CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS ONE OF A COLLECTION MADE BY BENNO LOEWY 1854-1919 AND BEQUEATHED TO CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University Library HS538 .N56 Masonic Fair spuvenlr 3 1924 030 288 843 olln,anx ««" The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. Masonic Fair Souvenir :> c Masonic Temple, Rochester, N. Y. HELD IN MASONIC TEMPLE Rochester, New York DECEMBER FIRST TO THIRTEENTH NINETEEN HUNDRED TWO ENGRAVINGS AND PRINTING BY THE CENTRAL PRINTING* ENGRAVING COMBUVr - /-or (•■^'^"l*";^-'?^ /< ■l**(*I'»-iS»S'«-'«'*T»f^S "" ya^MffW*!^ '- ^Zfy S^^4" t*^ »:?--/ - ■« . f f -

la50^iK°"^^'\i^ and Charles L. Yates as J. W. The Great Light in Masonry is inscribed, " Presented to Corinthian Temple Lodge, F. & A. M., at its organization by Charles S. Baker, the first VV. M., June 20, 1892." The Lodge has a membership of two hundred sixty members. Its charter members at the time of its organ- ization were; Hon. Charles S. Baker, P. M.; Phillip A. Clum, P. M.; R. W. Charles L. Yates, DeGarmo Robbins, Joseph Cowles, Samuel P. Moulthrop, John B. Colman,> George Atkinson, John R. Kay, William Searles, P. M.; Charles L. Raymond, John F. Boyd, Morris F. Clark, Henry W. Hewer, John H. Ashton, William H. Duffett, P. M.; James R. Tyler, Silas A. Servis, Henry Likly and John H. Wallace. The officers for the present year are : George G. Davis, W. M.; Frank L. Sibley, S. W.; Merritt L. Hutch- inson, J. W.; Joseph M. Acker, Treasurer ; A. Dixson Davis, Secretary; Loren E. Mason, S. D.; Herbert C. MacAlpine, J. D.; Henry Attridge, S. M. C; Frederick W. Fickett, J. M. C; T. Fred Barrows, S. S.; James C. ^rber, J. S.; Rev. Curtin G. Roop, Chaplain; A. W. Denio, Marshall ; John F. Boyd, Marshall. Quartette ; George W. Walton, William C. Walker, William H. Learned, P. Cameron Shutt. Corinthian Temple Lodge meets every first and third Monday in each month. When organized it was learned that another Lodge in the state claimed the name of " Corinthian," consequently the word " Temple " was added. Since the date of its institution, eight members of the Lodge have died. Hamilton Chapter, No. 62, R. A, M. Probably no Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in the State of New York has so interesting a history as that of Hamilton Chapter. This Chapter had its inception from the desire of many members in Wells Lodge, No. 282, F. & A. M., to organize a branch of Capitular Masonry in Rochester. The following named brethren, eleven in number, were instrumental in procuring the warrant for Hamilton Chapter: Levi H. Clark, William Neafus, Chauncey Dean, William Cobb, William Johnson, Solo- mon Close, David C. West, Samuel J. Andrews, Benjamin Abel, Chauncey Cobb, Glover Fenn. At this time M. E. Companion Ezra Ames was Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter, and DeWitt Clinton, General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chap- ter. The charter for Hamilton Chapter was granted at the Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter held at Albany, February 3, 18 19. The wording of the charter was as follows : " To Companions Levi H. Clark, William Neafus and Chauncey Dean, to hold a chapter at Rochester, within two miles of the bridge crossing the Genesee River, by the name of Hamilton Chapter, No. 62." In the language of Companion Thomas Gliddon, who writes most interestingly of this period : " Where is this bridge ? Undoubtedly it was the old bridge at Carthage which was completed that year — a bridge that was regarded as a bold feat in engineering, as it was con- structed with a single arch two hundred feet above the surface of the river. The bridge, however, has long since passed away. It is not easy to interpret the Grand Chapter record, and determine with accuracy where the nearest Chapters were then located. It is certain, how- ever, that west of Rochester only one or two had received charters earlier than 18 19. There was one at Geneva; and on the same day that Hamilton was chartered, Ontario Temple, No. 66, at Canandaigua, were likewise duly authorized with a charter." The first regular communication of Hamilton Chapter was held January 16, 1819, when William Cobb presided, and Companions Caleb L. Clark, A. Hamlin, William Neafus, Solomon' Close, David C. West, William Johnson and Ebenezer Watts were present. Brothers John G. Bond, William Brewster, William Atkinson, Phelps Smith and Harvey Gilman were proposed for membership. Levi H. Clark, William Cobb and William Neafus were ap- pointed a committee to draft a code of by-laws. Tradition informs us that the lodge room where the Chapter rnet was in the building ownod by Abelard Reynolds, on the site of the present Reynolds Arcade building. It was on January 28th of the same year that the Chapter opened for the first time on the " Seventh Degree," and received fiifteen petitions for exaltation. On the first of the February following these candidates received sublime degree of the Royal Arch : William Atkinson, Elisha B. Strong, Elijah Darrow, Rev. Comfort Williams, Ebenezer Watts, Benjamin Austin, Harvey Gilman, Oliver Culver, John G. Bond, Phelps Smith, Ira West, William Brewster, Charles Jackson, C. L. Clark, Augustine G. Dauby. The first installation of the officers of Hamilton Chapter occurred March 17, i8ig. At this time an oration was given by M. E. Companion Levi H. Clark, and the installation ceremonies were conducted by Most Excellent Companion and Reverend Alanson Welton, P. H. P. of Richmond Chapter. The following officers were installed: High Priest, Levi H.Clark; King, William Cobb; Scribe, Chauncey Dean; Captain of Host, Benjamin Abel; Principal Sojourner, Davis C. West ; Royal Arch Captain, William Neafus; Secretary, Benjamin Austin; Treasurer, William Atkinson; Third Vail, Elisha B. Strong; Second Vail, Rev. Comfort Williams; First Vail, William Johnson; Stewards, Phelps Smith, Ebenezer Watts ; Tiler, Elijah Darrow. The original seal. of this Chapter was procured by the Past High Priest William Cobb, May 29, 1822, at a cost of $s-oo- It was the custom of those days to celebrate St. John's Day. This was generally done in conjunction with the members of Wells Lodge. It was not until Feb- ruary 10, 1823, that Hamilton Chapter purchased its first set of robes at a cost of $260.00. 12 ">/ , '"? w-i ■",.' ■ . ■/. • >'i-i. "" MATTHEW JAMES STEEL Our Tiler In 1828, we are told that the Chapter again came to its place of meeting and Brother Gliddon in writing of the history of this period says : "I suspect that this lodge room was in the old building that formerly stood on the east side of Exchange Street near the canal bridge where the Ailing and Cory building is now located, and also that a little further south on the same side of the street, opposite Spring street, Jonathan Child erected a very fine edifice which was called the Model Building and in it was a suite of rooms arranged for Masonic meetings. This, however, was never occupied for Masonic pur- poses." The same authority says : " The period known in American history as the days of anti-Masonry was in the year, 1828, hastening to a climax of intense excitement, particularly throughout all this region. No allusion, how- ever, is made to this matter in any of the records of Ham- ilton Chapter, but we know for a fact that the Compan- ions ceased to meet very soon after the annual election of pecember 17, 1828. " The charters of Lodge, Chapter and Commandery were surrendered in 1829 or 1830. Although the con- flict was fierce and prolonged it did not destroy the insti- tution for the foundation of the Masonic edifice had been too securely laid. Early in January, 1834, an " Address to the Fraternity of Masons in the State of New York '' was published in this city strongly recommending " That all the Lodges and Chapters in the State return -their charters, dispose of the funds and property on hand to some other benevolent purpose, and let the institution expire in the arms of its members." William Neafus was the only one of the charter members who signed this address. It was at the Annual Communication of the Grand Chapter in 1846, that " A petition from several Compan- ions, former members of Hamilton Chapter No. 62, pray- ing that the said Chapter may be revived, was read and referred to the standing committee on Warrant. As a result of this action the committee reported in favor of returning the charter of Hamilton Chapter No. 62, at Rochester, to Companion William Brewster, and the other petitioners, and that they be authorized to hold an elec- tion of officers and resume the labors of a Chapter and that all dues be remitted up to that time. Thus Hamil- ton Chapter started on the second period of her brilliant career of usefulness. William Brewster was elected High Priest ; Ebenezer Watts, King ; Erastus Cook, Scribe ; Luther A. Allen, Secretary, and Charles C. Lathrop, Treasurer. The succeeding years were periods of great activity and a very substanial increase in membership. At the close of the year 1856, the Chapter was at the flood tide of its prosperity having a membership of 107 members, being the largest Chapter in the state with one exception, that of Buffalo Chapter No. 71, with a membership of 149. In 1859, Hamilton had reached first place in the sisite with a membership of 175. This record Hamilton has never allowed to be broken and she still stands to-day the largest Chapter in Capitular Masonry in the State of New York, her present membership being 980. During all the years that have gone, Hamilton Chap- ter has been favored with a membership comprising some of the brightest and ablest workers that this state has ever produced. The regular convocations of this Chapter are held on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month. The present officers of Hamilton Chapter are High Priest, Frederick R. Smith ; King, George F. Argetsinger; Scribe, Charles S. Owen; Treasurer, Frederick S. Rogers; Secretary, John Alexander; Captain of Host, Charles J. Gliddon ; Principal Sojourner, Ward K. Ange- vine; Royal Arch Captain, George E. Hatch; Master Third Vail, M. VanValkenburg ; Master Second Vail, William C. Smith ; Master First Vail, Thomas G. Young; Chaplain, Rev. Samuel J. Clarkson ; Sentinel, Matthew J. "Steel ; Organist, Frederick A. Reynolds ; Trustees, S. M. Benjamin, William H. Jones, George F. Loder. Ionic Chapter, No. 210, R. A. M. The first step towaiti the organization of a second Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Rochester was taken at a meeting of Hamilton Chapter, May 31, 1867, at which meeting a petition headed by William F. Holmes asking the Grand IJigh Priest to issue a, dispensation to organize a new Chapter in the city of Rochester was brought up for consideration. On vote, Hamilton Chap- ter recommended that the dispensation be granted, and on the twenty-second of the following June Seymour H. Stone, Grand High Priest, issued a dispensation to form Ionic Chapter, and in February, 1868, the warrant was granted to Companions William F. Holmes, High Priest, George W. Stebbins, King, and Albert G. Wheeler, Scribe, and their associates, to hold a Chapter at Roches- ter, in the county of Monroe, to be known'as Ionic Chap- ter, No. 210. The list of charter members is as follows : William F. Holmes, John McConvill, William S. Thompson, George A. Reynolds, James S. Garlock, Edwin Taylor, H. P. Langworthy, Andrew J. Warner, George W. Stebbins, Chauncey B. Woodworth, William H. Moore, John F. Whitbeck, George N. Deming; Cyrus Beardsley, Andrew J. Ross, Robert Boyd, Maurice ^Smith, Bernard Heughes, B. Frank Enos, Charles M. St. John, W. Dean Shuart, : William H. Cumings, John W. McElhinney, Fred. Cook, Frank J. Amsden, George Darling, David Copeland, Jr., John T. Vedder, John M. Fisk, Roscius M. Gould, Edwin M. Hurd, Robert Dransfield, Albert G. Wheeler, Levi. S. Fulton, Abram Karnes, Chauncey C. Woodworth, Egbert B. Jennings, John W. Shaw, William H. Gorsline, Alphonso Collins, James Wing, Luther C. Spencer, Sam- uel N. Oothout, John Barker, William Carson, J. George Baetzel, Charles A. Gardiner, Thomas Leighton, M. Tamblingson. 14 MASONIC TEMPLE ASSOCIATION ' GEORGE A. BENTON, President SAMUEL B. WILLIAMS, Treasurer LOUIS N. STEIN, Secretary &Ha50i\i<^ ^i^^^^^rvir' The following is a list of the Past High Priests of Ionic Chapter : *William F. Holmes, 1868; *Albert G. Wheeler, 1869-70-71; *Hiram Wood, 1872-73; tJohn D. Robinson, 1874; *R. K. Gould, 1875; *E- A. Loder, 1876; fByron Holly, 1877-78; *Andrew J. Hatch, 1879; Frank Taylor, 1880; Solomon Wile, i88i; James H. Kelly, 1882 ; William K. Barlow, 1883 ; Frank A. Parker, 1884-5 ; James Braik, 1886 ; J. W. Kingston, 1887 ; Thomas Brooks, 1888-89; William A. Sutherland, 1890; John B. MuUan, 189 1; J. Livingston Roseboom, *892 ; William H. Amos, 1893; William H. Maston, 1894; F. B. Oberst, 1895; S. W. Levis, 1896; Charles L. Yates, 1897; William H. McPhail, 1898; L A. Wile, 1899; John N. Dowd, 1900; W. J. C. Smith, 1901. The officers of Ionic Chapter for the present year are Horace G. Oliver, E. H. P.; William S. Bannard, King Walter R. Stone, Scribe; Curtis H. Haskin, Secretary Frank Taylor, Treasurer ; William C. Miller, C. of H. Clifford J. Stothers, P. S.; Phillip J. Peckins, R. A. C. Asa B. Stone, M. 3d V.; Mathew' Billington, M. 2d V. S. ft. McElwee, M. ist V,; D. S. Poppen, Organist Thomas Brooks, Sentinel ; Council officers. Finance Committee. Doric Council, No. 19, R. & S. M. Doric Council, No, 19, Royal and Select Masters, was organized October 31, i860, and from its earliest years it has been one of the most prosperous councils of the Cryptic Rite in the State. The work of this Council has always been most favorably known on account of its accuracy and the zeal with which its officers and members have carried ttn the work during the forty-two years of its history. Its membership at the present time is 311, and last June its present Thrice Illustrious Master was hon- ored by being elected to the highest office in the gift of the Grand Council of the Empire State. This was but a fitting recognition of the many years of distinguished ser- vice given by Grand' Master Bradt, not only to the work of Doric Council, but to conscientious service in the Grand Council of the State, through all of whose subor- dinate offices he had served with credit to himself and honor to the Council which he represented. The .following are the officers of Doric Council for the present year: Willard S. Bradt, T. I.M.; Fred. A. Moses, D. M.; Thomas G. Young, I. P. C. of W.; Wallace M. Butler, Treasurer ; John Alexander, Recorder ; Jefferson Young, C. of G.; John C. Baumer, C. of C; Edward Schirck, Steward ; William C. Smith, Marshal ; M. J. Steel, Sentinel; Rev. C. E. Hamilton, Chaplain; D. S. Poppen, Organist; Finance Committee: Frank., B. Goble, Frederick S. Rogers, Ralph T. Olcott. Monroe Commandery, No. 12, K. T. Monroe Commandery, No. 12, Knights Templar, is one of the oldest and best known commanderies not only in the State of New York but" also in the United States. * Deceased, t Suspended. The first date in the original record book relating to the organization of Monroe Encampment (old style) of Knights Templar, is June 14, 1826. We find at this early date that in pursuance with a notice given, the Sir Knights assembled in their first regular conclave on the loth of July, 1826, and completed a permanent organization by the election of the following officers: Rev. Francis H. Cuming, Grand Commander; Jonathan Child, General- issimo; Abelard Reynolds, Captain - General ; Jacob Gould, Prelate; Edward Doyle, Treasurer; Henry B. Willams, Secretary ; Simeon P. Allcott, Senior Warden ; , Ebenezer Watts, Junior Warden ; Charles G. Cumings, Standard Bearer ; Joseph Frazer, Sword Bearer ; Charles C. Lathrop, Warder. These officers were publicly installed July 13. 1826, the installation ceremonies taking place in St. Luke's Church, on Fitzhugh street, of which Rev. Francis H. Cuming was at that time the rector. The early history of the Commandery indicates an unusual degree of prosperity, a large number of the most prominent business and professional men having con- nected themselves with the order .very soon after its organization. There seems to have been no set back in the pros- perity of the Commandery until . February 27, 1829, at which time the Anti-Masonic excitement was at its height, and the Commandery deemed it for thq best interest of all concerned that the warrant of Monroe Encampment should be temporarily surrendered, which was done on the 15th of August, 1839. Early in the winter of 1847-48, the Sir Knights of Monroe Encampment petitioned the Grand Encampment for a return of their charter and the request was granted, and from January 28, 1848, to the present time, the career of Monroe Commandery has been one of unexampled prosperity in Templar history. In the work of reorganization, William E. Lathrop took a leading part, arid was chosen Commander for a ' number of consecutive terms. This Cornmandery was for many years the largest in membership in the State, and at the present time stands first in membership. Monroe is a fully uniformed Commandery, and for many years maintained one of the most successful drill corps of any commandery in the United States. This drill corps, under the direction of Past Grand Commander George F. Loder, attained a national reputation for its remarkable skill in drilling. Monroe has made many pilgrimages to nearly all of the most important Templar gatherings in the State of New York as well as elsewhere. She has also contributed many thousands of dollars to charity in the way of giving exhibition drills for the benefit of Orphan Asylums in other cities, and also in her own beautiful custom of visit- ing annually on New Year's day, Rochester Orphan Asy- lum, where large donations have beep made of presents as well as substantial cash subscriptions for the purpose 16 ■"^Sr^z^ — "^"^rs • t^^^^'^-^^rrf^ ..^. -^9j^ ■r^^.^", ^!5i2f2'^ ^.m^^^^^^ ^^i^:^'^' Members of Governing Board Geo. F. Roth John A. Robertson Geo. W. Aldridge J. Hungerford Smith Hiram H. Edgerton Frederick S. Rogers Edward A. Stahlbrodt John B. M. Stephens Franklin S. Stebbins 17 John M. Lee Frederick H. Beach WilUam S. Ernisse ^*s^^^S?^^^^^i of making the little people happy. Monroe Commandery was the first Commandery in the United States to inau- gurate the custom of visiting the orphans. Two Sir Knights of Monroe Commandery, Sirs George F. Loder and Simon V. McDowell, have been honored by the highest office in the gift of the Templars of New York State as Grand Commanders of the Grand Com- mandery of the State. The following are the Past Commanders of Monroe Commandery No. 12 : *Rev. F. H. Cuming, 1826; *Ed- ward Doyle, 1827; *Jonathan Child, 1828; *William E. Lathrop, 1848-49-50-51-52-53-54-55; *Carlton Dutton, 1856; *William F. Holmes, 1857; *William H. Burtis, 1858-59-60; *Charles Vaill, 186 1; *Horace Tuller, 1862- 63 ; *John F. Whitbeck, 1864; *William B. Crandall, 1865- 66 ; *Charles W. Watson, 1867-68 ; *Francis H. Marshall, 1869-70 ; fWilliam Shelp, 1871-72 ; Henry M. Plant, 1873 ; Simon V. McDowell, 1874; George F. Loder, 1875 ; W- Lincoln Sage, 1876 ; fDaniel T. Hunt, 1877 ; *John B. Southworth, 1878; William J. McKelvey, 1879; George F. Loder, 1880; *Fred F. Boorman, i88i ; Samuel C. Pierce, 1882 ; John A. Davis, 1883 ; Thomas C. Hodg- son, 1884; Frank P. Crouch, 1885; Charles H. Bidwell, 1886 ; John W. Hannan, 1887 ; John Kane, 1888 ; J. W. McKelvey, 1889; Frank H. Vick, 1890; Robert Salter, 1891; Charles M. Williams, 1892; Samuel P. Moul- throp, 1893 ; S. D. W. Cleveland, 1894 : Robert W. West, 1895; Richard A. Searing, 1896; Charles H. Mc- Chesney, 1897 ; John Calder, 1898 ; Frederick S. Rogers, 1899; Morris F. Clark, 1900; Edward A. Stahlbrodt, 1901 ; Ezra M. Sparlin, 1902. The regular Conclaves of Monroe Commandery are held on the first and third Friday evenings of each month. The officers for the present year are as follows : Ezra M. Sparlin, Em. Com. ; Frederick R. Smith, Gen. ; George F. Loder, P. G. C, Capt. Gen. ; Richard A. Searing, P. C, Prelate ; Thomas G. Young, Associate Prelate ; Fred H. Beach, S. W. ; Henry P. Neun, J. W. ; Charles H. Carson, Treas. ; William J. McKelvey, P. C, Recorder ; Sidney E. White, Standard Bearer; Conrad Eckhardt, Sword Bearer ; Emil H. Schmidt, W. ; Matthew J. Steel, Sen. ; Frank H. Dennis, 3rd Guard ; Charles M. Colton, 2nd Guard ; Fred E. Ward, ist Guard ; Fred A. Reynolds, Organist ; John Calder, P. C, Fredrick S. Rogers, P. C, Robert W. West, P. C, Fin. Com. Cyrene Commandery No. 39, K. T. Cyrene Commandery owes its origin to Monroe Com- mandery, No. 12, of Rochester. At a regular conclave of that body held at Masonic Temple December 21, 1866, it was unanimously resolved : " That this Commandery do recommend the petition praying for a dispensation to establish a new Commandery in this City, and do avouch for the petitioners as being Knights Templar in good standing, ability and character." *Deceased. fSuspended. This resolution culminated in the issuing on the 4th of February, 1867, by R. E. Sir Pearson Mundy, Grand Commander, a dispensation to form Pyrene Commandery to be stationed at Rochester, and the following were named as its first three officers : John M'Convill, Em. Com. ; William H. Cumings, Gen. ; William Carson, Capt Gen. ; with the following Sir Knights as Charter Mem- bers : Luther C. Spencer, Charles A. Gardiner, John F. Whitbeck, Abram Karnes, John M'Convill, Harvey P. Langworthy, William H. Cumings, Jessie W. Gifford, William Carson, William H. Gorsline, William S. Thomp- son, Egbert B. Jennings, William H. Briggs, John B. Wing, James E. Lattimer, George W. Donnelly, Levi S. Fulton, Edwin Taylor, Charles M. St. John, George M. Deming, Andrew J. Warner, John Barker, Chauncey B. Woodworth, George W. Stebbins, W. Dean Shuart, Geo, A. Reynolds, Robert Boyd, John M. Fiske, Cyrus Beards- ley, Orrin E. Castle, Charles Vaill, Bernard Hughes. Of these faithful workers in our glorious cause all have passed over the " great divide " " to the honors and rewards which await the valiant knight," except two, viz. : Robert Boyd and Cyrus Beardsley, who still are members in good standing. The first meetings were held in the Mayor's office, but the first regular Conclave, U. D., was held in their new hall, West Main Street, where Powers Hotel now stands, the present headquarters of the Grand Commandery, on April 11, 1867, when a set of by-laws was adopted, and several petitions received for member- ship. Weekly Conclaves were held until October 8, 1867, when most eminent Past Grand Master William E. Lath- rop, appointed by the R. E. Grand Commander as his proxy, constituted and installed the first officers of Cyrene Commandery, who were as follows : John M'Convill, Em. Com. ; William H. Cumings, Gen. ; William Carson, Capt. Gen. ; John F. Whitbeck, Prelate ; Andrew J. War- ner, S. W. ; Albert J. Warner, J. W. ; Abram Karnes, Treas. ; Charles M. St. John, Recorder ; Bernard Hughes, Standard Bearer ; Edwin Taylor, Sword Bearer ; Egbert ' B. Jennings, W. ; Luther C. Spencer, William H. Gors- line, William S. Thompson, Guards ; Maurice Smith, Sen. At this Conclave also the Charter was received, bear- ing date of October 2, 1867. From this time on the new Commandery increased in number and usefulness. It was then, as now, characterized by the quality of its work. On August 2 2d of that year, a beautiful Silk Banner was presented to the Commandery by the ladies of the members of the body. The presentation occurred at the mansion of Sir Frederick Cook, East avenue. The ban- ner was received by the Eminent Commander with appro- priate remarks, and many expressions of knightly apprec- iation. In 1878 the Commandery changed its place of meeting to the Masonic Temple, on invitation of the bodies meeting there, and on April i ith a reception was tendered them by the Temple bodies, pleasantly install- ing them in their new quarters. 1878 was the year of the yellow fever scourge in New York, and appeals for aid for the sufferers met with a hearty response, and a liberal 18 Members of Governing Board (Continued) Ralph T. Olcott Henry R. East Thomas J. Nicholl Joseph F. Engel Frank H. Dennis J. H. Beebe Henry G. Sauer Isaac A. Wile Joseph C. Wilson K^^s^^^Si^ subscription was forwarded by Cyrene for their relief. On April 22, 1879, Em. Com. Sir A. J. Hatch presented the Commandery with a handsome set of officers' jewels, which are still used by the Commandery. 1885 was made memorable by the Commandery participating in the corner-stone laying of the new United States Government Building ; also in the entertainment of the Grand Com- mandery which held its annual conclave in the fall of that year in Rochester. In 1889 it was deemed advis- able to change its headquarters to Consistory Hall on West Main street, where unusual accommodations were afforded. On New Year's Day of that year the Command- ery visited the Industrial School on Exchange street, cheering the hearts of the little people with delightful entertainment, a bountiful supply of presents, as well as a splendid contribution in money to help in carrying on the work of the institution. These visitations have been con- tinued each New Year's Day since. A disastrous fire occurred in 1892, destroying all the properties of the . Commandery, causing a temporary change to the Masonic Ten^le, kindly thrown open for its use for a few months until the " work of rebuilding " could be completed. 1894 through the efforts of Past Em. Commanders W. K. Bar- low and S. W. Levis saw the Commandery again in pos- session of a handsome set of silk colors. National ensign and Beauseant. In 1899 the Commandery, on invitation of Palestine Preceptory No. 18, Port Hope, Ontario, made a pilgrimage to that place and was received with marked demonstrations of fraternal friendship and knight- ' ly hospitality by their Canadian fraters. Thus, very briefly stated, is the history of Cyrene Commandery. With a small beginning it has passed through a varied and trying career. It is now in a pros- perous and vigorous condition with a bright future before it, having an active membership of something over two hundred, each one of whom is a firm believer in the grand characteristics of the order " Charity and Hospitality." The officers of Cyrene Commandery for the present year are as follows : John N. Doud, E. C. ; William C. Miller, Gen.; John B. MuUan, C. G. ; Charles C. J. Bailey, S. W. ; Frank W. Sibley, J. W. ; H. E. Stott, Standard Bearer ; A. B. Stone, Sword Bearer ; P. J. Per- kins, W. ; George McGonegal, 3rd Guard ; C. W. Luther, 2nd Guard ; A. F. Peo, ist Guard ; C. H. Nicholson, P. C, Prelate ; C. H. Haskins, P. C, Treas. ; T. R. Peshine, Recorder. A . . A . . Scottish Rite. VALLEY OF ROCHESTER. The several bodies in the Valley of Rochester, N. Y., acknowledge and yield allegiance to the Supreme Council, 33°, for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, whose Grand East is Boston, Mass., and is in fraternal cornmunication with every legitimate Supreme Council in the world. Its officers are : Henry L. Palmer, 33°, Milwaukee, Wis., Sovereign Grand Com- mander; Samuel C. Lawrence, 33°, Boston, Mass., Grand Lieutenant-Commander; Clinton F. Paige, 33°, Bingham- ton, N. Y., Grand Secretary-General. The active members of the Supreme Council for the State of. New York are: William Homan, 33°, New York City, Deputy for the Supreme Council ; Clinton F. Paige, 33°, Binghamton, N. Y.; J. H. Hobart Ward, 33°, New York City; Abel G. Cook, 33°, Syracuse, N. Y. The various bodies in the Valley of Rochester are : Rochester Lodge of Perfection, which was instituted by 111. Orrin Welch, 33°, Deputy for New York, at Masonic Hall, February 24, 1866 ; Rochester Council of Princes of Jerusalem, instituted in 1868, and Rochester Chapter of Rose-Croix, organized April 30, 1866, and Rochester Consistory, S. P. R. S., organized April 30, 1866. The charter members of Rochester Consistory, were : *William E. Lathrop, *George W. Stebbins, *George W. Aldridge, *Francis H. Marshall, *William H. Gorsline, ♦Charles W. Watson, John T. Fox, *Frank H.' Crafts, ♦Jeffrey W. Vary, *William S. Thompson, *John F. Whit- beck, *William B. Crandall, fMartin Taylor, James H. Gould, *William Carson, *Luther J. W. Vary, *John Boyce, *Samuel C. Steele, tWilliam R. Dryer, *John Lutes, {Walter W. Jerome. The following are the oificers of the various co-ordi- nate bodies for the present year : ROCHESTER LODGE OF PERFECTION. John B. Colman 33°, T. P. Gr. Master; George F. Archibald, H. of T., Dep. Gr. M.; John G. Allen 33°, Ven. Sen. Gr. Warden ; John C. Baumer, Ven. Jun. Gr. Warden ; Rev. Murray Bartlett, Gr. Orator ; Harry S. Woodworth, Gr. Treasurer; Frank B. Goble 33", Gr. Secretary; George E. Hatch, Gr. Master of C; Edward Stahlbrodt, Gr. Capt. of G.; Eli Leavenworth, Gr. Hos- pitaler; James A. Raynsford, Gr. Tiler; Fred. A. Rey- nolds, Gr. Organist; Thomas Brooks 33°, Member Gen. Com.; Harrie R. Kennedy, Curtis H. Haskin, Lewis Sunderlin, Trustees. ROCHESTER COUNCIL OF P. OF J. C. Deforest Galliger, M. E. Sov. P. Gr. Master ; Wil- liam Corkhill, G. H. P., Dep. G. M.; George F. Archibald, M.' E. Sen. Gr. Warden ; Jacob E. Fisher, M. E. Jun. Gr. Warden ; Harry S. Woodworth, Val. Gr. Treas.; Frank B. Goble 33°, Val. Gr. Secretary; George E. Hatch, Val. Gr. Master of C; Eli Leavenworth, Val. Gr. Almoner; Harry B. Guilford, Val. Gr. Master of E.; James A. Raynsford, Val. Gr. Tiler ; Fred A. Reynolds, Val. Gr. Organist; John B. Colman, 33°, Member Gen. Com.; Harrie R. Kennedy, J. Hungerford Smith, 33°, Lewis Sunderlin, Trustees. ROCHESTER CHAPTER ROSE-CROIX. Herbert Leary, M. W. and P. Master ; C. Deforest Galliger, M. E. P. K. Sen. Warden ; Rev. I. P. Codding- ton, M. E. P. K. Jun. Warden ; George E. Hatch, M. E. P. K. Gr. O.; Harry S. Woodworth, R. P. K. Treasurer ; * Deceased, t Withdrawn. J Not now a member. 20 OFFICERS MASONIC FAIR ASSOCIATION 1 JOSEPH A. CRANE, President 3 W. A. Mac CAELUM, Secretary 2 JOSEPH S. VICK, Vice-President 4 J. T. HANRAHAN, Manager Frank B. Goble 33°, R. P. K. Secretary; Eli Leaven- worth, R. P. K. Hospitaler; Rev. Murray Bartlett, R. P. K. M. of C; Clifford L. Kerr, R. P. K. Capt. of G.; James A. Raynsford, R. P. K. Tiler; Fred A. Reynolds, R. P. ,K. Organist; George F. Crosman 33°, Member Gen. Com.; Lewis Sunderlin, Joseph A. Crane, Harrie R. Kennedy, Trustees. Rochester Consistory, S. P. R. S. Thomas Brooks 33°, 111. Com.-in-Chief ; George F. Crosman 33°, 111. ist Lieut.-Com.; Herbert Leary, 111. 2d Lieut.-Com.; John G. Allen 33°, 111. Min. of State; John M. Lee, 111. Gr. Chancellor; Harry S. Woodworth, 111. Gr. Treasurer; Frank B. Goble, 33°, 111. Gr. Secretary; Eli Leavenworth, 111. Gr. Hospitaler; Henry M. Plant, 111. Gr. Master of C; George F. Archibald, 111. Gr. Stan. Bearer ; Edward A. Stahlbrodt, 111. Gr. Capt. of G.; James A. Raynsford, 111. Gr. Sentinel; George H. Clarke, 33°, Member Gen. Com.; Lewis Sunderlin, Harrie R. Ken- nedy, Joseph A. Crane, Trustees; Alfred G. Wright, 23°> George F. Crosman, 33°, Henry M. Plant, Finance Committee. Past 111. Commanders-in-Chief: *William E. Lathrop, 1866-71 ; Otis Cole, 33°, 1872-77 ; William Lincoln Sage, 33°, 1878-80; William G. Raines, 1881-86; Simon V. McDowell, 33°, 1887-92 ; Rev. Warren C. Hubbard, 33°, 1893-95; George H. Clarke, 33°, 1896-1901. Past Most Wise and Perfect Masters: *John F. Whitbeck, 1866-68; *WiIliam B. Crandall, 1869; Otis Cole, 33°, 1870; *George W. Aldridge, 33°, 187 1; :|:David K.' Cartter, 1872; *P. Strong Wilson, 1873-75; Rev. Asa Saxe, 1876 ; William G. Raines, 1877-79 ; JAl- bert G. Warner, 1880-83 ; tRobert C. Titus, 33°, 1884; Thomas Brooks, 33°, 1885-87; Wilham A. Sutherland, 33°, 1888-91; John G. Allen, 33°, 1892; Alfred G.' Wright, 33°, 1893; George H. Clarke, 33°, 1894; Frank H. Vick, 33°, 1895; J. Hungerford Smith, 33°, 1896; Charles P. Lyon, 1897 ; George F. Crosman, 33", 1898 ; Rev. Frederick S. Parkhurst, 1899; John B. Colman, 33°, 1900-01." Past Sovereign Prince Grand Masters: *George W. Aldridge, 33°, 1868-69; JGeorge M. Elwood, 1870; tDavid K. Cartter, 187 1; ^Andrew J. Warner, 1872; Cortland Avery, 1873-75-81-83-84; ♦Edward E. Blyth, 1874; Wm. Lincoln Sage, 33°, 1882;" George H. Clarke, 33°, 1885; tCharles R. Pratt, 1886; *Isaiah S. Emery, 1887; Thomas Brooks, 33°, 1888-91; JGeorge W. Par- shall, 1892; fAldice G. Warren, 1893-94; J. Hungerford Smith, 33°, 1895 ; John B. Colman, 33°, 1896-98 ; Charles A. Dunham, 1899; Henry M. Plant, 1900; Fred. A. Moses, 1901. Past Thrice Potent Grand Masters : *George W. Stebbins, 1866-68; *George W. Aldridge, 33°, 1869-70; *P. Strong Wilson, 1871-72 ; *William Shelp, 1873-74-84; William H. Whiting, 1875-83; John A. Davis, 1885-88; ♦deceased, t Withdrawn. J Not now a member. George H. Clarke, 33°, 1889; Frank H. Goble, 33°, 1890-91; Thomas Brooks, 33°, 1892-94; George F. Crosman, 33°, 1895-96; Norman F. Haskell, 1897-99; Herbert Leary, 1900-1901. COMMANDERS-IN-CHIEF. William E. Lathrop, 1866-71; Otis Cole, 1872-77; Wm. Lincoln Sage, 1878-80; William G. Raines, 1881-86 ; Simon V. McDowell, 1887-92 ; Rev. W. C. Hubbard, 1893-95; George H. Clarke, 1896-01 ; Thomas Brooks, 1902-04. 33° Received Degree Inspector-General : Otis Cole, May 19, 1866 ; *George W. Aldridge, June, 1870 ; *James Mc- Credie, Sept. 20, 1872; *John Lutes, Nov. 14, 1873; tjohn L. Sage, Nov. 14, 1873 ; *August M. Koeth, Sept. 19, 1877; *John. Hodge, Sept. 16, 1879; W. Lincoln Sage, (Boston, Mass.) Sept. 20, 1881 ; §John N. Macomb, (Lawrence, Kan.) Sept. 19, 1882; *Samuel C. Steele, Sept. 23, 1884; *Thomas Gliddon, Sept. 15, 1885; William A. Brbdie, (Geneseo) Sept. 15, 1885; ♦Ben- jamin Flagler, Sept. 15, 1885 ; fRev. Foster Ely, Sept. 14, 1886; Simoii, V. KicDowell, Sept. 18, 1888; George McGowfa, (Palmyra) Sept. '18, 1888; George H. Clarke, Sept. 17, 1889; Rev. W. C. Hubbard, (New York City) Sept. 17, 1889; t*David F. Day, Sept. 15, 1891 ; Alfred G. Wright, Sept. 20, 1892; William A. Sutherland, Sept. 19, 1893; Frank B. Goble, Sept. 18, 1894; George A. Newell, (Medina) Sept. 17, 1895 ; Frank H. Vick, (New York City) Sept. 17, 1895 ; J. Hungerford Smith, Sept. 15, 1896; Marvin I. Greenwood, (Newark) Sept. 15, 1896; Thomas Brooks, September 20, 1898; John G. Allen, Sept. 19, 1899 ; John B. Colman, Sept. 18, igoo; George F. Crosman, Sept. 17, igoi. Classification of the Grades. FIRST SERIES. . Symbolic Degrees:' ' I, Entered Apprentice; 2, Fel- lowcraft; 3, Master Mason. Conferred in a regular lodge of Ancient Craft Masons, duly constituted by charter or warrant of some recognized Grand Lodge. SECOND SERIES. Ineffable Grades Conferred in Rochester Lodge of Perfection : 4, Secret Master ; 5, Perfect Master ; 6, In- timate Secretary ; 7, Provost and Judge ; 8, Intendent of the Building; 9, Master Elect of Nine ; 10, Master Elect of Fifteen; 11, Sublime Master Elect; 12, Grand Mas- ter Architect ; 13, Master of the Ninth Arch ; 14, Grand Elect Mason. THIRD SERIES. Historical and Traditional Grades conferred in Roch- ester Council of Princes of Jersusalem : 15, Knight of the East or Sword ; 16, Prince of Jerusalem. * Deceased. | Withdrawn. J Not now a member. § Removed from the Northern Jurisdiction. 22 Masonic Fair Association Members Frederick R. Smith Charles S. Owen Charles H. Crouch M. H. VanBergh Frank H. Dennis Herbert S. Jenner Frederick Seitz 23 FOURTH SERIES. Philosophical and Doctrinal Grades conferred in Rochester Chapter of Rose-Croix: 17, Knight of the East and West ; 18, Knight of the Rose-Croix de H-R-D-M. FIFTH SERIES. Philosophical and Chivalric Grades conferred in Roch- ester Consistory S. P. R. S. : 19, Grand Pontiff ; 20, Master ad m/am ; 21, Patriarch Noachite ; 22, Prince of Libanus ; 23, Chief of the Tabernacle ; 24, Prince of the Tabernacle; 25, Knight of the Brazen Serpent; 26, Prince of Mercy; 27, Commander of the Temple; 28. Knight of the Sun; 29, Knight of St. Andrew; 30, Grand Elect Knight Kadosh ; 31, Grand Inspector In- quisitor Commander ; 32, Subhme Prince of the Royal Secret. SIXTH SERIES. Official Grade : 33, Sovereign ''Grand Inspector-Gen- eral. Conferred by the Supreme Council, 33°, is execu- tive in its character, and only coijferred as an honorary or official degree on those who have, by long and arduous service in the Masonic vineyard, attained distinction. TOTAL NUMBER OF MEMBERS. Lodge, 420; Council, 493; Chapter, 518; Consis- tory, 522. The Annual Convocation of Rochester Council of Princes of Jerusalem will be held on Wednesday evening, January 14, 1903. The Annual Communication of Rochester Lodge of Perfection will be held on Wednesday evening, February 25. i9°3- The Annual Assemblage of Rochester Chapter of Rose-Croix will be held on Wednesday evening,. May 13 1903. Damascus Temple, A. A, O. N. M. S. Damascus Temple was founded October 21, 1874, chartered June 7, 1876. The following brief . sketch, written by the present Potentate of Damascus Temple will be of interest to local Shriners : Damascus Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Oasis of Roch- ester, N. Y., is the oldest working Temple in the United States or Canada ! It is, and by the virtue of the follow- ing facts : The present Potentate, in the year 1873, wrote to Walter M. Fleming of New York City, asking if he had any ritual or scheme that would do to organize a Social body for Knights Templar for fun, recreation, etc. His reply was he had, and when we visited New York we called on him a few weeks after and with four or five others we were duly obligated Shriners, and with this nucleus formed Mecca Temple of New York City. After returning home a week or so later, we organized Damascus Temple, No. 2, with the following members: (The Temples were first to be numbered, but afterwards the numbers were omitted.) *W. H. Bosworth, *James Logan, Dan'l T. Hunt, J. L. Brewster, *D.W. Gotens, *Geo. Hamblett, G. F. Loder, S. R. Carter, W. H. Whiting, *Owns Williams, Eli Leav- enworth, H. M. Plant, *C. A. Brady, Abe H. Vander- berg, Wm. Davis and R. W. West. Charter dated seventh day of June, 1876. Walter M. Fleming, Imperial Potentate ; William J. Paterson, Imper- ial Recorder. Damascus Temple proceeded at once to work with such assistance in paragraphs as 111. Noble Paterson, the Illustrious Recorder, sent us, and did work with robes and other paraphernalia as was found necessary, and all forms of ceremonies were original with us, having no' ritual or coacher, and the same is being used to-day. Eighteen inonths later, while W. J. Florence was filling a professional engagement at one of the theaters, Damas- cus Temple invited W. M. Fleming and W. J. Paterson to come to Rochester and see Damascus Temple confer the order. They accepted, and were present when we con- ferred the Shrine degree in the afternoon in old Concert Hall, State St., on J. Clinton Hall, a stock actor at the Opera House. The records show tha^ Walter M. Fleming, W. J. Florence and W. J. Patterson and about fifty other nobles were present, October 12, 1875. Damascus Temple then had a membership of 138. At the banquet which follow- ed, two Shrine badges were presented (having the bar instead of the scimiter as now, made of two tiger claws, and the first ever made. ) One was presented to W. J. Florence, and the other to W. M. Fleming. Our New York Nobles said at the banquet, " There is something good about this Shrine work, and we will go home and start Mecca Temple booming. " These, Nobles, are the cold facts of how the Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine started in this country. Damascus does not claim it originated the Order but knows that if she had not " pushed hard " possibly no Shrine would ever have been known of, and from five Nobles in 1874 the order has increased to about 50,000. ■' Allah be praised ! " The Imperial Council was duly formed soon after this with Mecca, Damascus and Mt. Sinai Temple, Mont- pelier, Vermont. Damascus did not receive its charter until about two years afterwards. The present Potentate of Damascus Temple, now serv- ing his twenty-eighth year as Potentate, was Deputy Imperial Potentate of the Imperial Council for nine years, and by his assistance other Temples were organized and the Order made the grand success that it is to-day. The stated services of Damascus Temple are held at 104 Reynolds Arcade, second Wednesday in each month. The annual service for the election of officers will be held December 10, 1902. The following are the officers of Damascus Temple for the present year : George F. Loder, 111. Potentate ; F. R. Smith, 111. Chief Rabban ; Cortland Avery, 111. Asst. * Names starred have since died. 24 2 E. T. OTIS, Treasurer 4 A. C. BOSTWICK 1 W. C. SMITH, Chairman 5 JAMES LENNOX 3 W. K. ANGEVINE, Secretary 6 M. E. LEARY >/la50i\i<^ rH[^®^vcryir:' Rabban ; Thomas Brooks, 111. High Priest and Prophet ; P. Kurtz Hill, 111. Oriental Guide; A. A. Mosher, 111. Treasurer; John Calder, 111. Recorder; S. B. Williams, Treasurer Sinking Fund. 111. Noble Charles H. Carson, Director; 111. Noble Ed. C. Way, Marshall ; 111. Noble George F. Argetsinger, Capt. of Guard; 111. Noble Conrad Eckhardt, ist Cere- monial Master; 111. Noble C. L. Ball, 2d Ceremonial Master; 111. Noble William H. Lewis, Master of Prop.; 111. Noble D. E. Phillips, Outer Guard ; 111. Noble E. H. Schmidt, Alchemist and Electrician ; George Hearn, Asst.; 111. Noble F. A. Reynolds, Organist and Musical Director. Chanters : 111. Nobles John Louret, W. H. Learned, J. W. Singleton, W. W. Spragge, G. J. Oaks, George W. Miller, M. Van Valkenburg. Orchestra and Brass Band : J. J. Karle, W. Karle, J. Creelman, William H. Vicinus, F. Zeitler, F. W. Judson, H. G. Sauer. Finance Committee : S. B. Williams. Trustees: George F. Loder, W. H. Jones, W. S. Smitfi. Arabs Patrol : Nobles Carson, Calder, Grohs, Ball, Judson, Clarke, Mosher, Greenberg, Eckhardt, F. R. Smith, W. C. Smith, C. R. Webster. The New Masonic Temple. Masons are builders. Tradition and teaching inspire in them a wish for a home adapted to their needs. As early as 1826 Hamilton Chapter took action looking to- ward owning such a home. The following resolution was adopted, viz : " Resolved — That Companions Ira West and Gideon Candee be a committee to confer with the committee appointed by Wells Lodge, also with the Trustees of School District No. 2, in the Town of Gates, and to report at the next regular convocation, upon the expedi- ency of erecting a Masonic Hall." May 23d,. 1827, Robert Martin, Philip Smith and Abelard Reynolds were appointed a building committee. Oct. 4th, 1827, Jacob Gould, Bill Colby and C. G. Cummings were appointed to confer with Messrs. Cuyler and Stebbins on procuring a suitable Masonic Hall. Nothing tangible appears to have been done. From that time until now the hope of building a Masonic Temple has abided with the brethren. From time to tirae action has been taken, committees appointed, plans made, money raised. At one time an act of the Legisla- ture was procured especially incorporating the " Masonic Temple Association of the City of Rochester, N. Y. " Chapter 433, Laws of 1894. ■That hope, long deferred, is now realized. Brother William A. MacCallum of Rochester Lodge, and Brother J. C. McNab of Valley Lodge, made an informal canvass of such brethren as they chanced to meet. They found much to encourage the belief that the accepted time had come. Monroe Commandery was in urgent need of enlarged accommodations. An extension of the lease of the so-called Temple, preliminary to making changes getting more room was proposed. Action must be taken at once or deferred for a series of years. On December 5th, 1899, Yonnondio Lodge appointed a committee to canvass its members for stock in the new Masonic Temple. All the other lodges did likewise. The following committees were appointed : Valley Lodge—]. C. McNab, J. C. Wilson, H. S. Jenner, H. B. Guilford, L. C. Piper, C. S. Owen, W. E. Webb, A. J. Phelps, C. B. Rebasz, Fred S. Rogers. Yonnondio Lodge — Fredk. R. Smith, Geo. A. Benton, S. B. Williams, R. A. Searing, Louis N. Stein, Wm. East- wood, J. B. Colman, W. J. McKelvey, Geo. W. Ingmire, Fred G. Sweet, John Calder, Theo. S. Pulver, Andrew Ludolph. Genesee Falls JLodge — C. M. Colton, C. E. Hedges, C. U. Bastable, J. C. Robertson, W. J. Baxendale, J. F. Engel, Geo. F. Roth, E. E. Boynton, H. G. Sauer, F. H. Dennis, C. F. Lippincott, C.»N. Pratt, R. Williamson, I. C. Edington, M. B. Turpin, B. F. East, P. C. Shutt, J. S. Vick. Rochester Lodge — Geo. Bown, W. A. MacCall um, H. S. Mackie, W. P. Couch, Isaac Wile, Frank Taylor, Thos. W. Shannon, C. H. Haskins, E. J. Lathrop, Guilford R. Adams, Michael J. Lynn, Geo. H. White. Lawrence Lodge — Harry S. Woodworth, Geo. F. Cros- man, Geo. H. Clarke. Germania Lodge — John Fricker, Wm. Karle, F. C. Seitz, Edward Deusing, Wm. H. Hahle, Sigmond Handler. Corinthian Temple Lodge — Ralph T. Olcott, Harvey B. Carlton, J. S. Briggs. A more systematic canvass of the lodges was now instituted, and prosecuted with so much success that we became convinced that, the Temple would be built. Accordingly the stockholders were called together in Old St. Paul's Church, known as Damascus Temple Annex, and by Damascus Temple tendered for the occasion. The organization was perfected and the corporation formed in June, 1900. In form we are a business corporation, organized under the Laws of the State of New York. The number of directors is thirteen, as many as the law allows. There is also an Advisory Board of one for each one hundred members of each lodge, together with the official head of each Masonic or quasi-Masonic body which is a prospective tenant of the Temple. While for some legal purposes the action of the Board of Directors as such is necessary, practically the Directors and Advisory Board sit as one and form the Governing Board of the Temple. The following Directors and Advisory Board were elected May 28, 1900: Directors—G&o. A. Benton, H. H. Edgerton, Geo. F. Roth, H. S. Jenner, Fred. R. Smith, S. B. Williams F. C. 26 Valley Lodge, No. 109, F. & A. M Instituted June 8, 1846 COMMUNICATIONS FIRST AND THIRD MONDAYS Harry B. Guilford Master '• Frank S. Neely j Rev. Charles E. Hamilton Thomas G. Young Rev. Joseph Vitale Harry R. Nettleton . M. James Steel Assistant Tiler - . Organist . Assistant Organist Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Secretary Senior Deacon Junior Deacon S. M. C. J. M. C. Stewards Chaplains T. J. Watson Director Marshal Tiler Herbert S. Jenner General Committeeman Moss MosELY, Thomas G. Young, Charles S. Owen, Trustees Past Masters Solomon M. Benjamin John Alexander William C. Brown Henry J. Durgin John H. Bird Fred H. Beach B. F. La Salle John W. Merriam Frank H. Vick . Abram J. Katz Fred A. Moses Edwin G. Howe Charles L. Ball Harry J. Mulligan Charles S. Owen John B. Mullan Charles B. Rebasz John C. McNab J. Clifton Baker Committees Mrs. H. B. Guilford Chairman Mrs. John McNab Mrs. G. W. Steitz Mrs. J. L. Randall Mrs. L. O. Sweetland Mrs. Rosencrantz Mrs. W. B. Young Miss Emma M. Watson Miss Blanche Meyer Miss K. Jones Miss S. Jones Thomas J, Mrs. J. Clifton Baker Chairman Mrs. William Vicinus Mrs. Frank Schultz Mrs. Charles Pyatt Mrs. Ezra Boiler Mrs. Grove Brown Mrs. Harry Baker Mrs. Emil Boiler Mrs. H. S. Jenner Miss Lena Vicinus Miss Florence Jordan Miss Jennie Hanna Watson, Director Mrs. H. R. Nettleton Chairman Mrs. A. B. Davis Mrs. Robert Brown Mrs. E. Beir Mrs. John Rice Mrs. 'Milton Noyes Miss Effie Watson Miss Minnie Van Zandt Miss Estelle Huntington Miss Nettie Goldsmith Miss Onnolee Gray Miss Jennie Watson Mrs. C. F. Wilson Chairman Mrs. W. W. Kenfield Mrs. A. I. Dimock Mrs. John Cawthra Mrs. George Cooper Mrs. F. J. Thurber Mrs. E. Brayton Mrs. G. E. Kerner Miss Loua Watson Miss Annie Olmstead 27 Mailing, J. A. Robertson, Frank Taylor, H. W. Goetz- mann, Chas. Vogel, E. E. Almy, Chas. S. Baker. Advisory Board — F. S. Rogers, W. H. Vicinus, C. S. Owen, F. H. Beach, J. C. Wilson, Geo. W. Aldridge, Geo. F.' Argetsinger, S. P. Bancroft, Jos. A. Crane, L. N. Stein, M. H. VanBergh, W. H. Marson, William J. Baxendale, Joseph F. Engel, C. E. Hedges, C. N. Pratt, H. G. Sauer, F. H. Dennis, Jos. S. Vick, F. S. Stebbins, H. G. Oliver, D. M. Garson, H. D. Stone, J. W. Taylor, A. E. Suther- land, W. A. MacCallum, I. A. Wile, Wm. Karle, F. C. Seitz, S. Handler, John Fricker, H. B. Carlton, F. A. Brownell, J. Hungerford Smith, W. A. Sutherland. They organized by the election of George A. Benton, President ; H. H. Edgerton, Vice-President ; S. B. Williams, Treasurer; Louis N. Stein, Secretary. The collection of the subscriptions was now begun, and soliciting subscrip- tions continued. The services of William H. Learned were secured. By the generosity and courtesy of the Trustees of the Rochester Fire Department Association desk^ room was given us at No. 8io Powers Building. Mr. Learned is found there daily from 9 a. m. to i p. m. Committees on Site and Plans were appointed on Oct. 15th, 1900, as follows: Committee on Site — Chas. S. Baker, Geo. F. Roth, J. A. Robertson, Frank Taylor, Chas. Vogel, F. S. Rogers, J. F. Engel, Geo. W. Aldridge, S. P. Bancroft. Committee on Plans — H. H. Edgerton, Fred. R. Smith, H. W. Goetzmann, H. S. Jenner, E. E. Almy, F. H. Beach, F. S. Stebbins, J. Hungerford Smith, S. Handler. It was realized that there must be a difference of opinion upon the site, but it was determined that wherever the majority deemed the best site there all would concur. A very large number of sites were offered. After careful investigation on December 28th, 1900, by vote of fourteen to twenty-six, the lot, 100 x 165, at the corner of Clinton Avenue North and Mortimer Street, (known as the Watson Homestead,) was chosen. Upon motion to make the choice unanimous every man answered aye as his name was called. Thus this site became the unanimous choice of the fraternity. Let it so remain forever. Time will more and more indicate the wisdom of the choice. The purchase price was $40,000, paid in cash jSi8,ooo and in stock $2 2,000. We are under great and lasting obligations to James S. Watson, Granger A. Hollister, Elizabeth C. Watson and Isabelle W. Hollister for their generous treatment of the fraternity. The Plans Committee invited competition among the brethren. A number of plans were submitted. - They were most carefully examined in detail and those of J. Mills Piatt were chosen on March 18th, 1^00. Leon Stern was associated with him. Finance Committee was appointed on October isth, 1900, as follows : Finance Committee — S. B. Williams, H. W. Goetzmann, F. C. Mailing, H. H. Edgerton, J. A. Robertson, Frank Tayloi^ Chas. Vogel, E. E. Almy, Geo. F. Roth, J. C. Wilson, L. N. Stein, I. A. Wile, H. B. Carllon, H. D. Stone, Wm. Karle. It has continued with but little change. To be suc- cessful good financiering was and is the absolute requisite. At the outset the determination was formed, and has been rigidly adhered to, that all the money subscribed must be sacredly devoted to building purposes. We will on no account depart from this policy. Necessarily there are expenses for incorporation, books, stationery, printing, clerk hire, postage, revenue stamps, etc. The expense of incorporation was met by the lodges. From the sale of old buildings, interest on our funds, profits on the sale of buttons, souvenir trowels, etc., the other expenses have been and will be met. All the Gov- erning Board serve without recompense. The Finance Committee meet every Wednesday, and have devoted a very great amount of time to their duties with gratifying success. The first annual meeting of the stockholders was held on May 28th, 1901, at Damascus Temple Annex, donated as before, and resulted in the election of the following: Governing Board — Geo. A. Benton, H. H. Edgerton, Geo. F. Roth, H. S. Jenner, Fred. R. Smith, S. B. Wil- liams, F. C. Mailing, J. A. Robertson, Frank Taylor, H. W. Goetzmann, Chas. Vogel, E. E. Almy, Chas. S. Baker, F. S. Rogers, W. H. Vicinus, C. S. Owen, F. H. Beach, J. C. Wilson, Geo. W. Aldridge, Geo. F. Argetsinger, S. P. Bancroft, Jos. A. Crane, L. N. Stein, M. H. VanBergh, W. H. Marson, C. H. Carson, J. B. Colman, W. J. Baxen- dale, J. F. Engel, C. E. Hedges, C. N. Pratt, H. G. Sauer, F. H. Dennis, Jos. S. Vick, F. S. Stebbins, H. G. Oliver, Geo. E. Hatch, D. M. Garson, C. D. Tuke, J. W. Taylor, A. E. Sutherland, W. A. MacCallum, I. A. Wile, F. C. Seitz, S. Handler,, John Fricker, F. D. Morgan, C. H. Crouch, J. Hungerford Smith, W. A. Sutherland. The Board organized by electing George A. Benton, President ; Henry W. Goetzmann, Vice-President ; S. B. Williams, Treasurer ; Louis N. Stein, Secretary. The Finance Committee was continued as follows : S. B. Wil- liams, H. W. Goetzmann, F. C. Mailing, H. S. Jenner, J. A. Robertson, Chas. Vogel, E. E. Almy, F. H. Dennis, W. A. MacCallum, Jos. Engel, Jos. A. Crane, J. C. Wil- son, L. N. Stein, I. A. Wile, John Fricker. On June 3d, 1901, the following Building Committee was appointed: F. C. Mailing, H. W. Goetzmann, E. E. Almy, Chas. S. Baker, H. S. Jenner, Fred'k R. Smith, Jno. A. Robertson, Geo. F. Roth, M. H. VanBergh, C. N. Pratt, S. Handler, F. S. Stebbins, H. G. Sauer, J. Hungerford Smith, F. D. Morgan. The Committee at once set to work to secure responsible informal bids for the work. Ground was broken August 27th, 190 1. A bag of earth from the North East corner to be used for Masonic purposes was shovelled by George F. Loder. The Gov- erning Board after the invocation by F. S. Stebbins broke ground and loaded two wagons. A large number of the Brethren, with glad and hopeful hearts, witnessed the beginning of the actual work of building. A series of 28 S^a^o^icJ^jr^ouvcrvr' Publication Committee James L. Brewer Times Charles H. Wright Chairman Post Express A. L. Richmond Herald Charles M. Colton Union Roy Kates Times Arthur J. Goheen Democrat and Clironicle J. S. Simpson Orleans American Frank G. Patchin Post Express 29 five views was taken upon this occasion. They may be had of Messrs. Webster and Albee. The completed structure, furnishing, cost of lot, and equipment, means an outlay upwards of f 2 50,000. The task undertaken is not small, but it has never been under- rated. The need is urgent, the recompense great. We build for generations to come a monument of the loyalty of the brethren of this age to an ancient and honorable order. There has been no deviation from the course marked out at the beginning. Everything has proceeded satisfac- torily. Much has been done, much remains to be done. Now, my brother, a personal word with you. Have you done your full share of this great and gratifying work ? It is as much your work as that of any brother. The building will be the headquarters of Masonry, not only in Rochester, but for the whole of the Thirty-Third Masonic District, and even beyond. Are you a subscriber ? If not it is high time that you become one. When the stockholders' names are emblazoned upon the walls of the Temple surely your name should be among them ! There are very few indeed among the fraternity who cannot pay $10 — in ten months. Many intend to increase their sub- scriptions. Duty and loyalty urge you to do this for the noblest order among men. It will pay you if you never get a money dividend. Yet the indications are that it will be better than a Savings Bank investment. There is an active demand for rentals in the building at paying rates. We do not anticipate any difficulty in renting all available space. October 5th, 1901, the stock subscriptions amounted to $116,450.00, and the number of stockholders is 1,925. The fraternity can and should build the entire building without bonds or mortgages upon it. Hall. The building of the Temple is assured. Its dimen- sions are 100 feet each way and 100 feet in height above the water table. Ground to the west, 65 x 109, is reserved for a hall. It depends upon the stock subscriptions whether or not this be done. It should certainly be done for two reasons, ist, It is needed. 2d, It will pay. Heat, light and attendance must be provided for the Temple. The additional cost for the hall will be very small. The lobby, entrance, ticket office, check room and bicycle room and other conveniences are already in the main building. The hall would be entirely an auditorium. It should be made by far the finest and most attractive in Rochester, to be the social headquarters for receptions, parties, balls, concerts, lectures, etc. It will be large enough for substantially all conventions that come to Rochester. The fraternity need such a hall for their general gatheriiigs, now becoming more frequent, and for the l^rge banquets. The Commanderies need it for drilling. The roof could be of asphalt and would be the very best of drill places during the summer months, as well as providing a fine roof garden. Monroe Com- mandery alone should, if necessary, build such a hall for its own needs. It will cost about ^35,000, and should pay fifteen per cent, on its cost. Therefore the stockholders should build it to make their stock pay better. Rochester needs such a hall. The iron and brick work on the east is already provided for in the Temple. Brethren shall we hot, after building the Temple, or better along with it, build the hall ? Subscriptions may be conditioned on building the hall. Stockholders Room. A room is provided on the second floor, with ample accommodations, where our stockholders from out of town may go with their wives and children, be at home, rest and refresh themselves and have their parcels sent. Museum. There is also a room on this floor (second) designed to exhibit interesting relics and curiosities, both Masonic and otherwise. "It is hoped that many such may be donated so that this may be the' nucleus of a museum. We will be pleased to receive such from now on. Memorials. We would perpetuate the memory of our honored dead by suitable memorials. The opportunity is afforded friends, fanlilies and lodges to put a window or other memorial in the building in remembrance of those who have worthily sustained the good name of our ancient craft, but action must be taken without too much delay. Lodge Rooms. The lodge rooms are lofty, large and well ventilated. The Sturtevant system of ventilation will enable us to maintain them at any required temperature and keep the air pure and fresh. We have a Middle Chamber approached across a porch up three, five and seven steps, and through an inner and outer door. Masonic Club. The entire third floor is adapted for the use of a club. The club organization is separate from the building corporation. The club will rent the floor, furnish it and run its own affairs. Applicants must be stockholders and Master Masons in good standing. We hope for a very large membership, and that very many non-resident Masons may become members. Especially for such we have planned several small rooms which may be used for business purposes, and in which business appointments may be made. It is hoped that business men from Syracuse to Buffalo, and from the lake to the Pennsylvania Ime, may find it pleasant and profitable to belong to this 30 Yonnondio Lodge, No. 163, F. & A. M Instituted June 21, 1850 Incorporated February 17, 1870 COMMUNICATIONS FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAYS Emil H. Schmidt Master i^ M. James Steel Fred A. Reynolds Charles Macklay Officers Emil Henry Schmidt . Fred. Louis Myers William Carvey Smith Charles M. Williams . Charles H. Carson Charles D. Galliger | ^^'ARD K. Angevine j T. Edward F'reckelton Arthur Warren . Fred L. Dutch er . Raymond Rulifson | \\'iLLiAM J. Parker i Cyrus Van Ness Mills . Isaac Philip Coddington S. Banks Nelson . Edwin B. Olmstead F. N. Lindsay AlTiERT C. BOSTWICK Tiler Organist . Assistant Organist . Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Secretary Senior Deacons Junior Deacon S. ^L C. J. M. C. Stewards Marslial Chaplains I I Master of Arts JosEi'H A. Crane . General Committeeman William H. Jones, \A'illiam J. McKelvev, Henry ^L Plant . . Trustees Fred. L. Myers Senior Warden Alvah M. Ostrander Charles W. Watson William S. Coon James T. Southard John Mitchell Thomas L. Turner Henry M. Plant Willard S. Bradt John A. Davis William J. McKelvey A. D. McMaster William H. Jones Past Masters Charles INL Williams John W. McKelvey Richard A. Searing William J. Marlin Lewis S. Kendall Joseph A, Crane Committees Jas. R. Chamberlain Frank B. Goble J. Henry Anslinger Charles P. Lyon Thomas Dransfield Fred G. Sweet John B. Colman George A. Benton Frederick R. Smith Charles W. Blodgett Andrew Ludolph Emit. Henry Sch.midt, Director Mrs. Emil H. Schmidt Chairman Mrs. Henry A. Zimmer Mrs. Fred'k H. Gerhardt Mrs. Ed. D. Putnam Mrs. J. Mills Piatt Mrs. Fred S. Couchman Mrs. Herman E. Hicks Mrs. Alfred Gosselin Mrs. Charles A. Fisher Miss Elizabeth J. Watson Mrs. Frederic L. Myers Chairman Mrs. F. W. Van Bergh Mrs. M. H. Van Bergh Mrs. Morris M. Myers Mrs. L. Black Mrs. Selim Sloman Mrs. Charles F. Voung Mrs. R. Lichtenstein Mrs. A. Greenberg Mrs. C. E. Nagle Mrs. Andrew Ludolph Chairman Mrs. George A. Benton Mrs. Theodore S. Pulver Mrs. William J. Marson Mrs. Charles P. I^yon Mrs. Arthur Warren Mrs. Frederick E. Merritt Mrs. Bradley W. Fenn Miss Martha Tait Miss Mary E. Tait Mrs. C Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Miss Miss Miss \\'arcl K. Angevine hairman George Tibbils John Roscoe Taylor John Jacob Matheis Henry W. Wedel Charles Vance Burton Grace D. Gifford Nellie M. Fisher Louise Simmons Mildred Merrill 31 club. There will be billiards and games, but no playing for money will be allowed under any circumstances. The initiation fee is $5.00 and must accompany the application. Dues will begin on the occupancy of the rooms, and are expected to be $6.00 per year, perhaps less to non-resi- dents. A blank application is printed herein. If you are a stockholder fill it out and send it in with ^5.00. If not fill out both it and the subscription blank. It is necessary to get members before occupancy to provide a fund for furnishing the rooms. The money from the initiation fee will be devoted to that purpose. Masonic Fair. It is proposed, during the Fall of 1902, to hold a grand Masonic fair for a week or more in the building to provide funds for furnishing the Temple. The work of preparation for this event is now in progress. There is much to do, for excepting the dedication, this will be the event of 1902. It must be elaborate, full of surprises, tempting all your money to the coffers of the Temple, for we must furnish richly befitting the order. The co-opera- tion of everybody is solicited to make the fair a crowning success. Buttons and Trowels. A stockholder's button to be worn only by stockholders, has been adopted. Subscribers are stockholders before the stock is actually issued. We hope they may be gen- erally worn, particularly on all Masonic occasions. A small souvenir trowel is for sale to all. It bears the date of the corner. stone laying. These are 25 cents each. They may be had at all the headquarters on November ist, and at any time at 810 Powers Building. Entrance. The entrance to the Temple from Clinton Avenue is to be embellished by Masonic emblems, donated by the several Masonic bodies, and are expected to be particu- larly noticeable and fine. The two Masonic pillars will stand one on either hand. There is to be the cross and crown of the Commanderies, the double eagle of the Consistory, the star of the Eastern Star Chapters, the crescent and scimiter of the Shrine, and other emblems. Every lodge that is a stockholder to the amount of $50, if from the country, and I500 from the city, will have its name and number cut upon the portals of the entrance. We expect that every lodge of this district will see to it that its name there appears. This Temple is the head- quarters of the district. The office of the District Deputy Grand Master will be there. Let each lodge, not already a stockholder, fill out the subscription blank herein con- tained and send it in without delay. Finally. We seek the aid of every brother. The beginning and the end of the success of the Masonic Temple is based upon two things. First, Taking stock. Second, Paying for stock. Unselfish, even self-sacrificing work along these lines will bring ample returns to all. Let us each and all labor unceasingly until we shall have built and furnished the most complete, beautiful and the best equipped Masonic Temple that can be found. Then we may well enter into the rest and enjoyment of its manifold excellencies. Fraternally yours, GEORGE A. BENTON, President Masonic Temple. Present Officers. President, Geo. A. Benton; Vice-President, H. W. Goetzmann; Treasurer, Sam. B. Williams; Secretary, L. N. Stein. Directors — H. S. Jenner, Chas. S. Owen, Geo. A. Ben- ton, Fred'k R. Smith, Sam. B. Williams, F. C. Mailing, J. A. Robertson, Geo. F. Roth, H. W. Goetzmann, W. A. MacCallum, Chas. Vogel, J. Hungerford Smith, J. M. Lee. Advisory Board—]. C. Wilson, F. H. Beach, W. H. Vicinus, F. S. Rogers, J. C. McNab, H. B. Guilford, Jos. A. Crane, M. H. VanBergh, W. H. Marson, E. A. Stahl- brodt, Geo. E. Cripps, L. N. Stein, C. H. Carson, J. B. Colman, John Calder, J. B. M. Stephens, Geo. W. Aldridge, Jos. S. Vick, Jos. F. Engel, Fred'k Fish, Geo. F. Loder, F. H. Dennis, Geo. E. Hatch, J. H. Beebee, T. J. Nicholl, C. N. Pratt, H. G. Sauer, F. S. Stebbins, E. J. Lathrop, R. G. Holden, W. P. Couch, G. H. Fisk, T. R. Peshine, I. A. Wile, F. C. Seitz, S. Handler, John Fricker, H. R. East, C. H. Crouch, F. D. Morgan, R. T. Olcott.. jFinance — Sam. B. Williams, H. W. Goetzmann, ' F. C. Mailing, W. P. Couch, J. A. Robertson, Chas. Vogel, H. B. Guilford, T. J. Nicholl, H. R. East, Jos. F. Engel, J. B. M. Stephens, J. C. Wilson, L. N. Stein, I. A. Wile, John Fricker. Bvilding—¥. C. Mailing, H. W. Goetzmann, W. H. Marson, Fred'k Fish, W. H. Vicinus, R. G. Holden, J. A. Robertson, Geo. F. Roth, Geo. E. Cripps, C. N. Pratt, S. Handler, G. H. Fisk, H. G. Sauer, E. J. Lathrop, F. D. Morgan. Rental— Y. S. Rogers, L. N. Stein, H. G. Sauer, T. R. Peshine, Chas. Vogel, J. Hungerford Smith, J. M. Lee. Finishing and Furnishing— Q&o. F. Loder, F. H. Beach, C. H. Carson, J. B. Colman, J. H. Beebee, J. C. McNab, John Calder. Fair— ]os. A. Crane, H. S. Jenner, Fred'k R. Smith, C. S. Owen, F. H. Dennis, Jos. S. Vick, W. A. MacCal- lum, C. H. Crouch, F. C. Seitz, M. H. VanBergh. 32 ^^'^•^ Fail- o — ^^^^ ^WjS.f^"':'f^<%^ \iMSt' Yonnondio Lodge Officers William C. Smith Junior Warden Charles D. Galliger Senior Deacon Ward K. Angevine Assistant Senior Deacon T. Edward Freckelton Junior Deacon Arthur Warren Senior Master of Ceremonies Fred L. Dutcher Junior Master of Ceremonies William J. Parker Junior Stewarti Cyrus Van Ness Mills Marshal James D. Carson, Jr. Soloist Albert Bostwick Master of Arts 33 ^he SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER == for == ECONOMY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE Saves Work, Wear, Time and Money for its Operator. ITS QUALITY IS UNDOUBTED. ITS DESIGN SUPERIOR. ITS EXECUTION PERFECT. J5he Smith Premier Typewriter Co, 36 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT OF THE PLEASURE TO BE OBTAINED FROM A PROPERLY CONDUCTED WHEN GIVING YOUR NEXT PARTY THINK THIS OVER AND APPLY TO 3^otJ)e0ter S^ailioa^ Company 267 State Street. 'T hones 887 or 83 1 CHARTERED CARS FOR TJIE ABOVE OR ANY OTHER PURPO.SE C\X BE ARRANGED FOR AT AN HOUR'S NOTICE AT ANY TIME ON City Lines, Charlotte, Windsor Beach or Sodus Bay Divisions SfiSlSllS^^P^ Genesee Falls Lodge, No. 507, F. & A. M Chartered June 12, 1861 Incorporated February 12, 1870 COMMUNICATIONS FIRST AND THIRD THURSDAYS Isaac C, Master 'S\ P'rederick Fish Matthew J. Steel George J. Oaks Officers Isaac C. Edinctox Delkert C. Hehkarii George E. Hatch EnwARi) F. Pu.Low Fred M. Youni; M. Van Valkenkuri; ) George W. Milky ) Edward B, Lynx I E. M. Bentley ) \^^ARREN L, FiSK E. Tracy Otis Raymond E. \\'esthury Everett O. Girks Murray Bartlett 1 P'rancis S. Lippitt P'rancis C. Woodward ) G. Herbert Pardee ) David O. Cloud ) . . . M. of A. Tiler Representative Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer SecretaiT Senior Deacons junior Deacons M. M. C. C. Stewards Chaplains Marshals George F. Loder . Franklin S. Stebbixs [OSEPH S. ViCK, Past Masters George F. Loder P'ranklin S. Stebbins Julius L. Townsend Daniel T. Hunt William H. Bos worth Samuel C. Pierce Varnum M. Colvin W. Lincoln Sage William H. Whiting Asa B. Norcross Committees Delbert C. Hebbard, Director Thomas C. Hodgson Philip A. Clum S. D. W. Cleveland Franklin W. Morse Horace G. Oliver Mrs. Henry G. Sauer Chairman Mrs. William H. Mogler Mrs. James E. Craft Mrs. William A. Petas Mrs. James G. Lennox Mrs. H. B. Williams Mrs. Fred \^'. Cooper Mrs. William Faragher Mrs. Dora Rehberg Mrs. Charles N. Pratt Chairman Mrs. Horace Cowles Mrs. Edgar Alexander Mrs. Fred Fish Mrs. Theodore Cazeau Mrs. Millard G. Morse Miss Lillian Craib Miss Sadie Farber Miss Jessie Vick Miss May Baird Mrs. Charles A. Hebbard Chairman Mrs. Martin J. Gallusha Mrs. Fred M. Young Mrs. Charles F. Hurlburt Mrs. Elmer E. \\'yckoff Mrs. Elias M. Bendey Mrs. Thomas R. Griffith Miss Elizabeth Hedges Miss Ethel Kates Miss Vera Davis D. C. Hebbard Director Trustees Henry Lampert Clarence E. Hedges Morley B. Turpin Charles M. Colton Mrs. Edward Lynn Chairman Mrs. Charles A. Matthews Mrs. Jay L. Merrill Mrs. Gary A. Norton Mrs. Richard W. Bemish Mrs. Richard W. Bloomer Mrs. Wallace S. Hagaman Miss Gertrude Strubel Miss Alidia E. Williamson Miss Hattie Relvea 35 V^'. Paper Box Machinery -? Mark D. Knowlton Knowlton 61 Beach Rochester, N. Y. London, England Fred H. Beach ^^^^^m^^^^^^' Genesee Falls Lodge Officers George E. Hatch Junior Warden Edward F. Pillow Treasurer Fred Young Secretary Milbury Van Valkenburg Senior Deacon George W. Milby Assistant Senior Deacon E. Tracy Otis Junior Master of Ceremonies Everett O. Gibbs Junior Steward Murray Bartlett Chaplain George F. Loder Trustee Franklin Stebbins Trustee Joseph S. Vick Trustee 37 THE EAST SIDE SAVINGS BANK OF ROCHESTER COR. MAIN STREET EAST & CLINTON AVENUE SOUTH INCORPORATED 18 6 9 OFFICERS BENJAMIN E. CHASE, President PLATT B. VIELE, Secretary and Treasurer CASSIUS C. DAVY, Attorney W. HENRY MATHEWS} p,.^y^ STEPHEN REMINGTON f '^"'^ t:res"ients Erastus Darrow J#HN M. Davy JlRAH B. MOSELEY Edwin S. Hayward Stephen Remington Cassius C. Davy TRUSTEES Benjamin E. Chase Adolph F. Schlick W. Henry Mathews William H. Peters George H. Watkins Alexander B. Lamberton John B. Hamilton Austin C. Jackson William Bausch. Money to loan on Bond and Mortgage at four and one-half per cent in sums of $10,000. All sums less than $10,000 five per cent. • Call or send and get one of our steel banks for yourself or children. They will help you to save money and the use of them costs you nothing. Save and make a start on the road to independence. A penny saved is a penny made. The CUTLER Manufacturing Co. Sole Makers The Cutler Patent Mailing System U. S. Mail Chute by means of which mail matter deposited in any story of buildings which have been equip- ped is safely transmitted to the U. S. Mail Box in the ground floor corridor, from whence it is collected by the regular PostOfBce carriers, II In general use in hotels, public buildings, apartments and office buildings throughout the United States. General Offices, Cutler Building Rochester, N. Y. Rudolph Schmidt & Company EstaHiihed l8S3 Eledrial Contractors Watchmen's Time Detectors. Burglar Alarms. Electric Lighting. Optical and Mathematical Instruments Hotel, Residence &" Elevator Annunciators, Etc. Self-winding Clocks. Speaking Tubes. Medical Batteries. 51 Main Street East, Rochester, N. Y. Telephone No, 75. Estimates Furnished. 38 Rochester Lodge, No. 660, F. & A. M Instituted August 22, 1867 Incorporated June 29, 1902 COMMUNICATIONS FIRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAYS James G. Greene Master ^%m Offi James G. Greene Robert G. Holden K. J. Lathrop Henry D. Stone Thomas R. Peshine C. D. Oliver C. P. Shirley E. H. Burke H. A. DUTTON W. H. Cobb ] P. J. Peckens J J. S. Quick C. W. La Salle John McMullen Tho-mas Brooks Charles B. Bechtold Peshine, Trustees cers F.J. Master Senior Warden Junior Warden . Treasurer Secretary Senior Deacon Junior Deacon S. M. C. J. M. C. Stewards Marshal Organist Ass't Organist Tiler Smithe, Thomas Thumas R. Peshine Secretary Thomas Brooks E. B. Chapin Frank Taylor John \\. Stebbins F". J. Craigie Past Masters E. J. Lathrop James O. Spellman P. Chamberlain Arthur E. Sutherland Charles D. Tuke W. H. Taylor Robert G. Levis F. J. Smythe John W. Fulreader Wallace P. Couch Arthur G. Odell George E. Bown Charles B. Bechtold Mrs. Charles Bradshaw Chairman Mrs. Nathan S. Davis Mrs. W. D'Orville Doty Mrs. Charles C. F^orce Mrs. J. Charles Hathaway Mrs. William D. Hayes Mrs. Henry D. McNaughton Mrs. E. Darwin Smith Mrs. Edward F. Turk Mrs. Robert S. Williamson Committees James G. Greene, Director Mrs. Edward H. Burke Chairman Mrs. Philip Heitz Mrs. William A. Meyer Mrs. James Milner Mrs. Conrad D. Oliver Mrs. George F. Schake Mrs. James W. Spence Mrs. George A. Wilkins Miss Naomi Giles Miss Carolyn L Haskin Mrs. Thomas \\'. Shannon Chairman Mrs. Parley C. Boardman Mrs. George R. Coates Mrs. Harry L. Conolly Mrs. Robert L. Ennis Mrs. G. Henry Fisk Mrs. William B. Kerr Mrs. William R. Lansing Mrs. Fred M. Warren Miss Julia Anscomb Mrs. Frank Taylor Chairman Mrs. Edward Conklin Mrs. George S. Hicks Mrs. Erwin J. Lathrop Mrs. A. O. Munson Mrs. John C. Smith Mrs. Robert M. Swinburne Mrs. J. Merton Taylor Miss Bertha M. Bettys Miss Betty Boorman 39 Mathews & Boucher H a r d %v a r e Merchants Call on our Builder's Hardware Department for Fine Building Hard- ware, Cabinet Hardware, Contractor's Supplies. Hardware Contractors for THIS BUILDING. 26 Exchange St. %pchester, N. T. HYDE DRUG CO. 202 MAIN STREET, EAST C 'Xents Huyler's ""''l y^ T)eUcious 'andies Huther Bros. VV . B . HUTHER A. E. HUTH ER SAW MANUFACTURERS Manufacturers of Huther BrOS.' Patent Groover or Dado Head Telephone 902 229-23 1 MiLL STREET Rochester Box & Lumber Co. F. P. VAN HOESEN n D □ Mafiufaitiu-ers of PACKING CASES. LOCK CORNER BOXES a Specialty. L LT M B E R D D D Corner Piatt and Warehouse Streets, Rochester, N. Y. ROCHESTER DYEING CO. H. LEACH, Proprietor ' Carpets Dyed the Dyers and t,-r„",tt: French Cleaning L'TuTb':,: All Grades of Carpet Dyed Any Shade las; also re-cover 75 EAST MAIN STREET and mend sa me. rVORKS, 81 STONE STREET '"^ Telephones: Home, 965; Bell, 2169 GOODS CALLED WALL PAPER Rochester, P^ewYork and delivered | PAINTS OILS GLASS 43 and 45 Main St. East Germania Lodge, No. 722, F. & A. M Chartered March, 1872 DEGREES IN GERMAN COMMUNICATIONS SECOND AND FOURTH WEDNESDAYS CWJ5 T-CA3.T Officers ^1^^ William Karle Master ,^^^^1^^ C. Rudolph Kastner Senior U'arden .^HP^^i^^^ Henry D. Wachtler Junior Warden ^Ht ^^^^ Henry Husmann . Treasurer ^^Bv*^^ IH^^ Wm. H. Hahle Secretary ^Hr^ flB John Fricker | John A^iehmanx \ Chaplains BPiHK|L' -HHH Edward Deusing Senior Deacon ^ _^»#ii^^Hv Paul F. Lemke Junior Deacon ^KS^M^g/^BB Charles Husmanx S. M. C. '^g gmSt^K Edward Bock J. M. C. '^^K MMm^^^M Christian Schlicker ) Stewards ^m ^B^^F George F. Hoffman ) j^Kt^r Carl Knab Organist (^ggpi— Jacob Husmann Ass't Organist William Karle James M. Steel Tiler Master Charles H. Schaumax . Marshal Edward Deusing. Geo. G ■NDELL. Louis Schauman, Finance Committee. Charles Vogel, John Neun, Justus Beis- HEiM, Trustees. C. Rudolph Kastner Senior Warden (ieorge F. Mertz J. George Baetzel John Neun John Viehmann Mrs. William Karle Chairman Miss Amelia M. Karle Miss Emma Kern Miss Josephine Eyer Miss Bertha C. Rupp Miss Rose Gerling Miss V. Schmitt Miss Henrietta Wick Miss Ida Hilgenreiner Miss Mabel Young Past Masters John Hilficker Henry Kohlmetz Robert Stierly George A. P'risch Christian Wittwer Carl Wilhelm Fred Freund William Scherer Committees William Karle, Director Mrs. Edward Deusing Chairman Mrs. A. J. H artel Mrs. George Zieres Miss Amelia Gundell Miss Sadie Gundell Miss Anna M. H. Deusing Miss Bertha E. Hahle Miss Lillian Beisheim Miss Mae Hahle Miss Edythe Zimmer Mrs. Herman Cassabeer Chairman Mrs. Albrecht Vogt Mrs. George Koch Mrs. J. George Kaelber Mrs. F. Kobbe Mrs. A. Cassabeer Mrs. L. VV. Wehn Mrs. Edward Pfahl Mrs. F. A. Stecher Miss Margaret Bauer William H. Hahle Ju.stus Beisheim John Fricker William Karle Mrs. Fred Freund C hairman Mrs. Fred Kuefer Mrs. Paul W. Friedler Mrs. John Fahrer Mrs. Louis Westermann Mrs. Otto Hoefler Mrs. John U. Schroth Mrs. Charles E. Kohlmetz Miss Carrie Hilgenreiner Miss Bertha Hilgenreiner 41 4>^js-r~r-~--^-f. ^^mTi^^Mi*-:^- C. T. Ham Manufacturing Co. ROCHESTER, N. Y OFFICE, FACTORY AND WAREHOUSE "Home of the best Tubular Lanterns and Lamps on earth" Vick's Sarden and floral Suide is not only a work of art, filled with beautiful photographs and colored plates of vegetables, fruits and flowers ■ — ^it is also a book that every amateur farmer, gardener and florist should have. It's the only catalogue that tells you how to care for your plants, and when and how to plant seeds. Whether you have a 40-foot lot or 100-acre farm, it will help you. tFREE for the asking. Headquarters Christmas Greens, Wreaths, Holly, Etc. James Vick's Sons, Rochester, New York. VICK'S SEEDS AND PLANTS Weis & Fisher Co. HOUSEHOLD OUTFITTERS II6-I8 State St. 44I-4S Clinton Ave. Bortli cc^pyricht SOMETHING FOE THE HOME Cbrlstmas is almost in sislit. What conld be better tJian a tasteful article ot FURHITUEE. Come and look at your leisnre. A. E. BICKFORD WALTER W. BICKFORD BOTH PHONES 501 BICKFORD BROS. 50-52 STATE STREET FACTORIES 25-37-29 MILL STREET Furniture, Awnings & Upholstery Davenport Sofas, Turkish Chairs, Lounges, etc. Upholstered Leather Work a Specialty. ART NOVELTIES. Canopies, Crash and^ Decorations for Wed- ding Receptions, Banquets, Etc. METROPOLITAN SERVICE CONNELL & DENGLER MACHINE COMPANY JC^o un dry and Wood- -^ Working Machinery, "Band and Circular Re- Saws^ I, s and 3 Color Box Board Printers,, Plan- ers, Matchers, Etc. 254 MILL ST. ROCHESTER The LODER manufacturing CO. Military, Society, Church and Theatrical Goods We Manufacture for All Societies 15 Years Experience 106-115 Reynolds Arcade, ROCHESTER, N.Y. 44 Frank R. Lawrence Lodge, No. 797, F. & A. M Organized March 6, 1889 Chartered June 6, 1889 COMMUNICATIONS SECOND MONDAY EVENING ^^'II.L[AM S. Ernissp; Master ?S^ Officers WiLIJA.M S. ErNISSE Master Harry S. Woodworth Senior Warden Henry R. East Junior Warden Ered B. Graves Treasurer Willis P. Anderson Clifford L. Kerr . Secretary Senior Deacon A. Edwin Bickford . Junior Deacon A. J. Johnson . S. M. C, P;d. N. Walbridge , . J. M. C. Andrew J. Graham . Chaplain 'rHO.\LAs Brooks Tiler A. (}. \Vrk;ht, Lewis Sunderlin, George H. Clark, Trustees. Andrew J. Graham Chaplain Past Masters William A. Sutherland George H. Clarke Frank E. Woodworth J. Hungerford Smith Wallace 1. Herriman Committees Wir.LiAM S. Ernlsse, Director Mrs. J. Hungerford Smith Chairman Mrs. Charles U. Bastable ChaiiTiian Mrs. W. A. Sutherland Mrs. Charles L. Hunt Mrs. Charles Brown Mrs. W. W. Armstrong Mrs. W. Stuart Smith Mrs. W. A. Matson Mrs. John Durand Mrs. Alfred Jackson Mrs. A. E. Bickford Mrs, M. C. Roberts Mrs. E. H. Clark Mrs. E. J. Rauber Mrs. A. G. Wright Mrs. Wolcott Mrs. Miller Miss Harriet B. Harrison Miss Shuart Miss S. E. Palmer Mrs. W. S. Ernisse Chairman Mrs. Robert Thomson Mrs. W. R. Howard Mrs. Charles Vick Mrs. Geo. C. Crittenden Mrs. Robert Holmes Mrs. W. A. Sornborger Miss Hertha Vogt Miss Lydia Bastable Miss Hattie Hess Mrs. R. \\. Davis Chairman Mrs. R. H. Salmons Mrs. W. W. Morrison Mrs. Richard Salter Mrs. E, H, Scrantom Mrs, Frank W. Embry Mrs. Edward W. Maurer Miss Mary Mallison Miss Elsie Vogt Miss Wright 45 Compliments of en-^en Company ^Rochester, N. Y. CL [KTTXl =D 46 Corinthian Temple Lodge, No. 805, F. & A. M 681 LAKE AVENUE, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Instituted June 20, 1892 Chartered June 2 2, 1 893 COMMUNICATIONS FIRST AND THIRD MONDAYS George G. Davis Master '(5?i Officers Georce G. Davis . . . Master Frank L. Sibley . . Senior Warden Merritt L. Hutchison- . Junior Warden Joseph M. Acker . . . Treasurer A. Dixon Davis . . . Secretary LoRiN E. Mason . . Senior Deacon Herbert C. MacAlpixe . Junior Deacon Henry Attridge . . . S. M. C. Frederick ^^'. Fickett' . . J. M. c. T. Fred Barrows . . Senior Steward James C. Barber . . Junior Steward Rev. Curtin G. Roof . . Chaplain A. \\'. Denio .... Marshal John F. Boyd .... Tiler Joseph Cowles, Charles L. Yates, M. E. Serves, Trustees Harvey B. Carlton, Lewis F. Lux, B. F. Allen, Finance Committee Hon. Charles S. Baker Charles L. Yates Past Masters \\illiam H. Duffett Fred \\'. Smith \^'illiam Searles Charles H. Ci-ouch 1^'red D. Morgan \Miliam E. Williams Mrs. Frederick Smith Ghairman Mrs. Herbert C.Mac Alpine Mrs. John Bradley Mrs. Philip A. Clum Mrs. Silas A. Servis Mrs. George W. Munson Mrs. Charles L. \ates Mrs. Burdett A. Rich Mrs. Dr. Frank L. Sibley Mrs. George Atkinson Committees George G. Davis, Director Mrs. J. M. Lee Chairman Mrs. C. A. Barbour Mrs. H. B. McKay Mrs. Ira '1". Johnson Mrs. (Jeorge Fisher Mrs. F. D. Morgan Mrs. C. F. Crandall Mrs. (George Hedditch Mrs. George Herr Miss (jregg Mrs Ralph T. Olcott .Mrs. Innis P. Allen ( _'hairman Ghairman ^h■s Lewis F. Lux Mrs. C. L. Raymond Mrs. George W. Pavne Mrs. L. F. Kolb Mrs. Henrv Oemisch Mrs. C. H. Crouch Mrs. Charles H. Lose\- Mrs. W. D. \\-ishart Mrs. \\"m. A. Montgomery- Mrs. .\. F. Whitcomb Mrs. Charles E. Meade Mrs. (;. G. Davis Mrs. William E. Williams Mrs. j. H. Kinne Mrs. William L. I'atterson Mrs. H. Phillips Mrs. John Jardine Mrs. Emma ^^'allace 47 -^5-.-,-^-^^-« ' Karle Lithographic Co. Established 1879 Folding Boxes Show Cards Posters, Labels Seedmen's fVork /» Commercial Work Embossing Steel Die Printing Transfer Ornaments 280-286 Central Avenue, Corner Chatham Street, Telephones 651 Rochester, N. Y. The cover of this Souvenir made by us. Clje #erman- American Bank of Ti^ochester Affords to customers prompt service, courteous treatment and absolute safety Capital . . . ^ 200,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits . Resources . . . 4,4.00,000.00 -:^^Tv,Of/U- ^^^S/^^^^£^^^^:^^^P' Corinthian Temple Lodge Officers Merritt L. Hutchison Junior Warden A. D. Davis Secretary Joseph M. Acker Treasurer Loren E. Mason Senior Deacon Herbert C. MacAlpine Junior Deacon Henry Attridge Senior Master ot Ceremonies Fred W. Fickett Junior Master ot Ceremonies T. Fred Barrows Senior Steward James C. Barber Junior Steward Albert W. Denio Marshal John F. Boyd Tiler WILLIAM HARTMAN Merchant tailor 138 South Avenue, Y. M. C. A. Building Rochester, N. Y. OTTO BLOCK A^CHirECr 815 Wilder Building Rochester, N. Y. %I CHARD GARDINER Merchant Tailor 232 State Street Rochester, N. Y. DEININGER BROS. 'Bread and Crackers AT ALL GROCERS German-American Lumber Company Lumber Dealers 62 Portland Avenue Rochester, N.Y. Home Phone 2283 »"=" P*"""^ 3059 M. THESENT Importer and Jobber of WOOLENS Ladies Tailor Suitings a Specialty 36 St. Paul St. Rochester, N. Y. Rochester Phone 5751 Agent for the MARSH MOTOR CYCLE F. A. HAYDEN General Job Printing 34 and 35 Wilder Arcade 27 Main Street East Rochester, N. Y. Joseph A. Barr Sanitary Expert ■'584 Both Telephones. ii? State. St. Asa B. Stone 115 Mill St. ' i John F. Linsin Estate JVbolesale Dealer and Manufacturer of FINE CANDIES 256-258 North Street Rochester, N. Y. DUDLEY HOYT PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPH ETi 23 East Avenue T. R. BAXENDALE Manufacturer of TnESSES, DIES and Special Machinery Cor. Allen and Fitzhugh Sts. Rochester, N. Y. 50 ^'^■immit^. '^^^m^^^^^^^;^^^^^ Past Masters Corinthian Temple R. W., Charles L. Yates William H. Duffett Frederick W. Smith Charles H. Crouch Fred. D. Morgan William E. Williams Philip A. Clum 51 ffloQQ^^ f^^^m^ A Store of the Future PROSPECTIVE AND POSSIBLE Sometime in the future, a retail business will grow up on this corner, that shall eliminate advertising as now done, and the advertiser as now employed. Thai will come when a thoroughly appointed organization with consummate ability, shall manage every detail with perfection — a store so complete that it will be the concrete response to every need, and thus will be its own advertisement. By the imperial right of superior service, it will command audiences, and will not have to proclaim its own attractions by costly methods. With such ideas, we push this business on. The public is the employer of every retail business — if they want better service, the worthiest must be appreciated. And the store of the future will be evolved just as rapidly as the public, by approval, will create it. It is the perfection of co-operation. We have every reason to be assured that the New Store, plus the public, will in due time arrive at the ideal. McCURDY & NORWELL, CO. Brown Brothers Company Continental Rochester, N, Y. Nurseries Everything in Nursery Stock WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 52 Hamilton Chapter, No. 62, R. A. M. Instituted February 5, 1819 Incorporated January 31, 1870 COMMUNICATIONS SECOND AND FOURTH THURSDAYS Frederick R. Smith High Priest ?se? Officers Frederick R. Smith George F. Argetsinger Charles S. Owen Frederick S. Rogers . John Alexander . Charles J. Gliddon High Priest King Scribe Treasurer Secretary Captain of Host Ward K. Angevine Principal Sojourner George E. Hatch . Royal Arch Captain Milbury VanValkenburg Master 3rd Vail William Carvey Smith Master 2nd Vail Thomas G. Young . Master ist Vail Samuel J. Clarkson . . Chaplain Matthew James Steel . . . Sentinel Past High Priests James T. Southard John W. Merriman Thomas Seed Varnum M. Colvin Samuel C. Pierce Julius L. Townsend John A. Davis William J. McKelvey Frank H. Vick Willard S. Bradt Henry M. Plant William H. Jones E. M. Sparlin A. D. McMaster John W. McKelvey James R. Chamberlain Joseph A. Crane Filon W. Jones John Alexander Secretary John B. Colman Fred L. Myers Wallace M. Butler Frederick S. Rogers Charles M. Colton Emil H. Schmidt Committees Frederick R. Smith . . Director George F. Argetsinger Assistant Director Mrs. F. R. Smith C hairman Mrs. Conrad Eckhardt Mrs. Mortimer F. Babcock Mrs. Frank Thompson Mrs. Edward A. Stahlbrodt Mrs. Clara Davis Mrs. Al. T. Brown Mrs. Fred Baker Mrs. John Eckhardt Miss Alpha Adsit Mrs. Geo. F. Argetsinger Chairman Mrs. William Frey Mrs. S. M. Knapp Mrs. Arthur M. Johnson Mrs. John Singleton Mrs. Chas. V. Gold Mrs. Fannie Alexander Mrs. Eugene Anstett Mrs. John Swenson Miss Flora Hill Charles S. Owen Charles J. Gliddon . Mrs. Charles S. Owen Chairman Mrs. Clark Cook Mrs. Joseph Wilson Mrs. Henry Buhr Mrs. W. H. Swanker Mrs. W. P. Webber Mrs. Henry H. Scott Miss Lillian Wilson Miss Elizabeth Bosworth Miss Minnie Rogers Assistant Director Assistant Director Mrs. Charles J. Gliddon Chairman Mrs. F. E. \\'ard Mrs. Albert Bostwick Mrs. Chas. H. Maggs Mrs. A. C. Hermance Mrs. A. W. Henckell Miss Anna Stehler Miss Hattie Eckhardt Miss Jessie M'eeks Miss Louie Bishop 53 ^^^^K/1^30'^'^^ f^'!'So^'^^r\\rf^^Si3' i-l^i^^y^ WHETHER YOU TRAVEL EAST OR WEST YOU'LL FIND THIS CREST THE VERY BEST Roch. 'Phone Bell 'Phone 49 Always ready-, Night and Day "To serve you in a modern ivay Tou've heard of the famous 4Q' And Hif^gins' Turnouts slick and fine This is Higgins- Twentieth Century Coach, the largest ever built, seating fifty people comfortably; magnificently finished and decorated. It is characteristic of the indomitable energy and enterprise of Higgms, the Empire State's greatest liveryman. STABLES: 84. 86. NORTH FITZHUGH STREET The Central Bank of Rochester Wilder Building, Rochester, N. Y Capital .... $200,000 Surplus and undivided profits, 150,000 Benj. E. Chase, President Officers George Wilder, Vice-President T> I r Benjamin E. Chase Frank S. Upton Charles E. Hoyt Erickson Perkins Johnson I. Robins W. H. Mathews c t r s George Wilder Harold P. Brewster Wm. R. Peters Wm. Pitkin Wm. a, Sutherland John H. Gregory, Cashier Bernard Dunn John P. Bowman John H. Gregory Loans on collateral and business paper at the current rate of discount Pays interest on Special Deposits. Issues Letters of Credit and Travellers' checks available everywhere Desires the accounts of Ladies and has set apart for their sole use a banking room, equipped with telephone, stationery and all conveniences for the transaction of business. ^^^m^S^^^^^9^' Hamilton Chapter Officers Frederick S. Rogers George F. Argetsinger Kins Charles S. Owen Scribe Charles J. Gliddon Captain of Host Ward K. Angevine Principal Soiourner George E. Hatch Royal Arch Captain Milbury Van Valkenburg Master 3d Vail William C. Smith Master 2d Vail 55 Monroe County Savings Bank INCORPORATED 1850 33 and 35 State Street ROCHESTER, N. Y. Resources Surplus $15,469,770.24 1,738,918.29 James E. Booth RuFUS K. Dryer Officers for I Q 2 President ALEXANDER M. LiNDSAY Fice-Pres't Vice-President DavID HoyT . Secretary & Treasurer William B. Lee. . . Attorney George Ellwanger Geo. G. Clarkson Cyrus F. Paine James E. Booth Alex. M. Lindsay Trustees RuFUS K. Dryer Eugene T. Curtis Marvin A. Culver Elias S. Ettenheimer Henry A. Strong William Hamilton Thomas J. Devine William B. Lee Edward W. Peck Pharcellus V. Crittenden Manufacturing Confectioners 153-160 Clinton Ave. N. ROCHESTER, N. Y. High-Grade Chocolates a Specialty C. H. CROUCH Prest. H. H. TURNER Vice-Prest. C. C. BEAHAN Secy. & Treas. WHOLESALE LUM'BETi %.ETAIL C. T. CROUCH SON CO. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS AND INTERIOR FINISH WEST STREET ROCHESTER, N. Y. 56 =g^^^a50iV^ I^ouvei^,^^^^. Ionic Chapter, No. 210, R. A. M Chartered February 5, 1868 CONVOCATIONS SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS Horace G. Oliver High Priest Byron Holly Frank Taylor Solomon Wile James H. Kelly William K. Barlow Frank A. Parker Mrs. S. H. MacElwee Chairman Mrs. Joslin Mrs. Lucky Mrs. Murlin Mrs. Haskins Mrs. Charleston Mrs. Tiffney Miss MacElwee Miss F. Tyler Miss J. Tyler ?i^ Officers Horace G. Oliver . William S. Bannard Walter R. Stone Curtis H. Haskin Frank Taylor William C. Miller . Clifford J. Stothers Philip J. Peckins Asa B. Stone . Matthew Billington S. H. MacElwee d. s. poppen Thomas Brooks High Priest King Scribe Secretary . Treasurer Captain of Host Principal Sojourner Royal Arch Captain Master 3rcl Vail Master 2nd Vail Master ist A^ail Organist Sentinel C. H. Haskin Secretary Past Hi g h P riests James Braik William H. Amos J. W. Kingston William H. Maston Thomas Brooks F. B. Oberst William A. Sutherland S. W. Levis John B. Mullan Charles L. Yates J. Livingston Roseboom W. H. McPhail L A. Wile John N. Dowd W. J. C. Smith Committees Horace G. Oliver, Director Mrs. J. G. Wagner Chairman Miss Kueffer Miss Wagner Miss Schroeder Miss Bittner Miss Pierce Miss Kerner Miss Engfer Miss Sutter Mrs. J. C. Urquhart Chairman Mrs. P. A. Nell Mrs. Alexander Mrs. P. Luitwieler Mrs. Pilper Mrs. A. B. Davis Miss Jennie Buell Miss Alice Bannard Miss Ely Miss Lillian Taft Miss Bertha Newcomb Mrs. J. C. Moore Chairman Mrs. Winans Mrs. M. L. Gibbs Miss H. C. Harrington Miss E. A. Caley Miss M. W. Fox Miss B. E. Corkhill Miss G. A^anRypen Miss F. Poppen Miss Brown Miss Bessie Oberst Miss Louise Oberst 57 .^^-IMtO^^^'TS' Union Trust Company 25 STATE STREET Capital Surplus Resources . $200,000.00 $100,000.00 $3,000,000.00 4 9^ INTEREST 'r\ Paid on deposits subject to check 4 Frank Taylor, President Benj. E. Chase, nt Vice-President George Weldon, 2nd Vice-President Frederick W. Zoller, Secretary OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY ^8^^"^ Hydraulic^ Steam and Electric Elevators Steam and Electric Hoisting Engines F. B. GRAVES, Local Manager Doric Council, No. 19, R. & S . M Chartered October 31, 1860 ASSEMBLIES FOURTH MONDAYS WiLLARD S. BrADT T. 111. Master fUS? \\'lLLARIl S. BrADT Fred A. Moses Thomas G. Youno \\'allace M. Butler JOHN Alexander JEFFERSON YoUNC John C. Baumer Frederick S. Rocer: Edward Schirck M. J. Steel Fred A. Reynolds John Calder Officers Thrice 111. Master 111. Dep. Master 111. P. C. W. Treasurer Recorder Capt. Guard Con. of Council Marshal Steward Sentinel ( )rganist General Committeeman Harry J. Mulligan Director A. J. Warner C. \V. ^^'atson \V. B. Crandall H. M. Plant Thomas Seed Past Thrice III. Masters J. T. Southard John \\'. Merriman William C. Brown E. C. Peck Willard S. Bradt S. C. Pierce E. M. Sparlin E. A. Stahlbrodt Edward Schaefer W. H. Maston A. D. McMaster Edward Edwards Harry J. Mulligan Committees Harry J. Mulligan, Director Mrs. F. W. Moses, Assistant Director Miss Florence A. Abbott Chairman Mrs. P. S. Campbell Mrs. H. W. Sabin Mrs. H. W. Shannon Mrs. George Smith Miss Lois Nichols Miss Ida Ford Miss Alice S. Culver Miss Nettie Hamilton Miss Alice Ernisse Miss Emory Wade Chairman Mrs. J. C. Moore Mrs. Mary Turner Mrs. G. W. Peck Miss Eva Creelman Miss Emma Creelman Miss Lora Gallery Miss Louise P. Kinsman Miss Helen Fiske Miss May Ives Mrs. Punnett Chairman Miss Lilian E. Jones Miss Bell Austin Miss Mamie Dingman Miss Grace Harrington Miss Clara G. Stalker Miss Emma Evans Miss Cora Tallhurst Miss Mamie Hardy Miss Lulu Harding Mrs. Mary Westcott Chairman Mrs. Clarence Rugg Mrs. W. Burtis Mrs. M. E. Ashton Mrs. John Knowles Miss Eleanor H. W'heeler Miss Clara L. Fisk Miss Margaret Hise Miss Emma L. Stalker Miss Jennie Smith Miss Grace Hoyt 59 "^^^^^^^^m^^^^^^^^^^ GEO. MOORE Manufacturer of THE ONLY PERFECT ARTIFICIAL LEGS now Made Expert Truss Fittillie:. Trusses of all descriptions. Ab- dominal Supporters. Elastic Hosiery, etc. Crutches for sale. Reduced prices to Comrades. Experience of 47 years. Manu- facturer for U.S. Gov't. 305 Clinton Ave. W., Rochester, M.Y. in all its branches Mac MILL AN Lithographic Co. EMBOSSING Folding Boxes fine Color ^orfe 196-200 No. Water St. ROCHESTER, N. Y. =n. W. A. WILSON Manufacturer of IRON PLANERS & Special Machinery :^G 4 General Machine Jobbing & Gear Cutting Engineer &f Machinist Engines, Boilers and Pumps Repaired Reboring Cylinders a Specialty ^ Manufacturers' Agent for all kinds of Machinery '=xXf- J Telephone 922 River St., cor. Water Enterprise Foundry Co. Maniifacturers of Ihe Celebrated Aerial Furnace Office and Foundry 48-54 Olean St. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Telephone 210 Monroe C o m m and er y , No. 12, K. T Chartered June 18, 1826 Revived January 28, 1848 STATED CONCLAVES FIRST AND THIRD FRIDAYS '^'fi?! Ezra M. Sparlin Em. Commander Officers Ezra M. Sparlin . Fred'k R. Smith . George F. Loder . Richard A. Searing Thomas G. Young Fred H. Beach Henry P. Neun Charles H. Carson William J. McKelvey Sidney E. White . Conrad Eckhardt Emil H. Schmidt . Frank H. Dennis Charles M. Colton Fred E. Ward Matthew J. Steei John Kane . Louis C. Rogers, Orlo J. Weeks, Ward K. Angevine .... Guards Eminent Commander Generalissimo Captain-General . Prelate Associate Prelate Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Recorder Standard Bearer Sword Bearer Warder . Third Guard Second Guard First Guard Sentinel General Committeeman John Calder, Fred'k W. West . Past Commanders Henry M. Plant S. V. McDowell George F. Loder W. L. Sage William J. McKelvey Samuel C. Pierce Hodgson John A. Davis Thomas C Frank P. Crouch John W. Hannan John Kane J. W. McKelvey Frank H. Vick Charles M. Williams Samuel P. Moulthrop S. D. W. Cleveland Robert W. West Richard A. Searing ' I& ■ \ jtm^ i '"^i^F^- ■^^fc v^ ^•V^' -.,; ___,„-^ Wm. J. McKelvey Recorder S. Rogers, Robert Finance Committee Charles H. McChesney John Calder Fred'k S. Rogers Morris F. Clark Edward A. Stahlbrodt Ezra M. Sparlin, Director Committees Addison E. Bickford and William H. Pringle, Assistant Directors Mrs. E. M. Sparlin Chairman Mrs. C. W. Blodgett Mrs. William H. Lewis Mrs. A. L. Meyers Mrs. Sidney E. White Mrs. J. W. McKelvey Mrs. R. A. Searing Mrs. William J. Stewart Miss Alice H. Rogers Miss Anna Ball Mrs. John Calder Chairman Mrs. Charles L. Hannahs Mrs. John Alexander Mrs. Walter B. Joslyn Mrs. Albert B. Hendrix Mrs. Daniel J. McLennan Mrs. Newell C. Fulton Mrs. Robert Hanson Mrs. Robert W. West Chairman Mrs. John W. Hannan Mrs. Samuel P. Moulthrop Mrs. Burton H. Davy Mrs. James S. Graham Mrs. George W. Kirkpatrick Mrs. Greshon Wiborn Mrs. S. Gloud Mrs William C. Herzberger Mrs. Henry L. Jones Miss Maysie Calder Mrs. John Olin Brewster Mrs. Frank H. Dennis Chairman Mrs. W. J. Baxendale Mrs. James H. Luitwieler Mrs. E. C. Bickford Mrs. George E. Cripps Mrs. W. S. Rogers Mrs. Frank P. Van Hoesen Mrs. George W. Miller Mrs. John H. Ransley Mrs. C. H. Peck 61 \Ci)l mA^so'^JZ^^y^^ f.vVii^^? mm^itm. Henry Likly Company i ■%: A. ,'■■/■■ r:-/ Makers of Good Baggage all the while 15s MAIN STREET EAST See our display of B^S^^ ■ : , -v • -r ■ Fine Leather Goods, Trunks, Bags, ■ Suit Cases, Umbrellas, 7 ravellers'T Mxuries Established 1844 The Right Styles and the Right Prices In CLOAKS, SUITS, FURS, MILLINERY, MISSES' and CHILDREN'S GARMENTS at ROCHESTER'S LEADING CLOAK, SUIT and MILLINERY HOUSE Near the Four Corners. 36 and 38 Main Street, East SMITH, BEIR & GORMLY Dry Goods, Notions and Men's Furnishings WHOLESALE ONLY 37-39 St. Paul Street, Rochester, N.Y. CHARLES S. GIBBS MANUFACTURER OF Horse Boots, stable Supplies, Everything for the HORSE Fine Harness 159 State Street 'Phone 13S7 Rochester, N.Y. Charles Bridgeford MACHINIST Special Machinery Built 4* Heavy Machinery a Specialty 225-227 Mill Street, Rochester, N. Y. • TELEPHONE ■ ■^^^iSISSS^^^ Rochester Lodge of Perfection, 14°, A. A. S. R Chartered May 16, 1 867 Incorporated January 20, 1880 John B. Culmax Master Officers JoHX B. CoLMAN Thrice Potent Gr. Master George F. Archiiiai,I) H. of T., dr. Master John G. Allkx . Yen. Sen. Gr. \\'arden John G. Baumer . Yen. Jun. Gr. \\'arden Murray Bartlett . . . Gr. ( )rator Harry S. Woodworth . . Gr. Treasurer Frank B. Goble . . . Gr. Secretary George E. Hatch . . Gr. M. of C. Edward A. Stahlbrodt Gr. Capt. of Guard Eli Leavenworth . ■ . Gr. Hospitaler James A. Raynsford . . Gr. Tiler Fred A. Reynolds . . Gr. Organist John C. Bau.mer Director Committees John G. Bau.mer, Director Miss Frances Sauer, Assistant Director Mrs. G. F. Archibald Chairman Mrs. William Servis Mrs. L. A. Walker Mrs. Ben Hebard Mrs. William E. Davidson Miss B. E. Brown Miss Susie Yost Miss Nettie Stillman Miss Bertha Servis Miss Alice Hewer Miss Emma M. Goodwin Chairman Mrs. H. E. Weston Miss Maude Long Miss Emma Lee Miss Beula Wynne Miss Ella Durney Miss Myrtle Mann Miss Lucy McGallum Miss Harriet B. (Goodwin Miss Elizabeth Wing Miss Olive E. Pulford Chairman Miss May Metherell Miss Frances Grittenden Miss Laura Fritz Miss Grace Young Miss Ethel Turnbull Miss Grace Fleming Miss Grace Gibbs Miss Gertrude Smeed Miss Gatherine Sauer Miss Garrie ^^'heeler Chairman Mrs. James Towner Miss Emma McArthur Miss Glara Buck Miss Grace Holmes Miss Nellie Masters Miss Josephine Alcott Miss Florence Bartholf Miss Hattie Noxon Miss Emily Garey 65 ^I^^^^ii^r^ r^><^ci^?^^^^ Clarence Wheeler, Preset. Whiting J. DaLee, Treas. Ttios. H. Green, Vice-Pres't. R. A. Copeland, Sec'y. Wheeler-Green Electric Company Local Representati'ves of the (General Clectric Company Electric Supplies OF ALL KINDS CONSTANTLY 18-26 North Water Street, Rochester, New York Rochester 'phone 3333 Bell 'phone 2911 Main 10 Cent CIGAR for 5 Cents W. H. Stewart Manufacturing Company Established 1864 Sole Manufacturers of PATENT LAP-SEAL ASPHALTITE READY ROOFING, ROOF COATING, ROOF PAINTS & CEMENTS, LIQUID PAINTS, SHEATHING FELTS, SHINGLE STAINS, FOUNDERS' CORE COMPOUND, ETC. 105 John Street, New York Between Pearl and Cliff Streets * Telephone 897 John Chas. Vogel, Pret't Frederick S. Rogers, Stc's &f Treas. Theodore J. Vojel, Supl. The John Siddons Company ROOFING Copper and Galvanized Iron Cornice W^ork STEEL CEILINGS A SPECIALTY 61, 63, 65 North Water Street, Rochester, N. Y. JAMES CUNNINGHAM SON & CO. G Carriage AND tarse Builbers Rochester, N. Y. B. A. VANDY, ?res'l& Manager. W. H. TOBEY, Sec'j af Treas. Standard Electric Construction Co. electrical Contractors Agents for TRIUMPH MOTORS AND GENERATORS Electric Fixtures, Supplies and Fans ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL WORK 14 Gf 16 North Water Street, Rochester, N. Y. Tel epho n e g2 I 66 Germania Lodge of Perfection, A. A. S. R Chartered August 19, 1874 Incorporated January 20, 1880 Vogel T. P. (.;r. Master 'iTcri Officers Charles Vociel, 32° . T. P. Gr. Master Fred. C. Seitz, 32° . H. of T. D. G. M. William H. Halle, 32° V. S. Gr. \^'arden Karl R. Kastner, 32° V. J. Gr. Warden IJettmer S. Poppex, ;^2"^ . Gr. ( )rator Joseph L. W'ehle, 32° . . Gr. Trea.surer Henry D. W'achtler, t,)"^-" G. S. and K. S. A. Hexry W. Wedel, 32° . Bernhard Voelker, 14° John Luther, 32° . Thomas Brooks, 33° Dettmer S. Poppen, 32' . Gr. M. of C. Gr. C. of (juard Gr. Hospitaler Gr. Sentinel . Gr. Organist Committees Charles Vo<;el, Director Mrs. George G. Muntz Chairman Mrs. Charles Suess Mrs. Ida Bayer Miss Elizabeth Muntz Miss May Muntz Miss Cora Muntz Miss Louise Seitz Miss Elizabeth Schmitt Miss Winifred Young Miss Amelia Fricker Miss Amelia Suess Miss Kate Wehle Miss Rose Vogel Mrs. L. Handler Chairman Mrs. R. Wirt Mrs. M. C. Smith Miss Rose Messerschmidt MissEmmaMesserschmidt Miss Emilie Seitz Miss Julia Imhoff Miss E. Wirt Miss Jennie I\.osenbluiTi Miss Dora Davis Miss Anna Hahn Chairman Mrs. F. Mund Miss L. Jacobs Miss H. Lutt Miss Louise Ferner Miss M. Norden Miss Lillian Enders Miss Florence Hoffman Miss A. Hoffman Miss Bessie Priem Mrs. Mary Eisemnn Chairm.m Mrs. H. Wolf Mrs. E. Riedesel Mrs. Eaton Miss L. Hilficker Miss R. Wieser Miss Eaton Miss M. Luther Miss G. Luther Miss H. Enders 67 ■^^^fi^'t^S^j!^^^^ THE DONOGHUE IMPORTING CO. Importers and Dealers in fVines • Liquors and Cordials Sole Agents for The Inglenook Vineyard Napa Co., Cal. 237-239 Main St. E. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Manufactured by Apex Wheel Company Rochester, N. Y. "Protective Life Association Incorporated 18S0 General Offices : Powers Building, Rochester, N. Y. O. N. Crane, PreMent. Geo. M. Forbes, Secrttary. S. B. Williams, Treasurer. C Wra fr^'H^/her}*"^''-^^^'"" Life and Accident Insurance Written for amounts from jtioo to ji55,ooo upon plans satisfactory to all. IT IS A FACT ! No insurance orgjatiization has ever paid its claims more promptly than the Protective Life Association. IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE OUR PLANS. Choice Flowers Beautiful Plants H. E. WILSON Florist Designs and Decorations for all Occasions Both Phones 88 Main St. East McGREAL BROTHERS TV h I e s a I e Wines and Liquors Both Phones 25 North St. near Main St. East Rochester, N. Y. Rochester Underwear Store J. S. LEE, Manager MEN'S, frOMEN'S AN-D CHILDREN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY 82 and 84 East Main Street Rochester, N. Y. Rochester Rubber Company Manufacturers and Jobbers of India Rubber Goods 55 Main Street Rochester, N. Y. Rochester Council, Princes of Jerusalem, 16° Chartered May 16, 1867 Incorporated January 20, 1880 Officers C. DkForest Gallkjek, 32° iM. E, S, P. Gr. Master \A'lLI,IA_M C(JRKHILL, 3 2 '^ . G. H. p. D. Gr. Master George F. Archihald, 32° M. E. Sen. Gr. \\'arden Jacok E. Fisher, 32° M. E. Jun. Gr. Warden Harry S. W(joi)\vorth, 32° V. Gr. Treasurer Frank B. Goble, ^^^ George E. Hatch, 32° Eei Leavenworth, 32° Harry B. (^uilforji, 32- James A. Raynsf(jri), 32 Fred A. REY.\(n,i>s, 2-° V. Gr. Secretary V. Gr. M. C. V. Gr. Almoner \. Gr. M. E. V. Gr. Tiler ^'. (jr. Organist Frank B. Gobi.e .Secretary George W. Aldridge, 33° George M. Elwood David K. Cartter Andrew J. Warner Cortland Avery Past Masters Edward E. Blyth William Lincoln Sage, ;^2^ George H. Clarke, 33° Charles R. Pratt Isaiah S. Emery Thomas Brooks, t,^° George W. Parshall Aldice G. Warren J. Hungerford Smith, 7^^^ John B. Colman, 33° Charles A. Dunham Henry M. Plant Fred A. Moses Mrs. Charles D. Galliger Chairman Mrs. Henry Lester Thayer Mrs. George A. Mylacraine Mrs. W^ W. Mosher Mrs. Charles H. Judson Mrs. James B. Pierce Mrs. Etta Bryan Mrs. Thomas Simpson Miss Martha Harris Miss Marion A. Corris Committees C. Deforest Galliger, Director Mrs. Frederick H. Sanford Chairman Mrs. Charles Dake Mrs. Newton O. Tassell Mrs. Peter Meulendyke Mrs. Albert T. Thompson Miss M. Eugenia Brown Miss Nettie Wood Miss Lillie Wood Miss Adelaide H. Sanford Miss Florence Potter Mrs. J. C. Loi bard Chairman Mrs. C. B. Wager Mrs. W. R. Maurer Mrs. C. B. Townsend Mrs. W. B. Reiser Mrs. W. C. Fredericks Miss Myrcle Miss A. E. Munson Mrs. John J. Wood Chairman Mrs. Grove M. Parker Mrs. Daniel Deavenport Mrs. Ralph Wilson Mrs. A. J. Kennedy Mrs. ^^'illiam Lothridge Mrs. William Webb Mrs. Booth Mrs. Edward Thorn Miss Lillian Webb =s^M/f^!ijS;fS^»5- *»j> M. B. SHANTZ CO. M. H. Shantz, Presidctit J. K. Hi'NT, I'ice-Presidenl H. K. Elston, .9fc> dr" r^eai. Manufacturers of Buttons Factory and Main Office, ROCHESTER, N. Y. New York Branch S a I e s r o o fn s Philadelphia Boston Chicago Baltimore Cincinnati There is One "Branch to our business that ought to interest you just about now. In Manufacturing Jeiuelry we have skilled and artistic workmen, original ideas and every facility. Quite a large department of this work is the making of Masonic Em- blems, College Pins, Secret Society Jewelry, Medals and all work of that kind. We will be pleased to submit special designs in this kind of work. We will guarantee that the work will be done right and at a low price. HIMBURCH BROS., 182 Main St. L, Rochester, N. Y. V = -^ Good Fellowship Good fellowship is easily gained if you will use some kind of advertising novelty or gift to adver- tise your business. We are making the kind that pleases, convinces and brings results. Our field covers everything that can be used as an advertisement outside of a newspaper. Let us get into communication with you. BUEDINQEN iVl F Q . CO. 53-55 Piatt Street ROCHESTER, N. Y. Crces Fruit Trees, Small I'ruits, includingr Grapes. Ornamental Fruit Trees, Everjrreens and Shrubs for public and Private grrounds. Shade Trees for streets. Hardy Roses, Hardy Plants, Climbers, etc. Our beautifully illustrated catalog-ue, replete with practical Hints for plant- ers, FREE. Ellwanger & Barry jNIt. Hope Nurseries, ROCHESTER, X. Y. Established over 60 Years. ,^ -?;; ^^M-, S-^^S-i:^ Rochester Chapter of Rose - Croix, A. A. S. R Chartered May 16, 1867 Incorporated January 20, 1880 Herbert Leary Perfect Master ?S^ Officers Herhert Learv, 2^"^ JM- ^V. and P. Master C. Deforest Galliger, 32° . M. E. P. K. Sen. Warden Isaac P. Coddixgton, 32° . M. E. P. K. Jun. Warden (;eor<;e E. Hatch, 7,2° M. E. P. K. G. Orator Eraxk p. Goble, 23° K.- P- K. Secretary Harry S. Woodworth, ^^^ P- P- K. Treas. Eli Leavexworth, 32° R. P. K. Hospitaler Murray Bartlett, 32° . R. P. K. M. C. Clifford L. Kerr, 32"^ . R. P. K. C. G. James A. Raynsford, 32° . R. P. K. Tiler Fred A. Reynolds, 32° R. P. K. Organist Asa B. Stune Director Past Masters John F. Whitbeck William B. Crandall Otis Cole, 23° George W. Aldridge, 23' Uavid K. Cartter P. Strong Wilson Asa Saxe William G. Raines Albert G. \^■arner Robert C. Titus, 23° Thomas Brooks, 33° William A. Sutherland, John G. Allen, 23° Alfred G. Wright, 23° George H. Clarke, 23° Frank H. Tick, 22° J. Hungerford Smith, 23'^ Charles P. Lyon George F. Crosman, 23'^ Frederick S. Parkhurst . John B. Colman, 33° Miss Vera Colman Chairman Mrs. E. W. Potter Mrs. Shaver Miss N. Gowdie Miss Steinmiller Miss Merriam Miss Kate Englehardt MissH. Hubbard Miss Minnie Murphy Miss M. Risley Committees Asa B. Srf)XE, Director Miss Nina M. Boynton Chairman Mrs. Edgar Pruyn Mrs. Donald Hebbard Mrs. Eugene Wells Mrs. Willis White Mrs. Benjamin Odell Mrs. E>ank Ransley Mrs. William H. Cobb Miss Lena Scull Miss Bertha Odell Mrs. Martin F. McMillan Chairman Mrs. Raymond L. Lewis Mrs. Robert J. P3yers Mrs. Henry W. Morse Miss Essie Frankenstein Miss Ray Goldwater Miss Blanche Goldwater Miss Henry W. Gliick Miss Carolyn Williams Miss Edith Blum Mrs. H. Percy Reibling Chairman Mrs. Lipman Holtz Mrs. Frank Holtz Gumberts Mrs. Edward Engert Mrs. J. Warrant Castleman Mrs. Charles Rauber Mrs. D. Hyman Mrs. Carl Huber Mrs. M. Goldberg Miss May Dempsey 71 ^^^ BURKE, FITZ SIMONS, HONE & CO'S. GREAT STORE THIS and THAT a Where one man gets RICH through hazardous speculation a hundred get POOR -.D Where one man stays poor through slow methods of SAVING a hundred get RICH. The WJSE MAN chooses the BETTER PART and opens a SAVING ACCOUNT. The luise ivage-earner makes a PRESENT SACRIFICE for FUTURE COMFORT. The Rochester Trust & Safe Deposit Co. 25 Exchange Street THE LARGEST TRUST COMPANY BETWEEN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO INVITES THE WAGE-EARNERS OF ROCHESTER AND VICINITY TO OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH TIIEM. TEN DOLLARS WILL OPEN AN ACCOUNT — We pay ^l on deposits Capital $200,000.00 Snrplus $/'jo,ooo.oo Resource 'S $12,^00,000.00 ?Sps|S3F^'^=^ v.; .^'•- « Rochester Consistory, S. P. R. S., 32° Chartered May 16, 1867 Incorporated January 20, 1880 Thomas Br- Building, Rochkster. N. Y. Ne-iv York Office : 112Z-I123 Broad Exchange Building, New York m Gt? SOLE OWNER OF Chicago Office: 10J2-IOJJ Monadnock Building, CHICAGO. iLr,. jrorks : Trov, N v. and ROCHESTER. N. Y. Low Pressure Pneumatic Interlocking System IvMf.iUIXliS NO KLECTKU 11 \ . Ci iM PKl'^SSE D A I K THK i>NI,V i'OWl' l; L^SED. ALL (il'IU;.-\TIONS EFFl'XTliD AT 1 dW I'KESSI ' K I!!. SAMriV, CrciJlAlNTV, ECONOMY, SIMPLICI'lV, IJU K ABl L I "JV. LOW PRESS ITRE ELECTRO-PNEUMATIC BLOCK SIGNAL SYSTEM. ALL ELECTRIC BLOCK SIGNAL SYSTEM. MECHANICAL INTERLOCKING. JOHNSON RAILWAY GATES. Grand Central Station, Neiv York, the most important railijuay terminal in the -ivorld, entirely eijiiipped ivith Loiv Pressure Pneumatic System. OUR GREAT GUARANTEE Ue guarantee to furnish better cash registers, and for less money, than any other concern in the world national Cash Register Co. Tggn— ' Rochester Office : 2j South Avenue r. J. fVATSON, Sates Agent 2S0 different Styles from $25.00 to $525.00 Call and see our NEW line of low priced total adding registers for $6^^, $85, and $100. IFe are the only concern in the ivorld who make multiple drawer registers, which shows who made the mistake. Separate cash drainers for each clerk Damascus Temple, A. A. O. N. of M. S Chartered June 7, 1876 George F. Loder 111. Potentate •G?i Officers George F. Loder . 111. Potentate F. R. Smith . . 111. Chief Rabban Cortland Avery . . , 111. Rabban Thomas Brooks 111, High Priest and Prophet P. Kurtz Hill . 111. Oriental Guide A. A. Mosher . . 111. Treasurer John Calder . . 111. Recorder S. B. Williams . Treas. Sinking Fund Charles H. Carson . . Director Ed. C. Way . . . Marshal George F. Argetsinger Capt. of the Guard Conrad Eckhardt ist Ceremonial Master C. L. Ball . . 2d Ceremonial Master William H. Lewis Master of Properties D. E. Phillips . . . (.)uter Guard E. H. Schmidt Alchemist and Electrician George Hearn . . . Assistant E. A. Reynolds Organist and Musical Dir. j Arabs Patrol George E. Loder \ Carson, Calder, Grohs, Ball, Judson, W. H. Jones [- . . Trustees Clark, Mosher, Greenberg, Eckhardt, F. R. W. S. Smith ) , Smith, V\' . C. Smith, C. R. Webster. John Calder Secretary Committees George E. Loder, Director Mrs. A. A. Dumond, Mrs. Stratton C. Langslow, Assistant Directors Miss Helena Langslow Chairman Mrs. William Perrin Mrs. H. J. Bareham Mrs. Wilbur Bishop Mrs. E. G. Chissell Mrs. Alice Dumond Mrs. A. Teall Mrs. John Humburch Mrs. William C. Abbott Mrs. Case Summers Mrs. James Matthews Mrs. Thomas Pierrepont Mrs. Irvin Paul Mrs. W. H. Williamson Mrs. Robert Stewart Mrs. I. A. Wile Chairman Miss Nettie Rosenberg Miss Florence Miller Miss Fannie Stern Miss Carrie Stern Miss Laura Griesheimer Miss Rebecca Rosenberg Miss Etta Goldsmith Miss Ella Jacobs Miss Grace Landsberg Miss Eannie Rothschild Miss Blanche Goldman Miss Eannie Meyers Miss Daisy Graham Mrs. J. L. Rice Chairman Miss. Beatrice Humburch Miss Lillie Crosman Miss Francis Hannan Miss Jennie Matthews Miss Gladys Eldredge Miss Ida Stebbins Miss Hetty Perrin Miss Clara Bowen Miss Frances Johnson Miss Catherine Johnson Miss Beulah Boynton Miss S. Crouch Miss R. Crouch Mrs. x41mstead Chairman Mrs. Sydney Pierce Mrs. Geo. Mason Mrs. Van Hoesen Mrs. R. P. Almstead Mrs. H. O. Armstrong Mrs. A. J. Bevier Mrs. J. Desmond Mrs. A. Elwood Mrs. Ostheiner Miss Elizabeth Adler Miss Carolyn Adler Miss Eugenia Adler Miss Ruth Teall Miss Florence Teall 75 S^'^i^^^'^N' DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY MEDICINE FOR ALL MANKIND AN IDEAL TONIC A WHOLESOME STIMULANT PRESCRIBED], BY MANY THOUSAND PHYSICIANS USED BY ALL LEADING HOSPITALS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTI^Y WRITE FOR FREE MEDICAL BOOKLET DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. v_^ Sectional Cabinets are "The Thing" Nowadays v3^ You start with just one section — letter file, card index, document file, anything you want. With top and base it makes a complete cabinet. You add more sections, of the same kind or different, as you need them. The same top and base answer for all time. 9-Drawer "Shannon" Letter File Section. Two letter file sections ; one card index All sections fit together. All sections are interchangeable, section; If'c have a catalogue for those interested which tells all about these goods. base ; top. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Factories &" Main Offices : Rochester, N. Y. "Branches : Ncu' York. Chicago, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Boston, Cleveland. St. Louis. Baltimore. Washington, Minneapolis, Pittsburg, Toronto, Montreal. Lalla Rookh Grotto, M. O. V. P., E. R. Chartered 1895 ?S^ Geurge I-~,. Hatch Potent llonaich Off George E. Hatch Frederick R. Smith Charles S. Owen Walter H. Tobey Charles M. Colton Frederick Fish Burtox a. Vandy Dr. J- H. Beebe Arthur L. Vedder Joseph F. Engel Matthew J. Steel . Fred A. Reynolds . Fred L. Myers, Frank S. Needy, John C. Baumer F. B. GoBLE, Grove Brown, Henry La.mpert G. Herbert Pardee, F. C. Brown, D. O. Cloud, R. I. Barker icers Potent Monarch Chief Justice Master of Ceremonies Venerable Prophet Treasurer Secretary Alchemist Alcliemist Orator Marshal Capt. of Guard Tiler Director of Music Asst. M. C. Trustees Joseph F. Engel Director F. A. Delevau, S. a. Patter- son, J. S. Sauer, F. L. Pearce, \V. H. Patterson, C. T. Struble W. C. Smith, J. S. Vick, J. M. Kimble . Finance Committee Choir Stewards Oirhestra and Brass Band Sentinels F. A. Reynolds, Leader ; F. E. Ballou, S. E. Bassett, H. S. Beach, George Beis- heim, George W. Cooper, John A. Creel- man, F. B. Decker, T. Dossenbach, H. W. Gluck, E. A. Hart, F. I. Hawley, F. \^^ Judson, H. S. Judson, J. A. Judson, John John W. Singleton, \\. W. Spragge, J. Karle, F. B. King, B. E. Leete, G. N. George W. Miller, C. V. Lansing, INL Van Mould, H. G. Oliver, Henry G. Sauer, PI A^alkenberg, John Louret, William H. Learned, W. Shutte, William H. Vicinus, F. W. Vick, Euo-ene H. Arnold. F. A. Zeitler, Edward Kunz, George L. Ross. Committees Joseph F. Engel, Director Miss Wilhelmina Goetzmann Chairman Mrs. Frederick Cook Mrs. George Koch Mrs. William Bausch Mrs. J. George Kaelber Mrs. H. F. Atvvood Mrs. Charles M. Colton Mrs. M. B. Turpin Miss Lulu Baetzel Miss Tillie Van Bergh Mrs. John A. Robertson Chairman Mrs. Albert Mutschler Mrs. G. B. Gilbert Mrs. Frank Wilmot Mrs. Hiram Pardee Mrs. J. M. Keller Mrs. H. Mutschler Mrs. W. H. Coon Mrs. Vernon Hart Mrs. G. L. Estes Miss Grace Delevau Chairman Mrs. E. T. Otis Miss Esther V. Johnson Miss Elva Seel Miss I-ienrietta Hoekstra Miss Vinnie Maxham Miss Flora B. Thompson Miss Jessie Hodge Miss Belle Knowles Miss Clara Sauer Chairman Mrs. J. S. Sauer Mrs. H. Judson Mrs. Hain Mrs. F. S. Neely Mrs. Edward Bowman Miss Ruth Squires Miss Moran Miss Miller Miss Amelia Miller 77 75 Newly Fitted Rooms Hot and Cold Water Electric Lights, Baths, Entirely Refitted The National Hotel Dennis Doud, Proprietor West Main cor. Plymouth Avenue Rates, $1,50 Upward Bell Phone 386 Rochester Phone 175 1 BHJJAEtP SUWUES m CTiBT BlseRIPTIjQN BiaiARD, POOL & TEN PIN BALLS TURNED ioND-HAND Bi aiABfl t, POOL TABIES BOUCKT 8 . SOLD. Tie, If^'OrC^MS/iSJEJ^^ Osburn House 'J{och ester, N .Y. American Plan $2.00 to $j.oo Per Tfay -Surfs Overcoats MADE TO MWSpl We give you hundreds of different styles of cloth to select from. If you want ease, elegance in finish and make up, you get it in these garments. All garments are guaranteed to fit. Separate trousers $4.00 fnade to measure. Scotch Woolen Co. The Big Tailors Rochester Store 238-240 Main St. East, above Clinton. ACCURATE MACHINE TOOLS MAXLTFACTURED KY THE ^V. P. DAVIS MACHINE CO., BocHESTEH, N. Y., rr. S. A. '''iSyyiu]^^. Ruth Chapter, No. 56, Order Eastern Star Organized October 31, 1881 MEETINGS SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS Mrs. Emma F. Smith Worthy ilalion '6?i Officers Mrs. Emm.a. F. Smith Mr. Thomas S.mith Mrs. Cl.4RA M. Muth Mrs. Annie Baird Mrs. Anna M. Brodie Miss Julia A. Bowx Mrs. Haitie Freckelto Mrs. Amanda Gibson Mrs. Mabel Shone Mrs. Eva J. Shutt Mrs. Vera E. Shutt Miss Estella Beswick Miss Sophia Kaiser Miss Sophia Paul ) Miss F. a. Abbott ) Mr. Ralph Malt by Mr. George E. Faulkner \\'orthy Matron Worthy Patron Asso. Matron Treasurer Secretary Conductress N Asso. Conductress Warder Adah Ruth Esther Martha Electa ( )rganists Asst. ( )rganist Sentinel Mrs. Clara M. Muth Associate Matron Miss Martha A. Moses Miss Fannie Alexander Mrs. Mary J. Wescott Mrs. Frank S. Phelan Mrs. M. T- S. Brown John Bird William C. Brown Frank E. Lewis Miss Louisa R. Fichtner Chairman Mrs. Frank S. Phelan Mrs. Ella L. Harrington Mrs. Anna M. Brodie Mrs. Agnes Mullins Mrs. Addie Pellett Mrs. Sarah Denny Mrs. Helen Bryan Miss Sophia Kaiser Miss Julia A. Bown Miss Mar}' J. Brown Mrs. Anna M. Brodie Mrs. Sarah Clare Mrs. Nellie Rogers Mrs. Sophia Lighthouse Past Matrons Mrs. Margaret Punnett Mrs. Kate Poppen Mrs. Margaret Schultz Miss Louise R. Fichtner Mrs. Jennie Couch Past Patrons John W. Merriam Fred A. Moses Charles F. Weissinger J. Peter Faber Frank J. Schultz Hugh Dempster Comm Mrs. Emma F. Mrs. Kate Poppen Chairman Mrs. Annie Baird Mrs. Minnie Wolford Mrs. Mabel Shone Mrs. Eudora Waldron Mrs. Nellie Rogers Mrs. Ida Histed Mrs. Nina Rapp Mrs. Carrie Klein Mrs. Olive Kinne Miss Susie Pauckner ittees Smith, Director Mrs. Isabella Boyd Chairman Mrs. Sarah Clare Mrs. Jennie Couch Mrs. Kittie Graf Mrs. Hannah Thompson Mrs. O. E. Rowland Mrs. Grace C. Watson Miss Minnie Erhardt Miss Cora Erhardt Miss Hattie Warner Mrs. Minnie Wolford Mrs. Emily D. Jenkins Mrs. Isabella Boyd Harr)' Mulligan Thomas Smith Mrs. F. C. Gott Chairman Mrs. Rose Dodd Mrs. Sadie Thompson Mrs. S. ^^'. Vroom Mrs. G. Rau Mrs. E. G. Graham Mrs. E. J. Shutt Mrs. V. E. Shutt Miss Jessie Muhl Miss Edith Hender 79 ^ c^^ THE HEATING, VENTILATING & PLUMBING IN THIS TEMPLE WAS INSTALLED BY BARR e? CREELMAN (Cngtitecrjs Complete i^otoer plants SinjStalleD J f eating and laentflating Contractorjs . . . plumbing anD (^ajsfitting MAIN OFFICE : 24 EXCHANGE STREET, ROCHESTER, N. Y. ' P li n e s 408 ^ *^ MERCHANTS BANK of Rochester Cor. Main Street and South Ave. Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 We want accounts of business houses and individuals based on balances and responsibility and assure prompt service and liberal treatment. II Interest allowed on special accounts. Officers Percy R. McPhail, President George Weldon, 2d Vice-President Thomas Devine, Vice-President John C. Rodenbeck, Cashier George W. Archer William N. Cogswell Thomas J. Devine irectors Nathan Levi Percy R. McPhail George H. Perkins V. Moreau Smith Frank A. Ward George Weldon V. F. Whitmore Monroe Chapter, No. 57, Order Eastern Star Organized March, 1 883 COMMUNICATIONS SECOND AND FOURTH FRIDAYS Mrs. E. R. Tuttlf. Matron Officers Ella R. Tu'itle Samuel Ray, A. G. L. Nellie M. Fisher Rosabelle Thompson KiiTiE Blod(.;ett . Mabel Young Marion Kittridge Neuah Noble Maud Metcalf Lottie McLean Idah Bachman May C. Andrus Louisa Meinhardt Kate Stallman Lillian Blazo Jennie Strowger . Avery W. Tuttle Sadie E. McKelvey | Fannie Alexander - Cyrus V. N. Mills ) ^^'ol■thy ALition \Yorthy Patron A, Matron Secretary Treasurer Conductress A. Conductress Adah Ruth Esther Martha Electa \^'arder Chaplain Marshal Pianist Sentinel Trustees Nellie M. Fisher Associate Matron Mrs. Kate F. Warner Mrs. Sadie E. McKelvey Mrs. Fannie Alexander Mrs. Mary E. Smith Mrs. Sarah Levy Mrs. Bertha Adams Past Matrons and Past Patrons Mrs. Emma Odell Miss Nola Gould Mrs. Mary J. Home Mrs. Matilda Heilbronn Mrs. Fannie Ramsey- Mrs. Jessie Ray Mrs. Kate Stallman Mrs. Mary West Mrs. Lillian Blazo Miss Jennie Strowger Mrs. Sarah Eldredge Mrs. Rosabelle Thompson Charles Cary John C. Smith Her\'ey H. Smith Joseph C. Moore E, H. C. Griffin Franklin Adsit Mrs. Fannie Ramsey Chairman Mrs. Flora Hall Miss Gertrude Goodman Mrs. Carolyn Miller Mrs. Anna McDermott Mrs. Elizabeth Fitt Miss Lulu Hanson Miss Mattie Attridge Mrs. Levens Mrs. Sarah Eldridge Committees Mrs. Ella R. Tuttle. Director Mrs. Mary J. Home Chairman Mrs. Kate Stallman Mrs. Lottie McLean Mrs. Ellen Fairchilds Mrs. Amelia Simmons Mrs. Rose De Mallie Mrs. Gertrude Simmons Miss Hattie Morgan Miss Myrtle Hallock Miss Nellie Heusner Mrs. Rosabelle Thompson Chairman Mrs. Maud Metcalf Mrs. May C. Andrus Mrs. Nellie Eldridge Mrs. Dora Purdy Mrs. Henrietta Beebee Mrs. Arabella West Mrs. Clara Newton Miss Idah Bachman Miss Agnes Smith Mrs. Matilda (.). Heilbronn Chairman Mrs. Grace D. Mrs. Mary Miller Mrs. Julia Parker Mrs. Mary Heusner Miss Angle Hallock Mrs. Laura Paul Mrs. Anna Parker Mrs. Laura Snell Miss Grace E. Tuttle 81 MEET ME AT M T E R S' The Newest Creations. The Largest Assortment The Most Deft Milliners. The Most Courteous Attention. ALL AT YOUR SERVICE FRED. L. MYERS 29 and 31 Front St. MILLINERY, SHOES AND INFANTS WEAR Compliments of Floral Lodge No. 281 I. O. O. F. JOHN G. ELBS 42 Cortland Street, Rochester, N. Y. Building, Roofing PAPER Wrapping and Toilet Paper and Grain Bags Matches and Twines Manufacturer of " I. X. L." Poison Fly Paper Langslow, Fowler & Co. 63 South Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Manufacturers of Fancy Rockers, Hall, Reception, Morris Chairs and Odd Pieces Hardwood Kindling for sale Take Care of Your Eyes E. E. BAUSCH GEO. R, BAUSCH E. E. BAUSCH & SON Op t i c i a n s No. 6 E. Main Street, Rochester, N. Y. J. C. Wilson Co. 39 Main Street, East JEWELERS AND PAWNBROKERS « Dealers in Masonic Emblems, Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Revolvers, Musical Instruments, etc. MONEY LOANED ON PERSONAL PROPERTY FURNACE WORK IN ALL ITS BRANCHES A SPECIALTY ROBERT CALDER Successor to Bryce & Calder Practical Worker in Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron 86 Exchange Street, opp. Spring Street, Rochester, N. Y. J. S. McCONNELL Tin Slating and Gravel Roofing Practical Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Work Roofing and all kinds of Jobbing. Blow Pipe Work. Smoke Stacks & Heavy Sheet IronWork 234 Mill Street, 2nd door from Piatt, Rochester, N.Y. JOSEPH EN GEL, FURRIERS All That is Latest and Best in FURS and FUR GARMENTS COATS, MUFFS and SCARFS 0/ Russian Sable, Broadtail, Squirrel, Fox, Lynx, Erminie and other fashionable Furs Oldest Exclusive Fur House in the City. Home Phone 6l$ Bell Phone s8z Main 89 Main St. East WM. MILLER S. L. ETTENHEIMER E. S. Ettenheimer & Co. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware Masonic Emblems and Society Goods Repairing fine Watches and Jewelry a specialty No. 2 State Street Corner Main Street East THE B. FEIOCK STORE Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domcstic Delicacies IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS 133 and 135 MAIN STREET E., near South Ave. Agents for the Celebrated Austrian Red and White Wines, Dein- hard & Co. and Henkel & Co. Mainz Rhine Wines, Cruse & Fils Freres and Jules Merman & Co. Clarets, Erven Lucas Boles, Amsterdam Cordials. Home Telephone No. 387. Bell 2087. I. A. Baum, Prest. A. Vogt, Vice-Prest. W. C. Lautner, Secy-Treas Ideal Couch & Casket Co. Manufacturers of Lautner's Ideal Couches and Royal Canopy Divans Strictly High Class CASKETS and FUNERAL SUPPLIES Open day and night all the year round. Office, factory, warerooms: 61-63 St. Paul St. Long Distance Phone No. 975. ROCHESTER, N. Y. 82 '« (lis' Golden Rule Chapter, No. 59, Order Eastern Star Organized April 2, 1886 COMMUNICATIONS SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAYS LiDA T. Miller Matron ?se? Officers Mrs. LiDA Tomer Miller . Wo rthy Matron Mr. William Baxter . Wc )rthy Patron Miss Jennie Thompsox A. Matron Mrs. Lily S. Fabling Secretar)' Mrs. Esther R. Taylor Treasurer Mrs. Violet Lang Conductress Mrs. Ella Craft . . A. Conductress Mrs. Frances Boddy . Chaplain Mrs. Emma Mitchell Marshal Miss Cora Langdon . Organist Mrs. Eva Moore Warder Mr. WiLLiAAi Beaton Sentinel Mrs. Martha Baxter . Ada Mrs. Alice Lewis . Ruth Miss Blanche Moran Esther Mrs Mary Heath Martha Mrs Pauline VanHoesen Electa Jennie Thompson Associate Matron Mrs. Lily S. Fabling Chairman Mrs. Jennie E. Line Mrs. Nellie F. Symonds Mrs. Lillie Williams Mrs. Esther R. Taylor Mrs. Mary A. Dow Mrs. Mary Aiken Mrs. A. F. Adams Miss Florence Plowe Miss Ethel Kuhn Committees Mrs. Lida Tomer Miller, Director Mrs. S. B. Cheney Chairman Mrs. C. J. Emery Mrs. Emma Mitchell Mrs. Shelmire Mrs. Sophia Booth Mrs. C. B. Marsh Mrs. Augustus Taylor Mrs. Delia Corkhill Miss Wilkins Miss Phoebe Blake Mrs. Mary E. Heath Chairman Mrs. Pauline VanHoesen Mrs. Winkleman Mrs. Anna Fulton Mrs. Violet Lang Mrs. Anna Fabian Mrs. Stetson Miss Jennie E. Thompson Miss Grace Heath Miss Cora Langdon Mrs. William N. Baxter C hairman Mrs. Henry Brinker Mrs. Delia Corkill Mrs. Mary Moore Mrs. Louise Ford Mrs. Sarah Durgin Mrs. John Burt Mrs. Clara Corkill Miss Sarah Blake Miss Ivy Baxter 83 WEAVER, PALMER & RICHMOND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDW^ARE HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS FARMERS' AND MERCHANTS' TOOLS, &c. ■ 31,33^35 MAIN ST., 12 <& 18 MILL ST., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Agency for Fairbanks' Scales. Alderman, fairchild & gutland co. Manufacturers of anti ^aper 35ojces James Field Company Becoratorsi Bunting, Flags, Cheese Cloth Conventions, "Balls, 'Receptions and Weddings Awnings, Floor Crash Nos. 41 & 43 Exchange St., Rochester, N. Y. Compliments of F. H. Dennis Canutes \ / TELEPHONE 625 Wmtn CJemtcal ^ JEfg. Co. W. STUART SMITH, Manager 149 MAIN STREET WEST FOR ALL GRADES OF ROOFING =SEE OUR^ ASPHALT SLAG ON MASONIC TEMPLE JOHN A. SEEL G^ROCER IVE no OUR OWN BAKING WE MAKE OUR OWN CANDIES LIBERTY BUILDING WEST AVE. PLYMOUTH AVE. LAKE AVE. 84 Germania Chapter, No. 72, O. E. S Chartered June 19, 1889 COMMUNICATIONS FIRST AND THIRD WEDNESDAYS 'G?i Mrs. ]>b:rtha \\ Matron Officers Mrs. Bertha Wachtler Worthy Matron Mr. Henry D. Wachtler Worthy Patron Miss Ida Aebersold As sociate Matron Mrs. Christine Wick Treasurer Mrs. Mary P. Winter Secretary Mrs. Lena Handler Conductress Miss M Brunzell Associa te Conductress Mrs. Fr. Blumenstock . Chaplain Mrs. Kath. Decker Marshal Miss Julie Karle (Jrganist Mrs. Sophie Quanst Warder Mrs. Frieda Luthev Sentinel Miss Hattie Lutt Ada Mrs. Elizabeth Riedesel Ruth Miss Ida Hilgexreiner . Esther Miss Bertha Lauth Martha Mrs. Emilie Hoffman . Electa Past Matro ns Ida Aebersold .\ssociate Matron Mrs. Katherine Viehman Mrs. Elizabeth Augustin, P.D.D.G.M. Mrs. Georgine Husman Mrs. Frieda Blumenstock Mrs. Anna Gohr, P. D. D. G. M. Mrs. Kittie Rickarts, P. D. D. G. M. Mrs. Emma Goettel Mrs. Mary Winter Mrs. Louise Kastner Henry J. Bauman Pas t Patrons Henry Husman, P. A. G. L. William Karle, P. A. G. L. Rud. Kastner Committees Mrs. Bertha Wachtler, Director Mrs. Kittie Rickarts Chairman Mrs. Elizabeth Augustin Mrs. Barbara Enders Mrs. Bella Kuefer Mrs. Louise Campbell Miss Meta Kujawski Mrs. Kohler Mrs. Moeschler Mrs. Frieda Hartleben Miss Henrietta Rickarts Mrs. Emma Goettel Chairman Miss Meta Brunzel Miss Julia Karle Miss Tilly Karle Miss Bertha Lauth Miss Ida Aebersold Miss Eleanora Goettel Miss Lillian McKelvey Mrs. L. Gutland Mrs. George Frank Mrs. Mary Winter Chairman Mrs.Margarethe Ursprung Mrs. Louise Hofheinz Mrs. Georgine Husman Mrs. Emilie Hoffman Mrs. Louise Ferner Mrs. Emma Frank Mrs. Sophia Quanst Mrs. Bertha Lutt Mrs. Elizabeth Schauman Mrs. Louise Kastner Chairman Mrs. Helene Lenrke Mrs. Katherine Decker Mrs. Katherine Haegele Miss Dora Husman Mrs. Frieda Blumenstock Mrs. Christine Wick Miss Emma Viehman Mrs. Susanna Gucker Mrs. Louise Hofman 85 The Institute of Physicians and Surgeons An up-to-date Sanatorium for the treatment O^^TT' j. \ /I ' O^ T* 1 > XT"\r of Chronic Diseases. Consultation free. 055 r^aSt Main Ot., KOCheSter, JN. I. Bickford-Schantz Co. /'■. //'. Bkk/ord J. A. Schantz Fine Furniture Upholstery Draperies "% •r\s3' III Main Street East Canopies^ Crash, Chairs, Tables, Etc., to rent for Society Events. Rochester, N. Y. WEIDER & POND MANUFACTURERS OF Harness 22 Spring Street Rochester, N. Y. ROCHESTER NOVELTY WORKS Manufa cturers and dealers in C|)urci) Supplies Central Avenue and Mill Street . . Rochester, N. Y. HOME 'PHONE 3613 BELL 'PHONE MAIN I3r2-K SMITH-CURRY STUDIO C. H. SMITH 16 STATE STREET, ROCHESTER ^^^^^^ ^^ Ray - Diant Court, No. 9, Order of Amaranth iC^ -.^ 1^ ESSIE M. f Royal Mati on Officers Jessie M. Ray Samuel B. Ray Elizabeth Godfrey Ida B. Wiborn Jennie E. Line j\La.ry E. Sauer Maggie Punnett . Frances Boddy Louise Hofheinz . Nellie Symonds Mary P. Winters LsABELLE Boyd Sarah Clare Catherine Poppin Julia Senke . Florence Larson LiLLiE Williams Jennie E. Strowger Bessie Patchen Royal Matron Royal Patron A. Matron Treasurer Secretary Conductress A. Conductress Chaplain Warder Herald Truth Faith Wisdom . Charity Marshal in East Marshal in West Sentinel Pianist Soloist '"^!S§ Sami'ei. B. Ray Royal Patron Committees Mrs. Jessie M. Ray, Director Mrs. Jennie E. Strowger Mrs. Elizabeth Godfrey Mrs. Julia Senke Mrs. George Hixson Chairman Chairman C hairman Chairman Mrs. F. G. Patchin Miss Nola Gould, Ass't Mrs. Laura Harte Mrs. Thomas Salter Mrs. Neah Noble Mrs. Frances Gould Mrs. Rose Zimmerman Mrs. Bailey Mrs. Gertrude Brooks Mrs. Alen Gould Mrs. Dora Halfinger Mrs. Fred Walker Mrs. Nettie Hollister Mrs. Marlin Mrs. Jessie Abersold Mrs. T. Atkin Mrs. Emma Ray Mrs. Helen Smith Mrs. F. A. Stace Mrs. Ida \^'arren Mrs. Anna Bachman Mrs. Warren Mrs. Hugel Mrs. Rose Kline Mrs. Florence Larson Mrs. Fisk Mrs. C. Gilbert Miss Estelle Hixson Miss Anna Proctor Mrs. Delia Sherwobd Mrs. N, Bishop Miss Irene Gould Miss Nellie Gifford Mrs. Robert Wright Mrs. Jennette Severence Miss Ina Woodhull 87 =--^--4^ f"" >/la30i\i^^ ^^1^^^^^^-^^^ Charles F. Fisheh. FISHER & FISK Heating, Gas Fitting OUR SMOKE TES7 TELLS EXACT CONDITION OF YOUR PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE An estimate from us, on any work in our lines, will save you money. Loeffler & Sykes Cutlery and : : Barbers^ Supplies Concaved Razors, Tailors' and Barbers' Shears, Clip- pers, Razor Strops, Etc. Particular attention is paid to Con- caving Razors. Also all kinds of Grinding and Repairing : : : : Electrical Contractors and Locksmiths i6 FRONT STREET Roch. 'Phone 1402. S East Aventie Triangle Building 343 Mam s Roch. 'phone sb%2. Bell'phone iqqb 3Taifi. St. GEORGE A. LANF Manufacturer of L. S. C H A P I N LcaDcD dDdajSiei ^orfeet CARRIAGES and WAGONS \ Rubber Tires put on Old and t Wheels at Reasonable Prices 452-458 NORTH STREET Roch. Phone 1865 /T -> » Stained and Ornamental Glass M^ork of ever\ de^mption for House and Church Decorations 90 Exchange Street . K More Pride of Dakota Flour sold in Rochester than all other brands com- bined. TH E BEST I N TH E WOR LD. EVERY SACK WARRANTED lUrtrAIIiPV £ TO GIVE SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED. ITItt-AULL I tt MACAULEYJIENMILIINOCO. FIEN MILLS The finest Masonic goods are used everywhere by the majority of Masonic Bodies — they buy of us. We furnish more supplies for 25Iue HoDge, Ctjapter, Council, CoinmanDerp ant> B, C BnifontijS than any three concerns in our line. Can we offer you a more potent reason why you should buy ot us? Write for catalog. THE M. C. LILLEY & CO., Columbus, Ohio. We Carry at all Times a Full Line of Masonic Charms^ Rings^ Pins, Buttons Thomas A. Whittle Proprietor 'Maker of Hon Bans, Chocolates and High Grade Confections Fiictury and O^ces : 100-102 Main St.. Em:. Branct> Foijers Arcaile. Tehphnne Gijodi sent by Mai! or Express lo^all parts of the zjjorld. SCHAFT & MINGES Successors to ROCHESTER WRINGER CO. If you are in need of a good Wringer buy our Automatic Self Adjusting Clothes Wringer. Does all kinds of work easy. Send for full particulars. All kinds of Wringers repaired. 5 and 7 Allen St., Rochester, N. Y. Bell Phone Main 2659 : : Home Phone ;648 Masonic Fair Committees Fair Association Joseph A. Crane, President; Joseph S. Vick, Vice-President; WilUam A. MacCallum, Secretary; George A. Benton, Treasurer; Frederick C. Seitz, Frederick R, Smith, Charles S. Owen, Frank H. Dennis, Herbert S. Jenner, Charies H. Crouch, Marcus VanBergh ; J. Mills Piatt, architect of booths; Franklin S. Stebbins, Director of booths. Finance Clarence A. Barbour, Milbury VanValkenburgh, John K. Hunt, Angus E. Huther, Adolph J. Rodenbeck, Charles H. Williams, Murray Bartlett. Awards Joseph A. Crane, Isaac Wile, William Bausch, John Mullen, Albrecht Vogt, John Kane. George J. Oaks, Simon Stein. Transportation Alfred Green, Edward B. Lynn, Edward C. Lapey, Clifford Kalbfleisch, Herman B. Cassebeer, George Bowman, Myron P. Howell, Daniel Smith, Charles J. Gilbert. Entertainment (ieorge F. Loder, Samuel R. Parry, Charles H. Carson, Frank E. Moshier, Louis N. Stein, Charles B. Bechtold. Devices Edward Stahlbrodt, Charles E. Ogden, Charles W. Anderson, Otto U. Hoefler, Adolph J. Johnson, Warren B. Huther, Edward Way, Sigmund Handler, Abraham Greenberg. Flowers Richard G. Salter. George F, Crosman, Edmund R. Fry, Joseph O. Pridmore, Edward P. Wilson, Fred W. Woldach, Fred W. Vick. Dancing Thomas W. Shannon, Oscar B. Spiehler, William Goetzman, A. J. Hockley. Music M. F. Bristol, Grove Brown, Henry D. Wachtler, Rudolph Kastner, Max Holtz, William E. Craib. Souvenir William C. Smith, Montgomery E. Leary, E. Tracy Otis, Albert Bostwick, James Lenno.x, Ward K. Angevine. Publication Charles Wright, Arthur G. Goheen, Roy C. Kates, John E Morey, Asher L. Richmond, Charies M. Colton, James L. Brewer, Frank Patchin, Ralph T. Olcott, James T. Simpson ; Theodore S. Pulver, general correspondent. Refresliment Herbert S. Jenner, Elliott L. Stanley, Charles C. Sugru, James M. Steel, John Calder. Donations Joseph S. Vick, Harry S. Woodworth, Wallace P. Couch. Frederick Rogers, Samuel R. Parry, Charies L. Hannahs. Cloali Room Edivard Edwards, Benjamin L. Stetson, John R. Taylor, Roy I). Hutchinson, Frank B. Decker, Samuel L. Wonsettler, August F. Bauer, Thomas Armstrong, I>ouis Zimmer. Invitations Harry B. Guilford, Thomas J. Watson, Emil H. Schmidt, Isaac C. Edington, D. C. Hebbard, James G. Greene, William Karle, George G. Davis, William S. Ernisse, Fred. R. Smith, H. G. Oliver, Ezra M. Sparhn, John N. Dowd, Willard S. Bradt, John B. Colman, John C. Baumer, Charles Vogel, Asa B. Stone, C. D. Galliger, Thomas Brooks, George F. Loder, Joseph F. Engel, Mrs. Emma F. Smith, Mrs. Ella R. Tultle, Mrs. Lida Tomer Miller, Mre. Bertha Wachtler, Mrs. Jessie M. Ray. Decorations Fred D. Morgan, Frederick Bickford, Frank L. Sibley, Charles Alonzo Simmons, Frank A. Hallauer, Maurice D. Strauss. Clio Lodge, No. 779, F. & A. M., Hilton, N. Y. Officers Instituted July 31, 1877 Chartered June 7, 1878 COMMUNICATIONS FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAYS Past Masters C. E. Spring W. H. Teller John M. Lowden John Stoddard Z. W. J. Newcomb J. B. CoUamer \V. B. Moore L. M. Smith J. B. Comb.s M. B. Stevens VV. H. Wood a. m. ott-m-a.n . William R. True S. HOLMAN Thomas Stothard P. B. Tenny William Ivesox C. Tenny . F. ^^'. Smith C. COLLAMER E. Taber . J. ^'. Curtis Joseph Ingham . George Morris John M. Lowden \ R. B. Wood E. A. Cross \ Master Senior Warden Junior Warden . Treasurer Secretary Senior Deacon A. Senior Deacon Junior Deacon . S. M. C. J. M. C. Chaplain Organist Marshal . Tiler Trustees Howe & Rogers ^ Company CARPETS AND DRAPERIES \j ROCHESTER, NEW YORK A. FRIEDERICH & SONS CO. Mason Contractors 510 Ellwanger & Barry Building Contractors for Mason Work on New Masonic Temple 90 Past and Present Grand Officers Grand Lodge, F. & A. M. Elbert Crandall, Grand Master, New York City; Frank H. Robinson, Deputy Grand Master, Homellsville ; S. Nelson Sawyer, Senior Grand Warden, Palmyra ; Charles Smith, Junior Grand War- den, Oneonta ; Theodore A. Taylor, Grand Treasurer, Brooklyn ; Edward M. L. Ehlers, Grand Secretary, New York City ; George R. Van De Water; John J. Reed, New York City, Pierre Gushing, Le Roy, John D. Kennedy, Brooklyn, Duncan Cameron, Tonawanda, Charles F. Canedy, New Rochelle, Grand Chaplains ; John R. Gard- ner, Grand Marshal, New York City ; George Kent, Grand Standard Bearer, Lyons; William S. Hackett, Albany, Arthur W. Hillebrand, New York City, Dexter D. Curtis, Elmira, William O. Campbell, New York City, Grand Sword Bearers ; Charles S. Owen, Roches- ter, Eugene Klein, Buffalo, John W. Arthur, Northport, Robert Mil- ler, New York City, Philip H. Lustig, Brooklyn, Edward H. Hop- kins, Penn Yan, Grand Stewards ; William F. Rutherford, New York City ; Stephen R. Stewart, Springfield Centre, James H. Sny- der, Brooklyn, Henry J. Schreiber, New York City; Richard E. Shaw, Brooklyn, Lorenz Zeller, New York City, Grand Directors of Ceremonies ; Samuel Crook, Senior Grand Deacon, Brooklyn ; Charles M. Wickwire, Junior Grand Deacon, Waterville ; John Lau- benheimer, Grand Lecturer, Albany ; Alexander A. Clark, Grand Librarian, New York City ; Edwin A. Quick, Grand Historian, Yonkers; George M. Berry, Grand Pursuivant, New York City; Andrew Ferguson, Grand Tiler, Brooklyn. Past Grand Officers Thirty-third District Most Worshipful William A. Sutherland, Grand Master of Mas- ons in the State of New York 1897 to 1899, and honorary Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada. R. W., S. M. Ben- jamin, George F. Loder, John A. Davis, John Alexander, William K. Barlow, Frederick G. Sweet, Charles L. Yates, Frederick R. Smith, Past District Deputies. Franklin S. Stebbins, James R. Chamberlain, George H. Clarke, Past Grand Stewards. Charles D. Tuke, J. Hungerford Smith, Past Grand Deacons. William H. Whiting, Past Grand Lecturer. Charles M. Colton, District Deputy Grand Master for the 33d Masonic District. Charles S. Owen, Grand Steward. George A. Benton, representative of the Grand Lodge of Maine. Arthur E. Sutherland, representative of the Grand Lodge of Washington R.-. E.-. John H. Reb, Brooklyn, Grand Master 2d Veil; R.-. E.-. Charles C. Hunt, New York, Grand Master ist Veil ; R.-. E.-. Geo. McGown, Palmyra, Grand Lecturer; Comp.-. William H. Gladding, Albany, Grand Sentinel. Past Grand Officers — Permanent Members Most Excellents Seymour H. Stone, Syracuse ; Thomas C. Cassidy, New York ; James D. Pollard, Seneca Falls ; William Sherer, Brooklyn ; Richard H. Parker, Syracuse ; William J. Mc- Donald, New York ; J. Leavitt Lambert, Salem ; Frederick E. Barnes, New York ; George E. W. Stivers, New York ; John Webb Jr., Gouvemeur; John W. Palmer, Brooklyn; Joseph A. Crane, Rochester ; J. Harris Ballston, Brooklyn, Past Grand High Priests ; Right Excellent Philip M. Nast, Jr., Homellsville, Past Grand King; Right Excellent Clarence R. Hatton, New York, Past Grand Scribe. Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, State of New York Officers, 1902 M.-. E.-. Alfred A. Guthrie, Albany, Grand High Priest ; R.-. E.-. Rollin M. Morgan, New York, Deputy Grand High Priest ; R.-. E.-. George A. Newell, Medina, Grand King ; R.'. E.-. Henry D. Hamil- ton, Brooklyn, Grand Scribe ; R.-. E.-. Herman H. Russ, Albany, Gmnd Treasurer; R.". E.-. Christopher G. Fox, Buffalo, Grand Sec- retary- R.- E.-. Rev. James B. Murray,* ConstableviUe, Grand Chaplain- R- E.-. Derrick Brown, Poughkeepsie, Grand Captam of the Host; R.-. E.-. Dana B. Pratt, New York. Grand Principal So- ioumer- R- E.-. WillU W. Rice, Watertown, Grand Royal Arch Captain'; ,R.-. E.-. Edwin P. Sears, Buffalo, Grand Master 3d Vail; * Died June 18, 1902. Royal and Select Masters Grand Council of the State of New York Willard S. Bradt, Grand Master, Rochester ; John R. Gardner, Grand Deputy Master, New York ; Irving L'Hommedieu, Grand Principal Conductor of the Work, Medina ; Peter Forrester, Grand Treasurer, New York ; George Van Vliet, Grand Recorder, New York ; Charies Stewart, Grand C. of the G., Brooklyn ; Fred E. Og- den. Grand C. of the C, Buffalo; Benjamin Strasser, Grand Mar- shal, Albany ; William H. Andrews, Grand Standard Bearer, New York ; John W. Cobum, Grand Lecturer, Brooklyn ; Frank M. Adee, Grand Steward, Saratoga; Warren C. Hubbard, Grand Chaplain, Brooklyn ; William H. Small, Grand Sentinel, New York. Grand Commandery Knights Templar Grand Officers Sir William J. Maxwell, R. E. Grand Commander, Brooklyn . Sir Charles D. Bingham, V. E. Dept. G. Commander, Watertown ; Sir John Little, E. Grand Generalissimo, New York ; Sir Erastus C. Knight, E. Grand Captain General, Buffalo ; Sir Adelbert P. Knapp, E. Grand Senior Warden, Saratoga Springs ; Sir Herman R. Kretechmar, E. G. Junior Warden, New York ; Sir Cornelius L. Twing, E. C. Prelate, Brooklyn ; Sir George A. Newell, E. Grand Treasurer, Medina ; Sir Arthur MacArthur, E. Grand Re- corder, Troy ; Sir Edwin B. Anderson, E. Grand Standard Bearer, Palmyra ; Sir Edwin C. Hall, E. Grand Sword Bearer, Syracuse ; Sir J. Carlisle Loudon, E. Grand Warder, New York ; Sir John Mal- colm, E. Grand Captain of Guard, Buffalo. Past Grand Commanders Sir Frank Chamberiain, Albany; Sir A. E. Lyttle, Auburn ; Sir Simon V. McDowell, Rochester ; Sir John S. Bartlett, Buffalo ; Sir Abel A. Crosby, Rondout ; Sir Peter Forrester, New York ; Sir Aus- tin C. Wood, Syracuse ; Sir Foster N. Mabee, Albany; Sir George McGown, Palmyra ; Sir George F. Loder, Rochester ; Sir John H. Bonnington, Brooklyn ; Sir James W. Bowden, Yonkers ; Sir Hor- ace A. Noble, Buffalo ; Sir John A. Mapes, New York ; Sir Arthur Mac Arthur, Troy ; Sir George Nicholson, New York ; Sir Charles H. Armatage, Albany; Sir Erastus C. Delevan, Binghamton. &l Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Manufacturers Photographic Lenses SHUTTERS Bausch & Lomb-Zeiss STEREO Binoculars The Modern Prism Field Glass Microscopes and Microtomes Bacteriological and Chemical Apparatus CHEMICALS Makers of Lenses of Every Kind for Every Purpose Factory and Executive Offices : Branches: New York Chicago RochcSter N^ Y Also Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. G. m. b. H. Frankfort, a/M. Germany /^3? F^p'^ii^^^f. fr^-^srf&s-&^ Finance Committee Charles M. Williams Adolph J. Rodenbeck Mayor of Rochester Angus E. Huther Clarence A. Barbour Murray Bartlett Milbury Van Valkenburg Geneseo Lodge, No. 214, F. & A. M., Geneseo, N. Y. A. D. 1902 A. L. 5902 COMMUNICATIONS FIRST, THIRD AND FIFTH THURSDAYS Officers George B. Adams Worshipful Master Rodney E. Gooding Senior Deacon William W. Killip S. E. Hitchcock Senior Warden Colonel E. Bennett Junior Deacon Alvin Hurlburt R A Page Junior Warden Clarence E. Hawley S. M. C. John R. Stronc; \ James D. Sanders Secretary C. H. Boynton Chaplain Organist Tiler Trustees 93 Roofings Jobbing and Repairing of all kinds Agent for the Kernan Furnaces. Utica John Fricker Practical Tin, Copper Gf Galvanized Iron Cornice Worker Steel Ceilings Telephone 12^3 10 Ely Street, cor. Minerva Place Established 1820 Incorporated 1891 THE HANSONS^ VAN N)^INKLE COMPANY NEWARK, N. J. PLATERS' <& POLISHERS' SUPPLIES ^P LACQUERS, CHEMICALS iC^ BUFF WHEELS, TRIPOLI COMPOSITION AND ROUGE . MANUFACTURERS OF THE HANSON & VAN WINKLE COMPOUND DYNAMOS Represented in New York State by G. L. FELDMAN A. V O G E L Storage House Over 10 (Sn 12 So. Washington Street ROCHESTER, NEW YORK BURR & STARKWEATHER DCALERS IN OHIO FEED AND ENSILAGE CUTTERS, FARM IMPLEMENTS, BINDER TWINE, WAGONS, SLEIGHS, HARNESS, ROBES, BLANKETS, FERTILIZERS AND SEEDS 12 to 48 STONE ST. ROCHESTER, N. .Y Compliments of the INDEPENDENT BREWERY CO. 'Brewers of Lager, Ale & Porter Office 460 STATE STREET Oliver S. Oppenheimer Rochester Representative Genesee PLATING WORKS J. C. Bautner, Prop. NICKEL, BRASS &' COPPER PLATING Bar and Foot-Rail Brackets, Cuspidors Show Window and Store Fixtures and other Novelties Established 1887 Oxidizing^ Polishing and "Brass Finishing Office and Works 32-36 South Avenue 16-18-20 Minerva Place The Rochester News Company Full Telephone Connection Opposite Post Office Newsdealers, Stationers, Booksellers & Cigar Dealers Agents for all important publications, American and foreign. Stationery and Cigars at manufacturers' prices. Large orders a specialty. Small purchases, however, receive just as careful attention Branches in all large cities in the United States; also in Montreal and Toronto, Can.; London, Eng.; Leipzig, Germany; Paris, France. 94 Miscellaneous Booth Committees SOUVENIR BOOTH William Carvey Smith, Director Ward Kelly Angevine, Assistant Director James G. Lennox, Chairman Miss Tillie Rodenbeck Miss Lulu Rodenbeck Miss Ida Medrow Miss Edna I. Thompson Albert C. Bostwick, Chairman Miss Vina DeBlauw Miss Nellie M. Ordway Miss Anna Tilling Miss Grace Boyd E. Tracy Otis, Chairman Mrs. Edward Wallace Miss Irene Parker Mrs. J. E. Nagle Mrs. Albert Bostwick Montgomery E. -Leary, Chairman Mrs. M. E. Leary Miss Charlotte DeNeve Miss Emily Bradshaw Miss Anna B. Kueffer CANDY BOOTH Frank H. Dennis, Director Committees Miss Fannie Linsin Chairtnan Miss Freda Eckhardt Miss Blanche Meyer Miss Jessie Cooper Miss Mabel Stetson Miss Emilie F. Baetzel Miss Jessie Attridge Miss Lulu Stoneburn Miss Mae Bickford Miss Altha M. Pritchard Miss Anna May Simmons Chairman Miss Minnie Hewitt Miss Lois Nichols Miss Sadie Mosher Miss Margaret Sturge Miss Bertha Rogers Miss Nelsie F. Durgin Miss Alice V. Higgins Miss Bessie V. Scheib Miss Bertha Vick Miss Bessie Goodenough Ckairnuzn Miss Pauline Wick Miss Mabel Hendrix Miss Wanneta Holmes Miss Rosabell Dooty Miss Henrietta Becker Mrs. Ida Roda Mrs. Alfred Reynolds Miss Alta Hart Miss Gertrude Luehm Miss Kittie Langer Chairman Miss Lulu Beggy Miss Clara Gottry Miss Alma Luitwieler Miss Florence M. Deavenport Mrs. William O. Terry Mrs. Geo. W. Milby Mrs. George W. Potter Mrs. Richard Foote Miss Stella Rosenbaum TURKISH BOOTH Samuel R. Parry, Director Mrs. Edward Line, Chairman Mrs. Hatty Vedder Mrs. James Spellman Mrs. S. Smith Mrs. A. E. Cole Mrs. Herbert Saunders Mrs. George Beatty Miss Marion Abbs Mrs. Stephen Trusdale Mrs. L. A. Warfield Mrs. C. A. Blazo, Chairman Mrs. W. J. June Miss Faith Harwood Mrs. C. H. Spring Miss Lois Hunt Mrs. R. Kellog Miss Ethel Morley Mrs. E. F. Rowe Miss Ella Parry Mrs. C. R. Elliott Mrs. Thomas B. Miss F. Mitchell Ryder, Chairman Mrs. Chas F. Swain Mrs. Spencer Wright Mrs. David Black Mrs. Augustine Nelson Miss N. Black Mrs. Arthur Bennet Mrs. H. Meyer Miss Maud Parry Mrs. J. K. Hunt, Chairman Mrs. William H. Callister Miss Mary Osborne Miss Jane Parry Mrs. W. H. Goodger Mrs. C. H McChesney Miss Hazel Hunt Miss Ruth Hayden Miss Clara Williams Miss Minnie Hancock Miss Lulu Albaugh FLOWER BOOTH Richard G. Salter, Director Committees Miss Ida Fisher, Chairman Mrs. Eugene Tounor Miss Marie Hull Miss Marion Pike Miss Florence Belding Miss Gertrude Pike Miss Bernice Bird Mrs. L. B. Blackman, Chairman Miss Florence Williamson Miss Ada Hall Miss Grace E. Moore Miss M. M. Rappleye Miss Harriet Harrison Miss Wetmore Miss Clara King Miss Josephine Grossman Miss Edna Patterson, Chairman Miss Lurleen Williams Miss Bessie Lehman Miss Lillian Cadman Mrs. A. Louise Fleming Mrs. Jacob Ortinger Mrs. Fred W. Harvard Miss Elsie Bemish Mrs. WilUam F. Metcalf Miss Florence B. Fry Mrs. F. C. Cutting Mrs. V. C. Carr Miss Bessie Douglass Miss Ora Mertz Miss Elizabeth Brown, Chairman Miss Lottie Brown Miss Jessie Boyd Miss Theo Surdam Miss Margaret Schroedel Miss May Surdam Mrs. August Bauer Miss Maud Nell Miss Lulu Moloney Misses Lowell 95 WC. SMITH Dealer in BALED HAY STRAW and SHAVINGS 'J^ochester Slectwt^^e foundry, noshJandUg main §t.£ast, Tlochester.n.y. -Both Dhonea t315. T>. O.'Box Uoo. Re -Cleaned Oats and Feed , 1 1 CAN SUPPLY the NEEDS of YOUR HORSES I Bell 'Phone 222 Chase Home 'Phone 2222 980-1000 Main Street East Rochester, N. Y. R. J. Strasenburgh Company Manufacturing Chemists Wholesale Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Surgical Instruments, Etc. 756 to 160 West Avenue, Corner Canal Street, Rochester, N . Y. <^}^^^^4W^m^ Our Architect and his Associate Directory of the Booths Basement Craftsmen's Club entrance by staircase at side of Countrj- store. First Floor Restaurant : at left of entrance. Check room at right of entrance. Country store to the rear of check room. Second Floor Corporation and Club Booth at head of staircase. Cyrene Commandery to the rear of Corporation Booth and in front of stairs to 3rd floor. Yonnondio Lodge Booth and Genesee Falls Lodge Booth at left of staircase from entrance. Office of Masonic Temple Fair .Association in front of main staircase. Turkish Booth, with smoking room attached, just north of office. Eastern Star Booths including Golden Rule, Ruth Chapter, Monroe Chapter, Amaranth Court, Hamilton Chapter, R. A, M., in Eastern Star Room at right of main staircase. Corinthian Temple Booth in room at end of Eastern Star room. Hamilton Chapter, show for men only, in room adjoining. Third Floor Souvenir Booth. Rochester Lodge Booth at right of staircase. Germania Lodge, Germania Chapter O. E. S., Ionic Chapter, in Parlor of Club in front of Rochester Lodge Booth. Valley Lodge Booth in reading room of Club, cor. Clinton and Mortimer Streets. Lalla Rookh Grotto, F. R. Lawrence Lodge, Xobles Mystic .Shrine, Candy and Doric Coun'ol Booths, in billiard room of Club on Mortimer St. front of building. Shrine smoking room opposite Shrine Booth. Monroe Commandery Booth in card room of Club, north-east comer of building. Scottish Rite Booths, Rochester Lodge of Perfection, Germania Lodge of Perfection, Rose-Croix Chapter Princes of Jerusalem, in dining room of Club on north side of building. Ice Cream Booth in center portion of floor. Candy Booth in rear of Scottish Rite Booths. Fourth Floor Museum of Curios to right of staircase. Fortune Teller, Palmist, etc., in small rooms adjoining. Entertainment Hall in front of building forward of Museum of Curios, Moving pictures in slot machines at north end of corridor. Entertainment Hall and Dance Hal! in front of building forward of slot machine room. Ice Cream in gallei-y of Dance Hall. Fifth Floor The Midway, the greatest thing on earth — "see it." 97 NORMAN C. HAYNER CO. LUBRICATING OILS AND GREASES MAKERS OF BOILER COMPOUNDS, ODORLESS DISINFECTANT, BELT DRESSINGS Local and Long Distance 'Phone 739 14, 16, 18 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET ROCHESTER, N. Y. SCHAEFER & KLEIN S Hccessors to Henry A . Schae/er MANUFACTURERS OF COACH LACE Canopy Fringe, Carriage, Hearse & Casket Trimmins:s ST. PAUL STREET, COR. OF ANDREWS M. L. Allen E. T. Otis Phones 2146 Allen & Otis General Produce Commission Merchants 6=D FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS Butter, Eggs and Beans 332-334 MAIN STREET EAST Rochester, N. Y. THE HOME OF THE LARGEST Stained Glass JVorks IN THE STATE OUTSIDE NEW YORK IS LOCATED 395-7-9 Main Street East, Rochester, N. Y. Art Glass, Church fVinclows and Lodge Room Memorials. HASKINS ^ COLLYER E. J. Scheer & Company JEWELERS Things Beautiful and Useful in 1^atc!)es. Biamontis anti f eVoelr^ Masonic Charms and Emblems ig6 Main Street East Rochester, N. Y. :A3^^f^^".^^^^i^-»l The Masonic Temple of Rochester, N. Y. Incorporated June, 1900 George A. Benton, President Directors H. S. Jenner Charles S. Owen George A. Benton Frederick R. Smith Sam. B. WUliams F. C. Mailing J. A. Robertson George F. Roth W. A. MacCallum Charles Vogel J. Hungerford Smith J. M. Lee Advisory Board J. C. Wilson Samuel B. Williams, Treasurer E. A. Stahlbrodt I. A. Wile George E. Cripps F. C. Seitz L. N. Stein S. Handler C. H. Carson John Fricker J. B. Colman H. R. East John Calder C. H. Crouch J. B. M. Stephens -F. D. Morgan George W. Aldridge R. T. Olcott Joseph S. Vick Louis N. F. H. Beach W. H. Vicinus F. S. Rogers J. C. McNab H. B. Guilford Joseph- A. Crane M. H. VanBergh W. H. Marson Joseph F. Engel Frederick Fish George F. Loder F. H. Dennis George E. Hatch J. H. Beebe T. J. Nicholl C. N. Pratt H. G. Sauer F. S. Stebbins E. J. Lathrop R. G. Holden W. P. Couch G. H. Fisk T. R. Peshine Finance Sam. B. Williams F. C. Mailing W. P. Couch J. A. Robertson Chas. Vogel H. B. Guilford T. J. Nicholl H. R. East Jos. F. Engel J. B. M. Stephens J. C. Wilson L. N. Stein I. A. Wile John Fricker Building F. C. Mailing W. H. Marson Frederick Fish W. H. Vicinus R. G. Holden J. A. Robertson Geo. F. Roth Geo. E. Cripps C. N. Pratt S. Handler G. H. Fisk H. G. Sauer E. J. Lathrop F. D. Morgan Rental F. S. Rogers L. N. Stein H. G. Sauer T. R. Peshine Charles Vogel J. Hungerford Smith J. M. Lee Stein, Secretary Finishing and Furnishing George F. Loder F. H. Beach C. H. Carson J. B. Colman J. H. Beebe J. C. McNab John Calder Fair Joseph A. Crane H. S. Jenner Frederick R. Smith C. S. Owen F. H. Dennis Joseph S. Vick W. A. MacCallum C. H. Crouch F. C. Seitz M. H. VanBergh Masonic Club ORGANIZED 1901 Masonic Temple, Entire Third Floor Officers Joseph A. Crane . Frank Ocumpaugh Joseph Engel William A. MacCallum President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Craftsmen Association of Engineers Number One Jefferson Young John H. Leathers Henry C. Kenning Henry Cobb . John West Joseph Redfern George T. Stubbs . Clarkson B. Miller, Willard Frank Ransley John H. Leathers Bond, President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Sergeant-at-Arms . Inner Guard . Outer Guard Trustees Director of Booth Eastern Star Temple Committee Organized in February, 1901 Officers Mrs. Lida Tomer Miller Mrs. Louise Kaestner . Mrs. Lily S. Fabling . Mrs. Mary J. Horne . President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Ruth Chapter Mrs. Mary Moses, Mrs. M. Punnett, Mrs. Sarah Clare, Mrs. Annie Baird, Mrs. Isabelle Boyd, Mrs. F. Smith. Monroe Chapter Mrs. M. H. Heilbron, Mrs. Rosabelle Thompson, Mrs. M. J. Horn, Mrs. H. Eldredge, Mrs. Kate Stallman, Mrs. E. Tuttle. Germania Chapter Mrs. H. Rickarts, Mrs. Bertha Wachtel, Mrs. Mary Winter, Mrs. Louise Kaestner, Mrs. M. Goettel, Mrs. Ida Aebersold. Golden Rule Chapter Mrs. Jennie E. Line, Mrs. Sophia Booth, Mrs. Annie Brinker, Mrs. Lily S. Fabling, Mrs. Mary E. Sauer, Mrs. Lida Tomer Miller. F. L. HEUGHES 31ton Contractor truttural ^tttl A X D Jron Wotk A SPECIALTY Office: 190 South Ave. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Qlontractor for the a^a^onic Cemple Structural Steel & Iron Work IRON CONTRACTOR FOR Powers Fire-Proof Hotel, the Wilder Block, the P. Cox Building, the Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Buildings, Keeler & Kimball new Building, the new Court House, Rochester; Elmira Reformatory Extension, Elmira, N. Y. ; North Water Street Iron Viaduct, Rochester ; Brush Electric Light Co. Plant. Rochester ; Rochester German lusurance Co 's Building of Rochester; Johnston Harvester Works. Batavia; Hygienic Institute, Dansville ; Powers Block Addition, Rochester ; Court House and Library, Syracuse; Bartholomay Brewing Co. Ice Houses, Monroe County Jail and Cook Opera House, Rochester. i H. KN APP, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER V DID THE CARPENTER WORK ON THIS BUILDING JOBBING OF ALL KINDS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION J^ ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. OFFICE : 53 TRIANGLE BUILDING RESIDENCE : 202 PARSELLS AVE. ROCHESTER, N. Y. OFFICE 'PHONE r9S RESIDENCE 'PHONE 1490 HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO RENT 100 Past Commanders of Monroe Commandery Charles M. Williams Yonnondio Lodge John W. McKelvey Yonnondio Lodge Samuel P. Moulthrop Corinthian Temple Lodge Frederick S. Rogers Valley Lodge Edward A. Stahlbrodt Yonnondio Lodge Robert W. West Valley Lodge John Calder Yonnondio Lodge Charles H. McChesney Falls Lodge f /^/i/yMi^, George F. Loder Falls Lodge William J. McKelvey Yonnondio Lodge Richard A. Searing Yonnondio Lodge William K. Barlow Cyrene Commandery 101 Durand Manufacturing Company EASTERN WIDEWATERS {Cit/ver Road) ROCHESTER, N. Y. FOOT POWER LAUNCH. THE FINEST PLEASURE BOAT IN THE WORLD, « MILES IN NINE HOURS, ACTUAL TEST. BOATS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Steam Yachts, Gasoline Launches, Foot Poxvcr Launches, Ball Beariiig Stuffing Boxes. Sailing Yachts, Cat Boats, St. Laivrcnce Skiffs, Canadian Model Canoes. CAREFUL ATTENTION TO SPECIAL ORDERS CALL AND SEE OUR NEW FACTORY The most complete and extensive plant for manufacturing Soda Fountain Requisites in the world. Originators of Concentrated True Fruit Syrups, Flavoring Extracts, Shrub, and the celebrated ^^Pan-American Orangeade." One million glasses sold at Buffalo Exposition. J. HUNGERrORD SMITH CO.. Rochester. N. Y. E. SCHIRCK LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and REPAIRED. DIES and METALIC MODEL MAKING Bicycles Built to Order M. T. G. ARTIFICIAL LEG JOINTS Bicycle Repairing a Specialty 191 WEST MAIN STREET ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ^no OmcersMorwoe Qommandery,12, X U. ©ntDarD, Cf)ri0tian gsiolliiera I Ezra M. SpARI-IN, . Eminent Commander 1 Fred'k R. Smith, .... Generalissimo 3 George F. Loder, . . . Captain-General 4 Richard A. Searing, Prelate 5 Thomas G. Young, . . . Associate Prelate 6 Fred H. Beach, . . 7 Henry P. Neun, . . 8 Charles H. Carson,. 9 William J. McKelvey, 10 Sidney E. White, Senior IVarilen Junior Warder . Treasurer Recorder Standard Bearer n Conrad Eckhardt, . 12 Emil H. Schmidt, 13 Frank H. Dennis, 14 Charles M. Colton, 15 Fred E. Ward, . . Sword Bearer ■ . Warder ■ Third Guard Second Guard First Guard Hollister Lumber Co. Limited Dealers in Lumber and Coal D. STUCK Wall Paper, Paints, Carpets, Straw Matting Lace Curtains, Window Shades 98 State St. 69-71-73 Main St. E. Rates, $1.25 Per Day, Upward. Home - Phone 8i6 - Bell Seventy-five Newly Fitted Rooms. Franklin House THOS. DOUD, Proprietor Latest Conveniences, Steam Heat, Etc. Franklin Street, Cor. North Rochester, N. Y. Near Main Street East TO W TO TO^ <^ § « 2 ^ ^.^ 43^ Wall Paper Fabrics Frescoing A. E. Fisher & Co. \MillinQton 48 East Avenue \ ^ Rochester, N. T. H ___— ■:-:^=a S T f^ TV ^ Special Designs Furnished Both Phones HENRY P. NEUN CHAPMAN & GOODENOUGH o • .• c T -^u u- Steam & Hot Water He atim rrinting ^ Lithoe^raphms: „ ^ ^ O 1 & I Plumhing and Gas Fitting EMBOSSED SOCIETY CARDS Rochester N. V. ^^° ^^^^^ ^^'^^^ ' ^''""^ '^" Rochester, N. Y. 1 3 5-9 iS--- 200 North Water St. .? r FUNERAL v DIRECTORS mJW^ BARNARD, PORTER & VIALL Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Paints, Oils, Glass, Brushes, Famishes and Artists' Materials 15, 17, 19 North Water Street Rochester, N. Y. Telephone 695 "^SJM^S^^^i ^m^^Jm^S^^!^!^^^ Thomas W. Shannon Chairman Dance Committee Oscar B. Spiehler Dance Committee William F. Goefzman Dance Committee Adam J. Hockley Dance Committee William H. Whiting, 33^ Past Grand Lecturer William S. Coon Past Master Yonnondio Lodge Andrew Ludolph Past Master Yonnondio Lodge Frank A. Brownell Corinthian Temple Lodge William Bausch Genesee Falls Lodge Samuel R. Parry Yonnondio Lodge George G. Clarkson Valley Lodge William T. Plumb Yonnondio Lodge 105 fflasorp ^r^ouver\ir^ Ride in a Coach Or a Carriage or a Coupe. We have over sixty different styles of turnouts and know we can please you. Two Big Stables We have a stable on the East Side and on the West Side, both filled with splendid, well groomed horses and stylish carriages. Call us up. Payne-Thompson Co. West Side Stables : 136 Jefferson Avenue 'Phones Z79J East Side Stables : 17, 19, 21 Cortland St. 'Phones 1401 Stylish and Reliable Service Masonic Life Association of Western New York Masonic Temple, 'Buffalo Commenced Business 1872. Is the only Life Insurance Company in the world whose membership is made up wholly of Masons. $4,000,000 Paid in Death and Disability Losses To Free and Accepted Masons only, we offer the benefits of Fraternal Insurance without the expense and risk incidental to societies operating under the Lodge System. We have a reserve of over j!i3o,ooo to secure Safety and never in our history were we more prosperous NELSON O. TIFFANY, Secretary and Manager FRANK P. AMSDEN, General Agent for Rochester and Vicinity Costs about one-half that charged by an Old Line Company. Guaranteed just as good. Returned over $18,000.00 tb its Policy Holders in Dividends, December, igo2 FRANK J. AMSDEN and SAM B. WILLIAMS Directors for Rochester EDWARD B. LEARY Speing. Cleaning. Brj> Cleaning Rochester ^ Phone lybj Bell 'Phone I J41 Mail WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED FREE MILL STREET Corner of PL ATT Rochester, N. Y. Mourning orders command our best facilities and most prompt attention 106 '^^P^J'ii^i^P^'' Cvx^yr Charles Bradshaw Rochester Lodge Howard H. Widener Yonnondio Lodge Henry S. Redman Corinthian Temple Lodge Herman Russ Yonnondio Lodge Merton E. Lewis Rochester Lodge A. George Tegg Yonnondio Lodge Henry J. Durgin Valley'Lodge Charles Strauchen Yonnondio Lodge George G. Muntz Genesee Falls Lodge John A. Graham Yonnonndio Lodge Chauncey G. Starkweather Valley Lodge George W. Freckelton Yonnondio Lodge 107 EALL & SONS C a t e r e r s 1 39 East Avenue Rochester, N. Y. 'Both 'Phones 2 8 I James B. Pierce Fine Custom Shirts :^ No. g Clinton Ave. North Rochester, N. Y. Joseph B. Gleason Louis F. Zimmer GLEASON & ZIMMER CO. 158 Monroe Avenue Fine Plumbing Crosman's 275 MAIN STREET EAST Have a very large assortment of Christmas Goods Holly and Ground Pine Wreaths Mistletoe, Wild Smilax, Laurel Palms, Boston Ferns, RubherPlants, Florists' Supplies Gold Fish, Jardiniers, Fish Globes, Canary Birds, Cages, Etc. Garden, Flower and Farm Seeds Poultry and Pigeon Supplies Crosman Brothers 275 Main Street East 503 Monroe Avenue 108 Raymond Rulifson Senior Steward Yonnondio Lodge Alonzo F. Peo Rochester Lodge Frederick Sigler Valley Lodge Merritt E. Graham Genesee Falls Lodge George Swikehard Valley Lodge George W. Winkleman Yonnondio Lodge M. J. Lynn Rochester Lodge Jefferson Young Yonnondio Lodg-e Wesley Trousdale Rochester Lodge Sietara Takeda Genesee Falls Lodge Frank Leavenworth Genesee Falls Lodge Thomas A. Burchill Valley Lodge 109 Wheeler -Stenzel Co. Glass 26-30 Sudbury Street BOSTON, MASS. J. G. LuiTWEiLER & Sons Paints Oils, Varnish, 'Brushes, Glue, Gold Paints, Bronzes, Artists' Materials 24 South Avenue Opp, Cook Opera House Interior Wood Work Sawing and Turning CHAPMAN &' GOETZMAN Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Stairs, fVindow and Door Frames Plate and Sheet Glass Water St., cor. River Steam Stone Sawmil Street and Sewer Contracting Whitmore, Rauber & Vicinus Dealers in ail kinds of Cut Stone, Flag Walks, Portland Cement Walks, German Rock Asphalt, Fire Brick, Floors of all kinds Sole Agents for Genesee Portland. Buffalo Cement, and Kings Windsor Plaster. Office of the Rochester German Brick and Tile Co. and VVayland Portland Cement Co. OFFICE AND YARD, 279 SOUTH AVENUE. Geo. Engert & Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in COAL No. 306 Exchange Street Rochester, N. Y. Meng & Shafer Manufacturers and Importers of Fine Furs The oldest established fur manufacturers in Western New York. 186 E. Main St. Opp. Stone St. II State Street Powers Block 14 West Main St. Powers Block Miss G. A. Woodworth 30 Main Street East Rochester, N. Y. ALL GROCERS G B FLOU Makes Better BI^EAD THAN ANY OTHER FLOUR Rochester 'Ph one 2552 Bell, Long Distance 1841 S. B. H E R S H E Y, President and Treasurer. THE CENTRAL PRINTING & ENGRAVING COMPANY E. C. TAN GER, Secretary and Gen' I Mgr. 1 2 and 1 4 South Water Street OF ROCHESTER N.Y. ; 2 and 1 4 South Water Street LAUER & HAGAMAN Frederick C. Lauer street anti g'eti^er Contractors AND DEALERS IN MEDINA, OHIO AND OTHER KINDS OF Cut ^tont Esti7?iaies F^irnished S. Wallace Hagaman CONTRACTORS FOR MASONIC TEMPLE Office and Yard 458 Clinton Avenue South, Rochester, N. Y. Ill MA^^'^JZl^^'^'' H. S. JENNER Agent for Saratoga Fichy This Water is Sold in Glass Bottles, Pints and Quarts, at $1 .00 per doz. Pints $1 -SO per doz. quarts Allowances are made for Bottles and Cases returned 350 East Main Street ROCHESTER, N. Y. Home 'Phone 1568 Bell 'Phone 2428 ^nxt $c Ixa^tihtx MANUFACTURERS OF Printers' Rollers 117 to 119 North Water Street ROCHESTER, NEW YORK TROrr BROS. & heistEr GRANITE, MARBLE & BRONZE Modeling, Carving, Interior Marble and Ornamental Plaster Work MUP AL MOME ELECTIROTYPI Ef COMPANY £ LECTROTYPE^ J PM0ME4 9)6 k^ BE E H IVE BL'D. 1 1 AQUEDUCT 5T ROCHESTER. N.Y. ALBERT TEGG, V. S. A. GEORGE TEGG, M. R. C. V. S. Veterinary Surgeons Office, 4^1 State Street Phones, Bell and Home, 846. Residence, Bell 1720 Full Line of Wall Paper and Window Shades in Stock GEO. G. MUNTZ General Painting , Paper Hanging a Specialty. 115 Woodbury Street Rocheste , N. Y. 512 Mount Hope Avenue Rochester, N. Y. Take South Avenae (Reservoir) Car to Mt. Hope Cemetery Second Entrance Telephones WHEN YOU WANT Paper Hanging and Decorating done by an Up-to-Date Decorator of life-long ex- perience call on or send postal to GEO. A. WRIGHT 120 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. JEFFREYS UNDERTAKER 56 EAST AVENUE ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 112