Jo: Byrkett Myles Sandys ... )> ), )) >, 14 June 2?, July 2?, July 12 Aug 17 Aug.... 29 Aug. ... I Sept. ... 6 Sept. ... Myles Sandys ... 28 Aug. 3 Sept. I Sept. 6 Sept. 12 Sept.... " „ 13 Sept. 23 Sept.... 23 Sept.... 24 Sept.... " 29 Sept. 29 Sept. 24 Sept. 29 Sept.... .. ., 29 Sept. 17 Oct. ... lately deceased 16 Nov — ■' ,, 23 Oct. 28 Oct. 17 Nov. 13 Dec ... 23 I?ec. ... " „ 19 Dec. 24 Dec. 29 Dec :. 28 Dec:... " ., ... 29 Dec. 2 Jan I Feb. ... )' „ ... 28 Jan. 4 Feb. 13 Feb. ... M 13 Feb. 4 March. 5 March >' ,, 4 March. 5 March 10 March „ „ 12 March II March. ,, 16 March James Mackreth, Outyeate Robert Turner, Satterthwaite Barbary Braithivaite Loane- thw'. Elianor Turner, Satterthwt Elline Dixeson, Dixeson ground Catherine Hodgson, Oxenfell Agnes Benson, Skellwith ... Adam Ashburner Grysdall William Attkinson Eltarwater pke Margrett Hyrde, Outyeate... Tomasin Braithwt, Hye Wrey Agnes Penington, Rusland... Robert Penington, Haukes- hf Edward Brockbancke, Skel- with. Zuriall Russell, Cunsay John Scales, Thw'. Head ... Jsabell Mackereth, Sawrey infra. Isabell Harrison Sawrey infra. Mary Macksfield, a stranger William Braithwt, Brethey... William Keene Haukeshead fifieldhead. Margaret Braithw'. Fieldhead Margrett Sawrey, Coniston Waterhead. Elline Crowdson Parkamoore An abortive child of J?." Attkinson Arnesyde Rowland Parke, Skelwith.. Bathsheba Sandys, Hawks- head W" Mackereth, Hawkshead field. Myles Rigge, Satterthwt. ... Catherine Mackreth, Force Mill Dorothy Braithwaite, Field- head * John Eorwick, Fieldhead • The name of the deceased is filled up from the Register. 27 4° 2 APPENDIX. 1691. 16 Certificates. 27 Entries in Register. Name. Date of Burial. Sworn before. Date of Oath. Robert Gree?te, Easeda/e Grasmyre. Alary Penington Hawkes/iead \ Ap: ... Jo Byrkett 6^/. SAp: ... Miles Sandys ... 8 Afi: Sarah Satterthwt. dau. of 14 Ap: ... Myles Sandys ... 14 Ap: Clemt. Scinrhow. Easter Rawlinson, Conyston 18 Ap: ... ,. ,, 18 Ap. James Keene, Tarnehows.... 28 Ap: ... ,, ,. 4 May. John Atkinson, Arnesyde ... 10 May ... u 1 ? * • • II May. Clement Holme, Coniston... 15 May ... ., ,■ 15 Mav. Agnes Holme, Roger ground. 16 May ... n ,, 16 May. Issabell Satterthwt. Sawrey. I June ... ,, ,, I June Dorothy Harrison, Coniston 20 June ... )1 M 20 June Robert Dickinson, Braithey 24 Aug ... ,, ,, — Richd. Hodgson, Gallow 19 Sept.... 1! !> 22 Sept barrow. Agnes Braithwait, Tockehow 22 Oct. ... )) 'J 26 Oct. Madling Holme * ... 17 Dec. ... 1» M ■ ■ * iS Dec. Richard Scale, Bowkerstead 22 Dec :... ,, ,, 24 Dec. Charles Satterthwt.... 2 5 Jan : ... „ 24 Jan : 1693. 5 Certificates. 40 Entries in Register. Francis Braithwt. Fieldhead. J".° Satterthwt, Satterlhwaite J3orothy Sawrey, Hawkshead field. Agnes Dodgson, Tarne Hows Elizabeth Dixon, The Parke 4 May. ...'■ Myles Sandys 12 May ... 18 May ... 30 June ... 25 July ... 4 May 12 May 18 May 3 J"iy- I Aug. 1694. 42 Certificates. 41 Entries in Register. Richard Ho(lme) ? Oxenfell. 7Ap: .. Myles Sandys ... II Ap. Thos. Braithwt. son of Thos, lately J) " 12 Ap. Fould. deceased W". Turner Satterthwt : ... 11 Ap : ... )> )i II Ap: John Parke, Skelwith 144^: ... » )) 14 Ap : Myles Sawrey, Coniston * 15 Ap: .. >> )) 14 Ap VVaterhead John Braithwt. Sawrey 10 May ... )) )) 10 May Ellen wife of Edw : Hird, 15 May ... )) )) 18 May Outyate. John S. of Jo Braithwt, 20 May ... )i >> 23 May Hawkshead field ' Gilpin " first written, then erased, and " Holme " substituted. APPENDIX. 403 Name. Date of Burial. Sworu before. Date of Oath. Margaret Jackson, Braithey 26 May ... Myles Sandys ... 26 May. John Ashburner, Dalepke... 28 May ... ■ 28 May Margaret Mackereth Raws- 21 June ... 26 June ground Agnes Braithwt wife of Geo : 1 July ... ,. ,, gjiily Lanthwt. Michael Hohne, Holme 14 July ... ). 16 July. Head Robt Penington \A,July ... ,. ,, 16 July. Agnes Mossocke Force Forge 17 July ... M )• 17 July Mary Sawrey, Muncke Conis- ton Agnes Dixon, Langdale ... 19 July ... „ 19 July 20 July ... 23 July Tymothy Harrison ... 2 Aug Jo': Byrkett 6 Aug : Jane Holme, Hawksh'' Field 8 Aug ... Myles Sandys ... 9 Aug: Will'" Sandes Roger groimd 10 Aug:... . . M T4 Atig Sarah Sandes 2% Aug:... ,. last day of Aug: Jane Bancks, spinster, Conis- 15 Sept. M 14 Sept ton * Agnes Taylor, Ploome greene 28 Sept.... M ,. 28 Sept Thomas Braithwt, High Wrey II Oct: ... ,, ,. 1 1 Oct : Jane Walker: Grysdale 29 Oct ; ... )) !! 5 Nov. George Braithwaite... 30 Oct:... " last day Oct: Mary Wright, dau. of John 6 Nov : . . . „ II Nov. Rogerground John Sawrey, Rusland 10 Nov. ... I- )! ID Nov. Eliz: Benson, Slang end ... 13 Nov.... )) )! 13 Nov. Joh7i Lupton 15 Nov. ... ,, ,, 15 Nov. James Walker, Tarne Hows 17 Nov' ... ,! )! 17 Nov' Thomas Benson, Fieldhead.. 24 Nov J) )! 26 Nov. An abortive dau : W" Rigge 24 Nov.... „ 26 Nov' Skellwith Issabell Hodgson, Watterson 25 Nov.... ,, 26 Nov. ground Christofer Turner, Satterthwt. 30 Nov.... )) !I 30 Nov. Thomas Harrison ... 10 Dec :... )I M II Dec An unchrisned child 16 Dec ... Jo: Byrkett 18 Dec. Issabell Crowdson, Hawks- 20 Dec — Myles Sandys ... 20 Dec. head Hall t Margaret Keene, Parkeamoore 23 Dec — Jo : Byrkett 26 Dec. Isabel Hobson, High Wray... 28 Dec. ... Myles Sandys ... last day Dec : John Browne, Tarne Hows... 1 Jan : . . . Jo: Byrkett 13 Jan: W™ Nicholson of How 13 March Myles Sandys ... 18 March Hawkshead Field -- * Date of oath prior to date of burial. f This certificate is now in the possession of Mrs. Taylor of Hawkshead. the Register date of burial is November 20th. In 404 APPENDIX. 1695. 40 Certificates. 44 Entries in Register. Name. Date of Burial. Sworn before. Date of Oath. John Dixon ... ... ... \o Ap ... Myles Sandys ... 15^/.- George Benson, Hackett 30 Ap: ... )) )) last day Grasmere. Ap: Eliz : Rigge Hawkshead 6 May ... )) )i 6 May Fieldhead. Dinah Knype, ffouleyeat. ... 24 May ... )) )) 25 May Geo : Mackereth, the Out- 2 June ... ,, ,, 3 June yeate Margaret Walker ... \o June ... „ ,, \o June Barbara Satterthwt. Greenend \6 June ... 1) !' 1 7 June wid. W" Newby son of Thos : 17 June... „ ,, 17 June Satterthwt. John Hodgshon, Gallowbarrow 18 June ... „ ,, 19 June Geo : Rigg. son of Geo : 25 June ... 1) !> T July Fieldhead An unbaptised son of Robt. 25 June... ,, ,, 26 June Scales Thwt. head An unbaptised son of Robt 26 June ... ,. ), 26 June Scales Thwt. head A daughter abortive of John 6 July ... »> )) 12 July Wright. Jennett Walker 10 July ... no name ... 1 2 July George Holme 10 July ... Myles Sandys ... 17 July Ester Mackreth, Haukeshead- 12 July ... .. 91 12 July field Jane Sawrey, Muncke Con- 7 Aug: ... Jo Byrkett II Aug. iston Bernard Benson Tockhowe ... 12 Aug: ... Myles Sandys ... 12 Aug Isabell Taylor, Satterthwt. ... 25 Aug:... Anth : Turner vie. de Dalton 26 Aug. Eliz: Rigg, Fieldhead 26 Aug : ... ij )> 26 Aug. Jennett Martin, Haukeshead 30 Aug:... Jo Byrkett 5 Sept. towne Miles Rigge 16 Oct:... Myles Sandys ... 21 Oct. John Benson, Walker Ground. 29 Oct. ... ,, .. I Nov. Eliz : Dixon... 21 Nov.... ,, <• 2 Dec. Robt. Rigge son of Ric : i6Dec:... ,, n 21 Dec: Satterthwt. James Braithwait, Crofthead 4 Jan: ... ,, >, 6 Jan. Ann Satterthwt, Coulthouse... 6 Jan : ... >; >i 6 Jan : Margt : wife of James Kirkby 9 Jan: ... Jo : Byrkett 14 Jan, Coniston Mary Taylor, Stott pke 10 Jan : ... Myles Sandys 10 Jan. Agnes Grigge, Tarnhows 17 Jan: ... Jo: Byrkett 22 Jan. Adam Braithwait, Hawkshead 28 Jan ... Myles Sandys ... 28 Jan fieldhead. APPENDIX. 405 Name. Date of Burial. Sworn before. Date of Oath. William Walker, Haukeshead 29 Jan : ... Myles Sandys ... I Feb. John Rigge/'= Haukeshead 10 Feb : ... »> 10 Feb. Hill f'F'". Atkinson, Coniston 2 3 Feb : ... 24 Feb. Alexander Tubman, Cross- 9 March... 9 March lands William Taylor, Stottpke 9 March... ,, ,, 9 March Anthony son of John Sawrey, 14 March Jo : Byrkett 15 March Waterhead Ann Crosfield, Grysdall 20 March Myles Sandys ... 20 March Thomas Turner, Sawrey infra 22 March )i I) 23 March John Braithwaite, Hawkshead 23 March 11 >> 23 March fieldhead 1696. 32 Certificates. 53 Entries in Register. Margrett Mackreth, Skellwith 27 March Myles Sandys ... 27 March William son of William Rigge, 29 March ,, ,, 30 March Hawkshead Hall Margaret Tyson, Grysdale... I Ap : ... !) )5 I Ap : John Rigg, S. of Thomas 2 Ap : ... J) )> 4 Ap: Roger ground Agnes Satterthwait, Satter- 4 Ap : ... )) J) 4 Ap: thwait Daniell Knipe, Roger ground 4Ap: ... )) J! 4 Ap : Eliz Benson dau : of Geo : 26 Ap : ... ,, ,, 27 Ap : Sta?tgend George Hodgson, Tarnehous 27 Ap : ... )) 11 27 Ap: Agnes Rigge, Light How ... 27 Ap : ... )! JJ 27 Ap: Isabell dau : of Emanuel II May ... )) )J II May Ellertson, Forge David Walker, Croslands ... II May ... no name — Margaret Knipe wife of 20 May ... Myles Sandys ... 20 May Robert, Grisedale Geo : Banke, Crosselands ... 26 May ... )) )) 30 May William Braithwait, Coult- 30 May ... )> )) 30 May house Joseph Benson son of George 3 June . . . Jo: Birkett 7 Jmie Stangend Myles Gilpin son of Myles 4 June ... Myles Sandys ... 7 June Satterthwaite Wilm Kirkby, Monk Coniston 16 July ... Jo : Birkett 21 July Dorothy Rigge, Haukeshead 18 July ... Myles Sandys ... 23 July Towne Thomas Rigge, fieldhead ... 24 July ... !) !1 29 July * William in Register. 4o6 APPENDIX. Name. Date of Burial. Sworn before. Date of Oath. Jane Attkinson Haukeshead i7Aug:... Myles Sandys ... 17 Aug. fieldhead Edw : Walker, Sawrey-extra 30 Aug:... )> >: 30 Aug. Ann Ashburner, Anykin .. II Sept. ... ,, ,, II Se[)t James Tayler, Dalepark 15 Sept ... n )) 21 Sept. William Sawrey, Sawrey- 10 Nov. .. n )) 1 1 Nov. ground Myles Sawrey, Coniston 16 Nov. - 1) )) 16 Nov. Isabell Sawrey, Keen ground 21 Nov. ... J, i> 2 I Nov. Eliz : Rigg, Field Head ... 9 Dec' ... ,, ,, 14 Dec: Agnes Braithwaite, Coult- 22 Dec :... II 11 — house W" Braithwaite, Sawrey 8 Jan : ... II II 1 1 Jan Ruben SattertMvaite \lJan ... 19 Jan George Tayler, Lendinge i5/fl«: ... 1 5 Jan : Henery Sawrey, High House 28 Jan: ... " I Feb 3nbe;c of (Tlamei^+ Abbaye, Abbey, Agnes, 345 Martin, 345, 346 Addison, Adison, Ann, 217 Edward, 30S Elizabeth, 331 Henry, 176 Hugh, 333 James, 241, 326 Jenet, 255 John, 147, 217, 221, 255, 287, 308, 316 Mabel, 287 William, 56, 233, 233 Aighton, Thomas, 213 Robert, 213 Airey, Ayrey, Ann, 358 Grace, 181 Henry, 35 Alexander, George, 352 James, 352 Allason, Allatson. See Ellatson Arbure. See Arture. Archer, Beatrice, 370 Daniel, 377 Miles, 377 Richard, 367, 370, 377, 388, 388 Arture, Arbure, Arter, Agnes, 119 Barbary, 104 Francis, 94, 161 Hester, 99 Hugh, 94, 99, 104, no, 119 Rebecca, no, 186 Susannah, 104, 252 Ashburner, Asshburner, Asheburnei, Ass- burner, Essburner, Esburner, etc. Adam, 148, 171, 176, 177, 180, 182, 189, 197, 203, 205, 233, 238, 260, 2S2, 320, 328, 328, 329, 344, 352, 354 Agnes, 108, n8, 223, 228, 255, 366, 388 Alice, 75, 181 Ann, 180, 280, 372 Arthur, 52, 52 Barbary, 73 Catherine, 86, 96, 331, 393 Dorothy, 17, 96, 102, 189, 238, 328 Ashburner, etc. (coiitd.) Edward, 28 Elizabeth, 17, 25, 40, 45, 64, in, 130, 131, 182, 229, 256, 265, 291 Ellen, 57, 69 Emmas, 19, 120 George, 14, 24, 43, 43, 52, 64, 73, 86, 88, 96, 96, 177, 180, 204, 21'. 330 Isabel, 5, 177, 203, 347 James, 33, ni, ni, 121, 131, 136, 140, 148, 149, 172, 174, 214 Jane, 264, 352, 377, 379 Jenet, 3, 14, 23 Joan, 39 John, 7, 24, 39, 54, 97, 99, loi, no, n8, 138, 147, 160, 175, 189, 214, 223, 228, 229, 256, 272, 278, 280, 286, 294, 294, 309, 314, 315, 329, 336, 344, 347, 359> 365. 366, 367, 372, 377, 379, 3S3, 383. 390, 390 Margaret, 46, 66, 120, 144, 147, 149, 168, 314, 328, 378 Marian, 25 Mary, 190, 2S6, 352 Myles, 26, 45, 140, 150 Richard, 7, 28, 167, 168, 174, 180, 1S9, 204, 211, 214, 255, 284, 309, 336, 376 Robert, 5, 69, loi, 136, 1 38, 160, 177, 216, 238 Rowland, 9 Thomas, 174, 197, 205, 296, 329 Timothy, 336 William, 3, 61, 61, 61, 96, n8, 121, 143, 171, 258, 260, 264, 272, 282, 298, 303, 315, 329, 344, 350, 390 Ashton, George, 212 Margaret, 212 Askew, Asskewe, Askewe, Ann, 145, 276 Arthur, 38 Christopher, 185 Ellen, 244 Henry, 179, 191, 203, 208 James, 144, 145, 152, 15S, 158, 165, 173, 179, 185, 191, 191, 195, 203, 208 INDEX OF NAMES. Askew, etc. {contd.') Jenet, 248, 284 John, 71, 173, 191, 195 Leonard, 172, 190, 190 Mary, 165 William, 72, 152, 244, 276, 284, 303 Atkinson, Atkinsone, Attkinson, Aken- son, Attinson. Adam, 38, 40, 46, 56, 84, 85 Agnes, 38, 40, 50, 50, 85, 164, 180, 200, 205, 210, 231, 324, 327, 338, 342, 345 Alice, 224, 226 Ann, 254, 275 Anthony, 26, 39, 42, 96, loo, 152, 154, 162, 170, 179, 181, 181, 184, 188, 200, 209, 230, 237, 238, 316, 324, 335, 342, 348, 354, 363, 369, 379. 385. 385 Christopher, 55, 124, 164, 165, 179, 180, 181, 189, 195, 200, 215, 287, 295, 328, 38s Clement, 44 Dorothy, 327, 338 Edward, 313, 321, 38s, 38s, 388 Eleanor, 161, 325, 348 Elizabeth, 100, 119, 170, 186, 1S8, 198, 200, 215, 277, 286, 357, 38s, 386 Ellen, 209 Ester, 247, 364, 379 George, 21, 50, 55, 65, 102, 116, 146, 156, 170, 189, 198, 207, 224, 226, 268, 281, 281, 281, 282, 282, 284, 286, 294, 311, 312, 313, 324, 393 Hannah, 379 Isaac, 277 Isabel, 87, no, 133, 215, 326, 327, 331, 380 Jane, 261, 267, 322, 338, 360, 372, 391 James, 294, 297, 316, 388 fenet, 18, 47, 78, 87, 376 Joane, 184 John, 16, 44, 83, 108, no, 116, 124, 13s, 137, 150, 207, 239, 258, 283, 333, 337, 338, 339, 345> 354, 356, 390, 393 Leonard, 47 Mabel, 200 Margaret, 26, 28, 77, 102, 133, 152, 169, 226, 307, 311, 312, 369. 385 Mary, 240, 287 Michael, 122 Myles, 251, 254, 261, 264, 270 Richard, 240. 258, 267, 277, 297, 309, 316, 339, 3S6 Robert, 129, 153, 155, 210, 243, 261, 264, 35S Roger, 321 Atkinson, etc. {contd.) Samuel, 206, 363 Susannah, 309 Thomas, 83, 137, 142, 189, 227, 247, 261, 268, 277, 2S4, 286, 286, 309, 357, 360, 364, 372, 373, 373. 379, 380, 385, 392, 393 William, 27, 65, 95, 96, 102, 119, 127, 127, 133, 135, 142, 162, 165, 176, 185, 185, 189, 195, 200, 205, 205, 206, 213, 215, 230, 238, 240, 240, 241, 243, 324, 354, 369, 369, 385 Auerwicke. See Ewericke. B. Ba . . . . Mar!,',aret, 192 Bank, Banke, ISanks, Bancks. Abraham, 324 Adam, 45, 65, 69, 77, 114, 121, 131, 141, 152, 153, 154, 162, 169, 170, 171, 219, 226, 267, 269, 284, 386 Agnes, 35, 63, 131, 284, 291,310, 327, 331, 337, 352, 391 Alice, 127, 170, 322, 350, 389 Anne, Ann, 27, 48, 63, 151 Anthony, 51, 52, 53, 53, 63, 84, 85, 88, 121, 149, 165, 166, 175, 298, 299, 316, 318, 346, 352, 363 Barbary, 117, 363 Catherine, 230 Christopher, 29, 45, 69, 115, 126, 126, 126, 153, 166, 294 Clement, 6, 65, 131, 139, 149 Daniel, 267, 269 Dorothy, 206, 255 Ealse, 5, 26 Eleanor, 153 Elizabeth, 15, 41, 45, 113, 130, 134, 173, 17s, 201, 216, 274, 284 Ellen, 8, 122, 245, 254, 314, 346 Francis, 17,48, 53, 65, 74, 82, 88, 130, 134, 139, 180, 182, 183, 202, 215, 216, 242, 24S, 269 George, 11, 45, 47, 50, 50, 63, 78, 79, 82, 112, 146, 169, 179, 25s, 300, 311, 314, 336, 371, 389 Grace, 154 Henry, 14, 77, 92, 104, 113, I7S, Isabel, 112, 158, 223 James, 82, 149, 152, 338 Jane, I, 65, 177, 202, 365 Tenet, S, 22, 85, 210, 255 John, 42, 92, 123, 127, 139, 141, 142, 142, 218, 236, 283 Lament, 179 INDEX OF NAMES. 409 Bank, etc. {contd.) Leonard, 160 Lucy, 302 Margaret, I, 4, 5, 17, 37, 74, 77, 131. 136, 139. 152, 171. 17s. 182, 185, 196, 196, 299, 367 Mary, loi, 154 Mathew, 104, 190, 302 Richard, 47, 82, 139, 149, 150, 152, 171, 177, 180, 196, 197, 202, 242, 287 Robert, 7, 120, 157, 166, 196, 224, 279 Sarah, 342 Thomas, 13, 77, 126, 141, 149, 152, 162, 180, 207, 218, 227, 230, 264, 284, 300 William, 3, 29, 75, 78, 126, 139, 149, 152, IS4, 157, 158, 165, 170, 171, 173, 180, 182, 185, 192, 200, 200, 201, 206, 207, 215, 216, 227, 258, 258, 258, 264, 274, 283, 284, 294, 302, 310, 311, 311, 316, 318, 324, 333. 337> 342 Banwell, Edward, 248 Richard, 248 Barbar, John, 352 Barbon, Robert, 152 William, 141, 152, 161 Bare. See Bayre. Barker, Mary, 374 William, 374, 375 Barrow, Barrowe, Edward, 116, 118, 142, 149, 150, 156, 156, 17s, 199 Elizabeth, 116, 196, 350 Henry, 275 John, 149, 150 Robert, 132, 142, 222 Thomas, 158, 178, 222, 222, 238 William, 118, 156 Barwick. See Borwick. Bateman, Agnes, 89, 125, 136, 167, 169 Anne, Ann, 83, 147, 209 Barbary, 174 Christopher, loi, 154 Dorothy, 220 Elizabeth, 103, 150, 172 Francis, 188 Gilliane, 59 Henry, loS Isaac, 200, 245 Isabel, 164, 200, 204 Jane, 206, 208 Margaret, 92 Myles, 83, 89, 92, loi, io2, 102, 103, 125, 143, 156 Renald, 12 Richard, 68, 83 William, 164, 167, 174, 188, 200, 204, 206, 208, 209, 220, 228, 295 Baylife, Bayly, Agnes, 371 Robert, 375 Bayre, Bare, Ann, 209 Margaret, 225, 228 Mary, 214 Kobert, 207, 209, 214, 225, 227, 228, 232, 232, 305 Sarah, 227, 305 Beck, Becke, Edward, 234 Elizabeth, 222, 224 James, 225, 245 William, 214, 214, 222, 224, 225, 234, 243, 245, 295 Beethom, Eleanor, 375 Bell, John, 283 Nicholas, 51 Richard, 106 Robert, 72, 186 Thomas, 104, 384 Bellman, Agnes, 298 John, 293, 295, 298, 305, 305, 305 Marian, 309 Thomas, 305 William, 293 Benson, Bensone, Bensonne. , 214, 240 Adam, 74 Agnes, 6, 38, 75, 120, 131, 191, 198, 204, 217, 217, 222, 241, 261, 278, 281, 339, 354, 355 Alice, 325, 383 Ann, 133, 147, 283, 349, 373, 389 Anthony, 170 Arthur, 22, 50,68, 74, 112, 125, 199, 213, 236, 266, 266 Barbary, 200 Barnard, 13, 14, 17, 30, 57, 81, 91, 100, 109, 144, 149, 161, 172, 195, 212, 2ig, 221, 221, 247, 257, 265. 278, 281, 368 Bridget, 290 Bryan, Bryam, 6, 37, 48, 50, 61, 84, 118, 128, 192, 195, 198, 204, 208, 217, 222, 230, 233, 234, 240, 253, 263, 279, 309, 328 Catherine, 71, 93, i6l, 277, 279 Charles, 9, 81 Christopher, 237 Clare, 206 Dorothy, 48, 106, no, 116, 125, 132, 168, 199, 199, 234, 237, 279. 343 Edward, 99, 183, 245, 249, 311, 316, 364 Edwin, 54 Eleanor, 137, 197, 204 Elizabeth, 25, 34, 38, 119, 121, 152, 185, 217, 224, 244, 246, 248, 257, 257, 260, 276, 330, 342, 344, 345. 376, 390 Ellen, 33, 39, 100, 351 Francis, 64, 98, 173, 192, 219, 346 4IO INDEX OF NAMES. Benson, etc. [contd.) George, 5, 10, 68, 104, 108, 109, 109, no, 113, 116, 121, 130, 13s. 143. igii 199. 208, 214, 249, 269, 292, 367 Hugh, 93 Isabel, 17, 27, 28, 92, 113, 176, 225, 236, 278, 359, 367 James, 7, 237, 253, 300, 335 Jane, 29, 298, 301 Jenet, 2, 3, 18, 69, 106, 253 John, 8, 22, 65, 108, 109, 120, 122, 137, 145, 161, 20S, 213, 228, 230, 233, 243, 245, 249, 251, 260, 263, 263, 265, 306, 313, 313, 324, 350, 355, 368, 381, 387 Lancelot, 272, 277, 283, 290, 301 Leonard, 86, 96, 97, 123, 156, 170, 205, 279 Mabel, 6, 24, 40, 40, 58, 71, 90, 98, 104, 113, 116, 122, 141, 156, 198, 209, 261, 263 Margnret, 7, 21, 23, 24, 54, 55, 71, 92, 95, loi, no, 145, 154, 156, 191, 196, 222, 233, 269, 283, 3 '5. 320, 323, 328, 350, 373, 390 Mary, 369 Michael, 8, 42, 98, loi, 104, 113, 116, 119, 120, 128, 131, 133, 137, 156, 169, 172 Nicholas, 33, 43, 98, 104, 109 Oliver, 71 Robert, 10, 57, 105, 119, 130, 144, 156, 184, 197, 198, 205, 209, 214, 214, 220, 225, 226, 230, 230, 234, 237, 249, 257, 276, 281, 29s, 295, 300, 311, 312, 339. 344, 347, 349, 35i, 354, 364, 369, 373, 383, 387 Sibel, 291 'Ihomas, 19, 22, 49, 50, 90, 92, 97, 104, no, 12S, 130, 130, 137, 152, 161, 168, 173, 190, 191, 194, 196, 200, 201, 205, 206, 207, 212, 214, 217, 220, 222, 228, 230, 236, 239, 240, 247, 255, 276, 277, 278, 281, 284, 293, 306, 359, 365 William, 17, 21, 25, 26, 34, 37, SO, 54, 55, 64, 83, 84, 86, 92, 99, 105, 117, 118, 118, n8, 119, 123, 135, 135, 137, 143, 149, 155, 156, 157, 184, 190, 191, 198, 201, 207, 208, 213, 214, 217, 219, 220, 220, 224, 225, 225, 230, 233, 237, 237, 241, 244, 246, 251, 251, 253, 254, 257, 257, 261, 277, 292, 292, 293, 311, 311, 312, 316, 318, 320, 324, 330, 334, 334, 335, 342, 343, 343, 345, Benson, etc., William {contd.) 346, 355, 355, 356, 364. 3^7, 381, 384 Bentham, George, 179, 185 Sarah, 185 Joseph, 179 Besbroun, Be;,broune, Bessbroune, Christoper, 340 Ellen, 318 Jenet, 384 Nicholas, 130 Bewley, Buly, Alice, 359 John, 350. 351, 359 Bibbie, Jenet, 266 Thomas, 266 Bigland, Jenet, 178 Margaret, 178 Birket, Birkett, Berkett, Birkheade, Birkhead, Agnes, 53, 328 Barbary, 322 Christopher, 167 Cuthbert, 18, 47, 53, 56. 72, 73, 76, 78, 79, 85, 86, 89, 89 Ellen, 285 Elizabeth, 95, 167 Gawin, 226 Gregory, 78, 79 Isabel, 40, 43, 85, 86 Jane, 72, 73, 144 James, 196 John, 19, 43, 47, 147, 226, 2S5, 313, 332 Mabel, 86, 89 Margaret, 29, 167 Mary, 330 Robert, 388, 389 Roger, 154 Thomas, 51, 389 Bland, Catherine, 61 Jenet, 40 Margaret, 34 Blealelme, Edward, 108 Bleamore, Agnes, 16, 77 Bleamoore, Christopher, 106 Richard, 102 Mary, 108 Blighe, John, 98 BImner, Agnes, 16, 27, 43, 65, 72, 136, 194 Christopher, 49 Cuthbert, 14 Dorothy, 14 Edmund, 13, 55, 58, 64, 66 Edward, 11, 13 Elizabeth, 18, 30 Emmas, 14 Hugh, 6 Isabel, 54, 61, 85, 120, 139 Jenet (Jenatt), 12, 25, 108 John, 33, 42, 85, 90, 91, 115, 122, 199 Mabel, 19, ng INDEX OF NAMES. 41X Blumer, etc. {contd.) Renald, 25, 26, 67 Richard, 56 Robert, 3, 64 Simon, 16, 24 William, 29, 52, 54, 58, 108, 119, 139, 157, 226 Boonson, Barbary, 83 Dorothy, 96, 99 Bordley, Bridget, 274, 276 Susan, 262 WiUiam, 262, 272, 274, 276, 278, 278 Borebank, Michael, 176 Borrinscale, Boronskell, Ellen, 381 John, 77 ^ Berwick, Borwicke, Borrwicke, Boor- wicke, Barwick, Barwicke, Agnes, 157, 182 Alice, 320 Ann, 42, 42, loS, 115, 124, 130, 218, 378 Anthony, 93 Christopher, loi, 137, 138 Clement, 41, 54, 56, 58, 60, 68, 79, 166, 174 Dorothy, 68, 131, 132, 337, 342 Edwin, 26, 31 Elizabeth, 14, 28, 31, 35, 142, 160, 183, 207, 284, 366 George, 2, 31, 31, 60, 60, 91, 112, 160, 161, 167, 170, 182, 1S3, 186, 211, 221, 255, 278, 282, 283, 293, 306, 307, 307, 311, 317, 324, 335. 342, 370 Henry, 168, 311 Isabel, 38, 56, 108, 120, 324, 390 Jane, 322, 331, 343 James, 60, 108 Jenet, 3, 167, 183 John, 124, 136, 204, 207, 211, 283, 337, 35S> 367, 370, 371, 378, 378, 385, 390 Mabel, 35 Margaret, 32, 77, 169, 170, 306 Mary, 79, 154, 331, 388 Myles, 32, 105 Richard, 31, 31, 54, 58 Robert, 10, 91, 95, lOI, 124, 136, 156, 157 Roger, 33, 104, 105, 108, IIS, 119, 124, 131, 137, 138, 142, 148, 161, 168, 238, 317, 390 Thomas, 95, 148, 293, 309, 379, 38S William, 23, 119, 335, 366 Bouer. See Bower. Boulton, Elizabeth, 181 Bousher. See Busher. Boutkinge, Robert, 26 Bower, Boner (?), Agnes, 118 Richard, 181. William, 118 Bowes, 191 George, 151 John, 21, 200 Susannah, 200 William, 191 Bownas, Bownes, Boonas, Agnes, 314, 349 Bernard, 1 10 Catherine, 342 Charles, 130 Dorotliy, 331 Edward, 8, 355 Elizabeth, 112 Emmott, 193 Esther, 387 Isabel, 141 Jane, 109, 258, 272 John, 107, ISO, 32s, 331. 338, 339, 342, 349, 355 Margaret, 338 Robert, 83, 107, 109, no, 130, 314, 339 Thomas, 14, 387 William, 161, 243 Bragge, Thomas, 38 Braithwaite, Braithw', Braithw, Brayth- wait. Bra : , Brait : 88, 88, III, 124, 128, 159, 206, 218, 240, 288, 307 Adam, 115, 116, 217, 218, 220, 224, 232, 23s, 2S0, 2S6, 257, 260, 316, 369 Agnes, 7, 12, 12, 12, 13, 18, 28, 30, 30, 33, 33, 34, 35, 35, 36, 37, 38, 48, 50, S5, 55, 56, 58, 58, 64, 66, 74, 81, 82, 84, 86, 86, 89, 89, 90, 92, 94, 9S, 9S, 97, 97, 100, 104, 104, no, no, 114, 116, 120, 128, 132, 134, 134, 135, 141, 141, 142, 143, 144, 144, 145, 146, 147, 151, 154, 155, 155, 159, 167, 177, 188, 188, 190, 203, 20s, 206, 209, 210, 211, 217, 224, 224, 225, 227, 227, 230, 231, 232, 237, 241, 243, 248, 2S7, 265, 277, 294, 297, 304, 314, 31S, 316, 318, 321, 321, 322, 322, 322, 325, 327, 328, 328, 328, 331, 335, 338, 344, 346, 346, 347, 356, 370, 372, 375, 383, 393 Alice, IS, 20, 36, 273 Ann, 2, 29, 61, 97, 119, 142, 154, 173, 182, 186, 193, 247, 258, 263, 272, 280, 283, 287, 301, 304, 305. 314, 330, 340, 349. 367, 394 Annas, 382 Anthony, 142, 144 Badger, 91 Barbary, 38, 53, 93, 120, 121, I S4, 172, 173, 176, 204, 206, 207, 412 INDEX OF NAMES. Braithwaite, etc., Baibary (contd.) 227, 228, 242, 246, 247, 281, 283, 293, 308, 346 Barnard, 24, 55, c 317, 323, 342, 4, 115, 125 260 Beatrice (Betteresse, Bettris), 222, 345 Beltris, 386 Benjamin, 297 Bridget, 286, 288, 288 Bryam (Brya), 18, 26, 43, 50 , 70, 80, 85, 95, 99 102, 125, 125, 141, 210. 219, 230, 267 Catherine (Cathiren), 16, 19, 23, 27. 28, 35, 36, 48, 55, 62 82, 84, 107, 123, 133, 148, 167, 17s. 196, 200, 257 Charles, 14, 24, 40, 154, 241, 246 Christopher, 33, 36, 46, 47, 48, 52, 54, 60, 60, 60, 60, 65 ,66, 73, IZ, 73. 74, 77, 81, 82 ,84, 84, 94, 96, 98, 118, 119, 131, 177, 179 Cicily, 232, 241, 2 53 Daniel, 246 Dorothy, 68, 73, 86, no, no. III, 120, 128, 130, 133, 134, 138, 140, 149, 161, 162, 164, 165, 168, 172, 173, 174, 178, 186, 190, 192, 194, 198, 203, 209, 210, 212, 215, 220, 222, 228, 232, 233, 236, 239, 242, 250, 253, 263, 277, 277, 281, 286, 286, 288, 294, 303, 323, 323, 332, 339, 342, 352, 354, 355, 355, 358, 358, 386 Ealse, 95 Edward, 26, 31, 42, 42, 45 50, 50, 51, 58, 63, 69, 70, 77 , 79, 82, 84, 86, 86, 89, 93, 94, loi, 104, 105, no, 114, 114, 130, 130, 134, 136, 137, 140, 141, 142, 142, 148, 148, 151, 151, 153, 157, 158, 159, 162, 165, 167, 168, 169, 171, 171, 173, 174, 174, 174, 179, 179, 185, 186, 188, 189, 191, 195, 197, 197, 200, 200, 203, 205, 209, 212, 215, 216, 216, 217, 220, 222, 223, 228, 230, 230, 234, 237, 238, 243, 244, 246, 246, 250, 263, 265, 268, 268, 272, 277, 277, 278, 284, 287, 288, 294, 300, 304, 308, 315, 316, 319, 324, 351, 353, 362, 366 Eleanor, I, 5, 87 , 189 Elizabeth, II, 20, 21, 26, 28 , 30, 31, 33, 35, 38, 38, 51, 55 , 57, 75, 75, 81, 83, 89, 91, 91 , 93, 97, 99, loi. 103, 105, 108, no, 112, 113, 125, 134, 134, 137, 147, 160, 183, 185, 185, Braithwaite, etc., Elizabeth (contd.) 186, 187, 189, 202, 210, 212, 217, 222, 222, 223, 225, 228, 235, 239, 240, 24;, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 255, 256, 260, 262, 262, 271, 273, 273, 275, 27s, 278, 279, 281, 287, 295, 299, 299, 301, 303, 307, 321, 321, 321, 321, 321, 326, 329, 340, 345, 345, 348, 355, 359, 360, 362, 363, 366, 373, 273, 374, 380, 383 Ellen, 5, 45, 48, 50, 113, 130, 185, 196, 236, 262, 311, 384 Emmott, 198 Ester, Hester, 103, 167, 259 Francis, 148, 150, 208, 227, 325, 361 Gaun, 389 Gawine, 339, 346, 352, 357, 363, 363. 369, 377, 384 Geoffrey, 18, 88, 96 George, 2, 4, 7, 16, 17, 19, 37, 45, 45, 55, 59, 59, 65, 69, 70, 78, 81, 81, 90, 92, 97, 97, 99, 100, loi, 104, 107, III, in, 117, 120, 121, 121, 130, 132, 133, 134, 136, 138, 139, 139, 140, 142, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151, 151, 151, 154, 155, iq6, 159, 159, 'SQ- 162, 162, 16S, 168, 168, 169, 169, 180, 180, 182, 186, 186, 188, 188, 189, T91, 191, 191, 192, 194, 194, 195, 195, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 202, 202, 202, 203, 203, 203, 205, 207, 208, 210, 212, 212, 214, 215, 220, 220, 220, 221, 221, 222, 222, 223, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228, 228, 230, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 237, 237, 237, 238, 239, 242, 242, 242, 242, 248, 248, 250, 250, 250, 251, 253, 256, 258, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 262, 266, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 270, 271, 273, 275, 277, 283, 286, 286, 287, 287, 28S, 291, 291, 292, 294, 294, 299, 299, 301, 303, 307, 311, 319, 319, 323, 325, 327, 340, 345, 345, 354, 358, 358, 360, 363, 370, 370, 378, 382, 383, 386, 387, 387, 389, 389 Henry, 46, 52 Hugh, 4 Isabel, 2, 2, 3, 6, 7, 7, 10, 11, 17, 17, 20, 24, 25, 29, 33, 33, 33, 35, 40, 50, 54, 56, 57, 62, 68, 71, 73, 74, 77, 82, 84, 85, 87, 87, 92, 99, 100, 103, 104, 104, 107, 108, no, 114, 116, 118, 120, 120, 125, 130, 130, INDEX OF NAMES. 413 Braithwaite, etc., Isabel {contd.) 131, 132, 138, 142, 143, 147, 154, 156, 158, 164, 165, 171, 171, 172, 176, 189, 217, 228, 231, 232, 249, 251, 261, 275, 278, 284, 286, 293, 294, 299, 301, 315, 322, 323, 329, 336, 336, 338, 349. 355. 371. 379. 381 Isaac, 280, 375 Jack, 392 Jacob, 114, 119, 120, 127 James, 3, 6, 8, 15, 18, 20, 21, 21, 30, 37, 41, 42, 44, 44, 62, 64, 78, 79, 79, 82, 82, 92, 95, 99, 99, loi, 103, 106, no, III, 114, 116, 116, 119, 128, 128, 129, 134, 139, 140, 142, 143, 149. 154, 156, 156, 156, 156, 162, 162, 167, 167, 168, 176, 176, 177, 177, 178, 179, 180, 185, 185, 187, 189, 191, 195, 196, 198, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 213, 214, 217, 220, 226, 228, 228, 229, 230, 231, 231, 232, 233, 233, 233. 234, 235, 236, 237, 237, 239, 239, 240, 242, 246, 254, 256, 268, 268, 272, 274, 275, 277, 277, 280, 286, 286, 2S8, 290, 290, 292, 301, 301, 303, 304, 304, 306, 306, 306, 307, 308, 311, 313, 313, 313, 314, 317, 318, 319, 322, 324, 325, 329. 332, 333. 336, 336. 336, 338. 339- 342, 343, 344. 344, 346, 347, 347, 350, 352, 355, 358. 358, 360, 360, 366, 368, 370, 370, 373. 373. 374, 375. 380, 384, 384, 388, 389 Jane, 113, 115, 145, 160, 204, 214, 217, 226, 242, 247, 247, 248, 254, 260, 275, 299, 310, 352. 352. 359. 373. 377 Jenet, 3, 10, 11, 13, 14, 14, i5, 15, 25, 25, 29, 33, 38, 43, 60, 62, 70, 76, 88, 91, 96, 105, 115, 141, 155, 159, 170, 172 John, 5, 6, 9, 13, 16, 28, 33, 37, 39, 42, 45, 49, 57, 60, 63, 63, 64, 66, 66, 71, 74, 78, 80, 81, 81, 82, 84, 86, 91, 92, 93, 96, 96, 97, loi, 102, 103, 103, 106, 109, 114, 118, 119, 125, 126, 127, 132, 132, 134, 134, 134, 135, 135, 135, 136, 138, 138, 140, 143, 145, 145, 145. 151, 151. 152, 152, 153, 153, 153. 154. 154, 154. 154, 155, 159, 159, 161, 162, 162, 163, 168, 168, 171, 177, 179, 179, 180, 182, 182, 185, 194, 195, 196, 200, 201, 201, 208, 210, Braithwaite, etc., John {contd.) 213, 214, 215, 217, 218, 218, 220, 220, 224, 225, 228, 230, 23s, 235, 240, 240, 244, 245, 246, 24D, 247, 250, 250, 251, 253, 253, 260, 261, 261, 261, 264, 266, 268, 268, 268, 269, 272, 277, 277, 279, 283, 286, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 295, 296, 302, 302, 310, 313, 314, 314, 315, 315, 318, 319, 320, 327, 329, 329, 330, 332, 333. 333. 333. 336. 336, 338. 338. 338, 339, 340, 342, 343, 345, 345, 345. 345, 348, 348, 352, 353, 358, 359, 360, 360, 360, 364, 364, 364, 365, 365, 366, 367, 369, 369, 370, 370, 371, 372, 377, 378, 379, 379, 380, 380, 383, 385, 385, 386, 387, 387, 387, 389. 390, 391, 393, 394 Johnathan, 367 Josuah, 387 Laurence, 61, 65, 70, 88, 153, 188 Leonard, 18, 66, 88, 102, 166 Lionel, 201 Mabel, 13, 22, 24, 25, 30, 48, 57, 68, 72, 88, 91, 212 Mary, Marie, 131, 148, 183, 192, 287, 287, 301, 305, 313, 319, 333, 355, 363, 370, 378, 380, 382 Margaret, i, 2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 7, 8, 8, II, 15, 15, 16, 23, 29, 34, 35, 39. 41. 42, 45. 51, 58, 60, 60, 62, 62, 63, 6s, 66, 68, 68, 71, 77, 79, 79. 80, 83, 88, 88, 89, 92, 93. 93. 95, 96, 98, 102, 102, 106, 108, 114, 115, 124, 124, 125, 126, 127, 127, 127. 137. 138. 141. 141, 145, 146, 147, 147, 147, 157, 162, 164, 164, 167, 168, 168, 172, 175, 181, 188, 189, 196, 198, 199, 201, 201, 206, 209, 210, 212, 214, 216, 216, 220, 222, 223, 223, 229, 232, 233, 233, 23s, 237, 248, 253, 254, 261, 265, 267, 270, 270, 272, 272, 272, 277, 280, 281, 294, 295, 302, 303, 310, 317, 318, 320, 320, 322, 323, 327, 333, 336, 338, 339. 341, 345. 346, 348, 352, 354. 359. 364, 364, 364. 367, 372, 373, 378, 384. 386, 387, 391. 391. 392 Matthew, 43, 113, 134, 141, 143, 151, 165, 246, 248, 313, 387 Michael, 56, 60 Myles, 17, 20, 21, 39, 44, 4S, 45, 46, 46, 50, 55, 55, 58, 60, 62, 414 INDEX OF NAMES. Braithwaite, etc., Myles (contd.) 62, 63, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 73. 74. 74. 76, 76, 78, 79> 79. 85, 86, 87, 91, 91, 115, 116, 125, 140, 171, 180, 182, 192, 192, 193, 219, 223, 233, 234, 237, 242, 24s, 25r, 258, 267 Nicholas, 46, 62, in, 160, 164, 177, 229, 236, 288 Patience, 374 Reginald, loi, 102, 113, 129, 130, 132, 149. 153. 163, 168, 253, 322, 377 Renald, 12, 50, 55, 60, 73, 74, 74. 75. 77. 77, 79. 86, 86, 88, 89. 92. 95. 97, loi Richard, 36, 42, 42, 57, 57, 63, 70, 83, 84, 85, 86, 97, 115, 119, 120, 120, 124, 130, 139, 142, 144, 145, 146, 152, 152, 153, 155, 156, 161, 170, 177, 182, 237. 250 Robert, I, 20, 35, 38, 39, 43, 43, 47, 50, 55, 57. 61, 62, 69, ^2> 82, 82, 84, 92, 93, 97, 104, no, 116, 119, 123, 126, 129, 130, 130, 132, 133, 134, 134, 13s, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 143, 144, 145, 14S, 146, 146, 149, 149, 157. 159. 163, 164, 164, 171, 171, 174, 176, 182, 182, 182, 192, 194, 195, 199, 200, 202, 206, 210, 221, 222, 226, 227, 229, 233, 247, 247, 261, 265, 268, 274, 277, 284, 284, 286, 286, 288, 288, 288, 296, 297. 301, 301, 303. 304, 306, 306, 310, 310, 315, 316, 324, 329, 342, 352, 355, 358, 363, 365, 382 Roger, 98 Rowland, 10, 11, 41, 42, 64, 123, 124, 134, 142, 144, 194, 209, 243, 278, 280, 283, 322 Ruth, 390 Samuel, 1 62, 267 Sarah, 364 Sibel, 46, 190, 197, 222, 247 Susan, 274 Susannah, 364 Tamar, 358 Thomas, 8, 26, 33, 40, 44, 45, 47, 50, 64, 70, 73, 77, 78, 82, 82, 85, 93, 100, 104, no, 119, n9, n9, 123, 128, 130, 132, 147, 148, 151, 154, 159, 160, 161, 162, 162, 162, 173, 174, 175, '79, 179, '80, 185, 186, 188, 192, 200, 201, 207, 209, 217, 218, 219, 220, 220, 223, 223, 227, 231, 232, 234, 240, 242, 242, 243, 243, 246, 247, 250, 251, 254, 255, 257, 261, 262, Braithwaite, etc., Thomas [contd.) 264, 265, 265, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 271, 271, 272, 272, 272, 277, 280, 2S0, 280, 283, 284, 286, 286, 287, 288, 291, 291, 299, 299, 299, 299, 301, 304, 304, 305, y->7, 310, 313, 3 '4, 319, 319, 324, 329, 332, 335. 335. 339. 339. 339. 341, 345. 350, 352, 352, 355, 357, 358, 361, 364, 364, 364, 365, 370, 370, 373, 377, 378, 380, 380, 383, 383, 385, 387, 392 Thomasin, 354 Wilkinson, 389 William, 4, n, 18, 20, 28, 29, 36, 38, 40, 42, 43, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 48, 50, 50, 50, 52, 54, 54, 55, 55, 57, S8, 60, 60, 60, 60, 61, 63, 63, 63, 64, 64, 65, 65, 65, 66, 67, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 68, 69, 70, 70, 70, 72, 74, 74, 74, 74, 75, 79, 79, 80, 80, 82, 82, 82, 82, 82, 82, 83, 84, 84, 84, 84, 84, 85, 85, 87, 88, 89, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 93, 94, 95, 95, 96, 97. 97, 97, 100, 102, 104, 104, 104, 105, 105, 106, 108, no, no. 113, 113, 113, 113. 114, '15, 116, 119. 119. 119, 119, 119, 120, 120, 121, 124, 124, 125, 125, 126, 126, 126, 127, 127, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 130, 131, 132, 132, 133. 133, 133, 133, 134, 134, 134, 134, 136. 138, 138, 139, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 141, 142, 142, 142, 143, 143, 143, 143, 143. 144, 147, 147, 148, 148, 148, 150, 150, 151, IS', 151, 151. 152, 154, 154, iSS, 155, 156. 159, 159, 160, 160, 162, 162, 162, 163, 164, 164, 164, 16s, 165, 167, 167, 167, 168, 170, 171. 171. 172, 172, 172, 173, 173, 173, 174, 175, 175, 176, 176, 176, 177, 177, 179, 180, 182, 185, 185, 185, 185, 185. 186, 186, 186, 187, 188, 188, 188, 188, 189, 189, 190, 190, 190, 190, 191, 192, 192, 192, 192, 193, 193, 193. 194, 194, 194, 194, 195, 195. 196, 197, 199, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 201, 201, 202, 202, 203, 203, 203, 204, 206, 207, 207, 207, 207, 208, 208, 208, 209, 209, 209, 209, 2n, 212, 212, 212, 212, 212, 2I4, 214, 214, 215, 215, 215, 215, 216, 216, 216, 217, 217, 217, 218, 219, 220, 220, 220, 220, INDEX OF NAMES. 415 Braithwaite, etc., William (contd.) 220, 220, 221, 222, 222, 222, 222, 222, 223, 223, 224, 225, 227, 227, 227, 227, 228, 229, 229, 229, 229, 230, 230, 230, 230, 231, 232, 232, 232, 232, 232, 233, 233, 233, 234, 234, 236, 236, 236, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 237, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 239, 239, 239, 241, 241, 242, 242, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 246, 246, 246, 247, 247, 247, 247, 248, 248, 248, 249, 249, 251, 251, 251, 252, 256, 256, 257, 257, 257, 257, 258, 259, 259, 260, 261, 261, 262, 263, 263, 263, 266, 266, 266, 268, 268, 270, 271, 271. 273, 274, 274, 274, 277, 278, 278, 278, 279, 280, 281, 28r, 284, 284, 286, 288, 288, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 292, 294, 295, 295, 295, 296, 296, 297, 297, 297, 301, 302, 304, 304. 305, 305, 307. 310, 3n. 311, 312, 312, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 329, 329, 330, 333, 335. 336, 339> 342, 343, 343, 343, 344, 345, 345, 345- 348. 348, 349, 350, 351. 35', 352, 352, 354, 355, 355, 356, 358, 359, 360, 362, 363, 363, 364, 366, 366, 367, 367, 370, 371, 372, 373, 373. 373, 375, 376, 376, 377, 379, 380, 382, 385, 3S6, 386, 387, 387, 387, 388, 388, 388 P.ret. See Holme, alias Bret. Bri^^gs, Richard, 239, 239 Briscow, Briskawe, Burscough, Christopher, 381, 383, 3S9 John, 383 Joseph, 389 Richard, 304 Britch, Ellen, 371 Margaret, 364, 375 John, 333, 364, 364, 371, 374, 375, 382 Brockbanke, Brockebank, Brocksbanke, , 2S4 Agnes, 240, 339, 342, 351, 365 Ann, 269 Edward, 63, 242, 335, 354 Elizabeth, 238, 311, 316 KUen, 262 Francis, 362 George, 24, 57, 222, 227 James, 25, 57, 342 Jane, 277 Janet, 16 John, 203, 222, 227, 232, 238, 240, 242, 244, 259, 262, 277, 284, 308, 332, 335, 335, 342, 365, 367 Brockbanke, etc. (contd.) Margaret, 189, 232, 349 Sibil, 20 Thomas, 259 William, 244, 333, 335, 339, 342, 349, 351, 367 Brooke, Alice, 104 John, 104 Browne, George, 157 Isabel, 107, 108 John, 366 Robert, 108 William, 262 Bullfull, Thomas, 153 Burges, Burgoase, Alice, 85 James, 85 Jenet, 43 Burnes, Bornes, Christopher, 39, 49, So, 86 Dorothy, 322 Edward, 46, 46, 206, 3S6 Eleanor, 80 Elizabeth, 272 Ellen, 249 Isabel, 1 58, 206, 272 Isaac, 392 Jabel, 386 Margaret, 22 Myles, 57 Simon, 249 Thomas, 36, 340, 353 WiUiam, 22 Burney, Jenet, 84 Richard, 84 Surrey, Agnes, 175 Richard, 78, 127, 157, 166, 171;, 190 Burrowe, Borowe, Borrowe, Agnes, 216, 272 Bryam, 49 Christopher, 219 Ellen, 252 James, 56 Margaret, 30 Nicholas, 49, 64 Oliver, 41, 49 Richard, 73, 215, 215, 216, 252, 252 Robert, 17 Biisher. Bousher, Lancelot, 159, 162, 170, 179, 183 Margaret, 170 Mary, 162 Susannah, 159 Thomas, 183 William, 179 Buttler, Robert, 68 c. Canny, Isabel, 32, 34 Carter, Jane, 261 Capeland. See Cnupland. 4i6 INDEX OF NAMES. Chamley, Esther, 381 Casson, Ellen, 361 Roger, 392 Thomas, 273 Chamney, Champney, Agnes, 15, 15 Arthur, 68, 74, 87, 88 Christopher, 130 George, i6, 177 James, 52 Jenet, 16 John, 28 Margaret, 98 Robert, 74, 88 William, 177, 178, 17S Channelhouse, Ellen, 186 Chatburne, Margaret, 331 Richard, 265 Cherry, John, 372 Robert, 372 Christall, Margaret, 45 Christallson, Jenet, 84 Christerson, Christopherson, Isabel, 321 John, 391, 391 Clarke, Dorothy, 376 Ehzabeth, 215 Jane, 204 John, 146, 347 Robert, 293 Thomas, 347, 349, 353, 358, 358, 376, 388 William, 353 Clocker, Christopher, 104 Caspar, 104 Coate, John, 281 Cockan, Ann, 297 Alice, 311 Benjamin, 385 Catherine, 387 Dorothy, 332 John, 308, 309 Margaret, 335 Richard, 320 Thomas, 297, 308, 309, 311, 320, 335. 380, 382, 385, 387 Coke, Jenet, 18, 52 Colker, Agnes, loi Ellen, 113 Thomas, lOI, 1 13 Collison, Margaret, 294 Thomas, 293 CoUyer, Collyere, Alice, 187 William, 178, 187, 226 Colthurst, Ann, 379 Comen, John, 136 Comptone, Richard, 359 Cookes, Christibel, 102 Cookson, Mary, 367 Copley, Ann, 336 Beatrice, 367 John, 333, 336, 342, 34S, 353- 353 Robert, 342, 345 Corker, Agnes, 324 John, 303, 324, 324, 338 Coupland, Capeland, Agnes, 277 Elizabeth, 367, 391 James, 305, 391 Jane, 307 Robert, 277, 307, 314, 325, 362 Susan, 362 Susannah, 326 William, 325 Coward, Agnes, 173, 390 Allan, 319 Ann, 376 Henry, 296, 313, 367 John, 301, 301, 308, 313, 319, 344, 347, 376, 390 Susannah, 308 Robert, 347 Cowper, Jane, 356 Jenet, 58 Cowperthwaite, Cowperthwait, CowpthwS Agnes, 260, 330 Francis, 314 George, 260 Hugh, 329 John, 349, 363 Leonard, 345 Margaret, 392 Stephen, 126 William, 329, 330, 34S, 349, 363, 393 Creakell, Creaskell, Agnes, iii Elizabeth, 80 Crosfield, Crosfielde, Crosfyeld, Crosse- field, Agnes, 139, 140, 24s, 330 Alice, 256 Ann, 369 George, 23, 91, 104 Isabel, 86 Jane, 304, 374 James, 35, 91, 92, 132, 155, 176, 184, 200, 210, 222, 274, 28S Jenet, 266 John, 130, 212, 215, 222, 266, 284, 284, 353, 360 Mabel, 184, 215 Margaret, 114, 114 Richard, 11, 91, loi, 104 Ri.bert, 87, 92, 104, 114, 114, 116, 130, 212, 213, 24s, 293, 304, 318 Rowland, 23, 129, 132, 139, 140, 144, 178, 227, 256 William, 11, 116, 200, 210, 284 Crowdson, Crovvdsone, Croudson, Alice, 178 Elizabeth, 81, 132 Ellen, 354 Isabel, 365 John, 45 INDEX OF NAMES. 417 D. Dalton, Ann, 74 Cuthbert, 74, 91 Daniell, Thomas, 383, 383 Davide, Robert, 7 Davis, Ann, 310 Dawes, Agnes, 248 Christopher, 254 John, 254 Dawson, Agnes, 329, 356 Christopher, 132 John, 200, 361 Mary, 388 Nicholas, 170 Roger, 144 WilHam, 170, 200, 329 Days, Deys, Elizabeth, 261 Thomas, 376 Denison, Denyson, Dennyson, Daniel, 338 Isabel, 314 Jane, 338 Mabel, 132 Myles, 128 Robert, 359 Dickinson, Jane, 318, 388 Robert, 356 William, 386, 388 Dickson, Dixonn, Dixonne, Dixeson, Dixsone, Dixson, 133, 282 Agnes, 9, 50, 58, 62, 77, 159, 161, 2or, 229, 295, 311, 318, 327, 333, 365, 371, 385 Ann, 43, 280, 294, 381, 387, 392 Anthony, 3, 32, 39 Arthur, 92, 172, 173, 174, 180, 186, 190, 198, 212, 260, 267, 277 Barnard, 2, 136 Christopher, 140, 320, 333, 333, 336, 350 David, 270, 271, 271, 326, 364, 367 Dorothy, 283, 350 Edward, 68, 68, 152, 174, 204, 290, 387, 390 Elizabeth, 62, 163, 176, 180, 196, 248, 299, 308, 309, 312, 315, 316, 322, 362, 368 Ellen, 269, 298, 326, 327, 331, 354, 377 Ester, 307, 312, 326, 377 Gawine, no, in, 116, 124, 133 George, 4, 17, 19, 39, in, 114, 116, 132, 133, 138, 158, 186, 190, 207, 271, 277, 280, 307, 349> 371, 374, 380, 383, 384, 384, 388, 388, 388 Henry, 112, 212 Hester. See Ester. 28 Dickson, etc. {contd.) Isabel, 18, 74, 180, 183, 211, 216, 275, 367, 377 James, 66, 203, 272, 290, 329, 377 Jane, 326, 348, 370 Jenet, 61, 68, 328, 332, 355, 392 John, 50, 54, 62, 87, no, 140, 147, 170, 171, 180, 183, 184, 198, 209, 211, 272, 274, 301, 316, 340, 365, 369 Joseph, 271, 360 Mabel, 37, 260 Margaret, 33, 87, 164, 166, 209, 283, 284, 388 Mary, 82, 184, 236, 301, 312, 322, 330, 388 Michael, 198 Myles, 12, 198, 306 Richard, 33, 43, 58, 62, 68, 74, 82, 92, 140, 148, 148, 152, 153, 153, 153, 155, 159, 164. 171. 224, 261, 261, 267, 274, 275, 280, 282, 283, 294, 298, 301, 306, 306, 309, 312, 312, 314, 318 Robert, 10, 12, 360, 370 Roger, 365 Thomas, 68, 75, 274, 301, 307, 309, 311, 311, 312, 315, 316, 316, 329, 336, 349, 351, 355, 362, 374 William, 90, 124, 150, 152, 153, 157, 171, 173, 174, 180, 261, 277, 289, 305, 306, 307, 316, 343, 349, 364, 369, 377, 380, 384, 387 Dobson, James, 377 John, 158 Margaret, 377 Dodgson, Dodgshon, Dodshon, Dodsho', Dodson, 124 Agnes, 12, 20, 34, 44, 48, 48, 48, 60, 75, 92, 119, 133, 148, 191, 209, 233, 242, 362 Alice, 3, 38, 70, 72, 76, 299 Ann, 87, 99, 100, 112, 125 Anthony, 4, 14, 159 Bartholomew, no, 172 Benjamin, 143 Catherine, 13, 107, 112, 113, 172, 220 Clement, 34 Cuthbert, 35, 36, 199 Dorothy, 13, 62, 63, 79, 95, 131, 151, 304, 311 Ealse, 150 Elizabeth, II, II, 15, 15, 23, 25, 42, 43, 58, 63, 64, 83, 90, 90, 93, 98, 100, 109, 132, 140, 147, 169, 182, 186, 188, 190, 232, 331, 332 Emmott, 191 4i8 INDEX OF NAMES. Dodgson, etc. {contd.) Francis, 23, 116 Geoffrey, 231 George, 5, 6, 24, 24, 24, 41, 41 42, 44, 65, 65, 66, 71, 72, 77 82, 84, 90, 92, 92, 95, 96, 98 99, 99, 104, 107, 107, 109, no, no, 112, 114, 116, 117 118, 124, 133, 135, 137, 138; 150, 155, iSS, 159. 164, 183 183, 183, 187, 188, 192, 194 194, 201, 209, 210, 220, 231 293 Grace, 82, 84 Gyles, 10 Hester, loi, 161, 176, 161 Isabel, 5, l6, 37, 43, 75, 87, 90, 98, 120, 128, 132, 164, 172 James, 112, 175, 180, 180, iSo, 181, 198, 199, 104, 109, 112, 112, 207 Jane, 3, 40, 48, in, 128, 158 Jenet, 16, 19, 22, 90, 192 John, 31, 67, 81, 85, loi, 114, 128, 146, 147, 187, 188, 197, 202, 219, 276, 277, 299 Leonard, 5, 7, 9, 38 Mabel, 7, 18, 18, 75, no, 181 Margaret, n, 19, 34, 37, 53, 77, 99, 108, 119, 123, 131, 136, 151, 170, 173, 177, 180, 188, 192, 204 Mary, 165 Michael, 64, 65 Myles, 12, 42, 119, 128, 146, '148, 159 Richard, 28, 34, 41, 47, 48, 48 58, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67 67, 70, 71, 72, 72, 75. 76, 78; 79, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 88, ' 148, 169 Robert, 22, 34, 37, 44, 47, 59: 63, 64, 64, 65, 69, 71, 80, 92 loi, n9, 128, 132, 138, 150, 153, 155, 157, 209 Roger, 72, 74, 75, 78, 79, 79 loi, n3, n8, 124, 125, 133 166, 172 Rowland, 18, 25 Samuel, 152, 162 Sander, 43 Sarah, 133 Susannah, 124, 182 Thomas, 6, 41, 42, 43, 45, 48, 48, 54, 59, 63, 66, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 19, 82, 99, 100, n7, 127, 131, 140, 143, 144, 147, 148, 148, 148, 152, 153, 158, 159, 162, 165, 173, 177, 180, 182, 182, 186, 186, 188, 191, 197, 202, 221, 221, 227, 231, 232, 236, 242, 250 Dodgson, etc. (contd.) William, 13, 13, 34, 37, 41, 45, S3, 60, 61, 62, 63, 63, 64, 66, 66, 70, 70, 71, 71, 76, 76, 77, 79, 80, 80, 84, 87, 90, 91, 98, 104, 104, 105, 107, 112, 114, 120, 120, 131, 139, 151, 156, 156, 173, 188, 201, 210, 212, 223, 227, 309, 325, 358 Douthwaite, Margaret, 100 Dover, Douer, Agnes, 301 Henry, 317 Margaret, 381 Mary, 342 Thomas, 278, 301,317, 334, 342, William, 334 Dowthall, Jane, 291 Dracke, William, 4 Drinkald, Ralph, 272, 327 Dwarke, Jane, 276 Edmundson, Edmonson, Catherine, 326 Christopher, 293, 308 Elizabeth, 297 Sarah, 272 Theophilus, 293 Ellatson, Elletson, Ellison, Allatson, AUason, Agnes, 226 Ann, 300, 370 Elizabeth, 219 Emmanuel, 366, 370, 371 George, 214, 219 Isabel, 366, 371 Jane, 165, 367 John, 141, 342 Thomas, 342 William, 214 Elleray, Stephen, 71 William, 139 Ellis, Ellice, Agnes, 331 Catherine, 380 Elizabeth, 338 John, 161 Thomas, 358 Euericke, Everwicke, Auerwicke, Margaret, 323, 337 Thomas, 255 ffarrebanke, James, 300 ffawshood, Ellen, 181 ffedder, William, 181 ffereon, Thomas, 358 ffell. Fell, Agnes, 170 George, 29, 147, 151 James, 189, 298, 301, 323, 372, 378 INDEX OF NAMES. 419 ffell, etc. (confd.) John, 309, 309 Margaret, 2, 27, 37, 103, 151, 215 Mary, 301, 323, 323, 372 Leonard, 11 Richard, 29, 103, 122 Roger, 196 Sarah, 375 Thomas, 294, 294, 298 Fisher, ffisher, , 137, 392 Adam, 136, 138 Agnes, 20, 25, 43, 116, 148, 151, 189, 193, 211, 213, 237, 290, 369, 371 Alice, 30 Ann, 77, 85 Anthony, 355, 371 Catherine, 255, 300 Christopher, 102, 109, 138, 195, 225, 227, 264, 269, 274, 280, 281, 283, 290, 314, 348, 351 Daniel, 106 Dorothy, 57 Elizabeth, 77, 192, 370 Ellen, 197, 213, 309 George, 34, 214, 274, 352, 377 Henry, 78 Hugh, 61 Isabel, 9, 83, 98, 99, III, 142, I55> 179) 184, 192, 249, 280, 281 Jane, 283 Jason, 98, 99, 106, 135, 162 Jenet, 345, 347 John, 18, 43, 60, 67, 92, 96, 102, 106, 106, 114, 124, 132, 136, 138, 138, 145, i5i> 155, 158, 161, 168, 169, 177, 178, 179, 184, 189, 192, 193, 195, 197, 200, 202, 202, 205, 208, 208, 211, 213, 214, 215, 215, 216, 216, 217, 225, 227, 237, 249, 255, 264, 269, 279, 285, 297, 310, 316, 343, 345, 347, 348, 351. 355. 363. 364, 369. 372, 377, 387, 387 Mabel, 24, 32, 34, 109, 168, 169 Margaret, 2, 5, 55, 85, 104, 114, 124, 132, 161, 194, 311, 337 Mary, 363 Myles, 60, 105, 109, 116, 119, ii9> 137, 138, 142, 14s. 148, 169, 200, 231 Robert, II, 60, 60, 80, 85, 109, 217, 297, 297, 303 Roger, 14, 28, 48, 48, 55, 60, 85, 85, 99 Rowland, 40, 51, 67, 72, 72, 77, 92, 94, 109, 144 Thomas, 157 William, 44, 279, 356 iBeminge, fflemeing, fHeeminge, ffleem- ing, , 173 Adam, 43, 68, 76, 77, 275 Agnes, 9, 195, 213 Alice, 245 David, 178 Dorothy, 13, 186, 216 Elizabeth, 18, 76, 77 Ellen, 259 Henry, 361 Isabel, 19, 35, 68, 132 Jane, 331 John, 20, 46, 52, 52, 179, 192, 195, 196, 346 Leonard, 343, 346 Margaret, 7, 49, 77, 207, 281 Mary, 29, 76, 77, 315 Myles, so, 132, 145, 147, 154, 172, 173, 186, 207, 213, 216, 259, 287 Richard, 6 Rowland, 188, 191 Sarah, 358 Thomas, 23, 39 Wilham, 36, 41, 275, 307 fifletcher, Francis, 276 fforest, fibrrest, Agnes, 85, 211 Edward, 195, 203, 21 1, 219, 232, 240, 317, 340 Elizabeth, 219, 320 Isabel, 195 Jane, 384 John, 76, 122, 172, 338 Richard, 203, 315 Margaret, 122, 232, 240, 324, 347 Richard, 317, 324, 338 Robert, 46 Rowland, 47, 53 Sibell, 36 Thomas, 76 ffountaine, Elizabeth, 191, 287 ffoxe, Jane, 86 ffrears, William, 325 ffrearson, ffreareson, fifrearsone, Agnes, 33 Alexander, 95 Ann, 105 David, 217, 224, 227 Dorothy, 160, 162, 217, 251, 392, Elizabeth, 14, 58, 70, 71, 75, 76, 79, 80, 84, 326, 328, 386 Ellen, 53, 80, 87, 141, 177, 178, 207, 254, 291 Grace, 13, 15 Isabel, 113, 201, 229, 286, 294 James, 45, 67, 71, 86, 87, 102, 118, 122, 189, 248, 248, 251, 254, 267, 273, 274, 279, 280, 286, 297, 304, 310, 311, 312, 316, 318, 392 Jane, 164, 166, 267, 273, 312 Jenet, 17, 93, 100, 108 420 INDEX OF NAMES. fFrearson, etc. [contd.) John, 14, 58, 59, 60, 70, 79, 80, 95, 121, 122, 177, 187, 201, 205, 207, 217, 221, 239, 280, Mabel, 9 Margaret, 65, 144, 239, 304 Mary, 310, 316 Myles, 65, 70, 75, 76, 79, 93, 100, 102, 145, 156, 200, 205, 229, 248, 263, 294, 311 Reginald, 105, 113, 118, 178, 188, 227, 227, 228 Renald, 69, 70, 71, 86, 87, 89, 100 Robert, 11, 62, 79, 100, 137, 183, 185, 187, 189, 200, 202, 205, 207, 217, 217, 218, 274, 279 Rowland, 5, 45, 81, 84, 122, 123, 164, 166, 176, 185, 187 Susannah, 176, 178 Thomas, 89, 217, 297, 318 William, 60, 80, 81, 81, 120, 121, 137) 145) 160, 177, 178, 207, 224, 229, 236 ffuUthrop, Christopher, 360 G. Gamlion, Francis, 200 Thomas, 200 Garner, Christopher, 58 Elizabeth, 181 John, 374, 379, 380, 383 Robert, 183 Thomas, 380, 383 Garnett, Alexander, 104 Edward, 100 Mary, 3 Thomas, 313 Garnett, alias Geldert, Edward, 100 Garth, John, 210 Gaytby, , 71 Maria, 71 Gayteskall, Gaytskall, Edward, 338 Elizabeth, 338 Margaret, 265 Geernod, William, 190 Geldert, alias Garnett. See Garnett. Gibson, Margaret, 82, 84 William, 82, 84 Gilpin, Ann, 326, 330, 332 Christopher, 300 Elizabeth, 347, 392 George, 145 John, 130 Magdalen, 353 Mary, 340 Margaret, 236 Myles, 366, 366, 371. 371. 392 Susannah, 340 William, 145 Godfrey, Godrey, Agnes, 373 George, 355 Thomas, 360 William, 355, 360, 373, 387, 387 Godmane, John, 102 Myles, 102 Godmunt, Godmunte, Anthony, iii, III Catherine, 269 Daniel, no Margaret, in Myles, 96, 97, 98, 1 10 Susannah, 96, 97, 98 Goodbarne, Jenet, 38 Grane, Robert, 44 Greaue, Greaves, Grave, Greave, Agnes, 357 Ellen, 326 Isabel, 337 James, 356, 357, 366, 379, 385 Jenet, 275, 366, 379 Jeremiah, 392 John, 3, 12, io8, 385 Robert, 3 WiUiam, 337 Green, Jane {alias Satterthwaite), 81 John, 41 Greenhow, Greenehow, Greenhowe, Agnes, 286 Ann, 271, 279, 307 Elizabeth, 176 John, 261, 261, 271, 278, 279, 286, 296, 307 William, 278 Greeneodd. See Geernod. George, 374 Greenup, Greenuppe, Greenop, Grsnap, Agnes, 392 Elizabeth, 148, 205, 389 George, 150 James, 370 John, 148, 151, 158, 160, 205, 370, 378, 378) 389. 392 Margaret, 172 Thomas, 158 William, 151 Grigg, Grigge, Gregge, Greege, Agnes, 219, 331, 331, 369, 385 Arthur, 198, 198, 205, 206, 218, 219 Barnard, 106, 152, 154 Dorothy, 198 Hugh, 57 Jenet, 58, 142 Margaret, 163, 325 Michael, 128 Reginald, 128, 152 Roger, 318 Rowland, 17 Thomas, 3 William, 151, 206, 369 Grindall, Christopher, 55 John, 55 INDEX OF NAMES. 421 Grysdall, Simon, 265 Gunson, Elizabeth, 358 Gurnall, Gurnell, Agnes, 62, 78, 127 Allen, 118, 127 Ealse, 142 Elizabeth, 192 Ellen, 68, 270 James, 52, 53, 58, 68, 78, 85 Janet, 273 Jepthah, 176 John, 118 Myles, 123, 125, 143, 346 Gurnall. See Jurnall. H. Hadwin, Mary, 287 Hall, Hale, Agnes, 313, 384 Alice, 388 Anthony, 310, 313, 317, 321, 324, 335. 335> 342, 381 Catherine, 92 Dorothy, 342 Edward, 363 Elizabeth, 324, 363 James, 310, 321 Mary, 361 Sarah, 317 Thomas, 88 William, 375 Hale. See Hall. Hanson, Elizabeth, 386 Harrington, John, 25 Harrison, Harrisone, Harrinson, Agnes, 167, 197, 350 Ann, 292 Anthony, 356 Barbary, 169, 244, 330 Bryam, 36, 120, 120, 139 Catherine, 254, 329 Christopher, 87, 261 David, 282 Dorothy, 282, 326, 326, 331, 352, 356 Edward, 154, 162, 170, 179, 179, 188, 193, 193, 193, 197, 204, 204, 222, 222, 269 Elizabeth, 159, 224, 230, 275, 320, 338 Ellen, 381 Emas, 249 George, 8, 338, 35°. 350, 382, 384 Isabel, 170, 239, 321, 354 James, 313, 318, 320, 329, 345, 345. 352. 356, 357. 373 Jane, 382 Jenet, 262 John, 47, 127, 164, 188, 199, 199, 262, 275, 292, 302, 356, 373, 381 Harrison, etc. (contd.) Lancelot, 308, 313, 315, 315 Laurence, 287, 292, 381 Margaret, 120, 171, 172, 269,292, 332, 385, 391 Myles, 151, 151, 154, 159, 165, 169, 198, 249, 263, 287 Richard, 171, 239, 308, 392 Robert, 51, 165, 194, 244, 281 Thomas, 54, 68, 162, 186, 193 William, 139, 224, 296, 313, 313, 314, 314, 318, 341, 357 Harryman, Thomas, 363 Hartley, Agnes, 28 Hatfeilde, Nicholas, 67 Hawe, Thomas, 21 Hawkrigg, Thomas, 104 Head, George, 288, 293 Herbert, Samuel, 347 Higgin, Anthony, ill, 127, 128, 129, 131, 131, 140, 199, 201, 221, 221 Catherine, 372 Dorothy, 353 Grace, 222 Isabel, 140, 206, 208 James, 332 John, 127, 128 Margaret, 195, 214, 231 Richard, 115, 155, 19S, 199, 231, Thomas, 201, 206, 208, 214, 222, 359 William, 390 Hind, Agnes, 384 Barbary, 380, 382 Daniel, 380 Hirdson. See Hyrdson Hobson, Agnes, 313 Alice, 9, 13 Dorothy, 317 Edmund, 50 Elizabeth, 35, 167 Isabel, 323, 327, 328, 366 Henry, 39 Jenet, 9 John, 61, 301, 301, 307, 313, 317, 334. 349. 352, 355, 358, 366 Leonard, 46 Mary, 307 Michael, 50 Myles, 358 Richard, 41, 231 Robert, 6 Susan, 349, 352 William, 334 Hodgson, Hodson, Hodgeon, Hodshon, Hoodgson, , 200, 342. Agnes, 8, 8, 9, 28, 31, 32, 76, 76, 77, 79,97, 119, 154, i55, i7i, 211, 230, 269, 290, 302, 321, 334, 391 422 INDEX OF NAMES. Hodgson, etc. [contd.) Ambrose, 250, 285 Ann, 50, III Barbary, 229, 257, 288 Catherine, 8, 31, 32, 33, 87, 135, 293> 354 Christopher, 9 Cuthbert, 44, 55, 116, 117, 135, 149, 199, 203, 207, 211, 269, 281, 283, 288, 294, 304, 304, 306, 308, 324, 334, 339, 339, 340, 345, 346, 347. 355> 356, 356, 356, 364, 366, 368, 368, 370, 371, 377, 384, 385 Dorothy, 326, 327, 344, 352, 377 Edmund, 32 Elizabeth, 3, 9, 9, 18, 32, 82, 92, 109, 133, 170, 182, 187, 23s, 250, 294, 304, 327, 328, 332, 346, 350, 356, 356, 362, 385, 385, 386, 391 Geoffrey, 25, 28, 34, 37, 44, 48, 55, 121, 123, 200, 201, 207, 216, 293, 303 George, iii, 125, 283, 339, 360, 371 Hester, 230 Isabel, 315, 323, 326, 331, 365 James, 151, 386 Jane, 331, 334, 386 Jenet, 26, 38 John, 4, 9, 18, 44, 46, 55, 77, 104, III, 1x6, 125, 154, 155, 168, 170, 177, 182, 185, 222, 226, 236, 245, 262, 269, 297, 303, 366, 368, 388, 391, 391 Lathren (? Cathren), 31 Mabel, 21, 147 Margaret, 26, 60, 75, 214, 249, 304 Mary, 324, 332, 356, 370 Richard, 48, 50, 60, 75, 76, 76, 78, 82, 92, 94, 97, loi, 104, 108, 112, 113, 116, 121, 134, 134, 163, 185, 188, 194, 19s, 203, 204, 214, 222, 230, 230, 233> 235, 235, 238, 243, 248, 250, 257, 264, 269, 278, 285, 288, 291, 303, 309, 334, 342, 355, 356, 360, 364 Robert, 8, 10, 55, 71, 73, 73, 73> 77, 79, 92, 97, 98, loi, 116, 149, 159, 170, 187, 221, 234, 307, 373, 382 Sibel, 28 Thomas, 19, 127, 153, 168, 171, 171, 172, 204, 205, 249, 287, 290, 297, 304 William, 8, 19, 19, 31, 73, 92, 94, 97, 98, 112, 113, 159, 195, 250, 264, 337, 339, 345, 347, 366, 368 Hogard, Hoggard, Hogert, Agnes, 389 Hannah, 385 Joseph, 385, 385, 389 Hollad, William, loi Holm, Holme, Holmes, , 6, 131 . . . abell, 328 Agnes, 8, 9, 12, 21, 29, 29, 31, 31, 33, 37, 38, 40, 41, 51, 81, 82, 88, 89, 98, 98, 98, lis, 116, 116, 127, 133, 137, 139, 141, 143, 147, 158, 168, 169, 174, 183, 184, 189, 189, 193, 193, 197, 206, 209, 225, 246, 260, 294, 326, 334, 356, 392 Alexander, 19 Alice, 4, 161, 178, 249 Allan, 226 Ann, 102, 115, 126, 172, 207, 246, 248, 279 Anthony, 28, 76, 157 Catherine, 2, 7, 19, 45, 46, 61, 73, 87, 99, 145, 147, 150, 156 Christopher, 37, 51, 84, 88, 100, 102, 107, 115, 119, 124, 162, 176, 181, 193, 199, 209, 210, 25s, 262, 275, 282, 284, 323 Clement, 8, 15, 83, 98, 99, 107, 128, 143, 163, 176, 205, 213, 225, 230, 239, 242, 246, 248, 254, 267, 268, 268, 279, 290, 292, 305, 317, 344, 345, 356, 386, 388, 389 Cuthbert, 93, 95, 208, 208, 249 Dorothy, 20, 107, ill, 158, 196 Ealse, 127, 136 Edmund, 38, 44, 83, 122 Edward, 14, «o, 55, 58, 62, 79, 80, 84, 115, 145, 174, 195, 196, 202, 206, 215, 222, 258 Eleanor, 161, 321, 323 Elizabeth, 13, 36, 41, 50, 65, 71, 74, 74, 74, 78, 100, 100, loi, 108, 115, 127, 138, 148, 160, 167, 182, 186, 200, 201, 229, 232, 253, 254, 270, 309, 317, 323, 323, 327, 345, 392 Ellen (EUine), 42, 65, 86, 87, 95, 117, 321, 323, 332, 344 Emmas, 10, 12 Gawen, 57 Geoffrey, 28, 51, I18, 121, 126, 131, 138, 139, 141, 145, 165. 201, 228, 229 George, 2, 41, 45, 47, 5°, 5^, 57, 57, 57, 58, 60, 66, 70, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 79, 83, 90, 9°, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 99, 100, loi, 106, 107, III, 115, 115, 116, 116, 116, 119, 119, 119, 121, 127, 129, 130, 133, 137, 139, 140, 140, 142, 144, 148, 152, 157, 162, 165, 167, 168, INDEX OF NAMES. 423 Holm, etc., George [contd.) i74> I7S. I7S. 182, 183, 183, 186, 189, 190, 193, 194, 197, 198, 199, 203, 203, 206, 208, 208, 209, 212, 213, 215, 224, 232, 232, 233, 234, 23s, 239, 241, 241, 241, 257, 264, 268, 272, 274, 280, 284, 290, 292, 302, 323, 328, 339, 348, 356, 357, 363 Gyles, 60, 121 Henry, 48, 52, 100, 129, 131, 136, 156, 307, 308, 380, 382, 387 Isabel, 4, 6, 13, 17, 22, 28 , 33, 36, 42, 56, 59, 60, 65, 66 , 75, 80, 83, 87, 99, 103, 105, 107, III, 128, 129, 132, 138, 141, 198, 199, 199, 268, 327, 329, 387, 389 James, 146, 190, 204, 390 Jane, 195, 227, 244, 327, 332, 350, 365, 38s Jenet, 4, 14, 21, 22, 40, 64 78, 79, 84, 95, 106, 138, 226 321 John, 3, 9, 48, 61, 62, 65 65, 70, 74, 77, 79, 81, 82, 83 , 84, 87, 89, 90, 90, 94, lOI, lOI, 103, 105, III, 125, 129, 140, 152, 153, 154, 155, 164, 170, 171, 176, 189, 192, 194, 212, 222, 258, 260, 262, 280, 310, 312, 314, 346, 370, 384, 386 Leonard, 19, 38, 49, 64, 127, 128, 134, 141, 142, 150, 163, 176, 206, 285 Mabel, 18, 28, 30, 36, 38 74, 75, 80, 84, 93, 99, 113, 127, 171, 236, 352 Magdalen (Madlinge), 357 Margaret, 24, 27, 48, 48, 50, 76, 83, 93, 93, 94, 96 97, 102, no, III, 112, 132, 134, 134, 144, 160, 164, 165, 167, 168, 169, 170, 203, 206, 208, 23s, 25s, 264, 274, 339, 349 Mary, 165, 206, 239 Michael, 60, 94, 107, 109, 128, 129, 139, 167, 167, 168, 169, 174, 174, 176, 183, 188, 189, 193, ^9'i^ 195, 200, 207, 215, 215, 241, 246, 253, 264, 274, 279, 282, 331, 346, 36s, 379, 384 Myles, 16, 226^ Nicholas, 36, 81, 118, 214, 226, 228, 252 Percival, 17, 49, 72, 80, 86, 94, loi, 106, III, 112, 118, 121, 152, 156, 260 Reginald, 127, 131, 136, 151, 152, 153, 160, 160, 165, 173, 173, 189, 193, 19s, 204, 205, Holm, etc., Reginald {contd.) 218, 231, 234, 244, 24s, 251, 253, 259, 262, 264, 27s, 307 Renald, 18, 48, 49, 51, 55, 57, 57, 60, 64, 65, 70, 74, 75, 81, 83, 127, 153, 159, 172, 173 Richard, 4, 26, 48, 58, 60, 65, 74, 75, 84, 85, 93, 136, 145, 188, 204, 319, 352, 353 Robert, 19, 22, 44, 118, 242, 257, 356, 357, 361 Sibel, 17 Susan, 189 Susannah, 107, 161 Thom-js, S, 49, 51, 66, 87, 98, 100, loi, 116, 117, 119, lig, 124, 129, 129, 134, 145, 157, 157, 161, 164, 168, 171, 17s, 183, 204, 205, 215, 230, 27s, 282, 287, 310, 311, 312, 312, 313, 313, 319, 361, 378 William, 3, 36, 41, 49, 79, 79, 85, 106, III, 113, 115, 121, 122, 130, 193, 194, 195, 195, 196, 209, 214, 226, 226, 229, 232, 233, 233, 236, 239, 249, 267, 325, 327, 334, 349. 352, 363, 367, 370, 378, 379, 382 Holme, alias Prett, Agnes, 31 Hopkin, Agnes, 177 William, 177 Horsfall, Richard, 41 Howard, John, 279 Susannah, 279 Howgill, Hugill, Agnes, 322 James, 322, 322, 324 Mary, 324 Howie, Thomas, 18 Howsen, Howson, , 37 Catherine, 52, 72 Jenet, 33 Margaret, 31 Myles, 7, 9 Richard, 39, 66 Thomas, 41 William, 15, 66 Hubersty, James, 175 Hudleston, Elizabeth, 185 Hudson, Elizabeth, 203 Hunter, John, 181 Robert, 137, 169 Thomas, 137 Hutchinson, Elizabeth, 317 John, 315, 317 Huthwt, Hugh, 114 Hyrde, Herd, Edward, 296, 304, 310, 319, 322, 354, 365, 388, 391 Eleanor, 310 Elizabeth, 319, 322 Ellen, 365, 381 Margaret, 296, 354 Mary, 304, 374, 391 424 INDEX OF NAMES. Hyrdson, Herdson, Hirdson, Hirdsone, Hurdson, Agnes, I, 7, 28, 29, 35, 36, 314 Alice, 31 Clement, 20, 25 Christopher, 10 Edward, 45, 107, 179, 315 Elizabeth, 25, 32, 34, 149, 320, 321, 324, 359, 380 Isabel, 5, 20, 22 Jane, 167, 169 Janet, 9, 358 John, 3, 19, 34, 35, 49, 179, 225, 238, 282, 310, 310, 337, 337, 340 Leonard, 28, 29, 30, 33, 51, 85 Margaret, 3, 15, 75, 282 Myles, 35 Richard, 150, 350 Robert, 6, 132, 133, 149, 159, 163, 167, 184, 184, 187, 238 Rowland, 24, 159 WiUiam, 3, 4, 9, 18, 26, 45, 47, 73, 107, 108, III, 133, I44> 150, 153, 153, 225, 241, 248, 248, 327, 371, 377, 380, 384 Idle, Agnes, 333 Margaret, 333 Jackson, Jacksone, Agnes, 185, 210 267, 284, 299. 358, 390 Alice, 280, 388 Ann, I, 318, 362 Arthur, 381 Barbary, 257 Catherine, 50, Christopher, 138, 176, 177, 261 364, 365, 366 Dorothy, 114, 28, Edward, 61, 212, Elizabeth, 176, 303, 305, 32O; 356, 386 Emmas, 343 Gawine, 162 George, 88, 90, 141, 185, 190. 216, 217, 256 298, 318, 356, Henry, 123 Hugh, 5, 28, SO, Isabel, 194, 209, 248, 254, 265, 338, 340, 342, 99, 103, 106, , 141, I4S, , 294, 362, 162 363 3, 304, 325 ,381 „ 217, 258, , 320, 322, 302 32s 103, 103, , 197, 198, , 267, 267, , 362 113 209 297 132, 169 216, 383 Jackson, etc. (contd.) James, 40, 67, 77, 86, 95, 103, 103, 105, 137, 175, 210, 228, 237, 242, 257, 391 Jane, 209, 329, 355, 362, 366, 370, 391 Jenet, 8, 40, 42, 98, 127 John, 26, 56, 114, 115, 204, 213, 229, 242, 258, 272, 275, 276, 276, 279, 283, 300, 343, 3SS, 360, 360, 361, 370, 370, 382, 390 Joseph, 370, 382 Leonard, 299 Mabel, 5, 6, 70, 147, 179 Margaret, 10, 61, 77, 77, 169, 170, 183, 213, 237, 256, 265, 319, 365 Mary, 244, 322, 322, 336, 340, 358, 363 Mathew, 244, 280, 302, 305, 306, 383 Michael, 86, 88, 90, 94, 97, 105 Richard, 18, 295, 358 Robert, 18, 33, 94, 94, 95, 1 17, 267 Thomas, 9, 48, 97, 209, 248, 257, 265, 272, 27s, 279, 280, 280, 284, 299, 302, 304, 311, 318, 319, 386, 391 William, 10, 58, 98, 99, 103, 114, IIS, 132, 132, 137, 145. 171, 17s, 17s, 178, 179, 183, 192, 198, 199, 202, 223, 228, 248, 250, 254, 261, 285, 295, 311, 325, 329, 336, 340, 341, 342, 361, 361, 393 James, Isaac, 338 Janson, Mary, 387 Mathew, 387 Jenkinson, Margaret, 364 Johnson, Agnes, 209, 264, 273 Isabel, 133, 138, 144, 178 John, 209, 210, 387 Margaret, 3, 156 Richard, 33, 47, 47, SS, 61, 132, 133, '37, 144, 146, 146, IS3, 156 Robert, 55, 61, 264, 273, 275 Thomas, 275 WiUiam, 39, 40, 54 Jolly, Mary, 378 Jones, Joanes, Ehzabeth, 221 Thomas, 311 Thomasin, 311 William, 221 Jopson, Joppson, Elizabeth, 74, 213 Ellen, 199 James, 48 Jenet, 75, 13° John, 187 Mabel, 181, 188 Matthew, 8 INDEX OF NAMES. 425 Jopson, etc. (contd. ) Robert, 65, 74 Thomas, 381 William, 172, 187, 188, 213, 282 Joyce, Elizabeth, 380 Margaret, 380 Jurnall {See also Gurnall), Francis, 367 K. Keen, Keene, , 266 Agnes, 56, 56, 292, 321, 328, 341 Alice, 18, 245 Ann, 70 Catherine, 147 David, 161 Dorothy, 180, 218, 232, 367 Ealse, 27 Edward, 92, 173, 175, 176, 181, 251, 254, 260, 263, 267, 278, 286, 316, 359 Elizabeth, 6, 50, 114, 168, 180, 225, 244, 254, 315, 383 Ellen, 58 Gilian, 83 Isabel, 28, 61, So, 112, 113, 117, 183, 188, 196, 200, 267, 279, 387 James, 50, 52, 106, III, I13, 118, 119, 124, 132, 134, 134, 137, 140, 141, 142, 143, 146, 148, 149, 151, 152, 152, 154, 159, 161, 165, 168, 176, 178, 180, 181, 196, 197, 199, 200, 208, 208, 218, 225, 231, 232, 239, 240, 241, 244, 244, 247, 253, 264, 266, 268, 281, 298, 308, 356, 394 Jane, 198, 280 Jenet, 19, 271, 336 John, 12 Joseph, 148, 228, 232, 244, 246, 254, 254, 258, 260, 263, 268, 271, 280, 28s, 289, 303, 336, 381, 383, 387, 394 Lawrence, 44, 66 Leonard, 51, 53, 92, 106, 135, 142, 226, 227, 235, 244, 254, 262, 285, 294 Margaret, 48, 132, 204, 239, 244, 254, 258, 279, 280, 304, 314, 314, 337. 343, 365 Mary, 316 May, or Mary, 165, 271, 289 Myles, 19, 83 Nathan, 90, 137, 140, 149, 152, 170 Oliver (?), 50 Oswald, 4, 28, 81, 103, 112 Richard, 11, 12, 49, 50, 52, 69, 73> 79, 90> 117. 118, 140, 141, 142, 152, 167, 223, 228 Keen, etc. (contd.) Samuel, 159, 232, 298 Susannah, 143, 146 Thomas, 4, 34, 40, 73, 90, 108, 118, 119, 134, 154, 165, 178, 184, 197, 199, 233, 23s, 240, 24s, 247, 248, 253, 258, 264, 266, 266, 270, 271, 271, 273, 273, 279, 285, 288, 289, 292, 303, 303, 341, 365. 376, 386, William, 15, 22, 53, 56, 70, 79, 134, 141, 142, 151, 158, 158, 165, 170, 173, 180, 188, 204, 227, 233, 233, 23s, 235, 236, 236, 254, 258, 271, 280, 286, 294> 294, 303, 304, 305, 309, 311, 314, 316, 320, 354 Kellatt, Kellatte, Kellate Agnes, 338 Alice, 7 Ann, 154 Anthony, 251 Christopher, 154, 154, 165, 168, 179, 185, 191, 192, 199 Dorothy, 185, 191 Elizabeth, 234, 302, 322 George, 240, 260, 373, 373, 389, 389 Hopkin, 166 Isabel, 12 Jane, 192 John, 168 Margaret, 27, 179 Richard, 201, 204, 209, 269 Robert, 13, 165, 204, 234, 240, 251, 256, 256, 260, 270, 273, 273 Thomas, 209 William, 27 Kellsecke, Agnes, 358 Elizabeth, 353 Kendall, John, 161 Robert, 366, 366 Kilner, Killner, , 182 Agnes, 167, 388 Edward, 179 Elizabeth, 272 Eleanor, 373, 375 George, 192 Jane, 167, 226 John, 300 Margaret, 179 Rowland, 87 William, 155, 155, 167, 167, 182, 190, 192, 289, 373, 375 Kinge, Thomas, 316 Kirkby, Kirkbye, Kirkebye, Kirby, , 264 Agnes, 26, 27, 33, 45, 89, 98, 149, 150, 160, 165, 253, 267, 284, 311, 314 Alice, 16, 38 426 INDEX OF NAMES. Kirkby, etc, {contd.) Kitchinge, Elizabeth, 39, 68 Ann, III, IIS, 204, 225, 279, 315, Jenet, 81 379 John, 81, 126 Anthony, 8, 44, 55 Knipe, Knype, Knyppe, Knypp, Christopher, 2, 91 , 310 David, 260, 358, 358, 366, 373, 384 Agnes, 51, 63, 83, 90, 114, 130, Dorothy, 119, 125, 234, 297, 344, 142, 164, 165, 192, 211, 258, 346, 366, 372, 374, 389 261, 266, 280, 293, 307, 338, Edmund, 32 345, 348, 350, 352, 358, 373, Eleanor, 145 375, 375, 376, 389 Emmas, 137 Anthony, 201, 283, 286, 307 350, Elizabeth, 3, 32, 72, 82, 84, 170, 387 189, 191, 192, 290, 353, 380, Arthur, 92, 180, 181, 188, 197, 383 203, 211, 217, 229, 310 Ellen, 10, 56, 104, 145, 254, 285, Barbary, 284 337, 391 Cicill, 385 Geoffrey, 47, 109 Cicily, 207 George, 55, 78, 82, 84, 89, 95, Daniel, 217, 338, 339, 345, 352, I3S> 155, 159, 164, 166, 180, 357, 359, 366, 368, 371 184, 253, 254, 257, 260, 264, Dinah, 324 273, 274, 276, 277, 282, 290, Dorothy, 195, 329, 332 301, 301, 358, 364, 376, 388 Edward, 80, 83, 89 Gillian, 28 Elizabeth, 4, 17, 20, 65, 89, III, Henrv, 23, 44, 76, 108, 115, I19, 161, 167, 185, 198, 211, 218, 125, 137, 14s, 158, 158, IS9, 223, 244, 27s, 276, 278, 285, 164, 16s, 166, 167, 174, 177, 301, 315, 344, 360, 361 179, 182, 189, 192, 192, 235, Ellen, 199, 255, 296 255, 29s Ester, 246, 324 Isabel, 14, 32, 278 Francis, loi, 124, 137, 140, 181, James, 158, 274, 289, 291, 302, 182, 191, ig7, 201, 211, 231. 325, 334. 364. 368, 369. 373. 23s, 271, 286, 304, 353, 373, 374, 379, 380, 383, 386, 389, 375, 376, 378, 384. 389. 392 393 George, 24, 103, 105, 170, 170, Jane, 282, 352 173, 173, 179. 180, 184, 185, Jenet, 327 192, 192, 195, 197, 198, 206, John, 41, 58, 126, 126, 202, 281, 206, 207, 210, 210, 211, 217, 336, 375 218, 220, 221, 222, 237, 237. Mabel, 26, 255 282, 286, 294, 296, 307, 314, Margaret, 32, 174, 177, 182, 248, 345, 381, 381 257, 309. 321, 342, 369, 373 Isabel, 72, 73, 83, 94, 102, 160, Mary, 273, 277, 349, 388, 389 173, 200, 262, 313, 335 Mathew, 150, 160, 180, 238, 249, James, 44, 51, 69, 72, 73, 92, III, 301 179, 194, 216, 244, 257, 268, Rachel, 274 280, 280, 290, 293, 296, 306, Rebecca, 289 307, 309, 324, 355 Richard, 10, 61, 81, 141, 142, 149, Jane, 222, 244, 247, 322, 333 170, 172, 178, 187, 334 Jenet, 29, 36, 48, 69, 70, 191, Robert, 3 195, 258, 314 Sibel, 32 Jenkin, 122 Simon (Symond), 2 John, 2, 39, 44, 79, 96, 124, 138, Susannah, 167 142, 148, 153, 160, 161, 169, Thomas, 60, 75, 276, 297, 302 173, 180, 180, 184, 184, 185, William, 17, 19, 34, 45, 45, 46, 204, 210, 211, 221, 225, 230, 49, 91, 95, i°°, '°8, 126, 126, 230, 239, 248, 250, 250, 258, 135, 135, 142, 152, 179, 220, 266, 267, 278, 278, 281, 284, 222, 222, 225, 226, 234, 238, 285, 286, 289, 291, 293, 296, 242, 243, 250, 250, 267, 274, 301, 301, 306, 306, 307, 308, 274, 279, 284, 285, 297, 301, 313, 324. 335, 335, 341, 360, 301, 301, 309, 315, 325, 325, 361, 366, 381, 387, 387 334, 334, 336, 338, 340, 342, Leonard, 9, 16, 67, 75, 78 78, 346, 352, 359. 360, 360, 362, 83, 88, 92, 103, 137, 140 153 362, 364, 372, 373, 375, 376, Margaret, 24, 65, 68, no. 124, 379. 383. 384. 384. 386, 393 173, 17s, 180, 217, 239, 244 INDEX OF NAMES. 427 Knipe, etc., Margaret (contd.) 247, 255, 296, 321, 321, 326, 334. 342, 371, 381 Mary, 212, 325, 339, 360 Michael, 188 Oliver, 40, 43 Peter, 165, 180, 19s, 212, 216, 217, 223, 234, 234, 244, 247, 252, 255, 262, 276, 330, 344, 345. 361 Rachel, 361 Richard, 100, loi , 105 , no. 124, 182, 220, 236, 258, 261, 271, 278, 290, 291, 381 Robert, 53, 116, 301. 309, 331, 126, 130. 131, 173, 210, 225, 242, 247, 258, 275, 280, 289, 293. 296, 301, 301, 311, 344, 352, 371, 374, 378, 378, 379 Rosamund, 345 Samuel, 290, 332 Susan, 374, 382 Thomas, 11, 77 79. 94, 102, 103, 105, 148, 170, 171, 203, 217, 238, 268, 278, 278, 291, 310, 3'7. 333. 334. 338 William, 92, 1 14 163, 164, 173, 175, 179. 185. 188, 195, 19s, 204, 211, 218, 219, 236, 242, 246, 257, 258, 282, 290, 302, 304, 306, 311, 317, 335, 340, 342, 35°. 352, 357, 359, 360, 374, 382, 390 Knott, Knotts, Edward, 361 Grace, 192 James, 192 Lancaster, Agnes, 116 Dorothy, 352 Jane, 374 John, 339, 361 Lancelot, 339, 340, 352, 363, 363, 380 Margaret, 295 Thomas, 295, 298, 380 Langbayne, Longbone, Christopher, 297, 315 Leek, Robert, 384 Leese, Leyce, Jenet, 107 John, 41, 56 Leester, Isaac, 122 Peter, 70, 71 Samuel, 67 William, 67 Lickbarrow, Peter, 370 Lindall, John, 363 Lindow, Lindoe, Agnes, 378 Jane, 170, 358 Lindow, etc. (contd.) Jenet, 371 John, 285 Robert, 181 William, 141, 218, 219 Locke, Henry, 87 John, 267 Longbone. See Langbayne. Longmire, Longmyre, Elizabeth, 251 James, 381 Jenet, 251 John, 201 Longstreat, John, 380 Lowkland, Robert, 194 Lowson, Richard, 67 Lowther, Lowder, Elizabeth, 31 1, 364 Hugh, 300, 309 M. Mabreth (? Mackreth), John, 349 William, 251, 251, 349 Mac : (? Mackreth), Nicholas, 187 Susana, 187 Mackreth, Mackereth, Mackareth, Mak- reth, Makereth, Macreth, Macereth, Macrethe, Macketh, Agnes, 6, 7, 10, 41, 61, 62, 69, 74, 80, 82, S3, 97, 105, 124, 150, 164, 167, 170, 183, 194, 201, 219, 226, 229, 238, 248, 254, 265, 328, 329, 330, 354, 356, 356, 364, 387 Alice, 8, 33 Ann, 94, 23s, 313 Anthony, 65, 151, 154, 176, 205, 242, 259, 300 Arthur, Ather, 14, 113, 189, 189, 192, 202, 202, 204, 208, 241, 385 Barbary, 215, 260, 353, 360, 376 Barnard, 13, 47, 58, 60, 68, 69, 76, 86, 97, 104, 152, 157, 164, 168, 174, 178, 180, 180, 188, 193, 193. 194. 194. 203, 212, 218, 226, 251, 251, 252, 253, 264 Bartholemew, 97, 166 Bryam, 17, 36, 50, 92, 1 17, 1 18, 124, 131, 139, 145, 149. 152. 159, 164, 164, 165, 171, 173, 182, 183, 213, 220, 238, 245, 281, 284, 289, 291, 291, 302, 308 Catherine, 69, 355 Charles, 7, 128 Cicily, 193, 198, 281, 320, 321, 327, 328, 328, 328, 330, 331 Daniel, 209, 307, 320, 330, 360, 367, 369. 371, 380, 385, 386 Deborah, 278, 377, 378 428 INDEX OF NAMES. Mackreth, etc. [contd.) Dorothy, 167, 179, 182, igi, 194, 209, 230, 268, 313, 330, 338, 363, 381, 389, 392 Ealse, 136 Edward, 53, 57, 58, 59, 62, 65, 65. 74> 77, 82, 90, 91, 92, 93, 97, loi, 102, 105, 105, 105, 108, 115, 122, 125, 149, 15c, 163, 168, 173, 186, 197, 2U, 226, 229, 229, 233, 234, 235, 236, 240, 240, 242, 244, 245, 251, 253, 254, 260, 267, 268, 269, 290, 293, 307, 309, 309, 334, 346, 370, 376, 377, 380, 384, 390 Edwin, 108, 174, 175, 175, 176, 177, 181, 184, 184, 194, 197, 203, 216, 300 Elizabeth, 10, 18, 23, 24, 24, 25, 37, 75, 77, 121, 131, 136, 145, 145, 169, 171, 188, 192, 193, 202, 209, 212, 213, 237, 332, 349, 369 Ellen, 69, 93, 189, 220, 267, 364, 365, 381 Emmas, 1 1 Francis, 130 George, 8, 10, 21, 23, 32, 34, 38, 44, 56, 56, 58, 58, 59, 63, 65, 66, 66, 68, 73, 80, 84, 85, 89, 92, 93, loi, loi, 102, 103, 103, 113, 113, 118, 121, 121, 128, 14s, 149, 156, 156, 160, 163, 164, 171, 179, 187, 188, 189, 195, 198, 199, 209, 213, 213, 221, 239, 251, 254, 260, 260, 261, 271, 275, 275, 278, 283, 283, 287, 297, 300, 325, 337, 358, 359, 368, 377, 390 Grace, 34, ill, 197, 265 Hester, Ester, 185, 185, 235, 343, 368 Isabel, I, 13, 15, 58, 58, 63, 65, 79, 85, 86, 91, 93, 120, 159, 186, 189, 203, 204, 208, 245, 295, 339, 354 James, 85, 88, 203, 281, 283, 290, 301, 313, 353, 370, 377 Jane, 145, 174, 175, 192, 233, 238, 297 Jenet, 2, 5, 20, 65, 85, 164, 341 John, I, 6, 62, 65, 82, 94, 137, 147, 147, 149, 152, 167, 185, 193, 206, 206, 222, 232, 234, 236, 242, 275, 293, 297, 306, 329, 330, 339, 346, 353, 353, 354, 360, 360, 360, 366, 377, 386, 388, 388, 390 Josuah, 370, 373 Mabel, 21, 40, 60, 62, 64, 147, 174, 179, 180, 211, 211, 251 Mackreth, etc. (contd.) Margaret, 4, 14, 15, 29, 40, 46, 52, 57, 58, 63, 71, 72, 73, 83, 85, 89, 95, 98, 107, 108, 113, 118, 136, 150, 151, 163, 164, 171, 171, 174, 175, 176, 180, 189, 192, 194, 200, 205, 207, 214, 217, 233, 251, 252, 259, 264, 265, 269, 270, 279, 281, 309, 3 '3, 338, 345, 363, 365, 367, 369, 371, 372, 381, 38s, 386 Mary, 287, 301, 357, 377, 381, 386 Michael, 73, 80, 82, 150, 153, 157, 160, 164, 206, 223, 227, 233, 353 Myles, i, 27, 30, 35, 44, 76, 116, 121, 128, 130, 140, 145, 147, 149, 152, 201, 236, 259 Nicholas, 57, 61, 62, 135, 156, 185, 191, 194, 201, 215, 228 Reginald, 164, 165, 173, 195, 199, 200, 209, 211, 249 Renald, 6, 51, 53, 61, 61, 62, 62, 65, 74, 83, 90, 149, 164 Richard, 95 Robert, 69, 150, 183, 185, 366 Samuel, 195, 197 Sarah, Sara, 271, 369 Sibil, 115, 186, 245 Susannah, 187 Thomas, 5, 43, 43, 66, 86, 184, 185, 187, 206, 227, 241, 254, 265, 265, 269, 272, 279, 283, 289, 297, 313, 341, 343, 345, 349, 355, 358, 372, 373, 374, 387. 387, 389 William, 5, 21, 39, 49, 50, 55, 55, 61, 62, 62, 64, 64, 65, 67, 69, 74, 79, 85, 92, 98, 103, 103, 105, 105, 109, 115, 122, 137, 139, 147, 151, 154, 164, 165, 171, 173, 177, 179, 181, 181, 185, 186, 193, 197, 204, 205, 206, 206, 209, 211, 214, 215, 215, 215, 216, 217, 219, 220, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 225, 228, 228, 229, 229, 230, 232, 234, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 238, 242, 244, 250, 267, 267, 270, 272, 283, 293, 303, 306, 315, 315, 320, 330, 334, 338, 339, 339, 341, 341, 343, 353, 354, 357, 361, 363, 364, 365, 369, 370, 372, 373. 373, 376, 377, 381, 381, 384. 389, 389 Macksfield, Mary, 354 Madder, Edward, 310, 315, 318, 373 Jane, 327 John, 373 Margaret, 310 INDEX OF NAMES. 429 Magson, Ann, 62 Christopher, 40 Daniel, 148 Dorathy, 165 Ealse, 1 22 Elizabeth, 160, 166 Francis, 43, 145, 145, 148, 154, 158, 160, 165, 170, 176, 188, 190 Grace, 50, 68 Isabel, 194 Jenet, 120 John, 92, 170, 181 Mary, 55, 155 Mathew, 176, 181 Nathaniel, 188, 190 Peter, 50, 55, 62, 70, 77, 77, 86, 88, 92, 122, 135 Sarah, 70 Susannah, 86, 88, 154 William, 158 Marr, Marre, Ann, 300 Ellen, 289 Hugh, 229, 300 Jane, 128 John, 224, 229 Margaret, 245 Thomas, 245 Marshall, Agnes, 311 Martin, Jane, 34S James, 304 Jenet, 368, John, 349 Mary 363, 375 Robert, 345, 349, 357, 357, 359, 359, 363, 368, 375 Mason, Elizabeth, 379 John, 379 Massick, Massicke, Massack, Massacks, Mossocke, Agnes, 365 Elizabeth, 297 Henry, 347 John, 283, 286, 297, 335, 347, 36s, 383, 38s, 385, 390 Margaret, 385 Susannah, 335 Thomas, 286, 383 William, 390 Mathson, Thomas, 231 Mayberry, Ann, 267, 270 George, 271 Richard, 267, 270, 271, 276 Medcalf, Thomas, 138 Middlefell, Midlefell, Charles, 130, 144, 353 John, 144, 150 Thomas, 383 William, 102 Middleton, Francis, 180 Richard, 180 Milner, Jane, 149 Thomas, 149 Mitchell, Robert, 65, 207 Moone, Isabel, 102 Moore, Moor, Agnes, 265 Catherine, 392 Marianne, 20 Moser, Mozer, Ann, 97 Elizabeth, 96, 97, 104 Hans, 113 Martin, 97, 104, 1 13 Thomas, 96, 97 Mosse, Jane, 320 Mowson, Gyles, 224, 224 Muncaster, Mary, 332 Myre, Myres, Isabel, 320 Theophilus, 333 N. 161 Naylor, Nailor, — Alice, 183 Neeleson, Margaret, 178 Newton, Newtonn, Newtone, Agnes, 196 Dorothy, 21 1 Ellen, 302 John, 282, 291 Lancelot, 211 Margaret, 68 Richard, 282, 282, 282, 302 Robert, 172 Sibil, 22 Newby, Agnes, 11, 16 James, 356 Richard, 342 Thomas, 342, 342, 353, 353, 356, 363, 368 William, 265, 263, 268 Nicolson, Nicholson, Nickolson, Agnes, 21 Allen, 86, 92, 99, 105, 107, 135, 173, 179, 185, 211 Beatrice, 325 Bevis, 258 Christopher, 5, 99, 173, 255 Daniel, 92, 150, 162, 255, 258, 264, 292, 296 Dorothy, 182, 184, 186, 244, 326 Edwin, 30 Elizabeth, 96, 107, 167, 278, 324, 328 Ellen, 211 Eleanor, 292 George, 244, 341 Hannah, 328 Henry, 315, 328 Jane, 393 John, 19, 163, 173, 185, 187, 204 Judith, 264, 315, 321 Margaret, 14, 36, 320, 331, 331, 334, 356 Nathaniel, 86, 162, 167, 173, 177, 182, 183, 184, 186, 19s, 204, 211, 213 43° INDEX OF NAMES, Nicolson, etc. [contd.) Rachel, 326, 330 Robert, 185 Rowland, 36, 40, 44, 63, 96, 179 Samuel, 195, 298 Stephen, 315 Susan, 211 Susannah, 177 Thomas, 78, 185, 187 William, 14, 16, 314, 315, 315, 324, 328, 334, 366 Nill, Margaret, 18 Noble, Agnes, 161 George, 210 James, 388 John, 338 Nolon, Michael, 362 Norish, Gilbert, 391 Thomas, 391 Otley, Ottley, Otleye, Otiay, Agnes, 138 Alice, 251 Ann, 330 Catherine, 72 Isabel, 281 Oxenhouse, Leonard, 183 Richard, 289 Parke, Ann, 240, 390 Barbary, 313 Edward, 322, 367 Henry, 76 Isabel, 23s, 378 Jenet, 141, 296 John, 39, 72, 264, 281, 281 Leonard, 361, 361 Margaret, 331, 332 Mary, 280 Mabel, 7 Myles, 17 Richard, 187, 281 Robert, 208 Rowland, 230, 235, 264 Thomas, 172, 240, 280, 296, 298 Parkinson, Margaret, 18 Partridge, Partrigge, Patrigge, Catherine, 54 Edward, 152 Elizabeth, 13, 359 Emmas, 47 John, 40 Mary, 388 Robert, 58 Patricke, Pattricke, Edward, 331 Pattison, Alice, 364 Anthony, 1 14, 115, 1 19 Pattison, etc. [contd.) Huan, 119 Jane, 338 Margaret, 1 17 Mary, 391 Richard, 181 Thomas, 115 Peares, Christopher, 167 Pearson, Peareson, Henry, 340 Jane, 374, 385 Luck, 248 Roger, 317, 341 Pedlay, Jane, 103 Penington, Pennington, Pemington, Penigton, Agnes, 98, 149, 167, 354 Alexander, 22 Alice, 4 Allan, 3, 31, 88 Ann, 211, 313, 384 Beatrice, 338 Bridget, 255 Catherine, 6, 152 Christopher, 217 Dorothy, 142, 344 Ealse, 12 Edward, 16, 217 Eleanor, 322 Elizabeth, 38, 208, 275, 376 Ellen, 148 Emmas, 4 Garnet, 346 Gilbert, 19 Isabel, 88, 175 James, 149, 151, 219, 292, 313, 326, 326, 344, 354 Jenet, 35, 47 John, 17, 19, 98, 142, 225, 311 Mabel, 12, 13, 13 Margaret, 12, 13, 28, 30 Mary, 325 Richard, 153 Robert, 211, 219, 225, 326, 354, Rowland, 5, 7, 14, 16, 56 Sarah, 320, 332 Susan, 346 Thomas, 338, 354 William 25, 30, 148, 224 Penny, Pennye, Peney, Penney Agnes, 63, 103, 176, 181, 188, 281. 333. 367 Ann, 332 Elizabeth, 56, 68, 90, 151, 267, 306, 318, 373 Ellen, 263 George, 378 Isabel, 228 James, 230, 246 Jenet, 28 John, 77 Mabel, 172 Margaret, 55, 99, 211, 277, 291, 306 INDEX OF NAMES. 431 Penny, etc. {contd.) Martin, 183 Nicholas, 230, 246, 282, 289, 317, 332, 368 Richard, 53, 55, 63, 71, 77, 85, 90, 99, 103, 144, 188, 190, 197, 206, 211, 217, 222, 228, 231, 274, 276, 291, 299, 373, 378, 378 William, 26, 71, 161, 184, 206, 222, 263, 267, 269, 274, 276, 277, 282, 287, 287, 295, 306, 307 Penyson, Isabel, 318 John, 318 Pepper, Pepp, , 243, 243 Agnes, 48, 50, 160 Ann, 149 Dorothy, 290 Eleanor, 8 Elizabeth, 34, 37 Emmas, 103 George, 85, 86, 159, 256, 275, 275; 279, 281, 290 Isabel, 68 James, 16, 237 Jane, 376 John, 45, 48, 63, 68, 69, 103 Margaret, 24, 268, 350 Myles, 50, 81 Robert, 277, 324, 331 Thomas, 258 William, 13, 42, 141, 143, 143, 149, 159, 160, 226, 228, 228, 237, 242, 242, 243, 243, 243, 256, 258, 268, 27s, 277, 279, 299. 305. 317. 317. 324. 33ii 331 Phemcke, Isabel, 124 John, 124 Philipson, Christopher, 390 Pilkington, John, 146 Place, Robert, 170, 172 Margaret, 172 Poall, Pole, Jane, 261 Mabel, 20 William, 261 Pooll, Poole, Agnes, 119, 389 Daniel, 355 Edward, 387, 389 Elizabeth, 387 Janet, 362 John, 93, 112, 348 Peter, 119 Thomas, 235, 235 William, 112, 348, 355 Poorson, Isabel, i8i Portingall, Partingall, Ellen, 182 Emanuel, 182, 240 Postlethwaite, , 270 Agnes, 265 Dorothy, 322, 323, 323, 328, 330, 33 1 > 382, 392 Postlethwaite, etc. (contd.) Ellen, 154 John, 201 Johnathan, 390 Margaret, 183 Mary, 272, 300, 350 Susana, 290 Thomas, 265, 270, 272, 290, 382, 392 Powe, Pow, Edward, 382, 384 John, 35 Mary, 317, 382, 384 Pressy, James, 63 Preston, Percival, 75 Prette, Agnes, 14 Prett, alias Holme, Agnes, 31 Purte, Jenet, 123 Puthpker, Putpker, Pughpker, Poughpker, Agnes, 164, 248 Alice, 210 Balthazar, 198, 198, 248, 254, 308 Balthazar, alias Towsie, 196 Daniel, 175 Jenet, 104, 170 Simon, 98, 104, 198, 206 Pykthow, Barbary, 176 Margaret, 176 R. Radclif, Richard, 48 Raven, alias Rigg, George, 176 Rawes, Rowes, Abraham, 326 Agnes, 61, 278 Edward, 12, 57 William, 41 Margaret, 45 Rawlinson, Rawlingson, Rawlinsone, Rawlison, Rollingson, Rowlinson, Rollinson, Adam, 261 Agnes, 26, 46 Alice, 38, 176, 298 Ann, 74, 89, 138, 189, 19s, 215, 265 Catherine, 6, 95 Christopher, 91 Daniel, 128, 217, 223, 239 Dorothy, 185, 359 Edward, 19, 22, 30, 43 Eleanor, 34 Elizabeth, 4, 35, 46, 80, 82, lis, 136, 160, 182, 185, 186, 187, 201, 248, 331 Ellen, 79 Gillian, 86, 91 Hester, 139 Hugh, 32 Isabel, 12, 12, 30, 54, 75, 83 James, 16, 287 Jane, 113, 124, 126, 182, 195, 248 Jenet, 26, 27, 28, 32, 34, 34, 39, 122 432 INDEX OF NAMES. Rawlinson, etc. (contd.) John, 9, 82, 97, 106, 117, 136, 170, 232, 243 Leonard, 104, 107, 131, 172, 177 Mabel, 3 Margaret, 56, 61, 76, 94, 95 Marian, 114 Marjory, 379 Mary, 69, 190, 207, 209, 287, 309 Myles, no Radagunga, 1 39 Richard, 8, no, in, 122, 325 Robert, 3, 10, 61, 74, 80, 86, 89, 91, 99, 112, 121, 166, 174, 177, 182, 1S7, 189, 195, 201, 207, 2n, 213, 214, 2i6, 217, 222, 223, 225, 225, 231, 232, 239, 243, 244, 273, 308, 384 Samuel, 148, 157 Susan, 222 Susannah, 89, 136, 138, 157, 320, 322 Thomas, 41, 67, 89, 94, 95, 97, 104, 107, 108, 113, 114, 115, 117, 121, 123, 124, 126, 128, 131, 136, 139, 139, 147, 148, 154, 155, I57> 157, 160, 163, 165, 173, 174, 174, 182, 210, 2n, 213, 214, 216, 318, 379 William, i, 15, 73, 73, 75, 77 79> 83. 91. 95> 108, 165, 170, 176, 182, 185, 186, 195, 203, 203, 209, 231, 244, 308 Rawlinson, alias tfleeming, i8S, 191 Ray, Gawine, 309 Rayselay. See also Relsle. Nicholas, 150 Readman, Giles, 329 Hugh, 329 Jane, 329 Reaper, Grace, 295 Jane, 296 Redhead, Readhead, Readheade, Ridd- head Adam, 38 Agnes, 28, 72 Alexander, 80, 169 Alice, 80 Allen, 143 Edward, 385 Eleanor, n2 Elizabeth, 326 Ellen, 78 George, 21, 146 Isabel, 9, 41, 143 Jane, 382 John, 22, 49, 93, 146 Margaret, 42, 93, 226 Mathew, 381, 382, 385 Richard, 39, 52, n2, 128, 278 Robert, 78, 91, 96 Thomas, 52 William, 30, 114, 219, 231 Relsle (or Relfe ?). See also Rayselay. Isabel, 269 Richardson, Arthur, 181 Barnard, 16 1 George, 188 Jane, 279, 346 John, 385 Rachel, 360 Rebecca, 161 Thomas, 360 William, 100 Rigby, Jane, 283 Rigge, Rigg, , 142, 208, 209, 2'50, 2'^Q, 286, 385 Abraham, 58, 70, 76, 82, 93, ns, 178 Adam, 58, 106, 116, 118, 132, 159, 223, 225, 240, 246, 250, 352 Agnes, 5, 9, 12, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32, 42, 44, 44, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 55, 57, 57, 58> 59, 60, 65, 74, 74, 80, 80, 81, 88, 88, 93, loi, 103, 106, 106, 113, 113, 114, 117, n7, 122, 133, 139, 140, 143, 145, 147, 150, 158, 160, 165, 170, 171, 173, 176, 176, 178, 184, 186, 189, 198, 201, 207, 210, 212, 220, 223, 225, 227, 233, 235, 238, 240, 245, 249, 253, 254, 254, 256, 259, 261, 268, 269, 272, 274, 275, 277, 279, 284, 285, 287, 294, 297, 304, 314, 321, 322, 325, 329, 352, 352, 353, 353, 359. 359. 366, 370, 371, 371, 377, 381, 393 Alexander, 116, 118, 120, 128, 131, 136, 138, 238, 241, 250, 250, 255, 255, 261, 267, 272, 279, 312 Alice, 8, 36, 217, 273, 311 Ann, 85, 220, 221, 242, 246, 268, 302, 325, 329, 346, 347, 362, 380 Anthony, 48, 54, 57, 64, 74, 89, 92, 95, 102, no, 118, 221, 250, 268, 273, 276, 278, 280, 286, 294, 300, 302, 308, 315, 347, 387 Arthur, 53, 210, 2n, 220, 232, 262 Barbary, 92, 112, 118, 201 Bartholemew, 21, 29, 97, 99, lOO, 102, 103, 106, no Bartle, 106, 106, 124, 132, 132 Bryam, 46, 69, 88 Catherine, 9, n, 18, 30, 43, 47, in, 121, 183, 184, 285 Cement, 247 Charles, 43, 44, 52, 55, 61, 62, 76, 82, 86, 109, 128, 213, 266 INDEX OF NAMES. 433 Rigge, etc. (conid.) Christopher, 29, 45, 46, 50, 52, S3, 56, 57, 57, 62, 75, 75, 81, 84, 85, 100, loi, 108, 117, 119, 121, 131, 139, 141, 145, 182, 188, 192, 202, 204, 208, 232, 239, 247, 247, 254, 262, 264, 271, 275 Cicily, 58, 225, 246 Clement, 2, 4, 29, 30, 31, 34, 38, 48, 50, S3, 53, 62, 62, 66, 68, 74, 82, 85, 87, 92, lOI, lOI, 105, 106, 106, 119, 120, 123, 126, 128, 133, 136, 139, 142, 143, 145, 147, 149, 149, 158, 159, 164, 165, 168, 168, 171, 172, 174, 174, 182, 188, 191, 198, 209, 211, 216, 216, 217, 218, 224, 224, 227, 227, 227, 227, 235, 238, 239, 242, 258, 280, 311, 315, 317, 317, 349, 375, 394 Cuthbert, 5, 56, 57 Daniel, 346 Dorothy, 76, 102, 106, 134, 143, 149, l6i, 163, 167, 218, 227, 243, 268, 274, 372 Ealse, 92 Edmund, 54 Edward, 73, 76, I2I, 136, 141, 142, 152, 162, 168, 179, 189, 191, 198, 208, 210, 212, 213, 213, 215, 217, 217, 218, 231, 234, 237, 245, 248, 248, 249, 250, 253, 254, 255, 255, 257, 259, 260, 260, 266, 274, 284, 324, 329, 333 Edwin, 21, 49, 52, 61, 62, 96, 115, 123, 150, 178 Elizabeth, 11, 15, 17, 26, 40, 40, 40, 41, 45, 53, 59, 62, 77, 79, 82, 82 83, 89, 92, 93, 99, 100, 102, io8, no, 117, 118, 123, 127, 128, 131, 132, 139, 141, 142, 147, 149, 149, 152, 158, 166, 171, 171, 178, 190, 204, 210, 212, 217, 239, 242, 244, 244, 245, 259, 261, 264, 265, 271, 272, 273, 276, 290, 304, 305, 309, 311, 312, 312, 321, 321, 322, 322, 322, 327, 330, 332, 335, 357, 36t, 361, 367, 368, 372, 372, 380, 388, 392, 392, 393 Ellen, 8, 20, 21, 43, 44, 45, 45, 68, 71, 71, 74, 76, 77, 91, 114, 127, 133, 141, 210, 255, 258, 284, 361, 376 Ester, 250, 290, 317 Gebaye (?), 370 George, 3, 10, 14, 16, 17, 28, 37, 40, 51, 53, 57, 62, 62, 64, 67, 69, 70, 72, 74, 74, 76, 79, 29 Rigge, etc., George (contd.) 80, 80, 88, 89, 97, 97, 100, 102, 102, io6, 109, no, 112, 112, 120, 121, 129, 130, 133, 133, 133, 134, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 143, 145, 146, 149, 149, 155, 156, 158, 159, 163, 167, 169, 171, 176, 178, 179, 180, 184, 188, 188, 188, 191, 192, 199, 203, 203, 203, 204, 206, 207, 212, 215, 215, 217, 220, 232, 236, 236, 238, 24S, 277, 277, 279, 282, 284, 285, 2S5, 286, 287, 290, 300, 302, 302, 319, 320, 320, 320, 321, 327, 329, 330, 330, 330, 333, 333, 336, 336, 343, 346, 352, 352, 357, 359, 361, 361, 368, 368, 368, 370, 371, 372, 375, 380, 385, 389 Hannah, 315 Henry, 18, 69, 72, 84, 89, 103 Isabel, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 24, 27, 33, 42, 49, 52, 6d, 65, 70, 71, 76, 76, 88, 95, 102, 107, 108, 116, 120, 127, 127, 133, 137, 140, 142, 143, 147, 149, 154, 158, 167, 167, 188, 196, 220, 226, 240, 248, 267, 302, 311, 316, 329, 346, 382, 383 Jacob, 65, 112, 113, 117, 120 James, 14, 18, 26, 33, 40, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 60, 60, 60, 61, 61, 67, 68, 68, 76, 79, 81, 85, 100, 102, III, 120, 133, 147, 148, 148, 169, 173, 191, 212, 219, 220, 221, 229, 236, 241, 242, 268, 273, 303, 370, 388, 393 Jane, 25, 48, 82, 230, 234, 237, 255, 278, 311, 328, 346, 349, 366, 383, 390, 394 Jenet, 3, 11, 15, 18, 21, 25, 29, 31, 35, 35, 36, 43, 52, 80,96, 109, 115, 115, 117, 123, 140, 164, 170, 171, 190, 389 John, I, I, 4, 33, 38, 40, 42, 46, 48, 48, 51, 55, 57, 57, 57, 60, 60, 64, 71, 71, 74, 77, 78, 79, 79, 81, 86, 87, 89, 89, 92, 92, 94, 94, 94. 99, 99. 102, 104, 113, 114, 120, 120, 120, 121, 123, 123, 131, 133, 134, 142, 144, 146, 147, 147, 149, 152, 152, 154, 161, 170, 173, 173, 175, 177, 183, 184, 193, 196, 199, 200, 205, 211, 213, 213, 214, 215, 225, 243, 244, 247, 254, 255, 258, 264, 285, 29s, 302, 305, 308, 317, 317, 317, 318, 324, 333, 334, 339, 349, 357, 361, 371, 382, -i82, 382, 38s, 386, 387, 388, 390, 391, 391, 393 434 INDEX OF NAMES. Rigge, etc. {contd.) Lawrence, 15 Leonard, 15, 27, 30, 36, 36, 36, 46, SI. 54, 58, 58, 61, 69, 72, 75, 76, 96, 108, 128, 131 Mabel, 3, 6, 30, 62, 62, 78, 93, 108, lis, 1.^8, 147, IS2, 232, 274 Magdalen, 288 Margaret, 3, 13, 23, 24, 25, 26, 26, 30, 36, 48, SO, 51, SI, S9, 60, 64, 64, 68, 77, 8s, 87, 87, 88, 89, 90, 90, 91, 100, 120, 121, 127, 127, 127, 130, 130, 131, 133, 134, 136, 139, 140, 142, 14s, I4S> ISO, IS2. IS4, 168, 192, 201, 203, 203, 20s, 21S, 217, 218, 223, 229, 230, 239, 240, 248, 2S8, 259, 265, 272, 276, 279, 281, 283, 286, 320, 320, 322, 326, 330, 331, 334, 336, 340, 343, 34S, 346, 348, 3SO, 367, 368, 370, 384, 384, 390 Mary, 98, 167, 169, 2IS, 233, 246, 275, 288, 291 Mathew, 47 Myles, 20, 27, 28, 39, 45, 48, 51, 60, 61, 62, 62, 70, 79, 79, 79, 81, 86, 88, 90, 95, 97, 98, 120, 124, 128, 131, 132, 134, 14S, 161, 183, 191, 232, 240, 272, 27s, 277, 279, 290, 297, 35S, 368 Richard 2, 3, 8, 21, 22, 3S, 40, 42, 44, 46, S3, S4, 61, 63, 64, 66, 66, 67, 67, 71, 73, 79, 80, 82, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 99, 100, 120, 123, 126, 130, 133, 136, 137, 140, 142, 143, 146, 147, 149, IS2, IS2, 152, 159, 160, 160, 167, 177, 227, 234, 234, 23s, 284, 284, 317, 335, 336, 340, 344, 353, 357, 359, 359, 361, 361, 370, 382 Righi, 317 r . . Robert, 4, 7, 19, SS, 59, 61, 64, 64, 67, 69, 71, 72, 82, 85, 86, 86, 89, 91, 9S, 99. 106, IIS, 116, 133, 142, 14s, 146, 167, 170, 170, 171, 173, 182, 201, 204, 204, 215, 217, 219, 219, 220, 225, 232, 232, 239, 242, 245, 245, 246, 250, 254, 255, 258, 264, 265, 274, 276, 283, 284, 285, 288, 292, 333, 335, 343, 357, 382, 384 Roger, 23 Sibil, 3, 5, 9, II, 12, 38, 219, 278. 321, 332 Simon, 15, 43. 46, 50, 55, 59, 60, 73, 108, 121, 126, 218, 220, 230, 239, 247, 257. 262, 269, 273, 280, 337 Rigge, etc. {contd.) Susannah, 112, II 3 Thomas, 37, 59, 59, 78, 85, 85, 103, 103, 104, III, 117, 121, 128, 131, 136, 145, 158, 160, 182, 187, 190, 200, 210, 211, 215, 218, 220, 220, 220, 220, 227, 234, 240, 244, 244, 244, 245, 247, 264, 270, 277, 283, 286, 288, 288, 302, 303, 303, 305, 309, 313, 314, 317, 330, 334, 353, 371, 372, 385, 391. 393. Tomalin, 152 William, I, i, 3, 8, 18, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30, 33, 35, 37, 37, 38, 42, 45, 45, 47, SO, SO, 52, 53, 54, 54, 56, 57, 60, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 71, 72, 73, 76, 79, 80, 82, 86, 87, 91, 92, 92, 94, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 110, 117, 120, 121, 121, 121, 121, 124, 127, 127, 128, 128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 134, 136, 137, 138, 138, 140, 142, 145, 149, ISO, 153, 158, 159, 159, 163, 163, 167, 167, 168, 170, 171, 173, 175, 177, 183, 184, 184, 187, 187, 190, 191, 191, 191, 193, 196, 202, 206, 211, 212, 212, 212, 213, 214, 219, 220, 220, 220, 223, 225, 227, 227, 230, 230, 230, 231, 233, 234, 234, 234, 235, 236, 236, 238, 241, 242, 242, 242, 245, 246, 247, 248, 248, 250, 250, 250, 255, 256, 256, 257, 257, 258, 258, 261, 263, 264, 266, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 274, 274, 274, 275, 275, 284, 285, 285, 291, 296, 297, 298, 299, 304, 307, 311, 311, 313, 313, 313, 319, 320, 320, 322, 330, 333, 334, 334, 334. 335. 342, 342, 344, 346, 347, 349. 353, 353, 353, 357, 357, 3S8, 362, 362, 365, 366, 366, 366, 366, 366, 367, 368, 369, 369, 370, 371, 371- 375. 377. 380, 381, 385, 386, 391, 391 Roberts, George, 196, 265, 289, 337 Mabel, 289 Thomas, 314 William, 90 Robinson, Robinsone, Adam, 93 Agnes, 178, 198, 269, 27s, 296, 327. 330, 336, 381, 390 Alice, 196 Ann, 79 Barnard, 211, 219, 292, 293 Bryan, 272 Cornelius, 346 INDEX OF NAMES. 435 Robinson, etc. (contd.) Catherine, 151, 219 Edward, 28, 44, 58, 62, 93, 95, 98, 98, 147, 169, 187,' 196, 198, 198, 249, 289, 340, 346 Elizabeth, 74, 81, 87, 173, 206, 348, 350, 351, 367, 380 Ellen, 211, 242, 261, 340 George, 45, 78, 79, 114, 165, 355, 382 Henry, 259, 336, 338, 339, 348, 351, 355. 380, 380, 382 Isabel, 19, 249 Jenet, 3, 33 John, 13, 72, 74, 75, 78, 79, 95, 154, 160, 166, 201, 205, 206, 2i9> 259, 290, 339, 367 Joseph, 379 Leonard, 35 Mabel, 13, 30, 194 Margaret, 34, 72, 167, 265, 307 Mary, 260, 343, 388 Myles, 68 Richard, 343 Robert, 46 Roger, 356 Rowland, 114 Thomas, 18,62, 72, 160, 165, 173, 181 William, 16, 48, 75, 170, 216, 242, 251, 251, 260, 272, 290, 291, 291, 296, 314 Rooke, Ruke, Alice, 19 David, 17, 132, 134, 138 Ealse, 25 George, 2, 39, 51, 51 John, 27, 47 Mabel, 134 Margaret, 144 Myles, 93, 103, 15s Richard, 147 Thomas, 103, 280 William, 93 Rowes. See Rawes. Rowlandson, Rowneson, Rowenson, Rownson, Rawnson, Roundson, Agnes, 231 Deborah, 370 Dorothy, 269 Easter, 356 Edward, 25 Elizabeth, 204, 341, 342, 387 Emmas, 262 George, 268, 278, 280, 287, 287, 301, 336, 350, 393 Hannah, 352 Jane, 301 Jenet, 28 John, 353, 356, 357, 357, 364, 377, 379, 379, 387, 393 Margaret, 364 Mary, 280 Ruth, 278 Rowlandson, etc. {contd.) Thomas, 154 William, 269, 274, 336, 338, 342, 352, 370, 377, 379, 383, 383 Russell, Alice, 238 Ann, 207 Charles, 212, 218, 222, 230, 237, 242, 272, 274, 274, 288, 294, 297, 302, 309, 309, 315, 319, 319, 336, 341, 354 Elizabeth, 212, 361 Ellen, 218 Hannah, 319 James, 317 Jane, 319 Jenet, 313, 313, 321 Joell, 302 John, 205, 237, 238, 297 Margaret, 242 Michael, 295 Naamah, 336, 341 Rachel, 230, 297, 361 Rebecca, 230 Robert, 222, 297, 297, 304, 304, 309, 313, 313, 317, 321, 330, 330 Thomas, 295 William, 309 Zuriall, 315, 354 Ryley, alias Brooke, John, 104 8. Sadler, Adam, 329 Isabel, 335, 344 Jenet, 34 John, 320, 329, 335, 344, 356 Mabel, 21, 65 Sandys, Sandes, Sands, Adam, 45, 52, 59, 59, 71, 78, 79, 82, 94, 95, 100, 103, 107, no, 112, 148, 172, 219, 223, 230, 237, 245, 251, 254, 260, 262, 268, 271, 279, 282, 291, 293, 299, 303, 314, zzi, zyi^ 341, 363 Agnes, 12, 12, 83, 95, 103, 159, 189, 195, 196, 245, 262, 278, 287, 314, 326 Alice, 68 Ann, Anna, 65, 94, 98, 99, loo, 106, 106, 107, 119, 127, 145, 163, 164, 196, 206, 212, 228, 251, 293, 302, 313, 349, 363, 367, 380 Anthony, 52, 58, 59, 61, 67, 113, 157 Arthur, 53,66, 116, 117, 118, 128, 142, 146, 146, 221 Barbary, 55, 394 Bathsheba, 325, 354 43^ INDEX OF NAMES. Sandys, etc. (con/d.) Beatrice, 333, 387 Bridget, 228, 324, 330 Catherine, 45, 96, 97, 98, T06, 201, 340, 347 Charles, 43 Christabel, 64 Christopher, 20, 29, 43, 47, 59, 60, 61, 73, 78, 81, 82, 82, 87, 96, 97, 98, 102, 106, 107, io8, no, 116, 117, 120, 122, 130, 134, 136, 143, 147, 168, 169, 172, 187, 189, 192, 193, 198, 205, 228, 259, 260, 262, 341 Daniel, 119, 168 David, 97, 104, 105, 125, 133, 140, 148, 159, 164, 164, 166, 166, 176, 185, 190, 195, 196, 196, 200, 251, 259, 261, 277, 277, 306, 311, 341, 342, 349 Dinah, 185 Dorothy, 92, 107, 114, 127, 147, 191, 209, 278, 287, 304, 337, 353, 358, 362 Ealse, 120 Edmund, 21, 83 Edward, 105, 157, 267 Edwin, 89, 98, 99, 105, 107, 113, 116, 117, 118, 120, 122, 123, 123, 125, 160, 163, 191, 300, 3i3> 315 Eleanor, 14, 81, 151, 223 Elizabeth, 28, 42, 51, 65, 78, 79, 81, 82, 88, 89, 94, 95, 97, 118, 125, 159, 164, 166, 171, 189, 189, 193, 207, 212, 215, 215, 216, 225, 240, 256, 269, 283, 286, 314, 323, 334, 340 Ellen, 80, 195, 196, 262, 288 Ester, Hester, 71, 102, 105, 106, 115, 123, 125, 133, 134, 165, 196, 198, 219, 230, 271 fifearfull Allen, 146 Francis, 44, 47, 82, 92, 100, no, 133, 197, 204, 206, 218, 218, 225, 227, 246, 300 Gawin, 296, 302 George, 15, 37, 44, 46, 48, 48, 49. 51, 54, 55, 55, 58, 61, 64, 68, 69, 73, 74, 81, 82, 85, 87, 89, 92, 94, 95, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 107, 114, lis, 116, 118, 133, 146, 146, 177, 190, 213, 216 Grace, 122, 206, 219, 298 Henry, 107 Isabel, 12, 12, 41, 78, 128, 145, 154, 181, 220, 231, 259, 294, 319 James, 42, 221, 378 Jenet, 18, 38 John, 67, 74, 103, 116, 166, 176, 234, 268, 279, 337 Sandys, etc., {contd.) Johnathan, 142, 146 Joseph, 120, 122, 237, 269 Magdalene, 161, 166 Margaret, 8, ID, 23, 25, 28, 54, 74, 80, 86, n3, 132, 139, 169, 180, 195, 198, 201, 204, 207, 243, 265, 390 Mary, 185, 201, 254, 260, 340, 341, 364, 387 Myles, 4, 23, 25, 45, 53, 55, 61, 65, 68, 68, 74, 77, 80, 97, 105, 121, 146, 160, 164, 165, 166, 166, 171, 175, 182, 189, 192, 192, 218, 219, 223, 225, 232, 234, 240, 25 [, 258, 261, 278, 279, 289, 289, 291, 311, 312, 312, 312, 313, 319, 3>9, 325, 328, 334, 334, 336, 337, 339, 34o, 347, 349, 349, 354, 362, 370, 379, 379 Oliver, 45, 67, 119, 195, 207, 215, 21 V 216, 243, 377, 378, 38b, 383, 387, 394 Peter, 237 Rebecca, 140, 218, 323, 339 Reginald, 189, 198, 205, 269 Renald, 61, 77, 189 Richard, 180, 190 Robert, 37, 89, 175, 309 Roger, 117, 129, 218 Ruth, 271, 340 Samuel, 120, 123, 126, 134, 189, 191, 195, 200, 200, 206, 209, 217, 223, 225, 228, 232, 234, 234, 240, 240, 244, 244, 245, 246, 269, 269, 286, 299, 301, 301, 302, 303, 303, 313, 319, 324, 324, 325, 325, 326, 328, 330, 332, 334, .340, 349, 370, 375, 377, Simon, 41, 67, 77 Solomon, 195, 342 Susan, 192, 223 Susannah, 179, 319 Thomas, 9, 28, 45, 47, 48, 51, 51, 54, 60, 60, 85, 103, 106, 106, 107, 107, 116, n9, 124, 125, 126, 134, 134- 135, 138, 139. 146, 160, 169, 176, 177, 185, 191, 197, 197, 198, 200, 215, 228, 245, 267, 271, 278, 286, 288, 294, 294, 296, 307, 313, 319, 370, 383, 383, 387 Timothy, 146 133, 200, 312, 336, 60, 92, 161, 172, 211, 232, 268, 307, 316, 334> 340, 364. 200, 286, 390, 206, 182, 204, 226, 240, 268, 301, 319. 326, 336, 383, 49, 102, no, 127, I45> 179. 199, 269, 294, 367, INDEX OF NAMES. 437 Sandys, etc., (contd.) William, 6, 8, 23, 25, 46, 48, 53> 75. 77, 80, 86, 88, 89, 93, 94, 94, 103, 113, 114, IIS, 116, 116, 120, 121, 122, 125, 125. 130, 133, 133, 134, 143. i45> 153, 159, 166, 168, 172, 175, iSo, 181, 183, 188, 189, 2tl, 215, 215, 215, 217, 225, 228, 243, 253, 255, 259, 259, 267, 288, 290, 290, 291, 296, 301, 302, 302, 304, 309, 320, 344> 370, 383 Sands, ahas Tompson, Rosamond, 181 Sands, a/ias Townsone, Peter, 173 Santon, Joseph, 325 Satter : (? Satterthwaite), Elisabeth, 112 Sibil, 317 William, 112 Satterthwaite, , 139, 268, 284 Adam, 272 Agnes, 2, II, 21, 26, 29, 33, 40, 4S> 54, 58. 62, 63, 87, 96, III, III, III, 116, 117, 131, 132, 133. 144, 151. 159, 168, 173. 175. I79> 182, 183, 188, 189, 190, 194, 207, 207, 219, 220, 220, 225, 233, 245, 247, 247, 248, 252, 252, 254, 259, 264, 264, 309, 317, 320, 321, 322, 323. 350, 361, 371 Alice, 87, 234 Ann, 29, 31, 52, 58, 77, 215, 256, 305, 368, 393 Anthony, 6, 12, 49, 66, 67, 192, 197, 201, 202 Bridget!, 1 7 Bryam, 3, 11, 39, 39, 59, 69, 69, 73, 76, 83, 109, 123 Catherine, 48, 97, 99, 122, 169 Charles, 8, 47, 48, 55, 58, 63, 64, 66, 70, 71, 72, 78, 82, 83, 87, 89, 91, 95, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 107, 107, 112, 115, 117, 117, 119, 122, 133, 136, 146, 155, 164, 173, 174, 175, '79, 180, 189, 210, 223, 236, 238, 244, 247, 252, 254, 254, 257, 259, 261, 264, 264, 265, 271, 2/5, 275, 277, 283, 285, 305, 356, 375, 379 Christopher, 26, 28, 66, 68, 96, 98, 103, 116, 129, 174, 193, 263 Cicily, 48, III, 257, 266 Clement, 62, 98, 122, 126, 126, 127, 130, 130, 137, 145, 151, 152, 15s, 162, 164, 170, 171, 174, 180, 182, 183, 185, 189, 190, 193, 194, 19s, 195, 196, Satterthwaite, etc., Clement (contd.) 198, 207, 207, 214, 220, 225, 232, 236, 241, 241, 246, 257, 310, 321, 342, 343, 348, 353, 357, 358, 370, 378, 383, 384, 387 Dorothy, 2, 72, 77, 81, 92, 137, 174, 176, 177, 178, 203, 207, 231, 254, 272, 320, 322, 322, 323, 327, 359, 370, 387 Ealse, 123 Edmund, 90, 94 Edward, 21, 23, 23, 24, 27, 37, 50, 51, 63, 64, 71, 74 93, 95. ioo> 100, 100, 104, no, no, III, 118, 118, 124, 125, 133, 134, 136, 138, 138, 138, 142, 144. 145, 148, 153, 170, 173, J77, 177, 177, 178, 179, iSi, 184, 185, 188, 194, 196, 196, 199, 200, 201, 221, 221, 227, 233, 234, 237, 276, 322, 348 Edwin, 121, 145 Eleanor, 2, 72, ii2, 123, 160, 323, 327 Elizabeth, i, 3, 16, 17, 21, 25 27, 27, 28, 34, 37, 41, 48 S3, 60, 71, 74, 82, 90, 91 9S, 98, 104, 109, III, 112, »35, 136, 136, 136, 138, 146, 147, is6, 160, 168, 171, 177, 194, 195, 196, 204, 207, 211, 214, 21S, 2S4, 271, 286, 297, 302, 337, 353 Ellen, 14, 22, S7, 69, 74, 81, 139, 143, 192, 220, 2S3, 296, 328, 376 Francis, 182, 184 George, 8, 11, 21, 41, 43, 48 S8, 62, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 79, 79 92, 93- 94, 95, 95. 96, 9< 97, 97, 98, 98, 102, 102, 104, 106, 107, 109, no, 112, 112, IIS, 121, 121, 130, 133, 136, 136, 137, 14s, 147, 147, IS9, 160, 169, 177, 179, i8o, 182, 185, 196, 201, 202, 203, 210, 211, 21S, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 225, 227, .29, 230, 231, 232, 23s, 240, 253, 2S6, 2S7, 259, 266, 269, 28s, 2S9, 300, 305, 311, 364, 367, 379, 384 Grace, 107 Isabel, 2, 16, 17, 19, 23, 26, 46, 48, 55, 64, 66, 77, 94, 224, 245, 342, 362, 132, 182, 278, 327, 29, ,87, 106, 123, 138, 144, 174, 180, 195, 204, 235, 200, , 26, ,48, ,93, 123, 142, 170, 204, 226, 333, 130, 256, 73, 88, ,96, 103, no, 126, 138, 167, i8s, 203, 218, 229, 237, 263, 305. 383. 438 INDEX OF NAMES. Satterthwaite, etc., Isabel [contd.) 95) 97. 104, 128, 132, 142, 144, 171, 174, 177, 222, 265, 278, 289, 308, 346, 348, 356 Jacob, 116 James, 5, 7, 8, 11, 23, 24, 27, 27, SO, 58, 59> 60, 64, 75, 79, 81, 81, 89, 90, 96, 97, 104, 105, 105, 107, 123, 136, 137, 141, 142, I43i 147. 147, 149. 150, 154, 157, 162, 162, 164, 164, 166, 170, 176, 183, 1S9, 19I1 193) 194, 197) 223, 223, 226, 233, 240, 243, 246, 25s, 261, 282, 305, 387 Jane, 81, 155, 223, 325 Jenet, 5, 6, 21, 27, 63, 77, 81, 91, 96, 102, 130, 166, 194, 212 Jepthah, 176 John, 52, 52, 52, 58, 58, 59, 70, 72, 84, 86, 98, 99, 1 10, III, 114, 121, 131, 139, 145, 145, 151, 15I) 159) 162, 171, 171, 172, 172, 174, 177, 177, 178, 182, 184, 187, 19s, 19s, 197, 197, 197) 197) 198) 199) 202, 202, 202, 203, 203, 203, 205, 207, 211, 215, 215, 216, 220, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 235, 241, 243, 246, 247, 252, 270, 281, 290, 299, 308, 315, 318, 334, 349, 362, 381, 382, 386 Mabel, 90, 90, 99, 1 00, 171, 189 Margaret, 2, 4, 13, 17, 26, 40, 43) 53, 58, 62, 68, 70, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 85, 87, 89, 97, 104, 104, 107, 115, 116, 116, 117, 118, 119, 122, 123, 127, 129, 136, 136, 141, 145, 145, 151, 151, 154, 154, 159, 162, 164, 164, 168, 170, 171, 177, 187, 198, 204, 207, 210, 218, 225, 228, 236, 239, 242, 248, 257, 282, 308, 321, 338, 341, 353, 356, 356, 386 Mary, 137, 161, 203, 205, 265, 268, 353, 381, 386 Ranald, 11 Richard, 12, 29, 40, 43, 52, 52, 66, 74, 81, 81, 81, 84, 91, 112, 129, 145 Robt-rt, 9, 28, 29, 33, 38, 45, 48, 49, SO) 5I) 53) S3) 56, 57. 58, 59, 61, 62, 65, 73, 78, 81, 8]., 82, 83, 90, 94, 97, 98, 100, 103, 105, 113, 127, 129, 130, 139, 143, 143, 151, 166, 166, 167, 168, 171, 174, 174, 176, 177, 196, 213, 218, 223, 232, 240, 242, 247, 252, 254, 256, 265, 266, 268, 275, 282, 371, 3S1, 386, 388, 388, 393 Roger, 1 1 Satterthwaite, etc. (contd.) Samuel, 203, 230, 241 Sibil, 2, 42, III, 254, 317 Susan, 211 Susannah, 89, 93, 198,202,203, 231 Thomas, 8, 12, 16, 31, 37, 40, 47, 48, SO, 5S, 70, 71, 72, 72, 76, 77, 82, 82, 83, 83, 85, 89, 107, 107, no, 114, 114, 115, 115, 132, 137, 141, 143, 144, 146, 149, 150, 151, 155, 157, 160, 161, 168, 173, 176, 177, 181, 183, 186, 186, 190, 190, 195, 195, 196, 197, 203, 212, 214, 215, 218, 219, 219, 221, 221, 221, 222, 223, 226, 228, 230, 230, 234, 235, 238, 244, 244, 245, 247, 254, 255, 25s, 257, 27s, 281, 285, 288, 292, 299) 301, 31S) 322, 325. 342, 350, 353, 359, 360, 369, 381 William, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 26, 30, 37, 42, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 52, S3. 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 61, 62, 63, 64, 71, 74, 79, 80, 81, 81, 82, 82, 87, 88, 88, 89, 90, 90, 93, 97, 98, 99, 99, 100, loi, 102, 102, 102, 103, 106, 106, 107, 107, 107, 108, 109, III, 112, 112, 112, 114, 114, 116, 117, 121, 123, 126, 127, 128, 129, 129, 131, 132, 135) 136, 136) 142, 143. 143) 144, 146, 147, 148, 151, 153, 155, 155, 157, 157) i63) 164, 168, 169, 169, 173, 173, 174, 174, 174, I7S, 178, 179, 181, 182, 183, 185, 185, 186, 186, 186, 189, 190, 190, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194) 194, 196, 197, 199, 207, 212, 215, 216, 219, 221, 221, 223, 225, 225, 225, 230, 232, 234, 23s, 23s, 244, 245, 246, 249, 251, 251, 251, 252, 253, 253, 254, 260, 264, 264, 268, 272, 272, 272, 280, 280, 283, 284, 28s, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 295, 301, 303. 305, 306, 309, 320, 325, 328, 334, 337, 338, 339, 339, 34S, 346, 347, 348, 349, 355, 355, 357, 362, 362, 362, 364, 368, 369, 374, 378, 378, 381, 381, 387 SauU, Margaret, 390 Sawrey, Saw : , Sarey, , 244 Adam, 30 Agnes, 15, 51, 82, 99, 104, 106, 116, 139, 150, 165, 178, 181, 240, 258, 278, 304, 315, 319 322, 322, 323, 323, 323, 325 INDEX OF NAMES. 439 Sawrey, etc., Agnes [contd.) 326, 330, 334, 358, 364, 382, 388, 390, 391, 392 Alice, 270 Ann, 4, 56, 72, 108, 230, 304, 348, 350, 351 Anthony, 20, 22, 30, 97, 108, no, 116, 120, 125, 127, 130, i37> 138, 139, 143, 145. 148, 150, 162, 168, 179, 181, 182, 183, 185, 191, 193, 196, 197, 198, 201, 202, 204, 212, 212, 219, 219, 229, 230, 238, 242, 244. 24s, 246, 247, 247, 249, 258, 259, 261, 265, 266, 271, 275, 276, 278, 278, 282, 285, 290, 302, 310, 314, 319, 326, 327. 327, 334, 339. 346, 351. 357> 365, 368, 369, 371. 372, 373, 375, 382 Barbary, 99, 106, 133, 177, 185, 195, 196, 200, 210, 261, 282, 329. 390 Catherine, 96, 184, 186 Daniel, 239, 273, 310, 313, 376 Dorothy, 90, 151, 153, 174, 180, 197, 219, 219, 223, 229, 239, 253, 268, 285, 290, 291, 305, 329, 332, 332, 346, 362, 384 Edward, 14, 69, 74, 75, 133, 177, 185, 197, 201, 212, 214, 222, 228, 229, 232, 232, 233, 233. 233, 234, 236, 237, 244, 250, 255, 265, 268, 27s, 281, 282, 286, 288, 288, 290, 298, 299, 301, 304, 307, 310, 310, 310, 313, 313, 315, 316, 317, 317, 323, 324, 324, 328, 329, 335. 336, 341, 342, 343. 348, 357. 365, 366, 368, 372, 375, 376, 381, 384, 386, 38S, 389 Eleanor, 322 Elizabeth, 23, 33, 35, 55, 79> 82, 83, 90, 106, 115, 116, 125, 137, 137. 143, 160, 182, 190, 191, 198, 201, 202, 204, 212, 220, 244, 252, 252, 262, 266, 286, 293. 301, 302, 305, 325, 337. 358, 385, 386, 388 Ellen, 23, 75, 186, 212, 288 Ester, Hester, loi, 185, 188, 208, 214, 263, 290, 291, 326, 334, 374 Ferdinando, 23 Francis, 37, 93, 95, loi, 108, no, 113, 118, 118, 121, 137, 140, 143, 149, 164, 172, 179, 195. 222, 225, 225, 239, 255, 256, 259, 305 Henry, 8, 44, 53, 98. 99. 102, 108, 120, 143, 146, 162, 163, 182, 184, 188, 195, 229, 239, 248, 249, 251, 252, 258, 259, Sawrey, etc., Henry (contd.) 270, 275, 276, 277, 278, 281, 283, 2S3, 299, 372, 373, 375, 392 Isabel, 18, 212, 269, 317, 323, 372 Jacob, Jacobe, 107, 135, 138, 164, 172, 208, 216, 308 James, i, 145, 289, 324, 328 Jane, 26, 67, 95, 116, 120, 164, 229, 257, 280, 335, 368, 378, 381 Jenet, 19, 103, 104 Jo'j, 301, 388, 390 John, 21, 49, 95, 96, 97, 99, loi, 106, III, 114, 115, 116, 119, 120, 121, 121, 121, 121, 125, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131, 132, 133, 133, 137, 140, 143, 143. 143, I4S, 146, 148, 148, 151, 151, 152, 153, 154, 160, 160, 174. 175. 176, 177. 184. 184, 186, 186, 190, 191, 191, 193, 200, 206, 209, 219, 222, 225, 225, 227, 228, 234, 236, 246, 252, 253, 255, 268, 268, 270, 275, 276, 281, 2S1, 282, 283, 283, 286, 289, 294, 294, 304, 304, 304. 304, 306, 306, 311, 3n, 312, 313, 313, 313, 319, 319, 319, 322, 323, 334, 336, 339. 341, 348, 359. 365, 366, 369, 373, 391, 391 Lydia, 293 Ma'oel, 44, 65, 102, 104, 295 Margaret, 12, 18, 90, 1 14, 145, 145, 160, 179, 212, 230, 255, 255, 265, 274, 275, 277, 299, 301, 342, 346, 3S2, 393 Marian, 30 Mary, 168, 220, 259, 283, 290, 297, 302, 306, 364, 365, 366, 370, 372, 381 Myles, 29, 48, 53, 55, 56, 65, 74, 75, 79, 90, 97, 118, 123, 125, 126, 131, 139, 146, 150, 152, 154, 160, 162, 165, 174, 180, 182, 184, 186, 188, 188, 191, 194, 197, 205, 206, 209, 226, 228, 229, 233, 234, 237, 240, 241, 244, 244, 248, 251, 256, 257, 258, 271, 274, 282, 289, 291, 299, 316, 317, 338, 339, 341, 344, 346, 350, 355, 355, 358, 358, 362, 262, 363, 364, 366, 366, 369, 372, 372, 372, 378, 382, 388, 392 Obedience, 307, 385 Oliver, 195, 343 Patience, 286, 323 Richard, 216, 294 Robert, 73 Roger, 324, 328 44° INDEX OF NAMES. Sawrey, etc. {contd.) Samuel, 239, 301, 307, 309, 310 Sarah, 304, 371 Susannah, no, 317, 319, 327, 357 Thomas, 75, 82, 130, 131, 156, 178, 242, 316 Thomasin, 193 William, 7, 15, 17, 20, 33, 34, 65, 66, 72, 84, 103, 106, 108, no, 113, 115, 115, 119, 121, 125, I3i> 133. 136, 137, 139. 143, 145, 148, 149, 149, 150, 150, 151, 152, 152, 160, 160, 162, 164, 167, 168, 168, 174, 175, 177, 178, 178. 178, 179, 179, 181, 185, 186, 190, 191, 193. 193. 194, 19s. 196, 198, 200, 200, 201, 204, 208, 209, 209, 214, 214, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 228, 229, 229, 230, 233, 234, 235, 235, 235, 239, 239, 240, 240, 244, 246, 248, 250, 251, 251, 252, 257, 262, 263, 263, 263, 265, 267, 269, 273, 275, 280, 2S1, 281, 281, 282, 282, 283, 285, 285, 286, 286, 288, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 289, 290, 291, 293, 294, 294, 294, 295, 298, 298, 299, 301, 301, 304, 304, 304, 305, 305, 305, 305, 307, 309, 310. 310, 310, 313, 314, 315, 317, 319, 319, 322, 324, 329, 341, 341, 346, 347, 347. 348, 350. 357, 357, 359, 363, 367, 367, 372, 386, 390, 390, 391, 392 Scale, Scales, Schales, Skele, , 252 Agnes, 7, 10, 15, 65, 78, 116, 117, 125, 190, 235, 23s, 236, 240, 300, 307, 320, 330, 341, 344, 345, 383, 392, 392 Alice, 39a Ann, 331 Catherine, 24 Christopher, 99, 108 Edward, 31, 51,93, 103, 122, 139, 183, 205, 235, 239, 247, 270, 330 Elizabeth, 31, 62, 63, 76, 96, 99, 175, 196, 277, 306, 322, 358 Ellen, 87, 189, 211, 246, 279, 289, 327, 377 Ester, 321, 355 Isabel, 3, 54, 75, 183, 213, 237, 322, 341 Jacob, 67 James, 3, 72, 87, 213 Jenet, 10, 80, 91, 164, 294, 295, 356 John, 16, 23, 24, 25, 34, 35, 36, 51, 53, 61, 63, 78, 99, 109, 112, 112, 114, 121, 141, 141, 157, Scale, etc., John (contd.') 180, 183, 216, 228, 234, 265, 270, 274, 276, 277, 277, 279, 281, 281, 291, 294, 300, 320, 326, 329, 340, 340, 352, 352, 354, 354, 355, 363, 374, 374, 377, 377, 379, 383, 383, 388, 392 Joseph, 205 Mabel, 18, 67, 87 Margaret, 14, 98, 103, 178, 189, 199, 232, 274, 328, 329, 346 Martha, 316 Mary, 25 1, 255 Richard, 31, 62, 69, 75, 87, loi, 107, 108, 117, 129, 174, 183, 225, 291, 292, 316, 337, 357 Robert, 89, loi, 107, 167, 175, 219, 225, 226, 228, 232, 235, 236, 246, 249, 256, 295, 300, 307, 320, 340, 344, 368, 368, 377, 381 Rowland, 15, 22, 29, 103, 109, 125, 125, 131, 135, 180, 183, 189, 199, 199, 202, 211, 213, 213, 216, 237, 251, 255, 273, 289, 293, 326, 326, 332, 341, 361 Sarah, 363 Sibel, 131, 292 Thomas, 7, 16, 54, 63, 69, 76, 125, 125, 13s, 153, 155, 178, 213, 216, 239, 345, 353, 353 William, 39, 46, 67, 91, 125, 126, 139, 167, 213, 219, 238, 252, 277, 293, 306, 310, 322 Scotson, Agnes, 28 Alice, 22 Christopher, 10 Margaret, 272 James, 95 Seamer, Christopher, 142 William, 142 Seatle, James, no Robert, 108, no, 114 Sibel, 114 Sewarte, John, 265 Sewell, Bridget, 387 Samuel, 387 Shacklock, Shacklocke, Elizabeth, 40, 117 Isabel, 343 John, 45, 45, 71, 123, 127 Robert, 71, 135 Thomas, 127 William, 343 Sharpe, Dorothy, 370 Joseph, 359 William, 384 Shentall, Margaret, 224 William, 224 Shenton, Shentan, Charles, 230, 390 INDEX OF NAMES. 441 Shenton, etc. [contd.) Elizabeth, 214 Margaret, 231 William, 214, 230, 231, 239, 239, 249 Sheperd, John, 386 She. . . all, William, 212 Sherron, Sherran, Sheran, Elizabeth, 357 Jenet, 375 Thomas, 357, 358, 367, 371, 375, 388, 391 William, 361 Shield, Thomas, 378, 378, 378 Simpson, William, 226 Sinkinson, Isabel, 340 Skelldinge, Thomas, 246, 246 Skoreinge, Robert, 208, 208 Slee, John, 58 Smaythwaite, John, 41, 46 Smithson, John, 116 Smyth, Susannah, 338 William, 266 Speight, Robert, 236 Stagge, Elizabeth, 72 Stainforthe, John, 6 Stainton, Elizabeth, 340 Jenet, 358 Stamper, William, 351, 351 Stevenson, Stephenson, John, 170 Margaret, 386 Mary, 343' Stewardson, Stewardsone, Elizabeth, 176 Stillin, Stillinge, Elizabeth, 321 Rowland, 243 Stonbanke, Stonebanke, Stainbank, Staynbank, Adam, 29, 36, 52, 96, 141 Agnes, 42 Catherine, 52, 114 Margaret, 12, 84 Renald, 62 Stonepker, Susannah, 114 Stones, Allan, 224, 226 Robert, 224, 226 Storie, alias Knype, Isabel, 200 Strickland, Agnes, 93, 361, 378 Alice, 16, 248 Ann, 185, 254, 263, 275, 327, 387 Dorothy, 165, 226, 345 Edward, 76, 290 Elizabeth, 189, 193, 195, 208, 316, 327, 348, 350 Ellen, 132, 332, 356 Ester, 280, 358 Francis, 79, 178, 185, 212, 285, 344 George, 46 Isabel, 89, 91, 142, 144; 220, 231, 238, 267, 375 Jacob, 317 Strickland, etc. (contd.) James, 71, 138, 140, 142, 158, 165, 168, 177, 189, 193, 195, 202, 208, 244, 247, 258, 266, 300, 317 Jenet, 15, 300, 384, 386 Jeremiah, 374 John, 31, 275, 275, 329, 345. 347, 353, 374, 375, 380 Johnathaii, 380 Mabel, 187 Margaret, 12, 35, 68, 177, 332 Mary, 200, 258, 263, 323, 348, 367 Mathew, 290, 293 Myles, 63, 64, 71, 79, 91, 118, 140, 144, 164, 165, 180, 193, 194, 348 Reginald, ill, 292, 308 Renald, 89 Rowland, 9, 23, 27, 30, 147, 233, 236, 259 Samuel, 233, 265, 334, 348, 350, 356, 375 Susan, 206, 261, 363 Susannah, 181, 334 Thomas, 64, 96, 129, 132, 158, 166, 168, iSi, 187, 200, 202, 206, 213, 235, 237, 237, 238, 247, 254, 263, 263, 263, 263, 264, 273, 275, 276, 276, 291, 294, 295, 298, 300, 303, 310, 314, 316, 317, 329, 339, 339, 343, 345, 345, 348, 348, 353, 367, 378, 384, 386, 387 Thomasin, 190 William, 27, 212, 287, 350, 363 Stubb, Stubbs, , 378, 378, 378 James, 301, 301, 313, 388, 389 Jane, 313 Jenet, 171 John, 171 Martha, 388 Studdam, John, 356 Studart, alias Harrison, Thomas, 186 Studdert, Studderte, Studarte, Alice, 92 Ellen, 150 Susannah, 97, 125 Thomas, 186 WiUiam, 92, 97 Styth, Ann, 266 Thomas, 264, 264, 266, 266, 266 Suckmantle, Barbary, 99 John, 17s, 176, 178, 180, 185, 192, 192, 193, 193, 194, 194, 203 Michael, 115, 185, 193 Susannah, 180, 193 Thomas, 203 442 INDEX OF NAMES. Suerte, Suert, Sewarte, Agnes, i8i, 211, 294 Alice, 188, 205 Catherine, 343 John, 83, 89, 94, 94, 144, 171, 188, 194, 19S, 198, 202, 202, 205, 206, 211, 265 Margaret, 89, 3S9 Martin, 238 Myles, 206 Thomas, 171 Sutton, John, 340 Swainson, Swenson, Agnes, 391 Bernard, 351, 351 Cliristopher, 358, 377, 383, 391, 391 Elizabeth, 349, 383 Henry, 377 John, 27 Lawrence, 349 William, 40 T. Taylor, Tayler, Taylore, Taylior, Tailor, Tailore, Tailer, , 124 Adam, 334 Agnes, 6, 7, 11, 26, 31, 35, 59, 59, 60, 85, 85, 90, 97, 108, 109, 118, 130, 151, 179, 180, 186, 190, 224, 263, 280, 287, 29s, 325, 325, 335, 361, 365, 373, 377 Alice, 20, 337 Ann, 195, 222, 242, 246, 380 Anthony, 144 Arthur, 73, 78 Benjamin, 358, 361, 366, 377, 381, 384, 388, 393 Bridget, 155 Bryam, 30 Catherine, 12, 32, 226 Charles, 196, 256 Christopher, 18, 24, 29, 36, 38, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 51, 54, 59, 68, 70, 71, 79, 85, 115, 117, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 129, 132, 137. 139, 141, 143, I4S> 153, 153, 157, 159, 165, 172, 174, 182, 185, 186, 191, 191, 198, 199, 202, 205, 210, 210, 211, 214, 214, 214, 218, 220, 221, 222, 222, 224, 226, 229, 230, 231, 231, 232, 240, 241, 247, 259, 262, 262, 263, 284, 292, 293, 29s, 298, 308, 322, 328, 361 Clement, 94, 149, 223, 239, 253, 253, 348 Cuthbert, 129 Taylor, etc. {contd.) David, 232 Dorothy, 185, 247, 384 Edward, 44, 79, 88, 105, 115, 122, 130, 196, 205, 208, 223, 231, 239, 241, 282, 284, 284, 287, 303, 362 Edwin, 100, 117 Eleanor, 5, 364 Elizabeth, 4, 10, 23, 30, 51, 52, 63, 95, 127, 142, 160, 172, 222, 223, 313, 315, 328, 372 Ellen, 20, 67, 89, 124, 191, 195, 220, 258, 297, 320 Emmas, 8, 20, 147 Frances, 224 George, 14, 38, 45, 52, 60, 65, 67, 70, 80, 88, 90, 124, 131, 132, 139, 174, 180, 196, 223, 240, 242, 246, 247, 254, 264, 271, 297, 297, 303, 318, 322, 325, 333, 333, 335, 337, 34°, 344, 346, 357, 359, 372, 373, 382, 389, 389, 393 Henry, 104, 165, 167 Huen, 106 Hugh, 122, 124, 132 Isabel, 10, 24, 27, 31, 32, 35, 35, 43, 85, 86, 105, 125, 159, 196, 211, 223, 230, 262, 282, 288, 292, 308, 322, 330, 343, 367, 368, 391 James, 56, 85, 88, 89, 95, 97, 98, 103, 106, 125, 155, 163, 168, 173, 174, 176, 193, 206, 215, 231, 232, 245, 259, 264, 283, 344, 355, 357, 36S, 372, 382 Jane, 211, 254 Jenet, 13, 19, 26, 35, 53, 80, 158, 177, 180, 202, 321 John, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 19, 53, 57, 59, 69, 69, 95, 96, 104, 105, 105, 121, 123, 129, 144, 144, 155, 162, 172, 180, 181, 187, 202, 208, 214, 218, 221, 227, 2S8, 291, 302, 325, 326, 326, 360, 373, 381 Joseph, 117, 261, 350, 377 Judeth, 248 Lawrence, 38 Leonard, 53, 67, 67 Mabel, 15, 51, 58, 65, 117, 136 Magdalen, 262 Margaret, 5, 10, 10, 10, 13, 24, 36 48, 48, 69, 69, 88, 120, 122 128, 145, 168, 177, 182, 188 190, 221, 225, 261, 262, 283 292, 297, 298, 320, 333, 348 350, 377, 381, 388, 393 Mary, 191, 247, 313, 322, 322 327, 328, 367, 369 Mathew, 22 INDEX OF NAMES. 443 Taylor, etc. (contd.) Myles, 44, 46, 59, 59, 72, 72, 82, 127, 142, 143, 151, 223, 366 Nicholas, 17, 33, 49, 161, 163 Peter, 63 Prudence, 217, 219 Richard, 13, 80, 82, 90, 109, 124, 140, 141, 143, 150, 153, 161, 163, 163, 190, 193, 193, 194, 223, 231, 312, 347 Robert, 4, 4, 6, 18, 36, 39, 56, 58, 59. 59. 62, 65, 69, 69, 70, 78, 103, 106, 107, 113, 123, 129, 129, 135, 136, 159, 167, 168, 172, 173, 179, 188, 188, 190, 190, 193, 195, 196, 199, 200, 202, 205, 210, 214, 214, 220, 225, 229, 233, 233, 238, 264, 264, 278, 288, 292, 314, 322, 343. 346, 355. 362, 367, 382, 382 Roger, 22, 124 Rowland, 8, 18, 70, 202, 252, 263, 280, 288, 310, 314, 318, 391 Susan, 220 Sybel, 20, 72, 182 Thomas, 122, 198, 202, 204 William, 15, 20, 21, 28, 68, 81, 114, 122, 127, 129, 134, 153, 155. 155. 160, 162, 163, 163, 165, 165, 168, 170, 172, 174, 174, 177, 180, 182, 184, 186, 187, 191, 195, 195, 19s, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 202, 202, 204, 205, 206, 206, 211, 212, 213, 213, 214, 214, 214, 217, 219, 220, 220, 224, 224, 224, 229, 231, 233, 233, 233, 233. 234, 243, 252, 262, 271, 294, 295, 295, 303, 304, 308, 313, 320, 322, 322, 333, 334, 346, 348, 35 1, 358, 360, 366, 366, 369, 373, 380, 389 Tennan, Robert, 357 Thexton, Jane, 364 Thornburgh, Margaret, 212 Threason, James, 384 Threlkeld, Margaret, 71 Threshe, Richard, 84 Thwaite, Francis, 176 Todd, Todde, Agnes, 209 John, 209, 210 Margaret, 15 Todhunter, Thomas, 349 Tomlinson, Tomlinsone, Thomlinson, Adam, 29, 31 Agme, 170 Agnes, 82, 91, 92, 137, 141, 14S, 370 Alexander, 34, n6, 133, 142, 152, 161, 173, 205 Anne, 86, 97, 172 Barbary, 83, 86, 136 Tomlinson, etc. (conid.) Benjamin, 370 Catherine, 141 Clement, 32, 91, 92, 97, 155, 156 Edward, 78 Elizabeth, 29, 32, 32, 83, 95, 98, 105, 114, 115, 133, 135, 144, 152. 155, 160, 168, 204, 242 Ellen, 96, 287 George, 32, 32, 70, 73, 77, 80, 87. 92, 97, 109, 116, 146, 149, 159, 161, 187 Grace, 132 Isabel, 79, 97, loi, 142, 150, 170, 187, 198 James, 75 Jane, 162, 168, 235, 343 Jenet, 31, 32, 100, 1 14, 130, 139, 141. 144, 154 John, 32, 32, 74, 88, 89, no, 116, 132, 133. 136, 137. 145. 146, 146, 149, 150, 153, 156, 157. 159. 168, 170, 189, 193, 198. 343, 358 Mabel, 80, 106 Margaret, 32, 45, 95, in, 133, 137, 173 Mary, 73, 154 Myles, 31, 148, 167, 168, 175, 235 Peter, 137, 141, 143, 146, 148, 160, 241 Renald, 70 Richard, 146, 166, 183, 186, 351 Robert, 32, 74, 133, 143, 146, 175. 3^7, 370 Rowland, 84, 86, 91, no, 115, 150, 156, 195 Thomas, 33, 45, 58, 72, 73, 77, 78, 79, 87, 88, 89, 92, 95. 106, 149. 193 William, 83, 96, loi, 105, 154, 168, 168, 170, 195, 214, 287, 350, 358, 370 Tompson, Tomson, Ann, 26, 192, 265, 324. 362 Barbary, 83 Dorothy, 389 Edmund, 317 Edward, 120, 122, 124, 137 Elizabeth, 29, 48, 88, loi, 109, 120, 242 Ester, 361 George, 44, 137 Isabel, 43, 97, 251 James, 39, 40, 51 Jane, 162, 378 Janet, 4, 25, 44, 49, 61 John, II, 12, 57, xoi, 153, 192, 243. 310, 317. 317, 324. 362, 373, 376, 393 Mabel, 27 444 INDEX OF NAMES. Tompson, etc. (contd.) Margaret, 8, 77, 109, 120, 122 Myles, 41, 67, 242, 376 Richard, 50, 51, 56 Robert, 5 Roger, 18 Rosamond, 181 Susannah, 124 Thomas, 50, 56, 84, 86, 88, 97, 109, 109, 138, 156, 389 William, 43, 73, 83, 83, 93, 93, 204 Towers, Agnes, 261 Alice, 20 Ann, 294 Catherine, 152 Elizabeth, 6 Ellen, 207 George, 291 Isabel, III James, 332 John, 152, 192 William, 9 Townson, Townsone, Towneson, Towen- son, Towensone, Towsen, Tonson, Tonsone, , 245 Agnes, 16, 18, 52, 68, 70, 71, 71, 88, 120, 130, 146, 149, 167, 199, 214, 227, 265, 327, 337, 356, 380 Alexander, 37, 55, 71, 79, 91, 124 Anne, 100, 87 Barbary, 140 Bridget, 320, 370 Clement, i, 2, 58, 59, 65, 68, 86, 90, 104, 183 Dorothy, 182, 184, 281, 323, 384 Edward, 73 Elizabeth, 2, 8, 10, 18, 21, 39, 42, 48, 65, 163, 193, 201, 217, 249, 256, 271, 291, 305, 364, 385 Ellen, 60, 92, 93, 139, 150, 224, 341 Emmas, 87 George, 28, 35, 44, 55, 60, 70, 70, 100, 128, 162, 166, 178, 216, 326, 357 Grace, 2 Isabel, 14, 17, 18, 41, 108, 149, 194, 244, 276, 318, 383 James, 37, 72, 176, 258, 260, 265, 273, 379 Jane, 124, 228, 271, 276, 338 Jenet, 5, 20, 37, 55, 64, 65, 89, 120, 120, 122, 127 John, 10, 12, 38, 44, 45, 49. 52. 52, 55, 58, 60, 65, 90, 92, 93, 99, 104, 122, 125, 128, 128, 137, 139, 140, 146, I49> 150. 179, 182, 190, 191, 193, 209, 216, 216, 224, 224, 269, 271, Townson, etc., John (contd.) 293, 29s, 296, 326, 326, 345, 347, 353, 358, 358, 363, 364, 374, 379, 379. 380, 380, 388, 389, 390, 392 Joseph, 117 Leonard, 14, 87, 104, no Mabel, 55, 68, 99 Margaret, 6, 9, 42, 54, 70, 70, 78, 90, 100, 121, 164, 166, 174, 203, 243, 260, 275, 287, 343, 347, 380 Mary, 379 Myles, 245, 249, 250, 259, 266, 269, 280, 295, 337, 358, 367 Peter, 127, 127, 224, 252 Reginald, 125 Renald, 64 Richard, 26, 55, 56, 59, 248, 266, 271, 347 Robert, 18, 275, 377, 383, 388, 390 Rowland, 64, 68, 201, 203, 2og, 214, 216, 216, 227, 256, 269, 270, 271, 275, 281, 292, 297, 305, 318, 323 Sander, 65 T. . ., 122 Thomas, 45, 52, 54, 58, 60, 64, 65, 73, 79, 89, 127, 128, 13s, 175, 179, 184, 190, 203, 209, 216, 216, 224, 249, 280, 281, 297, 299, 320, 355, 364, 367 William, 59, 65, 65, 68, 78, 89, 120, 121, 125, 147, 149, 162, 164, 166, 166, 174, 176, 184, 184, 184, 187, 187, 191, 193, 193, 194, 199, 203, 209, 217, 243, 244, 249, 250, 253, 271, 272, 273, 275, 281, 281, 285, 298, 298, 341, 345, 346, 347, 353, 355, 363, 374, 377, 383, 384, 385, 389 Trinkall, Ralph, 353 Troughton, Alice, 172 Anne, 127, 151, 265 Catherine, 181 Edward, 358 Elizabeth, 137 Ellen, 156 Francis, 137, 140, 145, 151, 267, 292 Isabel, 140 Margaret, 145 Robert, 71 Thomas, 49, 71, 82, 91, 131, 156 William, 82, 91, 151, 153, 370 Tubman, Alexander, 369 Ellen, 371 Isabel, 94, 94 John, 77, 79, 94, 94, 94, 96, 96, 104, 117, 135 Mabel, 79 Richard, 104 INDEX OF NAMES. 445 Turner, Agnes, 53, 54, 72, 350 Ann, 221, 316, 317, 321 Catherine, 12, 16 Christopher, 308, 311, 315, 319, 319, 329, 341, 346, 350. 353. 355. 364. 365. 391 Clement, 14, 66, 80, 147, 150 Daniel, 217 Edmund, 137 Edward, 117, 154, 164, 221, 235 Eleanor, 329, 354 Elizabeth, 19, 22, 27, 90, 107, 108, 118, 123, 257, 315, 323 Ellen, 100, 291, 341 George, 67, 75, 148, 192, 198, 223, 263 Henry, 204, 208, 208, 217 Isabel, 22, 162, 198, 329, 347, 375. 390, 392 Jacob, 118 James, 205 Jenet, 20, 22, 25, 259 John, 4, 13, 15, 22, 23, 25, 36, 41, 49, 75, 75, 100, loi, 102, 108, 109, 117, 117, 117, 118, 122, 123, 123, 128, 129, 133, 136, 137, 147, 148, 150, 159, 160, 162, 163, 166, 203, 216, 258, 259, 268, 268, 270, 270, 274, 308, 315, 316, 321, 347, 360, 392 Lucie, 208 Mabel, 203 Margaret, 9, 12, 91, 135, 229, 245, 262, 270, 280, 315, 318, 327, 384. 386 Mary, loo, 159, 160, 164, 204, 208, 237, 358 Mathew, 118 Nicholas, 133, 146, 148, 158, 164, 181, 199, 225, 268, 279, 280, 371, 374, 383, 383, 392 Richard, 76, 135, 184 Robert, 118, 245, 346, 353 Rowland, 3, 76, 90, 91, 117, 122, 186, 257, 274, 282, 292 Thomas, 54, 146, 148, 155, 258, 355, 369. 369. 391 William, 6, 12, 34, 49, 50, 59, 64, 88, 91, 100, loi, 128, 143, 150, 158, 203, 205, 225, 237, 262, 268, 270, 274, 278, 279, 286, 305, 306, 306, 311, 318, 360, 364, 369, 369, 374, 377, 377. 384. 386, 390, 392 Twentyman, Thomas, 369 Thomasin, 369 Tyson, Tysine, , 146 Agnes, 2, 139, 281, 309 Alice, 378 Ann, 322, 340, 349 David, 83, 333 Elizabeth, 7, 134, 384 Tyson, etc. {contd.) Ellen, 28 Geoffrey, 87 George, 39, 42, 51, 312 Isabel, 138, 275, 361 Jenet, 154, 361 John, 358 Margaret, 7, 143, 322, 326, 328, 330. 366, 371, 379 Robert, 43, 210 Thomas, 26, 99 William, 74, 134, 134, 135, 139, 143, 146, 174, 302, 302, 378 Vayrey, Elizabeth, 53 Robert, 58 Vickars, Vickers, Agnes, 165 Catherine, 210 Edward, 172 Elizabeth, 251 Henry, 179 John, 364 Robert, 154, 165, 179 Thomas, 389 William, 154 w, Walker, , 130 Adam, 14, 271, 336 Agnes, 2, 22, 26, 30, 45, 68, 87, 88, 91, 92, 100, 106, 106, 107, 126, 127, 151, 151, 154, 155, 178, 183, 219, 222, 235, 262, 294, 301, 306, 306, 320, 378, 388 Alice, 12 Ann, 8, 23, 93, 121, 124, 126, 139, 297, 312 Anthony, 53, 117, 119, 127, 129, 130, 142, 151, 161, 256 Barbary, 263 Barnard, 12, 39 Bryam, 91, 348 Catherine, 91 Charles, 29 Christopher, 5, 37, 113, 120, 121, 126, 131, 139, 143, 163, 172, 183, 191, 198, 206, 217, 285, 300, 350 Cicily, 191 David, 198, 371 Dorothy, loi, 181, 254, 316, 318 Edmund, 10, 139 Edward, 8, 26, 34, 43, 45, 51, 52, 63, 65, 67, 68, 72, 73, 76, 79, 115, 116, 131, 144, 151, 155. 159, 165. 166, 171, 186, 446 INDEX OF NAMES. Walker, etc., Edward {contd.) 213, 249, 306, 312, 325, 325, 372, 390 Edwin, 33, 80, Si Eleanor, 3 Elizabeth, 14, 22, 39, 45, 49, 77, 84. 95. 103. 126, 128, 142, 148, 159, 163, 165, 184, 186, 198, 210, 215, 215, 216, 235, 242, 246, 248, 253, 256, 259, 267, 302, 315, 316, 318, 328, 37S> 380, 380, 391 Ellen, 41, 49, 93, 131, 318, 323 Emas, 159 Ester, Hester, 193, 198, 311 Francis, 45, 106, 106, 115, 131, 13s. 137, 148, 164, 221, 236 George, 21, 23, 25, 34, 45, 52, 63, 68, 69, 71, 77, 82, 90, 96, 108, 127, 129, 138, 151, 164, 193, 194, 242, 254, 336, 338, 342, 352, 352, 360, 368, 369, 370, 377 Grace, 121, 126 Gyles, 14, 45, 53, 90, 102, 104, 107, 112, 113, 138, 191, 198, 198, 204, 215, 215, 219, 225, 229 Henry, 74, 119, 139, 144 Isabel, 3, 13, 14, 27, 33, 40, 53, 7Si 85, 93, 102, 103, 108, 109, 112, 114, 131, 170, 184, 186, 187, 232, 243, 289, 306, 319, 333 Jacob, 127 James, 22, 48, 63, 1 12, 121, 121, 127, 129, 131, 139, 151, 159, 164, 168, 168, 168, 173, 205, 218, 219, 243, 257, 261, 297, 306, 311, 339, 341, 365 Jane, 248, 269, 358 Jenet, 3, 9, 16, 19, 22, 22, 31, 116, 124, 140, 142, 234, 293, 324, 379 Jeremy, Jerome, 80, 91, loi, 108, 112, 121, 126, 128, 135 John, 14, 24, 33, 36, 42, 43, 45, 48, 52, 55, 61, 62, 64, 67, 68, 72, 79, 82, 84, loi, 113, 119, 122, 124, 126, 127, 129, 129, 130, 131, 136, 140, 143, 153, 161, 163, 209, 213, 227, 229, 232, 243, 244, 245, 253, 274, 302, 3i5> 316, 318, 329. 331. 331, 335. 347. 353. 367. 37o, 380, 390 Lancelot, 68, 72, 155 Leonard, 59, 59 Mabel, 6, 30, 33, 36, 47, 58, 95, 96, 133, 137 Margaret, 5, 20, 21, 33, 43, 52, 69, 74, 80, 88, 93, 102, 107, 119, 120, 121, 127, 143, 218, 274, 281, 310, 348 Walker, etc. [contd.) Mary, 128, 171, 184, 187, 211, 225. 229, 329, 331, 342 Myles, 9, 26, 39, 43, 56, 60, 63, 71, 71, 79, 86, 92, loi, III, 121, 131, 139, 147, 148, 148, 159. 159, 164. 168, 175, 181, 184, 187, 187, 189, 189, 204, 217, 228, 229, 235, 240, 245, 254. 257, 259, 261, 271, 275, 279, 286, 289, 299, 313, 315, 320, 331, 339, 339, 344, 347, 348, 389 Rachel, 321 Reginald, 103, 109, 124, 124, 181, 189, 193, 198, 202, 210, 226, 286, 289, 319, 328 Renald, 63, 74, 79, 95, 96, 181 Richard, 14, 16, 25, 36, 43, 45, 68, 77, 88, 129, 137, 165, 170, 189, 222, 223, 234, 236, 242, 242, 254, 262, 282, 293, 296 Robert, 2, 4, 17, 19, 21, 29, 35, 35. 44. 45. 47, 47, 49, 53, S3. 55. 56. 56, 56, 58, 58, 60, 68, 69, 106, 109, 13s, 143, 159, 181, 183, 189, 318 Roger, 56, 58, 64, 74, 86, loi, 196, 198, 211, 300, 306 Rowland, 6, 32, 34, 49, 70, 84 Sarah, 335 Sibil, 2, 7, 12, 25, 33, 49, 63 Susan, 313 Thomas, 22, 63, 66, 68, 68, 70, 77, 82, 93, 96, 96, 96, 103, 108, 113, 121, 123, 123, 126, 129, 173, 191, 240, 243, 244, 248, 290, 294, 296, 299, 364, 377 William, 5, 7, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 37. 40, 43, 47. SO, 51. 54. 57. 58, 62, 68, 73, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85,87, 88, 96, 96, 98, III, III, 113, 114, 116, 116, 117, 121, 124, 127, 129, 129, 131, 131, 136, 140, 147, 147, 151, 159, 165, i8i, 186, 198, 204, 206, 211, 211, 213, 213, 216, 2i8, 227, 229, 229, 232, 237, 246, 259, 261, 263, 263, 267, 287, 290, 291, 297, 299, 300, 301. 303, 303, 305. 305, 306, 306, 307, 310, 313, 317, 317, 324, 325, 339, 341, 347. 353. 360, 369, 378, 380, 389, 391 Waller, George, 272 Wallas, Walles, Edward, 109, 248 Ward, Warde, , 133 Agnes, 171, 217, 223 Ann, 86, 297 Dorothy, 99 Ellen, 206, Francis, 120, 122 Henry, 127, 129 INDEX OF NAMES. 447 Ward, etc. [contd.') Isabel, 94, 98 John, 86, 94, 99, 105, no, 120, 122, 127, 129, 133, 145, 229, 245, 252, 299 Mabel, 340 Mary, 139, 198 Randal, 56, 98 Robert, 171, 198, 206 Samuel 145 William, 20, 105, 212, 217, 229, 303 Warriner, Ann, 272 George, 392 John, 87 Mathew, 272 Thomas, 390, 392 Washington, Henry, 180 Richard, 279 Thomas, 180 Walters, John, 99 Myles, 89 Rowland, 89, 99 Watterson, Agnes, 4 Alice, 33, 190, 335, 336 Ann, 360 Anthony, 32, 47, 75, 134 Catherine, 46 Edward, 27, 123, 124, 130, 138, 148, 228, 294, 297, 308, 308, 308, 319, 335, 360 Elizabeth, 50, 63, 9S, 117, i Ellen, 55 George,. 44, 155 Isabel, 17, 44, 48, HI, 326, James, 11, 31, 64, 137, 148, Jane, 60 Jenet, 12 John, 12, 12, 15, 40, 42, 44, 64, IZ. 73. 83, 87, 98, 132, 146, 15s, 160, 169, 303, 319. 337 Mabel, 18, 37, 39 Margaret, 23, 32, loS, 123, 181 Myles, 40, 47, 50, 60, 75, 156 Robert, 37 Stephen, 3 Thomas, 352 William, 21, 48, 54, 55, 64, 130, I53> 216, 233, 304, , 315, 318, 319, 329, 336, 349. 352 Wattson, Watson, Ehzabeth, 291 Henry, 180 Jane, 343 John, 381 Margaret, 180 Robert, 367 Thomas, 114, 196 III, i39> 297, 223, 137, 304. 349. 329 319 i 59, 106, 297. 124, 1^2, Wayles, Agnes, 71 Jenet, 55 William, 53, 55, 71 Webb, Elizabeth, 333 which God lent its, John, 112 Wiggan, Wiggame, James, 146, 234 Reginald, 234, 238 Wilkinson, Anne(?), 170 Elizabeth, 333 Willan, Julia, 338 Willan, alias Banl<, Mary, loi Williamson, , 385 Agnes, 244, 307 Catherine, 212 Charles, 199, 305 Elizabeth, 367 Henry, 244, 261, 261, 267, 269, 271, 283, 292, 292, 312, 312, 344 Isabel, 341 John, 265, 267, 269, 271, 280, 280, 283, 293, 293, 300, 302, 310, 344. 362 Margaret, 271, 271, 292, 310, 322, 328, 362 Willis, Grace, 340 Wilson, Wilsone, Willson, Willsone, Willsonn, Willsonne, , 157 Abraham, 94 Agnes, 27, 63, 72, 98, 125, 183, 189, 201, 258, 283, 287, 341, 374 Ahce, 6 Catherine, 91, 92, 107 Charles, 278, 286 Christopher, 17, 47, 56, 100, 126, 126, 129, 141, 226, 226 Dorothy, 207, 227 Edward, 57, 78, 89, 106, 112, 153, 166, 177, 178, 179, 180, 180, 193, 205, 262, 263, 291 Eleaner, 38 Elizabeth, 9, 25, 28, 47, 51, 94, 117, 166, 226, 278, 286, 321, 321, 321, 328, 338, 392 Ellen, 105, 157, 172, 229, 231, 246, 323 Emas, 262 Francis, 226 George, 21, 226, 2S6, 289, 290, 295, 306 Grace, 290 Hannah, 390 Henry, 167 Isabel, 16, 56, 83, 166, 181, 192, 201, 236, 391 James, 84, 98, 127 Jane, 214, 240, 306 J^^net, 84, 161, 263, 323, 328, 331, 331. 332, 373, 374, 377, 381 448 INDEX OF NAMES. Wilson, etc. {contd.') John, II, 12, 20, 47, 59, 123, 126, 130, 141, 147, 153, 157, 166, 188, 188, 191, 198, 201, 202, 207, 214, 222, 229, 231, 234, 249, 255, 262, 274, 277, 280, 280, 286, 299, 300, 332, 357, 366, 366, 369, 373, 378 Johnathan, 281, 353 foseph, 255, 309 Leonard, 75, 76 Mabel, 24, 123 Margaret, 109, 114, 132, 142, 186, 214, 222, 249, 283, 312, 314, 347, 357 Mary, 323, 328, 328 Michael, 191 Myles, 10, 95, 125 Richard, 59, 76, 105, 188, 189, 190, 214, 224, 231, 341, 347 Robert, 14, 21, 54, 65, 72, 94, 94, 117, 131, 157, 197, 213, 224, 227, 231, 295, 312, 337, 347, 392 Rowland, 80, 84, 98, loo, loS, 116, 123, 129, 132, 205, 221, 227, 246, 275, 309, 320, 344, 381, 383 Sara, 1 50 Thomas, 9, 19, 46, 124, 130, 130, 135, 139, 142, 144, 155, 156, 156, 187, 224, 243, 273, 390 Walter, 3 William, 62, 70, 76, 109, 117, 139, 141, 150, 198, 230, 230, 240, 275, 277, 283, 286, 289, 291, 293, 293, 312, 316, 318, 326, 366, 377, 381, 381 Winder, Isabel, 287 Wood, Woods, Alice, 83 Sibel, 155 Woodburne, Isabel, 392 James, 389 Jane, 335 John, 189, 189, 335, 353 Marj^aret, 172 Nicholas, 389 William, 269 Woodell, John, 374 Wright, Wreighte, , 207 Agnes, 151 Alexander, 158, 211 Anne, 200 Barbary, 93 Christopher, 184 Dorothy, 140 Edward, 182, 184, 200, 204, 205, 207, 211 Esther, Easter, 372, 385 Isabel, 148 Jenet, 9 John, 365, 368, 372, 374, 377, 385 Mary, 172, 365, 377 Richard, 218 Samuel, 204, 205 Thomas, 182 Towsy, 141 William, 140, 148, 151, 158 Yorke, Catherine, 78 George, 78 Youdall, Leonard, 333 &iBt of ^uBectrifieta. Alcock-Beck, W., Esq., Esthwaite Lodge, Hawkshead, Ambleside. Archibald, Mrs. Isabel, Rusland Hall, Ulverston. Ayre, Rev. L. R., Holy Trinity Vicarage, Ulverston. Banks, Edwin H., Esq., Highmoor, Wigton. Barratt, J. W. H., Esq., Holywath, Coniston R.S.O., Lanes. Barrow-in-Furness Free Public Library, Barrow-in-Furness. Barrow-in-Furness, Rt. Rev. The Bishop of. How Foot, Grasmere. Barrow-in-Furness Naturalists' Field Club, 19, Brighton Street, Barrow-in-Furness. Bevon, T., Esq., c/q Messrs. W. S. King & Co., 40, Pall Mall, S.W. Braithwaite, J. Bevan, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, 312, Camden Road, N. Benson, Mrs. A. E., Holly How, Coniston, Lanes. Bethell, William, Esq., Derwent Bank, Malton. Bolton, R. H. B., Esq., M.A., 19, Wobum Square, W.C. Brandreth, W. F. B., Esq., 9, Red Lion Square, W.C. Brierley, Henry, Esq., Registrar County Court, Bury, Lanes. Browne, George, Esq., Troutbeck, Windermere. Carlisle Public Library, Carlisle. Cheetham, Miss K. L., The Priory, Staleybridge, Lanes. Christopherson, Roger, Esq., High Wray, Ambleside. Collingwood, W. G., Esq., Lanehead, Coniston, Lanes. Coward, J., Esq., Fountain Street, Ulverston. Cowper, James C, Esq., Keenground, Hawkshead. CowPER, H. SWAINSON, EsQ., Yew Field Castle, Outgate, Ambleside. CowPER-EssEX, T. C, Esq., Yew Field, Outgate, Ambleside. Crisp, F. A., Esq., F.S.A., Grove Park, Denmark Hill, London. Crossley, W. J., Esq., Pull Woods, Wray, Ambleside. Derby, Rt. Hon. the Earl of, Knowsley, Preseot, Lanes. Dickson, A. B., Esq., Abbot's Reading, Haverthwaite. Dixon, W. Lancaster, Esq., Water Yeat, Blawith, Ulverston. Douglas & Foulis, Messrs., Booksellers, 9, Castle Street, Edinburgh. Ekskine, Rt. Hon. Lord, Spratton Hall, Northampton. 30 45° LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Ford, John Rawlinson, Esq., Quarrydene, Weetwood, Leeds. Ford, John W., Esq., Enfield Old Park, Enfield. Garner, John, Esq., The Garner, Broughton-in-Furness. Garnett, F. Brooksbank, Esq., C.B., 4, Argyll Road, Kensington. Gatey, George, Esq., Ambleside. Green, J. A., Esq., c/o Mr. E. Stock, 62, Paternoster Row, E.G. Greenall, Rev. Richard, The Rectory, Grappenhall, near Warrington. Guildhall Library, Guildhall, E.G. Heelis, William Hopes, Esq., Hawkshead. Hodgson, F. C., Esq., Abbotsford Villa, Twickenham. Hodgson, James, Esq., Theatre Street, Ulverston. Holt, Miss E. G., Sudley, Mossley Hill, Liverpool. Hovenden, Robert, Esq., F.S.A., Heathcote Park Hill Road, Croydon. Hughes, H. R., Esq., Kinmel Park, Abergele, N. Wales. Hunter, Mr. Joseph C., Finsthwaite, Newby Bridge, Ulverston, Lanes. Jackson, S. Hart, Esq., Solicitor, Heaning Wood, Ulverston. Lane, Dr. W., Roger Ground, Hawkshead. Law Society, 103, Chancery Lane, W.C. Little, William, Esq., Chapel Ridding, Windermere. Longstaff, Dr. G. B., Highlands, Putney Heath, S.W. LuMB, James, Esq., Homewood, Whitehaven. Machell, Miss, Penny Bridge, Ulverston. Maddison, Rev. A. R., Vicar's Court, Lincoln. Manchester Public Free Libraries, Manchester. Marshall, George W., Esq., LL.D., "Rouge Croix," Herald's College, E.G. Marshall, Stephen A., Esq., Skelwith Fold, Ambleside. Mawdsley, Mr. J. P., Bookseller, 4, Castle Street, Liverpool. Minns, George, Esq., Waterside, Ely, Cambs. MOFFATT, Mrs., Hawkshead Hill, Outgate, Ambleside. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 18, Somerset Street, Boston, U.S.A. Parker, Major, Browsholme Hall, Clitheroe, Lanes. Pease, Edward Thomas, Esq., Oak Lea, Darlington. Petty, Mr. S. Lister, 24, Queen Street, Ulverston. Price, J. Spencer, Esq., Waterhead House, Ambleside. Radford, William, Esq., M.Inst.C.E., 19, Brazenose Street, Manchester. Redhead, R. Michie, Esq., F.L.S., Holdenclough, Clitheroe. Rhodes, Col. Godfrey, Ambleside. Richardson, Mr. J., Bookseller, 59, Ladywell Park, Lewisham, S.E. Robinson, W. E., Esq., Tithebarn Street, Poulton-le-Fylde. Rochdale Free Public Library, Rochdale. Rollason, Arthur A., Esq., Solicitor, Dixon's Lireen, Dudley. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. 451 Sandys, Major Edwin W., Fulford House, York. Sandys, John K, Esq., Litt.D., St. John's College, Cambridge. Sandys, Col. T. Myles, M.P., Graythwaite Hall, Ulverston. Scale, T. W., Esq., M.R.C.S., Gloucester House, Aberdare. Scott, Robert Forsyth, Esq., St. John's College, Cambridge. Sewell, Col. Frederic R., Brandlingill, Cockermouth. Smith, C. W., Esq., Fisherbeck, Ambleside. Smith, Rev. Irton, St. Margaret's Vicarage, Ilkley. Taylor, Mrs., Laburnum House, Hawkshead, Ambleside. Tempest, Mrs. E. Blanche, Broughton Hall, Skipton-in-Craven. Thompson, W. A., Esq., St. Bees, Cumberland. Thornely, James, Esq., Baycliffe, Woolton, Liverpool. Wadham, Edward, Esq., Millwood, Dalton-in-Furness. Wagner, Malcolm, Esq., Carlton Club, S.W. Walker, Edward, Esq., Solicitor, i, Theatre Street, Ulverston. Watson, C. Knight, Esq., Calgarth Park, Windermere. Wigan Public Library, Wigan. Wilson, J. Newby, Esq., The Landing, Lake Side, Ulverston. Winn, Arthur T., Esq., M.A., Barrister-at-Law, Aldeburgh, Suffolk. Withers, Col. J., Briery Close, Windermere. Woodburne, G. B. Lancaster, Esq., The Cottage, Barton-upon-Irwell. Worthington, Capt. Y., Benham Lodge, Newbury, Berks. ERRATUM. Pagre 450. For Redhead, R. Michie, Esq.. read Milne-Redhead, R., Esq, BEMROSE AND SONS, LIMITED, PRINTERS, LONDON AND DERBY. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. IN PREPARATION— A History of the Parish of Hawkshead. READY IMMEDIATELY— The Hill of the Graces : Travels in Tripoli. METHUEN AND CO. -i ; .■ . ■■■ - ...uvrvll,-..;''., y-'i^-^^i. .'^^llni •P'?f'l|SSS