FOUR CHAPTERS of PATERS ON HISTORY n SHRINER ^sBiH^aHsaBiaici 1^^ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE Date Due '4i#.: .9.__ I96f^»> JllJU4-^»*tt DE£M^Um ■^.fm^l i TEI S-^ -ArSHMIi W?-^?^f^ PRINTED IN («5 CAT. NO. 23233 *" 144P4 SSe" ""''"""y Library Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. Four Chapters of Paterson History I. The War for Independence II. The Early White Settlers III. Struggle for Indu^rial Supremacy lY. Municipal Admini^ation BY CHARLES A. SHRINER Author of "Wit, Wisdom ahd Foibles of the Great." 1919 : Lent & Orerkawp Pub. Co. Printers Paterson, N. J. Copyright, 1919, Charles A. Shriner. -) .2 ^ x5 3c5^/->/-'"^' Introductory This book would not have been written had it not been for the liberality of a publishing house. The Lewis His- torical Publishing Company is about to issv,e in three volumes William Nelson's History of Paterson. All who were acquainted with Mr. Nelson knew him to be inde^ fatigable in his historical researches. His History of Paterson was his life's work; at the time of his death he had written over a million words of his History. All this vast material, together with a great deal more obtained from equally reliable sources, has been placed at the disposal of the author of these Four Chapters of Paterson History. This book is intended for use in the school room and for the perusal of such persons as take an interest in the early days of Paterson and in the growth of the city from its beginning to the eminence it has attained as a place for industry and residence. C. A. S. Paterson, N. J., August 15, 1919. ' The War for Independence The War for Independence The people of New Jersey took an active part in the quarrel between this country and Great Britain over the question of taxation. They were willing contributors, both in men and money, to the wars waged by England against the French, the Indians and other enemies in this country, but they wanted to have something to say about how the money was to be collected for the benefit of the mother country. The subject was one that afforded numerous dis- cussions in the assembly and other lawmaking bodies. GROUNDS FOR LOCAL COMPLAINT. But the people living in this part of New Jersey had two additional grievances. The English government passed a law making it a crime to cut down any white pine trees on lands not enclosed by fences; English men of money owned millions of acres of forests, especially south of New Jersey, and they were making fortunes out of cutting down the white trees and using them for masts; they did not want any interference with the profit they were making and so they had enacted the law which made it a crime to cut down any pine trees on unenclosed lands, as most of the lands in New Jersey were. The second grievance arose from the extensive mining operations carried on in the northern part of what is now Passaic county; there was no reason in those days why articles of iron should not have been made in this country: there was plenty of iron in the earth ; there were men to dig it and there were men who knew how to work the iron after 8 FOUR CHAPTERS OP PATERSON HISTORY the ore had been reduced: England then passed a law making it a crime for any person in this country to make any article of iron. The law was passed in the interest of the iron manufacturers of England. All that the people in this country could do was to ship the iron, after it had been reduced from the ore, to England, where men would make it into various articles and sell these back to the people in this country at a high rate of profit. Nevertheless the mines at Charlotteburg and Ringwood continued to be worked; the iron was taken by wagon through Paterson to the river at Passaic where it was loaded on vessels and taken to England. STILL LOYAL TO ENGLAND. The population in this country at that time was divided into two parties: those who thought England was wrong and those who thought England was right. Among the former was Henry Garritse, who lived along the river road, near where a cross road leads to Clifton, and Theunis Dey, who lived in Preakness. Both attended a meeting held in Newark in July, 1774, where arrangements were begun for the formation of a congress of the colonies. Both were members of the state legislature which met at Perth Amboy in January, 1775, and both voted for a petition sent to England asking relief from some of the laws to which this country objected. The only answer came from Parliament in April in the form of more laws hampering industry in this country. At a meeting held at Passaic Bridge in May, 1775, a committee of twenty-three was appointed to assist in carry- ing out the plan adopted in Newark. Of this committee six lived in what are now the boundaries of the city of Paterson: Michael Vreeland, Francis Post, Abraham Godwm, Cor- nelius Van Winkle, Henry Post and Stephen Ryder; the THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 9 last-named subsequently deserted the American cause and went over to the English. At the time the committee of twenty-three was appointed there was little thought of independence and all were still loyal to England. The Pro- vincial Congress met in Trenton on May 23, 1775, and made arrangements to enroll aU males between sixteen and fifty years of age in the militia, but there was little thought at the time that the soldiers thus called together might shoulder arms against England; even in November, 1775, the assembly of which Henry Garritse and Theunis Dey were members, passed a resolution of loyalty to England. A HISTORIC BRIDGE. One of the first bridges thrown across the Passaic river stood, where a bridge at the present day spans the stream, in the lower part of Passaic, below the old church on the hill so plainly visible to passengers on the Erie passing through Passaic. Unlike the present bridge, it was a rude structure, built of wood, but it was of more importance to the country than has been any bridge erected there since. In warfare a point of the greatest consideration is the move- ment of troops; the bridge at Passaic was the only bridge on which troops could cross the river and consequently it was of vast importance when, in November, 1776, General William Howe had formed a plan of entering New Jersey from the North and attacking the American forces. The English were far stronger in numbers than were the Ameri- cans and it required a great deal of good generalship on the part of Washington to prevent the destruction of his army. The Americans stiU had possession of Fort Washington, in the upper part of what is now New York city, but they were being harassed by the British and their mercenaries. General Greene was encamped at Fort Lee and here he was Joined on November 10 by General Mercer, who came up 10 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATBRSON HISTORY from the southern part of New Jersey; these were the first troops that passed through Paterson and crossed the river at Passaic. Lord Stirling, an American General, was with his forces some distance up the Hudson river; he crossed the Hudson at Haverstraw and marched to Fort Lee, and thence to Passaic, where he arrived on the 14th; with his eight regiments he proceeded to his destination, New Bruns- wick, leaving three regiments at Rahway. A RACE ACROSS BERGEN COUNTY. Washington had seen through the plans of the British generals and as early as November 7 had sent word to Pas- saic, warning the people there of the treatment they might expect at the hands of the enemy. He reached Fort Lee from Peekskill on November 3 and on the 15th was at Hackensack. Then he hurried back to Fort Lee, for the British had demanded the surrender of Fort Washington. The British, however, were too strong for the Americans and it was with sadness that he heard of the surrender of the fort with all its garrison and nearly all its stores; when it was evident that the fort would be compelled to surrender an attempt was made to move men and stores across the river, but the British appeared in overwhelming forces before this could be accomplished. The surrender of the fort opened the way for the British to carry out their plan of marching into New Jersey and on the 19th Lord Cornwallis crossed the river and landed at Closter, about five mUes above Fort Lee. Greene at once abandoned Fort Lee and started for Hackensack and he was as expeditious about it as possible, for it was a question whether he or the British could first reach the bridge called even at the present day New Bridge. Fortunately the British did not march as quickly as had been feared and the American army crossed in safety. From November 15 to 20 THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 11 Washington and his army were at Hackensack preparing for the toilsome march to New Brunswick where they hoped to join Lord Stirling. They left Hackensack on the 20th and, passing through where Lodi and Garfield are now situated, reached Passaic in two days. On the same day on which they crossed the bridge some British troops appeared on the other side, but it was too late, for the American forces were busily engaged in tearing down the bridge, succeeding in accomplishing this before the British could begin an attack. Among those who assisted in this work of destruction were men from the immediate neighborhood, notably John H. Post, a farmer and carpenter, who was bom where Passaic now stands, and who in after years frequently told of the work of destruction done on the 22d of November. The American armies now lay on one side of the river and the British on the other. Washington gave his forces a rest and on the 28th started the march to New Brunswick, much to the chagrin of the British who could see the preparations for the retreat without being able to do anything to interfere with it. WHY THE BRITISH WERE SO SLOW. When the British found themselves safe on the New Jersey side of the Hudson they took time to develop their plans. A detachment was at once sent forward to find out where the Americans were and it was this detachment that arrived too late at New Bridge and subsequently at Passaic. After a consultation between Howe and Cornwallis the main body started into motion on the 24th and two days later reached the Passaic river, where they found out what had taken place. In order to reach the American army it was necessary to cross the Passaic and this the British de- termined to do. There was a ford in the river, just below where Dundee dam now stands, but the river was swollen 12 FOUR OHAPTEES OP PATBRSON HISTORY and huge cakes of ice were coming down the stream. Yet the ford offered the only opportunity of reaching the Ameri- cans and so the British determined to try it. In order to find the shallow parts of the ford and avoid the deep holra the British compelled Adrian Post, the son of a miller nearby, to go ahead. Post had no choice in the matter and did as he was told, contracting a pulmonary trouble, from which he died twelve years later. The British crossed the river at the ford, marched along the Passaic to Second river and thence to Newark, reaching the latter city just as the Americans were marching out of it on the other side. This pursuit of the American forces gave rise to an animated discussion in the British Parliament some time after. It was pointed out that it had taken the British two days to cover eight miles; it was pleaded in their behalf that the weather was very bad, there being a great deal of rain and cold, but the opinion that most of the British people arrived at was expressed by one of their statesmen, who said: "If our generals had not been so fond of their beds and bellies the revolution would have ended in British success in 1776 in New Jersey." This may have been true, although the generalship of Washington might have pre- vented a defeat; the fondness charged to the British was fuUy corroborated by investigations in later years. When the British forces had effected the crossing of the Passaic river, they abandoned themselves to pillage. Some of them strayed as far as where the Market street bridge now stands and they took possession of everything they could lay their hands on; a great deal of what they could not carry away they destroyed, a proceeding the soldiers indulged in all along their line of march. Every house they came to was stripped of its furniture and every bam of its contents. Hundreds of horses, cows, sheep, hogs and chickens, and thousands of dollars in coin, jewelry, clothing and produce THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 13 followed in the wake of Washington's retreating army but in the possession of British soldiers. ComwaUis and Howe followed Washington to New Brunswick; here ComwaUis was anxious to begin an attack but was restrained by Howe, who thought it better to wait. The British forces did wait and thus they made possible the battles of Trenton and Princeton. On November 28 another body of British troops, princi- pally Hessian mercenaries, left New York, and followed Howe and ComwaUis, plundering as they went. In Sep- tember, 1777, a marauding party from Sir Henry Clinton's army visited Passaic and went up the river as far as Market street, Paterson. In May of that same year General Nathaniel Heard, of the New Jersey militia, threw up some fortifications at Pompton and in the following month was ordered back to the same place by General Philemon Dickinson, at the request of General Washington. One of the objects of General Heard's presence at Pompton was the protection of the CannonbaU road, by which cannon baUs, made at Ring- wood, were taken to the American forces. This road was formerly a goal of sightseers from Paterson; what was left of it some years ago was discernible a short distance north of the Pompton Lakes station on the New York, Susque- hanna & Western railroad, and from there it could be easily traced to Rotten pond; it was finally abandoned by the authorities. After the battle of Monmouth in 1778, Washington returned to the Hudson river, passing through Passaic on July 9. In October Lord Stirling had his headquarters at Passaic, the object being to put a stop to the doings of marauding parties of British soldiery. 14 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATEBSON HISTORY In May, 1779, Captain Ferguson headed a marauding party which penetrated through Bergen county and came to Paterson by way of Paramus. At Vreeland avenue they took two horses from Abraham C. Vreeland and at Twen- tieth avenue five horses from Michael Vreeland. They con- tinued on down the river road for some distance, pillaging as they went. On May 29, 1779, Washington broke camp at Middle- brook for the purpose of checking a British advance in the direction of West Point, the American army passing through Pompton and Ringwood. They went over the same route later in the year on the way to winter quarters at Morris- town, where Lafayette joined Washington. WASHINGTON AT TOTOWA. Washington with his army was encamped between the Falls of the Passaic and Preakness on July 4, 1780, remain- ing there until the 29th of the month, when the army marched to Paramus, being encamped there and at Tappan. Washington had been informed that the British contem- plated an attack on Rhode Island and in order to check this the American forces were marched towards the Hudson river as if intending to attack the British in New York. Washington's threatening attitude induced the British to give up their idea of marching towards Rhode Island and, this having been accomplished, the American forces returned to New Jersey. On October 7, Washington wrote from Paramus : "We have had a cold, wet, and tedious march, on account of Che feeble state of our cattle. My intention is to proceed with them to the neighhorhood of the Passaic Falls." The army returned to its former camp at Totowa and Preakness and remained there until November 27, when THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 15 Washington went into winter quarters at Morristown, leav- ing the New Jersey Brigade at Pompton and the Clove. Washington's headquarters, while his army {was in camp at Totowa and Preakness, were at the Dey house, a building which can be reached at the present day by going about two and a half miles along the road running westerly from the river at Lincoln Bridge. When Washington was at the Dey house that building was one of the most preten- tious in this part of the country. Just when it was built is a matter of uncertainty, the likelihood being that it was erected about a quarter of a century before the Revolution by Theunis Dey, a man whose name figures prominently in the Revolutionary annals of the time. He was the son of Dirck Dey and according to some traditions it was Dirck Dey who erected the building before the birth of Theunis. The house, two stories with a double pitch roof, has a frontage of fifty-two feet and is thirty feet in depth. The house is of brick, the doors and windows being handsomely framed with polished brown sandstone. The side and rear are of rubble work. The timbers on the inside are of massive oak, fastened together with pins of wood, after the fashion of building houses in those days. A centre hall, twelve feet wide, has two rooms on each side. The house stands today as it stood during Washington's occupancy, with the exception of the two dormer windows in the roof, these having been added many years later. The location of the various divisions of the American army, while Washington was at Preakness, is indicated on the accompanying map. A VISIT TO Washington's camp. The Marquis de Chastellux, a French nobleman, visited Washington at Preakness and tells of it as follows: THE WAB FOR INDEPENDENCE 17 I found myself in a small plain, where I saw a handsome farm ; a small camp which seemed to cover it, a large tent extended in the court, and several wagons round it, convinced me that this was his Excellency's quarter; for it is thus Mr. Washington is called in the army, and throughout America. M. de la Fayette was in conversation with a tall man, five foot nine inches high, (about five foot ten inches and a half English,) of a noble and mild countenance. It was the general himself. I was soon off horseback, and near him. The compli- ments were short ; the sentiments with which I was animated, and the good wishes he testified for me were not equivocal. He conducted me to his house, where I found the company still at table, although the dinner had been long over. He presented me to the Generals Knox, Wayne, Howe, &c. and to his family, then composed of Colonels Hamil- ton and Tilgman, his secretaries and his aids-de-camp, and of Major Gibbs, commander of his guards ; for in England and America, the aids- de-camp, adjutants and other officers attached to the general, form what is called his family. A fresh dinner was prepared for me and mine; and the present was prolonged to keep me company. A few glasses of claret and madeira accelerated the acquaintances I had to make, and I soon felt myself at my ease near the greatest and the best of men. The goodness and benevolence which characterise him, are evident from every thing about him ; but the confidence he gives birth to, never occasions Improper familiarity; for the sentiment he inspires has the same origin in every individual, a profound esteem for his virtues, and a high opinion of his talents. About nine o'clock the general ofBcers withdrew to their quarters, which were all at a consider- able distance; but as the general wished me to stay in his own house, I remained some time with him, after which he conducted me to the chamber prepared for my aids-de-camp and me. This chamber occupied the fourth part of his lodgings ; he apologized to me for the little room he had in his disx>osal, but always with a noble politeness, which was . neither complimentary nor troublesome. At nine the next morning they informed me that his excellency was come down into the parlor. This room served at once as audience chamber and dining-room. I immediately went to wait on him, and found breakfast prepared. Whilst we were at breakfast, horses were brought, and General Washington gave orders for the army to get under arms at the head of the camp. The weather was very bad, and it had already begun raining; we waited half an hour; but the General seeing that it was more likely to increase than to diminish, determined to get on horse- back. Two horses were brought him, which were a present from the state of Virginia ; he mounted one himself, and gave me the other. Mr. Lynch and Mr. de Montesquieu, had each of them, also, a very handsome blood horse, such as we could not find at Newport for any money. We repaired to the artillery camp, where General Knox received us: the artillery was numerous, and the gunners, in very fine order, were formed in parade, in the foreign manner, that is, each gunner at his battery, and ready to fire. The General was so good as to apologize to me for the cannon not firing to salute me; be said, that 18 FOUR OHAPTEBS OF PATERSON HISTORY having put all the troops on the other side of the river in motion, and apprized them that he might himself march along the right bank, he was afraid of giving the alarm, and of deceiving the detadiments that were out. We gained at length, the right of the army, where we saw the Pennsylvania line; it was composed of two brigades, each forming three battalions, without reckoning the light infantry, which were de- tached with the Marquis de la Fayette. General Wayne, who com- manded It, was on horseback, as well as the Brigadiers and Colonels. They were all well mounted : the ofiBcers also had a very military air ; they were well ranged, and saluted very gracefully. Each brigade had a band of music; the march they were then playing was the Huron. I knew that this line, though in want of many things, was the best clothed in the army ; so that his excellency asking me whether I would proceed, and see the whole army, or go by the shortest road to the camp of the Marquis, I accepted the latter proposal. The troops ought to thank me for it, for the rain was falling with redoubled force; they were dismissed, therefore, and we arrived heartily wet at the Marquis de la Fayette's quarters, where I warmed myself with great pleasure, partaking, from time to time, of a large bowl of grog, which is station- ary on his table, and is presented to every officer who enters. The rain appearing to cease, or inclined to cease for a moment, we availed our- selves of the opportunity to follow his excellency to the camp of the Marquis : we found all his troops in order of battle on the heights to the left, and himself at their head; expressing by his air and counten- ance, that he was happier in receiving me there, than at his estate in Auvergne. The confidence and attachment of the trooi)s, are for him invaluable possessions, well acquired riches, of whicfh nobody can de- prive him ; but what, in my opinion, is still more flattering for a young man of his age, is the influence and consideration he has acquired among the political, as well as the military order : I do not fear contra- diction when I say, that private letters from him have frequently pro- duced more effect on some states than the strongest exhortations of the Congress. On seeing him, one is at a loss which most to admire, that so young a man as he should have given such eminent proofs of talents, or that a man so tried, should give hopes of so long a career of glory. Fortunate his country, if she knows how to avail herself of them ; more fortunate still should she stand in no need of oalliug them into exer- tion! The rain spared us no more at the camp of the Marquis, than at that of the main army; so that our review being finished, I saw with pleasure General Washington set off in a gallop to regain his quarters. We reached them as soon as the badness of the roads would i)ermit us. At our return we found a good dinner ready, and about twenty guests, among whom were Generals Howe and Sinclair. The repast was in the English fashion, consisting of eight or ten large dishes of butcher's meat, and poultry, with vegetables of several sorts, followed by a second course of pastry, comprized under the two denominations of pies and puddings. After this the cloth was taken ofC, and apples and a great quantity of nuts were served, which General Washington usually con- tinues eating for two hours, toasting and conversing all the time. These THE WAR rOE INDEPENDENCE 19 nuts are small and dry, and have so hard a shell, (hickory nuts) that they can only Ije* broken by the hammer; they are served half open, and the company are never done picking and eating them. The conver- sation was calm and agreeable; his Excellency was pleased to enter with me into the particulars of some of the principal operations of the war, but always with a modesty and conciseness, which proved that it was from pure complaisance he mentioned it. About half past seven we rose from table, and immediately the servants came to Shorten it, and convert it into a round one; for at dinner it was placed diagonally to give more room. I was surprised at this manoeuvre, and asked the reason of It ; I was told they were going to lay the cloth for supper. In half an hour I retired to my chamber, fearing lest the General might have business, and that he remained in company only on my account ; but at the end of another half hour, I was informed that his Excellency expected me at supper. I returned to the dining-room, protesting against this supper; but the General told me he was accus- tomed to take something in the evening; that if I would be seated, I should only eat some fruit, and assist in the conversation, I desired nothing better, for there were then no strangers, and nobody remained but the General's family. The supper was composed of three or four light dishes, some fruit, and above all, a great abundance of nuts, which were as well received in the evening as at dinner. The weather was so bad on the 25th, that it was impossible for me to stir, even to wait on the Generals, to whom M. de la Fayette was to conduct me. I easily consoled myself for this, finding it a great ■luxury to pass a whole day with General Washington, as if he were at his house in the country, and had nothing to do. The Generals Olover, Huntington, and some others, dined with us, and the Colonels Stewart and Butler, two officers distinguished in the army. The weather being fair, on the 2eth, I got on horseback, after breakfasting with the general. He was so attentive as to give me the horse he rode on, the day of my arrival, which I had greatly commended: I found him as good as he is handsome; but above all, perfectly well broke, and well trained, having a good mouth, easy in band, and stopping short in a gallop without bearing the bit. I men- tion these minute particulars, because it is the general himself who breaks all his own horses ; and he is a very excellent and bold horse- man, leaping the highest fences, and going extremely quick, without standing upon his stirrups, bearing on the bridle, or letting his horse run wild ; circumstances which our yoimg men look upon as so essential a part of English horsemanship, that they would rather break a leg or an arm than renounce them. My first visit was to General Wayne, where Mr. de la Fayette was waiting to conduct me to the other general officers of the line. We were received by General Huntington, who appeared rather young for the rank of Brigadier-General, whicfh he has held two years: his carriage is cold and reserved, but one is not long in perceiving him to •be a man of sense and information ; by General Glover, about five and forty, a little man, but active and a good soldier ; by (Jeneral Howe, who is one of the oldest Major-Generals, and who enjoys the consideration 20 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY due to bis rank, though, from unfavourable circumstances, be has not ■been fortunate in war, particularly in Georgia, where be commanded with a very small force, at the time General Provost took possession of it : be is fond of music, the arts, and pleasure, and has a cultivated mind. I remained a considerable time with bim, and saw a very curious lusus natura, but as hideous as possible. It was a young man of a Dutch family, whose bead was become so enormous, that it took the whole nourishment from bis body ; and his hands and arms were so weak that be was unable to make use ot them. He lies constantly in bed, with his monstrous head supported by a piUow; and as be has long been accustomed to lie on bis right side, bis right arm is in a state of atrophy: be is not quite an idiot, but be could never learn any thing, and has no more reason than a child of five or six years old, though be is seven and twenty. This extraordinary derangement of the anunal economy proceeds from a dropsy, with which be was attacked in bis infancy, and which displaced the bones that form the cranium. We know that these 'bones are joined together by sutures, which are soft in the first period of life, and harden and ossify with age. Such an exuberance, so great an afElux of humour in that, which of all the viscera seems to require the most exact proportion, as well to what relates to the life as to the understanding of man, afford stronger proof of the necessity of an equilibrium between the solids and the fluids, than the existence of the final causes. The big-headed man, referred to by the Marquis, was Pieter Van Winkle, who was bom in 1754, and died at the age of thirty-one years. Samuel Dewees, who was a fifer in a Pennsylvania regiment, described him as follows: His body was cbunkey and about the size of a healthy boy of ten or twelve years old and he laid in a kind of cradle, but bis head (although shaped like to a human bead), was like a flour barrel in size, and it was common for one soldier to describe it to others by comparing it to a flour barrel. It bad to be lifted about (the body could not support it) whenever and wherever it had to be moved to. His senses appeared to 'be good, and it was usual for us to say, "be can talk like a lawyer." He would talk to every person that visited bim. ■All the soldiers that visited bim and that had any money, would always give him something. It was said that General Washington when be jwent to see bim gave bis father the sum of four or five hundred dollars as a present to aid in bis support. Although I have here attempted a description of bis person and appearance, it beggared every description I can give, as no person can conceive truly his appearance, but those that seen him. Among the visitors to Pieter Van Winkle was General LaFayette, who, on his return visit to Totowa, in 1824, in- quired after the health of this prodigy. THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 21 ANECDOTES ABOUT WASHINGTON. Numerous anecdotes are told of Washington while he was in the neighborhood, anecdotes trite in themselves, but interesting because of their connection with Washington. Thus, Lena Van Houten, who lived with her parents on the bank of the Passaic river near Lincoln bridge, was returning to her home with a pail of water from the river; she was a young girl and as she trudged along merrily she was singing. She noticed that she was being followed at a respectful distance by a man who was evidently deriving pleasure from her singing. She entered the house and was followed by the man, who with stately courtesy asked her to repeat the song. She looked up and saw the well known face and figure of George Washington. She was so overcome that she left the room as hurriedly as possible. Simeon Hopper was bom in 1780 and he was only a few hours old when Washington fondled him; holding him up in his broad hands, he exclaimed, "In eighteen years I shall have another soldier." Washington occasionally went out hunting and at times was accompanied by Comehus Doremus, then fifteen years of age. Doremus frequently told that it was Washington's custom at nine o'clock in the evening, to place a Bible upon a stand, read a chapter and then offer prayer. When Wash- ington was about to leave, he took Cornelius by the hand and said, "Cornelius, you are a good boy. Always mind your father, and speak the truth." TRML OF Arnold's accomplice. Benedict Arnold visited Washington at Preakness on July 28, 1780, probably for the purpose of obtaining all the information possible, for he was already in communication with the British, to whom he had offered to surrender West Point. When Major John Andre was arrested, Joshua Hett 22 FOUB CHAPTERS OF PATBRSON HISTORY Smith was also taken into custody, for he had accompanied Andre to the place where the treason was arranged. Smith was taken along when the army moved from Tappan to Totowa and he was there tried for treason. While the case was pending he was quartered at the Passaic Hotel, corner of River and Bank streets, Paterson, concerning which he wrote subsequently that the landlady refused him admit- tance when she discovered who he was. This was certainly not at all surprising, for the landlady was Mrs. Abraham Godwin, whose husband had given up his life in the cause of freedom; two of her sons were in the American army and a third was in a British prison ship in New York harbor. The court rendered a peculiar verdict: it was to the effect that Smith was guilty of all the acts charged against him, but, as he had no guilty knowledge of the intentions of Andre, he was acquitted. In anticipation of a possible failure of justice another warrant had been issued for his arrest and he was hurried off to Goshen for another trial. Here he made his escape at night and found his way through Ringwood and Pompton, back to Totowa. He spent the day- concealed in the woods and at night found a smaU canoe in which he crossed the Passaic. He gained the top of Garret mountain and finally reached Jersey City, from which escape to the British in New York was a matter of ease. A COURT MARTIAL AT POMPTON. The story of the revolt of some New Jersey soldiers while in camp at Pompton does not make very pleasant reading, but there are more dark pages in history than such as give pleasure. The trouble began on January 1, 1781, when the Pennsylvania line mutinied. It may be said in extenuation of the gravity of their offence, that the soldiers were ill-clad and half-starved and that they were suffering all other privations which a lack of funds and a rigorous. THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 23 climate could bring. There was also a question whether the men were not right in demanding that they should have the privilege of returning to their homes. They had enlisted "for three years or during the war." What did this mean? Were the men to serve during the war if it did not last more than three years, or were they to serve during the whole war no matter how long it lasted? The Pennsylvania Line took up their march to Philadelphia with a view to compelling Congress to redress their grievances. Congress appointed a commission; the difficulty was smoothed over and the men returned to their camps. The mutineers had been at least partially successful and this had a bad effect on the New Jersey soldiers. Foreseeing that there would be trouble, most of the New Jersey soldiers were sent to Chatham. One hundred and sixty of them remained at Pompton. One of the demands these made was that they should receive all the pay due them and they stipulated that they would take seventy-five dollars in paper money for every dollar due. The legislature of New Jersey promptly acceded to this demand, emptying the state treasury in doing so. There stiU remained other grievances, including the question of the term of their enlistment. They were told that the matter should be looked into and replied that their own oaths were better evidence than any official records. Unfortunately they had made the worst possible use, especially under the circumstances, of the money they had received, for most of it found its way into the till at the tavern. Tired of waiting for relief, they placed themselves under the command of Sergeant-Major George Grant on January 20 and rose in open rebellion. Grant was an intelligent soldier and writer, for he had been with General Sullivan in a campaign against the Indians in 1779 and had written a history of the expedition. It was with reluctance that he accepted the new honor thrust upon him, A few of the mutineers went sa 24 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY far as to talk of deserting to the enemy, but this was not the prevailing spirit. Sir Henry Clinton, the British comman- der at New York, however, had heard some of the whispers of treason and he was anxious to take the full benefit of them. He appointed commissioners to treat with the in- surgents and sent an armed force to support them. When the insurgents heard of this they passed a resolution that they would at once put to death any person who suggested desertion to the British and, furthermore, that they would hang any British emissary who made any overtures to that effect. A delegation from the New Jersey legislature arrived, willing to make any promises that could be kept. The soldiers went back to their tents and huts but they did so reluctantly and it was evident that they were doing what they were not willing to do. Word of what had taken place reached Washington and he at once resolved upon drastic measures. There had been too much insubordination and it was time, if the army was to be kept together, that energetic steps should be taken to make it plain that treason would not be tolerated under any circumstances. Washington despatched General Robert Howe with one thousand men ; in his letter of instructions to General Howe he said: "The object of your detachment is to compel the mutineers to unconditional submission ; and I am to desire, that you will grant no terms while they are with arms in their hands in a state of resistance. If you succeed in compelling the revolted troops to a surrender, you will instantly execute a few of the most active and incendiary leaders." General Howe at once proceeded to execute the com- mission. He had serious misgivings, for he was leading men against their fellow soldiers, and his thousand men had the same grievances which had driven the insurgents to extreme measures. He tested the loyalty of his troops in various ways and was satisfied that they would obey orders. He left New Windsor with his troops on one of the coldest days of THE WAR FOB INDEPENDENCE 25 the year and arrived at Ringwood on Friday, January 26. During the night he posted his men close to the camp of the insurgents and every road leading from it was carefully guarded. The demand for surrender came shortly after the break of day and it was a rude awakening for the disaffected soldiers. They were ordered to march unarmed into an ad- joining field. Some of them made attempts to escape but they found all avenues cut off. Finally they yielded and immediately afterwards they told the story of their doings to a court martial, "standing in the snow," as the record reads. Sergeant-Major Grant, Sergeant David GUhnore and Private John Tuttle were convicted of having been the ringleaders in the rebellion and sentenced to death. Grant was pardoned, because it was shown that he had unwillingly assumed the command; the other two were at once shot, the bullets which ended their existence speeding from rifles in the hands of some of their fellow conspirators. Two mounds of stones mark the graves of the fallen; these mounds may still be seen on an elevation in the mountains overlooking the railroad station at Pompton Lakes. A guard sufficient to protect the stores at Ringwood and Pompton was left behind; the rest of the army, including the men who had rebelled, marched south on their way to Yorktown. CHANGES OF SCENE AT POMPTON. There was a wholly different scene of military activity at Pompton during the latter days of August of that same year. The French general, the Count de Rochambeau, had crossed the Hudson at Stony Point and reached Pompton on the 25th. Instead of half-starved and rag-clad soldiers the natives beheld the flower of the French army officered by some of the greatest noblemen of France. Fully equipped and with an abundance of ammunition they passed through Pompton and thence to Whippany on their way south to be present at the surrender at Yorktown. 26 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATBRSON HISTORY Another and a still different scene was presented at Pompton in December. It was a part of the same army returning victorious from Yorktown; the soldiers were a little bedraggled and their uniforms a little the worse for wear, but the spirit of victory accomplished had taken the place of the grim determination of soldiers about going to battle. The commander of the regiment that passed through Pompton was de Chastellux, who had risen to the dignity of Major-General. On July 12, 1782, Washington passed through Pompton with a part of his army on his way from the Hudson to Philadelphia, to meet Rochambeau. But Washington had not yet seen the last of what is now the territory of Passaic county, for he rode from Newburg to Ringwood in April, 1783, for the purpose of meeting the Secretary of War to make arrangements for the release of prisoners. On August 18, 1783, Washington, accompanied by Mrs. Washington, left his headquarters at Newburg for Rocky Hill, N. J., where he issued his farewell address to his army on Novem- ber 2, and the probability is that he passed through Pomp- ton. Just how many men from Paterson fought in the Revo- lutionary army cannot be ascertained, for in those days the records were not kept with the particularity of the present day. There were many of them, and many were heroes whose deeds of valor and of suffering have never been told or have been long since forgotten. But there were some whose prominence in those days of great opportunities at- tracted more than passing attention. The most prominent, so far as Paterson is concerned, were the patriotic Godwins. A FAMILY OF HEROES. Abraham Godwin, whose father came to this country from England in 1720, was born in New York city on No- THE WAB FOR INDEPENDENCE 27 vember 23, 1724, and there, on May 9, 1747, he married Phebe Cool, whose father had come to this country from Holland in 1722. He was employed as a carpenter in New York but some eight years after his marriage determined to leave and establish a home for himself in what was at that time a wilderness. Among the places he visited was one called Totowa by the Indians; the latter were very friendly and, in fact, seemed anxious to have Godwin come and live among them. He returned to New York and made known his intention of going to New Jersey to live. He was at that time employed by the Dey family and they were re- luctant to part with so good a carpenter. So they offered to give him the south side of Dey street, from Broadway to the Hudson river, if he would work for them to the extent of six hundred pounds. But Godwin had seen New Jersey and, like so many others since, liked it better than New York. He erected a house for himself on what is now the southeast comer of River and Bank streets and he removed thither with his family. The Ringwood company had begun operations in the upper part of the covmty and they were compelled to cart their product, iron, over bad roads to a place on the river near Passaic; their men found Godwin's house a very convenient place to stop at; in this way Godwin became acquainted with the managers of the com- pany and he was soon appointed their agent to purchase goods for them in New York and bring these goods to Pater- son, from whence they could be carted to Ringwood. That he kept on good terms with the Indians is evident from the fact that the Indians were in the habit of sending some of their warriors to his house to look after the safety of the occupants while Grodwin was away on his trips to New York. After the Indians had gone Godwin changed his house into a tavern and for some years did a thriving busi- ness, for the population of the neighborhood was ever in- 28 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATBRSON HISTORY creasing and there were many sightseers from New York attracted by the Falls. But he was not permitted to retain the monopoly, for in 1774 James Leslie opened a tavern at what is now the southwest corner of Redwoods and Totowa avenues. This induced Mr. Godwin to erect a more pre- tentious building for his tavern, a building, subsequently enlarged, which was known for many years as the Passaic Hotel. In the New York Gazette, September 5, 1774, he Announced: "The subscriber has built a new and very commodious house for tavernkeeping, about two hundred yards from his late dwelling house, at the foot of the bridge, on the King's highway to Newark, and intends "God willing, to leave all business as sbopkeeping and farming, and Apply himself solely to tavernkeeping, and to keep as good a house as the country will afford, viz.. Eating, drinking and lodging, with the best accommodation for horses. All gentlemen and ladies who will please favor him with their company, may depend upon the best and genteelest treatment. Should it appear too great a distance from his house to the Falls, any gentlemen or ladies who chuse to go there shall be suppUed ■with horses gratis. A convenient room for dancing, and a fiddler, will always be ready for the service of ladles & gentlemen who may require it. Also a guide to attend any strangers, who shall show them all the natural curiosities at the Falls." Godwin built a number of houses, principally along Broadway, as high up as CarroU street, and was in a fair way to become a man of wealth when the shadows of the Revo- lution began to appear. He a,lso erected a building on the opposite side of the river, which he used for some years as a store house and subsequently as a tavern. He was one of the first to espouse the cause of liberty. He had a com- mission from the king of England as a captain of a company of horse; as he did not approve of the conduct of George III. towards the American colonies he resigned his commission and disbanded the company. This was a signal for a begin- ning of bitter enmity on the part of those who remained loyal to Great Britain. These did all they possibly could vto annoy and injure Godwin and he soon found himself .THE WAB FOB INDEPENDENCE 29 compelled to sell a great deal of his real estate at prices much lower than he considered its true value. He was one of the first to enlist and he soon rose to the rank of captain of marines on board the Lady Washington in the harbor of New York. He was wounded, slightly it was at first supposed, in an engagement at the Highlands of New Jersey, but he returned to his ship. Here he received pain- ful news from home. Marauding bands of English and Hessians had taken possession of his house, destroyed his furniture and put his family in sore straits. He begged his commanding officer for a hundred men with the intention of punishing the marauders, but this was refused. His wound began to give more trouble and, with worried spirit and intense physical suffering, he expired on February 9, 1777. His remains were interred with all military honors at Fishkill, N. Y. Henry Godwin, oldest son of Abraham Godwin, was born February 25, 1751. He left Paterson early in life and was practicing law near Fishkill, N. Y., in 1775, when he enlisted in the Revolutionary army. He rose to be captain of the Fifth New York regiment, which was captured by the British at the surrender of Fort Montgomery, October 6, 1777. For three years he was kept prisoner aboard a ship and then for six months was on parole on Long Island, after which he was exchanged. He returned to his home in New York where he died shortly after, his death being caused by privations endured while he was a prisoner. His remains were interred next to those of his father. Abraham Godwin, bom July 16, 1763, was a little more than thirteen years old, when he joined his brother's com- pany in the Fifth New York regiment as fife major. With him came another brother, David, bom March 5, 1766, who was the regimental drummer. The two boys served throughout the war. Abraham returned to Paterson and 30 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY soon after sold the property he had obtained in the state of New York for his services in the army, using the money thus obtained in repurchasing his father's tavern which had been sold by creditors during the days of the war. David was employed as a carpenter for a number of years in Pat- erson, after which he removed to Rhinebeck, N. Y., where he died. THE ROMANCE OF THE RINGWOOD MINES. Robert Erskine was sent to this country by the London Company to look after their mining interests in what is now the upper part of Passaic county. Iron had been found in the mountains there many years before and iron was what was wanted not only in this country but in Europe. Iron miners came from afar and near, bought lands from the Indians and began digging for ore. But it was not until 1740 that this work was done on a large scale, for in that year the Ringwood Company was formed. The company worked the mines for nearly a quarter of a century and then sold out to the London Company, an organization with a peculiar history. Peter Hasenclever was bom in Germany, but he had lived for many years in Portugal. He was in- terested in the doings in this country and he thought he saw a way in which he could make a great deal of money. There was iron in America, and Portugal wanted iron; Portugal made beads, toys and other such things as the Indians in the West Indies would like to have; there was a great deal of fine fruit in the West Indies, just the kind the people in New York would be willing to give money for. So a number of vessels might sail from Portugal to the West Indies and from there to New York and make money in each place, toys from Portugal, fruits from the West Indies and iron from New York. But Hasenclever could not make the Portuguese see things that way and so he went THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 31 to London where he found people willing enough to risk their money with him. But he could not find miners willing to take their chances in the new country. So he went back to where he had been born and there he had no trouble in inducing a number of miners to go with him. With the cash he had received in London he bought out the Ringwood Company. But Hasenclever found that he could not make any money out of his scheme and so the English, whose money he was spending, brought him back and put John Jacob Faesch in his place. Faesch did not do much better and his place was taken by Erskine. He had about six hundred men working for him, nearly all in the mines, and he was making money for those who employed him, when the Revolutionary war broke out. He at once espoused the cause of this country and organized the workmen in his employ into a company, the services of which he offered to Washington, making a stipulation, however, that the men should not be drafted into other regiments; he wanted to keep his men together, so that in the event of a cessation of hostilities, they could all return to Ringwood. He became an intimate friend of Washington and was commissioned Geographer and Surveyor-General of the American forces. On the road leading from the Hewitt residence to the com- pany's store there may be seen today two tombs, mounds built of brick, on which rest two slabs. One of these slabs indicates that beneath lie buried the remains of "Robert Erskine, F. R. S., Geographer and Surveyor-General to the Army of the United States, Son of Ralph Erskine, late minister at Dunfermline, in Scotland. Bom September 7th, 1735. Died October 2d, 1780. Aged 45 Years and 25 Days." The inscription on the other slab reads: "In Mem- ory of Robert Monteith, Clark to Robert Erskine, Esq. Born at Dunblaine in Scotland. Died December 2, 1778, Aged 33 Years." 32 FOUK CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY THE CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD. One of the most picturesque figures on the streets of early Paterson, a man who was always in demand when there was any activity in military affairs, was that of Briga- dier-General William Colfax, a resident for many years of Pompton, but a frequent visitor in Paterson. He was bom in New London, Conn., July 3, 1756, and took part in the famous battle of Bunker Hill. He was subsequently trans- ferred to a Connecticut regiment. He was at Valley Forge when Washington, on March 17, 1778, issued an order that "one hundred men are to be annexed to the Guard of the Commander-in-Chief, for the purpose of forming a corps, to be instructed in the maneuvres necessary to be intro- duced into the army, and to serve as a model for the execu- tion of them." Birth in this country was a requisite for enlistment in this Guard and the motto selected was "Con- quer or Die." According to the order the guards were to be from five feet eight inches to five feet ten inches in height, between twenty and thirty years of age, of "robust consti- tution, well-limbed, formed for activity, and men of estab- lished character for sobriety and fidelity." In this guard Colfax was lieutenant and subsequently captain comman- dant, succeeding Captain Caleb Gibbs, of Rhode Island. Captain Colfax was wounded three times. On the first occasion, as he was about to give a word of command, a bullet struck his uplifted sword and, glancing down the blade, injured his hand. Shortly after a buUet passed through his right forearm, between the bones, but doing no injiuy to them. On the third occasion the captain was on horseback when a bullet went through his body, between the abdomen and the hip. In the excitement of the battle he paid no attention to the wound until some soldiers saw blood issuing from his boot. He rode to the field hospital, where the wound "\vas found to be more serious than had THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 33 been at first apprehended. He lay sick for some time in the hospital, but when General Washington offered him a fur- lough, that he might go home until fully recovered, he de- clined it, preferring to remain with the army. Some time afterwards, while the army was in winter quarters at Mor- ristown, he accepted the furlough and rode on horseback all the way to his home in Connecticut. He returned very much improved in health and remained with the army until the close of the war. At the surrender of Cornwallis Captain Colfax occu- pied a prominent position near Washington and Rocham- beau, having been placed there by the orders of Washing- ton. It is but natural that in after years he should have been fond of detailing that momentous scene. He said that the surrender took place while the band was playing "Yan- kee Doodle." Cornwallis kept away on the plea of not feeling well, and sent General O'Hara to tender the sword of surrender. The American and French armies were drawn up, facing each other, Washington at the head of one and Rochambeau at the head of the other. General O'Hara did not fancy the task assigned to him; he hesitated between tendering the sword to the general commanding the rebel- lious subjects of his king or tendering it to the general of a nation with which England had had so many bloody wars. But he apparently concluded that it would be less difficult to surrender to a Frenchman. So he seized the sword by the blade and presented the hilt to the French general, when the latter exclaimed, "Me no Washington; me Roch- ambeau," just as if that bit of information were at all necessary. O'Hara then turned to Washington and com- pleted the surrender. That Captain Colfax was a favorite of General Wash- ington and also of Mrs. Washington is evident from two keepsakes still in possession of the Colfax family. One of 34 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATBRSON HISTORY them is an old flint-lock pistol, presented by Washington to Colfax; there were two of them when the presentation was made, but one was lost some years ago. The pistol is ten inches long, the stock ornamented with silver filagree work, and apparently made in Holland, judging from the inscrip- tion, "Thone, Amsterdam." The other keepsake is a net, used to confine the hair when men wore their hair in cues; it was worn for many years by the Captain of the Com- mander's Guard. It is made of linen and was knitted by the hands of Mrs. Washington and by her presented to Colfax. Many people who have not passed far beyond the meridian of life still remember the old house, with the roof sloping almost to the ground in the rear, which stood on the road above Pompton, about a quarter of a mile from where the road to Wanaque and Greenwood Lake branches from the main road. In Revolutionary days this house was the scene of many social festivities, in which Washington and his soldiers took part. It was occupied by the family of Jasper Schuyler, a most attractive member of which evi- dently was the daughter, Hester. Although she was kind and pleasant to all the military men who sought hospitality and entertainment beneath her father's roof, she showed a marked preference to the gallant soldier who commanded the Guard of the Commander-in-Chief. That this friend- ship developed into a sentiment stronger than mere liking is evident from the fact that immediately after the war Captain Colfax repaired to Pompton and there, on August 27, 1783, he married Hester Schuyler. Fifty-five years and a little over after this date the remains of William Colfax, dressed in his uniform as Briga- dier-General, were laid in the family burial plot and there may be seen today the shaft which marks his last resting- place. Those fifty-five years were filled with toil, ease and THE WAE FOR INDEPENDENCE K honor for the most prominent Revolutionary character of what is now Passaic county — toil being his share as a farmer, ease his share when he had accumulated enough of this world's goods to render him independent, and honor his share as justice of the peace, judge of the Court of Common Pleas, assemblyman and Brigadier-General of the Second Division of Infantry of Bergen county. Only once were the peaceful pursuits interrupted during all these years; in 1812 there was another war with England and Brigadier-General Colfax had a command at Sandy Hook. He remained in the service of his country until peace was again declared and then returned to Pompton and his family. In 1824 he was among those who took part in the welcome to Lafayette on that general's return visit to this country; he led the local military in the great parade in Newark and accompa- nied the French general to Hackensack, then along the Goffle towards Paterson and he saw the agitation of the visitor there when he noticed the rude memorial, only a plain board with a suitable inscription, placed there by some of his former soldiers, which indicated the spot where - Lafayette's tent had stood during the dark days of the Revolution ; he led the march through the streets of Pater- son and partook of the banquet tendered to the French general by the grateful and patriotic citizens of Paterson. Brigadier-General Colfax died September 9, 1838, aged eighty-two years and two months. His body was escorted to the grave by the military of Paterson; the old Dutch Reformed church at Pompton never held a larger sorrowing multitude than listened to the funeral oration dehvered by the Rev. Isaac S. Demarest. A HEEO FROM PASSAIC PARK. There was still another resident of Passaic county who attained eminence during the Revolution. His name was 36 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY Daniel Niel and in early life he was a merchant in New York city. He removed to Acquackanonk about 1773 and kept a store where the park is now located at Passajc Bridge. At the outbreak of the war those of his neighbors who still remained loyal to England made hfe as unpleasant for him as possible and he sustained severe pecuniary losses. He joined an Essex coimty regiment in July, 1775, and became adjutant; he was transferred to the artillery and as captain- lieutenant of such, at the head of his corps, he was killed, January 3, 1777, at the battle of Princeton. REMAINED LOYAL TO ENGLAND. But all the people who lived hereabouts in 1775 were not anxious to see this a free country; there were some who preferred loyalty to the home country to freedom in their new homes, but it is pleasant to record that there were not many of them. Two, who were the most prominent, were Robert Drummond and Joseph Ryerson. Drummond was a wealthy merchant and ship-owner at Acquakanonk Land- ing. When trouble between this country and England first became apparent, his thoughts and counsel were with the American cause; he was a member of the Provincial Con- gress and its speaker for two terms, but when war broke out he tendered his services to his king and organized the Second Battalion of New Jersey Volunteers and was com- missioned its major. He enlisted about two hundred men, principally from the Bergen county side of the river. He saw service in the South, where most of his men fell victims to disease consequent upon the climate. After the war he removed to England, where he died in 1789. As a reward for his services he received a pension, and also a farm in Nova Scotia; his brother, David, espoused the cause of this country and his reward was a farm in New York state. Joseph Ryerson was born at Pequannock, February 28, 1761. He entered the army as a cadet when he was only THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE 37 fifteen years of age and rose to the lieutenancy in the Prince of Wales's regiment; as such he distinguished himself at Charleston. His reward was a tract of land in Ontario. He and his three sons saw service in the war of 1812, after which he returned to Ontario, where he died August 9, 1854. The Early White Settlers. The Early White Settlers The land at present occupied by the city of Paterson, and a great deal of land on all sides of it, belonged to the Indians until March 28, 1679, for on that date the following deed was given : Know all men by these Presents that I Captahem Indian Sachem and Chief, Owner of a certain tract of Land Lying and toeing upon Pisawyck Kiver knowne by the name of Haquequenunck, Have for my Selle my Heires and Assignes, in the Presence and by the aprobation and consent of Memlserean, Mindawas, Ghonnajea, Indians and Sachems of the said Contry, for an In Consideration of a certain Prcel of goods, Blankets, kettles powder and other Goods to my Content and Satisfac- tion In hand paid, by Hans Dederick, Gerret Garretson, Walling Jacobs and Hendrick George, The Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowl- edge to have received to my Content and Satisfaction given, alienated bargained and sold unto the said Hans Dedericks, Gerrit Gerritsen, Walling Jacobs, Hendrick George and their Associates all and singular the abovementioned tract of land and the meadows adjoining beginning from the northernmost bounds of the Towne of Newark from the Lower- most part thereof to the uppermost as fare as the steep Rocks or Moimtaines, and from thence to the Run all along the said Pisawick River to the White Oak Tree standing neere the said River on the north side of a small brook, and from thence up to the steep Rocks or Mountains, Which said tree was marked by the said Captaham In the prsence of La Prairie Surveyor-General. This deed was given by the Lenni Lenape, a tribe of aborigines who roamed all over New Jersey, and the deed was good enough as far as it went, but Indian deeds never went very far, as the purchasers mentioned in the deed soon ascertained to be the case in this particular instance. King Charles II. of England had made a present in 1664 to his brother, James, Duke of York, afterwards King James II., of all the land now comprised in New England, New York and New Jersey, and the Duke of York had given title 42 FOUE CHAPTERS OF PATBRSON HISTORY to New Jersey to two of his friends and from these the Lords Proprietors, there were twenty-four of them, obtained the whole of New Jersey. So the men who had bought the lands from the Indians associated themselves with several others, and on March 16, 1684, the land passed from the Lords Proprietors into the possession of "Hans Didericke, Garrett Garretson, Walling Jacobs, Elias Machielson, Hart- man Machielson, Johannes Machielson, Cornelius Machiel- son, Adrian Post, Uriah Tomason, Cornelius Rowlafson, Symon Jacobs, John Hendrick Speare, Cornelius Lubbers, and Abraham Bookey," for fifty pounds cash down, fourteen pounds a year and one half of all the gold and silver that might be mined on the property. The sale of this land is generally referred to as the Acquakanonk patent. The deed conveyed about 4,000 of the 5,357 acres in Paterson, all of the city, excepting the First and Second wards and a portion of the Seventh ward. DIVIDING THE TRACT. If the fourteen owners of the newly-acquired property had divided it up into equal shares, every one of them would have had more real estate than he would have known what to do with ; accordingly each took a hundred acre lot, the rest being held in common, until the increase in popula- tion called for another division. After the second parcel of fourteen lots had been distributed, the owners laid out four- teen lots along the river and called these lots Goutum, after a village in North Holland, a name subsequently corrupted into Gotham. The next parcelling, about 1701, divided up the property running along the river from near where the New York, Susquehanna & Western railroad crosses the river near Dundee Lake to Garret Mountain above the Falls. A division made in 1714, however, is of more interest to the people of Paterson. The owners of the property THE EARLY WHITE SETTLERS 43 drew a straight line on a piece of paper, the beginning of a map made with pen and ink; the straight line is now East Eighteenth street, although for many years it was called York avenue. Then they divided up the property lying on both sides of this line, thirteen plots on one side and fifteen on the other. This map is reproduced on the next page. In order that the lettering may be understood by people of the present day, accustomed to a different kind of writing, the following explanation will be of assistance: On the east side of the dividing line Lot No. 1 belonged to Frans (Francis) Post, being south of People's Park, No. 2 to Hessel Pieterse, No, 3 to Abram Van Riper, No. 4 to Elias Vreeland, No. 5 to Arie (Adrian) Post, No. 6 to John Van Blarcom, his northerly line being the present Park avenue, No. 7 to Simeon Van Winkle, extending to Thirteenth avenue on the north and the river on the east. No. 8 to Magiel (Michael) Vreeland, No. 9 to Simeon Van Winkle, between Twelfth avenue and the river. No. 10 to Abram Van Riper, No. 11 to Henderic (Henry) Spier, No. 12 to Michael Vreeland, No. 13 to John Bradberry, No. 14 to Henderic Garretse (Henry Garrison), at Riverside, No. 15 to Michael Vreeland. On the west side of the dividing line No. 1, near the Passaic Rolling Mill, belonged to Michael Vreeland, No. 2 to Elias Vreeland, No. 3 to Henry Post, No. 4 to Jacobus Post, No. 5 to Hessel Pieterse and Gerrit Van Wagenen, No. 6 to John Van Blarcom, No. 7 to Abram Thomasse, No. 8 to Henderic Spier, Nos. 9 and 10 to Derrick (Richard) Van Houten, Nos. 11 and 12 to Adrian Post and No. 13 to Cornelis Garritse (Cornelius Garrison). When it came to dividing up what is now known as the over-the-river section of Paterson the early settlers again had recourse to paper and ink and a crude attempt at mak- ing a map. Property including Garret mountain and the territory lying along the river as far up as the Peckamin FIRST MAP OF PATERSON. S. of rjd Arc Set. 7th and 8lb Ave^ Ncarjd Ave, 46 POUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY river was purchased because it was feared that timber would soon be scarce in Paterson. The property belonged to Peter Sonmans, a son of one of the East Jersey Proprietors, and he sold it, November 27, 1711, to Frans Post, Harmanus Gerritse, Thomas Juriantse, Christopher Steenmetz, Cornelis Doremus, Peter Poulusse and Hessel Pieterse, for six hun- dred and sixty pounds. It was customary in those days for purchasers of property to pay an annual rent in addition to the purchase price; in this case the price paid was con- sidered so large that the annual quit-rent was made as small as possible and so it was fixed at one peppercorn a year. BUYING LAND FROM THE INDIANS. The early settlers, especially in the northern part of New Jersey, were honest in their dealings with the Indians. The right of the red man to the soil was recognized, despite deeds given by the Lords Proprietors and this right con- tinued to be recognized long after the Revolution. Little by little the Indians sold their lands to the white settlers and went to the western country, many from New Jersey going to Green Bay, Wisconsin. The few Indians that were left were anxious to join their people in the West and so in 1822 the state of New Jersey made a bargain with the Indi- ans by which the latter received $3,551.23 in return for the last piece of land not then owned by the white settlers. The Indians used this money in going West and in buying land there. Ten years later they remembered that they still had the right to hunt and fish in New Jersey, for when- ever they had sold land it was agreed that they should be permitted to continue hunting and fishing. There were only forty New Jersey Indians left at Green Bay and these thought New Jersey ought to pay them two thousand dollars and they would call everything square. Two thousand dol- lars looked like a big sum to these Indians but they received THE EARLY WHITE SETTLERS 47 it promptly, thus ending the last claim they had to land and rights in New Jersey. They wrote a letter of thanks to New Jersey, in which they said: Not a drop of our blood have you spilled In battle — not an acre of land have you taken but with our consent. These are the facts and we need say no more. We wish that other states where Indians still live would do as New Jersey has done. Nothing but blessings can fall upon her from the lips of a liCnni Lenape. NAMES THE INDIANS LEFT US. A number of places near Paterson still have the names given to them by the Lenni Lenape. Among these are the following: Acquackanonk. This word is made up the Indian ach- quoa-ni-can, meaning a brush net; hanne, a rapid stream; onk, a place, and so it means a place in a rapid stream where fish are taken with a brush net. As in numerous other places in the Passaic river the Indians had built a V-shaped dam; at the sharp point they placed a lot of brush; the fish in coming down the stream became entangled in this brush and the Indians secured them by suddenly pulling the brush out of the water. Many of the Dutch settlers called the place Slooterdam, which means a dam with a gate in it. Others tried to pronounce it the way the Indians did. Now, the Indian was not very plain pronouncing his words; in fact, his speech sounded as if his tongue were thicker than ours or as if he always had several pieces of chewing gum in his mouth. So the early settlers had an easy time of it spelling Acquackanonk,. for they could spell it any way and none could say they were wrong. Glancing over the early records conveys the impression that the early settlers tried to spell the name in a different way each time they were called upon to write it. Here are some of the different spellings found in official records: 1678 — Aquickenuncke, Haquicqueenock; 1679 — Haquequenunck, Aquegnonke; 1680 — ^Hockquekanung; 1682 — Acqueyquinunke; 1683 — 48 FOUR OHAPTEKS OF PATERSON HISTORY Aquaninoncke, Hockquecanung ; 1684 — Aquaquanuncke ; 1685 — Aquickanuncke, Haquequenunck ; 1692 — Acquica- nunck; 1693 — Acquiggenonck ; Hockquickanon; 1694 — Hackquickanon ; 1696 — Aqueckanonge; Achquickenoungh, Acquachanongue, Achquickanunk, Hackquickenunk; 1689 — Aqueckkonunque, Aquoechononque, Achquikanuncque, Achquickenonk; 1706 — Acquikanong; 1707 — Hockquacka- nong, Hockquackanonk; 1714 — Achquegenonck ; 1736 — Haghquagenonck; 1737 — Acquagkanonk. In later years, when people were too busy to bother with so many letters, the place was called Quacknick. Campgaw, or Camp-Gaw, as it is frequently spelled. Indian, kaaka, wild goose, and gam, a hedgehog, perhaps the names of two Indians combined into one. Communipaw. Indian, gamunk, on the other side of the river, and pe-auke, water-land, meaning the big landing- place from the other side of the river. Goffle. At this place two roads forked, one leading to Hackensack and the other to Pompton. The Indians called the place lalchauwiechen, which means the fork of a road. The Dutch translated the word "fork" (into their own language, gaffle; from gaffle to goffle is easy enough. Hackensack. Indian haki, place ; gischi, now ; achgook, snake; a place with plenty of snakes. Hoboken. Indian, hopoacan, a pipe. Hohokus. Indian, ho, a shout; hokes, bark of a tree. According to the Indians the cold was so intense at this place that the bark of the trees cracked with a loud noise. Mahwah. Indian for field. Macopin. Indian, macopanaackhan, place where pumpkins grow. Moonachie. Indian, munhacke, a badger. Pamrapo. Indian, pemapuchk, a big rock. Paramus. Indian, a place for wild turkeys. THE EARLY WHITE SETTLEBS 49 Pascack. Indian, where the roads divide. Passaic. Indian, pack, to split; ic, where. Perhaps indicating the division of the land into a valley, or the place where the river splits the rocks at the Falls. There have been a number of changes in the spelling of this word. It started out with Passaic in 1666, but changed the same year into Passaick; in 1676 it was Pasayak, in 1679 Passa- wack, Pisawick, Pissaick; in 1682 Pasawicke, Passaiack; in 1686 Pissaik; in 1695 Passaya, in 1713 Passaiack. Peckman. A small river, near Little Falls, the proper spelling being Peckamin. Indian, pakihm, cranberries. Pequannock, with all its different spellings. Indian, pauqu-un-auke, land cleared for ploughing. Preakness. Indian, per-ukunces, a young buck. Sicomac. Indian, kitchi, great, and kanik, enclosed land. Singack. Indian, schinghacki, a flat country, or schiri' gask, a marshy meadow. Slank. Indian, sihillen, where the river subsides, and hannek, a flowing river, the backwater from a freshet. Succasunna. Indian, suken, black, and achsun, stone, black iron ore. Totowa. Indian, tetauwi, between, that is, land be- tween the river and the mountain. Or, perhaps the Lennie Lenape borrowed this word from the Oee totawew, mean- ing great strength, as shown by the river at the Falls. Wanaque or Wynockie. Indian, winak, sassafras, and aki, place. Wagaraw. Indian, woakeu, crooked, and aki, place, that is, where the land is crooked, due to the bend in the river. Watchung. Indian, wachtschu; a hill, or wadchu, a mountain. Watsessing. Indian, wadchu, mountain, and achsun, stone, a stony mountain. Struggle for Industrial Supremacy. Struggle for Industrial Supremacy. Benjamin Franklin wrote in 1760 that it would take "some centuries" to populate this country as far as the Mississippi river, and that "our present colonies will not, during the period we have mentioned, find themselves in a condition to manufacture, even for their own inhabitants, to any considerable degree, much less for those who are settling behind them." In 1768 he wrote that manufactures were not desirable excepting for the purpose of making use of the time of the children and servants of farmers. John Adams wrote in 1780: "America will not make manufac- tures! enough for her own consumption these thousand years." George Washington said that manufactures were well enough for "women and children, without taking the really necessary hand from tilling the earth." All of which tends to show that even men with great brains make mis- takes, especially when they try to look into the future. ALEXANDER HAMIim)N'S IDEAS. Alexander Hamilton did not agree with these three great men; he believed in manufacturing in this country and, from what he did and from what he said in his letters, it appears that he was willing to do it all. In 1790 he was Secretary of the Treasury and the men who had been elected in the various states to make laws asked him to tell them what could be done towards manufacturing in this coimtry; the men who asked this question, like most of the other people here at that time, believed that America was good only to raise crops of grain and fruit, and so Hamilton W FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORT was asked to answer the question put to him on the supposi- tion that America might have to do some manufacturing on account of possible wars in the future. Hamilton set to work and wrote a long report, which he sent to the law- makers on December 5, 1791. In this he said that there were a great many articles which America could make and that he knew of some men who had met and who were ready to put up a great deal of money to start factories. But he did not say that he was on© of these men, which, however, was the fact. At that time all cotton brought into this country had to pay a tax to the government; Hamilton thought this tax ought to be done away with; he went further and said that men making cotton here ought to re- ceive money from the government to help them along and then added that this money should not be paid to all per- sons, but only to such as had formed a company to weave cotton. Hamilton did his best to take care of the company he was about to form. Some time later he let it be known that this company was ready to receive men who were ready to join it, that is, men who had money. Hamilton was a great man and people believed what he said and so it was not long before men with money were heard from, all anxious to be partners of Hamilton. Even some of the Dutch bankers in Amsterdam, in Holland, wrote letters and sent money in order to become partners. Newspapers in New York, Philadelphia and Boston printed long articles, telling wonderful stories about the money that would be sure to be made by the "New National Manufactory," as it was called. There is good reason to believe that Hamil- ton wrote some of these articles. People were next told that the big factory was to be built in New York, New Jersey or Pennsylvania and this brought more money from New York and Philadelphia. In this way altogether over a hundred thousand dollars was promised. According to Ham- ilton's letters he never had any idea of building the factory STKUUGLE FOB INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 65 anywhere else than at the falls of the Passaic, in the state of New Jersey, at a place then called Acquackanonk. But Hamilton did not make public this idea of his at the time, for fear that some of the men who did not Kve near the Passaic Falls might not contribute the money he expected from them. THE BIRTH OF THE SOCIETY. Feeling certain that there would be plenty of money for the factory, Hamilton next wrote a proposed law accord- ing to which the name of the new company was to be the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures; this society was to be given the right to build factories and also to start a town and the name of this town was to be Paterson. Why Paterson? Because Paterson was the name of the governor of New Jersey and Hamilton wanted the lawmakers of New Jersey to make the law he wanted and he thought it would help him if he were to caU the new town after the governor. When the New Jersey lawmakers took the matter up they were glad to obUge the great Secretary of the Treasury of the United States and the governor of the state of New Jersey and so Hamilton got all he wanted. Before the law was passed there was a great deal of talk among the lawmakers. It was settled that the new town of Paterson with its big factories and its own govern- ment was to be placed somewhere in New Jersey, but just where the law did not say. Every member of the legisla- ture wanted it in his own county. Lawmakers who saw that chances of getting the town in the county they repre- sented were poor made a fight against it. The people in Middlesex county saw that their chances were poor and so they did not want any other county to win. They thought that a million dollars was too much money for any company to have, and the law provided that the Society might have 56 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATBRSON HISTORY just that much. But the funniest objection came from a man who thought that it was wrong to give the Society the right to build canals; he said that some lunatic might think it would be fine if a canal were built from the Dela- ware river to Raritan bay and that, if that were done, many farms would be cut into two pieces so that farmers could not get from one part to the other; it would kill all the fruit trees and make everybody poor along the line of the canal. Forty years afterwards that very canal was built, not by the Society, but by other men, but none of the horrible things happened which the man from Middlesex county had seen in the future. After a great deal of talk the lawmakers voted and the result was that Hamilton won and the law, or charter, was passed, on November 22, 1791. NAMING THE TOWN. Who was William Paterson, after whom Paterson was named? He was an Irishman, who arrived in this country in 1745, when he was two years old. His parents took him to Trenton, where they lived for some time; afterwards they moved to Princeton and then to Somerville. He went to coUege at Princeton and then studied law in the office of Richard Stockton, one of the men who signed the Decla- ration of Independence. In 1775, when this country had begun its war for freedom, he was elected to the Provincial Congress, the body of men who made laws for the young republic, and he was chosen secretary. He was made at- torney-general of New Jersey and in 1790 elected governor of the state. Afterwards Washington made him one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the United States. So Paterson has no reason to be ashamed of the name it was given. Paterson died in Albany, New York, September 9, 1806. STRUGGLE FOB INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 57 THE state's unprofitable INVESTMENT. A few days after the lawmakers of New Jersey had made the law creating the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures they made another law by which $10,000 was taken from the state treasury and invested in the stock of the Society. (The state probably never made a poorer investment. It subsequently sold this stock to the So- ciety, taking in exchange some acres of what even in those days was called Sandy Hill. In later days, when the popula- tion of Paterson had increased a great deal, the Sandy Hill property was still considered about as poor as could be found in the whole city. In order to get rid of it the state sold it to various churches for burying grounds, the uniform price paid being fifty dollars an acre. This was the origin of the Sandy Hill cemeteries; it is only a few years ago since the remains of the dead were removed from these burying grounds and the property bought by the city.) THE society's FIRST OPERATIONS. Yet with everything that had been done for the Society the total amount of money promised was only $243,000 in- stead of the million dollars Hamilton and his friends had looked for. Of the money promised $15,000 was never paid. The members of the Society met in New Brunswick on the last Monday in November, 1791, and on the 9th of the following month elected officers at a meeting also held in New Brunswick. William Duer, a New York merchant, was elected governor and John Bayard deputy governor. Duer was related to Hamilton by marriage and it was Ham- ilton who made him governor. At this same meeting a letter was received from Hamilton in which he told about engaging a number of men as superintendents of the factory 58 FOUR CHAPTEES OF PATERSON HISTORT and, as these men had all worked in cotton mills, it was plain that the Society was to make cotton goods. The di- rectors approved of everything Hamilton had done. On the following day the directors agreed to put advertisements in newspapers asking men to answer who had lots for sale on which factories might be built. On January 19 the di- rectors agreed to bring men from England, forty or fifty at least, men who knew how to weave and print cotton goods, and they paid Hamilton and the governor fifty thousand dollars to get these men to this country. It will be seen that Hamilton and his friends were getting along very nicely, but all they had done was only on paper. They had a charter, but the charter was like the man who was "all dressed up and nowhere to go." The place where Paterson with its big factory was to be put had not been selected. So, on January 20 the directors decided that Paterson and its factory should be located on one of three rivers, the Delaware, the Raritan or the Passaic, and a committee was appointed to decide which. At a meeting on the following day the directors con- cluded that they had better get a little more money. The charter of the Society gave them the right to make a hun- dred thousand dollars by running a lottery and so the di- rectors decided to have a lottery. Tickets were to be sold at a few dollars each and each ticket wa;s to be numbered ; then some day a lot of numbers were to be placed in a wheel and the first number taken out by chance would give the man who had that number on his ticket a big cash prize. There were a number of smaller prizes and the whole thing was fixed up in a way which was all right in those days but for which men would be sent to jail if they tried it at the present day. On April 20 the directors gave up the idea of having a lottery, as nobody seemed anxious to buy tickets. STRUGGLE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 59 FIRST MEETING IN PATERSON. Hamilton was present at three meetings of the directors held in Newark on May 16, 17 and 18. It was then decided that the town of Paterson should be located on the Passaic river, between the residence of "Mr. Isaac Gouvemeur near the town of Newark and Chatham Bridge." That was a poor way of saying "at the Passaic Falls," but the directors knew what they meant. So, on July 4, 1792, the directors came to where Paterson is located today; they brought with them the book in which they had written down all they had done; this same book, in which is written the advice of Alexander Hamilton as this advice fell from his lips, is still used at the present day to record the doings of the Society; there are only a few leaves left to write on, but as the directors of the Society meet very seldom, it may last some years yet; it is kept in the vaults of the water company on Ellison street and it is from this book that the writer has received a great deal of the information con- tained in this chapter. When the directors of the Society came to the place they had agreed to call Paterson, they found very few houses here. They met General Schuyler at the house of Abraham Godwin and the general and Mr. Godwin took them around and showed them the country. They put their heads to- gether and agreed to dig two canals from above the Falls to make use of the water to turn the wheels of the factory. One of these canals was to empty into the river near Pas- saic and the other near Newark and it was at the latter place that Governor Duer said the factory ought to be built. Hamilton wanted to know where the money was coming from to dig all these miles of canals and when he insisted that the factory should be built a great deal nearer the Falls they all agreed with him. They then bought about seven hundred acres above and below the Falls, paying 60 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATBRSON HISTORY therefor the sum of three thousand, two hundred and nine- ty-three pounds, eight shillings and three pence. On July 5 the directors resolved to build at once: a mill for spinning cotton; a print works for cotton goods, calicoes; another mill for spinning and also for weaving, and a number of houses for the people who were to work in these mills. On the following day they decided that the number of houses for the workmen should be fifty, that each house should be twenty-four by eighteen feet in size, with cellar and garret, and that these houses, together with a quarter of an acre of land each, should be rented for $12.60 a year each or sold for $250 to any workmen who would agree to pay that sum within twenty years. Bargains just as good for more ex- pensive houses were offered to the superintendents. The directors also agreed to put up a saw mill at once. BIG IDEAS BUT LITTLE MONET. To do all this work it was necessary to have an en- gineer and so the Society engaged the services of Major Charles Pierre L'Enfant, a Frenchman who had come to this country in Lafayette's army. The major was a friend of Hamilton and of Wa^ington and he had just laid out the city of Washington. He had some big ideas and when he had looked the ground over and told what he was going to do the newspapers stated that Paterson would be a city that would "far surpass anything yet seen in this country." He intended to lay out Paterson as he had Washington, the central point here being a small elevation between what are now Main, Grand and Ward streets and sloping down almost to where the Erie tracks now are. The hill was afterwards known as Colt's Hill. From this hill were to be laid out a large number of avenues running to distant points of the future city. The newspapers of the day spoke in high terms of the future of the "National Manufactory," and the big city that STKUCKJLE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 61 was to be attached to it. One article, wiiich took up about three columns, was published in several newspapers; it was probably written by Hamilton. The following are some of the articles that were to be made: cotton, woolens, paper for books and for walls, hats of straw and felt, shoes and leather goods generally, carriages,, pottery of all kinds, bricks, iron pots, steel buttons. The land in and about Paterson became very valuable. All this sounds very big, even in the present day of big doings, but the dreams of Hamilton and his friends were not always very pleasant. A great deal of success was ex- pected to come on account of the wealth and influence of William Duer, the governor of the Society, but there had been trouble in the markets of New York and Duer found himself in jail because he could not pay his debts. Of course, Hamilton did not like this, for Duer was his friend and a jail is not a good place in which to direct the putting up of buildings fifteen miles away. Of all the money that had been promised the Society had received only $60,000 and so the Society was short of cash. The banks in New York did not want to lend the Society any money; at last $5,000 was received as a loan from the Bank of New York, but only after Hamilton had given his written security as he did when he wrote to the president of the bank: "To you, my dear sir, I will not scruple to say, in confidence, that the bank of New York shall suffer no diminution of its pecuni- ary facilities from any accommodation it may afford to the Society in question." THE FIRST MILL IN PATERSON. In the mean time Major L'Enfant had been making more plans; he wanted to build a big raceway, running from above the Falls to where Passaic now stands; this raceway was to be built of solid masonry, high up in the air, and 62 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY there were to be mills and factories along both sides. So the Society employied the major to build a tavern and then got rid of him. In his place came Peter Colt, a man with no big ideas but with a great deal of common sense. He got together a number of men with picks and shovels and built a raceway just about the way people built them in those days, with no masonry or fancy trimmings. But the direc- tors of the Society were anxious to begin spinning cotton, for the men were here for that purpose, and the directors would not wait until the water was let into the raceway to turn the Wheels of the big factory yet to be built. Peter Colt therefore put up a small frame mUl, in which the power needed to turn the wheels was furnished by an ox; and so it happened that the first mill ever built in Paterson to spin cotton was named the Bull Mill. Then work was begun on the big mill; a street was laid out in front of where it was to be built and this street was named Mill street and it has that name to the present day. The mill was built of stone and wood and was four stories high; on top of it was a cupola and in this hung a bell which called the men to work. A building, where printing and bleaching calico was to be done, was erected on what is now Bridge street. A great deal of the machinery was brought from Europe, for there were few machine shops in this country. Some small fittings of brass and iron were brought from Wilmington, Delaware, the nearest place to Paterson where such things were made. A man was given fifty thousand dollars, with which to bring men and machinery from Europe; just as if Hamilton and his friends did not have trouble enough, the man disap- peared with the money. The big mill did not begin work until 1794. ALL MANtJFACTUKING ABANDONED. In the meantime the Society was trying to raise more money and, as it was badly needed, the directors fell back STRUGGLE FOB INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 63 on the lottery scheme. They offered to pay people for selling tickets, but very few persons wanted the tickets. When an attempt was made to sell them in Boston and New York, it was found that laws had been passed there forbidding lot- teries; the Society asked the lawmakers of New York to change the law in the interest of the big "National Manu- factory," but the lawmakers would not do as requested. Finally the whole lottery scheme was thrown aside and the Society, instead of making money out of it, lost a large part of the little that was left. Then came what was probably the first strike in Pater- son: the hands employed in the bleaching and printing wanted more wages; the Society settled the strike very promptly by closing the works on Bridge street and dis- continuing bleaching and printing. As a final effort to raise money the Society reduced the prices of its houses and lots, but times were hard and nobody wanted to buy, and so, in January, 1796, the directors closed up the big mill and went out of the business of manufacturing and never resumed it afterwards. Fire destroyed the mill in 1807. THE FAMOUS COLT FAMILY. Peter Colt was born in Lyme, Conn. At the breaking out of the Revolution he enlisted in the American army and had a command under Aaron Burr in the attack on Canada. He was subsequently aid to General Worcester in the regiments from Connecticut. He spoke French fluently and Washington made use of this in his intercourse with the French army. He was with the French army at the sur- render of Cornwallis at Yorktown. After peace had been declared he returned to Connecticut and, while treasurer of that state, was induced to com© to Paterson at the solicita- tion of Dr. Elias Boudinot, whom he had met some years previous at Boonton. He had two sons, John and Roswell 64 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY L., the latter frequently referred to as "the greatest of all the Colts." John was active in various manufacturing en- terprises in early Paterson ; his son, E. Boudinot, carried on the manufacture of duck until 1865, occupying the Duck mill on Van Houten street and the Essex mill on Mill street. Samuel Colt, a distant relative, was the inventor of the celebrated Colt's revolver. He made his first pistol, of wood, in 1829 ; in 1835 he organized the Patent Arms com- pany, which had possession of the building even now known as the Gun mill. He subsequently removed to Connecti- cut. ROSWELL L. COLT. "The greatest of all the Colts" had made a great deal of money in the shipping business and had married a woman who had a great deal more than he had ; she was the daugh- ter of Robert Oliver, a shipping merchant of Baltimore, con- sidered at that time one of the wealthiest men in the country. RosweU L. was attracted to Paterson and made up his mind that he would buy the whole place. In order to do this he got $150,000 from his father-in-law and he soon owned about all there was of Paterson. He had been married a good many years when he determined to live in Pater^n. He looked about for a place on which to erect a mansion and selected the small hill on what is now Main street, opposite the county jail, the same small hill which Major L'Enfant had intended to make the centre of Pater- son. He told his wife about it, but she would have none of it; the idea of erecting a residence on a small sandhill when there was such a fine site as Garret mountain nearby did not appeal to her. She insisted on living on Garret moun- tain and she would live nowhere else, unless it were in Europe. As the two could not agree on this question they STRUGGLE FOE INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 65 determined to separate and this they did. When it came to dividing the children — there were ten of them — they did not do so according to the number to be divided, but in accordance with the wealth of the parents. It was finally agreed that Mrs. Colt should^ take six and have the first pick. She selected the six oldest and took them to Europe with her, where she died some years later. Work was at once begun at the erection of Colt's Hill. Hundreds of men were employed at carting soil and big trees and shrubbery to the small sandhill and in the course of time that small sandhUl assumed majestic proportions: on the very top was built a mansion which has become historic, for it was there that Roswell L. Colt entertained Daniel Webster and other great men of his day. He had a large retinue of servants and lived in princely style. The picture of Colt's Hill, which appears on an adjoining page, was taken from the roof of St. John's Catholic church when that building was in the course of erection. There were two roads leading to the mansion, one from what is now De- Grasse street and the other from the comer of Main and Ward streets; the old lodge stiU stands on that corner. The small building showing in the picture was the dwelling of the gatekeeper; the long building represents the hothouses. For many years Roswell L. Colt, -with his four children, Thomas, Roswell, Jr., Morgan G. and Julia, later the wife of DeGrasse B. Fowler, lived in this mansion. TAM O'SHANTER AND SOUTEB JOHNNIE. In the picture wiU be observed two statues standing at the entrance of the mansion as it faces Grand street. There is an interesting history connected with these two statues. James Thom was bom, April 19, 1802, in Scotland, near a place where Robert Burns had lived for some years. He was a poor lad and was set to work in a factory where he showed 66 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATEESON HISTORY a disposition to carving things out of wood. Some friends helped him along and he began cutting out of stone two statues representing Burns's principal characters, Tam Q' Shanter and Souter Johnnie. The statues were at once pronounced works of art and Thom became famous. The first two he made were exhibited throughout the British isles and netted the sum of two thousand pounds, which was divided equally between Thom and the committee having charge of the erection of the Bums monument at Alloway. Thom tried his hand at other statues but these did not in- crease his fame and, as he had received orders from men of wealth for no less than sixteen replicas of his Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnnie, he devoted himself to chiseling out Tams and Johnnies. He made considerable money exhibit- ing his statues, when one day he found out that an agent he had trusted had decamped to America, taking with him a considerable sum of money belonging to Thom. Thom at once chased to America after him, but when he had recov- ered what was his due he concluded that America was a good country to live in, and so determined to stay. His fame had preceded him and he obtained the contract for furnishing the ornamental stonework on the present Trinity church in New York. He looked about the neighborhood for suitable stone and decided on the red sandstone at Little Falls. He subsequently removed to Ramapo where he lived the life of a gentleman farmer until the day of his death, April 17, 1850. While he was working at his contract with the Trinity church people he made another pair of Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnnie, his intention being to exhibit them in this country. RosweU L. Colt saw them and at once bought them, for he wanted something as an ornament for his piazza. Thom made another pair and these started on an exhibition tour throughout the country; while being ferried across Chesapeake Bay the boat sprang a leak in a storm STRUGGLE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 67 and went down, Tam and Johnnie and all. This left Roswell L. Colt as the only possessor of a Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnnie in this country and added to the fame of his man- sion. The two statues have been reproduced on numerous occasions in bronze and other metals. A woman called one day at the Colt mansion to see the owner. She went to the kitchen entrance and inquired when Mr. Colt would be at leisure. She was told that Mr. Colt was not at home, but she declared that he was, for she had just seen him talking to one of his friends on the piazza and she was near enough to him to recognize him. This may afford the reader some idea as to what Roswell L. Colt looked like. In 1889 Morgan G. Colt and Mrs. DeGrasse B. Fowler, the two surviving children of Roswell L. Colt, determined to cut down Colt's Hill in order that the property might be put in the market. (The hill was removed two years later.) The mansion had long been abandoned as a residence, Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnnie standing guard in solitary grandeur. So the owners of the precious pair made a present of them to the trustees of the Public Library and they were transferred to the entrance of the old library buUding on the corner of Market and Church streets, and here they ended their existence in the great fire in February, 1902. NAMING THE STREETS OF PATERSON. Roswell L. Colt did a great deal for the city of Pater- son: his attempts at re-establishing manufacturing did not prove successful, but he will ever live in grateful remem- brance on account of his numerous gifts to churches and other institutions in Paterson. He had a greait deal to do with shaping the destiny of the city. Peter Colt had begun laying out streets and naming them and Roswell continued in his father's footsteps. Be- 68 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY tween the two and a few others streets in Paterson were named as follows: , Boudinot street, named after Elias Boudinot, is the present Van Houten street, between Main street and the raceways. Van Houten street, named after Abraham Van Houten, who assisted Peter Colt in the laying out of the street, originally began about where Washington street crosses it at the present day and extended easterly. When the hill between Washington and Main streets was cut down Van Houten street was extended through to Main street; as it came out directly opposite Boudinot street, both streets were thenceforth called Van Houten. There was a somewhat similar state of affairs as far as Ellison street is concerned. It was Ellison street from Washington eastwardly and John street from Washington street to Mill. In the course of time the two streets were called Ellison. Dr. Ellison, after whom the street is named, was one of the earUest practicing physicians in the city; John Clarke, after whom John street was named, was among the early manufacturers. Abraham Willis, while he was laying out streets, named one after himself, a name changed to Park avenue when the city acquired the Eastside Park. Oliver was the maiden name of Mrs. Roswell L. Colt. Mill street was named because on it was built the first mill of any size in Paterson. Cross street derived its name because it crossed from Market to Oliver. The history of Market street is somewhat similar to that of Van Houten and Ellison streets. The thoroughfare running from where the city hall is now located westerly to Spruce street was named Congress by Judge Boudinot. From the present city hall westerly it was named Market; its width to where the Erie tracks are now located was made ninety feet, for it was the intention at the time to construct STRUCtGIiB FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACT 69 a market building through the middle of the street, a long frame shed for the accommodation of farmers, butchers and others who had goods for sale. Subsequently the name Con- gress was abandoned for the westerly part of the street and it was all called Market. Godwin street was named in honor of the patriotic Godwin family. Bank street was named in 1824 because the Peoples Bank did business on the corner of that street and Ryerson street. Vreeland avenue was originally named Buttermilk lane; its name was changed in honor of the Vreelands who lived there during the Revolutionary war and the Vreelands — Michael Hartman and Cornelius — who ran a tannery and saw mill on the stream which formerly emptied into the river at the foot of Twentieth avenue. The triangular plot bounded by Park avenue, Market street and Straight street was known as the Bowery and is thus referred to in many old deeds. About half a mile east of the Bowery stood a tavern named Peace and Plenty and this gave that name to the neighborhood. GARRET ROCK AND GARRET MOUNTAIN. There is a vague tradition that a man named Garret one day lost his way on the mountain and tumbled down the precipice now known as Garret Rock and that in this way the mountain and rock obtained their name. There is no foundation whatever for the story, for the mountain and rock received their name in an altogether different way. In old records the mountain is called Wesel; the rock seems to have got along without any specific name. Occasionally reference is found to te Gebergte or te Gebarrack, "at the mountain." The name Garret does not appear until 1811. About that time there were in Paterson a number of men 70 FOUK CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY of a jolly disposition who formed a society called the Garret Society, because their meetings were held in a garret. The motto of the society was "Keep Dark." The object of the society was to have a good time when none but members were looking on, and to indulge in all sorts of pranks. The leader of the society was John Crawford, a carpenter who had come from Newark to work at the erection of the resi- dence for Peter Colt, afterwards the city hall of Paterson. One evening the society agreed to celebrate the Fourth of July by discharging a big cannon from the top of the Wesel mountain. The question was how to get the cannon up there and the job was undertaken by Crawford, who had a great deal of well-developed muscle. So on the evening of the 3d John shouldered the cannon and hied himself moun- tainward. Just as the first rays of the sun on the fourth were peeping above the Palisades John fired the cannon and, as quickly as he could reload it, he fired it again and again in rapid succession. The people of Paterson were naturally very much surprised at this rude awakening from their peaceful slumbers, but after a moment's reflection they did, as they had done for some time whenever anything out of the usual happened : they said, "That's the Garret crowd again." They had concluded that the Garret society had changed its place of meeting from the customary garret to the top of the mountain and ever after the mountain was referred to as Garret mountain and the rock as Garret rock. THE S. TJ. M. OF TODAY. After the failure of the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures in the field of manufacturing, its directors held few meetings, for there was little or nothing for them to do. They pursued the policy known at the present day as "watchful waiting." They did not have to wait long, for power to run machinery was worth money and there was a STRUGGLE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 71 lot of it running to waste down the Falls. All the early manufacturers who came to Paterson obtained their power from the Society, for the Society owned the Falls. Contrary to a widespread impression the charter of the Society does not give it any peculiar rights in the Passaic river; it has the same rights which every owner of property along a river has, the right to the undiminished flow of the water. A man living along a stream has the right to use the water for ordinary domestic purposes, but he cannot divert the water so as to injure people who own property below him. The Society's most valuable possession is the Falls and it paid cash for that property; it has the right to make all the money possible out of it, just as a man can do with an oil well or a gold mine on his property. This right of the So- ciety was disputed in the case of the Morris -canal; the peo- ple owning the canal took water out of the river, but the ^courts soon put a stop to that, for the Society was entitled to the full flow of the river; water taken out of the river above Paterson could not turn machinery in Paterson. -^ ■* The Society accordingly increased its raceways; mills and factories were erected along these raceways and all paid money to the Society for the use of the water for power. The charge for the use of the water depended upon the size of the pipe or conduit supplying the mill or factory, the basis being a charge of $400 per year for one square foot, this being equal to fifteen horse power. About 1865 the demand for water power was so great that the Society in- creased the size of the dam above the Falls and then charged for the surplus water thus obtained ; manufacturers leasing power paid $400 p)er square foot under their contract and then $900 per square foot for the surplus water. The So- ciety's income in this way was increased to about $70,000 per year. At the present day the Society receives $1,200 per square foot from such manufacturers as do not require 72 FOUE CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY a great deal of water; from this figure the price goes down to $800 per square foot for larger quantities. A MATTER OF WATER SUPPLY. When in 1854 a number of prominent men in Paterson undertook to secure a water supply for this city they found it necessary to consult the Society. No understanding being arrived at, because the Society wanted every drop of water above the Falls to turn into its raceways, the first supply for Paterson was taken out of the river below the Falls; it was from there pumped to a reservoir above the Falls and from there flowed by gravity into the pipes which supplied the people of Paterson. Subsequently an arrangement was made by which the water was taken from above the Falls and pumped into the reservoir by means of a wheel placed in the Falls. Then a suggestion was made that the city ought to buy the water works, but the voters said No, be- cause the water company did not have rights which were worth the price asked. A few years ago the voters said Yes to the same question, but nothing was done, as the proposi- tion was too great and complicated. Even the state shrank from the proposition when there was talk about the state taking charge of the water supply in northern New Jersey, but what the state would not do some men with plenty of money were willing to try. The first man to undertake the task was John R. Bartlett and the first step he took was to buy out the Society, so that he could do with the Passaic river water what he liked. Mr. Bartlett had a notion in his head which may seem funny at this day. He wanted to take the water of the Passaic river and lead it to New York. In order to do this he would have to build a tunnel under the Hudson. Some men before this time had begun work on such a tunnel, but not in order to carry water but for foot passengers. These men did not STRUaGLB FOB INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 73 have enough money to finish the tunnel and so Mr. Bartlett bought what there was of it. The tunnel had been started at Hoboken and the New York end was to be at Washing- ton square. Mr. Bartlett spent a good deal of money on this tunnel before he gave it up, having come to the con- clusion that the water in northern New Jersey could be more readily sold to the people in northern New Jersey. Mr. Bartlett sold his tunnel and it was completed many years later and now connects Hoboken with Christopher street, New York. The river water below Paterson was growing worse until at last the Newark people said that they could stand it no longer; they must have clean water and Paterson must stop emptying its sewers into the river. Paterson was ready with its answer. A man had been employed who had gone to Newark and dropped some marked sticks into the river right in the middle where the river flows through Newark; he watched those sticks and saw that the tide carried them up the river, higher and higher, until at last he saw them at BeUeville and it was at Belleville that Newark had its pumps to take the water out of the river for itself and also for Jersey City. What sticks would do sewage would do and it was plain that Newark and Jersey City were drinking not only Paterson's sewage, but Newark's as well. Newark ceased scolding Paterson for polluting the river and turned to Mr. Bartlett and the men who were his partners. And this is just what they were waiting for. They knew that Newark would have to come, for Newark could do nothing without the Society and they owned the Society. So the men who had put so much money into the water scheme and the authorities of Newark got together and the result was that a bargain was struck by which Newark was to have a water supply of fifty million gallons a day and was to pay therefor six million doUars. Building water works for a city under such circumstances was something entirely new but 74 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY the engineer who had been employed to look after the work was sure that it could be done at a profit of over a million dollars. So work was begun to make the Pequannock river yield a regular water supply to the city of Newark. Two reservoirs, Clinton and Oak Ridge, were built. The water from these reservoirs runs down the Pequannock river to Macopin, where a large basin, or intake, was built, and from this Newark was to be supplied by means of a steel pipe forty-eight inches in diameter. According to the figures of the engineer fifty million gallons a day will pass through a forty-eight inch pipe. But water from natural sources carries with it the seeds of a moss and these seeds quickly take root along the inside of any kind of pipe. That is just what happened in this case and the result was that Newark was not getting fifty million gallons of water a day, for the moss had reduced the carrying capacity of the pipe. There was nothing to be done but to lay another pipe and this cost a great deal of money. Then Newark measured the two reservoirs and found that they would not hold enough water to supply Newark in a dry season. Canistear reser- voir was built and, as even this was not quit© sufficient to hold the water needed, Macopin lake, or Echo lake, as it is frequently called, was turned over to Newark. The men who had taken this big job figured up how they stood and found that they had spent seven and a half million dollars and that instead of making a million and a half they were just about that much out of pocket. About this time the people of Jersey City set up a cry for clean water and a man named Patrick H. Fljmn agreed to give them a supply for seven and a half million dollars. He bought the rights owned by the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures in the Rockaway river and began work. But he did not have enough money to carry it through and the men who had supplied Newark with water took the job off his hands, this time making a good profit. But these STRUGGLE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 75 same men had been making money in other contracts of the same kind. In 1894 they organized the New Jersey General Security Company and into the treasury of this company went everything in the way of water rights and contracts. This company now supplies Paterson, Passaic, Clifton, Glen Ridge, Montclair, Orange, West Orange, Bloomfield, Nutley, Bayonne, Little Falls, Kearney, Harrison and East Newark with water. It owns the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures and the Dundee Water Power & Land Com- pany; this latter company owns the dam in the Passaic river just below Paterson and supplies many factories in Passaic with power. Taking so much water out of the river, which might have run down to Paterson, made trouble for the Society, for the Society had promised to keep a number of factories and mills supplied with water to turn the wheels which make the machinery go. In some cases the Society had sold factories with a promise that the water would never be cut off from those factories. The Society could not keep its promises on account of the water taken out for Newark, Jersey City and other places. In order to get out of this trouble, and also to sell more water, the Society a few years ago put up the buildings which may be seen in the basin below the Falls. Electric power is now made by the water which comes down the river and this power is sent to the factories and mills the Society has promised to supply with power. But the Society has more power than it needs and it sells this to the Edison company which uses it to run street cars; in turn, the Society buys power from the Edison com- pany when there is not enough water coming down the river to make the amount of power wanted by the Society. The question will now be asked : How about Paterson's water supply? It is a question easily answered. Some days a great deal of water runs down the river; some days very little and none at all for a few days nearly every year. Men 76 FOUR CHAPTERS OP PATERSON HISTORY have been employed for a great many years to keep an ac- count of this flow of water; their figures show that if the whole amount of water that flowed down the river in twenty years was divided by the whole number of days in twenty years 1282 cubic feet of water would flow down the river every second. Newark takes about seventy cubic feet per second; Jersey City takes about seventy-five and the water companies supplied by the New Jersey General Security Company take about seventy-two. In the latter figure are included the thirteen cubic feet used by Paterson. It is consequently not a question of the supply of water, but of storage during dry seasons. Four rivers empty their waters into the Passaic: The Pequannock, Rockaway, Ramapo and Wanaque. Newark owns the Pequannock, Jersey City the Rockaway. The points where the water is taken are high enough so that no pumping is necessary. But pumping would be necessary if the Ramapo were taken for a water supply, for it lies low. So for the present at least the Ramapo is out of the ques- tion. There remains the Wanaque, a river which gets its water from mountains and springs; it lies high and could supply Patesrson and Newark without any pumping. As Newark will soon need an additional water supply, Newark has applied to the state authorities for permission to take the Wanaque, for the state has recently done what the state should have done half a century ago, taken hold of the matter of water supply. Newark has obtained the desired permission with the understanding that Paterson is to share in it at any time Paterson may want to do so. In the mean time Paterson will continue taking its water as it is pumped from the river near Little Falls. Sometimes the quantity of water in the Passaic river is too much for the comfort of some people living in Paterson. During the past forty years Paterson has had four floods which did considerable damage. The quantity of water STRUGGLE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 77 flowing down the river was enormous on those occasions. A cubic foot of water is equal to 7.4805 gallons; on December 12, 1878, 16,000 cubic feet of water passed down the river every second ; on September 25, 1882, 18,200 ; on March 2, 1902, 21,300; on October 10, 1903, 28,000. AN ANCIENT GBIST MILL. In 1810 there was a freshet in the river and it washed away a grist mill which stood along the river just above where the West street bridge now stands. That grist mill had stood there a good many years; few people knew when it had been built and it was only in later years that papers were found which showed that it was built as early as 1737. Hendrick Spier owned the property as far back as 1714 but his land ran only to the river. John Joralemon bought the property in 1737 and in the same year Adrian A. Post and Juriaen Thomasse bought it from an Indian named Tahtho- chear, but neither of these deeds went as far as the bank of the river, being only for the island and the bottom of the river on both sides of it. The Indian deed was decided not to be worth anything as far as the Spier property was con- cerned and the result was that Joralemon had the water and Spier the place where a grist mill could be erected. The two went into partnership and built the first grist mill in what are now the limits of the city of Paterson. METAL, PAPER AND BOBBINS. When Alexander Hamilton and his friends said that Paterson was to be the place for the one big factory in the new world, people began to come to Paterson in order to get a share of all the good things that were promised. Some of these people received floor space in the Society's mill and others set up shops and mills in other places. John Clarke was making articles of brass and tin in 1794 and in the following year he moved to the Society's 78 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY mill and remained there until the mill burned down. For some time he worked at his trade in the old grist mill at the foot of Mulberry street; then he moved to lower Broadway. In 1825 his successor, Horatio Moses, had his shop on Van Houten street, south side, below Main. Either Clark or Moses hung out as a sign a big brass dog, carrying a kettle in its mouth ; the sign was not taken down until a few years ago. Before 1802 paper was all made in sheets; it was first made in a roll in 1802 in Paterson by Charles Kinsey, who had a paper mill on Van Houten street, below where the Edison works stand today. The name of the firm was Kin- sey, Crane & Fairchild; Kinsey had the brains and Crane and Fairchild the money. When people thought that a great deal of money was to be made by manufacturing cotton goods. Crane and Fairchild did not want to bother any longer with making paper and so they turned the paper mill into a cotton mill. Thomas Van Houten made bobbins at Cedar Grove for use in the Society's miU; h© cut down trees and with a buck saw cut the wood into small pieces; then with a chisel and brace he made the bobbins. In 1805 he took his brother Dirck into partnership and they moved their workshop to the Peckamin river, between Paterson and Little Falls. In 1827 the brothers came to Paterson and put up a frame mill along the river where Clinton street now ends and they remained there for seven years, when Thomas died. The industry has changed hands frequently since that time; at the present it is the Van Riper Manufacturing Company on lower Van Houten street. AN" EARLY ADVERTISER. John Park© was one of the early citizens of Paterson who made people know he was here. He was making candle- STRUGGL-H FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 79 wicks in the Society's mill when that building was burned down in 1807; he then built a miU for cotton spinning on Van Houten street; this mill is today a part of the Phoenix silk mills. In addition to making cotton h© kept a store in Paterson. He found that it paid to advertise his store and so he thought it would pay him to advertise his cotton business and Paterson at the same time. In those days goods were shipped from Paterson by being taken in wagons to the river below Passaic; here they were loaded into schooners and in that way taken to Philadelphia, which seems to have been the place where most of the goods made in Paterson were sold. Parke changed aU this. He bought some large wagons, painted them all sorts of gaudy colors and then hitched either four or six horses to each for the trip to Philadelphia. In that way people living between Paterson and Philadelphia learned that there was such a place as Paterson and that John Parke made calico and kept a store there. Parke kept this up for some years but in 1812 could make no more calico; the United States was at war with England and no cotton came from the South; there were no railroads in those days and cotton was brought to the North in sailing vessels and these would probably have fallen into the hands of the English if they had left the ports in the South. So Parke had to close up his factory and a short time after he found that he did not have enough to pay his debts. Afterwards he was postmaster of Pater- son and one of the judges of the county courts. QUARREL ABOUT A DAM. Standing on the Main street bridge and looking down the river, or standing on the Arch street bridge and looking up the river, the principal object seen nowadays is a dam. That dam was built in 1838 by William Stagg in order to give power to turn the wheels of his grist mill, which stood 80 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATBRSON HISTORY on the north side of the river near the foot of Clinton street, where the Pope naill now stands. Stagg had trouble before he was ready for business. The True Reformed Dutch church had property near where Stagg wanted to build his mill and the people of the church did not like the idea of having a grist mill so near to their church. So they went to court about it and three men were appointed to settle the matter. These three men decided in favor of Stagg, as all persons may read in their report, in which they say "that the church people must not mislest or prevent Stagg from erecting his mill and dam on said sight without any truble or Damage of expence from them or their suckcessors." THE SILK INDUSTRY. Everybody in Paterson knows that there are a great many silk mills in Paterson but everybody does not know who started this industry. In 1839 one of the big silk mills in Macclesfield, England, was owned by two brothers, Reu- ben and WiUiam Ryle. Another brother, John, was working for them as superintendent. Reuben and William thought that perhaps they might do some business in this country if they had somebody to look after selling their silks here. So they asked John to take the job. This suited John very well, for he had long had a desire to come to this country. He went looking around when he got here and at one time held the position of superintendent of a small silk mill in Northampton, Mass.; here he became acquainted with George W.' Murray, who had been interested in the silk business in England. Reuben and William wrote to their brother, saying that he had been sent to this country to look after their business and that it was about time he opened a store here where they could sell their silks. So John went to New York where he opened a store on the comer of William street an^l Maiden lane. Here Mr. Murray came STRUGGLE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 81 to see him and talked him into going to Paterson to see what chance there was for a silk mill here. Mr. Ryle came to Paterson where he met Christopher Colt, a man who had tried making silk in the old Gun mill in the Valley of the Rocks; three months of silk had been all that Mr. Colt wanted and he had quit. Mr. Ryle reported to Mr. Murray and then the two came out here and the result was that Mr. Murray bought the Gun mill, filled it up with silk machinery and placed Mr. Ryle in charge. What was made was sew- ing silk and that silk in those days was sold in skeins, for spools had not been thought of. About this time Elias Howe had begun his invention of sewing machines; the main trouble he had was to feed the silk to the needle; he found it hard to do this when the thread came only in skeins. So he spoke to Mr. Ryle and the result was that Mr. Ryle found a way of putting silk on spools; the first silk thread used on sewing machines came from Paterson. This was very good for both the maker of sewing machines and the maker of the silk thread. Mr. Murray took Mr. Ryle into partnership and the firm of Murray & Ryle made money; in 1846 Mr. Ryle bought out Mr. Murray's interest in the business and continued it alone. He built a new mill, which he named Murray after his former partner; this mill was burned down, but Mr. Ryle at once began work on the Murray mill where silk is still made at the present day. Such was the beginning of the silk industry in America, for before Mr. Ryle took hold of the matter, the silk made in this country was not worth talking about. To the people of Paterson the silk industry has been a great help. When there were "hard times," and the locomotive works were closed for several years, the silk mills kept on working ; the wages were not as high as in the locomotive works, but people learned that even low wages were better than no wages at all. S2 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY In Paterson is to be found every branch of the silk industry with the exception of taking the silk thread from the cocoon, where it was spun by the worm, and putting it up in skeins. This work is done in countries where people are satisfied with wages of a few cents a day. Some attempts at growing silk have been made in Paterson and in several places in the city mulberry trees may still be seen. The leaves of these trees are what silk worms are fond of and so these trees were brought here to feed the silk worms. The silk worms did their part and some people even took the silk threads from the cocoons and it was worked up into articles; this was amusement and curiosity but not work that paid. An attempt at raising silk in Georgia some years ago had a similar result. In the early days of the industry all the raw silk came from Italy, France, China and Turkey, and it cost between three and four dollars a pound. Then the Japanese wanted to know if they could not send some of their silk this way and were told to do so and be welcome, especially as they offered it for two dollars a pound. The Japanese had always been known as making the finest kind of silk goods and the Paterson silk men felt happy because they would be able to make the same kind and then make ever so much more money on account of the low price they would pay the Japanese for the raw material. Just there is where they made a mistake. When the Japanese silk arrived it was found to be so fine that only the thinnest kind of goods could be made out of it, goods that looked like fine veils. Paterson silk workers called it "everlasting," because it took so long to weave a yard. It was not liked for weaving in Paterson and nobody wanted to buy the goods, because they were so thin. But it was all used, for the Paterson silk weavers twisted four threads of it together and then they had a thread just as thick as any silk that had ever been used in the Paterson silk mills. But the Japanese also STRUGGLE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMAOT 83 found out that they could get more money for the silk and so they quickly sent the price up until their silk cost just as much as other silk. Raw silk went up in price to ten dollars a pound during the civil war; then it went back to three or four dollars a pound; during the great world's war it went back to ten dollars a pound, but after fighting had stopped it went down again. Bury a spool of silk thread, a spool of woollen thread and a spool of cotton thread into the ground; dig there some years later and it will be found that the spools, the wool and the cotton have gone; they have all rotted and all that is left is the silk and that is just as good as it was when it was buried. Silk is therefore the most lasting of all stuffs that dresses, ribbons and thread can be made of; it does not rot and it is hard to wear it out. When silk dresses were made of pure silk a woman would wear a silk dress all her life, then give it to her daughter and this daughter would give it to her daughter and the dress would still be good. But raw silk costs several dollars a pound and so men tried to find something they could add to the silk and make cheaper goods. They tried adding a little in the way of cotton and woollen threads, but this did not work, as the goods did not look as fine and the wool and cotton would wear out or rot so quickly that the whole dress would be gone in a short time. Then some man found out that he could add a little sugar to the dye stuffs used for silks of light color and a little nut galls to black silks. In this way he could add two or three ounces to every pound of sUk woven in his mill, and of course he made money, for sugar and nut galls cost only a few cents a pound. This worked very well, but the silk manufacturers went too far, especially when they found that a salt of tin could be added and a great deal more than of either sugar or nut galls. Fashions kept changing and this meant cutting up a silk dress from one pattern to another; so people wanted cheaper silks and 84 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATBRSON HISTORY they got what they wanted, but the stuff they bought was more tin than silk; in fact, sometimes there would be four times more tin than silk. Dresses made of this material do not last long; in fact, some of the stuff dresses were to be made of would rot on the shelves before a dressmaker got hold of it. So of late years less tin has been used and good silks have little of it. When the worm makes its cocoon it spins a thin silk thread and in doing so uses some gum, sometimes more and sometimes less. This gum cannot be used in weaving silk and must be boiled off. Of course the less gum there is in raw silk the more is the silk worth. So when a bale of silk arrives at the store of a man selling raw silk, it is examined to find out how much gum the worms used in making the silk. This is called "conditioning," and this fixes the real or market value of the silk. THE LOCOMOTIVE INDUSTRY. One of the principal industries in Paterson in past years was, and to some extent still is, the making of loco- motives. How did the men in early Paterson come to make locomotives? There is an interesting story in the answer to this question. Up to 1832 all locomotives were made in England. The railroad, which had been built a short time before between Paterson and Jersey City, wanted a locomo- tive and so bought one in England. It was put into boxes in England and sent to this country and the railroad people sent it to a shop along the raceway in Paterson; Thomas Rogers was one of the partners who owned this machine shop. Rogers was to put the locomotive together so that it could be used; he did so, but he first made a pattern of every piece of it. In less than a year he had a locomotive just like the one that had been sent here from England. On October 6, 1837, he and some of his friends used the locomotive for STBUGGLB FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 85 an excursion to New Brunswick, by way of Jersey City. The engine worked just as well as had the one that came from England and Mr. Rogers saw that he could make a great deal of money out of making locomotives. He cer- tainly did so and left a great deal of money to his son, Jacob S. Rogers, and this son in turn made more money by making more locomotives. But Rogers could not have this industry all to himself. Other men began to build locomotives and in a few years the Grant Locomotive works and the Danforth Locomotive & Machine Company, afterwards the Cooke Locomotive Works, were making locomotives, the three shops together sometimes turning out as many as thirty locomotives in a month. The Grant works failed and the machinery was moved to Chicago. The Cooke works were moved from lower Market street down towards Lake View, along the tracks of the Erie railroad. It was then that the American Locomotive company bought all the locomotive works in the country, and even some in Canada, excepting one in Philadelphia and the Rogers works in Paterson. Mr. Rogers, Jacob S., would not sell; but he was getting old and had plenty of money and did not want to bother making more; so in 1900 he concluded that he would shut up his works and he did so. They were bought by some men in New York Tvho in turn sold them to the American Locomotive Com- pany and this company moved the machinery to the Cooke works, which they had bought some time before. So Pater- son today has only one locomotive works instead of three. Jacob S. Rogers died worth a great deal of money. In his will he left a little of it to some relatives — ^he was never married — but nearly all of it, five million dollars, went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Central Park, New York. So the money Mr. Rogers and his men made in Pat- terson was lost to Paterson forever. 86 FOUR CHAPTEORS OF PATERSON HISTORY There is an interesting story connected with the success the Rogers, father and son, had in making locomotives. Jacob S. Rogers one day told this story as follows: "In Eng- land, in fact all over Europe, they make locomotives as stiff and solid as if they had been cast out of one solid piece of metal. When a locomotive is put on a road and it is found that the locomotive cannot go around a curve because the locomotive is too long and stiff, they take up the road and straighten out the curve. I build locomotives just the other way. Instead of building the road to suit the locomotive, I build the locomotive to suit the road. The English say that my locomotives are wobbly and they call them basket work^ but that is just the kind of locomotives I want to build.. Show me the road and I will build an engine to suit it. Instead of fastening big wheels to a stiff and heavy body, I put the body loosely on the wheels, so that the body can move around a little when the engine goes around a curve. The result is that a road can be built a great deal cheaper for my engines than for English engines. It costs me a tariff of forty cents for every dollar's worth of steel and iron I get from England, and I b3^e got to go to England for my steel and iron, but I am selling engines to Englishmen in Canada and Australia and other British possessions. The English in England would not have any of my engines, for they are used to their own and their railroads are built for their engines, but I can sell engines all over the rest of the world. The English do not like to be taught by an Ameri- can ; some day they will find out that I am right, but when that time comes I shall not want to build any more locomo- tives." OTHER WORKERS IN IRON. Some years ago there were two large iron manufactur- ing establishments, one on each side of the Erie tracks near STRUGGLE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACS 87 Lake View, the Paterson Iron Company and the Passaic Rolling Mill. Franklin C. Beckwith made a success of the Paterson Iron Company, for in his day there was no rolling mill with big steam hammers in this part of the country. When the shaft of a large steamer broke and it was necessary to get another, this had to be done in a hurry in order that the steamer might get to sea again as quickly as possible. To send far out West for a new shaft meant a great deal of delay and was unsatisfactory because the men who owned the steamer could not see to it themselves that the shaft was made just as they wanted it. So Mr. Beckwith made these shafts and he got for them almost any price he asked. What was true of the broken shaft of a steamer was true also of many other broken large pieces of iron and Mr. Beckwith's establishment was kept busy most of the time^ But when railroads ran faster trains out West and whem other rolling mills with big steam hammers started intO' business in this part of the country, the business of the Pat- erson Iron Company fell off and it was closed in 1897. The place it occupied is now used by the Erie railroad for se. yard. Watts Cooke founded the Passaic Rolling Mill. He had been a superintendent on the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railroad and he thought he could make money by building bridges for railroads. He was right, for he built a great many bridges and he did so according to a plan which was new at that time. When men wanted a bridge built the work was done by a number of laborers and black- smiths at the place where the bridge was to be erected. After the piers of the bridge were up came a long job with iron. The iron had to be forged and put into shape and then put together. Watts Cooke went to work in a different way. The piers had to be built at the stream, because they could not "be built anywhere else and then moved to the stream, but the bridge itself was built in Paterson. A little bridge,^ 88 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORX like a toy bridge, was made of small pieces of wood, each piece fitting just where it belonged. Then the real bridge, of heavy iron, was made after the little model and it is easy to see that this could be done a great deal cheaper and better in works where they had big furnaces and forges and steam riveting machines than on the banks of a distant stream. The bridge was put together in the yard of the works, with- out being fastened together; then it was taken down and shipped to where the bridge was to stand; the subsequent work of putting it together amounted to very little com- pared to what had to be done under the old plan. The Passaic Rolling Mill built a large part of the elevated rail- roads in New York, the Seventh Regiment armory, the Washington bridge over the Harlem river and many of the bridges in Passaic county and other parts of the country. At the death of Watts Cooke in 1908 the works passed into other hands. MAKING LINEN THREAD. The history of the Barbour flax spinning works in Pat- erson is not as interesting as is the history of other industries in this city, for it was only a matter of putting money where more could be made. Four of the Barbour brothers had been making linen thread in Lisburn, Ireland. They sold a great deal of their thread in this country, but the price was high on account of the tariff they had to pay to get the thread into the country. So two of the brothers, Thomas and Robert, came to this country in 1864, and began making thread in Paterson. They bought a mill in which John Colt had made calico, but this soon proved too small for them. In 1877 they built a mill on Grand street; the next year they doubled it and so they kept on adding to it until the mill grew to be as big as it is now. Thomas and Robert are both dead. Thomas left a son, William, who STRUGGLE FOR INDUSTRIAL SUPREMACY 89 succeeded his father; he lived most of the time in New York, but he was always a good friend to Paterson, where he spent a great deal of his money, a large part going to the hospitals and other charitable institutions. His sons now run the works, for William Barbour died March 1, 1917. Robert Barbour left a son, J. Edwards Barbour, who for many years managed the Paterson mills. In 1909 he began to manufacture for himself and he now has a mill at Lake View and another in AUentown, Pa. Municipal Administration Municipal Administration In the early days of this part of New Jersey all the ground now covered by the city of Paterson was in the township of Acquackanonk and this township was in Essex county. Paterson was first put on the map as a township in 1831 as a part of Essex county. On February 7, 1837, the lawmakers of New Jersey passed a law which created the county of Passaic by taking the township of Acquacka- nonk from Essex county and a large part of the township of Saddle River from Bergen county. THE CITY OF PATERSON. When Paterson became a township the people here were very poor and money was so scarce that even a rich man of those days would be considered poor today. Some idea of what money was worth in those days may be gained from the fact that the counsel of the township, Daniel Barkalow, one of the most prominent lawyers Passaic county produced, was satisfied with a salary of ten dollars for a whole year's work. The voters every year decided how much money should be spent for the various branches of the government, until in 1849 when they decided not to spend another dollar for any purpose. There was no money for the poor, for the streets, for the schools or for anything else. The poormaster had paid ten dollars a year rent for the poor house and had received one dollar a week for the board of each of the poor; the authorities sold the poor house. The township owned what was known as the "town lot," over four and seven-tenths acres at what is now Broadway and East Eigh- 94 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTOBX teenth street; this was sold for eight hundred dollars. At the regular election in 1850 the voters again decided in favor of no taxes; a special election was held and the result was the same; everything seemed at a standstill when another election was caUed and the voters agreed to spend fifty dollars for the support of the poor for one year and they would not agree to give a dollar for any other purpose. What little money was used for the government came from the pockets of men who were willing to loan it to the town- ship and trust to the honor of the people to pay it back some time in the future. But there came a change, for there was more work, the factories being busy. Th people decided in 1851 by a vote of 772 to 330 to change the township into a city and the government passed into the hands of a council, the president of which was pretty much what the mayor became in after years. There were three wards and their boundaries were very simple. All of Paterson lying east of Main street and north of Market was the East ward ; all west of Main street and north of Market was the West ward and the rest of the city was the South ward. In 1854 the city reached out and added what is now the First and Second wards of the city, excepting the land lying north of Totowa avenue and west of the Oldham brook; this strip was added the following year and the whole made into the North ward. The Fifth ward was made the same year by taking from the South ward all east of Cross and Marshall streets. The title of the government was changed to "The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Paterson," and large leatlier badges were pro- vided for the aldermen; these badges indicated the ward the bearer represented and were in use for a number of years. In 1869 the city took enough real estate from the township of Acquackanonk to make the city's southerly line Crooks avenue and the westerly line West Twenty- Seventh street. Paterson's First City Hall MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION 95 THE FIRST CITY HALL. In 1869 the aldermen thought it would be very nice for the Paterson of the future if the city had a park in its centre and a city hall in the centre of the park. So they appointed a commission to buy the property bounded by Market, Ellison^ Colt and Church streets. Some of the tax- payers thought this was going too far and they went to coUrt about it; the court decided that the aldermen had no right to give to others the powers which the legislature had given only to the aldermen ; the aldermen might buy prop- erty for the city but they could not get others to attend to that matter for them. As so many taxpayers had shown that they objected to having a park in the centre of the city, the aldermen satisfied themselves by buying a building for a city hall. The building they bought had been erected by Peter Colt in 1814 as a residence for himself; he had used in its construction the brown stone taken from the walls of the large mill owned by the Society but which had burned down. The Colt residence was two stories high and stood where the police station stands now. From its front entrance a large lawn reached down to Main street. The aldermen cut down the hill in front of the building and the street thus made is now called Washington. This left the building high up in the air and so the aldermen buUt another story under it. In the picture of the building the former entrance can be easily distinguished over the entrance built afterwards. The building was used by the city officers until the present city hall was erected. It was destroyed in the great fire in 1902. THE PRESENT CITY HALL. In 1891 the city celebrated the centennial of its found- ing. A part of this celebration was the beginning of the erection of the present city hall. Where that building now 96 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY stands stood formerly St. Paul's Episcopal church ; this had a little city block all to itself, Colt street separating it on the north from an old hotel, the Hamilton House, and a row of offices. The church, hotel and offices were removed to make room for the present city hall. The fire in 1902 burned out the inside of the new building, but did not destroy the walls. Until the interior of the city hall could be repaired and fitted up the city offices were scattered about in many different places, the court house, post office, Entre Nous lyceum, the lecture room of the First Presbyterian church and other places. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. In 1884 the people of Paterson voted in favor of a public library. Five citizens were appointed by the mayor and they began work by renting a building on Church street, between Market and Ellison streets. Then came the offer of a site. Mrs. Mary E. Ryle, the daughter of Charles Dan- forth, one of the prominent locomotive builders of Paterson, and widow of William Ryle, a wealthy silk importer, wanted to do something in memory of her father. The residence occupied by the Danforth family for many years stood on the northeast corner of Market and Church streets. This Mrs. Ryle offered to give to the library trustees and of course her offer was gratefully accepted. The only condi- tion Mrs. Ryle made was that the library should be named after her father and to this day it is known as the Danforth Free Public Library. Mrs. Ryle, however, was not satisfied with what she had done and so she paid all the expenses incurred in making her former home a convenient place for a library. When the building and its contents were de- stroyed in the fire of 1902, and the trustees decided to put up a new building on Broadway, Auburn and Van Houten streets, Mrs. Ryle contributed one hundred thousand dollars towards paying the expenses. ■4 -^l /'t^ V-iLt>;;4 Paterson's First Public Library Building MUNICIPAL ADMINISTKATION 97 PURCHASE OF PARKS. The Board of Aldermen in 1888 purchased the Eastside and Westside parks and then passed them into the custody of a board appointed for that purpose by the mayor. A number of smaller parks have since been added in various parts of the city, the largest being the former Pennington homestead lying opposite Westside park. CHANGES IN THE CITY GOVERNMENT. The legislature of 1907 provided that the mayor of Paterson should appoint Commissioners of Finance, of Public Works and of Police and Fire. The Board of Finance divides up the money received from the taxpayers among the various branches of the city government and looks after the money interests of the city; without the approval of the Board of Finance no bills, excepting those of the Board of Education, can be paid. The Board of Public Works looks after the public buildings, the streets and such matters. The title of the board is enough to show the work looked after by the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. There is an interesting incident connected with the in- troduction of the first steam fire engine in Paterson. For many years the firemen of the city received no pay for the work they did and each company tried to do better than any of the others. Their principal means of putting out fires were hand engines. In 1860 Washington Engine Company No. 3, located on Prospect street, near Ellison, asked the aldermen to buy a steam engine for it, agreeing to contribute a thousand dollars out of the company's treasury towards the cost. Steam engines were something new and none of the aldermen had ever seen any. Engine Company No. 3 was not satisfied with the inaction of the aldermen and, in 98 FOUR OHAPTBKS OF PATBRSON HISTORY order to show the pveople of Paterson the kind of work a steam engme could do, they had one brought from New York. There was a big crowd present when the engine was set to work pumping at one of the raceways in the lower part of the city. All were surprised and many were ready to help buy the machine, so that $1,400 was subscribed on the spot. Had it not been for the war Engine Company No. 3 would have obtained that engine, but when the Union needed men so many of the fire fighters enlisted that little attention was paid to the fire department. After the war was over the members of Passaic Engine Company No. 1, whose house was on Van Houten street, nearly opposite to where fire headquarters are today, thought they would get ahead of No. 3 and so they circulated a petition among prominent men asking the aldermen to buy a steam fire engine for Engine Company No. 1. Those who had charge of the petition and those who signed it were made to promise not to tell anybody what was being done, for the men of No. 1 were afraid that the men of No. 3 might spoil their plans, for it was known that No. 3 also wanted an engine. One of the men of No. 1 told the secret to his wife and she blabbed it the next morning to her next door neighbor, who was the wife of a member of No. 3. The rest of the story need hardly be told. The petition from No. 3, hurriedly prepared, was granted by the aldermen while the men of No. 1 were still looking for signatures to their petition. And so it came to pass that Engine Company No. 3 was the first company of the old volunteer department to have a steam fire engine. The change from the volunteer department to the paid department was gradual. First the aldermen gave a few hundred dollars to each fire company every year; then the captain and engineer were paid and then followed the ap- pointment of paid call men, the latter being members of the department who worked at their usual occupations until a MUNICIPAL ADMINISTKATION 99 fire alarm was sounded when they dropped everything and hurried to the scene of the fire. Finally came the present department with its large force of men and the best of fire fighting machines. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. It is not at all certain that Guiliaem Bertholf taught school in 1693 in what is now Paterson, but it is likely that he did. In one of his letters he refers to himself as "the pastor of the churches of Hackensack and Acquackanonk, the resident schoolmaster and consoler of the sick." As Paterson, before it was called Paterson, was a part of Ac- quackanonk, the chances are that the school teachers of Paterson today are the successors of Rev. Mr. Bertholf. The Acquackanonk church records tell of a man named James Billington, who was a schoolmaster, and who was married in 1742, the name of his bride being Anna America. Perhaps Mr. Billington taught school somewhere in what is now Paterson. There was a school in 1768 at Pompton and in 1775 at Singac; in 1802 there was a log school house near what is now Athenia — schools aU about Paterson but none in Paterson. ■■■•• ''■■ -^ ^.^ Just when the first school was built in Paterson is not known but records tell of school being taught before 1820 in a building which stood near where the Market street bridge now crosses into Bergen county. There were several school teachers there, one after another, and some of the pupils were ferried across the river from Bergen county, for there was no bridge there at that time. The teacher and his family lived in the same building in which he taught school; there were several classes and each was taught for three hours in the forenoon and three hours in the after- noon ; there was a half holiday every Saturday and later on a whole holiday on Saturday, but there were no vacations. 100 FOUR CHAPTERS OF PATERSON HISTORY But before this time the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures had done something towards education. In 1794 the superintendent of the Society reported to the directors that a number of children would be taken out of the Society's factory by their parents unless something was done in the way of teaching these children. So the directors told the superintendent to employ a schoolmaster to teach these children on Sundays. This was probably done, for two years later the Society gave John Wright, schoolmaster, the use of a house in which to teach school. But before John Wright began to teach, Miss Sarah Colt had started a Sunday school and she carried it on for a number of years; she was the daughter of the Society's supyerintendent and was only twelve years of age when she began to teach. It may seem curious in these days that reading, writing and arithmetic should be taught in Sunday schools, but the teaching of these branches of education was the main object of Sunday schools in the early days of Paterson. Even as late as 1822 the Paterson Union Sunday School Society de- clared that its object was teaching "the rudiments of the English language, religion and morality." In 1814 the Society gave a lot on the southeast comer of Market and Union streets for the purpose of education and the building there was occupied by the Paterson Acad- emy, which had been started some three years previous. It was in this building that the first free school, that is, a school at the expense of the public, was begun in 1827, the lower floor of the building being rented for $2.60 per month, but it was understood that the school was only for the benefit of the children of the poor. The cost of education in Pat- erson in 1831 was only $300 and in 1835 the school trustees got along with $200, this sum including all expenses. These schools were called "free schools for the poor" and it was not until 1847 that the words "for the poor" were dropped from the title. Even then it required a permit from the MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION 101 school trustees before a child could enter school and no family could send more than one child without paying a tuition fee. Children were required to furnish their own books and stationery. In 1837 the school trustees rented the basement of the Cross street Methodist church and in this same basement the first session of the Passaic county courts was held. While court was in session the children played. School was next held in the basement of a Baptist church in Broadway, afterwards the German Presbyterian church. The school was then moved to the corner of Union and Smith streets; this building was burned down in 1846 and the school went back to the basement of the Cross street church. In 1848 the trustees bought a lot on the south side of Ellison street, between Main and Prospect streets; there was already a building on the lot, but another was erected in the rear; the lower floor of this was used as a private school ; the public school was held upstairs and among the pupils who attended was the late William J. Rogers, who was subsequently super- intendent of the schools in Paterson for a number of years. The records do not tell what the school hours were but they do say that these hours began at six o'clock in the morning. Progress in building schools — and also in attending them — now became rapid until there was established our present large and efficient system. Under the city charter of 1871 the members of the Board of Education were elected annually by voters, two from each ward; this was done away with by the legislature in 1902, since which time the mem- bers of the board have been appointed by the mayor of the city.