LIBRARY ANNEX Cornell University Library Z 881.U5CO1910 Select list of references on the cost of 3 1924 014 573 046 Hsite (EalUge of l^gricttlturc 3tl;ara, ^. 1- EthratH LIBEAEY OE OOJS^GEESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE COST OF LIVING AND PRICES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HEEMANN HENRY BERNAED MEYEE CHIBF BIBLIOGRAPHBR WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ForsalfeBytiiS 1910 Stiperintendent of Documents PrlC6 15c> Oovemment Printing Office The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. LIBRAET OF COI^^GRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON THE COST OF LIVING AND PRICES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMANN HENRY BERNARD IVIEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVEENMBNT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 L. C. card, 10—35008 PREFATORY NOTE The prevailing high prices of commodities and the consequent high cost of living have been the subject of widespread discussion in this and other countries. This list attempts to direct attention to the lit- erature of the subject contained in the Library of Congress. Matter relating to conditions in the United States has received the first consideration, but all the more important foreign countries are represented. In arranging the material, general discussions have been placed at the beginning and some attempt has been made to separate discussions on the Cost of living from those relating more strictly to Prices. As a comparative treatment of prices is hardly practicable without the use of Index Numbers, references to the latter have been included in this section. Most treatises on political economy devote some space to prices and index numbers, but references to these have not as a rule been included in the list. To the reader desiring an elementary dis- cussion of prices or exchange values the following ax'e suggested: J. B. Clark, Essentials of economic theory, chap, vi, vii; E. T. Ely, Outline of economics, rev. ed., chap, xi, xii; A. S. Johnson, Intro- duction to economics, chap, ii, iii, iv, xv; J. L. Laughlin, Elements of political economy, Book 2, and chap, xxm; J. S. Mill, Principles of political economy. Book 3; J. S. Nicholson, Principles of political economy, v. 2, bk. 3, consult index of v. 1 and 3; H. R. Seager, Intro- duction to economics, 3d ed., chap, v, xv, xvi; E. R. A. Seligman, Principles of economics, 1909, Book 4, chap, xxviii. The last includes a lucid description of Index numbers and the brief select list of refer- ences on this subject at the head of the chapter will furnish enough material for all except specialists. For extended research see Kem- merer, Laughlin, and Walsh. References relating to the United States are placed immediately after the general discussions and then follows in alphabetical order the material relating specifically to foreign countries, the references on the cost of living being in each case separated from those on prices. The influence of the increased gold supply of the world oh prices has occupied a large space in the discussions, and the last section of the list is devoted to references on Gold in relation to prices. Just as Prices imply Index numbers so discussions of the Cost of living imply Family budgets. These are both brought out in the sub- ject index, which also affords a clue to material on certain important IV LIBRARY OF CONGRESS commodities and such special aspects of the subject as the History of prices, Purchasing power of Money, Standard of living, Tariff and prices, Theory of prices, and Trusts and prices. In the case of certain serials only the last volumes of sets are noted. The subject of this list has been under investigation by a Select com- mittee of the United States Senate on wages and prices of commodi- ties. A report of the Committee is to be published shortly. The General Court of Massachusetts has also appointed a Commission on the cost of living. This report also will be printed in full. An abstract from it has been issued as a Senate document. It was received too late for insertion in its proper place in the list and is therefore entered here: Massachusetts. Oeneral court. Report of the Massachusetts commission on the high cost of living. May 6, 1910. 13 pp. 8°. (TJ. S., Gist Congress, 2d ses- sion. Senate doc. no. 523.) The following was in use at the time the list was compiled and could not be examined in time for inclusion in the list. It is too important to omit and is therefore also entered here: Bureau of economic research. Quarterly bulletin. No. 1, July, 1900; No. 2, Octo- ber, 1900. Ne7v York, 1900. Slno». 8°. Compiled under the direction of John K. Commons. Contents.— No. 1. Comparative prices, freight rates, stock quotations for the years 1878 to 1900, shown by percentage or index numbers. No. 2. Wholesale prices by monthly and quarterly averages, 1896 to 1900 and 1878 to 1882. Shown by index numbers and diagrams. H. H. B. Meyek CMef Bibliographer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington., D. O., May 11, 1910 TABLE OF CONTENTS Greneral: Page. Cost of living 1-6 Prices 6-16 United States: Cost of living 17-36 Prices 37-44 Argentina 45 Austria-Hungary 45-46 Belgium: Cost of living 47 Prices 48 Bulgaria 48 Chile 48 China 49 Denmark 49 France: Cost of living 49-51 Prices 51-52 Germany: Cost of living 52-56 Prices 56-61 Great Britain: Cost of living : 62-66 Prices 66-71 Great Britain — Colonies 72-75 Hawaii 75 Italy 76 Japan 77 The Netherlands 77 Russia 78 Servia 78 Spain 78 Sweden 78-79 Switzerland 79 Gold and other precious metals in relation to prices 80-91 Periodicals ." 92 Author index 93-98 Subject index 99-107 V GENERAL COST OF LIVING Avenel, Georges d', vicomte. L' evolution des depenses privees depuis sept siecles. I. Le nivellement des jouissances. II. La nourriture. Revue des deux Tnondes, May 1, 1909, 6. per. t. 51: 106-132; Nov. 15, 1909, 5. -per. t. 64: 281-314. BidweU, Charles Toll. The cost of living abroad. Reports and statistics showing the prices of house-rent, wages, com- modities, clerk-hire, &c., at the present time, and com- pared with those of the year 1858, at most of the principal places in foreign countries. Compiled from official returns laid before Parliament. London: S. Low, Marston, Searle, c& Bivington, 1876. xii, 244 PP- 12°. Cheysson, E. La monographic; la statistique et ses deux grandes m^thodes. La Reforme sociale, Nov. 1, 1895, v. 30: 629-645. La monographic d'atelier. La Reforme sociale. Bee. 1, 1896, v. 32: 779-791. La monographic de famille. LaReforme sodale, Nov. 1, 16, 1896, v. 32: 605-619, 705-719. Cheysson, E. aind Alfred Toque. Les budgets compares des cent monographies de families publiees d'apr^s un cadre uni- f orme dans ' 'Les Ouvriers europeens " et "Les Ouvriers des deux mondes." {In Institut international de statistique. Bulletin, vol. 5, pt. 1, pp. 1-157. Rome, 1890. 8°.) "Easai bibliographique sur les monographies et Etudes de famille," pp. 41^4. Chiozza-Money, Leone George. , Elements of the fiscal problem. London: P S. King <& son, 1903. (8), 237 pp. Frontis- piece. 8°. Cost ot food to a workman's family, Germany and Great Britain, pp. 176-177. 1 2 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Delaire, A. Les monographies de families en France et k I'^tranger. La Reforme sociale, Feb. 16, 1892, v. 23: 253-264. Gompers, Samuel. A general view of European working class conditions. . . • Low level of wages. The fallacy of cheap living in Europe. American federationist, Jan., 1910, v. 17: 65-61. Great Britain. Board of trade. British and foreign trade and industry. Memoranda, statistical tables, and charts, pre- pared in the Board of trade with reference to various matters bearing on British and foreign trade and indus- trial conditions. Presented to Parliament by command of His Majesty. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Eyre and Spottis- woode, 1903-1905. 2 vols, and index. Tables. Diagrams. Charts. F°. {Gt. Brit. Parliament. Papers by comrnand. Cd. 1761; Cd. 2337; Cd. 2669.) "Consumption o£ food and cost of living of working claaaes in the United Kingdom, and certain foreign countries," vol. 1, pp. 207-258; "Consumption and cost of food in workmen's families in urban districts in the United Kingdom," vol. 2, pp. 3-28; "Changes in the cost of living of the working classes in large towns," vol. 2, pp. 29-75; "Course of the wholesale prices of cereals and flour in the principal countries (1840-1903)," vol. 2, pp. 209-249. See also in regard to prices. Index, page 37. British and foreign trade and industry. Statistical tables and charts relating to British and foreign trade and industry (1854-1908). (In continuation of certain tables and charts contained in the Returns Cd. 1761 of 1903 and Cd. 2337 of 1904, with additions.) Presented to both Houses of Parhament by command of Hjs Majesty. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery office, by Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1909. viii, 233 pp. Tables. Diagrams. F°. Great Britain. Parliament. Papers by command, CM. 4954.) " Course of wholesale prices in the United Kingdom of 45 principal articles, and index numbers of wholesale prices, 1871-1908 " pp. 184-190; "Retail price of flour in London, 1878-1908," p. 191; " RetaU price of bread in London, Edinburgh, and Dublin 1875-1908," p. 192; "Retail price of bread in London, Paris' Berhn, and New York, 1886-1908," p. 193; "Prices of cereafe and of wheat flour in the United Kingdom, France, Germany and the United States, 1854-1908," pp. 194-202; "Course of retail prices of food in London, 1895-1908," p. 203- "in Berlin 1895-1907," p. 204; "in New York, 1895-1907," p. 205. COST OF living: general 3 Oreat Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. Annual series. London, 1886-1909. 99 v. Maps. Tables. 8°. (Parlia- ment. Papers hy command.) Diplomatic and consular reports. Miscellaneous series, no. 1-670. London, 1886-1909. 670 no. in 21 v. Maps. Tables. 8°. {Parliament. Papers by command.) Index to consular reports. 1886/96-1908. London, 1896-1909. 12 v. 8° For material on Cost of living and Prices, see under these headings in each volume. Reports from Her Majesty's diplomatic and consular agents abroad, respecting the condition of the industrial classes in foreign countries. London: Printed by Harrison & sons, 1870. (2), 679 pp. Tables. 8°. Presented to both houses of Parliament by Her Majesty's com- mand. 1870. Further reports from Her Majesty's diplomatic and consular agents abroad respecting the condition of the industrial classes and the purchase power of money in for- eign countries. London: Printed by Harrison cfc sons, 1871. v, 9^6 pp. Tables. 8°. Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of Her Maj- esty. 1871. Grotjahn, Alfred. tJber Wandlungen in der Volksemahrung. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1902. vi, {2), 72 pp. Tables. 8°. {Stoats- und socialwissenscJiaftlicJie Forschungen, hrsg. von G. Schmoller. 20. Bd., 2. Hft.) Gruber, Ignaz. Die Haushaltung der arbeitenden Klassen. Jena: G. Fischer, 1887. viii, 178, {2) pp. 8°. {Staats- wissenschaftliche Studien. 1. Bd., 4- Hft.) Household budgets abroad. Comhill magazine, July-Dec., 1904, v. 17: 87-101, 181-194, 336-348, 467-480, 631-663, 806-821. Contents. — I. Germany, Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick; II. The United States of America, Mrs. Ruth K. Gardiner; III. France, Miss Betham-Edwards; IV. Italy, L. Villari; V. Australia, Mrs. B. R. Wise; VI. Canada, Jean N. Mcllwraith. The articles on Germany, Prance, and Italy are also published in The Critic, vol. 45, Sept., Oct., Nov., 1904. 4 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS How the working classes live. {In The Daily News yearbook, 1910, pp. 177-179. London, 1910. 12°.) Statistics of cost of living in the United Kingdom; with compara- tive statistics of Germany and France. Landolt, Charles. Directions sur la mani^re de dresser les budgets d'ouvriers industriels et d' artisans. {In Institut international de statistique. Bulletin, vol. 6, pt. 2, pp. 289-304. Rome, 1892. 8°.) " Liste bibliographique de quelques ouvrages ou m^moires parus Bur la question des budgets d'ouvriers, " pp. 301-304. Le Play, Pierre Guillaume Fr6d6ric. Les ouvriers europ6ens. (2. M.) Tours: A. Mame etjOs, 1877-79. 6 v. Tables. 8°. Throughout the work budgets of representative families in all parts of the world are discussed. Ogg, Frederic Austin. The cost of living. II. In Europe. W-, in Yale re^•iew, vol. IS. Nov., 1909, pp. 32.'i-329. Chapman, M. S. Real reason for high prices. American economist, Jan. 21, 1910, i\ 45: 3,5. Child, Richard Washburn. What is K? Everybody's magazine, Feb., 1910, v. 22: 147-157. Two answers: Henry M. Steel; Theodore Justice; in American economist. Mar. 4, 1910, v. 45: 104-106. The making of " K," the wool schedule. Everybody's magazine, Mar., 1910, v. 22: 33SS49. These articles discuss the influence of tlie tariff on the increase in the price of clothing. COST OF LIVING: UNITED STATES 19 Clark, Walter E. Why should the cost of living increase? A sur- vey and analysis of the assigned causes. American review of reviews, Feb., 1910, v. 4I' 183-189. Colorado. Bureau of labor statistics. Biennial report. Denver, 1888-1908. 8°. ■ 1887-8: Statistics of wages, cost of living, etc., pp. 250-253, 323- 329; 1891-2: Social condition and cost of living, pp. 115-118; 1893-4: Summary of average incomes and expenditures for 35 years, pp. 137-151; 1901-2: Prices of commodities in Colorado, pp. 98-122; How trusts have affected prices and wages in the United States, pp. 416-420; 1903-4: Cost of living— Prices of commodities, pp. 45, 47 (Folded tables); 1907-8: Table showing cost of living in various counties, facing p. 78. Conant, Charles A. Irritation causae par la hausse des prix. Revue economique intemationale, Feb. 15—20, 1910, 7. annee: 4O3-4O6. A Concrete illustration showing the cost of living greatly exceeds the -increase of wages. Arena, May, 1907, v. 37: 634-535. Connecticut. Bureau of labor statistics. Annual report. Hartford, [etc.] 1874-1908. 8°. 1888: Comparative wages and cost of the necessaries of life, 1860- 1887, P- 95; Receipts and expenses of wage earners, pp. 97-135. 1897: Statistics of cost of living, pp. 26-81. Cook, Walter F. The study of retail prices in Boston and vicinity. American statistical association. Publications, Sept.— Dec, 1890, n. s. V. 2: 116-119. The Cost of food. Nation, Dec. 10, 1903, v. 77: 459-460. "Cost of Uving." Nation, Jan. 27, 1910, v. 90: 78. The Cost of living. Literary digest, Oct. 19, 1907, v. 35: 559. The Cost of living. Good houselceeping. Mar., 1909, v. 48: 307-311. The Cost of living. World to-day, Feb., 1910, v. 18: 132-133. Cost of living and the money market. Nation, Dec. 23, 1909, v. 89: 635-636. 20 tilBKAKY OF CONGKESS The Cost of living in America. „^ Ecorwmist (London), Jan. 1, Mar. 12, 1910, v. 70: 16; dbo. Cost of living investigation. American economist, Jan. 28, 1910, v. 4^: 47. The Cost of living question. Protectionist, Feb., 1910, v. 21: 545-560. "From the Springfield Republican." The Cost of living— the causes of high prices— tariff. Current literature. Mar., 1910, v. 48: 2S9-24S. The Cost of living yesterday and to-day. Harper's weekly, Aug. 16, 1902, v. 46: 1109. The Cost of living. Independent, Feh. 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Apr. 7, 14, 1910, V. 68:292-294,342-346,392-395, 443-447; 614-518; 557-561, 610-613, 674-679, 741-742; 794-^03. Contents.— I. The remedy for the high prices, J. Pease Norton; II. The crisis in American home life, Simon N. Patten; III. The tariff and cost of living, Byron W. Holt; IV. An old- fashioned theory of prices, Franklin H. Giddlngs; V. Prices and incomes, John Bates Clark; VI. Economy in diet, Russell H. Chittenden; VII. Does increased gold production increase prices? Stewert Brown; VIII. High and low prices, Edwin R. A. Seligman; IX. The cost of food under free trade and protection, J. D. Whelpley; X. Symposium of letters from readers of the Independent. Costs more to hve. Big increase in prices as compared with 1897 — Average expenses of the workingman's family. Trade register, Jan. 31, 1903, v. 20: 3, 8. Creelman, James. The great American food tragedy. Pearson's magazine, Jan., 1908, v. 19: 3-21. The Decline in the cost of living. Nation, Sept. 17, 1908, v. 87: 273. Deming, C. Income and costs of living. Nation, Fel. 20, 1890, v. 50: I48. Devine, Edward T. The cost of Uving. Survey, Feb. 12, 1910, v. 23: 691-692. Dickson, Edith. The rise in the cost of living. American magazine, Sept., 1907, v. 64: 554-556. COST OF LIVING: UNITED STATES 21 Dodge, Arthur J. Investigating the cost of living. American economist, Mar. 18, 1910, v. J^5: 121-122. The price investigation. American economist, Feb. 18, 1910, v. 4^: 80. Why it costs more to hve. American economist, Aug. 27, 1909, v. 44-' 97, 99. Dodge, James Richards. The American standard of hving. Chautauquan, Sept., 1893, v. 17: 711-715. The standard of Uving in the United States. Science, Sept. 5, 1890, v. 16: 131-133. Abstract of an address before the American association for the advancement of science, Aug. 20, 1890. A Dollar-and-a-half fight. American magazine, Dec, 1907, v. 65: 220-222. Douglas, Albert. Increased cost of living. Speech in the House of Representatives, January 4, 1910. (In Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 45 (current file), pp. 301-304.) Dunne, F. P. Mr. Dooley on the cost of living. Am,erican magazine, Jan., 1910, v. 69: 325-329. Eaton, Isabel. Receipts and expenditures of certain wage-earners in the garment trades. Am^erican statistical association. Publications, June, 1895, V. 4: 135-180. Escher, Franklin. Security values vs. the cost of living. Harper's weeTcly, v. 54, Jan. 29, 1910: 28. Ever-risiiig cost of living. World's work, Jan., 1910, v. 19: 12424-12425. The Pood cost of an "average family." World's worTc, Apr., 1905, v. 9: 6011. Frankel, Lee K. The cost of living in New York. Charities and the Commons, Nov. 16, 1907, v. 19: 1049-1054- Franklin, A. The investor and the cost of living. Bankers' magazine {New Yorlc) Feb., 1910, v. 80: 257-261. 22 LIBBARY OF CONGRESS Gardner, Augustus P. The high cost of food— Is the tariff respon- sible? Speech iii the House of Kepresentatives, Febru- ary 24, 1910. (In Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 45 (current file), pp. 2620-2628.) Contains reprint of President Gompers's article on Wages and cost of living; and gives statistics of prices in the United States and some foreign countries. Getting down to hard pan : the standard of living. Charities and the Commons, Nov. 17, 1906, v. 17: 299-322. Contents.— The social significance of the standard of living, Frank Tucker; The relation between standards of living and stajidards of compensation, Lee K. Frankel; The minimum practicable cost of an adequate standard of living in New York city, Caroline Goodyear; The facts considered, William J. White. Glosson, William H. Living in an era of rising prices. South Atlantic quarterly, Oct., 1909, v. 8: 370-381. Gould, Elgin Ralston Lovell. The social condition of labor. Baltimore: The Johns Ho-pkins press, 1893. 42 pp. 8°. {Johns HopTcins university studies in historical and political science, llih ser., I.) The Greater cost of living. Current literature, Feb., 1902, v. 32: 211. Greene, Frank. High prices and the cost of living. Outlool, Mar. 12, 1910, v. 94: 569-573. Halstead, Marshal. Wages and cost of living in Great Britain and the United States. United States. Consular reports, Nov., 190 A r 77 no 290- 45-49. , ■ , . Have high prices injured workingmen ? Outlool, Sept. IS, 1902, v. 72: 107-109. Herrick, Christine Terhune. Concerning race suicide. North American review, Feb. 15, 1907, v. 184- 407~A1-^ Increased cost of living the cause. Herzfeld, Elsa Goldina. Family monographs; the history of twenty-four families living in the middle west side of New Pa'sonf ' " ^^t^duction. Preface by Elsie Clews "'T^oS^'-.o'^' ''■ ""^"''^ ^"^^ ^-?-.'/, 1905. COST OF LIVING: UNITED STATES 23 Hewes, Elizabeth. Some dangers from high prices. American magazine, Jan., 1910, v. 69: 34-6-347. The riddle of high prices. American magazine, Apr., 1910, v. 69: 836-839. Hewes, Fletcher Willis. How the American wage-earner spends his income. Everybody's magazine, Sept., 1906, v. 15: 365-367. Ridgway's, Oct. 6, 1906, v. 1: 14-15. What it costs to live. " Harper's weekly. Mar. 25, 1905, v. 49: 426-427. Hitchcock, A. P. How a family lived a year on $185 and a farm. Country life in America, Jan., 1909, v. 15: 269-271. How one working farmer lives on $500 a year. Country life in America, Apr., 1909, v. 15: 627-629. Living in the country on $1,200 a year. Country life in America, Nov., 1909, v. 17: 50-51. How we live on $1000 a year or less. Ladies' home journal, v. 22, Jan., 1905: 38. Howells, William Dean. Cheapness of the means of living in New York. Harper's magazine, Mar., 1909, v. 118: 641-644- Cost of living in New York. Harper's magazine, Apr., 1909, v. 118: 803-806. I 1. I. I. Howey, Walter C. Our beef supply as a great business. American review of reviews. Mar., 1910, v. 41: 308-', niinois. Bureau of labor statistics. Bieimial report. Springfield, III., 1882-1907. 8°. 1881-2: Statistics of wages, rents, and thecost of living, pp. 290- 365; 1883-4: Earnings, expenses, and condition of workingmen and their families, pp. 133-414. The Increase in the cost of living. Independent, Jan. 6, 1910, v. 68: 58-59. The Increased cost of living. American food journal, Feb. 15, 1910, v. 5: 1-3. The Increased cost of living. Harper's weeUy, Jan. 31, 1903, v. Jfl: 201, 203-205. 24 LIBBARY OF CONGEBSS The Increased cost of living — a summary. Harper's bazar, Feb.,' 1907, v. U: 162-164. Increased cost of living. Article from the Louisville Post of Feb- ruary 9, 1910. (In Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 4& (current file), pp. 2329-2330.) Indiana. Bureau of statistics. Report. IndiarmpoKs, 1880-1908. 18 v. PUtes. Maps. Tables. 8°. 1891-92: The cost of living [in 1891 in Indianapolis, Evansville, and Terre Haute], pp. 339-352. Iowa. Bureau of labor statistics. Biennial report. Des Moines, 1887-1908. 8°. 1884-5: School teachers, wages, cost of living, etc., pp. 254-259; Tables of wages, cost of living, etc., pp. 296-345; 1886-7: Wages, cost of living, homes, etc., of wage-workers, pp. 5-118, 165-187; 1888-9: Statistics of wages, cost of living, etc., pp. 5-101, 125- 173; 1890-91: Cost of living, pp. 271-273. Kansas. Bureau of labor and industrial statistics. Annual report. Topelca, 1887-1908. 8°. Wages— tables— days lost— cost of living, etc., 1885: pp. 204-231 Wage-workers, their earnings and expenses, 1886: pp. 21&-373 1887: pp. 75-191; 1888: pp. 169-265; 1889: pp. 197-280; 1895; pp. 134-142; 1896: pp. 61-87; 1898: pp. 98-149; 1899: pp. 20-211; 1901: pp. 5-121; 1902: pp. 193-273; 1903: pp. 3-152, A five-year comparison of wages, cost of living, etc., pp. 153-158; 1904: A comparison of retail prices and living commodities for five years, pp. 179-214, Wage-earners statistics, pp. 339-360; 1906: pp. 1-88; 1907: pp. 1-101. Keith, John. The strangle-hold of labor. Harper's weekly, Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 19, 26, 1903, v. 47; 1902- 1904; I94O-I94I; 2062-2064; 2094-2096. I. The rent rack; II. The problem of transportation; III. The influence of organized labor upon the cost of living and the price of food; IV. Clothes and e very-day necessities. Kennan, George. The cost of living: remarkable results obtained at the second largest institution of learning in the United States. The story of the University of Valparaiso, Indiana. McOlure's magazine, Mar., 1908, v. SO: 639-650 Kirkhoven, Lucius. Wages and the cost of living. Van Norden, Jan., 1909, v. 4'- 522-624. COST OF LIVING : UNITED .STATES 25 Laquer, D. Der Haushalt des amerikanischen und des deutschen Arbeiters. Leipzig: Breitlcopf <& Hartel, 1906. 23 pp. 8°. (Klini- sche Vortrdge No. 4S0.) Laughlin, J. Laurence. The increased cost of living. Scribner's magazine, May, 1910, v. 47: 639-560. Laut, Agnes C. The housekeeper and the rising cost of living. American review of reviews, Feb., 1910, v. ^1: 180-183. One woman's views on high prices. Ridgway's, v. 1, Dec. 22, 1906: 41-^2; Jan. 6, 1907: 31-32. Levasseur, EmUe i. e. Pierre finule. L'ouvrier am^ricain. Paris: L. Larose, 1898. 2 vols. Tables. 8°. Coftt de la vie, v. 1: 611-617; L'ouvrier chez lui: 1. Nourriture, 2. VStement, 3. Le logement, v. 2: 1-96; 6. Le salaire r6el et I'equilibre du budget ouvrier, v. 2: 162-216. The American workman. An American translation by Thomas S. Adams, ed. by Theodore Marburg. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins press, 1900. xx, 517 pp. 8°. (Johns HopTcins university studies in historical and political science. Extra volume.) Cost of living, pp. 375-381, 420^24, 450-451; Real wages and workmen's budgets, pp. 393^35, 449^50. The standard of living of American workingmen. Yale review, Aug., 1896, v. 5: 122-142. Reprinted in part in Gunton's magazine, v. 12: 103-109. Life in New York city on $1,800 a year. American magazine, Oct., 1907, v. 64: 666-667. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Wages and prices as affected by the tariff. Speech in the Senate, January 28, 1910. (/n Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 45 (current file), pp. 1217-1241.) Low, Alfred Maurice. Protection in the United States; a study of the origin and growth of the American tariff system, and its econonaic and social influences. London: P. S. King & son, 1904. vii, (2), 167 pp. 12°. {Protection in various countries. Ed. by W. H. Dawson.) The general cost of living: pp. 79-93. Magee, J. D. Food prices and the cost of living. Journal of political economy, A'pr., 1910, v. 18: 294-308. 26 LIBBAEY OF CONGBESS Maine. Bureau of industrial and Uhor statistics. Annual repor lst-22d, 1887-1908. Augusta, [etc.], 1888-1908. 8°. 1887: Wages, cost of living, etc., of wage-workers, pp. 61 9b. 1888: Workingmen's returns, pp. 40-63. 1889: Contains statistics of cost of living in the quarrying a^d ship building industries. 1891: Working-men's returns, pp. 11-130. 1895: Working-men's returns, pp. 14-73. 1900: Working-men's returns, pp. 8-32. Martin, Edward S. The impossibility of living on anything a year. Appleton's magazine, Mar., 1908, v. 11: 327-329. Maryland. Bureau of industrial statistics. Annual report. Baltimore, 1893-1908. 8°. Cost of living: 1884-5, pp. 80-86, 187-201; 1890-91 pp. 229; 1903, pp. 1^, 10-21; 1904, pp. 113-121; 1905, pp. 249-2-59; 1906, pp. 133-151; 1907, pp. 135-143; 1908, pp. 343-350. Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of Uhor. Annual report. Boston, 1870-1908. 8°. 1872: Statistics of cost of living, pp. 251-57, 343, 474, 477-80, 505-8, 511-513; 1873: pp. 109-128; 1874: Cost of living among professional men, pp. 24-27; Statistics of cost of living in 41 cities and towns, pp. 260-261; 1875: Cost of living of workingmen's families, pp. 354-385; 1876: Various statistics relating to the cost of living, pp. 44-258; 1881: Statistics of occupations, earnings, cost of living, etc., in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York, pp. 416-141; 1884: Com- parative prices and cost of living: 1860-1883, Massachusetts and Great Britain, pp. 437^69; 1885: Comparative w^es and prices, 1860-1883, Massachusetts and Great Britain, pp. 10&- 157; Historical review of wages and prices, 1752-1860, pp. 161- 469; 1901: Prices and the cost of living: 1872, 18S1, 1897, and 1902, pp. 239-314; 1904: The causes of high prices, pp. 79-130 (contains a list of articles on cost of living in some of the leading newspapers of the country). Comparative wages, prices, and cost of living. By Carroll D. Wright, chief of the Bureau of statistics of labor. Boston: Wright & Potter printing co., 1889. viii, 255 pp. Tables. 8°. Published also under the title: History of wages and prices in Massachusetts. Contents. — Historical review of wages and prices. 1752-1860. — Comparative wages, prices, and cost of living: Massachusetts and Great Britain. 1860-1883. COST OF LIVING; UNITED STATES 27 Maxwell, William Walter, comp. Good meals for little money. Baltimore: W. W. Maxwell, [1901]. (21) pp. 12°. Michigan. Bureau of labor. Annual report. lst-26tli. 1883/84- 1909. Lansing, 1884-1909. 8°. Statistics of working-men's incomes and expenditures, 1889: pp. 3-305; 1890: pp. 3-450; 1891: pp. 1-102; The cost of living and wages, by Judson Grenell, 1903: pp. 320-328; The cost of living, wages and rising prices, by Judson Grenell, 1908: pp. 342-356. Miles, Herbert D. Animal foods and the cost of living. OuOooTc, Mar. 6, 1910, v. 94: 545-547. Minnesota. Bureau of labor. Biennial report. St. Paul, 1888-1908. 9 v. in 10. Charts. 8°. 1891-92: Statistics of prices of wheat, flour, etc., at various locali- ties for series of years, pp. 179-222; 1895-96: Modem variations in the purchasing power of gold; an investigation into the extent and causes of recent price variations, pt. 1: 9-528. Missouri. Bureau of labor statistics and inspection. Annual report. Jefferson city, 1880-1907. 8°. 1880: Earnings and expenses, pp. 43-57; 1885: Wages and cost of living, pp. 97-102; 1889: Statistics of rents, prices of commodi- ties, earnings and expenses, pp. 283-408; 1890: Cost of living of workingmen (a) for beer, (b) for clothing and other necessities, pp. 395-569; 1891: Earnings and expenses of working men com- pared, pp. 580-665; 1903: Cost of living, pp. 367-371; 1904: Cost of living and prices of food, pp. 421-453. Montana. Bureau of agriculture, labor and industry. Annual report. Ist-llth. Helena, 1893-1908. 8°. Cost of living: 1893, pp. 146-149; 1894, pp. 57-62; 1900, pp. 361- 372; 1901/2, pp. 553-554. More, Mrs. Louise Bolard. Wage-earners' budgets; a study of standards and cost of living in New York city, with a preface by Franklin H. Giddings. New YorTc: H. Holt and company, 1907. x, (2), 280 pp. Tables. 8°. (Greenwich house series of social studies — 710. 1.) Nebraska. Bureau of labor and industrial statistics. Biennial report. Lincoln, Nehr., 1890-1909. 8°. 1889-90: Unskilled wage workers' cost of living, pp. 9-54. 1907-8: "Wages and cost of living, pp. 193-195. 30734—10 3 28 LIBEARY OF CONGEESS New Hampshire. Bureau of labor. Report. Concord, 1893-1906. 8 v. in 7. Plates. Maps. 8°. 1st annual report, 1893: Average retail prices of food, fuel, etc., pp. 189-215; let biennial report, 1895-6: Eetail prices of food and fuel, pp. 187-317. New Jersey. Bureau of statistics of lahor and industries. Annual report. lst-31st, 1878-1908. Trenton, N. J. [etc.], 1878-1908. 8°. Statistics of earnings and expenses, 1878: pp. 56-58; 1879: pp. 48- 60; 1880: pp. 38-62; A statement in regard to wages and the cost of living at Lancashire, England, and in Massachusetts, by Carroll D. Wright, 1882: pp. 66-68; Wages and prices, pp. 69-75; Statistics of wages, cost of living, etc., 1883: pp. xxvii, 4-29; 1884: pp. xxv-65; The cost of living, 1885: pp. 141-183; Earnings, cost of living and prices, 1886: pp. 1-79; Women, Statistics of income and cost of living, 1893: pp. 121-124; Cost of living in New Jersey, 1900: pp. 165-177; 1903: pp. 217-237; 1904: pp. 179-195; 1905: pp. 149-165; 1906: pp. 173-193; 1907:' pp. 141-157; 1908: pp. 209-218. New York. Bureau of lahor statistics. Annual report. Albany, 1886-1907. 21 vols, in 26. 8°. Cost of living, 1892: pt. 1, pp. 249-335; 1907: pp. xxxv-xlvi. Newcomb, Harry Turner. Railway rates and the cost of living. WasMngton, D. C, 1906. 28 pp. 8°. [Nitsch, Mrs. Helen AUce (Matthews)]. Ten dollars enough. Keep- mg house well on ten dollars a week; how it has been done; how it may be done again; by Catherine Owen [pseud.]. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1887 IX, 279 pp. Illustrations. 12°. Noel, Annie Webster. On twelve a week. Independent, Oct. 26, 1905, v. 69: 957-960. A popular account of personal experience. Ogden,G W. Why the price of beef is high i World's worTc, June, 1902, v. 4: 2179-2181. Ohio. Bureau of Ulor statistics. Annual report UolMmhus, 0., 1879-1907 8° COST OF LIVING: UNITED STATES 29 Oklahoma. Deft, of labor. Annual report. OUahoma City, OUa., 1908-1909. 2 v. Plates. 8°. 1908: Condition of wage earners, pp. 39-46; Cost of living, pp. 47-118; 1908-9: Statistics of cost of living in various industries, pp. 43-91. Paiixe, Ralph D. The meat boycott and what it means. Corner's, Feb. 12, 1910, v. W- l^-l^, 31-32. Payne, Will. The cost of living: on the danger line of necessity. Saturday evening post, v. 180, Dec. 21, 1907: 6-7, 29. The cost of living. Saturday evening post, v. 180, Jan. 25, 1908: 12-13, 32. [Penfield, Alanson.] A tale of the rebellion. Facts and figures from the standpoint of a departmental-clerk. Proposi- tion for the government to solve the problem of diminish- ing the high prices of house rent in Washington. 2d ed. Washington: Intelligencer printing Jiouse, 1867. 10 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Pennsylvania. Department of internal affairs. Annual report. Pt. 3. Industrial statistics. lst-35th, 1872-1907. Harrisburg, 1874-1908. 34 vols. 8°. 1873: Table of articles — Average prices for Pennsylvania, pp. 573- 585; 1875-6: Statistics of cost of living, pp. 820-880; 1878-9: Statistics of earnings and expenditures, pp. 820-352; 1880-81: pp. 166-171; 1881-2: pp. 76-81; 1887: pp.H8-H15; 1907: Prices and cost of living, pp. 14-20 (Contains " Report of the Commis- sion to enquire into the prices of food stuffs in Pennsylvania"). The Price of beef. OutlooTc, May 3, 1902, v. 71: 4-5. Prices and cost of living. American economist, Jan. 21, 1910, v. 4^'- 31. The Problem of high prices. American economist, Jan. 21, 1910, v. 45: 29. The Race between wages and the cost of living. Literary digest, Nov. 7, 1908, v. 37: 653-654. Race suicide and the cost of living. American magazine, Dec, 1907, v. 65: 223-224. Reeve, Arthur B. The standard of decent living. Independent, Aug. 29, 1907, v. 63: 499-501. 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Rhode Island. Bureau of ivdustrial statistics. Annual report of the Commissioners, lst-22d, 1887-1908. Providence, 1888-1909. 23 vols. 8°. Employes' returns; Wages, cost of living, etc., 1887: pp. 48-51, 54; 1888: pp. 4-55; 1892: 26-150; Retail prices, 1903: pp. 133- 209; 1908: The cost of living, pp. 392-455. Richards, Ellen Henrietta (Swallow) "Mrs. R. H. Richards." The cost of Uving as modified by sanitary science. 1st ed. 1st thousand. New YorTc: J. WiUy <& sons; [etc., etc.] 1899. U), 121 pp. 12°. Russell, Charles Edward. Winning an empire and the cost of the wirming. Hampton's magazine. May, 1910, v. 24: 603-617. "Southern Pacific railroad." Ryan, John A. The cost of Christian liviQg. Catholic world, Feb., 1908, v. 86: 575-588. A living wage, its ethical and economic aspects; with an introduction by Richard T. Ely. New YorTc, London: The MacmiUan company, 1906. xvi, 346 pp. 12°. Partly reprinted from the "Catholic university bulletin" and the "Catholic world." "Works of reference": pp. 833-340. Cost of living in certain industries, pp. 139-147; Effect of a living wage on cost of living, pp. 305-308. Schuette, John. The high cost of living. .ATnerican hanker, Apr. 2, 1910, v. 75: 6600. Sheldon, Charles M. Cost of dying. Independent, Feb. 10, 1910, v. 68: 306-307. | Six hundred dollars a year. A wife's effort at low living, under high prices. Boston: TicJcnor and Fields, 1867. vii, 183 pp. 16°. The Standard of living. Charities and the Commons, Nov. 16, 1907, v. 19: 1039-1040. Stevens, John D. Soaring cost of living and the railroad crisis. Harper's weekly, v. 53, Dec. 25, 1909: 8. Stickley, Gustav. The American boast: how it has helped to increase the cost of living. Craftsman, Mar., 1910, v. 17: 629-636. COST OF LIVING: UNITED STATES 31 Strikes caused by higher prices. Literary digest, Jan. 8, 1910, v. Jfi: S9-Jfi. Suburban prices. Good Tiouse'kee'ping, Nov., 1909, v- 49: 588-593. Swift, W. Martin. John Button's finances: a discussion of the cost of living. Atlantic monthly, A'pr., 1910, v. 105: 491-498. Tarbell, Ida M. Where every penny counts. American magazine, Mar., 1909, v. 67: 4^T-A^^- Showing effect of trusts on necessaries of life. Taussig, F. W. Results of recent investigations on prices in the United States. (In Institut international de statistique. Bulletin, vol. 8, pt. 1, pp. 22-32. Rome, 1895. 8°.) SawA in Yale review, vol. 2. Tavenner, Clyde H. Why prices are soaring — Any investigation into the increased cost of living must include the recent revision-upward tariff law. {In Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 45 (current . file), pp. 2359-2360.) Article reprinted from La FoUette's weekly magazine. The Things that are essential. A rich personal experience without financial margin. WmWs worTc, May, 1909, v. 18: 11644-11547. ' Thompson, Flora McDonald. How to live within your income. Cosmopolitan, Nov., 1904, v. 38: 105-110. Tilden, Freeman. Who get it? Van Norden magazine, Mar., 1910, v. 6: 604-612. Turner, J. K. Trying to get at the truth. American economist, Feb. 25, 1910, v. 4^: 95-96. United States. Bureau of labor. Annual report of the conunis- sioner of labor. l-23d. Washington: Government printing office, 1886-1909. 23 v. 8°. Contents relating to Cost of living: 1st — 1886. Earnings and expenses of wage receivers in Europe, by Lee Meriwether, pp. 411-456. 4th — 1888. Working women in large cities: Tables giving yearly incomes and expenses by industries and occupations, pp. 532-625. 6th— 1890. Pt. III. Cost of living, pp. 605-1376. 7th— 1891. Vol. 2, pt. III. Cost of living, pp. 845-2013. 18th — 1903. Cost of living and retail prices of food. 32 LIBEAEY OF CONGKESS United States. Bureau of labor. Cost of living and retail prices of food. [1890 to 1903.] Washington: Government printing office, 1904- 865 pp. 8°. {EigJiteenth anniml report, ,1903 .) "Presents the results of an investigation prosecuted in every section of our country into the cost of living of workingmen's families and the retail prices of the principal staple articles of food consumed by such families. This investigation covered two subjects, distinct in character, yet closely allied; that into cost of living covered the year 1901 , and its object was to deter- mine the cost of housing, fuel, lighting, food, clothing, etc., in the average workingman's family in the United States, while that into retail prices covered the period from 1890 to 1903 and had for its object the collection of data which would show the extent of increase or decrease in the retail prices of the staple articles of food during the period and thus render it possible to determine, approximately at least, the changes in cost of living in the several years covered." Bulletin of the Bureau of labor. No. 1-83. Washington: Government printing office, 1896-1909. 8°. Contents relating to Cost of living, prices, etc.: No. 14 — ^Jan., 1898. Incomes, wages, and rents in Montreal, by Herbert Brown Ames, pp. 39-51. No. 18 — Sept., 1898. Brief summary of article by Edm. Nicolai, on "Workingmen's wages and budgets in 1853 and 1891," in Bulletin de la Commission centrale de statistique, vol. 17, pp. 708-713. No. 27— Mar., 1900. Wholesale prices: 1890 to 1899, by Roland P. Falkner, pp. 237-313. No. 32 — ^Jan., 1901. Prices of commodities and rates of wages in Manila, pp. 29-42. No. 34— May, 1901. Wages, cost of living, etc., in Porto Rico, by Azel Ames, pp. 400-407, 413^24. No. 39— Mar., 1902. Course of wholesale prices, 1890 to 1901, pp. 195-488. No. 41— July, 1902. Beef prices, by Fred C. Croxton, pp. 794-806. No. 45— Mar., 1903. Course of wholesale prices, 1890-1902, pp. 203-356. No. 49— Nov., 1903. Cost of living, pp. 1137-1141. (Brief sum- mary of the Eighteenth annual report of Bureau of labor.) No. 51— Mar., 1904. Course of wholesale prices, 1890-1903, pp. 219-379. No. 53— July, 1904. Wages and cost of living [1890-1903], pp. 703-932. (Summary of the report on " Cost of living and retail prices of food" forming the Eighteenth annual report of the Bureau of labor. No. 54— Sept., 1904. Cost of living and retail prices in the United States, by G. W. W. Hanger, pp. 1129-1164. (An abstract of the report noted above.) Wholesale prices in the United States, 1890 to 1903, pp. 1165-1190. COST OF LIVING: UNITED STATES 33 No. 59— July, 1905. Retail prices of food, 1890 to 1904, pp. 148-301. No. 63— Mar., 1906. Course of wholesale prices, 1890 to 1905, pp. 328-502. No. 64 — May, 1906. Conditions of living among the poor, by S. E. Forman, pp. 593-698. No. 65— July, 1906. Retail- prices of food, 1890 to 1905, pp. 171-316. No. 69— Mar., 1907. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1906, pp. 239-420. No. 71— July, 1907. Retail prices of food, 1890-1906, pp. 175-328. No. 75— Mar., 1908. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1907, pp. 283-471. No. 77— July, 1908. Retail prices of food, 1890 to 1907, pp. 181-332; "Cost of living to the working classes in the principal industrial towns of Great Britain," pp. 336-354. (Summary of a report by the Great Britain Board of trade.) No. 78 — Sept., 1908. " Cost of living of the working classes in the principal industrial towns of the German Empire," pp. 523-548. (Summary of a report by the Great Britain Board of trade.) No. 81— Mar., 1909. Wholesale prices, 1890 to 1908, pp. 195-382. No. 83 — July, 1909. "Cost of living of the working classes in the principal industrial towns of France," pp. 66-87. (Summary of a report by the Great Britain Board of trade.) Retail prices of food in the United States, 1900 to 1907; Wholesale prices of commodities in the United States, 1900 to 1908; Wages and hours of labor in manu- facturing industries in the United States, 1900 to 1907. Prepared under the direction of Chas. P. Neill. Washington: Government printing office, 1910. 34 VV- ^°- {61st Congress, 2d session. Senate doc. no. 436.) Bureau of statistics (Treasury deft.). The cost of labor and subsistence in the United States for the year 1869, as compared with previous years. By Edward Young. Washington: Government printing office, 1870. 75 pp. 8°. Congress. Debate in the Senate, January 28, 1910, on Cost of living. {In Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 45 (current file), pp. 1135-1148.) Remarks by Senators Bacon, Warren, Bailey, Carter. ■ ■ Increased cost of living. Remarks in the Senate, February 9, 1910, of Senators Warren, Beveridge, Hey- bum, Stone. {In Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 45 (current file), pp. 1670-1678.) 34 LIBKABY OF CONGBESS TTztited States. Congress. Senate. Committee on finxince. Retail prices and wages. Report by Mr. Aldrich, from the Com- mittee on finance, July 19, 1892. Washington: Government printing office, 1892. 3 v. 8°. (,B2d Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Reft. 986.) Contents. — v. 1. Partial report submitted by Mr. Aldrich from the committee. Appendices: a. Report of the statistician, R. P. Falkner. b . Report of the commissioner of labor, C. D. Wright, c. Report of the statistician of the Department of agriculture, 3. R. Dodge. Supplemental matter, v. 2-3. Exhibits. Continued in U. S. Bur. of labor, Bulletin, see pp. 32-33. Wholesale prices, wages, and transportation. Report by Mr Aldrich, from the Committee on finance, March 3, 1893. Wasliington: Government printing office, 1893. 4 ^- 8°. (52d Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Rept. 1394.) Contents. — I. Introductory report of committee: views of major- ity, views of minority. — Appendices, a. Report of the statisti- cian, R. P. Falkner. — b. Report of the commissioner of labor, C. D. Wright. — c. Report of the statistician, Dept. of agriculture, J. R. Dodge. — D. Report of the commissioner of education, W. T. Harris. — e. Report of S. N. D. North on wool manufacture. — p. Report of Messrs. Mauger and Avery on prices of wool. — o. Report of J. Reece, jr., on prices of various textile articles. — H. Report of E. Stanwood on cotton goods. — i. Report of H. Bower on prices of drugs and chemicals. — j. Prices of miscella- neous articles. — k. Report upon changes in railway transporta- tion rates on freight traffic throughout the United States, 1852 to 1893, by 0. C. McCain. II-IV. Exhibits. Continued in U. S. Bur. of labor. Bulletin, see pp. 32-33. Select committee on wages and prices of commodities. Investigation relative to wages and prices of commodities. Hearings. Nos. 1-15, Feb. 24-Apr. 7, 1910. Washington, Government printing office, 1910. 8°. Chairman, Hon. H. C. Lodge. Debates on the work of the Committee are given in the Congres- sional record, 61st Cong., 2d sess., v. 45 (current file), pp. 2405- 2407; 4496-4499; 5011-5014; 5245-5246; 5270-5274; 5300-5304; 5320-5327. Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. no. 355. Report from the Secretary of the treasury, relative to increase of the, salaries of clerks, etc. May 4, 1836. 23 pp. 8°. ' ' Copy from a book of expenses by J. Seaver, a clerk in the office of the Second Comptroller, for the year 1835," pp. 4-12. COST OF living: united states 35 ITnited States. 61st Congress, 2d session. Senate document no. 3^9. Increase in cost of food and other products. Letter from the Secretary of commerce and labor, transmitting in response to a Senate resolution of January 10, information relating to the increase in prices of food and other prod- ucts. February 3, 1910. 19 pp. 8°. CoBtaina also statistics of prices in Great Britain, Germany, and France. Senate doc. no. ^21. Wages and prices of com- modities. Letter from the Secretary of the navy con- taining, ... a tabular statement showing the average prices paid for various articles by the Navy department during the calendar years 1900 to 1909, inclusive. Mar. 5, 1910. 11 pp. 8°. Senate doc. no. 44-1- Freight rates on commodities of life. Letter from the Secretary of the Interstate com- merce commission addressed to the Hon. H. C. Lodge, transmitting tables showing comparisons of rates from and including 1900 between various points on necessary commodities of hfe, etc. March 19, 1910. 18 pp. 8°. Special commissioner of the revenue, 1866-1870. Cost of labor and subsistence in the United States. Prepared for David A. Wells by Edward Young. Washington: Government printing office, 1870. 76 pp. 8°. {Supplement to the fourth annual report.) Tables showing the cost of provisions, groceries, dry goods, house rent in the various manufacturing districts of the country, 1867 and 1869. Wages and living. OutlooTc, Dec. 29, 1906, v. 84: IO4S-IO44. Wages and the cost of living. Current literature. May, 1902, v. 32: 629-530. Wages and the cost of living. Financial age, Nov. 23, 1903, v. 8: 901. Wages and the cost of living. Gunton's magazine, Oct, 1904, v. 27: 338-348. Wages and the price of food— a statement of fact. Harper's weekly, Oct. 19, 1907, v. 51: 1637. Wagstaffe, W. de. Cost of living ia New York. Harper's weeUy, May 23, 1908, v. 52: 17. 36 LIBEAEY OF CONGKESS Waite, Frederick C. Prices and wages: a dissection of the Senate finance committee's great report as interpreted by its statistician and by Hon. Carroll D. Wright. Washington, D. C, 1894. 29 pp. 8°. Walton, Dudley W. Wages and cost of living in the United States and Canada. Electrical review {London), Nov. 15, 1907, v. 61: 825-827. Wame, Frank Julian. The cost of living. Good housekeeping, Feb., 1910, v. 50: 1^7-150. Washburn, Charles G. Remarks ia the House of Representatives, February 24, 1910, on the cost of living. (In Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 45 (current file), pp. 2358-2359. Washington (State). Bureau of labor. Bieimial report. lst-6th. 1897/1898-1907-1908. Olympia, Wash., 1899-1908. 6 v. 8°. 1905-1906: Cost of living in Washington — Market quotations 1900-1906, pp. 77-83; 1907-1908: Cost of living in Washing- ton, pp. 83-91. Where prices are low — and high; the problem of the cost of living. Good housekeeping, Jan., 1910, v. 50: 75-80. Why the cost of living is rising. Independent, Mar. 15, 1906, v. 60: 632-634. Why living is expensive. American review of reviews. Mar., 1910, v. 41- 273-274- Wilson, James. The corner in the nation's food. A grave sugges- tion by Secretary James Wilson with introduction by J. Hampton Moore. Columbian magazine, Apr., 1910, v. 2: 845-859. Wisconsin. Bureau of labor. Biennial report. lst-12th, 1883- 1907/8. Madison, 1884-1909. 13 vols. 8°. Mechanics' and workingmen's returns, 1895-6: pp. 178-316. A Woman's reason. Independent, Apr. 4, 1907, v. 62: 780-784. Increased cost of living and race suicide. Wright, Carroll D. Cheaper living and the rise of wages. Forum, Oct., 1893, v. 16: prices: ukited states 37 PRICES Benner, Samuel. Benner's prophecies of future ups and downs in prices; what years to make money on pig iron, hogs, corn, and provisions. 16th ed., with forecast for 1907. Cincinnati: The Robert Olarlce company, 1907. 258 ff. Diagrams. 16°. Bread prices in Great Britain and America. Balers' helper, Feb., 1910, v. 24: 167-170. Brooks, Robert Clarkson. Odd prices and bargains in retail trade. Cincinnati, 0.: University of Cincinnati press [1908]. 28 pp. Diagram. 8°. ( University studies pub. by the University of Cincinnati. Ser. ii, vol. iv, no. 2.) Brown, Harry G. Competitive and monopolistic price-making. Quarterly journal of economics, Aug., 1908, v. 22: 626-639. Carr, H. H., & co., Chicago. Carr's grain book, explaining why farmers should market their crops on the Chicago board of trade direct, instead of selling to the home buyer, thus saving the middleman's profit; also containing prices of wheat, corn, oats, and provisions for a number of years, dictionary of commercial terms, etc. Chicago: Financial publishing company, "1897. 80, [1S\ pp. Illustrations. Portraits. Tables. 8°. Causes of high prices. Protectionist, Feb., 1910, v. 21: 640-542. The Causes of high prices. World's work, Jan., 1905, v. 9: 5674. Cocks, William W. Agricultural appropriation bill. Speech in the House of Representatives, January 27, 1910. (In CongresBioBal record, 6lBt Congress, 2d session, v. 45 (current file) pp. 1185-1190.) Contains statistics of food prices. Crawford, Coe I. High prices. Independent, Nov. 26, 1909, v. 67: 1179-1181. Increased cost of products. Speech in the Senate, February 15, 1910. (In Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 45 (current file) pp. 1971-1977.) Contains statistics of prices of principal commodities from 1896-1908. 38 LIBBARY OF CONGEESS Crowell, John Franklin. Some consequences of advancing prices. Moody's magazine, Feb., 1910, v. 9: 99-104- Croxton, Fred C. The advance in beef prices. American monthly review of reviews, Jan., 1903, v. 27: 69-74- Beef prices. Journal of political economy. Mar., 1906, v. 13: 201-216. Current price comparisons [current comment]. Gunton'smagazine, Feb.,1903,v.24: 176-178; Aug., Oct., 1903, V. 25: 186-188; 374-376; Jan., 1904, '"■ ^6: 92-94. Davis, Andrew McFarland. The limitation of prices in Massachusetts, 1776-1779. Colonial society of Massachusetts. Transactions, April, 1905, V. 10: 119-134. Denton, D. H., & co., Chicago. Our book of statistics and valuable information giving the highest and lowest prices each month, of the articles traded in on our Board of trade, for a series of years . . . Comp. and issued by the commis- sion house of D. H. Denton & co. [2d ed.] Chicago: Deanhrothers, printers ["1881]. 32 pp. 16°. Dunbar, William H. State regulation of prices and rates. Quarterly journal of economics, Apr., 1895, v. 9: 305-332. Engelbrecht, Theodor H. Die geographische Verteilung der Getreidepreise in den Vereinigten Staaten von 1862 bis 1900. Berlin: P.Parey,1903. viii,108pp. Maps. Tables. 8°. The Ethics of pricemaking. Nation, Mar. 24, 1910, v. 90: 280-281. Food prices and production. Commercial and financial chronicle, Mar. 26, 1910, v. 90: 815. Forbes, Francis B. A new method of index-numbers for American commodity-prices . American statistical association. Publications, Juns, 1906, V. 10: 110-115. Forcible regulation of prices [1779]. {In The Olden time, v. 2, pp. 318-329. Pittsburgh, 1848. 8°.) Gilmore, Eugene A. Governmental regulation of prices. Oreen lag, Nov., 1905, v. 17: 627-6 prices: united states 39 Hess, Ealph H. The standard of value and prices. Journal of political economy, July, 1907, v. 15: 398-411. Hewes, Fletcher Willis. The facts in a nutshell. Wages, prices, and tariff rates compared. Twelve graphic studies. New York: H. F. ClarJc ['1892]. 15, (1) pp. Diagram. 16°. Hill, Wilham. Relation of packers' credit to panic and prices. Journal of political economy, Feb., 1908, v. 16: 97-102. Hingham, Mass. Report of the Committee of the town of Hing- ham, 1779 [on the regulation of prices]. Colonial society of Massachusetts. Transactions, April, 1905, V. 10: 116-119. Hobson, J. A. The element of monopoly in prices. Quarterly journal of economics, Oct., 1891, v. 6: 1-24. Holt, Byron Webber. Export prices to date. New Yorlc, N. Y.: Reform club Committee on tariff reform. 1906. 16 pp. 8°. "Series 1906. no. 7, October 15, 1906." Hourwich, J. A. Trusts and prices. American academy of political and social science. Annuls, Nov., 1902, V. 20: 602-616. Same. {In La FoUette, Robert M. ed. The making of America, vol. 3, pp. 145-158. Chicago, 1906. 8°.) How prices may be affected by the tariff. American economist, Feb. 11, 1910, v. 45: 65. How we live on $1000 a year or less. Ladies' home journal, Jan., 1905, v. 22: 38. Howard, Ernest. The money inflation and the future of prices. Political science quarterly. Mar., 1907, v. 22: 74-82. Jenks, Jeremiah W. The causes of the fall in prices since 1872. American journal of social science, Dec., 1897, v. 35: 31-49. Do trusts make high prices ? American review of reviews, Mar., 1910, v. 4^' 343-348. "The general conclusion must be that the late great general increase in prices cannot be ascribed to the trusts, especially the prices that mainly affect the cost of living, though they are probably responsible for a small part of it." 40 LIBBAEY OF CONGRESS Johnson, Alvin S. The relation of monopoly price to the rate of interest. Quarterly journal of economics, May, 1908, v. 22: 384-398. Kemmerer, E. W. The higgling of the market. Quarterly journal of economics, Aug., 1903, v. 17: 670-677. Low, William G., jr. Economic causes of rising commodity prices. Bankers' magazine {New Yorl), Feb., 1910, v. 80: 269-270. McCumber, Porter J. Prices of farm products. Speech in the Senate, February 4, 1910. {In Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 45 (current file) pp. 1551-1554.) McKinley, William B. The tariff and prices. ■ Speech in the House of Representatives, February 24, 1910. {In Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 45 (current file), pp. 2365-2368.) Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor. The causes of high prices. Part ii of the aimual report for 1904. Pages 79 to 130. Boston: WrigJit <& Potter printing co., 1904. 79-130 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Comparative wages and prices. 1860-1897. < From the Twenty-eighth annual report of the Massachu- setts Bureau of statistics of labor, pp. 1-42. > By Horace G. Wadlin. Boston: Wright & Potter printing co., 1898. vi, 41 pp. Tables. 8°. History of wages and prices in Massachusetts : 1752- 1883. Including Comparative wages and prices in Massa- chusetts and Great Britain: 1860-1883. By Carroll D. , Wright. Boston: Wright cfe Potter printing co., state printers, 1886. 313, 57 pp. 8°. Each part has also special t.-p. Published also under title: "Comparative wages, prices, and cost of living," 1889. Meade, Edward Sherwood. The price policy of the United States steel corporation. Quarterly journal of economics, May, 1908, v. 22: 452-466. prices: united states 41 Mitchell, Wesley Clair. Gold, prices, and wages under the green- back standard. Berkeley: The University press, 1908. xv, 62'" pp. Tables. Diagrams. 4-°- ( University of Oalifomia publications in economics, vol. I, March 27, 1908.) Pomeroy, E. How the manufacturers are holding up retail prices. Independent, Apr. 11, 1907, v. 62: 851-854. The Price of meat. Canadian journal of commerce, Feb. 18, 1910, v. 70: 229-230. Comparison of prices in. Canada and the United States. Prices. Are the present high prices likely to be permanent? Bankazine, Jan., 1907, v. 1: 38-43. Prices and economic principles. Nation, Mar. 10, 1910, v. 90: 228-229. Prices in Canada and the United States. OutlooJc, Jan. 13, 1906, v. 82: 55-56. Prices lower, wages higher: proof found in lower transportation cost and increased savings deposits. [Philadelphia North American.] American economist, Oct. 28, 1904, '"■ 34- ^05. Ready reference book for grain and provision dealers, showing the highest and lowest prices in the Chicago market, of wheat, com, pork, oats, lard and short ribs, each month for twenty-seven years. Also, the yearly crop of wheat and corn for fifteen years, and annual exports. Chicago, 1883-1889. 5 v. 16°. The Rise in prices. [1890-1901.] Chautauquan, Nov., 1902, v. 36: 119-120. The Rise in prices of food. Independent, Jan. 20, 1910, v. 68: 156-158. Roberts, George E. Are prices rising abnormally? Anfierican monthly review of reviews, Oct., 1906, v. 34: 4^1-4^8. Sauerbeck, Augustus. Movement of wholesale prices in Great Britain. (In U. S. Bureau of statistics (Department of commerce and labor.) Monthly summary of commerce and finance, n. s. vol. 11, June, 1904, pp. 4679^697.) Course of relative prices in the United States [1840-1903], pp. 4698-4699. 42 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS Stiles, Meredith N. The "trusts" vs. competition. Have "trust" products risen faster in price than products of com- petitive producers? Woj-ld's work, Apr., 1909, v. 17: 11498-11600. The Tariff's part in high prices. Literary digest, Feb. 19, 1910, v. Jfi: 329-331. Taussig, F. W. Results of recent investigations on prices in the United States. Yale review, Nov., 1893, v. 2: 231-247. Same in Bulletin de I'lnstitut international de statistique, vol. 8. Wages and prices in relation to international trade. Quarterly journal of economics, Aug., 1906, v. 20: 497-522. Taylor, W. G. Langworthy. The influence of credit on prices. Yale review, Aug., 1906, v. 15: 113-133. Thurber, Francis B. Influence of the trust on prices. (/n Bridge, James H. The trust: its book, pp. 135-150. New York, 1902. 12°.) United States. Bureau of statistics (Department of commerce and labor). Prices of leading articles. [1903-1904.] (In its Monthly summary of commerce and finance, n. s. vol. 11, June, 1904, pp. 4833-^852.) Statistical abstract of the United States. 1908, 31st number. WasJiington: Government printing office, 1909. 744 pp. Tables. 8°. Contains statistics of wholesale and retail prices of certain commodi- ties for a series of years; also tables showing per cent of increase or decrease in prices from 1890 to 1907. Bureau of statistics. ( Treasury dept.) Movement of prices. 1840-1899. From Sauerbeck's tables, London economist, Reports of the U. S. Senate and of the Department of labor on prices. . . . [WasJiington: Government printing office, 1900.] Hi, 3129- 3218 pp. Diagram. 4°. Movement of prices. 1840-1901. From Sauer- beck's tables, London economist, reports of the U. S. Senate and of the Department of labor on prices. Treasury department, Bureau of statistics. [ Washington, 1902.] iv, 61-121 pp. Tables. 4°. 0. P. Austin, chief of Bureau. prices: united states 43 United States. Congress. Senate. Oommittee on finance. Retail prices and wages. Report by Mr. Aldrich, from the Com- mittee on finance, July 19, 1892. Washington: Government printing office, 1892. S v. 8°. {52d Congress, 1st session. Senate. Report 986.) Contents. — v. 1. Partial report submitted by Mr. Aldrich from the committee. Appendices: a. Rejport of the statistician, R. P. Falkner. b.' Report of the commissioner of labor, C. D. Wright. 0. Report of the statistician of the Department of agriculture, J. R. Dodge. Supplemental matter. Exhibits. — V. 2-3. Exhibits. Wholesale prices, wages, and transportation. Re- port by Mr. Aldrich, from the Committee on finance, March 3, 1893. Washington: Government printing office, 1893. 4 v. 8°. {52d Congress, 2d session. Senate. Report 1394.) Added t.-p.. Reports of committees of the Senate of the United States. Vol. 1 has note on t.-p.: This volume embodies in a condensed form everything contained in volumes 2, 3, and 4. Contents. — 1. Introductory report of committee: views of ma- jority, views of minority. — Appendices: a. Report of the statis- tician, R. P. Falkner. — b. Report of the commissioner of labor, C. D. Wright. — c. Report of the statistician, Dept. of agri- culture, J. R. Dodge. — D. Report of the commissioner of education, W. T. Harris. — e. Report of S. N. D. North on wool manufactvu-e. — f. Report of Messrs. Mauger and Avery on prices of wool. — g. Report of J. Reece, jr., on prices of various textile articles. — h. Report of E. Stanwood on cotton goods. — 1. Report of H. Bower on prices of drugs and chemicals. — 3. Prices of miscellaneous articles. — k. Report upon changes in railway transportation rates on freight traflac throughout the United States, 1852 to 1893, by C. C. McCain. II-IV. Exhibits. — Industrial commission. Report of the Industrial commis- sion on trusts and industrial combinations . . . including testimony . . . review and digest thereof, and special reports on prices and on the stocks of industrial corpora- tions. Washington: Government printing office, 1900-01. 2 v. Facsimiles. Folded diagrams. 8°. {The Commission's Reports, vol. i, xiii.) Final report. Washington: Government printing office, 1902. xi, 1259 pp. 8°. {The Commission's reports, vol. xix.) Wholesale prices, pp. 28-34; Price statistics. Appendix 3, pp. 1101-1113. 30734—10 4 44 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS United States. Treasury dept. The range of prices of staple articles m the New York markets at the beginning of each month in each year, from 1825 to 1863. (In its Report on the state of the finances, 1863, pp. 283-401. Washington, 1863. 8°. 38th Congress, 1st session, House ex. doc. no. 3.) Reprinted in Bankers' magazine (New York), Nov., 1864, v. 19: 361^01; with prices for 1864, Feb., 1865, v. 19: 654-655. Statements exhibiting the reduction in prices of arti- cles of American manufacture, for fifteen years — from 1835 to 1849, inclusive; also, lists of prices of certain articles of foreign production, for a series of years; together with letters on the present condition of American manu- facture and production. {In its Report on the state of the finances, 1849, pp. 704-848. Washington, 1849. 8° 31st Cong. 1st sess. Senate ex. doc. no. 2.) Wages, prices, and the tariffs ui the United States. Speaker, n. s., vol. 9, Jan. 9, 1904, Supplement: 5-6. Waite, Frederick C. Prices and wages: a dissection of the Senate finance conmiittee's great report as interpreted by its statistician and by Hon. Carroll D. Wright. Washington, D. C, 1894. 29 pp. 8°. Walker, Francis. Prices of petroleum products. Political science quarterly, Mar., 1908, v. 23: 36~43. Walley, Samuel Hurd. "High prices — their causes and remedy." Boston: Press of T. E. Marvin & son, 1867. 14 pp. 8°. Same. Bankers' magazine {New York), July, 1867, v. 22: 9-16. Weeks, Joseph D. Report on the average retail prices of necessaries of life in the United States. Washington: Government printing office, 1886. vii, 117 pp. 4°. {Supplementary report to the Report on the statistics of wages. TJ. S. Census office, 10th census, 1880, vol. 20.) Statistics of prices of various commodities in various localities during series of years. Woodlock, Thomas F. Has the tide of prosperity turned? Independent, Nov. 12, 1903, v. 55: 2664-2666. Wright, Carroll D. Wages, prices and profits. Princeton review. July, 1882, n. s., v. 10: 1-15. ARGENTINA COST OF LIVING Gonzalez, Juan B. El encarecimiento de la vida en la Repdblica Argentina. Buenos Aires: Las Ciencias, 1908. xvi, 230 fp. 8°. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY COST OF LIVING Austria. Finanz-m,misterium. Statistische Tabellen zur Wahrungs- frage der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie. Wien: K. K. Hof-und StaatsdrucJcerei, 1892. (2), viii, 446 pf. Tables. F°. "Preise, Lohne, Kaufkraft des Geldes" [1830-1890], pp. 350-438. Heyn, Edward T. Cost of living. Austria-Hungary. The ques- tion being investigated by chambers of commerce. U. S. Bureau of manufactures (Dept. of commerce and labor). Weekly consular and trade reports, Mar. 26, 1910, v. 1: IJjS. Haunig, G. Eia Wiener Haushalt in Beziehung zu den indirekten Steuerlasten. Wien: Verlag der " DeutscJien Worte" (E. Pemerstorfer) 1892. 32 pp. 8°. Cover-title. Sonder-abdruck aus dem 3. (Marz-) Hefte 1892 der "Deutschen "Worte." PRICES Austria. Statistische Central^commission. DasGetreideimWeltver- kehr. Statistische Tabellen uber Produktion, Handel, Konsum und Preise. Neue Folge. Zusammengestellt im Auftrage des K. K. Ackerbauministeriums durch die K. K. Statistische Zentralkommission. Wien: Kommissionsverlag von W. Fricic, 1905. xvi, 376 pp. Preface' signed: Von Jiiraschek. Osterreichisches statistisches Handbuch fur die im Reichsrathe vertretenen Konigreiche und Lander. Nebst eineo Ahhange fiir die gemeinsamen angelegenheiten der Osterreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie. 26. Jahrg. 1907. Wien: A. Holder [etc.] 1908. 8°. Published annually. For prices see Index under Preise imd Marktverkehr. 45 46 LIBEAEY OF CONGEESS Budapest. Kereskedelzui §s iparkamara. Beitrage zur Ges- chichte der Preise ungarischer Landesproducte im nevux- zehnten Jahrhundert nach den Notirungen des Pester Marktes hrsg. von der Budapester Handels- und Gewerbe- kammer. Budapest: Im selbstverlage der Budapester Handels- und Gewerhekammer, 1873. Ixxxvi, 353 pp. 8° and atlas. F°. Statisstikai hivatal. Budapest sz^kes fovdros statisztikai 6vkonyve. Statistisches Jahrbuch der Haupt-und Resi- denzstadt Budapest. 1906. Budapest, 1908. Tables. 4°. Published annually . Contains statistics of wholesale and retail prices of food for the years 1902-1906. See Table of contents Approvisionirung. Also published in the "Budapest fovdros statisztikai havifiizetei kiadja Budapest sz6kesf6vdros statisztikai hivatala. Monatshefte des Budapester conununal-statistischen Bureaus," published monthly by the same bureau. Great Britain. Foreign office. Commercial. No. 6 (1891). Re- turns of the price of bread in Italy and Austria. Pre- sented to the House of Lords by command of Her Majesty. 1891. 9 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1890-91, v. 83. C. 6352.) Hungary. Statisztikai hivatal. Annuaire statistique hongrois. Nouveau cours. xv. 1907. Budapest, 1909. Tables. 8°. Published annually. Contains average prices for 1907 of the principal commodities in various cities. Loewenfeld, Walter. Die Ursachen der Fleischteurung in Wien. Zeitschrift fur VoTkswirtschaft, Sozialpolitik und Verwaltung, 1909, V. 18: 449-482. Neisser, Eugen J. Preisverhaltnisse in einigen Stadten des Deutschen Reiches und Oesterreich-Ungarns. Statis- tische Studie auf grund amtlichen imd privaten Materials. Berlin: Druck von E. Ebering, [1899]. xii, {2), 108 pp. Tables. 8°. Vienna. Statistisches departement. Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Wien fur das Jahr 1906. 24. Jahxg. Wien, 1908. 4°. Published annually. Contains prices of certain commodities for a series of years. See Table of contents "Lebensmittel-Versorgung." BELGIUM COST OF LIVING Belgium. Direction de Vindustrie. Salaires et budgets ouvriers en Belgique au mois d'avril 1891. Bruxelles: P. Weissenbruch, 1892. 578 pp. 8°. Ducpetiaux, fid. Budgets 6conomiques des classes ouvri^res en Belgique. (In Belgium. Bulletin de la Commission centrale de statietique, vol. 6, pp. 261-440. Bruxelles, 1855. 4°.) Engel, Ernst. Die Lebenskosten belgischer Arbeiter-Familien friiher und jetzt. (In Institut international de statistique. Bulletin, vol. 9, pt. 1, pp. 1-124, Anlage I, pp. 1-54. Rome, 1895. 8°.) Great Britain. Board of trade. Cost of living in Belgian towns. Report of an enquiry by the Board of trade into working class rents, housing and retail prices, together with the rates of wages in certain occupations in the principal industrial towns of Belgium. With an introductory mem- orandum and a comparison of conditions in Belgium and the United Kingdom. Presented to Parliament by com- mand of His Majesty. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery office, iy Darling c& son, ltd., 1910. xli, 218 pp. Map. F°. (Parliament. Papers hy command, Cd. 6065.) Labour statistics. Rates of wages in Belgium. Re- plies to certain questions by the Labour commission, appointed by royal decree in Belgium, dated 15th April, 1886, as to rates of wages and recent fluctuations in vari- ous industries and as to the condition of workingmen in Belgium. Presented to both Houses of Parhament by command of Her Majesty. 1888. iv, 87 pp. F°. (In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1888, v. 98. C. 5269.) Contains Workingmen' s budgets, and statistics showing variations in prices of articles of food and in rates of wages covering series of years. Nicolai, Edm. Salaires et budgets ouvriers en 1853 et 1891. (In Belgium. Bulletin de la Commission centrale de statistique, vol. 17, pp. 935-953. Bruxelles, 1897. 4=.) 47 48 LIBBAEY OF CONGBESS PRICES Belgium. Ministk'e de I'interieur et de V instruction puhlique. Annuaire statistique de la Belgique. 38. ann^e, 1907. Bruxelles, 1908. Maps. Tables. 8°. Published annually. Contains average prices of principal commodities in various cities for series of years. Office du travail. Revue du travail. 13. annee, 1908. Bruxelles, 1908. 8°. monthly. Pub. also in Flemish with title: Arbeidsblad uitg. door het Arbeid- sant van Belgie. Contains quarterly tables of prices, see Index, under Denr6es m^nagferes. Gregoire, Ach. Le prix de la viande en Belgique. Revue economique intemaiionale, Nov. 16-20, 1907. J^. annee, vol. If.: ^20-441 . BULGARIA COST OF LIVING— PRICES Bulgaria. Statistique des prix moyens des animaux domestiques, des principaux articles alimentaires et des salaires des ouvriers en Bulgarie pendant la p6riode decennale 1893- 1902. Sofia: Impr. de I'etat, 1906. xvii, 121 pp. Tables. 4°. Bulgarian and French. CHILE COST OF LIVING Errazuriz Tagle, Jorge, and Guillermo Eyzaguirre Rouse. Estu- dio social; monografia de una familia obrera de Santiago. Santiago de Chile: Imprenta, litografia y encuademaciSn Bar- celona, 1903. vi, 140 pp. Plates. 4°. PRICES Chile. Oficina central de estadistica. Sin6psis estadlstica i jeografica de la reptiblica de Chile en 1907. Santiago de Chile, 1909. 8°. Published annually. Contains current prices of fruits and natural products for May and October, 1907. CHINA COST OF LIVING McNally, J. C. Cost of living in China. Causes of iacreased ex- penses for Occidental residents. (^In U. S. Daily consular and trade reports, Dec. 2, 1909, no. 3650, p. 12.) PRICES Edkins, Joseph. • Banking and prices in China. Shanghai: Printed at the Presbyterian mission press, 1905. (4), 286, V pp. 8°. DENMARK COST OF LIVING Kubin, Marcus. Consommation de families d'ouvriers danois. Borne: Imprimerie nationale de J. Bertero et c, 1902. (2), 84 pp. 4°. Extrait du Bulletin de I'Institut iutemational de statistique, tome XIII, 3. livraison. PRICES Denmark. Statens statistisTce bureau. Kapitelstakster for afgr0den m. V. af 1. Februar 1909; Prix officiels des cer6ales etc. produites en 1908. E0ienhavn: Bianco Lunos iogtryJclceri, 1909. 9 pp. 8°. (^StatistisTce meddelelser, 4- rsekJce, v. 29: in.) Nielsen, Axel. Danische Preise 1650-1750. Jahrhucher fur Nationaloikonomie und Statistik, Mar., 1906, Sdser.,v.31: 289-347. "A valuable contribution to the history of prices." FRANCE COST OF LIVING L' Augmentation du cotit de la vie. La Bevue de statistique, 1908, v. 11: 375-376. Bellom, Maurice. Le coep<.). CoTmnission de statistigue municipale. Aimuairesta- tisque de la ville de Paris. 28 ann6e, 1907. , Paris, 1909. 4°. Published annually. Contains statistics of the prices of certain commodities for a series of years. See Index under Prix. Prefecture. Rapport annuel de I'ann^e 1907 sur les services municipaux de 1' appro visionnement de Paris. Paris, 1908. 4°. Title varies slightly. Published annually. Contains monthly prices of principal com- modities. See Index under Halles centrales. Weston, George M. French prices — Increase of European prices in 1871-2-3. Bankers' magazine (New York), Oct. 1879, v. 34: 266-272. GERMANY COST OF LIVING Barmen. Statistisches Amt. Haushaltungsrechnungen und Wohnungsverhaltnisse von 10 Barmer Arbeiterfamilien. Barmen: Druck von L. Langewiesche, 1909. 32 pp. 4°. (Beitrage zur Statistik der Stadt Barmen, Heft 5.) Bauer, Stephan. Das Konsumptionsbudget der Haushaltung. {In HandwSrterbuch der Staatawiasenschaft. Hrsg. von J. Coniad, 2.ganzlichumgearb.Aufl.,vol. 5, pp. 316-333. Jena, 1900. 4°.) COST OF living: gekmany 53 Bellom, Maurice. Le cotit de la vie en Allemagne. Journal de la Societe de statistique, Oct.-Nov. 1908, v. 1^9: 3^5-353; 377-388. Berlin. StatistiscJies Amt. Lohnermittelungen und Haushalts- rechnungen der minder bemittelten BevQlkerung im Jahre 1903. Berlin: P. Stankiewicz' Buchdruckerei, 1904- (4)> i'^i ^Ij 75 ff. 4°. {Berliner Statistic, Heft 3.) Biicher, Karl. Haushaltungsbudgets oder Wirtschaftsrechnungen? Zeitschrift fiir die gesamite Staatswissenschaft, 1906, vol. 62: 586-607. * Conrad, Else. Lebensfiihrung von 22 Arbeiterfamilien Miinchens. Munchen: J. Lindauer'sche Buchh., 1909. (Einzelschriften des statis. Amies der Stadt Munchen, 8.) The Cost of living in German towns. Charity organization review, Sept. 1908, v. 2^: 170-173. Cost of living in Germany. Public opinion, Nov. 29, 1907, v. 92: 695. Dawson, William Harbutt. Dresden workingmen's budget. Economic journal; June, 1905, v. 15: 266-267. Esslen, J. On the high price of meat in the German empire in 1905. Economic journal. Mar. 1906, v. 16: 130-135. Freies deutsches Hochstift, Frankfurt am Main. Volkswirt- schaftlicTie Sektion. Frankfurter Arbeiterbudgets. Haus- haltungsrechnungen eines Arbeiters einer Konigl. Staats- eisenbahnwerkstatte, eines Arbeiters einer- chemischen FabrLk und eines Aushilfearbeiters. Veroffentlicht und erlautert von Mitgliedern der Volkswirtschaftlichen Sektion des Freien deutschen Hochstiftes. Bevorwortet un Auftrage der Sektion von Stadtrat Dr. Karl Flesch. Frankfurt a. M.: Gebruder Knauer, 1890. xxiv, 94, (1) pp- 8°. (Schriften des Freien deutschen Hochstiftes.) Ptirth, Frau Henriette (Katzenstein) . Ein mittelbiirgerliches Budget liber einen zehnjahrigen Zeitraum nebst Anhang "Die Verteuerung der Lebenshaltung im Lichte des Massenkonsums . ' ' Jena: G. Fischer, 1907. (6), 131, (1) pp. Talles. 8°. * Not in L. of C. Has been ordered. 54 LIBRARY OP CONGRESS GerloflF, Wilhelm. Haushaltungsrechnungen zweier Volksschullehrer. Annalen des Deutschen Reichs, 1908, v. ^.1: 180-207. Verbrauch und Verbrauchsbelastung kleiner und mittlerer Einkommeii in Deutschland um, die Wende des 19. Jahr- hunderts. Eiae konsum- und finanzstatistische Studie. JaJirhucher fur NatioinaloTconomie und Statistik, Jan.- Feb. 1908, III. Folge, Bd. SB: 1-U; 147-172. Germany: The working classes and the price of food. Statist, Nov. 30, 1907, v. 60: 1023. Statistisches Amt. Abteilung fur Arieiter statistik. Erhebung von Wirtschaftsrechnungen minderbemittelter Familien im Deutschen Reiche. Berlin: Carl Heymanns Verlag, 1909. 77 *, 229 -p-p. 4°. (2. SonderTieft zum Reichs- Arieitshlatte.) Graack, Erdmann. Die Lebenskosten im deutschen Volkshaushalt. Der Arheiterfreund, 1909, Jahrg. 47: Great Britain. Board of trade. Cost of Uving in German towns. Report of an inquiry by the Board of trade into working class rents, housing and retail prices, together with the rates of wages in certain occupations in the principal industrial towns of the German Empire. With an intro- ductory memorandum and a comparison of conditions in Germany and the United Kingdom. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., hy Darling & son, ltd., 1908. Ixi, 548 pp. Map. F°. {[Parliament. Papers ty command]. Cd. 4032.) Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. Miscel- laneous series no. 645. Germany. Report on agricul- ture in Germany. Presented to both Houses of Parlia- ment by command of His Majesty, February, 1906. 21 pp. 8°. Pricea of important food-stuffs, etc., pp. 17-19. Diplomatic and consular reports. Annual series, no. 4095. Germany. Report for the year 1907 on the trade and commerce of Pomerania. Presented to both Houses of ParUament by command of His Majesty. August, 1908. 53 pp. 8°. "Statistics showing the increase in the cost of living," pp. 19-21. Diplomatic and consular reports. Annual series no. 4325. Germany. Report for the year April, 1908, to April, 1909, on the trade and commerce of the consular district of Frankfort. August, 1909. 155 pp. 8°. "Cost of living," pp. 14-34. COST OF LIVING: GERMANY 55 Qunther, Ernst. Der Haushalt des kleinen Mittelstandes und der Arbeiter. Jahrbuch fur Oesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft, 1910, V. 34: 253-217. Guradze, Hans. Die Brotpreise in Berlin in den Jahren 1899-1908. Jahrbucher fur Nationaldlconomie und Statistik, 1909, in. Folge, Bd. S7: 807-812. Hampke, Karl. Das Ausgabebudget der Privatwirtschaften. Jena: 0. Fischer, 1888. i4),vi, 148,lviipp. 8°. (Sammlung nationalokonomischer und statistischer Abhandlungen. 4- Bd. 2. Eft.) Haushaltungsbudgets der landwirtschaftlichen kontraktlich ge- bundenen Arbeiter. Jahriilcker fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, Volkswirts- chaftliche CTironik {Jan., 1909): 4-1^- Heiser-Harttung, Franz. Landliche und stadtische Arbeiter. Ein Vergleich ihrer Budgets. Merseburg, Druck von F. Stollberg, 1902. vi, 95, (1) pp. 8°. Increased cost of living in Germany. Commercial intelligence, Dec. 4, 1907, v. 18: 20. Kurella, Hans. Der neue ZoUtarif und die Lebenshaltung des Arbeiters. Berlin: J. Springer, 1902. 4S pp. 8°. (Handelspolitische FlugscJiriften herausgegeben vom Handelsvertragsverein, Eft. 3.) Laquer, D. Der Haushalt des amerikanischen und des deutschen Arbeiters. Leipzig: Breitkopf <& Edrtel, 1906. 23pp. 4°- (Klinische Vortrage No. 430.) Lebensmittelpreise in England und Deutschland. *Zeitschriftfur Agrarpolitik, Dec, 1906, v. 4'- 4^4-506. Lexis, W. Die volkswirtschaftliche Konsumtion. {In Schonberg, Gustav F. von. Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie, 4. Aufl. vol. 1, pp. 789-826. Tubingen, 1896. 4°.) "Die Haushaltungsbudgets," pp. 814-816. Lorenz, M. O. Wages and family budgets in Berlin. American statistical association. Publications, June, 1905, V. 9: 257-259. *Not in L. of C. May be found in Dept. of agri. library. 56 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS May, R. E. Der Anteil der Arbeiter, der Angestellten und der Selbstandigen am deutschen Volkseinkommen des Jahres 1900, die Zahl der im jeder dieser Gruppen Erwerbs- tatigen und der von ihnen Ernahrten und das Verhaltnis zwischen Einkommen und Familienentfaltung. Jahrhuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und VoTkswirtschaft, 1903, V. 27, pt. 1: 621-556. Das deutsche Volkseinkommen im Jahre 1900, im ganzen und im Gesamteinkommen iiber und unter 3000 Mark, vergleichen mit dem Volkseinkommen des Jahres 1895 und die Lohnsteigerung im den Jahren 1896-1900. Jahrhuch fiir Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Vollcswirtschaft, 1903, vol. 27, pt. 1: 196-208. Schiiriuanii, Karl. Arbeitslohn und Teuerung. Preussische Jahrhilcher, Aug., 1907, v. 129: 205-214. Skinner, Robert P. Cost of living. Germany. Retail prices of meat in Hamburg. Z7. S. Bureau of manufactures {Dept. of commerce and labor) Weekly consular and trade reports. Mar. 26, 1910, v. 1: 145-146. Taxation and cost of living in Germany. 2. The poor man. Economist (London), June 20, 1908, v. 66: 1290-1291. United States. Bureau of statistics (Dept. of commerce and labor). Industrial education and industrial conditions in Germany. Washington: Government printing office, 1905. 323 pp. Plates. 8°. (Special consular reports. Vol. xxxiii.) "Cost o£ living," pp. 220-229. Wages and cost of living in Germany. The Board of trade and Mr. Elhs Barker. Economic journal, Dec, 1908, v. 18: 657-662. PRICES Current priceB of various commodities may be found in the fol- lowing publication: Jahrbiicher fiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik, Jena. Alsace-Lorraine. Statistisches Bureau. Statistisches Jahrhuch fiir Elsass-Lothringen. I. Jahrg. 1907. Strassburg, 1907. Plates. Tables. Diagrams. 8°. Contains retail prices for 1906 in various cities. PRICES : GERMANY 57 Altona. StatistiscJies And. Monatsberichte des statistischen Amts der Stadt Altona. Altona, 1909. 4°. Contains wholesale and retail prices of principal commodities. Baden (Grand duchy) . Statistisches Landesamt. Statistisches Jahr- buch filr das Grossherzogtum Baden. 37* Jahrg. 1908- 1909. Karlsruhe, 1909. 4°. Published annually. Contains retail prices of principal commodities for 1906-1907. Bavaria. Statistisches Bureau. Statistisches Jahrbuch ftir das konigreich Bayern. 9. Jahrg. 1907. Munchen, 1907. 8°. Published annually. Contains average prices of grain from 1815-1906; average prices of principal commodities in various cities for 1905 and 1906; and average prices in Kingdom for 1897 to 1906. Berlin. Statistisches Ami. Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Berlin. 31. Jahrg. 1906-1907. Berlin, 1909. 8°. Published annually. For material relating to prices, see Index, under Preise. Zusammenstellungen des statistischen Amts der Stadt Berlin betreffend die Gross-und Kleinhandelspreise der wichtigsten Nahrungsmittel. Berlin. F°. Contains weekly wholesale and retail prices of commodities at the principal markets of the city. Borght, Richard van der. Die Preisentwickelung wahrend der letzten Decennien nach den Hamburger Borsennotirungen. Jahrhiicher fiir NationaloTconomie und Statistilc, 1882, n. s., V. 5: 177-185. Bremen. Statistisches Amt. Monatsberichte und Mitteilungen des Bremischen statistischen Amts im Jahre, 1908. Bremen, 1908. Diagrams. 4°- monthly. Contains current wholesale and retail prices of principal com- modities. Breslau. Statistisches Ami. Monatsberichte des statistischen Amts der Stadt Breslau fiir das Jahr 1907. Breslau, 1907. 8°. Contains wholesale and retail prices of commodities for each month. 58 LIBEAEY OP CONGRESS Dresden. Statistisches And. Monatsberichte des statistischen Amies der Stadt Dresden auf das Jahr 1906. Dresden, 1906. 8°. monthly. Contains current statistics of prices of various commodities. Die Entwickeluug des Preisniveau in den letzten Jahren. Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, Nov., 1902, 3dser.,v. 24: 638-651. Statistics covering the years 1847 to 1901. Die Entwickelung des Preisniveaus in den letzten Dezennien und der deutsche und englische Getreidebedarf in den letzten Jahren. Jahrlucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, Dec, 1907, 3d ser., v. 34: 793-806; July, 1909, 3d ser., v. 38: 64-78. Esslen, J. On the high price of meat in the German empire in 1905. Economic journal. Mar., 1906, v. 16: 130-135. Foldes, B6la. Die Getreidepreise im 19. Jahrhundert. Jahrhucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 1906, 3d ser., V. 29: 467-518; 674-675. Die Bibliographie der Geschichte der Getreidepreise, pp. 515-517. GerloflF, Wilhelm. Verbrauch und Verbrauchsbelastung kleiner und mittlerer Eiakommen in Deutschland um die Wende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Eine konsum- und finanzstatistische Studie. Jahrhucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, Jan., 1908, Sd ser., v. 35: 1-44. Germany. Statistisches Amt. Statistisches Jahrbiich fur das Deutsche Reich. 30. Jahrg. 1909. Berlin: Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht, 1909. 8°. Published annually. Gives wholesale and retail prices of certain articles for a series of years. See table of contents under Preise. — — — Vierteljahrshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs. Hrsg. vom Kaiserlichen Statistischen Amt. 17. Jahi^. 1908. Berlin, 1908. 4 pts. in 1 v. F°. For statistics of prices see table of contents to each part. Contains wholesale and retail prices for a series of years and in various cities. Great Britain. Foreign office. Diplomatic and consular reports. Annual series no. 4001. Germany. Report for the year 1907 on the trade of the consular district of Berlin. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. June, 1908. 88 pp. 8°. Statistics of wholesale and retail prices of food, 1899-1907, pp. . 13-14. PKICES : GERMANY 59 Guradze, Hans. Die Brotpreise in Berlin in den Jahren 1899-1908. Jahrbilcherfiir Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 1909, 3d ser., V. 37: 807-812. Haacke, Heinrich. Ein Versuch zur Gewinnung einheitlicher Gesichtspunkte fiir den Ausbau und die Durchftihrung der Statistik der Fleischkleinhandelspreise. Jahrbiicher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, Dec, 1909, 3d ser., v. 38: 771-776. Halle a. S. Statistisches Amt. Statistische Monatsberichte der Stadt HaUe a. S. Halle a. S., 1909. 8°. Contains wholesale and retail prices of commodities. Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie . . . hrsg. von G. von Schonberg. 4. Aufl. TuUngen: H. Laupp, 1896-98. 3 v. in 6. 8°. V. vi. Die Gestaltung des Preises, von F. J. Neumann. Hanover {City). Statistisches Amt. Monatsberichte des statis- tischen Amts der Stadt Hanover fiir das Jahr 1902. 8. Jahrg. Hannover, 1903. Tables. 4°. Contains monthly wholesale and retail prices of principal food- stuffs. Hansen, Johannes. Untersuchungen iiber den Preis des Getreides mit besonderer Riicksicht auf den nahrstoffgehalt des- selben. Jena: 6. Fischer, 1887. (4), 78, {2) pp. Tables. 8°. iStaatswissenschqftliche Studien. 1. Bd., 2. Hft.) Heitz, Ernst L. Uebersicht der Literatur der Preise in Deutsch- land und der Schweiz aus den letzten sechzig Jahren. Jena: Druck von E. Frommann, 1876. (4), 71 pp. 8° Kottgen, August. Studien iiber Getreideverkehr und Getreide- preise jn Deutschland. JcTia: G. Fischer, 1890. (8), 67, (1) pp. 8°. (Staats- wissenschaftliche Studien. 3. Bd., 4- Hft.) Krai, Franz. Geldwert und Preisbewegung im Deutschen Reiche 1871-1884. Mit einer Einleitung iiber die Methode der statistischen Erhebung von Geldmenge und Geldbedarf von F. X. von Neumann-Spall art. Jena: G.Fischer, 1887. [iii]-mii. Ill, (1) pp. 8°. {Staats- wissenschaftliche Studien. 1. Bd., 3. Hft.) 30734—10 5 60 LIBBAKY OF CONGEESS Laspeyres, E. Hamburger Waarenpreise 1851-1863 und die cali- fornisch-australischen Goldentdeckungen seit 1848. Jahrhilcher filr Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 1864, ^• 3:81-118, 209-236. Leipzig. Statistisches Amt. Statistische Monatsberichte der Stadt Leipzig. I. Jahrg. 1909. Leipzig, 1909. 8°. ContaiQS wholesale and retail prices of conunodities for 1908 and 1909. Luberg, Otto. Vergleichende Untersuchungen liber Wirthschafts- ergebnisse und wirthschaftsbedingungeii kleiner, mittlerer und grosser Besitzungen unter dem Einfluss niedriger Getreidepreise. AUenstein: Druck von W. E. Earich, 1898. 69, (2) pp. Tables. 8°. Munich. Statistisches Amt. Wochenberichte des statistischenAmtes der Stadt Miinchen. Munich, 1905-1906. 4°. Contains weekly statistics of prices of principal commoditieB. Neisser, Eugen J. Preisverhaltnisse ia einigen Stadten des Deutschen Reiches und Oesterreich-Ungams. Statis- tische Studie auf grund amtlichen und privaten Materials. Berlin: DrucJc von E. Ehering [1899]. xii, {2), 108 pp. Tables. 8°. Prussia. Statistisches Bureau. Wirkliche imd Mittelpreise der wichtigsten Verpflegungsmittel f iir Menschen und Tiere in den bedeutendsten Marktorten der preussischen Monar- chie wahrend des Kalenderjahres 1908 bezw. des Ernte- jahres 1907/08. Berlin: Verlagdes honiglichen statistischen Landesamts, 1909. iv, 84 pp. 4°- (Zeitschrift des Iconiglich preussischen statistichen Landesamts, 49. Jahrg. II Abt., 1909. Beson- dere Beilage.) Statistisches Landesamt. Statistisches Jahrbuch fur den Preussischen Staat. 6. Jahrg. 1908. Berlin, 1909. 8°. Published annually. Contains statistics of prices of various com- modities in 23 cities for a series of years. Schmitz, Otto. Die Bewegung der Warenpreise in Deutschland von 1851 bis 1902, nebst zwei Erganzungen: Bankdis- kont, Goldproduktion und Warenpreisstand, der Weizen- preis von 400 v. Chr. bis 1900. Berlin: F. Siemenroth, 1903. (4), 443, (1) pp. Diagram.. 4°. prices: GERMANY 61 Statistiches Jahrbuch deutscher Stadte. Funfzehnter Jahrgang. Breslau: W. G. Korn, 1908. 8°. Published annually. Contains statistics of commodities for a series of years, see Index under Preise von Lebensmitteln, and Viehpreise. Stuttgart. Statistisches Amt. Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Stuttgart fiir das Jahr 1900. Stuttgart, 1902. 4°. Contains statistics of wholesale and retail prices of principal com- modities for each month in 1900 and average price for 1899. XJeber die Preisentwicklung der letzten Jahre nach den Hamburger Borsennotirungen. Jahrbucher fiir Nationaldkonomie und Statistik, 1874, v. 23: 168-178. Wasserrab, Karl. Preise und Kjisen; volkswirtschaftliches aus unseren Tagen. Eine von der Staatswirtschaftlichen Fakultat der Universitat Miinchen gekronte Preisschrtft "Ueber die Veranderungen der Preise auf dem allge- meinen Markt seit 1875 und deren ursachen." Zugleich eine Einfuhrung in national-okonomische Studien fiir Beamte und Kaufleute. Stuttgart: J. 6. Cotta, 1889. viii, 221 pp. Tables. 8°. Wiirttemberg. Statistisches Landesamt. Statistisches Handbuch fiir das Konigreich Wurttemberg. Jahrg. 1906-1907. Stuttgart, 1908. Tables. Map. 4° Published annually. Contains monthly wholesale and retail prices for 1906 and 1907 in principal commodities; also prices for the years 1888-1907. Zwiediueck, Otto von. Kritisches und Positives zur Preislehre. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissensckaft, 1908, 64. Jahrg.: 587-654. EJitisches und Positives zur Preislehre. II. ' Theoretisch vernachlassigte Preisbestimmungsgr iinde . Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, 1909, 65. Jahrg.: 78-128. GREAT BRITAIN COST OF LIVING BeUom, Maurice. Le cotit de la vie en Angleterre. Journal de la Societe de statistique, Apr., 1908, v. 4^: 122-131. Booth, Charles, ed. Life and labour of the people in London. London and New York: Macmillan and co., 1892. 9 vols. Maps. Talle. Diagram. 8°. "Originally issued as two volumes with an appendix [under the title ' Life and labour '] . . . subsequently repubUehed in a re- vised shape as four volumes [under the title 'Labour and life of the people'] . . . Theearlierformof publication has now been abandoned, and consequently the present volume (fifth) is a direct continuation of both previous editions.'' — Note to v. 5. Contents. — v. 1. East, Central, and South London. — v. 2. Streets and population classified. — v. 3. Blocks of buildings, schools, and immigration. — v. 4. The trades of East London. — v. 5-8. Population classified by trades. — v. 9 Comparisons, survey, and conclusions (with an abstract of vols. i-ix). "The standard of life," including tables and analysis of tables of household expenditure, vol. 1, pp. 131-146; "Expenditure and standard of life," vol. 9, pp. 421^42. Bosanquet, Helen Denby, "Mrs. Bernard Bosanquet." The stand- ard of life and other studies. London, New York: MacmiUan and co., 1898. vi, (2), 219 pp. 12°. Carnegie, Andrew. Britain and the United States. Cost of living compared. Contemporary review, Sept., 1894, v. 66: 318-326. The cost of living in Britain compared with the United States. (/nftisTheempireof business, pp. 243-260. NewYork,1902. 8°.) Chappell, F. C. The cost of rent and living in England. Protectionist, May, 1908, v. 20: 25-26. The Cost of living. Chambers's journal, Dec. 2, 1901, v. 78: 785-788. The Cost of living and employment. Statist, Mar. 6, 1910, v. 65: 472-473. The Cost of living and its bearing on wages and trade. Economist {London), Oct. 26, 1907, v. 65: 1813-1814. 62 COST OP LIVING: GREAT BRITAIN 63 The Cost of living for the rich. Economist (London), Jan. 25, 1908, v. 66: 163. Living age, Feb. 22, 1908, v. 256: 506-507. Cost of living of the working classes. [Rents.] Railway news, Feb. 1, 1908, v. 89: 170-171. Cost of living of the working classes — high level of London's rents. Public opinion (London), Jan. 81, 1908, v. 93: 151-152. Davies, M. F. Life in an English village; an economic and historical survey of the parish of Corsley in Wiltshire. London: T. Fisher JJnwin, 1909. xiii, 319 pp. Plates. 8°. "Coreley family budgets," pp. 192-255. Dickenmann, Johann Jakob. Das Nahrungswesen in England vom XII. bis XV. Jahrhundert. Halle a. d. S., Druck von E. Earras, 1904. (4), 63, (1) pp. 8°. "Litteratur": pp. 61-63. * Economic ciah, London. Family budgets: being the income and expenses of twenty-eight British households, 1891-1894. London: P S. King <& son, 1896. 76 pp. 8°. Reviewed by Stephan Bauer, in Archiv f(ir sociale Gesetzgebung und Statistik, vol. 10, 1897, pp. 806-810. Giffen, Sir Robert. Recent changes in prices and incomes com- pared. Royal statistical society. Journal,Dec., 1888, v. 51:713-805. Discussion, pp. 806-815. Same.. {In his Economic inquiries and studies, v. 1, pp. 156-228. Lon- don, 1904. 8°.) Appendices omitted. Great Britain. Board of trade. Cost of living of the working classes. Report of an enquiry by the Board of trade into working class rents, housing and retail prices, to- gether with the standard rates of wages prevailing in certain occupations in the principal industrial towns of the United Kingdom. With an introductory memo- randum. Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Darling & son, ltd., 1908. liii, 616 pp. Ohart. F°. ([Parliament. Papers by command.] Gd. S864-) *Not in L. of C; has been ordered. 64 LIBBAEY OF CONGRESS Griffiths, John L. Cost of living. United Kingdom. Cost of pro- visions in the city of London. V. S. Bureau of manufactures (Dept. of commerce arid labor) Weekly consular and trade reports, Mar. 26, 1910, v. 1: 146-147. Halstead, Marshal. Wages and cost of living in Great Britam and the United States. (In U. S. Consular reports, Nov., 1904, v. 77, no. 290: 45-49.) Hamm, W. C. Food and drink. Higher prices in Europe. Great Britain. Further advances in many articles in England. (In United States Monthly consular and trade reports, Jan., 1907, no. 316: 192-194.) - Higgs, Henry. The expenditure of the working classes. Popular science monthly, Sept., 1900, v. 67: 527-539. Some remarks on consumption. , Economic journal, Bee, 1899, v. 9: 505-519. Workmen's budgets. Royal statistical society. Journal, June, 1893, v. 56: 265- 285. Charts. Discussion, pp. 285-294. Hutchinson, James G. Can the working classes save? A work- man's view. Nineteenth century and after, Feb., 1908, v. 63: 286-296. Lawson, William R. Two record budgets— 1860-1903. FortnighUy review. May, 1903, n. s. v. 73: 899-910. Lebensmittelpreise in England und Deutschland. *Zeitschriftfur Agrarpolitik, Dec., 1906, v. 4: 494-506. The Life of the workman. Municipal journal, Jan. 31, 1908, v. 17: 83. Liverpool economic and statistical society. Liverpool joint research committee. How the casual labourer lives. Report on the domestic condition and expenditures of the families of certain Liverpool labourers. Liverpool: Northern publishing co., 1909. 11% pp. 8°. *Not in L. of C; may be found in Dept. of agri. library. COST OF LIVING: GREAT BEITAIN 65 McGhee, Zack. "Tariff letters." Observations and experiences in the United Kingdom. Aug.-Nov., 1909. i-xix. (In Congressional record, 61st Congress, 2d session, v. 45 (current file) pp. 3590-3593.) The following relate particularly to Cost of living and Prices: VI. Wages and cost of living in New Bedford, 'Mass., and Burnley, England, compared by working women of the two cities; XI. Prices of some necessities and conveniences in Scotland; XIII. Comparative prices of staple groceries; XIV. The steel trust — cost and prices; XV. Prices of clothing; XVII. Gloves and laces; XIX. Cost of living lower in England than in "Protected" countries. Introduced in a speech by the Hon. Wyatt Aiken, Mar. 22, 1910. Mitchell, Wesley C. The British board of trade's investigation into cost of Hving. Quarterly journal of economics, Feb., 1909, v. 23: 345-350. Ogle, William. On certain economic conditions of life of workmen in London. [In Institut international de statistique. Bulletin, vol. 6, pt. 1, pp. 180-187. Rome, 1892. 8°.) Rosewater, Victor. What is the cost of living ? Charities review, Apr., 1892, v. 1: 268-275. Rowntree, B. Seebohm. Poverty; a study of town life. London, New YorJc: Mdcmillan and cc, limited, 1901. xviii, 437 ff. Illustrations. Maps. Plans. Diagrams. 8°. An investigation into the social and economic conditions of the wage-earning classes in York, England, cf. Introduction. "The standard of life," pp. 32-85; "Housing,'' pp. 146-181; "Family budgets: a study in the expenditure and diet of work- ing-class families," pp. 222-294, 394-419. Smith, Richmond Mayo-. Statistics and economics. New YorTc: The Macmillan company, 1899. xiii, (S), 467 pp. 8°. {Science of statistics, part 2.) "Wages and cost of living," pp. 318-322. Workmen's budgets. {In Palgrave, R. H. Inglis, ed. Dictionary of political economy, vol. 3, pp. 676-679. London, 1901. 8°.) Steffen, Gustaf Fredrik. Studien zur Geschichte der englischen Lohnarbeiter mit besonderer Berticksichtigung der veran- derungen ihrer Lebenshaltungen. Stuttgart: Hobhing & Bilchle, 1901-05. 3 v. Diagrams. 8°. 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Steffen, Gustaf Fredrik. Studier ofver lonsystemets historia i England . . . Stockholm: Koersners loMryckeri-aktieholag [1895-99]. 2 v. 8°. {Lorenska stiftelsen. STcrifter. n:r 11 pt- u-' 178-181. Switzerland. Statistisches Bureau. Statistisches Jahrbuch der Schweiz. Annuaire statistique de la Suisse. 1908. Bern, 1909. 8°. {Schweizerische statistik, Ifg. 165.) Published annually. Contains statistics of prices of certain commodities for a series of years, see Index under Prix. See also The Index to volumes 1-10 (1891-1901), published in 1901, under Prix des vivres. Zuppinger, C. Mitteilungen iiber die Preise der wichtigsten Lebensmittel und anderer Bedarfsartikel im Januar, April, Juli, 1908. Zeitschrift filr schweizerische Statistilc, 1908, v. 44, pt. I: 468-470: pt. II: 174-178; 626-529. GOLD AND OTHER PRECIOUS METALS IN RELATION TO PRICES Atkinson, Edward. The battle of standards and the fall of prices. Forum, Apr., 1895, v. 19: 143-158. Barker, Wharton. BunetaUism: or, The evils of gold monometal- lism and the benefits of bimetallism. PJiiladelpJiia: Earlier publishing company, 1896. xv, (/), 330 pp. Tables. Diagrams. 8°. Bell, Spurgeon. Prices, credit, and the quantity theory again. Journal of political economy, July, 1906, v. 1^: Jt43-450. Review of Joseph French Johnson's Money and currency. Bennett, C. H. Gold production and the price of securities. Economist {London), Apr. 11, 1908, v. 66: 787-788. Biermer, Magnus. Die neuzeitliche Goldproduktion und ihr Ein- fluss auf das Wirtschaftsleben. Dresden: v. Zahn & Jaensch, 1905. 4^ pp. 8°. (In Neue Zeit- und Streitfragen, hrsg. von der Gehe-stiftung zu Dresden. Dresden, 1906. 2. JaJirg.) Jahrbuch der Gehe-stiftung zu Dresden, Bd. xi, pp. [55]-102. Cairnes, J. E. Essays in political economy. Theoretical and applied. London: Macmillan and co., 1873. 344 PP- 8°. "Essays towards a solution of the gold question": pp. 1-165; see also Appendices, A-K, pp. 347-371. Carlile, William Warrand. The evolution of modern money. London, New Yorlc: Macmillan and co., limited, 1901. xxiii, 373, (1) pp. 8°. Chance, H. M. The increasing production of gold. Engineering magazine, July, 1899, v. 17: 562-568. The present value and purchasing power of gold. Engineering magazine, May, 1896, v. 11: 193-199. Chevalier, Michel. De la baisse probable de I'or, des consequences commerciales et sociales qu'elle pent avoir et des mesures qu'elle provoque. Paris: Capelle, 1859. 283, 244 VV- ^°- 80 GOLD SUPPLY AND PKICES 81 Chevalier, Michel. On the probable fall in the value of gold: the commercial and social consequences which may ensue, and the measures which it invites. Tr. from the French, with preface, by Richard Cobden, esq. New York: D. Appleton and company, 1869. 211 pp. 8°. Clow, Frederick E. The quantity theory and its critics. Journal of political economy, Sept., 1903, v. 11: 594-620. Conant, Charles A. Can there be too much gold? Putnam's monthly and the Reader, Mar., 1908, v. 3: 677-681. The gold exchange standard in the light of experience. Economic journxil, June, 1909, v. 19: 190-200. The law of the value of money. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Sept., 1900, V. 16: 189-211. ■ What determines the value of money? Quarterly journal of economics, Aug., 1904, '"• 18: 561-569. Cornish, Thomas. Our gold supply: its effects on finance, trade, commerce, and industries. London: E.Fisher & CO., 1884. 212 pp. 8°. Crump, Arthur. An investigation into the causes of the great fall in prices which took place coincidently with the demon- etisation of silver by Germany. London and New YorJc: Longmans, Green and co., 1889. (6), 11, 198 pp. 8°. Daniell, Clarmont. The gold treasure of India; an enquiry into its amount, the causes of its accumulation, and the proper means of using it as money. London: K. Paul, Trench cfe co., 1884. 'vi, ^18 pp. 12°. Danson, J. T. Of the quantity of gold and silver supposed to have passed from America to Europe, from the discovery of the former country to the present time. Royal statistical society. Journal, Mar., 1861, v. 14-' 11-44-' Del Mar, Alexander. The future of gold. Gunton's magazine, Dec, 1896, v. 11: 396-402. The mechanical management of the world's stock of gold. Engineering magazine, Jan., 1908, v. 34: 661-668. Prosperity : its relation to the increasing production of gold. Enjgineerin^ magazine, Oct., 1907, v. 34: 15-28. 82 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS The Deluge of gold and its effect in advancing prices. Manufacturers' record, Jan. 20, 1910, v. 57: Jf5. Drobisch, M. W. Ueber die Berechnung der Veranderungen der Waarenpreise und des Geldwerths. JahrhucTier filr Nationalolconomie und Statistik, 1871, v. 16: 143-156, 4I6-427. Edgeworth, F. Y. Appreciation of gold. Quarterly journal of economics, Jan., 1889, v. 3: 153-169. Reports of the Committee, appointed for the purpose of investigating the best methods of ascertaining and meas- uring variations in the value of the monetary standard. (Drawn up by the Secretary.) ( Jn British association for the advancement of science. Report, 1887: 247-301; 1888: 188-219; 1889: 133-164. London, 1888- 1890. 8°.) Mr. Pierson on scarcity of gold. Economic journal, Mar., 1895, v. 5: 109-112. On the method of ascertaining a change in the value of gold. Royal statistical society. Journal, Dec., 1883, v. 46: 714-718. Escher, Franklin. Fallacies of the gold depreciation theory. Moody's magazine. May, 1909, v. 7: 361-365. Falkner, Roland P. Have we sufficient gold in circulation ? Fm-um, Aug., 1899, v. 27: 740-751. Fisher, Irving. Gold in relation to the cost of living. American review of reviews, Feb., 1910, v. 4I: 190-192. Forbes, Francis B. Some statistical problems connected with the world's stock of gold. American statistical association. Publications, Mar., 1907, V. 10: 223-235. The world's recent production of gold and its influence upon commodity prices. American statistical association. Publications, June, 1906, V. 10: 77-109. Frewen, Moreton. Gold scarcity and the depression of trade. Nineteenth century, Oct., 1885, v. 18: 693-613. Garrison, F. Lynwood. The increased gold production and its effect upon the cost of living. Franklin institute. Journal, Dec, 1907, v. 164: 41^419- GOLD SUPPLY AND PRICES 83 Gibbs, Henry H. The gold question and the fall of prices. National review, July, 1883, v. 1: 658-676. Gibson, Thomas. The increasing gold supply and its effect on security values; interest Irates; commodity prices, etc. Comp. from Thomas Gibson's special market letters; with an appendix. New York: The Oibson publishing company, 1908. 134- pp. Tables. 12°. GifFen, Sir Robert. The depreciation of gold since 1848. {In his Economic inquiries and studies, v. 1, pp. 75-97. London, 1904. 8°.) Gold and prices. Statist, Apr. 2, 1904, v. 53: 662-654. Gold and silver production and movement in 1909. Gommercial and financial chronicle, Feb. 5, 1910, v. 90: 341-344. Great Britain. GoU and silver commission. Final report of the Royal commission appointed to inquire into the recent changes in the relative values of the precious metals. Washington: Government printing office, 1889. 199 pp. Diagram. 8°. ( U. S. 50th Cong. 2d sess. Semite misc. doc. no. 34.) Reprint of British report, ordered by joint resolution of U. S. House and Senate. Parliament. House of commons. Select committee on the high price of gold bullion. "The bullion report." [Report from the Select committee on the high price of gold bul- lion. Ordered, by the House of commons, to be printed, 8 June, 1810.] (In Sound currency, v. 2, no. 1-24 New York, 1895. 8"- no. 14, pp. [l]-28.) {In Sound currency 1895, a conipendium of accurate and timely information on current questions intended for writers, speakers, and students. New York, 1895. 8°. v. 2, no. 14, pp. 141-168.) Guyot, Yves. La question de Tor. Paris: F. Alcan, 1908. 30 pp. 8°. "Extrait de la Revue du commerce de 1' Industrie et de la banque, du 31 mars 1908." Hardy, S. McLean. The quantity of money and prices, 1860-1891, an inductive study. Journal of political economy, Mar., 1895, v. 3: 145-168. 84 LIBKARY OP CONGEESS Held. Noch einmal liber den Preis des Geldes. Ein Beitrag zur Milnzfrage. Jahrbiicher fur Natiormlokonomie und Statistik, 1871, v. 16: 315-340. Holt, Byron W. The depreciation of gold. Moody's magazine, June, 1909, v. 7: 446-461. Gold depreciation, its causes and effects. Moody's magazine, Jan., 1910, v. 9: 61-56. The gold supply and prosperity. New York: The Moody corf oration, 1907. xv, 17-261 pp. niustrations. Portraits. Charts. 12°. The power of gold. Moody's magazine, Nov.-Dec, 1908, v. 6: 361-356; 417-422. Too much gold. Everybody's magazine, Apr. 1910, v. 22: 476-482. Howard, Ernest. The money inflation and the future of prices. Political science quarterly, March, 1907, v. 22: 74-82. Hucke, Julius. Die Geld-verrichtungen in der Preis-, lohn- und Zinsgestaltung. Berlin: Mitscher & Rostell, 1897. iv, 204 VV- *°- Humboldt, Alexander von i. e. Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alex- ander freiherr von. The fluctuations of gold. The la^ of payment by F. Grimaudet tr. into English, rev. and annot. by W. Maude. New York: The Cambridge encyclopedia co., 1900. 2 1 V. 8°. Increase in the production of gold. [In Palgrave, R. H. Inglis. Bictionary of political economy, Appendix, pp. 739-742. London, 1908. 8°.) Jackson, Charles C. Has gold appreciated? New York: Reform club sound currency committee, 1895. 31 pp. Tables. Diagrams. 12°. Jacob, William. An historical inquiry into the production and con- sumption of the precious metals. London: J. Murray, 1831. 2 v. 8°. GOLD SUPPLY AND PKICES 85 Jevons, William Stanley. Investigations in currency & finance. Illustrated by eighteen diagrams, ed., with an introduc- tion, by H. S. Foxwell. New ed., abridged, with preface by H. Stanley Jevons. London: Macmillan and co., limited, 1909. xxi:vi, S47 pp. Tailes. Diagrams. 8°. "First edition 1884, second edition 1909." Sections II, III, IV, pp. 13-150, discuss the value of gold and its effect on prices. A serious fall in the value of gold ascertained, and its social effects set forth. London: E. Stanford, 1863. U), 73 pp. Tables. Dia- grams. 8°. Johnson, Joseph French. Influence of the increasing gold supply upon prices and the rate of interest. {In Hull, Walter Henry, ed. Practical problems in banking and currency, pp. 433^46. New York, 1907. 8°.) Money and currency in relation to industry, prices, and the rate of interest. Boston, New YorTc [etc.]: Ginn & company, ["1905]. ix, (1), 398 pp. (Jharts. Diagrams. 8°. "Literature" at end of chapters. Eardorff, Wilhelm von. The gold standard: its causes, its effects, and its future. From the German of Baron William von Kardorff-Wabnitz . PhiladelpUa: H. G. Baird cfc co., 1880. 58 pp. 8°. Koch, Friedrich. Der Londoner Goldverkehr. Eine volkswirt- schaftliche Studie. Stuttgart und Berlin: J. G. Cotta'scJie BucJiJiandlung NacTi- folger, 1905. viii, 116 pp. 8°. {Munchener volkswirt- schaftliche Studien. 73. StucJc.) Krai, Franz. Geldwert und Preisbewegung im Deutschen Reiche 1871-1884. Mit einer Einleitung iiber die Methode der statistischen Erhebung von Geldmenge und Geldbedarf von F. X. von Neumann-Spallart. Jena: G. Fischer, 1887. viii, 111, (1) pp. 8°. (Staats- wissenscJiaftliche Studien. 1. Bd., 3. Hft.) Laughlin, James Laurence. Gold and prices since 1873. [Chicago]: The University of Chicago press, 1895. 39, xvi pp. Diagrams. 8°. Cover-title. Eeprinted from Quarterly journal of economics, April, 1887, V. 1: 319-355. Bibliography: pp. [38]-39. 86 LIBEAHY OF CONGRESS Laughlin, James Laurence. Gold and prices, 1890-1907. Journal of political economy, May, 1909, v. 17: 257-271. ' ' Finally, the tendency to high prices, at least in the United States, is so satisfactorily explained in almost every instance, either by some general influence like the tariffs or the forma- tion of 'trusts,' or by causes peculiar to the commodity itself, that it is not necessary to resort to a cause originating in gold." Prices and the international movement of specie. Journal of political economy, Sept., 1902, v. 10: 614-636. Launay, Louis de. The world's gold, its geology, extraction, and political economy; tr. by Orlando Cyprian Williams, with an introduction by Charles A. Conant. New York and London: G. P Putnam's sons, 1908. xxxii, (2), 242 pp. Map. Tables. Diagram. 8°. Chap. IV, "The economy of gold," discusses the fluctuations in its value, the purchasing power measured by the cost of living, etc. Laveleye, Emile de. The economic crisis and its causes. Contemporary review. May, 1886, v. 49: 621-637 . On the scarcity of gold. Lindsay, Samuel McCune. Die Preisbewegung der Edelmetalle seit 1850 verglichen mit der der andern Metalle, unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Produktions- und Kon- sumtionsverhaltnisse. Jena: G. Fischer, 1893. xiii, 218, (2) pp. 8°. {Sammlung nationalokonomischer und statistischer AbJiandlungen des StaatswissenscTiaftlicJien Seminars zu Halle a. d./S. 7. Bd. 3. Eft.) Luzzatti, Giacomo. Prezzi ideali e prezzi effettivi; note di studio sul valore della moneta in una economia di popolo. MiUno: U. Hoepli, 1892. vi, 221 pp. 8°. (Studi giuri- dici e politici.) [Maclaren, James.] Observations on the effect of the Californian & Australian gold: and on the impossibility of continuing the present standard, in the event of gold becoming seriously depreciated. London: T.Bumpus [etc.], 1862. 32 pp. 8°. Magee, J. D. The world's production of gold and silver from 1493 to 1905. Journal of political economy, Jan. 1910, v. 18: 50-58. GOLD SUPPLY AND PRICES 87 Merriam, L. S. Money as a measure of value. American academy of political and social science. Annals, May, 1894, v. 4: 966-969. Mersereau, J. C. fuh. American gold quotations. New York: J. C. Mersereau, 1871-1878. 6v. 16°. Statistics covering the period from 1862. Mitchell, Wesley C. The new gold and the fall of prices. Journal oj political economy, Dec, 1896, v. 5: 84-85. The quantity theory of the value of money. Journal oj political economy, Mar., 1896, v. 4'- 139-165. Mongin, Marcel. De I'abondance de la monnaie metallique. Revue d'economie politique, 1888, v. 2: 364-386. La monnaie et la mesure des valeurs. ■Revue d'economie politique, 1897, v. 11: 144-169. Montgomery, Robert. The scarcity of gold and its remedy. Bankers' magazine {New York), Aug., Sept., 1883, v. 38: 115-122; 195-201. MulhaU, M. G. Prices and gold supply. Contemporary review, Aug., 1885, v. 48: 188-199. Nicholson, J. Shield. The measurement of variations in the value of the monetary standard. Royal statistical society . Journal, Mar. ,1887, v. 60: 150-166. "Recommends an index number based on the change in the monetary value of property or capital." A treatise on money and essays on monetary problems. 5th ed. London: A. <& C. Black, 1901. 458 pp. 8°. "The effects of great discoveries of precious metals" [on prices, etc.]: pp. 221-245. Nogaro, Bertrand. Le r6le de la monnaie dans le commerce interna- tional et la thSorie quantitative. Paris: V. Giard c& E. Briere, 1904. (4), 210, {,2) pp. 8°. "Bibliographie": pp. 207-210. Norton, J. Pease. The gold flood and its problems. American monthly review of reviews, Jan., 1908, v. 37: 77-81. The remedy for high prices. Independent, Feb. 10, 1910, v. 68: 292-294. On the depreciation of gold, and suggestions for currency reform. 88 LIBEARY OP CONGRESS Noyes, Alexander D. Gold output and higher cost of living. Atlantic monthly, Oct., 1907, v. 100: 502-612. Prices and the increasing gold supply. Nation, July 17, 1902, v. 75:J^6-/^7. Outerbridge, Alexander E., jr. The increased production of gold and its relation to the standard of value. Cassier's magazine. Mar., 1907, v. SI: 388-393. Marvelous increase in production of gold. Appleton's popular science monthly, Mar., 1899, v. 6Jf: 636-643. Paasche, Hermann. Studien ueber die Natur der Geldentwerthung und Lhre praktische Bedeutung in den letzten Jahrzehn- ten. Auf grund statistischen Detailmaterials entn. der Stadt Halle a. S. 1. Theil. Jena: G.Fischer, 1878. (4), 173 pp. 8°. (Sammlung national- okonomischer und statistischer AbJiandlungen . . . 1. Bd. 4. Hjt.) Palgrave, R. H. Inglis. Gold and banks. Quarterly review, Jan., 1906, v. 204: 187-206. Patterson, Robert Hogarth. The new golden age and influence of the precious metals upon the world. Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood and sons, 1882. 2 V. 8°. , Pierson, N. G. Index numbers and the appreciation of gold. Economic journal, Sept., 1896, v. 6: 329-336. Replies to objections against tbeir index numbers by N. G. Pier- son and A. Sauerbeck. Further considerations on index-numbers. Economic journal. Mar., 1896, v. 6: 127-131. Powers, L. G. Gold and the prices of the products of the farm. Yale review, Nov., 1896, v. 5:239-250. Preston, Robert E. The future of gold. North American review, Jan., 1895, v. 160:38-47. Price, Langford Lovell Frederic Rice. Money and its relations to prices, being an inquiry into the causes, measurement, and effects of changes in general prices. London: S. Sonnenschein c& co., limited; New YorJc: C. Scribner's sons, 1896. vi, (2), 200 pp. 12°. [Social science series, no. 88.] GOLD SUPPLY AND PRICES 89 / Prices and the increasing gold supply. Nation, July 17, 1902, v. 75: Jfi-Jt7 . The Remarkable depreciation of gold. Spectator, Mar. 16, 30, 1907, v. 98: 411-412; 492-493. Bicardo, David. Three letters on the price of gold, contributed to the Morning chronicle (London) in August-November, 1809. Baltimore: The Johns Hoplcins press, 1903. SO pp. 8°. (^A reprint of Economic tracts.) Roberts, George E. The increasing supply of gold. Forum, Feb:, 1899, v. 26: 656-667. The influence of the new supplies of gold. North American review, Aug., 1901, v. 173: 254-262. Sauerbeck, Augustus. Prices of commodities and the precious metals. Royal statistical society. Journal, Sept., 1886, v. 49: 581-648. Scott, William A. The quantity theory. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Mar., 1897; v. 9: 40-58. Smith, Eichmond Mayo-. Money and prices. Political science quarterly, June, 1900, v. 15: 196-216. Soetbeer, Adolf. Litteraturnachweis uber Geld-und Mtinzwesen, insbesondere iiber den Wahrungsstreit, 1871-1891. Mit geschichthchen und statistischen Erlauterungen. Berlin: Puttlcammer c& Muhlbrecht, 1892. iv, (2), 322 pp. 8°. A very full bibliography extending from the discovery of America to the end of 1891. It approaches completeness for the later years and necessarily includes material on the influence of the production of gold and silver on prices. Materials toward the elucidation of the economic conditions affecting the precious metals and the question of standards. (The prices of commodities in 1886 compared with the prices of previous years.) Translated by F. W. Taussig. {In Atkinson, E. Report upon the present status of bimetallism in Europe, pp. 57-280. Washington, 1887. 8°. U. S. 50th Cong., Istsess.. Senate ex. doc. 34. 2504.) Soubeyran, filie. Abondance de I'or et augmentation des sub- sistances. La Revue socialiste, Sept., 1907, v. 46: 231-245. 90 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Stirling, Patrick James. The Australian and Califomian gold dis- coveries, and their probable consequences; or, An inquiry into the laws which determine the value and distribution of the precious metals: with historical notices of the effects of the American mines on European prices in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. In a series of letters. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd; [etc. , etc.], 1853. 279 ipf. Folded diagram. 12°. Stuart, H. W. A scarcity of gold? Journal of political economy, June, 1895, v. 3: 362-365. Symposium: The increasing supply of gold. Its effect upon (a) prices, (b) wages, (c) rents, (d) interest, (e) industry, (f) securities, (g) business ethics, (h) politics, (i) society. Moody's magazine, Dec, 1906, v. 1: 16-81. Contents. — ^Memoranda as to gold prices, wages and interest; Gold supply not too great, by Maurice L. Muhleman, pp. 29-31; Money interest rates and prosperity, by John B. Clark, pp. 31- 34; The duty of gold, by Walter S. Logan, pp. 34^40; Influx of gold means prosperity, by Frank A. Vanderlip, pp. 40-44; Gold production and the rate of interest, by Irving Fisher, pp. 44r-49; Over supply of gold unlikely, by Ellis Roberts, pp. 49- 53; How gold operates, by Horace White, pp. 53-56; Some gold problems, by John Dewitt Warner, pp. 57-59; The eSects of the increasing supply of gold upon the investor, by L. Carroll Root, pp. 60-62; The influence of the increasing gold supply on prices and rates of interest, by Joseph F. Johnson, pp. 63-66; More gold means higher ' ' time " money and lower bond prices, by Robert Goodbody, pp. 66-70; Gold and prosperity, by Jamea R. Branch, pp. 70-71; The gold problem solved, by George H. Shibley, pp. 71-74; The gold supply and prices, by Charles A. Conant, pp. 74-81. Symposium. : The quantity theory of money. Moody's magazine, Sept., 1906, v. 2: 393-410. Contributors. — George M. Coffin; Irving Fisher; Maurice L. Muhleman; Henry Farquhar; A. J. Warner; E. W. Kemmerer. Tooke, Thomas. An inquiry into the currency principle; the con- nection of the currency with prices, and the expediency of a separation of issue from banking. 2d ed. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1844- via, 165, (1) pp. 8°. Two typical theories of money. The quantity theory of money from the Marxist stand-point. A. P. Hazell. Stable money. Thomas Elmer Will. Journal of political economy, Dec, 1898, v. 7: 78-92. The Value of money is controlled by its quantity. Banker's magazine {New YorJc) May, 1881, v. 35: 857-864. GOLD SUPPLY AND PKICES 91 Volpicelli, Z. The silver question in China and the fluctuations of prices, with tables of numbers and diagrams based on over 5,000 prices obtained from 10 provinces. [Shanghai: "The China gazette" office, 1897?] {4), 19 fp. Tables. Diagrams. 8°. Walker, Francis A. The quantity-theory of money. Quarterly journal of economics, July, 1896, v. 9: 372-379. Wallis, Percy. Gold and prices. Economist {London), Apr. 18, 1908, v. 66: 844. Whitaker, A. 0. The Ricardiaij theory of gold movements and Professor Laughlin's views of money. Quarterly journal of economics, Feb., 1904, v. 18: 220-254- Whiting, Frederic J. Gold supply and the crops. Inter-nation, Jan., 1907, n. s. v. 1: 65-62. Willis, H. Parker. Credit devices and the quantity theory. Journal of political economy, June, 1896, v. 4- 281-308. The history and present application of the quantity theory. Journal of political economy, Sept., 1896, v. 4'- 417-448- World's heavy production of gold. Rand-McNally banlcers' monthly, Feb., 1909, v. 38: 89-91. Zuckerkandl, Robert. La mesure des transformations de la valeur de la monnaie. Bevue d'economie politique, 1894, v. 8: 237-252. Bibliographie, p. 253. 30734— 10— -7 PERIODICALS Current prices of various commodities may bo found in the following publications : American grocer, New York. American iron and steel association. Bulletin. PMladelphia. The American sugar industry and beet sugar gazette, Chicago. The Black diamond, Chicago. Bradstreet's, New Yorlc. The British trade journal, London. The British trade review, London. Canadian grocer, Toronto. The Canadian journal of commerce, Montreal. The Canned goods trade, Baltimore. Chicago dairy produce, Chicago. The Cincinnati price current, Cincinnati. The Coal trade journal. New Yorlc. The Commercial & financial chronicle, New York. (See Jan. issues.) Commercial West, Minneapolis, Minn. Dun's review, New York. (Jan. 12, 1901, with monthly continua- tions.) The Economist, Chicago. The Economist, London. (Mar., 1864, with annual supplements.) L'Economiste fran^ais, Paris. Grocery world and general merchant, Philadelphia. Institute of bankers, Journal. London. The Interstate grocer, St. Louis, Mo. Iron age, New York. Jahrbiicher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, Jena. (From 1892.) The Milk reporter, Sussex, N. J. Modern miller, St. Louis, Mo. Monetary Times, Toronto. The National provisioner. New York. New York Journal of commerce, New York. New York Times : weekly financial quotation review, New York. The Northwestern miller, Minneapolis, Minn. Oil City derrick. Oil City, Pa. Oil, paint and drug reporter, New York. Shoe and leather reporter, Boston. The Statist, London. The Tea & coffee trade journal, New York. The Trade register, Seattle, Washington. The Wall street summar}', New York. Weekly statistical sugar trade journal (Willett & Gray), New York. 92 AUTHOE Il^DEX Page Adams, Thomas S 6, 25 Aiken, Wyatt 65 Aldrich, Nelson W 34 Alsace-Lorraine. Statisiisches Bu- reau 56 Altona. Statisiisches Amt 57 Ames, Azel 32 Ames, Herbert Brown 32 Association of officials of bureaus of labor statistics of America 17 Atkinson, Edward 80 Atkinson, Fred J 73 Austin, O. P 42 Austria. Finanz-ministerium 45 Statistische Central-commission. 45 Avenel, Georges d', vicom.te 1, 51 Avery 34 Ayres, Philip W 17 Bache, Ren6 17 Bacon, Augustus 0- - -. 33 Baden (Grand duchy) 57 Bailey, Joseph W 33 Bailey, William B 18 Barbagallo, Corrado 76 Bardoux, Jaques 73 Barker, Wharton 80 Barmen. Statisiisches Amt 52 Bauer, Stephan 52, 63 Bavaria. Statisiisches Bureau 57 Beaujon, A 6 Beaurieux, Noel 51 Beeson, Sterling 17 Belgium. Direction del' industrie.. 47 Ministire 'de I'interieur et de I'instruction publique 48 Office du travail 48 Bell, Spurgeon '. . 6,80 Bellom, Maurice 49, 53, 62 Benner, Samuel 37 Bennett, C. H 80 Berlin. Statisiisches Ami 53, 57 Bern. Staiistisches Bureau 79 Page Betham-Ed wards. Miss 3 Beveridge, Albert J 33 Bidwell, Charles Toll 1 Biemer, Magnus 80 Bienaym6, Gustave 50 Bliss, William D. P., etf 17 Bolles, Alberts 7 Booth, Charles 62 Borght, Eichard van der 57 Bosanquet, Helen Denby 62 Bourne, Stephen 7 Bower, H 34 Bowley, Arthur Lyon 7, 66 Branch, James R 90 Bremen. Statisiisches Amt 57 Breslau. Staiistisches Amt 57 Britt, Albert 17 Brooks, Robert Clarkson 37 Brown, Harry G 37 Brown, Stewert 20 Brown, Susan Anna 17 Browne, Junius Henri 17 Budapest 46 Bucher, Karl 53 Bulgaria 48 Bureau of economic research iv Byington, Margaret F 18 Byles, L. M 18 Cairnes, J. E . 80 Canada. Dept. of agriculture 73 Depi. of labour 72 Cape of Good Hope. Colonial secretary's dept 73 Parliament 72 Carlile, William Warrand 80 Carnegie, Andrew 18, 62 Carr, H. H., & co., Chicago 37 Carter, Thomas H 33 Cassel, G 7 Cervig6n y Lerin, Benito 78 Chance, H. M 80 Chapin, Robert Coit '. . 18 93 94 AUTHOR INDEX Page Chapman, M. S 18 Ohappell, F. 62 Chevalier, Michel 80,81 Cheysaon, E 1 Child, Richard Washburn 18 Chile. Oficina central de estadistica. 48 Chiozza-Money , Leone George 1 Chittenden, Russell H 20 Christiania. Statistishe kontor 79 Clark, John Bates iii, 20, 90 Clark, Walter E 19 Clow, Frederick R 81 Cobden, Richard 81 Cocks, William W 37 Coffin, Georgo M 90 Cole, William Alfred 7 Colorado. Bureau of labor statis- tics 19 Commons, John R iv Conant, Charles A 19, 81, 86, 90 Connecticut. Bureau of labor sta- tistics 19 Conrad, Else 53 Conrad, J 7 Cook, Walter F 19 Cope, Rufus 7 Cornish, Thomas 81 Crawford, Coe 1 37 Creelman, James 20 Crowell, John Franklin 38 Croxton, Fred C 32,38 Crump, Arthur 81 Cunynghame, H 7 Daggett, Ellsworth 8 Daniell, Clarmont 81 Danson, J. T 81 Davies, M. F 63 Davis, Andrew McFarland 38 Dawson, "William Harbutt 53 Delaire, A 2 Del Mar, Alexander 81 Deming, C 20 Denis, Hector 8 Denmark. Statens statistishe bu- reau 49 Denton, D. H. & co., Chicago 38 Devine, Edward T 20 Dickenmann, Johann Jakob 63 Dickson, Edith 20 Dodge, Arthirr J 21 Dodge, James Richards 21, 34 Douglas, Albert. . . : 21 Dresden. Statistisches Amt 58 Drobisch, M. W 82 Ducpetiaux, ]&d 47 Dunbar, William H 38 Dunne, F. P 21 Dunning, Nelson A 8 Eaton, Isabel 21 Economic club, London 63 Edgeworth, F. Y 8,82 Edkins, Joseph 49 Eichthal, Eugfene d' 67 Ely, Richard T iii, 30 Engel, Ernst 47 Engelbrecht, Theodor H 38, 73 England, Minnie Throop 8 Errdzuriz Tagle, Jorge 48 Escher, Franklin 21,82 Esslen, J 53, 58 Evans, David Morier 67 Eyzaguirre Rouse, Guillermo 48 Falkner, Roland P 8, 32, 34, 82 Farnam, Henry W 8 Farquhar, Henry 90 Fisher, Irving 16,82,90 Fleming, Alfred J 72 Fleming, Owen 9 Flesch, Karl 53 Fleurey, G 50 Florence (City). Uffiek) di segre- teria generale 76 Flux, A. W 9 Foldes, B^la 9, 58 Forbes, Francis B 38, 82 Forman, S. E 33 Foster, John G 72 Fountain 9 Foville, A. de... 9,51 Foxwell, H. S 85 France. Bureau de la sialislique generale 51 Frankel, Lee K 21, 22 Franklin, A 21 Freiea deutsches Hochstift 53 Frewen, Moreton 9, S2 Fiirth, Frau Henrietta K 53 Gardiner, Ruth K 3 Gardner, Augustus P 22 Garrison, F. Lynwood 82 Gellender, Edward Edwin 9 George, Lyman F 9 Gerloff, Wilhelm 54, 58 Germany. Statistisches Amt 54,58 Gibbs, Henry H 83 Gibson, Thomas 83 AUTHOE INDEX 95 Giddings, Franklin H 20, 27 Giffen, -Sir Robert 9,63,83 Gilmore, Eugene A 38 Glosson, William H 22 Gompers, Samuel 2 Gonzalez, Juan B 45 Goodbody, Robert 90 Goodyear, Caroline 22 Gould, Elgin Ralston Lovell 22 Govett, F. A 67 Graack, Erdmann 54 Great Britain: Board of agriculture 10, 67 Board of trade 2, 10, 33, 47, 50, 54, 63, 67, 68 Foreign office 3, 10, 11, 46, 51, 54, 58, 76 Gold and silver commission 83 India office 73 Irish land commission 68 Local government board. 68 Parliament 83 Royal commission to inquire into the depression of trade and industry 69 Greene, Frank 22 Gr6goire, Ach 48 Grenell, Judson 27 Griffith, John L 64 Grimaudet, F 84 Grotjahn, Alfred. 3 Gruber, Ignaz 3 Gunther, Ernst 55 Guradze, Hans 55, 59 Guyot, Yves 83 Haacke, Heinrich 59 Hadley, Arthur T 11 Halle a. S. Statistisches Amt 59 Halstead, Albert . 69 Halstead, Marshal 22,64 Hamm, W. C 64 Hampke, Karl 55 Hanger, G.W.W 32 Hanover (City). Statistisches AttU. 59 Hansen, Johannes 59 Hardy, S. McLean 83 Harris, W. T 34 Hazell, A. P 90 Heiser-Harttung, Franz 55 Heitz, Ernst L 59,79 Held 84 Herrick, Christine Terhune 22 Herzfeld, Elsa Goldina 22 Page Hess, Ralph H 39 Hewes, Elizabeth 23 Hewes, Fletcher Willis 23, 39 Heyburn, Weldon B 33 Heyn, Edward T 45 Higgs, Henry 64 Hill, William 39 Hingham, Mass 39 Hitchcock, A. P 23 Hobson, J. A 39 Hoffmann, E 79 Holt, Byron Webber 20, 39, 84 Hourwich, J. A 39 Howard, Ernest 39, 84 Howells, William Dean 23 Howey, Walter C 23 Hoxie, Robert Franklin. 11 Hucke, Julius 84 Hultgren, E. 78 Humboldt, Alexander von 84 Hungary. Statisztihai hivatal 46 Hutchinson, James G 64 Illinois. Bureauof labor statistics. 23 India. Bept. of finance and com- merce 74 Statistical dept 74 Indiana. Bureau of statistics 24 Iowa. Bureau of labor statistics. . . 24 Italy. Direzione generate delta stat- istica 76 Uffico del lavoro 76 Jackson, Charles C '. 84 Jacob, Williani 84 Japan. Bureau de la statistique generate 77 Jenks, Jeremiah W 39 Jenyns, Soame 69 Jevpns, H. Stanley 85 Jevons, William Stanley. 11, 85 Johnson, Alvin S iii, 40 Johnson, Joseph French 11, 85, 90 Jones, Edward D 11 Justice, Theodore 18 Kansas. Bureau of labor and in- dustrial statistics 24 Kardorff , Wilhelm von 85 Keith, John 24 Kemmerer, Edwin Walter. . 11, 13, 40, 90 Keiman, George 24 Kirkhoven, Lucius 24 Koch, Friedrich 85 Kottgen, August. . : 59 Krai, Franz 59,85 96 AUTHOR INDEX Page Kremp, J. H 11 Kurella, Hans 55 Lalor, John J 14 Eandergren, Ernst 78 Landolt, Charles 4, 79 Laquer, D 25, 55 Laspeyres, E 11,12,60 Laughlin, James Laurence iii, 12, 25, 85, 86 Launay, Louis de 86 Laut, Agnes C 25 Laveleye, Emile de 86 Lawson, William R 64 Lehr, J 12 Leipzig. Statistisches Ami 60 Le Play, Pierre Guillaume Fr4d6ric 4 Letort, Charles 52 Levasseur, i^mile, i. e. Pierre Emile 25, 50, 52 Lexis, W 55 Lightboy, W. M 69 Lindsay, Samuel McCune 86 Liverpool economic and statistical society 64 Lloyd , William Forster 69 Lodge, Henry Cabot 25, 34 Loewenfeld, Walter 46 Logan, Walters 90 London . County council 69 Lorenz, M. 55 Low, Alfred Maurice. 25 Low, William G., jr. .^. 40 Luberg, Otto 60 Lutz, H. L 69 Luzzatti, Giacomo 86 McCain, C. C 34 McCumber, Porter J 40 McGhee, Zack 65 Mcllwraith, Jean N 3 McKinley, William B 40 McNally, J. C , 49 Maclaren, James 86 Magee, J. D 25, 86 Mahin, Frank W 69 Maine. Bureau of industrial and labor statistics 26 Marburg, Theodore 25 Marshall, Alfred 12 Martin, Edward S 26 Marvaud, Angel 78 Maryland. Bureau of industrial statistics 26 Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor 26, 40 Page Massachusetts. General court iv Maude, W 84 Mauger 34 Maxwell, William Walter 27 May, B.E 56 Meade, Edward Sherwood 40 Meredith, Hugh Owen 70 Meriwether, Lee 31 Merriam, L. S 87 Mersereau, J. C 87 Metzler, Gustav Karl 12 Michigan. Bureau of labor 27 Milan. Ragioneria 76 Miles, Herbert D 27 MiU,J. S iii Minnesota. Bureau of labor 27 Missouri. Bureau of labor statistics and inspection 27 Mitchell, Wesley Clair 41, 65, 87 Mongin, Marcel 87 Montana. Bureau of agriculture, labor, and industry 27 Montgomery, Robert 87 Moore, J. Hampton 36 More, Louise Bolard 27 Miihlemann, C 79 Muhleman, Maurice L 90 Mulhall, Michael George 12, 87 Munich. Statistisches Amt 60 Murray, Stewart L 12 MuEsey, Henry R 18 Naples (CommM?i«). Sezione stalis- tica 76 Natal. Colonial secretary's office. . . 74 Nebraska. Bureau of labor and industrial statistics 27 Neill, Charles P 33 Neisser, Eugen J 46, 60 Netherlands (Kingdom) 1815 — Cen- traal bureau voor de statisbiek 77 Neumann, F. J 59 Neumann-Spallart, F. X 59, 85 New Hampshire. Bureau of labor. 28 New Jersey. Bureau of statistics of labor and industries 28 New South Wales. Bureau of sta- tistics 74 New York. Bureau of labor sta- tistics 28 New Zealand 72 Registrar-general's of/ice 74 Newcomb, Harry Turner 28 Nicholson, J. Shield iii, 87 AUTHOR INDEX 97 Page Nicolai, Kdm 32,47 Nielsen, Axel 49 Nitsch, Mrs. Helen Alice (Mat- thews) 28 Noel, Annie Webster 28 Nogaro, Bertrand 87 North, S.N. D 34 Norton, John Pease 20, 87 Noyes, Alexander D 88 O'Coner, J. E 74 Ogd^n, G. W 28 Ogg, Frederic Austin 4 Ogle, William 65 Ohio. Bureau of labor statistics. . . 28 Oker,C.W 12 Oklahoma. Dept. of labor 29 Outerbridge, Alexander E . , j> 88 Owen, Catherine [pseud.]. See Nitsch, Mrs. H. A. M. Owen-Lewis, C. A 73 Paasche, Hermann 52, 88 Padan, R. S 12 Paine, Ralph D 29 Palgrave, R. H. Inglis 69, 88 Parsons, Elsie Clews 22 Patten, Simon Nelson 4, 13, 20 Patterson, Robert Hogarth 88 Payne, Will 29 Penfield, Alanson 29 Pennsylvania. Dept. of internal affairs 29 Persons, Warren W '. 13 Peters, Edward Thomas 13 Pierson, Nikolaas Gerard 13, 88 Plehn, Hans 70 Pomeroy, E 41 Powers, L. G 88,89 Preston, Robert E 88 Price, Langford Lovell Frederic Rice 4,88 Prokopowitsch, Sergej 78 Prussia. Statistisches Bureau 60 Statistisches Landesamt 60 Queensland. Registrar-general's of- fice 74 Raunig, G 45 Redfield, C. L '. 13 Reece, J., jr 34 Reeve, Arthur B 29 Rhode Island . Bureau of industrial statistics 30 Ribet, Joseph 50 Ricardo, David 89 Richards, Ellen Henrietta S 30 Page Roberts, Ellis 90 Roberts, George Evan 13, 41, 89 Robertson, John Mackinnon 4 Rogers, Arthur G. L 70 Rogers, James Edwin Thorold 69, 70 Root, L. Carroll 90 Roscher, Wilhelm 14 Rosewater, Victor 65 Rost, Bemhard 14 Rowntree, B. Seebohm 65 Royal statistical society, London. . 14 Rubin, Marcus 49 Russell, Charles Edward 30 Russia. Departament iorgovli i manufaktur 14 Ryan, John A 30 Sanborn, A. F 50 Sauerbeck, Augustus. 14, 41, 70, 71, 88, 89 Savine, Alexander 71 Scera, A. P 50 Scharling, William 14 Schmitz, Otto 60 Schoenhof , Jacob 14 Schiirmann, Karl 56 Schuette, John 30 Schwiedland, Eugfene 14 Scott, Wilham A 89 Seager, H. R iii Seaver, J 34 Seine (Dept.). Commission de sta- tistique munidpale 52 Prifecture 52 Seligman, Edwin R. A iii, 20 Servia. Uprava drsheone statistiJce . 78 Shadwell, Arthur 4 Sheldon, Charles M 30 Sherman, James S 15 Shibley, George H 15.90 Sidgwick, Mrs. Alfred 3 Sidgwick, Henry 15 Skinner, Robert P 56 Smith, Richmond Mayo 15, 65, 89 Soetbeer, Adolf 15,89 Soubeyran, Elie 89 South Australia 75 Stanwood, E , 34 Steel, Henry M 18 Steffen, Gustav Fredrik 65, 66 Stevens, John D 30 Stickley, Gustav 30 Stiles, Meredith N 42 Stirling, Patrick James 90 Stone, William J 33 Stuart, H. W 90 98 AUTHOR INDEX Studniczka, Henry 66 Stuttgart. Statistisches Amt 61 Swift, W. Martin 31 Switzerland. Statistisches Bureau . 79 Tarbell, Ida M 31 Tarda, Alfred de 15 Tariff commission, London 5 Tasmania. Statistical and registra- tion dept : . 75 Taussig, P. W 31,42,89 Tavenner, Clyde H 31 Taylor, W . G . Langworthy 15, 42 Thompson, Flora McDonald 31 Tliurber, Francis B 42 Tilden, Freeman 31 Tooke, Thomas 71,90 Toqu6,Alfred 1 Tucker, Frank 22 Turner, J. K 3] United States. Bureau of foreign commerce 5, 6, 15 Bureau of labor 31-33, 75 Bureau of statistics {Dept. of commerce and labor) 5, 6, 42, 56 Bureau of statistics (Treasury dept.) 5,33,42 33-35, 43, 66, 72, 75 43 44 69 90 16 46 3 91 40 35 Industrial commission Treasury dept Unwin, Ifrs. Cobden Vanderlip, Frank A Veblen, Thorstein Vienna. Statistisches Department. Villari,L Volpicelli, Z Wadlin, Horace G Wagstaffe, W. de Waite, Frederick C 36, 44 Walker, Francis 44 Walker, Francis A 91 Walley, Samuel Hurd 44 Wallis, Percy 91 Page Walras, L6on 16 Walsh, Correa Moylan 16 Walton, Dudley W 36, 72 Warne, Frank Julian 36 Warner, A. J 90 Warner, John Dewitt 90 Warren, Mrs. Eliza 6 Warren, Francis E 33 Washburn, Charles G 36 Washington (State) Bureau of la- bor 36 Wasserrab, Karl 61 Weeks, Joseph D 44 Western Australia. Registrar gen- eral's office 75 Weston, George M 16, 52 Whelpley, J.D , 20 Whitaker,A.C _ 91 White, Horace 90 White, William J 22 Whiting, Frederic J 91 Wicksell, Knut 16 Wieth-Knudsen, K. A 51 Will, Thomas Elmer 90 Williams, Albert, jr 16 Williams, Orlando Cyprian 86 Willis, H. Parker 91 Wilson, James 36 Wisconsin. Bureau of labor 36 Wise, i/rs. B. R 3 Wolowski, L 14 Wood, George H 66 Woodlock, Thomas F 44 Wotzel, A. A 13 Wright, Carroll D . . . : 26, 28, 34, 36, 40, 44 Wiirttemberg. Statistisches Lan- desamt 61 Young, Edward 5,33,35 ZoUa, Dan 16 Zuckerkandl, Robert 91 Zuppinger, C 79 Zwiedineck, Otto von 61 SUBJECT Il^DEX Aldrich reports, 1892, 1893.:... 34,43 Taussig, F. W 31,42 Waite, F. 36,44 Argentina: Cost of living 45 Australia: Cost of living — Household budgets 3 See also Souttern Australia, Western Australia. Austria-Hungary : Cost of living 45 Prices. 45-46 Gt. Brit. Foreign office 10, 11 Beep: See Meat. Belgium: Cost of living 47 IT. S. Bur. of Stat. {Treas- ury dept.) 5 Prices 48 Gt. Brit. Board ofagri 10 Board of trade 10, 47 Foreign office 10, 11 Soetbeer, A 15 See also Family budgets, Belgium. Bibliography: Cereals — Foldes, B 58 Royal statistical society 14 Cost of living — Chapin, R. C 18 Dickenmann, J. J 63 Family budgets — CheysBon, E. and A, Toqu6. 1 landolt, C 4 Gold supply — Nogaro, B 87 Soetbeer, A 89 Page Bibliography: Prices — Beaurieux, N 51 England, M.T 8 Heitz, E. L 59 Kemmerer, E. W 11 Laughlin, J. L 12,85 Mass. Bur. ofstat. of labor. 26 Tarde, A. de 15 Walsh, CM 16 Bimetallism: See Gold and other precious metals. Boston, Mass.: Prices — Cook,W.F... 19 Bread: Austria-Hungary- — Gt. Brit. Foreign office 11, 46 Belgium — Gt. Brit. Foreign office 11 France — Gt. Brit. Board of trade 2 Foreign office 11, 51 Germany — Gt. Brit. Board of trade 2 Foreign office 11 Guradze, H 55 Great Britain — Bread prices 66 Gt. Brit. Board of trade 2, 10 Local govt, board 68 Italy— Gt. Brit. Foreign office 76 The Netherlands— Gt. Brit. Foreign office 11 United States — Bread prices 37 Gt. Brit. Board of trade 2 Budgets: See Family budgets. 99 100 SUBJECT INDEX Bulgaria: Cost of living — Prices 48 Canada: Cost of living — Canada. Dept. of labor 72 U.S. Bureau of labor 32 Bur. of Stat. {Treasury dept.) 5 61st Cong . $d sess 72 Walton, D.W 72 See also Nova Scotia. Prices — Canada. Dept. of agri 73 Price agreements 74 Price of meat 41 Prices 41 U. S. eist Cong. 2dsess 72, 75 See also Family budgets, Canada. Cape of Good Hope: Prices — Cape of Good Hope. Col. secy, dept 73 Parliament 72 Cereals, General: Kremp, J. H 11 Metzler, G. K 12 Bibliography — Foldes, B 58 Royal statistical society 14 Austria-Hungary — Austria. Stat. Central- comm 45 Gt. Brit. Foreign office 11 Belgium — Gt. Brit. Foreign office .... 11 France — Gt. Brit. Board of trade ... 2 Foreign office 11 Germany — Entwickelung 58 Gt. Brit. Board of trade 2 Foreign office 11 Hansen, J 59 Kottgen, A 59 Luberg, 60 Great Britain — Entwickelung 58 Gt. Brit. Board of trade 2,68 India — Engelbrecht, T. H 73 India. Dept. of fin. & comm 74 Cereals: Page The Netherlands — Gt. Brit. Foreign office 11 United States — Gt. Brit. Board of trade. ... 2 See also Corn, Grain, Wheat. Chile : Cost of living — Prices 48 See also Family budgets, Chile. China: Cost of living 49 Prices 49 Volpicelli, Z 91 Clothing : Prices — Child, R.W 18 Keith,J 24 McGhee, Z 65 (Current) — Shoe and leather reporter. . . 92 Coal: Prices (Current) — Black diamond 92 Coal trade journal 92 Colorado: Cost of living — Prices — Colorado. Bur. of labor stat. 19 Congressional investigation, 1910 20 Dodge, A.J 21 Tavenner, C. H 31 Turner, J. K 31 U.S. Congress 33,34 See also Speeches in Con- gress. Connecticut: Cost of living — Connecticut. Bur. of labor Stat 19 Mass. Bur. of stat. of labor. . 26 Corn: France — Beaurieux, N 51 Great Britain — Gt. Brit. Board of agri 10, 67 Board of trade 67,68 Lloyd, W.F 69 United States — Carr, H. H. & co 37 Ready ref. book.. 41 Bibliography — Beaurieux, N 51 See also Grain. SUBJECT INDEX 101 Cotton : Page v. S. Congress 34 Ceedit and prices: England, M. T 8 Hill.W 39 Kemmerer, E. W 11 Taylor, W.G.L 15,42 Veblen, T 16 Willis, H.P 91 Daiky produce: Prices (Current) — Chicago dairy produce 92 Milk reporter 92 Denmark: Cost of living — Prices 49 Detroit, Mich..: Prices — U. S. 61st Cong., 2d sess 75 Drugs and Chemicals: Prices — V. 8. Congress 34 (Current) — Oil, paint, and drug reporter. 92 Engineering industries: Prices — Redfield, C. L 13 England: See Great Britain. EvANSViLLE, Ind.: Cost of living — Indiana. Bureau of stat 24 Family budgets: Bibliography — Cheysson , E . , and A . Toque . 1 Landolt, G 4 General — Bliss, W. D. P 17 Cheysson, E 1 Cheysson, E. and A. Toqu6- . 1 Delaire, A 2 Gruber, 1 3 Household budgets abroad . . 3 Landolt, C 4 LePlay, P. G. F 4 U.S. Bureau of labor 31 Belgium — Belgium. Dir. de I'indus- trie 47 Ducpetiaux, E 47 Engel, E 47 Gt. Brit. Board of trade 47 Nicolai, E 47 U.S. Bureau of labor 32 Family budgets: page Canada — Household budgets 3 Chile— Errdzuriz Tagle, J 48 France — Delaire, A 2 Household budgets 3 Germany — Barmen. Stat. Amt 52 Bauer, S 52 Berlin. Stat. Amt 53 Bucher, K 53 Conrad, E 53 Dawson,W.H 53 Freies deutsches Hochstift. . 53 Furth, i?rau H. K 53 Germany. Stat. Amt 54 Gtinther, E 55' Hampke, K , 55 Haushaltungsbudgets 55 Heiser-Harttung, P 55 Household budgets 3 Laquer, D 55 Lexis, W 55 Lorenz, M. O 55 Great Britain — Booth, C 62 Davies, M. F 63 Economic club, London. ... 63 Higgs, H 64 Lawson, W. R 64 Liverpool econ. and stat, so- ciety 64 Rowntree, B. S 65 Smith, R. M 65 Italy- Household budgets 3 Russia — Prokopowitsch, S 78 Switzerland — Hoffman, E 79 Landolt, C 79 United States, General — Costs more to live 20 Eaton, 1 21 Hewes, F. W 23 Household budgets 3 Laquer, D 25 Levasseur, E 25 U. S. 24th Cong. 1st sess. . . 34 Colorado — Colorado. Bur. of labor stat. 19 102 SUBJECT INDEX Family budgets: ' page United States — Connecticut — Connecticut. Bur. of la- bor Stat 19 Homestead, Penn. — Byington, M. F 18 IllinoiB — IllinoiB.^ Bur. of labor Stat .,, 23 Kansas — Kansas. Bur. of labor 24 Maine — Maine. Bur. of ind. and labor Stat 26 Massachusetts — Mass. Bur. of stat. of la- bor 26 Michigan — Michigan. Bureau of la- bor 27 Missouri — Missouri. Bur. of labor Stat 27 New York city — Chapin, R. C 18 Getting down to hard pa^ . 22 Herzfeld, E.G 22 More, Mrs. L. B 27 Ohio- Ohio. Bur. of labor Stat. . 28 Wisconsin — Wisconsin. Bureau of labor 36 Flour: France — Gt. Brit. Board of trade 2 Germany — Gt. Brit. Board of trade 2 Great Britain — Gt. Brit. Board of trade .... 2, 68 United States — Gt. Brit. Board of trade 2 Minnesota. Bureau of labor. 27 Prices (Current) — Modern miller 92 Northwestern miller 92 France : Cost of living 49-51 Avenel, G. d', vicomter 51 How 4 Ogg, F. A 4 U.S. Bureau of labor 33 Bur.ofstat.{Treas.dept.). 5 France: Page Prices 51-52 Gt . Brit . Board ofagri 10 Board of trade 2,10,50 Foreign office 10, 11 Prices 13 Soetbeer, A 15 U. S. 61st Cong., 2d sess 35 See also Family budgets, France. Germany: Cost of living.. 52-56 Chiozza-Money, L. G 1 How 4 Ogg,F.A 4 Robertson, J. M 4 Shadwell, A 4 U. S. Bureau of labor 33 Bur.ofstat.{Treas.dept.). 5 Prices 56-61 Gt. Brit. Board ofagri 10 Boardoftrade 2,10 Foreign office 10, 11, 54 Lebensmittelpreise 55 Prices 13 Soetbeer, A 15 U. S. 61st Cong., 2dsess 35 See also Family budgets, Germany. Gold and other precious metals. . . 80-91 Costofliving 20 Giffen, -SirR 9 Govett, F. A 67 Laspeyres, E 60 Laughlin, J. L 25 Minnesota. Bureau of labor. 27 Mitchell, W. C 41 Sauerbeck, A 70 Schmitz, O 60 Bibliography — Nogaro, B i... 87 Soetbeer, A 89 Grain : France — Gt. Brit. Foreign office 51 Germany — Bavaria. Stat. Bureau 57 The Netherlands 77 Prices (Current) — Modern miller 92 Northwestern miller 92 See also Cereals, Corn, Wheat. SUBJECT INDEX 103 Great Britain: Page Cost of living 62-66 Chiozza-Money , L . G 1 Gt. Brit. Board of trade. 2, 47, 50, 54 How 4 New Jersey. Bur. ofstat. of labor 28 Ogg, F.A 4 Robertson, J. M 4 Shadwell, A 4 U. S. Bureau of labor 33 Bur.ofstat. {Treas. dept.). 5 Prices 66-71 Giffen, SirR... 63 Gt. Brit. Board of trade 2 Lebensmittelpreise 64 McGhee, Z 65 Prices 13 Soetbeer, A 15 U.S. 61st Cong. ,Msess 35 See also Family budgets, Great Britain. Great Britain, Colonies: Cost of living ' 72 Prices 73-75 Groceries: Great Britain — McGhee, Z 65 Prices (Current) — American grocer 92 Canadian grocer 92 Canned goods trade 92 Grocery world 92 National provisioner 92 Tea and coffee trade journal . 92 Hawaii: Cost of living — Prices 75 History of the cost op living: Avenel, G. d', Dicomte 1,51 Bienaym6, G 50 Cofltdelavie 50 Dickenmann, J. J 63 Penfield, A 29 U. S. Bur. of Stat. {Treas. dept.) 33 24th Cong., 1st sess 34 Wieth-Knudsen, K . A 51 Wood,G.H 66 History of prices: Avenel, G. d', vicomte 51 Beaurieux, N 51 Budapest 46 Conrad, J 7 Daggett, E 8 History op prices: page Denis, H 8 Davis, A.McF 38 Evans, D. M 67 Foldes, B 58 Forcible regulation 38 Foville, A. de 51 Haacke, H ,59 Heitz, E. L 59 Hingham, Mass 39 Jenyns, S 69 Jevons, W. S 11 Kremp.J.H 11 Laspeyres, E 12, 60 Lloyd, W. P 69 Lutz, H. L 69 Mass. Bur.ofstat. of labor.. 26 Mulhall, M. G 12 Nielsen, A 49 Paasche, H 52 Rogers, J. E.T 70 Roscher, W 14 Rost, B 14 Savine, A 71 Schmitz, 60 Schoenhof, J 14 Tooke, T 71 U.S. Treasury dept 44 Holland : See The Netherlands. Homestead, Penn.: Family budgets — Byington,M. F.. 18 Household budgets: See Family budgets. Illinois : Cost of living — Illinois. Bur. of labor stat.. 23 Index numbers: Adams, T. S 6 Beaujon, A 6 Bureau of economic research iv Bourne, S 7 Bowley, A. L 7 Edgeworth, F. Y 8 Flux, A. W 9 Forbes, F.B 38 Fountain 9 Gt. Brit. Board of trade 2 Laspeyres, E 11, 12 Marshall, A 12 Nicholson, J. S 87 Oker, C. W 12 Padan, R. S .„. 12 104 SUBJECT INDEX Index numbers: Page Pierson, N. G 13,88 Sauerbeck, A 14,70,71 Seligman, E. E. A iii Sidgwick, H 15 India: Prices — Atkinson, F.J 73 Engelbrecht, T. H 73 Gt. Brit. India office 73 India. Dept. of finance and com, 74 Stat.dept 74 Indiana: Cost of living — Indiana. Bur. ofstat 24 Indianapolis, Ind.. Cost of living — Indiana. Bur. ofstat 24 Iowa: Cost of living — Iowa. Bur. of labor stat 24 Italy: Cost of living 76 Prices 76 Gt. Brit. Foreign office 10 See also Family budgets, Italy. Japan : Prices 77 Kansas: Cost of living — Prices — Kansas. Bur. of labor 24 Labor unions, influence of, on cost of living: Keith, J 24 Maine: Cost of living — Maine. Bur. of ind. & labor Stat 26 Mass. Bur. ofstat. of labor. 26 Manila: Prices — U. S. Bureau of labor 32 Maryland: Cost of living — Maryland. Bur. of ind. stat. 26 Massachusetts : Coat of living — Mass. Bur. ofstat. of labor. 26 New Jersey. Bur. ofstat. of labor 28 Massachusetts: Page Prices — Davis, A.McF 38 Mass. Bur. of stat. of labor. 26 See also Boston, Mass. Meat: Austria — Loewenfeld, W 46 Belgium — Gt. Brit. Board of agri 10 Gr6goire, A 48 Canada — Price of meat 41 France — Gt. Brit. Board of agri 10 Foreign office 51 Germany — E8slen,J 53,58 Haacke, H 59 Skinner, R. P 56 Great Britain — Gt. Brit. Board of agri 10 Boardof trade 68 Meat prices 69 Plehn, H 70 United States — Beef question 17 Croxton, F. C 38 Gt. Brit. Boardof agri 10 Howey, W. C 23 Ogden, G. W 28 Paine, R. D 29 Price of beef 29 Price of meat 41 U.S. Bureau of labor 32 Michigan : Cost of living — Prices — Mich . Bur. of labor 27 See also Detroit, Mich. Minnesota: Prices — Minn. Bureau of labor 27 Missouri: Cost of living — Prices — Missouri. Bur. of labor stat. 27 Money, Purchasing power of: Atkinson, F.J 73 Cost of living 19 Hess, R. H 39 Howard, E 39 Krai, F 59 Minn . Bureau of labor 27 SUBJECT INDEX 105 Money: Page Pierson, N. G 13 Scharling, W 14 Schoenhof, J 14 Tooke, T 71 TJ. S. Bur. of foreign com- merce 15 Walsh, CM 16 Zolla,D 16 See also Gold and other precious metals. Bibliography — Nogaro, B 87 Montana : Cost of living — Montana. Bur.ofagri 27 Natal: Cost of living — Prices- Natal. Col. secy's, office 74 Nebraska: Cost of living — Nebraska. Bur. of labor 27 The Netherlands: Costofliving 77 Prices 77 Gt J Brit . Foreign office 11 New Hampshire: Cost of living — Mass. Bur. of Stat, of labor.. 26 NewHamp. Bur. of labor.. 28 New Jersey: Cost of living — New Jersey. Bur.ofstat.of labor 28 New South Wales: Prices — New South Wales. Bur. of Stat 74 New York (State) : Cost of living — Mass. Bur.ofstat.of labor.. 26 New York. Bur. of labor Stat 28 New York City: Cost of living — Frankel, L. K 21 Getting down to hard pan ... 22 Howells, W. D 23 Life 25 Wagstaffe, W. de 35 See also Family budgets, New York city. New Zealand: Prices — NewZealand 72 Regutrar-general's office 74 Nova Scotia: ' Cost of living — Fleming, A. J 72 Ohio: Cost of living — Ohio. Bur. of labor Stat 28 Oklahoma: Cost of living — Oklahoma. Dept. of labor.. 29 Pennsylvania: Cost of living — Prices — Penn. Dept. of int. affairs.. 29 See also Homestead, Penn. Periodicals containing current prices 92 Petroleum: Prices — Walker, F 44 (Current) — Oil City derrick 92 Oil, paint, and drug reporter. 92 Porto Rico: Cost of living — U.S. Bur. of lab 82 Queensland: • Prices — Queensland. Reg. gen'l's off- 74 Race suicide. Cost of living and. . 29 Herrick, C. T 22 Woman's reason 36 Railway rates and Cost of living: Newcomb, H. T 28 Prices lower 41 JJ. S. Congress 34 61st Cong., 2d sess 35 Regulation of prices: Dunbar,>W. H 38 Forcible regulation 38 Gilmore, E. A 38 Hadley, A. T 11 Hingham, Mass 39 Rhode Island: Cost of living — R.I. Bur. of ind. Stat 30 Mass. Bur.ofstat.of lab... 26 Prices — R.I. Bur. of ind. Stat 30 106 SUBJECT INDEX Russia: Page Cost of living 78 See also Pamilt budgets, Russia, Seevia: Prices 78 Silver: See Gold and other precious metals. South Australia: Prices — South Australia 75 Spain: Cost of living 78 Prices — Marvaud, A 78 Speeches in Congress: Cocks, W.W 37 Crawford, C.I... 37 Douglas, A 21 Gardner, A. P 22 Lodge, H.C 25 McCumber, P. J 40 McKinley, W. B 40 ' Sherman, J. S 15 U. S. Congress 33, 34 Waahbum, C. G 36 Standard of living. General: Grotjahn, A 3 Patten, S. N 4 Price, L. L 4 Great Britain — , Booth, C 62 Bosanquet, H. D 62 Kowntree, B. S...., 65 United States — Ayres,,P. W 17 Chapin, R. C ■. 18 Dodge, J. R 21 Getting down to hard pan. . 22 Levasseur, i, 25 More, Jfrs. L. B 27 Reeve, A. B 29 Ryan, J. A 30 U.S. Bureau of labor 33 Statistics: See Prices imder names of countries. Steel: Prices — McGhee, Z 65 Meade, E. S 40 Steel: Page (Current) — American iron and steel assoc 92 Iron age • 92 Sugar: Prices (current) — American sugar industry 92 Weekly statistical sugar trade journal 92 Sweden: Cost of living 78 Prices 79 Switzerland : Cost of living 79 See also Family budgets, Switzerland. Taripp and Prices: ChUd, R. W 18 Chiozza-Money, L. G 1 Costofliving 20 Cunynghame, H 7 Gardner, A. P 22 Hewes, F. W 39 How 39 Hungry forties 69 Kurella, H 55 Laughlin, J. L 25 Lightboy, W. M 69 Lodge, H. C 25 Low, A. M 25 McGhee, Z 65 McKinley, W. B 40 Mass. General court iv Robertson, J. M 4 Tariff commission, London. . 5 Tai^iff's part 42 . Tavenner, C. H 31 Wages 44 See also Speeches in Con- gress. Tasmania: Prices — Tasmania. Statistical and registration dept 75 Terre Haute, Ind.: Cost of living — Indiana. Bur. of stat 24 Theory of Prices: Beaujon, A 6 Bell, S 6 Bolles, A. S 7 Cassel, G 7 Costofliving 20 SUBJECT INDEX 107 Theory op prices: Page Dunning, N. A 8 Falkner, R. P 8 Foville, A. de 9 Hoxie, R. F 11 Johnson, J. F 11 Kemmerer, E. W 11, 40 Laughlin, J. L 12 Patten, S. N 13 Persons, W. W 13 Quantitative theory 13 Rost, B 14 Tarde, A. de.,. 15 Walras, L 16 See also Gold and other precious metals. Trusts and Prices: Colorado. Bur.oflab.stat.. 19 Hobson, J. A 39 Hourwich, J. A 39 Jenks,J.W 39 Johnson, A. S 40 McGhee, Z 65 Meade, E.S 40 Stiles, M. N 42 Tarbell,I.M 31 Thurber, F. B 42 U. S. Ind. comm 43 United States: Cost of living 17-36 McGhee, Z 65 Robertson, J. M 4 Shadwell, A... 4 U. S. Bur. of Stat. {Treas. dept.) 5 Weeks, J. D 44 See also names of separate States. Prices 37-44 Bureau of economic research. iv Costofliving 20 Glosson, W. H 22 Gt. Brit. Board of agric 10 Board of trade 2 Greene, F 22 Hewes, E - 23 Keith,J 24 Laut, A. C 25 Magee, J. D 25 Price of meat 41 Prices 13 Problem 29 Taussig, F.W 31 30734—10 8 United States: page Prices — U. S. Bur. of lab 31,32 61st Cong., Msess 35 Special com. of revenue 35 See also Family budgets, U. S.; and names of sepa- rate States. Washington (State) : Cost of living — Prices — Washington (State). Bur. of lab 36 Western Australia: Prices — Western Australia. Reg. gen. off. 75 Wheat, General: Foldes, B 9 Peters, E. T 13 Belgium — Soetbeer, A 15 Gt. Brit. Board of agric 10 Board of trade 10 France — Gt. Brit. Board of agric 10 Board of trade 10 Soetbeer, A 15 Germany — Gt. Brit. Board of agric 10 Board of trade 10 Schmitz, 60 Soetbeer,.A 15 Great Britain — Gt. Brit. Local gov't board. 68 Soetbeer, A 15 Italy— Barbagallo, C 76 Italy. Dir. generale della Stat 76 United States — Carr,H.H.&co 37 Gt. Brit. Board of agric 10 Minnesota. Bur. of lab 27 Ready reference book 41 See also Cereals, Grain. Wisconsin : Cost of living — Wisconsin. Bur. of lab 36 Wool: Great Britain — Gt. Brit. Board of trade. .. . 68 United States — Child,K.W 18 v. B. Congress 34 o 2881 LIBRARY ANNEX 2