CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY GIFT OF Alexander Gray Memorial Library Electrical Engineering ENGINEERING Cornell University Library QA 308.B99 1888 Elements of the integral calculus :with 3 1924 004 779 447 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. ELEMENTS INTEGRAL CALCULUS. KEY TO THE SOLUTION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, AND A SHORT TABLE OF INTEGRALS. WILLIAM ELWOOD BYERLY, Ph.D., PBOFESaon OF MATHEMATICS IN HARVARD UNIVERSITY- SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED, GINN AND COMPANY BOSTON NEW YORK • CHICAGO • LONDON ATLANTA ■ DALLAS ■ COLUMBUS • SAN FliANCISCO c3 OS ^ f—l / ■^ -m '7 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1888, by avtlltam: elwood bterlt, in the Office of the Librarian of CongresB at "Washington. ALL RIGHTS 3(s GINN AND COMPANY • PRO- PRIETORS • BOSTON ■ U.S.A. PREFACE. The following volume is a sequel to mj- treatise on the Differential Calculus, and, like that, is written as a text-book. The last chapter, however, a Kej' to the Solution of Differential Equations, ma3' prove of service to working mathematicians. I have used freelj' the works of Bertrand, Benjamin Peirce, Todhunter, and Boole ; and 1 am much indebted to Professor J. M. Peirce for criticisms and suggestions. I refer constantly to mj- work on the Differential Calculus as Volume 1. ; and for the sake of convenience I have added Chapter V. of that book, which treats of Integration, as an appendix to the present volume. W. E. BYERLY. Cambridge, 1881. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. In enlarging my Integral Calculus I have used freely Schlomilch's " Compendium der Hoheren Analysis," Cayley's "Elliptic Functions," Meyer's " Bestimmte Integrale," For- syth's " Differential Equations," and Williamson's "Integral Calculus." The chapter on Theory of Functions was sketched out and in part written by Professor B. O. Peirce, to whom I am greatly indebted for numerous valuable suggestions touching other portions of the book, and who has kindly allowed me to have his Short Table of Integrals bound in with this volume. W. E. BYERLT. Cambbidge, 1888. ANALYTICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. SYMBOLS OF OPERATION, irticle. Page. 1. Functiouai symbols regarded as symbols of operation 1 2. Compound function ; compound operation 1 3. Commutative or relatively free operations 1 4. Distributive or linear operations 2 5. The compounds of distributive operations are distributive ... 2 6. Symbolic exponents 2 7. The law of indices 2 8. The interpretation of a zero exponent 3 9. The iuterpretation of a negative exponent 3 10. When operations are commutative and distributive, the sym- bols which represent them may be combined as if they v^ere algebraic quantities 3 CHAPTER II. IMAGIXAWES. 11. Usual definition of an imaginary. Imaginaries first forced upon our attention in connection vrith quadratic equations . . .5 12. Treatment of imaginaries purely arbitrary aud conventional . . 6 13. V^ defined as a symbol of operation 6 14. The rules in accordance with which the symbol V — 1 is used. V^ distributive and commutative with symbols of quantity . 7 15. Interpretation of powers of V^ 7 16. Imaginary roots of a quadratic 8 17. Typical form of an imaginary. Equal imaginaries 8 18. Geometrical representation of an Imaginary. Beals and pure imaginaries. An interpretation of the operation V^ ... 8 19. The sum, the product, and the quotient of two imaginaries, a + b V^ and c + d V^, are imaginaries of the typical form 10 VI INTEGRAL CALCULUS. Article Page. 20. Second typical form r (cos ip + V^ sin ). Modulus and argu- ment. Absolute value of an imaginary. Examples 1" 21. The modulus of the sum of two imaginaries is never greater than the sum of their moduli H 22. Modulus and argument of the product of imaginaries 12 23. Modulus and argument of the quotient of two imaginaries . . 13 24. Modulus and argument of a power of an iiii igiimry ... .13 25. Modulus and argument of a root of an imaginary. Example . 14 26. Kelation between the n nth roots of a real or an imaginary . . 14 27. The imaginary roots of 1 and — 1. Examples 15 28. Conjugate imaginaries. Examples 17 29. Transcendental functions of an imaginary variable best defined by the aid of series 17 30. Convergency of a series containing imaginary terms 18 31. Exponential functions of an imaginary. Definition of e' where z is imaginary 19 32. The Zatoo/ indices holds for imaginary exponentials. Example 20 33. Logarithmic functions of an imaginary. Definition of log a. Log 3 a pcn'otiie function. Example 21 34. Trigonometric functions of an Imaginary. Definition of sin z and cos z. Example 22 35. Sinz and coss expressed In exponential form. The fundamen- tal formulas of Trigonometry hold for imaginaries as well as for reals. Examples 22 36. Differentiation of Functions of Imaginary Variables. The de- rivative of a function of an Imaginary is in general indetermi- nate 24 87. In difi'erentiating. we may treat the V^ like a constant factor. Example. Two forms of the dififerential of the independent variable 24 38. Dififerentiatiou of a power of a. 25 39. Differentiation of e'. Example 26 40. Differentiation of log z 26 41. Differentiation of sin 2 and cos 3 26 42. Formulas for direct integration (I., Art. 74) hold when x is imaginary 27 43. Hyperbolic Functions 27 44. Examples. Properties of Hyperbolic Functions 28 45. Differentiation of Hyperbolic Functions 28 46. Anti-hyperbolic functions. Examples 28 47. Anti-hyperbolic ftinctions expressed as logarithms 29 48. Formulas for the direct integration of some irrational forms. Examples 30 TABLE OF CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER III. GENERAL METHODS OF INTEGKATING. Article. Page. 49. Integral regarded as the inverse of a differential 32 50. If /k is any function whatever of x, fx.dx has an integral, and but one, except for the presence of an arbitrary constant . . 32 51. A definite integral contains no arbitrary constant, and is a func- tion of the values between which the sum is taken. Exam- ples 33 52. Definite integral of a discontinuous function 33 53. Formulas for direct integration 34. 54. Integration by substitution. Examples 36 55. Integration by parts. Examples. Miscellaneous examples in integration 37 CHAPTER IV. RATIONAL FRACTIONS. 56. Integration of a rational algebraic polynomial. Rational frac- tions, proper and improper 40 57. Every proper rational fraction can be reduced to a sum of sim- pler fractions with constant numerators 40 58. Determination of the numerators of the partial fractions by indirect methods. Examples 42 59. Direct determination of the numerators of the partial fractions 43 60. Illustrative examples 45 61. Case where some of the roots of the denominator are imaginary . 46 62. Illustrative example 47 63. Integration of the partial fractions. Examples 49 CHAPTER V. REDUCTION FORMULAS. 64. Formulas for raising or lowering the exponents in the form x'^-'^{a + bx-^)Pdx 52 65. Consideration of special cases. Examples 54 Viii INTEGRAL CALCULUS. CHAPTER VI. IRRATIONAL FORMS. Article. '"'^^ 66. Integration of the form /(.r, V a+bx)dx. Examples ob (il. Integration of the form f(x, 'Vc+'\/a + bx)dx. Examples . . 57 68. Integration of the form f(x, Va + bx + cx^lx 57 69. Illnstrative example. Examples 59 70. Integration of the form /fa;, A/^£±i'W Example ... .61 \ yix+mj 71. Application of the Beduction Formulas of Chapter V. to irra- tional forms. Examples CI 72. A function rendered irrational through the presence under the radical sign of a polynomial of higher degree than the second cannot ordinarily be integrated. Elliptic Integrals . 62 CHAPTER VII. TRANSCENDEKTAL FUNCTIONS. 73. Use of the method of Integration by Parts. Examples .... 63 74. Reduction Formulas for sin" X and cos" a:. Examples 64 75. Integration of {su\-^x)"dx. Examples 65 76. Use of the method of Integration by Substitution 66 77. Substitution of 2 =tan- in integrating trigonometric forms . 67 78. Integration of sin^a; cos"a;. ax. Examples 68 79. Reduction formulas for j tan" x.tZx and 4—^^^ — Examples. . 69 J ^tan"x CHAPTER VIII. DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 80. Definition of a definite integral as the limit of a sum of infinitesimals 7] 81. Computation of a definite integral as the limit of a sum. Illus- trative examples. Examples . . 73 82. Usual method of obtaining the value of a definite integral. Caution concerning multiple- valued functions. Examples . 76 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ix Article. Page. 83. Consideration of the nature of the value of j /x . cfe when fx becomes infinite for x = a, or x = 6, or for some value of x between a and 6. Illustrative examples 80 84. Maxctimurn-Mmimum Theorem. Test that must be satisfied in order that I fx .dx may be finite and determinate if fx is infinite for some value of x between a and 6. Illustrative examples. Examples 82 85. Meaning of j fx . dx. Condition that I fx .dx shall be finite and determinate 88 86. Proof that certain important definite integrals of the form i fx . dx are finite and determinate. Examples 87. Application of reduction formulas to definite integrals. Examples 91 88. Application of the method of integration by substitution to definite integrals. Illustrative examples. Example ... 9.3 89. Differentiation of a definite integral. Examples 96 90. Many ingenious methods of finding the values of definite inte- grals are valid only in case the integral is finite and de- terminate 100 91. Integration by development in series. Examples. . . . 100 IT 92. Values of j logsinx.iix, I e-'^dx, i dx obtained Jo Jo Jo X by Ingenious devices. Examples 102 93. Differentiation or integration with respect to a quantity which is independent of x. Examples 105 94. Additional illustrative examples. Examples 106 95. Introduction of imaginary constants 108 96. The Gamma Function 109 97. Table giving logr(ra) from « = 1 to « = 2. Definite integrals expressed as Gamma Functions Ill 98. The Beta Function. Formula connecting the Beta Function with the Gamma Function. Value of r (J) 113 99. More definite integrals expressed as Gamma Functions. Examples ' 114 INTEGKAl. CAIiCULUS. CHAPTER IX. LENGTHS OF CURVES, irticle. P»Be- 100. Formulas for sinr and cos t in terms of the length of the arc 117 101. The equation of the Catenary obtained. Example . . 117 102. The equation of the Tractrix. Examples 119 103. Length of an arc in rectangular coordinates . . . . 121 104. Length of the arc of the Cycloid. Example . . . . . 122 105. Another method of rectifying the Cycloid 12.3 106. Rectification of the Epicycloid. Examples 12.3 107. Arc of the Ellipse. Auxiliary angle. Example 124 108. Length of an arc. Polar coordinates . . . .... 125 109. Equation of the Logarithmic Spiral 125 110. Rectification of the Logarithmic Spiral. Examples .... 126 111. Rectification of the Cardioide 126 112. Involutes. Illustrative example. Example 127 113. The involute of the Cycloid. Example 129 114. Intrinsic equation of a curve. Example ... .... 130 115. Intrinsic equation of the Epicycloid. Example 131 116. Intrinsic equation of tlie Logarithmic Spiral 132 117. Method of obtaining the intrinsic equation from the equation in rectangular coordinates. Examples 132 118. Intrinsic equation of an evolute 134 119. Illustrative examples. Examples 134 120. The evolute of an Epicycloid. Example . 135 121. The intrinsic equation of an involute. Illustrative examples 136 122. Limiting form approached by an involute of an involute . . 137 123. Method of obtaining the equation in rectangular coordinates from the intrinsic equation. Illustrative example .... 138 124. Rectification of Curves in Space. Examples 139 CHAPTER X. AREAS. 125. Areas expressed as definite integrals, rectangular coordinates. Examples 141 126. Areas expressed as definite integrals, polar coordinates - 143 127. Area between the catenary and the axis . 143 128. Area between the tractrix and the axis. Example .... 143 TABLE OP CONTENTS. xi Article. Page. 129. Area between a curve and its asymptote. Examples . . . 144 130. Area of circle obtained by the aid of an auxiliary angle. Ex- amples 145 131. Area between two curves (rect. coor.). Examples .... 146 132. Areas in Polar Coordinates. Examples 147 133. Problems in areas can often be simplified by transformation of coordinates. Examples ... 150 134. Area between a curve and its evolute. Examples 150 135. Holditch's Theorem. Examples .... 151 136. Areas by a double integration (rect. coor.) 153 137. Illustrative examples. Examples 154 188. Areas by a double integration (polar coor.). Example . . . 165 CHAPTER XI. AREAS OF SURFACES. 139. Area, ot a. surface of revolutioji (yect. COOT.). Example . . . 157 J40. Illustrative examples. Examples 158 141. Area of a surface of revolution by transformation of coordi- nates. Example 159 142. Area of a surface o/reBoteHon (polar coor.). Examples . . 161 143. Area of a cylindrical surface. Examples 161 144. Area of any surface by a double integration ... ... 164 145. Illustrative example. Examples 167 146. Illustrative example requiring transformation to polar coordi- nates. Examples 169 CHAPTER XII. VOLUMES. 147. Volume by a single integration. Example 172 148. Volume of a conoid. Examples 173 149. Volume of an ellipsoid. Examples 174 150. Volume of a solid of revolution. Single integration. Exam- ples 175 151. Yolnme of a, solid of revolution. Double integration. Exam- ples 176 152. Volume of a, solid of revolution. Polar formula. Example . 178 163. Volume of any solid. Triple integration. Rectangular coor- dinates. Examples . 179 154. Volume of any solid. Triple integration. Polar coordinates. Examples 183 XU INTEGRAL CALCULUS. CHAPTER XIII. CENTRES OF GRAVITY. Article. ^age. 155. Centre of Gravity deflned .... 184 156. General formulas for the coordinates of the Centre of Gra\ity of any mass. Example . 184 157. Centre of Gravity of a homogeneous body . . . . 186 158. Centre of Gravity of a. plane area. Examples 186 159. Centre of Gravity of a homogeneous solid of revolution. Ex- amples . . . . . . . . . 189 160. Centre of Gravity of an arc; of a surface of revolution. Ex- amples . . . . . . . 191 161. Properties of Quldin. Examples . . 192 CHAPTER XIV. LINE, SURFACE, .\ND SPACE INTEGRALS. 162. Point function. Continuity of a point function 194 163. Line-integral, surface-integral, and space-integral of a point function 194 164. Value of a line, surface, or space integral independent of the position In each element of the point at which the value of the function is taken . . . .... ... . 195 165. Value of a line, surface, or space integral independent of the manner in which the line, surface, or space is broken up into infinitesimal elements . 195 166. Geometrical representation of a line-integral along a plane curve, and a surface-integral over a plane surface .... 197 367. Moments of inertia. Examples .... 197 168. Relation between a surface-integral over a plane surface, and a line-integral along the curve bounding the surface. Ex- ample . . . . 200 169. Illustrative example. Examples . . .... 202 170. Anotherformof the relation established in Art. 168. Example 203 171. Relation betweena space-integral taken throughoiit a given space and a surface-integral over the surface bounding the space. Example . .203 172. Illustrative example. Example . _ 205 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xiu CHAPTER XV. MEAN VALUE AXK PROBABILITY. Article. Page. 173. References 206 174. Mean value of a continuously varying quantity. The mean dis- tance of all the points of the circumferences of a circle from a fixed point on the circumference. The mean distance of points on the surface of a circle from a fixed point on the circumference. The mean distance of points on the surface of a square from a corner of the square. The mean distance between two points within a given circle ... . . 206 175. Problems in the application of the Integral Calculus to proba- bilities. Random straight lines. Examples 208 CHAPTER XVI. ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 176. Motion of a, simple pendulum. Vibration. Complete revolution 215 177. The length of an arc of an Ellipse 217 178. Algebraic forms of the Elliptic Integrals of the first, second, and third class. Modulus. Parameter 21T 179. Trigonometric forms of the Elliptic Integrals. Amplitude. Delta. Complementary Modulus ... 218 180. Landen's Transformation. Reduction formula by which we can increase the modulus and diminish the amplitude of an Elliptic Integral of the first class. A method of computing F{k, (p) 219 181. Reduction formula for diminishing the modulus and increas- ing the amplitude of an Elliptic Integral of the first class. A second method of computing J?" (A, f) 222 182. Actual computation of f(—, -^ and Ef—, -\ .... 22$ 183. Landen's Transformation. Reduction formula by which we can increase the modulus and diminish the amplitude of an Elliptic Integral of the second class. A method of com- puting E(k,! are distributive, for we know that d{u ±v) = du± dv, and that -D,(m ± v) = D^u ± D^v. The operation sin is not distributive, for sin(w + v) is not equal to sin a + sin-y. 5. The compounds of distributive operations are distributive. Let / and F indicate distributive operations, then fF will be distributive ; for F{u ±v) = Fu ± Fv, therefore fF{u ±v)= f{Fu ± Fv) = fFu ± fFv. 6. The repetition of any operation is indicated by writing an exponent, equal to the number of time's the operation is per- formed, after the symbol of the operation. Thus log' a; means loglogloga; ; d'u means dddu. In the single case of the trigonometric functions a different use of the exponent is sanctioned by custom, and sin^w means (sinu)^ and not sin sinu. 7. If m and n are whole numbers it is easily proved that /"■/»«=/"■ + "it. Chap. 1.] SYMBOLS OF OPERATION. 3 This formula is assumed for all values of m and n, and nega- tive and fractional exponents are interpreted by its aid. It is called the law of indices. 8. To find what interpretation must be given to a zero ex- ponent, let m = in the formula of Art. 7. or, denoting/"^ by v, f^v = v. That is ; a symbol of operation with the exponent zero has no effect on the subject, and may be regarded as multiplying it by unity. 9. To interpret a negative exponent, let m= —n in the formula of Art. 7. /-»/»M=/-» + "M=:/Oj( = M. If we call /"m = V, then /"""« = u. If n=\ we get f-^fu=u, and the exponent —1 indicates what we have called the anti- function of /«. (I. Art. 72.) The exponent — 1 is used in this sense even with trigonometric functions. 10. When two operations are commutative and distributive, the symbols which represent them may be combined precisely as if they were algebraic quantities. For they obey the laws, a{m + w) = am -\- an, am = ma, on which all the operations of arithmetic and algebra are founded. 4 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. t-A-RT- 10- For example ; if the operation {D^ + Dy) is to be performed n times in succession on a subject it, we can expand {D^-\- Dy)" preciselj- as If it were a binominal, and then perform on u the operations indicated by the expanded expression. (A + Dy) ^ » = (Z>/ + 3 D^'Dy + 3 D, Z>/ + D/) u = DJu + 3 D^WyU + 3 D^Dy'ii + DJ'u. Chap. II.] IiXAGi:NABIES. CHAPTER II. IMAGINAEIES. 11. An imaginary is usually defined in algebra as the indi- cated even root of a negative quantity, and although it is clear that there can be no quantity that raised to an even power will be negative, the assumption is made that an imaginary can be treated like any algebraic quantit3-. Imaginaries are first forced upon our notice in connection with the subject of quadratic equations. Considering the tj'pical quadratic „ , , , „ ^ .1;^ + ace + 6 = 0, we find that it has two roots, and that these roots possess cer- tain important j^roperties. For example ; their sum is —a and their product is b. We are led to the conclusion that ever}' quadratic has two roots whose sum and whose product are simplj' related to the coefficients of the equation. On trial, however, we find that there are quadratics having but one root, and quadratics having no root. For example ; if we solve the equation a^-2a; + l = 0, we find that the only value of x which will satisfy it is unity ; and if we attempt to solve a^ — 2a; + 2 = 0, we find that there is no value of x which will satisfy the equation. As these results are apparentl}' inconsistent with the conclu- sion to which we were led on sol^ang the general equation, we naturallj' endeavor to reconcile them with it. The difflcultj' in the case of the equation which has but one 6 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Abt. 12. root is easil}' overcome by regarding it as having two equal roots. Thus we can say that each of the two roots of the equation a^-2a!+l = is equal to 1 ; and there is a decided advantage in looking at the question from this point of view, for the roots of this equation will possess the same properties as those of a quadratic having unequal roots. The sum of the roots 1 and 1 is minus the co- eflficient of x in the equation, and their product is the constant term. To overcome the difficulty presented by the equation which has no root we are driven to the conception of imaginaries. 12. An imaginary is not a quantity, and the treatment of imaginaries is purely arbitrary and conventional. We begin by laj-ing down a few arbitrar}' rules for our imaginary expressions to obej', which must not involve any contradiction ; and we must perform all our operations upon imaginaries, and must interpret all our results hy the aid of these rules. Since imaginaries occur as roots of equations, they bear a close analogy with ordinary algebraic quantities, and they have to be subjected to the same operations as ordinary quantities ; there- fore our rules ought to be so chosen that the results may be comparable with the results obtained when we are dealing with real quantities. 13. By adopting the convention that V— a^ = a V^^, where a is supposed to be real, we can reduce all our imaginary algebraic expressions to forms where V — 1 is the only peculiar sj'mbol. This symbol V —1 we shall define and use as the sym- bol of some operation, at present unknown, the repetition of which has the effect of_changing the sign of the subject of the operation. Thus in a V — 1 the symbol V — 1 indicates that an operation is performed upon a which, if repeated, will change the sign of a. That is, a(V-l)^=-o. Chap. II.] IMAGINARIES. 7 From this point of view it would be more natural to write tiie symbol before instead of after the subject on which it operates, (V — l)c6 instead of aV — 1, and this is sometimes done; but as the usage of mathematicians is overwhelmingly in favor of the second form, we shall emploj' it, merelj' as a matter of con- venience, and remembering that a is the subject and the V — 1 the syvibol of operation. 14. The rules in accordance with which we shall use our new symbol are, first, aV^+6V^^ = (a + &)V^l. [1] In other words, the operation indicated by V — 1 is to be dis- tributive (Art. 4) ; and second, a-\r^l = (■sr^l)a, [2] or our sj-mbol is to be commutative with the symbols of quantity (Art. 3). These two conventions will enable us to use our symbol in algebraic operations precisely' as if it were a quantitj- (Art. 10) . "When no coefficient is written before V — 1 the coefficient 1 will be understood, or unity will be regarded as the subject of the operation. 15. Let us see what interpretation we can get for powers of V — 1 ; that is, for repetitions of the operation indicated by the symbol. (^/Zri)''=l (Art. 8), (V"=a)'= V^T, (V^a)2= -1, by definition (Art. 13), (\A^1)3= (V"^)V^n = - V^^, by definition, (V"=^)*=-(V^T)^ =1, (V^i)'=]V^n. =v"^, (V^-l)e=(V^rT)^ =_1, and so on, the values V— 1, —1, — V— 1, 1, occun-ing in cycles of four. 8 INTEGRAL, CALCULUS. [AbT. 16. 16. The definition we liaxc given for the square root of a negative quantit3-, and tlie rules we have adopted concerning its use, enable us to remove entirely the diffleultj' felt in dealing with a quadratic which does not have real roots. Take the equation fl^-2a; + 5 = 0. (1) Solving by the usual method, we get X = 1 ± V^^ ; V^^ = 2 V^l, by Art. 13 [1] ; hence a;=l + 2V^^ or 1 — 2V^1. On substituting these results in turn in the equation (1), per- forming the operations b}' the aid of our conventions (Art. 14 [1] and [2]), and interpreting (V — 1)° by Art. 16, we find that they both satisfy the equation, and that they can therefore be regarded as entirely analogous to real roots. We find, too, that their sum is 2 and that their product is 5, and consequently that they bear the same relations to the coefficients of the equation as real roots. 17. An imaginarj' root of a quadratic can alwaj's be reduced to the form a + b V — 1 where a and b are real, and this is taken as the general type of an imaginary ; and part of our work will be to show that when we subject imaginaries to the ordinary functional operations, all our results are reducible to this typical form. If two imaginaries a + bV^T and c + dV^ are equal, a must be equal to c, and b must be equal to d. For we have a + 6V — 1 =c + dV^^. Tlieref ore a — c =(d — b) V^^ , or a real is equal to an imaginary, unless a — c = = d — b. Since obviously a real and an imaginary cannot be equal, it follows that a = c and & = d, Chap. II.] IMAGIN ARIES. 9 18. We have defined V — 1 as the symbol of an operation whose repetition changes the sign of the subject. Several different interpretations of this operation have been suggested, and the following one, in which every imaginary is graphicall}' represented bj' the position of a point in a plane, is commonly adopted, and is found exceedingly useful in suggest- ing and interpreting relations between diflerent imaginaries and between imaginaries and reals. In the Calculus of Imaginaries, a + & V — 1 is taken as the general symbol of quantity. If b is equal to zero, a + b V — 1 reduces to a, and is real ; if a is equal to zero, a + 6 V — 1 re- duces to b V — 1 , and is called a pure imaginan/. a + 6 V — 1 is represented by the position of a point referred to a pair of rectangular axes, as in analytic geometry, a being taken as the abscissa of the point and b as its ordmate. Thus in the figure the position of the point P represents the imaginary a + b V— 1 . If 6 = 0, and our quantity is real, P will lie on the axis of X, which on that account is called the aods of reals; if a=0, and we have a pwre Imaginary, P will lie on the axis of Y, which is called the axis of pure imaginaries. It follows from Art. 17 that if two imaginaries are equal, the points representing them wUl coincide. Since a and aV^ are represented by points equally distant from the origin, and lying on the axis of reals and the axis of pure imaginaries respectively, we may regard the operation indicated by V^ as causing the point representing the subject of the operation to rotate about the origin through an angle of 90°. A repetition of the operation ought to cause the point to rotate 90° further, and it does ; for a(V-])2 = -a, and is represented by a point at the same distance from the 10 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Abt. 19. origin as o, and Ij'ing on the opposite side of the origin ; again repeat the operation, and the point has rotated 90° further ; repeat again, a(V^l)' = a, and the point has rotated through 360°. "We see, then, that if the subject is a real or & pure imaginm~y the effect of performing on it the operation indicated bj' V — 1 is to rotate it about the origin through the angle 90°. We shall see later that even when the subject is neither a real nor a pure imaginarj", the effect of operating on it with V — 1 is still to produce the rotation just described. 19. The sum, the j)rori«c?, and the quotient of anj- two imagi- naries, a + 6 V — 1 and c + d V — 1, are imaginaries of the typi- cal form. a + &V-l+c + dV^ =«+c + (&-f-d)V^I. [1] (a + &V^) (c + dV^) =ac. — bd+ {bc + ad)^^. [2] g+ftV^ _ (ft+&V^) («— dV^) _ ac+bd+ (bc—ad)^f^ c+dV^~ (c+dV^T) (c-dV^)~ <^ + <^ ac + bd be — ad 1-1. (^ + d^ c- + ( All these results are of the form A+B^—1. [3] 20. The graphical representation we have suggested for imaginaries suggests a second typical form for an imaginary. Given the imaginary x + y^ — 1, let the polar coordinates of the point P which represents a + yV — Iber and <^. r is called the modulus and i^ the argument of the imaginary. Chap. II.] IMAGINAEIES. 11 The figure enables us tx) establish very- simple relations between x, y, r, and . x = rcosi> y= ?-sin<^ ;} r = yj3?+ f, + (V — l)?'sin^ = r(cos^+V— l.sin^), [1] [2] [3] where the imaginary is expressed in terms of its modulus and argument. The value of r given by our formulas [2] is ambiguous in sign ; and ff> may hare any one of an infinite number of values differing by multiples of ir. In practice we .always take the positive value of ;-, and a value of ^ which will bring the point in question into the right quadrant. In the case of any given imaginary then, r can have but one value, while i + 2 the argument of the product. If each factor has the modulus unity, this theorem enables us to construct ver}^ easily the product of the imaginaries ; it also enables us to show that the interpretation of the operation V — 1 , suggested in Art. 18, is perfectly general. Let us operate on anjr imaginary subject, ?-(cos^ + V — 1. sin<^), withV— 1, that is, with 1 f cos- + V — 1. sin- V The modulus r will be unchanged, the argument 4> 'w^iH be in- creased by -, and the effect will be to cause the point repre- senting the given imaginary to rotate about the origin through an angle of 90°. 23. Since division is the inverse of multiplication, ri(cos^i + V — 1. sin^i) -r- r2(cos<^2 + V— 1. sini^g) will be equal to -^ [cos (<^i — <^2) + V— 1. sin(i — <^2)], '2 since if we multiplj' this b}' r2(cos(^2+ V — 1. sin<^2)) according to the method established in Art. 22, we must get ri(cos(/)i -f- V— 1. sin\"l" , -yrl COS- + V— l.sin— 1 = j-(cos^ + V — l.sin<^). Example. Show that Art. 24 [1] holds even when n is negative or fractional. 26. As the modulus of evei-y quantity, positive, negative, real, or imaginary, is positive, it is always possible to find the modulus of anj- required root ; and as this modulus must be real and positive, it can never, in anj- given example, have more than one value. We know from algebra, however, that every equa- tion of the nth degree containing one unknown has n roots, and that consequently every number must have n nth roots. Our formula. Art. 25 [1], appears to give us but one nth root for any given quantity. It must then be incomplete. We have seen (Art. 20) that while the modulus of a given imaginary has but one value, its argument is indeterminate and may have any one of an infinite number of values whicli differ by multiples of 27r. If ^o is owe of these values, the full form of Chap. U.] IMAGINAKIES. 15 the imaginaiy is not 7-(cos<^ + V^. sin<^o) , as we have hitherto ■written it, but is r[eos(^+2m7r) + V^.sin(<^+ 2m7r)], where m is zero or any whole number positive or negative. Since angles differing by multiples of 2 tt have the same trigo- nometric functions, it is easily seen that the introduction of the term 2mir into the argument of an imaginarj' will not modify an3- of our results except that of Art. 25, which becomes Vr [cos(<^„+ 2m7r) + V— 1- sin(<^„+ 2mTr)] = ^r\ cos M + m -^j + V- 1 . sin o 2 — h m — n n ■ [1.1 Giving m the values 0, 1, 2,3 .... , n—1, n, n-\-l, success- ively, we get o ^,2jr <^ 27r <^o , o^'^ <^o , / i\27r — 5 5 b^ — 1 ^-3 — » — +(n — 1) — , n n n n n n n n n H27r, h^TT, n n n as aiguments of our nth root. Of these values the first n, that is, all except the last two, coiTespond to different points, and therefore to different roots ; the next to the last gives the same point as the first, and the last the same point as the second, and it is easily seen that if we go on increasing in we shall get no new points. The same thing is true of negative values of m. Hence we see that every quantity, reed or imaginary, has n distinct nth roots, all having the same modulus, but with argu- ments differing by multiples of ^^ . 27. Any positive real differs from unity only in its modulus, and any negative real differs from —1 only in its modulus. All the »tth roots of any number or of its negative may be obtained 16 INTEGRAL CALCIJLtJS. [Art. 27. by multiplying the «tli roots of 1 or of — 1 by the real positive nth root of the number. Let us consider some of the roots of 1 and of — 1 ; for ex- ample, the cube roots of 1 and of —1. The modulus of 1 is 1, and its argument is 0. The modulus of each of the cube 2,r 4cTr roots of 1 is 1 , and their arguments are 0, -— , and -— ; that is, 3 3 0°, 120°, and 240°. The roots in question, then, are repre- sented by the points Pi, Ps, Pa, in the figure. Their values are l(cosO + V^. sinO), 1 (cos 120° + V^. sin 120°), and 1 (cos 240° + V^. sin 240°), or 1, -^ + ^V^l, _^_^V-1. The modulus of —1 is 1, and its argument is tt. The modulus of the cube roots of — 1 is 1 , and their arguments are -, - 4- — . 3 3 3 J + ^, that is, 60°, 180°, 300°. The roots in question, then, o o are represented by the points Pj, Pj, P3, in the figure. Their values are i + ^^/^, -1, i-4'V=a. Examples. (1) What are the square roots of 1 and - 1 ? the 4th roots ? the 5th roots ? the 6th roots ? (2) Find the cube roots of -8 ; the 5th roots of 32. (3) Show that an imaginary can have no real nth root- that a positive real has two real nth roots if n is even, one if n is odd ; that a negative real has one real nth root if n is odd none if n is even. ' Chap. II.] IMAGINAEIES. 17 28. Imaginaries having equal moduli, and arguments differing only in sign, are called conjugate imaginaries. r(cos<^+ V— l.sin<^), and ?-[cos(-<^) + V^.sin(-<^)], or r(cosi^ — V — 1. 8in<^) are conjugate. They can be written x + y V — 1 and x — y V^, and we see that the points corresponding to them have the same abscissa, and ordinates which are equal with opposite signs. Examples. (1) Prove that conjugate imaginaries have a real sum and a real product. (2) Prove, by considering in detail the substitution of a + & V— 1 and a — b ^T-i in turn for x in any algebraic poly- nomial in X with real coefficients, that if any algebraic equation with real coefficients has an imaginary root the conjugate of that root is also a root of the equation. (3) Prove that if in anj' fraction where the numerator and denominator are rational algebraic poh'noraials in x, we substi- tute a + b V— 1 and u — b V^ in tui-n for x, the results are conjugate. Transcendental Functions of Imaginaries. 29. "We have adopted a definition of an imaginary and laid down rules to govern its use, that enable us to deal with it, in all expressions involving only algebraic operations, precisely as if it were a quantity. If we are going further, and are to sub- ject it to transcendental operations, we must carefully define each function that we are going to use, and establish the rules which the function must obey. The principal transcendental functions are e"", loga;, and sino;, and we wish to define and study these when x is replaced by an imaginarj' variable z. As our conception and treatment of imaginaries have been entirely algebraic, we naturallj' wish to define our transcendental 18 IHTEGKAL CALCULUS. [Akt. 30. functions by the aid of algebraic functions ; and since we know that the transcendental functions of a real variable can be ex- pressed in terms of algebraic functions only by the aid of infinite series, we are led to use such series in defining transcendental functions of an imaginary variable ; but we must first establish a proposition concerning the convergency of a series containing imaginary terms. 30. If the moduli of the terms of a series containing imaginary terms form a convergent series, the given series is convergent. Let Mo + Ml + "2 + + w» + l^e a series containing imagi- nar}' terms. Let Mo = jBo(cos'I>o+ V — l.sin$o)) Mi = i2i(cos*i+V— 1. sin$i), &c., and suppose that the series 7i!q + 7?i + i?2 + + -Bn + is convergent ; then will the series Mo+ Mi+ M2+ be convergent. The series i?o+iJi + is a convergent series composed of positive terms ; if then we break up this series into parts in any wa}-, each part will have a definite sum or will approach a defi- nite limit as the number of terms considered is increased in- definitely. The series u^ + v^ + U2 + h„ + can be broken up into the two series i?oC08*o+ KiC0Si-)-i?2sin*2 + +^,.sin*„-)- ). (2) (1) can be separated into two parts, the first made up only of positive terms, the second only of negative terms, and can therefore be regarded as the difference between two series, each consisting of positive terms. Each term in either series will be a term of the modulus series i^o + -Ki + -B2 + multiplied by a quantitj' less than one, and the sum of n terms of each series will therefore approach a definite limit, as n increases indefi- nitely. The series (1), then, which is the abscissa of the point representing the given imaginary series, has a finite sum. Chap. II.] IMAGINARIES. 19 In the same way it maj- be shown that the coefficient of V^T in (2) has a finite sum, and this is the ordinate of the point representing the given series. The sum of ?i terms of the given series, then, approaches a definite limit as n is increased indefi- nitely, and the series is convergent. 31. We have seen (I. Art. 133 [2]) that O* /y»2 /y»3 /«4 e' = l + - + — + — + — + rii 12!3!4! "-^ when X is real, and that this series is convergent for all values of a;. Let us define e*, where z = x + y V — 1 , by the series 12! 3! 4! •- -■ This series is convergent, for if z = r (cos (f> + V--1 . sin <^) the series l+I + ^ + il + ^ + 1 2! 3! 4! made up of the moduli of the terms of [2] is convergent by I. Art. 133, and therefore the value we have chosen for e' is a determinate finite one. Write X + yV— 1 toi-z, and we get c-^'-^-l I ^+W~1 , (a!+yV~l)^ , (x+y^~iy ^ ^3^ The -terms of this series can be expanded by the Binomial Theorem. Consider aU the resulting terms containing any given power of a;, say xf ; we have ^^^ + ^~ + ^ + 3T~+ + n! + ^' or, separating the real terms and the imaginary terms, pP 2! 4! 6! ^ + ^^ ^^ 3!^5! 7!+ ■'' 20 INTEGRAL CALCULtTS. l-^^"^' ^^■ or — (cosy+ V^.siny), by I. Art. 134. Giving J) all values from to oo we get e. + .vrT^(^^,gy^^—i.sin 2/) (1 + ^ + 1^ + 1^ + 1^+ ) = 6^(008^ + V— l.siny), [4] which, by the way, is in one of our tj'pical imaginary forms. If a;=0, in [4], we get e""^"' = C0S2/ + V— l.siny, [5] which suggests a new way of writing our tj'pical imaginary ; namely, 9- (cos <^ + V — 1 . sin ^) = re^-^^. 32. We have seen that let us see if all imaginary powers of e obey the law of indices; that is, if the equation e"e" = e" + " [1] is universally true. Let « = a;i + ?/iV— 1 and v = ajj + j/aV — 1, then e"= 6^1 + 2/1^^ = e^i(cos2/i + V— l.sin^i), e° z=e^2 + y'.~^^= e%(cos2/2 + V^. sin 2/2) , e" e" = e^i e^2 [cos (2/1 + 2/2) + V^ . sin (y^ + y,) ] = e^i + ^'2 [cos (2/1 + 2/2) + V^ . sin (2/1 + 2/2) ] = e^i + 3^2 + (!/i + 2/2) v^^ = e" + ", and the fundamental property of exponential functions holds for imaginaries as well as for reals. Example. Prove that a"a'' = 0" + " when u and v are imaginary. Chap. II.] IMAGINAKIES. 21 Logarithmic Functions. 33. As a logarithm is the inverse of an exponential, we ought to be able to obtain the logarithm of an imaginary' from the formula for 6"+"^-'. "We see readily that 2 = r (cos<^ + V^. sin) = e'°e'-+<'^^, whence log2 = logr + <^ V — 1 ; or, more strictly, since 2= ?'[cos(<^o + 2n7r) + V — l.sin(^i,+ 2mr)], Iog2 = logr+(<^o+2n7r) V^ [1] where n is anj' integer. If z = x + y V— 1, r = VaF+lf, and (^ = tan"'^ ; X whence logz = ^log(x^ + 2/^) + V— l.tan"^^. [2] X Each of the expressions for log z is indeterminate, and repre- sents an infinite number of values, differing by multiples of 27rV^. This indeterminateness in the logarithm might have been ex- pected a priori, for rV^l = cos 2 TT -f- V — 1 . sin 2 TT = 1 , by Art. 31. Hence, adding 2 7rV— 1 to the logarithm of any quantity will have the effect of multiplying the quantity by 1, and therefore will not change its value. Example. Show that if an expression is imaginary, all its logarithms are imaginarj- ; if it is real and positive, one logarithm is real and the rest imaginary ; if it is real and negative, all are imaginary. 22 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. l^^"^' ^*' Trigonometric Functions. 34. If 2 is real, «3 ^2 gl ^6 byl. Art. 134. "^ ■ *■ °- , If 2 = )-(cos<^+ V— l.sia<^), the series of the moduli, '■ + 3! + 5!-^y! + ' j2 ,A ,.« ' + 2! + 4! + 6! + • are easilj- seen to be convergent ; therefore if z is imaginary, the series [1] and [2] are convergent. We shall take them as defi- nitions of the sine and cosine of an imaginary. Example. From the formulas of Art. 31, and from Art. 84 [1] and [2], show that e'^'"^ = cos«+ V — l.sinz, and e~^^"' = cos« — V — 1. sinz, for all values of «. 35. From the relations e "^^ = cosz— V — l.sinz, we get C0S2 = '^-^ , rn [2] sm a = 2 V^l for all values of z. Chap. II.] Let cos(a;+yV— 1): IMAGIN ARIES. 23 x-/^\ — y + e-^ v^l + » 2 _ (c6sg!+V— l.sing!)e~''+(cosa;— V—!)e' ' 2 by Art. 34, Ex., = cosa; — ! — V —; \3\ In the .same waj' it may be shown that . , , / — 7-, (cosa;+ V— 1. sina;)e~''— (cosa;— V—;)* sm(x+y y—l)=- ^ — - — ^ '— 2 V — 1 = sma; — ■ h V — 1. cos a; 2 2 If z is real in [1] and [2], we have cos a; = e»^-i -|_ 6-^*^-1 [4] sma; = V — 1. If 2 = y V — 1, and is a pure imaginary cos?/ V3I=!!±^ saiy V^ = e" — e - 2 'vn; [5] [6] whence we see that the cosine of a pure imaginary is real, while its sine is imaginary. By the aid of, [5] and [6] , [3] and [4] can be written : cos (» + .'z V^ ) =cosa;cos.?/V— 1 — sinajsinj/ V— 1, [7] 8,in (aj + y V— 1) = sinajcos?/ V— 1 + cosa!sin?/V— 1. [8] 24 INTEGBAL CALCULUS. t-^'^- ^®' Examples. (1) From [1] and [2] show that 8ia'z+ cos'z = 1. (2) Prove that cos (u + v) = cos u COS V — sin u sin v, sm(u + v) = sinwcosv + costtsini;, where u and v are imaginary. The relations to be proved in examples (1) and (2) are the fundamental formulas of Trigonometry, and they enable us to use trigonometric functions of imaginaries precisely as we use trigonometric functions of reals. Differentiation of Functions of Imaginaries. 36. A function of an imaginary variable, z = x + y\r^, is, strictly speaking, a function of two independent variables, X and y ; for we can change z by changing either x or y, or both X and y. Its differential will usually' contain da; and dy, and not necessarily dz ; and if we divide its differential bj' dz to get its derivative with respect to z, the result will generally contain — , dx which will be wholly indeterminate, since x and y are entirely independent in the expression x + y\f^l. It may happen, however, in the case of some simple functions, that dz will appear as a factor in the differential of the function, which in that case will have a single derivative. 37. In differentiating, the V^l may be treated like a con- stant; for the operation of finding the differential of a function is an algebraic operation, and in all algebraic operations V~i obeys the same laws as any constant. Chap. II.] IMAGINAKIES. 25 Example. Prove that d{a?\l^l) = 2 a? V^ . dx ; and that dV— 1. sina;= V— 1. cosx.dx. We have, by the aid of this principle, if « = a; + 2/V^, dz = dx + V — 1. dy; [1] if »=r(cos<^ + V— 1. sin^), dz= d?'(eoS(^ + V — l.sin(^) + rd(^(— sin) , by Art. 24 [1] ; df = mr"-^ dr (cos m^ + V— 1. sin m^) + mr"'d(l> (— sinm<^ + V — 1 . cos m<^), dz"= mr'""^[cos (m— 1) ^ + V — l.sin(m— 1) <^] (cos<^ + \/ — 1. sin (t>)dr + mr'° [cos (m— 1) <^ + V — l.sin(m— 1)(^] (cos<^ + V— l.sin<^) sf — Ldtj}, dz" '[cos(m— 1) <^ + V— l.sin(m— 1) ] (dr 4- ?-V — 1 .d) [1] [2] 41. sm« = 2V^ dsm2 = ;!;3==; V— 2 V-1 by Art. 35 [2], dz, dsinz = by Art. 35 [1], [1] Chap. II.] IMAGINAEIES. 27 on'^'^ — '^ ^ dcosz = V — l.d2 = 2' dz, y-1 dcosz = — [2] 42. We see, then, that we get the same formulas for the dif- ferentiation of simple functions of imaginaries as for the dif- ferentiation of the corresponding functions of reals. It follows that our formulas for direct integration (I. Art. 74) hold when x is imaginarj'. Hyperbolic Functions. 43. We have (Art. 35 [5] and [6]) , / — T e" + e" cos a; V — 1 — 2 ' and sina;V^ = ^~^"V ^, 2 gi I g-X where x is real. — — — ■ is called the iiyperbolie cosine of x, 2 g« _ g -^ and is written cosh a; ; and — 5 — is called the hyperbolic sine of X, and is written sinha; ; sinha;=?^^^^ = - V^.sina;V^, [1] cosha;= — ^ti_ = cosa; V— 1. [2] 2 The hyperbolic tangent is defined as the ratio of sinh to cosh ; and the hyperbolic cotangent, secant, and cosecant are the re- ciprocals of the tanh, cosh, and sinh respectively. These functions, which are real when x is real, resemble in their properties the ordinary trigonometric functions. 28 INTBGBAL CALCX7LXJS. 44, For example, for and cosh" 9; — sinb^a; = 1 ; cosh'' a; = ' ■ , 4 sinh" a; = - 2+e- [Abt. 44- [1] Examples. (1) Prove that 1 — tanh^a; = sectfa;. (2) Prove that 1 — ctnh'^a; = — csch^a;. (3) Prove that sinh(a; + j/)= sinha;cosh2/ + cosha!sinhy. (4) Prove that cosh (a; + y) = cosh x cosh y + sinh x sinh «/. 45. ^ — e' c? sinh a; = d c?sinha;= cosha;.daj. e' + e-' dx. (1) Prove Examples. d cosh a; = sin h a;, da;. dJtanha; = sech-a;.da;. dctnha; = — csch"a;.da;. dsecha; = — secha;tanha;.da;. d csch a; = — csch a; ctnh x.dx. 46. We can deal with anti-hyperbolic functions just as with anti-trigonometric functions. To find dsinh~^a!. Let then u = sinh~'a;, x = sinhw, dT= cosU u.dn. Chap, ll.'j IMAGINAEIES. 29 , dx du = , coshw cosh?{ = Vl + 8inT?M, by Art. 44 [1], coshM= Vl +x', vr+^ *- -' Examples. Prove the formulas dx t?.cosh"'a; = dt&nh~'x = dsech"*a; = c?csch"'a; = Va^-1 dx l-ar" dx xsll —a? dx xVx^ + l 47. The anti-hyperbolic functions are easily expressed as logarithms. Let M=sinh~'a;, then X = sinhit = e"— e-" 2 ' 2x — ? 2X6" =ze'"-l, g2»_ 2a;e"=l, e»"- 2xe" + x': a; = ± Vl = 1+0?, e" - i + A JO INTEGRAL CALCTJLtTS. C-^^' **"^ IS e" is necessarily positive, we may reject the negative value in the second member as impossible, and we have e" = a; + Vl + a^, 7/ = log(a! + Vl +!B^), 5r sinh-' a; = log (a; + Vl + ar") . [1] Examples. Prove the formulas eosh~'a; = log(a; + Va^ — 1). tanh~'a; = ^log "*" . 1 —X C8ch-a; = log(^i + ^i + l). 48. One of the advantages arising from the use of hyper- 3olic functions is that they bring to light some curious analogies jetween the integrals of certain irrational functions. From I. Art. 71 we obtain the formulas for direct integration. = sm ^a;. [1] f vr iZ^ =tan-»a;. [2] r — ~ = S9.0.-^X. [3] From Art. 46 we obtain the allied formulas : Chap. 11.] IMAGINAEIES. 31 Examples. Prove the formulas Of if If (1) sinha; = -+- + -+ (2) cosha; = l + |j + Jj + (3) sin (x-\-y V — 1) := sin a; cosh y + V — 1 cos a; sinh y (4) cos(a; + yV— 1) =cosx coshy— V— 1 sina; sinhy. . ._. ^ / , / — Tv sin 2x + V— 1 sinh 2y (5) tan(. + W-l) = cosL + cosh2y ' (6) sinh (x + y V — 1) = sinh a; cos y + V— 1 cosh x sin y. (7) cosh (x-\-y ■\l— 1) = cosh a; cos y + V— 1 sinh x sin ?/, .Q. , , , , /-Tx sinh2a;+V— 1 sin 2y (8) tanh (rr + w V — 1) = t—^ — ; ^ ^ ' V 1 ^ / gQgh 2x + cos 2v a!° , X' ,6 (9) tanh-'a; =a;+-+g- + 32 IKTEGKAL CALCULUS. L-^^T. i'J- CHAPTER III. GBNBKAL METHODS OF INTEGKATING. 49. We have defined the integral of an}- function of a single variable as the function which has the given function for its derivative (I. Art. 53) ; we have defined a definite integral as the limit of the sum of a set of differentials ; and we have shown that a definite integral is the difference between two values of an ordinary integral (I. Art. 183). Now that we have adopted the differential notation in place of the derivative notation, it is better to regard an integral as the inverse of a differential instead of as the inverse of a derivative. Hence the integral of fx.dx will be the function whose differ- ential is fx.dx; and we shall indicate it by i fx.dx. In our old notation we should have indicated precisely the same function bj' I fx ; for if the derivative of a function is fx we know that its differential is fx.dx. 50. If fx is a continuous function of a;, fx.dx has an integral. For if we construct the curve whose equation is y=zfx, we know that the area included bj- the curve, the axis of X, any fixed ordinate, and the ordinate corresponding to the variable x, has for its differential ydx, or, in other words, fx.dx (I. Art. 51). Such an area always esr'sts, and it is a determinate function of a;, except that, as the position of the initial ordinate is wholly arbi- trary, the expression for the area will contain an arbitrary con- stant. Thus, if Fx is the area in question for some one position of the initial ordinate, we shall have I fx.dx = Fx + 0, where O is an arbitrary constant. fi Chap. III.] GENERAL METHODS OF INTEGEATING. 33 Moreover, Fa; + is a complete expression for j fx.dx ; for if two functions of x have the same differential, they have the same derivative with respect to x, and therefore they change at the same rate when x changes (I. Art. 38) ; they can differ, then, at an^- instant only by the difference between their initial values, which is some constant. Hence we see that every expression of the form fx.dx has an integral, and, except for the presence of an arbitrary constant, but one integral. 51. We have shown in I. Art. 183 that a definite integral is the difference between two values of an ordinary integral, and therefore contains no constant. Thus, if Fx + is the integral of fx.dx, C fx.dx =Fb — Fa. In the same way we shall have fz.da = Fb — Fa; £■ and we see that a definite integral is a function of the values between which the sum is taken and not of the variable with respect to which we integrate. Since (""fx.dx = Fa — Fb, fx,dx = — I fx.dx. Example. s fx.dx + j fx.dx = I fx.dx 52. In what we have said concerning definite integrals we have tacitlj- assumed that the integral is a continuous function between the values between which the sum in question is taken. If it is not, we cannot regard the whole increment of Fx as equal u INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 53. to the limit of the sum of the partial infinitesimal increments, and the reasoning of 1. Art. 183 ceases to be valid. Take, for example, j j?=j a^ — 1 1 X by I. Art. 55 (7) and apparently ^"*X! r^^(-^\ -f-i) =_2. dx 1 ought to be the area between the curve y -■ a." ar axis of a;, and the ordiuates corresponding to a; = l and a;= — 1, which evidently is not — 2 ; and we see that the function — is discon- ar tinuous between the values a; = — 1 and x = l. The area in question which the definite integi-al should represent is easily seen to be infinite, for /■ \ / 1 \ 1 -1 1 J-, x' € J, a? e ' and each of these expressions increases without limit as e ap- proaches zero. 53. Since a definite integral is the , difference between two values of an indefinite integi-al, what we have to find first in any problem is the indefinite integral. This may be found by in- spection if the function to be integrated comes under anj' of the forms we have already obtained by difl'erentiation, and we are then said to integrate directly. Direct integration has been illus- trated, and the most important of the forms which can be in- tegrated directly have been given in I. Chapter V. For the sake of convenience we rewrite these forms, using the differential notation, and adding one or two mw forms from our sections on hyperbolic functions. Chap. III.] GENERAL METHODS OF INTEGRATING. 35 ^n+ 1 x^dx-. 11+1 rdx , i — = logaj. J X Ca''dx = -^. J log a i^dx=e'. I sinaj.da; = —cos a;. I cos a;, da; = sinx. I tana;. da; = .— logcosa;. j etna;. da; = log sin a;. /dx . _. = sin '.i;. Vl — ar* C—^= = sinh -1 a; = log (a; + VIT^) . J VT+^ dx C~^= = cosh-i a; = log (a; + Va;^ - 1) . J V 0^-1 dx = tan ^x. / ax l+ar' J_^=tanh-a; = ilog^_^ dx_ ,„„v,-i ii„„l±^. ■ a?' dx ■yfW^X J X /dx V2a; — : 36 ITSITEGRAL CALCULUS. C^^''- ^*' 54. We took up in I. Chap. V. the principal devices used in preparing a function for integration when it cannot be integrated directly. The first of these methods, that of integration by substitution, is simplified by the use of the differential notation, because the formula for change of variable (I. Art. 75 [1]), I j< = I uD^ becoming | udx= | u — dy, reduces to an identity and is no longer needed, and all that is required is a simple substitution. — Vl+loga;. Let l + loga; = «; then —- = dz, and r^ Vl + logx = r«*d2 = 1 2* = I ( 1 + loga;)^ When, as in this example, a factor of the quantity to be integrated is equal or i)roportlonal to the differential of some function occurring in the expression, the substitution of a new variable for the function in question will generally simplify the problem. (6) Required | — dx e" + e'" Let e' = y\ then e'dx=dy, __dx__ _ _f_dx_ _ _dy er + e-^~ e^' + i ~Y + i' (c) Required | sec a;, da;. seca;=^_ = -22H. cos.r cos^a; Chap. III.] GENERAL METHODS OP INTEGRATING. 37 Let »=sina!; then dz = cosx.dx, 008^ a; = 1 — z^, /cosx.dx r dz ,,1+2 1. . .L ro fsec a;.da; = ^log L±liE^ = w tan f^ + ^\. ^ 1 — sin a; \4 2/ Examples. Prove that (1) fcscx.dx = ilog ^~°"^^ = log tan -• Suggestion : Let a; = cos». 65. The formula for integration by parts (I. Art. 79 [1]) becomes I udv = uv — I vdu, [1] when we use the differential notation. It is used as in I. Chap. V. (a) For example, let us find | a;"logx.da;. Let M = loga3, and dv = x'^dx; then du = — , x and n + l /a;"loga!.da;=-^ loga;— \-^—-dx = -^- — -floga; - (6) Required I a; sin^ai.da;. Let u = sin~^a;, and dv = xdx ; then du = ^ Vl-a^ 38 and INTEGRAL CALCULUS. X- [Art. 55. ;i' sin" .r.aa; = — sin 'a; — -A- I - i ra;sin-'a;.c?.r = ^sin-'a; + :|^(cos-'a; + Wl — ar'). 2 (' xe'fl.c Let and then and J (1 + xY dv u = x^^ dx (1+a;)^' du = (xe v = 1 1+x' + x)da;, xc' - 4- re'^cZa;= — a;<- , + x Vl-3a;-a;= Examples. . .i3 + 2a; ; sin ' Vl3 2) I a;tan~'a;.da;= "'"''' tau~'a; — ^a „. r xdx _ 1 , 1 l-a; 2(l-a;)2 aida; V2 ax — X- 5) I V2c = — V2 aa; — .'jr' -f -la; overs -. a •A/ • CIJ!/ — ■ *'„;„-i X — O, ~-, — V2 ax ~ a? + -^ sin~^ Suggestion : Throw 2 rtx — *-' into the form a- — (a; — aY. 6) P +"*:""" da; = log (a; + sin a;). J X -\- sin a; Chap. III.] GENERAL METHODS OF INTEGRATING. 39 (7) I — ■ aa; = a;tan-- J 1 + cosa; 2 Suggestion : Introduce — in place of x. gN r dx 1 J a!(loga;)" (n — 1) (loga;)"-"' 9) ri2S_(l2£^c?a;.=:loga;[log(loga;)-l]. J X Jsin"" ic d'Tj 1 '—^ = zt&nz + log cos 2, where 2 = sin~'a;. (1 —arp 11) r *^ = 4-logtan('^ + ^Y Jsmic+cosa; ^2 V"^ °/ ..gN r sinigfe _ log (ct + ft cos a;) J a + h cos a; 6 »/ ar + 4a; + 5 16) r - =i-tan-^r-tan4 V a^cos^aj + ft^sin^a; a6 \a I 40 INTEGBAL CALCULUS. [Art, . 56. CHAPTER IV. EATIOXAL FKACTIONS. 56. We shall now attempt to consider sj-stematieally the methods of integrating ^•arious functions ; and to this end we shall begin with rational algebraic expressions. Any rational algebraic polynomial can be integrated immediately bj- the aid of the formula f ^n + 1 x"dx = -^ n + \ Take next a rational fraction., that is, a fraction whose nu- merator and denominator are rational algebraic polynomials. ^V rational fraction is proper if its numerator is of lower degree than its denominator ; improper if the degree of the numeratpr is equal to or greater than the degree of the denominator. Since an improper fraction can always be reduced to a polj'nomial plus a proper fraction, by actuallj' dividing the numerator by the denominator, we need onlj' consider the treatment of proper fractions. 57. Ecery proper rational fraction can be reduced to the sum of a set of simpler fractions each of which has a constant for a numerator and some power of a binomial for its denominator; that is, a set of fractions any one of which is of the form — ■' (.-B-a)" Let our given fraction be ^ . Fx If a, 6, c, &c., are the roots of the equation, Fx = 0, (1) we have, from the Theory of Equations, Fx = A{x - a) (x - b) (x - c) (2) Chap. IV.] RATIONAL FRACTIONS. 41 The equation (1) may have some equal roots, and then some of the factors in (2) will be repeated. Suppose a occurs p times as a root of (1), 6 occurs q times, c occurs r times, &c., then Fx = A{x — ay{x—by{x — cy (3) Call A{x — by{x — cy = <^a;; then Fx= (x — a)''x, fa fa /•„. f^ f^~ ~r 4>^ T~ 4>x and ^= > - -^^ I '^«^ Fx {x — aYfjix {x — ay(f,x {x — ay x by x — a, we shall have a fa fx 4>a , fiX Fx (x — ay (x - ay-' ^x' where ■^^ is a proper fraction, and may be treated {x-ay-^x ' ^ precisely as we have treated the original fraction. fa Hence /i'" - "^"^ i ^^^ (x-ay-''(l>x (x-ay-'' {x — ay-^x By continuing this process we shall get fa fa fa ff-\a fx _ <^a >^a a . . a . fpX Fx~ {x-ay {x-ay-^ {x-ay-^ x-a 4>x' 42 INTEGRAI. CALCULUS. i-^^"^- ^^■ In the same way -^ can be broken up into a set of fractions having (a; — 6)', {x — b)'-\ &c., for denominators, plus a frac- tion which can be broken up into fractious having (.i-— c)', {x — cY'^ , &c., for denominators; and we shall have, in tlie end, f^ _ ^^ I ^^ + + ^^+ ^' Fx {x-ay (x-a)"-^^ x—a (x-6)« ^' ^' + + K, [1] where K is the quotient obtained when we divide out the last factor of the denominator, and is consequenth' a constant. More than this, K must be zero, for as (1) is identically true, it must fx be true when a; = x ; but when x= co, d. — becomes zero, be- Fx cause its denominator is of higher degree than its numerator, and each of the fractions in the second member also becomes zero; whence 71 = 0. 58. Since we now know the form into wliich anj' given rational fraction can be thrown, we can determine the numerators by the aid of known properties of an identical equation. 3 J. -y Let it be required to break up -^-y-p — into simpler fractions. By Art. 57, 3a; -1 A B , O {x-\y(x+\) {x~iy^ a;-l^.r + l' and we wish to determine ^-1, B, and C. Clearing of fractions, we have ?,x-l = A{x+\) + B (.r -1) {x+l) + C{x-\y. (1) As this equation is identically true, the coefficients of like powers of x in the two members must be equal ; and we have -B + C=0, .-1-L'C=3, A-B + G= -1; Chap. IV.] RATIONAL FRACTIONS. 43 whence we find A= 1, 5=1, (7=-l; ^^^ 3a!— 1 1_ 1 _ 1 .^. The labor of determining the required constants can often be lessened by simple algebraic devices. For example ; since the identical equation we start with is true for all values of x, we have a riglit to substitute for x values that will make terms of the equation disappear. Take equa- tion [1] : 3.x--l = .-l(a; + l) + 5(a;+l)(a;-l) + C(a;-l)=. [1] Leta;=l, 2 = 2 A, .4=1, then 2x-2 = B(x+l) {x - 1) + 0(0; -1)^ ; divide by a;-l, 2 = B {x+l)+C {x- 1). Leta;=l, 2=25, B=l, then — a;+l =C'(a; — 1), C=-l. Examples. (1) Show that when we equate the coefficients of the same powers of x on the two sides of our identical equation, we shall always have equations enough to determine all our required numerators. (2) Break up ^^+^^'~^^^ into simpler fractions. '^ ' ^ (x-syix+l) 59. The partial fractions corresponding to any given factor of the denominator can be determined directly. fx A , fi'^ Fx x — a ' x = x — a so that Fx ={x — a) <^. Clear (1) of fi'actions. fx = Ax + {x-a) /i a;. (2) As (1) is an identical equation, (2) will be true for any value of X. Let x= a, fa = Ax~[(x — ay + b^f'^[(x — ay+,b^f-'^ + + (x~ay + b' +<^x' <-^'* and our partial fractions are simple in form and do not involve imaginaries. The coefficients in (2) can be found by either of the proc- esses illustrated in Art. 58. 62. Let us now consider a rather difficult example, where it is worth while to combine all our methods. 48 INTBGKAL CALCULUS. l-^^'^' ^'^^ x' + l To break up x' + l = nary roots. (x — l)(x'' + lf x' + 1 = (x + 1) (x' — x + 1) and x' — x + l = has imagi- x^ + 1 _ . x^-^-l (x-i)(x'+iy~(x-i)(x + iy(x''—x+iy A , A ,-82, Cix + A , C'^a + A (1) " L(^-i)(^'-«=+iyJ.=-i *■ Substitute in (1) the values just obtained, clear of fractions and reduce and we have — 9 x'' + 2 x" — 6 X* — 8 0!^ + 8 x^ + 6 a; + 7 = 18 {x' — 1) \_B^ (x^ - X + 1)=' + (Cix + A) (« + 1) + ((7,x + A)(x + l)(x^-x + l)]. Divide through by x^ — 1, and we get — 9 x' + 2 x^ - 15 x^ — 6 X — r = 18 ^ ACa;" — X + 1)2 + (x + 1) [Cix + A ^{C,x-^D,){x^-x^l)-\\. Let X = — 1, and we find A = -i. Substitute this value for A and reduce ; — 6 X* — 4 x= — 6 x'' — 12 X — 4 = 18 (x + 1) [ Cix + i)i + ( C,x + A) (x' - X + 1) ]. Divide by x + 1 and expand and we get [18 C^ + 6] x^ - [18 (C2 - A) + 2] x= + [18(C2-A+C0 + 8],T + 18rA + A) + 4 = 0. Chap. IV.] RATIONAL FRACTIONS. 49 This equation must hold good whatever the value of x, whence 18 Cj +6=0, 18((7,-A) + 2 = 0, 18(C2-A+Ci) + 8=0, 18(A+A)+4 = 0, and c. = — 4, A = — ■f. c. = — •*, A = 0. Hence, x^ + l 1 1 1 (k — 1) (a;3 + 1)2 2 « — 1 9 (a; + 1)2 6 a; + l _1 a; 1 3a; + 2 3 ' (a;2 — a; + 1)2 g'cK^-aj + l" (2) 63. Having shown that any rational fraction can be reduced to a sum of fractions which always come under the four forms A A Ax + B Ax + B {x — af' x — a (x — ay + h^' \_{x — aY + ¥y it remains to show that these forms can be integrated. To find (y^„, J (x — a)" let s = a; — a, then dz = dx, 1 A , r Ad,x . C^z and I -. r: = ^ I -:■ J (x — af J s" (x — af J s" (» — 1) ^""^ 1 (w — 1) (x-ay To find f-^^, J X — a, let « = as — a, then d» = dx, [1] 50 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. l-'^^'^' ^^- and C^^ = AC^^Alog. = Alog(.-a). [2] ^ X — a J z Turning back to Art. 58 (2), we find r {2,x — V)dx _ r dx r dx _ r dx _ _ 1 J (x — iy(x-[-i)j {x — iy^j x — 1 J x+1 x — 1 + log(a; - 1) - log(x + 1) = - ^^3 + ^og~j- Turning to Art. 60 (1), we have / (3x — l)dx _ rdx r dx _ r dx x(x — 2)(x + l)~^J x'^Vx — 2 Vx + 1 = i logx + I log(a3 - 2) - J log(a; + 1). To find • (Ax + B) dx {x — af + b^' Ax + B _ A(x — a) Aa + B (x — ay + b^~ {x — «)^ + 6^"^ (a; — af-{-1^' If we let z^=(x — ay-\- P, da = 2 (a; — a) dx, and /A{x — a)dx A rdz A ^ t r, xo , ,,t If we let » ^ aj — a, dz ^ dx, and dz /g^i^=(-+^/. {x — af + b-' "■ ' 'Jz^ + b' Aa -\- B ^ ,z Aa + 5 , ,x — a = i — taii-i- = — tan-i — r — bob b Hence CiA^±M^ = I log [(X - of + J^] + ^^ tan-^- Tofind r/-^- + fIt> - J [(a; — ay + J'']" [3] Chap. IV.] RATIONAL FRACTIONS. 51 If we let « = (x — o)2 + V^, ds = 2{x~a) dx, and / A{x — a)dx A Cdz_ A [(x — a)2+62]»~ 2 J ? ~ "" 2 (m - 1) — »+i 2(w — 1) [(x — a)2 + J2]''-i If we let s ^ X — a, rfs ^ (fe, and r {Aa + £)dx _ r dz J i{x-af+¥J ~ *■ * ^ ^U (s^ + *^»' /(iqpj^ ''^^ ^^ "^^'^^ *° ^^v^^^ upon /(^qffip-i by *iie aid of the reduction formula [6], Art. 64, which for this special form reduces to /i dz _ 1 g . 2>t — 3 r <£g "~ 2 (?i — 1) J2 (s^ + by-^ "*■ 2 (re — 1) sO (s2 + 62)«-i ■ L*-l Hence f (^^ + S)dx ^ A 1 xieuuejj ^^^ _ ^^2 ^ j2-]» 2 (to - 1) [(x - af + b"]—^ + (-^- + ^) /[(x-$ + .^]~ t^] /• rfx 1 X — a ^^°^ J [(x - af + b^J ~2{n-l)b^' [(X - af + PJ"^ . 2n — 3 r dx '^2{n — V)VJ [(x — a)=' + i2]»-i' '-''-I /dx ^, _ X2_|_72-|„ to /dx g j which has already been found to be - tan ^ — j — o 52 INTEGBAL CALCULUS. ^■^^'^- ^^^ Turning back to Art. 62 (2), we find that r (x' + l)dx _ r dx r dx _ C dx J {x — l)(a? + iy~^J x — 1 *J(x + l)^ *Ja3 + l / xdx J r(3x + 2}dx (x' — x + lf 'J x^ — x + 1 = ilog(x-l)+ i-^-^logCa^ + l) , a:-2 „ /^, ,2a; — 1 -i ,._. + l -^TV3tan-'-^- — i log (a;= - a; + 1) - 5V V3 tan-^ ?±:zl V3 Examples. 1^ r oe' — Sx + S , , , x—2 ^ J (x-l) {x-2) ^x-1 2) f^^dx = x + ^iog^. Ja:^-! ^a:2 + a;+l ^3 VS 5) r--^ = -i-tan-^^ + -Llog5L±F. ^Ja*-a;* 2a3 a^4a=^a-a! Chap. IV.] RATIONAL FKACTIONS. 63 J a^ + x' + l ^ ^x'+x+l (10) r«^^_ ^g] J an{p + l) an{p+l) J '" -" Formula [3] enables us to raise, and formula [4] to lowef, the exponent of x bj" n without affecting the exponent of z ; while formula [5] enables us to lower, and formula [6] to raise, the exponent of z by unitj- without affecting the exponent of x. Formulas [1] and [3] cannot be used when m = ; formulas [2] and [6] cannot be used when p= —\ ; formulas [4] and [5] cannot be used when m = —np; for in all these cases infinite values will be brought into the sec- ond member of the formula. 65. If 71=1, z = a + hx, and our last four reduction formulas become x^-^z'dx = !^ — -^ ^ ' j x^z^dx. rsi am am, J •- -■ J b{m+p) b{m+p)J L -I faf"-^z'dx = ^^+-S^- Cx^-'z'-^dx. [5] •^ m + p m+pJ '- -' J a{p+l)^ a{p + l) J"^ ^ *"• LbJ Km and p are integers, and to>0 and jj>0, a repeated use of [5] will reduce p to zero, and we shall have to find merely the (x^-^dx. Chap. V.] REDUCTION FORMULAS. 57 If m<0 and p>0, [3] will enable us to raise m to 0, and then [5] will enable us to lower p to 0, and we shall need , rdx only I — ^ X If m>0 and p<0, [6] will raise p to -1, and [4] will then lower 7?i to 1, and we shall need ( — . J z If m<0 and73<0, [6] will raise p to —1, and [3] will raise Jdx — xz / 'dx _ r dx _ _ 1 1 a -\-hx xz J x{a + hx) a x Hence, when »t = 1, and m and p are integers, our reduction for- mulas alwaj's lead to the. desired result. m 'dx , = logo;, X Examples. m f— ^^ = --loe5^±^ + — ^4--^ 3_ ^ ' J a?{a+bx) a' ^ X a*x 2a»ar' 3a=a^ 4aa!*' (2) Consider the case where w=2, rewriting the reduction formulas to suit the case, and giving an exhaustive investi- gation. (3) f- J (a 3j CtX X i_ (a+bx'y 4:b{a + bx'y- Sab^a + bx') -\ tan''a;-vl-- 8{ab)i \a 68 INTEGRAL CAXiCTJLUS. C^*^' ®® CHAPTER VI. IRRATIONAL FORMS. 66. We have seen that algebraic polj-nomials and rational fractions can alwa3-s be integrated. When we come to irrational expressions, however, verj- few forms are integrable, and most of these have to be rationalized bj- ingenious substitutions. If an algebraic function is irrational because of the presence of an expression of the first degree under the radical sign, it can be easilj' made rational. Let /(cc, "v/a + 6a;) be the function in question. Let z = y/a + bx; then z" = a + bx. nz"~^dz = bdx, nz"-'-dz dx = - x = - b z" — a b Hence Cfix, ^'^r+bi)dx = ^j'ff^L=-Bi, z\z''-^dz, which is rational and can be treated bj- the methods of Chapter IV, Examples. W f^^'^'' = '= + '^V^ + ^iogW^-'^)■ {2) fv(aa; + 6)"da; = '^V(«^- + ^)'"^". •^ a{m-\-n) (3) flxA^ix + a) + V(a; + a)^dx _ n^{x + ay"+' nay (a; + »)"+' . .. ,, , ,, ~ 2« + l n + 1 +iV{o=+ar. Chap. VI.] lEEATIONAL FORMS. 59 67. A case not unlike the last is J7(a;, V7+Va + bx)dx. Let z=^/c+ Va+Tx; z" = c + Va + bx, («"— c)"' = a + 6a;, Hence -"/f b if{x, Vc + Va + 6a;) dx c)'° — a Examples. {z" — c)"'-^z''-^dz. (1) Find C (2) Find f- xdx Vc + Va + bx dx Vl+Vl -a; 68. If the expression under the radical is of a higher degree than the first the function cannot in general be rationalized. The most important exceptional case is where the function to be integrated is irrational bj- reason of containing the square root of a quantitj' of the second degree. Required \f(x, Va -\-bx + coi?)dx. First Method. Let c be positive ; take out "Vc as a factor, and the radical may be written -VA + Bx + a?. Let -y/A +Bx + x' = x + z, A+Bx + a? = 3?+ixz+z', z'-A x = , B-2z 60 INTEGEAX, CAXCTTLTJS. ^ART. 68. '^- {B-2zy z' - Bz +A ■^A+Bx + a? = x + z=-- ^_2z and the substitution of these values will render the given func- tion rational. Second Method. Let c be positive ; take out Vc as a factor, and, as before, the radical, maj' be written V-4 + Bx + 3?. Let VA+Bx+^ = yJA + xz ; A -k-Bx + y? = A + -l -sjA . xz + 3?7?, ^■JA.z-B \ —z' , _ 2 {-^A.z'-Bz + ^IA)dz '^~ (1-2^)'' ' ^A+Bx + ar'=^A+xz= ^^-''-^' + ^^ , and the substitution of these values will render the given func- tion rational. If c is negative the radical can be reduced to the form V^ + Bx — a^, and the method just given will present no difficult^'. Third Method. Let c be positive ; the radical will reduce to V^ + Bx + a^. Resolve the quantity under the radical into the product of two binomial factors (a; — a) (a; — j8) , a and /3 being the roots of the equation A + Bx + a;^ = 0. Let V(a; - a) {x -/3) = (x- a)z ; (x-a){x-fi) = (x-ay^, x = i^^, ^^^ 2z(^-a)dz {i-z'y ' ^{x-a){x-l3) = {x - a)z = (^-")^, I —z^ Chap. VI.] IRRATIONAL FORMS. 61 and the substitution of tliese values will make the given function rational. If c is negative the radical will reduce to "si A + Bx — x^, and maybe written V(a — a;) (a; — /3) where ^ and /3 are the roots o( or' — Bx — A = 0, and the method just explained will apply. In general, that one of the three methods is preferable which will avoid introducing imaginary constants ; the first, if c > ; a a the second, if c < and — ; > ; the third, if c < and — < 0. ^ -~ c If the roots a and j3 are imaginary, and A = -^^ is negative, it will be impossible to avoid imaginaries, for in that case A + Bx — ss' will be negative for all real values of x. 69. Let us compare the working of the three methods just ■\/2 + 3x + a^ 1st. Let VT+Wx+l^ = X + z ; r dx ^ r 2(z^-3z + 2)dz 3-2g ^ r 2dz •^ V2 + 3a; + ar= -^ iS-2zy 'z'-3z + 2 J 3-22 = -Iog(3-22), /: dx V2 + 3a! + a^ = log = — log(3 + 2x — 2-\/2+3x + a?) 3 + 2a;-2V2+3a; + a!^ _. 3+2a; + 2V2 + 3a; + a^ ~^^ 9 + 12a; + 40^ -8 -Ux-AaP = log[3+2a; + 2V2 + 3a; + ar']. (1) 2d. Let ^/2 + 3x + a:? = -s/2+xz; r dx __ 2 r(-^2.z'-3z + ^2)dz 1-z' J^j2 + 3^+^~-^ (1-^T ^2.z'-3z + y/2 = 2r-^ = logl+^. (Art. 63) 62 INTEGRAL CALCULITS. l^^'^' ^^■ dx _ , a; — V2 + V2 + 3 a; + a' f, "^ -log V2 + 3a;+a;2 a; + V2 - V2 + 3a; + a;^ _, g' + 2a;V2+3a; + a;' + 2 + 3x+g^— 2 ~ ^^ x'+2'^2.x+2 — 2-Sx — a? _j 3 + 2a; + 2V2 + 3a: + a;^ ~ °^ 2V2-3 = log(3 + 2a;+2V2+3»+^) - log(2V2-3), or, dropping the constant log (2^/2 — 3), r ^ = log(3 + 2 a; + 2 V2 + 3 a; + a^) _ /gx •^ V2 + 3a;4-K^ 3d. Let V2 + 3a; + a;2= V(a;+1) (a; + 2) = (a;+ 1)2 ; f '^ ^9 r-"^' 1^=2 c^^=iogi±^. J^2 + Sx + af -'(1-22)2 -z ^1-2" 1-2 r '^ = log ^^+^ = iog^±iiL^E±2 «^V2 + 3a; + a2 ^ _ j£±2 v«T"l - Vi+2 \a; + l _, a; + l+2V2+3a; + a;^ + a; + 2 a; + l— a; — 2 = log (3 + 2a; + 2 V2 + 3a;+ a;^) + log (- 1), or, dropping the imaginary constant log (— 1), /dx ;^=====log(3 + 2a; + 2V2T3^+^). (3) Examples. .1) r ^^^^= ^ lo^ ^^ + '^^-^ JZ^. ^ ' J {2 + 3x)-^4:~x' 4V2 V4T2^+V2^^ Chap. VI.] IREATIONAL FORMS. 63 70. If the function is irrational through the presence, under the radical sign, of a fraction whose numerator and denominator are of the first degree, it can always be rationalized. ^^^^'SK'^^^i^h Let z = ^h + \ \lx+ m ^ _ ax + b Ix + m' „ _ 6 — mz" X , Iz^ — a ^y. _ ""-{am — &Z)z"-'c?s {lz"~aY ' and the substitution of these values will make the given function rational. Example. / dx s/ l— a; _ o 3I /I— aV 0.+xy\l+x ^^[l+x)' 71. If the function to be integrated is of the forma;""\a+6a;")'', m, n, and/i being any numbers positive or negative, and one at least of them being fractional, the reduction formulas of Art. 64 will often lead to the desired integral. Examples. (1) r '^"^'^ =fsin-^a;- ^^^~'"% 3 + 2a;n. ^ ^ J (1-0^)4 8 V -r ; dx _ij 1— Vl— a^ Vl— : ^ ' J {2ax-a?)i ^ ' \2^ '2 y \2a 64 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. i^^^'^' '^^' 72. We have said that when an irrational function contains a quantitj' of a higher degree than the second, under the square-root sign, it cannot ordinarily be integrated. It would be more cor- rect to saj' that its integral cannot ordinarilj- be finitely expressed in terms of the functions with which we are familiar. The integrals of a large class of such irrational expressions have been specially studied under the name of Elliptic Integrals. They have peculiar properties, and can be expressed in terms of ordinary functions only by the aid of infinite series. Ch^p. vxi.] transcendental functions. 65 CHAPTER VII. TBANSCBNBENTAL FUNCTIONS. 73. In dealing with the integration of transcendental functions the method of integration by parts is generallj' the most effective. For example. Required j a;(loga;)^cte. Let M = (loga;)^ dv = x.dx ; 2 log a;, da; du = > 3? . = _, jxilogxY = ^(1^' - Ja;loga;.c?a; = | [(log xY-\ogx + i]. Again. Required Xe'smx.dx. u = sin X, dv = e'dx; du= cos x.dx, v = e', [Vsin x.dx = e" sin a; — I g'cosx.dx, Ce cos x.dx = 6== cos a; + j e' sin x.dx ; /' . , e'(sina; — cosa;) /e'' ( sin a; + cos a;) e'cosa!.da!= -^^ '- 66 INTEGKAL CALCULUS. l^^"^' "*■ Examples. (1) Cx'-'(iogxydx=^\'(iogxy-^^^^^^ , 6 log a; (m + lf {m+iy /n\ r^osx.dx xloga; , , /, x {3)f€"^{l-e'-).dx = l. •J 2a e"V(l-e^'") + sm-ie°- 74. The method of integration by parts gives us important reduction formulas for transcendental functions. Let us con- sider I sin"a;.da;. u — sin""'a!, dv=: sinx.dx; du = {n—l)sin'"^x cosx.dx, v = — cosic ; j sin"a;.da; = — sin"-*a; cosa; + (n — 1) fsin—^a; cos^x.dx = — sin"-'a; cosx + (n — 1) | (sin"-^a; — sin"a;)«fo! ; Csm"x.dx = -- sin"-'a; cosx + ^?-ll Csin'-^x.dx. [1] Transposing, and changing n into n + 2, we get I sin''a;.dx = — — - sin"+'a; cosa; + ^^-±1 rsin"+2a!.cte. r21 -^ n + 1 n+lJ ^ -^ In like manner we get J cos»a;.da; = ^ sin a; cos""' a; + ^ii^ rcos»-2a;.cte, [3] J'eos»a;.da; = -— l_sina;cos-+'a; + ^+iJ*cos»+^a;.dx. [4] If n is a positive integer, formulas [1] and [3] will enable us to reduce the exponent of the sine or cosine to one or to zero, Uhap. VII.] TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS, 67 and then we can integrate by inspection. If m is a negative integer, formulas [2] and [4] will enable us to raise the ex- ponent to zero or to minus one. In the latter case we shall need /dx (* clx , or I , which have been found in Art. 54 (c) . cos as J since Examples. 1 + ^^- (-1) jsin*a;.daj = [sin''a;+-|- /n\ r e J sinajcos'a;/ » , 5\ , 5 / . , , (2) I cos''a;.da;= i eos''a;-|--] + — (sinKCOSiB+a;). /•Q\ r dx cosa; , i,^ . x (3) |-r-^ = - „ ■ 2 +^logtan-- J sin' a; 2sin^a; 2 (4) Obtain the formulas /sinh"a;.da;=-sinh""'a;cosha; ^— | sinh"~'a;.da;. n n J sinh"a;.da;= — — sinh"+^a;eosha; ^^— I sinh"+^a;.da;. n+1 n+lJ /cosh"a;.da;=-sinha;cosh" 'a;-)-^^^^^ | eosh""^a!.da;. n n J /coah"x.dx= i-sinha;cosb''+'a;-|-^^^i- j cosh"+^a;.da;. n+1 71+lJ ,,. r dx __ 1 cosh a; j. cosha;— 1 ^ ^ J sinh'a; ~ ^sinh^a; * ^cosha;-t-l' 75. The (sin"' a;) "da; can be integrated by the aid of a redue tion formula. Let 2=sin"^a;; then a; = sin 2, dx =, and J (sin-'a;)"da;= |2"cos2.&. 68 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. t^BT. 76. Let M = »"i dv = ; v = sinz ; Tz" = z"sinz — niz" ' Cz"-^ can be reduced in the same waj-, and is equal — z"-'cosz + (n — 1) ^"-'' ; to hence fz" = z"sinz + «z"-'cosz — n(n — 1) jz"-'', [1] or j (sin"' a;)" da; = a:(sin-'a;)"+ nVl — a;^(sin-^a;)"-* -n(n-l) r(sin-'a;)''-2d«. [2] If n is a positive integer, this will enable us to make our re- quired integral depend upon | dx or | sln~'a;.da;, the latter of which forms has been found in (I. Art. 81). Examples. (1) Obtain a formula for j (vers-^a;)"da;. (2) r(sin-'a;)«da; = a;[(sin-ia;)*- 4 . 3 .(sin-'a!)2+4 . 3 . 2 .1] + 4 Vl^^sin-'a; [(sin-'a;)^- 3 . 2]. 76. Integration b}- substitution is sometimes a valuable method in dealing with transcendental forms, and in the case of the trigo- nometric functions often enables us to reduce the given form to an algebraic one. Let it be required to tind | (/sin a;) cos a;. da;. Let z=sina;, dz = cosx.da; ; I (/sin a;) cosa: dx = \ Chap. VII.] TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS. 69 In the same -way we see that j (fcosx) sinx.dx = — if z=cosx, and j [/(sina;, cosa;)]cosa;.da;= Clf(z, Vl— /)]d« if z=smx, j lf{cosx, sina;)] sina!.da; = — | [/(a;, Vl — 2^)]dz if «=cosa;, or, more generally, //(sina;, cos a;) da; = i f{z, Vl— «^) — — ^ — if »= sin a;, J -s/l—z" //(cos a;, sin x)dx = — j /(«, V 1 —2^) — — — if z= cos a;. - Since any trigonometric function of x may be expi'essed in terms of sina; and cos a;, the formulas just given enable us to make the integration of any trigonometric function depend ou the integration of an algebraic function, which, however, is frequently complicated by the presence of the radical VT— ?. 77. A better substitution than that of the last article, when the form to be treated does not contain sina; or cosa; as a factor, . X IS z = tan— 2 This gives us ax=- 1+2^' 1 +r 1-2' cos x = - 1+2^ Whence J/(sina;, cosa;)da;= 2j/(^^, f:p|)^- [1] /dx ■ ; a 4-0 cos as 70 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. E-^T. 78. Here we have r dx ^ 2 r ^^ r - — . {l+z") b-^m = _J_ r dz ^ 2 t,^-x( Ja^.\ a - 6 by I. Art. 77, Ex. 1. Hence ( = — ^= tan"^ ( -%/ ~ • tan- |, if a > 6. J a + 6 cos a; ya^ — f^ \ya + b 2/ 78. I sin"" a; cos" a;, dec can be readily found by the method of Art. 76 if m and n are positive integers, and if either of them is odd. Let n be odd, then n-l co8"a;=cos"~'a;co8a; = (l — sin^a;) 2 cos a;, I sin"a;cos"a;.da;= | 8in'"a!(l — sin ''a;) "a" cos a;, da;. Let z = sin a;, dz = coBx.dx, I sin" a; cos" a;. da; = j z" (1 — g')~i'dz, which can be expanded into an algebraic polynomial and inte- grated directly. If m and n are positive integers, and are both even, I sin^a; cos"a;.da; = | sin^a; (1 — sin^a;)2da;. n sin'"a;(l — 8in^a;)2 can be expanded and thus integrated by Art. 74 [1]. If m or n is negative, and odd, we caa write cos"a; = cos"^^a;cosa;, or 8in'"a; = sin^'^aisina;, and reduce the function to be integrated to a rational fraction by the substitution of z = cos X, or z = sin x. j sin" a; cos" x. da; can also be treated by the aid of reduction formulas easily obtained. Chap. VII.] TBANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS. 71 79. I tan"a;da! and ( can be handled by the methods J J tan"a; of Art. 78. but they can be simplified greatly by a reduction formula. We have I tan"a;.r2x= | ta,n"~^xtan^x.dx= | tan""^a;(8ec^a;— l)dx = I tan""^a!d(tanx)— | tan"~^a;.da;, whence ftan" x.dx = ^^""'''" - CtaW-'x.dx ; [1] 1 C—^^ — r^ec^a; — tan^a ; , _ / ^d(tana;) _ / ^ dx J tan" a; J tan" a; J tan" a; J tan"~^a;' whence T-^^ = ^ ^ - f-^- [2] J tan" a; (" — 1) tan""' a; J tan"-''a; Bin? X cob' X.dx = 2) i cos'a; Vsinaj.da; = „. ^ sin^x.da ^ J / •^ Vcosa; Examples. cos'" a; cos' a; "To 8~' 28in^a; 2sin^a; 3 7 dx 2cos^a; •2 cos* a;. Vcos X ^ .. r 9 -4 7 sin a; cos a; /sin^ a; sin^a; IN , a; 4) J cos^a; sin^a^.da; = ^ {—^ IT ~ sj + Te' •5) r ^^ =seca; + logtan|. J sin X cos'' a; ■* ^^ /* da; cos a; , 3, „,„„a; 6) ■ " , =seca;-—r-^+-logtan-- J sin^ajcos^a; 28in2ai 2 5 da; 1,1 7^ r_^ = i-+ "^ J tan* a; 4 tan'' a; 4 tan* a; 2tan^a; 2 + log sin X. 72 INTEGRAL CALCXTLTJS. [Art. 79. («>/a dx + 6 cos a; ■sIV :l0g Vft + a + V 6 — a . tail - ■\lb-\-a — V6 — a . tan- dx /4 + 5tan-^ (9) f- J 5 + 4sina; (10) f ^5 = ilog sin- - log cos^ + ?log(3+2cosa;). ^ '^J 3sina; + sin2a! 5° 2 ^25^'' ' .r_oosxd^^_ ^5_^nx Atan-'l^itan?^ ^ ^J (5 4-4cosa;)'' 9 5 + 4cosa; 27 ^3 V (12) f- J a 15 + 4 cos a; 2 -tan"' (a— c) tan- + 6 t+6sina;+ccosa; Va=— &"— c^ L ^/a'—b'—c' (13) Show that the methods described in Arts. 76-79 apply to the Hyperbolic functions. (14) f dx (l^)/« a+6cosha; ^/b" — a^ dx tau~'| \/ tanh- 1 if 6>a. V^6 + « 2j -\- b sinh x -\- c cosh x 2 Vc tan" (c — a) tanh 7^-\-b -^c' — d' — b^ Chap. VIII.] DEFINITE INTEGKALS. 78 CHAPTER VIII. DEFINITE INTEGKALS. 80. In I. Art. 183, a definite integral has been defined as the limit of a sum of infinitesimal terms, and has been proved equal to the difference between two values of an ordinary integral. We are now ready to put our definition into more precise, and at the same time more general, form. If fx is finite, continuous, and single-valued between the values a; = a and a; = 5, and we form the sum (aji — a) fa + {x^ — x^fx^ +(»'3- x^fx^A 1- (a!„_i— a!„-2)/a'„_s + (6 — a;»-i)/a:n-i, where aj, x^^ ^---a^n-i are n— 1 successive values of x lying between a and 6, the limit approached by this sum as n is in- definitely increased, while at the same time each of the increments {x^ — a), (x^ — a^), etc., is made to approach zero, is the definite integral of fx from a to &, and will be denoted by | fx.dx. If we construct the curve y =fx in rectangular co-ordinates, this definition clearly requires us to break up the projection on the axis of X of the portion of the curve between the points A and B into n intervals, to multi- ply each interval by the ordinate at its beginning, and to take the _ limit of the sum of these products as each interval is indefinitely decreased ; that is, the limit of the sum of the small rectangles in the figure, and this is easily proved to be the area ABA^Bi. Now the area ABA^B^, found by the method of I. Chap. V., 74 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Akt. 81. Therefore C fx.dx = \ ^fx.dx ^ " J/*-'^^ I ,• W That is, I fx.dx is the increment produced in j fx.dx by changing x from a to 6. It is to be noted that the successive increments (aji — a), (ajj — £Di), (Kj — a^), etc., that is, the successive values of dx^ are not necessarily equal ; and also, that if we multiply each interval, not by the ordinate at its beginning, but by an ordinate erected at any point of its length, the limit of our sum wUl be unaltered, {y. I. Arts. 161, 149.) 81, It is instructive to find a few definite integrals by actu- ally performing the summation suggested in the definition (Art. 80) , and then finding the limit of the sum. (a) I x.dx. Let us divide the interval from a to 6 into n equal parts, and call each of them dx. Then ndx =b — a. Our sum is S= adx + (a+dx)dx+{a + 2dx)dx-\ \-{a + {n—l)dx)dx = nada; + (l + 2 + 3H \-(n — l))dx' since ndx = b — a, and the sum of the arithmetical progression 1+2 + 3-1 |-(w-l)= "(^~^) . 2 ^ ^ ^2 2 Hence S = ^^i^ -i^^l^dx. 2 2 Chap. VIII.] DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 75 As we increase n indefinitely, dx approaches zero, and Cx dx = ^™'* r &' - »' _ (& - a) dx ~\ ^ 6^ _ a^ X ' da;=0|_ 2 2 J 2 2* (6) f ^dx. Let dx = n S = e'dx + e^^dx + e'+^-^dx -| 1- e-'+t—i'^'da; = e''da; [1 + e*" + e^'' + 6"'^ H h e'"""'''"] ; but 1 +6*" + e^*"+ ••• + e'""''** is a geometrical progression, and its sum is gdx _i e*" — 1 Hence S = ^"'^ ~ ^ • e« da; = (e» - e") --^-, and fe'<^.= (e-e^),S[^]' but as dx approaches zero, —r approaches the indeterminate form - ; but since the true value of Le*— lJa=o Le'J^ ' e'da; = e' — e". r cos^x.dx. («) X Let dx = -, and let n be an odd number. n Then )= — cos <^. Hence the terms cancel in pairs, and we have left S = dx and JJcoB'x.dx = ^^\ \^^ = 0. id) j\i Siv?x.dx. Let da; = — , and let n be an odd number. 2?t S = sm''Q-dx+B\v?dx-dx-\-s\n-'2dx-dx+ \-s,vo?(ji—'2,')dx-dx +sin^ (ii — 1 ) da; ■ dx = sin''da;-da;4-sin^2da;-da;-| f-sinV-— 2da; ]da;+sinY-— da;Jdar = sin''da;.da;+sin^2da;-da;H |-cos^2dx.dx+cos-da;-da;, since sinj- — <^j = cos<^. n — 1 Then ^S = da; + da; + da; • • • = da;, since sin^ <^ + cos^ <^ = 1 . TT _ da; i Y Therefore 2 ^ I sin^ a;. da; = — 4 («) dx 'a X Here it is best to divide the interval between a and 6 into unequal parts. Let the values a;i, x^, Xs ••• x„_^ be such as to form with a and 6 a geometrical progression. For this purpose take q = -v/-, so that aq" = b. Chap. VIII.] DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 77 Then the values in question are ag, aq^, a^ •••aq"'^, and the intervals are a (g — 1) , aq{q — \), aq^ (s — 1) ••• a?""* (9 — 1) » and the sum a(g-l) ag(g-l) ag^g - 1) , ag'-'(g-l) a "^ ag "^ ' ag^ -r -i- „^„-i = «(g-l). To prove our division legitimate we have only to show that each of our intervals, a(g— 1), ttg(g— 1) ■■• og"-'(g — 1), approaches the limit zero as n increases indefinitely. Since g" = - a the limiting value of g as m increases must be 1, as otherwise limit „» would not be finite. Therefore I'^'l [_aq\q - i)] = J^f J [ag^Cg - 1)] = 0. We have then ■"' dx limit limit r r^djo limit ^^3^ limit [n(g_l)]= l>'!^it[n(g-l)] limit g = l l0£- logg (9-1) since n log g = log - But limit 9 = 1 log- a logg (9-1) J , 6 limit = i°g;;.g=i i^1 = log^. loggj a For Tf^l =[!" = _9jf= Therefore f — = log 6 — log a, Ja X 78 INTEGKAL LVViCULUS. L^'^'- «2. Examples. (1) Prove by the methods of this ai-ticle that I a'dx = — jb log a (2) By the aid of the trigonometric formulas cose + cos2^ + cos30H hcos(n — 1)^ = ^ sinn5 ctn 1 — cosrt^ , sine +siu2e +sin3e -I h sin(?i— l)d ■=\\ (1— cosn6)ctn ^sinnd , prove that | cosa.da; =sin6— sino, and I; = cos a — cos 6. (3) Show that i sin°a;.Q!a;= 0, and that j cos^x.da; = -- Jo 2 3^(1% = , using the method of m + 1 Art. 81 (e). 82. When the indefinite integral can be found, the definite integral | fx.dx can usually be most easily obtained by em- ploying the foi-mula [1] Art. 80, and this can always be done with safety when fx is finite, continuous, and single-valued between a;=(x and x = h. Of course, if the indefinite integral is a multiple-valued func- tion, we must choose the values of the indefinite integral cor- responding to a; = a and x — b, so that they may be ordinates of the same branch of the curve y= i fx.dx. Chap. VIII.] DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 79 ^- The indefinite integral c ax 1 1 + a; I = tan~^a; and tan^^a; is a multiple-valued function. Jl+a? _ ^ Indeed, y = tan~^a; is a curve consisting of an infinite number of separate branches so related that ordinates corresponding to the same value of x differ by multiples of w. On the branch which passes through the origin, when x= — l, y=taxr^x= — ^ ; on the same branch, when a; = 1, w = tan~'x = — On the next branch above, when x = — 1, y= tan^^a; = — ; and when x=l, 5 4 ^ y = — ■ On any branch, when x=—l,y = tan~^a; = — ~+mr; and on the same branch, when x=l, « = - + mr. 4 X' dx _bir 37r_7r iTT^~ 4 4 "2' or or j ""^ „ = ^ + n7r — (— 7-f-Wir) = = - + mr — l \-nir ] = -• + a^ 4 \ 4:^ J 2 By ( fx.dx we mean the limit approached by I fx.dx as 6 is indefinitely increased. Examples. (1) Work the examples of Art. 81 by the method of Art 82, (4) r% Jo a 4 sin aj.da; = V2-1. cos' a; dx _ 4 /- ■\/x + a + ^x 3 = |Va(V2-l). da; _ TT _ + a;2 — 2a' 80 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 83 (5) r _^:§^^I. if a>0, and --if a<0, andOif a = 0. e-"dx =- if o>0. J ^00 9) f '^'g »/o 1 + 2 a; cos + oi? e'" smmx.dx =— if a>0. a? + m^ ""cos ma;. da; =— — '■ — - if a>0. a^ + w? i_. <^ + a;^ 2 sin dx _ ")^ + 2 a; cos <^ + a;^ sin <^ 83. When fx is finite and single-valued between x=a and a; = &, but has a finite discontinuity at some intermediate value a; = c fx.dx = I fx.dx + I fx.dx, \ \ \ and therefore I fx.dx can be found by ^ " "A ^j.j^ g2 ^jigQ tije indefinite integral \ fx.dx can be obtained; but when fx becomes infinite for x=a, or for x=b, or for some intermediate value a; = c, special care must be exercised, and some special investigation is usually required. If fx is infinite when x = a and | fx.dx approaches a finite limit as e approaches zero, this limit is what we shall mean by /a;.da; ; if 1 fx.dx increases indefinitely as e approaches zero, we shall say that I fx.dx is infinite ; and if | fx.dx neither approaches a finite limit nor increases indeflnitelv as c Chap. VIII.] DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 81 approaches zero, we shall say that j fx.dx is indeterminate. fx.dx can be safely employed in mathematical work. If fx is infinite when x = b and I fx.dx approaches a finite J(x)dx and m 1 <^(x)dx. To prove this theorem, let us first suppose that ^{x) is positive between a; = « and a; = 6. M — f{x) is positive for the values of x in question, [ilf — /(a;)]<^(x) is positive, and, therefore, C\_M—f(x)-\ (x) dx>0 and M f f f{x)(x)dx. (1) f(x) — m is positive for all values of x between x = a. and X := 6, \_f(x) — m] /(a;) m I <^ (x) cZaj. (2) a t^a /(x) <^ (x) (^a; lies between ilf I <^ (a;) dx and to X{x)dx=f{i) f\{x)dx, (3) where i, is some value of x between a and b. Let us apply this theorem to the consideration of j f(x)dx when/(x) becomes infinite for x = a. 84 INTBGKAIi CALCULUS. [Art. 84. In order that ™* f/C^) '^^ should be finite and de- E==0 [j^a + e J terminate it is easily seen to be necessary and sufficient that ( I f(x) dx I should be equal to zero. £d=0La = 0VJa+;, whence ^ ^ a + ij. Then a sufficient condition that I f(x) dx shall be finite and determinate when /(a) =co is that t^fiob + if) shall not increase indefinitely as f] ap- /j-p ^^ Qi\ "F (^Xj\ proaches zero, < A; < 1. If we write f(x) = '•> ^ / and proceed as above, we can show that a necessary condition that I f{x) dx shall be finite and determinate when/(a) =oo */ a Chap. VIII.] DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 85 If f(b) = oo our sufficient condition is that Tf'f(b — ij) shall not increase indefinitely asrjzbO, 0<^<1; and iifip) = oo that neither »;'/(c — 7;) nor ri''f{o -\- r/) shall increase indefi- nitely as 17 ==:; 0, < A < 1. Let us apply our tests to the examples considered in Art. 83. (a) I — = 00 because . - =1. ^ ^ Jo X r) =0 \_r]j 00 I 1 "3 ^^ indeterminate, for limit P i? ~| _ limit F 1 ~| _ ,=0Ll-(l-.7)d~^=0L2-J-*'. and limit r 17 "1 _ limit P —1 ~[ _ _ , (v + 1) J'*" dx , is finite and determinate, for » -Ja' — x' 1 = Oiii 1, it is infinite. is, then, finite and determinate if m < 1, but infinite if m = 1 or m > 1 ; and we reach the result that XY-i)" dx is finite and determinate if w > — 1, but infinite if w = — 1 or »i<— 1. Examples. (1) Prove that r loga' ^^ C}Si±.dx, r^logri±5Y Jo 1 — a; " ^ Jo 1 — 3? ^ Jo X \)-— «/' are finite and determinate. (2) Prove that J"" dx C x^^dx . , i , where m and n are integers, and . dx, are not finite and determinate. 1 —a; (3) Find for what values of w j (loga!)"da; is finite and determinate 88 INTBGEAL CALCUIiUS. [Art. 85, (4) Find for what values of m and n j aj^nog-j dx is finite and determinate. (5) Show that j a;"-i(l — a;)''"*da! is finite and determinate if m and n are positive. (6) Prove that | log sin aj.da; is finite and determinate. (7) Show that the following integrals are finite and deter- minate, and obtain their values : r Jo ■ X dx si a' — a? 2 dx — = ir. "si ax — a^ J"^ dx ^ 7r_ I a;Va;2_i 3 85. It was stated in Art. 82 that by | fx.dx we mean the fx.dx as h is indefinitely increased, and, " f as we have seen, if the indefinite integral \ fx.dx can be found, there is no difficulty in investigating the nature of I fx.dx and in obtaining its value if it is finite and determinate. There are, however, many exceedingly important definite integrals of the form I fx.dx whose values are obtained by ingenious devices without employing the indefinite integral, and these devices are valid only provided that the integral in question is finite and determinate, since an infinite value not recognized and treated Chap. VIII.] DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 89 as such, or a value absolutely indeterminate, renders inconclu- sive any piece of mathematical reasoning into which it enters. If we construct the curve 'x.dx is the limit- ing value approached by the area A BBiAi, as OBi is in- definitely increased ; and in order that this area should be finite and determinate, it is clearly necessary and sufficient that the area BCCiBi should approach zero as its limit as first OCi and then OB-^ is indefinitely increased. That is, limit / limit 6 = 00 \C =^ 00 [j;a.*.])=o. lt[;Lt(X>H]=» 86. A sufficient condition that limit b-- can be easily obtained by the aid of the Maximum-Minimum Theorem (Art. 84). Let/(a;) be single-valued and continuous. We can write /(x) in the form ^. '-,k>l; then by (3) Art. 84. mo A k—ib" ->b(a:) 1, J'»oo f(x)dx is finite and determinate. a (a) As an example of the use of this test we will prove e~^'dx finite and determinate. e^''' is single-valued, finite, and continuous for all values of a. x''e~'" , /c > 1, is easily found and profves to be zero. 6~'''dx is finite and determinate. (b) Let us consider i dx. Ja X sm ax . , ^ , „ T • n • IS equal to a when a; = 0, and is finite, continuous, and single-valued for all values of x. Let a be a given constant ; then J^" sin ax , r° sin ax , , T" sin ax , rfa!= I dx-¥ I dx, ax Jd X Ja X and I dx is finite and determinate. «/o X By integration by parts. /sin ax , cos ax 1 /• cos ax , rfa; — I r-acB, a; ax aJ x^ X" sin aa; , cos aa 1 T" cos ax , c(a; = I — ^;—-dx, X aaaJo- xf J /*" cos aa; , . - . and I — r— rfa; is finite and determinate since »/a X-' limit ra;*cosaa;"l limit rcos aa;~| „.^, ^, ^„ a; = oo[_ x"" J a; = oo|_ .-k^"*- J XOO COS (of) dx is finite and determinate, for cos (a;') is finite, continuous, and single-valued for all values of x, hence, Chap. VUI.] DEFINITE INTEGEALS. 91 J COS (a;^ dx is finite and determinate ; and J, ^ , r''2xcos(x^)dx (sina=) , , f" sin (a;^ (Za; a ^ ' Jo. IX ia. Jo. X and I ^^-tt — is finite and determinate i Ja. x" limit rx^smC^n^ l<>fc<2. a; =^ 00 L a! J I since Examples. sinaa; (1) Construct the curves y = e-^ ; y = ^^; y = cos{x'). (2) Prove that the following integrals are finite and deter- dx. minate : > r''e-'^^cos6a;.da;, f e-'^a;'".da;, £ e'^'^.dx, (3) Show that f afe-".da; is finite and determinate for all values of n greater than — 1 . 87. When we have occasion to use a reduction formula in finding the value of a definite integral, it is often worth while to substitute the limits of integration in the general formula before attempting to apply it to the particular problem. We can reduce the exponent of x by [4], Art. 64, 92 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 87. For our example this becomes J ^ ' -m+\ -m+lJ ^ ' When a; = 0, and also when w = a, ^ '- = 0. — m + 1 Hence rar-^(a' - afr^dx = °^'^'"^ ~ ^^ C^-\aF - x'y^dx ; Jo m — 1 Jo rV(«=' - x'y^dx =-. a" f'ai'ia' - a?y"^das Jo 6 Jo a* C'x'ia'-x'y^dx 5 3 '6 ' 4 6 4 2 Jo ■sla^ — a? J'"_^dx__ » Va2-a;2~2 4 6 2 Therefore '"" ^"'^ - -"^ ^ ^ ""' Examples. a^'da; 2 4 . a". 2) fVa^-ar^-da; =— • »/o 4 3) rVVH^^^^da!=i.^*. Jo 4 4 4) rV(a2 - a^)« . da; = i . A . ^a6. »/o 6 16 5) r'sin»a!.da! = l-3-5...(w-l) ^ ^^^^ ^ .^ ^^^^ Jo 2.4. 6... n 2 = — — - — ^^ when n is odd. 3.5.7...71 Chap. Vni.] DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 93 (6) Show that I cos"a!.da;= | ^8in"a;.da!. ,_, r^ a?''dx ^ 1.3.5. ..(211-1) ^ ^ ' Jo VlT^ 2.4.6. ..2m ' 2' Suggestion : let a; = sin A (8\ r ^'"^^^^ ^ 2.4.6 ...2^ J« Vn^ 3.5.7. ..(2»i + l)* (9) From Exs. 7 and 8 obtain Wallis's formula B-^ 2' Suggestion: I > I > I , Jo ^/1_-K2 Jo Vl— a^ J» VI^ 88. When in finding | /a;.da; the method of integration by substitution is used, and y=Fx is introduced in place of x, we can regard the new integral as a definite integral, the limits of integration being Fa and Fb, and thus avoid the labor of re- placing y by its value in terms of x in the result of the indefinite integration. Let us find f e^Vl — e^ . dx. Substitute y=e'". dy = ae'^dx. Hence C e^Vl - e^ • da; = ^ fVl-?/" . dt;. When a; = — 00, 2/ = 0, and when a; = 0, 2/=l' Therefore fVvi - e^ .dx = )-C Vl-^' .dy = ~- J~w "■J a ia 94 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 88. There is one class of cases where special care is needed in using the method just described. It is when y has a maximum or a minimum value between x = a and x=^b, say for x = c, and X is consequently a multiple- valued function of y. For suppose y a maximum when a; = c, then as x increases from a to b, y increases to the value Fc, and then decreases to the value Fb, instead of simply increasing or decreasing from Fa to Fb. If ^{y)dy is the result of substituting y for X in fx.dx, y is a multiple-valued function of y, and it will always happen that when y passes through a maximum, we pass from one set of values of x to another, and therefore from one set of values of <^y to another, and in that case it is necessary to express our required integral ^y.dy + I 4>y.dy, taking pains to select the correct set of Fa. ^ Fc values for y in each integral. If 2/ is a minimum between x = a and x = b, essentially the same reasoning holds good. A couple of examples will make this clearer. '2° x.dx - V2 ax — a? Let y=2ax — a?. Then -^ = 2 (a — «) = when x = a. dx — f = — 2, and v is a maximum when x=a. da? x=a± Va^ — y, dx = q: ^ 2 Va^ — y Since -^ is positive from a; = to x = a, and negative from dx = a to x=2a, dx= — ^ and x = a— Va^ — y from 2 Va^ - 2/ a; = to x = a, and dx = ^ , and x= a + '\/a' — y 2 Va^ — y from x = a to a; = 2a. X CHAr. VIII.] DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 95 Hence J p'" xdx __ r- xdx r ^ xdx ■\/2 ax — x' ^1 V2 ax - x^ •/» \l-2ax—a? = 1 P g-V^^ , 1 fO g + V^^ Va 2/ — 2/'' ^'^'^ ya^y — y^ 2»^» -^a^y — y^ 2 Jo ^a^y — f = f "" "'^^ = Tra. (Ex. 7, Art. 84) - ^(^2/ c?3/ (6) Cy^ ./o(si rfa; sin a; + cos a; )^ Let 2/ = sina; + cosa;. -^ = cosa; — sina; = when a; = -- da; 4 — -| = — sina; — cosa; = — V2 when a; = -. Therefore y has dar _ 4 a maximum value V2 when a; = -. 4 3/= sina; + cosa;= V2 . eos( - — a;], a; = - — cos~'-^, c?a; = ± — ^ 4 V2 V2 - 2/^ Since ^ = and ^ < when a; = - , it follows that ^ is ax oar 4 da; positive from a; = to a; = -, and negative from a; = - to a; = -■ 4 4 2 Hence we have IT IT ir r^ da; ^ r!___^5___ . r!___^_^ Jo (sin a; + cos a;)^ Jo (sin a; + cos a;/ J„(sina; + cosa;)^ 4 Jr'v^ d2/ /"^ dy _ „ /^v^ dy 1 yN^-y'' J^-^yNi-y" J\ fslY^^ 96 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Aet. 89. Let -^■=sm6; and y\/2-y'' dx Jo (si sin a; + cos as/ Example. dx ;=1. J-*" ax T~- — ; V (siiiK + cosa;)' 89. Differentiation of a definite integral. We have seen in Art. 51 that a definite integral is a function of the limits of integration, and not of the variable with respect to which we integrate ; that is, that | fx.dx is a function of a and 6, and not a function of x. Strictly speaking, 1 fx.dx is a function of a and &, and of any constants that fx may con- tain, where by constant we mean any quantity that is indepen- dent of X. If the limits a and b are variables, they are always indepen- dent of the X with respect to which the integration is performed, which must from tlie nature of the case disappear when the definite integral is formed, as it always may be in theory, from the indefinite integral ; and this assertion holds good even when the same letter which is used for the variable with respect to which the integration is performed appears explicitly in the limits of integration. Thus if we write | sina;.cZa;, the x in svax.dx and the x which is the upper limit of integration do not represent the same variable, and are entirely unconnected. Indeed, the former x Chap. VIII.] DEFINITE INTEGRALS. 97 may be replaced by any other letter without afEeeting the value of the integral. Tor dx Jsinic. = I siuz.d. = 1 — cos X. Let us now consider the possibility of differentiating a definite integral. Required Z>„ j f(x, a)dx, where a is independent of x, and a and b do not depend upon a, and D^fix, a) is a finite continuous function of a for all values of x between a and b. We have limit I f(x, a + Aa)dx — I f(x, a) dx Aa -Da ) f(x,a)dx-= ^ limit r p /(a;, a + Aa)-/(a;, g) n Aa = |_»/a Aa J ^ p/ ^i™i* r /(x, a+Aa)-/(x, a) "| \ ^^ Hence, Z)„ I f(x, a)dx= I \_Daf(x, a)] dx, [1] ■/a t/a and we find that we have merely to differentiate under the sign of integration. 98 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 89. If I)^f(x, a) becomes infinite for some value of x between a and b, or if one of the limits of integration is infinite, the proof just given ceases to be conclusive and [1] must not be assumed to hold good. The truth of the converse of the proposition formulated in [1] can be easily established by differentiation, and we have I I /(^J a.)dx \da =£\^ff(x,a)da^dx, [2] or even j I /(*) <^) ^"^ ^« =X'[J^ /(a;, a) c^] dx, [3] if a, b, 0, and d are entirely independent. [2] and [3] are of course subject to limitations easily in- ferred from the limitations on [1], stated above. If, however, in [3] b is infinite, it can be shown by the aid of the Maximum-Minimum Theorem that a sufficient condition that [3] should hold good is that it shall be possible to find a value of X such that for that value and for all greater values x''f(x, a) shall be less than some fixed value for all values of a between c and d, k being greater than 1. If d and b are both infinite there is also the corresponding condition involving x'f(x, a). We are now able to state a sufficient condition that [1] shall hold when b is infinite. It is that it shall be possible to find a value of x such that for that value and for all greater values a!*i>a/(x, a) shall be less than some fixed value. Suppose now that we are dealing with variable limits of integration. Chap. VIII.] BBFINITB INTEGRALS. 99 Let us find first — I fx.dx. dzJa. definition =/», it follows that =fi. dx dz Hence dz Let I fx.dx = Fx, then | fx.dx = Fz —Fa; and since by """" dFz fx, it follows that =fz. dz ^fyx.dx = ''(^^-/-) =fz. [4] In the same way it may be shown that ^Cfx.dx = -fz. [5] Let us now take the most complicated case, namely, to find — I /(a;, q.) da;, where a and h are functions of u. Let j f{x, a) dx = F{x, a) ; then u = C f(x, a) dx = F{b, a) — F{a, a), du dF(b,a) dF(a,a) and -;- = ; ^ > da da da but as 6 and a are functions of a, 'I^V^ = D,F{b,a)f + D.Fib,a), da da ,i,d dF^ ^ ^^p^^^ ^) da ^ j^^-p,^^^ ^)^ Oa (la. by I. Art. 200. D,F{b,a)=f{b,a), D,F(a,a)=f{a,a). da 1 Cf{x, a) dx = fwix, a)) dx +f{b, a) f -f{a, a) ^- [6] daJf Jo Oa. Oa Hence ^ = D. [F{b,a)-F{a, a)]+/(&, a)§^ -/(a, a) ^, da aa aa or db J., s da 100 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 91. Examples. (1) — flin (x + y)dx=(x+l) sin {xy + y) — Biny. dyJd (2) — faPdx = -. ^ ' dxJo 3 (3) ^ J( Vl -COS 4,. d(l> = e* Vl - cose'^. 90. When the indefinite integral cannot be found, the prob- lem of obtaining the value of the definite integral usually be- comes a more or less difficult mathematical puzzle, which can be solved, if solved at all, only by the exercise of great inge- nuity. Some of the results arrived at, however, are so impor- tant, and some of the devices employed so interesting, that we shall present them briefly here. But we must repeat the warning that most of the methods are valid only in case the definite integral is finite and determinate ; and erroneous results have more than once been obtained and published when a little atten- tion to the precautions described in Articles 83-86 would have prevented the mistake. 91. Integration by development in series. ^°^-.dx. (v. Art. 84, Ex. 1.) X ^ =:(l—x)-^=:l+x + a? + a?+—, \{x»^da;, But 1 1 I ae-f'+'^'^'da: 2 1+a!^ 2 1 r dx _ir Hence r* = - j^ rT^-4' and rV^da; = iV^. [2] Jo 2 (c) r°° 515:^ . da;. (v. Art. 86 (6) .) have - = r V"da if a; > 0. (Art. 82, Ex. 6.) X Jo We 104 Hence INTBGEAL CALCULUS. [Art. 92 I dx= I I smmx \ e~"da aa; Jo X Jo \ Jo J ~ ) (1 6~" sin ma;, da J da; Therefore f"° sin mx = j (j e-'-^^sinmcc.dxjda, by[3],Art.89 Jo a' mda .dx= - if m>0 a; 2 (Art. 82, Ex. 7.) [3] by Art. 82, Ex. 5. = — - if m < = if ??i = Examples. a; log sin a;, da; =— — log(2). Suggestion : let a; = tan ft 3) r e-^-^da 4) f'^^ ' a; sin a; cos ma; 2a da; =0 if m < — 1 or to > 1 = - if m = — 1 or w = 1 4 = 1 if -li ' ^^ -^^^^ But e-o^x'-v^x =cos(c»a^)- V^Tsin(c'ar'). ([5] Art. 31.) Therefore r cos (c='a^)da;- V^ r"sin(c2a^) dx = — y^{l- V^). and f cos(c2ar')da;= r°°sm(c2a^)da; = — Ji. [1] (Art. 17.) Let c = 1 , and f cos (a^) dx= C sin (ic^) dx = |-J-. [2] If we substitute y = a^iu [2] , we get Gamma Functions. 96. It was shown in Art. 84 that I [ log- ) dx is finite and determinate for all values of n greater than —1, and infinite when n is equal to or less than —1. The substitution of y = log- reduces this integral to I y"e''dy, or, what is the * ^» Jo same thing, to | x"e~''dx; and in Art. 86, Ex. 3, the student has been required to show that this integral is finite and deter- minate for all valpes of n greater than — 1 . (x"e-''dx = — x"e-'' + n(af'-^e-'dx, by integration by parts. 110 INTEGBAL CALCULUS. [Art. 96. If n is greater than zero, a;"e-"' = when a!=0, and a;"e"* is indeterminate when x= oo.. Its true value when »!= 00, obtained by the method of I. Art. 141, is, however, zero. Therefore j x"e-'dx = nj x^'^e^'dx [1] for all positive values of n. If n is an integer, a repeated use of [1] gives Jaf e-" dx = n I ( e'^dx; a/0 but r e-'dx = 1, and we have I x"e~'dx = n\ [2] provided that n is a positive whole number. If n is not a positive integer, but is greater than —1, Jafe~'dx is a finite and determinate function of n, and its value can be computed to any required degree of accuracy by methods which we have not space to consider here. I x"~^e~'dx is generally represented by T(n), and has been very carefully studied under the name of the Gamma Function. If n is a positive integer, we have from [2] r(»i + l) = n!. [3] From [3], r(2) =1. [4] Since r(l) = | x''e-'dx= j e~''dx, Ja Jo r(i) =1. [5] We have alwaj-s from [1] V{n + \) = nV(n), [6] if n is greater than zero. Chap. VIII.J DEFINITE INTEGRALS. Ill Since j a;"e "dx is infinite when m is equal to or less than — 1, it follows from the definition of T{n) that r(>i) = oo if n is equal to or less jthan zero. It has, however, been found convenient to adopt formula [6] as the definition of V{n) when n is equal to or less than zero, and to restrict the original defi- nition to positive values of n. The result easily deduced is that r (m) is infinite when n is equal to zero or to a negative fnteger, but is finite and determinate for all other values of n. 97. We may regard the formula r(ra + l) = nr(n) as a sort of reduction formula; and since each time we apply it we can raise or lower the value of n by unity, we can obtain any required Gamma Function by the aid of a table containing the values of T (n) corresponding to the values of n between any two arbitrarily- chosen consecutive whole numbers. Such tables have been computed, and we give one here con- taining the common logarithms of the values of T (n) from m = l to w = 2. The table is carried out to four decimal places, and each logarithm is printed with 'the characteristic 9, which, of course, is ten units too large, the true characteristic being —1. 10 + logr(«). n 1 a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.0 9975 9951 9928 9905 9883 9862 9841 9821 9802 1.1 9.9783 9765 9748 9731 9715 9699 9684 9669 9655 9642 1.2 9.9629 9617 9605 9594 9583 9573 9564 9554 9546 9538 1.3 9.9530 9523 9516 9510 9505 9500 9495 9491 9487 9483 1.4 9.9481 9478 9476 9475 9473 9473 9472 9473 9473 9474 1.6 9.9475 9477 9479 9482 9485 9488 9492 9496 9501 9506 1.6 9.9511 9517 9523 9529 9536 9543 9550 9558 9566 9575 1.7 9.9584 9593 9603 9613 9623 9633 9644 9656 9667 9679 1,8 9.9691 9704 9717 9730 9743 9757 9771 9786 9800 9815 1.9 9.9831 9846 9862 9878 9895 9912 9929 9946 9964 9982 112 INTEGRAL CALCtTLtTS. [Aet. 97. Such a table enables us to compute with Gamma Functions as readily as with Trigonometric Functions, and consequently the problem of obtaining the value of a definite integral is practically solved if the integral in question can be expressed in terms of Gamma Functions. For example, let us consider (a) r 3f'e~^'"dx. Let y = ax; then f a;"e-'"da; = -^ f y''e-'dy = —^ C afe-'dx. Jo a"+Vo a»+Vo Hence C x" e-" dx = ^ '^'^ '^ ^\ [1] Jo a"+' •■ -■ provided that a is positive and »>— 1. (6) r afAoglYdo;. (v. Art. 84, Ex. 4.) Let y = — logx. then f af"(log- "da;= C y^e-^'^+^^'dy. Jo \^ xj Jo Hence, by [1], if m > — 1 and »i > — 1 . (c) r'e-'^da;. Let 1/ = a;" ; then f e-''dx = iC LL dy = ^k C" ar^e'' dx. Jo Jo ^y^ Jo Hence f e-'^ dx = ^T {^) . [3] Chap. VIII.] DEFlKlTE INTEGRALS. 113 98. C x'"-^{l-x)''-^dx = B{m,n) [1] is an exceedingly important integral that can be expressed iu terms of Gamma Functions ; it is known as the Beta Function, or the First Eulerian Integral, V (n) being sometimes called the Second Eulerian Integral. In the Beta Function, m and n are positive, and B{m,n) is always finite and determinate. (v. Art. 84, Ex. 5.) In r a;"'-i (1 — x)"-^dx let y=l—x, and we get C x''-'{l —x)"~'dx= f y"-^{l —y)'^-^dy, or B {m, n) = B {n, m) . [2] In C ar-^n — xY-^dx let x = --^, Jo ^ ' 1+y and we get Jo ^ ' Jo (1 + 2/)"*+" Jo (1 +»)"*+" We have seen in [1] Art. 97 (a) that r" , r(w + l) I x^e-^dx == '■ Ji — • Jo a"+' Hence r(»i)=j a^aj'-'e-^da;, r(m) a"-^ e— = I «"■+»-* af-^ e-''<*+'^> da;, ~ r(m) C°°a"-^e-''da= C nr-'f C a''+"-^ e-"-^*'^ da\ dx, nn.)Tin)=f;x'^-^LSB+^Jx. 114 INTBGBAL CALCULUS. [AiitT99. Therefore IMIM = f ^^JlIL-^.cI. ; [4] or by [3], B(m, n) = Car-' (1 - .r)— dx = ^ ^(w) j-^-j ^ ' ' Jo ^ ^ r(m + n) '- -■ If n=l— m, then since r(l)=l, _^ da;=| -? — dx=T(m)T(l~m). [6] (l-a;)" Jo 1 + a; ^ ^ ^ '' i" "^ Formula [6] leads to an interesting confirmation of Art. 92(&). Let m = ^, and we have from [6] *■ ^^'-^ Jo (1+x) Substitute y = ^Jx, A u r" dx „ f " dy and we have I ^ = 2 I — ^ = ir. Jo (l+a;)^^ Jo 1+2/2 Hence T{i)=^^; [7] and since by Art. 97 (c) C e-'^dx =i^^. 99. By the aid of formulas [4], [5], and [7] of Art. 98 a number of important integrals can be obtained. For example, let us consider I sin"a!.c?a;, where n is greater than — 1. Let y = sina;, IT and we have | sin"a;.da;= | y" (1 —y^)~idy. ClIAP. VIII.] DEFINITE INTEGKALS. 115 Let, now, 2 = ^» and =iX'.S'-a-.).-.*.iB(i±i,i). But = V5^ . V ^ ( by [7] Art. 98. V2 Hence CsiW^xAx^^ ) ^ ( . [1] J. 2 rr^ + i'i 'g-^0 If n is a whole number, this will reduce to the result given in Art. 87, Ex. 5. Examples. 4 rf .p±I)r(^) (2) I sin"a!Cos'"a;.da! = — ^ — -. — '- — ^^^ — r 116 INTEGKAL CALCULUS. CART. 99. (3) f'-^- =^ ^ ' Jo ^/1 _ 3-. W r[i '^^(^l) \_ n Chap. IX.] LENGTHS OE CUBVE8. 117 CHAPTER IX. LENGTHS OP CURVES. 100. If we use rectangular coordinates, we have seen (I. Art. 27) that *— I' w and (I. Arts. 52 and 181) that els' = dx' + dy\ [2] dy PYom these we get sinr = -=-■> [3] dx r,n cosT = — -, [41 ds by the aid of a little elementary Trigonometry. These formulas are of great importance in dealing with all properties of curves that concern in any way the lengths of arcs. "We have already considered the use of [2] in the first volume of the Calculus, and we have worked several examples by its aid in rectification of curves. Before going on to more of the same sort we shall find it worth while to obtain the equations of two very interesting transcendental curves, the catenary and the tractrix. The Catenary. 101. The common catenary is the curve in which a uniform heavy flexible string hangs when its ends are supported. As the string is flexible, the only force exerted by one portion of the string on an adjacent portion is a pull along the string, which we shall call the tension of the string, and shall represent by T. T of course has different values at different points of the string, and is some function of the coordinates of the point in question. 118 INTEGRAL CALCULTJS. [Art. 101. The tension at any point has to support the weight of the por- tion of the string below the point, and a certain amount of side pull, due to the fact that the string would hang vertically were it not that its ends are forcibly held apart. Let the origin be taken at the lowest point of the curve, and suppose the string fastened at that point. Let s be the arc OP, P being any point of the string. As the string is uni- form, the weight of OP is proportional to its length ; we shall call this weight ms. This weight acts verti- cally downward, and must be balanced by the vertical effect of T, which, by I. Art. 112, is Tsinr. Hence Tsinr = ms. (1) As there is no external horizontal force acting, the horizontal effect of the tension at one end of any portion of the string must be the same as the horizontal effect at the other end. In other words, rcosr = c (2) where c is a constant. Dividing (1) by (2) we get s = — tan T, m or s = a tanr, (3) where a is some constant. From this we want to get an equa- tion in terms of x and y. tanr = Vsec^T — 1 = -v — ; — 1 ; = dx. Integrate both members. hence or and ads {o? + - Chap. IX.] LENGTHS OF CURVES. 119 alog(s + VcF+?) = x+0; when x=0, s = 0, lience 0= a log a, and log(s + V^+?) = ^ + loga, s + V^+7 =ae«, .d, ds' = (a^cos^.^ + &2sin2<^)d0= = [»=> - (a^ - 6'')sm''<^]dc^» = a?fl- ^LJI^sia'^^ dijy' = a\l - ^ sin' ', where e is the eccentricity of the ellipse. s = aC \l-e'8in'y^d4> [3] = a f '[l-^e=sin2.^-i-ie*sin*fd.j>. [4] Example. (1) Obtain s, as a series from [2], and also from [4], and compare the results with Art. 91, Ex. 5. Polar Formulae. 108. If we use polar coordinates we have ds = Vdr^ + r'd,i>\ (I. Art. 207, Ex. 2.) tanc = ^, (I. Art. 207.) dr From these we get, by Trigonometry, ^^'^^ = 17' As 109. Let us find the equation of the curve which crosses all its radii vectores at the same angle. Here rd adr -,, tan i = a, a constant, -— ^ = a, = "9? ' dr r 126 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Abt. 110. t+£ - i alogr=<^+C, r = e' »=e''e«, 9- = 6e°. (1) where 6 is some constant depending upon tlie position of the origin. This curve is known as the Logarithmic or Equiangular Spiral. 110. To rectify the Logarithmic Spiral. We have, from 109(1), ' . d = a — , r rd'' = (1 + a')dr' ; s= f(l + a-')hdr= (1 +aOK»-i -r„). Examples. (1) Find the length of an arc of the parabola from its polar equation ^ _ m 1 + cos (^ (2) Find the length of an arc of the Spiral of Archimedes r = a^. 111. To rectify the Cardioide. We have r = 2a(l-cos<^), (I. Art. 109, Ex. 1), dr = 2 a sin tft.dffi, d^ = 4:a^sm^(t>.d4>^ + ia'^{l - cos<^)2c?<^2 = 8a'd\l-cos), s = 2 V2 . a rfl -cos obtain the equations of the involute of the circle. Let 1=0. Ans. x'= a(cos<^ + sin 0) ) y':= o(sin <^ — <^ cos 0) J 130 LNTEGEAL CAiCTTLTJS. [Art. 114. Intrinsic Equation of a Curve. 114. An equation connecting the length of the arc, measured from a fixed point of any curve to a variable point, with the angle between the tangent at the fixed point and the tangent at the variable point, is the intrinsic equation of the curve. If the fixed point is the origin and the fixed tangent the axis of X, the variables in the intrinsic equation are s and t. "We have already such an equation for the catenary s = a tan T, Art. 101(3), [1] the origin being the lowest point of the curve. The intrinsic equation of a circle is obviously s = ar, [2] whatever origin we maj^ take. The intrinsic equation of the tractrix is easU}- obtained. We have 2/ = — asiuT, Art. 102 (1), and s = a log" ; Art. 102, Ex. 1. y hence s = a log ( — esc t) where t is measured from the axis of X, and s is measOTed from the point where the curve crosses the axis of Y. As the curve is tangent to the axis of Y, we must replace t by r — 90°, and we get s = alogseCT [3] as the intrinsic equation of the tractrix. Example. Show that the intrinsic equation of an inverted cycloid, when the vertex is origin, is s = 4asinT; (1) when the cusp is origin, is s = 4a(l— cost). (2) Chap. IX.] LENGTHS OF CUEVES. 131 115. To find the intrinsic equation of the epicycloid we can use the results obtained in Art. 106. dx=(a+b)(sm^!^0 - sme)de=2(a+b)cos^^±^ esin—, \ J 26 26 dy=(a+b)(cose-cos^-t^e)de=2{a+b)sm^^tl^, \ "J ib 2b by the formulas of Trigonometrj' sina — sinj8 = 2cos^(a + /3) sin|(a — /3), cos/S— cosa = 2sin|(a + /3) sin^(a — /8) ; . dy . a + 2b„ tanr = -^ = tan — ■ 6, dx 2b , a + 2ba hence t = — — - — d ; 2o CL \^ £i J therefore s = ^M«±l) A _ cos-^^r") [1] a V a+2b J "- -■ is the intrinsic equation of the epicj'cloid, with the cusp as origin. If we take the origin at a vertex instead of at a cusp a ,r(a + 26) ^,. 2a ' , , 4&(a + 6) . a , hence s' = — i— i — '- sin — -t' ; a a + 2b ib(a + b) . a rm or s = — ^ sin T [2] a a + 26 ■ ' is the intrinsic equation of an epicycloid referred to a vertex. 132 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 116. Example. Obtain the intrinsic equation of the hypocycloid in the forms s = — 5^ i 1-cos —t], (1) s= — i ^sin —T. (2) a a— 2b 116. The intrinsic equation of the Logarithmic Spiral is found without difHculty. We have r=be', (Art. 109), and s=Vl + a-(»-i — ro). (Art. 110). If we measure the arc from the point where the spiral crosses the initial line, ?-o = b, and we have IB s = 6Vl +a\e'-l). In polar coordinates t = <^ + 1, and in this case e = tan~' a ; if we measure our angle from the tangent at the beginning of the arc we must subtract e from the value just given, and we have s = 6(Vl+a2)(e«-l) ; or, more briefly, s = A;(c'" — 1) , k and c being constants. 117. If we wish to get the intrinsic equation of a curve directly from the equation in rectangular coordinates, the following method will serve : Let the axis of X be tangent to the curve at the point we take as origin. tanr = ^; (1) da; and as the equation of the curve enables us to express y in terms of X, (1) will give us x in terms of r, saj- x = Ft ; Chap. IX.] then LENGTHS OF CURVES. dx = F'tAt, 133 divide by ds ; da; ™_d- ux j7,i ar , . ax — = .c'T— , but — - = cost; dx hence ds = secrF'T.dT. (2) Integrating both members we shall have the required intrinsic equation. For example, let us take x^= 2 my, which is tangent to the axis of X at the origin. 2 xdx = 2 mdy, dy . X -^ = tanr = — , dx m dx = msec'r-dr, dx 2 dr — = cost= msec^T — , ds ds ds =m sec^T.dT, (1) ;= m j - J c dr m inr , 1 , fir , t\ —-— + logtani - + - 1 smr COS^r cos^T 2 s=0 when t = 0; .-. C=0; sinr + C, TO S = — 2 COS't + log tan (f-i)} (2) Examples. (1) Devise a method when the curve is tangent to the axis of y, and apply it to ?/^ = 2 mx. Q (2) Obtain the intrinsic equation ofy^ = {x — my. (3) Obtain the intrinsic equation of the involute of a circle. (Art. 113, Ex.) 134 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 118. 118. The evolute or the involute of a curve is easily found from its intrinsic equation. If the curvature of the given curve decreases as we pass along the curve, p increases, and s' = p — p„. (I. Art. 96). If the curvatiu'e increases, p decreases, and s' = po — p. Hence always s' = ±(p — po) ; [1] ds (I. Arts. 86 and 90). We see from the figure that r' = t. \_\dTjr=T' XdTjT^oJ or, as we shall write it for brevity, ds ' s = ± dr [2] 119. The evolute of the tractrix s = a log sec t is dlogsecTl'" , it. i. s = a s =atanT, the catenary. dr „ The evolute of the circle s = ot is s = a—- =0, a point. dr ^ Chap. IX.] LENGTHS OF CTJKVES. 135 The e volute of the cycloid s = 4 a(l — cost) is g^4at?(l-C0Sr) -:4asinT, dr an equal cycloid, with its vertex at the origin. Examples. (1) Prove that the e volute of the logarithmic spiral is an equal logarithmic spiral. (2) Find the evolute of a parabola. (3) Find the evolute of the catenary. 120. The evolute of an epicycloid is a similar epicycloid, with each vertex at a cusp of the given cui-ve. Take the equation s For the evolute, = iM£±&)A_cos^^A Art.ll5[l]. 4&(a + 6) dfl- -cos- a a + 2b ') a dr Ab(a + b) . a m s = — ^^ — ■ — ^sin T. Ill a + 2b a+2b '" -* The form of [1] is that of an epicycloid referred to a vertex as origin ; let us find a' and &', the radii of the fixed and rolling cixcIgs ^^ 4V(a' + &') ,i,^L^,, by Art. 115 [2]; a' a'+2o' hence, ma^^l^^H^, a' a + 2 a' a a'+2b' a + 2b 136 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. ]21. Solving these equations, we get a + 26 h'=^ a + 2h a _a and the radii of the fixed and rolling circles have the same ratio in the evolute as in the original epicj'cloid ; therefore the two curves are similar. Example. Show that the evolute of a hj'pocj'cloid is a similar hjTDO- C5'cloid. 121. We have seen that in involute and evolute t has the same value ; that is, t = r'. If s' and t' refer to the evolute, and s and t to the involute^ we have found that , ds ' s' = — dT ds or s' = —- —I, I being a constant, dr the length of the radius of curvature at the origin. (s' + l)dT' = ds, s= C\s'+l)dT' is the equation of the involute. The involute of the catenary s=a tanT is, when Z = 0, : a I tanr.dr = alogsecr, the tractrix. Chap. IX.] LENGTHS OF OUEVJES. 137 The involute of the cj'cloid s = 4a siiir when 1 = is sinr.dT = 4 a (1 — cost), an equal cj'cloid referred to its cusp as origin. The involute of a cycloid referred to its cusp s =4a(l —cost) when I = is s = 4al (1 — cosT)dT = 4a(T — siuT), a curve we have not studied. The involute of a circle s = ar when Z = is a I T.ciT = Jo 2 122. While any given curve has but one e volute, it has an infinite number of involutes, since the equation of the involute s'=jr(a + dr contains an arbitrary constant I ; and the nature of the involute will in general be different for different values of I. If we form the involute of a given curve, taking a particular value for /, and form the involute of this involute, taking the same value of I, and so on indefinitely, the curves obtained will con- tinually approach the logarithmic spiral. Let ■ s=fT (1) be the given curve. s =fj(l +fr)dT = h +£^fr-dT is the first involute ; .J;Q + Ir +f; = Zt + ^-f +£f;fr.d^ d involute ; ,=z.+^+g+ +^-L;+rVT« (2) 2 3! n) Jo s is the second involute ; is the ?ith involute. 138 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Akt. 123. By Maclaurin's Theorem, fr =fo + rfo + ^f'o + f/'"0 + But s = when t = ; hence /o = 0, and /t = ^it +:^r^ + 43r^ + , 2! 3 ! 2 3! 4! Jo -^ 3! 4! 5! ' -^ (Ji + l)! (m + 2)!^(n + 3)! ' '^ -* as n increases indefinitely all the terms of (3) approach zero (I. Art. 133) , and the limiting form of (2) is s = It -\ H 2! 3! s = ?(e^- 1) by I. Art. 133 [2], which is a logarithmic spiral. 123. The equation of a curve in rectangular coordinates is readily obtained from the intrinsic equation. Given s=/r, we know that sinT = ^, ds and dx. cos T = — ; ds hence dx = cos rds = cos Tf'r.dT, dy = sin rds = sin Tf'r.dr, X = 1 cos t/V.^t y = 1 sinr/V.dT Chap. IX,] LENGTHS OF CURVES, 139 The elimination of t between these equations will give us the equation of the curve in terms of x and y. Let us apply this method to the catenary. s = atauT, r'" J 1 fl +sinT •■ = a\ secT.aT = aloff-v — ■ , Jo ^\l-sinT f = a| secTtanT.dT = a(8ecT — 1), 2z _ l + siuT 1 — sinr i sinr 2x e« —1 2x X X e a X- e« +1 e«-\- e a X X SCOT = i(e' + e' «), the equation of the catenai-y referred to its lowest point as origin. Curves in Space. 124. The length of the arc of a curve of double curvature is the limit of the sum of the chords of smaller arcs into which the given arc may be broken up, as the number of these smaller arcs is indefinitely increased. Let (x,y, z), (x + dx, y + Ay, z + Az) be the coordinates of the extremities of anj- one of the small arcs in question; dx,Ay,Az are infinitesimal; Vda;^+A?/^+ Az^ is the length of the chord of the arc. In dealing with the limit of the sum of these chords, any one maj' be. replaced b}' a quantity dif- fering from it by infinitesimals of higher order than the first. Vdas^ + dy^+ dz" is such a value ; hence s = i si da? -f d'f + dz^. 140 INTEGRAL CALCULtTS. [Art. 124. Let us rectify the helix. x = a cos 6 y=asme -. (1. Art. 214.) z=kO dx = — asinO. d6, dy = acosO.dd, dz = kdO, ds' = (a' + ] and ^j^A^; that is, by less than rArAfj) + i — ' '^ , which is of the second order if A<^ is the principal infinitesimal. Hence " A= ,^^J^^^.,]. 127. Let us find the area between the catenary, the axis of X, the axis of Y, and any ordinate. A= \ ydx= - 1 (e« + e ')dx. „2 I X ^=|(e»-e-i), but |(el_e-|) = s, by Art. 101 Hence A = as, and the area in question is the length of the arc multiplied by the distance of the lowest point of the curve from the origin. 128. Let us find the area between the tractrix and the axis ofZ. We have dx = -^ -^a^-f. (Art. 102.) y A = Cydx — — { dy^a^ — y' 144 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [ART. 129. The area in question is A = -jdy Va^- 2/^ = ^ , which is the area of the quadrant of a circle with a as radius. Example. Give, by the aid of infinitesimals, a geometric proof of the result just obtained for the tractrix. 129. In the last section we found the area between a curve and its asymptote, and obtained a finite result. Of course this means that, as our second bounding ordinate recedes from the origin, the area in question, instead of increasing indefinitely, approaches a finite limit, which is the area obtained. Whether the area between a curve and its asymptote is finite or infinite will depend upon the nature of the curve. Let us find the area between an hyperbola and its asymptote. The equation of the hyperbola referred to its asymptotes as axes is 2 i 1,2 cr + V xy = — ^ — Let 0) be the angle between the asymptotes ; then -A = sin (D I yax = ■ — sm w I — = 00 . Jo 4 Jo X Take the curve ifx = 4 a^(2 a — x), 2 , 3 2a — X or y'= ia^ . — ; X anj- value of x will give two values of y equal with opposite signs ; therefore the axis of x is an axis of symmetry of the curve. When x = 2a, y = 0; as x decreases, y increases ; and when x = 0, y= cc . If a; is negative, or greater than 2 a, .?/ is imagi- nary. The shape of the curve is something like that in the Chap. X.] AREAS. 145 figure, the axis of y being an asymptote. The area between the curve and the asymptote is then either A=i\ ydx or A=2 I xdy ; bj' the first formula, by the second, Examples. (1) Find the area between the curve f(v? + a^) = a?x' and its asymptote y = a. Ans. A = 2a . (2) Find the area between y^{2a—x) = x^ and its asymptote x=:2a. ^™*- ^ = 3 ira^. .,,,., •> fl5^(a + a!) -, (3) Find the area bounded by the curve y' = _ — - and its asymptote x = a. = 2a'fl Ans. A = 2a' 1 + 130. If the coordinates of the points of a curve are ex- pressed in terms of an auxiliary variable, no new difficulty is presented. Take the case of the circle 3^ + y' = a\ which may be written x = a cos

d /•27r The whole area J. = a" I cos" = Tra". 146 INTEGKAL CALCULUS. [Akt. 13L Examples. (1) The whole area of an ellipse , . ^ Ms irdb. y = bsm. Let us try one or two examples. (a) To find the whole area of a circle. The polar equation is r = a. A = il a'd = irol^. 148 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 132, {b) To And the area of the cardioide j- = 2 a(l — cos <^) . A = i\ -ia^l — cosyd = 2aM (1 - 2cos + cos^ d)d, (c) To find the area between an arch of' the epicycloid and the circumference of the fixed circle. a; = (a + 6) cos ^ — 6 cos ^^-3^ 6 y =z (^a + b)sin — b sin ^-j— 6 We can get the area bounded by two radii vectores and the arch in question, and subtract the area of the corresponding sector of the fixed circle. Changing to polar coordinates, x = r cos <^, 2/ = r sin <^. We want ^ | r'dif). y tan(i = -» ^ X a? but, since x = r cos , sec ^ = - ; X hence T^^xdy-ydx^ US' y? and i^d<^ = xdy — ydx ; dx = {a + b)(-sme +sm^^^e\de, dy = {a+b) fcos 6 - cos 2-±-^ e\ dO. xdy - ydx= (a + b) (a + 2b)fl - cos- e\de = r^d^. Our limits of integration are obviously and ?^. a Chap. X.] AKEAS. 149 Hence A = ^(a + b)(a+ 2 6) j <• / 1 - cos-6l ) d0, A = ^{a + b){a + -2b), is the area of the sector of the epicycloid. Subtract the area of the circular sector rrcib, and we get ._b^{3a + 2b) a as the area in question. (d) To find the area of a loop of the curve r^ = a" cos 2 -, r is imaginary. If ^ decreases from 0, r decreases in length until <^= — -, when r = ; and when —jj '" is imaginarj'. To get the area of a loop, then, we must integrate from <^= to = ^a? Pcos 2 <^.d^ = ^■ J_^ J_f 2 Examples. (1) Find the area of a sector of the parabola r = — 1 + cos (^ (2) Find the area of a loop of the curve r^cos ^ = ct^sin 3 <^. Ans. log2. 4 2 ^ (3) Find the whole area of the curve r = a (cos 2 ^ + sin 2 ^) . Ans. ira'. (4) Find the area of a loop of the curve r cos = a cos 2 <^. Ans. /'2-^')al (5) Find the area between r =a(sec + b^ sin^ ^) , Examples. (1) Find the area of a loop of the curve (if^ + y^)' = 4 a^a^y'. Ans. 8 (2) Find the whole area of the curve _-|-i-=_[l--|--i-j. (.1 t/ G V 't (J J A-ixs. Z^(a2 + 62). 'lab (3) Find the area of a loop of the curve ^ — 3 axy + S/-' = 0. 3a^ 2 ■ Ans. 134. The area between a curve and its evolute can easilj' be found from the intrinsic equation of the curve. It is easily seen that the area bounded by the radii of curvature at two points infinite^ near, by the curve and by the evolute, dif- fers from ^p'dr by an infinitesimal of higher order. The area bounded by two given radii vectores, the curve and the evolute, is then Chap. X.] AEEAS. 151 P = ds Hence A = i^C Y— j dr. For example, the area between a cycloid and its evolute is Let = 8 a- j cos^Tdr. To = and Tj ^ - ; :8 «!' ^cos^TdT = 2-irc^. Examples. (1) Find the area between a circle and its evolute. (2) Find the area between the circle and its involute. HoMitch's Tlieorem. 135. If a line of fixed length move with its ends on any closed carve which is always concave toward it, the area between the curve and the locus of a given point of the moving line is eqnal to the area of an el- lipse, of which the segments into which the line is divided by the given point are the semi-axes. Let the figure represent the given curve, the locus of P, and the envelope of the moving line. Let AP= a and PB = b, and let CB = p. C being the point of contnrt of the mo\ang line with its envelope. Let AB = a + b = c. 152 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 135. The area between the first curve and the second is the area between the first curve and the envelope, minus the area between the second curve and the envelope. Let 6 be the angle which the moving line makes at aay instant with some fixed direction. Let the figure represent two near positions of the moving line ; A6, the angle between these posi- tions, being the principal in- finitesimal. PB = p, P'B' = p+Ap. The area PBB'P'P differs iVom ^p^dd by an infinitesi- mal of higher order than the first. ^p'de is the area of PBMP, and differs from PP'NB by less than the rectangle on PM and PQ, which is of higher order than the first, by I. Art. 153. But PPNB differs from PP'B'B by less than the rectangle on BN and NB', which is of higher order than the first, since NB', which is less than PP'+ Ap, is infini- tesimal and A6 is infinitesimal. The area between the first curve and the envelope is then i I p'd6; or, since we can take PP'A'A just as well for our elementary area, ^ I {c — pYdd. Hence iJ/dd=^C{c-pyde\ whence 2 c | pdd = 2c'7r, X27r pdd = ttC. The area between the second curve and the envelope ij^{p-byde. (1) Chap. X.) AREAS. 153 The area between the first curve and the second is then = b Cpde -b^TT de by (1), = Trbc — b^Tr = 7rb{a + b)-b'ir, A = irctb, (2) which is the area of an ellipse of which a and & are semi-axes. Q. E. D. Examples. (1) If a line of fixed length move with its extremities on two lines at right angles with each other, the area of the locus of a given point of the line is that of an ellipse on the segments of the line as semi-axes. (2) The result of (1) holds even when the fixed lines are not perpendicular. Areas by Double Integration, 136. If we take x and y as the coordinates of any point P within our area, x and y will be independent variables, and we can find the area bounded by two given curves, y = fx and y = Fx, by a double integration. Suppose the area in question divided into slices by lines drawn parallel to the axis of Y, and these slices subdi- A'ided into parallelogi'ams by lines drawn parallel to the axis of X. The area of any one of the small parallelograms is AyA.x. If we keep X constant, and take the sum of these rectangles from y=fx to y = Fx, we shall get a result differing from the area of the corresponding slice by less than 154 INTEGEAL CALCTJLTJS. [Art. 137, 2 AccAy, which is infinitesimal of the second order if Ax and Ay are of the first order. Hence I Ax.dy = Ax \ dy Jfx Jfx is the area of the slice in question. If now we take the limit of the sum of all these slices, choosing our initial and final values of X, so that we shall include the whole area, we shall get the area required. Hence ^= j Y \dy\dx. In writing a double integral, the parentheses are usually omit- ted for the sake of conciseness, and this formula -is given as dydx, the order in which the integrations are to be performed being the same as if the parentheses were actuallj^ written. If we begin bj- keeping y constant, and integrating with respect to a;, we shaU get the area of a slice formed by lines parallel to the axis of X, and we shall have to take the limit of the sum of these slices varying y in such a way as to include the whole area desired. In that case we should use the formula I dxdy. 137. For example, let us find the area bounded by the para- bolas 2/^ = 4ax and a^ = 4 ay. The parabolas intersect at the origin and at the point (4 a, 4 a). (^l X4a /■^4ax /'ia /"^4ay I dydx, or ^ = I I dxdy ; ia ia J "^4 ax ™2 dy = vTax ; ^ ^ 4a 4a i'')dy"dx=C (\/I^-~')dx = l^aK Jo Jo^^ Jo I 4a i 3 The second formula gives the same result. Chap. X.J AREAS. 155 Examples. (1) Find the area of a rectangle by double integration ; of a parallelogram ; of a triangle. (2) Find the area between the parabola y^ = ax and the circle ^'='"^-^- Ans. 2(^-?f} (3) Find the whole area of the curve {y — mx — cy = a' — 3?. Ans. TO?. 138. If we use polar coordinates we can still find our areas by double integration. Let r=/<^ and r = F be two curves. Divide the area between them into slices bj' drawing radii vectores ; then subdivide these slices bj' drawing ares of circles, with the origin as centre. Let P, with coordinates r and ^, be any point within the space whose area is sought. The curvilinear rectangle at P has the base rA<^ and the altitude Ar ; its area diifers from rA<^Ar by an infinitesi- mal of higher order than rA^Ar. The area of anj' slice as aba'b' is I rAdr, <^ and A^ being ^F

^r, ^F-'^'P rAr j d, and A= \ j rd^dr. (2) JJ-^ Jf-l,p 156 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Akt. 138. It must be kept in mind that r in (1) and (2) is the radius vector of any point within the area sought, and not of a point on the boundary. For example, the area between two concentric circles, r = a and r = &, is A= C Crd4>dr= f Crdrd4=7r(^a^ -W). Again, let us find the area between two tangent circles and a diameter through the point of contact. Let a and & be the tw6 radii, r = 2acos<^ (1) and r = 2 & cos <^ (2) are the equations of the two circles. A = ( rdrd = 2 (a^ - W) j cos^ ^d^ = ^ (a^ - V) . «/2 6 COS i/O 2 If we wish to reverse the order of our integrations we must break our area into two parts by an arc described from the origin as a centre, and with 2 & as a radius ; then we have a cos-i^ I rd<^dr + | | rd, ds'=8a^(l — cos <^) d, o-Jo Jo TT p- = 6 a I sin 1^ cos ^ Va^ sin- ^ cos^ +c^.d. Jo Chap. XI.] , AREAS OF SUEFACBS. 171 Substitute M = sin^('^^?Il?)-atan-^1. (5) Find the area of the portion of the surface of the sphere a? -\- if -\- z' = 2 ay cut out by one nappe of the cone Aa^ + Bz'^f. ^^^ 4,ra^ -J{l+A){\+B) (6) Find the area of the portion of the surface of the sphere x^ -\- y'^ J^ z^ = 2 ay lying within the paraboloid y =Ao(? +Bz'. Ans. ll^. ■slAB (7) The centre of a regular hexagon moves along a diameter of a given circle (radius = a") , the plane of the hexagon being perpendicular to this diameter, and its magnitude varying in such a manner that one of its diagonals always coincides with a chord of the circle ; find the surface generated. Ans. o2(2,r + 3V3). 172 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. . ■ [ART. 147. CHAPTER XII. VOLUMES. Single Integration. 147. If sections of a solid are made bj- parallel planes, and a set of cj'linders drawn, each having for its base one of the sec- tions, and for its altitude the distance between two adjacent cutting planes, the limit of the sum of the volumes of these cylinders, as the distance between the sections is indeflnitelj- decreased, is the volume of the solid. We shall take as established bj" Geometry the fact that the volume of a cjlinder or prism is the product of the area of its base bj- its altitude. It follows from what has just been said, that if, in a given solid, all of a set of parallel sections are equal, the volume of the solid is its base hy its altitude, no matter how irregular its form. Let us find the volume of a pjTamid having h /j\ for the area of its base, and « for its altitude. // u Divide the pjTamid by planes parallel to the // A base, and let z be the area of a section at the dis- Ari- — \\ tance a; from the vertex. / y ri We know from Geometry that - = - . /. / ; \ b a^ V \\ Hence z = -^y?. Let the distance between two adjacent sections be dx ; then the volume of the C3-linder on % is — a^da;, and F, the required volume of the p}Tamid, is «U 3 Chap. XII.] VOLUMES. 173 Precisely the same reasoning applies to any cone, which will therefore have for its volume one-third the product of its base by its altitude. Example. Find the volume of the frustum of a pyramid or of a cone. 148. If a line move keeping always parallel to a given plane, and touching a plane curve and a straight line parallel to the plane of the curve, the surface generated is called a conoid. Let us find the volume of a conoid when the director line and curve are perpendicular to the given plane. Divide the conoid into laminae by planes parallel to the fixed plane. Let Ay be the distance between two adjacent sections, and let x be the length of the line in which any Nv section cuts the base of the conoid ; let a be the altitude and b the area of the base of the figure. Any one of our elementarj^ cylinders will have for its volume ^axAy, since the area of its triangular base is ^ax, and we have V=^u | xdy, the limits of integra- tion being so taken as to embrace the whole solid. I xdy be- tween the limits in question is the area of the base of the co- noid ; hence its volume. Examples. (1) Find the volume of a conoid when the director line and curve are not perpendicular to the given plane. (2) A woodman fells a tree 2 feet in diameter, cutting half- way through from each side. The lower face of each Cut is horizontal, and the upper face makes an angle of 45° with the horizontal. How much wood does he cut out? 174 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Akt. 149. 149. To find ttie volume of an ellipsoid. a" V (? Take the cutting planes parallel to the plane oiXY. A sec- tion at the distance % from the origin will have for its equation, and — Vc^ — 2^ and - Vc^ — z^ for its semi-axes; c . c hence its area will be — — U? — z'') . & Anj"^ of the elementary cj'linders will have for its volume ^^(c^— »^)Az, and we shall have for the whole solid V= f iraftc. If a, &, and c are equal, the ellipsoid is a sphere, and Examples. (1) Find the volume included between an hyperboloid of one sheet a^ 6^ (? and its asymptotic cone c? V (? Ans. It is equal to a C3'linder of the same altitude as the solid in question, and having for a base the section made by the plane of XY. (2) Find the wiole volume of the solid bounded by the surface -, + ^! + -! = !• ' A ^■^o.hc Chap. XII.] VOLUMES. 175 (3) Find the volume cut from the surface c b by a plane parallel to the plane of ( YZ) at a distance a from it. Ans. ■7ra'^{bc). (4) The centre of a regular hexagon moves along a diameter of a given circle (radius = a), the plane of the hexagon being perpendicular to this diameter, and its magnitude varying in such a manner that one of its diagonals always coincides with a chord of the circle; find the volume generated. Ans. 2V3.a'. (5) A circle (radius = a) moves with its centre on the cir- cumference of an equal circle, and keeps parallel to a given plane which is perpendicular to the plane of the given circle ; find the volume of the solid it wUl generate. 9^3 Ans. £^(377 + 8). o Solids of Revolution. Single Integration. 150. If a soUd is generated by the revolution of a plane curve y = fx about the axis of x, sections made by planes perpendicu- lar to the axis are circles. The area of any such circle is iry^, the volume of the elementary cj-linder is wy^Ax, and F = is the volume of the solid generated. For example ; let us find the volume of the solid generated by the revolution of one branch of the tractrix about the axis of X Here we must integrate from a; = to x = 00 . V= ir I y^dx. We have dx = - ^^—^dy (Art. 102 [2].) ill the case of the tractrix : 176 INTEGRAL CALCtfLTTS. [Ani. 15i. hence F= - ir Cyla' - f)idy. When a; = 0, y = a, and when a; = oo, y = 0. Therefore F= - a- ) y (a^ - 3/^) 4 d?/ = — . Examples. (1) If the plane curve revolves about the axis of Y, F=7r rVdy. (2) The volume of a sphere is ^ ttci'. (3) The volume of the solid formed bj* the revolution of a cycloid about its base is o-n^a^. (4) The curve y^{'2 a — a;) = af' revolves about its asj-mptote ; show that the volume generated is 2 71^ a?. (5) The curve x^ + y^ = a^ revolves about the axis of X; show that the volume generated is -^^-^iro?. Solids of Revolution. Double Integration. 151. If we suppose the area of the revolving curve broken up into infinitesimal rectangles as in Art. 137, the element \x^y at anj' point P, whose coordinates are x and y, will generate a ring the volume of which will differ from 2iry£^x\y bj' an amount which will be an infinitesimal of higher order than the second if we regard Aa; and Ay as of the first order. For the ring in question is obviouslj' greater than a prism having the same cross-section AxAy, and having an altitude equal to the inner circumference 2 iry of the ring, and is less than a prism having Aa;A)/ for its base and 2 7r(y + Ay) , the outer circumfer- ence of the ring, for its altitude ; but these two prisms differ by 2irAa;(A?/)^ which is of the third order. Chap. XU.] VOLUMES. 177 Aa; I 2 irydy, where the upper hmit of integration is the ordi- nate of the point of the curve immediately above P, and must be expressed in terms of x by the aid of the equation of the revolv- ing curve, will give us the elementary cylinder used in Art. 150. The whole volume required will be the limit of the sum of these cj-linders ; that is, V=2^r Cydydx. [1] «/to «-'o If the figure revolved is bounded bj- two curves, the required volume can be found by the formula just obtained, if the limits of integration are suitably chosen. • Let us consider the following example : A paraboloid of revolution has its axis coincident with the diameter of a sphere, and its vertex in the surface of the sphere ; required the volume between the two surfaces. Let 2/^ =2 ma; (1) be the parabola, and a? + y^ — 2ax = Q (2) be the circle, which form the paraboloid and the sphere by their revolution. The abscissas of their points of intersection are and 2 (a — m) . We have F= 2 tt | j ydydx, and, in performing our first integration, our limits must be the values of y obtained from equations (1) and (2). We get V=-ir\\2{a — m)x — x''\dx, and here our limits of integration are and 2(a — m). Hence F= Jir(a — m)' = ^, b if h is the altitude of the solid in question. Examples. (1) A cone of revolution and a paraboloid of revolution have the same vei-tex and the same base ; required the volume be- tween them. j^^ irtrf^ ^j^gj,g ,^ jg ^.jjg altitude of the cone. 178 INTEGRAL CALCULTTS. [Art. 152. (2) Find the volume included between a right cone, whose vertical angle is 30°, and a sphere of given radius touching it along a circle. ^^^ ^. 6 Solids of .Revolution. Polar Formula. 152. If we use polar coordinates, and suppose the revolving area broken up, as in Art. 138, into elements of which rd^dr is the one at anj' point P whose coordinates are r and <^, the element rd^dr will generate a ring whose volume will differ from 2 ttt^ sin t^dt^dr hy an infinitesimal of higher order than the second, if we regard cJ0 and 'dr as of the first order ; for it will be less than a prism having for its base rd<^dr, and for its alti- tude 2 7r(?' + d)-) sin(<^ + cZc^), and greater than a prism having the same base and the altitude 2 irr sin <^ ; and these prisms differ b}* an amount which is infinitesimal of higher order than the second. We shall have then r= 2 TT r fr^ sin drd, [1] the limits being so taken as to bring in the whole of the gener- ating area. For example ; let us find the volume generated by the r.°.volu- tion of a cardioide about its axis. 7-= 2a(l — cos<^) is the equation of the cardioide ; F= 2 77 r Tr^sin d6, an expression easily obtained from the element 2 irr^ sin drd(fi used in Art. 152. Then ' F= f f (Vsin<^drd<^dfl, where the order of the integrations is usually immaterial if the limits are properly chosen. Examples. (1) Find the volume of a sphere by polar coordinates. (2) Find the whole volume of the solid bounded by (a^ + 2/2 ^ z2)3 = 27 a^xyz. Sxtggestion: Transform to polar coordinates. Ans. -a\ 184 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 155. CHAPTER XIII. CENTRES OF GRAVITY. 155. The moment of a force about an axis perpendicular to its line of direction is the product of the magnitude of the force by the perpendicular distance of its line of direction from the axis, and measures the tendency of the force to produce rotation about the axis. The force exerted by gravity on an3' material body is propor- tional to the mass of the bodj-, and may be measured bj- the mass of the bod3'. The Centre of Gravity of a bod^- is a point so situated that the force of gravitj- produces no tendency in the bodj- to rotate about anj' axis passing through this point. The subject of centres of gravitj- belongs to Mechanics, and we shall accept the definitions and principles just stated as data for mathematical work, without investigating the mechanical grounds on which they rest. 156. Suppose the points of a body referred to a set of three rectangular axes fixed in the body, aud let x,y,z be the coordi- nates of the centre of gravit}'. Place the body with the axes of X and Z horizontal, and consider the tendency of the particles of the body to produce rotation about an axis through {x,y,z) parallel to OZ, under the influence of gravit}-. Represent the mass of an elementar}- parallelepiped at anj- point (x,y,z) by dm. The force exerted bj' gravitj- on dm is measured b\- dm, and its line of dii'ection is vertical. If the mass of dm were concen- trated at P, the moment of the force exei-ted on dm about the Chap. XIII.] CENTRES OF GRAVITY. 185 axis through G would be {x — x)dm, and this moment would represent the tendency of dm to rotate about the axis in ques- tion ; the tendency of the whole body to rotate about this axis would be 2 (a; — x)dm. If now we decrease dm indefinitely, the error committed in assuming that the mass of dm is concentrated at P decreases indefinitely, and we shall have as the true expres- sion for the tendenc}' of the whole body to rotate about the axis through (7, J (a — x)dm \ but this must be zero. Hence { {x — x)dm = Q, I xdm —X I dm = 0, /' xdm I dm [1] If we place the bodj' so that the axes of Y and X are hori- zontal, the same reasoning will give us y = Cydn [2] j dm and in like manner we can get zdm [3] 7 Since j dm is the mass of the whole body, if we represent it by M we shall have ^ I xdm X -■ M i ydm y=- ' M zdm M f 186 INTBGEAL CALCULUS. [Art. 157. Example. Show that the efifect of gravity in making a body tend to rotate about any given axis is precisely the same as if the mass of the body were concentrated at its centre of gravity. 157. The mass of any homogeneous body is the product of its volumL' by its density. If the body is not homogeneous, the densit}- at any point will be a function of the position of that point. Let us represent it by k. Then we ma}- regard dm as equal to kcIv if dv is the element of volume, and we shall have f f' xndv [1] Kdv and corresponding formulas for y and z. If the body considered is homogeneous, k is constant, and we shall have I xdv I xdv I ydv I ydv I zdv I zdv '"-T^-'-y- P5 dv [4] In any particular problem ^e have only to express dv in terms of the coordinates. Plane Area. 158. If we use rectangular coordinates, and are dealing with a plane area, where the weight is uniformly distributed, we have dv = dA = dxdy. (Art. 136). Chap. XIII.] CENTRES OP GRAVITY. Hence, by 157, [2] and [3], I I xdxdy QC ^= — — I I dxdy jjydxdy I I dxdy If we use polar coordinates, dv = dA = rdcl>dr, I I r^ cos <^ddr y = [2] For example ; let us find the centre of gravity of the area be- tween the cissoid and its asymptote. From the equation of the cissoid r = » a — x we see that the curve is symmetrical with respect to the axis of X, passes through the origin, and has the line x = a as an asymptote. From the symmetrj' of the area in question, y =0, and we need only find x. I I xdydx I xydx _ Jo J-v __ Jo C C C' ' I I dydx I ydx Jo J-y Jo 188 INTEGRAL CALCXTLUS. [ART. 158. i)(a — aA x)^ Jo{a-x)^ by Art. 64 [4]. ^^da; I , ^, dx o{a-x}i Jo{a-x)^ a; = 5- a. As an example of the use of the polar formulas [2], let us find the centre of gravity of the cardioide r= 2a(l— cos(^). Here, from the fact that the axis of X is an axis of symmetry, we know that ^ = 0. I jr' cos drd rdrdtp i r/cos^d<^ ~ fci - COS y COS d^ ^0 O ^0 ijr'd ^a^j {1- cos 4>yd X27r (cos^ — 3 cos^^ 4- 3 cos'<^— cos*<^)d<^ = — J^tt ; X27r (1 — 2 cos <^ + cos'')d(j) = 3 TT. Hence ^ = — Ja. Examples. 1. Show that formulas [1] hold even when we use oblique coordinates. 2. Find the centre of gravit}- of a segment of a parabola cut off by any chord. Ans. x=^a, y = 0. If the axes are the tangent parallel to the chord and the diameter bisecting the chord. Chap. XIII.] CENTRES OF GRAVITY. 189 3. Find the centre of gravity of the area bounded by the semi- cubical parabola ay^ = ar' and a double ordinate. Ans. x = -fa;. 4. Find the centre of gravity of a semi-ellipse, the bisecting line being any diameter. Ans. If the bisecting diameter is taken as the axis of Y, and — 4a _ the conjugate diameter as the axis of X, x = — , y = 0. Sir 5. Find the centre of gravity of the curve y" = b' X Ans. X = ^a. 6. Find the centre of gravity of the cycloid. Ans. x = a7r, y=^a. 7. Find the centre of gravity of the lemniscate r' = a' cos 2 drddr Examples. 1 . Find the centre of gravitj- of the solid formed by the revolu- tion of the sector of a circle about one of its extreme radii. Ans. a; = f « cos^^/S, where ji is the angle of the sector. 2. Find the centre of gravity of the segment of a paraboloid of revolution cut ofTbj- a plane perpendicular to the axis. Ans. a = f a, where a; = a is the plane. 3. Find the centre of gravity of the solid formed by scooping out a cone from a given paraboloid of revolution, the bases of the two volumes being coincident as well as their vertices. Ans. The centre of gravity bisects the axis. Chap. XIII.] CENTRES OF GKAVITY, 191 4. A cardioide is made to revolve about its axis ; find the centre of gravity of the solid generated. Ans. S = — fa. 5. Obtain formulas for the centre of gravity of any homo- geneous solid. 6. Find the centre of gravity of the solid bounded by the surface z' = xy and the five planes a;=0, y=0, z=0, x=a, y=h. Ans. x=fa, y = ^b, z = ^a^bi. 160. If we are dealing with the arc of a plane curve, the formulas of Art. 167 reduce to I xds x==^, [1] jyds [2] Examples. 1. Find the centre of gravity of an arc of a circle, taking the diameter bisecting the arc as the axis of X and the centre as the origin. Ans. x = — , where c is the chord of the arc. s 2. Find the centre of gravitj- of the are of the curve jcl-f ?/J=at between two successive cusps. Ans. x = y = ^a. 3. Find the centre of gra^dty of the arc of a semi-cycloid. Ans. i = (7r — |)a, y = — ^a. 4. Find the centre of gravity of the arc of a catenary cut off by any horizontal chord. A^g x = v = "^ "*" ^^1 where 2 s is the length of the arc. ' ^ 2s 5. Obtain formulas for the centre of gravity of a surface of revolution, the weight being uniformly distributed over the surface. 192 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [ART. 161 6. Find the centre of gravity- of any zone of a sphere. Ans. The centre of gravity bisects the hne joining the centres of the bases of the zone. 7. A cardioide revolves about its axis ; find the centre of gravit}' of the surface generated. Ans. x = — -'jY "• 8. Find the centre of gravity of the surface of a hemisphere when the density at each point of the surface varies as its per- pendicular distance from the base of the hemisphere. Ans. X = fa. 9. Find the centre of gravity of a quadrant of a circle, the densit}- at anj- point of which varies as the ntJi power of its distance from the centre. j^^g ^ ~j, — " + '^ 2a n + S tt' 10. Find the centre of gravity of a hemisphere, the density' of which varies as the distance from the centre of the sphere. Ans. X = I a. Properties of Ouldin. 161. I. If a plane area revolve about an axis external to itself through anj' assigned angle, the volume of the solid gene- rated will be equal to a prism whose base is the revolving area and whose altitude is the length of the path described by the centre of gravitj- of the area. 11. If the are of a plane curve revolve about an external axis in its own plane through any assigned angle, the area of the surface generated will be equal to that of a rectangle, one side of which IS the length of the revolving curve, and the other the length of the path described by its centre of gravity. First ; let the area in question revolve about the axis of X through an angle ®. The ordinate of the centre of gravity of the area m question is J iydxdy y='^ ' by Art. 158 [1]. I I dxdy Chap. XIII.] CENTRES OF GRAVITY. 193 The length of the path described bj- the centre of gravity © j [ydxdy y®=^^ (1) I I dxdy The volume generated is F= ©CCydxdy, by Art. 151. Hence V=y®\ i dxdy. But I I dxdy is the revolving area, and the first theorem is established. We leave the proof of the second theorem to the student. Examples. 1 . Find the surface and volume of a sphere, regarding it as generated bj- the revolution of a semicircle. 2. Find the surface and volume of the solid generated by the revolution of a c^'cloid about its base. 3. Find the volume and the surface of the ring generated by the revolution of a circle about an external axis. Ans. y=27rV6, S = A-n^ab, where b is the distance of the centre of the circle from the axis. 4. Find the volume of the ring generated by the revolution of an ellipse about an external axis. Ans. V= 2 TT^ibc, where c is the distance of the centre of the ellipse from the axis. 194 tNTEGEAL CAiCTJLUS. [Akt. 162. CHAPTER XIV. LINE, ST7KFACE, AND SPACE INTEGRALS. 162. Any variable which depends for its value soleh- upon the" position of a point, as, for example, any function of the rectangular or polar coordinates of the point, may be called a point- function. A point-function is said to be continuous along a gi-i'en line if its value changes continuously as the point, on whose position the function depends for its value, moves along the line ; it is said to be continuous over a given surface if its value changes continuously as the point is made to move at pleasure over the surface ; and it is said to be continuous throughout a given space if its value changes continuously as the point is made to move about at pleasure within the space. 163. If a given line is divided in any way into infinitesimal elements, and the length of each element is multiplied by the value a given point-function, which is continuous along the line, has at some point within the element, the limit approached by the sum of these products as each element is indefinitelj- de- creased, is called the line integral of the given function along the line in question. If a given surface is divided in any way into infinitesimal elements such that the distance between the two most widely separated points within each element is infinitesimal, and the area of each element is multiplied by the value a given point- function, which is continuous over tlie surface, has at some point within the element, the limit approached by the sum of these products as each element is indefinitely decreased, is called the surface integral of the given function over the surface in question. Chap. XIV.] LINE, STTEPACE, SPACE INTEGRALS. 195 If a given space is divided in any way into infinitesimal elements such that the distance between the two most widely separated points within each element is infinitesimal, and the volume of each element is multiplied by the value a given point- function, which is continuous throughout the space, has at some point within the element, the limit approached by the sum of these products as each element is indefinitely decreased, is called the space integral of the given function throughout the space in question. It is easily seen that the line integral of unity along a given line is the length of the line ; that the surface integral of unity over a given surface is the area of the surface ; and that the space integral of unity throughout a given space is the volume of the space. In the chapter on Centres of Gravity we have had numerous simple examples of line, surface, and space integrals. 164. That the value of a line, surface, or space integral is independent of the position in each element of the point at which the value of the given function is taken can be proved as follows : The distance apart of any two points in the same infinitesimal element is infinitesimal (Art. 163), therefore the values of a continuous function taken at any two points in the same element will differ in general by an infinitesimal ; the products obtained by multiplying these two values by the mag- nitude of the element will, then, differ by an infinitesimal of higher order than that of the element ; therefore, in forming the integral either of these products may be used in place of the other without changing the result. (I. Art. 161.) 165. The line integral of a function along a given line is absolutely independent of the manner in which the line is broken up into infinitesimal elements, and is equal to the length of the line multiplied by the mean value of the function along the line ; the mean value of the function being defined as fol- lows : Suppose a set of points uniformly distributed along the 196 INTEGKAL CALCULUS. [ART. 165. line, that is, so distributed that the number of points in any portion of the line is proportional to the length of the portion ; take the value of the function at each of these points ; divide the sum of these values by the number of the points ; and the limit approached by this quotient as the number of the points is indefinitely increased is the mean value of the given function along the line ; and this mean value is in general finite and determinate. To prove our proposition, we have only to consider in detail the method of finding the mean value in question. Let the number of points in a unit of length of the line be k. Then, no matter how the line is broken up into infinitesimal elements, the number of points in each element is k times the length of the element. Since any two values of the function corresponding to points in the same element differ by an infinitesimal, in finding our limit we maj- replace all values corresponding to points in the same element by any one ; hence the sum of the values cor- responding to points in the same element may be replaced by one value multiplied by the number of points taken in that element, that is, this sum may be replaced by k times the product of one value b^' the length of the element ; and the sum of the values corresponding to all the points taken in the line may be replaced by k times the sum of the terms obtained bj- multiplying the length of each element by the value of the function at some point within the element. When we divide this sum by tlie whole number of points considered, that is, by k times the length of the line, the k's cancel out, and the required mean value reduces to the limit of the numerator divided by the length of the line, and the limit of the numerator is the line integral of the func- tion along the line. Therefore the line integral is the mean value of the function multiplied by the length of the line. The same proof may be given for a surface integral or for a space integral. The former is the product of the area of the surface by the mean value of the function over the surface ; the latter is the volume of the space multiplied by the mean value of the function throughout the space ; and both are inde- Chap. XIV.] LINE, SURFACE, SPACE INTEGKALS. 197 pendent of the way in which the surface or space may be divided into infinitesimal elements. 166. If the line along which the integral is taken is a plane curve, it is easy to get a geometrical representation of the integral. For, if at every point of the line a perpendicular to the plane of the line is erected whose length is equal to the value of the function at the point, the line integral required clearly represents the area of the cylindrical surface containing the perpendiculars if the values are all of the same sign, and represents the difference of the areas of the portions of the cylindrical surface which lie on opposite sides of the line if the values of the function are not all of the same sign. A similar construction shows that a surface integral over a plane surface may be represented by a volume or by the differ- ences of volumes. Consequently, in each case if the function is finite and continuous, the integral is finite and determinate. 167. As examples of line, surface, and space integrals, we will calculate a few moments of ineHia. The moment of inertia of a body about a given axis may be defined as the space integral of the product of the density at any point of the body by the square of the distance of the point from the axis ; the integral being taken throughout the space occupied by the body. If the body considered is a material surface or a material line, the integral reduces to a surface integral or to a line integral. In the examples taken below the body is supposed to be homogeneous. (a) The moment of inertia of a circumference about a given diameter. Using polar coordinates and taking the diameter as our axis, ^"^ sin^ (^ • Tcadtl) = ka^ir = iMa% [1] 198 INTEGRAL CALCUIiTJS. [Art. 167. if I is the moment of inertia, and a the radius, k the density, and M the mass of the circumference in question. (6) The moment of inertia of the perimeter of a square about an axis passing through the centre of the square and parallel to a side. 1=2 Cy^My + 2 CaFlcdx %J —a %J —a = iMa', [2] if 2 a is the length of a side. (c) The moment of inertia of a circle about a diameter. 1= \ I r^ svD? .Tcrd^dr = ^k-TTO.* Jo Jo = iMaK [3] (d) The moment of inertia of a square about an axis through the centre of the square and parallel to a side. /= P Cy^kdxdy = ^ka* = iMa\ [4] (e) The moment of inertia of the surface of a sphere about a diameter. I a^ sin^ ^ . ka' sin dO = f kira* = iMa\ [5] (/) The moment of inertia of the surface of a cube about an axis parallel to an edge and passing through the centre. T=4.r r{d' + z')kdxdz-\r'ir C\y^ + z^)kdydz = s*ika^ + ^ka* = i^Ma\ [6] Chap. XIV.] LINE, SURFACE, SPACE INTEGRALS. 199 (g) The moment of inertia of a sphere about a diameter. = iMa\ |-7] (h) The moment of inertia of a cube about an axis through the centre and parallel to an edge. 1= C" C" C\y' + z^)kdxdydz = J^&a" = iMaK [8] Examples. Find the moments of inertia of the following bodies : (1) Of a straight line about a perpendicular through an extremity ; about a perpendicular through its middle point. Ans. iMP; -^^MP- (2) Of the circumference of a circle about an axis through its centre perpendicular to its plane. Ans. Ma?. (3) Of a circle about an axis through its centre perpendicular to its plane. Ans. ^Ma?. (4) Of a rectangle whose sides are 2 a, 26, about an axis through its centre perpendicular to its plane ; about an axis through its centre parallel to the side 2&. Ans. iMia' + b'); ^MaK (5) Of an ellipse about its major axis ; about its minor axis ; about an axis through the centre perpendicular to the plane of the ellipse. Ans. IMlf; ^Ma^; lM{a? + b'^). (6) Of an ellipsoid about the axis a. Ans. \M{W + c'). (7) Of a rectangular parallelopiped about an axis through the centre parallel to the edge 2 a. Ans. \M(W + (?). (8) Of a segment of a parabola about the principal axis. Ans. \MW, where 2& is the breadth of the segment. 200 INTEGRAL CALCTJLUS. [Art. 168. 168. If Vi, DjU, and D^u are finite, continuous, and single- valued for all points in a given plane surface bounded by a closed curve T, the surface integral o/D^u taken over the surface is equal to the line integral of a cos a taken around the whole bounding curve, where a is the angle made with the axis of .X by the external normal at any point of the boundary. This may be formulated thus : I I D^ vdxdy = l u cosa . ds. [1] Let the axes be chosen so that the surface in question lies in the first quadrant, and divide the projection of T on the axis of T into infinitesimal elements of which any one is dy. dy On each of these elements as a base erect a rectangle ; and since 7" is a closed curve, each of these rectangles will cut it an even number of times. Let us call the values of ?t at the points where the lower side of any one of these rectangles cuts Z', u^, u^, Wg, u^, etc., re- spectively ; the angles which this side makes with the exterior normals at these points, aj, aj, as, a^, etc. ; and the elements which the rectangle cuts from T, dsi, dsj, ds^, ds^, etc. It is evident that whenever a line parallel to the axis of X cuts into the surface bounded by T, the corresponding value of u. is obtuse and its cosine negative ; that whenever it cuts out, Chap. XIV.] LINE, SURFACE, SPACE INTEGRALS. 201 a is acute and its cosine positive ; and that any value of a is the angle which the contour T itself makes at the point in ques- tion with the axis of Y if we suppose the contour traced by a point moving so as to keep the bounded surface always on the left hand. We have then approximately, dy^= — dSx'C0Sai = dS2' C0Sa2=— dS3-C08a3=dS4'COSa4=-". [2] If, now, in I I D^udxdy we perform the integration with respect to x, and introduce the proper limits, we shall have j j D^udxdy = j dy{—Ui + U2 — U3 + Ui---); [3] and the second member indicates that we are to form a quantity corresponding to that in parenthesis for every rectangle which cuts T, to multiply it by the base of the rectangle, and then to take the limit of the sum of the results as all the bases are indefinitely decreased. By [2], dy{—Ui + U2 — Ug + Uf-) = Ml cos ai dsi + M2 cos 02 c?S2 + Mg cos as dss + M4 cos 04 ds4 -I ; [4] and the limit of the sum of the values any one of which is represented by the second member of [4] is clearly j « cos ads taken around the whole of T. Example. Prove that under the conditions stated in the last article j j DyUda^y = \ u cos/3 . ds, where ^ is the angle made with the axis of Y by the exteriot normal. 202 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [ART. 169. 169. As an illustration of the last proposition, let us find the centre of gravity of a semicircle. We have y = j-C Cydxdy. (1) But we may write y = D^{xy). Hence, by Art. 168, y = ^Jj'ydxdy = j^J^y cos ads = — ( racos<^a8in<^cos<^ac?<^+ j ce.O.cos^-da; j , iror 3 3 TT Ic — 2 which agrees with the result of Ex. 8, Art. 158. As a second example, we shall find the moment of inertia of a circle about a diameter. "We have I=k\ I y^dxdy =Jc | xy^ cos ^ . ds = k \ acostf)a'sm'4>cosad sin^ cos 4> 0? sin dd6 IT = -rrrz, | ( COs'd = —, 2iraJji "■ the required mean value. (6) Let us find the mean distance of points on the surface of a circle from a fixed point on the circumference. Here, by Art. 165, the required mean is the surface integral of r taken over the circle, divided by the area of the circle ; that is, 2a cos (^ ira ,/-j»/o Sir (c) The problem of finding the mean distance of points on the surface of a square from a corner of the square can be sim- plified slightly by considering merely one of the halves into which the square is divided by a diagonal. Here M= - I jr. rdrd a^Jo Jo = |(^V2+logtan^). 208 IKTEGEAL CALCtTLTJS. [ART. 175. (d) As an example of a device often employed, we shall now solve the. problem, To find the mean distance between two points within a given circle. If M be the required mean, the sum of the whole number of cases can be represented by {tti^Y^M, r being the radius of the circle ; since for each position of the first point the number of positions of the second point is proportional to the area of the circle, and may be measured by that area ; and as the number of possible positions of the first point may also be measured by the area of the circle, the whole number of cases to be con- sidered is represented by the square of the area ; and the sum of all the distances to be considered must be the product of the mean distance \>y the number. Let us see what change wiU be produced in this sum b}' in- creasing 7- by the infinitesimal dr ; that is, let us find d{Trr*M). If the first point is anywhere on the annulus 2 in-.dr, which we have just added, its mean distance from the other points of the circle is , by (6). Therefore, the sum of the new distances to be considered, 39 J- if the first point is on the annulus, is -^^.tt?-^. S-n-n?)- ; but the second point ma}' be on the annulus, instead of the first ; so that to get the sum of all the new cases brought in by increasing r bj- dr, we must double the value just obtained. Hence d ( w-r*M) = ifa ^r*d?-, Tr'a*M =^P-7r Cr*dr = J^ira', 128a M = 457 175. In solving questions in Probability, we shall assume that the student is familiar with the elements of the theory as given in " Todhunter's Algebra." (a) A man starts from the bank of a straight river, and walks till noon in a random du-ection ; he then turns and walks Chap. XV.] MEAN VALUE AND PROBABILITY. 209 in another random direction ; what is the probability that he will reach the river by night ? Let 6 be the angle his first course makes with the river. If the angle through which he turns at noon is less than -n- — 2 6. he will reach the river by night. For any given value of 6, then, the required probabilitj' is '" ~ - . The probability that 6 shall lie between any given value 6„ and O^ + dd is — . The chance that his first course shall make an angle with the river between 6q and Oq + dO, and that he shall get back, is 7r-2g d9 _ {■n--2e)dd 2ir i^r -TT^ As 6 is equally likely to have any value between and — , the required probability, •^0 (7r-2(9)d6l ^. (6) A floor is ruled with equidistant straight lines ; a rod, shorter than the distance between the lines, is thrown at ran- dom on the floor ; to find the chance of its falling on one of the lines. Let X be the distance of the centre of the rod from the nearest line ; 6 the inclination of the rod to a perpendicular to the paral- lels passing through the centre of the rod ; 2 a the common dis- tance of the parallels ; 2c the length of the rod. In order that the rod may cross a line, we must have ccos^ > x; the chance of this for any given value a;„ of x is J- cos-i^. The probability that x will have the value x^ is — The probability required is » = — I cos ^-dx = — TrCtv/o C -rra This problem may be solved by another method which pos- sesses considerable interest. I 6xdd = ira. 4 wo XJ TT -^C COS 9 ldxde = 2c. 210 INTEGRAL CALCtTLDS. [ART. 175 TT Since all values of x from to a, and all values of from — — to - are equally probable, the whole number of cases that can arise ma3' be represented b}' ■ S' The number of favorable cases will be represented by ,j7r ^ccosfl -ir, 2c Hence p = — (c) To find the probability that the distance of two stars, taken at random in the northern hemisphere, shall exceed 90°. Let a be the latitude of the first star. With the star as a pole, describe an arc of a great circle, dividing the hemisphere into two lunes ; the probabUit}' that the distance of the sec- ond star from the first will exceed 90° is the ratio of the lune not containing the first star to the hemisphere, and is equal to ^^3 — ^. The probabilitj' that the latitude of the first star 77 wiU be between u. and a + da is the ratio of the area of the zone, whose bounding circles have the latitudes u and a + da respectivelj', to the area of the hemisphere, and is 2 tto' cos a da , = cos a Ota. 2 Tra Hence p= | " '■^^ ~ "'' cosa da = — */0 TT (d) A random straight line meets a closed convex curve ; what is the probabilitj' that it will meet a second closed convex curve within the first ? If an infinite number of random lines be drawn in a plane, all directions are equallj- probable ; and lines having any given Chap. XV.] MEAN VALtTB AND PROBABILITY. 211 direction will be disposed with equal frequency all over the plane. If we determine a line by its distance j) from the origin, and by the angle a which p makes with the axis of X, we can get all the lines to be considered by making p and a vary between suitable limits by equal infinitesimal increments. In our problem, the whole number of lines meeting the exter- nal curve can be represented by j \dpda. If the origin is within the curve, the limits for p must be zero, and the perpen- dicular distance from the origin to a tangent to the curve ; and for u. must be zero and 2 -it. If we call this number JV, we shall have \pda, a p being now the perpendicular from the origin to the tangent. If we regard the distance from a given point of any closed convex curve along the curve to the point of contact of a tan- gent, and then along the tangent to the foot of the perpendicu- lar let fall upon it from the origin, as a function of the u, used above, its differential is easily seen to be pda. If we sum these differentials from a = to a =• 2 ir, we shall get the perimeter of the given curve. J^27r pda = L, where L is the perimeter of the curve in question. By the same reasoning, we can see that n, the number of the random lines which meet the inner curve, is equal to I, its perimeter. For p, the required probability, we shall have I p = -. Examples. (1) A number n is divided at random into two parts ; find the mean value of their product. ^^^ «^ 6' 212 INTEGKAL CALCULUS. [Abt. 176. (2) Find the mean value of the orcUnates of a semicircle, sup- posing the series of ordinates taken equidistant. Ans. -a. 4 (3) Find the mean value of the ordinates of a semicircle, sup- posing the ordinates drawn through equidistant points on the circumference. ^ 2a 7r (4) Find the mean values of the roots of the quadratic of ~ax + b = 0, the roots being known to be real, but 6 being unknown but positive. < 5 a , a _ an -. (5) Prove that the mean of the radii vectores of an ellipse, the focus being the origin, is equal to half the minor axis when they are drawn at equal angular intervals, and is equal to half the major axis when they are drawn so that the abscissas of their extremities increase uniformly. (6) Suppose a straight line divided at random into three parts ; And the mean value of their product. , a' "*■ 60' (7) Find the mean square of the distance of a point within a given square (side = 2 a) from the centre of the square. Ans. fa^. (8) A chord is drawn joining two points taken at random on a circumference ; find the mean area of the less of the two seg- ments into which it divides the Circle. > tto^ a^ Ans. — 4 (9) Find the mean latitude of all places north of the equator. Ans. 32°. 7. (10) Find the mean distance of points within a sphere from a given point of the surface. Ans. 4 a. (11) Find the mean distance of two points taken at random within a sphere. Ans. f|a. (12) Two points are taken at random in a given line a ; find the chance that their distance shall exceed a given value c. Ans, {^r Chap. XV. J MEAN VALUE AND PEOBABILITY. 213 (13) Find the chance that the distance of two points within a square shall not exceed a side of the square. Ans. w 1 T"- (14) A line crosses a circle at random ; find the chances that a point, taken at random within the circle, shall be distant from the line by less than the radius of the circle. , i _ ^ (15) A random straight line crosses a circle ; find the chance that two points, taken at random in the circle, shall lie on opposite sides of the line. . 128 (16) A random straight line is drawn across a square ; find the chance that it intersects two opposite sides. log 2 ^ IT (17) Two arrows are sticking in a circular target; find the chance that their distance apart is greater than the radius. Ans. 3V3. 4,7 (18) From a point in the circumference of a circular field a projectile is thrown at random with a given velocity which is such that the diameter of the field is equal to the greatest range of the projectile : find the chance of its falling within the field. Ans. |-?(V2-1). (19) On a table a series of equidistant parallel lines is drawn, and a cube is thrown at random on the table. Supposing that the diagonal of the cube is less than the distance between con- secutive straight lines, find the chance that the cube will rest without covering any part of the lines. 4a Ans. 1 , where a is the edge of the cube and c the dis- tance between consecutive lines. (20) A plane area is ruled with equidistant parallel straight lines, the distance between consecutive lines being c. A closed curve, having no singular points, whose greatest diameter is less 214 INTEGKAL CALCTJLTTS. [Akt. 175. than c, is thrown down on the area. Find the chance that the curve falls on one of the lines. Ans. — , where Z is the perimeter of the curve. TTC (21) During a heavy rain-storm, a circular pond is formed in a circular field. If a man undertakes to cross the field in the dark, what is the chance that he will walk into the pond ? Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGEALS. 215 CHAPTER XVI. ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 176. In attempting to solve completely the problem of the motion of a simple pendulum by the methods of I. Chapter VIII. we encounter an integral of great importance which we have not yet considered. The problem is closely analogous to that of the Cycloidal pendulum (I. Art. 119). For the sake of simplicity we shall suppose the pendulum bob to start from the lowest point of its circular path with the initial velocity that would be acquired by a particle falling freely in a vacuum through the distance 2/0 i and this by I. Art. 114 [1] is V2^o- Forming our differential equation of motion as in I. Art. 118, but taking the positive direction of the axis of Y upward, we ae ^ ds ^ ' ds Multiplying by 2— and integratmg, v''=ffj=2g(y,-y). (2) If the starting-point is taken as the origin, the equation of the circular path is a^ + y^ — 2ay = 0, whence fdsV_^ g' fdyV [dtj 2ay-y\dt)' or, determining C, and we have yj2ay-y' ^t ^=y/2g(yo-y). 216 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [AKT. 176. dt = - ^ /2g . ^ ivo -y){^ ay -f) Integrating, and determining the arbitrary constant, we get t = ^ f '^y- (3) V29-'° ■^{yo-y){2ay-y') as the time required to reach that point of the path which has the ordinate y. The substitution of a;^ = ^ reduces (3) to the form ^'•'•Nlo-'')('-f;^) where the integral is of the form dx s: V(l-a^)(l-fc'a^)' (5) &^ being positive and less than unity if y^ is less than 2 a. An examination of equation (2) will show that if this is true, the pendulum will oscillate between the two points of the arc which have the ordinate 2/o- If ?/o is greater than 2 a, the pendulum will make complete revolutions. For this case the substitution of 3?^=-^ in C3') will reduce it to t^a^C , -^ (6) where the integral is of the form (5) , Ic' being positive and less than unity. The time required for the pendulum to reach its greatest height — that is, in the first case, the time of a half- vibration, and in the second case, the time of a half -revolution will depend upon (7) X » V(l -a^)(l -y^a?) Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 217 177. The length of an arc of an Ellipse, measured from the extremity of the minor axis, has been found to be (Art. 107) - r^=% ■0? If we replace - by x, (1) becomes ~^^^ .dx. (1) and the integral is of the form s:^ ^^ • A^, (3) where fc^ is positive and less than unity. The length of an Elliptic quadrant depends upon the integral U"^. ^'^ dx. (4) 178. It can be shown by an elaborate investigation, for which we have not room, that the integral of any algebraic function, which is irrational tlirough containing under the square root sign an algebraic polynomial of the third or fourth degree, can by suitable transformations be made to depend upon one or more of the three integrals F{k,x) = r , ^'^ . [1] n (n, k, X) = r — ^==, [3] Jo (1+na^) V(l-ar')(l-A;2a^) which are known as the Elliptic Integrals of the first, second, and third class respectively. 218 nSTTBGEAL CALCULUS. [Abt. 179. fc, which may always be taken positive and less than 1, is called the modulus ; and n, which may be taken real, is called the parameter of the integral. K= F(k, 1) = r '^"' [4] Jo ^(i-x')(i-k'a?) and E=E (&, 1) =£^l^^ . dx, [5] are known as the Complete Elliptic Integrals of the first and second classes. 179. The substitution of a; = sin<^ in the Elliptic Integrals reduces them to the following simpler forms. F{ic,<^)=r-=^^= =r^. [1] J» Vl— ft^'sin^^ Jo ^ E (k, <^) = r^Vl - k' sin> . d0 =C^A.d^. [2] n in, k, ) = f * '^'^ = r ^ J» (H-wsin2^)Vl-fc='sin2(^ Jo(l + nsin='^) A<^ [3] Jo Vl-Ai^sin^.^ Jo A,^ E= C y/l-k'sio'^ . d = r*A<^ . d^. [5] <^ is called the amplitude of the Elliptic Integral, and A<^= Vl — fc^sin^^ is called the delta of ^, or more simply, delta are given, is easily computed by the aid of two valuable reduction formulas due to Landen. If in F(k,^)=r--^=^ Jo -sjl-k^sm^^ we replace by ^i, ^i and <^ being connepied by the relation . , sin2, ,,. tani ^ l+A;2 + 2fccos2<^i n 7 2 ■ 2 _. • 1 + Zc cos 2 d, whence vl — fc^ sin^ ^ = — — Vl+&2 + 2fccos2<^i 220 INTEGRAL CALCTTIiUS. [Art. 180. Differentiating (1), we get 2j jj 2(1 +A;cos2i ^ 2di Vl-fc^sin^.^ Vl + fc'+2A;cos2<^i Vl + fc^+ 2A;-4A;sin2^, ^ 2 d^i ~i+fc /;; 4& ttt' (i + kj ^j = when = 0, hence d _ 2 r*i -'» Vl-A;2sin> 1 + fcJo ~f J]^ 7=' -V 1 sin <6i \ {1+kf ^^ [4] and F(k,4>) = j^Fik„ A reduces to 4>fc(l + fc)^ which is true, since k is less than 1. If is not greater than |, and the smallest value of ^i con- sistent with the relation sin(2<^i — (^) = fc sin<^ is taken, 0<<^i<<^. Hence (4) is a reduction formula by which we can raise the modulus and lower the amplitude of our given function. Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 221 By applying the formula (4) n times, we get F{K,n); or, since :, etc., [5] 1+k l+fci 1+k^ l-l-fc„_i —?_ = A F(k, ) = log tanf"^ + ^l^h-h-k,...^ [G] Formulas [5] and [6] lend themselves very readily to numer- ical computation. 222 INTEGRAL CALCTJLITS. [Abt. 181. 181. Formula [4J, Art. 180, may be used to decrease the modulus and increase the amplitude of a given Elliptic Integral. Interchanging the subscripts, and using (3) Art. 180 instead of (2) Art. 180, we have Fik,cl>) = l±^F(k„,l,,), where and h-. 1 _ Vl - A;2 1 + Vl - k^' tan((^i — <^) = Vl — Zs^tani^. , [1] By repeated application of [1] we get ^{l+k,)...(l- 1 - Vl - k\_^ F{k, <^) = (1 + fc,)(l +k,)...(l +&„)^!&^, where k„ i + Vi-feVi and tan (^y — ^j,_i) = Vl — A;^j,_i tan <^y_i. [2] limit It is easily shown, as in Art. 180, that _ [fc„]=0, and limit /^* consequently that __ F(k„, <^„) =1 d = ^, where * is the n — 00 ^Q limiting value approached by <^ as n is increased. If ^ = ^. we get from [2], <^i = 7r, <^2 = 27r, ...^„=2»-V; hence K=Ffk, ^=^(1+ k,) (1 + k,) (1 + k,) • [3] Formulas [2] and [3], like formulas [."i] and [6] of Art. 180, lend themselves readily to computation. With a large modulus, it is generally best to use [5] and [6] of Art. 180 ; with a small modulus, [2] or [3] of the present article will generally work more rapidly. We give in the next article the whole work of computing the Elliptic Integral ^(-z-, ^) by each of the two methods, and Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 223 of computing k(——\=f( — , -) by the second method, employing five-place logarithms. 182. Ff—, -\ Method of Akt. 180. Kt^i) fc= 0.70712 log&= 9.84949 l+&= 1.70712 log (1 + fc) = 0.23226 log ^7^ = 9.92474 log2 = 0.30103 colog(l+ A;) = 9.76774 log X;i= 9.99351 fti = 0.98518 log&i= 9.99361 1+^1= 1-98518 log(l+A;i) = 0.29780 log V^i= 9.99676 log2 = 0.30103 colog(l+fci) = 9.70220 logA;2 = 9.99999 log &= 9.84949 log sin- =9.84949 log sin (2(^1- <^) = 9.69898 2^1-^ = 30° 0' 3" 2^1=75° 0' 3" ^1 = 37° 30' 2" log&i= 9.99351 logsin0, = 9.78445 log sin (2 2 - 0i) = 9.77796 224 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 183. 2<^j-<^i = 36° 51' 3" 2^2=74° 21' 5" ^ = ^2=37° 10' 32" ^^ + -=63° 35' 16" 4 log tan f- + i^^ = 0.30393 log Vfci = 9.99676 cologVfc =0.07526 log log tan /'Z: + ^$"1 = 9.48277 colog/t = 0.36222 logJ'(^,^) = 9.91701 pf^/l, Z\ = 0.82605 fjL = 0.43429 is the modulus of the common sj'stem of logarithms. Vl-fc' = A;' =0.70712 1-A;' =0.29288 1+k' = 1.70712 fci= 0.17157 1-^1 = 0.82843 l+fci = 1.17157 fei'= 0.98520 l—fc,'= 0.01480 l+fci'= 1.98520 ^2 = 0.00746 Method of Art. 181. iog(l -A;') =9.46669 colog ( 1 + fc') = 9.76774 log fci= 9.23443 log(l-fci) = log(l+A;i) = logfci'' = logfci' = : 9.91826 : 0.06878 : 9.98704 : 9.99352 log (1- A;/) = 8.17026 colog (1 + fc/) = 9.70220 log fc2= 7.87246 Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGKALS. 225 1-^2 = 0.99254 log (1-J;2) = 9.99675 1 + ^2 = 1.00746 log (1 + k^) = 0.00323 log A;2'^= 9.99998 lcj= 1 logifcj' = 9.99999 A;. = logfc' = 9.84949 log tan ^ = 0.00000 log tan (<^j — ^) = 9.84949 ^i-<^ = 35° 16' 53" <^i = 80° 15' 63" logfci' = 9.99352 logtan(^i = 0.76557 log tan ((^2 — ^i) = 0.76909 if>2-i= 80° 7' 17'' .^2=160° 23' 10" tan ( + fc cos ^ = Vl +A;^ + '2fccos2^. -'"Vl-fc^sinV and G{k, ^)-^sin<^ a + fc^ -Vl-fc2sin> ft" -^Vl-fc^sin^^ d^, -r yi-Jc'sm'if, k^ Substituting <^i for , this becomes ^' — -|(VT^ft2sin2<^ + A;cos«^) d. 0, a — ^ COS 2 ^j 2 r*! Hence \ (1+fc)' ^ fC 1 -p A/ d^i. [2] where fci = |^, sin(2<^i-<^) = A;sin<^, ai=a-|, A = ^- [3] Formulas [2] and [3] enable us to make our given function depend upon one of the same form, but having a greater modulus and 'a less amplitude. A repeated use of [2], together with the j-eductions employed in Art. 180, gives us 228 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. fAKT- 183. r-^- vr--^'''^'t■^^''°'^* G'nCfcn, <^„), [4] where ^ - 2-^ fCfC-^ K^ ' ' ' iCp_\ and a. = a-ifl+^ «, = " — fl i+Tr+TTT"' 'TTT — r~ )' Just as in Art. 180 k„ rapidl}' approaches 1 as n is increased ; the limiting value of Qn{\i ^») is then limit G„(fc„, d = (a„ + ^„) log tan ('j + 1^) - )8„ sin <^,. [6] By Art. 180, [5] and [6], limit Kyjhhl^ log tanf^ + ^'] = F(&, <^). [4] can thus be written » (A;, ,^) = if (fc, , + •«• 2 . ^ , 2" — ^ sin <^i -i ^^ , 2 Vfc where A;^^ /"' , and sin (2^^- ^,^1) = Visin^y-i- [9] By Formulas [8] and [9] an Elliptic Integral of the Second Class may be computed without difficulty. 184. Formula [2], Art. 183, may be used to decrease the modulus and increase the amplitude of an Elliptic Integral. Interchanging the subscripts, we have G (k, (Art. 183 [3]), G{k,4>)='^-^ G'i(fc„.^,)-|sin,^,l [1] where fci = ^^(^^, tan(<^i-<^) = Vr=F tan.^, ai=a+f, A=^. 1 + Vl— A^ 2 2 [2] 230 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Abt. 184. A repeated use of [1] gives '»]. [3] , 1+k, l+ki 1+Jc. o • J I where ^^^ p hhh-K ^ 2" and a„=a + j-i8A + ^ + ^ + ^^^ + -+ ^'^''"^''-' Y Just as in Art. 181 limit fc„ = 0, therefore limit )8„ = and a„ci!(^ = a„<^„. By Art. 181, [2], i±^ . i±^ . . . i±A ^„ = 2?- (fc, ^), By Art. 180, [5], i±A = 2^i, 1±A2 = 2^, etc. Hence [3] becomes If a = 1 and /3 = —!(?, [4] reduces to Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 231 where 1 M I 1 |" "'i"'2 I 'h'^i^'S I \\ 2^ 2 22 "^ 2' VJ [^> sin , + ^ sin.^, + ^l^ sin .^3 + -] [5] K = , I \ and tan (<^p — ^p_i) = Vl — fc^_i ■ tan <^p_i. 1+ Vi - r^., [6] We have seen in Art. 181 that if ^ =- , <^^ = 2''-'^7r. Therefore, for a complete Elliptic Integral of the second class we have Formulas [.'i] and [7] are admirably adapted to computation. "We give in the next article the work of computing E( — , - ) by each of the methods just given, and of com- ^ ^ *7V2 ^\ puting E ( — ) o j ^y the second method ; using, as far as possible, the values already employed or obtained in Art. 182. 185. e(—,'^- Method of Art. 183. '■m Here, as we have seen in Art. 182, if we carry the work onlj to five decimal places, ^2= 1, and our working formula will be E{k,)=^F{k,)\\+k(l-^ r 2 2^ n — k\ sin<^ H sin<^i — — — -sin ^2 • L yfk -Jkk^ J 232 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 186. log 2 = logk-- colog fci : log(l+.-^^) = logJ'i V2 ^■ 2'4 lOgfc: log sin 4> = : 0.30103 : 9.84949 : 0.00649 0.15701 : 9.43391 : 9.91701 9.35092 : 9.84949 : 9.84949 9.69898 log2 = 0.30103 logVA; = 9.92474 log sin<^i = 9.78445 0.01022 log2^ logVfc = colog Vfci = log sin 2 ■• : 0.60206 = 9.92474 : 0.00324 = 9.78122 0.31126 = 1.43553 = 1.70712 -(fi 2fc 1+k 1 + fc -2^ = 0.27159 21c l+fc_±p:) = 0.22435 %;sin(^ = 0.5 2fc^ sin <^i== 1.0238 -?^ sin ^j= 2.0477 Vfcfci ■kl sm(j>-\ — - sin <^i — 2^ sin <^2 V2 V E / V2 u\ = 0.5239 = 0.22435 = 0.74825 Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 233 El—jjy Method of Akt. 184. fca = 0. Therefore our formula is E{k, ) =F{k, ,^) Ti _ |Yi + 1 + ^^1 4- fc (^ sin <^, + ^:l^ sin ^A V 2 logA;i= 9.23443 log A:2= 7.87246 colog4 = 9.39794 6.50483 22 2 = 0.00032 = 0.08578 1+^ + ^2=1.08610 2 2" |('l+| + ^^) = 0.271525 log 0.728475 = 9.862415 1 -^fl +^ + ^\ = 0.728475 = 9.91700 j,/V2_ 9.779415 i^/^^j (0.728475)= 0.60178 log A; =9.84949 log ^=9.61722 colog2 = 9.69897 log sin .^1 = 9.99370 9.15938 ^sin ,^1 = 0.14434 234 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Akt. 185. logfc= 9.84949 log -^=9.61722 log Vfc2= 8.93623 colog4 = 9.39794 log sin <^2= 9-52592 7.32680 *^^2gin^^^ 0.00212 2^ ]e (^ sin ^1 + ^^ sin <^2 ) = 0. 14646 (f sin<^.+^sin<^.) fC^, -"] (0.728475) = 0.60178 E .sf— ,-\ Method op Art. 184. V 2'2; ^ " ^ = 0.74824 l-^('l+|' + ^^ = 0.728475 log0.728475 = 9.862415 \ogF(^,'^ = Q.2mn ^(^'i) = '-''°' Iog^(^:f,^) = 0.13054 Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 235 f 186/ An Elliptic Integral of the first or second class, whose amplitude is greater than -, can be made to depend upon one whose amplitude is less than -, and upon the corresponding Complete Elliptic Integral. We have TT TT ir ff JoAcj} Jo A ^n^A<^ J^A 2 2 In C^ let <^ = TT - li ; 2 then d^ = —d\f; and A^ = Vl — A;^ sin^<^ = Vl — A;^ sin^i/^ = Ai/r, TT !r and we have T d^ _ _ T dt/^ _ _ T d^ _ C'^ — x J„^ »Ar^>/' •^,r'^^ •^" ^^ 2 2 2 Hence ^i.(;^, .)^pg= 2^ [1] niT+p d ^ In ( .^ let <^ =p7r + i/- ; then d(#. = dij/, and A(^ = Ai/-, A<^ and we have ' f^ = r#= fg = 2ir. J A »/ Aii J A nir+p p p ^^A), that is, I d<^ = <^ ; and that the last column gives F{1, ) and£(l, ), that is, log tanj -+ * Jand sin^. The complete Elliptic Integrals, K=F(k,^ and E=E(k, A are given in the last line of each table. Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 287 O 00 00-3 cnooi o o wo cnooi o tOtOM WOW o M O WO o ■e- 1— ' in t— ' i—i In Oi h-i In CO GO I—" On 1— ' O 1.309 1.312 1.321 1.336 1.396 1.400 1.410 1.427 1.484 1.487 1.499, 1.519 1.047 1.049 • 1.054 1.062 1.134 1.137 1.143 1.153 1.222 1.224 1.232 1.244 0.785 0.786 0.789 0.792 0.873 0.874 0.877 0.882 0.960 0.961 0.965 0.972 0.524 0.524 0.525 0.526 0.611 0.611 0.612 0.614 0.698 0.699 0.700 0.703 0.262 0.262 0.262 0.262 0.349 0.349 0.349 0.350 0.436 0.436 0.437 0.438 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 ■io S'll CD O S'll H- ' o CO ?:^ S'll 1— > OJ 1— ' IS) 1.357 1.385 1.426 1.452 1.485 1.534 1.547 1.585 1.643 1.074 1.090 1.112 1.168 1.187 1.215 1.262 1.285 1.320 0.798 0.804 0.814 0.889 0.898 0.911 0.981 0.993 1.010 0.527 0.529 0.532 0.617 0.620 0.624 0.707 0.712 0.718 0.262 0.263 0.263 0.350 0.351 0.352 0.439 0.440 0.441 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.175 0.175 0.175 a II S'll s'll W O (— * 00 {^ 4^ is OJ CO CO Oi 8 1.488 1.566 ^.703 2.028 1.608 1.705 1.885 2.436 1.731 1.848 2.077 3.131 1.142 1.178 1.233 1.317 1.254 1.302 1.377 1.506 1.370 1.431 1.534 1.735 0.826 0.839 0.858 0.881 0.928 0.947 0.974 1011 1.034 1.060 1.099 1.154 0.536 0.539 0.544 0.549 0.630 0.636 0.644 0.653 0.727 0.736 0.748 0.763 0.263 0.264 0.264 0.265 0.353 0.354 0.355 0.356 0.443 0.445 0.448 0.451 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.087 0.0S7 0.087 0.087 0.175 0.175 0.175 0.175 DO ?7- S'll ^l^ O 2. S" II O 00 on ?7- S'll ®p otO 238 INTEGKAL CALCULUS. [Art. 187. . o oS II a dS d:S .11.5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.174 0.174 0.174 0.174 0.260 0.260 0.259 0.259 0.346 0.345 0.343 0.342 0.430 0.428 0.425 0.423 0.512 0.509 0.505 0.500 0.593 0.588 0.581 0.574 0.672 0.664 0.654 0.643 0.748 0.737 0.723 0.707 0.823 0.808 0.789 0.766 0.895 0.875 0.850 0.819 0.965 0.940 0.907 0.866 1.033 1.001 0.960 0.906 1.099 1.060 1.008 0.940 1.163 1.117 1.053 0.966 1.227 1.172 1.095 0.985 1.289 1.225 1.135 0.996 r-A K i-H f-H 00 CO 1—t LO CO r-5 Om II a dg II c .« ■» ^^ 0(M II .S 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.174 0.174 0.174 0.261 0.261 0.261 0.348 0.347 0.347 0.434 0.433 0.431 0.520 0.518 0.515 0.605 0.602 0.598 0.690 0.685 0.679 0.773 0.767 0.759 0.857 0.848 0.837 0.939 0.928 0.914 1.021 l.OOS 0.989 1.103 1.086 1.063 1.184 1.163 1.135 1.264 1.240 1.207 1.344 1.316 1.277 1.424 1.392 1.347 .— 1 -^ I-H NO 1—5 s to II .5 -^ 'So T^ O rH II C .« '5 o« II .s OS. II c 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.087 0.175 0.175 0.174 0.174 0.262 0.262 0.262 0.262 0.349 0.349 0.349 0.348 0.436 0.436 0.436 0.435 0.524 0.523 0.523 0.521 0.611 0.610 0.609 0.607 0.698 0.698 0.696 0.693 0^ Ti- 00 ir^co 0^ ddd N c^ 'T! OO \0 lO ir^oo ON ddd CO t^ uo 1-^00 ON ddd ly^ PO o 00 !>. NO r^ 00 On odd 1.047 1.046 1.041 1.032 1.134 1.132 1.126 1.116 1.222 1.219 1.212 1.200 1.309 1.306 1.297 1.283 1.396 1.393 1.383 1.367 1.484 1.480 1.468 1.450 PO PO to 1—5 -^ LO LO I-H to p-( !>• to I-H. -e- o lo o rH(NN O iO o CO CO ^ o looio Tt* U5 »0 o oino CD CD t^ O lo o in »> 00 OT O Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 239 Addition Formulas. 188. The Elliptic Integrals, F(k, x) and E{k, x), may be regarded as new functions of x, defined by the aid of definite integrals ; namely, F(k,x)= I , , see Art. 178, [1] and [2]. We have seen how we may compute their values to any required degree of approximation when k and x are given. It remains to study their properties. We are familiar with other and much simpler functions which may be defined as definite integrals, and whose most important properties can be deduced from these definitions. J'^^dx — , sin~*a; as la; J ^ tan~^a; as ( -, and the theory of these func- Vl-CB^ Jo l+af tions may be based upon these definitions. For instance, the fundamental property of the logarithm is expressed by what is called the addition formula, loga; + log2/ = log(x2/), and the whole theory of logarithms may be based on this property ; and there are addition formulas for the other func tions defined above ; namely, sin~'a; + sin"*?/ = sin~'(a;Vl — 2/^ + y Vl — x') , tan~'a; + tan~*y = tan"' ( — ^tX )• VI -xyj 240 INTBGKAL CALCULUS. [Abt. 188. These three important formulas are usually obtained by more or less elaborate methods involving the theory of the functions which are the inverse or anti-functions of the logx, the sin~'a;, and the tan "'a;, that is, of e", sinx, and tancc; but they may be obtained without difficulty from the definitions of log a, sin^'a;, and tan"' a;, as definite integrals. Take first ' loga;=J^ X Let us determine y in terms of x, so that logo; + logy = log c, (1) where c is a given constant. Since logy= ( -^, J\ y if we differentiate (1), we have dx , dy rt X y or ydx + xdy = 0. (2) Integrate (2), and we get (ydx+ (xdy= C. (3) Simplify the first member of (3) by integration hy parts; xy—i xdy -\-xy — i ydx = C, or 2xy — i {xdy -f- ydx) = C. Reducing by the aid of (3) , 2xy=C, or xy=Ci, (4) Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTBGBALS. 241 where Oi is an undetermined constant. To determine Oj, let a; = 1 in (4), and we have y=Gi when x=\; let a; = 1 in (1) , J^'da; — = 0, log 2/= log c, and y = c, when x=\. 1 X Therefore Ci = c, and xy = c. Consequently y=- \b the X required value of y, and we have (1) logo; + log- = logc. X We can express this relation more neatly by replacing c by its value xy, and thus we reach our required addition formula log x + \ogy = \og{xy). [5] 189. The addition formula for the sin""' can be deduced in exactly the same way. We wish to determine y so that 8in~'a; + sin~'2/ = sin~'c. (1) We have sin~^a;= | , sin~'y= | — ^ Jo -Ji—x' Jo Vl — / Differentiate (1). -^ + -^==0, (2) or s/l —y^ ■ dx+ Vl —x' ■ dy = 0, C-yjT^^ ■ dx+ fVl-a^ -dy^C. Integrate by parts, and or, reducing by (2) , a, Vn^^ + 2/ Vn^ = G. (3) 242 INTEGRAL CALCULTJS. [Aet. 189. To determine O, we have from (3) y = C when a; = 0, and — _^^^^ = 0, when » Vl— a^ a; = 0. Hence G = c, and x Vl — y" + y^\ — a? = c, and, finally, sin"*a: + sin^'j/ = sin""' (a;Vl —y' + y\/l — a;^). [4] To get an addition formula for the tan"^, a slight device is required, that of dividing the differential equation correspond- ing to (2) b3- 1 — a^y". As before, let tan~*a; + tau'^y = tan~*c, (5) where tan~'a;= | ■„, Jo l+x' and tan~'y= I — ^ — Jo 1+/ dx , dy _f. l + a^ + TT?~ ' or il+y')dx + {l+3f)dy = 0. (6) Divide by 1 — x^y^ and integrate. Integrate by parts. We have and ^•rr^^= (i-%^y ^<^+^')^'"+'^'y<^+^)'^y^' l+y^ 1+a)^ _x + y l-x^y^^" \-a?y^ l~xy' Chap. XVI.] ELLIPIIC INTEGKALS. 243 Hence Therefore, by (6), -^-+1-=C'. (7) 1-xy To determine O, we have from (7) y = C'when x=0, and -=0 when 1 —or x = 0. Hence C=c, and "'"^^ =c, 1— a^ and, finally, tan-'a; + tan-»2/ = tan-^f-^-^^Y [8] \l-xyj 190. To get an addition formula for F{k, x), as before let F(7c,x)+F{k,y) = F{k,c), (1) where F(k,x)= I - , •>'» V(l-a^)(l-fc''ar') and F(k, y)= C ^^ —— • ' ^"^ - A- ^y =0. (2) or V(l-/)(l-F2/2).da;+V(l-a^)(l-fc'a^) ■dy = 0. (3) Divide by 1 — l, and Vl - A;V = Vl - fc^sin^i^ = A<^. If we let u = F{k,x) =F(k,>l>), we have in Art. 179 called <^ the amplitude of u, and sin<^, cos<^, and A^ may be called the sine, the cosine, and the delta of the amplitude of u ; and <^, sin^, cos<^, and A<^ may be written amw, sinamw, cosamw, and Aamw, or, more briefly, amw, snw, CUM, and dnw ; and may be read amplitude w, sine amplitude m, cosine amplitude m, and delta amplitude m. Formulating, we have u = F(k,x) = F{k,fl>), ) = am?<, a; = sin^=snM, f- [1] Vl —aP = cos <^ = cnw, Vl-fcV=A<^ = dnM, Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 247 SUM, cntt, diiM, are trigonometric functions of ^, the ampli- tude of u, but they may be regarded as new and somewhat complicated functions of u itself, and from this point of view they are called Elliptio Functions of m. am M also is sometimes called an Elliptic Function ; and there are various allied functions that are sometimes included under the general title of Elliptic Functions. We shall, however, restrict the name to snw, cum, and dnw. Thej- have an analogy with trigonometric functions, and have a theory which closely resembles that of trigonometric functions, and which we shall proceed to develop. It must, however, be kept in mind that the independent variable u is not an angle, as in the case of the trigonometric functions. Of course, with our notation, u^=F(k, a;) = sn"^(a;, k), or u = F (k, (ji) — am- ' (<^, k). The fundamental formulas connecting the Elliptic Functions of a single quantity follow immediately from the definitions [1] , and are sn^M + cn^M = l, [2] dn'u + ¥sa'u = l, [3] = dnw, du [4] du [5] '^«^"- suu.dnu, du [6] ddnu_ ;fc2sn„.enM, [7] du The only one of this set which needs any explanation is [4] We have «=J -^, 248 hence and, finally, Since we see that INTEGRAL CALCULUS. A duu [Art. 193, daxau du = dnu. r-^d±^ r* d (-) _ r Jo Ad) Jo A ( — d)) Jo (-) ani( — It) = — am?i, sn ( — w) = — snM, en ( — m) =cnM, dn(— m) =dnM, [8] That is, snu is an odd function of u, and cnw and dnw are even functions of u. Since we have Jo Acj) am(0) = 0, ~) sn(0) =0, cn(0) =1, dn(0) =1, [9] 193. Our addition formula for the sine amplitude flows immediately from [5], Art. 190. Let u = F{k,x) and v = F(7c,y), and take the sine amplitude of each member of [5], Art. 190; we get , , s snw . cniJ . dnw + cnw. sn-y . dn?« sn (^u + v) = — — . 1 —k^ . szru . sn^v If now we replace v by —v, and simplify by [8], Art. 192, we have sn ((4 — v) = SUM . cnw. . dnv — cnw . snv . dnw and the two formulas can be combined if we use the sign ± ; Cmp. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 249 „ /» J- \ snu.cnv .dav ±ciiu .Bnv .dnu rn sniwiv) = — — • ril From [1], with the aid of [2] and [3], Art. 192, we can get, after a rather elaborate reduction, the addition formulas for en and dn. / , N cnu . CUV ^: snu . SQV . dnu . dnv ra-i ^■^ ^" * ^) = 1-A:^.sn^^^ ^^^ , , , s dnw . dnv q: 7iP . snu . snv . enw . cnw tot dn (m ± v) = -3^— [3] From [1], [2], and [3J a large number of formulas can be readily obtained. "We give only those for sn ; there are similar ones for en and dn. , , . , , ,, 2snM. cn'w . dnv rA-i sn (m + v) + sn (m — -y) =- -• [4] , . , , V 2cnM . sni; . dnw rcn sn (u + v) — sn (u — v) = j- [5] y sn(u + v). sn {u — v) = —• [6 J ^ 1 — fc^- sn^M • sn^-y 1 + sn (m + v) .sn{u — v) = j— [7] ^ l — k'.sn'^v l+A;2sn(M + v).sn(M-^) = ■ ^ [8] ^ 1—k'. sn^M . sn^v r, . / . xnn , / \n (cu W + SUM . dnt;)'' ^a^ [l + sn(M+'y)][l + sn(M— y)] = -i; -j- — ^- [9] From [2] and [3] comes the useful formula cn(M + 'y) = cnu. cni; — snw . snv . da (u + v). [10] 250 INTEGKAIi CALCULUS. [ART. 194. 194. If in formulas [1], [2], and [3] of Art. 193 we let v = u, we get the following formulas for sn2M, en 2m, and dn2M : „ 2snM.cnM.dnM rn sn2M= — — , [IJ 1 — Ar sn*M „ _ cn^M — sn^M . dn^M _ 1 — 2sn^M + fc^sn^M pn-, 1— A^sn^M 1— Zc^sn^M , n dn^M — fc^. sn^M. cn^M 1 — 2A;^sn^?^ + fc^sn*M ron dn 2m = r — = — [3] 1— A;*'sn*M 1— Arsn*M From these come readily 1 n 2sn^M.dn^M r,-i ^-^°^"= l-fe^sn-M ' W 1 1 o 2cn^M rc-i , , „ 2fc^sn^M. cn'^M p„-, l-dn2M= ^_^^^^^ , [6] ■« I J o 2dn^M rm 1 + dn 2m = ■• [71 195. Replacing u by -, and dividing [4] by [7] and [6] by [5], Art. 194, we have ^^,M^l-cnM^ 1-dnM 2 1+dnM fc2(l + cnM) ■- -" ^^u _ dnM+ enw _ — fc'^ + FcnM +dnw 2 l + duM fc2(l + enM) "' ^jj2W _ fe'^ + dnM + fc^cnM _ (cnM + dnw) 2 1 + dnM ~ (1 + en m) ' [2] [3] where V=\ — 'k^, and is the square of the complementary modulus. Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 251 From [1], [2], and [3], we can get without difficulty the set sn^!f= duM-cnw C , 2 k^ + dnu-Jc'cau '" -^ jj^2M ^ k"{l+cnu) p., 2 fc'^ + dnM-fc^cnw' '■ "^ dn2^- ^'-(l+dnw) P -, 2 ft'^ + dnw-Ai^cnM ■- -" Numerous additional formulas can be obtained by the exer- cise of a little ingenuity, but we have given the most useful and important ones, and they form a set as complete as the usual collections of trigonometric formulas. Periodicity of the Elliptic Fvnctions. 196. We have seen (Art. 186, [2]) that F(k,mr + p) = 2nK+F(k,p), [1] where Kis the complete Elliptic Integral of the first class. Let u = F(k, p), and take the amplitude of each member of [1] ; we get Sim{u + 2nK) = nTr+μ [2] or, replacing w by 2n, am(u + 4nK) = 2nTr + ainu; [3] whence sn(M + 4wJS') = SUM, 'I ca(u + 4:nK) =enu, I; [4] dn(M-f-4n^)= dnw, j and sn u, en u, dn u are periodic functions, and have the real period 4:K. dnw actually has the smaller period 2K, as may be seen by taking the delta of both members of [2]. 262 INTEGRAL CAIiCXJliTJS. [Akt. 196. Since the amplitude of ^is -, we have [5] and our addition formulas [1], [2], [3], Art. 193, give us readily su {u + K) = en (« + £■) =- dn(M + ^) = enu 6nu k'snu diiM Jc' dnw [6] sn (« + 2 K) = — sn M, en (m + 2 K) = — cnu, dn(M+2^)= dnit, [7] sn(M + 3A') = - cn (m + 3 iT) = dn(M + 3A') = CUM dnw k'snu dnu k' dnw' [8] sn(M + 4A') = snM, en (it + 4^") = en M, dn(w + 4Ar) = dnM, [9] a eonflrmation of [4]. Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 253 197. It is easy to get formulas for the sn, en, and dn of an imaginary variable, mV— 1, by the aid of a transformation due to Jacobi. Let Jo A by ij/, , and d<^ = V — 1 . seci/f . di/'. Since if/ and ^ equal zero together, (2) (3) (4) Jo A Jo '-'X* # Vl— fc'^sin^i/' If now we let u = F(k', ) can be expressed iu terms of Elliptic Functions, and for some purposes there is a decided advantage in the new form. "We have E{k, ({>)= f A .d. Let u = F(k, i" place of 9, and 6 being connected by the relation sin^<^ = 2 sin^^. Then we have -^l—^sia^e = cos ^, and d6 = ^ cos.^dt _ . 2 Vl-isin^c^ Hence s =^C -^^ ^^f(^A [3] 2 -'" Vl-isin^<^ 2 V2 'V and _ aV2 p d _ aV2 pf^"2 ■A r4-| '" 2 Jo Vi_isi„2<^ 2 V 2 ' 2/ The auxiliary angle <^ is very easily constructed when the point P of the Lemniscate is given. We have r = aVcos26, and we have seen that Vcos 26 = cos <^ ; hence ?• = a cos <^. If, then, on a as a diameter we describe a semi-circumference, and with the centre of the Lemniscate as a centre, and with a radius equal to r, we describe an arc, and join with the point Q where this arc intersects the semi-circumference, the angle made b y OQ w ith a is equal to 0. For OQ = a cos AOQ and OP=a Vcos 2 B. 260 INTBGEAL CALCULtTS. [Abt. 199. Examples. d4> (1) Find the numerical value of | Vl — 4sin2<^ Ans. 0.843. (2) Eeduce f ^'^ — to an Elliptic Integral of the Jo Vl-wsin^^ first class, when n > 1. ^■ns — ^ ( — — where sin^ ij/=n sin^^. • \ ?i (3) The half -axis of a Lemniscate is 2. What is the length of the arc of a quadrant? of the arc from the vertex to the point whose polar angle is 30°? Ans. 2.622 ; 1.168. In the inverse problem of cutting off an arc of given length the Elliptic Functions are of service. As an interesting example, let us find the point which bisects the qiiadrantal arc of the Lemniscate. „ aV2 , E,/'V2 Here s= iF( — 2 ^ V 2 ■ 2 and we wish to find <^ and then 6. Let u = F — ,-1; we need am-- V 2 ' 2y 2 amw = ^, SUM = 1, CUM = 0, and dn?( = — • By [1] and [2], Art. 195, „ nU 1 — cnw ,M dnit + cnM sn''- = , cn- = ■ 2 l+dnw 2 l+dnw Therefore, sir - 2 oti 1 — cnw 1 ,_ = tn''- = = — - = Jo ^^2^ 2 dnw + cnw V2 ' 2 'Y Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. " 261 If, then, the required amplitude is = aE{e, 4,), [2] e, the modulus of the Elliptic Integral, being the eccentricity of the Ellipse. If a; = a, ^ = -, and the length of the Elliptic quadrant is n- s, = a r Vl -e^sin^.^ . d=:a.rau, ij/=a,rav, and o- = am(M + w). Then the formula given above becomes E(k, ^)+^(fc, ij/) — E{k, (r) + &^sin(^sini/fsincr, [1] where 4>, if/, and o- are three angles connected by the relation coso- = cost^cosi/r — sini^sini/^Acr, [2] by [10], Art. 193. If we multiply [1] by a and take A; equal to e, we get aE (e, (p) + aE (e, i)/) = aE (e, sini/'Vl— e^, or - sin (f> sini/f = cos <^ cos ij/, a tan sin 1^. [4] If, then, any point, P, is given, [3] will enable us to get the amplitude of a second point, Q, and ^ thus to find Q, Q and P being so re- lated that the arc BP, minus the arc AQ, shall be equal to a quantity which is proportional to the product of the ab- scissas of P and Q. 264 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Abt. 202. For the special case where and f are equal we have from [3], tan<^ = J« and from [4], BP -AP=ae'- sin' d>= -^ = a'-b. a + b This point, which divides the quadrant into two arcs whose difference is equal to the difference between the semi-axes, has a number of curious properties, and is known as Fagnafii's point. Examples. (1) Show that the distance of the normal at Fagnani's point, from the centre of the ellipse, is equal to a — 6. (2) Show that the angle between the normals at P and Q in the figure is equal to ij/ — <(> ; that the norrnals are equidistant from ; that this distance is BP — AQ. Rectification of the Hyperbola. 202. If the arc of the Hyperbola is measured from the vertex to any given point, P, whose coordinates are x and y, its length is easily found to be [1] s^j;L-^yy, [2] if e is the eccentricity of the Hyperbola. Let ae y = tan ^, Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 265 aes aeJo and [2] becomes _ b' C* sed' hence s = ^ f^_^^^^±^^ _ &! T* s ec'0d0 .3, if k=-. Now 1 ^ 1-A^ 1^ 1 l-fe^sin^-fc'coB'.^ and s = ^ . ^—f r*sec2 \ d - 1^ f*.^! ae 1 — fc^jyo f- t -»- j^ ^^j ae 1 — A;''[jl/o J If we integrate by parts, f secVA<^d<^ = tan<^A<^ + A^ f ?15-^d<^; A^ -A<6, A<^ A A^ but fc'^5i5!^ = J--A<^, and A^^'f*?^ ■d<^ = F(A;, .^)-JS;(&, <^) »/o Ad Hence ae ^ '^ ae(l-fc2) s=^F{k,i>)-—^±-—[E{k,ct>)-t^nAi>-]. But 1 - A;^= - 266 12JTBGKAL CALCULUS. [Art. 202. J2 therefore s = — F(Jc, (j>)— oeE (k, corresponding to a given point P is easily con- structed. We have only to erect a perpendicular to the trans- from the origin ; that is, verse axis at a distance — = - b' ae ^a' + l at a distance from the centre equal to the projection of 6 on the asymptote, and to join the projection of P on this line with the centre. The angle made by the joining line with the trans- verse axis is 4>t for its tangent is clearly ^ ■sld? + W Examples. (1) Find the length of the arc of the hyperbola 2l= i^ measured from the vertex to the point whose ordinate is 2. Ans. 2.194. (2) Show that ae tan <^ A(^ is the distance from the centre to the normal at P. (3) Show that the limiting value approached by the difference between the arc and the portion of the asymptote cut off by a perpendicular upon it from P, as P recedes indefinitely from Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 267 the origin, is aeE I -, \e 2 This is generally re- ae \e 2 J ferred to as the difference between the length of the infinite arc of the hyperbola and the length of the asymptote. Show that in example (1) this difference is equal to 2.803. The Pendulum. 203. We have seen in Art. 176 that if a pendulum starts from rest at a point of its arc whose distance above the lowest point is 2/o) the time required in rising from the lowest point to a point whose distance above the lowest point is y, is where Jc , la p d,t> = -\l^, and sin2ffl 2 \l/„ \y„ \2a '2/0 sin- and therefore the sine of the amplitude of the Elliptic Integral in [1] is easily computed when the angle through which the pendulum has risen is given. When ^ = a, sin<^=l, and 2a the pendulum will make complete revolutions, and that the time required to pass from the lowest point to any point whose distance above the lowest point is y, is t=a l± f" ^ ^^ =ajAy(fe,^), \ 32/o Jo Vl - fc^ sin^ <^ \ gyo where A; = \ — and sin)'-=l+iT<^ sin' + h^k* sin* i^<^ cos^ + ~k* {-Ytt>&>x>0; [18] Jo V(a»-x^)(i2-x=^ a \b aj' r , ''"^ =. = -sn-'(-,-\x>a>b>0; [19] Jx V(a;'' — a.^)(x^-62) a. \x aJ r" rAr 1 _yx b \ -'^ VCa'' + x') {b^ — x'') ~ si a" + 62 ^'^ i^S' V«' + ft7' a>6>x>0; [20] r* e?x 1 _Vi a \ J" ■sj{a? + x^) (x^ — ¥) ~ V^^H^' ^" \^' V^H^V' x>6>0; [21] f , ^" =^dn-fg, v^!EZY -'^ V(a'-x^(x2-J2) a \^a a / a>.x>*>0; [22] r-=i_=.itn-/-, V^!EEY 231 •^» V(x2 + a'')(x2 + 6=') '^ Vi a y/ L^ -J Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGliALS. ' 273 For example we will take [19]. - I f.lifin fid- = J- ■ Let y = -j then dx X y ,2 ' C' dx ro dy -'- '^{x' — a'){x' — ¥')~ -'i V(l — ay)(l — b'y^ Jo Jn — dy ^(1-ahj^/ p Let now z^=^ay and J"^ dy _1 C' dz Prom [14]-[17] may be derived in like manner •^^ V(x—a.)(x — ^)(x — y) Va — y \^X — y ^a — y/ a:>a>/3>y; [24] •^"^ -J(a — x)(x — I3){x — y) Va-y V^a— /S'^a — y/ a>a;>/3; [25] r '^ :^-i=sn-fJ^^,JB\ -'v V(a — a;)(;8 — a;)(a;— y) Va — y \^/3— y ^a— y/ ;8>x>y; [26] r , ^^ =-l=cn-f JfaJ°Z^\ *^^ V(a— a;)(j8— a!)(y — a;) Va— y \»j8— a; »a — y/ y>x; [27] Tor example we will take [24]. 1 rfy Let y = ' then dx^ j : ^ a; — y f 274 INTEGJBAL CALCULUS. [Akt. 204. dx s: V(x-a)(x-^)(a;-y) 1 ^ Vy(l-(a-y)y)(l-(^-7)y) Let now z = (a — y)y, then 1 V2/(l-(a-y)2/)(l-(^-r)2/) ^-v ds :sn" Va — y From [24]-[27] may be obtained J"'' dx - \l{x — a)(x — 13) (x — y){x — S) 2 sn ■fJIEr.JtU:') by [14]. \ ^ X — y 'a — y/ y^a — 8 X — /3 'a — y y8 — 6/ V(a-y)(^-S) x>a; [28] - V(a -x){x~ ji) (X — y)(x — S) V(a-y)(;8-8) V^«-/8 =» — 8 ^a-y jS-Sy a>x>P; [29] ^^ V(a — x)(l3 — x) (x — y) (a- — S) V(a - y) (;8 - 8) \^/8-y «-x V „ _ .j, ^ _ Sy/ |8>a:>y; [30] Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 275 £ dx V(a — a;) (/3 — a;) (y — x) (.;■ — 8) 2 : sn" \*y — 8 p — x ''a — y p — oj V(a-y)(^-8) y>a;>S; [31] n dx -'^ V(a — x) (13 — x) (y — x) (8 — x) V(a — y)(;8 — 8) \^a. — h y-x ^a — y /3-Sj S>X. [32] Formulas [24]-[32] enable us to integrate the reciprocal of the square root of any cubic or biquadratic which has real roots. a AS an example let us find | ^=z- *^o V(2 ax — x") {a" — x^ J" 2 dx » V(2 a— x)(a — x)x(x-\- a) Jr'a dx V(2 a — x)(a — x)x(x-\-a) dx V(2 a — x)(a — x)x (x + a) 27l! ( INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Aiir. 204. Formulas [10]-[32] suggest the appropriate substitution to rationalize any rational function of x and the square root of a cubic or biquadratic having real roots. For instance, let us consider I V(a^ — x^) {V — x^) dx. Let y = sn~M '-, - J, [v. formula [18]]. Then x = /> sn( y, ~ \, dx ■= b en y dn y dy, a? — a;^=:a"dn^y Ir — .>•- ■= W cn^ ;/ ; Jo V("' — J-'K^" — •'"')•"'•'■ = «^'| cv^yAn^ydy Examples. (1) Find r'-.^=- Ans. :^K(moA^\ovl.Zll. ^0 Vl — a;* 2 \ 2 ) (2) Eationalize I Vl — x^ . dx. •Jo Ans. 2V2 jT (dn^a- — dn*a;)(&;. /^mod ^Y (3) Find C ^ ''"^ . *^" V(a2 — S,«) (ia; — x^ Am. -sn-/l, -^ or -^Tmod -Y (4) Rationalize f\{^E^, dx. ^0 ^bx — x' Ans. 2a J ^ dn'x.dx,0T2aEf-,'^\ Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS. 277 (5) FindX' dx ■si {a' -\-c' — x") {a? — x') (c' — x") Suggestion : let s = — . x^ 205. If we are integrating the reciprocal of the square root of a cubic or biquadratic having imaginary roots, formulas [24]-[.32] of Art. 204 no longer serve our purpose and we are driven to a more laborious method. We need only to consider the biquadratic form as we may regard the cubic as a special case under it. dx V(a + 2 6x + cx^) (a + 2 ySa; + yx^) Take the form j — , and J VCa- ' let V = where m and n are at first undetermined. We •' x — n shall get an integral of the form /: V(^ + By+ Gf) {A! + B'y + C'f) and m and n can then be so chosen that B and B' shall be equal to zero, and the integral can be obtained by one of the formulas [18]-[21] of Art. 204. The values of w and n required are easily proved to be the roots of the quadratic equation by-O^ by -0/3 ' ^ ^ and are always real if the original biquadratic has any imaginary roots. dx ^0 Vx (1 + x') For example let us find J 278 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 206. Here a = 0, 5 = i, c = 0, a = l, 13 = 0, y = l. Our auxil- iary equation (1) becomes »^ — 1 = and gives 1 and — 1 for m and n. Let, then, y = — — r > substitute and reduce and x-\-l Jdx _ - /'I di£ Vx (l + x^)~ ^V-i V(l + f) (1 - tf) Jo V(l + x^) (1 — x2) \ ^ / = 2 7f fmod ^ J = 3.708. Examples. Suggestion : let « = x''. C2) Eationalize I — =• ^ ^ -'» Vx(l+a;=) ^r^2-2cn.,-sn>. / ^VgY Jo sn^tj -^ \ 2 y (3) Rationalize j Vl + a;* ■ dx. r-- l + cn'y ^"""•Jo (1 + cny)^ "'^ Jo sn^x \ 2 / 206. Formulas for integrating snx, cnx, dnx, and their powers positive and negative, are obtained without difficulty. Chap. XVI.] ELLIPTIC INTEGKALS. 279 /, 1 C — /i^ sn cc cn a; rfa; \ C dv sna;«a; = — -; I = I — " k J en X kJ ^/,/2 ■^y^ — k" 1. ^ — T log (y + ylif — k'^ if 2/ = dn x. Hence j snxdx^— -log (daxx + ^dn!' X — k'^ j cna;rfz^-cos~'(dna;). [2] I dnxdx = am x = sin~' (sn x). [3] /c?x Z' sn a; en a- dn a; (Za; T dy sn X J sn^ X en X dn X %/ ^/^n — y\ i\ 'i^y\ = _ ^ log r V(l-y)(l-^V) + l _ 1+^1 if y = sn^ X. Hence r*^^ _lo r sn^ "1 r4-| J sn X LCD- X + dn X J /(Zx 1, r/c' sn X + dn x~| ^=pi°^L — ^^^— J- ^^^ /• (^x ]_ . _, r A:'^sn^x — cn^x "1 1^ , TA' sn X — en x~| = — tan-M -; j • [6] k LA;'snx + cnxJ '- From Art. 198 [1] we get J''sn2x(fo; = ^[x--E'(amx,A;)], [7] 280 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 206. Xi 1 cn^ xdx=^-^ [_E (am x, k) — k'^x"], [8] / dn^ xdx^E (am x, k). [9] An important set of reduction formulas by which the integral of any whole power of sn x, en x, or dn x can be made to depend upon the formulas just obtained can be found with- out difficulty. We have -;- (sn^+'xcnaidnx) dx^ ' = (m + 1) sn" cc — (m + 2) (1 + A'') sn" + = a; + (m + 3) k"^ sn"' + * x, whence we get (m + 1) I sn" x dx = (m + 2) (1 + /«2) r sn™ + ^xdx — (m + 3)FJ sn^ + ^xt^x + sn^+'iccnaidna;. [10] (m + 1) k'^i CM^'xdx = (m + 2) {k'^— k^f cn"' + ^xdx + (m-\-S)k^J cn'"+*a; for cos + V — 1 sin<^, so that we shall write our typical Imaginary as x-{-yi or as reis<^, instead of using the longer forms x-\-y V — 1, and r (cos ^ -f- V— 1 sin <^) . We shall also use the name complex quantity for an imaginary of the typical form when it is necessary to distinguish it from a pure imaginary. 284 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 209. 209. A complex variable z = x + yi is said to vary continu- ously when it varies in such a manner that the path traced by the point (a;,2/) representing it is a continuous line. Thus if z changes from the value a to the value /8, so that the point representing it traces any of the four lines in the figure, z varies continuously. It will be seen that a variable can pass from the first to the second of two given values, real or imaginary, by any one of an infinite number of different paths without discontinuity if the variable in question is not restricted to real values ; while a real variable can change continuously from one given value to another in but one way, since the point representing it is confined in its motion to the axis of reals. 210. A single-valued function w oi Sl, complex variable z is called a continuous function if the point representing it traces a continuous path whenever the point representing z traces a continuous path. A multiple-valued function of z is continuous if each of the n points representing values corresponding to a value of z traces a continuous path whenever z traces a continuous path. These n paths are in general distinct, but two or more of them will iutersect whenever z passes through a value for which two or more of the n values of w, usually distinct, happen to coincide, Such a value of « is sometimes called a Chap. XVII.] THEORY OF FUNCTIONS. 285 critical value, and the consideration of critical values plays an important part in the Theor3- of Functions. In studying a multiple-valued function we may confine our attention to any one of its n values, and except for the possible presence of critical points this value may be treated just as we treat a single- valued function. In representing graphically the changes produced in a func- tion IV by changing the variable z on which it depends, it is customary to avoid confusion by using separate sets of axes for w and z. 211. If we use the word function in its widest sense, w=u +vi will be a function of a complex variable z = x + yi, if u and v are any given functions of x and y. For example. xi, 6y, cn^ + y^, x — yi, a? — y^ + 2xyi, x — y + xi Vx^ + y^ + 4c may all be regarded as functions of z. We have seen in Chapter II., Arts. 36-42, that with this definition of function the derivative with respect to s of a func- tion w is in general indeterminate ; but that there are various functions of 2, for instance, 2", log«, e", sinz, where the deriva- tive is not indeterminate. We are now ready to investigate more in detail the general question of the existence of a deter- minate derivative of a function of a complex variable. Let w = u + vi be a function of « ; u and v, which are real, being functions of x and y. Starting with the value 2o = ^o + 2/o* of z and the correspond- ing value w^ = Uo + Vai of w, let us change z by giving to x increment Asb without changing y. V V « *1 % Wo,; Vi, Mo U Let AjM and A^'W be the corresponding increments of u and V ; and z^ and ■^t'l the new values of z and w. 286 We have Then INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [^KT. 211. Zi = Zo + A.X, lOi = Wo 4- A^w + iA^v. Wi — Mn _ A^M tA^'i; ^ 2i — 2:0 ~ Ax Ace ■ and the derivative of w with respect to z under the given cir- cumstances is limit A«=0 Mj— Wo «! — Zo — D^M + iD.'U. [1] K^ t«i Zo % SCq Wq, ./ If, however, starting with the same value Zq of z, we change « by giving y the increment Ay without changing x, we have Zi = Xo + (2/0 + -^y)* = «o + i^y^ Wl = Mo + AsrW + (^0 + AjV) J = Wo + AjM + i\V, Wi — Wo _ A„M *Aj,'y %- iAy iAy ■ and S'o[lJ^-]-«.-<^. limit A2 [2] and this is the derivative of w with respect to z when we change y and do not change x. Comparing [1] with [2], we see that if we start with a given value of z, and change z in the two different ways just con- sidered, the limits of the ratios of the corresponding changes in w to the changes in z need not be the same. Indeed, the two values for — given in [1] and [2] will not be the same unless dz w = w + VI is such a function of « = a; + yi that D^u=D,v and D^u = — D,v. [3] Chap. XVII.] THEORY OF FUNCTIONS. 287 We shall now show that if w is such a function of z that Az will be the same if we equations [3] are satisfied, a ^r, start with a given value Zo of 2, no mattter in what manner z may change ; that is, no matter in what direction the point representing z may be supposed to move ; or, in other words. no matter what may be the value of limit Ay Ax Aa!=0 We have in general, since w is a function of the two variables X and y, Aw = {D^u + iD^v) Ax + {DyU + iD^v) Ay + e, where e is an infinitesimal of higher order than Ax or Ay. (I., Art. 198.) Az = Ax + iAy. Hence — = Aw _D^u.Ax+ iDyV . Ay +W^v . Ax -{-D^u . Ay+ c Az Ax + iAy Ax Ax Ax 1 + i Ay Ax and limit A»=0 Aw Az „ , ■n limit dw dz 'Af Ax + ilD^v—iD,u limit rAy"T\ •Aa;=0[_Aa;jy , , . limit ^+'ax= mit [Ay-] ''=oLaJ W value involving J'™ q ^ ' ^^^ therefore dependent upon the direction in which z is made to move. If, however, [3] is satisfied, [4] reduces to dw dz =:D^u + iD^v, [5] and the derivative of w is independent of ^^ limit fAy"! \a!=0[_Aa;J' 288 li^TEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 212. A function which satisfies equations [3], and which, there- fore, has a derivative whose value depends only upon the value of the independent variable, and not upon the direction in which the point representing the variable is supposed to move, is called by some writers a monoc/enic function, by others a function which has a derivative, 212. Any function of » which can be formed by performing an analytic operation or series of operations upon s as a whole, without introducing x and y except as they occur in z, is a monogenic function of z. For if iv=fz=f{x + yi), where /« can be formed by operating upon x as a whole, D^'u>=f% and D^w=if'z; therefore iD^w = D^w, or iD^(u + vi) — Dy{u-\- vi) ; whence D^u = D^v, and D^u = — D^v; and [3], Art. 211, is satisfied. Consequently w is monogenic. This accounts for the results of Arts. 38-42. If w is a multiple-valued function of z, there may be several different values of — , corresponding to the same value of z ; dz but if w is monogenic, each of these values depends only upon z, and not upon the way in which z is supposed to change. In future, unless something is said to the contrary, we shall give the name function only to monogenic functions. Thus we shall not call such expressions as x — yi, or a? + y^ -^-^xyi, functions of z. Conjugate Functions. 213. If u and v are functions of x and y, satisfying equations [3], Art. 211, it is easy to prove that « DJ'u + D^-'u=0 and DJv + DJ'v = 0. Chap. XVII.] THEORY OF FtJNCTIONS. 289 For since D,u = D,v and D^v = -D^u, we have D^u = B,D,v and D,^u==- D,D,v, D,^v= - D,D,u and Z»/« =D,D,u ; u and V are then solutions of Laplace's equation, Z>/F+Zl/F=0. [1] Any two functions i^j y) + i^ (^T y) is a monogenic function of x+yi, are called conjugate functions ; and, by what has just been proved, each of a pair of conjugate functions is always a solution of Laplace's Equation [1]. Thus x' — y^^ 'ixy; e'cosy, e^siny; ^log (a^+ y^), tan^'^; X are three pairs of conjugate functions, since af — y^-i-2xyi = (a; + yiy, e' cosy + ie' siny = e*+'"', -J log (x^ + y^) + i tan~^^ X = log (a; + yi) , and consequently, by Art. 212, are all monogenic. Therelbre each of the six functions at the beginning of this paragraph is a solution of Laplace's Equation [1]. It IS clear that we can form pairs of conjugate functions at pleasure by merely forming functions of x + yi and breaking them up into their real parts, and their pure imaginary parts ; that is, throwing them into the typical form u + vi. If each of a pair of conjugate functions, <^ and i/*, is written equal to a constant, the equations thus formed will represent a pair of curves which intersect at right angles. For let {x, y) be a point of intersection of the curves ^ = a, ij/=b ; the slopes of the two curves at (x, y) axe. respectively — -=~, — — ^ by I., Art. 202; and since D^<^=Dy\p and D^ip = — D^4>, the second slope- is minus the reciprocal of the first, and the curves are perpendicular to each other at the point in question. Thus x^ — y^ = a, 2xy= b, cut each other orthogonally ; as do 290 LNTEGEAL CALCULTJS. [Akt. 214. also ^log(a^ + 2/^) = a, tan~^'^ = 6; or, what amounts to the X same thing, a^ + «^ = a, ^ = fej. It must be observed, how- X ever, that x' + y^ and " are not conjugate functions, and that X in general the converse of our proposition does not hold. It maj' be easily proved that if (j> and \f) are conjugate func- tions of X and y, and /and F are any second pair of conjugate functions of x and y, the new pair of functions formed by re- placing X and y in (j> and ij/ bj' / and F respectively wiU be conjugate. Thus (e*cos?/)^ — (e^sin?/)^, 2e'cos?/.e''siny, or, reducing, e^ cos 2 2/, e^ sin 2 2/, are conjugate functions ; or, reducing, log (a^ -H 2/^) , tan^M ^^ X are conjugate. The properties of conjugate functions given in this article are of great importance in many branches of Mathematical Physics. Example. Show that if x' and y' are conjugate functions of a; and y, X and y are conjugate functions of x' and y' . Preservation of Angles. 214. If 10 is a single-valued monogenic function of z, and the point representing z traces two arcs intersecting at a given angle, the corresponding arcs traced by the point representing w will in general intersect at the same angle. Chap. XVII.] THEORY OP FUNCTIONS. 291 For let Zq be the point of intersection of the curves in the z plane, and Wq the corresponding point in the w plane. Let »j be a point on the first curve, and z^ a point on the second ; and let Wj and w^ be the corresponding points in the w figure. Let Vi, r^, Si, and s^ be the moduli of % — Zq, z^ — »„ Wj — Wq, and Wj — Wo respectively, <^i, ^^, i/rj, and i/zj their arguments ; then, since w is a monogenic function of «, we must have r^ limit limit fil-^i^^' Lricis^i_ whence, by Art. 23, = limit or : limit - U L«2-«0 J' »-2 cis <^2 J ' limit Sl cis (l/r, - <^i) = limit — cis (i/'g • ■<^2)"|; and since, when two imagiuaries are equal, their moduli must be equal, and their arguments must be equal, unless the moduli are both zero or both infinite, limit (i/'2 — i/fi) = limit (^2 — ^1) ; that is, the angle between the arcs in the w figure is equal to the angle between the corresponding arcs in the z figure ; unless tdw~] _ dz\z=z^ 0, or dw dz If w is a multiple-valued monogenic function of z, and if starting from any point Zq, the point which represents z traces 292 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 210, out two curves intersecting at an angle a, eacli of the »t points representing the corresponding values of w will trace out a pair of curves intersecting at the angle a ; unless «o is a point at which — is zero or infinite. dz If, then, w is any monogenic function of 2, and the point representing z is made to trace out any figure however complex, the point representing w will trace out a figure in which all the angles occurring in the z figure are preserved unchanged, except those having their vertices at points representing values of z which make — zero or infinite. dz This principle leads to the following working rule for trans- forming any given figure into another, in which the angles are preserved unchanged. Substitute x' and y' for x and y in the equations of the curves which compose the given figure, x' and 'j being any pair of conjugate functions (Art. 213) of x and y, and the new equations thus obtained will represent a set of curves forming a second figure in which all the angles of the given figure are preserved unchanged, except those having their vertices at points at which Djc' and D^y' are both zero, or at which one of them is infinite. For ex-nniple, x — y = a, • (1) x+y=b, (2) are a pair of perpendicular right lines. Replace xhy a? — y^ and 2/ by 2 xy, and we get a? —■2xy — fz=a, (3) a?+2xy-y'' = b, (4) a pair of hyperbolas that cut orthogonally. 215. If t« is a single-valued continuous function of z, it is clear that if w„ and Wj are the values corresponding to z„ and «i, Chap. XVII.] THEORY OF FUNCTIONS. 293 and the point z moves from «„ to «! by two different paths, the corresponding paths traced by w will begin at Wq and end at Mi, and consequently that if z describes any closed contour, w also will describe a closed contour. If «o is a double-valued function of 2, since to each value of z there will correspond two values of w, it is conceivable that if Ml and w-^ are the values of lo corresponding to «i, and z moves from »o to ^i by two different paths, w may in one case move from Wo to Wi, and in the other case from w„ to w/. It can be proved, however, that if the two paths traced by z do not enclose a critical point (Art. 210), and w is finite and continuous for the portion of the plane considered, this will not take place, and that the two paths starting from w^ will terminate at the same point Wi. We give a proof for the case where « is a single-valued function of w. As z traces the first path, each of the two points repre- senting the two values of w will trace a path, one starting at Wq, and the other at w„\ and unless the z path passes through a critical point, the two w paths will not intersect, but will be entirely separate and distinct, and will lead, one from w^ to %, the other from Wq' to Wi'. If, now, the z path be gradually swung into a second position without changing its beginning or its end, since w is a continu- ous function, the two w paths will be gradually swung into new positions ; but, provided that the z path in its changing does not at any time pass through a critical point, the two w paths will at no time intersect, and consequently it will be impossible for the w points to pass over from one path to the other, and there- fore the point which starts at Wq must always come out at Wj, and not at Wi'. It follows readily from this reasoning that if z describes a closed contour not embracing a critical point, each of the w points will describe a closed contour, and these contours will not intersect. Of course, the proof given above holds for any multiple- valued function. In any portion of the plane, then, not containing critical 294 INTEGEAL CALCULTTS. [Akt. 216, points the separate values of a multiple-valued function may be separately considered, and may be regarded and treated as single-valued functions. 216. That in the case of a double-valued function two paths in the z plane, including between them a critical point, but having the same beginning and ttie same end, may lead to different values of the function, is easily shown by an example. Let TO = Vx, and let z, starting with the value 1, move to the value — 1 by the semi-circular path in the figure. That one of —1 -fl Fig. 1. -fl the corresponding values of to which starts with -f- 1 will de^ scribe the quadrant shown in the figure, and will reach the If, however, z moves from -|- 1 to — 1 by point 1 .cis-, or Fig. 2. -fl the semi-circular path in the second figure, the value of w which starts with -f 1 will describe the quadrant shown in the second figure, and will reach the value l.cisf — -|, or —i. These two paths described by «, then, although beginning at the same point -f- 1 and ending at the same point — 1 , cause that value of the function which begins with -f 1 to reach two different values ; and the two paths in question embrace the point a = 0, which is clearly a point at which the two values of w, ordinarily different, coincide ; that is, a critical point. Chap. XVII.] THEORY OP FUNCTIONS. 295 It is easily seen that if z, starting with the value +1, de- scribes a complete circumference about the origin, the value of w which starts from the point + 1 will not describe a closed contour, but will move through a semi-circumference and end with the point l.cisir or —1. Now, by Art. 215 any path Fio. 3. described by z beginning with + 1 and ending with — 1 and passing above the origin, since it can be deformed into the semi-circumference of Fig. 1 without passing through a critical point, will cause the value of w beginning with + 1 to end with + i ; and any path described by z beginning with + 1 and end- ing with — 1 and passing below the origin, since it can be deformed into the semi-circumference of Fig. 2 without passing through a critical point, will cause the value of w beginning with -|- 1 to end with — i. Therefore any two paths described by z beginning with -fl and ending with —1 will, if they include the critical point z = between them, lead to different values of w, provided that the same value of w is taken at the start. 217. If w is a double-valued function of z, and z describes a closed contour about a single critical point, this contour may be deformed into a circle about the critical point, and a line lead- ing from the starting point to the circumference of the circle, without affecting the final value of w (Art. 215). Thus, in the figure, the two paths ABODA, AB'C'D'B'A lead from the same initiid to the same final value of lo ; and this is true no matter how small the radius of the circle B'C'D'. 296 INTEGRAL CALCTJLTTS. [Abt. 21 T Let z„ be the critical point, and let Wq be the corresponding point in the w figure. As z moves from Zi towards 2o> the points representing the corresponding values of w will start at Wi and Ml' and move towards «„, tracing distinct paths. If, now, z describes a circumference about Zq, and then returns along its original path to «i, the first value of ,w will either make a complete revolution about t«o and return along the branch (1) to its initial value Mi, or it will describe about Wq a path ending with the branch (2) of the w curve, and move along that branch to the value to/. In the first case, and in that case only, the value of ?" describes a closed contour when z describes a closed contour, and is practically a single-valued function. If Zo is a point at which — is neither zero nor infinite dz {v. Art. 214), when z describes about Zo a circle of infinitesimal radius, w will make about iVg a complete revolution ; for since if two radii are drawn from Zg, the cur\'es corresponding to them will form at m'o an angle equal to the angle between the radii, when a radius drawn to the moving point which is describing the circle about 2„ revolves through an angle of .360°, the cor- Chap. XVII.] THEORY OF FUNCTIONS. 297 responding line joining iv,, with the moving point representing m will revolve through 360°, and we shall have what we have called Case I. If, then, we avoid the points at which — is zero or infinite, dz we shall avoid all critical points that can vitiate the results obtained by treating our double- valued or multiple-valued func- tions as we treat single-valued functions. A critical point of such a character that when z describes a closed contour about it the corresponding path traced by any one of the values of w is not closed, we shall call a branch point. When a function is finite, continuous, and single-valued for all values of z lying in a given portion of the z plane, or when if multiple-valued it is finite and continuous, and has no branch points in the portion of the plane in question, it is said to be holomorphic in that portion of the plane. Definite Integrals. 218. In the case of real variables, | was defined in Art. 80 in effect as follows : X /a . dz = J™'^ [/«o (z,— z,) +fz^ (z, - z,) +fz,{z, - z,) + ■■■ +A-l(^-«n-l)], [1] where Zi, Z2, Zg, ...z„_i are values of z dividing the interval between Zq and Z into n parts, each of which is made to approach zero as its limit as n is indefinitely increased. is the line integral of fz (Art. 163) taken along the straight line, joining »o and Z if Zq and Z are repre- sented as in the Calculus of Imaginaries. It has been proved that ii fz is finite and continuous between So and Z, this integral depends merely upon the initial and final values of z, and is equal to FZ—Fzg where Fz is the indefinite integral I 298 INTEGKAL CALCTJLTJS. [ART. 218. If 2 is a complex variable, and passes from z^^ Z along any given path, we shall still define the definite integral 1 by [1] where now z^, %, 23, ...2„_i are points in the [jiven path. Two important results follow immediately from this defini- tion : r°, [2] 1st. That if z traverses in each integral the same path connecting Zo and Z. 2d. That the modulus of | fz. dz is not greater than the line-integral of the modulus of fz taken along the given path joining z^ and Z. If we let fz — w = u + vi, z = x + yi,u = (x, y) dy, [3] each of the integrals in the last member being the line-integral of a real function of real variables, taken along the given path connecting Zq and Z. If the given path is changed, each of the integrals in the last member of [3j will in general change, and the value of Jfz . dz will change ; and, since z may pass from z^ to Z by an infinite number of different paths, we have no reason to expect that I will in general be determinate. We shall, however, prove that in a large and important class of cases | is determinate, and depends for its value upon Zo and Z, and not at all upon the nature of the path traversed by z in going from z^ to Z. Chap. XVII.] THEORY OF FUNCTIONS. 299 219. If fz is holomorphic in a given portion of the plane, f'° = Q [1] if z describes any closed contour lying wholly within that portion of the plane. From [o], Art. 215, we have ( '' i j udx + i | vdx — i vdy + i | udy, [2] the integral in each case being the line-integral around the closed contour in question. Since iv = fz is holomorphic, m = <^ («, y), and v = ij/ (x, y) , and D^u, DyU, D^v, and D^v are easily seen to be finite, con- tinuous, and single-valued in the portion of the plane considered. Therefore, by Art. 170, I udx = I I D^udxdy ; | vdx = ( 1 DyVdxdy ; I vdy = — j j D^vdxdy ; | udy = — j j D^udxdy ; the integral in the first member of each equation being taken around tlie contour, and that in the second member being a surface-integral taken over the surface bounded by the contour. We have, then, from [2], I '°fz .dz= C C (DyU+ D^v)dxdy+ i C C{DyV—D,u)dxdy, [3] but D,u = DyV, and D^u = - D^v from [3] , Art. 211. Therefore, [3] reduces to | °fz .dz = 0. From this result we get easily the very important fact that if fz is holomorphic in a given portion of the plane, j will have the same value for all paths leading from z^ to Z, provided they lie wholly in the given part of the plane. For let z^^aZ and ZgbZ be any two paths not intesecting between Zq and Z. Then z„aZbZo is a closed con- tour, and 300 INTEGRAL CALCULTTS. [Abt. 220. but J'fz . dz (along ZoaZbZo) = C^ (aloDg z„aZ) + j °/ (along ^62:0) = 0; r°fz . dz (along Zbzo) = - C (along ZobZ) Jz J'a by Art. 218. Therefore, fV^ • f^« (along 2oaZ) = j /z.dx (along Zo6Z). If the paths 2oa.Z and z^bZ inter- sect, a third path Zs^cZ may be drawn not intersecting either of them, and by the proof just given J (along Zoa^)= j (along «oC.Z), J (along z^bZ) = C (along ZocZ) ; therefore, J (along «oa.^) = j (along z„6Z). 220. If /z, while in other respects holomorphic in a given portion of the plane, becomes infinite for a value T of 2, then ifz . dz taken around a closed contour embracing T, while not zero, is, however, equal to the integral taken around any other closed path surrounding T. For let ABCD be any closed eon- tour about T. With T as a centre, and a radius e, describe a circumfer- ence, taking e so small that the cir- cumference lies wholly within^jBCD. Join the two contours by a line AA'. Then ABCDAA'D'C'B'A'A is a closed path within which fz is holo- morphic. Chap. XVII.] THEORY OF FUNCTIONS. 301 Therefore, J/z . dz (along ABCDAA'D'C'B'A'A) = 0, or Cfz . dz (along ABCDA) + Cfz . dz (along AA') + (along A'D'C'B'A') + Cfz . dz (along A' A) = ; but and Cfz . dz (along AA') =- Cfi- dz along (A' A) , id Cfz . dz (along A'D'C'B'A') = - Cfz. dz (along A'B'C'D'A') Hence frz . d2 (along ABCDA) = j/^ • ^2 (along A'B'C'D'A'). 221. That the integral of a function of z around a closed contour embracing a point at which tlie function is infinite is not necessarily zero is easily shown by an example. fz^ , t being a given constant, is single-valued, con- z — t tinuous, and finite throughout the whole of the plane except at the point t, at which becomes infinite, without, however, z—t ceasing to be single-valued. /dz around a circle whose centre is t, and z — t whose radius is any arbitrarily chosen value c. If z is on the circumference of this circle 't- ^ z — f = £ (cos <^ + I sin . ~ 302 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Akt. 221. Hence f-^ (around abc) = f i!?!l# = 2^'. J z — t ^ Jo te*' /. From what has been proved in Art. 220, it follows that » j^ around any closed contour embracing t must also be IS ~^ t equal to 2Tri. /Fz dz, when Fz is z — t supposed to be holomorphic in the portion of the plane con- sidered, and where the integral is to be taken around any closed contour embracing the point « = f . Fz - — is holomorphic except at the point z = t, where it z—t becomes infinite. The required integral is, then, equal to the integral around a circumference described from the point t as a centre, with any given radius e, that is, by the reasoning just r dz used in the case of I , to J z — t r- F(t + .e*')ue'^. Now, by I. Art. 161, {Ft.d<^ + -qd^)= 1 Ft.d^. /•2ir ^ail- Hence I I F{t + i.(?'-)d<^ =i\ Ft.d = 2-,riFt; and we get the important result that i dz^ taken around anj contour including the point z = t, is equal to 2 iri . Ft. From this we have Ft = — — i^^dz ; 2 TriJ z — t Chap. XVII.] THEORY OF FUNCTIONS. 303 and we see that a holomorphic function is determined every- where inside a closed contour if its value is given at every point of the contour. If in the formula Ft = -— f-^ dz m 'iiriJ z — t ■■ -■ we change ttot + Af , we get AJ'i^J- Cwz.dzf ^ LVJ_ C Vz.A^.^t . 'i.-KiJ \z — t—At z—tj iiriJ (z—t){z—t—M) whence imit r^-\ ^ j_ Tj,, . ^, . limit r 1 n '*=OLAfJ 2iTiJ Af=0[ (2 _«)(«_(_ A«) J' limit A« m = ^CI^^; [2] and in like manner we get 2,rjJ {z-ty' ■■ -■ and in general jrwi^^jil C j.^- ^ 2W (2-0""" each of the integrals in these formulas being taken around a closed contour lying wholly in that portion of the plane in which Fz is holomorphic, and enclosing the point z = t. 222. The integral of a holomorphic function along any given path is finite and determinate, for, by [3], Art. 218, it iS equal to the sum of four line integrals, each of which is finite and determinate (Art. 166). If a series Wq-\-Wi-\- w^ + •", where Wa, w^, w^ •■• are holo- morphic functions of z, is uniformly convergent for all values of s in a certain portion of the plane, the integral of the series along any given path lying in that portion of the plane is the series formed of the integrals of the terms of the given series along the path in question, and the new series is convergent. 304 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Akt. 223. For, let (S = Wo + Wi + Wa -I !-«'„ + «'„+ 1 -\ = Wo + w-i + W2-\ \-w„-\- 2?„, where ^n — ■>^n+i + '^n+2+ "■> and where by hypothesis ?i may be taken so great that the modulus of i?„ is less than e for all values of « in the portion of the plane in question, e being a positive quantity taken in advance and as small as we please. j Sdz = I Wgdz -{- i Wids-\ 1- I w^dz + | B^ds for any given value of n. By the proposition at the beginning of this article, j Sds along the given path is finite and determinate, as are also I Wodz, I Wxdz, etc. The modulus of I R^ dz is not greater than the line-integral along the given path of the modulus of R^ (v. Art. 218). If, now, n is taken suificiently great, each value of the modulus of -Z?„ will be less than e ; consequently each element of the cylindrical surface representing the line-integral of the modulus of JS„ will be less than e (v. Art. 166), and j R^dz will be less in absolute value than e multiplied by the length of the path along which the integral is taken. Therefore, | Sdz ^= I w^dz -\- I w-^dz -\- i w^dz -\- — ; and, since the first member is finite and determinate, the second member is a convergent series. Taylor's and Madaurin's Theorems. 1 — g" identically, if » is a positive integer, even when q is imaginary. 223. J— ^=l4-j-|-^2_|.j3 4-...j»- Chap. XVII.] THEORY OF PUNOTIONS. 305 If the modulus of q is less than 1 limit w=oo Hence l+g + g' + g*+- [?"] = 0. limit [1] even when q is imaginary, provided that the modulus of q is less than 1. Suppose, now, that everywhere within and on a certain cir- cumference described with the point z = a as a centre Fz is holomorphic. Let 2= i be any point within this circumference, and a = Z be a point on the circum- ference. Then the modulus ot Z — a is the distance from a to Z, and the modulus of i — a is the distance from a to i; hence mod (J — a) < mod {Z — a), and mod ft-a\ \Z-aJ <1. Z—t Z—a — {t — a) Z — a ^ Hence 1 r t-a jt-aY (t-aY 1 ~Z-al'^Z-a'^ (Z-aY {Z-aY J' 1 ^_l_.__tz^_4.St:z^4.Atz3l!.+ ... m Z-t~Z-(t{Z-aY {Z-aY {Z-aY and the second member of [2] is a convergent series. Multiply [2] by —,, and the series will still be convergent for each value of z which we have to consider ; we get 1 FZ 2in Z-t =i^[S-('-'(i^-«'-°''(i^-} [3] 306 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Art. 223. Integrate now both members of [3] around the circumfer- ence, and we have 27riJ Z-t -l-KiyJ Z-a ^ 'J {Z-ay and, since each of the functions to be integrated is holomorphic on the contour around which the integral is taken, and the second member of [3] is convergent, each integral will be finite and determinate, and the second member of [4] will be con- vergent. Substituting in [4] the values obtained in Art. 221, [1], [2]. [3], and [4], we have Ft=^Fa + {t-a)Fa+ (^~")V 'a + (* - ") V"a + ... n ! If the point z = a is at the origin, a = and [5] becomes Ft=Fo-irtFo + ^F"o+~F"'o + .:, [6] which is Maclaurin's Theorem. That [5] is merely a new form of Taylor's Theorem is easily seen if we let « — a = h, whence t = a+h, and [5] becomes F(^a + h)=Fa + hF'a + ^F"a+^F"'a + .... [7] [6] can, of course, be written Fz = Fo + zF'o + i.^F"o +^F"'o + ..., [8] and [5] as Fz = Fa + (z - a) F'a + (izl^V"a + (in£lV"a + ... ; [9] [5] Chap. XVU.] THEORY OF PUNCTKJNS. 307 and we get the very important result that if a function of z is holomorpMc within a circle lohose centre is at the origin it may be developed by Maclaurin's Theorem, and the development will hold, that is, tlie series wiU be convergent, for all values of z lying within the circle. If a function of z is holomorpliie within a circle described from « =a as a centre it can be developed by Taylor's Theorem into a series arranged according to powers of z — a, and the development will hold for all values of z lying within the circle. The question of the convergency of either Taylor's or Maclaurin's Series for the case when z lies on the circum- ference of the circle needs special investigation, and will not be considered here. If the function which we wish to develop is single- valued, in drawing our circle of convergence we need avoid onl3- those points at which the function becomes infinite ; but if it is multiple-valued we must avoid also those at which its derivative is zero or infinite (v. Art. 217). 224. "We are now able to investigate from a new point of view the question of the convergence of the series obtained by Taylor's and Maclaurin's Theorems in I. Chap. IX. Let us begin with the Binomial Theorem, (a) (ffl-t-/0" = «''-Fwa"-'/t-Hw ^''~^^ a"-''fe^-H-. [1] or, following the notation of [9] , Art. 220, If n is a positive integer, «" is holomorphic throughout the whole plane, and [2] holds for all values of z and a, and [1] for all values of a and h. If m is a negative integer, z" is single-valued, and it is linito and continuous except for 2 = 0, where «" becomes infinite. [2] is, then, convergent for all values of z lying within a circle described with a as a centre and passing through the origin ; 308 INTEGEAL CALCULUS. [Abt. 224. that is, for all values of z, such that mod {z — a) < mod a ; and consequentl3- [1] holds if modhi (Art. 33) is finite and continuous throughout the whole plane. It is, however, multiple-valued, but its derivative - becomes infinite z only when 2 = 0, and does not become zero for any finite value of 2. log2, then, can be developed into a convergent series, arranged according to powers of z — a, for all values of z within a circle having the centre a and passing through the origin ; that is, for all cases where mod {z — a)< mod a. 11 z — a = h, we get 7i 7)2 h^ 7i< log (a + h) = loga -h^ - ±-^ + ^^ - A_ -H ..., [3] a 2a^ 3fr 4a^ [3] holding for all cases where rnod li < m,od a. If a = 1 and h = z, we get log(l+.) = ^^-|Vf-f+-, [4] which holds for all values of z where mod z < 1 . (d) sin z = sin (a; -f- yj) = sin x . ^""^^ " -f- i cos x ■ ^" ~ ^~l. Chap. XVII.] THEORY OF FUNCTIONS. 309 and cosz = cos {x-\-yi) = COS X — t since- -— , (v. [3] and [4], Art. 35) are single-valued, and are finite and continuous throughout the plane. Therefore, Maclaurin's developments for sin 2 and cosa hold for all values of z. (e) taa2 = , and secz = , are single-valued and cosz cosz continuous, and become infinite only when cos« = 0; that is, when 2 = -. Therefore, Maclaurin's developments for tang and secz (I. Art. 138), hold for every value of z whose modulus is less than -• 2 (/) etn z = , and csc« = become infinite when 2 = 0, sin 2 sin 2 and cimnot be developed by Maclaurin's Theorem. {g) sin"' 2 is finite and continuous throughout the plane; it 1 IS, however, multiple-valued, and its derivative , ^ becomes infinite when z = 1, and when z = — 1. Therefore, the develop- ment for sin'^z (I. Art. 135 [2]), holds for any value of z whose modulus is less than 1. (A) tan"' 2 is finite and continuous throughout the plane ; it is multiple-valued, and its derivative becomes infinite when 2 = i, and when z = — i. Therefore, the development for tan"'z (I. Art. 135 [1]), holds if modz <.modi; that is, if modz < 1. Examples. (1) Show that the development of 1- log (1 -f z) , given 1+2 .in I. Art. 136, Ex. 1, holds if mod2< 1. (2) Show that the development of log (1 + e') , given in I. Art. 136, Ex. 2, holds if mod20, -^ < a;<| if n< ; (c) — oosina; + l. (2) Chap. XVIII.] DIFFEKENTIAL EQUATIONS. KEY. 319 (b) sin'x—^ + smx(iOSX-f- — y = x — smx. (1) (XX (XOj Beginning at the beginning of the key, we are difected through I., II., III., VII., to (24), page 337, for our specific instructions. Dividing through by sin^a;, the equation becomes d^y . ^ dy „ „ ,„. -r-|- + ctna;-;2._csc''a!. y = a;csc^a; — escK. (2) dar da; ^ ' y = etna; is found by inspection to be a solution of d^y . J. dy , ^r-^ + ctn a;-^ — csc-.t; . w = ; da? dx (2) can then be solved by (24) (a). Substitute y = zctnx in (2), and it becomes ctn X — - + (ctn^a; — 2 csc^a;) — = x cav?x — esc a;, dar dx or — - — (tana; + sec a; CSC a;) — = a;seca!csca; — seca;. (3) da? dx Referring to (25), page 339, and obeying instructions, we dz let «' = — ,and (3) becomes dx dz' (tana; + sec a; CSC a;) z' = a;seca;csca; — seca;, dx ^ ^ a linear differential equation of the first order in z'. whose solu- tion by (4) , page 330, is z' = A tan X sec a; — a; sec^a; + tan x sec x (log tan log sin a;) ; dz but z' = — , whence integrating, we have dx z =B + A seca; — x tana; — (1 + seca;) log (1 + cos a;) , and y = A CSC x + B ctn x — x — (esc x -\- ctn x) log ( 1 + cos x) . 320 INTEGEAL CALCULTTS. [ART. 227. Beginning at the beginning of the key, we are directed through I., n., III., VII., to (24), page 337, for our specific instructions. Let us try the method of (24) (e), page 339. Assume y='%a„x'", and substitute in the given equation; we have %[m(m — l)o„ar-i — ■2m{m — l)a„a;'" + m (m — 1) a„af"+' — 2a,„a:"'] = 0. Writing the coeflScient of a;"" in this sum equal to zero, we have m(m + l)a„^+i — 2[m(m — l)+l]a„ + (m — l)(m-2)a„_i=0, and we wish to choose the simplest set of values that will satisfy this relation. Substituting m = 0, m = — 1, m = — 2, etc., in this relation, we find a_i=0|,, a_2=a_i, a_3 = a^2, ••■, Hence if we take ao = 0, it follows that a_i = a_2 = a_3 • • • = 0, and no negative powers of x will occur in our particular solution. Substituting now m=l, m = 2, m = 3, etc., we have ai = aj = Oj = ai = • • • . Taking ttj = 1, we get as our required particular solution of the given equation y =x + a? + a? + Qd^ -\- ••-. This can be written in finite form, since we know that l+x + a^ + a^--- = ~ — 1 —X Hence y = - ^ 1 -X is a particular solution. Chap. XVni.] DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. KEY. 321 Turning now to (24) (a), page 337, we find y=-^^ + c' 1+X + 1 —X ^^f^_•^ 2a; , \ 3_- logo^j. Beginning at tlie beginning of the Icey, we are directed tiirough I., II., III., VII., to (24), page 337, for our specific instructions. Let us ivy again tlie metliod (24) (e), page 339. Assume y-= So„a;'", and substitute in the given equation, S[m (m — l)a„a?"-== + a„a;" — 2 a^a!"'-^] = 0. The terms containing oT are (m + 2) (m + 1) a^+jsT + a„a!"" - 2a^^3f; writing the sum of the coefHcients equal to zero, we have m (m + 3) a„+2 + a„ = 0. (1) Letting m = and m = —3, we get ao = and a_^ = ; and all terms of y involving even negative powers of x disappear, as do all terms involving odd negative powers, except the — 1st. (2) if we take a.i^=\. In general From this we get m (m + 3) ai =- 2.5 1 " 3! 5' We = (h 1 2A.5.7 ~ 5! 7' 02 1 "8 — ~ 7! 9' «10 = 02 1 9! 11 Hence y = — — ——- + — — — - 3 3!55!7 7!99!11 is a particular solution of the given equation. This can be tlirown into finite form without much labor. ;V22 INTEGKAL CALCULUS. [Akt. 227. We have «« = ) 1 ••, " 3 3!5 5!7 7!9 9!11 Ajxy) ^^ a^ ai° a;' a^" da; 3! 5! 7! 9!"'' , a? , a;" a^ , a^ \ = a;a! •••I, ' 3!5! 7!9! / = a; sin a;; whence a!y= sina; — ajcosa;, and y = - (sin a; — x cos a;) . X By going back to (2), and usiug odd values of m, we get another solution of our given equation, namely, 1 . a; a? a? af ~ X 2, 2!44!6 eTs' which can be reduced to 1 X (cos a; + a; sin a;). Hence our complete solution is y = -\_A (cos a; + a; sin a;) + B (sin a? — a; cos as)], or y=A'\ i i + sm (a; — c) L if we let — = tanc. A (9) D/«-a'i>/« = 0. Beginning at the heginninsr of the key, we are directed through I. and IX. to (45), p. 347, for our specific instruc- tions. Chap. XVIII.] DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. KEY. 323 Obeying these, our work is as follows : dy — adx = 0, (1) dy +adx =0, (2) dpdy — a?dqdx = 0. (3) Combining (1) and (3), we get dpdy — adqdy = 0, or . dp — adg = 0. (4) (1) gives y — ax = a. (4) gives p — aq = fi. (2) and (3) give us, in the same way, y + ax = ai, p + aq =/3i ; and our two first integrals are p-aq=fi{y-ax), (5) p + aq=f2{y + ax), (6) /i and f2 denoting arbitrary functions. Determining p and q, from (5) and (6), P = iLf2(y + ax) +/, (y - aa;)], g = ^ [/2 (2/ + ax) -/i (2/ - aa;)] ; d'!^ =ilf2(.y+ax) +fi{y—ax)']dx+—[f2{y+ax)—fi(y—ax)]dy _ /2 (y + a^) (dy + a<^'») —fi (y — «^) i^y — adx) 2a Hence, z = F{y + ax) + Fi(y — ax) , whei-e F and F-^ denote arbitrary functions obtained by integral ing/x and/2, which are arbitrary. 324 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. [Akt. 228. 228. When a differential equation does not come under any of the forms given in the key, a change of dependent or inde- pendent variable, or of both, will often reduce it to one of the standard forms. No general rule can be laid down for such a substitution. It will, however, often suffice to introduce a new letter for the sum, or the difference, or the product, or the quotient of the variables, or for a power of one or of both. Sometimes an ingenious trigonometric substitution is effective, or a change from rectangular to polar coordinates ; that is, the introduction of r cos <^ for x and r sin <^ for y. The following examples of such substitutions are instructive. (A.) Change of dependent variable. (1) (a; + yY-^=: rr, reduces to — ^ — -dz — dx = U. dx a^ + z^ if we introduce « = a; + y. (2) ^ = sin(<^-^), reduces to — d<^ = 0, «<^ 1 — sin u) \t m=<^ — e. (3) {x — y-)dx + 2 xydy = 0, reduces to {x — z)dx + xdz =0, if « = y-. (4) x-^-y + x\l3?—y' = 0, reduces to '^^ + dx = 0, dx ^-^ _ ^a if^ = ^. X (5) ^ + £ ^ _ „2 0, reduces to ^^ - n^z = 0, dx- X dx dx- it z = xy. (B.) Change of independent variable. (1) (l-x^)^g + i/ = 0, reduces to dx" ' d6- -^"—-"^j0 (=os.'0^ + smecos6^ + y = 0. if x = sine. Chap. XVIII.] DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. KEY. 325 (2) — f + ta.nx-^ + cos'x.y = 0, reduces to — ^ + 2/ = Oj dxr dx dz' if 2! = sin a;. (C.) Change of both variables. (1) ( 1 ^-i\xy = -^<3? — y^ — a^), reduces to \ dx^J dx v-.z—- — (z-v-a') = 0, if z = afa.ndv = y'. dz^ dz^ ' dy dx sm.(ct> — 0)dcl) = dd, if a; = tan 6 and y = ta,n^ a dx \f; = h, will lead, on differentiation, to the same differential equation of the second order (19) 334 A singular solution will answer (20) 334 VII. Not of first order. Linear, with constant coefficients ; second member zero* (21) 335 Linear, with constant coefficients ; second member not zero* (22) 336 Of the form (a + &a;)»^ + ^(a + 6a;)»-'^l^ + ••• + Ly= X, where X is a function of X alone f (23) 337 Linear ; of second order ; coefficients not con- stant. General form, ^+P^+ Qy = B; dar dx P, Q, and E being functions of a; ... (24) 337 Either of the primitive variables wanting . . (25) 339 d^v Of the form — ^ = X, X being a function of dx" ^ a; alone f (26) 339 d^v Of the form — f =Y, Y being a function of da? y alone t (27) 340 Oftheformg=/|^ (28)340 Oftheform|f=/|^ (29)340 Homogeneous on the supposition that x and * The first member is supposed to contain only those terms involving the dependent variable or its derivatives, t See note, p. 310. KEY. y are of the degree 1, -^ of the degree 0, dx dx" of the degree — 1 , Homogeneous on the suppofeition that x is of dy dx the degree 1, y of the degree «, ^ of the degree n — 1, — f of the degree n — 2, ■•• da? Homogeneous relatively to ?/, -^, — ^, • • • OjX axi , Containing the first power only of the deriva- tive of the highest order Of the form ^ + X^ + y\^= 0, where doir dx \_dx\ X is a function of x alone and Y a func- tion of y alone * Singular integral will answer VIII. Simultaneous equations of the first order . Not of the first order IX. All the partial derivatives taken with respect to one of the independent variables . . Of the first order and Linear Of the first order and not Linear . . . . Of the second order and containing the deriv- atives of the second order only in the first degree. General form RD^z + SD^DyZ + TDy^z = F, where B, S, T, and V may be functions of x, y, z, D^z, and D^z 829 Fige (30) 341 (31) 341 (32) 341 (33) 341 (34) 342 (35) 342 (38) 344 (39) 345 (40) 346 X. 329 XI. 329 X. Containing three variables Containing more than three variables XI. Containing three variables . . . Containing more than three variables (45) 347 (41) 346 (42) 346 (43) 346 (44) 347 * See note, p. 310. 330 INTEGRAL CALCTTLTTS. (1) Of or reducible to the form Xdx + Tdy = 0, where X is a function of x alone and F is a function of y alone. Integrate each term separately, and write the sum of their integrals equal to an arbitrary constant. (2) M and iV homogeneous functions of x and y of the same degree. Introduce in place of y the new variable v defined by the equation y = vx, and the equation thus obtained can be solved by (1). Or, multiply the equation through by — — , and its first member will become an exact differential, and the solution may be obtained by (6). (3) Of the form {ax + by + c)dx + (a'x + b'y + c') dy = 0. If aV— a'b = 0, the equation may be thrown into the a' form {ax + by -f- c) do; H — {ax + by + c)dy = 0. If now z = ax + by be introduced in place of either x or y, the resulting equation can be solved by (1). If ab' — a'b does not equal zero, the equation can be made homogeneous by assuming x = x'— a, y = y'—fi, and determining a and (i so that the constant terms in the new values of M and N shall disappear, and it can then be solved by (2). (4) Linear. General form -^+ Xj 2/= Xj, where Xj and dx X2 are functions of x alone. Solve on the supposition that Xj = by (1) ; and from this solution obtain a value for y, involving of course an arbitrarjf constant C. Substitute this value of y in the given equation, regarding C as a variable, and there will result a differential equation, involving and x, whose solution by (1) will express C as a function of x. Sub- stitute this value for C in the expression already obtained for 2/, and the result will be the required solution. KEY. 331 (5) Of the form ^ + X^y = X.,y\ where X^ and X^ are functions of x alone. Divide through by y", and then introduce z = y^-" in place of y, and the equation will become linear and may be solved by (4) . (6) Mdx + Ndy an exact differential. Test DyM= D^N. Find I Mdx, regarding y as constant, and add an arbi- trary function of y. Determine this function of y by the fact that the differential of the result just mentioned, taken on the supposition that x is constant, mtist equal Ndy. . Write equal to au arbitrary constant the | Mdx above mentioned plus the function of y just determined. (7) Mx + Ny=0. Divide the first term of Mdx + Ndy = by Mx, and the second by its equal —Ny, and integrate by (1). (8) Mx-Ny = 0. Divide the first terra of Mdx + Ndy = by Mx, and the second by its equal Ny, and integrate by (1). (9) Of the form /i (xy) ydx 4-/3 (xy) xdy = 0. Multiply through by , and the first member Mx — Ny will become an exact differential. The solution may then be found by (6). (10) -^ — — - — , a function of x alone. / •DyM-DxN ■dx Multiply the equation through by e-^ -sr ' , and the first member will become an exact differential. The solution may then be found by (6). 332 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. (11) DxN-DyM^ ^ function of y alone. ^ / '-p«-y--Pi'-M " J Multiply the equation through by e"' M ' ^, and the first member will become an exact differential. The solution may then be found by (6). Multiply the equation through by e-' Ny-Mx ' " where V = xy, and the first member will become an exact differ- ential. The solution may thus be found by (6). (13) A solution of Mdx + Ndy = in the form of a series can always be obtained. Throw the given equation into the form -^ = , dx , N then differentiate, and in the result replace -^ by M . . d^v '^^ — — , thus obtaining a value of — | in terms of x Jy dvf and y ; by successive differentiations and substitutions get values of — i, — ^, etc. , in terms of x and y. dxr dx* If 2/o is the value of y corresponding to any chosen value ajo of x, y can now be developed by Taylor's Theorem. We have y=fx =/(a'o + ^ — ^0) =/a% + (X - x,)fx, + i^^^/"a;„ + (^o)!/"'a;„ + •.., or y-y, + (r-r)^y'' I i^-^oY '^'y^^ i {x-X,y d^y, ^ "dx, 2! dx,'^ 3! dx,^^ ' where ^, ^, ^, etc., dx^ dx^ dx^ are obtained by replacing x and y by a;„ and y^ m the values of , ,„ ,, dy^ cty^ d^ ^^^ dx dx?' da?' "' described above. KEY. 333 In the general case y^ Is entirely arbitrary, and if the given equation is at all complicated, the solution is apt to bo too complicated to be of much service. If, however, in a special problem the value of y corresponding to some value of X is given, and these values are taken as 2/0 and a!o, the solution will generally be useful. (14) Can be solved as an algebraic equation inp, where;) stands for — i. dx Solve as an algebraic equation in p, and, after trans- posing all the terms to the first member, express the first member as the product of factors of the first order and degree. Write each of these factors separately equal to zero, and find its solution in the form V— c = by (V.) . Write the product of- the first members of these solutions equal to zero, using the same arbitrary constant in each. (15) Involves only one of the variables and p, where p stands for^. dx By algebraic solution express the variable as an expli- cit function of p, and then differentiate through relatively to the other variable, regarding p as a new variable and dx 1 remembering that — = -. There will result a differen- dy p tial equation of the first order and degree between the second variable and p which can be solved by (1). Eliminate p between this solution and the given equation, and the resulting equation will be the required solution. (16) Of the form xf^p + yf^p =fiV, where p stands for -^. Differentiate the equation relatively to one of the vari- ables, regarding p as a new variable, and, with the aid of the given equation, eliminate the other original variable. There will result a linear differential equation of the first 384 lUTKGRAL CALCDLXJS. order between p and the remaining variable, which may be simplified by striking out any factor not containing -^ or 5^, and can be solved by (4) . Eliminate p between this dy solution and the given equation, and the result will be the required solution. (17) Of the first degree in x or y. The equation can sometimes be solved by the method of (16), differentiating relatively to the variable which does not enter to the first degree. (18) Homogeneous relatively to a; and y. Let y = vx, and solve algebraically relatively to p or v, p standing for -^. Tlie result will be of the form p = fo, ^ " dx ^ J ■> or ■y = Fp. If jy dy J. divx) J, dv , ^ dx dx dx an equation that can be solved by (1). If V = Fp, ^ = Fp, y = xFp, .V. an equation that can be solved by (16). (19) Of the form F{4>, i/') = 0, where 4> and \j/ are functions of X, y, and -^, such that = a and i/; = 6 will lead, on dx differentiation, to the same differential equations of the second order. Eliminate — ^ between d> = a and ip = b, where a and 6 dx are arbitrar}- constants subject to the relation that F{a, 6) = 0, and the result will be the required solution. (20) Singular solution will answer. dv Let -^=p, and express p as an explicit function of x and y. Take J-, regarding x as constant, and see dy KEY. 885 whether it can be made infinite by writing equal to zero any expression involving y. If so, and if the equation thus formed will satisfy the given differential equation, it is a singular solution. <^) Or take x^ , regarding y as constant, and see whether ace it can be made infinite by writing equal to zero any ex- pression involving x. If so, and if the equation thus formed is consistent with the given equation, it is a singular solution. (21) Linear, with constant coeflBcients. Second member zero. Assume 3/ = e™ ; m being constant, substitute in the given equation, and then divide through by e""- There will result an algebraic equation in m. Solve this equa- tion, and the complete value of y will consist of a series of terms characterized as follows : For every distinct real value of m there will be a term Ce"" ; for each pair of imaginarj- values, a + &V — 1, a— 6V— 1, a term Ae"^ cos 6a; + Be" sin bx ; each of the coefficients A, B, and C being an arbitrary constant, if the root or pair of roots occurs but once ; and an algebraic polynomial in x of the (r— l)st degree with arbitrary constant coefficients, if the root or pair of roots occurs r times. (22) Linear, with constant coefficients. Second member not zero. (a) If a particular solution of the given equation can be obtained by inspection, this value plus the value of y obtained by (21) on the hypothesis that the second mem- ber is zero, will be the complete value of the dependent variable. 336 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. (6) If the second member of the given equation can be got rid of by differentiation, or by differentiation and elimination between the given and the derived equations, solve the new differential equation thus obtained, by (21), and determine the superfluous arbitrary constants so that the given equation shall be satisfied. In determining these superfluous constants, it will generally save labor to solve the original equation on the hypothesis that its second member is zero, and then to strike out from the preceding solution the terms which are duplicates of the ones in the second solution before proceeding to differentiate, as from the nature of the case they would drop out in the course of the work. (c) If the given equation is of the second order, solve on the hypothesis that the second member is zero, by (21), obtain from this solution a simple particular solution by letting one of the arbitrary constants equal zero and the other equal unity, and let y = v be this last solution ; then substitute vz for y in the given equation ; there will result a differential equation of the second order between x and z in which the dependent variable z will be wanting, and which can be completely solved by (25). Substitute the value of z thus obtained in y = vz and there will result the required solution of the given equa- tion. (d) Solve, on the hj-pothesis that the second member is zero, and obtain the complete value of y by (21). Denoting the order of the given equation by n, form the « — 1 successive derivatives — , . — i . . . i. Then dx dx' da;""' differentiate y and each of the values just obtained, re- garding the arbitrary constants as new variables, and substitute the resulting values in the given equation ; and by its aid, and that of the n — 1 equations of condition formed by writing each of the derivatives of the second set, KEY. 337 except the nth, equal to the derivative of the same order in the first set, determine the arbitrarj' coefficients and sub- stitute their values in the original expression for y. (23) Of the form <'' + ^''^"S + ^ ("^ + ^*>''" £t + - + ^2/ = ^' where X is a function of x alone. Assume a + 6a; = e', and change the independent vari- able in the given equation so as to introduce t in place of X. The solution can then be obtained by (22) . (24) Linear ; of second order ; coefficients not constants. General form ^ + P^^+Qy = E. (a) If a particular solution y = vot the equation can be found by inspection or other means, substitute y=:vz in the given equation, which will then reduce to the form d'z , fndv , T}\ dZ -r, V — - + 12 \-Pv] — = B, dar \ dx J ax and can be solved by (25j). Substitute the value of a thus found in y = vz, and the result will be the general solution of the given equation. (6) The substitution of y = vz in the given equation, where v is given by the auxiliary differential equation 2— + Pv = 0, dx 338 INTEGRAL CALCtJUTS. and can be found by (1), and should be used in the simplest possible form, will lead to a differential equation in z of the form % + Iz = R. which is often simpler than the original equation. (c) The introduction of z in place of the independent variable x, z being a solution of the auxiliary differential equation da^ dx the simpler the better, will reduce the given equation to the form which is often simpler than the original equation. (d) If the first member of the given equation regarded as an operation performed on y can be resolved into the product of two operations, tiie equation can always be solved. The conditions of such a resolution are the following : let the given equation be '*d?+^d^ + "^=^' where ?i, v^ w, and jK are functions of x ; this can be resolved into where p, q, r, and s are functions of a;, if Jdr , ^ .. _, .. , .ds pr = u, qr+p 1- s ) = ■«, and qs+p — = to ; \dx J dx and the values of p, q, r, and s can usually be obtained KEY. 339 by inspection. We have first to solve p \-q% — B (iv ^^ by (4), and then to solve r-^ + sy =z by (4). (e) A particular solution of the equation cZa;'' da; can often be obtained b^- assuming that y is of the form 2a„a;'", m being an integer, substituting this value for y in the given equation, writing the sum of the coefficients of x" equal to zero, since the equation must be identically true, and thus obtaining a relation between successive coefficients of the assumed series. The simplest set of values consistent with this relation should be substituted in the assumed value of y, which will then be a particular solution of the equation. If this solution can be ex- pressed in finite form, the complete solution of the given equation can be obtained from it by the method described in (24) (a) . If, however, two different particular solu- tions can be found by the method just .described, each of them should be multiplied by an arbitrary constant, and the sum of these products will be the complete solution of the given equation. (25) Either of the primitive variables wanting. Assume z equal to the derivative of lowest order in the equation, and express the equation in terms of z and its derivatives with respect to the primitive variable actually present, and the order of the resulting equation will be lower than that of the given one. (26) Of the form ^ = X. X being a function of x alone. Solve by integrating n times successively with regard to X. Or solve by (22). 340 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. (27) Of the form ^ = F. 1' being a function of ^ alone. Multiply by 2 -^ and integrate relatively to x. There will result the equation i-^] ~^ \ ^^y "^ ^' ^^^nce -^= (2 j Ydy -{■ C)K an equation that may be solved dx J by (1). (28) Of the form ^ =/^^- ^ ' dx" -^da;"-! Assume d""V ,, dz J. , dz rdz , ri ^ = z. then — =/« or dx = — . x= I h (7. dx"-^ dx fz J fz After effecting this integration, express z iu terms of x and C Then, since z = — -4, f = F(x, C), an da;"-' da;"-' ^ '^ equation that may be treated by (26) . Or, since S- = z, ^ = I «da; + c = I \- c, since da; = - — dx"-' da;»-2 J J /« ' /« d"-'y da;"-' =X/f+')+-/§(/?+')+- Continue this process until y is expressed in terms of z and m — 1, arbitrary constants, and then eliminate z by /dz 1- C /2 (29) Of the form ^ = f'^" '^. ^ '^ da;" •'daf-2 da;"-^ may be solved by (27) Let - — -| = z, and the equation becomes — =fi, and da;" dar KEY. 341 (30) Homogeneous on the supposition that x and y are of the degree 1, -^ of the degree 0, — | of the degree — 1, •••. dx da? Assume a;=e*, y = e^z, and by changing the variables introduce 6 and z into the equation in the place of x and y. Divide through by e' and there will result an equation involving only z, — , — -, ■ • • , whose order may be de- ft^ dv pressed by (25). (31) Homogeneous on the supposition that x is of the degree 1, w of the degree n, _^ of the degree n — 1, — ^ of the dx daf degree n — 2, ••-. Assume a; = e', y = e"'«, and by changing the variables introduce 6 and z into the equation in the place of x and y. The resulting equation may be freed from $ by division and treated by (25). (32) Homogeneous relatively to 2/, -^, -t4)"'- Assume y = e', and substitute in the given equation. Divide through by e* and treat by (25) . (33) Containing the first power only of the derivative of the highest order. The equation may be exact. Call its first member — . If n is the order of the equation, represent ^""'^ by o and ^ by ^. Multiply the term da;"-' dx" dx containing ^ by dx and integrate it as if p were the only dx d"~'^y variable, calling the result Ui ; then replacing p by — ^, 342 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. find the complete derivative — -', and form tlie expression •^ da; ^-^^\ representing it bv ^. If ^ contains the dx dx ' dx dx first power only of the highest derivative of y, it may itself be an exact derivative, and is to be treated pre- dV cisely as the first member of the given equation — has dx been. Continue this process until a remainder — ^ of dx the first order occurs. Write this equal to zero, and see if the equation thus formed is exact, see (6). If so, solve it by (6), throwing its solution into the form F„_i = C. A complete first integral of the given equation will be Ui+ U2+ ■■■ + V„-i = C. The occurrence at any step of the process of a remainder — -, containing a higher dx power than the first of its highest derivative of y, or the failure of the resulting equation of the first order above described to be exact, shows that the first member of the given equation was not an exact derivative, and that this method will not apply. (34) Of the form ^ + A'^ + T = 0, where X is a dy dx function of x alone and Y a function of y alone. Multiply dy-i-' through by and the equation will become exact, dx and may be solved )\v (33). (35) Singular integral will answer. Call f p, and — ^ g, and find _5, regarding » and 'y dx"~^ dx" dp , as the onlj' variables, and see whether — ? can be made dp infinite by writing equal to zero any factor containing p KEY. 343 If so, eliminate q between this equation and the given equation, and if the result is a solution it will be a singular integral. (36) General form, Pdx + Qdy + Rdz = 0. If the equation can be reduced to the form Xdx + Ydy + Zdz = 0, where X is a function of x alone, Y a function of y alone, and Z a function of z alone, integrate each term separatelj-, and write the sum of the integrals equal to an arbitrary constant. If not, integrate the equation by (V.) on the supposition that one of the variables is constant and its differential zero, writing an arbitrary function of that variable in place of the arbitrary constant in the result. Transpose all the terms to the first member, and then take its complete differential, regarding all the original variables as variable, and write it equal to the first member of the given equa- tion, and from this equation of condition determine the arbitrary function. Substitute for the arbitrar}- function in the first integral its value thus determined, and the result will be the solution required. If the equation of condition contains any other varia- bles than the one involved in the arbitrarj- function, thej' must be eliminated bj- the aid of the primitive equation already obtained ; and if this elimination cannot be per- formed, the given equation is not derivable from a single primitive equation, but must have come from two simul- taneous primitive equations. In that case, assume anj' arbitrary equation /(a;,2/,z) =0 as one primitive, differentiate it, and eliminate between it its derived equation and the given equation, one variable, and its differential. There will result a differential equa- tion containing only two variables, which maj' be solved by (III.), and will lead to the second primitive of the given equation. 344 INTEGRAL CAiCTJLUS. (37) General form, Pdxi + Qdx^ + BdXs + = 0. If the equation can be reduced to the foi-m XidXi+X^dai, + Xgdajj + = 0, where Xi is a function of Xj alone, Xj a function of Kj alone, X^ a function of ajs alone, etc., inte- grate each term separately, and write the sum of their integrals equal to an arbitrary constant. If not, integrate the equation by (V.), on the supposi- tion that all the variables but two are constant and their differentials zero, writing an arbitrary function of these variables in place of the arbitrary constant in the result. Transpose all the terms to the first member, and then take its complete differential, regarding all of the original variables as variable, and write it equal to the first mem- ber of the given equation, and from this equation of con- dition determine the arbitrary function. Substitute for the arbitrary function in the first integral its value thus determined, and the result will be the solution required. If the equation of condition cannot, even with the aid of the primitive equation first obtained, be thrown into a form where the complete differential of the arbitrarj' func- tion IS given equal to an exact differential, the function cannot be determined, and the given equation is not deriv- able from a single primitive equation. (38) S3'stem of simultaneous equations of the first order. If any of the equations of the set can be integrated separatelj' bj- (II. ) so as to lead to single primitives, the problem can be simplified ; for by the aid of these primi- tives a number of variables equal to the number of solved equations can be eliminated from the remaining equations of the series, and there will be formed a simpler set of simultaneous equations whose primitives, together with the primitives already found, wiU form the primitive system of the given equations. There must be n equations connecting n + 1 variables, in order that the system may be determmate. Let X, Xi, X2, , x„ be the origmal variables. Choose KEY. 345 any two, a and a;,, as the independent and the principal de- pendent variable, and by successive eliminations form the n equations -^=f^{x,x,,x„ ,x:),"^=flx,x^,x^, ,a!„), ) up to — ^=/„(a;,a;i,a;2, ,a;„). Differentiate the first of these with respect to x n — 1 times, substituting for ~, ~-i i~i after each step their values in terms of ax ax ax the original variables. There will result n equations, which will express each of the n successive derivatives dxi d^x, d^x, d'x, . , „ —^ -T-2> -5-55 ' -riri in terms of x, x^, x^, , x„. dx dx' da? da;" EUminate from these all the variables except x and Xi, obtaining a single equation of the nth order between x and Xi- Solve this \>y (VII.), and so get a value of x^ in terms of x and n arbitrarj' constants. Find by differen- tiating this result values for — J, — i, , h and write ^ dx dot? da;»-i them equal to the ones alreadj' obtained for them in terms of the original variables. The n—1 equations thus formed, together with the equation expressing x^ in terms of x and arbitrary constants, are the complete primitive system required. (39) System of simultaneous equations not of the first order. Regard each derivative of each dependent variable, from the first to the next to the highest as a new variable, and the given equations, together with the equations de- fining these new variables, will form a system of simulta- neous equations of the first order which may be solved by (38). Eliminate the new variables representing the various derivatives from the equations of the solution, and the equations obtained will be the complete primitive sys- tem required. (40) All the partial derivatives taken with respect to one of the independent variables. 3-16 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. Integrate by (II.) as if that one were the only indepen- dent variable, replacing each arbitrary constant by an arbitrary function of the other independent variables. (41) Of the first order and linear, containing three variables. General form, PD^z + QD,jZ = R. Form the auxiliary system of ordinary differential equa- tions — = ^ = — , and mtegrate by (38) . Express their primitives in the form m = a, v = 6, a and b being arbi- trary constants ; and u =fv, where /is an arbitrary func- tion, will be the required solution. (42) Of the first order and linear, containing more than three variables. General form, PiDx,e + P^Dx^z + = R, where x^, ajj, , a;„, are the independent and z the depen- dent variables. Form the auxiliary system of ordinary differential equa- tions ^ = ^ = ^ = ffe^ and integrate them by (38) . Pi i 2 Pn R Express their primitives in the form v-i = a, v^^ b, v^ = c, , and Vi =f{v2,Vs, ,v„), where /is an arbitrary func- tion, will be the required solution. (43) Of the first order and not linear, containing three varia- bles, F{x,y,z,p,q)=0, where p = D^z, q = DyZ. Express q in terms of x, y, z and p from the given equa- tion, and substitute its value thus obtained in the auxil- dx _ , iary system of ordinary differential equations _ ^ — "2/ dz _ dp ■'V Deduce bj- integration from q-pD^q D,q+pD,q these equations, by (36), a value of p involving an arbi- trary constant, and substitute it with the corresponding value of q in the equation dz = prta; -|- qdy. Integrate this result by (36), if possible; and if a single primitive equation be obtained, it will be a complete primitive of the given equation. KEY. 347 A singular solution may be obtained by finding the partial derivatives D^z and D^z from the given equation, writing them separately equal to zero, and eliminating p and q between them and the given equation. (44) Of the first order and not linear, containing more than three variables. F{Xi,x,, , x„,z,pi,p^, ,/»„) = 0, where Pi = Dx,z, p2 = Dx,z, Form the linear partial differential equation %[(DxiF + PiD^F)Dp<^ - Dp.F(Dx.^ +piD^^)-\ = 0, where 4- is an unknown function of (Xi, ,x„,p^, 5P»)i and where 2; means the sum of all the terms of the given form that can be obtained hy giving i successively the values 1,2, 3, , n. Form, by (42), its auxiliar3' sj'stem of ordinarj- differen- tial equations, and from them get, by (38), n — 1 mte- grals, "^i = Oi, .2 = a,, , "I'„_i = a„_i. B3- these equations and the given equation express pi, p^, , p„ in terms of the original variables, and substitute their values in the equation dz =pidx^ +p-2dx2 + +p„dx„. Integrate this by (37), and the result will be the requked complete primi- tive. (45) Of the second order and containing the derivatives of the second order onlj- in the first degree. General form, RD;'z + SD^D,z -f- TD,^z = V, where B,S,T, and Fmay be functions of x, y, z, D^z, and DyZ. Call D^z p and DyZ q. Form first the equation Edif - Sd'xdy + Tdx' = 0, [1] and resolve it, supposing the first member not a complete square, into two equations of the form dy — midx=0, dy — m2dx = 0. [2] From the first of these, and from the equation Bdpdy + Tdqdx - Vdxdy = , [3 ] 348 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. combined if needful witli the equation dz = pdx + qdy, seek to obtain two integrals m, = a, Vi = p. Proceed- ing in the same way with the second equation of [2], seek two other integrals u^ = aj, iJj = A > then the first in- tegrals of the proposed equation will be Ul=flVy, u^=fiVi, [4] where /i and^ denote arbitrary functions. To deduce the final integral, we must either integrate one of these, or, determining from the two p and q in terms of X, y, and z, substitute those values in the equation dz=pdx + qdy, which will then become integrable. Its solution will give the final integral sought. If the values of m, and m^ are equal, only one first in- tegral will be obtained, and the final solution must be sought b}' its integration. When it is not possible so to combine the auxiliary equations as to obtain two auxiliary integrals m = a, i! =/?, no first integral of the proposed equation exists, and this method of solution fails. KEY. 349 Examples. (1) since cosy, daj — cosa; sin 2/. %= 0. Ans. cos2/ = ccoso;. (2) {x + yy^ = a\ ax Ans. y — a tan~^ ^ = c. ^ns. ctn (3) g = sin(<^-«). U) x^-y + x-slW^^Q. dx (5) {y-x)(l+x')if = {l+y')i. r _ qb — I = ^ + C. ^?is. sin ^" = c — x. X dx Ans. ctn « (-|-»)"=" 1 + 4 2 'dy - (tan~^!/ — tan"' a;) = tan~^2/ + c. da; (a^ + 2/')*. ^«s. 2a(a;^ + 2/^) = (a;^ + 2/^)^ —a; cose + 2/ sine. (7) [2 V(a;2/) - a;] dy + ydx = 0. (8) (a,_2^) + 2a;2/g = 0. Ans. y = ce^V|. Ans. XB" = c. (9) {2x-y + l)dx + (2y~x-l)dy = 0. Ans. x^ — xy +y' + x — y = c. ,,„. dw , sin 2 a; ^ ^ dx 2 ^ns. y = sinx — 1 + ee (11) (l-ar')^-a;ii/ = aa;y^ ^ns. y= [cV(l -»")-«]" (12) xy{l+xf)f^=l. 1 ::2? ^ws. - = 2 — 2/^ + ce 2 (13) «(«^ + y' + a')? + a'(a^ + 2/'-«')=0. 350 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. (14) xdx + ydy + ^~y'^^ = Q. Ans. ?-+l!.+ taii-»?^ = c. x' + y' 2 X (15) |-^)— — = 0. Ans. (y—a\osx—c)(y+a\ogx—c) = 0. \dxj a? (16) f^\'+2yctnx^ = y'. \dxj dx f iX \ f X \ ^ ^ Ans. I y siir c]( v cos^ c 1 = 0. V 2 A 2 ; ^ns. (2y — £C^ — c)[log(a; + y — l) + a; — c] =0. (18) ('llj- (a^+ ^+2/')(2Y+ (a^2/+a^2/^+a^) £ -3^2/^=0. Ans. ('y-|-cVa; + i-cVlog2/-|-c^ = 0. (19)fl-/-2^Vf^Y-2^|/+^:=o. \ ary \dxj x dx a? ^„s. (^2, + log^+^^±i^ - cV^/ - log^±^^±F - c) = 0. (20) y = 4 + ^_ff" dx dx \ax (21) 2/ = 2//'^Y+2a;^. \dxl dx Ans. y = cx + c — c". lution, y=^ — "*" ' ■ '^ 4 Ans. y^ = 2cx + c'. Singular solution, y =^ — -' ■ 4 (22) \dxj xy = {of — y^ — aF) <^«'=^4:+»-(ij dy_ dx Ans. y2-car' + -^ = 0. 1+c ^»is. y^ = 2 ca; + c*. ^^^^ '^ST^^^S'^'''^^- ^'*'- «' + «a'.V + a'a^ = 0. KEY. ?,51 L \axjj ax ^^^^ {b+yy = iax,f{a) + b = 0. (26) a^_|=/[-,._,,|J. ^r.s. -^ = 6, /(«) + . = 0. (27) ^-4^ + 6^-4^ + 2/=0. ^ '^ djB* da!^^ da^ da; ^ ^ns. ?/ = (Co + Cia; + C2K^ + C8a;^)e'. (29) tl + 2^+y = e'. Ans. y = — + {A-'rBx)casx-\-{C+Dx)amx. (30) ^_2^ + 42/ = e''cosa; ^ '^ da,'' da; ^ ^ns. 2/ = ^e-^ + e' (b — ^cosx + (g + ^_2^ + ^ = a;3. da;* dar* « da;^ sin a; (31) ^-2^ + -^ ^ ' dx" dar* Z da? Ans. y= (^A + Bx)e' + {C + Dx) +12 a? + ^01? + - + — (32) ^_4^ + 4w=a;2. "'^ "^ ^ws. y = {A + Bx)e^ + l{2a? + i:X + i). (33) — 2 + y = cosa;. ^ns. y = ^cosa;+ Ssina; + - sina;. ^ ^ da;^ ^ 2 (34) ^ + 4v = a;sin2a;. ^«s. 2/=M-— jcos2a; + ^5-— jsm2x + -. (35) a;»5-a;^ + 22/ = a;loga;. daf da; Ans. y = -4a; cos (log x) + 5a; sin (log a;) + x log a;. 352 INTBGKAL CALCtTLTTS. (36\ a^^_a^^ + 2a;^-22/ = a!» + 3a;. da? dx" dx a? / (\aax\^ Ans. y = x{A + B\ogx) + C3? + ^-ix{\ + ^^°^J'> \ (37) ^ + ? ^ - n^y = 0. Ans. y=- (Ae"' + Be-"'), dx- X dx X Ans. 2/ = ^cos (8ma!) + Ssin(sina!). ^ ' dx" dx " (39) (l_a^)2g + 2/=0. Ans. y = \l\ —^[A + B "-J^)- (40) (l+a;^)g-2a;^ + 22/=0. "^ ^^ Ans. y = Bx^A{\-o?). (41) ^ ^dy_^^_^^^_^_ da;^ x-1 dx x-\ ^^^^_ 2/=^e' + 5a;-(l+a;2). (42) 0^^ - 2a; (1 + ») ^ + 2 (1 + a;) 2/ = a;'. ^ws « = Axf? + Ba; • ^2 (43) sin^a;^— 22/=0. ^ns. 2/ =^4 etna; + 5(1 -a; etna;). d'T (44) Tl+irr— 2' = «Y- + logs' da;^ XT loe a; ya; ^ / /* da; \ ,4ns. 2/ = ^loga; + e'loga; +5( loga; I a;), V -J log® / (45) ^_2^-«')^ + /'n^-2!^^2/ = e~. dar \ a;y da; \^ x J Ans. y = e'"fA + -^^-\ -\ ^ ■' Ans. 2/ = a;(^cosaa;+Bsmaa;). KEY. 363 ^^7)^-2bx^+b^a?y=0. da? dx Ans. y = e''{Aco8x\/b + Bsmx'/b). (48) ^-Ax'^ + {ioe'-3)y = e''. ^"^ '*'* Ans. y = e''{Ae + Be-'-\). (49) (\-a?)^-4.x^-{\+a?)y=x. doF dx Ans. y = 1-a^ {x + A cos a; + B sin a;) . (50) ^ L dy I a'+V«'-8 y^o. ^ws. y = e'^'(Aa? + - (51) ^ + 2nctnna;^ + (m*-n')y = 0. d^Xj^ dec Ans. yt=(^Acosmx + Bsmmx)cscnx. (52) (9^_l)^+a;J-c^2/ = 0. da? dx Ans. y = A{x + \la?-\y+B{x--^a?-iy. ^ns. y = As,m~ + B cos— a; a; (54) d!y_3x+_l # ^ -^ da^ a!^ - 1 da; ^ 6(a:+l) (a;-l)(3a! + 5) = 0. '^ns. 2/ = [^ + Slog((a;-l)'(3ar + 5))]V(a;-l)3(3a! + 5). (56) (l-a.)g-.|_c^,= 0. ^ns. 2/ = ^e" '■""' ' + Be-' "" '. (56) (l+aa!2)^ + aa;^-M22/ = o. d^ #. (67) (a;-l)(a;-2)^-(2a!-3)^ + 22/=0. dx' Ans. j/ = c(a;-2)2 + c'(a;-2)[(a;-2)log(a!-2)-l]. 364 INTEGRAL CALCULUS. (58) (3-a;)^-(9-4a;)^ + (6-3a;)j/ = 0. . ., r3x/183 76 ,21, lA \ 8 4 4 2 / (69) (^a!'-a?)^-8x^-12y = 0. c ('a^ + 3ar''> ^ns. ■!/ = -+c' '' „ — r-^- ^ (o-a;)» (a^-a!^)^ <">S+!l+(»--l>-»- ^ns. y = — [_A (sin wa; — na; cos 7ix) + £ (cos nx + n« sin na;) ] . (61) ^+1^=0. Ans. y = c\ogx + c'. Ans. (? + cxy = c'x. \ rta;yaa^ \axj ax pjncl a first integral. Ans. a^-J^ + y-f^) +xy=c. ax \axj "-^ "^ ^^ Find a first integral. Ans. of — f — a;-^ + xy' = c. dar dx (65) -^+Jy- + J^ = 0. Ans. {x-a){y-b){z-c)=c. x — a y — b z —c (66) {y + z)dx + dy + dz = 0. Ans. e'{y + z)=c. (67) ^ + 4a;+f=0, ^ + Sy-x=0. dt 4 dt 7, „ '2' — — ?/ — — Ans. x = ce 2— •^, ^/^f^^ + O® ^* , KEY. 355 (68) ^+m''x=0, g_^ea, = o. Ans. x = Asmmt + B cos mt, x + y = Ct + D. (69) D^z=-^. Ans. e~'(x + y + z)=f-\ (71) D^z.D^z=l. Ans. z = ax + '^ + b. a (72) x'DJ'z + 2 xyD^DyZ + yWJ'z = 0. Ans. z = x (t\ ^J^X (73) {DyZYD^z -2D,zD„zD,DyZ + {D,zyDyH = 0. Ans. y = Xfftz + 1/«. (74) D^z.D^D,z-D,z.Diz = Q. Ans. x = ^y + ypz. APPENDIX. Chap. V.] INTEGKATION. 6a CHAPTER V. INTEGKATION. 74. We are now able to extend materially our list ot formulas for direct integration (Art. 55) , one of which maj' be obtained from each of the derivative formulas in our last chapter. The following set contains the most important of these : — D^loga!=- X D^a" = a'loga D^e = e DjSina; = cos a; Z>jCOsa;= — sinx Z)jlogsina; = etna; Djlogcosa; = — tana; 1 Z>j,siii~'a; = X>jtan~^a; = gives /^- = log a;. X " f^a'Xoga = a'. " Xe"' = e^ " Xcosa! = sina;. " yj(— sina;) = cosa;. ' ' /j ctn X = log sin x. " _/^(— tana;) = logcosa;. 1 .:__1„ V(l-a^) 1 " X V(i-^) D,weis~^x = 1 V(2a!-a;^) " f, — ^ = tan->a;. " A -^{2x-a?) The second, fifth, and seventh in the second group can be written in the more convenient forms, 66 DIFFBEENTIAIj CAXrCULUS. [Abx. 76. /•I «' log a ' f^smx= ■— cosa;; /jtanx= —log cos a;. 75. When the expression to be integrated does not come under any of the forms in the preceding list, it can often he prepared for integration by a suitable change of variable, the new variable, of course, being a function of the old. This method is called integration by substitution, and is based upon a formula easily deduced from -D«(-FV) =DyFy. D^y ; which gives immediately Fy=f,(D,Fy.D^). Let u=D,Fy, then Fy=f^u, and we have f,u =f^(uD,y) ; or, interchanging x and y, Lu=f,(uD„x). [1] For example, required X(" + bx)'^- Let z = a + bx, and then f(a + hxy =f,z^ =L{z^ ■ D,x) , by [1] ; but x=---, b 6' D^x = l; o hence /«(« + 6a;)" = i/,«"= -^ ^""^ 6 6n4-l Chap. V.] INTEGEATION. 67 Substituting for z its value, we have n + l ,.(. + ..)..> fc±M Example. Find /» . Ans . - log (a + 6a;) . a + 6a; o 76. If /a; represents a function that can be integrated, /(a+6a;) can always be integrated ; for, if 2 = a + 6a;, then D^x = - b and j:f{a + 6a;) =Uz =fJzD,x = Ifjz. Examples. Find (1) /.sinaa;. -Ans. cosaa;. (2) Xcosaa;. Ans. -sinaa;. (3) fji&nax. (4) y^ctnaa;. 77. Required/^ ■sjia'-oi?) '''"'-^'^'Um^ Let « = -' then a! = a2;, • 68 '-f. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. 1 1 . . 1 1 r 1 " IHt =1/.-^ ' =u- =/. a-'V(l-«') a 7(1-2") = sin '« = sin ' - [Art. 78. V(i-«^) Examples. Find (i\ r ^ Ans. -tan~'-' a a ^^ ■'V+a^ (=>\ c 1 x Ans. vers"'— a V(2aa! — or) 78. Re^yireaL^^^^^^^. Let z = x + -^{x' + a?)\ then z — x = yl{3? + a?), z'-2zx + x' = a? + a\ 2zx = z'-d', x-^—\ 22 ^ix'^a') = z-x = z-t_^=t±^. D,x = !^ + a' 2z' L V(a^ + a') V + a^ -^V + a" =/. 2z 2^4- a" Find/, a^ + a^ 22^ V(a^-a') -fz- = log2 = log(a; + V^+a^) . Example. ^Ms . log (a; + Vx* — a') . Chap, v.] INTEGRATION. 69 79. When the expression to be integrated can be factored, the required integral can often be obtained by the use of a formula deduced from D,{uv) = uD^v + vD,u, which gives uv =f,uD,v +f^vD^u or LuD^v = uv —f^vD,u. [1] This method is called integrating by parts. (a) For example, required f^logx. log a; can be regarded as the product of log a; by 1. Call logx = u and 1 = D^v, then D,u = -, X v = x; and we have f^ogx =/,l loga; =f,uD,v = uv -f,vD,u — a; log a; — /«- = ailoga; — x. X Example. Find/.xloga;. Suggestion : Let loga; = u and x = D^v. Ans. -x^f\ogx — -\ 80 . Required f, sin^ x . Let " = sina; and B^v = sina;, then -0:rM = cosa;, v= — cosa;, /.sin^a; = - sin a; cos a; +Xcos^a; ; 70 DIFPBKENTlAIi CAIiCtTLXJS. [Aht. 81. but cos'' a; := 1 — sin'o;, so f^(X)a^x=f^l—f^sa}?x = x—f^sir?x and J'^sa:?x = x — s,va.xcosx—f^s\r?z. 2f^sa!?x = x — sinoicosa;. /^BW?x=^(x — siniKcosa;). Examples. (1) Find/icos'a!. Ans. -(a; + sin a; cos a;). (2) Xsinajcosa;. Ans. ^^^, 81. Very often both methods described above are required in the same integration. (a) Eequiredf,sin~^x. Let sin~*a!s=y. then a!=smy; 2),aj=cosy, Xsin-»a; =f,y =f,y cosy Let u = y and i3,w = cosy ; then D,u = l, V = siny, and /,ycosy=2/sinr/— /,8in2/=ysin2/+cosy=a;sin-'a;+v(l— a;^). Any inverse or anti-function can be integrated by this method if the direct function is integrable. (6) Thus, fJ-^x=f,y=f,yDJy^yfy-fJy jvhere y =f~^x. Chap. V.J INTEGEATION. 71 Examples. (1) Findyicos"**. Ans. xcos~^x — ^{l —a?). (2) y^tan~*a!. Ans. a;taii~'a; — -log(l + a^). (3) f^yers'^x. Ans. (a;— 1) vers~*a; + ^(2a!— a^). 82. Sometimes an algebraic transformation, either alone or in combination with the preceding vnethods, is useful. (a) Required/,- 5. _J_^^(_k L_\ a?— a^ 2a\x — a x+a" and, by Art. 75 (Ex.), r -J— = -1- nos(x - a) - log(a! + a)2= ^ log^^^. •''a^-a^ 2a'- ^^ ^ sv ^ -'J 2a *a; + a (6) ^egwired/, J^j^j. l/l+^N _ l + Jg ^ 1 . " ^|\l-xJ~ ^{i-x') v(i-«^) V(i-«^)' r T- = sm~*a;. •^ V(i-^) /■ can be readily obtained by substituting y = (1 — ar") , and is —yj{\ — a?) ; hence / /^J-±|) = sin->x- V(l-a^)- (c) Required f, -J {a^ — 3?)- „2 g'-ar' _ a' ^__ 72 DIFFJEBENTIAL CALCULUS. [Art. 83. 0^ and /.V(««-..) = ay,-^^-/.^^^-^^, whence /, V(a' -a?)=a? sin-if _/. ,, f „. , by Art. 77 ; but /.V(«'-a^) = xV(a'-a^)+/. f V (a — or) 6^ integration by parts, if we let u = ^{a' — a?) and Z>,,« = 1. Adding our two equations, we have 2/;V(«' - a^) = » VC"' - «") + a»sin-»- ; a and .:f,-s/(a? - a^) = Va;V^^^ + a^sin-i^Y £XA3IFLES. Find (1) /,V(a^ + a«). 1 (2) f,^{a?-a?). ^ns. - [a;^ (iB2 - a^) - a21og(a; + ^/a^-a') j . 83. To find the area of a segment of a circle. Let the equation of the cu'cle be and lei the required segment be cut off by the double ordinates through {xo,yo) and {x,y') . Then the required area A=2f,y + C. Chap. V.] INTEGBATION. 73 From the equation of the circle, y = ■\/ {(IT - 3?) , hence A = 2/,^ {a' - ar') + C ; and therefore, b}- Art. 82 (c) , A = a: V («' - x") + a' sirr' ^ + O. As the area is measured from the ordinate 2/0 to the ordinate t/, A= when x = x„: therefore = a;„V(«--a;„2) + H^sin"' - + C, and we have C= —Xf, -^(n' — Xo) — a^sin"^— ) ^ = a; V(«' - ar') + «'sin-i| - x^-^{a^-xi) - a^sin-^^" If a^= 0, and the segment begins with the axis ofY, A = X -^ (a' — x') -\- a^sin"^ — If, at the same time, x = a, the segment becomes a semicircle, and A^a-^la" — a') + a'sm '- = - The area of the whole circle is jra^. 74 DIFFERENT LAX, CALCULUS. [Akt. 84. Examples. (1) Show that, in the case of an ellipse, ^ + ^~^' the area of a segment beginning with any ordinate ya is A = . x^{a^ — Q?) + a^sin~' a;|,^/(a^— a;,,^) — a^sin~'_ That if the segment begins with the minor axis, A=- x\J{a' — 3?) + a'sin- ^x a That the area of the whole ellipse is -Kob. (2) The area of a segment of the hyperbola 0/ — a;oV K^— «0 + a^log(a;o+Va;o^— a^)]. If »ii = a, and the segment begins at the vertex, ^ = - [« V(a^ - «') - anog^x+'s/af-a") + a'loga]. a 84. To find the length of any arc of a circle, the coordinates of its extremities being (a;,,,?/,,) and {x,y) . By Art. 52, s=/.VCl+(A2/)']. From the equation of the circle, x' + y^=a^, Chap, v.] INTEGEATION. 76 we have 2x + 2yD,y = 0, y ir f -a ^r 1 _... jX s=f,-=af,-jj-±—^ = asm-'^ + C. (Art. 77.) When x = Xo, s = . *^o hence = o sin"^ - +0, C'= — asm '-, a' and s = « sm~' sin~'— )• \ a a) If a;o= 0, and the arc is measured from the highest point of the X circle, s = asin~"'-' ' a If the arc is a quadrant, x = a, s=asin 1(1) = —, and the whole circumference = 2-a. 85. To find the length of an arc of the parabola y^ = 2 mx. We have ^yD^y = 2to ; Ay = — ; y 76 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. [Art. 85. s=A -f. 1 V('^' + f) D,^. by Art. 73 ; lit a lih by Art. 82, Ex. 1. If the arc is measured from the vertex, s = when 2/ = ; 0=-^(mnogm) + C, 2m and G-= mlogm, '-2|_ iii^ +™^°S ^i J- Example. Find the length of the are of the curve ^= 271/^ included be- tween the origin and the point whose abscissa is 15. Ans. 19. A SHORT TABLE OF INTEGRALS COMPILED BT B. O. PEIRCE LATE H0LLI3 PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY IN HARVARD UNIVERSITY ABRIDGED EDITION GINN AND COMPANY BOSTON • NEW YORK ■ CHICAGO • LONDON LANTA ■ DALLAS ■ COLUMBUS • SAN FRANCISCO COPTKIGHT, 1914, BT GINN AND COMPANY ALL EIGHTS BESEBVED 615.11 gjie gtdemciiiii grent GINN AND COMPANY • PRO- PRIETORS • BOSTON • U.S.A. FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS I- I a ■f{x)dx — a I f(x)dx; j if m # — 1 ; | — = log x, or log (— x). m -\-l J X D\/ J 'J alogS 6. I smxdx =— coax; I ( - 1 > or ;r— log a? — a? a \a/ 2 a "a- x —^ — 5= ctnh-M-)> or H— log — ; ayt — a" a \a/ 2a °x + a sedhidx = tana; ; / cse''a; 0, 6 < 0]. v: 41 dx dx {a + bxy ~ 2a(a + bx') "*" 2^J ^1^' EATIONAL ALGEBEAIC FUNCTIONS 42. f— ^-__ ^ _J_ a: , 2m-l f dx J (a + 6x2)'»+i 2 ma (a + bx'y ■*" 2 ma J (a + Jx^)"' ' ■ J (« + to')"'+' 2J (a + fe)"'+i ' L« - « ]• 45. f-^— =J-W^l-. Ja3(a+fe=') 2a^a + 6a;2 46 r_^^dx_ _x a r ' J a + bx^~b hj a dx + ba?' dx 47. c ^'^ = _ i. _ i r. ■ J x\a + bx^) ax a J \ a + bx^ 48 / ^ "* —X , 1 r dx J r^_^dx__ ^ -a; _J_ /• ■J (a + bxY-"^ 2mb(a, + bx^y'^27nbj (a • - + boi?y 49 r ^^a' ^ 1 r___^__ _ ^ r t^a; ■ J ^^(a + te'^)™*! a J x^(a + te^)"' aj (a + bx^y-^^' 50 r_^_ * Ri (^ + x )" , /-^ ,2x-A;"l ,„„ ^ '"• J ^Tto°=3^[2^°g /fc^-fa+x' +^^'^~^ivrJ' ^^'^ "^- El /^ cct^a; 1 ri, k^—kx4-a? rr , ,2x—k'] 62. r ^ -log^ J a;(a + 5a;") an a + bx" ' J (a + bx")'"+^ ~ aj (a + baf)'" ~ aj (a + bx-)'"+'^' r x'^dx _ 1 r a;"*-" _ a r ^"'-''cZa; J (a + 6a;")^+i ~ 6 J (a + S*")^ *lj (« + ^a:")""^^ ' Z' dx _ 1 r__dx b r dx ■ J x"'(a + bx")'' +^~ aJ x'"(a + bx")" a J x'"-"(a + te")^+' " EATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS •! ^|S^ + ^a s + + ^ + s + + + + i-O + J ^ 8 + 8 ¥ i^ + 1-1 + r^ + H 1 - a* vl. s § KS CO 2 03 CO B Ph X o n eS + + 8 o V a I 8 > + 8 bo o I—* ■^1 oo EATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS 63 r^^ _ _ bx + 2a b fdx ■J X^ - qX ~qjx- g . r xdx _ _ 2a + bx _ b(2n — l) fdx • J Yn + i ~ nqX" ~ nq J X^' c,. Cx" J X h , ^ b''-2ao rdx 65. J -dx = ---logX + -^^J -. 66 f— d = (^^-2ac)x + a5 2a rdx ' J X^ ^~ cqX q J x' „„ r x"'dx _ a"*-' n — m + 1 b f x'^-^dx ■J X"+^~'~ (2n — m + r)cX'''~ 2n-m + l ' ~cj X»+i a r x^-'dx T'cJ z»+i 2n — m + '. „n rax 1 . a? b rdx ^^- J x^X~'2a^ ^^a? ax^\2a^ »/ j ^ ' r dx 1 w + m — 1 b r dx Jx*»JC»+i~ (m — l)aa;"— iJt" m-1 " aj a;'"-i^''+i 2w + m — 1 c r dx m — 1 a J a -2_yn+l 10 RATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS D. Rational Fkactioks Every proper fraction can be represented by the general form : f{x) ^ g,x--^ + y,a:"-^ + y^x-' + • • ■ + y„ F(x) x" + kjX"-^ + k^x"-^ -\ \-k„ If a, b, c, etc. are the roots of the equation Fix) = 0, so that F(x) = (x — a)" (x — by (x — ey ■ ■ ■, /(«=) _ ^4 A^ , A^ , ^ A "^ j?t^\ /^ _ «np ''' c-y _ n^p-l "^ /-.._ /,^p-s ' ■'■ £_ F{x) (x~ay (a; — a)"-! (x-ay-^ x-a ^ ('^ _ /A9 ^ /■-.. _ 7,N«-1 ^ /^ _ A\9-2 1 r- , (x-by (x-by-^ (x-by-^ x-b ^ (x - cX (a; - c)'-i (» - cy-^ ^ ^ x-c + , where the numerators of the separate fractions are constants. If a, b, 6, etc. are single roots, then p = q = r=---=zl, and f(EL = ^^ + _B_ + -£ , F(x) X — a x — b X — c where .4 = ^, B = |gl, etc. F'(a) F'(b) The simpler fractions, into which the original fraction is thus divided, may be integrated by means of the following formulas : _- r hdx rhd(mx -\-n) _ h ' J (mx + nf J m{mx + ny ~ m{l — l)(mx + n)'-^ ' 72. I ; — = — log (mx + n). J mx + n m ^ ' If any of the roots of the equation f{x) = are imaginary, the parts of the integral which arise from conjugate roots can be com- bined, and the integral thus brought into a real form. The following formula, in which i = V— 1, is often useful in combining logarithms of conjugate complex quantities : 73. log (x ±iji)=i log (x^ + ^)±i tan-i ^ • IRRATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS 11 II. IRRATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS A. Expressions involving ^a-\-lx The substitution of a new variable of integration, y = Va + hx, gives 74. i -Ja + hxdx = ^ V(a + IxJ: 76. rx-V^T&^c^. = ^(8«'-12«to + 156V)V(^Tto7^ J 105 6° 77. C:i±±Edx = 2 V^Tto + « f- 78./ (^a; X 's/a + to c^a; 2 Va + te Va + bx f> r xdx 2(2 a -bx) , ;— 80. 81. 82 r ar^^ZcB 2(8a''-4ate + 3JV) > t" / (Zx _ 1 , / Va + fa — Va \ icVoH-fa "V^ \ Va + te + Va/ a + 6a; /(^x —2 « + . = — ^i^tanh 1 \ X Va + hx Va ^ * /dx _ Va + Sx & /* <^a x^VaTITte aa; 2aJ x Va + te 8*.j(.+..)-i..=f//..*=?fi|f:. 12 IRRATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS x'^dx 2a:"'Va + te 2 ma P x'^'Hx 86 /x"'dx _ 2 a:"' V g + bx 2 ma r VTTte " {2m + l)b ~ (2m + 1)6 J ^ te (2m + 1)6 (2m + 1)6 J V^Ifte „„ / (?a; _ V a + 6a; (2 m — 3) 6 o7 — + 6a; 88. /■(^i±M!^=6r(a+*.)^<^x+ar(^±Mz:^. a; 89 ' -^ - ' '^•^ -^ '• ^^ / (^a; _ _ Vft + 6a; (2 w — 3) 6 /^ dx a;« Va + 6a; ~ (?i-l)ax"-i (2»- 2)a J a;»-i V^ n /(a + 6x)2(ia; , /*, , ,i:i^ , /• !-— L — 2 = 6 / (a + 6a;) 2 dx + a j /dx _ 1 r "^^ ^ /" x(a + 6a;)2 •>' a; (a + 6a;) 2 J (« 4. Ja;)^ B. Expressions involving y/z^ ± a' and Va^ _ ^^ 90. CVi^^^dx = ^ [a; Va2"±~^ ± a^ iog(x + Vx^"±a^)]-* 91. C-Ja'-x'dx = iL Va^ - a;^ + a'' sin-i(-U 92. r^=^ = log(^ + ^^^ J Vx'* ± a^ 93 94 95 96. /dx . _,/x\ /x\ — , = sin ^ - I) or — COS"' { - )• Va^ _ x" Va/ \a/ /dx 1 Ja\ 1 ,/a;\ , = - COS"' I - I J or - sec~' ( - 1 • X Vx^ - a^ « Vx/ a \a/ r-^^==-iiog(^+^^si\* J X Va^' ± x^ a ^ a; / IRRATIONAL ALGEBEAIC FUNCTIONS 13 97 f^x^— a" I a \ dx = V ck'' ~ c^ — a cos~> - • J X X /xdx r-i, 98 . , ^ xdx ■Vx^ ~ a? __ r xax /—: 100 / X ■yJx' ± a'dx = ^^(a?±ay. 101. / x Va'= - x^rfa: = -^ ■\/{a' - x^. 102. f^ix' ± aydx = l[x^(x'±ay ± ^ V^^T^ + ^ log(cc + V?±^^)]. 103. r V(a^ - xydx 104. f-^L= = -^^^. 105 106. 107 108 109 a^)' a^ Va^ - x^ xdx — 1 /xt^a; 1 V(a'' - xy ~ Va^ - X . Cx-0 ; „_ ^A+Bx-x' -Va .„ ^„ ^ a « = ■ . if c < and > ; X — c _ (x — /? * — \\ J wnere a and B are the root^ of the equation ya — X ^ ^ ^ + £x - a:'' = 0, if c < and -^ < a — c By rationalization, or by the aid of reduction formulas, may be ob- tained the values of the following integrals : 1 . , ./ 2cx + b \ .^ P —pSinh-M ^ ^ >ifc>0. Vc WAac-by 121. I —j^= . sin M , =\)ifc<0. 122. f ^"^ _ 2{2cx + h) ■y/x qVx r dx _ 2{2cx + b)Vx 2k(n-l) C dx Jx-VJC~ (2n-l)qX" + 2n-l J x-'Vx' 125. fVxdx = (2^±*)2^ + ;^ f-^. / a;<^a; _ "Vx b_ P dx 16 IREATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS /xdx _ 2 {bx + 2 ft) X^X q^X xdx "WX b r dx r xdx Vx_ b_ r dx J X'^/x' (2»-l)c^» 2cJ x'Vx' r^dx_(x 3b\,-3i^-_iacrdx "'^- J vf - V2-C - 4^; ^^ + ^B^-j ^• r x^dx _ (2b^ — 4:ac)x + 2ab 1 f dx 'JXVX~ cqVx <^j Vx' r x'dx ^ (26^-4fte)x + 2a& 4ac + (2>t-3)&^ r dx ■Jx»Vx {2n-V)cqX''-'^Vx (2n-l)cq Jx-^Vx' ... r^dx _ (x^ 5bx SP 2a\ rr^,/3ab 5b^\rdx 136. f^Vxdx = ^^-:^ fVIdx. J So 2c J 137. fxX Vxdx = ^^ -^ fx VI dx. J 5c 2gJ 138 C ^^^dx _ X" Vx b r X"dx J VX ~(2n + l)c 2cJ Vx' r ^X'dx ^ xX'Vx _ (2n + 3)b f xX'dx J Vx 2(n + l)c 4(w + l)cJ VX a r X^dx 2(ri + l)cJ Vx' J \ 8c ^iSc" 3c) 5c 139 140 lERATIONAL ALGEBEAIC FUNCTIONS 17 142 r ^^ 1 1 (Vx+-^ h \ ■. -' x^X Va \ a; 2Va/ 143. I — 7= = — — =:sm-M , ) > if » < 0. J x^X -NAlTa Xx^b^-iacJ 144. '^ '^^ 2Vx ■/; - , if a = a ; Vx bx 145. r_^5_ = Vx 1 r__dx__ _ ^ r__«^a; J ccJ^-VZ (2ra-l)aX« aj a;X"-iVx 2aJ x" V^ 146. r dx ^ _ jV^ _ _&_ r_^_ J ar'Vx aa; 2 a J xVx ^^/xdx nr. . b C dx , C dx J « ^J ^X J a xVx r xHx X" r x^-Hx b r x—^dx ' J xVx~ (2n-l)Vx "J xVx 2j Vx ' 149 f ^^dx _ Vx 5 r_^ , f_^ ' J 0? ~ X 2J X Vx "j Vx /x^rfa; _ 1 r x'^-Hx b r x^-^dx a C x'^-'^dx X»Vx~ "J X»-Wx cj x»Vx cj X''Vx , gi ' C x'^XHx _ a'"-'X"Vx _ (2w + 2?»-l)& /" «;"■ -^X't^a: (m — l)ffl /■ a:'"-''X"<^a; ~ (2n + m)oJ Vx 152l f-^^— - ^^ Ja^^X-V]? (m-l)ax'»-iX» (2ro+2wi-3)& r^_dx__ ~ 2a(m — 1) J a;"-iX»Vx (2 7i. + m — 2)c /■ c?x (m — l)a J x^-^X'Vx 18 IRRATIONAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS 153 f ^"'^^ - _ A-"-^ Vx (2n-l)b r X'^'Ux 'Jx'-Vx~ (m-l)x"'-> 2(m-l) J a;"-iVx (2n-l)c r X'-'^dx m-1 J X"'~^Vx r dx 1 , ,2h + m(a'+b'x) 154. / 7= = -7= tan-i ^ )— 1- ' ^ > J (a' + 6'a;)Vx V- A 2b'^-hX or -7= log 3: — !^^: — ^ , V A a' + b'x wliere m = bb' — 2 a'c and h = aj'^ — a'65' + ca'^. If A = 0, the value of the integral is —2 b' 'Vx/[vi(a'+ b'x)"]. D. Miscellaneous Algebraic Expressions 155. / V2 (/./• - a;" dx = \\_{x — a) V2 ax — ^ + a^ ^wr^ix — a)la\. ..r. C dx .la — a;\ 156. / =cos-M • J -J 2 ax -J? \ a / r dx ^ 2 _i i -b'(a + bx) J V^T^ . V^^TV^ V^W^ ^"^ \ b(a' + b'x) ' 2 : tanh~' 'bb' I &'(a + fa) \6(a' + 6'a;)" 158. J ■Vla + bx){a' + b'x)dx = —^ — ^ V(a + fa)(«'+(i'x) -^r , -^" [7c = «*'-«'*]. 8 M'J Wa + bx- Va' + 6'a; 159. r l a' + b'x _ -\/ri+bx--a' — a (ya: + q)dx ^ q + a'p r {x - a')(x -b')^a + bx + cx^ «'-*'J dx + bx + cx^ dx (x — a') 'Wa + bx + cx'^ T + b'p r I «'-*'J (x-b')^\ a -\-bx ->r CO? 164. J («' <^a; + b'x)^a + bx + CO? - J_ . lo / 2 ^ + "'■ (a' + ^I'a:) -2 6' VA(a + 6a; + ca:' tan" a' -\-b'x 2h + m(a' + b'x) •where 165 h \2b' ■y/-h(a + bx + cx^)/ m=bb'-2 a'c and h = ab"' - «'66' + ca'\ ■ff{^,^ a -\-bx a' + b'x dx = n(a'b — ab') \ f-i tzV. -— -,„ ^ ^J ■' Xb'z^-b I (b'z"-''^^ bf where 166 s"(a'+ b'x)= a + bx. ■ I f {x, Va + bx + cx^Jdx .r./2Va-z-b z^Va — bz+Va^z^Va-bz + ^a 1-z^ (1 - zy dz, where : + Va = Vo. + iz + I 20 TEANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS III. TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS 167. I svaxdx = — cos x. 168. I sin^xdx = — -J- cos a; sin aj + ^ a; = | a; — i sin 2 a;. 169. I sin'ajc^a; = — | cos a; (sin^a; + 2). .-« r . , sin""'xcosx , n — 1 f . „_„ , 170. I sm"xdx= 1 I sin" ^xdx. J n n J 171. I cos xdx = sin a;. 172. j cos'^ajf^a; = ^ sin a; cos a' + |- .'■ = ^ a; + J sin 2 x. 173. I cos'aic^x = i sin a; (cos'* a: + 2). /I w — 1 r cos"x(ia; = -cos"-^a;sina; -) | cos"-^xfZa-. n n J r 175. I sin x cos xdx -^ i- sin^'x. 176. j sin'^xcos^a-c^x = — •J(Jsin4a- — x). /cos^+^x sin X cos^xtix = — p ■ m + 1 178. I sin^x cos xdx = m + 1 ,„„ r . , cos"'"'^ sin"+^x m — 1 T 179. I cos^x sin"xax = ; 1 ; — I ' J m + n m + nj ,„„ r . , sin"-ixcos'"+ix TO — 1 r 180. I cos'"xsm"xcZx = ; 1 ; — J m -\- n m-\-nJ roos'"xdx _ cos^+^x m — n + 2 Tec 'J sin"x (w — l)sin""'x n — 1 J si cos"'~''x sin"x cos'"xsin"~^x TEANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS 21 — 1 roos^~^xdx jgo f cos"'xdx cos^-^a;- m — 1 T J sin"x (m — n) sin''~^x m — n^ 183. r!E!^=_ p°^"'(i-")Kf~") ' J COS"* I ■„/■"" \ sin^as 184 ' '^'" sin"'x cos"a; 1 1 m + re — 2 r tZa; n — 1 sin"'~^x • cos""'x n — 1 J sirfx ■ cos'-^x 1 1 m + n. — 2r rfa; m - -1 sin^-^x ■ cos""^* m — 1 / sin^'^cc ■ cos"a; rt-2 r -1 jsii /^ = log tan X. sm X cos a; ' fti C-.^:^— — ^ *'°^ ^ -L "^ ~ ^ r dx ' J s\Ti™x m — 1 sin^'^a; m — IJ sin™"' r dx _ 1 sin a; w — 2 r ' dx J cos"a; «■ — 1 cos"~^a5 n—1 J eos"~^a; 187. I tan ajo^x = — log cos x. 188. I tan'^ajtZx = tana; — x. /tan""' 7' Z' tan"a;6>0], J a + 6 cos a; ■y/a' — h^ \.a + b cos xj "- or • sm-^ --1 j[a>J>0], Va^ — b"^ L a + ocosx J "- 1 i 1 [ ^"^ — &^- sinx "! ^ , ^ AT =^ ■ tan-' — T—, ) [a > 6 > 0], 2 _ J2 L + a cos X J 1 , r^ + a cos X + ^J¥^—a? ■ sin x 1 r ^ a 12 ^ an -a^^L a + 6cosx J "- -" _, r &^ + g' + g. (6 cos X + c sin as) " 1 L V6M-^(a + & cos X + c siaas)J °' Vi?^ "^- vi 6 cos X + c sin x ■ sm" ■\/a'-b^- 01- ■ = • log [ P + c' + a(b cos X + c sin x) + V^" + c^ — a'(b sin x — c cos x) 1 V^M-^ (« + (!• cos X + c sin x) J 201. I X sin xc?x = sin x — x cos x. 202. / x^sin xrfx = 2 X sin x — (x'^ — 2) cos x. 203. I x°sin x(^x = (3 x'' — 6) sin x — (x° — 6 x) cos x. 204./x™sinx.x=-x™cosx + «./x'»-^cosx.x. TEANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS 23 205. I X cos xdx = cos x + x sin x. 206. / x^cosxdx = 2x cos,a; +(a? — 2) sin x. 207. I x'cos xt^a; = (3 ar" — 6) cos a; + (cc' — 6 a;) sina;. 208./.™eos... = .»sin.-./.'"-sin.... nna Tsinx 1 sina; . 1 rcosx , ^03. / — -— dx = • 7 H / dx. J x" m — 1 x"""^ m — 1 J x"""^ oin Tcosx , 1 cosx 1 Tsinx , *10. I — — - dx= I dx. J x" m — 1 x""-^ rn — lj x"-! 212. X 3-3! 5-5! 7-7! 9-9! x' /cosx , , a^ X* x' 6-6! 8-8! 213. I sin (mx + a) ■ sin (tix + b) dx _ sin (mx — »ix + a — 6) sin (mx + tox + a -\- b) 2 (m — n) 2 (m + n) 214. I cos (mx + a) • cos (nx + S) c?x sin (mx + wx + » + ^) , sin (mx — wx + <»■ — ^) 2 (m + n) 2 (m — re) 215. I sin (mx + a) • cos (nx + 5) ' xe'^dx = — (ax — 1). 236. j x'^e'^dx = / x'"~'^e'^dx. J « aj 237 C^—^ 1 e-^ , a C ^ a 238. Ce^^^P^-l C^-ax. J V____ ^ a «J a; 239. re-.sin^a,,fo, = £!li2^iHtf225M. nAn C „^ 1 e'^(aoospx +psmpx) 240. I e"^ ■ cospxdx = — ^^ , f ^— ^• 241. / sinhxrfx = cosh a;; | coshxtix = sinhos. 242. I tanh xdx = log cosh a; ; I ctnh xdx = log sinh. as. 243. I sech a; «^a; = 2 tan-^ (e'). 244. I cschaic^a; = logtanh (^) • 245. / X sinh xdx = x cosh as — sinh x. 246. I X cosh xdx = x sinh as — cosh x. 247. I cosh^ aitZa; = J (sinh a; cosh x + x). 248. I sinh x cosh a; t^a; = ;^ cosh (2 a;). 249. I sinh^ xdx = ^ (sinh a; cosh a; — x). 26 MISCELLANEOUS DEFINITE INTEGRALS IV. MISCELLANEOUS DEFINITE INTEGRALS 250. jr"-^ = |, if OO; 0, if a = 0; -|, if a<0. , 251. I x"-'^6-''dx= I log- dx = T(n). T(n + l) = n-T(n),iin>0. r(2) = r(l) = L r(n + 1) = nl, if w is an integer. r (J) = Vtt. T(n) = n(n- 1). Z (y) = 2>„ [log T (y)]. Z(l)=- 0.577216. oeo r^ » I/I N« ij r" ^"''c^a; r(m)r(«) J, ^ ' X (i + a^r^" r(m + w) IT IT 253. / sin"a;rfa; = / cos"xcZa; Ja Jo 1 ■ 3 ■ 5 • • • (>l - 1) TT .. . = — 2 — 7 — c ^ , • -^ ' II w IS an even integer ; 2 . 4 . 6 • • . (»i - 1) ., . = --, — 5 — z. — „ ! II re IS an odd integer ; l-O'0-7'--re o> 1 - \2~ = 2 ^'"' — );; \ ^^^ ^^J value of n greater than —1. X" sinmxc^a; tt .. ^ tt X ^2' "™>0; 0, ifm = 0; --, ifm<0. J f" sin X ■ cos mxdx „ .„ = 0, if m < — 1 or m > 1 ; ^1 ifm = -l or m = l; |, if — l if A; — m is odd ; k^ — Tnr = 0, if A — m is even. sin^wa;0. 272. / e-'"sinmxrfa; = -;— 5)ifa>0. r -— ^ 273. re-^'^cosbxdx = :'''"' ■ ^ 274. ' — 2 — ^o.— , n^dx=- . Ja l-x 6 |7. 280. jT V l08(l)" 0, » + 1 > 0]. I log sinxdx = / log cos xt^a; = — ^ • log 2. K • log sin xdx= — — log 2. 281 282 TABLES 29 Natural Logarithms of Numbers between 1.0 and 9.9 N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. 0.000 0.095 0.182 0.262 0.336 0.405 0.470 0.531 0.588 0.642 2. 0.693 0.742 0.788 0.833 0.875 0.916 0.956 0.993 1.030 1.065 3. 1.099 1.131 1.163 1.194 1.224 1.253 1.281 1.308 1.335 1.361 4. 1.386 1.411 1.435 1.459 1.482 1.504 1,526 1.548 1.569 1.589 8. 1.609 1.629 1.649 1.668 1.686 1.705 1.723 1.740 1.758 1.775 6. 1.792 1.808 1.825 1.841 1.856 1.872 1.887 1.902 1.917 1.932 7. 1.946 1.960 1.974 1.988 2.001 2.015 2.028 2.041 2.054 2.067 8. 2.079 2.092 2.104 2.116 2.128 2.140 2.152 2.163 2.175 2.186 9. 2.197 2.208 2.219 2.230 2.241 2.251 2,262 2.272 2.282 2.293 Natural Logarithms of Whole Numbers from 10 to 109 N. a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2.303 2.398 2.485 2.565 2.639 2.708 2.778 2.833 2.890 2.944 2 2.996 3.045 8.091 3.135 8.178 3.219 3.258 3,296 3.332 8.867 3 3.401 3.434 3.466 3.497 8.526 3.555 8.584 3.611 8.638 3.664 4 3.689 8.714 3.738 3.761 3.784 3.807 3.829 3.850 3.871 3.892 5 3.912 8.932 3.951 3.970 3.989 4.007 4.025 4.043 4.060 4.078 6 4.094 4.111 4.127 4.143 4.159 4.174 4.190 4.205 4.220 4.284 7 4.248 4.263 4,277 4.290 4.304 4.317 4.331 4.344 4.357 4.369 8 4.382 4.394 4,407 4.419 4.431 4.448 4.454 4.466 4.477 4.489 9 4.500 4.511 4,522 4.538 4.543 4.554 4.564 4.575 4.585 4.595 10 4,605 4.615 4.625 4.635 4.644 4.654 4.668 4.673 4.682 4^91 Values in Circular Measure of Angles which are given in Degrees and Minutes 1' 0.0008 9' 0.0026 3° 0.0524 20° 0.8491 100° 1.7453 2' 0.0006 10' 0.0029 4° 0.0698 30° 0.5236 110° 1.9199 3' 0.0009 20' 0.0058 5° 0.0873 40° 0.6981 120° 2.0944 4' 0.0012 30' 0.0087 6° 0.1047 80° 0.8727 130° 2.2689 6' 0,0015 40' 0,0116 7° 0.1222 60° 1.0472 140° 2.4435 6' 0,0017 50' 0.0145 8° 0.1396 70° 1.2217 160° 2.6180 7' 0.0020 1' 0.0175 9° 0.1571 80° 1.3963 160° 2.7925 8' 0.0023 2' 0.0849 10° 0.1745 90° 1.5708 170° 2.9671 30 TABLES Natural Trigonometric Functions Angle Sin Cso Tan Ctn Sec Cos 0° 0.000 00 0.000 00 1.000 1.000 90° 1 0.017 57.30 0.017 57.29 1.000 1.000 89 s 0.035 28.65 0.035 28.64 1.001 0.999 88 3 0.052 19.11 0.052 19.08 1.001 0.999 87 4 0.070 14.34 0.070 14.30 1.002 0.998 86 5° 0.087 11.47 0.087 11.43 1.004 0.996 85° 6 0.105 9.567 0.105 9.514 1.006 0.995 84 7 0.122 8.206 0.123 8.144 1.008 0.993 83 8 0.139 7.185 0.141 7.115 1.010 0.990 82 9 0.156 6.392 0.158 6.314 1.012 0.988 81 10° 0.174 5.759 0.176 5.871 1.015 0.985 80° 11 0.191 5.241 0.194 5.145 1.019 0.982 79 12 0.208 4.810 0.213 4.705 1.022 0.978 78 13 0.225 4.445 0.231 4.331 1.026 0.974 77 14 0.242 4.134 0.249 4.011 1.031 0.970 76 15° 0.259 3.864 0.268 3.732 .1.035 0.966 76° 16 0.276 3.628 0.287 3.487 1.040 0.961 74 17 0.292 3.420 0.806 3.271 1.046 0.956 73 18 0.309 3.236 0.325 3.078 1.051 0.951 72 19 0.326 3.072 0.344 2.904 1.058 0.946 71 20° 0.342 2.924 0.364 2.747 1.064 0.940 70° 21 0.358 2.790 0.384 2.605 1.071 0.934 69 22 0.375 2.669 0.404 2.475 1.079 0.927 68 23 0.391 2.559 0.424 2.356 1.086 0.921 67 24 0.407 2.459 0.445 2.246 1.095 0.914 66 — 25° 0.423 2.366 0.466 2.145 1.103 0.906 66° 26 0.438 2.281 0.488 2.050 1.113 0.899 64 27 0.454 2.203 0.510 1.963 1.122 0.891 63 28 0.469 2.130 0.532 1.881 1.138 0.883 62 29 0.485 2.063 0.554 1.804 1.143 0.875 61 30° 0.500 2.000 0.577 1.732 1.155 0.866 60° 31 0.515 1.942 0.601 1.664 1.167 0.857 59 32 0.530 1.887 0.625 1.600 1.179 0.848 58 33 0.545 1.836 0.649 1.540 1.192 0.889 67 34 0.559 1.788 0.675 1.483 1.206 0.829 66 35° 0.574 1.743 0.700 1.428 1.221 0.819 68° 36 0.588 1.701 0.727 1.376 1.236 0.809 64 37 0.602 1.662 0.754 1.327 1.252 0.799 * . 53. 38 0.616 1.624 0.781 1.280 1.269 0.788 52 39 0.629 1.589 0.810 1.235 1.287 0.777 61 40° 0.643 1.556 0.839 1.192 1.805 0.766 50° 41 0.656 1.524 0.869 1.1.50 1.325 0.755 1 49 42 0.669 1.494 0.900 1.111 1.846 0.743 48 43 0.682 1.466 0.9.33 1.072 1.367 0.731 47 44 0.695 1.440 0.966 1.036 1.390 0.719 46 45° 0.707 1 1.414 1.000 1.000 1.414 0.707 45° Cos Sec Otn Tan Cso Sin Angle TABLES 31 Values of the Complete Elliptic Integrals, K and E, for Different Values of the Modulus, k K Jo Vl- dz vl — k^siti^z E: ■/.'vr '■sm^z ■ dz. sin-lA- X E sin-lA- K £ sm~^lc X E 0° 1.5708 1.5708 50° 1.9356 1.3055 81.0° 3.2553 1.0338 1° 1.5709 1.5707 51° 1.9639 1.2963 81.8° 3.2771 1.0326 2° 1.5713 1.5703 52° 1.9729 1.2870 81.4° 3.2995 1.0313 3° 1.5719 1.5697 53° 1,9927 1.2776 81.6° 3.3223 1.0302 4° 1.5727 1.5689 54° 2.0133 1.2681 81.8° 3.3458 1.0290 6° 1.5738 1.5678 55° 2.0347 1.2587 82.0° 3.3699 1.0278 6° 1.5711 1.5665 56° 2.0571 1.2492 82.2° 3.3946 1.0267 7° 1.5767 1.5649 57° 2.0804 1.2397 82.4° 3.4199 1.0256 8° 1.5785 1.5632 58° 2.1047 1.2301 82,6° 3.4460 1.0245 9° 1.5805 1.5611 59° 2.1300 1.2206 82.8° 3.4728 1.0234 10° 1.5828 1.5589 60° 2.1565 1.2111 83.0° 3.5004 1.0223 ll" 1.5854 1.5564 61° 2.1842 1.2015 83,2° 3.5288 1.0213 12° 1.5882 1.5537 62° 2.2132 1.1921 83,4° 3.5581 1.0202 13° 1.5913 1.5507 63° 2.2435 1.1826 83.6° 3.5884 1.0192 14° 1.5946 1.5476 64° 2.2754 1.1732 83.8° 3.6196 1.0182 15° 1.5981 1.5442 65° 2.3088 1.1638 84.0° 3.6519 1.0172 16° 1.6020 1.5405 65.5° 2.3261 1.1592 84.2° 3.6853 1.0163 17° 1.6061 1.5367 66.0° 2.3439 1.1546 84.4° 3.7198 1.0153 18° 1.6105 1.5326 66.5° 2.3622 1.1499 84,6° 3.7557 1.0144 19° 1.6151 1.5283 67.0° 2.3809 1.1454 84,8° 3.7930 1.0135 20° 1.6200 1.5238 67.5° 2.4001 1.1408 85.0° 3.8317 1.0127 21° 1.6252 1.5191 68.0° 2.4198 1.1362 85.2° 3.8721 1.0118 22° 1.6307 1,5141 68.5° 2.4401 1.1317 85.4° 3.9142 1.0110 23° 1.6365 1.5090 69.0° 2.4610 1.1273 86.6° 3.9583 1.0102 24° 1.6426 1.5037 69.5° 2.4825 1.1228 85.8° 4.0044 1.0094 25° 1.6490 1.4981 70.0° 2.5046 1.1184 86.0° 4.0528 1.0087 26° 1.6557 1.4924 70.5° 2.!J273 1.1140 86.2° 4.1037 1.0079 27° 1.6627 1.4864 71.0° 2.5507 1.1096 86.4° 4.1574 1.0072 28° 1.6701 1.4803 71.5° 2.5749 1.1053 86.6° 4.2142 1.0065 29° 1.6777 1.4740 72.0° 2.5998 1.1011 86.8° 4.2744 1.0059 30° 1.6858 1.4675 72.5° 2.6256 1.0968 87.0° 4.3387 1.0053 31° 1.6941 1.4608 73.0° 2.6521 1.0927 87.2° 4.4073 1.0047 32° 1.7028 1.4539 73.5° 2.6796 1.0885 87.4° 4.4812 1.0041 33° 1.7119 1.4469 74.0° 2.7081 1.0844 87.6° 4.5619 1.0036 34° 1.7214 1.4397 74.5° 2.7375 1.0804 87.8° 4.6477 1.0031 35° 1.7312 1.4323 75.0° 2.7681 1.0764 88.0° 4.7427 1.0026 86° 1.7415 1.4248 75.5° 2.7998 1.0725 88.2° 4.8479 1.0022 37° 1.7522 1.4171 76.0° 2.8327 1.0686 88.4° 4.9654 1.0017 38° 1.7633 1.4092 . 76.5° 2.8669 1.0648 88,6° 5.0988 1.0014 39° 1.7748 1.4013 77.0° 2.9026 1.0611 88.8° 5.2527 1.0010 40° 1.7868 1.3931 77.5° 2.9397 1.0574 89.0° 5.4349 1.0008 41° 1.7992 1.3849 78.0° 2.9786 1.0538 89.1° 5.5402 1.0006 42° 1.8122 1.3765 78.5° 3.0192 1.0502 89.2° 5.6579 1.0005 43° 1.8256 1.3680 79.0° 3.0617 1.0468 89.3° 5.7914 1.0005 44° 1.8396 1.3594 79.5° 3.1064 1.04.34 89.4° 5.9455 1.0003 45° 1.8.541 1.3506 80.0° 3.1534 1.0401 89.5° 6.1278 1.0002 46° 1.8691 1.3418 80.3° 3.1729 1.0388 89.6° 6.3504 1.0001 47° 1.8848 1.3329 80.4° 3.1928 1.0375 89.7° 6.6385 1.0001 48° 1.9011 1.3238 80.6° 3.2132 1.0363 89.8° 7.0440 1.0000 49° 1.9180 1.3147 80.8° 3.2340 1.0350 89.9° 7.7371 1.0000 32 TABLES Common Logarithms of T(n) for Values of n between 1 and 2 r(n)=r a;»-i-e-^(fo= r logj *»• '» log,„r{ra) n iog,„r(«) ■lb iog,(,r(») n log,„r(«) n iog,„r(«) 1.01 T.'9975 1.21 1.9617 1.41 T.9478 1.61 1.9517 1.81 T.9704 1.02 T.9951 1.22 1.9605 1.42 1.9476 1.62 1.9523 1.82 1.9717 1.03 1.9928 1.23 1.9594 L43 1.9475 1.63 1.9529 1.83 1.9730 1.04 1.9905 1.24 1.9583 1.44 1.9473 1.64 1.9536 1.84- 1.9743 1.05 1.9883 1.25 1.9573 1.45 1.9473 1.65 1.9543 1.85 1.9757 1.06 1.9862 1.26 1.9564 1.46 T.9472 1.66 1.9550 1.86 1.9771 1.07 1.9841 1.27 1.9554 1.47 1.9473 1.67 1.9558 1.87 1.9786 1.08 1.9821 1.28 1.9546 1.48 T.9473 1.68 1.9566 1.88 1.9800 1.09 1.9802 1.29 1.9538 1.49 1.9474 1.69 1.9575 1.89 1.9815 1.10 1.9783 1.30 T.9530 1.50 1.9475 1.70 1.9584 1.90 1.9831 1.11 T.9765 1.31 1.9523 1.51 1.9477 1.71 1.9593 1.91 1.9846 1.12 1.9748 1.32 1.9516 1.52 1.9479 1.72 T.9603 1.92 1.9862 1.13 r.9731 1.33 1.9510 1.53 1.9482 1.73 1.9613 1.93 1.9878 1.14 1.9715 1.34 1.9505 1.54 T.9485 1.74 T.9623 1.94 1.9895 1.15 1.9699 1.35 T.9500 1.55 1.9488 1.75 T.9633 1.95 1.9912 1.16 1.9684 1.36 1.9495 1.56 1.94s)2 1.76 1.9644 1.96 1.9929 1.17 1.9669 1.37 1.9491 1.57 1.9496 1.77 1.9656 1.97 1.9946 1.18 1.9655 1.38 1.9487 1.58 1.9501 1.78 1.9667 1.98 1.9964 1.19 1.9642 1.39 1.9483 1.59 1.9506 1.79 1.9679 1.99 1.9982 1.20 1.9629 1.40 1.9481 1.60 1.9511 1.80 1.9691 2.00 0.0000 rr(0+i) Urw.j = z.r(z), if z>0; r(2) = r(l) = l;" r(l — a;)] = ir/sin irx, r(2)=r(i) = in , if 1 > a; > 0. J If the values of an analytic function, fix), are given in a table for consecu- tive values of the argument, a;, with the constant interval d, and if h = kd, where k is any desired fraction, v/ . i^ r/ V , 7 A , *(*:-!) * , k(k-l)