'Pry, CORNELL NIVERSITY LIBRARY Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924102767765 O, King of Saints-rO, triun'd God ! Bow the high Heavens and lend thine ear; O, make this house thy fix'd abode, ., And let the Heavenly More rest h,ere» Within these walls may^-fetus' charms. Allure ten thousand souls to love ; ind all supported by his arm, &hine*bright in realms of bliss above. fbere saints of every tribe and tongue, :' "Shall joi Jtbe, ar uaiea pf the Imurfrj Hymn hallal(yttb,$o the SSnV r The Spirit, and theireat I AM. There songs seraphic shall they raise, And Gabriel's lyre the nores resound ; Heaven's full ton'd organ join th^e praise, And world to world repeat the sound. To Faifcerand-tb* Holy Ghost, Be ^ftasiless praise an^-glory given ; By all The High angelic host, By all onj$§artb, and all in Heaven ! •v*+*m*A(>*m Words se#4o theSe^icafo {going at BerkgMik,\ ^f WRffo ft ITH^fiiyful hearts and tunefuf song, Let U* 'approach the mjghb^Lprd : Proclaim his>honors witb^AHme, , And sound his wond'rous trOTh abroad. * - M His glorious name on golden lyrej^, *' Strike all the tutM&il "choirs a^pe^ Aud Soundless nature's realms conspii To celebrate his matchless lose* LThe bdlveirff heavens*is his bright thror o - ZAnx F i ihv7y H/ a i. an tila bl^iJ W Bili i - Yet for the merits of his son ; , *• He visits man in humble dust. In temples sacred to his name, His Saints assemble found his board ; Raise their Hosannas to the Lamb, And taste ^he supper of thejjord. O God, ||r King, this joyful day We'de dic&e this house , to ithee ; Here woufol^mfiet to sing and pray, And learn rati sweet thy dwellings be. 4tit,nn.ji O, King of Saints—O, triun'd God ! Bow the high Heavens and lend thine ear; O, make this house thy fix'd abode, And let the Heavenly ©ore rest Jjere. Within these walls may^Jeffus' charms. Allure ten thousand souls to love ; end all supported by'his army s Bhine* bright in realms of bliss above. ["here saints of every tribe and tongue, Shall ioia fThe a rmies of the hmftn lyran hallalpi to the Wi ^ The Spirit, and thtypeat I AM. There songs seraphic shall they raise, And Gabriel's lyre the ndfes resound ; .Heaven's full ton'd organ join tlje praise, And world to world repeat the sound. To Father and-** Holy Ghost, BejriSasfless praise ano* glory given ; _ By all The high angelic host, By allon^Jartb, and all in Heaven ! ?KA