;S\».S'i»'JS«'.itf,i ;■•' ("C' »!};;•:■.••• \iV*S»;iY?.'S!.i:iSS ■ • Qfarnell HntwerHtty ICtbrarg Strata. Ntva ^atk BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE FISKE ENDOWMENT FUND THE BEQUESTOF WILLARD FISKE LIBRARIAN OF THE UNlVERSrTY 1868.188 1905 93 I 4 Cornell University Library Z6621.C174 K5 + Descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts 3 1924 029 604 752 olin Overs Cornell University Library The original of this bool< is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924029604752 A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE MANUSCRIPTS OTHER THAN ORIENTAL IN THE LIBRARY OF KING'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE aonfton; C. J. CLAY AND SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. ffilasgofa: 263, ARGYLE STREET. leipjlS: F. A. BROCKHAUS. i^fa lorS: MACMILLAN AND CO. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE MANUSCRIPTS OTHER THAN ORIENTAL IN THE LIBRARY OF KING'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE BY MONTAGUE RHODES JAMES, Litt.D., FELLOW AND SENIOR DEAN OF KING'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE ; DIRECTOR OF THE FITZVi'ILLIAM MUSEUM CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. [All Rights reserved. ^ CatnbviSaf : PRINTED BY J. AND C. F. CLAY, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. TO THE MEMBERS OF KING'S COLLEGE, PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. PREFACE. THERE is little to be said by way of preface to this Catalogue. Had the ancient Library of the College survived ^ the collection would have stood high among College Libraries. As it is, the manuscripts are markedly few in number. Thomas James, writing his Ecloga Oxonio-Cantabrigiensis in 1600, found only seven volumes to catalogue; and these the College still possesses**? The old Library must clearly have dis- appeared before his time. For this total evanishment of 174 volumes no process of gradual purloining or decay will satisfactorily account. I cannot but think it likely that Henry VHL, or some one possessed of power and unscrupulousness comparable to his, must have removed them en bloc. At present, however, no record of any such transaction is known to exist in the College. If any trace, of our lost Library should come to the knowledge of a reader, I would ask him, on behalf of the College, to acquaint the Society with his discovery. In the compilation of this volume I have had the advantage of using some partial descriptions, and complete collations of the first eighteen MSS., made by the late Mr Bradshaw. The brilliance and thoroughness of his work is nowhere more conspicuous than in his solution of the disarrangement of the text of S. Augustine's tract de quantitate animae in no. 3. The College possesses, besides the Western MSS. here cata- logued, a large collection of Oriental MSS., made at Patna by Mr Pote. This gentleman divided his collection equally between the Colleges of King's and Eton. I hope that both portions may be adequately catalogued at no distant date. MONTAGUE RHODES JAMES. ' See Appendix, p. 69. ''■ They are nos. i, 3, 11, 12, 20, 23, 27. LIST OF DONORS AND OWNERS OF THE MSS. Donors. n *„ Number r» ^ Date. ^^^3. Date. '547 Jo- Hollond 19 1665 1576 Ric. Day 2,12 1672 1588(?) Th. Thomas 35 1672 15.. Earl of Essex 41 1684 1644 H. Bard 29 1700 i65i(?) S. Collins, Pravo.^l ;....6 1712 1654 Ric. Stokes 18 1723 1654 S. Thorns 33 1831 1654 8 1850 i66o(?) W. Price 32 1888 Number o/MS. J. Pearson 7, 10 34 W. Sargeant 22,30 Jac. Bernard 31 R. Roderick 5, 15 W. Offley 28 Nich. Harding 25 M. Thackeray 38 G. Thackeray 37, 39 G. Nugent-Bankes 36 2. Owners. i. Monastic. Number o/MS. S. Alban's Abbey 19 Bury S. Edmund^s 7, 21 (?) Charterhouse of London 4 Durham Priory 22 Franciscan Convent in Lincolnshire 35 Nitviber o/MS. Leicester Abbey 2 S. John's Priory at Pontefract 31 Shulbrede Priory' 18 Swinhey Priory'' 18 1 Shulbrede or Wolinchmere was a Priory of Austin Canons in Sussex, founded \yj Sir Ralph de Ardem. ^ Swinhey or Swlna was a Cistercian Priory of nuns in Yorkshire, founded in the reign of Stephen. LIST OF DONORS AND OWNERS OF THE MSS. ii. Private. Number of MS. Cent. XV. Jo. Wylchur, Vicar of All Saints, Leicester 2 Henry VI 4 Jo. Bartlatt 16 Peter Vicar of Swinhey 18 — Haward 21 Roger Marshall 21 R. Hallyman 26 Humphrey Duke of Gloucester 27 Sir Robert Drury 30 Th. Baschttrche 32 Petrus Bembus 34 ?T. Clune 18 ?Robert Elmere 25 Cent. xvi. Queen Mary(?) 24 Stephen Gardiner, Bp of Win- chester (?) 20 Osorius, Bp of Cadiz 41 R. London of Aldeby 8 Nich. Williams 13 Nnmher of MS. Cent. xvi. W. Maylerd 13 Simon Forman 16 Jac. Braybrooke ... 22 J. B. Fauveau(?) 36 Jacquette Roviot 36 — Nerac 36 Cent. xvii. J. Davenant, Bp of Salisbury 5 R. Roderick 5 T. Barlow, Bp of Lincoln 28 Sir Henry Wotton 34 Samuel Collins 34 T. Grey 35 Cent, xviii. J. Godfrey 36 W. Herbert 36 Mr Ainsworth 36 Cent. xix. Phihp Carteret Webb 36 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 1. AUGUSTINUS SUPER PsALMOS CI-CL. Vellum, IS X lof, ff. 227, in quires of eight leaves: double columns of 42 lines. Text-hand, early xiiith century. Collation: a' (+8 gone) b^ (i, 2 most part gone) c^-u^x'(4, 5 gone) y' t? A'-F' G' (7 b blank, 8 gone) : 227 leaves out of 240. Contents : Aurelii Augustini Episcopi Hipponensis Tractatus de Psalmis ci-cl. Begins : f. 9 aa Lege sequentia {Tract, de Ps. ci. Serm. ^, § 14, ed. Bened.). Ends: ...Et quia sapere secundum camem mors est, omnis spiritus laudet dominum. Aurelii Augustini tractatus de psalmo centesimo quinquagesimo explicit (f. ■239 ab). Only two fragments remain before f. 11 aa, which begins nam mercedem. Deus te quem fecit (Tract, de Ps. cii. § s, ed. Bened.). The gap caused by the loss of ff. 165, 166 is from Tract, de Ps. cxxxii. § 13, Carni deditus corde precede to set et si est aliquis ( Tract, de Ps. cxxxiv. § 6). There is no donor's name nor mark of provenance. The hand is fine : the initials are for the most part plain pink, red, and green. The MS. is no. 7 in T. James's list in Ecloga Oxonio-Canta- brigiensis, i6cx), p. 137. BiBLIA SACRA LaTINE. Vellum, 12 X 8J, ff. 496, in quires of 16 leaves, double columns of 5 1 lines. Early xivth century. Three volumes in one. K. MSS. I 2 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 2 12 Collation: Vol. i. (Genesis-Psalmi) a^»-e^» P (H cancelled) g"- P« k^« (lO cancelled) l^^ m" n^" (i gone) o^^ (i6 b blank): 222 leaves. Vol. ii. (Parabole— Apocalipsis) A^" (i gone) B^" C^" D»« (13 cancelled) E^^ P« G^« (7 gone) H^^-Ni" 0" (13 cancelled) P^ (8 gone, but probably blank): 230 leaves. Vol. iii. (Interpretaciones hebraicorum nominum) aa^^ bb" cc {lobb blank; 11 and 12 gone, probably blank): 44 leaves. Contents : The Epistle of Jerome to Paulinus : Frater Ambrosius . . . f. i Prologue to the Pentateuch 3 Genesis 3 * [i Esdras = Ezra and Nehemiah. 2 Esdras = 3 Esdras (i Esdras of our Apocrypha).] The order of the books in the New Testament is : Evv., Paul. Epp., Act., Oath., Apoc. Interpretaciones nominum 453 The historiated initials are of good style : they run as follows : 1. Prologue: Frater ambrositis. Black monk sitting at desk with book on it, holding pen and knife : his face erased : brown ground. 2. Genesis. Initial I extending the length of the page and enclosing eight elliptical miniatures : on grounds alternately blue and pink with white dots. I. Christ stands blessing a globe coloured black and blue. I. Christ blessing a globe divided into land surrounded by green water. 3. Christ blessing a globe with a tree in it. 4. Christ blessing a globe with sun, moon and stars in it. 5. Christ blessing a globe with a bird in it. 6. Christ blessing a recumbent figure of Adam. 7. Christ seated, holding the globe divided into three parts, and blessing. 8. Christ on a green cross ; the Virgin and S. John stand on either side. 3. Exodus. Man in pointed cap precedes a man and woman to a gate on R. 4. Leviticus. Moses horned, kneels at altar, holding a lamb : on Z. a Jew kneels : on R. above, Christ's head in sky. 5. Numbers. Two seated men in close caps : Christ's face in sky on R. 6. Deuteronomy. Moses horned, with the tables, addresses two Jews on L. 7. Joshua. A similar picture to that for Numbers. Joshua (nimbed) and Caleb, in peaked caps, seated : Christ's face In sky on R. 8. Judges. A similar picture : neither figure is nimbed. 9. Ruth. Initial I : above, Elimelech in hat and tunic, with cloak on staff over his shoulder, and walking-rod, faces R. : below, Naomi with cloak on staff, and two boys, Mahlon and Chilion, face R. 10. I Sam. Hannah kneels at altar under trefoiled arch on R. : Eli stands behind her : both faces erased. 11. 1 Sam. Benaiah, with raised sword, about to behead the Amalekite, who kneels. 12. I Kings. David, crowned, in a white bed: on the other side of it stands a courtier and Abishag. MS. 2] king's college. 3 13. 2 Kings. A two-storied tower: in it a crowned half-length figure of Ahaziah, who is intended to be falling out of it. 14. I Chr. A group of seven seated men. 15. 2 Chr. Solomon, crowned, kneels at altar: Christ's head in sky on R. 16. Ezra (JEsdr. I.). Above, a mason in a hat laying stones on a battlemented wall : below him, under a trefoil arch, a youth bearing two buckets of water on a yoke : below him Cyrus, seated, crowned, pointing upwards. 1 7. Neheniiah. Artaxerxes, crowned, seated : Nehemiah kneels, presenting a green covered cup. 18. I Esdras (Esdr. II.). A man in cap and tunic, with bucket and a sponge, sprinkling an altar over which hangs a lamp. 19. Tobit. Tobit in bed, with closed eyes: a swallow flies away to R. 20. Judith. Judith stands over Holofernes, crowned, in bed, and cuts his throat with a sword. ■21. Esther. Above, Ahasuerus, crowned and seated, stretches his sceptre down to Esther, also crowned and seated, who holds the end of it. Below, Haman in linen drawers, hanging ; his arms bound behind him. 11. Job. First leaf gone. 23. Psalms. I. Beatus vir. David, crowned, sits playing his harp. 2. Dominus illuminatio. Samuel, nimbed, pours oil from gold flask on to the head of David, a boy with crook : Jesse, nimbed, stands on R. 3. Dixi custodiatn. David, crowned, kneels to Christ standing on R., and points to his mouth. 4. Dixit insipiens. David crowned and seated : the fool in dark coloured drawers, with shaven head, holds a cake and a club. 5. Salvum me fac. Above, Christ, half-length, holds the divided globe: below, David nude and crowned, up to his middle in water. 6. Exultate deo. David, crowned and seated, plays on three bells with two hammers. 7. Cantate. Three coped and tonsured clerks singing before a lectern. 8. Dixit dominus. The Father and Son, with cruciform nimbi, seated on a gold throne: the Dove in air between them, head downwards. 24. Proverbs. First leaf gone. 25. Eccl. Solomon crowned and throned : on J?, a woman standing holds a round cake or ball, and a man reclines. 26. Canticles. The Virgin, seated on a gold throne, holds the Child. 27. Wisdom. Solomon, seated, talks to a mailed man who holds a red shield divided into eight parts by white lines. 28. Ecclus. The Church, crowned and throned, holds a processional cross and a gold chalice. 29. Isaiah. Two men with a cross and saw, saw the head of Isaiah, kneeling, full- face, bound to a shaft in the centre : he is beardless. 30. Jer. Jeremiah in close cap, nimbed, seated, holding a blank scroll. 31. Lam. Jeremiah, nimbed, seated, with head on hand : Jerusalem on A". I — 2 4 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 2 32. Baruch. He sits writing at desk : a knife in Z. hand. 33. Ezehiel. He is beardless and lies in bed : above, the four heads of the cherubs in a blue cloud. j ti, 34. Daniel. He stands half-length, nimbed, in a curiously-shaped brown den, tne outside of which is covered with flowers : two lions' heads below him. 35. Rosea. He sits, nimbed, talking to Gomer, who is also seated. 36. Joel. Seated, nimbed, in cap, with blank scroll. 37. Amos. Stands, hooded and nimbed, with club : two sheep feed on R.\ above, Christ's head in the sky. 38. Obadiah. As Joel. 39. Jonah. Above, Nineveh, two turrets inside a circular wall: below, Jonah, naked, emerges from the iish's mouth. 40. Micah. As Joel. 41 . Nahum. As Joel. 42. Habakkuk. With loaves in his cloak-fold, and a jug in his hand : a hand out of clouds above seizes his hair. 43. Zephaniah. As Joel. 44. Haggai. Above, Haggai with scroll : below, a prince in cap pointing upwards. 45. Zechariah. He stands nimbed and hooded : an angel flies down to him with a scroll. 46. Malaehi. As Joel. 47. I Mace. A man in tunic (Mattathias) about to behead a kneeling figure who is holding up a dish with a boar's head in both hands. 48. 2 Mace. A seated Jew in pointed cap gives a letter to a man in hat and tunic. 49. Matth. Jesse in bed in pointed cap : a tree springs firom him containing full- length figures of (i) a king, (2) the Virgin, (3) Christ with globe blessing. 50. Mark. Stands with book under trefoiled arch with tower above. 51. Luke. Zacharias nimbed and hooded: on R. an angel in white, at the further end of an altar, with censer, under trefoiled arch. 52. John. As Mark: John is tonsured and wearing dalmatic. 53. Rom. Paul, seated, holds cross and talks to two seated Jews in pointed caps. 54. I Cor. Paul, seated, with sword and blank scroll. 55. 2 Cor. As r Cor. 56. Gal. As I Cor. 57. Efh. As I Cor. 58. Phil. He feels the point of his sword, and has no scroll. 59. Col. As I Cor. 60. I Thess. As i Cor. 6i. 2 Thess. As i Cor. 62. I Tim. As I Cor. 63. 2 Tim. As I Cor., sword and scroll reversed. 64. Titus. As I Cor. 65. Philemon. He has no scroll. 66. Heb. As Romans; a sword takes the place of the cross. 67. Acts. The Ascension. The Virgin, Peter with key, and other Apostles seated : Christ's feet seen out of cloud above. 68. James. As Mark : scroll substituted for book. MS. 3] KING'S COLLEGE. 5 69. 1 Pet. Peter, seated, in blue chasuble, peaked mitre and gloves, with key, blessing. 70. 1 Pet. Seated, bareheaded, with key. 71. I John. Decorative. 72. 1 yohn. Seated, with book. 73- 3 yohn. Seated, with scroll. 74. yude. As James. 75. Rev. John, seated at desk, with knife and pen : seven towers surround him. On f. 494 ^ in a fine xvth century hand is : Orate pro anima Aomiva Joha««is Wylchur vicarij omnium sanctorum l^eycestrie qui dedit istu«« libruw ad usu»i abbatis leycestne. The fly-leaves are four leaves of accounts of a shipping merchant for parts of April, June and August, 1662, e.g. Le pri° Aprill. Geo. Robins in Jaco Vanprat a Rochel. 1 . xiiij hogsheads Aqua vitae . . . . . v" : xiij' : Ij'' ob. Hen. Moody in Jaco Haviman a Konisb(urgh). 2. xi bund, qt cxcviij" ro hemp vi":V=: v'' etc. 3. AUGUSTINI ET BOETHII QUAEDAM. Vellum, I2f X g\, four volumes bound in one, in quires of eight leaves. Vol. i., fif. 126, double columns of 41 lines. Cent, xii-xiii. Collation: a' (1-3 gone, 4 most part gone) b^-p^ q*: 126 leaves. Contents : Aurelii Augustini Episcopi Hipponensis libri xv de sancta Trinitate, preceded by 1. Elenchus capitum : beginning gone. ? Not printed. 2. Sententia B. Augustini de libro retractationum. 3. Epistola Augustini ad Aurelium. The text is printed in Ed. Bened. viii. 747-1004. The books have here a longer and a shorter capitulatio, neither of which corresponds to that in the printed edition. Vol. ii., ff. 32, in eights, double columns of 4 1 lines. Cent, xii-xiii. 6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 3 Collation: a'-d^: 32 leaves. Contents : Aurelii Augustini libri iiii de natura et origine animae. Printed in Ed. Bened. x. 337. Vol. iii., part i, ff. 22, in eights, double columns of 41 lines. Cent, xii-xiii. Collation: a^ (7, 8 gone) b» (gone) c« (gone: but 6 was blank). Contents : Ejusdem liber de quantitate animae. Ed. Bened. i. 401. It breaks off with qtmntum ingetiio (cap. xiv. § 23). It is preceded by Sententia B. Augustini doctoris de libro retractationum. (Ed. Bened. i. 399.) Vol. iii., part 2, ff. 12 (now numbered 7*-! 8*), double columns of 41 lines. Cent. xiii. Collation: b*^ c** (4 (J blank): 12 leaves. Contents : Supply to the deficiency of the previous copy from the words following quantum ingenio (cap. xiv. or § 23) to the end. This is a transcript of that part of the previous volume which is now missing, made when that copy was imperfect and disarranged: f. 17 was already lost, and ff. 7, 8 were loose and inserted between ff. 18 and 19. However, the copyist has written straight on without any hesitation, while the corrector has noted the deficiencies in the margin. Accurate measurement shows that this copy must have been made from one of which ff. 1-6 were not copied, f. 17 was wanting, f. 22 probably blank, and the remainder arranged as follows: 9-16, 18, 7, 8, 19-21. What should precede f. 7 is exactly enough to fill six leaves, and as we have ff. 1-6 of the earlier MS., it is a fair inference that the supply was re-written from the remainder of the earlier one when loose and dis- ordered. [H. B.] Mr Bradshaw has put his conclusions in another form, which I append. Suppose a copy with the following collation : a^ b^ c' (6 blank) : ii leaves, 1 columns, 41 lines. Suppose the outer sheet of r, that is, ff. 17 and 22 (the latter blank), to be wanting. Suppose a 7 and a 8 loose, and thrust in between c 2 and c 3. Suppose a i -a 6 allowed to remain as they are, and then have the rest of the volume as it now stands transcribed in a volume of this collation : aS b* (4 b blank) : 12 leaves, 2 columns, 41 lines. You then have a transcript, wi-itten straight on, of ff. 7-22 in the following order : MS. 3] KING'S COLLEGE. 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (17 wanting, but no space left for it), 18, 7, 8, 19, 20, 21, (22 blank in the original volume). 13 i5 17 \vantmg 18 7 8 ig 22 blank, wanting On f. 18*0 are some memoranda about the tres Herodes, tres stuUicie, and Augustine's works. Vol. iv., ff. 32, in eights, 24 lines, besides interlinear and marginal gloss. Cent. xii. Collation : a^-d' : 32 leaves, numbered 1-32. Contents : 1. Boetii liber quomodo trinitas unus deus et non tres dii. Liber primus. 2. Liber secundus : Utrum frater et Alius et spiritus sanctus de diuinitate substanti- aliter predicentur. 3. Ejusdem : quomodo substantie in eo quod sunt, bone sint, cum non sint substan- tialia. 4. Without heading or explicit: Christianam fidem noui ac ueteris testamenti pandit auctoritas. The MS. was given to the College by Richard Day, Fellow, in 1576. At the beginning of each tract he has inserted a woodcut title-page printed on vellum. At the top, on R. and L., outside a frame, are devices of the Sun and Moon, recum- bent figures, and by the Sun is Leo and a child, by the Moon, Cancer and an old man. Inside the frame, at the top. Time with wings, goat's legs, and scythe, attended by a child, a youth, and an old man. Below him, on either side of a globe, are Ptolomeus 8 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 4 crowned, and Marinus with compasses. Below the globe is the motto virescit vvl- NERE VERITAS, and below this the printed title D. Aurelij August. / Ypponmsis Episc. & Ecc- / lesie, Doctoris prae- / stantissimi. / Sententia de Retract, lib. / Epistola ad Aurelium. / LIBRI. / De Sancta Trinitate. / De Nat. & origine animae / De Quantitate animae. / Below : Dedithuic ColUgio Rich. / Dayus, eiusdem Socius, \ An. Dom. 1575 (altered to 1576 in ink). On L. of this, on clouds, are figures oi Aratus with a square instrument, Hipparchus with a sextant, Geometria with rule, square, and compasses, Arithmetica with a table of numbers from i to 10. Below the centre : the sign of Gemini, a seated figure of Mercurius, and Virgo. On R. of centre, from top : Strabo drawing a map of Anglia, Polibius examining a comet with a cross-shaped instrument, Astronomia with a planisphere, and Musica with a lute. In the L. lower corner is the signature i B + F. There are three of these titles in this volume. The printed title is altered in each : the second is for the De quantitate Animae. The date 1575 is untouched. The third is to Boethius de Trinitate: the date 1575 is altered to 1576. These title-pages are enumerated by Mr Sandars in his Annotated List of Books Printed on Vellum (C. A. S. Octavo Publications, no. XV. 1878), nos. 102-103, 106. The design was used by John Day in his Cunningham's Cosmographical Glasse, 1 560, for which it must have been designed ; and in Parker's De Antiquitate Britannicae Ecclesiae, 1572 (Sandars, 1. c). It is described by Dibdin, Typographical Antiquities, iv. 73. The MS. is no. 2 in T. James's list. 4. VlTAE PaTRUM. Vellum, ii|x8, in eights, ff. 199, double columns of 40 lines. Cent. XV. Written in England. Collation: *» (i ab blank) a'-q^ i-* (5 bb, 6ab blank) s^-z^ (8 W blank). On a fly-leaf (the third at the begintiing) is a signature Edm. H. (xvi cent.). On the verso of the last fly-leaf but one, at the end, is an inscription (late xvth cent.): Possessor huius libri quondam fuit so«crissimus ac illustrissimus rex Henricus Sextus hui«.regnianglie rex ac gubernator et [later hand, over erasure] postea i« possessione domus salutacionis matris dei ordinis Cartusie«sis p>-«pe London. MS. 4] king's college. ■ 9 The handwriting is fine and regular throughout : there is a handsome border of the regular English style, blue, pink and gold, on f. i of the Vitae Patrum : a less elaborate one at the beginning of the Paradisus, and smaller initials to the separate Lives. f. 2 may begin Inc. pol. or else niiis moraretur. Contents : Indpiunt Capitula Libri Sequentis. Vita sancti pauli primi... Ends ...filios. Vita sancte Marine Incipit prologue Beati Jeronimi Presbiteri in vita Sancti Pauli Primi Heremite. Inter multos dubitatum est Ends ...nuUi hominum compertum habetur. Explicit Prologus Incipit vita Sancti Pauli Primi Heremite a Beato Romano edita. Sub decio et valeriano Ends ...purpuras cum regnis suis Narratio Euagrii Presbiteri quam ipse de Jeri4solimis pergens in egiptum uidit. This is the title of the VitcK Patrum proper, which Vallarsius has clearly shown to be the narrative of the travels of Petronius, related (in the narrator's person) by Ruffinus. Incipit prologus. Benedictus deus qui uult f. N' Vita S. Johannis . *vj'' Mr Bradshaw has further begun a list of the lives with the opening and closing words of each, but it is not complete, and on the whole seems not worth giving at length. The order of lives is that in Rosweyd's text from the Vita S. Johannis (Rosw. p. 449) to the chapter De periculis itineris ad heremum (p. 485). Then follows in our MS. : De Malcho Monacho f. 37 15 (d vi') Vita S. Frontonii 40 (e i") Liber S. Athanasii de exhortatione monachorum. Inc. Et si quid glmari in Christo licet 42 (e iij) Ad hortationes sanctorum patrum prefeccionesque monachorum quas de greco in latinum trans (blank space of a line and a half) 45 (e vi) Interrogauit quidam abbatem antonium. xvi caps. Liber de quieta conversacione 46 i (e vij') Dixit abbas antonius. Sicut pisces. vii caps. Liber de compunctione. Dicebant de abbate arsenio. xix caps 48 (f i) Liber de continencia. xlviii cc. SO (f iii b) Relaciones diuerse pro cautela contra insurgencia fornicacionum bella S6 (g i) Dixit abbas antonius. Estimo quod, xxxvi cc. Liber de nichil possidendo 64 ^ (h i'') Frater quidam renuncians. xxi cc. Narraciones diverse ad penitenciam et fortitudinem nos coap- tantes 67 ^ (h iiii') Sanctus antonius abbas cum sederet. xlij cc. Capitulum de eo ut per ostensionem nichil fieri debeat . . 75 (i iiij) Audiuit aliquando abbas antonius. xxiv cc. 10 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. Capitulum de eo quod non oporteat iudicare quemquam . . 77 1^ (i " ) Contigit aliquando fratri. xiii cc. Liber de discrecione decimus 79 (' '^™ I Dixit abbas antonius quia sunt quidam. cxvi cc. Liber de eo quod oporteat sobrie uiuere 9M1v) Frater interrogauit abbatem arsenium. li cc. Liber de eo quod sine intermissione sobrie de beato rari ( = debeatorari) 95^5 (mi") Dicebant de abbate arsenio quia a vespere. xv cc. Capit. de eo quod oporteat hospitalem esse et misericordie in liilaritate 97 (™ i") Perrexerunt aliquando quidam. xv cc. Liber de obedientia 99 (i" v) Beate memorie abbas arsenius. xix cc. Liber de humilitate 102 * (m viii') Abbas antonius deficiens. Ixxxviii cc. Liber de paciencia 1 1 1 ^ (o i'') Dicebant fratres de abb. gelasio. xviii cc. Liber de caritate 1 14 (o i™) Dixit abbas antonius. Ego iam non timeo. xxv cc. Liber de preuidencia siue contemplacione ii8(oviij) Frater abiit ad cellam. xx cc. Usque hue de greco in latinum transtulit Pelagius diaconus ecclesie romane. Et abhinc deinceps loiiannes subdia- conus 121 (p iij) Abiit aliquando Zacharias. xvij cc. Inc. de Sanctis senioribus qui signa faciebant 1 25 (p vi) Dicebat abbas dulas. xv cc. Inc. de conuersacione optima diuersorum patrum . . . . 127 (qi) Retulit abbas dulas dicens. xviii cc. Inc. septem capitula uerborum que misit abbas moyses abbati pig- menio. Dixit senex moyses. xxxiiii cc. 133 (q vii) Expliciunt sermones sanctorum patrum interpretati de greco in latinum a pelagio diac. s. Romane ecclesie et lohanne subdiac. Inc. Epistola S. Macharij ad filios i^SitriV') Inprimis quidem si ceperit. Uita S. Marine uirginis i^8(riiii) Frater quidam erat secularis. Followed by an extract of 14|- lines. Vidimus apud thebaidam etiam ysodori...necessitas uUa fieret . 139 <5 (r vM Col. 2 is blank and 140 a blank. Capitula libri sequentis I40*(vvif) Inc. prefacio beati heraclidis episcopi de uita sanctorum patrum ad lausum prepositum palacij. Inc. prefacio vite sanctorum patrum. In hoc libro quem . . r vii Ends f. so a (z viij") si me pronus uolueris adorare. (Rosweyd, p. 977.) MS. S] king's college. ■ II On the verso, otherwise blank, in a smaller hand is Pater noster qui es in cells deus etemus sine principio cuncta. The ornaments and borders are good English work: gold, blue and pink the prevailing colours. John Scott's Foundation of the University of Cambridge. Paper, I2| x 8|, in fours, ff. 32. Cent, xvii (1621-2). Collation: a^ (i blank) b^ (i cancelled and supplied, 2 cancelled) c^ (2 cancelled and supplied) d* (4 cancelled and supplied) e* (3 wanting) P g^ h'' (3 cancelled and supplied, 4 cancelled) i* {i^b blank) : 32 leaves. Given by Rich. Roderick, D.D., brother of Provost Roderick. Contents : Title, p. 2. The Foundation of the / Vniuersitie of Cambridge with a Catalogue of the principall / Founders, & speciall Benefactors / of the Colledges, publicke Schooles, & / Librarie, now extant in the same, / And the names of all the present M" / & fellowes, of euerie particular / CoUedge./ Together with the number of Magis/trates, gouernours, & officers, there= / unto belonging, & the totall num = /ber of Students now therein reayding. / With a Catalogue of all such Bishops / as haue beene of the same since anno / 1 500 / Collected Anno Dni / 1622./ On the verso (pasted on) are the arms of the see of Salisbury impaled with those of John Davenant, Bp of Salisbury and Presi- dent of Queens' College : surmounted by a mitre, which has been torn off. f. 3. Dedication of the book of John Scott, the author, to John (Davenant), Bp of Salisburie, Praesident of Queens' Colledge...late Professor in Diuinitie for the Ladie Margaret Countesse of Richmond and Derbie. 12 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MSS. 6, 7 6. John Scott's Foundation of the University of Cambridge. Paper, 13^ x 8J, in fours, ff. 35. Cent, xvii (1622). Collation: ** (all blank, 4 cancelled) a* (i cancelled) b^-h* (3 and 4 blank) **" (i cancelled, 2 blank) : 35 leaves. Another copy of John Scott's Foundation of the University. The title identical save for three small differences : the date is the same. On the verso of the title-page (p. 2), pasted on a black disc, are the arms of King's College impaled with those of Samuel Collins, Provost. On f. 3 « is Scott's dedication of the book to Samuel Collins, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity and Provost of King's College. The arms of the University are stamped in red and gold on both sides of the binding in an oval medallion surrounded by rich gold tooling. The binding is of a curious yellow-brown colour. Both in nos. 5 and 6 the arms of the Colleges, etc. are very care- fully blazoned : but in 6 gold is used for or whereas in 5 yellow is used, except for Davenant's arms on f. 2 b. 7. Beda super Apocalypsim. Idem super Epistolas Canonicas. Vellum, \2\ X 8i in eights, fif. 150, double columns of 36 lines. Cent. xii. Collation: *= (blank originally): 2 leaves, numbered i, 2. a^-s^ t^ (i ab to end blank, 3 gone): 148 leaves, numbered 3-150. Contents : I. Incipiunt capitula super apocalipsin f. a.™ 1. Incipit prefatio , aa MS. 8] KING'S COLLEGE, 1 3 3. Inc. expositio uenerabilis bede presbiteri super apocalipsin lohannis ^bb 4. Prologue without heading, closed: Explicit prologus : followed by xviii Homilies on the Apocalypse, closed: Expl. ex- positio bede presbiteri in apocalipsin iohannis . . . 48 ia Prol. inc. In lectione revelationis beati iohannis apostoli, fratres karissimi, animaduertimus et secundum anagogen hoc domino largiente explanare curabimus. f. 76 bt in blank. 5. Headed: Explanatio venerabilis bede presbiteri super quattuor canonicas epistolas. Without explicit . . . . jj aa 6. Incipit expositio bede presbiteri in epistolam iacobi apostoli . 770* There are no subdivisions. The commentary on the seven Catholic Epistles ends on f. 147 aa. On f. I ^ is the inscription (of cent, xv) : Sancii edraandi Beda super apocalips2V2. B. 292, Beda super epis(o\a.s cano«icas. Jacobi 75 "\ Petri I 93 Petri 2 109 Joha««is I. 18. 2. 138. 3. 139 Jude 140 The MS. therefore belonged to S. Edmund's Abbey at Bury. See the writer's Essay on the Library of Bury Abbey, C. A. S., 1895. Also this : A»D: 1665 Dedit Reverendus / Joannes Pearson / S. Theologiae Professor / magister Coll: SS: Trinit: / hujus Coll: super Socius. There is a chain-mark at the bottom of f. i, in the middle ; and the marks of a strap-and-pin fastening on the outer leaves. Both these marks are often found in MSS. from Bury S. Edmund's Abbey. The hand is clear and fine, the initials mostly in plain red. 8. Promptorium Paruulorum. Vellum, 12 X 8, in eights, ff. 80, double columns of 38-48 lines, in a current hand of cent. xv. 14 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 9 Collation: *'' (i pasted down, 2 blank): 2 leaves, numbered i, 2. aM^ k8 (3 ab-i bb blank, 4 and 5 gone, 6 pasted down): 78 leaves, numbered 3-80. Mr Albert Way, who used this MS. for his edition of the Promptorium, published for the Camden Society, gives some account of it (vol. iii. pp. xv, xviii). It was given to the College in 1684 by Saniuel Thomas, Fellow. The names occur in it of Thomas Wyndham. Joh. Buckenham. Joh. Bayspoole. Rob' London nuper de Aldeby in Com. Norf. (where the College has estates). See Blomefield, Hist. Norf. viii. 4. On f. 2 (J (fly-leaf) are two names of xvith and xviith cent. Robb. London (of Aldeby in Norfolk). John Bayspoole. and an entry obscured by the book-plate ending " March. 22. 1667." On the R. margin of f 3 is a rhyme written in cent. xvi. Omnibus rebus iam peractis nulla fides est in factis Mellanora ( = mel in ore) verba lactis fell in corda (corde) fraus in factis. The hand is very clear. Contents : 1. Prologue without heading, but closed: Expl. perambulum in libellum qui dicitur promptorius paruulorum secundum vulgarem modum loquendi orientalium anglorum. Inc. Cernentibus solicite clericorum conditiones. Ed. Way, pp. 1-3. 2. Text without heading, closed : Expl. liber dictus promptorius paruulorum secundum (etc. ut supra). Inc. Abacke or backewais. Retro Retrorsum aduerbia sunt (Way, p. 5). 3. Note without heading or explicit. Quicunque alterius patrie vocabula (Way, p. 4). 9. Fasciculus Temporum (impressus). ISIDORUS DE ORTU ET OBITU SANCTORUM PATRUM. I. Fasciculus Temporum. In uniuersitate Louaniensi im- pressus Joh. Veldener, 4 Kal. Jan. 1476, secundum stilum romanae curiae (29 Dec. 1475). MS. lo] king's college. IS Folio, (8 + 64) 72 leaves, i if x 8J. 2. Vellum, I If X Si in eights, ff. 24 (the rest wanting), double columns of 50-55 lines, text-hand (foreign). Cent, xiv, xv. Collation: a'^-c'^: 24 leaves. Contents : 1. Incipit ysidorus de ortu et obitu i. i aa Adam primus homo sexta feria factus. 2. Capitula. Cathologus ysidori de nominibus illustrium uirorum . . 8 aa Ossius cordubensis. 3. Prologus cathologi b. Jeronimi presbiteri de catholicis scriptoribus 10 ab Hortaris dexter. 4. Cathologus uirorum illustrium a Gennadio . . . . 18 W Jacobus cognomento sapiens. 5. Decretalis epistola de recipiendis non recipiendis libris a Gelasio papa cum LXX" episcopis eruditis conscripta . . 24 aa Post prophetias. Breaks off. ...manicheus faustus sabellius at the end of the quire. The verso of last f. of vol. i. (Fasc. Temp.) is covered with writing in two columns not at all unlike that of vol. ii. It consists of extracts from Ecclesiastes, Bernard, Augustine, Jerome, etc. 10. Epiphanii Sermones. Paper, io| x 8|, in twelves, ff. 20, double columns of 27 lines. Cent. XV. Collation: z.^ {i blank) b' (7, 8 blank): 20 leaves. Contents : 1. I. Tov ii> dylocs irarphs ■qixiSv ''Evi^avlov ixicTKdirov i;6irpcv \6yos els Trjv O(6ao/J,oi> ratpr/v toO Kvplov THidv 'ItjctoC 'XpurroD k.t.X. TJ TOVTO ffri/iepoi'. (Tom. ii. ed. Paris, 1622, fol. p. 259.) 2. ToC iv ayiois varplis rip.Qv "&in6Spa, 86yaTep Stiiv. This second sermon has one first half and two second halves. The first half goes down to po&TW 'Idi 6 &p,vl>s tov $eoO (1. c. p. 255 C) and after the two second halves, one is what follows in the edition, beginning : 6 atpwv rrpi dfiapriav toO K6(Xfiov, and ending. . . l6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 10 6 Tua> apii) KoX twv koltoi Krlffeuv voiijttjs 9eis Kipios riiiaV Koi avrw r/ «6fa Kal rb Kfldros els rods ali(rou KU/ias- TOUS eKetus Trou/xa vi tou nev 7)mis X'XwSo ira-TriKOVTep fmra km to >i(ru tou '/uotou. c Ba \enra crtSijpo^oXo'o xaXipoxwo-os va. iu>i 'ffeuo-ijTe otto t-qv Ka.TTixei.av toutt; km va VaTe Ui erav ffoio TOTro /cai x' vaare km va TTO/jeueTi;!. MS. lo] king's college. 17 The first two quires are backed with slips of a xiiith Q) cent. MS. in Italian hand of a Latin poet. Santiu cum magni geitoris jurgia suffert magnis achamantem uiribus Et rapit ad classes manibus post terga reuinctis. Vt uideat danai letos ex hoste triuOTphos Tergaque nuda tegit sentit mauortiiu etho. II. Paper, io| x 8J, fif. 112. Cent. xv. IF. 1-8 in quarto, 8 leaves, 30 lines. ff. 9-16 in folio, 8 leaves, 30 lines. ff. 17—112 in folio, in twelves, 96 leaves, 34-38 lines. Contents : 1. BeoSupoi/ ypa/ifjuiTiK^ff el(Tay(irYij 20 6 22 i (Without heading) Nomina etiam propria, ut ait Pomponius vates, distinguuntur... Cognomina... Almartius. ..Hemilius, Martins, Sorias, Domitius, Martius, Sorias, Morosus, Almartius, Sorias et similia ejusdem stirpis duriatis . hispanice. De pronomine, 23 b. De verbo Libelhis ii, ii,b. De secunda conjugatione, 27a. De tertia conj. 28 a. De defectiuis, 31a. De neutro passiuo, 31 i. Libellus tertius de aduerbiis : et aliis particulis, K. MSS. 2 The headings of this portion are: de partibus orationis . . . 17* de quarta decl. de nomine \T b de quinta decl. de declinationibus . . . i8a de sexta secunda declinatio . . . lib de comparatione de tertia deal 19 « 1 8 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. lO 33 1>. De conjunctione, 35 b. De piepositione, 36 a. De accentibus abbreuiatus, 36 a. De pedibus impresentiarum quedam brevis expositio, 37 o. De syllaba et eius positura, 38 a. (Compositio) 40 i5. Liber quartus ex diuersis, 42 a. dto ut Emilius Almartius Sorias hispanus dicebat : regnum granate cum malacha : et ceteris urbibus: potius ingenio quam armis superandum. gto. Ex sententia huius Emilii Almartii Soriatis hispani ferebatur Rhasullam maomethicam cognomenti : sub principe neophytorum fautore Abdale. ex consulto Alexandrinorum regis ; Soldani Idumearum : et principis magnanimi turcarum : in christicolas deditos sacris: perpetuo infestam arbitraremur et delendam fore... De punctis quibus oratio distinguitur, 50 15. Sequitur de mensibus, Kalendis, etc. 51a. De festis annalibus per coraputum AsioKianum, %\b. Alleluia, 54 /J. Gloria, 54/). De kalendis, 55 a. Ends: Ita nos per annos qui annum salutis sequuntur distinguimus, e quo tempore agitur nunc annus millesimus quadringentesimus sexagesimus primus, secundus, etc. Here follows a letter : Habes suauissime m' Joh"" de Niena mi Sorias atque preceptor que pio erudiendis tyrunculis. sequitur quintus libellus Enchiridiorum longe preter diplomata ad disapertum Almartium fratrem, 56 b. Antroni i3 dulcissime frater sorias olim Almartius (morosus Almartius). Et ideo Anthroni dulcissime pater Morose, Verbum nunc grecum, 57 15. Ending, f. 59 a, ev TroWots eyKOWTOfievos {10) 'KpecTreXdve fiov tovtovs exvf^'^T^f^f^o^s iaKiaypaipTjira cCKKri de airpayiiovet aKpi^earepoy ypa^oiJ^da. eppuiao. Kafxe irpoaayawa 0}(nrep ae tptXu . '. wff raxi-ffTCi : — Trepi avitifxakijiv fyqjxartav Kara GTOLxeiov. apxv tov a. e/c ypap^^ariKov 'Kovaravrivov, f. 59 a. Ends {. 6^ a : Kai ev toi vvv akitr earit) dot. Iterum anomala secundum constantinum grecum, 63 a, 63 b. Preterea et uerba quedam pro varietate preposilionum adhibentur cum quibus componuntur varie significationes inuente. L. Apocriphario Apostolico S.D. non ut M. Apochryfario gazarum et thesaurario. Que ad manus deuenerant mitto charissime set babe: corrige: emenda: trutina: ...6l b. Ayui: ago: hortor: suadeo. Cum eis. Introduco, 68 a. Ends 71 a. Ad eundem Criticum et Apocrifarium S. A. N. Secretariumque arcanorum irepi. ■7rpo6€(7€ojv , 71a, Apocri0a Domitiana ad eundem, 73 a. eirippriimTa tov xpo''°'^> 73 ''• ■'"'' ""ou loci, 73 a. itoiottjtos -q fieaorriTos, 73 b. adpoLat it apertly was apayed for profit that he feld . . . . f. 4 Ends f. 86 « : and god gif alle god grace yat gladli so biddes and perth in paradis a place for to haue. Amen. This romance, of which no other MS. is known, was printed first for the Roxburghe Ckib by Sir Frederick Madden in 1832, and reprinted in a varied form for the Early English Text Society (Extra Series, no. i) in 1867 under the editorship of Professor Skeat, who gives a short description of the MS. on p. vi. Various scribblings occur through the volume. A faire maide with a faire minde is not that... All y' is not of fayth is sinne. Pray we all for the soule of Mr Nicholas Williams... Margret Coren , . . (twice) . William dost thou know God is it not sweet and admirable Jesus what knowledge is this. John Coren is a verye knave. John peyns hav this boke He that stelle hym shell be hangyd on a hooke. false freinds god was all suffi . . . Nicholas Williams was poysond but by god's grace escaped it. Gloria patri amen, by lacon in Salop [10 miles N. of Shrewsbury, in the parish of Wem]. Nicholas Williams Mellancholy. That man of sin shall be discon... Before that great day come. Nicholas Williams. Mr Burton you can now take the... Nicholas Williams is my name . . . Gulielmus Maylerdus me suum vult teste Johanne Coren. On f. 86* (originally blank) are many scribbles: the oldest is the name "James ?Barwardin," in a hand of cent. xv. II. In the same hand as I. Collation : a'-P : 48 leaves, the rest gone. Contents : A poem in rhyming couplets, without headings. Section. Lines. I -24 has a four-line initial. Seint marie dai in leinte -=- among other daies gode. Rijt his to holde heye -;- who so it wel vnderstode. Festes moouables {jer be}). Leynte comeJ> ))er afterward. Now fasteh >er mani men. Leinte is also y founde. Ne be a man Jul so sori. Sey what >i synne is. Be fore six dayes of ester. A morwe a palmesonedai. Some of Jie phariseus. 1 li 3 38 4 42 5 18 6 20 7 58 8 44 9 34 [O 12 24 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 1 3 Section. Lines. II 14 12 32 13 26 14 16 15 32 16 22 17 50 18 62 19 46 ■20 10 21 40 22 68 23 22 24 80 25 64 26 74 27 118 28 48 29 50 30 14 3' 38 32 24 33 36 34 44 35 154 36 138 37 20 38 22 39 148 40 78 41 40 42 70 43 60 44 24 45 118 46 26 47 72 48 36 49 44 50 52 51 56 52 36 53 16 54 40 55 50 As Ihc him aprochede. As Ihc him entred. A morwe as J>e sonedai. As Ihc sat in J'e temple. To his disciples cure lord sede. Now is qua)) oure lorde. A man was while an hosebonde. In J'ilke tyme ihu spac. To his disciples ihu. As ihc sat vpon J'e mou«t. Batrayles and traysou«s. Gret toknynge in sonne and mone. To his disciples ihc seide. Ihesus seide an bitale. A man wende while a pilgrimage. One mannes soule sone whanne he comei>. After two dales je witej' wel. Bifore J'e feste of Esti??- dai. To J'e mou«t of oliuet. Ne be jour herte. Zif J'at he louej' me. Who so loueth me wele. Co ' sothe ich segge 30U. As oure lord ihc. On cenehorsdai. Mid his disciples ihc, A morwe J'e jewes ihc nome. po pilatzw hadde a hadde ourf lord. po hi hadde ydo hym schame. And on J'e doune of Caluarie. A prophete spac of oure lord. An old knijt jjat louede oure lord. Ihc aros ]>o ironi dej* to lyue. po nijt after J'e saterdai. Marie magdalen erlich was y went. Marie nolde nou3t a wey. Marie 30m for to telle. Of oure lordes disciples. Amid his disciples. Thomas on of >e twelue. Bi J'e see of Tybre. To seint peter ihc seide. To seint pet^" ihc seide. Snleuene disciples. As >e enleuen disciples. ' sic, I. Lo. MS. 14] king's college. 25 Section. Lines. 56 50 Zut come ihc ))e tepe tyme. 57 After ];at swete ihc. 58 78 At vndern at wit sondai. Ends : And J;e apostles su^te afterwards -7- and mani martir also. As it seit> in here lines -r who so coniej' j^erto. Now ihu for }>e swete crois -=- }>at J>ou wert in ydo. Bring to J>e blisse of heuene -=- ))' ]>ou vs boustest to. Amen. 59 Judas was a lu^er brid. 60 Pilatus was a luter man. 61 Seint marie Egipciak. 62 Seint alphe he martir. 63 Seint George i>e holi man. 64 Seint Dimston was in Engelonde. 65 Seint Aldelme i>e confessour. 66 Seint austyn J>at brougte. [Imperfect at end : four lines lost.] The Lives of Judas, Pilate and S . Dunstan were printed for the Philological Society, under the editorship of Dr F. J. Furnivall, in 1862. 14. Heraldic Collections. Paper, ii| x 8, ff. 232. Cent, xvi (1575). Contents : 1. Blank paper: a quire of six leaves (i attached to the marbled paper) £f. 1-6 2. Memoranda A^° (1-5 gone, to i5 blank) 7-16 3. The armes & discents of all the Dukes, Marqueses, Erles, Viscounts and Lordes, that haue bin created in England , since . the tyme of King William Conqueror, to say, from the yeare of our Lord 1066: vntill this Present yeare, 1575. Collation: s} b^ c^ d^ e^ P g^ h^ \^-m^ n« (6 blank): 53 leaves containing Dukes Marquesses & Earls . . . 17-69 o' (i a blank) p*-r^ s^ (2 gone) t^ u* x" y^ z^" (8, 6, 9 blank, 11, 12 gone) : 64 leaves containing Viscounts and Lords, with some memoranda at the end. In quarto .... 70-133 The arms are arranged four on a page, and are for the most part neatly blazoned, though towards the end of the series some are unfinished. 4. Memoranda. aa^ (4-6 gone) : in folio 134-139 5. Blank paper, as no. i. A quire of four leaves in folio ....... 140-143 26 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 1 5 6. The armes of the Kings, Earls and Lords of the Kingdom of Scotland. a*« (i, 20, 26, 27, 28 cut out) bi" (6-10 cut out) c^ (5-8 cut out) di8 (7, 8, 18 cut out): 82 leaves in folio, a^" is cut out, and its place supplied by a sheet of two leaves containing the arms of James VI. and a fresh beginning for the nobility. The leaves are numbered 144-162, 163*, 164*, 163, 165-226. The arms, v^hich have mantlings, crests, and supporters, are roughly dr&wa and blazoned in a hand different from that of no. 3. Each occupies a vifhole page. 7. Blank paper, as nos. i and 5. A quire of six leaves (6 pasted to the marbled paper), 227- 232 in folio. 15. A Common-place Book. Paper, 11^x7, in sixes and eights, ff. 378, double columns. Cent, xvi (late). Collation: a" (gone) b' (gone) c^ (gone) d** (i, 2 attached to cover, 3-6 gone) e" (4 gone) P (i gone) g* h" i^ (i, 2, 6 gone) k" 1' (i, 3, 4, 5, 8 gone) m' n' (i, 4 gone) o' (2, 4 gone) p' (i gone) q' r' (i gone) s' e u" (i, 6 gone) x' (3, 6 gone) y' z* A' B" C D^-F" G' (6, 7 gone) H' r° K' L'^ M" N^ (4-8 gone) O'" P* Q'" R' S' (4 gone) T' V (3 gone) X' Y' Z" (3 gone) aa'" bb" (2-4 gone) cc* dd' ee' (2 gone) ff^ (5 gone) gg" (i gone) hh* (4 gone) : 378 leaves paged originally 1-154,157-690,701-768. 15. I. A Theological Latin Common-place Book, chiefly blank. a a gone M (20oa)-2i4i B beginning gone-40 b N 2150-229* C 41 a-65 b 23o«-249i5 D 66a-8ob P (25oo)-279A E 81 fl!-I02 b Q 2800-289* F io3a-i22^ R (29oa)-304* G I23ffl-i37* S (305«)-324* H I38a-i52* T (325«)-339* I I53a-i77* V (34oo)-349* K 1780-187* X 35oa-354* L i88a-ig9* MS. IS] king's college. 27 This occupies signatures a-z, A-Z, aa-dd. Then follows an alphabetical Index. A 355 a N 363 A B- C (356) O 364 a D 367* P (365) E 358a Q 366* F 359« R 367a G 360a S 367,5 I 36i« T 368 A K 362 a U (369) L 362* X (369) M 363 fl The leaves after 162 have been torn out wherever anything is written on them, or, if very little, the writing has been scored through with a pen. The writing in this volume, turned the other way, is described separately under 15. 2. 15.2. This is 15. I upside down, ff. 163-378, signatures B-Z aa-hh, the following leaves having been first cut or torn out : G 6, G 7, N 4-8, S 4, V 3, Z 3, bb 2-4, ee 2, ff S, gg i, hh4; hh 3 is blank. ff. 377-163 (except what is cut out, as above) are paged re- gularly from I to 395, 396 being blank. An Alphabetical Ordinary of Arms, without any heading : closed : Finis per W Smith Roughe Dragon 28 Jul. 1604. A ante B. Berks. Abington Towne. V a cross patonce O inter 4 crosletts forme A. Abdehall. O a fesse and 2 mullets in cheife G. Ends p. 395 : Zouch. A a fesse and a leopard in cheife S. On the blank leaf at the beginning (f. 378) is the following : Coll. Regal. Cantabr. Dedit Richardus Roderick S.T.P. dignissirai nuper Praepositi frater. There are a few additions, probably in Dr Roderick's hand : a large number in that of William Cole, the Antiquary, who occupied rooms in King's College for several years, and some more in a different hand again. The following scribblings also occur : (f. 79 reversed). Alex. Denton de hillesdon in Com. Bucks. Arm. factus Justiciarius de Banco Regis r72o. (f. 38 reversed). Tom Paget, Rector of Egham, Surrey. Expeld from Coll. Jan'' 1753- 28 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 1 6 (f. 29 reversed). Paget. Hodshon. Frank. Prior. Paget. There is a transcript of this MS. made by William Cole in 1744, among his MSS. in the British Museum. 16. Medica quaedam. Three volumes in one. 16. I. Parchment, 11 x 7^, in eights, ff. 146, double columns of 50-51 lines. Cent. xv. Collation: a'-r* s^° (9 ab-io bb blank) : 146 leaves, now numbered 1-146. Without any heading, f. i aa. Closed : Deo gracias Amen, f. 14s ab. The book is a kind of Thesaurus medicus, in alphabetical order. Inc. Abhomiiiacio. Contra abhominacionem et fastidium v3 electuarium mesue quod sic fit. 9^. liqui aloes crudi. f. i aa. Ends : Item oua perdicis inuncta super vuluam elargant earn secundum gadd«js. MS. 17 B] KINGS COLLEGE. 31 17 b. Sermones. Vellum, 9 X 6i ff. 162, 39 lines to a page. Cent. xiv. I. ff. 1-6 : a quire of 6 leaves. Various extracts from the Golden Legend, only abridged, with- out any headings at all, with some short sermons. (i) Maria egiptiaca in alexandria septemdecim annis . . . f. i a (2) Rome fuit iiir diues et bonus et vxor eius sterilis pro qua beatam uirginem . . . . . . . . la (3) Theophilus cuiusdam ecclesie in cicilia . . . . . i a De abbatissa que beate uirgini deuota et in custodia . . li De milite qui monachus cisterciensis factus . . . . li De duce cum exercitu ciuitatem Carnotum obsidente . . i6 Noletane (sic) urbis archiepiscopus Hyldefonsus . . . ii Sapiencia edificauit sibi domum . . . . . . 2 a Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini. Est aduentus christi quadruplex in carne per humanitatem. In mente per gratiam .......... 2a De natiuitate domini. Ecce evangelizo vobis gaudium magnum quod erit omni populo quia natus est hodie saluator mundi etc. Primo sciendum est quod iste tres misse que celebran- tur in natiuitate domini signant ib Apparuit benignitas et humanitas (etc.). Adquisiuerat sibi fratres karissimi genus humanum astucia diabolice fraudis . 3 a Vniuersum tempus presentis vite . . . . . . 3 ^ This is the preface to the Golden Legend, entire. Aduentus domini per quatuor septimanas . • . ■ 3 15 This is the de adiientii domini from the same, entire. Fuit malus peccator f>a Relating to S. Stephen, but not in his life in the Golden Legend. Miracula de sancto Andrea. Episcopus quidam religiosam agens vitam . . . . 6 a This is in the Legend for S. Andrew's Day, near the end. It finishes here thus: ...de medio eorum euanuit. Epi- scopus autem rediens ad se amare redarguit se ipsum de perpetrata culpa. There are a few more lines of the story in the Golden Legend, but the outer sheets of this quire may be wanting. II. ff. 7-162. Collation : a'M^^, k gone, P^ m'^ n^'' (9-1 1 gone : 8 b and 12 blank) 156 leaves, numbered 7-162. I. Capitula libri sequentis >jaa->jbb 32 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 1/ B 2. Without heading: (D)um miseraciones dei sunt super omnia opera eius ^^ 3. De capituhs huius tractatus 8 a De penitentia igitur dicturi subtilitates et inquisitiones. 4. Headed : De penitentia primum capituluni : vnde dicitur peni- tentia 8 ^ Quid autem sit penitentia... Ends: Et hec ad presens de penitentia dicta sufificiant. Explicit summa Mag. Thome de Cabaham subd(iachon erased) Sarum de penitentia et eius speciebus ad instructionem sacer- dotum. Valete semper in domine, etc. . . . . 114 a 5. Without heading : imperfect after the first page . . . 114* Zacharias ait. Salomon ille mirabilis qui meruit assidue... It is the piece called in the contents de penitentia Salomonis. 6. Beginning gone. Ends: ...ypapanti dicitur obuiacio uel repa- racio. This is a set of short homilies for festivals, chiefly de miraculis. The first remaining piece is the end of one for the Purification. Mir. de S. Blasio. Ilia die habebitis festum S. Blasii . . . 1270 de S. Agatha 127^ deS. Petro 128^ (de S. Mathia) 128* de S. Gregorio . . . . . . . . . 129a de S. Cutberto ......... 130a de S. Benedicto ......... 130^ de annunciacione b. Marie . . . . . . . 131a de ebdomada penosa. Ilia septimana que nunc est in ecclesia ab omnibus nobis penosa vocatur 131 15 de pascha . . . . . . . . . . 132(5 de S. Ambrosio 132 3 and so on. The last few are : Festum omnium sanctorum . . . . . . . , 140^ Commemoracio animaruni. Narracio quomodo commemoracio ani- marum fuit instituta i so a de commem. animarum . . . . . . . . . i -o i de S. Martino . . . , . . . . _ ici^ deS. Bricio ,^2^ de S. Edmundo . . . . . . . . . _ it,T.b Mi. de S. Cecilia iS^a Mi. de S. Clemente . . . . . . . _ lea^ de S. Katerina .■ . . . . . . . _ iciA de S. Andrea issa de S. N(icholao) . . . , . . . . _ _ \iz.b de S. Lucia ic-a •^^s-'^^"""^ isyV.ss^z MS. 1 8] king's college. 33 On f. 158 i5: "I. gille is boke," several times repeated. These may be the Sermones of Thomas de Cabham mentioned by Bale. There is a curious passage in the Tract, de penitentia (de festis celebrandis per annum, and following) how to deal with the difficulties of employment on feast days (ff. 72 (5, 73 a). 18. S. Ambrosii quaedam. Vellum, 10^ X 7, ff 104, in double columns of 31 lines. Cent, xii, xiii. Collation: A' (blank) a^-g^ h^ (6 cancelled) i^-n^ (8 5 blank): 104 leaves. Contents : I. One leaf used as a cover : redo blank ; on the verso is (i) A scroll Inscribed disce pati q^ Thomas Clune. (2) Dedit Coll. Regall Ric. Stokes ejusdem Coll" Socius. A" D"' 1654. (3) The CoUege book-plate. The writer of (i) has written on fif. 23 b, 2\a the words : Disce pati Shulbrede T. Clune. and on f \ a in the initial : Prioratus de Shulbrede. Possibly also he wrote the table of contents on f \Oi,ab. II. I. S. Ambrosii de officiis libri tres i. laa Headed : Beati ambrosii Ipi de officiis liber primus incipit. ' Non arrogans videri arbitror. (Ed. Par. 1529, f. r o.) Liber secundus 33 W Liber tertius 53 aa •2. S. Ambrosius de misteriis siue iniciandis . . . . -jiba (Ed. Par. 1529, f. 329 15.) 3. S. Ambrosii sermo primus de sacramentis. De sacramentis que accepistis . . . . I^ba 4. Sermo secundus 81 ^^ (Ed. Par. f. 333 a.) 5. Sermo tercius 8415* 6. Sermo quartus 86 ^3 7. Sermo quintus 90 aa 8. Sermo sextus 93 '^^ Explicit liber de sacramentis. K. MSS. 3 34 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 1 8 The last paragraph Alius psalmorum Dauid has a large initial : otherwise the Sermones have no subdivisions. 9. Sermo S. Ambrosii ad uirginem sacram que corrupcionem passafuerat 96^« Audite qui longe estis. (Ed. Par. f. 41 *.) Varies from the printed text. 10. Sermo S. Ambrosii ad clericum qui uirginem sacram cor- ruperat ^°°^'^ De te autem quid dicam. (Ed. Par. f. 43 a.) 11. Lamentum predicte uirginis post corrupcionem dictatum a b. Ambrosio \o\ab Quis consoletur te uirgo. (Ed. Par. f. 43 a.) 12. Deploratio uirginitatis male amisse \Qzba (Not in Ed. Par. 1529.) On f. lo^ab after the text, in a sloping hand of cent, xiv, xv (possibly that of T. Clune, see above), is : Content' in isto libro. IT Ambrosius eps de Officiis. In tribus libris contentus. II Item liber S. Ambrosii Mediolanens. epi de misteriis sine iniciandis : in quinque sermonibus. Item pater noster et sextus sermo. II Item sermo S. Ambrosii ad virginem corruptam. Item sermo ad clericum qui virginem corruperat. Item deploracio virginitatis male amisse. Throughout the volume the hand is fine ; the initials mostly red and green. f. \o\b was originally blank. But there is an entry on it (xiv- XV cent, handwriting) as follows : Isti sunt libri quos petrus vicarius ecclesie de Swyn dedit beate Marie virginis gloriae et priorisse et conuentui Abathie de Swyii. Inprimis liber ianuensis de sermonibus dominicalibus per totum annum cuius ii folium inci... Item liber quidam vocatus Mariale cuius ii fo. incipit inpericiam meam. Item liber ysidorus de summo bono cuius ii fo. incipit. Item liber ysidorus Ethimologiarum cuius ii fo. incipit ter queram. Item liber Ambrosii de bono. Item liber qui vocatur pars oculi...ecclesiam parochialem ilium dedit ...vocatur ...curatorum. Item quidam liber vocatus Historia scolastica cuius ii fo. incipit statim disfositum est. Item quidam liber beate Matildis virginis vocatus liber spiritualis gracie. MS. 19] king's college. 35 Item quidam liber de epistolis canonicis cuius ii fo. textus incipit sic nos verba veritatis. Item quidam liber S. Brigide regine cuius prologus sic incipit Inueniet. Item liber Marci euangeliste glosati cuius ii fo. textus sic incipit Soluere corrigiam. Si quis istos libros superius scriptos vel aliquem illorum ab ista abathia de Swyii alienauerit vel iniuste detinuerit nouerit se indignacionem omnipotentis dei et beate vir- ginis Marie domine et patrone eiusdem loci et omnium sanctorum dei incursurum et coram viuo iudice in vltimo iudicio fraudibus suis ...tis responsurum. The page is black with acid used for restoring the ink. 19. Beda super Cantica. Parchment, in eights, 10 x 7, 203 leaves, 26 lines. Handwriting of xii-xiiith century. Collation : i^ a^-z^ A^ B^ (7 gone) : 203 leaves. The hand is very fine, and there are very beautiful initials to the several books. That to liber i., super Cantica (f 21 b), repre- sents the Bridegroom and Bride seated, embracing. They are nimbed. The ground is purple. The other initials do not contain figures: they are drawn in red outline, and contain much fine interlaced and panelled ornament. The opening words of the books are written in large red and green capitals, and the titles and colophons in red rustic capitals. On f. 5 a, at the top, in red, in a hand of cent, xiii : Hie est liber scl Albani, quem qui ei abstulerit, aut titulum deleuerit, anathema sit. Amen. Then in a hand of cent, xvi, in black : Nunc autem quum sit loannis HoUondi Sacerdotis, ipse legauit et dedit regio collegio in Cantabrigia. Anno dm 1547. Mense April. Contents : 1. Prologue to S. Matthew's Gospel, unfinished, bound in as waste. Begins : yl/atheus ex iudea. Ends : querentibus non tacere . f. \b It has marginal and interlinear glosses. ff. I a, 2 b, 3, 4 are blank. 2. Incipit expositio in cantica canticorum, librorum septem, quam composuit Beda presbiter venerabilis adiuuante se gratia superna. Primus liber quo specialiter contra lulianum diuine gratie impugnatorem disputat. 36 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 20 Primo admonendum putaui lectorem S "» Ends f. i8 a. Incipiunt capitula in libros sex cantici canticorum . . . i8i Ends f. 20 b. Incipit prologus venerabilis Bedae presbiteri in libros sex cantici canticorum 20 » Ends f. lib. Incipit liber primus expositionis venerabilis Bedae presbiteri super cantica canticorum. Osculetur me osculo oris sui ^ ' ^ Liber secundus 54^ Liber tertius .......... 80 i Liber quartus 120a Liber quintus IS'^* Ends f. 185 a: Explicit liber quintus venerabilis Bedae presbiteri in exposi- tione supra cantica canticorum. Incipit liber sextus per eum collectus ex beati Gregorii papae (erased, pontificis scribbled above) opusculis. In expositione cantici canticorum quam libris quinque expli- cauiraus 185 Ends f. 200 b : Explicit liber collectus ex opusculis beati Gregorii papae, a uenerabili Beda presbitero supra cantica canticorum. ff. 201, 202, 204 blank, f. 203 (B 7) blank, is gone. John HoUond has foliated the book, and written headlines throughout. 20. EucLiDis Phaenomena et Optica Graece. Paper, lof x 8, in eights, 128 + 8 leaves, ly lines, handwriting "of xvith century. The binding is original and handsome. The edges of the leaves gilded and gauffred. The hand is large. At the beginning (f i and f. i b) is some ornament, rather rough, and the title and initial are in coarse gold. There are marginal annotations in red in the same hand, and many- geometrical iigures, very neatly drawn. Collation: i" (i fastened to the cover) a'-q^ ii^ (4 fastened to the cover): 136 leaves. Contents : I. a Dedication in Greek to Stephen [Gardiner] Bishop of Win- chester and Chancellor to the Queen. See post . . . iy i MS. 2i] king's college. 37 2. Ei)/cX6(Sou ^aivd/ieva, ........ i a 'ETreiSJj oparai ret dTrXavij & rijs eio'cpeardTris Kal doiSl/wv ^aaiXl(Ti(ni iv fi,ep6Teavos Xdx^s oHvo/xa Kkuvbv QVK dSlKOJS, Kal ydp arifj.^ dperrjs (pophis. On each cover is a device of two interlaced triangles within a circle, with gold Tudor roses and small flowers in the spaces. The volume is no. 4 in T. James's list. 21. Medica quaedam. Parchment, 10^ x 7, five volumes, bound together; various numbers of lines to a page. Cent, xiii-xiv (1272-1327). A. Four fly-leaves of very thin parchment, 22 lines to a page, with copious marginal notes. Cent, xiv (.-'). In a hand closely re- sembling that of the Neckam de utensilibtis in S. James's Library at Bury S. Edmund's {Bibliotheca Buriensis, M. 27). It is a tract on Nature. New chapters begin on f \\b: Volo autem nunc iterum narrare modum terre. f. iii a Volo autem inquirere posiquam compUuimus, f. iva Volo autem nunc referre primorum. On f. iv b (margin) is a xvth cent, table of contents to the volume : 1. Summa magistri G. Agilum de urinis. 2. ffleobotomia Mauri. 3. Tractatus de diebus creticis. 4. Liber urinarum mag. Mathei. 5. Practica Archimathei salernitani. 6. fflores dietarum mag. lohannis de sancto Paulo. 7. Tractatus de ffleobotomia. 38 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 21 8. Liber urinarum mag. Ricardi. 9. Signa pronostica Rasis. 10. Galterus de dosi medicinarum. 11. Egidius de urinis cum commento Gilberti. 12. Egidius de pulsibus cum commento. 13. Tractates de urinis secundum Constantinum Aflfricanum. 14. Theophilus de urinis. 15. Ypocrates de regimentis (?) acutorum. 16. Tractatus de phisionomia. 1 7. liber diffinitionum 18. liber elementorum 19. liber febrium \- Vsaac. 20. liber dietarum particularium (?) 21. liber dietarum vniuersalium (?) Contenta in hoc volumine. Constat M. IV. haward (over an erasure). Vol. i. is in double columns of 36-57 lines, in various hands, paged from 33 to 136. Collation : (a« b^ gone) c^ d^' e^^ f^ g^ h^: 52 leaves. Contents : ff. 1-16, pp. 1-32, are gone: a table of contents on p. 135 shows that the former contents were : Liber Egidii de pulsibus cum commento eiusdem Urine Constantini Affricani De coloribus urine ....... Ad cognoscendum ydropisim utrum sit calida uel frigida De signis egritudinura futurarum Auicene The volume now contains : 1. Summa de urinis mag. G. Agilum 2. Fleobothomia mag. Mauri ...... 3. Liber de creticis diebus (in another hand) 4. Urine mag. Mathei (in the first hand ?) . 5. Practica archimathei salernitani . . . . . 6. Flores dietarum ysaac filii salamonis . . . . [excerpti per mag. Johannem de sancto paulo added.'] 7. Fleobotomia galieni ....... 8. Liber urinarum mag. Ricardi ...... 9. Aviicena de signis mulierum pregnancium de dieta paraleticorum 10. Signa pronostica Rasi ....... 11. Galterus de dosi medicinarum 1 2. Liber urinarum Egidii cum commento mag. Gilberti In verse, vifith copious gloss, in small hand. I 28 31 32 32 33 36 39 45 52 68 75 77 84 84 84 88 99 ^^- 2i] king's college. 39 13- De coloribus urine j,g In tabular form, in pale ink. II. In single lines, 40 to a page, well written, with red and blue initials. Collation: a'b': 16 leaves. 14. Liber de indicacionibus urinarum a uoce Theophili . . . 137 At the end of this tract, on p. 149, is a good outline drawing of a patient in bed (nude), and a doctor standing at the foot of the bed holding a glove in one hand, and the usual vessel in the other. The drawing has been less skilfully repeated on the same page. 15. Ypocrates de regimine acutarum egritudinum . . . .150 16. Proprietates quarandam herbarum ig. In a smaller hand : the first section is on Agrimonia, the last on Pofulus. 17. Phisanomia : in the first hand of vol. i 165 Capilli plani timoris sunt significatiui. III. In the hand of nos. 14, 15. Collation: a^ b^ d^ d^-P m^ (i nearly gone): 99 leaves and a fragment. 18. Liber Ysaac de difflnitionibus igo 19. Liber elementorum Ysaac ysraelite filii Salamonis ... 181 20. Ysaac de febribus 220 IV. In the same hand probably as III. A note of ownership on the first page is illegible to me. Collation : a^-e^ : 40 leaves. 21. Particulares Diete Ysaac 368 At the end of this tract (p. 444) is a small drawing in outline, with details in red and black, of a patient in bed, and a doctor at the foot. The doctor has a black cap, and white gown over red tunic. 22. Extracta ex libro de gradibus 445 In another hand, on Materia Medica. V. In a small pointed hand, 46 lines to a page. Collation: a^ (i gone) b*-d^ e^: 35 leaves. 23. Diete uniuersales Ysaac 449 The last leaf is patched with pieces of a xiiith century Vulgate, in a minute hand, in double columns. 40 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 22 B Four more leaves of the tract described under A. On the second page is a repetition of the table of contents given above, m the same hand : at the end is : Constat m. Rogero Marchall. He was the owner of several MSS. at Gonville and Caius College. I have very little doubt, judging from appearances, that this book came from Bury Abbey. 22. Secunda pars Hugonis de Sacramentis. Parchment, gf x 6|, ff. 1 1 7, double columns of 3 5 lines. Cent. xii. Collation: iiMiii^" v«-viii» ix" x«-xiii« xiv^ (8 blank, gone): 117 leaves. Quire ix, which is complete, has this section : The volume comes from Durham. On the first page is the erased inscription : Liber sci Cuthberti... and, not erased, H : de sacramentis. lib. ij. also : C. liber 2"" hugonis de sacramentis in 19 partes diuisus. On the upper margin of f. 2 is the letter C. f. 2 begins with the words et uirtute \ On f. I a and 2 a is the name : Jacobus Braybrooke 1568. and on f. I « : Dedit Collegio Regali Gulielmus Sargeant Nuper Socius 1672. 1 In the Catalogi Veteres of Durham (Surtees Society, 1838) are two mentions of this book: (i) p. 21, in the Catalogue of the " Spendement," or Inner Library, made in 1391, we have : Secunda pars Hugonis de Sacramentis, ii. fo. , et virtute. (2) p. 41, in a list of books sent to Durham College (now Trinity), Oxford, in 1409 : F. Secunda pars Hugonis de Sacramentis, ii. fo., et virtute. [De le Spendement.] MS. 23] king's college. 41 Contents : Hugonis de S. Victore de sacramentis fidei liber secundus (ed. Mogunt. 161 7. Tom. iii. p. 423 a). There is a very good outline initial to the prologue on f. i b. The hand is at first very good, but rather coarsens towards the end of the book. The initials are mostly in red and green. 23. Theo Smyrnaeus Graece. Paper, io| x 8, ff. 94 + 7, 20 lines to a page. Cent. xvi. Collation: i^ (i attached to cover) a^-e^ P g^-m^ ii* (3 gone, 4 attached to cover). Binding : red velvet with green ground : the edges gilt and worked with a pattern of green and red boughs interlacing. Contents : 1, GeCcos l^fivpvalov TrXoTWvtKoC twv Kard, iiadrnxanKov x/";<'''/'w eJs T7\v Tov nxdraiz/ws &,v6.yvtjiaiv . . . . . . f. i On ixev oix oUv re ffwelvai.. 2, ToO avTov vepl iwveldii fratres, aliique permulti." Inside the last cover is written ' salus per Jesum.' 25. BiBLiA Sacra. Vellum, 8f x 6, ff. 425, double columns of 54 lines: two volumes in one. Cent, xiii, xiv. Binding : panelled calf of cent, xvii, xviii. Collation: a^«-k>« P m» || a^^-g" h^' (wants 15) i^^ k" (wants i) 116 jnis ni" (wants 15) o^' p^^ q" (4 a fragment). The lost leaves are in Hosea, i Maccabees, John xvii-xviii. In the cover is written: Dedit Collegio Regali Cant. N. Harding MS. 26] king's college. 43 Socius 1723. The name Rob. Klmere (?) occurs on one of the last leaves. The hand is good, but not exceptionally so. The initials are in red and blue, flourished. The earlier pages have suffered from wet. There are marginal notes on the first few pages, on the Psalter, and on the Gospels. The order of books is as usual. There is no 4 Esdras. Vol. i. contains Genesis to Job. Vol. ii. Psalms to Apocalypse. The Apocalypse is followed by " Canones " on John, Mark, Luke, in verse, beginning A. de principio testis baptista prolatus Per moysen lex • nemo deum uidit • fore christum Se negat • et uocem dicit • Baptizat in nuda. There are other notes on the last leaves in several hands ; among others (on first leaf and last but one) a list of expositors for the whole Bible. 26. BiBLiA Sacra. Vellum, 8f x 6^, ff. 349, double columns of 55 lines. Cent. xiii. Binding, modern. Collation: a^ b^ c^ || i^" (wants i) ii^" (6 supplied) iii^-x'" xi" (9 supplied) xiii'-xvi" xvi^^ xvii« (6 blank, gone) || xviii^-xxxi" xxxi^^ || xxxii^(') (I blank, gone) || d^ The name R. Hallyman and some moral lines occur on f a 4(3: : written in cent, xv, xvi. The lines are : Intus quis? Tu quis? Ego sum. Quid queris? Ut intrem. Fers aliquid? Non. Stato foras. Fero. Quid? Satis. Intra. Intrent portantes: non intrant dona rogantes. Dat laudes deo Sanctus homo (i.e. Hallyman) quod R. Hallyman. Contents : Table of Epistles and Gospels for the year a i iJ In a hand later than the main body of the book. Table of Contents (cent, xv and xvi) a 4 /5 ff. b I, b 2i5, blank. Title-page with border (cent, xvi) ^ ''■"■ 44 xxxu I a xxxii 3 b CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 26 Letter of Terome to Paulinus : Frater Amirosius (cent, xvi) to the ... . c I a words Prosa mcipit : uersu The original hand of cent, xiii begins with the word labitur : the first leaf of quire i being lost The end of Genesis and beginning of Exodus are supplied by the hand of cent, xvi: as also a leaf at the end of i Chronicles. 4 Esdras does not occur. There is no Psalter. Isaiah begins a new volume, as will be seen from the collation. The books of the New Testament follow the normal order: Evv., Epp. Paul., Act., Cath., Apoc. A third volume begins after the Apocalypse, with a table of Lessons, Epistles, and Gospels for the year .... Interpretationes nominum Canons (in verse) of the four Gospels, Mt., Mc, Lc, Jo., in a dif- ferent hand : they are the same as in no. 25. The last page is blank. The hand is throughout beautiful : the supply-leaves of cent, xvi are also very well written, and have pretty initials. The his- toriated initials throughout the book are of good and early type, though rather rough in execution. They are as follows : Genesis. Initial I with medallions of the Creation of Beasts. Christ surrounded by heads of animals. Creation of Eve. Fall : human-headed serpent. On gold grounds. Leviticus. Moses, horned, kneeling. Christ's hand above, on R. Numbers. Two blue fishes, one eating the other, form the initial L. Deut. Initial cut out. Joshua. Moses and Joshua : Moses, nimbed, recumbent ; Joshua, a young man with a scroll, weeping, stands over him, by a tree. Judges. Beardless figure, nimbed, recumbent : bearded man, in flat cap, holding tree, stands over him. Ruth. Full-length female figure with scroll, full-face. I Reg. Samuel seated, with scroll, in pointed hat. A desk on L., a curtain on R. 1 Reg. In two stages : above, David harping : two fiddles by him. Below, David in bed, with hands crossed : two candles and cross on L. at his head. (Cf. miniature in Psalter in University Library, described by the writer, C. A. S. Proceedings, xxxv. 160.) 3 Reg. David, on throne, takes off his crown (or weeps) : Solomon, a youth, stands before him. 4 Reg. A prostrate figure, a woman at his head. A man with crutch-stick touches his eyes : other figures behind. Gehazi and the Shunammite's son. 1 Par. A seated man talks to two smaller figures. 2 Par. A king (David or Solomon), throned, with sceptre: two mitred priests. 1 Esdr. {Ezra, Neh.). Full-length figure, with scroll, stands on a dragon. 2 Esdr. (3 or i Esdr.). Ezra, in chasuble, receives a crossed wafer out of the clouds. Tohit. Tobit seated : on R. is a towered wall or city ; Tobias approaches, through a doorway. yudith. Seated by a city on L. MS. 26] king's college. 45 Esther. In three stages : i. Ahasuerus, full-length, with sceptre. 1. Mordecai, nimbed, with scroll. 3. Half-length figures look upward. yob. Seated, covered with spots : his wife by him and two friends on R. Proverbs. Solomon, throned and sceptred : mitred priest with scroll. Eccl. Solomon, seated, addresses a group of people. Cani. Christ, on Z., and the Church, who holds a cross-staff and a church. IVisd. A man in a cap, seated, addresses four men. Ecclus. A similar picture : two men instead of four : the seat has lion-arms. Isaiah. Seated, with scroll : very rough. Jer. Beardless, between trees. Lam. Jeremiah laments, by the gate of Jerusalem. Baruck. Seated, with scroll : two men seated near, in peaked hats. Ezek. A king, seated, holding a baton. Ezekiel, with bound hands, is led away by a man. Dan. A king, seated, with sceptre. On i?. two mailed soldiers kneeling. Hosea. Seated : Gomer before him. Joel. Seated, with scroll : two elders. Amos. With scroll : apparently speaks to some sheep, goats, and oxen, on a mountain. Obadiah. With scroll : addresses Ahab and Jezebel at table. yonah. Above, Nineveh: below, Jonah, vomited up by a horned fish, catches at a tree. Micak, In chasuble : receives a crossed cake from an eagle's beak in the sky. A tree by him. Nahum. In chasuble : an eagle's beak speaks out of heaven to him. Tree on R, Habakkuk. Praying : wild beasts' heads are seen before him, on R. Zephaniah. A man on L. and a woman on R., seemingly terrified : on a mountain between them are wild beasts and three trees. aggm^ ) Full-length, with scroll. Zechanah ) Malachi. Between two trees. 1 Mace. A man in mail-shirt, with staff, before a throned king. 2 Mace. A nimbed man gives a letter to a messenger with staff and hat. Matt. Jesse-tree : one ancestor, the Virgin, and Christ. Two^andles at Jesse's feet. Mark. Winged lion, displayed, with scroll : Marcus euangelii ihtt xpifilii del sicut. Luke. Winged ox, with scroll, looking up. yohn. Full-length, with book. Rom., 1,2 Cor.,) „ , ,, . r V Paul addressing a group of men. Eph., Phil., Col. Paul with scroll : men on R. 1 Thess. Paul addresses a Jew. 2 Thess.\ I 2 Tim. No picture. Tit. I • I Heb. No picture. _, > Paul preaches to a group of men. „, ., , As 2 Thess. Philem 46 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 27 Acts. Paul preaching. James. Full-length, with green staff. I, 2 Peter. With scroll. I, 2, 3 John. Small figures of S. John. Jude. Full-length, with book. Rev. John writing, surrounded by seven candlesticks. 27. Athanasii Orationes Latine. Vellum, 8 x s|, ff. 100, 22 lines to a page. Cent. xv. In an Italian hand. Binding, modern. Collation : aa^ (wants i) a^»-k" (wants 10). Contents : Dedication by the translator Antonio Becaria to Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester. First leaf gone f- ^ — mortalibtis et diuino illo neciare. Liber orationum Athanasii uiri Sanctissimi ac archiepiescopi (sic) Alexandrini aduersum arianos de fide Christiana elegantissimus ad Serenissimum ac christianissimum principem dominum Humfri- dum Gloucestriae ducem per clericum suum Antonium Becariam ex graeco in latinum fideliter interpretatus. Liber primus feliciter incipit 3 Quaecu7tque doininus nosier. The initial, which was handsomely illuminated, has been cut out. The second leaf begins : nomine meo dicentes. Liber secundus eiusdem Athanasii aduersum arianos per eundem interpretatus 30 Omnes haereses. The initial survives in this place. It is not of Italian execution : burnished gold is freely employed, and the shaded green, pink, and blue, characteristic of English art. The hand is very good. There are marginal notes by the original scribe. Mr Bradshaw notes at the end of the volume : This volume is the sole relic of the original library of the College. The College was founded in 144 1 ; Humphry, Duke of Gloucester, to whom MSS. 28, 29] KING'S COLLEGE. 47 this is dedicated, died in 1447-8 ; and in a catalogue of the library taken about 1453 this volume is entered under Distinctio -G- vol. 9, thus : Oraciones Athanasij cuius 2™ fo. incipit ' nomine meo dicentes. ' It is no. I in T. James's list. The Royal MS. (Brit. Mus.) 5. F. ii contains other works of S. Athanasius translated by the same man. At the end is the autograph note : Cest Livre est a moy Homfrey Due de Gloucestre : lequel je fis translater de Grec en Latin par un de mes Secretaires, Antoyne de Beccara ne de Verone. 28. De Controuersia Romana. Paper, 7^ x 6|, ff. 29, varying numbers of lines to a page. Cent, xvi, xvii. Binding : a parchment wrapper stamped in gold, with a shield of sixteen quarterings surmounted by a ducal coronet and sur- rounded by the Garter. Collation : a* (i, 2 cancelled) b*-g^ h^ (4 blank, gone). Contents : Status praecipuarum controuersiarum inter nostram et Romanam ecclesiam. In twelve questions I. Quid Catholicum. 12. An Deus colendus et sacra peragenda in peregrina lingua. In a very neat hand : the pages red lined. On the title-page is : Gulielmo Offly Eccl"" Lincoln: Canonico Coll. Regal. Cantab, quondam Socio Legauit Tho: Barlow D.D. Episcopus Lincolniensis An: 1691. Bibliothecae Coll. Regal. Cantab. Dedit Guliel: Offley Can: Lincoln: An°: 1712. 29. Koran. [A Koran of cent, xvi, xvii. On paper, 7^ x 4^, with two illu- minated pages at the beginning: and the following inscription : 48 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 30 Henricus Bard, Eques Auratus et Baronettus [postea Vicecomes Bellomontanus], CoUegii Regalis Socius, postquam CoUegiali commeatu impetrato Europam, Asiam et Africam maxima ex parte perlustrasset, hunc libruni Aegypto allatum amoris simul et peregrinationis Momimentum CoUegio Regali dedicavit May 28, 1644.] 30. Breviarium ad usum Sarum. Vellum, 7^ X 5^, ff. 422, double columns of 34 lines. Cent, xiv, XV. Binding, cent, xvii, xviii. Collation : \* || a^ (wants i)-z^ aa^ || bb" cc^ dd^ (2 cancelled and replaced) eeMi^ kk^ (i gone) 11^-zz^ A^-E' F^ (2 cancelled) G^ (2 can- celled) II ii* (3 blank, gone) : 422 leaves. On f. 2 ^ Iste liber constat Roberto Drury ex dono Roberti Drury Militis patris sui cuius anime propicietur Deus. On f. 6a Dedit Collegio Regali Gulielmus Sargiant Nuper Socius 1672. Contents : On ff. 3 a-4 a is scribbled the seruicium de commemoracione omnium sanctorum. Breuiarium. Proprium de tempore (first leaf gone). Begins : -rum laudabunt te oracio f. 6 Propitiare quesumus (in vespers for ist Sunday in Advent). Regula de eadem hystoria incipienda etc 188 3 Kalendar in red and black ........ igo Psalter (with accessories) for daily use inn Followed by Te Deum, Benedicite, Benedictus, Magnificat, Nunc dimittis. Litany. Proprium de Sanctis (first leaf gone) 2-5 Begins : -mici humani generis (Lesson ii. at Matins, S. Andrew's Day). Commune Sanctorum „y Benedictiones de S. Maria .... ,,„ ... 4^9 Terminus pasche. Benedictiones (later hand). Kalendar : The word papa, and Festivals of S. Thomas of Canterbury, are erased. MS. 30] KING'S COLLEGE. 49 Jan. S. Wulstan, in red. S. Antony, Abb., added in 7nargin. Mar. I. S. Dauid ep. et conf. festum prouinciale ix Ic, Bf/aVrf. 2. S. Cedde (Chad) ep. et conf. fest. prouinc. ix Ic, added. 8. S. Felicis ep. et conf. festum sinodale ix Ic, added. SB. Edward (martyr) and Cuthbert, in red. Ap. 2. S. Richard, in red. mund 29. Translacio S. Edwardi iii Ic, added. May 7. S. Johannis de Beuerlaco iii Ic, added. 9. Transl. S. Nicholai iii Ic, added. 25. S. Aldhelm, in red. June g. Transl. S. Edmundi Archiep. ix Ic, in red. i6. ,, S. Ricardi ix Ic, in red. 20. ,, S. Edwardi Reg. M. ix Ic. July 16. Transl. S. Osmundi ep. et conf. ix Ic synod., added. Aug. S. Dominici ix Ic, added in margin. Transfiguratio domini, added in margin. Sept. 16. S. Edithe ix Ic, in red. Oct. 2. S. Thome hertf., added in margin. S. Francisci conf., added. 17. S. Etheldrede ix Ic, added. 19. S. Fredeswyde ix Ic, added. Nov. 3. S. Wenefrede ix Ic, added. Dec. 4. S. Osmundi ep. conf. ix Ic, added. Litanies ordinary full Sarum type : I compare with Procter and Wordsworth, Psal- ierinm, p. 255. Feria iii. Martyris. om. Eustachi. Confessors. Domiciane for Donatiane. Virgins. om. Eugenia. Feria iv. Confessors. Wlstane for Wilfranne. Virgins. om. Martina. Sabbato. Confessors. Authberte for Ausberte. Sanctorale omits all notice of the Transfiguration and Name of Jesus. The writing is good througiiout, and the ornament fair. There are borders or initials on ff. 103 Easter, 121 Ascension, head of Christ in the initial, 126 Pentecost, 131 Trinity, 134 Corpus Christi, 141 Dominica i in Oct. Pentecostes, 160 Historia Peto Domine, 162 Historia Adonqy, 163 iJ Historic A daperiat, 168 d Historia Vtdi dominum, 199 etc. Psalter and its divisions, 398 Commune Sanc- torum. K, MSS. 50 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 3 1 31. MiSSALE EbORACENSE. Vellum, 7i x 5, ff. 183, double columns of 36 lines. Cent. xv. Collation: i^ (wants i, 2) || a« (wants i) b=-k' || ii^ (wants 2) || Y (wants i, 7) m« n« 1| A« B« O (wants i) D« (wants i) E«-H« P (wants 8): 183 leaves. Contents : Kalendar in red and black f- 3 Proprium de Tempore ....••••■ '° [The Canon of the Mass in a larger hand, 23 lines to a page, ff. 89-96.] Proprium de Sanctis ''^' Commune Sanctorum '4° * Suffragia Communia . . . • • • ■ ■ • '73 Missa de v Vulneribus 1°' S.Antonio 182* Benedictio Sails '°3 Sequencia de nomine Ihesu 184 Dulcis Ihc nazarenus. Prayer. Summe sacerdos 184 15 Rubrica de missa matutina (de tempore) 186 ,, ,, (de Sanctis) 187 * ,, „ (generalis) 189* ,, de missa mortuorum . . • • • ■ • • 189 15 Litany 19° Gospel: Nolite possidere aurum \()ab Requiem eternam etc. Oratio. There are good borders (burnished gold, shaded blue and pink, and green) on ff. 122 i^, 1291^, 131, 140. The writing is excellent throughout : the small initials in a very good blue. In the Kalendar : Jan. 2. Odolonis Abb. in capis xii lect., in red. 28. lohannis Abb. viii lect. Feb. 5. Agatha added. 6. O(bitus) S. Thurstini Ebor. archiep. anno gracie m.c.xl", in red. 23. Milburge v. extra xl" in albis xii lect. Mar. T. Albini ep. conf. xii lect. 2. Cedde ep. conf. xii lect. 20. Cuthbert. 22. S. Thome martiris comitis lancastrie, in red. 23. S. Thome lancastrie. Anno dom. m''.ccc''.xxi'', in red. MS. 32] king's college. 51 Ap. 16. Dedicacio ecclesie S. Johannis Ap. et Ev. duplex festum, /;/ red. 24. Wilfridi ep. et conf. 29. Hugonis abbatis in capis, in red. May 7. Johannis ep. et conf. 9- Transl. S. Andree. 14. Transl. Hugonis abbatis. 15- Officium solempne pro Roberto de Lascy fundatore nostro non mutandum. in red. 18. Obitus Thome Vrswylc a.d. 1456, in red. June 8. Willelmi archiep. viii lect., in red. 20. Florencie V. 22. Consorcle V. July 5. Marcialis Ep. .Sr- Neothi C. Sept. 28. Exuperii Ep. Oct. I. Transl. S. Germani. II. Ffestiuitas reliquiarum dupl. fest. cum proc, in red. 12. Wilfridi Ep. 3°- Tehenderii Conf. Nov. 2. Lantoni Abb. viii lect. 5- Flori Ep. xii lect. 7- Leonardi Abb. in capis, in red. 16. Edmundi Archiep. 19- Odonis Abb. in capis, in red. 20. Edmundi Reg. et M. in capis, in red. Dec. S. Osmundi Ep. Sarum. The obits show that the book belonged to the Cluniac Priory of S. John the Evangelist at Pontefract, founded by Robert de Lacy, temp. William II. Tanner, Notit. Monast., Yorkshire, xcvi. I. The Litany at the end is very short. Milburga is the only English Saint invoked. On the last page is Dedit Collegio Regali Jacobus Bernard ibidem Socius 1684. 32. Petri Lombardi Sententiarum Libri IV. Vellum, 7f x S|, ff. 220, double columns of 44 lines. Cent, xiii, xiv. Collation : i^ a"-d>« e^^ (wants 1-3) P« g^' h^+i i^^ k'^ 1" m^^-o^^ p'= (11-16 only, fragments). 4—2 52 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 33 On f. i 3 are two erased inscriptions : on f. ii b the words : est tho» baschurche and the entry Ex dono Gulielmi Price hujus CoUegij socij. The hand is fine and regular : the initials elaborately flourished, in blue and red. The whole book resembles the type of the ordinary small Bible of the xiiith century. There are a good many marginal notes in various hands. 33. Vaticinia. Paper, 8^ x Sf, ff". 3 +41 + 3, 26 lines to a page. Cent, xvi, xvii. In a limp parchment cover. Inscribed : Liber CoUegii Regalis Cantabr. Ex dono Samuelis ThoiSs eiusdem Collegij Socij. Febr. 2 165!. Contents : Vaticinia Duo, prioris Christianus, posterioris Mahumetanus author est. Anno Domini 1592. Dedication to John Whitgift Abp of Canterbury: from Jolin Castollus: dated London 27 Sept. 1592. The writer says that he found the Christian prophecy at Paris "in bibliotheca Gorraei medici celeberrimi" in a MS. defective through age: of the other he had bought a copy in French, printed at Antwerp, some fifteen years bacli. I. The Christian prophecy is headed : Ex Libro Mirabih sumpta haec in chronica Martiniana. Tacui et semper silui, nunc autem loquar euentus mirabiles quos audiui. The lacunae of the MS. seem to occur where a precise date would otherwise have to be mentioned : e.g. " circa annum Do- mini * ." It occupies nine pages : at the end is : Hanc prophetiam antiquitus scriptam reperies in clarissimo Gallorum regno, quam habet quidam presbyter nomine Guillielmus Bauge in Diocesi turonensi in parochia de Nohan. Quae sequuntur Gallorum indolem describunt et ex eiusdem historiae capite decimo septimo desumpta sunt. Collegi ex dictis antiquorum Galliam traxisse nomen a 7dXa graeco quod est lac latine. 2. Brevis et tamen perspicua multorum vaticiniorum narratio primum Arabice ab authore ipso scripta: deinde ab equite ordinis Rhodii in Gallicum sermoiiem versa et nunc latine reddita. MS. 34] king's college. 53 R. Braim's dedication to the king of Tunis. Caput primum : de Camo Magno siue tartarorum Imperatoie. There are thirteen chapters dealing with various potentates. The tract occupies twelve pages. 3. Commentary by CastoUus on the two prophecies, about forty-two pages. 34. HoRATii Opera. Vellum, 6| x 4^, ff. 173, 27 lines to a page. Cent. xv. Binding, plain calf of cent. xvii. On f. i ^ is : Ex(emplar) MS. olim Petri Bembi Cardinalis. Dignissimo Viro Samueli Collins Henricus Wottonius hoc misit munusculum xiv Decembris Anni cio.ioc xxx (1630). and : Dedit CoUegio Regali Reverendissimus in Christo pater Joannes Pearson Cestrensis Episcopus, et hujus Collegii quondam Socius i67'2. Sir Henry Wotton, Provost of Eton, purchased a good many MSS., once in Pietro Bembo's Library, when he was Ambassador at Venice : most of them are now in the College Library at Eton, to which he bequeathed them. Among them is a Cicero de Officiis, which is exactly uniform with this Horace^ Collation: i^ (+ i) || A^-Q^" R^ || ii^- 173 leaves. f. iii is of red vellum. Contents : Q. Horatii Flacci, Carminum Liber i f. i Liber II. 10 b Liber iii. 33 Liber iv. 54 15 Epodon Liber 66 (67) Carmen Saeculare ...... 80 (81) De Arte Poetica 81 (82) b Epistolarum Liber I. 91 (92)*^ Epistolarum Liber II 112(113) Sermonum Liber i "2 (123) Liber 11. I43 ("44) Index of first lines (by Bembo) . ■ • 166(167) 1 See the writer's Catalogue of the MSS. at Eton College, nos. 149, 157, etc. 54 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 34 On f. i, in Bembo's hand, is : Satis Beatus unicis Boetis. Traditur dies die • noueque pergunt Interire lune. On f. ii is a table of contents also by Bembo, and some later scribbles. On the last leaf of the volume, on the recto, is a long passage written by Bembo, headed : D. Mgr Michael Carrarius in libello suo de chorei? musarum . c. secundo de Medicina. Sunt preterea ipsius due principales partes Sanitatem habitumque tueri et amissam redimere. And at the bottom two lines from Pliny Epp. vii. xxvi. : Tales esse sani perseueremus quales nos futures profitemur infirmi. On the verso : i6i. Si bene te noui. Lib. epistolarum. Summa Inter cuncta leges et percunctabere doctos totius Qua ratione queas traducere leniter euum vite. Ne te semper inops agitet uexetque cupido Et genus et uirtus nisi cum re uilior alga est. The writing is a fine, italic hand : the ornaments most beautiful throughout. The title of each poem is in capitals, red, blue, or purple: the opening of each book is also in capitals, gold, red, blue, green, and purple. In the lower margin of the first page is Bembo's shield, azttre a chevron or between three roses of the second : motto VIRTVS ET HONOR : crest a demi-Pegasus. The initial to Carminum Liber i. contains two Pegasi : the arms occur again in the initial to Book ii. of the Epistles. The other initials are most exquisite decorative work : often in gold on a red ground. MS. 3S] king's college. 55 35. PSALTERIUM. Vellum, 5^ x 4, fif. 124, 22 lines to a page. Cent. xiii. Binding : a vellum wrapper. Collation: a« || li''-xii» xil .? (i, 2 left) || + 2 leaves of parchment and 4 of paper. On the last paper page is : Dedit Magister Thomas hujus CoUegii Socius. On the first fly-leaf is : Thomas Greius hunc libram. The two extra parchment leaves are fragments apparently of an account-roll of cent. xv. The four paper leaves are of cent, xvi, xvii, and contain two prayers : (i) O creator et gubernator celi et terre. (2) Conditor celi et terre. Contents : Kalendar, in Frencli, in red and black . . . . . . ff. i-vi Psalter f. i The end of Ps. cl. is supplied in a hand of cent. xvi. The writing is good. The initial to Ps. i. has a picture of David seated, playing the harp : gold ground : in a good style. There is a partial border with grotesques. The other initials are blue, with red flourishes. The Psalms specially distinguished are : Dominus illuminatio. Dixit insipien's. Cantaie. Dixi custodiam. Saluutn mefac. Dixit Dominus. Quid gloriaris. Exultate. In the Kalendar : Feb. I. S. bride le uirgine. 3. S. blase le ueke. 4. S. gilbert le confessur. 23. S. milburge le uirgine. 29. S. oswaldi reg. et le rei. Mar. 5. S. foce le uirgine. 12. S. gregorie le apostoile, in red. 18. S. edwarde le rei. 20. S. cuthbert le ueke, in red. 26. Eleine de Cobeldik morut par un samadi au ceu iour. 56 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 35 Ap. I. S. marie le gypcian, in red. II. S. liun le apostoile. 10. S. alfed le erceueke. 24. S. wlfrid le ueke. 29. S. pere de melan le martir. May 2. Si Roger de Cobeldik morut par un meskerdi a ce lour. 3. (later) Obitus domine elizabet dain curche. 10. S. fremund. 1 1 . William de Cobeldik morut par un mardi a ceu iour. 19. S. dunstan le ueke, in red. June 3. S. oriche le uirgine. 8. S. medard le confessur. s. willaw le ueke. 13. S. antoine de le ordre ferre menure. 14. S. blase le ueke e conf. 16. S. ricard. 17. S. botulf le abbes. 20. le translaciun seint edward le rai. 22. S. Alban le martir, in red. 23. S. aldred le virgin. July 2. S. suithan le confessur. 3. (later) Obitus Johannis de folnedby mor'. 10. (later) Obitus Amias de folnedby et pet<:ri> fil. eius. 13. S. mildrid le uirgin. 17. S. kenel le rei. 22. (later) Obitus Clarae de Cobildyk mor'. Aug. 2. philippe de cobildic. 29. le translaciun seint ion, in red. Sept. 4. le translaciun s. cuthbert, in red. 17. S. lambert le ueke. 25. S. firmin le ueke. 29. (later) Obitus domini Edi (?) de folnedby (?) anno millesimo tricentesimo sexagesimo secundo (1362). 30. S. jerom le chapelein e conf. Oct. 2. S. leogar le ueke. 4. S. fraunces le conf., in red. 10. Obitus Willelmi Glaston an. dom. m". cccc""" xxxviii" litera dominicalis e. 19. S. fresuit le uirgine, in red. Nov. 2. le membranz des aumis, in red. 6. S. leonard le ueke e conf., in red. 16. S. edmund le ueke e conf., in red. 17. S. hugo le ueke, in red. 20. S. edmund le rei e mr., in red. Dec. I. S. maud le uirgin. 3. S. brin le conf. 4. S. elig le abbes. 12. Alein de cobildic morut par un samdi a ceu iur. 16. Margeria de Cobeldik morut par un diemeyii a ceu iour. MS. s6] king's college. 57 Popes are uniformly called atostoile (apostolicus), and apostles, apostle. The indications point to a Franciscan house in Lincoln- shire : the Cobeldyks were important people in the district called Holland. Alexander de Cobeldyk is often mentioned in the Patent Rolls for 1 327-1 333. 36. HORAE. Vellum, 6| X 5, ff. 139, 15 lines to a page. Cent, xv, xvi. Binding : French, with gold tooling : on each cover is the date 1620, and on the two covers the name lACQVETTE | ROVIOT. The book-plate of Philip Carteret Webb is in the volume : also the names : W" Herbert 1771. Norton Court april y"' 30th 1724. J. Godfrey. Of Mr Ainsworth prec. ;^i : i : 00. uus Ce present liure appartient a jean Baptiste fauueau file de pierre fauusau Marchand orfebure demeurant a troyes Rue du Mortier dor a troyes i sur(?) ce 10 decembre 1709. At the end is an entry of baptism of a member of the family of Nerac at SS. Gervais and Protais, Paris, 14 Ap. 1637. The MS. was presented to the College by G. Nugent Bankes, M.A., in 1889. Collation: i^ (i attached to cover) a" b'* c^ (wants 3) d^ (wants i) e'-k^ P (wants 2) m^" n" o^" p« q^" r* s^^ (11, 12 gone) ii^ (2 attached to cover): 137 leaves, numbered 1-137. Contents : Kalendar in red and black, not full f. 2 Sequences of the Gospels 14 Prayer : Protector in te sperantium 10 b Hours of the Virgin 21 Hours of the Cross 7'* Seven Psalms 77 Litany 89* Office of the Dead 97 Obsecro te, domina i^S O intemerata i^g Stabat mater 132 Prayer: Interueniat pro nobis i.S4 Memoria of S. Barbara '34'^ Prayer at Communion • • '35^ 58 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 36 :n the Ke ilendar : April 26. Benignus C. 29. Robertus Abb. 30- Eutropius Ep. May 7. Mastida V. II. Gengulphus M. 14. Victor & Corona MM. 16. Fidolus C. 23- Desiderius C, in red. 2q. Vinebaudus C. ywie 8. Medaldus & Gerardus. 16. Fidolus C. 20. Verolus C. 22. Geruasius Ep. M. 28. Vinebaudus C. July I. Theobaldus Ep. 7- Marcialis Ep. 8. Bonifacius Doctor. 9- Effrem C. 17- Amulphus Ep. C. Aug. 4. Justus Ep. et Conf. 7- Donatus Ep. M. 17- Mammes M., in red. A//. 3- Mansuetus Ep. 12. Sirus Ep. C. 17- Lambert Ep. M. 24. Andochius M. Oci. 3. Piatus M. 10. Translatio S. Mammetis, in red. 17- Martha soror Lazari. 19. Sauinian M. 27. Florentinus M. Mn/. 23. Colombanus Abb. In the Litany: Martyrs. Blasius, Peregrinus, Vigilius, Eusebius, Saturninus, Symphorian, Ciricus, Juuinian, Justus, Mammes, ...Priscus. Confessors. Amator, Germane, Agnarius, Renobert,...Veranus, Guillermus, Leonard, Mamertinus, Marianus, Ludovicus. Virgins. Eugenia, Julita. The use closely resembles that of Chilons-sur-Marne : the Saints point to Langres or Toul much more clearly than to Chilons. On the whole Langres may be taken as the likely provenance. The writing is fairly good : the ornament rough but effective. Each page has a partial border of line and leaf work: the leaves in gold. The miniatures are coarsely done, but in some cases are unusual. MS. 37] king's college. 59 1. Sequences of the Gospels. Two-thirds of page. S. John seated facing R., on an island, writing: eagle holds inkstand in his beak. A large bird in a tree near. The picture of S. Luke is gone. 2. S. Matthew seated on a rock in a landscape, face to X., looks at his pen: scroll on knee. A small angel on L. holds the ink. 3. S. Mark seated in a landscape, writing, scroll on knee. An ox couches by him : it should have been a lion. The picture to Matins of the Virgin is gone. 4. Te Deuni (in Matins) has a large initial with a bust of the Virgin, full-face, in a pink dress. 5. Latidj. Initial. The Visitation. Mary (on Z.) and Elizabeth in a landscape. 6. Prime. The Virgin and Joseph kneel and adore the Child in a landscape : rays above. Ox and ass behind, on L. 7. ' Tierse.' Two shepherds with staves, point upwards : rays above. 8. ' Midi' (Sexi) . The Flight into Egypt : the figures are going to ^. 9. Nones. The Presentation. The Virgin holds the Child in swaddling clothes. Simeon in ermined cape stands on R. of an altar, facing L. 10. Vespers. Two kings (one kneeling) present gifts to the Child on the Virgin's knee. Star in sky. 11. Compline. The Virgin kneels, in a building: a small angel on L. is placing a Crown on her head. 12. Haters of the Cross. Initial. The Crucifixion, with the Virgin and S. John, in a landscape. The picture to the Seven Psalms is gone. 13. Litany. Initial. The Virgin crowned, full-face, half-length, with joined hands: on either side of her are small figures of Apostles also full-face (four on Z., three on R.). Gold ground. There is not usually a picture to the Litany. 14. Office of the Dead. Funeral in Churchyard (Church porch on R.). The sexton is laying the shrouded corpse into the earth : the priest and acolyte, surpliced, stand by the grave: the mourners beyond, on L., in black cloaks touched with gold. ff. 129-136 are an addition to the original volume. ij. intemerata. The Virgin and Child half-length in a silver crescent: much rubbed. This picture is by a later and rather better artist than nos. 1-14: the border is also more carefully done. It is of the "geometrical" kind. 16. Stabat Mater. A Pieti: the Virgin seated beneath the cross, with the body of Christ across her knees : a landscape behind. 17. S. Barbara with palm and book in a landscape : a tower on L. 37. HORAE. Vellum, 7% X S, ff. 198, 16 lines to a page. Cent, xv (1480-90). Bequeathed by Provost Thackeray. Binding, olive morocco of cent. xvii. 6o CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 17 Collation: *■* (i attached to cover) a" b^ c« d^ e' P g' (8 gone) h" i' k" P m^ (8 blank) n« o« (i gone) p'-r^ s«' t'-z^ aa^ bb* (4 attached to cover). Contents : Kalendar, in blue, pink, and brown, not full . . . . f. i Sequentiae of the Gospels 13 Obsecro te, domina ......... ^ob Hours of the Virgin 25 Office of the Virgin in Advent 87 Hours of the Cross ......... 94 Hours of the Holy Ghost ........ 98 Seven Psalms (first leaf gone) and Litany 102 Office of the Dead 122 Stabat Mater 169 Memoriae ........... 171 Seven Prayers to Christ in his Passion 184 iJ In the Kalendar : Jan. 27. Juliani Ep. Feb. 4. Gilberti. 15. Faustini. 16. S. Juliane virginis, in blue. Mar. 18. Anselmi, in pink. Ap. 2. Ciriaci, in pink. 5. Maximiani, in pink. May 4. Floriani, in pink, 5. Gothardi, in pink. 19. Ywoms, CovS. , in bhie. June 30. Marcialis Ep., in blue. July 13. Priuati, in pink. 31. Marthe, Lupi, in blue. Aug. 30. Fiacri, in brown. Sept. 1. Anthonini, in pink. 25. Firmini, in brown. 26. Justine, in pink. Oct. 7. Justine, in pink. 10. Cerboni, in pink. 20. Caprasii, in browti. Nov, 3. Restituti, in brown. The Litany is absolutely undistinctive in its Saints. The use is of Rome. The miniatures are rather above the average shop-work in the kalendar. In the rest of the book they are not. The kalendar has a border on one side of each page: the MS. 37] king's college. 6 1 occupation of the month occupies the whole space : the zodiacal sign the middle third. Every page has a border of similar extent mostly divided into geometrical figures and filled with rather coarse ornament and fluid gold. 1. Jan. A man sits and warms his hands at the fire: in the foreground is a table with white cloth, plate, knife, and covered jug: the gable of the house is seen above. 2. Aquarius. Nude, stands in a stream between rocks and empties a pitcher. 3- Feb. Stands back to a fire and holds up his blue gabardine : his hands crossed behind : a bed in the room. 4. Piscc. blue on gold. 5. Mar. prunes vines in a wattled garden: buildings behind. 6. Aries in a field. 7. Ap. in long gown and yellow boots: aigrette in cap, hawk on gloved hand, walks among trees. 8. Taurus couchant. 9. May. A youth with lute, and a maid seated in front of a bush of roses. 10. Geviini in a bath. 11. June, in doublet, shirt, hose and shoes, drinks from a globular bottle in a hay field : his scythe leans against his shoulder : houses behind. 12. Cancer. A ciay-fish. 13. July in shirt and hose kneels and reaps corn : a jug in the foreground. 14. Leo. 15. Aug., in a barn, in blue doublet, shirt and hose, threshes with a flail. 16. Virgo seated on ground with flower and sheaf. 17. Sept., in a brick building, stands in a vat of grapes. 18. Libra in air. 19. Oct. sows from his lap: building on L. 10. Scorpius. 2 1 . AW. holds a hog by a string and draws a knife from a leather sheath : an axe and another knife under his arm : walls, shed, and buildings behind. 22. Sagitt. Centaur shooting backwards. 23. Dec, in blouse, fully clad, puts two loaves into a brick oven with a bread-peel and holds up his hand to keep off' the heat. 24. Capricorn. A goat in a field. 25. Sequences of Gospels. Three-fourths of a page: John seated on rocky islet writes in book: eagle on a stone flaps his wings: shore and buildings behind. 26. Matthew in massive wooden chair with baldachin above: book on lap, in richly panelled building. Winged man on L. holds up a book to him. 27. Luke on a canopied seat with easel painting the Virgin, who appears in clouds, half-length, with Child. Ox couches on floor. Panelled room with cupboard in wall and painting materials on a table. 28. Mark on canopied seat in a similar room with window which has a figure in the glass : lion on floor. Mark writes in book from scroll on desk : books lie on a desk along the wall. 29. Obsecro te. The Virgin full-length, crowned, with the Child, stands on the crescent, surrounded by rays. 62 • CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 37 30. Matins of the B. V. M. Full-page. Annunciation in arched and pillared building. Virgin kneels on R. under canopy, Gabriel on Z. Above him the Father in clouds, on i?. the Dove: ave— plena in gold letters against the green curtain. Below, on scroll : Domine — aperies. 31. Initial. Virgin and Child, half-length. 32. Lauds. Full-page: the Visitation : two figures in path, the Virgin on Z. : a five- barred gate and house behind : books on Z. Text on a scroll across the figures. 33. Prime. The Virgin and Joseph adore the child in a stone manger in a stable: a stick lies in front : ox and ass behind and in background three shepherds opening the half-door of the stable. Text as in 32. 34. Tierce. Two shepherds, one drinks out of a bottle, the other on R. looks up at an angel in air with scroll : gloria — deo. Dog in front, sheep, rocks, water and distant castle. 35. Nones. Presentation. On Z. Virgin and Child, maid with candle, Joseph. C. Covered altar with hanging canopy : R. Simeon nimbed, and four (or five) other figures. The picture to Sext (g 8) is gone. 36. Vespers. Flight into Egypt. Joseph with cloak on stick leads the ass to R. Rock and house with tower in background. 37. Compline. Coronation of the Virgin, who kneels facing Z., by the Father and Son (on Z.), who sit facing each other on a carved wooden settle with crested and panelled back. Above, the Dove on gold ground. 38. Hours of the Cross. Christ on the Cross between the Virgin (on Z.) and S. John : skull and bone on the ground : cliffs, water and towers in the background. 39. Hours of the Holy Ghost. Pentecost: the Virgin, at desk, and twelve Apostles kneel in an apsidal building: above on Z. is the Dove in a rainbow glory. The picture to the Seven Psalms is gone. 40. Office of the Dead. Job seated on Z. in white rags, on straw : on R. three friends, two stand, one kneels. Behind are a wattled hurdle, and buildings, and a distant view of blue hills. Dilexi — Dominus is written below on a scroll. 41. Verba mea. In text : in front a sexton stands in a grave: on Z. a priest in blue cope reads : on R. six mourners in hooded cloaks, four of whom carry a blue palled coffin with staves. 42. Stabat mater. Small picture at bottom of page. Pieta with John kneeling on Z., no other figures : the feet of the crosses in the background. 43. Mevioriae. In text : Michael in air smiting one of two green devils with human heads : Michael wears blue cope and alb. 44. John Baptist, seated on rock in landscape, with book, points to a lamb lying in front. 45. Peter and Paul, half-lengths, in an apsidal building: with key and sword. 46. James the Great in hat and long robe and cloak, with staff and scrip, in landscape. 47. Apostles, a group of figures half-length. Peter, Andrew, John, Philip, Thomas have their distinctive marks. 48. Stephen, in gold dalmatic, stoned by one man, in a landscape: rays above. 49. Laurence, in gold dalmatic, half-length, between cartains, with book and gridiron. 50. Christopher, with tree for staff and Christ-child on shoulder, stands in a river ; a small hermit in white, with lantern, kneels on R. bank, MS. 38] king's college. 63 51. Sebastian, half-length, between curtains, in gold armour and red surcoat covered with crosses, holds a club and a sheaf of arrows. 52. De pluribus martiribus. A group of half-length figures, surrounded by white clouds. Denis on L. holding his head, Stephen with stone and book, and Cosmas (?) in cap. 53. Nicholas, a bishop in cope with crozier, seated in a room : on R. three tonsured nude figures in a tub, the lid of which is near. 54. Anthony, half-length, in black cloak and blue skull-cap, with book, bell, and jug : chapel on L. 55. Anne, seated in a panelled room, with book ; the Virgin, with the Child, seated on the floor by her. 56. Mary Magdalene, seated on the grass, with a casket : bushes and trees behind. 57. Katherine, crowned, seated in a room, with sword and book. Maxentius, with crown and sceptre, under her feet : a broken wheel on R. 58. Barbara stands by a tower (on L. ) in gold robe, with palm and book. Trees on R. 59. O doinine Ihu Christe. Christ as the Man of Sorrows, standing in the tomb with bound hands and crown of thorns. In front are the robe, dice, lantern, gold pieces, nails, scymitar. On the tomb, three gold caskets. Behind, the cross, ladder, scourge, lance, reed and sponge, cock on column. 38. PSALTERIUM AD USUM SaRUM. Vellum, \\-A2\, ff. 119, 24 lines to a page. Cent. xv. In an English hand, neatly written, with some fairly good initials of the English type, blue and white, pink and white, green, and burnished gold. Collation: a' gone, b'*-q^ (8 gone, and all after): 119 leaves, numbered 9 — 127. Presented by Martin Thackeray, Vice-Provost, 15 Jan. 1831. Contents : I. Psalter, beginning in Ps. XV. (Lat.) f- 9 Non congregabo conuenticula. Divided into nocturns. 1. Cantica. Confitebor to " ' * Quicunque vult. 3. Litany '"* Confessors. Gildard. Medard. Albinus. Eusebius. Swithin. Birinus, 64 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 39 Virgins. Prisca. Tecla. Affra. Editha. Office of the Dead . Ends in the first Lesson. 126 39. Petri de Riga Aurora. Vellum, 8f X5|, ff. 232 + 4, 45 lines to a page. Cent, xv (1404). In a handsome binding, red morocco, panelled and tooled, cir. 1800, by T. Kaye, of 42 Castle Street, Liverpool. Bequeathed by George Thackeray, Provost. There is a printed sale-slip pasted on a fly-leaf, pricing it at ^5. 5 J. and saying " Dr Clark (E. D. Clarke .?) has written an account of the work on the fly-leaves." These are two modern vellum fly-leaves, on which the title and date of the book are written. Collation : *' (4 blank, cane.) a'-v' x'" (8 cancelled) y' z'" (4 cancelled) aa« bb« cc^ dd^-ff"' *' (i blank, cancelled). Contents : I. Prologus secundum magistrum Leonem \. i Omnis scriptura diuinitus inspirata. Prologus mag. Petri canonici Remensis ecclesie in pentateuco moysis ........... i " Frequens sodalium meorum peticio. Prol. in genesim de quo sit acturus 2 a Inicium mundi quales ab origine prima. Genesis, iv Reg., Thobias, Daniel, Judith, Hester, i Mace, Job, Cantica, Evv., Acts. Recapitulatio veteris Testamenti. In the style called \enroypdiJ,naTos : i. e. the first section has no letter A in it, the next no B, and so on. Explicit Aurora. Colophon with date (see post) . 206 2. Prologue in prose .......... 206 i Quoniam modernis temporibus nonnulli. By one Johannes. The tract is in verse, and gives the contents of each chapter of the various books of the Bible in alphabetical order, two lines being devoted to each. The first line describing chapter i. begins with A, the distich on chap. ii. with B, and so on ; when the alphabet is exhausted, it is begun again. Thus in Genesis, which has 50 chapters, the alphabet is used up twice and the last distich begins with p. MS. 39] king's college. 65 In his preface the author explains that he has taken liberties in the case of the letters K, X, Y. Inc. Ante tir(?) lux producitur • cUstinguens vndas congregat. Ornatus factis additur« producta ade subiugat. It contains : Gen.— 2 Chron., Ezr., Neh., i (3) Esdr., Tob., Jud., Esth., Job. A prose section pointing out tliat the epitome of the Psalter was not needed, and giving statistics as to the number of verses (2606). Prov. — Ecclus, Isa. — 2 Mace. Evv., Rom. — Hebr. Ends imperfectly with the distich for Heb. viii. The catch-word for the next leaf is In quo natos. On f. 206 is the colophon to the Aurora. Scire cupis lector quis codicis istius auctor Audi quis (/. quid) breuiter dicat ad ista liber Petrus et Egidius me conscripsere, sed ille Auctor, corrector ultimus iste fuit. Ille prior Remus (?Remis) hie parisiensis alumpnus. Hie leuita gradu, presbiter ille manens. Simplex clericus hie, sacri ordinis ille professor, Ambo graues annis, hie uir et ille senex. Alter adinuenit operam, sed in ordine peccans Quicquid dimisit sensibus ire uagis Alter acu tipica dissectis uersibus vnum Consult in corpus atque reiunxit opus Alter habundantis studii • sed acucior alter Quis proponendi hordo g'i. Six more lines on the scripture. Hie liber constat (erasure of three-quarters of the line) uenustat Hunc sensum mutans non est bonus et fide constans. Cur? quod furatur. furtum vindicta sequatur. In the margin : Anno ab incarnacione domini m°cci. Anno a passione domini m" clxviii. Concurrentes vii. Epacta xiiii. Claues terminoxum xii. Terminus pasche xi Kal. April, luna eiusdem diei xvii. Ciclus Solaris vi. Ciclus lunaris ii. Ciclus decemno. v. Indictio iiii. annus commums et primus a bisexto. dies dominica -g- litera. Anno gloriosi regis francorum philippi xxii. Anno vero episcopatus venerabilis odonis parisiensis. v'°. scriptus est liber iste. K. MSS. 5 66 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [MS. 40 In another hand : M. semel. quater. C. quatuor addito christi Annis. da pariter. hunc librum tunc quia scripsi. The hand is possibly English: the ornament chiefly confined to the first page, and not very striking. 40. CONCORDANTIA BiBLIORUM. Vellum, 2i| X IS, ff. 360, including fragments, in triple columns of 80 lines each. Cent. xv. Written in England. Binding, wooden boards with leather back and hinges: formerly had two clasps. Chain attached to lower part of right edge of last cover. Collation: a' (wants i) b' c« d' (4, 5 almost gone) e' f-l» (8 mutilated) m^-o' p' (7 gone) q'-z' aa^'-cc (wants 3) -ii (6 mut.) mm (3 mut) -tt (7 gone) -yy' zz' (5-8 gone and all after) : 368 - 8. Begins iiii Reg. ii. d (v. 25) abiit mor (autem inde) in montem carmeli. Ends in Visitacio. Ecc' xxxiiii a (vv. g, 6) diuinacio erroris etc., nisi ab. The words referred to are alternately in red with blue initial and blue with red initial. The line-fillings of gold and blue. The hand, English, is clear and good throughout. Most of the miniatures (there was originally one to each letter of the alphabet) have been cut out : those which remain are as follows : A was most likely for Aaron. I . Letter B cut out : but a corner is left, with part of an animal and two branches on the ground : the word illustrated was no doubt Baal : and the scene may have been the sacrifice of Jeroboam, or that on Mt Carmel. 1. C. Cabul. Red ground, flourished with gold. On R., Solomon seated on a white throne: he is crowned, white-bearded, in pink robe and ermine, and looks dejected. His hands are held as if he was arguing. In centre, Hiram crowned, beard- less, in short scarlet tunic trimmed with fur, and pink hose : he looks at Solomon, and points to L., at two white cities, towered, among green hills. Scroll : heccine sunt Hut- tates quas dedisti mihi. . . 3. D. Dagon. Interior of a temple, with green pavement and black lines on it. On L. four men kneel and look R. In L. background is the ark, a gold shrine with coped lid: on R. Dagon is falling oiif a white pedestal. He is golden, except his head, MS. 4i] king's college. 6j and is a nude human figure. The head is that of a fish, and in silver : it is falling off, as also is his L. hand. E was probably Ebal. 4. F. Faba. Red ground, gold-flourished, in squares. On L. three men kneel : one has a gold jug, another a blue object. In centre is David, old, in green head-dress falling low down on R., and pink gown. At his feet are four sheep and three oxen. Armed men on R. The text illustrated is 1 Sam. xvii. " Barzillai brought beans" etc. 5. H. Habene. 2 Kings xxii. The washing of Ahab's chariot. Red and gold ground. On L. a stream: two men kneel by it; water flows from something in their hands (or they are washing some white reins) : behind, a scarlet waggon with hooped laths for an awning, which is white and furled on the top. The hind-quarters of a white horse, a step or ledge at the end of the cart, and two of four wheels are seen. 6. I. Jabeth {yddoc). Gen. xxxii. Jacob crossing the brook Jabbok. Ground as before ; on Z. a river, on the other side of which are clumps of trees : on the nearer side is one clump on a rock. Jacob leads five women towards L. The two in front have plain wimples, the other three heart-shaped head-dresses. Jacob has pointed hat, scarlet tunic, pink hose. K was for Kalendae. 7. L. Laban. Gen. xxxiii. Habebat rebecca fratrem nomine laban. Ground as before. Laban, drawn large, full-face, between a man and a woman. He is old, and has green head-dress, scarlet tunic, furred, gold belt. Rebecca on L. in heart-shaped head- dress ; a jug in her R. hand. Eliezer on R., beardless, short-haired, in pink furred tunic and scarlet hose. The two are about to join hands. 8. M. Maacha. 2 Reg. iii. Absolon filius maacha. Ground as before : green floor. On L. Maacha, crowned, stands facing R., in blue mantle, pink under-robe, L. hand extended. Absalom, smaller, faces Z., in green head-dress, scarlet tunic vandyked at bottom : his L. hand in his gold belt, his R. hand extended. N was for Naaman. 9. P. Pabulum. Lev. iii. Adipem et caudam...in pabulum ignis. On L. a sacri- ficer in pink tunic. On R. a priest in scarlet-sleeved gown and white under-garment, killing what ought to be a lamb, but is more like a hog. In centre, two priests in blue and green. Behind, on R., an altar vested in white with blue frontal and gold reredos : a fire burning on it. 10. R. Raab. On L. a red-roofed house : in background, three peaked hills, each with a clump of trees on top. Rahab in white, with apron, shakes hands with the fore- most of two men, who wears a straw hat and scarlet tunic and hose : he is old and bearded and larger than his companion, who is beardless and has pink hose. S was probably Saba (Queen of Sheba). T Tabernaculum. 41. PSALMI. Vellum, 3i| X 21, ff. 46, 12 lines to a page. Cent. xv. The ordinary letters each measure 1^ x i or more, the large initials 4J in. square. s— 2 68 king's college manuscripts. [MS. 41 The writing seems to be done with a brush : the initials are in blue and red with panels of ornament. It was taken from the Library of Osorius' Bishop of Algarve by the Earl of Essex in 1596, at Cadiz. Contents : ff. i — iii gone. f. iv begins ...cum operuit confusio faciem meam (Ps. Ixviii. Lat. 8). f. V is gone. f. vii is gone. f. viii. Deus in adiutorium Ps. Ixix. In te domine Ps. Ixx. i. ff. xii, xiii gone. On f. xviii are the opening words of Ps. Ixxi. (Deus indicium tuum) in a smaller hand, and the beginning of Ps. Ixxii. Quam bonus Israel, xviii ^ Ut quid deus (Ixxiii.). f. xxiii. Confitebimur. Notus in iudea. f. XXV is mutilated at the top. f. xxvii. Voce mea. ff. xxviii, xxix gone. f. XXX. At bottom. Laudes require in primo tomo fol. Ixxv. Feria vi in parasceue. Ps. Quare fremuerunt. i° tomo Ps. f. XXX b. Deus deus mens respice (Ps. xxi.). Ends imperfectly in v. i6. Arruit tanquam (f. xxxiiiiJ). ff. xxxiv — xxxix gone. f xl a. ingrediebar. Quoniam lumbi mei impleti (Ps. xxxvii. 7, 8). f. xliiii. Expectans expectaui (Ps. xxxix.). i. xlix. Eripe me (Ps. Iviii.). f. 1 is gone. f. liii^. Domine deus salutis mee (Ps. Ixxxvii.). f. Ivi b. Deus ultionum (Ps. xciii.). f. Ix b. Ps. cum inuocarem i° tomo xlviii Sabbato sancto. Domine quis habitabit (Ps. xiv.). f. Ixii3. Ps. Conserua 1° tomo 1. Domini est terra (Ps. xxiii.). i. Ixiii b. Ps. Dominus illuminatio mea et salus mea xxxvi hie. Exaltabo te domine (Ps. xxix.). Ends in v. 8. Domine in uoluntate tua. This enormous MS. was always regarded as one of the curiosities of Cambridge, and is mentioned in many old books of travel. Its size is certainly very remarkable, but it is not otherwise a par- ticularly interesting book. ' Jerome Osorio died in /580. The rest of his Library, also taken by Essex, is now in the Bodleian. APPENDIX. The annexed Inventory of the Library formerly belonging to the College is interesting chiefly as a record; for of the 175 volumes enumerated in it only a solitary one remains. It is the Athanasius (no. 9 in Distinccio G). What has become of the other books is at present absolutely unknown. The Inventory is printed from a transcript made by Mr Brad- shaw from the original MS. in the College Muniment-room. I have collated the transcript with the original. The volume which contains it is a large book bound in boards, measuring i/Jin. by 12 in. It is in quires of eight leaves, and the contents are as follows : (i) Inventory of Church plate, vestments and service-books . . a 2 — b3 (■2) The Charter of the Foundation of the College, followed by ^ abstracts of other deeds b 4 — d i (3) Blank leaves, many of which have been cut out ... d i — m 8 (4) Catalogue of the Library, printed here . . . . . n i — n 8 (5) Blank leaves 01 — 06 (2, 3 gone): List of Provosts and Scholars from the Foundation . . o 7 — p 8 (6) List of pledges, much damaged q 2 a4 The date of the volume is 1452. The classification of the books is clear enough : Distinctions A to C contained Philosophical Works, D to K, Theology, L, Medicine, M, Astrology and Mathematics, N, Canon Law, O P, Classical and General Literature, Q, grammatical books. As to the history of the Library and the building which con- tained it : the Founder in his great plan for the College, which was never carried out, prescribes that there shall be, in the West side of the Court, at the end toward the Chapel, " a librarie, con- teynyng in lengthe • ex • fete, and in brede • xxiiij • fete, and vnder hit a large hous for redyng and disputacions, and • ij • chambres vnder the same librarie, euery conteynyng • xxix • fete in lengthe 70 APPENDIX. and in brede • xxiiij ■ feet." The words are worth quoting, as showing the magnificence of the King's design in this regard : but for the actual history of what existed, I must quote from Willis and Clark's Architectural History of the University of Cambridge ('• 537). "Numerous charges in the Mundum-Book for 1448 for the purchase and chaining of books prove that a Library was even then in existence ; and the apartment was of sufficient importance to be shewn to Henry the Sixth, from a charge for strewing it with rushes in expectation of a visit from him'. From the fact that the only volume now remaining of those mentioned in the catalogue of 1452 belonged to Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, it is not improbable that the King furnished the College Library with many of the Duke's books, obtained after his death at Bury in 1447. No precise record of its situation has been preserved ; we learn, however, from a catalogue of its contents in the College Register that the door was at the east end, and that it contained sixteen compartments^ Again, when the books were moved into the new library, it was turned into two rooms for Fellows'. It was therefore about forty-five feet long, judging from the dimensions of the plan, and the position of the door at the east end leads to the conclusion that it must have been either on the first or second floor of the south side of the Old Court. The view of the exterior of that side shews four windows close together on the second floor, which look as if they might have belonged to it, and this conjecture is supported by a charge for ' mending the leddes over the librarie chambers' in 1578 — 79. " The vestries on the south side of the choir of the Chapel were used as a Library from 1570, until the new Library was built by Wilkins. They were fitted up for this purpose at the expense of Dr Roger Goade (Provost 1569 — i6io)." The derivation of some part at least of the collection from Duke Humphrey, which is suggested above, is rather confirmed by the occurrence of translations of Plato and Plutarch, of a 1 [Mundum-Book, 1448—49. Empcwnes necessariorum. "Item in CirpLs emptis pro libraria erga aduentum Regis xd."] ■■' The Catalogue referred to is that which is printed here. 3 [Mundum-Book, 1570-71. The expense is given "for conuerting thould Library vnto twoo chambers for Fellowes."] LIBRARIA. 7 1 volume of Poggio, and of several Latin classics in the Catalogue here printed. They give rather an unusually distinguished charac- ter to the Library. The symbols j- and * are used to denote two hands which have made additions to the original Inventory : that denoted by * is the earlier of the two. LIBRARIA. C IniLentarium librarie CoUegij Regalis beate Marie et sancti Nicholai de Cantebrigia, incipiendo ad hostium eiusdein ex parte orientali, videlicet. A. Distinctio. C Liber continens vniuersalia sancti Thome. Porphurium predicamenta cum multis alijs in eodem volumine cuius 2m fo. incipit 'quod Racio speciei! C Burley super libros Topicorum Aristotelis cuius 2m fo. incipit 'vera quidem.' C Bonetus super predicamenta cum mtthaphisica eiusdem cuius 2m fo. incipit 'optima accidente! C Textus noue logice cuius 2m fo. incipit ' vniuersaliter autem'. C Textus \ogica.\ium cuius 2m fo. incipit 'et accidens communiter! C Egidius super libr^j posteriorum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' conceptus.' C Lincolniensis super libros posteriorum cuius 2m fo. incipit 'est demonstracio! t C Summa vocata omne quod est cuius 2m fo. incipit ' sicut patet intuenti! -(- LIBRARIA. 73 B. Distindio. C Thomas super libros phisicorum et Egidius super libros de generacione cuius 2m fo. incipit ' ibi primum autem! C Albertus magnus libri metallorum per modum comenti cum pluribus alijs cox\\.entis cuius 2m fo. incipit ' dicens racionem! C Exposicio super problemata Aristotelis cuius 2m fo. incipit ' minime autem! C Marcus (/. Macrobius) de Saturnalibus cuius 2m fo. incipit ' dum sic reprehendat! C Johannes Canonicus super octo Hbros phisicorum cuius 2m fo. incipit 'potest poni.' C Liber de animalibus cum multis alijs contentis cuius 2m fo. incipit ' et omnia animalia! bC Textus phisicorum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' tatem aiit passionem.' AC Egidius super libros elencorum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' que formanturl C Egidius super libros posteriorum et de anima cuius 2m fo. incipit ' quod sicut faber! C Sanctus Thomas super .viij. Ubros phisicorum et de anima cum alijs cuius 2m fo. incipit 'ex hac autem! "(■<[ Formalitates petri thome cum alijs cuius 2m fo. incipit 'prius cognitum! C Logica doctoris subtilis cuius 2m fo. incipit 'alijs duobus!'\ C. Distindio. C Vita Plinij ex catalogo virorum illustrium tranquilb' cuius 2m fo. incipit ' volumine! C[ Egidius super libros phisicorum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' agere vltra suam speciem! 74 APPENDIX. C Thomas super libros de anima cuius 2m fo. incipit ^ neque enim' C Antonius super methaphisicam cuius 2m fo. incipit ' traditur' C Albertus de animalibus cuius 2m fo. incipit ' cetam et digitos.' C Sanctus Thomas super libros phisicorum et super xij me- thaphisice cuius 2m fo. incipit 'cum pluralitate! C Textus Methaphisice cuius 2m fo. incipit ' iuris constituitur' C Tabula super philosophiam naturalem et methaphisicam cuius 2m fo. incipit 'per se reducunttir.' C Egidius super libros de generacione cum alijs cuius 2m fo. incipit ' scientia est vna' C De Arte generali cuius 2m fo. incipit 'prima figura'. C Sharp super libros phisicorum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' corporale licet non posset.' C Textus phisicorum cum alijs cuius 2m fo. incipit ' alique quantitates' C Bestiarium cuius 2m fo. incipit ' et animam perdere.' D. Distiticiio. C Exposicio problematum Aristotelis cuius 2m fo. incipit ' cirurgia per viuuTC^.' C Liber politicorum Aristotelis cuius 2m fo. incipit 'prima sub Regibus.' C Egidius super libros phisicorum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' aliqua per se nota.' C Textus ethicorum secundum nouam translacionem cuius 2m fo. incipit 'que ob ignoranciam.' C Burley super viij libros politicorum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' lioris melior.' C Liber victruuij de Architectura cuius 2m fo. incipit ' niste et nunc edificare.' LIBRARIA. 75 C Liber qui dicitur Phedrus platonis cuius 2m fo. incipit ' tamen ipse.' C Exposicio Ethicorum secundum sanctum Thomam cuius 2 m fo. incipit ' et intelligere! C Liber policie platonis cuius 2m fo. incipit ' laborum expers! C Liber policie eiusdem platonis cuius 2m fo. incipit 'Ego adhuc! C Thomas super libros ethicorum cum multis alijs cuius 2m fo. incipit ' operaciones aut.' [This entry is repeated in a later hand.] E. Distinctio. C Comunis glosa super matheum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' quern tocius.' C Haimo super ysaiam cuius 2m fo. incipit ' ipsi autem.' C iiij'^ pars Diccionarij cuius 2m fo. incipit ' xiiif vbi de leproso'. C Ambrosius super beati immaculati cuius 2m fo. incipit ' edificauit sibi domum.' C iij"^ pars Diccionarij cuius 2m fo. incipit ' illud predictum sapienciam' C Dionisius de diuinis nominibus cuius 2m fo. incipit ' venientem in hunc mundum! C vf^ pars Diccionarij cuius 2m fo. incipit ' et punicionem obligant! C Epistole et ethimologie ysidori cuius 2m fo. incipit ' tiui autem! C f pars Diccionarij cuius 2m fo. incipit '«. diligibile cut seruietidum! C Quodlibeta Godfridi de Fontibus cuius 2m fo. incipit ' vel formam.' ^6 APPENDIX. F. Distinctio. C Psaterium {sic) glosatum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' .i. vere lignum vite.' C Exodus glosatus cuius 2m fo. incipit ' et si ingruerit! C Glosa super ysechielem cuius 2m fo. incipit ' ta mensis cum essem! C Historia scolastica cuius 2m fo. incipit ' semineum vera.' C Anselmus de similitudinibus cum alijs cuius 2m fo. incipit ' quinque itaque sunt! C Josephus ex integro cuius 2m fo. incipit '«« q\xod «^nifica^.' d Speculum historiale cuius 2m fo. incipit ' generacio filius non genuit.' C Repyngton cuius 2m fo. incipit ' clementer operuit! C Quinta essencia cuius 2m fo. incipit ' o . misera . anima.' C Halcote super sapienciam cuius 2 m fo. incipit ' aptam non propter te.' C Ca.nticuin Canticoruni cuius 2m fo. incipit ' suo nardus mea! C Glosa comunis super Job cuius 2m fo. incipit ' tingere dum ad alia! * C Historia ecclesiastica cassiodori cuius 2m fo. incipit ' Vtrumque sermonent.' C Beda de tabernaculo domini cuius 2m fo. incipit ' Nobis obseruanda! * ■fC Distincciones notabiles cuius 2m fo. incipit ^ xpm asserit.' C Distincciones gorram cuius 2m fo. incipit ' in bono dirigere! C M agister historiarum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' momentaniam! ■\ LIBRARIA. "JJ G. Distinccio. C Summa Lincolniensis de articulis fidei et de fide catholica •f-et speculum iuniorum-|- cuius 2m fo. incipit ' bene esse rei.' C Hugo de sacramentis in prima parte cuius 2m fo. incipit ' tocius mundi condicio! C Hugo de sacramentis in secunda parte cum sentencijs eius- dem cum alijs cuius 2m fo. incipit ^ pater facit' C Prima pars legende sanctorum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' permittentur. erit loco! C Postilla super genesim cuius 2m fo. incipit '' et dicitur ab kostorin.' C Concordia euangelistarum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' Vre sacer vituhis.' C Prima pars pantheologi cuius 2m fo. incipit ' ysaias ! ascendet deus! C Exposicio super marcum Johannem et L. cuius 2m fo. incipit ' de quibus dicitur.' C Oraciones Athanasij (see no. 27) cuius 2m fo. incipit ' nomine meo dicentes.' C Omelie Origenis in vetus testamentum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' virtutum semina.' C Gorham super lucam cuius 2m fo. incipit ' hominibus famosus ex nomine! C Historia scolastica cuius 2m fo. incipit ' done corporum luci.' C Secunda pars legende sanctorum cuius quintum folium incipit ' iussit ex more! [H. Distinccio!] C Augustinus de confessionibus cuius 2m fo. incipit ' quis sustinebit! C Gregorius super Esiechielem cuius 2m fo. incipit ' dominus deus israel! ^8 APPENDIX. C Augustinus de Ciuitate dei cuius 2m fo. incipit ' ignibtis ferro que grecorum! C Secunda pars concordancie cuius 2m fo. incipit ' Iviij .C. none hoc est! C Augustinus in prima parte psalterij cuius 2m fo. incipit ' sed planius dicUim est! C Bernardus cuius 2m fo. incipit ' nugacitatem tarn tenere educmierat! C Prima pars concordancie cuius 2m fo. incipit ' .liiij. B. ab ador! C Augustinus in secunda parte psalterij cuius 2m fo. incipit 'possitis quia xpc! C Lira super nouum testamentum cuius 2m fo. incipit 'genuit osyam! <[ Prima pars biblie cuius 2m fo. incipit ' principio in quo posuit hominem! C Secunda pars biblie cuius 2m fo. incipit ^ dent semitas vite! J. Dzstinccio. <[ Thomas prima secunde cuius 2m fo. incipit ' Oportet esse primum! C Sanctus Thomas in prima parte summe cuius 2m fo. incipit ' quam in diuersis! C Sanctus Thomas super iij sentenciarum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' et presenciam suam! C Biblia cuius 2m fo. incipit ' et per incrementa! C Duns super secundum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' habetur completa racio! C Thomas super iiij""" cuius 2m fo. incipit ' nem ddivad! C Thomas secunda secunde cuius 2m fo. incipit ' videret ea! C Duns super primum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' confirmatur racio! LIBRARIA. 79 C Thomas super primum sentenciarum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' Item effectus non proporcionatus'. C Magister sentenciarum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' versauV. C Duns super 3"" cuius 2m fo. incipit ' qua esset persona.' K. Distinccio. C Notingham super Euangelia cuius 2m fo. incipit 'filios. Abraham.' C Augustinus de Ancona in secunda parte cuius 2m fo. incipit 'ad secundum dicitw.' C Tarentasius super primum sentenciarum cuius 2m fo. incipit 'quod ob^! C Augustinus de Ancona in prima parte cuius 2m fo. incipit 'quod verum est! C Thomas de veritatibus theologie cuius 2m fo. incipit ' singularitatem.' C Anselmus cuius 2m fo. incipit ' ne vt illis mains.' C Egidius de cognicione Anglicorum (/. Angelicorum) cuius 2m fo. incipit ' et perfeccior vt est per se.' C Secunda pars alberti de mirabili sciencia dei cuius 2m fo. incipit ' non est idem materiale principium! d Prima pars eiusdem alberti etc' cuius 2m fo. incipit ' quod hec sciencia est! C Conflatus Francisci de maronis cuius 2m fo. incipit ' verificandum primum principium! C Bona ventura super 2"" sentenciarum cuius 2m fo. incipit 'que non ex alijs! C Egidius super primum sentenciarum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' hoc non est ex parte sciencie! 8o APPENDIX. L. Dr^tinccio. C Summa Gilberti cuius 2m fo. incipit 'nisi effi.' <[ Medicine Cornelij cuius 2m fo. incipit 'empericos appellauerunf. <[ Prima pars continents cuius 2m fo. incipit 'tempore debilitat'. C Avicenna cuius 2m fo. incipit 'formas aqua autem.' C Colliget' Averoys cuius 2m fo. incipit 'runt ipsam' C Liber Pategni (/. Pantegni) cuius 2m fo. incipit ' dedignetur visitare infirmos.' C Liber amphorismorum Ipocratis cuius 2m fo. incipit ' Ir^ non.' C Galienus de diebus Creticis cuius 2m fo. incipit ' ante fuit.' C Secunda pars continents cuius 2m fo. incipit ' sos et eos liquifacit.' C Almassorius cuius 2m fo. incipit ' posita sunt! C Liber Cirurgie de medicinis secundum cophonem salernie cuius 2m fo. incipit ' culavn ceciderit! M. Distinccio. C Tabule Astronomic in Annis xpi etc' C Liber Arithmetrice cuius 2m fo. incipit ' nimium vestre magestatis.' C Liber geomacie cuius 2m fo. incipit 'rum quando erunt! C Hale de ludicijs Astronomie cuius 2m fo. incipit 'alia integra! C Liber septiformi intelligenciarum cuius 2m fo. incipit ' subtraccionem! LIBRARIA. C Liber Aviscebron cuius 2m fo. incipit 'ex questionibus! fl Tractatus Computi cum alijs cuius 2m fo. incipit ' quatuor cicli.' C Musica Boicij cuius 2m fo. incipit ' Arbitrarentur! C Albion cuius 2m fo. incipit 'primo haheam.' * C Geometria euclidis cuius 2m fo. incipit ' basim erunt! * N. Distinccio. C Decret«i!»« cuius 2m fo. incipit ' Falcidius Tribunus' C Giraldus de mosiato cuius 2m fo. incipit ' suffragetur vt in dicta I! C Liber sextus decretalium cuius 2m fo. incipit ' mpto suscipientes'. C Reportorium super sextum cuius 2m fo. incipit 'con", cardi! ■}■<[ Galfridus super decretalia cuius 2m fo. incipit ' committe ut maiora! C Hostiensis in summa cuius 2m fo. incipit ' et apostolica! ■\ O. Distinccio. C Tullius et boicius cum alijs cuius 2m fo. incipit 'est enim sapiencia'. C Liber pogij florentini de auaricia cuius 2m fo. incipit ' subiciens illud' C Tullius in noua rethorica cuius 2m fo. incipit ' attentos. habebimtis' C Epistole senece cuius 2m fo. incipit 'minis rusticuli' K. MSS. 82 APPENDIX. C Tragedie senece cuius 2m fo. incipit 'hinc qua tepenti! C Liber Tripolawencis cuius 2m fo. incipit ' nat ad religionem! C Salustius de bello Cateline cuius 2m fo. incipit 'vbi de magna virtute!