OLIN BT 303 . DIA 1393i DUK] £r 303 .2- |_3 1924 074 488 1 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924074488150 In compliance with current copyright law, Cornell University Library produced this replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984 to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. 1994 JESUS CHKIST IN THE TALMUD, MIDKASH, ZOHAR, AND THE LITURGY OF THE SYNAGOGUE. ffiambtiligt : PKINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A., iXD SON'S, AT THE UXIVEKSITT PBES3. JESUS CHEIST IN THE TALMUD, MIDRASH, ZOHAR, AND THE LITURGY OF THE SYNAGOGUE. TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS BY THE REV. DR GUSTAF DALMAN, LECTnEER OF THE ONIVEKSITY OF LEIPZIG; DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITDTUM JCDAICOM DELITZSCHIANUM, TOGETHER WITH AN INTRODUCTORY ESSAY BY HEINRICH LAIBLE, MASTER IN THE HIGH SCHOOL OF ROTHENEnRG OX TAUBEB, TRANSLATED AND EDITED BY THE REV. A. W. STREANE, B.D. FELLOW AND DIVINITY AND HEBREW LECTURER, CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, AND FORMERLY TYRWHITT'b HEBREW SCHOLAR. CAMBRIDGE : DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. LONDON AND NEW YOEK: GEORGE BELL & SONS. 1893 s PKEFACE. The attractive subject of Heir Laible's recently pub- lished essay ("Jesus Christus im Thalmud") leads ijie to think that the passages ou which he bases his work, and the comments which he makes upon them, cannot be without interest for the English reader, even though the conclu- sions which he reaches maj^ not on all occasions appear entitled to equally full assent. On my suggesting this to Dr Hermann L. Strack of Berlin (at whose suggestion, as will be seen from the preface to the German edition, Herr Laible undertook the task) I received permission to make use of a large number of spare printed copies of the original texts (numbers I — xxiv ; pages 5* — 19*) which had been edited by Dr Gustaf H. Dalman of Leipzig. ]u oi-der to secure in each case the best available (unexpurgated) text, the following editions were used by him : 1. Palestinian Talmud, Venice, 1.523 — 4. 2. Babylonian Talmud, Venice. B'ralchoth, Shabbath, Sota, Gittin, Sanhedrin, 'Aboda zara, 1520; Ctiagigah, 1521 ; Soph'i'im, 1522 ; Aboth, 1526 ; 'Erubin, Kallah, J'bainoth, 152iS. Variants in the MSS. used by Rabbinovicz {Dikduke Soph'rim, or Variae Lectiones in Mischnara et in Talmud Babylonicum, Munich, 1867 — 1886) are indicated thus : M = the Munich, = the Oxford, FL = the Florence, K = the Karlsruhe MS. For the treatises not dealt with by Ra.bbinovicz, 'En Ja'akob, ^'enice, 1546, was specially used. 3. Tosephta, Zuckermandel, Pasewalk, 1880. VI PREFACE. For the present edition Dr Dalmau has also supplied a translation (see pages %9* — 40*) of the above-mentioned original texts, so far as they do not already appear in Herr Laible's essay ; and further, he has now collected from unexpurgatod MSS. of Jewish liturgies numerous interesting extracts relating to the same subject (pages 21* — 28*) and followed by an English translation (pages 40* — 47*). Hereby, as well as by the introduction of other matte, contributed by Dr Dalman and Herr Laible, and incorporated by me with the body of the essay, or appended in the form of foot-notes, the value of this edition of the work is much enhanced. It has been my aim throughout to render the German as closely as regard for English idiom would permit. At the same time I have ventured to deviate from this rule (a) in dealing with the earlier pages of the essay, which appeared to me to be capable with advantage of some con- densation for the English reader, and (b) very occasionally, in modifying expressions used by the Talmud in reference to our Blessed Lord. It may perhaps be considered that I have not gone quite far enough in this latter respect. Words inserted between square brackets in the text are to be understood in all cases as Herr Laible's. On the other hand all notes for which he is not responsible beai- the initials of the writers. In conclusion I have to express my grateful acknowledg- ments to the Rev. R. Sinker, D.D., Librarian of Trinity College, for reading the proof-sheets of this work and for many valuable suggestions. A. W. S. PREFACE. The attractive subject of Herr Laible's recently pub- lished essay ("Jesus Christus im Thalmud") leads tne to think that the passages on which he bases his work, and the comments which he makes upon them, cannot be without interest for the English reader, even though the conclu- sions which he reaches may not on all occasions appear entitled to equally full assent. On my suggesting this to Dr Hermann L. Strack of Berlin (at whose suggestion, as will be seen from the preface to the German edition, Herr Laible undertook the task) I received permission to make use of a large number of spare printed copies of the original texts (numbers I — xxiv ; pages -5* — 19*) which had been edited by Dr Gustaf H. Dalman of Leipzig. In order to secure in each case the best available (unexpurgated) text, the following editions were used by him : 1. Palestinian Talmud, Venice, 1.523 — 4. 2. Babylonian Talmud, Venice. B'rakhoth, Hhahhath, Sotu, Gittin, Sanhedrin, 'Aboda zara, 1-520; Ghagigah, 1521 ; Soph'rim, 1522; Aboth, 1526; 'Erubin, Kallah, J'bamoth, 1528. Variants in the MSS. used by Rabbinovicz (Dikdjike Soph'rim, or Variae Lectiones in Mischnam et in Talmud Babylonicum, Munich, 1867 — 1886) are indicated thus : M = the Munich, O = the Oxford, Fl. = the Florence, K = the Karlsruhe MS. For the treatises not dealt with by Rabbinovicz, 'En Ja'akob, Venice, 1546, was specially used. 3. Tosephta, Zuckermandel, Pasewalk, 1880. PUEFACK. For the present edition Dr Dalman has also supplied a translation (see pages 39* — 40*) of the above-mentioned original texts, so far as they do not already appear in Herr Laible's essay ; and further, he has now collected from unexpurgatcd MSS. of Jewish liturgies numerous interesting extracts relating to the same subject (pages 21* — 28*) and followed by an English translation (pages 40* — 47*). Hereby, as well as by the introduction of other matte: contributed by Dr Dalman and Herr Laible, and incorporated by me with the bodj^ of the essay, or appended in the form of foot-notes, the value of this edition of the work is much enhanced. It has been my aim throughout to render the German as closely as regard for English idiom would permit. At the same time I have ventured to deviate from this rule (a) in dealing with the earlier pages of the essay, which appeared to me to be capable with advantage of some con- densation for the English reader, and (b) very occasionally, in modifying expressions used by the Talmud in reference to our Blessed Lord. It may perhaps be considered that I have not gone quite far enough in this latter respect Words inserted between square brackets in the text are to be understood in all cases as Herr Laible's. ■On the other hand all notes for which he is not responsible bear the initials of the writers. In conclusion I have to express my grateful acknowledg- ments to the Rev. R. Sinker, D.D., Librarian of Trinity College, for reading the proof-sheets of this work and for many valuable suggestions. A. W. S. Inhaltslibersicht. Seite I. Ben Stada, Ben Fandera, Paphos ben Jehuda, Mirjam die Frauenhaarfleohterin : Schabbath 104''; Sanhedrin 67^ ... 5 II. Karikatur von „Evangelium": Schabbath 116^ ... .6 III. Das Weib des Paphos ben Jehuda: Gittin 90" 6 IV. Marienlegende : Chagiga 4'' und Thosaphoth; Thosaphoth Schabbath 104'' .6 V. Mirjam Tochter Bilga's: pal. Sukka 55'' 7 VI. Die jerusalemische Urkunde: Jebainoth IV, 13 . . . . 7 VII. Die Selbstaussage der Maria: Kalla IS*" . . . . . . 7 VIII. Jesus und Jehoschua ben Perachja: Sanhedrin 107*'; Sota 47*; pal. Chagiga 77* ... 8 IX. Der Zauberer Jesus: Thosephtha Schabbath XII . . . .10 X. Das Selbstzeugnis Jesu: pal. Tha'anith 65*'; Jalqut Sohim oni zu 4 Mos. 23,7; Fesiqtha Babbathi lOO'' 10 XI. Jesus, ein Gotzendiener: Sanhedrin 103"; Berakhoth 18" . . 11 XII. Bileam-Jesus: Sanhedrin 90". (lOO''); Aboth V, 19; Sanhedrin 106''" 12 XIII. E. EU'ezer und Ja aqob aus Kephar Sekhanja : ' Aboda zara 16''. 17*; Qoheleth rabba zu 1,8 . . 13 XIV. Imma Salome, Rabban Gamliel und der „Philosoph": Schab- bath 116"'' . . .... 14 XV. Die 5 Jiinger Jesu: Sanhedrin 43" . . 15 XVI. Der wunderthatige Ja'aqob aus Kephar Sekhanja: pal. Schab- bath 14"*; bab. 'Aboda zara 27'' ... .... 15 XVII. Noch ein wunderthatiger Christ: pal. 'Aboda zara 40''; Qohe- leth rabba zu 10,5 ... .... 16 4* Seitc XVIII. Jesu Verurteilung: pal. Sanhedrin 25<^* 17 XIX. Jesu Hinrichtung: Sanhedrin 43% s. Nr. XV 17 XX. Die Lehrhalle des Ben Pandera : Thargum soheni zu Esther 7,9 17 XXI. Jesus in der Holle: Gittin 56''. 57' ; Thosaphoth 'Brubin 2l'> 17 XXir. Mirjam, Tochter des 'Bli, in der HoUe: pal. Chagiga 77'' .18 XXIII. Jesus, Pilatus und Herodes, Vorfahren Haman's: SophTim XIII, 6 18 XXIV. Anhang: Jesus im Zohar 19 I. Ben Stada, Ben Pandera, Paphos ben Jehuda, Mirjam die Frauenhaarflechterin. (S. lo.) a) Schabbath 104''. ni£5tJ'3 N''3in NnuD ]n abni n-'ODn'? ntj;"''?^ im ]nh ion «^in p ni«n i''«"i2i3 i-iNi mn ntaw i"? noN iiE'a "^j;!? nanoa ansoD ^j;n «ii3D byn K^D^ m now Nin Nnnis 12 xitso p n-'own K"'»3 «^n3o 2Dno io« «"iDD 10K i«in min'' ]3 diss by^ s-nas b) Sanhedrin 67». imN n«n win Kim i'?ip ns \yaivf) win ]iNn inity ns jisinn TDiN nSm 51^ TDiN Nim nin^ ">!? mnNt:' no iion ^h -iniN nSni 2010 13 inn DN T"j; nnyai n^trnB' ^M^nb^ ns n''ij ^N^^ i"? I'inao iipDWiy D'^TVn uV ns' ^^^ u-'nain N\n p idn dni iniK'?ni ni^3 sntso p"? wy pi iniN ]''^piDi in nia"? iniK ]''N'>3d NTBD '7j;3 NTOn 31 ION NIH NTliS p NTDD p .nDDH 31J?3 1DN NltSD ION 'ND^N N^N Nl.l mini p DISS '?J?3 NiniS !?yi3 1 M add. K^« II 2 so auoh O; M om. || 3 M add. N*?** || * M ]''3''»I31 ohne 1^ I 5 M om. l!? IBIK Kim || « M lyns H ' M om. Ka^« || 8 M «''»3 6* II. Karlkatur von „Evangelium". (S. 14, vgl. 65.) Schabbath 116* (nach Ms. Munchen). •.]vbi ])V ni"? np ]inv -i ]vbi jis n-''? np T'«d m III. Das Welb des Paphos ben Jehuda. (S. 26.) Gittin 90^^ (vgl. Thosephtha Sota V, i). DISS mo N^n in mmtr irsi ipnn idd ^^n'? "jsia 2uib' ms -[b •]^nb '?si2 nnttj' m« ^'7 tyM «3n intyx li-in '?j;u n'-nty nnn" ]n rr'anpi n^r\n nj? mmati' ms "jd ma «^n in wniE'i ipnin idid K''n It i'?DiNi is^i'iD "'inan ']in'? "pbu nnt^' ms "f? b'^i nn-iioi piB'a miDi yns nty«ni nNsr ine^N nx nsnc' j?t mx mo :mN ■'J2 Dj; nsnm n>'\'rs "liCD nansi i3i N^'t^i «'?iJD ana bn; n'?];^ mirr' ]3 diss •.''"&^ ni^Nts' moi mx "pa^ nmn s^tj' n-'jsn nVn ^yi pitr^ ircno nTinn nitDi onii^a noiDJ na-iN p ^1n)^{2' it N\n najin IV. Marienlegende. (S. 28.) a) Chagiga 4*". "•D nD« BSB'tt «'?3 nsDi wi •'D2 Nip ''«n'? ■'lan -"d «)dt' m nisti' nin •'•'ns -u •la-'a 2"n «n ^d v« n^jot N'?n ^-itNT to\s ^-lyity K'?^io ana 3i^ in^N ^•'t n^ni^t?^ 2ni'? nD« nion ■]«'?o n^a: «'?ijtt ana «i« n-''? idn ■'pTn «'?nja ana .T'^ in''"'N 'jts xi^tr: nnwNi '?''Nin n'^b na« 'n"nn« sian •<« n^^ nas "f? naw N-'B'i i^y^ b) Thosaphoth Chagiga 4''- (S. 30.) b^ laN nn-im n^n ■'itj' n-ian a^m sbnja anan xnaij; \sn I M/en, II 2 M om. n''j || 3 m om. '■? II 4 M om. ^V^v II 5 M om. -iv'tf II 6 M om. ■'sn 'N V'N II ' M nynns || 8 m ^in^n || 9 'En Ja'aqob itr o) Thosaphoth Schabbath 104'> (vgl. 8. 30). Nira 'S3 naims N2'3 ]iDnr nbja TiK^ja iktj? p ti^n 'aK / :t:'iK nt^Ka itaa liibs VII. Die Selbstaussage der Maria. (8. 33.) Kalla 18'' (41"= ed. Yen. 1528). (mit den Varianten der Ausgabe von N. Coronel: D'OltsjIp n»Bn Commen- tarios quinque dootrinam talmudicam illustrantes, Massekheth Kala .... edidit Nathan Coronel, Wien 1864, Bl. 3''.) 'T man p naiK ysnn^ -\ ntaa naiK ^tyba 'i oiis tj; nVtJ's Di3i2'ii nijpt vn nnK dj?s .*min ]3i ntaa T81k K3ipj; riK sn^ij nnKi wkt riK ^nos nnK mpuTi ^inty onias^ 2n3j;i * Zusatz. II « om. iswa || 2 i-qs || 3 ^jtb II ■ * ri:i \\ 6 nd3 .i3D"p« ■'i« *nt ^inb ^D« ?T'-i3n nan ^v ^nJ;^ la"? i^te arcio-'p maiiai nntj'r snn-'nB' 'n«ii pw^n e^?!? id« ^s« Y'" yaB'a N2''pj; 't n'n .'h ynt^n i"? n-iD« .«3n "qI^ij; -.^nf? ns'-nn li^atyitf i8i^j) «m i^ya ijDo B'T'Di Ti^n mi nsin"? •riDaaaB's '-\ n\n '?nj n»« .min ]3i ntoo aopiainn ssni .nt p •>'? 'sn^m •in^N 'n ^1•n noN nytJ* 22nniN3 .vnm n« sity-iamty Ka-ipv :;^Dr p 24K3'T ••nE's "tna"? ismty 29ini''^Bpn3 «in >nd n^mB p y^in'* n . . . . 3in3T itm asnit^ incs Vtj' Nm3D3'?N'? 3W1 n^ms p v's'I'T' ^^'ST !?t« lasi"? «3^o iw^ T>j? 32n'?Bfn' ''i"'0 nuE' ]3 ]'\yK)W n'h nbv »nhvf nin 13 q-'Tsd isaKi pina ^ncy i^ys 33inin« nnsn '?e' xmios^N ^yh vmpn n-h n3j> Kfstj'iN 35>5inn 34ni'? io-in«i «n« np .nDiow raefv niunD niyy ''3T ^^n-h id« it «^aD3N ns^ no3 idn «3iis Kipi «nN nTiDt^i "iiis''tj' niN'D vniN piSN poij? nns ^33 ytrn n^^ los in NDV n'<3 njE'tt up mn «■? i'?3p ni"? idk i^ion ni23 map'? » om. n« II 2 om. II 3 T« II « D7\b II 5 om. || « add. W1.S 7 n.sst3i II 8 «\i» 11 9 n-wp II 10 -iBsn || h add. m || u -f? ibis 13 ^3^-|^ II 14 ohisn II 15 vnins»2 || is add. i^ || " ^i3 || « -i^sai •9 nt nN 'nasi || 20 pirn ^n» \\ 21 vrmmt \\ 22 miwa || 23 nbat? ina 2« KaT35^ II 25 M VT II 26 M vvnn^^ \\ 27 m 'isun «?'!? | 28 m vt 29 M wr'jtsp 'an || 30 m om. -a-i |1 31 m om. w \\ 32 m cm. ohvny -3' M om. 'wnK II 3* M om. n^b II 36 M xi^na || ss M iBT .-rb nex nnn i)nh iin« •h^2pb "dd n^ph «n« v^v n^np np «p nin rr-^ na« ni? mnriB'm «nii2b «)pT ^t« n>^ •-m nht'o "i2d «in D-'a-in n« s'^ianai Noinn ba -joa •'i'jnipD -[d .t"? idn "jn inn mm n-ioni *ii2''<3 2ityi no -io«i nawn nitfj?^ ni2 )'»ty ]im^ to^o ■'nji ^•>t3p «p nimn n\t '«» n^niEs bw «niiD3'?N'? pij; •?{« .T-ms p ytj'in^ ■'an n^nnw ini^at3« tynipn iij; d^k'it' •'Jo nDSJ* 12 pyDK* n^^ n'ptj' no'pb' nin •«3 ditsd naoiK' nats'v ''i«i pinn 'mK p''3« pDij; n-'VnpV nTivna nin n-'Op'? Nn« j?»e> nnp np mn nn «ov ni'?ap nD« «n^B wnao'? f)pi h\K n'h ^ni Nmia "qd mn m^ 'Di .«n3ij>3 «"?« mno« vh .Nina I M n"^ II 2 M '-fitwn ir' || * *En Ja'aqob add.: to lOKT 13? 'SB •.b»ivi^ fiN «'Bnni mm n^'oni tiw'3 'isun ler 10* IX. Der Zauberer Jesus. (S. 45.) a) Schabbath 104"' ». oben Nr. I. b) Thosephtha Schabbath XII g. E. (ed. Zuokermandel S. 126). 'T nnb "yon jncsis Q'-osm n^no •vv'htA 'i nca "jy onDon in« ntaiE' ^ists ib no« n^n wbs na"? nV niisd p N'?m ■itv'''?« c) pal. Schabbath 13<*. niBtya «''an «*? xntsD p xSni nt^'^x "'m jn"? ^»N ^1t^s nns :|' •'iso i"? noN i32 sVn nnsDo X. Das Selbstzeugnis Jesu. (S. 48f.) a) pal. Thaanith 65*'. jnya-'p'' x"?! "iD« «inn d'>»12''? n^ij; "'ixa' id mnn"? ibid ■<:« b) Jalqut Sohim' oni (Saloniohi 1526) zu 4 Mos. 23, 7, nach Midrasch J'lamm'denu. "iDN ]inii 'n nj;'?3 '?ti' i'?ip n^n no3 "phj "pipn inyn iidd Dj^'ja btif i'?ip lyDB' nioi« D''j;na' -i»n •'i'? )d j^t^ini 't yb^n a^t^w nh)vn 11DD nVij; n^m iVipn ns n^nbxn inj noix ispn ity'jN 't nT''?i tJ'DK''? ]''7 T-nytJ' nti'N p mx ty-'ty nxni nssi iiaK"?! ^'j;'?! Di^Dia'ji I'jiptJ' ns ]n3 "is"? lb D^ij;n "pd niytsn"?! ni'?N* idsj? n^^yh tfpaot? n"?^ D3''nj;n lan ioin n\n pi ^a'piyn meis b^ lyoB'-'c [i. ibiipa] » Ed. Frankf. 1687 om. l'?3--nBS1 || 2 Ed. Pvankf. om. ni"js~pi S. auoh Bechaj zu 4 Mose 23,19 (Pesaro 1507) 3t3''l ^>S trx «b Bmoai mis ^nnn m^.s «int» -1121^1 o'jisn ns ni»t3n'7 ins din Tn>v asb^ nBS» 'b^ 11SK Kinn itssiw init»»^ ^c i:^ni lan ittisi oninn'? .sin i^n» mVs n»»3 »'s 11* Ninti' noiN DNi 3t3ii "?« E'^N nb 'Hi^ E'^Nn iniN nnx mvta'? di:j"'P'7 «21 p'?nDD Ninti' nci"?! mj?t3n^ n^nj; Nim ntso Nin ^n n'^n-' "ID ■'IN itiN-'i i^t^D NE'-'i 2-^13 no nsi ntj'y^ n'ji nns Ninn iniN -inN n^DtJ't!' noiN nmsD n'-n*' •'a •'In ny'?n nox "jn idwo c) Pesiqtha Rabbathi lOO'' (Ausg. Friedmann). Din'?N fin «n''jn sin ■;'? nas-' as n2n nn N"n n ids N''in 'T -iDN .... ^yoi sin njn Nnn Nin NiN n-b no-iN piN :n3ov 'n nm s^n ]h^ ana i^s D''n'?« nan o-'isn XI. Jesus, ein Gotzendiener. (S. 49.) a) Sanhedrin 103^ yiii animm d''J?i m»ibin ^^nJ;a•' N'?ti' n;?T ^''?N nii«n nb □^213 I'piE'nn nnpat:' T'o'pn in )n i"? nhi n'pe' ^'7^Nn mp'< n"? b) Berakhoth 18». nb i-iDNi ^Nioti'i m 2'i'?2iD» li'Di^N ''Dn n'''? »noN 'ioni in iDN nm niSD3 D''bnD»i miro ii-'Di^n -i»n nn nty^N m ]inv 'i liinyD Nnn n'?^' I'ls j-in n''"nDi''3 D'''7nDni nisnai miro ijisi'pn Nnn i6w riNsr 1'nj?^D NH'' n'pe' UTiinima ■'inj udd n^-'E' jj^J^^n ''tJ' inyioa li^nj^io 1 M ^taK II 2 M add. la'si^.x 'Ktt irnmn-o nnis i^w n^sv i\si yis i\s n'''?3iDo II 3 M nnp't» || < M add. ^v 12* XII. Blleam-Jesus. (S. 5if.) a) Sanhedrin XI, 90*; Mischna X, 2. □■jiv"? p'?n 1^ tj'"' nt^ia idi« miiT >3t ntj'ioi 2NnN dj^dt' D"'d!?d inis'poV ubmy m^^tif^) inj^nn j;ot:'ii rbh* "jVan^i nowit? Nan a) Sanhedrin XI, 90*; Mischna X, 1 (S. 52 u. 53). nsnn by K'm^ni niiii'inn ansDn Niipn •>* iidin sa^pj; 't P) Sanhedrin lOO'' (vgl. S. 53). b) Aboth V, 19 (8. 55). ■:^ nnE' ixn^ ]"itivi owj ]i»iv j;E'in dj;'?^ hm v^^»^n nn^D"! isn'' «"? nonai qiot ijj'iN nne' iKab mnin DNnbK nnsi e) Sanhedrin 106''. nD3 "in ayb^ ■^b ynti' 'd Niijn ^2-\b si-'o «inn ni"? ids nb na-iDi D^m ^tsf^x aTimo n^n dtid n^ nro-'a n^b ids nin n^"? -in« j?2"iNi vn^n in in ]'iB' n'?ni ]in^n in in dh^'d^ isn^ l^n'?n nn n'ln nvin nin ny'pm n^opjs ■«"? nn mb m»Np T'se' tnNtsD'''? Dni£3 in''n'?''»p nn Ni"'5n ny'?n )>3E' ^\bn^ d) Sanhedrin 106'' Ende (S. 56). inn loi N-iin nn'^n^ isn n"? "j-sminNi jnh lanr im iiiN «"?« vn i6 JNH •?» vniiK' ^n DniDi isn^ n"? nmoi n^DT •'ts'iN 1 Fl. nw ^)op 13* e) Sanhedrin 106" (8. 58). ni'?« iDsj; nts'ij; ni'jK Dt^a lasj; ninety Dj?^n n"t?i XIII. R. Eirezer und Ja'aqob von Kephar Sekhanja. (S. 58f.) a) 'Aboda zara le*", 17*. in'''? Drnj*? m)hyn niiiob 3ntj;''VN '«3T Dsrutya )i3-i lin nD« «^ Nini nni« «in vhv ]iojn win nnoa ]i"inn -hv jdni "iiBD Dian 5-|>V^ ^niaxni !?i«in i^ io« QintynB' vsn *iii:> aha "'ttinin r"?}? b^p »h'\ inni^ iVsw VTc'?n loisa inia^ xnt^D nnx no« "'jmo-'^K' HDo nns 13T noib ^3^»-in lan N^-ipj; 13-1 i"? 'on nD£5nj r'?j;i "jNam ^^^^ n3 niyn NDty m i"? "iisn iidn n''^ ir^n piti>2 ']hna wm nnw dj>£3 limDtn nTpv )h 'on mi'^o'? N-iasD nsD t^N ipj;ii nsian iti^i ■'To^no e-inx tisoi ■'■ns-'S '?b' 'lio-in niiyp'? ino nan jariN «''nn «^ ODminn nina i"? noN lotr 15?^ "'ino''!? 13 "h -ION di'?3 iV "rnoN n^i hm ]n:h Noan jt'3 1N3 nsiitsn nipoo aw niit pnN ny nsaip nil? ]3nNo nsun ni3''o'? inDsnj "nt iti by lann •'iNini i3"?"i snsiitan ^uipab mpn ^Ni niiio 11 laTi n^!?j>o pmn mira ainDty no by in'Tnyi mi^D It ism "i^po pmn noNT ns^ni nit^nn it nn''2 nns !?n :n3it It nni3 nns bn mpn bn) mtynni 1 Jalqut Sohim. Saloniohi 1526 ^ab \\ 2 'En Ja'aqob I'lOWBI || 3 M -add. ^™n II « M ras"? II » M "hv rcBKni || e m nns Dn« || 7 M pe || ^s M DipD n» I 9 M add. mvr II 10 M v!?»i 14* b) Qoheleth vabba zu 1,8 (Pesaro 1519). i^j?m ])am iniN \bai nya D^wb ozny^ ntj;'''?K 's ^''pv ^niCiSnty -in.SD i"? idn d^ob' miffb Nb« ids k"? n'<'?Dn nnma )n mpiD ibbn nn-'triB' ntrss nDi«i nuo Ti^n n\n nG'':in p •Wy^ba oi ntssit? inx nnx mtsD Dion ib!?n in« Ntttj' im V'N ibi'N «:i^pj; •-m did: bap Nbi lonab ibss "'imntn n^etyn )n ib nas ^>is'? myi nan T'isb nD« i^a-'on ]d npyi nn« ons •'b^ xm nss bty xantsD-'xa nbij? ■'n^n nns oya "'JNJm i«nnis )a itri mtrD nnx nnn "ib n»«i iDtr x'^iao nsa e'-'N n'^noi niit pn« N^an «b aannina aina hnt nann im«i nann nniD ]n2«b pioK ^anpb ^b nox .]niDN ib Tinaw ]n hd nba ni«snnD Tia jna nc-'j;^ ^b 'as ana nti'j;'' no p dni ib TinaN ]V3 ♦nyti'b nabn ■'iaa nabynji nn»N ns'' ib inna« msoD "toi n«isbi 1N2 HNi^jn N-nnis )3 naN la •'b n»« vnanb ■^nmntr nsn^ pioms itj*}?^ nw -:it )ins nj;i nsap niit lin^a •'D 'it:' issi «b« nij> Nbi nii^a nt:''? 'TityDnj nann im« byi ■'iKam cnnb jniyan it i^nn iT^bj/'a pnnn nmna airiDty na bv "'nnaytr XIV. Imma Salome, Rabban Gamliel und der „Philosoph". (S. 62f.) Schabbath 11 6*''. nin "iNin bt^'ha^ jann n^nns ntj;''bN ■'nnn inn^nn mbt? Nai« ij?a NnniiJ' bnpa ^bn «aK' b^pti* ninn nTuatyn ^NsiDibis xinn «i''Va n-i"? nnax niapV sbitt^i xnnnn NJntp n^b n'?"!?^ ni3 •'ainsb «na mpon ^^b ^sna ^''n uibs inb nax ityj lan "'onia i"? 'i'?3''in Kn^niN "-bDinix iDj;nNa im-ibin «av ]d "?"« ninTi n*? xnna 1 Thosephtha Chullin 11,24 (ed. Zuckermandel S. 503): p VW "■:BJ3 II 2 M Xap NSDJ'PB II 3 31 n'jiKi II 4 M Nn"-|1N3 15* \]nr Nnns «mm sin n-'i nin3i iv^ij ])]) in3\Tn''Ni nn^^i n^s^D"? 2n':, ]ij? «j« ,t'3 'nai ]T'!?'2 ims'^ni mat ib insd k"?! v"?); lah'') «2'' niDt «^i "jinnn ^h io« «iDmi lONin n>DO Kin nist oisn nn Ni2Dm n'«T'o'?n nti'an m .mn ni3'?n'? anisn I'w ■'ixtr «■?« r^y noDn •'no in"? noN '» M s-ODm nin n''0t5 mn nist iT^ ■'aisn nn nsun ler || n m add. nsiin || 12 kod ib3 auoh pal. 'Ab. zara 40'' u. Thosephtha Chullin 11,23 1| " Thosephtha SIWS p sner || " pal. 'Ab. zara 40* add. Sin:D p W nW2 1*? K»'': 1^ ION 16* .nmi2 nDti'nj? n-^'^ni xnn"? pison t^b .^iNBTty n^Ni «^3o "'Jn i3ti»3 lym Hb\ irni lists'^ mj I'nisi a^nai d-'Ddh ^^ts* pna nnsis b) bab. 'Aboda zara 27*'- N21 tyni itf-iDntr '?«j;at!'^ on ^» ininN ]n not 122 nvya Ninty minn p snpD Nn« ■'iNi udd NsnNi \b nan 'i lints ^suty «m p T!72 n^"? nin onna T3 n^''D'? n^"? no« sii'jjj nios si^d n^^ ion 'pDJo Dm''«i Ninas mini iz.NnbD Nnn yaw i2n1?i nrws li^-iN n^!? nin »»no 9*ion .]"?£) :Bi'?tyn '':b'7d Nsvty najt^D )d n^^ b) Qoheleth rabba zu 10,5 (Pesaro 1519). p nn '■n^Ni "pin kj?'?3 nn n'''? mn ••i^ p j;tyin"' •■mn nnn nil? naN .■'i'?j; moN no ri'^b n»N n"ij;^2 NpsN"? NT>n3s nan ]i!?is 'iVj> nD« nin n'?i nnnpn ni"? ni"'j mn nnx ,]^s nna ]"?£ pios joiiptj^n ■>as!?o Nsvty njjt»3 n"!"? mn p) ,NpiDs pn 1 M »yK> 3pP' II 2 M «<33D ISS Qohel. rabba zu 1,8 m2V "1113 3 Qoh. rabba add. nnas ]3 ■or Diwe || « M om. noi || o Naeh dem'l Vorausgehenden der Enkel des Josua ben Levi. || » »a 12 nn |1 6 om. p II ' pB3 ns II » n^^ nn»n^ )«» || 9 n^i, lox || lo n-: || n n"ti nin || 17* XVIII. Jesu Verurteilung. (S. 73 f.) a) Sanhedrin 67* (s. oben No. I.) b) pal. Sanhedrin 25"". DDH nt j-iN rcon »muf ]r3t3 n^ nan «n 'd tsvnnn nt n^onn Tij'n^ i"? ^^y ns'-s asn nt ]•>« n^o-ii Nina' ]V3a p"? wj? 113 i'?ip n« T'j^Ditri iniK T'Nit inic nn raj by ijn nm'jpDi XIX. Jesu Hinrichtung. Sanhediin 43» (s. oben No. XV). XX. Die Lehrhalle des Ben Pandera. (S. 83.) Thargum scheni zu Esther 7,9 (Tenedig 1591). n-'B'ei hy Nnom «''!7''« hai "iiljin y^^iiTwa nht ]Dn stn nai nm smiDss'? piD''a ''j;^ «mDn nan rcB'wia •'DV p rfVnty XXI. Jesus in der Hijlle. (S. 84 f.) a) Gittui 56'', 57* b^K nvjiN'? lya nin diijidi nTin« "la Dip"'3i'?p na Di^p3« inn IjKity h"H Hahy Ninna S'^B'n ]«» h"ii uTii^ oitsits'? n^'poN inn 3ni'« h-'i ini-ioi^pb nists k^i y&'^si ^7V'b^n V'k ma ■'PUT'n'? '?«nt4'i^ ns"'on b 'ui trKT"? nn:j vn ninsn NC'n nimi «»"?}> Ninna n-'B'sis p''D!n ■'Ndd !?"« ino3 «133 Ninm nij''T •?"« ty^n na'^j •ptN "'01 aiyx mnni n^^ i'?pi n"!"? "lyni n^oD^p^ n^"? ^didd «dv ^d ni"? -iDN «D^j? Ninnn n"'B'n ^ko n"!^ ton «n>j33 nybn'? nipoi? I pal. Jebamoth 15"* 13» |1 ^ ebenda Kltso p^ || 3 'En Ja'aqob "'■IJS ^D DnniDi nai'pty tymn n^ T^-h idn ina ■'pm-'K^ ino ^xnc-' nnnn 3;it n^Dtrn "?"« ^s»:3 snnJ totJ' ■'n''''n iv n'h tn-'iiiN u XXIII. Jesus, Pilatus und Herodes, Vorfahren Hatnans. (vgl. S. 29 u. 8i.) Soph-rim Xlir, 6: Varianten aus Targum scheni zu Esther 3,1, Veu. 1591. 6«i3« Nmon ]2 pn n'' wnia^nx to'?o ■'an yb^t^n s'-mns nnn 13 "IT'i n3 1 ions 13 lociDin n3 som n3 sdw'pidn 13 'ntis 13 * 'En Ja'aqob add. ''ISUn || 2 ^,3 || 3 o,n. -|B{< ,-|oi> ^^ Its'? "'an || 4 «nn plan n\si statt snm xts icn Nran la 'dv -\ \\ 5 om. no"? 11^ nas p ST bis "in II 6 mo -a tfjj.s || 7 ntn || s nBi'7S\s || 9 tjon || 10 n^Din || " nno II 12 "i-a 19* -13 133 13 njt? "13 Dnnn 13 ^onn 13 "ono'Dix i3 '\phv2 :iB'Vi nn3i3 ts'Ipnt M^nrni? 13 p'?w i3 »Nnt'i i3 NntJ-Dis XXIV. Anhang: Jesus im Zohar. (S. 2.) Zohar III, 282" (Ea'ja mehemna). Die Stelle ist verstiimmelt in den ersten Ausgaben des Zohar, Mantua uud Cremona 1560, wird nach einer orientalischen Quelle eiganzt von Mose Zakuth in Derekh Emeth (o. J. u. O. — nach Wolf, um 1663), erseheint zum ersten Mai vollstandig im Text in Ausg. Konstantinopel 1736. Hier wird sie nach Ausg. Mantua 1560 und Derekh Emeth mit- geteilt. Die in Ausg. Mantua ausgelassenen Stellen sind durch Klammern eingefasst. i'33 n3n5)D iisK'N n'h'h 'Nn3c nxnpns* ,iit rnuyi niddd □ninni qmd Dub3 nz j'pm pa*! «ii3D 'vd !?3D n3iiUD nxivi □m3pi Q'riD DuV3 ;i3\S1 nD"nDl r^"< M31 bNUDB^I ■\^V 'J3 dtidi nni yp^ [dtid Dub^ 'D'biii? p"? r"'3pi mt mun i3p mw »in3 □''3iii;a 31 3ir3 ntrxi K31d m'n «b'»3 nnacD miDD ^ijidd yi IEJ'31 DD DVD 6nUC2"1 IE'J? '331 ;i2\\*1 IE'31 aVU3 XITHNI !?Kia"3 : iniiX ns'bETi sbab loriN nl?j?i nam mB'3 Tiy3 kdd 1 ipi;'?3 II - DllD'njN II ■> om. 1| •• Dimn H « Tharg. scheni, Amst. 1670 add. 'pDID 13 J3S 13 || " njlJ'n'? — Vgl. noch Joel Miiller, Masechet Soferim, Leipzig 1878 S. XXII, Eiul. S. 34, Aumerkungen S. 176. Der von Miiller fiir diese Stelle gegebene Text ist ohne handsohriftliche Bezeugung. || ' Ausg. Konstant. 1736 .13 nni3p || » n3 || .« add. Iirxi XXV. JESUS IN THE LITURGY OF THE SYNAGOGUE. [This did not appear in the German edition.] In mediaeval Jewish prayers Jesus is called 3^03 1X3 (cp. Is. xiv. 19), 1123 1V3, •'•hn, abs, no, ^^"^ ^^^, ri^^n aSan, no ijs, D31D MS (cp. Is. xiv. 19), 10S1 •T\b\ HD'Tn !?iy, HD'Tn ncs Din" (cp. Ezek. xxiii. 44), mi nc^N ni!?' (cp. Lev. xx. 18). For other names see Zunz, Die synagogale Poesie des MittelaUers, pp. 451 ff., and Chr. W. Christlieb, Kurzer Auszug aus denen Se- liclwth oder Jiidischen Bussgebet&n (1745). It may be added that such names for Jesus are no longer to be found in modern Jewish prayer-books. (1) Selielw, 101? W-W> by Isaak ben Meir (12th century, vide Tiwaz, Literaturgeschichte der synagogalen Poesie, p. 303, Landshuth 'Ammude 'Aboda, p. 123). Text from Selichoth, MS. Civit. Lips. B. H. 2 with readings from Machzor, Cremona, 1560, Baer's Seder 'Ahodath Jisrael 1868, and Selichoth, Am- sterdam, 1751. — German rite, Selichoth le-jom sheni. 73^3nnS 'D53n inNi Ton"? piaa ••^np!? ni^x"? ='ai;r»i nvj :»S3n'?i nnaS ncnpn ^n^5^»1 > 'Ab. Jisr. D^yiD. ' M. Crem. "jannnb. * Sel. Amst. ysm nV3. « 'Ab. Jisr. ^apS inni lOmO niOJ. ^ m. Crem., Sel. Amst. SajSl. c2 22* (2) SelicJm inn )1tK by an unknown author (11th or 12th cent., Zunz, 1. c, p. 223, 229). Text after SelicJioth, MS. Civit. Lips., agreeing with notices from a manuscript in Ej^istolario Italiano Frmicese Lathio di Samuel David Luzzatto, ii. (1890), p. 633, with readings from Machzor, Cremona, 1560, Venice, 1568 and 1715, and Sdichoth, Amsterdam, 1751. — German rite, SelicJioth le-jom cliamishi. 'i!?''n3 -|''inc'o niyicj'' nix :'"i^n'? 'nmB' isspa nns ' M. Veu. 1568 D^pV. = MS. Luzz. 5)13X3 nsn, M. Yen. 1568 SlIDB'!? ni3n:i. -" M. Ven. 1568 lajroi'. * M. Crem. 1560, M. Yen. 1568 and 1715 *1^33 Wy^tfin D'D^IJ? 11V, Sel. Amst. 11^31 inDD 13^3 Dpnif. (3) Seliclw, IISS 'pa's ''?17 miN by an unknown author. Text after Selichoth, MS. Civ. Lips., with a reading from Machzor, Sulzbach, 1699. — German rite, Selichoth. le-jom rebi'i site-hen Hash ha-Shana we-Jom Kippur. ■131D nuph W'DT -laina "nS no ■13T "h 3B'lni nnn nx pn!? no > M. Suizb. nhih Sds. (4) ^«ZM/ia Drx Nnpx i^^s by Gershom ben Jeliuda (11th cent., Zunz, 1. c. p. 239, Landshuth, L c. p. 55). Text from Seli- cJioth, MS. Civ. Lips., with reading from MacJizor, Sulzbach, 1699. — German rite, SelicJioth le-jom cJuimislii. 23* anpa Kan cnn noi Nota ait?!? 'innni; i!?xt< no uo anp nDN3 vsiip'? nn^s !?3n ivr ;3nr ra'Ni iiir» njD^Ni mn< ' M. Suizb. Tianj? 'Ijsk. (5) Sdiclia ?** 'DT 7N D»n?X by an unknown author. Text from Machzor, Sulzbach, 1699. Seliclwth le-jom cJtamis/d sJie-ben R. h. S. we-J. K. iD''?i'?'Ji n}!Q\>r\ '!?DD • •\th IKIp NDD niD (6) Sdiclw, VDB' Nn by Bphraim ben Jacob ben Kalonymos (12th cent., Zunz, 1. c. p. 292, Landshuth, 1. c. p. 47). Text from Seliclhoth, MS. Civ. Lips., with readings from Machzor, Cremona, 1560, from S only after the last named source. — German rite, Selichoth le-jom cliamishi sJie-ben li. h. S. we-J. Kijypwr. N-i'DN inosi 'u NOV b>3 hpm no N-IIVn NiDId!? NpDD t15n probably by Kalonymos from Lucca (11th cent, Zunz, 1. c. p. 108). Text from Machzor, MS. Civ. Lips. B. H. 3 with readings from Machzor, MS. Univ. Lips. 3005 and Machzor, Venice, 1715.— German rite, Sliacftarith le-Jom Eippur. "nonn nt^a Din" D^vpcD ^kicj n'n'ipsD nSsj n^ion Ipdd D'un Dn'!?3n nnnQ d31d nas D^jn :Dnbi'nn db'i' mip nnx T''^^ i MS. Uiiiv. Lips. na^m. = M. Ven. HDti nny. (8) .S«ZicAa I'JS^ t2rO» bx by Moses ben Samuel ben Absalom (12th cent., Zunz, 1. c. p. 263; Landshuth, 1. c. p. 260). Text from Selichoth, jNIS. Civ. Lips, with readings from Maclizor, Sulzbach, 1699, and Selicltath, Amsterdam, 1751. — Grerman rite, SelicJwth le-Mincliath Join Kippur. n^:ip2 n^'JpD bv ^3n^ -Its ' Sel. Amst. ^n^lN. - M. Sulzb. nJS, Sel. Amst. h\2'> 'D. •* M. Sulzb. HiXIJ TM<\h. (9) .SV/iVw 'Ol^ 'OT "?« D'n^N by David ben Meshullam (perhaps 12th cent., Zunz, 1. c. p. 254, but cp. p. 510 ; Landshuth, 1. c. p. 59). Text from Seliclioth, MS. Civ. Lips, with readings from Machzor, jNIS. Civ. Lips. B. H. 3, and Sulzbach, 1699; Amsterdam, 1736. — German rite, Selichoth le-'ereb liosh lui-Shaiia loe-Jom Kippur. hv-\ 1DD '11D in' ivrnn 'pvn'? yt&n !?3 'jq 'hy a\bn Di'?n hvmn 'biii&'< a& •\:>v t6\ > M. Sulzb. niD. ' M. Civ. Lips. om. hv. ' M. Sulzb. tj'np. 25* !?j?JiDi 'npniD ininn nnx n:h\ 'npE'ji nm n'^5> nb'ji Tm mp^bo csT v^x »nD'?n Din" ■■ M. Sulzb. I'piE'D. •'' M. Sulzb. ID^^BTI nnv « M. Amst. vSp. ' M. Civ. Lips. IpD'ai. ° M. Sulzb. nny niH*. » M. Sulzb. 12^ lb np''!? CSn, M. Amst. Tip'"? >•?! CNn. (10) ^eiicAa T'n1^5'?a3 ^3 n^K by Gershom ben Jehuda (11th cent., Zunz, I. c. p. 239 ; Landshuth, 1. c. p. 57). Text from Selicholh, MS. Civ. Lips, with readings from Machzor, Venice, 1568; Sulzbach, 1699; Seliclwth, Amsterdam, 1761; Furth, 1755. — German rite, Selichoth le-jom slielishi. nvn T11V pnn nnbuD :ns« ''!?33 yr:>ih man 1 M. Sulzb. -n-i-hn imipa npnn, Sei. Furth iDH Tvhii \>rm. 2 Sel. Amst. D13J?, Zunz, Synagogale Poesie, p. 452, ''I'jn, M. Ven. n3DX3, M. Sulzb. nnU3. » M. Sulzb. IV TOa, Sel. Furth TniSD^ 0130 (11) Zidath D»obK3 1103 fN by Isaak ben Shalom (12th cent., Zunz, 1. c. p. 458 ; Landshuth, 1. c. p. 127). Text after Machzor, Amsterdam, 1681, with reading from Seder TephUloth, Sulzbach, 1797. — Polish rite, ^rs« Sabbath after Pesach. D'^^DNn omn'n no nvDi 2^-h p-nvnty'? vnn lo-nvv 03b \2n :i3«ni nnx ov^-uan 'ayn: nvjS-i3a3 vnn on ' Teph. Sulzb. O'JIJJTI nnw"?. 26* (12) Baqqasha ninnn ■>rh^ i?t< by Isaak Tarplmii (14th or ISth cent., Zunz, I.e. p. 558; Landshuth, 1. c. p. 128). Text from Qobez Wikkuchim, s. 1. et a. (Breslau, 1844). — Not to be found in the Liturgy of the Synagogue. ntn nvnon ip-niDsyn ju '?'?Qnn'?i liny'? n'S' am ipE'i-n''3' inxi ins i?3 nr 133 IpsN-c-n: mr\ icn dji nnn^D D3''3»31 13i:'3-nDp3 DIpJJ D3TD ntn pyn -i3i3' DN-noiE' ns ^3 hy o in3i wnr la's DCJ'n-in^K'D ijji « njj nr Nvi »3 nDN» nK'N-inn* mn3 mn< fin^ NV'i nnci ^3x^-^x1 njp bv D'3D1d ntn B'*Nn nx unn-j-'isj nt3D ntn awn !?y3n' '3inD nobi-'py^b e"n nx nsi; ntn ntyyon no-^va'? innn onsn i!?nji nu3 ijxnn N'?-iij3 jDao vcis »ntn n3nn Dn'E'y yno-i!? ntiy pxi n'n Din» " ^np3 nt3 N3' Nb-''rD3 iidxj "jnie" niN3S ^^Tn B'^xn ns I3n3-'':D'? 3in3 xin n:n noipn rh ps ncx-non px^ D^xnip 'ntn "pjyn NV