CORNELL UNIVERSiri: LIBRARIES ITHACA, N. Y. 14853 JOHN M. OLIN LIBRARY , ■% Cornell University Library DF 221.T8S341 llios. 3 1924 028 248 593 „„.,,,. DATE DUE RINTED IN U S I ILIOS THE CITY AI^^r) COUNTEY OF THE TEOJANS THE RESULTS OP RESEARCHES AND DISCOAERIES OX THE SITE OF TROY AND THROUGHOUT THE TROAD IN THE YEARS 1S71-72-73-78-79 IXCLUDIXa AN AUTOBIOUUAl'HY OF THE AVTIIOR By DTI. HENRY SGHLIBMANN I'.S.A., F.R.I. DRITL^II ARCIIITEf TS ACTIIOr. OF "TUOV AND Fl.S EE.MAINS " " MYCEN Ji " ETC. WITH xV PREFACE, APPE.XDICES, AXI) NOTES BV ITlOFES.SOr.S lirDOLF VrRCT-IOW, M.\X .Mt'I.LEK, A. II. SAYCE, J. P. MAIIAFFY, II, BltriiSFI-I-BEY P. ASCHERSUX, II. A. Fl ISIULACCAS, M. E. BUBXUFF, Mk. F. CAIAEKT, ,l\d ill:. A. J. DUFFIELI) KhzXi'rl fttv, Tpi'tFr izai u'ln'ijfin r-r '.-\\ra'.u' fjTUl tyioi' £(/.u 7ti)vt'i ' IXiOi' iii'tiuitfTfjav 11 iii. 304, :;i)5 'LKiov h'v(j(-}iif_v ' (jin' yap (juo ti\ii\ov^)jit-r li i.\. 4 b, 49 WITH MAPS, PLANS, AND ABOUT 1800 ILLUSTRATIONS N E W Y O R K II ART Ell & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE 188 1 > ..J)F I c: ) // / -7^ Entered fieeoi'ding to Act of Coiia;ress, in tlie year 1880, by Dr. he -\ Pv Y SCHEIE M A X X, 111 the . OOice ol' the Eil.irarian of Ooiia'res.s, at Washuifituii, AU righls rcsisrved. THE EiaHT HONOUEABLE WILLIAM EWART GLADSTONE, M.P., D.C.L., AS A TRIBUTE TO HIS ENTHUSIASTIC LABOUl'.S AND SINGULAr, INGENUITY IN ILLUSTRATING THE POEMS OF HOMER, THIS ACCOUNT OF EESEARCHES AND DISCOVEIUES ON THE SITE OF SACEED ILIOS is iicspcctfulhj ^cDiratcli BY HIS ADJURING AND GRATEFUL FRIEND THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS. PREFACE.— By rrofessor Eudoi.f Virciiow INTRODUCTION.— AuTODioGr.APiiY of tfie Authoe, xsd Nareative of HIS AVoiiiv AT Troy ...... CHAPTER I. — The Coltxtry of the Tkojaxs (ot T/jojcsI . n. EtIISOGRAPHY of the TriUASS : their SE\ri.;i!Ai, DOJUSIONS IX the Troao: Topookapiiy of Troy III. — The IIlstory of Troy ...... lY. — 'J'he Ti:ue Site of IIomei;'s Iliuji .... V. — The Pirst Pre-IIistorio City ox the Hill hi- IIissARpnc VI. — The iSECoxri Pke-Historkj City on the Site oi' Trhv . YII. — The Third, the Burxt City ..... VIII. — The Foupth Pre-Historic City on the Siti: of Tphy IX. — The Fifth Pre-Historic City of Troy X. — The Sixth City, siost probaply a Lyhiax SitTTPEJOiXT XI. — The SE\'ENTn (_'ity : the Greee; Iliuji; or Koyitm Ilium XII. — The Coxical Mounds in the Troai> ('allei> the Hia:oio 'J'UJHUT ........ PA';!: ix 1 67 119 1.52 184 211 2(14 :;05 618 57:; 5S7 G08 648 APPEIsDIX I.-— Troy and Hissarlik. By Professoi- \iiv:n(Av ,, II. — Ox THE Relation uf Xoj'uji Ilium to Tiiii Ilios of Homer. ]-!y Profossor J. P. Mahaffy" ,. III. — The Ixscriptiiixs fouxd at Hissarlik. By Professor A. H. Sayoe " . ,, IV. — Tiivjippa, Hanai Tepeh. By Mr. Consul Fp ax k" Cal\i:i;i ,, V. — Medical Pi;ai.:ip;'E ix the Troad ix 18(;!i. By Pro- fessor Rudolf Vii;cipiw ..... „ YI. CaTALiioUE III' the 1'LAXTS niTIIEPKi KNOWN OF ITIE Tro.VD, Cd.Ml'ILED ACCliPDIXC lO THi: COLLECTIOXS OF Professor Ji.uDoLi' Vniciiinv anii Dp. .Julius SciiMnrr, AND from thi: Lril';i:APY Shupcls pv I'rofessor I'aul A.scHiiPsox of Berlix, Proi'Essoi: Theodop vox Held- EEICH OF AtHEXS, AXH DdCTOR F. KURTZ OI' BePLIX ,, VII. — On the Lost Art of Harhexinc Copper. By A. J. P)ufiteld ........ VIII. — On Hera Boopis. LW Profcssdr Henry Bi:ucscii-Bey IX. — Troy and Egypt. By Profrs>or Hexry BitUGScii-PiiY INDEX 673 686 601 70G 721 740 745 752 Note. — Special attcnliou is alsn cnllc-d tn Profi .ssor Mas Blullcr's DisATtaliun un tlio ^ and ^ at page.s :ilO-:M9. MAPS AND PLANS AT THE END OF THE BOOK. Mai' of the TitoAii. By E.mile Bur.NOUF l^LAS I. — Of Tiiov. Idem. ,, II. — Of the Helle.nic Ilium. Idem. „ III.— The GiiEAT Centhai, Trench. (Section from North to South : West Side.) Idem. „ IT. — Grkat T):ench, from Sooth-East to North-West. (^Xorth Front.) Idem. „ V. — Plan of the Subterranean Builhinc.s of the Tujiulus called Ujek Tepeh. By M. Gorkiewicz, ,, VI. — TiiAxsvERSE Section of the Sajie. Idem. ILLUSTRATIONS NuiILERS 1-1570. WuOD EXGRAYINGS IN THE BuDY OF THE AA'OKK. NuTE. — Tliese are so rully duS'Tilicd in tlii-ir pLices, tliat tlie reiietitiun uf the flesrrijitions hcru wciulil iie supertluous. Numbers 1801 2000. — Teera-cotta Whokls, Balls, etc., on the Plates AT THE End. NuTE. — The intrriuriUnti! Numbers ImVu bci.'ii lufl vai'aut to avcud double NumbLTs, as tlio Numbers ou the Plates had to be engraved before the Numbers iu the text were lixed. DIAGEAM SHOWING THE SUCCESSIVE STRATA OF EEMAIXS ON THE HILL OF HISSAELIK. j^lelres. Feet (aU.). Surface. 10 to 16 Stratum of the 7tla City, tlie AcmIio Ilium. gj Kfmainsjrf Ihej^th, the Lydian City. Stratum of the ."itli Citj'. 13 23 Stratum of the 4th City. I Stratum of the 3rd, the Burnt City (the ITomeric IliosJ. Stratum of ihe 2nd City. 4.5 to Stratum of the Lst City. 52J Native rock.— Its present liei^-hl' ahove the sea is lOlj-^- feet. Its present heii;ht ahove the phiin at the foot of tlie hill is conswiuentl}' 59,V feet, but it ma}- prohalily have been 1(3 or 20 feet more at ihe time of the Trojau war, the plain having increased in height by the alluvia of the rivers and the delritus of veg;i table and animal matter. COMPAEATIYE TARLE OF FRENCH AND ENGLISH MKASUKES, EXACT AND Al'lTlOXIJIATE. ! Metric. 1 Inches. Ft. Incli. Approximate. Milliinctro . 0' 0000708 0^03937 - 04 or .}-- •■( i ch. Centimetre . •393708 0^39371 •i ,> "s .. Decimetre O 'J •93708 ., 3^9371 4 inclics. Metro . . 39 :'.708 o 3^3708 3| fcct^ 2 7,S •7116 6 6 •7416 6,V „ 3 118 1124 10-1124 10 „ 4 ir,7 48: i2 13 1-4832 13 „ ■ 5 I'.m; 8,-,40 16 4 - 8540 16', „ 6 20G 2248 19 s-2248 Kij ., ; 7 275 5956 O') 11^59:,0 23 ,. 8 314 9664 26 2 •9664 261 „ 9 354 3372 29 6 • 3372 291 „ 10 393 7089 32 9-7080 33' „ 11 433 0788 :!(; 1 ■ 07S8 36 (12 y*.) 12 472 4496 .")9 4-441H; 391 foet. i:i 511 8204 42 7 -'.'204 42J| „ U 551 1912 45 11-1912 46 „ 15 590 5(i20 4 9 2-5620 ■191 „ 16 620 9328 52 5-9328 521 ,, i 17 669 3036 T) 5 9-3036 55| „ i IS 708 6744 59 - 6744 59 „ 1 19 748 0452 62 4-0452 621 ,, 20 787 416 65 7-4100 65^- „ 30 1181- 124 98 5-124 981 ^, 40 1574 832 131 2-832 13ll „ 50 1968 54 164 0-54 164 „ 100 3937-08 328 1-08 328 (.looj-fis.) N.R.— 'i']ic fulliiwiiiii,' is ii, curivenieut iiiiproximate rule into Yari].'<, iwld 1-lltli to tlie inuiiLer of Metres." -" To tnr 1 Mltn PREFACE A BOOK like the present, ecrtaiii to be so long tulked of after {Nachrede), has no real need of a Freface (Vorredc). Nevertheless, 'as my friend Seliliemann insists on my introdncing it to tlie public, I put aside all the scruples which, at least according to my