Qforttell IttittErHitg 2itbrari| StifVLca, Sfetn fork D p cu VM^ «, H^3 Date Due ' 1- ..V ? 'auG2aid 41 APR '"'' "^i ^53 J R i trr- ' - ■^^^-^-p^ - ' -■,'>—< ■ •' miM Cornell University Library HC56 .M68 1919 olin 3 1924 032 342 929 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924032342929 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE WILLIAM C. REDFIELD, Secretary HISTORY OF PRICES DURING THE WAR INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS BY WESLEY C. MITCHELL assisted by MARGARET L. GOLDSMITH and FLORENCE K. MIDDAUGH Published by the Department of Commerce in cooperation with the War Industries Board PRICE, 25 CENTS Sold by the Superintendent o{ Documents, Government Printing Office WasUngton, D. C. WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1919 CONTENTS Pago. I. Aim, scope, and method of the international price comparisons 1 1. Aim , 1 2. Tables of foreign and American prices I 3. How the general trend of price fluctuations in different countries is measured 2 4. Use of foreign index numbers 5 5 . Countries covered by the investigation 6 II. American prices during the war and the peace-time relations between American and European price fluctuations 7 1. Price fluctuations in the United States during the war 7 2. Correspondence between the price fluctuations of different coun- tries in times of peace 13 III . Fluctuations of prices in foreign countries and in the United States in 1913- 1918 17 ' 1. English and American price fluctuations 17 2. French and American price fluctuations 27 3. Italian and American price fluctuations 29 4. Russian and American price fluctuations 31 5. Japanese and American price fluctuations 33 6. British Indian and American price fluctuations 35 7. Australian and American price fluctuations 37 8. Canadian and American price fluctuations 40 9. German, Austrian, and American price fluctuations 42 10 . "iSeandifiavtan and Americanprice fluctuations 46 11. Argentinian and American price fluctuations 51 12. Conclusions 53 13. Acknowledgments 53 14. Explanation of terms 55 15.. Tables of actual and relative prices of commodities in the United States and the following 13 foreign countries: England 56 France 156 Italy : 186 Russia 210 Japan 226 India , 250 Australia 266 Germany 310 Austria , 320 Denmark 330 Sweden 342 Norway 350 Argentina 362 16. Tables of actual prices of commodities in the following foreign countries: Japan 376 India 382 17. Bibliography 384 in LIST OF COMMODITIES QUOTED IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES, WITH THE UNITED STATES COMMODITIES USED FOR COMPARISON." I. UNITED KINGDOM. [150 commodities.] United Kingdom. United States. Acetone Acid, acetic, 60 per cent Acid, carbolic, crystals, 34/35° Acid, muriatic (tower salts), 30° Tw . . . Acid, nitric, 80° Acid, oxalic Acid, sulphuric, 168° Acid, tartaric, powder Alumina, sulphate of, pure Ammonia, anhydrous Ammonia, sulphate of. Aniline oil, pure Arsenic, white, powdered Bacon, Canadian, green sides Barley, British Gazette price Barium, sulphate of, native levigated . , Beans, Engnsh Beef, British Benzol, 60/90 per cent Bleaching powder Brass, sheet Burlap, bags, Chilean oats and barley. Butter, British, first quality Calcium, chloride of Casein Cattle, store, shorthorns, yearling Cement, Portland Cheese, Canadian Coal, anthracite, best malting Coal, Lancashire, best house Coal, steam, best, Lancashire Coal, steam, smalls, best Cardiff Cocoa, Grenada, good to fine Coffee, Costa Eica, good to fine Coke, furnace, best, South Wales Copper, Enghsh selected Copper, standard Copper, sheet, sheathing and rods Copper, sulphate of Copper wire Copperas, green, in bulk Cotton, American, middling Cotton cloth, 32-lnch printed, 116 yards, 16 by 16, 32/50. Cotton cloth, 32-inch shirtings, 76 yards, 19 by 19, 32's/40's. Cotton yam, 60's twist, Egyptian Cotton yam, 40's weft Creosote, ordinary good liquid Ducks, London, nve Eggs, British, first q uality Elour, wheat, town household IFowls, Uve Fustic, Jamaica Cambier Glue, best bone (bone liquid glue) Glycerin, industrial, S. 0., 1,260° Hams, American, green, long cut Hay, best Hemp, manila Hides, cattle, 60/59 Acetone Acid, acetic, 28 per cent Acid, carbolic, crystals (phenol) Acid, muriatic, 20° Acid, nitric, 42° Acid, oxalic Acid, sulphuric, 66° Acid, tartaric, crystals Aluminum sulphate, commercial Ammonia, anhydrous Ammonia, sulphate of. Aniline oil Arsenous oxide (white arsenic) Bacon, rough sides, smoked, loose Barley, good to fair Barium sulphate, blanc fixe Beans, medium choice Beef, fresh carcass, good native steers . Benzol, 90 per cent Bleachmg powder Brass, sheet Burlap, 40-inch, lOJ-ounee, Calcutta... Butter, creamery, extra firsts Calcium chloride, 70-75 per cent, fused Casein Calves, veal, prime, 100 pounds Cement, Portland Cheese, whole milk, American twins : Coal, anthracite, egg ■. ^ Coal, bitumlQOUS (Pittsburgh) Coal, bituminous (Hocking) Coal, semibituininous, Pocahontas Cocoa bean, Grenada, medium choice Coffee, Rio, No. 7, Brazil grades Coke, Connellsville, furnace Copper, casting Copper, Ingot, electrolytic , Copper, sheet Copper sulphate Copper wire , Copperas , Cotton, upland middling , Cotton cloth, 27-inch, 64 by 60, 7.60 yards per pound Cotton cloth, 39-uich, 68 by 72, 30's/40's, 4.76 yards , Cotton yam, 60's, combed peeler cones , Cotton yam, 40's, carded peeler shuttle cops . .'. , Creosote oil , Ducks, live Eggs, firsts, fresh-gathered , Flour, wheat, standard patent Fowls, five, choice Fustic sticks Gambler (Singapore cubes) Glue ; Glycerin, chemically pure Hams, smoked, loose Hay, clover. No. 1 Hemp, manila ] ' " Hides, cattle, extreme light Texas steers ...'. a Complete descriptions of commodities quoted are given here and not in the tables. CONTENTS. I, UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. United Kingdom. Hides, cattle, 60/69 Hides, cattle, 70/79 Hides, cattle, dry and dry-salted, Central Amer- ican. Hides, cattle, salted, Australian Hogs, porkers Indigo, Bengal, good red violet Iron, bar, unmarked, South Staffordshire Iron, bar, Welsh ports Iron, hoop, ordinary bedstead Iron, pig, Mlddlesborough, good marked bars... Lamb, Argentine Iiard, American, boxes Lead, acetate of, white Lead, carbonate of (white lead), pure Lead, nitrate of Lead, red Lead, soft, foreign Lime. Lime, acetate of, gray, 80 per cent. Logwood, Campeohe Lumber, Dantzig and Ilemel Magnesium, sulphate of Mutton, Argentme, frozen. Mutton, English Oatmeal, Aberdeen Oats, British Gazette price Oil, coconut, crude Oil, cottonseed Oil, linseed.. OmoDS, Valencia Petroleum, American Pork, British Potassium, bichromate of Potassium, chlorate of. Potassium, muriate of. Potassium, nitrate of. Potassium, permanganate of Potassium, sulphate of , 90 per cent Potatoes, English Rice, Bassein Rubberj Para, fine hard Sheep, fat stock, Welsh Shellac, T. N., orange, fair Silk, Cossimbuzzar, raw Silk, Italian Silk, Japan Silver, metal Skins, calf , 12/16 Skins, calf, light Skins, kip, first quality Soda ash, carbonated, 58 per cent (ammonia alkali). Sodium, bicarbonate of, crystals , Sodium, borate of (borax), crystals Sodium, hydrate of (75 per cent carbonate soda). Sodium, nitrate of, 95 per cent Sodium, silicate of (liquid 100° Tw) Sodium, sulphate of (salt cake) Sodium^ sulphide of. Cone ; . . . Steel rails, heavy Steel, sheet, doubles Steel, sheet, galvanized, flat, annealed, 18 g., South Wales. Steel, strip, mild Siemens, for nails, hinges, etc. . Sugar, cane (West Indian sirups) Sulphur, brimstone, best thirds TalJow, imported Tea, Congow Tin, English ingots Tin plates, Bessemer steel coke or Siemens (coke flmsh). Tobacco, Virginia leaf (in bond) Turpentme, American Veal, British, first quality Wheat, British Gazette price ,. , Wood pulp, chemical, soda, unbleached Wood pulp, chemical, sulphite bleached, good quality. Wood pulp, mechanical, 50 per cent moist, un- wrapped. United States. Hides, cattle, light Texas steers Hides, cattle, packers' heavy native steers.. Hides, cattle, Bogota Hides, cattle, Vera Cruz Hogs, heavy Inmgo Iron, bar, common Iron, bar, best refined Iron, hoop . Iron; pig, foundry. No. 2 . Lamb, crossed, round Lard, prime contract. . Lead, acetate of, white crystals Lead, carbonate of, basic, American. . Lead, nitrate of Lead, red Lead, pig Lime Lime, acetate of. Logwood sticks Lumber, pine . Magnesium, sulphate of (epsom salts)... Mutton, dressed. Mutton, legs Oatmeal, carload lots, in barrels Oats, contract grades Oil, coconut, Ceylon, domestic Oil, cottonseed, crude, in barrels Oil, linseed, raw, in barrels Onions Petroleum, 150° fire test, water white... Pork, fresh loins Potassium, bichromate of Potassium, chlorate of, crystals Potassium, muriate of. Potassium, nitrate of (saltpeter) Potassium, permanganate of Potassium, sulphate of, 80-90 per cent. . Potatoes, good to choice, white. Rice, Honduras Head, domestic, clean. Rubber, Para Island, fine Sheep, prime Shellac SUk, Canton XX 14/16 Silk, ItaUan, classical, raw SUk, Japanese, Kansaj, No. 1, 13-16 Silver Skins, calf, New England, 12/16 Skins, calf, New England, 7/9 Skins , kip Soda ash, light, 58 per cent solid, Sodium, bicarbonate of Sodium, borate of Sodium, hydroxide of (carbonate soda) 76-78 per cent Sodium, nitrate of, 95 percent Sodium, silicate of, liquid , Sodium, sulphate of (salt cake), glassmakers' Sodium, sulphide of, 60 per cent fused or broken. Steel rails, standard, Bessemer Steel, sheet, black. No. 28 Steel, sheet, galvanized. No. 28 Steel, bar, base price , Sugar, granulated, in barrels Sulphur, brimstone, stick, crude , Tallow, special Tea , Tin, Straits, pig Tin plates, Bessemer open-hearth Tobacco, Burley, dark-red, good-leaf Turpentme Veal, city-dressed, good to prime Wheat, No. 1, northern sprmg Wood pulp, chemical, soda Wood pulp, chemical, sulphite bleached. Wood pulp, ground VI CONSENTS. I. UNITED KINGDOM— Continued. United Kingdom. United States. Page. 146 Wool, cHoice Sydney or G661oiig"inerino, 64's Wool Buenos Air6s, 36's 146 146 Wool China ball, No. 2, open 148 Wool' Territory combing, 1/2 blood 148 148 Wool tops Biierios Aires, 46*s 150 Wool tops Territory, 60's 150 150 Wool yams,'2/50's, fine Territory or domestic... . Wonl vams 2/5'S 2/10's 1/4 blood 162 Wool yarns, 3/12white scoUred hosiery (40's) 162 Wool yams 2/26's, 2/30's, 1/4 blood 152 Wool yarns, 2/40's, worsted crossbred Zinc, pig fspelter), ordinary foreign 154 154 164 n. FRANCE. [44 commodities.] United States. Acid, hydrochloric- Acid, sulphm-ic . . Ammonia, sulphate of Barley ■- Beef, dressed, first to third quality Butter from all sources ," Cocoa, Haiti ■ Cofl'ee, Santos ■ Copper, ingot, for -manufacture of brass... Cotton, Louisiana ordinary . . . : Flour^ Corbeil brand. Gasolme, mineral Glycerin, lixiviatione Glycerin, saponification Hay Lard, American Lead, various origins Lime, chloride of Mutton, dressed, first to third quality Oats, black (or gray) ". Oil, colza Oil, linseed Oil, palm Petroleum, refined Pork, dressed , first to third quality Potatoes Rice, Saigon, importation Rubber, fine Para Rye Silk, raw, Cevennes, second-class, 12/16. . . Soap, white, pure, olive oil Soda, carbonate of Soda, caustic, salts of (for manufacturing) Soda, nitrate of Straw Sugar, refined beet, first-quality Superphosphate Tallow, native, fresh-melted Tin, English, from Cornwall Tm, Straits Settlements Wheat, national Wine, Rousillon, 10-11° Wool, Buenos Aires Zinc, of Silesia Acid, hydrochloric Acid, sulphuric, 66° ' Ammonium sulphate ■ Barley, fair to good .-...-..■ Beef, fresh native sides. . Butter, creamery, extra . .- Cocoa, Bahia ■ ■ Coffee, Rio, No. 7-. - Copper,-ingot, electrolytic Cotton, upland middling Flour^ wheat, standard patents Gasolme, motor Glycerin, dynamite (in drums) Glycerin, chemically pure (in bulk) Hay, alfalfa. No. 1 Lara, prime contract Lead, pig Lime, acetate of Mutton, dressed Oats, No. 2 mixed Oil, rapeseed, refined Oil, linseed, raw Oil, palm, Lagos Oil, liluminatmg Pork, loins Potatoes, white, good to choice Rice Honduras head, domestic, clean Rubber, Para Island, fine Rye, No. 2 Silk, raw, European, classical, Italian Soap, toilet Soda, carbonate of Soda, caustic, 76-78 per cent solid Soda, nitrate of, 95 per cent Straw, wheat Sugar, granulated, in barrels Superphosphate, 16 per cent phosphoric acid Tallow, packers* prime Tin, pig Tin, pig. Straits Wheat, No. I, northern spring Wine, claret, California Wool, Buenos Aires, 36's (scoured basis) Zinc, spelter, prime western ooKnufis. m. ITALY. [38 commodities.] Italy. United States. Page: Acid C'trie, crystals Acid, citric, crystals 186' Acid, sulphuric,. 50/52 186 186 188 18g 188 Coal, pit, New. Eeltnn gas coal, first quality Coal pit, Newport, first quality Coal, bituminous, Pittsburgh, run of mine Cnn.l SRTnfhitnTninm^at.innfl.i, rnTmnnn Oats, white, No. 3 198 198 Common boards No. 1, S-2-S, 1 inch by 10 inches. Timbers, S-1, S-l-E., 6 inches .by. 8 inches by 16 feet Common boards. No. 1, S-2-S,.l inch by 10 inches. Timbers, S-1, S-l-E, 6 inches by 8 inches by 16 ceet 200 Pine, pitch, sawed in beams-, 200 200 202 T?.if',p.^ Osti^lifl, or Nnvarppp^ firRt-Hq-ss 202 Rye, No. 2.. - 202 Silk, raw, Italian 204 204 204 Steers, slaughterhouse, first quality (dead- weight ') Steers, choice to prime, heavy beeves 206 Sugar, national, extra Sugar, granulated, in barrels 206 Sulphur, raw, yellow, iniferior Sulphur, flour 206 Wheat, ^om^tic, fine Wheat, No. 2, hard_ winter .. , Wool, Ohio, jPennsylvania, and West Virginia, nrip-balf mnnHj ijpwa]00 1915 I 1914 I 1915 1916 s ? 5 It e ? 5 P z s 5 t^ z s S p ] I I I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I J 1 1 I I J I I I I 1 1 1 nh J 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1,1 1 J 1 1 J 1 1 1 " L"l i 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 L i r J n J I J 60 : M ^ § g I § § g g § § g TT^_ I 1915 I 1914 I 1915 I 1016 "1 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 31 Table 11— INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PEICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1916. (Medians oJrelativeprices of identioallists of 36commodities. Averagepric6sinJuly,1913-June, 1914=100.] Year Quarters: , First Second Third Fourth.... Months: January... February. March April May June July August September October. . . November. December. 1913 Italy. 109 107 103 101 110 109 107 108 107 105 103 103 102 102 101 101 United States. 101 100 101 103 100 101 100 100 100 102 102 102 103 104 101 100 Italy. 102 97 101 109 97 103 104 104 109 114 United Stftes. 99 100 98 99 98 97 100 101 100 100 100 Italy. 122 129 149 168 116 123 128 127 127 133 142 149 157 158 168 178 United States. 99 101 105 109 101 100 101 102 108 105 108 110 110 1916 Italy. 182 182 185 206 177 180 188 184 181 181 185 183 187 185 216 216 United 124 120 128 139 121 122 130 119 121 121 123 127 133 141 141 135 The results of the comparison once more show an earlier and a much greater rise of prices in the foreign country. Indeed, it seems probable that the advance in Italy began earlier and became greater than the advance in France. A direct comparison of the French and Italian medians does not give very rehable evidence. But this evi- dence is confirmed by reference to the American standard. Com- parison of the American medians in Tables 10 and 11 indicates that the list of commodities used in the Italian-American table rose rather less than the list used in the French-American table; yet the ItaHan medians made from the Hst that rose less are distinctly higher than the French medians made from the list that rose more in the United States. 4. RUSSIAN AND AMERICAN PRICE FLUCTUATIONS. The Russian-American comparison in Table 12 stops at the end of 1916, like the Italian figures. The number of commodities is 23 at most and does not drop below 19 in any month until the last quarter of 1916, when it runs 18, 18, 17. For so short a list, however, the Russian commodities make a good showing; all but one of the articles are important staples and the different branches of produc- tion are fairly well represented. The evidence suffices to show that the advance of prices in Russia began earlier and was greater in 1914-1916 than in the United States. But it does not suffice for a satisfactory comparison between the advance in Russia and in other European countries. The indication is that the Russian rise was less than the Italian, and not much inore flian flio Ts^,no*li«b nn t,n fVip AnrI nf 1 Ql fi Ttrli q f aT7c»T» maTr limro l»Qr\_ X±\ A-JliSXn A J. JLU1.N iiJU IT J^l»Ji!j V^UIVJ-JT AXV±0\Ji> O, XJ7J,iJ— iiTJ-O . MEDIANS OF RELATIVE PRICES OF 25COMMODITICS m .......UNITED STATES -RU.55IA BY MONIKS JANUARy,ia3™ DECEMBER,iai6 AVERAGE QUOTED PRICES JUiy,1915"'lIUNE,ia4=100 1913 X E 2 1914 1915 1016 w 5 F z s 5 s z ? 5 F^? ? a r; 1 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 J I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 p 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I " TNTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 33 pened since then. But no confident conclusion can be drawn with- out more data. Table 12.— INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916. [Medians ofrelative prices of identical lists ol 23 commodities. Average prices in July, 1913-Juiie, 1914=100.] 1913 1914 1915 1916 Rus- sia. United States. Rus- sia. United States. Rus- sia. United States. Rus- sia. 162 150 146 165 187 145 158 146 147 146 146 146 162 186 190 190 181 United States. Year 100 100 98 100 100 102 100 98 96 98 99 100 100 100 101 100, 100 101 100 99 102 101 101 100 100 98 100 100 98 101 106 103 102 98 102 100 101 103 106 100 100 99 100 101 101 101 104 103 104 104 108 97 99 98 97 95 99 99 99 98 100 97 96 99 98 96 94 96 126 111 122 129 140 108 111 113 117 122 126 128 130 130 133 142 146 105 98 101 104 116 97 98 99 98 101 104 103 105 105 105 118 125 140 Quarters: First 130 136 Third 135 158 Months: 125 February 131 March 133 April 141 May 134 134 July 124 143 137 October 148 November 164 December 162 5. JAPANESE AND AMERICAN PRICE FLUCTUATIONS. Japanese price statistics are sufficiently abundant to give a good basis for comparison in every month from January, 1913, to October, 1918. There are 36 commodities in the full list, and the number for which quotations are lacking never exceeds four. At last we find a country in which the war-time advance of prices began later and was less extreme than in the United States, at least until 1918, when the indication is that the Japanese level rose a little higher than the American. This result is not due to the list of com- modities employed; for the American medians in the Japanese com- parison run lower than in any of the other international comparisons so far made. The conclusion is confirmed, moreover, by tlie follow- ing figures, in which the annual index numbers compiled by the Yo- kohama Chamber of Commerce from the wholesale prices of 47 com- modities are put side by side with the American index numbers made by the Price Section. , JAPANESE AND AMERICAN INDEX NUMBERS, BY YEARS, 1913-1917. [Prices In 1913=100.) Year. Japan. United States. 1913 100 94 89 91 138 100 1914 .... 98 1915 101 1916 125 1917 173 Ot INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. MEDIANS OF RELATIVE PRICED OF 56 COMMODITIES IN - UNITED STATES JAPAN BY M0JS1TH5 JANUARY 191i™OCTOBER,tSl8 AVERAGE QUOTED PRICES JUCr39l5"JUNE,1314-100 1913 1914 1015 . 1916 1917 1918 240] 1 1 1 1 i f ii I [ I H I 1 1 1 f i 1 1 u I 1 1 1 1 ^ [ l 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I [ I I 1 1 I f 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 I r 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 |' TT1Z40 ;^ g rf g^ a & g S f fe ij 8 g g ^ 8 i I a H 5 s g « i !915 ! 1914 \ 191-5 | 1916 | 1917 | 191£> | INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 35 Table 13— INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918, [Medians ofrelative prices of identical lists of 36 commodities. Average prices In July, 1913-June, 1914= 100.] 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1 1 1 P Pm 3 P. 11 1-9 03 1-3 1| Year 102 102 103 101 101 102 102 102 104 103 103 101 101 102 102 102 100 101 101 100 100 101 103 101 100 100 100 100 100 101 100 102 102 99 98 100 97 97 97 ■100 100 99 98 96 96 95 96 101 96 97 97 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 100 99 99 99 100 96 97 96 92 97 95 98 97 98 98 93 91 92 94 96 97 97 101 98 99 100 107 99 97 99 99 99 99 100 100 101 103 106 108 107 100 102 104 120 98 99 103 102 102 103 102 103 108 116 122 121 122 109 115 122 141 110 108 110 111 114 119 120 121 124 129 143 150 139 121 131 148 156 120 119 123 126 133 136 138 151 155 160 159 160 171 142 166 182 192, 144 141 142 157 172 170 176 188 182 191 191 195 Quarters: First 183 185 206 190 Second Third Fourth 185 195 Months: January February March April. . . . 176 186 187 187 180 187 193 211 214 222 191 192 186 185 May 183 188 July 187 August September... October November 190 207 214 6. BRITISH INDIAN AND AMERICAN PRICE FLUCTUATIONS. The available price statistics for British. India start in July, 1914, run to the end of 1917, and include 24 commodities that can be matched after a fashion with similar American commodities. Hence the comparison can not: be made upon the 1913-14 base. But for the United States, at least, the shift of base to July, 1914, probably makes little difference, since the Price Section's index number for that month is 99. Indian prices behaved more Hke Japanese than like European or American prices. Although the American list used for Table 14 is made up of commodities that advanced decidedly faster on the average than the general American price level, their Indian equiva- lents showed a maximum increase of less than 50 per cent above the prewar level at the end of 1917. On the face of the figures the Indian advance exceeded the Japanese in 1915 and 1916, but fell behind the latter after the middle of 1917. In view of the difference between the American medians used in the two comparisons, however, it re- mains uncertain whether the conclusion for 1915 and 1916 is vaUd. Perhaps identical lists of commodities for Japan and for India would show fairly close agreement in these years. Of course, the inference that the Japanese prices rose more than Indian prices in the second half of 1917 is reinforced by the different behavior of the American medians. 113951°— 19 4 36 INTERNATIONAL, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1&13-1918. J1ECMNS OFEECKTKE PRICES Or 24CaMMaDITES JN. '""•"■UNTTED STATES JNDIA BY MONTHS OUIX',1914"' DECEMBERJ91T .ffi/ERAdEC?UdTH5 PRICES OUETlSW =100 1914 1915 I 1916 I 1317 1 1 b i I ^ s I U ^ h i b INTEKNATIONAIi PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 37 Oriental prices in the past have moved more sluggishly than occi- dental prices. Commercial organization is less advanced, and cus- tom plays a larger r61e in economic as well as in social life. The remarkable fact brought out by the Japanese and Indian comparisons is not that the increase ia prices was less than at the distant seat of war or in America on which the western belligerents were drawing so heavUy for supplies from the beginning of hostilities. It is rather that the revolution of European prices caused by the war affected so powerfully the economic fortunes even of the brown and yellow millions on the opposite side of the globe. Table 14.— INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PRICES IN INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1914-1917. [Medians of relative prices of identical lists of 24 commodities. Average prices in July, 1914= 100.] 1914 India. United States. 1915 India. United 1916 India. United States. India. United States. Year Quarters: First. . . . Second- . Third... Fourth.. Months: January... February . March April May June. olOO 100 100 July August September. October November - December. . 100 100 100 100 100 103 104 100 99 97 107 104 105 105 113 102 106 103 107 106 102 105 105 105 106 116 118 114 108 120 109 117 100 111 113 119 123 119 113 110 105 110 117 124 124 116 122 123 134 117 114 118 121 122 123 122 120 126 123 139 139 135 136 138 165 134 137 135 138 136 134 134 137 144 155 168 173 141 135 138 141 141 142 139 135 135 136 140 137 137 137 137 148 178 207 218 222 175 179 181 191 204 227 222 217 215 212 229 225 aAverage of last six months. 7. AUSTRALIAN AND AMERICAN PRICE FLUCTUATIONS. It is fortunate that the price data for Australia are rather full, since the course followed by the fluctuations differs in characteristic ways from the American, European, and oriental curves. Sixty-six commodities are included in the table of medians, and of these not more than one article is missing in any month from 1914-1916. Five more articles drop out in the course of 1917, but even in July, 1918, the last month for which quotations are now available, the number of commodities included is not reduced below 57. In addition, there is an excellent index number, prepared by the Commonwealth Statis- tician, including 92 commodities, and carefully weighted. 38 INTEENAXIONAIi PBICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. Table 15.— INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918. [Average prices in July, 1913-June, 1914= 100.] A. The Commrniwealth Statistician's index number of wholesale prices compared with the Price Section's index number for the United States. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Aus- tralia. United States. Aus- tralia. United States. Aus- tralia. United States. Aus- tralia. United States. Aus- traUa. United States. Aus- tralia. United States. Year 100 102 101 99 99 101 102 100 101 102 106 100 103 109 113 99 100 97 100 98 148 128 153 168 142 102 100 100 102 107 139 138 138 139 139 126 118 123 125 139 153 140 146 168 166 175 152 177 187 182 Quarters: First Fourth B . Medians of relative prices of identical lists of 66 commodities. Year 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 101 100 100 100 100 100 99 100 101 101 100 100 102 100 100 103 103 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 102 106 104 104 101 100 100 99 100 100 100 100 100 99 99 100 99 100 101 100 100 100 119 110 117 123 127 108 109 113 113 117 121 125 122 121 123 127 132 104 100 100 104 113 100 100 100 100 100 100 106 103 103 106 113 119 143 139 145 142 145 133 138 145 145 146 145 143 141 142 143 146 145 134 122 126 136 152 121 124 122 123 127 128 133 136 138 141 152 164 151 142 151 153 157 138 144 145 148 152 152 153 153 153 163 156 152 177 164 183 182 179 160 164 167 181 188 181 183 186 178 177 174 187 Quarters: First . . . . 150 151 181 Second Third 183 Months: January February March April . .. 152 150 148 152 149 151 153 182 184 176 181 May 184 June 183 July 187 August September... Far away as is Australia from the main seat of war, her heavy con- tributions in both men and supplies sent prices up in the autumn of 1914 as promptly as they rose in England. The rise in 1915 exceeded that in the mother country, if the ofHcial Australian index number is to be trusted, though the medians tell a different story. The explana- tion of this difference between the two series for Australia is simple. There was an exceptionally great rise in the prices of meats and agri- cultural produce — two classes of commodities which are of great importance in Australian business, although their number is not very large. Hence these articles influence the weighted index number much morfe than they influence the medians. In 1916 these two classes of goods and dairy produce declined in price, probably because of the large crops and because the growing dearth of shipping made it difiicult for Great Britain to send to Melbourne for supplies that could be had nearer home. Though the other five classes of goods included in the official Australian index rose, the figures for "All commodities" fell in 1916, while prices in Europe and America were INTERNATIONAL, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 39 MEDIANS GF RELATIVE PRICES OF 66 COMMODITIES /s IN UNITED STATES ■AUSTRALIA BY MONTHS JANUARY, ISB" JULY, 1916 AVERAGE QUCTTEDPtaCES JUa;i313"JUNEJ914"10O 1S15 I 1914. I 1915 I 1916 I 1917 | 1916 | ]■! If I I I I M I I pi Ifl I I M I I if I ifl I I I II I I mTm I M h I I I I I I I I I I I I I I |7| I 1 I 40 INTERN ATION All PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. rising rapidly. The medians and the official index contradict each other again in this year; for, to repeat, the numbers of commodities that rose and fell count in the median without respect to their com- mercial importance. In 1917 the two series agree that prices ad- vanced in Australia, though the level of prices attained fell short of the level in the United States by over 20 points. Finally, in 1918 the medians alone are available. Their testimony is that prices remained tolerably constant, at least until July, at a level somewhat lower than that of the preceding autumn. A supplementary index of prices in Sydney confirms this conclusion. 8. CANADIAN AND AMERICAN PRICE FLUCTUATIONS. In its Annual Report on Wholesale Prices in Canada, which can readily be obtained by interested Americans, the Canadian Depart- ment of Labour publishes the weekly or monthly prices of about 270 commodities. It also compiles an index number from the data which gives a satisfactory comparison with the American index prepared by the Price Section of the War Industries Board. Under these cir- cumstances it has not seemed necessary to insert long tables of Ca- nadian prices in the appendix of this bulletin or to make medians of relative prices from identical lists of commodities. Table 16, which presents the Canadian and American index num- bers in parallel columns, shows that the fluctuations of prices in Canada pursued a course intermediate between that followed in Eng- land and in the United States. Participation in the war from the outset caused prices to rise earlier in Canada than in the United States, though not so early or so rapidly as in England. Throughout 1915 and 1916 the Canadian index averaged not much more than 10 points higher than the American, a margin which was temporarily wiped out by the great uprush of prices in this country when it de- clared war. But prices seem to have been less efficiently controlled in Canada in 1918 than they were in the United States, so that the Canadian index numbers regained their lead of 10 points or more. INTEENATIONAT, PEIOE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 41 INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PRICES IN UNITED STATES CANADA xx y xxK BY MONTHS JANUARY 1913 ^° E)ECEMBER,I9I8 AVERAGE QUOTED PRICES, JULY, 1913^°JUNE 1914^ 100 I 1915 I 1914 1015 1916 1917 19ia f . .fMfMtnf , ,^ufMf , ,fMT..lM^, , | ,, ^M^MT , ,-fM^ , f,,? , ,f , .PMf .. rM , 4ii INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. Table 16.— INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PRICES IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918. [A comparison of the series compiled by the Canadian Department of Labour and by the Price Section of the War Industries Board. Average prices in July, 1913-June, 1914—100.] 1913 1914 1915 1916, 1917 1918 Can. U.S. Can. U.S. Can. U.S. Can. U.S. Can. U.S. Can. U.S. Year 100 101 101 99 110 102 136 126 176 176 205 194 Quarters: First 100 100 102 100 101 100 100 97 105 109 100 100 129 134 118 123 161 177 152 177 194 203 187 Second 190 Third 99 101 101 100 111 102 134 125 182 187 209 197 Fourth 100 102 102 98 116 107 146 139 185 182 213 202 Months: January 101 103 101 100 102 100 127 115 157 148 191 185 February. . -- 100 102 101 100 105 100 130 118 162 161 194 187 March 100 102 101 99 107 100 131 121 166 156 198 188 April 100 100 ■ 100 99 99 101 100 100 100 101 101 100 100 99 100 98 97 97 97 101 108 109 110 111 112 100 100 100 102 102 133 135 135 133 133 123 123 122 123 125 170 180 182 183 182 170 178 183 189 187 198 203 207 209 209 191 May 190 189 July. . .. 193 August 196 September... 99 102 104 101 111 102 135 127 181 186 210 201 October 99 102 102 99 112 104 139 132 180 . 182 213 201 November. . . 100 102 101 98 117 107 148 141 186 183 214 201 December 101 101 101 98 119 111 153 144 189. 182 213 203 9. GERMAN, AUSTRIAN, AND AMERICAN PRICE FLUCTUATIONS. For Germany and Austria no systematic price quotations after the close of 1915 are now available in the United States. Even for 1913-1915 the Austrian data are scanty, comprising but 14 com- modities at most, and of these quotations for one or two are lacking in several months. Moreover, the list includes nothing but food products, hay, and straw. The German-American list is better bal- anced, longer — 30 commodities — and the omissions do not cut down the number in any month below 25 commodities. So far as the figures go, the 1915 rise of prices in Austria seems to have been far more violent than the rise in any other country inves- tigated. The German advance was certainly less than the Austrian, but seemingly greater than the English in 1915. INTERNATIONAL PEIGE COMPAKISONS, IQIS-ISIS. 43 TABLE 17.— INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PRICES IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1915. [Mediansotrelative prices of identicallists of SOoommodities. AverageprlcesiiiJuly,1913-June, 1914=100.1 1913 1914 1915 Ger- many. United States. Ger- many. United States. Ger- many. United States. Year 102 102 102 101 101 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 101 101 102 101 100 101 102 101 101 100 102 102 102 102 102 100 100 100 102 100 100 100 103 90 99 101 114 100 99 99 98 100 100 100 100 104 109 116 116 100 100 99 100 100 99 100 100 100 99 99 97 101 102 100 100 100 137 121 134 144 148 118 121 125 129 134 140 145 143 144 148 142 154 103 Quarters: First ... 100 Second. 100 Third 103 108 Months: 100 February . .. 100 March 101 April 101 Way 100 100 July 100 105 September 104 October. 106 November, 109 108 TABLE 18.— INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRIA AND THE UNITED . STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1915. [Medians of relative pricesofidenticallists of 14 commodities. AveragepricesinJuly,1913-June, 1914=100.] 1913 1914 1915 Aus- tria. United States. Aus- tria. United States. Aus- tria. United states. Year . . . . 102 103 , 105 100 99 103 103 104 , 105 107 103 102 102 97 101 97 98 99 99 98 97 102 98 97 101 102 97 95 94 . 97 100 102 101 102 103 99 101 100 113 100 99 99 103 102 99 99 99 103 107 114 117 102 101 102 104 102 101 101 101 102 , 104 100 102 102 107 104 101 100 210 139 222 240 240 121 132 163 191 236 239 239 242 240 236 238 246 97 Quarters: First 97 96 Third 99 Fourth 96 Months: - January 98 February. . 97 March... 97 April ; ' 94 May 97 97 July 101 August.. 106 89 October 97 November 95 December 96 44: INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. MEDIANS OFRELATIVE PRICES OF 50COMMODIT]E:5 IN «*,..«K UNITED STATES GERMANY EY MONTHS JANUARY, 1915™ DECEMBEEej915 AVERAGE QUOTED PRICES UULY,19l5"tJUNE^914=100 1913 1914 1915 r S 5 P z 5 5 H z 5 5 H Jl I I I I I ] 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I f 1 1 I 1 1 [I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 r INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPABISONS, 1913-1&18. 45 J^EDIANS OFRELATIVE PRICES OF 14C0MM0DmL3 IN •UNITED STATES AUSTRIA 260 BY MONTHS aANUAESYjiay decembb^s AVERSCE QUOTED PRICES OUCtElia ■'yUNE,19M -lOO I 1S13 I 1914 I 1915 I 1916 I i..<.l.s.li.?.;s.l.fl.gj..^~0~ ^ 1 1 |i i f I i | ii f 1 1 [I I fi i i iii 1 1 1 1 1 [1 1 1 1 i 7 i 1 1 II p 1 1 1 1 240 220 ZOO 180 160 140 ao soU^ ■■!■■.'■■.■ r^ II "L"'"! ' ' S — S 1 — Q ^ ^ -^ " Y a a " y =h id :<_- I 1913 I 1914 I 1913 I 1916 | Z60 240 220 200 180 160 140 eo 60 46 INTERNATIONAL PKICB COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 10. SCANDINAVUN AND AMERICAN PRICE FLUCTUATIONS. The lists of commodities that can be quoted from Denmark, Sweden, and Norway are all short, including but 17, 12, and 18 commodities, respectively. The medians show, however, rather close agreement among themselves, closer agreement, indeed, than the three corre- sponding media,ns for the United States show. The three countries may, therefore, all be discussed together. Situated close to the field of war, and having commercial relation- ships with both sides in the struggle, the Scandinavian markets naturally experienced violent price fluctuations. The three medians run over 30 points higher than the American figures in 1915 and 55-70 points higher than the American figures in 1916. The Swedish prices alone extend beyond 1916. They show a most extraordinary advance in 1918; but the figures rest on a very narrow basis. Table 19.— INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PRICES IN DENMARK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916. [Medians of relative prices ot identical lists o{ 17 commodities. Average prices in July, 1913-June, 1914=100.] Year Quarters: First Second Third Fourth Months; January... February. March April May June July August September October. . . November. December. 1913 Den- mark. 100 100 100 100 100 100 101 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 United States, 100 100 102 101 100 100 101 99 100 100 100 103 102 101 102 100 Den- mark, 100 100 101 109 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 103 104 110 112 United 100 100 104 104 100 103 100 I Den- mark, 122 128 135 151 120 124 121 129 125 130 130 130 146 154 154 146 United States. 101 100 95 100 109 101 100 100 95 95 96 100 102 108 107 111 1916 Den- mark. 182 154 179 188 205 158 146 158 167 187 183 181 187 196 196 210 210 United States. 116 117 125 150 119 116 112 US 114 120 121 m 130 139 ISl 159 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 47 MEDIANS OF RELATIVE PRICES OF IT COMMODITIES IN UNITED 5TATE5 ■ DENMAR1<. BY MONTHS JANUARY 1913 " EECEMBEH, 1916 /5/ERAGE QUOTED PRICES J1X"Y,19E "JUNE.1914400 1915 1914 1915 1916 z — E 5 H z 2 5 H X p 5 C r S g vT" e£Q'| I I I " i ' ' I "[ ' ' I "7 ' ' I " ' I I ' ' I ' ' I " f ' ' I " f' ' I " 1 220 48 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. Table 20.— INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PRICES IN SWEDEN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918. [Medians of relative prices of identical lists of 12 commodities. Average prices in July, 1913-June, 1914= 100.] Year Quarters: First Second Tliird Fourth Months: January February March April May June July August September . . . October November- . . December 1913 Swe- den. 103 102 103 104 102 100 101 104 102 103 103 104 103 104 101 102 102 United 101 99 100 104 100 99 100 100 98 Swe- den. 97 99 97 91 99 101 103 United States. 102 101 101 104 102 101 100 103 101 100 101 103 105 106 105 105 97 Swe- den. 138 116 136 155 146 111 115 121 128 137 145 151 159 165 148 142 147 United States. 97 107 100 96 96 92 98 102 108 108 105 104 101 94 Swe- den. 153 176 204 148 162 168 165 177 185 198 207 208 198 186 185 United States. 112 104 110 116 118 101 100 110 106 108 116 117 113 118 120 112 121 Swe- den. 192 196 190 214 191 192 192 195 197 197 188 187 194 203 202 238 United States. 150 138 146 160 166 130 130 155 143 145 149 149 143 157 167 187 154 Swe- den. 307 613 264 297 359 456 657 527 519 559 United 162 188 172 160 153 176 191 19" 202 213 Table 21.— INDEX NUMBERS OF WHOLESALE PRICES IN NORWAY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916. [Medians of relative prices of identical lists of 18 commodities. Average prices in July, 1913-June, 1914= 100.] 1913 Nor- way. United States. Nor- way. United States. Nor- way. United States. Nor- way. United Year Quarters: First Second Third Fourth Months: January... February.. March April May June July August September October... November. December. 104 99 100 100 104 102 107 98 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 101 102 97 95 97 104 103 101 101 100 101 105 118 100 100 100 99 102 101 101 106 108 115 119 121 99 100 103 100 99 97 99 102 102 104 104 126 137 143 153 124 126 126 137 137 137 138 146 146 148 161 159 103 103 101 105 104 103 102 103 101 109 107 99 100 106 107 170 200 196 201 169 168 172 186 204 210 194 195 198 201 200 114 121 117 130 112 116 116 119 122 123 117 113 120 123 134 132 INTEKNATIONAIj PKICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 49 MEDUSH5 Cr RELST IVE PRICED OF 12 C0MM0DITIC5 . UNITED 5rATE:5 .SWEDEN BV MOUTHS dANJJfiStf. IMi" AUGUST , ISJO AVERAGE ^0TCDPRICC3JULYiaS'VUKC la^-lOO fht 1916 50 INTERNATIONAL, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. MEDIANS OF CELATIS/E PRICES OF 16C0MM0DIT1ES IN «««««« UNITED STATES BY MONTHS JANUARY 19B'° DECEMBERlSaS AVERAGE QUOTED PRICES JULY,1915 "86 July 4.75 .0786 107 116 16 .2600 109 92 10 (<■) 78 1 m August.... 4.19 .0780 94 116 16 9 .2360 115 87 1 (°) 78 "iS September 4.19 .0769 94 114 17 6 .2419 120 89 ,1 (a) 78 tsi October... 4.63 .0789 104 117 19 .2826 130 96 10 .2583 78 22 November 3.75 .0811 85 120 19 .2895 130 106 1 .2760 78 24 December. 4.19 aN . 0915 quotat 94 on. 136' 19 .3206 130 nter 118 pola 1 ted. .3425 78 29 INTEEErATIONAL PKICE COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. 71 WHOLESALE PEICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEKS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Burlap. Actual price. U.K. U.S. 'Rela- tive price. Butter. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. U. Cabiages. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Maiket. Unit Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters— a First Second... Third.... Fourth... Months — January.. February March April May June July... August September October. . . November December. 1917— Year... Quarters- First Second... Third.... Fourth... Months- January.. February March April May June July . . . August.,.. September October. . . November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March.. April... May... June... July... August. _.. September October. . . November December. Liverpool.. Each S s. d. 4.44 5.08 4.40 4.79 5.06 6.08 4.19 4.19 4.81 4.81 C 4.81 4.75 4.56 4, 6 6 6.25 9.21 6.46 6.30 1 2.46 6.50 6.50 6.13 6.13 7.75 9.75 11.38 11.38 14 14 1 1.61 2.17 0.92 0.67 2.67 2.50 1 1 0.75 1 0.31 1 0.50 1 1.19 1 2.63 1 1 2.75 New York. Yard.. London.. 12 lbs... Dolls 0. 0675 .1134 .0909 .0807 .0909 .1116 .1163 .1135 .1047 .0878 114 137 94 94 108 108 108 0810 107 .0763 .0821 .0839 .0851 .0906 .1010 .1337 .0937 .1075 .1417 .1920 .0968 144 .0953 146 146 .0878 .1114 .1281 .1348 .1411 .1510 .1620 .2003 .2213 £ s. i 14 7.50 19 7 18 10 18 19 2 12 4 19 19 18 6 18 18 18 113 18 122 19 10 6 113 12 6 1 3 3 2113 307 313 1 4 4.50 13 8 1 2 9 1 3 10 1 7 3 .2155 319 291 285 .1505 .2103 .2144 .2219 .2395 .2431 .2400 .2425 .2453 315 316 327 293 293 287 277 282 297 330 .1505 330 .1505 332 355 3 6 3 6 4 3 6 2 9 2 1 7 4.75 1 8 18 16 7 17 18 1 8 18 18 18 1 8 Chi- cago. Pound Dolls. 2724 .3179 .3159 .3019 .2910 .3622 .3100 .3453 .3383 .2866 .2817 .2906 .3141 .3373 .3' .3731 .4034 London.. Dozen. . . 134 117 129 116 123 111 131 107 163 133 .3865 162 .3919 166 .3928 163 .4404 186 .3681 .3969 .3944 .4200 .3794 .3763 .3700 .3938 .4203 .4260 .4325 .4675 .i658 .4133 .4747 .5948 .4788 .4844 .4344 .4055 .4144 .4188 .4292 .4458 .6450 .5526 .6935 .6281 £ s. d. 1 3.33 1 5.76 14 15 17 1 7 1 3 10 New York. Cwt... Dolls. 1. 1645 lll.i 2 3 3 1 6.33 1 2 1 9 2 6 2 6 2 (1 4 (1 3 2 1 6 (1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 .5371 .7625 1.3 2. 2000 .4625 .4438 .7050 .6750 .8126 (a) (1) (") 1.6250 2. 0000 2. 0750 2.5250 2.4723 4.8854 2. 9444 .7462 1.6442 3.3750 137 6.6875 196 196 167 313 235 .3330 6.2600 3. 8125 1.5000 .6500 .6750 .9375 1. 5760 1. 4375 1.9375 103 104 111 124 124 189 40 38 61 49 70 677 178 2 8.73 1.6014 214 129 152 174 218 176 178 159 149 152 164 168 164 200 18 2 3 3 8 3 2 19 19 16 W 2 6 2 2.4208 1. 1139 1.2750 1.1968 2. 4600 3. 0938 1.7188 1.5000 .8917 (a) (o) 1.3750 1.2600 1. 1500 1.0626 1.3750 6112 140 172 178 217 212 420 263 64 141 644 461 327 129 66 58 81 135 123 166 208 109 103 148 129 77 236 bios 118 107 99 91 118 a No quotation. 6 Interpolated. 72 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1018. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Calcium, chloride of. Actual price. U. S. Rela- tive price. U. V. K. Casein. Actual price. V. K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Cattle, store. -Actual price. U. K. U. S. Rela- tive price. Market. .. Unit... Base price 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February , March April May June July.... August. September October... November December. 1914— Year . Quarters- First... Second Third.. Fourth.... Months — January- . February March April May June July August... September October... November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March A^ril May June July August September October... November December. Manchester Ton £ s. 2 13 2 17 6 2 17 6 2 17 6 2 17 6 2 17 6 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 U 2 10 2 10 2 11 4 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 15 4 4 4 .3 16 8 3 5 3 15 10 4 3 15 3 15 3 5 3 5 3 6 3 10 3 17 4 4 6 10 12 10 New York. 100 lbs Dolh 0. 6146 .6458 .6500 .6500 .6500 .6333 .6600 .6500 .6600 .6500 .6500 .6600 .6500 .6500 .6600 .6500 .6500 .6000 .5900 .5833 .6917 .6000 .5850 .6000 . .6750 .6750 .5750 .6000 .6000 .6000 .6000 .6000 .5850 .5a50 . .5860 .5873 .6S50 . 5863 .5890 . 5890 .5850 .5860 .5850 .5860 .5860 .6890 .5890 .6890 .5890 .5890 .5890 .5890 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 108 93 91 96 149 93 93 93 93 9! 93 93 93 102 149 149 149 172 143 121 141 285 149 140 140 121 121 121 130 144 149 149 242 465 Manchester Ton 96 96 £ s. d. 29 8 29 5 (a) (.") 30 29 (") (a) W (a) (a) (a) C) (°) 30 29 29 29 ,34 15 29 30 36 45 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 46 45 46 45 48 16 8 45 6 45 13 4 47 13 4 56 13 4 45 45 46 47 46 46 45 46 62 55 55 60 New York, Pound - Dolls 0. 0750 .0750 .0750 .0750 .0750 .0750 .0750 .0760 .0760 . 07.50 .0750 .0750 .0760 .0750 .0750 .0750 .0760 .0750 .0750 .0750 .0750 .0750 (») .0750 .0760 .0750 .0750 .0760 .0750 .0750 .0750 (a) (o) (») (o) .0891 (a) .0725 .0725 .1383 (a) (») (a) .0725 .0726 .0725 .0725 .0726 .0725 .1100 .1360 .1700 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 i>JOO tlOO b99 l>99 119 b97 97 97 184 ''97 b97 6.97 97 97 97 97 97 97 147 180 227 England and Wales. Head New York, 100 lbs. £ s. d 11 9 1 11 2 1 11 4 11 13 4 10 9 4 11 5 4 10 19 11 11 2 11 9 11 16 11 15 11 9 18 10 10 10 16 11 10 11 10 11 17 11 11 19 12 2 11 12 11 18 11 13 11 18 12 8 12 6 12 3 11 17 11 6 11 12 11 18 11 13 12 12 1 Bolls. 12.0083 12. 0.396 12. 1667 11. 1667 11. 7833 13. 0417 12. 2500 12. 3750 11. 8750 12.0000 10. 3760 11. 1260 10. 8760 11. 8750 12.6000 13. 37.50 12. 8750 12. 8750 11. 9208 12. 5833 10. 6250 12. 2260 12. 2500 13. 3750 12.0000 13. 3750 11. 6250 9. 3750 10. 8750 11. 1250 12. 3000 13. 2500 12. 0000 11. 6250 13. 1250 13 2 8 12.1.364 12 11 13 9 13 14 12 16 12 8 12 13 12 13 13 2 13 10 13 16 13 9 13 17 13 17 13 2 12 19 12 7 4| 12.7083 01 10.4583 4 12.7083 12.6667 a No notation. 12. 3750 12. 8750 12. 8750 11. 8760 8. 8750 10. 6250 11. 7500 13. 0000 13. 3760 13. 3750 12. 3750 12. 2500 *> Interpolated. INTEEKATIONAL, PRICE COMPAEISOjSTS, l&13-19i8. 73 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAKTEBS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Calcium, chloride of. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Casein. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Cattle, store. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Market.. Unit..... Manchester Ton Base price 1916— Year... Quarters — First..... Second Third Fourth... Months- January.. February March April May June July August.--. September October- - - N ovember December 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second... Third.... Fourth... Months — January.. February March April May June July , August. -- September October. . . November December. .1918— Year.--- Quarters— First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August September October. . . November December. £ s. d. 2 13 9 10 7 6 13 12 10 8 16 7 3 4 13 13 13 13 12 11 10 11 7 15 7 15 6 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 11 7 15 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 10 7 11 8 9 17 1 8 15 10 10 6 10 6 7 15 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 New York. 100 lbs. Dolls. 0. 6146 .8828 .5890 .5890 1.01 1. 2700 .5890 .5890 .5890 .5890 .5890 .5890 .5890 1.3300 1.3300 1.3300 1.3300 1. 1500 1. 4042 1.2667 1.5000 1.5000 1.3500 1. 1500 1. 1500 1.5000 1.5000 1.6000 1.5000 1. 5000 1.6000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1. 0500 1.0933 1.0731 1. 1000 1. 1000 1. 1000 1.0500 1.0626 1. 1000 1. 1000 1. 1000 1. 1000 370 1. 1000 1.1000 1.1000 1.1000 I.IOOO; 391 1. 1000 372 Manchester Ton 144 75 75 60 60 60 65 65 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 81 5 75 75 83 6 8 91 13 4 75 76 75 75 76 75 75 85 90 90 90 95 115 8 4 96 13 4 106 13 4 128 6 8 130 95 100 95 100 100 120 125 130 130 130 130 130 New York. Pound DoUs . 0. 0750 .1925 .1700 .2500 .1800 .1700 .1700 .1700 .1700 .2500 .2500 .2500 . 1800 .1800 .1800 .1700 .1700 .1700 .1983 .1667 .1900 .2200 .2167 .1700 .1600 .1700 .1900 .1900 .1900 .2200 .2200 .2200 .2200 .2200 .2100 .1754 .1800 .1667 .1650 .1800 .1800 .1800 .1800 .1450 .1450 .1450 .1750 .1750 .2000 .2000 .2000 .2000 442 England and Wales. Head £ 5. d. 11 9 1 14 9 2 13 3 14 15 14 10 15 7 17 17 11 12 15 13 6 13 10 13 19 15 1 16 5 14 8 14 11 14 13 16 5 15 8 15 9 16 14 3 16 6 4 17 4 4 16 5 4 17 1 16 14 16 5 17 16 18 16 16 17 19 16 15 15 18 16 3 17 12 2 17 11 4 18 6 4 17 11 8 17 4 17 9 17 12 17 13 17 5 17 10 18 17 8 16 15 16 18 New York. 100 lbs. Dolls. 12.0083 12. 4375 12.3333 10. 7917 13.2500 13.3750 12.3750 12.0000 12. 6250 10.5000 9. 7500 12. 1250 12.7500 13.3750 13.6250 13.8750 12.3750 13. 8750 15.6354 15.0000 15.0417 16.2083 16.2917 15.7500 16. 8760 13. 3750 16.3750 13. 7500 16.0000 15.8750 15.8750 16.8750 16.8750 16. 1260 16.8750 18. 8646 18. 1667 17.5417 19. 2083 20.5417 17. 3750 18. 8750 18. 2600 20. 8750 16.6250 16. 1250 18. 3750 18. 3750 20.8750 20.8750 19.8750 20. 8750 74 INTERNATIONAL PEICE OOMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-191^Continued. Cement, Portland. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Cheese. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Coal, anthracite. Actual price. U. K. U. S Rela- tive price. Market. Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second TMrd Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September. October November . December. . 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April June. July August September. October November . December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July -August September. October November. December.- London.. Ton £ s. i iiSS 10 38 10 M (0 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 3K 10 ;m 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 .S8 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 New York. Bbl.o Doll 1. 5800 1.5 1. 5800 1.5800 1.5800 1. 5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1. 5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1. 5800 1.5800 1. 5800 1.6800 100 («) («) 100 (4 («) (») (■:) (') (<:) («) («) 100 100 100 1.5800 100 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 l.£ 1. 5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 l.£ 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1. 5800 1. 5800 1. 4625 1. 5333 1. 3792 1.3 1. 6317 1.6800 1. 5800 1.4400 1. 4000 1. 4000 1. 3375 1. 3375 1. 3375 1. 4225 1. 4225 1.4225 1. 7500 Bristol . Cwt.... £ s. d. 3 7 11.50 3 5 1 3 5 3 3 2 3 5 8 3 6 6 3 12 3 9 10 3 9 10 3 11 2 3 17 2 3 9 3 1(1 n 3 10 6 3 10 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 5 3 13 3 16 6 3 16 3 16 n 3 19 6 4 8 6. 4 8 8 4 16 10 4 1 2 4 7 6 4 2 6 4 9 B 4 14 4 IS 4 IS 4 14 6 4 6 6 3 IS 3 19 n 4 2 4 7 « 4 13 Chi- cago. Pound Doll. 0. 1466 .1418 .1550 .1327 .1351 .1440 .1575 .1626 .1460 .1306 .1281 .1395 .1325 .1322 .1405 .1463 .1406 .1450 .1438 .1629 .1446 .1358 .1326 .1638 .1644 .1605 .1526 104 .1438 102 .1376 102 .1338 .1405 .1331 .1288 .1315 .1375 .1423 .1461 .1420 .1335 .1422 .1504 .1458 .1417 .1468 .1375 .1416 .1270 .1319 .1360 .1463 .1644 Swansea . . Ton £ s. a. 1 1 9.25 1 2 5.25 1 3 10 12 6 115 12 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 7.50 1 2 10 118 17 1 15 1 3 15 1 13 1 14 6 1 16 1 14 6 New York. Ton-. Doll. 5. 0613 5.0636 5. 1985 4.7890 5.0674 5. 1996 5. 1954 5.2000 5. 2000 4. 6974 4. 7897 103 100 109 103 103 95 98 100 101 103 4.87991 101 4. 9539 5.0842 5. 1640 6. 1976 5. 2011 5. 2000 5. 0592 5. 1974 4.7809 5. 0643 6.1942 5.2000 5.2000 5. 1922 4.6988 4. 7843 4. 8596 4. 9911 6. 0416 5. 1601 104 103 103 103 100 102 103 103 103 100 103 94 100 103 103 103 103 5. 1869 94 5.200C 106 5. 19.58 103 5.0464 122 5.1880 105 4.7566 100 6. 0475 124 5. 1936 161 5. 1901 108 5.2000 106 5.1738 101 4. 6979 96 4. 7496 101 4. 8222 101 4. 9265 106 5. 0690 115 6. 1569 1.52 5. 1947 1,58 5. 1964 165 5. 18961 16S 94 99 94 100 941 102 103 103 m3 100 ■ 103 94 100 103 103 103 102 93 94 95 97 100 102 103 103 103 a Barrel of 400 pounds gross in 1913; 380 pounds net in 1914-1918 6 Base price 9 months, Oct. 1, 1913-July 1, 1914. <: No quotation. IWTEKSrATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 75 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTEES, AND YEARS, I913-191»-Continuea. Cement, Portland. Actual price- U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Cheese. U. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Coal, anthracite. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Market - Unit Base price J916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February . March April May June July August September. October. . . November. December. 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August... September October. . , November, December. ms-Year.... Quarters- Fu-st Second Thhd Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August.... September. October... November. December. London. . Ton £ s. d. 6 38 10 42 9 2 38 10 38 10 44 16 48 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 38 10 C 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 New York. Bbl.o. Dolls. 1. 5800 1.6 L6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 7450 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 2. 0942 1. 2. 1500 2.1200 2. 1200 1.9200 2.0200 2. 0200 2. 1500 2. 1500 2. 1500 110 100 100 116 125 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 126 125 125 125 107 106 106 106 110 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 120 133 126 136 134 134 122 128 128 136 136 136 2. 1200 125 134 2. 120C 125 1.34 2. 120C 126 134 2.120C 125 134 2.12O0 125 134 2. 1200 125 134 2. 6465 125 167 2. 1475 12.5 1.36 2.6077 125 1.59 2.6923 126 170 3. 2000 125 203 2. 1425 125 1,36 2. 1500 125 136 2. 1500 126 136 2. 3500 125 149 2. 5660 126 162 2.5925 125 164 2.6000 126 165 2. 6000 12.6 165 2. 9000 12.5 184 3.2000 125 203 3.2000 125 203 3.2000 125 203 Bristol... Cwt £ s. i. 3 7 11.50 6 7 3 5 8 5 8 2 4 19 2 6 10 4 17 6 5 16 5 3 6 7 6 5 14 5 3 4 13 4 17 5 7 6 12 6 6 10 7 4 4.50 7 14 8 2 6 10 6 10 7 7 18 6 8 5 8 2 8 2 8 2 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 7 i 9.50 6 10 6 6 10 6 7 14 8 8 3 6 6 10 6 6 10 6 6 10 6 6 10 6 6 10 6 5 10 6 6 17 8 3 6 8 3 6 8 3 6 8 3 6 Chi- cago. Pound Dolls. 0. 1466 .1744 .1707 .1541 .1692 .2175 .1708 .1750 .1663 .1625 .1550 .1447 .1448 .1516 .1813 .1891 .2334 .2300 .2248 .2311 .2218 .2302 .2183 .2160 .2393 .2310 .2385 .2238 .2110 .2185 .2288 .2429 .2162 .2529 .3403 .2341 .2575 .2383 .2126 .2128 .2197 .2294 .2460 .2786 . 3385 .3325 .3495 Swansea . . Ton 227 238 192 192 206 233 243 238 238 238 192 192 192 192 192 192 213 d. 9.25 L60 17 2 18 1 11 6 1 9 10 1 13 1 6 1 1 1 1 9 1 14 1 12 6 1 10 1 12 1 12 1 10 17 6 17 8 15 4 1 5 4 1 10 1 10 cl 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 13 1. 50 1 10 1 10 1 15 6 1 17 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 12 1 17 1 17 1 17 1 17 1 17 New York. Ton... Dolls. 5.0513 5. 2759 5. 1470 6. 3046 5. 4349 5. 2726 5. 2770 5.2780 6. 2949 5. 5. 1082 5.2092 5. 3057 6. 3990 5. 4210 5. 4338 5. 4500 5. 6218 5. 4338 5.2943 5. 7680 6. 0000 5. 4345 5. 4388 5. 4281 4. 9226 5. 4242 6. 5334 5. 6350 5.7420 5. 8970 5. 8981 5. 8959 6. 2118 6. 5089 6.2394 6. 0446 6. 4440 7. 3078 6.2500 6.2500 6. 2181 6. 0172 6. 0500 6. 0666 6. 3319 6. 3500 6. 6500 6. 6500 7. 5733 7. 7000 116 138 138 124 113 113 117 11 115 138 138 138 138 138 138 152 138 138 163 170 138 138 138 138 138 138 149 170 170 170 170 170 105 107 104 102 105 l04 l04 l04 l05 loo lOl l03 lOo l07 l07 l07 l08 111 l07 l05 114 119 l07 107 107 97 107 109 111 113 117 117 117 123 129 123 119 127 144 124 124 123 119 120 120 125 126 131 131 160 162 ° S-^J^,?™"™?"™.? ^"^"^^ '° ^'^^' ^^° pounds net in 1914-1918. it) INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit.. Base price 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February . March April May Jurie July August September October... November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January. . . February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January. . . February . March April May June July August September October... November December. Coal, bituminous, first series. Actual price. U.K. Manchester Ton. d. 8.50 6 17 17 17 17 17 10 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 18 17 6 18 17 7. 50 18 17 6 17 8 17 4 18 18 18 16 17 17 17 17 18 17 17 17 1 7.25 18 6 6 18 1 1 10 17 6 18 6 19 6 19 6 19 9 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 U.S. Pitts- burgh Dolls. 1.2600 1.270C 1. 2800 1.2400 1.2400 1.3200 1. 3200 1. 2600 1. 2600 1.2400 1. 2700 1. 2100 1. 2200 1. 2700 1. 2400 1. 3600 1. 3600 1. 2300 1. 1700 1.2400 1. 2200 1. 1200 1. 0900 1. 2600 1. 2400 1.2400 1. 2200 I, 2400 1. 1900 1. 1900 1. 1600 1.0000 1. 0500 1.14001 1.0900 1. 0400 1.1100 .9900 .9400 1. 1000 1. 1200 1. 1300 1. 0900 1. 0500 .9800 .9500 .9300 .9400 .9600 .9900 1. 120C 1. 18O0 Rela- tive price. 99 U. Coal, bituminous, second series. Actual price. U.K. Manchester £ s. I 12 1 11 10. 25 11 8 11 9 12 12 11 6 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 11 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 0. 60 12 12 7 11 11 11 8 12 12 12 13 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 16 1.50 14 16 17 17 12 13 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 U.S. Colum- bus, De- troit. Net ton Dolls 1. 1900 1. 2200 1. 2600 1. 1300 J. 1900 1.3000 1. 3900 1.2400 1. 1400 1. 1600 1. 1400 1. 1000 1. 1400 1. 2000 1.2300 1. 2500 1.4100 1. 2500 1. 1200 1.1300 1. 1600 1. 1200 1. 0900 1. 1800 1. 0800 1. 1400 1. 1400 1. 1400 1. 1600 1. 1400 1. 1200 1.1100 1. 1000 1. 0700 1. 1000 1. 1000 1. 0900 1. 0700 1. 0800 1. 1600 1. 1200 1. 0900 1. 0600 1. 0700 1. 0700 1. 0800 1. 0900 1. 0700 1. 0800 1. 1100 1. 1700 1.2000 Rela- tive price. 97 140 92 140 90 140 91 140, 93 140 144; 101 Coal, semibituminous. Actual price. U.K. Cardiff. Ton. £ s. < 10 11.13 12 8.63 15 14 10 10 6.50 9.50 15 3 14 10. 50 15 9 15 9 14 9 12 3 4.60 10 10 10 10 3 n 10 10. 60 11 3 10 3. 13 11 11 2 2.50 9.50 8 10. 50 11 11 11 11 11 11 1.50 4.50 6 1.50 10 10. 50 10 9 7 10 9 3 9 7.50 17 6. 75 16 1 1 9 10 4 12 2 13 3 15 3 19 6 1 1 9 1 1 3 12 3 19 1 3 18 14 10 12 U.S. Nor- folk. L ong ton. Dolls. 3.0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3.0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8600 2.8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8.500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2.8500 2.8500 2. 8500 Rela- tive price. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 77 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-191S— Continued. Coal, bituminous, flrstseries. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. U. Coal, bituminous, second series. Actual price. U.S. Rela- tive price. Coal, semibituminous. Actual price. Rela- tive price. Market . . Unit. Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth — Months — January... February . March A^ril MTay June July August — September October. . . November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1918-Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October, . . November. December. Manchester Ton. £ s. 17 d. 8.50 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 9 Hi 2 6 1 2 6 1 2 11 1 2 6 1 2 6 12 6 1 4 2 1 5 1 5 18 6 1 9 Pitts- burgh. Net ton Dolls. 1. 2600 2. 0700 1.4300 1.4100 1.4100 4.0200 1.5800 1.4400 1.2700 1.2300 1. 2800 1.7200 1.3400 1.3500 1.5300 2.5600 4.9200 4. 5900 3.5800 4.7900 4.3600 2.8400 2.3100 4.6800 5.2100 4. 4900 3.6100 4. 6100 4. 9700 ■ 3.2500 3. 2500 2.0100 2. 0100 2.4600 2. 4600 2.4000 2. 4600 2. 4300 2. 3800 2. 3600 2.4600 2. 4600 2.4600 2.4600 2. 4600 2. 3600 2. 3600 2.3600 2.3600 2. 3600 2. 3600 2. 3600 Manchester Ton. £ s. d. 12 1.^ 19 25 17 10 19 6 19 9 19 9 17 17 18 iQ 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 9 19 9 19 9 1 1 5 19 9 19 9 19 9 19 9 19 9 19 9 19 9 19 9 19 9 19 9 1 2 3 12 3 1 2 8.25 1 1 3 1 3 1 4 3 15 12 3 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 Colum- bus, De- troit. Net ton Dolls 1. 1900 1.8800 1.2300 1.2200 1.3000 3.7500 1.2300 1.2500 1.2000 1.1900 1. 2400 1. 2400 1.2200 1. 2100 1.4600 2.5200 4. 7400 4. 0000 3.3000 4.3000 3.7500 2. 7400 2.3700 4. 4800 4. 7000 3.7100 2.8200 4.2000 4.3200 3. 0800 3. 0800 2.0700 2. 0700 2.5200 2.5200 2.5400 2.5200 2. 4900 2.6000 . 2.5700 2.5200 2.5200 2. 5200 2.6200 2.5200 2.4200 2.6200 2. 6200 2. 6700 2. 5700 2. 5700 2. 5700 Cardiff.... Ton. £ s. a. 10 11. 75 1 4 11.50 17 7 1 9 1 19 2 14 16 3 19 3 17 3 1 2 3 1 11 6 1 13 6 1 9 1 7 1 10 1 9 1 3 19 19 8 17 4 17 4 12 6 116 19 17 15 16 19 17 3 3 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 5 8 1 2 4 1 4 1 7 10 1 8 6 1 1 6 116 6 6 8 6 Nor- folk. Long ton. Dolls. 3. 0000 3.7292 3. 0000 3.0000 3. 4167 5.5000 3.0000 3. 0000 3.0000 3. 0000 3.0000 3.0000 3. 0000 3.2500 4.0000 4.5000 6.0000 6.0000 5.4323 6. 3333 6. 8333 4. 3187 4. 2440 6. 0000 6. 6000 6.5000 6.5000 7.0000 7.0000 5.1400 3. 9080 3. 9080 3. 9080 4. 4120 4.4120 4. 4769 4. 4120 4.2317 4.6320 4.6320 4. 4120 4. 4120 4. 4120 4.2440 4. 2187 4.2320 4.6320 4. 6320 4. 6320 4. 6320 4.6320 4.6320 78 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Maiket. Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters— Rrst Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September October... November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second. . Third... Fourth.. Months — January. . . February. March. April. . , May... June... July... August. September October. . . November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters— ' First... Second. Third.. Fourth. Months — January... February. March April May June July August September October. . . November December. Cocoa, Grenada. Actual price. U.K. London.. Cwt £ s. a. 3 3 11 3 8 2.25 3 8 3 11 3 7 3 5 3 10 3 12 3 8 3 8 3 6 8 2 17 10 3 1 11 2 16 8 2 14 11 2 17 10 3 1 3 1 3 3 2 18 2 15 2 16 2 14 2 14 2 16 2 13 2 18 3 2 3 15 7 4 7 10 4 4 4 3 4 3 16 3 8 6 4 2 3 4 19 4 4 4 6 3 19 4 4 2 4 2 4 9 4 10 Rela- tive price. New York. Pound Dolls 0. 1328 .1467 .1417 .1417 .1438 .1438 .1525 .1425 .1413 .1413 .1425 .1413 .1413 .1413 .1413 .1183 .1309 .1188 .1129 .1069 .1363 .1288 .1275 .1238 .1188 .1138 .1138 .1125 .1125 .1075 .1063 (o) .1627 .1638 .1600 .1583 .1719 .1513 (a) .1763 .1725 .1688 .1388 Coflee. Actual price. U.K. 90 89 97 .1400 .1650 .1700 .1725 (") 124 125 128 (o) I 136 Ci) .17131 1271 129 London. . Cwt £ s. d. 4 4 10.25 4 6 L76 4 10 10 4 5 9 4 1 8 4 6 4 U.S. New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0949 4 13 3 4 13 3 4 6 4 7 9 4 5 3 4 4 3 4 19 6 4 1 6 4 4 4 6 4 7 4 6 4 4 3.75 .1113 102 Rela- tive price. 6 10 4 7 6 6 7 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 6 4 3 6 6 4 4 4 6 6 3 19 3 19 4 4 1 0.50 4 1 11 4 4 3 4 10 3 17 4 2 6 4 10 3 19 6 3 19 3 16 3 16 .1331 .1146 .0954 .1019 .1394 .1350 .1250 .1194 . 1138 .1106 .0981 .0956 .0925 .1025 .1075 .0956 .0816 .0929 .0642 .0913 .0950 .0925 .0894 .0875 .0913 .0882 .0750 .0763 .0656 .0638 .0631 .0745 .0775 .0760 .0717 .0729 .0726 .0825 .0775 .0806 .0775 .0700 .0738 .0738 .0675 .0675 .0750 .0763 Cote. Actual price. U.K. At works. Ton £ s. d. 19 4. 75 117 1 3 3.25 16 5 16 4 1 10 19 6 94 76 95 87 6 6 1 2 1 1 19 6 1 19 3 19 3 18 4.75 19 3 18 18 4 18 19 3 19 3 19 3 18 18 18 18 18 19 IS 18 18 1 8 7 1 1 2 1 11 1 12 2 1 10 19 1 1 1 3 6 1 10 1 11 6 1 11 6 1 11 1 14 1 11 6 1 10 1 10 1 10 At oven Ton Rela^ tive price. Dolls. 2.6200 3. 5167 3. 0167 2. 9333 2. 6667 4.3000 3.1000 3.1500 3. 1500 13,9 3.0000 134 2.9000 134 2.9000 113 3. 0000 108 2. 9000 101 2.7500 103 2.6600 99 2,6000 99 2.3200 95 2.4700 99 2.4100 93 2.2833 95 2. 1167 93 2.4800 2.4700 2.4600 2.4300 2.4000 2. 4000 2.3000 2.3000 2.2500 2.2000 2.1000 2.0500 2.4200 2. 1267 2. 1600 2. 3167 3. 0733 2. 1000 2.1500 2.1300 2.1300 2.1500 2.2000 2.2500 2.2800 2.4200 2.6200 3. 1000 3. 5000 99 93 134 115 112 102 164 118 120 120 115 111 111 115 HI 105 101 94 92 87 81 95 94 94 147 92 81 82 80 82 81 81 82 84 87 92 100 118 134 dNo quotation. IHTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 79 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Cocoa, Grenada. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. CoSee. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Coke. Actual price. U.K. U. £ Rela- tive price. Market. . Unit Base price. 1916— Year... Quarters- First Second. . . Third. ... Fourth... Months — January.. February March April May June July August.. September October... November December. igl7— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March.. April... May June... July.... August September October... November December. 1918- Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August September October. . . November December. London.. Cwt New Yorlc. Pound £ s. d. Dolls. 3 3 11 0. 1328 4 2 10. 25 4 6 7 4 5 3 4 11 3 18 6 9 3 9 7 5 6 4 9 4 17.! 3 13 10.38 4 0.69 4 2 7.75 4 10 1.85 3 7 8.25 3 12 8. 25 3 19 9 4 3 19 7. 50 4 5.40 4 10 4 17. 4 5 3 4 7 3 4 10 1.20 4 13 1.50 4 6 8.82 4 12 4.60 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 14 1. 50 4 14 4 10 4 5 4 6 4 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 .1573 .1684 .1588 .1542 .1479 .1738 139 .1675 131 136 .1613 .1588 .1563 .1425 .1588 .1613 .1513 .1475 .1450 .1271 .1396 .1234 .1221 .1233 .1425 .1400 .1363 .1225 .1263 .1213 116 105 125 .1213 126 . 1213 1 28 .1238 133 .1250' .1225 .1225 .1346 .1305 .1320 .1333 .1423 .1225 .1225 .1425 .1400 .1356 .1228 .1275 .1355 .1350 .1350 .1377 .1596 137 141 146 136 144 133 133 133 147 147 141 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 92 London Cwt New York. Pound d. Dvlls, 4 10.25 0.0949 3 18 3 15 3 18 6 3 19 6 3 19 3 11 3 15 6 3 18 6 3 17 6 3 19 3 19 3 18 4 1 3 19 3 19 3 19 3 19 4 16 1.29 4 12 8.77 4 14 2.31 4 13 2. 50 5 4 0. 92 4 4 4 12 4 19 4 12 4 16 4 14 4 9 4 12 1.50 9 7.20 1.50 4 17 1.50 4 19 3 5 4 5 8 6 16 6.93 6 1 7.04 6 10 10. 62 7 4.62 7 14 2 5 11 9 6 2 6. 38 6 8 8.40 6 9 6 6 10 8. 40 6 12 6 6 13 9 7 2 7 5 7 12 6 7 15 7 15 .0924 92 .0971 .0946 .0942 .0763 .0825 .0925 S .0950 .0975 .0900 .0960 .0988 .0950 .0950 .0925 .1000 .0925 0800 123 .0975 .1000 .0975 .0950 .1013 .1038 .0950 .0913 .0913 .0850 .0794 .0756 .0935 .0873 .0887 .1199 .0853 .0844 .0891 .0903 .0873 .0841 .0855 .0853 .0959 .1040 .1069 .1726 At works. Ton. £ s 19 d. 4.75 2 7 1 1 15 10 2 9 2 2 12 6 2 10 10 1 14 1 16 1 18 02 7 2 7 02 12 6 6 6 6 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 10 2 10 6 6 6 6 2 8 1.50 At oven Ton 2 10 2 7 6 2 7 6 2 7 6 183 113 183 182 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 02 2 2 2 4 1 17 2 1 1 17 o2 7 2 7 01 17 1 17 1 17 1 17 02 o2 1 2 1 01 17 1 17 17 6 0,60 Dolts 2.6200 4.7800 3. 9167 3. 5533 3. 3500 8. 2867 3. 9000 4.0000 3.850 3. 7500 3. 6600 3.3500 271 3.3000 271 3.3000 271 3. 4500 5. 3500 9. 1600 10. 3500 10. 6600 11. 6433 10. 5733 13. 4067 7.0000 10. 9300 12.1000 11. 9000 10. 1200 9.9000 11. 7000 13. 4200 14. 2500 12. 6500 o 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7.0000 7, 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 o Maximum price set, 8U INTERWATIONAL PEICE COMPAKISOWS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Copper, first series. Market . . . Unit. Base price 1913— Year... Quarters- First Second Third Fourtb.... Months — January. . . February . March April May June July August September October. . . November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. Actual price. U.K. Birming- ham. Ton. £ 3. d. 71 11 ; 74 9 2 76 11 73 5 73 1 74 18 4 83 10 73 10 72 15 74 5 73 5 72 5 69 72 15 77 10 79 10 75 10 69 15 65 5 10 69 IS 4 68 6 4 66 56 18 4 70 70 10 69 5 70 68 67 66 72 60 57 10 54 59 5 81 2 11 66 85 1 8 83 16 8 89 13 4 61 15 65 10 70 15 76 5 88 10 90 10 91 10 83 5 76 15 83 10 89 96 10 U.S. New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1473 .1533 .1549 .1517 .1543 .1525 .1657 .1514 .1476 .1533 .1546 .1472 .1441 .1550 .1638 .1633 .1519 .1422 .1318 .1431 .1394 .1254 .1192 .1428 .1448 .1418 .1418 .1400 .1365 .1335 .1227 .1200 .1130 .1163 .1284 .1676 .1401 .1755 .1699 .1849 .1362 .1417 .1434 .1648 .1741 .1875 .1777 .1646 .1675 .1732 .1841 .1973 Rela- tive price. Copper, second series. Actual price. U.K. London and Man Chester. Ton £ s. d 66 18 5.25 70 67 3 4 68 4 7 70 18 4 72 2 6 68 17 6 65 66 15 68 7 6 66 7 6 10 9 67 73 15 73 15 73 7 6 65 12 6 60 19 6 64 7 6 64 3 4 61 12 6 54 3 4 64 2 66 15 63 15 63 61 12 6 (o) (a) 57 50 10 55 71 3 1 61 3 2 75 15 10 72 10 75 3 4 66 12 63 5 63 12 69 2 77 81 5 78 2 6 71 15 67 12 6 73 74 78 10 U.S. New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.1501 .1573 .1627 .1544 .1630 .1587 .1761 .1625 .1494 .1519 .1663 .1550 .1463 .1513 .1613 .1666 .1656 .1450 .1467 .1419 .1276 .1190 .1488 .1475 .1438 .1438 .1420 .1400 .1340 .1250 .1238 .1170 .1125 .1276 .1726 .1413 .1775 .1863 .1864 .1300 .1475 .1463 .1588 .1863 .1876 .1825 .1776 .1800 .1788 .1975 Rela- tive price. Copper, sheet. Actual price. u. K. U.S. Warehouse New or works. York. Ton Pound Dolls. £ s. d. 83 6 3 0. 2035 85 13 4 .2119 87 13 4 .2200 83 13 4 .2100 83 13 4 .2033 87 13 4 .2142 92 .2300 88 (1 .2200 83 11 .2100 84 II .2100 84 .2100 83 .2100 80 .2000 84 II II .2000 87 .2100 91 .2200 89 .2200 83 .2025 78 13 4 .1879 82 6 8 .2008 79 13 4 .1958 78 II .1833 74 13 4 .1717 83 .2025 83 .2000 81 .2000 82 II .1975 80 .1975 77 .1925 78 .1900 75 .1850 81 .1750 76 1) II .1700 72 .1650 76 .1800 97 1 8 .2246 82 13 4 .1917 97 6 8 .2300 102 13 4 .2400 105 13 4 .2367 78 .1850 84 .1950 86 .1950 90 .2100 100 .2400 102 .2400 108 n .2500 102 .2400 98 .2300 98 II II .2300 107 .2300 112 .2600 Rela- tive price. 104 108 103 100 105 113 108 103 103 103 103 103 108 108 100 100 98 98 97 97 95 93 91 86 84 81 110 94 113 118 116 96 103 118 118 123 118 113 113 113 123 a No quotation. 6 Interpolated. IliTTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 81 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Copper, first series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Copper, second series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Copper, sheet. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Relar tive price. Market. . . Unit.. Base price 1916— Year... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January.. February March April May June July August. . . September October.. . November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — . January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters— Fhst Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. Birming- ham. Ton. £ s. d. 71 11 3 133 3 4 118 10 138 123 162 16 8 109 10 118 128 129 143 142 125 120 125 140 146 173 10 134 13 4 142 141 134 13 4 121 137 10 141 10 147 147 138 138 138 133 133 121 121 121 127 121 121 133 133 121 121 121 121 121 121 133 133 133 133 133 133 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1473 .2651 .2600 .2654 .2474 .2976 .2307 153 .2603 166 .2690! 179 .2716 180 .2737! 200 .2510 198 .2361 .2467 .2593 .2717 .3038 .-3174 .2764 .2990 .2651 .2350 .2805 .3174 .3218 .2924 .3011 .3036 .2759 .2668 .2537 '. 2360 .2350 .2350 .2468 .2350 .2360 .2596 .2676 .2350 .2360 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2360 .2589 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2529 London and Man- chester. Ton £ s. d. 66 18 5.25 115 3 4.91 88 11 3 124 13 4 106 11 8 132 86 2 6 91 (») 116,0 137 121 103 10 106 110 6 120 10 124 151 10 126 17 1 135 13 4 132 5 126 5 110 5 133 5 134 6 139 10 136 5 130 6 130 5 130 125 120 110 110 110 110 110 122 122 110 110 110 110 110 110 122 122 122 122 122 122 New York. Dolls 0. 1501 .2764 .2509 .2779 .2675 .3054 .2288 .2638 .2700 .2688 .2860 .2800 .2650 .2600 .2775 .2850 .2863 .3450 .2940 .3292 .3250 .2867 .2360 .2960 .3300 .3625 .3400 .3100 .3250 .3175 .2900 . 2525 .2350 .2360 .2360 .2468 .2350 .2350 132 186 159 197 129 136 bise 173 205 181 1.56 168 165 180 185 226 .25811 183 .2580 183 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2550 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2540 Warehouse or works. Ton. £ s. S3 6 154 3 4 135 13 4 159 6 8 148 13 4 173 125 143 148 148 162 168 160 146 150 164 168 187 162 18 4 172 6 8 168 161 13 4 149 13 4 175 168 174 174 165 165 165 160 160 151 151 147 164 10 147 149 161 161 147 147 147 149 149 149 161 161 161 161 161 161 New York. Dolls. 0.2035 .3592 .3167 .3617 .3750 .2900 .3200 .3400 .3450 .3650 .3750 .3750 .3760 .3750 .3750 .3760 .4000 .4267 .4200 .3733 .3433 .4200 .4200 .4400 .4400 .4200 .4000 .4000 .3600 .3600 .3500 .3500 .3300 .3381 . 3160 .3183 .3587 .3600 .3160 .3160 .3160 .3150 .3150 .3250 .3568 .3600 .3600 .3600 .3600 .3600 » Nominal. ' Interpolated c Maximum. 82 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Copper, sulphate of. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. U. U. K. S. Copper wire. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. U. U. K. S. Copperas. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Market. .. Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters— , First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January.. February March April May June -' July... August. September October. . . November December. 1914— Year... Quarters — First Second. . . Third.... Fourth... Months — January.. February March April May , June July.... August.. September October November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. Manchester Ton 7 8.50 23 10 .50 24 10 22 13 4 22 3 4 23 6 8 26 23 7 6 23 15 23 10 22 17 6 22 12 6 21 10 21 10 23 10 24 24 22 21 2 6 22 8 4 21 12 6 20 5 10 20 3 4 22 10 22 10 22 5 21 17 6 21 12 6 21 7 6 19 15 20 2 6 21 20 10 20 20 29 6 5.50 25 10 10 27 16 8 27 36 18 4 21 17 6 27 27 15 28 5 28 6 27 27 10 26 6 27 5 27 15 38 45 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0493 .0521 .0542 .0625 .0517 .0500 .0650 .0560 .0626 .0626 .0625 .0525 . 0.525 .0625 .0500 . 0500 .0600 .0600 .0463 .0480 .0475 .0456 .0440 .0480 .0480 .0480 .0480 .0466 Found. £ s. d 9.74 103 106 10. 14 .0466 . 0450 90 .0450 .0460 .0436 .0435 .0643 .0478 .0668 .0726 .0708 .0435 .0450 .0660 .0600 .0676 .0700 .0725 .0726 .0726 .0675 .0650 .0800 10. 42 10. 04 9.75 10. 33 10. 76 10. 26 10.25 10.38 10. 00 9.76 9.76 9.60 10. 00 10. 60 10.50 10. 00 9.32 9.79 9. 9. 9.08 10.00 9. 9.60 9.50 9.25 8.50 9.00 9.00 10.00 9.50 8.75 9. 00 1 0.19 10. 00 1 0.17 1 1.75 1 0.83 9.00 10. 50 10. ,60 11. GO 1 0.76 1 0.76 1 2.25 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.60 1.50 At mill Pound Dolls. 0. 1615 .1673 Manchester Ton 104 .1700 107 .1650 103 .1626 100 .1717 106 .1750 .1750 .1600 .1600 .1676 .1676 .1600 .1600 .1675 .1775 .1776 .1600 .1466 .1675 .1542 .1426 .1317 .1600 103 .1675 .1560 .1650 .1650 .1525 .1476 .1460 .1350 .1300 .1250 .1400 .1850 .2000 .1975 .1450 .1675 . 1.575 .1676 .2000 .2000 .2100 .2000 .1900 .1900 .1925 .2100 101 95 87 94 92 92 103 £ s 15 10 16 6 15 16 16 16 15 15 15 16 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 4 16 16 4 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 15 16 16 15 16 15 15 111 14 4 16 10 1 10 1 13 4 13 16 15 15 16 17 17 6 10 15 1 10 1 10 2 New York. Cwt... Dolls. 0.8958 .8729 98 97 .8600 .8500 . 8500 95 . 8500 95 .8600 .8500 .8500 .8600 .8500 .9000 .9000 .9000 .9000 .9250 .8229 .9250 .8667 . 7500 .7500 .9260 .9260 .9250 .9250 .9250 . 7500 95 95 99 101 95 95 96 95 95 95 100 100 100 100 103 103 97 84 84 101 103 .75001 95 .7500' 95 .7600 .7500 .7500 .7500 .6750 .7500 .7167 .6333 .6000 .7500 .7500 .7500 .7600 .7000 .7000 .7000 .6000 .6000 .6000 .6000 .6000 103 103 103 103 INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 83 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Copper, sulphate of. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. U. U. K. S. Copper wire. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. U. U. K. S. Copperas. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Market. . Unit Base price. 1916— Year.. Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January.. - February . March April May June July. Aupist September October... November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First.... Second- . Third... Fourth.. I Months- January. February. March., April... May.. . June... July August.., , September October... November December, 1918— Year.... Quarters- First.... Second.. Third... ■ Fourth.. Months- January. February . March.. April... May. . . June... July August September October... November December. Manchester Ton 63 d. 8.50 51 3 4 46 61 10 49 16 8 57 6 8 45 10 45 47 10 50 52 50 10 60 49 53 66 10 62 10 63 14 2 63 12 4 62 6 8 62 6 8 66 10 66 64 62 62 62 63 62 62 65 67 67 10 67 3 66 6 64 13 63 13 67 10 67 67 66 64 64 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0493 .1335 .1817 .1608 .0833 .1083 .1450 .2000 .2000 .1700 .1675 .1450 .0900 .0800 .0800 .0876 .1000 .1375 .0979 .1126 .0942 .0933 .0917 .1300 .1160 .0926 . 0925 .09.50 .0950 .0950 .0950 .0900 .0860 .0960 .0950 .0928 .0941 .0913 .0950 .0900 .0925 .0900 .0960 .0950 .0926 .0925 .0925 .0950 .0950 .0950 Pound . . . 205 230 223 256 203 201 212 223 236 232 226 223 219 237 252 279 285 284 278 278 297 290 286 277 277 277 281 281 277 277 290 299 302 180 d. 9.74 1 6.38 5.33 6.50 1 5.50 15 1 6.50 6 5 5 6.60 1 5.) 1 6.67 1 1 6 5.67 5 6 6.50 6.50 5 5 6 ] 6.18 1 5.13 1 5.34 1 6.75 1 7.50 5.13 5.13 5.13 6.13 5.13 5.75 6.75 7 7.60 7.50 7.60 7.60 At mill Pound Dolls. 0. 1615 .3052 .2692 .3083 .3125 .2425 .2726 .2925 .2860 .3150 .3250 Manchester Ton .32.50 185 .30.50 175 .3073 176 .3175 180 .3176 186 .3575 205 189 .3300 .3676 .3475 .3175 .2875 .3676 .3676 .3679 .3675 .3475 .3275 .3375 .3175 .2976 .2975 .2876 .2775 .2625 .2626 .2884 .2625 .2626 .2625 .2625 .2625 .2626 .28,62 .2900 .2900 .2900 .2900 183 228 215 181 197 175 1 £ s. a. 15 10 2 14 7 2 3 4 2 16 3 3 2 2 2 10 2 15 2 15 2 16 , 3 4 : 5 i 10 3 3 3 10 3 10 4 10 4 15 6 10 10 10 11 6 10 10 10 11 16 8 12 10 10 6 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 10 11 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 10 10 8 New York. Cwt.. Dolls. 0. 8958 2.4167 1, 1. 6000 .6000 .6000 1.0000 2.2500 2. ,5000 2.5000 2. 0000 1. 5000 1.5000 1. 6000 1.5000 1.6000 1.6000 I., 5000 1.5000 1.5000 1. 5000 1.6000 1. 6000 1. 5000 1. 5000 1.5000 1.5000 1. 6000 1. 6000 1.6000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.3333 1.6000 1.9200 1.6000 1.2500 1.2600 1.5000 1.5000 1.6000 1.5000 2. 1300 2. 1300 2.2500 2.2500 345 176 274 347 379 379 263 253 316 347 347 347 379 379 379 379 379 379 ,597 379 400 537 1074 379 379 379 379 379 442 442 569 600 696 1263 1263 1426 1326 1495 1679 1305 1326 1326 1326 1463 1453 1579 1579 1579 1.579 1.579 1326 1011 113951°— 19- 84 INTEBNATIONAL PBICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Market . Unit Base price. 1913— Year Quarters- First Second. - - Third.... Fourth... Months- January.. February March — April May June Cotton, middling, American. Actual price. U.K. Julv.... .August September October... November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First.... Second Third . . . Fourth. - MonthR— January. February March... April — May June .July August.. September October... November December. 1915— Year..-. Quarters- First Second Third Fourth — Month.s— January... February . March.. ^.. April Mav June July August. . September October . . . November December. Manchester, London. Pound M s. d. 7.27 7.06 6.94 6.75 6. 91 7.64 7.13 6 6 6 6.74 6. 58 7 n 7. 89 7.70 6.55 7.08 7.44 6, 4, 7.14 7.05 7.05 7.22 7.35 7.75 7.53 6. 86 6.20 5.30 4.85 48 .3.74 4.84 .5.46 5. .53 7.11 4. ,58 4.95 ,5. 01 .5.48 .5.69 5.22 5. 22 II .5.48 ,5.91 () 6.85 () 6.92 7.55 Hew York. Pound Dolls. 0.1312 .1279 .1282 .1216 .1264 .1356 .1306 .1280 .1259 .1229 .1200 .1219 .1235 .1211 .1346 .1400 .1368 .1300 .1121 .1292 .1336 .1117 .0738 .1270 .1280 . 1326 .1318 .1345 .1346 . 1313 .1200 (■>) (a) .0763 .0759 . 0993 .0985 .1225 .0828 .0854 .0899 .1029 .0984 .0967 .0920 .0938 .1098 .1250 .1189 .1236 Eela- tive price. 97 97 96 98 93 93 95 96 105 103 67 100 70; 71 95 fll 94 Cotton cloth, first series. Actual price. Rela- tive price. U. Manchester Piece . . £ s. d. 17 4.96 17 8. 54 17 9. 50 17 6.50 17 6. 17 18 17 11.60, Boston . Yard.. I. Dolls. I 0.0335,. 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 17 .50' 7.50, 7.60i 6.50] 5.50 .50; Id 3.83 17 17 1.67 16 6. 67 14 7 17 3 17 16 9 16 11 17 17 6 16 10 16 16 15 14 14 15 2. OS 14 5 14 10 14 9. 67: IC, 7.67 14 14 14 15 14 14 14 14 15 16 16 17 .0345 102 .0367' 102 .0332 101 .03331 101 .0349; 103 .0375 103 . 036; 102 . 036;- 101 .0341 101 . nwA 101 .0330 100 0;i27 100 l«26 99 (m? 103 o;«i3 105 ()3,5;j 103 0332 102 0304 94 0328 98 032!^ 98 0311 95 0250 84 0331 99 03:i(i 98 1)324 96 0328 97 0324 98 0331 101 0:i2S 97 0317 95 0288 94 02.53 88 112.53 ,82 0244 81 0288 87 0261 ,83 0291 85 0279 85 0319 06 02,54 82 0263 83 0265 8,3 028,3 88 0300 84 U291 84 028,3 84 0269 84 0285 88 0325 93 0313 95 0319 99 Cotton cloth, second series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Manchester Piece. . £ s. d. 15 3.96 15 8.21 16 9.50 15 6. 60 15 6. 17 15 10, 67 Eela- tive price. New York, Yard. 15 15 15 16 15 15 11.50 9.50 7.50 7.60 6.50 5.50 4.50 15 15 3 15 11 16 2 15 11 15 7 14 1.67 14 11 15 14 3, 67 12 4 15 2 14 11 14 8 .0 14 10 14 11 15 3 14 14 14 13 12 13 1.67 12 2.67 12 9 12 9.33 14 9. 67 12 12 12 13 12 12 84 12 6 80 12 7 85 13 3 97 14 3 93 14 Q 95 15 5 Dolls. 0. 0582 .0548 .0542 .0552 .0613 .0300 .0588 .0669 .0538 .0525 .0563 .0666 .0525 .0575 .0626 . 0613 .0600 . 05.30 .0594 .0569 .0619 . 0438 .0600 .0606 . 0575 . 0569 . 0563 . 0.575 .0556 .0538 .0463 .0450 .0438 . 0425 .0466 . 0438 .0473 .0438 .0517 .0438 .0444 .0431 .0475 .0488 .0456 .0438 .0425 .0450 .0625 .0600 . 0525 a No quotation. !> Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 85 WHOLESALE PKICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, Ign-IQIS— Continued. Cotton, middling, American. Cotton cloth, first series. Cotton cloth, second series. Rela- Rela- Rela- Actual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. tive price. price. price. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U. K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U. K. U.S. U. K. U. S. Market . . . Manchester, London. New York. Manchester Boston Manchester New York. Unit Pound £ s. i. Pound Dolls. Piece £ s. d. Yard.. Piece £ s. d. Yard.. Dolls. Dolls. Base price. 191ft-Year... 7.27 0. 1312 17 4_Qfi 0. 0335 15 3.96 0. 0582 8.94 .1447 123 110 19 11. 71 .0419 116 125 17 4.96 .0676 114 116 Quarters- First 7.86 .1203 108 92 18 6 .0347 106 104 16 9 .0531 103 91 Second 8.16 .1264 112 96 18 6.67 .0386 107 115 16 9.67 .0625 103 107 Tliird 8.69 .1447 120 110 19 5.67 .0412 112 12! 16 8.67 .06,S4 109 118 Pourth.... 11. 03 .1881 162 143 1 3 4.60 .0531 134 168 1 1 4.50 .0863 139 148 Montlis — January... 7.76 .1240 107 95 18 6 .0340 106 101 15 9 .0526 103 90 February . 8.08 .1174 111 89 18 6 .0347 106 104 15 9 .0631 103 91 March 7.75 .1194 107 91 18 6 .0366 106 106 16 9 .0638 103 92 April May 7.83 .1206 108 92 18 2 .0378 104 113 15 5 .0613 101 105 8.17 .1291 112 98 18 6 .0392 106 117 15 9 . 0638 103 110 June 8.47 .1294 117 99 19 .0386 109 115 16 3 .0625 106 107 July 8.21 .1304 113 99 18 9 .0.386 108 115 10 .0650 104 112 August.... 8.40 .1464 116 111 19 2 .0403 110 120 16 5 .0663 107 114 September 9.47 .1584 130 121 1 6 .0448 118 134 17 9 . 0738 116 127 October... 9.95 .1812 137 138 1 1 3 .0600 122 149 19 .0800 124 137 November 11.03 .2006 152 153 1 3 7.60 .0650 136 164 1 1 7.50 .0888 141 163 December. 1 0.11 .1824 167 139 1 5 3 .0543 145 162 1 3 6 .0900 153 155 1917— Year.... 1 4.28 .23.90 224 179 1 10 1.25 . 0663 173 198 1 9 2.07 .1053 191 181 Quarters- First 11. 13 .1752 163 134 1 3 11. 67 .0519 138 155 1 2 6.67 .0833 147 143 Second.... 1 1.30 .2207 183 168 1 4 9.33 .0626 142 187 1 4 3 .0996 16S 171 Third 1 6.90 .2499 260 190 1 11 7 .0707 181 211 1 11 .1138 202 196 Fourth.... 1 9.77 .2944 299 224 2 1 .0802 230 239 1 19 1 .1246 255 214 Months — January... 10.88 .1763 150 134 1 4 6 .0641 141 161 1 2 9 .Oa60 148 146 February . 11. 03 . 1631 162 124 1 3 9 .0509 136 152 1 2 6 .0800 147 137 March 11.49 .1859 158 142 1 3 8 .0510 136 152 1 2 5 . 0850 146 146 April May 1 0.69 .2033 175 166 1 3 10 .0566 137 169 1 3 .0925 160 159 1 0.98 .2076 178 158 1 4 .0603 138 180 1 3 6 . 0963 153 166 June 1 2.25 .2645 196 194 1 6 6 .0693 152 207 1 6 3 .1100 171 189 July 1 7.10 .2612 263 199 1 11 3 .0726 179 216 1 11 .U«S 202 204 August.... 1 7.35 .2586 266 197 1 11 6 .0713 181 213 1 11 . 1150 202 198 September 1 6.26 .2271 251 173 1 12 .0688 184 205 1 11 .1075 202 185 October. . .. 1 8.37 .2813 280 214 1 14 6 ■ .0744 198 222 1 13 6 .1125 219 193 November 1 10.27 .2991 307 228 1 19 6 .0800 227 239 1 18 6 .1263 261 217 December. 1 10.68 .3060 312 233 2 6 3 .0850 266 254 2 5 3 .1350 295 232 1918- Year.... 1 11.41 .3178 322 242 3 1 1.50 .1151 361 344 2 19 2 .1752 386 301 Quarters- First 1 11.79 .3267 327 249 2 11 10 .1048 298 313 2 10 8 .1492 331 266 Second 1 11. 12 .3001 318 229 2 17 1 .1296 328 387 2 15 7 .1968 363 336 Third 1 11.21 .3362 319 266 3 6 1 .1213 374 362 3 3 .1866 411 319 Fourth.... 1 11.64 .3090 324 236 3 10 6 .1060 405 316 3 7 5 .1675 440 288 Months- January... 1 11.52 .3236 324 247 2 11 .0888 293 265 2 10 .1350 326 232 February . 1 11.68 .3186 326 243 2 12 .1031 299 308 2 11 .1475 333 263 March 2 0.17 .3386 333 258 2 12 6 .1190 302 355 2 11 .1650 333 284 April : May 2 1.16 .3172 346 242 2 16 .1306 322 390 2 15 .1925 369 331 1 10.04 .2749 303 210 2 16 3 .1281 323 382 2 14 9 .1900 367 326 June 1 10.17 .3039 305 232 2 19 .1300 339 38? 2 17 .2050 372 352 July 1 10.92 .3123 316 238 3 1 6 .1300 353 388 2 19 6 «. 1767 388 301 August.... 1 8.80 .3446 286 263 3 2 3 .1242 358 371 3 3 O.1800 393 309 September 2 1.90 .3578 356 273 3 11 6 .1125 411 336 3 9 3 .2000 452 344 October... 2 1.24 .3249 347 248 3 14 6 .1125 428 336 3 11 3 m 465 cs«2 November 1 11.66 .2953 324 225 3 11 .1125 408 336 3 8 .1750 444 301 December. 1 9.81 .3042 300 232 3 6 .0963 379 287 3 3 .1600 411 275 o Maximum price. 1 No quotation. : Interpolated. 86 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918-Contmued. Cotton yarn, first series. Actual price. Market. Unit Base price 1913— Year... - Quarters — First Second Tliird Fourtli.... Montlis— January. . , February . March April May. June July. August September October... November December, 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February . March April May June July. August September October... November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January.. . February . March April May. June July August September October... November December. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Cotton yarn, second series. Actual price. Manchester New York. Pound Pound Dolls. 0. 5783 £ s. i. 1 5.48 1 6.58 1 5.21 1 5.46 1 5.64 16 1 1 5.25 5.26 5.13 5. 6.50 5.50 5.38 6.25 6 6.13 6.13 1 4.12 5.26 5.04 4.33 1 1 1 1 1 1.84 1 5.76 1 6.25 4.75 6 5 6.13 1 4.76 1 4.25 1 4 1 2.13 1 2.13 1 1.26 1 2.16 1 1.17 1 1 1 1 1 4.13 0. 1.25 1 1.38 1 2. 50 1 1.60 1 1.60 1 1.38 1 1.13 1 1, 1 3.50 1 4 1 4.1 u. .6783 .6467 .5933 .6900 .5833 .5200 .5200 .6000 .6000 .5900 .5900 .5900 .5900 .6900 .5900 .6900 .6700 .5617 .6700 .6700 .5700 .4967 .6700 .5700 .6700 .6700 .6700 .5700 .6700 .5700 .5700 .6400 .4760 .4750 .6242 .4750 .4817 .6183 .6217 .4760 .4760 .4760 .4750 .4860 .4850 .4850 .4860 .5850 .6350 .6160 .6150 U.K. Manchester Pound £ s. d. 10. 18 10.24 10.21 10. 10 10. 10 10. 52 98 99 93 99 79 75 79 77 92 74 76 77 83 77 77 77 76 79 89 92 97l 106i U.S. 10.38 10.19 10.06 10.25 10. 06 10 9.94 9.81 10. 66 10.75 10.38 10. 44 1.30 9. 10. 13 9.54 7.65 10. 19 10 9.75 9. 94 9. 94 10. 60 9.50 9.25 8. 38 7.38 6.; 8.1 7.34 8.09 8.56 10. 73 7 7.38 7. 8. 7. 8.13 8.13 9.13 10.63 10. 66 11 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 3142 .3150 .3300 .3200 .2800 .3300 .3300 .3300 .3300 .3300 .3300 .3000 .2800 .2800 .2800 .3300 .3300 .3300 .3000 .3167 .2967 .2567 Rela- tive price. .3300 .3300 .3300 .3300 .3100 .3100 103 u. U, K. S. 101 100 100 106 9i 102 9t 89 103 106 102 105 iiii: 106 m 106 101 ins 99 105 98 95 98 89 96 89 104 89 106 106 1112 106 J 03 105 Creosote oil. Actual price. U.K. Manchester Gallon £ s. d. 3.18 2. 90 2, 2. 79 2. 67 3.17 U.S. 91 96 96 .3000 .3000 .2900 .2700 .2550 .2450 .2738 .2383 .2667 .2700 .3200 .2450 .2350 .2360 .2600 .2700 .2700 .2700 .2700 .2700 .3150 .3225 104 .32251 108 2.94 2 2.76 2.75 2.76 2.75 2.50 3.13 3.13 3.25 3.46 3.38 3.60 3. 60 3.42 3.25 3.38 3.50 3.60 General U.S. Gallon Dolls. 0. 0700 3.60 3.60 3.50 3.60 3.60 3.50 3.50 3.25 2.; 3.09 2.90 2.75 2.76 3.26 3.13 2. 2.88 2.88 3.00 91 . 0700 94 .0700 .0700 .0700 100 Rela- tive price. .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 2.75 .0700 2.76 .0700 2.76 .0700 u 2.76 .0700 2.76 .0700 2.75 .0700 102 lOD 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 87 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, [BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Cotton yam, first series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Cotton yarn, second series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Creosote, oil. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela-] tive price. Market. Unit.... Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters— Krst Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September October... November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. Manchester Pound.. £ s. d. 1 S.48 1 11.61 1 7.83 1 8.29 1 9.63 2 8.67 1 7 1 7.50 1 9 1 7.88 1 8.25 1 8.76 1 8.75 1 9.13 1 11 2 4 2 11 2 11 3 4.17 3 3 1.17 3 7.08 3 8.42 2 11.60 3 0.25 3 0.25 3 0.50 3 1 3 2 3 5.60 3 8.26 3 7.50 3 8 3 8 3 9.25 3 11. 17 4 5. 5 3.83 5 8.50 3 11.50 3 9.75 4 0.2.1 4 4.60 4 S 4 8.25 5 1 5 ■4 (1 S «..'iO (1 S 9 5 9 5 7.50 New York. Found Dolls. 0. 5783 .8004 .6650 .7017 .8200 1. 0250 .6550 .6550 .6560 .6650 .7100 .7400 .7900 .8350 .8350 .9750 1. 0250 1. 0750 1. 0792 1. 04l7 .9917 1.1683 1. 1250 1.1260 1.0250 .9750 .8760 1.0500 1. 0600 1. 1250 1. 1760 1. 1760 1. 1260 1. 1260 1.1260 1. 2917 1. 1600 1. 2033 1. 3133 1.4900 1.1600 1. 1600 1. 1600 1. 1600 1. 2260 1.2250 1.2250 111.2250 1.4900 1.4900 1.4! 1. 4900 Manchester Pound £ s. d. 10. 18 1 1.74 0.67 0.75 1.29 4.26 0.63 0.63 0.75 0.38 0.38 1 1 0.76 1 1 1 2.13 1 2.76 1 4.38 1 5.63 1 10. 26 14. 1 5.50 2 0.25 2 6.42 1 6.13 1 4.76 1 4.76 1 4.75 1 4.75 1 7 3 10.48 0.60 0.25 2.50 5.76 3 3 3 8 4 3.1 4 3.; 2 3 4 7 7 3 10 1.50 2 7.26 New York. Pound DolU. 0. 3142 .4019 .3442 .3750 .4100 .4783 .3225 .3650 .3550 .3550 .3860 .3860 .3850 .4150 .4300 .4600 .4800 .4960 .6200 .5800 .5800 .6500 .6700 .5800 .6800 .6800 .5800 .5800 .6800 .6500 .6600 .6600 .6600 .7067 .7700 .7900 .6800 .7200 .7200 .7600 .7600 .7900 .7900 m Manchester Gallon. £ s. d. 3.18 2.26 124 103 124 113 125 113 122 113 127i 123 128j 123 125 123 128' 132 139 137 145 146 161 153 173, 158 219 197 I 166 185 172 185 238 207 299 213 2.50 2.17 2. 2.38 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.25 2.25 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.38 2.75 3.67 3.50 3.67 3.75 3.75 3.60 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.75 3.75 3.76 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.76 3.75 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.75 3.76 3.76 3.75 3.76 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.76 3.76 3.75 General U.S. Gallon Dolls. 0.0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 a Maximum prtce set. l> No quotation. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICBS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. BY Ducks. Eggs, first quality. Flour. Rela- Rela- Rela- Actual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. tive price. price. price. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. s. U, K, U, S. U, K. U, S. Market. .. London.. .. New York. London.. . New York. Manchester and London, Minne- apolis. Unit Head. Pound 10 dozen . . Dozen 280 lbs Bbl. of 196 lbs. £ s. i. Dolls. £ s. d. Dolls. £ «, d. Dolh. Base price. 1913^Year.... 5 5 0.63 0.13 0. 1554 .1613 13 10.67 13 5. 50 0. 2687 ,2468 1 8 6.75 1 9 3,50 4,5699 4, 5837 99 104 97 92 103 100 Quarters— Jfirst 5 2 .1817 102 117 12 4 .2197 89 82 1 9 6 4, 5884 103 98 Second 6 4 .1633 125 105 9 9,33 .1931 70 72 1 9 10 4, 7096 104 103 Third 4 2.50 .1467 83 94 12 9.33 .2317 92 86 1 9 6 4. 6833 103 102 Fourth..-. 4 4 .1633 86 99 18 11,33 ,3427 136 128 1 8 4 4. 4746 99 98 Months- January... 5 .1450 99 93 13 11 .2463 100 92 19 4. 4813 102 98 February . 4 6 .2000 89 129 13 1 .2225 94 83 19 6 4.5188 103 99 March 6 .2000 119 129 10 .1963 72 73 1 10 4. 3760 105 96 April 8 .2000 168 129 9 2 .1863 66 69 1 9 4, 6100 102 101 May 5 6 .1500 109 97 10 .2000 72 74 1 10 6 4, 6563 107 102 June 5 6 .1400 109 90 10 2 .1913 73 71 1 10 4,8625 105 108 July (0) .1500 6SS 97 11 3 .1906 81 71 1 10 4, 7700 105 104 August 4 3 .1600 84 97 12 11 ,2310 93 86 1 9 6 4. 7000 103 103 September 3 6 .1400 69 90 14 2 .2738 102 102 19 4.6800 102 100 October. . . 4 .1500 79 97 17 1 .2900 123 108 1 8 6 4. 4563 100 98 November 4 6 .1500 89 97 1 10 .3800 160 141 1 8 6 4. 4875 100 98 December. 4 6 .1600 89 103 18 11 .3488 136 130 1 8 4, 4800 98 98 1914— Year.... 4 7.75 .1652 92 100 14 11,50 .2660 108 99 1 11 4, 64 5, 0962 110 112 Quarters — First 5 6 .1700 109 109 13 7 ,2974 98 111 1 8 4.6708 98 100 Second 6 2 .1517 122 98 10 3 ,2031 ■74 76 1 8 5 4. 6608 99 100 Third 3 4 .1550 66 100 14 1 .2371 101 88 1 12 9 6,3488 115 117 Fourth 3 7 .1442 71 93 1 1 11 ,3263 158 121 1 16 10 5,8625 129 128 Months — January. 6 .1600 99 103 16 8 .3330 120 124 1 8 4, 5000 98 98 Feb'-iavy . 5 6 .1700 109 109 13 11 .2888 100 107 1 8 4, 6875 98 100 M..rch.... 6 .1800 119 116 10 2 ■ . 2616 73 97 18 4, 6250 98 101 April 6 6 .1800 129 116 10 ,1986 72 74 1 8 3 4, 6500 99 100 May 7 6 .1400 148 90 10 2 .2038 73 76 1 8 4,6126 98 101 June 4 6 .1350 89 87 10 7 .2069 76 77 1 9 4, 4900 102 98 July 3 6 .1650 69 106 11 3 .2125 81 79 18 6 4,5938 100 101 August 3 3 . 1550 64 100 15 10 ,2416 114 90 («) 5, 5125 "US 121 September 3 3 .1450 64 93 15 2 .2563 109 95 1 17 5,9400 130 130 October. . . 3 6 .1650 69 106 18 11 ,2666 136 99 1 16 6, 7563 126 126 November 3 6 .1350 69 87 1 2 1 ,3600 145 130 1 16 6.8813 126 129 December. 3 9 .1325 74 85 1 4 9 .3775 178 140 1 18 6 5, 9500 136 130 1915-Year.... 4 7 .1535 91 99 17 11,67 ,2597 129 97 2 7 2 6. 6630 165 146 Quarters- First 4 10 .1825 96 117 16 8, 67 ,2806 120 104 2 6 8 7. 3492 163 161 Second 4 10 .1350 96 87 13 1. 33 .2027 94 75 2 12 4 7.3942 183 162 Third 4 4 .1417 86 91 16 9. 67 ,2208 121 82 2 4 4 6. 2242 166 136 Fourth.... 4 4 . 1.550 86 100 1 5 3 ,3293 182 123 2 5 4 5, 7479 169 126 Months- January. . . 5 .1725 99 111 19 7 .3655 141 136 2 1 6,8563 144 150 February . 4 6 .1750 89 113 16 10 .2588 121 96 2 7 7, 7063 165 169 March 6 .2000 99 129 13 9 ,1963 99 73 2 12 7, 4850 182 164 April 5 .1450 99 93 11 8 .2116 84 79 2 11 7, 7063 179 169 May 4 .1250 99 80 12 8 .1993 91 74 2 14 7, 8813 189 172 June 4 6 .1350 89 87 15 .1981 108 74 2 12 6,5950 182 144 July 4 6 .1350 89 87 15 ,1955 108 73 2 4 7. 0313 153 154 August.... 4 .1350 79 87 16 10 ,2163 114 80 2 5 6. 3100 168 138 September 4 6 .1550 89 100 19 7 ,2569 141 96 2 4 5, 3313 164 117 October. . . 4 .1700 79 109 1 1 5 .2980 164 111 2 3 5, 5188 151 121 November 4 .1500 79 97 1 5 7 .3575 184 133 2 6 6, 5000 161 120 December. 5 .1450 quotati 99 on. 93 1 8 9 .3380 6 207 Int 126 irpol 2 7 Bted. 6, 2250 165 136 INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 89 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Ducks. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. U. U. K. S. Eggs, first quality. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Flour. Actual price. U.S. Rela- tive price. Market ... Unit Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Secoiid Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August — September. October... November. December, 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second... Third.... Fourth... Months — January.. February March April May June July August... September October.. November December 1918— Year... Quarters- First Second. . . Third Fourth.... Months- January.. February March April May June July August September. October... November. December. London... Head £ a. d. 50 0.63 5 5.50 5 S 6 6 4 8 5 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1554 .1746 .1950 .1733 .1617 .1683 .1750 .2000 .2100 .2100 .1500 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1650 .1750 .1650 .1650 6 10.20 6 6.46 7 6.55 6 0.92 7 4.15 7 6 6 7.50 7 1.50 7 10 7 10.50 4. 1.50 9 10.62 12 8 I H I 9 ! 12 I 12 I 12 ( 11 ; 2021 136 130 .2117 .1900 .1867 .2200 .1950 .2200 .2200 .2200 .1700 .1800 .1800 .1800 .2000 .2200 .2100 .2300 .3030 .3258 .2942 .2912 .2825 .3388 .3500 .3500 .2938 .2500 .2850 .3213 .2913 .3000 .3113 London. . 10 dozen. . £ s. i 13 10. 67 New York. Dozen. 1 2 ;.08 19 5, 15 11.33 1 1 3.67 1 12 4 1 2 18 17 15 15 17 18 4 1 1 1 4 7 1 6 10 1 14 7 1 15 7 1 8 8.17 1 5 4 1 1 2.67 1 7 6 2 7.33 1091 1 1 10 116 1 1 5 1 5 1 7 1 10 1 15 2 1 2 4 2 7 4.17 2 2 2.67 1 17 10. 67 2 6 10.33 3 2 5 2 5 2 3 9 1 17 11 1 15 7 1 16 5 2 1 8 2 5 7 2 5 5 2 9 7 3 3 14 4 2 12 11 Dolls. 0. 2687 .2945 .2602 .2213 .2871 .4073 .3094 .2569 .2144 .2145 .2244 .2266 .2510 .2825 .3270 .3425 .4063 .4600 .3981 .3410 .3781 .4638 .4456 .3075 .3369 .3550 .3330 .3431 .3788 .4055 .4088 .4738 .5650 .4827 .5288 .3498 .4373 .6150 .6481 .6038 .3735 .3463 .3494 .3530 .4138 .4290 .4713 .5281 Manchester and London, 280 lbs 162 132 126 109 109 84 126 84 d. 6.75 2 12 4 2 12 8 2 8 2 10 2 18 8 2 10 2 14 2 14 2 9 2 8 2 7 2 3 2 12 2 15 2 17 3 2 19 2 15 9.27 2 19 4 3 10 2 19 10. 50 2 4 3 2 19 2 19 3 2 19 3 3 3 16 3 1 6 (a) 2 19 9 3 2 4 3 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 Minne apoUs. Bbl. of 196 lbs, Dolls. 4. 5699 7.2639 6. 3217 6. 0571 7.3767 9.2621 6.4400 5. 8813 6.2188 6. 1900 5. 7626 6.1000 7. 6050 8.4250 9.2800 9. 8250 8. 6813 11.3909 9.2981 13.5731 12.3904 10.3404 9.2150 9.0688 9.6313 11.6188 14, 13.8938 12. 7500 13.0688 11.2625 10.6000 10.2250 10. 1313 10. 1407 10. 1538 9.7942 10.3992 10.2100 10.0850 10. 3000 10.0938 9.9850 9.5250 9. 8250 10.7120 10.2100 10.2100 10.2100 10.2100 10.2100 208 214 210 155 207 207 209 210 215 215 209 210 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 156 155 155 155 155 155 155 "No quotation. i> Interpolated. c Bejinainj August , 1918; maximum price set, 12.10d. per lb 90 INTERNATIONAIi PEICB COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Fowls. Fustic. Gambler. Rela- Rela- Rela- Actual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. tive price. price. price. U .K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. Market... Londox] New York. London. - ■ New York. London... New York. Unit .... Head. £ s. 4 4 Pound Dolls. 0. 1661 .1678 To 5 5 I.. Ton £ ft.. Pound Dolls. 0. 0444 .0465 .... i. 8.25 11.75 s. 2 2 d. 6 6 Dolls. 12. 0000 12.0000 s. 1 i. 8.75 8.75 Base price. 1913— Year.... 106 101 100 100 105 105 Quarters- First 5 6 .1641 117 99 5 2 6 12. 0000 100 100 2 7 .0488 109 110 Second 6 10 .1822 124 110 6 2 6 12.0000 100 100 1 11 . 0463 106 104 Tliird..-.l 4 10 .1679 103 101 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 1 4 .0459 103 103 Fourtii.... 3 9 .1568 80 94 6 2 6 12.0000 100 100 1 1 .0460 102 101 Months — January.. - 5 6 .1594 117 96 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 2 9 .0488 110 110 February . 5 6 .1588 117 96 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 2 6 .0488 109 110 Marcli 5 6 .1740 117 105 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 2 6 .0488 109 110" April 6 6 .1875 139 113 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 2 .0463 106 104 May 5 6 .1740 117 105 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 2 .0463 106 104 June 6 6 .1850 117 111 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 1 9 .0463 105 104 July (.") .1738 bllr 105 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 6 .W63 104 104 August. . . - 5 6 .1600 117 96 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 3 .0463 103 104 September 3 6 .1700 75 102 6 2 6 12.0000 100 100 3 .0460 103 101 October... 3 9 .1675 80 101 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 3 .0450 103 101 November 3 9 .1430 80 86 5 2 6 12. 0000 100 100 .0450 101 101 December. 3 9 .1600 80 96 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 .0460 101 lOB 1914— Year.... 4 6.25 .1652 95 99 5 3 11.60 14.0000 101 117 1 0.25 .0517 101 115 Quarters- First 5 .1676 107 101 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 1 .0442 97 lOO Second 6 2 .1720 110 104 6 2 6 12.0000 100 100 3 .0425 98 96 Third 4 1 .1732 87 104 5 2 6 14.0000 100 117 1 2 .0583 102 131 Fourth.... 3 6 .1480 75 89 5 8 4 18.0000 106 150 2 4 .0617 108 139 Months- January. . . 5 .1540 107 93 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 3 .0450 98 101 February . 5 .1825 107 110 5 2 6 12. 0000 100 100 .0450 97 101 March 5 .1663 107 100 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 .0425 97 96 April 5 6 .1738 117 105 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 .0425 97 96 May 5 6 .1744 117 105 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 6 .0425 99 96 June...... 4 6 .1678 98 101 6 2 6 12.0000 100 100 (" .0425 MOO 96 July 4 6 .1749 96 105 6 2 6 12.0000 100 100 1 3 .0425 103 96 August 4 .1642 85 101 5 2 6 12.0000 100 100 2 .0425 106 96 September 3 9 .1775 80 107 6 2 6 18.0000 100 150 3 .0900 98 203 October... 3 .1560 64 94 5 2 6 18.0000 100 150 1 .0650 101 146 November 3 6 .1481 75 89 6 2 6 18.0000 100 150 1 .0650 101 146 December. 4 .1400 85 84 6 18.0000 117 150 6 .0550 121 124 1915-Year.... 4 4.08 .1616 93 97 6 19 2 19.0000 136 158 10 9.25 .0970 148 218 Quarters — First 4 2,67 .1669 90 100 6 16 s 18.0000 133 160 4 1 .0517 116 116 Second 4 10 .1692 103 102 7 18.0000 137 150 8 6 .0796 138 179 Third 4 4.67 .1587 94 96 7 18.0000 137 150 13 .1133 159 265 Fourth.-.. 3 11 .1515 84 91 7 22.0000 137 183 17 6 .1433 181 323 Months — January. . . 4 6 .1581 96 95 6 10 18.0000 127 150 4 6 .0550 118 124 February . 4 .1694 85 102 7 18. 0000 137 150 4 .0500 116 113 March 4 2 .1731 89 104 7 18.0000 137 150 3 9 .0500 115 113 April 4 4 .1645 92 99 7 18.0000 137 150 3 9 .0800 115 180 May 5 2 .1813 110 109 7 18. 0000 137 150 10 9 .0800 148 180 June 5 .1619 107 97 7 18. 0000 137 150 11 .0788 150 177 July 4 10 .1610 103 97 7 18.0000 137 150 12 6 .0800 157 180 August.... 4 2 .1576 89 95 7 18.0000 137 150 12 9 .1300 158 293 September 4 2 .1675 89 95 7 18.0000 137 150 13 9 .1300 163 293 October... 3 11 .1585 84 95 7 22.0000 137 183 14 9 .1100 168 248 November 3 10 .1494 82 90 7 22.0000 137 183 17 3 .1500 180 338 December. 4 .1465 85 88 7 22.0000 137 183 2 6 .1700 195 383 o No quotation. b Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 91 WHOLESALE PEICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Fowls. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. U. Fustic. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Gambler. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Market . Unit.... Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third..... Fourtli.... Months- January... February. March April May June July August September October... November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Third Fourth... Months- January. . February March April May June July August... September October. . . November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May ... June July August. . September October... November December. London. Head... £ s. 4 d. 8.25 5 0.1 5 1.33 5 9.33 i 8.00 4 6.67 a 5 5 .5 6 5 4 10 4 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 5.96 0.31 1 9.23 0.62 5 8 1.20 4 2.60 0.80 7 8 3.86 3 5 10 8 11 5 7.50 1.60 7.25 7 2 8.40 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1661 .1876 .1769 .2028 .1905 .1803 .1788 .1725 .1795 .2025 .1950 .2110 .1900 .1860 .1965 .1863 .1675 .1870 .2377 .2203 .2485 .2447 .2275 .2295 .2538 .2475 .2442 .2238 .2417 .2685 .2350 .2238 .2500 .3241 .3236 .3333 .3392 .3050 .2625 .3500 .3600 .3600 .3300 .3267 .3350 .3320 .3525 .3188 .2940 London. Ton New York, Ton. . . £ 3. d. 5 2 6 12 1 8 10 16 14 Bolls 12.0000 27.6667 24.0000 26.6667 30. 0000 30. 0000 9 22.0000 9 10 10 10 10 16 16 14 14 14 14 15 8 4 14 13 4 15 15 6 8 16 13 4 14 15 15 16 15 16 15 16 16 16 16 18 20 3 4 18 20 20 13 4 22 18 20 18 18 20 20 22 22 22 22 26.0000 25.0000 25. 0000 25.0000 0000 30. 0000 30.0000 30. 0000 30.0000 30.0000 273 30.0000 273 36.4167 30.0000 30.0000 30. 0000 51.6667 30. 0000 30.0000 30.0000 30. 0000 30.0000 30.0000 30. 0000 30.0000 30.0000 55.0000 60.0000 50.0000 46. 1667 46.0000 38.0000 48, 3333 63.3333 45.0000 45.0000 45.0000 38.0000 38.0000 38.0000 40.0000 45.0000 60.0000 50.0000 55. 0000 55. 0000 301 London. Cwt £ s. d. 1 8.75 2 6 7.75 2 10 4 2 14 7 2 10 2 10 2 9 2 9 2 12 2 17 2 15 2 11 2 9 1 16 1 17 6 2 2 2 2 6 3 9.75 2 15 2 3 5 10 2 19 4 3 2 11 2 10 2 10 6 3 6 3 3 9 3 5 3 8 3 2 18 3 3 13 3 2 6 3 5 3 8 11. 25 3 5 10 3 12 5 3 14 2 3 3 4 3 5 3 5 3 7 6 3 12 6 3 11 3 13 9 3 15 3 15 3 12 6 3 12 6 3 13 2 16 3 New York. Found Dolls. 0.0444 .1319 .1667 .1468 .1117 .1033 .1700 .1700 .1600 .1600 .1400 .1375 .1200 .1100 .1050 .0950 .1000 .1160 .1529 .1233 .1517 .1617 .1760 .1150 .1200 .1350 .1500 .1500 .1550 .1650 .1650 .1550 .1660 .1600 .2000 .2296 .2250 .2133 .2100 .2100 .2300 .2600 .2600 .2700 .2400 .2260 .2100 .2100 .2100 .2200 o Begiiming August, 1918; maximum price set at 2s. 2d. per pound. 92 INTEENATIONAL PKICB COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. "WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTEBS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. filue. Glycerin. — F tams. Rela- Rela- 1 Rela- Actual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. | tive price. price. price. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. s. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. Market ... Factory. Manches ter. - New York. Bristo Chi- cago. Unit Cwt Pound Dolls. Xon Pound Dolls. Cwt.. Cwt... £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ «. d. DolU. Base price. 1913— Year.... 1 11 1 13 2 0. 0877 93 6 8 0. 2004 a 14 8.50 16. 2353 11 .0848 109 97 90 16 8 .1971 97 98 3 17 9.50 16. 5931 104 102 Quarters- First 1 16 .0821 116 94 ■90 .1875 96 94 3 11 4 15.8750 95 98 Second 1 15 .0851 112 97 90 .1992 96 99 4 2 17.0098 110 106 TMrd 1 13 .0860 106 98 90 .1942 96 97 4 4 2 17.5417 113 108 Fourth.... Months — January... 1 11 8 .0863 102 98 93 6 8 .2075 100 104 3 13 8 16.0192 99 99 1 16 .0815 116 93 90 .1875 96 94 3 9 6 14. 9688 93 92 February . 1 16 .0825 116 94 90 .1875 96 94 3 11 16.0000 ■ 95 99 March 1 16 .0824 116 94 90 .1875 96 94 3 13 6 16.5000 98 102 April 1 16 .0845 116 96 90 .2000 96 100 3 18 16.6825 104 102 May 1 16 .0854 116 97 90 .2000 96 100 4 2 16.9750 110 105 June 1 13 .0853 106 97 90 .1975 96 99 4 6 17.5000 116 108 July 1 13 .0855 106 98 90 . 1925 '96 96 4 8 18.0000 118 111 August — 1 13 .0856 106 98 90 .1926 98 96 4 6 17.7760 116 109 September 1 13 .0869 106 99 90 .1975 96 99 3 18 6 16. 9063 105 104 October... 1 13 .0869 106 99 90 .2076 96 104 3 13 6 16.4375 98: 101 November 1 12 .0858 103 98 95 .2075 102 104 3 14 6 16. 1260 100 99 December. 1 10 .0863 96 98 95 .2075 102 104 3 13 15.4888 98 95 1914— Year.... 1 11 8 .0891 102 102 97 1 8 .2148 104 107 3 15 1.50 16. 6875 101 103 Quarters- First 1 10 .0888 96 101 95 .2008 102 100 3 9 4 15.3848 93 96 Second 1 10 .0897 96 102 96 .1992 102 99 3 11 8 16.0962 96 99 Third 1 11 8 .0892 102 102 96 13 4 .2217 104 111 4 4 10 18.6058 114 115 Fourth 1 15 .0888 112 101 101 13 4 .2375 109 119 3 14 8 16.8635 100 103 Months — January... 1 10 .0880 96 100 95 .2025 102 101 3 10 15.3000 94 94 February . 1 10 .0889 96 101 95 .2000 102 100 3 9 16.2500 92 94 March ■ 1 10 .0896 96 102 95 .2000 102 100 3 9 15. 6250 92 98 April 1 10 .0893 96 102 95 .2000 102 lOO 3 11 16.7500 95 97 May 1 10 .0893 96 102 95 .2000 102 100 3 10 6 15.9000 94 98 June 1 10 .0904 96 103 95 .1975 102 99 3 13 6 16.6875 98 103 July.!..-. 1 10 .0893 96 102 95 .1976 102 99 3 17 17.6875 103 109 August 1 10 .0893 96 102 95 .1976 102 99 4 13 6 19.0250 125 117 September 1 15 .0890 112 101 100 .2700 107 135 4 4 19.0000 112 117 October. . . 1 15 .0897 112 102 105 .2450 113 122 3 14 6 17. 0500 100 105 November 1 15 .0891 112 102 100 .2400 107 120 3 12 16.5938 96 102 December. 1 15 .0875 112 100 100 .2275 107 114 3 17 6 16.2500 104 100 1915— Year.... 1 15 3 .0856 113 98 94 16 8 .2960 102 148 3 16 6.50 15.3149 102 94 Quarters — First 1 15 .0872 112 99 100 .2183 107 109 3 10 8 14.9231 95 92 Second 1 15 .0868 112 99 88 13 4 .2042 95 102 3 11 4 15. 1731 95 93 Third 1 16 .0860 112 98 88 .2300 94 116 3 13 8 16.1827 99 94 Fourth 1 16 .0826 116 94 102 13 4 .5317 110 265 4 10 6 15.9808 121 98 Months- January... 1 15 .0873 112 100 100 .2200 107 110 3 15 15.3500 100 95 February . 1 15 .0889 112 99 100 .2200 107 110 3 11 15.1250 96 93 March 1 15 .0873 112 100 100 .2150 107 107 3 6 14. 1875 88 87 April 1 15 .0875 112 100 90 .2000 98 100 3 6 14.3750 88 89 May 1 16 .0875 112 100 88 .1925 94 96 3 11 16.1500 96 93 June 1 15 .0853 112 97 88 .2200 94 110 3 17 16.0000 103 99 July 1 15 .0879 112 100 88 .2200 94 110 3 14 6 16.0500 100 99 August 1 15 .0851 112 97 88 .2250 94 112 3 12 6 14.8126 97 91 September 1 15 .0851 112 97 88 .2450 94 122 3 14 14.4688 99 89 October. . . 1 16 .0831 U6 95 88 .3450 94 172 4 1 16.1000 108 99 November 1 16 .0823 116 94 110 .6000 118' 299 4 10 16.2600 120 loo December. 1 16 .0823 116 94 110 .6500 118 324 5 6 15.5625 135 96 INTERNATIONAL PEIOE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 93 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEBS, AND YBAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Market . Unit.... Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March Anril Ma> June Glue. Actual price. U.K. July... Aus:ust September October... November December 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third.. Fourth. Months — January... February . March.. April... May . . . June . . . July.... August September October... November December. 1918— Year. . . . Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. £ s. d. 1 11 2 2 14 7 2 3 2 17 4 3 2 18 8 18 9 6 9 6 9 8 16 8 10 8 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 16 Oj 2 16 0| 3 3 3 3 2 18 2 18 2 18 3 18 9 3 3 10 4 5 5 U.S. Factory. Pound DolU. 0. 0877 2 15 3 3 5 3 10 3 10 3 10 4 4 6 4 10 4 15 4 16 6 10 8 4 7 5 15 6 15 6 15 8 10 9 9 5 .1014 .1262 .0847 .0859 .0906 .0972 .1000 .0993 .1006 .1026 .1012 .1121 .1281 .1384 .1697 .1847 .1834 Rela- tive price. 175 138 184 193 186 135 136 144 180 180 193 193 193 193 186 186 186 263 193 226 273 1834 321 .1696 .1807 .1860 .1841 .1841 .1827 .1847 .1828 .1892 .1827 .1782 .1684 .1802 .1674 .1654 .1608 .1828 .1776 .1802 • 1657 .1668 .1696 .1680 .1668 .1623 .1612 . 1.TO4 .1617 Glycerin. Actual price. 267 208 273 211 203 U.K. Manches- ter. Ton £ s.d. 93 6 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no U.S. New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 2004 .5079 .6250 .6733 .4333 .6000 .6250 . 5260 .5300 .6700 .6000 .5500 .6000 .4000 .4000 .4600 .5250 .6260 .6113 . 5433 .5760 .6333 .6300 .6600 .5500 .5550 .6600 .6100 .6200 .6400 .6400 .6800 .7000 .7000 .6050 .6700 .6500 .6267 .4733 .6760 .6750 .6600 .6700 .6500 .6300 .6400 .6300 .6100 .5900 .5800 .2600 Rela- tive price. Hams. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Bristol. Cwt.... £ s. d. 3 14 8. ! 4 16 6 4 6 6 4 9 8 4 18 10 5 11 4 10 4 4 4 5 4 10 4 10 4 8 4 10 4 19 5 6 5 9 6 13 5 10 6 13 2 7 12 10 5 4 5 17 6 4 6 8 6 11 6 10 6 8 6 15 6 16 6 17 7 11 8 10 8 14 3 8 10 6 8 10 6 8 17 6 8 18 8 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 15 6 18 6 18 6 18 6 18 6 18 6 cu- cago. Cwt.. Dolls 16. 2353 18.6721 16.8958 18.4321 19.0000 19.8077 16. 2500 16,7.500 17.6875 18.3600 18.4375 18.5000 19.0000 18.9375 19.0500 19.3760 20.3126 19.7600 26.2861 21.3269 25. 7500 24.9808 29.0866 19.5000 21.1250 22.9500 24.8750 26.7500 26.6500 23.7500 24.12.50 26. 6600 28.6875 28.2500 30.0760 31.8642 29.8664 30.3173 31.8750 35.3990 29.4375 29.8438 30.2250 30.9375 30.2600 29.8750 30.2813 32.3500 32.8760 33.7666 35.6250 36.7500 Rela- tive price. 94 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUABTEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Hay, best. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. U. Hemp, Manila. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Hides, cattle, first series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Market . . . Unit. Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters — Pirst Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February March April...,. May June July.... August. September October... November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First.... Second. . Third... Fourth.. Months — January... February March April May June July August September October... November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July.... August. September October... November December. London. Load £ s. d. 4 6 11. 75 4 19 10. 75 5 6 3 5 2 5 16 4 11 8 5 6 3 5 6 3 5 6 3 4 19 6 4 19 6 5 1 6 6 16 5 1 6 5 16 5 10 4 2 6 4 2 6 3 16 3 18 4 5 4 7 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 16 4 2 4 2 6 4 2 6 4 12 6 7 1 4 15 6 4 17 1 5 7 11 6 711 4 16 4 16 4 16 4 IS 5 1 5 6 5 16 6 1 6 15 6 7 City. Ton.. Dolls. 12.5833 11. 2500 11. 1667 10. 0000 10. 2500 13. 5833 11. 7500 11. 7600 10. 0000 10. 0000 10. 0000 10. 0000 9. 0000 9. 5000 12.2500 13. 2500 13.2600 14. 2500 13.6833 12.9167 10. 1250 11.9167 14.2500 13.2500 13.2500 13.2500 13.7500 11. 7500 8. 7600 (") 11.5000 11. 6000 11.0000 13.2500 11. 6250 13. 2500 12. 7500 11.0000 9. 5000 13. 2500 13. 2500 13. 2500 13. 2500 12. 5000 12. 6000 12. 5000 11.0000 9. 6000 9. 5000 9. 5000 9. 6000 79 81 108 93 93 79 79 79 79 72 75 97 105 105 113 98 108 103 80 95 113 106 105 106 109 93 70 iSl 91 91 87 106 92 105 101 87 75 105 106 105 105 Manches- ter, London. Ton £ s. d. 29 5 32 4 2 34 10 33 31 30 6 36 34 10 34 34 33 10 31 10 29 15 30 16 32 10 31 31 29 26 15 10 27 15 27 26 6 26 1 26 16 28 10 28 28 15 26 15 27 10 26 25 10 27 10 27 6 26 25 38 11 30 13 4 40 6 40 13 4 42 13 4 26 30 36 41 41 41 40 41 41 43 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0780 119 114 .0883 107 .0773 105 .1102 .0962 .1119 .1113 .1075 .1032 .0950 .0875 .0850 .0900 .0900 .0860 .0757 .0713 .0726 .0727 .0735 .0756 .0681 .0775 .0726 .0700 .0763 .0744 .0744 .0738 .0800 .0738 .0660 .0700 .0938 .0990 .0929 .0962 .0775 .0884 .0969 .1025 .0975 .0969 .0931 .0950 .0907 .1003 Liverpool. £ s. d. 7.45 7.38 7.09 7.21 7.71 7.60 7.13 7.26 7.13 7.13 7. 7.63 7.75 7.75 7.76 7.50 7.25 7.67 7.21 7. 7.67 8.42 a.i 7.! 7.60 7.13 7.75 7.50 1.38 8. .50 8.38 9.1 Chi- cago. Pound Dolls. 0. 1796 .1727 .1669 .1679 .1742 .1829 .1675 .1663 .1638 .1650 .1688 .1700 .1700 .1750 .1775 .1800 .1838 .1850 .1842 .1763 .1850 .1876 .1879 .1725 .1760 .1813 .1850 .1850 .1850 .1850 .1875 .1900 .1876 .1813 .1960 8.84 .1992 119 9.75 .1929 131 11.42 .2217 153 9.54 .2167 128 8.63 .1960 116 9 .200C 121 8.88 .2026 119 8.63 .1863 116 9.13 .195C 123 11. 60 .1975 154 13.25 .2125 178 10.50 .2275 141 10.60 .2250 141 10. 50 .2200 141 9.50 .2150 128 8.63 .2150 116 " No quotation. ' Interpolated INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, ISIS-ISIS. 95 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEBSi AND YEARS, 1913-1918-Coiitmued. Hay, best. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Hemp, manila. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Hides, cattle, first series. Actual price. U. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Unit. Base price 1916— Year..., Quarters- First Second TUrd Fourth.... Montlis — January... February . March April May June July.... August. . September October. . . November December. 1917— Year... Quarters— Krst Second... Third.... Fourth... Months- January.. February March April May June July August.. .- September October... November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Mouths — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. London. £ s. 4 6 11.75 6 19 2 6 10 7 7 4 2 7 2 6 6 10 6 10 6 ID 6 10 6 15 7 15 7 7 2 6 7 10 7 12 6 6 17 6 6 17 6 6 16 9.76 6 17 1. 6 15 9.23 6 16 10.50 6 17 6 6 16 6 17 6 17 6 16 6 IS 6 16 6 15 10 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 7 1 5.33 7 7 7.38 8 10 8 8.31 8 7 5 1.50 6 17 6 7 17 8. 40 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 Kansas City. Dolls. 12.5833 10. 0625 8. 6000 9.5000 12.5833 9.5000 11.0000 8.5000 8.5000 8.5000 8.5000 8. 5000 8.6000 11.5000 11. 6000 12.5000 13.7600 17. 6042 13. 7500 17. 6667 15.8333 23. 1667 13.7'SOO 13. 7'500 13. 7600 16. 6000 19.5000 17. 0000 14. 5000 14.5000 18.5000 18.6000 24. 5000 26. 5000 21.8958 26.5000 14. 1667 20. 1667 26. 7500 26. 5000 26. 5000 26. 5000 15. 5000 13. 5000 13. 5000 13. 6000 20. 5000 26. 5000 27. 0000 26. 7500 26. 5000 160 68 Manches- ter, London. Ton £ s. d. 29 54 2 6 63 55 16 8 62 13 4 65 47 55 57 56 56 55 10 90 85 85 85 85 100 100 100 100 54 51 10 52 10 53 54 10 67 10 74 13 4 88 13 4 85 85 60 74 85 85 98 16 95 100 100 100 85 100 100 100 100 100 100 New York. Pound Bolls. 0. 0780 .1239 .1291 .1277 .1208 .1184 .1166 .1363 .1344 .1294 .1294 .1244 .1250 .1216 .1153 .1119 .1082 .1350 .2216 .1584 .2077 .2538 .2558 .1575 .1600 .1585 .1831 .2000 .2400 .2550 .2563 .2500 .2500 .2450 .2725 .2405 .2729 .2600 .2423 .2856 .2731 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2382 .2288 .2182 .1875 .1550 Liverpool.. Pound... £ s. d. 7.45 9.75 9.50 9.50 10 10 9.75 9.38 9.38 9.50 50 9.50 10 10 10 10 10 10 9.85 9.50 9.83 10 10 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10.01 9.67 10. 04 10.25 10.08 9.50 9.76 9.75 9.63 10.25 10.25 10.25 10. 25 10.25 10.25 10.25 9.75 Chi- cago. Pound Dolls. 0. 1796 .2391 .2067 .2292 .2400 .2804 .1950 .2125 .2125 .2175 .2300 .2400 .2450 .2400 .2350 .2438 .2775 .3200 .2828 .3092 .3092 .2783 .3175 .3100 .3000 .2950 .3150 .3175 .3100 134 .2900 134 .2350 134 .2300 134 .2388 134 .2350 134 .2144 .1783 .2025 .2433 .2333 .1900 .1800 .1650 .1625 .1950 .2500 .2500 .2400 .2400 .2400 .2300 .2300 a Maximum price set. 96 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. "WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, X913-1918— Continued. Market . Unit.... Base price 1913— Year.... Quarters — First... Second. Third.. Fourth. Months — January February . March. . April. . . May... June. .. Hides, cattle, second series. July... August. September October.. November December. 1914— Year . . . Quarters — First Second... Third.... Fourth... Months — January.. February March — April May June July August... September October. . . November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August-. September October... November December. Actual price. U.K. Glasgow. Chi- cago. Pound Pound U.S. 7.47 7.40 7.17 7.2,'i 7. 7.54 7.25 7.13 7.13 7.13 7. 25 7 7.50 7.63 7.75 7.76 7.50 7.i 7.61 7.13 7.59 7.59 8.13 6. 6. 7. 7.63 7.50 7.63 7.63 7 8.25 9.6 8.54 9.25 11.50 9.46 8.26 8.63 8. 76 10.50 13.13 10.88 10. 60 10.60 10 7, Bolls. 0. 1830 .1772 .1692 .1734 .1792 .1871 .1700 . 1688 .1688 .1713 .1738 .1750 .1750 . 1800 .1826 .1850 .1875 .1888 .1870 .1800 .1858 .1908 . 1913 .1775 .1800 .1825 .1850 .1876 .1850 .1875 .1900 .1960 . 1925 .1863 .1950 .2105 .2017 .1963 .2267 .2175 ,2000 .2000 .2060 .1888 .1975 .2026 .2176 .2326 .2300 .2225 .2160 Rela- tive price. Hides, cattle, third series. Actual price. Sh 92 97 95 102 98 101 102 97 93 95 92 U.'i 9? 9.1 94 97 95 99 96 inn 96 102 98 10^ inn lO' 101 nil 102 99 103 102 102 95 98 102 102 102 104 109 105 92 97 92 98 102 100 102 101 IOC in2 102 ini 102 102 102 KM 101] 107 11)5 106 11(1 in2 110 107 130 116 114 110 124 107 164 124 127 119 110 109 116 109 117 112 112 103 119 108 141 111 176 119 146 127 141 VM 141 122 134 117 105 117 U.K. Liverpool. Pound- .. £ s. d. 7. 49 7.; 7.( 7.; 7.75 7. Rela- tive price. U.S. 7 7.25 7.13 7.25 7.50 7.76 7.76 7.76 7. 7.50 7 7.04 7.38 7.63 7.92 6.50 7.13 7.50 7.13 7.38 7.63 7.75 7.75 7.38 7.8 7.f 8 9.74 8.46 9.58 11.42 9.50 8.25 8.6C (I 8.6a 8.26 9 11.50 13.13 (1 10.63 10. 6C in.6C 9.6C 8 50 Chi- cago. Pound Dolls. 0. 1863 .1839 .1825 .1725 .1863 .1942 .1875 .1825 .1775 .1713 .1676 .1788 .1775 .1876 .1938 .1988 .1975 .1863 .1977 .1800 .1846 .2063 .2200 .1763 .1813 .1825 101 . 1813 96 .1825 100 .1900 103 100 Hides, cattle, fourth scries. ' Rela- Actual price. j tive price. U.K. .1988 .2960 .2160 .2125 .2175 .2300 .2419 .2283 .2142 .2658 .2592 .2300 .2325 .2225 .1925 .2100 .2400 .2575 .2775 .2625 .2676 .2613 .2488 177 138 London. . Pound... £ s. d. 1 0. 41 1 ( 1 0.04 1 0.37 1 0.81 11.25 1 0.81 1 0.26 1 1 1 0.31 U.S. 0.31 0.31 0.60 1.31 0.94 0.19 1 0.09 0.19 0.25 0.71 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.25 0.26 0.25 1 0.25 1 0.13 1 1.75 11.38 11.13 11.13 11.76 11.79 11.92 11.79 11.50 11.13 1 0.25 1 11.76 1 1 1 11.69 11 11, 11.69 11.13 New York. Found Dolls, a. 3054 .2892 .3000 .3100 .2750 .3000 .2976 .2875 .2900 .2900 .2976 .3000 .3025 .3250 .3150 .2900 .2904 .3158 .2958 .2883 .2617 .3000 .3226 .3250 .3000 .2926 .2960 .2850 .2900 .2900 .2360 .2560 .2950 .3096 .3183 .3100 .3050 .3050 .3150 .3200 .3200 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3050 .3050 ,3050 .3050 .3050 .3050 102 106 103 103 97 106 106 101 104 102 100 100 103 105 105 102 102 102 100 100 100 100 100 100 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 97 WHOLESALE PEICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit.... Base price. 1916— Year... Quarters — First Second... Third .... Fourth... Months — January.. February- March April May June July August... September October... November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August.... September October... November 'December. 1918— Year.. Quarters — First.... Second.. Third . . . Fourth.. Months — January. February . March.. April... May.... June . . . July.... •August September October.. . November December. Hides, cattle, second series. Actual price. U.K. Glasgow. Pound. . . £ s. d. 7.47 9.71 u 9.50 10 10 9.88 9.75 9.50 9.50 () 9.60 9.50 n 10 10 10 10 (1 10 10 9.83 b 9.50 9. 10 10 1.50 1.50 9.50 09. 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9, 9. 50 9.92 10.13 9, 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 10. 13 10. 13 10.13 10. 13 10. 13 10. 13 10. 13 9.63 U.S. Chi- cago. Pound Dolls. 0. 1830 .2391 .2067 .2292 .2400 .2804 .1950 .2150 .2150 .2176 .2300 .2400 .2450 .2400 .;i=;o .243>l .2775 .3200 .3117 .3092 .2976 .3200 .3100 .3050 .2950 .3150 .3175 .3100 .3125 .2700 .2700 .2875 .2850 .2615 .2392 .2633 .2800 .2625 .2300 .2250 .2250 .2650 .3000 .3000 .2700 .2700 .2700 .2600 .2600 Rela- tive price. 132 131 127 127 127 127, 131 134 134 134, 131 134! 128 134 133 134; 162 131 175 132 164 170 169 163 153 175 169 167 161 172 173 169 171 148 148 157 166 143 131 144' 1.53 144 143' 126 123 123 145 164 I 164 148 148 148 142 142 Hides, cattle, third series. Actual price. U.K. U. S Liverpool.. Pound £ s. d. Q 7.49 9. 73 9.42 9.50 10 IQ 9.50 9.50 10 10 10 10 10 10 9.1 9.60 9. 10 10 9.50 9.50 9.60 O09. 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10.01 9.67 10.04 10.26 10.08 9.50 9.75 9.75 9.63 10.26 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.26 10.25 10.26 9.75 Chi- cago. Pound Dolls. 0. 1863 .2603 .2442 .2660 .3033 .2260 .2338 .2275 .2260 .2400 .2675 .2676 .2650 .2675 .2700 .3060 .3350 . 3246 .3175 .3125 .3217 .3467 .3150 .3050 .2950 .3150 .3276 .3150 .3200 .3300 .3400 .3.500 .3600 .3000 .3017 .2960 .3100 .3400 .3050 .2600 .2450 .3100 .3300 .3300 .3000 .3000 .3000 .2900 .2000 Rela- tive price. Hides, cattle, fourth series. Actual price. London... Pound £ s. d. 1 0.41 1 11. 75 1 1 0.25 1 0.33 11.13 11.13 10 1 10 10 0.25 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.50 1 1.33 1 1 1 1.26 1 1.25 1 1.83 0.50 1.25 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.25 1 1.25 1 1.26 1 1.26 1 1.26 1 1.26 1 3 1 5.04 1 3 1 5.33 1 5.60 Q 1 6. 5.25 .5.50 5.60 5.50 6.60 6.75 6.75 U.S. New York. Pound Dolls. 0.3054 .3444 .3183 .3350 .3292 .3950 . 30,50 .3160 .3350 . 3350 .3.360 .33.50 .3275 .3300 .3300 .3400 .4000 .4460 .4268 .4300 .4360 .4360 .4073 .4210 .4325 .4388 .4360 .4360 .4350 . 43.50 .4360 .4350 .4030 .4100 .4100 .3660 . 3308 .3325 .3287 .4010 .3700 .3160 .3280 .3325 .3325 .3325 . 3325 .3325 .3305 .3276 .3275 Rela- tive price. a Maximum price set. 98 INTEEJSTATIONAL, PEICB COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Hides, cattle, fifth series. Hogs, fat stock. Indigo Bengal. Eela- Rela- Rela- Actual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. tive price. price. price. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. Market... London New York. England and Wales. Chi- cago. London and Manchester New York. Unit 3t^nA 100 lbs. Pound Pound £ s. i. Dolls. £ s. i. VolU. £ s. d. Dolls. Base price. 1913— Year.... 8.75 0. 2267 8 9.33 8. 4055 3 1. 58 0. 6750 8.52 .2162 97 95 8 10.68 8.3664 101 100 2 11.83 .6750 95 100 Quarters- First 8.04 .2167 92 96 8 9 8.1411 100 97 3 .6760 96 100 Second — 8.71 . 2025 100 89 8 9.33 8. 6621 100 103 2 11 .8750 93 100 Third 8.67 .2133 99 94 8 11.33 8.6958 102 102 2 11 .6750 93 100 Pourth.... 8.69 .2283 99 101 .9 0.67 8.0346 103 96 3 1.33 .6750 99 100 Months — January... 7.56 .2150 86 95 8 6 7.4688 97 89 3 .6760 96 100 February . 7.81 .2150 89 96 8 9 8.0844 100 96 3 .6760 96 100 March 8.75 .2200 100 97 9 8.8700 103 106 3 .6760 96 100 April 8.75 .2025 100 89 8 10 8.9406 101 106 2 11 .6750 93 100 May 8.7S .2025 100 89 8 10 8.4156 101 100 2 11 .6750 93 100 June 8.63 .2025 99 89 8 8 8.6300 99 103 2 11 .6760 93 100 July 8.63 .2100 99 93 8 10 9.0125 101 107 2 11 .6750 93 100 August.... 8.75 .2100 100 93 9 8.3600 103 99 2 11 .6750 93 100 September 8.63 .2200 99 97 9 8.4260 103 100 2 11 .6750 93 100 October... 8.69 .2300 99 101 9 8.3125 103 99 3 .6750 96 100 November 8.69 .2300 99 101 9 7. 9188 103 94 3 2 .6750 101 100 December. 8.69 .2250 99 99 9 2 7.8725 104 94 3 2 .6750 101 100 1914— Year.... 8.61 .2338 98 103 8 4.42 8.3608 95 99 5 9.63 1.1167 185 165 Quarters- First 8.77 .2300 100 101 8 11.67 8.5665 102 102 3 3 .6760 104 100 Second 8.88 .2350 101 104 8 1.67 8.4250 93 100 3 3 .6760 104 100 Third 8.54 .2333 98 103 7 11.67 8.8554 91 106 4 6.60 .5167 142 77 Fourth.... 8.25 .2367 94 104 8 4.67 7.5281 96 90 12 3 2.0000 391 296 Months — January... 8.69 .2200 99 97 9 8.4031 103 100 3 3 .6750 104 100 February . 8.69 .2350 99 104 9 8.6313 103 103 3 3 .6750 104 100 March 8.94 .2350 102 104 8 11 8.6660 102 103 3 3 .6750 104 lOO April May 8.94 .2350 102 104 8 7 8.7166 98 104 3 3 .6760 104 100 8.94 .2300 102 101 8 1 8.3594 92 99 3 3 .6760 104 100 June 8.75 .2400 100 106 7 9 8.2000 88 98 3 3 .6750 104 100 July 8.69 .2350 99 104 7 6 8.7688 86 104 3 3 .6760 104 100 August.... 8.69 .2360 99 104 8 2 9.9350 93 107 3 3 .6750 104 100 September 8.25 .2300 91 101 8 3 8.7625 94 104 6 10.50 (<•) 220 im October... 8.25 .2200 94 97 8 5 7.8063 96 93 19 9 (a) 311 M96 November 8.26 .2400 94 106 8 4 7.6876 95 90 13 6 2.0000 431 296 December. 8.25 .2.500 94 110 8 6 7.1906 96 86 3 6 2.0000 431 296 1915— Year.... 9.66 .2702 110 119 10 0.50 7.1313 114 86 13 10 2.7500 442 407 Quarters — First 9.17 .2858 106 126 8 10.33 6.8369 101 81 13 9 2.0000 439 296 Second 9.31 .2500 106 110 9 9 7.4188 111 88 14 3 3.0000 456 444 Third 10.17 .2700 116 119 10 3. 33 7.0867 117 84 13 6 3.0000 431 444 Fourth.... 10 .2750 114 121 n 3.33 7.2238 128 86 13 10 3.0000 442 444 Months- January... 8.25 .2800 94 124 8 6 6.9938 96 83 13 6 2.0000 431 296 February . 9.81 .2800 112 124 8 10 6.7694 101 80 13 6 2.0000 431 296 March 9.44 .2975 108 131 9 4 6. 7675 106 80 14 3 2.0000 466 296 April Miy 9.25 .2500 106 110 9 10 7.2600 112 86 14 3 3.0000 455 444 9.25 .2500 106 110 9 9 7.6500 111 90 14 3 3.0000 455 444 June 9.44 .2500 108 110 9 8 7.4563 110 •89 14 3 3.0000 455 444 July 10.13 .2600 116 116 9 11 7.2813 113 87 13 6 3.0000 431 441 August 10.25 .2750 117 121 10 2 6.8360 116 81 13 6 3.0000 431 444 September 10.13 .2750 116 121 10 9 7.1438 123 86 13 6 3.0000 431 444 October... 10 .2700 114 119 11 3 8.1188 128 97 13 6 3.0000 431 444 November 10 .2775 114 122 11 3 6.8900 128 82 14 3.0000 447 444 December. 10 .2775 114 122 11 4 6.6625 129 79 14 3.0000 447 444 a No quotation. 6 Interpolated. INTERN-ATIONAL PBICE COMPARISONS, IWS-l&lS. 99 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YBAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Hides, cattle, fifth series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Hogs, fat stock. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Indigo, Bengal. Actual price. U.K. U. i Rela- tive price. Market . . Unit Base price. 1916— Year..., Qu."irters— First. 1.... Second Third Fourth.... Months — Januarv... February . March April May June July. - . August September October November December. 1917— Year.. Quarters — First.... Second Third... Fourth.. , .Months — January. February . March.. April... May June... •Tuly.... August. September October... November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. London... Pound e s. d. 8.75 10 10 11.13 11. 84 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 )1..S8 11 1 0.13 1 1 1.14 10. 1 1. 08 1 1. 13 1 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1 1 1 1 1.13 1 1.25 1 1.25 1 1.25 1 2 1 2.f 1 2 1 3.13 1 13.13 I 3.05 1 1 3, 1 3.13 2 2 2 3.13 13 3.13 3.13 3.13 New York. Dolls. 0. 2267 .3358 .3042 .3333 . 3300 .3758 ,3025 .3200 .3325 .3325 .3350 .3350 .3300 .3250 . 3375 .3500 .4400 .4166 .4204 .4263 . .4276 .3021 .4150 .4200 .4275 .4238 .4275 .4275 .4275 .4275 . 4275 .3796 .4000 .4000 ..3354 .3569 .3249 .3300 .3300 .3940 .3625 .3050 .3160 . 3300 .3300 .3300 .3300 .3300 .3300 .3300 .3300 England and Wales. Stone. Chi- cago. 100 lbs. d. Bolls. 9. 33 8. 4055 13 1.83 12 1 13 2.33 13 4. 33 13 11. 67 11 6 11 11 12 10 13 2 13 3 13 2 13 13 13 13 13 14 17 3.1 15 7.33 16 6.67 17 9 19 1.33 14 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 1 19 18 ], 4 18 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 18 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9. 6469 8.4748 9. 7067 10. 3042 10. 0379 7.3660 8. 3750 9.6844 9. 7438 9. 9250 9. 6313 9. 8250 10. 3438 10.7438 9. 8700 9. 9938 10. 2500 15. 7047 12. 6346 15. 8577 16. 9173 17.2875 10. 9560 12. 5760 14. 7938 15. 7950 16. 0875 15.7063 15. 4600 17. 3313 18. 3250 17. 5900 17. 4.563 16. 8500 17. 5995 16. 6167 17. 0212 18. 8554 17. 7327 16. 3000 16. 7188 16.8313 17. ISOO 17.2625 16, 6188 17. 7200 19. 1875 19. 7260 17. 8600 17. 8125 17. 5760 London and Man- cliester, Pound.. d. 1.58 U 3 14 9 14 9 13 10 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 12 3. 13 13 12 11 10 11 9 7.50 13 9 13 9 13 9 12 10. 50 12 6 12 6 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 9 6 10 2 10 6 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 New York. Dolls. 0. 6750 3. 4167 3. 1667 3. 5000 3. 5000 3. 5000 3.0000 3. 0000 3. 5000 3. 6000 3.5000 3. 5000 3. 5000 3.6000 3. 5000 3. 5000 3. 5000 3. 5000 3. 6458 3. 8333 3. 7500 3. 7800 3.2600 4. 0000 3. 7500 3. 7600 3. 7500 3. 7600 3. 7500 3. 7,500 3. 7500 3. 7500 3.7500 3. 0000 3. 0000 2. 7708 2. 5000 2. 5000 3. 0000 3. 0833 2. 5000 2, 5000 2.5000 2.5000 2. 7500 2. 2500 3. 0000 3. 0000 3.0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 2500 113951°— 19- 100 INTERNATIONAX, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Iron, bar, first series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Iron, bar, second series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Iron, hoop. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Market . . . Unit Base price 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September October... November December. 1914r-Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September October... November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January- . . February. . March April May June July August — September October... November December. At works. Ton i. 6.75 7 19 3.26 8 12 8 6 7 16 7 2 8 11 3 8 13 9 8 11 3 8 10 8 6 3 8 2 6 8 2 6 7 13 9 7 12 6 7 7 6 7 13 6 18 9 6 17 1 6 10 5 7 5 7 12 1 6 18 6 18 6 13 6 11 6 10 6 10 6 10 7 5 8 7 17 6 7 8 9 7 10 10 8 1.50 8 10 9 17 1 11 11 3 12 3 4 7 7 8 2 8 12 8 18 10 10 12 11 7 11 12 11 13 11 13 11 18 12 17 Phila- delphia. 100 lbs. Dolls. 1. 3050 1. 5100 1.6667 1.6687 1.* 1.2900 1.6800 1.6700 1.6500 1.6800 1. 6800 1.6100 1.5500 1.4200 1.3300 1.3200 1.3000 1.2600 1. 2000 1.2667 1.2300 1.11 1. 1300 L2400 1.2800 1.2800 1. 2300 1.2300 1.2300 1.1900 1.1800 1.1800 1.1400 1. 1300 1.1200 1.3700 1.1233 1. 1867 1. 4133 1.7600 1.1200 1.1200 1.1300 1. 1800 1.1800 1.2O0O 1.3200 1.4300 1.4900 1.5700 1.7200 1.9900 Manchester London. Ton 95 86 £ s. d. 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 16 7 15 7 15 7 16 7-15 7 16 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 5 17 15 17 15 17 15 7 16 Phila- delphia. Pound Dolls. 0. 0180 .0192 .0206 .0196 .0193 .0173 .0208 .0206 .0206 .0196 .0196 ,0196 .0196 .0196 .0186 .0176 .0176 .0166 .0160 .0166 .0167 .0163 .0162 7 16 7 15 7 15 7 16 7 15 7 16 7 16 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 16 8 7 15 6 7 16' 8 7 15 7 15 7 IS 8 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 16 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 16 7 15 7 15 .0166 100 .0166 100 .01661 100 .01671 100 .01571 100 .0167 100 .0157; 100 .01661 100 .0168 100 .0152 .0152 .0152 .0174 .0152 .0167 .0174 .0216 .0152 .0162 .0152 .0155 .0157 .0158 .0162 .0171 .0188 .0198 .0216 .0232 At works. Ton 7 13 d 6.50 1.50 8 15 8 13 4 8 6 8 7 16 10 15 15 1 15 15 15 10 8 10 8 5 8 6 7 17 7 15 7 15 7 9 9.50 7 6 8 7 6 7 7 6 8 7 6 6 17 6 8 8 8 8 8 9 2 10 8 4 11 13 4 13 3 4 8 8 7 6 9 10 10 10 10 16 11 12 12 12 5 12 10 14 15 Pitts- burgh. 100 lbs. Dolls. 1. 3917 1.5600 1.5833 1.6000 1. 5667 1. 4667 1.5500 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.5600 ■ 1.5500 1.6000 1. 6500 1.4500 1.4000 1.2700 1.21 1.2500 1.2833 L2500 1.2600 1.3000 1.3000 1.2500 1.2500 1.2500 1.2700 1.2800 1.3000 1.2700 1.2500 1.2300 1.4000 1.2467 1.2500 1.3533 1.7567 1.2400 1.2500 1.2500 1.2600 1.2600 1.2500 1.3000 1.3300 1.4300 1.5600 1.7700 1.9500 INTRRNATIONAL PEICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 101 WHOLESALE PBIOES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Iron, bar, first series. Actual price. U.K. Eela- tive price. Iron, bar, second series. Actual price. Rela- tive price. U.K. U.S. U. Iron, hoop. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Market... Unit... Base price. 1916— Year... Quarters— First Second. . . Tliird.... Pourtli... Montlis — January.. February Marcti April May June July August... September October... November December 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third.... Fourth... Months — January... February . March April May June July August... September October- . . November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October- . . November December. At works.. Ton , Phila deplhia. 100 lbs. £ s. d. 7 1 6.75 13 13 11.60 13 10 13 IS 10 13 16 13 15 13 7 13 7 13 15 13 17 13 IS 13 15 13 IS 13 15' 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 16 13 16 13 15 13 15 13 IS 13 16 13 15 13 16 13 15 13 15 13 15 13 16 13 15 13 15 13 16 13 16 13 IS 13 15 14 2 11 13 IS 10 13 17 6 14 3 4 14 16 13 IS 13 15 13 17 13 17 13 17 13 17 13 17 13 17 14 15 14 15 14 16 14 15 Dolls 1.3050 2.5700 2. 4033 2.6467 2.6 2.7800 2.2400 2.4100 2.S600 2,6200 2.6600 2.6600 2.6 2.6600 2.6600 ■ 2.6600 2. 6600 3.0200 4.0600 3.2433 4. 1067 4.8867 4.0133 3.1600 3. 1600 3.4100 3.4100 4.1600 4.7500 4.8000 4.9200 4.9400 4.4600 3.9000 3.61 3.5000 3.5000 3.6000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.6000 3.6000 3.5000 3.6000 3.6000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.6000 3.5000 Manchester London. Ton 200 268 268 £ s. 7 15 13 3 9 9 13 4 13 13 4 14 10 14 18 4 7 15 7 15 13 10 13 10 13 15 13 IS 13 15 14 17 14 17 14 17 14 17 15 16 15 0, 15 16 15 15 15 16 16 16 15 16 15 16 15 15 15 14 2 3.50 13 15 13 15 10 14 3 4 14 15 13 15 13 15 13 16 13 16 13 15 13 17 13 17 13 17 14 16 14 15 14 16 14 15 Phila- delpliia, Pound. Dolls. 0. 0180 .0327 .0287 .0319 .0328 .0372 .0270 .0284 .0307 .0319 .0319 .0319 .0319 .0333 .0372 .0392 .0474 .0413 .0460 .0550 .0473 .0400 .0400 .0438 .0450 .0450 .0480 .0550 .0550 .0560 .0620 .0450 .0450 .0490 .0450 .0460 .0471 .0691 .0460 .0450 .04S0 .0450 .0450 .0460 .0473 .0473 .0526 .0623 .0623 170 182 .0466 179 306 At works. Ton 7 13 6.50 17 11 S.50 16 4 2 17 15 17 16 S 18 14 17 17 10 17 15 17 16 17 16 17 15 17 15 17 15 18 18 IS 18 19 •0 Pilts- burgb. 100 lbs. Dolls. 1. 3917 2.SOO0 2.3367 2.7767 2. 8733 3.2033 2. 0400 2.4000 2.5700 2.7000 2.8800 2.7600 2. 7600 2.8700 3.0000 3.0300 3.2500 3.3300 4.3800 3.7600 4.2500 6.3267 4.1800 3.5000 3.7500 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.7500 5.5000 5.4800 5. 0000 6.0000 4.0400 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.6000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 3.6000 3.6000 3.5000 3.6000 3.5000 3.6000 3.6000 3.5000 102 INTERKATIOSTAL PRICE COMPAMSONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Iron, pig. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. U. U. K, S. Lamb, dressed. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. U. Lard, American. Actual price. U.K. U. S Rela- tive price. Unit . Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second TUrd Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May . .- June July August — September October. . . November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth... - Months— January. . . February . March April May June July August September October.. . November Deoember. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February . March April May June July August September October... November December. London and MancheS' ter. Ton £ s. 6 3 2 17 2 15 2 16 2 15 2 12 2 9 3 7 3 7 3 5 3 5 3 8 3 12 i. 4.50 2 19 6. 50 3 5 2 3 4 3 2 16 6 2 12 3 3 7 9 3 6 3 1 9 3 7 3 7 3 2 18 6 2 11 2. 50 2 11 1 2 11 8 2 11 4 2 10 9 2 10 2 12 2 10 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 9 2 U 3 4 4 2 16 3 3 6 2 3 6 5 3 8 6 2 14 2 17 2 16 3 7 3 5 3 6 Cin- cin- nati. Ton.. Dolls 13.9008 14. 9025 16.6500 14. 8833 14.0200 14. 0567 16. 9500 16. 6900 16. 3100 15. 6500 14. 9400 14. 0600 13. 7500 14. 0600 14. 2600 14,3500 13. 8700 13. 9500 13. 3900 13. 8867 13. 6400 13.2667 12. 7667 13. 8500 13. 8100 14. 0000 13. 8000 13. 7500 13. 3700 13. 3000 13.2500 13. 2500 12. 9000 12. 9000 12. 5000 13. 5768 12. 3567 12.4133 13.6233 16. 0100 12. 4000 12. 4000 12, 2700 12, 3400 12, 4000 12, 6000 12, 7100 13, 7100 14. 1500 14. 7800 16. 1500 17. 1000 122 98 106 125: 126| 97 130 115 103 109| 107| 1271 123' 89 125 90 Birming- ham. Cwt., £ s. d. 2 13 1 2 13 6.60 2 12 10 2 17 10 2 12 2 2 11 4 2 11 2 13 2 13 2 17 2 19 2 17 2 14 2 11 2 10 2 9 2 10 2 14 2 16 8 2 14 6 2 14 4 2 18 10 2 19 2 15 2 14 2 14 2 13 2 14 2 15 2 16 3 3 2 19 2 19 2 18 3 9 9 3 2 6 3 11 8 3 15 2 3 9 8 2 19 3 2 3 6 3 8 3 10 3 16 3 16 3 15 3 14 3 13 3 9 3 6 Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1451 .1487 .1583 .1544 .1485 .1339 .1576 .1625 .1550 .1613 .1530 .1488 .1563 .1470 .1426 .1330 .1300 .1388 .1515 .1398 .1679 .1583 .1505 .1660 .1638 .1450 .1390 .1663 .1463 .1635 .1500 .1873 .1648 .1522 .1425 .1475 .1600 .1720 .1950 .1950 .1720 .1650 .1575 .1550 .1525 .1490 .1430 .1400 .1363 .1438 .1550 102 .1760 105 Cwt £ s. d. 2 15 11.38 2 17 11. 70 2 18 1.50 2 17 10 2 18 11.50 2 17 1 (°) (») 2 18 1.50 2 19 2 17 10. 50 2 16 7.50 2 18 9 2 19 3 2 18 10.50 2 16 10.50 2 17 7. 50 2 16 9 2 15 7. 38 2 15 6. 50 2 12 2.50 2 18 6 2 16 3. 50 2 16 9 2 15 10.50 2 14 2 12 10. 50 2 12 3 2 11 6 2 12 3 3 2 19 2 16 2 19 2 14 10.60 2 14 5. 25 2 16 9 2 14 4 2 8 3.60 2 18 4. 50 3 3 2 15 6 2 14 6 2 14 1.50 2 14 10. 50 2 14 2 10 9 2 2 10. 50 2 11 3 2 16 3 2 19 1.50 2 19 9 New YorlE. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1080 .1101 . 10.58 .1115 .1144 .1081 .1009 .1065 .1101 .1116 .1118 .1110 .1159 .1141 .1133 .1071 .1093 .1079 .1037 .1076 .1019 .1002 .1057 .1096 .1070 .1061 .1041 .1006 .1011 .1023 .0978 .1005 .1030 .1113 .1027 .0940 .1037 .0960 .0819 .0954 .1076 .1044 .0990 .0981 .979 .0916 .0814 .0833 .0943 .0929 .0989 104 103 105 102 6104 104 105 103 101 105 106 105 102 103 101 104 No quotation. i> Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 103 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-191S-Contmue(l. Iron, pig. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Lamb, dressed. Actual price. U.K. U.i Rela- tive price. Lard, American. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Unit. Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July Aufjust... September October... November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February . March.. April... May June . . - .luly..- August. September October... November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Month.s— January... February . March April May June July August September October November December London and Manches- ter. Ton £ s. 6 3 d. 4.50 4 4 7.50 4 10 4 2 6 4 7 6 4 7 6 3 18 4 7 4 12 4 12 4 12 4 12 6 4 12 6 4 12 6 1 12 6 4 12 6 4 12 6 4 12 6 ■4 12 6 4 12 6 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 Cin- cin- nati. Ton.. Dolls 13. 9008 18. 6708 17.9000 17.7133 16.9600 22. 1100 17.9000 17.9000 17. 9000 17.9000 17.9000 17. 3400 16.9000 16. 7000 17.2800 18.0300 22.4000 25.9000 38. 8082 28.3231 41.5154 49.9000 35.9000 26. 1000 27. 5250 31.9000 37.4000 41.9000 45. 1500 49.9000 49.9000 49.9000 35.9000 35.9000 35.9000 36. 5340 35.9000 35.9683 36.6000 37.6000 35.9000 35.9000 35.9000 35.9000 35.9000 36.0750 36. 6000 36.6000 36.6000 37.6000 37.6000 37.6000 Birming- ham. Cwt £ s. d. 2 13 1 4 14 4 3 IS 5 9 6 5 1 4 4 8 6 3 13 6 3 14 4 6 6 4 15 5 12 6 16 5 4 5 4 4 15 4 8 4 8 4 9 5 9 9 5 10 10 5 15 6 5 5 2 5 7 6 4 15 6 5 14 6 6 2 6 6 15 5 6 5 5 5 11 6 6 1 6 6 2 2 7 5 7 6 5 7 6 .5 19 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 6 16 6 16 6 3 6 7 7 7 Chi- cago. Potmd. Dolls. 0. 1451 .1829 .1765 .1908 .1891 .1743 .1688 .1788 .1820 .1888 .1875 .1960 .1850 .1963 .1860 .1700 .1738 .1790 .2397 .2031 .2488 .2612 .2468 .1963 .2100 .2030 .2176 .2663 .2680 .2588 .2475 .2740 .2600 .2400 .2390 .2694 .2454 .2929 .2992 .2400 .2413 .2475 .2470 .2925 .2863 .3000 .3125 .2960 .2900 .2400 .2400 .2400 London. £ s. d. 2 15 11.38 3 19 0. 13 3 1 11 4 3.50 3 19 8. 50 4 14 1.50 3 2 3 3 3 3 6 3 17 6 4 6 3 3 17 l.SO 3 18 10.50 3 14 4.50 4 5 10. 50 4 7 1.60 4 15 6 4 19 9 6 6 0.33 6 4 6.58 6 6 7.38 6 6.25 6 13 8 5 3 5. 6 5 7 1 0.60 6 16 11.63 6 6 10.88 5 16 5 16 5 19 6 4 3.75 6 8 10 6 14 9 6 15 11.25 7 13 0.94 7 4 5.31 7 12 6.64 7 18 7 18 6 15 11.25 7 3 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 13 7 18 7 18 7 18 7 18 7 18 7 18 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1080 .1347 .1067 .1277 .1390 .1664 .1044 .1025 .1131 .1210 .1312 .1310 .1313 .1369 .1489 .157 .1730 .1683 .2170 .1760 .2178 .2230 .2,573 .1607 .1723 .1999 .2131 .2261 .2120 .2013 .2266 .2421 .2468 .2788 .2535 . 2603 .2595 .2612 .2682 .2628 .2495 . 2583 .24.84 .2450 .2689 .2716 .2658 .2717 .2545 104 INTEBNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit..-. Basejirice. 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second — k Third F Fourth.... Montlis — January... February . March April June. Lead, acetate of, white. Actual price. U.K. July.... August September October. November December 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August... September October. . . November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Foiurth.... Months — January. . . February . March April May June July August September October. . . November December. Manches- ter. Ton £ s. d. 26 8 9 25 19 2 25 11 8 25 10 26 3 4 26 11 26 25 10 25 5 25 25 U.S. 26 10 26 26 5 26 6 26 10 26 10 26 15 30 12 11 1 26 16 s 26 3 4 30 8 4 39 3 4 26 16 27 26 15 i: 26 10 c 26 11 26 26 6 30 (1 36 40 40 (1 37 10 48 11 8 38 39 13 4 52 6 8 64 6 8 38 38 (} 38 38 11 38 10 42 10 60 63 10 () 53 10 (1 60 64 69 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 0929 .0950 .0950 .0950 .0950 .0950 ,0950 .0960 .0950 .0950 .0960 .0960 .0950 .0960 .0950 .0950 .0950 .0960 Eela- tive price. .0917 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0950 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0000 .0900 .0900 .0900 .1025 .0900 .0900 .1150 .1150 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .1160 .1150 .1150 .1150 .1150 .1150 Lead, carbonate of (white lead). Actual price. U.K. .0904 116 97 U.S. Manches- New ter. York. Ton iPound. £ s. d.\ Dolls. 27 5 10 0.0681 26 10 26 26 25 10 26 01 25 26 28 27 27 27 27 10 28 27 18 4 27 6 8 27 28 13 4 28 13 4 27 10 27 10 27 27 27 27 27 27 32 30 29 27 32 15 27 30 13 4 36 3 4 37 3 4 27 26 10 ■27 10 28 28 36 40 0| 39 36 10 37 10 37 10 36 10 0, .0676 25 16 .0670 25 6 8 .0662 27 6 8 .0678 27 10 0' .0695 .0686 .0662 .0862 .0862 .0662 .0662 .0662 .0662 .0711 .0711 .0711 .0662 Eela- tive price. Lead, nitrate of. Actual price. U.K. 0675 102 .0675 .0675 .0675 .0875 .0675 .0675 .0675 .0875 .0676 .0676 .0675 .0675 .0675 .0675 .0675 .0875 .0675 .0692 .0725 .0700 .0675 .0675 .0675 .0676 .0676 .0725 .0775 .0725 .0876 .0675 .0700 .0725 99 101 99 101 99 9a 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 117 99 110 99 108 99 99 99 120 102 99 99 112 102 133 106 136 103 99 99 97 99 101 99 103 99 103 99 132 106 147 114 117 106 134 99 137 99 137 103 134 106 Manches- ter. Ton £ s. d. 29 7 f 28 13 4 28 3 4 27 10 28 16 8 30 3 4 28 28 10 28 27 10 27 10 27 10 28 28 30 10 30 10 30 30 U.S. New York. Pound. Eela- tive price. Dolls 0. 0808 .0821 .0821 .0813 .0838 .0838 .0838 .0813 .0813 .08J8 .0813 .0800 .0800 .0813 30 4 7 .0826 29 13 28 16 30 15 31 13 4 8 4 .0804 .0804 .0803 C) 29 10 29 10 30 29 10 28 16 28 5 .0800 .0813 .0800 .0800 .0800 .0813 27 16 32 32 10 32 31 10 31 10 .0800 .0788 (») - (") ") (») 43 8 4 .1109 31 33 10 48 16 60 6 8 8 (.4 .1150 .1217 31 10 30 10 31 31 33 10 36 (a (» 37 10 50 69 58 10 60 62 10 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 150 ISO 150 150 150 350 o No quotation. i> Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 105 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Lead, acetate of, white. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Lead, carbonate of (white lead). Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela^ tive price. Lead, nitrate of. Actual pricQ. U.K. Rela- tive price. U. Market.. Unit Manches- ter. Ton Base price 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February . March April May June July August-.-. September October. -- November December- 1917— Year--- - Quarters — First Second Third Fourth — Months — January.. - February . March April May June July August September October. -- November December. 1918— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Month- January... February . March April May June July August September October. -- November December. 92 5. d. 84 104 95 6 8 86 70 82 100 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.0929 .1370 .1280 318 . 1446, 393 .1513 361 .1242 325 104 105 103 100 96 90 88 86 84 98 10 83 3 95 96 13 119 3 4 4 4 82 82 10 85 95 95 95 95 95 100 102 10 120 135 156 5 143 6 156 13 160 165 135 145 150 150 160 160 160 160 160 165 165 .1213 .1313 .1313 .1313 .1513 .1513 .1513 .1513 .1513 .1275 .1225 .1226 .1452 .1242 .1392 .1525 .1650 .1225 .1225 .1275 .1325 .1425 .1426 .1525 .1525 .1625 .1650 .1660 .1650 .1700 .1700 .1700 .1650 .1760 .1700 .1700 .1700 .1700 .1700 .1700 .1700 .1700 .1700 Manches- ter. Ton £ s- i. 27 5 10 45 10 39 46 13 4 47 10 47 37 40 40 46 47 10 47 10 47 10 47 10 47 10 46 10 46 10 48 46 47 10 46 10 46 46 47 10 47 10 47 10 47 10 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 48 16 8 46 46 49 6 54 46 46 46 46 46 46 51 51 61 61 60 a New York. Pound. DolU. 0.0681 .0927 .0783 .0976 .0975 .0975 .0725 .0800 .0825 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 . 0975 .0975 . 0975 . 0975 .1121 .0992 .1108 . 1275 .1108 .0975 .0976 .1025 .1025 . 1125 .1176 .1275 .1275 .1275 .1175 .1075 .1076 .1271 . 1076 .1210 .1386 .1400 .1075 1075 .1076 .1113 .1226 .1305 .1400 .1400 .1400 .1400 .1400 Manches- ter. Ton New York. Pound. 5. d. 7 6 73 1 8 71 10 85 70 16 8 65 66 68 10 80 90 85 76 70 67 10 65 66 65 64 3 4 66 63 61 62 10 66 65 65 66 65 65 63 61 61 61 61 63 2 6 62 10 62 10 02 10 65 62 10 62 10 62 10 62 10 62 10 62 10 62 10 62 10 62 10 65 65 65 Dolls. 0. 0808 .1587 . 1650 .1617 .1660 .1550 .1350 .1650 .1650 .1700 .1600 .1550 .1550 .1550 .1550 . 1550 .1550 .1550 .1550 .1550 (») .1550 . 1550 . 1550 .1650 .1550 .1550 (a) («) («) {<•■] C") C") .8500 .8600 («) .8500 .8500 .8500 (<■) C») (") C) («) .8500 .8500 .8500 .8500 .8600 .8500 194. 192 200 192 192 167 204 204 210 198 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 407 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 iSU hsei oesi ism 1052 1062 ilOSS 1052 1052 lOBB noes ilOBB b lOSH ilOBg ilOSS 1052 1062 1052 1062 221 1052 221 1052 ? No quotation. 6 Interpolated. 106 INTKRNATIONAL PKICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Lead. Actual price. Market. Unit Base price 1913— Year... Quarters — First Second — Tliird Fourtli — Montlis — January.. February . Marcli April June. , July... August. September October November December 1914— Year... Quarters — First Second — Third Fourtli..., Montlis— January... February . March April May June July August September October. . . November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First... Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October. . . November December. a Prewar London.. Ton 19 12 2.42 18 16 10.6' 17 10 18 6 10 20 11 8 19 9 2.67 17 18 9 17 2 6 16 1 3 16 10 18 8 9 19 18 9 20 20 15 21 20 10 20 7 8 17 10 19 1 0.27 19 12 18 15 18 17 18 17 19 7 19 10 20 18 3 18 7 19 16 19 IS 15 18 IS 18 5 19 2 6 19 7 : 21 12 23 14 25 17 19 2 18 13 20 7 21 12 20 5 23 Rela- tive price. New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 041f .0437 96 106 .0433 87 104 .0436 93 104 .0456 105 109 .0426 99 102 .0-432 91 102 .0433 87 104 .0433 82 104 .043S 84 105 .0434 94 104 .0433 102 104 .0436 102 104 .0462 106 111 .047C 107 112 .044C 10,'i 105 ,0428 104 10.) ,0406 89 97 ,0386 97 92 .0404 100 97 .0387 96 93 .0387 96 93 .0367 96 88 .0411 99 9S .0406 99 97 .0397 102 95 .0381 93 91 .0390 94 93 .0.390 101 93 .0389 97 93 ,0388 96 93 .0383 c96 92 .0863 90 84 .0368 96 88 .0380 98 91 .0467 116 112 ,0387 99 93 ,0481 110 115 ,0498 121 119 ,0604 132 121 ,0373 98 89 ,0383 95 92 .0405 1(14 97 .0422 no 101 .0427 103 102 .0593 117 142 .0566 127 135 ,0466 lis 111 ,0461 lis 110 ,0460 124 1111 ,0516 129 123 ,0536 143 128 33 5 28 ,0536 143 128 37 16 base computed on February-June, 1914. Lead, red. Actual price. U, K. Manches- ter. Ton £ 3. d. 21 17 1 21 5 6 19 6 21 11 22 13 4 21 11 19 10 19 10 18 15 20 15 21 10 23 10 22 10 23 22 10 22 10 21 15 20 10 23 10 24 15 27 15 28 15 27 15 32 6 32 32 32 22 8 22 1 21 1 24 1 22 10 22 5 22 22 20 15 21 21 10 21 5 27 10 23 10 22 22 23 10 30 9 25 6 8 29 11 8 32 5 34 13 U.S. New York. Pound. Rela- tive price. Dolls 0. 0629 .0654 .0660 .0650 .0667 .0650 .0650 .0660 .0660 .0650 .0660 .0650 .0650 .0650 .0700 .0700 .0660 .0600 .0588 .0600 .0600 .0692 .0558 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0575 .0575 .0560 .0550 .0635 .0550 .0608 .0700 .0550 .0660 .0550 .0600 .0676 .0650 .0750 .0700 .0650 .0650 . 0676 Actual price. 97 111 1091 I S7| 87 87 95 91 \Qi 119 111 103 103 107 115 London — Ton £ 5. d. 11 11 (6) U.S. New York. Bbl. (300 lbs.). Dolls. nil. 2500 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 U 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 .0725 173 !> No quotation. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 U OHO 11 11 11 11 OHO 11 11 11 OHO m m m (.") (*■) (') m C) C) m l") C) m 1.2500 1.2600 1.2600 1.2500 1.2500 Rela- tive price. 1.2600 C) 1.2600 1.2500 1.2500 1.2500 1.2600 1.2600 1.2500 1.2500 1.2600 1.239 1.2500 1.1833 1.2625 1.2626 1.2600 1.2500 1.2500 1.2600 1.1500 1.1500 1.2626 1.2626 1.2625 1.2625 1.2626 1.2625 = Interpolated. INTBENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1&13-1918. 107 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Lead, Lead, red. I jime. Rela- Rela- Rela- Actual price. tive Actua price. tive Actual price, | tive price. price. price. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U, K, U, S, U, K. U.S. U. K. U. S. Market... Londoi New Manches New London New York. ter. York. York. Unit Ton Pound. Ton Pound. Ton.. Bbls. (300 lbs.). £ s. d. DolU. £ s. (2. Dolls. £ s. d. DolU. Base price. 1916— Year 19 12 7 i.r 0.0418 12 17 1 0. 0629 11 n 70 186 70 1X1 Dolls. 0. 1035 .1438 .1411 .1605 .1334 .1408 .1319 .1347 .1566 .1655 .1613 .1635 .1405 .1306 .1286 .1375 .1388 .1450 .1687 .1648 .1578 .1660 .1661 .1044 .1628 .1408 .1469 .1660 .1609 .1562 .1539 .1584 .1606 .1663 .1704 .1791 .1691 .1668 .1618 .1795 .1803 .1778 .1758 .1708 .1625 .1677 .1668 .1660 .1708 .1608 .1514 149 114 INTERBTATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Oil, cottonseed. Actual price. U. K., U.S. Rela- tive price. Oil, linseed. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Onions. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Market . . Unit. Manches- ter. Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First... Second Third. . Fourth.... Months- January... February March April May June July.... August. September October. . . November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second. . . Third.... Fourth... Months — January.. February March April May June July August.. September October... November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March ■. April May June July August September October... November December. £ s. d. 32 6 3 30 4 7 27 6 28 3 4 33 8 4 32 26 28 28 28 28 5 28 6 32 32 34 34 5 32 10 31 32 10 31 9 2 32 3 4 31 13 4 32 30 32 10 32 32 32 31 31 31 34 30 30 30 34 16 30 16 35 10 34 6 38 13 29 30 33 10 34 10 36 36 36 34 33 35 40 41 At mills. 100 lbs, Dolh. 6. 0733 5. 7418 5. 1768 5. 9060 6.5111 5. 8128 5. 0333 5.2249 5. 2532 5. 7916 5. 9066 6. 1333 7. 2333 (-) 6. 1500 5. 7833 6. 0200 5. 5833 5. 5593 5. 9615 6.2435 5. 4638 4. 4777 5. 8133 5. 9499 6. 1683 6. 2999 6. 1933 6. 2499 6. 1833 6. 4000 4. 8083 4. 0933 4. 5777 4. 8833 5. 9627 5.6384 5. 3871 5. 2666 6. 9166 5. 5066 6. 92491 5. 6166 6. 6083 5. 4133 5. 2333 5. 1666 (») 5. 3166 6. 6999 6. 8333 7. 3000| o No quotation. 97 101 108 95 110 106 120 90 93 104 107 111 111 111 106 102 108 124 127 87 96 97 101 119 101 96 99 92 Manches- ter. Ton. £ s. d. 24 14 2 24 14 2 New York. Gallon 25 13 4 24 3 4 26 16 8 25 3 4 25 10 25 10 26 23 (1 25 10 n 24 24 10 27 26 23 10 22 10 23 10 25 11 8 24 10 26 6 8 26 6 8 26 3 4 26 23 10 C 25 H 26 (1 25 (1 26 25 25 (1 29 (1 27 (1 25 10 26 30 4 2 26 6 8 33 29 6 8 32 3 4 26 26 10 27 10 29 36 10 34 10 36 27 25 n 27 n 33 36 10 Dolls. 0. 4888 .4666 .4515 .4623 .4892 .4692 .4426 .4725 .4420 .4513 .4530 .4525 .4750 .5020 .4876 .4650 .4600 .4860 .6029 .4946 .5019 .5569 .4673 .4860 .4925 .5076 .6063 .4960 .6050 .6325 .6840 .5476 .4660 .4550 .4613 .6749 .6608 .6131 .5192 .6043 .5520 .5525 .5800 .6960 .6420 .6960 .5280 .6050 .5226 .6700 .6200 .6260 100 118 Cwt.. £ s. d. 8 5 10 6 6 6 4 5 10 5 8 General U.S. Bushel Dolls. 1. 2667 .9572 9 1.09 9 4 12 9 7 10 7 8 7 10 10 11 14 (o) 11 6 6 6 5 6 7 10 6 10 115 11 2 125 13 4 106 6 10 124 11 8 11 11 11 12 14 14 6 e 6 8 9 12 14 73 . 7870 69 . 8727 79 1. 0357 73 1. 1333 71 .8160 .7760 .7700 .7900 .8720 .9660 1. 0170 1. 0610 1.0390 1. 1020 1. 1490 1. 1490 1. 2884 1. 1. 6087 1. 3720 .8833 1. 2100 1. 4070 1. 6620 1. 5920 1. 6260 1. 1. 7040 1. 3790 1. 0330 .8830 .8440 .9230 .9628 1. 0340 .8737 .9640 .9760 .9630 1. 0440 1. 0290 1. 0290 .9300 .8630 .8280 .9480 .9480 .9960 94 125 131 144 175 we 138 81 75 69 !> Interpolated. INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 115 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. BY Oil, cottonseed. Actual price. U.K. U, Rela- tive price. Oil, linseed. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Onions. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Unit. Base price 1916-Year.-.. Quarters — First Second.-.. Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August — September October... November December. 1917— Year... Quarters- First Second. . . Third.... Fourth... Mouths- January.. February . March.. April... May June . . . July August.. September October... November December. 1918-Yeai... Quarters- First Second... Third.... Fourth... Maaths- January.. February March April May June My August... September October... November December. Manches- ter. Ton. At mills £ s. 32 6 51 4 2 52 10 53 47 6 8 52 51 10 53 53 53 53 53 48 47 47 48 62 56 68 10 58 6 68 72 75 13 58 58 59 62 69 73 72 72 72 74 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 Dolls. 6.0733 9.7910 8.5027 10.0286 9.0555 11.0820 7.8 8.2666 9.3416 10.2306 10.4299 9.3749 (a) 9.1666 10.6083 11.4000 11.2066 14.0378 11.3307 14.3487 13.6666 18.8051 10.9999 10.8333 11.9933 13.7000 14.7166 14.6733 12.9500 13.4166 14.4399 16.1333 17. 1333 17.0799 17.5000 17.5000 17.5000 17.5000 17.5000 17.5000 17.5000 17. 5000 17.5000 17.5000 17.6000 17.6000 17.6000 17.6000 17.6000 17.6000 17.5000 169 161 140 165 149 182 130 136 154 168 172 154 148 ilSO 161 176 188 185 212 231 Manches- ter. £ s. d. 24 14 2 43 9 46 10 41 38 6 8 48 44 10 47 10 47 10 43 41 39 38 38 39 42 48 64 57 7 6 53 16 56 69 13 60 8 4 55 10 62 64 54 55 69 59 60 60 60 60 60 64 11 8 63 6 65 65 66 8 60 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 ? 65 65 New York. Dolls. 0.4888 .7662 .7468 .7164 .7175 .7450 .7760 .7620 .7175 .6550 .7176 .7140 .8500 .9450 .9260 1.1288 .9585 1. 1862 1.1846 1. 1862 .9400 .9325 .9940 1.1600 1.2325 1. 1780 1.1180 1.2250 1.2080 1.1450 1.1800 1.2240 1.6011 1.3812 1.5762 1.8577 1.5892 1.2850 1.3050 1.5190 1.5600 1.6775 1.5 1.7725 1.8 1.8950 1.6660 1.5 1.5500 188 166 156 194 180 192 192 174 166 168 154 154 158 170 1S4 218 232 218 227 242 243 225 210 219 219 223 239 London... Cwt £ s. d. 8 15 10.50 17 2 1 10 11 4 14 2 14 13 14 6 1 6 1 3 6 13 11 11 11 11 14 16 1 7 2 6 2.77 92 5.54 1 15 8.31 17 1 6 1 16 1 6 1 2 19 1 1 1 10 1 6 1 8 2 2 7.20 7.50 7.50 7.60 8.40 1.60 7.20 1.50 150 2 10 2 10.62 2 7 10.62 1 16 3 1 16 11.50 2 2 2 2 1 17 1 12 2 14 3 2.40 9 4.50 9.60 7.60 2 7 8 19 4 1 12 10.50 1 16 8.40 1 16 10 1 17 4.50 General U.S. Bushel Dolls. ' 1.2667 1.3458 1.2327 1.2687 1.3467 1.5363 1.1320 1.2630 i.3030 1.2350 1.2330 1.3 1V4730 1.3350 1.2290 1.3140 1.5380 1.7575 2.7115 '3.4750 4.0053 1.6620 1.7037 2.0840 3.5790 4.7620 4.9560 3.9800 275 3.0800 241 2.0100 1.5470 1.4290 1.5750 1.7660 1.7700 1.5210 1.6970 1/3683 1.6353 1.3933 1.7890 1.8320 1.4700 1.3410 1.3470 1.3870 1.6260 1.6470 1.6330 1.4320 1.4310 1.3170 106 97 100 106 121 89 100 103 97 97 106 116 105 97 104 121 139 274 316 131 134 165 283 376 391 314 243 169 122 113 124 139 140 120 134 107 129 110 141 146 116 106 106 109 128 130 129 113 113 104 o No quotation. 6 Interpolated. 116 INTERNATIONAL PKICE COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Petroleum, American. Market. Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Tliird Fourth.... Montlis— January... February . Marcli April May June July August September October... November December. 1914— Year... Quarters — First Second. . . Third.... Fourth... Months- January.. February March.... April May June July August September October... November December. 1915— Year... Quarters — First Second. . . Tliird.... Fourth... Months — January.. February March April May June July August... September October... November December. Actual price. U.K. London.. Gallon.. £ s. d. 8.23 8.48 8.42 8. 50 8.50 8. 50 8.25 8.60 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8. 50 8.50 8. 60 8. 50 8.60 7. 64 8.25 7. 67 7.26 7.25 8.50 8.25 7.76 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25 8.1 7.92 8.67 7.75 7.76 8.25 8.60 8.76 8.75 8.75 9 9.50 9.50 9.60 10 Rela- tive price. U.S. 1; New York. Gallon Dolls 0. 1208 .1233 .1250 .1250 .1233 .1200 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1260 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1208 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1233 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1300 loa 103 lo; 103 loa 103 loa 103 lo; 103 1(1! 99 to; 99 lo; 99 103 99 93 99 100 99 9; 99 8i 99 88 99 103 99 10( 99 97 99 97 99 9^ 99 88 99 88 99 » 99 Mi 99 8S 99 XS 99 88 99 107 100 96 99 105 99 11(1 99 117 102 94 99 94 99 1(111 99 1(13 99 106 99 106 99 106 99 109 99 115 99 116 99 116 99 122 108 Pork, dressed. Potassium, bichromate of. Actual price. U.K. London — Cwt.... £ s. d. 3 t 3 12 3 14 2 3 12 2 3 10 4 3 11 4 3 13 3 14 3 14 6 3 13 3 13 3 10 3 9 3 10 3 11 3 12 3 10 3 11 6 3 6 8 3 8 10 3 1 10 3 1 4 3 10 3 9 3 8 3 9 3 6 2 19 3 Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1535 .1486 .1304 .1474 .1642 .1525 2 16 3 6 3 3 3 11 3 9 3 11 6 4 7 3 15 10 4 6 4 8 4 19 6 3 11 6 3 15 4 10 4 7 4 3 4 5 3 6 5 4 4 4 17 6 5 1 4 18 4 19 .1263 108 .1175 109 Rela- tive price. .1440 .1572 .1450 .1406 .1544 .1575 .1825 .1713 .1530 .1331 .1543 .1431 .1642 .1716 .1486 .1400 .1456 .1444 .1594 .1610 .1406 .1619 .1715 .1813 .1740 .1488 .1163 .1429 .1119 .1408 .1677 .1612 .1135 .1081 .1138 .1413 .1450 .1350 .1670 .1713 .1775 .1840 .1463 .1150 101 101 104 103 105 119 1(16 112 104 100 106 87 96 101 101 93 91 100 90 112 104 97 101 91 100 95 102 94 97 104 87 105 89 92 82 106 96 112 93 118 104 113 102 97 105 76 128 93 111 73 126 92 13(1 109 146 99 106 74 110 70 119 74 128 92 122 95 125 88 123 102 125 112 143 116 149 120 144 95 145 76 Actual price. U.K. Manches- ter. Pound . . . 3.60 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.60 3.60 .3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.60 3. 50 3.50 4.38 3. 60 3. 60 3.50 7 3.60 3.60 3. 60 3.50 3. 50 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.50 7 7 7 U.S. New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0690 7. 6 6.33 6.67 8 9.50 7 6 (» 6 fi 7 7 7 8.50 8.50 8.60 10 10 .0694 .0694 .0694 .0688 .0694 .0694 .0694 .0688 .0688 .0688 .0709 .1350 Rela- tive price. i3 100 .0694 .0744 .1400 .1400 .1250 .1976 .1400 .1629 .2142 .2733 .1260 .1460 .1500 .1660 .1563 .1675 .2100 .2260 .2075 .2060 .2550 .3600 101 101 101 100 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 100 100 100 100 100 103 196 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 101 108 203 203 181 203 236 310 396 181 210 217 239 227 243 326 301 297 370 622 a No quotation. t> Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 117 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Petroleum, American. Pork, dressed. Potassium , bichromate of. Rela- Rela- Rela- Actual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. tive price. price. price. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. Market... London New York. London. Chi- cago. Manches- ter. New York. Unit Gallon £ 5. i. Gallon Dolls. Cwt Pound. Dolls. Pound £ s. d. Pound. Dolls. £ s. d. Base price. 1916- Year.... 8.23 1 0.14 0. 1208 .1217 3 8 5 7 1 7 0. 1535 .1618 3.50 1 6.92 0.0690 .5263 147 101 168 106 641 763 Quarters- First 10 .1267 122 105 4 19 10 .1316 147 86 1 6 .6850 488 848 Second 11.50 .1200 140 99 5 4 6 .1658 163 108 1 11.60 .6567 676 952 Third 1 1 .1200 168 99 5 7 2 .1886 167 123 1 7.67 .4433 662 642 Fourth 1 2.04 .1200 171 99 5 18 10 .1692 175 104 1 3.33 .4200 438 609 Months — January... 10 .1300 122 108 4 18 .1180 144 77 1 3 .4650 429 674 February . 10 .1300 122 108 5 1 .1244 148 81 1 6 .6050 614 877 March 10 .1200 122 99 5 6 .1556 148 101 1 6 .6850 514 992 April May 11 .1200 134 99 5 5 6 .1630 165 106 1 11 .7500 657 1090 11 .1200 134 99 5 4 .1675 163 109 2 . 6700 686 971 June 1 0.50 .1200 152 99 5 4 .1675 153 109 2 .6600 686 797 July 1 0.50 .1200 152 99 5 4 6 .1660 153 108 1 10 .4400 629 638 August.... 1 0.60 .1200 152 99 6 2 6 .1863 151 121 1 7 .4450 543 645 September 1 2 .1200 170 99 5 14 6 .2130 168 139 1 6 .4450 514 645 October. . . 1 2.13 .1200 172 99 6 3 6 .1788 181 116 1 4 .4400 457 638 November 1 2 .1200 170 99 5 15 .1575 169 103 1 3 .4150 429 601 December. 1 2 .1200 170 99 6 18 .1450 173 95 1 3 .4050 429 587 1917— Year.... 1 4.16 .1242 196 103 6 9 9 .2435 191 159 1 8.17 .3902 576 566- Quarters — First 1 2 .1200 170 99 6 3 4 .1954 181 127 1 4 .4050 457 687 Second 1 2.19 .1200 172 99 6 7 6 .2304 187 150 1 5 ..3617 486 524 Third 1 4.92 .1233 206 102 6 15 2 .2823 199 184 1 8.67 .3725 591 540' Fourth.... 1 7.58 .1333 238 110 6 13 .2668 195 173 2 3 .4550 771 669 Months- January... 1 2 .1200 170 99 5 19 6 .1675 176 109 1 4 .4200 457 eoO' February . 1 2 .1200 170 99 6 3 6 .1963 181 128 1 4 .4060 457 587 March 1 2 .1200 170 99 6 7 Q .2170 187 141 1 4 .3900 467 565 April 1 2 .1200 170 99 6 13 .2263 195 147 1 4 .3660 467 529> May 1 2 .1200 170 99 6 8 .2360 188 153 1 4 .3550 457 515 June 1 2.50 .1200 176 99 6 1 6 .2300 178 160 1 7 .3650 643 529 July 1 2.50 .1200 176 99 6 10 6 .2425 192 168 1 7 .3650 543 52» August.... 1 3.50 .1200 188 99 6 19 .2800 204 182 1 7 .3675 543 53S September 1 8.60 .1300 249 108 6 16 .3160 200 206 2 .3850 686 558 October... 1 7.75 .1300 240 108 6 13 .3063 196 200 2 3 .4550 771 669 November 1 7.50 .1300 237 108 6 13 .2563 196 167 2 3 .4550 771 659 December. 1 7.60 .1400 237 116 6 13 .2410 195 157 2 3 .4550 771 659' 1918— Year.... 1 9.31 .1695 259 140 7 9 7 .2495 220 192 2 3 771 Quarters- First 1 7.60 .1600 237 132 6 13 .2565 195 167 2 3 .4604 771 653 Second.... 1 9.35 .1692 259 140 7 9 6 .2787 220 182 2 3 .4502 771 652 Third 1 10.50 .1738 273 144 7 9 6 .3173 220 207 2 3 .4498 771 652 Fourth.... 1 9.88 .1760 266 145 8 6 2 .3254 244 212 2 3 771 .... Months- January... 1 7.50 .1600 237 132 6 13 .2650 196 173 2 3 .4388 771 636 February . 1 7.50 .1600 237 132 6 13 .2413 195 167 3 3 .4663 771 676 March. . . . 1 7.50 .1600 237 132 6 13 .2620 195 171 2 3 .4470 771 648 April May 1 7.50 .1675 237 139 7 9 6 .2756 220 180 2 3 .4394 771 637 1 9.90 .1700 266 141 7 9 6 .2688 220 175 2 3 .4500 771 662 June 1 10.50 .1700 273 141 7 9 6 .2890 220 188 2 3 .4590 771 665 July 1 10.50 .1710 273 142 7 9 6 .2863 220 187 2 3 .4600 771 667 August 1 10.60 .1750 273 145 7 9 6 .3160 220 206 2 3 .4455 771 646 September 1 10.60 .1750 273 145 7 9 6 .3500 220 228 2 3 .4460 771 645 October... 1 10.50 .1750 273 145 8 2 6 .3400 213 222 2 3 .4288 771 621 November 1 10.50 .1750 273 145 8 8 .3240 220 211 2 3 771 -..- December. 1 9.88 .1750 266 145 8 8 .3125 220 204 2 3 771 118 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1911-1918— Continued. Potassium, chlorate of. Potassium, muriate of. Potassium, nitrate of. Rela- Rela- Rela- A-ctual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. tive price. price. price. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U. EC. U.S. U, K. U. S. V. K. U.S. U. K. U. S. Market Manches- ter. New York. Manches- ter. New York. Manches- ter. New York. Unit Pound £ s. d. Pound. Dolls. Ton. £ Ton... Ton. £ 3. Pound. Dolls. 5. d. Dolls. d. Base price. 1913— Year.... 3.61 0.0758 9 5 38. 6017 23 18 4 0. 0504 3.63 .0808 101 107 9 3 9 38.3417 99 99 24 1 7.99 .0525 101 104 Quarters- First 3.63 .0826 101 109 9 38. 6600 97 100 24 6 7.99 .0625 102 104 Second 3.63 .0825 101 109 9 5 38.5500 100 100 24 .0626 100 104 'Third 3.63 .0825 101 109 9 5 38. 2167 100 99 24 .0525 100 104 Tourth.... 3.63 .0758 101 100 9 6 38. 0500 100 99 24 .0525 100 104 Honths— January... 3.63 .0825 101 109 9 38.6500 97 100 26 .0525 105 104 February 3.63 .0825 101 109 9 38. 5600 97 100 24 .0525 100 104 March 3.63 .0825 101 109 9 38. 6500 97 100 24 .0625 100 104 April 3.63 . 0825 101 109 9 6 38. 6500 100 100 24 .0525 100 104 "May 3.63 .0825 101 109 9 5 38.5500 100 100 24 .0525 100 104 June 3.63 .0825 101 109 9 5 38. 5500 100 100 24 .0525 100 104 July 3.63 .0825 101 109 9 5 38.5500 100 100 24 .0526 100 104 August.... 3.63 .0825 101 109 9 6 38. 0500 100 99 24 .0525 100 104 ■September 3.63 .0825 101 109 9 5 38. 0500 100 99 24 .0525 100 104 October... 3.63 .0825 101 109 9 5 38. 0500 100 99 24 .0525 100 104 NoTcmber 3.63 .0725 101 96 9 5 38. 0600 100 99 24 .0525 100 104 December. 3.63 .0725 101 96 9 6 38. 0500 100 99 24 .0626 100 104 1914— Year.... 4.61 .1367 128 180 12 8 4 39. 2367 134 102 33 10 .0621 140 123 Quarters- First 3.63 .0725 101 96 9 5 39.0700 100 101 23 16 8 .0492 100 98 Second — 3.54 .0725 98 96 9 5 39.0700 100 101 23 16 8 .0475 100 94 Third 4.50 .1617 125 200 11 3 4 39.2367 121 102 33 3 4 .0717 139 142 Fourth.... 6.75 («) 187 bSSO 20 39. 5700 216 103 63 3 4 .0800 222 159 Months — January... 3.63 .0726 101 96 9 5 39. 0700 100 101 24 .0525 100 104 "February . 3.63 .0725 101 96 9 5 39. 0700 100 101 24 .0475 100 94 March 3.63 .0725 101 96 9 5 39.0700 100 101 23 10 .0475 98 94 April May 3.63 .0725 101 96 9 5 39.0700 100 101 23 10 .0475 98 94 3.50 .0725 97 96 9 6 39.0700 100 101 24 .0475 100 94 June 3.50 .0725 97 9q 9 5 39.0700 100 101 24 .0475 100 94 July 3.50 .0725 97 96 9 5 39. 0700 100 101 24 .0475 100 94 August — 4 .0725 111 96 9 5 39.0700 100 101 25 10 .0475 107 94 September 6 (») 166 HOB 15 39. 6700 162 103 50 .1200 209 23S October... 6 {") 166 bSSO 20 39.5700 216 103 52 .0900 217 179 November 6.75 (4 187 tiSSO 20 39. 5700 216 103 55 .0800 230 159 December. 7.50 i") 208 iSSO 20 39. 5700 216 103 62 10 .0700 219 139 1915— Year.... 1 3.04 .3192 417 421 31 9 2 197. 6425 340 610 47 10.01 .1602 197 318 Quarters- First 0.50 .2600 346 330 20 3 4 39. 5700 218 103 49 13 4 .0843 208 167 Second — 2.67 .3000 406 396 23 152. 6667 249 395 47 10 .1233 199 245 Third 3.67 .3000 4.34 396 39 13 4 241.6667 429 626 45 .1767 188 351 Fourth.... 5.33 .4267 480 563 43 356. 6667 465 924 46 0. .2567 192 509 Months — January... 9.50 («) 263 iSSO 20 39.5700 216 103 53 10 .0700 224 139 February . .2500 332 330 19 S 205 MOS 47 10 .0900 199 179 March 4 .2500 443 330 21 10 232 bios 48 .0925 201 184 Anril MEy 1 .3000 360 396 22 10 160.0000 243 415 50 .1200 209 233 3 .3000 416 396 22 10 149. 0000 243 386 46 10 .1225 194 243 June 4 .3000 443 396 24 149.0000 259 386 46 .1275 192 253 July 2 .3000 388 396 40 230.0000 432 596 46 .1700 192 337 August..-. 4 .3000 443 396 40 250. 0000 432 648 44 10 .1800 186 357 September 5 .3000 471 396 39 245. 0000 422 635 44 10 .1800 186 35/ October... 6 .3550 499 468 39 245.0000 422 636 45 10 .1800 190 357 LNovember 5 .4500 471 594 45 400.0000 487 1036 46 10 .2400 192 47 i December. 5 oNt .4750 quotati 471 on. 627 45 425. 0000 61 487 nter 1101 polal 46 10 ed. .3500 194 694 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 119 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 191 i-1918— Continued. Market . . . Unit... Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters- First SPtond Third Fourth Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1917— Year Quarters- First Second Third.. Fourth. Months- January... February March — April M!ay June July August... September October. . . November 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... Feb ruary March April May June July August Septembe October. . . November December. Potassimn, chlorate of. Actual price. U.K. Manches- ter. Pound 3.61 2 3.46 1 6.50 2 5. 2 6. 2 3.67 1 4.50 1 1 2 2 2 U.S. New York. Pound 2 4.79 5 5 5 4.17 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 4.50 3 2 1.42 2 2 1 0.67 DolU. 0. 0758 .5833 .4833 .6200 .4600 .6000 (a) h) (■>) .6000 .5300 .4700 .4600 .5100 .6800 .6700 .6733 .6400 .5867 .5500 .5167 .6500 .6400 .6.100 .6000 .5900 .5700 .6300 .5500 .5700 .6600 .5000 .6000 .4000 .4000 .4100 .3933 .3967 .3900 .4flD0 .4100 .4100 .4100 .4100 .3900 .3900 .4000 .4000 .4000 .3900 Rela- tive price. 798 704 770 818 594 792 1792 6976 6923 792 Potassium, muriate of. Actual price. U.K. Manches- ter. Ton £ 9 54 16 1 64 3 4 55 66 56 52 10 55 55 66 56 55 55 65 55 55 New York. Ton.. 65 60 61 13 65 DoUs. 38. 6017 388.3333 450.0000 360. 0000 310.0000 433.3.333 475. 0000 460.0000 415. 0000 415.0000 375. 0000 290.0000 290.0000 320. 0000 320. 0000 400.0000 450. 0000 0450.0000 383. 7500 428.3333 398.3333 370. 0000 338.3333 65 65 65- 60 60 60 65 60 60 56 13 4 60 66 13 55 55 60 60 60 60 55 65 55 55 65 55 55 56 Rela- tive price. 450.0000 595 410.0000 425.0000 425.0000 380.0000 390.0000 350.0000 0000 380.0000 325.0000 340.0000 350.0000 302. 5000 345. 0000 328.3333 276. 6667 260.0000 (a) 345.0000 345. 0000 345.0000 330. 0000 310.0000 310.0000 260.0000 260.0000 260. 0000 260. 0000 260.0000 1006 1166 933 803 1123 1231 1192 1076 1076 971 Potassium, nitrate of. Actual price. U.K. Manches- ter. Ton U.S. <595 751 751 829 829 1036 1166 1166 994 1110 1032 959 876 1166 1062 1101 1101 984 1010 £ s. d 23 18 4 65 1 7.1 52 3 4 55 55 13 4 57 10 48 10 53 55 55 55 65 56 56 56 56 66 10 60 72 18 4. 01 71 13 4 73 6 7. 73 6 73 6 7.99 7, 65 75 75 76 72.10 72 10 70 76 75 75 73 72 67 10 10 69 67 16 7.1 67 6 7.1 66 72 67 10 67 10 67 10 68 68 68 68 66 66 66 66 New York. Pound. Dolls 0. 0504 .3318 ..3500 .3500 .2075 .3067 .3600 .3500 ..3500 .3500 .3500 .3500 .2076 (») (») .3000 3100 .3100 .3117 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3167 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3200 .3200 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 Rela- tive price. 230 658 590 608 694 590 'S92 HSS 595 615 615 618 615 616 615 628 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 635 635 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 616 615 616 615 615 615 oNo quotation. t Interpolated. 120 INTERNATIONAL PIIIGE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-191S— Continued. Potassium, permanganate of. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Potassium, sulphate of. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Potatoes, good. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Unit. Baseprice 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourtli Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March AprU May June July; August September October... November December, Manches- ter. Ton. £ s. d. 35 11 3 35 14 1. 99 36 35 18 7. 35 10 35 10 35 ID 35 10 35 10 35 10 35 10 35 10 35 11 35 13 55 6 131 13 35 10 35 10 35 15 35 10 35 10 36 136 150 110 290 300 295 295 300 448 36 36 36 36 36 35 10 64 11 3 36 40 90 229 101 13 4 171 13 4 295 347 13 4 100 85 120 145 175 195 New York. Pound Dolls. 0.0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0976 .0975 .0976 .0976 .0976 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0976 .2058 .0975 .0975 .3160 .3133 .0976 .0975 .0976 .0975 .0976 .0975 .0975 .0975 .7500 .6500 .2500 .1400 .7383 .1967 .5733 .9167 1. 2667 .1400 .2000 .2500 .5600 .5500 .6200 .7600 .9750 1.0250 1.2500 1. 2500 1.3000 644 286 483 830 978 281 239 337 408 492 548 816 844 830 830 844 1260 100 100 323 321 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 769 564 256 144 757 202 588 940 1299 144 206 256 564 564 769 1000 1051 1282 1282 Manches- ter. New York. 10 5 10 10 7 6 10 3 4 10 6 8 10 10 10 10 20 16 24 39 13 43 39 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 15 10 3 4 10 11 13 4 19 3 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 15 17 10 20 20 31 17 6 7.99 4 21 20 21 10 23 10 23 10 25 Ton.. Dolls. 47. 1850 46. 8000 (a) 46.8000 46.8000 46. 8000 (». (<■- 46.8000 46. 8000 46.8000 46.8000 46.8000 46.8000 46. 8000 46.8000 47.7367 47.5700 47. 5700 47.7367 48.0700 47.5700 47.5700 47. 5700 47.6700 47.5700 47. 5700 47.5700 47. 5700 48.0700 48.0700 48.0700 48.0700 181.1842 48.0700 140.0000 205.0000 331. 6667 48.0700 40 40 45 45 140. 0000 140. 0000 140.0000 205. 0000 205. 0000 205.0000 206. 0000 350.0000 440.0000 99 102 297 434 703 102 MOB 297 297 297 434 434 434 434 742 933 Manches- ter, Lon- don. Ton £ s. 3 16 d. 6.25 4 10 10. 25 4 10 10 5 18 5 19 3 9 2 4 10 4 12 4 10 4 15 4 5 6 5 7 2 9 4 2 6 4 3 10 3 7 6 3 10 3 8 0.60 3 7 8 3 7-6 3 7 6 3 9 2 3 10 3 10 6 3 2 3 5 3 10 3 7 6 6 3 7 6 3 7 6 3 5 3 15 4 8 9 4 5 4 16 10 4 5 4 9 2 3 17 6 3 17 6 6 4 17 6 4 15 4 15 4 4 12 6 4 2 6 3 17 8 4 10 5 Chi- cago. Dolls. 0. 7306 .8143 .4613 .5183 .8128 .6609 .4700 .4675 .4263 .3960 .4775 .6813 .7800 .8526 .8060 .6460 .6938 .8440 .6456 .8032 .6563 .6525 .6280 .6875 .7200 1.0020 1.2063 .7875 .7330 .4688 .4125 .3690 .4548 .3918 .4387 .4063 .4125 .3700 .4050 .4213 .3490 .4438 .4710 .4013 .4963 .5640 .7338 oNo quotation. 6 Interpolated. c Nominal, INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 121 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, I913-I91S-Contiuaed. Fotassimn, permanganate of. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Potassium, sulphate of. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Potatoes, good. Actual price. U.K. U. i Rela- tive price. U. Market. .. Unit. Manches- ter. Ton. Base price 1916— Year... Quarters- First Second Thkd...., Fourth... Months — January.. February March April , May , June £ s. 35 H 870 6 7.99 672 998 13 4 868 942 13 4 560 616 840 1008 1008 July.... August _ September October... November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January.. February March,.,. April May June 952 868 784 756 952 1120 1566 8 10. ( 1431 2 1474 13 1680 1680 1493 1400 1400 1456 1456 1512 July.... August September October... November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June 1680 1680 1680 1680 1680 1680 1642 13 1512 1512 1605 6 1680 1680 1668 1512 1456 1568 July August.. September October... November December. 1512 1512 1512 1624 1624 1668 New York. Pound Dolls. 0.0975 1.8667 1.8000 1.8167 l..'i667 2.2833 1.7500 1.7500 1.9000 1.9000 1.9000 1.6500 1.6000 1.6000 1.6000 1.8500 2.5000 2.5000 3.8125 3.4167 3.8333 4.0000 4.0000 2. 7600 4.0000 3.5000 3.5000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 2.7917 4.0000 3.6667 1.7500 1.7500 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 3. 5000 3.6000 2.0000 1.5000 1.7500 1.7500 1.7600 1.7600 2447 1890 2809 2441 2651 1575 1732 2362 2835 2835 2756 2677 2441 2205 2126 2677 3150 4405 4024 4147 4724 4724 4200 3937 3937 4095 4095 4252 4724 4724 4724 4724 4724 4724 4410 4619 4252 4252 4514 4724 4724 4410 4252 4096 4410 4252 4262 4252 4567 4567 4410 1915 1846 1863 1607 2342 1795 1795 1949 1949 1949 1692 1649 1539 1841 1897 2564 2664 3910 3504 3932 4103 4103 2821 4103 3590 3590 4103 4103 4103 4103 4103 4103 4103 4103 2863 4103 3781 1795 1795 4103 4103 4103 4103 3590 3590 2051 1.538 1795 1795 1795 1796 Manches- ter. Ton. New York. Ton., 5. d. 5 10 7. 7. 7.99 50 55 55 60 60 60 60 59 59 59 59 60 65 61 13 60 64 11 7.! 60 88 8 7.! 65 65 60 60 60 66 70 70 65 65 65 65 66 66 61 13 4 Dolls 47. 1850 307. 5000 371.6667 308.3333 275.0000 276.0000 440.0000 350. 0000 325.0000 326.0000 325.0000 275.0000 275.0000 275.0000 275.0000 275.0000 275.0000 275.0000 286.2500 275.0000 276.0000 276.0000 320.0000 275.0000 275.0000 276.0000 276.8000 276.0000 275.0000 275.0000 275.0000 275.0000 300.0000 300.0000 0000 350.0000 366. 6667 65 65 65 65 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 350.0000 350.0000 350.0000 350.0000 375.0000 376.0000 350.0000 742 Manches- ter, Lon- don. Ton £ s. 3 16 d. 6.25 7 18 6.50 6 7 16 8 8 9 2 10 8 4 6 5 5 5 8 10 10 7 6 14 5 7 5 12 10 11 10 9 12 0.55 11 11 8 12 6 12 6 7 4 2 12 11 15 11 12 12 12 (») 7 10 5 16 7 7 12 6 7 Chi- cago. Bushel Dolls. 0.7306 1.1108 .9507 .9418 1.1104 1.4525 .9913 .8475 .9630 1.0250 .8625 1.1000 1 1.3100 1.6563 1.4913 1.9226 2.1600 2.7692 1.6000 1.1412 1.7960 2.4688 2.2750 2.6688 2.7050 2.9500 2.3760 1.4683 1.0938 1.1880 1.1363 1.0876 303 314 173 188 314 307 288 314 314 314 W« 196 160 183 199 183 7 1 8 7 18 4 7 1 6 1.0511 .7639 1.3219 7 7 5 7 7 6 7 17 6 8 12 6 (0 7 7 3 7 6 7 6 1.2720 1.1363 .6870 .6750 1.0360 1.5300 1.3613 183 189 183 189 206 225 183 187 191 191 ^ Nominal. 6 Interpolated. c No quotation. 122 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Rice, Actual price. Rela- tive price. Rubber, Para, flue. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Sheep,, first quality. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Market . Unit Base price 1913— Year..., Quarters- First Second Third Fourth..., Months- January... February . March April May June July August September October. . . November December. 1914— Year.. Quarters- First.... Second. . Third... Fourth.. Months — January. . . February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters— Fu-st Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October. . . November December. London., s. d. 7 10,63 8 4 ; 8,25 ; 7.50 i ; 0.25 I 2.25 1 6.75 1 3.75 ; 6 i 4.60 7.60 4.60 0.75 0.75 11.25 9 9.67 7 11. 25 7 7 7 0.42 16 8 7 11. 25 7 10. 60 8 7 11. 25 7 8.25 7 1.50 7 1.60 7 6 n.75 16 16 17 17 3 16 6 17 6 17 4 17 8 New Or- leans. Pound 17 16 16 16 18 18 18 17 17 17 '0 17 18 Dolls 0. 0526 .0477 .0493 .0534 .0523 .0475 .0475 .0480 .0488 .0486 .0508 .0534 .0552 .0609 .0542 .0525 .0500 .0512 .0614 .0532 .0532 .0465 .0500 .0522 .0526 .0525 .0633 .0538 .0538 .0554 .0498 .0474 .0434 .0492 .0474 .0493 .0494 .0454 .0455 .0491 . .0494 .0494 .0495 .0494 .0494 .0485 .0460 .0419 .0433 .0476 .0456 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 No quotation. 101 London, Manches- ter. Pound £ s. d. 3 2.98 3 8.68 4 3.83 3 6.58 3 8.92 3 3.00 4 7.25 4 4.26 4 3 6.75 3 5.50 3 8.60 3 9.50 3 8.75 3 8.50 4.50 2.00 2.50 2 10. 52 3 1 2 11 2 10 2 8.1 3 1.50 3 1.60 3 2 11.50 2 11. 50 2 10. 50 2 9.50 2 10.50 2 10. 00 2 9.60 6.25 8.60 2 i.53 2 7. 2 6.29 2 5.50 2 7. 25 2 10. 60 2 5.50 2 6.26 2 5.50 2 6.00 2 7. 7.25 4.26 4.75 4.60 6.00 New York. Dolls. 0. 6938 .8071 .9650 .8167 .7683 .6783 1.0050 .9750 .9160 .8360 .7800 .8360 .8160 .7300 .7600 .7160 .6750 .6450 .6158 .6517 .6767 .5860 .6500 .6060 .6550 .6950 .6950 .7250 .6100 .6750 .6800 .6000 .6250 .4960 .6300 .5573 .5983 .5417 . 5192 .6700 .7100 .5500 .5350 .5360 .6450 .5450 .5350 .5226 .5000 .5075 .6476 .6550 114 100 98 142 145 •134 141 123 132 107 120 106 112 114 120 117 117 116 105 114 110 KM 103 97 97 99 93 89 89 96 94 9(1 98 87 84 82 79 96 87 96 94 92 100 91 KKI 91 104 87 88 86 83 8fl 84 87 86 86 76 78 71 83 91 78 80 80 Sfi 78 78 7« 76 80 82 89 102 76 79 75 77 76 77 77 79 81 79 80 77 73 76 74 72 73 73 77 79 90 94 England and Wales. £ s. d. 9.33 New York. 100 lbs. Dolls. 4. 7708 9.43 4.6771 101 10 10 8 9.25 6.2500 5.2083 3.6250 4.5250 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.26 9.25 4.5000 5.2500 6.0000 6.5000 5.2500 3.8750 8 8 8.75 9.25 9.75 3.6250 3.5000 3.7500 4.3760 4 6260 4.8750 9.67 5.0550 9.92 10 8.63 9.42 6.5000 5.3333 4.2283 4.9683 9.75 10 10 10 10.25 9.75 4.8260 5.6750 6.0000 6.0000 6.6250 4.3760 8.75 8.50 9.25 9.26 9.75 4.4360 3.7500 4.6000 5.0000 5.3750 4.6000 10.48 6.0458 10,33 11, 67 10.25 9.67 6.3500 7. 6667 6.0417 5.1250 9.60 10.50 11 1 1 11 4.2500 5, OOOO 6,8000 8,0000 10, 3760 4.6250 10.26 10.50 10 9 10 10 6.7500 6.8750 5.5000 6.0000 4.7600 4.6250 i9S 105 6 Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1&13-1918. 123 WHOLESALE PEICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. BY Rice, Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Rubber, Para, fine. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Sheep, first quality. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Market . Base price. 1916— Year... Quarters- First Second... Ttiird.... Fourth... Months — January.. February. March.... April MTay June July..., August September October... November December. 1917— Year.. Quarters- First.... Second . . Third... Fourth.... Months- January.. February. March April May June July August.... September October... November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March..... April MTay June July August.... September October... November December. London.. Cwt.. £ s. d. 7 10.63 18 8 18 8 17 11 10 18 19 19 19 19 18 18 16 3 19 6 19 9 ' 3 7 8.56 6 0.46 8 4.27 8 3 8 3 7.13 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3.46 8 4.85 8 9 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3. 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 New Or- leans. Pound Dolls. 0.0526 .0456 .0457 .0466 .0444 .0467 .0450 .0463 .0459 .0466 .0456 .0466 .0453 .0447 .0433 .0447 .0478 .0476 .0670 .0479 .0697 .0708 .0781 .0475 .0476 .0488 .0671 .0702 .0710 .0702 .0708 .0713 .0773 .0775 .0793 .0925 .0907 .0925 .0794 .0794 .0864 ..0924 .0913 .0913 .0913 135 London, Manches- ter. Pound 3 2.98 3 L40 3 4. 2 10.08 2 11. 42 3 4 1 2.26 0.25 9.76 8.26 2 8 2 10. 26 3 4 3 3 3 4.50 3 4.50 3 L94 3 3.60 3 1.26 3 2.17 3 0.83 3 3.50 3 3 3 4 3 1.60 3 0.25 3 2 3 3 3 3 3.60 3 4.50 3 4 2 6 2 11. 79 2 6.92 3 1. 3 3. 2 11.83 9.60 3 8.26 1 L60 L60 3 0.75 3 0.50 3 8 3 2 3 2 9.60 New York. Pound DoUs. 0. 6938 .7583 .6483 .5858 .6860 .8860 .6850 .7060 .6950 .6600 .6900 .5900 .5850 .6826 .6650 .6700 .7200 .6477 .7100 .7300 .6375 .5133 .7000 .6800 .7500 .7400 .7260 .7260 .7060 .6125 .5950 .5675 .5050 .4675 .6490 .4885 .5640 .5900 .5633 .6005 .4788 .4831 .5160 .5663 .5900 .5900 .5900 .5900 .6720 .5700 .5480 101 109 England and Wales. Pound . £ s. d 9.33 1 0.56 11. 58 1 1.75 1 0.42 1 0.60 10. 25 11. 76 1 0.75 2 L75 L60 0.75 0.60 11.60 1 0.25 1 1.75 1 3.42 2.50 i. 13 1 3.68 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2.26 3.26 4 4.75 4.25 2.25 2.50 2.50 3.25 6 1 2.54 1 3.42 1 2.25 1 2. 25 1 2.25 5.75 2.25 2.25 2.26 2.25 2.26 1 2.26 1 2.25 1 2.25 1 2.25 1 2.26 1 2.25 New York. Dolls. 4. 7708 6.7333 6.2500 6.7500 6. 9167 7. 0167 5. 1250 5. 8750 7. 7600 7. 7500 6. 2500 6. 2500 6. 1260 7. 6250 7.0000 7. 1260 6.8000 7. 1250 9. 8760 9. 5417 9. 6667 9. 3333 10. 9583 8. 3750 9. 6260 10. 6260 10.0000 9.0000 10.0000 8.0000 9. 6250 10. 3760 11.0000 11.0000 10.8750 11. 6292 11. 0167 13. 0833 11. 9167 10. 5000 11.3000 11. 7500 10.0000 12. 7500 15.0000 16. 5000 10.5000 12. 3750 12. 8760 10.7500 10. 8750 9. 8750 124 INTEENATIONAL PEICE COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Shellac, T. N. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Eela- tive price. Silk, China. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Silk, Italian. Actual price. U.K. U. ! Rela- tive price. Market . . Unit. Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters— Pirst Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October . . . November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October . . . November December. 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months— I January... February . March April May June July August September October. . . November Oecember. New York. Cwt. £ s. d. 4 18.: 4 7 8 (■>) 4 10 4 13 6 4 8 8 (<■) (<•) W 3 19 3 16 4 6 4 14 6 4 15 6 4 10 6 4 13 4 10 6 4 2 6 3 5 10 3 17 2 3 7 6 3 10 2 17 10 6 4 3 6 3 16 6 3 11 6 3 11 6 3 6 3 4 3 3 3 2 18 2 15 2 17 3 3 4 2.50 3 3 2 3 6 3 10 3 12 2 3 6 6 3 2 6 3 16 3 10 3 6 3 2 15 3 6 3 7 6 3 9 3 12 3 15 6 Dolls. 0.1913 .2008 .1833 .1883 .2200 .2117 .1650 .1800 .2050 .1900 .1750 .2000 .2150 .2150 .2300 .2200 .2150 .2000 .1592 .1767 .1567 .1600 .1433 .1950 .1750 .1600 .1650 .1650 .1500 .1450 .1550 .1800 .1500 .1400 .1400 .1488 .1417 .1400 .1425 .1708 .1450 .1400 .1400 .1400 .1400 .1400 .1375 .1400 .1600 .1500 .1626 .2000 96 Manches- ter, Lon- don. Pound £ s. d. 11 3.50 10 11. 50 10 9.50 10 10. 60 10 9.50 11 4. 50 10 7.50 10 10.50 10 10.50 10 10.50 10 10.50 10 10.50 10 10. 50 10 7.50 10 10. 50 11 4.60 11 4.50 11 4.50 11 3.50 New York. 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 6.50 5.60 5.60 8.50 4.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 4.60 4.50 7.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 9 11.75 10 9 10. 50 9 2.50 10 10 10 1.50 10 1.50 9 9 10 1.50 9 10. 50 9 7.50 9 9 9 9 10 12 4.50 1.60 1.50 7.60 1.50 9 I Dolls. 3. 6573 3.4760 3.2500 3.2833 3.6000 3. 7708 I 3.2500 3.2500 3.2500 3.2600 3.3000 3.3000 3.3600 3.3750 4. 0750 3. 9760 3. 7750 3.5626 3. 2969 3. 7500 3.6083 3.3833 2.5458 3.6750 3.8500 3.7250 3.5260 3. 5000 3.5000 3.4500 3.4250 3.2750 2.7250 2.5875 2.3260 3. 0458 2. 7083 2.8250 2. 8917 3. 7683 2.4250 2. 8750 2.8250 2. 7750 2. 8750 2.8250 2.8750 2. 8750 2.9250 3.2250 3.7250 4.3260 87 London.. Pound . - . £ s. d. 18 5.50 17 10 17 6 17 17 10 19 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 18 16 2 17 1 1 17 6 17 9 18 3 19 6 19 18 6 18 1. 60 18 18 18 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 16 16 7.50 16 16 16 2 18 4 Pound Dolls. 4. 5938 3. 9417 4.0250 4.5083 4.7208 3.9750 3.9250 3.9250 3. 9750 4.0250 4.0750 4.4000 4.4000 4.7250 4. 8760 4. 7750 4.5125 4.3573 4.6542 4. 4917 4. 5917 3. 6917 4.5626 4.6250 4. 7750 4. 4750 4.4750 4.5250 4. 5250 4.5250 4.7250 4. 0750 3.7250 3. 2760 3.5583 3. 4760 3.6083 3.4417 4. 1417 3.3750 3.6260 3.5250 3.5260 3.4750 3.5260 3.4250 3.4260 3. 4760 3.7250 3.8250 4. 8750 o No quotation. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, lM.3-1918. 125 WHOLESALE PEICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Unit. Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Tliird Fourth.... Montlis — January. . . February . Marcb April May. June July. August September October... November December 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January.. February March April May. Jime July. August... September October... November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May. June July. August September October... November December. Shellac, T. N. Actual price. U.K. Cwt £ a. d. 4 18. 50 5 4 8.75 4 6 6 4 11 7 5 13 6 7 10 4 4 5 4 14 4 10 4 12 4 12 4 14 5 14 6 10 6 6 7 6 16 11 7 1.82 4 10.62 10 15 0.46 U.S. New York. 7.50 2. 4.50 2.40 7.50 9 2.40 4 1.20 9 9 5.40 9 17 19 1.38 20 16 1. 17 13 0.92 17 3 0.92 16 7 4.50 18 8 9 21 1 3 22 10 18 7 6 17 13 16 18 9 11 15 7 5 7 15 9 8 10 8 10 18 10 17 10 12 11 IS 11 12 11 13 15 6 17 18 17 17 16 18 1. 60 16 14 Rela- tive price. Dolls 0. 1913 .2717 .2217 .2367 .2900 .3383 .2100 .2250 .2300 .2350 .2400 .2350 .2600 .2900 .3200 .3000 .3250 .3900 .5258 .4400 .5767 .5733 .6133 .3900 .4500 .4800 .5700 .6600 .6000 .5800 .5700 .5700 .4800 .4600 .6000 .6317 .5867 .6267 .6600 .6533 .6800 .6900 .6900 .6300 .6200 .6300 .6400 .6600 .6800 .6800 .6800 .6000 U. 609 307 432 328 420 345 401 342 Sitt, China. Actual price. U.K. Manches- ter, Lon* don. Pound... £ a. d. 11 3.50 16 13 15 16 17 12 13 14 14 16 16 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 9 19 7 112 14 7 18 19 19 19 19 19 1 6 9.60 15 16 4 16 1 6 10 6 6 6 7 6 7 6 5 6 Rela- tive price. New York. Pound. Dons. 3.6573 4.1000 4.( 3.9667 3.9833 4.4167 3.7600 4.1600 4.2000 4.1600 4.0600 3.7000 3.7600 3.9000 4.3 4. 2000 4.3000 4. 7500 6. 0192 4. 4212 4. 3760 5.7 6. 5769 4. 6700 4. 4260 4. 2313 4.1188 4.3000 4.7250 5.2376 6.8400 6.0000 5.7000 6.6000 5.6000 5.5640 5.4154 6.5 6. 6731 5.7708 5.4600 6.4000 6.4000 6.6600 6.5100 6.4600 6. 4875 5.5400 6.7000 6. 7126 6. 7500 5.8833 186 137 Silk, Italian. Actual price. U.K. London.. Pound... £ a. d. 18 5. 50 1 5 6.60 13 2 1 6 10 16 5 16 9 1 14 1 16 1 16 1 15 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 14 2 2 15 2 16 2 16 2 5 1 7 1 11 1 14 1 13 4 U.S. 3 16 9 18 17 17 1 14 1 14 2 7.50 1 13 2 1 14 6 2 3 2 2 11 8 Pound. Dons. 4. 5938 5.8438 6.4917 5.8600 5.7600 4.8750 6. 6500 6.0500 6.0500 5.9000 5.6000 6.6000 5. 7500 6.0000 6.0600 6.1000 6.7000 6. 7986 6. 6115 6.8385 7.3000 (») 6. 7500 6. 6500 6.4000 6. 4750 6.9400 7.0750 7.3000 Rela- tive price. No Quotation. 126 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1&18. WHOLESALE PEICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, B"S! MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Silk, Japan. Actual price. Rela- tive price. U. U. K. S. Silver. Actual price. U.S. Rela- tive price. ^ Skins, calf, 12-16 pounds. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Market . . Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second TUrd Fourth.... Months— January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1914— Year... Quarters- First Second. . . Third Fourth... Months — January. . February March April May June JiUy August... September. October... November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May Juiie July August September. October... November December- London. . Pound . . £ s. d. 16 6 16 16 K 15 16 15 15 15 15 3 15 3 4 6 16 16 0' 17 17 16 6 16 16 4.50 16 4 16 10 17 6 14 10 16 16 6 16 6 16 6 17 17 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 14 13 6 14 2.26 13 8 13 7 13 6 16 1 13 6 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 3 13 3 13 6 13 6 14 3 15 3 18 9 New York. Pound. Dolls 4. 1563 3. 9083 3. 7583 3.7250 4.0583 4.0917 3.7750 3. 7760 3.7250 3.7250 3.7260 3.7260 3.9000 3.9000 4. 3760 4.2760 4.0750 3.9260 4. 0573 4. 1750 4.3000 4.3260 3.4292 4. 0250 4. 1750 4.3250 4. 2625 4. 2625 4.3750 4.4750 4.4250 4.0750 3. 6750 3. 2875 3.3250 3. 6366 3. 3750 3.4683 3.4683 4.2542 3.3250 3.4250 3.3750 3.4760 3.4750 3.4230 3.4250 3.4250 3.5260 3.7126 4. 1260 4.9250 79 87 102 Manches- ter. Ounce.. . £ s. d. 2 2.98 2 3.60 2 4.46 2 3.19 2 3.17 2 3.59 5.31 4.75 3.31 2.19 2.88 3.06 3.56 4.38 3.69 2. 2 2 2 2.71 2 2.46 2 1.48 2 1.35 2.63 2.50 3 2.94 3.26 1.19 2.06 11.75 2, 3 2 11.06 1 11.53 1 10.84 1 11.46 1 10.88 2 0.96 1 10.75 1 10.63 1 11.13 1 11.50 1 11,56 1 11.31 1 10.94 1 10.38 1 11.31 1 11.75 2 0.44 2 2.69 New York. Fine ounce. Dolls. 0. 5854 .5980 .6081 .8961 .5955 .5918 .6293 .6164 .5787 .5949 .6036 .5872 .5929 .6064 .6079 .5899 .5776 .5481 .6772 .5772 .5410 .4971 .5757 .5751 .5807 .5862 .5818 .6647 .6468 .5434 .5329 .5066 .4938 .4919 .4974 .4779 .5203 .4886 .4848 .6024 .5026 .4992 .4904 .4752 .4716 .4868 .4939 .5772 .6497 97 Liverpool.. Pound . £ s. d 10.15 10 10.25 10. 17 9.92 9.67 10.60 10.26 10 9.75 10.25 10.50 10.13 S 9.76 10 9.50 9.50 9.96 10.84 10.17 9.54 9.30 10 10.88 11.63 10. 13 10. 13 10.25 9.76 10 8.88 10.13 8.63 9.13 9.97 10.21 8.33 10.67 10.67 10. 10. 13 9 8.25 8 8.76 10.26 10.50 11.26 11.88 10 10.13 Bos- ton, Skin. Dolls. 2. 6083 2.5833 2.5750 2.5750 2. 6750 2.6083 2.5750 2.5750 2.6750 2. 5760 2. 6750 2.6750 2.5750 2.5760 2.5760 2.5750 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6260 2. 6250 2.6260 2.6260 2.6260 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.6260 2.6260 2.6260 2.6260 2.7188 2.6250 2.7500 2. 7600 2.7500 2.6250 2.6250 2.6260 2.7500 2.7500 2.7600 2.7600 2.7600 2. 7500 2. 7600 2.7500 2.7500 INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 127 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. i Silk, Japan. Actual price. U. S. Rela- tive price. Silver. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. SIdns, calf, 12-16 pounds. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Market. Unit.... Base price 1916— year Quarters — First Second Tlilrd Pourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June , July August September October... November December. 1917— year Quarters- First Second Third.. . Fourth. Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1918— year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January.'. . February . March April May June July August September October... November December. London.. hi Pound . - 5. d. 16 6 1 10 116 114 13 6 18 9 10 9 3 4 6 1 1 1 10 1 5 10 1 4 4 1 3 10 1 8 10 16 4 4 6 4 6 4 3 6 4 6 1 6 1 11 1 9 1 8 1 6 1 S 19 4 16 4 18 2 1 10 10 1 12 1 10 1 10 6 1 11 1 11 1 12 1 12 1 12 New York. Pound Dolls. 4. 1563 5. 5167 6. 2000 5.6833 4.6500 6.2500 6. 5500 6.2500 5. 1500 5.2000 4.9500 5.3000 6.3500 5.2500 5. 7500 5. 7600 5.9967 6.4846 5. 7760 6.8712 6. 8619 5. 5850 5.4875 6.3663 5. 5876 6. 6460 6.1250 6. 6438 7.3150 6.5438 5.9950 5. 7760 5.7600 6.9770 5.8038 6.9208 7.7077 7.5126 5.7600 5.7500 6.8900 6.6876 6.9600 7.3000 7.7626 7.7600 7.6000 7.5375 7.6300 7.2 Manches- ter. Ounce £ s. 2 2. 98 2 7.16 2 2. 2 9.09 2 7.04 2 9.50 2. 3 3.06 5.44 0.94 8.88 6.25 2 2 2 2 8.13 2 8.44 2 11.94 3 4.90 3 1.06 3 3.30 3 5.92 3 0.50 1.19 1.50 6.13 1. 1. 3.50 4.75 9.60 3 11.50 3 9.75 3 6.75 3 11.31 3 7.04 3 11. 4 1.08 4 1.26 7. 7.26 6.;o 9. 1.25 0.94 0.94 0.81 1.6 1.60 1.50 0.76 New York. Fine ounce. Dolls. 0. 5854 .6566 .6716 .6791 .6585 .7174 .5678 .5676 .5794 .6442 .7427 .6503 .6294 .6608 .6862 .6786 .7160 .7677 .8142 .7669 .7520 .7663 .7759 .7386 .7388 .7475 .7697 .7901 .8541 1.0074 .8596 .9676 .8744 .9812 1.0 1.0113 .8870 .8572 .8791 .9535 .9951 .9950 1.0024 1.0113 1. 0113 1. 0113 1.0113 Liverpool. Pound . . . £ s. 00 1 d. 0.15 1 1.14 11.75 11.04 1 2.67 1 3.09 11.25 1 1 10.38 11.25 11.60 2.25 1.25 4.26 3.88 2.60 2. 1 2.81 1 3.67 1 1.60 1 2.08 14 1 3.26 3.75 4 3.50 1 1.25 2 3 3 3 6 01 7 .36 2 1.60 1 7.92 1 4 14 2 2 3.60 2 1 1 7.76 1 8 1 8 1 1 Bos- ton. Skins. Dolls. 2.6083 4. 1729 3. 7600 4.1083 4.2600 4.5833 3.7600 3.7500 3.7500 3. 8260 4.2500 4.2500 4.2500 4.2600 4.2500 4. 2500 4.2500 6.2600 5.5208 5.4167 5. 5000 5.3333 6.S 5. 2600 5.5000 5.5000 5.5000 5.6000 5.5000 5. 0000 5.5000 6.5000 5.0000 6.2600 6.2600 5. 5625 5.7600 5.5000 5.6000 6.6000 6. 2500 5.6000 5. 6000 5.6000 5.6000 5.6000 5. 5000 5.5000 5.5000 5. 5000 5.5000 5.5000 via INTERNATIONAL PKICB COMPAKISONS, 1&13-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Skins calf, light. Skins, kip. Soda ash, carbonated. Rela- Rela- Rela- Actual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. tive price. price. price. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. u. K. U.S. U K. U. S. U K U.S. U. K. U. S. Market . . . Glast^nw . B s - London Chi- Manches- East- ton. cago. tei ern dis- trict. Unit Skin. £ s Skin . . Pound £ s. d. Skin.. Ton Pound. Dolls. d. Dolls. Dolls. 5 d. Base price. 1913— Year.... a 3 3 2.46 2.33 2.0500 1.9750 7.49 7.19 3.3535 3.1863 3 3 2 2 6 1 0.0069 .0069 100 96 96 95 99 lOO Quarters- First 3 2 1.9250 99 94 7 3.0799 93 92 3 10 .0069 97 100 Second 3 3.17 1.9260 102 94 6,75 3.0571 90 91 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 Third 3 2,83 1.9917 101 97 7.13 3.0875 95 92 3 2 6 ,0069 100 100 Fourth.... 3 1.33 2,0583 97 100 7. 88 3,5226 105 106 3 2 6 ,0069 100 100 Months — January... 3 2 1.9250 99 94 7 3,2072 93 96 2 17 6 .0069 92 100 February . 3 2 1.9260 99 94 7 3,0875 93 92 3 2 6 .0069 100 lOO March 3 2 1.9260 99 94 7 2,9450 93 88 3 2 6 ,0069 100 100 April 3 2 1.9260 99 94 7 3.0647 93 91 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 May 3 4 1.9250 104 94 7 3,0647 93 91 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 June 3 3.50 1,9250 103 94 6,25 3.0400 83 91 3 2 6 ,0069 100 lOO July 3 3 1,9260 101 94 6,88 2.9928 92 89 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 .A.ugust.... 3 3 2.0250 101 99 7,13 2.9925 95 89 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 September 3 2.50 2.0260 100 99 7,38 3.2775 99 98 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 October... 3 1.50 2,0250 98 99 8,50 3.5625 113 106 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 November 3 1 2,0760 96 101 7.88 3.4922 105 104 3 2 6 .0069 100 lOO December. 3 1.50 2.0750 98 101 7,25 3.5150 97 106 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 1914— Year.... 3 1.04 2,0760 96 101 7,25 3.6119 97 108 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 Quarters — First 3 1.67 2, 0750 98 101 7,34 3,3725 98 101 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 Second 3 4 (o) 104 blO! 7.63 3,4276 102 102 3 2 6 .0069 100 lOO Third 3 0.50 (<*) 95 blOl 7 3,6898 93 110 3 2 6 .0069 100 lOO Fourth.... 2 10 (a) 88 blOl 7.04 3,9577 94 118 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 Months- 50 January... 3 0.60 2.07 95 101 7 3,3725 93 101 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 February . 3 0.60 (") 95 ilOl 7.38 3,3735 99 101 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 March 3 4 (<•) 104 blOl 7,63 3.3725 102 101 3 2 6 .0069 100 lOO April 3 4 (») 104 blOl 7.13 3.4200 95 102 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 May 3 4 (<•) 104 blOl 7.75 3,4200 103 102 3 2 6 .0069 100 lOO June 3 4 («) 104 HOI 8 3,4447 107 103 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 July 3 2 (») 99 bWl 7.38 3.5150 99 106 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 August.... 3 0.60 («) 95 MOl 7 3.6100 93 108 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 September 2 11 (a) 91 blOl 6.63 3.9426 89 118 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 October... 2 11 (a\ 91 ilOl 7,38 3. 8950 99 116 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 November 2 9.60 (a) 87 blOl 7 3.8950 93 116 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 December. 2 9.60 (») 87 blOi 6,75 4.0850 90 122 3 2 6 .0069 100 lOO 1915— Year.... 2 6.29 2.0663 79 100 5.97 3.8836 80 116 3 5 10 .0079 105 14S Quarters- First 2 10.50 («) 90 blOl 6.63 4.0850 89 122 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 Second 2 5.67 2.0500 77 100 6.13 3.8227 82 104 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 Third 2 4.60 2.0500 74 100 5.79 3.9273 77 117 3 13 4 .0074 117 107 Fourth...: 2 4.60 2,0500 74 100 5.33 4.0375 71 120 3 5 .0185 104 268 Months- January... 2 9.50 i"} 87 blot 6.50 4.0860 87 122 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 February . 2 11 « 91 blOl 7 4.1800 93 125 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 March 2 11 (<») 91 blOl 6.38 3.9900 85 119 3 2 6 .0069 100 lOO April 2 8 2.0500 83 101 6 3.2300 80 96 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 May 2 4.50 2.0500 74 101 6 3.5150 80 106 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 June 2 4.50 2.0500 74 101 6.38 3.7050 85 110 3 2 6 .0069 100 100 July 2 4.60 2.0500 74 100 6.38 3.9425 85 118 3 17 6 .0069 124 100 August 2 4.60 2.0500 74 100 5 3.9900 67 119 3 17 6 .0069 124 100 September 2 4,50 2.0500 74 100 6 3.8475 80 115 3 5 .0085 104 123 October... 2 4.50 2.0500 74 100 6 3. 8950 80 116 3 5 .0088 104 128 November 2 4.60 2.0500 74 100 5 4.1325 67 123 3 5 .0151 104 219 December. 2 4.60 2.0600 74 1001 5 4.0850 67 122 3 5 .0317 104 459 ol Nominal Hi iterp olat sd. INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 129 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Skins calf, light. Sidns, Hp. Soda, ash, carbonated. Rela- Rela- K da- Actual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. tive price. price. price. L .K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. Market . . . Glasgow... Bos- ton. London — Chi- cago. Manches- ter. East- em '"*■ dis- trict. Unit Skin £ «. i. Skin.. Pound £ 3. d. Skin.. Ton Pound. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. £ s. d. Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters- First 3 2.46 3 4.71 2.0500 2.9021 7.49 7.43 3.3535 5.0426 3 2 11 17 6 6 0. 0069 .0314 106 142 99 150 380 455 2 7.67 2.6600 82 124 6.88 4. 1173 92 123 5 .0408 160 591 Second 2 9.67 2.8600 88 139 7.08 4.6600 95 136 9 16 8 .0282 316 409 Third 3 4.17 2.9000 104 141 7.25 4.8298 97 144 17 6 8 .0262 566 380 Fourth 4 9.33 3.3883 149 161 8.60 6.6662 113 199 15 6 8 .0302 491 438 Months- January... 2 7 2.6600 81 124 6 3.8950 80 116 4 6 .0393 136 670 February . 2 7 2. 6500 81 124 7.25 4. 1800 97 126 4 6 .0408 136 691 March 2 9 2.5500 86 124 7.38 4.2750 99 127 6 10 .0423 208 613 April May 2 9 2.7500 86 134 7 4.4600 93 133 5 10 .0302 176 438 2 9 2.9000 86 141 7 4.6600 93 136 5 10 .0272 176 394 June 2 11 2. 9000 91 141 7.25 4.6560 97 139 18 10 .0272 592 394 July 2 11 2. 9000 91 141 7.25 4. 7S00 97 142 17 10 .0242 560 361 August 3 1 2.9000 96 141 7.25 4.9826 97 146 17 10 .0236 560 342 September 4 0.50 2.9000 126 141 7.25 4.8450 97 144 17 .0308 644 446 October... 4 8.50 2.9000 147 141 7.76 4.8925 103 146 16 .0302 612 438 November 4 9 2. 9000 148 141 8.76 6.6600 117 198 16 .0302 480 438 December. 4 10. 60 4.1250 152 201 9 8.4650 120 262 16 .0302 480 438 1917— Year.... 4 8.71 4.1979 147 205 8.62 6.4049 114 191 10 11 8 .0302 339 438 Quarters- First 6 4.3760 156 213 10 6.1427 134 183 10 .0302 320 438 Second 4 11 4.5000 153 220 7.83 6.7460 105 201 10 .0298 320 432 Third 4 5 3. 9167 138 191 7.83 7.0300 105 210 10 6 8 .0302 331 438 Fourth.... 4 6.83 4.0000 143 196 8.42 5.7000 112 170 12 .0307 384 445 Months- January... 5 4.1250 156 201 10 6. 6500 134 198 10 .0302 320 438 February . 5 4.5000 166 220 10 5.3200 134 159 10 .0302 320 438 March S 4.5000 156 220 10 6.4600 134 193 10 .0302 320 438 April May 5 2 4.6000 161 220 8.50 6. 1760 113 184 10 .0302 320 438 4 11.50 4.6000 165 220 8 7.0300 107 210 10 .0290 320 420 June 4 7.60 4.5000 144 220 7 7.0300 93 210 10 .0302 320 438 July 4 6 3.7500 138 183 7.60 7.6000 100 227 10 .0302 320 488 August.... 4 5 4.0000 138 195 8 7.0300 107 210 10 .0302 320 438 September 4 5 4.0000 138 196 8 6.4600 107 193 11 .0302 362 438 October... 4 5 3.5000 138 171 8 5.8900 107 176 12 .0302 384 438 November 4 5 4.2600 138 207 8 6.0800 107 181 12 .0302 384 438 December. 4 10.60 4.2500 152 207 9.25 6.1300 123 163 12 .0317 384 459 1918— Year.... 8 1.83 4.0208 254 106 9.77 4.6322 130 138 11 10 .0279 368 404 Quarters- First 6 8.60 4.0833 209 199 10. 08 4.4175 135 132 12 6 8 .0326 395 472 Second 7 9.60 4.0000 243 195 10 4.4973 134 134 12 .0292 384 423 Third 8 9 4.0000 274 196 9.50 4. 8773 127 145 11 10 .0272 368 394 Fourth 9 4 4.0000 291 195 9.60 4.7348 127 141 10 3 4 .0226 325 323 Months- January... 6 1.60 4.2500 160 207 10.26 4.7600 137 142 12 .0326 384 472 February . 7 6 4.0000 234 195 10 4.4175 134 132 12 .0326 384 '472 March... 7 6 4.0000 234 196 10 4.0850 134 122 13 .0328 416 472 ^^:::::: 7 9.60 4.0000 243 195 9 3.7525 120 112 13 .0302 416 438 7 9.50 4.0000 243 195 11 4.8450 147 144 11 10 .0302 368 438 June 7 9.60 4.0000 243 195 10 4.8925 134 146 11 10 .0272 368 394 July 8 6 4.0000 266 195 9.50 4.8925 127 146 11 10 .0272 368 394 August.... 8 6 4.0000 265 195 9.60 4.8925 127 146 11 10 .0272 368 394 September 9 4 4.0000 291 196 9.50 4.8460 127 144 11 10 .0272 368 394 October... 9 4 4.0000 291 195 9.60 4.8450 127 144 11 10 .0272 368 394 November 9 4 4.0000 291 195 9.50 4.7500 127 142 11 10 .0211 368 306 December. 9 4 4.0000 291 195 9.60 4.6075 127 137 7 10 .0196 240 284 130 INTERNATIOI^AL, PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued . Soda, bicarbonate of. Actual price. Rela- tive price. Soda, borate of, crystals. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Sodium, hydroxide of. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Market. Unit. Base price a913— Year... Quarters — First Second — Third Fourth.... JMonths— .Tanuary. . . February . March April May .June .Tuly August September October... November December. 1914— Year.... .Quarters — J'irst Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May .June July August September October... November December. ^915- Y'ear Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Mouths- January. . . February . March Aprfl May June July August September 'OctoTDer... November ^December.' London, Manches- ter. Ton East- ern dis- trict. Pound £ s. d. Dolls. 2 7 6 0.0073 2 7 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 a 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 3 10 4.75 2 7 6 2 7 6 3 10 5 5 16 2 2 7 2 7 5 16 S 16 5 16 6 16 5 16 5 16 6 16 5 16 5 16 5 16 5 16 5 IS .5 16 5 IB 6 16 5 16 5 16 5 16 6 17 . 0071 .0069 .0064 .0078 .0072 .0088 .0066 .0074 .0063 .0072 .0057 .0079 .0077 .0079 .0068 .0075 .0074 .0075 .0072 .0067 .0081 .0078 .0078 .0068 .0071 .0068 .0060 .0073 .0086 .0079 .0078 .0079 .0082 .0073 .0078 .0078 .0075 .0080 .0078 .0083 .0080 .0072 .0081 .0075 .0070 .0081 .0079 .0080 .0079 .0078 .0077 2-16 111 24« Manches- ter. £ s. d. 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 5 17 17 17 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 IS 18 18 21 13 4 19 21 6 8 22 13 4 23 13 4 18 10 IS 10 20 20 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 25 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0376 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0376 .0376 .0376 .0376 .0375 . 0375 .0376 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0375 Manches- ter. .03751 106 .0376 106 .0467 127 .0408 .0425 .0475 . 0558 . 0.375 .0425 .0425 .0425 .0425 .0425 .0475 129 .0476 135 .0475, 135 .0525, 136 .0.575 136 .05751 147 Ton. £ s. 10 2 d. 6 10 3 4 10 5 10 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 7 10 7 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 1 0.50 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 10 9 18 4 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 2 10 10 10 10 9 16 6 14 3 4 10 13 13 16 17 4 9 12 9 12 10 15 11 15 13 5 16 6 6 16 16 16 16 17 10 17 10 New York. DoUs. 0.0181 .0184 .0184 .0188 .0183 .0181 .0181 .0181 .0190 .0190 .0187 .0187 .0187 .0187 .0174 .0181 .0181 .0181 .0182 .0181 .0181 .0181 .0184 .0181 .0181 .0181 .0181 .0181 .0181 .0181 .0181 .0181 .0184 .0184 .0184 .0340 .0179 . 0224 . 0433 .0525 .0184 .0177 .0177 .0203 .0234 . 02,34 . 0348 .0475 .0475 .0525 .0625 .0525 102 104 101 100 100 100 106 105 103 103 103 103 96 100 100 100 101 100 100 100 102 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 102 102 102 99 124 239 290 102 112 129 129 192 262 262 290 290 290 INTERSTATIOH'AL PRICE COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. 131 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Soda, bicarbonate of. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Sodium, borate of, crystals. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Sodium, hydroxide of. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. London, Manches- ter. Ton Base price. 1916— Year.. Quarters — First.... Second. . = . Third.... Fourth... Months — January. . February March April May June July... August. September October. . . November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third.... Fourth... Jlonths — January.. February March April May June July August... September October. . . November December. m^Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... ^ February . ^ March April May June July August September October. . . November December. £ s. d. 2 7 6 7 6 17 6 6 17 6 6 17 6 7 7 6 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 7 12 7 12 7 10 6 7 10 7 5 7 11 7 15 7 12 7 12 7 5 7 5 7 6 7 5 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 7 5 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 16 7 15 7 6 8 7 15 7 15 7 1 6 15 East- ern dis- trict. Pound Dolls. 0.0073 .0092 .0086 .0105 .0092 .0087 .0089 .0083 .0087 .0093 .0077 .0100 .0114 .0101 .0100 .0088 .0087 .0122 .0100 .0126 .0136 .0125 .0099 .0088 .0113 .0102 .0139 .0137 .0138 .0142 .0127 .0124 .0123 .0128 .0153 .0148 .0142 .0154 .0167 .0160 .0145 .0138 .0144 .0151 .0132 .0145 .0154 .0164 .0153 .0174 .0173 126 118 118 144 311 126 290 290 Manches- ter. Ton. New York. 30 3 4 26 28 n 33 13 4 33 25 25 28 28- n 28 n 28 34 34 c 33 (1 33 (1 33 n 33 36 33 37 II 37 n 37 33- 33 c 33 (1 37 11 37 37 37 37 II 37 37 II 37 II 37 40 15 37 42 42 42 37 37 37 42 II 42 42 42 42 II 42 42 f 42 c 42 d. Dolls 0.0375 .0654 .0608 .0658 .0675 .0675 .0575 .0625 .0625 .06.26 .0675 .0675 .0675 .0675 .0675 .0675 .0675 .0675 .0719 .0700 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0700 .0700 .0700 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 .0725 177 174 153 162 165 175 19J 180 194 180 147 163 147 167 165 167 165 167 165 180 165 180 200 ISO 20f 180 194 ISO 194 180 194 180 194 180 212 192 194 187 21 S 193 21 f 19.S 218 193 194 187 194 187 194 187 21 f 193 21 f 193 218 193 218 WX 218 193 218 193 21 S 193 218 193 218 193 240 193 21 S 193 247 193 247 193 247 193 21 S 193 21 S 193 21 S 193 247 193 247 193 247 193 247 193 247 193 247 193 247 193 247 193 247 193 Manches- ter. Ton. S s. d. 10 2 6 18 3 4 17 10 17 10 17 13 20 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 17 10 18 18 20 22 26 26 25 10 25 10 25 10 24 10 25 10 25 10 26 10 26 10 26 10 26 10 24 16 8 22 16 24 10 26 26 22 22 24 10 24 10 24 10 24 10 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 16 8 25 16 25 3 25 16 26 10 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.0181 .0596 .0554 .0383 .0421 .0525 .0625 .0638 .0613 .0550 .0500 .0450 .0360 .0350 .0388 .0400 .0475 .0637 .0429 .0546 .0773 .0800 .0438 .0425 .0425 .0438 .0576 .0625 .0700 .0720 .0900 .0850 .0775 .0775 .0445 .0477 .0472 .0401 .0430 .0360 .0580 .0490 .0490 .0450 .0575 .0390 .0425 .0450 .0425 . 0415 132 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEKS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. . Unit Sodium, nitrate of, 95%. Actual price. U.K. Base price 1913- Year.... Quarters- First Second Tliird Fourth.... Montlis — January. . . February . March.. April... MTay Jime . . . July.., August, September October... November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth... Months — January.. February March Apra May June July... August. September October... November December. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March Aj)ril May June July August September October... November December, ] Liverpool. Ton £ s. 10 13 i. 1.51 11 15 11 18 11 13 10 15 10 16 11 15 12 12 12 5 11 15 11 10 15 10 15 10 15 11 11 10 10 10 8 11. 50 2. 1225 U.S. New York. 100 lbs. Dolls, 2.3183 2. 5167 2.6083 2. 6250 2. 5167 2.3157 2.6000 2. 6000 2. 6250 2. 6250 2. 6260 2.6260 2.5500 2.5600 2. 4600 2.4000 2.3500 2.2000 Rela- tive price. 10 9 2 10 11 8 10 6 8 10 8 4 10 5 10 10 10 12 6 10 15 D 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 6 11 10 10 12 10 10 11 8 12 8 4 12 15 14 6 10 10 15 11 11 10 12 15 13 12 12 6 12 12 6 13 1) 13 10 14 15 (1 14 10 2.2 2. 2317 2. 1167 1.9333 2.1500 2. 2250 2. 2600 2. 2250 2. 2500 2. 2200 106 109 Sodium, silicate of. Actual price. U.K. 2. 1500 94 2. 075( 94 2. 125t 103 2.000t 103 1.900C 96 1.9000 94 2. 3333 117 1. 9000 99 2. 2667 117 2.3833 120 2.7833 134 1. 9000 94 1. 9000 101 1.9000 103 2. 2000 lOH 2.3000 120 2.3000 122 2.3600 lis 2. 4500 IIH 2.3600 122 2.5500 9. Qnnn 127 93 96 100 97 101 99| 97 Manches- ter. Ton £ s.d. 4 ( 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2. 90001 136| 125| 4 10 5 4 1 4 5 4 15 5 5 U.S. New York. 100 lbs. Dolls. 0. 6500 .6500 .6500 .6600 .6500 .6600 .6500 .6500 .6500 .6500 .6600 .6500 .6500 .6600 .6600 .6500 .6500 .6600 .6683 .6500 .6600 .6500 .6833 Rela- tive price. .6500 100 .6600 100 Sodium, sulphate of. Actual price. U.K. 100 100 100 100 .6500 .6500 .6600 .6500 .6500 .6600 .6500 .6000 .6000 .8500 .8600 .8500 .8500 .8600 .8500 .8500 .8500 .8500 .8600 .8500 .8600 .8500 .8600 .8500 .8500 .8500 .8500 100 100 100 100 Manches- ter. Ton U.S. £ s.d. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 6 2 2 New York. Cwt.. Rela- tive price. Dolls. 0. 5500 .6500 .5500 .5600 .6500 ,.5500 .5600 .5500 .5500 .6600 .5600 .5500 .6500 .5500 .5600 .5500 .6500 .5600 .5500 .5500 .5600 .5600 .5500 .5500 100 .5500 100 .5600 .6500 .5500 .5600 .6500 .5600 .5500 .6500 .5500 .5500 .5500 .5500 .5500 .6500 .6500 .6600 .6500 .5500 .6500 .5500 .5500 .5500 .5600 .6500 .5500 .5600 100 .6500| 100 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1&13-1918. 133 VHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market . Unit Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourtli.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. Sodium, nitrate of, 95 %. Actual price. U.K. Liverpool . Ton £ s. 10 13 d. 1.51 17 12 11 16 6 18 3 18 6 17 16 25 25 26 10 27 27 27 15 5 16 10 17 17 10 18 10 18 10 18 10 IS 10 18 17 10 17 10 18 10 24 7 6 21 3 4 23 16 8 25 10 27 19 10 21 23 23 10 24 24 26 8 4 27 27 25 10 26 3 4 27 27 27 27 27 27 24 26 26 10 26 10 26 10 25 10 New York. 100 lbs. Dolls. 2. 3183 3. 1792 3.4167 3. 3000 3. 0667 2. 9333 3. 2500 3.4000 3. 6000 3.4000 3.4000 3.1000 3.1000 3. 1000 3.0000 2.9000 2. 9000 3.0000 4. 0509 3.4246 3.8538 4. 2979 4.6462 3. 2175 3. 3250 3. 6700 3.7500 3. 8000 3.9 4. 1500 4.2400 4.5917 4. 7313 4.6 4. 5438 4. 6750 4.4694 4.9423 4.9288 4. 3750 4.4938 4. 4375 4. 5000 5. 1260 5.1500 4.5000 4, 9375 5. 0000 4. 8313 4.3250 4.4000 4.4000 Rela- tive price. Sodium, silicate of. Actual price. U.K. Manches- ter. Ton £ s. d, 4 5 1 6 6 6 6 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 7 10 10 5 10 7 3 4 8 9 10 6 10 5 10 6 10 5 10 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 9 10 9 10 New York. 100 lbs. Dolls. 0. 6500 1. 0708 .9600 1. 2500 1.0833 1. 0000 .8500 1.0000 1.0000 1. 2600 1.250O 1.2600 1.2500 1. 0000 1.0000 1. 0000 1.0000 1. 0000 1. 7292 Rela- tive price. 1.25001 138 2.0000, 138 2.000O| 138 1.66671 138 1.2600 138 1.2500 138 1.2500, 138 2.0000, 138 2.0000 138 2.0000 138 2.0000 2. 0000 2. oono 2.0000 1. 6000 1. 5000 2. 2708 2. 0417 2.4167 2.2083 2.4167 2. 2500 1.8750 2.0000 2. 5000 2, 5000 2.2500 2. 2500 2.3750 2.0000 3.0000 2.6000 1.7600 Sodium, sulphate of. Actual price. U.K. Manches- ter. Ton £ s. d. 2 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 10 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 6 2 13 1. 60 2 12 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 2 15 2 12 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 3 U.S. New York. Cwt... Dolls. 0. 5500 .6167 .6500 .6333 .6000 .5500 .6600 .5500 .6000 .6000 .7000 .7000 .5500 .6500 . 6600 .6500 .7500 .9875 .7500 .8500 .9500 1.4000 .7500 .7500 .7500 .8500 .8500 .8500 .8500 1. 0000 1. 0000 1. 6000 1.4000 1.3000 1.2468 1. 2167 1. 2500 1. 1667 1.3500 1. 1600 1. 2600 1. 2500 1.2600 1.2500 1. 2500 1.0000 1.2600 1.2500 1. 2500 1.4000 1.4000 Rela- tive price. 134 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY M,ONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Sodium, sulphide of. Actual price. U.K. Market. Unit. Base price 3913— Year..., Quarters — First Second Third Fourtli... Montlis — January... February . March April June. July August... September October... November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First.... Second.. Third... Fourth.... Months- January February . March.. ApriL.. May June... July August... September October... November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third.... Fourth... Months — January.. February March April May June July August... iSeptember 'October. . . November December. Manches- ter. Ton. £ s. d. 5 6 5 10 5 10 5 13 4 5 11 8 5 5 5.10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 15 5 15 U.S. Rela- tive price. 5 15 5 15 ■6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 16 8 8 13 4 5 5 5 S 7 7 10 9 5 9 5 12 19 7 9 5 10 13 3 4 19 10 5 5 5 11 12 10 16 16 20 22 10 New York. Dolls. 0. 0235 .0248 .0250 .0250 .0250 .0242 .0250 .0260 .0250 .0250 .0250 .0250 .0250 .0250 .0250 .0260 .0250 .0225 .0238 .0225 .0225 .0260 .0250 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0226 .0225 , .0260 .0250 .0250 .0260 .0250 .0260 .0226 .0208 .0300 .0450 .0226 .0225 .0226 .0225 .0200 .0200 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0525 .0525 Steel, rails. Actual price. 109 99 96 96 85 86 128 128 128 300| 128 375 223 4221 223 U.K. London, Manches- ter. Ton £ s. d. 6 11 6 13 4 6 14 2 6 15 6 14 2 6 10 6 12 6 6 15 6 15 6 16 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 12 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 5 12 6 16 6 15 6 7 6 7 U.S. 6 8 1.50 6 10 6 10 6 2 6 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10' 6 10 6 10 6 10 7 18 9 6 11 8 7 10 8 13 4 9 6 7 6 10 6 17 7 10 7 10 7 10 8 9 9 9 9 9 Pitts- burgh. Gross ton. Dolls 28.0000 28.0000 102 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28. 0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 Rela- tive price. 94 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 137 28.0000 137 28.00001 137 Steel, sheet. Actual price. 100 100 114 100 132 100 137 100 U.K. At works.. Ton £ s. d. 8 2 1 8 14 7 9 13 9 13 8 17 11 7 17 11 U.S. 9 13 9 13 8 11 3 8 13 7 16 3 7 16 3 8 6 2.75 7 16 3 7 16 3 8 10 10 9 13 7 16 7 16 7 16 7 16 7 16 7 16 7 17 6 8 17 6 8 17 6 9 13 9 13 9 13 10 19 10. 76 9 7 11 10 10 10 11 7 6 12 13 4 9 1 9 11 9 11 10 2 10 2 11 7 12 14 12 Pitts- burgh. 100 lbs. Dolls. 1. 9800 2.2000 2.3400 2.3300 2.1900 1.9567 2.3200 2.3600 2.3500 2.3500 2.3500 2.2900 2.2600 2.2000 2.1200 2.0400 1.9800 1.8500 1.9200 1.8 1.8867 1.8900 1.8600 1.9500 1.9500 1.9000 1.8500 1.8100 1.8000 1.8800 1.9 1.9600 1.8800 1.8300 1.9300 1.8000 1.7868 1.8333 2.2867 1.8000 1.8 1.8000 1.8000 1.8 1.7600 1.7400 1.8500 1.9100 2.0300 2.3000 2.5300 Rela- tive price. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 135" WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit.... Base price. 1916— year.... Quarters — First Second. . . Tliird Fourtli... Montlis — January.. February Maxell April May June July.... August September October... November December. 1917— year... Quarters — First Second.. Third... Fourth.. Months- January... , , February March April May June July August... September October... November December. 1918— year Quarters- First Second,... Thkd Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August.... September October... November December. Sodium, sulphide. Actual price. U.K. Manches. ter. Ton. £ s 5 e 24 10 10 26 28 3 4 22 22 25 27 26 29 29 26 10 26 20 20 22 10 22 10 21 26 19 2 21 6 22 13 27 13 36 3 22 21 21 21 23 24 24 24 35 35 37 10 38 7 6 38 16 8 40 3 4 39 6 8 35 3 4 37 38 41 10 45 37 10 38 39 44 35 36 33 10 U.S. New York. Pound Dolls. 0.0235 .0388 .0492 .0417 .0350 .0292 .0550 .0476 .0450 .0460 .0400 .0400 .0400 .0325 .0325 .0300 .0276 .0300 .0346 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0400 .0400 .0350 .0400 .0400 .0400 .0681 .0550 .0567 .0625 .0725 .0450 .0475 .0500 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0775 .0600 .1050 .1150 .0760 Rela- tive price. U. U, K. S. Steel, rails. Actual price. U.K. London, Manches- ter. Ton £ s. d. 6 11 11 1 6.60 10 IS 4 10 17 6 11 5 11 5 11 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 11 6 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 5 11 4 4. 60 11 5 11 2 6 11 6 11 6 11 5 11 5 11 6 10 17 6 11 5 11 6 6 6 5 60 5 60 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6, 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 10 17 6 U.S. Pitts- burgh. Gross ton. Dolls. 28. 0000 31. 3333 28. 0000 29. 6667 33.0000 34. 6667 28.0000 28. 0000 28. 0000 28. 0000 28.0000 33.0000 33. 0000 33.0000 33.0000 33.0000 33. 0000 38.0000 38.0000 38.0000 38. 0000 38.0000 38.0000 38.0000 38.0000 38.0000 38.0000 38.0000 38.0000 38. 0000 38.0000 38.0000 38.0000 38.0000 38.0000 54.0000 61. 0769 55.0000 56.0000 55.0000 44.8000 66. 0000 66.0000 65.0000 55.0000 55.0000 66.0000 55. 0000 65.0000 66.0000 66. 0000 66. 0000 Rela- tive price. Steel, sheet. Actual price. U.K. At works.. Ton £ s. d. 8 2 1 17 19 7 16 11 8 18 6 18 6 18 16 8 16 6 16 10 18 17 15 18 16 18 6 18 18 18 18 19 5 19 2 6 19 10 19 10 19 10 18 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 19 10 18 18 18 17 17 18 18 18 17 10 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 10 17 10 17 10 U. i Pitts- burgh. Dolls. 1. 9800 2.6433 2. 8967 2.9033 2.6000 2.6000 2. 7300 2. 8900 2.9000 2. 9000 2.9000 2.9000 2. 9100 3.2300 3. 7200 4.4000 6.2900 4. 6767 6. 7033 8.0000 5. 7933 4.5000 4.6300 4.9000 6.8800 6.7300 7. 5000 8.0000 8.0000 8.0000 7. 3200 '6.0600 6.0000 6.0000 5.0000 6.0000 5.0000 6.0000 5.0000 6.0000 5.0000 6.0000 5.0000 6. 0000 5.0000 222 6.0000':«» Rela- tive price. 5.0000 6.0000 6.0000 5.0000 C$18 136 INTERNATIOBTAL PRICE GOMPAKISOiSrS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Gontinued. Market . Unit. Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Tliird Tourth.... aConths — January ... Tebruary . March April May June July AuRust — 'September •October... November ■'December. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Third Fourth.... Months — January... Tebruary . March April May June July August — •September October... November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Third Fourth.... .Months — January... February . March.. April... "May — June . . . July.... August - . September October... November .iDecember. Steel, sheets, galvanized. Actual price. U.K. At works... Ton. £ s. d. 11 6 1.75 12 3 11 15 11 8 11 2 12 10 12 3 11 16 11 16 11 15 11 15 11 11 11 11 11 11 7 6 11 18 6.i 11 10 11 3 4 12 8 4 12 12 6 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 5 11 6 11 11 11 15 5 '0 13 12 6 12 7 6 11 17 6 18 6 7.50 13 4 2 17 8 4 21 3 4 21 6 8 11 15 13 7 6 14 10 14 16 17 5 20 5 22 15 22 15 18 18 20 15 25 5 U.S. Pitts- burgh. Dolls. 2. 9858 3. 2800 3. 4900 3. 4100 3.2433 2. 9700 3. 4700 3. 5000 3. 5000 3.4500 3.4000 3. 3800 3.3100 3. 2600 3. 1700 3. 0800 2. 9800 2. 8500 2. 8700 2. 9200 2. 8100 2. 8ii33 2. 8800 2. 8600 2. 9500 2. 9500 2. 8900 2. 9700 2.7500 2. 7500 2. 8700 2. 9700 2. 9600 2.8; 2.8000 3. 8500 3. 0967 3. 9333 4.2433 4. 1300 2. 8000 3. 0900 3. 4000 3.4000 3. 6000 4. 8000 4. 6500 4. 4000 3. 6800 3. 5700 4. 0700 4.7500 Rela- tive price. 94 96 Steel, strips. Actual price. U.K. £ s. d. 7 9 0.75 8 2 2.25 8 8 9 5 5 5 10 7 18 9 7 12 6 7-2 6 7 2 6 7 12 11 7 2 6 7 2 6 7 19 2 8 7 6 7 6 8 5 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 15 13 1 8 8 7 6 8 7 6 9 10 9 10 9 10 11 7 6 11 7 11 10 11 10 11 10 13 14 15 U.S. Pitts- burgh. Dolls. 1.2600 1. 3S00 1. 4000 1. 4000 1. 4000 1.3033 1.4000 1.4000 1.4000 1. 4000 1. 4000 1. 4000 1. 4000 1.4O00 1. 4000 1. 3900 1.3000 1. 2200 1. 1500 1. 2067 1. 1367 1.1: 1. 1033 1.2000 1. 2200 1. 2000 1.1500 1.1400 1.1200 1.1200 1.1800 1. 1900 1. 1500 1.1100 1.0500 1. 3100 1. 1167 1.2000 1. 3067 1. 6033 1. 1000 1. 1000 1. 1500 1.2000 1. 2000 1.2000 1. 2700 1.3000 1.3600 1.4300 1. 6300 1.7500 Rela- tive price. 103 94 Sugar, cane. Actual price. Manches- ter, Lon- don. Cwt £ s. d. 11 8.62 12 11.25 14 10 12 9.50 12 1.50 12 15 9 14 9 14 13 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 9 13 7.50 11 11 13 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 7 18 18 18 18 3.; 14 10.33 16 1 17 11 1 1 7.67 14 15 15 14 17 16 16 18 9 19 12 13 6 17 9 New York. Dolls 0. 0413 .0427 .0429 .0411 .0454 .0416 .0450 .0418 .0419 .0410 .0410 .0414 .0447 .0461 .0453 .0419 .0421 .0408 .0471 .0389 .0395 .0583 . 0523 .0392 .0382 .0372 .0397 .0417 .0420 .0649 .0680 .0693 .0493 .0483 . 0556 .0538 .0585 .0646 .0652 .0488 .0654 .0571 .0578 .0688 .0588 .0582 .0549 . 0.506 .0497 .0568 .0592 Rela- tive price. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 137 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued, Steel, sheets, galvanized. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Steel, strip. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Sugar, cane. Actual price. U.S. Rela- tive price. Market. Unit. Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August.... September October. . . November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First .. Second Third Fourth.... Months — January.. February March April May June July August September October... November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... Npvember December. Pitts- burgh. Ton. £ s. II 6 29 BoUs. 1.75 2.9858 28 11 8 27 11 8 28 18 4 28 16 8 29 26 10 28 29 5 28 5 29 29 29 29 28 15 29 29 29 28 29 29 28 16 8 28 6 8 29 29 29 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 4. 8600 4. 8267 4. 9333 4. 2667 5.3700 4.7500 4. 8000 4.9 5.0000 5. 0000 4. 8000 4.4000 4.2000 4. 2000 4. £000 6.3400 6.2700 8.2100 6. 7600 8. 7167 10.2000 7. 1733 6.5000 6.7600 7.0000 7.4000 9.0000 9.7500 10.6000 10. 3500 9.7600 8.9000 6.3700 as. 2600 6.2400 6. 2600 6. 2600 6.2600 6. 2100 6.2500 6.2600 6.2600 6.2600 6.2500 6.2600 6.2600 6.2500 6.2500 6.2600 6.2600 6.1300 Ton. 17 10 10 16 14 17 15 17 16 17 17 15 6 17 2 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 16 17 15 17 15 18 18 18 17 12 6 18 1 5. 50 17 17 6 17 18 4 18 5 18 5 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 257] 205 18 5 18 6 18 .5 18 5 18 5 18 5 Pitts- burgh. Dolls. 1.2600 2. 4800 2. 0967 2.5000 2. 6533 2.7700 1. 8700 2. 0600 2.3600 2. 6000 2. 6000 2. 6000 2. 6000 2.5600 2. 6000 2.6200 2. 7600 2. 3. 4900 3.0900 3. 6767 4. 2.9000 3.0000 3.0000 3.2700 3. 3900 3. 6400 4.0000 4. 6000 4.6000 3. 2.9000 2.9000 2. 9000 2.8900 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 2.8600 2.9000 2. 9000 2.9000 2.9000 2. 9000 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 2. 9000 2. 9000 2.0000 2.7800 245 246 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 ^45 245 246 246 245 246 245 260 Manches ter, Lon- don. Cwt.... £ s. 11 i. 8.62 New York. Pound Dolls. 0.0413 1 19 6.50 1 13 10 2 3 2 1 10.50 2 1 10.60 1 7 9 1 11 3 2 2 6 1 17 2 1 10.50 2 1 10.60 1 10. 60 1 10.50 1 10.50 1 10.60 1 10.50 1 10.50 2 4 1.63 2 1 10. £0 2 3 6 2 6 9 2 6 9 1 10. 50 1 10.50 1 10. 50 1 10.60 1 10.50 6 9 2 6 9 2 14 1 2 17 9 2 17 9 2 6 9 2 6 9 2 6 9 2 6 9 2 17 9 2 17 9 2 17 9 2 17 9 2 17 9 2 17 9 2 17 9 2 17 9 .0610 .0729 .0696 .0712 .0673 .0597 .0659 .0706 .0746 .0736 .0760 .0700 .0637 .0708 . 0735 .0692 .0771 .0686 .0788 .0797 .0814 .0662 .0686 .0706 .0815 .0794 .0754 .0746 .0818 ,0823 .0818 .0818 .0804 .0780 .0736 399 .0730 461 .0769 493 .0744 399 .07301 399 .0730' 399 .0730 399 .0730 493 .0731 493 .0735 .0736 .0845 138 INTEKNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-191S— Continued. Sulphur, brimstone. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Tallow. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Tea. Actual price. Rela- tive price. Market . Unit.... Base price 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August — September October... November Deceniber. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Third Fourth.... Months — January.. - February. March.' — April May June July August — September October... November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February . March April May June July August — September October... November December- Manches- ter. Ton. s. d. 3 4 5 3 1.51 6 10 S" 2 6 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 6 5 17 9.50 5 2 6 5 5 10 7 2 6 6 8 4 6 7 6 8 8 6 10 6 10 6 5 7 7 6 10 6 16 7 16 8 6 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 7 10 7.99 7, 7.99 7 10 8 8 8 10 8 10 8 New York. Dolls 22. 0000 22.0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22.0000 22.0000 22. 0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22.0000 22.0000 22. 0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22. 0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22. 0000 22.0000 22.0000 22. 0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22.0000 22. 0000 22.0000 .„. 22.00001 155 116 Chi- cago, £ s. 1 13 1 13 1 14 1 14 1 14 1 13 1 14 1 13 1 14 1 14 1 14 d 8.63 4.60 7 1 6 3 6 4.50 4.50 4.60 1 14 4.50 1 14 10.50 1 14 6 1 14 4.60 1 13 10.60 1 14 1 11 5.13 1 13 7 1 12 7.60 1 10 6 19 1 13 1 13 1 13 1 13 1 12 1 12 7.60 4.60 1.60 1 11 6 1 10 6 19 6 1 1 1 9 9 1 16 8.25 1 12 1 14 2 1 16 1 14 1 11 1 15 1 13 1 14 1 16 1 19 2 12 7.50 2 4.60 7 6 3 1.50 6 6 6 4.50 9 1.50 1.50 6 Bolls. 0. 0716 .0707 .0678 .0717 .0748 .0688 .0676 .0701 .0676 .0713 .0763 .0763 .0738 ,0744 ,0687 ,0713 .0686 .0680 .0667 .0713 .0719 .0707 .0694 .0694 .0669 .0657 .0667 .0726 .0676 .0657 .0681 .0673 .0638 .0777 .0656 .0688 .0700 .0688 .0688 .0644 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0663 .0794 .0875 95 102 98 102 93 London, Manches- ter. Pound £ s. d. 6.69 7.16 6.90 7.26 7.25 7.25 6.19 7.26 7.25 7.26 7.26 7.25 7.25 7.26 7.25 7.26 7.26 7.26 6.13 6.13 7.77 8.94 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 7.19 7.19 8.94 8.94 8.94 8; 94 9.t 8.90 10. 13 9.96 9.67 8.94 8.94 8.81 10.25 10.25 9.88 9.88 10 10 10 9.75 9.25 New York. Dolls 0. 1708 ,1549 .1450 .1482 .1750 .1650 .1650 .1460 .1460 .1450 .1450 .1460 .1460 .1540 .1760 .1730 .1760 .1936 .1760 .1865 .2162 .1963 .1760 .1760 .1750 .1788 .1900 .1900 .1900 .2325 .2240 .1975 .1969 .1960 .2432 .2237 .2610 .2669 .2212 .1950 .2181 .2610 .2660 .2569 .2690 .2850 .2786 .2344 .2150 .2230 .2250 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPABISOBTS, I&IS-IQ'IS. 139 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Sulphur, brimstone. Actual price. U.K. Relar tive price. Tallow. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Tea. Actual price. Rela- tive price. U.K. Market. Unit. Manches- ter. Base price 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Tliird Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July... August September October November December. 1917— Year.. -Quarters- First.... Second.. Third... Fourth.. Months — January. February . March... April..., May June July.... August., September October. . . November December. I918-Ye4r.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March Aj«ril May June July August September October... November December. New York. Ton. £ s. d. 5 3 9 3 4 8 8 5 9 6 11 3 8 7 10 8 10 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 15 9 10 9 10 10 10 11 10 11 10 13 8 4 13 3 15 10 12 10 12 10 11 10 12 10 15 10 17 17 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 13 16 3 12 10 1210 12 10 17 15 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 12 10 17 15 17 15 17 15 Dolls. 22.0000 31. 3333 24. 1667 31. 1667 36. 0000 36. 0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 28. 5000 29. 0000 29.5000 35.0000 35. 0000 35. 0000 35. 0000 35. 0000 35. 0000 35. 0000 43. 3333 38. 3333 45.0000 45.0000 45.0000 35. 0000 35.0000 45. 0000 45.0000 45.0000 45.0000 45.0000 45. 0000 46.0000 45. 0000 45.0000 45.0000 33. 8333 35.0000 (?) 36. 6667 28. 6667 35.0000 35.0000 35. 0000 (") («) (") (-) («) 40.0000 30. 0000 28. 0000 28. 0000 174 205 205 205 159 159 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 154 159 167 130 159 159 159 tm MB9 tlBB biS9 182 136 127 127 Cwt. Chi- cago. Pound £ s. d. 1 13 8.63 2 8 5.25 2 10 4 2 8 8 2 7 7 2 7 2 2 10 2 12 2 9 2 9 2 9 2 7 2 7 6 2 9 2 6 3 2 3 2 6 6 2 12 3 3 4.53 2 16 0. 23 3 1 0.92 3 7 10 3 8 11. 08 2 12 2 14 6. 76 3 4. 3 10. 50 3 2 3 6 3 8 3 7 7.20 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 11 3 9 6.40 3 11 8 3 10 6. 54 3 8 3 8 3 12 3 12 3 11 2. 40 3 12 3 11 2. 40 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 Dolls. 0.0716 .0904 .1054 .0881 .1115 .0856 .0950 .0906 .1013 .1106 .1044 .0950 .1038 .1144 .1163 .1559 .1185 .1646 .1675 .1734 .1150 .1163 .1238 .1388 .1663 .1888 .1775 .1488 .1756 .1725 .1688 .1788 .1793 .1752 .1734 .1866 .1818 .1763 .1746 .1748 .1747 .1736 .1719 .1781 .1870 .1947 .2000 .1933 .1494 London, Manches- ter. Found . - . 6. 69 9.! New York. 9.33 9. 10.25 10.25 9.50 9.25 9.25 9.50 10 10 10.26 10. 25 10. 25 10.26 10.26 10.25 1 3.25 10. 33 1 6. 1 1 1 6 10.25 10. 25 10.60 1 4.60 1 9.50 1 6.75 (") 1 ) 1 ] 1 i 1 ( 1 ; 1 3.1 13 14 14 14 13 (a) C) C) 14 14 Dolls. 0. 1708 .2496 .2369 . 2512 .2550 .2550 .2275 .2380 .2450 .2450 .2530 ..2550 .2560 .2550 .2550 .2550 .25.50 .2560 .4013 .3158 .4738 .4150 .4008 .2660 .3275 .3663 .4175 .5050 .4913 .4230 .4100 .4100 .4020 .4000 .4000 .3777 .3792 .3700 .3700 .3960 .3900 .3900 .3900 .3750 .3700 .3700 ;3700 .3700 .3700 .3700 .3700 153 153 157 247 322 280 HSr 194 194 314 269 224 a Nominal. b Interpolated. 140 INTEESTATIONAL PRICE OOMPARISOWS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Tin, pig. Tin plate, coke. Tobacco, leaf. Rela- Rela- Rela- Actual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. tive price. price. f price. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. u, S. Market Birming ham. - New York. South Wales Pitts- burgh. Manches- ter and Louis- ville. ports. London. Unit Ton 100 lbs. Box Box Pound 100 lbs. (100 lbs.). £ s. d. Dolls. £ s. d. Dolls. £ s. d. Dolls. Base price. 1913— year 177 15 5 38. 1946 12 11.75 3. 4375 11.75 16 5417 206 18 4 44.3200 116 116 13 9.10 3.5583 106 104 n.oo 16. 6833 94 100 Quarters- First 226 48. 6867 127 127 14 9.67 3. 6000 114 105 10.25 17. .3333 87 105 Second 223 3 4 47.7300 126 125 14 1 3.6000 109 105 10.26 15. 1667 87 92 Third 193 16 8 41.5267 109 109 13 2.76 3.6667 102 104 11.75 16. 3333 100 99 Fourth.... 184 13 4 39.3167 104 103 12 11 3. 4667 100 101 11.75 17.5000 100 106 Months- January. . . 232 10 50.4500 131 132 15 3.50 ,3.6000 118 106 10.25 '18.0000 87 109 February . 224 10 •48.7300 12? 128 16 3.6000 116 105 10.25 18.0000 87 109 March 221 46,8800 124 123 14 1.50 3.6000 109 105 10.26 16.0000 87 97 April May 222 10 49. 1200 125 129 14 0.75 3. 6000 -108 105 10.25 15.0000 87 91 233 10 49.1400 131 129 14 2.25 3.6000 109 105 10.26 15.0000 87 91 June 213 10 44. 9300 120 118 14 3.6000 108 105 10. 25 15.5000 87 94 July 191 40.3900 107 106 13 6 3.6000 104 105 1L75 16.0000 100 97 August.... 188 41. 7200 107 109 13 2.25 3.6000 102 105 1L75 16.0000 100 97 September 202 10 42. 4700 114 111 13 3.6000 100 102 11.75 17.0000 100 103 October... 192 40. 5000 108 106 13 0.76 3.5000 101 102 11. 75 17.5000 100 106 November. 185 39.8100 104 104 12 11.26 3.5000 100 102 11.75 17.5000 100 106 December. 177 37.6400 100 99 12 9 3.4000 98 99 1L75 17.6000 100 1P6 1914^ Year.... 154 2 U 35.7000 87 93 12 9.13 3.3688 98 98 11. 75 16.2917 100 98 Quarters — First 177 38.6850 100 101 13 0.50 3. 3667 100 98 1L75 16.3333 100 99 Second 155 11 8 33.3500 88 87 12 8. 75 3.3600 98 97 n.75 16.0000 100 97 Third 141 13 4 38.3783 80 100 12 5.50 3.4583 96 101 1L75 16. .3333 100 99 Fourth.... 142 6 8 32.4983 80 86 12 9.75 3.3000 99 96 1L75 16.6000 100 100 Months — January... 170 37.7400 96 99 12 9 3.4000 98 99 1L75 16.6000 100 100 February . 186 10 .39.9300 105 105 13 1.50 3.3500 101 97 1L76 16.5000 100 100 March 174 10 38. 0850 98 100 13 3 3.3.500 102 97 11.75 16.0000 100 97 AprU MEy 169 15 36. 1000 96 95 13 3.3500 100 97 11.76 16.0000 100 97 156 33.3000 88 87 12 10.60 3.3500 99 97 11.75 16. 0000 100 97 June Ml 30. 6500 79 80 12 3.25 3.3600 96 97 11.75 16.0000 100 97 July 145 10 31.7500 82 83 11 11.25 3.3600 92 97 11.75 16.0000 100 97 August.... 143 50.5950 80 132 12 0.75 3. 3500 93 97 n.76 16.5000 100 100 September 136 10 32.7900 77 86 13 4.50 3. 67.50 103 107 11.75 16.5000 100 100 October. . . 136 30. 3950 77 80 13 3 3.4500 102 100 11,75 16.5000 100 100 Novemberj 138 33.5000 78 88 12 7.50 3.2000 97 93 11.75 16. 5000 100 100 December. 153 33. 6000 86 88 12 6.75 3.2600 97 95 11.75 16.5000 100 100 1915— Year.... 164 7 6 38. 6600 92 101 17 6.63 3.2417 135 94 11.75 16. 5000 100 100 Quarters- ■ First 169 6 8 40. 1850 95 105 14 1 3. 1760 109 92 11.75 16. 5000 100 100 Second 168 13 4 42.3767 95 HI 17 8 3.3000 136 96 11.75 16. 5000 100 100 Third 159 13 4 35. 0067 90 92 18 9 3. 1760 144 92 11.76 16.6000 100 100 Fourth.... 159 16 8 37.0683 90 97 19 8.60 3. 3167 152 96 1L75 16.5000 100 100 Months- January. . . 164 10 34.3000 87 90 12 9 3. 1750 98 92 n.75 16. 5000 100 100 February . 172 10 37. 3200 97 98 14 7.50 3. 1750 113 92 1L75 16.6000 loO 100 March 181 48.9360 102 128 14 10. 50 3. 1750 115 92 11.76 16.6000 100 100 April MTay 176 47.9800 99 126 16 10.60 3.3000 130 96 11.76 16. 5000 100 100 166 38. 7800 93 102 17 7. 50 3.3000 136 96 11.75 16.6000 100 100 June 164 40.3700 92 106 18 6 3.3000 143 96 11.75 16.6000 100 100 July 171 10 37. 6000 96 98 19 1. 60 3. 1750 147 92 U.75 16.5000 100 100 August 152 10 34. 3900 86 90 18 10. 50 3.1750 145 92 11.75 16.6000 100 100 September 165 33. 1300 87 87 18 3 3. 1760 141 92 11.75 16.6000 100 100 October... 151 33.0800 85 87 17 1.50 3. 1750 132 92 11.76 16. 6000 100 100 November 161 39. 3750 91 103 19 9 3. 1750 152 92 11.75 16. 5000 100 100 December. 167 10 38.7500 94 101 1 2 3 3.6000 171 105 11.75 16. 6000 100 100 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 141 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. BY Market. . Unit Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourtli.... Montlis — January... February . March April May June July August September October . . . November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June luly August September October..'. November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January. . . February . March April May June July August September October... November December. Tin; pig. Actual price. U.K. Birming- ham. £ s. d. 177 15 5 185 7 11 181 15 201 3 174 184 13 175 181 15 188 10 204 10 208 191 176 172 174 178 183 10. 192 10 236 4 2 196 16 239 3 244 264 16 183 203 10 204 223 237 10 257 249 10 244 238 10 243 10 257 10 293 10 330 5 299 6 8 341 10 364 3 4 316 281 298 319 319 10 369 336 343 400 349 10 337 10 333 10 277 New York. 100 lbs. Dolls 38. 1946 44.9767 47.6933 38.5683 42.6650 41.8800 42.6300 50. 4200 51.7500 49.1.500 42.1800 38. 4600 38.5400 38. 7050 41.1600 44.1700 42.6650 61.6500 49.9733 60. 4317 62.3233 73.8750 44. 1900 61.3700 54.3600 55.9100 63.2950 62.0900 62.6050 62: 6850 61.6800 61.8500 74.4250 85.3500 87.1042 85.3333 98.6667 89.3333 75.0833 83.0000 85.0000 88.0000 91.5000 105.0000 99.6000 97.0000 90.0000 81.0000 80.5000 73.0000 71. 7600 Rela- tive price. 104 104 981 110 102; 112 108 112 133 161 168 192 205 178 158 168 179 180 208 189 193 226 197 190 188 C156 Tin plate, coke. Actual price. South Wales ports. Boi £ s. d. 12 11.75 1 11 3.26 16 1 1 16 2 1 13 10 1 10 1 17 6 1 15 6 1 10 6 1 16 6 1 9 6 1 9 6 1 11 1 10 5.75 1 10 4 1 9 4 1 11 10 1 10 5 1 12 1 11 9 1 7 3 16 9 18 3 1 13 1 15 1 10 110 1 10 1 10 1 11 1 12 2.38 1 11 4 1 12 2 1 12 10.50 1 12 4.50 4.60 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 13 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 3 7.50 4.50 3 Pitts- burgh. Bon (100 lbs.). Bolls-. 3.4375 S.1260 3.8333 4.9167 5. 8750 6. 8750 9.6750 3.8250 4.0000 4.5000 4.5000 6.7600 5.8750 5.8760 6.8760 5. 8750 5.8750 (a) 9. 1260 7. 1667 8. 1667 12.0000 9.1667 7.0000 7.0000 7.5000 8.0000 8.5000 8.6000 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 («) 7.7500 7.7600 7.7300 7. 7500 7.7500 7.7600 7.6700 7.7600 7.7500 7.7600 7.7600 7.7600 7.7700 7.7500 7.7500 7.7500 7.7600 7.7500 7.5100 Rela^ live price. 112 143 171 171 107 111 116 131 131 167 171 171 171 171 171 238 349 267 204 204 218 233 233 247 349 349 349 226 225 225 ■225 226 226 223 225 226 226 226 225 225 226 226 226 225 226 218 Tobacco, leaf^ Actual price. U. i Manches- Louis- ter. ville. Pound 100 lbs £ s. d. , Dolls 11.75' 16.5417 1 0.38 16.2083 11.76 16.1667 11.75 16.0000 1 1 16.0000 Oil 16.6667 11.75 11.75 11.76 11.75 11.75 11.75 1 2.76 Oil 1 1 13 16 Oil 1 1 1 1 10 16 1 10 2 2 16 16 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 16.5000 16.0000 16.0000 16.0000 16.0000 16.0000 16.0000 16.0000 16.0000 16.0000 16.0000 18.0000 21.9900 18.6923 19.0962 22.5577 18.0000 19.0000 19.0000 19.0000 19.0000 19.2500 20.9375 23.0000 23.5000 23.5000 31.0000 32.3333 39.3942 29. 8077 36.9616 45. 7308 46.0769 29.0000 29.0000 31.1000 32. 8760 34.0000 40.0000 44.0000 46.6000 46.5000 46.5000 46.6000 45. 1250 Rela- tive price. 142 INTERNATIONAL PBICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Ck)ntiuned. Turpentine. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Veal, dressed, first quality. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. "Wheat. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Marlcet . . . Unit . . . Base price 1913— Year . . . . Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August — : optember October... November December. 1914— Year . . . Quarters — First Second... Third.... Fourth... Months — January.. February March April May June July August... September October... November December. 1915— Year... Quarters- First Second... Third.... Fourth... Months — January.. February March April May June July August... September October... November December. London.. Cwt. 1 11 19 9 1 10 6 1 8 11 1 8 6.50 1 11 a 1 8 1 7 1 10 1 10 1 12 1 11 1.60 6 1.50 4.50 3 1 12 10.88 1 12 3 1 12 3 1 13 10 1 13 3.50 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 6 3 1.50 7.50 1 13 7.60 1 13 10.60 1 14 1 12 9 112 1.50 1 15 1 18 1.50 2 8.60 1 15 10 1 16 7 2 4.50 1.50 1 18 2 1 2 2 1 17 1 16 1 13 1 18 6 1 13 10. 60 1 14 4.60 1 16 3 1 19 9 2 6 1.60 Savan. nah. Dolls 0.4165 .3931 .4116 .3825 .3668 .4125 .3950 .4200 .4200 .4200 .3660 .3626 .3600 .3500 .3875 .3900 .4200 .4276 .4477 .4660 .4325 .4668 .4475 .4400 .4800 .4450 (o) .4250 .4375 .4600 .4660 (a) (a) («) .4460 .4281 .4175 .4368 .3816 .4775 .4260 .4076 .4200 .4460 .4575 .4060 .3976 .3876 .3600 .3860 .6050 .6426 96 86 84 93 94 101 103 107 109 104 109 107 106 116 107 t>10i 102 105 110 109 1>109 bios bim 107 103 100 106 92 115 £ s. d. 3 17 2.50 3 IS 4 4 4 10 3 16 8 3 14 4 3 18 6 4 6 6 4 4 4 4 3 13 3 18 3 16 3 12 3 14 3 16 3 18 3 19 3 17 3 14 1.50 3 19 3 17 3 7 3 13 6 3 19 3 19 3 18 3 16 3 18 3 16 3 8 6 3 11 6 3 10 3 5 6 3 14 4 10 4 8 11.50 4 6 4 8 8 4 12 10 4 13 10 4 3 3 18 4 6 4 7 6 4 11 4 7 6 4 8 4 16 4 14 6 4 6 6 5 6 4 14 6 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1844 .1808 .1852 .1672 .1817 .1893 .1850 .1850 .1886 .167.'! 95 .164( 1(11 .1700 98 170G 94 1795 97 195h 98 193( 102 wm 103 1900 100 1848 96 1945 102 1722 100 184( 87 1893 95 1960 103 195t 103 1H25 1111 1725 99 169C 102 1760 98 1770 89 178* 93 19H3 79 tm\ 85 1925 96 1875 105 1823 116 1917 104 1664 lis 1898 120 1820 122 1900 108 19.5(1 101 19I1II 104 1690 113 IfiSX lis 1663 113 1820 114 1925 124 19,'iO 122 191(1 112 1760 1.30 ISOU 122 Manches- ter, Lon- don. Quarter... £ s. d. 1 11 10 1 11 7.67 1 10 7 1 12 1 13 0, 103 1 10 11.33 1 9 10 1 10 11 1 11 1 11 3 1 12 2 1 12 7 1 12 8 1 13 10 1 12 7 1 11 6 1 10 7 1 10 9 1 14 2.42 1 11 0.33 1 12 4 1 14 9.67 1 18 7.67 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 13 1 14 3 1 14 1 16 2 1 17 1 1 17 10 2 10 2 12 1.92 1.67 6 2 11 2 18 2 10 2 9 2 4 4 2 12 8 2 16 2 14 3 2 18 3 3 1 11 Chi- cago. Bushel Dolls. 0. 9287 .9131 .9078 .9297 .9173 .8963 .9091 .9202 .8941 .9254 .9269 .9369 .9193 .9178 .9148 .8800 .8978 .9110 1.0412 .9387 .9826 1.0827 1.1688 .9139 .9431 .9591 .9556 .9838 .9483 .9331 1.1300 1.1850 1.1278 1.1597 1.2190 1.3443 1.6204 1.5079 1.2296 1.1131 1.4080 1.6066 1.5486 1.5903 1.6760 1.3575 1. 4316 1.2025 1.0547 1.0769 1.0589 1.2035 99 98 96 98 101 100 1()< 99 97 97 94 98 97 99 97 96 9> 100 101 100 102 101 103 99 106 99 102 99 9H 95 96 97 97 98 107 112 97 101 102 104 109 117 121 126 97 98 98 102 97 103 99 103 100 106 106 102 108 100 107 122 114 128 116 121 lis 126 129 131 164 145 160 164 183 162 157 132 155 120 139 151 165 173 176 167 170 171 183 170 196 146 1.55 \M 174 129 142 114 136 116 162 114 168 130 oNo quotation. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 143 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Turpentine. Veal, dressed, first quality. Wheat. Rela- Rela- Rela- Actual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. tive price. price. price. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U. K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. Market . . . London Savan- nah. London.... New York. Manches- ter, Lon- Chi- cago. don. Unit Cwt Gallon. Cwt. Pound. Quarter . . . Bushel £ s. a. Dolls. £ s. d. Dolls. £ s. d. Dolh. Base price. 1916— Year.... 1 11 0.88 0. 4165 3 17 2.50 0. 184^ 1 11 10 0. 9287 2 6 1.38 .4644 148 133 6 16 1 .1903 160 103 2 17 4.67 1.4165 ISO 153 Quarters- First 2 11 5 .6300 165 127 5 6 6 . 1845 138 100 2 16 11.67 1.2494 179 135 Second 2 6 .4133 148 99 6 6 2 .1747 162 96 2 15 7 1.1827 176 127 Third 2 1 8 .4141 134 99 5 16 6 .2003 181 109 . 2 12 10.67 1.4238 166 163 Fourtli.... 2 5 4.50 .4600 146 110 5 16 2 .2000 160 108 3 4 1.33 1.8038 201 194 Months- January..'. 2 17 3 .5400 184 130 5 5 .1800 136 98 2 14 9 1.2875 172 139 February. . 2 10 6 .5600 163 132 5 6 .1876 137 102 2 18 1.2940 182 139 March 2 6 6 .6000 160 120 5 8 6 .1860 141 101 2 18 2 1.1666 183 126 April MEy 2 9 C) 158 H19 5 19 .1688 164 92 2 15 11 1.2313 176 133 2 4 .3650 142 85 6 10 6 .1713 169 93 2 16 3 1.2005 177 129 June....... 2 S .3900 145 94 6 6 .1840 163 100 2 14 7 1.1163 171 120 July 1 19 9 .3800 128 91 6 .1950 165 106 2 6 3 1.1878 146 128 August.... 2 1 10.50 .4350 135 104 6 13 .2000 146 108 2 13 5 1.4514 168 156 September 2 3 4.50 .iXJb 140 103 5 16 6 .2060 161 112 2 19 1.6322 186 176 October... 2 2 9 .4350 138 104 5 16 6 .1963 151 106 2 IS 10 1.7976 186 194 Noyember 2 4 4.50 .4450 143 107 5 16 6 .1963 160 106 3 2 10 1.8667 197 201 December. 2 9 .6000 153 120 5 16 6 .2076 161 113 3 10 8 1.7470 222 188 1917-YeaT.... 3 6 2.57 .4476 213 107 6 5 10.60 .2262 163 123 3 15 8.33 2.3211 238 250 Quarters— , First 2 13 8 .5033 173 121 6 5 4 .2162 162 117 3 16 4 1.9170 240 206 Second 2 14 1.62 .4325 174 104 6 11 6 .2177 170 118 3 19 11.67 2.6973 251 290 Third 2 18 6.26 .3808 188 91 6 13 2 .2323 172 126 3 16 1.33 2.4700 239 266 Fourth 4 17 11.31 .4733 315 114 6 13 6 .2389 147 130 3 10 6.33 2.2000 222 237 Months- January... 2 13 3.50 .5150 172 124 6 4 .2150 161 117 3 15 10 1.9216 238 207 February . 2 14 5.25 .6100 176 122 6 6 .2150 163 117 3 15 10 1.8410 238 198 March 2 13 4, 20 .4860 172 116 6 6 .2180 163 118 3 17 4 1.9873 243 214 April SSy 2 13 7.50 .4600 173 108 6 5 . 2200 162 119 4 4 4 2.3100 265 249 2 14 1.50 .4460 174 107 6 9 6 .2100 168 114 3 17 7 2.9610 244 318 June 2 14 6.60 .4026 176 97 7 .2220 181 120 3 18 2.7676 246 298 July 2 15 8 .3660 179 88 7 .2300 181 126 3 18 1 2.5680 246 277 August.... 2 16 10.80 .3825 183 92 6 16 6 .2213 177 120 3 18 2 2.6176 246 282 September 3 2 8.25 .3960 202 96 6 3 .2430 169 132 3 12 1 2.2000 226 237 October... 3 17 8.25 .4900 250 118 5 16 6 .2460 161 133 3 10 8 2.2000 222 237 November 4 15 11.40 .4900 309 118 6 12 .2300 146 126 3 10 4 2.2000 221 237 December. 6 8.25 .4400 388 106 5 12 .2400 145 130 3 10 7 2.2000 222 237 1918— Year.... 5 16 6.64 .6138 375 123 5 13 9.51 .2737 147 148 3 12 11 2.2362 229 241 Quarters- First 6 5 1.15 .4242 403 102 5 15 2 .2492 149 135 3 11 6 2.2000 226 237 Second 6 6.46 .4108 388 99 5 14 6 .2562 148 139 3 13 4 2.2000 230 237 Third 5 17 .5917 377 142 5 13 6 .2858 147 155 3.14 6.33 2.2644 234 244 Fourth.... 5 5 .6583 338 161 5 12 ..3035 145 166 3 12 4.67 2.2736 227 245 Months- January... 6 6 4.50 .4325 407 104 5 15 6 .2500 160 136 3 11 2 2.2000 224 237 February . 6 5 0.75 .4400 402 106 6 16 6 .2475 150 134 3 11 2 2.2000 224 237 March 6 4 1.20 .4000 399 96 5 14 6 .2500 148 136 3 12 2 2.2000 227 237 April MEy 6 4 3 .3600 400 86 6 14 6 .2625 148 142 3 12 11 2.2000 229 237 5 19 2,40 .4176 384 100 5 14 6 .2500 148 136 3 13 5 2.2000 231 237 June 6 18 6 .4550 381 109 5 14 6 .2675 148 134 3 13 8 2.2000 231 237 July 5 16 .6150 373 148 6 14 6 .2675 148 145 3 14 4 2.2600 234 243 August.... 5 18 4.80 .6460 381 131 5 14 .2830 148 163 3 14 4 2.2688 234 244 September 5 16 3 .6160 374 148 5 12 .3076 145 167 3 14 8 2.2656 235 244 October... 5 5 .6850 338 140 5 12 .3050 146 166 3 12 7 2.2665 228 244 November 5 5 .6500 338 166 6 12 .3060 145 165 3 12 4 2.2706 227 244 December. 5 5 .6600 338 166 6 12 .3000 145 165 3 12 3 2.2830 227 246 " No quotation. ti Interpolated. 144 ISTTERNATIONAIj price comparisons, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. BY Wood pulp, chemical, soda. Actual price. Market . Base price 1913— Year... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth..., Months- January. . . February . March April May June July.... August. September October... November December. 1914— Year... Quarters — First Second. . . Third Fourth... Months — January.. February March April May June July... August. September October. . . November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February . March April May Jime July August September October. . . November December. U.K. London.. Ton £ s. d. 8 3 6.50 8 9 0.75 8 5 10 8 12 1 8 11 8 8 6 8 8 2 6 8 6 3 8 8 9 8 11 3 8 12 6 ; 12 6 I 12 6 I 10 8 5 6.25 8 5 7 15 5 8 6 3 9 8 8 2 7 18 7 18 7 13 7 13 7 13 7 12 9 12 9 15 8 12 8 12 8 19 2 9 10 10 10 8 4 11 8 9 8 17 8 17 9 2 9 12 9 12 9 7 10 ' 3 10 15 10 6 10 10 10 18 12 17 New York. Dolls 2.1958 2.2438 2. 2750 2.2667 2.2333 2.2000 2. 2750 2. 2750 2. 2750 2. 2750 2. 2750 2.2500 2.2600 2.2500 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2625 2. 1760 2. 1760 2.2417 2.4683 2. 1760 2. 1760 2. 1760 2. 1760 2. 1760 2. 1750 2. 1760 2. 1750 2. 3760 2.4760 2. 4600 2.4500 2.4250 2.4500 2.4600 2. 4500 2.3500 2.4600 2.4500 2.4600 2.4600 2.4600 2.4500 2.4500 2.4500 2.4600 2.3600 2.3600 2.3500 Rela- tive price. Wood pulp, chemical, sul- phite, bleached. Actual price. U.K. London and Man- chester. Ton £ s. d. 11 17 8.50 11 19 11 12 3 12 4 2 12 2 6 11 10 12 12 2 6 12 2 6 12 2 6 11 10 11 10 11 10 12 18 4 11 18 4 12 13 10 14 5 11 10 12 5 12 12 12 12 12 16 10 14 5 14 5 14 5 14 7 1 13 5 13 5 13 8 13 5 13 10 13 10 14 10 18 20 U.S. New York. 100 lbs Rela- tive price. Dolls. 2. 9458 3.0292 3.0683 3 0750 3. 0333 2.9500 3.0 3.0750 3.0750 3.0750 3. 0750 3.0750 3. 0760 3.0750 2. 9500 2.9500 2.9500 2.9500 2.9896 2.900O 2.9000 2.9417 3.2167 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 2.8250 2.8250 3.1750 3. 2500 3.2000 3.2000 3.0708 3.2000 3.2000 2.9000 2.9833 3.2000 3. 2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 3.0000 3.0500 Wood pulp, mechanical. Actual price. U.K. London and Man- chester. £ s. ( 2 2 5.75 2 3 6.50 2 6 4 2 3 6 2 2 6 2 1 10 2 5 6 2 3 2 3 10.60 2 3 9 2 1 10 2 5 3 2 4 8 2 10 1 19 9 2 16 2 9 2 2 6 2 2 6 2 18 4.25 2 9 5 2 17 7 3 2 3 4 5 2 4 2 11 2 12 2 16 2 18 2 18 New York. Ton. Dolls. 22. 5000 22. 5833 22. 6667 22.3333 23.0000 22. 3333 23.0000 23.0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 23.0000 22.0000 22. 5000 22.6000 24.0000 22.0000 23.6000 21.6000 20. 3750 21. 6667 22.0000 19. 9683 17.8760 21.5000 21.6000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22.0000 22.0000 21. 2600 20. 7500 17. 8750 17.8760 17.8760 17. 8760 16.6771 17.4683 16.7500 16.2500 16.2500 17. 8750 17.2500 17.2600 16. 7600 16. 7500 16. 7500 Rela- tive price. 16.2600 16.2500 16.2600 16.2600 16.2600 16. 2500 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, ISIS-ISIS. 145 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTEKS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market . Base price 1916— Year..., Quarters — First Second Third Fourtli Months- January... February , March April , May June July August... September October... November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February . March April...- -. May June July August September October... November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February . March April May June July August September October... November December. Wood pulp, chemical, soda. Actual price. U. K. U. S, London.. Ton £ s. 8 3 i. 6.50 29 1 3 15 27 1 8 37 13 4 36 10 12 10 14 18 10 19 5 26 36 36 38 39 38 35 15 35 15 42 5 6 33 15 53 10 42 10 39 6 35 15 32 15 32 15 53 10 53 10 53 10 45 45 37 10 35 10 37 45 10 40 10 45 10 45 8 8 35 13 4 35 10 45 10 45 10 (1 45 10 45 10 4.5 10 45 iiS 35 37 36 10 m 1() 33 10 New York. 100 lbs. Dolls. 2. 1958 4.3813 2.4000 4.3; 5.2083 6.6; 2.3500 2.4250 2.4250 4. 0000 4.5000 4.5000 5.1260 5.2500 5.2600 5.2500 5. 7500 5.7500 5.3894 5.8681 5.8642 5.2917 4.5 6. 6667 5. 9375 6.0000 6.8750 5.7500 5. 9375 5.3750 5.2600 6.2500 5.0000 4. 2750 4.3563 4.3438 4.3000 4.3250 4.3750 4.3760 4.3000 4.3000 4.3000 4.3000 4.3000 4.3750 4.3760 4.3750 4.3750 4.3750 4.3750 4.3760 Rela- tive price. 355 Wood pulp, chemical, sul- phite, bleached. Actual price. U.K. London and Man- chester. Ton £ s. 11 17 40 11 8 23 6 8 10 49 13 4 20 20 30 30 41 10 48 10 48 10 48 10 51 61 49 49 62 1 8 45 6 8 60 56 10 46 10 49 43 10 43 10 65 62 10 62 10 62 10 53 10 63 10 42 10 43 10 63 10 51 7 6 53 10 53 10 49 13 48 16 63 10 53 10 63 10 53 10 63 10 53 10 49 49 51 49 49 48 10 U.S. New York. Dolls 2. 9458 5. 9688 3.8333 6. 9167 6.8760 7.2500 3.5000 3.5000 4. 6000 6.5000 6.1250 8.1260 6.8750 6.8750 8.8760 6.8750 7. 2600 7. 6250 6.9204 8.2813 7, 6.1400 6.7708 8. 1813 8.3825 8.3000 8.0826 7.3750 7.0313 6. 2500 5.9960 6. 1760 5.9825 5.7260 6.6250 6.4375 6.8250 5.7083 6.9167 7.6000 168 119 168| 119 • 252 153 5.6250 450 6.6260 450 5.8250 460 Rela- tive price. 5.6250 5.7600 5.7600 6.2500 6.7600 7.7500 7.7500 7.3750 7.3760 Wood pulp, mechanical. Actual price. U.K. London and Man- chester. £ 2 4 7 3 17 4 12 4 11 4 8 3 2 4 2 4 7 4 7 4 16 4 15 d. 5.75 5 4 10 4 5 4 4 7 6 4 17 6 9 4 2 5 5 6 11 1 8 11 6 6 9 4 7 4 17 6 6 11 3 5 7 6 4 5 14 6 14 15 14 15 9 )0 9 10 8 10 8 8 9 10 15 11 6 3 10 15 11 10 11 10 11 10 10 15 10 15 10 15 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 U.S. New York. Ton. Dolls. 22.5000 24.3760 18.6687 21.3333 21. 5000 36.0000 16. 2500 16.2500 23.5000 24. 6000 18. 7600 20.7500 21.7500 20.7500 22.0000 30.6000 35.0000 42.5000 41. 6521 44.1250 44. 1250 41. 7917 36. 1687 40.2600 42 1250 50.0000 46.1250 42.6000 43.7600 42.3750 42.0000 41.0000 38.5000 35.0000 35. 0000 30. 7083 33.6667 31.3333 27.8333 30.0000 35.0000 34.0000 32. 0000 32.0000 32. 0000 30.0000 26.5000 28.5000 28.5000 28.6000 28.6000 33.0000 Rela- tive price. 108 83 95 96 180 72 72 104 109 83 92 97 92 98 136 156 189 185 196 196 188 161 179 187 222 205 189 194 188 187 182 171 156 166 136 150 139 124 133 166 151 142 142 142 133 118 127 127 127 127 147 146 INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Wool, first series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Wool, second series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Wool, third series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Unit. Base price. 1913— Year.. Quarters — First.... Second. . Third... Fourth- Months — January... February . March.. April... May June . . . July.... August — September October November December. 1914— Year.. Quarters — First.... Second.. Third... Fourth.. Months — January... February March April ifey June July August... September October.. November December. 1915— Year.. Quarters- First.... Second. . Third... Fourth.. Months — January. February . March.. April... May June... July.... August September October November December. Pound . d. 1.79 1 1.66 0.58 1.50 2.29 2.21 11.38 1 1.13 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.75 1 2.26 1 2.38 1 2.25 1 2.50 1 2.13 1 2 1 0.1 1 1.60 1 1.17 1 0.60 11.58 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 0.'50 1 0.60 1 0.50 1 0.60 11.75 11.60 11.60 1 0.85 11.83 1 0.83 1 1.33 1 1.42 11.50 11.50 1 0.60 ] 1 1 1 1 0.60 1 1.50 1.50 1 1.25 1 1 2 Pound Dolls. 0. 5542 .6883 .6700 .6067 .5233 .6633 .6700 .6700 .6700 .7000 .5700 .6500 .5400 .5000 .5300 .5500 .6500 .6600 .5976 .5600 .5800 .6067 .5600 .5600 .6600 .5700 .5700 .6000 .6000 .6100 .6100 .6300 .6500 .6500 .7375 .7500 .7900 .7367 .6700 .6700 .6800 .7400 .7400 .7700 .7700 .8100 .7900 .7700 .7200 .7200 London, Manches- ter. Pound . . . £ s. i. 2 0.19 2 0.77 2 0, 2 1.26 2 0.67 2 0.25 0.25 1.25 1.25 1.60 1.26 1.25 1.50 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 2 0.04 1 11.33 2 0.60 2 0.60 1 11, 1 11 1 11.60 1 11.60 2 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.50 11.60 1 11.60 2 l.( 1 10.67 2 1 2 3 2 1.67 1 9 1 10 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Sea- board mar- kets. Pound. Boston Dolls. 0.6433 .6600 .7900 la.) .6700 , .7900 W W W (°) W («) la) (a) .6650 .6700 .6750 .6687 .6167 .6700 .6900 .6900 .6100 .6100 .6300 .6500 .6700 .6900 .6900 .7088 .6900 .6900 .7200 .7360 .6900 .6900 .6900 .6900 .6900 .6900 .7100 .7260 .7260 .7250 .7250 .7650 123 b 123 l>119 bus bin bim bios bl bi bi 104 T6 104 107 107 95 96 98 101 104 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 110 107 107 112 114 107 107 107 107 107 107 110 113 113 113 113 117 Pound £ d. d. 1 0.67 0.56 0.25 0.58 0.75 0.67 11.75 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.50 0.83 0.83 0.42 0.33 1.75 0.50 1 1 0.76 0.26 0.25 0.50 0.60 1 2 2.26 3.50 5.50 6 6.33 1.50 3.60 5.60 6 5 5.60 6.50 6 5.50 6.50 6.50 7 Pound. Dnlh. 0. 9419 1. 1786 (a) 1.1786 1.2143 1.1786 1.1429 (a) (a) (°) 1.2143 1.1786 1.1429 1.1071 1.0714 .7857 .8571 .9048 .7851 Co) (») .8214 (») .7857 .8214 .8571 .8929 (») (.") .9107 1.1816 1.0238 W 1.2444 1.2936 .9643 1.0000 1.1071 C) ta) (a) (.") 1.2600 la) W 1.2857 1.3214 a No quotation. b Interpolated. INTBENATIONAIi PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 147 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918-Ooiitmuea. Wool, first series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Eela- tive price. U. Wool, second series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. U. Wool, third series. Actual price. U.K. U. i Rela- tive price. Market. Base price. 1916— Year... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Monthis — January... February . March April May June July. . . August, September October. . . November December, 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April " May June Jaly... August. September October. . . November December. 1918-TYear... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth..., Months- January.., February , March .' April May June July... August.__. September October. . . November December. Boston Pound Dolls. 0.5542 .7900 1 4.33 .7433 1 7.60 .8133 1 11 .7867 2 0.08 .8167 Pound £ s d. 1 1.79 1 8.73 1 3.50 1 4.75 1 4.75 1 1 7.50 1 10 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11.75 2 1.60 2 3.65 2 2.50 2 2.67 2 4 2 6.42 2.50 2.50 2. SO 2.50 2.50 3 4.50 4.50 4.76 2 5.50 2 2 7 2 6 2 6 2 9 .7200 .7400 .7700 .8200 .8200 .8000 .8000 .7700 .7900 .7900 .8300 1.2841 .9700 1.0433 1. 3200 l.S .9000 .9800 1.0300 1. 1000 1. 0000 1. 0300 1.3300 1.4400 1. 1900 1.8000 1.8 1.7800 1.6600 1. 6367 1,6533 1. 6700 1,6800 1. 6500 1.5700 1.6900 1,7200 1.6300 1.6100 1.6500 1.6800 1.6800 1.6800 1.6800 1.6800 225 295 London, Manches- ter. Pound . . . £ s. d. 2 0.19 2 10.68 2 6 2 8.17 3 0.50 3 2. 6.50 7.50 7.50 7 7.60 10 2 10. 50 3 1.50 3 1.50 3 1.50 3 3 3 4 4 7.88 4 4.50 4 6 4 10. 60 4 10. 50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4 10. 50 4 10. 50 4 10. 50 4 10.50 4 10.50 4 10.50 4 10. 50 4 10. 50 4 10. 50 (<■) Sea- board mar- kets. Pound. Dolls. 0. 6433 .8758 .8567 .8783 .9660 .7900 .8100 .8100 .8400 .8650 .8650 .8860 .9550 1. 0550 1. 5525 1. 2017 1.4250 1.7583 1. 0660 1. 2250 1. 3260 1. 3250 1.4250 1.5250 1.6250 1. 8250 1. 8250 W ''1.6500 143 242 (.') 284 276 WS4 beS4 !>2S6 s. d. 1 0.67 1 7. 1 i 1 7.67 1 7.50 1 8.67 7.50 8.50 1 7.50 1 7.50 1 7.50 1 7.50 60 1 10 2 0.67 9.60 1 1 1.17 1 10 1 11.60 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.50 2 3.83 2 3.1 2 4 2 4 2 4 Boston Pound Dolls. 0.9419 1.5268 1.4087 1.4683 1. 5397 1. 6905 1. 3671 1. 4286 1.4643 (o) W 1.5367 1. 5714 1.6429 1. 7143 1.7143 2. 1191 1. 8214 2.0000 2. 2262 2.4268 1.7857 1. 8214 1.8671 1.9 2.0000 (-) 2. 1429 2.2143 2. 3214 2.4286 2.4288 2.4286 2. 3571 150 166 163 179 144 162 bus blSi 15S hiss bieo 163 167 174 182 182 225 193 212 236 258 190 193 197 205 212 197 W«0 227 236 246 258 258 258 bSSi 260 o No quotation. h Interpolated. c Nominal d December, 1918, price that of Government wool auction. 113951°— 19- -11 148 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. . Unit Base price 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Ttilrd Fourtli.... Months — January... February . Marcli April May June July August September October. . . November December. 1914— Year. . . . Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February . March April May June July August September October. . . November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February. I March.. April... May June... Wool, fourth series. Actual price. U.K. July.... August September October. . . November December. Bradford.. Pound £ s. d. 8.85 8.71 8.58 8.76 8.83 8.67 8.50 8.60 8.75 8.75 8.76 8.75 9 8.75 8.76 8.75 8.76 8.50 8.73 8.76 9.17 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 9.26 9.25 9.26 9 8.60 8.60 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 U.S. Boston Pound. 10. 50 9.17 10.33 10. 76 11. 76 8.60 .2150 n 9 .240( (1 10 .240C 10.26 .240C 10. 5( .260C 10.25 .2800 10. 75 10. 75 10.76 11.50 11.75 1 Dolls. 0. 1692 .1900 .1960 .1960 .1950 .1750 .1950 .1960 .1950 .1950 .1950 .1950 .1950 .1950 .1960 .1850 .1850 .1550 .1683 .1617 .1650 .1500 .1767 .1450 .1650 .1660 .1550 .1560 .1550 .1600 .1500 .1600 .1500 .1750 .2050 .2675 .2317 .2633 .2600 .2850 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2750 .2900 .2900 Rela- tive price. 96 96 Wool, filth series. Actual price. U.K. Bradford.. Pound . £ s. d. 1 3.28 1 3.13 2.76 3 3.50 3.26 2.75 2.75 2.76 2.75 2.76 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.50 3.60 3.26 3 1 3.75 3.17 3.26 3.08 6.60 2.75 1 3.75 50 3.25 3.25 3 4.50 6 6 1 9.13 1 7.50 19 1 10 1 10 6.50 7.60 8.50 9.60 8.50 9 1 10.60 1 10 1 9.60 1 9.60 1 10 1 10.50 U.S. Boston Pound. Dolls. 0.5228 .5279 .6950 .6138 .5100 .4927 .6175 .6050 .5690 .5226 .6100 .5100 .5100 .5100 .6100 .4960 .4930 .4900 .5711 .6238 .5646 .5942 .6015 .6000 .5325 .5450 .5450 .5630 .5863 .6900 .6890 .6050 .6970 .6025 .6063 .6646 .6992 .7038 .7060 .6150 .6813 .7100 .7100 Rela- tive price. .7020 .7060 .7050 .7030 141 .6960 144 .7176 147 Wool, tops, first series. Actual price. U.K. Bradford. Pound . . . £ s. d 1 3.92 1 3.81 4.17 4.26 3.83 3 3.76 4.26 4.50 4.25 4.25 4.25 4 3.75 3.75 3.50 3 2.50 1 4.96 4.42 4.42 3.83 7.17 4.25 4.25 4.76 4.50 4.50 4.26 4 3.76 3.76 7 7.50 7 2 0.04 1 10 2 1.50 2 0.33 2 0.33 1 8 1 10 2 2 2 2 1 2 1.60 2 1.50 2 1 11.60 1 11 2 2 2 Boston Pound Dolls. 0. 4658 .5633 .5633 .5700 .6700 .6100 .5600 .5700 r.5700 .5700 (<■) W .4076 .3900 .3933 .4067 .4400 .3900 .3900 (<■) turn .4000 .4200 .6717 .5067 .6700 .6167 .4800 .6600 («) (") .5900 .6000 Rela- tive price. a No quotation. ' Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, lM.3-1918. 149 WHOLESALE PEICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. " No guotation. 6 Interpolated. 150 INTERNATIOETAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAKTEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Wool, tops, second series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela^ tive price. Wool, tops, tMid series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Wool, tops, tourth series. Actual price. U.K. U..i Eela. tive price. Market. . Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second TUrd Fourth.... Months- January. . . February . March April May June July August... Septembe October.. November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — , January. . . February. March April May June July August September October... November December. 191S— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February March ' April May June July... August . . . September October... November December. Bradiord. Pound . . . Boston Pound. £ s. d. 1 7.54 18 1 8.75 1 8.50 17. 17. 1 8.25 1 9 1 9 1 8.50 1 8.50 1 8.50 7.60 7.50 7.50 7.25 6.50 1 9.02 7.33 8.08 7.92 0.75 6.50 7.50 8.25 1.25 1 1 1 7.50 1 11.26 2 1.50 2 1.60 2 4.83 2 5.17 6.60 6.67 1 1.50 3.60 4 4.50 7 8.50 6.50 4.60 3.60 5 8.50 Dolls. 0.4803 .5355 .6000 .4600 .4600 .4600 .4600 4600 127 .4600 c; c: .4600 C) C) .4600 (a) .4600 fa) (») .6517 .5867 .6333 .6900 .6800 (<■) («) .6000 .6700 m (a) 111 122 Mie iWS ilOl 125 'lis WO tills HIS HIS bllO M08 H05 bios HOI i 98 96 96 96 96 6 96 b 96 96 b 96 b 96 b I b I 96 b 98 b 125 blSB bisa 146 blU ms 139 blLS bill Bradford.. Pound £ s. d. 2 4.25 2 4.46 2 6.17 2 6.26 2 4.25 2 3.17 Boston Pound. 4.60 5.50 5.60 5.25 5.25 5.25 4.76 4 4 4 3.25 2.25 2 4.63 2 3.83 2 5.76 2 5.33 2 3.58 3 4 4.50 5.26 6.50 6 3.50 4.75 6 2 11. 2 3.83 2 10. 67 3 4 3 2.83 2 1.50 2 4 0.2 6 2 7 2 9 3 4 6 4 2 1 0.50 7 Dolls. 0. 6292 .6567 .7233 .6800 .6167 .6067 .7300 <»: .7100 (a) .6200 («) (a) .6100 (a) m .6800 .6200 .6733 .7067 .7200 .6000 .6600 .7000 (") (") .7200 ("»1 149 blBg 142 bl£B 104 116 blie bin 113 bios bios b b 97 97 b 96 b 98 107 112 114 95 b bios 105 bl07 bl09 111 bll2 bllS 114 bll4 bin 122 160 120 122 130 114 bll6 bus 119 H20 blBl bl2S 124 blSO blS7 Bradford. Found . . . 2 6.17 2 6.15 2 6.83 2 7 2 5.92 2 4 Boston Pound- 6.50 7 7 7 7 7 2 6.60 2 5.76 2 5.50 2 5.50 2 5 2 4 108 2 6.52 2 6.42 2 7.50 2 7.17 2 5 6.75 6 6.50 7 7.50 8.50 7.50 5.50 7 6.60 1.60 3 O.i 2 4.17 3 0.50 3 6.33 3 4.50 2 2 2 3.60 2 7 2 8.60 2 11 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 7 4 2 3.50 a No quotation. 3 8 b Interpolated. Dolls. 0.7600 (a) .8600 m .7967 C) C) (a) .8500 l") W .8500 W (a) .6992 .7000 .6967 .7067 (») W .7000 («; (<■: .7000 w .7967 .7400 .7733 .8300 .8433 .7400 .7400 m ■W .8400 .8100 («) (») 100 110 bus 112 bus 105 HU bus bus 112 bllS bllS bll2 bug bill 112 bm b 911 b9S 91 b 9S 105 97 102 109 HI 97 97 b 97 97 blm bioe 111 bm bios 126 107 131W11 \mbiiB INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 151 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUABTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Wool, tops, second series. Actual price. U.K. Rela- tive price. Wool, tops, third series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Relar tive price. Wool, tops, fourtli series. Actual price. Rela- tive price. U.K. U.S. Market. . . Unit... Base price. 191»-Year.... Quarters- First Second Thiird Fourth.... Months— January... February. March April M^y June July.... August September October... November December. 1917— Year... Quarters- First Second... Third.... Fourth... Months — January. . February March April May June July August... September October... November December. 1918-Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August.... September October... November December. Bradford. - Pound £ s. d. 1 7.54 2 10. 15 2 9.25 2 8.50 2 8.58 3 2.25 2 10.25 2 9.50 8.25 8.25 8.50 8.50 8.75 9.25 2.50 7 3 7.50 3 7 3 9 3 6 3 8 3 3 8 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 6 6 3 6 3 6 4 i 2.25 Boston. Pound. Dolls. 0.4803 .8552 .7688 (") (a) .9460 .7500 178 .9200 la) la) 1.2667 (a) 1.1800 1.4166 1.4500 (a) 1.0700 (-) W 1.4000 («) (a) 1.4500 (a) (a) 1.4917 C) 1.4500 la) la) (-) ra) la) 1.7000 156 >>ieo 11164 iies i>m me HSO til8i blS' 192 l>137 W« 264 «2 246 296 302 mr HIB bms 223 292 302 1>30B 311 bSS7 302 i>sn iSlB bSHS bssr bSiS 354 Bradford. . Pound £ s. d. 2 4.25 4 3.09 160 3 7.17 bl7S 3 10.83 blSi 4 4.67 197 6 1.67 3 8 3 8 3 6.50 3 7.50 3 10.60 4 2.60 5 4.50 4.50 6 4 7 5 7.33 5 7.33 5 8.67 5 6 5 7. 5 7 6 6 5 9 6 10 5 10 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 10 6 0.26 6 10 6 1 6 1 6 1 5 10 5 10 6 10 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 Boston Pound. Dolls 0.6292 1.0583 181 .9200 .9900 («) 1.2433 .9000 .9600 fa) la) 1.1400 (a) W 1.8167 1.5000 1.7167 1.9i W 1.4500 (a) (-) 1.6000 1.9500 (c) (a) 2.1300 la) la) 2.2000 168 146 157 6/7.8 198 143 biie bl49 153 bl57 bier bl7t brn 181 bl98 bm 273 315 iS2B 230 buss bue 254 bS7S bm 310 bSU bS19 bSSi 342 338 bS4S bs4e 350 Bradford.. Pound £ s. d. 2 6.17 4 5.46 3 S 4 1.33 4 7.67 5 4 3 10 3 9.) 3 7 3 9 4 1 4 6 7.50 7.60 4 4 6 5 10 5 10.58 5 10.33 6 3 5 9 5 10.67 5 10 6 9 6 6 2 2 6 9 6 9 5 9 5 9 5 9 5 9 6 2 6 4.25 § 2 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 Boston Pound Dolls. 0.7600 1.0526 .9333 1.0033 C) 1.2000 .9100 (") W (a) la) la) 1.1200 c: (."'. 1.7598 1.4400 1.6666 la) (<•) (») (o) (a) 1.6000 la) (") ») (") la) la) 2.2000 2.2333 2.3000 2.2000 W W 2.2000 h 2.3000 (") (") 2.3000 a No quotation. b Interpolated. 152 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Wool yams, first series. Wool yams, second series. Wool yams, third series. Rela- Rela- Rela- Actual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. tive price. price. price. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U. K. U.S. U. K. U. s. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. s. Market. .. Amer- ican Amer- ican Boston mar- mar- kets. kets. Unit Pound £ s. d. Found. Dolls. Pound £ s. d. Pound. Dolls. Pound £ a. d. Pound. Dolls. Base price. 1913— Year.... 3 1.17 0. 9750 8.42 0. 6021 1 9.46 0.7221 3 2.04 1.0542 102 108 8.63 .6438 101 107 1 9.79 .7783 102 108 Quarters- First 3 2.83 1.1600 104 118 8.83 .7000 102 116 1 10.08 .8400 103 116 Second 3 3 1.0750 105 110 9 .6667 103 111 1 10. 60 .8000 106 HI Third 3 2.17 1.0167 103 104 8.60 .6083 100 101 1 9.83 .7542 102 104 Fourtli.... 3 0.17 .9750 97 100 8.17 .6000 99 100 1 8.75 .7192 97 100 Montlis— January... 3 2.50 1. 1500 104 118 8.50 .7000 100 116 1 9.75 (") 101 H16 February . 3 3 1. 1600 105 118 9 .7000 103 116 1 10 (a) 103 me Marcli 3 3 1.1500 105 118 9 .7000 103 116 1 10.50 .8400 105 116 April May 3 3 1. 1000 105 113 9 .7000 103 116 1 10.50 (") 105 ms 3 3 1.0760 105 110 9 .6600 103 108 1 10.50 (a) 105 Mis June 3 3 1.0500 106 108 9 .6500 103 108 1 10.60 .7750 105 107 July 3 2.50 1. 0500 104 108 8.50 .6260 100 104 1 10 .7375 103 102 August.... 3 2.50 1.0250 104 105 8.50 .6000 100 100 1 10 .7625 103 106 September 3 1.50 .9760 101 100 8.60 .6000 100 100 1 9.50 .7625 100 106 October. . . 3 0.50 .9750 98 100 8.50 .6000 100 100 1 9 .7625 98 106 November 3 0.30 .9750 98 100 8 .6000 98 100 1 8.75 .6975 97 97 December. 2 11.60 .9750 96 100 8 .6000 98 100 1 8.60 .6975 96 97 1914— Year.... 3 1.67 .9813 101 101 8.65 .6000 101 100 1 10.33 .7183 104 99 Quarters- First 3 0.17 .9500 97 97 8.50 .6000 100 100 1 9 .7026 93 97 Second 3 2.17 .9583 103 98 8.50 .6000 100 100 1 10.25 .7125 104 99 Third 3 2 .9760 102 100 7.60 .6000 96 100 1 9.75 .7375 101 102 Fourth.... 3 2.33 1. 0417 103 107 1 10.08 .6000 108 100 2 0.33 .7208 113 loo Months- January... 2 11.50 .9500 96 97 8 .6000 98 100 1 8 .6975 93 97 February . 3 .9500 97 97 8.50 .6000 100 100 1 9 .6975 98 97 March 3 1 .9500 100 97 9 .6000 103 100 1 10 .7125 103 99 April May 3 1.50 .9500 101 97 8.50 .6000 100 100 1 10. 25 .7125 104 99 3 2.60 .9600 104 97 8.50 .6000 100 100 1 10.25 .7125 104 99 June 3 2.60 .9760 104 100 8.60 .6000 100 100 1 10.26 .7126 104 99 July 3 2.50 .9760 104 100 8 .6000 98 100 1 10 .7375 103 102 August 3 2.50 .9760 104 100 7.50 .6000 96 100 1 9.76 .7375 101 102 September 3 1 .9750 100 100 7 .6000 93 100 1 9.50 .7375 100 102 October... 3 1.50 1.0260 101 105 8.25 .6000 99 100 1 11.60 .7375 110 102 November 3 2.50 1. 0500 104 108 1 10 .6000 108 100 2 .7125 112 99 December. 3 3 1.0500 105 108 2 .6000 US 100 2 1.50 .7125 119 99 1915— Year.... 4 4.50 1. 1292 141 116 2 7.88 .6917 166 115 2 10.54 .8694 161 120 Quarters — First 3 3.67 1. 0917 107 112 2 3.17 .6250 133 104 2 4.67 .8283 134 115 Second 4 2 1.1083 135 114 2 8.83 .6667 161 HI 2 10. 67 .8867 162 123 Tliird 5 1 1. 1333 164 116 2 10.33 .7083 168 118 3 2.33 .8542 179 118 Fourth 4 11.33 1.1833 160 121 2 9.17 .7667 162 127 3 0.50 .9083 170 121 Months- January... 3 1. 0760 97 110 2 1 .6250 122 104 2 2 .7375 121 102 February . 3 2 1. 0760 102 110 2 2.50 .6250 130 104 2 4 .7875 130 109 March 3 9 1. 1260 121 115 2 6 .6260 147 104 2 8 .9600 149 133 April May 4 1. 1250 129 115 2 7 .6500 162 108 2 10 .9600 168 133 4 1. 1000 129 113 2 9 .6750 162 112 2 10.60 .8625 161 119 June 4 6 1.1000 145 113 2 10.50 .6750 169 112 2 U.60 .8376 166 116 July 5 1 1.1250 164 115 2 11. 60 .6760 174 112 3 1.50 .8375 175 116 August 5 2 1.1250 167 116 2 10.50 .7000 169 116 3 2.50 .8625 179 119 September 6 1. 1600 161 118 2 9 .7500 162 125 3 3 .8625 182 119 October. . . 4 10.60 1. 1500 167 118 2 7 .7500 162 126 3 .8875 168 123 November 4 10.50 1. 2000 157 123 2 9.50 .7760 164 129 2 11 .9125 163 126 December. 6 1 1 1.2000 164 123 2 11 1 .7750 171 129 3 2.60 .9250 179 128 a No quotation. & Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 153 WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Wool yarns, first series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Wool yams, second series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Eela- tive price. Wool yarns, third series. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Eela- tive price. Market. Unit. Base price 1916— Year..., Quarters- First Second Third.... Fourth... Months- January.. Fehruary. March April May Jime July August September October. . . November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters— Pu-st Second Third.... Fourth... Months- January.. February. March April May June , July August September October. . . November December. 1918- Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February.. March April. May.. June. July.... August September October... November. December. Pound . £ a. d. 1.17 5 10.63 6.50 8.50 3.50 7. SO 7.50 4.50 4.50 9 6 6 6 6 1.50 6 3 6 6 8 4.29 7 6 R 0.33 8 5 9 5 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 10 8 8 3 8 4.50 4.50 6 9 5.50 10 11 10.75 10 10 11 9 12 6 12 6 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Amer- ican mar- kets. Pound. Dolls. 0. 9750 1.4646 1.3 1.4667 1.4 1.6000 1.2250 1..3000 1.4000 1.4500 1.4750 1.4750 1.4750 1.4750 1.5000 1.5000 1. 6000 1.7000 1.8833 2.1083 2. 5667 2. 9167 1.8000 1.9000 1.9500 2.0000 2. 0750 2.2500 2.4000 2.6000 2. 7000 2. 8000 2. 9000 3.0500 3.7104 3. 1500 3. 3750 4.0833 4.2333 3.1500 331 190 179 184 194 203 182 182 174 174 186 194 194 194 194 198 202 210 270 242 259 272 306 242 242 242 253 25S .1500 .1500 .2500 .3750 .5000 3.7500 404 4.0000 4.5000 5.6000 4.1500 3.0500 185 195 200 205 213 231 246 267 277 2S7 297 313 381 323 346 419 434 323 323 323 333 346 359 385 410 462 564 426 313 Pound £ s. d. 1 8.42 3 5.67 3 4 3 5 3 5 3 8.67 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5.77 4 Amer- ican mar- kets. Pound Dolls. 0.6021 .9917 .8333 .9500 1. 0333 1.1500 .8000 .8250 .8750 .9260 . 9.500 .9750 1. 0000 1. 0250 1. 0750 1.1000 1.1500 1.2000 1.4625 l.i 1. 3250 1.6000 1.7167 1.2000 1.2000 1.2250 1. 2750 1.3000 1.4000 1.5000 1.6000 1. 7000 1.700O 1.7000 1.7500 1.7833 1. 8000 1. 8000 1.7500 1.8000 1. 8000 1. 8000 1. 8000 1.8000 1.8000 1.8000 1. 8000 1. 8000 204 196 201 201 219 186 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 206 220 230 250 235 255 255 265 235 235 236 255 255 255 255 256 255 255 265 255 265 264 264 264 255 l>367 iseo 264 264 264 264 264 261 264 264 290 Pound. d. 9.46 3 8.29 3 6. 3 7.67 3 7.S 3 11.3 3 7.50 5 1.; 4 3 4 10 5 3.50 6 1 7 10. 25 7 1 7 9 8 2 8 5 3 3 4.50 8 6 Boston Dolls, 0. 7221 1.0750 .9817 1. 0567 1.0875 1. 1813 .9276 .9938 1. 0376 1.0376 1.0563 1. 0813 1. 0876 1.0875 1.0875 1. 1260 l.V 1.2500 1.6402 286 1. 3337 1. 4.577 1. 7876 2.0104 1. 2781 1.3375 1.3750 1.3750 1.4313 1. 5450 1.7375 1. 7906 1.8260 1.9 2.0250 2. 0260 2. 1000 2.2000 2. 1000 2. 1000 2. 1000 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2.2000 o No quotation. !> Interpolated. 154 INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISOlirS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Wool yams, lourth series. Actual price. Rela- tive price. U.K. U.S. Zinc, pig (spelter). Actual price. U. K U.S. Rela- tive price. Zinc, sulphate of. Actual price. U.K. U.S. Rela- tive price. Market. Unit Base price 1913— Year.... Quariiers— First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May Jime . . . July.... August. _ . September October. . . November December. -1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April May June July August September October... November December. I £ 5. 2 0.64 2 O.i 2 1.33 2 1.5 2 0.83 1 11. 0.76 1.75 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.60 1 1 0.50 2 2 2 2 2 1 11.50 2 1.25 2 0.42 2 1.60 2 0.50 2 2.68 1 11.50 2 1.76 1.50 1.60 1.60 2 1.50 2 0.76 1 11.25 2 1.50 2 2 2 4.25 3 1.71 2 7.33 3 1. 3 4.67 3 5 2 5 2 7 2 10 3 1 3 1.50 3 3 3 6 3 6 3 3 Boston Pound Dolls. 0. 9054 .9213 1.0300 .9376 .9167 .8842 (<■) W 1.0300 C) (») .9376 .9125 .9260 .9126 .8900 .8876 .8750 .9354 .8917 .9292 .9626 .8750 .8876 .9126 .9126 .9376 .9375 .9625 .9626 .9626 .9625 .9626 .9500 1. 0617 1.0083 1. 0633 1.0642 1. 0908 .9760 .9875 1.0626 1.0626 1. 0625 1. 0360 1. 0376 1.0626 1. 0625 1.0850 London. Ton £ s. 21 15 a. 2.5 99 bin 114 bllS HIS 104 101 102 101 25 15 6 24 9 7 21 1 8 20 14 7 26 11 25 17 24 17 24 12 25 18 22 17 21 20 10 21 15 20 16 20 12 20 15 21 18 3.55 8 4 23 16 21 21 3 9 21 95 97 21 12 3 108 166 170 168 162| 120 1.0760 166 119 1.1126 170l 123 28 9 21 7 ft 21 10 21 7 6 21 7 6 21 7 6 21 (,. 18 II 18 27 67 14 9.50 34 19 2 69 3 4 85 13 4 81 3 4 28 7 6 32 44 10 43 10 67 97 116105 80 72 72 10 82 89 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.0539 .0580 .0667 .0661 .0568 .0634 .0723 .0649 .0629 .0579 .0551 .0524 .0541 .0580 .0683 .0547 .0634 .0522 .0630 .0538 .0517 .0539 .0627 .0633 .0546 .0635 .0522 .0616 .0512 .0503 .0563 .0552 .0500 .0616 .0567 .1444 .0851 .1666 .1668 .1601 .0662 .0887 .1013 .1151 .1683 .2263 .2080 .1446 .1449 .1407 .1704 .1691 106 108 118 124 112 102 97 105 95 124 105 311 Manches- New ter. York. Ton Pound £ s. d. 9 C 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 11 9 9 (1 9 a 9 (1 9 9 9 9 9 U (1 11 n 11 26 3 4 11 26 6 37 31 6 11 11 11 19 22 35 35 Dolls, a. 0243 .0246 .0250 .0250 .0233 .0250 .0250 .0260 .0250 .0250 .0260 .0250 .0225 .0225 .0250 .0260 .0250 .0250 .0240 .0250 .0240 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 106 101 103 96 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 a No quotation. .0236 lOf .0235 122 .02.50 10(1 .0'2,5( 10( .026C in( .026( 10( .{)'£Vi 10( .0236 100 .02,35 ion .0235 KK .0Z« 1(H .023.5 122 .(MS 122 .0235 122 0433 291 0240 122 ()2.5« 281 0.6X3 411 0660 348 0236 122 0235 122 1)2.50 122 02.60 211 0260 244 0275 389 04,50 389 06.60 422 (16.50 422 0650 333 0660 366 0650 368 100 103 100 99 97 97 103 103 103 103 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 99 106 240 267 97 97 103 103 103 113 185 267 267 267 267 267 b Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 155 WHOLESALE PEICES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Wool, yams, fourth series. Zinc, pig (spelter). Zinc, sulphate of. Rela- Rela- Rela- Actual price. tive Actual price. tive Actual price. tive price. price. price. U.K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U. K. U.S. U. K. U. S. U. K. U.S. U. K. U. S. Market. .. Boston London.... New York. Manches- ter. New York. Unit Pound £ s. d. Pound. Dolls. Ton. £ s. Pound. Dolls. Ton, £ Pound - Dolls. d. 8. d. Base price. 1916— Year... 2 0.64 0. 9054 21 15 2.50 0. 0539 9 0. 0243 4 2.33 1.4081 204 155 69 6 8 .1375 319 255 34 6 8 .0660 381 267 Quarters- First 3 11.50 1.2513 193 137 93 16 8 .1879 431 349 34 .0660 378 267 Second 4 1.67 1.3942 202 154 84 13 4 .1578 389 293 35 .0650 3^6 267 Tliird 4 1.33 1. 4438 200 159 45 3 4 .0936 208 173 35 .0650 389 267 Eourth.... 4 6.83 1.5417 223 170 53 13 4 .1108 247 206 33 6 8 .0650 370 267 Months — January... 3 9.50 1.1475 185 127 88 .1819 404 337 32 .0650 356 267 February . 4 0.50 1.2563 197 139 85 10 .2009 393 373 36 .0650 389 267 March 4 0.50 1.3500 197 149 108 .1810 496 336 35 .0650 389 267 April 4 0.50 1.3825 197 153 94 .1862 432 345 35 .0650 389 267 May 4 2 1.3875 203 153 90 .1693 414 296 36 .0650 389 267 June 4 2.60 1.4156 205 156 70 .1280 322 237 35 .0660 389 267 July 4 2 1.4300 203 158 44 .0970 202 180 35 .0650 389 267 August 4 1.50 1.4500 201 160 44 10 .0910 205 169 36 .0650 389 267 September 4 0.50 1.4525 197 160 47 .0924 216 171 35 .0650 389 267 October. . . 4 1 1. 4750 199 163 50 10 .1001 232 186 35 .0650 389 267 November 4 7.50 1. 5125 225 167 51 15 .1193 238 221 35 .0650 389 267 December. S 1.6375 244 181 58 15 .1129 270 209 30 .0650 333 267 1917-Y6ar.... 5 11.67 2.2230 291 246 62 1 2.71 .0911 239 169 35 .0635 389 261 Quarters— Krst 5 0.67 1.7827 246 197 52 2.31 .1043 239 194 35 .0650 389 267 Second 5 7.83 1.9962 275 220 62 4 7.38 .0955 240 177 35 .0650 389 267 TMrd 6 0.17 2. 4308 293 268 52 .0852 239 158 35 .0650 389 267 Fourth.... 17 2 2.7208 349 301 52 .0793 239 147 36 .0592 389 244 Months — January... 5 1.7125 244 189 47 16 10.50 .0997 220 185 35 .0660 389 267 February . 5 1.7625 244 195 54 1 10.60 .1049 248 195 35 .0650 389 267 March 5 2 1.8550 252 205 53 13 6 .1082 247 201 35 .0650 389 267 April 5 4 1.8750 260 207 62 15 .0973 242 181 35 .0650 389 267 May 5 9 1.9563 280 216 52 .0948 239 176 35 .0650 389 267 June 5 10.50 2.1250 286 235 52 .0946 239 175 35 .0650 389 267 July 5 11 2.3125 288 255 62 .0882 239 164 35 .0650 389 267 August.... 6 2.4438 292 270 52 .0848 239 167 36 .0650 ^9 267 September 6 1.50 2.5150 298 278 52 .0827 239 163 36 .06.50 389 267 October. . . 6 9 2.6333 329 291 52 .0813 239 161 35 .0660 389 267 November 7 3 2. 7500 353 304 52 .0790 239 147 35 .0550 389 226 December. 7 6 2.7500 365 304 52 .0777 239 144 35 .0575 389 237 1918— Year.... 9 2.25 447 52 6 .0831 240 154 35 .0538 389 221 Quarters- First 8 3 2.8538 402 315 52 .0780 239 146 36 .0583 389 240 Second 9 1 2.9500 442 326 52 7 8.31 .0746 241 138 35 .0592 389 244 Third 9 7 467 326 52 .0917 239 170 35 .0492 389 202 Fourth.... 9 10 479 ....1 52 16 .0881 243 163 35 .0483 389 199 Months- January... 7 9 2. 7600 377 304 52 .0788 239 146 35 .0550 389 226 February . 8 3 2.9000 402 320 52 .0791 239 147 35 .0600 389 247 March 8 9 2.9000 426 320 52 .0760 239 141 35 .0600 389 247 April 8 9 2. 9500 426 326 52 .0700 239 130 35 .0575 389 236 May 9 3 2.9500 450 326 62 .0734 239 136 35 .0600 389 247 Jime 9 3 2.9500 450 326 53 5 .0804 245 149 36 .0600 389 247 July 9 3 2.9600 450 326 52 .0875 239 162 36 .0500 389 206 August.... 9 6 463 52 .0908 239 168 36 .0475 389 195 September 10 487 52 .0967 239 179 35 .0500 389 206 October... 10 487 62 .0913 239 169 35 .0500 389 206 November 10 487 52 8 .0874 241 162 35 .0475 389 195 December. 9 6 463 .... 54 .0866 248 168 35 .0475 389 195 156 INTERNATIONAL PKICB COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN TRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918. Acid, hydrochloric. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Acid, sulphuric. Actual price. ^^"^^^^ Fr. U, Fr. U.S. Ammonia, sulphate of. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit Base price 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second TJUrd Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August.. October November. December. . 1915- Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. March April May June My August September.. October November. . December. . . 100 kgs Frs. 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 (») 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.26 8.25 8.25 12.00 New York. Pound. . Dolls. 0.0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 . 0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 . 0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0161 .0130 .0130 .0183 .0200 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0130 .0175 .0175 . 0200 . .0200 .0200 .0200 . 0130 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 124 100 100 141 154 100 100 100 100 100 100 135 135 164 154 154 154 100 kgs. Frs. 8.75 8.75 8.76 8.75 8.75 8.76 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.76 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.76 8.76 (a) 8.75 8.76 8.75 8.75 8.76 8.76 8.75 (,11 W (") C C) 6.76 -1.75 W (") (a) (» (<■) (") C) C) (") la) W 6.76 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 . 0100 100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0129 .0100 .0100 .0142 .0175 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0125 .0125 .0175 .0175 .0175 .0175 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 lOO 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 kgs. Fts. 32.06 34.31 36.62 34.18 33.33 33.21 36.37 36.81 36.37 35.43 33.62 33.50 33.43 33.25 33.31 33.62 33.26 32.75 30.51 31.77 29.92 28.50 (=) 32.25 31.56 31.50 30.87 30.12 28.87 28.60 C) (") C) W (a) 60.00 (a) (a) (-) 50.00 W (1) 50.00 New York. 100 lbs.. Dolls. 2.9179 3. 1408 107 3.2750 3.2500 2.9883 3.0500 3. 2250 3.3000 3.3000 3.4000 3.3500 3.0000 2.9760 2. 9700 3.0200 3.1000 3.1000 2. 9500 2.6854 2.8833 2.7500 2.6583 2. 5600 2. 9500 2.8500 2.8600 2.8600 2.8000 2.6000 2.4750 2.6000 2.6000 2.6500 2.6600 2.5500 3.2521 2.8833 3. 1867 3.4583 3. 5000 2.5500 3.0000 3.1000 3.1000 3.2000 3.2000 3. 3750 3. 5500 3.4500 3.3000 3. 4500 3.7500 I No quotation. INTBBNATlONAL PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 157 WHOLESALE PRICES IN TRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Acid, hydrochloric. Acid, sulphuric. Aromonla, sulphate of. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Fr. U.S Ft. U.S. Ft. U.S Fr. U.S. Fr. U.S. Market... New York. New York. New York. Unit 100 kgs. Frs. 100 kgs. Frs. 100 kgs.. Frs. 100 lbs.. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Base price. 1916— Year L Quarters- First 8.25 14.00 0.0130 .0252 8.75 7.69 0. 0100 .0200 32.06 66.04 2.9179 3.7792 170 194 88 200 176 130 12.00 .0275 145 212 6.92 .0233 79 233 65.00 3.8667 172 133 Second 12.00 .0292 145 225 7.71 .0260 88 2511 65.17 3.6000 172 123 Third 12.00 .0242 145 186 7.75 .0167 89 167 56.00 3.5000 175 12U Fourtli 20.00 .0200 242 1.54 8.37 .0150 96 160 58.00 4.1500 181 142 Months- January. 12.00 .0275 145 212 6.75 .0200 77 200 55.00 4.0000 172 137 February. . . 12.00 .0275 145 212 6.75 .0250 77 2.50 55.00 3.8500 172 132 March 12.00 .0275 145 212 7.25 .0250 83 251) 65.00 3.7500 172 129 April May 12.00 .0275 145 212 7.62 .0250 87 250 55.00 3.7000 172 127 12.00 12.00 .0275 .0325 145 146 212 250 7.75 7.75 .0250 .0250 89 89 250 260 55.00 55.50 3.5500 3.5500 172 173 122 June 122 July 12.00 12.00 .0275 .0225 145 145 212 173 7.75 7.75 .0200 .0150 89 89 200 150 56.00 56.00 3.4000 3.5000 175 175 117 August 120 September. . 12.00 .0225 145 173 7.75 .0150 89 150 56.00 3.6000 IVb 123 October 20.00 .0200 242 154 7.75 .0150 89 1,50 56.00 4.0000 175 137 November.. 20.00 .0200 242 1.54 8.37 .0150 «R 1,50 58.00 4.1000 181 141 December. . . 20.00 .0200 242 154 9.00 .0150 103 150 60.00 4.3500 187 149 1917— Year Quarters- First 22.50 .0175 273 135 11.04 .0169 126 169 89.14 5.8708 278 201 20.00 .0175 242 135 9.17 .0158 105 1,58 60.00 4.7500 187 163 Second 20.00 .0158 242 122 10.67 .0167 122 167 73.89 6.4167 230 186 Third 25.00 .0175 303 135 11.50 .0167 131 167 94.60 6.2667 295 215 Fourth 25.00 .0193 303 14K 12.83 .0183 147 Wi 128.17 7.0500 400 242 Months- January. 20.00 .0175 242 135 9.00 .0150 103 150 60.00 4.5000 187 164 February. . . 20.00 .0175 242 135 9.00 .0150 103 150 60.00 4.5000 187 164 March 20.00 .0175 242 135 9.50 .0175 109 175 60.00 5.2500 187 180 April May. 20.00 .0175 242 135 10.00 .0175 114 175 65.00 6.2500 203 180 20.00 20.00 .0150 .0150 242 242 115 115 10.50 11.60 .0175 .0150 120 131 176 150 76.66 80.00 5.5000 5.6000 239 260 188 June 188 July 25.00 25.00 .0175 .0175 303 !ia3 135 135 11.50 11.60 .0150 .0175 131 131 150 175 86.00 97.50 6.0000 6.4000 268 304 206 August 219 September.. 25.00 .0175 303 135 1L50 .0175 131 175 100.00 6.4000 312 219 October 25.00 .0188 303 145 11.50 .0175 131 175 115.00 7.1500 359 245 November. . 25.00 .0190 303 146 13.50 .0175 154 175 133.50 7.0000 416 240 December. . . 25.00 .0200 303 154 13.50 .0200 154 200 136.00 7.0000 424 240 1918— Year Quarters- First 26.33 .0227 319 175 14.72 .0168 168 168 133.75 6.7083 417 230 25.00 .0202 3a3 155 13.50 .0208 154 208 135.00 7.3167 421 251 Second 26.33 .0283 319 218 14.50 .0200 1H6 2(H) 135.00 7.3333 421 266 Third 27.00 .0218 327 168 15.00 .0140 171 140 132.50 6.7833 413 232 Fourth 27.00 .0205 327 1.58 16.89 .0125 182 125 132.50 5.0000 413 171 Months — January 25.00 .0205 303 158 13.50 .0200 154 201) 135.00 7.2500 421 248 February. . . 25.00 .0200 303 154 13.50 .0200 154 200 135.00 7.2000 421 247 March 25.00 .0200 303 1,54 13.50 .0225 154 2Z5 135.00 7.5000 421 2bV ^t::::::: 25.00 .0300 303 W 13.50 .0225 1,54 225 135.00 7.6000 421 260 27.00 27.00 .0300 .0250 327 327 231 192 15.00 15.00 .0200 .0175 171 171 200 175 135.00 135.00 7.8000 7.8000 421 421 267 June 267 July... . 27.00 27.00 .0226 .0225 327 327 173 173 15.00 15.00 .0140 .0140 171 171 140 140 132. 50 132.50 7.8000 7.8000 413 413 267 Augist.:;::: 267 September.. 27.00 .0205 327 1.58 15.00 .0140 171 140 132.50 4.7500 413 163 October 27.00 .0205 .327 1,58 15.66 .0125 179 125 132.60 4.7500 413 163 November. - 27.00 .0205 ,327 1,58 16.00 .0125 183 125 132.50 4.7500 413 163 December. . . 27.00 .0205 327 158 16.00 .0125 183 125 132.50 5.5000 413 188 158 HsTTERNATIOHAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Barley. Actual price. Fr. U. S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Beef, dressed. Actual price. Relative price. U.S. Fr. U.S. Butter. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit Base price.. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Month- January... February . March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Month — ■ January... February. March April May Jime July August September. October November December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February. March April May Juno July August September. October November. December. . 100 kgs. Fts. 20.70 21.15 21.51 21.51 21.16 20.41 21.59 21.62 21.31 21.20 21.47 21.87 21.02 20.93 21.53 20.40 20.21 20.62 20.67 20.77 20.48 20. 9S (a) 20.93 20.87 20.50 19.99 20.61 20.84 20.96 («) (<■) (a) <■) (") 27.86 25.13 24.60 26.63 C) 24.75 25.50 25.60 24.50 23.60 (») 26.00 27.26 29.37 34.87 37.33 Chicago Bushel. Dolls. 0.6243 .6263 .6015 .5996 .6571 .6492 .6250 .6063 . 6790 .5863 .6060 .6050 .5700 .6640 .7263 .6825 .6500 .6150 .6204 .6158 .5777 .6223 .6668 .6390 .6163 .6863 .5750 .5840 .5725 .6338 .6300 .7013 .6640 .6863 .6600 .7103 .7sm .7623 .6683 .6223 .7590 .8188 .7838 .7738 .7770 .7325 .7500 .7013 .5538 .5840 .6175 .6750 100 121 118 129 164 (") 120 123 123 118 114 iilSO 126 132 142 168 180 100 96 96 105 104 100 97 93 94 97 97 91 105 lie 109 104 99 Paris . Kg.(dr. wt.) Fts. 1.68 1.65 (a.) 1.64 1.62 1.67 (") (a) (fl) (") 1.64 1.65 1.62 1.61 1.63 1.65 1.66 1.73 1.74 1.70 1.73 1.72 1.82 1.75 1.69 1.68 1.69 1.75 1.76 1.73 1.63 1.80 1.74 1.S5 1.86 2.11 1.96 2.25 2.14 2.09 1.99 1.90 2.00 2.21 2.24 2.30 2.19 2.14 2.08 2.11 2.05 2.12 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1293 .1052 .1161 .1256 .1287 .1291 .1144 .1138 .1200 .1300 .1225 .1244 .1285 .1275 .1300 .1300 .1288 . 1285 .1346 .1302 .1293 .1425 .1365 .1319 .1306 .1280 .1275 .1300 .1305 .1406 .1444 .1425 .1356 .1400 .1340 .1255 .1212 .1207 .1360 .1249 .1294 .1206 .1136 .1113 .1213 .1296 .1350 .1331 .1269 .1265 1213 94 Paris . Kg.... Fts. 3.32 3.27 3.67 3.04 2.87 3.51 3.52 3.75 3.75 3.39 2.91 2.81 2.68 2.75 3.18 3.33 3.47 3.72 3.22 3.64 3.26 2.87 3.11 3.60 3.68 3.66 3.75 3.17 2.89 3.07 2.95 2.59 2.68 3.17 3.48 3.93 3.47 3.81 4.65 3.63 3.88 4.15 3.74 3.28 3.40 3.70 3.72 4.00 4.35 4.40 4.90 New York. Pound.. Dolls. 0. 2970 .3598 .3042 .2873 .3856 .3650 .3478 .2847 .2801 .2693 .2791 .3135 .3169 .3375 .3615 .2993 .2995 .2627 .3325 .2894 .2765 .2644 .2613 .2726 .2781 .3044 .3135 .3175 .3491 .3410 .3213 .2928 .2669 .3183 .3256 .3015 .3085 .2886 .2816 .2703 .2600 .2676 .2878 .3123 .3547 o No quotation. 6 Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 159 WHOLESALE PEICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Barley. Actual price. Er. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U. Beef, dressed. Actual price. Fr. U. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Butter. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit.... Base price.. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September . October — November . December. . 1917— Year...., Quarters- First , Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . March April May June July August September . October November . December.. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April May June July August September . October.... November . December. . 100 kgs Frs. 20.70 40.27 37.21 44.61 38.17 41.08 36.50 39.00 36.12 39.75 41.68 52.50 40.00 37.26 37.25 41.25 41.75 40.25 37.63 31.00 35.53 42.00 42.00 31.00 o 31.00 a 31.00 O34.00 34.00 42.00 42,00 o 4-2. 00 O42.00 o 42.00 O42.00 47.42 42.00 42.00 50.67 55.00 o 42.00 42.00 O42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 O42.D0 66.00 66.00 66.00 55.00 O65.00 Chicago Bushel. Dolls. 0.6243 .8750 .7454 .7446 .9029 1.1050 .7630 .7538 .7150 .7330 .7550 .7420 .9288 1.0430 1.0675 1.1463 1.1020 1.3232 1. 1988 1.3800 1.3523 1.3615 1.2000 1.1688 1.2220 1.3688 1.4538 1.3300 1.4150 1.3325 1.3180 1.3063 1.2838 1.4680 1.8131 1.4435 1.1225 m 1.5263 1.8175 2.0390 1.7263 1.4538 1.2090 1.1225 .9700 Paris . Kg.(dr, wt.) Pre. 1.68 2.47 2.26 2.72 2.45 2.45 2.16 2.26 2.35 2.62 2.78 2.87 2.62 2.33 2.39 2.42 2.32 2.61 2.63 3.16 3.17 3.03 2.57 2.69 2.74 3.00 2.92 3.52 3.32 3.17 3.03 3.08 3.07 2.94 3.34 4.67 m w 3.10 3.29 3.63 4.49 4.87 4.66 (") (.") New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1293 .1263 .1365 .1404 .1317 .1238 .1233 .1288 .1281 .1313 .1500 .1425 .1400 .1388 .1300 .1325 .1325 .1640 .1432 .1642 .1733 .1752 .1365 .1463 .1486 .1631 .1626 .1675 .1685 .1706 .1819 .1725 .1688 .1850 .1758 .2231 .2215 .2138 .1790 .1725 .1750 .2063 .2200 .2431 .2140 .2163 .2363 .2036 .2163 .2275 Paris .. Frs. 3.32 4.86 5.33 4.33 4.33 5.39 5.12 6.39 6.49 5.16 3.96 3.95 4.24 4.79 5.17 5.30 5.70 6.16 6.27 6.31 6.46 6.72 6.66 6.14 6.00 6.40 6.60 7.07 7.29 7.46 8.16 7.75 [I] 8.06 8.34 8.68 8.70 7.46 7.11 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 2970 .3409 .3453 .3248 .3129 .3846 .3365 .3708 .3650 .3128 .2966 .2888 .3118 .3381 .3665 .3981 .4003 .4267 .4159 .4133 .4138 .4639 .4036 .4319 .4163 .4447 .4060 .3910 .3900 .4147 .4425 .4455 .4572 .5163 .4942 .4446 .4816 .6364 .6210 .6094 .4466 .4386 .4572 .4397 .4478 .4600 .5466 .6895 .6306 .6850 Maximum price. ' No quotation. 160 INTEKNATIONAi PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-191&-Coiitinued. Cocoa. Actual price. Ft. U. S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Coffee. Actual price. Fr. U. S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Copper, ingots. Actual price. U. ! Relative price. Market. Unit Base price.. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February.. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months^ January... February. March April May June July August September., October November. . December. . , SO kgs. Frs. 69.47 72.30 71.25 71.50 72.97 73.50 70.75 71.50 71.50 71.50 71.50 71.50 71.90 73.50 73.50 73.50 73.50 73.50 65.18 66.42 65.00 62.00 (") 69.25 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 62.00 (a) 98.16 87.75 102. 54 93.75 102. 19 (a) 79.50 96.00 111.50 103. 62 92.50 93.75 New York. Pound . 105. 75 122. 50 78.33 Dolls. 0. 1311 .1428 .1463 .1463 .1396 .1390 .1425 .1463 .1500 .1438 .1475 .1475 .1413 .1388 .1388 .1388 .1413 .1369 .1226 .1298 .115S .1184 .1259 .1288 .1313 .1294 .1175 .1150 .1150 .1138 .1338 .1075 .1063 .1138 .1575 .1696 .1767 .1669 .1544 .1798 .1513 .1888 .1900 .1825 .1513 (») .1475 .1575 .1581 .1719 104 103 103 105 106 102 103 103 103 103 103 103 106 106 106 106 106 94 96 94 89 (") 100 94 94 94 94 94 128 148 135 147 (") 114 138 160 149 133 135 I>U1 bl46 152 .1950 176 .1725 I 113 a No quotation. 109 112 112 106 106 109 112 114 110 113 113 108 106 108 106 108 104 93 99 88 90 Le Havre. 50 kgs. ■Frs. 62.00 87.94 76.58 66.50 61.92 66.75 82.25 74.00 73.50 69.25 68.00 62.25 61.50 59.25 65.00 71.75 65.75 62.75 58.71 60.00 69.33 57.17 58.33 62.50 60.00 57.50 58.00 61.00 59.00 56.50 58.50 56.50 58.00 57.00 60.00 58.42 59.00 55.00 57.33 62.33 58.00 57.00 62.00 59.00 52.00 54.00 55.00 59.00 58.00 61.00 63.00 63.00 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0949 .1113 .1331 .1148 .0954 .1019 .1.394 133 .1350 119 .^?.m ir» .1194 112 .T13S 111) .1106 100 0981 99 0956 96 (1925 105 1025 116 1075 106 0956 101 0816 95 0929 97 ()K94 96 0798 92 0642 94 0913 101 09.50 97 0925 93 0894 94 0S75 98 0913 95 0882 91 0750 94 07R3 91 0656 94 0638 92 0631 97 0745 94 0775 95 0760 89 0717 92 0729 101 0725 94 0825 92 0775 100 (IKim 95 0775 84 0700 87 07.38 89 07,38 95 0675 94 0675 98 0750 102 0763 102 117 140 121 101 107 147 142 132 126 120 Paris..., 100 kgs.. Frs. 182. 85 191. 73 198. 58 187. 67 188.17 192. 50 214.00 201. 75 180. 00 187.00 190. 00 New York. Pound.. 117 103 186.00 1 180.50 101 185.50 97 198. 50 108 203.00 113 197.00 101 177. 50 88 168.48 98 177.00 94 173.75 84 165.38 68 156. 75 96 178.50 100 178.00 97 174. 50 94 178.00 92 173.00 96 170.25 93 167.75 79 163.00 80 (a) 69 152.50 67 148.75 66 169.00 79 234.25 82 185.33 80 231.50 76 252.67 77 267.50 76 175.00 87 187.50 82 193.50 85 205.00 S2 244. 00 74 245.50 78 267.50 78 243.00 71 247.60 71 252.60 79 265.00 80 285. 00 Dolls. 0. 1501 .1573 .1627 .1544 .1530 .1587 .1761 .1625 .1494 .1519 .1563 .1550 .1463 .1513 .1613 .1656 .1655 .1450 .1338 .1467 .1419 .1276 .1190 .1488 .1475 .1438 .1438 .1420 .1400 .1340 .1250 .1238 .1170 .1125 .1275 .1726 .1413 .1775 .1863 .1854 .1300 .1475 .1463 .1588 .1863 .1875 .1825 .1775 .1800 .1788 .1975 6 Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918, 161 WHOLESALE PRICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS', QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Cocoa. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Er. U. Coffee. Actual price. Er. U. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Copper, Ingots. Actual price. Fr. Relative price. U.S. Fr. U.S, Market. Unit.... Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February . March April May June July August September October. . . November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Montlis— January... February.. March April Miiy June July August September. October November December. 1918-Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February . . March April May June July August September. October November . December. . 50 kgs Fts. 69.47 109.45 116.50 113. 17 109.60 98.-64 115.50 119.25 114.75 114.50 113.50 111.50 110.50 109.00 109.00 105.16 98.75 92.00 110.38 93.08 113.03 118.42 117.00 90.00 92.00 97.25 105,25 116.33 117.50 118.25 119.00 iiaoo 117.00 117.00 117.00 126.13 115.50 121.78 131. 75 135.60 115.00 116.00 115.50 121.00 120.33 124.00 127.25 134.00 134.00 134.00 135.50 137.00 New York. Pound - . Dolls. 0.1311 .1646 .1658 .1504 .1304 .1738 .1575 .1|625 .1575 .1575 .1525 .1475 .1625 .1413 .1275 .1375 .1263 .1192 .1279 .1217 .1175 .1096 .1350 .1325 .1163 .1275 .1188 .1188 .1225 .1138 .1163 .1150 .1038 .1100 .1356 .1329 .1325 .1342 .1429 .1150 .1363 .1475 .1375 .1338 .1263 .1375 .1375 .1275 .1350 .1363 .1575 . 1503 158 Le Havre. 50 kgs Fts. 62.00 74.29 68.67 75.60 76.50 76.50 64.00 67.00 75.00 76.00 77.00 73.50 76.50 78.50 74.50 74.50 76.50 78.50 98.33 87.17 93.50 102.83 109.83 82.50 87.50 91.50 91.60 93.50 95.50 99.50 104.50 104.50 108.50 110.50 110.50 109.33 107.00 110.50 110.50 107.00 107.00 107.00 107.00 New York. Pound Dolls. 0.0949 .0924 .0971 .0946 .0942 .0763 .0825 .0925 .0950 .0975 .0900 .0950 .0988 .0950 .0950 .0925 .0927 .1000 .0925 .0800 .0975 .1000 .0975 .0950 .1013 .1038 .0050 .0913 .0913 .0850 .0794 .0756 .0935 .0862 .0873 .0887 .1199 .0853 .0844 .0873 .0841 .0855 .0853 .0959 .1040 .1069 .1725 126 Paris.... Frs. 182.85 410. 50 383.33 428.83 385.17 444.67 353.50 392.50 404.00 407.60 454. 00 425.00 385.00 372.50 398.00 414.00 420.00 500.00 457.13 494. 33 487.33 459.17 387. 67 460.00 490.00 533.00 526.00 467.00 470.00 485.00 460.00 442.50 399.00 382.00 382.00 389. 79 382.50 382.50 394. 17 400.00 382.50 382.50 382.50 382. 50 382. SO 382.50 382.50 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1501 .2754 .2509 .2779 .2675 .3054 .2538 .2700 .2688 .2850 .2800 .2650 .2600 .2775 .2850 .2863 .3450 .2940 .3292 .3260 .2867 .2350 .2950 .3300 .3625 .3400 .3100 .3250 .3175 .2900 .2525 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2458 .2350 .2350 .2581 .2580 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2550 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2540 162 INTEKNATIONAl, PKICE COMPABISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTBES, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Cotton, raw. Actual price. Ft. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Flour. Actual price. Fr. U. S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Gasoline. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Market. Unit i price. . 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April . May.. June. July August... September.. October... November December. 1914— Year.... Quartern — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March , . . . April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September.. October November. . December... Le Havre 50 kgs. Frs. 85.97 83.37 81.83 79.04 S4.49 88.12 81.62 82.25 81.62 77.50 78.75 80.87 80.12 82.62 90.76 91.87 87. CO 85.00 77.97 83.41 87.83 78.50 62.60 84.87 83.87 81.50 84.00 90.00 89.60 78. .50 C) C) 60.00 64.00 63.60 m 76.50 85.17 105. 58 cS (") 80.00 74.00 75.60 75.25 83.75 96.50 105. 75 100.50 110.60 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1312 .1^79 . 1282 .1216 .1264 . 13.56 .1306 .1280 .1259 .1229 .1200 .1219 .1235 .1211 .1346 .1400 . 1368 .1300 .1121 .1292 .1336 .1117 .0738 .1313 .1200 (') (0) .0763 .0759 .1015 .0993 .0985 .1225 .1029 .0984 .0967 .0920 .0938 .1098 .1250 .1189 .1236 97 97 .1270 .1280 .1326 .3318 . 1345 105 . 1346 104 95 92 88 70 97 71 112 84 123 95 117 91 129 94 Minne' apolis. 100 kgs. BM.of 196 lbs, Frs. 40.02 40.75 40.18 41.87 41.46 39.49 40.28 40.10 40.14 41.56 42.03 42.03 42.03 41.55 40.76 39.64 39.49 39.33 Dolls. 4. 5699 4.5837 4.4584 4. 7096 4.6833 4.4746 4. 4813 4. 6188 4. 3750 4. 6100 4. 6663 4.8625 4. 7700 4. 7000 4. 5800 4. 4563 4. 4876 4. 4800 49. 54 5. 0962 40. 28 66. 04 63.00 4 5708 4 5508 6. 3488 5. 8626 102 100 105 104 99 101 100 100 104 105 105 105 104 102 38. S5 4.6000 38.85 4. 5875 38.85 4,6260 39.17 4. 5500 40.44 4. 6125 41.24 4.4900 40.12 4. 5938 66.00 5. 5125 63.00 5.9400 63.00 5. 7563 63.00 5. 8813 63.00 5.9600 64.83 6. 6630 64.33 7.3492 65.00 7.3942 65.00 6.2242 65.00 5.7479 63.00 6.8563 65.00 7.7063 65.00 7.4850 65.00 7. 7063 65.00 7.8813 65.00 6.6960 65.00 7.0313 65.00 6. 3100 65.00 5.3313 65.00 6.5188 66.00 5.6000 65.00 6.2250 97 100 101 100 140 117 157 128 97 98 97 100 »7 11)1 98 100 101 101 103 1)8 100 101 162 121 157 130 1,57 126 1.57 129 157 130 162 146 161 161 162 162 162 136 162 126 157 150 162 169 162 164 162 169 162 172 162 144 152 1,54 162 138 162 117 162 121 162 120 182 136 Paris... Hecto- liter. Frs. 44.17 45.42 45.17 45.83 46.17 44.50 44.60 45.50 45.60 45.60 45.50 46.50 46.50 46.60 45.50 44.50 44.60 44.50 43.00 42.50 43.60 C) C) 44.50 41.50 41.50 41.60 44.60 44.60 (6) m m C) (») m 48.83 47.00 47.00 49.33 62.00 47.00 47.00 47.00 47.00 47.00 47.00 47.00 49.00 52.00 52.00 62.00 62.00 New York. Barrelo . Dolls. 7. 0350 7. 0686 7. 0014 7. 1400 7. 1400 7.0014 6.7200 7. 1400 7.1400 7. 1400 7. 1400 7. 1400 7. 1400 7. 1400 7.1400 7.1400 7. 1400 6. 7200 6,4764 7. 1400 6.8586 6. 0186 6. ,S800 7. 1400 7. 1400 7.1400 6.3000 6.3000 5.8800 5.8800 5.8800 5.8800 5.8800 6.2286 5. 6986 6,4600 6. 0186 7.8414 5.8800 6.4600 5. 4600 5. 4600 5.4600 6. 4600 5.4600 5.8800 6.7200 7.1400 7. 9800 8.4000 . 1400 101 . 1400 94 102 104 105 101 101 103 103 103 103 105 106 105 103 101 101 101 100 100 101 101 100 101 101 101 101 lot 101 101 101 101 101 101 97 86 84 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 90 84 78 78 78 78 78 78 84 96 101 113 119 a Price does not include barrel. 6 No quotation. " Interpolated. INTEENATIONAL PllICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 163 WHOLESALE PEICES IN FEANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Cotton, raw. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Ft. U. Flour. Actual price. Fr. U. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Gasoline. Actual price. U.J Relative price. Market. Unit Base price... 1916— Year... Quarters- First Second... Third Fourth... Months- January.. February. . . March April May June July August... September.. October November. December. . 1917— Year Quarters — First , Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May June Inly August September. October November. December. . 1918-Year Quarters^ First , Second Third Fourth Months- January February. . March April May June July August September. October November. December. . Le Havre. 50 kgs. Fts. 8S.97 134. 10 118. 00 118.25 127.92 161. 60 118. 00 115. 25 120.75 118.75 118. GO 131. 25 134. 50 153. 50 168. 00 163. 00 249. 19 174. 33 241.13 270. 92 310. 42 164.50 165.75 192. 75 207.60 229.38 286. 60 277.25 266. 00 269. 50 291. 25 315. 60 324. 50 342. 08 328.68 328.00 338. 75 369. 50 319. 25 327.00 339. 60 New York. Found. Dolls. 0. 1312 .1447 .1203 .1264 .1447 .1881 .1240 .1174 .1194 .1206 .1291 .1294 .1304 .1454 .1684 .1812 .2006 .1824 .2350 .1762 .2207 .2499 .2944 .1763 .1631 .1859 .2033 .2076 .2645 .2612 .2586 .2271 .2813 .2991 .3060 .3178 .3001 .3362 .3090 .3236 .3195 .3386 .3172 .2749 .3039 .3123 .3446 .3578 .3249 .2903 .3042 100 kgs. 166 110 137 138 149 188 137 else clSS 134 140 138 137 153 156 179 195 190 290 203 280 315 361 191 193 224 241 267 158 333 194 Frs. 40.02 65.00 66.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 66.00 65.00 66.00 65.00 66.00 65.00 66.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 66.00 65.00 65.00 66.00 66.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 66.00 65.00 66.00 65.00 65.00 66.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 66.00 Miime' apolis. Bbls. ot 196 lbs, Dolls. 4.5699 7.2639 6. 3217 6. 0571 7.3707 9. 2621 6. 6438 6. 4400 6. 8813 6. 2188 6. 1900 5. 7625 6. 1000 7. 6060 8. 4260 9.2800 9. 8260 8. 6813 11. 3909 13. 6731 12. 3904 10. 3404 9. 2160 9.0688 9. 6313 11. 6188 14. 8800 13. 8938 12.7500 13. 0688 11. 2625 10. 6000 10. 2250 10. 1313 10. 1407 10. 1538 9.7942 10.3992 10. 2100 65.00 10.0860 65.00 10.3000 66.00 10.0938 65.00 65.00 65.00 66.00 65.00 65.00 66.00 65.00 66.00 9.9860 9. 6250 10. 7120 10. 2100 10. 2100 10. 2100 10. 2100 10. 2100 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 138 133 161 203 146 141 129 136 135 126 133 166 184 203 216 190 249 203 297 271 226 202 198 211 264 226 304 279 Paris... Hecto- liter. Frs. 44.17 62.79 65.33 63.42 67.00 65.42 52.00 57.00 57.00 61.63 61.63 67.00 67.00 67.00 67.00 67.00 64.63 64.63 76.96 70.04 76.68 77.26 83.92 64.63 70.25 75.25 75.25 77.26 77.26 77.25 77.26 77.26 82.26 82.25 87.25 87.26 87.25 87.25 87.26 87.25 87.25 87.25 87.25 87.26 87.26 87.25 87.25 87.26 101. 75 New York. Barielo. Dolls. 7.0350 9. 6600 9.3786 10. 0800 9. 9414 9.2400 8. 8200 9. 2400 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 0800 10.0800 10.0800 9. 6600 9.2400 9. 2400 9.2400 9. 9760 9. 6600 10. 0800 10. 0800 10.0800 9. 2400 9. 6600 10.0800 10. 0800 10.0800 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 1724 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 2312 10. 2900 10.0800 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 0800 10. 1220 10. 2900 10. 2900 10.2900 10. 2900 10. 2900 o Price does not include barrel. 1 1 QOFII ° 1 1 b No quotation. c Interpolated. 164 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Glycerin, dynamite Glycerin, saponifical ion. Hay. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price, t Fr. U.S. Fr. U.S. Fr. U.S. Fr. U.S. Fr. U.S. Fr. U.S. Market Paris . New York. Paris . New York. Kansas City. 100 kgs. Frs. 100 kgs. Frs. 520 kgs.. Ton Dolls. Dolls. Frs. Dolls. Base price... 1913— Year 38.52 15. 0313 133.99 .1913 100 99 158.56 .1971 99 98 41.S4 13.9167 109 93 Quarters — First 133.16 .1868 99 96 158.25 .1875 99 94 48.00 13.7500 125 91 Second 134. 72 .1942 100 100 155.56 .1992 97 99 43.67 12.6417 113 i83 Third 128.42 .1867 95 96 154.49 .1942 96 97 37.92 13.2917 98 »S8 Fourth 139. 67 .1983 104 102 166.92 .2075 103 104 38.16 16.0833 99 lOV Months- January 130.50 .1875 97 97 156.00 .1875 97 94 47.50 15.0000 123 100 February. .. 132.12 .1800 98 93 158.75 .1875 99 94 47.75 12.7500 124 86 March 136.87 .1900 102 98 160.00 .1875 100 94 48.75 13.5000 12/ 99 April 136.00 .1975 101 102 158.60 .2000 99 100 46.90 13.7500 122 91 May 135.00 .1950 ion 101 155.00 .2000 ' 97 100 43.12 13.7500 112 91 June 133. 15 .1900 99 98 153. 15 .1975 95 99 41.00 10.1260 106 67 July 124.00 .1825 92 94 148.50 .1926 92 96 43.00 12.5000 112 83 August 127.60 .1825 96 94 154.37 .1926 96 96 32.75 12.1250 85 81 September.. 133.75 .1960 99 101 160.62 .1975 100 99 38.00 16.2500 99 101 October 140.00 .2000 104 103 165.50 .2076 103 104 38.37 16.2500 100 108 November.. 140.00 .1960 104 101 166.25 .2076 104 104 37.75 16.0000 98 106 December. . . 139.00 .2000 103 103 166.00 .2075 103 104 38.37 16.0000 100 1U6 1914— Year Quarters- First 132.53 .2042 98 106 159.21 .2148 99 107 47.16 14.5000 102 96 134. 16 .1958 100 101 160.41 .2008 100 100 39.00 15.5000 101 103 Second 136.29 .1933 101 100 161.41 .1992 lUl 99 39.00 15.2500 101 lUl Third 131.33 .2108 98 109 155.00 .2217 97 111 W 13.1250 C) 87 Fourth 128.33 .2167 95 112 160.00 .2375 UK) 119 71.63 13.6667 186 91 Months- January 134.37 .1960 100 101 160.62 .2025 100 101 39.00 16.0000 101 106 February. .. 133.12 .1960 99 101 160.62 .2000 100 100 39.00 15.2500 101 101 March 135.00 .1975 100 102 160.00 .2000 KKI 1(K) 39.00 15.2600 101 101 April May 137.00 .1950 102 101 163.00 .2000 1(12 100 39.00 15.0000 101 100 136.87 .1925 102 99 163.10 .2000 102 100 39.00 15.7500 101 105 June 135.00 .1926 100 99 158.12 .1976 98 99 39.00 15.0000 101 100 July 133.00 .1926 99 99 157.50 .1975 98 99 (a) 12.5000 (<') 83 August 133.60 .1900 99 98 167.50 .1975 98 99 (a) W (a) '•?,>, September.. 127.50 .2500 95 129 160.00 .2700 93 135 }a\ 13.7600 (a) 91 October 130.00 .2350 97 121 160.00 .2450 UK) 122 (a) 13.2600 (») 88 November . . 130.00 .2100 97 109 160.00 .2400 1(H) 120 72.00 13.7500 187 91 December. . . 126.00 .2050 93 106 160.00 .2275 100 114 71.25 14.0000 186 93 1915— Year 136.74 .2850 102 147 187.54 .2960 117 148 74.10 13.2600 192 88 Quarters- First 123.76 .2100 92 109 158.33 .2183 99 109 71.17 13.6667 185 91 Second 123.75 .1967 92 102 149. 17 .2042 93 1(12 75.58 14.6667 196 98 Third 142.92 .2217 106 115 185.83 .2300 116 116 73.67 11.8333 191 V9 Fourth 166.53 .5117 116 264 256.83 .6317 160 266 76.00 12.8333 197 85 Months- January 125.00 .2100 93 109 160.00 .2200 100 110 71.25 .13.7500 185 91 February. . . 126.00 .2150 93 111 160.00 .2200 100 110 71.25 13. 7500 185 91 March 121.25 .2050 «0 106 165.00 .2150 97 107 71.00 13.5000 184 9U April 122.50 .1850 91 96 150.00 .2000 93 100 72.75 15.0000 189 lUO May 121.26 .1900 90 98 147. 50 .1925 92 96 76.00 14. 2600 197 95 June 127.60 .2150 95 111 150.00 .2200 93 110 78.00 14.7600 202 98 July 131.25 .2100 97 109 162.50 .2200 101 110 73.50 11.0000 191 73 August 140. 00 .2150 1114 111 180.00 .2260 112 112 73.50 12.2500 191 82 September. . 157. 60 .2400 117 124 215.00 .2460 134 122 74.00 12.2600 192 82 October 155.62 .3500 116 181 232.50 .3450 146 172 75.00 12.2500 195 82 November. . 156.87 .6800 117 300 270.00 .6000 168 299 76.00 13.0000 197 86 December. . . 157. 10 .6050 117 313 268.00 .6600 167 324 77.00 13.2500 200 88 a No quotation. INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 165 WHOLESALE PRICES IN PRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Glycerin, dynamite. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U. Glycerin, saponification. Actual price. Fr. U. Relative price. Fr. U Hay. Actual price. Fr. U. f Relative price. Market. Unit.... Base price. 1916— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. -- February- March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1918— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January February. . March April May June Paris . 100 kgs. Frs. 134. 63 13S. 79 166. 87 142. 29 126.33 117. 67 156. 25 156. 87 157. 50 144.37 142. 50 140. 00 140. 00 124.00 115. 00 110. 00 118. 00 125.00 161. 51 132. 91 153. 75 175. 00 184.37 126.00 133. 37 139. 37 146.25 155. 00 160. 00 175. GO 176. DO 175. 00 175. 00 175. 00 203.12 July August September. October November. December. . 225.00 225. 00 225.00 226.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 C) 225.00 New York. Pound . . Dolls. 0. 1935 .5167 .5700 .3883 .4833 .5000 .5000 .5600 .5500 .6000 .5600 .4700 .3200 .3750 .4500 .6000 .6000 .6963 .6633 .6267 .6817 .4900 .6200 .6300 .6400 .5600 .6000 .6000 .6300 .6500 .6860 .7000 .6917 .6600 .6333 .6133 .4700 .6400 .6500 .6600 .6600 .6400 .6000 .6260 .6160 .6000 .5800 .6800 .2500 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 bier 167 Paris . 100 kgs. Frs. 160. 56 182. 59 198. 87 182. 50 170. 17 178.83 205.00 190. 62 201. 00 187.60 180.00 180. 00 172. 60 173. 00 165. 00 173. 75 177. 75 185.00 239.33 203.68 236.67 250.00 267. 08 197. 00 205. 00 208. 75 215. 00 246.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250. 00 262.60 288. 76 360. 00 372. 50 312. 50 300. 09 360. 00 400. 00 412. 50 365. 00 360. 00 325. 00 300. 00 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 2004 .6079 .5250 .5733 .4333 .5000 .5260 .5200 .6300 .6700 .6000 .6600 .6000 .4000 .4000 .4500 .5250 .5250 .6113 .5433 .5750 .6300 .5600 .6500 .5660 .5600 .6100 .6200 .8400 .6400 .6800 .7000 .7000 .6060 .6700 .6500 .6267 .4733 .6750 .6750 .6600 .6700 .6500 .6300 .6400 .6300 .6100 .6900 .6800 .2500 187 218 249 257 221 218 202 bl9B 187 253 520 kgs.. Frs. 38.52 85.49 83.17 101. 39 77.00 77.00 77.00 78.26 82.16 80.76 83.00 80.50 86.00 88.66 101. 00 114. 60 158.29 120. 67 145. 22 149. 50 217. 78 115. 50 120. 50 126. 00 137. 60 160. 66 147. 50 139. 00 141. 50 168. 00 189. 33 232.00 232.00 241.28 234.50 240.56 227.50 262. 66 232.00 234.60 237.00 239.50 243.66 238.50 219. 50 222. 00 241.00 258.66 267.00 262. 00 City. Ton Dolls. 15. 0313 14. 4167 14. 7600 13. 8333 12. 1667 16. 9167 14. 2660 15. 5000 14. 5000 14. 5000 15. 7500 11.2500 11. 5000 11. 5000 13. 5000 14.5000 16. 7500 19. 6000 23.8333 20. 1667 23.8333 22. 3333 29.0000 20. 0000 20.2600 20. 2600 22. 0000 24.2500 25. 2500 20.0000 23.2500 23. 7600 24.7600 29. 7600 32. 6000 27. 6876 31.3333 23.2600 26. 2600 30.9167 32. 0000 31. 2500 30. 7500 24. 6000 23. 7500 21. 5000 20.5000 24.2500 31. 0000 31. 5000 30. 6000 30. 7500 <> No quotation. 6 Interpolated. 166 INTEKNATIONAIi PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN FEANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Base price... 1913— Year... Quarters — First Second... Third.... Fourth... Months — January.. .. February . . . March April May . . June July August September . October — November . December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Mouths — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November . . December... 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March AprU May June July August September . - October November. . December... Lard, American. Actual price. Fr. Mar- seille. lOOlcgs. Fts. 139. 67 140.58 135. 00 140.67 144.67 142.00 129.00 138.00 138.00 138.00 142. 00 142.00 146.00 144.00 144.00 142.00 142.00 142.00 136.00 140.00 132.00 («) 142.00 139.00 139. 00 132.00 132.00 132.00 (a) 149.42 152. 17 144. 17 139.83 161.50 141.50 157. 50 157.50 147.50 142.60 142.60 142.50 122.50 154.60 162.60 157.50 164. 60 U.S. New Yorlt. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1080 .1101 .1058 .1115 .1144 .1081 .1009 .1065 .1101 .1116 .1118 .1110 .1159 .1141 .1133 .1071 .1093 .1079 .1037 .1076 .1019 .1002 .1057 .1096 .1070 .1061 .1041 .1006 .1011 .1023 .0978 .1005 .1030 .1113 .1027 .0940 .1037 .0960 .0819 .0954 .1076 .1044 .0990 .0986 .0979 .0916 .0833 .0943 .0929 Eelative price. Fr. U.S. 102 Lead. Actual price. Fr. U. S. Paris . lOOltgs. Frs. 56.79 54.98 50.00 54.08 69.42 56.42 52.75 49.50 47.75 49.25 53.75 59.25 59.00 60.25 59.00 58.75 58.00 52.50 56.05 56.42 54.92 55.25 57.33 54.25 57.25 57.75 53.50 54.60 56.75 56.50 55.00 (o) 69.00 55.00 58.00 71.94 59.26 68.83 76.25 83.42 57.25 57.50 63.00 69.60 66.50 70.50 78.50 74.00 76.25 80.50 81.25 88.60 New Yorl£. Pound Dolls. 0.0418 .0437 .0432 .0435 .0456 .0425 .0432 .0433 .0433 .0438 .0434 .0433 .0435 .0462 .0470 .0440 .0429 .0405 .0386 .0404 .0387 .0386 .0367 .0411 .0405 .0397 .0381 .0390 .0390 .0389 .0388 .0383 .0353 .0368 .0467 .0387 .0481 .0498 .0504 .0373 .0383 .0405 .0422 .0427 .0566 .0466 .0461 .0460 .0516 .0536 Relative price. Fr. U.S. 99 97 97 101 96 101 102 94 96 100 98 97 (») 104 97 102 127 104 121 134 147 101 101 111 122 117 124 138 130 134 142 143 156 Lime, Chloride of. Actual price. 100 legs.. Frs. 19.00 18.56 18.00 18.25 19.00 19.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.75 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 W 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 19.00 («)■ (a) (a) (a) (") W 55.00 («) («) (a) 55.00 (.") (») (a) m (a) (.") (a) («) («) (a) 55.00 U. f New Yorlt. 100 lbs. Dolls. 1.9167 2.3760 2.5000 2.6000 2.5000 2.0000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.500O 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.5000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 1.5833 1.6667 1.5000 1.5000 1.6667 1.7500 1.7500 1.6000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.5000 1.7500 1.7500 3.2292 2.0000 2.6667 3.7500 4.5000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 3.5000 2.5000 3.0000 3.5000 3.7500 4.0000 4.0000 4.5000 5.0000 Eelative price. « No quotation. INTEENATIONAL, PEICE COMPABISONS, 1913-1918. 167 WHOLESALE PRICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Lard, American. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Lead. Actual price. Relative price. Fr. U. S. Fr. fU. S. Lime, chloride of. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit Base price. . 1916— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January — Febniary . . March April May June July August September. October November . December.. 1917— Year.... Quarters — .First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February . March April May June July August September. October November . December.. 1918— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January February . . March April May June July August September. October November . December.. Mar- seille. 100 kgs Frs. 139. 67 232.17 189.17 227.50 234. SO 277.60 177.50 192.50 197.50 232.50 232.50 217.50 220.50 240.50 242.60 257.50 287.50 287.50 425.42 340.83 407.50 447.50 505.83 307.50 337.50 377.50 397.50 412.50 412.50 397.50 467. SO 477. 50 477.50 527.50 512.50 612. 50 534.17 512.50 612.50 512.50 512.60 527.60 537.60 537.50 512. 50 512.50 512. 50 New York. Pound.. Dolls. 0. 1080 .1347 .1067 .1277 .1390 .1664 .1044 .1025 .1131 .1210 .1312 .1310 .1313 .1369 .1489 .1578 .1730 .1683 . 2170- .1760 .2178 .2230 .2573 .1607 .1723 .1999 .2131 .2251 .2120 .2013 .2266 .2421 .2468 .2788 .2536 .2603 .2595 .2512 .2682 .2628 .2495 .2678 .2659 .2583 .2484 .2450 .2640 .2689 .2716 .2658 .2717 .2545 125 Paris . 100 kgs Frs. 56.79 101. 40 100.36 106.67 96.25 103.33 99.50 98.00 103.59 111.00 108.00 101.00 92.00 94.00 99.75 102.50 103.75 103.75 146. 13 106. 25 186. 00 (<•) (a) 104. 50 108.00 («) 174.00 198.00 (») (<■) la) C) m («) New York. Pound Bolls. 0.0418 .0686 179 .0643 .0734 .0647 .0719 .0592 .0826 .0714 .0763 .0746 .0635 .0624 .0681 .0700 .0704 .0751 .1022 .0999 .0644 .0763 .0864 .0920 .0929 .1021 .1117 .1071 .1059 .0868 .0671 .0625 .0638 .0741 .0707 .0804 .0755 .0678 .0698 .0720 .0677 .0682 .0761 .0805 .0666 100 kgs.. Frs. 19.00 55.00 66.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 66.00 55.00 66.00 55.00 65.00 55.00 55.00 56.00 55.00 56.00 55.00 55.00 75.50 77.17 78.00 78.00 62.50 70.00 74.00 78.00 78.00 75.50 78.00 78.00 78.00 78.00 78.00 78.00 86.00 78.00 86.00 90..00 90.00 78.00 78.00 78.00 78.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 New York. 100 lbs.. Dolls. 1. 9167 6.8750 6. 6667 7.0000 6.3333 3.5000 6.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7. 0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 5.0000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 4.8126 3.5000 4.6000 5.2500 6.0000 3.5000 3.5000 3.5000 4.6000 4.5000 4.6000 6.2500 5.2500 5.2500 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 4.5000 6. 0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 o No quotation. l> Interpolated. 168 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Mutton, dressed. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S Oats. Actual price. Fr. Relative price. Fr. U.S, Oil, colza. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Iilarket. Unit.... Base price. . 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Mouths — January... February. March April May June July August September . October November. December.. 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January February. . March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September. October November. December. . Eg.Cdt, wt.) Frs. 2.50 2.36 2.40 2.54 2.62 2.44 2.00 2.52 2.51 2.60 2.55 2.75 2.57 2.48 2.55 2.29 2.10 2.00 1.90 2.42 2.19 2.46 2.65 2.40 2.07 2.23 2.26 2.46 2.46 2.47 2.68 2.91 2.36 2.38 2.38 2.45 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 0994 .1025 .1000 .1167 .0981 .0940 .0900 .1019 .1081 .1325 .1150 .1025 .1035 .0938 .0970 .0950 .0931 .0940 .1000 .1012 .1043 .0970 .1019 .0981 .1006 .1050 .1063 .1081 .0985 .0950 .0994 .0965 .0956 .1100 .1000 .1073 .1056 .1249 .1019 .0978 .1038 .1160 .1313 .1394 .1040 .1094 .1020 .0944 .0963 .0965 .1006 Paris 100 kgs Frs. 20.70 21.05 21.29 21.46 21.46 19.99 21.87 21.37 20.62 21.37 21.25 21.75 21.87 21.75 20. 75 20.62 19.62 19.75 21.66 19.20 22.12 22.75 22.92 19.37 19.12 19.12 20.50 22.50 23.37 22.00 23.50 (°) 22.75 23.00 23.00 26.54 26.54 Kansas City. Bushel Dolls. 0. 3988 .3754 .3342 .3542 .4067 .4067 .3325 .3425 .3275 . 3375 .3425 .3825 .3900 .4050 . 4250 .4200 .4000 .4000 .4031 .3850 .3950 .3925 .3850 . 38.50 .4025 .3600 .3625 .4775 .4200 .4325 .4400 .3575 97 97 101. 90 91 120 106 108 110 90 Palis 100 kgs.. Frs. 77.88 75.88 71.33 75.00 79.50 77.67 74.00 69.00 71.00 75.00 74.75 7,5. 25 81.50 80.50 76.50 78.00 77.25 77.75 83.40 78.33 76.00 80.75 98.50 76.75 78.00 80.25 7S.75 74.25 75.00 72.25 82.50 87.60 88.50 99.00 108. 00 124.92 108. 50 112. 67 129. 17 149. 33 107.00 108.00 110. 50 112. 00 112. 00 114.00 119. 00 126. 00 142.50 149. 00 147. 50 151. 60 New York. Gallon. Dolls. 0.6242 .6658 .6800 .6767 .6700 .6367 .6800 .6800 .6800 .6800 .6800 .6700 .6700 .6700 .6700 .6700 .6200 .6200 .6000 .5900 .6767 .7283 .6200 ..5900 .5900 .5900 .5900 .5900 .6900 .6900 .8500 .7500 .7200 .7150 .7967 .7700 .8300 .7533 .8333 .7100 .7500 .8500 .8600 .8200 .8200 .7600 .7600 .7500 .7700 .8600 .8800 » No quotation. INTERNATIONAL PBICB COMPABISONS, 1913-1918, 169 WHOLESALE PRICES IN FEANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETBBS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Oil, colza. Market. XTnlt,... Basepiice.. 1916— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . March April May June July August September. October — November. December. . 917— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February. . March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1918— Year L Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. March April May June July August September. October November. December,. o No quotations. 170 INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN FEANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAKS, 1913-1918— Continued. Oil, linseed. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Oil, palm. Actual price. Fr. U. S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Petroleum, refined. Actual price. Fr. U. i Relative price. Market. Unit.... Base price... 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April June. July August September. October November. December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May June July August September. October November. December.. Paris 100 bgs Frs. 61.31 62.08 62.67 61.76 64.33 59.58 66.00 60.75 61.25 64.25 60.75 60.25 67.75 64.50 60.76 57.50 60.25 61.00 61.38 60.58 60.76 62.00 62.17 58.75 69.75 63.25 60.00 61.00 61.25 62.00 63.00 61.00 60.76 61.25 64.50 85.47 67.42 80.37 87.33 106. 75 64.25 64.25 73.76 77.00 77.37 86.75 88.00 84.00 90.00 96.75 109.00 114.50 New York. Gallon. Dolls. 0. 4863 .4621 .4433 .4483 .4867 .4700 .4200 .4600 .4500 .4400 .4560 .4600 .4700 .4900 .5000 .4700 .4600 .4800 .5017 .4800 .4800 .5000 .5100 .5000 .4960 .6160 .5900 .5700 .4900 .4400 .4500 .6617 .6300 .6100 .5200 .5867 .5600 .5500 .6800 .6200 .6300 .5400 .5000 .6200 .5500 .6000 .6100 .4867 .6017 .6583 101 .4600 101 144 111 137 10.^ 147 107 1,68 H3 17S 123 187 125 Mar- seUle. 100 kgs New York. Pound Frs. DoUs. 69. 25 0. 0766 68.50 67.50 71.00 72.83 67.50 69.00 69.00 68.50 68.60 65.50 68.00 72.60 72.60 73.50 72.50 72.50 103 66.58 80.42 74.17 75.17 75.17 97.17 72,50 75.00 76.00 76.00 74.00 75.50 81.00 72.60 72.00 82.00 103.00 106.60 .0749 .0736 .0729 .0757 .0773 .0713 .0738 .0757 .0757 .0719 .0713 .0732 .0767 .0782 .0782 .0769 .0769 .0777 .0756 .0867 .0757 .0788 .0788 .0769 .0763 .0738 .0713 .0713 .1175 .0925 .0825 .0763 .0877 .1029 .1004 .0709 .0767 .0738 .1160 .1200 .1176 .1075 .0763 .0713 .0726 .0688 .0682 .0757 101 113 Paris... Hecto- liter. Frs. 29.58 31.67 32.17 32.50 32.60 29.60 31.50 32.50 32.50 32.50 32.50 32.50 32.50 32.50 32.50 30.50 29.50 28.50 27.75 28.50 27.83 26.60 (°) 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50 28.50 26.50 26.50 26.50 la) ta) (a) 30.81 29.00 29.00 30.17 34.50 (») 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 32.50 34.50 34.60 34.50 New York. Barrel.. Dolls. 2. 1630 2.0832 2.0160 2.0454 2.1000 2.1714 2.0160 2.0160 2.0160 2.0160 2.0160 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.1000 2.2050 2.2050 2.0832 2.2050 2.1714 2.0286 1.9236 2.2050 2.2050 2.2050 2.2060 2.2060 2.1000 2.1000 1.9950 1.9950 1.9950 1.8900 1.8900 1.7430 1.8186 1.6800 1.6800 1.7450 1.8900 1.7860 1.7850 1.6800 1.6800 1.6800 1.6800 1.6800 1.6800 1.6800 1.7850 1.8900 o No quotation. INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 171 WHOLESALE PRICES IN FBANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Oil, linseed. Actual price. Fr. U. S. Relative price. Fr. U.S, Oil, palm. Actual price. Fr. U. S. Relative price. Fr. U.S, Petroleum, refined. Actual-price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit.... Base price... Paris, 100 kgs Frs. 61.31 1916— Year 150.70 Quarters- First 158.67 Second 135.67 Third 133.50 Fourtli 175.00 Months- January 132.00 February... 172.00 March 172.00 April May 143.50 139.00 June 124.50 July 132.00 August 135.00 September.. 133.50 October 148.00 November- . 175.00 December. . . 202.00 1917— Year 298.00 Quarters- First 226.83 Second 278.83 Third 324.33 Fourth 362.00 Months — January. 200.00 February... 233.50 March 247.00 .April y&j 251.00 283.50 June 302.00 July 320.00 August 324.00 September.. 329.00 October 341.00 November.. 372.50 December. . . 372.50 1918— Year Quarters- First 452.33 Second 464.67 Third Fourth Months- January. 450.00 February. . . 442.00 March 465.00 AprU May 465.00 464.00 June.. July August September.. October November. . December. . . New York. Gallon. . DoU. 0.4863 .7167 .7267 .6800 .8800 .6600 .7200 .7700 .7600 .7500 .6700 .7100 .7000 .8200 .9000 .9200 1. 1067 1. 1533 1. 1767 1. 1633 .9400 .9300 1.0600 1.2000 1.2000 1.1200 1.1700 1.2400 1.1600 1. 1300 1.2000 1.5920 1.3731 1.5650 1.8371 1.5928 1.2800 1.2950 1.5100 1.5500 1.5700 1.5750 1.7360 1.8950 1.8920 1.6525 1.5760 1.5500 Mar- seille. 100 kgs Frs. 69.25 121.63 126.17 122.67 106.67 131.00 123.50 128.00 127.00 130.00 125.00 113.00 107.00 105.00 108.00 119. 00 130.00 144.00 263.75 147.33 279.33 328.33 300.00 139.00 141.00 162.00 214. 00 289.00 335.00 345. 00 330.00 310.00 300.00 305.00 295.00 273.33 335.00 (a) 220.00 280.00 320.00 330.00 340.00 (a) New York. Pound Dolls. 0.0766 .1237 .1090 .1683 .0992 .1183 .1057 .1275 .2100 .1700 .1250 .1150 .1025 .0800 .0988 .1275 .1288 .1823 .1373 .1679 .1821 .2419 .1300 .1409 .1403 .1453 .1713 .1763 .1742 .1930 .2088 .2200 .2860 .3825 .3238 Paris... Hecto- liter. Frs. 29.58 36.74 35.50 37.38 37.50 36.58 34.50 34.50 37.50 37.50 37.50 37.13 37.50 37.50 37.60 37.50 36.13 36.13 42.78 37.21 43.08 43.75 47.08 35.75 36.13 39.75 42.75 42.75 43.75 43.75 43.76 43.75 43.75 48.75 48.75 50.83 50.75 50.75 50.75 51.83 50.75 60.75 60.75 50.75 60.75 50.75 50.75 50.76 60.75 50.75 50.75 51.75 New York. Barrel.. Dolls. 2. 1630 2.1084 2. 1714 2.2060 2. 1714 1.8900 2.1000 2.2050 2.2060 2.2050 2.2050 2.2050 2.2050 2.2050 2.1000 1.8900 1.8900 1.8900 2.2764 2.0286 2.3100 2.3100 2.4486 1.8900 2. 1000 2.1000 2.3100 2.3100 2.3100 2.3100 2.3100 2.3100 2.3100 2.3100 2. 7300 3. 1584 2.7300 2.9736 3.4660 3.4650 2.7300 2.7300 2.7300 2.7300 2.7300 3. 4650 3.4650 3. 4660 3.4650 3.4650 3.4650 3. 4660 o No quotation. t Nominal. 172 INTERNATIONAL PEICB COMPABISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Rice. July, August September October... November. December. o No quotation. l> Interpolated. INTEBNATIOSTAL PKICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 173 WHOLESALE PEICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit. Base price. 1916— Year Quarters — First Second TWrd Fourth Months — January..-. February.. March April May June , July August September . . October... November . December. 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February.... March April May June July. August September October... November. December. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Mouths — January... February.. March April May June July August September October... November . December. Porlc, dressed. Actual price. Fr. Paris. . Kg.(dr. wt.). Frs. 1.68 3.17 2.94 3.11 3.32 3.33 2.69 2.98 3.18 3.03 2.95 3.34 3.29 3.34 3.32 3.39 3.32 3.28 4.35 3.79 3.92 4.83 4.88 3.26 3.98 4.12 4.01 4.29 4.95 5.25 4.66 5.07 4.92 m 5.08 5.68 (6) (.") 4.92 5.15 5.16 5.69 5.73 5.63 (1) m (6 (1) U.S. Chicago. Pound . . Dolls. 0. 1535 .1618 .1315 .1658 .1886 .1592 .1180 .1244 .1556 .1630 .1675 .1675 .1660 .1863 .2130 .1788 .1576 .1460 .2435 .1954 .2304 .2823 .1675 .1963 .2170 .2263 .2350 .2300 .2425 .2800 .3160 .3063 .2563 .2410 .2945 .2565 .2787 .3173 .3254 .2650 .2413 .2620 .2756 .2688 .2890 .2863 .3160 .3500 .3400 .3240 .3126 Relative price. Fr. U.S. 105 Potatoes. Actual price. Fr. U, Paris. . 100 legs. Frs. 15.08 28.42 29.33 35.00 23.67 25.67 25.00 27.00 36.00 37.00 30.00 38.00 21.00 21.00 29.00 25.00 25.00 27.00 37.92 Chica- go. Bushel Dolls. 0. 7306 1.1108 .9507 .9418 1.1104 1.4625 .9913 .9320 .9288 .8475 .9530 1.0250 .8625 1.1000 1.3688 1.3100 1.6563 1.4913 1.9226 2.1500 2.7692 1.5000 1. 1412 1.7950 2.4688 2.2760 2.6688 2.7050 2.9500 2.3750 1.4583 1.0938 1.1880 1.1363 1.0875 m 1.0511 .7639 1.3219 (0) 1.2720 1.1363 .6900 .6870 .6760 1.0350 1.6300 1.3613 .9930 .9658 (6) Relative price. Fr. U. Rice. Actual price. Fr. Paris..., 100 kgs. . Frs. 19.79 51.54 49.17 48.67 51.33 57.00 48.00 48.00 51.50 48.00 51.00 47.00 51.00 . 51.00 52.00 51.00 67.00 63.00 144.50 90.33 165.00 151.67 171.00 68.00 85.00 118.00 170.00 160.00 165.00 150.00 150.00 155.00 158.00 170.00 185.00 New. . Orleans. Pound. . Dons. 0.0526 .0456 .0457 .0466 .0444 .0467 .0450 .0463 .0459 .0456 .0456 .0456 .0453 .0447 .0433 .0447 .0478 .0475 .0670 .0479 .0697 .0708 .0781 .0475 .0475 .0488 .0671 .0702 .0710 .0702 .0708 .0713 .0773 .0775 .0793 (6) .0817 .0907 .0926 W .0794 .0794 .0854 .0897 .0906 .0916 .0938 .0924 .0913 .0913 .0913 Relative price. 11 Maximum price fixed by the Government. ft No quotation. 174 INTEEBTATIONAIi PRICE COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN TKANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Rubber, fine Para. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Rye. Actual price. Fr. U. S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Silk, raw, Etu:opean. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit Base price... 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. , 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May June July August September. October November. December. . Le Havre. Kg... Frs. 8.59 9.78 11.08 9.93 9.65 8.46 12.12 10.62 10.60 9.40 10.25 10.15 9.65 9.65 9.65 8.55 8.72 8.12 8.30 7.93 7.85 7.85 8.20 8.25 8.45 8.12 7.95 7.72 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.09 7.11 7.05 6.76 7.45 7.00 7.00 7.33 7.25 6.95 6.95 6.90 6.85 6.52 6.52 8.10 7.72 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 6938 .8071 .9650 .8167 .7683 .6783 1. 0050 .9750 .9150 .8350 .7800 .8350 .8150 .7300 .7600 .7150 .6750 .6450 .6158 .6517 .6767 .5850 .5500 .6050 .6550 .6960 .6950 .7260 .6100 .5750 .5800 .6000 .6250 .4950 .6300 .5573 .5983 .6417 .5192 .5700 .7100 .5500 .5350 .5350 .5450 .5450 .5350 .6225 .5000 .5075 .5475 .6550 94 100 kgs Frs. 18.54 19.09 19.63 19.16 19.23 18.33 19.90 19.65 19.34 19.06 19.30 19.12 19.24 19.30 19.15 18.50 18.25 18.25 18.42 17.99 18.62 19.12 (a.) 18.15 17.90 17.93 18.21 18.59 19.06 19.12 (a) (<•) {a) (a) 25.63 24.94 25.87 23.37 28.11 (a) 24.76 25.12 25.75 26.87 25.00 21.50 22.62 26.00 27.37 28.62 28.33 Chica- go. Bu. ol 56 lbs. Dolls. 0.6369 .6362 .6261 .6215 .6522 .6441 .6444 .6313 .6025 .6225 .6256 .6265 .6569 .6743 .6581 .6413 .6330 .7676 .6152 .6360 .7842 1. 0154 .6138 .6169 .6150 .6200 .6450 .6430 .6175 .7931 .9420 .9181 1. 0306 1. 0975 1. 0919 1. 2073 1. 1746 1. 0032 1. 1763 1.2725 1. 1730 1. 1681 1. 1863 1. 1690 1. 0363 1. 0215 .9519 1.0019 .9850 .9663 100 99 121 Lyon. Kg... Frs. 50.65 47.58 43.58 45.17 50.50 51.08 43.50 43.50 43.75 44.60 45.00 46.00 Pound . Dolls. 4. 5938 4.2990 3. 9417 4.0260 4. 5083 4. 7208 3. 9750 3.9260 3. 9250 3. 9750 4.0250 4. 0750 49.00 4.4000 50.00 4. 4000 52.60 4.7250 53.00 4. 8760 61.25 4.7750 49.00 4.5125 50.89 4.3573 50.83 4.6542 50.17 4.4917 54.60 4.5917 46.00 3.6917 50.00 4 5626 61.00 4.6250 51.50 4. 7760 50.50 4.4750 50.00 4.4760 50.00 4.5250 51.00 4.5250 (a) 4.5250 68.00 4.7260 (a) 4. 0750 46.00 3.7260 («) 3.2750 45.05 3.5583 43.75 3.4750 40.67 3.6083 42.67 3.4417 52.67 4. 1417 (a) 3.3750 42.60 3.5250 45.00 3.5250 40.00 3.5250 40.50 3.4760 41.50 3.5260 41.60 3.4250 42.00 3.4250 44.60 3.4760 46.60 3.7260 51.50 3.8250 60.00 4. 8750 o No quotation. INTEKlirATIONAL PEICB COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 175 WHOLESALE PRICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Rubber, fine Para. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Rye. Actual price. Fr. U. Relative price. Fr. U. Silk, raw, European. Actual price. Fr. U. S Relative price. Market. Unit.... Base price.. 1916— Year.... ^ Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Month — January.. . February. March April May June July August Septemoer . October November. December. . 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February. March April May Jime July August September . October November. December. . Le Havre. Kg... Frs. 8.59 9.19 8.28 8.88 9.47 9.55 9.57 8.45 8.28 8.28 8.20 8.80 9.65 9.35 9.62 9.45 9.11 9.82 9.39 9.06 8.17 9.67 9.87 9.92 9.45 9.45 9.27 9.27 8.85 9.07 8.92 8.57 7.02 C) 7.33 8.28 ^1} 7.02 7.02 7.95 7.95 7.95 8.95 (") (") New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 6938 .7583 .6483 .5858 .6850 .8850 .6850 .7060 .6950 .6600 .5900 .5900 .5850 .5826 .6660 .6700 .7200 .6477 .7100 .7300 .6375 .5133 .7000 .6800 .7500 .7400 .7250 .7250 .7060 .6125 .5950 .6675 .5050 .4675 .5490 .4885 .5540 .5900 .6633 .5006 .4788 .4831 .6160 .5663 .5900 .5900 .5900 .6900 .6720 .5700 .5480 70 100 kgs Frs. 18.54 32.43 28.50 30.78 31.66 38.77 28.25 28.60 28.76 28.76 31.33 32.26 31.37 30.25 33.37 35.58 35.62 45.12 " 36. 00 «30.00 1 33. 00 n 39. 00 42.00 a 30. 00 u 30. 00 30.00 33.00 33.00 o 33. 00 o 33. 00 42.00 o 42.00 o 42. 00 42.00 42.00 47.42 42.00 42.00 50.67 o 65. 00 42.00 42.00 42.00 42.00 o 42. 00 042.00 042.00 055.00 56.00 055.00 o 55. 00 o 55. 00 Chica- go. Bu. of 56 lbs. Dolls. 0.6369 1. 1129 .9758 .9768 1.1060 1.3980 1. 0019 .9830 .9425 .9675 .9790 .9838 .9656 1.1230 1. 2294 1. 3065 1.4888 1. 3988 1. 8710 1. 5110 2. 1808 1.9860 1.8063 1.4480 1.4800 1. 6206 1.8638 2.2550 2. 4150 2. 2260 1. 8175 1.8544 1. 8110 1.7860 1. 8216 1.9511 2.3175 2.2000 1. 6613 1. 6267 1. 9150 2. 2694 2. 8688 2.6475 2. 1150 1.8375 1. 7046 1.6356 1. 6331 1.6250 1. 6363 1. 6158 Lyon. Kg... Frs. 50.65 76.88 70.17 79.83 74.83 82.67 62.00 73.00 76,60 85.00 85.00 69.60 70.50 74.00 80.00 80.00 82.00 86.00 91.83 80.67 83.17 101. 67 101.83 85.50 81.00 75.50 77.00 83.60 89.00 94.60 104.00 106. 50 103. 50 101. 50 100. 50 115. 25 106.83 112.83 117. 50 123.83 101. 50 108.60 110.60 113.50 112. 60 112. 50 114.50 114. 50 123.50 126. 60 127. 00 119. 00 Pound. Dolls. 4.5938 5.4917 5.8600 6.7600 4. 8760 5.5500 6. 0500 6.0500 6.9000 5.6000 5. 6000 5.7500 6.0000 6. 0600 6. 1000 6. 7000 6. 7986 6. 6116 6.8385 7.3000 m 6.7500 6.6600 6.4000 6.4750 6.9400 7.0750 7.3000 k (i) m l") a Price fixed. 1 No quotation. 176 INTEBNATIONAIi PKICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN FEANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAKTERS, AND YEARS, 1013-1918— Continued. Soap, toilet. Soda, carbonate of. Soda, caustic. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Fr. U.S. Fr. U.S. Fr. U.S. Fr. U.S. Fr. U.S. Market Mar- seille. Chicago. New York. Unit 100 kgs. Frs. 100 kgs. Frs. 100 kgs.. Pound . . Dolls. Dolls. Frs. Dolls. Base price... 1913— Year 76 04 7 9800 11 50 ■0 0069 16.25 0.0181 75.63 7.9800 99 100 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0184 100 102 First 75.83 7. 9800 ino 100 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0184 100 102 Second 76.50 7.9800 101 100 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.26 .0188 100 104 Third 73.67 7.9800 97 100 11.60 .0069 100 100 16.25 .01,83 100 101 Fourtli 76.63 7. 9800 101 100 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0181 100 100 Monttis— January 75.50 7.9800 99 100 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0181 100 100 February... 75.50 7.9800 99 100 11.60 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0181 100 100 March 76.50 7.9800 100 100 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0190 lUO 106 April 76.60 7.9800 101 100 11.60 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0190 100 105 May 76.50 76.50 7.9800 7.9800 101 101 100 100 11.50 11.60 .0069 .0069 100 100 100 100 16.26 16.25 .0187 .0187 100 100 103 June 103 July 76.60 68.00 7. 9800 7.9800 101 89 100 100 11.60 11.50 .0069 .0069 100 100 100 100 16.25 16.25 .0187 .0187 100 100 103 August 103 September . . 76.60 7.9800 101 100 11.60 .0069 100 100 16.26 .0174 100 96 October 76.50 7.9800 101 100 11.60 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0181 100 100 November. . 76.60 7.9800 101 mo 11.60 .0069 100 100 16.26 .0181 100 100 December... 76.50 7.9"8i00 101 100 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0181 100 100 1914— Year 77.00 7.9800 101 100 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0182 100 101 Quarters — First 77.00 7.9800 101 10(1 11.60 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0181 100 100 Second 77.00 7.9800 101 1011 11.60 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0^81 .0181 100 100 Third n 7.9800 ^:] 100 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.26 100 100 Fourth 7.9800 100 (») .0069 (a) 100 (<•) .0184 (-) 102 Months — January 77.00 7. 9800 101 10(1 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0181 100 100 February . . . 77.00 7.9800 101 100 11.60 .0069 100 100 16.26 .oiai 100 100 March 77.00 7. 9800 101 100 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0181 100 100 April 77.00 7.9800 ini 100 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0181 100 100 May 77.00 7.9800 101 100 11.50 .0069 10(1 100 16.25 .0181 100 100 Jime 77.00 7.9800 101 100 11.60 .0069 100 lUO 16.25 .0181 100 100 July (.") 7. 9800 (a) 100 11.50 .0069 100 100 16.25 .0181 100 100 August (aS 7. 9800 fa) 100 (o) .0069 (o) 100 (») .0181 (a) 100 September . . (a) 7. 9800 (a) 100 (a) .0069 la) (a) 100 (») .0181 (a) 100 October ia) 7.9800 (a) 10(1 (a) .0069 100 (0) .0184 (a) 102 November. . 7. 9800 (a) 100 (a .0069 (a) (o) 100 (") .0184 (0,1 102 December. . . (a) 7. 9800 (a) 100 (4 .0069 100 (0) .0184 (») 102 1915— Year 83.04 7. 9800 109 100 16.50 .0099 143 143 26.00 .0340 160 188 Quarters- First 79.00 7.9800 1114 100 (a) .0069 (a) 100 (") .0179 \:\ 99 Second 78.60 7.?Spo 103 100 (") .0069 (a) 100 (a) .0224 124 Third 81.00 7. 9800 107 100 (o) .0074 (a) lOV (") .0433 (a) 239 Fourth 93.67 7.9800 123 100 16.60 .0185 143 268 26.00 .0525 160 290 Months- January 79.00 7.9800 104 10(1 (o) .0069 (a) 100 (") .0184 (a) 102 February... 79.00 7. 9800 104 100 (o) .0069 (a) 100 (a) .0177 (a) 98 March 79.00 7.9800 104 100 (a) (a) .0069 O) 100 (a) .0177 C) 98 April 78.60 7.9800 103 100 .0069 (a) 100 (a) (a) .0203 (a) 112 May 78.60 7.9800 103 100 .0069 (a) 100 .0234 (a) 129 Jime 78.50 7.9800 103 100 (a) .0069- (a) 100 (a) .0234 (a) 129 July 79.50 7.9800 106 100 ("■) .0069 (a) 100 (a) .0348 ^ January .93 14. 1300 260 111 165. 00 .1160 192 161 ("») .4300 ^a) 111 February... .93 14. 1300 260 111 168. 00 .1163 196 162 606.00 .4900 132 127 March .93 14. 1300 260 111 162.00 .1238 201 173 635.00 .5150 138 133 April MSy 1.06 14. 1300 296 111 172.00 .1388 213 194 , 660. 00 .6426 144 140 1.30 14. 1300 363 111 180. 00 .1663 223 ■2X2 696. 00 .6850 162 161 June 1.35 14. 1300 377 111 230.00 .1888 285 '2m 745.00 .6300 162 163 July 1.35 17.4600 377 137 296.00 .1776 366 248 755.00 .6200 165 16n August 1.49 17.4500 416 137 340.00 .1488 421 208 765. 00 .6388 167 166 September.. 1.70 17. 4500 474 137 346.00 .1766 428 245 760. 00 .6100 166 168 October 1.70 17.4500 474 137 360. 00 .1726 434 241 765.00 .6050 167 166 November. . 1.95 17.4600 644 137 365.00 .1688 440 236 792.00 .6600 173 171 December... 2.00 17.4500 668 137 367.60 .1788 456 260 866.00 .8000 189 207 1918— Year 2.13 21.0160 693 166 334.28 .1793 414 250 1,090.75 .8619 238 22n Quarters — First 2.00 19.3500 568 162 320.00 .1752 397 246 923.67 .8469 201 219 Second 2.00 19. 3600 568 162 311. 17 .1734 386 242 1, 094. 33 .9269 239 240 Third 2.20 22.6800 614 179 338.76 .1866 420 261 1,236.67 .8904 2V0 230 Fourth 2.30 22.6800 642 179 437.50 .1818 542 2,'>4 1,108.33 .7611 242 194 Months- January 2.00 19. 3500 558 162 345.00 .1763 428 246 866.00 .8420 186 218 February. . . 2.00 19.3500 668 162 330.00 .1746 409 244 930. 00 .8500 203 220 March 2.00 19.3500 558 162 285.00 .1748 363 244 988.00 .8500 216 220 April l&y 2.00 19.3500 668 152 305.00 .1747 378 244 991.00 .8800 216 227 2.00 19. 3500 568 152 298.50 .1736 370 242 1,117.00 1.0075 244 260 June 2.00 19.3600 568 162 330.00 .1719 409 240 1, 175. 00 .9060 266 234 July 2.10 22.6800 586 179 305.00 .1781 378 249 1,165.00 .9320 254 241 August 2.20 22.6800 614 179 (a) .1870 (a) 261 1,345.00 .9200 293 238 September.. 2.30 22.6800 642 179 372. 50 .1947 462 272 1,200.00 .8088 262 209 October 2.30 22.6800 642 179 (a,) .2000 %\ 279 1, 180. 00 .7960 267 206 November. . 2.30 22.6800 642 179 .1933 270 1, 170. 00 .7400 265 191 December. . . 2.30 22.6800 642 179 437.50 .1494 542 209 975.00 .7150 213 185 " No quotation. 182 INTEENATIOSTAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Tin, Straits Settlements. Actual price. Relative price. Fr. U. S. Fr. U. S Wheat. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Wine. Actual price. Fr. Relative price. Market. Unit Base price.. 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January — February . - March April May June July August September . October November December.. 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January — February.. March April May June July August September . . October November . . December... 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February- . . March April May June Jaly August September . . -Ocotber... JNovember . December. Paris 100 kgs Frs. 466. 29 543.67 597.00 587.00 504.67 484.00 612.50 605.60 679.00 584.00 610.00 667.00 600.00 496. 00 618. 00 496. 00 487. 00 469.00 416.96 467. 17 409.33 375.60 398.33 461.50 491.00 469.00 450.60 410. 00 367.60 378. 00 373.00 C) 375. 00 395.00 425.00 466.67 466.83 459.17 469.67 472.00 420.00 477.60 500.00 480.00 444.00 463.50 503.00 446.00 461.00 440.00 476.00 501.00 New York. Pound . . Dolls. 0. 3819 .4773 .4162 .3931 .6045 .4873 .4688 .4912 .4914 .4492 .4039 .4172 .4247 .4060 .3981 .3764 .3570 .3858 .3335 .3837 .3249 .3774 .3993 .3808 .3610 .3330 .3066 .3176 .6059 .3279 .3039 .3350 .3360 .4018 .4237 .3500 .3706 .3430 .3732 .4893 .4798 .3878 .4037 .3750 .3439 .3313 .3308 .3937 .3876 Paris..; Chica go. 100 kgs Bushel Frs. 27.22 27.77 27.16 29.08 28.29 26.54 25.87 27.75 27.87 28.62 29.62 29.00 28.50 29.25 27.12 27.00 26.12 26.50 27.49 26.37 27.67 27.60 28.42 25.75 26.60 26.87 26.75 27.50 28.75 27.00 28.00 («) 28.00 28.50 28.75 101 30.33 30.33 C) (") (") 29.25 31.00 30.75 («) C) W W Dolls. 0. 9287 .9131 .9078 .9297 .9173 .8963 .9091 .9202 .8941 .9254 .9269 .9369 .9193 .9178 .9148 .8800 .8978 .9110 1.0412 .9387 .9625 1.0827 1.1688 .9139 .9431 .9591 .9565 .9838 .9483 1.1300 1.1850 1.1278 1.1597 1.2190 1.3443 1.5204 1.5079 1.2296 1.1131 1.4060 1.6066 1.5485 1.5903 1.5760 1.3675 1.4316 1.2026 1.0647 1.0769 1.0589 1.2035 W Hecto- liter. Frs. 37.33 37.29 37.00 33.67 38.17 40.33 39. 00 38.00 34.00 32.00 34.60 34.50 37.50 38.00 39.00 42.00 40.00 39.00 35.41 San Fran- cisco. Gallon. . Dolls. 0. 2500 .2479 .2416 .2600 .2600 .2500 .2250 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2600 .2500 .2500 .2600 .2500 .2563 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2750 .2500 .2500 .2600 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2750 .2760 .2750 .2229 .2500 .2333 .2083 .2000 .2600 .2500 . 2500 .2500 .2250 .2260 .2260 .2000 .2000 .2000 .2000 .2000 a No quotation. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 183 WHOLESALE PRICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, ,1913- 1918— Continued. Tin, Straits Settlements. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Belative price. Fr. U. Wheat. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Market. Unit Base price... 1916— Year Quarters- First Second Tliird Fourth Months- January February . . . March April May Jime July August September . . October November . . December... 1917— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . . March April May June July August September . . October November . . December... 1918— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February . . . March April May June July Ausiust September . . October November . . December... Paris 100 kgs Frs. 466. 29 660.25 646.67 599.00 526.67 667.67 620. 00 522.60 667.60 606.00 616.00 576.00 535.00 518.00 630.00 645.00 563.00 696.00 779.27 652.60 736. 67 815.00 870.67 (a) 630.00 675. 00 690.00 735.00 786.00 795.00 820.00 830.00 835.00 862.00 915.00 1117.41 932.00 1109.33 1270.00 1158.33 860.00 940.00 996.00 1001.00 1127.00 1200.00 1190.00 1370.00 1260.00 1230.00 1220.00 1026.00 New York. Pound . Dolls. 0. 3819 .4769 .3857 .4267 .4188 .4263 .5042 .6175 .4915 .4218 .3846 .3854 .3870 .4116 .4417 .4267 .6165 .4997 .6043 .6232 .7388 .4419 .5137 .6436 .6591 .6330 .6209 .6260 .6269 .6168 .6185 .7443 .8536 .8710 .8533 .9867 .8933 .7608 .8300 .8600 .8800 .9150 1.0600 .9950 .9700 .9000 .8100 .8050 .7300 <;.7175 140 158 175 187 MSI 135 145 148 158 168 170 176 178 179 186 196 Paris.. 100 kgs Frs. 27.22 29.00 (») 26.86 28.77 29.03 C) (a) (a) (a) (") 26.86 26.90 29.67 29.83 29.91 29.96 29.94 37.90 30.83 33.03 41.66 46.06 29.94 29.92 32.64 32.41 33.31 33.38 33.10 46.00 45.89 45.82 46.06 46.30 46.39 46.40 62.71 46.32 46.44 46.41 46.37 46.42 46.42 65.73 69.69 la) {") Chica- go. Bushel Dolls. 0. 9287 1.4165 1.2494 1.1827 1.4238 1.8038 1.2875 1.2940 1. 1666 1.2313 1.2005 1.1163 1.1878 1. 4,514 1.6322 1.7976 1.8667 1.7470 2.3211 1.9170 2.6973 2.4700 2.2000 1.9215 1.8410 1.9873 2.3100 2.9510 2.7675 2.6680 2.6176 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2362 2.2000 2.2000 2.2644 2.2736 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2600 2.2688 2.2656 2.2665 2.2706 2.2830 Paris Hecto- liter. Frs. 37.33 78.67 88.17 88.33 84.00 68.50 76.50 91.00 89.00 87.50 88.00 88.00 87.50 89.60 89.60 89.60 73.00 111.36 102.60 113.17 112.50 (.") (o) (a) 102.50 113.60 112.50 113.50 112.60 112.50 112.50 (o) (") (a) (a) C) (») (°) («) (a) San Fran- cisco. Gallon.. Dolls. 0. 2500 .2000 .2083 .2250 .2000 .2000 .2000 .2000 .2000 .2000 .2000 .2250 .2250 .2250 .2250 .2708 .2500 .2500 .2667 .3167 .2500 .2500 .2500 .2600 .2600 .2500 .2600 .2750 .2750 .2750 .3250 .3600 .4042 .3750 .3750 .4000 .4667 .3750 .3750 .3760 .3760 .3760 .3750 .4000 .4000 .4000 .4000 .5000 .5000 oNo quotation. 6 Interpolated. c Maximum price. 184 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1318. WHOLESALE PRICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Wool, Buenos Aires. Actual price. Fr. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Zinc. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U. S. Market. Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters^ First Second Third...:. Fourth..., Months — January. . . February. March April May June July August September. October November . December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January..^. February.' March April May June July August September . October November. December.. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January.. . February. March .... April May June July August September. October November . December.. Le Havre 100 legs . Frs. 204. 21 195.00 192. 50 194.50 202.33 190. 67 189. 50 193.50 194.50 198.00 196.00 190.50 189. 50 207.50 210.00 206.00 181.60 184.50 213.88 201.17 222.67 222.50 209. 17 194.60 201.50 207.50 216.00 220.00 233.00 222. 50 222. 50 222.60 212.50 207.50 207.60 252.92 225.83 249.17 262.50 274. 17 222, 50 222.60 232.50 247.60 247.50 252.60 262.50 262.50 262.60 262.50 267.60 292.50 o No quotation. Boston . Pound. Dolls. 0. 9419 1.1309 1.1786 (.") 1.1786 .9879 1.2143 1.1786 1.1429 (») (<■) W 1.2143 1.1786 1.1429 1.1071 1.0714 .7851 .8571 .9048 .7857 (a) la) .8214 (a) .7857 .8214 .8671 .8929 (a) (<■) .9107 1.1816 1.0238 (») 1.2444 1.2936 .9643 1.0000 1.1071 (a) (a) (.") (.") 1.2500 (») (») 1.2857 1.3214 94 95 99 93 93 95 95 97 96 93 93 102 103 101 89 90 105 109 109 102 95 99 102 106 108 114 109 109 109 104 102 102 124 111 122 129 134 109 109 114 121 121 124 129 129 129 129 1?1 143 120 125 blBS 125 105 129 126 121 b US l> 115 ti ur 129 125 121 118 114 87 87 91 95 hgs bBS 97 125 109 6 lU 132 137 102 106 118 >> ISt i>m hl27 hlSO 133 ilSlf b m 136 140 100 kgs . Fts. 62.46 66.84 74.42 69.76 61.24 61.96 76.00 74.75 72.60 72.60 71.25 65.50 60.37 61.35 62,00 61.76 61,75 62,37 74.88 63.12 63.52 84.58 95.00 63.00 63.00 63.37 63,50 63.50 63.. 56 63.75 95.00 95.00 95,00 (") 95,00 201.36 120. 21 193.33 235,58 256.05 100, 62 125,00 135.00 133,75 191.25 255. 00 272.50 207, 50 227.60 220,00 262, 50 285,66 NewYork Pound Dolls. 0. 0539 .0580 .0667 .0551 .0568 .0534 .0723 .0649 .0629 .0579 .0,551 ,0524 ,0541 ,0580 ,0583 ,0547 ,0534 .0622 .0630 .0638 .0517 .0539 .0627 .0633 ,0546 .0636 .0522 .0516 .0612 .0603 .0563 .0552 .0500 .0515 .0567 .1444 .0851 .1666 ,1658 .1601 . 0652 ,0887 .1013 .1151 .1683 .2263 ,2080 ,1445 .1449 .1407 ,1704 ,1691 107 119 112 122 120 116 116 114 105 97 99 100 101 102 135 152 101 101 101 102 102 102 102 152 152 162 (ay 162 322 192 310 378 410 161 200 216 214 306 408 364 352 420 457 t> Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PEIOE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 185 WHOLESALE PEICES IN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YBAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Wool, Buenos Aires. Actual price. Er. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Zinc. Actual price. Fr. U.S. Relative price. Fr. U.S. Market. Unit Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Mouths — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November . , December. . 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. . December. . Le Havre 100 kgs . Frs. 204.21 362.50 327.50 340.83 354, 17 427.75 327.50 327.50 327.50 327.60 347. 60 347. 50 347.60 352.60 362.50 372.50 425.00 485.00 634. 58 497.50 672.60 655.00 813.33 485.00 486.00 522.50 547.60 572.50 697. 50 597.60 597.60 770.00 770.00 770.00 900.00 933.33 933.33 900.00 950. 00 950.00 900. 00 950.00 960.00 Boston . Pound . Dolls. 0.9419 1.6268 1.4087 1.4683 1.5397 1.6905 1.3671 1.4286 C) (") 1.4643 («) (a) 1. 5357 1.6714 1.6429 1.7143 1. 7143 2. 1191 1. 8214 2.0000 2. 226? 2.4286 1.7857 1. 8214 1. 8671 1.9286 2.0000 W 2. 1429 2. 2143 2. 3214 2.4286 2.4286 2.4286 2.3601 2.3690 177 160 167 173 209 160 160 IfiO 160 170 170 170 173 177 182 208 237 244 280 321 237 237 256 268 293 293 377 377 377 441 457 467 441 466 465 441 465 466 162 150 156 163 179 144 162 1>15S MS4. 156 MBS 163 167 174 182 182 225 193 212 190 193 197 205 212 227 235 246 258 258 258 t>seo HBO 250 HBO HBO HBO HBO HBO HBO HBO HBO HBO HBO 100 kgs. Frs. 62.46 228.36 288.75 258. 61 171.67 194.39 285.00 293.75 287. 50 282. 50 273.33 220.00 160.00 177.60 177.60 191. 66 196.00 196.50 264.90 274.33 270. 28 265.00. 250.00 260.50 282. 50 290.00 265.00 268.33 277.50 275.00 266.00 255.00 246.00 245.00 260.00 256.56 258.33 259.58 260. 00 248.33 257. 50 267. 50 260. 00 258.75 260.00 260.00 260. 00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 226.00 NewYork Pound. . Dolls. 0. 0539 .1375 .1879 .1578 .0935 .1108 .1819 .2009 .1810 .1862 .1693 .1280 .0970 .0910 .0924 .1001 .1193 .1129 .0911 .1043 .0965 .0852 .0793 .0997 .1049 .1082 .0973 .0948 .0945 .0882 .0848 .0827 .0813 .0790 .0777 .0780 .0746 .0917 .0783 .0791 .0760 .0700 .0734 .0804 .0875 .0908 .0967 .0913 462 414 275 311 456 470 460 462 438 352 256 284 284 307 312 315 424 439 433 424 400 401 452 464 424 430 444 440 424 408 392 392 416 414 416 416 412 412 416 414 416 416 416 416 416 416 416 360 <• No quotation. 6 Interpolated. 186 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 191S-1918. Acid, citric. Actual price. Italy. U. S. Eelative price. Italy U. S Acid, sulphuric. Actual price. Italy. U. S, Eelative price. Italy U. S Alcohol, industrial. Actual price. Italy. Eelative price. Market. Unit Base price- 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November. December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. . March April May June July August September October... November. December. 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January — February . March April Hay June July August September. October November. December. . Genoa. 100 kgs. Lire. 572.25 483.00 425. 00 464. 17 476.25 605. 00 425.00 425. 00 425.00 457.60 467.50 467.50 485.00 467.60 (.-} (") 605. 00 605. 00 645.42 698. 33 688.33 680.00 715. 00 605.00 606.00 586.00 575.00 686. 00 605. 00 610. 00 715. 00 716.00 705. 00 716. 00 725.00 823. 54 681. 67 778.33 1,034.17 800. 00 675. 00 685. 00 685.00 695.00 690.00 950.00 I.IOO.OO 977.50 1,025.00 872.50 772. 50 755. 00 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 5070 .4080 .4600 .6330 .4000 .4050 .4050 .4050 .4150 .4275 .4500 .4726 .5125 .6550 .5326 .6932 .6100 .5350 .6850 .7430 .6100 .5100 .5100 .5100 .5475 .5475 .5475 .5475 .6600 .8700 .7000 .6600 .6971 .5690 .5890 .6226 .6080 .5825 . 6626 .5625 .5626 .5826 .6225 .6225 .6225 .6226 .6000 .6125 .6126 Genoa. 100 kgs. Lire. 4.96 5.50 6.63 6.63 5.63 6.13 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 5.63 6.63 5.63 5.38 4.38 4.43 4.71 4.38 4.38 4.13 6. 38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 (o) C) (») 4.13 4.13 6.08 4.63 4.96 7.29 8.13 4.03 4.63 4.63 4.6S 4.63 5.63 6.88 6.88 8.13 8.13 8.13 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0085 .0085 .0086 .0086 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0086 .0086 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0086 .0086 .0086 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0086 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0085 .0086 .0086 .0085 .0090 .0085 .0085 .0090 .0100 .0085 . 0085 .0086 .0085 .0086 .0085 .0086 .0086 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 93 113 139 139 164 164 164 i>ie4 Naples.. 100 kgs.. Lire. 59.29 64.00 66.33 65.50 63.00 61.17 68.00 65.50 65.50 65.60 66.50 65.50 64.00 62.50 62.60 62.50 60.50 60.60 63.38 60.50 62.50 60.83 49.67 60.50 60.60 60.60 60.50 48.50 48.60 47.60 47.60 57.60 49.00 49.00 51.00 80.13 .55. 67 67.67 80.67 116.50 51.00 56.00 61.00 63.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 77.00 95.00 102. 60 119.00 128.50 New York. Gallon. Dolls. 0. 4558 .4783 .5000 .4900 .4633 .4600 .5000 .5000 .6000 .4900 .4900 .4900 .4900 .4500 .4500 .4600 .4600 .4600 .4500 .4500 .4500 .4600 .4500 .4600 .4500 .4500 .4600 .4500 .4500 .4500 .4500 .4600 .4600 .4500 .4500 .4583 .4500 .4500 .4600 .4833 .4500 .4.500 .4500 .4600 .4600 .4500 .4500 .4500 . 4.500 .4500 .5000 .6000 a No quotation. t> Interpolated. INTEBNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 187 ■WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES BY MONTHS, QUARTEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Acid, citric. Acid, sulphuric. Alcohol, industrial. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Market Genoa. 100 kgs Lire. 572. 25 1002.71 916. 67 1086. 67 1065.83 941.67 860. 00 945.00 945.00 1040. 00 1107.50 1112.60 1112.50 1050. 00 1035.00 965.00 950.00 920.00 (") New York. Pound Genoa. 100 kgs Lire. 4.96 8.60 8.13 8.13 8.13 10.04 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.13 8.13 11.00 11.00 (') W New York. Pound Dolls. 0.0085 .0142 .0200 .0167 .0100 .0100 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0150 .0160 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0113 .0100 .0100 .0117 .0133 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0125 .0125 .0126 .0126 .0160 .0120 .0167 .0142 .0090 .0080 £.0150 «.0176 «. 0175 «.0175 .0126 .0126 .0090 .0090 .0090 .0080 .0080 .0080 Naples.. 100 kgs.. Lire. 59.29 163.23 153. 50 165.00 160.33 170. 83 142.00 165.00 170.00 166.00 160.00 160.00 168.50 162.50 162. 60 172.50 177.50 (") New York. Unit DolU. 0. 5070 .6989 .6730 .6925 .7175 .7125 .6525 .6750 .6925 .6925 .6925 ,6925 .7200 .7176 .7160 .7125 .7125 .7126 .7445 .6980 .7600 .7650 .7650 .6800 .6800 .7360 .7426 .7500 .7576 .7650 .7660 .7650 .7660 .7650 .7650 .8852 .7940 .8475 .8526 1.0470 .7826 .8025 .8026 .8300 .8600 .8625 .8525 .8525 .8525 .8525 1.0050 1.2825 Dolls. 0.4558 .6708 .6000 .6600 .6500 .7833 .5600 .6000 .6500 .6500 .6600 .6500 .6500 .6600 .6500 .7000 .7500 .9000 1. 0458 .9667 1.0000 1.0000 1.2167 .9000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.1000 1.2000 1.3600 1.0217 1.3500 .9050 .9167 .9160 1. 3600 1. 3500 1.3600 .9050 .9060 .9050 .9200 .9150 .9150 .9160 .9150 .9150 1916— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February. .. March April May June July August September.. October November.. December. . . 1917— Year Quarters- First 176 160 190 186 165 160 166 166 182 194 194 194 183 181 167 166 161 (0 242 245 242 236 245 246 245 245 246 245 237 245 246 241 138 133 137 142 141 129 133 137 137 137 137 142 142 141 141 141 141 147 138 148 151 151 134 134 146 146 148 149 161 151 151 151 151 151 176 157 167 168 207 154 158 168 164 170 168 168 168 168 168 198 253 174 164 164 164 203 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 222 222 (=) W 167 235 196 118 118 235 235 235 235 176 176 118 118 118 118 118 118 133 118 118 138 156 118 lis 118 118 118 118 118 147 147 147 147 176 141 196 167 106 94 176 206 206 206 147 147 106 106 106 94 Q4 275 269 278 270 288 239 m9 278 287 278 270 270 267 274 274 291 299 (') id) 147 132 143 143 172 121 132 143 143 143 143 143 143 143 164 165 197 229 212 219 219 Second Third., Fourth Months— 197 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 * February. . March April M^y June July September.. October 241 November . . 263 296 224 ?96 1918— Year m Quarters- First 1383.33 1400.00 1386. 00 Second Third 'Ol Fourth 201 Months — January 1350.00 1400. 00 1400.00 1400.00 1400. 00 1400. 00 1400.00 1355.00 1400.00 1400. 00 1380. 00 ?<)fi February... ''06 March....... 296 199 April May June ino July 202 August 201 September.. October November . . 201 M 201 " No quotation. i> Interpolated. c No publication available in the United States giving 1917 figures. i No publication available in the United States rivin? 1918 flsures. 188 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, Q0AETERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Ammonia, sulphate of. Barley. Calves, prime. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Italy. U.S. Italy u.s Market Genoa. New York. Milan. Chica- go. Milan... New York. Unit 100 kgs Lire. 100 Jsgs Lire. Kg 100 lbs.. Dolls. Dolls. Lire. Dolls. Base price. -i 1913— Year 0. 6243 2.07 12.0083 35.99 3. 1408 107 108 25.00 .6263 108 100 2.11 12. 0396 alOi 100 First 37.88 3.2750 113 112 26.60 .6015 114 96 2.22 12. 1667 "lUl 101 Second 36.33 3. 2500 108 111 26. .50 .6996 114 96 2.06 11. 1667 99 93 Third 3.5. 42 2. 9883 106 102 23.60 .6571 101 105 2.01 11. 7833 1100 98 Fourth 34.33 3.0500 102 105 23.60 .6492 101 104 2.17 13.0417 10b 109 38.38 3.2260 114 111 26. 60 .6260 114 100 2.22 12. 2600 lOV 102 37.63 3. 3000 112 113 26.60 .6063 114 9V 2.10 12.3750 blUl 103 Marcla 37.03 3.3000 112 113 26.50 .5790 114 93 L99 11.8750 byf 99 April 37.00 3.4000 110 117 26.60 .6863 U4 94 1.87 12.0000 90 100 May 36.50 3.3500 109 116 26. .50 .6060 114 97 2.09 10.3750 101 86 June 35.50 3.0000 106 103 26.60 .6050 114 97 2.18 11. 1250 105 93 July 35.50 2. 9760 106 102 23.50 .6700 101 91 2.10 10.8750 ilOl 91 3.5.60 2. 9700 106 102 23.50 .6540 101 105 2.01 11.8760 97 99 September.. 35.25 3. 0200 106 104 23.60 .7263 101 116 2.10 12. 6000 i>mi 105 October 36.00 3.1000 104 106 23.50 .6825 101 109 2.18 13.3750 lOb 111 34.13 3.1000 102 106 . 23.60 .6500 101 104 2.11 12.8760 102 107 December. . . 33.88 2. 9600 101 101 23.60 .6160 101 99 2.22 12. 8750 107 VS! 1914— Year 32.61 2.6854 97 92 23.83 .6204 103 99 2.10 11.9208 aWl 99 Quarters — First 32.96 2.8833 »H 99 23.60 . 61.58 101 99 L93 12. 5833 93 105 Second 31.42 2. 7500 94 94 22. 60 . 5778 97 93 2.13 10. 6250 103 88 Third 31.66 2. 5583 94 88 22.50 .6223 97 100 2.17 12. 2250 106 102 Fourth 33.79 2.5500 101 88 26.83 .6658 116 107 2.20 12. 2500 106 102 Months — January 33.25 2. 9500 99 101 23.50 .6390 101 102 2.08 13. 3750 100 111 February... 32.63 2. 8600 97 98 23.60 .6163 101 99 1.78 12.0000 86 lOU March 33.00 2. 8600 9K 9S 23.50 .6863 101 94 1.94 13. 3760 94 111 April 32.25 2. 8500 96 98 22.60 .5760 97 92 2.07 11. 6260 100 97 May 31.13 2.8000 93 96 22.50 .6840 97 »4 2.15 9. 3750 104 78 June 30.88 2. 6000 92 89 22.50 .5725 97 92 2.17 10. 8760 105 91 July 30.13 2. 4750 90 85 22.60 .5338 97 86 2.12 11. 1260 102 93 August <') 2.6000 bSi 89 22.60 .6300 97 101 2.17 12. 3000 106 102 September.. 33.00 2.6000 98 89 22.50 .7013 97 112 2.24 13. 2600 108 110 October 33.00 2. 5500 98 87 24.00 .6640 103 105 2.05 12.0000 99 100 November.. 33.38 2. 5500 100 87 26.50 .6863 114 110 2.20 11.62.50 blue 97 December, . . 35. 00 2. 6600 104 87 30.00 .6600 129 106 2.35 13. 1260 114 109 1915— Year....'.. 48.20 3.2521 144 in 30.92 .7103 133 114 2.47 12. 1364 lilU 101 Quarters- First 41.88 2.8833 126 99 31.83 .7850 13V 126 2.08 12.7083 101 106 Second 44.33 3. 1667 132 109 31.33 .7823 136 122 2.47 10. 4583 119 87 Third 48.58 3.4583 145 119 29.33 .6683 126 107 2,89 12. 7083 at US 106 Fourth 58.00 3.6000 173 120 31.17 .6223 134 100 2.86 12. 6667 1.38 105 Months- January 39.13 2. 5500 117 87 31.50 .7590 135 122 2.36 12.3760 114 103 February... 42.25 3.0000 126 103 32.00 .8183 138 131 2.02 12.8750 98 107 March 44.26 3. 1000 132 106 32.00 .7838 138 126 1.88 12. 8750 91 107 April 44. Z5 3. 1000 132 106 32.00 .7738 138 124 2.17 11.87.50 106 99 May 44.00 3.2000 131 110 33.00 .7770 142 124 2.47 8.8760 l<11U 74 June 44.75 3.2000 133 110 29.00 .7325 125 117 2.78 10. 6250 134 88 July 47.00 3.3750 140 116 29.00 .7600 125 120 2.81 11.7500 6/.W 98 August 49.25 3.5600 147 !22 29.50 .7013 12V 112 2.85 13.0000 i)/,W 108 September.. 49.50 3.4500 148 118 29.60 .6538 12V 89 2.89 13. 3760 139 111 October 52.75 3.3000 16V 113 31.00 ..5840 133 94 2.62 13.3750 127 111 November. . 57.25 3. 4500 r/1 118 31.00 .6175 133 99 2.86 12.3760 "inn m\ December. . . 64.00 8.7500 191 129 31.50 .6750 135 108 3.10 12. 2500 150 102 a Computed on monthly relatives. & Interpolated. : No quotation. INTEKNATIONAL PKICE COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. 189 WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Ammonia, sulphate of. Actual price. Italy. U.S. Relative price. Italy U.S Bariey. Actual price. Italy. U.S. Relative price. Calves, prime. Actual price. Italy U.S. Italy. U.S. Relative price. Italy Market. Unit Base price . 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth — Months- January... February. March April May June July August... September.. October... November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1918— Year Quarters— Frrst Second Third Fom-th Months — January February. . March April May June Genoa. lOOkgs Lire. 33.53 62.88 66.25 61.00 01. 66 02. 62 65. 7.') 67. 25 65.75 61.75 60. 76 60.60 61.88 61.33 61.76 62.12 62.76 63.00 (d) 160. 00 160. 00 150. 00 July .August September.. October November. . December. . . «160. 00 '160. 00 «160. 00 460. 00 «160. 00 «150. 00 cl60. 00 «1.50. 00 el50. 00 el50. 00 «150. 00 New York. 100 lbs. Dolls. 2. 9179 3. 7792 3. 8667 3. 6000 3. 5000 4. 1500 i. 0000 3. 8500 3. 7600 3. 7000 3. 6.100 3. 5500 3. 4000 3. 6000 3. 6000 4. 0000 4. 1000 4. 3500 6. 8708 4. 7600 5. 4167 6. 2667 7. 0500 4. 5000 4. 5000 5. 2500 5. 2500 5. 5000 5. 5000 6.0000 6. 4000 6. 4000 7. 1600 7. 0000 7. 0000 6.7083 7. 3107 7. 7333 6.7833 5. 0000 7. 2500 7. 2000 7. 6000 7. 6000 /. 8000 7. 8000 7.8000 7. 8000 4. 7500 4. 7500 4. 7500 5. 5000 Milan 100 kgs. Lire. 23.25 32.25 33.00 f«) ■ 32.60 30.00 33.00 33.00 («) (0 (■=) 32.50 32.50 32.50 30.00 (.') («) 41.09 40.00 40.00 41.00 43.00 (') '40.00 '40.00 '40.00 '40.00 '40.00 '40.00 '40.00 '43.00 ?43.00 '43.00 '43.00 46.82 43.00 43.00 50.00 50.00 ' 43. 00 '43.00 ' 43. 00 '43.00 '43.00 '43.00 '50.00 '50.00 '60.00 '60.00 '50.00 '50.00 Chica- go Bushel Bolls. 0. 6243 .8750 .7464 .7446 .9029 1. 1050 . 7630 .7638 . 7160 .7330 .7560 .7488 .7420 .9288 1. 0430 1. 0076 1. 1463 1.1020 1.3232 1. 1988 1. 3800 1.3523 1. 3615 1.2000 1. 1688 1. 2220 1.3688 1. 4538 1. 3300 1. 4150 1. 3326 1.3180 1.3063 1.2838 1. 4680 1. 4611 1. 8131 1. 4435 1. 1225 . 9026 1. .6263 1. 8175 2. 0390 1.7263 1. 4538 1. 2090 1. 1225 (') (') (') .9700 .9588 139 142 140 129 142 142 290 231 180 154 244 291 327 277 233 194 180 are ties bieo 1.56 154 Milan . Kg Lire. 2.07 3.06 3.01 3.08 2.96 3.14 3.07 2.96 3.06 3.03 3.15 3.01 2.87 3.04 3.25 3.02 3.15 3.71 2.86 3.07 4.07 4.22 .3.02 2.61 2.95 3.24 3.64 4.12 3.98 4.08 4.15 3.93 4.44 4.30 W New York. 100 lbs. Dolls. 12.0083 12. 4375 12. 3333 10. 7917 13. 2500 13. 3750 12. 3750 12. 0000 12. 6250 10. 5000 9. 7500 12. 1260 12. 7.500 13. 3750 13. 6260 13. 87.50 12. 3750 13. 8750 16. 6354 15. 0000 15. 0417 16. 2083 16. 2917 15. 7600 15. 8750 13. 3760 16.3760 13. 7500 15. 0000 15. 8750 15. 8750 16. 8750 16. 87.50 16. 12.50 15. 8750 18. 8646 18. 1607 17. 5417 19. 2083 20. 5417 17. 3750 18. 8760 18. 2500 20. 8760 15. 6260 16. 1250 IS. 3750 18. 3750 20. 8750 20. 8750 19. S750 20. 8760 ai48 146 149 "Hi 152 148 143 148 146 152 t>14S 139 147 157 146 152 179 138 177 197 204 146 126 143 167 176 199 192 197 200 190 214 208 W a Computed on monthly relatives. xinterpolated. ' No quotation. d No publication available in the United States. ' Maximum price. 190 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, ig-lS-lSlS. WHOLESALE PBICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEA.BS, 1913-191&— Continued. Coal, bituminous. Actual price. Italy. U.S. Eelative price. Italy U. S Coal, semibituminous. Actual price. Italy. , U, Italy U. S Eelative price. Actual price. Italy. U.S. Eelative price. Italy U.S. Market. Unit.-.. Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters^ First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February . March April May June July August September October... November . December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February. March April May June July August September October... November. • December. 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May June July August September , . October November . . December. . . Genoa. Ton... Lire. 32.26 35.24 36.46 35.29 34.29 34.92 37.75 36.13 35.50 36.88 35.75 34.25 33.88 34.25 34.75 36.25 34.25 34.25 36.27 30.08 29.75 41.92 43.33 31.25 29.50 29.50 30.50 29.60 29.25 29.25 57.50 39.00 38.00 44.75 47.25 74.67 85.00 79.67 118.50 67.50 77.60 79.00 89.00 84.50 81.50 71.50 81.00 86.60 109. 60 127.50 m Cincin- nati. Ton.... Dolls. 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000, 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 231 263 247 "413 209 240 246 276 262 263 222 261 268 339 396 c504 Genoa. Ton... Lire. 35.71 38.17 39.03 38.25 37.75 37.58 39.25 39.26 38.75 38.25 38.26 38.25 37.75 37.00 38.50 37.76 37.50 37.50 39.67 33.67 33.83 45.67 46.50 34.25 33.25 33.50 33.76 33.75 34.00 34.50 57.50 46.00 40.00 47.50 49.60 96.25 76.33 86.00 83.17 135. 50 67.00 79.00 83.00 87.00 86.60 84.50 77.50 85.60 86.50 105. 50 127. 50 172. 50 Norfolk Ton Dolls. 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3.0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3.0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3.0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3.0000 3. 0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3. 0000 3.0000 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8600 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8600 2. 8500 2. 8600 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8600 2. 8500 2, 8500 Naples . . 100 kgs.. Lire. 325.83 354.83 358. 33 369.33 356. 67 335. 00 365. 00 355. 00 355. 00 355. 00 375. 00 378. 00 376. 00 360. 00 335. 00 340.00 340. 00 325.00 322. 75 306. 67 305. 00 334.33 345. 00 310.00 303.00 302.00 300.00 310.00 305.00 308. 00 355.00 340.00 350. 00 345.00 340. 00 342.54 338.50 339. 17 345. 00 349.50 342. 00 330. 00 337. 60 330.00 342. 50 345. 00 340. 00 355. 00 340. 00 348. 60 350. 00 350.00 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 0949 .1113 .1331 .1146 .0954 .1019 .1394 .1350 .1260 .1194 .1138 .1106 .0981 .0956 .0926 . 1025 J .1075 .0956 .0816 .0798 .0642 .0913 .0960 .0925 .0894 .0876 .0913 .0882 .0750 .0763 .0556 .0538 .0631 .0745 .0775 .0760 .0717 .0729 .0725 .0825 .0775 .0806 .0775 .0700 .0738 .0738 .0575 .0676 .0760 .0763 o Computed on monthly relatives. ' No quotation. ~ Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 191 WHOLESALE PEIGES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Coal, bituminous. Actual price. Italy. U. S, Relative price. Italy U. S, Coal, semibituminous. Actual price. Italy. U, Italy U. S. Relative price. Coffee. Actual price. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February. March April May June July August- . .. September. October November. December- . 1917— Year.--- Quarters — First Second Third Fourth-... Months — January... February. March April M^y June July August September. October November . December. . 1918— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourtb--.. Months- January. . . February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . Genoa. Ton... Lire, 32.26 210.71 207. 50 217. 67 180. 67 237. 00 197. 50 212. 50 212. 50 218.50 218. 50 216.00 187. 00 167. 50 187. 50 195.00 211.00 305. 00 C") (?) Cincin- nati. Ton Dolls. 2. 2000 2. 6750 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 3000 4.0000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 5000 3. 7500 3.7500 4.5000 4.5833 4. 8333 5. 6667 4.2333 3. 6000 4.5000 5. 0000 5.0000 5. 0000 6. 0000 6.0000 5. 0000 4.4000 3. 3000 3. 3000 3.7500 3.7500 3. 6000 3.7333 4. 1000 4.1000 3. 6000 3. 6000 3. 6000 3. 6000 3. 8500 3.7500 4. 1000 4. 1000 4.1000 4.1000 4.1000 4. 1000 (a) Genoa. Ton... Lire. 35.71 219. 58 211.33 232.00 183.33 251. 67 202.50 209.00 222.60 231.00 242. 00 222. 50 182. 60 175. 00 192. 50 207.50 222. 50 325. 00 (a) Norfolk Ton Dolls. 3.0000 3.7292 3.0000 3.0000 3.4167 6. 6000 3. 0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3. 0000 3.0000 3. 0000 3. 2500 4. OOOO 4. 6000 6. 0000 £.0000 5. 4323 6.3333 6, 8333 4. 3187 4. 2440 6. 0000 6.5000 6.5000 6.5000 7.0000 7.0000 5. 1400 3.9080 3. 9080 3.9080 4. 4120 4. 4120 4. 4769 4.4120 4.2317 4. 6320 4.6320 4. 4120 4. 4120 4.4120 4.2440 4.2187 4.2320 4.6320 4.6320 4. 6320 4.6320 4.6230 4. 6320 615 (<") Naples . . 100 kgs.. Lire. 325.83 384. 67 379. 50 380. 00 381. 67 397. 50 376.00 382. 60 380.00 380. 00 380. 00 380.00 380. 00 380. 00 385. 00 386.00 397. 50 410. 00 («) New York. Pound. C) Dolls. 0. 0949 .0924 .0838 .0971 .0946 .0942 .0763 .0825 .0925 .0950 .0975 .0900 .0950 .0988 .0950 .0960 .0925 .0927 .0983 .1000 .0925 .0800 .0976 .1000 .0976 .0950 .1013 .1038 .0960 .0913 .0913 .0850 .0794 .0756 .0935 .0862 .0873 .0887 .1199 .0853 .0844 .0891 .0903 .0873 .0841 .0855 .0853 .0959 .1040 .1069 .1725 C) a No publication available in the United States. 192 INTEBNATIONAL PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Base price. . 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourtli Montiis — .Tanuary February. - March April May June July August September . - October November . . December... 1914— Year-... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June Coke. Actual price. Italy. U. S. July August... September . . October — November . December.. 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. March April May June July August September . October November . . December. . Ton... Lire. 50.40 54.42 54.83 57. 50 54.33 51.00 53.50 53.50 57.50 67.30 57.50 57.50 57. 50 63.00 52.50 51.00 51.00 51.00 55.52 49.17 47.08 63.76 60.83 51.00 49.00 47.50 47.50 47.60 46. 25 46.26 82.50 62.50 62.60 62.50 67.50 135. 38 88.33 104.83 118.33 230.00 77.50 85.00 102. 60 102.50 102.50 109. 50 111.00 116.60 127.50 216.00 215.00 260.00 At ovens Ton Dolls. 2.0625 2.4396 3.1000 2.2250 2.4417 1.9917 3.6750 3.0750 2. 5600 2.3260 2.1600 2.2000 2.3750 2. 6000 2.4600 2. 1750 1.9260 1.8760 1.8083 1.9083 1.9083 1.8000 1.6167 1.9260 1.9260 1.8760 1.9250 1.9250 1.8760 1.8750 1.8000 1.7250 1.6760 1.6500 1.6250 1.7854 1.5917 1.62.50 1.7000 2.2260 1.6250 1. 6750 1.6750 1. 6260 1.6260 1.6260 1.7600 1.6760 1.6750 2.0000 2.3760 2.3000 Relative price. Italy U.S 92 164 124 124 124 114 269 176 208 235 456 164 169 203 203 203 217 220 231 253 427 427 616 US 88 93 93 87 78 93 93 91 93 93 91 91 87 84 81 76 79 87 77 79 82 108 79 76 76 79 79 79 85 81 81 97 115 112 Copper, in ingots. Actual price. Italy. U. S. Genoa. lOOkgs. Lire. 185. 96 192.29 200. 00 196.00 197.67 192.60 216.00 190. 00 196.00 200.00 195. 00 190.00 190. 00 200.00 203.00 200.00 190. 00 187.50 179.92 181.33 172. 33 187.67 178.33 183.50 182.60 178.00 177.00 170.00 170.00 168. 00 200.00 195.00 175. 00 175.00 185. 00 269.79 230.83 261.67 286. 67 300.00 197.50 245. 00 250.00 265. 00 '55.00 275.00 285.00 285.00 290.00 290.00 290.00 320.00 New York. Pound Dolls. 0.1501- . 1573 .1627 .1544 .1530 .1587 .1761 .1625 .1494 .1519 .1563 .1550 .1463 .1513 .1613 .1666 .1656 .1450 .1338 .1467 .1419 .1276 .1190 .1488 .1476 .1438 .1438 .1420 .1400 .1340 .1260 .1238 .1170 .1125 .1275 .1726 .1413 .1775 .1863 .1864 .1300 .1475 .1463 .1588 .1863 .1875 .1988 .1825 .1775 .1800 .1788 .1976 Relative price. Italy, U.S, Copper, sulphate of. Actual price. Italy. 102 97 108 101 109 107 108 110 102 110 101 97 97 89 98 98 9S 95 101 86 96 79 99 99 98 98 96 96 95 96 91 96 91 93 90 89 108 83 1(15 82 94 78 94 75 99 85 145 115 124 94 141 118 164 124 161 124 106 87 132 98 134 97 137 1(l« 137 124 148 125 153 1.32 163 122 1.66 118 156 120 166 119 172 132 Genoa . . 100 kgs.. Lire. 55.57 67.94 59.83 57.92 56.46 68.54 61.50 60.00 58.00 60.00 58.75 55.00 48.00 .58. 75 59.63 59.13 58 75 57.75 53.86 54.08 54.21 52.13 C) 64.75 53.75 53.75 63.63 54.75 64.25 62.13 (<■) C) (a) (a) C) 87.45 74.08 76.00 79.76 114.83 71.25 73.76 77.25 78.25 77.60 72.25 79.76 («) (») 93.50 117.50 133.50 U.S. New York. Pound. Eolti. 0. 0504 .0636 .0663 .0538 .0530 .0613 .0675 .0675 .0538 .0638 . 0638 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0613 .0613 .0513 .0613 .0472 .0490 .0483 .0464 .0461 .0490 .0490 .0490 .0490 .0490 .0470 .0470 .0460 .0463 .0463 .0446 .0446 .0658 .0490 .0671 .0738 .0734 .0446 .0463 .0563 .0613 .0688 .0713 .0738 .0738 .0738 .0688 .0663 .0850 Relative price. 144 «« 168 211 240 o No quotation. b Interpolated, INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 193 WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THfi UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS,. AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Coke. Actual price. Italy. U.S. Italy Relative price. U.S Copper, in Ingots. Actual price. Italy. U.S. Italy Relative price. U.S. Copper, sulphate of. Actual price. Italy. U.S. Italy Relative price. Base price.. 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Third Fourth.... Months — January... February - March April May June July Aueust September - October November. December.. 1917— Year — Quarters — First-. Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February - March April May June July Aufi:ust September . October — November. December.. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February - March April May June July August September . October — November . December.. Genoa. Lire'. 50.40 248.72 285.00 276.75 241.67 196.00 300. 00 270.00 (<■) (a) 281.00 272.50 272.60 257.50 £195.00 <:195.00 C195.00 0195.00 m Ton- Dolls. 2.0625 3.2458 2.8333 2.6083 2.6667 4.8750 2.8750 2.6250 3.000O 2.8?60 2. 3760 2.6250 2.6250 2.6250 2.7500 3.1250 5.7600 5.7600 8.2600 7.7500 7.9167 11.3333 6.0000 7.2600 7.6000 8.6000 7.2600 7.0000 9.5000 12.2600 10.0000 11.7600 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000, 6.0000 6.0000 558 549 480 387 595 636 l>S4S HSO 5.58 641 541 511 387 387 387 (") Genoa. lOOfcgs. Lire. 185. 96 482.08 445 00 483.33 460.00 540.00 425. 00 450.00 460.00 470.00 495.00 485.00 465.00 450.00 475.00 480.00 510.00 630.00 708.76 690.00 760,00 710.00 685.00 625.00 710.00 735.00 790.00 730.00 730.00 730.00 700.00 700.00 680.00 690.00 686.00 701.67 735.00 803.33 690.00 710.00 706.00 720.00 720,00 765.00 786.00 800.00 825.00 800.00 745.00 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1501 .2764 .2609 .2779 .2675 .3064 .2288 .2638 .2700 .2688 .2850 .2800 .2660 .2600 .2776 .2860 .2863 .3460 .2940 .3292 .3250 .2867 .2350 .2950 .3300 .3625 .3400 .3100 .3250 .3175 .2900 .2525 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2458 .2360 .2350 .2581 .2580 .2350 .2350 .2360 .2360 .2350 .2360 .2660 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2540 381 100 kgs. Lire. 55.57 144.26 147.60 151.50 138.00 140.00 139.60 161.25 161.75 151.50 152.60 160.60 135.50 138.50 140.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 («) 220.00 228.00 228.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 228.00 228.00 228.00 228.00 228.00 228.00 228.00 228.00 New York. Pound . Dolls. 0.0504 .1414 .1883 .1704 .9017 .1160 .1600 .2100 .2050 .1850 .1788 .1475 .0950 .0900 .0900 .0960 .1113 .1006 .1163 .0967 .0954 .0938 .1360 .1176 .0963 .0950 .0976 .0976 .0975 .0975 .0913 .0875 .0963 .0975 .0953 .0951 .09tt .0948 .0963 .0969 .0960 .0958 .0963 .0944 .0920 .0938 .0950 .0956 .0963 .0963 .0963 a No quotation. c Maximum price. i> Interpolated. li Maximum price set beginning 1917 according to grade and mine. t No publication available in the United States giving 1917 figures. 194 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COHPAKISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Base piice. . 1913— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . March April May June July August September - October — November. December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March AprU May ■ June July August September . October November. December.. 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . March April May June July August September . October Novemlier . December.. Flour, wheat. Actual price. Italy. U. S, Milan- 100 kgs. Lire. 41.56 42.88 43.50 43.60 42.83 41.67 43.75 43.75 43.00 43.50 43.75 43.25 43.25 43.00 42.26 41.75 41.60 41.75 44.06 41.17 40.58 45.50 49.00 41.75 41.26 40.50 40,25 40.00 41.60 41.60 47.60 47.50 60.00 48.25 48.75 61.35 56.92 69.42 64.67 64.42 66.75 67.00 67.00 61.00 61.75 55.50 64.50 67.00 62.60 64.00 64.00 65.25 Italy U. S, Minne- apolis. Bbl.(196 lbs.) Dolls. 4.0000 4.5837 4. 4584 4.7096 4.6833 4.4746 4.4813 4.5188 4.3760 4.6100 4.6563 4.8625 4.7700 4.7000 4.5800 4.4563 4.4875 4.4800 5.0962 4.6708 4.6508 6.3488 6.8625 4.5000 4.5876 4.6260 4.5600 4.6125 4.4900 4.5938 5. 5126 5.9400 6.7563 6.8813 6.9600 6.6630 7. 3492 7.3492 6.2242 5.7479 6.8663 7.7063 7.4850 7.7063 7.8813 6.6950 7.0313 6.3100 5.3313 5.6188 5.6000 6.2250 Relative price. 100 Hemp, double extra. Actual price. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S Naples 100 kgs. Lire. 104. 46 109.63 113.00 104.00 111.67 109.83 106.00 132.00 102.00 104.00 103.00 105.00 114.00 114.00 107.00 111.60 109.00 109.00 99.08 100.83 95.50 97.67 102.33 105.00 99.60 98.00 100.00 93.50 93.00 99.00 98.00 96.00 94.00 99.00 114.00 131.90 121.33 128.26 128. 17 149.83 116.00 122.60 126. 50 133.00 126.50 126.26 128.00 128.00 128.50 148.50 148.00 153.60 Relative price. Ken- tucky. Pound Dolls. 0. 1567 .1567 .1500 .1567 .1600 .1600 .1500 .1600 .1600 .1500 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1517 .1567 .1500 .1500 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1500 .1600 .1600 .1500 .1500 .1500 .1500 .1500 .1500 .1605 .1608 (."} i") .1500 .1500 102 two '•lOS M09 !>97 >>99 MOO ilOS MOB Hoe iior M09 MIO Actual price. Italy. U- Milan... Kg Lire. 1.55 1.61 1.67 1.63 1.55 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.60 1.70 1.65 1.56 1.65 1.55 1.55 1.65 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.58 1.47 1.42 1.63 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.40 1.40 1.55 1.65 1.50 1.83 1.55 1.70 2.02 2.05 1.65 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.95 2.00 2.10 2.26 2.00 1.90 Ctiicago 100 lbs. Dolls. 8. 3094 8.3642 8.2600 8.6417 8.6083 7.9167 7.4600 8.1760 9.1260 8.8250 8.5000 8.6000 9,0750 8.3750 8.3750 8.2000 7.8000 7.7600 8.2677 8.4417 8.2708 8.8260 7.6333 8.1750 8.5500 8.6000 8.4750 8.2375 8.1000 9.0000 8.9000 8.6760 7.7750 7.6250 7.2000 7.0229 6.7333 7.3333 7. 1260 6.9000 6.8000 6.6760 6.7250 7.2000 7.4000 7.4000 7.1000 6.9250 7.3600 7.7250 6.6250 6.3500 Relative price. o No quotation. 6 Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 195 WHOLESALE PEICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. ■ Flour, wheat. Hemp, double extra. Hogs. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Market Milan. 100 kgs. Lin. 41.56 66.23 64.42 67.26 66.83 66.50 63.25 64.26 65.75 66.26 68.00 67.50 67.50 66.50 66.50 66.50 66.50 W Minne- apolis. Bbl.(196 lbs.) Dolls. 4. 0000 7. 2639 6.3217 6.0571 7.3767 9. 2621 6.6438 6.4400 6.8813 6. 2188 6. 1900 5.7625 6. 1000 7. 6060 8.4260 9.2800 9.8250 8.6813 1L3909 9.2981 13. 5731 12.3904 10.3404 9. 2150 9. 0688 9. 6313 11.6188 14.8800 13.8938 12.7500 13.0688 11.2626 10. 6000 10. 2250 10. 1313 10. 1407 10. 1538 9. 7942 10.3992 10.2100 10. 0850 10.3000 10.0938 9. 9850 9. 6260 9.8250 10.7120 10.2100 10.2100 10. 2100 10. 2100 10. 2100 Naples 100 kgs. Lire. 104. 46 227.13 184.00 204.50 245. 83 274. 17 166.00 180.00 206.00 206. 00 200.00 207.60 217.50 242.60 277.60 277.50 277. 60 267.50 ('') Ken- tucky. Pound Dolls. 0. 1567 .2167 .1867 .2100 .2300 .2400 .1750 .1750 .2100 .2100 .2100 .2100 .2100 .2400 .2400 .2400 .2400 .2400 .2648 .2400 .2692 .2760 .2750 .2400 .2400 .2400 (a) .2760 .2750 .2750 .2760 .2750 .2760 .2750 .2760 .2760 .2750 (") («) .2750 .2760 (a) W la) (a) W C) C) C) .2750 .2750 Milan... Kg Lire. 1.55 2.34 2.13 2.30 2.38 2.67 2.00 2.00 2.38 2.20 2.25 2.46 2.50 2.35 2.30 2.10 2.40 3.20 4.23 4.00 4.07 4.63 4.20 3.40 4.10 4.50 4.00 4.00 4.20 4.70 6.00 IJ4.20 ii4.20 114.20 ^4.20 Chicago. 100 lbs Unit Base price... 1916— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February . . . March April May June July August September.. October November . . December. . . 1917— Year Quarters — First.. . Dolls. 8.3094 9. 4760 8.3167 9.7167 10. 1833 9.6833 7.2500 . 8.2600 9.4500 9.6250 9.9500 9.6760 9.7250 10. 2250 10. 6000 10.0600 9.5750 9.4250 15.6167 12.5250 15. 6000 16.9000 17,0417 10. 8000 12.4500 14.3260 16. 6750 16. 9750 15. 1500 15.2500 17. 2600 18.2000 17.1260 16. 9500 17.0500 17.1313 16. 4667 16. 6833 18.5833 16.7917 15. 9750 16.5500 16.8760 16. 8500 16.7760 16.4250 17. 6250 18.7500 19. 3750 16. 7600 16. 6250 17.0000 169 165 162 161 160 152 155 168 159 164 162 162 160 160 160 160 (<■) m 159 138 133 161 203 145 141 129 136 135 126 133 166 184 203 216 190 249 203 297 271 226 202 198 211 254 326 304 279 286 246 232 224 222 222 222 214 228 223 221 225 221 219 208 216 234 223 223 223 223 223 217 176 196 235 262 159 172 197 197 191 199 208 232 266 266 266 256 m 138 119 134 147 163 112 112 134 134 134 134 134 163 163 163 153 163 169 153 172 175 176 163 163 153 175 176 175 175 175 175 175 175 176 175 cm are 176 175 cm cm clJS cm cl7S cm cm cm cm 175 175 161 137 148 154 166 129 129 154 142 146 158 161 152 148 135 155 206 273 268 262 299 271 219 265 290 258 258 271 303 323 271 271 271 271 114 100 117 123 117 87 99 114 116 120 115 117 123 128 121 116 113 187 151 Second 188 Third ''01 Fourth... 9m Months- January. un 150 17? ISP May... 199 .Tinlp. 18'' July 184 August.. - ?08 September.. October 219 ''06 November. . 204 ''05 1918— Year Quarters- First m 206 198 ''01 Third 994 Fourth 909 Months- 192 199 March 90'! April 203 May 909 lis July 212 226 September . . 93'! November . . 900 205 a No quotation. 6 No publication available in the United States. c Interpolated. d Maximum price, live weight. -10- -14 196 INTEBNATIONAL PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Basepiice. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1914— Year... Quarters- First Second. . . Third.... Fourth... Months — January.. February. . . March April May June July August... September.. October November. . December. . . 1915— Year Quarters— FU-st Second Third Fourth Months — January — February. . March April May June July August September. October November. December. . Lead, pig. Actual price. Italy. U. S, Genoa 100 kgs. Lire. 51.89 51. 38 46.83 63.33 64.33 51.00 48.00 46.50 46.00 60.00 64.00 56.00 54.50 64.60 54.00 53.50 61.00 48.60 53.43 62.33 49.88 67.17 64.33 52.75 62. 26 52.00 49.00 49.63 51.00 50.50 60.00 61.00 61. 60 65.00 56.50 75.63 62.17 72.00 80.00 88.33 67.50 69.00 70.00 68.00 71.00 77.00 81.00 78.00 81.00 82.00 90.00 93.00 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 0421 .0440 .0436 .0435 .0463 . 0436 .0435 .0436 .0435 .0435 .0436 .0436 .0436 .0460 .0475 .0459 .0435 .0410 .0410 .0387 .0389 .0308 .0416 .0415 .0400 .0380 .0390 .0390 .0390 .0390 .0388 .0375 . 03.50 .0380 .0469 .0383 .0443 . 0522 .0488 .0380 .0380 .0390 .0420 .0420 .0490 .0575 . 0600 .0490 .0450 .0490 . 0525 Relative price. Italy U.S 97 116 118 99 106 109 146 120 139 164 170 111 114 135 •131 137 148 166 160 156 168 173 179 Leather, ordinary. Actual price. Italy. U. S, Naples 100 kgs. Lire. 389. 75 376. 58 347. 33 380. 67 386. 33 388. 00 332. 00 330. 00 380. 00 380. 00 381. 00 381. 00 3S5.00 380. 00 388. 00 388. 00 38S.00 388. 00 396. 75 391. 00 393. 67 400. 00 420.00 390. 00 391. 00 392. 00 394. 00 394. 00 393. 00 400. 00 (« (-) 420.00 476.77 440. 00 468. 67 478. 33 504. 17 420. 00 {") 460. 00 450. 00 475. 00 4^1. 00 468. 60 471. 50 495. 00 486. 50 496. 00 530. 00 Italy U.S Boston Pound Dolls. 0. 3829 .3658 .3600 .3600 .3767 .3867 .3500 .3600 .3500 . SiJOO .3600 . 3600 .3700 .3800 .3800 .3800 .3900 .3900 .3917 .3767 .3900 .4000 .3900 .3860 .4000 .3800 .3800 .3700 .3700 .4000 .4000 .4000 .3800 .4200 .3975 .3933 .3833 .3933 .4200 .3850 .3850 .4100 .4000 .3800 .3700 .3900 .3900 .4000 .4000 .4300 .4300 Relative price. 100 100 100 100 l>WS 100 101 nor 100 100 101 101 101 101 103 clOi cioe C107 108 122 113 120 123 129 108 ens 118 115 122 123 120 121 127 126 127 136 99 102 Limo, chloride of. Actual price. Italy. Genoa , . . 100 kgs.. Lire. 21.50 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 , 20.00 20.00 20.00 (a) 22.39 20.00 25.00 26.00 20.50 C) 20.00 20.00 25.00 26.00 26.00 26.00 W 20.50 20.50 20.60 32.07 20.50 27.00 31.67 61.50 20.60 20.50 20.50 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 34.00 34.00 37.00 .57. 60 60. 00 U.S. New York. 100 lbs.. Dolls. 0. 6146 .6600 .6500 . 6500 .6333 . C600 .6600 .6500 .6500 .6600 .6500 . 6600 .0600 .6500 .6600 .6600 .6000 .5900 .6833 .6917 .6000 .5850 .6000 .5750 .6750 .5750 .6000 .6000 .6000 .6000 .6000 .6850 .5850 .58.50 .5873 .5850 .5863 .5890 . .5890 .5850 .5850 .5850 .5850 .6850 .6890 .6890 . 6890 .5890 .5890 .5890 .5890 Relative price. o No quotation. 6 Computed on monthly relatives. <> Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 197 WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Lead, pig. Actual price. Italy. U, Relative price. Italy U.S Leather, ordinary. Actual price. Italy. U. S, Relative price. Italy U. S Lime, chloride of. Actual price. Italy. Italy U.S. Relative price. Unit. Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August September. October November . December. . 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May • June July August September. October November. December. . 1918— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May June July August September . October ■November. December. . Genoa 100 kgs Lire. 31.89 112. 67 US. 33 116.33 103. 33 112. 67 115. 00 115. 00 125.00 122. 00 117. 00 HO. 00 100.00 105. 00 105. 00 106. 00 112. 00 120.00 269. 58 176. 67 246.67 300. 00 355. 00 140.00 190.00 200.00 '230. 00 250.00 260.00 275.00 300. 00 325.00 325.00 365. 00 375. 00 390. 00 376. 67 385.00 405.00 400. 00 375. 00 375. 00 380. 00 380.00 380.00 395.00 400.00 405. 00 410. 00 ("J 400.00 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 0421 .0680 .0600 .0758 .0648 .0712 .0560 .0610 .0640 .0800 .0750 .0725 .0686 .0610 .0650 .0705 .0700 .0730 .0912 .0850 .1024 .1088 .0686 .0750 .0850 .0950 .0935 .0988 .1150 .1138 .1088 .1038 .0795 .0613 .0650 .0743 .0703 .0711 .0804 .0759 .0684 .0706 .0724 .0698 .0691 .0725 .0802 .0805 .0805 .0805 .0805 .0667 Naples 100 kgs. Lire. 389. 75 538. 17 503.33 516.33 556. 33 576. 67 498.00 500.00 612.00 514. 00 616. 00 519.00 621. 00 572. 00 676. 00 574. 00 577. 00 579. 00 m m Boston Pound Dons. 0. 3829 .5550 .4700 .6500 .6500 .6500 .4300 .4300 .5500 .5500 .5500 .5500 .5500 .5500 .5500 .6000 .6500 .7000 .6325 .6167 .6800 .7500 .7000 .6500 .6500 .8260 .6250 .6250 .6250 .6000 .5800 .5800 .5800 m .5700 .5933 .6800 . .5800 .5600 .6300 .6000 .6500 .6500 Genoa. . . 100 kgs.. Lire. 21.50 70.64 65.00 72.00 72.00 75.00 60.00 60.00 75.00 72.00 72.00 72.00 72.00 72.00 72.00 76.00 76.00 C) (a) (») (a) («) (") (") New York. 100 lbs.. Dolls. 0.6146 .5890 .5890 1. 0830 1. 2700 .5890 . 5890 .5890 .5890 .5890 .5890 1.3300 1.3300 1.3300 1. 3300 1. 1500 1.4042 1. 2687 1. 5000 1. 5000 1.3500 1. 1500 1. 1500 1. 5000 1. 5000 1. 5000 1.5000 1. 5000 1. 5000 1.5000 1.5000 1. 5000 1.0500 1. 0933 1. 0731 1. 1000 1. 1000 1.1000 1.0500 1.0625 1. 1000 1. 1000 1.1000 1. 1000 1. 1000 1. 1000 1. 1000 1. 1000 1. 1000 1. 1000 • No quotation. » No publication available m the United States giving 1917 figures. b No market after 1916, owing to requisition of hides. 198 IISTTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, IMS-mS. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES,. BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Maize. Oats. Oil, olive. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Italy. U.S. Italy u.s Market Milan. Kansas City. Milan. Chica- go. Genoa... New York. 100 kgs. Lire. 100 kgs. Lire. 100 kgs.. Lire. Dolls. Dolls. . Dolls. Base price . . 1913— Year 19.36 0.4005 169. 79 0. 8483 16.59 .6181 lOfi 90 20.28 .3802 105 96 178. 33 .8700 105 103 Quarters- First 17.42 .4725 111 HK 22.50 .3311 116 K3 180.00 .8800 106 104 Second 17.25 .5683 110 82 20.71 .3776 107 94 175. 83 .8800 104 104 Third 16.33 .7067 104 102 18.79 .4159 97 104 180. 83 .8800 lOV 104 Fourth 15.38 .7250 98 105 19.13 .3988 99 100 176.67 .8400 104 99 Months- January 17.50 .4560 111 66 23.25 .3324 120 83 180.00 .8800 106 104 February. . . 17.50 .4800 111 7(1 23.00 .3347 119 84 180. 00 .8800 106 104 March 17.25 .4825 110 7(1 21.25 .3271 110 82 180. 00 .8800 106 104 April 17.50 .5500 111 sn 21.25 .3466 IIU 87 175. 00 .8800 103 104 • May 17.38 16.88 .5700 .5850 111 107 83 85 20.88 20.00 .3786 .4075 108 103 95 102 175.00 177. 50 .8800 .8800 103 105 1(14 June 104 July 16.38 16.63 .6400 .7100 104 106 93 103 18.38 19.13 .3940 .4208 95 99 98 105 177. 50 182. 50 .8800 .8800 105 107. 104 August 104 September. . 16.00 .7700 102 112 18.88 .4263 97 106 182. 50 .8800 107 104 October 15.76 .7275 100 106 18.88 .3972 97 99 182. 50 .8600 107 lUO November. . 15.13 .7525 96 1(19 19.13 .3970 99 99 172. 60 .8400 102 99 December. . . 15.25 .6950 97 101 19.38 .4027 100 101 175. 00 .8300 103 98 1914— Year 17.66 .6900 112 100 21.21 .4239 110 106 160.50 .8917 95 105 Quarters — First 16.42 .6358 9X 9Z 19.83 .3917 102 9X 161.67 .8300 95 98 Second 15.75 .6942 100 im 19.71 .3969 102 99 160.00 .8433 94 99 Third 17.71 .7450 113 108 19.38 .4269 100 107 160. 00 .9000 94 lOB Fourth 21.76 .6850 138 99 26.92 .4802 134 120 160.00 .9933 94 117 Months- January 15.76 .6500 10(1 94 19.76 .3889 102 97 165.00 .8300 ,9V 98 February 15.75 .6250 100 91 20.13 .3941 104 98 160. 00 .8300 94 98 March 14.75 .6325 94 92 19.63 .3930 lUl 9X 160.00 .8300 94 98 April Miy 15.00 .6750 95 98 19.25 .3910 99 98 160.00 .8300 94 98 15.38 16.88 .7050 .7025 98 107 102 102 19.50 20.38 .3985 .4008 101 106 100 100 160.00 160.00 .8500 .8500 94 94 10(1 June 100 July 16.88 19.00 .6675 .7775 107 121 97 113 18.63 19.76 .3722 .4193 96 102 93 105 160. 00 160.00 .8500 .8600 94 94 100 August 100 September.. 17.26 .7900 110 114 19.75 .4911 102 123 160.00 1.0000 94 118 October 19.75 .7375 ^?.e, 107 22.88 .4679 118 117 160. 00 1.0000 94 lis November. . 22.25 .7025 142 102 26.25 .4864 136 121 1.0000 (a) lis December. . . 23.25 .6150 148 89 28.63 .4895 148 122 .9800 W 116 1915— Year 28.56 .7061 182 102 30.63 .4806 168 120 186.39 .9108 110 107 Quarters — First 27.75 .7075 177 102 30.79 .5612 169 14(1 (») .8967 (o) 106 Second 29.68 .7383 188 107 33.00 .5314 170 133 178. 33 .9200 10b 108 Third 27.42 .7542 174 109 28.75 .4513 14S 113 192. 50 .9200 113 108 Fourth 29.50 .6242 188 90 29.58 .3854 153 96 188. 33 .9067 111 lOV Months — January 25.00 .6788 159 98 30.00 .5366 155 134 (a) .9800 (a) 116 February 29.00 .7488 184 108 31.25 .5761 161 144 la) .8600 (a) lUl March 29.25 .6960 186 101 31.13 .5770 161 144 (o) .8500 (a) 100 April 31.00 .7250 197 105 34.50 .6717 178 143 187. 60 .9200 110 108 30.25 27.50 .7525 .7375 192 175 109 107 33.75 30.75 .6343 .4874 174 159 133 122 182.50 165. 00 .9200 .9200 107 97 1(18 June 108 July 29.50 28.75 . 7475 .7800 188 183 108 113 29.50 29.25 .5358 .4495 152 151 134 112 182. 50 196.00 .9200 .9200 107 116 108 August 108 September.. 24.00 .7350 153 106 27.50 .3477 142 87 200. 00 .9200 lis 108 October 27.00 .6325 172 92 29.50 .3635 152 91 185.00 .9200 109 108 November. . 29.75 .5975 189 87 29.50 .3678 152 92 190. 00 .9000 112 106 December. . . 31.75 .6425 202 93 29.75 .4214 164 105 190. 00 .9000 112 106 a No quotation. INTEKNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-19-18. 199 WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Base price. . 1916— Year Qxiarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. March April May •June July August September - October November. December. . . 1917— Year Quarters — First., Second Third Fourth Months — January February... March April May June July August September-. October November- - December. . . 1918— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. - . ■ March April May June July August September . - October November. . December. . . Maize. Actual price. Italy. Milan. 100 kgs. Lire. 15.72 28.09 28.25 26.71 28.75 28.71 27.75 .6725 28.75 .7150 (a) .6725 27.13 .7238 26.50 .7150 26.50 .6700 28.75 28.75 28.75 28.25 28.88 C29.00 33.67 31.67 33.00 34.00 36.00 C29.00 i;33.00 C33.00 C33.00 C33.00 C33.00 = 33.00 C33.00 C36.00 C36.00 C36.00 C36.00 40.50 36.00 36.00 45.00 45.00 C36.00 C36.00 C36.00 36.00 C36.00 C36.00 C45.00 C45.00 C45.00 = 45.00 C45.00 C45.00 U.S. Kansas City. Bushel - Dolls. 0. 6904 .7770 .6867 .7029 .8058 .9125 .7750 .8325 .8100 .8400 1.0000 .8975 1. 5672 1.4417 2. 0075 1. 8533 .9263 .9575 1. 0150 1.2850 1. 5150 1. 5250 1. 7575 2.2400 2.0250 1.8850 1.9600 1. 7150 1. 6183 1. 7050 1. 6925 1.6792 1.4967 1.6900 1. 7060 1.7200 1. 5600 1.6375 1.6800 1. 7625 1.5850 1.6900 1.5600 1.4400 1.4900 Relative price. Italy U.S. Oats. Actual price. Italy. Milan 100 kgs. Lire. 19.36 29.31 ■ 20.75 (") 28.68 29.08 30.00 31.50 (ay (a) (») (a) 28.25 28.76 28.75 28.76 28.75 29.75 33.67 31.67 33.00 34.00 36.00 = 29.00 = 33.00 = 33.00 = 33.00 = 33.00 = 33.00 = 33.00 = 33.00 = 36.00 = 36.00 = 36.00 = 36.00 40.60 36.00 36.00 45.00 45.00 = 36.00 = 36.00 = 36.00 = 36.00 = 36.00 = 36.00 = 45.00 = 45.00 = 46.00 = 45.00 = 46.00 = 45.00 U.S. Chica- go. Bushel Dolls. 0.4005 .4597 .4557 .4226 .4384 .6234 .4856 .4633 .4183 .4396 .4314 .3924 .4062 .4491 .4621 .4944 .5566 .5201 .6571 .6918 .6707 .6790 .6694 .6658 .6174 .7000 .7028 .6765 .7885 .6466 .6968 .6005 .6527 .7628 .7814 .8812 .8048 .7280 .7116 .8275 .8885 .7692 .7663 .7780 .6960 .7194 .6919 .7225 .7178 Relative price. Italy 155 159 148 150 155 163 bies t>ies iies bies 146 148 148 148 148 154 174 164 170 176 u.s Oil, olive. Actual price. Italy. Genoa.. 100 kgs. Lire. 169. 79 213. 58 204.17 210. 17 220.00 220.00 197. 50 202. 50 212. 50 211. 60 211. 50 207.50 217. 60 217. 60 225. 00 220. 00 220. 00 220. 00 316.00 300.00 300. 00 300.00 350.00 (a) C) i 300. 00 d 300. 00 d 300. 00 d 300. 00 Interpolated. = Maximum price. d Maximum price for first quality. 200 INTEENATIONAL PBICB COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918. Market. Unit Base price, 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourtli.... Montlis — January... February. March April May June July AuRUSt September October... November . December. 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November. December. 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September October... November, December. Pine boards, first series. Actual price. Italy. U. Naples Cu. me- ter. Lire. 67. n 67.50 67.50 67.60 67.60 67.50 67.60 67.50 67.60 67.50 67.60 67.50 67.50 67.60 67.60 67.50 67.50 67.50 70.83 68.33 67.60 67.50 80.00 67.50 70.00 67.60 67.60 67,50 67.60 67.50 67.50 67. 50 80,00 80.00 80.00 124.67 91.17 105.83 135.00 166.67 88.60 92.60 92.50 97.50 106.00 115.00 120.00 130.00 166.00 155.00 170.00 176.00 Italy U. S Arkan- sas. Mbd.ft. 14.0000 (.") (a) 14. 6000 13.5000 (") (») a) (<•) (a) 14. 5000 14. 6000 14.5000 13.5000 13.6000 13.5000 13.6260 14.0000 (<■) 13.0000 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 (») {») W 13.0000 13.0000 13.0000 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 14.8860 13.6000 14.0400 14.0000 18.0000 13.6000 13.5000 13.5000 14.0400 14.0400 14.0400 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 18.0000 18. 0000 18.0000 Relative price. Pine boards, second series. Actual price. Italy. Naples... Cu. me- ter. Lire. 60.67 60.00 60.00 60.00 eOvOO 60.00 60.00 60. «0 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 64.64 61.17 61.50 61.50 74.00 60.00 62.00 61.50 61.50 61.50 61.50 61.60 61.60 61.60 74.00 74.00 74.00 95.00 84.17 84.17 101.67 110.00 75.00 102. 60 75.00 80.00 85.00 87.60 96.00 105.00 105.00 100.00 116.00 115.00 U.S. Italy U.S. Missis- sippi. M bd. ft. Dolls. 12. 9375 13.8333 14.0000 16.0000 12,6000 (») (a (°) 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 16.0000 16.0000 16.0000 12.5000 12. .5000 12,6000 11,6625 («) 12.0000 12.0000 10.0000 C) (") (") 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 12. 1260 10.6000 12.0000 12.0000 14.0000 10.6000 10.6000 10.5000 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 Relative price. 99 Pine boards, third series. Actual price. Italy. U. Cu. me- ter. Lire. 100. 00 98.75 95.50 98.00 100.67 100.83 95.50 95.50 95.50 96.00 99.60 98.50 100.00 101.00 101.00 101.00 101.00 100.50 98.67 100.17 98.33 96.60 99.67 100.60 100.00 100.00 100.00 97.50 97.50 97.50 96.00 96.00 97.60 100.00 101.60 126. 46 107.67 107.60 126.60 164.17 110.00 106.00 106.50 107.50 107.60 107.50 106.50 115.50 167.50 157.60 167.50 177. 60 Arkan- sas. Mbd.ft. Dolls . 13.8750 14.0000 (a) (") 14.5000 13.6000 (") (<■) (<■) («) la) 14.5000 14.5000 14.6000 13.6000 13.5000 13.6000 13.6250 14.0000 (») 13.0000 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 13.0000 13.0000 13.0000 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 14.8860 13.5000 14.0400 14.0000 18.0000 13.5000 13.5000 13.5000 14.0400 14.0400 14.0400 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 Relative price. a No quotation. 6 Interpolated. INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 201 WHOLESALE PKIOES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Pine boards, first series. Pine boards, second series. Pine boards, third series. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Italy. U.S. Italy U.S. Market Naples Cu. me- ter. Lire. 67.71 188.75 185.00 190.00 190.00 190.00 170.00 195.00 190.00 190.00 190.00 190.00 190.00 190.00 190.00 190.00 190.00 190.00 Arlsan- sas. Mbd.lt. Naples.. Cu. me- ter. Lire. 60.67 115.00 115.00 115.00 115. 00 115.00 116.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 115. 00 115.00 115.00 115.00 116.00 115.00 115. 00 115.00 (") Missis- Mbd.'ft. Dom. 12.9375 15. 3750 15. 0000 14.5000 14.6000 17.5000 15.0000 16.0000 16.0000 14.6000 14.6000 14.6000 14.5000 14.6000 14.6000 17.5000 17.6000 17. 5000 20.6625 16. 0000 22.0000 22.0000 22. 2500 16. 0000 16.0000 16.0000 22.0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22.0000 22.0000 22. 2500 22. 2500 22.2500 24.5000 25.0000 26.0000 25.0000 23.0000 25. 0000 25.0000 25.0000 25.0000 26. 0000 25.0000 25.0000 25.0000 25.0000 23.0000 23.0000 23.0000 Genoa. Ctt me- ter. Lire. 100.00 278.33 218.33 264.17 290.83 360.00 225.00 215.00 216.00 225.00 267. 60 270.00 270.00 272.60 330.00 330.00 350.00 370.00 W m Arltan- sas. Mbd.ft. Dolls. 13. 8750 17.4375 18.0000 16.2600 17.0000 18.5000 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 16.2500 16.2600 16.2500 17.0000 17.0000 17.0000 18. 5000 18.6000 18.5000 24.6250 19.0000 26.5000 25.6000 27.6000 19.0000 19.0000 19.0000 26.5000 26.6000 26.5000 25.5000 25.6000 25.6000 27.5000 27.6000 27.6000 28.8750 28.0000 28.5000 29.6000 29.5000 28.0000 28.0000 28. 0000 28.6000 28.5000 28.6000 29.5000 29.5000 29.6000 29.5000 29.5000 29.5000 Unit Base price. . . 1916— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February... March April my Dolls. 13. 8750 17. 4375 18.0000 16.2600 17.0000 18.5000 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 16. 2500 16. 2500 16.2600 17.0000 17.0000 17.0000 18. 5000 18.6000 18.6000 24.6250 19.0000 26.5000 26.6000 27.6000 19.0000 19.0000 19.0000 26.5000 26.5000 26. 5000 25. 6000 25.5000 25.5000 27.5000 27.5000 27.5000 28.8760 28. 0000 28.5000 29.6000 29.5000 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 28. 6000 28.6000 28.6000 29.6000 29.6000 29.5000 29.6000 29. 6000 29.5000 279 273 281 281 281 261 288 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 (") m 126 130 117 123 133 130 130 130 117 117 117 123 123 123 133 133 133 177 137 191 184 198 137 137 137 191 191 191 184 184 184 198 198 198 208 202 205 213 213 202 202 202 205 205 205 213 213 213 213 213 213 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 100 190 190 190 190 190 190 W m 119 116 112 112 135 116 116 116 112 112 112 112 112 112 135 135 135 159 124 170 170 172 124 124 124 170 170 170 170 170 170 172 172 172 189 193 193 193 178 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 178 178 178 278 218 254 291 360 225 215 215 225 268 270 270 273 330 330 350 370 (■>) m 126 130 117 123 133 130 130 130 117 117 June July... 117 123 August September. . October November.. December. . . 1917— Year Quarters — First 123 123 133 133 133 177 137 191 Third 184 Fourth 198 Months- 1.37 137 137 April 191 Mav 191 191 July... 184 184 September.. October 184 198 198 198 1918— Year Quarters — First m m 208 202 205 Third 213 Fourth 213 Months- 202 202 March 202 April May 205 205 205 July 213 213 213 213 213 213 a No publication giving 1917 figures available in the United States, b JTo publication giving 1918 figures available in the United States. 202 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Pine, timber. Actual price. Italy. U Relative price. Italy U. S Rice, first class. Actual price. Italy. U. S, Relative price. Italy U.S Rye. Actual price. Italy. U Italy U.S, Relative price. Market. Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February. March April May June July August September October... November, December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February. March April May June July August — September October- -. November. December. 1915— Year.... Quarters^ First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September October... November. December. Genoa, Cu. me- ter. Lire. 80.54 87.92 95.00 88.83 85.00 82.83 95.00 95.00 96.00 92.50 89.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 82.00 81.50 74.21 78.50 76.83 68.33 74.17 80.50 77.50 77.50 77.50 75.00 75.00 70.00 66.00 69.00 71.00 76.00 76.50 119.08 92.17 103.00 126.17 155.00 87.50 91.50 97.60 101.50 102. 60 105.00 111.00 117. 50 150.00 150.00 152.50 162.60 Missis sippi. M.bd.ft.' Dms. 12. 9375 13.8333 (a) 14.0000 15.0000 12.6000 (a) (<■) la) 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 15.0000 15. 0000 15.0000 12. 6000 12.5000 12.6000 11.6625 («) 12.0000 12.0000 10.0000 (»), (a) (a) 12. 0000 12. 0000 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 12.1250 10.6000 12.0000 12.0000 14.0000 10.5000 10.6000 10.5000 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 12.0000 12. 0000 12. 0000 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 C) 108 116 97 (a) C") (") 108 108 108 116 116 116 97 97 97 77 b95 b9S i9S 93 93 93 Milan. 100 kgs. Lire. 46.40 48.02 50.00 49.33 47.83 44.92 50.50 50,00 49.50 49.60 49.50 49.00 50.00 50.00 43.50 44.78 45.00 45.00 45.60 46.00 46.83 46.33 44.25 46.00 46.00 46.00 46.50 47.00 47.00 47.00 47.00 42.00 44.25 44.26 44.25 43.56 45.92 44.26 40.42 43.67 43.75 47.00 47.00 46.50 44.75 41.50 41.50 38.25 41.50 43.50 43.60 44.00 New Orleans Pound Dolls. 0. 0526 .0507 .0477 .0493 .0634 .0523 .0475 .0476 .0480 .0488 .0486 .0506 .0534 .0552 .0609 .0542 .0625 .0500 .0512 .0514 .0632 .0532 .0465 .0600 .0522 .0525 .0525 .0533 .0538 .0538 .0554 .0498 .0474 .0434 .0492 .0474 .0493 .0494 .0454 .0455 .0491 0494 .0494 .0496 .0494 .0494 .0485 .0450 .0419 .0438 .0476 .0456 Milan. . 100 kgs. Lire. 21.29 22.93 24.67 24.75 21.58 21.33 24.50 24.75 24.75 24.76 24.75 (<•) 21.75 21.75 21.75 21.25 21.25 21.50 21.80 21.42 20.83 20.54 24.42 21.50 21.60 21.25 21,00 20.75 20.75 20.13 20.50 21.00 22.00 24.25 27.00 35.15 33.17 32.42 35.42 39.58 29.75 34.60 35.25 35.00 33.76 28.50 33.50 36.50 36.25 38.50 39.26 41.00 Minne^ apolis. Bushel. Dolls. 0. 5653 .5666 .5692 .5658 .5833 .5442 .5850 .5676 .6560 .5500 .5725 .5750 .6675 .6675 .6150 .6675 .5426 .5226 .6974 .5621 .6817 .7126 .9433 .6613 .6450 .5600 .6660 .5800 .6000 .5625 .6600 .9150 .8400 .9350 1.0550 1.0529 1.1533 1.1350 .9917 .9317 1.1000 1.2660 1.0950 1.1050 1.1650 1.1350 1.0650 1.0450 .8650 .9150 .9650 .9250 a No quotation. li Interpolation. INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 203 WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Pine, timber. Actual price. Italy. U. S. Relative price. Italy U.S. Rice, first class. Actual price. Italy. U.S. Relative price. Italy U.S Actual price. Italy. Relative price. Market. Unit . Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Tliird Fourth Montlis — January... February . March April May June July August-. - September.. October. . . November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third •Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April May June July August September.. October November. . December. . . 1918-Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. .. March April May June July.... August.. October November. December. . Genoa. Cu. me- ter. Lire. 80.54 272. 50 224.17 252.50 281.67 331. 67 217. 50 227. 50 227. 50 237. 50 250. 00 270. 00 270. 00 270.00 305.00 305. 00 335.00 365. 00 W 875. 00 883.33 933.33 875. 00 876. 00 875. 00 876.00 875. 00 900. 00 900. 00 950. 00 950.00 960. 00 1000. 00 Missis- sippi. Mbd.tt. Dolls. 12. 9375 16. 3750 15. 0000 14. 5000 14. 5000 17. 5000 16. 0000 16. 0000 15. 0000 14. 5000 14. 5000 14. 6000 14. 6000 14. 5000 14. 5000 17. 5000 17. 5000 17. 5000 20. 5626 16. 0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22. 2500 16. 0000 16. 0000 16. 0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22. 0000 22.2600 22. 2600 22. 2600 24. 5000 25.0000 26. 0000 25. 0000 23. 0000 26. 0000 25. 0000 25. 0000 26.0000 25. 0000 25. 0000 25. 0000 25.0000 25.0000 23. 0000 23. 0000 23. 0000 338 278 314 350 412 270 282 282 296 310 335 336 336 379 379 416 441 m 931 1086 1097 1169 1086 1086 1086 1086 1086 1117 1117 1180 1180 1180 1241 Milan 100 kgs Lire. 46.40 46.85 44.75 47.00 (a) 60.76 44.75 44.75 (a) 47.00 47.00 (a) (a) (.") (») 50.75 51. 00 <:51.00 56.33 50.33 49.00 49.00 77.00 = 51.00 c 51. 00 = 49.00 c 49. 00 c 49. 00 = 49.00 = 49.00 = 49. 00 = 49. 00 = 77.00 = 77.00 = 77.00 77.00 77.00 77.00 77.00 77.00 = 77.00 = 77.00 = 77.00 = 77. 00 = 77.00 = 77. 00 = 77.00 = 77.00 = 77. 00 = 77. 00 = 77. 00 = 77. 00 New Orleans Pound Dolls. 0. 0526 .0466 .0457 .0466 .0444 .0467 .0450 .0463 .0459 .0456 .0466 .0466 .0453 .0447 .0433 .0447 .0478 .0476 .0670 .0479 .0697 .0708 .0781 .0475 .0475 .0488 .0671 .0702 .0710 .0702 .0708 .0713 .0773 .0775 .0793 .0817 .0907 .0925 .0794 .0794 .0854 .0897 .0906 .0916 .0938 .0924 .0913 .0913 .0913 87 Milan.. 100 kgs. Lire. 21.29 40.60 34.60 32.17 30.00 40.50 C) (o) (<.) (a) 34.60 32.60 32.00 32.00 30.00 (a) 41.09 40.00 40.00 41.00 43.00 (a) = 40.00 = 40. 00 = 40.00 = 40.00 = 40.00 = 40. 00 = 40.00 = 43. 00 = 43.00 = 43.00 = 43.00 46.60 43.00 43.00 50.00 50.00 = 43. 00 = 43. 00 = 43.00 = 43.00 = 43.00 = 43. 00 c 60. 00 = 50.00 = 50.00 = 50.00 = 50.00 = 60. 00 Minne- apolis. Bushel Dolls. 0. 5653 1. 0586 .9358 1.0233 1.3383 .9300 .9960 .8850 .9450 .9276 .9350 .9450 .9650 1. 1600 1.2050 1. 3950 1.4150 1.8040 1.4242 2. 0167 1. 9733 1. 8017 1. 3850 1.3625 1.6250 1. 6750 2. 0150 2.3600 2.2300 1. 9100 1.7800 1.8650 1. 7450 1. 7960 1. 9935 2.2417 2.4417 1.7117 1.5792 1.8200 2. 1350 2.7700 2.9900 2.6260 1. 7100 1. 7476 1.7600 1. 6276 1. 6650 1.5700 1.6025 " No quotation. 6 Interpolated. 'Maximum price. liNo publicationavailableintheUnited States. 204 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1M8. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. July August September. October November. December.. (a) 3.525 45.00 3.425 (a) 3.425 49.60 3.475 53.75 3.725 65.50 3.825 65.50 4.875 47.53 2.3333 34.75 1.9000 (a) 2.2667 48.67 2. 3833 59.17 2.7833 32.25 1.9000 35.25 1.9000 36.75 1.9000 (a\ 2,2000 2.3000 (o) 2.3000 45.00 2.3500 47.50 2.4500 53.50 2.3500 59.50 2.5500 59.60 2.900O 58.50 2.9000 97 96 93 90 92 103 120 82 82 82 95 101 106 101 110 125 125 a No quotation. ' Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 205 ■WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEBS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Silk, raw, Italian. Actual price. Italy. V. S. Italy IT. S Relative price. Soda, crystals. Actual price. Italy. U.S. Italy U. S Relative price. Soda, nitrate of. Actual price. Italy. U. Relative price. Market. Base price... 1916— Year.... Quarters — Krst Second Third Fourth;... Months- January... February - March April May June July August September. October November - December. . 1917— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February. . March April May Jxme July August September. October November. December.. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April May June July August September. October November - December. . MUan. Kg.... Lire. 50.80 81 42 86.00 77.67 85.60 (0) 80.00 90.00 (a) 84.00 71.00 .78. 00 C) 86.50 (a) (a) (») W 112. 03 92.50 102. 50 133. 50 129. 13 (») (<■) 92.50 98.00 107. 00 133.50 (") 129. 13 170. 00 Dolls. 4. 5938 6.4917 5. 8500 6. 7600 6.2833 4. 8760 6. 5500 6. 0500 6.0600 5.900O 5.6000 5.5000 6. 7500 6. 0000 6. 0600 6.1000 6. 7000 6. 7986 6. 6115 6.8385 7. 3000 C) 6. 7500 6.6500 6.4000 6.4750 6.9400 7. 0760 7. 3000 beS7 bmo 263 254 335 isse 316 354 bSiS tSSS iSm 316 («) Genoa. 100 kgs. Lire. 7.13 36.18 31.00 37.00 38.00 39.00 26.00 34.00 34.00 36.00 (») 38.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 38.00 39.50 39.50 (") C) East- em dis- trict. Pound. Dolls. 0.0073 .0106 .0092 .0087 .0089 .0083 .0087 .0093 .0077 .0100 .0114 .0101 •. 0100 .0088 .0087 .0122 .0100 .0126 .0136 .0125 .0099 .0088 .0113 .0102 .0139 .0137 .0138 .0142 .0127 .0124 .0123 .0128 .0153 .0148 .0142 .0154 .0167 .0160 .0145 .0138 .0144 .0151 .0132 .0145 .0162 .0164 .0153 .0174 .0173 435 619 633 647 351 477 477 505 l>519 533 633 533 533 633 554 554 (0 C^) 100 kgs.. Lire. 26.76 54.95 50.50 49.50 61.38 68.42 62.50 49.38 49.63 49.63 49.00 49.88 50.75 60.50 62.88 67.60 70.76 77.00 W New York. Dolls. 2.3183 3. 1792 3. 4167 3.3000 3. 0667 2. 9333 3.2600 3.4000 3. 6000 3.4000 3.4000 3. 1000 3. 1000 3. 1000 3. 0000 2. 9000 2. 9000 3. 0000 4. 0509 3.4246 3. 8538 4. 2979 4.6462 3. 2175 3.3250 3. 6700 3.7500 3.8000 3. 9800 4. 1500 4.2400 4. 6917 4. 7313 4. 6600 4.6438 4. 6750 4. 4694 4.9423 4.9288 4 3760 4. 4938 4.4375 4. 5000 5.1250 5.1500 4. 6000 4. 9375 5.0000 4.8313 4.3250 4. 4000 4.4000 a No quotation. >> Interpolated. c,No publication available in the United States. 206 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Steers, first quality. Actual price. Italy. U. S. Relative price. Italy U. S Sugar, first quality. Actual price. Italy. U.S Italy U. S Relative price. Sulphur, yellow. Actual price. Italy. U.S. Relative price. Unit. Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third FoMth Months — January... February . . March April May June July August September October... November. December. 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.:... Months — January — February.. March April May June July August September . . October November.. December... 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January.:... February.. . March April May June July August September. October November. . December.. Milan. Kg.... Lire. 1.84 1.85 1.95 1.85 1.75 1.86 1.98 1.98 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.75 1.70 1.64 1.92 1.92 1.83 1.83 1.92 1.82 1.93 1.90 2.04 1.85 1.75 1.86 1.92 1.90 1.96 1.87 1.91 1.93 2.03 2.01 2.09 2.59 2.02 2.39 3.13 3.19 2.05 1.96 2.06 2.16 2.26 2.74 (6) m 3.13 3.14 3.17 3.26 Chicago. 100 lbs.. Dolls. 9.10 8. 9550 8.7767 8.9833 9. 0004 9. 0125 8. 9125 8. 9400 8.8938 8. 6563 8. 7800 1. 0750 1. 1250 9. 6520 9.2383 9. 1867 10. 0767 10. 1479 9. 2260 9. 2250 9. 2650 9. 2750 9. 1260 9. 1600 9. 6750 10. 0300 10. 5250 10. 4500 10. 2188 9. 7760 9.3117 8. 8063 8. 7484 9. 8159 9. 7717 9. 1583 8. 5938 8. 6667 8.3313 8. 6450 9. 2688 9. 9063 9.8100 9. 7313 9. 6875 9.9400 9. 6875 101 104 103 107 102 104 105 110 109 114 "146 no 130 am 173 111 106 112 117 123 149 cm cl7S 170 170 172 177 98 95 Genoa. 100 kgs. Lire. 122. 75 129. 17 134. 67 134. 00 127. 33 120. 67 134. 00 135. 00 135.00 135. 00 134. 00 133. 00 133. 00 125. 00 124. 00 124.00 119. 00 119. 00 124. 71 118.08 124.92 127. 83 128. 00 119.00 118.25 117.00 120. 00 127. 25 127. 50 127. 50 128. 00 128. 00 128.00 128. 00 128. 00 133. 42 128. Off 133. 00 134. 67 138. 00 128. 00 128. 00 128. 00 133. 00 133. 00 133. 00 133. 00 133. 00 138. 00 138. 00 138. 00 138. 00 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0413 .0427 .0429 .0411 .0454 .0416 .0450 .0418 .0419 .0410 .0410 .0414 .0447 .0461 .0453 .0419 .0421 .0408 .0471 .0395 .0583 .0523 .0392 .0392 .0382 .0372 .0397 .0417 .0420 .0649 .0680 .0593 .0493 .0483 .0556 .0538 .0585 .0646 .0552 .0488 .0554 .0671 .0578 .0588 .0588 .0582 .0549 .0506 .0497 .0568 .0592 Girgenti . 100 kgs. Lire. 9.90 9.80 9.70 9.70 9.90 9.90 9.70 .9.70 9.70 9.70 9.70 9.70 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 10.58 9.90 9.90 10.60 11.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 10.95 10.95 11.90 11.90 11.90 New York. Pound . a Computed on monthly relatives. i No quotation. Dolls. 0. 0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0201 .0200 .0200 .0204 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0213 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 c Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPAEISONS, ,1913-1918. 207 WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Unit. Base price. . 1916— Year Quarters — First Seuond Third Fourth Months — January — February.. March April May June July August Septemhcr.. October November. . December. . . 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January.. - Februa^y- March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1918— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July Aufiust September. October November. December. . Steers, first quality. Actual price. Italy. U. S, Milan. Kg.... Lire. 1.84 3.26 3.25 3.28 3.20 3.30 3.25 3.24 3.27 3.26 3.26 .3.32 3.16 3.22 3.22 3.30 3.30 3.31 3.62 4.32 4.60 5.03 3.46 3.61 3.77 3.96 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.49 4.81 4.86 5.09 5.13 m Chicago. 100 lbs.. Dolls. 9. 1000 10. 4201 9. 4809 10. 2779 10. 7167 11.3342 9. 4800 9. 2813 9. 6813 9. 7375 10. 0900 11.0063 10. 7000 10. 5750 10. 8750 10.9660 11. 512.'i 11. 5250 13. 8307 11.9175 13. 1988 14. 7954 15. 44S8 11. 4400 11. 862,1 12.4500 12.9900 13. 2438 13. 3625 13. 5300 14. 6188 16. 3375 16. 6150 15. 0063 14. 2250 17. 3285 13. 7917 17. 00S3 18. 6923 19. 5260 13. 76SS 13. 7188 13. 8875 16. 0900 17. 4750 17. 8063 18. 1438 18. 6000 19. 2060 19. 1750 19. 4875 19. 8350 Relative price. Italy U. S Su^ar, first quality. Actual price. Italy. U.S, Genoa. 100 kgs. Lire. 122.75 169. 92 148. 00 148. 00 158. 67 225. 00 148. 00 14S. 00 148. 00 148. 00 148. 00 148. 00 148. 00 148. 00 ol80. 00 0225. 00 0225. 00 o22o. 00 258. 33 225.00 276. 00 300. 00 300. 00 0225. 00 o225. 00 o225. 00 o225. 00 o300. 00 O300. 00 o300. 00 o300. 00 o300. 00 oBOO. 00 o300. 00 o300. 00 W Italy U. S New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0413 .0688 .0610 .0729 . 0690 .0712 .0573 .0597 . 0659 .0706 .0746 .0736 .0760 .0700 .0637 .0708 .0735 . 0692 .0771 .0086 .0788 .0797 .0814 . 0662 .0686 .0706 . 0815 .0794 .0754 . 0745 .0818 .0823 .0818 .0818 .0804 .0780 . 0735 .0730 .0769 .0882 .0744 .0730 .0730 .0730 .0730 .0731 .0736 .0735 .0845 .0882 .0882 .0882 Relative price. Sulphur, yellow. Actual price. Italy. Girgenti. 100 kgs.. Lire. 9.90 16.83 11.49 14.74 19.70 21.37 11.49 11.49 11.49 11.49 10. 37 16. 37 16.37 21.37 21.37 21.37 21.37 21.37 C) U.S. Italy U.S. New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.0200 .0208 .0203 .0210 .0210 .0210 .0200 .0200 .0210 .0210 .0210 .0210 .0210 .0210 .0210 .0210 .0210 .0210 .0314 .0210 .0275 . 0385 .0385 .0210 .0210 .0210 .0255 .0285 .0286 .0385 .0386 . 0385 .0385 . 0385 .0385 .0376 .0385 (=) . 0308 .0385 .0385 («) (0 (0 («) (0 .03^5 .0385 .0335 Relative price. (") a Maximum price. ij No publication available in United States. c No quotation. d Interpolated. 208' IKTERI^ATIO^vAL PRICE COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS^ AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Base price... 1913— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February. . March April May June July August September . October November. December.. 1914— Year...;. Quarters- First Second Tliird Fourth Months- January February. . March April May June July August September . October November. December.. 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January — February. . March April May June July August September. October November. December.. Wheat, fine. Actual price. Italy. U. S. Milan. 100 kgs Lire. 26.56 28.34 30.08 30.21 26.42 26.67 30.38 30.00 29.88 30.88 30.26 29.50 26.88 26.25 26.13 26.25 26.88 26.88 28.49 26.67 26.50 27.43 33.38 27.00 26.88 26.13 26.83 26.30 26.88 26.25 27.25 28.80 31.63 34.00 34.50 41.08 42.63 40.08 38.92 42.71 40.38 44.25 43.25 43.76 40.75 35.75 39.13 38.88 38.76 40.76 42.13 46.26 Kansas City. Bu. f60 lbs.). Dolls. 0.8746 .8979 .8602 .8725 .8813 .8813 .. 8681 .8900 .8900 .9138 .8575 .8450 .8781 .8778 .8656 .8740 .9391 .8705 .8951 .9106 1.0719 .8694 .8675 .8847 .8766 .8938 .9150 .8166 .8719 1.0445 1.0219 1.0738 1. 1200 •1.2904 1.4489 1.4130 1.2246 1.0678 1.3300 1.5297 1.4869 1.5150 1.6090 1.2160 1.3400 1.2676 1.0763 1.0720 1.0413 1.0900 Relative price. Italy U. S Wool (in grease). Actual price. Italy. U. S, Naples 100 kgs Lire. 180. 20 177.50 165.00 176. 00 185.00 W 165.00 (<.) «) W 176.00 185. 00 185.00 (") C) C") (a) 181.00 (a) 177.00 178.00 191.60 (") («) (a) 175.00 178. 00 178.00 178.00 178.00 178.00 168.00 216.00 , C) 265. 56 C) 216.00 256.67 325.00 («) C) (<■) 220.00 220.00 205. 00 209.50 210.50 350.00 325. 00 325. 00 326. 00 Italy U.S Boston Pound Dolls. 0. 2369 .2492 .2917 .2417 .2350 .2283 .2950 .2960 .2850 .2550 .2360 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2350 .2260 .2250 .2617 .2300 .2642 .2775 .2850 .2250 .2300 .2360 .2425 .2560 .2660 .2750 .2825 .2760 .2760 .2850 .2960 .3442 .3383 .3350 .3517 .3517 .3050 .3450 .3660 .3360 .3350 .3350 .3450 .3550 .3560 .3460 .3550 .3560 Relative price. 99 Zinc, spelter. Actual price. Italy. U. S. Genoa.. 100 kgs. Lire. 63.38 68.04 72.83 69.67 65.17 64.50 74.60 72.00 72.00 72.00 70.00 67.00 66.00 66.60 65.00 65.00 63.50 65.00 72.21 62.83 61.00 82.00 83.00 64.00 62.50 62.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 61.00 90.00 95.00 90.00 82.00 77.00 233.42 115.00 243.33 284.33 291.00 86.00 105.00 155.00 160.00 250. 00 320.00 310.00 275.00 268.00 260. 00 305.00 308. 00 New York. Pound. Dotts. 0. 0539 .0580 .0667 .0551 .0568 .0534 .0723 .0649 .0629 .0679 .0561 .'0524 .0541 .0680 .0583 .0547 .0634 .0522 .0630 .0538 .0517 .0539 .0527 .0533 .0546 .0635 .0522 .0616 .0512 .0503 .0563 .0552 .0500 .0515 .0667 .1444 .0851 .1666 .1658 .1601 .0652 .0887 .1013 .1151 .1583 .2263 .2080 .1445 .1449 .1407 .1704 .1691 Relative price. a No quotation. INTEBNATIONALr PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 209 WHOLESALE PRICES IN ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Base price.. ■ 1916— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — .lanuary February. .. March April May * Jiuie July August September.. October Norember. . December. . . 1917— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fotu-th Months — January February. . . March April May Jime July August September.. October November . . December. . . 1918— Year Quarters — First Second Third Foiu?th Months — January February. . . March April May June July Au:aist September . . October November. . December. . . Wheat, fme. Actual price. Italy. Milan, 100 kgs Lire. 26.56 37.50 41.25 C) 35.58 35.76 39.50 43.00 m m m 36.13 35.38 35.25 35.75 l") 43.58 36.00 42.33 47.50 48.60 dSe-OO Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PKICE COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. 213 WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Com. Copper. Cotton. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. u.s Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Market... Odessa. Chicago Petro- grad. New York. Petro- grad. New Orleans. Unit Pood... Rubles. Bushel. Dolls. Pood... Rubles. Pound . Dolls. Pood... RvMes. Pound - DolU. Base price . . 1915— Year Quarters- First 0.69 0. 6797 16.44 0. 1501 16.47 0. 1306 .67 ,7250 98 107 25.33 .1726 154 115 25.99 .0962 158 74 .76 .7201 110 106 20.34 .1413 124 94 23.25 .0808 141 62 Second .72 .7514 105 111 24.59 .1775 160 lis 26.61 ■ .0921 162 71 Third .57 .7740 Rl 114 27.68 .1863 168 124 29.. 33 .0939 178 72 Fourth .58 .6339 84 93 28.82 .1864 175 124 24.75 .1181 15U 9U Months— ■ January .75 .7135 109 105 19.69 .1.300 120 87 22.00 .0783 134 60 February. . .76 .7325 111 108 20.40 .1475 124 98 24.00 .0804 146 62 March .76 .7160 111 105 20.92 .1463 127 97 23.76 .0836 144 64 April .78 .7510 114 110 22.42 .1588 136 106 24.44 .0947 148 73 May .68 .7685 99 112 23.95 .1863 146 124 27.40 .0906 166 69 June .70 .7431 102 109 27.39 .1875 167 125 28.00 .0911 170 70 July .57 .7878 83 116 27.85 .1988 169 132 32.00 .0869 194 67 August .56 .8013 82 lis 27.39 .1825 167 122 28.00 .0895 170 69 September . {") .7431 6 77 109 27.50 .1775 167 118 28.00 .1053 170 81 October.... .50 .6246 73 92 28.06 .1800 171 120 26.05 .1203 158 92 November . .65 .6291 95 93 28.44 .1788 173 119 24.10 .1155 146 88 ' December.. C) .6575 (») 97 29.97 .1975 182 132 24.10 .1185 146 91 1916— Year Quarters- First .88 .8307 128 122 31.64 .2754 192 183 24.10 .1412 146 108 .76 .7306 111 107 34.86 .2.509 212 167 24.10 .1175 146 90 Second .77 .7344 113 108 32.51 .2779 198 185 24.10 .1242 146 95 Third .77 .8407 113 124 30.32 .2675 184 178 24.10 .1417 146 109 Fourth 1.12 .9464 164 139 28.86 .3054 176 203 24.10 .1813 146 139 Months- January (ay .7600 }a) 110 34.25 .2288 208 162 24.10 .1205 146 92 February. . w .7376 1119 36.00 .2538 213 169 24.10 .1142 146 87 March .76 .7158 111 105 35.33 .2700 216 180 24.10 .1177 146 90 April May .78 .7417 114 109 33.25 .2688 202 179 24.10 .1188 146 91 .77 .7600 112 110 31.13 .28.50 189 190 24.10 .1257 146 96 Jime .77 .7157 112 105 33.16 .2800 202 187 24.10 .1280 146 98 July .76 .7757 111 114 32.32 .2660 197 177 24.10 .1303 146 100 August .76 .8625 111 127 29.79 .2600 181 173 24.10 .1417 146 109 September . .80 .8669 117 126 28.85 .2775 176 185 24.10 .1532 146 IIV October 1.09 .9572 169 141 2S.85 .2860 176 190 24.10 .1723 146 132 1.13 .9728 165 143 28.85 .2863 176 191 24.10 .1960 146 150 December.. 1.15 .9092 168 134 28.85 .3460 176 230 (») .1757 mis 135 a Ko quotation. b Interpolated. 214 INTEENATIOWAL PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Flaxseed. Actual price. Russia. U. S, Relative price. Rus- sia. U.S, Hemp. Actual price. Russia. U. S, Relative price. Rus- sia. U.S. Iron, pig, foundry. Actual price. Russia. U. S, Relative price. Rus- sia. U.S. Market. .. Unit Base price.. 1913— Year Quarters— I'irst .'.. Second Third Fourth Months — January February - . March April May June July August September . Oct(jher — November. December. . 1914— Year Quarters — i'irst Second Third Fourth Months- January February . . March April Ma./ June July August September . October — November. December. . Rostov- n - Don. Pood... Subles. 1.49 .1.43 1.47 1.40 1.44 1.42 1.46 1.48 1.46 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.43 C) 1.45 1.43 1.39 1.44 1.49 1.58 1.33 1.13 1.47 1.46 1.54 1.55 1.58 1.60 1.60 (») 1.06 1.08 1.11 1.21 Minne- apolis. Bu. (55 lbs.). Dolls. 1. 4722 1. 3490 1. 2984 1. 2913 1. 4104 1. 3959 1.2563 1.3525 1. 2863 1. 2526 1.3275 1.2938 1.3613 1.4126 1. 4575 1. 4250 1.3613 1.4013 1. 5251 1. 5154 1. 5671 1. 6233 1. 3946 1. 4725 1.4900 1.5838 1.5600 1.6413 1. 6000 1. 6800 1.6800 1.6100 1. 4025 1. 3350 1. 4463 100 108 90 76 99 98 104 104 106 108 108 b90 71 73 75 81 92 Orel. . Pood. Rubles. 4.12 4.01 4.36 4.12 3.80 4.02 4.36 (") (») (<■) 4.23 4.11 3.87 3.80 3.73 3.81 4.09 4.15 4.35 4.18 4.49 4.45 4.30 4.20 4.25 4.09 4.18 4.55 4.75 4.65 (<■) 4.25 (a) 4.28 4.31 Ky Pound Dolls. 0. 1567 .1567 .1500 .1667 .1600 .1600 .1500 .1500 . 1.500 .1500 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1517 .1567 .1500 .1500 .1500 .1600 .1600 .1500 .1600 .1500 .1500 .1500 .1500 .1500 .1500 .1500 .1600 99 104 103 92 97 106 tilOS liWi bios 103 100 94 92 90 92 99 101 106 101 109 108 104 102 103 99 101 110 115 U3 WS 103 ■I OS 104 105 100 a No quotation. 96 » Interpolated Petro- grad. Pood... Rubles. 1.05 1.03 1.00 1.03 1.03 1.05 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.00 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.10 1.05 1.08 1.12 1.13 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.16 1.13 1.10 1.13 1.15 Buffalo. Ton. Dolls. 13. 3733 14. 8700 16.9200 15. 0733 13.9033 13.6933 17.2500 16. 9700 16. 5400 15. 7100 16.3300 14.1800 13. 7600 13. 9500 14.0000 14.0000 13. 7100 13. 0700 12. 8400 12. 8033 13. 1933 12. 8933 12. 4733 12. 5100 12. 7700 13. 1300 13. 5000 13.3200 12. 7600 12. 7500 12. 9300 13.0000 12. 4600 12. 0800 12.8800 111 127 113 104 102 129 127 124 117 115 106 103 104 105 105 103 96 96 93 94 95 98 101 100 95 95 97 97 93 90 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 215 WHOLESALE PEICES IN RUSSIA AND THE tTNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTEES , AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Flaxseed. Actual price. Russia. XJ Relative price. Rus- U.S. Hemp. Actual price. Russia. U. S. Relative price. Rus- sia. U.S. Iron, pig, foundry. Actual price. Russia. U. S, Relative: price. Rus- sia. U.S.. Market. Unit Base price ■ 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. .- February. March April May.. .... June July August September October November December. 1916— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May June July August September. October November . December. . Rastov- n ■ Don. Pood.. Rubles. 1.49 1.34 1.40 1.41 1.19 . 1.37 1.31 1.40 1.48 1.46 1.44 1.34 1.22 1.23 1.12 1.24 1.40 1.48 2.48 1.84 1.98 2.32 3.76 1.69 1.86 1.98 1.98 1.97 1.98 1.98 2.09 2.89 3.69 3.68 4.02 Mimie- apolis. Bu. (56 lbs.). Dolls. 1. 4722 1.7940 1.7813 1.8517 1.6642 1.8788 1.6150 1.8925 1.8363 1.8675 1.9525 1.7360 1.7100 1.6100 1.6725 1.7850 1.8500 2.0013 2.2283 2.2508 2.0460 1.99.33 2.6242 2.1700 2.2725 2.3100 2.1976 2.0726 1.8660 1.7900 2.1000 2.0900 2.4400 2. 6425 2.7900 90 Orel. Pood.. Bubles. 4.12 4.04 4.27 4.27 4.48 4.30 3.96 3.87 3.85 4.66 4.40 (a) 4.26 4.28 4.30 4.43 4.70 7.02 5.23 6.76 9.00 («) 5.20 S.IO 6.39 (o) 6.76 6.75 9.00 9.00 9.00 Ken- tucky. Pound Dolls. 0. 1567 .1606 110 107 bios 103 104 104 107 114 170 127 164 218 (a) 126 124 131 (") 164 164 218 218 218 (a) (") (<■) 102 96 blOO HOB bi09 96 96 6 97 b99 blOO bios bios bios bl07 bl09 blW 138 119 134 147 163 112 112 134 134 134 J34 134 163 153 163 163 163 Petro- grad. Pood. Bubles. 1.05 1.18 1.26 1.66 1.82 1.17 1.18 1.18 1.26 1.25 1.29 1.39 1.63 1.66 1.74 1.84 1.88 1.95 1.90 1.61 1.91 2.38 1.88 1.88 1.95 1.97 1.43 1.43 1.43 (<■) 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 Ton. Dolli. 13. 3733 13.9800 12.8300 12.7300 13.7800 16.6833 13.0000 13.0000 12.4900 12.4400 12.9200 12.8300 12.5800 13.5800 15.1800 15.5000 16.4800 17.7700 20.6300 18.1733 18.8000 18.6967 26.9500 18.0000 18.0000 18.5200 19.0000 18.9000 18.5000 18.5000 18.6000 18.7900 20.2300 27.0600 33.5600 95 103 124 97 97 93 93 97 96 94 102 114 118 123 133 164 136 141 139 202 135 135 138 142 141 138 138 J38 141 161 202 251 o No quotation. ' Interpolated. 216 INTERKATIONAL PRICE COMPARISOFS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Market. Unit Iron, sheet. Actual price. Russia, U. S, Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March Aj)ril May June July August September October November , December., 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July , August September. . October November . December. . Petro- grad, Pood... Rubles. 1.77 1.72 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.79 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 l.fig 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.81 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.86 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.90 1.90 Pitts- burgh, 100 lbs. Dolls. 1. 9880 2.2000 2. 3400 2.3300 2. 1900 1.9567 2.3200 2.3500 2.3500 2.3500 2.3500 2.2900 2.2500 2. 2000 2. 1200 2.0400 1.9800 1.8500 1.8900 1.9200 1. 8533 1. 8867 1.8900 l.SWO 1. 9500 1. 9500 1.9000 1.8500 1.8100 1.8000 1. 8S00 1. 9800 1.9600 1.8800 1.8300 Relative price. Rus- sia U.S. Lead, pig. Actual price. Russia. U. S 94 Petro grad. Pood... RiMes. 4.01 3.90 3.64 3.92 4.11 3.93 3.71 3.61 3.61 3.76 3.98 4.03 4.12 4.12 4.08 4.09 3.87 3.83 4.08 3.90 6.58 7.96 4.07 4.08 4.10 3.82 3.92 3.96 3.95 7.88 7.90 7.88 8.00 8.00 New Yorlr, Pound . Dolls. 0. 0418 .0437 .0432 .0435 .0456 .0425 .0432 .0433 .0433 .0438 .0434 .0433 .0435 .0462 .0470 .0440 .0429 .0405 .0386 .0404 .0387 .0386 .0367 .0411 .0405 .0397 .0381 .0390 .0390 .0389 .0388 .0383 . 0353 . 0368 .0380' Relative price. Rus- sia. U.S. Naphtha. Actual price. Russia. U. S, Moscow Pood Rubles. 0.66 .62 .61 .62 .62 .63 .63 .63 .63 .58 .61 .62 .62 .62 .61 .60 .64 New York. Barrel.. Dolls. 7. 0350 7.0014 7. 1400 7.1400 7.0014 6. 7200 7. 1400 7. 1400 7. 1400 7. 1400 7. 1400 7.1400 7. 1400 7.1400 7. 1400 7.1400 6. 7200 6.4764 7. 1400 6. 8580 6.0186 5.8800 7. 1400 7. 1400 7. 1400 7.1400 7. 1400 6.3000 6.3000 5. 8800 5.8800 5.8800 5. 8800 5.8800 Relative price. Rus- sia. 94 U.S. 100 100 101 101 100 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 92 101 97 86 84 101 101 101 101 101 90 90 84 84 84 84 84 INTEKlTATIONAIi PKICE COMPAHISONS, 1913-1918. 217 WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Iron, sheet. Lead, pig. Naphtha. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Market Petro- grad. Pitts- burgh. Petro- grad. New York. Moscow New York. Unit Poed... SvbUi. 109 lbs. DolU. Pood... RnbUs. Pood... EubUs. DoUs. DolU. Base price.. 1.77 1. 9800 4.01 0. 0418 0.66 7. 0350 1915-Year 2.05 1.9300 116 97 10.58 .0467 264 112 .97 6.2286 148 89 Quarters- First 1.94 1.8000 11(1 91 8.86 .0387 221 93 .71 5.5986 Km 80 Second 2.00 1.7867 113 90 11.07 .0481 276 115 .83 5.4600 126 78 Third 2.00 1.8333 113 93 10.65 .0498 266 119 1.09 6.0186 16,5 86 Fourtli 2.26 2.2867 12S 115 11.90 .0504 297 121 1.23 7.8414 187 111 Months- January 1.90 1.8000 108 91 8.43 .0373 210 89 .64 5.8800 97 84 February.. 1.92 1.8000 109 91 8.65 .0383 216 92 .74 5.4600 113 78 March 2.00 1.8000 113 91 9.50 .0405 2:17 97 .74 5.4600 113 78 April May 2.00 1.8000 113 91 C) .0422 fa) 101 .78 5.4600 119 78 2.00 1.8000 113 91 11.00 .0427 275 102 («) 5.4600 birr 78 June 2.00 1.7600 113 89 11.13 .0593 278 142 .88 5.4600 134 78 • July 2.00 1.7400 113 sa 11.50 .0566 287 135 1.00 5.4600 1,52 78 August 2.00 1.8500 113 93 10.25 .0466 256 111 1.07 5.8800 163 84 September. 2.00 1.9100 113 96 10.21 .0461 255 110 1.19 6.7200 181 96 October 2.08 2.0300 IIS 103 10.59 .0460 264 110 1.20 7.1400 183 lUl November . 2.25 2.3000 127 116 11.89 .0516 297 123 1.20 7.9800 Wj 113 ' December. . 2.4*5 2.5300 139 128 13.21 .0536 330 128 1.28 8.4000 195 119 1916— Year 3.0600 155 14.95 .0686 373 164 .95 9.6600 145 137 Quarters— ■ First 2.68 2.6433 151 134 16.00 .0643 4110 l,S4 1.10 9.3786 168 133 Second 2.84 2.8967 161 146 20.08 .0734 .501 176 .92 10.0800 14U 143 Third (») 2.9033 n 147 11.66 .0647 291 1,55 .92 9.9414 140 141 Fourth (") 3.7833 191 12.42 .0719 310 172 .92 9.2400 140 131 Months- January.... 2.53 2.6000 143 131 15-50 .0592 387 142 1.28 8.8200 195 125 February.. 2.75 2.6000 1.56 131 16.50 .0625 412 150 W 9.2400 mn 131 March 2.76 2.7300 156 13S (») .0714 (a) 171 .92 10.0800 140 143 April May 2.82 2.8900 160 146 21.50 .0763 537 \K<, .92 10.0800 140 143 2.85 2.9000 161 146 26.00 .0746 649 178 .92 10.0800 140 143 June 2.85 2.9000 161 146 12.75 .0694 318 166 .92 10.0800 140 143 July 2.85 2.9000 161 146 11.91 .0635 297 1.52 .92 10.0800 140 14,? August 2.85 2.9000 161 146 11.25 .0624 2S1 149 .92 10.0800 140 143 September. (a) 2.9100, (a) 147 11.81 .0681 295 163 .92 9.6600 140 137 ' October W 3.2300 (a) ^W. 12.25 .0700 306 167 .92 9.2400 140 131 November . (") 3.7200 (o) 188 12.25 .0704 306 168 .92 9.2400 140 131 December. . 14 4.4000 (a) 222 12.75 .0751 318 180 .92 9.2400 140 131 a No quotation. 6 Interpolated, 218 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Market... Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January. . . February., March April , May June July August September, October November , December. , 1914— Year Quarters — First , Second Third , Fourth Months — January February . . March April May June July August September. October November . December. . Oil cake, linseed. Actual price. Relative price. U.S, Petroleum, refined. Actual price. Russia. U. S. 100 Petro- grad, Pood... Rubles. 1.61 1.69 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.64 ion 1.71 1(K) 1.70 97 1.70 87 1.70 X7 1.70 B4 1.70 90 1.70 93 1.70 lOH 1.70 102 1.70 100 1.66 100 1.55 104 1.02 102 1.55 102 1.55 lOf) 1.55 105 1.85 100 1.55 106 1.55 100 1.55 100 1.55 100 1.55 106 1.55 106 1.55 104 W 1119 (") 106 (4 1(K) 1.70 109 2.00 New York, Barrel.. Dolls. 3. 7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 3.7800 Relative price. Rus- sia, 3.7800 100 U.S. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 lOO 100 o No quotation. INTERNATIONAL PEICB COMPABISONS, 1913-1918. 219 WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Oats. Oil cake, linseed. Petroleum, refined. Actua price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Market Odessa. Chicago Odessa. Kansas City. Petro- grad. New York. Unit Pood... Rubles. Bushel. Dolls. Pood... BiAles. Ton Pood... Rvhles. Barrel DolU. Dolls. Base price.. 1915-Year 80 4005 94 32 1167 1.61 3 7800 1.16 .4805 145 120 .82 37.7917 87 lis 2.08 3. 6036 129 95 Quarters- First 1.17 .6612 147 1411 .68 39.0000 72 121 2.00 3.7800 124 100 Second (a) .5314 133 .86 36. 3333 92 113 2.00 3.3600 124 89 Third 1.02 .4513 127 113 .88 36. 6667 94 114 2.10 3.7800 130 1(H) Fourth 1.30 .3854 1(W 95 .88 39.1667 94 122 2.21 3. 4986 137 93 Months- January 1.15 .5366 144 134 .65 36.0000 69 112 2.00 3.7800 124 100 February . . 1.17 .5761 146 144 .65 40.5000 69 126 2.00 3.7800 124 lUO March 1.20 .5770 1611 144 .83 40.6000 «H 126 2.00 3.7800 124 1(H) AprU May (°) .5717 (a) (a) 143 .83 38.0000 88 118 2.00 3.3600 124 89 (o) .5343 133 .88 36.0000 94 112 2.00 3.3600 124 89 June (a) .4874 W 122 .88 35.0000 94 109 2.00 3.3600 124 89 July 1.03 .5358 129 134 .88 36.0000 94 112 2.10 3.7800 130 100 August 1.02 .4495 128 112 .88 37.0000 94 115 2.10 3.7800 130 100 September. 1.00 .3477 125 87 .88 37.0000 94 115 2.10 3.7800 130 100 October 1.08 .3635 136 HI .88 38.5000 94 120 2.10 3.3600 1311 89 November . 1.43 .3678 179 92 .88 40.0000 94 125 2.22 3.3600 138 89 December- . 1.38 .4214 173 106 (<■) 39.0000 bm 121 2.30 3.7800 143 100 1916— Year... . 1.63 .4597 203 115 38.6000 120 2.52 3.7800 157 100 Quarters- First 1.43 .4557 17S 114 .88 39.3333 93 122 2.30 3.7800 143 1(K) Second 1.50 .4225 187 105 .90 35.0000 96 109 2.39 3.7800 149 100 Thu-d 1.63 .4384 204 1(19 1.17 36.6667 124 114 2.55 3.7800 1.58 100 Fourth 1.95 .5234 244 131 («) 43.0000 C) 134 2.85 3.7800 177 100 Months — January 1.40 .4856 175 121 .83 40.0000 88 125 2.30 3.7800 143 lUO February.. 1.42 .4633 178 116 .90 39.0000 96 121 2.30 3.7800 143 lUU March 1.46 .4183 1X3 11)4 .90 39.0000 96 121 2.30 3.7800 143 100 April Mlay 1.49 .4396 1X6 110 .90 36.0000 96 112 2.37 3.7800 147 1(H) 1.43 .4314 179 108 .90 35.0000 96 109 2.40 3.7800 149 1(K) June 1.57 .3924 196 98 .90 34.0000 .96 106 2.40 3.7800 149 100 July 1.63 .4062 204 101 1.10 34.0000 117 106 2.45 3.7800 152 100 August 1.56 .4491 195 11'2 1.20 36.0000 128 112 2.60 3.7800 162 100 September. 1.70 .4621 213 115 1.20 40.0000 128 125 2.60 3.7800 162 100 October.... 1.95 .4944 244 VJH 40.0000 (as 125 2.75 3.7800 171 100 November . 1.83 .6566 229 139 43.0000 134 2.90 3.7800 180 100 December. . 2.07 .5201 269 130 C) 46.0000 C) 143 2.90 3.7800 180 100 " No quotation. 6 Interpolated. 220 INTERWATIONAIi PEICE COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Oontlnued. Eye. Silk, raw. Steel. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Odessa. Minne- apolis. Moscow New York. Petro- grad. Chicago Unit Pood... R^bles. Pood... Rubles. Pood... Rubles. Pound . DolU. Dolls. Dolls. Base price. . 1913— Year i.es 0.0146 .79 .6656 98 100 285.63 3.9083 93 94 1.60 .0160 97 110 Quarters- First .86 .6692 107 101 254.44 3.7583 83 90 1.S7 .0163 9b 112 Second .78 .6658 97 100 ' 267.68 3.7250 87 90 1.57 .0163 95 112 Tliird .76 .6833 94 103 310.86 4.0583 lUl 98 1.67 .0163 95 112 Fourth .77 .6442 96 96 ■ 309.64 4.0917 lOU 98 1.67 .0163 102 105 Months — January..,. .89 .6860 110 103 250.00 3. 7760 81 91 1.57 .0163 95 112 February.. .87 .6675 KIS 100 253.33 3.7750 82 91 1.67 .0163 96 112 March .83 .6660 103 98 260.00 3.7250 84 90 1.67 .0163 96 112 April May .84 .6600 104 97 260.00 3.7260 84 90 1.67 .0163 95 112 .79 .5725 98 101 266.50 3.7260 86 90 1.57 .0163 95 112 June .71 .6750 88 102 276.25 3.7250 90 90 1.57 .0163 95 112 July .74 .6675 92 100 291.25 3.9000 94 94 1.67 .0163 96 112 August .77 .6675 95 100 313.00 3.9000 102 94 1.67 .0163 95 112 September . .76 .6150 94 109 328.33 4.3760 106 105 1.57 .0163 96 112 October .76 .5676 94 100 316.00 4.2760 102 103 1.67 .0159 102 109 Noven^ber . .77 .6426 95 96 309. 17 4.0760 100 98 1.67 .0158 102 108 Deceniber.. .79 .5226 98 92 303.76 3.9260 99 94 1.67 -.0141 102 97 1914— Year .85 .6974 105 123 318. 90 4.0673 103 98 1.67 .0132 101 90 Quarters — First .82 .5521 lut 9H 306.11 4.1760 99 100 1.67 .0137 102 94 Second .89 .6817 no 103 306.83 4.3000 100 103 1.67 .0130 102 89 Third .83 .7125 ini 126 339.31 4.3260 110 104 1.66 .0136 101 92 Fourth .85 .9433 106 167 323.33 3.4292 106 83 1.66 .0127 101 87 Months — January .81 .6613 100 98 306.00 4.0250 99 97 1.67 .0136 102 92 February. . .82 .5460 101 96 308.33 4. 1750 1(H) lUO 1.67 .0137 102 96 March .82 .6600 101 99 306.00 4.3250 99 1(14 1.67 .0138 102 96 April .85 .5660 105 ino 307.60 4.2626 mil 103 1.67 .0133 102 91 May .91 .6800 113 10! 308.00 4.2625 10(1 103 1.67 .0129 102 88 June .90 .6000 111 106 305.00 4.3760 99 106 1.67 .0128 102 88 July .86 .6625 106 100 311.25 4.4760 101 108 1.67 .0129 102 88 August .80 .6600 99 117 360.00 4.4260 117 1(16 1.66 .0137 101 94 September . («) .9150 6,97 162 346.67 4.0750 112 98 1.66 .0138 101 95 October .77 .8400 95 149 333.76 3.6750, 108 88 1.66 .0134 101 92 November . .83 .9360 103 166 320.00 3.2875 104 79 1.66 .0127 101 87 December.. .94 1.0550 116 187 316. 26 3.3260 103 80 1.66 .0120 101 82 a No quotation. 6 Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 221 WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Rye. Actual price. Russia. U. S, Relative price. Rus- sia, U.S. Silk, raw. Actual price. Russia. U. S, Relative price. Rus- sia. Steel. Actual price. Russia. U. S, Relative price. Rus- sia. U.S. Market. - - Unit Base price. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Tliird Fourth Months- January... February. March April May June July August September October. . . Novel;! ber December. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March , April , May Jime , July August September . October November . December.. Odessa Pood... Rubles. 0.81 1.06 1.09 .80 1.01 1.11 1.05 1.08 1.15 1.05 .91 .78 .71 .80 1.02 1.13 1.32 1.15 1.16 1.35 1.63 1.13 1.13 1.18 1.16 1.1B 1.16 1.16 1.38 1.60 1.63 1.62 1.64 Minne- apolis, Bushel. Dolls. 0. 5653 1.0529 1. 1533 1.1350 .9917 .9317 1.1000 1.2660 1.0950 1.1050 1.1660 1. 1350 1.0660 1.0460 .8650 .9160 .9550 .9250 1.0585 .9367 .9368 1.0233 1.3383 .9300 .9950 .8860 .9460 .9275 .9360 .9450 .9650 1.1600 1.2050 1.3960 1.4150 Moscow Pood... Suhles. 308. 36 391.43 333.96 356.94 383.60 491: 33 327. 50 336.88 337.50 342.50 362.50 365.83 379.00 392.50 379.00 389.00 497. 60 687. 50 772.92 747.25 723.54 713,75 795.00 810.00 781.25 737.50 723.00 725.00 727.60 718. 13 725.00 793.75 New York. Pound , Dolls. 4. 1563 3.6365 3.3750 3. 4583 3.4583 4.2642 3.3250 3.4250 3.3750 3. 4760 3.4750 3.4250 3.4250 3.4250 3.6260 3.7125 4. 1260 4.9260 5.4458 5.4833 5. 5167 6.2000 6-. 6833 4.6500 5.2600 6.5500 6.2500 5. 1500 6.2000 4. 9600 6.3000 5.3500 5.2500 5.7500 5.7500 267 131 Petro- grad. Pood... Rubles. 1.65 1.83 1.71 1.78 1.79 2.05 1.66 1.68 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.83 2.01 2.31 2.64 2.29 2.20 (<■) ' 2.39 2.61 2.61 2.47 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 (») C) (<■) c Chicago Pound Dolls. 0. 0146 .0148 .0130 .0137 .0149 .0177 .0129 .0129 .0133 .0134 .0137 .0139 .0143 .0149 .0164 .0158 .0179 .0196 .0283 .0247 .0277 .0287 .0319 .0244 .0269 .0274 .0279 .0279 .0279 .0289 .0294 .0294 .0319 .0344 101 94 102 121 91 92 94 95 102 105 108 123 134 194 169 190 197 218 163 167 177 188 191 191 191 198 201 201 218 a No quotation. 222 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Sugar, raw. Tallow, mutton. Tin, pig. Aotua price. Relative pnoe. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Russia. U.S. Rus- sia. U.S. Petro- grad. New York. Rostov- n- Don, Pood... Rubles. Chicago Petro- grad. New York. Unit Pood... Rubles. Pood... Rubles. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Base price.. 1913— Year 4.68 4,78 0. 0340 .0361 6.97 6.89 0. 0716 .0707 29.41 33.59 0. 3819 .4432 102 103 99 99 114 118 tiuarters— First 4.86 .0352 104 104 6.77 .0878 9V 96 36.84 .4869 126 12/ Second 4.83 .0336 10.^ 99 6.82 .0686 98 96 35.50 .4773 121 126 Third 4.81 .0366 103 ins 7.00 .0717 100 100 32.01 .4153 109 1U9 Fourtli 4.61 .0349 98 103 7.00 .0748 100 104 30.01 .3932 102 103 Montlis — January.... 4.85 .0354 104 104 6.78 .0669 97 93 37.63 .5045 128 132 February. . 4.85 .0348 104 102 6.78 .0688 97 96 36.61 .4873 125 128 Marcli 4.88 .0364 104 104 6.74 .0676 97 94 36.28 .4688 123 123 Aprii 4.82 .0340 103 100 6.70 .0688 96 96 37.86 .4912 129 129 May 4. 81 .0334 103 98 6.86 .0701 HK 98 35.81 .4914 122 129 June. 4.87 .0334 104 98 6.90 .0669 99 93 32.82 .4493 112 118 July 4.89 .0355 104 104 (o) .0676 unn 94 31.43 .4039 107 106 August 4.88 .0371 104 109 7.00 .0713 100 100 32.54 .4172 111 109 September. 4.67 .0372 100 109 7.00 .0763 100 107 32.05 .4247 109 111 October 4.59 .0347 98 162 7.00 .0763 1(«) 107 31.33 .4050 lOV 10b November . 4.69 .0362 98 106 7.00 .0738 100 103 30.13 .3981 102 104 December. . 4.64 .0335 99 99 7.00 .0744 lOU 1U4 28.66 .3764 97 99 1914- Year 4.81 .0385 103 113 6.89 .0687 99 96 38.79 .3570 132 93 Quarters- First 4.65 .0326 99 96 7.00 .0713 100 100 29.96 .3869 1U2 101 Second 4.65 .0319 99 94 6.89 .0686 99 96 25.66 .3335 87 87 Third 4.94 .0480 105 141 6.65 .0680 97 95 46.88 .3838 166 100 Fourth 4.98 .0414 106 122 6.85 .0667 98 93 53.67 .3250 183 8b Months — January 4.65 .0335 99 99 7.00 .0713 100 100 30.48 .3774 104 99 February. . 4.65 .0344 99 101 7.00 .0719 100 100 30.06 .3993 102 105 March 4.65 .0298 99 88 7.00 .0707 100 99 29.31 .3809 100 100 April 4.65 .0297 99 87 6.90 .0694 99 97 26.82 .3610 91 95 May 4.65 .0321 99 94 6.88 .0694 99 97 25.36 .3330 86 87 June 4.65 .0337 99 99 6.88 .0669 99 93 24.79 .3066 84 80 July 4.66 .0328 99 97 (") .0667 J>98 92 25.38 .3175 86 83 \u?ust 5.09 .0522 109 164 (o) .0657 bH7 92 54.25 .6060 184 132 September . 6.07 .0579 108 170 6.66 .0726 95 101 58.00 .3279 197 86 October 5.00 .0446 107 131 6.70 .0876 96 94 57.00 .3040 194 80 November . 4.90 .0390 105 lis 6.78 .0657 97 92 65.00 .3350 18V 88 December. . 6.05 .0398 108 117 7.06 .0889 101 93 49.00 .3360 167 88 a No qaotation. » Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PKICB ■ OOMPAI^ISONS, 1913-1918. 223 WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Sugar, raw. Actual price. Eussia. U, Eelative price. Rus- sia. U.S. Tallow, mutton. Actual price. Russia. U. S. Rus- U. S, Tin, pig. Actual price. Russia. U. S, Relative price. Bus-' U.S. Marliet. Unit.. Base price. 1915- Year Quarters— .First Second Third'. Fourth Months- January... Fehruary. , March April May June July August September October. . . November December. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February - March April May June Petro- . grad. Rubles. 4.68 S.92 5.22 S.9g 6.08 .6.40 5.05 5.21 5.39 6.79 5.96 6.18 6.18 6.04 6.03 6.40 6.40 6.40 July , August September, October November . December., 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 (") New Yorlt, Pound. Dolls. 0. 0340 .0465 .0461 .0482 .0465 .0462 .0406 .0474 .0485 .0474 .0483 .0490 .0485 .0475 .0430 .0416 .0485 .0497 .0577 .0503 .0627 .0584 .0596 .0466 .0494 .a;58 .0611 .0643 .0630 .0633 .0576 .0542 .0634 .0632 .0536 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 137 n - Don. Pood... Rubles. 6.97 8.56 28.91 17.72 25.06 29.94 39.18 (■>) 15.23 20.21 22.67 24.00 28.50 29.00 29.00 31.81 38.69 38.00 40.86 Chicago Pound .0681 .0673 .0638 .0777 .0656 .0688 .0700 .0688 .0688 .0644 .0638 .0638 .0863 .0794 .0875 .0904 .1054 .0881 .1115 .0856 .0950 .0906 .1013 .1106 .1044 .0960 .0806 .0888 .1038 .1144 .1163 138 Petro- grad. Pood... Rubles. 29.41 54.44 53.83 68.37 62.19 52.83 47.25 54.25 60.00 58.86 69.00 57.25 56.00 51.40 49.17 60.40 65.25 C) 61.09 60.31 67.08 54.75 62.21 59.19 59.00 62.75 71.67 72.75 56.82 53.75 64.50 66.00 60.38 63.50 62.75 New Yorlj Pound. Pound. 0. 3819 .3866 .4019 .4238 .3501 .3707 .3430 .3732 .4896 .4798 .3878 .4037 .3760 .3439 .3313 .3308 .3938 .3875 .4498 .4769 .3857 .4267 .4188 .4263 .5042 .5175 .4915 .4218 .3846 .3854 .3871 .4116 .4417 .4267 185 183 199 177 185 161 185 204 200 201 195 190 175 167 171 188 H96 208 205 228 186 212 201 201 214 244 247 193 183 185 190 205 216 213 105 111 92 97 128 126 102 106 90 87 87 103 101 114 118 125 101 112 110 112 132 135 129 110 101 101 101 108 116 112 > No quotation. » Interpolated. 224 INTBENATIONAL. PRICE QOMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Wheat. Actual price. Russia. U.S. Relative price. Russia. U. S. Wool (in grease). Actual price. Russia. U. S, Relative price. Russia. U. S. Market. Unit Base price.. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second. . . - Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September . October November. December. . Saratoo Pood... Subles. 0.83 .91 .84 .76 1.05 1.01 1.04 1.05 .99 .94 .87 .84 .81 .74 .77 .78 .87 .89 .85 .83 .84 .87 .94 Kansas City. Bushel... 0. 8746 .8767 109 .8769 124 .8979 119 .8602 101 .8725 92 .8813 126 .8813 121 .8681 125 .8900 126 .8900 119 .9138 113 .8575 104 .8450 101 .8781 97 .8778 89 .8656 92 .8740 94 .9391 104 .8705 101 . 8951 107 .9106 103 1.0719 106 .8594 96 .8675 100 .8847 107 .8765 104 .8938 106 .9150 112 .8165 107 .8719 102 1.0445 100 1.0219 101 1.0738 104 1.1200 113 100 100 103 98 100 101 101 99 102 102 104 97 100 100 107 100 102 104 123 99 101 100 102 105 100 119 117 123 128 Rostov-on- Don. Pood Rubles. 11.13 10.90 10.08 11.24 11.25 11.25 10.08 10.08 10.08 (») 11.24 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.04 11.25 10.75 10.42 11.75 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 10.75 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 Boston . Pound. Dolls. 0. 2317 .2708 91 .2350 98 .2250 101 .2242 101 .282.5 91 .«7,'ifl 91 2550 91 2550 i94 ■m» ti98 2250 101 2250 101 22,'iO 101 2260 101 2250 101 22'iO 101 2225 101 2502 99 2292 101 24K3 97 2717 94 2517 106 222,5 101 2.32.5 101 232.5 101 2350 101 24.50 97 2650 92 2750 92 27.50 92 2650 97 2450 106 2,550 106 2550 106 103 117 101 97 .97 122 119 110 110 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 107 117 109 100 100 101 106 114 114 119 116 109 110 110 a No quotation. i Interpolated. INTEKNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 225 WHOLESALE PRICES IN RUSSIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916-Continued. Wheat. Wool (In grease). Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Russia. U.S. Russia. U.S. Russia. U.S. Russia. U.S. Market Saratoo Pood Rvlbles. 0.83 1.26 1.18 1.24 1.22 1.40 1.13 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.28 1.19 1.07 1.27 1.33 1.23 1.36 1.61 Kansas City. Bushel - . Rostov-on- Don. Pood Evbies. 11.13 16.98 11.75 17.63 18.50 18.60 11.75 11.75 17.50 17.75 18.50 18.50 18.60 18.50 18.60 18.50 21.77 18.50 23.00 23.00 23.00 18.50 18.60 18.50 (a) 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 Unit Base price 1915 — ^Year Dolls. 0. 8746 1. 2904 1.4489 1.4130 1.2246 1. 0678 1.3300 1.6297- 1.4869 1. 5150 1.6090 1.2150 1.3400 1. 2676 1. 0763 1.0720 1.0413 1.0900 1.3292 1. 1652 1.0873 1. 3356 1. 7438 1. 2006 1.2250 1.0700 1.1363 1. 1075 1.0181 1.0850 1. 3894 1.6326 1.6620 1.8594 1.7200 Dolls. 0. 2317 .3000 .2983 .2917 .3017 .3083 .2650 .3060 .3250 .2960 .2950 .2850 .2950 .3060 .3060 .3060 .3060 .3150 .3529 .3283 .3360 .3617 .3967 .3250 .3250 .3350 .3350 .3360 .3350 .3460 .3500 .3600 .3650 .3960 .4300 151 141 149 147 168 136 144 144 150 154 143 128 152 160 148 163 193 196 214 263 C) 197 198 192 209 216 216 216 268 306 (°) (") (a) 148 166 162 140 122 152 175 170 173 173 139 153 144 123 123 119 125 152 133 124 153 199 137 140 122 130 127 116 124 159 175 189 213 197 163 106 158 166 166 106 106 157 160 166 166 166 166 166 166 196 166 207 207 207 166 166 166 W 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 129 Quarters — First 129 126 TJiird 130 Fourtli 133 Motitlis— 114 February MaroJi. 132 140 April 127 May 127 .TnTlft 123 July... 127 132 September October 132 132 November December 1916— Year 132 136 152 Quarters — First... 1.63 1.78 2.19 (<■) 1.64 1.65 1.60 1.74 1.80 1.80 1.80 2.23 2.55 n 142 145 Third 162 Fourth 171 Months— January- 140 February March 140 146 April 146 May 146 June .... 145 July 149 August 151 September October 165 168 November December 170 186 <• No quotation. 226 INTERNATIONAL PKICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918. Barley. . Beans. Beel, good. Actual price. Relative pnce. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative pnce. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Market Yoko- Chicago. Yoko- Gen- Yoko- Chicago. hama. hama. eral hama. mar- ket. Unit Koku. Yen. Bushel Koku. Yen. Bushel Volls. Khi.... Yen. Pound . , Dolls. Dolls. Base price. . . 1913— Year 2. 1617 23.75 0. 1297 7.65 .0263 128 100 17.28 2. 1708 90 100 23.90 .1295 101 100 Quarters — ~ First '8.D8 .6015 146 98 16.55 2.1833 X7 101 23.60 .1332 99 103 Second 8.03 .6996 135 98 16.18 2. 1733 85 101 24.83 .1287 106 99 TMrd 6.68 .6571 112 105 17.72 2. 1387 93 99 24.00 .1285 101 98 Fourtli 7.20 .6492 121 104 18.67 2. 1900 98 101 23.17 .1300 98 lOU Monttis— January 9.25 .8250 I.^S Kill 17.75 2. 2600 93 105 23.50 .1438 99 111 February. . . S.60 .6063 143 97 15.90 2. 1900 S3 101 23.60 .1281 99 99 March 8.30 .5790 139 93 18.00 2. 1000 84 97 23.80 .1278 100 99 April 8.30 .5863 1,39 94 16.50 2. 1100 81 98 25.00 .1288 105 99 May 8.30 7.50 .6060 .6050 139 126 97 97 16.30 16.76 2, 1800 2,2300 85 88 101 103 26.00 24.50 .1288 .1285 105 103 99 June 99 July 6.80 6.46 .5700 .6540, 114 108 91 105 17.40 17.25 2.2200 2. 1100 91 90 103 98 24.00 24,00 .1268 . 1260 101 101 97 August 96 September.. 6.80 .7263 114 116 18.50 2. 0800 97 96 24,00 .1288 101 99 October 7.20 .6825 121 109 19.00 2.2600 99 1(14 23,60 .1300 99 100 November. . 7.25 .6.500 122 104 18,25 2.2000 95 102 23,00 .1300 97 100 December... 7.15 .6150 120 99 18,76 2. 1200 98 98 23,00 .1300 97 100 1914— Year 4.69 .6204 79 99 18,30 2 2525 96 104 23,63 .1364 100 105 (iuarters— First 5.77 .6158 97 99 19, « 2,1033 104 97 23,83 .1300 100 100 Second 4.17 .6778 70 93 20,30 2,2187 106 103 24,00 .1322 101 102 Third 4.75 .0323 ,S0 100 20,42 2. 4067 107 111 23,50 .1402 99 108 Fourth 4.08 .6658 89 107 12,65 2, 2833 86 108 23,17 .1435 98 111 Mnnths— January 6.45 .6.390 inx 102 19,00 2, 1700 99 100 23,50 .1300 99 100 February. . . 5.60 .6163 94 99 19.75 2, 0900 103 97 24,00 .1300 101 100 March 5.25 .5863 88 94 20.80 2, 0500 109 95 24,00 . 1300 101 100 April May 4.25 .5760 71 92 20.40 2, 1100 107 98 24,00 .1316 101 lOl 3.90 4.35 .5840 .5725 68 73 94 92 20.00 20.60 2,3100 2,2300 105 107 107 103 24,00 24,00 .1325 .1325 101 101 1IW Juiie 102 July 4.52 5.07 .5338 .6300 76 85 86 101 20.76 20.50 2,2200 2.6400 108 107 103 117 23,00 23,60 .1350 .1419 97 99 104 August 109 September.. 4.65 .7013 7X 112 20.00 2.4600 105 114 24.00 .1438 101 111 October 4.26 .6540 71 105 14.50 2.1700 78 100 23.60 .1438 99 111 November. . 4.00 .6863 67 110 11.76 2.2800 61 105 23.00 .1438 97 111 December. . . 4.00 .6600 67 106 11.70 2.4000 61 111 23.00 .1428 97 110 1915— Year 4.21 .7103 71 114 12.78 2.8775 67 133 23.42 .1289 99 99 Quarters — First 4,60 .7850 77 128 13.18 2.8467 69 132 23.00 .1229 97 95 Second 4.20 .7623 71 122 13.63 2.8700 71 133 23.83 .1214 100 94 Third 3.87 .6683 65 107 11.93 2.7087 62 12,5 2S.33 .1330 98 103 Fourth 4.18 .6223 70 100 12.36 3.0867 85 Ki 23.50 .1375 99 106 Months- January 4.00 .7590 87 122 12.30 2.6300 64 122 23.00 .1300 97 100 February... 5.00 .8188 84 131 13.25 3.0200 69 140 23.00 .1213 97 94 March 4. SO .7838 81 128 14.00 2.8900 73 134 23.00 .1175 97 91 April May 4.50 .7738 78 124 13.60 2. 8100 71 130 23.50 .1175 99 91 4.30 3.80 .7770 .7325 72 64 124 117 13.70 13.60 2.9300 2.8700 72 71 136 133 24.00 24.00 .1213 .1253 101 101 94 June 97 July 3.70 4.17 .7600 .7013 82 70 120 112 12.75 11.70 2.7500 2. 6700 87 61 127 124 23.00 23.60 .1316 .1325 97 99 101 August 102 September . . 3.75 .5538 63 89 11.35 2. 7000 69 126 23.50 .1350 99 1« October 4.00 .6840 bV 94 11.85 2.9300 62 136 23.50 .1375 99 lOf November. . 4.20 .6175 71 99 12.30 3.0300 64 140 23.50 .1375 99 lOf December... 4.35 .6760 73 108 12.90 3.3000 67 153 23.50 .1375 99 106 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, IWS-iaiS. 227 WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913^1918— Continued. Barley. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Beef, good. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan, U.S. JMarket. Unit. Base price. 1916— Year Quarters — First Second Tliird Fourth Monihs— . January..., February. . March April May June July. August September October November. . December. 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April May. June July. August September October... November. . December... 1918— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months-^ January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December .. Yoko- hama Eoku Yen. 5.95 4.60 4.10 31.90 4.48 5.93 4.35 4.00 3.95 4.00 3.90 4.30 4.76 4.40 4.90 6.15 6.75 S.07 6.20 6.95 8.72 10.42 6.00 6.16 6.45 6.76 6.70 7.40 8.16 8.75 9.26 10.00 10.00 11.26 14.15 13.17 14.65 12.75 14.85 14.86 14.60 12.65 12.25 12.90 16.40 15.65 14.85 Chicago. Bushel.. DolU. 0. 6243 .8750 .7454 .7446 .9029 1. 1050 .7630 .7638 .7160 .7330 .7660 .7488 .7420 .9288 1.0430 1. 0676 1. 1463 1. 1020 1.3232 1. 1988 1.3800 1.3623 1. 3615 1.2000 1.1688 1.2220 1.3688 1. 4638 1.3300 1.4160 1,3326 1.3180 1.3063 1.2838 1.4680 1. 4611 1. 8131 1.4435 1. 1225 .9625 1.6263 1. 8175 2.0390 1. 7263 1.4538 1.2090 1. 1225 (») C) C) .9700 77 122 121 115 117 121 64 120 104 117 146 175 101 103 108 113 113 124 137 147 165 168 168 189 192 221 217 218 192 187 196 219 233 213 227 213 211 209 206 235 290 231 180 164 244 291 327 277 233 194 180 bm bWS H60 166 164 Yoko- hama. Koku Yen. 19.13 13.22 12.20 11.77 12.68 16.22 12.50 12.25 11.85 11.65 11.85 11.80 11,90 13.00 13.15 13.25 17.30 18.10 17.90 16.20 23.28 15.03 18.07 16.00 14.30 15.30 17.60 29.00 23.25 16.25 16.00 13.86 16.25 18.86 19.10 Gen- eral mar- ket. Bushel Dolls. 2.1617 4.2492 3.4133 3. 5667 7600 66 5. 2567 85 64 3. 4700 3.4300 3.3400 3.4200 3.5600 3. 7200 6.0900 4. 5900 4. 6000 4. 4700 6. 5300 6. 7700 7. 2858 6.0900 79 8.4333 122 7. 3500 79 7.2700 22.02 21.02 21.82 20.85 21.96 23.25 22.55 20.60 20.00 21.00 22.86 21.60 23.00 5. 7100 6.0700 6.4900 7.3700 8. 9400 8.9900 8. 0700 7.2900 6. 6900 7.4800 7.3300 7.0000 6.2025 7.0100 6.6333 5.8867 5.2800 7.0000 7.0800 6. 9.500 6.9600 6.6700 6.2800 5.8800 6.1100 5. 6700 6.6200 5. 4600 4.8600 168 166 220 243 161 169 155 158 165 172 235 212 213 207 266 267 337 282 390 340 336 84 264 75 281 300 Yoko- hama. Kin. Yen. 23.73 27.04 24.83 26.67 27.67 29.00 24.00 25.00 26.50 26.60 26.50 27.00 27.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 29.60 29.50 38.54 33.83 37.00 38.00 45.33 33.60 34.00 34.00 36.00 37.60 37.60 37.60 37.50 39.00 45.00 45.00 46.00 49.33 63.33 56.00 48.00 49.00 51.00 52.00 63.00 65.00 56.00 57.00 66.00 60.00 Chicago. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1297 .1375 .1388 .1388 .1375 .1375 .1376 .1375 .1376 .1375 .1415 .1413 .1375 .1376 .1375 .1375 .1376 . 1672 .1431 .1606 .1762 .1888 . 1375 .1413 .1490 .1600 .1600 .1615 .1638 .1713 .1900 .1900 .1900 .1870 .2213 .1760 .2227 .2423 .2460 .1750 .1760 .1750 .2050 .2260 .2376 .2400 .2420 .2460 .2460 .2460 .2450 114 105 112 116 122 101 105 107 112 112 114 114 118 118 118 124 124 162 142 156 160 191 141 143 143 152 168 168 168 158 164 189 189 194 107 106 107 107 106 106 106 106 106 106 109 109 lOS 106 106 106 106 110 124 136 146 106 109 lis 123 123 125 126 IM US MS 140 144 171 135 172 187 189 135 135 135 l.W 173 [&i 186 187 Its 1!*) IS!) 189 a No quotation. 113951°— 19 16 !> Interpolated. 228 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THB UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YBAR3, 1913-1918— Continued. Brick, building. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Coal, bituminous. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Copper, crude. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit.... Base price. 1913- Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March Anril May June July Au^st September October... November December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Monrhs — January... February. March April May June July August September October... November December. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March Anril May June July Au^ist September October... November. December. Yoko- hama. 10,000 . Yen. 132.08 132.92 130.00 133.33 135.00 133.33 130. 00 130.00 130 00 130. 00 135. 00 135.00 135.00 135. 00 135.00 135. 00 130.00 135.00 130. 00 130. 00 130. 00 1.30 00 130.00 130.00 130 00 130, 00 130.00 1.30.00 130.00 130. 00 130. 00 130.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 129. 17 130.00 128.33 130.00 128.33 130.00 130. 00 130. 00 125.«0 130. 00 J30.00 130.00 130. 00 130.00 125.00 130.00 130.00 New York. 1,000 Dolls. 5. 9583 6.5625 7.0000 6.9583 6. 3333 5. 9583 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 6. 8750 6. 7500 6. 2500 6. 0100 6.0000 6.0000 5. 8750 5.5213 5.9167 5. 62.50 5. 4167 5. 1667 6.0000 6.0000 5. 7.";oo 5. 6250 5.6250 5.6250 5.5000 5. 5000 5.2500 5.2500 5.1260 5.1250 6.0521 5.6667 6. 0417 5.7083 6.7917 5. 5000 5.7500 5.7500 6. 8750 6.1250 6. 1260 5. 7.500 5.6250 5.7500 6.2500 6.7500 7. 3760 98 102 Yoko- hama. Ton... Yen. 9.71 9.46 9.33 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.00 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 9 50 9.50 9.50 9.83 10.09 10.00 9.67 9.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.60 9.60 *29 9.50 9.50 9.17 9.00 9.60 9.50 9.50 9.60 9.50 9.60 9.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 Pitts- burgh. Ton... Dolls. 1.2600 1.2700 1. 2800 1.2400 1. 24O0 1.3200 1. 3200 1.2600 1. 2600 1. 2400 1. 2700 1. 2100 1.2200 1.2700 1.2400 1.3600 1.3600 1.2300 1. 1700 1. 2400 1.2200 1. 1200 1.0900 1.2500 1. 2400 1.2400 1. 2200 1. 2400 1. 1900 1.1900 1.1600 1.0000 1. 0500 1.1100 1. 0900 1.0400 1.1100 .9900 .9400 1. 1000 1. 1200 1.1300 1.0900 1.0500 .9800 .9500 .9300 .9400 .9600 .9900 1.1200 1.1800 98 96 100 kin. Yen. 37.35 37.87 38.89 35.14 38.74 38.70 41.44 38.64 36.58 38.40 39.40 27.62 37.05 38.68 40.49 40.01 39.10 36.99 33.24 36.66 35.42 31.89 29.11 36.52 36.76 36.40 36.56 36.37 34.32 -33. 07 31.50 31.11 29.40 27.29 30.63 40.88 34.18 43.33 40.55 45.47 32.59 34.24 35.71 40.73 43.31 45.96 43.21 39.16 39.28 42.96 45.51 47.96 New York. Pound . DolU. 0.1521 .1670 .1574 . 1546 .1576 .1584 .1638 .1496 . 1555 .1573 .1508 .1477 .1679 .1672 .1681 . 1590 .1482 .1361 .1482 .1442 . 1295 .1225 .1477 .1498 .1472 .1468 .1444 .1415 .1373 .1268 .1244 .1167 .1193 .1316 .1764 .1458 .1872 .1822 .1906 .1389 .1473 . 1.511 .1743 .1881 .1992 .1942 .1747 .1776 .1793 .1886 .2038 INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 229 WHOLESALE PEICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Brick, building. Actual price. Japan. Market Yoko- hama. Unit 10,000.. Yen. Base price. . . 132.08 1916— Year 181.67 Quarters- First 133. 33 Second 166.67 Third 170.00 Fourth 176.67 Months^ January 130.00 February. . . 130.00 March 140. 00 April 170.00 May 160.00 June 170.00 July 170.00 August, 170.00 September.. 170.00 October 170.00 November. . 180.00 December. . . 180.00 1917— Year 207. 50 Quarters- First 191.67 Second 205.00 Third 205.00 Fourth 228.33 Months- January 185.00 February. . . 195.00 March 19.5.00 April May 205.00 205.00 June 205.00 July 205. 00 August 205.00 September.. 205.00 October 22.5. 00 November- . 225.00 December. . . 235.00 1918— Year Quarters- First 251.67 Second 261.67 Third 288.33 Fourth Months- January 245.00 February. . . 255. 00 March....... 25.5. 00 April 250.00 May 250.00 June 285.00 July 285. 00 August 285.00 September. . 295. 00 October 310.00 November. . December... New York. 1,000... Bolls. 5. 9583 8. 0347 8.6389 7. 7778 7. 1808 8.5417 8.7500 8.7500 8.4167 7. 9167 7. 7500 7.6667 7. 1667 7.1250 7.2500 7. 7500 8.5000 9. 3750 8.8850 9.4583 9.9167 8.2083 7. 9583 9.1250 9. 6250 9. 6250 10.0000 10. 0000 9.7500 8.8750 8.0000 7.7500 8. 1250 7.7500 8.0000 11. 9271 9. 7232 10.2917 13.6111 14.0833 8. 6667 10. 3750 10.1250 9. 87.50 10.12«) 10. 8750 12. 7500 14. 3333 13. 7500 13. 5000 13. 7500 15. 0000 Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S Coal, bituminous. Actual price. Japan. Yoko- hama. Ton... Yen. 9.71 10.79 9.00 9.50 10.17 14.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.50 9.50 9.50 10.00 10.00 10.50 12.50 15.50 15.50 23.33 16.17 18.83 27.67 30.67 15.50 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 19.50 24.00 29.00 30.00 32.00 30.00 30.00 U.S. Pitts- burgh. Ton... 34.33 36.00 35.67 33.00 35.00 35.00 38.00 35.00 35.00 35. 00 38.00 34.00 Dolls. 1.2600 2.0700 1.4300 1. 4100 1. 4100 4.O20O 1.5800 1.4400 1.2700 1.2300 1.2800 1.7200 1.3-100 1.3500 1. 5300 2. 5600 4. 9200 4.5900 3. 5800 4. 7900 4. 3600 2.8400 2. 3100 4.6800 5.2100 4. 4900 3.6100 '4.6100 4.9700 3.2500 3.2500 2.0100 2.0100 2. 4600 2. 4600 2.4000 2.4600 2.4300 2.3600 2.3600 2.4600 2. 4600 2.4600 2.4600 2. 4600 2.3600 2. 3600 2. 3600 2. 3600 2. 3600 2. 3600 2. 3600 Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S, 113 112 112 319 125 114 101 98 102 137 106 107 121 203 390 364 284 380 346 235 183 371 413 356 279 366 394 258 258 160 160 195 195 190 195 193 187 187 195 195 195 195 195 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 Copper, crude. Actual price. Japan. Osaka.. 100 kin. Yen. 37.35 62.76 58.55 64. 91 57.18 70.40 51. 2D 60.46 63.99 63.42 70.27 61.05 53.63 68.01 59.91 67.40 68.36 75.43 U.S. (a) New York. Pound. Relative price. Dolls. 0. 1521 .2817 .2632 .2855 .2675 .3106 .2110 137 .2744 162 .2742 .2892 .2929 .2744 .2581 .2658 .2786 .2S38 .3171 .3308 .2918 .3307 .3190 .2824 .2360 .2983 .3405 .3533 .3246 .3190 .3135 .2979 .2875 .2619 .2350 , 2350 .2350 .2468 .2350 .2350 .2596 .2576 .2350 .2350 .2350 .23.50 .2350 .2350 .2.589 .3600 .2600 .2600 .2600 .2529 <• No publication available In the United States. 230 WHOLESALE PEICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Tliird Fourtii Months- January. . . February. Marcli April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second ... Third FoiTth.... Months — January... February. March Aprii May June Cotton. July August September. October November - December.. 1915— Year Quarters^ First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. Actual price. Japan. Yoko- hama. 100 kin Yen. 30.37 32.36 32.13 32.15 32.66 32.50 32.30 32.30 31.80 32.30 32.65 31.50 32.20 31.25 34.60 34.00 33.00 30.50 26.50 28.83 27.60 27.33 22.33 30.00 29.00 27.50 28.00 27.00 27.60 28.00 27.50 26.50 23.00 22.00 22.00 24.42 23.00 23.10 24.23 27.33 22.60 23.60 23.00 23.30 23.00 23.00 23.00 24.50 25.20 26.60 27.00 28.60 U.S. New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1312 .1279 .1282 .1216 .1264 .1366 .1306 .1280 .1269 .1229 .1200 .1219 .1235 .1211 .1346 .1400 .1368 .1300 .1121 .1117 .0738 .1270 .1280 .1326 .1318 .1346 .1346 .1313 .1200 .0763 .0759 .1015 .0986 .1225 .0967 .0920 .0938 .1098 .1260 .1189 .1236 Relative price. Ja- pan, U.S 101 100 103 103 100 91 58 58 66 76 75 93 63 65 69 78 75 74 70 71 84 96 91 94 Cotton, cloth. Actual price. Japan. Yoko- hama Tan. . . Yen. 0.43 U.S. Boston Yard.. Dolln. 0.0833 .0842 .0850 .0842 .0825 .0850 .0850 .0850 .0850 .0850 Relative price. .44 .0860 .44 .0825 .43 .0825 .43 .0825 .44 .0825 .44 .0850 .44 .0850 .46 .0860 .38 .0798 .43 .0833 .40 .0825 .31 .0825 .29 .0709 .44 .0850 .43 .0826 .43 .0825 .42 .0825 40 .0825 40 .0826 32 .0826 31 .0825 31 .0826 31 .0738 29 .0738 27 .0650 29 .0681 29 .0650 31) .0667 28 .0675 29 .0733 27 .0650 31 .0660 28 .0650 30 .0650 30 .0675 30 .0675 28 .0675 28 .0675 29 .0675 2S .0700 29 .0760 31 .0750 66 U.S, 101 85 Cotton, yam. Actual price. Japan. Yoko- hama. 100 kin. Yen. 58.98 59.37 59.33 59.28 59.67 59.20 68.33 69.33 60.33 60.00 60.00 57.83 69.33 69.33 60.33 60.33 60.17 57.11 55.32 59.39 57.67 64.00 60.22 59.67 59.00 59.49 59.00 67.67 56.33 55.00 64.33 52.67 51.67 50.33 48.67 61.75 49.50 51.11 51.44 54.94 48.50 49.33 60.66 62.00 61.33 50.00 49.83 60.33 54.17 56.00 54.00 55.83 U.S. New York. Pound. . Dolls. 0.5783 .5783 .5467 .5933 .6900 .5200 .5200 .6000 .6000 .5900 .5900 .5900 .5900 .6900 .6900 .5900 .5700 .5517 .5700 .5700 .5700 .4967 .5700 .5700 .5700 .5700 .5700 .5700 .5700 .5700 .6700 .6400 .4750 .4750 .6242 .4750 .4817 .5183 .6217 .4750 .4760 .4750 .4750 .4850 .4850 .4850 .4860 .6850 .6360 .6160 .6160 Relative price. o No quotation. t> Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 231 WHOLESALE PEICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Cotton. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Cotton, cloth. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Cotton, yarn. Actual pnce. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. Marl^et. Unit Base price. I9i6— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 191S— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. Yoko- hama. 100 kin Yen. 30.37 32.21 29.67 30.73 32.43 36.00 29.50 29.60 30.00 30.00 30.50 31.70 32.00 32.50 32.80 35.00 36.00 37.00 53.88 37.17 53.17 63.33 61.83 37.00 36.50 38.00 44.00 60.00 65.60 70.00 63.00 57.00 60.00 62.00 63.50 74.50 80.67 85.83 64.60 71.00 88.00 83.00 79.50 79.60 76.60 88.00 93.00 89.00 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1312 .1447 .1203 .1264 .1447 .1881 .1240 .1174 .1194 .1206 .1291 .1294 .1304 .1454 .1584 .1812 .2006 .1824 .2350 .1762 .2207 .2499 .2944 .1763 .1631 .1859 .2033 .2076 .2546 .2612 .2586 .2271 .2813 .2991 .3060 .3178 .3267 .3001 .3362 .3090 .3236 .3185 .3386 .3172 .2749 .3039 .3123 .3446 .3678 .3249 .2953 .3042 100 104 105 107 108 115 119 122 177 122 176 209 204 122 120 125 146 166 216 230 207 188 198 204 209 134 168 190 224 134 124 142 155 158 194 199 197 173 214 228 233 242 249 229 266 Yoko hama. Tan.. Yen. 0.43 .37 .82 .86 1.01 .79 .91 1.08 1.09 Boston Yard.. Dolls. 0. 0833 .0771 .0830 .0859 .1071 .0763 .0763 .0788 .0813 .0838 .0838 .0900 .0900 .1113 .1200 .1445 .1200 .1283 .1575 .1721 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1300 .1350 .1575 .1675 .1575 . 1575 .1763 .1825 .2352 .2146 .2621 . 2493 .21.60 .2019 .2104 .2313 .2313 .2775 .2775 .2775 .2655 .2150 ,2150 .2160 .2160 Yoko- hama. 100 kin. Yen. 58.98 66.28 60.17 69.44 61.06 84.44 67.84 61.00 61.66 60.33 69.34 58.66 69.33 60.50 63.34 77.00 88.66 87.67 108.03 88.66 101.00 129.78 112.78 88.00 88.00 89.66 90.67 96.67 116.67 147.67 136.67 106.00 98.34 113.33 126. 67 146.00 154.11 162.44 138.00 140.00 160.00 169.33 162.67 160.33 156.66 162.33 168.33 169.00 New York. Pound.. Dolls. 0. 5783 .8004 .6560 .7017 .8200 1.0250 .6550 .6650 .6550 .6650 .7100 .7400 .7900 .8350 .8360 .9750 1.0250 1.0750 1.0792 1.0417 .9917 1.1583 1.1260 1.1250 1.0250 .9760 .8750 1.0500 1.0500 1.1250 1.1750 1.1750 1.1250 1.1250 1.1250 1.2917 1. 1600 1.2033 1.3133 1.4900 1.1600 1.1600 1.1600 1.1600 1.2250 1.2260 1.2250 11.2260 1.4900 1.4900 1.4900 1.4900 a Maximimi price set. 232 INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1&13-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YE IR3, 1913-1918-Contmued. Eggs. Hay, common. Hemp. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Japan . U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Market. . . . Yoko- hama. New York. Yoko- hama. Kan- sas City. Yoko- hama. K e n - hicky. Unit Kwan. Yen. 10 kwan Yen. 100 kin. Yen. Pound.. DolU. Dolls. Dolls. Base price... 1913— Year 2.01 2.01 0.2687 .2468 0.56 .57 13.0409 11.0319 45.08 48.43 0. 1567 .1567 100 92 102 85 107 100 Quarters- First 1.67 .2197 S3- m .77 9. 5577 138 73 50.00 .1500 111 96 Second 1.68 .1931 84 72 .52 9. 2600 93 71 49.67 .1567 110 100 Third 2.18 .2317 108 86 .52 11. 0962 93 85 60.03 .1600 111 102 Fourth 2.52 .3427 125 12« .48 14. 0866 86 108 44.00 .1600 98 102 Months— Januarv 1.76 .2463 S7 93 .68 9.7800 122 75 49.50 .1500 110 96 February . . . 1.70 .2225 84 83 .80 9. 6250 144 74 61.00 .1600 113 96 Maroh 1.65 .1963 77 73 .81 9.2600 146 71 49.60 .1500 110 96 April 1.55 .1853 77 69 .76 9.2500 137 71 49.50 .1600 110 96 May 1.80 .2000 89 74 .37 9. 2500 66 71 49.60 .1600 110 102 June 1.70 .1913 84 71 .43 9.2500 76 71 60.00 .1600 111 102 July 1.95 .1906 97 71 .61 9. 6250 91 74 50.00 .1600 111 102 .\u£rust 2.30 .2310J .2738' M14 86 .53 11. 1500 94 86 50.00 .1600 111 102 September.. 2.30 114 102 .53 12.6000 94 96 60.00 .1600 111 102 October 2.63 .2900 126 108 .48 113.7500 86 106 43.00 .1600 9b 102 November . . 2.53 .3800 126 141 .48 14.1875 86 109 46.00 .1600 102 102 December. . . 2.50 .3488 124 130 .48 14. 4063 85 110 43.00 .1600 96 102 1914— Year 1.99 .2660 99 99 .68 12.5677 103 96 42.42 .1517 94 97 Quarters — First 1.70 .2974 84 Ml .66 13.2886 119 102 44.33 .1667 98 100 Second 1.65 .2031 82 76 .57 13. 6923 102 106 42.00 .1500 93 96 Tliird 2.32 .2371 115 88 .49 11.8056 88 91 41.17 .1600 91 96 Fourth 2.30 .3263 114 121 .58 11. 2600 103 86 42.17 .1500 94 96 Months — January 1.86 .3330 92 124 .63 14. 1500 113 109 44.00 .1600 98 102 February . . . 1.60 .2888 80 107 .64 12. 3760 116 96 46.00 .1600 100 102 March 1.66 .2616 82 97 .72 113.1260 129 101 44.00 .1500 98 96 April May 1.60 .1986 80 74 .71 13.7600 128 105 43.00 .1600 95 96 1.55 .2038 77 76 .48 13.6000 85 104 42.00 .1600 93 96 June 1.80 .2069 89 77 .53 13.7600 94 105 41.00 .1600 91 96 July 2.10 . 2125 104 79 .48 12.6000 86 % 41.00 .1600 91 96 August 2.40 .2416 119 90 .48 11.2500 86 86 41.50 .1600 92 96 September.. 2.45 .2563 122 96 .63 11.2500 94 86 41.00 .1500 91 96 October 2.30 .2665 114 99 .63 10.6500 94 82 42.50 .1600 94 96 November . . 2.60 .3600 124 130 .63 11.0000 96 84 42.00 .1500 93 96 December. . . 2.10 .3775 104 140 .68 12.2500 121 94 42.00 .1600 93 96 1915- Year Quarters- First 1.76 .2597 88 97 .48 9.8173 85 75 47.75 .1605 106 102 1.47 .2806 73 104 .54 12. 6000 96 96 44.83 .1608 99 96 Second 1.41 .2027 70 75 .66 12. 1346 98 93 47.83 C) 106 i>m Third 1,98 .2208 99 82 .38 8.062S 67 62 48.67 C) 108 blU5 Fourth 2.18 .3293 108 123 .44 6.6786 79 61 49.67 (") 110 blOD Months— January' 1.56 .3655 VV 136 .67 12.6000 103 96 43.00 .1600 93 96 February . . . 1.50 .2688 76 96 .57 12.5000 103 96 45.00 .1600 100 96 March 1.37 .1663 68 73 .47 12. 6000 84 96 46.60 (<■) 103 bUr April May 1.39 .2116 69 79 .59 12.7000 106 97 47.60 («) 106 b99 1.34 .1993 67 74 .63 13.0000 94 ion 48.00 C) 106 iino June 1.49 .1881 74 74 .53 10.6625 95 81 48.00 (») 106 6J« July 1.70 .1956 84 73 .37 9.0000 66 69 48.50 (») 108 bins August 2.00 .2163 99 80 .38 7.5000 68 58 49.00 (») 109 bWS .September . . 2.25 .2569 112 96 .38 7.2500 68 56 48.50 (a) 108 b m October 2.45 .2980 122 HI .38 7.2600 68 66 49.00 109 btm November . . 2.20 .3575 109 133 .47 6.5000 84 50 49.00 C) 109 blOD December. . . 1.90 .3380 94 126 .48 6.2500 86 48 51.00 («) 113 bUO a No quotation. b Interpolated. . INTERNATIOBTAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1&13-1918. 233 WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED ST4.TE3, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918 -Continued. Market. Unit. Base price. 191ft— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February. . March April May June July August ■ September. October November. December.. 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third •Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 191g-Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. March May June July August September. October November. December.. Eggs. Actual price. Japan. Yoke hama. Kwan. Yen. 2.01 1.88 1.46 1.68 2.16 2.37 1.50 1.43 1.45 1.38 1.60 1.75 1.82 2.20 2.45 2.58 2.52 2.00 2.30 1.64 1.75 2.89 2.92 1.75 1.60 1.68 1.70 1.80 1.75 2.55 2.63 3.50 3.40 2.80 2.55 U.S. 2.20 2.24 3.43 2.55 2.16 1.90 2.18 2.10 2.45 3.20 3.30 3.80 4.90 New York. Dozen... Dolls. 0. 2687 .2945 .2602 .2213 .2871 .4073 . 2569 .2144 .2145 .2244 .2266 .2510 .2825 .3270 .3425 .4063 .4600 .4015 .3981 .3410 .3781 .4638 .4456 .3075 .3369 .3550 .3330 .3431 .3788 .4055 .4088 .4738 .5650 .4827 .5288 .3498 .4373 .6150 Eelative price. Ja- pan. 64S1 127 6038 107 37H6 94 :<4«3 ins 3494 104 3530 122 4138 159 4290 164 4713 189 62H1 243 64;«) 6669 U.S. Hay, common. Actual price. Japan. Yoke hama. Yen. 0.56 .59 .61 .56 .87 .62 .56 .61 .63 .61 ..68 .57 .65 .56 .70 .90 1.00 1.02 1.03 .70 1.00 1.05 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.00 .70 .70 .70 .90 U.S. Kan- sas City. Ton... Dolls. 13. 0409 8. 2500 9. 2500 7. 5192 9. 0769 6. 5625 7. 6000 7. 3500 7. 7500 10. 0000 9. 8500 7. 7500 7.0000 7. 7500 8.0000 9.1260 9.9000 16. 4375 11. 1923 13. 7500 13. 6154 23. 1923 11. 4375 10.7500 11.3500 14. 6625 14. 7600 12. 3000 11.3125 13. 1600 16. 6000 19. 3750 24. 8000 26. 0000 18. 7788 24, 7692 12. 0677 17. 9038 20.3848 25. 0000 25. 6875 23. 8600 13. 6875 11. 3000 11. 3760 13. 8125 19. 5500 19. 0375 20. 9375 20. 2000 20. 0625 Eelative price. Ja- pan, 100 U.S. Hemp. Actual price. Japan. Yoko- liama. 100 kin. Yen. 45.08 65.24 53.17 66.00 55.73 67.07 62.50 63.00 64.00 54.50 55.00 65.60 65.00 56.00 56.20 56.70 67.00 67.50 72.76 79.60 81.67 58.00 60.60 66.00 67,00 67.00 71.00 80.00 80.00 78.50 78.00 83.00 84.00 84,77 86.13 87.07 84.30 85.00 85.00 86.00 86.20 86.20 86.60 87.00 87.70 88.00 U.S. K en - tucl^. Dolls. 0. 1567 .2167 .1867 .2100 .2300 .2400 .1760 .1750 .2100 .2100 .2100 .2100 .2100 .2400 .2400 .2400 .2400 .2400 .2648 .2400 .2692 .2760 .2760 .2400 .2400 .2400 .2750 .2750 .2760 .2750 .2760 .2750 .2750 .2760 .2750 .2760 (") (-) .2750 .2760 (o) C) C) (") (») l") .2750 .2750 Relative price. » No quotation. <> Interpolated. 234 INTERNATIONAL, PEICE COMPABISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Iron, pig, first series. Iron, pig, second series. Katsuobushl (dried fish). Actual price. Eelative price. Actual price. Eelative price. Actual price. Eelative price. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. u.s Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S Japan. U.S. Ja- pan U.S. Market Yoko- hama. Valley fur- Yoko- hama. Valley fur- Yoko- hama. New York. naces. naces Unit Kwan. Yen. Kwan. Yen. Kwan. . Yen. Cwt.... DolU. DolU. Dolls. Base price... 1913— Year 13. 4567 0.26 13. 3183 6.34 7.3542 .72 14.8700 109 110 .28 14.7068 HO 110 5.60 7.4792 87 102 Quarters- First .75 17.0733 113 127 .31 16.2733 U8 122 5.43 7.7500 86 106 Second .76 14.8567 115 110 .30 15.1733 114 114 5.27 7.7500 S3 105 Third .72 13.9400 109 104 .27 14.1433 106 106 5.17 6.9167 81 94 Fourtli .66 13.5933 100 101 .26 13.2333 101 99 6.13 7.5000 9V 102 Montlis — January .75 17.5000 113 180 .31 16. 4100 119 123 5.50 7.7500 87 105 .75 17.1200 113 127 .31 16.3000 118 122 5.40 7.7500 86 106 .76 16.6000 113 123 .31 16.1100 118 121 5.40 7.7500 85 105 April .76 15.6600 115 116 .30 16.8700 116 119 6.40 7.7500 85 105 May .76 14.7300 115 109 .30 16.1500 114 114 5.60 7.7500 S7 105 June .76 14.1800 115 106 .29 14.5000 112 109 4.90 7.7500 77 106 July .76 13.8800 13.9400 115 109 103 104 .28 .27 14.3700 14.0600 JOS 104 108 106 5.00 6.75 6.7500 6.7500 79 82 92 August .72 92 September.. .69 14.0000 104 104 .27 14.0000 102 105 5.30 7.2500 84 99 October .67 13.8300 101 103 .27 13.9000 102 104. 6.00 7.6000 95 102 November. . .65 13.5700 99 101 .26 13.0900 100 98 6.10 7.6000 96 102 December... .65 13.3800 99 99 .26 12.7100 100 96 6.30 7.5000 99 1U2 1914— Year .61 13.0200 93 97 .28 12.8733 110 97 7.16 7.5000 113 102 Quarters- First .63 13.1533 96 98 .26 12.8967 99 97 6.93 7.6000 109 102 Second .63 13.1400 96 98 .26 13.0000 95 98 7.13 7.5000 112 102 Third .61 13.0000 93 97 .32 13.0000 124 98 7.33 7.5000 116 102 Fourth .59 12.7967 89 95 .31 12.5967 120 95 7.23 7.5000 114 102 .63 13.0000 HB 97 .26 12.5000 99 94 6.60 7.5000 104 102 February... March .63 13.2100 96 98 .26 13. 1900 99 99 7.00 7.5000 110 102 .63 13.2500 96 98 .26 13.0000 99 98 7.20 7.6000 114 102 April .63 13.2500 96 98 .25 13.0000 97 98 7.20 7.6000 114 102 May .63 13. 1700 96 98 .25 13.0000 97 98 7.10 7.5000 112 102 June .63 13.0000 95 97 .24 13.0000 93 98 7.10 7.6000 112 102 July .61 13.0000 93 97 .24 13.0000 93 98 7.10 7.5000 112 102 .61 13.0000 93 97 .36 13.0000 139 98 7.60 7.6000 118 102 September.. .61 13.0000 93 97 .37 13.0000 141 98 7.40 7.6000 117 102 .60 12.8900 90 96 .32 12.8100 122 96 7.50 7.6000 US 102 November. . .68 12. 7600 RS 96 .31 12. 4800 12U 94 7.40 7.5000 117 102 December. . . .68 12.7500 88 95 .31 12.5000 120 94 6.80 7.6000 lOV 102 1915— Year .60 13.8100 92 103 .49 13. 7408 188 103 5.95 6.9375 94 94 Quarters- First........ .68 12. 7500 8S HA .33 12.5000 I2V 94 6.50 7.5000 102 102 Second .58 12.7333 8S 95 .40 12.5300 163 94 6.07 7.5000 96 102 Third .69 13.6433 90 ini .46 13.8500 176 104 6.60 6.3750 88 87 Fourth .67 16. 1267 101 120 .76 16.0833 295 121 6.63 6.3750 89 87 Months — January .58 12. 7600 87 98 .32 .2. 6000 122 94 6.50 7.5000 102 102 February... .68 12.7600 88 95 .32 .2.5000 124 94 6.50 7.5000 102 102 March .68 12. 7600 88 95 .35 .2.5000 135 94 6.60 7.5000 102 102 April .68 12.7600 88 95 .38 .2.5000 147 94 6.15 7.6000 97 102 May .68 .58 12.7500 12.7000 88 88 96 94 .41 .41 12.5000 12.6900 156 156 94 95 6.15 6.90 7.6000 7.5000 97 93 102 June 102 July .69 12.7200 89 95 .42 12.7400 160 96 5.60 6.3750 88 87 August .59 13.7100 90 102 .44 4.0600 170 106 6.60 6.3750 88 87 September. . .60 14.6000 91 108 .61 4. 7600 197 111 6.60 6.3750 88 87 October .62 14.6800 93 1118 .63 6.0000 203 113 5.60 6.3760 88 87 November. . .64 15.8200 97 118 .82 5.7600 315 118 6.65 6.3750 89 87 December. . . .74 17.9800 112 134 .95 ] 7.5000 367 131 1 6.66 6.3750 89 87 INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 235 WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEKS, AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Iron, pig, first series. Actual price. Japan. U. S, Eelative price. Ja- pan. U.S Iron, pig, second series. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Eelative price. Ja- pan. U.S, KatsuobusU (dried sh) Actual price. Japan. U. S, Relative price. ' Market. Unit. Base price. ■ 1M6— Year.... Quarters- First Second.... Tliird Fourtli.... Months- January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1917— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January.... February. . March April May June July August September. October November.. December.. 1918— Year.... Quarters— Fu-st Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April May June July August September . October November. December. . Yoko hama. Kwan. yen. 0.66 .94 .94 .92 .93 .93 .95 .95 .95 .95 .94 1.30 .94 .97 1.56 1.75 .95 .94 .94 .97 .97 .97 1.08 1.80 1.80 1.75 1.75 1.75 Valley fur- naces. Ton 1.72 1.78 1.80 1.75 1.70 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 Dolls. 13. 4567 20. 1600 18. 5000 18. 4433 18.3667 25. 3333 18. 5000 18.5000 18.5000 18.5000 18. 4400 18. 3900 18. 2500 18. 2700 18.5800 20. 5600 25. 6000 29. 8400 39.8900 31. 6533 43. 6667 51.2267 33.0000 30.0000 30.0000 34.9600 39. 1600 42.6500 49.1900 63.0000 53.0000 47. 6800 33.0000 33.0000 33.0000 141 136 144 136 33. 0000 33. 0000 33. 0000 33. 0000 33. 0000 33.0000 33.0000 33.0000 33.0000 33.0000 33.0000 33.0000 34.0000 144 144 144 143 198 143 147 237 266 144 143 143 147 147 147 163 274 274 266 266 Yoko- hama. Kwan. Valley fur- naces. Ton... Yen. 0.26 .78 .79 .73 .70 .92 .90 .85 .80 .80 .76 .73 .73 .74 .71 1.21 .74 .92 1.58 1.58 .72 .73 .78 .89 .94 .94 1.15 1.85 1.75 L70 l.SO 1.53 1.47 1.47 1.61 1.55 1.48 1.38 1.38 1.43 1.60 1.65 1.63 1.65 1.40 Dolls. 13.3183 19. 7600 17.9000 18. 0433 18. 1033 24. 9933 17. 8100 17. 6900 18.2000 18. 1300 18.0000 18. 0000 18. 0000 18.0000 18.3100 19.8800 25. 1000 30.0000 38. 9038 30. 6923 42.9231 49.0000 33.0000 30.0000 30.0000 32. 2500 38.7600 41. 6000 48. 7500 62.5000 51. 2000 42. 7500 33. 0000 33.0000 33. 0000 32. 6000 33.0000 32.0000 32. 0000 33. 0000 33. 0000 33.0000 33.0000 32.0000 32.0000 32.0000 32.0000 32.0000 32.0000 33.0000 33.0000 33.0000 148 134 135 136 188 134 133 137 136 136 135 135 136 137 149 188 225 Yoko- hama. Kwan.. Yen. 6.34 6.24 5.78 6.12 5.93 7.12 5.70 5.80 5.85 6.90 6.15 6.30 6.75 6.90 6.16 6.90 7.20 7.26 7.81 7.63 7.60 8.05 8.07 7.60 7.50 7.60 7.60 7.70 7.60 7.85 8.16 8.15 8.10 8.00 8.10 8.63 9.18 9.07 8.35 8.65 8.70 9.30 9.25 9.00 9.00 9.10 9.10 9.25 New York. Cwt.. Dolls. 7.3542 7.1663 6.5000 7. 3750 7. 3750 7.3750 6.6000 6.0000 7.0000 7.5000 7.5000 7. 1250 7. 3760 7.3760 7. 3750 7.3750 7. 3750 7,3750 8.2917 7.7500 7.7600 8. 4167 9.2500 7.7500 7.7500 7.7500 7.7600 7.7500 7. 7500 8.0000 8. 0000 9. 2500 9.2500 9. 2600 9.250O 10. 6625 9. 2500 10. 2500 10. 7600 12.0000 9. 2500 9.2500 9. 2600 9.2500 10. 7500 10. 7600 10. 7500 10. 7500 ■ 10. 7600 11. 6000 11. 7500 12.7500 236 INTERNATIONAL PEICB COMPARISONS, ISIS-ISIS. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEESy AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Kerosene. Actual price. Japan. U. S. Market. Unit Base price. 1913— Year . . . Quarters — First Second. . . Tliird.... Fourth... Months — January.. February. .. March April May June July August September . October November. December. . 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July AufMSt September . October November. December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April May June July August September. October November . December. . Yoko- hama. 10 galls. Yen. 4.37 4.41 4.37 4.39 4.40 4.49 4.22 4.42 4.46 4.46 4.40 4.30 4.38 4.41 4.40 4.46 4.46 4.64 4.34 4.34 4.24 4.36 4.42 4.58 4.33 4.12 4.21 4.23 4.28 4.28 4.40 4.39 4.43 4.43 4.41 4.43 4.43 4.43 4.43 4.45 4.43 4.43 4.43 4.43 4.43 4.43 4.43 4.43 4.43 4.43 4.43 4.48 New York. Barrel. . DolU. 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3.7800 3.7800 3. 7800 3.7800 3. 7800 3.7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3.7800 3.7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3.7800 3.7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 7800 3. 6036 3. 7800 3. seoo 3. 7800 3. 4986 3. 7800 3. 7800 3.7800 3.3eOO 3. 3600 3.3600 3.7800 3. 7800 3.7S0O 3.3600 3.3600 3. 7800 Eelative price. Ja- pan. U.S. 99 100 97 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 .100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 100 89 100 93 100 100 100 Lead, pig. Actual price. Japan. U. S. Osaka 100 kin Yen. 12.16 11.72 10.93 11.64 11.94 12.37 11.09 10.86 10.84 11.12 11.79 12.00 11.80 11.96 12.07 12.43 12.43 12.25 12.23 12.47 11.85 12.31 12.28 12.17 12.60 12.65 12.37 11.61 11.56 11.67 11.42 13.85 12.54 11.90 12.40 14.71 12.66 13.16 13.73 19.39 New York. Pound Dolls. 0.0421 .0440 .0435 .0435 .0453 .0435 .0436 .0435 .0435 .0435 .0435 .0435 .0435 .0450 .0475 .0459 .0435 .0410 .0389 .0410 .0387 .0389 .0368 .0415 .0415 .0400 .0380 .0390 .0390 .0390 .0390 .0388 .0376 . 03.^0 .0380 .0459 .0443 .0.:22 .0488 12.20 .0380 12.33 .0380 13.14 .0390 13.13 .0420 12.82 .0420 13.52 .0490 13.66 .0575 13.40 .0 00 14.13 .0490 15.35 .04.-0 20.69 .0490 22.14 .0525 Eelative price. Jar pan. U.S. 90 97 Milk, fresh. Actual price. Japan. 102 121 109 Yoko- hama. Sho.... Yen. 0.40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 U.S. Chicago. Quart.. Dolls. 0. 0382 .0377 .0386 .0313 .0365 .0443 .0402 .0386 .0370 .0370 .0292 .0277 .0365 .0370 .0370 .0402 .0464 .0464 .0380 .0365 .0433 Eelative price. .0433 100 .0417 100 .0402 100 .0339 KHI .0292 100 .0277 100 .0355 100 .0370 KHI .0370 100 .0433 1(K) .0433 1(K) .0433 100 .0376 100 .0433 100 .0282 100 .0381 100 .0407 100 .0433 100 .0433 100 .0433 100 .0323 100 0261 100 0261 100 0370 100 0386 100 0386 ion 0386 100 0417 100 0417 100 INTERNATIONAL, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 237 WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAKTEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Kerosene. Lead, pig. Milk, fresh. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual pricfi. Relative price. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Yoko- New New Yoko- hama. York. York. hama. 10 galls. Yen. 4.37 100 kin She Dolls. 3. 7aoo Yen. 12.16 Dolls. 0. 0421 Yen. 0.40 Dolls. 0. 0382 Base price... 1916— Year 6.01 3. 7800 138 100 ' 23.39 .0680 192 162 .40 .0390 100 102 Quarters- First 5.84 3.7800 134 10U 27.21 .0600 21!4 143 .40 .0381 100 100 aecoud 6.80 3.7800 156 100 24.15 .0758 199 ISO .40 .0334 100 87 Third 5.70 3.7800 131 100 19.72 .0648 162 1,54 .40 .0376 100 98 Fourth 5.69 3.7800 130 100 22.49 .0712 185 169 .40 .0469 100 123 Months— 5.17 3. 7800 11H 1011 26.26 .0650 208 131 .40 .0402 100 106 Fehruary. . 5.62 3. 7800 129 100 27.17 .0610 223 146 .40 .0386 100 101 March 6.73 3. 7800 l.M 100 29.20 .0640 240 I.W .40 .0356 100 93 AprU Mav 6.98 3.7800 160 ino 28.29 .0800 23,1 190 .40 .0370 100 97 6.98 6.44 3.7800 3.7800 160 148 100 100 25.84 18.31 .0760 .0726 213 151 178 172 .40 .40 .0339 .0292 100 100 89 June 76 July 5.97 5.60 3.7800 3.7800 137 128 100 100 17.20 19.93 .0686 .0610 141 164 163 146 .40 .40 .0366 .0386 100 100 93 August 101 September.. 5,54 3.7800 127 100 22.04 .0650 181 1,54 .40 .0386 100 101 October November. . 6.76 3. 7800 132 100 21.44 .0706 176 167 .40 .0448 100 117 5.68 3.7800 130 100 22.88 .0700 188 166 .40 .0480 100 126 December. . . 5.63 3.7800 129 100 23.15 .0730 190 173 .40 .0480 100 126 1917— Year 5.85 3.780O 134 100 C) .0912 (") 217 .50 .0622 125 137 Quarters- First 6.63 3. 7800 129 wo .0850 202 .40 .0428 100 112 Second 6.63 3.7800 129 100 .1024 243 .47 .0448 IIV 117 Third 5.96 3.7800 1.36 100 .1088 2.68 .53 .0498 138 130 Fourth 6.17 3.7800 141 100 .0686 163 .60 .0713 150 18V Months- January 5.63 3.7800 129 100 .0750 178 .40 .0448 100 117 February — 5.63 3. 7800 129 100 .0860 202 .40 .0433 log 113 March 6.B3 3.7800 129 1110 .0950 226 .40 .0402 100 105 April Mav 6.63 3. 7800 129 mo .0935 222 .40 .0542 100 142 6.63 3. 7800 129 100 .0988 235 .50 .0448 125 UV Jmie 5.63 3.7800 129 100 .1150 273 .50 .0356 126 93 July 5.76 3.7800 132 100 .1138 270 .60 .0473 126 124 August 6.04 3.7800 1,38 100 .1088 2,6X .50 .0511 125 134 September.. 6.04 3.7800 138 100 .1038 247 .60 .0611 160 134 October 6.04 3. 7800 138 100 .0796 189 .60 .0742 150 194 November. . 6.04 3.7800 1.38 100 .0613 146 .60 .0698 160 183 December. . , 6.44 3. 7800 148 100 .0650 164 .60 .0698 IbO 183 1918— Year 4.7082 125 m .0743 m 176 .0640 168 Quarters- First 6.59 4. 6200 151 122 .0703. 16V .53 .0668 133 iV5 Second 7.63 4.6200 172 122 .0711 169 .57 .0483 142 126 Third 8.73 4.7,586 200 126 .0804 191 .63 .0607 168 159 Fourth 4.8300 128 .0769 180 .0802 2111 Months— Januarv....'. 6.44 4. 6200 148 122 .0684 162 .60 .0698 150 183 February: . . 6.44 4. 6200 148 122 .0706 168 .50 .0670 126 175 March 6.89 4. 6200 1,W 122 .0724 172 .50 .0636 126 166 April 7.39 4. 6200 169 122 .0698 166 .50 .0583 12b 153 Mav 7 56 7.64 4, 6200 4. 6200 173 175 122 122 .0691 .0726 164 172 .60 .60 .0468 .0408 160 160 1211 June 107 Julv 8.07 8.49 4. 6200 4. 8300 186 194 122 128 .0802 .0806 190 191 .60 .60 .0533 .0627 150 1,50 140 August 164 September.. 9.63 4 8300 120 128 .0806 191 .70 .0661 176 173 October 12.25 4.8300 281 128 .0805 191 .76 .0746 188 195 November. . 4.8300 4.8300 128 128 .0805 .0667 191 158 .0820 .0840 216 December 220 <• No publication giving 1917 prices available in the United States. 6 No publication giving 1918 prices available in the United States. 238 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1919-1918— Continued. Nails, wire. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Oil, rapeseed. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Oil cake, flrst series. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit.... Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourtli Months- January... February. March April ' ifay June Yoko- hama. Kwan. Ten. 0.45 .46 .46 .46 .45 July August September. October November. December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . Pitts- burgh. 100 - lb. keg. Dolls. 1. 7250 1. 8188 1.8500 1.9000 1. 8167 1.7083 1.8600 1.8500 1. 8500 1.9000 1.9000 .46 .46 1.9000 1.9000 .46 1.8000 .46 1.7500 .46 1.7500 .45 1.7250 .45 1.6500 .45 1.6792 .44 L6833 .44 1.6917 .46 1. 6583 .47 1.6833 .45 1.6500 .44 1.7000 .44 1. 7000 .44 1.7000 .44 1.7000 .44 1.6750 .43 1.6250 .47 1. 6500 .47 1.7000 .47 1.7000 .47 1.7000 .47 1.6500 .68 1. 7458 .47 1.6583 .61 1.6833 .69 1.7083 .94 1. 9333 .46 1.6250 .46 1.6500 .48 1.7000 .58 1.7000 .m 1.6750 .62 1.6750 .62 1.6750 .HH 1.7000 .81 1.750O .87 1.8500 .91 1.9500 1.05 2.0000 104 103 103 101 103 104 104 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 101 101 101 98 97 102 104 101 97 97 97 97 97 96 105 105 105 104 104 151 104 136 154 211 103 103 107 130 140 139 139 141 181 195 202 235 105 107 110 105 99 107 107 107 110 110 110 110 104 101 101 100 97 99 97 Yoko hama. Koku Yen. 42.35 41.69 41.08 41.00 41.83 42.83 41.00 41.50 40.75 41.00 41.00 41.00 41.75 41.25 42.50 43.00 43.00 42.60 41.51 43.00 41.75 40.64 40.67 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 42.25 40.00 39.60 39.80 42.63 41.50 39.50 41.00 43.66 44.92 44.00 40.92 44.42 42.50 45.26 47.00 46.38 44.38 42.26 41.00 40.25 41.60 43.00 41.00 49.26 New York, Gall... Dolls. 0. 6242 .6800 .6767 .6700 .6367 .6800 .6800 .6800 .6800 .6800 .6700 .6700 .6700 .6700 .6700 .6200 .6200 .6488 .6000 .5900 .6767 .7283 .6200 .5900 .5900 .6900 .6900 .5900 .5900 .5900 .8500 .7600 .7200 .7150 .7967 .7700 .8300 .7533 .7100 .7500 .8500 .8600 .8200 .8200 .7600 .7600 .7500 .7700 .8600 98 104 Yoko- hama. lOkwan Yen. 2.60 2.68 2.71 2.97 2.60 2.54 2.75 2.76 2.63 3.00 2.90 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.63 2.50 2.60 2.49 2.71 2.67 2.64 2.04 2.63 2.75 2.76 2.63 2.50 2.88 2.50 2.50 2.63 2.13 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.01 1.73 1.82 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.20 1.95 1.88 1.75 1.75 1.70 1.75 1.83 1.88 Kansas City. Ton Dolls. 26. 4792 24. 7900 23. 0000 23. 5833 26.0000 26.5833 23.2500 23.2500 22.5000 22. 7500 24.0000 24.0000 26. 0000 27.0000 25.0000 26. 0000 27.5000 26. 2500 24.9688 96 26. 1667 27. 1667 25.9583 20.5833 26.0000 28. 5000 26.0000 27.6000 27.0000 27. 0000 27. 6000 27. 5000 22. 8750 21.0000 19. 8750 20. 8750 24.1063 24. 3750 23.4667 22. 3833 26.2000 23. 8750 24. 6250 24.6250 24.2600 23. 2600 22.9000 21. 7600 22.5000 22.9000 24.2500 26.9000 27.4500 INTBKNATIOlfAl, PRICE OOMPABISONS, lOlS-lWS. 239 WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTEBS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Nails, wire. Oil, rapeseed. Oil cake, first series. -Actual price. Relative price. Actua price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Japan. U.S. Jfr- pan. U.S. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Market. . . Yoko- hama. Pitts- burgh. Yoko- hama. New York. Yoko- hama. Kansas City. Unit Kwan. 100 - lb. keg. Koku.. Galls 10 kwan Ton Yen. Dolls. Yen. Dolls. Yen. Dolls. 0.45 1.06 ■ 1.7250 2.5968 42.35 62,73 0.6242 .9733 2.60, 2.24 26.4792 29.9417 1916— Year KK 160 124 1,66 86 113 Qmrters— First 1.06 2.3000 936 1,33 49.83 1.0000 118 160 1.96 28. 1500 75 106 Second 1.10 2.6833 246 1,60 46 46 1. 0167 110 163 2 08 27. 1333 81) 102 Third 1.05 2. 6667 ?35 1,56 52,25 .9333 123 160 2.32 28.2917 89 107 Fourth 1.05 2.8333 9M 164 62 37 .9433 147 1,61 2.61 36.1917 100 13V ninths- January 1.05 2.2000 ?35 12S 50.50 .9800 119 1,57 2.00 28.1500 77 106 February. . . 1.05 2.3000 235 1.33 50.50 1.0000 119 160 2.00 28.1500 77 106 March 1.07 2.4000 238 139 48,50 1.0200 116 163 1.88 28. 1500 72 106 April 1.11 2.5000 247 146 48,38 1.0500 114 168 2.00 27.2600 77 103 May 1.09 2.6000 ?M 1,51 45.50 l.OOOO 107 160 2.13 27.0760 82 102 June 1.09 2.6600 244 154 45.50 1.0000 107 160 2.13 27.0750 82 102 July 1.05 2. 6500 235 1,64 45.00 .9500 106 1,62 2.26 27.0750 86 102 August 1.05 2. 6500 235 1,54 55.75 .9600 132 152 2.33 28.4000 89 1U7 September.. 1.05 2.7000 236 1,57 66.00 .9000 132 144 2.38 29. 4000 91 111 October 1.05 2.7000 ?.35 1,67 58.62 .9200 138 147 2,50 32. 0000 96 121 November. . 1.05 2.8000 236 169, 67.60 .9500 1,59 1,52 2.75 37.6000 106 142 December. . . ' 1.05 3.0000 234 174 61.00 .9600 144 154 2.58 39.0750 99 148 1917— Year 1.36 3.6333 306 211 70.06 1.3792 165 221 3.07 41.9400 118 158 Quarters- First 1.05 3.1667 ?34 184 ■59.83 1.1000 141 176 2.38 36.4667 91 138 Second 1.13 3.5000 ?.'i3 203 64.25 1.3600 1,52 216 2.93 39.8333 U2 150 Third 1.54 4.1000 345 238 78.25 L4333 185 230 3.42 42.5000 131 161 Fourth 1.74 3.7667 3RS 218 77.92 1.6333 184 262 3.64 49.3333 136 186 Months- January 1.04 3. 1000 233 ISO 60.35 1.1000 142 1V6 2.38 37. 9500 91 143 February. . . 1.04 3.1000 233 ISO 58 26 1.1000 138 176 2.38 36. 2500 91 137 March 1.06 3.3000 2,37 191 60.88 1. 1000 144 176 2.38 ■ 35. 2000 91 133 April 1.12 3.3000 949 191 58.25 1.3000 138 208 2.75 36.0000 1U6 136 May 1.13 3.6000 263 209 66.25 1,3500 1.56 216 2.78 41. 5000 107 IbV Juno i.ia 3.6000 258 209 68.25 1,4000 161 224 3.25 42.0000 125 169 July 1.23 4.1000 274 2,38 75.26 1.4500 178 232 3.25 42. 5000 125 161 August 1.60 4.1000 368 238 82.00 1.4000 194 224 3.37 (a) 129 (o) September . . 1.80 4. 1000 4(13 238 77.50 1.-4500 183 232 3.63 (a) 139 (») October 1.75 4.1000 391 238 77.00 1.6000 182 266 3.88 45. 7500 149 173 November. . 1.73 3. 6000 3S7 209 77.00 1. 6500 182 264 3.25 46.2500 125 175 December... 1.73 3.6000 387 209 79.75 1. 6500 188 264 3.60 56.0000 134 211 1918— Year. 3.6000 209 L7250 276 52.8042 199 Quarters- First 1.64 3.6000 366 21)9 86.42 1.6667 2114 26V 3.92 49.9500 161 189 Second 1.66 3. 6000 .371 209 80.00 1.7500 189 2S0 4.08 49. 9500 167 189 Third 1.85 3. 6000 414 209 92.17 1.7333 218 278 4.25 62. 8167 163 199 3.6000 209 »• 1.7500 280 58.5000 221 Months- January 1.68 3.6000 376 209 86.50 1 6500 204 264 3.88 49.9500 149 189 February. . . 1.63 3.6000 365 209 86.50 1. 6500 204 264 3.75 49.9500 144 189 March 1.60 3.6000 358 209 86.25 1. 7000 204 272 4.13 49.9500 169 189 April May 1.60 3.6000 358 209 83.50 1.7500 197 280 4.25 49.9,600 163 189 1.63 3. 6000 366 209 76.00 1.7500 179 280 4.00 49.9500 154 189 June 1.75 3.6000 391 209 80.50 1.7500 19U 280 4.00 49.9500 154 189 July 1.85 3.6000 414 209 87.60 1.7500 207 280 4.25 49. 9500 163 189 1.85 3.6000 414 209 92.75 1.7500 219 280 4.50 61.0000 173 193 September . . 1.86 3.6000 414 209 96.25 1.7000 227 272 3.75 57.5000 144 217 Optnbpr 1 85 3.6000 414 209 95 75' 1 8500 226 296 59. 6000 225 November. . December... 3. 6000 209 1 7000 272 68, 0000 219 3. 6000 209 1.7000 272 68.0000 219 o No quotation. 240 INTERNATIONAL, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Oil cake, second series. Actual price. Japan. U. S, Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Paper. Actual price. Japan. U. S, Relative price. Ja- pan. Pine, board, rough. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit Base price. 1913 -Year.... Quarters- Hrst Second Third Fourth Months — Januarj^. . . February.. March April May June July August September October... November. December. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January. . . February.. March April May June July August Se'tember October... November. December. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February.. March April May June July August September October... November. December, Yoko hama. lOkwan yen. 2.43 2.49 2.47 2.67 2.37 2.44 2.45 2.50 2.45 2.88 2.63 2.60 2.38 2.38 2.37 2.50 2.45 2.38 2.31 2.46 2.44 2.43 1.92 2.38 2.60 2.60 2.45 2.38 2.50 2.45 2.38 2.45 2.00 1.88 1.88 1.76 1.83 L93 1.63 1.67 1.88 1.75 l.SS 2.20 1.83 1.75 1.63 1.70 1.58 1.63 1.63 1.75 Kansas City. Ton Bolls. 26. 4792 24. 7900 23. 0000 23. 6833 26. 0000 26. 6833 23.2500 23. 2600 22. 6000 22. 7500 24. 0000 24. 0000 26. 0000 27. 0000 25. 0000 26. 0000 27. 6000 26. 2500 24. 9688 26. 1667 27. 16 7 25. 9583 20. 6833 26. 0000 26. 6000 26.0030 27.6000 27. 0000 27. OOOO 27. 6000 27. 6000 22. 8750 21. 0000 19. 8750 20. 8750 24. 1063 24. 3750 23. 4667 22. 3833 26. 2000 23. 8750 24. 6260 24. 6250 24. 2600 23. 2500 22. 9000 21. 7600 22. 5000 22. 9000 24. 2500 26. 9000 27. 4500 86 85 Yoko- hama. 10 jo... Yen. 0.32 .34 .34 .36 .32 .33 .33 .35 .35 .37 .35 .32 .32 .32 .34 .37 .38 .32 .33 .28 .31 .37 .35 .33 .30 .28 .28 .28 .28 .30 .36 .35 .38 .38 .34 .37 .33 .28 Mills.. Pound Dolls. 0. 0225 .0226 .0225 .0226 .0225 .0225 .0226 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0226 .0225 .0226 .0226 .0225 .0226 .0225 .0225 .0226 .0225 .0226 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0223 .0225 .0226 .0225 .0218 . 0226 .0226 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0225 .0226 .0225 .0225 .0216 .0215 Yoko- hama. Tsubo . Yen. 0.72 .67 .68 .75 .71 .71 .71 .68 .68 .68 .68 .66 .66 .67 .67 .74 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .71 .75 .75 New York. M ieet. Dolls. 37. 4091 36. 8636 36.6000 36. 6000 37.'0000 37. 6000 36. 6000 36. 5000 38. 6000 36. 5000 36. 5000 36. 5000 («) 36. 5000 37. 5000 37. 6000 37. 6000 37.6000 37. 6000 37. 5000 37. 6000 37. 6000 37.6000 37. 5000 37.5000 37. 6000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 6000 37.5000 37. .5000 .37. 6000 37. 5000 37. 5000 (») 37. 5000 37. 6000 37. 5000 37. 6000 37. 5000 a No quotation. >! Interpolated. .INTERITATIONAl, PRICE GOMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 241 WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Base price. . 1916— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January February.. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 1917— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February... March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1918— Year.... Quarters — First . Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September . October November. December. . Oil cake, second series. Actual price. Japan. Yoko- hama. lOkwan Yen. 2.43 2.15 1.88 1.98 2.23 2.48 1.95 1.95 1.75 1.95 2.00 2.00 2.20 2.26 2.25 2.45 2. SO 2.50 2.99 2.50 2.79 3.42 3.26 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.75 3.13 3.25 3.60 3.50 3. 38 3.13 3.25 3.79 3.86 4.42 3.75 3.63 4.00 4.08 3.75 3.76 4.38 4.50 4.38 3.87 U.S. Kansas City. Ton Dolls. 26.4792 29.9417 28.1500 27.1333 28.2917 36. 1917 28. 1500 28.1500 28.1500 27.2500 27.0750 27.0750 27.0750 28.4000 29.4000 32.0000 37.5000 39.0760 41.9400 42.6000 49.3333 37.9500 36.2600 36.2000 36.0000 41.6000 42.0000 42.6000 (a) (a) 45. 7500 46.2500 56. 0000 52.8042 49.9500 49.9600 62.8167 58:6000 49.9500 49.9500 49.9500 49.9500 49.9600 49.9500 49.9500 61.0000 57.5000 59.5000 68.0000 68.0000 Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Paper. Actual price. Japan. Yoko- hama. 10 jo.. Yen. 0.32 U.S. Mills Pound Dolls. 0. 0225 .0270 .0215 .0235 .0304 .0314 .0208 .0218 .0218 .0235 .0235 C) .0300 .0313 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0343 .0335 .0348 .0334 .0321 .0343 .0343 .0313 .0345 .0360 .0360 .0338 .0338 .0326 .0325 .0325 .0313 .0342 .0313 .0320 .0349 .0382 .0313 .0316 .0328 .0338 .0375 .0375 .03S6 .0386 Relative price. Ja- pan, U.S. 96 104 136 140 92 97 97 104 104 bits 133 139 133 133 133 152 Pine, board, rough. Actual price. Japan. Yoko- hama. Tsubo . Yen. 0.72 .80 .79 U.S. .80 .80 .80 .78 .78 .92 .92 1.03 1.09 1.09 1.14 1.03 1.03 1.18 1.33 1.09 1.00 1.00 1.09 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.33 1.52 1.68 1.55 1.43 1.60 1.62 1.62 1.62 1.50 1.50 1.68 1.68 1.68 New York. M feet. Dolls. 37. 4091 37.5000 37.5000 37.6000 37.6000 37.5000 37.6000 37.5000 37.5000 37.5000 37.5000 37.6000 37.5000 37.5000 37.5000 37.6000 37.5000 37.5000 49.1250 41.5000 47.1667 62.3333 66.6000 37.6000 41.5000 45.5000 45.6000 46.5000 49.5000 49.5000 62.5000 55.5000 56.6000 56.6000 65.5000 60.4167 56. 8330 59.8333 62.6000 62.5000 65.5000 67.6000 67.5000 58.5000 60.6000 60.5000 62.5000 62.6000 62.5000 62.5000 62.5000 62.5000 Relative price. No quotation. ft Interpolated. 242 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Pork. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Rice, first series. Actual price. Japan. U. i Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Rice, second series. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit. Base price.. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Third Fourth.... Months — ■ January... February. March April May June July August September. October November . December. . 1914— Year. Quarters- First... Third Fourth Months — January.. - February- March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth..-. Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November . December. . Yoko- hama. 100 kin Yen. 21.73 22.40 22.50 22.60 22.58 22.00 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.60 22.50 22.50 22.75 22.50 22.00 22.00 22.00 20.63 21.67 20.67 20.33 19.83 22.00 21.50 21. 50 21.00 20.50 20.50 19.50 20.50 21.00 20.50 20.00 19.00 17.17 17.50 16.67 17.00 17.50 18.00 17.60 17.00 17.00 16.50 16.50 16.50 17.00 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.60 Chicago Pound. Dolls. 0. 1535 .1486 .1304 .1474 .1642 .1625 .1263 .1175 .1440 .1572 .1450 .1406 .1575 .1826 .1713 .1630 .1331 .1543 .1431 .1542 .1716 .1485 .1400 .1466 .1444 .1594 .1610 .1406 .1619 .1716 .1813 .1740 .1488 .1163 .1429 .1119 .1408 .1677 .1612 .1135 .1081 .1138 .1413 .1460 .1350 .1570 .1713 .1775 .1840 .1463 .1150 95 101 Yoko- hama. Yen. 23.19 25.35 26.22 25.33 25.10 24.73 26.56 25.96 26.15 25.25 26.26 26.60 25.60 24.66 25.06 25. 10 24.85 24.26 19.59 22.46 20.48 19.35 16.08 23.27 22.20 21.90 21.40 19.90 20.15 19.65 19.70 18.80 17.05 16.00 15.20 15.31 16.00 16.77 14.69 14.87 15.90 16.00 16.00 16.05 16.65 15.60 14.73 14.90 14.16 13.75 15.40 15.45 New Or- leans. Pound Dolls. 0. 0526 .0507 .0477 .0493 .0534 .0523 .0475 .0475 .0480 .0488 .0486 .0506 .0534 .0552 .0609 .0542 .0526 .0600 .0512 105 84 0,514 97 .0532 RS .0632 S3 0466 69 0500 100 (W22 96 0525 94 0526 9?. 0633 Rfi 0538 87 0538 84 0654 85 049K 81 0474 74 0434 69 0492 66 0474 66 0493 69 0494 68 0464 63 0456 64 0491 69 0494 69 0494 69 0495 69 0494 67 0494 67 0485 64 0460 tw 0419 61 0438 69 0475 66 0456 67 Yoko- hama. Eoku. . Yen. 19.93 21.86 22.47 21.82 21.63 21.62 22.76 22.20 22.45 21.76 21.70 22.00 22.00 21.15 21.45 21.45 22.05 21.35 16.65 19.27 17.30 16. 32, 13.30 20.10 18.80 18.90 18.30 16.65 16.95 16.35 16.55 16.05 14.16 13.30 12.45 13.27 13.73 13.47 12.68 13.20 13.80 13.60 13.80 13.70 13.40 13.30 12.75 13.08 12.20 12.30 13.26 14.06 New Or- leans. Pound. . Dolls. 0.0315 .0345 .0357 .0370 .0319 .0332 .0350 114 .0360 111 .0372 "- .0382 .0374 .0353 .0346 .0314 .0300 108 .0333 108 .0344 111 .0319 107 .0337 83 .0311 97 .0296 87 .0389 82 .0363 67 .0319 101 .0307 94 .0307 95 .0291 92 .0292 84 .0308 86 .0316 82 .0399 83 .0472 81 .0373 71 .0322 67 .0360 63 .0417 67 .0405 69 .0437 68 .0426 64 .0401 66 .0383 69 .0405 68 .0432 69 .0436 69 .0438 67 .0438 67 .0438 64 .0425 66 .0411 61 .0404 62 .0410 66 .0393 70 INTEKNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 243 WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918-Coiitinuea. Market. Unit. Base price. . 1916— Year.... Quarters— Fir.st Second Third I'curth Months — January... February.. March , April May June July August September. October November . December. . 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... ■ February.. March Aijril May June July August September. October November. December. . 1918— Year Quarters- First Second Third ■ Fourth Months- January February... March April May June July .ALURUst September. October November. December. . Pork. Actual price. Japan. Yoko- hama. 100 kin Yen. 21.73 20.27 18.25 19.83 20.83 22.17 17.50 18.50 18.75 19.50 20.00 20.00 20.00 21.00 21. .50 21.50 22.50 22.50 25. fi3 23.17 25.00 26.17 28.17 23.00 23.00 23.50 25. 00 25.00 25.00 25. 25 25.75 27.50 30.00 28.50 20.00 bO. 20 26.33 26. 33 34.00 42.00 26.00 27.00 26.00 26.00 26. 00 27.00 29.00 33.00 40.00 42.00 U.S. Chicago. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1535 .1618 .1315 ..1658 .1886 .1592 .1180 .1244 .1566 .1630 . 1675 .1675 .1660 .1863 .2130 .1788 .1575 .1450 .2436 . 1954 .2304 .2823 .2058 .1675 .1963 .2170 .2263 .2350 .2300 .2425 .2800 .3160 .3063 .2563 .2410 .2945 . 2565 .2787 .3173 .3254 .2650 .2413 .2620 .2756 .2688 .2890 .2863 .3160 .3600 .3400 .3240 .3125 Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. 105 Rice, first series. Actual price. Japan. Yoko- hama. Koku. Yen. 23.19 16.72 16.78 15. 96 16.27 18.86 16.05 15.95 15.35 I0.8O 16.00 16.05 16.15 16.45 16.20 17.90 18.75 19.94 23.70 19.38 21.68 25.52 28.20 19. 65 19.55 18.95 18.30 21.00 26. 76 26.06 24.90 25.60 28.06 28.60 28.05 30.02 33.84 45.93 29.25 29.60 31.20 31.00 34.70 36. .S3 40.61 49.53 47.66 50.83 New Or- leans. Pound. DolU. 0.0526 .0456 . 0467 .0456 .0444 .0467 .0460 .0463 .0459 .0456 . 04.56 .0456 .0453 .0447 .0433 .0447 .0478 .04 ,'5 . 0670 .0479 .0697 .0708 .0781 .0475 .0476 .0488 . 0671 .0702 .0710 .0702 .0708 .0713 .0773 .0775 .0793 .0817 .0907 . 0926 .0794 .0794 .0854 .0897 .0906 .0916 .0938 .0924 .0913 .0913 .0913 Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Rice, second series. Actual price. Japan. Yoko- hama. Yen. 19.93 14.27 13.35 13. ,58 14.06 16.08 13.30 13.60 13.15 13.70 13.50 13.55 11.02 14.30 13.85 14.85 16.10 17. 30 20.19 16.86 18. 18 22.40 24.32 16.18 15.70 16. 70 16.20 17.60 20. 75 22. 60 22.10 22.50 24.50 24. 50 23.95 33.82 26.23 29.32 41.05 48.00 25.20 26.00 27.50 28.20 28. 60 31.26 34.85 46.30 12.00 48.00 U.S. New Or- leans. Pound. Dolls. 0. 0315 .0375 .0385 .0388 .0381 .0347 .0388 .0388 .0380 .0382 .0388 .0393 .0378 .0376 .0355 .0347 . 0340 .0695 . 03.64 .0644 .0668 .0725 .0344 .0344 .0370 .0577 .0674 . 0676 .0675 .0658 .0674 .0727 .0722 .0725 .0777 .0737 .0847 .0827 .0720 .0722 .0721 .0759 .0833 .0849 .0860 .0869 (p.) .0657 .0734 .0094 .0725 Relative price. Ja- pan. a No quotation . 113951°— 19 17 i> Interpolated. 244 INTERIM ATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1&13-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Shingles, common. Silk, medium. Straw, common. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Japan. Yoko- haipa. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Market Yoko- hama. Wash- ing- Yoko- hama. Omaha. . ton. Unit Tsubo. Yen. Tan... Yen. Yard .'..... lOkwan Yen. Dolls. Dolls. ' DdlU. Base price... 1913— Year 1 25 1 7958 3 52 1.5462 0.38 5.0833 1.27 1.9667 102 no 3.65 1.5488 101 100 .37 5. 1250 98 101 Quarters- First 1.13 2.1167 . 90 nx 3.51 1.5400 100 100 .36 5.5000 93 108 Second 1.39 2.1000 112 117 3.43 1.6307 9V 99 .38 6.O000 99 98 Third 1.29 1.9500 104 109 3.53 1.5473 100 100 .44 5. 0000 116 9ft Fourth 1.29 1.7000 104 95 3.72 1.677S 106 102 .32 5.0000 84 98 Months — January 1.13 2. 0500 90 114 3.68 1.5380 1 101 99 .31 6.0000 81 118 February . . . 1.13 2.1500 90 120 3.63 1.5420 100 100 .37 5.5000 97 108 March 1.13 2. 1500 90 ■120 3.43 1.5400 9V 100 .38 5.0000 1U2 98 April 1.39 2. 1600 112 ISO 3.43 1.6340 97 99 .38 6.0000 ■100 98 May 1.39 2.1000 112 117 3.43 1.6320 97 99 .37 5.0000 ■ 9V 98 June 1.39 2.0500 112 114 3.43 1.5260 9V 99 .38 5.0000 100 98 July 1.29 2.0600 104 114 3.43 1.5400 97 100 .43 5.0000 113 98 August 1.29 1.9500 1U4 109 3.48 1.5500 j 99 100 .47 5.0000 123 98 September . . 1.29 1.8500 104 103 3.70 1.5520 105 100 .43 5.0000 112 9S October 1.29 1.7600 104 97 3.70 1.5680 106 101 .27 5.0000 71 98 November. . 1.29 1.6500 104 92 3.73 1.5840 106 102 .36 5.0000 93 98 December. . . 1.29 1.7000 104 96 3.73 1.5800 I 106 102 .33 5.0000 87 98 1914— Year 1.19 1.7125 96 95 3.32 1.6312 94 99 .36 5.2500 96 103 Quarters- First 1.20 1.7833 96 99 3.46 1.6433 98 100 .34 5.0000 90 98 Second 1.20 1.7500 96 97 3.38 1.5167 96 98 .42 6.3333 110 105 Third 1.20 1.7000 96 95 ■ 3.07 1.5347 87 99 .42 6.3333 112 105 Fourth 1.17 1.6167 94 90 3.37 1.5300 96 99 .27 5.3333 71 106 Months- January 1.20 1.7600 96 97 3.53 1. 5640 100 101 .34 5.0000 91 98 February... 1.20 1.8000 96 100 3.43 1.5340 97 99 .33 6. 0000 88 98 March 1.20 1.8000 96 100 3.43 1. 5320 97 99 .36 6.0000 91 98 April 1.20 1.8000 96 100 3.43 1.6240 97 99 .38 6.0000 100 98 May 1.20 1. 7000 96 95 3.35 1.5200 96 98 .46 5.5000 119 ins June 1.20 1. 7500 96 97 3.35 1.5060 95 97 .42 5.5000 112 108 July 1.20 1.7500 96 97 3.00 1.5320 85 99 .37 5.5000 97 108 August 1.20 1. 7000 96 95 3.10 1.6380 88 99 .45 5.6000 119 108 September.. 1.20 1. 6600 96 92 3.10 1.5340 88 99 .45 5.0000 119 98 October 1.20 1.6500 96 92 3.38 1.5260 96 99 .24 6.0000 62 98 November. . 1.16 1. 6000 93 89 3.63 1.5320 103 99 .31 6.0000 81 98 December. . . 1.16 1.6000 93 89 3.10 1.5320 88 99 .27 6. 0000 71 118 1915— Year 1.15 1.6642 92 93 3.65 1.5220 104 98 .29 5. 7600 77 113 QiJarters- First 1.17 1.6633 94 93 3.39 1.6240 96 99 .29 6. 0000 ■/■/ 118 Second 1.16 1.6600 93 92 3.66 1.5360 104 99 .29 6.0000 76 118 Third....... 1.13 1.6333 90 91 3.68 1.6053 106 97 .32 5. 5000 SS 108 Fourth 1.13 1.7000 90 95 3.88 1.5227 iin 98 .26 5.60M 69 108 Months — January 1.16 1.6400 93 ■ 91 3.10 1.5180 88 98 .31 6.0000 82 118 February . . . 1.16 1.7000 93 96 3.63 1.5260 103 99 .20 6.0000 53 118 March 1.20 1.6500 96 92 3.46 1.5280 98 99 .37 6. 0000 97 118 April 1.16 1.6800 93 94 3.65 1.6240 104 99 .24 7.0000 64 138 May 1.16 1.6500 93 92 3.66 1.4820 104 96 .32 5.60OO 84 108 June 1.16 1.6500 93 92 3.65 1.6020 104 104 .31 5.5000 81 108 July 1.13 1.6000 90 S9 3.66 1.6380 104 99 .29 5.5000 78 108 August 1.13 1.6500 90 92 3.65 1.5020 104 97 .31 5.5000 82 108 September . . 1.13 1. 6600 90 92 3.75 1. 4760 106 95 .37 5.5000 97 108 October 1.13 1.6500 90 92 3.75 1.4580 106 94 .23 5.5000 61 108 Noveihber. . 1.13 1.6500 90 92 3.90 1.5360 111 99 .24 6.5000 62 108 December. . . 1.13 1.8000 90 HIO 4.00 1.6750 114 102 .31 6.5000 82 108 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 245 WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Shingles, common. Silk, medium. Straw, common. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. RelatiA^e price. Actual price. Relative price. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S. Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. U.S Japan. U.S. Ja- pan. 1 |U.S. Market Yoko- hama. Wash- ing- Yoko- hama. Yoko- hama. ton. Unit Tsubo. Yen. 1,000 Tan... Yen. Yard lOkwan Yen. Ton Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Base price... 1916— Year 1.25 1.29 1. 7958 1.91 3.52 4.31 1.5462 1.8311 0.38 .33 5. 0833 5. 4167 'l03 106 122 lis 87 107 Quarters — First 1.14 1.8466 91 1113 4.12 1.6653 117 108 .30 6.6000 V9 108 Second 1.27 1.9133 103 107 4.17 1.8460 UK 119 .35 5,5000 92 108 Third 1.25 1,8300 ini 102 4.37 1.8803 124 122 .36 5.0833 93 1(10 Fourth 1.49 2. 0500 119 114 4.58 1.9327 130 126 .31 6.6833 83 110 Months — January 1.13 1.7700 90 99 3.75 1.6300 106 105 .26 5. 5000 68 108 Februaiy . . . 1.13 1.8600 -90 104 4.25 1.6640 121 lOV .29 6.5000 V8 108 March 1.16 1.9100 93 106 4.35 1.7120 123 111 .35 5.5000 91 108 April MSy 1.20 1^,9300 93 107 4.25 1.8640 121 121 .33 5.5000 88 108 1.29 1.9100 103 106 4.15 1.8260 lis 118 .37 5.60OO 97 108 June 1.33 1.9000 107 106 4.10 1,8480 116 120 .34 5. 5000 91 108 July 1.20 1.8500 96 103 4.25 1.9000 121 123 .31 5,0000 82 98 August 1.22 1.8400 98 102 4.35 1.8520 123 120 .37 5.0000 98 98 September.. 1.33 1.8000 107 100 4.50 1.8890 128 122 .38 5,2500 100 103 October 1.38 2.0O0O 111 111 4.50 1.9210 128 124 .23 5.2500 60 103 November . . 1.56 2,1000 1?,'; 117 4.75 1.9290 135 126 .32 5,2500 84 103 December. . . 1.62 2. 0500 122 114 4.50 1.9480 128 126 .40 6.2600 105 123 1917— Year 1.95 2.8176 167 157 5.08 2. 096S 144 136 .64 6.9375 142 136 Quarters — First 1.60 2. 3900 128 133 4.40 1.9673 125 12-/ .37 6.2500 99 12iJ Second 1.64 3,0967 131 172 4.75 2.0220 136 131 .61 6.68-33 134 130 Third 2.00 3.0033 161 167 5.92 2.1547 168 139 .69 7.2500 183 143 Fourth 2.57 2.7800 206 1.55 5. 25 2.2533 149 146 .67 7.0667 160 151 Mouths- January 1.66 2. 1600 125 120 4.35 1.9440 123 126 .37 6. 2500 97 123 February . . . 1.56 2.3700 125 132 4.35 1. 9460 123 126 .34 6. 2500 89 12» March 1.67 2.6400 133 147 4.60 1.9820 128 128 .42 6.2600 111 12S April May 1.64 3.1700 131 177 4.60 1.9860 128 128 .46 6.2500 119 12» 1.64 3.3100 131 184 4.75 1.9960 135 129 .53 6,2600 139 123 June 1.64 2.8100 131 166 6.00 2.0840 142 136 .65 7. 2500 146 14* July 1.64 3.0000 131 167 6.75 2.0480 192 132 .65 7. 2500 146 143 August 1.80 3. 1300 145 174 5.60 2.1700 156 140 .73 7.2600 193 143 September,, 2.67 2.8800 206 160 5.60 2.2460 166 146 .80 7.2500 212 143 October 2.67 2.7100 206 1.51 5.25 2.2080 149 143 .50 6.6000 132 128 November. . 2.67 2.8000 206 1.66 5.00 2. 2700 142 14V .60 7.5000 169 148 - December. . . 2.S7 2.8600 206 159 5.60 2.2820 166 148 .60 9.0000 169 IVV 2.4943 161 Quarters — First 2.67 2.8367 206 1.5S 6.60 2.3053 166 149 .63 9.3333 168 184 Second 2.67 2, 9967 ?,n6 167 6.25 2.3630 177 163 .66 7,0§33 176 139 Third 2.40 2.8667 19.3 160 7.71 2. 5767 219 167 .80 1 8. 2600 212 162 2.7320 IVV Montlis — January 2.67 2.7900 206 166 5.60 2.3020 166 149 .56 9.0000 146 IVV 2.57 2.7400 206 1.53 5.50 2,2840 166 148 .65 9.0000 1V2 17T 2.67 2.9800 206 166 5.60 2.3300 166 161 .70 j lO.OpOO 186 197 April May 2.67 2.9700 206 165 6.00 2.3240 170 160 .70 1 8.0000 ISi) 167 2.67 2.9000 706 162 6.00 2.3220 170 150 .68 ; 6.2600 180 123 June 2.67 3.1200 206 174 6.75 2.4430 192 168 .60 7.0000 169 138 July......... August 2.40 3.0800 193 172 7.25 2.4490 206 158 .80 8.6000 212 167 2.40 2.8200 193 1,57 7.75 2.6230 220 IVO .80 9.5000 212 187 September. . 2.40 2.7000 193 1,50 8.13 2.6580 •£il 172 .80 1 6. 7600 212 133 2.40 2.3700 193 132 8.50 2.7300 241 IVV .85 6.7500 225 133 November.. 2 4800 138 2 7220 176 2. 7440 177 1 1 1 246 INTfiRNATIONAL PKICE COMPARISONS, I^IS-I^IS. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Sugar, brown. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. U.S. Sugar, white. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. Tea, medium. Actual price. Japan. U. S. Relative price. Market . Unit Base price. . . 1913— Year.... Quarters^ First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February . March April May June July August September . October November . December. . 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August September . October November . December. . 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . March April May June July August September . October November. December. . Yoke hama. 100 kin Yen. 13.24 14.05 14.57 14.08 13.93 13.60 14.72 14.45 14.55 14.00 14.24 14.00 14.10 13.92 13.76 13.60 13.60 13.60 13.26 12.96 12.48 13.68 13.92 13.28 12.88 12.72 12.64 12.48 12.32 12.40 14.00 14.64 14.08 13.92 13.76 13.18 13.63 13.25 13.28 12.55 13.76 13.68 13.44 13.28 13.28 13.20 13.28 13.37 13.20 12.68 12.32 12.84 New York. Pound. . Dolls. 0. 0340 .0351 .0349 .0354 .0348 .0354 .0340 .0334 .0334 .0355 .0371 .0372 .0347 .0362 .0335 .0385 .0326 .0319 .0480 .0414 .0335 .0344 .0298 .0297 .0321 .0337 .0328 .0522 .0579 .0446 .0390 .0465 .0451 .0482 .0465 .0462 .0406 .0474 .0485 .0474 .0483 .0490 .0485 .0475 .0430 .0416 ,0486 .0497 106 103 un 104 106 99 105 108 103 103 111 104 109 102 nil 104 106 100 lOS 9S 106 98 106 104 1(16 109 104 109 H)3 102 103 106 103 99 100 113 98 96 94 94 1113 141 105 122 100 99 97 101 96 88 96 87 94 94 93 99 94 97 106 154 111 170 106 131 106 116 104 117 100 137 103 133 100 142 inii 1,37 95 136 104 119 103 139 101 14:1 100 139 100 142 100 144 100 143 1(11 140 100 126 96 122 93 143 96 146 Yoko- hama. 100 kin Yen. 20.66 21.14 21.28 21.26 21.10 20.92 21.17 21.30 21.35 21.00 21.16 21.26 21.10 21.12 21.06 21.01 20.88 20,88 21,40 20,61 20,00 22,43 22,56 20,88 20,64 20.32 20.16 20.00 19.84 20.40 22.80 24.08 23.12 22.24 22.32 22.15 21.76 22.27 22.86 21.71 21.76 21.36 22.16 21.92 22.08 22.80 23.20 22.97 22.40 21.60 21.44 22,08 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0413 .0427 .0429 .0411 .0454 .0416 .0450 .0418 .0419 .0410 .0410 .0414 .0447 .0461 .0453 .0419 .0421 .0408 .0471 .0389 .0395 .0623 .0583 .0392 .0392 .0382 .0372 .0397 .0417 .0420 .0649 .0680 .0593 .0493 .0483 .0556 .0538 .0585 .0646 .0552 .0488 .0654 .0671 .0578 .0588 .0588 .0582 .0549 .0506 .0497 .0568 .0692 106 108 111 106 105 103 107 106 107 110 112 111 108 105 104 107 Yoko- hama. 100 kin Yen. 39.33 39.92 41.00 40.33 39.33 39.00 41.00 41.00 41.00 41.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.00 39.71 39.60 39. .50 39.60 40.33 39.50 39.50 39.60 39.50 39.50 39.50 39.50 39,00 40,00 40,00 40.50 40.60 42.83 42.17 43.00 42.83 43.17 40.50 43.00 43.00 43.50 43.00 43.00 42.50 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.50 New York. Pound . Dolls. 0. 1434 .1460 .1629 .1467 .1425 .1425 .1563 104 1625 104 1500 104 1476 104 1476 102 1450 102 1425 102 1425 99 1426 99 1425 99 1425 99 1425 99 1631 101 142.6 100 1463 100 1840 100 1796 103 1426 100 1426 100 1426 100 1438 100 1475 100 1475 100 l.WO 100 1919 99 2050 102 1900 102 1760 103 1760 103 1835 109 1771 107 1X17 109 1985 109 1765 110 1750 103 1750 109 1805 109 1H26 111 1776 109 1846 109 202,6 108 1995 109 1932 109 1800 109 1760 109 1760 111 INTBBNATIONAL PBICB COMPARISONS, 1013-1918. 247 WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUABTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Sugar, brown. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Ja- pan. Sugar, white. Actual price. Japan, Relative price. Ja- pan. Tea, medium. Actual price. Japan. U. S. Relative price. Ja- pan. Market.... Yoko- hama Unit 100 kin Yen. Base price. . 13.24 1918-Year 13.56 Quarters- First 12.75 Second. . . .*. 13.44 Third 13.47 Fourth 14.58 Months- January 12.72 February. .. 12.72 March 12.80 April M&y 13.12 13.60 June 13.60 July 13.44 August 13.44 September.. 13.52 October 13.76 November . . 14.54 December. . . •15.44 1917— Year 14.77 Quarters- First 14.37 Second 13.95 Third....:.. 15.41 Fourth 15.36 Months — January 15.36 February... 14.08 March 13.68 April 13.68 May 13.92 June 14.24 July 14.64 August 15.68 September.. 15.92 October 15.60 November. . 15.36 December... 15.12 1918— Year Quarters — First 15.09 Second 15.84 Third 15.57 Fourth Months- January 15.36 February.... 14.72 March 15.20 April MSy 16.52 15.84 June 16.16 July 15.36 August 15.52 September.. 15.84 October 17.76 November. . December... New York. Pound.. Dolls. 0. 0340 .0577 .0503 .0627 .0584 .0596 .0494 .0558 .0611 .0643 .0630 .0633 .0576 .0542 .0634 .0632 .0536 .0529 .0612 .0698 .0672 .0524 .0507 .0650 .0625 .0610 .0603 .0665 .0734 .0697 .0690 .0690 .0643 .0641 .0601 .0601 .0634 .0728 .0601 .0601 .0601 .0601 .0601 .0602 .0606 .0698 .072^ .0728 .0728 102 97 99 103 103 102 102 102 104 110 117 112 109 105 116 116 116 106 103 103 105 108 111 118 120 118 116 114 170 96 148 102 184 102 172 110 175 137 145 164 180 189 185 186 169 159 186 186 158 185 156 180 205 198 154 149 162 184 179 177 196 216 205 203 203 189 189 177 177 186 214 177 177 177 177 177 177 178 178 205 214 214 214 Yoko- hama, 100 kin Yen. 20.66 23.38 22.59 23.41 23.39 24.11 22.40 22.64 22.72 22.88 23.44 23.92 23.60 23.36 23.20 23.20 24.66 24.48 24.43 23.57 23.71 25.23 25.20 24.08 23.36 23.28 23.20 23.60 24.32 24.72 25.44 25.52 25.44 25.28 24.88 25.01 27.31 27.09 24.16 25.12 25.76 27.04 27.36 27.52 27.20 27.04 27.04 28.80 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0413 .0610 .0729 .0696 .0712 .0573 .0597 .0659 .0706 .0746 .0736 .0750 .0700 .0637 .0708 .0735 .0771 118 .0686 114 .07X8 115 .0797 122 .0814 122 .0662 117 .0686 113 .0706 113 .0815 112 .0794 114 .0754 118 .0745 120 .0818 123 .0823 124 .0818 123 .0818 122 .08(14 12(1 .0780 .0735 121 .0730 132 .(1769 131 0882 0744 117 0730 12? 0730 125 07.30 131 0730 132 0731 133 0735 132 0735 131 0845 131 0882 139 0882 0882 167 148 177 169 172 139 145 160 171 181 178 182 169 164 171 178 168 187 166 191 193 197 160 166 171 197 192 183 180 198 199 198 198 195 189 178 177 186 214 180 177 177 177 177 177 178 178 206 214 214 214 Yoko- hama. 100 kin. Yen. 39. 33 40.79 43.50 41.00 38.67 40.00 43.50 43.60 43.60 43.00 40.00 40.00 38.00 39.00 39.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 42.38 40.17 42.17 43.83 43.33 39.00 40.50 41.00 41.00 43.00 42.50 42.00 44.50 45.00 44.00 43.00 43.00 43.50 52.33 63.67 43.00 44.00 43.60 44.00 53.00 60.00 65.00 64.00 62.00 65.00 New York. Pound.. DollS: 0. 1434 .1835 .1779 .1910 .1825 .1825 .1750 .1765 .1825 .1926 .1925 .1876 .1825 .1825 .1825 .1825 .1825 .1825 .2481 .1937 .2571 .2666 .2752 .1835 .1975 .2025 .2394 .2675 .2619 .2630 .2750 .2750 .2760 .2750 .2766 .3041 .2810 .2983 .3129 .2776 .2788 .2875 .2930 .3006 .3025 .3085 .3100 .3213 .3250 .3260 .3190 248 IjStteenational peice comparisons, IMS-IOIS. WHOLESALE PRtCE: 1 IX JAPAN AVO THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Tiles, earthen. Actual price. U.S. Relative price Ja- pan. U.S. Wax, refined. Actual price. Japan. U. S. Relative price. Ja- pan. Wlieat, medium. Actual price. Japan. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit. Base price. . 1913— Year Quarters — First , Second Third , Fourth Months — January February . . March April May June July August September . October — November . December.. 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Foiu-th Months — January February. - March April May June July August September . October — November - December.. 1916— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . March .."... April May June ... July August September . October — November - December. . Yoko- hama. Yen. 2.08 2.09 2.05 2.12 2.10 2.10 2.00 2.00 2.15 2.15 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.00 2.10 2.00 1.97 1.93 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.90 1.90 1.95 l.So 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 New Eng- •land. Ton.... Dolls. 3. 0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 2.8750 3.0000 2.8330 2.7500 2.9167 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 3.0000 2.7500 2.7500 2.7500 2.7500 2.7500 2.7500 3.0000 3.0000 92 : 96 92 I 100 92 I 94 92 ' 92 92 ' 97 100 100 100 100 92 92 i 92 Yoko- hama Yen. 16.48 16.07 15.92 16.08 15.35 16.92 15.90 16.00 15.85 16.05 16.10 16.10 15.30 15.35 15.40 16.35 17.10 17.30 17.12 17.23 16.42 17.30 17.53 17.30 17.10 17.30 16.35 17.10 15.80 17.10 17.30 17.50 17.70 17.60 17.40 17.59 17.40 17.60 17.73 17.63 17.40 17.40 17.40 17.40 17.90 17.50 17.40 17.80 18.00 18.00 17.60 17.30 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0838 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0659 .0638 .0638 .0642 .0750 .0638 .0638 .0638 .08.38 .0638 .0638 .0633 .0638 .0650 .0650 («) .0850 98 105 100 105 106 105 104 105 99 104 96 104 105 106 107 106 106 107 106 107 108 107 106 106 106 106 109 106 106 108 109 109 107 105 100 100 100 100 100 ' 100 ( 100 ! 100 100 100 I 100 1 100 100 100 100 100 103 100 100 101 118 ' 110 100 100 100 ! 100 100 100 i 100 102 102 (a) 133 Yoko- hama. Koku.-. Yen. 11.10 11.63 12.27 11.92 11.03 11.28 12.65 12.25 11.90 12.00 12.00 11.75 11.00 10.90 11.20 11.60 11.40 10.85 11.04 11.17 10.90 10.87 11.22 10.70 11.20 11.60 1J.20 10.90 10.60 10.25 11.50 10.86 10.90 11.25 11.60 11.39 12.88 11.52 9.65 11.52 12.25 13.66 12.75 12.40 12.40 9.76 8.85 9.70 10.40 11.00 11.65 11.90 Kansas City. Bu. (60 lbs.). Dolls. 0. 8746 .8767 .8769 .8979 .8602 .8726 .8813 .8813 .8681 .8900 .9800 .9138 .8675 .8450 .8781 .8778 101 105 .8656 103 .8740 98 .9391 99 .8705 101 .8951 98 .9106 98 1.0719 101 .8.594 96 .8675 101 .8847 105 .8765 101 .8938 98 .9160 96 . 8155 92 .8719 104 1.0445 98 1.0219 98 1.0738 101 1.1200 104 1.2904 103 1.4489 116 1.4130 104 1.2246 87 1.0678 104 1.3300 110 1.5297 123 1.4869 116 1.5150 112 1.5090 112 1.2150 88 1.3400 80 1.2575 87 1.0763 94 1.0720 99 1.0413 106 1.0900 107 a Nomtnal. tNTEENATIONAL PKICP: COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 249 WHOLES VT^E PRICES IN JAPA>r AYD THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Oontinuel. Market. Unit. Baseprice. 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.;.. Months — January... February . March April May June July August September . October November. December. . 1917— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February . . March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 191S— Year... Quarters- First Second. . . Third : Fourth Months — I January February...! March i April May Jime Tiles, earthen. Actual price. Japan, July August September . October November. December. . Yoko- hama. Yen. 2.08 2.10 1.93 2.10 2.10 2.27 1.90 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.20 2.50 3.61 3.03 3.13 3.20 '4.87 3.00 ■ 3.10 3.00 3.00 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.30 3.10 4.50 5.00 4.50 4.12 4.23 3.97 4.10 4.30 4.50 4.20 4.00 3.80 4.00 4.10 4.00 4.00 4.30 4.30 Key Eng land. Ton..., Dolls. 3.0000 3.5O0O 3.2500 3. 2500 3.5833 3. 9167 3.2500 3.2600 3.2500 3.2600 3.2600 3.2500 3.2500 3.7600 3.7500 3. 7600 4.0000 4. 0000 5. 5625 4. 0833 6.3333 6.3333 6.5000 4.0000 4.0000 4.2500 4.7500 5.2500 6.0000 6.2500 6.2600 6.5000 6.5000 6.5000 6.5000 6. 8126 6. 6667 6. 7600 7.0000 6.8333 6.5000 6.7500 6.7500 6.7500 6, 7600 6. 7600 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 6. 7600 6. 7500 Relative price. Ja- pan, U.S Wax, refined. Actual price. Japan. Yoko- hama, lOkwan Yen. 16,48 21.59 20.20 21.57 21.63 22.97 17.40 21.60 21.70 21.70 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.70 21.70 21.80 23.60 23.60 23.37 23.53 23.63 23.80 22.60 23.60" 23.60 2,3.60 23.30 23.80 23.80 23.80 23.80 23.80 23.60 22.00 22.00 22.20 25.60 33.17 22.20 22.20 22.20 22.50 26.50 27.60 29.50 34.50 35,60 36.50 U.S. New York. Pound. Dolls. 0, 0638 .0967 .0692 .1025 .1075 .1076 .0625 .0625 .0825 .0925 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1076 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1185 1125 .1207 .1412 .1060 .0975 .0975 .1031 .1141 .1188 .1188 .1188 .1238 .1326 .1388 .1600 .1490 .1628 .1513 Re'ative price. Ja- pan, . 1500 ! 136 . 1463 j 136 . 1506 135 . 1576 ; 137 . 1531 I 161 . 1488 167 .1488 .1525 .1625 .1525 152 168 Wheat, medium. Actual price. Japan, Yoko- hama. Yen. 11,10 11.28 11.63 10.10 10.67 12.82 12.50 11.60 10.90 10.80 10.25 9.25 10.26 10.76 10.70 12.50 13.05 12.90 13.82 11.30 13.17 14.97 16.83 11,65 10.95 11.30 12.90 12.60 14.00 14.75 14.76 16.40 16.30 16.30 16.90 23.38 22.53 23.00 21.00 24.16 25.00 24.00 23.20 20.40 21.30 22.70 25,00 22,60 U, S, Kansas City. Bu. (60 lbs.). Dolls. 0. 8746 1. 3292 1. 1662 1. 0873 1.3366 1. 7438 1. 2006 1. 2250 1.0700 1. 1363 1. 1075 1. 0181 1.0850 1. 3894 1.5325 1. 6520 1.8594 1.7200 2. 2956 1.9000 2. 7506 2.4119 2.1200 1. 8956 1.8013 1. 9825 2.5306 3.0463 2. 6900 2.4070 2.6463 2. 1838 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1566 2.1200 2.1200 2. 1952 2. 1965 2.1200 2. 1200 2.1200 2.1200 2.1200 2.1200 2.2520 2. 1600 2. 1694 2. 1665 2.1600 2.2600 Relative price. Ja- pan. 250 INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1914-1917. Barley. Copper. Cotton, cloth. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. Market Cawn- pore. 10 maunds Hwpees. 31.88 a 33. 70 Chi- cago. Bushel. BolU. 0. 5338 a . 6442 Cal- cutta. Fact'y maund Rupees. 44.00 43. 76 New Yorlj. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1340 11.1233 Cal- cutta. Piece . Rupees. 6.00 Interpolated. 254 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS AND YEARS, 1914-1917— Continuea. Indigo. Iron, galvanized, corrugated. Iron, hoop. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. Market .. Cal- cutta. Fact'y maund. Bupees. 175.00 tt337. 50 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.6750 '■1.5583 Cal- cutta. Cwt... Bupees. 8.50 «8.90 Pitts- burgh. Cal- cutta. Cwt... Eupees. 6.13 =6.21 Pitts- burgb. Cwt... Unit Base price Dolls. 2.8000 "2.9200 Dolls. 1.2700 <»1.2667 1914— Year Quarters — First .... "193 0187 1105 1104 olOl Interpolated. 258 IKTTEENATIONAL PEICE COMPABISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1914-1917— Continued. Linseed, small to medium. Oats. Rice, common. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. India. U.S. India. U, S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. Market Cal- cutta. 10 maunds Rupees. 57.45 148.92 Min- neapo- lis. Bushel. Dolls. 1.5800 al.5090 Cal- cutta. Maund Rupees. 3.31 14.02 Chi- cago. Bushel. Cal- cutta. Maund Rupees. 5.88 6.22 New Orleans Pound. Dolls. 0.0538 O.0499 Unit Base price... 1914— Year Quarters- First Dolls. 0.3722 0.4536 85 J 96 a 121 1122 1106 193 Third Fourth Months— 51.57 46.26 1.6233 1.3946 90 81 103 88 3.83 4.21 .4269 .4802 116 127 115 129 6.13 6.31 .0532 .0465 ioi 107 99 86 April May July 57.45 49.49 47.78 45.50 46.64 46.64 49.58 47.08 46.25 49.17 55.83 48.75 47.50 46.00 46.25 46.25 46.25 47.50 48.75 51.25 5S.00 55.00 57.50 1.5800 1.6800 1.6100 1.4026 1.3350 1.4463 1.7940 1.7813 1.8517 1.6642 1.8788 1.6160 1.8925 1.8363 1.8675 1.9525 1.7350 1.7100 1.6100 1.6725 1.7850 1.8500 2.0013 100 86 83 79 81 81 86 82' 81 86 97 85 83 78 81 81 81 83 85 89 96 96 100 100 106 102 89 84 93 114 113 117 105 119 102 120 116 118 123 110 108 102 106 113 117 127 3.31 3.81 4.38 4.13 4.13 4.38 4.18 4.19 3.95 4.22 4.38 4.63 4.06 3.88 4.16 3.81 3.88 4.13 (») 4.31 4.38 4.25 4.60 .3722 .4193 .4911 .4679 .4864 .4895 .4806 .5612 .5314 .4513 .3864 .6366 .5761 .5770 .5717 .5343 .4874 .5358 .4495 .3477 .3636 .3678 .4214 100 116 132 125 126 132 126 127 119 127 132 140 123 117 126 lis 117 125 cim 130 132 128 136 100 113 132 126 131 132 129 151 143 121 104 144 166 155 154 144 131 144 121 93 98 99 113 6.88 6.26 6.25 5.94 6.50 6.50 6.64 6.17 6.29 6.75 7.33 6.25 6.13 6.13 6.25 6.25 6.38 6.38 6.63 7.25 7.50 7.50 7.00 .0538 .0554 .0498 .0474 .0434 .0492 .0474 .0493 .0494 .0454 .0455 .0491 .0494 .0494 .0495 .0494 .0494 .0486 .0460 .0419 .0438 .0475 .0456 100 106 106 101 111 111 113 105 107 115 125 106 104 104 106 106 109 109 113 123 128 128 119 ■ 100 August September . . October November-. December. . . 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . . March April 103 93 88 81 91 88 92 92 84 85 91 92 92 92 9:? June July 92 90 August September . . October November. . December... 84 78 81 88 85 1 Average of last 6 months of 1914. fi No quotation. c Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 259 Wholesale pbices in india and the united states, by months, quaetees, AND YEAES, 1914-1917— Continued. Linseed, small to medium. Actual price. India. U. India. U. S, Eelative price. Oats. Actual price. India. U. S Eelative price. India. U. S, Eice, common. Actual price. India. U. S, Eelative price. India. U. S Market . Unit Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourtli Months- January... February. March April May June July August... September October. . . November. December. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February. . March April May June July August September. October November. December. . Cal- cutta. 10 maunds Rupees. 57.45 65.99 56.67 49.58 56.46 61.25 57.50 58.75 53.75 50.00 50.00 48.75 53.75 57.50 58.12 62.50 65.00 56.25 61.77 56.25 50.83 50.00 50.00 56.25 60.00 52.50 52.50 50.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 Min- neapo- lis. Bushel Dolls. 1.5800 2.2283 2. 2608 2. 0450 1. 9933 2.6242 2. 1700 2. 2725 2. 3100 2. 1975 2. 0726 1. 8650 1. 7900 2.1000 2. 0900 2. 4400 2. 6425 2. 7900 3.0933 2.8317 3. 1033 3.1883 3. 2500 2. 8625 2.8500 2. 7825 2.9660 3. 2550 3.0900 2. 8450 3.3250 3. 3950 3.3050 3.2200 3. 2250 97 Cal- cutta. Maund 99 142 3.66 Hfi 129 3.00 9S 126 3.87 107 166 3.13 100 137 3.91 102 144 (a) 94 14H 3.38 87 139 2.75 87 131 3.19 85 118 3.06 94 113 2.88 111(1 133 3.00 im 132 2.73 109 154 2.88 113 167 3.06 98 177 3.44 90 196 2.71 98 179 2.76 88 196 2.59 87 202 2.81 87 206 2.76 98 181 (<•) 1114 1811 2.76 91 176 («) 91 188 2.44 87 206 2.44 87 196 2.88 87 180 2.81 87 210 2.88 87 215 2.76 87 209 (») 87 2114 (<") 87 204 2.75 3.31 3.12 Chi- cago. Bushel Dolls. 0.3722 .4697 . 4557 .4226 .4384 .5234 .4856 .4633 .4183 .4396 .4314 .4062 .4491 .4621 .4944 .5686 .6201 .6671 .6707 .6790 .6694 .5658 .6174 .7000 .7028 .6766 .7885 .6466 .6958 .6005 .6527 .7628 110 91 87 96 118 '1 110 102 87 91 32 87 92 104 6 94 83 l>79 74 74 87 85 87 83 has 83 122 113 118 141 130 124 112 118 116 105 109 121 124 133 150 140 177 180 182 153 152 166 188 189 182 212 174 160 161 176 205 Cal- cutta. Maund Rupees. 5.88 6.08 6.17 6.00 6.06 6.09 6.25 6.25 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.19 6.19 6.19 6.88 5.24 5.71 6.25 4.92 5.08 5.88 5.63 6.63 5.63 5.63 4.60 4.50 5.0O 6.25 5.25 6.00 5.00 New Orleans Pound Dolls. 0. 0538 .0456 .0467 .0456 .0444 .0467 .0450 .0463 .0469 .0456 .0466 .0456 .0463 .0447 .0433 .0447 .0478 .0475 .0670 .0479 .0697 .0708 .0781 .0475 .0476 .0488 .0671 .0702 .0710 .0702 .0708 .0713 .0773 .0776 .0793 105 102 103 104 106 106 102 102 102 102 102 102 106 106 105 100 97 89 84 86 100 85 85 83 87 85 85 85 81 83 125 130 132 145 91 125 130 132 130 132 133 144 144 147 113951° a No quotation. -19 IS 6 Interpolated. 260 INTERNATIOSTAl, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1&18. WHOLESALE PRICES IN INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1914-1917— Continued. Saltpeter. Shellac. Silk, raw. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India U.S. Market Cal- cutta. Fact'y maund Rupees. 8.06 a 8. 69 New Yorlc. Pound. Dolls. 0.0475 a . 0758 Cal- cutta. Maund Rupees. 30.50 "■27.00 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1475 0.1546 Cal- cutta. Fact'y ser. Rupees. 17.00 a 16. 33 Unit Pound. DoUs. 4. 5250 a4. 1420 Base price 1914— Year Quarters — First alio 11160 a 88 a 105 097 092 Tliird Fourtli Monthis— 8.15 9.51 .0717 .0800 101 118 151 168 28. 26 26.17 .i633 .1458 89 86 111 99 17.00 16.00 4.5917 ! 99 3. 6917 1 96 101 82 February . . . Mav June July 8.06 8.00 8.38 9.38 (») 9.63 10.46 9.27 10.00 11.55 11.00 9.38 9.19 9.25 9.75 10.38 9.88 11.13 11.88 11: 63 10.75 11.00 11.25 .0476 .0475 .1200 .0900 .0800 .0700 .1602 .0842 .1233 .1767 .2567 .0700 .0900 .0925 .1200 .1225 .1276 .1700 .1800 .1800 .1800 .2400 .3600 100 99 104 116 cllS 119 130 116 124 143 136 116 114 115 121 129 123 138 147 144 133 136 140 100 100 253 189 168 147 337 177 260 372 540 147 189 195 253 258 268 358 379 379 379 505 737 30.50 26.00 m 24.00 26.00 28.50 28.04 26.92 24.42 26.83 34.00 28.50 26.60 25.76 26.00 24.25 24.00 26.00 26.50 29.00 30.00 35. 00 37. 00 .1475 . 1575 . 18S0 .1525 .1425 .1425 .1517 .1450 .1425 . 1454 .1738 .1476 .1425 .14E0 .1425 .1425 .1425 .1413 .1425 ..1526 . 1525 .1638 .2o;o 100 85 c8« 79 85 93 92 88 80 88 111 93 87 84 82 80 79 82 87 96 98 115 121 100 107 126 103 97 97 103 98 97 99 118 100 97 98 97 97 97 96 97 103 103 111 139 17.00 C) (0) 16.00 16.00 13.88 14.60 14.50 13. 50 13.00 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.50 14.60 14.60 13.76 13.75 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 4. 6250 r 00 100 August September . . October November. . December. . . 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourtli Months — January February. .. March April Mav 4.5250 4. 7250 4.0750 3. 7250 3.2750 3.6583 3.4750 3.5083 3.4417 4. 1417 3. 3750 3.5250 3.5250 3. 5250 3. 4750 3.6260 3. 4260 3.4250 3.4750 3. 7250 3.8260 4. 8750 <:99 0.97 c 96 94 94 N2 85 85 79 76 85 85 86 85 85 85 81 81 76 76 76 76 100 104 90 82 72 79 77 78 78 92 76 78 78 78 77 June July 78 August September . . October November. . December. . . 76 77 82 85 108 a Average for last 6 months of 1914. 6 No quotation. <: Interpolated. IJfTERNATIONAL, PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 261 WHOLESALE PBICES IN INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES, By MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1914-1917— Continued. Saltpeter. Actual price. India. U. S, Relative price. India. U. S, Actual price. India. U. S, India. U. S. Relative price. Silk, raw. Actual price. India. U. India .U.S, Relative price. Market . Unit Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February.. March April May June July August — September October. , . November. December. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth..-. Months — January... February.. March April May June July August September October. . . November. December. Cal- cutta. Fact'y maund Rupees. 8.06 12.92 12.21 13.46 13.02 13.00 11.88 12.63 12.13 13.00 13.38 14.00 13.13 13.00 12.94 13.00 13.00 (a) 12.95 13.04 12.92 12.88 (") 13.13 13.00 13.00 13.00 12.88 12.88 12. SS 12.88 12.88 (") (") (a) New York. Pound. Dotts. 0.0475 .3318 .3500 .3500 .2975 . 3067. .3500 .3500 .3600 .3500 .3500 .3500 .2975 (") (a) .3000 .3100 .3100 .3117 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3167 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3200 .3200 .3100 151 167 162 161 147 157 1.50 161 166 174 163 161 161 161 161 bies 161 162 160 160 163 161 161 161 160 160 160 160 160 bieo bieo bteo 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 626 beso 632 653 656 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 653 674 674 653 Cal- cutta. Maund Rupees. 30.50 51.08 35.00 41.33 59.00 69.00 33.00 34.60 37.50 39.00 43.00 42.00 67.00 65.00 55.00 56.00 78.00 73.00 83.00 80.67 87.33 78.00 92.00 63.00 80.00 99.00 86.00 92.00 85.00 88.00 83.00 63.00 (a) la) 92.00 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1475 .2754 .2258 .2408 .2933 .3417 .2150 .2276 .2350 .2376 .2450 .2400 .2600 .2950 .3250 .3025 .3276 .3950 .5382 .4687 .5858 .5650 .5335 .4006 .4650 .6340 .5688 . 6900 .5960 .6800 .5700 .5490 .4700 .5213 .5940 167 115 136 193 226 108 113 123 128 141 138 187 213 180 184 256 230 264 286 256 ■270 207 262 326 270 302 279 272 207 SMS bsro 302 187 163 163 199 232 146 154 159 161 166 163 176 200 220 206 222 268 318 397 383 362 272 308 362 386 400 404 393 386 372 319 353 403 Cal- cutta. Fact'y ser. Rupees. 17.00 17.15 16.42 16.50 17.00 18.67 16.50 16.50 16.25 16.26 16.25 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.00 18.50 20.50 21.80 21.50 21.50 22.17 22.50 21.60 21.60 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.50 21.60 22.60 22.50 (") (a) 22.50 Pound. Dotts. 4. 5250 5. 4917 5.8500 5. 7500 6.2833 4. 8760 6. 5500 6. 0500 6. 0500 5.9000 5.6000 5. 5000 5.7500 6. 0000 6. 0600 6. 1000 6. 7000 6.7986 6. 6115 6.8385 7. 3000 (a) 6. 7600 6. 6500 6. 4000 6. 4760 6. 9400 7.0750 7.300O (a) 97 97 100 110 97 97 100 100 100 100 100 109 121 128 126 126 130 132 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 132 132 blSB biSS 132 129 121 129 127 139 108 123 134 134 130 124 122 127 133 134 135 148 160 146 161 161 (o) 149 147 141 143 153 166 161 a No quotation. ft Interpolated. 262 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IH INDIA jVND THE UNITED STATES.BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1914-1917— Continued. Skins, goat. Sugar, white. Tea, Pekoe. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. India. U.S. Market Cal- cutta. 100 pieces. Rupees. 110.00 0103.75 New York. Skin Cal- cutta. Maund Rupees. 6.75 94 "95 ol33 Interpolated. 266 INTERNATIONAL PEICB COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES. BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918. Acid, citric. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Alum. Actual price. Australia, U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Bacon. Actual price. Australia, U.S. Relative price. Market- . . Unit Base price 1913— Year , Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . , March April May June July August September., October November. . December, . . 1914— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. ., March April May June July August September . . October November. . December. . . 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. .. March April May June July August September . . October November. , December... Mel- bourne. Pound. . £s. 2 3 1 10.50 1 7 1 9 1 10. 67 2 3.25 6.75 6.75 7.76 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 11 2 2 0. 25 2 4.50 2 5 2 11. 5i 2 5, 2 7 2 11.60 3 10.50 2 02 02 2 2 2 5 5 5.25 7.50 6.75 6.75 2 6, 76 2 6. 75 3 9 3 10, 50 3 10.50 3 10.50 3 5.13 3 3 3 3 3 8,50 4,50 3 4.50 9.50 7.50 7 50 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 50 3 4.50 3 4.50 New York. Found Dolls. 0.5070 .4472 .3980 .4080 .4500 .5330 .3900 .4000 .4060 .4050 .4050 .4150 .4275 .4500 .4726 .5125 . 5.550 .6325 .5932 .5100 .5360 .5850 .7430 .5100 .5100 .5100 .6100 .5475 .5475 .5475 .5475 .6600 .8700 .7000 .6600 .5971 .5690 .5890 .6225 .5826 .5626 .5625 .5625 .5825 .6225 .6225 .6226 . 6S25 . mno .6125 .6125 106 113 129 169 105 105 106 115 112 112 112 112 164 169 1 169 150 162 147 142 147 169 158 15S 168 142 142 142 142 142 147 147 147 93 101 109 106 101 106 116 147 101 101 101 101 108 108 108 108 130 172 138 130 112 116 123 120 115 111 HI 111 115 123 12: 123 123 lis 121 121 Mel- bourne. Ton £ s. d. 10 5 10 10 10 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 6 10 6 10 5 10 6 10 6 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 15 10 5 10 5 10 10 12 10 5 10 5 10 10 10 5 10 5 11 12 12 12 8 4 12 12 12 13 13 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 15 New York. Pound, Dolls. 0.0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 . 018S .0188 .0188 .0211 .0188 .0188 .0200 .0271 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0188 .0225 .0288 .0263 0263 .0330 .0261 .0263 .0365 .0442 .0263 .0263 .0267 .0257 .0257 .0245 .0245 .0426 .0425 .0425 .0460 .0450 102 101 100 100 102 102 102 102 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 105 100 100 102 117 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 107 117 117 117 117 117 117 133 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 127 127 146 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 112 100 100 106 144 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 120 153 140 140 176 139 136 194 235 140 140 137 137 137 130 Brisbane Pound . - £ s. d. 9. 77 9. 77 9. 67 9 9 10.75 9.76 9.50 9.76 9.75 8.50 8.76 9. 50 9.75 10. 75 11.25 10.26 9.28 10. 8. 58 9.17 9.33 9. 75 9 11.50 8. 60 8 9,25 8.50 9.76 9.25 9.25 9.75 11.1 10.76 10. 42 11.67 1 2.67 9.25 11.50 11.50 11.60 10.60 9.26 130 9. 50 226 11.75 aNo quotation. 226 1 226 1 239j 1 239| 1 li Interpolated, 1.75 2,50 3,75 2,25 Chi- cago. Pound. DoUs. 0. 1298 .1236 .1109 ,1244 .1317 .1261 .1072 .1117 .1138 .1193 .1260 .1289 .1368 .1316 .1277 .1260 .1260 .1263 .1295 .1270 .1240 .1411 .1262 .1271 .1291 .1253 .1231 .1211 .1269 .1361 .1438 .1429 .1341 .1260 .1200 .1129 .1161 .1143 .1041 .1171 .1185 .1182 .1116 .1111 .1147 .1170 .1113 .1038 .0972 .1105 .1190 .1219 INTERNATIONAL PKICE COMPARISONS, IWS-IQ'IS. 267 WHOLESALE PBICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Acid, citric. Alum. Bacon. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Aus- Aus- Aus- Australia. U.S. tra- n R Australia. U.S. tra- U.S. Australia. U.S. tra- U.S. lia. lia. lia. Market... . Mel- bourne. New York. Mel- bourne. New York. Brisbane Chi- cago. Unit Pound . . £s. d. Pound. DoUe. Ton £ s. d. Pound. DoUs. Pound. . £ s. d. Pound. Dolls. Base price... 1916— Year Quarters- First 02 03 3.50 5 0.5070 .6989 10 5 23 1 8 0.0183 .0431 9.77 1 1.34 0. 1298 .1462 149 138 225 229 134 113 03 3.75 .6730 145 133 17 .0463 166 246 1 4.08 .1279 165 99 Second 03 5.25 .6925 1.5f 137 22 .043! 215 •m 01 3.83 .1408 162 108 Third 03 fi.sr .7175 1.55 142 25 6 8 .0413 247 22(1 10.17 .1663 104 120 Fourth 03 4 sr .7125 147 141 28 .0413 273 220 10.25 .1598 106 123 Months- January 3 3.75 .6525 145 129 15 .045C 146 239 014 .1223 164 94 February... 3 3.75 .675C 145 1.33 18 .050C 176 266 1 4.25 .1269 166 9S March 3 3.75 .6925 145 137 18 .0438 176 233 1 4 .1344 164 1U4 April May 3 3 75 .6925 145 137 18 .0438 17H ■m 1 4.50 .1358 169 106 3 fi .6925 1.53 137 24 00 .0438 2,34 2,33 1 4.50 .1425 169 110 June 03 6 .6925 153 137 24 00 .0438 234 233 1 2.50 .1441 148 111 July 03 7.50 .7200 1.58 142 24 00 .0413 234 220 10 .1634 102 118 August 03 7 5(1 .7175 1.5f 142 24 .0413 2,34 220 10 .1555 102 120 September.. 03 4. .5(1 .7150 147 141 28 00 .0413 2T3 220 10.60 .1600 107 123 October 03 4. ,5(1 .7125 147 141 28 00 .0413 273 220 10 .1603 102 123 November. . 03 4,, 5(1 .7125 147 141 28 .0413 273 220 («) .1626 blUS 12b December... 03 4.50 .7125 147 141 28 .0413 273 220 10.60 .1566 lOV 121 1917— Year 03 9..3fi .7445 165 147 29 14 6.50 .0444 290 236 10.25 .2382 106 184 Quarters- First 3 4 .50 .698C 147 1.3F 28 .0413 27S 22(1 10.50 .1729 107 133 Second 03 7 33 .760C 1,5f 14f 31 10 .0446 307 237 10.50 .2252 107 173 Third 3 11 .765C 171 1.51 28 16 8 .0475 2X1 2,53 10.25 .2507 105 193 Fourth 4 1 .7650 17S 151 30 .0442 293 235 9.76 .3041 100 234 Months — 3 4 .50 .680C 147 134 28 00 .0413 273 22(1 10.60 .1603 107 123 3 4 ,50 .680C 147 134 28 00 .0413 273 220 10.60 .1706 107 131 (a) .735C bliU 145 (o) .0413 bsmH 220 10.60 .1911 107 147 April May 3 4 .7425 145 146 31 10 .0413 307 220 10.50 .2131 lOV 164 3 q .7500 164 148 31 10 .0444 307 236 10.50 .2319 107 179 June 03 9 .7575 164 149 31 10 .0475 307 253 10.50 .2288 107 176 July 3 9 .7650 164 1.51 31 10 .0475 307 253 10.50 .2369 107 183 August 4 .7650 175 1.51 27 10 .0475 268 253 10.60 .2503 107 193 04 .7650 175 1,51 27 10 .0475 268 263 9.76 .2683 100 207 October 4 .7650 175 1,51 30 .0475 293 253 9.75 .3065 100 236 4 .7650 175 1,51 30 .0431 293 229 9.75 .3038 100 234 December... 4 3 .7650 185 151 30 .0425 293 226 9.75 .3016 100 232 191S-Year Quarters- First 4 4 4.02 .8852 .7940 189 182 0475 341 263 .2612 201 1,57 30 .0450 293 239 9.68 .2653 98 204 Second 04 a .50 .8475 184 167 35 .0400 341 213 9.50 .2477 9V 191 Third Fourth Months- January 04 04 4 6.75 5.25 3 .8525 1.0470 .7825 199 194 185 168 37 10 0592 366 315 .2695 207 1.54 30 .0550 293 293 9.75 .2654 100 204 4 1 .50 .8026 isr 1,58 30 .0400 293 213 9.60 .2675 9V 206 March n 4 1 ,50 .8025 18f 1,58 30 .0400 293 213 9.50 .2630 97 203 April Mky 4 1 .50 .8.300 isr 164 30 .0400 293 213 9.60 .2686 9/ 199 n 4 1.50 .8600 isr 170 37 .0400 366 213 9.50 .2475 9V 191 June 4 4.50 .8525 191 168 37 10 .0400 366 213 9.50 .2341 97 18U July 4 6 75 .8525 199 168 37 10 .0400 366 213 S.60 .2593 97 200 August September.. October November. . December... 4 04 4 6.75 6.75 6.75 .8525 .8525 .8525 1.0050 1.2825 199 199 199 bWi 188 168 168 168 198 253 37 10 37 10 37 10 (o) 37 10 239 .2669 ?fl« 0450 366 239 .2638 ?03 0775 bS66 412 .2631 203 4 3.75 .0550 366 293 .2803 216 a No quotation. b Interpolated. 268 INTEKNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Bananas. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S Beef. Actual price. Australia. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Australia. Bran. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit Base price... 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Mouths- January. . . February - March April May June Brisbane Case £ s. d. 10 9 10 6. 43 9 2 (") 12 S 12 7 7 July August September.. October November. . •December... 1914r-Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January. . . February. March April May June July August September.. October November. . December. . . 191,5— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May June 6 9 (a) (a) (») (») (.") 13 13 9 10 6 11 9. ; 9 10 13 14 10 8 10 (a) 10' (») 13 12 15 15 13 9 13 4 14 4 13 6 10 7 9 10 13 16 July. 16 16 ■ 11 13 6 14 13 August, September. . October November. . December... New York. Bunch, Dolls. 0.8479 ' . 7958 .7833 .8000 .9917 .9500 .7750 .6251 . 52.50 .9000 .9750 1. 0000 1. 0000 .9750 .7750 .6500 .4000 (a) 115 116 70 70 8 (a) W (°) (") (a) 121 128 . 8521 109 . 8760 87 .91671 . 8867: 124 . 7500' 130 . 8750| . 8750 74 . 8750 93 . 8500 . 8000! 1.1000: ''107 1. 0000, 121 .8000 .8000 .8000 .7500 .7000 .7000 .9500 .9083 .7333 .7000 .7000 .7000 1. 2500 .8000 .8000 1.0500 .8250 .8500 .8000 .8500 112 140 140 HSO 121 117 70 84 93 126 153 . 5500 121 " No quotation. Sydney. Cwt.... £ s. d. 1 7 10 1 5 11 92 94 117 72 112 91 74 62 106 115 118 118 115 91 77 47 7 6 4 5 2 5 2 100 1 11 11. 50 103 103 103 100 94 130 118 94 112 107 83 147 94 94 124 97 100 94 100 65 1 8 2 1 12 10 1 13 2 1 13 8 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 12 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 10 1 15 1 13 1 9 1 18 2 13 11 1 18 10 2 3 6 3 13 2 3 2 2 1 1 17 18 3 3 16 3 14 2 18 2 8 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1293 .1252 .1161 .1256 .1287 .1291 .1144 .1138 .1200 .1300 .1225 .1244 .1285 .1276 .1300 .1300 .1288 .1285 .1346 .1302 .1293 .1425 .1365 .1319 .1306 .1280 .1275 .1300 .1305 .J406 .1444 .1426 .1356 .1255 .1212 .1207 .1350 .1249 .1294 .1206 .1135 .1113 .1213 .1295 .1369 .1350 .1331 .1269 .1265 .1213 97 95 90 90 104 90 97 101 95 101 118 119 121 122 110 126 120 . 1400 108 . 1340 137 140 156 263 216 147 135 137 154 147 167 228 287 273 286 208 174 Brisbane Ton £ s. 5 5 d. 5.45 Minne- apoUs. Ton... Dolls. 20. 6887 97 90 97 100 100 93 101 95 99 99 101 101 100 101 100 110 106 102 101 99 120 101 109 112 110 105 108 104 94 93 104 97 100 93 5 10 5 5 510 6 3 4 510 6 5 5 15 6 16 410 5 10 5 10 (a) 510 510 5 6 6 5 5 5 6 5 10 7 18 4 5 5 5 510 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 517 6 6 10 6 10 7 7 15 9 3 11 5 818 5 5 94 Interpolated. 910 9 6 8 15 10 (o) 12 10 10 10 910 6 15 4 15 4 15 6 5 18. 3654 18. 0729 16.4231 19. 1339 19. 7600 19. 2188 18. 0938 16. 9063 16. 1000 16. 4063 16. 8438 16. 7750 19. 8125 20. 9600 19. 6000 19. 3438 20. 2750 21. 0168 22. 7692 21. 2212 19. 8654 20. 2115 21. 6563 22. 2500 24. 0760 22. 6563 22. 0000 19. 4500 18. 0313 21. 1663 20. 3000 18. 7813 20. 6938 21. 0500 20. 0409 22. 1154 20. 3846 19. 4712 18. 1923 22. 8125 22. 8438 20. 9750 22. 0625 19. 7500 19. 6600 20. 4083' 19. 7750' 18. 15631 18. 2.500 18. onon, 18. 37.50 180 175 168 190 HIS 237 INTEKNATIONAL PRICK COMPABISONS, 1913-1918, 269 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Base price... 1916— Year Quarters — First Second Turd Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September . . October November . December. . 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April May June July August September . . October November . . December- . - 1918— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May June July August September . October November . December. . Bananas. Actual price. Australia. Brisbane Case £ s. d. 10 9 10 9. 82 9 10 11 13 12 6 9 11 10 10 14 8 12 12 6 (a) 14 6 8 10 9 10 9 4 11 7 6 8 9 9 9 9 11 9 10 8 9 10 12 10 10 10 9 12 12 14 12 New York. Bunch. Dolls. '0.8479 .7500 .9000 1.0 1.0000 ..5500 .8500 .8500 .7500 .9750 .9750 1. 2250 1.0250 (a) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1..3529 1.0000 1.0615 1.7462 1.6250 1.0000 1.0000 1. 0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.2000 l.SOOO 1.8000 1.6250 1. 6250 1.6260 1.6250 1.8021 3.2187 2.6 1. 9250 1.6250 1. 6250 la) («) W 3.7500 3.7500 1.9250 1.9250 1.9250 1. 9250 1.9250 Relative price. Aus tra- lia. 96 105 126 112 56 84 102 130 74 112 116 135 82 102 70 74 84 84 84 84 107 106 133 118 65 100 100 88 115 115 144 121 ills U8 118 118 160 118 125 206 192 118 118 118 118 118 142 212 212 192 192 192 192 279 192 442 310 227 192 192 b iSl? bSSO 442 442 227 227 227 227 227 Beef. Actual price. Australia. Sydney. . Cwt.. £ s. d. 1 7 10 3 3 3 6 2 17 10 2 18 9 1 4 3 6 3 1 6 3 ] 6 2 19 2 13 2 13 3 4 6 (a) 6 3 2 6 2 16 6 2 15 2 2 13 10 3 2 4 4 2 17 2 17 2 10 2 10 2 15 2 15 (<■) (a) C) C) (a) C) 2 12 U.S. New York. Found Dolls. 0. 1293 . 1.339 .1253 .1365 .1404 . 1317 .1238 .1233 .1288 .1281 .1313 .1500 .1425 .1400 .1388 .1300 .1326 .1325 .1640 .1432 .1642 .1733 .1752 .1365 .1463 .1485 .1631 .1625 .1675 .1685 .1706 .1819 .1725 .1688 .1850 .2083 .1753 .2231 .2216 .2138 .1790 .1725 .1750 .2063 .2200 .2431 .2140 .2163 .2363 .2035 .2163 .2275 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. 208 218 220 237 226 221 221 212 190 190 232 bgSS 234 226 203 224 207 207 181 181 199 199 212 230 230 230 230 a) la) («) la) la) (») (°) (a) («) (») 187 97 106 109 102 95 100 99 102 116 110 108 107 101 102 102 111 127 134 135 106 113 116 126 126 130 130 132 141 133 131 143 136 173 171 165 138 133 135 160 170 188 166 167 183 157 167 176 Bran. Actual price. Australia. Brisbane Ton.. £s. 5 5 d. 5.45 6 19 2 6 8 4 5 18 4 5 2 6 9 15 5 17 6 5 6 5 10 6 16 7 6 15 (o) 5 5 9 2 5 5 5 15 5 17 8 5 15 5 15 4 17 6 6 5 16 5 16 5 15 5 15 6 3 6 5 10 6 11 6 5 5 16 5 10 5 10 6 10 6 15 10 Minne- apolis. Ton... Relative price. Dolls. 20.6887 20. 5481 18. 6923 18.3654 19. 6962 25. 5385 18.6563 19. 2250 18. 0626 18. 5000 18. 6750 17.8438 17. 7188 19. 9500 21. 0313 24. 3250 27. 1563 25. 4376 32. 3676 31.7981 32. 5000 31. 2212 34.0833 28. 8250 32.6000 34.8125 38. .5000 32.7000 26.2600 32. 6600 30.6250 30. 1563 30.7260 33.6938 40.3333 31.8183 34.2517 32.8358 28.7846 31. 6046 34.6500 34. 4967 33. 6950 33. 4780 32.3188 32. 5600 26.8860 30. 1900 29.75381 29.39401 29. mm' 35. 8390 a No quotation. l> Interpolated. 270 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICBS IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Brass. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Butter. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Calves, prime. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Market. Unit Base price... 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March. April May June July August September, October November. December. . Sydney.. Pound.. £ s. i. 11.52 11.50 11.50 11. 50 11.60 11.50 11. 50 11. 50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 11. 77 11.50 11.58 0.0 11.67 1 0.33 11.50 11.60 11.50 11.50 11.50 11. 75 11. 75 11.75 11.50 10 10 1 1 1 2.92 1 1 1 1.33 1 3.33 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1604 .1783 .1825 .1833 .1783 .1692 (a) (a) .1825 .1825 .1825 .1850 .1850 .1750 .1750 .1750 .1663 .1663 .1400 .1492 .1450 .1388 .1271 .1575 .1450 .1450 .1450 .1450 .1450 .1388 .1388 .1388 .1313 .1275 .1225 .2232 .1558 .1952 .2758 .2658 .1325 .1550 .1800 .1630 .2176 .2050 .2900 .2625 .2760 .2650 .2625 .2725 Brisbane Cwt.. £ 3. 5 3 d. 9.82 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 102 100 101 101 107 100 100 100 100 100 102 102 102 100 104 104 113 130 113 116 133 156 113 113 113 113 113 122 122 122 156 158 156 156 114 114 111 106 l>114 114 114 114 115 115 109 109 109 104 104 87 93 90 87 79 5 3 2.18 4 18 8 5 6 5 3 5 5 5 4 4 16 4 16 4 14 4 18 2 4 7 4 4 5 7 3 6 5 4 5 1 8 5 14 5 8 4 4 8 2 3 139 97 122 172 166 83 97 112 102 136 128 5 18 5 12 5 12 3 3 7 3 10.; 1 9 10 3 164 171 164 164 170 5 18 7 2 9 14 10 5 1016 7 16 7 7 7 7 9 4 Chi- cago. Pound Dolls. 0. 2724 .3312 .2850 .2659 .3042 .3144 .3331 .3460 .3213 .2681 .2655 .2550 .2572 .2856 .2856 .3019 .3250 .2731 .2762 .2442 .2737 .2975 .2675 .2605 .2350 .2431 .2545 .2666 .2785 .2869 .2838 .3050 .3081 .2743 .2913 .2711 .2426 .2909 .3000 .2963 .2775 .2826 .2670 .2638 .2500 .2360 .2419 .2626 .2895 .3206 95 102 100 103 100 100 103 101 98 110 104 100 100 104 Brisbane Head.. £ s. d. 2 7 9.30 2 1 9.82 122 105 1 18 4 1 10 2 6 8 2 8 4 (a) 94 94 105 105 111 119 100 101 90 100 110 17 : 7 5 2 15 )2 15 12 5 )2 5 2 11 3.38 1 15 2 12 7 2 7 6 2 16 8 1 15 (") (») 5 3 2 12 6 (<■) 7 6 2 6 7 6 2 11 1.64 2 8 9 2 2 10 10 4 2 (") 2 2 6 2 15 7 6 1 12 6 2 10 2 7 6 2 15 3 15 3 10 2 7 6 New York. Cwt.. DoUs 12.0083 12.0396 12. 1667 11. 1667 11. 7833 13.0417 12. 2500 12. 3750 11,8750 12.0000 10. 3750 11. 1250 10. 8750 11. 8750 12. 6000 13.3750 12. 8750 12. 8760 11.9208 12. 5833 10. 6250 12. 2250 12. 2500 13. 3750 12.0000 13. 3750 11.6260 9. 3750 10. 8750 11. 1250 12. 3000 13. 2500 12.0000 11. 6250 13.1250 12. 1354 12. 7083 10. 4583 12. 7083 12. 6667 12.3750 12.8760 12. 8750 11.8750 8. 8750 10. 6250 11.7500 13.0000 13.3760 13.3750 12.3750 12. 2500 86 100 66 98 101 84 99 58 68 68 6 73 78 99 115 115 94 94 107 91 110 103 119 73 i9t ilOS 126 95 110 btoe bios 99 126 131 99 107 "" No quotation. 6 Interpolated. INTBKNATIONAl, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 271 WHOLESALE ■ PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Brass. Butter. Calves, prime. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Aus- Aus- Aus- Australia. U.S. tra- Ua. U.S. Australia. U.S. tra- lia. U.S. Australia. U.S. tra- Ua. U.S. Market... Sydney.. New Yorlt. Brisbane Chi- cago. Brisbane New York. Unit Pound.. £ s. d. Cwt £ 8. d Pound. Dons. Head... £ s. d. Cwt... Dolls. Dolls. Base price... 1916— Year Quarters- First 11.52 2 0.67 0.1604 .4217 5 3 9.82 6 17 7.64 0.2724 .3179 2 7 9.30 2 7 7.64 12.0083 12.4376 214 ■263 133 117 103 104 18 .3667 174 229 6 8 5.33 .3159 124 116 2 5 12.3333 94 103 Second 2 2 .4267 ?.W ?fi6 6 16 10.67 .3019 132 111 1 16 8 10.7917 77 90 Third 2 2 .4460 22fi 277 7 3 1.33 .2910 138 107 2 10 9 13.250C 116 110 Fourth 2 2.67 .4483 231 279 7 4 4 .3622 139 133 2 19 2 13.3750 124 111 Months- .te January 1 6 .3500 1,56 218 6 6 120 107 2 5 12.3750 94 103 February... 1 8 .3800 174 237 6 10 .3100 126 114 2 12 6 12.0000 110 100 March 1 10 .3700 193 2,11 6 10 4 .3463 126 127 1 17 6 12.6250 78 10b April May 2 2 .4050 2J6 2.52 6 10 8 .3383 126 124 2 2 6 10.5000 89 87 2 2 .4300 226 268 7 .2866 135 105 2 2 6 9.7500 89 81 June 2 2 .4460 226 277 7 .2817 135 103 16 12.1260 62 101 July 2 2 2 2 .4460 .4460 226 226 277 277 7 7 .2683 .2906 135 IS.'! 98 107 1 15 3 6 6 12.7600 13.3750 73 139 106 August 111 September. . 2 2 .4450 226 277 7 9 4 .3141 144 116 (») 13.62.50 blSS 113 October 2 2 .4450 226 277 6 19 4 .3373 134 124 3 2 6 13.8760 131 116 November. . 2 2 .4460 226 277 W .3763 bm 138 2 15 12.3750 115 103 December... 2 4 .4550 243 284 7 9 4 .3731 144 137 3 13.8760 126 116 1917— Year Quarters- First 2 7.08 .4269 270 266 7 12 6.33 .4034 147 148 2 16 10. 20 15.6354 119 130 2 3.67 .4660 240 284 7 9 4 .3865 144 142 4 14 16.0000 170 123 Second 2 6 .4500 260 281 7 12 5.33 .3919 147 144 1 7 4 15.0417 bV 126 Third 2 8.67 .4167 284 260 7 18 8 .3928 1.53 144 3 2 16.2083 126 13b Fourth 2 10 .3868 295 241 7 9 4 .4404 144 162 3 2 16.2917 130 186 Months — January 2 1 .4560 217 284 7 9 4 .3681 144 136 3 5 16.7500 136 131 February... 2 4 .4550 243 284 7 9 4 .3969 144 146 3 14 15.8750 16b 132 March 2 6 .4550 260 284 7 9 4 .3944 144 146 5 5 13.3760 220 111 April May 2 6 .4600 260 281 7 9 4 .4200 144 164 1 13 16.3750 69 136 2 6 .4600 260 281 7 9 4 .3794 144 139 1 13 13.7500 69 115 June 2 6 .4500 260 281 7 18 8 .3763 153 138 16 15.0000 34 125 July 2 6 .4600 260 281 7 18 8 .3700 1,53 136 3 13 15.8750 163 132 August 2 10 .4000 296 249 7 18 8 .3938 153 145 2 14 6 15.8760 114 132 September.. D 2 10 .4000 295 249 7 18 8 .4203 153 154 !2 13 16.8760 111 141 October 2 10 .4000 295 249 7 9 4 .4260 144 166,3 2 16.8750 130 141 November. . 2 10 .4000 296 249 7 9 4 .4325 144 159 l^l 16.126C (o) 134 December... 2 10 .3575 295 223 7 9 4 .4675 144 172 16.8760 C") 132 1918 Year .3467 .3076 295 216 192 .4857 .4668 144 178 171 18.8646 18.1667 107 1,57 Quarters- First 2 10 7 9 4 2 11 161 2 10 3108 295 194 6 15 5.33 .4133 130 152 17.6417 146 Third .3708 .3976 231 248 .4747 .6948 174 218 19. 2083 20. 5417 160 Fourth 171 Months- January 3 2 10 .3075 295 192 7 9 4 .4788 144 176 W 17.3750 \:l 14b February. . . 3 2 10 .3076 295 192 7 9 4 .4844 144 IVS (O! 18.8760 167 March 3 2 10 .3075 296 192 7 9 4 .4344 144 169 2 11 18. 2500 107 lb2 April May 3 2 10 .3076 295 192 7 9 4 .4055 144 149 (a") 20. 8760 (a) 174 2 10 .3075 295 192 6 8 6 .4144 124 162 (a) 15.6250 (o) 130 June 2 10 .3175 295 198 6 8 6 .4188 124 154 (a) 16.1250 (a) 134 July 2 10 .3176 .3976 .3975 .3976 .3975 .3975 295 198 248 248 248 248 248 6 8 6 .4292 .4468 .6450 .5526 .5935 .6281 124 168 ■164 200 203 218 231 2 6 6 (a) 18.3750 18.3760 20.8750 20.8750 19.8760 20.8760 97 a 1.53 1.53 September.. 174 October 174 166 174 a No quotation. b Interpolated, 272 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Australia. Market. Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Tliird Fourth Montlis— January... February. March April May June July August September October. . , November. December. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August. . .. September. October. . . November. December. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September October.,. November. December. Cement, first series. Actual price. Sydney. 3 bags... £ s. d. 13 S 13 8 14 14 14 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 U.S. New York. Barrel. Dolls. 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1..5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. 100 102 102 102 93 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 1.4525 104 1.53.33 1.3792 1.3658 1.5317| 1.5800 1.5800 1.4400 1.4000 1.4000 1.3375 1.3375 1.3375 1.4225 1.4225 1.4226 1. 7500 102 102 106 106 102 102 102 102 102 102 106 106 106 106 106 106 Australia, 100 100 100 100 Cement, second series. Actual price. Mel- bourne. Barrel.., £ s. d. 14 5.50 14 4.50 14 4 13 10 14 4 16 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 16 1000 14 100 14 100 15 1000 16 100 14 1000 14 100,0 14 100,0 14 100,0 14 100,0 14 100,0 14 100 16 100,0 15 6 100 16 1000 15 6 100,0 16 6 92|1 1 9.i 97|1 871 881 9111 89'!. 391 85jl 8S'l 851 901 901 U.S. 100,0 17 6 lOOJl Relative price. Aus- tra- lia, New York. Barrel. Dolls. 1. 5800 1.6800 1.6800 1.6800 1.6800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1.6800 1.6800! 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1.6800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.6800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5800 1.5333 1.3792 1.3658 1.6317 1.5800 1.5800 1.4400 1.4000 1.4000 1.3375 1.3375 1.3375 1.4226 1.4226 1.4225 1.7600 Chaff, oaten. Actual price. U.S.:A\istralia, U.S. 96 99 104 100 100 97 93 97 97 97 100 100 100 107 104 100 97 105 111 100 100 100 97 97 97 97 111 107 111 107 114 1.4625 151 139 166 154 143 121 138 169 166 166 166 169 169 145 146 138 145 100 100 100 100 Brisbane Ton £ s. a 5 12 6 5 8 1.50 4 15 6 3 9 6 7 100 5 100 100 100 100 100 Chi- cago. Ton.. 4 10 C) (a) 4 15 5 12 6 100 100 100 100 100 100 5 W 7 6 5 (a) 6 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 5 17 8 6 16 5 4 2 5 15 6 15 10 6 10 6 10 4 6 6 12 6 5 12 6 4 7 100 5 12 100 6 9 loole 12 100 6 17 100 7 15 100 5 15 Dolls 6. 8750 6.7083 6.5000 7.0000 6.5000 6. 8333 7.2500 6. 2500 6.0000 6.2500 7.0000 7.7500 ! 6.5000 6.2600 6. 7600 6.2500 7.0000 7.2600 6.9583 7.0833 7.0833 6.6667 7.0000 7.0000 ! 7.2500 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.2600 6.7500 6.5000 6.7500 6.7.500 7.0000^ 7.25001 Relative price. .4us- Ira- lia. 112 1>81 b83 84 100 93 ills 131 76 i9S 118 104 102 93 102 121 116 116 76 100 100 78 100 107 100 122 138 102 92 10 3 4. 50 6. 97921 181 977 1 8 87 9 10 10 8813 6 9711015 100 100 91 89 89 85 85 85 90 90 90 111 10 7 16 7 10 11 9 12 13 10 13 3 5 5 7.5000 7.1667' 6.9167! 6.3333' 7. 7500 7. 25001 7. 50001 7.0000! 7.0000 7. 5000 7.5000 7.0000 6.2500 5.6000 7.2500; 6. 2500 o No quotation. 6 Interpolated. INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 273 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Australia. Cement, first series. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Australia. Cement, second series. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Australia. Chafl, oaten. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Market - Unit Base price.. 1916— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April..- May June Sydney. 3 bags.. e s. d. 13 8 14 10.13 15 14 9 16 6 14 1. 50 July August September. October November . December. - 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April S&y June 15 15 15 14 14 14 15 15 15 14 H 14 July August September. October November . December. . 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September - October November . December- . 9 4.50 14 8.25 14 6 14 9 14 9 14 9 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 New York. Barrel. Dolls. 1.5800 1.6 1. 6700 1. 6700 1.6700 1. 7450 1. 6700 1. 6700 1.6700 1.6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1.6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1.8 2.0942 1.9 2.1500 2. 1200 2. 1200 1.9200 2.0200 2. 0200 2. 1500 2.1500 2. 1500 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1200! 2. 6465 2. 1475 2. 5077 2. 6923 3. 2000 2. 1425 2.1500 2. 1500 2.3500 2.5660 2.5925 2. 6000 2.6000 2.9000 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 110 108 113 103 110 110 110 108 108 108 115 115 110 105 102 102 106 108 108 102 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 Mel- bourne. Barrel.. £ s. d. 14 5.50 19 10 106 106 106 110 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 120 80 4 19 10 18 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 6 19 18 18 6 126 136 134 134 122 128 128 136 136 136 134 134 134 134 134 134 167 136 159 170 203 1 1 6.50 18 1 4 1 3 2 1 4 8 18 18 18 18 1 1 1 2 136 149 162 164 165 165 184 ., 203 .1 '203 .1 203 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 10 1 5 2 6 3 4 4 5 5 1 6 1 7 New York. Barrel. Dolls. 1.5800 Brisbane Ton Chi- cago. Ton.. s. d. 5 12 6 1.6 1.6700 1.6700 1.6700 1. 7450 1. 6700 1. 6700 1.6700 1.6700 1.6700 1.6700 1.6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1.6700 1.8 2. 0942 1.9867 2. 1500 2. 1200 2. 1200 1.9200 2. 0200 2.0200 2,1600 2. 1500 2. 1500 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 6465 2. I475I 2. 5077i 2. 6923| . 3. 2000J . 2. 1425 2. 1500 2.1500 2.3500 2. 5660 2. 5925 2. 6000 2. 6000 . 2. 9000 . 3.2000. 3. 2000 . 3. 2000 . 143 141 137 128 145 145 138 138 138 145 138 138 135 131 125 128 125 141 160 171 125 125 125 125 145 152 156 169 166 166 173 173 106 106 106 110 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 120 6 11 8 5 9 2 5 15 10 5 8 9 5 6 10 5 12 6 4 15 6 10 5 5 5 12 6 5 2 6 (a) 5 15 I8OI 187i 180 180 180! 126 136 1.34 134 122 128 128 136 136 136 134 134 134 134 134 134 136 1.59 170 203 1.36 136 1.36 149 162 164 165 165 184 203 203 203 5 12 4 5 3 4 4 14 2 6 5 10 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 12 6 5 5 6 6 7 5 12 6 7 5 6 13 5 6 18 7 3 4 6 10 6 2 6 5 12 6 7 7 10 7 7 10 Dolls. 6.875 7. 4167 7.0000 7.8333 7.2500 7.51 7. 5000 7.0000 6.6000 6.5000 8. 0000 9.0000 7.2500 7. 2500 7. 2500 6. 2600 7. 6000 9. 0000 9. 3958 9.0833 9. 08.33 9. 5833 7. 7500 9. 7500 9. 7500 7. 7.500 9.2500 10. 2500 11.2600 9.2500 8. 2.500 9. 2.500 9.6000 10. 7600 12.1731 7.6731 11.0000 13. 6260 11.9500 7.2600 7.2600 8. 6250 7.0000 9. 8600 a No quotation. t> Interpolated. 274 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. .. March April May June July August — September October... November. . December. . . 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second — Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September October... November. December. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . , March April May ■June July August September October... November. December. Actual price. Australia. Brisbane Pound.. £ a. d. 6. 92 6. 29 00 00 6.38 5.60 7.01 6.50 6.63 6.60 6 4 4.25 8.25 7. (") 6. 63 6. 60 6. 50 6. 50 7.17 6.33 7. 7. 6. 6.50 6.26 6.25 7.25 7.63 8.76 7.50 7.75 6.88 10.30 7. 10 11.29 11. 08 1 1 6.50 7. 9.50 1 0.38 11.26 10. 25 11 11 11. 25 Chi- cago. Pound Dolls. 0. 1466 .1418 .1560 .1327 .1361 .1440 .1575 .1626 .1450 .1306 .1281 .1395 .1325 .1322 .1405 .1463 .1406 .1460 .1438 .1629 .1446 .1358 .1326 .1638 .1644 .1605 .1525 .1438 .1376 .1338 .1405 .1331 .1288 .1315 .1376 .1423 .1461 .1420 . 133!7 .1489 .1422 .1504 .1458 .1417 .1468 .1376 .1416 .1270 .1319 .1360 .1463 .1644 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. 92 79 101 94 58 61 119 107 blOl 96 94 94 104 91 114 114 95 94 90 90 105 110 126 121 108 112 149 114 159 163 160 94 110 137 128 173 173 179 163 148 159 159 163 U.S. 106 91 92 107 111 100 96 99 111 99 93 90 112 112 109 104 Coflee. Actual price. Australia, Mel- bourne Pound.. £ s. d. 1 1.50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.50 1 1.50 1 1. 50 1 1.50 1 1. 50 1 1. 50 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.50 1 1.60 1 1.50 1 1. 60 1 1. 60 1 1.60 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1..50 U.S. New York. Found. Dolls. 0.2190 .2112 .2063 .2017 .2175 .2187 .2075 .2068 .2050 .1990 .1950 .2119 .2176 .2175 .2175 .2176 .2181 .2200 .2249 .2200 .2200 .2281 .2315 .2200 .2200 .2200 .2200 .2200 .2200 .2200 .2275 .2350 .2350 .2300 .2300 .2201 .2231 .2177 .2150 .2246 .2300 .2200 .2200 .2200 .2188 .2160 .2160 .2160 .2150 .2181 .2276 .2275 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 U.S. 96 94 92 99 100 95 94 94 91 Copper, sheet. Actual price. Australia. Sydney. Pound. £ s. d. 11.52 11.50 11. 60 11.50 11.50 1L50 11.50 11.50 11. 50 11.60 11. 60 11. 50 11.60 11.50 11.60 11.50 11.50 11. 50 11.77 11. 60 11.58 11. 67 1 0. 33 11.50 11.50 11.60 11.50 11.60 11.75 11.75 11.75 11. 60 10 10 99 99 99 100 100 103 100 100 104 106 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 104 107 107 106 105' Oil 101 1 1.58 102 1 99 1 1.33 98 1 2 103, 12 105 1 100 1 100, 1 100, 1 100 1 98 1 98 1 98 1 98 1 100 1 104 1 104' 1 U.S. New York. Pound. Dons. 0.2035 .2119 .2200 .2100 .2033 .2142 .2300 .2200 .2100 .2100 .2100 .2100 .2000 .2000 .2100 .2200 .2200 .2026 .1879 .2008 .1958 .1833 .1717 . 2026 .2000 .2000 .1976 .1975 .1925 .1900 .1860 . 17.50 .1700 .1650 .1800 .2246 .1917 .2300 .2400 .2367 .1860 .1950 .1950 .2100 .2400 .2400 .2600 .2400 .2300 .2300 .2300 .2500 Relative price. a No quotation. i Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL . PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 275 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Cheese. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus tra- Ila. U.S Coffee. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S, Copper, sheet. Actual price. Australia, U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Market, unit Base price.. a916-Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Tourth .Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. a917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April May .June Brisbane .Pound. £s. d. 6.92 9.58 lO.SO 9.42 9.21 9 11.25 10.13 10. 13 9.63 9. 9 9. 75 9.75 8. 13 9.75 (») 8.25 00 9.42 9 9.33 9.33 10 July Au^st... September.. October November. December.. 8.25 9.25 9.50 9.50 9.25 9.25 9.50 9.50 9.75 9.75 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April May June 9. 75 .0 9.33 .Tuly....... August...-. September. October November. December.. 9.75 9. 75 9. 75 10 9 9 9 Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0.1466 .1714 .1707 .1541 .1592 .2175 .1708 .1750 .1663 .1625 .1550 .1447 .1448 .1516 .1813 .1891 .233.4 .2300 .2269 .2248 .2311 .2218 .230!> .2183 .2150 .2393 .2310 .2385 .2238 .2110 .2185 .2388 .2373 .2288 .2429 .2152 .2529 .3403 .2341 .2575 .2383 .2125 .2128 .2197 .2294 .2460 .2785 .3385 .3325 .3495 138 133 130 163 146 146 139 139 130 141 141 117 141 ilSO 119 136 130 135 135 145 119 134 137 137 134 134 130 137 137 141 141 152 119 116 105 109 148 117 119 113 111 106 153 158 151 157 149 147 163 168 163 153 144 149 163 162 156 156 181 Mel- bourne, Pound. . £8. d. 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 1. 50 1 1.50 1 1.50 (a) 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 1. 50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1 1.50 166 1 1. 50 147 1 1.50 173 1 1.50 232 1 1.50 160 176 163 145 145 150 156 168 190 231 227 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 1.50 1 1.50 (") 1 1.50 New York. Pound. Bolls. 0. 2190 .2515 .2613 .2562 .2550 .2275 .2285 .2460 .2588 .2626 .2625 .2588 .2660 .2550 .2550 .2560 .2550 .2538 .2538 .2546 .2515 .2660 .2550 .2560 .2613 .2500 .2540 .2600 .2460 .2475 .2650 .2560 .2560 .2671 .2550 .2550 .2550 .2655 .2550 .2650 .2550 .2660 .2550 .2560 .2560 .2550 .2560 .2600 .2660 .2750 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ilOO 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ilOO 100 107 119 117 116 104 104 112 118 120 120 118 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 115 116 116 116 116 114 116 119 119 112 113 116 116 116 117 116 116 116 121 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 119 121 126 Sydney.. Pound.. £>. d. 11.S2 1 10 14 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 02 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 02 2 2 2 6.83 2 6 7.33 8 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 New York. Pound Dolls. 0.203S .3592 .3167 .3617 .3750 .3833 .2900 .3200 .3400 .3450 .3660 .3750 .3750 .3750 .3750 .3760 .3750 .4000 .3908 .4267 .4200 .3733 .3433 .4200 .4200 .4400 .4400 .4200 .4000 .4000 .3600 .3600 .3500 .3500 .3300 .3381 .3150 .3183 .3687 .3600 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3160 .3150 .3260 .3568 .3600 .3600 .3600 .3600 .3600 113951° « No quotation. -19 19 & Interpolated. 276 INTERNATIONAL, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit..... Base price.. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Tiiird Fourth Months- January... Fehruary. March April...... May June July Atlgu^t September . OctoDer November. December. . 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. March April May June July August September. October — November. December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March .\pril May June July August September. October November. December. . Copper, sulphate of. Actual price. Australia. Mel- bourne, Ton £ s.a. Dolls. 27 7 6 0.0493 U.S. New York. Pound. 27 12 6 26 29 6 27 10 27 13 4 26 26 26 27 10 30 5 30 5 27 10 27 10 27 10 27 10 27 16 27 15 28 5 10 27 10 26 16 8 28 13 4 30 3 4 27 15 27 15 27 27 26 15 26 15 26 15 26 15 32 10 32 10 29 29 33 11 8 29 13 33 38 13 4 29 29 31 33 33 39 10 43 10 .0521 .0542 .0525 .0517 .0500 .0550 .0550 .0525 .0525 . 0625 .0526 .0525 .0525 .0600 .0500 .0500 .0500 .0463 .0480 .0475 .0466 .0440 .0480 .0480 .0480 .0480 .0480 .0465 .0465 .0450 .0450 .0450 .0435 .0435 .0643 .0478 .0658 .0725 .0708 .0435 .0450 .0560 .0600 .0676 .0700 .0725 .0726 .0726 .0675 .0650 .0800 Relative price. Cows, prime. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. 96 107 100 101 95 95 95 100 111 111 100 100 100 100 101 101 100 105 110 119 119 106 106 106 110 106 105 101 112 112 106 106 106 106 106 106 101 101 101 101 Actual price. Australia. 130 97 133 147 144 Sydney, Head.. £ 3. d, 7 18 4 7 2 1.01 7 7 010.01 712 6 615 7 10 6 7 6 7 2 6 7 5 7 2 6 6 16 7 5 817 6 6 15 6 17 6 612 6 6 16 8 15 7.51 717 6 9 8 4 8 12 6 9 4 2 8 7 5 8 7 6 9 6 9 5 915 U.S. 810 717 6 9 10 9 817 6 915 13 11 8 10 U 8 1110 16 3 4 16 1 8 1110 10 5 10 12 16 10 1116 14 16 1810 17 1816 12 10 Chi- cago, Cwt.. Dolls. 9. 1022 8.9288 8. 9560 8. 7767 8.9833 9.0004 9. 0125 8. 9125 8. 9400 8. 8938 8. 6663 8. 7S0G 8. 9876 8. 8875 9. 0760 9. 1260 8.9563 8. 9200 9. 6620 9. 2383 9. 1867 10. 0767 10. 1479 9. 2250 9.2250 9. 2650 9. 2750 9. 12.60 9. 1600 9. 6750 10. 0300 10. 5250 10. 4600 10. 2188 9. 7750 9. 3117 8. 8063 8.7484 9. 8159 9. 7717 9.1583 8. 5938 8. 8667 8. 3313 8. 6460 9. 2688 9.9063 9. 8100 9. 7313 9. 6876 9. 9400 9. 6876 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S 96 86 95 81 90 92 90 85 92 112 85 87 84 85 119 109 116 101 92 106 117 117 123 107 99 120 114 112 123 172 134 145 204 203 145 129 126 161 126 148 177 202 234 215 237 158 Dynamite. Actual price. Australia. U. S. 101 101 111 111 101 101 102 102 100 101 106 110 116 115 112 107 102 Sydney, Case £ s. d. 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 8 2 10 6 2 8 2 8 2 13 2 13 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 13 2 13 2 13 2 13 2 13 2 13 Oi East- em, found Dolls. 0. 1125 .1125 .1125 .1125 .1126 .1126 .1125 . 1126 .1125 .1125 .1125 .1125 .1125 .1125 .1125 .1125 .1125 .1125 . 1103 .1126 .1125 .1086 .1076 .1126 .1125 .1125 .1125 .1126 .1125 .1108 .1075 .1076 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1166 .1075 . 1075 .1075 .1399 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1075 .1076 .1158 .1390 .1650 Relative price. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 277 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. MONTHS, Copper, sulphate of. Cows, prime. Dynamite. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Aus- Aus- Aus- Australia. U.S. trar U R Australia. U.S. tra- U.S. Australia. U.S. trar U.S. lia. lia. Ua. Market Mel- bourne. New York. Sydney. Chi- cago. Sydney. East- em. Unit Ton £ s. d. Pound Dolls. Head... £ s. d. Cwt... Case.. £ s. d. Pound Dolls. Dolls. Base price... 1916— Year 27 7 6 68 11 8 0.0493 .1335 718 15 6 4 4.37 9. 1022 10.4201 2 3 2 13 0. 1125 .1821 2,51 271 193 114 123 162 Quarters- First 47 16 8 .1817 175 36!) 16 1 X 9.4809 203 104 2 13 11 .1750 123 1.56 Second 7013 4 .1608 25f 326 1418 4 10.2779 ISS U» 2.13 (1 .19,50 123 173 Third 8013 4 .0833 296 160 14 12 6 10.7167 186 UX 2.13 (1 .1834 123 163 Fourtli 75 3 4 .1083 275 . 220 15 8 4 11.3342 196 125 2 13 (1 .1750 12:1 166 Months- January 43 10 .1450 16S 294 16 10 9.48O0 208 IIM 2 13 (1 .1650 123 14V February . . . 50 .200(1 isa 406 15 10 9.2813 196 102 2 13 11 .16,50 123 14V March 50 .2000 ixn 406 16 6 9.6813 206 106 2 13 (1 . 19,50 123 1V3 April May 50 .1700 m 34,5 16 15 9.7375 212 107 2 13 c .1950 123 1V3 75 87 .1675 .1450 274 318 340 294 15 5 12 15 10.0900 11.0063 193 161 111 121 2 13 2 13 .1950 .19,50 IZJ 123 173 June 173 Juiy.... 87 77 10 .0900 .0800 318 2X3 183 162 14 10 14 15 10.7000 10. 5750 183 186 118 116 2 13 2 13 .1960 .1803 123 123 173 August 160 September.. 77 10 .0800 283 162 C) 10. 8750 blHH 119 2 13 .1750 123 156 October 77 10 .0875 283 177 16 10. 9660 m 120 2 13 (1 .1750 123 156 November . . 77 10 .1000 2fa 203 14 15 11.5125 1x6 126 2 13 11 .1750 123 156 December... 7710 .1375 258 279 16 10 11.6250 208 127 2 13 .1750 123 156 1917— Year 75 15 10.92 .0979 277 199 17 16 8 13.8307 225 1,52 2 13 .2002 123 178 Quarters- First 75 .1125 274 ■m 16 18 4 11.9175 2111 131 2 13 .1791 123 1.59 Second 7415 .0942 273 191 16 3 4 13.1988 204 146 2 13 (I .1922 y£i 171 Third 75 13 4 .0933 276 189 19 3 4 14. 7954 242 163 2 13 .2095 123 186 Fourth 77 10 .0917 28;f 186 20 1 8 15.4488 2,64 17(1 2 13 .2200 123 196 Months- January 75 .1300 274 264 16 16 11.4400 199 126 2 13 .1750 123 156 February. .. 75 .1150 274 2.33 16 10 11.8625 20X 13(1 2 13 u .1797 12;^ 160 March (») .0925 i27i IRP 16 10 12.4500 196 137 2 13 .1825 123 162 ^a?!:::-:- 7416 .0925 273 188 16 10 12.9900 20H 143 2 13 .1825 123 162 7415 7415 .0950 .0950 273 273 193 193 15 10 1810 13.2438 13.3625 196 208 146 147 2 13 2 13 .1941 .2000 123 123 1V3 June 178 July.... 7415 7415 .0950 .0950 273 273 193 193 18 18 13,5300 14.5188 227 227 149 160 2 13 2 13 .2040 .2100 123 123 1X1 August 187 September.. 7710 .0900 283 183 2110 16.3375 272 179 2 13 .2146 123 191 October 77 10 .0850 28;< 172 20 111 (1 16, 5150 259 181 2 13 .2200 12;i 196 November. . 7710 .09.5C 2RS 193 18 16 15.6063 237 171 2 13 .2200 IZl 196 December. . . I7710 .0950 283 193i21 14.2250 265 156 2 13 .2200 123 196 1918— Year 7019 1.08 .0928 259 188 17.3285 190 .2253 200 Quarters — First 73 13 4 .0908 26H 1X4 17 13.7917 21,^ 1,62 2 13 .2200 123 196 Second 7013 4 .0941 2.W 191 18 17,0083 227 1X7 2 13 .2200 123 196 Third 69 10 0913 254 185 16 18. 6923 202 205 .2302 V05 69 10 .0960 264 193 19.5250 214 :.;.:::::: 2312 206 Months — January 77 10 ,0900 283 is;i 22 10 13.7688 284 151 2 13 .2200 123 196 February . . . 7710 .0925 268 188 14 13.7188 177 l,^ 2 13 .2200 123 196 March 73 .0900 267 is;< 14 10 I) 13.8875 1X3 LW 2 13 .2200 123 196 April May... 73 .0950 267 193 IS 10 16.0900 '£H 177 2 13 .2200 123 196 6910 6910 .0950 .0925 254 254 193 188 1810 17 17.4750 17.8063 234 215 192 196 2 13 2 13 .2200 .2200 123 123 196 June 196 July 69 10 69 10 .0888 0925 • 254 254 180 188 1810. l3 18. 1438 18 6000 234 164 199 204 2 13 .2205 .2350 123 196 August September. . ''09 n 19. 2050 208 211 .2350 ?09 19 1750 bSOS 211 .2350 709 69 10 0950 254 193 16 19 4875 202 214 .2350 ■JOQ .0950 193 19.8360 218 .2236 199 a No quotation. b Interpolated. 278 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Maiket. Unit Base price... 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January February... March April May June July August September.. October November. . December... 1914— Year Quarters- First Second Third.' Fourth Months- January February. .. March April May June July August September.. October November. . December... 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February... March :.. April May June July August September,. October November. . December... Eggs. Actual price. Australia. Bdsbase Dozen. . . £ s. d. 1 0.80 1 0.11 1 1 00 8.50 9.25 9 S.50 10. 60 1 0.75 1 1 1 6.67 9.92 9.42 10.50 1 1.50 13 1 4.60 1 5.50 1 10 11.50 8.25 10 7.50 8.60 1 0.26 1 4.36 1 1.50 1 11. Oil. 1 2.67 1 1 1 1 2 2 0.25 0.60 3.75 9 2.60 1 4.60 10 11.75 1 0.60 Oil 1 6.60 U.S. New York. Dozen. 2.33! 2.83| 9.33 11.50, 14 I 3.501 Bolls 0.2687 .2468 .2197 .1931 .2317 .3427 .2463 .2225 .1963 .1863 .2000 .1913 .1906 .2310 .2738 .2900 .3800 .2974 .20S1 .2371 .3263 .3330 .2888 .2616 .1985 .2038 .2069 .2125 .2415 .2663 .2666 .3600 .3775 .2597 .2806 .2027 .2208 .3293 .3656 .2588 .1963 .2116 .1993 .1981 .1966 .2163 .2569 .2980 .3675 .33801 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. 112 116 69 73 90 125 121 105 141 102 82 102 146 77 74 82 105 117 129 137 172 90 64 78 59 66 96 128 106 186 106 115 123 164 187 207 129 94 92 98 102 145 92 72 Flour, wheat. Actual price. Australia. Biiabane. Ton 5. d. 8 19 1.1 9 8 16 8 86 9 128 9 102 108 141 130 111 76 88 121 124 107 97 74 76 77 79 90 95 99 130 140 9 9 9 8 10 9 9 9 (a) 9 9 9 9 9 2 8.74 9 9 9 3 4 9 10 9 9 9 9 0- 9 9 U.S. 9 9 9 10 9 10 9 10 16 6.67 14 10 19 10 n 18 13 12 6 00 17 10 (a) (») 19 10 16 10 20 5 17 6 14 15 C) 12 10 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Minne- apolis. Barrel. Dons. 4.5699 4.5837 4.4584 4.7096 4.6833 4.4746 4.4813 4.5188 4.3760 4.6100 4.6563 4.8625 4.7700 4.7000 4.5800 4.4663 4.4875 4.4800 5.0962 4.5708 4.5508 5.3488 5. 4.5000 4.5876 4.6250 4.6500 4.6125 4.4900 4.5938 5.5126 5.9400 5.7563 5.8813 6.9500 6.6630 7.3492 7.3942 6.2242 5.7479 6.8663 7.7063 7.4850 7.7063 7.8813 '>$W 6. mm 217 U.S. 100 100 98 100 100 100 100 100 95 100 100 100 bioo 100 100 100 100 102 100 100 102 106 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 106 106 106 urn 181 161 210 200 152 144 144 195 7.0313 6.3100 5.3313 5.5188 5.6000 6.2250 184 225 192 164 biee 139 Fowls. Actual price. Australia. Brisbane Pair 100 103 102 99 96 101 102 106 104 103 100 100 100 117 128 100 101 100 101 101 121 130 126 129 130 146 161 162 136 126 160 169 164 169 172 144 164 138 117 121 120 136 £ s. d. 3 11.18 3 8.1 3 6 3 4.50 3 10.50 4 4 9 4 2 3 03 2 10.60 3 9 3 9 C) 4 4 9 3 10.50 4 4.60 4 2.25 4 03 04 04 6 U.S. 6 3 3 3 7.60 3 7.50 3 3 4 4 6 04 4 4 4 4 4 6 3 6 4 6 4 10 4 10.50 4 4.60 4 4 03 03 03 4 05 5 05 3 3 4.60 1.60 7.50 6 4.50 9 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. New York. Pound. DoUs. 0.1649 .1666 .1575 .1777 .1727 .1581 .1506 .1575 .1630 .1763 .1800 .1763 .1800 .1725 .1656 .1656 .1560 .1531 .1616 .1623 .1665 .1616 .1560 .1580 .1656 .1644 .1719 .1686 .1588 .1675 .1695 .1681 .1670 .1600 .1481 .1664 .1577 .1616 .1544 .1621 .1525 .1619 .1600 .1606 .1625 .1613 .1560 .1531 .1538 .1680 .1475 .1500 a No quotation. 6 Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PKICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 279 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS QUARTERS, ANp YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Australia, ^Market — Unit Base price. 1916— Year Quai'ters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May June July August September . . October November. . December... 1917— Year Quartets- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February. . March April May June July , August September. October November. . December. . 1918— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. March April May June July August September.. October — November . December. . Actual price. Brisbane Dozen... (2. 0.80 1 6. 07 7.58 11.83 1.17 9 0.75 8 4.50 11 17 9.50 11 00 9 C) 00 9 1 2.< 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 4. 9.83 0.83 8.83 0.60 6.50 6 8.50 1 11.60 1 9. 50 1 8.60 10 8 6. 75 11. 76 1 3.67 1 11.83 11.50 1 6.50 15 1 11 2 2 1 10. 50 1 5.50 U.S. New York. Dozen, Dolls. 0.2687 .2945 .2602 .2213 .2871 .4073 .3094 .2569 .2144 .2145 .2244 .2266 .2510 .2825 .3270 .3425 .4063 .4600 .4015 .3981 .3410 .3781 .4638 .4456 .3075 .3369 .3550 .3330 .3431 .3788 .4055 .4088 .4738 .5650 .4827 .6288 .3498 .4373 .6150 .6481 .6038 .3735 .3463 .3494 .3530 .4138 .4290 .4713 .5281 .6430 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. 153 186 103 70 125 141 193 156 223 180 148 7.4 86 70 bW 70 117 128 171 100 69 145 141 160 184 168 156 66 78 63 53 92 122 188 90 145 133 180 203 176 Australia, 110 97 82 107 152 ^1 115 96 80 80 84 84 93 105 122 127 151 171 149 148 127 141 182 173 166 114 125 132 124 128 141 151 152 176 210 180 197 130 163 229 241 225 139 129 130 131 154 160 175 197 239 Flour, wheat. Actual price. Brisbane Ton £ s.d. 9 11 8 12 6 12 5 12 7 6 (<■) (■<) 11 8 12 5 12 5 12 5 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 00 00 00 U.S. Minne- apolis. Barrel, Dolls. 4. 5699 7.2839 6. 3217 6. 0571 7.3767 9. 2621 6.6436 6.4400 5. 8813 6.2188 6. 1900 5. 7625 ■ 6. 1000 7.6050 8.4250 9.2800 9.8250 8.6813 11.3909 9.2981 13.5731 12.3904 10.3404 9. 2160 9.0688 9.8313 11.6188 14.8800 13.8938 12. 7500 13.0688 11. 2625 10.8000 10. 2250 10. 1313 10.1407 10. 1538 9. 7942 10.3992 10. 2100 10.0850 10. 3000 10. 0938 9.9850 9. 5250 9.8250 10. 7120 10. 2100 10. 2100 10. 2100 10. 2100 10. 2100 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. 136 131 136 136 138 ass blSl 127 136 136 136 136 138 136 ilSS 139 133 133 133 133 133 138 133 161 203 145 141 129 136 135 126 188 184 203 216 190 249 203 297 271 202 198 211 254 328 304 279 288 246 232 224 222 222;. Fowls. Actual price. Australia. Brisbane Pair £ s. d. 3 11.18 » 6 1. 65 5 0.60 6 4.67 06 8 6 6.75 5 4 05 06 06 06 7.50 6 9 6 8 6 6 7 06 3 (") 6 10. 50 4 8.26 4 4 3.17 5 1 5 4.83 5 3 1.60 3 10.50 5 3.50 3 9 3 9 4 05 6 05 5 1-50 3 222 04 8.83 214 5 10. 17 WK 99^ .:: : 221 04 6 225 5 2. Ml 221 04 6 •m 4 7.,'jO 208 5 1..W 215 07 9.60 234 99^ 06 3 2231. 223. 223]. 223 . U.S. New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1649 . 1888 .1671 .1983 .1987 .1906 .1619 .1688 .1706 .1860 .2000 .2058 .1993 .1969 .1995 .2019 .1869 .1845 .2201 .2042 .2269 .2217 .2276 .1931 .2088 .2095 .2344 .2276 .2206 .2000 .2089 .2510 .2481 .2088 .2260 .3178 .2769 .3365 .3390 .3179 .2594 .2925 («) .3450 .3450 .3280 .3338 .3240 .3306 . 3275; . 3276 .2963 Relative price. I <■ No quotation. 6 Interpolated. 280 INTERNATIONAL, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. "WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS , QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913^1918— Continued. Hams. Hay, lucerne. Hides, butchers' heavy. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Aus.. Aus- Aus- Australia. U.S. tra- U. R Australia. U.S. tra- U.S. Australia. U.S. tra- U.S. lia. lia. lia. Brisbane Chi- cago. Brisbane Omaha Sydney. . Chi- cago. Pound . . £ s.d. Ton £ s.d. Pound. . £ s. d. Pound Dolls. Dolls. Dolls. Base price... 1913— Year 1 2 80 16 235' 4 2 6 12.750C 8.8C 0. 186; 1 1.46 16.5931 91 102 4 6 2.74 12. 9583 103 102 8.84 .1839 100 99 Quarters- First 1 0. 67 16.875( S6 9!^ 3 13 4 13.833S 8< lOi 00 9.04 .1825 103 98 Second 1 0. 50 17.0096 84 105 4 8 4 13.000C 107 102 00 8.79 .1725 100 93 Third 1 1.26 17.5417 9r m 4 7 6 11. 500C 101 9t 8.Vi .1863 IOC 100 Fourth 1 3.33 16.0192 104 99 4 12 6 13.5000 112 iOb 8. VI .1942 99 104 Months — 1 1 14. 9688 88 9? 4 14. 600C 97 11' 8.B3 .1876 98 lUl February . . . 1 1 16.000( 88 9f 3 10 14.000C 85 lU 00 9.50 .1826 108 98 March 1 16.600( S1 10? 3 10 13.000C 85 102 9 .1775 102 9b April 1 16. 5625 81 102 4 17 6 13. OOOC lU 102 00 8.88 .1713 101 92 May 1 16.975C 81 106 4 13.000C 97 102 00 8.75 .1676 99 90 June 1 1.50 17.5000 91 108 4 7 6 13.0000 10b 102 00 8.V6 .1788 99 96 July 1 1 18. 0000 SS 111 4 7 6 11.0000 106 86 00 8.75 .1775 99 95 August ' C) 17.775t 6.W lOf (°) ll.OOOf t>1()b 8b 8.V5 .1876 99 101 September.. 1 1.50 16.906J 91 10< 4 7 6 12. 5001 10b 9t 00 8.8b .1938 lUl 104 October 1 3 16. 4375 101 101 4 10 13.500C m 10b 00 8.88 .1988 101 107 November . . 1 3. 50 16. 125( 105 9f 4 6 13.600C KK- 10b 00 8.75 .1976 99 106 Decern ber... 1 3.50 15.4688 105 95 5 2 6 13. 6000 124 10b 00 8.50 .1863 9V 100 1914— Year 1 2.56 16. 6875 98 103 4 2 6 12.6250 103 99 8.36 .1977 95 106 Qijarters — First 1 4.0S 15.3846 10t 96 4 2 6 12.833J 10< 101 00 8.73 .1800 99 9V Second 1 2 16.0962 96 m 3 9 1.9S 13. 1667 84 lU'd 00 8.96 .1846 102 99 Third 1 1. 67 18. 605E 92 115 4 2 6 12. OOOC 10( 94 00 8.25 .2063 90 111 Fourth 1 2.50 16. 6636 9f IK: 6 2-6 12.500C 122 98 7.46 .2200 8b 118 Months- January 1 3.50 16.300C 106 94 (») 13.500C bllS 106 00 8.50 .1763 9V 9b February . . . 1 2 15.250C 96 94 4 26 13. OOOC lUC 102 00 8.69 .1813 99 97 'March 1 6.75 15. 625( 127 96 4 2 6 12. OOOC 101 94 00 9 .1826 102 98 April 1 2 15.760( 96 97 2 17 6 12.500C 7C 9S 00 9.13 .1813 104 9/ May 1 2 15.900C 96 98 4 2 6 13.600C 101 106 » .1825 102 98 Jurie 1 2 16. 6875 96 103 3 7 6 13. 6000 82 106 00 8.75 .1900 99 102 12 17.6875 96 109 4 2 6 13.5000 100 106 8.50 .1988 97 107 August 1 1.60 19.02SC 91 117 5 11. 0000 121 86 00 8 .2060 91 110 1 1.50 19. coot 91 117 3 5 11. 6000 7t 90 C) .2150 i>SS lib 1 2 17. 050C 96 106 C») 12.5000 bllh 98 6.56 .2125 Vb 114 November . . 1 3 16. 6938 101 102 6 10 12.6000 1,58 98 7.38 .2175 84 117 December... 1 2. 60 16. 2500 98 100 3 16 12. 6000 91 98 00 8.44 .2300 96 123 1916— Year 1 2. OS 15.3149 95 94 8 1 5.50 12. 2917 196 96 9.24 .2419 105 130 First 1 2.67 14. 9231 9« 92 6 3 4 13.1667 126 1(13 9.04 .2283 103 123 1 1. 17 15. 1731 89 93 7 12 6 13.0000 186 102 8.71 .2142 99 115 Third 1 1.08 15. 1827 88 94 10 10 12.0000 2.65 94 9.44 .2658 lOV 143 Fourth 1 3.42 16. 9808 104 98 9 11.0000 218 86 9.76 .2592 111 139 Months— 1 2.75 16.350C 10(1 96 5 13.0000 121 102 00 8.V5 .2300 99 123 1 2.75 16. 125C 101) 93 6 13.0000 121 102 9. .66 .2326 109 1Z6 1 2. 60 14.1875 98 87 5 10 13. 5000 133 106 8.81 .2226 1(W 119 .iLpril 12 14.375C 96 89 7 6 14.0000 176 110 9.13 .1926 104 103 May June 1 1 15. 150C K8 93 6 12 6 12.5000 161 98 8.13 .2100 92 113 1 0.50 16.0000 84 99 9 12. 5000 218 98 8.88 .2400 101 129 July Oil 16. 0600 88 99 13 12. 6000 316 98 9.94 .2576 113 138 1 0.76 14.8126 8b 91 6 10 12. 5000 168 98 9 .2775 102 149 September . . 1 1.50 14.4688 91 89 12 11.0000 291 86 9.38 .2626 107 141 October 1 3 16. lOOO lUl 99 6 10 11.0000 158 86 00 9.63 .2675 109 144 1 3. 50 16. 2600 106 iUO 8 10 11.0000 206 86 9.63 .2613 109 140 December... 1 3.75 15. 6626 106 «tl 12 11.0000 291 86 10 .2488 114 131 o No quotation. 6 Interpolated. IBTTEElSrATIONAL PBICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 281 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Hams. Hay, lucerne. Hides, butchers' heavy. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Aus- Aus- Aus- Australia. U.S. tra- lia. U.S. Australia. U.S. tra- lia. U.S. Australia. U.S. tra- lia. U.S. Market... . Brisbane Chi- cago. Brisbane Omaha Sydney. Chi- cago. Unit Pound.. £ s. d. Cwt Ton £ s. d. Ton... Pound.. £ s. d. Pound. Dolls. DoUs. Dolls. Base price. .. 1 2. se 16.2353 4 2 6 12. 75Dt 8. 8C 0. 1863 (916— Year 1 3.57 18. 6721 105 114 5 11 9.82 12. 3542 129 97 1 0,11 .2603 138 140 Quarters — First 1 4.25 16.895S ni: 1(14 7 6 8 12.500C IVK H> 11.17 .2288 12V 123 ■Second 13 18. 4231 101 m 6 3 4 11.8333 14t 93 1 1.6C .2442 1.6f 1,31 Third 1 3. 50 19.000C 105 117 5 5 10 10. 8333 V» X5 11,85 .2650 136 142 Fourtli 1 3. 50 19.8077 105 122 2 11 3 14. 250C 62 112 11.83 ,3033 VM 163 Montlis— January ■0 1 3 16.2500 101 iiii: 9 17 6 12.600C m 9* 11.13 ,225C 12b 121 February. . . 1 4. 75 16. 7600 US 103 5 2 6 12.500C 124 9t 11.26 .2336 V& 125 Marcli 1 1. 50 17.6875 115 lilt 7 12.500C IVC »(■ 11, 13 .2275 va 122 April May 1 1 18.3600 Sf 11.1 6 10 11. 5OO0 mi- 90 1 2 .226C 15£ 121 1 4. 50 1 3. 50 18.4375 18. 5000 111 105 114 114 5 10 6 10 12. 0000 12.0000 133 158 94 94 1 1 1 1,50 ,2400 .2676 148 153 129 June..^ 144 July 1 3. 60 19. 0000 106 117 7 5 10.0000 176 78 1 .2675 136 144 August 1 3.50 18.9375 1116 117 4 10. OOOO 97 ■li 11.75 ,2650 134 142 September.. 1 3. 50 19.0500 105 117 4 l2 6 12. 6000 112 9!i (0) .2625 blSl, 141 October '0 1 3. 60 19. 3760 1(15 11« 2 7 6 12.5000 hi: «»■ 11.75 .2700 VM 145 November . . (a) 20.3125 6 WH 125 (o) 14.2500 bftl 112 11.50 .3050 131 164 December. . . 1 3.50 19. 7500 105 122 2 15 16.0000 67 125 1 0.25 ,3350 139 180 1917— Year 1 3.58 25.2861 106 1,66 3 2 7.82 20. 4583 76 160 1L51 ,3246 131 174 Quarters — First 1 3.50 21.3279 1116 131 1 17 6 16.3333 46 im 1 0, 13 .3175 13t 170 ■Second 1 3. 50 25. 7500 106 1.69 2 18 8 21.1667 71 166 1 0,07 .3125 137 168 Third 1 3.50 24.9808 106 154 4 12 6 18.5000 112 146 11,13 .3217 126 173 Fourth 1 3. 83 29.0865 107 179 3 1 11.33 26. 8333 75 203 11 .3467 125 186 Montlis — January 1 3.50 19. 5000 106 120 1 10 15. 500C 36 122 1 0.25 .3325 139 178 February. . . 1.3.60 21.1250 105 130 2 5 16.000C 65 125 (") .3150 bm 169 March 1 3. 50 22. 9500 1116 141 1 17 6 17.500C 46 13V 10 .3050 136 164 April 1 3.50 24.8750 106 1.63 2 10 18.500C 61 146 (") .2960 bl0 168 May 1 3.50 1 3. 50 26. 7500 25.6500 106 106 166 168 3 6 3 21.6000 23.5000 80 73 169 184 1 0,63 11,60 .3150 .3275 144 131 169 June 176 July ,... 1 3.50 23. 7500 106 146 4 15 16.5000 115 129 11. 25 .3150 128 169 August...... 1 3.50 24.1250 106 14E 4 5 18.600C 103 145 11 .3200 125 172 September.. 1 3. 50 26.6600 105 164 4 17 6 20. 5OO0 lis 161 C) .3300 t>m 1V7 October I 3.50 28.6875 1115 177 4 5 22. .6000 103 1V6 11 .340C 125 183 November. . 1 3.50 28.2600 105 174 2 17 6 26.0000 vo 2IM 11 .350C 126 188 December. . . 1 4.50 30.0750 111 185 2 3 4 29.0000 53 227 11 .3500 12b 188 1918 — Year 31.8642 196 25.6042 201 11 .3000 161 Quarters- First 1 6.50 29. 8654 125 1X4 2 13 4 28.3333 «b 222 11 .3017 12b 162 Second 1 6.50 30.3173 126 1X7 4 16 10.03 20.6687 117 162 11 .2950 125 158 Third 31.8750 35. 3990 196 218 23. 7500 29. 6667 186 233 11 .3100 .2933 12b 166 Fourth 1.67 Months- January 1 6. 50 29. 4375 126 1X1 2 10 29.0000 61 22V 11 .3400 12b 183 February 1 6. 50 29.8438 125 184 2 10 28.5000 61 224 11 .3060 126 164 March 1. 6. 50 30.2250 126 1X6 3 27.5000 V3 216 11 ,2600 125 140 1 6. 50 30.9375 125 191 4 17 6 21. 0000 118 166 11 ,2450 125 132 1 6. 50 1 6.50 30.2500 29.8760 125 125 186 184 5 3 4 10 20.0000 21.0000 124 109 167 166 11 11 ,3100 ,3300 126 125 166 June 177 July . . . 1 6.60 30.2813 32. 3500 32. 8760 125 187 199 203 5 7 6 19.2500 22. 5000 29. 5000 130 151 176 231 11 11 11 ,3300 ,3000 ,3000 125 126 126 177 161 September -- 161 33. 7656 35. 6250 36. 7500 208 219 226 30.0000 29. 5000 29. 5000 236 231 231 11 ,3000 .2900 .2900 i>tss 125 161 1,66 1.66 » No quotation. i> Interpolated. 282 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS,. QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Australia. Market. Unit Base price.. 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Tliird Fourth Montlis — January February.. March April -.. June. July August September . . October November. . December. . . 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January. . . February. March April M:ay June July August September . October November. December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August... September . . October... November December. Hides, butchers', light. Actual price. Sydney. Pound.. .£«. (2. 8. 60 8. 42 8.31 8.38 8.36 8.65 7.81 8.81 8.31 8.25 8.69 8.19 8.13 8.25 8.69 8.75 8.75 8.44 8.33 8.73 8.67 8.13 7.73 8.44 8.81 8.94 8.81 8.63 8.56 8. 31 7. 94 (") 7. 06 7.44 8 8. 37 7.75 8.52 8.46 8.44 7 7.63 ■7.75 8.25 8.44 8.56 8.60 8.31 U.S. Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1830 .1772 .1692 .1734 .1792 .1871 .1700 .1688 .1688 .1713 .1738 .1750 .1750 .1800 .1826 .1850 .1875 .1870 .1800 .1868 .1908 .1913 .1775 .1800 .1825 .1850 .1876 .1860 .1875 .1900 .1950 .1925 .1863 .1950 .2105 .2017 . 1963 .2267 .2176 .2000 .2000 .2060 .1888 .1976 .2026 .2175 .2325 .2300 .2225 .2160 .2150 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. 97 97 97 100 91 102 97 96 101 95 101 102 102 97 102 101 92 90 102 104 102 100 100 97 92 tsr 82 87 101 103 90 99 98 101 109 98 92 89 90 103 96 98 100 99 97 Australia. 97 100 101 102 103 102 98 102 104 106 ■ 97 98 100 101 102 101 102 104 107 105 102 107 110 107 124 119 109 109 112 103 108 111 119 127 126 122 117 117 Honey. Iron, galvanized, corrugated. Actual price. Brisbane Pound. . d. 2.52 2.63 3.04 3.07 2.67 2.26 2.28 2.76 2.76 2.76 3.63 3 C) 3. 13 2. 88 2.63 2.50 2. 42 2. 13 2.42 2.63 2.50 2.25 2 2.13 2.50 2.50 2.25 2.50 2.63 2.75 2.60 2.60 2.50 3. 20 2. 60 3. 21 3. 67 3. 42 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.13 3.25 3.25 3.50 .3.76 .3.75 .3.26 3.75 3.25 U.S. New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1265 .1329 .1300 .1317 .1360 .1350 .1300 .1300 .1300 .1300 (") (a) C) .1350 .1350 .1360 .1350 .1350 .1211 .1210 (a) .1233 .1250 .1360 .1200 .1080 {") (a) (a) (») .1260 .1260 .1260 .1250 .1225 .1217 .1200 .1233 .1250 .1250 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 (a) .1250 .1250 .1250 .1250 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. 114 109 109 109 144 119 im 124 114 104 104 104 109 127 146 136 99 124 129 129 139 149 149 129 149 129 Australia. 103 104 107 107 103 103 103 103 ilOS bior 107 107 107 107 107 £ i. d. 19 18 18 4 19 10 19 19 19 18 15 19 19 10 19 10 19 10 !>91 97 99 107 95 86 687 b91 t>95 97 Actual price. Mel- bourne. Ton.... 19 9 19 19 20 20 10 19 20 10 20 10 20 10 (a) (<•) 29 18 9 (a) 27 31 10 30 6 8 C) (°) («) (a) 26 10 28 10 31 10 31 10 31 10 31 10 29 15 29 15 U.S. Pitts- burgh. Ton... Dolls 2.9550 3.3200 3. 5400 3. 4600 3.2833 3. 0067 3. 5200 3. 5600 3. 5500 3. 5000 3. 4500 3. 4000 3. 3500 3. 3000 3. 2000 3. 1000 3. 0000 2. 9200 2. 9200 2. 9700 2. 6600 2. 9133 2 9300 2. 9100 3.0000 3. 0000 2. 9400 2.8400 2. 8000 2.8000 2. 9200 3. 0200 3. 0100 2. 9i 2! 8500 3. 9000 3. 1467 3.9833 4.2933 4. 1800 2.8500 3. 1400 3. 4500 3. 4500 3. 6500 4.8500 4.7000 4. 4500 3. 7300 3. 6200 4. 1200 4.8000 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. o No quotation. l> Interpolated. INTEENATIONAI; PEIOB COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 28S WHOLESALE PKICES IN AUSTRALLA. AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Australia. Hides, butchers', light. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Australia. Honey. Iron, galvanized, corrugated. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Market. .. Unit Base price. 1916— Year Quarters — Krst Second Third Fourth Months — January February... March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February.. March April May June July August September.. October November. . December. . 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February.. March April May June July August September. . October November. . December. . . Sydney. Found. £». i. 8.61 10.62 9.27 11.60 10.82 10. 96 8. 10 9. 13 1 0.25 11 11.25 10. 88 10. 75 (a) 10. 10. 75 11.25 11. 47 11. 13 1 0.38 11.25 11. 25 11. 25 (■>) 11 (o) 1 0.75 1 11.25 11. 25 (a) 11. 25 11.25 11. 25 11.46 11. 25 11.25 11. 25 11.25 11. 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 11.25 (a) 11.25 Chi- cago. Pound. Bolls. 0. 1830 .2391 .2067 .2292 .2400 .2804 .1950 .2125 .2125 .2175 .2300 .2400 .2450 .2400 .2350 .2438 .2775 .3200 .3117 .3092 .2975 .3200 .3100 .3050 .2950 .3150 .3175 .3100 .3125 .2700 .2700 .2875 .2850 .2615 .2392 .2633 .2800 .2633 .2825 .2300 .2250 .2250 .2650 .3000 .3000 .2700 .2700 .2700 .2600 .2600 123 108 134 126 127 101 116 106 142 128 131 127 125 it26 127 125 131 129 142 131 131 131 1ilB9 128 MSS 148 140 131 131 HSl 131 131 131 133 131 131 131 131 138 131 131 131 131 131 131 MSI 131 Brisbane Pound.. £s. i. 2:52 131 113 125 131 153 107 116 116 119 126 131 134 131 128 133 152 175 164 170 169 163 153 175 169 167 161 172 173 169 171 148 148 157 156 143 143 126 123 123 145 164 164 148 148 148 142 142 5.51 4.71 5.92 6 5.38 00 3.63 5.75 4.75 4.50 7.25 6 6 6 5.50 (») 5.25 4.04 3.79 4.83 4 3. 50 00 00 00 00 4.50 3 3. 4.50 4.75 5.25 4. 25 w 3.75 5 2.75 2. 75 131 144 153 144 2.88 3.75 00 00 2.75 2.75 3.13 3.75 3.75 3.75 New York. Pound. BoTU. 0. 1265 .1183 .1167 .1133 .1233 .1200 .1250 .1150 .1100 .1100 .1100 .1200 .1200 .1300 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1288 .1133 .1150 .1267 .1600 .1200 .1100 .1100 .1100 .1100 .1250 .1250 .2233 .1950 (a) .2233 .1850 .2000 .2000 (o) 4 .2450 .2450 .2800 .2800 219 187 235 238 213 144 228 188 179 288 238 238 238 238 218 208 160 150 192 159 139 179 119 154 179 188 208 149 198 109 109 114 149 109 109 124 149 149 149 91 87 87 87 95 95 103 95 95 95 95 102 90 91 100 126 95 87 87 87 87 99 bios bios 134 142 177 154 bies 177 212 146 158 158 bwe biet bwe biee bl70 194 194 221 221 Mel- bourne. Ton Pitts- burgh. Ton... ». i. 36 8 4 33 8 36 11 37 13 4 38 29 15 34 15 35 15 35 15 37 37 V> 38 42 42 47 (») (" (« 40 13 4 47 Bolls. 2.9550 4.9000 4.8767 4.9833 4.3167 5.4200 4.8000 4.8500 4.9 5.0500 5.0500 4.8500 4.4500 4.2500 4.2500 4.5500 5.3900 6.3200 8.2600 6.8000 8.7500 10.2500 7.2233 6.5500 6.8000 7.0500 7.4000 9.0500 9.8000 10.6500 10.4000 9.8000 8.9500 6.4200 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 6.3000 o No quotation. b Interpolated. 284 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, ISJlS-l^lS. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Iron, galvanized, plain. Actual price. Australia, Base price. .1913— Year... Quarters — First Second... Third.... Fourth... Months — January February March April May June July August September.. October November. . December. . . 1914— Year.. Quarters — First 21 Second 21 Third 21 Fourth 22 5 Months — January |21 February.... 21 March 21 April 21 May 21 June 21 U.S. Mel- Pitts- bourne, burgh. ~ Cwt. Dolls. 2. 9858 1 on s. i. 21 21 21 21 21 00 21 00 21 00 21 21 00 21 00 21 21 00 21 00 21 21 21 00 21 00 21 21 5 6.67 July August September.. October Noveinber. . December... 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February.. March April May June July August September.. October November. . December. . , 21 28 3 9 21 18 4 25 10 33 32 6 8 22 5 21 15 21 15 21 16 15 28 00 3.2800 3. 4900 3. 4100 3.2433 2. 9700 3.4700 3.5000 3.5000 3. 4500 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Iron, pig. Actual price. U, S. Australia, 3. 4000 100 3.3800 100 3- 3100 3. 2500 3- 1700 3-0800 2.9800 2.8500 2. 8700 2.9200 2. 8100 2. 8633 2. 8800 2. 8600 2.9500 2.9500 2.8900 2. 7900 2. 7500 2- 7500 2.8700 2.9700 2. 9600 2.8800 2. 8000 3.8500 3.0967 3.9333 4. 2433 4. 1300 2.8000 3. 0900 3, 4000 3- 4000 3. 6000 4,8000 4. 6500 4. 4000 3. 6800 3.5700 4.0700 4. 7500 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 106 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (") (o) (a) 106 106 134 104 121 167 154 106 104 104 104 127 133 167 157 157 157 148 157 117 114 109 116 117 117 116 114 113 111 109 106 103 100 96 96 96 104 132 142 138 94 103 114 114 121 161 156 147 123 120 136 159 Mel- bourne. Ton.... U.S. Valley furnaces Ton £ s. d. 4 18 4 5 4 10 6 5 5 5 5 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 5 5 14.7300 5 5 14.1800 Relative price. 4 11 3 4 15 4 8 4 4 6 4 15 5 5 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 5 4 5 4 5 410 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 10 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 18 4 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 4 15 5 5 Dolls. 13. 4567 14. 8700 17,0733 14, 8567 13. 9400 13.5933 17.5000 17, 1200 16, 6000 15,6600 13.8800 13.9400 14,0000 13. 8300 13.5700 13.3800 13,0200 13. 1533 13. 1400 13. 0000 12. 7967 13-0000 13. 2100 13, 2500 13,2500 13, 1700 13, 0000 13. 0000 13.0000 13.0000 12. 8900 12. 7500 12. 7500 13. 8100 12.7500 12, 7333 13. 6433 16, 1267 12. 7500 12. 7600 12. 7500 12. 7500 12, 7500 12. 7000 12. 7200 13. 7100 14.5000 14, 5800 15, 8200 17.9800 Aus- tra- lia. U.S 102 92 102 107 107 92 107 107 107 107 93 97 90 88 97 107 92 92 92 92 86 Iron, sheet, black. Actual price. Australia. 110 11 10 127 110 104 101 130 127 123 116 109 105 107 103 107 104 104 103 101 97 Mel- bourne. Ton £ s. d. 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 Relative price. 12 11 10 11 10 12 13 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 13 13 13 13 15 5 10 13 6 8 13 10 16 18 6 8 13 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 16 16 16 17 18 10 19 10 Pitts- burgh, Cwt.. Dolls 1.9800 2.2000 2. 3400 2. 3300 2. 1900 1, 9567 2,3200 2. 3500 2. 3500 2. 3500 2,3600 2. 2900 2. 2-500 100 2.2000 mo 2. 1200 100 2.0400 100 1.9800 . 100 1.8500 100 1.8900 104 1.9200 100 1.8633 100 1.8867 104 1.8900 113 1,8600 100 1.9500 100 1.9600 100 1.9000 100 1.8600 100 1.8100 100 1,8000 100 1. 8800 mo 1,9800 113 1.9600 113 1.8800 113 1. 8300 113 1.9300 133 1,8000 116 1. 7867 117 1.8333 139 2.2867 159 1.8000 113 1.8000 117 1.8000 117 1.8000 117 1.8000 117 1.7600 117 1.7400 1,39 1.8600 139 1.9100 139 2.0300 148 2.3000 161 2.5300 170 a No quotation. INTER]SrATI0N.4L PRICE COMPARISONS, laS-l^lS. 285 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA' AND THE UNITED STATES BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Iron, galvanized, pla in. Iron, pig. Iron sheet, black. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Australia. U.S. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Australia U.S. Aus tra- lia. U.S Australia U.S. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Market... Mel- bourne. Ton £ s. d. 21 38 1 9. 82 36 10 37 13 4 • 38 13 4 39 (a) 36 37 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 Pitts- burgh. Cwt Mel- bourne. Ton £ s.'d. 4 18 4 6 12 6 5 18 6 IS 4 6 16 8 8 13 4 5 00 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 5 8 00 8 00 9 9 Valley furnaces Mel- bourne. Ton £ s. d. 11 10 29 19 2 24 10 31 6 8 32 32 23 10 23 10 26 10 30 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 53 3 4 32 46 13 4 64 70 32 32 32 36 52 52 52 70 70 70 70 70 Pitts- burgh. Cwt... Unit Base price. 1916— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February. .. March April May June July Dolls. 2.9858 4.85O0 4. 8267 4. 9333 4.2«67 5.37O0 4. 7600 4.8000 4.9300 6. 0000 5. 0000 4. 8000 4. 4000 4.2000 4.2000 4.5000 5.3400 6.2700 8. 2100 6. 7500 8.7167 10.2000 7.1733 6. 5000 6. 7500 7. 0000 7. 4000 9. 0000 9.7500 10.5000 10.3500 9. 7500 8. 9000 6.3700 c 6. 2500 6. 2400 6.2500 6. 2500 6.2500 6. 2100 6.2500 6. 2500 6. 2500 6. 2500 6.2500 6.2500 6.2600 6.2500 6.2500 6.2500 6.2500 6.1300 Dolls. 13.4567 20.1600 18.6000 18.4433 18.3667 26.3333 18.6000 18. 5000 18.6000 18. 6000 18.4400 18.3900 18.2500 18.2700 18.5800 20.6600 25. 6000 29. 8400 39, 8900 31. 6533 43. 6667 51. 2267 33. 0000 30. 0000 30.0000 34. 9600 39.1600 42. 6600 49.1900 53. 0000 53.0000 47. 6800 33. 0000 33. 0000 33. 0000 Dolls. 1.9800 3.0600 2. 6433 2. 8967 2.9033 3. 7833 2.6000 2. 6000 2.7300 2.8900 2. 9000 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 2. 9100 3. 2300 3. 7200 4.4000 6.2900 4. 6767 6.7033 8. 0000 6.7933 4. 6000 4.6300 4. 9000 6.8800 6. 7300 7.6000 8. 0000 8. 0000 8.0000 7. 3200 c 5. 0600 6.0000 5.0000 5. 0000 6. 0000 6. 0000 6.0000 5.0000 6.0000 6.0000 6.0000 5. 0000 5.0000 5. OOOO 5. 0000 6. 0000 5. 0000 5.0000 5.0000 181 170 179 184 186 tm 171 176 176 181 181 181 186 186 186 186 186 198 186 205 206 238 (a) (a) (a) (a) (") (<■) (a) («) («) (a) (a) (a) (a) («) (a) (a) (aS (a) (a) 162 162 166 143 180 159 161 165 167 167 161 147 141 141 151 179 210 275 226 292 342 240 218 226 234 248 301 327 352 347 327 298 213 209 209 209 209 209 208 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 206 135 103 120 139 176 102 102 107 107 127 127 127 127 163 163 183 183 190 183 183 203 203 203 160 137 137 136 188 137 137 137 137 137 137 136 136 138 163 190 222 296 235 325 381 245 223 223 260 291 317 366 394 394 364 245 245 245 260 213 272 278 278 204 204 230 261 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 278 462 278 406 567 609 278 278 278 313 452 462 452 609 609 609 609 609 609 613 ..609 609 609 613 613 613 613 155 134 146 147 191 131 131 138 146 146 146 146 August September.. October November. . December... 1917— Year. 146 147 163 188 222 318 Quarters- First 41 13 4 9 6 8 236 339 Third. . 404 Fourth.. 9 00 9 10 10 10 ?,93 Months — January February . . . March April 39 43 43 50 (») (a) (a) (") (") (<.) 227 234 247 907 May June . . ■ 340 379 July 404 August.. .. 404 September . . 404 October. 370 ?.W 253 191S— Year.. 263 Quarters- First 33.0000 33. 0000 33. 0000 246 245 245 70 70 10 2,53 Second. 9,53 Third ?,53 Fourth 9,53 Months- January February. .. (a) («) (<.) («) («) (o) (a) (a) {a'\ (a) (a («) 33. 0000 33. 0000 33.0000 33.0000 33. 0000 33. 0000 33. 0000 33. 0000 33. 0000 34.0000 246 246 245 246 245 245 245 246 246 253 70 70 70 70 10 70 10 70 10 70 10 2,i3 2,53 2,53 April May 2,63 2,53 2,53 July August September . . 253 9,53 253 253 95S 2,53 a No quotation. 6 Interpolated. c Government price set. 286 INTERNATIONAL PBICB COMPABISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND 'THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 191S-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Base price. 19ia— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. March April May June July August September. October November. December. , 1914— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. March April May June July August September.. October November. . December. . . 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third , Fourth Months — January February. . March , April May June July 1 August 1 Lambs. Actual price. Australia. Sydney. Head.. e 8. d. 15 10. 75 15 3 13 8 16 8 16 8 14 12 14 14 14 17 19 17 18 14 14 13 14 15 8.25 15 17 16 13 14 16 15 6 18 16 18 18 16 14 13 12 14 17 19 1 2 18 17 16 1 17 18 September..! October Il November. . 1 1 2 6 1 3 9 2 December. . . 1 19 Chi- cago. Cwt.. Dolls. 7. 6809 7.7942 8.7475 7. 7463 7. 4071 7. 3250 8. 7188 8. 6300 8. 6313 7. 7125 6. 8950 7.4 7. 4375 7.2900 7. 1063 7. 0938 7. 7750 8. 1152 7.8196 8. 1717 8. 1979 8. 0125 7. 7313 7.7150 8. 0125 8. 1375 8.3650 8. 5938 8. 0500 7. 9500 7.6938 8.9250 8.3500 9. 2332 8. 9167 10.0337 8. 9471 8. 9763 8.3938 8. 7063 9. 6500 10. 3310 10. 1450 9.6250 9. 0850 8. 8875 8. 8760 8. 7600 9. 2938 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia, 96 105 106 79 90 90 88 107 120 109 113 93 88 87 90 95 112 102 85 104 94 113 104 118 115 102 90 87 79 91 126 109 120 135 142 113 109 105 132 110 118 132 142 132 149 138 137 U.S 101 114 101 96 95 116 114 112 112 100 90 97 96 93 92 101 102 106 107 108 104 101 100 104 106 109 112 105 104 Lead, pig. Actual price. Australia. Mel- bourne. Ton s.d. 5 20 9 1.! 17 13 4 20 13 4 22 6 8 21 3 4 18 17 10 17 10 19 21 22 22 10 22 22 10 22 20 10 21 21 6 3 21 3 4 20 6 8 23 1 8 20 13 4 21 21 21 10 20 21 20 20 15 24 10 24 20 116 21 109 21 120 24 18 4 116'22 3 4 131^23 3 4 116 26 6 8 117j28 109!20 10 113 21 10 126:24 10 135 22 10 132 22 125J25 115 26 118 28 116 25 116 26 114 28 121:30 U.S. New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.0421 .0440 .0435 .0436 .0463 .0436 .0435 .0435 .0435 .0435 .0435 .0435 .0435 .0450 .0476 .0469 .0435 .0410 .0389 .0410 .0387 .0389 .0368 .0415 .0415 .0400 .0380 .0390 .0390 .0390 .0390 .0388 .0375 .0350 .0380 .0459 .0443 .0522 .0488 .0380 .0380 .0390 .0420 .0420 .0490 .0675 .0500 .0490 .0450 .0490 .0525 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. 83 97 106 100 82 89 99 104 106 104 106 104 97 100 100 96 109 97 98 115 113 94 99 U.S 103 103 108 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 107 113 109 103 97 Lead, pipe. Actual price. Australia. Mel- bourne. Ton £ 8. d. 31 30 11 8 30 30 6 8 31 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 34 6 31 6 8 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 36 36 32 31 31 35 16 10 32 16 8 35 6 37 38 31 10 32 35 33 10 33 10 39 39 36 36 36 39 U.S. New York. Cwt.. Dolls. 4. 8725 5. 0708 4.9000 5. 1067 6.2700 5. 0067 4.9000 4.9000 4 9000 5.0200 5.1500 5.1500 5.1500 5.2700 5.3900 5.2700 5.0200 4.7300 4. 5176 4.6700 4.5433 4.5200 4. 3367 4. 6700 4. 6700 4.6700 4.5900 4.6200 4.5200 4.6200 4.6200 4.5200 4. 3200 4.2700 4.4200 5.3660 4.3400 5. 3433 6. 1033 5.6733 4.2900 4.2700 4.4600 4.6600 4.9700 6. 4000 6.6200 6. 0600 5.6300 5.3900 5.6300 6.0000 Relative price. INTERNATIONAL PKTCE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 287 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Australia. Lambs. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Australia. Lead, pig. Actual price. Relative price. U.S. Aus- trar lia. U.S Australia. Lead, pipe. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Market. Unit Base price.. S16— Year... Quarters: First Second. . . Third Fourth. . Months — January.. February. .. March April May June Sydney. Head... £ ». d 15 10.75 1 9 5 9 3 3 6 3 2 3 4 7 4 July August... September . . October. . . November December. 1917— Year... Quarter!? — First Second. . . Third.... Fourth... Montlis— January.. February. .. March... April May June 17 1 11 6 (a) 14 13 1 9 7.25 July August September. October November . December. . 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June 1 11 1 8 1 12 1 6 1 2 1 15 1 15 1 2 1 11 1 10 1 12 1 12 1 13 1 12 1 5 1 2 July August September. October November. . December, 1 3 10 1 6 6.1 1 10 6 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 6 1 9 1 4 6 6.50 17 1 7 1 17 6 (») 1 13 Chi- cago. Cwt.. Dolls 7.6809 11. 0168 10.9187 10. 7754 10. 8179 11. 6663 10. 3500 11.0688 11. 3375 11.3000 11.2200 9.8063 10. 7100 10. 9188 10. 8250 10. 4550 11. 6813 12. 9625 16.0920 14.4000 16. 5212 16. 3538 17. 0214 13. 9600 14. 6500 14. 8126 15. 9100 18. 6125 15. 1938 15. 7460 15. 7313 17. 7375 17. 5450 16. 7875 16. 6850 17. 3260 17. 5437 18. 8038 18. 1803 14. 7231 17.4626 17. 0313 18. 1375 20.4200 18.4000 17. 1875 18.5250 18.3126 17. 7300 16. 0750 14. 1063 14. 1360 137 157 184 154 127 138 145 151 170 161 170 198 hiss 6 167 151 146 196 177 205 168 138 223 223 142 198 192 206 201 208 201 160 142 160 157 132 166 182 151 170 170 236 20' 142 140 141 162 135 144 148 147 146 128 139 142 141 136 151 169 187 215 213 222 193 207 242 198 205 205 219 217 228 246 227 222 236 266 240 224 241 238 231 209 184 184 Mel- bourne. Ton £ s. d. 21 5 32 2 6 33 6 8 32 10 30 13 4 32 32 32 36 36 32 10 30 00 00 00 32 1 8 32 31 31 35 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 6 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.0421 .0680 .0600 .0758 .0648 .0712 .0650 .0610 .0640 .0800 .0760 .0725 .0685 .0610 .0650 .0706 .0700 .0730 .0912 .0850 .1024 .1088 .0760 .0860 .0950 .0936 .0988 .1150 .1138 .1088 .1038 .0795 .0613 .0650 .0743 .0703 .0711 .0804 .0759 .0684 .0706 .0724 .0698 .0691 .0725 .0802 .080S .0805 . 0805 .0805 .0667 157 153 144 151 151 151 169 165 163 141 136 146 151 151 151 151 14- 166 151 161 161 146 146 165 1.51 1.51 151 151 151 151 151 151 161 151 151 161 151 161 161 151 Mel- bounte. Ton.;.. 143 180 164 169 131 146 152 190 178 172 163 146 164 167 166 173 202 243 258 163 178 202 226 222 23.= 273 270 258 247 189 146 154 167 169 191 162 168 172 166 164 172 190 191 191 191 191 158 £ s.d. 31 45 68 44 6 8 47 45 45 43 43 47 47 47 47 45 45 45 45 46 45 46 15 46 46 46 46 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 00 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 New Yoik. Cwt.. Dolls. 4.8725 7.6708 7.1133 8.4233 7. 3467 7.8000 6.4900 6.9600 7.8900 8.8200 8.4900 7.9600 7.5900 7.1000 7.3500 7.60OO 7.7200 8.0800 la 1217 9.3067 11. 3267 11.8467 8.0067 8.5700 9. 3100 10.0400 10.2900 11. ISOO 12.5000 12. 5000 12. 0100 11.0300 8.8200 7.60OO 7.6000 8.2500 8. 6867 9. 3100 9.3100 7.8400 8.3300 8.5800 8.5800 8.6800 8,9000 9.3100 9. 3100 9.3100 9.3100 9.3100 9.3100 a No quotation. b Interpolated. 288 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Australia. Lead, sheet. Actual price. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Lead, wiiite. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. AuS' tra- lia. U.S. Maize. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Market. Unit Mel- bourne. Ton Base price... 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Third Fourth.... Months — January.-. February.. March April May June July.. August. Octoher. November.. December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second — Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June £ s. d. 27 25 14 1.9' 23 10 25 6 8 27 27 24 in 27 14 2 27 27 29 13 4 27 3 4 July August September. Octoher November. December.. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June 28 10 28 10 28 10 July 34 25 10 27 6 8 28 10 32 33 Aue:ust September.. October November. . December... 31 31 31 34 34 New York. Cwt.. Dolls. 5. 5750 5.6767 5.3900 5. 5967 5.9633 5. 7567 5. 3900 S.3900 5.3900 5. 5100 5.6400 5.6400 5.7600 6.0000 6. 1300 6. 0000 6. 7600 5. 5100 5. 1983 5. 3900 5. 1900 5. 1500 5. 0633 5.3900 5. 3900 5.3900 5.2700 5. 1500 5. 1500 5. 1500 5. 1500 5. 1500 5.0200 5.0200 5. 1500 6. 1192 5. 1900 6. 0933 6. 7800 6.4133 5. 1500 5. 1600 5.2700 5.3900 5.7600 7.1300 7. 3500 6. 7400 6.2500 6. 1300 6.3700 97 100 100 107 100 103 91 85 85 89 93 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 110 101 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 115 116 104 104 94 101 106 119 122 96 96 111 106 106 106 6. 74001 126 a No quotation. 101 101 103 108 110 108 103 110 93 109 122 115 92 92 95 97 103 128 121 112 110 114 1211 Mel- bourne. Ton New York. Pound £ s. d. Dolls 40 11 8 0. 0533 39 11 8 38 13 4 39 10 40 16 8 40 40 38 10 39 10 39 10 39 10 39 10 40 10 41 OO 41 42 13 4 40 10 41 10 44 13 4 44 39 10 41 41 40 10 41 43 44 46 45 45 43 44 46 14 2 43 46 13 4 47 3 4 50 42 42 46 45 46 49 48 46 10 47 47 10 49 10 53 .0533 .0625 .0525 .0542 .0642 .0525 .0626 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0.525 .0676 .0575 .0525 .0526 .0621 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0508 .0526 .0525 .0626 .0625 .0525 .0526 .0625 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0500 .0600 .0569 .0500 .0550 .0625 .0600 .0600 .0500 .0500 .0525 .0526 .0600 .0675 .0625 .0575 .0676 .0600 .0625 97 95 97 101 94 94 95 97 97 97 97 100 101 101 100 102 110 108 97 101 101 100 101 106 108 111 111 111 106 108 106 115 116 123 103 103 111 111 113 121 118 115 116 117 122 131 98 102 102 98 94 94 107 94 103 117 113 94 94 94 9f 98 113 127 117 108 10? 113 117 Brisbane Bushel.. £ s. d. 3 10.93 3 7. 80 3 8.92 3 5. 67 3 3.75 3 11.50 3 11 3 7 3 8. 75 3 7. 60 3 5. 50 3 4 3 0. 50 3 7 3 7. 50 3 10.60 4 4. 60 3 8 0.4 2.60 3 11.68 3 5. 67 3 4. 4 4 2.60 4 5 4 7. 50 3 11 3 4.26 3 4.75 3 5.60 3 6.75 3 3. 26 3 3 5 3. 04 4 4 5 6 5 4 6 9 4 4 4 5 5 6 2.50 1 3.50 6.50 5 5 5 0. 50 6 7 5 4.60 5 9. 50 6 3. 50 Omaha Bushel Dolls. 0. 6551 .5850 .4459 .5438 .6804 .6700 .4313 .4400 .4663 .5163 .5538 .5613 .6139 .7125 .7150 .6863 .6838 .6400 .6614 .6075 .6625 .7126 .6629 .6225 .6950 .6050 .6450 .6700 .6725 .6350 .7400 .7625 .7150 .6963 .5775 .6804 .7034 .7288 .6329 .6450 .7226 .6738 .6888 .7176 .7038 .7138 .7588 .7138 .6250 .6038 .6700 85 101 100 92 95 93 78 92 93 108 101 89 86 102 108 113 118 100 111 141 137 149 108 104 121 145 135 142 139 129 143 137 148 161 !i Interpolated. INTEBNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 289 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY SONTHS,. QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Lead, sheet. Lead, white. Maize. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Aus- Aus- Aus- Australia.! U.S. tra- U. S. Australia, U.S. tral U.S. Australia. U.S. trar U.S. lia. lia.; ' -liar Mel- bourne New Yorlc. Mel- bourne. New York. Brisbane Omaha Unit Ton... £ «. (J. Cwt . Ton £ s. d. Pound Dotts. Bushel.. £ s. d. Bushel Dolls. Dolls. Base price... 1916— Year 27 5 57S0 40 11 a 0.0533 3 10.93 0. 6551 40 6 8 8.3550 149 150 66 5 10 .0829 163 156 04 8.93 .7694 119 116 ftuarters— First 39 6 H 7.7800 146 14(1 57 3 4 .0692 141 130 6 5.83 .6825 166 1(»4 Second 42 9. 0233 156 162 68 13 4 .0875 169 164 4 10.67 .6946 125 106 Third 40 (1 8.0833 148 145 70 .0875 r/2 164 03 9.60 .7796 97 119. Fourth 40 (1 8.5333 148 1.53 69 6 8 .0875 IVl 164 03 4.13 .8808 86 134 Months- January 38 (1 7.2300 141 1311 55 10 .0650 137 122 7 1 ,6775 181 103. , February... 38 7. 7200 141 138 56 .0700 138 131 06 4.50 .7100 163 108 March 42 (1 8.39O0 15fi 1,5(1 60 .0725 148 136 6 .6600 1,53 101 April May 42 (1 9.3100 156 167 66 .0875 163 164 5 2 .7025 132 107 42 42 9.0600 8.7000 156 156 163 156 70 70 .0876 .0875 172 172 164 164 04 04 9 9 .7188 .6625 121 121 110 June 101 July 40 8.3300 148 149 72 .0875 177 164 04 4 .7675 111 116 August 40 n 7.84O0 148 141 69 .0875 170 161 3 8.60 .7876 95 120 September . . 40 8.O8O0 14f 145 69 .0875 170 164 03 4 .7938 85 121 October 40 8.33O0 14S 14!) 68 .0875 168 164 3 6.76 .8375 91 128 November.. 40 S. 4500 14F 1.52 70 .0875 172 164 W .9.560 i>S6 146 December. . . 40 8.8200 148 1,58 70 .0876 172 164 03 1.50 .8500 80 130 1917— Year 40 15 10.6392 151 191 78 15 .0992 194 186 03 0.85 1. 5500 79 237 Quarters — First 40 (1 9.9067 14f 178 70 13 4 .0892 174 16V 2 10.26 .9408 73 144 Second 41 n 11.8167 152 212 73 13 4 .0992 182 186 02 .5.83 1.4304 64 ai8 Third 41 (1 12.3367 152 221 82 13 4 .1150 204 216 2 10 2. 0221 72 309 Fourth 41 n 8.4967 1,5? 1,5? 88 .0933 217 175 4 1.33 1.8067 105 276 Months— January 40 9.3100 148 167 70 C .0875 172 164 03 5.50 .9100 8S 1.39- February . . . 40 (1 ■ 9.88O0 148 177 70 .0S75 172 164 02 6.75 .9275 66 142 March 40 10.5300 148 1SS 72 .0925 177 174 2 6. 5(1 .9860 65 1.50 April May 41 (1 10. 780C 1,52 19.1 72 .,0925 177 174 02 4. .5(1 1.2563 61 192 41 11.6800 152 2K 72 .1000 177 18t 2 5 1.5125 62 231 June 41 12.9900 152 233 77 .1050 190 197 02 8 1.5225 68 232 July 41 12.9900 152 233 80 .1150 197 216 02 7.50 1. 7388 67 265 August 41 (1 12.5000 1.52 224 84 .115C 207 216 2 2. .50 2.2625 82 345 September.. 41 II 11.6200 1.52 207 84 .U5C 207 216 2 8 2.00EO 6fi ,315 October ; 41 (1 9.3100 1.52 167 88 .lOOt 217 1» (13 9. .50 1.8550 97 283 November . . 41 8.O9O0 1.52 145 88 .090C 217 16t 04 2. .50 1.9900 lOf 304 December. . . 41 8.0900 152 145 88 .0900 217 169 04 4 1.6760 111 240 1918— Year 9.3792 168 .0948 178 1. 5648 n9 Quarters- First 41 (1 8. 74O0 1.52 1,57 88 .090( 217 l«t 114 3..5(: 1.6725 IK 2,55 Second 41 (1 9.1767 1.52 165 88 C .090! 217 170 04 2.,5C 1.5383 lOf 235 Third 9.8000 9.8000 176 176 .0983 .1000 184 188 1.6150 1.4333 ?47 Fourth 91 q Months- January 41 n 8.330C 1.52 14S 88 C .090( 217 16! 04 9 1.640C 121 250 February... 41 (1 8.8200 1,52 1,5.' 88 C .090( 217 16S 4 5. 5t (") 114 Has March 41 (1 9.O7O0 1.52 163 88 C .090( 217 161 3 S 1.705C 94 260 April May 41 9,0700 1,52 163 88 C .090( 217 16! 4 2.5t 1.635C 108 2;i4 41 (1 9.0700 152 163 88 C .090( 217 16t 4 3 1. 695C 10< ?4;i June 41 9.3900 152 168 88 .0926 217 174 04 2 1.4850 107 227 July 41 9.8000 1,52 176 88 .09,50 217 178 5 3 1.6300 134 249 " August 9.8000 9.8000 9. 8000 9. 8000 9. 8000 176 176 176 176 176 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 188 188 188 188 188 1.6200 1. 5950 1.4800 1.3900 1.4300 ''47 September. . 243 October ??6 ?1? December. . . 218 a No quotation . b Interpolated. 290 INTEKH-ATIONAL, PEICB COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 191J-1918— Ooutinued. Market Mel- boame. Unit:..". Cwt.;.. Nails, wire. Actual price. Australia. Base price. IMS— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth -Months- January... February. March April May June 1 1 19 19 19 19 July August September . October November. . Decemlj^r- . 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May -June 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 July 1 1 August 1 1 September.. 1 2 October 1 2 November. . 18 December... K) 18 £ s. 1 d. 7.30 19 10.50 1 1 19 19 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 19 6 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth jlouths — January. . . February. March April May June July August September.. October November. . December. . . 1 3 0.25 3 4 8- 5 2 2 18 9 18 9 13 3 14 6 1 4 9 1 4 9 Relative price. Aus- tra- Ua. Pitts- burgh. Keg 100 lbs. Dolls. 1.7250 1.8188 1.8500 1.9000 1. 8167 1.7083 1.8500 1.8500 1.8500 1.9000 1. 9000 1.9000 1.9000 1.8000 1.7500 1. 7500 1. 7250 1.0590 1. 6792 1.6833 1. 6917 1.6583 1.6833 1.6500 1. 7000 1. 7000 1. 7000 1. 7000 1.6750 1. 6250 1. 6500 1. 7000 1. 7000 1. 7000 1. 6500 1. 7458 1.6583 1.6833 1.7083 1. 9333 1. 6250 1. 6500 1. 7000 1. 7000 1.6750 1. 6750 1. 6750 1. 7000 1. 7500 1. 8500 1. 9500 2.0000 96 102 95 105 105 95 95 95 U.S 105 107 110 105 Oats. Aclual price. AustraUa. 9S 110 O.'i 110 95 104 95 101 95 101 95 100 95 96 104 97 lOS 98 105 98 107 96 97 98 105 96 105 99 105 99 105 99 105 99 105 97 105 94 105 96 lit 99 lit 99 91 99 91 96 112 101 9S 96 120 98 122 99 107 112 91 94 «I 96 113 99 lit) 99 120 97 120 97 1.W 97 1311 99 107 101 107 107 107 113 107 116 Brisbane Busbel £ s. d. 3 7. 75 3 9.( 4 0.50 4 1.50 2 4 3 10.50 lT4 4 4 4 4 1.50 1.60 1.50 C) («) (a) 2 4 3 11 3 10 (a) 3 9, 59 4 1.50 3 7.33 3 8. 50 3 10. (») 4 1.50 4 03 3 3 1.50 3 7 3 9 3 9. 50 3 11. 50 3 11.50 3 8 5 5. 25 4 3 6 6 6 7. 50 4 4. 50 4 3 4 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 10. 50 4 3 3 10. 50 5 U.S. cw- cage. Bushel Dolls. 0.4005 .3802 .3311 .3776 .4159 .3324 .3347 .3271 .3466 .3786 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. 104 111 113 64 106 110 110 113 113 113 U.S 4075 (") 3940 (a) 420(i (<•) 4263 64 3972 107 39711 105 4027 ms 4239 104 3917 113 3969 99 426S 102 4802 106 3889 blW 3941 113 39311 113 39111 101 39H5 98 4008 98 3722 98 4193 loa 4911 11M 4678 109 4864 109 4895 101 4805 149 .5612 117 .5314 178 4513 182 3854 120 5366 123 5761 96 .5770 130 ,5717 165 .5343 17M 4874 192 5358 178 4495 178 3477 1S9 3635 117 3678 106 4214 137 83 94 104 100 82 87 95 102 98 105 106 106 Oil, castor. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Sydney. Gallon £ s. d. 3 4.50 3 4. 50 3 2.83 3 5. 17 3 5 3 5 3 2. 75 3 2. 75 3 3 3 5 3 4.50 3 6 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5. 67 3 4, 3 3.67 3 8. 67 3 6 3 5 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3. 50 3 3.50 3 5 4 3 9 3 9 3 6 3 3 3 5. 50 3 5 3 6 3 5.33 3 5. 67 3 3 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 6 3 6 New York. Pound DolU. 0.0897 .0948 .1000 .0938 .0938 .0917 .1000 .1000 .1000 .0938 .0938 .0938 .0938 .0938 .0938 .0875 .0875 .0858 .0850 .0858 .9875 .0875 .0875 .0875 .0850 .0850 .0850 .0850 .0850 .0875 .0850 .0850 .0992 .0850 .0983 .1033 .1100 .0850 .0850 .0850 .0950 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1050 .1050 .0950 .1050 .1300 Relative price. <■ No quotation. & Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 19ia-1918, 291 ■WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Nails, 'wire. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- Ua. u.s Oats. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- trar lia. U.S, Oil, castor. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Market. Unit Mel- bourne. Cwt.... Base price.. 1916— Year Quarters — First Second Third Foiurth Months- January February. . March April May June £ s. d. 1 7.50 1 12 10.50 1 4 1 IB 116 1 16 July August September. October November. December. . 1917— Year.... (Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January.. . February. March April May June July August September . October November. December.. 1918— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January.. . February. March. . . . April May June 2 12 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 July August September . October November. December. . 12 15 3 15 9 1 13 6 1 16 116 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 2 7 1.50 1 16 2 7 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 1 16 1 16 116 2 .5 2 5 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 12 2 14 2 2 IS Pitts- burgh. Keg 100 lbs. Dolls. 1.7250 2. 6958 2.3000 2.5833 2.6667 2.8333 2.2000 2.3000 2.4000 2.5000 2.6000 2.6500 2. 6500 2. 6500 2.7000 2. 7000 2.8000 3.0000 3.6333 3. 1687 3.5000 4.1000 3. 7667 3.1000 3.1000 3.3000 3.3000 3.6000 3.6000 4.1000 4.1000 4.1000 4.1000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3. 6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 159 118 171 175 175 107 122 125 162 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 230 255 255 175 175 175 218 218 256 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 267 267 267 267 267 150 133 150 155 164 128 133 139 145 151 154 154 154 157 157 162 174 211 184 203 238 218 180 180 191 191 209 238 238 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 Brisbane Bushel. . £ s. 3 7.75 3 7.77 3 03 3 3 8.50 9.17 4 9 2 10. 50 3 6 3 9 3 8.60 3 10 3 03 3 03 1.50 C) 2 8.04 3 03 2 2 2 3 03 03 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 5.17 2 5.33 4 9.33 2 2 8 2 8 5 4 4 6 4 6 3 7.50 Chi- cago. Bushel Dolls. 0.4005 .4597 .4667 .4225 .4384 .5234 .4856 .4633 .4183 .4396 .4314 .3924 .4062 ' .4491 .4621 .4944 .6666 .5201 .6571 .5867 .8918 .6707 .6790 .6694 .5658 .6174 .7000 .7028 .6765 .7885 .6466 .5958 .6005 .6527 .7628 .7814 .7116 .8275 .8860 .9203 .8885 .7692 .7663 .7780 .6950 .7194 .6919 .7225 .7178 100 102 103 102 130 79 96 103 102 105 103 103 73 96 67 131 115 114 105 109 131 121 116 104 110 Sydney. . Gallon . £ s. d. 3 4.50 4 2.! 3 9.67 4 4 4 3 4 7 3 9 3 10 3 10 4 3 4 3 4 6 101 112 115 123 139 130 164 146 173 167 170 142 141 154 175 175 169 197 161 149 160 163 190 195 220 201 182 178 207 221 230 222 192 191 194 174 180 173 180 179 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 10 4 6 4 5 4 10 4 6.67 4 7.67 4 10 5 3.67 6 10 10 11 5 8 8 9 3 11 12 6 10 New York. Pound Dolls. 0.0897 .1692 .1933 .1933 .1467 .1433 .1800 .2000 .2000 .2000 .2000 .1800 .1500 .1500 .1400 .1400 .1400 .1500 .2242 .1867 .2200 .2400 .2500 .1800 .1800 .2000 .2000 .2200 .2400 .2400 .2400 .2400 .2600 .2400 .2500 .2908 .2800 .2900 .2933 .3000 .2600 .2900 .2900 .2900 .2900 .2900 .2900 .2900 .3000 .3000 .3000 .3000 126 113 128 126 136 111 114 114 126 126 133 126 126 126 143 133 131 143 135 137 143 167 133 133 138 136 136 141 141 141 148 148 156 168 202 323 168 237 274 326 370 11 No auotation. & TTitRmnlatftrt. 292 INTERlS^ATIONAl, PEICE COMPAEISONS, IQlS-ldlS. WHOLESALE PEICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 191S-1918— Continued. MONTHS, Market.. Unit Base price. 1913— Year Quarters First Second Third FOUTtll Months — January February. . March A_priJ May June My August September. October November. December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April...... May June July August September. October November. . December... 1915— Year... Quarters — First Second... Third.... Fourth... Months — January February March April May June July August September.. October November. . December Oil, linseed, raw. Actual price. Australia. Mel- bourne, Gallon. . £a. I 3 8. 42 3 10. 42 4 2.33 3 10.33 03 9 3 8 4 3 4 3 4 1 4 3 10 03 9 03 03 03 3 3 3 3 10. 17 U.S. 3 03 4 4 3 8 3 7 3 8 3 7 3 10 3 10 3 10 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 5.50 04 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 04 4 4 4 4 4.33 7 New York. Gallon Dolls. 0. 4888 .4656 .4515 .4523 .4892 .4692 .4425 .4725 .4420 .4513 .4530 .4525 .4750 .5020 .4875 .4650 .4600 .4850 .5027 .4946 .5019 .5569 .4573 .4925 .5075 .5063 .4960 .5050 .5325 .5840 .5475 .4560 .4550 .4«13 .5749 .5608 .6131 .5192 .6043 .5520 .5525 .5800 .5950 ,6420 .5950 .5280 .5050 .5225 .5700 .6200 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. 101 99 99 99 104 u.s 104 113 104 101 115 115 110 108 104 101 101 97 101 103 100 95 94 99 101 108 108 97 99 97 104 104 104 108 113 108 108 108 114 126 118 124 108 113 122 126 126 126 122 117 115 117 .124 131 Onions. Actual price. AustraUa. Bris- bane. Ton 103 101 103 114 94 99 101 104 104 101 103 109 119 112 93 93 94 115 125 106 124 113 113 119 122 131 122 108 103 107 117 127 128 £ s. d. 8 19 6.55 8 19 6.55 8 5 8 10 8 10 8 13 4 7 5 7 10 10 9 9 7 10 8 10 (") 8 10 9 5 9 7 15 10 7. 50 10 8 11 8 9 5 12 510 10 10 8 10 11 9 8 5 8 10 8 10 9 15 9 10 14 15 10 7 7 6 9 16 0.50 11 8 4 8 15 10 7 6 8 13 4 13 15 12 10 8 8 10 8 15 9 10 2 6 10 10 10 10 10 15 7 15 7 10 U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia Gen- eral. Bushel Dolls. 1. 2667 .9572 .7870 .8727 1.0357 1. 1333 .8160 .7750 .7700 .7900 .8720 .9580 1.0170 1. 0510 1.0390 1.1020 1.1490 1.1490 1.3897 1.5087 1.3720 .8833 1.2100 1. 4070 1.5520 1.5! 1.5260 1.41 1. 7040 1.3790 1.0330 .8830 .8440 .9230 .9528 94 92 95 95 97 81 84 111 100 100 84 95 b95 95 103 100 111 96 103 137 117 95 123 100 92 95 95 109 106 156 173 82 109 U.S, .9393 127 1.0340 97 .8737 116 . 9640 97 .9760 .9530 1.0440 1.0290 1.0290 .9300 .8630 .8280 .9480 .9480 86 .9960 84 153 139 89 95 97 100 113 117 117 120 64 61 61 62 69 75 80 83 82 87 91 91 102 110 119 108 70 Peanuts. Actual price. Australia. Bris- bane. Pound.. £ s. d. 3. 10 3. 90 5 3. 83 3. 50 3 5. 60 4 5.50 5. 60 3 3 3. 50 (") («) 3 2. 75 3.25 3. 23 3. 19 3 3. 21 3.50 3.25 (<■) 3. 13 3.25 3. 13 2.63 2. 76 3. 13 3. 75 3. 50 3. 50 3. 50 3. 34 3.25 3. 13 3.42 3. 58 3. 50 3 3.25 3.38 2. 75 3.25 3.60 3. 50 3. 25 3. 50 3.50 3. 75 U.S. 113 bioe 97 Nor- folk. Pound Dolls 0. 0378 .0358 .0351 .0373 .0378 .0331 .0319 .0366 .0364 .0369 .0374 .0375 .0375 .0383 .0375 .0358 .0325 .0313 .0394 .0370 104 .0434 .0430 .0334 .0333 .0381 .0405 .0427 .0438 .0438 .0428 .0425 .0392 .0313 .0313 .0335 .0347 .0345 .0321 .0329 .0330 .0356 .0360 .0350 .0344 .0342 .033') .0313 .0313 .0313 .0320 . 03511 85 93- a No quotation. fi Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PEIGE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 293 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AfID YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Oil, linseed, raw. Onions. I*eanuts. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual 1 price. Relative price. Aus- Aus- Aus- Australia. U.S. tra- U S Australia. U.S. tra- U. R Australia. U.S. tra- U.S. lia. lia. lia. Market . . . Mel- bourne. New York. Bris- bane. Gen- eral. Bris- bane. Nor- folk. Unit. ... Gallon. . £ s. d. Gallon. Dolls. Ton J! s. d. Bushel. Dolls. Pound . . £ s. d. Pound. Dolls. Base price. 1916— Year 3 8. 42 5 5.67 0. 4888 .7662 8 19 6 6 6.55 3.27 1. 2667 1.3458 3. 10 3.41 0. 0378 .0346 148 157 70 106 110 92 ' Quarters — First 5 5.33 .7458 147 15! 6 5 10 1.2327 vc 9V 4.04 .0367 131 9V Second 05 7 .716.: 151 146 6 5 1.2687 7(: 111! 2. 96 .0347 96 92 Tlilrd 5 3.67 .6986 14S 14! 616 10 1. 3457 66 106 3. 17 .0321 102 85 Fourtli 6 6.67 .9085 isr ISfi 6 17 6 1. 536! 77 12) 3.60 .035E ii; 93 Months- January 5 4 .7175 144 147 6 5 1.132( 70 8S 4.25 .0376 137 99 February. .. 06 4 .745C 144 15? 4 12 6 1.263t 52 101 4.38 .0363 141 96 March 05 8 .776C 15H 16S S II 1) 1.303( 8U in;- 3.5C .0363 lit |96 April 5 9 .7620 155 156 7 1.236( 78 97 3.26 .0355 106 94 May 05 6 .7176 14S 147 6 1.233C 67 97 3. 13 .0341 101 90 Jiine 06 6 .6560 149 134 515 1.3380 64 106 2.50 .0344 81 91 July 5 4 .6680 144 137 6 1.4730 67 116 2.60 .0330 81 87 August 5 4 .7175 144 147 6 6 1.336C 67 106 3.50 .0321 111 86 September.. ■0 5 3 .714C 142 146 5 10 1. 229C 61 97 3.60 .0313 113 83 October 05 3 .860C 14? 174 616 1.314C 75 KM 3.50 .03M 113 84 November.. 6 6 .9450 149 19! (») 1,638C tr? 121 («) .0370 tiUi 98 December. . . 6 11 .9260 160 189 7 1.7575 78 139 3. 60 .0368 113 97 197— Year Quarters- First 7 4.92 1.1288 200 231 1213 9 2.7115 141 214 3.67 .0680 118 188 6 2.33 .9686 167 196 8 13 4 3.4750 97 274 3.25 .0445 105 118 Second 6 11.33 1. 1862 IRS ?A? 811 8 4.0063 96 316 3.33 .0765 107 202 Third 7 10 1. 1846 212 242 1213 4 1.662C 141 131 3.42 .0771 110 204 Fourth 08 8 1. 1862 234 243 2016 8 1.7037 W2 134 4.67 .0855 151 228 Months- January 6 1 .940C 164 192 9 2.084C ion 166 3.60 .0385 113 102 February... 6 2 .9326 167 191 8 10 3.6790 95 283 3.75 .0427 121 113 March 6 4 .9940 171 203 8 10 (1 4.7620 95 376 2. 50 .0608 81 134 April May 6 6 1.1600 17fi 235 815 n 4.9660 97 391 3 .0677 97 179 6 10 1.2325 186 252 910 3.98O0 106 314 3.25 .0816 106 216 June.... 07 6 1. 1780 203 241 7 10 3.0800 84 243 3.75 .0796 121 210 July 7 10 1. 1180 212 229 7 10 2.0100 84 159 3 .0783 97 207 August 7 10 1.225C 212 2.51 17 10 1.6470 195 122 3.5C .0763 113 202 September.. 7 10 1. 208C 212 247 13 1.4290 146 113 3.76 .0763 121 202 October 08 6 1. 1450 230 ?M 23 111 II 1. 5750 262 124 6.5C C) 177 tiSHS November . . 8 9 1. 1800 M(i 241 26 1. 766C 290 139 3. 5C .0878 113 232 ■December. . . 08 9 •1.2240 236 250 13 1.7700 146 140 6 .0844 161 223 1918^Year 1.6011 328 1.5210 120 .0962 252 Quarters- First 8 11 1.3812 241 ■x^ 8 1 X 1. 6970 911 134 6 .0938 161 248 Second 9 3 1.5762 250 ■m^ 11 11 H 1.3583 129 1117 4.25 .1104 13V 292 Third . 1.8677 1.5892 380 325 1.6363 1.3933 129 110 .0979 .0786 259 ■?m Months- January 08 9 1.2S50 236 263 9 1.7890 100 141 5 .0900 161 238 February... 9 1.3060 243 267 7 16 1.8320 86 146 4 .0960 129 261 March 9 1.5190 243 311 7 10 1.4700 84 116 00 6 .0966 194 263 April Mky 9 1.6600 243 319 7 10 1.3410 84 106 4.60 .1069 146 283 09 1. 5775 243 321 9 5 1.3470 103 10(i 3.76 .1131 121 299 June 9 9 1.5880 263 326 18 1.3870 201 109 4.60 .1110 146 294 July 1.7726 303 18 10 1. 6260 206 123 130 4 .0994 .0970 129 Sft3 267 1.8950 388 1. 6330 129 .0975 268 1.6660 1 5880 339 326 1.4320 1 4310 113 113 .0976 .0813 268 216 1. 6600 317 1.3170 101 • .0663 149 1 a No quotation. b Interpolated. ilNTJiiKJNATlUJMALi I'JtllUE UOMrABlSUJNS, l»iS— i»10. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-J918— Continued. Market. Unit Base price. 1913— Year Quarters- First Second Thiird Fourtli Months — January February. . . March April May June 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 July 13 -August 10 13 Septemher . . jO 13 Pine flooring. Actual price. Australia. Mel- bourne. 100 It. . . , £ s. 13 At mills. Mbd.ft October. November . December. . 1914— Year... Quarters — First Second. . . Third..-. Fourth. . . Months — January. . Februarj' March .\pril May June July...- August September.. October November . . December. . . 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. . March April May June 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 July.... .August September.. 17 6 October... November December. 3 1.50 4 3 3 3 9 3.76 3.75 4.50 4.50 3 4.50 4.50 15 11.50 13 15 17 17 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 5.50 3 7.50 6 17 17 17 Dolls. 21. 935 23. 3267 (a) 24. 7400 24. 2400 21.0000 (a) (.4 24. 7400 24. 7400 24. 7400 24. 2400 24. 2400 24. 2400 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. 101 101 100 98 98 98 102 102 102 100 100 21.00001 100 21. 0000 100 21.0000 100 20. 7500 21.0000 21. 5000 20. 5000 20. 0000 21.0000 21.0000 21.0000 21. 6000 21. 5000 21. 5000 21. 6000 20. 5000 20. 6000 20. 0000 20. 0000 20. 0000 19. 5000 20. 0000 19. 0000 19. 0000 20. 0000 20. 0000 20. 0000 20. 0000 19. 0000 19. 0000 19. 0000 19. 0000 19. 0000 19. 0000 20. 0000 .5.26 20.0000 5.25 20.0000 100 100 99 101 100 100 100 100 96 101 101 101 101 100 101 101 104 118 128 132 100 100 110 113 117 125 125 128 132 132 132 132 106 (a) 113 111 96 (") l") (0) 113 113 113 111 111 HI Potatoes, white. Acl ual price. Bris- bane. Ton £ s. 8 8 d. 2.18 8 1 2.18 8 1 8 7 7 6 8 11 8 9 6 3 9 8 10 7 8 10 7 5 (a) 7 10 8 10 7 15 8 4 9.f 10 8 4 6 18 4 7 2 6 8 10 12 10 5 10 10 5 7 15 8 10 4 10 7 15 8 15 4 17 6 13 6 15 5 15 U 15 2.50 7 18 4 8 8 4' 11 2 6 19 11 8 12 5 6 10 6 9 10 n 6 5 9 10 2 6 I) 6 22 15 U.S. Chica- go. Bushel Dolls. 0. 7306 .4.513 .5183 .8128 .6609 . 4700 . 4576 .4263 .3960 .4775 .6813 .7800 .8525 .8060 .6460 .6938 .6440 .6928 .6456 .8032 .9089 .4168 .6563 .6625 .6280 .6875 .7200 1.0020 1.2063 .7876 .7330 .4688 .4125 .3690 .4548 .3963 .3918 .4387 .5980 .4063 .4125 .3700 .4050 .4213 .3490 .4438 .4710 .4013 .4963 .5640 .7338 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. 107 73 107 101 83 101 95 119 92 124 82 85 101 149 101 122 92 101 54 92 104 58 156 100 132 233 146 65 71 113 74 113 166 96 146 190 238 271 Australia. 62 71 HI 90 58 64 65 93 107 117 110 110 124 57 90 94 165 108 100 64 66 51 62 54 54 60 68 77 100 Quicksilver. Actual price. Mel- bourne. Pound.. £ s. d. 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 U 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 U 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 U 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 4 8.17 2 11 3 11.67 5 6 6 4 2 11 2 11 2 11 2 11 4 6 4 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 U.S. New York. Flask (75 lbs), Dolls. 38. 7083 39. 6833 40. 0000 39. 3333 40. 0000 39. 0000 40. 0000 40. 0000 40. 0000 39. 0000 39. 0000 40. 0000 40. 0000 40. 0000 40. 0000 40. 0000 38. 0000 39. 0000 46. 5000 38. 3333 37. 5000 53. 8333 52. 3333 39. 0000 38. 0000 38. 0000 37. 5000 37. 5000 37. 6000 36. 5000 40. 0000 85. 0000 57. 0000 47. 5000 52. 5000 81.0000 64. 6667 73. 1667 92. 3333 103. 8333 50. 0000 54. 0000 60. 0000 67. 0000 73. 5000 79. 0000 93. 5000 94.5000 89. 0000 89. 0000 97. 5000 125. 0000 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. a No quotation. & Interpolated. INTEENATIONiU:, PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 296 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTBALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS 1913-1918— Continued. Pine flooring. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Potatoes, white. Actual prijce. Australia, U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Quicksilver. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Market. . Unit...... Base price. 1916— Year Quarfers— First Second Third Fourth Uonths — January February March -Vpril MTay 'June July August September. . October November. . December... 1917— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Mouths — January February March April May June July August September. . October November. . December... 1918— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January f February.... March April May June July August September. . October November. . December... Mel- bourne. 100 ft.... S s. 13 2 19 1.13 dl7 8.50 18 11 19 9 10 At mills. Mbd.ft. 17 17 18 18 19 19 5.25 6.25 3 6 3 19 3 10 10 10 10 10 1 3 2.18 3 2 3 6 5 (<■) 2 6 3 6 3 6 13 6 3 6 5 1 5 1.23 4 1 4 3.50 4 10.50 8 2.25 7.50 7.50 7.50 4.50 10.50 4 10.50 4 10.50 4 10.50 4 10.50 W 11 6 Dolls. 21. 935 19.7500 21. 0000 20. 0000 20.0000 18.0000 21.0000 21.0000 21.0000 20.0000 20.0000 20. 0000 20.0000 20. 0000 20.0000 18.0000 18.0000 18.0000 28.0000 21.0000 26.0000 33.0000 32.0000 21.0000 21.0000 21.0000 26.0000 26.0000 26.0000 33.0000 33.0000 33.0000 32.0000 32.0000 32.0000 35.0000 38.0000 37.5000 35.0000 35.0000 35.0000 38.0000 38.0000 38. 0000 37.5000 37.5000 37.5000 U4 143 149 161 132 132 138 140 144 146 146 151 161 161 151 151 151 151 170 178 178 178 178 178 189 189 189 190 182 183 188 213 178 178 178 184 188 188 188 188 188 («) Bris- ' bane. Ton Chica- go. Bush.. £ s. 8 8 2.18 16 6 9 8 10 2 8 4 9617 5 96.17 10 9614 1010 9 8 16 9111 9111 911 8 8210- 82 82 6 128 96 119 150 146 5 2 6 5 (") 3 816 4.S 5 5 10 6 9 l.S 7 12 6 15 14 l.S 5 5 5 5 12 6 8 2 6 5 2 6 6 2 6 6 910 7 7 6 1610 17 7 6 13 5 Dolls. 0. 7306 1. 1108 .9507 .9418 1. 1104 1.4525 .9913 .9320 .9288 .8475 .9530 1.0250 .8626 1. 1000 1.3 1.3100 1.6563 1. 4913 1.9226 2. 1500 2. 7692 1.5000 1.1412 1.7950 2.4688 2.2750 2.6688 2. 7050 2.9600 2. 3750 L4583 1.0! L1880 1.1363 1. 0875 Mel- ; bourne. I'ound.. £s.d. 2 11 166 125 107 104 131 134 97 122 ^98 73 104 63 77 91 187 152 6 10 I 130 6 6 129 6 10 152 7 199 7 136 128 127 116 130 140 118 151 187 179 213 204 4 12 6 6 1 4.20 1.0511 .7639 1. 3219 417 6 4 5 4 16 6 10 6 6 710 9 2 6 1.2720 i.i; .6( .6870 .6750 .9488 1.0350 1.5300 1.3613 .9930 .9668 109 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9.50 7 7 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 8 08 8 8 8 08 8- New York. Flask (75 lbs) Dolls. 38. 7083 128.8333 235.0000 123. 0000 78.3333 79. 0000 157.5000 287.5000 260.0000 180.0000 116. 0000 74.0000 80.0000 78.0000 77.0000 77.0000 80.0000 80.0000 105.5577 102.4231 103. 2692 110. 7692 105. 7692 80.8000 118.7500 113. 1260 117.0000 107.3000 84.5000 106.8000 116.0000 112.6000 101.0000 102.5000 115.0000 8 6 123.8462 120.4616 126.6769 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 126.5000 121.8750 122.5000 123.0000 118. 1260 119.6250 126.0000 126.0000 126.8750 126.0000 127.6000 a No mint .tinn_ h TTlfoi.n/iTa+«i1 296 INTERNATIONAL PKICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Resin. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Rice. Actual price. Australia. ,U. S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Sheep, best, wethers. Actual price. Australia. Relative price. Market.. Unit Mel- bourne. Cwt.... Baseiprice 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June £ s.' Td. 13^11. 50 « W 15 1.56 16 16 14f 8 13 10 July August... September.. October... November, December. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Mouths — January... February . March April May June July August Saptember. October November. December. . 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 14 14 2 14 13 14 15 14 14 14 14 14 12 12 14 16 16 16 14 1915— Year jO 18 Quarters^ I First 15 10 Second 1 1 Third 19 Fourth lO 17 2 Months — I January 14 February... 16 March 17 6 April 1 May 1 2 June '1 2 July .■\ugust. 2 September. .'0 15 October 15 November. . 18 December. . . 18 6 New York. Barrel. Dolls. 4. 1250 4. 8167 6.0667 5. 0167 4.1500 4.0333 5.9500 5. 7500 6.5000 5. 5000 4.7500 4. 8000 4.0000 4. 2500 4.2000 2.0000 4. 0000 4. 1000 4. 0167 4.2167 4, 1000 3. 9667 3. 7833 4. 0000 4. 4000 4.2500 4. 1500 4. 1000 4.0500 4.2000 3. 9500 3. 7500 3. 8500 3. 7500 3. 7500 3. 7667 3.5000 3.4167 3.3167 4.8333 3. 6000 3.5000 3.4000 3. 4000 3.6500 3. 2000 3. 4500 3. 2500 3.2500 3. 7000 4. 8000 6. 0000 108 115 115 105 115 115 115 115 115 115 107 107 100 100 97 100 102 100 110 100 100 100 100 100 86 86 100 115 115 115 100 147 122 101 144 139 158 133 115 116 97 103 102 97 97 Mel- bourne. Ton New Orleans Pound. s. d. 5 25 5 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 25 26 25 25 26 25 25 25 25 5 25 5 25 6 26 11 27 27 27 27 91 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 27 5 5 5 27 27 10 Dolls 0. 0315 .0345 0357 » 100 .0370 .0319 .0332 .0350 .0350 .0372 .0382 .0374 .0363 .0346 .0314 .0300 .0333 .0344 .0319 .0337 .0311 .0296 .0389 .0353 .0319 .0307 .0307 .0291 .0292 .0315 .0399 .0472 .0373 .0322 .0360 .0417 .0405 .0437 .0426 .0401 .0383 .0405 . 0432 .0436, . 04381 . 0438J . 0438! .0425 .0411 .0404 .0410 .0393 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 113 117 101 105 Sydney. Head.. £ s. d. 1 1 0.7 16 6 19 10 2 19 7 111 17 1110 15 118 121 119 112 110 100 95 106 109 101 99 94 123 112 101 97 97 92 93 11 6 71 2 9 6 4 6 9 4 6 100 127 150 118 102 114 129 139 135 127 122 129 137 138 139 139 139 135 130 128 130 125 3 17 3 19 19 6 110 1 1 1 19 1 1 17 1 2 1.50 1 7 2.08 1 2 3.33 5 1 1 14 5 6 U 4 1 1 3 4 8 14 1 16 1 13 1 13 1 4 1 3 Chica- go. Cwt.. DolU S. 3328 5.3471 6. 1396 5.7800 4.6396 4. 8467 5.7063 6. 1125 6.6000 6. 5875 5. 7125 5. 0400 4. 8813 4. 5625 4. 4750 4.7500 4.7250 5.0650 5.8301 5, 8267 6.0181 5.6975 5. 7709 5.7188 6.7563 6.0050 6.4000 5.8875 5. 7667 5. 6813 6.6800 5. 7313 5. 6875 5.8688 5. 7563 6.6899 6. 7650 7.5134 6. 1729 6. 2046 6.0625 6.6125 7.6200 8. 2188 7.9650 6. 3563 6.3938 6.3500 5.7750 6. 1750 6.0700 6.3688 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. ayv WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Resin. Rice. Sheep, best, wethers. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Aus- Aus- Aus- Australia. U.S. t.ra- U S Australia. U.S. tra- U,S Australia. U.S. tra- U.S. Ua lia. lia. Maiket Mel- New Mel- New Sydney. Chica- bourne. York. bourne. Orleans go. Unit Cwt £8. a. Barrel Dolls. Ton £ e.d. Pound Dolls. Head... £ 8. d. Cwt... DoUs. Base price. *916— Year Quarters- First 13 11. 50 1 2 8.50 4. 1250 5.800C 25 5 27 10 0. 0315 .0375 1 1 0.75 1 14 3. 65 S. 3328 7.9942 163 141 109 119 163 1.50 1 1 S 5.7000 155 1.18 27 10 .0385 109 122 1 10 8 7.8713 146 148 Second 1 2 fi 4.8667 Ifil 11f 27 IOC .038! lOf 123 1 14 10 8.2304 165 154 Third 1 2 R 6.100( 162 148 27 IOC .0381 lOf 121 1 19 9 7.5659 183 142 Fourth 1 4 6. 533i 172 15f 27 IOC .0347 lot 110 1 13 9 8. 3479 160 157 Months- January 1 n 5.950( 14.1 144 27 IOC .038S lOS 123 1 7 6 7.3200 131 137 February. .. 1 2 6 5.750( Ifil 139 27 10 C .03K IDS 123 1 10 7.8563 142 147 March 1 2 6 5.400( Ifil 131 27 IOC .038C Ills 121 1 14 6 8.4375 164 158 April 1 2 fi 5.200( 161 126 27 IOC .0382 100 121 1 14 6 8.7500 164 164 May T 2 fi 4. 300( 161 104 27 IOC .038S 100 123 1 15 8.7850 166 165 June 1 2 6 5. 1000 161 124 27 10 .0393 109 125 1 15 7.1563 166 134 July 1 2 « 5.5000 161 133 27 10 .0389 109 123 2 7.6600 190 144 1 2 6 6.650( Ifil Ifil 27 10 .037S 109 120 1 19 6 7. 3813 188 138 September. . 1 3 6. 150( 165 149 27 10 .0376 109 119 (-) 7.6563 bns 144 October 1 4 6.250( 172 152 27 10 .0355 10!) ua 1 13 7.7500 157 146 November. . 1 4 6. 560( 172 159 27 10 .0347 109 no 1 16 6 8.2313 173 154 December. . . 1 4 6.8000 172 165 27 10 .0340 109 108 1 11 9 9.0625 161 IVO i917— Year 1 7 7 6. 3917 198 155 27 10 .0595 109 189 1 18 7. 75 11.7080 183 220 First 1 3 n 6. 475C Ifi.'i 157 27 10 .0354 1119 112 1 18 11 11.0865 IVb 208 1 5 6.200C 179 150 27 10 .0644 1119 204 1 15 5 12. 7481 168 239 Third 1 10 4 5 950t 217 144 27 10 .0668 1119 212 2 3 4 10. 5962 206 199 Fourth 1 12 6. 9417 229 168 27 10 .0725 109 230 1 18 11 12. 3518 185 232 January 1 3 6 6.600t 168 Ifid 27 10 .0344 109 109 1 12 10.1000 152 189 1 3 fi 6. 6S0C 168 1,'i9 27 10 .0344 109 109 2 11.4688 190 215 March 1 ? n «. 275C 158 1,52 27 10 .037C 109 117 1 18 9 11. 9375 184 224 April mSy 1 4 n 6.0000 172 145 27 10 .0577 109 !«;< 1 14 9 12. 5100 165 236 1 4 1 7 6.3000 6.3000 172 193 153 153 27 10 27 10 .0674 .0675 109 109 214 214 1 13 6 1 18 14.9500 10. 8438 167 180 280 June 203 July 1 10 6.0000 215 145 27 10 .0675 109 214 2 3 10.0000 204 188 1 in n 5.850C 215 142 27 10 .0658 109 209 2 6 10. 3750 218 195 1 11 n 6.0000 222 145 27 10 .0674 109 214 2 1 11. 5625 196 21V 1 12 6.8O00 229 165 27 10 .0727 109 231 1 6 12. 1500 192 228 November. . 1 12 ,6.8500 229 166 27 10 .0722 1U9 229 1 1 6 12.4813 19V 234 December. . . toiQ Ypar 1 12 7.1750 10.5561 229 174 256 27 10 .0725 .0777 109 23U 244 1 14 9 12.4500 12.5981 165 233 2,3fi First 1 10 S 6. 8921 220 167 27 10 .0737 1119 234 1 17 9. 17 13. 1458 1V9 24V 1 11 4 7.9254 224 192 30 .0847 119 269 2 0.67 14. 9692 19U 2S1 Third 12.0563 15. 3504 292 372 30 .0827 .0720 119 242 229 2 12. 1071 10.2500 190 22V Fourth 192 J^^onths — 1 12 7. 1200 229 173 27 10 .0722 109 221i 2 1 3.50 12. 7500 196 239 1 10 n 6.9688 215 169 27 10 .0721 109 22li 1 16 12. 8125 IVl 240 1 10 n 6. 5875 215 160 27 10 .0759 1119 241 1 16 13. 8750 171 26U April 1 10 6. 0700 215 147 30 .0833 119 264 2 2 11 16. 2250 204 304 May 1 10 1 14 7. 7250 9. 9813 215 244 187 242 30 30 .0849 .0860 119 119 2V0 273 1 17 9 1 19 6 15.6188 12. 7600 1V9 188 293 •June 239 July 1 14 11.0000 244 2fi7 30 .0869 119 276 2 3 6 12.3000 207 231 11. 5250 13.6438 15. 1550 15.9663 14.9400 279 331 367 387 362 30 30 (a) .0657 .0734 .0694 .0725 119 119 bSHH 209 233 220 230 2 1 16 6 (a) 1 19 (<■) 12.4063 11.6750 10.6563 9.9688 10. 1500 190 173 bl79 185 (a.) 233 219 2011 187 190 No.CLUOtation. b Interpolated. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918— Continued. Shot, lead. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Eelative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Skins, calf, light. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Eelative price. Aus- tral lia. Skins, sheep. Actual price. Australia. U. i Relative price. Market.. Unit Base price 1913— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February . . , March... April. ..'. MTay June July August September . . October November- . December. . . 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January Jlebruary . . . March April M^y June July August September . . October November. . December. . . 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . . March April May June July August...... September . . October November. . December. . . Mel- bourne. Ton 5. d. 29 11 29 6 29 30 30 31 28 10 28 10 28 10 28 10 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 10 10 30 30 30 16 8 35 6 30 30 30 30 32 10 34 36 36 39 36 36 42 42 36 36 36 36 36 42 42 42 42 Chica- Bags (25 lbs) Dolls. 1. 9500 1.9 1. 8500 1.8833 1. 9500 1.9.500 1. 8500 1. 8.500 1. 8500 1. 8500 1. 8500 1. 9500 1. 9500 1. 9500 1.9600 1. 9500 1. 9500 1. 9500 1. 9375 1. 9500 1. 9500 1.9500 1.9000 1. 9500 1.9500 1.9500 1. 9500 1. 9500 1. 9500 1. 9500 1. 9500 1. 9500 1. 9500 1. 9500 1. 8000 1. 8250 1. 8000 1. 8000 («) 1. 8667 1. 8000 1. 8000 1. 8000 1. 8000 1. 8000 (") (") C) 1. 8000 1. 8000 2. 0000 97 100 100 103 95 95 95 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 103 118 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 108 113 120 120 130 120 120 140 140 120 120 120 120 120 120 140 140 140 140 140 140 98 95 97 100 100 95 95 95 95 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 92 92 (») 92 92 92 92 92 («) (°) (a) (") 92 92 103 Mel- bourne. Skin... 10.54 11. 02 10. 46 10. 63 10. 05 11.19 11. 13 10. 75 10.13 10. 10. 63 10. 10. 88 10. 13 10. 13 10. 13 9 10.18 9. 71 10.58 10. 76 10 9. 9. 63 9. 63 10.26 10. 75 10.75 (») 10. 76 (») 10. 25 (») 9. 76 9. 63 10. 10. 9.30 8. 67 9. 76 9. 76 10. 75 10.76 10. 75 9.88 9. 63 9. 13 9. 13 6.50 9.38 10.13 Boston, Skin.. Dolls. 2. 0500 1. 9750 1. 9250 1. 9250 1. 9917 2.0683 1. 9250 1. 9250 1. 9250 1. 9250 1. 9250 1. 9250 1.9260 2. 0260 2. 0260 2. 0260 2. 0750 2. 0750 2. 0750 2. 0750 («) (<") 2. 0750 (<.) («) (") (<■) (-) (<■) (a) (») (a) (a) 2.0563 w 2. 0500 2. 0600 2. 0600 C) (.") (») 2. 0500 2. 0500 2. 0500 2. 0500 2. 0500 2. 0500 2. 0500 2. 0500 2. 0500 108 102 104 98 109 109 105 99 104 104 106 106 99 94 94 100 105 105 bW5 105 bios 100 95 94 102 91 85 95 95 105 105 105 94 96 94 94 97 100 101 101 101 101 blOl blot blOl 101 blOl blOl blot blOi blOl blOl blOl blOt bim blOl blOl 100 blOl 100 100 100 bWl blOl blOl 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Sydney. Pound. £ s. d. 7 6 7. 6! 7. 8; 7. & 7. 50 7. 52 7. i 7.1 7.1 7.; 7.1 7.) 7. 63 7. 25 7. 63 7. 63 7. 63 7.31 7.2 7. 60 7. 7. 84 6. 13 7. 25 7. 7.63 7. 63 7. 8. 13 8. 31 7.38 C) 6 6 6.38 7.78 6. 7. 68 8.31 8. 29 6.31 7 7. 50 7. 60 T. 25 8 8. 13 8. 75 8. 06 8. 13 8. 50 8.25 go. Pelt.. Dolls. 1. 0458 1. 0636 1. 4917 1. 1208 . 6500 .9917 1. 5125 1. 5250 1. 4375 1.4375 .9626 .9625 .6500 .6760 .7250 .8625 .9375 1. 1760 1.1724 1. 1875 1.3542 .8542 1. 2938 1. 1760 i") («) (a) 1.2250 1. 6260 .7000 .8760 .9875 (») 1. 2750 1. 4750 1. 5760 1.9583 1.9000 .9208 1. 6208 1.7750 1.9000 2.2000 2. 2000 1. 8750 1.S250 .7625 .9500 1.0500 1. 2500 1. 4500 1. 8625 o No quotation. ' Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 191S-1&18. 299 WHOLESALE PEICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Australia. Shot, lead. Actual price. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Australia. ' Skins, calf, light. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Australia, Skins, sheep. Actual .price. U.S. Relative price. Aus-I tra- U.S. lia. Market. Unit Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February. March April May June July August September . October November. December.. 1917— Year.... 'Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May Jime July August September . October November. December. . 1918— Year... Quarters — First Third Fourth Months- January... February. March April May June July August September . October — November. December. . Mel- bourne. Ton £. s. d. 30 45 3 4 43 45 13 4 46 46 42 42 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 00 Chica- go. Bags (25 lbs). Dolls. 1. 9500 2.6208 2. 1667 2.8167 3.2500 2.2500 2.0000 2.2500 2.2500 2.2500 3. 1000 3. 1000 3.2500 3.2500 3.2500 2. 2500 2.2500 2.2500 2.8750 2.6333 3.0167 3.2333 2.6167 2.5000 2.6500 2.7500 3.0000 3.0000 3.0500 3.3000 3.3000 3.1000 2.9500 2.4600 2.4500 143 152 153 153 140 140 150 150 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 111 144 167 lis 103 115 115 115 159 159 167 167 167 IM 115 165 147 135 155 166 134 128 136 141 154 164 156 169 169 159 151 126 126 Mel- bourne. Skin... £ s. d. 10. 24 11.72 10.63 11.55 1 0.19 1 0.67 10.13 19.88 10.88 10.88 11.88 11.88 10 1 0.38 W 1 1.25 0.38 0.38 Boston, Skin.. 1 1 1 5.37 1 1.38 1 4.75 17 1 8.33 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01 01 1 0.38 0.75 4 5 5.25 5.25 7.75 46 45 6 8 2.5833 2.7000 2.7500 163 151 132 138 141 19 1 10 1 10 46 46 46 46 44 46 46 2.4500 2.6000 2.7000 2.7000 2.7000 2.7000 2.7000 2.7000 2.8500 2,8500 2.85liO 153 153 153 153 147 153 126 133 138 138 138 138 138 138 146 146 146 19 19 19 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 (") 1 10 DoUs. 2. 0500 2.9021 2.5500 2. 8500 2.9000 3.3083 2. 5500 2.5500 2.5000 2.7500 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 2.9000 4. 1260 4. 1979 4.3750 4.5000 3.9167 4.0000 4.1250 4.5000 4.5000 4.5000 4.5000 4.5000 3.7500 4.0000 4.0000 3.5000 4.2500 4.2500 4.0 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.2500 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4,0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 4.0000 116 104 113 121 124 99 106 106 106 116 116 117 121 l>125 129 121 121 170 131 164 186 199 121 125 146 156 166 168 168 193 195 195 195 205 205 215 215 205 205 205 215 215 215 216 215 215 6 2/5 215 bSlS Sydney. Pound. Chica- go. Pelt.. £s. 7 213 220 191 195 201 220 220 220 220 220 183 195 195 171 207 207 196 199 195 195 195 207 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 010.06 9 0. 9.63 .11. 25 11.13 8.50 9.25 9.25 9.25 00 00 00 10 10.50 10 (») 10.50 11.75 W 1 0. 70 1 1 1 0,88 1 0.63 1 0.38 W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.13 1 0.50 1 0. 50 1 0.75 1 0.50 1 0. 13 1 0.50 1 0. 75 1 0. 17 1 0. 17 1 1 1 1 1 0.50 0.75 1 0.50 0.50 11.60 11.63 10 10. («) 1 1.30 Dolls. 1. 0458 1.9042 2.2250 1.7000 1.2583 2.4333 2.0750 2.1750 2.4250 1. 5875 1.7750 1.7375 138 .118 127 148 161 112 122 122 122 127 132 1.0500 138 1.3000 158 1.4260 bliS 1.75001 138 2.4250' 165 3.1250 aeo 2.8003 167 3,3594 2.6274 1.7833 3.4313 3.3000 3. 7750 3.0031 3.0656 3. 1416 1.6750 1.7260 1.7250 1.9000 2.3260 3.3250 4.6 3.4287 4.2625 3.8458 2.4333 3.1729 4.3125 4.2600 4.2250 4.6000 4. 9375 C) (<■) 2.3000 2.8000 3.1125 3.2313 3.1750 169 169 166 163 bm 171 171 173 171 164 164 168 iiee 164 160 164 168 160 160 164 168 171 164 184 161 153 158 169 birs 174 182 213 163 120 233 198 208 232 152 170 166 100 124 136 167 232 299 321 251 171 328 316 361 287 293 300 160 165 165 182 222 318 444 328 408 368 233 303 412 406 404 430 472 bSOl bmo 220 268 298 309 304 300 INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPABISONS, 1913-1918. "WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market.. Unit Base price 1913— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January — February. . March April May June July.. August Septemher. October November. December.. fJ9U— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January — February. . March April May June July August Sept«inber . October November. December.. .1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January — February. . March April May June ■July August September , October November. -X)ecember.. Skins, kip. Actual price. Aus- tralia.' Mel- bourne. Pound. 8. 29 8.23 8.27 8. 11 8. 1 8.4 7.88 8. 8.25 8.38 7. 76 8.19 8. 19 7: 81 8.31 8.63 8.50 8. 13 8. 13 8.29 8.36 8.22 7. 47 7. 8.31 8. 8.75 8.19 8. 13 8.31 8. 13 (<.) 6. 88 8.06 8.66 9. 04 8. 02 8.50 8.96 8.56 9.31 9. 25 8. 25 0« 7.81 (») (a) 8. 50 8, 9 9 U.S. Chica- go. Skin. Dolls 3. 3932 s.isde 3.1027 3. 0172 3. 1217 3. 4789 3.2300 3. 0761 3.0039 3. 0647 3.0115 2. 9735 2: 9736 3. 0685 3.3231 3. 5150 3. 5036 3.4200 3. 6651 3.4808 3.4903 3.7335 3. 9558 3.4200 3. 4903 3. 5321 3. 4789 3. 5150 3. 4789 3. 4770 3. 7430 3. 9824 3.8380 3. 9672 4. 0603 3. 7240 3.8836 3. 2680 3. 7411 4.0052 4. 0375 4.0622 3.6511 3.2015 3. 2775 3.3250 3. 5055 3.8703 3.8476 3. 9197 4 0014 4. 0850 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S Slates. Actual price. 99 94 100 91 «f 89 9f 92 102 103 95 95 105 91 10(1 89 101 90 93 89 99 88 99 88 94 90 100 98 104 104 103 103 98 101 98 108 100 103 101 103 96 11(1 90 117 95 101 100 103 105 104 106 103 99 104 98 103 100 102 HS 110 6.91 117 S3 113 b90 117 97 120 104 110 109 114 97 96 Kill 110 108 118 103 119 112 120 112 105 100 94 97 97 94 98 S97 103 6 im 114 103 113 107 116 109 118 109 120 Aus- tralia. Mel- bourne. Pound . £ s. d. 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 I 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 14 6 13 10 13 16 8 14 16 8 16 3 4 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 13 10 14 10 14 10 16 16 16 16 16 10 U.S. N. Y. and Vt. Square (100 sq.ft.). Dolls. 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 6.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 6.25 5.25 5.26 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 6.26 6.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 6.25 5.25 6.25 6.26 5.26 5.25 6.26 5.26 5.25 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 106 100 102 110 112 100 100 100 100 100 107 107 111 111 111 111 115 Soda, bicarbonate of. Actual price. Aus- tralia. Mel- bourne. Ton s.d. 6 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 U.S. 1001 9 12 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 8 5 8 10 10 3 4 11 10 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 10 8 10 . 100 8 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 8 10 8 10 13 10 11 15 11 15 11 10 7 8.60 100 110 10010 10010 10010 1 8 9 2 5 5 7 ( 10 10 10 10 15 Eastern dist. Pound Relative price. Dolls. 0. 0073 .0071 99 97 .0069 99 96 .(X)64 99 88 .0078 99 107 .0072 99 99 .0068 99 93 .0065 99 89 .0074 99 101 .0063 99 86 .0072 99 99 .0067 99 78 .0079 99 10S .0077 99 105 .0079 99 108 .0068 99 93 .0075 99 103 .0074 99 101 .0075 116 103 .0072 99 99 .0067 102 92 .0081 122 111 .0078 138 107 .0078 99 107 .0068 99 93 .0071 99 97 .0068 ^m 93 .0060 102 82 .0073 102 100 .0086 102 lis .0079 102 108 .0078 162 107 .0079 141 108 .0082 141 112 .0073 132 100 .0078 125 107 .0078 132 107 .0076 120 103 .0080 121 nil .0078 126 107 .0083 132 114 .0080 132 110 .0072 1,32 \)a .0081 120 111 .0075 120 103 .0070 120 96 .0081 120 111 .0079 120 108 .0080 123 110 .0079 123 108 .0078 125 107 .0077 129 105 INTERNATIONAL PBICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 301 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1B13-1918— Continued. Skins, kip. Slates. Soda, bicarbonate of. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Aus- tralia. U.S. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Aus- tralia. U.S. Aus- tra. lia. U.S. Aus- tralia. U.S. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Market . . . Mel- bourne. Chica- go. . Mel- bourne N. Y. and Vt. Mel- bourne. Eastern dist. Unit Pound . . Skin Pound Square (100 Ton Pound sq. «). £s. d. Dolls. £ s. d. Dolls. £ s.d. Dolls. Base price. 1916— Year Quarters- First 8. 29 3. 3932 13 10 f\ 5. 2500 8 6 3 0.0073 10.25 4.7196 124 139 17 7 6 5.4792 12§ 104 13 2 1 .0092 158 126 00 9.63 3.9577 116 117 17 5.2500 126 100 11 8 4 .0086 137 lis Second...... 10.19 4.2693 123 126 17 10 5.2500 130 10014 5 .0086 171 118 Third 10.66 4.5752 12(1 135 17 10 5.6667 1311 10814 .0105 16K 144 Fourth 10.67 6.0781 129 17i 17 10 5.7500 13(1 110 12 15 .0092 163 12« Months — January. 9.38 3.991X9 113 m 16 10 6.2500 122 100 10 15 .0087 129 119 February... 10 3.8950 121 115 17 5.2500 126 10011 SO .0098 136 122 March 9.sa 3.9900 115 Hi 17 10 5.2500 1311 10012 5 .0083 147 114 April May 9.63 4.1800 116 123 17 10 6.2500 1311 10013 10 .0087 162 119 10.31 4.2978 124 127 17 10 5.2500 130 100 14 5 .0093 171 127 June 10.63 4.3320 128 128 17 10 5.2500 130 100 15 .0077 180 103 . July 10.69 4.4650 129 132 17 10 5.5000 130 105 15 .0100 ISO 137 August 10.63 4.6600 12S 134 17 10 5.7500 13(1 lie 14 5 .0114 171 1.56 September.. W 4. 7025 bim 139 17 10 6.7600 13(1 11(1 12 15 .0101 1,53 138 October 10.94 6.1300 132 151 . 17 10 (1 5.7500 13(1 11(1 12 15 .OlOC 1,5:1 137 November. . 10.50 6.3270 127 186 17 10 5.7600 130 110 12 15 .0088 1,5,3 121 December... 10.56 6.7754 127 200 17 10 5.7500 130 110 12 15 .0087 153 119 4917— Year 11.41 6.4899 13R 191 25 4 2 6.5625 187 12,5 21 12 7.40 .0122 260 167 Quarters- First 11.67 6.3289 141 187 18 10 (1 5.9167 137 113 13 15 .OlOC 165 137 Second i. 1 0.56 7.2390 151 213 24 c 6.3333 178 121 14 16 8 .0126 17fl 173 Third 10.71 6.634S 1211 196 27 7.0000 2(HI i;i3 27 6 8 .0136 329 186 Fourth 10.71 6.722S 129 m 31 6 f 7.0000 2:12 i:i3 30 13 4 .0125 369 171 Months- January 11.19 6.2225 135 183 18 10 c 5.7500 137 lie 13 15 .009S 165 136 February... 11. 8£ 6.9489 143 176 18 10 t 6.0OO0 137 114 13 15 .008a 165 121 March 11.94 6.8400 144 202 18 10 c 6.000C 137 114 («) .0113 6/fifl 1,55 April May 1 0.8S 7.O3O0 155 207 20 11 6.0000 14f 114 14 5 .0102 171 140 1 1.06 7.6715 IW 223 26 c 6.5000 185 124 14 5 .0135 171 190 June 11.75 7. 0390 142 207 27 6.5000 200 124 16 .0137 193 188 July 10.88 7. 1972 131 212 27 7.0000 200 133 18 10 .0138 9,93 IRQ August 10.6a 6.6975 12f 197 27 I 7.0000 2or l3:i 25 .0142 301 196 September. . 10.6a 5.9964 12S 177 27 t 7.0000 2(K1 m 38 10 .0127 4631 174 October 10.6a 6.0325 1* IVt' 30 1 7.0000 222 13:h 38 10 .0124 4K1 170 Noveihber. . 10.75 5.9964 13(] 177 32 1 7.0000 ■W 133 38 10 .0123 463 168 December... 10.75 6.0597 130 149 32 u 7.0000 237 133 15 .0128 180 175 4918— Year 4.7101 139 .0153 210 Quarters- First 10.58 4.3852 l2^ 12t 32 ( 7.000C 2:^7 i:i:- 24 13 4 .0148 297 203 10. 6C 4.7652 VX! 141 32 ( 7.3333 ?.37 I4r .0142 195 Third 10.50 4.8887 1S7 144 8.3333 169 .0154 ?11 Fourth 4.7747 141 .0167 220 Months January 10. 75 4.9647 131! 146 32 I 7.000C 237 13c 24 10 .016C 295 219 February... 10. 5« 4.4175 127 131 32 ( 7.000C 2:17 13i 24 15 .0145 298 199 March 10.50 3.7772 127 HI 32 ( 7.000C 2:17 i;ii 24 15 .013f 29f 1R9 -0 10 ."iG 4.5600 4 8925 127 134 144 32 ' 32 n 7.0000 7 0000 237 237 133 133 24 15 .0144 .0151 298 197 May 207 10.50 4.8925 127 144 32 n 8.0000 237 152 .0132 July August September. . 127 144 32 n 8 0000 237 n? .0145 10 50 4 '8925 127 144 8 0000 152 .01,52 208 10 SO 4 8811 127 144 9 0000 171 .0164 225 (a) 10 75 4. 7747 ilB7 141 9.0000 171 .0153 November. . 4 7747 130 141 9 0000 171 .0174 238 237 4.7747 141 .0173 302 INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Australia. Market.. Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters — First. ..... Second Tlilrd Fourth Months — January. . . February. March April May June July August September . October November . December.. 1914— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January — February. . March April May. June Sugar, granulated. Actual price. Bris- bane. Ton July August September. October November. December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January.. - February. March April May June July August September . October November. December. . £ a. d. 21 15 10 22 5 22 5 21 IS U.S. New York. Pound. 22 5 21 15 21 15 21 16 21 15 21 15 21 10 21 15 21 15 20 18 21 11 21 15 21 15 21 15 21 15 21 15 21 15 21 5 20 15 20 15 20 15 22 22 23 17 6 22 6 23 24 13 4 25 10 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 25 10 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Dolls. 0. 0413 .0427 .0429 .0411 .0454 .0416 .0450 .0418 .0419 .0410 .0410 .0414 .0447 .0461 .0453 .0419 .0421 .0408 .0471 .0389 . 0.395 .0583 .0523 .0392 .0392 .0382 .0372 .0397 .0417 .0420 .0649 .0680 .0593 .0493 .0483 .0556 .0538 .0685 .0546 .0552 .0488 .0554 .0571 .0578 .0588 .0588 .0582 .0649 .0506 .0497 .0568 .0592 101 102 102 101 100 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 95 95 101 101 102 106 113 117 101 101 106 106 106 106 106 117 117 117 117 117 100 108 112 110 101 102 Sulphur, flowers of. Actual price. Australia, Mel- bourne. Ton £ s. a. 10 9 16 lo.e 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 11 10 10 913 4 11 5 114 94 96 141 127 95 95 92 90 96,10 101 iO 10 10 10 10 102 157 165 144 119 117 135 130 142 132 134 118 134 138 140 142 142 141 133 123 120 138 143 10 915 9 5 9 5 1010 14 13 12 13 15 15 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 16 16 15 15 15 U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. New- York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 Australia, 93 100 100 100 100 100 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 113 100 100 100 100 100 100 93 105 140 138 120 130 150 150 120 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 160 150 160 Tallow, prime. Actual price. Mel- bourne. Ton 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 £ s. i 30 16 8 32 9 2 32 13 4 33 32 16 8 31 32 33 33 33 33 33 32 10 32 10 33 10 32 30 10 30 10 28 17 30 29 10 29 27 30 30 30 29 10 29 10 29 10 29 («) 27 26 28 U.S. Cliica- go. Pound. Dolls. 0. 0716 .0707 .0678 .0686 .0717 .0748 .0676 .0688 .0701 .0676 .0713 .0763 .0763 .0738 .0744 .0687 .0713 .0686 .0680 .0667 .0713 .0719 .0707 .0694 .0694 .0669 .0657 .0657 .0726 .0676 .0657 .0669 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. 35 12 2 .0693 32 2 .0681 38 .0673 36 .0638 38 6 8 .0777 28 10 .0656 31 6 .0688 36 10 .0700 36 .0688 36 .0688 36 .0644 36 .0638 36 .0638 36 .0638 36 .0663 36 .0794 43 .0875 « No quotation. & Interpolated. INTEKNATIONAL, PETCB COMPARISONS, WIS-ISIS. 303 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAKTEBS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Sugar, granulated. Sulph ur, flowers of. Tallow, prime. Actual )rice. Relative price. Actual price. Rela pri tive ee. Actual price. Relative price. Aus- Aus- Aus- Australia. U.S. tra- [I.K. Austi alia. U.S. tra- D.S. Australia. U.S. tra- II.S lia. lia. lia. Market... Bris- bane. New York. Mel- bourne. New York. Mel- bourne. Chica- go. Unit Ton £ s. d. Pound. Dolls. Ton £ s.d. Pound. Dolls. Ton £ s.d. DolU. Basepilce. 1916— Year 21 15 10 28 18 2. 18 0. 0413 .0688 10 21 9 2 0. 0220 • .0228 30 16 8 41 13 0. 0716 .0989 133 167 216 104 133 138 Quarters- First i« .0610 129 148 17 3 4 .0223 172 101 42 6 8 .0904 13V 126 Second 29 5 .0729 134 177 21 3 4 .023C 212 105 44 6 8 .1054 144 147 Tliird 29 5 .0696 134 169 22 16 8 .023C 228 105 43 15 .0881 138 123 Fourtli 29 5 .0712 134 172 24 13 4 .0230 247 106 35 10 .1116 114 156 Montlis— January 25 10 .0573 117 K« 15 .0220 150 KKl 41 .0856 i;« 12(1 rebruary.. . 29 50 .0697 134 145 16 .0220 160 100 42 .0960 136 133 March 29 60 .0659 134 16(1 21 10 .0230 215 l(l.'> 44 .0906 143 127 April May 29 5 .0706 134 171 20 10 .0230 205 1(15 44 .1013 143 141 29 5 .0746 134 181 21 10 .0230 215 105 45 .1106 146 1,54 June 29 50 • .0736 134 178 21 10 .0230 215 105 44 .1044 143 146 July 29 S .0750 134 182 21 10 .0230 216 105 44 .0950 143 1.33 August 29 5 .0700 134 169 23 .0230 ZW 105 43 10 .0806 141 113 September.. 29 5 .0637 134 154 24 .0230 24(1 106 (a) .0888 blSl 124 October («) .0708 ii 1^ 171 27 .0230 27(1 106 (a) .1038 bim 146 November . . 29 5 .0735 1.34 178 24 . .0230 24(1 106 33 16 .1144 109 160 December. . . 29 5 .0692 134 168 23 .0230 230 105 35 5 .1163 114 162 1917— Year 29 5 .0771 134 187 22 11 9.82 .0330 226 160 46 6 5 .1559 147 218 Quarters- First 29 50 .0686 134 166 23 .0230 ■m lOh 40 5 1 .1185 131 166 Second 29 5 .078S 134 191 22 10 .0281 225 12H 44 18 4 .1646 146 •m Third 29 5 ,0797 134 193 22 10 .0406 225 184 46 13 4 .1675 151 ■m Fourth 29 5 .0814 134 197 22 10 .0405 225 184 49 4 2 .1734 160 242 Months- January 29 5 .0662 134 16(1 23 .0230 2:^1 1U5 38 12 6 .1150 125 161 February. . . 29 5 .0686 134 166 23 .0230 •at: 10b 39 10 .1163 12H 162 Mfircli 29 5 .070e 134 171 (-) .0230 bens 106 42 16 .1238 139 173 April May 29 6 .0815 134 197 22 10 .0233 225 106 43 .1388 139 194 29 5 .0794 134 192 22 10 .0305 225 13!; 47 10 .1663 164 232 June 29 50 .0754 134 183 22 10 .0305 226 139 44 50 .1888 144 264 July 29 5 .0745 134 180 22 10 .0405 225 184 43 .1775 139 248 August 29 50 .081S 134 19f 22 10 .0406 225 184 47 5 .1488 153 208 September. . 29 5 .0823 134 19S 22 10 .0405 225 184 49 15 .1756 161 246 October 29 5 .081! 134 19f 22 10 .0406 ■m 184 60 7 6 .1725 163 241 November . . 29 5 .0818 134 198 22 10 .0405 225 184 61 5 .1688 166 236 December... 29 5 .0804 134 196 22 10 .0405 225 184 46 .1788 149 250 1918— Year .0780 189 23 12 3.26 .0399 236 181 .1793 2.50 Quarters- First 29 5 .0735 134 m 22 10 .0405 22i) 184 42 6 8 .1762 137 24b Second 29 5 .073t 134 177 24 11 8 .0405 246 184 42 9 2 .1734 138 242 Third 29 5 .076E 134 186 24 11 8 .0405 24b 184 40 3 4 .1866 130 261 Fourth .0882 214 22 7 6 .0382 224 174 .1818 2.54 Months- January 29 5 .0744 134 18( 22 10 .0405 226 184 42 .1763 136 246 February. . . 29 5 .073t 134 177 22 10 .0406 226 184 43 .1746 139 244 March 29 5 .073t 134 177 22 10 .0406 225 184 42 .1748 136 244 April 29 6 .073t 134 177 22 10 .0405 225 184 42 7 6 .1747 137 244 May 29 50 .073( 134 177 26 10 .0406 265 184 41 15 .1736 135 242 June 29 5 .0731 134 177 24 15 .0405 248 184 43 5 .1719 140 240 July 29 50 .0735 134 178 24 15 .0405 248 184 43 50 .1781 140 249 August 29 5 .0736 134 17f 24 10 .0406 245 184 39 IOC .1870 128 261 29 5 .0846 134 9X)?. 24 10 .0405 245 184 37 15 C .1947 122 272 .0882 .0882 .0882 214 214 214 24 10 (") 20 50 .0395 .0395 .0355 245 203 180 180 161 38 15 .2000 .1933 .1494 126 •m 9,70 209 a No quotation. b Interpolated. b04 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BT^ MONTHS,. QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Tar. Actual price. Australia. Base price 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... Fehruary.. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Tliird Fourth Months- January February. . March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May June July August September. October November. . Mel- bourne. Drum. £ s. i. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Wil- mlng- ton,N.C. Barrel Dolls. 2. 2292 2.2250 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.3000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.6000 2. 1875 2.3 2.0833 2. 1667 2.1667 2.5000 2.6000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.2500 2.2500 2.2500 2.0000 2.2500 2.2500 2.0000 1.7333 1.6000 1.6000 1.7000 2.0333 1.8000 1.5000 1.6000 1.5000 1.7000 1.6000 1.7000 1.7000 1.7000 1.6000 2.2000 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 106 100 100 108 113 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 U.S 100 99 99 Tea, Pekoe. Actual price. Australia. Mel- bourne. £ s. d. 10. 47 10.62 11 11 9. 75 10.71 11 11 11 11 11 11 9. 75 9. 75 9.75 10.50 10. 75 10.88 10.54 10.75 10.67 10. 10.38 10. 75 10. 75 10. 75 10.88 10 10.25 10.13 10.60 10.60 10.25 10.38 10.50 11.97 10.92 1 0. 75 1 1.29 11.17 10.50 10.50 11.75 1 10.50 («) Oil Oil 1 1.75 76 1 0,25 67 11.25 99l 11.25 U.S. New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1708 .1549 .1517 .1460 .1482 .1750 .1550 .1550 .1450 .1460 .1450 .1460 .1450 .1460 .1540 .1760 .1750 .1750 .1936 .1750 .1865 .2162 .1963 .1750 .1750 .1750 .1788 .1900 .1900 .1900 .2326 .2240 . 1975 .1969 .1950 .2432 .2237 .2610 .2669 .2212 .1950 .2181 .2610 .2560 .2669 .2690 .2850 .2785 .2344 .2150 .2230 Relative price. Aus- tra- 105 105 93 102 105 105 105 105 106 105 93 93 93 100 103 104 103 102 100 104 122 127 107 100 100 112 119 124 133 131 117 107 107 Tin plates, coke. Actual price. 91 85 87 102 91 91 85 85 85 85 85 86 90 102 102 102 113 102 109 127 115 102 102 102 106 111 111 97 111 100 136 lOOl 131 116 115 114 131 163 156 130 114 128 147 149 150 157 167 163 137 126 131 Austral ia. Mel- bourne. Box.. £ s. 18 d. 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 8 18 18 18 1 8 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 U.S 1 2 3 110 1 2 6 1 2 6i 1 3 0, Pitts burgh. Box (100 lbs.). Dolls. 3. 4375 3.5683 3.6000 3.6000 3.5667 3.4667 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.6000 3.5000 3.6000 3.4000 3.3667 3.3600 3.4683 3.300O 3.4000 3.3500 3.3500 3.3600 3.3500 3.3500 3.3600 3.3500 3.6760 3.4500 3.2000 3.2500 3.2417 3.1750 3.3000 3.1750 3.3167 0, ^.1750 1 6 3.1750 3. 1750 3.3000 2 6 3.3000 2 6 3.3000 1 6 2 6! 2 6 2 6' 2 6; 2 6 2 6 3.1760 3.1750 3.1750 3.1750 3.1750 INTEENATIONAIi PSICE COMPABISONS, 1913-1918. 305 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit- Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters— First Second Tliird Fourth.... Months- January... Fehruary. March April ■ May June July August September. October November. December. . 191'7-TYear.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May Jime July August September. October November . December. . 1918— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months- January February . . March..!... . April May June July August September. October November. Tar. Actual price. Australia. Mel- bourne. Drum. . . £ «. d. « 12 8 10 10 15 15 9 10 10 10 10 0,10 15 15 16 15 15 15 18 15 15 10 17 19 2 1 15 15 17 17 17 17 17 6 1 1 10 10 1 2 '1 2 2 2 2 6 Wil- ming- ton, N. C. Barrel Dolls. 2. 2292 2.2542 1. 9333 1. 9333 2. 5500 2. 6000 2.1000 2.0000 1. 7000 2.0000 1. 9000 1.9000 2. 3000 2. 6000 2. 7500 2. 6000 2. 6000 2. 6000 3. 1917 2. 7000 3. 0667 3. 5000 3.5000 2. 6000 2.7500 2. 7500 2. 9000 3. 0000 3. 3000 3. 5000 3.5000 3.5000 3. 5000 3. 5000 3. 5000 3. 6773 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. 3.2364 3. 2773 3 9 i. 2045 3. 6000 2. 9500 2. 0000 3. 0000 3.1833 3.6250 4. 0000 4. 0000 4. OOOOI 4. 2500 158 127 131 188 188 119 131 131 131 131 131 188 188 188 188 188 188 198 219 240 250 188 188 219 219 219 219 219 250 250 250 259 250 Tea, Pekoe. Actual price. Australia. 250 281 87 87 114 117 94 90 76 90 85 85 103 117 123 117 117 117 143 121 138 167 157 Mel- bourne. U.S. New York. Relative price. Aus- tra- Ua. Pound.. Pound £ s. i. 10. 47 11. i 11.! 1 0. 42 11.68 1 0. 17 11 11 10 1 0. 50 1 0. 50 1 0.25 1 0.26 11 11. 50 11. 50 1 0. 50 1 0.50 1 0. 56 1 1 1 117 1 1231 1 123 130 135 148 157 157 157 157 157 157 1 1 0.83 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0. 75 1 1. 60 1 0.25 11.50 11.50 11. 76 1 2. 19 1 0. 85 1 3.42 13 1 1. 50 11. 75 1 1.25 1 01 1 1 3.50 3.76 1 4 1 2. 50 1 2. 50 1 1. 60 U.S. Dolls. 0. 1708 .2496 .2369 .2512 .2550 .2550 .2275 .2380 .2460 .2450 .2530 .2550 .2560 .2550 .2550 .2650 .2650 .2550 .4013 .3158 .4738 .4150 .4008 .2660 .3275 .3863 .4176 .5060 .4913 .4230 .4100 .4100 .4020 .4000 .4000 .3777 .3923 .3792 .3700 .3700 .3960 .3900 .3900 .3900 .3750 .3700 .3700 .3700 .3700 .3700 .3700 108 119 111 116 105 106 115 119 119 117 117 105 110 110 119 119 124 124 121 122 129 117 110 110 112 136 123 147 143 129 112 127 129 143 148 160 163 138 138 129 Tin plates, coke. Actual price. 139 147 149 149 139 143 143 148 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 235 1&5 277 243 235 124 156 124 192 248 240 240 235 234 234 230 222 217 217 232 228 228 228 220 217 217 217 217 217 217 Australia. Mel- bourne. Boi £a.6. 18 2 06 1 80" 1 16 2 10 2 5 1 40 1 40 1 16 1 16 C) (o) 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 1 16 1 18 4 1 15 1 IS 4 2 00 2 00 1 16 1 15 1 15 1 15 2 2 00 00 DO 00 00 00 DO 2 00 U.S. Pitts- burgh. B I (100 lbs.). Dolls. 3. 4375 5.1250 3.8333 4. 9167 6. 8750 5.8750 3.6750 3.8250 4.0000 4.6000 4.5000 5.7500 5. 8760 Relative price. 5. 8760 278 5. 876C 278 5.876C 278 5. 875C 278 (") 194 9.1250 213 7. 1667 194 8.1667 213 12.000C 222 9.1667 222 7.0000 194 7.0000 19^ 7.5000 194 8.0000 194 8.0000 222 8.6000 222 12 0000 22? 12.0000 222 12.0000 222 (») 222 7.7600 222 7.7600 222 7.7300 7.7500 222 7.7500 222 7. 7600 7.6700 7.7500 222 7.7600 222 7. 7500 ■m 7.7500 222 7. 7500 222 7. 7600 222 7.7500 222 7.7500 7.7500 7.7500 7.7600 306 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND' YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Australia. Turkeys. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Aus- trar lia. U.S. Turpentine. Actual price. Atlstralia. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S. Australia. Wheat. Actual price. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. Market.. Unit Bris- bane. Pair.... Base price. 1913— Year Quarters— Fir.st Second Third Fourth Months- January February. .. March A^ril May June July August September.. October November. , December... 1914— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. .. March AprU May June July August September.. October November. . December. . . 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January February. .. March April May June July August September.. October November. - December... 15 10. 32 17 5.23 4.60 1 13 16 19 1 13 16 13 13 12 13 14 6 (") IS 3 17 17 3 6 15 7.20 15 12 18 9 3.48 7 15 10 C) 14 0,17 6 12 12 6 12 4, 15 12 1 8 16 15 16 14 9 16 10 14 17 10 1 16 13 10 9 11 12 13 17 13 19 1 New York. Pound, Dolls. 0. 1740 .1704 .1600 .1467 .1767 .2000 .1850 .2100 .2000 .1500 .1300 .1600 .1300 .1500 .1700 .1800 .1800 .1662 .2000 .1725 .1388 .1533 .2200 .1800 .2000 .1900 .1775 .1500 .1300 .1513 .1350 .1650 .1900 .1150 .1481 .1525 .1400 .1250 .1750 .1625 .1450 .1600 .1700 .1300 .1200 .1150 .1150 .1450 .1800 .1900 .1550 110 131 91 ilOS 115 107 107 148 100 105 77 117 100 ills 88 110 76 79 78 76 177 101 95 104 104 66 90 112 128 101 82 63 62 73 79 85 107 85 123 129 Sydney. Gallon. £ s. d. 3 0.44 2 11.73 114 92 84 102 115 106 121 115 92 75 86 98 103 103 3 3 0.67 2 10.83 2 11.42 3 0.60 3 0.50 2 11 3 1.50 3 1.50 2 11 2 11 2 10.60 2 11 2 9.25 3 3 1 3 3.46 3 1.67 3 1.83 3 4.83 3 6.50 75 87 78 89 109 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8.75 80 72 101 66 126 3 1 103 3 1 115 3 3 109 3 3 102 3 1.60 860 3 1 4.50 6.25 6.25 4 83 103 109 8910 6, 3 7 6.67 Savan- nah, Gallon Dolls. 0. 4165 .3931 .4116 .3825 .3658 .4126 .3950 .4200 .4200 .4200 .3650 .3625 .3600 .3500 .3875 .3900 .4200 .4275 .4477 .4281 .4176 .4358 .3816 .4775 .4250 .4075 .4200 .4450 .4575 .4050 .3975 .3876 .3600 .3850 .6050 .6425 101 96 97 100 100 97 103 103 96 96 96 96 91 108 103 104 112 114 102 102 107 107 103 102 102 124 111 116 116 110 116 140 118 117 110 115 124 137 151 132 129 115 110 110 110 132 95 101 101 101 Bris- bane. Bushel. . £ s. d. 3 6.71 3 6.82 3 9 3 5.67 3 6.60 3 6 4 1 3 11 86 94 101 103 107 109 104 109 107 3 6.60 C) 9.50 6.50 6.50 6 3 11.24 3 7.21 3 7.25 4 0.50 4 4.67 106 115 107 hloA 3 8 3 7 3 6. ., W 102 3 9 105 3 6.50 110 109 It 109 bios i 107 107 103 100 105 92 115 102 98 101 107 110 97 1.60 4 6 4 7 4. 6 4.67 8 1 8 4.67 6 9.50 950 8 930 8 2 860 9 920 8 9 1210 6 10.50 1300 5 9 Kansas City. Bush. Dolls. 0. 8746 .8602 .8725 .8813 .8813 .8681 .8900 .8900 .9138 .8575 .8450 .8781 .8778 .8666 .8740 .8705 .8951 .9106 1. 0719 .8594 .8676 .8847 .8765 .8938 .9150 .8156 .8719 1.0445 1. 0219 1.0738 1. 1200 1. 2904 1.4489 1.4130 1.2246 1.0678 1.3300 1.5297 1. 4869 1.5150 1.6090 1.2150 1.3400 1.2575 1. 0763 1.0720 1.0413 1. 0900 a No quotation. 6 Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPAEISONS, laS-lSlS. 307 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Turkeys. Actual price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Aug,- tra- lia. U.S. Turpentine. Actual price. Australia, Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. U.S Actual 'Price. Australia. U.S. Relative price. Market. Unit Bris- bane. Pair.... Base price 1916— Year Quarters — First Second . Tliird Fourth Months — January — February. . March April May June £ s. d. 15 10. 32 1 1 10. 08 1 2 10 17 1 3 3 10 4.! 7 1 1 16 16 1 July August September. . October November. . December... 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June 1 18 6 1 13 1 6 (a) 1 6 9 17 6.48 July August September.. Octolier November. . December... 1918— Year Quarters- First Second Third Foiorth Months — January February. .. March April May June 1 14 15 1 1 1 18 1 1 14 15 14 12 16 16 17 1 2 1 1 19 9 17 10 2 18 18 18 16 19 July August September . Oetober November. December.. 16 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1740 .2046 .1967 .2167 .1660 .2400 .1750 .1900 .2250 .2100 .2200 .2200 .1650 .1650 .1650 .2000 .2300 .2900 .2029 .2117 .2033 .1700 .2267 .2100 .2000 .2250 .2450 .1750 .1900 .1600 .1600 .1900 .2000 .2000 .2800 .2654 .2633 .2500 .2633 .2850 .2100 .2900 .2900 .3500 .2000 .2000 .2500 .2500 .2900 .2900 .3250 .2400 138 144 111 160 147 173 126 132 104 104 126 126 117 208 129 113 125 95 138 101 109 129 121 126 126 95 95 95 115 132 167 122 117 98 130 121 115 129 141 101 109 92 92 109 115 115 161 153 151 144 151 164 121 167 167 201 115 116 144 144 167 167 187 138 Sydney. Gallon '. £ s. i. 3 0. 44 4 3. 13 4 6 4 6. 83 4 0. 50 3 11.87 4 2 4 6 4 10 4 10. 50 4 6 4 4 4 4 2 3 11.50 3 11.50 3 11 3 11 4 9.17 Savan- nah. Gallon. 4 4 5 5 2.33 5.33 0.33 4.67 3 11 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 04 6 5 3 4 11 4 11 4 11 5 5 5 10 5 05 5 5 6 6 5 5 Dolls. 0. 4165 .4544 .5300 .4133 .4141 .4600 .5400 .5500 .5000 (») .3650 .3900 .3800 .4350 .4275 .4350 . 44.50 .5000 .4475 .5033 .4325 .380 .473 .5150 .5100 .4850 .4500 .4450 .4026 .3650 .3325 .3950 .4900 .4900 .4400 .5138 .4242 .4108 .5917 .6283 .4325 .4400 .4000 .3600 .4175 .4560 .6150 .5450 .6150 .5850 .6500 . 6500 148 150 133 129 137 148 159 161 148 143 132 137 130 130 129 129 138 146 129 143 143 143 148 148 173 162 162 162 178 192 189 189 189 189 189 189 189 189 198 99 HO 130 132 120 l<119 85 94 91 104 103 104 107 120 107 121 104 91 114 124 122 116 108 107 97 Bris- bane. Bushel. £ s. 3 6.71 5 5.36 5 9. 67 5 7 6 2. 50 5 0. 75 5 9 5 8 6 5 9 5 9 5 3 5 6 5 1.60 5 5 1.60 (») 5 3 8.58 3 2.67 3 9.17 3 4 4 6.17 9.50 7.50 3 9 6.50 1.50 9.60 7.50 4 3. 50 4 6 4 6 2.50 1.50 6.50 10.50 4.60 Kansas City. Bush Dolls. 0. 8746 1.3292 1. 1652 1. 0873 1. 3356 1.7438 1.2006 1.2250 1. 0700 1.1363 1.1075 1. 0181 1.0850 1.31 1.5325 1. 6520 1.8594 1.7200 2.2966 1.9000 2. 7606 2. 4119 2. 1200 1.8! 1.8013 1.9825 2. 5306 3. 0463 2. 6900 2. 4070 2. 6463 2.1838 2.1200 2. 1200 2.1200 2. 1565 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1952 2. 1965 2.1200 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1200 2. 1200 2.1200 2. 2520 2. 1600 2. 1694 2. 1665 2. 1600 2.2600 a No Quotation. b TntAmnlatRd . 308 INTERNATIONAL, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AT7STRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market.. . Unit.... Base price. 1913— Year . . . . Quarters — First Second Third Fourtli.... Months — January... February - March April May June July August September . October November . December. . 1914— Year Quarters — ' First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . . March April May June July August September . October November. December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September . October November. December. . Wool. Actual price. AustraUa, Mel- bourne. Pound. £ s. d. 1 0. 31 1 1 1 0.50 0.75 11. 75 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1 0. 50 11. 75 11. 75 11.75 11.50 1 1 0. 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.33 1.17 0.83 0.25 0.26 0.50 0.50 1.50 1.50 1 1.50 1 0. 50 1 0. 50 10.38 10. 75 10. 25 1 1 11.67 1 0. 33 1 0.83 1 3. 17 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.50 1 1 1.50 4 4 U.S. Boston. Pound. Dolls. 0. 2317 .2388 .2708 .2.350 .2250 .2242 .2825 .2750 .2550 .2550 .2250 .2250 .2250 .2250 .2250 .2250 .2250 .2225 .2502 .2292 . 2483 .2717 . 2517 .2225 .2)25 .2325 .2350 .2450 .2650 Relative price. Aus- tra- lia. 102 104 97 97 104 104 104 104 104 102 100 107 104 86 100 100 102 102 110 110 . 2750 110 . 2750 102 . 2650 102 . 2450 .2560 .2560 .3000 .2983 .2917 .3017 .3083 . 2650 .3o;o . 3250 . 2950 .2950; . 28.^0' 1 .2950 . 30.«0 .30301 . 30f .30-0 .3150 84 87 83 106 95 100 104 123 89 106 106 1 u.s 117 101 97 97 122 119 110 110 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 108 107 117 109 100 100 101 106 114 119 119 114 106 110 110 129 126 130 133 114 132 140 127 127 123 127 132 132 132 132 1.36 Zinc, sheet. Actual price. Australia, Mel- bourne. Ton £ s.d. 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 45 1 8 40 40 45 55 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 48 48 55 65 56 77 10 56 13 4 70 95 55 56 60 60 75 76 75 95 96 95 95 95 U.S. Smel- ter. Cwt.. Dolls. 7. 3542 7. 8760 8. 6667 7. 7600 7. 5000 7. 5833 9. 0000 8. 7500 8. 2500 8. 0000 7. 7500 7. 5000 7. 0000 7. 5000 8. 0000 7. 7500 7. 5000 7. 5000 7. 6000 7. 3333 7. 0000 7. 5000 8. 1667 7, 5000 7. 2600 7. 2500 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 8.5000 08.5000 8. 0000 8. OOOO 17. 3541 10. 6833 18 5000 22. 3.333 18. 0000 8. 7500 10. 0000 13. 0000 13.5000 17. 5000 24. 6000 27. 0000 24. 0000 16. 0000 16. 0000 al6. OOrO .MSy 136 June 149- July 16? August 168 'September 179 October 16 1 162 15R 1 o Government price set. b No quotation. : Interpolated. 310 INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPAEISONS, igiS-lSlS. WHOLESALE PRICES IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1915. Barley, medium. Butter, first class C lives, prime. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Ger. U.S. Ger. U.S. Ger. U.S. Ger. U.S. Ger. U.S. Ger. U.S. Market... Mann- heim. Berlin. Chi- cago. Berlin.. New York. Unit 100 kgs. 100 lbs . . kgs. Maria. Dolls. Marls. Dolls. Marks. Dolls. Base price. 1913— Year 176 44 6243 247. 38 2724 126.89 12. 0083 182.06 ~~. 6263 103 100 251.68 .2969 102 109 127.99 12.0396 101 100 Quarters- First 194.20 .6015 110 96 264.90 .3312 107 122 127.70 12.1667 101 101 180.60 .5996 102 96 236. 47 .2860 96 105 126.86 11.1667 99 93 Third 175.60 .6671 99 10S 238.20 .2659 96 98 124.00 11.7833 98 98 Fourth 175.31 .6492 99 104 267.17 .3042 108 112 134.40 13.0417 106 109 Months- 206.04 .6260 117 100 262.00 .3144 106 115 127.50 12.2.500 100 102 194.06 .6063 110 97 266.70 .3331 107 122 125.60 12.3750 99 103 March 182.50 .5790 103 93 267.00 .3460 108 127 130.00 11.8750 102 99 April 180.36 .5863 102 94 249.00 .3213 101 118 129.20 12.0000 102 100 Mav 180.63 .6060 .6050 102 iiOl 97 97 232.40 228.00 .2681 .2655 94 92 98 97 130.00 118.40 10.3750 11.1250 102 93 86 June 93 JulT *- (a) 175.16 .6700 .6540 MOO 99 91 106 228.00 234.60 .2.5.60 .2572 92 95 94 94 119.20 124.30 10.8750 11.8760 94 98 91 Aueust 99 September . . 175.83 .7263 100 116 262.00 .2856 102 106 128.50 12.6000 101 105 October 176.25 .6825 100 ■109 264.40 .28.66 107 106 133.60 13.3750 105 111 November... 175.75 .6600 ion 104 266.20 .3019 1(18 111 135.10 12.8760 lOB 107 December... 173.94 .6160 99 99 270.90 .3250 110 119 134.50 12.8750 106 107 1914— Year 205. 05 .6204 116 99 266.43 .2731 104 100 114.68 11.9208 90 99 Quarters- First 176.50 .6158 1110 99 264.90 .2752 103 101 127.33 12.. 5833 100 105 Second 178.13 .6778 101 93 229.27 .2442 93 90 121.83 10.6250 96 88 Third 215.54 .6223 122 100 241.87 .2737 98 100 97.80 12.2250 V7 102 Fourth 263.54 .6668 144 107 299.67 .2989 121 110( 111.37 12.2500 88 102 Months— J .Tanuarv 174.75 .6390 99 102 258.60 .2975 106 Wi* 131.30 13.3760 103 HI February 176.63 .6163 100 99 253.00 .2675 102 9* 124.30 12.0000 98 100 March 178.13 .5863 101 94 253.10 .2605 102 ^lh^ 126.40 13.3760 100 111 April 178.13 .5760 101 92 241.80 .2350 98 86 128.20 11.6250 101 97 Mav 178.13 178. 13 .5840 .5726 101 101 94 92 228.00 218.00 .2431 .2645 92 88 89i 937 1.22.70 114.60 9.3760 10.8750 9V 90 78 June 91 July 212.50 .6338 .6300 mi 120 86 101 238.10 243.00 .2556 .2786 96 98 «4 102 110.70 X 94.30 11.1250 12.3000 87 74 93 August 102 September . . 218.57 .7013 124 112 244.60 .2869 99 105 \ 88.40 13.2500 VO 110 October 237.86 .6540 136 105 284.00 .2838 116 104 \l07.20 12.0000 84 100 November... C252.76 .6863 143 110 290.00 .30.50 117 112 •110.60 11.6250 87 97 December... 270.00 .6600 1.53 106 325.00 .3081 131 113 116,40 13.1250 92 109 1915— Year 341.09 .7103 193 114 .2743 101 154.94 12.1354 122 101 Quarters- First 296.60 .7850 168 126 304.14 .2913 123 lOV 117.63 12.7083 93 106 Second 340.58 .7623 193 122 329.97 .2711 133 100 155.00 10.4583 122 87 Third 368.99 .6683 203 107 380.00 .2426 1.54 89 156.37 12.7083 123 106 Fourth 368. 19 .6223 209 100 .2909 107 190.77 12.6667 150 105 Months — January 272.77 .7690 1.65 122 305.00 .3000 123 110 119.70 12.3750 94 103 February 276.45 .8188 157 131 288.62 .2963 IIV 109 108.60 12.8750 86 •107 March 340.58 .7838 193 126 318.80 .2775 129 102 124.60 12.8750 98 10V April 340.68 .7738 193 124 324.50 .2826 131 104 134.90 11.8750 106 99 340.58 340. 58 .7770 .7325 193 193 124 117 337. 00 328.40 .2670 .2638 136 133 9S S7 168.10 162.00 8.8750 10. 6250 132 128 74 June 88 July 340.58 368.19 .7500 .7013 193 209 120 112 363 00 379.00 .2500 .2360 147 153 92 87 136,30 149.80 11.7500 13.0000 107 118 98 AuRust 108 September . . 368. 19 .5538 2119 89 398.00 .2419 161 89 183.00 13.3750 144 HI 368. 19 .5840 209 94 624.00 .2625 212 96 187.60 13.3750 148 111 368. 19 .6175 209 99 .2895 106 180. 10 12.3750 142 103 December... 368. 19 .6750 209 108 .3206 118 204.60 12.2500 161 102 o No quotation, b Interpolated. c From November, 1914, spliced with maximum price of barley, native, from bericht der Preisberichtstello des deutschen Landwirtschaftsrat " (Berlin). Beilage zum Wochen- INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 311 WHOLESALE PRICES IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAR- TERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1915— Continued. Market. . Unit Base price. 1913— Year Quarters- First Second Tliircl , Fourtli Montlis— January February. . , Miircii April May Juno July August Soiytomber.. October November . December.. 1914— Year Quarters- First Second Thiri Fourth Months — January February. ., March April May June ,Tuly August September., October November. . December. . . 191S— Year Quarters— P'irst Second Third Fourth Months — January February. .. March April M;iy June July August September . . October November. . December... Coal, bituminous. Actual price. Berlin Ton... Marks 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24. 00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 21.00 24. 00 24.00 25.17 24.00 24.00 25. 17 27.50 2(.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24. 00 24.00 24.00 27.50 27.50 27. 50 27. 50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27. 50 27.60 27.50 27. 50 27. 60 27.50 U.S. Cincin- nati. Ton Dolls 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2.2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 2.2000 2. 2000 Relative price. Ger. U.S, 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 105 100 100 105 115 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 115 ll.S 115 115 115 116 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 116 116 115 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Coal, semibituminous. Actual price. Ger. Berlin. Ton. . . Marks. 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.76 20.75 20.75 20. 75 20.75 20.75 20.75 20. 75 20.75 20.76 20.75 20. 75 20.75 20.76 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 20.75 20. 75 20.75 20. 20.75 20.75 20.75 22.29 21.76 22.25 22.42 22. 75 20.75 22.25 22.25 22.25 22.25 22.25 22.25 22.25 22. 75 22.75 22.75 22.73 U.S. Nor- folk. Ton.. Dolls. 3. 0000 3, 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3.0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 3. 0000 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 2. 8500 Relative price. Ger. U.S, 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 roo 107 105 107 108 no 100 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 110 110 110 110 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Coffee. Actual price. Ger. Frank- fort. 100 kg.. Marks. 195. 17 202. 67 214. 67 202.00 193. 33 200. 67 220. 00 210. 00 20S. 00 206.00 204. 00 196. 00 190. 00 190. 00 194. 00 204.00 200. 00 198. 00 202.83 194. 00 192. 67 195. 33 229. 33 198. 00 194. 00 190. 00 192. 00 194.00 192. 00 186.00 190. 00 210. 00 230.00 230.00 228. 00 249. S7 222. 00 232. 67 254.67 289. 33 216. 00 220. 00 230. 00 234. 00 230.00 234. 00 244. 00 250. 00 2f.4. 00 280. 00 288. 00 300. 00 U.S. New York. Pound - Dolls 0. 0949 .1113 .1331 .1140 .0954 .1019 .1394 . 1350 .1250 . 1194 . 1138 .1106 .0981 . 0966 .0926 .1025 .1076 .0950 .0816 .0894 .0798 . Or42 .0913 ,0950 . 0926 .0894 .0876 .0913 .0882 . 0760 .0763 .0656 . 0638 .0631 .0745 . 0775 .0760 .0717 .0729 .0725 .082.5 .0775 .0806 .0775 .0700 .0738 .0738 .0075 . 01)75 .0760 . 0763 Relative price. Ger. U.S. arz INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QCAR. TBRS, AND YEARS, 1913-1915— Continued. Market. Unit Col£e. Actual price. Ger. Base price. 1913- Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourtli Montlis — January February. . Marcli April May June July August September. October November . December. . 1914— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. March April May June July August September. October November . December. . 1916— Year.... Quarters — First...... Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February. March April May June July August September.. October November. . December. . . Berlin Ton.., Marks. 30.75 31.33 30.83 31.50 31.60 31.50 29.50 31.50 31.60 31.60 31.50 31.50 31.60 31.50 31.50 31.60 31,60 31.60 29.25 31.50 28.50 28.50 28.60 31.60 31.50 31.50 28.60 28.50 28.50 28.60 28.50 28.60 28.50 28.50 28.50 29.25 28.50 29.50 29.60 29.60 28.60 28.60 28.60 29.50 29.60 29.50 29.50 29.60 29.60 29.50 29.60 29.60 U.S. Connells, viUe. Ton. Dolls. 2. 6200 3. 0300 3. 6167 3.0167 2, 9333 2.6667 4.3000 3. 1000 3. 1500 3. 1600 3.0000 2.9000 2.9000 3.0000 2.9000 2. 7500 2.6500 2.6000 2.3200 2. 4700 2.4100 2.2833 2. 1167 2.4800 2.4700 2.4600 2.4300 2.4000 2. 4000 2, 3000 2 3000 2.2500 2.2000 2.1000 2 0600 2.4200 2. 1267 2. 1600 2.3167 3.0733 2. 1000 2. 1600 2. 1300 2. 1300 2. 1600 2.2000 2.2500 2.2800 2.4200 2.6200 3.1000 3. 6000 Relative price. Ger. U.S, Cotton, cloth. Actual price. Ger. Mul- hau sen. Meter. Marks. 0.24 .26 .26 .25 .26 .27 .26 .27 .26 .26 .25 .25 .26 .26 .26 .24 .26 .24 .24 .24 .28 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .24 .28 Bos- ton. Dolls. 0. 0833 .0842 .0850 .0842 .0826 .0850 .0860 .0860 .0850 .0860 .0850 .0825 .0825 .0826 .0825 .0860 .0850 .0850 .0798 .0833 .0826 .0825 .0709 .0850 .0825 .0825 .0825 .0825 .0825 .0825 .0825 .0738 .0738 .0650 .0681 .0650 .0667 .0675 .0733 .0660 .0650 .0660 .0650 .0676 .0676 .0675 .0676 .0675 .0700 .0750 .0750 Relative price. Ger. Cotton, yarn. Actual price. Ger. 100 99 82 112 I 78 13: 81 Augs- burg. Keg.... Marks. 2.11 2.14 2.15 2 09 2.11 2.21 U.S. Relative price. New I York. Pound ... Dolls. I 0.3142 .... .3160 I 102 .3300 1 102 .3200 99 .2800 100 .3300 105 2.16 .3300 2.18 .3300 2.12 .3300 2.10 .3300 2. OK .3300 2.08 .3000 2.06 .2800 2.06 .2800 2.22 .2800 2.28 .3300 2.20 .3300 2.16 .3300 2.22 .3000 2. OS .3300 2.03 .3167 2.11 .2967 2.65 .2667 2.14 .3300 2.06 .3300 2.04 .3300 2.04 .3300 2.02 .3100 2.02 .3100 2.02 .3000 2.10 .3000 2.20 .2900 2.4S .2700 2.70 .2560 2 76 .2460 3.24 .2738 2.49 .2383 2.88 .2667 3.75 .2700 3.82 .3200 2.50 .2460 2.4H .2360 2. 48 .2360 2.56 .2600 2,85 .2700 3,24 .2700 3.64 .2700 3.81 .2700 3.90 . .2700 .3160 4.(111 3.71 .3225 3.75 .3225 102 a No quotation. 6 Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 313 WHOLESALE PRICES IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAR- TERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1915— Continued. Cows, first quality. Flour, rye, medlimi. Flour, wheat. . Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Ger. U.S. Ger. U.S. Ger. U.S. Ger. U.S. Ger. U.S. Ger. U.S. Market... Berlin Chicago Berlin Min- neap- Berlin.. Minne- apolis. olis. Unit 100 kgs. 100 lbs . . 100 kgs. Bbls. 100 kgs. Bbls. (196 (196 lbs.) lbs.) Marks. Dolls. Marks. Dolls. Marks. Dolls. 89.70 9.1022 20.52 3. 0733 26.81 4. 5699 1913— Year 91.54 8.9288 102 98 20.85 3.1231 102 102 26.90 4.5837 101 100 Quarters- First 88.27 8.9550 9K 9X 21.43 3.1600 1114 1112 27.25 4.4584 1(12 98 Second 91.77 8.7767 103 96 21.02 3.1600 102 102 27.26 4.7096 102 103 Third 93.57 8.9833 104 99 20.96 3.1433 102 102 27.17 4.6833 101 102 Fotirth 92.57 9.0004 103 99 20.00 3.0500 97 99 26.92 4.4746 97 98 Months- January 90.80 9.0126 101 99 21.80 3.1600 106 102 27.50 4. 4813 103 98 February. .. 87.80 8.9125 98 98 21.40 3.1500 104 102 27.26 4.5188 102 99 March 86.20 8.9400 96 98 21.10 3.1500 103 102 27.00 4.3750 101 96 Aprjl May 89.30 8.8938 100 98 20.95 3.1500 102 102 27.26 4.6100 102 101 92.00 8.6563 ia3 95 21.05 3. 1500 103 102 27.25 4.6563 102 102 June 94.00 8.7800 105 96 21.05 3.1500 103 102 27.26 4.8625 102 106 July 94.80 8.9875 106 99 21.25 3.1600 104 102 27.25 4.7700 102 104 August 92.40 8.8875 103 98 20.98 3.1500 102 102 27.26 4.7000 102 103 September.. 93.50 9.0760 104 lOfl 20.65 3.1300 101 102 27.00 4.5800 101 100 October 92.50 9.1250 103 100 20.06 3.0500 98 99 26.00 4.4563 97 98 November. . 93.20 8.9663 104 98 19.96 3.0600 »7 99 25.75 4.4876 96 98 December. . . 92.00 8.9200 103 98 20.00 3.0600 97 99 26.00 4.4800 97 98 1914— Year Quarters- First 85.57 9.6620 95 106 24.65 3.6212 120 116 30.75 5.0962 116 112 87.63 9.2383 98 101 19.65 3.0500 96 99 26.33 4.6708 98 100 Second 85.03 9. 1867 96 101 21.47 3.0600 106 99 27.83 4.5508 104 100 Third 84.03 10.0767 94 111 26.75 3.1833 130 104 32.33 5.3488 121 117 Fourth C) 10.1479 im 111 30.75 4. 7042 160 153 36.50 5.8625 136 128 Months- January 91.40 9.2250 102 101 19.80 3.0500 96 99 26.26 4.6000 98 98 February... 86.00 9.2250 96 101 19.60 3.0600 96 99 26.60 4.6876 99 100 March 85.50 9.2850 95 102 19.55 3.0500 95 99 26.25 4.6260 98 101 April May 85.30 9.2760 96 102 19.85 3.0600 97 99 27.25 4.5500 102 100 84.80 9.1250 95 100 22.10 3.0500 108 99 27.76 4.6126 104 101 June 85.00 9.1600 95 101 22.46 3.0500 109 99 28.50 4.4900 106 98 July 85.30 9.6750 95 106 22.45 2.9750 109 97 29.00 4.5938 108 101 August 85.80 10.0300 96 110 28.60 3.0250 139 98 34.00 5.5125 127 121 September.. 81.00 10.5260 90 116 29.20 3.6500 142 116 34.00 ,5.9400 127 130 October (a) 10.4600 6.9.J 115 30.23 3.8250 147 124 35.00 5.7563 131 126 November.. (o) 10.2188 b9S 112 30.23 4.6875 147 163 36.60 5.8813 136 129 December. . . 9.7760 0102 107 1:31.78 5.6000 166 182 c 38.00 5.9600 142 130 1915-Year Quarters- First 117.84 9.3117 131 102 35.45 5.2136 173 170 37.48 6.6630 140 146 96.90 8.8063 108 97 40.48 5.6958 197 186 41.73 7.3492 158 181 Second 117.27 8.7584 131 96 34.33 5.6367 167 183 37.13 7.3942 138 182 Third 124.70 9.8159 139 108 33.50 4.9426 16;i 161 35.52 6.2242 132 138 Fourth 132.50 9.7717 148 107 33.50 4.5833 163 149 36.62 5.7479 132 126 Months- January 95.40 9.1583 106 101 35.24 5.6375 172 183 40.53 6.8563 Ibi 160 February... 94.80 8. 6938 106 94 43.39 5.8000 211 189 42.15 7.7083 16V 169 March 100.50 8.6667 112 96 42.80 5.6500 209 184 42.52 7.4850 169 164 April Jiay 105.80 8.3313 iia 92 36.00 5.6600 176 184 40.35 7.7063 161 169 120.00 8. 6460 134 95 33.50 5.6600 163 184 35.52 7.8813 132 172 June 125.80 9.2688 140 102 33.60 5.6100 163 183 35.52 6.5950 132 144 July 122.80 9.9063 137 109 33.60 5.3875 163 175 35.52 7.0313 132 154 August 127.30 9.8100 142 108 33.50 4.9400 163 161 35.62 6.3100 132 138 September. . 124.00 9.7313 138 107 33.50 4.5000 163 146 36.52 5.3313 132 117 October 127.60 9.6875 142 106 33.60 4.5260 1ft;< 147 35.52 5.5188 132 121 November- - 130.30 9.9400 145 109 33.50 4.6000 16;^ 150 35.52 5.5000 132 120 December. . . 139.60 9.6875 156 106 33.50 4.6250 163 160 35.52 6.2260 132 136 a No quotation. 6 Interpolated, c From. Decemberj 1914, spliced with rye flour No. 1 from "Beilage zum Wochenbericht der Preisber- 314 INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAR- TERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1915— Continued. Hogs, live. Actual price. Ger. U.S. Relative price. Hops. Ger. U.S. Actual price. Ger. U.S. Relative price. Ger. U.S. Iron, bar. Actual price. Ger. U.S. Relative price. Ger. U.S. Market. Unit. Baseprice. 1913— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February.. . March April May June July August September. October November , December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September. October November . December.. Berlin 100 kgs Marhs. 103. 60 114.63 122. 20 106.27 119.10 110.93 126.40 121.30 118. 90 108. 60 105.30 104.90 118.00 121.80 117.50 115.90 111.10 105.80 95.29 97.13 87.23 90.67 106. 13 103.30 96.50 91.60 89.80 86.60 85.30 8S.70 94.30 92.00 102. 70 104.40 111.30 Chicago 147.53 217.30 237.07 127. 70 162. 50 162.40 188.80 226.30 236. 80 232. 80 261.30 277. 10 276. 70 Dolls. 8. 3094 8.3542 8.2500 816417 8. 6083 7.9167 7.4500 8.1750 9. 1250 8.8250 8.5000 8.6000 9.0760 8.3760 8.3750 8. 2000 7.8000 7. 7500 8.2677 8. 4417 8. 2708 8.8250 7. 5333 8. 1760 8.5500 8. 6000 8.4750 8. 2375 8.1000 9.0000 8.9000 8.5750 7. 7760 7.6250 7. 2000 7.0229 6. 7333 7.3333 7. 1260 6.9000 6.8000 6.6750 6, 7260 7.2000 7.4000 7. 4000 7.1000 6.9260 7.3500 7. 7250 6.6260 6. 3500 118 103 116 107 122 117 115 105 102 101 114 118 113 112 107 102 92 94 84 88 102 100 93 Nu- rem burg. 100 kgs Marks. 355.00 282.50 223.33 236.67 286.67 220.00 New York, Pound 220.00 230. 00 240.00 230.00 240.00 250.00 240.00 370.00 370.00 390.00 390.00 263. 75 390.00 360.00 206.67 98.33 390.00 390.00 390.00 390.00 360.00 330.00 280.00 240. 00 100.00 100.00 96.00 100.00 90.42 110.00 96.67 70.00 86.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 100.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 80.00 86.00 85.00 85.00 Dolls. 0. 3575 .2663 .2800 .2167 .1900 .3783 .3100 .2700 .2600 .2200 .2200 .2100 .1800 .1960 .1950 .2250 .4450 .4650 .3963 .4550 .4067 .3633 .3600 .4650 .4600 .4400 .4300 .4000 .3900 .3700 .3600 .3600 .4750 .3350 .2700 .1826 .2017 .1267 .1200 .2817 .2600 .2050 .1600 .1400 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .1200 .2800 .2850 .2800 78 61 53 106 87 76 73 62 62 59 50 66 55 63 110 124 110 130 Lubeck. 1,000 Marks. 260. 00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 261.67 260.00 260.00 261.67 266.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 260.00 266.00 265.00 266. 00 265.00 281.50 271.67 280.00 290.00 290.00 270. 00 270.00 275.00 275.00 275.00 290. 00 290.00 290.00 290.00 290.00 C) (<■) Pnlladel phia. Pound . Dolls. 0.0180 .0192 .0206 .0196 .0193 .0173 .0206 .0206 .0206 .0196 .0196 .0196 lUO 100 109 109 .0196 100 109 .0196 100 inc .0186 ion in.1 .0176 10(1 9^ .0176 1(10 9f .0166 100 92 .0160 101 89 .0166 inn 92 .0167 inn 87 .0163 101 91 .0152 102 8* .0166 inn 92 .0166 inn 92 .0166 inn 92 .0167 ion 87 .0167 ion 87 .0157 100 87 .0157 inn 87 .0166 ion 92 .0166 1(12 92 .0152 in2 8* .0162 in2 84 .0152 102 84 .0174 108 9T .0152 104 84 .0162 ins R7 .0174 112 97 .0215 112 119 .0152 in4 84 .0152 in4 84 .0152 in6 84 .0165 106 Rfi; .0157 106 87 .0168 112 88; .0162 112 90) .0171 112 96. .0188 112 in« .0198 112 110) .0216 iUH 19,™ .0232 m 12a a No Quotation. blntfirnnlat,fi(i. INTEENATIONAL PEICE COMPAKISONS, ISlS-l&lS. 315 WHOLESALE PRICES IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAE - TEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1915— Continued. Iron, pig, first series. Actual price. Ger. U. S. Market... Dort- mund. Base price. Year— 1913.... Quarters — First Second — Tliird Fourtli.... Montlis — January February. . Marcli April May June July August September October... November. December... Year— 1914 Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January. . . February., March April May June July August September. October November. December.. Year— 1915.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November . December. . 1,000 kgs. Marks. 80.75 82.25 82.50 82.50 82.50 81.50 82.50 82.50 82.50 82.50 82.50 82.50 82.50 82.50 82.50 82.50 82.50 79.50 82.08 79.50 79.50 79.67 89.67 79.50 79.50 79.60 79. 50 79.50 79.50 78.00 78.00 83.00 83.00 93.00 93.00 106.92 97.67 100.00 115.00 115.00 93.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 115.00 115.00 116.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 Valley fur- naces. Ton Relative price. Ger. U.S. Dolls. 14. 7900 16.2600 17.2333 16.7800 16. 7467 15.2833 17.2500 17.2500 17.2000 17.0000 17. 0000 16.3400 15.8600 15. 6300 15.7600 15.6700 15.2300 14. 9500 13.9900 14. 1300 14.0000 14.0000 13.8233 14.0600 14. 1300 14.2000 14.0000 14.0000 14.0000 14, 0000 14.0000 14.0000 13.9700 13.7500 13.7500 14.9000 13.6633 13.6500 15. 0100 17.2867 13.7500 13.6400 13.6000 13.6000 13.6000 13.7500 13.9800 15.1200 15.9300 16.0000 16. 6700 19.1900 Iron, pig, second series. Actual price. Ger. U. S, Dort- mund, 1,000 kgs. Marks. 62.67 65.67 66.00 66.00 66.00 64.67 66.00 66,00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66,00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 66.00 62,00 60,67 60.00 60.00 59.67 63,00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 58,00 58.00 63.00 63.00 63.00 63.00 72.17 67.67 69.00 76.00 76.00 65.00 69.00 69.00 69.00 69,00 69.00 76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00 76.00 Valley lur- naces. Ton Dolls. 13.3617 14. 7700 16.3667 15.2067 14,1633 13.3800 16.5000 16. 4300 16. 1400 16.8700 15.2500 14, 6000 14,4000 14.0900 14.0000 13.9700 13.2800 12. 8300 12. 8900 12.9233 13.0000 13.0000 12.6267 12.6100 13.2100 13.0600 13.0000 13.0000 13.0000 13.0000 13.0000 13.0000 12.8800 12.5000 12. SOOO 13.7800 12. 5000 12.5233 13.8833 16.2033 12.5000 12.6000 12.5000 12.5000 12.5000 12.6700 12.8700 13.9800 14.8000 15.0000 15. 8800 17. 7300 Relative price. Ger. U.S. Lead, pig. Actual price. Ger. Berlin. 100 kgs. Marks. 40,85 39.64 36,25 39.88 42.75 39.67 37.50 36.00 35.25 37,25 40,63 41.75 42.75 43.75 41.76 41.50 40.00 37.50 43.60 40.00 39,00 44.25 51.17 39.75 40.00 40.25 38.25 38.75 40.00 40.00 46.75 46.00 48.00 51.25 54.25 U.S. 54.67 54.42 65.17 64.25 55.25 54.50 63.25 52.50 57.50 64.00 66.00 65.50 66.40 New York. Pound . Dolls. 0.0418 .0437 .0432 .0435 .0456 .0425 .0432 .04.33 .0433 .0438 .0434 .0433 .0435 .0462 .0470 .0440 .0429 .0405 .0386 .0404 .0387 .0386 .0367 .0411 .0405 .0.397 .0381 .0390 .0390 .0389 .0388 .0383 .0353 .0368 .0380 .0387 .0481 .0498 .0604 .0373 .0383 .0405 .0422 .0427 .0593 .0566 .0466 .0461 .0460 .0516 .0536 Relative price. OJ.U l±NXJ!;±tJNATlUJNAJ_i ir-JiiL/Jb; (JUiVlJi'AKlSUJNS, Itfid— llfXO. WHOLESALE PRICES IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAR- TERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1915— Continued. Market. . Unit Base price. 1913— Year Quarters — First Second , Tliird Fourtli Montlis— January February . . . Mareli April May Julie Ik July Au^st September.. October November . . December... 1914— "year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Month.'; — January February. .. March April May June .July Auirust September . . October November . . December... 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. .. March April May June July August September. . October November. . December... Linen thread. Actual price. Ger. U Biele- feld. Keg.. Marks. 2.51 2,55 2.66 2.56 2.56 2.53 2.56 2.66 2.66 2. .56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.56 2.66 2.56 2.51 2.51 2,60 2.48 2.46 2.61 2.,S7 2.51 2,48 2,45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.66 2,59 2.67 2.76 2,87 2.98 3.73(1 3.11 3.86 3.97 3.97 3.03 3.14 3.14 3.86 3.86 3.86 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.97 3,97 3.97 Pound . Dolls. 0. 8930 .8930 .8930 .8930 .8930 .8930 .8930 . 8930 .8930 .8930 .8930 .8930 ,8930 .9071 . 8930 .8930 .9474 .8930 .8930 .8930 .8930 . 8930 .8930 .8930 .8930 ,8930 1,0763 1.0822 1.0622 1.0622 1.1186 1,0622 1.0622 1.0622 1.0822 1.0622 1.0622 1.0822 1.0622 1,0622 1.0622 1.1468 1. 1468 Relative price. Ger. U.S. Oats, good. Actual price. Ger. U. S. Berlin 1,000 kgs. Marks. 157.95 162.17 167.86 163.05 162. 85 154,93 172, 40 168, 23 162. 95 164.52 164, ,55 160,09 163,24 164.27 161.05 157.60 155.56 151.62 183.89 151.18 162. 85 199. 96 221.56 151,81 161,17 160.56 152. 56 164, 81 171.18 172.33 211.42 216.12 221.00 0221.13 222.66 286. 69 257.23 274.56 302.99 312,00 222.56 274,56 274,56 274.56 274. 56 274. 56 274.56 317.20 317.20 312.00 312.00 312. 00 Chi- cago, Bushel, Dolls. 0. 4005 .3802 .3311 ,3776 .4159 .3988 ..3,324 .3347 .3271 .3486 .3786 .4076 .3940 .4208 .4263 .3972 .3970 .4027 . 4239 .4269 .4802 .3889 ..3941 .3930 .3910 .3985 .4008 .3722 .4193 .4911 .4679 .4864 . 4895 .4805 . 5612 .5314 .4613 .3854 .6366 .5761 .5770 .5717 .6343 .4874 .5358 .4495 .3477 .3635 .3678 .4214 Relative price. Ger. U.S. Potatoes, white. Actual price. Ger. U. S. Magde burg. 1,000 kgs. Marks. 35.58 37.92 35.33 44.67 43.67 ?S. 00 36.00 36.00 34.00 32.00 32.00 70.00 63.00 39.00 29.00 27.00 28.00 29.00 46.42 32.33 38.33 56.00 59.00 31.00 33.00 33.00 36.00 38.00 42.00 73.00 58.00 39.00 69.00 63.00 55.00 73.67 76.33 107.33 55.00 76.00 90.00 90.00 78.00 61.00 160. 00 102. 50 60.00 65.00 General market, Bushel. . Dolls. 0. 6900 .6966 .5190 .5123 .6477 .7073 .5060 .5310 .5200 .5030 .4820 ..5520 .4980 .6920 .7530 .7390 .6960 .6870 .6927 .7090 .8117 .6540 .6840 .6970 .7070 .7000 .7140 .7130 .8150 .8710 .7490 .6470 .5280 .4870 .5248 .6017 .4970 .5297 .5710 .4970 .6040 .5040 .4780 .5050 .5080 .5210 .5630 .5050 .4880 .6080 .6170 Relative price. a From November, 1914, spliced with oats, medium, from "Beilage zum Wochenbericht der Preis- herichtstelle des deutschen Landwirtschaftsrat" (Berlin). INTERNATIONAL PKICB COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 317 WHOLESALE PRICES IN GERMANY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAR TERS, AND YEARS, 1913-191S— Continued. Market. . Unit Base price. 1913— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . . March April May June July August September.. October November. . December. . . 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third ,. Fourth Months — January February. .. March April May June July August September . . October November. . December. . . 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . March April May Jime July August September. October November. December. . Rye. Actual price. Ger. U. S. Berlin 1,000 kgs. Marlta. 162.17 164. 30 168. 08 165. 48 166.20 157.44 171. 94 168. 10 164. 20 164. 31 ' 166.97 165. 17 173. 27 163. 23 162. 11 158. 03 165. 54 158. 75 185.54 155. 63 169.40 193. 14 223. 96 156. 69 154.75 155. 46 159. 56 172. 30 176. 35 173. 66 193. 98 211. 79 227. 89 »222. 00 222. 00 228. 61 227. 28 236. 36 228.80 222. 00 224. 25 227. 28 230. 30 233. 33 236. 35 239. 39 242.41 222. 00 222. 00 222.00 222. 00 222. 00 Minne- apolis. Bushel. Dolls. 0. 5653 .5656 .5692 .5658 .5833 .5442 .5850 .5675 .5550 .5500 .5725 .5750 .5675 .5675 .6160 .6675 .5425 .6225 .6974 .5521 .5817 .7126 .5513 .5450 .5600 .6650 .5800 .6000 .5625 .6600 .9150 .8400 .9350 1. 0550 1. 0529 1. 1533 1. 1350 .9917 .9317 1. 1000 1. 2650 1. 0950 1. 1050 1. 1650 1. 1360 1.0650 1.0450 .8650 .9150 .9550 .9260 Relative price. Ger. U.S. Sheep, prime. Actual price. Ger. U. S. Berlin 100 kgs. Marks. 94.20 93.31 90.30 93.70 93.37 95.87 89.10 89.80 92.00 92.30 93.10 95.70 93.60 93.40 93.20 95.80 97.00 93.98 94.10 93.47 92.33 96.00 96.60 92.40 93.30 93.00 92.90 94.50 93.00 93.80 90.20 90.50 96.00 101. 50 134. 77 110. 63 128. 87 146. 60 153. 97 107. 00 109. 70 116. 20 117.00 132.80 142.00 146. 30 148. 50 146.60 153. 50 161.80 New York, 100 lbs, Dolls. 4. 7708 4. 6771 6. 2600 5. 2083 3. 6250 4. 6250 4. 5000 6. 2500 6. 0000 6. 5000 5.2500 3. 8750 3. 6250 3. 5000 3. 7500 4. 3760 4. 6260 4. 8760 5. 0560 5.5000 5. 3333 4. 2283 4. 9583 4. 8250 5. «750 6. 0000 6.0000 6. 6260 4. 3760 4. 4350 3. 7500 4. 5000 6.0000 5. 3760 4.5000 6. 0468 6. 3500 7. 6667 6. 0417 5. 1250 4. 2500 5. 0000 6.8000 8. 0000 10. 3750 4. 6250 6. 7500 6. 8750 5.5000 6. 0000 4. 7500 4. 6250 Relative price. Ger. U.S. 102 102 103 Sugar, refined. Actual price. Ger. Magde, burg. 100 kgs. MarliS. 38.58 39.08 39.46 39.41 38.86 38.52 39.38 40.19 39.63 39.22 39.38 (») 39.00 39.13 38.50 37.92 39.31 38.25 38.79 39.51 40.75 38.32 38.31 38.13 38.38 39.00 39.00 39.02 40.00 (a) 40.25 41.00 41.00 41.75 41.60 42.20 (CL) (a) 41.30 41.60 41.90 42.20 («) (") (o) («) (") (») (a) «) U.S. New York. Pound . Dolls. 0. 0413 .0427 .0429 .0411 .0464 .0416 .0450 .0418 .0419 .0410 .0410 .0414 .0447 .0461 .0453 .0419 .0421 .0408 .0471 .0623 .0392 .0392 .0382 .0372 .0397 .0417 .0420 .0649 0680 .0693 .0493 .0556 .0538 .0686 .0646 .0552 .0488 .0554 .0571 .0578 .0588 .0588 .0682 .0549 .0506 .0497 .0568 .0592 Relative price. Ger. U.S . 102 102 101 100 101 102 104 103 102 102 100 I>W1 101 101 100 99 99 99 101 101 101 104 104 106 106 108 108 109 (a) (.") 107 108 109 109 (°) C«) (») (") (<■) («) (a) («) a No quotation. b InterDolated. 318 INTERNATIONAL PKICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PKtCES IN GERMANY ANT) THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAR- TERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1915— Continued. . : J* Base price 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January — February.. March April May June July August September . October — November. December.. 1914- Year Quarters — First Second ' Third Fourth ■ ^ Months — January — February.. March April May June July August September. October — November - December.. 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January — February. - March April May June July August September . October — November. December.. Tea, Chinese. Actual price. Ger. U. S. Kon- igs- berg, Keg... Marks. 1.88 1.88 2.00 1.83 1.80 1.87 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.97 3.87 6.47 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.20 4.00 5.40 5.50 6.50 5.40 4.73 4.47 4.63 4.73 5.07 4.60 4.40 4.40 4.60 4.60 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.80 5.00 5.00 5.20 New York. Pound . .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1500 .1325 .1325 .1602 .1750 .1325 .1326 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1325 .1694 .1750 .1750 .1750 .1760 .1850 .1750 .1750 .1923 .1975 .1750 .1750 .1750 .1750 .1750 .1750 .1975 .1975 .1975 .1975 .1975 Relative price. Ger. U.S. Tin, pig. Actual price. Ger. U. S, Co- logne. 100 kgs. Marks. 359. 39 413.91 452.38 444.48 389.65 369.13 465. 15 463.50 438.50 454. 70 458.00 420. 75 382.95 388. 50 397. 50 380. 85 372.55 354.00 372.36 360.97 317.82 325.00 485. 67 352.00 '373.30 357. 60 342.00 319.25 292. 20 301.00 336.00 338.00 370.00 535.00 552.00 475.00 476.00 475.00 475.00 475.00 a475.00 475.00 475.00 476.00 475. 00 475.00 475.00 475.00 475.00 475.00 475.00 475. 00 New York. Pound. Doll.1. 0.3819 .4432 .4869 .4773 .4153 .3932 .5045 .4873 .4688 .4912 .4914 .4039 .4172 .4247 .4060 .3981 .3764 .3570 .3335 .3838 .3250 .3774 .3993 .3809 .3610 .3330 .3065 .3175 .5060 .3279 .3040 .3350 .3360 .3866 .4019 .4238 .3501 .3707 .3430 .3732 .4896 .4798 .3878 .4037 .3750 .3439 .3313 .3308 .3938 .3875 Relative price. Ger. U.S. 104 Tobacco. Actual price. Mann- heim 100 kgs. Marks. 112.00 111.25 100.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 100. 00 100.00 100.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 115.00 110,58 112.00 106.00 106.00 118.33 115. 00 115.00 106. 00 106.00 106.00 106.00 106.00 106. 00 106.00 115.00 115.00 125.00 180. 83 143.33 150. 00 180.00 250.00 130.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 160.00 160. 00 220. 00 240. 00 250. 00 260. 00 U.S. New York. Pound . Dolls. 0.1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 Relative price. a Maximum price set. INTEE]WB 107 107 107 107 109 122 105 98 112 115 122 127 118 94 94 105 105 111 119 100 101 90 100 110 96 93 94 102 105 104 112 113 o No quotation. 6 Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, IWS-IWS. 321 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Market. Base price... 1915— Year... Quarters — First Second. . . Third.... Fourth... Months- January.. February. . . March April May June July August September . October November. December. . 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... ■ Months — January., . February. March April May June July. August September . October November. December. . Beef, fore quarter. Actual price. Aus- tria. Vienna Kg.... S^ronen, 1.49 3.62 2.25 3.85 4.10 4.29 1.99 2.14 2.61 3.21 3.95 4.40 3.93 4.03 4.35 4.28 4.30 4.28 4.46 6.63 7.69 7.69 7.64 U.S. Chicago Pound . , Dolls. 0. 0894 .0935 .0883 .0848 .0796 .0975 .0950 .0890 .0850 .0875 .0915 .0850 .0800 .0788 .0800 .0800 .0974 .0817 .0963 .1008 .1108 .0800 .0856 .0919 .0950 .1025 .1013 .1000 .1013 .1095 .1125 .1106 Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S. Beef, hind quarter. Actual price. Aus- tria. Vien- na. Kg.... Kronen. 1.68 3.90 2.39 4.11 4.42 4.66 2.13 2.29 2.76 3.39 4.23 4.72 4.33 4.28 4.65 4.70 4.69 4.60 4.84 7. 06 8.67 4.60 5.08 8.67 8.64 Chica- Kgo. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1952 .2032 .1877 .1658 .2208 .2400 .2000 .1826 .1820 .1713 .1600 .1660 .2167 .2180 .2275 .2400 .2400 .2400 .2550 .2454 .2454 .2500 .2792 .2400 .2480 .2475 .2400 .2400 . 2576 .2575 .2420 .2526 .2660 .2825 .2925 Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S. 104 Butter, table. Actual price. Austria. U. S, Kg Kronen. 3.46 5.36 4.07 4.70 5.40 7.28 4.10 4.10 4.00 4.70 4.50 4.90 6.10 5.60 5.50 6.85 7.20 7.80 8.00 7.60 8.40 (») («) (.") i") (a) (a) (a) C) (») (°) Chicago. Pound . . Dolls. 0.2724 .2743 .2913 .2711 .2426 .3000 .2963 .2775 .2825 .2670 .2638 .2500 .2360 .2419 .2625 .2895 .3206 .3179 .3159 .3019 .2910 .3622 .2925 .3100 .3453 .3383 .2856 .2817 .2683 .2906 .3141 .3373 .3763 .3731 Relative price Aus- tria. U.S. 107 100 110 109 102 104 98 97 92 87 106 118 116 111 107 133 107 114 127 124 105 103 107 115 124 138 137 « No quotation. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-19ld— Continued. Calves, live. Actual price. Aus- tria. Relative price. Aus- tria. CofEee, Rio. Actual price. Aus- tria. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S Cows, fat. Actual price. Austria. U. S, Relative price. Aus- tria. C.3. Market. Unit.... Base price. . 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Third Fourth — Months — January... Febniary. March April May June July August — September October... November December... 1914— Year... Quarters- First Second , . . Third.... Fourth... Months — January.. February. March April May June July August September. . October November. . December... Vienna Kg.... Kronen, 1.18 1.19 1.21 1.21 1.17 1.16 1.21 1.19 1.22 1.24 1.28 1.12 1.07 1.20 1.23 1.21 1.19 1.08 1.19 1.17 1.21 1.14 1.23 1.19 1.16 1.16 1.24 1.22 1.18 1.15 1.12 1.16 1.17 1.33 1.20 New York. 100 lbs. Dolls. 12. 0083 12. 0396 12. 1667 11.1667 11. 7833 13. 0417 12. 2500 12. 3750 11. 8750 12. 0000 10. 3750 11. 1250 10. 8750 11.8750 12. 6000 13. 3750 12. 8750 12. 8750 11.9208 12. 5833 10. 6250 12. 2250 12. 2500 13. 3750 12. 0000 13. 3750 11. 6250 9. 3750 10. 8750 11. 1250 12. 3000 13. 2500 12. 0000 11. 6250 13. 12S0 Trieste SOkgs. Kronen. 64.58 73.33 85.17 75.50 65.33 67.33 89.50 87.50 78.50 77.50 76.00 73.00 69.00 65.00 62.00 64.00 70.50 67.50 71.45 65. 00 60.67 62.00 106. 75 65.00 65.00 65. 00 60.00 60.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 (") (») 110. ,50 103. 00 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0949 .1113 .1331 .1146 .0964 .1019 .1394 .1350 .1250 .1194 .1138 .1106 .0981 .0956 .0925 .1025 .1075 .0956 .0816 .0929 .0894 .0798 .0642 .0913 .0960 .0925 .0894 .0875 .0913 .0882 .0750 .0763 .0656 .0638 .0631 Vienna.. 100 kgs.. Kronen. 82.86 8a02 90.60 91.71 88.96 84.81 90.49 90.54 90.76 92.60 92.06 90.58 89.34 89.26 88.25 88.68 83.60 82.16 84.86 79.12 78.57 8,5. 73 96. 02 79.87 78.36 79.13 78.06 78.34 79.32 81.39 84.38 91.41 95.63 95.14 97.30 Chicago. 100 lbs.. Dolls. 8. 6477 8.4409 8.4138 8. 6300 8. 5338 8.3663 8. 4063 8. 6600 8. 5000 8. 2563 8. 4850 8. 7188 8. 5063 8.6660 8. 6500 8.5063 8.4450 9. 0387 8. 6829 8.7442 9. 4900 9. 2500 8. 7663 8.6375 8. 6550 8.7125 8. 7260 8. 7950 9.2188 9. 5200 9. 7313 9.4313 9.4063 8. 9125 97 100 97 97 100 100 100 101 110 107 101 100 100 101 101 102 107 110 113 109 109 103 a No quotation. INTERNATIONAX, PRICE COMPARISONS, WlS-iaiS. ■6)i6 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTKIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAR- TERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Calves, live. Actual price. Aus- tria. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S. Coffee, Rio. Actual price. Aus- tria. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S, Cows, fat. Actual price. Austria. U. Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S. Market. Base price. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1916— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. .. March April May June Kg. Kronen. 1.18 2.34 1.53 2.47 2.62 2.74 1.37 1.28 1.92 2.06 2.76 2.60 2.32 2.62 2.92 2.80 2.80 2.61 3.29 4.27 2.70 2.97 July August September. October November. . December., 4.27 3.67 New York. lOOlbs.. DoUs. 12. 0083 12. 1354 12. 7083 10.4683 12. 7083 12.6667 12.3750 12.8750 12.8760 11.8760 8.8750 10.6260 11.7600 13.0000 13.3760 13.3750 12.3750 12,2500 12.4376 12.3333 10. 7917 13.2500 13.3750 12.3750 12.0000 12.6260 10.5000 9. 7600 12. 1250 12. 7500 13.3750 13.6250 13.8760 12.3760 13.8750 312 Trieste 50 kgs Kronen. 64.58 124.75 96.00 110.50 137.50 149.17 (<.) 93.50 98.60 116.00 106.00 (■>) 137.60 139.00 149.00 159.50 (») New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.0949 .0745 .0775 .0760 .0717 .0729 .0726 .0825 .0775 .0806 .0776 .0700 .0738 .0738 .0875 .0675 .0750 .0763 .0924 .0838 .0971 .0946 .0942 .0763 .0826 .0925 .0950 .0975 .0900 .0960 .0988 .0960 .0960 .0925 149 171 213 231 tlSg 145 153 178 164 (<") (a) (") 213 215 231 246 Vienna.. 100 kgs.. Kronen. 82.86 196.42 119.17 220.43 232.33 222.43 101.21 113.46 142.86 191.12 226. 70 243.48 217.60 230.90 248.48 («) 226.48 218.37 233.83 356.46 393.95, 223.81 243.85 393.95 373.75 Chicago 100 lbs. . Dolls. 8.6477 8. 7016 8,3139 8.5259 9. 1308 8, 7368 8. 1750 8.2333 8.0313 8.5900 9.2125 9.2300 8.9500 8, 8750 8.8460 8.4875 9. 5730 8.7009 9.6138 9.8783 10.1822 8.6660 8.4688 8,9688 9.1188 9.4600 10. 2626 9.9850 9.8600. 9.8000 9,9060 10.3500 10.2917 237 106 101 107 107 103 103 102 101 111 114 118 104 105 109 119 115 114 113 115 120 119 113951° a No quotation. -19 22 & Interpolated, 324 INTERNATIONAL PEICB COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAR- TERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Hay, meadow. Actual price. Aus- tria. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S. Hogs, live. Actual price. Aus- tria. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tria, U.S. Pork. Actual price. Austria. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S. Market. Unit Vienna, Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September October. . . November, December. 914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September October... November. December. Kronen, 9.55 9.15 9.57 9.13 8.20 8.60 8.20 9.10 8.60 9.75 9.10 8.70 9.00 9.70 9.62 9.32 10.17 9.05 9.23 9.60 9.65 10.25 10.75 9.50 (°) (») 9.05 9.20 9.50 9.00 Kansas City. Ton Bolls. 12.9063 10. 8333 9.6833 9.2600 10.5000 14.0000 9.7500 9.7500 9.2.500 9.2500 9. 2500 9.2500 9.5000 10. 2500 11.7500 13.2500 14. 2500 14.5000 12.6932 13.3750 13.7500 12.0000 11.4167 14.6250 12. 7500 12. 7500 13.2500 14.2500 13.7500 12. 7500 («) 11.2600 11.2500 10.5000 12.6000 107 96 97 92 100 101 107 113 100 l>9S ti9e 95 96 100 94 l>9S 87 87 81 97 Vienna. Kg.... Kronen. 1.15 1.15 1.20 1.16 1.16 1.08 1.17 1.18 1.24 1.21 1.17 1.10 1.16 1.18 1.12 1.09 1.06 1.08 1.25 1.20 1.18 1.15 1.47 1.10 1.23 1.27 1.24 1.18 1.12 1.16 1.14 1.16 1.30 1.54 1.59 Chica- go. 100 lbs. Dolls. 8. 4055 8.3654 8.1411 8.6621 8.5958 8.0346 7.4688 8.0844 8.8700 8.9406 8.4156 8.6300 9.0125 8.3500 8.4250 8.3125 7.9188 7. 8726 8.5665 8.42.50 8.8554 7.5281 8.4031 8.6313 8.6650 8. 7156 8.3694 8.2000 8.7688 9.0350 8.7625 7.8063 7.5875 7.1906 Vienna. Kronen. 1.73 1.67 1.66 1.73 1.70 1.58 1.62 1.64 1.72 1.66 1.82 1.72 1.70 1.73 1.67 1.59 1.55 1.01 1.78 1.86 1.75 1.87 1.73 1.77 1.85 1.84 1.87 1.86 1.80 1.72 1.73 1.70 1.92 2.00 Chicago Pound . . Dolls. 0. 1535 .1486 .1304 .1474 .1642 .1525 .1263 .1175 .1440 .1572 .1450 .1406 .1644 .1575 .1825 .1713 .1530 .1331 .1643 .1431 .1542 .1715 .1485 .1400 .1456 .1444 .1594 .1610 .1406 .1619 .1716 .1813 .1740 .1488 .1163 105 85 96 107 99 82 77 94 102 95 92 101 103 119 112 lOO 87 101 lOO 112 97 91 95 94 104 105 92 105 112 118 113 97 76 "No quotation. 6 Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PKICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 325 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAR- TERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Hay, meadow. Hogs, live. Pork. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Aus- tria. 1 U.S. Aus- tria. U.S. Aus- tria. • U.S. Aus- tria. U.S. Austria. U.S. Aus- tria. U.S. Market Vienna. Kansas City. Vienna. Kg.... Kronen. Chica- lOO^bs DoXU. Vienna.. Kg Kronen. Chicago. Unit Kronen. OolU. Dolls. Base price... 1915— Year 1.15 8. 4055 1.73 0. 1535 13.38 10. 1458 140 79 3.57 7.1313 309 85 4.03 ,1429 233 93 Quarters — First 10.92 12,5000 114 97 2.26 6.8369 196 81 2.62 ,1119 151 VS Second 12.83 12.8333 134 M 3.15 7.4188 273 88 3.92 ,1408 226 »2 Third 15.00 8.3333 156 65 3.81 7.0867 331 84 4.68 .1677 271 109 Fourth 14.76 6. 9167 l.W 54 5.04 7. 2238 437 86 4.91 .1512 284 99 Months- January 9.75 12.5000 in?, 97 1.76 6.9938 1.53 83 2.29 .1135 132 74 February . . . 10.50 12.5000 110 97 2.30 6.7,594 200 80 2.52 .1081 146 70 March 12.50 12.5000 131 97 2.72 6.7575 235 80 3.05 ,1138 r/6 74 April U.50 12.5000 152 97 3.04 7.2500 263 86 3.32 .1413 192 92 Mav 11.50 12.50 13.0000 13.0000 120 131 101 101 3.35 3.07 7. 5500 7. 4563 290 266 90 89 4.14 4.29 .1450 ,1350 239 248 H.'i June 8S July 15.00 9.7500 8.0000 157 76 62 3.19 3.58 7.2813 6.8350 277 310 87 81 4.12 4.49 ,1570 .1713 238 260 102 .\ugust 112 September.. C) 7.2500 btm ,56 4.67 7. 1438 4U5 85 5.43 .1776 314 116 October (a) 7.2500 bim 56 5.42 8.1188 470 97 5.13 .1840 296 120 November. . 14.75 7. 2500 155 56 5.43 6. 8900 470 82 4.83 .1463 279 95 December. . . (") 6.2500 biei 48 4.28 6. 6625 371 79 4.77 .1150 2V6 75 1916_Year 8. 1458 7.0833 174 63 55 4.44 9.6459 8.4748 386 115 101. .1618 .1315 281 105 Quarters- First 16.63 4.88 86 Second C) 8.9167 (a) 69 5.32 9.7667 461 116 6.83 .1668 395 108 Third «•) 7.9167 (a) 61 10.3042 123 8.11 .1886 469 m Fourth (») 8 6667 (a.) 67 10 0379 119 .1592 104 Months- January 16.00 6.2500 168 48 4.42 7.3650 ■Mi 8S 4.94 .1180 285 77 February... 17.25 7.S0O0 IS! ,5X 4.47 8.3750 3X7 1(H) 4.82 .1244 278 81 March C) C") 7 5000 C) 58 9 6844 116 .1556 101 -A.pril May 7.2500 .56 5.32 9.7438 461 116 6.83 .1630 395 106 (a) (a) 9.2500 C) (») (a) 72 9. 9250 118 .1675 109 10. 2500 79 9. 6313 115 .1675 109 July -August September.. 9.2500 72 9.8250 117 .1660 ins (o) 6.7500 (0.) 52 10. 3438 123 .1863 121 (a) 7.7500 60 C) 10.7438 (<•■■) 128 8.11 .2130 469 1,39 October W 7.7500 (a) 60 C°) 9.8700 (a) 117 8.23 .1788 476 116 C) 8.7500 (a) 68 9.9938 119 .1575 103 (.<•) 9.5000 (<■) 74 10. 2500 122 .1450 95 a No quotation . b Interpolated. 326 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAR- TERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Market. Unit.... Base price.. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Tliird Fourtli.... Montlis— January... February . Marcli April May June July August September . October — November . December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourtli.... Montlis— January... February . March April May June July August September . October November . December.. Potatoes. Actual price. Aus- tria. Vienna. Kronen. 7.83 9.57 11.10 9.60 10.83 6.73 12.00 11.00 10.30 10.00 9.80 9.00 9.50 12.00 11.00 7.00 6.70 6.50 9.03 6.60 7.27 13. .50 10.33 6.50 6.50 6. SO 6.80 7.50 7.50 16.00 C) 11.00 8.50 11.00 11.50 U.S. General. Bushel.. Dolls. 0. 6900 .5190 .5123 .6477 .7073 .5060 .5310 .5200 .5030 .4820 .5520 .4980 .6920 .7530 .7390 .6960 .6870 Relative price. Aus- tria. . 5966 122 .7090 .8117 .5540 .6840 .6970 .7070 .7000 .7140 .7130 .8150 .8710 .7490 .6470 .5280 I 140 .4870 I 147 o No quotation. 115 U.S. Pullets. Actual price. Aus- tria. Kronen. 3.82 3.83 4.00 3.37 3.43 U.S. New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1661 .1678 .1641 .1822 .1679 .1568 3.80 .1594 3.80 .1588 3.90 .1740 3.50 .1875 4.30 .1740 4.20 .1850 3.40 .1738 3.40 .1600 3.30 .1700 3.30 .1675 3.30 .1430 3.70 .1600 4.04 .1652 4.60 .1676 4.40 .1720 3.60 .1732 3.93 .1480 (a) .1540 4,60 .1825 («) .1663 4.60 .1738 4.40 .1744 4.20 .1678 4.20 .1749 2.80 .1672 3. SO .1775 3.80 .1560 4.10 .1481 3.90 .1400 Relative price. Aus- tria. 96 89 86 97 106 120 115 t4 103 (a) 120 >>m 120 115 110 110 73 100 100 107 102 U.S. 101 93 110 100 105 105 101 105 101 107 94 89 84 Sheep. Actual price. Austria. Vienna. Kg Kronen. 0.63 .60 .66 .64 .67 .62 .55 U.S. New York. 100 lbs. . Dolls. 4. 7708 4.6771 102 5.2500 5.2083 3.6250 4.6250 4.5000 5.2500 6.0000 6.5000 5.2500 3.8750 3.6250 3.5000 3.7500 4.3750 4.6250 4.8760 5.0550 5.5000 5.3333 4.2283 4.9583 4.8250 5.6750 6.0000 6.0000 5.6250 4.3750 4.4350 3.7500 4.5000 5.0000 5.3750 4.5000 Relative price. ■|U.S. 110 109 76 94 110 126 136 110 81 76 73 79 92 97 102 106 115 112 89 104 101 119 126 126 105 i 118 105 I 92 103 93 112 79 98 94 99 105 KKI 113 102 94 l> Interpolated. 327 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS,. 1913-1916— Continued. Potatoes. Actual price. Aus- tria. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S Pullets. Actual price. Aus- tria. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S, Sheep. Actual price. Austria. U. S. Relative price. U.S Market. Unit Base price.. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February. March April May June July August September. October November. December. . General. Bushel. . Kronen. 7.83 11. QO 20.42 17.88 9.00 9.00 15.00 21.00 21.50 18.75 18.75 17.00 14.50 (=) c Dolls. 0. 6900 .6248 .5017 .4970 .5297 .5710 ..4970 .6040 .5040 .4780 .5050 .5080 .5210 .5630 .5050 .4880 .6080 .6170 1.0375 .8433 .9707 1. 0233 1. 3127 .7060 .8800 .9440 .9760 1. 0230 .9540 1. 0930 1. 1200 1. 3570 1. 4610 Vienna. 122 141 148 190 102 128 137 141 137 143 148 138 158 162 197 212 Kronen. 3.82 7.26 4.78 8.80 (») 8.65 4.15 4.80 5.40 8.40 9.00 9.00 W 8.30 9.00 11.75 C) (a) (a) 11.00 12.50 (») (" C) (a) la) (») (") («) New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1661 .1616 .1669 .1692 .1587 .1515 .1581 .1694 .1731 .1645 .1813 .1619 .1610 .1575 .1575 .1585 .1494 .1465 .1876 .1769 .2028 .1905 .1803 .1788 .1725 .1795 .2025 .1960 .2110 .1900 .1850 .1965 .1863 .1675 .1870 Vienna. Kg Kronen. 0.63 1.47 1.59 1.65 .76 (a) 1.21 1.35 1.86 1.63 1.63 1.62 1.66 1.67 1.61 1.64 1.80 (<") 3.70 3.80 New York. 100 lbs. Dolls. 4. 7708 6.0458 5. 3500 7. 6667 6.0417 5.1250 4.2500 5.0000 6.8000 8.0000 10.3750 4. 6250 6.7500 5.8750 5.5000 6.0000 4. 7500 4. 6250 6. 7333 6.2500 6.7500 6. 9167 7. 0167 5. 1250 5.8750 7.7500 7.7500 6. 2500 6. 2600 6. 1250 7.6250 7.0000 7.1250 6.8000 7.1250 (a) 112 161 127 107 i 105 143 168 217 97 141 123 115 126 100 97 141 131 141 145 147 ■ 107 123 162 162 131 131 128 160 147 149 143 149 *» No quotation. i Interpolated 328 INTEENATIOKAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRIA AlsTD THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Straw, rye. Actual price. Aus- tria. U. £ Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S. Veal. Actual price. Aus- tria. U.S. Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S. Market. Unit. . . . Base price.. 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August September. October November.. December. . 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February . March April May June July August September. October November.. December. . Vienna Kronm. 3.06 2.76 2.81 2.73 2.73 2.80 2.90 2.80 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.73 2.70 2.90 (a) 3.54 3.30 3.40 3.45 3.88 (») 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.45 3.45 3.45 (») (a) 3.63 3.63 4.38 I Chicago. Ton Dolls. 7.8333 7. 9792 7. 4167 8. 7600 7.8333 7. 9167 7. 7500 7.2500 7. 2500 8.0000 8. 5000 9. 7500 8. 5000 7.2500 7. 7500 7. 2500 8.2500 8.2500 7. 9792 7.0833 8.5000 7.3333 9. 0000 6. 5000 7. 2600 7. 5000 7. 5000 8. 7500 9.2600 8. 2500 6, 5000 7. 2600 8.7500 9.0000 9.2500 90 92 89 89 93 95 I 105 W5 [ 105 106 111 115 127 not 108 108 108 113 113 118 113 bill iiir 119 119 143 Vienna. Kg.... Kronen. 1.77 1.81 1.84 1.87 1.78 1.75 1.82 1.85 1.85 1.92 1.92 1.77 1.67 1.81 1.87 1.76 1.73 1.75 1.77 1.79 1.76 1.86 1.78 1.76 1.77 1.80 1.80 1.78 1.76 1.70 1.82 1.69 1.93 1.97 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1844 . 1808 102 .1852 .1672 .1817 .1850 .1850 .1856 .1675 .1640 .1700 .1700 .1795 .1956 .1930 .1850 .1900 .1848 .1945 .1722 .1840 .1893 .1960 .1950 .1925 .1726 .1690 .1750 .1770 .1788 .1963 .1880 .1925 .1875 100 91 100 100 101 91 92 97 106 106 100 103 100 100 103 106 106 104 94 92 95 97 106 102 101 102 o No quotation. i Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 329 WHOLESALE PRICES IN AUSTRIA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1916— Continued. Straw, rye. Veal. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Aus- tria. U.S. Aus- tria. U.S. Aus- tria,. U.S. Aus- tria. U.S. Market Vienna. Chicago. Vienna. Kg.... Kronen. 1.77 3.46 2.37 3.50 3.83 4.14 2.11 2.26 2.74 2.88 3.65 3.97 3.55 3.78 4.16 4.16 4.19 4.06 3.57 5.54 7.97 4.10 3.03 "'"S."54' "'7.' 97' 6.74 New York. Kronen. 3.06 5.16 4.57 5.13 4.93 6.02 4.75 .50 .45 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.13 4.83 4.83 5.40 6.20 6.45 Dolls. 7. 8333 8.5833 8.7500 9.2500 8. 7500 7.5833 9.7500 7.5000 9.0000 8.5000 9.0000 10.2500 10.7500 8.5000 7.0000 6.7500 8.5000 7.5000 9.2708 8.5000 10.0000 8.7500 9.8333 8. 5000 8.5000 8.5000 8.5000 10. 5000 11.0000 9. 0000 8. 7500 8. 5000 8.5000 10.5000 10.5000 DoUs. 0.1844 .1823 .1917 .1664 .1898 .1820 .1900 .1950 .1900 .1690 .1638 .1663 .1820 .1926 .1950 .1910 .1750 .1800 .1903 .1845 .1747 .2003 .2000 .1800 .1875 .1860 .1688 .1713 .1840 .1950 .2000 .2060 .1963 .1963 .2075 1915 Year 169 149 168 161 197 155 147 146 168 168 168 168 158 158 177 203 211 272 (») C (») 272 (a) (a) («.) C) C) 110 112 118 112 97 124 96 115 109 115 131 137 109 89 86 109 96 118 109 128 112 126 109 109 109 109 134 140 115 112 109 109 134 134 195 134 197 216 233 119 127 155 62 206 224 200 213 235 235 236 229 231 171 "3i2" ■449' 380 99 Quarters- First 104 90 103 Fourth 99 Months— 103 106 March 103 Anril 92 MSy 89 90 JuJy 99 104 106 104 95 98 1916— Year 103 First ^ 8.33 (a) (■>) (») 8.33 (a) (a) (a) (a) ° (a) 100 95 Third 109 108 Months- 98 102 March 101 April 92 93 100 July 106 108 September 112 106 106 113 o No quotatiou. 330 INTEENATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN DENMAEK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918. Acid, sulphuric. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Relative price. Den- mark. Beef, mess. Actual price. U.S. Den- mark. Relative price. U.S. Den- mark. Cement. Actual price. Den- mark. U. S. Relative pri ce. Den- mark. Market . Unit.... Base price. 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January February March .\pril May ' June July August September . . October November. . . December... 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February March April May "--. June July August September . . October November... December... 191.i— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February — March.. I April May June July August September. . October November... December... Copen- hagen. ikg- Kroner. 0.58 .58 .68 .58 New 1. York. ] Pound. . Dolls. 0. 0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0129 .0100 .0100 .0142 .0175 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0126 .0125 .0175 .0175 .0175 .0176 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Copen- hagen. Barrel (200 lbs.). Kroner. 73:67 70.75 60.17 72.83 75.00 76.00 53.50 63.60 73. 50 73.60 73.50 71.50 75.00 75.00 75.00 76.00 75.00 76.00 71.89 73.67 71.00 71.00 (») n. 00 76.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 (£.) (a) (a) (») (") (») (") C) (<») (o) («) (a) (a) W (<■) (a.) (a.) (») (a) <■) New York. Barrel (200 lbs.). Dolh. 17. 7083 18. 9231 20. 2167 19. 6250 18. 0833 17. 7600 20. 5000 2600 19. 9000 20. 0000 20. 0000 18. 8750 18. 2500 18. 2500 17. 7600 17. 7500 17. 7600 17. 7500 19. 7549 17. 5000 17. 5000 21. 4167 22. 7600 17. 5000 17. 6000 17. 6000 17. 6000 17. 5000 17. 5000 17. 2600 23. 6000 23. 5000 23. 2600 22. 5000 22. 5000 18. 6394 22. 0333 18. 3000 17. 5000 16. 8367 22. 5000 22. 5000 21. 1000 18. 6000 18. 6000 17. 9000 17. 6000 17. 6000 17. 6000 16. 8800 16. 7600 16. 8800 82 102 102 100 100 100 97 102 102 102 102 102 102 (o) Copen- hagen. 170 kgs. New York. Barrel. Kroner. Dolh. 5.05 1.5800 5.90 1. 6800 (») 1. 6800 6.90 1.5800 ,5.90 1. 6800 5.90 1. 5800 (a) 1. 5800 (a) 1. 6800 (a) 1. 6800 (a) 1. 6800 6.90 1.6800 5.90 1.6800 5.90 1. 5800 6.90 1. 6800 5.90 1.5800 ,5.90 1. 6800 6.90 1. 5800 5.90 1. 5800 4.20 1.6800 4.20 1. 6800 4.20 1.5800 4.20 1.6800 4.20 1. 5800 4.20 1. 5800 4.20 1. 6800 4.20 1. 6800 4.20 1. 6800 4.20 1.6800 4.20 1. 5800 4.20 1.5800 4.20 1. 6800 4.20 1. 6800 4.20 1. 6800 4.20 1. 5800 4.20 1. 6800 5.62 1.4525 4.67 1. 6333 5.80 1. 3792 6.05 1. 3658 6.05 1. 5317 4.20 1. 5800 4.20 1. 6800 6.30 1. 4400 6.30 1.4000 6.05 1. 4000 6.05 1. 3375 6.06 1.3375 6.06 1.3375 6.05 1. 4225 6.05 1.4225 6.06 1.4225 6.05 1.7500 117 100 (a) 100 UV IIIO 117 10l» 117 100 (a) 100 (a) 100 {») 100 (1) 100 IIV 100 117 100 117 100 117 100 117 100 117 100 117 100 117 100 83 100 83 100 S3 100 83 1(K) S3 100 R3 100 S3 100 S3 100 S3 100 S3 100 83 100 83 100 S3 100 83 100 S3 100 ,S.3 100 83 100 111 92 90 97 115 87 120 86 120 97 S3 100 S3 100 106 91 106 S9 120 89 120 85 120 85 120 85 12(1 9(1 120 90 120 90 120 111 IjSTTEENATIONAX, PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 3; WHOLESALE PRICES IN DENMARK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTI QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued, Acid, sulphuric. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Relative price. Den- mark, U.S. Beef, mess. Actual price. Den- mark. U. S, Relative price. Den- mark, U,S Cement, Actual price. Den- mark, U, S, Belatii price. Market - Unit . . . . Base price. . . 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January. . . February. March April May June July August _ September October November . December. . 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September... Ootober November... December 1918— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September..-. October November. . .. December Copen- hagen. ikg... Kroner. 0.58 ■New York. Pound, Dolls. 0. 0100 .0200 .0233 .0250 .0167 .0150 .0200 .0250 .0260 .0250 .0250 .0250 .0200 .0150 .0160 .0160 .0150 . 01.50 .0169 .0158 .0167 .0167 .0183 .0160 .0150 .0176 .0175 .0175 .0150 .0150 .0175 .0175 .0176 .0176 .0200 .0168 .0208 .0200 .0140 .0125 .0200 .0200 .0225 .0225 .0200 .0176 .0140 .0140 .0140 .0125 .0125 .0126 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (") (a) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (a) (a) (») W W (a,) («) C) Copen- hagen. Barrel (200 lbs.). Kroner. 73.67 (.") (a,) New York. Barrel (200 lbs.). Dolls. 17. 7083 18. 9388 16. 8542 17.0417 (a) 19. 3167 (o) 22. 7000 (o) (c) (?) W (o) (») (a W (a) W (o) (a) (") C) («) (a) (.") W (a) (.") W (") («) (a) («) C) (a) (a) «) (a) 16. 7600 16. 8125 17. 0000 17.0000 17. 0000 17. 1250 18, 2600 18,9500 20, 7500 22, 1000 22, 7500 23,2500 28,3636 23, 6042 28, 7833 29, 8333 31,2333 23,2500 23, 2500 24,3126 26, 2500 29, 6000 30, 5000 •30, 5000 29, 5000 29, 5000 30, 7000 31, 5000 31, 6000 33,0490 31,5000 32, 6750 35, 1667 36, 5000 31,6000 31.5000 31.5000 31,9000 32, 5000 33, 6250 34, 8750 36, 2500 35, 3760 S5, 5000 35, 6000 35, 5000 (") (») (a) (a) («) (o) (a) (a) (a) ("} (") (.") («) (<«) (a) («) (a) (a) (») (") (a) (o) (■») (a) (a («) («) 95 Copen- hagen. 170kgS. Kroner. 5.05 8.69 6.35 8.80 9.60 9.60 6.35 6.35 7.20 9.60 9.60 9.60 9.60 9,60 9.60 9,60 11,92 9,60 11, 45 11,90 14,72 9,60 9,60 9,60 11,45 11,45 11,45 11,45 11,45 12,80 12,80 12,80 18,55 23,50 23,50 23,50 23,50 23,60 23,60 23,50 23, SO 23,50 23.50 23.60 23.50 20.50 20.60 New York. Barrel. Dolls. 1. 5800 1.6888 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 6700 1. 7450 1.6700 126 1.6700 126 1. 6700 126 1. 6700 143 1.6700 190 1.6700 190 1.6700 190 1. 6700 190 1.6700 190 1.6700 190 1. 6700 190 1. 8960 190 2.0942 236 1. 9867 190 2. 1600 227 2. 1200 236 2.1200 292 1, 9200 190 2, 0200 190 2,0200 190 2, 1600 227 2, 1600 227 2, 1500 227 2,1200 227 2, 1200 227 2,1200 253 2. 1200 263 2. 1200 263 2. 1200 367 2. 6465 2. 1475 465 2. 5077 465 2.6923 465 3.2000 2.1425 465 2, 1500 465 2, 1500 465 2,3500 466 2, 5660 466 2, 5925 465 2,6000 465 2. 6000 466 2. 9000 465 3.2000 406 3.2000 406 3.2000 332 IjSTTERNATIONAI, price comparisons, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN DENMARK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Coal. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Den- marlr. Relative price. U.S. Coffee. Actual price. Den- marlc. U.S. Den- mark, Relative price. U.S. Eggs. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Den- mark. Relative price. Market.. Unit Base price 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January February . . . March April May June July August September . . October November.. December. . . 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . . March April May June July August September . . October November . . December. . . 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January February . . . March April MTay June July August September . , October November . . December. . Copen- hagen. 100 kgs. Kroner. 2.12 2.24 2.23 2.20 2.20 2.36 2.36 2.28 2.28 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.11 2.05 2.01 2.00 2.70 2.08 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.00 2.00 2.00 (<•) (a) (o) (a) 2.70 3.78 3.33 4.20 3.83 3.73 2.70 3.10 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.00 3.80 3.70 3.50 3.70 4.00 New York. Long ton. Bolls. 5.3117 5. 3134 5. 4478 5. 0409 5.3173 5. 4475 5. 4458 5. 4476 5. 4500 4. 94r0 5.0420 5. 13£6 5. 1972 5. 3312 5. 1234 6. 4475 5. 4498 5. 4453 5. 3145 5. 4483 5. 0339 5. 3323 5. 4434 5. 4481 5. 4500 5. 4467 4. 9490 o. 0172 5. 1354 5.2411 5. 3193 5. 4265 5. 4409 5. 4495 5. 4397 5. 3256 3. 4346 S. 0177 5. 3056 3.4110 5. 4340 5. 4380 5. 4318 4.9424 4. 9962 5. 1144 5. 2003 5. 3164 5. 4001 ■5. 4350 5. 4182 3. 3801 110 106 104 104 111 111. 108 108 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 104 100 94 128 98 96 96 96 94 94 94 (a) C) (a) («) 128 178 167 198 181 176 128 146 198 198 198 198 180 175 165 175 189 Copen- hagen, ikg... Kroner. 0.93 .94 93 .95 .95 .92 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .95 .91 .93 .93 .93 .93 .94 1.06 .93 .93 .93 .93 .93 .93 .93 .94 .96 .93 1.06 1.19 1.26 1.20 1.20 1.26 1.36 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.36 L36 -1.36 1.36 New York. Pound, Dolls. 0.2190 .2112 .2063 .2017 .2175 .2187 .2075 .2063 .2050 .1990 .1950 .2119 .2175 .2175 .2175 .2176 .2181 .2200 .2249 .2200 .2200 .2281 .2315 .2200 .2200 .2200 .2200 .2200 . 2200 .2200 .2275 .2350 .2350 .2300 .2300 .2201 .2231 .2177 .2160 .2246 .2300 .2200 .2200 .2200 .2188 .2150 .2150 .2150 .2150 .2181 .. 2275 .2275 101 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 97 100 100 100 100 101 113 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 101 103 100 113 128 129 129 136 146 129 129 129 129 129 130 130 130 146 146 146 146 Copen- hagen. Kg.... Kroner. 1.46 1.02 1.20 1.89 1.00 1.04 1.14 1.18 1.28 1.46 2.00 2.20 1.52 1.67 1.08 1.21 2.12 2.05 1.78 1.18 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.33 1.50 2.36 2.60 1.91 2.05 1.39 1.71 2.50 2.55 2.00 1.60 1.28 1.40 1.48 1.58 1.65 1.90 2.30 2.40 2.80 New York. Dozen. DolU. 0.2687 .2468 .2197 .1931 .2317 .3427 .2463 .2225 .1963 .1863 .2000 .1913 .1906 .2310 .2738 .2900 .3800 .3488 .2660 .2974 .2031 .2371 .3263 .3330 .2888 .2616 .1985 .2038 .2069 .2126 .2415 .2363 .2665 .3500 .3773 .2597 .2806 .2027 .2208 .3293 .3636 .2588 .1963 .2116 .1993 .1981 .1955 .2163 .2569 .2980 .3575 .3380 o No quotation. INTERNATIONAL PBICE COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 333 WHOLESALE PRICES IN DENMARK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Coal. Coffee. Eggs Actual price. Relative price. Actua price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative pric.e. Den- mark. U.S. Den- mark. U.S. Den- mark. U.S. Den- mark. U.S. Den- mark. U.S. Den- mark. U.S. Market Copen- hagen. 100 kgs. Kr(mer. 2.12 6.86 4.87 7.50 7.80 7.27 4.20 4.80 5.60 6.10 8.20 8.20 8.40 7.50 7.50 7.00 7.20 7.60 17.81 8.90 25. 50 19.61 16.42 8.90 («) («) (<•) (a) 25.50 25.32 17.11 ■ 16.40 16.35 16.50 16.40 New York. Long ton. Dolls. 5.3117 5.5652 6.4919 5.4275 5.6112 5.7302 5.4838 5. 4852 5. 5066 5.5196 5.3320 5.4309 5. 5071 5. 6109 5.7155 5. 7280 5. 7285 5. 7340 5. 9356 5.7298 5.6053 6.0542 6. 3530 5.7389 5.7244 5. 7261 5.2358 5.7444 5. 8356 5.9334 6.0112 6. 2180 6.2321 6. 2419 6. 5850 6.8605 6.5880 6.3990 6. 7976 7.6572 6.6000 6. 6000 6.5641 6.3699 6.4000 6.4270 6.6928 6. 7000 7.0000 7.0000 7. 9217 8. 0500 Copen- nz: Kroner. 0.93 1.53 1.41 1.65 (») C) 1.36 1.36 1.50 1.55 1.70 1.70 h («)■ (<■) <•) (») (") (») («) C) (■») (») (") (<■) ta) h C) (») (a) (») C) (a) (») (») («) (") (») (a) C») (») (») (.") New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.2190 .2515 .2336 .2613 .2562 .2550 .2275 .2285 .2460 .2588 .2625 .2625 .2588 .2560 . 2550 . 2550 .2550 .2550 .2538 .2538 .2546 .2515 .2550 .2560 .2550 .2513 .2500 .2540 .2600 .2600 .2450 .2475 .2560 .2550 .2550 .2571 .2550 .2560 ■ . 2560 .2655 . 2560 .2550 .25.50 .2560 .2550 .2550 .2550 .2550 .2560 .2600 , 12650 .2750 Copen- hagen. Kg.... Kroner. 1.46 2.38 2.16 1.88 2.23 3.23 2.80 1.85 1.80 2.05 1.70 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.60 2.70 3.20 3.80 2.52 2.75 1.93 2.28 3.10 2.30 3.00 1.95 1.75 1.95 2.10 2.10 2.30 2.45 2.66 3.30 3.35 3.42 3.33 3.63 3.40 3.40 3.45 3.30 3.30 3.40 3.60 3.60 3.70 3.96 . 4.20 New York. Dozen. DolU. 0.2687 .2945 .2602 .2213 .2871 .4073 .3094 .2569 .2144 .2146 .2244 .2266 .2510 .2825 .3270 .3425 .4068 .4600 .4015 .3981 .3410 .3781 .4888 .4638 .4456 .3075 .3369 .3550 .3330 .3431 .3788 .4056 .4088 .4738 . 5660 .4827 .5288 .3498 .4373 .6150 .6481 .6038 .3735 .3463 .3494 .3530 .4138 .4290 .4713 .5281 .6430 .6669 Unit 1916— Year Quarters — First 324 230 354 368 343 198 227 265 288 387 387 397 354 354 331 340 359 841 421 1,205 926 775 421 (°) C) (») (°) 1,205 1,205 808 775 771 779 775 712 760 738 7.54 693 690 761 761 758 699 741 775 «*58 y787, 105 103 102 106 108 103 103 104 104 100 102 104 106 108 108 108 108 112 108 106 114 120 108 108 108 99 108 110 112 113 117 117 118 124 129 124 120 128 144 124 124 124 120 120 121 126 126 132 132 149 152 164 151 177 (») («) 146 146 161 167 183 183 (") C) (») (a) (") (a) (") (a) C) (») C) (o) (a) (.") (a) (») (-) («) (.") C) (») C) C) (»)■ ((.) C) (a) (.") (.") (a) i") (<•) C) (") : (») C) 116 107 119 117 116 104 104 112 118 120 120 118 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 115 114 116 119 119 112 113 116 116 116 117 116 116 116 121 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 119 121 126 163 147 129 153 221 192 127 123 140 116 130 137 144 178 185 219 260 173 188 132 156 212 226 205 134 120 134 144 144 158 168 182 226 229 234 228 249 233 233 236 226 226 233 247 247 253 271- 288, 110 97 Second Third 82 107 Fourth Months — January February March 152 115 96 80 April.... 80 M^y 84 June . . 84 July 93 August September October November December 1917— Year Quarters- First 105 122 127 151 171 149 148 Second Third 127 Fourth Months- January February March... 182 173 166 114 April.... 125 May.... 132 July 128 August September October November December 1918— Year 141 151 152 176 210 180 Quarters- First.... 15.08 16.10 15.63 17.41 15.97 14.67 14.60 16.12 16.12 16.06 14.80 15. 70 16.40 18. 15 16.67 197 Second Third. 130 163 Fourth Months- January February March... 229 241 226 139 April... 129 May 130 131 July 154 ' August September October.^ Novembe.r December. 160 176 197 - 239 248 334 INTBENATIONAL PRICE COMPAKISOaSTS, 1&13-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN DENMARK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Iron. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Iron (steel), first series. ^price^' Actual price. Den- mar Ic U.S. Den- marlc. Den- mark. Relative price. U.S. Iron (steel), second series. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Relative price. Den. mark. Market . Base price... 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Third Fourth . . . Months — January. . . February - March April May June July August September. October November December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth . . . Month.s— January. . . February. March April May June July August September October November December 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth . . . Months — January. . . February. March April May June July August September October .November December Copen- hagen. 100 kgs, Marlcs.a U.46 11.75 m 12.50 11.50 11.50 m (.») (.!>) (.") 13. 50 11.50 11. 5,0 11.50 11.60 11.60 11.60 11.50 11.73 11.30 11.33 11.83 12.26 11.50 11.50 11.60 11.60 11. .50 11.00 11.00 12.25 12.26 12. 25 12.25 12.25 13.74 12.60 13. S5 14.35 14.35 11.90 12.95 12.96 13.66 13. 65 13. 65 14.36 14.35 14.35 14. 36 14.36 14.35 Valley fur- naces. Ton... Dolls. 13.4567 14. 8700 17. 0733 14. 8567 13. 9400 13. 6933 17. 5000 17. 1200 16. 6000 15. 6600 14. 7300 14. 1800 13. 8800 13. 9400 14. 0000 13. 8300 13. 5700 13. 3800 13. 0200 13. 1533 13. 1400 13. 0000 12. 7967 13. 0000 13. 2100 13. 2500 13. 2500 13. 1700 13. 0000 13. 0000 13. 0000 13. 0000 12. 8900 12. 7500 12. 7500 13. 8100 12. 7600 12. 7333 13. 6433 16. 1267 12. 7500 12. 7500 12. 7500 12. 7500 12. 7500 13. 7000 12. 7200 13. 7100 14. 6000 14. 6800 15. 8200 17. 9800 (») 109 100 100 C) w (.") C) 118 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 103 107 100 100 100 100 100 96 107 107 107 107 107 120 110 119 125 125 104 113 113 119 119 119 125 125 125 125 125 126 Copen- hagen. Kroner 99.73 IBM 101. 17 120. 15 95.68 96.68 96.12 120. 15 120. 15 95. 68 95.68 96.68 95.68 96.68 96.68 96.12 (.") w 102. 36 102. 35 102. 35 102. 35 102. 36 102. 35 102. 35 102. 36 102. 35 102. 35 102. 36 102. 35 102. 35 102. 35 102. 36 102. 36 102. 35 169. 19 124. 60 141. 66 '173. 55 185. 42 120.15 129. 05 137. 95 137. 95 149. 08 164. 65 178. 00 178. 00 178. 00 186. 90 191. 36 Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0.0146 .0160 .. 0163 .0163 .0163 .0163 .0163 .0163 .0163 .0163 .0163 .0163 .0163 .0163 .0163 .0169 .0168 .0141 .0132 .0137 .0130 . 0135 .0127 .0135 .0138 .0138 .0133 .0129 .0128 .0129 .0137 .0138 .0134 .0127 .0120 .0148 . 01.30 .0137 .0149 .0177 .0129 .0129 .0133 .0134 .0137 .0139 .0143 .0149 .0154 .0168 ■ . 0179 .0195 120 96 96 120 96 112 112 96 112 96 112 96 112 96 112 96 112 96 109 ess 108 clot 97 103 90 103 94 103 89 103 92 103 87 103 92 103 96 103 96 103 91 103 88 103 88 103 SS 103 94 103 96 103 92 , 103 87 103 82 160 101 120 89 142 94 174 102 186 121 oM 88 120 88 129 91 138 92 138 94 149 95 165 98 178 102 178 106 178 108 187 123 192 134 Copeu' bagen. 100 kgs Kroner. 16.46 16.50 m 16.50 16. 50 16.50 C) (') m 16. 60 16.60 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 17. lu w 16. 50 16. 33 17.42 18.17 16. 50 16.50 16. .50 16.60 16.25 16.25 16. 25 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.50 22.32 18.60 20.67 25.00 26.00 18. 60 18.60 18.60 19.50 20.60 22.00 (») 25.00 25.00 26. 00 20.00 26.00 Pitts- burgh. 100 lbs Dolls. 1.2600 1. 4100 1. 4667 1. 4600 1. 4300 1.2833 1. 6000 1. 4600 1. 4600 1. 4500 1. 4500 1. 4500 1. 4500 1. 4400 1. 4000 1. 3600 1.2900 1.2000 1. 1400 1. 1967 1. 1300 1. 1600 1.0933 1.2000 1. 2100 1. 1800 1. 1600 1. 1400 1. 1000 1. 1100 1. 1800 1. 1900 1. 1400 1. 0900 1. 0600 1.2900 1. 1167 1. 1733 1. 2700 1. 6000 1. 1000 1. 1000 1. 1,500 1.2000 1. 1700 1. 1500 1. 2200 1. 2600 1. 3300 1. 4200 L6300. 1. 7500 CH3 152 152 168 158 1.58 a Quotations in German marks at usual rate of exchange. 6 No quotation. c Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 335 WHOLESALE PRICES IN DENMARK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Iron. Iron (stee'.), first series. Iron (steel), second series. Actual price. Relative price. Actual;, rice. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Den- mark. U.S. Den- mark U.S Den- mark. U.S. Den- mark. U.S Den- mark. U.S. Den- mark. U.S. Market Copen- hagen. 100 kgs Marhs.a 11.46 19.43 16.12 17.40 21.20 23. 15.76 16.10 16.60 16.50 17.85 17.85 19.60 21.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 31.41 26.60 30.37 32.25 36.42 26.60 26.60 26.60 26.60 32.25 32.25 32.25 32.25 32.25 32.25 38.50 - 38.50 Valley fur- naces. Copen- hagen. Ton.. Kroner. 99.73 268. 79 191.67 238.50 275.83 369.17 177. .60 190.00 207. 50 226.50 240. 00 250. 00 250. 00 277. 60 300.00 350.00 367.50 390. 00 526. 25 483.33 500.00 500.00 621. 67 475. 00 476. 00 500.00 500.00 600.00 500. 00 500. 00 600.00 500.00 600.00 600.00 665. 00 Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0.0146 .0283 .0247 .0277 .0287 .0319 .0238 .0244 .02.59 .0274 .0279 .0279 .0279 .0289 .0294 .0294 .0.319 .0344 .0429 .0357 .0473 .0586 .0300 .0345 .0356 .0373 .0379 .0461 .0579 .0619 .0619 .0519 i). 0300 .0300 .0300 .0299 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0296 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0288 Copen- hagen. 100 kgs. Kroner. 16.46 37.67 26.00 36.00 39. .33 49.33 26.00 26.00 26.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 46.00 48.00 48.00 52.00 71.50 58.00 .58.00 85.00 86.00 58. 00 ,58.00 68.00 68.00 58.00 68.00 86.00 85.00 85.00 86.00 85.00 85.00 Pitts- burgh. 100 lbs. Dolls. 1.2600 2.8200 2. 1967 2. 8267 2.9467 3.3100 1. 9000 2.1600 2.5300 2.7500 2.8300 2.9000 2. 9000 2. 9400 3.0000 3.0700 3.3300 3.5300 5.2100 3.8967 5.3667 8.3367 3.2500 3. 6100 3. 7500 4. 3300 4.5000 4.6000 7.1000 9.0000 8.9600 7. 0500 3. 2500 3. 2600 3.2500 Unit Base price... 1916— Year Quarters- First Dolls. 13. 4567 20. 1600 IS. 6000 18. 4433 18. 3667 26.3333 18.5000 18. 5000 18. 6000 18. 5000 18. 4400 18.3900 18.2500 18.2700 18.5800 20. 5600 25. 6000 29. 8400 39. 8900 31.8533 43. 6667 61.2267 33.0000 30.0000 30.0000 34. 9600 39. 1600 42. 6500 49. 1900 53.0000 53.0000 47.6800 33.0000 33.0000 33.0000 170 141 162 185 201 137 141 144 144 156 156 171 183 201 201 201 201 274 232 266 281 318 232 232 232 232 281 281 281 281 281 281 336 , 336 150 137 137 136 188 137 137 137 137 ■137 137 136 136 138 163 190 222 296 235 325 381 245 223 223 260 291 317 366 394 394 364 245 246 245 2J0 192 239 276 370 178 191 208 226 241 251 251 278 301 351 368 391 528 486 501 501 623 476 476 501 601 501 601 601 501 501 601 601 667 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 662 652 652 652 652 652 491 194 169 190 197 218 163 167 177 188 191 191 191 198 201 201 218 236 294 246 324 401 205 236 244 255 260 316 397 424 424 355 206 206 205 206 205 205 205 203 205 205 205 205 205 206 206 205 205 205 206 197 229 158 219 239 300 158 158 158 219 219 219 219 219 279 292 292 316 434 362 352 516 516 352 352 352 352 352 352 516 516 516 516 616 516 224 174 Second Third 224 234 Fourth Months- January February 263 151 171 201 April ?1S May 225 June 230 July 230 August September October November December 1917— Year Quarters — First 233 238 244 264 280 413 309 Second Third 426 662 Fourth Months- January February March... 268 287 298 344 April - . 357 May 3.57 .563 July 714 August September October November December Vll 660 258 258 2.58 Quarters- First 38.50 38.50 45. 50 33.0000 33.0000 33. 0000 336 336 397 245 246 245 650. 00 6.50. 00 650. 00 77.00 77.00 67.33 3.2500 3.2500 3. 2500 468 468 409 268 Second Third . 258 268 Months— . January February March... 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 45.50 45.50 45.50 45.50 45.50 33.0000 33.0000 33. 0000 33.0000 33.0000 33. 0000 33.0000 33.0000 33.0000 34.0000 336 336 336 336 336 336 397 397 397 397 397 245 245 245 246 245 245 245 245 246 263 660.00 660. 00 6.50. 00 650.00 650.00 650.00 650.00 650.00 650. 00 660. 00 489.50 77.00 77.00 77.00 77.00 77.00 77.00 77.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 70.00 3.2600 3.2500 3.2500 3.2500 3.2600 3.2500 3. 2600 3.2500 3.2500 468 468 4fe8 468 468 468 468 365 395 425 42p 268 258 258 AprU.. . 258 May 268 258 July 258 August September October November 258 258 a Quotations in German marks at usual rate of exchange. b Government price set. yab INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1&18. WHOLESALE PRICES IN DENMABK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Oats. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Den mark. Relative price. U.S. Potasli. Actual price. Den- mark. Den- mark. Relative price. Rice. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Den- mark. Relative price. Market. Unit.... Base price 1913— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February... March April May June July Atlgust September.. October November.. December. . . 1914— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February... March April May June July .\ugust September . . October November.. December. . . 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. . . March April May Juiie .Tuly August September . , October November . . December. . Copen- hagen. Kg.... Kroner, 11.18 11.34 11.80 11.23 11.48 10.85 11.95 11.95 11.50 11.00 11.35 11. 35 11.35 11.60 11.50 10.55 11.40 10.60 14.63 11.03 11.33 14.13 21.88 11.15 11.16 10.80 10.70 11.40 11.90 12.50 (a) 16.76 17.50 24.00 24.13 24.85 27.50 26.96 23.67 2L25 26.63 28.00 27.88 24.38 27.75 28.76 28.00 23.50 19.50 18.38 21.00 24.38 Chi- cago. Bushel Dolls. 0. 4005 .3311 .3776 .4159 .3324 .3347 .3271 .3466 .3786 .4076 .3940 .4208 .4263 .3972 .3970 .4027 .3917 .3969 .4269 .4802 .3941 .3930 .3910 .3985 .4008 .3722 .4193 .4911 .4679 .4864 .4895 .4806 .5612 .5314 .4513 .3864 .5366 .5761 .5770 .6717 .5343 .4874 .5358 .4495 .3477 .3635 .3678 .4214 101 106 100 103 97 107 107 103 98 102 102 102 104 103 94 102 95 101 126 196 100 100 97 96 102 106 112 141 157 215 216 222 246 241 212 190 238 251 249 218 248 257 251 210 174 164 188 218 Copen- hagen. J kg... Kroner. 0. 1579 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1500 .1500 .1800 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1600 .1400 .1400 .1400 .1800 .1800 .1800 .1800 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.0370 .0354 .0375 .0375 .0300 .0366 . 0376 .0375 .0376 .0375 .0375 .0375 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0300 .0400 .0400 .0756 .0400 .0412 .0790 .1417 .0400 .0400 .0400 .0400 .0400 .0435 .0435 .0435 .1600 .1750 .1600 .0900 .2988 .1050 .2233 .4000 .4667 .0800 .0950 .1400 .2000 .2300 .2400 .4100 .4100 .3800 .3900 .4100 . 6000. 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 94 111 101 101 101 101 101 86 85 85 111 111 111 111 111 (o) (a) (») 111 111 111 (") 284 604 108 126 216 267 378 541 622 649 111 111 103 105 111 I 162 Copen- hagen. 50kgs. Kroner. 22.50 22.75 23.50 22.50 22. 60 22.50 23.50 23.50 23.50 22.50 22.60 22.60 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.60 22.50 24.46 22.60 22.50 25.33 27.50 22.60 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.60 22.50 22.50 26.50 27.00 27.50 27.50 27.50 28.58 28.67 27.67 27.00 31.00 28.50 28.50 29.00 29.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 New Orleans Pound. Dolls. 0. 0526 .0607 .0477 .0493 .0634 .0523 .0475 .0475 .0480 .0488 .0486 .0506 .0634 . 0.552 .0509 .0642 .0626 .0500 .0512 .0514 .0532 .0532 .0465 .0500 .0522 .0525 ' . 0525 .0533 .0538 .0538 .0554 .0498 .0474 .0434 .0492 .0474 .0493 .0494 .0454 .0455 .0491 .0494 .0494 .0496 .0494 .0494 .0485 .0450 .0419 .0438 .0476 .0456 o No quotation. '' Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 337 WHOLESALE PRICES IN DENMARK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Oats. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Den- mark. Relative price. Potash. Actual price. Den- mark. Den- mark. Relative price. Rice. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Den- mark. Relative price. Market . . . Unit Base price. 1916— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September October... November December. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth. . . . Months- January. . . February . March April May June July August September October. . . November December. 1918— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — Jainnary... February. March April ,. May June July August September October... November December. Copen- hagen. Kg.... Kroner. 11.18 23.52 23.82 23.38 23.01 23.98 24.25 23.38 (") 23.13 24.00 23.00 22.13 22.88 24.03 22.68 24.75 24.50 23.88 24.50 24.50 23.50 23.00 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 24.50 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.75 23.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 Chi- cago. Bushel DoTU. 0.4005 .4597 .4557 .4225 .4384 .5234 .4856 .4633 .4183 .4396 .4314 .3924 .4062 .4491 .4621 .4944 .5566 .5201 .6571 .5867 .6918 .6707 .6790 .5694 .6658 .6174 .7000 .7028 .6765 .7885 .6466 .5958 .6005 .6527 .7628 .7814 .7280 .7116 .7602 .7663 .7780 .6950 .7194 .6919 .7225 .7178 211 209 206 215 217 209 207 215 206 198 205 215 203 221 219 219 219 210 206 219 219 219 219 219 219 219 206 206 206 206 206 213 206 215 215 215 206 206 206 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 Copen- hagen, ikg... Kroner. 0. 1579 New York. Found. Dolls. 0.0370 .8225 .6900 .8933 .8467 .8600 .6500 .6200 .8000 .9500 .8800 .8600 .8300 .8600 .8600 .8500 .8300 .9000 .8583 .8400 .9000 .8800 .8600 .8800 .8600 .8700 .8400 .8400 .8500 .8400 .8500 .8300 .7579 .7750 .8267 .7500 .6700 .8250 .8300 .8400 .8200 .8200 .8000 .7500 .7000 .7000 .6700 .6700 2223 1866 2414 2288 2324 1757 1676 2162 2568 2378 2297 2243 2324 2297 2297 2243 2433 2320 2378 2351 2279 2270 2433 2378 2324 2378 2324 2351 2270 2270 2297 2270 2297 2243 2048 2095 2234 2027 1838 1811 2230 2243 2270 2216 2216 2162 2027 1892 1892 1811 1811 Copen- hagen. SOkgs. Kroner. 22.50 31.75 32.00 33.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 31.00 34.33 (a) (°) 31.00 33.00 39.00 (<•) (") («) (° C (a) New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 0526 .0456 .0467 .0466 .0444 .0467 .0450 .0463 .0459 .0456 .0466 .0456 .0453 .0447 .4433 .0447 .0478 .0475 .0670 .0479 .0697 .0708 .0781 .0475 .0475 .0488 .0671 .0702 .0710 .0702 .0708 .0713 .0773 .0775 .0793 .0817 .0907 .0926 .0794 .0794 .0854 .0897 .0906 .0916 .0913 .0913 .0913 142 147 138 138 138 142 147 147 147 147 138 138 138 138 138 138 163 C) (<") («) 138 147 173 (a) (») (») («) (") (a) (") (» a No quotation. b Interpolated. ooo IJNTJiRJSrATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN DENMARK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market.. Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — .Tanuary... February. March April May Julie July....... August September . October November . December. . 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September . October November. December.. 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September . October November . December. . Saltpeter. Actual price. Den- mark. Copen- hagen. 50 kgs. Kroner. 23.50 23.38 23.00 23.50 23.50 23.50 22.75 22.75 23.. 50 23.50 23.50 23.50 23.50 23.. 50 23.50 23.50 23.50 23.60 U.S. Den- mark. 23.50 23.50 C) (a) 23.50 23.50 23.50 23.50 23.50 23.50 23.50 23.50 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 5004 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0526 .0525 .0525 .0526 .0625 .0525 .0525 .0526 .0525 .0525 .0526 .0525 .0525 .0621 .0492 .0475 .0717 .0800 .0625 .0475 .0475 .0475 .0475 .0475 .0475 .0475 .1200 .0900 .0800 .0700 .1233 .1767 .2567 .0700 .0900 .0925 .1200 .1226 .1275 .1700 .1800 .1800 .1800 .2400 .3500 Relative price. 100 100 100 97 97 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Soda, cr.vstals. Actual price. Den- mark. 100 104 100 100 C) (a) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (") (") (») (a) («) (") (a) {<') C) («) (!>) (a) (a) (a) (») (a) {«■) {a) (a) a) a) 123 Copen- hagen. 100 kgs. Kroner. 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 *.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.27 4.00 4.00 4.27 4.80 4.00 4.00 4.00, 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 5.71 5.50 5.57 5.86 5.90 5.30 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.60 5.70 6.70 5.70 6.15 6.16 6.15 5.41 U.S. East- em. Dolls. 0. 0073 .0071 .0069 .0064 .0078 .0072 .0088 .0065 .0074 .0063 .0072 .0057 .0079 .0077 .0079 .0068 .0075 .0074 .0075 .0072 .0067 .0081 .0078 .0078 .0068 .0071 .0068 .0060 .0073 .0086 .0079 .0078 .0079 .0082 .0073 .0078 .0078 .0075 .0080 .0078 .0083 .0080 .0072 .0081 .0075 .0070 .0081 .0079 .0080 .0079 .0078 .0077 Relative price. Den mark. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 107 Sugar. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. 100 100 108 105 100 108 1110 93 100 103 100 101 107 103 100 99 100 92 107 111 120 107 100 107 100 93 1110 97 100 93 Kill S2 100 100 100 lis 100 108 190 107 ISO 108 120 112 120 100 143 107 138 107 139 103 146 110 148 107 I.SS 114 138 110 1.38 99 1.38 111 138 103 142 96 142 in 142 108 1.54 110 154 1118 1.54 107 135 106 Copen- hagen. Kg... I Kroner 0.39 .39 .39 .40 .40 .40 .39 .39 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .40 .38 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.0413 .0427 .0429 .0411 .0454 .0410 .0450 .0418 .0419 .0410 .0410 .0414 .0447 .0461 .0453 .0419 .0421 .0408 .0471 .0389 .0396 .0583 .0523 .0392 .0392 .0382 .0372 .0397 .0417 .0420 .0649 .0680 .0593 .0493 .0483 .0556 .0538 .0685 .0546 .0552 .0554 .0571 .0678 .0588 .0588 .0582 .0549 .0606 .0497 .0668 .0592 Relative price. Den- mark. 102 101 103 103 103 100 100 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 97 97 97 103 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 106 105 105 105 105 106 105 105 105 106 106 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 a No quotation. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 339 WHOLESALE PRICES IN DENMARK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-191S— Continued. Saltpeter. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Relative price. Den- mark. U.S. Soda, crystals. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Relative price. Den- mark. U.S. Sugar. Actual price. Den- mark. U.S. Relative price. Den- mark, Market- . . Unit Base price... 1916— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January Febi*ua'ry March. ." April May June July August September October November. ... December 1917— Year Quarters — First.' Second Third Fourth Months — January February March. .' .\pril May Jiuie July August September October November .... December 1918— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January FebruaVy March April May June July August September October November December Copen- hagen, SOkgs Kroner. 23.50 (a) (a) (o) C) (o) (") («) (») (<•) (.") (°) (a) (<•) (») if)' (») (.<•) (") (a) (») fa) (") (."•) (a) (o) («) (a.) (a) («) (a) (a) W (a) («) (») h C) (a) C) C) C) W New York. Pound, Dolls. 0. 0504 .3318 .3500 ».3500 .2975 .3067 .3500 . 3S00 . 3500 .3 TOO .3500 . 3.500 .2975 (<•) (a) .3000 .3100 .3100 .3117 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3167 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3200 .3200 .3100 .3100 .3100 . 3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 . 3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 .3100 (a) (a) (o) (■') W (<•) (.") (a) (a) (a) (o) («; (a) i") (a) (a) (a) (a) C) W (») Co) (a) C) (a) C) (a) (a) («) (a) (a) (o) (o) (") (o) (a) (a) ra) (a) (a) C) (a) h («) («) (a) («) (») (a) 668 590 l>S93 .595 615 615 618 616 615 615 628 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 615 616 635 635 616 Copen hagen. 100 kgs. Kroner. 4.00 (a) (a) (») 7.60 7.60 9.75 (a) East- em. Pound, Dolls. 0. 0073 .0092 .0086 .0086 .0105 .0092 .0087 .0089 .0083 .0087 .0093 .0077 .0100 .0114 .0101 .0100 .0088 .0087 .0122 .0100 .0126 .0136 .0125 .0099 -.0088 .0113 .0102 .0139 .0137 .0138 .0142 .0127 .0124 .0123 .0128 .0153 .0148 .0142 . 01.54 .0167 .0160 .0145 .0138 .0144 .0151 .0132 .0145 .0162 .0164 .0153 .0174 .0173 Copen- hagen. Kg.... Kroner. 0.39 170 .41 168 .41 175 .41 210 203 .41 195 .41 211 .41 229 219 .41 199 .41 189 .41 197 .41 207 .41 181 .41 199 .41 208 .41 225 .41 210 .41 2;w .41 237 .41 New York. Pound, Dolls. 0.0413 .0610 .0729 .0696 .0712 .0573 . 0.597 . 06.59 .0706 .0746 .0736 .0760 .0700 .0637 .0708 .0735 .0692 .0771 .0788 .0797 .0814 .0662 .0686 .0706 . 0815 .0794 .0754 .0745 .0818 .0823 . 0818 .0818 .0804 .0780 ,0735 .0730 .0769 .0882 .0744 .0730 .0730 .0730 .0730 .0731 .0735 .0735 .0845 .0882 .0882 .0882 a No quotation. -1 a 93 i> Interpolated. i54U IJSJTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN DENMABK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Sulphur, refined. Actual price. Denmark. U. S Denmark, U. S Relative price. Tea. Actual price. Denmark. U. S Relative price. Denmark. U. S Market . - . Unit Base price 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . . March April May June July August September . . October November . . December. . . 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February. .. March April May June July August September.. October November. . December. . . 191S— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . . March April May June July August September. . October November . . December. . . Copen- hagen, 50 kgs . . Kroner. 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 06 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.63 6,63 9.25 9.25 15.13 9.25 10.25 20.50 20.50 9.25 9.25 9.25 10.25 10.25 10.25 20.50 20.50 20.50 20.50 20.50 20.50 New York. Pound.. Dolls. 0. 0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 ^ . 0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 126 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 140 140 140 155 309 140 140 140 155 155 155 309 309 309 309 309 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 •100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Copen- hagen. J kg Kroner. 1.53 1.63 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.63 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.63 1.53 1.63 1.63 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.63 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.63 1.53 (a) (°) (a) (a) (a) (") C) (») C) (») (a) (o) (■") (a) (=) (") C) New York. Pound.. Dolls. 0. 1708 .1549 .1517 .1450 .1482 ^1760 .1650 .1560 .1450 .1450 .1450 .1450 .1460 .1460 . 1.540 .1750 . 17.50 .1750 .1935 .1760 .1866 .2162 .1963 .1750 .1750 .1750 .1788 .1900 .1900 .1900 .2325 .2240 .1975 .1969 .1950 .2432 .2237 .2610 .2669 .2212 .1950 .2181 .2610 .2550 .2669 .2690 .2850 .2785 .2344 .2150 .2230 .2250 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 a) a No quotation. IjSTTEBNATIONAL PEICE comparisons, 1913-1918. 341 WHOLESALE P3ICES IN DENMARK AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Sulpliar, refined. Actual price. Denmark. U. S Relative price. Denmark. U. S Tea. Actual price. Denmark. U. S Denmark. U. S, Relative price. Market . Unit.... Base price. . 1916— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourtli... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth... Months- January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 191&— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. Copen- hagen, SOkgs... Kroner. 6.63 20.50 20.50 20.50 („) W- 20.50 20.50 20.50 20.60 20.50 C) New York. Pound . Dolls. 0. 0220 .0228 .0223 .0230 .0230 .0230 .0220 .0220 .0230 .0230 .0230 .0230 .0230 .0230 .0230 .0230 .0230 .0230 .0330 .0230 .0281 .0405 .0405 .0230 .0230 .0230 .0233 . 0305 .0305 .0405 .0405 .0405 .0405 .0405 .0405 .0399 .0405 .0405 .0405 .0382 .0405 .0405 .0405 .0405 .0405 .0405 .0405 .0405 .0405 .0355 309 309 309 309 101 105 105 105 100 100 105 105 105 106 105 105 105 105 105 106 150 105 128 184 184 105 105 105 106 139 139 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 174 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 180 180 161 Copen- hagen. 4 kg.... Kroner. 1.53 New York. Pound . Dolls. 0. 1708 .2495 .2369 .2512 .2550 .2550 .2275 .2380 .2450 .2450 .2530 .2550 .2550 .2550 .2650 .2650 .2550 .2550 .4013 .3158 .4738 .4150 .4008 .2660 .3275 .3663 .4175 .5050 .4913 .4230 .4100 .4100 .4020 .4000 .4000 .3777 .3923 .3792 .3700 .3700 .3960 .3900 .3900 .3900 .3750 .3700 .3700 .3700 .3700 .3700 .3700 .3700 (a) (.4 (») (") (a) (a) (a) {a) C) (<•) (a) (") (o) (») («) (") («) («) (") (») (■») (a) («) (a) (") (<■ a No quotation. 342 INTERNATIONAL PEIGE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN SWEDEN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEAES, 1913-1918. Market. Unit. Base price. 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . . March April May June July August September. . October November. . December. . . 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . . March April May Jiuie July August September.. October November. . December... 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . . March April May Jiuie July August September. , October November- . December. . , Ca;lves, prime. Actual price. Swe- den. Malmo Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg--.- Kroner. 0.67 .69 .66 .65 .68 .65 .72 New York. Dolls. 12. 0083 12. 0396 12. 1667 11.1667 11.7833 13.0417 12. 2500 12.3750 11.8750 12, 0000 10.37.50 11. 1250 10. 87.50 11.8750 12. 6000 13,. 3750 12. 8750 12. 8750 11.9208 12. 5S33 10. 62,50 12. 2250 12,2,500 13,3750 12,0000 13, 3750 11,6350 3750 10. 8760 11. 1250 12. 3000 13.2500 12. 0000 11.6250 13. 1250 12, 1354 12, 7083 10, 4583 12. 7083 12. 6667 12, 37.50 12, 8750 12, 8750 11,8750 8, 8750 10, 62,50 11.7500 13.0000 13. 3750 13.3750 12, .3750 12.2500 Eelative price. Swe- den. 104 100 97 102 102 104 107 102 102 105 102 99 104 101 101 102 101 95 109 120 121 127 104 110 113 114 122 123 117 120 125 125 129 126 Cods, with heads. Actual price. Swe- den. Stock- holm. Kg- Kroner 0.39 (a) .41 .43 .42 .45 .25 .30 (a) (a) (a) .39 .45 .36 .40 .33 .37 .34 .32 .41 .65 (») .25 C) .25 .40 .35 U. i Pound Dolls. 0. 0419 .0463 .0625 ,0342 .0392 .0492 .0475 . 0925 , 0475 ,0475 ,0275 .0275 . 0375 .0400 .0400 .0300 .0375 .0475 .0317 .0292 .0508 .0025 .0325 .0475 .0400 .0225 .0325 .0276 , 0325 .0275 .0825 .0373 .0325 .0451 .0475 .0396 .0367 .0567 .0275 .0475 .0675 .0276 . 0475 .0438 .0375 .0425 .0300 .0350 .0975 . 0375 Eclal ive price. Swe- den. U.S. 112 78 111 109 116 b91 65 78 101 116 92 104 78 97 83 106 142 l>W4 65 tes 65 104 91 106 104 86 101 134 104 104 104 91 78 91 114 132 127 142 Cods, without heads. Actual price. Swe- den. Stock- holm. Kg..., Kroner. 0.49 .49 ..51 -.43 .45 .55 Boston. Pound, DoUs. 0.0811 .0945 .1167 .0826 .0783 .0925 .0900 ,1950 ,0650 .0825 (») («) .0475 .0950 .0926 .0625 .0976 .1275 .0831 .0730 .0767 (a) .0750 .0750 .0800 .0526 .0975 .0500 .0876 .0625 .1675 .1050 .0613 .0970 .1050 .0738 .1060 .1097 .0626 .1026 . 1.500 .0588 .0876 .0750 (a) .1050 (a) .0850 .1826 .0616 Relative price. INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, IWS-iaiS. 343 WHOLESALE PRICES IN SWEDEN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Calves, prime. Cods, with heads. Cods, wiacut;his ds. Actual price. Relative price. Actua price. Relative price. Actua price. U.S. Relative price. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. Swe- den. U.S. Market Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.67 .99 .84 1.01 1.09 1.04 .85 .83 .84 .91 1.02 1.09 l.OS 1.10 1.12 1.05 1 03 1.03 .96 1.03 .91 .80 1.09 1.07 1.03 .99 .96 .98 .80 .77 .77 .86 1.06 1.07 1.14 New York. 100 lbs. DolU. 12.0083 12.4375 12.3333 10.7917 13.2500 13.3750 12.3750 12.0000 12.6250 10.6000 9.7600 12. 1250 12.7600 13.3760 13.6260 13.8750 12.3750 13.8760 15.6354 15.0000 15.0417 16.2083 16.2917 16.7500 16.8750 13.37.50 16. 3750 13. 7500 15. 0000 15.8760 15.8760 16.8750 16.8750 16. 1250 15.8750 18.8646 18. 1667 17.5417 19.2083 20.5417 17.3760 18. 8750 18.2600 20.8760 15.6260 16.1250 18.3760 IS. 3750 20.8750 20.8760 19.8750 20.8750 Stock- holm. Kg.... Kroner. 0.39 .52 ..52 .48 .46 .60 .40 ..57 .69 .63 .44 .47 .44 .46 .49 .61 .63 .56 .74 .83 ..59 .60 .93 .65 .96 .89 .66 .50 .60 .47 .65 :68 .88 .81 1.09 1.00 1.39 {=) .95 1.04 1.32 1.51 1.33 1.36 Stock- holm. Kg.... Kroner. 0.49 .94 .96 .81 .93 1.05 1.07 .91 .90 .83 .74 .86 .89 .90 .99 1.01 1.20 .93 1.19 1.26 .84 1.10 1.56 1.13 1.26 1.38 .86 .86 .80 .91 1.09 1.29 1.48 1.44 1.76 1.69 2.10 1.76 1.61 1.70 2.00 2.00 2.29 2.16 Unit Pound. Base price .. 1916— Year Quarters- First 149 126 151 164 166 128 126 126 137 153 164 168 165 168 158 165 166 144 155 137 120 164 161 165 149 144 147 120 116 116 129 189 161 171 448 up bin bms 471 469 405 367 376 104 103 90 110 111 103 100 106 87 81 101 106 111 113 116 103 116 130 125 125 135 136 131 132 111 136 115 126 132 132 141 141 134 132 157 161 146 160 171 145 157 152 174 130 134 153 153 174 174 166 174 Dolls. 0.0419 .0491 .0575 .0388 .0450 .0560 .0426 .0626 .0776 .0425 .0363 .0376 .0550 .0375 .0425 .0650 .0350 .0650 .0691 .0660 .0625 .0488 .0700 .0700 .0500 .0760 .0600 .0526 .0460 .0488 . 0460 .0525 .0600 .0850 .0850 .0696 .0783 .0626 .0667 .0804 .0900 .0875 .0675 .0450 .0600 .0626 ' .0726 .0700 .0575 .0850 .0650 .0913 Dolls. 0.0811 .0936 .1074 .0617 .0964 . 1088 .1017 .0923 .1283 .0625 .0550 .0675 .1075 .0843 .0975 .1338 .0650 .1275 .1109 .1205 .0917 .0979 .1333 .1288 .0913 .1413 . 1175 .0800 .0776 .1200 .0700 .1038 .1076 .1750 .1176 .1298 .1292 .0768 .1322 .1638 .1800 .1313 .0763 .0683 .0833 (o) .1367 .1233 .1367 ,1767 .1383 .1765 133 135 124 119 165 104 148 163 137 114 122 114 116 127 158 163 145 191 216 152 156 240 168 249 230 171 129 155 122 168 176 228 210 282 260 369 246 269 342 391 344 352 117 137 93 107 131 101 126 186 101 87 89 131 89 101 1.55 84 156 141 156 126 116 167 167 119 179 143 125 107 116 107 125 143 203 155 166 187 125 159 192 215 209 137 107 119 149 173 167 137 103 155 218 191 196 165 189 213 218 185 183 169 161 175 181 183 202 206 245 189 242 256 171 223 318 230 267 281 175 175 163 185 222 263 302 293 359 344 427 359 328 346 408 408 467 440 115 1,32 Second Tliird 76 119 Fourth Months- January February . March.. 134 125 114 1.58 April... 77 May June. . 68 83 July. - 133 August September October November. . .. December 1917— Year Quarters- First 104 120 165 80 167 137 149 Second Third. 113 121 Fourth Months- January February March... 164 169 113 174 April.. . 145 May .... 99 June . . 96 July 148 Au8:ust '. . September October November December 191S— Year.. 86 128 133 216 145 158 Quarters- First (a) 2.9S 1.59 Second Third 108 163 Fourth 202 Months — January February March (a) 3.13 3.12 ^ 2.69 2.44 2.30 222 162 94 April 84 May 103 i>l»ff July 169 August 162 169 218 IVl 218 344 INTERNATIONAL, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN SWEDEN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Cows, prime, first series. Cows, prime, second series. Heifers, best fat. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.55 .53 ..54 .55 .56 .55 .54 .53 .54 .55 .55 .55 .56 .66 .57 .54 .55 .65 .63 .54 .53 .49 .55 .55 .54 .53 ..54 .54 .62 .60 .48 ..50 ..53 .54 .57 . 77 .62 .75 .86 .86 .60 .62 .64 .68 .76 .80 .82 .89 .86 .88 .88 .82 Chi- cago. Cwt Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.50 .60 .47 .51 .51 .50 .47 .47 .48 .50 .51 .51 .61 .51 .52 .50 ..50 .50 .48 .49 .48 .46 .49 .50 .48 .48 .48 .48 .48 .46 .44 .46 .47 .49 .51 .71 .67 .70 .79 .77 ..55 leo .64 .72 .75 .76- .83 .77 .79 .79 .74 Chi- cago. Cwt Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.60 .60 ,68 .60 .62 .61 .58 .68 .58 .60 .61 .60 .61 .62 .62 .60 .61 .62 .58 .59 .58 .55 .69 .61 .59 .68 .69 .58 .68 .56 .55 .55 .56 .58 .62 .80 .67 .80 ..90 .83 .66 .67 .69 .74 .81 .86 .87 .93 .90 .84 .81 .83 Chi- cago. Cwt... Unit Base Price . . 1913— Year I Quarters — First Dolls. 6.9667 6.8667 6. 6500 7. 1500 6.8250 6.8417 6.2760 6.7500 6.9250 7.4600 6.9600 7.0600 6. 8260 6.7000 6.9500 6.9600 6. 7750 6. 8000 7.0500 6.9500 7.2333 7. 0583 6.9583 6. 7500 7. 0000 7. 1000 7. 0600 -7.1750 7.4750 6.9250 6.92.50 7.3250 7. 1750 7.0000 6.7000 6.6229 6. 6333 6.6833 6.9833 6. 1917 6. 7000 6. 6750 6.6250 6. 37.50 6.6000 7.0750 7.3250 7. 1500 6.4750 6.. 5000 5.6.500 6.4250 Dolls. 8.6477 8.5072 8.4409 8.4138 8.6300 8. 5338 8.3563 8.4063 8.5600 8.5000 8.2663 8.4850 8.7188 8. 6063 8.6050 8.6500 8.5063 8. 4450 9.0387 8. 6829 8.J442 9.4900 9. 2500 8.7563 8.6376 8. 6550 8.7125 8.7250 8.7960 9.2188 9.5200 9.7313 9.4313 9.4063 8.9125 8.7015 8.3139 8.5259 9. 1308 8. 73.58 8.5333 8. 1750 8.2333 8.0313 8. 5900 8. 9363 9.2125 9.2300 8. 9500 8.8750 8.8460 8.4875 Dolls. '7.9875 7.8292 7.3917 7.9917 7.9500 7.9833 7.5500 6.9000 7.7250 8. 1500 7.9250 7.9000 7.9000 7.9000 8.0600 8.OSO0 8.0500 7.8500 8. 1938 7.9333 8.0833 8.3833 8.3750 7.9000 8.0000 7.9000 8.0000 8.0760 8. 1750 8.2000 S 2000 S.7500 8.6250 S. 6000 8.0000 7.8646 7.7333 7.7000 8. 3833 7.6417 7.8250 7. 7.500 7.62.50 7.07,50 7.8000 ■ 8. 2260 S.6250 8. 7250 7. 8000 7. 6250 7.6250 7.6750 101 98 101 103 100 99 97 99 101 101 101 103 103 104 99 101 101 97 99 98 90 100 101 99 97 99 99 95 92 88 92 97 99 104 141 114 137 157 158 110 114 117 125 139 147 150 163 158 161 161 1,50 99 95 103 98 98 90 97 99 107 100 101 98 96 100 100 97 98 101 100 104 101 100 97 100 102 101 103 107 99 99 105 103 100 96 95 95 96 100 89 96 94 95 92 95 102 106 103 93 93 81 92 101 96 102 104 101 95 95 97 101 103 103 103 103 106 101 101 101 96 98 97 92 99 101 97 97 97 97 97 93 89 93 95 99 103 143 116 142 159 1.56 111 115 121 129 146 1.52 1.54 168 156 160 160 150 98 98 97 100 99 97 97 99 98 95 98 101 98 100 100 98 98 105 100 101 110 107 101 100 100 101 101 102 107 110 113 109 109 103 101 96 99 106 101 99 95 95 93 99 104 107 107 103 103 102 98 100 97 100 103 102 97 97 97 100 102 100 102 103 103 100 102 103 96 99 97 92 98 102 98 97 98 97 97 93 92 92 93 97 103 133 112 134 150 138 108 112 115 123 135 143 146 155 160 140 135 138 98 93 Second Tliird 100 100 Fourth Montlis— January February 100 95 86 97 102 May 99 99 July 99 August September October November December 1914— Year b Quarters — ■ First 99 101 101 101 98 103 99 Second Tliird 101 105 Fourth Months — , January February 105 99 100 99 100 May 101 102 July 103 August September October November December 1915— Year Quarters — First 103 110 108 106 100 98 97 Second Third . .-. 96 105 Fourth Months — January February 96 98 97 95 April 89 May 98 103 July 108 August September October November Denember 109 98 95 95 96 INTERNATIONAL PKJCB COMPAEISONS, 1913-1918. 345 WHOLESALE PRICES IN SWEDEN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Cows, prime, first series. Cows, prime, second series. Heifers, best lat. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Chi- cago. Cwt... Swe- den. a.s. Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.55 1.00 .83 .97 1.15 1.04 .81 .83 .86 .89 .98 1.03 1.10 1.17 1.17 1.09 1.02 1.01 1.06 1.04 1.06 1.01 1.14 1.05 1.03 1.03 1.06 1.07 1.06 1.02 .99 1.03 1.06 1.08 1.29 Chi- cago. Cwt. . . Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.50 .91 .76 .90 1.04 .92 .74 .75 .78 .82 .91 .98 1.02 1.07 1.04 .96 .90 .91 .96 .92 .95 .88 1.05 .92 .92 .91 .94 .96 .95 .88 .86 .89 .96 .99 1.20 1.51 2.54 1.32 1.43 1.78 2.26 2.76 2.61 2.64 2.59 Chi- cago. Cwt... Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... KroTifr. 0.60 1.05 .86 1.00 1.21 1.12 .83 .87 .89 .92 1.01 1.08 1.16 1.23 1.24 1.18 1.08 1.10 1.17 1.13 1.18 1.13 1.24 1.14 1.13 1.12 1.17 1.19 1.18 Base price... 1916— Year Quarters- First Dolls. 6.9667 7.4813 6. 7167 7. 6333 7. 9667 7.6083 6. 5750 6. 6500 6. 9250 7. 3000 7.4750 8. 1250 8. 0000 7. 8250 8.0750 7.6250 7. 5760 7. 6250 9. 4313 8. 4833 10. 2000 9.6833 9.3583 7.9500 8. 6250 8.8760 9. 9250 10. 1250 10. 5500 10. 4250 9. 3500 9. 2750 9.2500 9. 6750 9. 1500 11.3.500 10. 2250 11.4667 12. 1917 11.5167 10. 3000 10. 0750 10.3000 10.8000 10.92.50 12. 6760 12. 3750 12. 1250 12. 0750 11.8000 11. 1250 11.6250 Dolls. 8. 6477 9. 5730 8. 7009 9. 6138 9. 8783 10. 1822 8. 6650 8. 4688 8.9688 9. 1188 9.4600 10. 2625 9. 9850 9.8500 9.8000 9.9060 10. 3500 10.2917 12. 8085 11. 1269 12. 4346 13. 4962 14. 0786 10. 5300 11.1313 11.8688 12. 3100 12. 4750 12. 5500 12. 5600 13. 1750 14. 9875 14. 6750 14. 3876 13.2350 16. 4240 13. 1396 16. 1521 17.9885 18.1423 13.1125 13.0750 13. 2313 15.1750 16. 4167 17. 1750 17. 6250 17.8250 18. 4100 17. 8563 18.1563 18.3000 Dolls. 7.9875 8. 4708 7. 8000 8.4167 8.8750 8.7917 7. 7000 7. 8250 7. 8750 8. 1250 8. 1250 9.0000 8. 8750 8. .5.500 9. 2000 8. 6750 8. 62.50 9.0750 10.5229 9. 2750 10.9333 10.9583 10.9250 9. 0750 9. 2500 9. 5000 10. 62.50 10. 8750 11. 3000 183 153 177 210 191 148 152 158 163 180 189 202 214 214 200 187 185 195 190 196 186 209 192 189 189 194 196 194 187 181 189 194 198 236 302 514 264 288 354 453 557 5.32 542 548 107 96 110 114 109 94 95 99 105 107 117 115 112 116 109 109 109 135 122 146 139 134 114 124 127 142 145 151 149 134 133 133 139 131 163 147 164 175 165 148 14.0 148 155 157 182 180 174 173 169 160 167 183 153 182 211 187 150 152 158 166 184 198 206 216 210 194 182 184 192 185 192 177 212 186 186 184 190 194 192 178 174 180 194 200 242 305 513 267 289 360 457 656 527 533 623 Ill 101 111 114 118 100 98 104 105 109 119 115 114 113 115 120 119 148 129 144 156 163 122 129 137 142 144 145 145 152 173 170 166 163 190 152 187 208 210 152 151 153 175 190 199 204 206 213 206 210 212 175 144 167 201 186 138 145 148 1.53 168 180 193 205 206 196 180 183 194 188 196 188 206 190 188 186 195 198 196 188 106 98 Second Third 105 111 Fourth Mouths- January February 110 96 98 99 April 102 May 102 June - . 113 July 111 August September October November December 1917— Year Quarters- First 107 115 109 108 114 132 116 Second Third 137 137 Fourth Months — January February March 137 114 116 119 r* May 13b June 141 July ... 1.13 11.2500 1.11 10.5750 1.14 '11.0500 1.16 ilO.9500 1.19 ;10.9500 1.36 10.8750 12.8333 1.80 11.5333 3.12 12.9667 13.62.50 '13.2083 141 August September October November December 1918— Year ISo 132 190 1 138 193 ! 137 198 137 226 136 ' 161 Quarters — First 1.65 2.80 299 520 253 288 3.56 454 568 548 .504 144 Second Third 162 171 16t JMonths — January Tebruary March 1.44 1.57 1.93 2.47 3.04 2.90 2.96 2.99 1.52 1.73 2.14 11.8000 11.42.50 11.. 37.50 14> 14. April 2.73 11.67.50 3.35 13.2000 3.29 14.0250 3.03 jl;i.9250 3.42 113.32.50 13.62.50 14.1000 11.8750 il3.6o00 14( 16. IVi .July 1 17 August 569 1 16' 1 17 1 17 14' i54b lis TERN ATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1&18. WHOLESALE PRICES IN SWEDEN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market . Unit. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February. March April May June July -August September. October November. December.. 1914— Year... Quarters- First Second -Third Fourth... Months- January.. February. March. . . April May June July August September... October November... December 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June Hogs, live, first series. Actual price. Swe- den. Malmo. Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner, 0.78 .82 .81 .81 July , August September T'ctober November. ... December I .81 .81 .81 .83 .67 .73 .74 .78 ,86 1.29 1.01 1.26 1.41 1.51 .99 1.09 1.19 1.27 1.31 1.30 1.41 1.51 1.62 1.46 1.44 Chi- cago. Dolh. 8. 3094 8.3542 S. 2500 8.6417 8. 6083 7.9167 7. 4.500 8. 1750 9. 1250 8.8250 8.5000 8. 6000 9. 0750 8. 3750 8. 3750 8. 2000 7. 8000 7. 7500 8. 2677 8.4417 8. 2708 8. 8250 7.6333 8. 17S0 8. 5500 8. 6000 8.4750 8. 2375 8. 1000 9.0000 8.9000 S.5750 7. 7750 7. 6250 7. 2000 7. 0229 6. 7333 7. 3333 7. 1250 6. 9000 6. 8000 6. 6750 6.7250 7.2000 7. 4000 7. 4000 7. 1000 6. 9250 7.3500 7. 7250 6. 6250 6. 3500 Relative price. Swe- den. 103 104 109 104 105 102 103 102 103 110 109 110 109 105 103 103 96 91 89 101 101 94 92 100 no 129 160 180 192 120 126 139 152 162 167 166 ISO 193 207 186 184 U.S. Hogs, live, second series. Sheep, prime (live). Actual price. Swe- den. 100 102 100 I 106 91 Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg...- Kroner. 0. 7550 .8058 .8000 .8000 .8400 .7900 .8100 .7900 .7900 .7800 .7900 .8100 .8400 .8400 .8500 .8100 .7900 .7700 .7100 .7100 .6700 .6800 .7900 .7500 .7000 .6900 .6900 .6700 .6600 .6500 .6600 .7200 .7300 .7800 .8500 1.3100 1.0100 1. 2800 1. 4300 1.6300 .9400 .9900 1.1100 1.2000 1.3000 1.3500 1.3300 1.4300 1.5400 1. 6600 1.4S00 1,4400 U.S. Chi- cago. Dolls. 8. 4055 8, 3654 8,1411 8, 6621 8, 6958 8, 0346 7.4688 8. 0844 8.8700 8.9406 S.4156 8. 6300 9. 0125 8. 3500 8.4250 8.3125 7.9188 7, 8725 8,5665 8. 4250 8, 8554 7,6281 8,4031 8,6313 8,6650 8, 7156 8. 3594 8. 2000 9. 0350 8. 7625 7. 8063 7. 6876 7. 1906 7. 1313 6. 8369 7. 4188 7.0867 7. 2238 6. 9938 6. 7594 6. 7575 7. 2500 7. 6500 7. 4563 7. 2813 6. 8350 7. 1438 8.1188 6. 8900 6. 6625 Relative Actual price. Relative price. Swe- den. 106 105 112 105 107 105 105 103 ,105 107 111 111 113 107 106 102 94 89 90 104 87 95 97 103 113 134 170 190 202 125 131 147 159 172 179 176 189 204 220 196 191 U.S, den. . Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. ,i Kg.... Kroner. . 0.5708 Dolls. 4. 7708 100 .5833 4.6771 1 97 .5800 5.2500 103 .6267 6.2083 102 .5967 3. 6250 96 .5300 4.6250 89 .5700 4.5000 96 .6700 5. 2500 106 .6000 6.0000 106 ,6000 6.5000 100 .6500 5.2600 103 .6300 3.8750 107 .6100 3,6250 99 .5900 3,5000 100 .6900 3, 7500 99 .5000 4,3750 94 .6300 4,6250 94 .5600 4, 8750 99 .6533 5,0550 102 .5633 5,5000 100 .5933 5. 3333 105 .5633 4.2283 90 .4933 4. 9583 100 .5600 4.8250 103 .5600 5.6750 103 .6800 6.0000 104 .5700 6. 0000 99 .5800 6.6250 98 6300 4.37S0 104 .6100 4. 4350 107 6.6600 3.7500 104 11.5200 4.5000 93 .4600 5.0000 90 .4800 5. 3750 86 .5400 4.5000 85 .6975 6. 0458 81 .6067 6.3500 88 .7100 7.6867 S4 .7300 6. 0417 86 .7433 5. 1250 83 .6000 4. 2500 80 .6000 6.0000 80 .6200 6.8000 86 .6600 8.0000 90 .7200 10.3750 89 .7500 4.6250 87 .7400 6.7500 81 .7400 5.8750 85 .7100 5,5000 97 .7200 6.0000 82 .7300 4.7500 79 .7800 4.6250 INTERNATIOJTAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 347 WHOLESALE PRICES IN SWEDEN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Hogs, live, first series. Hogs, live, second ser ies. tive ce. Sheep, prin- e (live ). Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Rela pri Actual price. Relative price. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den. U.S Swe- den. U.S. Swe- den, U.S. Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.78 1.63 1.68 1.63 1.62 1.67 1.51 1.54 1.68 1.64 1.64 1.62 1.64 1.64 1.59 1.69 1.68 1.64 1.67 1.67 1.68 1.64 1.68 1.64 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.73 1.64 1.61 1.61 1.71 1.77 1.68 1.-59 Chi- cago. Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0. 7550 1. 6400 1.5800 1.6600 1. 6400 1. 6800 1. 5000 1.5300 1. 7100 1. 6700 L6700 1.6400 1. 6600 1.6600 1. 6000 1.7000 1.6900 1.6500 1.5700 1.6800 1.6400 1.4700 1.4900 1.6500 1. 6900 1.70OO 1.6900 1.67oO 1. 5600 1.4500 1.4300 1.5200 1.5900 1,4900 1.3800 1. 4200 1,5400 1. 3800 1.3700 1.6000 1. 6300 L5300 1.550O 1, 7900 1. 8600 Chi- cago. Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.5708 .9158 .8600 .9300 .9600 .9133 .8100 .8700 .9000 .9200 .9300 .9400 .9300 .9800 .9700 .9100 .9100 .9200 1. 1308 1.0067 1, 1367 1.1333 1,2467 .9800 .9900 1. 0500 1. 0900 1. 1400 1. 1800 1. 1400 1. 1300 1. 1300 1. 1500 1. 1800 1, 4100 1.9400 3. 1867 1. 6900 1. 7900 2.3400 2. 8200 3.4500 3. 2900 3.4000 3.3700 New York. Cwt- . . Unit Base price... 1916-Year Quarters- First Dolls. 8.3094 9. 4750 8.3167 9.7167 10. 1833 9.6833 7.2500 8.2500 9. 4500 9. 6250 9. 9500 9. 5750 9.7250 10.2250 10. 6000 10. 0500 9. 5750 9.4250 15. 5167 12. 5250 15. 6000 16. 9000 17. 0417 10. 8000 12, 4500 14, 3250 15. 6750 1.5.9750 15. 1500 15. 2500 17, 2500 18,2000 17, 1250 16, 9500 17, 0500 17, 1313 16. 4667 16. 6833 IS 5833 Dolls. 8.4055 9. 6459 8. 4748 9.7667 10.3042 10.0379 7. 3650 8. 3750 9.6844 9.7438 9. 9250 9. 6313 9. 8250 10. 3438 10,7438 9,8700 9, 9938 10.2500 15, 7047 12, 6346 15, 8677 16.9173 17.2875 10. 9560 12. 6760 14.7938 15. 7960 16. 0875 15.7063 15. 4600 17. .3313 18.3250 17. 5900 17. 4563 16. 8500 17.5995 16.6167 17. 0212 18. 8664 17.7327 16. 3000 16.7188 16.8313 17. 1500 17. 2825 16.6188' 17. 7200 19. 1875 19. 7260 17. 8500 17. 8126 17. 5750 Dolls. 4.7708 6. 7333 6, 2500 6.7500 6,9167 7.0167 6. 1250 5.8750 7.7500 7. 7500 6. 2600 6. 2500 6. 1250 7.6250 7.0000 7. 1250 6. 8000 7. 1250 9.8750 9.6417 9. 6667 9. 3333 10.9583 8.3750 9. 6250 10. 6250 10. 0000 9. 0000 10. 0000 8.0000 9. 6250 10. 3750 11.0000 n. 0000 10. 8760 11.6292 11.0167 13. 0833 11.9167 10. 5000 11.3000 11. 7500 10. 0000 12, 7600 15.0000 16, 5000 10.5000 12.3750 12, 8760 10. 7500 10.8750 9. 8750 208 201 209 207 213 193 197 214 209 209 207 209 209 203 216 214 209 213 213 215 210 214 209 214 214 214 221 209 206 206 218 226 214 203 212 241 203 203 230 239 240 245 290 308 114 100 117 123 117 87 99 114 116 120 116 117 123 128 121 116 113 187 151 188 203 206 130 150 172 189 192 182 184 208 219 206 204 205 206 198 201 224 202 192 199 203. 203 202 198 212 226 233 202 200 205 217 209 220 217 223. 199 203 226 221 221 217 220 219 212 226 224 219 208 223 217 194 197 219 224 225 224 221 205 192 189 201 211 197 183 188 204 183 181 199 203 203 205 2,37 246 116 101 116 123 119 88 100 115 116 118 115 117 123 128 117 119 122 187 150 189 201 206 130 150 176 188 191 187 184 206 218 209 208 200 209 198 203 224 211 194 199 200 204 206 198 211 228 235 212 212 209 160 151 163 168 160 142 152 158 161 163 166 163 172 170 159 159 161 198 176 199 199 218 172 173 184 191 200 207 200 198 198 201 207 247 340 558 296 314 410 494 604 576 596 590 141 131 Second Third . . . 141 145 Fourth Months- January February March...'. 147 107 123 162 April.. . 162 Mav. . 131 131 July ]2» August September — October November December 1917-Year Quarters- First 160 147 149 14» 149 207 200 Second Third Fourth Months- January February March April . 203 196 230 176 202 223 210 Mav' 189 June 210 July.. . 168 August September October November December 1918— Year 202 217 231 231 228 244 Quarters- First 1,66 1.89 231 Second Third 274 .250 Fourth. 16.7917 15. 9750 16. 5500 16.8750 16. 8500 16.7750 16.4250 17,6250 18, 7500 19, 3750 920 Months- January February March 1.59 1.59 1.80 1.87 1.88 1.92 2.27 2.41 237 246 210 April 267 Alay 314 June. 346 Julv 220 .August 259 270 16, 7500 16, 6250 17.0000 225 November 228 207 ■•348 IKTERNATION'AL PRICE COMPAEISOKS, 1913-1&18. "WHOLESALE PRICES IN SWEDEN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit. Base price :i913— Year Quarters — 'First Second Third Fourth Months- January February.. . March -April May June July August September , . October November . . December... .'1914— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . , March April May ■June July August September.. October November.. December... ■915- Year Quarters — First Second . Third Fourth Months — January February . , . March April May June July August September. . October November. . December... Sheep, medium (live). Actual price. Swe- den. Malmo Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.51 .64 .62 .50 .52 .62 .64 .68 .71 .64 .64 .64 .60 .61 .66 U.S. Chi- cago. Cwt. . Dolls. 5. 0904 5.1837 5. 8269 5.8385 4.3962 4. 6731 5.3375 5.6500 6.3600 6.4875 5.9400 5.0625 4.4625 4.4300 4.2875 4. 5375 4. 5700 4. 9375 5. 6235 5. 6769 6. 6154 5.3923 5.4000 5.4700 5. 6750 5. 9375 6. 2125 6.5700 5. 0750 5. 3625 6.4800 5.3125 5. 2700 5.6167 5. 4000 6. 3236 6. 5038 6. 8538 6. 9577 6.0036 6.7900 6. 4375 7.4625 7. 5875 7. 3700 6. 4750 6. 0300 6. 1625 5. 6625 5. 9600 5. 8250 6. 2000 Relative price. Swe- den. 103 108 112 100 94 104 106 114 114 112 110 101 105 84 81 94 98 110 114 102 122 108 133 126 123 102 122 126 134 140 126 126 126 118 120 130 87 Steers, best fat (live), Actual price. Swe- den. Malmo. Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.56 U.S. Chi- cago. DolU. 9.1022 8. 9550 8. 7767 8.9833 9.0004 9.0125 8. 9125 8.9400 8. 8938 8. 6563 8.7800 8. 9875 8. 8875 9.0750 9. 1250 8. 9563 8.9200 9.6520 9.2383 9. 1867 10. 0767 10. 1479 9. 2250 9.2250 9.2650 9.2750 9. 1250 9. 1600 9.67.50, 10. 0300 10. 5260 10. 4500 10. 2188 9. 7750 9.3117 8. 8063 8.7484 9.8159 9. 7717 9.1683 8. 5938 8. 6667 8.3313 8. 6450 9.8100 9.7313 9.6875 9. 9400 9. 6875 Relative price. Swe- den. 97 103 105 101 97 97 99 104 104 102 104 106 106 100 100 102 98 96 92 102 100 97 97 97 97 93 91 91 93 97 102 106 117 137 158 150 113 117 120 126 138 147 152 163 160 152 145 152 Steers, medium fat (live). Actual price. Swe- den. Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner, 0.48 Cwt. 7.7000 8.0833 8. 1667 8.2417 7.7500 7.3250 8.0250 8.2000 8.07.50 7. 9750 8.3000 8.3000 7. 9000 9.1000 8. 07.50 7.5500 8. 0438 7.8417 7.9583 8.3417 7.97.50 7.7500 7.8000 7.6760 8.0260 8. 1750 8.3250 7.1000 9.6000 7.9000 8.4000 7.8000 7.9229 7.4583 7. 8250 8.6000 7. 8083 7.67.50 7.3750 7. 3260 7.4260 7. 7750 8.2750 8. 7000 8.2250 8. 8750 8.7500 7.7500 6. 9250 Relative price. INTEEKATIONAL PKICE COMPAKISONS, 1913-1918. 349 WHOLESALE PRICES IN SWEDEN AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Sheep, medium (live). Actual price. den. U.S. Relative price. Swe- den. U.S Steers, best fat (live). Steers, medium fat (live) . Actual price. Swe- den. U.S. Relative price. Swe- den. Actual price. Swe- den. U. S. Relative price. Swe- den. Market . Base price. . 1916— Year.... Quarters- Firsf Second — Third Fourth... Months- January... February. March April May June Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.51 Chi- cago. Cwt.. July August September. October.-... Novembor . December.. 1917— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Third Fourth... Months- January... February . March April May June July August September . October November. Deoembor.. 1918— Year... Quarters — First Second — Third Fourth... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September . Oetober No\'ember. December.. .86 .81 .77 .87 .84 .87 .86 .81 .80 .81 1.01 .90 1.02 1.01 1.11 .87 .88 .95 .99 1.01 1.05 1.01 1.00 1.01 1.04 1.00 1.24 1.79 2.95 1.62 1.71 2.14 2.58 3.23 3.03 3.13 3.18 Dolls. 5.0904 7. S173 7. 6708 7. 9654 7.4429 8. 2077 7.2000 7. 6626 8. 1600 8. 2000 8. 2500 7. 3876 7. 2400 7. 3875 7. 6900 7. 4876 8. 0125 8. 9400 11. 0404 10. 9731 11.7346 9. 9923 11. 4615 1. 9500 11. 1600 11. 6500 12.0625 13. 0125 10. 4500 1. 0500 1. 7000 10. 9800 11.7000 11. 1376 11. 5300 12. 4568 12.6923 14. 6231 12. 5962 9. 9115 12.0760 12.4875 13.3500 16. 6875 14. 7750 13. 6500 12. 6376 13.1800 11.8250 10. 4125 9. 8500 9. 4875 1.53 176 169 159 136 151 171 173 175 179 165 171 169 159 157 159 177 200 198 219 171 173 187 195 199 207 199 197 199 205 209 244 362 580 299 336 421 508 635 616 626 Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.56 1.00 1.19 1.08 .92 1.00 1.09 1.14 1.22 1.22 1. 11 1.05 1.08 1.15 1.10 1.16 1.12 1.21 1.11 1.11 1.09 1.11 1.18 1.18 1.11 1.13 1.12 1.14 1.14 1.34 Chi- cago. Cwt. 1.75 3.14 1.51 1.72 2.03 2.70 3.34 3.37 3.41 3.42 Dolls. 9. 1022 10. 2779 10. 7167 11. 3342 9. 4800 9.2813 9.6813 9. 7376 10. 0900 11. 0063 10. 7000 10. 67,60 10. 8750 10.96.50 11.6125 11. 5250 13. 8307 11.9175 13. 1988 14.7964 15. 4488 11.4400 11. 8026 12. 4500 12.9900 13. 2438 13. 3626 13. 5300 14. 5188 16.3376 16. 5160 16. 6063 14. 2250 17. 3285 13. 7917 17. 0083 18. 6923 19. 5260 13.7688 13. 7188 13. 8875 16. 0900 17. 4750 17. 8063 18.1438 18. 6000 19. 2050 19. 1750 19. 4875 19. 8350 1.56 180 214 194 152 1.54 168 165 179 198 204 219 219 199 188 194 198 208 201 21B 199 199 196 199 212 212 199 203 201 204 204 240 315 562 271 308 364 484 599 604 012 013 Malmo, Stock- holm, Goten- borg. Kg.... Kroner. 0.48 1.04 .92 .70 .72 .74 .78 .91 .96 1.01 1.06 1.06 Omaha .90 .93 .95 .91 .94 .86 .82 .84 .91 .92 1.12 Cwt... Dolls. 8. 0521 8. 5146 7. 7500 8. 92.50 8. 9260 8.4583 7. 3500 7. 52.60 8. 3750 8. 7500 8. 4500 9. 6750 9. 3000 8. 7,500 8. 7250 7. 7500 8. 6000 9. 1250 10. 8563 9. 8250 11.4500 10.2167 11. 9333 9.4500 10. 1600 9. 8760 11.1000 11.2000 12. 0500 12.1500 9. 5000 9. 0000 11.5000 12. 4000 11.9000 1.46 2.46 11. 3760 15. 1333 16. 4417 1.23 1.45 1.70 2.19 2.67 2.61 2.64 2.73 11. 1250 11. 3750 11. 6250 12. 6500 16. 3760 16. 37,60 16. 5600 17. 8000 15. 1760 161 186 218 194 147 1,51 155 164 191 201 212 522 220 206 187 189 197 196 176 206 201 196 195 199 191 197 178 172 176 191 193 23b 306 515 258 304 357 459 660 527 554 573 13. .5000 350 INTERNATIOiTAl, PEICE COMPARISOI^S, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN NORWAY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918. Market-.., Unit Base price 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Montlis — January February. . , March April May June July August September.. October November . . December 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third , Fourth Months — January , February March April May June. July August September... October November. . . December 1916— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February March April May June July August September . . . October November . . . December Barley. Actual price. Nor- way. Chris- tiania. Kg.... Kroner, 10.92 11.49 12.77 11.67 11.47 10.05 12.31 12.50 13.50 11.87 11.75 11.38 11.35 11.75 11.31 10.40 13.97 10.69 11.48 14.70 19.02 10.50 10.66 10.91 11.06 11.63 11.75 12.10 15.60 16.50 17.88 18.50 20.69 22.53 23.69 23.37 23.13 20.25 21.63 23.60 25.63 23.00 23.50 23.60 (a) 24.25 22.00 19.00 20.75 21.00 U.S. Chicago Bushel Dolls, 0.6243 .6263 .6016 .6096 .6571 .6492 .6250 .6063 .5790 .6863 .6060 .6050 ,5700 .6640 .7263 .6825 .6600 .6150 .6204 .6168 .5777 .6223 .6658 .6390 .6163 .5863 .5760 .6840 .5725 .5338 .6300 .7013 .6540 .6863 .6600 .7103 .7860 .7623 .6683 .6223 .7590 .8188 .7838 .7738 .7770 .7325 .7500 . 7013 .5538 .5840 .6176 .6760 Relative price. Nor- way. 105 117 107 106 92 113 114 124 109 108 104 104 108 104 95 90 90 128 105 136 174 100 101 106 108 111 142 151 164 206 216 214 214 185 198 215 235 211 215 216 bSW 222 201 174 190 192 U.S. Beef. Actual price. Nor- way. Chris- tian ia. Kg... Kroner. 0.97 1.01 .99 Chicago Pound. .97 .96 .96 U.S. .97 .98 1.03 Dolls, 0. 1297 .1296 .1332 .1287 .1266 .1300 .1281 .1278 .1288 .1288 .1285 1.01 .1256 1.03 , .1260 .1288 .1300 .1300 .1300 .1364 .1300 .1322 .1402 .1436 .1300 .1300 .1300 .1316 .1325 .1325 .1360 .1419 .1438 .1438 .1438 .1428 .1289 .1229 .1214 . 1330 .1375 .1300 .1213 .1175 .1175 .1213 .1253 .1315 .1326 .1360 .1375 .1375 .1375 .97 .90 .84 .81 1.02 .98 .92 .90 .93 .87 .91 .76 .72 .82 1.11 .92 1.06 1.17 1.27 .91 .91 .93 1.05 1.13 1.01 1.09 1.23 1.20 1.18 1.23 1.40 Relative price. Nor- way. 102 101 99 104 103 101 101 100 104 106 101 100 101 106 101 93 106 101 95 93 96 90 87 94 79 74 86 92 96 110 121 131 94 108 117 104 113 127 124 122 127 146 Actual price. Nor- way. Chris- tainla. Kg Kroner, 1.98 2.00 2.06 1.85 2.00 2.09 2.05 2.01 2.12 1.94 1.76 1.86 1.91 2.00 2.08 2.07 2.08 2.13 2.04 1.95 1.88 2.05 2.29 2.04 1.90 1.90 1.88 1.84 1.93 2.01 2.08 2.06 2.25 2.24 2.38 2.47 2.29 2.29 2.56 2.75 2.42 2.19 2.26 2.20 2.36 2.31 2.46 2.66 2.65 2.90 2.70 2.66 U.S. Chicago Pound Dolls. 0. 2724 .3312 .2850 .2669 .3042 .3144 .3331 .3460 .3213 .2681 .2655 .2560 .2572 .2856 .2866 .3019 .3250 .2731 .2752 ,2442 .2737 .2975 .2675 .2605 .2350 .2431 .2545 .2556 .2786 .2869 .2838 .3060 .3081 .2743 .2013 .2711 .2426 .2909 .3000 .2963 .2775 .2825 .2670 ,2638 ,2600 ,2360 ,2419 ,2625 ,2896 .3206 Relative price. a No quotation. b Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 351 WHOLESALE PRICES IN NORWAY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Actual price. Nor- way. U.S. Relative price. Actual price. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Relative price. Nor- way. U.S. Actual price. Nor- way. U.S. Relative price. Nor- way. Market . Unit.... Base price. . . 1916— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February. March..!.. April May June July August September October November December 1917— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. . . February. March April May June Chris- tiania. Kg.... Kroner 10.92 .24.64 21.83 22.50 (") 31.00 21. .50 22.00 22.00 22.00 23.00 (<•) C) (") (a) (a) 31.00 31.00 («) July August September. October November . December. . 1918— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May , June July August September. October November., December.. w cage, Bushel Dolls. 0. 6243 .8750 .7454 .7446 .9029 1. 1050 .7150 .7330 .7850 .7420 .9288 1. 0430 1. 0676 1. 1463 1. 1020 1.3232 1. 1988 1.3800 1. 3323 1. 3615 1. 2000 1.1688 1. 2220 1. 3688 1. 4538 1.3300 1. 4150 1. 3323 1.3180 1. 3063 1. 2838 1. 4680 1.46U 1. 8131 1. 4435 1.1225 .9625 1.5263 1. 8176 2. 0390 1. 7263 1.4538 1.2090 1.1225 («) (») W .9700 .9588 235 200 212 280 197 201 201 201 211 bSSS 1>H7 imo i>«7S 284 284 («) («) 290 231 180 154 244 291 327 277 233 194 180 bies l>160 1.55 154 Chris- tianla. Kg.... Kroner. 0.97 2.08 1.56 2.02 2.47 2.26 1.48 1..56 1.64 1.77 2.10 2.20 2.68 2.49 2.25 2.15 2.29 2.33 (0 CO Chi- cago. Pound. Dollx. 0. 1297 .1413 . 1375 .1376 .1376 . 1375 .1375 .1672 .1431 .1606 .1762 .1888 . 1375 .1413 .1490 .1600 .1600 .1616 .1638 .1713 .1900 .1900 .1900 .1870 .2213 .1750 .2227 .2423 .2450 .1750 .1750 .1760 .2050 .2250 .2375 .2400 .2420 .24.50 .2450 .2450 .2450 1382 215 1375 161 13SS 209 1388 255 1373 233 137,5 153 1375 161 1375 169 1375 183 1375 217 1415 227 257 232 222 237 241 («) (.") Chris- tiania. Kg..., Kroner. 1.98 2.78 2.41 2.63 3.01 3.16 2.50 2.24 2. 48 2.37 2.41 2.81 2.80 3.04 3.20 3.08 3.11 3.29 (=) (.") Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0.2724 .3179 .3159 .3019 .2910 .3622 . 2925 .3100 .3453 .3383 .2856 .2817 .2683 .2906 .3141 .3373 .3763 .3731 .4034 .3865 .3919 .3928 .4404 .3681 .3969 .3944 .4200 .3794 .3700 .3938 .4203 .4250 .4325 .4675 .4857 .4668 .4133 .4741 .5948 .4788 .4844 .4344 .4066 .4144 .4188 .4292 .4458 .5450 .5525 .5935 .6281 140 122 128 152 160 126 113 125 120 122 142 141 154 162 156 167 166 W a No quotations. b Interpolated. 352 IJJTEENATIONAL, PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN NORWAY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS- QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Eggs. Actual price. Nor- way. U.S. Relative price. Nor- way. U.S, Hay, natural. Actual price. Nor- way. Relative price. U.S. Nor- way. U.S, Hay, timothy Actual price. Nor- way. U.S. Relative price. Nor- way. Market . Unit Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January... February.. March April May June July August September. October November. December- . 1914— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January. , . February.. March April May June July August September . October November. . December. . 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February.. March April May June July August September. October November.. December. . Chris- tiania. Kgs... Kroner. 1.52 1.47 1.58 1.16 1.33 1.81 1.80 1.58 1.36 1.16 1.13 1.19 1.31 1.36 1.34 1.46 1.91 2.06 1.56 1.66 1.28 1.23 2.05 2.00 1.68 1.30 1.24 1.26 1.33 1.26 1.25 1.19 1.83 1.99 2.33 1.83 2.01 1.42 1.59 2.29 2.35 1.91 1.76 1.46 1.38 1.41 1.43 1.61 1.82 2.10 2.18 2.59 New York. Dozen Dolls. 0. 3481 .3321 .2900 .2333 .3283 .4767 . 3350 .2800 .2550 .2150 .2300 . 2550 .2900 .3150 .3800 .4360 .5050 .4900 .3456 .3500 .2375 . 3167 .4783 .4200 .3450 .2860 .2300 .2300 .2625 .2760 .3150 .3600 .4300 .4900 .6150 .2667 .3100 .2008 .2242 .3317 .3700 .3650 .1950 .2075 .1975 .1975 .1950 .2125 .2650 .3050 .3600 .3400 104 76 88 119 lis 104 89 76 74 78 86 89 88 96 126 136 109 84 81 135 132 111 86 82 83 83 82 78 120 131 163 104 161 155 126 116 96 91 93 94 99 120 138 143 170 95 Chris- [iania. lOOkgs. Kroner. Kansas City. Ton. 4.60 12.3958 4.92 5.77 5.35 4.29 4.29 6.00 6. .56 5.75 5.50 5.60 4.94 4.16 4.28 4.44 4.37 4.31 4.19 5.28 4.65 5.17 6. .57 5.73 4.44 4.75 4.75 4.81 5.31 5.38 5.40 5.66 5.65 6.75 5.47 5.97 11.05 7.58 11.13 12.01 13.47 6.94 7.41 8.38 9.41 10.44 13.53 14.00 10.94 11.10 13.06 13.60 13.85 9. 8958 8. 3333 7. 9167 9. 7600 13. 5833 8. 7600 8. 0000 8. 2500 7. 7600 S. 5000 7. 5000 8.2500 9. 2500 11. 7500 14.0000 14. 0000 12. 7600 11. 2600 12. 3333 13. 9167 9. 7500 8.5000 13.5000 11. 7500 11. 7500 13. 7500 14. 0000 14. 0000 10. 7600 («) 8. 7500 9. 5000 8.0000 8. 0000 8. 2708 8. 5000 9. 0000 7. 7500 7. 8333 8. 5000 8. 5000 8. 5000 10. 2600 8. 7500 8. 0000 8. 7500 7. 7500 6. 7500 7. 7600 8. 0000 7. 7500 107 125 116 93 93 130 121 125 120 122 107 97 101 112 121 126 97 103 103 105 115 117 117 123 123 126 119 130 165 242 261 293 151 161 182 205 227 294 305 238 241 284 294 301 99 112 79 69 109 95 95 111 113 113 87 6 79 71 77 65 65 67 69 73 63 Chris- tiania. 100 kgs. Kroner. 5.78 6.21 7.19 6.71 5.40 5.54 7.47 6.97 7.12 6.82 6.94 Boston. Ton... 5.42 5.34 6.44 5.60 5.56 5.47 6.67 6.69 6.49 7.18 7.30 5.56 5.63 5.88 6.94 6.76 6.78 7.15 7.25 7.15 7.38 7.09 7.44 14.04 9.26 13.54 16.43 16.92 8.56 9.06 10.16 11.35 12.53 16.75 20.13 14.81 14.35 16.38 17.13 17.25 Dolls. 19. 0882 18. 6471 18.0000 18. 5962 18. 9423 19. 0833 18. 5000 17.9375 17. 4375 19. 1250 18. 7000 17.9375 18. 3750 19. 0600 19. 3750 19. 2000 19. 1875 IS. 7600 19. 4952 18. 7115 19. 6154 20. 1923 19. 4615 19. 1000 18. 5000 18. 4376 19. 1876 19. 7000 19. 9375 19. 5500 21. 2500 19. 9375 19. 5500 19. 7600 19. 0625 21. 6226 19. 6346 20.9808 23. 5000 22. 3214 19.4500 19. 0625 20. 4375 20.2500 21.1250 21. 7500 24. 3000 24. 6250 21. 3750 22. 0000 22. 6876 22. 3500 124 116 93 96 129 121 123 118 120 110 112 124 126 97 102 103 117 117 124 125 124 128 123 129 243 160 234 284 293 148 157 176 196 217 290 348 256 148 282 296 298 a No quotation i> Interpolated. INTEKNATIOjSTAL price comparisons, 1913-1918. 353: WHOLESALE PEICES IN NORWAY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-191&-Coutiuued. Eggs. Hay, natural. Hay, timothy. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S Nor- way. U.S, Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Market Chris- tiania. Kg.... Kroner. 1.52 2.67 2.65 2.09 2.54 3.51 2.90 2.53 2.23 2.05 1.94 2.28 2.49 2.48 2.64 2.98 3.54 4.03 W New York. Chris- tiania. 100 kgs. Kroner. 4.60 11.00 13.64 14.11 7.38 8.87 13.81 13.50 13.60 14.00 16.45 11.88 9.22 5.80 7.13 9.03 8.83 8.75 (.") Kansas City. Chris- tianla. 100 kgs. Kroner. 5.78 13.68 16.96 17.71 9.62 10.01 17.09 16.94 16.86 17.67 20.06 15.41 12.25 7.83 8.79 10.53 9.75 9.75 (a) (o) Boston. Unit Base price... Dolls. 0.3481 .2988 .2729 .2242 .2963 .4017 .3050 .2625 .2513 .2150 . 2250 .2323 .2563 .3025 .3300 .3475 .4075 .4500 .4001 .3954 .3450 .3783 .4817 .4600 .4100 .3163 .3425 .3550 .3375 .3500 .3800 .4050 .4100 .4850 .5500 .4828 .5213 .3467 .4367 .6267 .6550 .5275 .3813 .3400 .3450 .3550 .3950 .4300 .4850 .5500 .6300 .7000 Dolls. 12.3958 7. 8438 7. 4167 7.8333 7. 0000 9. 1250 7.0000 7.7600 7.5000 7.7500 8.5000 7.2500 7.2500 6. 7500 7.0000 8.3750 9.2500 9.7600 15.7500 10. 1667 16. 1667 16.5000 20. 1667 10. 2500 9. 7500 10.5000 15.2500 18.7500 14.5000 15.7500 16.0000 17.7600 16.5000 20.0000 24.0000 20.6042 22.2600 16.2500 19.0000 24.9167 23.0000 22. 7500 21.0000 18.2500 16. 7600 13. 7500 14.2600 19.2500 23.5000 26.5000 24.5000 23.7500 Dolls. 19. 0882 21.2981 23.5192 24.9423 19.5577 17. 1731 23.0625 23.2600 24.1000 26.0625 24. 1250 24.7000 22.4376 19.5625 17.2500 16.3750 17. 6250 17. 4600 18. 9616 17. 3462 18. 4616 17.6577 22. 4808 17.1875 17.8125 17. 1000 17.0000 19.2500 19.0000 15.9376 17. 6000 19. 1250 20.8750 23.0500 23.3750 22.7308 23.8654 19.9615 21. 7692 25.3269 24.1875 24. 5625 23.0500 20.5000 20.1000 19.2600 20.5000 21.7000 23.1260 26.3750 25.0500 24.6250 1916— Year Quarters- First 176 168 138 167 231 191 166 147 135 128 150 164 163 174 195 233 265 (») («) 86 78 64 85 115 88 75 72 62 65 67 74 87 95 100 117 129 115 114 99 109 138 132 118 91 98 102 97 101 109 116 118 139 158 139 150 100 126 180 188 152 110 98 99 102 113 124 139 158 181 201 239 297 307 161 193 300 294 296 306 358 258 201 126 159 196 193 190 C) («) 63 60 63 56 74 56 63 61 63 69 58 68 54 66 68 75 79 127 82 130 133 163 83 79 85 123 151 117 127 129 143 133 161 194 166 179 131 153 201 186 184 169 147 135 111 115 155 190 214 196 192 235 293 306 166 173 296 293 291 306 347 267 212 136 152 182 169 169 W m 123 131 102 90 121l 122 126 137 126 129 118 Second Third Fourth Months- January ' February March... .\pril.. May July August September October November December 917— Year Quarters- First 103- 90 86 92 91 9» 91 Second 97 Third.. 92 Fourth.. 118 Months- April 89 May 101 June 100 July.... 83 August.. 92 100- 109 121 December 122- 1918— Year Quarters- First (°) 119 125 Second 105 Third 114 Fourth 133. Months- January 127 February. . . 129- March..;.. 121 April 107 May.... 105 101 July 107- August 114 September . . 121 October 138. November 131 December . . . 129i o No publication giving 1917 and 1918 figures available in the United States. 354 WHOLESALE PRICES IN NORWAY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market.. Unit../.. Base price. . 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Third Fourth Months — January... Februaiy . March April June. July August September.. - October November. .. December 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January... February . March April May June July August September. October November . December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second — Third Foiurth — Months- January. . . , February. March April May June July August September . October November . December, . Leather, sole, medium. Actual price. Nor- way. Chris- tiania. Kg.... Kroner. 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 U.S. 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.27 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.67 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 C) (<=) 3. .50 3.75 3.75 3.93 4.20 4.37 4.45 3.95 3.95 3.95 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.45 4.45 4.43 4.45 4.45 Mil- waukee Pound. Dolls. 0.2869 .2731 .2650 .2650 .2725 .2900 .2650 .2650 .2650 .2650 .2650 .2650 . 2675 .2700 .2800 .2900 .2900 .2900 .2950 .2900 .2900 .2950 .3000 .2950 .2900 .2830 .2776 .2800 .2850 .2850 .2900 .3000 .3019 .3033 .2925 .2983 .3133 .3050 .3050 . 3000 .2960 .2923 .2900 .2950 .3000 .3000 .3060 .3150 .3200 Relative price. Mutton, dressed. Oats. Actual price. Relative price. Nor- way. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 105 100 100 104 118 100 100 100 100 ' 100 100 100 f>ws 113 121 121 137 127 135 141 144 127 127 127 135 135 135 135 144 144 144 144 144 U.S. Nor- way. Chris- tiania. Kg... Kroner. 1.06 1.06 1.04 1.14 1.06 0.90 .94 1.01 1.17 1.16 1.15 1.11 1.17 1.07 .94 .90 .91 1.08 1.04 1.07 1.16 1.07 .87 1.01 1.07 1.13 1.18 1.20 1.11 1.20 1.10 .87 .94 1.21 1.08 1.31 1.23 1.22 1.04 1.04 1.16 1.38 1.31 1.25 1.24 1.24 1.21 1.08 1.23 1.34 U.S. New York. Pound, Dolls. 0. 0994 .1025 .1000 .1167 .0981 .0940 .0900 .1019 .1081 .1323 .1150 .1025 . 1035 .0938 .0970 .0950 .0931 .0940 .1010 .1012 .1043 .0970 .1019 .0981 .1006 .1050 .1063 .1081 .0985 .0950 .0994 . 0966 .0956 .1100 .1000 .1073 .1066 .1249 .1019 .0978 .0696 .1038 .1160 .1313 .1394 .1040 .1094 .1020 .0944 .0963 .0965 .1006 Nor- way. 107 100 91 93 110 108 108 104 110 101 86 101 101 109 100 81 95 101 106 111 113 104 113 103 85 74 82 114 101 123 116 114 109 130 123 117 117 117 114 101 116 126 U.S. Actual price. Nor- way. Chris- tiania. 100 kgs, Kroner. 10.74 10.39 10.92 10.51 10. 60 9.53 10.78 10.94 11.04 10. 65 10.69 10.28 10.76 10.78 10.28 9.67 9.41 9.50 14.18 U.S. Relative price. 10.74 12.10 13. 45 18.42 10.63 10.75 10.84 11.06 12.23 13.00 13.58 17.19 15.67 16.50 17.88 20.88 23.33 25.23 25.57 24.23 18.39 23.31 25.13 27.26 23.00 25.75 25.95 26.75 25.75 20.20 18. .38 17.88 18.90 Chi- cago. Bushel Dolls. 0. 4005 .3802 . 3311 .3776 .4159 .3.324 .3347 .3271 .3466 . 3786 .4075 .3940 .4208 .4263 .3972 .3970 .4027 .4239 .3917 .3941 .3930 .3910 .3985 .4008 .3722 .4193 .4911 .4679 .4864 .4895 .4803 .5612 .5314 .4513 .3854 ..5366 .5761 .5770 . .5717 .5343 .4874 .5338 .4495 .3477 . 3635 .3678 .4214 Nor- way. U.S. 97 102 100 102 103 98 100 96 100 100 96 100 113 144 171 99 100 101 103 114 121 126 160 145 154 166 194 217 235 238 226 171 217 234 254 233 240 242 249 240 188 171 166 176 83 94 104 100 83 84 82 87 105 106 101 106 107 120 100 100 93 105 123 117 121 122 140 133 113 134 144 144 143 133 122 134 112 87 91 92 106 No quotation. b Interpolation. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 355 WHOLESALE PEICBS IN NORWAY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918-Continued. Leather, sole, medium. Mutton, dressed. Oats. Actual price. Relative price. Aetna price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Market . . Chris- tiaala. Kg.... Kroner. 3.10 4.78 4.45 4.45 4.55 5.68 . 4.45 4.45 4.46 4.45 4.46 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.75 5.25 .5.25 6.55 8.25 7.35 8.65 8.55 8.56 6.55 7.75 7.75 8.55 8.55 8.55 8.55 8.65 8.55 8.66 8.55 8.55 Mil- waukee Pound. Dolls. 0. 2869 .3825 .3267 .3483 .3600 .4950 .3200 .3250 .3360 .3450 ..3500 .3500 .3550 .3600 .3660 .4650 .4850 .5350 .5017 . 6533 .5167 .4617 .4760 ..5800 .5550 .5450 .5350 .5150 .6000 .4800 .4550 .4500 .4650 .4800 .4800 .4575 .4500 . 4583 .4617 .4600 .4660 .4600 .4350 .4.300 .4650 .4800 .4650 .4600 .4600 .4600 .4600 .4600 Chris- tiania. Kg.... Krorwr. 1.06 2.13 1.56 2.20 2.56 2.21 1.43 1.60 1.74 1.99 2.26 2.36 2.66 2.60 2.38 2.17 2.20 2.26 W New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 0994 .1250 .1160 .1320 .1284 .1227 .1106 .1176 .1200 .1313 .1415 .1233 .1313 .1295 .1244 .1230 .1200 .1250 .1664 .1458 .1748 .1694 .1858 .1370 .1476 .1550 .1650 .1880 .1681 . 14.50 .1569 .1800 .1910 .1775 .1875 .1982 .1919 .2402 .2027 .1546 .1920 .1888 .1950 .2460. .2494 .2238 .2060 .2088 .1925 .1510 .1625 .1500 Chris- tlania. 100 kgs. Kroner. 10.74 20.91 19.97 21.20 20.66 21.91 19.60 20.00 20.40 20.50 21.90 21.19 20.19 20.50 21.00 21.69 21.80 22.25 (a) (0) Chi- cago. Bushel DolU. 0. 4005 .4597 .4557 .4225 .4384 .5234 .4856 .4633 .4183 .4396 .4314 .3924 .4062 .4491 .4621 .4944 .5566 .5201 .6671 .6867 .6918 .6707 .6790 .5694 .5668 .6174 .7000 .7028 .6765 .7885 .6466 .5958 .6005 .6527 .7628 .7814 .8812 .8048 .7280 .7116 .8275 .8860 .9203 .8885 .7692 .7663 .7780 .6950 .7194 .6919 .7225 .7178 Unit -... Base price... 1916— Year Quarters- First / 154 144 144 147 183 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 153 169 169 211 266 237 276 276 276 211 250 250 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 276 133 114 121 125 173 112 113 117 120 122 122 124 126 127 162 169 186 175 193 180 161 166 195 193 190 186 179 174 167 159 167 162 167 167 159 157 160 161 160 162 1,57 152 160 162 167 162 160 160 180 160 160 200 146 207 239 208 134 141 164 187 212 222 250 244 224 204 207 212 (a) (a) 126 117 133 129 123 111 118 121 132 142 124 132 130 125 124 121 126 167 147 176 160 187 138 148 166 166 189 169 146 168 181 192 179 189 199 193 242 204 156 193 190 196 248 251 225 207 210 194 152 163 151 195 186 197 191 204. 182 186 190 191 204 197 188 191 196 202 203 207 (a) (") 115 114 Second Tliird 105 109 Fourth ... Months- January February March .4pril 131 121 116 104 110 Mav 108 June . . 98 Julv 101 .August September October November December 1917-Year Quarters — First 112 115 123 139 130 164 146 Second Third Fourth Months — January February March April . . 173 167 170 142 141 164 175 Mav 175 169 Julv 197 August September October November December 1918— Year 161 149 150 163 190 195 Quarters- First 8.55 220 Second 201 Tliird . . . 182 Fourth 178 Months- January February March April . , . 8.55 8.55 8. .56 207 221 230 222 May 192 191 Julv 194 August 174 September 180 October 173 i.sn 179 o No publication giving 1917 and 1918 figures available in the United States. 356 INTEKNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN NORWAY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market - Unit.... Base price.. 1913— Year.... Quarters — First SecoT]d Third Fourtli.... Months — Januarv. . . February . March Anril May June My Aui^st Seotember... October November . . . December 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Poiirth Months — January. . . February. March Anril May June July Aue^st Seotember October November. . . December 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months- January, . . February. March Anril May June July August September.. October November.. December. . . Pork. Actual price. Nor- way. Chris- tiania. Kg.... Kroner. 1.12 1.14 1.07 1.09 1.23 1.18 1.05 1.06 1.10 1.07 l.O"! 1.13 1.20 1.22 1.26 1.17 1.17 1.20 1.04 1.09 1.00 .99 1.07 1.14 1.08 1.04 1.00 1.02 1.00 1.00 .98 .97 1.04 1.20 1,43 1,20 1,32 1.48 1.71 1.17 1.19 1.24 1,30 1.34 1.33 1.36 1.48 1.59 1,65 1.65 1,82 U.S. Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1535 .1486 .1304 ,1474 .1642 .1525 .1263 .1175 ,1440 .1572 . 14.50 .1406 .1544 .1575 .1825 .1713 .1530 .1331 .1543 .1431 .1542 .1715 .1485 .1400 .1456 .1444 .1594 .1610 .1406 .1619 .1715 .1813 .1740 .1488 .1163 .1429 .1119 .1408 .1677 .1512 .1135 .1081 .1138 .1413 .1450 .1360 .1570 .1713 .1775 .1840 .1463 , 1150 I Relative ■ price. Nor- way. 93 94 98 96 96 101 107 109 112 104 104 107 92 97 87 86 93 107 127 107 118 131 152 104 106 110 116 119 118 121 132 141 147 147 162 U.S. Straw, oat. Actual price. Nor- way. 102 97 95 97 109 105 Chris- tiania. 100 kgs. Kroner. 2.58 3,00 2.49 2.51 2,62 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.47 2.50 2.50 2.53 2.60 2.63 2.63 2.90 2.63 2.65 3.08 3.32 2.63 2.63 2.63 2.38 2.63 2.63 2.65 3.44 3.15 3.38 3.34 3.25 5,00 3.62 4.26 6.14 5.97 3,60 3,63 3.63 3.66 3.78 5,33 6.06- 5,70 6.00 6.22 5.70 U.S. Chi- cago. Ton.. Relative price. Nor- way. Dolls. 6. 9375 6, 7083 6, 5000 7,0000 6. 6000 6. 8333 7, 2500 6, 2500 6. 0000 6. 2600 7. 0000 7. 7500 6.5000 6.2500 6.7500 6. "2500 7. 0000 7. 2500 7. 0625 7. 0833 7. 3333 6.7500 7.0833 7.0000 7. 2500 7. 0000 7. 0000 7.7500 7.2500 6.7500 6. 5000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 0000 7. 2500 7. 0000 7.5833 7. 1667 6.9167 6. 3333 7. 7500 7, 2500 7. 7500 7.0000 7. 0000 7, 5000 7, 5000 7. 0000 6. 2500 5. 5000 7, 2500 6. 2500 103 116 97 97 102 116 116 116 97 97 96 97 97 98 101 102 102 102 99 120 129 102 102 102 92 102 102 103 134 122 131 130 126 194 140 165 238 232 140 141 141 142 147 207 258 235 221 233 241 221 U.S. 109 103 100 91 112 105 112 101 101 108 108 101 90 79 105 90 Straw, rye. Actual price. Nor- way. Chris- tiania. 100 kgs. Kroner. 2.58 3.49 2.82 2.61 2.62 3.26 3.63 3.68 3.00 3.00 2,47 2.60 2.60 2.53 2.60 2.63 2.63 2.90 2.63 2.65 3.08 3.32 2,63 2.63 2.63 2.68 2.33 2.63 2.65 3.44 3.16 3.38 3.34 3.25 5,00 3.62 4,26 6,14 5,97 3.60 3.63 3.63 3.66 3.78 6.33 6.06 6.70 6.00 6.22 5.70 U.S. .Chi- cago. Ton.. Dolls. 7. 8333 7. 9792 7,4167 8. 7500 7. 8333 7. 9167 7. 7500 7. 2600 7. 2500 8. 0000 8, 5000 9. 7500 8. 6000 7. 2500 7. 7600 7. 2500 8. 2500 8. 2600 7. 9792 7. 0833 8. 5000 7. 3333 9.0000 6.5000 7.2500 7.6000 7. 5000 8. 7500 9.2500 8. 2500 6. 5000 7.2500 8. 7500 9.0000 9. 2500 8.5833 8. 7500 9. 2600 8. 7500 7. 5833 9. 7500 7. 5000 9,0000 8, 6000 9. 0000 10, 2500 10, 7500 8. 5000 7,0000 6. 7500 8. 6000 7, 5000 Relative price. 357 WHOLESALE PRICES IN NORWAY AND THE USflTED STATES, BY MONTHS' QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Pork. Straw, sat. Straw, rye. Aetna price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Market ... Chris- tiania. Kg.... Kroner. 1.12 2.27 1.86 2.06 2.60 2.56 1.79 1.88 1.91 1.93 2.06 2.19 2.26 2.62 2.91 2.43 2.60 2.72 («) Chi- cago. Pound. Dolla. 0. 1535 .1618 .1315 .1658 .1886 .1592 .1180 .1244 .1556 .1630 .1675 .1675 .1660 .1863 .2130 .1788 .1675 .1460 .2435 .1954 .2304 .2823 .2658 .1675 .1963 .2170 .2263 .2350 .2300 .2425 .2800 .3160 .3063 .2563 .2410 .2945 .2665 .2787 .3173 .3254 .2650 .2413 .2620 .2756 .2688 .2890 .2863 .3160 .3600 .3400 .3240 .3125 Chris- tiania. lOOlEgS. Kroner. 2.58 5.51 5.66 6.33 5.02 5.02 5.76 5.66 5.65 5.96 7.00 6.03 4.81 5.13 5.13 5.50 5.15 4.42 (<■) (a) Chi- cago. Ton Chris- tiania. 100 kgs. Kron,er. 2.58 5.51 5.66 6.33 5.02 5.02 5.78 5.66 5.65 5.96 Chi- cago. Unit Base price... 1916- Year Quarters— . First Dolls. 6. 9375 7. 4167 7.0000 7.8333 7.2500 7.5833 7.6000 7.0000 6.5000 6.5000 8.0000 9.0000 7.2500 7.2500 7.2500 6. 2500 7. 6000 9.0000 9.3958 9.0833 9. 0833 9.5833 9.8333 7.7500 9.7500 9.7500 7.7500 9.2500 10.2600 11.2500 9.2600 8.2500 9.2500 9.5000 10.7500 9.5417 12. 0833 7. 7500 7.8333 10.5000 10.7500 12.2500 13.2500 7.2500 7. 2500 8. 7500 7. 0000 7.0000 9.6000 10.0000 10.7500 10.7500 Dolls. 7. 8333 9.2708 8. 5000 10.0000 8.7500 9.8333 8.5000 8.5000 8.5000 8. 6000 202 165 183 231 227 159 167 170 172 182 195 201 233 259 216 222 242 W 105 86 108 123 104 77 81 101 106 109 109 108 121 139 116 103 95 159 127 150 184 173 109 128 141 147 153 150 158 182 206 200 167 157 192 167 182 207 212 173 157 171 180 176 188 187 206 228 222 211 204 214 220 246 195 195 223 220 215 231 272 234 187 199 199 213 200 172 (.") 107 101 113 105 109 108 101 94 94 115 130 105 105 105 90 108 130 135 131 131 138 142 112 141 141 112 133 148 162 133 119 133 137 155 138 174 112 113 151 166 177 191 105 105 126 101 101 137 144 155 155 214 220 246 195 195 224 220 216 231 272 234 187 199 199 213 200 172 (") 118 109 Second Third 128 112 Fourth Months- January February March 126 109 109 109 April 109 Mav. . 7.00 10.6000 134 6.03 4.81 5.13 5.13 5.50 5.15 4.42 (") (a) 11.0000 9. 0000 8.7500 8.5000 8.5000 10.5000 10.6000 10.8750 10.5833 10,5000 11. 2500 11. 1667 9. 2600 11.2600 11.2500 9.5000 10.7500 11. 2500 12. 5000 12. 5000 8.7500 10.2500 11.0000 12.2500 10. 7083 12. 6667 9.6833 9.6000 11.0833 11.2500 12.5000 14.2500 9.5000 9.6000 9.7500 8. 6000 8. 6000 11.6000 10. 5000 11.2500 11.5000 140 July 115 August September October November December 1917— Year Quarters- First 112 109 109 134 134 139 135 Second 134 Third 144 Fourth.. 143 Months- 118 144 144 121 May 137 June 144 July 160 August 160 112 October 131 140 156 mS-Year Quarters- First (a) 137 16? Second 122 Third 121 Fourth . 141 Months- 144 160 182 I'il May 121 June 124 July. 109 August 109 September 147 134 144 147 a No publication giving 1917 and 1918 figures available in the United States. 358 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN NORWAY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Lead, red. Actual price. Nor- way. U.S. Relative price. Nor- way. U.S. Lead, white. Actual price. Nor- way. U.S. Relative price. Nor- way. U.S. Leather, insole. Actual price. Nor- way. U.S. Relative price. Nor- way. Marlcet . Unit Base price. 1913— Year Quarters — First Pecond Third Fourth Months — January February . . March April May June July Aueust September . October November . December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July Aueust September . October November . December.. 1915— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July Aueust September . October November . December.. Chris- tiania. Kg.... Kroner. 0.46 New Yorlc. Pound. Dolls. 0. 0629 .0654 .0650 .0850 .0667 100 100 .45 .0650 .06.50 .06.50 .06.50 .0650 .45 .0650 .47 .0650 .46 .06.50 .4S .0650 .4R .0700 .47 .0700 .46 .0650 .44 .0600 .48 .0588 .46 .0600 .45 .0600 .46 .0592 .53 .0558 .46 .0600 .46 .0600 .46 .0600 .45 .0600 .46 .0600 .46 .0600 .46 .0600 (M .0600 (a) .0575 ..M .0575 ..51 .0550 .55 .0550 .71 .0635 .60 .0550 .70 .0608 .75 .0700 .79 .0683 .55 .0550 .59 .0550 .65 .0550 .68 .0600 .68 .0575 .75 .0650 .75 .0750 .75 .0700 .75 .06,50 .75 .0650 .79 .0675 .82 .0725 102 106 98 103 102 100 104 104 101 99 95 100 99 105 116 100 100 100 100 100 >>W5 ill! 116 111 120 155 130 153 163 171 120 129 142 148 148 163 163 163 172 179 Clirls- tlania. Kg.... Kroner. 0.06 .59 .57 .57 .57 ..56 .60 .61 .61 (o) (") .70 .70 New York. Pound, Dolls. 0. 0533 .0633 .0525 .0525 .0642 .0542 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0625 .0525 .0576 .0575 .0625 .0525 .0521 .0525 .0525 .0625 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0525 .0625 .0525 .0525 .0625 .0525 .0525 .0600 .0500 .0669 .0500 .0660 .0625 .0600 .0500 .0600 .0600 .0625 .0525 .0600 .0675 .0625 .0575 .0675 .0600 .0625 101 100 95 102 101 102 102 102 102 97 97 101 109 118 97 97 97 96 102 104 104 HOB blU 119 119 116 139 126 138 146 148 123 123 131 138 138 138 141 148 148 148 148 148 Chris- tlanla. Kg.... Kroner. 3.40 98 3.40 102 3.40 102 3.40 98 98 98 98 98 3.40 98 3.40 98 3.40 98 3.40 108 3.40 108 3.40 98 3.40 98 3.40 98 3.58 98 3.40 98 3.40 98 3.40 95 4.00 98 3.40 98 3.40 98 3.40 98 3.40 98 3.40 98 3.40 98 3.40 98 (a) 98 (a) 98 3.76 94 4.00 94 4.26 107 4.83 94 4.26 103 4.75 117 5.08 113 5.26 94 4.25 94 4.26 94 4.25 98 4.76 98 4.76 113 4.75 127 4.75 117 5.25 108 5.25 108 6.25 IW 5.25 117 5.25 Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0.1721 .1692 .1750 .1700 .1583 .1734 .17.50 , 1750 .1750 .1750 .1750 .1600 .16,50 .1550 .1660 .1726 .1738 .1738 .1792 .1771 .1796 .1722 .1878 .1738 .1788 .1788 .1788 .1788 .1813 .1700 .1700 (a) (a.) .1900 .1900 .2079 .2083 .2000 .2100 .2133 .20.50 .2100 .2100 .2000 .2000 .2000 .2100 .2100 .2100 .2100 .2250 .2060 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 105 100 100 103 118 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 t>wr 110 118 125 142 125 140 150 164 126 125 126 140 140 140 140 164 154 164 154 154 <• No quotation. i> Interpolated. INTEBBTATIONAL PRICE OOMPABISONS, 1913-1918. 359 WHOLESALE PRICES IN NORWAY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, .QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918-Contmuea. Lead, red. Lead, white. Leather, insole. Aetna price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price.. Actual price. Relative price. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. ^Tor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Market Chiis- tiania. Kg.... KnneT. 0.46 1.01 .95 1.03 1.03 1.03 .89 .94 1.01 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.63 1.12 (») 1.80 1.80 1.07 1.17 C) C) C) C) 1.80 1.80 1.80 l.'SO 1.80 1.-80 New York. Pound. BolU. 0. 0629 .0925 .0775 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0725 .0775 .0825 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .1117 , .1000 .1133 .1300 .1033 .0975 .0975 .1050 .1050 .1150 .1200 .1300 .1300 .1300 .1100 .1000 .1000 .1060 .1000 .1008 .1108 .1125 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1025 .1075 .1125 .1125 .1126 .1125 .1125 Chris- tiania. Kg.... Kroner. 0.06 1.15 1.10 1.17 1.17 1.17 .95 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.17 1.68 1.37 (») 1.65 1.65 1.37 1.37 C) C) (a) (a) 1.65 1.66 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.66 1.-66 1.65 1.65 1.66 New York. Pound. Bolls. 0.0533 .0829 .0692 .0875 .0875 .0875 .0650 .0700 .0725 .0875 .0876 .0876 .0875 .0875 .0875 .0975 .0875 .0875 .0992 .0892 .0992- .1150 .0933 .0875 .0875 .0925 .0925 .1000 .1050 .1160 .1150 .1150 .1000 .0900 .0900 .0948 .0900 .0908 0983 .1000 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0900 .0925 .0950 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 Chris- tiania. Kg.... Kroner. 3.40 5.39 5.25 5.25 5.25 6.00 5.25 5.25 6.25 6.25 5.25 5.25 6.25 5.25 6.25 6,00 6.00 C) 8.11 7.25 8.08 8.50 8.63 6.75 7.26 7.75 7.76 8.25 8.25 8.26 8.63 8.63 8.63 8.63 8.63 8.88 8.63 9.00 9.00 Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1721 .2171 .2100 .2150 .2150 .2283 .2100 .2100 .2100 .2150 .2150 .2150 (a) .2150 .2150 .2100 .2300 .2460 .2492 .2583 .2550 .2483 .2350 .2650 .2550 .2550 .2650 .2550 .2550 .2550 .2450 .2450 .2350 .2350 ..2350 1967 .2183 .1883 (a) (») .2250 .2250 .2060 .1850 .1900 .1900 (.") C) (») (0) (<■) («) Unit Base price... 196 187 199 199 199 162 199 199 199 199 1B9 199 199 199 199 199 199 265 237 am 281 281 234 234 bees bgrs 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 166 130 164 164 164 122 131 136 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 186 167 186 216 176 164 164 174 174 188 197 216 216 216 188 169 169 178 169 170 184 188 169 169 169 169 169 174 178 188 188 188 188 188 1916— Year Quarters — First 220 206 225 226 225 194 206 220 225 226 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 355 244 (») 392 392 233 255 (a) C) 392 392 392 392 392 392 392 ■•c — 392 392 392 147 123 165 155 165 115 123 131 155 156 155 166 156 155 155 155 156 178 159 180 207 164 155 155 167 167 183 191 207 207 207 175 159 169 169 159 160 176 179 159 159 159 169 159 163 171 179 179 179 179 179 158 154 154 154 180 154 154 164 154 154 154 164 154 154 176 176 blSS 239 213 238 250 254 199 213 228 228 243 243 243 254 254 254 254 264 261 254 265 265 126 122 126 125 123 122 122 122 Second Third Fourth Months- January February .\pril May 125 July 6 126 August September October November December 1917— Year Quarters— ..First 126 125 122 134 142 145 150 Second Third 148 144 Fourth Months- January February March 137 164 148 148 April ;. 148 May 148 148 July.. US August September October ;. November December 1918— Year 142 142 137 137 137 114 Quarters- First. . . 1.80 127 109 Third '. b 110 Fourth . bllO Months — January February March ;. 1.'80 1.80 1.'80 131 131 119 .\pril 107 110 June . 110 July bno bllO bllO October bllO >>1W mo a No quotation. b Interpolated. 360 INTERNATIONAL PKICE OOMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN NORWAY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Tallow. Veal. Zinc. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Chris- tiania. Kg... Sroner. 0.55 .54 .52 .53 .54 .55 .51 .53 .53 .53 .64 .53 .53 .64 ' .54 .54 .55 .66 .52 .55 .55 .48 .51 .56 .54 .55 .65 .55 .56 .49 .45 .60 .50 .50 .53 .62 .66 .59 .57 .75 .53 .56 .59 .58 .59 .69 .57 .67 .57 .61 .91 .72 oN Chi- cago. Pound Bolls. 0.0716 .0707 .0678 .0886 .0717 .0748 .0669 .0888 .0876 .0688 .0701 .0669 .0676 .0713 .0763 .0763 .0738 .0744 .0687 .0713 .0686 .0680 .0667 .0713 .0719 .0707 .0694 .0694 .0869 .0667 .0657 .0726 .0676 .0657 .0669 .0693 .0681 .0673 .0638 .0777 .0656 .0688 .0700 .0888 .0688 .0644 .0838 .0638 .0638 .0663 .0794 .0875 3 quotat Chris- tiania. Kg... Kroner 1.09 1.08 1.05 1.05 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.06 1.04 1.07 1.09 1.06 1.04 1.08 1.15 1.05 1.12 1.08 1.01 .99 1.15 l.U 1.09 1.03 1.14 1.06 1.04 1.04 .95 .94 .98 1.06 1.29 1.10 1.21 1.28 1.58 1.13 1.06 1.10 1.18 1.27 1.19 1.17 1.26 1.42 1.50 1.55 1.69 New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1844 .1808 .1852 .1672 .1817 .1893 .1860 .1860 .1856 .1676 .1640 .1700 .1700 .1795 .1956 .1930 .1850 .1900 .1848 .1945 .1722 .1840 .1893 .1960 .1950 .1925 .1726 .1690 .1760 .1770 .1788 .1963 .1880 .1925 .1876 .1823 ,1917 ,1664 .1898 ,1820 ,1900 ,1950 ,1900 .1690 .1638 .1663 .1820 .1925 .1950 .1910 .1760 .1800 Chris- tianla. Kg... Kroner. 0.65 .67 ""'.'69' .67 ,65 "",'69' .69 .69 .67 .67 .65 .65 .66 .67 .66 .65 .65 .71 .65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .66 .65 (") C) ,70 ,72 .72 ,83 ,77 .81 ,87 ,87 ,74 .76 ,81 ,81 .81 .81 .87 .87 .87 .87 .87 .87 ed. New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 0538 .0538 .0538 .0638 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .05318 .0538 .0o38 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0638 .0638 .0538 .0638 .0538 .0638 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0538 .0667 .0538 .0538 .0763 .0830 ,0538 ,0538 !0538 ,0538 ,0538 ,0763 .0763 .0763 .0763 .0863 .0863 Unit Base price . 1913— Year Quarters- First 98 98 98 98 101 93 97 97 ' 97 99 97 97 99 99 99 101 102 96 101 101 88 93 102 99 101 101 101 101 90 82 92 92 92 97 113 102 107 104 137 97 102 108 106 108 108 104 104 104 112 166 132 ons. 99 96 98 100 104 93 96 94 96 98 93 94 100 107 107 103 104 96 100 96 95 93 100 100 99 97 97 93 92 92 101 94 92 93 97 95 94 89 109 92 96 98 96 96 90 89 89 89 93 111 122 98 96 96 99 lOp 99 96 96 96 97 96 98 100 97 96 97 106 96 103 99 93 91 108 101 100 95 106 97 96 96 87 86 90 97 119 101 112 118 145 104 97 101 109 117 109 108 116 131 138 143 155 & Intel 98 100 91 99 103 100 100 101 91 89 92 92 97 106 105 100 103 100 105 93 100 103 106 106 104 94 92 95 96 97 106 102 104 102 99 104 90 103 99 103 106 103 92 89 90 99 104 106 104 95 98 polat 102 "ios" 102 99 "ios" 105 105 101 101 99 99 99 102 99' 99 102 109 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 M(W blOi 107 110 110 127 117 124 133 133 113 116 124 124 124 124 133 133 133 133 133 133 100 100 Second Third 100 100 Fourth Months — January February March 100 100 100 100 April . 100 siay 100 June 100 July 100 August September October Noyember December 1914— Year Quarters- First 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Second Third Fourth Months — January February March April 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 May 100 100 July 100 August September October November December 1916— Year Quarters- First 100 100 100 100 100 124 Second Third. 100 142 Fourth Months — January February 154 100 100 100 April 100 May 100 100 July 142 August September October November December 142 142 142 160 160 INTERNATIONAL PRECS COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 361 WHOLESALE PRICES IN NORWAY AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Tallow. Veal. Zinc. Aetna price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Nor- way. U.S. Market Chris- tiania. Kg... Kroner. 0.55 .81 .70 .72 .80 1.02 .70 .70 .70 .68 .72 .75 .73 .73 .93 1.05 1.04 .98 (a) Chi- cago. Pound. Dolh. 0. 0716 .0989 .0904 .1054 .0881 .1115 .0856 .0950 .0906 .1013 .1106 .1044 .0950 .0806 .0888 .1038 .1144 .1163 .1559 .1185 .1646 .1675 .1734 .1150 .1163 .1238 .1388 .1663 .1888 .1775' .1488 .1756 .1725 .1688 .1788 .1793 .1752 .1734 .1866 .1818 .1763 .1746 .1748 .1747 .1736 .1719 .1781 .1870 .1947 .2000 .1933 .1494 Chris- tiania. Kg.... Kronn. 1.09 2.46 1.87 2.23 2.83 2.89 1.90 1.84 1.88 2.00 2 21 247 2.71 2.85 2.93 2.93 2.92 2.83 (a) (a) New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.-1844 .1903 .1845 .1747 .2003 .2000 .1800 . 1875 ■ .1860 .1688 .1713 .1840 .1950 .2000 .2060 .1963 ■ . 1963 .2075 .2262 .2162 .2177 .2323 .2389 .2150 .2150 .2180 .2200 .2100 .2220 .2300 .2213 .2430 .2450 .2300 .2400 .2737 .2492 .2662 .2858 .3035 .2500 .2475 .2500 .2625 .2500 .2575 .2675 .2830 .3075 .3050 .3050 .3000 Chris- tiania. Kg.... Kroner. 0.66 1.06 1.00 1.07 1.07 1.09 .92 1.01 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.10 1.10 1.34 1.13 1.17 1.40 1.65 1.12 1.12 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.20 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 New York. Unit Base price. . . Dolls. 0. 0538 .0919 .0863 .0863 .0975 .0975 .0863 .0863 .0863 .0863 .0863 .0863 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 . 0975 .0975 .1004 .0975 .0992 .1025 .1025 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .0975 .1025 .1025 .1025 .1025 .1025 .1025 .1025 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 1916— Year Quarters- First 148 128 131 146 187 128 128 128 124 132 137 134 134 170 192 190 179 138 126 147 123 156 120 133 127 141 154 146 133 113 124 145 160 162 218 166 .230 234 242 161 162 173 194 232 264 248 208 245 241 236 250 250 245 242 261 254 246 244 244 244 242 240 249 261 272 279 270 209 226 172 205 260 266 175 169 173 184 203 227 249 262 269 269 269 260 (.a) (a) 103 100 95 109 108 98 102 101 92 93 100 106 108 112 106 106 113 123 117 118 ;26 130 117 117 118 119 114 120 125 120 132 133 125 130 148 135 139 155 165 136 134 136 142 136 134 145 163 167 165 165 165 161 153 163 163 166 140 154 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 163 168 168 204 172 178 214 251 171 171 175 175 175 183 214 214 214 214 270 270 270 270 270 270 171 160 Second Third 160 181 Fourth Months- January February March 181 160 160 160 April.. . 160 May . 160 160 July 181 August..-. September October November December 1917— Year Quarters — First 181 181 181 181 181 187 181 184 Third - W 191 191 Months— 181 February . 181 March. 181 April ■ 181 May 181 191 July 191 Aug;ust 191 September . 191 October 191 191 191 1918— Year . Quarters- First (o) 186 186 Second 1R6 Third 186 Fourth 186 Months- January-... 186 February 186 March 186 April 186 May 1RR 1R« July 186 August 186 September 186 October 186 186 186 a No publication giving 1917 and 1918 figures available in the United States. 362 IKTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ARGENTINA AN^ THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918. Barley. Actual price. Arg. U. S. Beef. Relative price. Arg. U. S Actual price. Arg. U. S. Relative price. Arg. U.S Actual price. Arg. U, Relative price. Market . Unit Base price 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . . March April May June, July AuTUSt : Sentember . . October November . . December... 1914— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February , . . March..! Anril May June July AuTust September . . October November . . De ember... 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February . . . March April'. May June July August September . , 0;tober November. . December,.. Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 5.03 5.13 4.92 6.40 5 23 4. 98 4 45 6 35 4.95 5.55 5.45 5 20 5-15 5 20 5.35 5 20 4. 85 4.90 5.58 4.82 6 07 5.07 6.38 4.85 4.75 4.85 4.70 5.05 5.45 5-65 6.16 6 40 6.55 6 50 6.10 5 21 5 92 4 75 4.98 6.18 6 00 6 15 5.60 4.60 4 90 4.75 4-80 5.40 4.75 5.60 5.50 4.45 cage. Bushel Dolls. 0. 6243 .6263 . 6105 . ,5996 .6571 .6492 .6250 .mm .5790 . 5863 .6060 .6050 .5700 .6540 .7263 .6825 .6600 .6150 .6204 .6158 .5778 .6223 .6658 .6390 .6163 .6863 .6760 ..^40 .6726 .6338 .6300 .7013 .6640 .6863 , . 6600 .7103 .7850 .7623 .6683 .6223 .7.590 .8188 .7838 .7738 .7770 .7326 .7500 .7013 . 5538 ■.6840 .6175 .6750 106, 99 110 108 103 102 103 106 103 97 98 101 121 127 97 96 97 94 101 108 112 122 127 130 129 121 104 118 95 119 122 111 92 Buenos Aires. Kg... Pvsos. 0.37 .38 .37 .42 .35 .38 .38 .37 .37 .41 .47 .38 .36 .33 .27 .35 .42 .34 :34 .31 ;27 .32 .21 .39 .44 .41 .41 New York. Pound. DolU. 0. 1293 .1252 .116) .1256 .1287 .1291 .1144 .1138 .1200 .1300 .1225 .1244 . 1285 .1275 .1300 .1300 .1288 .1285 .1346 .1302 .1293 .1425 .1366 .1319 .1306 .1280 .1275 .1300 .1305 .1406 .1444 .1425 .1356 .1400 .1340 .1255 .1212 .1207 . 13.50 .1249 .1294 . 1206 .1135 .1113 .1213 .1295 .1369 . 1360 .1331 .1269 .1265 .1213 84 87 101 99 103 101 97 101 97 97 103 102 103 99 112 96 105 .103 101 101 109 126 102 97 97 91 71 95 112 95 103 117 111 109 Buenos Aires. Ton... Pesos. 30.92 28.92 28.00 28.00 28.00 31.67 28-00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 28,00 31.00 32.00 32.00 29.67 32.00 32.00 30.67 24.00 32.00 32.00 32-00 32 00 32.00 32.00 32-00 32.00 28-. 00 24 00 24 00 24.00 22-92 23 67 24 00 21.00 23.00 24 00 24- 00 23:00 24.00 24.00 24.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 23.00 23 00 23-00 New York. Ton.. DolU. 22.50 22.60 22.60 22.60 22.60 22.60 22.50 22.50 22., 50 22.50 22.. 50 22.60 22.. 60 22.60. 22.50 22.60 22.50 22.50 22.50 22. .50 22. .50 22.60 22.50 22-50 22.50 22-50 22.50 22-50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 022.60 22.50 22.50 22-50 22-60 22.50 22.50 22.50 22 50 22.50 22-50 22-60 22.50 22.60 22.60 22.50 22-50 22.50 22. ,60- 22.60 o Nominal price. iliTTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 363 ■WHOLKSALE PRICES IN ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918-Continued. Barley. Beef. Bones. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg, U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 5.03 4.89 4.46 3. -W 4.63 6.93 4.85 4.63 3.90 3.76 3.60 3.30 4.20 4.85 4.85 6.15 8.15 6.60 9.12 8.60 11.12 10.60 6.17 8.00 8.80 9.00 10.40 11.30 11.66 12.40 10.90 8.50 6.76 6.50 6.25 Chi- cago. Bushel Buenos Aires. Kg.... Pesos. 0.37 .36 .38 .33 .35 .34 .40 .39 .36 .33 .33 .33 .33 .34 .40 .38 .31 .33 .31 .29 .28 .32 .36 .30 .28 .31 .28 .30 .27 .28 .34 .35 .42 .34 .32 .34 .36 .39 .33 .34 .35 .37 .37 .36 .39 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1293 . 1339 .12^3 . 1365 .1404 .1317 .1238 .1233 .1288 .1281 .1313 .1500 . 1425 .1400 .1388 .1300 .1325 .1326 .1640 .1432 .1642 .1733 .1752 .1365 .1463 .1485 .1631 .1625 .1675 .1686 .1706 .1819 .1725 .1688 .1860 .2083 .1758 .2231 .2215 .2138 .1790 .1725 .1750 .2063 .2200 .2431 .2140 .2163 .2363 .2035 .2163 .2275 Buenos Aires. Ton... Pesos. 30.92 21.50 22.60 21.50 21.50 20.50 23.00 23.00 21.60 21.60 (o) 21.60 21.60 21.60 21.60 20.60 20.60 20.60 21.00 20.50 20.60 20.50 22.50 20.50 20.50 20.60 20 50 20.50 20.50 20.60 20.50 20.60 22.60 22.60 22.60 22. 60 22.50 22. .50 New York. Ton . - - Unit Base price... 1916-Year Quarters- First Dolls. 0. 6243 .8750 .74 '•4 .7446 .9029 1.1050 .7630 .7538 .7150 .7330 .7550 .7488 .7420 .9288 1. 0430 1. 0675 1. 1463 1.1020 ■1.3232. 1. 1988 1.3800 1.3623 1.3616 1.2000 1. 1688 1.2220 1.3688 1.4538 1.3300 1.4150 1.3325 1.3180 1.3063 1.2838 1.4680 1.4611 1. 8131 1.4435 1. 1225 .9626 1.6263 1. 8176 2. 0390 1.7263 1.4538 1.2090 1.1225 (°) (a (") .9700 .9.588 Dolls. 22. 5000 22. 5000 22. 5000 22. 5000 22. 5000 22. 6000 22. 5000 22. 6000 22.5000 22. 5000 22. 5000 22. 5000 22.5000 22.5000 22. 5000 22. 5000 22. 6000 22.5000 27. 3333 26.0000 26.0000 26.0000 31.3333 26.0000 26.0000 26.0000 26.0000 26.0000 26.0000 26.0000 26.0000 26. 0000 32. 0000 32. 0000 30.0000 30. 0000 30. 0000 30. 0000 30. 0000 30.0000 30.0000 30.0000 30.0000 30. 0000 30. 0000 30. 0000 30.0000 30.0000 30.0000 30.0000 30. 0000 30.0000 98 89 71 92 138 97 92 78 75 72 66 84 97 97 122 162 129 182 171 221 211 123 159 176 179 207 225 231 247 217 169 134 129, 104 130 110 101 129 134 126 114 109 107 103 ' 98 140 119 119 145 177 122 121 116 117 121 120 119 149 167 171 184 177 212 192 221 217 218 192 187 196 219 233 213 227 213 211 209 206 235 234 290" 231 180 154 244 291- 327 ■277 233 194 180 im bl60 155 154 194 102 88 94 91 107 103 97 89 87 87 87 90 106 102 83 87 84 79 76 86 96 79 74 83 74 80 72 75 90 93 113 90 84 90 98 87 91 93 98 98 97 105 104 97 106 109 102 96 96 100 99 102 116 110 108 107 101 102 102 127 111 127 134 136 106 113 115 126 126 130 130 132 141 133 131 143 161 136 173 171 165 138 133 135 160 170 188 166 167 183 157 167 176 70 73 70 70 66 74 74 70 70 6 70 70 70 70 70 66 66 66 68 66 66 66 73 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 100 100 Second Third. 100 100 Fourth Months- January February March... 100 100 100 100 April.... 100 May . .. 100 100 July 100 August September October November December 1917— Year........ Quarters- First 100 100 100 100 100 121 116 Second Third. 116 116 Fourth Months- January February March... 139 116 116 116 April.... 116 May 116 116 July 116 Aueust September October November December 1918— Year........ 116 116 142 142 133 133 Quarters— Fij-st... 6.63 5.55 5.95 133 Second Third . 133 133 Fourth 133 Months- January February March. . . 6.50 6.76 6.35 5.75 5.50 6.40 5.20 4.90 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.50 22.60 22.50 ■ 22.50 133 133 133 - April... 133 Mav. 133 133 July 133 Ausoist September. . 133 133 133 133 December 133 I No quotation. b Interpolated. 6<0t IJSrTEKNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WnOT,ESAT,K PRICES IN ARGENTINA \KT) THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, I913-1918— Continued. Actual price. Arg. U.S. Relative price. Calves. Actual price. Arg. U.S. Arg. U. S. Relative price. Arg. U. S Actual price . Arg. U.S. Relative price. Market . Untt.... Base price.. 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months- January.. . February . March April May June July August September. October November . December. . ipi4— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February . March April May June July August September. October November . . December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second.... Third Fourth.... Months- January. . . ■February. March...... April May June July August September. October November., December. . Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 4.39 Minne- apolis. Ton... Dolls. 20. 6887 3.96 18.3664 3.71 3.73 4.14 4.28 3.83 3.63 3.68 3.48 3.63 4.08 4.10 4.16 4.18 4.23 4.23 4.38 4.29 4.66 4.50 4.53 3.48 4.33 4.90 4.75 4,30 4.£0 4.60 4.80 5.05 3.76 3.35 3.86 3.25 2.57 2.45 2.18 3.04 2.62 2.40 2.55 2.40 2.15 2.15 2.25 2.85 3.20 3.08 3.05 2.90 1.90 18. 0729 16.4231 19, 1339 19. 7500 19. 2188 18. 0938 16, 9063 16. 1000 16. 4063 16.8438 16.7750 19.8126 20.9500 19. 5000 19. .3438 20. 2750 21.0168 22.7692 21. 2212 19. 8664 20.2115 21.6663 22. 2600 24. 0750 22. 6563 22, 0000 19. 4600 18.0313 21.1663 20.3000 18. 7813 20. 5938 21,0500 20.0)09 22. 1154 20, 3846 19. 4712 18. 1923 22.8125 22. 8438 20. 9750 22. 0625 19.7600 19.6600 20. 4063 19.7760 18.1663 18.2600 18. 0000 18. 3750 106 102 103 79 111 108 98 105 106 109 115 85 76 43 95 Buenos Aires. Head, Pesos. 55.21 53.54 52.60 52,60 63.33 55,83 52. 50 52,50 62,50 52.60 52.60 62.50 55.00 52.50 52.60 55. 00 65.00 57.50 56.42 57.50 54.17 56.00 55.00 57.50 57.50 57,50 65,00 65.00 52.50 56.00 65. 00 55.00 66.00 55.00 55.00 64.79 New York. 100 lbs, Dolls. 12. 0083 12. 0396 12. 1667 11. 1667 11,7833 13. 0417 12. 2600 12. 3760 11.8760 12. 0000 10. 3750 11. 1260 10, 8760 11,8760 12, eooo 13,3750 12.8760 12. 8750 11.9208 12. 5833 10. 6250 12. 2260 12. 2500 13.3760 12. 0000 13. 3750 11.6260 9. 375 / 10. 8750 11. 1260 12.3000 13. 2600 12. 0000 11.6260 13. 1250 12. 1354 56.00 12.7083 56.00 10.4683 65,00 12.7083 54.17 12.6667 55,00 65,00 56.00 65.00 55.00 66.00 56.00 55.00 65.00 55.00 52.50 55.00 12.3760 12.8750 12. 8760 11. 8750 8. 8760 10. 6250 11.7500 13.0000 13.3750 13.3750 12.3760 12. 2500 95 96 97 101 95 95 96 95 95 95 100 95 96 100 100 104 104 100 100 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 100 105 104 111 104 100 Buenos Aires. 100 kgs, Pesos. 5.30 5.28 4.96 5,22 5,32 5,60 (a) 4,98 4.94 5,16 5,11 5.40 5.06 5.16 5.24 5,15 4.65 Chi- cago. Bushel Dolls. 0. 6797 .6150 .4880 .5742 .7105 .6946 .4788 .4891 . 4945 .5481 .5688 .6072 6.09 .6150 5,16 .7385 5.73 .7472 5.7S .6950 5,48 .7183 5,46 ,6647 . 6960 .6243 .6918 .7727 .6911 5.10 .6175 5.23 .6169 5. 13 .6403 5.08 .6678 5. 60 .6930 5.14 .7144 5. .30 .7060 5.30 .8130 4.85 .7891 4. 38 .7338 4.SS .6863 4.73 .6426 4.96 .7260 6.13 .7201 5.14 .7514 4.66 .7740 4.90 .6339 4.83 .7135 5. 43 .7325 6.15 .7160 5.43 .7510 5.33 .7686 4. 68 .7431 4.70 .7878 4.66 .8013 4.6(1 .7431 4.83 .6246 .5.03 .6291 4.86 .6575 a No quotation. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-191!i. 365 WHOLESALE PRICES IN ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918-Continued. Bran. Calves. Corn. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Market Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 4.39 3.18 1.79 2.05 3.17 5.73 1.65 1.58 2.15 2.15 2.10 1.90 2.20 3.45 3.85 5.53 6.70 4.96 4.50 5.58 5.92 3.45 3.07 5.00 6.00 5.75 6.75 5.75 5.25 3.75 3.50 3.10 2.75 3.00 3.45 Minne- apolis. Buenos Aires. Head. Pesos. 55.21 54.58 66.00 60.00 55.00 48.33 55.00 56.00 55.00 70.00 56.00 56.00 55.00 66.00 55.00 56.00 46.00 45.00 46.04 45.00 46.00 42.50 61.67 45.00 45.00 46.00 45.00 45.00 46.00 47.50 40.00 40.00 52.60 56.00 47.60 45.00 38.33 46.67 47.50 47.60 40.00 40.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 45.00 66.00 65.00 47.60 New York. 100 lbs Dolls. 12.0083 12.4376 12.3333 10.7917 13. 2600 13. 3750 12.3760 12.0000 12.6260 10.5000 9.7600 12. 1250 12.7500 13.3750 13.6250 13.8760 12. 3750 13,8750 15.6354 16.0000 15. 0417 16.2083 16.2917 15.7500 15.8750 13.3750 16.3750 13.7500 15.0000 15. 8760 15.8750 16.8750 16.8750 16. 1250 16.8760 18.8646 18.1667 17.5417 19.2083 20.5417 17.3750 18.8750 18.2500 20.8750 15.6250 16.1260 18.3750 18.3750 20.8750 20.8750 19.8750 20.8760 Bueno! Aires. 100 kgs Pesos. 5.30 6.68 6.20 4.27 4.71 8.15 5.15 5.40 6.05 4.70 4.13 3.98 4.25 4.78 6.10 6.55 9.43 8.48 9.89 9.05 11.18 11.30 7.76 (») 9.10 9.00 9.60 11.10 12.85 12.80 12.26 8.85 7.76 8.28 7.25 6.90 5.05 6.90 7.00 6.80 5.55 4.75 4.85 5.60 5.95 Chi- cago. Bushel Dolls. 0.6797 .8307 .7306 .7344 .8407 .9464 .7500 .7375 .7158 .7417 .7500 .7167 .7757 .8626 .8669 .9572 .9728 .9092 1.5821 1.0416 1.6956 1.9926 1.8446 !^950 1.1243 1.4722 1.6466 1.6921 2.0478 1. 7817 2.0881 1.9944 2.2600 1.6935 1.4942 1.6314 1.4817 1.5725 1.3150 1.5976 1.6760 1.6375 1.6333 (") 1.4300 1.5250 1.6250 1.5368 1.2533 1.2725 1.4060 Unit Basciprice... •1916— Year Quarters— ■> First. Dolls. 20.6887 20. 5481 18.6923 18.3654 19.5962 25.5386 18.6563 19. 2250 18.0625 18.5000 18. 6750 17. 8438 17. 7188 29.9500 21.0313 24.3250 27. 1563 5.4375 32.3676 31. 7981 32,5000 31.2212 34.0833 28.8250 32.6000 34.8125 38.6000 32.7000 26.2600 32.5600 30.6250 30.1563 30.7260 33.6938 40.3333 31.8183 34.2517 32.8358 28.7846 31.6046 34.6600 34.4967 33.6950 33.4780 32.3188 32.5500 26.8850 30.1900 29.7538 29.3940 29.0750 35.8390 72 41 47 72 130 38 36 49 49 48 43 50 79 88 128 152 113 103 127 136 79 70 114 137 131 164 131 119 85 80 71 63 68 79 77 93 71 75 86 93 93 93 112 124 99 90 89 96 123 90 93 87 89 90 86 86 96 102 118 231 123 156 164 157 151 165 139 157 168 186 158 127 167 148 146 149 162 196 154 166 159 139 153 167 167 163 162 156 157 130 146 144 142 141 173 99 100 109 100 88 100 100 100 127 100 100 100 100 100 100 82 82 83 82 82 77 94 82 82 82 82 82 86 72 72 96 100 86 82 69 86 86 86 72 1 104 103 90 110 111 103 100 105 87 81 101 106 111 113 116 103 116 130 126 125 135 136 131 132 111 136 115 126 132 132 141 141 134 132 167 151 146 160 171 146 157 1.12 105 98 80 89 154 97 102 95 89 78 75 80 90 96 123 178 160 187 169 211 213 146 i lee 172 170 181 209 242 241 230 167 146 156 137 130 96 130 132 128 106 90 91 104 112 122 107 Second Third . 108 124 Fourth Months- January February March . 139 110 109 106 April May 109 110 105 July 114 August September October November "Oecember 1917— Year Quarters- First. 127 126 141 143 134 233 163 Second Third 235 293 Fourth Months- January February March April May Jxine 271 146 146 166 217 242 249 July August September October November December 1918— Year 264 307 293 331 234 Quarters— • First 3.40 4.10 5.18 240 Second Third.. 218 231 Fourth Months- January February 3.10 3.30 3.80 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.90 5.45 236 246 April May 72 ! 174 63 130 72 134 72 163 82 153 100 174 100 174 86 166 174 226 June 210 July 224 -August September 239 226 October. 184 187 . i 1 a No quotation. 6 Interpolated. XW-L1 .fa_Lj i±\±v_jj:j \_i\j±vj.J7.n.iVJ.ov/-LN Oj xi7j.u j,t/-i.>j. AVHOLESALE PRICES IN ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Flaxseed. Flour. Hides, ox. leavy. Actua price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Market Unit Base price... 1913— Year Quarters- First Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 11.90 11.36 10.51 11.12 12.09 11.40 Minne- apolis. Bushel. Dolls. 1.4722 1.3490 1. 2984 1.2913 1. 4104 1.3959 1.2563 1.3525 1.2863 1. 2525 1.3276 1.2938 1.3613 1. 4125 1.4575 1.4250 1.3613 1.4013 1.5261 1.5154 1. 5671 1.6233 1.3946 1.4725 1.4900 1.5838 1.6600 1.6413 1.6000 1.5800 1. 6800 1.6100 1.4025 1. 3350 1. 4463 1. 7940 1.7813 1.8517 1. 6642 1.8788 1. 6150 1. 8925 1.83(53 1.8675 1. 9525 1.7350 1. 7100 1. 6100 1.6725 1.7850 1.8500 2. 0013 Buenos Aires. 10 kgs. Pesos. 1.28 1.24 1.16 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.21 1.13 1.13 1.23 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.29 1.26 1.29 1.32 1.29 1.38 1.28 1.26 1.43 1.64 1.26 1.30 1.30 1.25 1.26 1.25 1.28 1.53 1.60 1.60 1.55 1.58 1.73 1.88 1.81 1.69 1.53 1.76 1.93 1.95 1.85 1.85 1.73 1.75 1.73 1.60 1.55 1.56 1.50 Kansas City. Buenos Aires. 10 legs Pesos. 15.79 16.54 15.30 14.92 16.00 15.87 15.50 15.20 15.20 14.30 16.46 15.00 16.00 16.45 16.75 16.90 15.60 15.10 14.84 16.40 14.82 14,75 13.38 16.65 16.65 16.10 14.76 14.85 14.85 14.85 14.70 14.70 12.15 14.25 13.76 14.66 14.20 13.47 16.40 15.68 14.95 14.40 13.25 13.65 13.55 13.30 15.00 15.65 15.65 15.75 15.75 16.25 Chi- cago. Pound. DolU. 0.1861 .1839 .1838 .1713 .1838 .1967 .1913 .1800 .1800 .1726 .1663 .1750 .1763 .1863 .1888 .1975 .1975 .1950 .1963 .1813 .1826 .2029 .2183 .1800 .1825 .1813 .1800 .1825 .1850 .1938 .2050 .2100 .2125 .2176 .2250 .2420 .231^ .2092 .2654 .2617 .2300 .2350 .2300 .1876 .2075 .2325 .2576 .2738 .2650 .2650 .2625 .2676 Dolls. 4. 0091 4. 0115 3.9096 4. 0619 4. 1164 3.9692 3.9188 3.9376 3.8800 3. 9875 4.0250 4. 1500 4. 1000 4.0700 4. 1875 4.0126 3.9500 3.9600 4.3529 3.9577 3.9942 4.3788 5.0808 3.9500 3.9500 3. 9750 4.0000 4. 0000 3.9813 3.5750 4.2300 5.3688 5. 0750 4. 9750 5. 1938 5.8528 6.6462 6. 4481 5. 3596 6.0214 6.2460 7.0188 6.7750 6.8000 6. 6800 5. 8063 5.6750 6.5375 4.9125 4.9050 4. 9760 5. 1750 95 88 93 102 96 ■■'89' 87 91 96 93 100 104 101 96 94 97 98 98 104 107 82 97 97 101 103 103 107 111 114 b96 79 87 81 90 80 89 91 99 79 80 81 80 94 92 92 90 91 99 103 95 92 88 88 96 95 85 92 87 85 90 88 92 96 99 97 92 96 104 103 106 110 96 100 101 108 106 106 109 107 114 109 96 91 98 122 121 126 113 128 110 129 125 127 133 118 116 109 114 121 126 136 97 91 97 100 102 95 89 88 96 98 98 99 101 99 101 103 101 108 101 98 112 121 98 102 102 98 99 98 100 120 118 118 121 123 135 147 142 133 120 138 151 153 145 145 136 137 135 125 121 121 118 100 98 101 103 99 98 98 97 99 100 104 102 102 104 100 99 99 109 99 100 109 127 99 99 99 100 100 99 89 106 134 127 124 130 146 166 161 134 125 156 176 169 170 167 145 139 138 123 122 124 129 98 97 94 101 101 98 96 96 90 98 95 96 104 106 107 98 96 94 104 94 93 85 106 105 102 93 94 94 94 93 93 77 90 87 93 90 85 98 99 95 91 84 86, 86' 84 96 99 99 100 100 97 99 99 Second Third 92 99 Fourtb Months- 106 1^ February March 10.65 10.38 10.83 11.45 11.08 11.90 12.40 11.98 11.43 11.20 11.59 11.69 11.71 12.41 13.43 9.81 11.59 11.50 12.04 12.20 12.28 12.75 13.25 13.60 (a) 9.35 10.40 9.68 10.69 9.53 10.58 10.84 11.80 9.35 9.58 9.65 9.58 11.23 10.93 10.98 10.68 10.88 11.80 12.30 11.30 9V 97 93 May 89 94 July 95 August September October November December 1914— Year Quarters- First 100 101 106 106 105 105 97 Second Third 9(f 109 Fourth Months- January February March April 117 97 98 97 97 Mav 98 June 9!^ July 104 August September October November December 1915— Year Quarters- First lio- ns 114 117 121 130 125 Second Third 112 14.^ Fourth... Months- January February March 141 124 126 124 101 Miy 111 Tune 125 July 138 August September October November December 147 142 142 141 138 a No quotation. b Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PEICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 367 WHOLESALE PRICES IN ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Flaxseed. Flour. Hides, OX, heavy. Actual price. EelativB price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Market Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 11.90 14.66 12.06 11.08 13.30 21.82 12.13 12.40 11.66 11.45 10.70 11.10 12.18 13.38 14.35 19.35 23.35 22.75 21.20 22.07 22.91 21.88 17.97 23.65 21.66 21. OU 21.96 24.00 22.78 21.75 22.00 21.88 19.66 18.56 15.80 Minne- apolis, Buenos Aires. 10 kgs. Pesos. 1.28 1.41 1.29 1.09 1.33 1.92 1.40 1.33 1.15 1.15 1.10 1.03 1.03 1.38 1.58 1.88 2.05 1.83 2.38 1.94 2.43 2.61 2.54 1.98 1.85 2.00 2.08 2.60 2.73 2.70 2.58 2.66 2.68 2.68 2.38 2.05 1.88 2.10 2.08 1.98 1.95 1.88 1.80 1.76 1.73 ........ Kansas City. Barrel Buenos Aires. 10 kgs. Pesos. 15.79 17.01 16.42 16.00 17.12 19.50 14.76 15.25 16.25 16.50 16.00 16.50 16.50 17.25 17.60 18.60 21.50 18.60 19.36 21.58 19.76 18.00 17.60 21.25 21.00 22.60 22.00 19.00 18.25 18.00 17.76 18.25. (") 17.76 17.25 16.15 w 16.15 (a) («) (») n {^ (<■) 15.60 Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0.1861 .2618 .2317 .2468 .2642 .3054 .2300 .2375 .2275 .2225 .2476 .2676 .2700 .2625 .2600 .2663 .3160 .3350 .3273 .3192 .3167 .3267 .3467 .3350 .3175 .3060 .3050 .3150 .3300 .3300 .3200 .3300 .3376 .3625 .3600 .3000 .2969 .3048 .3080 .2933 .3280 .2925 .2625 .2719 .3110 .3300 .3240 .3000 .3000 .3000 .2900, .2900 Unit Basepcice... 1916— Year Quarters- Hirst Dolls. 1.4722 2.2283 2.2608 2.0450 1.9933 2. 6242 2. 1700 2.2726 2. 3100 2. 1976 2.0725 1.8650 1.7900 2.1000 2.0900 2. 4400 2.6425 2.7900 3.0933 2.8317 3. 1033 3.1883 3.2500 2.8625 2.8500 2. 7826 2.9650 3.2560 3.0900 2.8450 3.3250 3.3950 3.3050 3.2200 3. 2250 3. 9484 3.8348 3. 9663 4.3342 3.6584 3.6890 3. 7569 4. 2200 4.0755 3.9206 3.8756 4.4160 4.3700 4. 1975 3.6480 3.7913 3.5360 Dolls. 4. 0091 6.3644 5.5376 5.0423 6.4464 8.3615 5.7600 6,7375 6.1260 6. 1960 5.0813 4. 8125 6.1360 6,. 9000 7. 3950 8.0750 9.0688 8. 0260 10.9495 8.8692 13.0442 11.6269 10. 2577 8.8260 8. 3760 9.3000 11.9126 14.4376 12.8350 11.9500 12. 4126 10.7400 10.5000 10.3126 10. 0200 10.2542 10.2269 10.3521 10.3304 10.1160 10.1000 10.2600 10. 3100 10.3063 10.3750 10.3760 10.6913 10.2660 10.1600 10.1376 10.2470 9. 9276 122 101 93 112 183 102 104 98 96 90 93 102 112 121 163 196 191 178 186 192 184 161 199 181 176 184 202 191 183 185 184 164 156 133 167 200 146 173 182 197 200 202 211 214 151 153 139 135 178 ■147 154 167 149 141 127 122 143 142 166 179 190 210 192 211 217 221 194 194 189 201 221 210 193 226 231 224 219 219 268 260 269 294 249 244 266 287 277 266 263 300 297 285. 248 258 240 110 101 ■ 86 104 160 110 104 90 90 86 80 80 108 123 147 161 143 187 162 191 204 199 155 146 157 163 196 214 212 202 200 210 202 186 161 147 165 163 155 153 147 141 138 136 159 138 126 161 209 143 143 128 130 127 120 128 172 184 201 226 200 273 221 325 290 256 220 209 232 297 360 320 298 310 268 262 257 250 256 255 258 258 262 252 256 267 257 259 269 264 256 253 263 256 248 108 98 101 109 124 93 97 , 103 106 101 98 105 109 111 117 136 117 123 137 126 114 111 135 133 143 139 120 116 114 112 116 blli 112 109 102 (a) (a) 102 la) a) (») (») C) (a.) C) 98 141 125 Second Third 132 142 Fourth Months- January February March 164 124 128 122 April .... 120 May 133 144 July 145 August September October November December 1917— Year Quarters- First. . . 141 140 143 169 180 176 172 Second Third 170 176 Fourth Months — January February 186 180 171 164 164 May 169 June 177 July 177 August September October November December 1918— Year 172 177 181 189 188 161 Quarters- First ■19:86 23.77 160 Second Third 164 166 Fourth 158 Months- January February : March 17.40 20.55 21.63 23.45 23.80 24.05 25.15 25.48 176 157 141 April . . 146 May 167 IVV July 174 August 161 161 161 November 166 156 a No quotation. i Interpolated. 368 INTEBNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Maiket . Unii Base price. 1913— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourtli Montlis — January... February. Marcli..... April..'.-,. May June July August September . October November. December. . 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth — Months — January. . . February. March April May June July August September — October November December 191.T— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January... February. March April May June July August September. October November. December.. Oats. Actual price. Arg. U. Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 5.60 5.54 5.00 5.66 5.62 5.78 (a) 5.00 5.00 6.45 5.85 5.68 5.63 5.63 5.60 (a) 5.83 5.73 5.43 5.64 6.98 7.48 5.38 5.45 5.46 5.38 5.60 5.95 6.00 7. SO 7.43 7.68 7.90 6.95 6.91 7.91 8.30 6.00 6.04 7.33 8.30 8.10 8.30 (a) (<•) (a) 6.00 6.00 6.96 6.20 4.98 Chi- cago. Bushel. Bolls. 0. 4005 .3802 .3311 .3776 .4159 .3324 .3347 .3271 .3466 .3786 .4075 .3940 .4208 .4263 .3972 .3970 .4027 .4239 .3917 .3969 .4269 .4802 .3941 . .3930 .3910 .3985 .3722 .4193 .4911 .4679 .4864 .4895 .4806 .5612 .5314 .4513 .3854 . 6,366 .5761 .5770 . .5717 .6343 .4874 .5358 .4495 .3477 .3635 .3678 .4214 Relative price. Arg. U.S 101 100 103 (.") 89 89 97 104 101 100 100 100 104 102 114 97 101 125 133 97 97 96 100 106 107 1.34 133 135 141 124 141 148 107 108 131 148 145 148 (o) (<■) («) 107 107 124 111 101 Pork. Rapeseed. Actual price. Arg. U. S. Buenos Aires. Kg... Pesos. 0.67 .72 .72 .80 .69 .67 Chi- cago. Pound Dolls. 0. 1535 .1486 .1304 .1474 .1642 .1525 .1263 .1175 .1440 .1572 .1450 .1406 .1544 . 1.575 .1826 .1713 .1530 . 1331 .1543 .1431 .1542 .1716 .1485 .1400 . 1456 . .1444 .1594 .1610 .1406 .1619 . 1715 .1813 .1740 .1488 .1163 .1429 .1119 .1408 .1677 .1512 .1135 .1081 .1138 .1413 . 14.50 .1350 .1570 .1713 .1775 .1840 .1463 . 1150 Relative price. Arg. U.S 108 107 119 103 101 101 104 116 118 120 120 104 104 103 105 87 107 89 78 74 107 109 106 95 Actual price. Arg. U. S. Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 10.11 9.91 10.25 8.83 11.20 10.18 Vio.ls' 9.16 8.50 "ii."2o" 10.00 10.35 9.90 8.85 10.15 10.25 10.13 8.86 io.'is 10.25 'io.'io' "io.'ie' 10.89 10. so 8.50 11.60 12.63 10. .50 "9.06' ""8.'o6' New York. Pound, Dolls. 0.0600 .0601 .0604 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0613 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0595 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0576 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 .0600 (a) (a) . 0675 .0575 .0800 .0930 .0913 .0913 .0700 .0700 .1000 .0963 .0913 .0913 Relative price. .0913 .0913 I .0913 I .0913 .0913 .0913 aNo quotation. (> Bimonthly quotations before May, 1917. 11.60 '14.' 60' 'ii.'26" » Interpolated. INTEENATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 369 WHOLESALE PEIOES IN ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUAETEHS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Oats. Pork. Rapeseed. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Market Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos: 5.60 6.27 4.83 4.03 5.09 7.12 6.28 4.98 4.25 4.16 3.88 4.08 4.53 5.35 5.40 0.40 8.25 6.70 8.22 8.62 10.19 7.82 6.41 7.65 8.96 8.95 9.90 10.40 10.28 9.46 7.55 6.45 m 6.28 5.55 Chi- cago. Bushel. Dolls. 0.4005 .4697 .4667 .4226 .4384 .6234 .4866 .4633 .4183 .4396 .4314 .3924 .4062 .4491 .4621 .4944 .5566 .6201 .6571 .6867 .6918 .6707 .6790 .6694 .5668 .6174 .7000 .7028 .6766 .7886 .6466 .5958 .6005 .6527 .7628 .7814 .8812 .8048 .7280 .7116 .8275 .8860 .9203 .8885 .7692 .7663 .7780 .6950 .7194 .6919 .7226 .7178 Buenos Aires. Kg.... Pesos. 0.67 .52 .56 .47 .50 .54 .54 .57 .56 .60 .46 .46 .50 .51 .61 .61 .60 .61 .79 .72 .76 .81 .89 .72 .70 .73 .76 .77 .77 .75 .81 .87 .90 .89 .89 .89 .91 .83 .88 .88 .91 .90 .93 .89 .83 Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0. 1535 .1618 .1315 .1668 .1886 .1692 .1180 .1244 .1556 .1630 .1675 .1675 .1660 .1863 .2130 .1788 .1575 .1450 .2435 .1954 .2304 .2823 .2668 .1675 .1963 .2170 .2263 .2350 .2300 .2425 .2800 .3160 .3063 .2563 .2410 .2945 .2566 .2787 .3173 .3254 .2650 .2413 .2620 .2756 .2688 .2890 .2863 .3160 .3500 ..3400 .3240 .3125 Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 10.11 15.63 14.50 11.98 15.00 19.88 'aii'.ho "ii.'45' "ii'so" "ih'.bo "26.' 75' "ig.'oo" 27.43 23.00 28.90 ■■23.'6o' ' '27 .'so' 29.70 29.50 New York. Pound. DoUs. 0.0600 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .0913 .1037 .0913 .0967 .1060 .1217 .0913 .0913^ .0913 .0925 .0925 .1050 .1050 .1060 .1050 .1060 ,1300 .1300 Unit Base price... 1916— Year Quarters — First 94 86 72 91 127 94 89 76 74 69 73 81 96 96 114 147 120 147 162 182 140 99 137 160 160 177 186 183 169 136 115 C105 94 99 107 96 118 103 112 cWS 94 92 103 112 126 116 114 106 109 131 121 116 104 110 108 98 101 112 116 123 139 130 164 146 173 167 170 142 141 154 176 175 169 197 161 149 160 163 190 195 220 201 182 178 207 221 230 222 192 191 194 174 180 173 180 179 77 83 70 76 81 80 86 82 75 67 69 75 76 76 77 76 91 119 107 114 121 134 107 106 110 113 115 116 113 122 130 135 134 134 134 136 132 132 137 135 139 134 124 105 86 108 123 104 77 81 101 106 109 109 108 121 139 116 103 95 159 127 150 184 173 109 128 141 147 163 150 168 182 206 200 167 167 192 167 182 207 212 173 167 171 180 175 188 187 206 228 222 211 204 164 143 118 148 197 "iis" "iis' '"i24" ■■148" ■ ■205" '■i88^ 271 228 286 ■■228^ ■■272' 294 292 152 1,62 Second Tfiirrt 152 152 Fourth Months — January February March 162 152 162 152 April; 152 May - . . 152 152 July 152 August September October November December 1917— Year Quarters- First 152 162 152 162 162 173 162 Second Third . 161 175 Fourth Months- January February 203 162 162 162 1.64 May 164 June 175 July. 175 August September October November December 1918— Year 175 176 175 217 217 Quarters- First... 6.00 5.38 6.63 34.60 .1233 .1100 (d) 341 206 Second.. Third 183 Fourth Months — January February . March 5.75 6.25 m 6.26 5.15 6.76 6.26 7,00 34.50 .1300 .1300 .1100 .1100 m m m 217 217 183 April 183 May (d) June (d) July (d) August September id) (d) (d-) (d) a Bimonthly quotations before May, 1917. i No quotations. " Interpolated. d Nommal. O IV USiTEBWATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Rye. Skins, sheep. Steers, choice. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. u.s Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Market Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 5.15 4.80 4.70 5.07 4.88 4.55 4.40 4.90 4.80 4.90 5.20 5.10 4.95 4.90 4.80 4.60 4.60 4.45 5.92 5.37 5.78 6.17 6.35 4.95 5.50 5.65 5.55 5.70 \ 6.10 6.00 6.05 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.15 6.07 7.30 5.67 5.87 5.43 6.60 7.55 7.75 6.10 5.90 5.00 5.55 6.05 6.00 5.80 5.65 4.85' Mlmie apolis. Bushel Dolls. 0.5653 .5658 . 5492 '.5833 .5442 .5850 .5675 .5550 .5500 .6725 .5750 .5675 .5675 .6150 .5675 .5425 .5225 .6974 .5521 .5817 .7125 .9433 .5513 .5450 .5600 .5650 .5800 .6000 .5625 .6600 .9150 .8400 .9350 1.0550 1.0529 1. 1533 1.1350 • 9917 .9317 1.1000 1.2650 1.0950 1.1050 1. 1650 1.1350 1.0650 1.0460 .8650 .9150 .9550 .9250 Buenos Aires. Kg.... Pesos. 0.94 .92 .95 .89 .90 .94 .94 .98 .94 .92 .89 .85 .86 .89 .96 .98 .92 .91 .91 .98 .94 .94 .77 .96 1.00 .99 .95 .93 .96 .95 .94 .94 .73 .78 .81 1.01 1.02 .90 .99 1.13 .91 1.02 1.13 1.03 .86 .83 .93 1.00 1.05 1.13 1.13 1.13 Chi- cago. Pelt .. Buenos Aires. Head. Pesos. 174.58 161.87 140.00 165.00 168.33 173.33 135.00 135.00 150.00 170. 00 170. 00 155. 00 170.00 185.00 170.00 180. 00 172.50 167.50 183. 54 173.33 183.33 188.33 189. 17 167.50 172. 50 180.00 185.00 180.00 185. 00 190.00 175.00 200.00 202.60 180.00 185.00 201.88 180.83 181.67 228.33 216.67 180.00 180.00 182.60 180.00 180.00 186. 00 196.00 250.00 240.00 220. 00 225.00 .205.00 Chi- cago. Cwt. . . Unit Dolls. 0.6865 .7792 1.0000 .7667 .6792 .6708 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .6500 .6500 .6500 .6760 .7125 .7125 .7125 .5875 .6573 .6958 .7000 .4750 .7583 .5875 .7500 .7600 .7500 .7125 .6375 .4250 .5000 .6000 .,5000 .7260 1.0500 1.1979 1.4000 1. 4000 .8167 1.1750 1.3250 1.3250 1.5500 1.5500 1.3250 1.3250 1. 1750 .6000 .6750 .9500 1.2000 1. 3750 Dolls. 9. 1022 8.9288 8.9550 8. 7767 8.9833 9.0004^ 9. 0125 8. 9125 8.9400 8. 8938 8.6563 8. 7800 8.9875 8. 8875 9.0750 9. 1250 8. 9563 8.9200 9. 6620 9.2383 9. 1867 10.0767 10. 1479 9.2250 9. 2250 9.2850 9. 2750 9.1250 9.1600 9. 6750 10. 0300 10. 6250 10. 4500 10. 2188 9. 7750 913117 8.8063 8.7484 9.8159 9.7717 9. 1583 8.5938 8.6667 8.3313 8.6450 9. 2688 9.9083 9.8100 9.7313 9.6876 9.9400 9.6875 1913-Year Quarters- First 93 91 98 95 88 8,6 95 93 95 101 99 96 95 93 89 89 87 115 104 112 120 123 96 107 110 108 111 119 117 118 125 125 125 120 118 142 110 114 106 128 147 151 119 115 97 108 118 117 113 110 94^ 100 101 100 103 96 103 100 98 97 101 102 100 100 109 100 96 92 123 98 103 126 167 98 96 99 100 103 106 100 117 162 149 165 187 186 204 201 175 165 195 224 194 195 206 201 188 185 153 162 169 164 98 102 94 96 100 100 104 100 98 95 91 91 94 102 104 98 97 97 106 100 101 82 102 107 105 101 S9 101 101 100 100 77 83 86 107 108 96 106 120 96 109 120 109 91 88 99 107 112 120 120 120 114 146 112 99 98 14,6 146 146 146 95 96 95 98 104 104 104 86 96 01 02 69 10 86 09 09 09 104 93 62 73 73 73 106 153 174 204 204 119 171 193 193 226 226 193 193 171 87 98 138 175 300 92 80 94 96 99 77 97 97 89 97 96 97 103 99 96 106 99 105 108 108 96 99 103 108 103 108 109 100 115 116 103 106 116 104 IO4 131 124 103 103 105 103 103 106 112 143 138 129 129 117 98 98 Second Third 96 99 ■Fourth; Months- January February March. , 99 99 98 98 98 May 96 June 96 July 99 August September October November December 1914— Year Quarters — First . . 98 100 100 98 98 106 101 Second Third 101 111 Fourth Months- January February March 111 101 101 102 April . 102 May 100 June 101 July August September October November December 1915— Year Quarters- First 110 116 115 112 107 102 Second Third 96 108 107 101 94 Fourth Months- January February April 92 95 Mav 102 109 108 107 106 109 106 July August September October November December: . . . . INTEENATIONAIi PKICE COMPARISONS, 15)13-1918. 371 WHOLESALE PRICES IN ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Rye. Skins, sheep. Steers, choice. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Market - .. Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 5.15 5.68 5.45 4.47 4.68 8.10 4.60 6.50 5.25 4.50 4.65 4.25 4.25 4.80 6.00 6.60 8.20 9.50 20.06 18.92 22.50 22.76 16.08 17.75 17.60 21.60 22.60 22.00 23.00 22.75 22.76 22.75 22.76 16.50 9.00 Minne- apolis. Bushel. Dolls. 0. 5653 1. 0585 .9367 .9368 1.0233 1. 3383 .9300 .99.50 .8850 .9450 .9275 .9350 .9450 .9660 1. 1600 1.2060 1.3950 1. 4150 1.8040 1.4242 2. 0167 1.9733 1.8017 1.3850 1. 3625 1.6250 1.6760 2.0160 2. 3600 2.2300 1.9100 1. 7800 1.8650 1.7450 1.7950 1.9935 2.2417 2.4417 1.7117 1.6792 1.8200 2. 1360 2.7700 2.9900 2. 6250 1.7100 1.7475 1. 7600 1.6275 1. 6650 1.5700 1. 6025 Buenos Aires. Kg.... Pesos. 0.94 1.21 1.13 1.04 1.24 1.43 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 .96 1.05 1.08 .1.35 1.30 1.20 1.55 1.55 1.57 1.62 1.66 (") 1.27 1.68 1.60 1.08 1.70 1.63 (a) 1.27 (a) («) 1.93 (<.) fa) (<•) 1.93 la) la) 1.68 ,a) fa) r Chi- cago. Pelt. . . Buenos Aires. Head.. Pesos. 174.58 199. 17 205. 00 198.33 198.33 195.00 206. 00 205.00 205. 00 206. 00 205. 00 186.00 195.00 195. 00 205. 00 205.00 190. 00 190.00 186.21 185. 00 183.33 194.00 182.50 175. 00 190.00 190.00 190. 00 185.00 175.00 190.00 192.50 200. 00 190. 00 190.00 167. 50 181.67 193.33 239.83 172. 50 182. 50 190. 00 192.50 190.00 197. 50 207. 50 232.00 280. 00 200. 00 235.00 Chi- cago. Cwt... Base price... 1916— Year Quarters- First Dolls. 0.6865 1.6063 1. 6500 1.8500 .9250 2. 0000 1. 3760 1.6250 1.9500 1. 9500 1. 8000 1.8000 .6250 1.0250 1. 1250 1. 1250 2. 1250 2.7500 2. 9479 2. 8542 3.8125 2.3333 2. 7917 2. 5000 2.5000 3. .5625 3.6875 3. 8760 3.8750 3. 8750 1. 6000 1.6250 1.7600 2.6250 4. 0000 3.4177 3.8333 4. 1250 2.8833 3. 1292 4. 0000 3.7500 3.7600 3. 7500 4.3125 4.3125 4. 2500 1.7500 1. 7500 2. 7500 3. 1375 3. 5000 Dolls. 9.1022 10.4201 9.4809 10. 2779 10.7167 11.3342 9.4800 9.2813 9. 6813 9. 7375 10.0900 11. 0063 10. 7000 10.5750 10. 8750 10.9650 11.6125 11. 5250 13.8307 11.9175 13. 1988 14.7964 15. 4488 11. 4400 11.8625 12. 4500 12. 9900 13. 2438 13.3625 13. 5300 14. 6188 16.3370 16.6150 15. 6063 14. 2250 17.3285 13.7917 17. 0083 18.6923 19.6260 13. 7688 13.7188 13.8875 16. 0900 17. 4760 17.8063 18. 1438 18. 6000 19.2050 19. 1760 19. 4875 19. 8350 110 108 87 91 157 89 126 102 87 90 83 83 93 97 128 159 186 390 368 437 442 313 345 340 418 437 428 447 442 442 442 442 321 175 172 150 18J 165 170 168 150 131 104 89 187 166 166 181 237 165 176 157 167 164 165 167 171 205 213 247 250 319 252 357 349 319 245 241 270 296 356 417 394 338 315 330 309 318 353 397 432 303 279 .322 378 490 529 464 302 309 311 288 277 278 284 129 120 111 132 153 120 120 120 120 102 112 116 144 138 128 165 165 168 172 177 («) 135 168 170 178 181 173 (a) (a) (a) (a) C) 135 C) (») 205 C) (a) (a) 205 (a) (a) 178 C) (») 234 240 269 135 291 200 237 284 284 262 262 91 149 164 164 310 401 429 416 655 340 407 364 3154 519 537 564 634 564 219 237 255 382 683 498 558 601 376 456 583 646 646 646 628 628 619 255 265 401 457 610 114 117 114 114 112 117 117 117 117 117 106 112 112 117 117 109 109 107 106 105 111 106 100 109 109 109 106 100 109 110 115 109 109 96 104 111 137 99 105 109 110 109 113 119 133 160 149 135 114 104 Second Third 113 118 Fourth Months — January February 126 104 102 10b 107 Mav 111 121 July., 118 August September October November December 1917— Year Quarters- First . . 116 119 120 126 127 152 131 Second Third 145 163 Fourth Months- January February March 170 126 130 137 April 143 MEy 146 147 July 149 September October November December 160 179 181 171 156 190 Quarters- First 8.83 7.70 152 Second Third 187 205 214 Months- January February 9.25 8.50 8.75 8.65 7.70 6.75 5.35 4.60 151 161 1.53 April 177 Mav 192 196 July 199 August September . . 204 211 211 214 December ' 218 1 "No quotation. 113951—19- -25 372 INTERNATIONAL PKICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PEICES IN ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market. Unit Base price. 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Tliird Fourtli Montlis— January February . . . March April May June July , August September.. October November. . December 1914— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January , February March April May June July August September... October November... December 1915— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February March April May June July August September... October November... December Tallow. Actual price. Argen. U Buenos Aires. 10 kgs. Pesos. 3.47 3.48 3.24 3.53 3.67 3.48 3.23 3.25 3.2S 3.48 3.55 3.65 3.63 3.70 3.48 3.28 3.18 3.38 3.36 3.15 2.86 3.30 3.45 3.38 3.38 3.38 3.33 3.16 3.15 3.15 2,85 2.85 2.85 3.45 3.68 3.21 3.66 3.20 3.30 3.50 3.65 3.85 3.25 3.16 3.25 3.23 3.45 3.68 3.85 Chi- cago. Pound, Dolls. 0.0716 .0707 .0678 .0686 .0717 .0748 .0669 .0688 .0676 .0688 .0701 .0676 .0713 .0763 .0763 .0738 .0744 .0687 ,0713 .0686 .0680 .0667 .0713 .0719 .0707 .0694 .0694 ,0669 ,0667 .0657 .0726 .0676 .0657 .0669 .0673 .0638 .0777 .0656 .0688 .0700 .0688 .0688 .0644 .0638 .0638 .0638 .0663 .0794 .0876 Relative price. 100 102 106 100 93 94 94 100 102 102 105 107 106 106 100 103 92 106 92 96 101 106 111 94 91 94 93 99 106 111 Veal. Actual price. Argen. Buenos Aires. Kg..., Pesos. 0.57 .57 .64 .57 .59 .69 ,67 ,60 ,57 .69 .57 .56 U.S. New York. Pound Dolls. 0. 1844 .1808 .1852 .1672 .1817 .1893 .1860 .1850 .1856 .1675 .1640 .1700 .1700 .1795 .1966 .1930 .1860 . .1900 .1848 .1945 .1722 .1840 .1893 .1960 .1950 .1925 .1726 .1690 .1750 .1770 .1788 .1963 .1880 .1925 .1875 .1823 .1917 .1664 .1898 .1820 .1900 .1950 .1900 .1690 .1638 .1663 .1820 .1925 .1950 .1910 .1760 .1800 I Relative price. Ar- gen. 101 96 100 104 103 99 103 100 97 110 102 101 105 102 101 103 90 102 105 100 104 91 83 96 90 114 101 110 97 92 97 101 112 110 114 105 U.S. Wheat. Actual price. Argen. Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 8.64 (a) 7.75 7,98 8,90 8,83 9,20 (°) 9.40 8.20 9.10 8,40 8,44 9,34 10.22 8.25 8.49 8.45 8.25 8.55 8.63 8.58 9.40 10,05 10.00 10.40 10.25 11.47 11.46 12.33 11,42 9,05 10,60 11.80 11.98 11.80 13.23 11,98 11.56 11.50 11.20 U.S. Chi- cago. Bushel, Dolls. 0. 9321 1.0774 1.0448 Relative price. Ar- gen. 1.1144 1.0793 1.0385 1.0586 1.0567 1.0200 .8836 .8705 .9216 .9216 .9447 .9676 1.0024 .9696 .9356 .9614 1.1632 .9690 .9602 .9496 .9386 .9763 .8918 .8210 .9563 1.1069 1.1086 1.1486 1,2023 1.3119 1.6104 1.4627 i.ini 1.1632 1.3910 1.6091 1.5311 1.5916 1.5700 1.2265 1.1611 1,0963 1.0760 1.1325 1.1260 1.2322 101 91 103 104 104 (a) 90 92 100 105 103 103 102 106 bios 109 95 105 108 118 96 91 98 96 99 99 109 116 116 120 119 133 133 143 132 113 123 137 139 137 153 139 134 133 130 HIS 105 < No quotation. !> Interpolated. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, WIS-ISIS. 373 WHOLESALE PRICES IN ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918-Contmued. Tallow. Veal. Wheat. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Market Buenos Aires. lOkgs. Pesos. 3.47 4.13 4.17 3.98 3.78 4.59 4.35 3.76 4.40 4.35 3.95 3.65 3.65 3.75 3.95 4.28 4.46 5.05 6.15 4.88 6.28 6.68 6.75 4.95 4.75 4.96 5.78 6.65 6.45 6.85 6.45 6.75 6.95 6.85 6.45 Chi- cago. Pound. Dolls. 0.0716 .0989 .0904 .1064 .0881 .1115 .0856 .0960 .0906 .1013 .1106 .1044 .0950 .0806 .0888 .1038 .1144 .1163 .1569 .1185 .1646 .1676 .1734 .1150 .1163 .1238 .1388 .1663 .1888 .1775 .1488 .1756 .1725 .1688 .1788 .1793 .1752 .1734 .1866 .1818 .1763 .1746 .1748 .1747 .1736 .1719 .1781 .1870 .1947 .2000 .1933 .1494 Buenos Aires. Kg.... Pesos. 0.57 .57 .55 .65 .60 .67 .58 .67 .50 .56 .54 .55 .53 .66 .63 .68 .60 .55 .64 .43 .49 .61 .61 .46 .42 .43 .47 .43 .67 .68 .64 .63 .69 .58 .57 .51 .61 .48 .48 .57 .62 .66 .55 .60 New York. Pound. Dolls. 0.1844 .1903 .1845 .1747 .2003 .2000 .1800 .1875 .1860 .1688 .1713 .1840 .1960 .2000 .2060 .1963 .1963 .2075 .2262 .2162 .2177 .2323 .2389 .2150 .2150 .2180 .2200 .2100 .2220 .2300 .2213 .2430 .2450 .2300 .2400 .2737 .2492 .2562 .2858 .3035 .2500 .2475 .2500 .2625 .2500 .2575 .2675 .2830 .3075 .3050 .3050 .3000 Buenos Aires. 100 kgs. Pesos. 8.64 9.67 8.77 7.53 8.98 13.42 8.95 8.98 8.38 S.03 7.38 7.18 7.38 9.16 10.43 13.06 14.55 12.65 16.98 13.77 16.62 17.27 16.25 13.60 13.66 14.15 14.65 16.60 18.60 18.60 16.70 16.50 16.96 17.15 14.65 12.98 12.90 13.66 12.75 13.00 13.20 13.00 12.90 12.80 12.66 Chi- cago. Bushel. Dolls. 0.9321 1.3731 1.2270 1.1373 1.3882 1.7400 1.2896 1.2585 1.1328 1.2153 1.1564 1.0413 1.1697 1.4706 1.5344 1.6809 1.8116 1.7275 2.2779 1.9107 2. 7136 2. 2608 2. 1700 1.9024 1.7969 1.9781 2.4672 2. 9705 2.6388 2. 3310 2.2663 2.1776 2.1700 2.1700 2. 1700 2.2094 2.1700 2.1700 2.2392 2.2582 2.1700 2. 1700 2. 1700 2.1700 2.1700 2.1700 2.2470 2.2325 2.2363 2.2345 2. 2375 2.3088 Unit Base price... 1916— Year Quarters— Ffrst 119 120 115 109 132 125 108 127 125 114 ,105 • 105 108 114 123 128 146 177 141 181 193 195 143 137 143 166 192 186 197 186 195 200 197 186 176 166 153 195 177 157 172 172 151 157 151 161 157 151 138 126 147 123 166 120 133 127 141 164 146 133 113 124. 145 160 -162 218 166 230 234 242 161 162 173 194 232, 264 248 208 246 241 236 260 250 245 242 261 264 246 244 244 244 242 240 249 261 272 279 270 209 100 96 96 105 101 101 100 88 97 95 97 92 114 110 119 87 97 94 76 86 108 108 80 73 75 82 75 100 101 111 111 121 102 100 89 107 83 83 100 109 116 97 105 103 100 96 109 108 98 102 101 92 93 100 106 108 112 106 106 113 123 117 118 126 130 117 117 118 119 114 120 125 120 132 133 125 130 148 136 139 165 165 136 134 136 143 136 134 145 153 167 165 165 165 112 101 87 104 165 104 104 97 93 85 83 85 106 121 151 168 146 186 159 192 200 188 156 158 164 170 192 215 215 193 191 196 199 170 147 132 Second Third 122 149 Fourth Months — January February March 1S7 138 135 122 April 130 iSy 124 112 July 124 August September October November December 1917— Year Quarters — First. . . 158 165 180 194 185 244 205 Second Third 291 243 Fourth Months- January February March. . 233 204 19S 212 -iprii 265 May 319 283 July 260 August September October November December 1918— Year 242 234 233 233 23a Quarters- First 6.12 5.72 5.32 160 149 233! Second Third 233: 240 Fourth Mouths- January February March. 6.75 6.15 5.45 5.96 5.96 5.25 5.45 5.25 5.26 6.46 5.26 148 150 153 150 149 148 146 233 233 233 April 233 233 June 233 July 241 August September October November 240 249 240 240 248 374 INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Wool , lamb, medium. Wool sheep, crossbred (in grease). Wool, sheep, crossbred, fine. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Arg. U.S. Arg. 1 U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Market . .. Buenos Aires. lOkgs. Pesos. a 9. 02 8.12 7.50 Buenos Aires. IQkgs. Pesos. 6 8.91 8. .51 8.00 "'9.' 62" 8.00 8.00 8.00 "'9.' 75" 9.05 8.26 8.85 8.77 9.00 "'s.'is" 8.50 8.83 8.98 9.00 "'8." 80" 8.96 12.36 10.97 "is." 75" 10.34 11.26 11.33 "14." 25" 14.20 12.80 Buenos Aires. lOkgs. Pesos. 08.40 8.11 7.90 "'i.'is' 7.90 7.90 7.90 "s.'ee' 8.20 8.11 8.35 8.50 "7.' 54" 8.06 8.50 8. .50 8.50 '"7." 44' 7.63 8.96 8.42 "'9.' 56' 8.25 8.50 8.50 "'9.' 66' 9.60 10.00 Unit Pound. Base price... 1913— Year Quarters- First DolU. 0. 3638 .3892 .3950 .39,50 .3950 .3717 .3950 .3960 .3950 .39.50 .3950 .3950 .3950 .3960 .3950 .3850 . 37.50 .3560 .3326 .3467 .3417 .3267 .3160 .3500 .3450 . 34.50 .3450 .3450 .3350 .3360 .3300 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3160 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3160 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3150 .3160 Dolls. 0. 2344 .2517 .3017 .2417 .2350 .2283 .3050 .3050 .2950 . 26.50 .2350 .2360 .2360 .2360 .2360 .2360 .2250 .2250 .2648 .2268 .2483 .2642 .2808 . 2250 .2250 .2276 .2375 . 2.525 .2550 .2650 .2660 .2625 .2625 .2850 .2960 .3679 .3483 .3500 .3683 .3650 .3050 .3650 .3750 .3500 .3600 .3600 .3650 .3750 .3650 .3650 ..3650 .3750 Dolls. 0.2771 .2915 .3308 .2883 .2750 .2717 .3425 .3360 .3150 .3050 .2850 .2750 .27.50 .2750 .2750 .2750 . 27.50 .2650 .2950 .2717 .2900 .3183 .3000 .2660 .2725 .2775 .2775 .2850 .3076 .3160 .3250 .3150 .2900 .3060 .3050 .3450 .3460 .3417 .3460 .3483 .3150 .3550 .3650 .3450 .3460 .3360 .3450 .3460 .3450 .3460 .3450 .36,50 90 83 "ioo" 83 83 83 "ioi" 100 92 100 100 "76" 100 100 100 100 "'76' 76 124 112 "iss' 100 116 118 "133" 140 133 107 109 109 109 102 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 106 103 98 91 95 94 90 87 96 95 96 95 95 92 92 91 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 96 90 '"ioi' 90 90 90 "i69' 102 93 99 98 101 "ioo' 95 99 101 101 "99' 101 139 123 "i64' 116 126 127 "ieo' 169 144 107 129 103 100 97 130 130 126 109 100 100 100 100 100 100 96 96 109 96 106 113 120 96 90 97 101 108 109 113 113 112 112 122 126 153 149 149 157 168 130 156 160 149 149 149 1.56 160 156 151 166 160 97 94 "i66' 94 94 94 "163' 98 97 99 101 "96" 96 101 101 101 "'89' 91 107 100 "iis' 98 101 101 ""i67" 113 119 106 119 Second . Tliird 104 99 Fourth Months- January February March... 9.05 7.50 7.60 7.50 98 124 121 114 April May 110 103 99 July August 99 99 99 October. . . 99 November December 1914— Year Quarters- First 9.09 9.00 8.28 9.00 9.00 99 96 106 98 Second Third 105 115 Fourth Months- January February March... 6.85 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 108 96 98 100 AmU ino Mav 103 111 July.... 114 117 114 106 November December 1915— Year Quarters- First 6.85 6.85 11.14 10.06 110 110 125 1''5 1''3 Third 1?5 Fourth Months- January Februarv March 12.22 9.01 10.50 10.67 126 114 128 13' April... 125 .Mav 125 1?1 July 125 August . 125 125 October November December 12.00 12.65 12.00 125 125 128 a Average for 6 months quoted from July 1, 1913, to June 30, 1914. 6 Average tor 7 months quoted from July 1, 1913, to June 30, 1914. INTERNATIONAL PRICE COMPARISONS, WIS-ISIS. 375 WHOLESALE PRICES IN ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED STATES, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1818— Continued. Wool, lamb. medium. Woo , sheep, crossbred (in grease). Wool , sheep, crossbred, fine. Actual price. Relative •price. Actual price. Relative price. Actual price. Relative price. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Arg. U.S. Market Buenos Aires. lOkgs. Pesos. 9.02 12.06 12.20 12.25 Boston. Pound, Dolls. 0.3638 .3621 .3283 .3400 .3633 .4167 .3250 .3300 .3300 .3300 .3400 .3500 .3500 .3700 .3700 .3900 .4150 .4450 (.') ^] I] C) {4 Buenos Aires. lOkgs. Pesos. 8.91 14.97 13.60 13.75 "i7."63' 13.30 13.75 13.75 13.75 "vi'.hb 17.75 19.69 17.33 17.40 "25.15' 17.50 17.25 17.25 17.30 17.50 ""25.' 56' 24.80 23.98 24.33 23.63 Boston. Pound. DolU. 0.2344 .4038 .3917 .3850 .4050 .4333 .3850 .3950 .3960 .3850 .3860 .3850 .4000 .4100 .4050 .4100 .4300 .4600 .6546 .5117 .6083 .7417 .7567 .4750 .5200 .5400 .6400 .5950 .6900 .7350 .7450 .7450 .7500 .7600 .7600 .7642 .7800 .7567 .7567 .7633 .7700 .7700 .8000 .7700 .7500 .7500 .7700 .7600 .7500 .?io Buenos Aires. lOkgs. Pesos, a 8.40 11.04 10.00 10.00 "'is.' is' 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 "is.' 66' 13.25 16.16 13.00 14.30 "22.' 78' 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.60 15.00 "22." 25' 23.30 2L11 21.71 20.60 Boston. Pound, Dolls. 0.2771 .3942 .3760 .3950 .3917 .4150 .3550 .3750 .3960 .3950 .3950 .3950 .38.50 .3950 .3950 .4050 .4200 .4200 .6929 .5500 .7600 .8133 .5250 .6650 .5700 .7600 .8000 .8200 .8200 .8300 .8900 Unit Base price... 1916— Year Quarters- First 134 135 136 iso' 134 136 136 136 "i25" 136 181 133 156 "'277' 133 133 133 144 168 '274' 280 100 90 93 100 115 89 91 91 91 93 96 96 102 102 107 114 122 i i \^] 168 153 154 "i98' 149 154 164 154 "'i96' 199 220 195 195 "282' 196 194 194 194 196 "286' 278 269 273 265 275 272 272 272 266 258 172 167 164 173 185 164 169 169 164 164 164 171 175 173 175 183 196 279 218 260 316 323 203 222 230 230 254 294 314 318 318 320 324 324 326 333 323 323 326 328 328 341 328 320 320 328 320 320 dSSO ism 337 131 119 119 "iee' 119 119 119 119 "i65' 158 192 155 170 "27i' 155 155 155 162 179 "265" 277 261 258 244 142 135 Second TMrd 143 141 Fourth; Montlis— January February Marcli April 11.76 12.10 12.25 12.25 12.25 150 128 135 143 143 mEy 143 143 July 139 143 September October 143 146 November December 1917— Year Quarters- First.... 11.25 12.25 16.29 12.00 14.04 152 162 256 198 Second Tliird 251 281 Fourth . Months — January February March April 24.99 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.95 15.13 294 189 200 206 dssg May. . . , dS60 June 274 July dgrs September dS8S October 289 November December- 1918— Year 24.67 25.30 296 296 Quarters- First 24.38 22.74 .8567 .8700 270 252 235 239 Second Third 321 Montlis— January February March April 24.63 24.25 24.25 24.10 23.38 20.75 e.8500 .8500 .8700 .8700 .8700 .8700 273 269 269 267 259 230 234 234 239 239 239 239 24.50 24.25 24.26 24.20 23.69 23.00 22.13 21.50 21.60 21.50 21.00 19.00 .8300 .8300 .8300 .8700 .9000 .9000 263 256 256 256 250 226 300 300 300 July October . " Average for 6 months quoted Irom July 1, 1913, to June 30, 1914. 6 Average for 7 months quoted from July 1, 1913, to June 30, 1914. e Prinac tnr 1Q1Q n-n araacD >.acAc ' No quotation. i Interpolated. uiu xiMXJiiiiNATiUJNAlj ifKLUH (JUMl'ABISONS, 1»13-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN, BY MONTHS, QUAETEES, AND YEARS, 1913-1918. Market. Unit Base price. . 1913— Year.... Quarters — First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September . October November. December.. 1914— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June July August September . October November. December. . 1915— Year.... Quarters- First Second Third Fourth.... Months — January... February. March April May June soja, Hok- kaidO; medi- um. July August September. October November. . December.. Yoko- hama. Koku.. Y'en. 10.85 10.58 10.35 10.48 10.68 10.92 10.50 10.35 10.20 10.35 10.50 10.60 10.60 10.60 10.75 11.50 10.76 10.60 10.29 10.92 10.98 10.95 8.31 10.60 10.50 11.66 10.66 11.00 11.30 11.30 11.30 10.25 8.66 8.33 7.95 8.90 8.95 8.83 8.78 9.02 8.15 8.85 9.85 8.35 9.00 9.15 8.65 8.90 8.90 8.90 9.25 Cedar board, Akita. com- mon stuff. Yoko- hama. 6bu. Ten. 1.13 1.13 1.10 1.16 1.13 1.13 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.11 1.13 1.13 1.09 1.09 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.10 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 I Cedar logs, thick, Blue Plum. Yoko- hama. Piece. Yen. 0.67 .69 .67 .67 .67 .69 .59 .69 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .64 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .59 .50 .59 .50 .45 .45 .59 .69 .69 .59 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 Cedar timber, square Sendai, Yoko- hama. Piece. Yen. 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 -^ 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.10 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 6.66 Char- coal, Touchi garni, Sendai. Yoko- hama. 10 kwan. Yen. 0.87 1.01 .91 .90 .90 1.04 1.00 l.DO .93 .91 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 .90 .91 .82 .97 .82 .82 .82 .84 .83 .85 1.00 1.05 Fire- wood various woods. Yoko- hama. 10 kwan. Yen. 0.46 .48 .49 Keyaki Lac- timber, quer, square raw, Sendai. China. Yoko- hama. Piece.. Yen. 16.70 16.10 14.30 16.70 16.70 16.70 14.30 14.30 14.30 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16,70 16.70 16, 70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 18.70 13,93 16.70 13.90 12.50 12.63 16.70 16.70 16.70 16.70 12.50 12.50 12.60 12,50 12,60 12.90 12.50 12.50 Yoko- hama. Kwan Yen. 8.04 7.50 7.70 7.93 8.17 7,50 7.60 7.60 7,50 7,80 7.80 7,80 8.00 8.00 8.10 8.20 8.20 8.00 8.20 7.87 8.00 7.93 8.20 8.20 8.20 8.00 7.80 7.80 8.00 S.OO 8.00 8.00 7.80 8.00 7.43 7.53 7.60 7.30 7.30 7.50 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.50 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.50 Lac- quer, raw, hLltachi, J^ac- quer, raw, Kazusa, Yoko- hama. Kwan.. Yen. 12.00 11.83 11.50 11.83 12.00 12.00 11.50 11.60 11,50 11.60 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12,00 12,00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Yoko- hama. Kwan. INTERNATIONAL PKICE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 377 WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Market . Unit.... Base price.. 11916-Year.... Quarters- First Second Tliird Eourtli.... Months- January... February. March April May June ■July August September. October November. December.. 1917— Year.... •Quarters- First 'Second Third....; Fourth.... Months — January... February. -March April May June July August September. October November. December.. 1918— Year... Quarters- First Third Fourth.... -Months- January... February.. March April May June July August September . October November. December.. Beans, sola,. Hok- kaido me- dium. Yoko- hama. Eoku.. Yen. 10.85 10.30 9.12 9.32 10.53 12.22 9.10 9.00 9.25 9.10 9.35 9.50 9.85 10.75 11.00 11.00 12.60 13.05 13.70 11.60 12.88 14.62 15.72 11.80 1L60 11.10 11.75 12.90 14.00 14.30 14.70 14.85 15.25 16.10 15.80 Cedar board. Akita', com mori stuff. 17.83 17.73 16.97 16.15 17.60 19.75 18.45 17.75 17.00 16.60 17.20 17.20 18.70 Yoko- hama. 6bu.. Yen. 1.13 L14 1.09 1.06 1.06 1.34 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.00 1.00 1.09 1.09 1.13 1.65 1.25 1.44 1.28 1.30 1.56 L62 1.25 1.25 1.33 1.25 1.33 1.33 1.50 1.58 1.58 L58 1.58 1.71 Cedar logs, thick Blue Plum. 2.08 2.15 2.07 L88 2.14 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.22 2.22 Yoko- hama. Piece-. Yen. 0.67 .45 .58 .61 .67 .45 .45 .45 .58 .58 Cedar timber, square Sendai. .58 Yoko- hama. Piece. Yen. 7.14 8.33 8.33 10.33 6.66 6.66 6.66 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 10.00 10.00 11.00 U.22 ILIO n.io 11.10 11.57 11.10 11.10 11.10 11.10 11.10 11.10 11.10 11.10 11.10 11.10 11.10 12.50 12.50 16.66 16.67 12.50 12.50 12.50 16.66 16.66 16.66 16.67 16.67 16.67 16.67 Char- coal. Touchi- gami, Sendai Fire- wood various woods. Yoko- hama. 10 kwan. Yen. 0.87 .97 .93 .89 .90 1.15 1.00 .90 .90 .90 .87 .89 .95 1.05 1.15 1.25 L37 1.18 1.11 1.32 1.86 1.22 1.15 L18 1.13 1.08 Lll 1.25 1.36 L36 L39 1.80 2.40 2.07 1.93 2.18 2.20 2.10 1.90 1.90 1.95 1.95 1.95 2.20 2.40 2.30 Yoko- hama. 10 kwan. Yen. 0.46 .46 .45 .45 .45 .48 .45 .44 .46 .46 .45 .45 .44 .45 .45 .46 48 .50 .52 .48 .49 .54 .58 .49 .47 .48 .48 .48 .50 53 .53 .55 .56 .59 .59 Keyaki timber, square Sendai! Yoko- hama. Piece. Yen. 16.70 16.46 12.50 16.66 16.66 20.00 12.50 12.50 12.50 16.66 16.66 16.66 16.66 16.66 16.66 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Lac- quer, raw China, Yoko- hama, Swan- yen. 8.04 8.50 8.50 7.57 10.70 8.50 8.60 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 7.90 7.40 7.40 7.60 12.50 12.00 14.08 12.00 11. S3 18.33 14.17 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 11.60 12.00 18.00 18.50 18.50 15.00 14.00 13.50 14.73 19.67 18.50 13.70 15.00 15.50 20.00 20.00 19.00 18.50 18.50 18.50 18.00 I/ac- quer, raw Hitachi Yoko- hama. Kwan. Yen. 12.00 11.91 12.00 12.00 11.17 12.75 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 11.50 11.00 11.00 11.00 14.50 18.14 14.83 15.00 25.00 20.00 14.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 26.00 26.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 22.00 25.00 25.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 26.00 a No quotation. 378 INTEBNATIONAL PRICE OOMPAEISOSTS, 1913-1918. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN, BY MONTHS, QUAETERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Mats, floor, Tata- mio- mote, blue, com- mon. Mats, floor, Tata- mio- mote, blue, first class. Miso, red, com- mon (sauce) Momi, timber, square, Shingu. Paper, Mmo, medi- um. Pine, logs, thick. Blue Plum. Pine, timber, square, Sendai, (rice Hquor), pure. Nan. Shirt- ing, gray. Market . . . Unit Base price. 1913— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February... March April May June July August September.. October November.. December. . . 1914— Year Quarters — First Second Third Fourth Months — January February... March April May June July August September. . October November.. December. . . 1915— Year Quarters- First Second Third Fourth Months — January February... March April May June July August September.. October November.. December. . . Yoko- hama. Mat.. Ten. 0.39 .38 .38 .37 .38 .40 Yoko- hama. Mat.. Yen. 0.53 .62 .63 .50 .61 .54 .53 .51 .51 .51 .50 .60 .60 .52 .52 .53 .56 .55 .62 .54 .51 .61 .50 .54 .54 .54 .62 .50 .50 .61 .61 .51 .61 .50 .60 .46 .46 .49 .46 .46 .46 .46 .46 .46 Yoko- hama. Kwan. Yen. 0.34 .36 .37 .37 .35 .35 .37 .37 .37 .37 .37 .46 .46 .60 .60 .36 .35 .35 .35 .36 .34 .33 .34 .31 .32 .32 .32 .34 .33 .36 .35 .33 .31 .29 .28 .28 .28 .28 .28 .28 .28 .27 .32 .33 Yoko- hama. Piece.. Yen. 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 4.92 5.00 6.00 5.00 4.67 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 4.37 4.00 4.37 4.65 4.55 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.55 4.66 4.55 4.65 4.55 4.56 4.55 4.56 Yoko- hama. Jo.... Yen. 2.12 2.20 2.22 2.23 a. 13 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.26 2.25 2.26 2.20 2.16 2.10 2.15 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.17 2.15 2.00 2.15 2.37 2.20 2.15 2.10 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.20 2.26 2.30 2.40 2.40 2.19 2.33 2.18 1.93 2.32 2.30 2.35 2.36 2.40 2.30 1.85 1.80 1.96 2.06 2.20 2.26 2., TO Yoko- hama. Piece. Yen. 0.83 .80 .72 .83 .83 .83 .72 .72 .72 .83 .83 .83 .83 .83 .83 .83 .83 .83 .81 .83 .76 .83 .83 .83 .63 .68 .71 .71 .63 .63 .63 .63 .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 Yoko- hama, Piece. Yen. 6.25 5.55 6.26 6.25 6.25 5.55 6.55 6.56 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.26 6.26 6.25 6.26 6.86 6.25 6.26 5.56 5.37 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.26 6.25 5.56 5.66 5.56 5.66 5.66 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Yoko- hama. Koku.. Yen. 41.33 44.58 47.00 42.00 44.83 44.50 49.00 47.00 46.00 42.00 43.00 41.00 41.00 47.00 46.50 46.00 45.00 42.60 38.13 40.00 36.00 40.00 36.50 42.00 40.00 38.00 34.00 35.00 39.00 39.00 40.00 41.00 40.00 37.50 32.00 41.33 33.00 36.60 44.17 61.67 32.00 33.50 33.60 32.00 34.00 43.60 44.60 44.00 44.00 48.00 52.00 65.00 Yoko- hama. Kama. Yen. 7.00 6.92 6.83 6.90 6.92 7.02 6.90 6.90 6.70 6.90 6.90 6.90 6.90 6.90 6.96 7.00 7.00 7.05 6.12 7.10 6.97 5.20 5.22 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 6.90 6.90 6.20 5.20 5.20 5.10 5.45 6.10 5.90 5.65 5.83 5.80 6.30 5.10 6.95 5.90 6.90 6.80 6.80 6.75 5.80 6.85 6.20 6.30 -6.40 INTERNATIONAL PRTOE COMPARISONS, 1913-1918. 379 WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918— Continued. Mats, floor, Tata- mlo- mote, blue, com- mon. Mats, floor, Tata- mlo- mote, blue, first class. Miso, red, com- mon (sauce). Momi, timber, square, Shingu. Paper, Mino, medi- um. Pine, tu?i Blue Plum. Pine, timber, square, Sendai. Sake (rice liquor). Shirt- ing, gray. Shirt- w^^'e. Market Unit Yoko- hama. Mat.. Yen. 0.39 .43 .38 .41 .44 .49 .37 , .38 .38 .40 .41 .42 .43 .44 .44 .48 .48 .50 .54 .48 .47 .67 .63 .49 .48 .48 .46 .48 .48 .66 .57 .69 .62 .62 .66 Yoko- Mat.. Yen. 0.53 .55 .62 .55 .55 .60 .51 .52 .52 .55 .65 .55 .55 .66 .55 .69 .59 .61 .67 .61 .60 .71 .78 .61 .61 .60 .58 .60 .61 .69 .71 .73 .73 .78 .S3 Yoko- hama. Kwan. Yen. 0.34 .34 .33 .32 .33 39 .33 ,33 .33 .33 .33 .31 .32 .33 .35 .36 .38 .43 .42 .37 .38 .46 ..48 .37 .36 .37 .36 .39 .40 .43 .48 .43 .48 .48 .48 Yoko- hama. Piece.. Yen. 5.00 5.78 4.55 5.88 5.88 6.83 4.55 4.55 4.55 5.88 6.88 5.88 5.88 6.88 5.88 6.67 6.67 7.14 7.24 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.55 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 7.14 8.38 Yoko- hama. Jo.... Yen. 2.12 2.70 3.10 2.52 2.49 2.68 3.00 3.30 3.00 2.70 2.50 2.35 2.40 2.48 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.85 2.69 2.10 2.17 2.90 3.20 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.30 2.70 3.00 3.00 3.20 3.20 3.20 Yoko- hama. Piece- Yen. 0.83 .78 .74 .71 .80 .86 .71 .76 .76 .71 .71 .71 .71 .86 .86 .85 .86 .86 .88 .86 .85 .85 .98 .85 .86 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 .86 .85 1.25 Yoko- hama. Piece.. Yen. 6.2S 6.34 5.00 6.25 6.56 7.54 6.00 5.00 5.00 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.25 7.15 7.15 7.15 8.33 8.47 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.89 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 8.33 10.00 Yoko- hama. Koku.. Yen. 41.33 53.17 55.50 63.00 60.00 54.17 55.60 66.00 66.00 54.00 53.00 62.00 61.00 49.00 60.00 54.00 64.60 54.00 57.00 47.67 50.33 62.50 67.62 49.00 47.00 47.00 62.00 49.00 60.00 57.50 62.50 67.50 67.50 67.65 67.50 Yoko- hama. Kama. Yen. 7.00 7.40 6.93 6.90 7.33 8.43 6.60 7.00 7.30 7.00 6.70 7.00 7.30 7.40 7.30 8.50 8.50 8.30 11.05 8.17 10.47 13.00 12.57 8.20 8.10 8.20 9.30 10.30 11.80 13.50 13.00 12.60 11.00 12.70 14.00 Yoko- hama. Basepiice 1916— Year Yen. 5.05 5.45 Quarters- First 5.27 4.90 Third 6.32 Fourtti . . . 6.30 Months- 5.00 February March 6.30 6.50 April 4.90 Mav 4.80 5.00 July 5.20 5.35 September October . . . 5.40 6.50 November December 1917— Year 6.60 S.90 8.42 Quarters- First . . 5.90 7.87 Third 10.00 Fourth 9.90 Months- January 5.80 February March 6.90 6.00 April 6.90 Miy 7.40 J^iTie 9.30 July 10.60 10.00 September October 9.50 8.90 November December 1918— Year.. .. 9.80 11.00 Quarters- First .63 .67 .73 .81 .90 .99 .54 .49 .56 8.59 11.11 11.11 3.70 4.10 4.38 1.25 1.38 1.38 10.00 12.50 12.50 .67.60 68.83 76.50 14.27 14.57 11.13 Second 11.00 Third 12.82 Months — January .63 .63 .62 .64 .67 .70 .72 .72 .75 .80 .80 .82 .82 .85 .90 95 .98 .98 1.00 1.03 .48 .58 .58 .53 .48 .48 .48 .58 .63 .60 8.33 8.33 9.10 U.U 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 U.U 3.45 3.75 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.35 4.50 5.00 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.50 12.50 12.60 12.60 12.60 12.60 12.60 67.60 67.50 67.60 67.60 69.50 69.60 69.60 77.60 82.50 83.75 14.00 14.00 14.80 14.90 14.00 14.80 16.50 17.60 (<•) 20.00 11.00 February 11.00 11.40 April 11.00 May 11.00 JllTlA , . , . , . 11.00 July 12.30 13.20 September October 12.95 14.05 a No quotation. oou IJNTHiKJNATiOJNAlj FKlUJi (JUMi'AKlSUJNS, iWiiS— laio. WHOLESALE PRICES IN JAPAN, BY MONTHS, QUARTERS, AND YEARS, 1913-1918- Continued. Silk, floss. Iwashiro. Silk, kaiki. Sleeper, chestnut, common. Soy (con- diment, bean juice), Neda. Talrawan (pickled radish), tnedium grade. Ume- boshi, (piclded plum), 8-lcwan packages. Wax, raw, "old fruit." Market Yoko- hama. lOkwan. Yen. 218.80 205.70 197.27 196.98 211.87 216.67 198.00 196.80 198.00 196.00 196.00 198.95 203.80 211.80 220.00 225.00' 200.00 225.00 212.42 225.00 221.67 216.33 186.67 220.00 230.00 226.00 218.00 220.00 227.00 227.00 212.00 210.00 190.00 185.00 185.00 188.58 186.00 182.33 186.67 199.33 188.00 185.00 185.00 187.00 180.00 180.00 185.00 187. 00 188.00 190.00 198.00 210.00 Yoko- hama. Tan Yen. 4.07 4.05 3.88 3.85 • 4.04 4.43 3,90 3.90 3.85 3.85 3.86 3.86 3.80 3.96 4.38 4.43 4.43 4.43 3.79 3.93 3.90 3.75 3.59 4.00 3.95 3.83 3.83 3.98 3.90 3.76 3.76 3.75 3.70 3.83 3.25 3.85 3.53 3.75 3.90 4.20 3.25 3.75 3.60 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.85 3.90 4.00 4.00 4.25 4.35 Yoko- hama. Piece... Yen. 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.25 12.6 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 . Yoko- hama. Koku... Yen. 18.25 17.08 16.33 15.33 18.00 18.67 17.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.00 15.00 17.00 18.50 18.60 18.60 18.50 19.00 19.00 18.17 18.17 20.00 19.67 18.50 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.50 18.50 20.00 21.50 20.50 19.60 19.00 19.33 19.50 20.17 18.33 19.33 18.60 19.50 20.50 21,50 21.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 19.00 19.00 19.50 19.60 Yoko- hama. 4to Yen. 2.88 2.85 2.68 3.20 3.00 2.52 2.45 2.65 3.05 3.40 3.20 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.55 2.50 2.50 2.97 2.92 3.09 2.97 2.90 2.86 2.95 2.95 2.96 3.08 3.25 2.50 3.15 3.25 3.20 2.80 2.70 2.99 2.80 2.88 2.92 3.35 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.90 2,95 2.95 2.95 , 2,85 3,35 3.60 3.10 Yoko- hama. 4 to Yen. 10.28 10.38 10.00 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.60 10.50 10.50 10,50 10,50 10,50 10,60 10,60 10,60 9.63 10.60 9.60 9.37 9.07 10,50 10,50 10,50 10,60 10,70 7,60 7,60 10,00 10,50 8,70 9,50 9,00 9,09 9.58 10.17 8.60 8.10 9.50 9.50 9.75 10,25 10,25 10,00 9,25 8.25 8.00 8.25 8.26 7.55 Yoko- Unit hama. . 10 kwan. Base price Yen. 14,51 1913— Year 14.24 Quarters- First 14.65 Second 14.67 Tlilrd 12.80 Fourtli 16.03 Montlis — January ■. 14.60 14.55 14.60 April . 14.65 14.60 14.56 July 12.76 12.80 12.85 October 13.80 15.80 15.50 1914— Year 15.37 Quarters- First 15.77 Second 14.47 Third 15.63 16.60 Months- January 15.50 15.80 March 16.00 April 13.80 May 15.80 June 13.80 July 15.80 August 15.50 September 15.60 October 15.80 15.60 December 15.40 1915— Year 16.48 Quarters- 16.33 Second . . . . 16.60 Third : 15.60 16.40 Months- January 15.20 15.40 16.40 April 15.40 May 16.90 16.50 July 15.60 15.60 15.-60 October 15.60 15.40 December 15.20 xx^ j-jui-vx^ .a.x.j.v/xY,a_i_i x'xwx\^i:j ui^xvxjt ,a~i.bxiav/x^ i^j x.ondon; Return of Market Prices, London. United States Food Administration Special Report on Prices m France (offlcial). Chamber of Commerce Journal, Yokohama. Statistisk Aarbofc for Kristiania, Christianla (official), Prisstegringen i Sverige under Krigstiden, Stockholm (official), Maeglernes Pris-Kurant, Copenhagen, Gas Engineer's Magazine, London. Prisstegringen i Sverige under Krigstiden, Stockholm (official). Chemical Trade Journal and Chemical Engineer, London, Do, Australasian Hardware and Machinery, Sydney and Melbourne, Chemical Trade Journal and Chemical Engineer, London, Do, Do, Do, Queensland Agricultural Journal, Brisbane (offlcial), Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung, Vienna, Canadian Grocer, Bulletin de la Statistique Generale de la France, Paris (offlcial), Vierteljahreshefte zur Statistik des deutscnen Reiehes, Berlin (official). Pastoral Review, Sydney, Melbourne, I,ondon, Statisti.sk Aarbok for Kristiania, Ohristiania (offlcial). Prisstegringen i Sverige under Krigstiden, Stockholm (official), Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung, Vienna, Australasian Hardware and Machinery, Sydney, and Mel- bourne, Do, Revillon Freres (Ltd,), World's Paper Trade Review, London, New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, Wellington, Anales de la Sociedad Rural Argentina, Buenos Aires, The Statist, London, Australasian Hardware and Machinery, Sydney and Melbourne, Le Moniteur du Commerce: Le Prix Courant, New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, Wellington. Journal of Commerce of Victoria and Melbourne Price Current, Melbourne, Canadian Grocer, Maeglernes Pris-Kurant, Copenhagen, The Statist, London, Tablettes Statistiques et Documents Legislatifs, Paris, Prices and Wages in India, Calcutta (offlcial); Prices and Freights in India, Calcutta (official); Wholesale and Retail Prices, Calcutta (official). Listinl del Municipio di Milano, MUan, Chamber of Commerce Journal, Yokohama, New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, Wellington, The Miller, London, Australasian Hardware and Machinery, Sydney and Mel- bourne, Hardware and Metal. The Economist, London, Bulletin de la Statistique Generale de la France, Paris (official), Boletin Mensual de Estadistica Agricola, Buenos -\ires, (offlcial). The Globe, Toronto, Reforme Economique, Paris, Listini del Municipio di Milano, Milan, Vnyeshnaya Torgovlya po Evropei-skvi Granitsye (offlcial). Prisstegringen 1 Sverige under Krigstiden, Stockholm (official). Chamber of Commerce Journal, Yokohama, New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, \V ellington Do. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 393 Commodity. Country. Source. Saltpeter. . Sheep - Shellac. . Shirting.. Shot Silk thread.. Sizings Skins Slates . Soap. Soda: Ash Caustic. Crystals. . Sodium: Bicarbonate.. Borate Carbonate.. Hydrate . . . Nitrate Prussiate.. Silicate Sulphate.. Sulphide- . Soy Spelter Starch. Steel... Denmark. India Sweden . . . Australia.. Austria. . . Canada England . . Germany.. India New Zealand.. Sweden Canada England India. Japan Australia.. England . . France India Italy Japan Russia Canada England... Argentina. . Australia... Canada England - . . India New Zealand., Sweden Australia.. Japan... Canada.. France.. England . Canada... France New Zealand., Denmark Italy Australia.. Canada... England . do.. . France... England.. do... France... Italy England . do... ....do... ....do... Japan Canada... England . Canada... do... England New Zealand.. Russia Maeglemes Pris-Kurant, Copenhagen. Prices and Wages in India, Calcutta (oflicial); War Prices and Freights at the end of September, 1917, Calcutta (oiHcial). Prisstegringen i Sverige under Krigstiden, Stockholm (ofRcial). Pastoral Review, Sydney, Melbourne, London. Warenpreisberichte, Vienna (official). The Grlobe, Toronto. Journal of the Board of Agriculture, London. Vierteljahreshefte zur Statistik des deutschon Reiches, Berlin (official). Prices and Wages in India, Caloutca (official); Wholesale and Retail Prices, Calcutta (official). Pastoral Review, Sydney, Melbourne, London. Sociala Meddelanden, Stockholm (official). Dealers; Hardware and Metai. The Statist. London. Prices and Wages m India, Calcutta (official); War Prices and Freights at the end of September, 1917, Calcutta (official; War Prices and Hou.se Rents at the end of December, 1917, Calcutta (official). Chamber of Commerce Journal, Yokohama. Australasian Hardware and Machinery, Sydney and Mel- bourne. The Economist, London. Chabrleres, Morel & Co.'s Report. Prices and Wages in India, Calcutta (official); War Prices and Freights at the end of September, 1917. Calcutta (official); War Prices and House Rents at the end of December, 1917, Calcutta (official). Bollettino dell 'Associazione Serica Italiana, Milan. Chamber of Commerce Journal, Yokohama. Vnyeshnava Torgovlya po Evropeiskvi Granitsye (official). Belding, Paul, Corticelli (Ltd.). World's Paper Trade Reriew, London. Review of the River Plate, Buenos Aires. Pastoral Review, Sydney, Melbourne, London. The Globe, Toronto; The Mail and Empire, Toronto. Leather Trades Review, London. Prices and Wages in India, Calcutta (official); War Prices and Freights at the end of September, 1917, Calcutta (official); War Prices and House Rents at the end of December, 1917, Calcutta (official). Pastoral Review, Sydney, Melbourne, London. Prisstegringen i Sverige under Krigstiden, Stockholm (oflicial). Australasian Hardware and Machinery, Sydney and Mel- bourne. Chamber of Commerce Journal, Yokohama. Dealers; Le Monitcur du Commerce. Tablettes Statistiques et Documents Legislatifs, Paris. Gas Engineers' Magazine, London. Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal; Dealers; Le Prix Cour- ant. Reforme Economique, Paris. New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, Wellington. Maeglemes Pris-Kurant, Copenhagen. Bollettina della Camera di Clommercio di Geneva, Genoa. Journal of Commerce of Victoria and Melbourne Price (Cur- rent, Melbourne. Dealer. The Economist, London. Chemical Trade Journal and Chemical Engineer, London. Reforme Economique, Paris. Chemical Trade Journal and Chemical Engineer, London. Do. Reforme Economique, Paris. Bollettino della Camera di Commercio di Geneva, Genoa. Chemical Trade Journal and Chemical Engineer, London. Do. Do. Do. Chamber of Commerce Journal, Yokohama. Canadian Mining Journal. The Statist, London. Canadian Grocer. Canadian Journal of Commerce; Dealers; Dominion Iron and Steel Co.; Hardware and Metal. The Economist, London; Iron and Steel Trades Journal, London. New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, Wellington. Vnyeshnaya Torgovlya po Evropeiskvi Granitsye (official) . 394 BIBLIOGBAPHT. Commodity. Country. Source. Steers. Straw. Sugar. Sulphur.. Brimstone. . . Superphosphates . Takiwan. Tallow... Tapioca. Tar Tea. Tiles Timber. Tin Crystals. , Plates.... Tobacco. Argentina. . Italy Sweden Argentina.. Austria Canada . . . , France Japan Norway Australia. . Canada Denmark. . England... Trance India Italy Japan New Zealand. Russia Sweden. Australia. Denmark England Italy New Zealand- England Trance Sweden Japan Argentina Australia Canada England France New Zealand. Norway Eussia England Australia Canada. . . Australia. . Canada.,. Denmark. Germany. . India Japan do England.. Canada. . . England.. France Germany. India Russia Sweden... England.. Australia. England New Zealand. Canada England Germany India New Zealand. Review of the River Plate, Buenos Aires. Listini del Munioipio di Milano, Milan. Sociala Meddelanden, Stockholm (oflficial). Anales de la Sociedad Rural Argentina, Buenos Aires. Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung, Vienna. The Globe, Toronto. Eeforme Economlque, Paris. Chamber of Commerce Journal, Yokohama. Statistisk Aarbok for Kristiania, Christianla (official). Australian Sugar Journal, Brisbane. Canadian Grocer. Maeglemes Pris-Kurant, Copenhagen. The Economist, London. Reforme Economlque, Paris. Prices and Wages In India, Calcutta (official); War Prices and Freights at the end of September, 1917, Calcutta (official); War Prices and House Rents at the end of December, 1917, Calcutta (official). BoUetino della Camera di Commercio dl Genova, Genoa. Chamber of Commerce Jaamal, Yokohama. New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, Wellington. Vnyeshnaya Torgovlya po Evropeiskvi Granltsye (offi- cial). Prisstegringen i Sverige under Krigstlden, Stockholm (official). Journal of Commerce of Victoria and Melbourne Price Current, Melbourne. Maedemes Pris-Eurant, Copenhagen. Gas Engineers' Magazine, London. Listini del Consorzio Solnfero. New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, Wellington. Chemical Trade Journal and Chemical Engineer, London. Reforme Economlque, Paris. Prisstegringen i Sverige under Krigstlden, Stockholm (offi- cial). Chamber of Commerce Journal, Yokohama. Review of the River Plate, Buenos Aires. Pastoral Review, Sydney, Melbourne, London. The Globe, Toronto. The Statist, London. Bulletin des Halles, Bourses et Marches, Paris. Pastoral Review, Sydney, Melbovune, London. Statistisk Aarbok for Kristiania, Christianla (official). Vnyeshnaya Torgovlya po Evropeiskvi Granltsye (official). The Economist, London. Australasian Hardware and Machinery Sydney, and Mel- bourne. Hardware and Metal. Journal of Commerce of Victoria and Melbourne Price Current, Melbourne. Trade Bulletin. Maeglemes Pris-Kurant, Copenhagen. Vierteljahreshefte zur Statistik des dentschen Reiches, Berlin (official). Prices and Wages in India, Calcutta (official); War Prices and Freights at the end of September, 1917, Calcutta (official); War Prices and House Rents at the end of December, 1917, Calcutta (official). Chamber of Commerce Journal, Yokohama. Do. The Economist, London. Hardware and Metal. Iron and Steel Trades Journal, London. L'Economiste Francais, Paris (official). Vierteljahreshefte zur Statistik des deutschen Belches, Berlin (olRcial). Prices and Wages in India, Calcutta (official); War Prices and Freights at the end of September, 1917, Calcutta (official); War Prices and House Rents at the end of December, 1917, Calcutta (official). Vnyeshnaya Torgovlya po Evropeiskvi Granltsye (official). Prisstegringen 1 Svenge under Krigstlden, Stockholm (offi- cial). Chemical Trade Journal and Chemical Engineer, London. Australasian Hardware and Machinery, Sydney and Mel- bourne. Iron and Steel Trades Journal, London. if New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, Wellington. Large buyers. The Economist, London. Vierteljahreshefte zur Statistik des deutschen Reiches, Berlin (official). Prices and Wages in India, Calcutta (official); Wholesale and Retail Prices, Calcutta (official). New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, Wellington. BIBLIOGBAPHY. 395 Commadity. Country. Source. Turkeys. . . Tuimeric. . Turpentine Twine. Veal... Wax... Wbeat. ■WWting Wine Wood pulps. Wool Yam: Worsted. Wool Cotton... Zinc. Clilorlde.. Sulphate., Australia. England.. India Australia. Canada England New Zealand. England Austria Canada England Norway Japan Argentina Australia Canada Denmark. England.. France India. Italy Japan New Zealand. Bussia Sweden. do.... France England.. Australia. Canada... England.. France Germany. India. Italy... Russia. Canada.. England. Inffla. ... Australia. Canada. . . France Oennany. Italy New Zealand. Norway Sweden England. do... Queensland Agricultural Journal, Brisbane (official). The Economist, London. Prices and Wages In India, Calcutta (official); Wholesale and Betail Prices, Calcutta (official). Australasian Hardware and Machinery, Sydney and Mel- bourne. Hardware and Metal. The Statist, London. New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, Wellington. World's Paper Trade Review, London. Warenpreisberlehte, Vienna (official). The Globe, Toronto. Journal of the Board of Agriculture, London. Statistisk Aarbok for Kristiania, Cnristiania (official). Chamber of Commerce Journal, Yokohama. Anales dela Sociedad Rural Argentina, Buenos Aires. Queensland Agricultural Joumai, Brisbane (official). Annual Report of Winnipeg Grain Exchange; Grais Growers' Guide; The Manitoba Free Press, Winnipeg. Maeglemes Pris-Kurant, Copenhagen. The Economist, London. International Crop Report and Agricultural Statistics Rome (official). Prices and Wages In India, Calcutta (official); Wheal Prices in India, Calcutta (official); Wholesale and Retail Prices, Calcutta (official). LIstinI del Municipio dl Milano, Milan. Chamber of Commerce Journal, Yokohama. New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, Wellington Vnyeshnaya Torgovlya po Evropeiskvl Granitsye (offi- cial). Prisstegringen I Sverige under Krigstiden, Stockholn (official). Socjala Meddelanden, Stockholm (official). Tablettes Statistiques et Documents Leglslatifs, Paris. World's Paper Trade Review, London. Joumai of Commerce of Victoria and Melbourne Prici Ciurent, Melbourne. The Globe, Toronto. The Wool Record, Bradford. Bulletin de la Statistlque Generale de la France, Paris. Vierteljahreshefte zur Statlstik des deutschen Belches Berlin (official). Prices and Wages In India, Calcutta (official); War Price: and Freights at the end of September, 1917, Calcuttt (official); War Prices and House Bents at the end o December, 1917, Calcutta (official). Bevista Eoonomica deUa Camera dl Commereio dl Napoll Naples. Vnyeshnaya Torgovlya po Evropeiskvl Granitsye (offl Large manufacturers. The Wool Eeoord, Bradford. Prices and Wages in India, Calcutta (official); War Price and Freights at the end of September, 1917, Calcutta (official); War Prices and House Rents at the end o December, 1917, Calcutta (official). Australasian Hardware and Machinery, Sydney and Mel bourne. Hardware and Metal. Reforme Economique, Paris. Vierteljahreshefte zur Statlstik des deutschen Reiches Berlin (official). BoUetino della Camera dl Commereio dl Genova, Genoa. New Zealand Trade Review and Price Current, Wellington Farmand, Christianla. Prisstegringen 1 Sverige under Krigstiden, Stockholn (offii^). Chemical Trade Joumai and Chemical Engineer, London Gas Engineers' Magazine, London. o Si::4f. r^